3 Ws ahr RRM Bt ee RT tyr iat Cot eee mhae arate ae in ie eenrty Pens im ates fi Bibeineuertiny tat Petpet! Lebie a ener ie irene rie Perma rDev ET Bea ion pel i ie Coren ern on i Te a Pe ae nm hb Ht i rap aa Peeve TNT ie ord naniy Retard Mohd ye DOCmaN Tar r H re un i jibe : ao jinn’ TA HR act Pa ahd i M fa iar vais en poe ue eer Mian a a) NM Ua aH Ce Debbie bid got Wal CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A SHAN AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY. aa mr Boor a ? 09'00 BEnc8S #91 PBE 0q05eQSc08 Bvoos"o! a¢E0"Bq5 095 08.5.BS.0q19)c00fs v By J. N. CUSHING, ». a. \ 9 RANGOON: C, BENNETT...AMERICAN MISSION PRESS. Londoa—Triibner & Co., Ludgate Hill. 1881. Ont a ae yo: — - oP 7 § i Gy (oe Age fo’ i % S.o44 ; PREFACE. The aim of this Dictionary is to place before the student the colloquial language of that division’ of the Tai family known as the Shan or Burman Shan. The pronun- ciation common in the principalities of Legya and Monai has been taken as a standard. During the passage of this book through the press, several words were omitted accidentally and a few new ones were collected. These words appear in the Appendix. J. N. CUSHING. Rangoon January 1881, INTRODUCTION. 1. The Tai family of languages is spoken by several Divisions of the Tat family ot Millions of people who inhabit the EB ES ARES: plateaux of the broad, mountainous belt of country, which sweeps around from the Assamese border easterly and southerly, between Burmah and Anam to the Gulf of Siam. The branches of the family are the Khamti, Chinese Shan (Tai Mow), Shan, Laos, and Siamese. . To these should be added the now extinct language of the Ahom, who were once the conquerors of Assam. The Khamti is spoken in the extreme north of Burmah about the Upper Irrawaddy and its branches. The Chinese Shan is used in the many small principalities which lie east and north-east of Bhamé and are tributary to China. The Shan or Burman Shan, as it is sometimes called, is employed by the people who inhabit the territory lying between the mountains east of the great Burman plain and the Cambodia River, and between the 19th and 23rd parallels of north latitude. Both the Khamtis and Shans are tributary to the King of Burmah. The Laos is spoken throughout the coun- try situated between the Salwen and Cambodia Rivers and between the 19th parallel of north latitude and the northern boundary of the kingdom of Siam. The government is trib- utary to Siam, but is independent in the administration of internal affairs. ‘Che Siamese, which does not differ widely from the Laos as a spoken language, is co-extensive with the kingdon of Siam. All these different branches of the Tai family have separate alphabets, which are, with the excep- tion of the Siamese, more or less related in form. These five divisions may be formed into two groups, which are more widely dissimilar to each other, than the individual members of each group are dissimilar one to an- other. They may be arranged thus: — L 6 ] TAI FAMILY. Northern group Southern group Khamti Laos Chinese Shan Siamese Burman Shan At Hotha, one of the Chinese Shan principalities, the language spoken seems to be Chinese Shan with a large mixture of a foreign element. On investigation it may be proved that the Hotha Shans are really Shanized descen- dants of a race occupying the territory of Hotha at the time of the irruption of the Tai family from the north. 2. This Dictionary embraces the vocabulary in col- Dictionary based on the loquial use among the Shans. In the Shau-callogulal Shan books which have been examined, words have been found, that are never used in the spoken form of the language. These words have been indicated by (d.). Doubtless many more words of this kind exist in books yet unexamined, but they are of no practical importance to the student who is only desirous of acquiring a colloquial use of the language. These words may have been in com- mon use formerly, but have become obsolete except in books, or they may have come into use simply to supply wants arising from the peculiar rythmical style in which all the native books are written. If they are really obsolete words, probably they would afford much assistance to the compat- ative philologist. . 3. The Shan as spoken in Legya and Monai has been Dialects, taken as the standard of pronunciation. Dialectic differences exist in several localities, but they are of no great importance. The most noticeable dialects are the ae, Kheun, le, at Kaingtung and the 98, Leu, 5c, at Kainghong, princip- alities east of the Salwen, where the Laos influence has been very strong. In these principalities a slightly modified form of the Laos alphabet is used quite as much as the Shan alphabet, while a few consonants like f, which are unknown in Shan, are in commonuse. Thus Apai, fire, is pronounced Sai. C7 | West of the Salwen, the principal dialectic differences are found in the border principalities like Samkah (co0})- In these districts the differences seem to have arisen from Burman influence and consist principally in slight variations of vowel sounds, and in a carelessness in the use of tones. Thus gr, lc, a flexure, is used for get lo. In principalities like Meng Paun, where the Toungthoos form a large element of the population, there are unimportant dialectic differences, which perhaps should be called mere provincialisns. Even in the region where the purest Shan is spoken, different forms exist for the same word. ‘hus © and Oo are interchanged, as Sof » meen and 82& , ween, 1c, to fly, 4, The spelling of Shan words is phonetic and there- fore the greater portion of them are fixed in their orthography. There are however a few signs having the same phonetic value. In the use of these there is no uniformity of practice. Books differ, scribes differ, and frequently the same writer is in- consistent in his own usage. ‘There is no standard, to which appeal may be made as a guide in settling the orthography of such worde. In the orthography adopted for this class of words, I have endeavored to follow what has seemed to me to be the more frequent usage of writers, although in some cases the two forms of spelling seem to be equally popular. Differences of Spelling. The following are interchangeable signs :— cS and 05, as RS and Boi, op and af, as Bo and §=§€. °8 and 5, as |= BS and °S and °° as 8S and [Sand j, as wd and o> and ,, 28 gd and 0 Db. Of " —m™ {8 ] In the Dicti®nary, words which may be written with 6S or 05 are written with oS only. Hence in looking for such a word as @cO, when thus written in a book, the student should look for G08. 5 has been retained for all words having short e, the vowel of the open series of its class, as Bo§, ken, to suspend, as by a rope; while 3 has been used for the closed and medi. ate series, as B3f, keen 1c, to eat, Qo, Khin 4m, to wind about. ; One exception has been made to this rule. In 8qSrow, pinsama, 2m, 5c, 5c, the fifth, op has been retained, be- cause it shows the derivation of the word through the Bur- man from the Pali and is almost always used by native writers. °§ is used for as only when the °§ belongs to that one of its three series of tones in which the vowel is o. In the last three interchangeable signs given, the second forms are abbreviations of the first forms. Only the abbreviated forms are used in the Dictionary. Hence all words written B5,08, or 95 will be found under 2,9, and 9 respectively. Another difference of spelling arises from the use or omission of », as 428 or 6, lc, an island. The use of this sign is infrequent and no notice has been taken of it in the Dictionary. Perhaps inthis sign we may finda trace of a former difference in the representation of the open and closed series of tones, for it is used only with the closed series. In Shan books many polysyllabic words of foreign origen are abbreviated in order to fit into their place rythmically. Thus 05q.5, 2c, 30, is used for 954569), 2c, 30, 2c, and Gvfv0}, 4c, 2c, for Mogqenfoo}, Be, 5e, 5c, 4c, 2c, the great western island. . { J There are some exceptional forms of spelling, as egi€, pronounced and often written like Aé, 4c, and 696, pronounced as if written 9, lo. Differences of spelling also arise from the carelessness of writers. Thus CN] and coy are often written inter changeably. From the nature of its vowel, GO] can be of the fifth tone only, while the vowel in cof is used for any one of the first four tones, as COf, Ic, a kind of tree, GOT, 2c, to appear, Gof, 8c, a father, cof, 4e, if, but GO}, 5c. to strike. 5. As the Shan is atonal language like the Chinese, a eed nice discrimination between the tones is important. A single combination has a variety of distinct meanings according to the peculiar tone of voice with which it is uttered. Five tones may be distinguished readily, although native scholars notice only three. The first tone is the natural pitch of the voice with a slight rising inflection at the end and may be called the natural tone, as in 97, a dog. The second tone is a deep bass tone and may be called the grave tone, as ©}, the shoulder. The third tone is an even tone, in pitch, between the first and second tones and may be called the straight for- ward tone, as ©}, to be mad. The fourth tone is of a more elevated pitch than the first tone and may be called the high tone, as © 1% to come. The fifth tone is an abrupt, explosive tone and may be called the emphatic tone, as 0, a pony. No signs are used by the Shans to mark the tonal dis- tinctions except (:) which is employed sometimes to denote the high tone, as 078. The tones are indicated in the Dictionary by the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the numerals being - applied in the order in which the tones have been described. 2 [ 10 ] 6. Frofh the great paucity of signs representing vowel Becica*ot@nancas sounds, some vowel signs have two or three quantities assigned them. This has given rise to the distinction of 035295 2c, 4o> closed tones (lit. closed as to the lips) and 97,095 3c, 40, open tones (lit. open as to the lips). This distinction recognized by native scholars, does not cover all cases, for the vowel © in closed syllables is capable of having three different quantities. Therefore, for the sake of precision, I have designated the vowel quantity, not noticed by native scholars, as a mediate one. As these distinctions of vowel quantity in their different combinations run through the five tones, some combinations admit of two or three sets or series of tones. Those closed syllables in which the vowels are uttered with the lips partially closed are called 095295 or closed series and are indicated in the Dictionary by c. with the nu- meral marking the tone prefixed, as BS, keep, 3c, to squeeze, compress between two, 06, koong, 3c, a prawn. Those closed syllables in which the vowels are uttered with the lips well opened are called £07098 or open series and are indicated in the Dictionary by 0. with the numeral marking the tone prefixed, as BS, kep, 30, to be narrow. 6, kong, 40, a spinning wheel. 7 Those closed syllables in which the vowel ° is uttered: with the lips moderately open are called mediate series and are indicated in the Dictionary by m. with the numeral! marking the tone prefixed, as BS, kip, 4m, to pick up ae out. | It will be seen from this that some combinations of vowels and consonants admit of three series of tones, some of two series, while some, from their nature admit of only' one series. The syllables which admit of only one series of tones, for the sake of uniformity in the system of notation adopted, fu [ are invariably marked in the Dictionary as belonging to the closed series, without reference to the inherent quantity of the vowel itself. ‘These combinations are*:— 7 kah, 8 kee, Q koo, Gof kau, £5 ko, gd kauk, role kaung, Rod kaut, Qe kaun, 38 kaup, 35 or 9 kaum, 2 kau-ai or koi, 97 kwah, qj kyah, rite) kyé, GT kyau, qv5 kyauk, He kyaung, 05 kyaut, 1 krah, 2] kwah, dD kai. Combinations which allow of two series of tones, the open and the closed are :— ov kak, kak. nod kat, kat. oO kap, kap. on kow, k’ow. ns kook, kok. Hep k-wee, k-way. ne koon, kon. © koom, kom. GS) k-ay, k-2. BS keiik, ketk. Bo5 kett, keat. BS keip, ketip. BS keti, ket. we &e. me &e. HE &e. NE &e. o€& kang, kang. nr kan, kin. 0 kam, kim. S kam, kam. HE koong, kong. QOS koot, kot. £5 koop, kop. 0 koom, kom. on! kai, k’ai. BE keting, keding. Haé kein, kedn. BS keim, kefim. 5 kyak, kyak. [5 kyook, kyok. Ss [5 kyeiik, kyetk. 24 kwak, kwak. sy" kwai, kwiai. Combinations which allow of three series of tones, closed, open and mediate are :— . . LT ° For the system of transliteration by the use of Roman characters, see the Elementary Handbook. [ 12 ] * BS keek,* kayk, kek. BE keeng, kayng, keng. BcS keet, kit, ket. Bo keen, kin, ken. Rod keet, kit, ket. Bf keen, kin, ken. BS keep, kip, kep. 8S keem, kim, kem. 8S keoo, ked, keow. Aiv5 kyeek, kyayk, kyek, &c. vw” keem, kim, kem. 7. Two kinds of Couplets exist in the Shan language which may be designated as Proper and Phonetic, lst. Proper Couplets are those in which two words of the same or related signification are used to express a single idea, as 086, 1c, 40, to be good, Boo 5e, lec, to arrest. This kind of Couplets has been treated in Chapter XIV of the Shan Grammer. 2nd. Phonetic Couplets (4086) are syllables having no meaning in themselves, which are joined to a word for the sake of the additional sound that they produce. They are not in very frequent use and are confined principally to the conversation of old women and children. When they are employed, it is generally through the influence of anger, a desire for fun, or some feeling which seeks to express itself in a many-worded form. The Phonetic Couplet always has the same consonants as the syllable to which it is joined, the variation being only in the vowels employed. The vowel of the word which takes the couplet, has an affinity for some one vowel or certain vowels and for no others. If it has an affinity for more than one vowel, generally some particular vowel is in more common use than the others. Coupleta, *In many cases the three vowel sounds of SB ina closed syllable are preces ded by a semi-vowel tone nearly equivalent to short y. [ 13 ] Thus the vowel in the syllable D1 Kah, 3c, to be scarce, may be followed by the vowel °, as 8 kah kee. On the other hand § kee, 3c, to open, takes 1 for a phonetic couplet, as Bn} kee kah. Q koo takes #0}. cv k-ay, k-€may take 7,8 or cof, but O71 is the commonly used couplet. no! kai, ka‘i takes 9. cf kau, may take 07,8, or cS, but 07 is the com- monly used couplet. o& kang, o§ king, B& keeng, BE kayng, Zé kaung, may as words, attract to themselves syllables containing cach other’s vowels with one exception. B& kayng of the mediate series may take as a couplet, syllables containing the other vowels of this group, but is itself never used asa phonetic couplet. Besides, BE keeng of the closed series, when using w& as a phonetic couplet chooses that pro- nunciation of the syllable which belongs to the closed series, as >§ kang and not king; while B§ kayng or keng choose that pronunciation of the syllable which belongs to the open series, as & king and not kang. Thus »& both in the closed series kang and in the open series king may take BE& keeng (the commonly used form), keng, and gé kaung, as nEBE kang keeng or kiing keeng, o&BRE§ kang keng or king keng, and n€ R86, kang kaung or kang kaung. B& keeng usually takes BE keng, as BEBE keeng keng, but may take o§& kang or 36 kaung. BE kayng usually takes o€ king, but may take BE keeng or 9& kaung. _ td BE keng usually takes B§ keeng, but may take o& king or 9& kaung. RE kaung usually takes 8§ keng, but may take 0& king or BE keeng. These remarks are true of all closed syllables ending in 05,266, and S. 0 kow, ko’w takes 85 keoo. F§ keoo takes 15 kow 8S keo, keow takes oS kow. KP k-wee takes y>! kai. RP k-way takes wo! Kai. B§ keiing usually takes o& kang, and B§ keting takes -& kang, but both may take B& keeng, B& keng or g& kaung. J, kaii takes 8 kee. The couplet commonly taken by a word is indicated in the Dictionary by prefixing (*). A kind of double phonetic couplet is formed by using after the word an open syllable formed of its initial conso- nant and the vowel ° ee, and then repeating the word and its natural phonetic couplet. The open syllable is always of the third tone whatever may be the tone of the word itself, as 29v50809.50045, hsook hsee hsook hsak, 5e, Se, 5c. 5c, og c8a3/5c8¥5, lauk lee lauk lek, 4c, 3c, 4c, 40. In compound substantive and verbal forms, the phonet- ic couplet is separated from its principal word by the repeti- tion of the first syllable of the compound word, as oA BE, mak keng 20, 40, a tamarind, becomes vA BEANE, mak keng mak king. 82 G, Pin hoo, 1m, -4c, to have holes, becomes 82 G82 G1 Pin hoo pin hah, 1m, 4c, 1m, 4c. [ 15 | It may be that these phonetic couplets are the empty signs of dead words, but I incline to think that they have grown out of the tonal character of the language to supply a demand for a slightly more emphatic form of expression than any afforded by simple words. 8. The Shan language has absorbed alarge number of Foreign Words. words from foreign sources. lst. The Burman. Only those words of Burman origin which are domesticated in the language, as it is used in the Shan principaltities, have been recognized in the Dictionary. Among the Shan immigrants of British Burma the use of Burman wods in a Shan form is much more extensive than in the Shan country. The absorption of such a large num- ber of Burman words is due principally to the influence of the Burman conquest, through which, Burman officials have been stationed in all parts of the Shan country for many years. In many border principalities, like Nyoungyuay, Burman only is taught in the monasteries by royal order and hence is slowly superseding the Shan. 2nd. The Pali. The number of Pali words is very large. These have been introduced through the sacred books of Buddhism. Only a part of the words met with in various Shan books examined by the writer, have been in- serted. In most cases, the definition given by the Revd. Dr. Judson in his Burman and English Dictionary, has been followed, because the writer has no critical knowledge of the Pali language. The Burman form of the Pali word has always been inserted after the Shan form, in order that there might be no difficulty in the identification of the word. Occasionally differences exist in the Shan transliteration of Burmese and Pali words, but they are confined mostly to the interchange of the liquids 00, q, and co. 3rd. The Chinese. Few words in use among the central and southern Shan principalities are derived from this language; but in the principalities which border on China, words have been absorbed in the same manner and for same reason as in principalities bordering on Burmah. [ 16 ] ABBREVIATIONS. nm. noun. pr. pronoun. pr. a. pronominal adjective. a. adjective. a. aux. adjective auxiliary. v. verb. adv. adverb. prep. preposition. conj. conjunction. int. interjection. verb. part. verbal particle. num. numeral. trans. transitive. intrans. intransitive. jig. figuratively. pron. pronounced. 1. natural tone. grave tone. straight-forward tone. high tone. emphatic tone. closed series. - Open series. m. mediate series. N.S. Northern Shan. b. used in books only. o 9 TR goLD SHAN DICTIONARY. a. The first letter of the Shan Alphabet, and the first Consonant in the class of gutturals. , 5c, n, *8,5c, any thing slimy, ropy, mucilaginous; drool, spittle flowing from the mouth. — 8, 5c,3c, v. to drool. — 005, 5c,2c, v. the same. —oy!, 5c,5c, v. the same. 65", 5c,lc, v. the same; to water at the mouth. +N, 5e, %, *, 5c, to trade, traffic, buy and sell. — prt, 5c,2c, v. the same. —vint NB, 5c,2c,5c,le, v, the same. —v+, 5c,lo, v. to trade, sell or exchange goods. —o'03.005, 5c,lo,4c,20, ¥. togo to one market after an- other for trade. —sognré, 5c,lo,4c,1c, % to trade by going together \ in company. —o'9EnFf , 5c,lo,4c,lc, v. to trade in partnership, —s'ogqSinvt ,5c,10,30,1¢, »v, to trade either in partner- ship, or by going together in a company. —o'gi nf, 5c,10,30,1c, v. the same, nd5, 4c, v. * Da, 4c, to stutter, stammer. nS, be, n.*BS5,5c, bits for the mouth. —, 5c,5c, ». the bits of a bridle. NHN, 5e,3c, v. to make a confused noise or groan in | one’s sleep, vide 58, 5c,3c. . 2 2 NEN, OH, 20, m, *B,5, 2c, .a bamboo or wooden spoon used in cooking. — 3G, 20,5c 3c,1c, ”. an ear-pick. —coof, 20,4¢, a kind of key. —'§5, 20,40,40, % an oar. vide 086’, 30,40, — 95, 20,4c, ”, a ladle. NHS, 20,4c. — v6, 20,40, ”, a flat wooden spoon used in cooking ; @ fork ; a cane with several sharp iron points at the lower end. —0d, 20,30, ». a flat wooden spoon used in cooking. — 95, 20,4c, n. a ladle, DHQS 20, 4c. HE, 3c, v. *RE, 3c. to put up a barrier; to cover or put up the side of a house or room; 06, 1c.3c. a wall, partition. —5f, 3c,3c, v. to separate one thing from another by setting up a barrier, —as a boundary between two pieces of land. ; . —10}, 3¢,2c, v.. to cover, hide by putting up a partition. —6, 3c,3c, v. to carry an open umbrella, to cover with an umbrella. — 8, 3c,30, v. to cover the side of a building with boards or make a partition of them. —b, 3c,lc, v. to cover the side of a house with woven bamboo matting. —o§, 3c,40, 0, to screen from the wind, to keep off the wind. — es ¥ —o’, 3c,5c, ¥ to put up a barrier or partition. — G5, 3c,5c, v- to fence, enclose in any manner. — cg, 3c,50, v. to make a barrier, to, hinder. n&, 4c, v 7 4c, to be benumbed from cold; to be numb from the effects of disease. _ 7 a NED], 4620) (041), the Ganges. 0& 3 NERE, 4c,4c, ».. the name of the vowel sign o as in A. &, lo, n. *BE 1c, the middle; prep. in the midst of. —§, lo,1m, ». the midst of the jungle or wilderness, as 206 QFE B, 4c,lo0,20,10,1m, to be in the midst of the jungle. ==, lo,lc, ”. the inmost mind, the real opinion. NE, lo, v. * BE, lc, to set a trap, take measures to entrap; ”. a trap; a watch-house, sentry-post. —a 5, 10,2c, v. to entrap, catch in a trap. _ 73845, 10,50, v. to entrap, catch birds. —co', 10,3c, v. to entrap, catch in a trap. HED, 10,3c, . evening, (from 0€, 1o, the middle?) NEZe , lo,4c, 2 night. —— 84, 10,4c,4c, » to be late in the night, n&2F, lo,lce, 2. morning. | NEO’, 10,10, adv. bare, naked, open, as 02nEo', 2c,1o,lo, to be bare, destitute of. nEor€, 10,4c, m. the sun; day from sunrise to sunset. NECgé, 1o,4c,3c,3c, v. to form a halo around the sun; 7. a halo around the sun. 5, 1o,4c,3c, v to be late in the day; to shut in as evening. Sg, 10,4c,3c, & to be forenoon; ». the forenoon, ee 10,4c,50, v. to be afternoon; 7. the afternoon. 6, 10,4c,3m, v. to be noon; ”. noon, noonday, 095, 10,4c,40, v. to set as the sun; to be sunset; n. sunset. CQAR|, lo,4c,40,5¢,5c, v. to be partially dark at twilight; ». the evening twilight. 5x, 10,4c,40,2c, v. to be hidden, a as the setting gun behind a mountain, while its rays strike distant objects seen by the observer who is in the shadow. 4 n& 05, 1o,4¢,20, v. to have an eclipse of the sun, also E0205, 10,4¢,20. cS86, 1o,4c,40,4m, v. to form a halo around the sun, infreq. ——— 00}, 1o,4¢,3c, v. to be late in the forenoon. ——<8&, 10,4c,lo, v. tobelatein the afternoon; vide 6, lo. ——-REgE, 1o,4¢,10,2c, v. the same as NEoroQ AGE, 1o,4c,40,2c. 005, 1o,4c,20, v. vide oreo, 10,4¢,20. m2, 1o,4c,3c, v. to be mild in the heat of its rays, as the sun in the cold season, or late in the afternoon; to be dark and cool, as when clouds cover the sun. RS, 10,4c,2c, v. to rise as the sun; to be sunrise; ”. sunrise. 0&5, 1lo,lo, . the expanse of heaven. nEBS, lo,lo,lo,lm, ”. the same, 0, 20, n- *BE, 2c, a bow; a cross-bow for shooting. — 6, 20,lo, n. a one stringed bow. —EQrt’, 20,10,1c, n. a two stringed bow. —97186, 20,1c,lo, ”. a cross-bow. — 0, 30, n. *RE, ao the white-eyelid monkey, 88.6, 4c,30. &, 30, ”. the bony parts of a fish, as €or, 30,1c, the bones of a fish. n&c&, 30,30, adv. with the flesh very much shrunk, shrivelled, —oQ 1c. wn, 4o, n. *BE, 4c, the lower jaw, chin, —onfnEo', 40,2c,40,1¢, v. to chatter, as with cold. —oot og Sop, 40,2c,5c,5c, v. to chatter with the teeth. nos 5 nE, 4o, »v. (or€3) “Pe, 4c, to be free from; to be exempt from. —B&, 40,3m, v. to be entirely free from; to be relieved from. —oon, 40,lo, v. to become separate; to be removed, free from. —=C90), 4o,3c, v. (r&20905) to be at liberty, free, free from; trans, to deliver, free from. EA, 4o,4c, v. (GRoN) velvet, —more frequently written 205080}. 005, 4c, v. *Bo5, 4c, to be cold, cool, — 6, 4c,40, v. vide o5B. —2q58d8, 4c,40,40, v. to be rather cold. 6 nod | — oor BAGS, 4c,2c,5c,5c, v. to have the chills violently, preceding fever; also BARS, 3c, 5c. -—265, 4c,lo, v. tobe cold during the chills of a fever; sometimes the same as nodex5aq§, 4c, lo, lo. —265q95, 4c,lo,lo, v. to be very cold. —asSgq5ooa'o0€, 4c,1o0,10,2c,30, v. to be intensely cold, so as to produce trembling. —82f, 4c,1m, v to be quiet, happy, free from out ward troubles; 2. happiness, ease, rest. —08, 4c,lc, v. to be agreeably cold. nos, 4c, v. *BoS, 4c, to bite, bite off, —stronger than 96 40,3 to grind the teeth together. —205, 4c,20, v. to bite off. —S§, 4c,3m, v. to crush with a grinding motion of the teeth; to gnash. — 86nd , 4c,3m,4c,4c, v. to grind, gnash the teeth. 0001, 4c,3c, tnt. fortunate! used when a person escapes an evil. The negative 03 2c, always accom- panies it. : ' 05, 5e, v. *Bo5, 5c, to be clever, able, accomplished ; to be proof against a weapon or blow, to be charmed. — 9, 5c,3c, -v. to be proof against a musket ball under the influence of a charm. — 26, 5c,2c, v. to be clever, able, accomplished. —805, 5c,3c, v- to be proof against the blow of a knife. —0oo0S, 5c,20, v. to be proof against the blow of a sword. NAEJo0Ee¥, 5c,5e,2c,2c, m (arggqoocYP.) a certain excrescence which grows on the leaves of trees and is used for medicine. - 205, 20, n. *B05, 2c, a market, bazaar, mart. nosé 7 — cq Hay’, 20,40,3c, v. a bazaar in which articles are retailed in small quantities, as the women’s bazaar in in the Shan States. N05, 30, v. (0008 to be difficult, )*Bo8, 3c, to be adverse, to oppose,—less than Cf 50, which implies the use of force. NB, 5e,5e, 2. (08 P.) promise, word pledged. —Bo8ro}, 5c,5c,3c,2c, 7. (—<20g9) an engagement, promise, oath. —-G0S, 5c,5c,20, v. (—o095) to be faithful, steadfast to one’s word. —or, 5c,5c,3c, v. to be faithful, true to one’s word. —v2, 5c,5c,20, v. to be faithful, firm in one’s word. — 805 , 5c,5c,30, v. to be faithful, true to one’s word. —, 5c,5c,5c, v. to break a promise or pledge. — 08, 5c,5c,2c,4c, v. to break a promise or pledge, to be faithless. : 0B, 5c,5c, 7. (08 P.) transition to another state of ex- istence ; 88.5008) 078 5c,3c,5c,5c,3c,4c, the five signs accompanying this transition. To the departing soul (a) the vision of smoke and flame indicates that hell is its destination; (b) the vision of green leaves or foliage indicates that it will become a beast; (c) the vision of flesh and blood indicates that it will become a man; (d) the vision of palaces and the sound of pagoda bells indicate that it will go to the nat country; (e) the vision of filthy water indicates a rebirth in the form of maggots &c. in corrupted matter.. 0g 5, 5c,4c, n. (ccs) the muskcat; musk. — og, 5c,4c,1m,le, ». the same. Nosé, 5c,2c, n. (oo B$) the sacred period of the year when the priests’ garments are made and presented 8 ot with certain ceremonies ; Sof nosé, lo,5c,2c, the twelfth month. me, lc, v. *Bo€, 1c, to surround, as a large body of troops surrounds a small one, or persons an animal in catching it. ne, le, v. part, verbal affix, denoting the plural. mF, 2c, 2. ($) Virgo, the sixth sign of the Zodiac. mr, 2c, v. * Bil , 2c, to be plucky, stout hearted ; to be stubborn, obstinate; to be tenacious of life. — $6, 2c,lo, v. the same. noe CP, 2¢,2¢, n. (o>909) a virgin, 0945eBE008, 3c,4c, lo. nf coSo, 2¢,30,5¢, (039 P.) akind of inferior nat which inhabits and guards the base of the Myenmo mountain, in concert with other orders of fabulous beings. 2800700, 2c,2c,5c, w. (0939q P.) any extensive place difficult to pass, as a place haunted by robbers, a desert. nr€coof, 2c,4c, v. (or$c009) to beg pardon; to treat reverently as an old man. nF, 3c, n. (N.S.) a place, D1, 3c. —o7, 3c,3c, adv. below, beneath. — #5, 3c,lo, adv. above. nr, 3c, v. *Pa€, 3c, v% to be prevented from natural action, as the breath, or as a tree in its growth by the boring of insects; to retain one’s temper under provocation. —j, 3c,20, v. to bear patiently ; to forbear. —, 3c,lc, v. to retain one’s temper under provocation. —c§G05, 3c,1c,4m, v. to repress one’s feelings and con- tinue to work or act. —or& Bef, 3c,40,1c, v. to starve one’s self, nr, 4c, n. *B2€, 4c, the handle of an instrument. net 9 —o.5ro}, 4c,3c,2c, n. the stick of the triangular shaped flag used for an offering. —G 6, 4c,3c, n. the same. — 8, 4c,3c, . an umbrella handle. —0o5, 4c,30, ». the handle of a tattooing iron. —o, 4c,lc, 2. the stock of a plough, vide 2200! 30,1c. — 805, 4c,3c, . a knife handle.. - +805, 4c,4m, 7. afishingrod... . | ees — 95.0805, 4c,20,4c — - @ piston or anealine of the kind. . BRE, Ac, 30, 3c,3c, n. vide S8KE 80,80, Be., \ | —0d6", 4c,30,40, ”. the handle of an oar... be —8o5, 4c,4m, n. wide 08S 4c,4m. — 805, 40,40, m. the handle of a spool used. when winding on thread. —B8Scoof, 4c,40,3c, ”. the va of a spook ie —8, 4c,4c, . the handle of a fan. yas e — gd, 4c,2c, n. the handle of a spear. = Sp NERS, 40,30, n. (me?) an iron style, —also written rh BS eee ee aes x N#007, 4¢,2c, m (Og P. ) snd ‘scent.’ ! —_— 9, 4¢,2c,20, n . (—49) odor smelt. ——000500%6, Ac,2c, 5c, 5c ,5C, 0 (00009) odor smelt. m&, 5c, v. *Baé, 5c, to wrestle; to force a woman, ee . .Yavish, =... Fe oii n i 5, 5c,50, v. to make ‘great exertion to overcome a difficulty. st — hc, 5c,3c ‘4c, ”. ‘to ‘ravish, commit a rape. ‘also MECEBE, 5e 130,46. Hoe gi Stay 28 Sai ee mr, lo, n ne * Pr, le, ‘a work, business, employinent in ‘particular; RSC, 4o,4m, work in general, ~ J lo 0d8 nr, lo, v. vide Qf, lo, infreg. nr, Qo, v. (or$ to kick) *Raf, 2c, to oppose, thwart. nr, 30, 2 . * Rr, 3c, astem, stalk, as of a leaf; a bundle of Sticke or stems bound together for some purpose, as a torch. —co2€, 30,lo, 2. the stock of a sugar palm leaf. —oo’, 30,1e, n. the stock of a plough, also arco! 4c, 1c. —th', 30,4c, ”. a torch made of a bundle of sticks. m€&, 40, n. *Bt, 4c, ayoke, vide at, 4c. — Q45g6, 40,50,40, ”. the lever which raises the pestle of a rice mortar. —on&, 40,20, ». the cross piece on an animal’s back from which the panniers are suspended. —ay’, 40,4c, ”. the yard or beam of a balance or a pair of scales. nr, 4o, v. *Bif, 4c, to creep on all fours. nr, 5o, 2. *Bo€, 5e, vide 22, 50, a small bolt. —oor » 50,50, n. the same. nr, 5o, n. (ar) *Ba€, Be, brimstone, sulphur. nr, 50, v. *Bo&, 5c, to break away from, as a branch from a tree, or the side from a mountain in a land- slide. —a}4, 50,40, v. to break and fall as a rotten branch. — 05, 5o, 1c, v. trans. to break off, as 8 the branch of “atree. ° N28, 5c,40, . (come) a numeral figure, —sometimes “Daf. » 5c,2c, 2. (oc) rice boiled with milk. DSS 8c,2c, v. (oo8 P.) * 980, 3c,2c, to serve a priest in anything which it is not lawful for him to do. &, 3c,2c,40, . a person who lives at a kyoung, but is neither a priest nor a novitiate. ~ 08ro, 11 1027192], 3¢,2c,5c,2c,5c,2c, 2. (m8qdlqmo P.) one who supplies all the wants of a priest. 0, 4c, v. *BS, 4c, to join, unite ; to mend a breech, close a hole ; to compose rythmically, make poetry; ”. a joint, or place of anything united; a sheath, envelope, e as the sheath of a knife. —S, 4c,40, v to place side by side. — 95, 4c,3c, v. to join in a straight-manner, —the opposite of 086", 4c,5o. —', 4c,50, v. to join crosswise, diagonally. — 66", 4c,50,50, v. to join in a very crosswise manner. —805, 4c,3c, ”. the sheath of a knife. —os, 4c,20, n. the sheath of a sword. : 0S, 4c, v. *BS, 4c, to seta trap, take measures to entrap, God06, 4m, 4c. NO, 5c, v. *BS, 5c, to be tight, not loose, to be too large to pass through. oS, 20, n. *BS, 2c, the sheath which envelopes a sprout, as of bamboo; the petal of some kinds of flowers, as the lily ; the husk of maize. —oor, 20,1lo, n. the sheath like extremity of the stock of a sugar palm leaf, by which it is attached to the trunk of the tree. : —g§6, 20,30, ”. a butterfly of any kind, also 0585 20,30. — 86007098, 20,30,3c,lo, n. a large butterfly having a great spot on each wing. — 88, 20,30, n. vide 0685 20,30. —BEcS&, 20,30,40, n. a bivalvular shell-fish as a muscle or oyster. 0800}, 20,3c, ”. a merlon, that part of a parapet Tying aa two embrazures. 12 NQH#] 08, 30, 2. (oS) *BS, 3c, a period of time, an age; a pestilence. —950}8, 30,10,4c, ~. the three evil periods, viz, ad SAnréooqnd, Be, 5e,2c,5c,5c,30, eqfor¥€ooqn6, 4c,2c¢,5c,5c,30, coadonforqus, 3c,2c,5¢,5¢,30. —80}}, 30,2c,4c, n. the four periods, viz, ssooiwied 2c,5c,5c,30, 25005020078.06, 2c,5c,5c,2c,5c,30, 80050008, 5c,5c,5c,30, 8005c00078.08, 5c, 5c, 5c,2c,5c,30, which compose one grand cycle. — mmooEe Fog, 30,5c¢,2c,2c,5¢, 7. (22006 §o0qard) one of the four cardinal penis which cone unau a grand period. nS, 30, v. *8S, 3c, to bite with the teeth.” | 05, 30, v (aS) *BS, 3c, to offer (to a priest). 08, 30, v». (028 to join, unite,) *BS, 8c, to adhere to, take refuge in for goodorevil, = NGOTNGS, 5e,2c,5e,20, adv. (eoeqSoregs), contemp- ‘tuously, tauntingly. NOZHNBSH, 5c,4c,5c,40, adv. unevenly, in a hopping manner, as a dog going on three legs. . NOSIS, Be, 4c,5c,4¢,. adv. the same, NgH05, 5c,5c,30, 2. (coqarg) Cancer, the fourth sign of the Zodiac. 2905, Be,30, 2: ‘a Shan paper. mat, used for a “bed, F 0005, 5c, 30, | énfrey.” es oe 905, 5c,30, v. to slip. sien tile 0965, Be, 30. PYYOTO, 5e,2c,2c,5c, n. (ecpolo B,) : a conjugal state. 1800}, Be, 5c,2c, 7. ‘(en8ooo P.) appendages, utensils, 19585259", 4,4¢ O40 vec te DQ*; 5e,5c,2c, n. (coqawo P.). ity, compassion, - 25 13 NRENAE, 5c,lo,5c,lo, v. to be mentally a not clever, foolish. 295.0q, 5c,50,5c,5c, v. the same. 0000, 5c,5c,5c, x. (20000) the foetus in its -earliest stage of conception. .N00E, 5c,20, 2. the venereal-disease, sometimes N1Oo€, 2c,20. 0008, 5,30, . vide A 5c,30, a Shan paper mat used for a bed. 20005, 5c,30, 7. (cr0028) a collection. 8802, 5c,30,20,4c, n. the eight collections, 3200 N00, 5e,5c,5e,30, viz, 0008, 5c,5c,2c, 021 C0F, 2c,4c, CoSGcof, 2c,2c, 07600, 2c,2c, ors, 2c,5e, NOD, 2c,5c, 4001, 5e,2c, Garfroy, 2c,2c. 0012, 5c, 4c, n. (oQ0098) a foreigner. 05, 5c,4c,lc, ». a black foreigner; used generally of a native of Hindostan, because most known to the Shans. a —— 295, 5c,4c,4c, 2. (0300288305) a camel. 08, 5c,40, n. a name applied to Karens on the moun- tains east of Toungoo. AX, 5e,lc, ”. a Siamese or Laos, also an appellation given to all who are under Siamese rule. 0 Q, infregq. 0Q\]24, 5c,2c,5e, x. (mmoqoen EB. goodness) a good, vir- tuous, upright person. 05, 1c, pr. I, used in addressing inferiors, or in very familiar discourse among intimate friends. —2}, 1c,3c, pr. I, ‘used in addressing equals. i 2 0, le, v. *B6, 1c, to stir up, agitate, mix together. —25, 1c,4c, v. to be stirred together, mixed. nS, 2c, pr. self, myself, thyself, &c. vide 096.8, | 1c,2c, 14 NO 08, 2c, v. *B5, 2c, to be old, dull, faded. ——O6, 2c,le, v. the same, 06, 3c, @. nine. ns, 3c, v. * 885, 3c, to tie a knot, as of the hair. —2€ G5, 3c,lo,lc, v. to tie a knot in the hair. ns, 4c, v. #5, 4c, to be rendered indifferent to the evil results of a course of action, by the influence of a spirit; to be dangerously ill and deranged, through the influence of a spirit. n, 5c, n. *85, 5c, an owl, also 5, 5o. -—c®, 5c,20, m a small kind of owl. 05, Be, v. *R5, 5c, to move with a revolving or circular motion, as smoke or the water of a large eddy. a 5c,2c, v. to rise and overspread, as a column of smoke. 05, lo, x. the butea tree, © 08, 5e, lo. BS, 10,20, ». the agati. 05, 2o, v. *RE, 2c, to complain of, regret the absence of. — 88.886, 20,3c,20,1m, v. to speak regretfully of. —G, 20,1c, v. the same as 05, 2o. 05, 30, ». *8S, 3c, the leg from the knee to the ancle, —used only with op, 2c, vide op E08, 2c,30. nS, 4o, n. *R5, 4c, the common balsam plant. 05, 50, n. *25, 5c, a mill for crushing sugar eal a machine for separating cotton. —od.o95, 50,8c,1c, ”. a machine for Sisiis sates —Bodaeoy’, 5o,3c,5c,3¢, #. a mill for grinding sugar cane. 08, 5e,5c, n. (008 P.) a wise man. NO, 5e,2c, m. (00) a species of stone; a small image carried about the person, or tattooed:on the skin to preserve from evil, also 959, 2c,20. . DO 15 D, le, n. liquor, ardent spirit, —used only with 006, 3c. O, 1c, v. *S*, 1c, to lay hold of, hold, clinch; to hold, observe, do, practice, keep; . a pencil or pen; the quantity grasped in the hand, as in reaping; the name of the second month (BS, 1o,1c,) so called be- cause no important business should be begun in it. —0), 1c,2c, ”. the stem of a kind of brake or fern used by the Shans for writing. — Or, 1c,4c, . a lead pencil. —B2, 1c,1c, v. to keep, observe a worship day; to observe religious duties. —on6, 1c,3c, n. a measure of the breadth of the fist, with the thumb erected. —ooEB2, 1c,40,1c, v. to refrain from food, fast. —205, 1c,30, v. to squeeze in the hand, knead. — G5, 1c,4c, v. to throw by the handful. —%, 1c,4c, v. to clutch, grasp, clinch in the hand. 5, 2c, v. *0*, 2c, to be dark in color, between blue and black, purple. —c, 2c,20, v. to be dark purple. —2, 2c,2c, v. to be light purple. ; 961; 2c,2c, n. (go) the grand cycle, or complete revolution of nature, 09108, 5c,2c,30; the system of things considered as subsisting through an entire revolution. 085, 2c,2c,4c, ”. a system or revolution of nature, in which no Buddh appears. HO, 2c,5c, n. (Mg P.) a deed. — 095, 2c,5c,5c,3c, . (—o@9§) the body as formed under the influence of past deeds. ve —0019], 2¢,5¢,5¢,2¢, (—oom?) one’s own destiny. 16 é ec, 2c,5c,40, 2. (02gg>§:) sentences for repetition of which there are forty. YD, 8c, prep. according to, according as. ==, 3c,lc, adv. at pleasure, as you wish. Byé, 3c,3c, pr. a. some,—sometimes in colloquial language SHE. a, 4c, 7. “, 4c, a ‘time: —, 4c,4c, adv. repeatedly ; at intervals. —21, 4c,3c, adv. afterwards. — — 36, 4c,3c, 2. a moment, instant; adv, soon, presently. — BEng go , 4c,3c,4c,2c, adv. again in a moment, pre- sently, —a shorter time than COf0Q§, 4c,3c. —085, 4c,1m, adv. immediately, anstentlyy at once. — Bf, 4c,4c, adv. afterwards.” — apo, 4c,2c, adv. for a moment, in a moment.. —cgaf dopa’, 4c,2c,4c,2c, adv. frequently. SH, 4c, v. “0%, 4c, to feel, feel of, as with the hand; x. a small quantity taken up in the fingers, nents | one handful or mouthful of food. are —5, 4c,3c, v. to feed one’s self with the hand. —0o, 40,20, v. to draw in the lips between the teeth. -—Q, 4c,5c, ». a cud of betel leaf with the contents, made up for chewing. ~~~ iis. BY mS gutta, g 005, 4,80, 2. (02305) the narrow border lite is at- tached to woven-work vrei the border of a garment &. | AoS, 4c,4o, 2. (cnged:) a writing snimane acon given by a god; &: 22800! oAc6,. 4c, 4¢,40,5¢,4c,40, to be in a book containing such & writing... a J, Be, v. *0%, Se, to prop up, support; to have aston more than enough; #. a ‘prop, supports, 21 ; 17 ==), 5¢,lc, v. to have eaten more than enough. — 0.5, 5c,3c, v. to prop up, support; to aid, help. — 96, 5c,3c, v. to be collected in a body, to remain in a beady without advancing; to have eaten too much. D, Be, v. *n*, Be, to pawn, mortgage, y6, 2c. DR, 5c,2c, 2. (303) a slate or soapstone pencil, sometimes DR, 4c,2c. Hoof, 5c,2c, n. (oscar) the mesua pedunculata, 0007, 5e,5c,2c, n. (029009) a kind of unwoven cloth or carpeting made of hair or wool and brought from China; the throne of the Sekya prince. 800}, 5c,5c,2c, 7. (o2g0)) the service used in admitting a person to the Buddhist priesthood. ol, 5c,40,40, v. to gather together into a company. 4, 20, n. (05) *, 2c, a deed, action; the secret influence of an action on future destiny. —08, 20,lc, v. to be under the influence of past good pas —q", 20,50, v. to be under the ftinabe of past bad actions. 3, 30, v. *°, 3c, to thicken and harden partially; to partially coagulate, as anything that hardens from cold, or softens from heat, as wax. 5, 30, v. vide JQ, 30, to turn over, invert. 4, 40, v. *, 4c, to place side by side as strips of carpet; to put one edge over the other as in sewing, clap- boarding. —§So0’, 40,20,1c, v. e join together unequally 80 that the end of one piece extends beyond the end of another piece. . . A, le, 2. +8, 1c, a crow. past Be —c4, le,lo, m a pigem . ee | ? 18 %165998.500;-0q7 —§, 1c,20, ”. a bird, a species of roller. —vco’, 1c,4c, ». a snake bird; a cormorant. — 80886, 2c,5c,2c,1lo,1lo, ”.the three kinds of ny008, viz, 012610301007, 2c, 2c,5¢,2c, 2c, £9 3E2¢]00726], 5c,2c,2c,2c,2c, myebopSorray 2c,2c,5c, 5c, 2c,2c,2c. i es 8508, 2c,5c,5m,5c, 2. ( 88) invulnerability, as in the case of a man who has power to charm a woman to love him against her will, —vulgar. 00050026, 2c,5c,5c,5c,5¢, 2. ( 00003 ) the faculty of feeling. 8Eqpo5, 2c,5c,4c,20, x. (89005) a transgression of the body. ALAA; 2c,5c,20, 2. (aco) a kind of wizard, BS, 5o. 100, 2c,5c, n. (C2000 P.) time; an epidemic disease, vide BF 100, 1m,2c¢,5¢. D018, 2c,5c,4c, x. (—000:) @ person in his youthful prime; a wild, reckless man, a person obedient to his passions, a fast man. 100095, 2c,5c,3c, n. (a2200090) one of the sight principal hells, —the second in order of descent. # 2194, 2c,8c, n. (0) 905) a measure of distance equal to four kauthas, the fourth of a Ojco?}, egret, ~ a little over three miles. t 4 mt D1, 3c, n. 75, 3c, price, a2, le. nee —cv5, 3c,2c, v. to be cheap, low priced. — m —rv0, 3c,30, n. wages. Pu fg iMe 20 2) —onr’, 3c,20, v. (00§) to be of value, worth in price, also on26'7, 20,3c. —00}, 3¢,3c, ”. ferriage. —o2, 30,4c, n. price, (lit, its price ). —vwrf oof or, 3c,4c,lc,4c, . the same. —ort gdeor » 3c,4c,1c,4c, n. the same; —$, 3c,2c, v. to be high priced. — 8, 3c,30, 2. wages for sawing. Op Be, n. place, 3, 3c3 prep. at, to, from. —os, -8c,3c, adv. under, beneath, below; prep. under, ‘beneath. —2or8, 3c,3c, adv. there. ——267, 3c,3c, ”. space before one’s face, presence; adv. and Prep. before. 947, 3c, 53c, adv. here. —F5, 3c,lo, adv. above, over; prep. above, over. — 55, 8c,8c, . outside span: adv, outside ; ; prep. out- side of. — 8, 3c,4c, 2. inside space; adv, within; prep. within. ——gpf, 3c,5c, adv. yonder ; Prep. beyond. —08, 3c,lc, adv. where?’ _ os 1, 3c, pr.a. all, on&BE, aes ee ie aD 2278, a6fe are 6 Yes atest, ss 3c, v. to be ‘sufficient, as much at, —ased i in composi- tion only. : roe —2", 3c,5c, adv. thus, as Soy, eset thus ina as large as this. — $5, 3c,lc, adv. noe much ? how? as 0 raf le, 2c,le, how far? =| fa a a gs prin es oe oo BER OGE GSE eet AN, 3c, v. *B, 3c, to be scarce. BS 21 DY, 3c, v *B, 8c, to plant seeds, whose sprouts are to be transplanted, as rice; ”. sprouts to be separated and transplanted. AY, 3c, v. +8, 3c, to dance. — Bf, 3c,3m, v. the same. ; 1,006, 3c,lc, pr. what? N8E, 3c,1c,3c,le, pr. the same, 01006, 3c,20, n. vide Moo, 5c,20. 18, 4c, 7. *5, 4c, one of the squares of a turban, used especially of the imported turbans made of several handkerchiefs. D8, 4c, v. (cn08) *B, 4c, tobe apart, distant; ”. breadth, width, as of cloth. N71 4c, v. to be even, —used chiefly in the negative adverbial form N18, 2c,4c, not even, not only. DYE, 4c, v- *B, 4c, to escape as an animal pierced by any weapon, and carrying the weapon in its flesh. 12212018018 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. in a loud, excited manner. D1 RE, 4c,20, n. (cr02036) any kind of a cross. es 50,40. BS, 3c, v. *OS, 3c, to crush, ed, as medicine between two apvee RS, 3c, v. *n5, 3c, to be odd, not even, —applied to numerals, as 3, 5, 7; to be single, unmarried. _—085, 3c,40, adv. in a single, unmarried state, as 0235085, 2c,3c,40, to remain unmarried. RS&co, 5e,5c, n. (3g P.). any business or work to be done. RSS, 5m,5c, 2. (88 P.) fame. BS, 40, v. *BS, 4c, to be counterfeit, as a rupee; ns anything counterfeit, pinchbeck. ‘ 22 BE BA, 40, v. *BS, 4c, to be crooked, curved; to be wily, deceitful; to be difficult of passage as a miry road. RE, 2c, 2. * RE, 20, a branch of a tree, larger than Op 3c. —o!, 20,5c, m. a large branch of a tree. —95, 2c,2c, ”. a branch of leaves and flowers. — 09, 2c,lo, . the main branch of a tree. BENQ], 2c,5c,2c, n. vide BEreqy, 2c,5c,2c. BE096, 2c,40, ”. the lips, vede 08098, 2c,4o. BE, 2c,2c, n. vide np], De 2c. : BEreq1, 2c,50,2c, n. (O8gzep P.) a kind of fabulous animal partly a man ae partly a bird. - BEx8, 2c,5c,2c, 7. (Bah P.) the feminine of the above. BEor€, 2c,lo, ». the chaste tree. BEcg, 2c,50, 2. the armpit. BE, 3c, v. +*B&, 30, to roll over and over, to fall over and over. —B45, 3c,20, v. to roll from side to side. —o 5, 3c,40, v. to roll over and fall, to roll downwards. BE, 4c, v *B&, 4o, to do in turns, take turns; ”, a turn. RE, Ac, v. (BS: ) *BE, 4o, to sleep, honorific, | — 2, 4c ro, 0. to sleep.. BE, Im, n. *0&, lo, the pine-apple. RE, Im, n. *6, lo, young shoots of vegetable life, whether grass or foliage, after the. ce of the Brass or the falling of the leaves. BE, Im, n. *06, lo, the feathery tuft on i weapon —§f, 1m,lc, n. the feathers of an arrow. —g5, 1m,2c, n. the tuftofa spear. =, RES G 1m,le, n. the fragrant screw-pine, BE, 3m, v. *€, 80, to be clear, clean as a vacant piece of ground; to be done, finished, exhausted, all gone. BE 23 BE, 4m, n. *§, 40, a tripod for supporting a cooking pot over the fire; three bricks or stones used for the purpose. ”. an iron tripod. B63, i ae n. Kaing-kham, a principality west of the Salwen. BEBoS , 4m,lo, ”. a principality formerly existing north of BEG", 4m,4c. now depopulated and become deba- table land between Burma and Siam. eg &, 4m,lc, n. Kaing-tung, a large principality east of the Salwen. x BEoRE, 4m,4c, n. Kaing-toung, a principality west of the Salwen. BEo', 4m,2c, n. Chiengmai or Zimmai. BEoaS, 4m,4c, . a principality southeast of REog KE, 4m,lc. BEd}, 4m,40, ”. a principality north of BES, 4m,4c. BEGE, 4m,3c, ”. Kaing-hong, a principality on the Cambodia river, north-east of BEo £, 4m,lc. BEg" , 4m,4c, 2. en a Laos pencgelty north of Hirninah BE, lo, v. *BE, 1c, to aie applied to preparing curries. BE, 20, v. *B&, 2c, to swing backwards and forwards, as the arms in walking, or the feet when owe down. Mag | BE, 20, v. to hop on one foot in play, used of dutavens —Bof, 20,1c, v. the same. BE, 30, v. *25, 3c, to clean one’s self with a stick after evacuating the bowels.‘ a BE, 30, v. *BE, 8c, to pretend to be honey ia te. make an insufficient excuse. 24 BoS — $8, 30,4m, v. to make a pretence of being unable to do or to work, to make an insufficient excuse. BEBE, 30,30, v. to be mean, inferior in size. BE, 40, n. *BE, 4c, the tamarind. BE, 4o, v. *&, 4c, to be small, diminutive in stature, whether men or animals, GOO, 4c. BE, 4o, v. * BG, 4c, to bend over, incline sideways, also used in composition, vide 2086, 5c,40. BEOgS, 40,3c, 2. ( 8ci8se00008 ) a bishop’s assistant. BEG, 4o,lc, n. the cinnamon tree; cinnamon. BERS, 40,5c, n. ( Sad:a96 ) a Buddhist priest who has authority over a number of kyoungs, a bishop. BE, 5o, x. +B&, 5c, a stick on which rope is wound. BE, 50, v. *B&, 5c, to limp, go lame; to be lame in the hands or feet. — 4, 50,3c, v. to limp, go igmie: ; B35, lo, n. *Baé, 1c, the solid substance of anything, as a ‘nie. —co4, 10,30, ”. the wheel of a block or -aullley, —oo', 1o,3c, ”. the core of certain vegetables, as the pumpkin and cucumber. —ooS, 1lo,4c, n. the body of the liver. -—0D}, lo,le, ”. the pupil of the eye.. —o8, 1o,4c, ”. the rod of the umbrella of a pagoda, infreq. —oo€, 1o,40, ». the wood of the jack tree, used for dyeing yellow. | BOS, lo, v. *Br&, 1c, to be unsuccessful i in doing what was intended or sought, as in hunting. B95, 1o, ». *Bo€, 1c, to suspend, Ee as by & Tope; to gird up,asagarment. ) Bod 25 — 2, 10,40, v. to tuck up the trowsers in Shan fashion, —35, lo,40, v. to gird up the loins in Burman fashion. —Gof, 1o,4c, v. to suspend by the neck, to hang.. - —6}, 10,3c, ¥ to tie up the waist-cloth in Burman fpelion: ee g’ » 1o,3c, v. to suspend, hang. Bo, lo, v. *82€, 1c, to girdle a tree. B00, 10,30, ”. a kind of cork tree; the wood of the tree. BoB, 20, adv. an intensive particle, very, as nee 20,1c, to be very good. : -— 05, 20,40, v. to be prosperous in life, Sane in business. gee —co8, 20,3c, n. a title of respect, lord. Ps — 004, 20,4¢, adv. truly, certainly,—prefixed to a sentence. BoS, 20, v. *Bo€, 2c, to be hard in sulslanery to be siabborn: —6&, 20,lo, v. the same; to be oe stiff from convulsions. —ont 8, 20,1c,1c, v. to be ignorant, have no knowledge. — BSBA, 20,40,40, v. to be dry and hard, so as to sound on being struck, to be resonant. Bo, 30, n. *Sa€, 3c, the stem of anything, a petiole, leaf stalk; that part of the blade of a weapon or tool inserted in the handle. 4 < Re — 85, 80,2c, n. the head of a chisel blade. . —8o5, 30,3c, 7. the head of a knife blade. Bo5, 40, 2. *Pof 4c, a musical instrument made of a gourd with reeds inserted. . : , 40, n. *Rof, 4c, to be narrow, strait, close; + be poor, without means. —, 4o,1c, v. to be distressed, harassed in mind.” Preys. Sg 26 Bot —&S, 40,2c, v. to be narrow, close, strait, confined. Bo5, 4o, v. * Bok, 4c, to be sore, tender to the touch. BoSoq, 40,4c, conj. therefore. BS, 50, v. tochoke in the throat; to be almost suffocated with anything, as dust. RBo5, 2c, v. *005, 2c, to be close, narrow, strait; to be crowded, —, 2c,lc, v. to be distressed, harassed in mind. BoS 8, 4o,Ic. BoS, 3m, v. *205, 30, to be of a dull, faded color, used . Of cattle. 8oS, 4m, x. #05, 40, the scales of an animal; a scab. —0}, 4m,lc, ”. the scales of a fish. —gi, 4m,lc, ». the fleshy dish by which a shellfish propels itself. 80S, 20, v. *Bo5, 2c, to head off, thwart, hinder, obstruct; to put up a barrier, as between the compartments of a paddy field. Ro, 4o, n. *Bo5, 4c, a buckle, vide BS, 4o. B05, 40, v. *Bo5, 4c, to separate by pressing between two sharp-edges; to cut off with scissors; to bite. Ro5, 40, v. *BoS, 4c, to fail of igniting, when fire is applied, as a fuse. Raf, 1c, v. *02, Ic, to eat; to drink; to rust; to enjoy the revenue of. —2€805, 1c,1¢,30, v. to consume sities, —ALs 1c,3c, v. to live on wages. — Bef 035, 1c,4c,4c, v. to live on interest. —o&, 1c,30, v. to work for wages, to live by —— one’s self out. —roEcgorf, 1¢,30,4c,4c, ¥. to work for day wages. Bf 27 —oo £92F » 1c,30,30, v. to live on the leavings of another. —ooos, 1c,30, v. to diet. —, 1c,40, v. to suck milk from the breast. — 8 Rr 088, 1c,2c,1c,3c, v. to live without making _ any religions offerings. —cofoqy , 1c,4c,50, v. to be cloyed, surfeited, satiated, sick with repletion. —805, 1c,4c, v. to eat what is hurtful. —95¢q9 508, 1c,40,40,4c, v. to cause food to diminish rapidly in quantity when eating, to eat voraciously. - — 86, 1c,40, v. to enjoy the revenue of a country. 00,5096, 1c,20,2c, v. ( conSea026 ) to take a bribe. — 008, 1c,3c, v to drink intoxicating liquor. — of Boh 5, 1c,3c,lc,lc, v. the same. — 88, 1c,4c, v. to eat without cooking. — Bh Rofo8&, 1c,4c,1c,lo, v. the same. —a9Ero!a&, 1c,lo,1c,lo, ¥. to be open-handed, profuse in giving. —or"’, lc,lo, v. to relish. — 00095, 1c,5c,4e, v. ( 2008: ) to live on interest, Raf Gato, 1c,4c,4c —oy, 1c,2c, v. to —_ satisfied the appetite, to have exten a sufficiency. Bo, 2c, v. (09S) *n2¥, as, to take an oath, swear; to curse. —001, 2c,2c, v. to curse in anger, imprecate evil on another. — 001 BafgS, 20,20,2c,5c, v. the same, —0}, 2c,3c, v. to take an oath; to curse, — G05, 2c,4c, v. to be peornn reckless in imprecating curses. 28 BS GOSBeloet, 2c,4c,2c,lo, v. the same, Ro 7 oC, 2. (Chinese ) a certain throw of dice securing an advantage in the game to the person casting it. Bo€, 1m, v. *nr, lo,, to roll up, curl, to be rolled up; n. a roll. — 32 , 1m,4m, v. to roll or twist up and wind around. —c85, Im,3c, ”. a scroll, roll, gio8v5, 4c,3c. Br, vide ee for the open series of tones. 8S, 2c, x. » 20, a hoof. BS, 2c, n. *nS, 2c, the thick scale of any bulbous plant, as the onion; the divisions of the inside of a fruit, as _ the orange. : BS, 3c, v. *06, 3c, to compress between fares pinch, squeeze. BS, 4m, v. *08, 4o, to pick up, take up or out; to choose. eae, 4m,lc, v. to take duties or revenue and live upon them. ace —995, 4m,1c, v to pick cotton from thie bolls. —.}, 4m,40, v. to pervert another’s words. — gf , 4m,2c, v. to collect revenue, to collect duties. —c8&, 4m,5m, v. to take and feed, to nourish, to bring up what has been rejected or left. —c8&o!', 4m,5m,5c, v. the same, —g &o5, 4m,40,3c, v. to glean, - —.m5, 4m,lc, v. the same as BS, 4m. BS, 20, n. *BS, 2c, the husk or chaff of grain. —cJ, 20,20, . the coarser part of the husks wine is rubbed off in the mill. ¥, —5, 20,3c, . rice husks, © «©. : ‘ aH. 20,2c, #. the finer part of the husks which is separated from the grain by pounding. .. - = 85 29 BS, 30, v. *BS, 3c, tobe narrow, contracted, drawn into a small compass. ==, 30,1c, v. to be straitened in mind, harassed, vide Bo S08, 4o,lc. ; BS, Ao, n . *BS, 4c, abuckle, vide Bo8, 4o. — or, 4o,40, ». the mouth piece of a wind instrument. ; BS, 5o, n. *BS, 5c, a small portion or division of time. =e, 50,3c, nm. a moment, a short time; adv. in a short time, soon. 8S, vide 0. B§o0}, 5c,5c,2c, 2. (Boos e materials, utensils, tools, implements. BecSa01, 5c,2c,2c, n. (Beaooos P.) passion, desire of the sexes, lust, vice. BS8E, 5c,2c,2c,4c,30, ». ten evil qualities, viz. GOT, 4c,5c, CodfOd, 4c,5c, Gog, 4c,5c, ©126, 2c,5c, BS08, 5e,5c, 8-8.BH007, 5c,5c,5¢,2c, ae, 5c, 5c, mBoiro, 4c,3m,5c, mn, 5c,5c,5c,5e, mg 050050, 5e,5c,5e, 5c. 85, 1c, n. *05, 1c, the strand of a rope. 85, 1c, ”. a road, way, passage. —on&, 1c,40, . the same. 85, 1c, v. *05, 1c, to shout in a prolonged manner,— used in composition. —5, 1c,lc, adv. incessantly, in a prolonged manner,— used of sound. 88, Qc, n. *05, 2c, akind of silver, very pure, of which there are two varieties, BS o! cod, 2c,1lc,4c, and BSvef'00E, 2c,40,20. BS, 2c, v. *08, 2c, to be very small in size, narrow, or of little girth when compared with something else of 30 a) the kind; to be very poor, vide noe RE.no BoS, 4o, 2c,40,40. —on&, 2c,40, a way, passageway, i, e, a way enclosed by something on either side, whether houses or fences. —}!, 2c,4c, v. to grow smaller, as a rope just before breaking. —ay!, 2c,lc, ”. a defile in the mountains. — 86, 2c,4m, 2. a street inacity, vide RS a, 2c,4o. 85, 1m, ». *05, 10, the Irrawaddy river. BS, 1m, 2. "05, lo, a column of light or smoke. R6, 1m,’ 7. jungle, wilderness. R68, 2m, v. vide Bef o2€ BaF BS, 1m,50,1m,2m. 85, 3m, n. (Laos) a precious stone, (b), oo, lo. 85, 3m, v. 0d, 30, to wind around, encircle, as a creeper. 55, 5m, v . "0, 50, to chew, masticate. — BE, enon. v. to ruminate, chew the cud. B85, lo, 2. *85, 1c, a kind of sweet potato, 026 85, 4c,1o. 85, 4o, v. *9, 40, to have a white film or cataract form on the eye. 00788, 1c,40. B, Qc, n. “Op 2c, a loom. —on&, 2c,3c, 7. a movable loom. : B, 3c, v. "Op 3c, to open, expand, blossom; to be stretched apart, expanded; to open an umbrella; to. swell, as rice in water. — cof, 3c,1o,4c, v. to raise or bristle the hair or feathers on the back of the neck. — 0, 3c,lc, v. to be glad, happy. — 0582, 3¢,30,3m, v. to es or open the sides of a skirt (lascivious ). 2, 5c, v. *, 5c, to begin to open, as a bud. NY, 3c, 2. *yov5, 3c, a mane. wale. 31 ——, 3c,5c, ”. a pony’s mane. Dd, 3c, v. *o, 30, to press down and secure by tuck- ing in or by thrusting sticks under the edges of an open vessel. nc, 3c,2c, m. (036Q P.) ten millions. : DY, Be, v. *05, 5c, tobe bent or crooked, as a horn, or the hand in grasping anything, or when it is deformed. ADS, 5c, 5c, n. (98, P.) the foetus. 4), 50, v. to do, act, strive, wrestle against great odds, —used in composition with, me, 5c, to wrestle. H€, 2c, n. (93) Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. 08, 2c, n. (qQa5 P.) a good or bad quality, an attribute; honor. —ooe§, 2c,5c,20, n. (—3200 Gq) good reputation, honor. —8E, 2c,20, v. (—(§§) to vie with, to have rivalry with, cS, 5e,1e. HEb#, 2c,2c, n. (og 905) a ene kind of monster which guards the Myenmo mountain. 0, 3c, n. *0&, 3c, a prawn, shrimp, or lobster. —0}, 3c,30, ». pickled shrimp. —a, 3c,lo, n. a large prawn or lobster. 9, 3c, n. *06, 3c, the castor oil plant, Palma Christi. —, 3c,lc, m. the same. — go , 3c,20, ”. a variety of the castor oil plant. —oo&, 3c,20, . a variety of the castor oil plant having variegated leaves. —8&, 3c,lo, . a variety of the castor oil plant. 0, 4c, n. (a9§2)*0&, 4c, rising ground, a mound, hillock; dry land. —0, 4c,30, 7. (—oS) a kind of peranaey: rane of cotton and silk mixed. 32 NEE 96, 4c, o (02$:) *0&, 4c, to be protuberant, convex. 96, lo, n. *&, 10, a bow with one string. — 92", lo,lc, 2. a bow having two strings and used for throwing pellets. : —*, 10,20, %. a common bow, 6, 20. 0, lo, n. *0&, 1lo, a cavity, hollow place, the hollow of anything, as a tree. —cof, lo,dc, . the gullet or the windpipe. —op6, 1o,5e, n. the cavity. of the belly. — lo, v. “3, 1o, to be round, asa cylinder. 9, lo, v. *, lo, to cover, cover up. 2; 20, v. "Ds 20, to be muddy, —less than a, lc,3 1. sediment, mud, mire. —8$o, 20,3c,2c, ”. the hole in the earth beneath or near a house, where filthy water and refuse are thrown, QgEBAe1, 2c,3¢,2c. —25, 20,3c, 2. filth. D; 30, v. *v3, 30, to hold the head down; to stoop, to curve head and body. — +6, 30,3c, v. to stoop and enter. D, 4o, n. *3, 40, two viss in weight; two hundred rupees. Q le, v. “01, Ic, to sing, as birds. Qs 2c, 2. “Pp 2c, a bud. of a leaf or flower; with 25, lo, it is used adverbially, vide 05, lo. Qs 2c, 2. "21; 2c, a block, bench, couch, bedstead. -—Bxf, 2c,1c, n. a table, BBE, 3,1. — gf , 2c,4c, 2. a bedstead, bed. —c84, 2c,3c, . a stand for books. Q, 3c, 2% a pair-of anything, vide 09, So. Q, 3c, pra. every, —distributive, —GN1, 3c,5c, pr.a. everybody. — 6.01 Q NH, 3c,5c,3c,40, gr.a. the same. —D, 3c,3c, adv. every evening. —96, 3c,2c, adv. every time. — rf, 3c,4c, adv.. every night. — 96.908, 3¢,3¢,3c,40, adv. every time, — 96.486, 3c,50,3c,lo, pr.d. éverykind; everything. 7 cS 45 — 6.9626, 3c,50,3c,4c, pr.a. the same. — 982.0028, 3¢,50,3c,lc, pr.a. the same. — B Ro, 3c,3¢,3c,40, adv. everywhere. —03.Q895, 3¢,3c,3c,lo, adv. the same, 3, 3c,lc, adv. every morning. —gF, 3c,3c, adv. every time. —6, 3c,2c, adv. the same, — 65.95, 3¢,2c,3¢,4c, adv. the same. —or, 3c,4c, adv. every day. . YD 3c, v. *O)) 3c, to borrow. — Br, 3c,lc, v. to borrow money for one’s support. —v2, 3c,lc, v. to borrow from one person for another. — 86S, 3c,1lc, v. to borrow. —o0%, 3c,lc, v. the same. —m6, 3c,lc, v. the same. YQ 3c, v. “21: 3c, to take in, withdraw, as clothes exposed to the sun. Qo 4c, v. (038) “Op 4c, to exchange, traffic; to transcribe, copy.. —oo”, 4c,30, v. to transcribe, copy. QO, 4c,4c, 2. ( 4c, % @ species of creeper of which there are two varieties, Qe, 4c,le, and QE, 4c, lo. Rr, 4c, v. part, vide Qe, 2c. Qe , 4c, v. *Ba€, 40, to hold fast over the shoulder, as in carrying a burden hanging on the back or sus- pended on the end of a stick, one end being higher than the other. 3 | b9 Qe, Be, v. *Ba8, bo, to dip up, take out of, transfer as food from one dish to another by dipping. 28, 2c, 7. *BS, 20, to gather up and take away by the hands joined in a curved manner. 23, 3c, prep. on account of. —§5, 3c,39, prep. the same. —anr'soo€, 30,1¢,5¢, adv. thereat. —mr >), 3c,1c,5c, adv. hereat. — gle’, 3c,4c,5c, conj. therefore, on account of this. 39, 3c, v. *B6, 30, to fasten on lengthwise; to cling to, hold on at the side; to attach, make cling to. —0o6, 3c,4c, v. to cling to or hang on closely. —o¢S, 3c,4c, v. to take along on one’s back. —8E, 3c,lc, v. to secure with a clamp. — 65, 3c,30, v. to bind on splints for retaining a broken arm in its place. QO, Ac, 1. *B6, 40, a bunch of plantains. —2P, 4c,30, 2. a single comb of plantains. 35, 4c, 2. *BS, 4o, any thing spread out, as 616, 3c,4c, a matrass. at: 4c,lo, 7. a handle attached to a bow for the purpose of spreading it. —0, 4c,5c, 2. a saddle. — og Ew€s, 4c,lc,lc,5c, ”. a saddle cloth. QS, vide 2 ot 1c, x. *cvS, lo, panicum millet. a Ic, v. *oS4, lo, to stir up, agitate. — 2, 1c,40, v. the same, ? Ic, v. *cvS, 1o, to come to an end, be done, used up. — 86, 1c,3m, v. to come to an end completely, be done, or used up entirely. 60 Q1 —o8&, 1c,3m, v. the same. 3 lc, v. to exceed, go beyond; adv. very. — $6, Ic,lo, v. the same. ’ i a8 ais Q> 2c, v. *c.§, 20, to make invisible, to become invisible to others, as a nat. 3) 3c, v. *eS, 30, to delay, tarry, wait. Q'; 3c, v. *eS, 30, to move or go slowly. es 4c, adv. vide QP; 4o. —}, 4¢,3c, conj. vide APN, 40,3c. — 8, 4c,le, conj. vide APE, 4o, 1c. —oo§, 4c,4c, conj. vide AQpoos, 40,4c. 3) 5c, adv. vide QP; 5o. Qs 2c, n. *°, 20, a coffin made of wood. Qs 8c, v. *0®, 80, to invert, vide v2, 30. Q, Ac, v. *%, 40, to stoop, bow; to bow respectfully, reverentially ; to be rounded, hump backed. —2§, 4c,4c, v. the same as 1st def. —B805, 4c,3c, v. to call. (respectful. ) Qs Be, v. **, 50, to hang down the head, as an ear of grain. Ri 5c, adv. only, —much uscd with 2 4c, as gd: QL 2c, v *B, 2c, to go. —.005, 2c,20, v. to go to market. — 21 FoF Zo, 2c,2c,4c,4c, v. to go backwards and forwards. —R] 92918, 2c,2c,4c,4c, v. to come and go repeatedly. —Q5, 2c,4c, v. to march as troops; to march to battle. —on&, 2c,40, v. to travel. —805, 2c,30, v. to leave, abandon, forsake. —6’, 2c,30, v. to evacuate the intestines, A 61 — 85, 2c,3m, v. to evacuate urine. — 8, 2c,20, v. to go about, ramble. Yq) 5c,5c, adv. very much, exceedingly. Ad, 30, v. (0qj05 ) TB, 3c, to read aloud, repeat, as a book. —oo’, 30,3c, v. to know by heart, be able to repeat without a book. ae, 20; wv. (aqé) *BE, 2c, to be well acquainted with, conversant with, experienced in. as, 20, v. (ag&) *BE, 2c, to sift for gold. Ae, 50, v. (og§) to do, perform, practice, also 40. Qype, Qo, v. (oq$) *Bo€, 2c, to remain, B05, Ac. Qo, 30, n. (oqS) *BS, 3c, a weight equal to four mats; a rupee. Qe, 30, v. (@3S) *B85, 3c, to do carnestly, intently, quickly. MY, 20, v. (@3) “0%, 2c, to think, consider so as to understand. — 6, 20,lc, v. the same. MYO], 20,2c, 2. (3g P.) the influence of past evil deeds, 8, 20. My, 40, (aqS:) a religious writing or book. —rq5, 40,50, v. to incur the penalty of perjury. —7005001, 40,3¢,2c, . (00g)) a grammar of the Pali language. —o005, 40,30, ”. (0208 ) a writing containing directions about diet. —SEconf, 40,4c,4c, 7. (Beg9) a medical book. 0097007; 40,3c,le, n. the same, — 85, 40,3c, ”. a religious book; the Scriptures. 62 4160013 — 109261, 00503, 40,5¢,2c,3¢,5e, n- (20390098) a prophetic writing. A 4o, v. (353) "0%, 4c, to be harsh, rough, violent; to be rough in texture. —08, 40,40, v. (—0o0§3) to be rough, turbulent. Qyo0Soe63, 2c,3c,e,4e, 2. (@32200¢008 ) the planet Jupiter; Thursday. qyooor, 2c,5c,20, n. (Qod)95) front locks of hair often worn for ornament by young women. ILO], 2¢,2¢, v: (gp?) to be troubled, anxious, harassed. QS, 3c, v. (oqod) *B4, 3c, to put under a spell, to charm by repeating a muntra. ayé, 2c, n. *0&, 2c, woolen cloth, broadcloth, vide co420005, 3c,3c,30. ge, 2c, Nn. (Qi) wheat, o8.q 6, 3c,2c. ald, 2c, 2. (G05) a planet, also B85, 2m. — 805095, 2c,20,3c, 2. the eight bodies of the planetary system, vz. onacE¢95, 5c,40,20, or 0602, 1o,4c, the sun, on26E00}, 5c,40,2c, or Br, lo, the moon, mED}, 2c,2c, Mars, Qsoog., 30,5c,4c, Mercury, qyja050e03, 2c,3c,5c,4c, Jupiter, 03.5.9)1, 3c,2c, Venus, coc, 5c,2c, Saturn, Q1GR» 2¢,5c, the dark planet Rahhoo, which can be seen only in eclipses when it passes over the disk of the sun or the disk of the moon; the eight divisions or compartments of the astrological house, corresponding to these planets. — 2RE, 2c,5c, v. to be ill-starred, ill fated, —applied to persons suffering some evil. — BE.q Sg , 2c,5c,2c,30, v. the same. 50013, 4c,4c, v. ( @32002) to exert one’s self, to strive, try. é 63 cAlcg, 4c,4c, 2. (cogegs) grace, favor, kindness, —some- times cog, 4c,4c. CQ], Be, v. (s0q2) *c4, Bo, to speak smoothly, in a persuasive manner with the object of getting some- thing from another. — 0, 5e,le, v. to get something by smooth spcecch. CQ, 2c, v. (coqS) *cA, 20, to be talked about, have repute, celebrity, fame. —P]) 2¢,2c, v. (—0°) to spread, as news. AS, 80, v. (E305) *B.5, 3c, to be fond of, like. —o, 30,lc, v. to be pleased with. QSOR, 3c,4c, 2. (caqpoSaq:) an anchor. QS, 4c, v. *BA, 4c, to leap, jump. —{g6, 4c,lo, v. to leap over some distance. — 8d, A4c,lo, v. the same. gE, 4c, n. (Gagné: ) a building for priests to este in, a monastery, —sometimes em’. —nr, 4c,20, n. (—o$) the same. —o€gé, 4c,20,30, . that apartment of a monastery or palace surmounted by a turretted spire. —oor’, 4c,40, . the part of a monastery where the people assemble to worship; the brick or stone steps to a monastery or pagoda. _ — Sor, 4c,3m,20, x. a building where a priest’s corpse is laid in state. —6", 4c,4c, ”. a priest’s cook-house. —0od, 4c,20, ”. the sleeping apartments of pricsts and novitiates. —, 4c,lo, ». the most sacred part of a TONE SHER) where the principal idols are placed. G6, 30, adv. with the body in violent motion, as an ox 64 QS rushing forward and throwing up its heels, —some- times, ngé, 5c,30. 5, 30, v. vide NqQ05, 5c,30. B45, Ac, v. *B5,) to hit, rap with the kunckles. 25, Ac, v. “Da, 4c, to make a revolving motion with the hand, as in reeling thread or in winding it on the hand; to beckon. —2s, 4c,4c, v. to beckon. 2H, 30, v. *BS, 3c, to make a circle or round spot; to stain, spot; 2. a stain, spot. — gEx Aug, 30,10,50,4c, 2. the spots on a peacock’s tail. NE, le, v . *B&, 1c, to labor under absence or confusion of mind ; to be astounded, stupefied through fear or surprise. — 65, 1c,4c, v. to remain stationary on account of be- ing astounded or stupefied through fear or surprise. — 805.008, 1c,4c,4c, v. the same. 91 EZ", 1c,2c,1c,4c, v. to go about in a confused manner. — 312507 1c,2c,lc,4c, v. the same. iD, 1c,1lc, v. to be confused, amazed, astounded, atitpnftBi 26, lo, n. *BE, 1c, the sambre. QE, 30, v. *BE, 3c, to be wide, broad. ie, 4o, v. (ag6€: ) *BE, 4c, to bend into a ring, make circular; to be round; 2. a circle,'ring. — 005007, 40,3¢,2c, v. (@2002) to make a horoscope. . —00}, 40,lc, n. the socket of the eye. —at , 40,40, 2. the circumference of a circle, wde ant qo , 1c, 4c. 205, 20, v. *Bo5, 2c, to remove by strokes towards one’s . Q! 65 self, as a heap of rice; to level the top of a basket, as of rice, with a stick or with the hand; vide 805, 2o. Q#, lo, n. *Baé, 1c, a thunderbolt; an aerolite, —some- times 228, lo. —ro, 10,30, ». the same. 021005, 1o,1c,20, . an aerolite shaped like an axe. " —09, 1o,20, ». an aerolite shaped like a wheel. — — $2, lo,lc, ”. a meteoric stone. 22, lo, n. an axe, vide 091005, 1c,20. Qe, lo, n. a prince, —used only in composition with Jaf , Ic. 2, lo, v. *Paf, le, to separate carefully for replanting as small trees or bulbous roots, planted together, —sometimes 02, lo. 22, 40, n. *Baf&, 4c, exhalation, smoke, —sometimes Qe, 4c, and mf, 4c. —6’, 4o,4c, ”. smoke. —b' 0/5, 40,40,2c, » to smoke. Q', 1c, v. *¢H, 10, to swing, make swing; to throw with a swinging motion of the arm. — 39, I1c,lo, v. to swing the arms, as in walking. —&r0}, 1c,20,4c, v. to swing, as children sitting on a rope both ends of which are suspended to a beam or tree. 2’, 4c, n. *B, 4c, the penis, —sometimes no’, 4c. —co2, 4c,lo, ». the branch of the male palm whence the juice exudes. 4, 4c,3c, v. to have the prepuce turned back. — $3.5, 4c,10,20, ». to have the head of the penis covered. Q', 4o, n. *B, 4c, a buffalo. 6 66 roy 88S, 40,80,40, . a female buffalo with low branch- : ing horns. — ope, 4o 120, n. a kind of wild buffalo. > 30, v. a 3c, to place in a prone position; to invert, P P P place in an inverted position, to place the convex side _ uppermost, as in turning over a basket, —sometimes 3, 30, and ®, 3c. — —Q9"q", 30,30,10,10, adv. first one thing and then. another. wt Rs 4o, sa 4c, a word; specch, language ; a. song, ‘—sometimes 2» 4o. . —6, 40,4¢c, 1. words joined in couplets, as in ornate style. | fe acen a 4o0,4c,40,20, n. the same, : —cy! , 40,3c, v. to be many worded, — used with, 7 29528, 4o,lc. , | —, 40,lc, v. to be loquacious, many worded ; to _be circuitous in speech for some end. —qr, 40,5c, v. to go too far i in. speech, — 85, 40,40, v. to be many worded in speech. —0Q, 40,5c, v. to be unfaithful to one’s word. —oy', 4o,4c, v. to be slow, guarded in speech. —o9’, 4o,4c, v. to speak differently from + We one ought to Speak: when examined. sof 40,4c,2c,5¢, n. (eoloD0q) ec common parlance. —q" , 40,3c, ”. a funeral song. ‘ —e.ng5, 40,2c,5c,3c, n. (emg) an aos, an indisputable proposition. - 4, 3c, v. *8, 3c, to swell, be swelled, bloated. 5, 3c, v. (Laos) to be near. x” 67 40,2. “3, 4o, scissors, pincers, any instrument which takes up things by compressing between its two parts. —6', 4c,4c, n. fire tongs. —cB5, 4c,4m, 7. a blacksmith’s tongs. —q", 4c,4c, . scissors. ww, 4c, n. *0%, 40, a vessel for heating water. - — o€, 4c,4c, n. the same, ges 0”, lo, v. *3, 10, to fasten on lengthwise; to aes close to the side of, support, aid in labor. — 86, 10,40,,n. an appellation given to the son of a Saubwa, because he comes upon the stage of action by the side of his father. .. - a 0, 30, n. *S, 30, the cheek. —G,, 30 2c, v. to be flabby cheeked. i, 40, v. “3, 40, to take hold of, <86, 4c. o The second letter of the Shan Alphabet and the eccond Consonant in the class of gutturals. 2; Se, %. * 5c, to defame, slander. —850'c§S, 5c,3c,5c,3c, v. the same, — 6008, 5c,3c,5c,1m, v. the same. 2S, 4c, v. *OS, 4c, to carve, engrave. 2, 4c, v. to exert one’s self; make continuous efforts (b), —9', Be. —$, 4c,le, v. the same (b). 2, Be, n. *B5, 5e, any thing flat or level, as the succes- sive plateaux on a mountain side, or the thin piece of wood inserted under the strings of a musical instru- ment, as a guitar. —BE, 5c,2c, n. the finger board of a violin. —ay’, 5c,lc, m. a terrace or small plateau on the side of a mountain. 2, 20, n. *B5, 2c, something sticking up sharp, as a small bamboo spike, vide Qv5, 20, infreg. 25, 20, v . *4, 2c, to hawk, raise phlegm. 25, 30, v. *8,5, 3c, to make large, as to size or bulk. rSDS8ABS, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. with a rattling or jing- ling sound. DAD5Q525, 40,40,40,4c, adv. the same, 96, le, v. *Q&, 1c, to put into and shut up, as animals in an enclosure, or men in prison. 96, 3c, n. *8&, 3c, lac, stick-lac, the produce of a small insect deposited on the branches of trees. 2&, lo, n. *8&, 1c, a Kachyen man, a race east and north of Bhamé. 205 69 26, lo, ». *6, 1c, a metallic substance, composed of zinc and iron. 26, lo, v. *8&, 1c, to live apart without being divorced. —c, lo,lo, v. the same. 06, 20, v. *Q§ 2c, to let out, as water confined by a barrier. : "SERBS, 20,1c, 2. (N. S.) bangles. 296, 20,4c, m. a cake, vide 2€¢001, 20, 5c. 2601, 20,2c, int. an exclamation of pity used of persons or animals, as when one meets with accident, or misfortune, —used with AGE , 3¢,30. 9€¢001, 20,5c, n. an eagle, —also applied to the kite by many. 2€¢6001, 20,5c, . small fried cakes made of rice-flour, chillies, meat or fish &c. and presented to elderly per- sons in SFG, 1lo,3c. 26, 30, n. +96, 3c, the side of a body, animate or inanimate. 26, 4o, v. *8&, 4c, to put together side by side. 96, 4o, v. *Q§, 4c, to sigh, moan, groan, growl. 26, 5o, v. *8&, 5c, to catch on something and be retain- ed; to remain suspended as a limb of a treo partially falling, or a bird shot, but not falling. 9695, 50,30, 2 a toad, also 5c,30. 205080), 3c,2c,2c, 7 (ogo) ) velvet, —sometimes 0ABO], 3c,2c,2c. —— 2p; 3c,2c,2c,1c, x. velveteen. oo", 3c,2c,2c,30, n. silk velvet. 205, 4c, v. * 05, 4c, to press apart in order to separate; to be pressed apart; to be sprained; to be contrary, adverse; to weave together as pieces of bamboo. 70 205 -—n, 4c,lc, v to be contrary, opposite, adverse disagreeing. . v. to raise, pry up with a lever. —5, 4c,4c, m a gold pin for keeping the hair in order. — 6, 4c,lo, v. to oppose strongly. —&é, 4c,4c, . a silver pin for keeping the hair in order. ; —0o, 4c,lc, v. to seek a quarrel. —¢00f, 4c,4c, v. to lock, fasten with a lock. — SOTA, 4c,4c,2c, v. to unlock.. ——OD, 4c,5c, v. to threaten, to defy by gesture. —o4, 4c,20, v. to make a clucking sound with the tongue indicative of anger or regret. . — 82, 4c,5c, v. to trill the letter 6 with the tongue. —0}, 4c,40, v. to go against the wind. — a6, 4c,lo, v. to steer, guide a boat, cdg6, 4o,lo. —g6, 4c,lc, m. a pin used to keep the hair in order, vide D055, 4c,4c, and DBF , 4c,4c. —gG,, 4¢,lce, to speak things offensive to another. 205, 4c, v. “S05, 4c, to exert one’s self. —§, 4c,lc, v. the same. : — $6, 4c,40, v. to exert one’s self exceedingly. 205, 20, v. *805, 4c, to rent, to hire by paying for the use of. | 205, 20, v. *8085, 2c, to get rid of expeditiously in selling. 205, 20, v. * 805, 2c, to be cut in two, rent, separated. —o34, 4c, v. to be rent, torn here and there in places. 205, 30, n. *8o5, 3c, to bind together, as the logs of ‘a raft. 205, 30, v. (205, to stamp, ) used in composition. — 2 8oF , 30,5¢,4c, v. to decide the alloy of silver. of 71 — 685, 30,5¢,4o, v. (0002) to decide the quality of alloyed money. 205, 30, v.. (205) *905, 3c, to put into, place in. —9$, 30,2c, v. the same, —0Q, 30,4c, » (092) to put on a hopple or fetter,— also 299, 4c,4c, and 980, 2c, 4c. "905007, 30,2c, 2 (2999) a kind of land lily. 205905, 40,40, adv. witha crunching sound, as a cucum- ber when eaten; with a scratching sound. of, le, n. *S28, 1c, the price of any thing, 01, 3c. —05, 1c,20, ”. the market price, current price. — QF, 1c,30, m. the same. / —v2'n1 028, 1¢,40,3¢,40, 2. price. 228, le, n. * OF , lc, weight, 26265, Be,4e. —co&, 1c,3c, n. weight, quantity of something ascer- tained by the balance. —co0&205, 1¢,3c,4c, v- to be bulky when weighed so as to require a large quantity for counterpoise. —0&895, 1c,3c,30, v. to have an equal weight in the ' balance. 928, 1c, n. *82€, 1c, a ten, 85s}, 4c,3c, used in cal- culations especially referring to money and weight; ten rupees; one tenth of a viss. 2, le, v. *Q28, 1c, to be quick, SB, 4c, O', 4c. —o2, 1e,le; adv. quickly. a2, 1c, v. *82, 1c, to crow, as a cock. 228, 1c, v. to desire, wish,(b), 2, 3c. 928, 2c, v. “B28, 2c, to make a cut continuously around any thing cylindrical, as the branch of a tree; n. a stripe; @. aux. applied to things having alternate stripes, as a ringed snake. 228001, 2¢,2c, m. (39 P. an aggregate, collection,) o 72 of living animal body, as the aggregate of the five clements or attributes of being, 095, 1c. —C120]2, 2c,2c,4c,4c, n. ( Clz0l2) the five con- stituent elements or attributes of a living animal body, vz. goso& 001, 2c,5m,2c,2c, materiality or form; qpooksoaf 007, 20,5c,5m,2¢,2c, susceptibility or sensation ; BESBAdaé 007, 2c,5m,2c,2c, perception ; 20€01 8 Hof 007], 2c,2c,5m,2c,2c, discrimination, including destructibleness and reproductiveness ; BEqp1 28 So 001, 2c,2c,5m,2c,2c, intellect, consci- ousness. 2208, 2c,2c, n. (08) patience, long suffering, coEuGaf 3, 40, 50,20. 22, 3c, v. *B28, 3c, to put a space between, to separate, divide ; to punctuate; . the name of the punctuation mark +. —o’, 3c,lc, n. steps, stairs, 9500’, le,lc. a2, 4c, v. *Ba€, 4c, to be pungent to the taste or smell ; to be sharp, testy, waspish in temper. 22€, 4c, v. * O08 , 4c, to be full of lascivious desire, —vulgar. 22€, lo, n. *82€, 1c, a formation of lime, as a stalactite;. the lime deposited on the teeth; the gravel, calculus; laterite. — 85, lo,3m, ”. an incrustation on the teeth, tartar. 228, lo, n. *28, 1c, to speak, tell. —Q, 1o,4c, v. to tell to. 92¢, lo, v. *82&, 1¢, to be troubled, —used in composition. — BF 8, lo,lc,1c, v. to be distressed, annoyed, harassed in mind, unhappy. — 0, lo,le, v. the same. — or eof, lo,1c,1o,4¢, ». the same. ae 73 oH, 20, v. *Q26 2c, to scratch, make a scratch, ag a thorn or the nails of an animal. a2, 4o, n. *B€ 4c, time, epoch, —used with 86, 26, as S828, 2c,40. — or d289E, 40,30,40,40, n. the era or time of reckon- : ing dates in a country. 228, 4o, n. (sooc5: ) *828, 4c, a section, a division of a writing or any thing. 22", do, v. (0$)*898, 4c, to appoint, commission to. some work or office. \ —o’, 40,5c, v. the same, 22&, 4o, v. (a8 )*328, 4c, to estimate, reckon, calculate the quantity or quality. 22, 5o, v. *B28, 5c, to be lazy, indolent, idle, —in composition used to signify to dislike to do or be., — 248, 50,4m, v. to be tired of hearing, to not care to hear. : —gr, 50,1c, v. to hate to see, to dislike, 26, 4c, v. *8S, 4c, to sing a metrical piece alternately, as a man and a woman, according to Laos custom. — cof, 4c,le, v. the same, 95, 4c, v. *85, 4c, to estimate, count. — hf, 4c,4c, v. to estimate, count money. ; 965, 4c, v. *85, 4c, to compare for the purpass ‘of verifying the genuineness oh any thing, as weights oe measures. tee —0 395, 4c,4o, v. the same. 25, 4c, v v. *85, 4c, to make a ‘alucking- noise with not mouth. _ —o 4c.20, v. the same.’ 2S, 5c, v. *85, 5c, to place one after another.’ °° —2§, 5c,lc, adv. abreast, in a line, side by side, a as pees ple marching abreast. © . 20 s ge ng Were 74 - 6 06, Q0, v. *88,- 2c, to crack open. BS 20. 26, 30, 2. *3S, 3c, the skin which has been shed, as a snake’s or a scorpion’s skin. — AEDS, 30,20,lo, m. a spider’s skin, which it has left in moulting. 2S, vide 5. DQ, 5c,2c, v. to be of use, to amount to. something,—also er —%, 5c,2c,5c,2c, v. the same. Dae, 5c,20, 2. (096) a priest’s water-dipper. —805, 5c,20,30, n. (—08) a priest’s water-dipper or filter. 295, 5c,3c, ». Christ, the name of the Saviour. ——002 5c,3c.20, n. a Christian. 08, 1c, ». *85, 1c, the harness or heddles of a loom. 25, 1c, n. *85, 1c, a horn. —.2§, 1c,lo, », the horns of the sambre. —c6, 1c,50, na goat’s horn. —wv6, 1c,3c, v. to have a.soreness, as a young bullock whose horns are starting out. — 95, 1c,4c, n. the horn of an ox or cow. 205, 1c, pr. they. — 0, 1o,3c, pr. the same (respectful), 05, 2c, *85, 2c, the knee. 25, v. *95, 2c, to shake as a rattle, or to ring a bell by shaking it with the hand. 5, 3c, x. *35, 3c the rice plant; boiled rice, —wn€, 3c,lo, .'a second crop of rice the same year, —nS 3c,20, , corn, maize, 25¢5, 3c, 20. —W} 3c,3c, v, to have a scarcity of rice; to be near fa- mine on account of the failure of the crops. 2 75 == 15, 3c,1c, n. rice gruel. ye, 3c,2c, 2. (Qi) wheat. —92, 3c,3c, 2. supper, evening meal. ——35, 30,30, ”. a thin cake made of rice flour, (26008, 3c,30,) and sometimes containing sesamum seeds, —35, 3c,30, ”. a toasted cake of 2895, 3c,4c. —c¢d, 3c,20, corn, maize, 08.06, 3c,20. —— 666, 3c,20,3c, ”. parched corn. —%, 3¢,80, 2. rice slightly burned and adhering to the pot. —q5, 3c,4c, . holcus millet. — v0, 38c,5¢c, ”. rice that matures rapidly ; the first crops of rice in a year. —o, 3c,30, the hard rice as distinguished from the glutinous rice. —202€',3c,lo, n. husked rice. —86, 3c,lc, ”. a black kind of rice. — 2895, 3c,3m, ”. vermicelli. —2945, 8c,4c, ”. boiled rice or other grain. —BS, 30,20, ”. parched rice. — BoS CL 3c,lo,4c, ”.a kind of cake made of sesamum seed and jaggery. — BS, 3c,lo, n. sweet cake made of glutinous rice and jaggery. ) —-Goof, 3c,2c, ”. short cakes dipped in jaggery. —226, 3c,1m, a kind of glutinous rice. —5, 3c,4c, ”. a preparation of rice made by pounding glutinous rice and putting sesamum seeds into it. —3s, 3c,20, . paddy, unhusked rice. —0d", 3c.lm, ”. small broken rice. —w, 3¢,5c, n. a kind of rice. 76 98. —_ 8, 3c,lc, . wild rice, a kind of plant producing heads like the rice plant, but destitute of any real grain, cod, 5e,3c. — 05, 3c,3c, ma preparation of rice, made fort unripe paddy, hulled by heat and pounded. — 805, 3c,20, m. paste made of rice. —82f, 3c ,5m, #. the turmeric plant or root, 838, 30 5m. —q2t, 3c,4c, n. bread. —aee 85, 8c,4c,40, 2. a cake. , — qf Qq5, 3c,4c,20, 2. small round fried re made of rice and jaggery. —ae 95, 3c,4c,3c, wa fried cal; e. — aoa, 3c,4c 5c, 4c, Ne sugar cake, —are oon’, 8c,4¢,3c,2¢, n. a twisted fried cake. —art og2¢, 3c,4c,4c, na kind of fried rice ealee: —aie o &, 8¢,4c,20, m. small round cakes fried in fat. — 200, 3c,4c,20, ”. soft bread, pudding.: : —are BS, 3c,4c,20, n. blanche mange. —arf 005600}; 3c,4c,40,5c, 2. akind of sweet-bread. —qit 005005, 8c,4c,30,3c, 2. a kind of sweet-bread. 92 08, 3c,4¢;1lo, n. rice flour and Resale A in a bamboo. 92885, 3c,40,4c, 2. dough. ' — qe CPT, 3c,4c,2c, ”. a preparation of efits rice, Teolded in a plantain leaf, — specially used at the Burman New Year for presents. . 86, 3c,lo, ”. paste, gruel, 0886, Bc,lo. ; 2512 3c,2c,5c, n. (0009) a kind of gruel nisi of ri rice. —0d, 3c,lo, 2. einen rice cooked in a. kind of bamboo called, © 08.05, 5c,3¢,1o. Lede Sag bout —c8S, 3c,3c, . chaff after the grinding of paddy. 95 77 —, 30,10, ”. rice that is long in growth; the last crop of the year. —o9, 3c,lo, . rice partially husked as it comes from the hull. — 02, 8c,lo, m a preparation of =e sometimes in- toxicating. —§, 3c,lo, n. vide 0586, Belo. — §é, 3c,30, n. dried boiled rice. —g6, 3c,lc, n. the best of =S that separated by- tossing. —¢ a 3c,lc, n. a fragrant kind of rice. . — mr, 3c,lo, ”. a kind of rice with a kernel red out- side but white within. 25, 3c, v. *85, 8c, to enter, — 01.92", 3c,5c,40, v. ee Me of an age to associate with men. —, 3c,1c, v. to arrive af an understanding of any- thing, to apprehend. — ior, 3c,3c,20, v. to take or enter nigban, to be annihilated. — af cQS, 3c,4c,40, v. to enter a society. —0}7; 8c,40, v. to be contained in; to be involved i in; to accompany. — 6, 3c,lc, v. to assist, help; to Sein Ga reli- gious duties for which priests make booths to live i in, . —o6, 3c,20, v. to obtain, enter into the enjoyment of, as by conquest. ‘ —oo05, 3c,30, v. to perform certain religious duties, particularly when priests gather for the mutual con- . ~” fession of sins, vide aBy6, ‘Bele. | —oLp 3c,2c, v. to enter on the season of lent. 78 3 ——Gy» 3¢,1c, v. to enter the ear, to gain access to the mind; to understand. 05, 4c, n. *95, 4c, a balustrade, railing, — more fre- quently, 95, 4c. 95, 4c, v. *95, 4c, to make good musical sounds. — BE, 4c,1m, v. the same. 26, lo, v *95, lc, to be white, BS, 20. —— 1686; v. to be very white. —co6, 10,20, v. to be white, clear, pure. —cQ2&, 10,3c, v. to be a clear white. —2§, 10,2c, v. to be of a delicate, very pure white. —85A, 1o,20, v. to be white. — 6, lo,lc, v. to be very white. 25, 20, 7”. *95, 2c, news. —o000&, 20,5¢,40, . the same, 05, 30, n. *85, 3c, bars or cross timbers. —g6, 30,5c, n. the bars or cross timbers of a fence. 25, 40, 2. *35, 4c, distance between two places, a stage of a journey, 26026, 40,40,3 a resting place, stop- ping place. —on&, 40,40, x. way, distance. rei 4o,3c, n. a resting place, stopping place. 25, 5o, v *35, 5c, to be middle aged, neither old nor quay 0658, Ic, Bo. 5, 1c, v. *9°, 1c, to stick fast in a passage, to be too large to pass,—more than 0S, 5e.$ to be kept over time at a place through unforeseen circumstances. —s9f, ae ae, v. to stick in the throat. 5, 3c, v. “of 3c, to shut in, as the evening, to grow dark; n. evening. §* — — GA, 3c,3c, n . n. to-morrow evening, i 3. 79 ~—o}]; ee n. last evening, D, 4c, n. *9?, 4c, gold. aa. 4c,40, . pinchbeck. —19, 4c,2c,5c, 2. (98) gold dust. — oJ, 4c,40, a packet of gold leaf. : — 365, 4c,20, n. gilded paper. — 06, 4c,4c, m. a preparation of copper resembling gold leaf. —3&0y, 4c,2c,5c, ». gilded paper, 5036, 4c,20. —&45, 4c,20, . silvered paper. —u EBs, 4c,5c,5c, 2. a kind of very fine soft gold. — 85, 4c,4c, ”. pyrites. — Bf, 4c,5c,5c, a kind of very fine soft gold. 5, lo, n. 0°, 1c, white jujube, 045, 20,1o. 5, 2, v. (5) “0%, 2c, to suffer, endure; to receive, ac- cept. —G.9\cq, 20,4¢,4c, ¥. to receive a favor. — 8S, 20,20, v. to receive a visitor. — 06, 20,40, v. to become a Buddhist priest possessing the five needful qualifications. —C0}, 20,4¢, v- to enjoy. —o0 Aes, 20,30,2c,.v. to bear witness, give testimony. —oo&, 20,20, v. to enter upon a novitiate for the priest- hood. —Bo5ro}, 20,3¢,2c, v. to enter into an agreement, en- gagement. —0o§, 20,4c, v to suffer loss, be defeated, 300693, 20,40, 4c. — E85, 20,40,30, v. to be examined, undergo ex- amination, investigation. _ 80 21 — Eh Gof » 20,40,5¢,30, v. to serve. —o5, 20,20, v. (d)a55 ) to suffer punishment for an offence. “=; 20,4c, v. to receive a support or prop; to be propped up. ", 20, 4c, v. to take part in, keep a festival of any kind. — 8585, 20,3c,3c, v. to receive the rite cf pouring, used at an inauguration service. — § Sojoq, 20,4m,4c,4c, v. to do by the job. — me, 20,5c,5c, v. (=?) to have pleasurable sen- sations. —{§o5, 20,5¢,30, v. to suffer punishment, —maqp, 20,5c.20. v. to inherit. — — 05, 20,1c, v. to suffer, endure; to accept; to enter mg an engagement, be security for. —.n', 20,1o, v. to receive the exhalation, vapor, smoke of any ting: . 3 5, 30, v. "9%, 3c, to step or pass over. Qh 30,2¢, v. to step or pass over, to cross over. —001, 30,3c, v. to cross a ferry. —86, 30,2m, v. to step on, tread upon. | 5, 4o, 2. (N. S.) words, language, ¥2, 40. 5, 40, v. *°, 4c, to remain for a time, sojourn ; to take up a temporary residence. Dp Le, x. *8, 1c, the upper part of the leg, the thigh. — 0, 1c,20, . the bent cross piece of a cross bow to which the string of the bow is attached. 9G 1c,40, ». the spokes of a spinning wheel. —, 1c,4c, . a kind of small tongs. = 68, 1c,50, ¥. to go limpingly from some coi dieetion or soreness of the leg. ' EEE Pes eae 3} 81 mG) 1c,20, v. to be curved, bent as the legs. —<6, le,le, n. the mark of a cross; any frame made of two pieces of wood or other material crossing each other at right angles. D1) 1c, v *8, 1c, to refine, purify, as metal; to sift for gold; to deny food to, deprive of the necessaries of life ; to punish as a prisoner. 2p le, v. to call, (b.),—used with G&, 5e. D1) 2c, 2. *2, 2c, a frame, as a frame suspended over the fire place in native houses, $6, 2m. —08&, 2c,50, ». a frame in the upper part of a house for putting away things. 2], 2c, n (9051) time gs, 30, 8&, 2c. 2126) 2c,5e, n. (2209 P.) the nose, qo, 3c,lc, —v008 0026, 2c,5c,5¢,5¢,5c, x. (—v0003) the faculty of smelling. Dow » 20,40, 7. (dls0§s ) the broad board-band which runs around the outside of the lower edge of a house; also the board which runs around the edge of any raised flooring. | D1) 3¢,2. *8, 3c, the branch of a tree, —smaller than BE, 2¢. M1 3c, 2. *2. 3c, a servant, slave; pr. I, used in ad dressing superiors; v. zart. used after a verb as 4 polite verbal ending. —co5, 3c,3c, pr. I, used in addressing superiors or in conciliating equals. — 08413, 8c,3c,4c, 7. 3 pagoda slave. —{61!, 3¢,40, n. the same. —00, 3c,5c, . the same as 9), Ist def. —10.500, 3¢,30,5¢, 2. (c005q )-a captive. D1) 8c, v. *B, 3c, to comb, as cotton. —AP Bole, v. to comb thread after sizing. 29 82° 84 D1, 3c, v. (Laos) to kill, 025007, 1¢,1o. 21298; 3c,3c, 2. a race of mountain people near Kaing- tung. D1 4c, n . *8, 4c, a kind of grass used for thatch; thatch. — $85, 4c,lm, 2. the grass while growing or before cut ag thatch. —oo!, 4c.lc. n. a kind of grass, imperata cylindrica, —f6é, 4c,30, the grass when dried for thatch. — Ge 4c,lc, ”. lemon grass. — Soy, 4c,5c,lc, the outer thatch along the ridge of the roof. D1:00}!, 4c,4c, v. (2002) to pay court to; to be obsequious. 345, 3c, a. striped, with straight or wavy lines. | 8.H345, 4c,4c, adv. in a loud manner, loudly, with re- peated reports of the voice, applied to laughter, 25, Ic. —3535, 4c,4c,40.40. adv. the same, 84, 20, n. SS, 2c, a traveller, sojourner, emaeet company. —9 028" O72, 20,2¢,2¢,5c, 2. (soon) a visitor, company. 95, 40, ”. the abr us precatorius, the seeds of which are used in weighing, six making a cS, 40, —sometimes, BAagQr#*, 40,2c. : —07&, 4o,lc, . the adenathera pavonina, the seeds of which are also used in weighing. 95, 40, v. 95.4c, to make a hole into, to perforate for any purpose; to engrave, carve. 35, bo, n. *845, be, drift, matter drifting on the water or stranded.. 85, 50, adv. on the elbow,—used with G6, 1c, and agrt, 4c, as SERS 1c,50, to rest on the elbow. ~~ see 8 83 80, 5c,5¢, v. to do suddenly, abruptly, precipitately,—not used alone, vide BENE, 5e,5e. S§, Ic, "6, 1c, the ginger plant, of which there are the following varieties :— BEE, 1c,40, ° 265), 1c,2c, BES, 1,30, BEcg&, 1c,1o. é —§E, Ic,30, n. dried ginger. 86, 2c, n. time, 3, 30, 00, 40, 92, 40, 0100, 2c,5c. —.05, 2c,4c, . the cold season. —2’'02, 2c,2c,1c, n. the time of early cock-crowing. — 0903625, 2c,4c,1c,30, v. to have periodical times of desire for sexual intercourse (of animals). — rf, 2c,lo, ”. the rainy season. — 01g » 2c,lc,1c, n. the time of the year when dogs and other animals desire sexual intercourse. —+v, 2c,3c, m. the hot part of the dry season. -—).0501, 2c,1c,2c,3c, adv. whenever. —gé, 2c,39, ”. the dry season. Q&, 4c, n. *86, 40, an ancestor of the fourth generation; an appellation of respect to aged persons. 8&, 4c, n. *8&, 40, a body, 095, Ic. 96, 4c,lo, v. to be strong, hale in body. 8&, 1m, x. *56, 10, a chopping block. Q&, 2m, n. *06, 20, a frame or stage for any purpose, —o0Eqo5, 2m,20,3c, . a frame erected for offerings in Go6'85.0808, lo,4c,4m. —or'84, 2m,30,3c, ”. a writing stand or table. —8, 2m,lc, 7. a small building erected to Nats. —cofr, 2m,3c,5c, m a water stand. sae — Hood, 2m,3c,4c, 2. (qScoo:) the stage on which a .- puppet is exhibited. ae AV eS 84 8q8 — 6, 2m,3c, ”. a frame for travellers to rest upon, frequent under trees by the road side. — 81) 2m,4c, n. (a3) a frame for sawing timber. —g6, 2m,20, ”. a litter, palanquin. 8, 2m, v. *56, 20, to engage in a contest or rivalry; to resist another as a child resisting a parent who is punishing him; to put side by side, compare. — 5, 2m,4c, v. to engage in battle. —onr, 2m,5c,lc, v. to race horses. — BE nF , 2m,40,1c, v. to race boats. BESE, 2m,20, n. (Y$ZE) large scales. 9&, 3m, v. *5€, 30, to stretch out, make tense, tighten, as a rope; to extend a superficies and make it fast. — BS, 3m,30, v. to stretch a rope or cord. 8, lo, v. *Q5, lc, to be hard, stiff, firm, not pliant, ~ used of something formerly pliable; to be fierce as the sun’s rays. . 8&, 20, n. *8&, 2c, a tax or duty levied; the commission of a broker. 8&, 4o, n. *BS 4c, a large flat woven mat for drying anything upon, as fish or chillies. 88, vide, 805. : 3p, lo, n. “8328, 1c, the arm, —.0, 10,5, v. to be tight sleeved. — 7", lo,3c, v. to be swollen in the arm. — 9, 10,30, 7. the sleeve of a garment. -—2, lo,lc, ”. the flesh of the arm above the elbow. —1§05, 10,30, v. to be large, stout in the arm, 805, 1o, v. “8, 1c, to thwart, hinder, cg, 5o. $835, 20, v. *Qr8, 2c, to. make a continuous cut around anything cylindrical; @. marked by. continuous cuts, striped B08 86 865, Qo, v. “SF » 2c, to be very hot, as the rays of the sun, 808395, 20,203 to be pungent, as tobacco; to have an overpowering, stifling smell as liquor, 828895, 1m,2o. 3895, 30, v. *Qo8 3c, to make a barrier or line; to separate, divide into parts or compartments. * —o!, 30,5c, v. the same, 89, 30, v. to be good,—used in composition, as GEB gES35, 30,1¢,30,30, to be handsome. 898, 4o, v. *Qé, 4c, to be or become better; adv. a particle of comparison indicating more than or better than. —coof, 40,3c, v. part. a polite imperative form, preca- tory,—prefixed to the verb. —0713, 40,4c, v. to be or become better in health, to be pretty well. 805, 5o, v. *3,8, Be, to grow slowly from want of suitable food; to be small in size. 808, 2c. v. *505, 2c, to strike with a light sliding motion, as a match on its box; to draw a ruling line, to draw a line. —o85, 2c,lo, v. to rule any thing, as paper. 305, 3c, v. (Yo5) “005, 3c, to use indirect or artful language or action with the object of injuring another. Bo5, 4c, v. *008, 4c, to raise one end or side up; to stoop, curve the head and body. —q4, 4c,40, v. to raise and stand up, to erect. 805, 2m, n. *505, 20, a frog. —0o05, 2m,20, ”. a very noisy kind of frog. oe —82f, 2m,lc, ”. a species of frog living in trees. —828, 2m,lc, m. the same. — 0, Qm,40, ». tho bull frog. whe eee 86 B3€ 805, 3m, x. “005, 30, a time, epoch, vide D4, 4o. 805, 3m, n. (¢005) a field of labor, state, world; a collection of systems or worlds. — 5018, 3m,lo,4c, 2. (—99:0)s) three kinds of collec- tions of systems or worlds, vz. 701 B85, 2c,5c,3m, consisting of ten thousand systems in which a Buddh may be born or in which the appearance of a Buddh is known; 1201261805, 2c,2c,3m, consisting of a trillion of systems, over which the authority of a Buddh extends; 82000305, 5c,5c,5c,3m, consisting of the infinity of systems, the whole material universe to which the omniscience of Buddh extends. 805, 49, v. *905, 40, to be silent, desolate, as uninhabited jungle. 82€ » Le, Fook , lc, to be hard, difficult in conduct to- wards another, to treat one harshly. —B, 1c,lc, v. to treat or behave harshly towards one; to exert one’s self to accomplish any difficult thing. Bé, 4c, v. (43) *oo®, 4c, to appoint, fix, set. 82 , 1m, v. *oak » lo, to be unfortunate, evil, unlucky. —cS, 1m,30, v. to be in danger of incurring misfortune or evil, if any course of action is pursued, — often used like an interjection. 7 B2& , 2m, v. For , 20, to beat out flat or thin as metal. — So, 2m,4c,40, v. to beat out gold. Br , 4n, v. *o2€, 40, to wind about, encircle. —326¢5, 4m,4m,1c, v. to put on a turban. —vo5, 4m,5c, v. to bind around. —9En8, 4m,1lo,30, ”. the cloth wrapped around the calf of the leg by the Northern Shans. — 65, 4m,lc, m. any ae wound around the head, a turban. SR OO BOE eee 35 87 86, 20, v. *oS, 20, to bind the edge or border of any thing for securing or strengthening the parts; to be _by the side of. 85, 30, v. 05, 80, to be suitable, proper, fitting, o86, 30. — 8S, 30,30, v. the same. 38, 4o, v. 26, 40, to be flat, as a leaf; a. auz. for flat things. —, 40,4c, m. gold leaf. —ca]; 40,4c, n. a string of flat ornaments or coins for the neck, — co, 40,3c, m a leaf of paper. —coof, 40,lc, ”. a Chinese coin. — BR, 40,lc, n. sandals. — oA Gat, 40,20,1c, . a flat stone. —cB4, 40,3c, m a page. —c845, 40,4m, . mail, whether thin plates of iron or network, — 05, 40,2c, ” a brick. 85, vide 2. | 85, 1m, n. 55, lo, a go-between in love matters or in other affairs. —0o05, 1m,3c, ”. a spy. 85, 1m, v. 05, 10, to be green. —cJ, 1m,20, v. to be dark green, —co, 1m,5c, v. to be very dark green. —2§, 1m,2c, v. to be light green. 35, 1m, v. to smell badly, as clothing filled with per. spiration, — used in composition, as S2f 35, 1m,1m 8§, 1m, v. to be black, — used of the hair, as 0349585 2c,40,I1c, (b). i 35, 2m, n. *55, 20, a flat ring.. 88° 3 —6, 2m,5c, 2. the flat ring on a dah handle. 85, 3m, ». “96, 30, the teeth. —S, 3m,20, ”. the end of the double teeth; the wis- dom tooth. 3 — fof , 3m,30, v. to have the toothache. —C}2, 3m,4c, 2. an eye tooth. —9905, 3m,4c, ”. the end of the double teeth. ——©}, 3m,lc, ”. a jagged indent in the edge of any thing, — 8058801, 40,3m,le. — 86, 3m,40, v. to decay, as the teeth. — 9p, 3m,30, 2. to set on edge as the teeth. —a96, 3m,lo, ”. a double tooth. 85, 4m, n. *96, 4o, a sickle. 88, 40, v. to smell rank as fish or flesh, — used in com- position, as Sof 35, 1m,4o. 85, 50, v. *88, 5c, to have a disproportionately small waist. B, 1c, »v. “Os lc, to be concerned, troubled, anxious. —o, 1c,lc, v. to be distressed in mind, B, 1c, v. "Ss lc, to die completely as the bamboo tree on flowering. B, 2c, v. “S13 2c, to ride as a pony; to fizz out as damp gunpowder, 3, 2c. ——500], 2c,30,3c, v to be ferried across a ferry. —c7195, 2c,4c,4c, v. to be a commander of troops. — B8BreF805.g1, 2c,2c,1c,80,2c, v. to canter, vide 8959], 2c,30,2c. — 095, 2c,4c, v. to go to fight. —g5Q) 2c,30,2c, v. to canter. — 809, 2c,30, v. to trots BRS 89 —§5, 2c,40, v. to go in a boat. —n9&ro}, 2c,20,4c, v. tntrans. to swing. 3, 3c, 2. (N.S.) atime, 3, 4c. —0o0', 3c,5c, adv. . soon. — Qo E, 3c,2c,3c, adv. soon. 3, 3c, v. "31 3c, to evacuate the intestines; n. feces, ordure; also, dirt of any sort, B82, 30,1¢, refuse ; matter from the eyes, nose, &c. -— —9},3c,2c, 2. soot. —§, 3c,3m, 7. food which lodges between the teeth when eating. —C}:, 3c,4c, n. the refuse left after the sesamum oil has been expressed from the seed. —C}:09, 3c,4¢,30, 2. this refuse pickled for eating. — Of , 3c,4c, 2. the interest of a debt. —c¥Qé, 3c,4c, ”. wax made by the ground bee or that made by the dammer bee. —001, 3c,lc, #. the dirt of the eyes. — Gof , 3c,20, ». rubbish that collects in the teeth of a harrow. —B&, 3c,3c, 2. beeswax. — Eat , 3c,40,40, ». a freckle. —q5, 3c,3c, 2. the mucous of the nose, snot. — 008 0305, 3c,lo,2c, ”. a meteor, falling star. — 845, 3c,4m, ”. the refuse of iron at a blacksmith’s forge. , —oSA, 3c,30, ”. cholera morbus, violent dysentery, — sometimes cholera. ss —G,, 3c,lc, n. earwax. Bor, 3c,50, v. to be idle, lazy, oo", 5o. - 82S, 3c,50, 2. the temple, vide 886, 30,50. oJ 90 Q& Bod, 3c,lo, v. to sneeze. Boo, 3c,20, v. to cackle as a hen. BROS, 3c,40, v. the same. B08, 3c,2c, v. to be close, niggardly, 08, 2c. B88, 3c,5m, x. the turmeric plant, vide 25828, Se Book, 3¢,30, v. to quail, to fear, 0o2€, 30. BRS, 3c,4c, v. to stumble, vide Bofo5, 3c,4c. B98, 3c,50, v. to hiccough. B, 4c, v. (4: ee 2), 4c, to praise up, exalt, praise. —Coof, 4c,4c, v. the same. BcS, 4c,40, adv. repeatedly, frequently, CSCS, 40,40. 2}, 5c, v. *\, 5c, to rise up and crack open as a potato hill, when the potatoes are grown. §, 4c, v. "i, 4c, to be concave, as ground, — nearly g obsolete, 9585, 4c,4c, adv. quickly, suddenly. 24, Be, ”. *55, 5c, a hollow, valley. —oor®, 5c,40, 2. a spreading valley. 24, 5c, v. to bring to mind, — used in composition, some- times, 4c. — 4, 5c,lc, v. to bring to mind; to be sorry for, repent. —Bov’, Be,lc,8c, v. the same. —o 6, 5c,40, v. to bring to mind, remember. 245055, 5c,5c, adv. uneven from the resistance of some- thing beneath the surface. 95, 5o, 2. *55, 50, a mortar. — 9, 50,4c, ”. the cup of a mortar used for pounding rice. 96, lo, v. *5&, lo, to be perforated, have a hole in it, as adam; tocome out asa small jet of water from a hole in a dam. 2 91 2 * 26, 20, 2. (4) 26, 20, a small support of any kind, —used in composition. — BF, 20,3m, na lathe. — Bo, 20,4m, ”. a candlestick. — 0385, 20,30,3c, m. a writing stand or table. . ©)» 20,1e, n. a landing ‘place on or at the head of a pair of stairs. ; —B4, 20,3c, 2. a study table. 30, 30, v. *o6, 30, to be concave, hollow, sunken as a piece of ground. 6, Ao, n. *H56, 40, the Salwen river, 269, 5c,40. ac, 4o, n. a) c, 40, a mansion, country, as 3 E0008, 40,10,40,40, the twenty bramah countries, —., 40,lo, 7. the world we inhabit, as distinguished from hell and from the nat countries, 2628, 40,4c, n. the viscera, vide E036, 30,5c. a6, 5o, 7. *5&, Bo, a string united at both ends, as a string of beads, 2p; le, v. *) lc, to open, vide QM, 2c. | YP, 2c, v. *o! Qc, the same. 29; lo, n. *! 1o, the earth scratched out of a hole by an animal. 2p; 20, v. (Gy) "S 20, to curve, coil, wind into a ring; ”. a coil. —> 20,4c, n. the coils of a snake. —B2, 20,1c, ”. an anklet. — Br 85, 20,1c,4m, 7. a fetter. _ —2€, 20,40, v. tobe not straight, broken into angles, as a city wall. —.6, 20,5¢, ”. the iron ring around the handle of a large knife. 92 See — sof, 20,3c, ”. a coil of ratan or rope used as a stand for pots and jars. —g§, 20,3c, 2. a hoop. 205, 2c, v. “005, 2c, to scrape, as with a knife; to scratch with the nails; to tear or mar the skin. —Ro, 2c, 4m, v. to strip off the scales. —vo', 2c,40, v. to scratch with the nails, mar the flesh. 908, 3e, v. *505, 3c, to rake. 205, 3c, v. to take and move away faster than the natural pace, — used in composition with, co, 5e, vide coQ05, 5e,3c. 205, 4c, v. “905, 4c, to dig, to delve. -—-BoS, 4c,20, v. to obstruct by digging, as water from going under a house by digging a trench. —, 4c,lc, v. to dig a hole or pit. — 5, 4c,30, v. (05) to dig in search of treasure according to the directions of a kind of writing called a G5, 30. 205, 20, 2. *505, 20, a basket of small size. 908, 4o, v. *505, 4o, to bend; to be bent, curved down. 905, 40,20, v. to bend, curve, coil. 205, 5o, v. *905, 50, to take up or out, as food from a dish, to scoop .out with the hands. Q2¢', le, x. "dae , 1c, a prince, a ruler, a person having official rank. —.22, 1c,lo, n. the same. — QF REE, 1c,10,4¢,40, 2. nobility, persons of rank. — B.5.q)3, 1c,4c,4c, ”. the sovereign of, 021 083&00), . 2c,5c,2¢,2c. —19%, 1c,2c,5c,5c, 2. the prince of death; death. — 0, 1c,lo, ”. a great minister of state. Ve 93 — 30, 2. *oof » 30, asmall insect of the gad fly tribe. —f Sod.cyaé, 30,1¢,1c,2c, ». a variety of the same. — gb, 30,1c,lo, 2. a small mountain insect of the same tribe, whose bite causes either a sore or a blood blister, vide greg S86, 30,I1c,1o. Q2€, 4o, v. *o2€, 40, to mix, to mingle with a spoon or some instrument. Qo, 5o, v. *oaé, 50, to stir up; as rice in a pot; to dis- close, as a secret; with, op€, 5c, to have a rising in the stomach. —0005, 50,30, v. to disclose what was spoken or done previously. 96, 5c, v. *5S, 5c, to kneel with the head: bowed down. —nr’, 5c,40, v. to prostrate one’s self, to prone —5, 5c,2c, 2. to kneel. —«§, 5c,20, v. to bend low on the elbows in a reverent manner; to prostrate one’s self; to be stretched out prostrate. 96, 20, n. *o6, 20, a complete period of time, as a year or any cycle of time; a year. 26, 4o, v. *5S, 40, to bite; to match the part to which a thing is applied; to have an ache or pain, —205, 40,20, v. to bite off. — of, 40,3c, v. to-be in pain throughout the part affected, supposed to be caused by the rising of air in -the body. —cr, 40,30, v. to bite off, as corn from the ear. to snore according to the sounds indicated by the words. 96 95 ‘—C, 40,3c, v. to bite hard, determinedly. —B, 40,2c, % to bite and tear. O56, 40,30, v. to bite and hold as a bull dog. 95, vide is) 25, le, 2. “D1, Ic, some thing for passing over, a bridge, : stairs &c, —oo’, Ic,lc, 2. stairs, a ladder, —00'v6.000j, 1c,1c,2c,5c,2c, 2. the stairs descending directly in front of the house of a prince, which can be used only by himself. . —0oo'o8&, 1c,1c,4c, ”. a spiral or winding staircase ; a kind of creeper. 30, lc, v. "eh 1c, to laugh; to laugh at, make fun of. —BEZE, 1c,1m,40, v. to laugh hard, loud. —BApEB Sov, 1c,4m,5c,4m,3c, v. to laugh so as to exhaust one’s self. ; —09&Q5006, 1c,10,1¢,1o, v to laugh hard, loud, bois- terously. —§6, 1c,20, v. the: same, : —,201095.207055, 1c,3c,40,3c,20, v. the same. 96, 2c, v. (3) "Os 2c, to take refuge in, to trust as @ person. 95, 3c, 2. oF 3c, a cluster or bunch of flowers or fruit. — 5, 3c,2c, . a bunch of flowers, a bouquet, nosegay. 95, 3c, v. "1; 3c, to fry. 25, 3c, v. *D], 3c, to be leprous, 0305, 3c. S6, Ac, ”. "a3 4c, clothes ; goods, property. — 9859", 4c,2c,1m,4c, 2. no other clothes than what are worn. —8 J, 4c,4c, ”. military dress, accoutrements. —2€, 4c,3c, n. clothes, dress. 96 5) —26€260', 4c,3c,4c,lc, n. the same. — 05, 4c,3c,.2. clothing put on to replace old clothing removed ; clothes worn on special occasions. —925o", 4c,3c,4c,30, n. the same. — 88, 4c,4c, tools, instruments, utensils, articles of use. — 8596 0%, 4¢,4c,4c,40, . the same. —c8&, 4c,4m, ”. goods, property. —0oo’, 4,30, ”. vide 969059500", 4c,3c,4c,30. 26, 5e, 7. os 5c, a cluster, as of fruit, infreg. vide 95, 3c. oe lc, 2. "5, 1c, ahole in the ground, a pit, a grave. —oo&86&, 1c,40,40, . a grave. roi Qc, n. 7S. 2c, a plain surrounded by mountains, — sometimes 5c: — 86, 2c,40, n. a plain or district surrounded by moun- tains, a table-land, as most of the principalities in Shanland, S Qe, v. *5, 2c, to look into, as a hole. oa 4c, v. "5, 4c, to ooze out as matter from a sore. “, 4c, v. *5, 4c, to have a relapse of disease, wide GoP'Q, 4c,4c. 2), 5e, n. a plain, vide 2, 2c. 5, lo, v. *5, lo, to be bitter. —05, lo,4c, v- to be very bitter. — 092, 10,2c,2c, v. to be slightly bitter, bitterish. ni 4o, n. *5, 40, the edge of a cutting instrument. —0o5, 40,30, ”. the end of a tattooing iron. — 8065, 40,3c, 2. the edge of a knife. 5, 4o, v. *5, 40, to itch. es 97 2 3c; bn "Si, 3c, to be leprous, 0305, 3c, 25, 3c. Q 3c, v. “9D, 3c, to prepare unused ground for cultivation. moe, 3c,lc, 2. the nose. Q 4c, 2. "D), 4c, a moat. ROP 4c,2c, x. (Laos) a priest of many years’ standing, . —also 20}. cS t,t "D1, 2c, to scratch the earth as a fowl or bird. cS, 2c, v. "Oh, 2c, to rub out; to be rubbed out, can- celled; to pay the cost of an article. cd, 2c, v. "Os 2c, to lift out of its place and move away, as moving a stone by means of the foot or a stick, 6505, 2c,5c,30, 1. (c(§ 28305) the base of a pagoda. 65e}, 2c,2c, %. (coe P.) freedom from evil, Hor : 3c,20. GSS, 2c,2c, n. the same. cd, 5c, v. 7 5c, to put side by side, compare with the purpose of one side out-doing the other; to contend in. rivalry. cS, lo, 1. "Dit Ic, a casting net. es, lo, v. "1s lc, todeliver from or remave a present evil. cS, 20, 2. "oy 2c, a Chinaman. cS, 30, x. “2s 3c, kindling wood of bamboo. | cS, 40, v. part. a verbal particle denoting probability, as co&¢S00', 30,40,10, will probably die. cScS, 40,40, adv. repeatedly, frequently. cd, 50, 2. *5, 5c, aframe for drying any thing, as fish, BE, 4o. - GS, 5o, v. *9, 5c, to go limpingly from some soreness or contraction of the muscles of the leg. 2? 98 - »! 0", lc, n. *3, lc, fat, unctuous animal matter. —96, 1c,4c, ”. beef fat. mie 2c, v. *8, 2c, to lay an egg; 2. an egg. sy. 2c,2c, m. a fowl’s egg. —2, 2c,5c, ”. a bubble. —8O05, 2c,4m, n. a duck’s egg. —cofort, 2c,1c,lc, ». the fruit of a species of cordia, the leaves of which are used for cigars. — 65a, 2c,4c,30, n. the same. —, 2¢,lc, ”. a water plant used for food. —v', 2c,4c, m. a spark of fire; sometimes used of small coals of fire. —orf, 2c,4c, n. vide a’ Gor, 2c,1¢,4c. —82F , 2c,4m, ” a nit. —089 85, 2c,40, 2. the testicles. — G‘, 2c,lc, n. the same. — gor, 2c,lc,4c, m. the smail ungrown bulbs of the potato. 0) 3c, v. *3 3c, to desire, o 3c. —, 3c,1c, v.- to consider. —c§a9§, 3c,lc,40, v. to bring to remembrance, remem- ber, recollect. —oo!, 3c,3c, v. to desire, wish, want. —°1, 3c,3c, v. to signify. 2, 3c, v. *2 3c, to ache. 9’, 3c, v. *B, 3c, to relate, narrate. — 0g, 3¢,5c,2c, v. to tell stories. 2, 3c, v. *3. 3c, to follow closely as the footprints of an animal. -—€Q, 3c,4c, v the same, is 99 3", de, x. *8, de, bodily dirt, filth. —sof, 4c,2c, v. to be very filthy with dirt. —o, dele, n. extreme filth of body. —=ep6, 4c,4c, n. verdigris, — HS, 4c,2c, n. dandruff . — 95, 4c,2c, n. pollen, qoea5, 3c,2c. 2’, Be, adv. of a mottled color, —used of cattle as Qo", 4c, 5c. Fe, 5e,3c, adv. (N.S.) thus much, corte’, 3c,3c. 2’, lo, v. *8, 1c, to sell. — Ba cBS, lo,1m,3c, v. vide 2098, 1o,3c. — 9%", 1o,2c, v. to sell merchandise, traffic. —95, lo,4c, v. the same, — 509", 1o,4c,3c, v. to retail, sell in small quantities, — GA2, 10,4c,3c, v- to sell on credit. — 8, 1o,3c, v. to accuse falsely, to slander. — 9828, 10,30,3c, v. to sell on credit. ; * G0), 1o,30, v. to sell. 2908, 1o,2c, adv. in across-legged position, as a deity, 60.905, 3¢,1o,2c. 9", 40, n. *3, 4c, a swamp, morass, marsh. 2", 4o, v. *2 4c, to pay boot, to pay a balance in favor of a person. — 32, 40,4c, v. the same. 2’, 40, v. *2 4c, to spit out. +’, 5o, v. *8, 5c, to change place, remove. — 210", 50,2c,20,30, v. to change to the side of. — 35, 50,40, » to change place, remove. —q05, 50,3c, v. the same. Lofc, 100 = Cot CO}, 5e, 7. Fy Se, a small basket used for presenting offerings. C21; Be, v. a, 5c, to have an emaciating disease, sup- posed to be caused by the evil influence of the planets, 09 €, 4o. 236, 5e,2m, v7 the same. GD}, 1c, x. Sy lc, a handle with a hooked end. —co&, 1c,50, ”. an iron hook for driving an elephant. —oo*, 1c,lm, 7. the handle of a Shan hoe having a crook in the wood where it is inserted into the iron. —6, 1c,4c, 2 a long pole with a hook at one end kept on a house against a conflagration. —08§, 1c,4m, 2. an iron hook. cof, Qe, tv. "Sl; 2c, to be dirty, filthy as an unwashed dish, vide o'cof, 4c,2c. cofor’, 2c,5¢,2c, n. (go65]0008 ) an immense number. Gof, 3c, n. " 3c, the wrist, ancle. —-Bof, 3c,1c, 7. the ancle, vide COT, 4c,lc, 29 Bo, 3c,le. — 8, 3c,4c, 2. the wrist, vide cof Qs, 4c,4c, 2636, 3c,4c. coy, 3c, n. 3: 3c, a word, words; a line or sentence of words, as in rythmical books; @. aux. used with, words, as QHoweo;f, three words or three sentences. Gof, 4c, n. "2, 4c, the neck. —=/i0, 4c,4c, ». the joint of the neck. — 9, 4c,4c, v. the smaller second storey which often surmounts a kyoung. —005, 4c,4c, v- to have a stiffness of the neck. — 96, 4c,30, ». the collar of a garment. —Brf, 4c,lc, n. the ancle, vide COT Bal, 3c,1c. oC 101 — RE, 4c,lm, n. goitre, —#Ecofnd, 4c,1m,4c,20, ”. the same. —Q, 4c,4c, ”. the same, =) 4c,4c, 2. the wrist, vide cofgs, 3c,4c. —,’ », 4c,lc, %. the upper part of the gullet, Adam’s apple. 0, 2c, n. "5, 2c, an open work basket used to catch fish. 25, Be, v. Oa), 5c, to exceed others, be better dr hand- somer than common, to be extraordinary. — 3455, 5c,5c,3c,3c, adv. in a handsome manner; with suitable furniture, equipage. 7, Be, v. “OWS, 5c, to suffer ill effects from hard labor, or privation, as to have severe illness or be stunted in growth. —o, 5c,lc, v. to be distressed, harassed in mind. Bo 08, 5c,lc,40,1c, v. the same, 35, 80, tv. (305) *o§, 30, to hit, come in contact, strike against. —, 30,1c, v. to get angry, vexed. 3585, 40,40, int. humbug. 36, le, ¥. *5€, 1c, to prepare, make ready, as a house; to try the tones of a musical sasbeanens before playing. — 099, le,4o, v. the same. 36, Ic, *56, 1c, to sift; 7. a sieve. —v!, le,5c, . a wooden sieve. —c84, 1c,4m, ”. an iron sieve. OG, 3c, v. “0&, 3c, to divide or distribute equally, to divide into two equal portions or weights, —used in composition, as Bob 36, 4m,3c.; to be alike; 7. a half. 102 - 308 — 0, 3c,lo, 2. intervening space, middle, midst, cen- tre; prep. in the midst of, between. — 6, 3c,3c, 2. a half. ERE, 5c,5c, adv. with a heavy rumbling sound, as thunder directly overhead. — E06, 5e,5e,5¢,5c, adv. the same. — EE, 5e,5c,5c,5c, adv. the same. * “ : Oc, lo, 2. 2G, lo, knee or waist ornaments of coils of cord or wire. —o6, lo,4c, ”. knee or waist ornaments made of brass wire. — 05, lo,lc, 7. knee or waist ornaments made of ratan blackened. SE, 20, v. (36) *o&, 20, to be firm, strong, durable, ort, , 3c. 36, 30, 7. 906, 30, things, property, what pertains to a person ; materials, articles, implements. — op 6, 30,5¢, %. the viscera, QE of, 4o,4c. — 86, 30,lo, 2. the same as 36. —9, 30,5c, ”. the trappings of a horse. —¢00}), 30,5c, . the trappings of a cart or carriage. 36, 4o, v. (88s) *96, 40, to liken, compare; to touch or hit accidentally as two persons passing one another. 365, 40,20, v. to trust in one’s fortune, luck. 308, 3c, v. *505, 3c, to crush with a grinding motion, to bruise, to grind. — 2,,8e.1e, v. to grind cotton before dressing. —5, 3c,3c, v. to grind paddy ina aq, lo. — 09", 3c,3c, v. to grind the sugar cane. 368, Ac, v. *905, 4c, to reach, come up with, attain to, catch. - fof 103 * Ge, lc, v. “oof, le, to turn back from, as a promise; to go back on itself as a back current in the bend of a river. 90 , lc,4c, v. the same, Poe, Ze, Us *ork, 2c, to smart, to have a pungent smell, S28 ZF , 1m,2c. oe, 8c, v. “O28, 30, to go up, ascend. —, 3c,2c, v. to be proud, overbearing. — 6", 3c,lo, v. to make a bank or dam higher, so as to increase back-water. —0g6, 3c,3c, v. to go up and down in, to experience a change, as from one place of residence or state to another. . —ogEa0€o0q), 3c,3c,2c,5c,2c, v. ( o500¢p P.) to be subject to transmigration, to pass through successive stages of existence. —G{, 3c,lc, v. to begin to reign. So, 8c, v. "O26, 3c, to pain, be painful, gnaw as pain; to have convulsions. fo, 4c, n. *oof, 4c, night. . — GF, 4c,3c, m. to-morrow night. —0}, 4¢,4c, last night. foe , AC, v. *oof, 4c, to repeat, do again; to return. —=QL 4c,2c, v. to go back. —, 4c,4c, v. to have a relapse of disease. —oo"mS, 4c,4c,lc, v. to take again, to take back. —0op6, 4c,2c, v. to retaliate evil for evil. — Sgr, 4c,3¢,20, v. (coon 6 ) to fall away, apostatize. — 12, 4c,4¢, to come back. — 9, 4c,4o, v. to return, to come or go back. 104 38 -—0005, 4¢,30, v to relate, report, narrate. — 86, 4c,4c, v. to return to life, rise again. joe” 239€, 5e,5e, v. to snuggle, hug close. 50, 3c, v. *5 8, 3c, to measure with a span the dis- tance from the end of the thumb to the end of the middle finger; 7. a span. 70, 4c, n. oo 4c, asnare or noose fixed in the ground. 35, Ac, v. *S, 4c, to put a barrier, as of branches or of thorns. 35, 2c, 2. “os 2c, the cross beam on which the plate of a roof is made to rest. 35, Qe, vw "0; 2c, to boil to a pulp, as any solid; to boil a liquid: to the consistency of pulp, as the juice of the sugar-cane. —, 2c,2c, v. (8) to make confectionary. 26, 4c, v. Oily 4c, to hit, come in contact, strike against with a sliding motion; to sharpen, as a knife. 35, Be, v. *5 5c, to be great, large in bulk, size; to be proud, self-important. —o45, 5c,30, v. to be large in size. 35, lo, pv. a dual form, we two, — used only in com- position, 359}. —1 lo,3c, pr. we two. 36, 4o, v. "ol; 4c, to stretch along connectedly; to be connected as a race or lineage; ”. a string (of orna- ments); @ creeper, creeping plant; -race, lineage. —n2o828, 40,40,1lc, m a creeper which remains on the ground. —v., 40,lo, ». the creeping butea. — 885, 40,3m, v. to climb a tree by encircling the trunk, as a vine; ”. the spiral winding of a creeper. 95 105 —5, 40,4c, m. a string of gold beads; a kind of parasite, an air plant. —38, 40,40, adv. repeatedly. —=H6, 4o,lo, ». a string of beads, whether aya or imitation. —BEbF'S, 4o,1o,4c,4c, ». a soyal or princely race. ; 92; 40,30,20, . a kind of edible creeper. —2005, 40,5c,3c, 2. the gourd creeper. —2°, 40,4m, n. the entada creeper. — cof gees, 4o,3c,40,30, ”. race, lineage. — 0408, 40,20,3c, ”. a kind of creeper. —o5G2f, 40,20,1c, 2. a ledge of rocks. —ay’, 4o,lc, ». a ridge or range of mountains. —or, 40,lo, ”. a sweet creeper, wild liquorice. — 805, 40,2c,30, 2. 2 half caste. 24, 2c, n. *35, 20, the inner shell, which encloses the kernel, as in the mango; a coccoon. —@&oo’, 2c,30,30, ”. a silk worm’s coccoon. —, 2c,lc, n. the rind of a ae with the fatty substance beneath it. —oo’, 2c,30, 2. vide g5qEoo", 2c,30,30. ti LS ae ieee, 25, 3c, n. “8,5, 30, an enclosure for keeping animals, —.', 3c,2c, . a hen coop. a . —0, 3c,5c, ”. a stable. — 3c,lc, n. a pigsty. 5, 4c, v *9§, 40, to pry out, dig out, as the tight stopper of a bottle. — SH, 4c, v- *95, 40, to be bent up, crooked. 252 58535, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. with a rattling or jing- ling sound. 25, Bo, v. (60105) *5, ie to fold, turn ‘eck, | 9g shy 106 95 2582585, 5¢,3c,5c,50, v. to be rough, uneven, as a road. 96, 1c, n. *8&, 1o, things, property, goods, what be- longs to a person; the private parts. — SE, 1c,4m, n. the same. 6, 1c, pr. a dual form, both, two persons. ——9, Ic,lc, pr. both, —used only in speaking of two persons, : — 35, 1c,lo, pr. .both, —used only in addressing two ‘persons. i 96, lc, prep. on account of, because of. 26, 2c, v. "36, 20, to be able, clever, accomplished; vide 09, Be. ' 26, 2c, v. part, a particle expressive of intensity, —used with red and yellow, as COE 96, 10,2c, to be very red. 26, 3c, 2. *9&, 30, a large mouthed basket. —? 3c,4c, n. a basket measuring half a 09&, lo. — on, 3c,lo, 2. vide o0&, lo. — 0, 3c,lo, 2. a measuring basket. — 805, 3c,3m, . vide 805, 3m. 2&, 3c, v. “BE, 30, to hit or touch accidentally, with bad results, as to catch one’s foot on a rope and fall. 269, 4c,5c, n. (1&2) something placed upon the head for a burden to rest upon. E096, 4c.4e, nm. (cdlE:co00&:) a bell placed on the back of a burden-bearing animal; the bell shaped part of a pagoda. 2&, 5c, v. “BE, 50, to catch as by a nail, thorn; to be caught or overtaken suddenly by passion; to catch and hold; to be caught and held; to charm asa serpent, as 0995q36, 1o,4c,5c, i.e, his spur catches in the earth and he remains quiet, fascinating his prey.. Qe 107 —205, 5c,20, ». to catch and tear, as on a nail or thorn. 205, 2c, v. "908, 20, to tie in a knot, make a knot. —90'0395, 2c,10,10, v to be tied in a kind of knot, one loop following another. —osd, 2c,5c, v. to be tied in a double knot. ‘ —o0,0", 2c,1c,2c, v. to knot or kink, as thread in sewing. — QP, 2c,40, v. to tie by twisting the thread, withes dc, —g Eae, 2c,1c,40,40, ”. a peculiar knot, so called from the supposed resemblance of the knot to a fly’s head. . 205, Qc, v. * 805, 20, to collect together as scattered fragments. 205, 4c, v. * 808, 4o, to curve up, draw together at the ends as a bow. ; 205805, 5c,50, adv. in an indifferent manner, without diligence. 205205, 5e,5c, adv. in a determined way, determinedly ; doggedly. 205205, 5c,5c, adv. with a scratching, grating, rough sound; used with, Q6 Bf ,40,1c, to make a rough grating sound with the mouth in eating. Qo , le, n. *8.€, lo, a circular flexure in the hair of animals, 228, 1c, 6%’, le. oe » le, n. *Q.8, 10, a kind of fairy or spirit attached to a person from birth. —v’, 1c,30, v- to have this spirit frightened away, so as to make the person ill. —v}3, lc,4c, v. to have this spirit return to a person, denoting return of health. 2, le, . *Q, 10, one of any thing in pairs; @. aux. applied to one of any thing associated in pairs; a measure-equal to two baskets of rice. 108 35 —2], le,le, ». right, as opposed to left. —o0’, 1le,50, . left, as opposed right. got » 2c, 2. *Q.8 , 20, the richness of any thing, —used in composition, as gif 2k, 2c,lc, the richness of the earth or soil, go Gof , 2c,4c, the richness of silver. go, 2c, n. ( 203$ ) *Q38, 20, revenue received by asses- sing property. —&, 2c,lo, n. duty paid at a guard station. —v!, 2c,5c, n. duty paid on timber. gif, 2c, v. *Q€, 20, to be of a reddish color, applied to a kind of cotton, op gee’, 1c,2c. go » 3c, v. *Bo€, 30, to collect, gather together. gre » 4c, v. *Q.8 , 40, to move back and forth, shake, have animal action. Qo gq mty Te *Qo8 », 50, a staff, stick, cudgel. —onS, 5c,5c, . a cane, a walking stick. — 03/5, 5e,2c, ”.a mallet or club. — 035285, 5c,2c,2c, v. a small mallet used by carpenters to pound a, chisel, — 6050, 5e,5c,5c, ” a whip. —85e, 5e,5o,5c, n. the same. — 08, 5c,4m, 2. a hammer. —oo*, 5e,lo, ”. a sharp stick, a goad. —o!, 5c,lo, ». a ratan branch or twig. —§$, 5c,4m, . a long stick to drive with. 26, Qc, n. *QS, 20, the border of any thing. ——0D}, 2c,1c, ”. the arch over the brow of the eye. 25, 3c, v. *36, 80, to be brittle, crackingly brittle, as a ’ dried leaf. 20, 3c, v. *95, 30, to meet, as the two ends of a rope 46 109 encircling any thing; to meet, come together at the ends; to turn a day, month, or year, or any period of time; ”. a circle, ring; a period of time, as a month, year, &c. : — 8§&, 3c,2c, v. to turn a period of time, most commonly a year; to be more than a year old, — 96, 3c,30, v. the same. — Bf » 3c,lc, ”. the ancle. — 8, 3c,4c, ”. the wrist. — ov, 3c,4c, m a period of days, as five days, a week. 29, vide 3. 2, Le, &. iO) lo, to desire to be as some other person; to desire to have something as another has. 2, 3c, *of 30, to die, @, 2c, v *o, 20, to bend over and break, as the stem of a rice plant, when unable to sustain the ripened head of grain. ‘3c, v% *o%, 30, to place in a prone position, opposed to supine, with the convex side uppermost, —also °o Q, de. — 00805, 3c,5¢,3c, v. (20805 ) to invert the rice-pot of a priest, i.e. to refuse to receive offerings from a person, to excommunicate. 5, 30, 2. (2405) *95, 8c, a subject, matter or thing under consideration. q&, 40, 2. (48) *9&, 4c, a Khyen man. a6, 4o, adv. repeatedly, again and again, — placed be- fore the verb. Q&, 5o, o. (@&) “FE, 5c, to calculate in the mind, to estimate, compute. 49, 30, 7. (cq) *96, 3c, a leather having holes, which is used in weaving strips of cloth; a strip of cloth, woven by itself. 110 as 45, 30, v. (qj) *9S, 3c, to insert a flat thing between two surfaces; to place together two flat surfaces. J, 40, (a5:) used in composition. —00), 40,2c, 2. (—9209) to be easy, happy, at rest; 2. ease, happiuess, rest. QU, 4c, 2% (q) eo 4c, to put down, to place ; to make a halt, remain a short time. —@rf'o95, 4c,4e,4c, v. to put at interest. —8591, 4c,30,2c, v. (Bago P.) to depose from the duties and privileges of the priesthood. — oR, 4c,4c, v. (=) to give a reward, do a favor. —on, 4c,5c, v. (008) to encamp, go into quarters. —BA§o02, 4c,3¢,2c, v. (2899$) to make a resolution in regard to one’s conduct, (clerical). —o7 5, 4c,40, v. to put down, degrade from a position. —o, 4c,5c, v. to purge, produce purging. —oy’, 4c,20, v. to place in a lower position; to be humble, lowly in spirit. —2®, 4c,3c, v. to discharge the debt of a person. —0, 4c,lo, v. to stop for rest or refreshment. — 8, 4c,3c, v. to teach, give instruction in reading. =o 4c,5c, v. to put down, place, to throw down. — 009, 4c,5c,4c, v. (20032) to put at interest. —0q], 4c,5¢,2c, v. (s0¢p ) to remove from office. — 0528, 4c,1¢,3c, v. to discharge the debt of a person by taking some of his goods. 415, 3c, v. (qlS) *q4, 3c, to confine, imprison; to control. : —, 3c,lc, v. to restrain the feelings, quiet the mind. — 2600], 3c,5c,3c, v. to fix, make permanent as paint, dye. —c84, 3c,3c, v. to contract in an obligatory writing. —o’, 3c,5c, v. the same as ‘QS. 26 111 CAQS, 2,40, n. (CG aqSs:) fetter. cai, ne n. (cq) "4 2c, the dross of metals, Boyt, c,2c. cQ{, 4c, n. (cq) A 4c, conveyance by stages. Cay, 4c, v. (cq?) ep 4c, to coax, persuade, pacify. —©6, 4c,lo, ». to draw out by questions which assume the thing to be ascertained, to catch with words. cyt, dc, v. (cap) *f, 4c, to smooth; to be of fine texture. — 82 » 4c,3c, v. to be smooth, have a smooth surface. q5,- 3c, v. *25, 30, to do or act on account of being persuaded or receiving flattery. — ot, 30,3c, v. the same. 05, 3c, x. (og05) bismuth. —q05, 3c, v. ( gj05) “oS, 30, to take out of, to free from, deliver, release, —oor > 3C,40, v. (—on§s ) to save continuously, as one person after another during the life of a Buddh. —n6, 3c,lc, v. the same. Gy 2c, v. *6, 2c, to be of use; xv. use, also DQ), 5¢,2c. 94, 20, n. “8,5, 2c, any sharp thing sticking up or out; a pointed bamboo set in any place for a hostile purpose, —sometimes ‘v5, 2o. 2, 30, v. *9.5, 3c, to widen, make wide, broad; to increase, augment; to be broad, wide. —cJ, 30,30, v. the same, 9.5, 5o, 2. ( 3%) *9A, 5c, a measure of capacity equal to half a ¢9, 20. 26, lo, v. *8&, 1c, to place across, make a barrier, place athwart. 26, 20, 2. (203&) the place where any thing is put, or where work is done. 112 Q1 26, 4o, v. *8&, 4c, to set at liberty, release; to be free. —c5, 4o,4c, v. to set at liberty, free. —or , 40,1c, v. the same. 205, 2o, v. *Q05, 2c, to remove by strokes towards one’s self, to level, smooth off the top of a measure. Qf lc, nm. B28, 1c, a circular flexure in the hair of animals. —21 165, 1c,3c,20, ”. marks on a person’s forehead indicative of his destiny, fate, fortune. pH, Ic, n. *Br8, 1c, a kind of spirit, vide Qe, Ic. 228, lo, n. *Qo8, 1c, a thunderbolt, vide Q24, lo. 29: vide 9’, de, v. (32) *8, 4c, todivide, eeparata! to levy; . half a basket a, lo, sometimes 0) 4c. — Of Goof, 4c,4c,2c, v. to levy a direct tax. — v8 4c,4c,4c, v. (063 ) to levy a direct tax. g lo, v. *8, 1c, to turn around, to turn away. 2 008, 1o0,2c, adv. in across legged position, as a deity, also 2'908, and 9905. 2 , 20, v. *B, 2c, to lie in a eptaulig manner helter skelter, like sticks of wood. S, 30, v. *B, 3c, to meet together, form a junction. oT 8, 30,1c,1c, ”. the mark of a cross or any ‘hing Ue odtag @ cross. —&§, 30,30, m. a half, vide SERE, 80,86 —also used of see 2 basket of rice. : » 3c, v. °, 8c, to place in a prone position, convex side appernioth 9, 40, n. vide 2, 40. Qp 1c, m the right side, as opposed to the left, —_ sometimes JQ}; le. nif. ates ce rai 113 2 3c, v. *3, 3c, to desire, want, wish for, 9, 3c. “CO, 3¢,5e, v. to have a disposition to be sullen, angry. at 3c,lc, v. to consider, reflect, 2 *S, 3c,1c. —oo’, 3c,3c, v. to desire, want, 9 ie 3c,3c. ——0°}, 3c,8c, » to mean, signify, 0°07, 3¢,8¢. ORE, 4c,30, adv. (N. 8.) how much? how many ? 2609, 1c,1c. a Im, . "5. lo, a needle. ——0 1, 1m,5c,4c, ”. an oblong eyed needle. —c9, 1m,20, ”. a round eyed needle. —v05, lm 1,20, ”. @ pin. 2°, lo, m *9, lo, a species of reed. 2°, 30, ». “5, 30, to be burnt up; to be burnt or scorched as food in cooking, as 969%, 3c,30, the broken burnt rice adhering to the bottom of the pot. 2°, 30, adv. intensive, —applied to red, as c9&9°, 10,30, to be Tony red. °, 40, 2. *3, 40, dry brushwood, grass, stubble. 2°, 50, v. “5, 50, to be well finished, done with precision. c The third letter of the Shan Alphabet, and the third Consonant of the class of gutturals. C, Be, v. *8; Be, to call, cry, as a buffalo. cc4, 2c,2c, adv. with a quarrelsome noise, —used of dogs, Gof, 4c. cS, 4c, v. *eS, 4c, to bend, make a corner or angle; n. any break in a continuous line, a bend or an angle, —also 5c. cc, 4c,4c, adv. nodding heavily, s, Ic. cv, 5c, v. the same as CJ, 4c. c4, 30, v. *ES, 3c, to open, make gape; to be open, separated; to pull the trigger of a gun, vide c&, 50; m. an opening, a crack. c&cE, 3c,3c, adv. savagely grow ings—tsed of dope when threatening to bite. c&8E, 3c,3c, adv. the same. cé, 2o, v. *Q&, 2c, to be bent in the ome part of the back or waist. c&, 5o, v. *8E, 5c, to open, pull apart; to pull the trigger of a gun; to stretch the string of a bow. cofcr, 1c,lc, adv. moaningly. — Bf B2€ , 1c,1c,1c,lc, adv. the same, c2§, lo, v. *Q€, 1c, to be not castrated. cof, 20, n. *82&, 2c, an alloy of copper in gold, either remaining on account of the gold being imperfectly refined or subsequently put in. cr, 30, v. *Qof , 3c, to bite, bite off, —sometimes 3c. C2’, 40, v. *Qa€, 4c, to have convulsions, Sof co, 1m,4o. c& 115 — 805, 40,4c, v. to be subject to frequent involuntary twitchings of the muscles. —5, dole, v. the same, Sa, 40,3c, v. to have convulsions. catica’, 40,40, adv. exceedingly, — applied to cold, N05, 4c. cx’, 5o, n. “Bo8, Be, poison, G2’, 5o. cd, 20, n. “BS, 2c, a crack, opening or space beneath; gills of a fish; space beneath an overhanging rock. —&o, 20,40,1c, ”. the gills, . cé, 30, v. *8S, 3c, to gasp in the death struggle. cS, vide é. cf, le, v. *86, 1c, to nod through drowsiness; to be of a sad countenance, desponding attitude. —., 1c,5c, v. to hang the head in despondency from some disappointment. —A, 1c,20, v. to hold the head down in close thought. —n292€, 1c,40, v. to hang down the head from ee to nod heavily. — 2, 1c,4c, v. to nod through Reuaiicen cS, 3c, *@5, 3c, bottom, foundation, origen, —the opposite of o', lo, the summit. —2}, 3c,1c, m. the groin. Em BS Gate — 80, 3c,lo, ». the arm below the shoulder. —cdf, 3c,4c, 2. the hollow on each side of ite neck, just above the collar bone. —6, 3c,40, n. bottom, origen, foundation; ado. at first. —cB2é, 3c,5c, 2. the root of the tongue. = - —gE, 3c,lo, n. the root of a tail. bgt cS, 4c, n. *85, 4c, a shadow, shade ; lustre, brightness emitted by a body. . 116 Cc} — 6, 4c,40, v. to emit a great lustre, brightness. cS, 30, v. *85, 3c, tobe not clever, somewhat incapable in mind. —&, 30,30, v. the same. cB, 30, v. *85, 3c, to cry asa cat or tiger. —&§, 30,30, v. the same. c, 40, x. news, —used only in composition as 0305 ogc 8, 2c,20,2c,40, to listen to news. c6, 50, m. the green viper, qsdgES6, 4c pe 30. — GEE, 50,10,30, n. the same. c, 50, v. “85, 5c, to bend down, pull down cide as = tree top. 6, 1c, v. *c%, 1c, to lay hold of, grasp, clinch, —sometimes lo, eae 8, le. o 6, 3c, v ic, 3c, to bite, bite hard, aaa 4o. G, 4c, v. *c®, 4c, to shade by covering, as large plants pvarhanging small ones. » 6, 5c, v. *c®, 5c, to draw in the Ne bebween the teeth. —0o5, 5c,20, v. the same. é, lo, v. vide 6, les ie ne C, 20, v. "C. 2c, to be even, equal, as much as. 6, 30, ». * 0”, , 3c, something ee into two parts, as a tree, “toads a crotch, fork, : rcs — Bees 30,2c,50, ”. the bend at the armpit, «. —}, 30,lc, ”. the pyiaion of the oe between the ‘thighs. ns Selo] brake ot got os, 30,5c,5c, ™. a tripattal taf. , iy, 30,5c, %. a crotch in a tree..' anes GC, 40, v. to be good, excellent, , dors spe cL lc, v. se lc, to aim, aim at; have reference to. Ene 3c,3c, adv. with loud era i oe ges" ae RE 117, —é8, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. the same. Cy, 4c, 2. *2 4c, the sesamum plant. C1, 4c, x. *8 4c, an eye tooth, tusk, fang ; an extended body of man, as a long line of troops; a. aua. cp Sop&cy, 4c,4c,1c,4c. ae 4c,50, ”. an elephant’s tusk. —oo’, 4c »4c, ”. the entrance into a fish trap. art. 4c,4c, n. a body of troops marching in a long line. —5, 4c,lc, x. the projecting root of a lily. —¥, 4c,lc, 2. a boar’s tusk. —goore’, 4c,lc,lc, ”. the solid tusk of a boar used as a charm. c7¢) » 4c,40, 2. (cd) a state wee punishment; the infernal region, hell. —805006, 4c,40,20,30, ”. the eight storeys or divisions of hell. g, Be, v. *c, 5c, to receive money from different persons for a religious purpose, used of priests, CGae, » 5e,4c. BSES, 2c,2c, adv. with a quarrelsome sound, as dogs. R585, 4c,4c, adv. with a distressed sound, as a sick dog. —g594, Ac,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same, RS, 30, v. *cJ§, 30, to project as the middle of the body when bending backwords or anything warped at the sides; to turn up at the sides or edges, Bs, 30. RSBS, 30,30, oe cuttle bone, the dorsal plate of the cuttle fish. © BS, 40, v. *cJ§, 40, to avoid, shan, as a stone thrown. QE, 5c, vw (BS) used in San8E, 20,5¢, Be, to have pleasurable sensations. ae GE, 3m, x. *c€, 30, a fin of a fish ; the barb of a fish h hook. —01, 3m, Je. n. oie 118 =. 8S — 805, 3m,4m, . the barb of a fish hook. —805, 3m,4m, . the same. RE, 3m, ”. a word, —used only with cof, 3c, as AIANSCOF RARE, 20,2c,30,2c,3m. “8 * BE, 30, v. *c, 30, to be inferior, mean, in size, wide oB&, 3m, BEBE, 30,30. RE, 4o, v. *c&, 40, to incline one side, bend one side, as the head, 88, 4o. G5, Ge, *ca€, lo, to look up to, depend upon, —also lo. 25, 30, v. *of, 30, to open partly as a bud, to open, vide 8, 8c. Gq §; 4o, v. Fook, 40, to squeeze, compress, clench, throttle. —Gdf, 40,4c, v. to clench the throat, throttle. G5, 4o, v. (g005:) to hurt, injure, oppress, distress. —c¢o5, 40,40, v. (—) to hurt, injure. LqS2q5, 40,40, adv. exceedingly,—applied to cold, y205 Gq58q5, 4c,40,40. BaF Boe, Ic,1c, adv. moaningly, vide c€c2€, 1c,le.. CofBa€, 4c,4c, adv. exceed =eepeee to cold, 005 of Ro, 4c,4c,4c. Q.8, 4m, v. *caf, 4c, to hear, vide ais Ac. — 8 0005, 4m,30,30, v. to be informed, receive in- formation, intelligence. - | —62€, 4m,lo, v. to be melted with sympathy, have grief for others. BS ASS f go, 4m,3c, v to send information by writing or otherwise. ‘ G5 119 38, 3c, ». “cd, 3c, to compress between two, as a pair of tongs. BS, 5o, 7”. *c8, BO, the side of a body. RS vide cf. 8, lo, v. *8S, Ic, to fear, 8, lc. 8S, 40, n. *88, 4c, a small shrimp. g, 2c, v. (8) * C1, 2c, to be even, equal, to accord, act in concert, vide 38, 2c. Gs, 4c, v. *cv5, 4c, to be so bent as to have a projection. GG JD, 4c,4c, adv. noddingly, as c8q.5q5, 1c,4c,4c, to nod Heavilys a6, 4o, n. *c&, 40, a sprout from a seed; a proboscis. — 96, 40,3c, 2. a gunstock. — 9006, 40,3c,lc, ”. the ridge of the nose. —cor, 4o,lo, . the large sprout from the seed of the palm tree, containing both the embryo root and tree, wde gScowt » 30,lo. —EPIB; 40,20,1c, ». the sprouts of the cotton seed, —an article of food. gos, 5o, v. *c0S, 50, to be bent crooked; . a range or anes of any thing as mountains. —o’ » 50,lc, n. the same as 2nd def. grfqaé, 1c,1c, adv. moaningly, vide crfcr&, Lele. - of, 4c, ». the end of the spinal column in man; the root of the tail in animals. —g6&, 4c,lo, ”. the root of a tail. - qa’, 5o, 2. Fook , 50, poison (what may be swallowed ). 96, Qc, v. *cS, 2c, to be bent and partially broken, but not broken off; to be emaciated from age or disease, vide 98, 2c. gS, 50, % *cS, 50, to cover. 120 q qs, vide g. 96, 4c, n. "Bi 40, an ox or cow, vide 9, 4c. Gq) 3¢,3c, adv. with a groaning or snarling noise in eating, ——Ge{, 4c. G 4c, v. *6, 4c, to feel, feel of with the hand or hands bent in a cup shape; to feel after as for fish in the water, —also, 40. q 4c, v. to screen, or to be screened from view, —used in composition, as BooSe34, 3c,5c,3c,4c. G, Be, v *6, 5c, to be fallen in as the lips over toothless jaws. G) 30, v. *&, 30, to hold.the head down, to stoop, to curve head and body. G) 40, v aie q, 4c. q 4c, 1. "Cs 4c, a snake, serpent. — oof 96, 4c,3¢,2c, 2 the yellow belted bungarus, — 8, 4c,lm, ”. a common green snake. — 88986, 4c,1m,lo,lo, ”. the green viper, also g3s GESE, 4c,1m,1o,30. — 8593S, 4c,1m,1o 30, the same, vide COgESE, 50, 10,30. » 8 ee Qs 4c,5c, 3c, n @ kind of whip snake. cq &ar6, 4c,lo,lo, % a large cendly serpent which aie in the Shan States. _ a i — Qf, 4c,4c, 2. the blind worm. —90}, 4c,lce, . a large brownish venomous snake. —B2, 4c,1c, 2. the rat snake, 3 —oo'n, 4c,lo,20, n. a long slender and somewhat venomous striped snake, - - ' —o0' Bf, 4c,10,3c, ”. the buff ee ean: — 36, 4c,4c, m. a viper. .,. co ahs GE 121 —’, 4e,4c, the fiery serpent. — $6, 4c,lo, ”. the python, a boa constrictor. — 5, 4c,2c, n. the cobra. — 505, 4c,2c,20, m the hamadryad. — Saf, 4c,2c,20, ”. a kind of cobra. _— G5, 4c,2c,3c, n. the same, — 0626, 4c,80,5c, ”. a kind of water snake, harmless. cé, 3c, w Ci, 3c, to be not level, i, e. one side higher than the other, to have one side depressed lower than the other, as a boat in the water, also Gq, 3c. cc. 30, v. "Sh 3c, to be tame, civilized, cultivated, Bt , 2m. ; ec, lo, v. *e, Ic, to place the bottom upwards, — with o06, 1c, to turn the back on a person or thing. ec’, 30, v. *e, 3c, to be easy. . c, 4o, v. *e, 4c, to be like, similar. GC}, 5c, v. *c, 5c, to sink down from weakness, be unable to walk. —c6, 5c,50, v. the same. ccf, 4c, v. "C); 4c, to be wrinkled, drawn up as the skin, curled as the hair; to be sullen. as, 4c, v.. "cS, 4c, to be not clever, dull, difficult of apprehension. —c§, 4c,4c, v- the same. es, 4c, adv. *cS, 4c, shaking or rolling in a slow manner, as a boulder slightly moving when pushed by a person. os —c4, 4c,4c, adv. the same. aS, 30, n. *cv5, 30, an alligator, crocodile, g&, 4o, v. to lean, be inclined, —used with, BE, 4o, as REE, 40,40. o€ 122 g as, 5o, vu» “C&, 50, to avoid, to shun, vide B45, 4o. —c6, 50,30, v. to go and keep out of the way. Go, 8c, v. *coS, 3c, to crush with a grinding motion, —less than, 308, 30. Gof , 4c, n. *cof, 4c, silver. — 56, 4c,2c, n. a kind of silver, very pure. —c¢o5, dele, m a forfeit, fine. — BE, 4c,20, 2. (96) a very pure kind of silver. —¢orf, 4c,2c, ”. money raised by direct taxation. —261 024, 4c,3c,30, ”. a tax imposed on a whole village collectively. —, 4c,lc, n. silver in shallow cakes as it comes from the ore; silver with alloy. —Coof, 4c,2c, . a forfeit, a fine. —.2¢", 40,40, 2. (2o§s) change, money paid back as a balance. G2fB5, 10,20, adv. very, with a, Ic, as 2968 88.5, 1c,1o0,20, to be very tall, —applied to men. Ga, 30, *co€, 30, the ends or tags of any thing as of a string after tying a knot, traces, vestiges; race, descent, —used with 35, 40. gS, 4c, v. *cS, 4c, to over hang as a rock, or bank; . the space beneath an overhanging rock &c, —also 5c, and 20. gS, 4c, *é, 4c, to overhang and shade, —also 5c, and 5o. 86, 30, v. “Cj, 3c, to be not clever in mind, somewhat incapable, vide c, 30. —c6, 30,1c, v. to have a dejected, downcast countenance. —c, 30,30, v. the same as 88, 30. —cGaf, 30,30, ». the same as Ist def. G, 5c, v “e. 5c, to call, cry as a buffalo, —also, C, 5c. § 123 g5, 3c, v. *cS, 3c, to raise the head as a serpent or a man from sleep, . g4, do, a “es, 4c, to bend, 1. a bend, a joint. —85, 4c,4o, v. to rock, sway back and forth, as any- thing shaken; to rock as a boat, to be wavy as in stripes. “G0, 4c,2c,'”. the elbow. —v!, 4c,5c, ”. the bend in the branches and twigs of trees. 35, oC, Us *oS, 5c, to be crooked, not straight. grofgaé, 1c,lc, adv. moaningly, vide cr€cr, 1c,1c. gx’, 3c, n. vide G2, Be. got gat’, 4c,4c, adv. exceedingly, applied to cold, as HOdgX#" got , 4c,4c,4c. gx’, 5e, 22. of, 5c, the end of a thing which termin- ates abruptly. —oo’, 5c,lc, 7. the end of the plough handle to which the share is fastened, infreg. 3c. (b.) —ay’, 5c,lc, . the end of a mountain range. gS, 3c, v. *cO, 3c, to exert one’s self deligently to do early, as ot gdvoyeo*o, 4c,3c,4c,1m,5c, to exert one’s self from the earliest moment to do a thing, vide a6, 3c. g6, 4c, v. vide a6, Ac. G, 2c, v *6, 2c, to be bent or fallen in, as the back, vide cE, 20. G, le, v *6, 1c, to crouch as from fear of being seen, G, 4c, v *6, 4c, to set as a fowl, to incubate. g Be, v. *6, 5c, to bend towards each other as two branches of a tree; to be bent or drawn inwards, 124 c? S 8c, 2. “8, 8c, sediment, mud or mire, as in the bed or on the bank of a river. co, dc, ». “6, 4c, to be extinguished; to be appeased, quieted, settled, vide, oe , 4m. of, lo, v. io lc, to take at the expense of another from niggardly motives; to pick and eat when there is only a small quantity for several persons. — Bf , lo,lc, v. the same. ce. ,. 30, 2. te 3c, a crotch, division into two; v. to be divided into two. co The fourth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the first Consonant in the class of palatals. co, 5c, v *8, 5c, to begin, be first, — sometimes used for QS as a plural sign, as O5cowe¢, for BcGSrr. 05, 5c,3c, 2 a kind of grass producing heads like _ the rice plant, but destitute of any real grain, vide 288, 3c,1c. —co*, 5c,lm, v. part. from the begining of. — $05, 5c,4m, v. to begin, he first to do, CO, 5c, v. *08, 5c, to be bad; (b.) to be bad in health, (used only in the negative, C0, to be well); to be bad in disposition; to be angry. ——c805, 5c,4m, v. to be of a bad disposition; to be ‘angry. CO, 5c, v. *8, 5c, to place together so as to have the sides touch ; to cover. 70.§.00005, 3¢,3¢,30, 7. (20630005) woolen cloth; broad cloth. . CODA) 3c,5c, n. vide CODA, 3c,4c. ocoSv6, 3c,5c,5c,4c,4c, 2. vide coq), 3c,4c. 0001; 3c,5c,5c,2c, 2. ( o@30¢9) a world system that comprises celestial, terrestrial, and infernal regions which surround a central Myenmo mountain ; @ universe. coq], 3c,4c, m the Sekyah prince, the prince of a world system. coro}, 3¢,2c, % along, triangular, paper flag, Oo oc8, 4c,3c. . 126 co& cod, 4c, v. *c8.5, 4c, to know well, —always combined with, G, 5c, as goods, 5c,4c, to know well. co, 4c, v. *85, 4c, to divide into several parts or many parts. —82, 4c,4c, % to split wood. CoH 6, 4c,40,5c, 2. the praying mantis, SE.n2€€, 4o,40,5c. co.80'267, 4c,2c,4c, . a field cricket. codeo1, 4c,5c, ”. a kind of cricket, BEcgeé, 4o,4c. COSCO}, 4c,3c, 2. the cicada. Karen tare cDs 4c,2c,4c,3c, n. the same. (b.) coSecS8Eoo!, 4c,10,40,4c, n. a small cicada. cos c3q5, 4c,lo, n. a grasshopper. coARS, 4c,4m, n. a tick, —also OQAGS, 4c,4m. cos, Be, v. *BS, 5c, to pull by jerks, to jerk. — 05, 5c,3c, v. to snatch and run. —88, 5c,30, v. to jerk, to twitch, twitch away. cod, 20, 2. *85, 2c, chips, ©0), 2c. cod, 80, 2. (005) *o8A, 3c, a wheel, any thing turning on an axis; a thunderbolt; a kind of charm made circular and buried in the flesh; a target. . — 1 Br coOk G3, 30,2c,1c,3c,4c, . the so called foot-. print of Gaudama. ae 30,1c, ». a fabulous celestial weapon. —6', 30,4c, ”. a wheel rocket. — 96, 30,4c, ”. a circle set up for a marksman, a target. — 938, 30,2c,2c, 7. (qpc8008 ) the Zodiac. cocn{con, 5c,2c,5c,5c, adv. ( ocar2000 ) not fit for either this or that, incomplete. 00, 2c, v. ae denoting the present time; with 005, be, cof 127 denotes something now completely past, —sometimes, only, even. i 2c,5c, adv. now. — G2, 2c,3c, adv. now, immediately. co€o0€, 2¢,2c, adv. with a murmuring confused sound, as of a crowd of people, Gof, 4c. co€, 3c, v *86, 3c, to weigh. — 36, 3c,40, v. to make equal in weight, counterpoise. —§5, 3c,3c, v. to weigh. c0&,. 4c, v. *8&, 4c, to hate. CoEGE, 4c,4c, adv. exceedingly, — applied to. red, as BEro&g&, 1o,4c,4c. co, lo, v. * 86, lc, to become weakened, as flavor, to be insipid ; to lose one’s liking for another. —ccScS, 1o,50,50, v.. to be insipid, tasteless, as dam- aged salt. . — C016}, 1o,5c,5c, v. the same, — 8885, 10,50,50, v. the same. co&, 20, v. *c8E, 2c, to be cleared from dirt, to be pure. co&, 30, v. to be able to do, can, denoting natural ability ; to be accustomed to, skilled in. —3, 30,4c, ”. a jeweller, goldsmith. —82¢, 30,2m, ”. a workman who beats metals into form. —82c0S, 30,1m,50, int. ah!, algol. — 8h, 30,4m, ”. a blacksmith. co 6, 30, v- * 86, 3c, to hire; gretco€, 40,30, a hired man. co, 40, (opps) *o8&, 4c, a Buddhist priest proficient in the ‘five requisite qualifications, but inferior in: rank to a cohgee, 3c,1le. co&, 5o, n. *-B6, 5c, an elephant, . 128 005 —99, 50,30, ”. an insect which infests the core of the plantain-tree. —c 7086, 50,4c,lm, ”. an elephant with only one tusk. —§, 50,2c, 2. a kind of small green beetle, so called from the resemblance of its mouth to that of an elephant. —o8, 50,4c, 2. a full grown elephant without tusks. —o’, 50,40, ”. a decoy elephant. —6of, 50,3c, 2. a male elephant. —cS, 50,30, . a female elephant. —cSo’, 50,30,40, a female elephant employed to bring in wild ones. ©0050], de,2c, n. (@2009 ) he time and circumstances of one’s birth. —c¢So01, 8c,2c,2c,2c, 2. (C0020) vide C0050}, 3¢,2c. coos, 4c, v. * 0805, 4c, to number, estimate, calculate. coo, 5c, v. *c805, 5c, to be slightly cracked as a vessel though not enough to prevent its use, — less than 035, 2o. C005, 20, v. *805, 2c, to scatter, throw about, to sow seed. coos’, 20,4c, ”. the hog deer. ' ©005, 30, n. *c8o5, 3c, a state of existance of which there are three. —2£1, 30,3c, n. the future state. —2] 028 SF, 30,3c,l0,4c, n. the same. — me Bo, 30,20,5¢,5c, 7. (230) the last age or state of existence. 005, 80, x. (@005) * 805, ‘3c, race, caste ; an account of one of the different existences of Buddh. There are 550 zats giving accounts of different existences of \ cow? 129 Gaudama, of which ten are more celebrated than the rest; a dramatic exhibition. 7003 Soo, 5c,50,5c, a. (©0999) the fourth. ©00Q907, 5c,5c,5c,2c, x. (00309 P.) four articles, which a priest is permitted to eat after noon, viz. oil, honey molasses and butter. s cooqeg 785, 5c,5c,5c,2c,3m, 2. (009909098) the first nat country situated around the lower part of the Myenmo mountain. coconfe5, 5c,2c,40, 7. (o08¢005as) a king’s cook, - —also coofes, 2c,40. 0 cor, Ic, v. * af, 1c, to pull, draw. — 0365, 1c,5c, v. the same, co2€'00), 2c,2c, 2. ( 2030 ) coral. cow O21, 2c,2c, n. (039 P.) the moon, Bf, lo. coo, 4c, v. *c8a8, 4c, to be steep precipitous; ”. a hillside declivity, slope, ©Q "cor, 1e,4c. cor, 4c, v. to have a fixed, staring gaze, as the eyes of the dead, (b.). coy, 4c,4c, n (0302?) a trac with a fragrant wood, (not sandal wood) found in the Shan States of which there are two varieties, coxa, 4c, 4c,lo, and coaf. gape, 4c,4c,2c. qo, 4c,4c,5c,20, ”. a kind of fabulons wood. ‘ co, 5e, 2 *(2€, 5c, a layer; a division of the universe, as nigban, the nat countries; a place or location, as coz RP 5c,20, a valley, a. aux. applied to things in layers, as ogEcor, 1c,5c, two layers.-- cor’, 5c, v. *82f, 5c, to ne & very sore oe on the foot caused by travel. . : Bey —rf, 5c,40, v. to have a cae sore on the bottom of the foot. erg fs BO eas ov 130 coS — 86, 5c,30, ¥. to have a calloused place. cor’, lo, v. (208) * Bal, Ic, to put a liquid on an article of food, as curry on rice. coo, lo, v. to be mixed up, in confusion, —oor, 1o,40, v. the same. — 0028 82F 0828, lo,40,1c,4c, v. the same. cor, lo, adv. present time, now. —Goo{, lo,3c, adv. the same. —corf 88, lo,3c,lm, adv. the same. cor > 30, 2. * Sol , 3c; a long narrow bag worn around the waist. cor, 30, ». * 82 , 3c, to be disgusted with, dis- contented, to dislike. . cor, 40, 2. * Bal » 4c, a floor extended beyond the roof of a house. cof, 40, . south, oo&c02, 40,40, oycooe’, 3c,40, Oo Toor, lo,4o. cor 5, 5c,5c,30, n. (@398) a village, a hamlet, 026°, 30. coca, 5c,2c, 2. (ocs) the planet Saturn; Saturday. 00S, 4c, v. (05) *086, 4c, to join, connect; to stick fast to, cleave to, cling to; to hit (a mark); to ignite, kindle as with fire ; to light as a bird on a tree; to have an appetite for, lust after. - — oy’ , 4c,4c, v. (—) to long for, hanker after. —Q, 4c,4c, v. to adhere to, follow. ' —on&82, 4c,40,1m, v. to catch a disease. —6’, 4c,4c, v. to catch with fire, ignite; to be ignited. coS, 20, v. *86, 2c, to bite at, snatch in Sang as a dog or fish. — Bf , 20,1c, v. the same, cogt 131 co, 80, ». (0S) *85, 3c, to be connected with, per- tain to, related to; to be related in race, descent. — fco36, 30,50,30,40, ¥% to be related, connected in race, ae —) soap of any kind. oO 3c,2c,40, ” natron, carbonate of soda. 2088EqOr, 5e,2e,5e,5e, 2. (903ER P.) vide 208Eq200, 5c,2c,5c, 5c. 208, 4c, v. *88, 4c, to thrust at, in, or through. — $05, 4c,30, v. to extract blood by a punctare of any kind. 33 170 : 208 208001, 4c,4c, v. to be mildewed, mouldy. 200’, 4c,20, v. (208 00S) to be handsome, well dressed,— applied to idols, priests, vide 900!, 5c, 20. o0So, 5c,5c, a. (209 D.) all. 206, 20, 2. *86, 2c, a smell, scent, pleasant or un- pleasant. 208, 20, 2. *8S, 2c, the space near, border, vicinity, as 00686, .20,4m, by the city. 208006, 30,30, adv. with a pricking, painful sensation, as something in the eye. BSS, 30,30,3¢,3¢, adv. the same, used with n', 4o. —_— 8688, 30,30,30,30, adv. the same. 295036, 30,30,3¢,3c, adv. the same. 908, 5c,5c, ». the outside unsubstantial part of any thing as the bark of a tree distinguished from the wood. 208&q9 00, 5c,2c,5c,5c, 2. vade 2068Eq900, 3c,2c,5c,5c. 20805, 5c,3c, 2. (00805) the large vessel in which a Buddhist priest receives his offerings. 95, 5c,3c,3¢, 2. (—ey05) that part of a pagoda which resembles an inverted priest’s vessel. 900", 5e,20, v. vide o080', 4c,20. coc, 5e,2c, 2. (20e@) the eugenia tree. o0cubf, 5c,4c, 2. ( 00¢099 ) nature, character ; disposi- tion, bent or tendency of mind; tenor, meaning. 05, 5c,4c,50, v. to be deceitful, dishonest. —— oJ, 5c,4c,3c, v. to be of an upright, good disposition. <=. 5c,4c,lc, v. to be of a good disposition. — 4", 5c,4c,50, v. to be of a bad disposition. 208, vide 98. 90945 171 990}, 5c,2c, #. a kind of ulcerous sore, generally con- fined. to the back. 000708, 5e,2c,5e, # (20008 P.) constancy in good sen- timents or a good cause. 0086, 5e,40, 2. (208&:) the history of a pagoda. ; 209 Seddooug2, 5e,30,2c,5c,5¢,20, 2. vide Ogr'05078 5e,20,1o,4e. D093, 5c,5c,5¢, 2. ( 20g) one kind of royal umbrella. 29g Boo, 5c,5c,5¢,5e, 2. (2049009 ) one of the four laws or systems of truth. 209 Ea0v6€, 5¢,1c,5c,1c, adv. toa small degree, —applied to light, as 8E003 Ea006, 4o0,5c,lc,5c,lce, to be a little light. 208, 5c,3c, m. the small opening or soft spot in an infant’s cranium. 90051800, 5c,2c,2c,5c, 2. (2003q00 P.) intuitive wisdom, Doqaa¢ , be, he,2o0,, 22. ( c0q.098 ) a kind of wood, fabulous. 00995, 5c,5c,20, v. ( 20¢,g208 ) to repeat, rehearse from the sacred books. 20247, 5c,5c,2c, 2. ( 20q,00 P.) an act of worship, a formula of worship. HE, 5c,5c,2c,2c, n. ( ship, especially applied to the three formule with which Buddhist priests begin worship, viz, 93 soqadags3, I worship the deity ; egoogadogo8, I worship the law ; -08e300q 030998, I worship the priesthood. OQ, 5c,5c,2c, 2. ( 2044 ) a crown, a royal crown. 20808, 5c,30, v. to play the lady’s man, to play the beau. 2086, 5c,3c, 2. phlegm, vide co§8, 5c,3c, MEDS, 50,20. 2094, 5e,2c, m. (9095 form ) meaning, signification, drift. Q P.) a formula of wor- 172 : 208 20905, 5e,3c, v to slide down, vide 00905, 5e,3c. 209), 5c, 4c, n. (200934: } a mixture of powdered bone and blaek varnish used ay putty and in making ornamental work. 2064, 5e,2c, x. ( 20069} character, reputation. OQ, 5¢,2c,5c, v. to lose reputation. 206qf, 5c,3c, 0. to slide or slip along, as s0cq [oz 5, 5c,3c,40, to fall with a sliding motion, vide socoof, 5¢,3¢. S0Cq1, 5c,5c, 0 to be light unsteady in behavior; to speak or act without regard to the feelings of others; to ridicule, make sport of, vide 20600}, 5c,5e, sometimes S0Ce¥, 5c,2c. ooc§, 5c,5¢,5c,50, » the same. 20905, 5c,3c, v. to slide down, wde 20905, 5c, 3c. 200805, 5¢,30, v. to slide or slip down. 20098, 5c,3c, © to slide or slip along as a ohne, , 20,4m. 206007, 5c,5c, v. vide D0CQ), 5c,5c- 208, Ic, 2. *388, Ic, a post, a column. —Boseof, Ic,lo,4c, ”- gallows, coABoseof, 4c,lo,4c. ——§, 1c,2c, x. the posts of a loom. — gf co, 1c,4c,20, n. posts in the main part of a house. — 2, 1c,2c, n. a pedestal. — 6, 1c,2c, n. the middle posts of a building. — 38, Ic,2c, x. a short post supporting some beam or timber. — 36.88, 1c,40,3m, ”. timber spirally indented by the winding of a creeper. . — 5926. » Ic,4c,2c, n. a sacred flagstaff. —o2€6oS, 1c,40,40, 2. (S§23:) the central pillar of a pagoda. 35 173 —8.5, 1c,2c, m. one of the side posts of a house. —Q5, lo,4c, m a short prop under a floor. SEE, 1c,40,2c, ”. the upright supporters of a bier. —0o, 1c,4c, n. 2 post set up for a mark. 001507205, 1c,4c,4c,30, 2. (0008012028) a cross, — Evo, 1c,40,40, 2. a mast. —05, 1c,20, n. a flagstaff. —o, Ic,lo, n. a large post; a post which supports the ridge of a roof. 208, 2c, n. *85, 2c, a bellows. — 35, 2c,4m, ”. a furnace for melting iron. 208, 2c, v. *85, 2c, to pant, be out of breath. 20896, 2c,2c, adv. with an old, faded appearance. 208, 3c, v. *o85, 3c, to be faded as to color or bright- ness; to be soiled, dirty. 205, 4c, 2. *88, 4c, to tarry, wait, wait for ; to dwell. 20, lo, v. *<85, 1c, to be young and unmarried, —applied to females; 7. a young unmarried woman, —n¥ PI); 10,2c,2c, ”. a maid, a virgin. —cS), 1o,20, . an old maid. —05, 1lo,40, ”. a girl not yet arrived at a marriage- able age. — R24" , 10,2c, n. a female just arriving at pubescence. 005, 40, a. twenty. 900¥5007, 5c,30,20, 2. ( @ooSo02 ) muriate of ammonia, sal-ammoniac. 2099 095, 5c,20,4c, 2. (s0c00{s) the vowel symbol (¢). og Bop126 5c, 5c,5c,2¢,5¢,5c, 2. ( 00008 202c100 ) an animate substance. 05, Ic, v *od’, 1c, to pierce, penetrate, in actu coitus. 25, 2c, n- precedent, manner, custom, G2, 4o. 174 35 —Eor 2), 2c,3c, adv. again, once more, besides. 05, 2c, m. a side, —used in composition, (N. 8.) -26], 2c,3c, adv. in front, before. 0505, 2¢,2c, adv. of all sizes and ages, large and small, as many children in one family. — 88, 2¢,2c,4c,4c, adv. the same, 250224", 2c,3c, v. to pay a visit of ceremony to a new comer, (b.) vide 0326, 3c. 080083, 2c,3c,5c, n. (o0gc8 P.) completion, accom- plishment, o€Exor'eGrg, 40,1c,5c,2c. 2506000100} 00}7, 2¢,5¢,5¢,2c,5¢,2c,2¢, n. (00g gc0udl oP.) language destructive of the happiness of others. 288Eqp, 2c,2c,5e, a. (299090 ? P.) ordinary, middling. 05:61, 2c,2c, n. (2099 P.) a good quality, accom- plishment. 950}, 2c,2c, n. (20g9 P.) truth as opposed to error; right, uprightness. 008, 2¢,2c,30, 2. (—v)05) an extraordinary attain- ment of which there are several classifications. o5q SeHe08, 2c,30,50,50, v. (20q05a34 ) to speak evil of, censure, revile. 2545631, 2c,30,2c, n. (coggep) an ocean, great sea. sscoys, 2c,2c,4c, n. (o8cfG GE: ? ) fetters. o8, 4c, v. *od®, 4c, to thrust in as a needle; to tattoo; to make figures in cloth, embroider. —85, 4c,5c, v. to tattoo in figures. 23, Be, v. *oo®, Be, to repeat, do again, obsolete; adv, again, : 05, lo, a. three. - —8&, 1o,2m, 2. a triangle. —<86, 10,4, a. thirty. 90190090] 00 175 289, 1o,4c, n sweet-flaz, acorus calamus, 2 * 29, 30, n. of", 3c, a tattooing iron. * 20), le, 2. <8, 1c, the Shan paper tree, (broussonctia?) 7 c —J, 1c,4c, n. a variety of the same. 207, 2c, v. ( 009 ) *8, 2c, to be clear, pleasant; to be comfortable. ——-©}8, 2c,4c, v. to recover from illness, become well, vide Boe, 4o,4c. —00}, 2¢,2c, v. (—v09 ) to be clear, pleasant. 201.80, 2c,2c,20, 2. (o00cB0&) the royal race from which Gaudama descended. 90190241, 2c,5c,2c, %. (a00080) a religious system; a religion. XE, 2c,5c,2c,3m, v. to become extinct, as a religion. 0910091, 2c,5c,2c,2c,5c,2c, 2. (—s)qar>) a king who patronizes religion. GOD, 2c,5c,2c,20, v. (—on95) to be established, as religion. O, 2c,5c,2c,5c¢, v. (——c) to be destitute of any religion, to belong to no religious system. 8&, 2c,5c,2c,20, 2. ( chief ecclesiastical ruler. QGRr 2c,5c,2c,5c,2c, 2. ( (Qs0¢p) a propaga- tor of religion, a missionary, t2de (S1g9é 9010024," 2c,1¢,2c,5¢,2¢. 82, 2c,5c,2c,4c, v. to have a religion ; to be prevalent as a religion. 06, 9c,5c,2c,4c, v- to decline as a religion. gé) a pontifex maximus, — 5, 2c,5c,2c,30, v. to flourish as a religion. BERESESS, 30,40,40,lc, v. the same. 9910009019, Qc, 5c,5c,2c,5¢, ( ) breathing. 176 ‘ OS. 9010Q; 2¢,5c, ent. ( 209q P.) a term of approbation, right! well done! —.05, 2c,5c,lc, v to commend, praise for religious performance. 50101, 2¢,2c, m. (20007) a bandanna handkerchief. a0joce* , 2c,5c,2c, 2. ( 200eca0 ) a probationer for the priesthood. 201944691, 2¢,5c,3c,2c, 2. ( 2008qa3¢p ) the right hand chief disciple of Buddh. 20164 oF > 2¢,2c,20, 2. (c002¢q,305 ) a piece of leather on which a priest is accustomed to sit. 00100, 2c,5c,5c, m. (209000 P.) a disciple of Buddh, whether a priest or a novitiate. 201, 3c, v. 30, 3c, to make any condiment by chopping up uncooked food and mixing it. — 35, ‘3c,50, ”. minced raw meat. 991, 3c, v. *. 3c, to be spread as news, to be proclaimed publicly, have notoriety. — ¢ Fé, 3c,lo, v. to acquire notoriety, fame, be famous. — Gg &g6, 3c,lo,40, v. the same. 201, 4c, 2. “a, 4c, a ladder formed of a single bamboo, with pieces inserted horizontally for the feet. 201, 4c, v. *08, 4c, to be mildewed, mouldy. 901608, 4c,4c, m (go8co:) cuteh. 20799, 4c,4e, . vide 095, 5e,4e. BA, 2c, v. *85, 20, to tear, rend; 7”. a fear, rent in cloth. —205, 2c,20, v. the same. 85, 3c, . “8S, 30, a portion of something divided by splitting ; a split of any thing; a tooth; a. aux. as 585, 5c,1lo,3c, three pieces of bamboo,—smaller than 65, 20. BEQS 177 y — 500), 8e,le,le, m. a step of a ladder, a stair, a rundla 0928, 3c,20, ”. the tooth of a harrow. BSev5, 30,40, n. a certain organ of the viscera situated behind the navel. 859), 3¢,2c, n. (Bago P.) religious duty belonging to a priest. Q4, 30,2c,3c, x {—Q8) one of the five general precepts enjoined on a priest. 8.5007, 3c,2c, n. (Ba00 P.)a teacher, instructor. 8.50, 3c,20, n. (8g P.) a knowledge of arts and sciences. BAQT: 4c,4c, 1. (206322) a superior order of nats in 0010300), the second stage of GEB. BSS, 4c,4c, v. to affect the bearing and imitate the conduct of a young woman come to maturity. <8, 20, *o0, 20, a kind of Karen, numerous in E0808, 40,2c, and QErx", 40,40. 085, 4o, v. *505, 40, to strike, hit with the hands, . tnfreg. 8585, 40,40, adv. with a rattling sound as a dried kernel inside a shell. —_—_ 8585, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. the same, ——0959345, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. the same. BE, 2c, n. (<8§) Leo the fifth sign of the Zodiac. OBE, 2c, v. to be dark, —used only with, cod38E, 4c,2c. oBEqp], 2c,2c, m. (00999 P.) perception, the act or power of perceiving or marking down; a mark, sign, name. BEBso200}, 2c,5m,2¢,2¢, n. (20900382) perception. BE, 4c, n. *008, 4c, to rain constantly. 8&5, 4c,2c, 7. ( 88:3) asafoetida. E25, 4c,2c, n. Ceylon, qe BENS, 1c,4c,2c. J? 178 ° OE : BGS, 4c,2c,2c,2c, n. the same, BE, 5c, v. “o0&, 5e, to be pleasant to the taste or smell, savory, luscious. ooé, Im, 2. *20&, lo, sound, noise. -— $6, 1m,lo, v. to be shrill. — fo, 1m,3c, 7. a high sound or note; v to raise the voice in singing. —co5, 1m,4c, v. to be fine, small in sound. —co5, 1m,40, v. to have a cracked sound. — 05, 1m,4c, v. to be short in sound. —', 1m,lo, v. to be acute, sharp, shrill. —vo5, 1m,4o, v. to be long in sound. —o, 1Im,2c, 2. to be loud. —0o05, .1m,30, 7. voice, uttered sound. — 4, lm,5m, 2. to be low, not loud in sound. —, 1m,lo, ». a loud sound or note. —o2€, Im,lo, v. to be sweet in sound. — gS, 1m,20, v. to be hoarse, husky. — ag, 1m,30, v. to be of a gentle sound. mga BE, 1m,30,1m,2c, 0. the same. ov, 3m, v. *o06, 30, to come to an end, be done. —5, 3m,20, v. to die, vide HE, 20,3m. . — 35, 3m,30, v. to arrive at the end of any thing, to be at the termination; to reach the end of one’s career. —q0o5, 3m,40, v. to come to an end. —868Eor2f , 8m,5c,3m,4c, adv. without profitable use of time. BER, 3m,3c, v. (<85 ?) to have a fine appearance, to be handsome. -- BE, lo, n. *o0&, lo, a precious stone. — 536, 10,3c,30, v. the same as BEG é, lo,lc. 0895 179 — 985, lo,lm, 2. precious serpentine, jade; a popular name for an emerald, vide Qq, 5e. —Srf, loc, m an ornament prepared from the horn of a rhinoceros. G4], 10,5c,2c,2c, n. (002009) agate. — 0g, 91086, 10,5c,2c¢,2c,1o, *n. ‘cornelian. | — 06.9198, lo,5c,2c,2c,1o, 2. chalcedony. — 00538, 1o,4e, 3c, n. jet. —0o8&, lo,lo, m a ruby. — 08, lo,le, n a precious stone, a gem. — 86, 10,40, ”. rough unpolished precious ‘stones. —g Fé, lo,lc, ”. paste in imitation of a precious stone. BE, 20, n. *o06, 20, a reir of brass bowls played together. BE, 20, v. (246) 08, 20, to have a right to; to appertain to, concern. oBE, 40, n. ( BE: ) *o06, 40, a sees frame in which several drums are fixed. 85, lo, a. *ooo€, lo, a hundred amonia used fre- quently to denote an indefinitely large number. Hg or’ ‘) 1o,3c, 2. one hundred thousand. oae lo, v. *oof, lo, to be slightly cracked, vide 005, 5c; ”. a crack. Sips —__—_ BS, 10,20, v. the same. Bq), lo, v. *o02€, lo, to be too much dried, as vailtix) —more than g, 30. Bopgé, 1o,4c, n. a small Shan nciiality se of the Salwen. Bqiagss, 10,3c, ”. a sill Shan principality west of the Salwen. ' ae Bq), Q0, v. *ooré, 20, to call iousily,. 180 805 —— 588, 20,1c,lc, » to shout, hollow, call in a prolonged tone of voice. Hi OBO, 20,lo,lo, v. the same. — BESS, 20,1m,1m, v. to call loudly, as one im terrer. Bq, 4o, n. Foon, 4o, kind, sort, rank; adv. of this size or quantity, as cof as’, 3c,l1c, BopcBS.0re" " 4o,1m,1c. or, 40,lo, m. kind, sort, portion; adv. of similar form, quantity or quality. 805, 2c, ». *o008, 2c, to be quiet, silent, —also 5c. — 805, 2c,2c, adv. quietly, silently. oG05, 2c, v. to dance, used only of a peculiar Karen dance, as CEBOS, 40,2c. ‘805, 3c, v. *o005, 3c, to descend with a swoop as a bird of prey. —}, 3c,2c, 2. to swoop and take away, as a bird of prey. 6, 3c,4c, v. to dart about a light, as insects. 2805, 4c, v. 2005, 40, to spurt, gush out, squirt out. oco5, 3m, v. *o005, 30, to cheapen, to offer a lower price. Boiro}, 3m,2c, 7. (20g9 P.) truth as opposed to false-. hood,—@901, 5c,2c, veracity ; an engagement. Bo}, 3m,2c,2c,4c, 2. the four laws or systems of truth. ; es ——¢05, 3m,2c,20, v. to keep an engagement or pledge. ——Q, 3m,2c,5¢, v. to break one’s pledge, word. —_—.28:, 3m,2c,2c,4c, v. to be faithless, without truth. 80585, 4m,2c, n. a fly trap; a brush to drive away insects. Bi 805, 20, a. *0005, 20, of a bay color, as a horse. B05, 30, v. vide B05, 3m. = Bot 181 805<805, 30,30, adv. with a scraping sound, as the cutting of paper with a knife. 20050005, 30,30,30,30, adv. the same. —— 8052805, 30,30,3¢,3c, adv. the same. 23050305, 30,30,3c,3c, adv. the same. Boda8, 40,20, v. to be light, quick in motion. Bk, lc, n. *o0a8, lc, a religious duty. — 86073, 1c,4c,4c, n. the ten great duties binding on novitiates and on any person on worship days. —S8ohoy;, 1c,20,4c, m. the eight duties binding on per- sons on worship days. —G19}1!, 1c,3c,4c, 2. the five great commands. Bf, 1c, n. * ore, 1c, merchandise, goods,—used only as a couplet for net, 2c. 2, lc, v. *oort, lc, to pare off (the end) in order to make even. — 8&88, 1c,4m,4m, v. to pare smoothly at the end. —aof arf , 1c,40,40, v. tomake perfectly circular, round. Bt ; 3c, *oot » 3c, a native petticoat. —0hG56}, 3c,40,1¢,3c, n. a petticoat of plaid pattern in the centre and stripes at the bottom. — Ero, 3c,4c,30, n. a petticoat of cotton and silk interwoven. — 96, 3c,5c, n. a petticoat woven with serpentine curves. —35§, 3c,3c, m. the same, —8q2, 3c,4c,20, ”. a petticoat in which the stripes are straight. —o5v'5, 3c,fu,1¢,4c, m a petticoat with golden threads woven in. —o50'Baf, 3c,2c,1c,4¢c, n. a petticoat with silver threads woven in, | ox 182 ° 8S. —odoo!, 3c,2c,30, m. a petticoat. with silken threads woven in. — 0&5, 3c,2c,2c, . a dark bluish petticoat. 07100], 3¢,2¢,2c, . a plaid silk petticoat. GES, 3c,40,4c, ”. a plaid skirt with figures inter- woven in the plaid. —co8o o8&, 3c,49,lo, n. a red silk petticoat. — gd38, 3c, lo 40, m% a striped petticoat. 2, Im, v. *oor€, lo, to scatter, as sparks of fire blown away; to spatter; to be scattered, blown away. rf, 2m, v. *oo2, 20, to be the same, alike. Bf , 3m, 2. *ooxt , 30, any thorn which has pierced the flesh. as Bef, 3m, . a string, thread, fibre, nerve; a. aux. for any thing like a rope, road &e. — 0, 3m,lc, 7. the cord of life, 00 6S, Jo,le. — 908, 3m,1c,20, ”. to break as the cord of life ; to die, 8608, 4m,le. - 7 8268, 3m,lc, ”. Theinnee a Shan principality northeast of Ava. wn ag 086, 4c, a. ten. — G5g6, 4c,40,40, ”. the sixteen countries comprised in ancient India. 2 O65, Be, v. *06, 5c, to crowd, cram, . stuff to. make snug by compressing. ... | , ° 86, 2m, v. *o08, 20, to thrust through or pierce any thing, as a bamboo ae a fw! for cooking, to impale. oa —v'BS, 2m,5c 2m, | v. to impale, 6, 20, v. *o08, 20, to smart.. 86, 40, v. *505, 40, to thrust into, as a knife, spear; to 3 183 chop into lengthwise as in preparing bamboo for flooring. 38S, vide 20%. 85, le, n. “900, lo, a small pimple with a sore. —co6, 1c,50, ». a sore usually on the face and some- times malignant. <5, 2c, n. *o08, 20, a chisel, — 2G, 2c,40,4c, % a gouge, vide 88g, 2c,4c. —q, 2c,4c, m. 2 flat chisel. —¢', 2c,4c, n. a gouge. 386, 3m, 7. *08, 30, the lauhinea dyphilla of Symms. <8, lo, n. news, infreg. vide 06, 2o. 85, 20, v. vide BodSca85, 40,20. 0, 30, v. *x8, 30, to jerk, twitch away. — m5, 30,lc, v. to jerk away. o85, 40, a. of an unmarriageable age. 8, 40, v. *908, 40, to be mixed in color, have several colors run together. oOS.BE, 40,1m, 2. the long tailed edolius. 08, lc, n. "Oo, 1c, a kind of spear used in spearing fish. 38, lc, v. "ay lc, to rub, to rub off, as from the flesh. —<5, 1c,lc, v. to rub the head, but more generally to wash the head, vide 00'@S, 20,1c. 08, 2c, a. four. — B36, 2c,2m,3c, ”. a square. —8&805e¢), 2c,2m,20,3c, . the points of the compass. — fg, 2c,1c,3c & 30, adv. gallopingly. —], 2c,3c, ”. the chief points of the compass. * — 76/806", 2c,3c,2c,20, n. the same. — 6’, 2c,20, n. the same. \ \ 184 - = BRS 8095, 2c,4o, n. the lips, vede 8.5096, 2¢,40, Bt 09S, 2c,40. 08007, 2¢,2c, 2. (c8002 P.) cold. —— 8058, 2c,2c,4m,3c, the seven belts of water which surround the Myemo mountain and are separ- ated by seven ranges of mountains. Seo 2c,5c, n. Theebau, a Shan principality about one hundred miles northeast of Ava. 800, 2c,5c, 2 (Boo) a religious duty, vide Vea, 1c. —q2&, 2c,5c,2c, x. (—0§$) one proficient in religious duty. 080010008, 2c,2c,5c,5c,2c, 2. (Boo20g8 P.) a vast rock on which the earth is supposed to rest. 8Gq5, 2c,2c, (0809§) Ceylon, vide BEQ6<8¢5 4c,2c,2c,2c. ° 8, 3c, n. the tooth of any thing as a harrow, comb &c.; the round of any thing as a ladder, —applied also to slats, B.S, 3c. —or, 3c,5c, 2. the roller on which cloth i is wound, as it is woven. —8, 3c,le, 2. the tooth of a comb. 08, 3c, 2 (3&007 N.S.) a time, 4, 4c. —oo’, 3c,5c, adv. now. — rf G6, 3c,2c,3c, adv. soon. BBE, 3c,40, v. to bend over, incline; to be inclined, vide 0086, 5c,4o. 08c.8, 3c,5c, v to be envious; to act a malevolently envious part. —Goo1, 3c,5¢,3c,le, v. the same, 0825, 3c,50, n. the part of the head before and above. the ear, the temple, also. BRS, 3c,50. 2908 185. Boge’, Be,5c, v to sob, vide 00g28, Be,be. 0886, 3c,50, 2. the temple, vide 88S, 3c,50. 89, 3¢,3c, v. vide 209, 5e,3c. 8805, 3c,4c, v. the stumble, vide 8805, 3c,4c. 25, 3c, m (2908 ) arule in grammar; the first division of the Buddhist scriptures. —29 Ey, 3c,4c,4o, n. vide aqvSoor’, 3c,20. 25, 3c, v. *oS, 3c, to wash, as the face. —g, 3c,4c, v. to wash the hands. | 29 5a02€, 3c,20, 7. (2Q000$ P.) a burial ground for burying or burning corpses, (b.). 29.5295, 3c,3c, adv. ploddingly. ——00$005, 3c,3¢,3c,3c, ada. the same. ——- SABA, 8c,3c,30,30, adv. the same, ——— 035035, 3¢,3c,3c,3c, adv. the same, 295 002€ , 3c,20, n. (29933) one of the grand divisions of the Buddhist scriptures, (b.). 295, Ac, v. *o05, 4c, to be ripe, as fruit; to bring to a proper consistence as boiled rice; to become ac- quainted with, familiar with, as with books. —§, 4c,50, v. to be very ripe; to be over cooked. — 35, 4c,50, v. the same, 295, Be, v. "005, 5c, to be confused, tangled, intermixed. —ood, 5c,5c, adv. topsy turvey. a9, Be, v. *o05, 5c, to conceal as stolen goods. 09.59, 5e,5e, 2. (299 P.) happiness. —86, 5c,5¢,3m, n. (—8§ P.) a wise man of celebrity. S500, 20, v. *oo44, 20, to put into and take up, as food with a spoon; to scoop up. 09.03, 5e,5c,5c, 2. (2903) transition to a happy state of existence. JG 186 v 9998 296, Ic, v. *o0 &, 1c, to be high, lofty. —©}8, 1c,4c, v. to grow tall; to grow. — 86, 1c,40, v. to be lofty and slender. — 096, 1c,lo, v. the same, 29&q 6, 1c,4c, adv. vide EG G&, 4c,4c. Sop, 2c,5c, m. (2900 P.) emptiness, nothingness ; the sign of a cipher, wide o. a9&, 4c, v. (092) *o06, 4c, to use, make use of, employ. —vo’" 4c,20, v. to use habitually, constantly. , — 2, 4c,2c, v. (—c202€ ) to use, make use of, employ. 296, 4c, v. (2983) *oo&, 4c, to be spent, expended, as a number divided without a remainder, as the des- tined term of life, the duration of a city, infreq. a9&o, 4c,5e, v. (29g) to instruct, discipline. a Eg, 4c,4c, adv. exceedingly, applied to color as 8Eo' NEG &, 1o,5c,4c,4c, to be very red, —also 1c,4c. —— o&¢&, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. ——-BERE, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. the same, —§ 2656, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. 29, lo, n. *006, lo, a powerful evil spirit ; the devil. a9, 20, 7. *o0&, 20, to convey, conduct a person. —., 2c,40, to convey intelligence ; to tattle, tell tales. S56, 4o, v. *908, 40, to fail through excess, as when the fruit does not correspond with the growth and thriftiness of the tree. ane, Ao, v. *o06, 4o, to take refuge, hide, as from enemies. 29°05, 5c,5c,30, 22. (290805) a good deed, —opposed to 090085, 5c,5¢,30. 2995; lo, v.. *90', 1o, to be not straight, not parallel as cloth torn unevenly ; to be askew. 2905 187 2 agprocoog, 20,30,2c, n. (cgooScoo$ ) the mark of a Buddh’s foot. 299, do, v. (cag) “oo, 40, to rub one substance on another, to polish, to rub on the touch stone as gold. 2905, 2c, v. *9008, 2c, to draw into the nose with effort, as any odoriferous substance. —2£, 2c,lo, v. the same. 2905, 3c, v. *o008, 3c, to draw back, retreat, recede; to become less, inferior, also 5c. ; —Q}], 3c,2c, v. the same, 972905 fa€, 3c,2c,3c,4c, v. to keep advancing and retreating. —10905 08, 3c,2c,3c,4c, v. the same, —+6, 3c,3c, v. to press respectfully into the presence of. — Fo 00 &, 3c,4c,lc, v. to retreat, retrograde. —0, 3c,lc, v. to approach, draw near. —e}, 3c,4c, v. the same, 2905, 4c, 2. *5005, a bed curtain. 2905, 4c, v. *9005, 4c, to be the end or extremity of ; to come to an end; n. an end. —AS, 4c,20, v. to die. — v6, 4c,3m, v. to end, come to an end. —ae , 4c,lce, v. the same. — gr, 4c,40, ». the same as 2908, 4c. 2908, de, v. *o005, 4c, to be rubbed off, worn by friction, abraded. 2905, Be, v. vide 2905, 3c, to recede, 2905, 20, v. *0005, 20, to be rounded, elevated in the centre. 29, Bo, v. *5005, 50, to drink, sip, sup. —.&, 50,30, v. to eat something curried, with a spoon. 188 236 2909, 5c, 5c, 2. (2900 P.) information, knowledge. agrfgat’, 1c,4c, adv. spotlessly, without stain, —used with BS, ‘20. 2928, Io, 2. *onk, lo, an enclosure for cultivation, a garden. =I) lo,lc, ”. a cotton field. —645, 1o,4c, n. a vegetable garden. —658, 1o,4c,3c, 2. an onion bed. —9, lo,2c, ”. a flower garden. — 8S, lo,30, ”. the same as agof, lo. ago, lo, v. *ooa€, lo, to thrust through as a bar through a hole of a post. —oo'oo&, 1o,lo,lc, v» to make the hole in a buffalo’s or ox’s nose. aQ2¢ , lo, ». *oo0€, to be mixed together, to be confused in a mass, —208, lo,4e, m. a tangle, maze (of the passions) —used with BeoSooy, 5c,2c,2c. ogee’, 30, n. “9024, 30, the heel; the blunt end of any- thing, as a spear. —o3f , 30,1c, n. the heel of the foot. — 8g, 30,4c, n. the heel of the hand, t.¢. the hard part below the wrist. —g5, 30,2c, ”. the iron covering at the end of a spear, o hich is thrust into the ground. ogee , 40, v. *ooxf, 40, to push forward, as fuel into a fire; to fall forward as when one stumbles; to urge, exhort. —o9 5, 40,50, v. to fall forward violently. —c2, 40,lo, v. to urge, exhort. 295, 4c, v. *008, 4c, to put into, as a finger into a ring, ora footintoashoe. Q 189 295095, 5e,5e, v. vide 238096, 50,50. 295, 4o, n. *08, 40, the mouth, the opening of the lips, the lips collectively. —$6&, 40,lo, v. to be hard mouthed, hard bitted, as a horse ; to be rough in words. —on6, 40,40, ». the entrance of a road. —2, 40,lc, v. to be a person of many words; to be noisy in speech. —28.5 09", 40,1c,40,3c, v. the same. —805, 40,4m, 2. that part of a gun which holds the flint. — cS, 40,50, v. to be a person of many words, noisy in speech. — 86, 4o,lo, v. the same. — 8509568, 40,1lo,40,50, v. the samme. —c8, 40,lc, v. to use pleasant language. —oo*, 40,lo, v. to protrude the lips. —86&, 40,20, n. the hair lip. —a", 40,50, v. to be rough, abusive in speech. — Fé, 40,3c, n. the mouth of the river. 096098, 5o,5o0, adv. in a taciturn way, —used with OQ), 2c, also 5c,5c. ___ 8685, 50,50,5¢,5c, adv. the same. ——935035, 50,50,5¢,5c, adv. the same. 295, vide 2}. 295Q.5, 2c,2c, adv. with sight completely destroyed, o€, 2o. ; 298, Ac, n. (Rs) *01, 4c, a sheep. 29, 4c, a. hump backed, —used of cattle, as 9629, 4c,4c, an ox with a hump on the back. ; 24, le, v. *o$, 1c, to gather together, assemble, collect 190 oe] together ; to collect things together as fuel for a fire; to collect in a heap. el, Ic,4c, v. the same. S08, 1c,20, . Thongzai a Shan principality fifty miles northeast of Ava. 2, 2c, v. "ao, 2c, to spread over, over spread, wide Gi, 20; to catch fish by covering a place with a basket; n, a basket for that purpose. —¢ 6, 2c,lc, v. to cover the head. 29, 8c, v. *93, 3c, to be dim sighted, near sighted. —o5, 3c,40, v. to be dim sighted. 23, 4c, » (42) *o3, 4c, to fail, be defeated, lose. —(091:, 4c,4c, 2% to lose a cause in law. —2, 4c,lc, v. to suffer severe loss. —0§, 40,2c, ». the same, 29, Se, n *o8, 5c, a building for temporary purposes, a booth, a shed; a stall, a shop. —wn, 5c,lo, . a watch house. —.n08, 5c,20, m. a shop. —'26), 5c,2c,4c, m. a shed, booth, generally with a flat roof. — 6088, 5c,20,1m, ». a shed with a roof sloping on one side only. — A, 5c,2c, . a place for melting silver for trade. —o0, 5c,40, a long range of sheds with uni- form roof. —g&25, 5c,lc,3c, m. a cooking place. — GE, 5c,lc,3c, n. a distillery. 29, 30, v. *53, 30, to be sour, acid. —7, 30,20, ”. a kind of creeper, whose leaves are prized for their acidity. oS 191 — gif, 30,1c, ”. the soap acacia, acacia rugata. —Q, 30,1c, 7. the roselle plant. — 08, 80,lc, ». to be a little sour. — 06, 30,lc, v. the same. — pot » 30,2c, v. to be sourish. 29, 5o, n. *o5, 50, to be convex, vide €Q, 5o. 22, lc, pr. ye or you. —v0, 1c,3c, pr. the same, respectful. 22, 1c,4c, v. to be very white, as rice, 28039, lo,1c,4c. 09101) 1c,4c,1c,4c, v. the same, 22, 2c, a. aux. (993) applied to deities, pagodas &c. 2}, 2c, v. "Oa: 2c, to come to, reach, —used with another verb as ©]%92, 4c,2c, to come to. 23, 2c, v. "os 2c, to fizz out as damp gunpowder in a rocket, —also B, 2c. 2}, 2c, v. (Q) "OO; 2c, to smoke opium. acoof.eé, 2c,2c,4c, v. ( 29¢005ca02&: ) to be religious, upright; ”. a religious person. DRQ|], 2c,2c, (2996p) any liquor or drug which intoxi- cates, 005, 3c. : cS800, 2c,2c,4c,5e,5¢, 2. (—Goquo) the same, 09400), 2c,5c,2c, n. (2300 P.) the sun, nEor, 1o, 4c. 29, 3c, v "O01, 3c, to have clandestine intercourse. 29, 3c, adv. ever; with negative 5, 2c, never, vide og2, 5c, 09, 30. 09, 4c, m. (2q) “coy, 4c, a reward, a favor. —o36, 4c,4c, (—co22&:) to pray. —006, 4c,30, ”. (—ooS ) a reward, present, 03, 4c, v- *oo1, 4c, to push up, boost. GOS, le, v. part. denotes separation, as gyess, 2c,1c, 192 cod to go away from; pr. any; than; in comparison; one, as GOS00/5, 1c,4c, one lak: ; —S, le,4c, v. part. the polite imperative ending. —¢Nf, lc,3c, conj. although, —affixed to the verb. —oo0’, ic,lo, v. to grudge, be unwilling to part with; to regret the loss of; —at the end of a sentence, a conj. although. — oS, Ic es adv. a very little. GOS, lc,-n. Foy 1c, to forfeit. ; COS, Qc, v. (Op 2c, to bear on the baal; as a child. COS, Qe, v. “00, 2c, to be unchanged, to remain; adv, permanently. —¢8, 2c,2c, adv. continually, permanently, vide 001699, 2¢,2c. 605q1, 2c,2c, v. ( coop) to be well furnished, nicely anraneet as dress &c. G5, 4c, v. "Ooi, 4c, to be anual, fine, to have small particles. = —cd, 4c,4c, v. to be small, TT tiny.. CGodcBE, 4c,20, ( caqza¥6 ) a stall. Go5096, 4c,4c, v. (Cqzo42) to go from one market to others in succession to trade, 9'0g.008, 5c,10,4c,20. Gadg608, 4c,4c,40, n. (ca08 Qods ) gentian. —- 6058.5, dc,Be, n. (co02085) a cigar. cod, lo, v. ], 1c, tosail or glide about, as a flat stone propelled through the air. C5, 20, v. “O51, 2c, to thrust in or through. —36&, 20,3m, v. to pick the teeth. es 20,1c, v. to thrust off as fruit or leaves, with a pais —oo*, 20,2c, v. to twist off with a forked. pole, as fruit or leaves. : 20! 193 * G35, 20, v. “207, 2c, to play on a violin.: 63, 30, n. an associate, friend, companion, vide CN, 5e GOS, 80, 2. “001, 3c, a bolt, crossbar. —2", 30,40, . the pegs of a yoke, pegs used to fasten the baskets to the pole of a cooly. —coof, 30,4c, . the bolt of a lock. —co€, 30,20, ”. the pin or crossbar of a pair of stocks. —6 403, 30,4c,1c, . a door bolt or bar. —0305, 30,2c, . the spindle of the quill of a shuttle. 635, 4o, v. "29}, 4c, to sound like a cracked gong, - 6n$, 40,30, v. (eee ) to adhere to, be under the guiflance of. . G5, 5o, v. "O3}, 5c, to censure, :pinaes 8 50,40, v. to censure, speak evil of, revilé. 20!, lc, v. *8, lc, to put aside, away, to Ee 808, 1c,30, v. the same. 20!" 3c, n. *68, 3c, intestines. —, 3c,50, 2. the great intestine. —go5, 3c,4c, v. to be easily provoked. — G5, 3c,2c, n. the warp. - — qr, 3c,5c, v to feel an uneasiness from want of food, to be hungry. oo", 4c, . *B, 4c, a fish trap. ae. eth n. the same. 20", Be, v *°8, 5c, to eat, consume food, —used generally of animals. 20", lo, 7. *-8, 1c, aline, any thing drawn out; a thread, string, cord; a ray, 28 of light. — nv, 10,5¢,5c, ”. the reins. —.&, 10,20, . the string of a cross bow. —B8oSv, 1o,40,5¢, ”. a girth. J9 sated 194 20 —BSv, 1o,40,5c, ”. a girth. — 9, lo,lo, m. the string of a bow used in ‘dressing cotton. — 9, lo,40, . the band of a spinning wheel. — ot , lo,lo, ». braces, suspenders. —2,; lo,4o, ”. the order of words. —9102, 10,2c,40, n. (3180$2) a girdle or cord for the waist, 90 185, 1o,1o, —applied for the most part among the Shans to a priest’s girdle. —9, 10,30, ”. a strip of cloth woven by itself; tape, ribbon. — 6B, 1o,40,1c, . the upper straps of a sandal. — , 10,3m, ”. the band of a lathe. —, lo,lc, ». the cord of life. — $908, lo,1lc,20, v. to die.. —021905, 10,1c,20, v to die. —00108, 1o,1c,lc, v. to be quick sighted. —o0 7.0928 , 10,1c,30, v. to be unable to see an object distinctly. — 0, lo,5c, ». the muscular substance which holds the intestines together. — op E98, 1o,5c,3m, v. to have the muscles of the belly in a tense, rigid state, so as to be hard to the touch. —oo, lo,lce, n. the reins. —26, lo,5c, ”. a water course, a river channel. — En, 10,2c,40, ”. a martingale. —w’, lo,4c, 2. the coruscation of flame. — 8, lo,lo, ”. a woven cord. — orf opJ5, 10,4¢,2c, ¥. to flash. —805, 10,4m, 7. a fish line, vide 907805, lo,4m 20! 195 —==006, lo,lc, % the cord in the nose of a buffalo or bullock. —00}, lo,le, n. race, lineage, (b.). —c808, 10,20, ”: a sunbeam. — 8860S, 1o,20,5c, v. to strike powerfully, as the rays of the sun. —082f, lo,le, 2. a ridge of earth, vide Bd5, Qo. — 08, lo,lc, n. the navel. — 08395, lo,1c,40, ”. a prominent navel, —0og&, lo,50, 2. a kind of braided cord for tying books, suspending dahg &c. —7; 10,40, n. the direction of the wind; a muscle, tendon. —§05, 10,30, ”. an artery or vein. —§o8o0'o§, 10,30,10,40, ”. blood vessels, veins, arteries and muscles, — 5, lo,lc, n. vide 20'8, lo,le. — 805, lo,4m, n. vide 20'805, 10,4m. —gF, lo,lo, n. a crupper. —gF, 1o,50, . acord or band for the waist; a girdle. —go5v, 1o,5c,5c, . a girth. . —91 965, 10,2c,30, ”. a bloody wound or a blaek and blue spot, as in a bruise. —¢g, 10,20, ”. the navel string, umbilical cord. —g6é, lo,3c, %. a stream of water. —g%, 1o,3c, ”. wire. — R65, 1o,lo, n. any cord worn about the waist. 20'coS, 10,40, ”. the tree from whose bark the Shans make paper; a kind of mulberry. 20", 20, v. *08, 2c, to take out produce, bring to light ; to shake, to move from one side to another, as the 196 Goofoo} head; to wash by rinsing, to rinse, as cut grass; to wash the. head; to scratch as a fowl. oo, 30, v. *o8, 3c, to repay, BO, 4o. — 28, 30,3c, v. to pay a debt. - 20", 4o, n. *8, 4c, sand. — at » 40,4c, ”. a swell of water mixed with sand. — $6, 4o,4m, n. a kind of crystal, mica. oo’, 50, n. *o8, 5c, the left side,—as opposed to the right. G20), 5c, n. the clog wood tree. | GOO, Be, v *00, 5c, to adhere to, to follow as a disciple. Goof, 1c, x. *001; 1c, a Chinese coin, (Chinese ). Goofcof, 1c,4c, adv. lustrously, brightly, — og &, Qc. Goof, 2c, v. (905) to rouse, excite to action, urge on, to herald, ery publicly. —cof, 2c,4e, v. (—c2 ) to be strict, stringent, — applied to action. ° GOOTeGgT, 2¢,2c, adv. with a very dull faded color,— @2¢, 20. Goof, 4c, 2. (coop) * 201, 4c, a key. Goof, 4c, v. "99> 4c, to sing, COOTQ, 4c,4o. | GooTn, 4e,5e, m. (Go0202 P.) anxiety. coofeooy, 4¢,4c, adv. buzzingly, with a confused mur muring sound. GOTO], 4c,2c, x. (ca0000 P.) the ear. 00503, 4c,2c, 3c,5c, 2. ( og ES ) the first state attained by an areeyah. tee ae or, 4c,2c,20, 2. (———v§) see cco eo 4¢c,2¢,3c,5c. ; c6cocox", 4c ,20,3¢, 50,5e,5e,20, ' n. ¢ 000g0§) one who has attained the reward of this state. 9, de,2c,3c,5¢,20, n. ae —805) the reward ’ of this state. : oBE008 197 05, 4¢,2c,3c,5c,30, 2. ( 0) the duties of this state. . wine, 4c,2c,3¢,5c,30,5c,20, m. ( 09g0§) one who has performed the duties of this state. o0050026, SORE RESCUE, nN. ( ot) the faculty of hearing. . Goofovno, 4c,5c,5c, a. (ea02¢00 P. ) sixteen. BEG SE, 4c,5c,5c,4c,40,40, ”. the sixteen coun- tries enbraced in ancient India. oS, dc, n. *oo 5, 4c, battle, war. —c8,:4c,50, % to gain a battle. | —4, 4c,40, v. to form an ambuscade. - — QQ, 4c,5c, v. to lose a battle. 96g, 4c,lo,lc, . a sudden skirmish. 5, 30, 2. (905) a secret depository of treasure indi cated by a writing. 4, 30, 2. (205) *oo.§, 80, to arrive at, bring up to, come along side of, to moor as a boat. o96, Qc, n. *o0&, 2c, a ruler of a small district, go86, 3c, 2c. se(oy Qc, n. *o &, Qc, a shed, shelter for centile A", 2c,40, n. a shelter for buffaloes. — 45, 2c,50, ”. a shed for pounding rice. - —vo6, 2c,50, ». ashelter for elephants. . —4, 2c,4c, . a shelter for cattle. BERE, 3c,3c, adv. with an overpowering, smell, Qf, im. ah oh @ 6 ‘ ae 906 00&, 3¢,3¢,3¢,3¢; aie the same, =: of€, 4c, v. “o08, 4e, to bE cast as a ‘stone, vide “of, 8c. ee tree ee : ; aYEoo8, | Be, 5c, adv. slightly reeling, or tottering: 198 95 ogERE, lo,lo, adv. clearly, —; le. one, 20, v. *o0&, 20, to hide, keep back, conceal, se- crete; to do secretly, covertly. ot 00, 20,40, v. the same. ; —o’, 20,5c, v. the. same. ERE, 20,39, adv. with a comparatively weak light, as ‘at sunrise or sunset. oss, 4o, n. ( 9s) *oo&, 4c, a collection of any thing of a kind, as of gongs or a package of foil, as of gold leaf; a. aux. for a collection, as BEES}, 4c,40,3c. Gof , 4c, m. time passed; adv. formely, before, as BbQaF , 30,4c, day before yesterday, oo Rot , 4c,4c. Gof ; 30, Uv. *oor®, 30, to be some what incapable, not clever in mind. Gof S28, 40,40, v. to attempt to do what one cannot perform to please others. 9S, 2c, v. *o08, 2c, to connect, join, unite,—by the ends or continuously ; to do in continuance; to tie the ends; to descend, be in line of descent;:n. a junction, joint; a degree in lineage; a stepfather. —oo4, 2c,30, v to connect continuously to descend, succeed as a generation. . — 8 S00.50058, 2c,2c,30,30, adv. connectively, successively. — §So0S005, 2c,2c,lo,lo, adv. the same. — SQSog6, 2c,3c,2c,5c, . ancestry, ancestors collectively. — 05, 2c,3c, v. to succeed, as a child to the throne. — $05, 2c,4m, v. to recommence an unfinished work. —gq5, 2c,2c, v. to join-the i to be woven to the thrums. . 086, 2c, v *ooy, 2c, 46 be young endl as yet without off- Sea —applied to female animals. . 9S 199 § * oe » 3c, v 2), 3c, to be straight, to make straight; to be upright. — orf, 3¢,2c, v. to be upright, honest. 2], 8c,3c, 2. the space before one’s face. of 6, Be, v. *o0, 5c, to buy, purchase. — 88, 5c,lm, 2. to purchase a crop before it is reape or gathered... —, 5e,lo, v. to trade, — QA, 5c,4c,3c, v. to buy on credit. — 09528, 5c,30,3c, v. the same, —o0!, 5c,30, v. to buy, purchase. ogg, lo, . "Op lc, a tiger. —d; lo,3c, ”. a kind of leopard. —', lo,4c, m. the chaus. ; — oo! n' gf , 10,40,20,1c, ”. the royal tiger. — rf, 10,2c, m. a leopard. 3 09, 20, v. *901); 2c, to spread open, as to spread a mat. — 84, 20,30, v. to lay with boards, as a floor. og, 30, 2. “907, 3c, a jacket. —BEwn&, 30,1m,20, ». a quilted jacket. ; —5o!, 30,2c,4c, v. vide Gb0R8H5, 30,3¢,20. — 805.85, 30,10,30, . a tight sleeved jacket. __ — Boh, 30,10,30, ”. a loose sleeved jacket. — B9fcoof; 30,10,3c, ”. a close jacket,” — 88905, 30,l0,4c, . a short sleeved jacket. - — 85305, 30,10,4c, 2. a short sleeved coat or jacket. ; — 8805, 30,l0,40, % a tight sleeved jacket. eciee 096, 30,1lo0,1lo, ”. a loose sleeved coat or jacket. —990, 30,4c, ”. a frock with short sleeves and closed on all sides. g Re ott gta 8 200 op — BERS, 30,1m,1c, ». the large cotton wadded Shan jacket. — coo}, 30,3c,3c, ”. a jacket buttoning up in front. — 05, 30,4c, n. vide G5 8q5q05, 3c,lo,4e. —6 126], 30,2¢,3c, m. the same, ~ —008, 30,40, n. a great coat. — og, 30,50, ”- a kind of loose sleeved jacket. — E85, 30,3c,20, ” an inner shirt, a garment worn next the skin. ee — 805, 30,50, % a pene that buttons a on the side; also a vest. ’ og83 6, 30,40, ” a tree wonsidered sacred on account of being the residence of a nat. og, Aes v. "901, 4c, to rejoice, be glad. —, 40,40, v. the same. —o9, 40,20, ». to be joyful, rejoice. —cyf, 40,2c, v. to be happy, glad. 2345, Qc, n. “85, 20, the length of the arm from the elbow to the wrist ; a cubit. ' 7 —3, 2c,lc, ”. a cubit measured from the joint of the middle finger when the hand is clenched. — 9’, 2c,3c, n. a cubit measined from the ond. of the little finger. ' 295, 3c, v. “8.5, 30, to seek, oe for. . — Ip 3c,lc, v. fhe same’... °°: 225.9, 3c,2c, n. (coo205 692 ) the planet Venus; Friday. 03.5605, 8c,20, v. (¢202050098 ) to be steady, staid; to observe habitually as religious duties. 995, 4c, v. to thrust in. i» - —Brf, 4c,lc, n. a shoe. 2305 201 03°) de, v. “26, 4o, to pound as with a pestle; to masturbate, — 095, 4c,2c, » to pound beans. 035, Be, ». “B85, 50, to hide, conceal, secrete. — 0, 5e,20, v. the same, — 865, 5c,40, v. the same. 93.5035, 5e,5e, adv. repeatedly, —always placed: before the verb. a6, Ic, a two. apEgqe¥, 1e,1c, » cholera morbus. ———ogEg2f, 1c,le,le,lo, m. the same. REG E, lc,lc, and 4c,4c, adv. intensive, —used with o8&, 1o, BE, 30, as c8éo! agEgé, lo,5c,1c, le, to be very red &c. o9&, 2c, v. “BE, 20, to glitter. — Gof, 2c,3c, v. the same, a6, Qc, v. (¢2096 ) *B6, 20, to deliver in marriage ; to deliver money to an official. —& 000), 2c,2c,5c,2c, v. ( edcoo¢a008 ) to perform the marriage ceremony. E06, 2c,4c, . a priest’s cook house. og 6, 3c, v. *8&, 30, to rub into, as into cotton to cause the dye to enter the fibre. 096, 4c, n. “88, 40, a kind of basket. og6, 4c, v. *8&, 40, to apply a liquid by dipping a cloth into it and rubbing the cloth upon the object to which the liquid is to be applied. og, Be, v. (ca02€ ) * 86, 5o, to thrust, push, butt, — more forcible than coof, 4c. 05, 2c, v. * 805, 20, to put through, thrast through; to intersect as roads. sé 202 aget ——ajrf", 2c,lo, v. the same. 9305, 3c, n. (295) * 808, 30, zinc. 2305q 08, 4c,4c, adv. about, on the point of, —B8, 3c. ——- 80508, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. the same. 328, lc, v. “Ba, 10, to study, learn, acquire knowl- edge or skill. — 6, 1c,40, v. to teach fencing. — 09S, Ic,40, v. to teach verbally. —or€, 1c,1c, v. to teach ; to discipline. —47296, 1c,4c,3c, v. to learn the use of the musket ‘by drill. —ag 5, 1c,4c,4c, 0. to drill as soldiers. —c84, 1¢,3c, % to study books, learn. — BSag2° 00", 1c,3c,lc,40, v. the same. — ABS, 1c,3c,4c, v. to drill. opef go, 1c,4c, adv. vide oof opafgof, 4o,1c,4c. ogee py We * Bot , 20, to be loosed from its place, as a blade from a knife handle, or an axe head flying off from its handle. age » 3c, O. * Bot , 30, to skim, to take off by skimming. — 0}, 3c,lc, v. to catch fish by a skimming motion in the water. ageé , BC, V. *Bof , 30, to take shelter (under something). ag2¢ , 4c, 0. * Qe , 40, to be abundant. age, 4c, 2. (0952) *Bof , 40, to pour upon with care. —coof, 4c,2c, v. the same. ag2€, 5e, v. *B2€, 50, to place one upon another. —oo, 5c,30, 7. to place one on another, to add. — gq’ Bf, Bc,4c,lc, ». to follow in the foot prints of another. : 93 203 936, 2c, v. “oof, 20, to hunt for any thing by the sense of smell, to scent the track. 935, 5e, v. *o0 8, 50, to whisper. —86, 5c,50, v the same. 035, vide 0. 09, lc, v. to send, employ, —used only with , Be, to send. oD, lc, v. *e0S, lo, to puncture slightly, as a sore. ao, Ic,lc, adv. with perfect quiet, —cS¢, Im. a, 2c, n. a kind, —not used alone, vtde 8280895 of oS 1m,40,1m,2c, on; 2c, v. *605, 20, to be slender, tapering. ol, 3c, 7. *c35, 30, a tuft, a tassel, i 4c, v. *co5S, 40, to cut with a sliding motion, to slice, ay, Bc, v. “G5, 50, to string any thing as beads, fish. — 94, 5c,2c, ”. a string of flowers. 23, le, v. *oo®, lo, to offer goods at a very cheap rate, in order to sell. 5, lc,lo, v. the same. 23, 2c, v. *o0”, 20, to be blue. —A, 2c,2c, v. to be a dark blue. —cJ4, 2c,20, v. the same. —2§, 2c,2c, v. to be a light blue. O23) 3c, v. *oo”, 30, to transplant, vide QS, Qc. 3) 3c, v. *o0", 30, to be dim-sighted, near-sighted. 23, 4c, m. ( 296s) 2 40, soot) rice, food for a priest. — 4c,5e,2c, nm. (0220902) rice boiled in milk eed to a priest,(b. ). 22, Ac, v. *o0°, 40, to be inferior, mean ; to be vile, wicked. 2, Ac, v. *o9°, 40, to censure, scold, revile, vide C593, 5o,4c. 204 oD 2300" , 4c,40, v. to be many, numerous, in abundance. 22) 5c, v. tot, 50, to clean rice by pounding. —5002€”, 5c,3c,lo, v. to clean rice by pounding after it has been partially separated from the husk, vide 05, le. : Og, 5e,5c, adv. partly dark, dusky, as at twilight. — 05g, 5c,5c,50,50, adv. the same, —oo% 5°, 5c,5c,50,50, adv. the same. (97 2c, x. (s0¢p) “3, 2c, a teacher. 90018, 2¢,5¢,4c, n. (—og9: ) the same. —oo08, 2c,30, n. (0005) a physician. —&§008, 2¢,3c,5c,4c, n. ($o009,952) a superior teacher, one who lays down rules. — 8&coof, 2Qc,4c,4c, n. ( 832) a physician. —Gefooy, 2c,lc,3c, n. the same, a6, 20, v. (96) *oB&, 2c, to rejoice, be joyful. — g2£0Q5, 20,4c,40, v. the same. — 08, 20,1e, ». the same, — 9, 20,40, v. the same, op, 4o, v. (og&s) *8&, 4c, to put into, cause to enter, vide oD, 2c. —, 4o,lc, v. to cause to enter the mind, to apprehend. —3, 40,2c, v. to put into, cause to enter. —oo& 09 5, 4o,lo,1c, v. to furnish a substitute, to do by means of another person. —06026}, 40,2c,5¢,2¢, v. (goocno) to enclose in a shrine. OD; lc, v. *8, 1c, to be clear, pure, as water. —vro, 1c,20, v- to be clear, pure, innocent. oD, Qc, v. *8, 2c, to put or place in. —enj, 2c a v. to starch, vide op 208, 2c,5c,3c. 20° 205 — 36, 2¢,2c, v. to superadd the bottom and side binding of a basket, , —=0, 2c,lc, v. to cause to enter the mind, to apprehend. —¢98, 2c,30, v to insert a bolt or bar. —-00, 26,20, ». to put in the stocks, — 0B, 2c,3c, v the same. — 086, 2¢,30, » to put more into. ——% 2c,4c, v. to put on a hopple or fetter ; vide D050q, 30,4c. — 26, 2c,5c, v. to put in water, to water. —2¢ 98, 2c,5c,3c, v. to starch. —6, 2c,4c, v. to kindle a fire. — Soe", 2c,lo,1c,4c, v. to place a fuze or train. — Ef 8&, 2¢,40,10, v. to place a precious stone in its setting. oo", Qc, x. ( 86:) *o8, 2c, a building set apart for the performance of certain rites pertaining to the Budd- hist priesthood. oo%, 4c, v. (0852) “od, 4c, to gather in; to put up, lay up, treasure up; to deprive of the insignia of office. — 86, 4c,40, v. to store up, treasure up. —o’, 4c,5c, v. to gather in ; to treasure up. —0, 4c,lc, v. to gather in; to take away, confiscate. 00, Im, 2. *o3, 1o, a hoe. — ogee , 1m,5c, 2. a hoe whose handle is somewhat bent where it joins the blade. —85, 1m,5m, ». a hoe. : oo”, 3m, v. *05, 30, to point, make pointed, sharpen ; to be sharp, talented. od, 40, v. *o5, 40, to gather together into an upright position ; to be erect and numerous, as a grove of trees, vide Gcof, 3c. ~ The sixth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the third Consonant in the class of palatals. cpap, 40,40, adv. with a quarrelsome sound. cee, 20, n. (0008 P.) “Bae, 2c, intellect, understand- ing, reason. —.&, 20,80, v. to have a eompiahonsiys intellect. — fpf, 20,3c, v. to be shallow in intellect. ' — of, 20,40, v. to be stupid. —2H, 20,4, v. the same. —F) 20,lc, v. the same, 035095, 20,20, adv. in a sitting posture. —__—00.50045, 20,20,20,20, adv. the same. 035, 40, v. *od5, 40, to fall; to lose position, rank; to bear a certain price. —n&c§, 40,10,1¢, v% to be settled in opinion. —1, 40,3¢, % to be worth, to have a price. 232 » — 8o5, 40,40, v. to come into confinement, to be imprisoned. = — 6, 40,3c, v. to be half finished as a ‘Piece of work, a journey. —019:5, 40,2c,3c, v. to cast lots. —; 40,1lc, v. to be startled, frightened. —02}, 40,2c, v. to fall to one’s share, or turn, vide 0g.8e0S, 40,40. —o), 40,3c, v. to be settled, fixed, stationary. —os*, 40,20, v. to humble, abase; to be humbled, abased. — oa, 40,2c, v. to fall into prison. —oo&, 40,le, v. to fall behind. —cad, 40 »40,. ¥. to come to one’s turn, vide 0350), 40,2c, also oqv5c08, 2c,40: — Bf, 4o,4c, v. the same. —22q], 40,5c,2c, v. to lose rank, votition; office. 09.003, 5c,5c,5c, (9008 P.) transition to an un- happy state of existence. 095, 5c,5c, 2. (qo8) the outside garment of a Budd- hist priest which is worn thrown over the shoulder. a9 6, lc, v. *oo&, 1c, to become somewhat coagulated, thickened, to acquire consistency, as Soup set away to cool. 03696, lc,lc, n. vide 035.9809 EE, 4c ,4c,le,1e. 03a, 2c,3c, adv. in a quiet, still, undisturbed condition. — 00606, 2c,3¢,2c,3c, adv. the same, —BE8E, 2c,3c,2c,3e, adv. ‘thé same. 03 6, 4c, n. "206, Ac, , 8 kind of flag used for an offering, 9 096, 4c, n. a Shan, —used only with oO, Ac. —gafoo "ope, 4e,20,4e,20, n a a Shan. a 096 233 096, 4c, x. ($2) “008, 4c, a tube placed on wheels and charged with gunpowder. o96, 4c, v. *on&, 4c, to receive, take, accept; to approve, assent to, ratify. —0Q, 4c,2c, v. to listen to attentively. — Bf, 4c,4c, v. to listen to. —7 Sm, 4c,bc,lc, v. the same as 096. — «in, 4c,le, v. the same ; to enter into an engagement, a security for. 093, lo, n. “oo&, lo, a summer, or horizontal beam sustaining the floor. —2¢, 1lo,3c, v. to have the small supporters of ‘the floor disordered. — ope, 1o,2c, n. the small sleepers placed upon the summers to support the flooring. 096, lo, v. *on&, 10, to measure with a measure of capacity; ”. a quantity measured. —v0d, 1o,40, ”. a quantity of gunpowder sufficient for one charge. — 5, lo,lc, v. to measure. 036, 20, ”. *on6, 20, a circle, a ring. —Q5, 20,30, . a noose. — 86, 20,40, ”. the circuit of a country 7. é. all that is within its limits. —§6s, 20,50, ». a slip-knot, noose, snare. — 865, 20,5c, m. the same. 036, 30, ” *on&, 30, arice field, that which belongs to one person; also used to express a paddy plain, vide 09&261, 30,4¢- — —7, 30,4c, %. extensive rice plain. 096, 4o, v. to have an St disease, peclia to Po 234 0908 to children; vide C9}, 5c, as rf 0Ewr''cd1, 4e, 4o, = ,bc, 2. this disease. —o79", 40,1c,2c, v. to have an emaciating diseawe accompanied by sore eyes. —0}, 4o,lc, v. the same as 03 6. — G6, 40,30, v. the-same. —§5, 40,2m, v. the same, 06, Bo, v. “006, 50, to stir, move, shake, tremble; to be loose, unstable. — 22 » 50,4c, v. the same; to be weak, unstable in mind. 09r0$ 5, 5c,5c,5c, 2. (30805) a evil deed, a sin, —op- posed to 99985, 5c,5c,5c, a good deed. oI, Qc, v. *oo!, 2c, to be suitable, fit for one another. oA0p, 4c, *oo’, 4c, one who is neither a male nor a female, a hermaphrodite. oI, 5c, @. *oo!, 5c, to root in the ground, as swine, to burrow, turn up the earth, vide og, 4c, infreg. cap hs, 5c,3c, n. vide B35, 5c,3c. 22H, lo, n. *oo’, lo, a species of the screwpine; a cover made of the leaves of this tree sewed together and used as a protection from rain. O29, 2o, v. “oa, 20, to bunch up either by swelling or or naturally, to be knotty. 03%, 40, v. *oo!, 40, to look. — g&c5, 40,5c,4c, v. to look at the reflection of one’s self in a mirror. —c85, 40,3c, v. to peruse, read to one’s self, 209, 4o0,1c, v.. to look at or for. —a}, 4o,1c, v. to look for ; to look forward to, to expect. 0205, 2c, v. *on05, 2c, to set on fire, to kindle, —v6", 2c,4c, v.. the same... ogee 235 0905, 3c, *0005, 3c, leprosy. —- 0 S088, 3¢,20,20, ”. a variety of leprosy somewhat swollen and inflamed. 02052705, 4c,4c, adv. delicately,—2%, 2c. 03.050 308, 5¢,5¢, adv. considerably, applied to heat, as mt 02050306, 2c,5c,5c, to be considerably warm. ———00050008, 5c,5c,5¢c,5c, adv. the same. —— 3oSBo8, 5c,5c,5c,5c, adv. the same. ——— 02050908, 5c,5¢,5¢,5c, adv. the same, 0308, 40, v. *oo05, 40, to pass wind. 030300, 5e,5¢e,5c, a. (30300) the second. og23f » 2c, n. ong, 2c, a snout. 092", Be, vu. *one , Bc, to rise and overflow, as water in time of a freshet. — pf, 5c,3c, v. the same. 032, lo, n. a body. —0 35, lo,le, n. the same. ogat » lo, a.aux. applied to deities. og2é » lo, v. *onek , lo, to give a drink to, as to a sick or helpless person. gat , 20, v. “002, 20, to scratch in order to prevent itching. —vo', 20,40, ». the same, og2f, 30, ”. a first born child; a beginning. —.6, 30,5c, ”. beginning, base, foundation. —nichgSurt, 30,5c,3c,80,4c, m. the origen, very beginning. 092, 30, x. “oor, 30, a plant or tree. —n6, 30,lo, n. the butea frondosa or Pulas kino tree. —.6, 30,40, ”. the henna tree, the leaves of which are used for staining the nails. 236 oq —0, 30,40, ». the common balsam plant. —., 30,20, ”. the tree of destiny. — BqSor€, 30,10,30, ”. vide og2foo€. =H, 30,5c, ”. the upas tree. —8, 30,3c, ”. the rice plant. ——5, 80,40, . the indigo plant. —cS8, 30,4¢,4c, 2. (cqysc8s) semicarpus anacardium, marking nut tree, the tree which produces the ink nut. — QS, 30,5¢, . caryota urens, —22659), 30,5c,30,4¢, 2. (2086 d):) murraya paniculata, a kind of tree, the bark and root of which are used in making a fragrant cosmetic, —ooeG, 30,5c,20, ”. the Malay apple. —255, 30,3m, ”. the bauhtnea tree. —oo&, 30,30, ”. a kind of cork tree. — oa 5, 30,1c,3c, n. cordia myxa, a kind of treo whose leaves are used in making cigars. —26082¢, 30,lo,lc, 2. a species of thorny vine or creeper. —2£05, 30,3c, ”. a species of ficus, a sycamore. — co 2, 30,1c,lc, n. a tree whose leaves are used in making cigars. —j050005, 30,30,30, ”. a kind of movable pyramid used for coffins, offerings &c. ; a pyramid made in the Shan states of sticks of firewood and offered at @ pagoda. — 6585, 30,4¢,lm, 2. a apieae producing leaves for curry. —6 68, 30,1c,lo, . two or more plants springing from the same seed or root. —B&, 30,4c, n. the poppy: —o58§, 30,20,1m, 2. the pine apple plant. oqo? 237 —oA8E, 30,20,40, ». the tamarind tree. — 0535, 30,20,40, ». the abrus precatorius. —053509, 30,20,10,30, 2. the tomato plants — 5950}, 30,20,10,30, ”. the white thorn apple. —or, 30,20,5c, 1. the terminalia chebula, a tree bearing an astringent, bitter fruit. —oSrxsort Od, 30,20,5¢,4¢c,4c, n. Jatropha curcas, the physic nut tree. — oA, 30,20,1lc, ~. the arnotto, liza orellana. —o§orad, 30,20,4c,4c, ». vide agate Sabor ob. —5o0&, 30,20,4c, the jack tree. — 05880}, 30,20,20,1c, ». the Indian trumpet flower, also o'Sr2écoS, 5c,5c,50. —oSQSo0Eewf, 30,20,20,4c,4c, #. the fig tree. —OoNCM2f C0}, 30,20,4c,2c, 2. (eo) the custard aps ple tree. —86&, 30,3c, ”. the tree of destiny, aq, 30,20. aa, 30,5c, % a tree. —v'co), 30,5c,5c, ». the schleichera trijuga. —vioq2f O35, 30,5c,30,2c, ”. trees. —v'X5, 30,5¢,5c, ” the red cotton tree. —v'o¢°, 30,5c,1m, ”. the oak tree. —v'o4, 30,5¢,40, m. species of sterculia from which. sheaths are made for Shan knives. EE "36, 30,5c,20, 2 vide ofS, 5c,20. —15, 30,2c, ”.. a flowering plant or tree. — g58o5a0), 30,2c,30,4c, . the miniisops. — 95088, 30,2c,20,20, m. the champa bearing a yellow flower. = 4 — 9 Soagogé, 30,2¢,4¢,2¢, n- (ogep€ ) a fabulous tree. 238 * 095 which bears fruit in the form of women, 032835 g&ac6. — gogo 5, 30,2c,40,4c, n. the gum arabec tree. — Sv’, 30,2c,2c, n. rosa sinensis, the shoe flower. — g5gErE, 30,2c,30,40, . the same as og 2g Sazaz6€. —0}, 30,4c, ». the marsh date palm. —§6v0, 30,30,3c, ”. grass. —g2'805, 30,10,4m, ”. a species of spurge wort the leaves of which produce an itching sensation. — gS, 30,2c, 2. & warp. —cg{o3, 30,1c,40, ”. a miniature palace, offered at a pagoda and set on fire and burned if made of paper ; if made of other material it is left unburned. oot , 40, @ solitary, alone... og2&, 40, v. *oo2€, 40, to stretch along connectedly as a creeper; a ridge or range of mountains vide Rf » 40. —ay’, 40,lc, ”. a mountain range, aga, 5o, v. Fond, 50, to retch, make an effort to vomit. 03S, 2c, v. v. *o08, 2c, to contract ; to be contracted, to be drawn into a narrow compass, narrow ; to shut up an” umbrella; to be shut up as a flower. — 2, 2c,40, v. to compress the lips; also applied to that class of Shan words which are-uttered with the lips slightly open, —opposite of 21295, 3c,40 096, 3c, n. *o08, 3c, a curved ao roof put on the end of a gable. 035035008008, 4c,4c,4c ie. adv. witb a gracing dena as corn parching, also 5c,5c,5c,5c, —cof, 4c. 09S, 20, v. *o2S, 20, to slap, rap, strike, 035 239 — 28, 20,30, v. the same. —=0395, 20,50, v. the same. — oda, 20,30,40, v. (comdeg ) to box. 03509Sa25008, 30,30,30,30, adv. with a crackling sound, as fire burning dead grass. 03S, Ao, v. *o0d, 40, to strike with the palm of the hand; to clap the hands, — 85, 40,2c, v. to flap the wings as birds. ep, 40,40, v. to make motions as if intending to box. — 2%, 4o,4c, v. to clap the hands; to strike hands as the seal of an engagement. 096, 5o, v. *o0S, 50, to fold double, turn back. — 31095078, 50,2c,50,4c, adv. to go to and fro, back- ward and forward. —BaqSon8, 50,3c,50,50, adv. bending one way, then another. ae 05, vide OQ. 095, Ic, n. "OD, lc, a body; @. aux. for animals; with 5, 2c, myself, yourself, himself, vide 02608, o78e28. —.n2, 1c,3c, v. to be in a dormant, chrysalis state. —n219€, 1¢,5¢,40, 2. a figure, also ogSo2ee¢" , 1c,5c,40. —., 1c,2c, pr. self, masc. or fem. —1 09, 1e,2c,5c, m. the body. — pt , 1c,40, 2. the human body. —22600}, 1c,2c,2c, m. the body. —oo’, 1c,lo, ”. .a dead body, a corpse. — ESE, 1c,2c,40, 2. the larva of an insect. — Qt , 1c,20, 2. a wild beast. — 82g", 1c,20,50, v- to have wild beasts in abundance ‘and active in depredations, \ \ \ = 2 240 oO? — 26, 1c,40, ”. an insect in the chrysalis or in the larva state. —+5, 1c,3c, , a rotten carcase. — 65, 1c,4c, ”. the substantial part of cooked condi- ment or curry. —o2f, 1c,4c, pr. himself (lit. his body ). —w8, 1c,2c, . a person not yet married, vide 09508. —cS35, 1c,30,3c, ”. a spelling book. —c84, 1c,3c, v. a letter of the alphabet. — 86S, Ic,4c, . a living body. —oo'co’, 1c,lo,lo, adv. naked, without clothing; with- out baggage, or any thing accompanying. —08, lc,2c, . vide 09508. — 2390], 1c,2c,2c, v. to be pregnant. 036, 3c, v. “O01; 3c, to pervade, be full, complete; adv. entirely. — 08, 3c,2c, v. the same. —q08, 30,40, ». the same. 025, 4c, 2. (09:) “oo, 4c, a fabulous animal form made in $2F86.308, lo,4c,4m, for festivals at that season; the image formerly put on standard weights, a 095, 4c, v. (09: Be OP}, in to advance, increase, augment, —8p 4e,4c, v. (—gos) the same. ©2, lc, n. *05, lc, a log. —B8&, 1c,3c, m. a robber. — 2596, 1c,50,4c, ”. a lever which raises the seats of a rice mortar, net 25g, 30,50,4c. . : —RE, 1c,lm, 7. logs of wood used to keep any thing down or for a trap. —-. 8 241 — Qf, 1c,20, ”. the stock of a harrow in which the teeth are fixed. —0’, 1,50, m a log of wood. — 2, le,lc, n. vide ofg2e. — gr, lc,lc, ”. a prop, fulcrum, ofa. — 00, 1c,3c, 2. a drunkard. —c88, 1c,4m, ». a heavy bar of iron. 0, le, v. *o5, 1c, to assemble, gather together, crowd together (used of men and animals); 7. a collection. 02, 2c, v. *0o3, 2c, to bud, to swell into a little pointed protuberance; ”. a bud; a pimple, small boil. — Qf a6, 2c,lo,50, x. the depressions in which the hairs of the body grow. — 22 85935, 2c,10,50,4c, v. to have the hairs of the skin bristle up through fear or a chill. — 22F F595, 2c,lo,50,2c, v. the same. — 22 LE62, 2c,1o,50,30, v. the same, — 2 F694, 2c,1o0,50,5c, v. the same. —BEo05, 2c,lo,lo, ». the spherical ornament sur- mounting the vane of a pagoda spire. — 8086, 2c,lo,4c, v. the same as oR Q2P BSc". =o, 2c,lc, n. thread on a small reel. —0, 2c,lo, m. a spangle. 0}, 3c, n. *o3, 3c, a trap of basket work to catch fish and eels. vag 09, 4c, n. *o5, 4c, a small basket made to fasten on the top of a bullock’s pannier. 09, 4c, *05, 4c, the day before a market day. —05, 40,20, . the same. OQ, 4c, % *o5, 4c, a bundle of twigs or withes. — og, 4c,2c, % a bundle of bamboo withes. 2? 242 oR 0303, 4c,4c, adv. not loudly, but slowly and with good tone. —0505, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. 09, 5c, v. *o35, 5c, to hit, come in contact with, strike against accidentally. 09, Bo, v *05, 30, to boil (trans.). —0o}, 30,30, ». to steep in pickle. 03, 40, v. *o5, 40, cover up, as the mouth with the hand, to close up, shut up, enclose. | 03, 1c, 2. a door, used in composition, vide 6502, 4c,le. 03, lc, ». Libra, the seventh sign of the Zodiac. — 9158, 1c,2c,2c, x. the same. ©}, 1c, pro. I. vide 0, le. —9}, 1e,3c, pr. I, vide 0591, 1c,3c. O72, 2c, v. "OD 2c, to be putrid, rotten. —2, 2c,3c, v. the same, —82£ , 2c,lce, v. to be very offensively rotten. 03400}, 2c,5c,2c, 2. (038009) a musical instrument of any kind. 03001, 2c,2c, n. (03002 ) diseases having their seat in the digestive organs; applied by the Shans princi- pally to an obstinate kind of dysentery. 030, 2c,5c, x. (QO) permanence. OR, 3c, v. "Oy 3c, to administer some charm, or charm- ed medicine in order to deprive a person of power or to nae him foolish. OR, 3c, v. “on, 3c, to be blighted in growth, as vegeta- bles by lice. ©}, 4c, 1. a name for the private parts of a male child, — _ vulgar. - 2 4c, pr.a. every, (b) vide 9, 3c, co} 243 COD, le, v part. a sien of the future tense, colloquial, — sometimes 4c, vide OoS, 4c. coderof, 2c,2c, 2. (cooc@o P, ) fire. GOSD0, 2c,5c, 2. (¢g00 P.) place, country. 7078, 2¢,5c,2c,2c, adv. ( 008 ) itinerantly, from place to place. 6032026), 2c,5c,2c, 2. (¢g0039 P.) a teaching, doctrine, dogma, a formular of belief. Co500005, 2c,5¢,30, x. Dewadat, the great opponent of Gaudama. 6050}, Ce 2c, Wi. (ss0 P.) a nat, a being superior to man. GOS8E, 2¢,2c, 0. (c98§ ) a sovereign of gods. - COS, lo, n. a grandmother ; an appellation given to elderly females, —used in some of the south-w estern Shan Peneipalties (b.). GOS, 2o, v. (0095) * 001, 20, to set up, erect, establish, constitute. —c, 20,3c, v to begin, to make a beginning; m. a beginning. —c8.}, 20,8c,40, v. vide coigd2Q. —0, 20,5c, v. to begin, to make a beginning; . a beginning. 0019024), 20,2c,5c,2c, v. to establish a religion. — 82, 20,1m, v. to be established. —g6, 20,1c, v. to take the lead, be the Bist § in doing. coat 5.2, 20,1¢,40, v. to take the lead in speaking, to ee au addressing a superior. GOS, 40, 2. “00, 4c, a ridge or long elevation of. any kind. : a: —}, 40,4c, ” a ridge of earth in a paddy field. - — 26, 40,lc, n. a ridge of earth to confine water. 244 oD — oy’, 40,lc, n. a range of hills. GOS, 4o, v. (cop5:) *00}, 4c, to remain or be detained for a short time. C0580, 40,40, . the spur-winged plover; —also called, BodBS, 40,40. co5, 50, v. *oo, 5c, to toss up flour that the unground kernels of grain may be removed, vide O05, 4c. GOS, 50, adv. very, exceedingly.. —0oo, 50,5c, v. part. an assertive verbal ending. oo’, 2c, v. *B, 2c, to pass lengthwise, move along. 00’, 3c, v. *R, 3c, to kindle, light a fire. —<, 3c,4c, v. the same, on’, 3c, 0. *38, 3c, to stain or blacken the teeth. —385, 3c,3m, v. the same. oo!" 4c, n. *°8, 4c, a Shan man. —cS, 4c,20, n. a Shan belonging to the northern prin- cipalities bordering on China| —5, 4c,40, n. a Shan belonging to Metng Mow; used also as an equivalent of ocd. oo’, lo, v. *B, 1c, to die. —}, 10,2c, v. to die; to be dead. —64, 10,30, v. to die. —oor, 1o,lo, v. to pass away; to die. — 8S5or'08&, 10,4c,10,lo, v. to die fresh, 4. e. by vio- lence, not naturally. — $5, lo,4c, v. to faint away; to be insensible; to be suffocated. —G&, lo,lc, v. to die by violence, not by sickness. oo’, 30, n. *8, 3c, border, side, space near, 6 ,4c; with Goof 245 S26, a to be of use, to amount to something, as Sf on’, 1m,30. sofa, 30,4c,30, ”. the collar of a coat or jacket. ao 30,5c, . the water’s edge, vide OE, 2c,5c. oo’, 40, v. to nearly or just touch, come in contact, —used with Gof » 3c. COD}, 5c, v. *co5, 50, to take for fetching or carrying. —], 5¢,2c, v. to carry, convey away. —}8, 5c,4c, v. to fetch, bring. —m65, 5c,lc, v. to take. COD}, 5e, v. *coS, 50, to cause the ends of two or more things to meet or join. 001605, 5c,50, v. to be slow in movement or action; adv. with a slow movement, as a person with sore feet, —used with Q}, 2c, 918, 4c. COd71S021, 5c, 5c, adv. repeatedly, again and again, —oo5, 30. GOD] 621, 5¢ 5c, adv. in a very soft, delicate, tender, condition, —2, 2c. Goof, le, m. *co8, 1c, a projection of earth, stone or wood, as a stump; the remains of any thing after a part has been destroyed, as the stump of a tree. — 905, 1c,4c, ”. the remains of any thing after a part has been destroyed, as a stump. =, 1c,5c, ”. the stump of a tree; branch of a sunken tree, a snag. — 98, 1c,30, n. the short stems left after reaping. —0oo*, 1c,lo, ”. a sharp stump, & snag. Goof, 2c, ” *¢05, 20, a large hornet of which there are two varieties, viz. COOE, 2¢,2c, and corfg5coe’, 2c,1¢,50. 246 coot Gorf, 2c, v. *¢05, 20, to meet face to face; to engage in combat as fowls; 7. a meeting, point of junction. — nr, 2c,lc, v. to be right opposite. 0, 2c,2c, vt. to set game cocks to fight; to play checkers. —c0S, 2c,40, . to play a kind of child’s game involving two parties. —00}, 2c,lc, v. to meet the eye, as WE02CoofoN7, 1o,4c,2c,1c, the sun shines into the eyes; to be plea- . sant to one’s eyes, agreeable, —v' B05, 2c,30,2m, v. to play hide and seek, —v' Bodo'8S, 2c,30,2m,30,40, ». the same. — BE9", 2c,1c,2c,5c, v. to play a game in which a person is blinded, who on striking another gives place to him. —6', 2c,50, v. to play dominoes; to play cards. —w'ccS, 2c¢,50,3c, v. to play cards. —v 5B, 2¢,20,20, v. to throw dice in playing any game of chance. — $08, 2c,20,4c, v. the same. —o cS, 2c,20,3c, v. to play a game of chance with cowries. —0o $66, 2c,20,3c, v. the same, —cof, 2c,3c, ”. a place erected for the temporary use of a prince during a journey ; a place of refreshment, Goof, Qc, v. “GOS, 20, to toss and catch with a stick. —c, 2c,lo, v. to play with the oScS5, 2c,lo. Goofes, 2c,40, n. vide cocosTed, 5c,2c,40. Goof, 3c, n. *¢o5, 30, a water pipe or conductor. Goof, 3c, 2. *co5, 30, a film on the eye, a cataract. - Goof, 3c, v. *co5, 30, to gash as the bark of a tree with a knife, preparatory to stripping off the bark. 085 247 Goof, 3c, adv. now, present time. ——A}, 3¢,3c, adv. the same, —', 3c,5c, adv. the same. — 86, 3c,lm, . present time; adv. now. —0 20 » 3c,3c,lc, conj. although, nevertheless, —oyrsrx'cnf, 3c,3c,le,30, conj. the same. —o HF eaden{, 3c,3c,lc,1c,3c, conj. the same, Goof, 4c, v. *co5, 40, to push with the head or horn, to butt; to weave. —¢5, 4c,2c, v. to weave. Goo} 0, 4e,5e, 1. (¢aloo P.) anger, o0& Ge", 40,1c,3c. —— 4, 4¢,5¢,2c, n. ( @) anger. of, 2c, 2. a worm bred in the body, vide 85, 2o. 9509 Sa05005, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. patteringly, as the sound of footsteps. 0945, 4c, v. (0305) *oo8, 4c, to give drink, to admin- ister a liquid. —Bo8ro}, 4c,3m,2c, v- (90990405) to administer an oath. —2§, 4c,40, v- to nurse, give milk to. 00100}; 4c,3c,le, v. to administer medicine. of, Ac, v. (0305) *o0/5, 4c, to send, employ about some business, urge to action ; to fight. — 85, 4c,4c, v. to fight, engage in battle. — B55, 4c,4c,50, v- to conquer. —onr€20&, 4c,4c,40, v to file. —coof, 4c,4c, v. to fight.” —805, 4c,30, » to destroy utterly, to desolate as a province. —6', 4c,4c, v. to feed fire with fuel, supply fuel. 096, 4c,40, v- to instigate. 248 of — $6, 4c,4m, v. to employ in some business. 35845, 4c,4c, adv. very, —used with 245, 4c, as #645 098 BS, 4c,4c,4c, to be very heavy; weightily, heavily. 35, 5c, v. part. a particle denoting present action, present time. 035, 20, n. *ond5, 20, a worm bred in the body, sometimes 2c. — Sof » 20,lo, ”. an earth worm. 35, 20, nm “or, 20, a place prepared for sowing seed ; sometimes a ridge as for onions; or a compartment of a rice field for sowing rice. ——), 20,3¢, n. a bed of plants. ——2 1, 20,4c, . a rice field prepared for the seed. 035, 30, 7. (0808) *oo, 30, a building of stone or brick; any depository; a box; a country, region. —05026], 30,2c,5¢,2c, ”. a shrine. —b 007], 30,2c,2c, m. a treasury. — 84, 30,3c, n. a book case. — 10905, 30,2c, 2. a brick building. 095, 30, v. *ood, 30, tocome to an end, be terminated. 03.5035, 40,40, adv. with a sound like that of felling timber. 09.5005, 40,40,40,40, adv. the same, BSBS, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. with a sound like that of hacking wood with a small knife. 08&, 1c, n. *o0&, 1c, a wild ox, bos sondatcus, different from QbHoF, 4c,20. o9&, 2c, ». *oo&, 2c, an area forty wahs aquare often used of any area. of6, 2c, m *on€, 2c, a grain of salt, or sugar. 0805 249 O46, 2c, v. *oo&, 2c, to be in the first state of an insect after leaving the egg, the larva state. o8&, 2c, v. *o8&, 2c, to swell. —4, 2c,3c, v. the same. RE, 3c, v. *on6, 3c, to be high and straight. 086, 8c, v. “oo&, 3c, to come out of with force, as a jet of water from a fountain, RES, 5c,3c,2c. — op, 3c,2c, v. the same. REORE, 3c,3c, adv. firmly, —02, 3c. of6, 4c, n. “006, 4c, a deep place in a body of water, as in the bend of a mountain stream where the water is stagnant. O36, 20, v. (36) *on, 20, to call on to witness. —Y, 20,40, v. to take oath on the sacred writings. — 8, 20,1c, v. to call on nats to notice and bear witness. —g}, 20,1lce, v. to call upon for help, as a god. 3606, 20,20, v. (03608 ) to consult, hold counsel, deliberate together. —— 03686, 20,20,20,2c, v. the same. o36, 4o, 2. (o36:) a country. —— 1}, 40,40, 2 ( anos) the same. of, 4o, v. ( 0363) *o6, 40, to compare together, mea- sure together. 3050305, 3c,3c, adv. in a low indistinct tone, —covf, 4c. —_— 00050005, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. the same. of05, 4c, v. *o005, 4c, to pull in two, to separate as a piece of bamboo following the fibre. — 05, 4c,20, v. to break by pulling apart, as a string. 305, 5e, ». *o005, 5c, to hold and pull, to pull, draw; to call in a prolonged tone. —n5e, 5c,5c,5¢, v-» to draw in the reins. PJ 250 046 —8E&, 5c,1m, v. to call in a prolonged tone. — Gof, 5e,lo, v. to intercalate a month. —or, 5c,4c, v. to intercalate a day. =e, 5ce,3c, t. to draw wire. — 05, 5e,lc, v. to pull or draw out. — Qs, 5¢,2c, v. to pull out. 0305, 40, v. “oo05, 40, to utter a noise like the tiger and some other animals; to cackle like a hen. © Ro » 26, v. *onat , 2c, to awake as from sleep (intrans,). fof » 2c, v. *ooat , 2c, to be frightened. of , 3c, v. “ont , 3c, to be shallow, of little depth. O30, 4c, 2. “oot , 4c, what is left, a remnant, some- thing over; profit in business; race lineage, —applied to relatives of contemporaneous and subsequent generations, but not including father and mother. Get , 4c,4c, n. the same... Raf ot , 4c,4c, adv. intensive, as 202 Coser af , 2c, 4c,4c, to shake very much. : coxfoor, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. ofa , 20, v. “ore, 20, to scratch, 007, 4o. Ref , 40, v. “one, 40, to stretch along as a creeper. 3S, 3c, v. *ooS, 8c, to stamp, pound with the feet. 3S, 1c, v. *05, 1c, to be foolish, not clever. 035, 30, n. “O53, 30, the flat-part of an instrument as the blade of a knife. - i 035, 1c, v. *007, 1c, to shove or thrust aside by pushing against, as tall grass; to reject advice. i 036, 4c, Ve, “001, 4c, to put on, as ornaments; to cover as with a hat; (N.S.) to use, make use of, as money. —S, 4c,4c, v. to put on a hat; to have a halo as the sun or moon.. og 5 251 — 85 R0f, 4c,40,lc, v. to put on sandals. —QPHee, ae ,20,lc, v. to put on anklets. o96, Be, 2. “on, Be, a landing place. —oo€cbf, 5e,40,4c, n. a wharf for ships. ——091, 5¢,3c, 2. the landing place of a ferry. 038, 30, vide 2 05967 046, 4m,3c,30. 7 096, 5o, v. *o, 5c, to touch, come in contact; to Bite or place in or on, — oA, 50,3c, v. to touch with violence, hit with force, —a 5, 50,2c, v. to hit, come in contact, strike against. —005, 50,20, v. to wound by a slight cut accidentally. —805, 50,30, v- to hit, come in contact accidentally. —0o05, 50,20, v. the same as 6008. 05, Qc, n. “BH, 20, a strip of bamboo, made by splitting, and dividing flat wise and used in thatching, making mats &c. : —oo2, 2c¢,20, ”. a strip of bamboo used for weaving, as baskets or mats. 035, 2c, 2. a tree, —used as a complet with 0, 5e, as og2fo"0q 34035, 30,5¢,30,2c. 0QV5, 2c, v OBS, 20, to beat or drive in, ram down; to fasten, as by nailing. —ro45, 2c,80, v to insert a flat circular chart “in the flesh. —vo6, 2c,4c, v. to suspend or sete aga a board to the side of a house. —, 2c,3c, v. to stamp, to stamp a mae —0§, 20,2c, v the same as og/5,. 1st def. sage — onl BS, 2c,4c,3c, v. to stamp. —2eb", 2c rle,Ac, v. to ram down powders in a wooden tube. . 252 og O29, 2c, v. to have a steep ascent or descent. — 2’, 2,30, v. the same, oggé, 2c,lc, adv. directly upwards, —with 005, 5c. 025, 3c, v. *BSA, 30, to touch with more or less violence, —stronger than 038, 50; to impinge as the sun’s rays. —92005, 3c,30, wu the same; to thrust at with harsh words, to speak harshly to. —05, 3c,lc, v. to push, shove, impel. 025, 4c, v. *BS, 40, to knock, rap. —95, 4c,2c, v. the same. —o 5, 4c,4c, adv. with a rapping sound. — 2 SBSBSA, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. the same. QS QgSBABS, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. a little of a variety of things. 0345e5, 5c,50, n. vide 03.508, 5c, 50. 02/5605, 5e,50, 2. (cooonSo>) the large spotted lizard, —also adc, 5c,50. 0, lc, n. *O3E, lo, a leaf considered as an article of use. —coforf, le,lc,le, m. the leaf used for rolling up _ cigars. op&c8E, 1c,1c, 2. a species of maranta, the thalia cannae Sormis. opEb ASE, 1c,4c,3c, ”. the clerodendron. —— BE, 1c,4c,3c,lo, ”. the scarlet clerodendron, vide BABE, 40,3c. op&u75, 1¢,20, ”. the wild plantain tree. op, Qc, n, *OBE, 20, four rupees; one twenty fifth of @ Viss. 06, 2c, v. *BE, 20, to be round, bulging, as the cheeks of a fat nerann..ta hang ant nrniort ac fram mrollinen og 253 — 8, 2c,30, 2. vide 07 60.5.0. —oy’, 2c,3c, v. to be pendent, hang down. —o9'8, 2c,3c,30, ”. the ornamental strip attached to a woman’s jacket. — 2, 2c,8c, ”. the inside of the bend of the knee. — 0,508, 2¢,20,30, 2. the flesh of the calf of the leg, the calf of the leg. —G,, 2c,lc, . an ear ornament. p02, 2c,2¢, 2. (Go20Eo9 ) a Toungthoo. opEayp, 2c,40, 2. (coo2Eegs ) a staff, walking stick. ogE0y, 2c,3c, ”. a race in the southwest part of the Shan country. ph 6, 2c,40, m. a race among the southwestern Shan mountains, near Tsee-keep. onEQo, 2c,40, 7. ( coo2Eco:) a staff, walking stick. op&my, 2c,2c, x. (Go20EqG) Toungoo. o€, 3c, v. *BE, 30, to pound, hammer, beat; to carve, engrave; to strike, as the rays of the sun. —3, 3c,2c, ». to carve in wood. —oa’e J, 3c,40,2c, v. the same. —gEnot , 3c,30,40, ¥. to sculpture or carve the human form. — $05, 3c.4m, v. to carve, engrave. o€, 3c, v. *BE, 30, to water, pour water upon. —2#, 3c,5c, v. the same. —gG 08, 3c,40, v. the same. 03606, 3c,lo, v» to: request the opinion of another, inquire, investigate. o9&, 4c, 2. *BE, 40, copper. —009 5, 4¢,5c,30, ”. tinsel. ——r RE Ap la. 1. eanver. 254 o es — 6, 4c,lo, 2. brass. oné, 4c, v. “BES, 40, to note in the memory, to recollect. —ro05, 4c,30, v. to remember a preceding existence. — 05, 4c,30, v. the same as og. —o’, 4c,5c, v. the same. ogEva’, 4c,20, @. (cooo&:0§ ) to crave, beg, intreat. o36, 5c, 7. *BE, 50, the belly, abdomen, bowels. —n0J9, 5c,5c,3c, v- to be full, distended, swollen at the bowels. —2) 5e,2c, v. to have the diarrhoea. —s, 5c,3c, v. to be distended, swollen as the stomach or bowels. —Q2¢ » 5c,50, v. to have a rising in the stomach. —22F opEor, 5c,50,5c,5c, v. the same. — 96, 5e,40, v. to have the dysentery. — 5, 5¢,3c, v to have no motion of the bowels, to be constipated. —8S, 5c,4m, v. to have pain in the stomach, bowels or uterus. —cc5, 5c,40, v. to have a heavy, grinding pain in the bowels. —9305, 5c,20, v. to have a swelled abdomen. —co5, 5c,20, v. to have a dull grinding pain in the bowels ; (sometimes pleurisy?). —¢0541, 5c,40,4c, ”. the steep side of a ridge of earth which separates the compartments of a paddy field. — 26, 5c,2c, v. to have a species of dysentery. —grt » 5dc,4c, v. to have a restless state of the bowels with a desire to vomit. —Cq], 5¢,5c, v (cq?) to be a slightly loose in the bowels, 0305 25 oo —6, 5c,4c, v. vide ogg. —0', 5c,3c,3c, v to be hungry. —v’ EGS, 5e,8c,5c,20, v. the same. —'2, 5c,3c,5¢c, v. to be thirsty. . — cof, 5c,4c, v. to have the sound of wind in the bowels. —voc', 5c,40, v. to have a big belly which hangs down. —&, 5e,le, v. to be regular in the evacuation of the intestines. —&oS, 5c,20, v. to have flatulent diarrhcea, to have the sound of wind moving in the bowels. —o’, 5c,3c, v. to have constant diarrhoea after child- birth. —gFé, 5c,5¢e, v. to be hungry; to have the sound of wind moving in the bowels. — 6, 5c,3c, v» to have the bowels in a restless, disor- dered state, attended with more or less pain. EROS, 2c, v. *Bo5, 20, to strike, as a serpent in biting. 0305, 9c, v. *Bo5, 20, to beat as the heart. R05, 3c, v. *Bo5, 30, to put down into, cast into as water into a hole, 02056, 3c, 5c. —}, 3c,2c, v the same. —9, 3c,2c, v. the same. cpoc3Eoo, 3c,2¢,5¢, 2. (39305) the body, —096, Ic. Ogodopé, 3c,3c, adv. with constant repetition, —C005, 30. 02050305, 3c,3c, adv. with rather abrupt or broken ‘tones, G7, 4c. opoSoz05, 3¢,3c, adv. slightly, —applied to the warmth of any thing. BSROS, 3c,3c,30,30, adv. the same. ©3208, 4c, v * BoS, 40, to be short, not long, —g05, 4c. 256 ° 036 op, 1c, v. *Bo€, lo, to geld, castrate; to break off the head of a plant. — 86, 1c,3m, v. to castrate perfectly. —©0}, 1c,3c, v. to break off the head of a tobacco plant in order to make the leaves fill out. —g, 1c,lc, v. to geld, castrate. —.008, 1c,2c,lc, v. to castrate imperfectly. opat ogee , 1c,4c, adv. fully, completely ; quiet, stationary (b.), —26*, Ic. ope, 2c, 2. *Bak , 20, a bamboo rat. O32, 3c, v. “BaF, 30, to pay a visit of respect or welcome to a new comer, or one who has been long absent; to put one’s self in the way of receiving a present gratuitously. opt’, 3c, v . *Brf, 30, to be short, not long; ”. a short piece, division, —go5, 4c. ope’, 4c, v. FB, 4o, to bear a greater proportion, exceed. oped’, 5c, adv. ever, —with 06, 2c, never. 036, Qe, v. *BS, 20, to do again in return, either good or evil, more particularly evil; to retaliate; to treat with disrespect or insolence. —.}, 2c,4o, v. to reply; to talk back insolently. — 3 , 2c,4c, v. to do again in return, retaliate. 3, ‘4c, v. *BS, 40, to turn or curve back, as the ears of a horse; to curve as the rounded roof of a house. —gF, 4c,lo, v. to curve the tail under, as a frightened dog. —G,, 4c,lc, v. the same as op6. 095035, 5c,5c, adv. with a cracking or crackling sound. —— BSRS, 5c,5c,50,50, adv. _the same. 039, vide Op. 214 287 BRS, 5c,3c, v. ($305) to be begotten in a natural manner, —opposed to BEA, 5c,3c, —also written ogee G5. o'Q", 1c,4c, adv. a dull gray, —used with qr, 20, to be of a very dull color. ee, Qc, v. *eo5, 20, to knock, rap; to peck a flint, to beat out flat as a metal, Qo , 2m. @’, 3c, v% to hang down, to be pendent, —used with op&, vide op&09", 2c,8c. 0”, 4c, n. ( 0032) a volume; @. aux. for books. —¢6, 4c,lc, 2. an original volume; the first of a series of books. og’, 4c, v. (N.S.) to look, vide 0395, 40. of’, 4c, v. (O28) *co5, 40, to hang on a string, to string. op’og’, 4c,4c, adv. still, —used with verbs denoting warmth as mf o3'0", 2c,4c,4c, to be still warm. of", lc, v. *od’, lo, to assemble, crowd together, collect, —used of animals; to swarm about, as insects. —™, lc,5c, v. the same. —0}, Ic,lc, v. the same. 0, 1e,2c, v. the same. OR, 2c, 7 *oo®, 20, a large wicker basket used for storing paddy beneath a house. Hop aRat” , 2c,2c,2c, adv. very small for one’s age, as a child. \, BC, v. “of , 30, to try to walk, as a child learning Oe ©2194) 2c,5e, 2 (g1¢,). a hole, aperture (b.). 6013, Qc,5c,4c,4c, 1. 0830s) the nine apertures of the body, viz ; the two eyes, two ears, two holes of the nose, the mouth, anus and the aperture of the urethra, 640325006, 4c,1c,3c,40. P? 258 ° ox” eu, 4c, n. (Odep2) law, —used in both a general and a specific sense ; a principle or rule; right, justice. 3.0025, 5e,5c,3c, 2. ( C3er0305 ) a mixture of 058059, 20,5¢,3c, black pepper, oABoSg6é, 20, 5c,40, cubeb, and 8&, lc, ginger. ops, Bo, v. (0305) *BS, 3c, to count, enumerate : to calculate, reckon ; to cipher. —5nrf, 30,40,1c, v. to accord, as two accounts on being compared. — 09, 30,40, v. to compute without using figures. —c¢do6, 30,2c,20, 2. (cos&o305) to make astrological calculations, —also oqcdo06, 1c,2c,20. — SSF, 30,30,1c, v. vide opAgdo#. —no2&, 30,20, v. to count, calculate, sum up. op€, 20, v. ( op&) to do quickly; to be performed expeditiously. op, 4o, n. (2003) inside; prep. within, inside. off, 40, adv. brightly, —used with 86, lo, BE, lo. 09, lc, 2. *B, 1c, an induration or callousness caused by friction of the skin. oO, lc, n. *o8, 1c, sediment, dregs, vide C 3c. ©), 3c, n. *O8, 3c, the under part, space beneath; the south; prep. under, beneath; adv. under, below. —00}, 3c,lc, adv. in one’s presence, under one’s eye. ©, 4c, v. *08, 4c, to trust in, hope for benefit from, vide 56, 4o. ©, Ac, v. *B, 4c, to procrastinate, be dilatory, vide Bof » 40. od”, Im, v. *o5, 10, to be full, filled; to be abundant. —os, 1m,1m, adv. completely, full—applied to measures of capacity, of time &c. oo” 259 =e » 1m,4o, adv. (b, and N. 8.) the same. oO x © O2, lo, m. “00, lo, a wedge or peg driven in to make tight or to split; a punch, a bodkin. od", 20, v. *O; 20, to be low, —the opposite of ogc, 1c; to be lowly. or", 30, v. *03, 30, to write, delineate, paint. —005, 30,30, v. to paint pictures. as” io 30,4c,4c, v. to learn to write from a copy; to write on ruled paper. — 07 bc8Saq2¢", 30,1c,3c,40, v. to write in a handsome round hand. —2600], 30,5¢,3c, v. to paint. wo", 30,lo,5c, v. to put on record, to describe in writing so as to prevent forgetfulness. © The eighth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the second Consonant in the class of dentals. ©O, 5e, v. (00) * 8, 5c, to retort, defy, threaten angrily, vide Od, 5c. : 00S, Qo, v. *085, 2c, to hew. — 5S, 20,30, v. to hew smooth. co, 30, v. to go out of the priesthood, vide oD 5, 30. 006, le, v. *o8E, 1c, to remain in a state of rest, repose ; to sojourn. c0&, 2c, v. * 86, 2c, to come out of with force as water from an aperture, or mucus when the nose is blown. 006, lo, n. *o86, Ic, a hole in the ground, a pit; an apartment under ground; a depository ; a nest of ants. —8, 1o,3c, n. a place where ordure is deposited. 00 &, 1o, v. *o86, Ic, to cut away, destroy, as grass; to cut down, slaughter. c0&, 20, n. *o8&, 2c, stocks for confinement, 85, 3c. —9g'00), 20,4c,3c, ». a machine for chopping tobacco leaves fine. a0&, 20, v. (006) *o8&, 2c, to think. —oQS, 20,lo, v. the same. —.805, 20,4c, v. to misapprehend, mistake. o0&, 20, »v. (c0€) *oBE, 2c, to appear, be visible, conspicuous. —920}2, 20,4c, v. (—902) the same. — cof, 20,2c, v (—-cuT) the same. 006.097, 20,5c,2c, v. ( s90pEmq) to act unhindered or unmolested, —sometimes Co€007, 20,2c. c0€00}, 20,2c, n. vide aEq}, 20,5c,2c. cor? 961 * 0008, 4c, r. “0805, 4e, to separate one part from another ; to strain any thing, as water, vide 0805, 40. —2, 4c,5c, t. to strain, filter water. — 805, 4c,30, v. to separate from, take off, as dust from the surface of milk. —g6, 4c,1c, t. to comb out the parasites from one’s hair. 0005, 2o, v. * 808, 2c, to cease, stop, leave off. 0005, 30, 2. (0005) * 805, 3c, an element, one of the primary or constituent parts of any thing whether material or immaterial; one of the four principal elements, cooscS3€, 30,1c, earth, c005, 30,5c, water, coosb", 30,4c, fire, c005a3, 30,49, air; an essential attribute quality. Q» 30,4¢, v. ( 032) to be communicated, as some quality from one thing to another. —— 4, 30,8c, v. ( qi} to have the bowels inactive, be constipated. GOT, 30,2c, 2. ( body. —cQ, 30,5c, t. to have the visceral functions impaired or destroyed. cok, le, 7”. a way, as colcorfao'an€, lo,1ce,10,40, how: many ways? (b.); a kind. cor, 3c, tr. to be enough, sufficient. —co{ogo, 3c,4c,2c, adv. throughout. — coo, 3¢,4e,4e, adv. the same. —0o, 3c,lc, adv. how great ? cor, 3c, adv. (N.S.) yonder, Qe 7 Bt. cort, 10, 2. (co§: ) *o828, 1c, the sugar palm. cor’, lo, t. *G2f, 1c, to pare off, cut off with a knife. cor’, 20, *Bof, 2c, a coal, charcoal. Goo5) relics of a Buddh’s 262 = oe —6', 20,4c, 2. live coals. =o 20,3¢, 2. a dead coal, charcoal. — 8.46), 20,3¢,2c,2c, % mineral coal. corn, 20,5c,40, v. ( g2§$ar§ct5z0q ) to accord in pro- nunciation with a strict orthography. cor, 30, 2. *S82F, 8c, a stable. —0, 30,5c, 2. the same,. 00S, 2o, v. *8S, 2c, to fly off, as a scale from an over heated chatty. ‘ 00S, 30, tv. (00S) *088, 3c, to place one on another, to add to, to repeat. —ogef, 30,5c, v. the same, — 086, 30,30, v. to add to, (in layers. ). 00S, vide 06. coaé, 5e,lo, x. a Shan official having charge of a small district. 00S, le, 2. * 088, Ic, a bridle. * 5 00 8, 2c, v. 088, 2c, to come or go in large numbers and continuously ; to blaze up fitfully. — 0, 2c,3c, v. to assemble in large numbers. 08, 3c, t. *o85, 3c, to be old, aged. —2Evo, 3c,1e,40, v. to be very old. —26G, 2EG’, 3c,1c,2c,3¢,4c, v. the same. 05e, 2c,5c, n. (0g) law, vide 972, 4c. 224'007, 2c,5c,2c,2c, 2. ( 23°) a section or verse of the Buddhist scriptures. —c07 3, 2c,5c,2c,2c, n. vide 013, 2c,2c. 0005; 2c,5c,30, 2. ( 2005 ) a code of law, statute law. 2006, 2c,5c,5¢,20, n. ( 2090&) an assembly convened for religious purposes. os 263 29026, 2¢,5¢,5¢,5c,5c, 2. ( listening to preaching. ——2018, 2c,5c,2c,5¢, 2. ( 9098) the lord of law. ——— OD, 2¢,5c,2c, 2. ( on2 ) the established or- der or nature of things, 050007 8& (0%). ——007 91: 2c,5c,2c,4c, n. ( o0200¢p2) the same. on 6, 2c,5c,2c,20, 2. the same, —used with DH, 4o. voodoo, 2c,5¢,5¢,5¢,5¢, 2. ( 00009) imma- terial objects thought upon. QO 2c,5c,2c,2c, 2. ( ep@o) the lord of law. 060%, 2c,5c,2c, 2. ( g2099 P.) to put into, enshrine ; n. a shrine. ©O, 3c, 2. "oo", 3c, a cave, natural or artificial. 00, 4c, 2. * oo”, 4c, a book, a writing ; tvop. a religious duty, Wo, 1c. 06, lo, v. *oo®, 1c, to ask, inquire. —O1; lo,lc, v. the same. 06, 20, ”. vide 2200, 5c,2o. 06, 40, v. (cod:) *oo®, 4c, to do government service. 001, le, ». *08, 1c, to shave, vide Gr, lo. 00100}, 1c,4c, adv. badly rent, torn, —005, 20. 00}, 2c, % a time; ©0}2], 2c,3c, one time. 00126, 2c,5e, 7. (g2>) a place. 00104), 2c,5c,5c, a. (00004 ) permanent, eternal. qu: 9c,5c,5c,4c, #. the eternal God. 00], 3c, v *08, 3c, to delay, tarry; to watch for, wait for. 08, 5c, 2. *oo, 5c, to come in contact, to touch, hit. O84, 3c, 2. *oo5, 3c, stocks for confinement. — oo, 3c,20, v. the same. 2003) the act of 264 os Sco, 50,20, v. (8g9$) to invoke the interference of some supernatural power in regard to something, to swear, take an oath, —sometzmes BA cor, 3c,2o0. 85085, 2m,2m, ade. with certainty, —-g, 5c. 085, 4m, v. *coS, 40, to use loud, violent language, to terrify. 2 Os, 2o, wv. *oS, 20, to cut in two, as paper with a knife, or cotton cloth with the point of a knife. —o9, 20,lo, v. the same. 08, 4c, v. (08§:) *oo&, 4c, to take care of, watch, protect, D, Se. oss, lm, 7. *o&, lo, a temporary abode, booth. —o&, 1m,49, 2 a place erected for watching, as a scaffold for watching a paddy field, some elevated place for watching. 86, Im, v. *o06, lo, to contradict, deny, refuse to do. o8é, Bo, v. *o06, 30, to add to, to replenish, to add in order to supply a deficiency in quality or quantity. 89, 30, 7. *cort , 30, a dice with twelve spots. 0805, 3m, ve (cod) *c005, 30,. to extort by misrepre- sentation. 8050805, 30,30, adv. with certainty, —G, 5c. 0305, 49, v. *oo0S, 40, to separate one part from another, vide C005, 4c, and combinations. 083, 1c, v. “co, 1c, to be prevented from natural action, —used with 8, Ic. —%, lc,lc, v. to restrain one’s feelings, keep one’s temper, NHS, 3c,1c. 085, Qc, v. *ooS, 2c, to kick, push off; to beat against or in, as rain ; to be at against, as the waves, (N.S. 4c). ad 265 * 08S, 20, 2. “cod, 2o, any thing flat not spherical, as nN G2PBSr, 4c,20,3c, a silver piece. *k 88, 20, v. “006, 20, to go around, to avoid by going. around or aside; to head off, as cattle. 8S, vide 0%. 08, lo, x. *008, lo, a line extended from one point to another, a line, a row. 088, 20, n. “oo, 20, pure silver. 088, 20, ede 08088, 20,20. 08, 2c, v. “OO, 2c, to be set or placed close or near together; to be close, niggardly, miserly. —O, 2c,1c, v. to be set or placed close or near together. —25, 2c,1m, t. to be close, niggardly, miserly. —oofarg, 2c,lo,le, v. the same. 08, 4c, x. (082) "Oi, 4c, an umbrella; the umbrella of a pagoda. 8ovEny, 4c,2¢,2c, n. ( BzecGEard ) a large fabulous bird. og 4, Qc, v. “oo, 2c, to be suitable, fit, if good; to befal, if evil; to be in accord, agree; to be related by birth or marriage. — 85, 2c,40, v. to put in confinement. —ro0, 2c,30, v- to be related collaterally. —, 2c,le, v. to be pleased. —05, 2c¢,20, v. ( 8]§) to suffer evil in consequence of a curse; to incur a penalty. — a, 2c,2c, v. to put in confinement. — 98, 2c,3c, v. to incur a debt, —p, 2c,50, v. to take fever ending in jaundice. —326'Q582635, 2c,1m,50,1m,40, v. to be a collateral relative. : —cof, 2c,1lc, » to live together in a friendly manner. 9 266 - agé —Cofcof.Q, 2c,1c,4c,40, v. the same, 09100], 2c,3c,Ic, v. to suit, take effect, as medicine. — 9100995, 2c,2c,5c,3c, %. to incur a heavy penalty inflicted by government. — <8, 2c,lc, v. to be suitable, proper; to be correct in estimate, accord. ° —c608, 2c,40, v. to come one’s turn, —also oq 4e08, 40,40. — 805, 2c,30, v. to agree with the system, as food eaten; to be fast friends. : —G,,» 2c,lc, ». to be pleasant, agreeable to hear. — 20805, 2c,2c,30, v. to incur a penalty. og, 3c, v. (oq05) *ood, 3c, to take out, produce, bring to light. o 5, 4c, tv. *ooS, 4c, to rub; to besmear; to rub and reduce to fine particles, 2freg.; to rnb the hair as with lime juice in order to prepare it for washing. —O1), 4c,4c, v. the same. oA, 4c, v. *o0.45, 4c, to be coming and going in large numbers. —o0, 4c,2c, v. the same. —2, 4c,lc, r. the same. 05, 4o, v. *ooS, 40, to separate, detach, part, cleave off. 03 6,. Qc, v. *oo0 , 2c, to be numb, to be benumbed, as a person from long sitting. 9 €, 3c, ». the bottom, depths, —used of hell, Hot og c}9;, 30,3c,4c,40. o9 &, 4c, n. (od) *oo6, 4c, a precedent, way, custom manner. —06, 4c,20, n. (—6) the same. —cocofc§, 4c,20,3c,30, 2. a custom handed down from generation to generation. op 267 —=WE, doe, a the same as og Eco. — 029 E9E, 4c,30,4c,40, . popular customs. ag&, lo, n. *00&,.1o, a bag. —8, 10,3c, #. the stomach. —'¢, 1o,2c,lc, 2. the scrotum. — 00808, 10,5c,3c, 2. the sling in which a priest’s pot is suspended from the neck and shoulder. E05, 1o,30,49, ”. a cartridge-box. —0}, lo,de, a bag which is slung over the shoulder when carried. —8E, 10,30, 2. a bag for carrying weights, silver &e. — ma Aapef, 10,3c,2c, n. the womb. —#é, lo,3c, ”. a coarse cotton bag carried by the Shans. —;’, lo,lc, ”. a bag of shell fish; adv. in a broken or crushed state, as 024076 o'82f og Eq’, 40,30,5c, 1m,1o,1c, to fall from a tree and be crushed to pieces. 09 €, 20, tv. * O06, 20, to extend from one point to another, as a rope. —2&, 20,lo, v. the same. aga, 50,50, adv. slightly depressed in surface, as a plain, —voor, 4o. cay, 1c, «. *o0", 1c, to rub against or touch in passing. ogy, 4c, v. *oo', 4c, to root or burrow in the earth, vide 048, Be. , 30, v. oo’, 30, to take out, pull out, extract; to breathe. —, 30,1lc, v. to breathe, respire. — Go, 30,lc,1lo, v. to draw the breath into the lungs heavily, in a gasping manner, to gasp. — BE, 30,1c,40, » to be out of breath, to pant, 268 098 —cBapi5og 95088, 30,1¢,2c,30,1¢,3c, v% to breathe, respire. - 2805, 30,20, v. to pull out the beard. — 5, 30,20, v. to pull, draw out. cam, 4o, v. (Goge) *co!, 40, to be the youngest, —used with, af, 4c. —&f , 40,4c, v to be the youngest child. egcpan€, 40,20, 2. (cog?s0) a spittoon. oa, 5o, v. to trail, drag after, RP, 5o. —os, 50,30, v. the same. 0905, 2c, v. (0Q05) *cooS, 2c, to take out, bring to light; to ransom, redeem; to write, compose; to adorn ; sometimes OQv5. —4, 2c,3c, v. to adorn the arched entrance to a pagoda or its niches with flower work. —B5, 2c,3c, v. to compose, translate or copy a book. oQ05, 8c, v. vide 0Qod, 2c. og, lc, n. Foor, 1c, lime. —Co{, 1c,2c, m. a very pure kind of silver. —&5, 1c,20, 2. the white lime chewed with the betel. —o8&, 1c,lo, ». the red lime chewed with the betel. 0g", 4c, v. (0g§:) “cov€’, 4c, to shine, be conspicuous; to be celebrated. og2€, 30, v. *oosf, 30, to arrive at; to be grown, to arrive at the age of puberty; to arrive at the time for ripening, as fruit plucked to ripen in the house. —eh, 30,20, v. to come to mature age. 09S, 5e, v. *oo0d, 5e, to pound, hammer, beat. —25, 5c,50, 2 to beat. — 8S, 5c,50, v. to beat out flat and thin. — 89), 5c,50,.v. the same as 0Q6, be. «QS 269 —c88, 5e,lo, . to pulverize by poundiug. <9 6, Be, v. (c9S) *ooS, 5c, to wrap up, as a package or bundle; ”. a bundle; a solid mass of metal. —854, 5c,3c, ”. a bound book. —*gf, 5e,2c, v. to wrap up, as a package. 09 5, 4o, v. *o08, 4o, to find, meet with. pra » 40,4c,1lc, t. to meet, come together. og8 vide OQ. 09 a0, 1c,4c, adv. denoting extreme age, — 006, 3c. 09 8, 2C, i. “eo, 2c, a leguminous plant of which there are many kinds, as eqgas a6, 2c,1c,30, cQh&S, 2c,20, 09528, 2c,3c, co &aE, 2c,lo, 095008, 2c, 4o, egdo0%, 2c, 40, goo", 2c,40. — Brg, 2c,lc,lc, 2. a plant with an esculent, napi- form root. — 369, 2c,40,4c, 2. the edible pea. —236, 2c,3c, 2. the bean used for making a condiment by a certain process in which the bean is allowed to ferment; the condiment thus made. —2€ 8.0", 2c,3c,lo, x. fermented beans, used before be- ing pounded into 09828. —, 2c,lo, ”. the Goa bean. — of, 2c,30, an edible white tuber, found at Monai. — 82, 2c,lc, ”. groundnuts, peanuts. — 9, 2c,lo, . a kind of bean. — 96, 2c,30, vide og8a6. —G Sc0&, 2c,1c,50, ”. gram, chick pea, cicer arietinum. 08, te, v. ( 08) *co1) 4c, to push, Shove, impel; to push, ram into; to sweep as the wind, to cut in wood or stone. 270 x oo’ — 94, 4c,3c, v. to press down and secure by tucking in or fastening in the edges. —03, 4c,lc, v. to push against, strike against violently. —§.292€ 00], 4¢,20,20,2c, v. ($0209) to throw dice in a game of chance. —otd', 4c,39,4c, v. to prepare an amulet. : —4005, 4c,30,30, t- to affix one’s signature. ag, lo, v. *06, 1o, to throw into or upon to fill up part- ially or entirely as a pit; to be full, fat, plump. oQ, 20, ¢. *od, 20, to spit; to puff (out of the mouth). —2é00', 20,5c,40, v. to spit. oQ, 30, z. *06, 30, to overwhelm, submerge. oq; le, . *co1, 1c, to rub, to rub against. — 096, 1c,50, v. the same. OQ, 2c, 2. *00}, 2c, chopsticks. 090, 2c,2c, n. ( go ), the north star, the polar star. oq, 4c, 2. (cq2) *OO1) 4c, a fetter of iron or rope. COO, 2c, n. (Chinese and N. 8.) four annas, ood, 30, 3c. GOD, 2c, v. *oo7, 2c, N.S. to pay for, give the price of. GOO, 20, 7. vide w05¢05, 5c, 2o. GOO, Qo, v. (co95) to have a distinguished appearance; to be assuming, put on airs. ee 20, le, v. the same as 2nd def. oo’, 1c, v. *08, le, to plough; to drag as an anchor; n. a plougts, oo’" Qc, v. *8, 2c, to redeem, ransom; exchange the old for the new; to shed, as the first teeth or the hair or leaves. —q05, 2c, 3c, v. to exchange, replace by the new, as the leaves of a tree in its season, as a new official for an old one. é 271 — on, 2c,lc, v. to redeem, ransom, exchange. oo", 8c, adv. (N.S) here, as 0300’, 3c,3c. co! 4c, n. a Siamese, 6001836007608, 5¢,5¢,5¢,50, adv. carefully as a sore footed person, gs. 4c. Goo{, le, »v. *o1, 1c, to push, impel, by pushing. Goofcod, 1c ro, v. to speak in low tones. Goof, 3c, v. "oo, 3c, to sing alternately, as a man and woman or people and priest at a monastery on wor- ship day. Goof, 4c, #. (Laos) a basket used for carrying merchan-. dise on an elephant, Hpsoo}, lo, 4c. coofoos, 4c,30, 7. (¢002005) butter. Goofor), 4c,5c,2c, tv. (G0020$2) to laud, praise. Qs, 4c, 2. a male animal of any species. G4, 30, v. (oo) *oo0J, 30, to be worth; have a value; to deserve merit.. ——}, 30,3¢, v. to be valuable; to be worth. —oort, 30,20, v. (—o$) to be worth; to be worthy of, deserve; to be suitable. . —o3, 39,20, v. to be deserving of punishment. o§ 6, lc, v. *o0&, le, to arrive. —og&, Ic,le, v. the same. —85, 1c,lo, v. the same. —go5, le Be, v. the same. BE. Be, v. 006, 5c, to be dull at the edge or blunt at the aa on account of being bad metal. off, 4o, v *o0&, 40, to be slow, dull, sluggish; to hesi- tate in regard to action; to procrastinate; to fizz, as damp or poor powder. — 9, 40,50, v% the same as 1st def. 272 . o& QF , 20, 2. *cor€, 20, a wood, forest, wilderness, jungle. — 6536, 20,5c,lo,1m, #. the northern region of India, vide Goqr€on, 5e,5c,2c,5c, any large uninhabited region. ma 20,5¢,1c,1lo, ”. a large uninhabited region. —m >, 20,lo, 2. the same, — GEG, 20,3¢,5c, 2 the same. Bak, 20, v. “cor, 20, to harrow; ”. a harrow. 095, 3c, v. *0d, 3c, to throw, cast away, oo" » dC 095, lo, . * 6, lo, to think, a0&, 2o. 096, lc, v. *oo1, 1c, to be big bellied; also used as a term of reproach. 09, lo, v. "OO, Ic, to cut with a sliding motion; to slice o9 4, Qc, v. * BS, 20, to pour out, spill, shed. — 808, 2c,30, v to pour out, throw out or away. 035, 3c, v. (cco208 ) *SS, 390, to prop up. —S, 3c,5c, v. the same, 035, 3c, v. (cooon ) *B4, 30, to consider. “ORE, 3c,40, tv. to consider, search for the intentions of others. : og €, lc, v . “88, lo, to arrive. — G95, le,3c, v. the same, ek Ic, v *o8E, lo, to strain anything, as water. og6, le, v - *o8E, lo, to be fcot sore. og, 2c, x. (coo2€) *o86, 20, a prison, jail. ——@, 2c,4c, 2. (—g: ) a jail keeper, bailiff. og 6€, Qc, v. *o8&, 20, to strike against, as light or wind, to shine against, to press against as wind, against a sail; to shine upon a surface or spot; 7. a spot of sun- light. oo” 273 96, 2c, v (co008) * SE, 20, to place in an upright position, set up, Qv5, 40. a6, 4c, n. *086, 40, a pocket. agé, de, v. (co00&:) *oBE, 40, to pound with a pestle or the elbow. —03, 4c,lc, v. the same, 0305, 2c, v. * 0808, 20, to take out, pull out, extract, free, deliver. —o6, 2c,lc, v. the same. —-Q§, 20,2c, 0. the same, ©0305, 3c, » (90098) the top, summit. 0g, 1c, v. “0828, 10, to take out; free, deliver; to pull out, extract. — 5, 1c,le, v. the same. — 7, 1c,2c, v. the same. oe’, 4c, v. (aQ§:) vide. ogre’, 4c. OR, 2c, w. *od®, 20, to listen, mind, obey. —3:, 2c,4c, v. to hear preaching. —.n5, 2c,lc, v. to listen to with regard, to obey. 0’, Qc, v. to deliver, (b.) vide. co’, 2c. og", 3c, v. vide. 29526.2.09", 40,1c,40,3c, —in composi tion only. 0945, 30, v. (ogo8) to go out of the priesthood, as co8 q2apv5, 8c,1¢,30, an expriest. §, lc, adv. (N. 8.) where? as 0309, 3e,1e. 00”, 2c, v. “0d, 2c, to keep back, conceal, not reveal what should be revealed. i —88, 2c,40, v. the sume. —. 93, 2c,le, v. the same. 29 274 ° “oo” o0®, 3c, v. “03, 3c, to throw, cast as a stone; to reject, vide. QE, 4c. — of, 3c,4c, v. the same. —805, 3c,30, v. to throw or cast away. 00°, lo, v. *06, lo, to help, assist, og’, 3c. co, lo, ». “06, lo, to put into, generally implying a small opening, as water into a goglet. 3 The ninth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the third Consonant in the class of dentals. #6, 5c, #. a younger brother or sister of one’s mother, vide C26, 30,3¢c. 2, 5e,lo, 2%. the husband of a mother’s sister. —§, 5c,5c, 2. a wife of a mother’s younger brother. 2ADOS, 3c,30, 2. (30905) a constellation. 265, 4c, v. “BS, 4c, to be heavy, not light. 26 oe, 4c,1m, v. to tickle, have a tickling sensation, intrvans. vide coSske€, 4c,1m. 5265, 20,20, adv. very, intensive used with 5, 1m, to be very adhesive, sticky. KARAS, 20,20,20,2c, adv. the same. “S, 30, v. *25, 3c, to strike, — Bq, 30,50, v. the same. WOE, Be,4c, 0. (poe) a kind of sea dragon. 2688, He,de, 2. ( 334) nature, constitution, inherent character; in astrology, permanent residence, —oppo- site of 00108, 2c,2c. 6, le, 2. *RE, le, the skin of a man or an animal. —00}, le,le, ”. an eyelid, q Sor, 4o,Ic. —o36, 1c,5c, 2. the skin of the belly. —op&267, le,5c,le, v. to be fat-bellied. —2], 1c,lc, % to be of a gross, thick habit of body. —cof, 1c,1c, 2. the bark of the cof tree beaten, 2zes- sed and made into a coarse cloth. — 96, 1c,4c, ”. the fried buffaloe skin sold in market, —a, 1c,3c, v. to have the skin rubbed of, peeled off, 276 - 4 E —g‘, 1c,4c, vide EG. —@6, lc,lc, 2. the scalp. ——G,; 1c,2c, v. to have dry, wrinkled flesh. 26&, 2c, prep. according to, in accordance with; adv. as. —nr, 2c,lc, adv. together. —nr' nr, 2c,le,1c, adv. the same. — 0, 2c,2c, adv. as formerly, as usual. —22f, 2c,le, adv. thus. — » 2c,lc, adv. thus, —§&6, 2c,1c, adv. (affixed ) how? (prefixed) conj. that, in order that. aE, 3c, v. “286, 3c, to sit. —29]0 128, 3c,1c,20,4c, v. to sit with one knee over the ae 2'205, 3c,lo,2c, v. to sit in a cross-legged posture, as when not in the presence of a superior. —9'205, 3c,lo,2c, v. the same. —og5, 3c,4c, v. tosit with knees gathered up in front. —on&, 3c,2c, v. to sit on a low stool or chair.“ ~ —on5, 3c,4c, v. to sit in the lap. — P.) an encircling grad- ation of a pagoda. SohceqAvr€, 3m,3c,20, 2. (ogi go$ P.) present time, the present. 805c0&, 3m,2c, 2. (ogi$ P. ) rain. Sohcquw, 3m,5c,20, n. vide 805cq Sor, 3m,3c,20. | 805ec8, 3m,4c, 2. (ogeds P.) things, property, goods. So5ecS.0q4001, 3m,2c,5c,30,2c, 22. ( ogame) P.) a semi-buddh, one who sometimes appears between real Buddhs. 805, 4m, 2. *o05, 40, a duck. — Gof » 4m,20, #2. a wild duck. —cof, 4m,3c, ». a drake. —, 4m,30, n. the same. —cS, 4m,30, . a duck. —c8&, 4m,lo, 2. a teal or perching goose. 805, 20, a. eight. — BS, 20,4¢, a. eighty. —216, 2c,3c,5c, ”. the eight principal parts of the compass. 805, 30, v. *805, 3c, to throw away, cast away ; to sep- erate from, to divorce as a husband or wife. —3], 30,2c, v. to leave, forsake, abandon. —coo§6o0}, 30,50,30,5¢,3c, v. to throw away care- lessly. : —c25, 30,1c, v. to throw away. —vo050’, 30,30,5c, v. to leave in a careless, neglected state. re B21 —o’, 30,5¢, v. the same as S05. 805, 50, v. *808, 3c, to lie to, deceive, mislead. — 809), 50,lo, v. the same. 800.005, 5c,5c,30, 2. (890005) the Buddhist sacred books, also 80500005, 3c,5c,30. 596, 5c,5c,30,lo,1c, 2. the three great divisions of the Buddhist sacred books, 2#z. 295, 3c, (2905)s Ber, 5c,4o, (8 3008) 298 06 07, 5e, 5c, 2c,2c, (mBog). 88, 5c,5c, 2. (88 P.) joy. 80, 5e,5c, 7. (803 P.) a father. 21, 5e,5c,2c, n. (80320 P.) the same. 82€, 2c, v. *or€ » 2c, to turn around, to move a thing partly around,—sometsmes 2m. 82, 3c, v. Food, 3c, to turn back or over; to be turned over or back. —, 3c,3c, v. to turn upside down, overthrow. —#, 3c,30, v. the same. —8285"G", 3c,3c,l0,10, adv. one thing and then ano- ther, in a disorderly, contradictory manner,—G05,4m. —9 , 3c,lo, v. to turn up side down, to put one side for the other. Ba, 4c, n. *or&, 4c, the bale tree, Bengal quince. 828, 5e, v. *oof, 5c, to throw away, cast away; to sep- arate from. —82f, 5c,30, v. the same. 82€, 1m, v. to bé, exist, have existance, become. ge 1m,5c, v. to be slimy, ropy, mucilaginous. — 8 B, 1m,5c,1m,5c, v. the same. — BES 3, 1m,2c,1m,2c, v. to have many crooked branches, as a tree. g2 322 Bf — 858284, .lm,5c,1m,5c, v. to be of different forms and colors and changeable in appearance, as satin or as thunder clouds; to be changeable in temper. —BS826 85, Im,5c,Im,5c, v. the same. — ZEB BE, 1m,Ic,1m,lo, v. to be in small heaps. — 2, 1m,3c, .2- to become a hardened lump. - — gf S2F.nr6, 1m,3c,1m,3c, v. the same. — gr 82F BoB, 1m,3c,lm,30, v. the same, — 245, 1m,30, v. to be spotted ; to have stains. — 2582884, 1m,30,1m,3c, v. the same, —2f, 1m,2c, v. to be striped, as a snake or a waist- cloth. — 02 82£ 328, 1m,2c,1m,2m, v. the same. — 28 B26 55, Im ,00,1m,2m, v. to have cramp in the _., hands or feet. ——92}, 1m,3c, v. to be i in a state of slavery. — 971828, 1m,3c, 1m,3c, v. to be an outcast, only used opprobriously. — 926 82F 528, 1m,lo,1m,lo, v. to be hairy. —'8F 8, 1m,4c,1m,4c, v. to have-the dirt remaining on the skin, be grimed, dirty. — G8 CO, 1m,4c,1m,4¢c, v. to be in companies. — 9828S, 1m,4c,1m,40, 2. the same. — Gof BaF Gof, 1m,5c,1m,5c, v. to be in lumps or masses of any size. —, 1m,lc, v. to take satisfaction, be gratified. — 68 ooh, 1m,lc,1m,4c, v. -the same. — BSF og" , 1m,40,1m,2c, v. to be of several kinds; to be abundant. ‘ —orES2€ BE, 1m,40,1m,4c, v. to abound in roads or paths; to be crossed by many marks, 82 393 — 092 82F arf, 1m,30,1m,30, v. to be abundant in trees. — 0, Im,1c, v. to live, be alive. — 0 b82F 02}, 1m,1c,1m,1c, wv. the same; to have many animal forms, as in a picture,—used ouly of pictures or representations. — ff Sf G2, 1m,4c,1m,4¢, v. to get increase, gain, profit. —ob82fa8, 1m,30,1m,30,. to lie in heaps or. layers, as heavy dark clouds; to be gathered in a crowd,— Sometimes used of men. — #826 2 &, 1m,5c,lm,1c, v. to abound i in bodies of wa- ter. —2£82£2¢°, 1m, 5c,1m,5m, v. to abound in puddles of water, as a road. —xenf, 1m,1c,3c, conj. however, nevertheless. — 2528, 1m,lc, v. to be maggoty. — gf S2h 20k, im,ic,1m,lo,. v. the same, —oB4505, 1m,5c,3c,30, v. to have a quarrel. — 9 482€ 8, 1m,5c,1m,3c, v. to be in clusters. — o582F 005, 1m,4c,1m,4c, v. to be in short pieces, in cuts, — 905826908, 1m,4c,1m,4c, v. the same, — 982F6, 1m,2c,1m,2c, v. to lie in stacks or heaps. — 826, 1m,1lo,1m,lo,v. to have many protuberances, as a knotty branch of a tree. —o 5882, 1m,30,lc,1m, v. to have gained profit; to be rich. —O82fv", 1m,30,1m,3m, v. to be in scattered quantities, as light fleecy clouds. —o 582895, 1m,5c,1m,40, . to be in companies, —o 582804, 1m,5c,1m,50, v. the same, 324 - 8¢ — §82F ©, 1m,3c,1m,3c, v. to be in tufts, clumps; to be light, fleecy, as clouds,—¢ is also 2c. —v’83£8, 1m,lc,1m,lc, v. to have a succession of par- allel lines. —03 8363, 1m,4c,1m,4c, v. to be in tufts, clumps; to be light, fleecy, as clouds. 0982808, 1m,4c,1m,2c, v. the same. — 0305828 805, 1m,3c,1m,30, v. to have an abundance of sprouts ; to abound in stems. — 038268, 1m,2c,1m,20, v. to be in small bodies, clumps ; to be light, fleecy, as clouds. — 0382 os”, 1m,2c,lm,20, v. the same. — 92 , 1m,20, v. to be hostile, to be an enemy. — 2 828 GoF, 1m,20,1m,2m, v. the same. — 582F 0045, 1m,3c,1m,3c, v. to be abundant,—spok- en of round things. — 9 82 0Q/5, 1m,3c,lm,3c, ¥. to havea row of round things. — 09 582 oS, 1m,4c,1m,4c, v. to have many rooms or apartments. —g2F 828 G28, 1m,50,1m,50, v. to have stories as a bakretiea spire. — Gof Sof Gof , 1m,50,1m,5ce, v. the same. — 4 PBF g’, 1m,20,1m,20, v. to be abundant, —spoken of round things. —G05826 God, 1m,30,1m,80, ¥. to be in stripes, streaks, parallel rows, whether straight or crooked ; to be in long lines, as clouds. —g 82688, 1m,4c,1m,1m, v. to be full of holes. — ety 1m,4c,lm,4c, v. the same. = S8EQS, lm,4c,1m,4c, v. to have many pits, chasms; holes, as a piece of land. 82 325 — Ff , 1m,40, ». to marry. — 235828008, 1m,5c,1m,5c, v. to be in bundles or pieces, used of pieces of cloth. 826, 1m, v. * of, lo, to be ill, have disease. —no6, 1m,5c,20, v. to have the venereal disease. — 2100, 1m,2c,5c, v. to have an epidemic disease, as the cholera, Sof G1: —c2f, 1m,4o, v. (c$:) to have a violent disease or convulsions, supposed to be caused by some venom- ous influence. —cor, 1m,5c, v. to have a kind of sore or calloused place on the feet from travel. —c8S5o0c0, 1m,3¢,5c,5c, v. (Bgg@90) to havea disease caused by some affection of the mind. —S8S82k 00S, 1m,4m,1m,40, v. to have sores. —Q ASF cow, 1m,4c,1m,4c, v. to be moderately ill, not confined to the bed. —0 05, 1m,3c, v. to have the leprosy. — 070582625, 1m,3c,1m,2c, v. the same. —o982F 03, 1m,2c,1m,2c, v. to have many small sores or pimples. —op&, 1m,5c, v. to have the bowels diseased. —o, 1m,lc, v. to have an induration caused by pres- sure or friction. — oF , 1m,lc, v. to have a tumor in the armpit. — 8, 1m,1c, v. to have a boil, an ulcer. — 88261, 1m,lc,1m,le, the same. —v§, 1m,20, v. to have a hard concretion in the flesh; to break out with some disease like measles or small pox -—v5B8p, 1m,20,30, v. to have spasms. 326 ° 85 —v Ag &, 1m,4c,4c, 2. dropsy, BG &. — 8, 1m,4c,30, v. (8:q8) to have a disease occa- sioned by irregularity of the menses. —oor, 1m,lc, v. to have a tumor in the groin. —c8, 1m,5c, v. to have gleet, gonorrhea, or anything of the kind. —c8q.5, 1m,5c,20, v. to have a discharge of pus or matter from the male genital organ. —cq5, 1m,5c, v. to be convalescent. —oo5, 1m,40, v. to have a cold in the head. —g 1, 1m,3c, v. to have an epidemic disease, as the cholera. —§o5, 1m,4c, v. to have the itch, —gé, 1m,4c, v. to have dropsy. — GS 32f , 1m,1c,1o, v. to have a whitlow or felon. 82€c0, 2m,5c, 2. vide 8q5co. Sf , 5m, v. *ort » 50, to accuse of crime on suspicion, 86, 5o, v. *88, 5c, to conceal, screen one’s self from view. —86, 50,40, v. the same, 8S, vide 0. 800}, 5¢,2c, a. (8009 P.) beloved. 88, 1c, v. *08, 1c, to blow away; to be blown away; to . ‘be scattered, dissipated. 85, 1m, n. *08, 1o, a flashing as of flame. —’, 1m,4c, ”. the flashing of fire. 85, 1m, 1. a hole,—used in-composition. 85, 2m, v. *0, 20, to fall in ruins as anything under- mined ; to be a heap of shapeless ruins. —c85, 2m,lo,-v. the same. —cQ, 2m,be, v. the same. 8 327 86, 5m, t. “08, 5o, to catch upon anything, as a gar- ment blown by the wind upon a tree. 85, 30, v. *85, 3c, to decrease a little, be slightly dimin- ished. 8, le, x. *OL, 1c, a year. —w’, Ic,lo, 2. last year. — 86, Ic,1m, #. a year, (b.). —or 8&, Ic,2c,30, . a completed year, a full year. —86, 1c,49, ”. a year. — poe » 1c,2c, 2. a year lately passed; year before last. 8, 1c, n. ge Ic, a plantain bud,—also 8, 1c — 0p, 1e,30, 2. the large plantain bud whence the fruit is developed. 8, 2c, 2. “OL: 2c, a pipe, fife, flute. — 82, 2c,5c, v. a wind instrument made of a gourd and reeds. —0}, 2c,40, 2. the same as 8. 8, 2c, tv. "Bl 2c, to be accurate, exact, as in speaking. —90, 2c,5c, v. to be distinet, clear. 8ro21, 2c,5c,2¢, 2. ( 8a90) the Burmese measure of time equal to six prans (§$). 8, 3c, ”. an elder brother or sister. — 27, 3c,lo, 2. an elder sister’s husband. —rco’, 3c,40, 2. anelder brother. —oo&, 3c,20, ”. brother; a term of respect, considera- tion; used primarily of one who having served a novitiate has left the monastery. —2&, 3c,40,.”. an elder sister. —6, 3c,5c, . relations, consanguineous relatives, kinsmen; intimate friends. — Ene, 3c,5c,lc, n. the same. 328 _ 95O} — ERS, 3c,5c,2c, 2. an own relation. —opot agEcnrf, 3c,2c,5c,2c, . relatives, friends. 8, 4c, vw. “OL 4c, to be corpulent, plump, in good flesh. —¥, 4c,lo, v. the same. —94, 4c,4c,; v. to be chubbed, short and stout in vom- parison with height. —Bo058, 4c,lc,30,1le, v. to be full, plump. Q, 5c, 2. ". 5c, the betel plant or leaf. Q4, 3c, 2. (9905) matter. Q45, 3c, 2. (q8) *o5, 3c, a paragraph, a section in writing. 95.98, 3c,2c, 2. (983i 08 ) a rational being, 9005020}, 5c,5c,2c, a priest who has a monastery. gherof, 3c,2c, v. (qc ) to make an offering to a being in token of worship. q§o07, 3c,2c, -2. (999) a question. QSo0g, 3c,5¢,4c,. 2. (Q3038) the planet Mercury ; Wednesday. QS, 4c, v. *oS, 4c, to be blunt at the edge. Q5, 4c, v.° *OoS, 4c, tobe stubbed, short, stout, large in girth but not in height. 95, 4c, v. *oS, 4c, to adhere to, cling to, as something sticky to the hand; to be daubed or smeared from use, as the handle of a knife. —g, 4c,2c, v. the same. —, 4c,4c, v. the same. Q45, 5c, v. “oO, 5c, to grow in clusters; n. a cluster, bunch of fruit, vide 25, 3c. Qv5007, 5e,2c, v (QERP.) a son, oy, 3c. Qs . “329 QS, 5e,5e, my - (43 P.) a Buddh, a person who after countless transmigrations attains perfection in virtue, wisdom and knowledge. He preaches the Jaw and af- ter his annihilation becomes the supreme object of worship until another Buddh appears,—sometimes gH007, 5e,2c. —o&, 5¢,5¢c,20, 2. a history of Buddhe. gSagrort, 5c,5c,2c, 2. { yeqa$) a Buddhist priest. Agr, 5c,5c,2m,- vn. ¢he same. gSo, 5e,5¢, n. {ag) the past. £0, 5e,5c,2c,5e, 2. (59) past deeds. ~~ 288.5, 5c,5¢,5¢,3c, ». (—$805) signs of the a ” oniens, portents. a Q45, 20, 2. “of, 20, a white ant. | Q4, 2o, 2. *of 20, froth, scum, a bubble on the surface. —2, 20,5c, 1 Paani froth or scum on the surface of water. ape, 20,5¢,3¢, ©. to have froth come, to froth. —v6oo’, 20,20,20, 2. a stony substance used for med- icinal purposes. 95, 30, v. “oS, 30, to strike forward and downward, as in hoeing, to hoe. Q5, 4o, 0. “0d, 40, to raise into an erect position, as to -erect a house. . —ojo8 of, 40,1c,20, t. to set.a bow on one:end after using it. 2 ee Benge e Q4, 40, v. *o5, 40, to awake a person from sleep or languor. vaiSieuns. Wee : QA; 50, v OS, 50, to wrap up as in a bundle; to bind up as a package. we Ga —6gf, 50,2c, 0. the sames~ rr > tr ? Gd 330 g& 9, 2c, n. “o&, 2c, a hole or depression in the ground in which water collects. — 88, 2c,lo, ». a salt lick, a place where the earth is salt. 5 — 8.50, 2¢,30,2c, m. a depression in the earth beneath or near a house for receiving filthy water and refuse, H8He7, 20,3¢,2c. —!, 2c,3c, 2. a hot spring. 9, 2c, . a shape, form, vide Q, 2c. Q&2x 7, 2c,4c, 2. ( qou308 ) a Brahmin. QEnr¥, 2,20, v. (Q$or$) to rebel. QEaRERES, 2c,2c,4c,4c, 2. (agco09Ecu€s) the drums used to sound the approach of an official. 9, 3c, v. *O&, 3c, to throw or cast in or at. " —oo®, Bc,3c, v. the same. Q&, 4c, . (qs) a bucket, a basket smeared with gum; a place in the earth for fire. : —2, 4c,5c, . a water bucket. — 8585, 4c,4m,20, 2. a tin canister. 96, lo, v. *0&, 10, to put, place, set down, as a vessel from the fire, an offering before a priest ; to give a decree. —, lo,lc, tv. to be at rest, settled in one’s mind, quiet, happy. —m8EroS, 1o,5c,5c,3c, v to utter or promulgate a royal order. 0, 20, »» *o&, 20, to shoot, as a young branch. — 0905, 20,3c, v. the same. : gép1, 20,2c, n. (qp0>) merit,—also Q&op, 2o,5c. Q&, 80, » *o&, 30, to jump, to leap.: — 5, 30,4c, v. the same. Qe 331- — 895, 30; 1o, v. the same. - Q&, 40, ». *o&, 40, a jungle of thick impenetrable grass, or trees, thick jungle,—more than ©}, 2c. 96, 4o, v. *O&, 40, to divide into several parts, be numer* ous as the branches of a tree; to be flourishing, lux- uriants, ap: 4c, n. *0", 4c, the covering, whether skin or mat thrown over the cushion of a bullock’s saddle. ay, lo, v. "a, lo, to be naked, having no clothes on; - to be empty, insincere, as words. ay, 20, v. “o’, 20, to be made soft by some process, as by cooking. ap, 20, v. (cg) to contrive evil, seek to make trouble. ay, 30, v. *o 30, to put in handsome order, to adorn as one’s self; to court a female. gop, 40, . (69%) *o!, 40, a ring-worm. Qos, 3c, v. *ooS, 3c, to change, remove. —c85, 3c,30, v. to exchange, change. — ma, 3¢,5c,20, v. to inherit. QoS, 4c, v. *oo5, 4c, to be short and havea blunt end, as something broken off; to be bald, Ghq08, 1c,4c. Qo, 20, v. to be immodest, indecent, used in composi- tion with cd, 5o. go, 4o, v. *O05, 40, to unloose, loosen ; to teach to read. — 85, 40,3c, v. to teach to read. gog Sa, 5c,5c,2m, 2. (qoq@p5) one who has not at- tained the state of an areeyah, a man,—also Qv50Q 82, 5c,5c,2m. = gaa §, Be,Ac, n.(qoQs) a hollow pagoda,—also 0098, 5c,4c. gre, 3c, t- *oaf, 3c, what is for anything, a part, 332° Q. portion, share ; a fold as i lost three fold ; aD EPs. for... fais 2 3c,30, 2. a anole prep. fies i qr’, 4c, v. “oak, 4c, a bubble up and run.over, a5 --.1 Water,in cooking... —q, 4c,20, 2. froth, scum. grt, 5e, adv.. yonder, beyond; prep.. beyond... gr, 30, 2. -. *orf, 30, to puff( out of the mouth), Qe, § 30. —0o/5, 30,20, v. to gargle the mouth. qe » 40, v. *o2€, 40, to make into a knot or skein; 7. a rope or strand of rope made into a skein. —cB 5, 40,30, ”. a hank or skein of rope strands. qe, 5o, v. *orf, 50, to be or go beyond, to exceed; to be excessive. —86, 5o,2c, v. to be out of season, unseasonable. ——©}!, 50,4c, v. to have taken place a while ago, to have passed by. —§8, 5o,lo, v. to exceed, go beyond; to transgress, sin against. QS, vide g G6, 2c, m (§) “oy, 2c, a basket made of woven work, —tide SBE, 1c. | QS, 2c, x. (805) a military officer. — QS, 2c,4c, n. the same. —0}, 2c,2c, ». (—dl) forces, troops. — m6, 2c,lo, . a general, superior official. © — 685, 2c,1c,4c, #. a general, commander in chief: 9, Be, v. *o, Be, to throw upon, cover. q, le, n. *, 1c, the external part or outside of the ab- domen. — 391, 1c,3c,2c, ”. the stomach, qe 333 —0§S, 1c,1c, v. to be big bellied. tac —&, 1c,2c, ”. to have a protuberant belly. = > — of, 1c,3c, 2. the bulging part of a pot. Q, 2c, m. (9) *6, 2c, shape, form; pattern, model ; figure, comparison, simile,—sometimes Q&, 2c, GE, 30. —0, 2c j20, n. f {—6) pattern, precedent, sample. — —o205¢05, 2c,30,2c, 2. (—o00%¢o0) a Sala éxam- ple, precedent -. — oS, 2¢,4c,3c, 2. (03288) a an Sat — on, 2c,30, 2 a writing copy. = shel. 2c,20,20, n. a chart of the sea. — 86, 2c,40, ”. a map of countries. — GF, 2c,30, n. the same as q. G, Qc, v. *6, 2c, to collect, gather together. — 96, .2c,le, v. the same. —.805, 2c,30, 2. an artificial mound made in preparing land for cultivation. Q, 4c, x. *}, 4c, a small dam,—smaller than U6’, lo. Q, 4c, v. *O, 4c, to have a swelling of the under jaw, —0&4o’, 4o,4c,5¢. Q, lo, ». *4, 1o, to bunch, be knotty, knobby ; 7. a knot in a tree or a skein of thread. Q, le, 2. me name of the different varieties of crabs. , Q, le, v. “ai, 1c, to hang loosely about, be flowing, full. —co5, 1c,30, v. to trail, as flowing robes. Q, 2c, % a grandfather. —6&, 2c,4c, m. a great grandfather. — QE, 2c,2c, . the ruler of a small district,—vide o86, 2c. —oo5, 2c,3c, . an appellation of respect given to aged men. 334 cS - 36", 2c,40, ». a father-in-law. —Ge{coof, Qc,le,2c, % a public crier, a herald, Hx COT, 40,2c. - — 2, 2c,2c, m. a great grandfather; an appellation of respect given to any aged man. . —o}, 2c,20, ». a fabulous being,—used.to scare stubborn children. —oé, 2c,lc, x. a son’s wife’s father, or a daughter’s husband's father. — 03601996, 2c,1¢,3c,1c, 2. a son’s wife’s parents, or a daughter’s husband’s parents. — gE Aan, 2c,1c,2c,lc, n. the same. g§500, 2¢,8c,5c, x. (QGooc8&) the male private parts; a man, (b.). Q, 3c, n. *o1, 3c, a tuft, a tassel. —o08, 3c,2c, ». the feathers inserted around a piston in native bellows, to render it air tight. —odgot , 3c,4c,2c, 2. paper ornaments, streamers, attached to flags, and prayer streamers. —g, 3c,2c, v. the tuft on a spear. Q, 4c, . a long water weed, a kind of cress. Q, 4c, v. ( Qe :) “OL 4c, to join, unite, put together flatwise. - —0O, 4c,40, v. the same. —g6, 4c,4c, v. the same, geod, 4c r4o, n. (qos) a pearl,—sometimes OGOS, 5c,4o. GO, lec, v. “OL 1c, to wind into skeins. oS, lc, v. vide od¢8, 4c,le. GO, 1c, v. park with 09], 2c, as 00105, the imperative of prohibition,—somet?mes o', lc. cd 835° cS, 2c, n. "04; 2c, an ear ornament of cylindrical form inserted in the perforated lobe of the ear. — 2195, 2c,3c,2c, m. an elaborate ear ornament. — —G,, 2c,lc, n.- an ear ornament. cé, 2c, x. (co) * O1, 2c, the book palm or cor, ypha tree or leaf. 6S, Qe, v. (cg) "Oi, 2c, to be unloosed, freed from. —, 2c,lc, v. to be settled, as a difficulty, to be satisfied in mind. ‘ —$eSeof, 2c,1¢,2c,4c, ».-the same, cdon&, 2c,20, n. (cog&) the Vedas; astronomy ; astrology. GO, 3c, v. “O}, 3c, to be lean, thin, emaciated, a2, Ic, CS, 4c, 1. “OL 4c, a jews harp. cS, Be, v. vide GQ, 5c. cS, lo, n. 0) Ic, a piece of timber which supports the ends of the rafters, a ridge pole, or side beam sup- porting the lower end of the rafter. —2¢00", 1o,1c,2c, 7. a piece of timber extending along the top of a house above the intersection of the rafters. —0oo6, 1o,lc, . the rounded part of the back on either side of the spinal column. — 2k, 10,40, n. the same as the 1st. def. GS, 20, 2. (925) a measure of capacity equal to four coed, 5c,20. CO, 20, v. (008) * 0}; 2c, to put aside or away, to rejects —805, 20,30, ¥ . the same. cS, 30, v. *o1 3c, to be protuberant, rounded out, bulg- ing. : g&, 30,2c, ¥. the same. oS, 40, n. “07, 4c, a raft, RE, 2c. 336 o! GO, 40,2. “Ol 4c, the upper beam ofa balustrade which the hand grasps, __—s;.. —, 40,1¢, #. the railing af. a prides. sie aan ae —952', 4o,lc,1lc, ”. a balustrade. cS, 40, n. (d3) “07, 4c, a weight equal to six or eight seeds of the abrus precatorius ; an anna. ‘ <6, Bo, 'n. “9, 5c, a goat. —cr, 50,lo, ”. a he goat. cé, 5o, v. *o, 5c, to join together flatwise by some ad- hesive substance; to put one substance upon another in order to make it adhere, . to stick something to another, ee: —oS, Boyde, v. ‘the ae ° c8, 50, -v. *o, 5c, to prevail, conquer, overcome. — 85, 50,4c, v. to conquer in battle, gain the victory. cS, 50,v. part. an intensive particle, very, as C608, 50,1c, very good. o’, Ie, v. *8, le, to step, put forth the foot, to march. aes lc,lc, v. to go afoot. o, Je, v. part. wee 05}, 2c, the inpekatie of : prohibis ‘\ tion, ‘as 000", —sometimes cS, les oO’, (N. 8.) i8 ined alone as the prohibitive imperative. ~ oa, v. *8, ad, to turn round, move a thing partly v\-tround); to:turn. aside from its la as @ river.. ae, 2c,50, v. the same, a a o', 2c, adv.- yet, : ‘with 03, 2c, not: “yeh as: 00! ey 2c, 2c,2c, not yet gone. -... «.. eo oe Os lo, %. oe le, an end, ae rie og a oF to:46, n. the chin. tes 906, 10,3c,lc, the end’of the nose, : , lo,lm, the point of e needle. Si ee cof 337 —cB5, lo,4c, the extremity. — 008, lo,le, 2 the capital of a post, a chapiter. —9905, 1o,4c, . the very end, the point of any thing. — 805, 10,3c, 2. the point of a knife or sword. —§5, lo,4c, . the ends of the fingers. —c82, 1o,5c, n. the tip of the tongue. —0&09, 10,20,4¢c, 2. (0&8:) the end of an axle-tree. o', lo, v. to exceed, be more. — 86, lo,le, conj. moreover ; besides ; in addition to. — 8, lo,lo, v. the same as oO. o, 2o, v. *8, 2c, to hit, strike against, come in contact; to strike, as fire. —6", 20,4c, v. to strike, as fire. oO 30, v. *8, 3c, to move faster than the natural pace; to run, to flee. — 895, 30,30, v. the same. o', 40, v. *8, 4c, todraw along, persuade to accompany; to bring in, as a tame elephant does a wild one. of, 5o, v. *8, 5c, to hang over, suspend, as a cloth from a railing, or to place upon, as something on the shoulder. — og, 50,2c, v. the same. —g!; 50,3c, v. the same. GO}, 5c, m. a species of bamboo, o'cof, 5c,5c. CO}, Be, v. *66, 50, to strike, to beat. — 001428, 5c,4c,3c, v. to ascend a tree by driving in pegs. —268, 5c,30, v. the same as CO}. — 89), 5c,50, v. the same, Gof, le, ». *¢5, 1c, a tree whose fibrous inner bark is G? 338 - cop used for rope making; the bark of the tree; a term for the genera hiliscus, or sterculta. —ccd, 1c,30, . the bark of one variety of the tree. —.62"’, 1c¢,40, ». the bark of one variety of the tree. —vg", 1c,5c,3c, 2. the bark of one variety of the tree. —g,v€, 1c,lc,50, 2%. the bark of one variety of the tree. : Gof, 2c, v. (ccT) *cS, 20, to appear, come to light. —gohe}:, 2c,4c,4c, v. to appear suddenly. | —}!, 2c,4c, v. the same as cof. cot, 3c, . a father. —§6, 3c,2c, n. a step-father. —26, 3c,5c, 7. a maternal uncle, a mother's younger brother. —o', 3c,30, % a widower. —o8&, 3c,5m, 2. a person who employs another in work; (N. 8.) friend! —g6, 3c,50, ”. a divorced man. —005, 3c,1c, ”. one who stands in a paternal relation to another. — 2}, 3c,lc, %. a paternal uncle, a father’s younger brother. 8 — ont? » 3c,2c, ”. a step-father. cof, 4c, v. *8, 40, to be sufficient, enough; to be capa- ble of containing. =. — 080}, 4c,1c,2c, v. to be presumptive. evidence, Ge be credible. GOT, 4c, v. (G01) “cS, 40, to be plentiful, not scarce. Gof, 4c, conj. if, vide 206, 1c. —, 4c,3c, adv. soon, presently. —«2fcQE, 4c,1c,1¢, conj. therefore. gé 339 — 32608, 4c,2c,1c, conj. else. G4855, 3¢,3c, adv. with a sound like that of footsteps fal- ling on the ground. OHOS, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. the same. S585, 4c,4c, adv. completly fullL—os’, Im. 84, Be, v. *oS, 5c, to teach, break in, as an ox. §45, 20, ». *oS, 20, bark, rind, peel, skin, shell, husk, hull. —], 20,1c, v. to be thick barked or shelled, to be of a gross, thick habit of body, to be sluggish. —voSag2€ , 20,20,1¢, 2. the outer fibrous bark of a co- coanut. —v6, 20,10, v. to be thin barked or shelled; to thin, spare in habit of body; to be agile. —80o5, 20,5m, ». a capsule, a pericarp. —8, 20,2c, ”. an onion skin. — 06, 20,lo, v. vide BSE. g5, 30, v. FOS , 30, to be spread wide over a considerable surface, as a sore, bodies of water, or a multitude of men. 86, 2c, v. to bulge out, protuberate, S&, lo. 86, 3c, 2. *o6, 3c, an artificial cavern. -—86E, 3c,3c, adv. a considerably large excavation, "used with 905, 4c. 86, 3c, v. *O&, 3c, to trust, rely on, as a teacher or ob- ject of worship. — 8, 3c,1lc, v. the same. 86, 4c, 2. beginning, commencement, carogé, 2c,4c,be. Q&, 10, n. form, shape; pattern, example, rule; what per- : tains to a person or things, as SERGE, 3c,lo. 340 Rol Bok — 0, 10,2c, n. natural state without modification; ede. as formerly, as usual. —852&, 10,40,1c, ». the piece of wood or substance used in shaping a sandal. —66, 1o,lo, 2. the same as 8, 1o. —g&, 10.80, ”. the same, 36, lo, v. to be the same, to be like; #. a pattern, mod- el. : — 86.028, 10,1m,1c, adv. in like manner, likewise, so. 8&, 20, v. (86) *o&, 20, to own, possess, have a right to; to be over, to be chief, — 88, 20,30, v. to preside over, to possess anthority over. —o6, 20,20, v. to have the power of life and death. 86, 30, 2. *O&, 30, a shallow crucible, infreg. 8&, 30. 86, 30, v. *0&, 30, to be out of the way, to err, be wrong; to be different in kind; to be dislocated, as a joint. 86, 4o, v. *0&, 40, to give light; to cause toshine, give light to a person. —3, 4o,le, v. the same. §05, 2c, v. *v05, 2c, to open, be opened. 805, 4c, v. *005, 4c, to pull the string of a bow; to shoot; to dress cotton with a bow string. §05, 5c, v. “oo, 5c, to cast away, throw away with violence. —§65, Be,5c, v. the same. Qf , le, 2. *oot , lc, an abscess in the armpit. G28, le, n. *oaf, lc, an arrow. S28, Ic, v. *or®, 1c, to scatter, throw about. SFB 28, 2c,30, adv. with a rotund or globose form, —qof, 4o. 8 341 GP S28, 4c,4c, adv. trembling from a concussion,—used with 202¢, 30. orf) orf » 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. QF, 5c, n. “Oo€, 5c, the inside bottom of anything as a house or box,—opposite of 92, 30, the outside bottom of a box. Sf, 30, pr. others. —o€en, 30,20,5¢, pr. the same. — 0B, 30,20,3c, pr. the same. —Fodsoe , 30,4m,4c, v. to bewitch. Gof » 40, v. Fort , 40. to incline, place obliquely; to be inclined. 86, 30, v.. *oS, 30, to strike, as the waves onthe shore, or water agitated by the shaking of the vessel which contains it. 8S, 4c, v. *6, 4c, to scoop into the mouth with the hand, as anything dry like parched corn. 85, 5o, v. *O, 50, to be cloyed with rich, savory food. 85, 1c, v. to be distended, vide 86, 3c: 88, 3c, v. “oD 3c, to throw, cast, as a stone. 85, 3c, v. “Oo, 3c, to be distended, inflated, blown up. §§, 4c, v. “OLD 4c, to lift up 80 a8 to look under. — 039, 4c,4c, v. the same, 85, Ac, v. “OL 4c, to have the peculiar roughness of flesh caused by cold or fear, called the goose skin,—0g 22° 5885, 2c,10,50,4c. 86, Be, v. *OL 5c, to bring things in succession to a " place; to come in succession, as different companies of men. . 86, lo, v. “OL 1c, to be wet, 038, 4c,lo. 85, 30, prep. because of, on account of. ‘342 g& —}1, 30,3¢, prep. the same. ——2'c0&, 30,1c,2c, conj. therefore. —a2¢'ccS, 30,1¢,30, conj. therefore; (N.S. ) 8800’, 30,1c. —oo4, 30,4c, prep. on account of. 98:85, 40,40, adv. in a pendulous manner,—Q2, be 0126], 40,40, 4c,4c, adv. the same. &5, 50, v. the same as 96, lo. 86, bo, v. *O, Be, to be soft, tender, yielding, lax. —omEm€, 50,3c,lc,le, v. the same. —88So, 5o,5c,50,5c, v. the same, 94, 2c, v *855, 20, to separate, detach, pull off, skin. —7, sae v. to skin an animal. — 35, 2c,20, v. to skin a fruit, strip off bark. 95, 2c, v. to have the peculiar roughness of flesh caused by cold or fear,—95, 4c. 95, 3c, 7. a time, as one time, 65, 2c. —o, 3c,lc, adv. afterwards, hereafter. — Gof , 30,4c, adv. the same. 95, 4c, v. *85, 40, 2. to be dwarfish, disproportionate- ly small, spoken of persons and things of the same kind ;'2. a short prop under anything. —c°%, 4c,30, ”. a supporting crotch, a crutch. gd, 5c, 1. *85, 50, a collection of several houses or dis. tricts under one head or jurisdiction, as QAR, 5c, 40, 95026, 5c,303 a local jurisdiction. gh, 5c,5c, ”. one of the stomachs of a ruminant, not the chief one, yf, lc, ». a booth or hut; a howdah. —co&, 1c,50, ”. a howdah. —005, 1c,30, ”. a small hut used by a priest during the time of confessing sins, 9& 343 9€, Ic, v. *8&, lo, to consider, have the intention to do. 96, le, v. “8, 10, to arrange in order, take care of, minister to the benefit of. 30190247, 1¢,2c,5c,2c, v. to minister to or propagate a religion. — $05, 1c,4m, v. the same as y6. 96, 2c, v. *8&, 20, to pierce or be pierced, penetrate, go through; to make a hole into; to go through to 7. e. to reach a place; to come out of, appear; to have a use. —8¢ Gu» 2¢,1m,4c, v. to go straight through, as a hole. — 85, 2c,1lm, v. the same. — 0905, 2c,3c, v. the same. gS, 2c, v. (cE) “8, 20, to pawn or mortgage, vide dD, 5c. : 96, 3c, x. *86, 30, that part of any thing included between the two joints or knots, as in the arm, or in a bamboo. —.05, 3c,30, 2. the leg below the knee. —2}, 3c,lc, ». the leg above the knee. —B2f, 3c,lc, 2. the parts between the joints of the toes. — Broo, 3c,1¢,40, 2 to be long legged. — 86, 3c,4c, . the parts between the joints of the fingers. — 8608, 3c,4c,40, v. to be long armed. — 2’, 3c,3c, ”. a short piece of sugar cane, a joint of sugar cane. gE, 4c, 2. (ed)&:) an arched roof. g&; 4c, v. “8, 40, to rise, swell up, as a blister, or bread over the fire. — fof , 4c,3c, v. to rise up through, as yeast. —9 5, 4c,5c, v to rise up, as a blister. 344 gd * 9, 4c, v. (cO)Es) *8E, 40, to associate withs to join, be united with; to add, (arithmetic). — nr, 4c, 1c, v. to associate, keep company with. — 6S), 40,30, v. (—e) to associate, go into partner- ship. GESS » 4c,40, n. the marsh forming the northern ‘por- tion of Inlayua Lake. 9, Be, v. *86, 50, to lament, bewail, find fault with, scold. : —00], 5¢,2c, v. to scold, revile. —0}, 5c,2c, v. to scold,—less strong than gEoo}. QO05, 2c, 2 *805, 20, the lungs. QO5, 2c, v. *805, 20, to be smooth, fine, nice, handsome. — gee. » 2c,3c, v. the same. 05, 3c, v. (go5) “805, 30, to rub. —o8, 3c,lc, v. the same. — BaF » 3c,5¢c,4c, v. to wash with silver. 905, 4c, v. *805, 40, to be short, not long; ». a short piece, division, part. —.85, 4c,lo, x. the portion of the body from the small of the back upward. g2e, 3c, v. to tell to, to instruct, (b.) sometimes 4c. got , 8c, v. “82€, 30, to put into the mouth, as food. gf 3c, v. *828, 80, to clean cotton by pulling and picking. — ps 3c,lc, v. the same. im: , 4c,40, adv. in the prime of youth, used of persons about sixteen years of age (b.). gd, Qc, n. “8S, 20, a cutaneous affection. — 2, 2c,lo, m @ variety of this disease. Q 345 —05, 2c,1c, ». one kind of malignant erysipelas, more dangerous than 9598. YS, vide 3g. ? Q, 2c, wv. *c6, 20, to loose, set at liberty, free. —gs, 2c,40, tv. to grant a person to return to any place. —c8o8, 2c,3c, v. the same as 1st. def. — 0905, 2c,8c, v. the same. ae 2c, v. *6S, 20, to send, despatch. —}], 2¢,2c, v. to send to another place. —-20006, 2c,5c,40, v. to spread news. —¢o5, 2c,1c, v. to send away. ©}, 2c,4c, v. to send. — mF, 2c,5c,50, v. to permit. a, 4c, n. (9) a feast, festival, entertainment of any kind. — Bf 9196, 4c,1c,4c,4o, 2. a feast, entertainment. —005, 4c,30, . (2059) a theatrical exhibition. —ro}2, 4c,4e, (—o22) a broker, agent, go between. —06, 4c,4c, n. vide Q'845. —vo, 4c,5c, .a horse race. —c8.5, 4c,3c, 2. a festival in which books are read for amusement. —mc8 , 4c,5c,2m, ”. an anniversary festival. a 4c, vide o', 10; also a, 4c} with O04, 4c, used as a future particle. — 86, 4c,lc, conj. moreover, besides, in addition, vide 2 gid, 4c,l1c, and o' QE, 1o,1c. — oo, 4c,4c, conj. the same, Q, le, v. *¥* 10, to be exceedingly high, lofty. —g 5, 1c,2c, v. to reach the clouds, soar to the clouds, ; SS ’ 346 + qSecofoo Q, lc, v. *o*, lo, to take shelter in, hide. —86, 1c,40, v. the same, Q, 2c, n. *o®, 20, a small basket box for containing clothes. 9, 3c, v. to be well rounded out (b.), —also used in HQ, 3c,3e. Qooet" 0212, 3c,4c,4c, m. one who has charge of burying or burning the dead. 9, 4c, v. *0%, 40, to stay up, brace up by putting something flatwise, as one board under another board, ahout to break; . a stay, brace. 99, 4c,4c, adv. with a recitative tone, as a man repeat- ing Buddhist prayers. q5, 30, v. (qo5) *8.5, 3c, to be witty, trifle with, deride, treat derisively. QSoB6, 30,5c,2c, 2. ( (383) an astrological scheme, which forms the basis of subsequent calculations; an almanac. qs, 40, ». *84, 4c, to slap, rap. gEco8aer€, 20,1¢,5c, conf. besides, BScoS202&, 1o,1c,5c. @&, 40, v. (GE:) “SE, 4c, to be violent, pungent. G05, 30, v. (G05) “808, 3c, to end, cease, stop, be ex- hausted; to apprise at a proper price. qo5o008, 80,30, 2. ((Ga0o8) a building or steeple with a graduated roof. qjo5oo247, 30,5c,2c, ((G20092) a question or subject for discussion. qoSooe¢* , 30,40, v. (Ggo§s) to decide, settle, establish. ape, 20, v (Q§) “Sr, 2c, to repeat, Fae, 4c. —c85, 20,3c, v. to repeat from memory. — 02645, 20,5¢,30, v- (2090898) to translate. gSero§oo, 2c,5¢,5c,5¢,5¢, 2. (GegoRoo P.) a cardinal og 347 virtue of which there are four, viz. 80800}, 3¢,2¢, G26], 5¢,5¢,2c, @ S300}, 5c,5c,2c, 98.591, 5c,5c,2c. Q) le, v- to be well rounded out in the abdomen, Qa 1c, 1c. Qi ds, 2c,3c, x. (qo805) a divine communication of any kind; a prophetic utterance. q1o8, 2c,5c, 1. (q08 P.) sickness, E828, 40,1m. Q1009, 2¢,5c,5c, 2. (qpd)s P.) darkness, ignorance, fol- ly, Ear Godoo'n’, 40,1c,1¢,1¢,3¢,2c. Qe) 4c, @- aux. (s0(Qo: what is flat ) used to denote flat things, 885, 4o. qt, 4c, v (@) *8, 4c, to show, G2, lo. — 9, 4c,3c, v. to practice with muskets, as soldiers at a review. — 005, 4c,30, v. to act on the stage. —onf9, 4c,4c,4c, v. to work miracles. — qed, 4c,30,50, v. to practice legerdemain. AQS, 4c,3c,4c, v. to parade, to practice on parade. 500), 3c,2c, 2. 2) a kind of being inferior to 1 8&8 8 man, inhabiting one of the four states of suffering,— applied to the lower animals, as insects, fish, serpents. G00, 5e,5c, 2. ((8900) ‘Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac. GS001, 3m,2c, n. ((89>) Scorpio, the eighth sign of the Zodiac. qy5o8eo5¢, 50,5c,5c,2c,5c, 7. (Qg8eseo) the great island on the east of the Myenmo mountain. qSaid, 4c,4c, adv. (8: to glare ) glaringly, brilliantly. Gia 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. , cq, 5c, v. (Ged) to be full... 348 . 8 —1G, 5c,2c, v. (—) to be possessed of, be fulfilled. caf, 2c, v. “eG, 20, to enjoy one’s self, be happy, pleased, og, 40, Q2¢), 30. QERé, 4c,3c, 2. (c(Qo€s) the barrel of a gun. (Go, 30, v. *G05, 8c, to slip, also O05 and 00005. — 21GA Fee , 30,2c,30,4c, v. to slip one way and then another, (605, 40, v. a scar. : Gs, lo, v. to sail, as a bird inthe sky; to fly with a swift gliding motion, as a swallow. Gé. 30, v. *@8&, 30, to leap forward. 9, 40, v. (9§) *8&, 4c, to become a Buddh or god, —sometimes 5o. 8, 4c, v. *8, 4c, to cover with, dress, to wear. —958c8E, 4c,4c,4c,4m, v. to wear clothes (b.). —o§, 4c,4c, adv. having many strings or ends to one’s clothes ; raggedly,—09’, 5c. 5, 5c, v *8, 5c, to wait for, be on the look out for, to take care of, attend on, protect. —n&, 5c,lo, v. to stand sentry. —, 5c,lc, v. to practice, keep, observe. —Bo5r07, 5c,3m,2c, v. to be faithful. —coofcnr], 5c,4c,2c, v. to superintend, watch over, direct. — 099), 5c,40, ¥. to watch, look after. —coo{ Gos, 5c,3c,4m, v. to persist in doing repeatedly. —00), 5c,3c, v to wait for, hope for. . —6403, 5c,4clc, v. to watch, guard the door. .» © —8, 5c,lc, v. to be devoted to the service of a nat. —c8&, 5c,6m, v. to feed, tend (as creatures) | Se 349 O°, 2m, v. *6, 20, to secrete, hide from sight. —co5, 2m,4e, v. to hide from sight by placing behind something. —865, 2m,40, v. the same as 0”. %, 5m, 2. *8, Bo, the side of a body, generally animate, but sometimes inanimate. —GCoofnr, 5m,2c,lc, adv. side by side. —oy’, 5m,lc, ”. the middle part of a mountain declivity. o®, 4o, 2. "0, 40, a small basket worn by the Shans, at- tached behind the girdle; a cylindrical basket used by Karens, suspended from the shoulder or forehead. & The eleventh letter of the Shan Alphabet and the second Consonant in the class of labials. U6, Be, 2. *B, 5c, a large knife with a blunted end; the hatchet of the Shans. i, 5c, 2. *8, 5c, the visible heavens, the sky. —nésS, 5c,lo,lo, 2. the same. —v6, 5c,20, v. to be clear, unclouded. —vE Gof, 5c,20,8c, v. the same. —6}, 5c,2c, v. to strike, as lightning. — 805, 5c,20, v. to thunder in short, abrupt claps. —85, 5c,30, v. to lighten; 7. lightning. — 05, 5c,4o, v. vide 6Q05. —vf, 5c,4c, v. to rumble in the sky like distant thunder. —oo, 5c,lc, v. to thunder; ». thunder. —0& 80507, 5c,20,4m,1c, 2. clouds which lie in scales. —co&oo’, 5c,20,40, . the same. —q05, 5c,40, v. to be overcast, overspread with clouds. 6, 5c, 2. (Laos) a novitiate for the priesthood. 6AN0}, 3c,5c,2c, 2. (0000)) Bagawah, a name ap- plied to a Buddh. OS, 4c, 2. *BS, 4c, any cooked condiment to be eaten with rice, curry. — 05, 4c,20, n. the mustard plant. —}, 4c,lc, x. a plant whose white fragrant rootlets are much eaten in the Shan States. —8, 4c,4c, n. the coriander plant. — 05, 4c,2c, m. a fern of which the Shans distinguieh . 4 5 351 three varieties 272. HAE, 4c,2c,5c, a climbing fern ; BS.QOSeE, 4c,2c¢,10 3 6.5905G:H, 4c,2c,40. —4, 4c,2c, n. the three leaved caper. — $65, 4c,lm, ». leaves or herbs used for making curry. — 92, 4c,lo,lo, 2. spinous amaranthus. —o", 4e,do, n a thorny bush whose leaves are used for food. —crof, 4c,4c, . a kind of curry made of mustard leaves, tomatoes and native sugar. —ov8, 4c,3m, ”. the bauhinea tree. — 2} 82F , 4c,30,3m, ”. spilanthes acmella. —129q; 4¢,30,1c, 7. the roselle plant. —2, 4c,lo, ”. capparis. — 6, 4c,50, ”. animal food. — 26,0", 4c,50,2c, . the horse radish tree. — 24", 4c,4c, ». the tender shoots and leaves of the snake gourd, used as food. — 0, 4c,lc, n. a vegetable creeper with esculent shoots and leaves. ‘ —88&, 4c,3c, . the scarlet slenodendran, vide opE8E c8E, 1c,3c,los sometimes applied to the fragrant clerodendron. —§5, 4c,5c, % a radish. —) 4c,3c, n. vide 650}. 5, 4c,2c, ”. onions. — 8G, 4c,2c,50, % a white onion. —886, 4c,2c,lo, n. vide 658G5c8E. — 89685, 4¢,2c,1¢,20, 2. vide BSCGPT. — 8 6086, 4c,2c,1c,lo, ”. onions, shallots. — 2, 40,2c, % onion tops. — S82, 4c,40,4c, ». the cassia fertide plant, 352 bS — S828, 4c,4c,4c, 2. the same. —cB8E, 4c,lo, . flesh of animals used for food, particu- larly beef. —gr, 4c,30, ”. cumin. —cgf, 4e.lc, ”. garlic. BS, 4c, n. *BS, 4c, a pod. — 09, ioe n. a bean pod. 4, 4c, v. *WB5, 4c, to bind round the waist, as a coo- lie his blanket. . (6503, 4c,lc, ”. a door. —— nor, 4c,1c,3¢ v4o, vide 021995012, 2c,5e,40,4c. OS, 5c, v. “BS, Be, “to chop, mince. 6S, 20, x. “BS, 2c, a division or portion of anything divided lengthwise into halves or fourths ; sometzmés incorrectly applied to other divisions; the other side (as of a body of water).~ —S, 20,20, n. long split bamboo used much like tiles for roofing. a 0, 20,5¢,20, 2. the same. —Gvf, 20,3c, n. a fragment of a pot, a potsherd. A, 20, 2. mistletoeworts, parasites of the genus loran- thus, each kind taking the name of the tree on which it is found, as HAAS, 20,20,30, the man- _go loranthus. 645, 20, v. to send by the hand of some person; ”% a present to one’s betrothed. —ooA$og€, 20,30,2c, v. to send a present to a distance. 6, 30, n. “8S, 3c, a floor, flooring. 65, 30, v. “B.5, 8c, to put together side by side; to compare; to unite, act in concert, do in partnership. —o Sc, 30,2c,1c, v. to be well matched. 6/5, 30, v. *WBV5, 3c, to separate. 2 2 tLe. ws 353 —007', 80,10, » to separate from, leave. —o0"'7, 30,lo,4c, v. the same. 66, le, * BE, 1c, a curved stick. used for stretching. —voor", lole, na stirrup, vide HA BF, 2c,1c. —¢6, 1c,2c, n. the curved stick that stretches the cloth in the loom. WE, Ic, v. “BE, 1c, to bury, cover up in the ground. —o4, 1¢,80, v. to put a circular charm into the flesh. — 82, Ic,Ilc, v. to bury. —-¢g, 1c,20, ». a birth place, t.-e. where the navel string is buried. 6E6', 1c,4c, x. a broad shallow earthern basin for holding fire. wE, 2c, n. * BE, 2c, the bank of a river, lake or sea. —ror, 2c,4c, nm. a steep bank, a cliff. —29 08, 2c,4c, . a projection of a bank. —2, 2c,5c, 2. the bank of any body of water. —v&oo’, 2c,20,20, 2. the sea shore. —§4, 2c,4c, n. the steep bank of a chasm peculiar to limestone regions. — $4905, 2c,4c,20, ». a breach in such a bank. WE, 4c, v. (Laos) to listen, obey, oR, 2c. WE, 5c, v. “uBE, 5c, to be decayed, rotten, as wood. “£9, 5c, 5c, v- the same. 66, lo, . the sapan tree; madder, a red dye. _ &, lo, x. *WBE, 1c, appearance, form, g&, 30. w&, lo, n. “WBE, 1c, the cup or dish of @ balance, E09", 1o0,4¢. : BE, 30, v. “BE, 8c, to strike against, drive against, "rush against. 99 as 354 ere" Ww, 4o, x. (0063) WE, 4c, ganga or bhang tree,—vide 0, 4o. &, 40, v. *.BE&, 4c, to be unsubstantial, empty, void, good for nothing, as a seed. —8S, 40,3c, v. the same. 605, 4c, v. *.B05, 4c, to toss up, as rice in a flat bottomed basket when cleaning it. 60S, 4c, x. (005) *cB05, 4c, to read any thing. L605, Be, v. “Bod, 5c, to strike with a quick, sharp stroke. — 849, 5e,50, v. the same. — 85, 5c,50, v. the same. (60590, 5e,5c, 2. (0009 P.) perception. 605, 20, v. *WBo5, 2c, to be astringent in taste. (605, 20, v. * (Bod, 2c, to separate, part, sever, put at a distance; to separate from, go from. ——GD}, 20,5c, v. to separate, as friends no longer friend- ly ; to make a schism. —¢n oie, 20,5c,20,30, v. the same. —2, 20,40, v. to wean; to be weaned. —ccB, 20,10, v. to separate, part from. _ —0or, 20,10, v. the same. 605, 30, v. *uB05, 3c, to go by or near, as a shot near the mark. 050005, 30,5c,30, 2 (203008) a grand revolution or period of time which is distinguished by two Buddhs in succession. BG], 30,5c,30,2c,2c, n. the same, 628, 1c, n. “Bak, 1c, the circular flexure in the hair of men or animals, 22, le. ae lc, to dream, vide got we, de, le. Ce bt 35 — Gx", le,le, v. to dream, see in a dream. G2"0n, 2c,2c, ». (90029) treasure, goods laid up. —— 9, 2¢,2c,4¢, 2. ( 82) a treasurer. G2, 3c, v. “Bak, 3c, to twist tight and hard. 3e, 4c, n. * Bot » 4c, a seed; a kind, a race. —6h005, 4c,4c,20, 7. a mustard seed. —6 58, 4c,4c.4c, ». the coriander seed. 62, 4c, v. “Ba, 4c, to strike with the edge of a knife, to gash, chop. —-BS, 4c,40, v. to cut off. —6', 4c,5o0, v. to cut off with a side. cut. —0y, 4c,50, v. to fell. — oS, 4c,4c, v. to cut down and clear away a field. —s", 4c,3c, v. the same. —g' 85, 4c,3c,4c, v. the same, 628, 5c, v. “B28, 5c, to press or knead with the hands, as the body. —86, 5c,2c, v. the same, 62, lo, w. * Bf , 1c, to be poor, destitute. 628, lo, v. * B38, 1¢, to cut into thin slices, to pare off, vide of , 1c. | —B, lolc, v. the same. — Bef, lo,le, v. the same. H2FH2, 1o,lo, adv. shiningly, lustrously, glossily. —— 82882, 1o,10,1c,1lce, adv. the same. 62, 2o, v. (o§) * Be, 2c, glass, CO, 3c. 62, 20, v. (0§) to create (b.). —oo06, 20,40, v. (—0:) to make, create, give form and appearance. Gt, 80, x. “Bet, 3c, aslice, piece of any thing. 356 60100] 27240009. —cB2, 30,1lc, » a clod. 628, 30, v. * Bt. , 3c, to experience horripilation, to have the fine hair of the skin stand erect, from a chill or fear. 62, 4o, n. “8a, 4c, the barking deer, cervus montjac. bS, 20, wv. *.8S, 2c, to glitter, scintillate. = OS, 20, ¢t. *BS, 2c, to make a confused noise, as the sound of water when disturbed. 6S, vide 6B. . 600,03, 5c,2c,5c,5c, 2. (20009003) one of the four infidelities, that caused by fear. RES, 5c,2c,2c, n. vide o§68, 5c,2c,2c. (692007001, 5c,5c,5c,2c,2c, x. (eqoa00102 P.) rude, violent, abusive language, .2905.}.4, 40,4c,40,40. Ooo, 5c,5c,20, 2. (©00g52$) one who has obtained either of the four great rewards. 65, le, v. “85, 1c, to roast or burn by putting on or into the fire. — 0905, 1c,2c, ». the same. 65, 2c, n. *.88, 2c, ashes. 68, 2c, n. a time, g5, 3c, 0, 4c. 66, Qo, v. * 85, 2c, to spread false reports. — 0}, 20,40, v. the same, CoE GSc0&o3, 30,20,30,20. 66, 40, v. to make a handsone appearence. — 05, 40,40, v. the same. (60, 5c,5c, x. (990 P.) a state of existence of which there are three, present, past, and future. 6045, 5c,30, . (00005) the summit of a sekyah system. 60}, 5c,2c, . (001) a blanket of any kind. (6010070129209, 5c,5c,2c,2c,5c,5c,5c, n. vide M209 0d, 5c,5c,5c,5c. =1 6) 35 6, le, n. vide oS, 2c;le. B, 3c, 2. *B", 3c, a kind of sore, felon, whitlow. —05 36,20, 2. a variety of the same. — 9, 3c,30, 2. a variety of the same. —005, 3c,20, n. vide 005. —9é, 3c,30, 2. vide Wa. 'c6!, 40,40, adv. copiously,—used of weeping as 26007 ONS 66, 5c,1c,40,4c,4c. Ob", 4c,4c,4c,4c. adv. the same. <6, 40, v. *L6°, 4c, to accuse on suspicion, 0, 20. —oo€, 40,20, v. the same. 6, 40, v. *L6°, 4c; to increase in size by spreading, asa sore. 6, 4o, v. (063) *\6", 4c, to sieze on, apprehend, as 85 6, 50,40. 67, Ie, 2. *.B, lc, the side of a house, fence, or any- thing made of woven reeds or bamboos; a flat stone, vide 0467, 20,1e. — in, 1c,3c, n. the partition or side of a room. —ror , 1c,40, ”. a woven railing or partition around a room or verandah, lower than a proper partition. —', 1c,4c, 2. that part of the musket which receives the stroke of the flixt. . —cor, 1c,50, ”. asteep slope, precipice, ede BEror, 2c,4c. — ¢, 1c,5c, ”. a precipice. — 2, 1c,lc, . a precipice of rock. / — ga, 1c,20,4c, ”. a cover for a basket of any kind. 61, 1c, v. *.8, 1c, to join, unite, put together. — #8, 1c,4c, v. to put upon, as a patch, 358 - 6} —€, 1c,40, v. to join, put together side by side; to gather about, as persons around a teacher. — cdé, 1c,4c, v. the same (b.). —c, 1c,lo, . a couplet or triplet or more, spring- ing from the same stock, as twins at one birth, ,plan- tains adhering to each other. 6), 2c, % the flat portion of the hand or foot. — Bf , 2c,1c, 2. the sole of the foot. — 86, 2c,4c, ”. the palm of the hand. 6}, 2c, tv. *8, 2c, to divide lengthwise, to split,—with Q)], 2c, to go through, pass through, W673}, 2¢,2c. — 3&2, 2c,3c,3c, v. to split in halves. —<84, 2c,3c, v. to split into parts. —BH, 2c,20, v. to split by cracking. — Gf , 2c,4c, v. to split wood with an axe. —vor', 2c,lo, v. to separate, sever, disjoin. —og’, 2c,3c, ». to split into several parts. (6), 2c, v. *8, 2c, to meet together. —gf, 2c,50, v. to come together or in contact, as from opposite sides. , — gg, 2c,50,50, v. the same. H]901, 2c,2c, 2. (902009 P.) any system of religion; a ‘customary way. (61001, 2c2c, x. (99009) the cardamom plant. (610267, 2c,5c,2c, n. (022039) forty short sentences for repetition,—shorter than Heo, 2c,5c,40, 1, 3c, n. *(B, 3c, a covering ; a waist cloth; a film on the eye; a cloud. —.n&, 3c,3c, ”. a curtain.or screen. — nu, 30,3¢,4c, . a mosquito curtain, 9905, 4c. BEBS 359 —BSeu9, 3c,3¢,3c, n. a cloth used in taking up a hot vessel. — 96, 3c,4c, 2. anything spread out to lie on, a mattress. — 95g; 3c,4c,20, 7”. a mattress stuffed in partitions. — 805, 3c,5m, 2. a handkerchief. — 8, 3c,20, 2. anything spread to lie on. — 8, 3c,2m, 7. a waist cloth. —G » 3c,2c, 2. a cushion, mattress. — gr, 3c,lo, 7. acloud. — GF hRSHOS, 3c,10,2c¢,2c,2c, v. to be overcast with heavy black clouds. — 85R8, 3c,20,2m, 2. a small waistcloth used for bath- ing. —00}, 3c,lc, 7. a cloth or blanket used to suspend a child from the back. —o’, 3c,lc, m. a coverlit, mantle. — goad, 3c,5c,40, ”. something bound on the breast. —g6, 3c,lc, 2. a long cloth used as a turban ; a shawl —Gj, 3c,20, 2. a coverlit, a covering stuffed with cotton. —Q, 3c,8c, . the swaddling clothes of an infant. 1, 3c, v. *(B, 3c, to free, release, deliver. —%, 3c,40, v. to cease taking care of, leave the care of. (6), 4c, % a kind of shrub, whose flowers are offered to the nats. u8, 5c, v to occur, happen without warning, sudden- ly, as an illness, BEDE, 5c, 5c. —ro, 5e,4c, v. the same, WS2, 3c,2c, 2. (Bog, P-) a priest of Buddh. ——§ 28, 8c,2c,2c, ” ( $) a priestess of Buddh. 8.58.5, 3c,3c, m (9008050805) » pouring of water, a8 a ceremony of inauguration. 360 Bod BSB5, 4c,4c, v. in a squirting manner, — 8 2€00", 20,5c,40. BE, 3c, n. former time ; a custom, —used in composi- tion, OQ&W6E, 4c,3c. BE, 3c, tv. to be many, (b.). BE, 4c, 7. (B§:) *w6, 4c, opium. B&, 1m, v. *6&, 1o, to hold, lay hold of, clinch. BE, 2m, v. *6&, 20, to be even, as much as; to act in concert. ; Gof, 2m, lo, v. the same. BE, lo, v. *wBE, 1c, to be by the side of, to put along- side. —yY, 1o,4c, v. to put side by side, as two vessels. — 10,4c, v. the same. WBE, 40, n. a chatty, earthen vessel, pot, Gef, 3c. BE, 50, v. “BE, 5c, to be emaciated, reduced in size, as a person; to be under size, as a fruit. 825, lo, v. "Ba, 1c, to be somewhat elevated, high, as land. Bq5, 20, n. * Bx, 2c, cotton cloth made by the Shans. Bq5, Qo, n. *Baf, 2c, what is flat and hard,—used as a. anx. for flat things, as boards. —B, 20,1c, ». the surface of the earth: B08; 2c, v. “i605, 2c, to break off, as one piece from an- other, to break with the hands; ». a bit, fragment. 805, 2c, v. *.605, 2c, to be distant from human habita- tions. B05, 3c, ». “L605, 3c, to go by or near, to skim along the surface. BoS, 3c, v. (805) *L605, 3c, to invite. —v6, 3c,40, ». the same, Be 361 —gé, 3c,5c, v. the same. B05, 4c,v. *605, 4c, to miss a mark, err, be wrong; to quarrel; to sin against. —, 4c,lc, v. to be at variance in feeling. —295.B05,4, 4c,40,4c,40, t. to talk in a quarrelsome manner; to scold. —o06, 4c,40, ». to go out of the way, miss the road. —orE Ref, 40,40,1c, ». to eat what is hurtful. —86é, 4c,30, v. to sin, offend against. 805805, 4c,4c, adv. very,—applied to darkness, as 000 BEB05805, 4c,2c,4c,4c, to be very dark. BOS, 5c, ». “605, 5c, the red pepper plant, chilli. Bosa&, 5c,30, 2. (SodqyEs) the long pepper, piper lon- gum. B05, 2m, n. “L605, 20, a ghost, apparition. BOS, 4m, v. *W605, 40, to be hot, pungent to the taste.. B05, 20, v. *c605, 20, to roar, as thunder, to be loud, thundering. — get » 20,30, the same. 805, 30, v. 605, 30, to mark with a straight line by means of a cord. —8, 30,3c, v. to mark with a straight line by means of a black cord. W05, 40, v. “605, 40, to shake, shake off or out; to scatter, sprinkle. —oo2, 40,2c, v. to shake, tremble. — 5, 4o0,3c, v. to shake or cleanse by washing. B05u805, 50,50, adv. with the sound of tearing or rip- ping as cloth,—ce{, 4c. Brf, 20, n. (BEs) * 62, 2c, opium, vide BE, 4c. . Bef, 3m, v- to be meet, suitable, proper, good (b.). Gé 362 8b e 8S, Bo, @. *6S, 50, to be flat. —00}, 50,1lc, v. to wink. —o00} 628", 50,1c,lo, v. to hint by winking. BS, vide 6". 8S, 1c, n. * 65, lc, the outer part of the skin, the cuticle, outer rind of bark. : —op 5, 1c,2c, . the outer rind of the bamboo pealed off for weaving mats. — #68526, 1c,50,1¢,1¢, n. the cuticle. —v’, 1c,5c, ». the outer integument of the bark of a tree. 86, lc, v. to whistle. —0o}, le,40, v. the same. 8, Qc, v. *65, 2c, to make a whistling sound, as wind blowing, or wind expelled through a hole in any thing. 65, Be, tv. *65, 5c, to strike, beat with something small, 85, 3m, v. *68, 30, to clear up, clear away, arrange things in order, by putting things in their proper places and disposing of others. — 805, 3m,30, v. to put away. — 3800}, 3m,30,3c, v. to clear away, as weeds, grass, ‘bushes. BS, lo, v. *65, 1o, to afrive, 096, 1c, GO, 3c. —e}, lo,4c, v. the same. 8, lc, 2. *c67, le, a boil, ulcer. <8, Ic, 2. “c6}, 1c, a being superior to man and inferior to the brahmahs, and having its dwelling place in one of the six inferior celestial regions. 05, 1¢,4c, v. to be indifferent to evil results under the influence of a spirit. Bey ca ——A100, 1¢,2c,5c, 2. a spirit who causes the cholera, 8, 1c,3c. — 25, 1c,3c, v. to be possessed by a spirit, to be be- witched. —oi9!, 1c,3c,4c, ”. a kind of evil spirit. —y&5, 1c,2c,lc, v. to have stiffness or contortion of the muscles from the influence of a spirit presiding over a salt lick. ——U90 $05, 1c,2c,4m, v. to be ill from the supposed in- fluence of such a spirit. —w', le,de, m a monster, beeloo. —0502q], 1c,30,30,2c, 7. (208¢p) a kind of evil spirit. —8$00), 1c,3c,2c, ”. an evil spirit. —8of, 1c,40, ”. a kind of spirit dwelling in caves and other: solitary places. —03, 1c,3c, 2. family guardian spirits. —B2, le,le, 2. the guardian spirit of the earth. — 8595, 1c,4c,3c, v- to possess, as an evil spirit, who enters a person and professes to be the spirit of some dead person. — 8505, 1c,4c,4m, v. the same. —o8, le,lc, ”. a good spirit. — Gy, 1¢,3¢, n. the spirit who causes cholera, 8.0100. — GF, 1c,lc, ”. a spirit supposed to cause the violent death of the person whom it enters. —g", 1c,50, ”. a bad spirit. —89', 1c,2c,5c, 2. a kind of evil spirit who assumes the form of some animal and destroys men. . 8, 1c,4c, 7. (Bag?) a beeloo, or monster of superhu- man power which devours human flesh. ° __—_- 86’, 1¢,4¢,1¢,4c¢, n. the same. 364 HE B, 2c, v. “Bp 2c, to be nearly shut, as the eyes from weakness. — 08, 2c,4c, v. to be overspread; to beclosed, as the eyes from sleep. <8, 4c, ”. a fire place,—used in composition. —', 4c,4c, n. the same. 6S, 2c, v. *(65, 2c, to set, plant, whether seed or plant. —o}, 2c,3c, v. to transplant. — 6, 2c,4c, v. to seed, sow seed. —808, 2c,5m, v. the same. G4, 2c, v. to bind, —used in composition, vide 00545, 5e,2c. GSH, 3c, adv. tomorrow, 8895, 30,3c. 6A, 4c, v. *64S, 4c, to throw with a scooping motion, | as rice with the hand or a vessel. 65, 5c, x. (qo5) a kind of evil spirit. GS, 80, 2. (2905) matter, 7zde OG 1GA, 5c,2c,30. 65, 30, v. *65, 30, to be stout, large. —2f, 30,2c, v. to be stout and plump. &, Ic, 7. *6&, 1c, a mass, large body, collection. 96, le, v. *6&, 1c, to mend a breach, patch a hole. —2§, 1c,4c, v. the same. —0}; 1c,2c, v. the same. ug&, 2c, n. (09) a superadded roof, a gradation of a turretted roof. w&, 2c, n. (03) a mansion, abode, Short, 3,20; a division of the universe of which there are thirty one, viz. mcdchg&, 5c,20,2c,2c, the four worlds of punishment; 02¢.500u6, 5c,5c,5c,2c, the world of man; QE:8G5u6, 40,1c,40,2c, the six inferior Bod 365 heavens,—which eleven worlds are collectively called nog, 2c,5c,2c, the worlds of passion; goss GSE, 2c,5c,4c,40,2c, the sixteen superior materi- alheavens, and mqo866, 5c,2c,5c,2c,2c, the four immaterial superior heavens. : —n&g8, 2c,lo,lo, 2. heaven, the heavenly world. BE, 4c, n. (09§s) * 6, 4c, glory, qr’, 1c. —cooftg AOI, 4c,2c,40,4c, 2. the six glories of Buddh. ECS, 4c,4c, v. (q$ecos) to eat, (clerical). og, 4o, n. *6&, 49, dressed cotton, AGE, 1c,40. bE, Ao, v. *66, 4o, to be easily crumbled, as a mealy potato when cooked, to be easily separated as cotton. bE, 5o, v. *6&, 50, to fly off, away, scatteringly. — Bf, 50,1lc, v. the same. =o, 50,30, v. to flee, as before an enemy. ap, Qc, v. * 6, 2c, to open, —Sometimes lc. —coof, 2c,4c, v. to unlock. —cr, 2c,lo, v. to open, discover, disclose. —Ea02F, 2c,40,40, v. to set sail, So5e0Ev02# y ees 40,40. BH, 3c, %. *6), 3c, to be soft, as earth after rain, to be easily crumbled, or divided as ripe fruit. Gop, 4c, m. careya arborea, vide 0Q2 G5, 30,4c. BMPs 20, v. part. a particle used to indicate a desire to supersede another person, infreq. BS, 20. BH, 4o, 1. *(6) 40, the under foliage, ¢.e. under leaves and branches. Hb, 50,50, adv. very scarred, 2600", 3c,40. G05, Qc, v. *.605, 2c, to rise up instantly, suddenly,— used in composition, a8 goseg5, 2¢,5e, Goss, 2c,1c. 366 Hot go, 4c, v. *(605, 4c, to appear, come to light. —Gof, 4c,2c, v. the same. G05, 20, v. to be immodest, indecent, —used with cB, 5o. G05, 4o, v. * L605, 40, to coil up, aS rope. 605, 5o, v. *.605, 5o, to rise, swell up, as a stripe; ”. a mark occasioned by a blow, a stripe; @. striped. —4, 5o,3c, v. the same. —o779: 50,20, v. the same. Gt » 2c, 2. * 62k » 2c, manure, a fertilizer. —4, 9c,5c, n. dust. Het , Qc, n *62&, 2c, a cushion, mattress, vide 67] He, 3c,2c. Rt , lo, 2. * 636 , lo, raincloud, rain. — BE, 1o,4c, v. to rain incessantly. —o724, 10,40, v. to rain. —0}Ho3", 1o0,40,4¢, v. to drizzle. —oy', lo,4c, v. to drizzle; ”. drizzling, fine rain. —9 138, 10,2c,2c, ”. rain supposed to be connected with the Zodiac. — 0586, 10,4c,2c, v. to be dusky, as the atmosphere before rain. —c8, 1o,lc, v. torain abundantly. — mEaja€, 10,10,40,10, ”. a tempest, a storm. — G 5h2605, 10,50,10,4c, v. to be wet by the rain. -—§E&, 1o,lo, v. to hold off, as the-rains when due. —§o5, 10,20, v. to cease raining. — £9, 10,4¢, v. to be covered with clonds. 2, lo, v. *c6a, 10, to pulverize by rubbing upon any- thing hard, as a stick of medicine on a stone. Be, lo, v. vide S2fH2¥, 3c,1o. Q 367 QS, vide B. eS, 1c, 2. a husband. =—=poe8, 1c,40,4c, 2. a married couple. —r", 1c,5c, #..an adulterer. —c,° 1c,4c, ”. a married couple. — ope’, 1c,2c, 2. an adulterer. 0, 2c, 2. (Sc8) fruit, gain, profit, reward. —coadooe , 2c,4c,20, 2. (—ecv200$) the four grand at- tainments. 8, Qc, wu. “61, 2c, to have cataracts on the eyes. 0, 2c, v. to spread, as ink in writing on bad paper. §6:895.6), 2c,3c,2c,2c, v. the same, R02}, 2c,2c, ”. nigban. 8.0908, 2c,2c, 2. a brick kiln, 028.0908, 4c,2c. 05, 5c, v. to be large, well rounded, as the abdomen. bb, 4c,4c, adv. excessively,—used of weeping, OD} 094, 5c,1c,4o. — 6b, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same, , lo, 2. *(6, lo, the hair, 9255, lo, lo. —oy, lo,4c, 2. the tuft of hair left after shaving a child’s head. WR, 2c, v. “OL, 2c, to blow, as with the mouth. 8, 3c, % a man, a person; a. aur, denoting a male. —ro’, 3c,40, 2 a man in distinction from a woman. —oo8, 3c,lo, m. a young unmarried woman. — 0, 3c,20, n. vide hob. — 86, 3c,4c, 7% a woman in distinction from a man. —8&q" , 3c,4c,50, % a harlot, cde hod, 30,20,1c. —, 3c,2c, . a chief, a great man. — Boro, 3c,2c,40,10, x. the same. 368 Cw —oo5, 8c,5c, 2. a thief. —o, 3c,lc, pr. who? —o6, 3c,20, ”. a young unmarried man, Qv6. CQ, de, v. "1, 4c, to rise to the surface (of water ), to be buoyant, to float ; to be prominent, as the bones of an emaciated person. —og6, 4c,3c, v. to float down with tide or current. cB, 2c, v. (c(g) "Bi, 2c, to loose, unfold; to cancel sin or any thing. —, 2c,lc, v. to appease the mind. —Sedcof, 2c,1¢,2c,4c, v. the same. —Be » 2¢,20, v. (—q§) to settle a question or trouble: : — 005, 2c,30, v. (o05e(g ) to discharge one’s duties to a superior by waiting upon him. —rf§05, 2c,5c,30, v. to cancel, as sin. G6, 4c, n. (C002) “61; 4c, an evil, calamity. —05, 4c,20, n. (—s)§$) the same. Gd, 4c, vt. to give to, assist, —used in composition. — rr , 4c,4c, v. to part with, give away in charity. —cg2¢ » 4c,4c, v. the same. —o*, 4c,lo, v. to give assistance. ccB, Be, 2. * 6, 5c, plant lice. cd, lo, 2. a plate, vide or€'ccB, 20,10. cB, lo, v. *B, 1c, to divide into parts ; to be scattered. — 6, 10,20, v- to abstract secretly, purloin. —6}, lo,lc, v. to divide into parts, separate. —86&, 10,20, v. to divide, distribute. —865, 1o,4o, v. the same as cB. —o’, 1o,5c, v. to appropriate, set apart for some pur- pose. wo’ 369 a cB, 20, v. *8, 2c, to spread open to a greater extent; to spread out. — pf, 20,40, v. to spread out into many minute parts, as the roots of a tree. — 8668, 20,2c,20,2c, adv. in a disorderly, disheveled manner. cB, 30, v. *B, 3c, to advance, grow, increase; to be enlarged, augmented. — alors, 80,4c,4c, v. the same. —2012, 30,1c,4c, v. the same. cc, 40, n. (2) *uB, 4c, satin. —coo{s, 40,4c,4c, . -satin with gold thread interwo- ven. Gu, 5o, w. *8, 5c, to be immodest, indecent. —a", 50,50, w. the same. 6, 2c, 2. an herb, perhaps a kind of mint, e¢de 656", 4c,2c. sé", 4c,.n. * 8, Ac, fire. — 96, 4c,3c, 2. the spark from a gunflint. —c}q/, 4c,4c,40, 2. hell fire; percussion caps. — or, 4c,5c,4c, 7. an oil light. ant, 4c,3c, v.. to burn. —u' 8S, 4c,3c,4c, v. to burn over an upland field. —_— "8S, 4c,3c,30, v. to be burned up, consumed with fire. — 05, 4c,2c, v. to be put out, as fire. —0o5, 4c,40, v. to pass over as fire over a dry jungle. — 5, 4c,5c, v. to blaze, flame up. 6’, 4c, 2. *58, 4c, additional silver put into alloyed sil- ver to raise its value. 6’, 4c, v. *\B, 4c, to move with a backward and forward motion, to weave grass for roofing by makiug it into Gr 370 we a flat piece by doubling and tying on a stick; to row, paddle. —}, 4c,4c, v. to weave thatch. e'BS, 4c,40, 2. a species of screech owl, ' B88, 2c,1c,4m. 6", 1o, 2. *L8, 1c, a small dam. : UB", lo, v. *B, 1c, to be sharp; to be quick; also applied to the mind, to apprehend. 6", 20, n. *B, 2c, a side, corresponding part; a party. —2], 20,lc, ”. the right side. =o, 2c,50, 2. the left side. —o0'6"51, 20,50,20,1c, adv. on the right hand and Jeft. —262€, 20,5c, ”. that side. —2), 20,3¢, adv. before; prep. before, in front of. —x", 20,5c, ». this side. —grt » 20,5¢, m. yonder side. —wo, 20,1c, adv. behind; prep. behind, after. os’, 3o, v. *.8, 3c, to evacuate the intestines. — 4", 30,5c, ” urine. — 9 BRS, 30,5¢,2¢,2c, t- to have a stoppage of the urine. — 6, 30,lo, #2. excrement. 6’, Bo, v. “ 2c, v. *8, 2c, to soak in liquor. 8485 393 — cB, 2c,30, v. the same, ©1909], 2c,2c, 2. (loos P.) a mother, (b.). 0107218, 2¢,5c,2c,5c, 2. [00090]e P.) a woman. 126, 2c,5e, 2. (02 P.) pride, (b.). 12605, 2c,30, (024305 P.) a powerful evil spirit, who has power over all the lower parts of the universe, vide 296, lo. ©126]249000, 2c,2c,5c,5c,5c, n. vide SD3FD000, 5c, 5¢,5c,5c. ©1001, '2c¢,2c, v. (02009 P.) artifice. ©1926, 2c,5c,5c, 2. (oqan P.) death. ©], 3c, vu. ©, 3c, to be mad, insane. =", 3c,2c, . a kind of epilepsy, less than ©1Q- —, 3c,lc, n. epilepsy or apoplexy. —§05, 3c,30, v. to be delirious. O18, 4c, v *8, 4c, to come. 85, 3c, v. *o4, 3c, to be weary, exhausted, desirous of sleep. —9’, 3c,3c, v. the same. 8.400, 5c, 5c, 2. (80009) Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac. 84009700, Bc,5c,2c,5c, 2. (Sa0000000 ) a@ community of friendship, fellowship, oEmk og Anak. , 40,1¢, 2c,1c. 8500), 5c,2c, 2. (899 P.) falsehood, error. . __B§08, 5c,2c,5c,5¢, x. (—8§ P. ) falsehood, error, ooganee m03BoS8E, 40,1c,5c,2c,4c,30; a heretic, one who holds erroneous beliefs. 85, 20, v. *85, 2c, to bear or carry on the shoulder, also 85, 20. 8585, 40,40, adv. earnestly, diligently, —$O05, 4m. —___ 8.585, 40,40,4¢,4c, adv. the same. 90 394 8& 85, 5o, 7. *35, 5c, exactness, truthfulness to the reality. 8E, 2c, n. *o&, 2c, the common bat, also 86, 2c. 86, 3c, x. *0&, 3c, fate, destiny. 8&, 3c, 2. (88) Pisces, the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. 8&, 4c, v. *o&, 4c, to have the eyes shut from languor, close thought; to be lost, absorbed in thought. — 8, 4c,4c, v. to be lost in thought or to dream, as an opium eater. 8&, 2m, v. "ae, 20, to groan or grunt, as a person in sickness. 8&, 3m, *O6, 30, to bend the head down sidewise, also 86, 3m. 8E8E, 4m,4m, adv. with flashes, as a distant light. o&0&, 4m,4m,4c,4c, adv. the same. 8&, 20, v. *8E, 2c, to distribute, dispense, give to others. —aqot ; 20,3c, v. to divide in shares. 8&, 40, ». *8&, 4c, an insect, any small insect. — 2626, 40,40,5¢, 2 the praying mantis, rofnr€ré, 4c,4c,3c. —nfecf, 40,3c,4c, 2. the common scorpion. —}1, 40,4c, 7. the luminous centipede, scolopendra phosphovea. —scf, 40,4c, ”. the common scorpion. —row€, 40,5c,40, 2”. a centipede. — mo &g&, 40,4c,4c, n. a large centipede, very poisonous. — cE, 40,4c, n. the dammer bee. — grt, 40,4c, n. a mole cricket, rodeo], 4c,5c. —ooS, 40,20, ”. a cockroach. — 6, 40,40, . the green and golden beetle, a species of buprestis, called by Dr. Mason the chameleon beetle. SE00385 395 —a0'o08, 40,10,20, la milliped. — 6, 40,5c, %. worms in the bowels. — RE, 40,2m, n. cide &E, 2m. —292¢", 4o,4c, 2. an insect. —8S00!, 40,2c,40, ”. a kind of insect with a poisonous bite. — Q, 40,3c, 2. the carpenter bee, vide SEq. “tbe, 40,5¢, ”. the mango fly, a very small fly which appears in the mango season. —8, 49,3c, 2. a devil’s needle, dragon fly. -—9r, 40,20, 2. a sow bug. —at » 40,40, 2. the common fly; any flying insect; bands of robbers. — at 85096, 40,40,1m,lo, #. the blue bottle fly. —aro'nEo5, 40,40,2c,10,2c, v. to blow, deposit eggs, as flies. —q, 40,3c, 2. the carpenter bee, vzde SEg. — 0}, 40,1¢,1c, 7. the hoolook or white browed gibbon. —aEvo€, 4o0,20,20, ”. the crane fly or father long legs. —vo’, 40,4c, 2. a small cicada. — osc 5, 40,5c,3c, 2 a kind of wasp which fills the cells of its young with the grubs of other insects. — 86, 40,lo, 2. a small species of red tick which bites severely. —8o', 4o,lc,lc, x. a kind of monkey. —9@°1L) 4o,lc,1e, n. vide SEqe}. 8&, 40, v *8&, 4c, to have a hole made by an insect; n. such a hole. 8Ea08 5, 40,5¢,30, 2. (GE200805 ) the piles. . = 50, 40,5¢,30,40, v. to have the dysentery. 3, 40,5c,30,40, v. to have itching piles, 396 808 0, 40,5c,30,2c, 2. the same as. 8008 5. 805, 20, n. a race of people inhabiting the mountains Meing Ting. 8q5, 80 v. *828, 3c, to hit, as 8q5g5, 30,1¢, to hit the head; to be right; to be certain, true. —, 30,lc, v. to like, be pleased with. S$, 30, v. (N.S.) to be finished, come to an end, to be done, 296, 3m. : 805, 30, v. part. a particle denoting carelessness or fault. 8085, 4o, v. *88, 4c, to stick up or out, to protuber- ate, come to a point. —8§, 4o,lo, v. the same. — 5 , 40,2c, v. to project a little, as from an aperture. 805, 3c, n. *005, 3c, a knife. —o2€, 3c,2c, v. to cut around with a knife. —85, 3c,30, n. a knife with a protuberant back. —299), 3c,4c, 2. asingle edged dagger worn in the waist. —co", 3c,lo, n. a stiletto, poignard. 80800}, 8c,2c, . (GOQR7P.) affection, love, o€G.5, 40,3c, —sometimes 30,3c. 805, 4c, v. *05, 4c, to break off, break with the hands, as bread; totwist or be twisted, distorted, also 805,4c. — 00, 4c,2c, v. to distort, twist. SoS Becosao, 5e,5c,5c,2c,5c, x. (002) the middle part of the world including the sixteen great countries, the scene of the sacred histories of Gaudama. 805, 4m, v. “oo, 40, tocatch with a bait; 2. a fishhook, also 805, 4m. S805, 5m, 7. *wo5, 50, a seed, a fruit stone. —6o028, 5m,3c,lo, ”. a grain of rice. Sif 397 —C}8, 5m,4c, ”. a scsamum seed. —ogEro0y3, 5m,5c,50,5¢,4c, 2. (0@$0-5|2) anise seed. — og, 5m,2c, n. the seed of pulse, beans, peas. — 24", 5m,5c,40, 2. a drop of dew. — G2, 5m,lo, ”. a rain drop. —oSagep, 5m,20,10, ”. the seed of the coix millet. SoSo08v0, 5m,5c,5c,5c, 2. (ogGoo P.) covetousness. 805, 20, v. to conceal, hide, secrete, 8S, 4o. 805, 20, v. *e05, 20, to gather one’s clothes about him, —more fiequently, 8S, 20. 805, 30, v. *o05, 30, to sing alternately, responsively, as two parties at a festival. QF, le, v. Fok, Ic, to fly, as a bird, also Bak, le. 82, Qc, v. *ork, 2c, the fine black matter or crock on vessels used over the fire. Qf ,; 2c, v. vide Bat » 2¢. Gr, 3c, v. *o2€, 3c, to be broken off, as a very small piece from a larger piece. — 008, 3c,2c, v. the same. Qf, 4c, v. to be very much soiled, dirty, also 82, 4c. 82 5 Oa Hs Fort , 5c, the turmeric plant or root. 83€, 1m, v. *o2§, 1o, to smell offensively, to stink. —Acrof, 1m,5c,2c, v- to smell very offensively,—used of food. — 89, 1m,20, v. vide 835, 20. — 5, 1m,1m, ». vide $8, 1m. — 5, 1m,4o, v. vide 35, 4o. — Sot , 1m,2c, v. to have a sharp, pungent smell. — 9, 1m,5c, v. to be stale, tainted. — 06, 1m,1c,5c, % to smell sickishly, as the smell of nzpleasant fruit. 398 - 88 —90}12, 1m,4c, v. to smell musty. —2), 4,30, v. to smell sour. —ef, 1m,2c, v. to smell offensively, as any oily sub- stance on the fire. —0}, 1m,2c, v. to smell offensively, as any thing rotten. —2¢5, 1m,3c, v. to smell rank. — ar’ be, 1m,1lo,2c,50, v. to emit an unpleasant smell from the armpits. Qof , 3m, 2. Fork, 30, a porcupine. Sf , 4m, 2. *ork , 40, a body louse. 826, 5m, v. *o 26, 50, to hem or fell down the edges. 82, bm, v. “orf, 5o, to die, infreg. 8S, Qc, v. *06, 2c, to press or rub between the thumb and fingers, also 86, 2c. —3a5, 2c,3c,3c, v. to blow the nose.. —o85, 2c,4m, v. the same as 86. — 3%, 2c,50, v. the same. —62€, 2c,5c, v. the same. 85, 20, v. *0S, 20, to gather one’s clothes up around one’s self; to hem ; to sew up a seam and fell down the edges, also 4o. —Q, 20,40, v. to gather up and cover, as a native woman gathers up her petticoat when open. 865, 30, v. *S, 30, to thrust out, show, as the tongue. — 82, 30,5c, v. the same. 8S, 4o, v. *4S, 40, to conceal one’s self, to hide. — 96, 40,20, v. the same, 85, vide o*. 88, 3m, ». *05, 30, to have the edge notched or broken. 85, 5m, ». to have the edge or point turned. 85, 4o, n. *05, 40, a cat. 8: 399 — rf, 2 ,20, 2. a jungle cat. 8, le, 2. Lp lc, a bear. 8, 2c, n. *eL) 2c, the onion plant, 658, 4c,2c. — R586, 2c,1c,lo, m. an onion. 8, 2c, v. *o1, 2c, to be disfigured in face, as when cry- _ ing, also 8, 2c. 8, 3c, v. “ey, 3c, to be dark, black. S3cefevf, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. used of any thing fine, small and very numerous. Scef, 3c,3c, adv. the same. 8, 4c, Uv. *e1, 4c, to be (in some place); to own, have possession ; to be rich. — noo’, 4c,lo,lo, v. to be destitute, in want. — 13808), 4c,5c,5c,3m,2c, v. to be under an en- gagement. —cArq, 4c,4c,4c, v. to obtain profit, reward. het , 4c,4c, v. to be rich. : — coor}, 4¢,2c,5¢,2c, v. (600032) to be kindly disposed. —, 4c,1c, v. to be alive; to cherish ill feeling in silence, to be sullen. —o2£c0d, 4c,2c,2c, v. to be pregnant. —805ro1, 4c,3m,2c, v. to be faithful. —oBSa02¥60d, 4c,5c,5c,2c,2c, v. to conceive. — 86, 4c,1m, v. to be alongside. —-o4, Ac,30, ve to have in abundance, as property, wealth, to be opulent. — 808007, 4¢,30,2¢, v. (cog39) to like, ia be attached. —0955, 4c,3c, v. to be pregnant. —o’, 4c,5c, v. to be ready. —§&, 4c,1c, v. to remain permanently. 400 qd — ony, 4c,5c,4c, v. to accomplish one’s end ; to have @ reward. —{§5, 4c,5c,3c, v. to be guilty. —mSEcorf, 4c,5c,5¢,2c, v. to give a royal order. 021, 4c,5¢,2c, % to have office. —BEone§, 4c,2c,5c,2c, v. (ecfg) to conduct with propriety, be steady, well behaved. Bo, 4c,40, 2. (S:0§: ) fire-works, pyrotechnical ex- hibitions. 8008, 4c,30, n. (82q 6 ) the menses, menstrual discharge. es, 4c,30,30, v. to have a stoppage of the menses. Q, 5c, 2. "2, 5c, the betel nut, areca palm oqat a, 30,5c. @4, 3c, x. (905) *o5, 3c, aloes. q5, 3c, 2. (q05) *9.5, 3c, the ornamental work around an arched entrance into a pagoda. —6450}, 3c,4c,lc, 2. an arch or frame over a door or gate. @ Son, 3c,5c, 2. (999) rupture, hernia. » 3c,20, v. to have the consumption. Q5, 4c,n. *o5, 4c, the telinga potato, arum campanulatum, qd, Be, 2. *o5, 5c, a collection, gathering, an assemblage. @So, Bc, 5e, 2. (993 P.) a mouth. QS", 5e,4c, ». a fire place. @5, 20, n. *o5, 20, a tube closed at one end. — 2605, 20,3c,lo, ”. a kind of bamboo in which glutin- ous rice is cooked. —", 20,1m, ”. a needle case. —Bo5, 20,4c, n. a syringe, @ 5.090805, 20,4c, 4c. —BS5, 20,20, ». a cracker, a squib. — 066’, 20,2c,4c, 2. a pipe to blow fire with. @é 401 — $F, 20,1c, 2. a quiver. — 686, 20,2c,1m, 2. a hollow cylinder or tube. —Q80o5, 20,4¢,40, 2. vide @5.0g8085. —8, 20,40, . a powder flask. — 805, 20,4c,4c, ”. a syringe or anything of the kind.. @5, 4o, ». to diminish, grow less, —used in composition with 03, 4c. Q5, 40, v. “0, 40, to cover up by burying or conceal- ing, D, lo. 02], 40,1c, . the eyelid, 2Eon), le,1c. Qf, 2c, 7. “o&, 2c, the temporal juice which at certain seasons exudes from an elephant’s head; the liquor in a flower, sought by bees. —06, 2c,50, . the same as 1st. def. a, 3c, v. *9&, 3c, to look for, expect, watch for, as the coming of a person. —022, 3c,2c, v. to look towards. —o79, 3c,40, v. to look forward, peer at, gaze at an object. 2 —00}, 3c,3c, v. to look for, hope for. —§, 3c,5c, v. to look for, wait in expectation. —cq, 3c, le, v. to look at, behold attentively. @, 4c, v. *o&, 4c, to cover without touching, to spread overhead; to roof; ”. a roof. —?0}, 4c,2c, v. to cover flatwise. — cg, 4c,3c, v. tospread anumbrella, tocarry a spread umbrella. &, 5c, ». *v&, 5c, a place prepared by dogs or cats for their litter. 9, lo. — Af, 1o,1c, n. a stocking. 92 402 ap — 8%, lo, 4c, 2. a glove. @, 20, v. *06, 20, to make a hole into or through, to perforate, also 9, 20. 9, 30, n. *0&, 30, a worm, any small animal without distinguishable bones, also 9; 30. : — $625, 30,3m,40, v. to have toothache from a decay- ed tooth; supposed to be occasioned by an insect. — 8, 30,4c, v. to perforate cloth or paper, as an insect. —o4, 30,40, v. to be infested with insects, eaten by worms. —og2f , 30,2c, 2. a kind of worm found in the dung of oxen or buffaloes. —2&, 30,lc, ”. a hairy caterpillar. — 26", 30,5c,40, ”. a kind of caterpillar of large size, appearing in the Shan States at the time of frost. —8E, 30,30, ». the large white worm found in the bud of the marsh date palm, an article of native food. —6, 30,3c, 2. any kind of caterpillar haying hairs which cause soreness when touched. -—c805, 30,4m, ”. a kind of caterpillar having hairs which cause slight soreness when touched, vide g2&c808, 10,4m; also the larve of the mosquito. —oo!, 30,30, ”. a silk worm. QE, 40,40, adv. intensive , —used to express brilliancy, as opEaEaF, 2c,40,40. E06, 40,40,40,40, adv. the same, Q007, 5c,2c, 2. (qo09 5 falsehood, QD 048.0305, 40,2c,8c,2¢,3c. 0100}, 5c,2c,2c,2c, n ( a falsehood. ap, lo, 2. *o’, 10, frost, hoar frost. Ols) the telling of god 403 —, 10,2c, . snow, 7 lo, n. *o’, 1 . : Yer bo 2 @', Lo, a water dipper, also Q7p, 1o. ——oSanf, 10,20,1c, 2. the shell of the cocoanut used for a dipper. am, 20, v. (cg) P o, 20, to stir up, agitate; to disturb, vex. oy, 30, t. to have the sensation of numbness from cold or a blow; to be sore, as hands and feet; to be set on edge, as the teeth. 5, 30,4m, t. the same, ae: 4o, n. “o!, 40, a knot; the knot of hair- worn by men and women. — 0, 4c,3c, . the same. ay, 5o, v. (cg) *o', 50, to twirl, whirl about. ay, 50, adv. altogether, completely, as on’an, 10,50. Q 05, 5c, v. 05, 5c, to thrust into anything for the per- pose of removing something, 05, 5c. go, 4o, v. *905, 40, to be clear, pure, clean; with or, 4c, all, as o0&ao5. —cvo6, 40,20, v.. to be clear, pure; to be innocent, holy. g05, 4o, v. *205, 40, to be covered, as with clouds, also Qo5, 40. @05, 5o, 2. *o05, 50, an ant. —o 5o,4c, 7. a species of small ant. —22f, 50,50, ”. a species of large red ant. —2}, 50,30, ”. a species of large red ant, edible. — 2388, 5o,30,1c, ”. a red ant having its nest in the ground. 2s —wESdp, 50,40,40, ”. a species of ant. —00&085, 50,10,10, ”. a species of large ant. —c8E, 5o,lo, ”. the red ant. : 404 qo —c8EGSé, 50,10,1c,30, ”. a kind of red ant. —o}, 50,40, ”. a species of ant. — Sof, 50,5c, . the same. — $2&o5, 50,5c,lo, . the same. — of BE, 5o,5c,lo, 2. the same. q300), 5c,5c,2c, 2. (48000 P.) a joy in the happiness of others. qa, le, n. * oak, 1c, glory, Qa, Ic. q2e » le, v. *ort , 1c, to prop up or raise up with a small support, vide gt, Ic. Qo q5, 2c,5c, v. to be fine, dusty, as a well trodden road ; ”. dust collected on any thing ; the dust of a street or of dry land swept by the wind. qo 7, at, @- *waé, 3c, to be small, minute in particles ; 7. dust, any powder. —5, 3c,4c, . fine grains of gold. —c82¢, 3c,3m, 7. the chips made in turning a lathe. —onfooE, 3c,4c,40, x. filings. —2£00), 3c,20,2c, . fragrant powder. —9, 3c,2c, ”. pollen, 2'QN5, 4c,2c. — BE, 3c,30, ”. saw dust. qo, 4c, ». used in composition, as qr" , 3C,4c, bread. qo , 4c, v. *e2€, 4c, to sprout forth, as new leaves, ‘ appear, as new flesh or as new Jand in a stream; to be re-born. qr, 20, v. *or€, 20, to be lustreless, dull, faded ; to have cataract on the eyes. —c, 20,20, v. to be very faded. —2£, 20,2c, v. to be slightly faded. ° —§08, 20,20, v. to be faded very much. — 05, 20,20, v. the same. @5 405 go ork, 20,20, 2. a cutaneous disease in which the flesh is covered with itching bunches; a kind of hives, some- times q2f or, 2c,2c. * gf, 30, n. ioe, 30, an otter, also got » 30. ga, 30, v. “Or, 30, to enjoy one’s self, be happy, rejoice. — cy, 30,2c, v. the same. * qe, 40, v. “orf, 40, to be round, circular, globular, spherical; 7. a circle. —v0, 40,40, v. to be oblong. —0o8, 40,30, v. the same. gee , Bo, v. *ort , 00, to enter, generally expressing some effort to enter ; to push into, enter by pushing, shove into, press into. 9, 4c, v. *¥oS, 4c, to be slightly concave or convex, also Q6, 4c. 9, 4c, v. *0S, 4c, to strike down, beat down, also 96, 4c. a6, Q0, v. *oS, 20, to bow low, prostrate one’s self. —BSro8, 20,50,4c, v. to prostrate one’s self full length; to be crushed together, as a metallic cup when injured. @Se6, 30,30, adv. flappingly, as wings, also qo, 30, 30, —036, 5o. 3, 4o, v. *OS, 4o, to hem, to sew up a seam. —8S, 40,5m, v. to sew up a seam and fell down the edges. —g®, 40,4c, v. to bind the edge of a thing. QS, vide q. QO}, 5e,2c, v. to exert one’s self, —used in composition, wScoys, 4c,4e- 3, le, n. *oOL lc, the water lily of which there are many varieties, also 9, le. 406 GOO —22, 1¢,2c, ”. the blue water lily. —o5o06, 1c,20,30, ”. the sacred bean plant. — B55, 1c,20, 2. the white water lily. — 6, 1c,3c, 2. a water plant which floats without attaching itself by roots to any thing; duckweed. —c8&, 1c,lo, x. a red water lily. 3, Qe, “OL ‘Qc, a depression in the earth, a valley, . ravine, also 96, 2c. 3, de, 2. *O1, 4c, to be dim sighted; to be dark, over- spread with clouds; to be misty. —23, 4c,2c, v. to be misty, hazy. QS, 4c,lc, v. to rejoice, be glad. Q50}, 4c,2c, 2. (825200) an awning, a tent. 9, 5e, v. “0, 5c, to stir up, agitate water for the pur- pose of catching fish. G, 4c, v. (95s) to plaster, overlay. G, lo, *O, lo, to be soft, flabby; to be loose, not compact ; to be not tight, fast, —sometimes 30, also q lo. q, 20, v. *S, 20, to cover over, as when plantains are cooked in the ground. G, 40, v. *O, 40, to sew up a seam, to hem; to put ona patch. G, 5o, v. *, 50, to bind around the edge, as a basket. Q, le, 2. “OL lc, a hog. — Gof » 1c,20, a jungle hog. QO}, le,lc, 2. vide QO, 1c,1¢; 8&go7, 40,1¢,1e. Q, 2c, 2. *eOL 2c, a collection, crowd, gathering. QB, 2c,5c, n. (a8) the conical cap on the head of an image of Buddh. GOO, 2c,5¢c, 2. ( goo P. ) an origin, foundation. cS 407 q» 3c, v. part. intensive, —used with 2, 1c, as 2@, 2c, 3c, to be very delicate, * q, 4c, % ©), 4c, a weight of which there are two kinds, the great and small, equal to one half a cd, 40; two annas. Gro ?, 4c,4c, v toreverence, respect and trust, as he who offers to nats. ©12CQ, 4c,4c,4c,4c, v. to gain the presence of, by the exhibition of regard. Qos, 4c,40, ». a race of mountaineers near Kaingtung. Gogs, 4c,40, 2. (qs) a huntsman. good, 4c,30, 2. (92005) chiefs, nobility, ERS, 4c,4o. CONOAS, 2c,5e,3c, 2. (cfger0gS) an earthen rampart. oS o3&, 2c,2c, x. (cua$) sexual intercourse; Gemini, the third sign of the Zodiac. CO, 3c, 2. a species of shell fish, a cowry,. oAcd, 20,3c. cS, 4c, 2. “07, 4c, a wife. —2", 4c,5c, 7. an inferior wife, a concubine. — of, 4c,lo, . the principle wife, 7.¢. first taken of two or more. — art , 4c,2c, m. an inferior wife, a concubine. cé, Qo, v. “or, 2c, to increase, augment, add to. — 0B, 20,80, v. the same. 6dcdc8E, 2c,40,40, 2. (N.S.) a sheep, vide 396, 4c. cS, 30, “ep 3c, a mother; the main part of any thing, as a box, a river; @. auc. for rivers &c, —combined with the name of arace or country, it denotes a woman of that race or country, as CGSo2€, 30,30, a Burman woman. —&, 30,20, n. the straight stick or handle of a cross- bow. — 8S, 30,4m, ” a midwife. 408 cS — 36, 30,4c, 2. a woman who builds and consecrates a monastery, 20 QE, 40,4c. — 6, 30,3c, ”. the lac coccus insect. —', 30,3c, ”. cold sores, sores about the lips. —0&n}, 30,30,3c, 2. a dancer. ; —c05e.9}0g, 30,3¢,4c,4c, x. mother, —a term of com- pellation. —roSco05, 30,3¢,30, an actress. —co82§, 30,8c,40, ”. a nurse. —oorx 00], 30,4¢,2c, ”. a courtezan. — Be , 30,1c, x. the great toe. —2, 30,5c, #. a younger sister of one’s mother. —2&, 30,40, 2. the wife of a father’s elder brother. — £895, 30,40,1o, ”. a dancer; a puppet. —26, 80,5c, 2. a river. — E20}, 30,2c,4c, 2. a Brahminess. —¢.6, 30,50, ”. a licentious woman, but not for hire. — 6, 80,50, 2. a witch. —v503, 30,20,1c, 2. a strumpet, a harlot. —+<2,30,1c,”.a barren woman, one not bearing young. —vo2, 30,30, ”. a Burman woman. — 05, 30,50, ~ a woman having a familiar spirit, cScef, one who consults the spirits for others. —v’, 30,30, ”. a widow. —v'eSa 4, 30,30,30,40, 2. the same. —cof, 30,lc, ”. the same as G5qo5. —85, 30,4c, n. the thumb. —BbR54, 80,4c,4m, 2. the breadth of the thumb. —95007, 30,2c¢,3c, ”. a harlot, a courtezan. —c8&, 30,4c, 7. a woman. w 409 —8EsS001, 30,4c,30,3c, a. the same. —00’, 30,lo, #. a wife who has not borne children ; a woman who has a bastard child. —coof, 30,1¢, # an’ bad woman. — E86, 30,4c,lo, % a mother, honorific. —g €, 30,50, #. a divorced woman. — 1, 30,1c, #. a paternal aunt, the younger sister of a father. GO, 4o, e. *eL 40, to prepare, put in order; to correct, repair; to castrate. —-y5c6 86, 40,2c,40,4c, v. to better one’s state, as by religous offerings, astrologtcal term. — 36, 40,1c, v. to prepare, make ready, put in order. —, 4o,lc. . to restrain one’s feelings, to be consider- ate. —o, 40,40, to repair a road. —o5, 4o,4c, v. to erect, plant upright. —00}, 40,2c, 2. to calculate the portion of anything be- fore distribution. —oBE, 40,30, v. to prepare additionally. — 86, 40,2m, v. to level, reduce to an even surface. =e, 40,5c, to make ready. —zF, 40,4c, v. to form a nest, as bees or birds. —g6, 40,30, v. to put in handsome order. — §o5, 40,40, v..the same as GO. —Pf , 40,40, v. to build or erect a house, vide Goh Gof , 4m,403 to repair a house; to set a house in order. CS, 5o, v. *8, 5c, to fall flat, as the roof of a house. 5, 50,40, v. the same. 2 res n. *8, 1c, sewing thread. 24 410 ” —y, Ic,lm, 2. the same. —2Orf , le,4c, 2. silver thread. -—62&, 1c,3c, 2. thread doubled and twisted. —oo, 1c,30, 2. silk thread. , eo, Ic, t. *8, 1c, to cover, overspread with a cloth. o, 3c, t. *8, 3c, to be hot; to burn, as fire, or anything hot, ble’, 4c,3c.. —8F » 3c,4c, v. to be oppressive in regard to debts or taxes. —s, 3c,lc, v. to be in distress from continued grief. — $308, 3c,lc,lc,lc, v. tre same. —cofs*, 3c,4c,30, v. to be scorchingly hot. — G'S, 3c,1c,3c,1c, v. to be distressed, annoyed, sor- rowful, o'cod, 1c,4c, 2. vide Rbo'd85, 2c,1c,4c. ’, 5c, 2. ao, Be, wood, woody substance; timber ; the bamboo. —o§, 5c,lo, ». the lutea frondosa. == 56, 5c,3c, 2. pincers made by bamboo. — 9, 5c,lo, n. hollow timber. — 05, 5c,2c, n. a tree found in the Shan Staies. — 705.7603 4, 5c,2c,2c,39, ». the tree-fern, also 08 098, 5c,2c,30. — 0, 5c,50, 2. crooked timber. — 76074, 5c,2c,30, 2. vide «'.05.9809 5. —cnf, 5c,2c, ». the chestnut tree. — 6007, 5¢,3¢,8¢, ”. a species of bamboo used for making pipe stems. —¥, 5c,3c, ”. the two sticks used to separate the threads of the warp and placed next to the yard beam. 2 411 — DAG HS, 5¢,4¢,30,lo, 2. =the two cross «sticks which give firmness to the bottom of a basket. —92605, 5c,3c,10, . a kind of bamboo used for cooking glutinous rice. * —-205, 5e,2c¢, 2 a ruler, rule. —9', 5e,5e. m. -a kind of willow ( ? ) growing along the banks of streains of water. ——C9O}, 5ce,5e, ”. the melicocca thijuga. —, 5ce,2c, . a species of euphorbia. —905, 5¢e,20, 2. a levelling stick used to level grain * in a measure. ee. 5c,50, 2”. gordonta flortlunda. sei —oS55, 5c,4c,20, 2. a tree dead on one side, but living on the other; any parasite like a banian,y which enwreathes and kills a tree. . —coqf, 5c,5c,40, 2. the iron wood tree. — 003, 5c,5c,4c, 2. a kind of bamboo. — BE, 5c,le, 2. hard wood, —the opposite of oa, 5e,2c. — E805, 5c,lo,30, 2. the gui kino tree, a 8o24. — QE, 5c,lo,lo, x. the same. — ood, 5c,4c, ”. teak wood, of which two varieties are distinguished by the Shans, 0’ 00605, 5c,4c,le, and ooo AGE, 5c,4c,lo. —oo0s, 5c,40,4c, #. the golden bamboo. —o€26, 5c,40,1o, mn. the thorny bamboo, lambusa spinosa. —oorf og, 5¢,2c,20, n. the wood oil tree, dipterocarpus turlinatus. c —oorf, 5c,30, » dillenia ornata. —oos€, 5c,5e,4c, 7. the lagerstramia regina, 412 o’ —206, 5c,30, 2. the stick on which cotton cloth is hung, or is stretched to dry after sizing. —86, 5c,2m, 7. a split bamboo for toasting, a skewer, an impaling stake. . —o0’co8, 5c,lo,40, 2. the paper tree, a kind of mulberry. —o E08, Be,lc,le, #. the sameas the 2d def. of wood BA, infreg: — pS Bet Qe , 5c,30,1c,le, 7. two pieces of split bam- boo used for binding the bottom of the rafters in order to hold them in place. — pF, 5e,2c, 2. (ca00€ ) the aspen leaved peepul, Sicus religiosa. — iB 5, 5c,2c,20, 2. a species of ficus. —<*, 5c,30, m. a forked pole to twist off leaves and fruits, also oc? » 5c,30. — 030}, 5c,2c,2c, 2. (o0d)) vide 0'0} 0301. —BS, 5c,30, ”. a carpenter's rule. — O96, 5c,4c, x. dipterocarpus grandifolia, —0op5, 5c,2c, . a prop or stay applied to the side of any thing. — 0960}, 5c,4c,4c, 7. a pole used for pushing, as a boat, or fuel at the burning of a dead body. —og2, 5c,2c, v. a species of the genus inga, the albizzia stipulata. (Kurtz, ) —2, 5ce,5ce, 2. the myrabolan. — 261 § 28, 5c.3c,40, ”. the cross beam at the gable end of a house. —2¢00", 5c,lc,2c, ». a bamboo above the ridge pole and intersection of the rafters, yet beneath the thatch. — Ht g’, Bc,4c,lc, ”. a small split bamboo outside of the rafters and near the top of the roof for holding the upper end of the rafters in place. o 413 —2*, 5c,lc, m. the oak. — 08, 5c,4c, ”. shorea solusta. —0, 5e,lo, m a kind of bamboo. —85, 5¢,20, -”. the pine. — 854, 5c,20,1le, 2. the cedar. — 86, 5c,3c, 2. a bamboo stick upon which meat is thrust for cooking. —8op4, 5¢e,2c,3¢, 2. the gum kino tree, 2’ E808. —q4, 5c,20, 2. the elephant bamboo. — 66, 5c,5c, 2. touch wood. —B805, 5¢,30, 2. a species of bamboo. RCN, 5c,4c, 2. the careya arborea. —-, 5c,2c, 2. hollow wood, as bamboo, —the opposite of ol BE. —cvfood, 5e,3c,3c, 2”. a kind of trec. —vor", 5c,lc, m. a prop or stay applied to the side of any thing. —0o}, 5e,40, ». cedrela toona, the wood of which is used by the Shans for making the sheaths of knives. — 0} 050), 5c,40,2c,2c, ”. the neem tree, melita azadirachta. — 0005.92", 5c,4c,lc, 7”. a bamboo parallel with the ridge pole, part way down, for holding rafters in place. —0, 5c,lo, % a species of bamboo. —0d.6’, 5c,30,40, . an oar, paddle. — Bq", 5c,4c,3c, 2. homalium tomentosum. —SE8E, 5c,4m,lo, 2. a species of ertolena. —o82f'r0&, 5c,5c,50, ”. the Indian trumpet flower, also onrFohGED, 30,20,20, 1c. — 6, 5e,20, m. sycamore tree, Jicus lanceolata, 414 o? —oo®, he,2c, #. twisted timber. —805, 5c,30, ». the black wood tree. —g, 5c,5c, #. the black varnish tree. —go9, 5e,4c,le, 2. the stick on which cotton rolls are wound. — gS, 5c,4c,2c, 2. the beam of a loom on which the cloth is rolled, as it is woven. —os, 5c,lo, 2. a kind of tree. Gy A, 5c,49, 2. the bambusa gigantea. — GF, 5e,4c, ». the banian or Indian fig-tree, ficus andica. o=G: EA, 5c,4c,5c, 2 the banian tree which multiplies itself by pensile branches. —g’, 5e,4c, . the Eugenia tree. —BES, 5c,3c,4c, ”. a kind of coarse grass growing in tufts. — 0783, 5c,5c,lc, 7. the bamboo on the outside of the ridge of a roof, to which the outer thatch is fastened. —cmf, 5e,3c, ” a kind of reed, arundo, —sarfrof, 5e,3c,50, 2. a kind of tree. o'r08, 5c,5c,2c, 2. (S08) the flowery cassia, cassia florida, o, lo, v. *8, 1c, to clear away, as weeds, bushes. wo’, 1o, v. to make a mark; to be engaged to marry; 7. a mark; a sign; a geometrical point. —2), 10,3c, 7. the name of the sign(#). ~ =o, lo,5c, v. to note down, mark down; to be engaged to marry. o’, Qo, v. “3, 2c, to put upon, as a bit of fish upon rice when cating, —used of children. o!, 20. v. to be red, —used with 8, lo. cof 415 0267, 20,4c, 2. a nail, vo’, 39, 2. gn) 3c, a widow, vide Cv’, 30,30. o’, 30, v. to vie, contend in rivalry, to strive to outdo one another. cof, lc, v. *¢S, lo, to know how, be skilled in, to have skill. —, 1e.49, v. to understand the art of speaking ; to be skilled in singing. — q 1c,4c, 2. one skilled in catching and taming serpents. —co6, 1c,30, v. to know how, be skilled in. — 82, 1c,3m, 2. a turner. — BoFcof 9S, Ic,lc,1c,4c, 2. to be eminent in any manual employment. — op, 1c,3c, ”. a carver in wood. —8, le,le, . a nat worshipper. -—02€, 1c,lo, 2. a person who foretells the future by astrological calculations. — 8, 1c,4c, v. to be eminent in any manual work. —0o1, 1c,3c, 2. a physician. —0005, 1c,30, 7. to be able, skilled in the use of language. —c85, 1c,3c, v to be versed in literature; to have extensive learning. — BScofo’, 1c,8c,lc,40, v. the same. —88S, 1c,2c, #. one who shampoos the body or limbs to remove pain or unrest. Gof, 2c, n. *cS, 20, a pit or mine in the ground. —2é, 2c,5c, a. a well. — 22828, 2c,5c,1m, 7. a petroleum well. — oh Bre, 9c,20,1c, ”- a stone pit, quarry. 416 . Sete Gof, 2c, x. (¢y5) a certain influence or power, which resembles mesmerism in its phenomena. Cot, 2c, n. (co05) *6S, 20, pure silver, also GO{, 2c. Geof, 3c, 7. *6S, 80, a pot, chatty. —v6, 3c,lo, #. a broad, shallow metallic pot. —05, 3c,3c, ”. a pot for cooking rice. ——0?}, 3c,2c, #. a pot used in the festival of the new year. —26, 3c,5c, vn. a water Jar. — 260881, 3c,5c,3c,4c, #. an urn in which flowers and other religious offerings are placed. —26007, 3¢,5c,2c, n. vide Cofor1. —2# age , 3c,5c,2c, 2. a pot or kettle for heating water. —3#E 3c,3c, 2. the lower pot used in baking by steam. —00}, 3c,3c, 2. the bowl of a pipe. —091995; 3c,3c,4c, 2. a kind of pipe with an earthen bowl. —007100), 3c,3c,lc, 2. a bowl for medicine. —ogrk, 3c,2c,5c, ”. a large pot or jar. —G, 3c,3c, ”. a large glazed pot or jar. —-0909&, 3c,1c,lo, x. the same, — 909, 3c,le,lo, ». the same, Gof, 3c, v. to be fine, small, —used adverbially ; ride S8cefcof, 3c,3c,3c,3c. Geof, 4c, v. *6S, 40, to sound, produce sound, make a confused noise; to creak, as a cart wheel. — 716 , 4c,3c, v. the same, —cS, 4c,40, v. the same. — ag, 4c,lo, v. the same. Gog, 4c,5c, 2. (coud) darkness, folly, ignorance. gé 417 —28, 4e,50, 5e,5c, 2. (—O3) one of the four infidelities, that one caused by ignorance. 845, 4c, v. “od, 4c, to be damp, moist, to be nearly dry. 85, Be, “05, Bc, a tattooed spot; in compositiou with 26, 5c, ink, as QS, 5c,5c. — 828, 5e 4m, t. to have a sore caused by the use of bad ink in tattooing. 85, 20, v to be scattered, dissipated. = 20,3c,20,lo, v. the same. — 8, 20,lo, v. the same. g 4, 30, 2. (805) *ovS, 30, a measure of the breadth of the fist with the thumb erected. 85, 30, v. (90) *oS, 30, to be dark minded, ignorant, foolish, wicked. —g"’, 30,50, v. to be very evil, wicked. QE, 1c, v (GE) to be lost in thought, to be stupid from absence of thought; te have the mind diverted and fixed intently on an irrelevant subject. — Bf. > 1c,20, v. the same, 8&, 5e, v. *o6, 5c, to wish to enjoy, have an appetite for, to desire greatly, showing itself in effort. RE, lo, x. “o&, lo, a dam. 86, 20, v. *o&, 20, to be lost in thought, cide 8, 1c. as, 30, n. *0&, 30, a shallow earthen or iron vessel without a broad brim, also 8&, 30. —§5, 30,5c, 2 a deep cupel. —or’, 30,20, ”. a flat cupel. 36, 40, . *¥6, 40, a country. —&, 40,10, . the middle country ¢. €. the smi as distinguished from the hells and nat countries, 9? 418 aé — 70, 40,3c, ”. a small Shan principality south of Momeit. — 86, 40,1c, ”. asmall Shan principality north of Legya. — Eo, 40,1o0,5c, 2. a Shan principality southwest of China. —-95, 40,2c, ». Bankok. — 36, 40,40, .. a Shan principality in the southwest of China. — 2 , 40,1lc, 2. a Shan principality in the southwest of China. —rot 09}, 40,40,3c, 7. a Shan principality in the south- west of China. —ON1, 4o,lo,4c, n. a Shan principality north of Mobyai. —805, 40,2c, . a Shan principality west of Monai. . —oo&, 40,lo, ». an abode of brahmahs, the superior celestial regious, of which there are twenty stories, sixteen material and four immaterial. —901, 40,1lc, ». a Shan principality in the. southwest of China. —B8S, 4o,8¢,2¢, 2. a small principality on the south western borders of Shanland. —BE, 40,1c, ». a Shan principality west of the Salwen near the borders of Yunan. —3, 4o,4c, ». a Shan principality in southwestern ' China. —o &, 40,1c, ”. a small Shan principality south of Theebaw. —25, 40,5c,4c, ”. a Shan principality adjacent to the Chinese frontier, tributary to Burmah. —2£945, 40,5c,50, ”. a small Shan principality south- east of Nyoungyuay. —28E0o9’, 40,5¢,40,1c, 2. a name for Shanland, given g& 419 with reference to the physical conformation of the country. ’ 2, 40,40, ” Monai, a large Shan principality. — 26, 4o,le, m. Inlayua, a district south of Nyoung- yuay. — E00, 40,1¢,40, 2. 2 Shan principality in China. — 2 EQrf, 40,1¢c,1c, 7. a small Shan principality south of Nam Khok. —86, 4o,4c, ”. a small Shan principality west of the Salwen, near Legya; also a small Shan prineci- pality east of the Salwen near Kaingtung. —8En00}, 40,40,5c,4c, 2. (208000) Bengal. — Y, 40,5¢c, ”. a Shan principality east of the Salwen. —vo', 40,40, n. the southwestern principality of Shanland. — gat , 40,1c, . a Shan principality west of Monai. —B, 40,1c, ». nat country, the abode of the nats. — BG AE, 40,1c,40,40, 7. the six celestial regions inhabited by the nats. — 0, 4o,4c, 2. a Shan principality in southwestern China. — 805, 40,3c, m. Momeit, a Shan principality north of Ava. —vo&, 40,40, » a Shan principality in southwestern China. —vo&086, 40,40,lo, ”. Karennee. : — v6, 40,5c, ”. a Shan principality in southwestern China. — 6, 40,5c,20, ”. (436) Arracan. —00}, 40,2c, n. a Shan principality in southwestern China. — SE, 40,40, v. to dawn; ”. the dawn. —oo*, 40,40, ”. a Shan principality east of the Salwen.. 420 Gof —or, 40,4c, 2 a Shan principality in southwestern China. — 8S, 4o0,4c, 2. a Shan principality in southwestern China. — 2010, 40,2c,5c, 2. Ava, the old western capital of Burmah, —used generally for the royal city. 905, 3c, v. *005, 3c, to be acquainted with, familiar with. — 5, 3c,4c, v. the same. —co°c84, 3c,1m,5m, v- to be acquainted from childhood. 805, 3c, v. G05, 3c, to be very dark, also 5c. 95, 4c, v. *@05, 4c, to smoke any thing, as a bee’s nest; to cause a smoke, as in driving away insects from cattle , 805, 4c. 905, 20, v. *eo5, 20, to boil vegetables and meat together. Roe » 2C, 2. * ook , 2c, ten thousand. Qf , Bc, v. *o2g, 3c, to be smooth, slippery; ”. any slimy, mucilaginous matter. Q2€, 4c, 2. *oo€, 4c, to open the eyes, sometimes 5c. —0}, 4c,lc, v. the same. Q2€, 4c, v. to be long (in time) ; 8&, lc. Q2f , 5c, 7. past time, former time, G58 2e » 30,5¢. Gof » lo, v. *oo€, 10, to be like, similar, the same. —2&, 10,2c, v. the same. —gE, 10,30, v. to have the appearance of. Gof, 20, v *o2f, 20, to have the mind diverted from a proper object and fixed on some irrelevant subject; to be stupid from absence of thought. : — Qf, 20,1, ». the same, g5 421 85, 3c, n. “oy, 3c, the product of the cotton tree; tinder, 85-88, 3c, 5c. 86, 4c, n. “eo, 4c, the hand; the tendril of a vine or creeper. — 02’, 4c,50, v. to have the skin around the finger nails peel in small strips. —02'001q, 4¢,50,1¢,le, v. the same, HG, 4c,2c, . a supernumerary little finger or thumb. — 9&8, 4c,40,1c, 2. a swift to wind thread from. — 05, 4c,40, v. to have a sprained hand. — 32, 4c,4c, ». the hand curved into a cup like shape. — 9369], 4c,lc,lc, ”. the right hand; the right side. — 200’, 4c,1c,50, n. the left hand; the left side. — 9, 4c,3c, v. to be true in aim. =, 4c,lo, v. to be palsied in the arm, not to have power over the arm. — 8 8&3", 4c,3c,4c,lo, adv. with the back and palm of the hand turning up and down alternately. —c&3bo0, 4c,30,4c,1c, adv. with the hands behind. —b50S, 4c,4c,5c, ”. the tendrils of a pumpkin vine. — 8d, 4c,30, v. to be a good marksman. —08, 4c,lc, v. the same. —0Q, 4c,5e, % to lose the use of the hand; to lose the skill of the hand from disuse. —og" , 4c,4c, v. to be always touching some object; to be light-fingered, to pilfer. —0oo’, 4c,lo, v. to be empty handed. — 6, 4c,2c, v. to have the skin around the finger nails peel in small strips, ¢?de B6.028. —o5agpre, 4c,50,4c,5¢, v» to swim by throwing the hands over and forward. 422 - —", 4c,50, v. to be light-fingered, to pilfer. 35, 4c, adv. (N.S.) not, 9, 2c, 05, Qc. 8, 5c, v. +. 5c, to cook. 86, lo, ». *O1, 1c, to be diffused or scattered in differ- ent places; to be tangled, confused, jumbled together. —o4, 10,20, v. the same. —835.}, 10,3c,lo,le, v. the same. —85, lo,20, v. the same. 85, 2o, v. “21, 2c, to be sickened or poisoned by eat- ing something improper ; to be disgusted with any thing, also 86, 20. — 8S, aoa v. to be poisoned by eating mushrooms. gs. 30, 2. *“o1 3c, time. — 5, 30,3c, adv. just now. — 22 , 30,2c, n. past time; adv. formerly. —C}, 30,3c, adv. (N. 8. of 8&00}, ) yesterday. — Bot , 30,4c, . day before yesterday. —22&, 30,5c, adv. then, at that time; formerly. ——2], 30,3c, ». future time, futurity ; hereafter. 34] 001 RoF, 30,3c,2c,4c, adv. the same. —2’, 30,5c, adv. to day. — 86, 30,3c, adv. two days after tomorrow. —86é, 30,4c, n. the beginning, adv, at the beginning ; formerly. —G 45, 30,3c, adv. tomorrow. —82f , 30,5c, . past time, adv. formerly. —Bof Hof Gof, 30,5c,5c,4c, adv. the same, —, 30,1m, adv. now. —oo0’, 80,5c, adv. (N. 8.) to day. — 86, 30,3c, adv. (N. 8.) two days after tomorrow. gH 423 0}, 30,4c, adv. yesterday. — 586, 30,1c,4c, 2. the beginning; adv, at the begin- ning, formerly. —§6, 30,4c, adv. day after tomorrow. —oo 00, 30,1c,40, adv. formerly. * 35, 4o, v. ©}, 4c, to return. QA, 2c, v. *85, 20, to flower, blossom; ». a flower, a blossom; a cloud not fraught with rain. — mf of, 2c,30,5c, 2. any crooked bell shaped flower ; a tuberose. —4, 2c,3c, n. light clouds, as seen in the hot season; fog. — 509", 2c,3c,1c, 7. a cloud in the valleys and ravines of a mountain. —c.nf, 2c,3c, m. a kind of tree yielding clusters of fragrant white flowers. — 635, 2c,3c,20, ”. the common jasmine. —, 2c,4c, m. a yellow flowering orchid, of which then are the following varieties:—Q ASE, 20,4c,103 QASBS, 20,4¢,20 5 QS SBqS006, 20,4c,30,40 § Q/S'S 301, 20,4c,3c, lo. —0176, 2c,1c,40, ”. the gloriosa superba. —R86, 2c,3c,5c, 2. the clouds seen in the dry season. — ZH , 2c,3c,lo, n. the same. —c}ro€, 2c,4c,50, n. a kind of climbing honeysuckle. —c 0&5, 2c,4c,50,4c, 2. the yellow variety of honey- suckle. ; : —o7co8Fat , 2c,4c,5c,4c, 2. the white variety of honey- suckle. —0&30 7.0500", 2c,80,4c,5¢,2c,3c, 72. the globba, also v5 G5.999. —c05, 2c,lo,4c, ” the yellow flowering champac. 424 - RD —o&5, 2c,10,20, 2. the white flowering champac. —o9¢ : 2c,5c, ». the marigold. —og'00", 2c,3c,30, 7. prince’s feather. — 0&8, 2c,20,1c, ”. a twig of a tree, or a flower used as an offering to nats. —0 35, 2c,3c, 2. the white leprosy. —0}05, 2c,3c, 2. a paper flower for an offering. —o9v’, 2c,2c,lc, 2. the globe amaranth, gomphrena globosa. —2Eor, 2c,40,40, 2. ( 36:06 ) the tuberose. — EB, 2¢,40,2c, 2. ( 3628) a@ rose. —orcS, 2c,40,lo, 2. the tiger lily. — ores, 2c,40,4c, 2 a fragrant orchid. — 85, 2c,20, . the bright green developing end of a pine twig. —o5386, 2c,20,lo, 2. an amethyst. —oGoe , 2c,20,1c, ”. coral in its cluster. —cdScS, 2c,30,50, ”. a tuberose, gHxeEok , —00}, 2c,3c, 2. a name applied to various flowers. — 854, 2c,3m,lc, #. an honorary chaplet, bays, a string of flowers around the head. —edcdp€, 2c,4c,40, 2. (coozagés) cloves. — 98a’, 2c,lc,1c, ”.a daisy. —o’o2¥, 2c,40,4c, 2. the four o’clock. —¢, 2c,1c, ». a hat, also vg, 20,1c. —g 685, 2c,1c,4m, 2. a helmet. —5n , 2c,40,30, 2 the globba, also Qo E509 0300", — Grn’, 2c,1¢,2c, 2. the cockscomb. — 008, 2c,2c,3c, 2. a kind of lichen. —RE&eS, 2c,1c,4c, 2. the safflower. @& 425 — BE, 2c,80, 1. a species of spitical costos. * gS, 2c, v. 84, 20, to announce, speak, say; also 9, 2c. —0005, 2c,80, ©. the same. gS, 20, ». “85, 20, to be dim sighted from age. gd, 8c, v. “B45, 30, to be rounded, prominent, elevated in the centre. BANCO, 80,5c,20, 2. (G029009§) the left hand chief disciple of Buddh. 96, lc, w. *86, lo, to be old, not new, 39, 2c,2c$ to be deserted, as a house of most of its -people; to be still, quiet, silent. —v&, lc,lc, x. the same as the first two definitions. ge, lc, v. *86&, 1o, to cause to sour, as mustard leaves for eating. —93, 1c,30, #. an artificial pickle, or acid preparation. gécof, 1c,3c, #2. the sound of obstructed breathing, asth- ma; the purring of a cat. 36, Qc, n. *8E, 20, the hole or opening of anything. —€, 2c,5c, 2. the mouth of a river or body of water. —Gi» 2e,1c, 1 the hole of the ear. 96, 4c, n. (c006:) *86&, 40, agong, a plate of metal beate en to produce sound. gE, 4c, n. (c00€s) *SE, 40, that which has a point or spring or elastic holder, as the blade of a tool in the handle. — Ap, 4¢,40, %. (—¢3:) a ring for the finger. — 96, 4c,3c, #. the trigger of a gun. — 6, 4c,5c, % a trough turning ona pivot and used to raise water. , 6’, 4c,lo, m. the same. 9g 426 - gt —805, 4c,3c, ”. the knife handle. 96, 4c, v. *86&, 40, to look forward, expect, anticipate something yet to come, to hope for. — 0, 4c,49, v. to look for, expect. ——0}, 4¢,3c, v. the same. : gf, Be, v. *8&, 50, to be bent or curved in a nearly semi- circular manner, as a horn or the new moon. — EGE, 5e,3c,3c, v. the same. QOS, 2c, tv. *808, 20, to be blind; to stop, to put a stop to, as fire, to extinguish ; alse 905, 2c. OS, 3c, 2. *305, 3), an insect which bores holes in bam- boo; the anger beetle. gx ae Me *S¢ » lo, a plant of the arum tribe, colocasia antiguorum; also Qe 5 le. gat, 1c, v. *8x€, 10, to be faded and old; 25, 2c. got 5 1G *Qo&, lo, to prop up by a short prop; to bribe; n. a prop, pillow. — 8, lc,4c, tv. to pay a bribe, to bribe. —¢ 4, le,lc, 2. a pillow. — BE, 1c,lc, 2. a cushion to lean upon. : got » 2c, 2. *828, 20, an ancestor of the fourth generation. got ; 2c, 2. *82€, 20, to thrust through, put through; 0305, 2c. \ gre" , 4c, 2”. *S€ , 40, the mulberry tree, morus indica, got , 4c, x. *S2&, 40, the heart of anything, the best part; the yolk of an egg. —vo Aap , 4c,2c,lc, n. the pulpy substance into which the milk of a cocoanut is converted. got , dc, ”. a servant, slave,—used only with 2], 3c, as 82691 8F gre. 1m,3c,1m,5c¢, to be a servant. qécod 427 9d, 2c, t. "36, 20, to hang down, fall down, as anything faded, wilted, or bruised. — §6, 2c,2m, v. the same. 96d, 2c, *85, 20, to bow low, vide 9, 20. 99, 3c, v. *36, 39, to gather the waist cloth up around the loius closely or to tuck up the trousers about the waist for work. —8§, 3c,2m,.v. the same. B88, vide 10,40. QO, 4c, 0. *86S, 49, to gather one’s clothes around one’s self; to sew up a seam, to hem, tide 20. ——G* ort » 4c,lc,4c, t. to hem. 96, Ac, v. *85, 40, to kill, execute secretly. — 805, 4c,30, v. the same. , Q, Ic, 2. eer lc, the short hair about parts of the body, as under the armpits; the beard. grog, 2c,2c, v. to have a pleasant open face,—also used with a 3c, and 0; 3c. —.'90', 2c,2c,20,20, the same. 9", 3c, t. “oe, 30, to be nearly shut, as the eyes when very sleepy; to be drowsy; (N. 8.) to be tired with labor. 9", 4c,4c, adv. indistinctly, as if blurred or run togeth- er, got, Ie. CScS, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. the same. 2, 4c, v. *°, 40, to bow down the head respectfully as one advances towards a superior. R» Be, v. *@*, 50, to bind or press down the edge of any- thing in order to secure it; to bind around the edges, as a basket. Q), Be, 2. (G) *3, 5c, an emerald. G@SeoS, 30,50, ». (YoSopQB) jugglery. nd 428 a) ais, dec, n. (sog:) a race; a kind, a sort. q[S0g5, 5c,5c, n. (R995) the chief of a city. qtSqeé, 5e,2c, x ((Ro$) the governor of a city or pro- vince. (5, 30, v. (G05 prn. myit) toexceed, make profit; to be excellent. a —, 30,1c, v. the same, 8, lc, ». *S, lc, silver with only a slight alloy. & Ic, n. *8, 1c, a leaf, the general word for leaf, vide op, Ic. — 88, 1c,40, %. tender tamarind leaves used as a con- diment. —c¢o5, 1c,4c, v- to be small leaved. —ay’, 1c,2c, v. to be sharp leaved, lanceolate. — of, lc,lc, ». a leaf. — 08, lc,2c, v. to have fine leaves, be pinnate. —85, 1c,20, . the spindle or leaf of the pine. —Q, I1c,5c, n. the betel leaf. —8, 1c,2c, ”. the top of the onion plant. —ax , 1c,40, 7. to be round leaved. — 06, 1c,30, . a blade of grass. —0d, 1c,30, 7. the blade of a paddle or an oar. —ov®, Ic,lo, v. to be sharp leaved. —8, 1c,4c, 7. the leaf of a fan. —G,, 1c,le, ”. the ear as a projection. 8, Ic, v. 73; lc, to prosecute, sue. §, 2c, v. *8, 2c, to be new, not old. —ro5co5, 2c,30,30, v. to be brand new. §, 3c, v. *8, 3c, to be silly, foolish, not full witted. $, 4c, pr. thou. a we 429 —10, 4c 3c, pr. (N.S.) thou, —very respectful. J, 5m, ». “S, 50, to bind or press down the edge of any thing in order to secure it; to bind around the edges, as a basket; to set a gem, a, 5o, and 9, Be. oo The thirteenth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the first Consonant in the class of liquids. 00, Be, v. “8, Be, to destroy, ruin, to be partly-decayed or destroyed; to rub out, cancel; to annoy. -—Q, 5c,5¢, v. to break an engagement. —oos6, 5c,5c,2c, v. to destroy the reputation, to put to shame. 007] 9924]; 5c,2c,5¢,2c, vt. to exert one’s self against a religious system. —805, 5c,30, v. to destroy utterly. — dE, 5c,3c, v. to gather honey by smoking out or oth- er violent methods. —o 5, 5c,50, v. ‘to destroy; to annoy. — Evo, 5e,30,5c,lo, v. to destroy the form or sym- metry of anything; to be incognito. 005, 4c, v. "85S, 4c, to pinch, nip with the nails. —vo’, 4c,40, v. to claw, scratch with the nails. oofG001, 4c,5c, ”. a small kind of honey bee, also ¢S 00SG007, 30,4¢,5c. oo, 5c, v. *85, 5c, to dull the edge of an instrument by cuttiug improperly or on improper things. vo4, 20, v. *(8.5, 2c, to be hungry or thirsty; to feel uneasiness for want of food. oo, 30, 2. * B54, 3c, a bundle of rice plants to be trans- planted. vos, 30, v. *B5, 3c, to be hard, difficult, to be desti- tute, poor, unhappy. — 8, 30,4c, v. to be hard up for money, straitened in means. 0008 431 v08E, 5c,20, n. (486) Arracan, —also 986, 5c,20. 008, Ie, v. “BE, 1c, to hang up and stretch out, : clothes to dry. oo &, 2c, v. * 86, 2c, to thrust in or through ; to tr the depth of any thing, as water. 035); 2c,40, v. the same. —-2, 2c,5¢c, v. to sound: water. vc&, 3c, 2. *8&, 3c, a line extended, a row of things. v6, 4c, v. * BE, 4c, to be (denoting present action ), to be yet, or still; adv. yet, still, denoting something more, in addition. . oo&, lo, v. * 86, Ic, to be sticky, adhesive; 2. gum or any sticky, adhesive substance. —cvoh, lo,4c, v. to adhere. —or&, lo,lc, v. to be sticky, adhesive. —8A, 10,20, ”. the pitch of the pine, turpentine. o0&, 30, v. *B6, 3c, to dry or broil on a frame. oo, Bo, wv. * SE, 3c, to step, put forth the foot. vo, 30, adv. (N. 8.) not, 5, 2c. wo&, 4, 2. * $6, 4c, a Karen. op, 40,20, n. a tribe of Karens principally in Meting Seet -(8Ec805). —o5, 40,4c, 2. a Red Karen. — BS, 40,20, 7. a White Karen. —0d, 40,1c, 2. a Black Karen. —c8E, 49,lo,. 2. a Red Karen. o0&, 5o, 2. “BE, 5c, a kind of creeper. 00050291, 3¢,5c,2c, %. (vogRep P.) a charm, based on an astrological calculation. 0005, 20, t. *c805, 2c, to break down, fall in pieces, 432 00 * come to ruin; to drop, fall in drops; to pour out wae ter drop by drop in a religions ceremony. ——2§, 2c,5c, v: to pour out water. 09050005, 30,30, adv. very,—used with $5, 30, as to glis- ten very much, be very glossy. 0580S, 39,30,3c,3c, adv. the same. + vor, 1c, v. “83, 1c, to apply a prop or stay to the side of; to push off with the foot, brace against with the foot. vork, 2c, v. “82, 2c, to place or put down in a perpen- dicular positions to be placed in perpendicular posi- tion, the initial point of action being from above. —0 45, 26,40, v. the same, Orf, 2c,2c, 2 (4$02$) Rangoon. oorf oor’, 3c,3c, adv. quickly, without delay. ——— 82 82, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. the same, oo, 1o, t. * BF, 1c, to separate, part from; to be far, distant. 09}, lo,2c, v. the same, oor, 30, v. “Br, 3c, to quail, draw back through fear, , le. vort’, 80, v. “e826, 3c, to be dried inside although having a fair exterior, as an orange 002, 4o, t. * B28, 4c, to loosen, make lax, to be lax, loose; to bend down, sink in the middle, as timber. — or, 4o,1c, v. to loosen, slacken. —oy’, 40,1c, #. a valley. vorf'002, 40,40, adv. with a frightened tone —G6é, 5c. ——-82f Bt , 40,40,4c,4c, adv. the same. 00S, Qo, n. *8S, 2c, the loose flesh about the under jaws of many animals. —r&, 20,40, n. the same; the hood of a cobra. 0 433 008, 20, v. *BS, 2c, to be hard, difficult, arduous. =, 20,1c, v. to be distressed in mind. — 805, 20,2c, v. the same as 000. 025008, 50,50, adv. moving to and fro with short motions, as maggots or with sudden twitches, as from pain,— 09 €, 5o. —— 88.85, 50,50,5¢,5¢, adv. the same. 008, vide od. 00096, 5c,4c, ”. a piece of timber or bamboo running diagonally across the rafters of a roof. 0, 3c, 0. “88, 3c, to press or push into, as a knife or the hand, to drive into. —od, 3c,lc, v the same. 008, 3c, ¢t. part, an assertive affix. 008, 4c, v. “B88, 4c, to be happy, joyful. — 6, do,le, v- the same. 00S, 5c, v. *.85, 5c, to play, joke, banter. —B2f, 5c,3m, v. the same. 00, 5e, v. *865, 5c, tobe done, finished; v. part. denot- ing the past; also the completion of the beginning of an act, as 073008, 4c,5c, he is coming. — XQ, 5c,3c,3c, v. to be entirely finished, completed. 00, 1o, v. * 88, 1c, to be far, distant from. 008, 4o, v. "85, 4c, to be long, have much length. 0d, 1c, v. *uo®, 1c, to be quick, swift, as a fatal poison or an epidemic. 5 oS, Ic, v. *0d*, 1c, to respect, reverence, 9508, 1e,le. o8, 3c, v. “00%, 3c, to step upon, 86, 2m. oS, 4c, v. *0d*, 4c, to be wet. —85, 4c,2m, v. to be thoroughly wetted. —c6, 4e,le, v. the same. 99 | 434 ~] — 8, 4c,lo, or do, v7. the same. OD, 4c, v. "ot, 4c, to shine, be luminous, brilliant, as satin. ; 03, Be, v. “00%, 5e, to cat with lips, as children and per- sons who have lost their teeth. —Pré, Be,le, v. the sane. od, Bo, wt. “Od%, Be, to acquire the habit of; adv. ever,— with 0; 2c, or oS, 2c, never. 0d, 40, n. “od, 4c, time. —c8, 40,1m, adv. now, at present. 03, 40, 2. (0053) “od®, 4c, gunpowder. — 8S, 40,4c, 2. saltpetre, nitre. 00), Ic, 2. 08, lc, togive medicine, administer medicine. 00}, 2c, *8, 2c, to do away with, have done with,—ob- solete; v. part. imperative of negation; sometemes, a negative causative, that not. —<¢d, 2c,lc, v. part. imperative of negation. =U), 2c,lc, uv. part. the same. 007] OQ, 2c,2c, 2 (epg) large scales for weighing. 001Q, 2c,5c, 2. the betel leaf with the contents for chew- ing. 0078, 2c,2c, a. (00003) temporary, only for a brief use; rv. to change one’s abode, as a sick person tempora- rily. 1, 3c, 2. *8, 3c, grass; medicine; tobacco; paint. —a'cof, 3c,2c,2c, 2. a kind of rush growing in marshy places. Be , 3c,2c, 2. a kind of grass, chaysopogon; the seeds of the grass which attach themselves readily to anything. —s08g28, 3c,4c,4c, %. urena, a kind of mallow wort. 00} 435 —ae go, de,de,de, n. tle same. — 00, 3c,lo,lo, 2. chiretta. —36, 3c,2c, 2. a medicinal concoction. — 1209.5, 3c,4c,2c, n. vermifuge. aprons, 3c,4¢,5e, 2. purgative. — 3c,4c, 2. medicine to cure the bite of a snake. —c0, 3c,39, #2. a medicinal infusion. O90), 2620, m. any medicinal, odoriferons powder or drug. —oo'" 3c,4c, #. grass of a certain kind, also called 8800", 30,4c. —o' BE, 3c,10,2c, 2. twitch-grass, — 'Sqae, 3c,4c,lc,40, 2. a variety of y0700', —_ 1908, 3c,4c,1c,40, 2. a variety of 00190". —BSS, 3c,4m,4c, ”. balls of medicine covered with gold leaf, used as charms. — 621, 3c,5c,2c, n. a purgative. —on"g;6, 3c,2c,2c, ”. the sensitive plant, sensilz.a mi- mosa. —205, 3c,20, n. arather offensive smelling annual plant, of which there are two varieties, 00126055, 3c,20, — 4c, and 0012605096, 3¢,20,1o0. — yoscBae, 3c,3c,5c, 7. medicine to rub on the tongue. — 805, 3c,30, 7. the earliest kind of grass. — $09, 3c,1c,lo, #. tobacco prepared with the leaf un- broken. —00}, 3c,le, 2. anything administered for medicine, medicine. —o9&, 3c,4c, x. a kind of grass, 3 §a9, 3c,4c. —oBE, 3c,lo, ”. fine cut tobacco. — Br 8S, 3c,5c,4m, ” medicine for a sore tongue. 436 cé —oF5, 3c,30, x. an emetic. —8é, 3c,30, . a polite term for ganga, bE, 4o. 007, 3c, . a grandmother, a, 403 an appellation given to, elderly females,—now nearly obsolete in collo- quial language. : BABS, 40,40, adv. continuously, without intermission, — $605, 4m. : 858.5, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. the same. BS, 5o, v. *ooS, 50, to look at attentively, to gaze at, 029: 4o. —00, 50,3c, v. to look in the glass. o8&, 4c, n. a female; a feminine affix. cE, 3m, v. to increase,—principally used with 895, 4o, as BE858, 3m,40,2c, to be much greater. — BEBE 8, 3m,50,3m,3c, adv. a short time. — Gor, 3m,3c,4c, v. to increase, grow by an increas- ing ratio. o&, 4m, v. *006, 40, to look at, to aim, take aim; to in- tend, have in mind. —6, 4m,3c, v. to look in the glass. 0, 4m,5c,-v, the same as o8é. o8E, 5m, 2. *oo&, 5o, a tray standing on legs and often used for eating, vide G2, lo. BE, 1o, v. (N.S.) to be thin, not thick; ». a sheet of anything, as paper, tnfreg. BE, 20, v. *00&. 20, to raise, lift up the body, be on tiptoe ; to have a deformed foot whose heel does not touch the ground. - —%, 20,5c, v. to test the depth of water by wading. —coS, 20,30, t. to be on tiptoe. BF 437 BE, 4o, v. “00, 40, to be small and slender, used of things small in bulk compared with their length. 80S, 3c, 2. (008) a sacrifice, as an animal offered in sacrifice. —osa ft, 3c,5c,4c,3c, 2. (—osep.B05) a priest. —oo, 3¢,5c,20, 7. (-—ogg&) a sacrificial altar. BpPBqp, 40,40, adv. with a prolonged sound, as one calling,—Gé, dc. ——vor oof , 40,40,40,49, adv. the same. (895, Bo, v. “vor, 50, to strike; to exert one’s self. — 08, 50,20, v. the sane. — 50,lo, v. to kill by beating to death. —24, 50,30, v. to strike heavily. 805c805, 3c,3c, adv. silently, noiselessly, without sound, — BF, 1m. ’ 805, 2m, v. *0005, 20, tomake straight, as from a bent position ; to be straight, to lengthen out a bar of metal. 805, 3m, wv. *0005, 30, to press into, cram, stuff. —o005, 3m,5c, v. the same. i, 3m.4m, v. the same. 8o05c805, 50,50, adv. with a smooth, glossy surface, — 85, Bo. Bet , 4c, v. *ook , 4c, to hear, of > 4c. 2k, Be, 2. *oor, 5c, a bastion in a fortification. Wx, 1m, v. *oor’, 1o, to be quiet, still; to be quiet after conflict. —§ 8 cof, 1m,lc,1m,4c, v. to be relieved of pain- ful impression. Bol, 2m, v. (og ) *oor€, 20, to be tame, civilized?” to be well bred, polite. > 438 ~ —c€, 2m,30, v to be well bred, polite, courteous. Sa, 4m, z. “oo, 49, to have a surface sore or ulcerous flesh. BF, 4m, v. *oor, 40, to pass from one condition of being or character to another, as an insect emerging from its chrysalis state, or a good man becoming evil. 86, 4c, v. *006, 4c, to lay hold of, take hold of, to hold, —nSe, 4c,5c,5¢, 2. the reins, a, 4c,40, v. to cling to, hang to, hold on. —r0r€, 4c,1lc, v. to pull and draw. — ofS, 4c,5c, v. tohold with a pulling effort, to pull, to draw. —vf, 4c,8c, v. to hold on firmly, to cling to. —mEnrcos, 4c,40,5c,2c,v. (sodcoo) to plaster, over- lay with-plaster. —ar5, 4c,lc, v. to take hold of, cleave, cling. 8S, 2m, v. *006, 20, to tread on. —5, 2m,80, v. to step or tread on. —2¢05, 2m,30, v. to tread on, press down, crush. —vd, 2m,3c, v. the same, 8S, ‘5m, v. *o06, 5o, to sew. — oof nf agof, 5m,30,30,1¢, v. to back stitch. —o' QJ, 5m,40,2c, v. to embroider. EBS, 30,30, ade. wrigglingly, also 50,50, vide ooS 006, 50,50, — a, 5o. 8S, 4o, v. to wink the eyes rapidly from soreness or any other cause. BS, 5o, v. (N. 8.) to sew. BS, vide od*. —* 85, 1m, v. to be of opinion, to think, c0&, 2o. —0}85.72, 1m,2c,1m,4e, v. to doubt. a9 439 —8&, 1m,4c, 2 the samme. 85095, 3m,2c, 2. the kestril, also 26588, 50,3m. o85, 3m, v. *00, 30, to void urine; ”. urine. —.n05, 3m,4c, v. to have strangury. — a5, 3m,3c, v. to have detention of the urine. —op6, 3m,20, v. to have a free discharge of urine. 38, 4c, n. the brown antlered rusa. . * - : ; ag, 5c, vt. 00, dc, to thrust at or into, as fire into a wasp’s nest. —o), 5c,2c, v. the same. a4, 3c, 2. (9S) that which appears, matter considered as an object of sense,—opposed to 6, 1c, mind; ap- pearance, form, likeness, sometines Q5, 3c. 098095, 4c,4c, adv. somewhat slowly, — G05, 4m. 5, Be, v. “oo, 5c, to lift up, raise; to rise, swell, also 5o. —J2t, 5c,3c, v. the same, — 50, 5c,4c, 20, v. to raise the hands joined togeth- er so as to touch the forehead. — 50’, 5c,4c,3c, v. to raise the hands joined together in worship. 9 5B, 5c,5c, 2. (098) credibility. 09i50Q, 5e,5c, 7. (q609) an image, idol, vide qv5oq, 3c,5c. ; 09 5, Qo, n. vide opEu3 4, 1c,20. ag Soo, 40,40, adv. with a smattering knowledge, —j, 5c. £o0&, 40,20, adv. the same. 09.8809 6005, 40,3c,40,40, adv. the same. 09.5008, 50,50, v- to harass, annoy. 09 &, 2c, 2. *oo&, 2c, a long building, when there are several together, as in bazaar or barracks. 440 0305 Ld a9 €, 3c, v. “006, 3c, to be tangled, confused, jumbled together ; to be shaggy. —0, 3c,lc, v. to be confused in mind. — og Ecof, 3c,1c,3c,4c, v. the same. eae, 4c, 7. *o0&, 4c, a mosquito. og &, 20, 2. * Ww, 20, a blossom, vide 09 &, 20. 096, 20, 2. *o0&, 20, to step, put forth the foot, —used with 006, 30. 099, 30,30, adv. floating in the air, as the cotton of the cotton tree, —886, Ic. 09, 4o, 2. *o06, 4o, one of the internal divisions of any fruit like the jack fruit. o9&, 4o, v. *o0&, 4o, to stir up; to dig up, as earth in order to prepare it for seed ; to arouse to action, vide 34, 4c. —2P: 40,1c, 2. dressed cotton as it lies in its puffy state. og Ecrof; 40,2c, v. to speak evil of another with the intention of stirring up trouble. 9 &, 5o, v. *o0&, 50, to connect by a cord or rope, in order to support in a suspended position; 7. a sling of any kind for this purpose, as the bamboos put to- gether to carry water pots. oop » 4c, v. *oo?, 40, to be loose, not compact, to be flow- ing, full, luxuriant, as hair. 0905, 3c, v. (0905), *v005, 3c, to be inferior, mean; to be vile, wicked. 0908, 40, v. *vo05, 4o, to dry up, be exhausted. —gé, 40,30, v. the same. 0905, 40, v. “ao08, 4o, to remove to another place, throw down, to shift the place of, as in removing old thatch, or taking in clothes spread in the sun, 095 " 441 09050008, 50,50, adv. with plump, rounded limbs,— 8, 4c. 03050905, 50,50, adv. with a light, ruddy color,—c8&, 1o. ogre, 30, v. *oo2e , 30, to shake, tremble, asa floor when walking, or any thick substance on water when agi- tated (applied to surface); also vot , 30, and ogee ‘ 3c. ages’, 40, 2. “oor, 40, a Laos man. 096, 4c, v. 005, 4c, to wink. —0}, 4c,lc, v. the same. 096, 4c, v. *o0S, 4c, to be disordered, shabby, as clothes, also 5c. af, 4c, v. 008, 4c, to feel a creeping sensation from fear. 096, 4c, v. *006, 4c, to take hold of with some force with the fingers. 095095005008, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. with a creeping sensa- tion. 09, 20, v. *v08, 20, to shake anything in order to make it tremble or loosen it from its fastening; to seesaw, teeter as children. 096, 30, v. *00S, 30, ts subside, abate, diminish. —op 6, 30,3c, v. the same. —0}, 30,4c, v. the same. 096, 30, v. *oo5, 30, to move up and down in the water ; to rinse. —vorf, 30,40, v. to roll up and down, as a boat in the waves or & loose rope. 099, vide. OQ. 09, 1c, v. to think,—colloquial for 085, 1m; oftenacollo- 9¢ 442 * OQ). quial verbal assertive affix, as £$0'9701095, 2c,2c, 2c,3c,lc. 09698, 1c,1c, adv. rather slowly and carefully,—c8p, 3o. 00109}, 1c,lc,lc,lc, adv. the same. 095, 4c, v. () “Oy, 4c, to be upright in mind; noe 095.9260 5, 40,3c,40,4c. 03, 1c, v. to be confused in a mass, mixed together; to be wrinkled, shrivelled, as flesh (b); 7. aconfused mass of anything, as hair. — oa, 1c,20,20, 2. the confused involutions of the inside of the luffa peitaidia gourd when dried. —g", Ic,lc, 7. the shell of the gourd inserted at the bottom of the upper jar used in steaming rice. 0), 2c, v “od, 20, to take up with the fingers. — id, 2c,4c, v. the same. 0, 2c, v. (03) *03, 2c, to believe, have confidence in. —scA( or 6) 605095, 20,2c,2c,30, v. (—€325 ) ic believe cordially. — ERE, 2c,3c,3c, v. to doubt. — JERE Bug ZERE, 2c,3c,3c,2c,2c,3c,3c, v. she same. —B05, 2c,4c, v. to err in belief. —05, 2c,30, v. to believe fully. WQ, 4c, 2. *03, 4c, a cluster or clump of bushes or small trees. — a, 4c,40, ». a kind of spinning wheel. —v!, 4c,5c, 7. a clump of bushes or trees. 09, 5e, v. *od, 5c, to smile. ths, 5c,30, v. to grin. 0}, 5e, v. *od, Be, to wilt. OQ, 2c, v. to stay, remain; to dwell, abide; v. part. used to denote continuance of action. S08 443 —8S, 2c,39, ¥. to be confined in a narrow space. —, 2c,3c, v. to dwell happily. —Ahordd, 2c,3c,1c,lo,le, v. the same, —cofcof, 2c,1e,lc, ». to dwell separately, to be apart from all others. —RodK08, 2c,2m,2m, vt. torcmain silent, quief, to be quiet. — BooSds, 2c,3c,5c,40, v. to remain sheltered from the wind. — 6", 2c,4c, v. to be in child bed. -—8, 2c,lc, v. to be well, comfortable. —& Bf, 2c,1c,1¢c,lo, v. to be well, healthy. —op, 2c,30, v. to live together, dwell or be together. —§, 2c,30, v. the same. —g}, 2c,30, v. to take shelter, as in a shade. QQC02#], 20,5e,2c. 2. (Q2@92) a yuzana, a measure of length equal to 133 English miles. QQ, 3c, v. *0o1) 3c, to be frayed, abraded. OQ, 4c, 2 *00), 4c, a kind of marsh date palm from the leaves of which brooms are made; a broom. —0oo05, 4c,4c, . to sweep. 0204, 4c,30, #. the result of any evildeed, vide Bo8, 5c,39. 10.9098, 4c,30,5c,5c,2c, . the evil consequences of sin. codc805, 2,39, 2. (cqo8) a priest’s water dipper. coSoors, 9c,5c,3c, n. vide Cqooes ss, 20,5c,3c. CoSiBE, 2¢,2c, 2. (69935) a privy,—also COSLRE, 2c,2c. CoS, 3c, pr. each. — B&eoSea, 3c,50,3¢,3c, adv. every little while. —cn}; 3c,5c, adv. each one, a piece. ‘444 Goo) —enco8en, 3c,5c,3c,5c, adv. the same. —9Seo8r08, 3c,3c,3c,40, adv. every little while. —9 560565, 3c,3c,3c,2c, adv. each time, every time. —B65¢e0SQ5, 3c,2c,3c,8c, adv. the same. — 86e08y5, 3c,30,3c,3c, adv. the same. — 860568, 3c,30,3c,2c, adv. the same. —§SeS0o8, 3c,30,3c,40, adv. the same. —mr, 3c,lc, pr. each one. GoS, 4c, 2. "O95 4c, a granary or place to store any- thing,—also used as the couplet of Gf , 40. —8, 4c,3c, ”. a granary. — 66052, 4c,3c,4c,5c, n. the same. coS, 20, n. "Oot, 2c, the quid or whatever is left after chewing anything, oS, 20. GoS, 30, v. part. an interrogative affix. GOS, 50, 7. *oo, 5c, a kind of lizard which burrows in the ground; a sand lizard. v0’, lc, v. * 8, 1c, to separate or be separated, as the boards of a floor when warped, or as floating drift wood. oo', 1c, v. *c8, 1c, to place one after another. —&d§, 1c,20, v. the same. oo", 80, v. *8, 3c, to fall apart, separate, as rice poured out of dish. oo’, 40, v. *8, 4c, to scratch, in order to allay itching, or as animals digging a hole. — 305, 40,2c, v. to scratch with the nails, mar the flesh. oo’, Bo, v. *08, 5c, to change from one place of resi- dence to another. C00}, 5c, v. to bend the knees somewhat, as under a very heavy burden. QoS 445 — on 86, 5c,2c,3c, v.. the same. God), 5c, w.¢. an exclamatory expression equivalent to ‘chere”, “take it”. Goofcoof, le,lc, adv. vide 0959, le,lc. cof, 2c, v. (coq5) *o0S, 20, to forfeit, as when fined. Goof, 3c, v. *ewo, 30, to return on itself, as: a whip lash when used ; to retreat, return on one’s way, as a person returning on account of fright, or as soldiers. coof, 3c, at. an exclamatory expression nearly equiva- lent to thus, being so. coof, 3c, tnt. vide G00}, 5c. Goof, 4c, 2. ( cooo ) a Yaw, a race of people living west of the Irrawaddy. Goof, 4c, v. to lift up, to exalt, to praise, ogEcoof, 8c,4c. coon, 4c,2c,n. (sepa) P.) disease, also cqjop, 4c, 2c. o8&, 3c, v. to be stagnant, not flowing; toremain gath- ered together, as a crowd; to remain without evacu- ation, as the bowels. —- fae ep, 3c,3c,4c, v. to form back water, as when a dam is made; also used in Lower Burmah of the in coming tide.. o8€, lo, v. *o0 , lo, to be slender, tall, as a man, or long, as the legs of any thing. S056, 10,49, v. the same. _ BE, 30, v. *o0&, 30, to do the same, do alike, to ne a. aux. a kind, ©78, 4c. o86, 4o, 1. *o0&, 40, a goat antelope. 805, 3c, ». "0005, 3c, todraw out, stretch out, lengthen, as a new rope when used. 808, 4c, v. *o005, 4c, to draw back, recede; to draw out of, as fire. 446 ogo e 808998, 5c,5c, adv. abundently, —used of drooling. — 0050005, 5c,5c,5c,5c, adv. the same. Br, 3c, v. ook, 3c, to reach out the hand for transmitting any thing; to hand, transmit with the hand ; to reach out the hand with any thing. 9, 4c, t. *oo, 4c, to stretch out or reach’out, as the hand after any thing, or as prolonged time; to be long, as one’s life, Bf, Ho, v. *oot, 50, to restrain, keep in check, control; to restrain, repress feeling; to delay or move slowly. —5, 50,20, v. to bear patiently, to be patient, to endure. —00)7, 50,5¢, wv. the same as Gof 7 -—.25, 50,1c, v. to bear patiently, to endure with for- titude. 095, lc, v. *OS, 1c, to borrow (something to be return- ed itself). ope 5e, v. *, 5c, to start out, as perspiration, 035, Be. 09S, 30, v. “0d, 39, to move gently, to be slow, Lguet in movement; to go silently and stealthily, 0O'», 3m. 9, 3c, v. *00, 3c, to take a general or indefinite aim» to aim at og, 4c, v. “01, 4c, to shoot at, to shoot with a gun or cross pews 8, Be, v. * en), 5c, to start out, as ceatailiGa 5, 5c. 096, Qo, n. *oo1, 2c, what remains of a thing, after the juice or liquor is extracted; opposite of 26, 1c, the liquid part; what is ejected from the mouth after juice has been extracted by chewing; solder; a bait. —7P: 20,lc, 2. the refuse of cotton after it has been dressed. — R54, 20,30, ”. solder, metallic cement. —vy, 20,5¢, 2. chewed betel. og €. 447 — $50), 20,20,5¢, . tan, after having been used. —vS.cor, 20,20,1c, 2. the fibrous bark of a cocoanut when pounded, coir. 086, 20, 0. “001, 2c, food, nourishment for animals. —v, 20,5c, ”. food for horses. o88, ” ”. grass, 00), 3c. —oo!, 30,4c, n. wide vo7ou', 3c,4c. —09}, 30,3c, . grass, —og, 30,4c, n. vide 00109, 3c,4c. —G bq, 30,1c,20, n. a kind of grass. 08, 4o, v. *00}, 4c, to drive fast in riding. O25, 2c, v. *85, 20, to play, to amuse one’s self ; to joke, banter, play tricks. . —ood, 2c,5c, v. the same. —B2, 2c,3c, v. the same. —FB0h.r2, 2c,3c,4c,1c, v. to provoke a quarrel. —G12: 2c,1c,49, v. to draw out, detect, catch in ques- tioning. 0, 8c, 2. *8.S, 30, to push up and down, asthe pis- ton of a syringe ; to cohabit (vulgar). op, 4c, v. * S85, 4c, to be torn, rent; to be dilapidated, out of repair; to be evil disposed. —+05, 4c,20, v. to be torn, rent. ogo Sd, 4c,4c, adv. with an even, quiet gait. eee sBS, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. the same. og, 1c, n. *c8E, 10, a small granary. 06, Qc, v. * 8, 20, to be mad, insane, crazy. —cr, 2c,40, v. to be affected with violent fever and delirium. —oor" 1) 2c,2c,2c, v. (02032) to have a violent, lust- ful longing (in men). "448 ogoe —c85, 2c,1m, v. to be in a restless, unsteady frame of mind. —o7€8685, 2c,2c,1m,lm, adv. in a rambling, inco- herent way, restlessly. — $05, 2c,30, v. to be delirious. 036, 3c, v. * 86, 30, to lift up, exalt, praise. —5, 3c,20, v. to raise and support; to bear aloft. — 4, 3c,5c, v- to lift up, raise up. —coof, 3c,4c, v. to praise, applaud, exalt. —o’, 3c,5c, v. to lift up, praise, adore, exalt. ogEg gp, 3c,20, n. Nyoungyua, a Shan principality. 09, 4c,, v. * 86, 49, to cut into long slices, as flesh for drying; 7. long strips or slices, as SaFagES2F 06, 1m,4c,1m,4c. — 8, 4c,50, ». slices of dried flesh. 0305, 2c, v. “805, 20, intrans. to fall in drops, as matey to drip; . a drop. —2, 2c,5c, v. the same. g05, 8c, ». “e805, 30, to sprout out; 2. a short young twig or shoot. — Gg ¢5, 3c,lo,lc, 2. the end of hair tied in a knot. — 908, 3c,40,3c, 2. the same. 0308, 4c, v. * 805,40, trans. to make fall in drops, as a liquid. 020502058 08808, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. off and on for a long time, —applied to diseases. 03050305, 5c,5c, adv. very smooth,—§, 30. —— 805.805, 5c,5c,50,50, adv. the same. ogo, Qc, v. “B82, 20, to be pendent, pensile, as an ar- ticle suspended; todo constantly, without cessation, L6o226008, 2c,2c,2c,30. Ud 449° —0Q5, 20,40, t. to be pendent, hang suspensively. —’, 26,8, ©. to hang, suspend. 0326" , 8c, * GQ » 39, to shake, vibrate, tremble, asthe floor when walking upon it, ug2’, 80. . oat’, 4c, n. “Br, 4o, an extension beyond a house, as a verandah or addition to a house. op, de, 0. “Bal, 40, to ask, ask for, beg; to demand, require. —82§, 4c,lo, v. to beg for food. —d}, 4c,4c, v. to ask a favor. —orf, 4c,lc, v. to request for another. —o0, 4c,lc, v. to ask for, lay hold of with the ear nest assurance of getting it; to pray. ; — 091, 4c,1c,2c, . to accept, take a favor or blessing. ag » 5C, prep and conj. on account of, in behalf of, for, —used in combination with 3, 3c. 96, 2c, v. *.86, 20, to shake by standing on the feet and jerking the body up and down, as in breaking something too strong for the hand to break; to shake anything, as a child by moving the arm up and down; to move up and down, .as the jaw in motion. — 22" » 2c,4¢c, v. the same. —09&, 2c,50, v. the same. —o’, 2c,lc, v. the same. 036, 3c, v. *85, 39, to diminish, to become less. —0}, 3c,4c, v. the same. 09d, 4c, 2 *85, 40, to seize, grab. 095035, 5e,5e, vide 008008, 5e,50. —— 85.85, 5c,5c,50,50, adv. the same, 095, - vide a3. on 450 oo sd , og’, 1c, v. *oo’, 1o, to fall in small particles, to drizzle; to be sparing, economical, frugal in the use of any- thing. oD, 3c, v. 00’, 30, to be small fine, implying particles. — 0282 , 3c,4c,4c, v. to cut wood in small pieces. — oc", 30,40, n. a little bit, little bits, as GoS5ugtug’oc® oo, 4m,3c,3c,40,40,—applied to words common, col- loquial. ay’, 4c, 7. *oo’" 45, small scales. ay’, dc, 2. *oo 49, a tuft or tassel. —v6&eS, 4c,3c,20, ». the silken tuft hanging from an ear of maize. — 2 gf, 4c,lo,lc, 2. the tuft of hair left after shaving a child’s head. ; ay’, 4c, v. cee 40, to rain in a drizzling way. 09/09", 4o,4c, adv. slightly trembling, —o02, 2c. og, Be, v. *vo!, 5o, to hang down ; to run down, as tears, to flow down. . Q3, 1c, v. *og*, lo, to be lean, thin, emaciated. —}), 1e,2c, v. to grow thin. —R8E, 1c,30, v. to be very much emaciated. — BE, 1c,30, v. the same. —§6, 1c,30, v. to present an emaciated, dried up appearance. 02, 2c, 2. *oc®, 20, a collection, gathering ; a collection or clump, as of grass or bushes. 0303, 2c,2c, adv. slowly and respectfully, —o’, le. ——007u", 2c¢,2c,20,20, adv. the. same, o§Buza0c%, 20,3c,20,20, adv. the same. 03, 8c, v. “od®, 80, to diminish, subside, grow less, de- crease, also 4c. : os | 451 ? OQ}, 5e, v. oo, 5o, to dye. ——A, 5e,2c, v%. to dye a dark red. —o&.nr, 5c,20,40, v. to dye a priest’s garments, usually with a preparation of the wood of the jack tree. &, 2c, v. “cB. 2c, to be great, big, large. 9, 2¢,80, &. to be large in bulk or size. — 38, 2¢,5c, v. the same. —ag€v7:, 2c,1¢,4c, %. to grow tall. —ogf, 2c,3c, v. to grow, to be grown. —09 24050905, 2c,3c,2c,4c, v. to be grown up. ——©}8, 2c,4c, v. to grow, become large. —0072008, 2c,4c,5c, v. to have come to maturity, adult age. 3B, 4c, 2. *, dc, a fine string, thread, fibre; a web, as of a silk worm. — 7&8, 4c,20,40, 1. a spider’s web. , 4c, adv. repeatedly. — 0, 4c,4c, adv. the same. — 098.8, 40,4c,40,4c, adv. the same. oo”, 1c, v. *05, 1c, to borrow, 095, Ic. —, 1c,3c, v. the same. oo®, 8m, v. “03, 30, to move or go silently, - quietly stealthily. oo, lo, n. “0d, 1o, the lock of hair in front of the ear. odo0", 20,20, adv. in a slow and respectful way. 09, 80, ». *ud, 80, to chew. 0%, 40, v. *o8, 40, to be-small, fine, implying particles, } The fourteenth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the second Consonant in the class of liquids. g&, 4o, n. (9096s) "8, 4c, bottom, foundation, origen; sometimes 0O&, 40,—used in composition as ch 9 &; the beginning. goo, 0005006, 5e,2c,5c,5¢,5¢, #. (990900033) flavor tasted. g0500267, 3c,5c,2c, x. (qo032 P.) anything precious, a gem, also 000500247. 0508, 3c,5c,2c,lo,4c, ”. the three objects of wor- ship, viz. deity, ka. 4c, the law, edu: 4c, the priest- hood, 20&9), 2c,2c. ga, 20, 2, (9$) *8§,.2c, an enemy. —02}, 20,2c, m. (—92) an enemy. 95, vide ¢. qge&, 5c,40, n. (9008) a rahan, a priest of Buddh. ——09}, 5c,40,2c, 1. ( 000) an areeyah of the highest order. q, Qo, v. (4) to surround, encircle, attend, also 05,. 20. — gS, 20,3c, v. the samie. Q]1>, 2¢,5c, 2. (spo P.) inordinate passion, lust. 100, 2c,5c, 2. (spe P.) a king. ——0005, 2c,5c,30, ». (—o005) a fresh enactment of government in addition to the standing 0g90005. 000&, 2c,5c,5¢,20, . (—-0@§) a royal throne. o§eo8, 2c,5¢c,5c,5c,20, 2. (—o§vo008) artifice used by kings and others in authority. 0&, 2c,5c,20, ». (—0&) civil history, eqferPosgcd 433 9138, 2c,2c, n. (sp<8} a sign of the Zodiac of which there are twelve viz. SA00, 5e,5¢, G5oo, 5c,5e, GOo9, 2c.2c, G05, 5c,5c,30, SBE, 2c, No, 2c, 02, le, G 400), 3m,2c, 0024, 5c,5c, O71q, 5c,2c, 5c, 0&, 2c, 8&, 3c. {19 2¢,5e, x. (cpop) a dark planet, visible only when coming over the disk of the sun or moon, and caus- ing an eclipse, also 007]G, 2c,5c. 05, 3m, »v. (98) to wind round, encircle, also c805, 3m. qs 3c, 2. (95) that which appears, 72z. matter, opposite of %, 1c, mind, vide 094, 3c. —cQ, 3c,5c, x. [—cg) ride ag5aq, 3¢,5e. 90: Ac, v. (32) to be honest, also 09, 4c. —c9, 4c,2c, v. (—¢20) to respect, reverence; to treat with respect. —— 608, 4c,2c,le,le, v. the same,—also 09608.9808, 4c,2c,1c,1c. qoo8dg 59, 2c,5c,4c,40,2c, % the sixteen material heavens. Qo moadorrs, 2c,2c,5c,5c,5¢, 2. ( qclooons) appearance seen. qo19e: 9c,2c,2c, 1. (q0)9) an appearance seen. qoso#e 00), 2c,30,2c,2c, 2. (qo?) materiality or form, of which there are twenty eight subdivisions. G§oorg45, 2c,5c,3c, 2. (cq0035) a bathing garment, also Go5002¢4, 2c,5¢,3c. q', 4o, n. (cd) a state of punishment, hell, —abbreviated in books from c74), 4c,40. cq fortoog.nd, 4c,2c,5c,50,30, 2. ( cepogqmSP. ) a period of pestilence. 454 . go> gc; 2c, 1. (socep& ) brightness, lustre, —abbreviated from <2g€, in poetical books. go, 3c, v. (qo) “05, 30, to recite, repeat from memory, also 0305, 3c. co The fifteenth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the third Consonant in the class of liquids. 00, 5c, x. “o8, 5c, one born in servitude, the child of a slave, a servant or slave, 3}, 3c. —85, 5c,30, m. the subjects of a prince. CO, 5c, 2. *8. 5c, a Karen race in the Shan States. 00, Bc, v. “8, Bc, to be worn partly thrown off or hanging from a person, as a garment. oO, 5c, v. *8, 5c, to increase, spread, as a sore. 005926), 3c,5c,2c, 2. (0 fap) Pe) a sign, token, in- dication; a visible or sensible quality. 005, 4c, n. “BS, 4c, a post erected for fastening any- thing; a distance of about two miles. — RE, 40,20, 2. (6) a post set up by the road to mark the distance. —v05o, 4c,5¢,5c, 7. a post around which a horse is trained, -also cS, 4c,5c. 005, 4c, v.part, a sign of future time, vide ond, 4c. co4, 4c, v. *85, 4c, to act voluntarily, spontaneously, 004, 4c, % to be dark (b.), oS, 4c. cos, 4c, v. *(8.5, 4c, to be clever in management. — G2 , 4c,lc, v. to be stupid, incapable of learning. —c®, 4c,lo, v» to be cunning, shrewd, clever. COS Raf, 4c,1m, v. to tickle, to have a tickling sensation intrans. infreg. vide HSH, 4c,1m. 00.905, 4c,30, ”. an insect ina chrysalis state. “C080 1006, 4c,4c,80, ”- (concl:025) a cross for cruci- fying. 456 od e COAG, 4c,3c, v. to wish to cause. cos, be, v. *c85, 5c, to steal. —]}, 5,20, v. to devise secretly. — GooAgs, 5e,20,5c,le, v. the same. —¥5, 5c,30, v. to love in secret, without thé knowl- edge of the person loved. 4 — 29 &0y, 5c,20,1c, v. to hide, conceal one’s self. — 6, 5c,20, v. to steal and conceal, to hide one’s theft. — 6, 5c,lc, v. to devise, design clandestinely. —89, 5c,49, v. to hide, secrete one’s self or something stealthily. — cq o9 &, 5c,2c,30, v. to become like by secret imitation. — cof, 5e,le, v. to steal. — $605, 5c,30, v. the same. — cb, 5c,30,lo, v. to pass a guard station clandes- tinely. — 38, 5c,4m, v. to design clandestinely, to become like by secret imitation. oS, 5c. —o!, 5c,3c, v. to be tired of hearing, annoyed, disturbed by the noise of other. 00 §v.£005, 5c,5c,5c,5¢, adv. hanging around boldly, as when not wanted at meal time. 0045, 20, ». *08.5, 2c, to differ from others, whether for better or worse, to be singular, uncommon. —§6&, 2c,30, v. to differ from, be diverse. —voo’, 20,40, v. to be diverse, dissimilar; to exceed, be more than common, extraordinary. co, 30, 2. *B5, 3c, one million, as cord’ 004 8, 5o, 3c,30,3c. ; CoS, 80, v. “BA, 3¢,to pull, draw, drag along the ground, oof “457 as by elephants, to trail on the ground, to graze, pass over, lightly touching. a", 30,8c, 0. to drag the petticoat on the ground. 600}, 30,5c, v. to cart. 00.5905, 80,30, 2. (conSa08) the lath of a loom in which the weaver’s read is inserted, sometimes 00596, 30, 3o. 0055, 30,20, e. (cond) to be accessory to, to accept, approve, G507 E098, 5c,5c,1e. 05eg6, 30,2c, 2. (conSgS) a finger ring. 00/5500), 30,5c,4c, 2. (conSa000:) a carpenter. coAagé, 30,2c, n. (conSea02) a present. 08096, 30,2c,4c,40, 2. a bribe to suppress ev- idence. 00.5005, 30,30, 12. (con$e008) the time during which. a person flourishes, an era, 02, 1o. co$265, 30,30, 2. (conS305) a weapon. —— BE, 30,30,20, 2. ( 03) a soldier, a private. ——2051q], 30,30,3c,4c, n. ( ©692), the famous Sekyah weapon. coficg’, 30,4c, ». (00053) an amulet, also co5ch’, 80,8c. —— EBS, 30,4c,2c,30, 2. a charm to insure profit on the sale of goods. 00.5005, 30,80, . (coo5yo5) a signature to any thing. COO, 30,5¢,2c, 2. (conSeg) an executioner. coS00, 30,5c, 2. (coq) persons or things captured. in war ; booty. ow, Ic, n. *08&, 1c, the back; what is placed on the back of an ox, as 0&3, a pair of panniers; 0&3], a measure of four 026, lo, capacity, equivalent to two gf; prep. and adv. behind, back, after. 20 — 458 . we —Brf, 1c,lc, n. the upper part of the foot. — 86, 1c,4c, 2. the back of the hand. 00 &, Ic, n. a house; a. aux. for houses, buildings. o0&, lc, »v. *086, Ic, to produce a heavy rumbling sound, to thunder. 00&, 2c, 2. *&, 2c, lye, 3€006, 5c,2c. co&, 2c, prep. (N. S.) vide aE, Qc. CoE}, 2c,2c, n. (cooSo) poetry. coS00€, 2c,2c, adv. quickly, swiftly, sometémes, 3c,3c, (b.), ty, Ic. —cSEc8E, 2c,2c,2c,2c, adv. the same. 00, 3c, v. (N. 8.) to sit, cde aE, 3c. 00&, 3c, v. *86, 3c, to be enlarged from use beyond its proper size, as a hole. o&, lo, v. * 6, Ic, to make fly away, as chaff, to win- now. c0&, 20, ». *o8E, 2c, a cutaneous disease appearing in white spots on the skin. —073, 20,1c,4c, 2 a cutaneous disease appearing in specks on the skin. — 84, 20,20, ”. a cutaneous disease appearing in large spots on the skin. —co’, 20,40, v. to be marked with different colors, not uniform in color; adv, having only an imperfect knowledge, a smattering. coEor2#, 20,4c, 2. (co&0§:) a round tray standing on legs, often used for eating. ow, 30, ”. space beneath a house, 006, 3c,30. 006, 30, » *c8&, 3c, to be numb, benumbed by cold. ov, 30, v. to accord, be suitable, sufficient. o0&, 4o, x. *oBE, 4c, a child, vide 05, 3c. C005 459 06, 4o, n. (c0€) *08&, 4c, a high raised frame, stage, scaffold, SE8E, 2m,4o. 00&, 4o, wv. *86, 4c, to bail out, as a well; to remove any substance, as to dig away earth or bushes which hinder water from flowing into a paddy field. 006, 40, ». *(q&:) “CBE, 4c, to have capital or stock in trade, tnfreg. vide moo€, 5c,4o. co€00, 40, 5c, n. (co&s00) a vulture; vide 2E02, 40,5c. co€vor, 40,40, nm. a sail. coEagré’, 40,4¢c, 2. ( co€sa9&: ) a tree under which Gaudama is said to have sat. 06, 50, ”. a kind of very pure silver, Gof c0&, 4c,50. wo, 5o, v. *8&, 5c, to cleanse by water, to rinse. 0005, 4c, v. “805, 4c, to make straight; 7. a short cut, @ cross way or road. —2, 4c,5c, . a short water channel connecting one body of water with another, or subtending the bend of a river. 00050005, 20,20, adv. convulsively, with irregular spasms, Bf , 3m. —— 8050805, 20,20,2c,2c, adv. the same.. 0005, 30, v. * 805, 3c, to speak, say, tell. —nr cop nak , 30,1c,1c,1c, v. to discuss in conversation. —}), 30,3c, v. to apprize. —J, 30,40, v. to talk. —,}5, 30,40,1c, v. to hesitate or falter in speaking. —Acocdag’, 30,40,30,3c, v. to engage in familiar con- versation, talk, chat. — 8, 30,40,1c, v. to speak peaceably, in a friendly manner. — 85095, 30,40,4¢,lc, v. to speak unguardedly. 460 20005 — 3805, 30,3c, v. to catch in conversation. — 8oScvo5u’, 30,3c,30,20, ». the same, — 200056’, 30,30,30,50, v. to be circuitous in speech, manceuvre in language. —0}, 30,1c, v. to consider, discuss with others. —co ost » 30,1c,1c, v. to show something by speaking, to instruct. —29S, 30,40, v. to say and not do; to dictate, as to an amanuensis, — 935000806, 30,3c,30,1¢, v. to speak in the way of an- gry disputation. —q):, 30,4c, v. to institute a lawsuit. — 00285, 30,3c,30,lo, v. to talk evasively. — Eg 8S, 30,1c,3c, v. to slander, defame. — 09 £Q808 E86, 30,1c,3c,lc,lm, v. the same, —crf, 30,10, v. to show, point out, disclose, tell. —or, 30,lc, v. the same. —q2", 30,50, v. to exaggerate. —q4, 30,30, v. to speak nonsense, —a!, 30,2c, v. to speak easily, fluently. _ — gr ooodcyf, 30,30,30,2c, v. to banter, to joke, to talk fun. — 036000507, 30,2c,30,3c, v. to talk at random, as a frightened or deranged person. ——o0So06, 30,5c,lo, v. to talk about one behind his back. — of, 30,30, v. to say in fun, to say a thing without intending to have it taken literally. 5, 30,10, v. to exaggerate. —B8050005c6’, 30,4c,30,50, 2% to catch in conversation. —0o!'00'09", 30,5¢,40,10,10, ». to speak definitely, positively. ont gat 461 — F926 B05, 30,3c,30,4c, v. to provoke a quarrel. “—0Q, 30,5c,2c, v. to tell stories. — ma, 30,5c,20, v. to lay claim to an inheritance. * cok, lc, n. “Bak , 1c, a hard, indurated bunch in the flesh ; a tumor, induration. —Brf 2p 1c,lc,lc, v. to have an induration in the groin. —§$6, lc,2c, ”. a swelling of the tonsils, an induration in the lower jaw. cor’, le, v. * Gof, 1c, to fly out of, be loosed from its place, as a cork expelled from a bottle by any fermenting liquor. — Bf, 1lc,lm, v. the same. —o', 1c,30, v. to flee, fly from. cot . 10, Ms * Bot , 1c, to move in a crooked, zigzag way, as a drunken man. cor, 2c, 2. *o8a&, 2c, the circular flexures often ob- served in the skin of the ends of the fingers; a. aux. used of a fold of any thing or stories of a building. cok’, 2c, v. * Bek , 2c, to break down, as a decayed beam in a house, to fall out, as the bottom of a pot; to come to ruin, to be hollow, as sunken cheeks; also to crack the knuckles, emit sound, as the knuckles; to snap the trigger of a gun. — of , 2c,4c, v. to be broken in pieces, as a piece of silver for trade. —4, 2c,lo, v. to be hollow, sunken, as the cavity of the eye when the eye is destroyed. . corfoor, 2c,2c, adv. with the agitated motion of boiling water. -__ BafcB2, 20,2c,2c,2c, adv. the same. cot get , 2c,2c, v to act rudely, disrespectfully in the presence of one’s elders. 462 . 06 co, 3c, v. * Gof , 3c, to stoop and enter, to go under; to go through, as a bar through a hole in the post or thread through the eye of a needle. ——o8, 3c,3c, v. to disappear, as water ina hole. —%a, 3c,lo, v. v. to sinkinto water, whether remaining sunk or not. cor€nr, 4c,4c, adv. diligently, assiduously, quickly,— R05, 4m. cor, Be, a. (N.S.) that, vide 2628, Be. cor, lo, 2. * Bf , lc, a grand child; the child of a bro- ther or sister. —ro’, 1o,40, ”. a grand son; a nephew. —8&, 1o,4c, ”. a grand daughter; a niece. coz, 20, 2. (9$) *c8af, 2c, an enemy, vide qo » 203 v. to do evil to (b). cor, » 20, v. * G2 , 2c, to be irregular, crooked, zigzag, as the furrowsof a field; to be irregular in one’s times. cor, 20, v. to be free from, to be without. core, 30, v. *c82, 8c, to be tender, yielding, soft, as anything well cooked. 0028, 40, v. “Bre, 4c, to lop, cut off, as a limb of a tree. cor’, 50, 2. *828, 5c, one million, C04, 3o. cor’, 5o, v. “cee, 5c, to be broken off, detached, severed. —a J, 50,3¢, v. the same. 00S, 4c, v. *85, 4c, to be dark. —§&, 4c,2c, v. to be dark; to be morally dark. —BEcoSo0&, 4c,2c,4c,2c, v. the same. 00, 4c, v. “88, 4c, to shut, as the eyes; to erase; to put out, as fire. . — 09}, 4c,lc, v. to shut the eyes, oS 463 — 001006, 4c,lc,4c, v. to resent, show ill will towards a person by closing the eyes. —BrfoodQee, 4c,4c,4c,4c, v. to blink, twinkle. — 05, 4c,2c, v. to rub out, erase. 7 — >, 4c,3c, v. to have the eyes shut from languor or thought. 008, Be, v. * 8S, 5c, to conceal, screen from view. —N6, 5c,3c, v. to protect by interposing. — 04, 5c,40, v. to be sheltered from the wind.. — "91; 5c,lo,2c, v. to disappear. co, Be, v. *085, 5c, to rub one substance on another’ in order to sharpen or polish. 006, 20, 2. *85, 2c, a sword suspended from the shoulder or side. — on, 20,lo, n. the same, —c88v'0005, 20,40,10,4c, 2. a sword or knife with a square, blunt end. —0860'9 $, 20,40,10,1c, x. a sword or knife with a triangular end. 008, 20, wv. *(8S, 2c, to fear, to be afraid, to not dare. 00S, 30, 2 (008) *(8&, 3c, anything obtained by gift, a present, gift. 005, 30, v. (008) *08S, 3c, to be empty, vacant, dis- engaged ; to do without cessation. — 05, 30,2c, v the same, CoS, vide od. 00, lc, ». *085, 1c, a lever. 005, 1c, 2. “085, 1c, a deep hole sinking into the earth, very common among the limestone mountains of the Shan States, G.005, 4c,lc. 005, Ic, v *(85, 1c, to smooth with a knife. 464 aS e 005, 2c, ». “0865, 2c, an abandoned upland field, a jungle. ae A 2c,3c, 2. the same, 00S, 2c, v. *85, 2c, to persuade, to coax. — Caf, 2c,4c, v. to pacify, coax. 008, 3c, x. *c85, 3c, spirituous liquor. —c¢0, 3c,30, 7. fermented liquor, in Burmah made of rice. — §é, 3c,30, 2. a preparation of rice used by the Red Karens, to which water is added from time to time, as needed, producing an intoxicating drink. —§6, 3c,20, ”. distilled liquor. 008, 3c, wv. *88, 3c, to address; to take a case to a magistrate. —06, 3c,lo, v. to address, to request, to ask. —0005, 3c,30, v. to address (a superior). —o’, 3c,5c, v. the same. 008, 4c, n. *088, 4c, a species of reed. 005, 4c, v. *885, 4c, to be long and straight, as bamboo. - 006,.5c, n. *088, 5c, a place for keeping hens, Rk no" o080', 40,2c,5c,2c. 00, lo, 2. *085, lc, a star. — pt , lo,4c, ”. a comet. —vA&, 10,20,20, . the constellation of the Southern Cross. — 0796, 1o0,1c,4c, . the evening star. —005, 1o,2c, ”. a falling star, a meteor, 8006305, 3c,10,2c. — 0, lo,lo, . the morning star. —8, lo,4c; n. the Pleiades. oO 465 * 00, 80, v. 088, 3c, to make a broth, when there is only a little fish or meat to be cooked. * 005, 30, v. 088, 8c, to be drawn aside, awry, @2foo8, 40,3c, to be oblong. 008, 40, v. *088, 4c, to go about, walk about. —co§, 40,20, v. the same. COO, 5c,5c, 2. arace of savages cast of the Salwen, near the borders of China, 0, 5c. 0, le, 2. "oo", lc, to be dark, of a black color. —on2, Ic,1c, v. to act at random; to act without refer- ence to others. — 06, Ic,lc, v. to act in a contrary manner. — 805, 1c,40, v. to be a deep black. —8, 1c,3c, v. to be a polished black. 03, 1c, v. *co®, 1c, to dive, go beneath. —, 1c,5c, .v. the saime. 08, 2c, v. *oo%, 2c, to be deep and perpendicular, as a hole made in the ground, QS, 5e. Od0, 2c,30, v. vide 00105, 2c,30. 03, 8c, 2. “od, 3c, the guardian spirit of a family, Bod, 1c,3c. 03, 4c, *oo*, 4c, anything long and round, as the trunk of a tree. —cof, 4c,4c, 2. the neck. — 8, 4c,4c, n. the fingers. 03, 4c, 2. a wall, as of a city. —86&, 4c,4m, ». the wall of a city. 05, 4c, v. 00%, 4c, to follow; to pursue after, oy, 40. . —2Q, 4c,40, v. to repeat the words of another. — 0G, 4c,4c, v. the same, 26 466 007 “— B50, 4c,4m,1e, v. to pursue and sieze. odcBE, 4c,20, 2. (coc) a porpoise. 0508, 4c,4c, adv. repeatedly,—with of, 3c, to bow down in worship repeatedly. a0, 4c,4c, 2. destiny, fate, fortune. 08, 5c, 2. (N. 8.) water, a, 5c. cdasiceSeoS, 5c,5c,3c,3c, adv. derived from 608, 5c,3c. cdc, 5c,8c, v. to hang about a person for employment. 05, lo, v “00%, 1c, to singe, burn slightly, hold in the fire for a short time. 05, 20, 2. (9905) *oo*, 2c, a flag, an ensign. 05, Qo, v. (4) *oo®, 2c, to surround, encircle, alsé q, 2o. 08, 30, 2. *oo®, 3c, an oar. —s05g6, 30,40,1o, v. the helm, rudder. — 886, 30,3¢,3c, 2. an instrument prepared with bces- wax, for waxing the warp, vide DH CBBHE, 4c,30, 3c,3c. —.6", 30,40, 2. the same as 0. —6'8$, 30,40,40, 2. the same. 05, 30, v. *oo*, 8c, to tether. —o' Ff Br, 39,5c,3c,lc, v. to tie out an animal to eat. 05, 4o, v. *O0%, 4c, to transmit impetus, as from one thing to another, to propagate, as fire from one house to another, or sound;to be persistent in a purpose, when not desirable. 05, 4o, 2. (0053) *oc®, 4c, to estimate quantity or ex- tent without measuring, to conjecture, guess. —8, 4o,lc, v. ‘to be good at guessing. 007, le, v. *o8, 1c, to suspend from the shoulder, to carry (in the womb); a. aux. for children, as cgv503€00}, 3c,1c,1e. e BS 467 —605, lc,4e, v. the same as Ist def. — 86, Ic,lo, 2. a mother, honorific. —cd, 1c,2c, n. the same. —cB, 1c,40, 2. the same. —Cgt, 1c,2c, m the same. —AQ, 1c,2c, n. the same. coycHooyeof, Ic,lc,1c,4c, v to act with the feelings repressed, conquered,—used in composition. 007, 2c, wv. *08, 2c, to abuse in words, scold, revile. —o6, 2c,lc, v. the same. 00719, 2c,5c, m. passion, desire. coo5, 2c,30,v. to have cupidity, be covetous, O04, 2c,3c. 0018 S, 2c,30,2c,40, v. the same. 001, 3c, v. “08, 3c, to be high, as the sun, to be late. —6ngks, 3c,5c,lo,lc, v. to be too late, passed the time to plant. 001608, 3c,30, . the South. 007, 4c, (0022) a mule, eco 007, 3c,4c. 0078, 4c, a. *08, 4c, denoting any thing very prominent, as o3’o0}:, 1c,4c, high and long mountains, Gof 001, 50,4c, a lofty and long building. —0072, 4c,4c, adv. intensive, generally with a negative. 08, Be, v. ae 5c, to be unable to discharge urine from disease, to have the calculus. —oJ4, 5c,20, 2. calculi formed in the bladder. —aS, 5e,20, #. a discharge of pus or matter from the male genital organ, 82f8q5, 1m, 5c,2o0. 35, 2c, v. “co, 2c, to make a sweep downward while flying; to dart about, as children trying to escape others in play. 84, 3c, ”. a book, 468 - BSS | —500}, 3c,5c,5¢,2c, 2. (02@0)) the book containing the ordination service of Buddhist priests. — 3835, 3c,40,40, ”. a history, v&895, 4c,2o. — QS, 3c,30, ”. a writing indicating a secret depository. —c6, 3¢,2c, n. a writing on palm leaf. —g'ooo6, 3c,2c,5c,40, 2.-a public notification or ad- vertizement. -—645, 3c,20, 2. a letter or epistle. —o4, 3c,20, n. a friendly letter, a love letter. —1008, 3c,30, 2. prose writing as distinguished from poetical writing, COAegT, 3c,4c. —o, 3c,3c, . a written petition. co! 3c,40, 2. writings, books. —oolo'cS, 3c,40,10,2c, 2. the same. —o8, 3c,20, n. vide SAS. —cg@{, 3c,4c, . poetical writings as distinguished from prose. — mr goSar€'505, 3c,1c,4c,1¢,20, 2. a bill of divorce- ment. 085, 4c, v. “oo, 4c, to squint the eye, to partially close it. SA, 4m, n. *o05, 40, iron. —, 4m,40, ”. the spindle in a loom. —08, 4m,4c, ”. a borer, drill, awl, piercer. —o5e02%, 4m,2c,5c,5c, 2. (25008) steel. — B54, 4m,2o0, n. tin. —o'6}, 4m,20,4¢c, ” an iron nail. —g05, 4m,3c, n. a gimlet. — 85, 4m,4c, ». unwrought iron. — 086, 4m,30, ”. a saw. ové 469 —95, 4m,4c, . a crooked iron used to prick the skin ‘ before rubbing on medicine. — 905, 4m,3c, ». vide 08.5g05. 8S, 5m, v. *oo 5, 30, to be small, little. —, 5m,5c, v. the same. — oy, 5m,2c, v. to be small; to be young. 385, 20, v. *ooJS, 20, to hook with the horns, as an ox. BS, 30, v. Wacko’ 30, to change, exchange. . c8E, 2c, v. *oo&, 2c, tobe uneven, having one side higher than the other; to be set on one side, to incline. BE, 2c, v. (085) *oo&, 2c, to be deceitful; to be deep and winding, as a valley. —agpf , 2c,20, v. (—(6$) to lay aside the yellow cloth for a time, as a novitiate. SE, 4c, 2. *o&, 4c, a monkey. —.n€, 4c,30, ». the white eye-lid monkey. — nf 086, 4c,30,lo, 2 a kind of monkey; the fisher monkey ? —9, 4c,lc, ». a kind of monkey. —o8&, 4c,lo, 2. the ordinary small red monkey. —0}, 4c,4o, . the slow loris, Bengal sloth. o8E, 5m, 2. *oo&, 50, to bear, bring forth, give birth to; - to be born; to feed, nourish, cherish; to give a neal, feed. — Bo, 5m,20, v. the same as Ist def. — 8008, 5m,3c,30, v. to offer a present in order to propitiate some unknown power and facilitate the re- covery of a sick person. —c§, 5m,le, v. to support life. —o35, 5m,4c, v. to set a feast before one. — orf, 5m,lc, v. to feed, nourish, cherish. 470 c8& —8, 5m,lc, v. to offer to the nats, to feed the nats. — B82, 5m,1c,le, v. to bury up an offering to the ground nat, in the ground. —8oh.8, 5m,3c,4c,lc, v. to offer to nats. —o, 5m,3c, v. to bear a child. . —q, 5m,lc, v. to tend carefully, feed, foster. —96, 5m,4c, v. to feed cattle. —o'08c8, 5m,5c,lc,1c, v. to treat tenderly, take good care of. —moos, 5m,5c,30, v. to support life. 086, lo, v. *8E, 1c, to be red. —J5, 10,2c, v. to be reddish, purple, maroon. 6, 10,20, v. to be very red. — 6, 10,2c, v. to be very red, as when the face is ex- . posed to cold. : —*, 10,30, v. to be red, but of a not very bright shade. — BESE, 10,40,40, v. to be red, scarlet. — o&G&, 1o0,4c,4c, v. to be a bright scarlet. — gE, 10,4¢,4c, v. the same, —2, lo,2c, v. to be pale red, pink. —9gr, 1lo,20, v. to be of a dull, faded red color. —v!, lo,20, v. to be red. — gé, lo,le, v to be red, scarlet. 086, 20, v. * 8, 2c, to fasten up, tie up, asan oxorsome animal. —o05, 20,5c, v the same. o8E, 80, v. *o8&, 3c, to turn up, as the hand; to turn up; at the sides or edges, to warp, G4, 30. c8E, 4o, n. (Ee) *°8&, 4c, a wave, a billow. 086, 40, v. (0083) “086, 4c, to be light. od 471 —r06, 40,20, & to be clear, give a pure light, as early morning. 086, 50, v. *8&, Se, to not rain in season; to be dry, as clouds. o8E, 5o, v. *o8&, 5c, to lie down to rest from fatigue. -——c82f, 50,3m, v. the same. 85, lo, n. *82& , le, a border, boundary. —8E&, 1o,40, 2. the boundary of a country. —B82f, lo,le, 7. a boundary of any area of land. 895, lo, v. “c82, 1c, to lie to, deceive. SPSS, 20,20, adv. saucily, impudently, — G05, 4m. S98, 30, v. “8x, 8c, to run. <6, 30,lo, v. to run without fatigue. — BR26805, 30,2c,1c,30, v. to gallop. — 9, 30,3c, v. torun in a straight line. — Gof , 30,20, v. to go into the woods for any purpose. =e 30,30, v. to run away. —d, 30,4c, v. to be swift, fleet. — 805, 30,lo, v. to run with a leaping motion. 0895, 4o, n. “0828, 4c, a monitor or varan. —oo, 40,lc, 7. a large species of varan. co, 4o, v. *c8o&, 4c, to roll up, to curl. — 84, 40,3¢, ”.-a roll, a scroll. _ 001, 40,3c, % a cigar. Bo, 40, v. *(89, 4c, to stretch out, as froma bent po- sition, as 895035, 4o,1c, to stretch out the body. — 8, 4o,lo, v. to stretch out beyond, project beyond. 0805, 2c, v. *o005, 2c, to be lazy,—used with 28, 50, as nt oof ne 0805, 40,50,40,2c, a lazy man, . 0805, 2c, v 0005, 2c, to be deafened by surrounding 478 8of noise, to be unable to hear on account a great noise about one.. e805, 3c, v. *c005, 3c, to untie, loose, unroll, unfold. — 2, 3c,40, t. to do away with or settle a dispute. 08050805, 4c,4c, adv. with a pricking or itching sensation, 088, 4m. " 8050805, 4c,4c, adv. taperingly,—§5, 1m. aa COON CONS, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. 8058S, 4c,5c, v. to drag by the hair of the head. 0805, 5e, v. *o008, 5c, to cut off or trim off branches or twigs from a fallen tree. c805, 4m, v. *c005, 40, to play on a stringed instrument with fingers; to snap with the thumb and forefinger. 0805, 20, 2. * 805, 2c, sunlight. — of, 20,2c, v. to shine upon a place or through an aperture; 7. a spot of sunlight. : —v', 20,3c, v. to be very hot (of the sun). -— 6, 20,10, v. to shine out partially, as the sun through clouds. — mat » 20,30, tv. to be the cool of the day. —ng20 opi, 20,30,2c, v. the same. oe 4 her. Bor trabe to be hard, as uncooked kernels of rice. 805, 4o, v. * (805, 4c, to be quick, sudden in movement, quick in motion. c82€, 1c, . “oor, 1c, a great grand child. 83, 1c, 2. *oo28, 1c, the earth, ground. —vj, 1c, 40, v. to be enchanted, as land. —508, 1c,20,lc, v. to be the best time and situation for a building,—astrological. — #5, 1c,1m, ». tenacious mud, Bie ‘478 — 95, 1c,20, ». a white ant’s nest. — 8, 1c,lo, 0. to be somewhat elevated, as land: —8 4, 1c,20, .n. chalk. —cof, 1c,3c, . potter's earth, —8&, Ic,lo, ”. red ochre; * - — 08, le,lc, v. to be fertile, Bat", 3c, n. “core, 3c, the Bajjerkeit or short tailed manis. 082’, 4c, n. “oor€, 4c, a tube for conveying anything that flows, a pipe, spout. c8af, 4c, a. in straight stripes. Br’, 5c, n. “oor, 5c, the tongue. —~, 5c,2c, . the uvula. — 8, 5c,lo, v. to have a stiffness of the tongue, so as not to be able to speak. —2, 5c,4c, v. to be fluent in speech, rapid in utter- ance. —}, 5c,lc, v. to be thick-tongued, so as not to be able to speak clearly. —8, 5c,2c, n. a kind of Jew’s harp. — 06, 5c,lo, v. to be thin-tongued, to be loquacious. ~~ — ay’, 5c,4e, n. the handle of a balance. c82¢, 3m, v. *oo2, 30, to visit. c82f, 3m, v. *oo2f, 30, to play, to amuse one’s self; to gamble. -—¥6, 3m,40, v. to fence, brandish. —2, 3m,5c, v. to sport with or in wator. — 9694 3m,lc,5c, v. to commit adultery, as a woman, —6', 3m,5c, v. to play dominoes or cards, ee 3m,20,4c, v. to play dice. —v5GbS8E, 3m,20,1¢,10, v. to gamble with a certain kind of colored dice. Eo ata ° 85-- ——Coof, 3m,8c, v. the same as CO. —cg&, 3m,4c, v. to gamble. —c5, 3m,3c, v. to play cowries. Bek, 4m, v. *oort , 49, to cover or close with any sub- stance hermetically, as pitch; to calk. —09}, 4m,4c, v. #£2e same. 086, 3c, v. *ooS, 3c, to be insubstantial, empty, vacant, as an empty bag or a seed; n. chaff. 086, 4c, v. *o06, 4c, to be green, undried; to be green, unripe, immature; to be uncooked; to live, to be alive. 8S, 2m, v. to be lazy, —used with 326, 50, vide 0805, 2m. 085, 3m, v. “005, 30, to go round a thing; to revolve about. — 6S, 3m,3c, 2. to go around, to surround. c8S, 30, v. “8S, 3c, to be meet, suitable, proper, good. — 075, 30,2c, v. the same, S88, 40,40, adv. with a vibrating motion, —o6, 5o. —— 85.88, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. the same. c85, Ss wide oe®. 085, Ic, v. *008, lc, to twist a strand of rope. 85, Im, ”. a single thing; one thing, ore€c85, 1c,103 present time, 85088, 39,lo. 085, 1m, v. *o05, 1o, to turn away or around, as the head, (b), 07, 20, 085, 10, v. “085, 1c, to be bruised, reduced to particles, not so fine as qe" » 3c; to be destroyed. —h€, lo,lc, v. to be fine, reduced to powder, —qre, 10,3c, v. to be fine, like powder, —c85, 10,10, adv. fine as powder.--~ .°::. oqis= 41s 085, 30, v. “088, 3c, to be thin, rare, as a liquid. ~ ~ 085, 4o, n. “0865, 4c, a knife or sword, vide 008, 20; ~ 085, 49, n. *088, 4c, a single thickness; a single ing, aes 40,40, a single man. 08, le, n - Fooy, 1c, the bile. 08, 1c, v. “oo, Ic, to be good. —6¢, Ic,40, v. the same, —corfo8, 1c ,2c,lc, v. to return good for good, to recip- rocate kindness. — GF, 1c,3c, v. to be disgusting, to be detestible; to detest, abhor. —g E80, 1c,3c,1c,2c, v. the same. —£8, 1c,40, v. to be wonderful. 08, 2c, v. *oo1), 2c, to test one measure of capacity by an- other. —07, 2c 40, v. the same. 08, 3c, n. *001, 3c, a contrivance for catching fish con- sisting of a dam and a tunnel shaped trap below it. —g ERE, ene the same, 0, 5c, 2. *o0, 5c, to be ruined, destroyed ; to get out of order, so as to be unusable. —2605, -5c,30, v. tie same. —2050050€, 5c,30,20,1c, v. to be sees mumned. — 06, 5c,4c, v. the same. — 88, 5c,lo, v. the same, 09 5, Qc, n. a bone, (b.), wnfreg. vide 09, 2c. - a5, 3c, %. *o0.5, 3c, a child. a o8S, 3c,4m, 7. an adopted child. —enycotenyss, 3c,5c,3c,5c,30, #. children of different parents. — cn] KRe00166, 3c,5c,3c,5c,30, . the same. . avs . 4. — 2, 3c,30, ”. a son-in-law. —r0', 3c,40, ”. a son, a male child. —Q45, 30,40, m. a soldier. — 9S, 3c,2c, . a step child. —Bef6, 3c,2c,5c, ». a child whose parents died dur- ing its infancy. —o 2 , 3¢,30, ”. a first born child. —o1:60f, 3c,4c,3c, ”. a step-brother or sister, belong- ing to a step-father. 07:39, 3c,4c,1c, 1. a husband’s son by a former wife, —o1:68, 3c,4c,4c, n. a wife’s son by a former husband. —0o7:¢5, 3c,4c,30, . a step-brother or sister, belong- ing to a step-mother. — 8aq Sg, 3c,3c,3c,5c, m- cousins; the children of friends. —§, 3c,5c, ”. a daughter-in-law, a son’s wife. —6 cof, 3c,10,3c, . a fatherless child. — 6b 8, 3c,lo,30, ”. a motherless child. — 8, 3c,3c, 2. the young bees in a honey comb. —vo2Ft o0&, 3c,40,49, n. a bastard. — BE, 3c,4c, 2. a daughter, a female child. — BEnf eL 3c,4c,2c,2c, ”. a virgin daughter. —BEo05, 3c,4c,lo, n. the same, —0305, 3c,2c, v. to miscarry, have an abortion, 0950. —oo&, 3c,40, . a child. —o8&, 3c,5m, ”. an own child; an apprentice, under laborer. —c}, 3c,5c, v. to miscarry. —oo’, 3c,lo, ». a bastard. — $2, 8c,4c, #. the youngest child. - 4 427 — 5, 3c,2c, 2. -an own child. — A Aopé, 3c,2c,5c, n. the same. — , 3C,2c, n. a child; a servant, a person in the employ of an official. | — Qf Bf of, 3c,2c,lc,40, n. a suckling. —op2€ro!, 3c,2c,49, ”. a male child; a person in the ‘employ of an official. &4, 3c, Nn. *oo 8, 3c, anything round, vzde Rs 20. — 92, 3c,lc, m. a weight used in weighing. —o# 30, 3c,1c,40, v. to have the quantity weighed not equal to the weights used. —c6, 3c,40, ”. a weight equal to six or eight seeds of the abrus precatorius. —q5, 3c,30, ”. a stone used in the practice of alchemy. —v05, 3c,30, ”. a weight equal to four cd, 4o. —q; 3c,4c, n. a weight equal to tvo cé, 4). —o4, 3c,5c, . the pu il of the eye. 09, 4c, 1. *oo5, 4c, a compartment, a space enclosed by lines, an apartment, a room. — 895, 4c,3c,30, n. an apartment, with boarded sides. —o7&, n. 4c,1c,39, vide oye 097.96, 4c,1¢,3.. — 75, 4c,3c, ”. a room in a house where strangers are received, an outer room. —%, 4c,4c, ”. aninner room, for family use. —vS, 4c,2c, ”. an unoccupied room, a spare room. — 3, 4c,5c, ”- a large apartincnt; v. to be broad in width. — 84, 4c,5m, ”. a small apartment; v. to be narrow in width. =o, 4c,lo, . the principal room in a house.. 478 “og & — oS, 4c,20,5c, 2. a space in the centre of a boat, re- served for bailing out the water. — or, 4c,40, . a square compartment in a table, 0945 more, 4c,40. a4, 4c, v. “co, 4c, to become concave, sink in, as the cheeks from illness. —00.583 ©, 4c,4c,1m, v. to have a mild form of cholera. 095, 5e, », *ooS, 5c, to arise, get up. . —v526Eo, 5c,1c,3c,1c, v. to do with great diligence and effort, also 09508acE08. —Grxgqre, 5c,3c,3c, v. to flame up quickly and brilli- autly, as light wood. —§S, 5c,39, v. to flame up brilliantly. 09, 4c, n. *oo&, 4c, afather’sor mother’s brother, older than the father or mother; a paternal aunt’s husband, the aunt being older than her brother; a maternal aunt’s husband, the aunt being older than her sister; the elder brother of a husband or wife; an appella- tion of respect to elderly persons of acquaintance. 09 6, 4c, n. (ag2) *oo&, 4c, a round thing. —— 09109}, 4c,3c,1c, mn. a pill. cg Eon, 4c,5c, v. (0999) to be diligent, industrious. og €, 1», 7. *oo&, lo, a jungle, Hf, 20, SE, 4c. —§6, 1o,4m, -”. jungle grown up with treesand bushes. 09 &, lo, v. *o0&, 10, to be great, large. —c6, 10,50, » part. an expression denoting astonish- ment. —20§, 15,lo, v. part, an expression denoting intensity, very ; sometimes it denotes surprise. of, Io, v. *008, 10, to forget. i oo 1o,3¢,19,49, v. to forget or mistake the roa egop 479 — QS, 1o,4c, v. the same as oo. o9&, 20, 2. “oo, 20, a blossom. —&F, 20,4c, m. the flower which appears on the sur- face of silver. ? — 6’, 20,40, ». a small flame; falling sparks from a rocket. — 95, 20,2c, ”. a flower. —o9, 20,4c, m. a scale, one of the cups of a balance. 09 &, 3), 2. a shallow basket used to winnow grain. a, 3, v. *ow, 39, tu be very loose in the bowels. —ogEG AGS, 30,39,39,39, adv. with a violent attack of bowel“complaint or cholora morbus. —G5, 35,39, v. to have a violent attack of bowel com- plaint or cholera morbus. , 09, 4), *oo6, 40, a contrivance for catching fish, oS, 3c. 096, 40, v. *00&, 49, to descend, come down; to succeed, as a generation. 09 &, 50, v. *o0&, 50, to understand. o9 6, 5o, v. *o06, 5o, v. to be pierced, to have a hole made into or through. — 6, 5o,2c, v. the same. op; 4c, v. 00’, 4c, to mee through the water by using the limbs, to swim, ©, 3o. aa , 4c,5c, v. tre same. cap, Be, v. *oo', 5c, to rub or wipe. ogg, Jo, 2 a spur; the short toe on the fore foot of a dog. — wn’, 10,2c, . 8 cock’s spur. 09p> lo, v. "eo lo, to grind; x. amill Lea for grinding. CYP Qo, v. "Co', 20, to separate, as grain from the ear or leaves from branch. 480 opt —o7 5, 20,49, v. to cause to fall, as leaves or fruit. sacle 20, ad: i ike jelly,—202¢, 2c. eggecg ep, 20,20, adv. shaking like jelly,—002% , oo €, 3., n. “co’, 30, a cause; an act; prep. concerning, about. —on€, 30,40, ”. the same. : —gq, 39,4c, n. the same. as 39, adv. and piep. *oo’, 30, together with. —nr'or€, Aig adv. and prep. tie same. cay, 4o, v. 1, 49, to follow quickly, pursue. - 0Q05, 2c, v cod, 2c, to suck with the mouth; to suck me anibibe, absorb; to smoke a cigar or Pipe. —6’, 2c,4c, v. to smoke, as a cigar. —09}, 2c,3c, v. to smoke tobacco. 0905, 2c, v. *oo05, 2c, to be at liberty, vide. 0905, 3c. Qo, 3c, v. “C005, 3c, to be at liberty, free, uuloosed. — 36, 3c,3), v. to be displaced, dislocated, as anything joined; to fail of fulfilment, as words or a bargain. cgo5cq05, 4c,4c, adv. running up with considerable uni- formity of dimension, as a post,—299€, lc. o0080005, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. 09050908, 2,20, 20,20, adv. the same as 09050905, 4c,4c. 0905, 3», v. “c005, 3>, to be exempt from a government service, on account of connection with officials. 0905, 4n, v. *c005, 40, to unloose by taking out of, as a bolt from a hole; to release, as a debt. 9050905, 50,50, adv. abundantly, numerously,—00’, 1c. co05a005, 50,50,50,50, adv. the same, get’, le, 0. *coa®, 1c, to rise and overspread, as water, —less than OQ, 30.. ogo, 2c, v. “cof, 2c, to pass beyond, exceed ; to pass beyond, away from, as evil. 096 "ASL * ogo, 3c, v. “cor, 8c, to be unloosed by the detaching of some part; to separate from its fastening and come away or fall. age, 4c, tv. (N.S.) the same as Saf, 4c. 09", 20, “oor, 20, to come out of, as color from clothes, dandruff from hair; to fall, as leaves from a tree. —g Fé, 20,39, v. the same as 2nd def. age, Bo, t. “oor, 30, to baste, run together with thread. ogot » 40, v. *oook ,» 40, to be restless, .meddlesome, troublesome, rude, as children. age , 50, t. *oork, 5o, to run over, as water. —§8, 50,lo, v. the same. 006, Qc, 2. *ooS, 2c, a bone. —, 2c,40, 2. the lower jaw-bone. —oS, 2c,4c, vn. a joint, the joints. ——, 2c,2c, ”.. the hip bone. — 34g, 9c,4c,1¢e, ”. the skull. —o6, 2c,30, 2 a rib. — E05, 2c,30,4c, ”. a short rib. —2}, 2c,1lce, 2. the femur or upper bone of the leg. Bey, Qc,lo, n. the humerus. — 86, 2c,3c,30, %. a rib. — 0966, 2c,10,40, 2. the same as 09606. —coof, Qc,2c, v. vide o5.06. —786, 9c,3c,30, 2. the shin bone. —2f, 2c,2c, ”. gristle, cartilege. —8 5’, 2c,2c,2c, . the scapula, shoulder blade. — 00, 2c,30, . a bone. — 0, Qc,lo, v. to be large framed, have large bones, G9 aso : 09S 09, 2c, v. *o08, 2c, to overwhelm, submerge. —Q, 2c,30, v. the same. ' —05, 2c,lo, v. the same. 09, 3c, v. *ooS, 3c, to stroke with the hand, smooth down; to smear or rub on any substance. - —, 3c,4c, v. to feel, feel of with the hand, to stroke. 00}, 3c,4c, v. to daub, plaster over. 095008, 5c,5c, v. to search carelessly; adv. without care, Gy, 1c. 09S, 4o, v. *o0S, 40, to do over again; to add to what is already done; to patch, mend, as clothes; torepair, applied to replanting those portions of a field in which the seed planted failed to spring up; to repair, as a house; to add to what is already written (b.). —r, 40,4c, v. the same as the last def. 095, vide og. 09, 1c, 2. (Laos) firewood, Baf, 4c. 09, lc, n. *001, lc, a lofty pyramid of*firewood offered on the full moon of Gof 25, 1o,1lo. 095, oe n. (N.S.) a narrow spade, vide Gof, 4c. —*, 2c,3m, n. the same. 09S, 2c, »v. (8) 70}, 2c, to desire, wish for, have @ wish. — $08, 2c,4m, v. to have use for. c9Se98, 2c,2c, v. to respect, reverence, vide q5e98, 2c,2c. A508, 2c,2c,lc,1lc, v. the same, cq5oo, 2c,2c, adv. voluntarily, of its own accord. 09, dec, n. 7 man’s elder brother’s wife, 80, 3c,4c. 09, Bc, v. “co, 5c, to take off, strip off, as clothes or bark of a tree, to detach. — 005, 5c,2c, » the sae, of 483 09; 3c, ”. space beneath, under; adv. and prep. below, under. 03, 4c, 2. (qs) *03, 4c, a court house, place where justice is administered. jog, 4c,4c, adv. by the job. ——0508, 4¢,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. 09001, 4c,4c, v. (cog) to give careful attention to, use extra care. 0908, 5e,5¢, adv. in a sucking manner, —Brf, 1c. og, lo, v. *08, 10, to be loose, not tight. 03, 20, 2. *o5, 20, to sink into, as mud, or through a floor ; to stumble into, as a hole. 09, 80, v. *05, 30, to be ample, sufficient; to be complete, full. 3, 30, v. to be together with. 03, 30, v. vide Gio}, 20,30. | 03, 40, *o3, 40, air, —air in motion, wind. — 084, 40,5¢,3c, v. to suffer from flatulency in tho stomach. — fof , 40,3c, v. to have convulsions. —o8S, 40,2c, v. to blow in gusts, squalls, against any- thing. —o, 40,4c, v. to blow, as the wind. —o2r'n5, 40,2c,5c, & to whirl, as the wind in a whirl —v, 40,2c, v. to blow, as the wind. — BSG, 40,1c,1¢, x. the violent wind, gale, hurricane. —oy;, 4o,4c, v. to blow, as the wind. —v’, 40,3c, v. to have the heart burn. — 82, 40,1m, v. to be calm, without wind, to lull. —oE&86&, 40,40,40, % a fabulous wind, supposed to blow at the end of the world. 484 cy — 9, 40,lo, . a violent wind. — co, 40,20, v. to rumble, as wind in the bowels; to pass wind ; to have any sickness, supposed to arise from movement of wind in the body. — FZ Aajood, 40,2c,40,20, n. a fabulons wind supposed to kill all creatures in its course. cg, 50, v. *0d,-50, to fall down from an ercct posture. —o4, 50,40, tv. the same. —9):, 50,4c, v. to lose an action in court. — g,, 50,40, v. to fall onthe face, to fall down on tho face. -—¢ 5094, 50,40,40, v. the same. cq, le, v. *00}, 1c, to look, behold. —cS, 1c,2c, v. to dispraise, disparage, depreciate, cen- sure. —0, 1c,3c, tv. to look into a mirror. —0 39, 1c,40, v. to look, behold. — 0399261 Ghat » 1c,40,3c,40, v. to busy one’s self about domestic duties. —c&or6, 1c,2c,20, v. tide opcSon6, 30,2c,2o0. — B45, 1c,3c, v. to peruse, read carefully. —0oo’, 1c,lo, v to dispraise, disparage, depreciate, censure. —od*, 1c,40, v. to look about searchingly. —or&n’, 1c,10,2c, v. to divine by the bones of a fowl. cy Ie, v. “oo, Ic, to try, —used in composition. —c’, lc,4o, v. to try to be like, take the form, shape of, to follow in imitation. —o&, 1c,30, v. the same, CQ, 2c, v. (a) ony, 2c, to give, as a religious act; to make an offering. co 485 — 0, 2c,30, v. (—oS) to offer, make a religious offering. — ont", 2c,40, . (—oo8) the same. CQ, 3e, v. *oo}, 3c, to mix, knead together any condi- ment; ”. a condiment thus mixed. CQ, 4c, wv part. an imperative affix, sometimes with the idea of trying, from Q, le, to try. aggre , 4c,2c, v. part. a future verbal ending. CoS RE, 2c,2c, n. a privy, vide CoS BE, 2c,2c. GONG05, 2c,30, x. to have confidence in, trust in, be- lieve in. codcoS, 3c,3c, adv. now, immediately, without delay. cod, 4c, x. ( 206008 ) a certain amount or weight, used of alloy added to silver; the profit, increase on rice in trade or interest on money, when the original doubles or trebles. GOS, 4c, v. *o01, 4c, to lick with the tongue. cos, 5e, v. (coo) *oo, 5c, to practice, have the habit of doing. co, lo, x. “oo, 1c, a kind of creeper, a decoction of which put into a stream of water is said to poison fish, cod, 20, v. “oor, 2c, to walk, ramble. — BF, 20,20, v. to go into the jungle for any purpose. — 6, 20,4c, uv. to go about with a drum, as a crier. —o05, 20,40, v. to wander, ramble, go about. c25, 30, conj. and. —aE—cadnvE, 30,1¢,—30,le, conj. and—and, both— and. coS, 40, %. "50", 4c, a small receptacle made of horn or wood. —o5, 40,40, ”. a powder horn or flask. cS, 40, @. (cd) *o07, 4c, to exchange work, do in turns, 486 a oo — BE, 40,4, v. the same. —q05, 40,3c, v. the same. cod, 50, v. to go around a thing; to avoid, put off by groundless excuses. . — 2", 50,50, v. to delay, hinder, procrastinate, be dil- atory. ? * oo’, le, v. 8, Ic, to flow, run, as a stream; to yield to, to slip along, as a loose board on the floor, or loose skin on an aged person; to sail by, as clouds; to pay out, as a rope. 00’, Ic, v. to slope down, as in 2500!, stairs. oo, 1c, v. an assertive verbal affix. co’, 2c, v. *08, 2c, to beat, strike. co’, 3c, v. *c8, 3c, to get, obtain; verbal prefix, denoting past action; verbal affix, denoting ability, can. —B82€c’, 3c,1¢,30, v. to get a living easily. —2Fo0!01, 3c,1¢,3c,3c, v. to be prospered in life, to be well to do. —ocS, 3c,5c,40, v. (aep5s) to receive a kind of pres- ent made toa sick person to facilitate recovery. ——91, 3c,5c,2c, v. to be of use. —9 6008, 3c,3c,30, v. to receive or obtain a present. —So'cof, 3c,1¢c,3c,4c, v. to be circumspect, to be up- right in mind and conduct; to have a look out for one’s interests. —o€qpo, 3c,20,20,5c, v. (25c00) to fear the conse- quences of sin in a future state. —0208, 3c,5c,5c, v. to recollect, call to mind. —ooEmn’, 3c,40,1lo, v. to have shame, be ashamed. ——2, 3c,3c, v. to give countenance, to obtain favor. — 82, 3c,1m, v. to be well off, in good circumstances. — 5, 3c,1c, v. to be married to a husband. ’ oO 487 —c6, 3c,4c, ». to be married to a wife. — 8, 3c,lc,'v, to be well off, in good circumstances. —Boo!82f, 3c,1c,3c,1m, v. the same. — 6, 3c,3c, v. to be of use, in use. — 09095, 3c,lo,40, v. to retain in memory and repeat; to have by heart and rehearse. co’, Be, a. (N.S.) this, vide 26’, 5c. 00", lo, pr. a. how many? —ogEw’erf, 10,3c,10,40, adv. how many kinds. oo, lo, v. *08, 1c, to empty; to be empty, barren, — applied to any female who has never borne children, as Goo! ; to be without anything. —oo’, 1o,lo, adv. in vain, uselessly. oo", 20, n. *8, 2c, a drain, ditch, sewer, water-course. co’, 30, 2. *08, 3c, silk. — 0305, 30,3c, ”. fine silk. oo’, 30, VU. 08, 3c, to exchange, 3s, 30. —ro05, 30,30, v- to pass to another state of existence, to die. 00", 40, v. a book, B54, 3c. co’, 4o, v. *o8, 4c, to be marked with different colors; to be speckled, spotted ; to be variegated, as embroir- dery ; ”. a pit made by small pox. —ogif gat , 40,1c,4c, v. to be very variegated, have many colors. — 86, 4o0,4c, 2. the lines and marks on the palms of the hands. — 86505, 40,4c,20, v. to have a mark across the palm of the hand, (palmistry); to run together, become confused before the eyes, as when a person is sleepy or dizzy. — 828, 40,4m, v to be marked with straight stripes. 488 Goofy —S8S.n€, 40,1m,1¢, adv. in the same manner; in like manner. —Bo0!82F, 4»,3c,40,4m, v. the same as oo”. —<é, 40,4), a. in wavy stripes. 00"D), 4o,3c, ”. the Shan principality of Legya north of Monai. 00", Bo, v. *G, 5c, to rub with some smearing substance. 00", 5o, v.part, an interrogative particle, — also 4o. GOO}, 5e, 7. “oS, 50, a cart, a vehicle with wheels. Goof, Ic, v. not used alone, vide co, 5e. Goof, 1c, v. *¢0S, lo, to yield to, slip along, as a loose board on the floor; to pay out rope, z7de oo’, 1c. =", le,le, v. the same. ' Goof, 2c, x. *coS, 20, a spindleful of thread. —2P, 2c,lce, n. the same. Goof, 2c, v. *505, 20, to pour upon with care or effort; to cast by pouring liquid metal. sof, Qc, v. “GOS, 20, to strike against, hit against, 036, 5o. Goof, 3c, x. “oon, 3c, a wwule. Goof, 3c, v. to play, amuse one’s self, used with cSaf, 3m. Goof, 3c, v. *G0S, 30, to do instantly, in a headlong manner. : coof, 4c, v. to mix, mingle. —0}2, 4c,4c, v. to mix, mix with, mingle with; to be collected and united in one. — co, 4c,40, v. to mix together in a confused manner. GOTN, 4c,5c, 2. (ccoom P.) a state of mortal exis- tence; the world, as distinguished from a permanent future state. ——0005, 4c,5c,30, 2 ( 0005) a world. BS - 489 8 —— ©, 4¢,5c,2c, 2. ae or) fortune, a lot incident to mortal creatures, as wealth and poverty, happiness and misery. odd, 4c,5c,30, 7. ( kind attentions, politeness. COOP M2 00q V8, 4e,2c,5¢,30, 2. (ec0005,905) certain hells, as places of punishment, situated in the inter- mediate spaces between the Sekyah worlds. oof nr¢'onq.nd, 4c,2c,5e,5e,30, n. vide caf nr orqnd, 4c,2c,5c,5c,30. cots, 4¢,2c, a. (coor ) worldly, pertaining to the present world. coo n5Od1, 4c,5c,2c, n. (coos0QgR¢p) a future state, subsequent to all Coo}, 4c,5c3 annihilation, RHA, 8c,20, according to the Buddhist system ; eternal life or death according to the Christian system. 005) courteous behavior, coofed, 4c,40, 2. a piece of the regalia of a prince, or of a novitiate, during the feast which precedes his initia-. tion, which resembles a scarf crossed on the breast and fastened behind. Coot, 4c,5c, 2. (cco222 P.) selfish desire, cupidity, —also Goo}6), 4¢,4c. ——o02f'6}, 4c,5c,2c,2c, 7. ( o0a92 ) the same. ——@, 4¢,5c,2c, 2. ( @) the same. —0, 4c,5c,2c, v. to be avaricious. coofg EB, Ac,5c,2c,2c, 2. (coor0007 § ) a class of in- ferior hells. cooTtGy, 40,2c, n. ( co0D009 P.) metal of which there are five kinds, gold, silver, copper, iron and lead. 8s, 30, 2. a cause, vide agg, 30. —q’, 30,4c, n. vide aig’, 30,4c. 85, 4c, v. “00, 4c, to be very late, as in the night. Gy 490 §& 5, Be, v. *oo 5, 5c, to be deep, not shallow; to be steep. — 0d, 5c,2c, v. to be deep ; to be intellectually profound. — §Sa508, 5e,5c,2c,2c, adv. profoundly, thoroughly, to the very bottom. . — Bf , 5c,2c, v. to be very late at night. BSA Soo nr, 5c,5c,4c,4c, adv. instantly, promptly, like a man in full strength. 85 , 20, 2. *ooS, 20, a gadfly, of which there two varieties, az, 85965, 20,3c, and Bsa, 20,1lo. 35, 2o, v. Food, 20, to roll up the eyes. 35, 30, v. *oo5, 30, to select, choose. —8S, 30,4m, v. the same. —os, 30,lc, v. the same. 6, 1c, v. *oo&, 1c, to cause to burn well, as by sup- plying fuel. SE, Qc, v. *oo&, 2c, to be dull of hearing; to be slow of apprehension. 6, 3c, a. (N.S.) vede HE, 3c. 8, 3c, v. *oo&, 3c, to strike, beat. 6, 4c, n. *oo&, 4c, the jungle, wilderness, 0826, 20. — 0, 4c,lo, . the same. 86, 4c, v. “008, 4c, to be long and straight. SE, lo, v. *o0€, 10, to be yellow; fig. to be late in the afternoon, when the sunlight is yellow. —cv, 10,20, v. to be deep yellow. —2, 1o,2c, v. to be light yellow. —c8&, 1o,lo, v- to be tawny. — gre , 10,2c, v. to be very light yellow, straw color. YE, 20, nm. (QE) *oo, 20, a cave, artificial or improved from nature ; a niche in a pagoda or in a wall. Brot 491 o§&, 20, v. “00, 20, to be plentiful, not scarce; to be in abundance. ; C6, 40, 0 “ooS, 40, tobe wild) unelyiized, imeultivated, savage. — 9, 40,40, v. the same, 808, 4c, v. vide B§05, 3c,4c. — 84, 4c,30, v. to stumble. - So50008, 4c,20, v. to be in a hurry, bustle. 05305, 4c,4c, adv. witha shaking motion of the head, indicative of doubt, —805g¢5, 4o,1c. Soh Goh, 5c,5c, adv. slippery, as an eel, —82f » BCs 805, 20, v. *0005, 20, to bubble, to boil up in bubbles. $05, 30, 2. *o008, 30, blood. —5, 30,30, . clotted blood. — 2mEop, 30,3c,1c,2c, v. to have the nose bleed. —cQ, 30,1o, v. to be imperceptible, as the -pulse. — 5, 30,4c, v. to be extravasated. —Kd§, 30,3m, v. to beat, as the pulse. —.0005, 30,20, v. to stop, cease flowing. —ooE BE, 30,lo,10, 2. lymph, the colorless fluid of an- imal bodies, 2608, 5c,lo. : — 86, 30,4c, 2. fresh blood. —8q5, 30,10, v. to beat, as the pulse. —q 6, 30,3c, v. to bleed. Bre, 3c, n. *oo2®, 3c, a sheaf, od”, 3c. Sof , Bc, 2. a detached portion or section of a stick of wood, a ratan. — Bet , Bc,4c, ”. sticks of wood cut for fuel. of, 3c, v. *oo2x€, 3c, to lose fear of, become familiar ; to become tame. 492 ° Bat Sak, 4c, n. “00x, 4c, what comes after, last; the young- est; adv. and prep. after, afterwards. —2€c0&, 4c,5c,2c, adv. after that. —2' of, 4c,5c,2c, adv. after this. —oo&, 4c,le, ». the same as Br. ig —00§a905, 4c,lc,4c, n. the very last one; adv. at the very last. BF, 5e, v. *oo2f, 5c, to separate, part from; to be chafed, made sore by friction, as the skin ; be detached from, as enamel. —2&8E, 5c,1c,1c, v. to be chafed, as the skin. BF BF, 5e,5c, adv. of a full, plump habit of body. Qf, lo, ». “0028, lo, the moon; a month. — og, 10,3c,3c, v. to form a halo around the moon in which the whole halo seems to be of equal brightness; ». a halo around the moon. — 086, 1o,5c,2c, 2. the twelfth month, ride Qof8S ope, —.6, 1o,3c, 7. the ninth month, nearly answering to August. —, lo,lc, 2. the month nearly answering to January. — 32 , 10,3c, v. to wax, as the moon. — SE, lo,lm, ». the month, nearly answering to December. — 805, 10,4m, 7. the seventh month, nearly answering to June. — 95, lo,lo, 7. the third month, nearly answering to February. — 8S, 1o,4c, 2. the tenth month, nearly answering to September. —BSo96, 10,4c,1e, 2. the twelfth month, nearly answer- ing to November, ttde Bf nove. §S 493. the eleventh month, nearly — 86.805, 10,4c,4m, 2. _ answering to October. —<8, 10,2c, . the fourth month, nearly answering to March. | —0}4, lo,40, v. to set, as the moon. —805, 10,20, m the eight month, nearly answering to July. — 05, 10,20, v. to be eclipsed, as the moon, Bo ooS. —ar, lo,40, 7. the full moon. —cS88, 10,40,4m, v. to form a halo of the moon in which the outer edge of the halo is most brilliant; anfreq. —5, 1o,2c, . the waxing of the moon. — 006, lo,4e, v. to change or disappear, as the moon. —c8&, 1o,40, v. to be bright with moonlight. — 6, lo,3c, ”. the waning of the moon. —o05, 10,20, v. vide Yo2fooS. — JQ; 1o,3c, x. the fifth month, nearly answering to April. | —g, 1o,40, ”. the sixth month, nearly answering to May. — 5, 1o,2c, v. to rise, as the moon. BF, 30, v. *oor€, 30, to pass rapidly and easily over a smooth surface; to glide, as a snake. Sof, 4o, v. *oo2€, 40, to make straight from a bent position, to stretch out, as the leg, to make straight, 805, 2m. — Sf , 40,40, adv. in a straight, unbent line, although the bar may be inclined, as QB Gof » 40,40,40, to raise into an inclined, but straight position. 865, Qc, v. *o085, 2c, to-peel off, as the bark of a twig when broken, or the skin around the finger nails, 494 cs 8S $6, 3c, v. "00S, 3c, to follow after, pursue. — 8 0’, 3c,1m,lc, v. to fly in a disorderly rout. 0908, 3c,40, v. the same. $85, lc, n. *od, 1c, a country, land. —w., 1c,lo, . the world we inhabit. . 85, 4c, 7. *o5, 4c, an upland field, g' 85, 3c,4c. $5, 4c, v. *03, 4c, to forget, to be inadvertent; to faint away. — 036, 4c,lc, v. to be struck speechless or senseless from sudden fright; to faint away. —o’, 4c,5c, v. the same as 85. $5, Be, v. *03, Bo, to do over again; to repair, mend, 09S, 4o. $5, lo, x. a boa, python, gos, 4c,lo. S, lo, ». *08, lo, a sort of sled made of logs, used at funerals for pulling adead body. 85, 20, v. “08, 20, to put two pieces of any thing to- gether laterally, so that one extends beyond the other ; to be thus put together. oo, 20,1lc, v. the same. : 88, 30, 0. *o8, 30, to be sleek, smooth, glossy; to be clear, clean, without anything, as a vacant spot; to be soft-tongued and insincere, to wheedle. —&, 30,3m, v. tobe clear, as a vacant spot of ground. 2199; 30,1c,40, v. to gaze with eyes open star- ingly, to stare. 85, 3c, v. "00; 3c, to cease from motion or action through the desire of rest, to rest, remain quiet. —§5, 3c,50, v. to rest from fatigue, weariness. 8, 4c, v. “001, 4c, to acquire notoriety, fame, be famous. og 4 495 — GF, 4c,lo, v. the. same. o§6, Be, n. “oo, 5c, a name for the Shan people of the province of Kainghong, on’ 85, 4c, 5c. 088, Be, v. “oo, Sc, to be in great numbers, numerous,— not often used alone, ©78, 4c. $6, lo, v. *oo, le, to exceed, be superabundant for better or worse; to transgress. —2, 10,40, v. to do contrary to instruction. —oo2, 10,20, v. the same as $6. — cdot , lo,lc,5c, conj. besides that, moreover. —codr", lo,lc,5c, conj. besides this, moreover. 085, 20, n. “007, 2c, a species of ficus, oS, 5c,20. GS985, 20,20, adv. voluntarily, of one’s own accord. 086, 30, 2. a fact, cause, act; prep. concerning, per- taining to, rtde 9p, 30. — on, 30,40, . the same. —g'; 30,4c, ». the same. §, 30, v. “001, 3c, to work upon by friction, as to saw, to file. os, 2c, v. *85, 20, to frighten, threaten, daunt. —§o3, 2c,4c, v. the same. a, 8c, *c8/5, 30, to separate, part, sever, detach; to skin, pull off the skin; to be separated, detached. —0o2¢, 3c,50, v. to be broken off, separated, detached. — 803.5085, 3c,3c,3c,4c, v. to be separated, skinned, peeled off. — Gof, 3c,5c, v. the same as OQ/, 3c. 034, 4c, n. *c85, 40, .a spot, a place, an apartment. —o7 2, 4c,1c,30, v. to have the eyes sunk in from want of sleep or illness, 09502136, 4e,lc,80. 496 agé — 2700", 4c,3c,40, 2. a pit of the small pox. —2], 4c,4c, 2. a single compartment of a rice field. —c8, 4c,lc, 2. a spot of earth. — mo, 4c,40, n. vide 09 5.an€, 4c,4o. a5, 4c, v. to be shaken, agitated, tossed, as a boat. —85, 4c,40, v. the same. adv, shakingly, totteringly; playing with hands and feet, as a child lying on its back. — 809. 585, 4c,3c,4c,40, v. the same. og6, lc, 2. an appellation given to the father of one’s son-in-law or daughter-in-law. og, lc, v. (cop€s) *ao€, lo, to line, place inside, as loose paper in a box. op 6, Qc, v. (cop) *o0&, 20, to put into and shut up, as goods in a chest, or animals in an enclosure. anc, 3c, 2. *w, 30, a hole, G09, 4c,3c. ogé, 3c, 2. a circumstance, fact, what pertains to, a reason, cause; a kind; prep. concerning, pertaining to. —oo&, 3c,40, 2 the same. — oEB9E, 3c,40,2c,lo, . vide MAEcSo}:, 5c,4¢, 4c,4c. —orotorr, 3c,4c,40,4c, 7. the same as agé. 09, 3c,30, 2. the same. —gq', 3c,4c, n. the same. a, 3c, v. “086, 39, to speak with a foreign accent or brogue. age, BG, i *8&, 30, to go down, float down. —2, 3c,5c, v. to float, be conveyed by the stream. og&, 4c, 2. (s0¢009&:) one who is to be a deity. 096, 4c, v. (c000&:) “088, 4o, to stake in a wager or im gambling, to bet. ag 497 — Pré, 4c,lc, v. to make one’s living by gambling. — B82, 4c,3m, v. to gamble. Og, 4c, v. (cooo€:) *o8&, 40, to add to. 03898, 4c,4e, v. to put food into a priest’s dish; to give food to a priest. 0303, 2c, n. *c808, 20, a pipe or tube for blowing or sucking ; a conduit , pipe; the quill of a shuttle; the - hub of a wheel. 0305, 8c, m. *c805, 30, an insect resembling a sand fly, but smaller. cQ05, 3c, v. (0905) * 805, 30, to be free, loose, with- out restraint; to free, release. —o, 3c,4c, v. to escape danger. —qre , 3¢,20, v. to escape enemies. —88, 3c,40, v. to be disengaged, free from. — 20805, 3c,5c,30, v. to forgive sin; to be released from sin. C305, 8c, v. (905) *0805, 30, to repeat, recite, go, 3c. —Seor, 3c,2c,5c,40, v. (orggo$z) to meditate on certain short sentences for repetition. —2, 3c,40, v. to repeat or recite any formula or set of words. —B4, 3c,3c, v. to repeat, rehearse a writing. 0g05, 4c, wv. *805, 40, to be short, 905, 4c. cno5c808, 4c,40, v. to bustle, hurry about ; to be rest- less, rude. c05e808, 5c,50, adv. in an indifferent manner, without diligence. —Ba305c808, 5c,3c,50,50, adv. the same, gf, Ic, n. *82f, lo, a protuberance or elevation of ground, a mound, a hill. —q5, 1c,20, ». ahillock raised over a white ant’s nest, Eo 498 : og? ogee, 2c, v. *8x&, 20, to die (clerical). ogee, Qc, v. (a9$) *8s€, 20, to go beyond; adv. very, (b.); to pass beyond, away from, as evil. ogee , BC, v. * Sf » 30, to take off, as clothes. — 0905 3c,2c, v. the same. . age’, 4c, 2. (og$2) *B2F, 49, a weaver's shuttle; a. marked with wavy stripes, vide 3, 5c. ogae, 4c, adv. ever, ono", 5c. cgaicoof, 4c,3c, v. pat, a precatory imperative form, prefixed to the verb, infreg. and in books only, 895 coof, 40,3c. og2, Be, 2. * SF , 50, solid substance, as of a tree, Bo5, lo. ag7t , Bc, 2 to have or know altogether. og2¢ , 5¢,5¢, adv. altogether, entirely, without vari- ation, universally. og , Be, v. *S2F , 50, to exceed, go beyond. 635086, 5c,50, v. to be light in conduct, restive, rude; to act or speak like a buffoon, also, 4,40. 035, vide QQ. 03", lc, 2. *coS, lo, a mountain. —¢S, 1c,4c, ”. an elevation somewhat steep and con- cave on one side. — ror, 1c,4c, 2. a cliff, precipice. — 00886, 1c,1c,40, ”. the Myenmo mount, the centre of this system. —29 05, 1c,4c, ”. the projecting declivity of a mountain. —09Sog'008, 1c,4c,1c,40, ”. small ranges of low hills. —orf or, 1c,40,20, ™ a mountain with an overhang- ing top. == — BS, 1c,40, » a hummock, a low elevation of earth. o* 499 ’ *. OQ’, 2c, v. “CoS, 20, to aim at, have reference to, intend, design, on€, 30. q * CQ’, 2c, v. “GOS, 20, to suspend on the back by a band a- cross the forehead. oy", 3c, 2. the menses, 8008, 4c,30. ’ * ag’, 4c, v. “Cod, 40, to go slowly, to be slow. —ay’, 4c,4c, adv. slowly. 7 * OR, 4c, v. God, 40, to wash by a rising and falling motion. ; —3, 4c,3c,1c, v. to unsize thread or cloth. oy’, ‘Ac, v. (oY) *ooS, 40, to err, be out of the way, different from what ought to be. 3, Ic, v. *o0*, lo, to peep, look slily, look at, pry into. O24, 1c,40, v. the same. oO, Qe, 2. oo, 20, a large wicker basket for storing rice. a, Qc, v. *oo®, 20, to be in awe of, fear. 03, 3c, v *oo®, 8c, to be without any thing, as vegeta- tion, og’aR, 1c,3c, or hair, G5o3, 1c,3c; ma path, a footway. agoo*, 4c,40, v. to take economically, in smal] quantities. . e * "> é ©, 5c, v. oo® , 50, to surround, encircle, enclose, as a fence; 7. a fence. —.n6, 5c,3c, v» to make a fence, surround with-a pro- tecting barrier. —onS, 5c,5c, ”. an outer fence protecting the sharp bamboos planted around a native fort. —g6, 5c,5c, v. -to enclose with a fence, to fence. —g6§, 5c,3c, v. to surround, encircle. oo, 5o, v. *BE, 5c, to run, 0895, 30. 0, 1c, pr. which? 00°, 2c, v. *od, 2c, to twist off,.as fruits orleaves with 500 oo® a forked pole; to twist or be twisted; to wind around, as a creeper ascending the tree. — 88, 2c,3m, v.. to wind around, as a creeper. —22£, 2c,4m, v. to wind around and over. — of, 2c,3c, v. to wind around and up, as an ascend- ing creeper. —805, 2c,4c, v. to wrench off or away. —805, 2¢,4c, v. the same. oo”, 3c, . *0d, 3c, a shedf, BF , 3c. 00°, 3c, n. *od, 3c, an edge of any long, angular thing. 00°, lo, v. *oo", lc, to point, sharpen to a point; to be sharp, pointed; to be sharp, keen; to project, as a promontory ; 7. the end of any thing terminating in a point. 0%, 80, x. *a0*, 3c, anything long and slender in pro- portion to its length, a bar, a long piece of anything ; a. aux. for long slender things. —Bf, 30,4m, 2. a candle, a torch. 08”, do, v. * oo", 4c, to scrape out, as food clinging to the sides of a dish. oo”, 40, v. to look (b.). —0Q, 40,1c, v. the same. 00”, 5o, v. *oo®, 5c, to smack the lips. -—a9 Soro, 50,40,50,20, v. the same. ° The sixteenth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the fourth Consonant of the class of liquids. O, 5c, 2. *8, 5c, a race of savages in the Shan country’ east of the Salwen. O, 5c, v. *8, 5c, to lie open, to be stretched apart, gape, as the parts of a thing. oS05, 2c,2c, adv. with the sound of boiling water, bub- blingly, also 5c,5c. BSS, 2c,2c,2c,2c, adv. the same. OS, 4c, 2. *BS, 4c, the head of the penis, vulgar. oS, 4c, v. *BS, 4c, to notch, vide 05, 4c. o4, 5c, n. *85, 5c, to take with the hand in a cup-like shape, to scoop; to strike with a forward motion, to strike with the paw, as a tiger; ». the hand curved in a cup-like shape. oJ, 20, n. *8.5, 2c, the product of the dammer bee, de- posited in the hollow of trees and used to calk vessels ; also any gum deposited by a tree. — 0305, 20,2c, 2. the gum of any tree which exudes, as that of the a RE, 5c,4c. oS), 20, v- *B4, 2c, to chop or gash into, as a tree, also 40. oS, 20, v. *85, 2c, to be scattered about, in confusion, also 0, 2o. oS, 30, v. (008) *8.5, 3c, to divide into equal parts. ovSap, 30,2c, 2. (00533) a screw. 004, 40,40, adv. with loud earnest calls, as from a distance, —Gé; 5c. oS0S84584, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. the same. 06, lc, v. *8&, 1c, to strike, beat, vide o&, 1c. 502 - o& o&, 2c, v. *8&, 2c, to tear, rend, 00-5, 2c. o&, 3c, x. *8&, 3c, a thin section or ring of bamboo cut. across, o0€, 4c, n. *8&, 4c, a deep, precipitous cavern. o€, lo, ». a kind of abscess or sore on the bowels. 06, lo, v. *8&, 1c, to be thin, not thick; to be sparse, scarce, vide 0&, lo. 06, lo, v. *86&, ic, to tread, copulate, as a male bird, vide 06, lo. o&, 20, ». a large flying squirrel, peteromys petaurista cineraceus. — cof, 20,4c,4c, v. the same. 06, 20, v. *8&, 2c, to bow respectfully, to yield to, on account of being conquered or of superior rank, Bike. See 20,4c,2c, 2. (080)) the name of a labyrinthine range of mountains which figures in Buddhist histo- ry; a labyrinth. 0680888, 20,3c,20,30, adv. with an unsteady gait, whether from weakness, drunkeness or any other cause. 0&8, 20,30, adv. the saie. 06, 30, v. “8, 8c, to be broken off, as a piece from a vessel, vide 06, 30. 06, 30, prep. in, into, of, 4c. — <2, 30,4¢, prep. the same, 06, 40, n. (0€:) "BE, 4c, a fence made of wrought mate- Tials forming an enclosure. o€, 40, v. “B&, 4c, to throw down, put down; to be thrown down. —05, 40,40, v. to place upon, 005 503. —g6, 4,10, 2. to put or place down; to give command. — 86, 40,4c, v. to give up further effort. —¢ 5, 40,lc, » to bow the head. —¢ 25, 40,1c,2c, v. to bend the knee. o&06€, 40,40, adv. with a bright, shining light, 85, 30. 008, 5c,2c, 2. (08 P.) words, language. —, 5c,2c,2c, 2. (—95) a deed performed in words. —AB8E, 5c,2c,2c,2c,1o, 2. the four kinds of 085, 112, @9010}00]. 5c,2c,2c,2c, 899260700], 5c,5c,5c,2c, 2c, L6Gv5000]00}, 5e,5e,5e,2c,2c, 205050001007 C0}, 2¢,5c,5c,2c,5c,2¢,2c. 029 €05q, 5c,2c,5c,5c, 22. (02939 P.) the earth, c8aFQE, ; 1c, 40. 005, 4c, v. *805, 4c, to have the nose clogged with mu- cus in consequence of a cold. 005, 5c, 7. (Laos and Siamese) an idol house. —0 761098, 5c,4c,1c,20, 2. the same. 005, 5c, v. “805, 5c, to throw, cast; to throw away, re- ject. — 805, 5c,30, v. the same. 005, 20, 2. (Laos) a piece of money of the value of a tical. 005, 20, v. *805, 2c, to darken, grow dark, as the sun or moon when eclipsed; to be eclipsed, v2de 005, 2o. 005, 20, v- *805, 2c, to wound by scratching, as with a thorn. 005, 30, 2 (005) *805, 3c, duty, service due. —35, 30,20, % the reception, entertainment of stran- gers; the duties of hospitality. —cQ, 30,2c, ¥. (—c{Q) to have discharged one’s duty. —{sr, Bo,4c, #. divine service, duty due to God. 504 ot 005, 30, v. “805, 3c, to be stretched apart, expanded; to flare, as a shallow dish. 005005, 30,30, adv. tntensive,—applied to heat, as v0 ©05, 3c,30,30, to be very hot. 805 805, 30,30,3c,3c, adv. the same. ot » BC, 2. *B2€ , 3c, a coarse cloth made by the natives, vide Or, 3c. —84£85, 3c,3c,4c, 2. a kind of thin cloth. o2€, 4c, n. *828, 4c, the sun, vide NEOF, 1o,4c; a day. —05, 4c,20, ”. market day, occurring at a city and certain other places in the Shan country once in every five days. — AB, 4c,lc,lc, ». worship day. —d, 4c,lo, n. the west. — of , 4c,40, n. the same. — Bf » 4c,lce, ”. worship day. —sy, 4c,lo, 2. the east. —93, 4c,lc, n. the same. — odor’ Qa, 4c,2c,4c,40, n. the west. —n 5, 4c,40, n. the same. —092€, 4c,4c, . the most lucky day of the month. —og2 co€ageé , 4c,4c,4c,4c, 2. the same. — 2x6, 4c,3c, 2. a bad day, one spent in vain, or an un- lucky one. —FEcadorf KE, 4c,3c,30,4c,3c, adv. daily. —8§, 4c,1c,2c, n. one of the festival days at the begin- ning of the new year. —805, 4c,3c, 2. the day before worship day. 7 —BoSoQ2&, 4c,3c,20, 2. two days before worship day, so called because people in the country visit the city for supplies for worship day. . of 505 —08, dele, m a lucky day. — 0308, 4c,2c,le, ». an unlucky day. — 095945, 40,8¢,3¢, 2. worship day, orf SoBe. — 75, 4c,2c, 2. the east — Br, 4,2c,lc, 1. the day after worship day. 02, lo, 2. *828, 1o, aspecies of kempferia of which there are many varieties. — 005, lo,5c,4c, #. a fragrant species of kempferia. —¥, lo,1c, ”. a fragrant species of kempferia. o2€, 1o, v. *B2€, 1c, to relish, to be sweet, pleasant, a- greeable to. — Gj, lo,lc, v. to be pleasant to the ear, to love to hear. or, 20, 1. *B26, 2c, a dish, bowl. —5, 20,20, 2. the brass or iron or wooden cover of the top of a pagoda or of a post. — 5, 20,20,3c, #. the ring and spokes of an umbrella which move on the handle. —, 20,1c, n. the cover of.a cooking pot. —g6, 20,3c, 2. the same as orf Sogé, also Q5cg, 1¢,3c3 Qdeg6é, 1c,3c. —Bef, 20,4m, 2”. an open lamp. —0o6, 20, 1c, n. a dish made of leaves. — RE, 20,5c,3m, n. a tea cup. —ccB, 20,10, ”. a glazed dish, plate, saucer. om -—¢SeoS, 20,10,40, ”. the same. —6', 20,4c, m. a cup to burn oil in, a kind of lamp. —o58, 20,20,4c, a dice box. —826, 20,1c, m: an earthen cup. —oo', 20,40, ..a glazed dish, —c¢6, 20,3c, ” the same. “ Gs 506 of —G,, 20,1c, 2. the outer ear, tide SG. le,Ic. or, 20, v. “Barf, 2c, to scatter, throw about, sow as seed; to cast, as a net. —2}, 20,3c, v. to sow seeds, the plants from which are to be transplanted. —cS, 20,to, v. to cast a net. or, 30, 2. *B0€ , 3c, a village, hamlet. — 745, 30,3c, ”. a country village. — 2g S2cp0&, 30,3c,40,20, the same. — 7 5026, 30,3c,30,20, . the same, o2€ , 40, v. *82¢ , 4c, to request the favor of the assis- tance of others, to ask an agreement of joint assistance, to unite in doing each other’s work, as several per- sons working each other’s rice field in succesion. 0506S, 30,30, adv. blazingly, —5, 5c. 09086, 5c,5c,2c, n. (0q&$) a weapon of the Sekyah prince. 06, 1c, v. *88, Ic, to be light, not heavy, also 0, le. 0, 3c, n. *88, 3c, a crucible, also 06, 3c. 05, 4c, v. *85, 4c, to be faded, as color or brightness. 0, 20, 2. *85, -2c, a valley, an interspace, a road be- tween two mountains. —oy’, 20,1c, 2. a valley. 08, 20, n. *85, 2c, a young unmarried man, also 0, Qc. —<86, 20,40, ». a lad who has reached the age of pub- erty. —o85, 20,20, n. the same. —", 20,40, n. the same. 0, 20, n. *85, 2c, akite of paper or any other substance, 0108, 1c,2o. 0, 4o, »v. *85, 4c, to cause to be handsome, as in dress, BS 507 as F0508, 4m,40, to make one’s appearance hand- some; to be vain, boastful; to boast. ©}; 2c, 2. 7. 2c, a shoulder, vide QO}, 2c. 01, 2c, n. “8, 2c, the lobes in such fruit as the jack, cuss tard apple and mangosteen. . Oj, 20, (<1) 8, 2c, the Buddhist lent, an annual period of three months. ; —oo, 2¢,30, v. (—00S) to intercalate a month after Bok 805, 10,20. 0300}, 2c¢,2c, 7. (oloo P.) a word, 2, 40. ©1902, 2c,5c,2c, 2. (Cloo39 P.) natural tendency, bent, desire ; natural inclination to any course of action. O1GL0T, 2c,2c, ». (Olcvo9 P.) the air. 0}, 3c, v. *8 3c, to say, speak, tell; to scold. —0}0135, 3c,3c,3c,10, v. to talk ambiguously. —Saf'o7600f, 3c,3m,8c,3c, v. to speak in fun, to say things for amusement without intending to have them believed. 0}, 3c, v. vide oo’ Baf'oo'0}, 3c,1c,3c,3c. O1, 4c, x. *8 4c, a fathom, four cubits, a measure equal to the extended arms. 01, 4¢; adv. in composition with 35, as 860}, 30,4c, yesterday. fi 8, Be, v. *O, Be, trans. to break off or from, less than 805, 4c, to break off. 85001, 5c,2c, 2. (8g2) knowledge, wisdom acquired by holding communion with a spirit. ~— 95, 5¢,2c,2c, 1. ( 08) one possessed of miraculous powers through such knowledge. 85, 5m, v. “045, 50, to strike forward and downward; to hoe. —on&, 5m,4o, v. to make a new road. 508 @ 829.508 85, 20, v. *ovS, 20, to carry on the shoulder, as fire- wood, vide 84, 20. 8.014; 5c,2c,5c, 2. (80009) decay, destruction. 8.15, 5ce,2c, 2. (805) an explanation subjoined to the text in the same language. ‘ 86, Ic, v. *O6, lc, a netted bag fastened on a round frame with handle for catching fish. 8&, 20, n. *06, 2c, a bat, vide 8&, 2c. BEqp1#S02€00}, 2c,2c,3m,2c,2c, 2. ( 8200cm0389 ) intellect or consciousness of which there are eighty: nine subdivisions. 8&86, 3c,3c, adv. with perfeet silenee, —cO2¢, Im. 8E8E, 4c,4c, adv. with an indistinct rumbling sound, as in the ears, Ge{, 4c. 8&, 2m, v. 06, 20, to groan or grunt, vide 8&, 2m. 86, 3m, v. *o6, 30, to bend the head down sidewise, vide 8&, 3m. 8&, 3m, v. *0&, 30, to go around, go near. 8&, 4m, 7. *o&, 4o, a city. —cS6, 4m,2c,2c; ». the city of nigban. 8&, 20, v. *0&, 20, to do jointly, by joint effort. 8&, Qo, v. *o&, 20, to be torn, rent; to be divided in its parts. — BS, 20,2c, v. the same. 8&, 20, v. to distribute, vide 8&, 20: 8&, 4o, v. *o&, 4o, to surround, encircle. — gs, 40,3c, v. the same. 888500), 5e,5e,5¢,2c, 2. (88Bg5) doubt, indecision of mind. Baqi 6, 5c,5c,2c, 2. an order of nats. 809.08, 5c,5e,5c, 2 (8298305) an areeyah. : 8B 509 8of, lo, n. *Bo& , 1c, an anklet or bracelet, a bangle. — Hr, lo,le, 2 an anklet, foot bangle. — 8, lo,4c, 7. a bracelet, a wrist bangle. 898, lo, v. *Bo8, 1c, to jump, leap. — 5, 1o,4c, v. the same, — 09, lo,5c,lc, v. to jump up. — a, lo,le, v. the same. — QS 10,30, v. to leap forward. —gé, lo,lo, v. to spring, bound. 895, 4o, v. *808, 4c, to reel thread from a spindle; n. a reel, a spool. Sap 5o, v. *896, 5c, to be shallow, slightly concave, as a dish. 892726, Bc,2c,5c, 2. ( 82090 P. ) soul. 8895, 5c,20, 2. ( 89095 ) the soul. 805, 4c, v. *o05, 4c, to be drawn aside obliquely, to be distorted, awry; to break off from, to break into pieces, to break with the hands, vide 808, 4c. 805805, 4c,4c, adv. with a long slender point, very pointed, —05'», Fo: COS00S, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same, B05, 5c, v. *005, 5c, to smooth with a knife. —ov", 5c,lo, v. to point, sharpen. 805, 4m, v. “005, 40, to catch with a bait, vide 805, 4m. 805, 30, v. *o05, 30, to head off, thwart, to put up a barrier, surround with a barrier, as an apartment in a rice field, also 50, 805, 2o. 80885, 50,30, 7. the fore part of a native jacket. BBS, 5c,30, n. (80005) intention. 8h, 2c,5c, n- (88) a course of the sun around the 510 . 8800 Myenmo mountain of which there are three, the inner, middle, and outer. 8, lc, v. *oa€, le, to fly, ede B2, lc. — 2, 1c,3c, v. to fly up, to soar. 8 » 2c, v. *oak, 2c, to turn round, move a thing partly round, 828, 2c, vide 82€ 5 BC. — ov, 2c,1c, v. to turn the back in contempt. —cd, 2c,50, v. to turn round wholly or in part. 83, 3c, v. Ford, 3c, to be broken off, as a piece from a vessel, vide Sr€, 3c. 82€, 4c, v. *o2€, 4c, to be very soiled, dirty, vzde Saf, 4c. — 6, 4c,3c, v. the same. ; 82k , 4m, v. Fook , 40, to wind around, encircle. —gqif , 4m,40, 2. the girth, compass, circumference. —g§, 4m,3c, v. to encircle, encompass. 828, 5m, v. *o2, 50, to leave, let remain, as food after eating. > oe 8x8, 5c,40, 2. ( 8325:) rules, particularly for the priests, a division of the Buddhist scriptures. 88, Qc, v. *o8, 2c, to knead with the hands, press with the hands. —62, 2c,5c, v. the same. 885, 30, v. *85, 3c, to diminish, shrink in size, as a sore when beginning to heal. 805, 5e,80, x. (80005) the result of any deed good or evil, the result of an evil deed which remains after the penal inflictions of a previous state. 80080021, 5e,30,50,2c, n. (8090039 P.) a kind of wis- dom which enables the possessor to make extra- ordinary discoveries. 895, 5c,80,5c, x. (8993) a name for Nigban. B§v0, 5e,5c,5c, n. (8800 P.) diligence, industry. 9& 511 G05, 5¢,5c,5c,4m, v. to do diligently. 8, lc, v. "045 lc, to comb; 2. a comb; a bunch (of plantains); a. aux. for br sctes of plantains. —0005, Ic,4ce; 2. a fine toothed comb. 868, lc,50, n. the same. —g4, 1c,2c, v. to pass the sizing brush over the warp; n, the sizing brush. —¢ 5, 1c,lc, v. to comb the head; 2. a hair comb. 8, a v. “OF, 2c, trans. to open; tntrans. to open, gape are. >"; 2c,3c, v. to make a face while crying. * ‘ , 3c, v. 0}, 3c, to swing around the hand or an instrument. 88, 3c,3c, adv. exceedingly painful,—c865, 4c, or ©’, 3c. 8, 4c, v. “Oy 4c, to fan; . a fan; trans. to shake, as a dog his tail. —g@6&, 4c,lo, v. trans. to shake or wag the tail, as a dog. Q45, 4c, v. *oS, 4c, tostrike forwards and downwards, as with a knife or hoe, to hoe, also 3c, 30,40, and 50; 84, 30, 95; 4c. Q45; Be, v. “OS, 5c, to be soiled, dirty. —aP: 5e,4c, v. to be very soiled, dirty. 945, 20, n. *OoS, 90, a tube closed at one end, a long bucket, wide 5, 20. . Q5, 80, v *oS5, 80, vide QJ, 4c. 9 €, 2c, v. *o6, 2c, to draw water. 96, 2o, v. *Oo&, 20, to make a hole into, vide @, 20. 96, 30, 7. *o&, 30, a worm, vide @. 30. —8E, 30,40, 7. a general term for all insects and worms. a &, 30, ”. intermediate space or time. -—n&,.30,lo, m the same, 512 Qod0q —1053], 30,20,3c, 2. the five intermediate, days be- tween holding a bazaar. g&, 40, ». the brightness, brilliancy of a heavenly body, (b.). Q&, 50, v. to be great, excellent, —also written eg7f 3. QP: 4c, tv. *o' 4c, to be dirty, filthy, as clothes or the body. Qpo’" 4c,49, adv. neither dark nor light, as B8EQ—50", 4o,4c,40, sometimes 40,40. QV, lo, 2. *o!, lo, a water dipper. —o Hage , 10,20,1¢c, 7. the shell of a cocoanut scooped out. QP: Qo, v. *o! 20, to be discusting, detestible; adv. in a heedless, careless manner, as Fo8Q-p, 4m,20 3 oO’ QP; 1c,20. ; —@F&, 20,3c, v. the same. QP: Qo, v. (co) *9’, 20, to distribute, dispense. QPooksSoroo1, 20,5c,3m,2c,2c, 2. ( cospoggo ) susceptibility or sensation. qcfrooss#'007, 20,5c¢,2¢c,2c, 2. (co@asss P.) a grad- uated roof. . Qpo2261, 20,5¢,2c, v. (CO8$2 P.) sensation ; sorrow. -Q4@2F"00, 20,2¢,5c, 2. (cocsoq) a rational being. Qq¢0018cEeo, 20,2¢c,5c,5¢, 2. (cocpog) multiplicity of business. qgpegq>t’ 20,5c,2c, 2. (cogio§) a bamboo grove. ayx, Bo, v. *0', 50, to scoop or dip out any thing soft and adhesive. go5go5, 4c,4c, adv. vibratingly, as a gong, —Cof, 4c. 005005, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. qo8cg, 5c,5c, x. (099|) a statement of events, a religions gg 513 story or history; a tale, narrative, commonly applied to extracts from the Buddhist scriptures. 905, 20, v. “005, 20, to strike, beat. —0}, 20,5c, . ‘the same. — B95, 20,50, v. the same. 905, 30, 2. (08) the evil consequences of sin, which re- main after the chief penalty has been borne in a pre- vious state. 05, 30, v. “005, 80, to raise, lift up, as clothes; to roll up, as the sleeves or trousers ; to bend the string of a bow. godo5, 30,2c, n. (00595) the stamen, anther and pol- len of a flower. goSooxf 09.0709, 30,2c,5c,5¢,5e, 2”. ( 0909,009 P. ) the rainy season, SEQ , 2c,1lo. Q05, 4o, v. *o05, 40, to be covered, overspread, as with clouds. ge , 1c, ». glory, vide qr, 1c. gee » 2c, v. *orf, 2c, to rise, bubble up, run over, qo » 4c. go 0D2], 2c, 5c,2c, n. (Cor) P.) divine homage, also ge 1; 2c,2c. gat 027; 2c,2c, 2. an abbreviation of qf 0076, 2c,5c,2c. grfog 5, 2c,8c, x. (o§coo0S) a Woondouk, the assis- tant of a prime minister. gf a, 2Qc,1lo, 2. (0§ (3) a Woongyee or prime minister. gee , lo, a. and adv. above. ge, 30, % *o2rf, 30, an otter, vide qr, 30. ge, 30, v. *o2€, 30, to puff out, as the mouth, vide qr. > 30. gofqrt , 40,40, adv. intensive, used of height, —996, 1c. eo B14 ; 9 qe , Bo, v. *or®, 50, to extend lengthwise, as thread forming the abb for the warp; to deliberate on, im- plying uncertainty. —g5, 50,2c, v. to extend the thread lengthwise pre- paratory to weaving. 96, 2c, v. *od, 2c, to have a dent, slight concavity ; to be dented; to be emaciated from disease or age. 96, 4c, v. *0S, 4c, to strike, beat. 9598, 5c,5c, adv. flappingly, as wings, also 50,50. 96, Qo, v. (0S) *oS, 20, to kneel with a bowed head. QS, vide q- 9, 1c, 2. *0}, Ic, a lily plant, aide 9, 1c. — 9, 1c,3c, 2. the ring and spokes which support an umbrella, O72 o9&, 20,30. 9, 2c, n. vide 9, 2c. 95, 3c, v. "}, 3c, to rush at, to attack, as a beast. 9, 4c, m. “01, 4c, one of the bovine species, an ox, a cow, also 35, 4c. —crf, 4c,lo, ”. a bull. — oo, 4c,20, ». an ox that carries panniers or other burdens, a caravan of loaded oxen. —opt , 4c,lc, ”. an ox. — 08 2f, 4c,20, ™. a species of wild taurus, the Gaur. —cOf, 4c,3c, 2. a bull or ox. —cS, 4c,30, 2. a cow. —cdf6, 4c,30,2c, n. a heifer. — 095006, 4c,5c,5c,5c, 2. ( 200990) a bull, a chief of the herd. G, lo, v. “6, 1o, to be loose, not light, as a rope around a bundle insecurely fastened. °’ B15 e ke q, 20, v. “0, 20, to roast or bake over a slow ‘fire, as plantains in a basket covered with leaves. q, 80, v. “O, 80, to be soft, yielding, as a mattress. QO}, le,le, 2. vide Qe], 1e,lc. 65, 3c, 2. "O17; 3c, a cowry, vide GO, 3c. cS, lo, w. Oi lc, to vomit up the food, as an infant. cS, 30, v. *O1, 3c, to avoid, shun, go aside. —319°; 30,2c,4m, v. to go by, pass around. —or&, 30,40, v. to avoid, shun a road or path ; to turn aside in order to let another pass. —o2e , 30,20, v. to avoid an enemy. c&, 40, 2. "01, 4c, a roof in which one side projects. over another. cSenofo, 40,4¢,5¢, 2. (d:(eGa0) a large whirlpool. C5, 5o, v. *o, Be, to enter a place out of the direct line of travel; to visit a place. }" lc, v. "5, 1c, to stir, to move, to wave. — 22, 1c,4c, v. the same. o’, le, v. *8, 1c, to wrap clothes around. o’, 3c, % *8, 3c, to raise the hands in homage, the palms being placed together ; to worship. — o8(61:; 3c,3c,4c, v. to pray. O, Ac, v. i 4c, to be quick, swift. oe 5e, v. *8 5c, to put aside, place. —w6, 5c,lo, v. to establish a sentry or guard station. —n&, 5e,5c,5c, v. to promise, make a promise. — 805, 5c,4c, v. to leave, let remain, set aside. —Q, 5c,5¢e, v. to indulge in mutual love. —o, Be,lc, v- to settle the mind, be settled in purpose, to resolve; to be attentive, heedfal; to hartz resentment, bear a grudge. * ’ 516 o — $86, 5c,lc,lo, v. to have strong feelings. —§o’cof, 5e,lc,5c,4c, v. the same as o'd. —oo.feoS, 5c,30,2c, » to make a witness, appoint a witness. —o20%, 5c,5c,5c, v to take heed, take care. —o02€ Bao, 5c,2c,3c,20, v. (088g9§) to make a resolution. —8&, 5c,1m, v. to make one’s voice sound important. — 8050}, 5c,3c,2c, v. to resolve, vow. —BSao2, 5c,30,20, v. (8g98 ) vide BS00r, 3c,20. —02f, 5c,3c, v. to sell on credit. —oBBo$, 5c,5c,5c,2m, 2, (08905) to make an agreement, covenant. — 41 BS , 5c,2c,3c, v. to utter a divine communication. — BS, 5c,3c, v. to make a contract in writing; to lodge a complaint in writing. —c8S0'00", 5c,3c,5c,40, v. the same, —2] 26], 5c,2¢,2c, v. (soDcu>9) to exercise authority. — 090605, 5c,5¢,5c,2c, v. (Docs P.) to enact, make a rule. 0”, lo, n. "3; lc, the rattan vine. —o8&, 1o,lo, 7. dragon’s blood. o’, 20, v. *8 2c, to turn around, to turn away, as the head, 2, lo. — 2], 20,3c, v. to turn away the face. — 26100, 20,3c,5c, v. to look stern, set the face against. ——2£]1Q, 20,3c,4c, v. to look towards. —26] C0002, 20,3c,2c,1c, v. to look face to face, towards one another. —26805, 20,3c,30, v. to turn away the face. —o6, 20,1c, v. to turn the back towards a person. Gof 517 0’, 80, n. *8, 3c, a measure equal to half the length of the extended arms, two cubits. 0’, 30, v. *8. 3c, toswim, og; 4c. o', 4o, v. to be past the time or season of, as the sea- son of any kind of fruit, or market time. . —c', 40,40, v. to be past early morning. —, 40,lc, v. to be past the time of existence. — 6, 40,3m, v. the same. —qo5, 4o,4c, v. the same. —w08, 40,50, v. to be past the proper time for doing. —o6, 40,1c, adv. thereafter, afterwards. — Gf, 40,4c, adv. the same. co3s8, 5c,50, v. to be constantly scolding or reproving. cof, lc, v. *65, lo, to low, as an ox. Gof, 2c, n. *c&, 20, a pit, well, vide Gof, 2c. cof, 4c, x. (01) *c6, 40, a state palanquin. Cot9 14, 4c,2c,5¢, n. (¢0)02¢ P.) common parlance. cosooa6), 4c,2c,5¢,2c,5c¢,2c, 2. ( 630090 ) commonplace religious instruction. 8588, 20,lo, adv. scatteringly, as particles here and there. 8&, lc, v. vide 86, 1c. G6, 30, n. acrucible, vide 96, 30. 86, 40, n. vide og 86, 5c,5c,40. G05, 4c, v. vide G08, 4c. G05, Be, v. *od5, 5c, to strike, beat; to cast away violently. 805805, 20,20, v. to be filthy from want of a bath, G2, 1c, v. *oof, 1c, to swell, puff up. G26, 3c, v. *o2€, 3c, to throw, cast away. 518 . go 88, Ac, v. “ook, 4c, to revolve about, as an eddy, whirlpool. Gf, lo, v. For, lo, to be alike, the same, similar, vide 328, lo. 88, 3c, v. “Oo, 3c, to throw, cast away. G8, lo, v. vide 95, lo. g8, Qo, v. vide a5, 2o. S886, 30,2c, ”. the leaf of metal used as the tongue of a pagoda bell. 95, 2c, v. to announce, vide QD, Qc. Q4, 3c, 2. "G6, 30, a monkey, QS, 2Qc,3c. 94, 4c, v. *85, 40, to strike forwards and downwards, as a knife or hoe, vide 945, 4c. Q5QAQEE, 4c,4c,3c,3c, adv. denoting a complete dis- appearance, —§’, 10; also perfect silence, —c82f, Im. QAQSQEE, 4c,4c,3c,3c, adv. murmuringly, as the sound of prayer, —CO{, 4c. 96, Qc, n. "BE, 20, an interspace, as Sf QES2F QE, 1m,30,1m,2c, 96, 3c, 2. *86, 30, the hole in the blade of a thing for the insertion of the handle. QEQE, 3c,3c, adv. denotes complete disappearance, vide QSQASQEQE, 4c,4c,3c,3c. 9896, 3c,3c, adv. murmuringly, as the sound of prayer, — cof, 4c. g&8E, 4c,40, adv. imperfectly, with uncertainty as to what is said or heard, —2f » 4m. QE8QE8E, 4c,3c,4c,40, adv. the same. 905, 2c, v. *805, 20, to be blind, vide R05, 2c. Q05, 3c, v *8.05, 30, to cease, stop, intermit, leave off. 6976 519 79 —0'9 2], 3c,10,10,2c, v. to cease, disappear. 905905, 4c,4c, adv. with a shrill sound, as a flute. —— 805805, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. the same. gr, Ic, n. *808, 1o, a plant of the arum tribe, wide got » Ic. —eegTq1, 1e,5e,2¢,2¢, 2, (econSep) the fragrant arum, arum odorum. gf, 2c, 2. *828, 20, a hole. — 8 , 2c,2m, 2. a sore having many openings, gener- ally regarded as incurable. gr, oC; *B3€, 30, to dart up, come to the surface, as fishes when fed. got , 4c, v. *838, 40, to pay special respect to, to be obsequious to, to endeavor to conciliate. Qe , 4c, v. to utter sweet persuasive strains; to per- suade, pacify, Hof » 4C. got 80, 4c,40, adv. also 5c,50, very nearly, —applied to darkness, as cod BEgr? 898, 4c,2c,4c,40, to be near- ly dark. e, 4c, 2. a whirlpool. 9845, 4c,40, adv. very nearly, —applied to darkness, 006<8E9" 805, 4c,2c,4c,40. 99’; 4c,4c, adv. far away, as g2fQ'Q", 1c,4c,4c, to see in the distance; 2192’ 2c,4c,4c, to go far away, vide c9’Q’, 1c, 4c. , 4c,4c, adv. murmuringly, as the sound of prayer, —covf, 4c. , 1c, 2% a leaf, vide 8, 1c. , 3c, v. to be foolish, not full-witted, etde 8, 3c. Exceptional form. 6916, 50, adj. large, pron. 96, 5o. 3 8 8 2 The seventeenth letter of the Shan Alphabet. This letter al- though the same as the fifth letter is repeated at this point in the Shan Alphabet, and is reckoned as the seventeenth letter. It is difficult to account for its repetition. Possibly the sound originally indicated a sibilant very closely resem- bling tke first 09, and in time, any distinction of form or sound which may have existed in the letters, disappeared. e The cightcenth letter of the Shan Alphabet, and the first. Consonant of the class of aspirates. g, 5e, 2. “§, Se, a precipice, 7G, 1c,5c. G4, 4c, v. "BS, 4c, to break across; to be = across, —used of things supposed to he hard, as wood, iron, —opposed to. 205, 20, which is used of soft. things, as clothing ; to break monastic vows by for- nication or idolatr y, clertcal; to keep tally; n. a tally. — 095, 4c,50, v. to partly break, as a bent stick. —0} 595006, 4c,50,4c,50, v. to be partly broken: in sections. , —o's}, 4c,lo,40, v. to hold up one’s words for laughter or contempt, to make light of. — 8, 4c,4c, v. to crack the knuckles. — oo, 4c,2c, v. to be broken and zigzag; to crack the knuckles. —85, 4c,lo, v. to be broken in pieces. gS, 5c, 1. “Git 5c, the black varnish tree, © GS, 5c, ae the gum of the black varnish tree. - — 96 5c,40, v. to be poisoned by black varnish. cee Se, v. “BS, 5c, to love, have affection for. te — Qs, 5c,30, v. the same. —8&, 5c,40, v. the same. GA, 30, 2. "BS, 3c, the root of a tree; the beginning of.: —cor, 30,1lo, ». edible sprouts, produced by anes the palm fruit, vide gEcor’, 40,10. GA, 30, Uv. “BA, 3c, to vomit. —o}, 30,40, v. to retch, throw up without ejecting the contents of the stomach. 6G 522 g& g&, 3c, v. “SE, 3c, to be disgusting, detestable, 8G, 1¢,3c. g&, 4c, 2. "aC, Ac, a nest, whether of bird or beast, sometimes 4o. — 25, 4c,50, ”. a bird’s nest. — £6, 4c,3c, nm. a nest of bees. —ao8o%, 4c,50,30, 7. a nest constructed we a species of large red ant. ° g&, 4c, m. a part, portion, share, what is for a person or thing. — Hg Eos 4c,1c,4c,4c, adv. separately distinctly ; pr. each. g&007, 4c,2c, 2. (co080) the sacred bird, whose form is put on the 20805908", 1c,4c,2c. GERE, 5e,20, 0 (N.S.) to bind about or girdle the waist, go 5, de, lo. g&, 1o, 2. “SE, Ic, a tail. —27; lo,lc, 2. cotton made up in rolls for spinning. —0}, lo,le, ». the corner of the eye. —oo’, lo,lc, 2. the handle of a plough. —2£, lo,le, ». a rat’s tail; a fuzee, a train. — Gr , lo,lo, 2. the close of the rains. —0o§, lo,4o, x. the direction in which the wind blows; adv. with the wind. g&, 20, v. “ge, 2c, to be wide apart. g&, 30, 2. "ge, 3c, appearance, general appearance, whether good or bad. me 30,30, v. to be handsome (b.). —v', 30,30, v. to be different in appearance from some former condition, as a man from his boyish form. — 86, 30,30, v. the same, god 523 466, 30,10, 2. appearance, form. —8, 30,20, v. to be disgusting in appearance. ’ —0500', 30,20,40, . a wonderful form, assumed by superhuman power. — 0, 30,lc, v. to be handsome. —, 30,5c, v. to be changed in form. —-g’, 30,50, v. to be ugly, not handsome. —g"g&oo’, 30,50,30,1lo, v. the same. y g, 30, v. "RE, 3c, to make, construct, arrange, prepare. —, 30,40, t. to prepare one’s words beforehand. — 36, 30,30, v. to put in handsome order, to adorn. — 35, 30,4c, v. to set in array, prepare for engagement. —or, 30,1c, v. to prepare for another. ——9, 30,5c, v. to saddle or harness a pony. gé, 4o, . "ae 4c, a water trough, the eaves’ trough or drain; a large wooden bowl cut out for holding water; a valley, ravine. —2, 4o,5c, n. the same. — aq’, 40,lc, ”. a valley. GE, 40, v. vide GEG, 1o,40. g&, 4o, v. "GE, 4c, to put by the fire but not in contact, to hold by the fire, as clothes to dry; to roast, toast, cook by heat of fire without contact. gEcoS, 40,4c, 2. (cdE:¢008) a hotch-potch curry. GE, 5o, v. "6, 5c, to be left unfinished, incomplete, to be not carried through to the end, as any kind of work ; to be divorced; to be addled, as an egg. god, 4c, v. “oS, 4c, to be bold, courageous, to dare, ge, lo. — rf, 4c,2c, v. to be profane, reckless in imprecations. —gr, 4c,lo, v. the same gos. 524 : gt God, be, ». "905, 5e, to bind about, fasten about, as a girdle. —o0' BS, 5e,lo,40, v. to buckle, fasten with a buckle. — 8, 5c,lo, v. to bind about or girdle the waist with a belt. F Go50o, ‘5c,5c, 2. (0dg>) the hand, 3, 4c. Go5, 20, v. “Bo, 2c, to throw or toss by a scooping motion, to bail out. —o0', 20,40, 2”. a sand bank. —, 20,5¢, v. to bail water from any thing. gos, 30, 2. “G08, 3c, to remain stationary, unchanged, as food placed on too little fire for cooking or an old sore neither increasing nor diminishing. Gooq, 5c,5c,5c, 2. (09009 ) the heart. got , Ic, »v. “Saf , lc, to see. —2], 1c,3c, v. to bring forth, as a child, —261G28002}, 1c,3c,lc,lc, v. the same. gef, 3c, adv. there, as oSge€, 3c,3c, that place, 262%. G2, 5c, v. “Qaé, 5c, to have the appetite thoroughly satisfied, a with 8, le. — Lge eof, 5e,lc,5c,4c, v. the same, ge, lo, n. "Qo, 1c, cinnabar, sulphuret of mercury. — 8, lo,lo, n. vermillion, red sulphuret of mercury, —c85, 1o,4c, n. the same. 086, lo,lo, ». a variety of the same from which the mercury has been extracted. — Bod", 10,30,2c, ”. the same, G2, lo, v. “af, 1c, to be bold, courageous, to dare. gefc805, 10,4m, 2. vide 96808, 80,4m, g2€, lo, conj. although. — opr ecdcnf, 10,3¢,1c,1c,8c, conj. the same. or Nw oe gS Go, 20, 2. "ae 2c, a goose. gf, 20, v. (o§ ) “Ba€, 2c, to have an appearance, to appear, gf, Bo, v. “Uae, 3c, to be lame, limp. Gas, Bo, v. “Gok, 5c, to place one above another in storeys ; 2. a storey, step, degree; hence to arrive at, until, got'cooT Qh 088, 50,3c,30,1m, until now. —cor{, 50,3c, adv. until now, up to the present. G6, 4c, vu. "Os 4c, to shut, shut up, to close, stop up. gO, Be, v. “6, 5c, to go to meet, advance towards one approaching; to receive, accept. — 5.06, 5c,20,1c, v. to receive, accept; to second, be accessory to. —o€, 5c,4c, v. the same. — 07 £0, 5c,4c,lc, v. the same. —o, 5¢,5c, v. to go to meet, advance towards one. —¢ 5a, 5c,1c,40, v. to go forth to meet. — 0, 5c,lc, v. vide GSE. gS, 2o, v. *B6, 2c, to havea roughness or hoarseness of voice in speaking, cog, 4c,20, —sometimes 2c. gO, 2o, v. "86, 2c, to carry on the shoulder. gS, vide g. g5, lc, 2. *86, lc, a head louse. g5, 2c, v. *86, 2c, to bark, as a dog. g5, 3c, 7. “85, 3c, mange, a cutaneous disease belong- ing to both men and animals, scaly and appearing in spots, of which there are two kinds, gSae’, 3c,40, gd", 3c,20. 5, 4c, pr. we, —used to inferiors, or in very familiar discourse. —1 4c,3c, pr. we, —respectful. 526 x gGE g, lo, v. “5, 1c, to yawn. — rg, 10,4c, v. to yawn from drowsiness. gS, 20, 2. “86, 2c, a trap for transfixing wild animals. g, 80, v- "GO, 3c, to become dry, free from moisture; to be eae violent in temper. . g6, 49, n. "86, 4c, a line, stripe, mark, as one occasion- ed by the stroke of a whip; a line for suspending things, a clothes’ line ; a line or range of mountains; a balustrade, railing, 08, 4c. — 250’, 4o,lc,le, 2. the balustrade of a pair of stairs. —ay’, 49,1c, 2. a range or line of mountains. g5, bo, v. *85, 5e, to move violently, quickly, suddenly ; to pervade suddenly, forcibly, also g5, 5e. -—¢Q05, 50,2c, v. to pervade suddenly and forcibly. G, le, H- “a, 5c, the testicles. — 9&3, 1c,4c,40, ”. a disease which produces swelling _ of the testicles. — 86, 1c,2c, 7. the tongue or clapper of a metallic bell. —q4, 1e,3c, ». the tongue or clapper of a wooden bell. Gg, 4c, 1. "a" 4c, dust of rice when pounded, bran. g, 4c, v. *g®. , 4c, to roll up, to curl up, to put on to the cloth beam the woven part of the cloth; ”. a roll. .—-B28, 4ce,lm, v. the same. — 85, 4c,3c, 2. a roll, a scroll, a roll of writing. Gy, lo, v. *g®, 1c, to bear on the shoulders of two men, one following the other.. Gg, 20, v. *g®, 2c, to be nearly ripe. g, 30, v. *G®, 3c, to hinder, check (b.).. G, 40, v. *g°, 4c, to be empty, abandoned, as an old house, to be deserted. GSE, 40,4m, v: to be of medium size, gé 527 g, 50, adv. about, rather. os ‘le, v. *3, lc, to seek. —cpx’, 1c,20, v. to seek wisdom; to devise. — E808, 1c,40,4c, » to seek a quarrel, to begin a quarrel, G1, 2c, 2. (Chinese Shan) snow. Gp 2c, 2. *3, 2c, a shower. —&oS, 2c,30, . a bloody wound or a black and blue spot, as in a bruise, 20'9 1805, 10,2c,30. YI» 2c, v. *&, 2c, to breathe upon so as to soften. G1 086, 2c,40, ”. a kind of tree-of which there are two varieties, GBEgE, 2c,40,lo, and G1 BExg2&, 2c,40,2c. 97928, 2c,5¢,2c, 2. (3248) a kind of excellent gold. Gy, 3c, 2. *8, 3c, an epidemic disease, a disease pre- vailing without any apparent cause, particularly cholera. Ss 3c, a. five. Gy, 4c, pre IL — oe}, 4c,1c,5c, pr. we two. BS, 3c, 2. (305) a prime motive or spring of action, of which there are six; a state of being of which there are four, also Go5, 3c. B45, 2m, n. *o4, 20, tin ore. BS, 3m, v. to say, call, name. —0}, 3m,3c, v- to say. 85, 30, v. “BS, 3c, to begin a work by doing a little, because it is declared to be an auspicious day. g&, 1c, v. *o&, lc, to start suddenly in sleep, alsa lo; agEGE, 4c,le. S&, Qc, n. *G&, 2c, a bell of metal. 528 : oe — 3, 2c,40, v- a collar of small round bells. —g,’, 2c,3c, 2. the firefly. —g'8EBE, 2c,3c,40,40, 2. the luminous flashes in one’s eyes on receiving a blow on the head, —hEaR5, 50, 2c, to see stars. % SERRE, 3c,3c, adv. intensive applied to fragrance, also Be,5c, —G, le. gegé, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. the same. 8é, 1m, 7. a Shan official who has jurisdiction over a district. S&, 1m, a. a thousand. SE, 4m, ”. a place; a subject, topic, BSE, 3c,4m. g§, 4m, v. *9&, 4o, to be small in size, 3S, 5m. $&, lo, v. to start suddenly in sleep, also 1c, a€RE, 4c,lo. SE, 30, v. "Ge; 3c, to be dry; to be dried up. —gé, 30,1c, v. to be dry. S&, 4o, v. “BE, 4c, to be strong, to be violent; x. strength, force. —o, 40,40, ”. the strength of the wind. —§é, 40,40, adv. forcibly, violently; loudly, distinctly. — 1928 , 40,30, v. to give out, lose strength. GE2c7, 50,2c, v- to make a continuously disagreeable noise. GS, vide Go. Bop, lo, v. “Gof , 1c, to turn up the face, to look up. —0 7, 1o,40, v. the same. —2*] pg, 10,3c,10,40, v. to throw the face forward, as when listening attentively. S05, 20, n. “Goé, 2c, a sharp pointed instrument with SoS 520 which certain animals are armed by nature for defense, a sting ; the forked tongue of a snake. Sop, 20, v. *B0f, 2c, toneigh; with 25, 1c, to laugh boisterously. So5, 4o, v. "Gat , 4c, to prepare, to make ready. —o’, 40,5c, v. the same. $05, 3c, n. vide BS, 3c. 805, 4c, n. “gOS, 4c, the common itch. —8s, 4c,50, n. itch in an advanced state, 7. e. giving rise to sores. —8é, 4c,30, 2. common itch. — 2f, 40,50, n. the same (b.). G05, 5c, v. “GOS, 5c, to desire to eat many things, as a person convalescent. $05, 4m, v. *Go5, 40, to work, do, make, frequently written, GS. —no5, 4m,30, v. to thwart, act contrary to. —6, 4m,4c, v. to compose writing, —usually applied to poetry. sap 4m,5c, v. to be diligent, industrious. — afd, 4m,5c,4m,4c, v. the same. —vw', 4m,20, v. to bring together words, to compose. —Cn}], 4m,5c, v. to associate with. —4en, 0 , 4m,5ec,lc, v. the same. —on7Go5es8, 4m,5c,4m,30, v. the same, — §&, 4m,30, v. to pretend, to make false assumption, to make an insufficient excuse, to make a pretence of. — 8&0}, 4m,30,3c, v. to make an excuse on insufficient grounds, to use artifice. — REndg. , 4m,30,2c,5c, v. to pretend to be unable to do. —865, 4m,30, v. to make narrow and contracted. €4 530 - §o5 —nf, 4m,2c, 2. (qa5) to be assuming, put on aifs. —Eco{, 4m,40,1c, v. (qos) to make separate, to be distinct from any thing else of the same kind, tide FodqSeof: —Q fab pe , 4m,2c,4m,4c, 2% to do perversely. —cAcq, 4m,4c,4c, v. to do @ favor. —.2; 4m,40, v. to smg. — A, 4m,40,4c, v. to sing of one another, as two lovers separated. — 0028 , 4m,40,4c,Ic, n. to sing together. — QO}; 4m,40,2c, v. to sing responsively, as a man and woman. — 007.93, 4m,40,2c,40,2c, v. the same. —o2 Foo’, 4m,le,4m,4c, v. to do quickly. —38, 4m,l1m, v. to be a go-between in love affairs. —cofeof, 4m,lc,lc, v. to separate, be alone, have no- thing in common with others. — 35, 4m,5c, v. to be self-important, to assume airs. —ogrfcgs, 4m,4c,lc,4c,3¢, v. to do a Jittle at morning and evening. —cQS$5, 4m,50,lc, adv. why? —oo0&e05, 4m,lc,30, adv. the same. — Ea, 4m,20,4c, v. to enter as a novitiate on pro- bation for the priesthood. —oo&, 4m,30, v. to do, perform, carry on. — 8.5, 4m,3c, v. to divide a body lengthwise, to split. —<86, 4m,1m, v. to make a noise. ? —8&.or’, 4m,1m,lo, v. to hem, make a noise with the throat. —0oo6, 4m,4o, ». to make, repair, work on a road. —on&.3, 4m,4o,lc, v. to practice. God 53h —onE nf, 4m,40,50, v. the same. —o6q5, 4m,5c,40, v. to make an ambuscade, to lie in ambuscade. — 0, 4m,lc, v. to be assuming, put on airs, make baseless pretensions — oS, 4m,2c, v. tobe refractory, obstinate, rebellious. — 025G0805, 4m,3c,4m,le, v. the same. —31:, 4m,4c, v. to institute a suit. — 3 Fod386, 4m,3c,4m,lo, v. to act ambiguously. — 06, 4m,30, v. to do again. —cQ Eco, 4m,4c,20, v. to make a- custom, rule, — 2 E85, 4m,2c,lc, adv. why? — 27036, 4m,3c,30, v. to-work-only when watched, to be an eye-servant. —2], 4m,4c, v. to cultivate a lowland rice field. —B8Enr, 4m,4m,lc, v. to-make equal, the same. —0B3$ 905, 4m,5c,3c,30, v. (08 e005) to make a quarrel. —q, 4m,2c, v. to assume an appearance, FSG. —c6, 4m,5o0, v. to force another against his will, to conquer, vanquish. — cd8o58E, 4m,50,4m,20, v. the same. —§EGo5g., 4m,3c,4m,4c, v. to excavate. — ff $05805, 4m,5c,4m,30, v. to do neglectfully, without regard. —9', 4m,4c, v. to make a festival, feast. —q5, 4m,30, v. to deride, mock. — 84584, 4m,3c,3c, v. to perform the ceremony of pouring water. — BASE, 4m,4c,4m,30, v. to transgress, do wrong, offend. —vv&, 4m,1c,lo, v. to do indifferently. 532 z G05 — 805, 4m,2o, v. to be careful of one’s personal appear- ance and dress. —808007, 4m,30,2c, v. to do a kindness, to show kindness. — 8605, 4m,3c, v. to make an acquaintance. —-§05G0535, 4m,3c,4m,4c, v. the same. —o, 4m,5c, v. to finish, make an end of a work. — 00605035, 4m,5c,4m,3c, v. the same. ‘ —cB45, 4m,3c, v. to compose, as a writing. — B5Go5a0’, 4m,3c,4m,40, v. the same. —8&, 4m,5m, v. to provide for, feed, support. — BEFo5aq, 4m,5m,4m,Ic, v. the same. — og SBEGF , 4m,3c,5m,30, v. to work for another for hire. —mARoSa34, 4m,4c,4m,4c, v. to compart, make com- partments. —cyp, 4m,30, v. to do with reference to. — pq’, 4m,30,4c, v. the same. —}, 4m,4c, v. to do by the job. —oo’, 4m,3c, v. to have ability, to be able to accomplish ; to be unfeeling, severe, cruel. —G0oT.0005, 4m,4¢,5c,30, v. to be courteous, kind, po- lite. — 0, 4m,3c, v. todo with reference to, Fobeqqsg’. — Eon, 4m,3c,40, v. the same. —005, 4m,30, v. to perform duty. —o0595, 4m,30,20, v. to perform the rites of hospital- ity, entertain company. —86&, 4m,40, 7. (8&) to form a circle, as of tents, or people. —8§v0, 4m,5c,5c,5c, v. to be diligent, industrious. G05 533 —gF&, 4m,8o, v. to assume an appearance; to form, fash- ion, to make a feint. gat, 4m,lo, v. to assume an appearance; to make a feint. — Fob BEB, 4m,4m,lc,lc, v. to live from hand to mouth. —gScof, 4m,1c,1c, v. to separate from, to be distinct, separate, having nothing in common with anything else of its kind, oS3Ecof. — Hof , 4m,40, v. to build or erect a house, co Gof ; 40,40. —GBEDh.0#, 4m,3c,1m,3c,1c, v. to modulate. — mode, 4m,5c,2c,5c, v. (~o0g P.) to commit violence. —2Q, 4m,5c,5c, v. to do some business or other; to institute a suit. —maqBorf, 4m,5c,5c,3c,lc, v. to render assistance in a matter to friends or neighbors. — meds, 4m,5c,5c, v. to practice, acquire a habit. —3e0500'S, 4m,2c,1c,lo,lc, v. to risk, to be adventur- ous, careless of life. —red0d92, 4m,2c,5c,2c,40, v. to make no account of, to disregard, despise. —BS8q, 4m,50,5¢,5¢, v. (3089 P.) to practice alche- my. —REooe§, 4m,2c,5c,2c, v. to behave with circumspec- tion, dignity. G05, Qo, v. "oS, 2c, to be somewhat wrinkled, shriv- elled,—less than G,, 2c. S05, 30, n. the rhinoceros, ©Q6, 1o. G05, 5o, v. *8o5, 5c, to hinder, prevent, as from eating and drinking; to be drained of water, asa paddy field, dried up, exhausted. ~ 534 © ‘ gS Gof, 1c, n. a stone. -—-88, 1c,4m, ”. blue vitriol, copperas, sulphate of copper. —2}, 1c,30, x. alum. —6 7, le,lce, m. a stone with a flat side, a houlder. —c8&, 1c,lo, n. red sulphuret of arsenic, red orpiment. — 6, 1c,lo, ». yellow sulphuret of arsenic, yellow orpiment. Gof , Be, x. “Ga, 5c, a sand fly. Ga, lm, ”. *pak, lo, any wild animal of the feline genus, a jungle cat. —oS, 1m,20, n. the tiger cat, —g, 4m,lc, 7. aspecies of civet cat which secretes an odoriferous substance. Gof , 3m, v. *paf , 30, to be rubbed off, worn off by use or friction ; to be in a dilapidated condition; to be in- ferior, evil, bad. 36, 2c, v *9S, 2c, to pinch, compress between two, to cut, as with shears; 7. the shears used for cutting metal, or betel nut. — oa, 2c,20,5c, 2. shears to crack the betel nut. —, 2¢,3c, x. the same as 8S, (b.). GS 3c, v. *9 6, 3c, to work quickly in order to finish, to exert one’s self to finish. —2o8, 3c,30, v. the same. —§SRoSL05, 3c,3c,30,30, adv. in a very rapid man- ner and with great exertion. $8, 4m, 2. *9S, 40, a mushroom, of which there are many varieties, some of which are edible; marks or spots which appear on aged persons, O2¢', lo. The varieties of mushrooms are:— GSenf, 4m,le, — 0b BS, 4m,3c,20, — 86, 4m,1c, —8', 4m,3c,4c, — 848, 4m,3c,4c, — 35, 4m,5o, —co'g 4, 4m,40,2c, —oo€, 4m,4o0, —or6.9, 4m,4c,4c, —o5, 4m,4c, —o,! is 4m,2c,4c, —0}¢00f, 4m,1c,1c, —2# 06, 4m,5c,3c, —— 2695, 4m,5c,4c, — 2A, 4m,50,4c, —2£006, 4m,40,1lo, | 8s 536 GSQ55, 4m,20, — cdg 0, 4m,2c,1c,40, —i62, 4m,4o, — 805, 4,30, — cB, 4m,5c, — 86, 4m,4o, —or, 4m,4c, —a5, 4m,4o, — got 9, 4m,4c,2c, —006, 4m,2o0, — 001,928, 4m,3c,2c, — 86, 4m,4o, —o2f¢.85,4m,1o0,1¢,40, — qo, 4m,4o, — G6, 4in,5c, —'o2f, 4m,30,50. BS, 20, v. *BS, 2c, to have a roughness of voice, coy $6, 4c,20, vide gS, 20. 86, Bo, v. *86, 3c, to fasten into position by binding rods across. ES, vide g®. Faqrt'oo, Be,5c,2c,5c, 2. (Be0$oo) the Hemawoonta forest; an immense fabulous forest, the seat of the most wonderful things in the Buddhist scripture; the region of North India, QoF 60585, 20,5c,lo,1m. GQ, Be,5c, m. (88 P.) modesty, shame. 85, 3c, 2. *g5, 3c, to hold with a pulling effort, as a basket by means of a cord; to weigh, co , Bc; B36 . Gt to cling to, hang on, as 0938, 4c,3c, to cling toa person in following. —2}, 3c,3c, v. to draw up or contract the face on account of pain. $8, 5c, v. *9, 5c, to strike with a small rod or instrument. gs, 1m, v. *95, lo, to be slender and tapering. $8, 2m, v. *95, 20, to wilt; to be wilted, dull, faded ; to be contracted, drawn together, shrunk. — gS, 2m,3c, v. the same. — 96, 2m,3c, v. the same, §§, 4m, . a kind of plant, bearing pungent seeds, 092635, 30,4m. G5, 4m, n. a long stalk; a switch, used with gf, 5c, as £85, 5c,4m; (b.) cg& 35, 1o,4m, a jungle grown up with trees and bushes. —, 4m,le, n. vide BrfcS, 3m,1c. 8S, 4o, n. “36, 4c, cut bamboo prepared to be placed upon and bound to something else, 85, 5c,40. G5, 50, n. “85, 5c, a snare, noose, trap. g, lc, 7. “SL 1c, the labia pudenda. g, 3c, n. “SL 3c, jute. g, 4c, v. “OL 4c, to be long, not short, in height or length. Gi, 5e, v. *9, 5c, to know, understand. —n€ Godne , 5c,1e,3c,1c, v. to be acquainted with. —e.§\cq, 5c,4c,4c, v. to be sensible of a favor. —ooS, 5c,4c, v. to know well, thoroughly. — 86, 5c,3m, v. to understand thoroughly. — 84, 5c,3c, v. to know books, to have learning. — G2", 5e,le, v. to know by seeing, to understand. Ré 537 Gud, 2c, 2. “oS, 2c, the warp of cloth. GIES, 3c,80, adv. numerously, (b.). RIGA, 4c,4c,lc, adv. with a feeling of faintness or sickness to the stomach caused by heat. GS, Be, v. "OS, 5e, to jerk, make a short quick motion towards. Gd, 80, 2. *>4, 30, a tadpole, G5, 30, n. vide GS, 5o. Gg 4, 40, ». a species of bamboo, gS, 5c,4o. G4, 40, a. six. G5, 50, n. *¢5, 50, the secundines, afterbirth, —gener- ally used of animals, vide Gg, 2o. Gd, 5o, v. *oS, 50, to be tangled, confused, as grass or a thicket of bushes. g&, lc, v. *9&, 1c, to cook, prepare by means of fire. — So, 1c,lo,lo, v. to boil sugar. —25, 1c,3c, v. to cook rice. —35, 1c,2c, v. to boil to a pulp. —20.Q)], 1¢,5c,4c, v. to boil sugar. —0}, 1c,30, v. to cook. Gé, 1c, v. to die a violent death,—used in composition with 02", le. g§, 3c, v. *9&, 3c, to shine. —R6, 30,80, v. the same. g&, 4c, 1. *9, 4c, the ficus Indica, IGF, 5c, 4c. gé, 4c, n. dropsy, vide Sf, 1m, 4c. G&, Be, n. “GE, 5c, a kite, a bird of prey. — Ggb85, 5c,1c,20, ”. the brahminee kite. G&, 1o, v. *96, lo, to toss, toss up; to raise, elevate. — 32, 10,3c, v. the same. Go 538 ° gos gf, lo, 2. *@, 1o, acquire notoriety, fame, be celebra- ted; to be spread abroad. —g6, 10,40, v. the same. gs, 30, v. *96, 30, to fall away from, or off, as leaves or fruit from a tree, or hair from the head. . —og2e , 30,3c, v. the same. gé, 4o, 7. "2G, 4o, an ear or head of grain. —26, 40,3c, . an ear or spike of the rice plant. Gé, 40, 2. *9&, 40, something rounded, having a bulg- ing form, as a bees’nest. —t', 40,4c, n. a kind of lantern suspended in Novem- ber. — 682 » 40,4c,lc, m. a flying lantern, an illuminated balloon. — 85, 40,3m, n. the bladder. —,", 4o,4c. n. a rainbow. GO, le, v. *g", 1c, to open,—infreg. RP» 2o, n. *9", 20, anything round spherical, as an orb, globe; a anx for anything round, 09, 3c. — 29; 20,1c, ”. a cotton seed. — 00}, 20,1c, ”. the eye ball. —g, 20,1c, . the testicles. RD: 30, 7. *9, 30, a ravine, gully, winding valley. RP: 4o, v. *9", 40, to announce, promulgate; to diffuse a pleasant odor. RP, 5o, 2 *g’, 5o, to trail, drag after, as a garment. —oo§, 50,30, v. the same. RP 50, int. vocative ending, y , also 299, 5o. * God, 2c, v “God, 2c, to draw into the lungs with effort, to snuff up. — 075, 2c,5c, » to breathe with difficulty. ge 539 GOD, 3c, m. “GOS, 3c, any disease showing itself in cutaneous eruption, as measles, * G05, 3c, v. God, 3c, to strip off, draw off anything, as leaves from the branch. * Gos, 4c, v. G05, 4c, to be rough, of uneven surface ; # a roughness. of skin, or rock; a wart. Gos, Be, v. “905, 5c, to tighten, draw up tightly, as a rope wound about anything; to make tight. ; God, 30, x. "Go5, 30, a stripe, mark. —o9’, 30,1c, ”. a mountain range. GOS, 40, v. “po5, 40, to throw, as water. —2, 40,5c, v. the same. God, 40, v. *go5, 40, to draw up, to contract; to shrink through fear; to be wrinkled. —ccf, 40,4c, v. the same as Ist def. gos, 5o, v. to wet, —used with o9, 4c. gat » 2c, #2. *gaf, 2c, a form. —zg, 2c,30, n. the same. Gr, 8c, v. “Gr, 3c, to shoot up, as from a stump; % a shoot from the stump or root of a tree. —.6’, 30,40, 7. the shoots, sprouts which appear after burning over a field. —v!, 3c,5c, n. a sprout from a stump. gre soe, ts *ook , 3c, to be wrinkled up, as a garment. qr, 3c, v. *oot, 3c, to fly, as a body of soldiers when routed. qr, 4c, v. *oet , 4c, to be light-hearted, merry, joyous in mind. get 7 DC; Bs *o€k , de, to call out, cry aloud together, hal- loo. Gr’, lo, v. *gaf, lo, to shave, 007, le. 540 es g& get , lo, v. *oa , lo, to walk or move backwards. —, 1lo,lc, v. the same. gé, 30, 2. small insects of the gadfly tribe found in the mountains, vide 22°, 30. — gb, 30,1¢,lo, n. vide Q2é GdohE, 30,1t,1o. rot » 30, v. *ga , 30, to be much and long continued, as noise, Gr, 40, 2. Worry , 49, the indigo plant or the ruellia pre- pared for dyeing, G, 3c, 3, 4o. got , 40, ”. the main timber on which the smaller tim- bers and boards of the flooring rest. grt , 40, %. *o » 40, dregs. Gr2f, 40, v. to be the end, vide 2905G: 2€, » 4c,4o. gs, 2c, v. *96, 2c, to contract, shut up; to be contract- ed, shut up. — ft » 2c,3c, v. to contract in rising, as flame. gs, 3c, v. *9S, 3c, to gather together, scrape together, scoop together, also 30. — 96, 3c,le, v. the same. —E, 3c,3c, v. the same. qs, 4c, v. (N. 8.) to contract, draw together, vide 035, 2c. ; gS, 4o, v. *96, 40, to cover, as with the lid of a vessel; to fall prostrate. —G, 40,20, v. the same. g, 5o, v. *96, 50, to find, meet with. —g 5006, 50,1c,40, v. to go out to meet. GS, vide gi. ; g, lc, n. "OL lc, the head; the higher part of any- thing, as a river; a tuber, tuberous root. — 86, 1c,3m, v. to be bald from age or shaving. gd 541 —4, 1c,2c, . the upper parts of the posteriors. — 58, 1c,4c,5c, . the pommel of a saddle. —ar! » 1c,4c, ». the head of the penis. —8, I1c,2c, ». the knee, kneo joint. —, 1c,3c, m. the evening, the dusk of evening. —8E§, lc,le, . the root of the ginger plant. — 86, 1c,lo, v. to be headstrong, obstinate. — 500", lc,lc,lc, ”. the head of the stairs. —Il 1e,4c, n. vide 6507 4c,lc. —o, 1c,lc, n. the soul, heart. — $86, 1c,lc,4m, v. to be sore in the chest. —opaort , 1c,1c,2c, v. to palpitate from fear or weakness, — $9305, 1c,1c,2c, v. to beat, as the heart, to palpitate. — cq, 1c,1c,5c, v. to have the mind deranged, be more or less insane. —o0Eq2t , 1c,20,4c, ». the handle of a board used for writing. —<82f, 1c,3c, 7. the upper part of a native woman’s petticoat. —o4, 1c,2c, 2. the elbow. —o6, 1c,5c, ”. a vanguard. —00}, lc,lc, ». the bony projections above the eyes. —o Se, 1c,2c,lo, ”. the esculent root of the Goa bean. —2¢5, 1c,2c, 7. the lower part of the abdomen. —2608, 1c,lo,lc, ”. the bulbous root of a thorny creep- er used as a medicine. — #8, 1c,5c,3c,”. a honey-comb. —2, 1c,40, . the breast of a female, an udder. — rot , 1c,4c, ”. the place for the head. —86&, 1c,30, m. the head of the marsh date palm, used as food. 542 . gd — 05, 1c,4c, v. to have short hair, close cut hair. —q, 1c,lo, 1. a bulbous root; used also derogatively of a person, as wg 4, 3c,1c,1lo. — 86, 1c,4c, adv. formerly, apron, 1c,40. — EGSa6, 1c,40,1¢,40, adv. the same. — 6535, 1c,4c,5c, . a radish. — BAQHooEcwf, 1c,4c,5c,40,4c, 2. a turnip. —6SG5B5, 1¢,4c,5c,20, m. a radish. —BA§S8E, 1c,4c,5c,lo, m a beet or a reddish radish. —H&, 1c,2c, n. the top of a bank. — 82, 1c,lo, ». the beginning of the rains. —Bb5, 1c,20, ”. a kind of potato plant. —wor’, 1c,4c, ». tubers of the yam or of the sweet potato plant. —ort 09 &, 1c,4c,lo, ”. a yam. —}, 1c,2c, ”. the shoulder, also G50}. —8S8, 1c,2c, . the onion bulb. —8&, 1c,40, ». the upper part of a region; the north; early dawn. — Ed, 1c,40,1c, v. to be a clear dawn. — 895, 1c,4m, v. to have a disease of the head which appears in sores. —00}, lc,lc, ». the first born. 60, 1c,40, ”. the direction in which the wind comes; adv, against the wind. —G00], lc,5c, . the ornamental end of the pole of a cart. — Bf » Ic,lo, ”. a whitlow or felon. — Bf , 1c,lo, ”. the approach of a month. —§S, 1c,30, v. to be bald on the top of the head. —0}, 1c,2c, n. vide Go}. g 543 —G; 1c,2c, v. to have a gray head; m. a gray-head, an old man. —£Q5, 1c,40, 2. the breast. — 588, 1c,40,4m, v. to be sore in the breast. —Q, 1c,4c, n. the beginning, commencement; a leader. — BF , 1c,4c,4m, ”. severe, prolonged headache. — ch, 1c,lo, n. sedge root. G5, Qe; v. "Os 2c, to echo. g, 3c, v. "S1) 3c, to leak. gd, 4c,4c, adv. in a wide spread manner (b.). G5, Be, 1. *9, 5c, a boundary marked by some barrier, a fence, a hedge. Gi, 1c, v. *g, lc, to come in numbers in order to sieze’ upon anything, as fish for sale, to take eagerly. Gi, 4c, *gi, 4c, to put by the fire, cook by the flame of a fire, to singe. Gi, lo, v. et lo, to visit, pay a visit. Gi, 20, v. *g, 20, to cover, cover up or over, vide 23, Qc. — 2], 20,3¢, v. to cover the face, as with a veil. —0o§, 20,30, v- to cover and hide from sight, to cover completely.. Gi» 30, v- *g, 30, to shade, to cast a shadow; 7. the shade of any thing. Gi, 30, v- *4, 30, to accompany, be together; to be the same as. Gi, 80, conj. although. —oporfcdenf, 30,3c,1¢e,1¢,8c, conj. the same. Gi, 50, v- "gh 5o, to curve, be rounded into a small opening, as a chatty. Gi, 5o, v- *g; 50, to partly cook so as to preserve from spoiling. 644 Gi Gir 5o, v. “gy 5o, to agree together, make an agreement. GR» 1c, x. “O1) lc, the ear. —Ap, 1c,lo, . the hole in the ear of a basket. — 6, 1c,3c, 2. the pan that holds the priming of a musket or gun. ; —.6&, 1c,lc, v. to be confused in apprehending any- thing told, to listen stupidly, getting only a con- fused idea. — 6, 1c,30, v. to have a large, unsightly perforation in the ears. . — 09, 1c,30, ”. a jacket tye on a man’s jacket. —2¢4, 1c,4c, v. to be hard of hearing. — 2], lc,lc, v. to be thick-eared, 7. e. dull of hearing. —a 5, 1c,20, v. to be deaf, incapable of hearing. — v6, 1c,lo, v. to be thin-eared, 7. e. quick of hearing. —S, 4c, a chasm, common in limestone re- gions caused by the washing of the rain. GS, 5c, v. "oH, 5c, to meet, come together; adv. one following another, as chills. —a §, 5c,40, v. the same. GA, 20, n. “gv5, 20, a gum, the gums. —cg2", 20,3c, n. a disease of the gums. —gGrF, 20,3c, n. the same, RS, 30, ”. a cultivated enclosure, a garden,—used with 2924, 1o. GAGS, 40,40, adv. strongly, with determmation, G05, 4c. — 9 Ag 5, 40,40,40,40,adv. the same. Br, 549 &&, le, v. “9, 1c, to be long in time, whether past or future. —228, 1c,40, v. the same. GERE, 80,8, adv. pervadingly, as the fragrance of a flower, the blowing of the wind, op, 2c. — G6, 3c,3c,3c,3c, adv. the same. 8&, 4c, v. *96, 4c, to fail, as when there is little fruit compared with the thrifty growth of the plant. ERE, 4c,4c, adv. resoundingly, —cof, 4c. G&, lo, v. "Ge, lo, to hold off, as the rains when due. 8&, 30, v. "5G, 30, to bend over, incline, hang over; to be inclined, bent from the perpendicular. Bé, 4o, v. *9&, 40, to shine, emit light; to be distin- guished, resplendent. RE, 4o, v. *o 6, 40, to abound, have in abundance. G05, 4c, v. *905, 4c, to use loud, violent language, threaten in order to daunt or terrify. —O}, 4c,2c, v. the same, —§A4, 40,40, v. the same. GodG05, 4c,4c, adv. roughly, gratingly,—co}, 4c. ——G05g08, 4c,4c,4c,4c, adv. the same. G05, 20, v. *go5, 20, to cease, stop, as rain. G05, 80, ». “Go5, 30, a bed-bug. Rf , le, v. *gok , lc, to gather together and follow af- ter a female, as animals in rutting time, also 2c. Gat, 3c, v. *gof, 8c, to be clear of vegetation, open, level. Gof, 4c, *gaf, 4c, to be stifled, nearly overcome, as by a disagreeable or pungent odor, or excessive fragrance. Graf, 40, 2. *gef, 40, a house. — 9, 40,3c, ”. a gun stock. 550 ‘ gS —<86, 40,lo, ». an ouch or socket in which a stone is set. —coof, 40,4c, m a lock. —v6’, 40,4c, ». a lantern. —coS, 40,4c, ». a house. : —600), 40,5c,. 2. the body. of a cart. of, 50, n. the itch,—used with G05, 4c, as Saf FoS8F Gaé, 1m,4c,1m,5o. BS, 3c, v. to follow after, pursue, 8S, 3c. G5, 1c, v. part. a direct interrogative affix; how? as in E85, 2c,1c, cQd85, 5o,l1c. ESQS, 1c,2c, adv. used in expressions of surprise, wonder. 8, 3c, v. “oO, 3c, to pour into or upon, g", 30. —o, 3c,2c, v. the same. —g", 3c,30, v. the same. 8, 4c, adv. day after tomorrow, 8885, 30,4c. 85, 5c, n. the rains, rainy season, $88, 4c,5c. 85, 5c, v. part. a direct interrogative affix. 85, 20, 2. “Os 2c, sweat, perspiration. —6, 20,3c, v. to have the perspiration checked after beginning to flow. : —5, 2o0,le, v, the same. — B45, 20,20, v. to break out with perspiration. —82f, 20,1m, v. to cease perspiring. — MNS, 20,2¢,2c, v. the same. — 74, 20,2c, v. to perspire, sweat. 8, 20, adv. boisterously, — 96, 1c. GS, 30, v. “Gy, 3c, to shine, glitter. —0o05, 30,1lo, v. to shine dazzlingly. gé 551 — cE, 30,40, v. to shine, emit light. —cQ5, 30,5c, v. the same, —&E, 30,40, v. the same. —GESESS, 80,40,40,I1c, v. the same. 8&, 4o, n. “OL 4c, a boat. — Eon, 40,4c,4c, ”. an unfinished boat, 2. e. one not yet spread out by means of fire. —o8o}, 40,3c,3c. 1. a ferry boat. 8S, 4o, 7. “OD 4c, a stock or bunch of fruit or flowers. —A, 40,30, ». a bunch of plantains containing sev- eral combs. 8, 5o, v. *9, 5c, to be weary, fatigued with labor or exercise. —9’, 50,3c, v. the same. — maf » 50,30, v. to be exhausted in strength. — pF GP Son2f, 50,30,50,2c, v. the same. g, 2c, 7. “EA, 20, @ spear. —coAQ); 2c,3c,2c, 7. a fabulous flying spear. —q; 2c,3c, m. a spear adorned with long hair. gh, 3c, n. "BS, 30, a bell of wood with a wooden clapper. BS, 3c,4c, n. the same, —2, 3c,5c, ”. a hollow bamboo receiving motion from falling water and frightening birds by its noise. GASS, 4c,40, adv. sparsely, scantily, —75, 2c. GE, lc, v vide SEgE, lo,le. Gé, lc, ». to be dry, vide E, 30. gs; 2c, n. north, ont, 40,2c, 01g&, 3c,2¢, og é, 10,2c, (b.). gé, 3c, n. *SE, 30, a large brook, rivulet, river; a gully ; the interval between two posts of a house. 552 go gé, 3c, 2. *S&, 30, two rupees and a half, one fortieth of a viss. ‘ ge, 3c, v. "GE, 30, to hold up with the hands, to sustain by the hands. gé, 4c, v. “36, 40, to line a garment; x. the lining of a garment. —, 4c,4c, . the same as 2nd def. gé, Be, v. “SE, 5o, to call. — R888, 5c,lc,1lc, v. to cry aloud, shout,halloo. — 3 2; 5c,lc,lc, v. to cry aloud, shout, in a pro- longed manner. —}, 5c,2c, v. to call to go, to persuade. — 2, 5c,lc, v. to call back a fairy that has separated from a person. — 8, 5c,3c, v. to give a name, name, call. — cQSg E88, 5c,3c,5c,1lm, v. the same. ——01%, 5c,4c, v. to call to one’s presence. —0}7, 5c,2c, v. to reproach, revile, —0}, 5c,3c, v. to call to a person, to call by name.. oe 5c,3c, v. to lament, bewail, express grief. G05, 3c, x. "G05, 30, a plate of iron perforated with small holes; a machine used for twisting wire. G95, 3c, v. “BOS, 30, to arrive. — BE, 3c,1c, v. the same. — 85, 3c,lo, v. the same. —}1!, 3c,4c, v. the same. G.05, 3c, v. to strip off, ztde G05, 3c; to smooth out, as wrinkled garments. G08, 4c, v. “Bo5, 40, to shrink, draw back through fear ; to twitch by a short spasmodic contraction of a fibre or muscle, G.05, 4c. gq! 553 ge, le, n a a, lo, a comb or crest, like a cock’s comb. —a, le 20, ”. a cock’s comb. ——2N 18, 1¢,5c,4c, 2. a dragon’s crest. Gr, le, v. *G2€, lo, to howl, as a dog. Gr, 2c, v. "238 20, to be bald,— Qa 85, 10, 1c. gre, 2c, adv. ever,—with 03, 2c, never. Gr’, 8c, v. *Go€, 30, to shake round, as rice in a shal- low bottomed basket. gr, 4c, n. what is left, something over, vide Rf, 4c. 4c, v » af, 40, to cut and gather fuel, to gather fuel. Getgr, 4c,4c, adv. intensive, applied to cold,—s205, 4c. Gre, Be, v. “Sof , 5o, to be hot,-0", 3c. gs, 2c, v. *36, 20, to support on one or both arms, to take up or away; to carry on the hip. —or€5, 2c,20,2c, v. to carry a child on the hip. — 9, 2¢,3c, v. the same. gs 3c, v. *36, 30, to wind around and unite, to go around, encircle. gS vide & g! , le, n. *9", 1c, a univalular shellfish. — 86, 1c,3c, 2. a shell of such a shellfish without the animal. g' 3c, x. *g’, 3c, a cog, tooth or projection on a wheel for producing motion; a gore put into any garment. —n, 3c,50, ”. the cogs of a mill used for crushing, a8 sugar cane. g’ » BC, v. *9, 3c, to hang up, to suspend. —roS, 3c,4c, v. to be suspended and attached to some- thing else. — of, 3c,2c, v. the same. 0 554 . ¢ gq’ 4c, n. a line, mark, a trace left by something in passing ; an antecedent, cause, reason. — 88, 4c,2c, n.. the step or mark of a hoof. — 805, 4c,2c, n. a ruled line. —r06, 4c,30, n. the mark of the union of two things, a joining, a seam. — 85, 4c,4m, ”. a scar. —0o35, 4c,20, n. a mark from a blow inflicted by way of punishment. — Bef, 4c,1c, n. a foot step. —os”, 40,30, 2. hand-writing. —2, 4c,5c, m. a water mark. — 86, 4c,4c, . handy-work. — B82 > 4c,4m, ”%. a scar. —0o§, 4c,4c, ”. a spontaneous act or result, contrary to something else; conj. nevertheless. —oo, 4c,30, . the track of any thing drawn along the ground. — 8d, 4c,1m, mn. @& 8Car. oe Be, . *g", 5c, a value represented by eight rupees; a weight equal to ,, of a viss. gq’ 5c, v. part. a verbal assertive affix. g, le, v. *g°, 1o, to smell sweet, be fragrant, £0’, lo. — ae , 1c,le, v. the same, — 905, 1c,2c, v. to diffuse a pleasant odor. —o, 1c,3c, v. to diffuse, a very great perfume. —ccB, 1c,20, v. to be scattered, diffused as odor. — «92, 1¢,2c, . mint — $2, 1c,1m, . the odoriferous substance of a species of civet; musk, vide 0098, Be,4c. —RYP: 1c,40, v. to diffuse a pleasant odor. g° 555 — Hr, 1c,4c, v. to diffuse an overpowering odor 80 as to be offensive, as excessively fragrant flowera. Ge Ic, v. oe » lo, to gather, collect together, as money. Gyr 2c, v. g®, 20, to diminish in size, as a sore, to be- come smaller, as a sore healing. 2 * Gy 3c, n. g®, 30, the ruellia, gre, 4o. ° * g, 4c, v. “G®, 40, to join, unite, put together. —0}13, 4c,4c, v. to be by the side of, along side of, to be by. —96, 4c,4c, v. to join, unite, put together. Gy 4c, v. *g?, 40, to be enciente. g, 2c, v. *f, 2c, to be nearly dry, to be damp only. g; 3c, v. to cause, —always used in composition; v. part. denoting causality, in order to, that, so that; (N.8.) to give, vide orf, 1c. — 895, 3c,30, v. to rectify, correct. —od8, 3c,5c, v. to finish, cause to finish. te, 3c,3c, v. to cause to have ; conj. in order that. — 75, 3c,2c, v. to send forth or out. g® , le, v. *g, 1c, to pull from another, take by force, to plunder ; to sieze violently. —g&, 1c,20, v. the same. g®, 4c, n. *g, 4c, a border, side of any thing, edge, sel- vedge; presence, nearness; prep. around, about, near. — 8, 4c,2m, n. the outside of an angle or bend. —ro’d), 4c,40,4c, ”. the line of the eaves. —n905, 4c,4c, m. the very edge, border, furthest, ut- most edge. — GF , 4c,20, n. the edge of a forest, wood, wilderness, g”, 1o, ». "Gy lo, to kill, So’, 1¢,1o. & The nineteenth letter of the Shan Alphabet and the second Consonant of the class of aspirates. mo, 5c, — (P.) a privative prefiz, asin 25, 5e,5c,2c, demerit, from 295 merit. md, 5c, v. *2. 5c, to be dumb, speechless. mS, 4c, v. *B.5, 4c, to stammer, to stutter. MS. BO5H, 5c,3c,5c,3c, v. to make a confused noise in one’s sleep, vide 05H, 5c, 3c. MHS, 5c,3c, v. the same. £08, 20. — 26, 20,1lo, ». a bloodsucker or tree-lizard. — E828, 2c,10,1c, 2. the flying species, draco lineatus. — 6898, 20,10,1c,1m, ”. a species of tree lizard. af, 20,40, n. the scink, &, 20,3m, . the same. or§, 30, v. * BS, 3c, to caw or croak, as a raven or crow,—sometimes 5o. MNB, 5c,5c,5c, n. (s0003) infidelity, unfaithfulness. 8072, 5c,5c,5c,2c,4c, ”. the four infidelities, viz. that occasioned by selfish desire, that occasioned by ill will, that occasioned by ignorance, and that occa- sioned by fear. £20000, 5c,5c,5c,5c, n. (s0a39000) demerit, guilt. 20295, 5e,5c,2c, n. ee) the same. MRS, 5c,3c, 2 n. (soGc02 0) duties, custom. —qr, 5c,3c,2c, . (—O§) the head collector of du- ties, customs. | mogé, 5c,50, n. (s90q¢) a deed, co&q§, 4o,bo. ——5, 5c,50,30, v. to acquire the habit of. mEao4 557 LD, 5e,20, 2. ( 2069 ) thought, intention, design, 0064, 5c,20. — 82 , 5¢,20,1m, v. to accomplish one’s purpose. Mcqy, 5e,2c, n. (soGoq5)- lign aloes, oq, 5c,4e, 2. ( 04s) a consequence, result, effect ; a good result, advantage, profit. MAE, 5e,4c, n. ( socO30&s) an antecedent, cause, reason; what pertains to; vide agEoréogasg’, 3c,40,30,2c. Godoy, 5c,4c,4c,4c, 2. ( Go020)s ) the four prime causes, vide aQErEBSE, 3c,40,2c,lo. OnYOS, 5e,5c, n. ( s90g05) release, ea: Be,5c,4c, n. ( oosps) the law of deliv- erance, 2.¢€. Buddhistic annihilation, or Christian salvation. 88, 5c,2m, ”. a medicine or charm to excite love, 007.0088, 3c,5¢,2m. mq 5, 5c,30, 7. (20408) a subject matter, topic. mg2€qre, 5c,2c,2c, n. (292$0$) a collector of re- venue, appointed by the king. m6, 5c,50, 2. (203§) permission, privilege, opportunity. on, 1c, n. * BE, 1c, sediment, dregs. a, 1c, v. * BE, 1c, to be restless, make a confused noise in sleep, as agofan€, 4c,1c. mE, 2c,2c, n. (9087) a member, part of the body, a limb; a component part, essential property. 0, 2¢,2c,5c, v. to have a member or members de- stroyed, made useless. mEN}, 2c,2c, n. (241) the planet Mars; Tuesday,—al so 20,2¢c. mEos, 5c,20, n. the dirt and webs which collect in neglected houses; phlegm, co§, 5c,3c, 0085, 5c,8c. 558 é mooEegd a, 20, n. *o8E, 2c, a shallow vessel or dish, a basin, RAE, 4c,20. mE, 20 ,3c, v. part. denotes what pertains to a person, his own business or personal matter or intention, placed at the beginning of a sentence, as mE0718 G05 G.03F05, what pertains to you to do, you do not. €oo2€, 20,20, adv. in considerable quantity, neither much nor little. ooE8, 20,2c, adv. very large. £0, 30, v. to aim, intend, have the mind set on an object. m6, 4o, n. (@€s) * B&, 4c, a table divided into squares and columns for entering figures and accounts. mEncod, 40,5¢,2c, 2. (s05c00) plaster or composition of lime and sand for coating walls. MERE, 40,2c, n. a name for the district of Inlayua, Q5266, 40,1c. £2007]q,, 5¢,2c,5c, 2. (s009q) religious duty. mcB8EcoSuy, 5c,2c,2c,5¢, a.(s08¢50q) incomprehensible, Sox, 5c,2c,2c,5c,2c,4c, 2. the four incom- prehensibilities, 272. Qo, 5c,5c, coofn, 4c,5c, C0726, 2¢,5¢, Ho, 2c,5c. mcvséss, 5c,2c,5c, n. (x8 P.) a custom, habit. mc82, 5c,2m, n. (s005) a succession, continuity. mcgr, 5c,4c, 2. (209§3) ability to accomplish. ——m0, 5¢,4¢,5¢,5¢, n. ( %0) the same. 005, 5c,30, 2. (00005) life. ac, 5c,30,4c, v. to live, be alive. mooEe§, 5c,2c,2c, n. (8000C4) the number expressed by a unit and one hundred and forty ciphers, —also o0&eq, 2c,2c. mosoo 559 A999Q)], 5c,5¢,2c, 2. (900 ) @ coin. 058Eqp, 5e,2c,2c,5c, 2. (2008083) an indestructible relic of a Buddh. mBED 180, 5c,2c,2c,5c,5c, 7. (2200851 Gan P.) freedom from the instigation of another. m208ED000005, 5c,20, or 2¢,5c,5c,30, 2. (soo0Sa00005 P.) annihilation, nigban. 02083001 0.080886, 5c,2c,5c,2c,5c,5c,20,4¢, n. (mBB 209009) eighty chief disciples of Buddh under the two © 9010.0, 5c,2c,2c,5c,5c. mag&, 5c,4c, n. (90092) use, usefulness. — 009, 5c,4c,5c,2c, n. (—socs00&) the same. £2296, 5c,5c,5c, n. (309990) @ corpse. ; —Heoor, 5c,5c,5c,2c,5c,40, v. to repeat Buddhist for- mulas at a funeral, as a priest. 03965, 5e,2c,5¢,2c, 2. (s0032q.02085) a kind of being inferior to man and inhabiting one of the four states of suffcring MDOREP, 5e,2c,2c, n. (soogep) a fallen nat, exiled from the nat countries and inhabiting the space between the three stone pillars that support the Myenmo mountain. mog&, 5e,2c, n. vide mag Emo, 5c,4¢,5¢,2c. moo", 5c,2m, n. (2098) velocity, power, imposing ap- pearance. £00500, 5c,5c, n. (g0000 P.) a horse. cost, 5c,5c,2c,2c, n. ( fabulous horse. ——a~5q, Be,5c,2c,5e, n. ( lous horse. : a8, Bc,5c,5c,5¢, n. ( q8) a kind of centaur having the body of a man and the head of a horse. @0395) a kind of oq) a kind of fabu- 560 £20076)59 £005, 20, v. “B05, 2c, to be vain, boastful, to boast, 0, 2c. £205,605, 30,30, adv. in a bent up, coiled up manner,— ogee’, de. 0050005, 30,30, adv. creakingly. ; ——— 0505, 30,30,3c,3c, adv. the same. £00005, 5c,30, . (390005) science, skill. OBS, 5e,3c, n. (320305 P.) the past. MBACS, 5c,3c,20, 2. infreg. vide MAS, 5c,3c,20. mBEre1007261, 5c, 2c,5c,2c,2c, 2. (308 3cl9 P.) stealing theft, robbery, oné.n02€ os GodQr2e , 40,1¢,5¢,30,30- sBro}09, 5c,5c,2c,5c, a. (sod3@000 P.) superior,—ap- plied to a son who excels his father. moBooj26, 5c,5m,lo,5c, m. one of the ten cardinal vir- tues. £0095, 5c,4c. n. (90032) interest on money. Fastosiol nop 5c,40,5c, int. expressing pain from some acci- dent. £0025, 5c,80, 1%. (200305) account, concern, matter. mopEqrt , 5c,40,2c, 2. (390280$) the private minister of a prince. £000.90, 5e,5c,2c,2c, 2. (s9G0D009 P.) a commentary on the original Pali text composed by Rahandahs. mooc8o0, 5c,5c,2c,5¢, . (3090800 P.) the eight daties to be performed by all persons on worship day. £2008, 5c,5c,5c, a. (Ge P.) the eighth. 080, 5c,2c,5c, n. (990g P.) violent injury, force. 2205, 5c,20, 2. (9005) the presence of a superior. £200]9,99, 5e,2c,5¢,5¢, 2. (3092990) the eighteen arts and sciences, mrt 56L £566, 5c,3c, orm,20, 1. (3089908) meaning, explana- tion, comment. M08.N, 5e,5e,5e, 2. (2800 P.) a chief among many. —— 4, 5c,5c,5c, 5c, 2. ( q) chief, principal among many. Meo, 5c,5c,5c,5e, 2. (2808 P.) a person of the high- est rank, excellence, authority. £009 §0058, 5¢,5c,3c,5c, 2. (moqgs8 P.) circumstances, events, adventures. mo, 1c, pr. which, that which; a substantive particle. —o8, 1c,4c, n. cold. —w, 1c,2c, n. the old, what is old. —Br& Bo5, 1c,1c,4c, n. leavings after eating, fragments. — S.orfBS, 1¢,3c,10,20, %. filthiness, dirt. — 805, 1c,4c, . a remainder, residue, balance. , — BoA mor gpf , 1c,4c,1c,20, n. the same. — Hare? cee 1c,5c,le,le, . what is of service, whether animal or material. —o&n02¢'05, 1c,3c,1c,lo, #. a question. —202€, 1c,5c, a. that. a6", 1c,5c, a. this. — 2, 1c,3c, ”. a unit, one thing, cot. [+ — 0, 1c,2c, . a blast. a —voS.onf op, 1c,80,1¢,4c, . a mark, badge, sign. — 85, 1c,30, . what is true,a certainty, verity. — BS.anF vw, 1c,4c,1c,40, . utensils, articles of use. —vg'onr'os%, 1¢,3c,1¢,40, 2. a remnant, piece, bit. —§, 1c,2c, n. the girth, circumference of a globular or cylindrical body. — Gof, 1c,2c,1¢,30, ”. superficial extent; size in cluding bulk and height. 49 562 ont — Sook q2€, 1c,2c,1c,40, n. the same. —c3&, 1c,40, n. light. —c85, Ic,Im, 7. one thing, one and the same thing. — B8.n¢, Ic,lm,lc, adv. one and same thing. — 8, 1c,lo, ”. excess, odds, remnants. - —0o§, lc,lc, pr. which ? —qPpon'gE, 1c,20,1c,3c, . dirt, filth. —gG, 1c,20, n. a cover, as of a vessel. —cfomn€n&, 1c,50,1¢,3c, m. a hindrance, obstacle; a barrier, screen, partition. — gj) 1c,1c, ».a number or quantity placed together. on2f0rq06, 2c,5¢,5¢,30, 2. (99.5.4025) an intermediate period of time during which the length of human life gradually increases from ten years to a number of years designated by a unit and one hundred and forty ciphers and returns again to the length of ten years. Sixty four of these periods make one of the four cardinal periods into which a eg 708 or grand cycle of nature is divided. mot onc, 2c,5c,20, 2. (s2g.0p08) a calamity, evil. mr, 3c, v. *Bee, 3c, to hinder, or close up by making some barrier. arf, lo, v. "Bef, 1c, to have the nose clogged with mucous in consequence of a cold, 005, 4o. mre, 10,5c, ”. a saddle, vide Qe, 4c, 5c. mort, 20, v. * BaF, 2c, to count, enumerate. —BA85, 20,3c,40, v. to count by odd and even num- bers alternately, as two and one, two and one. —2e » 20,40, v. to take a census. — 028.926, 20,10,40, v. the same, mre’, 20, v. (9) “Bak, 2c, to read aloud, as a scholar. £0267.078 563 —B5, 20,3c, v. the same. mr, 40, v. * Be, 4o, to pay, change, to pay the bal- ance of money after a purchase. 26H, 5c,80, 2. (20308) an explanation, translation, in- terpretation. 9260509, 5c,5c,5c, 2. (2393 P.) unsubstantiality. 26209, 5e,2c,5c, 2 (2>5, P.) infinite, boundless, cove 5c,2c,5c,2c,4c, ”. the four infinities, wetz, mrt oontg, 5e,2c,5c,l0,1l0, wo22fooc0§ MOO], 5c,2c,5c,5¢,5c,5c,2c, 12636'000005000}, 5c,2c,5c,5c,5c,2c, mnrerfonpegys 5c,2c,5c,20,4c. ——_——_{0o5, 5c,2c,5c,5c,5c,20. 2. ( 80005) a deed which consigns the perpetrator to hell as soon as he dies, without admitting of an intermediate state. Boog 08, 5c,2c,5c,5c,5¢,20,2c,40, 2. vide Socorsae™ o§oo5, 2m,5c,2c,5c,5c,5c,20. £0261005, 5c,2c,3c, 7. (30329005) the future, futurity. B, 5c,2c,3c,5c, 2. ( B) the same. mre, NoSdooqpat", 5c,2c,5c,20,5c,20, 2. (29390050090085) prescience. 0267.78, 5e,2c,2c,5c, x. (3092018) the third state at- tained by an areeyah. 05, 5c,2c,2c,5c,30, 2. (—-—) the duties of this state. Ana, 5c,2c,2c,5¢,30,5¢,20, n ( 09g25) one who has performed the said duties. weoooor’, 5c,2c,2c,5¢,5c,5¢,20, . ( oO c0g2$) one who has attained the said rewards. 0, Bc,2c,2c,5c,2c, 2. ( G05) the re- wards of the said state. 564 . MD0QC69 F007 £02€1900, 5c,2c,5c,5c, (3092000) exemption from pas- sion. mBSco, 5e,5c,5c, 2. (3g P.) impermanence, transitor- imess. M028, 5c, 5c, n. (203) a medicine or charm to excite love, 001.0098, 3c,5c,2m. LODHI, 5c,5¢,5c,5c, 2. (3030000) a condition to all transmigrating beings of which there are seven, tz, 91900121 2€90009, 2c,5c,2c,2c,5c,5c,5c, O00] 93¢ 2000, 5c,5¢,2c,5c,5e,5c,5c, 003.0; ;009, 5c,5c,5c, : 5c,5c,5c, 126] 2F2000, 2c,2c,5c,5c,5c, S007 2800 OO, 5c,2c,5c,5c,5c, 8c8.8.b2072¢0000, 5c,5c,5c,2c, 5c,5c,5c, 208 Seo 2¢0000, 5c,5c,2c,5c,5c,5c. MORCeT 00267, 5c,5c,4c,5c,2c, 2. (203602930) rejoicing, approval. mcrxfBSo0}, 5c,4c,5c,2c, a. (s0¢p28000) without spe- cial reference, universal. oo, 4c, v. *86, 4c, to shut up close. s080¢65809, 5c,5c,2c,5e, a. (soycoug) incomparable. 0S, 20, v. * 8S, 2c, to wash, bathe, as the body with water. —2, 20,5c, v. the same. —2600109}, 20,5c,3c,le, v. to bathe in medicinal water. — $F , 20,1lo, v. to hold a festival, when achild is wash- ed in a concoction of the oAgae » 20,1c¢, tree. £085, 30, v. (20S) *85, 3c, to commit, deliver, hand over. —vor, 30,le, v. the same. —o’ 30,5¢, v. the same. (00ST 00}, 5e,5c,5e,4c,2c, n. (59046010098) the great Bode] 565 island west of mount Myenmo, sometimes called Gn{oo}, 4c,2c, only; also called 2Q006, 4c,20. mg Eqp, 5c,2c,5c, 2. (s0Q909) demerit, guilt. mcSBHF, 5c,20,2c,2c,: n. (00105) the four states of punishment. of§oS, 5c,30, (pron, apyet) 2. (20(g8) an evil consequence, an evil deed, sin, guilt. c1q’, 5c,30,4c,40, n. ( of hell. 095, 5c,30,40, m. sins of the lips, breaking of - @ promise. £98500}, 5c,5c,2c, 2. (soo8gyp P.) .covetousness, on§ 2001 0.5007895, 40,1c,2c,30,2c,40. MBB » 5c, 5c,2c, 2. (s0089098) extraordinary wis- dom of which there are six kinds, viz.; BA08H2, 5c,5c,50,5¢c, the faculty of seeing like a nat, BSo Goofon, 5c,5c,4c,5c, the faculty of hearing like a nat, BABB, 5e,5e,5c,5c, creative power, ecScoft o§001, 1c,4c,5c,5¢,2c, or 098 $0000] 2696], 5c,5e, 5c,5¢,2c,5c,2c, knowledge of others’thoughts, 027190 859009, 2c,5c,50,5c,5c, freedom from passion, qd 6SsR0 10072800153, 5c,2c,5c,2c,2c,5c,2c,5c, knowl- edge of one’s own past existences. mr Boor, 5c,5c,20, 2. (soBoo$ P.) a vocabulary, dic- tionary. £08060}, 5c,5c,2c,2c, 2. (Bog) one grand division of the Buddhist scriptures comprising seven books, viz, COORBED2, 2¢,5c,20,5¢,2c, 866, 5c,4e, 00702909}; 2c,5c,5c,2c, gsn08$, 5c,5c,6c,4c, Bo, 2100190503, 2¢,2c,30,50, 0035, 5e,8c, Ocor, Be, 40. cQ:) the punishment 566 ° £9QG-0500 mS, vide od. m00E.001, 5c,2c,5c,2c, 2. (s208002) what is unpropi- tious, unhappy, evil. £2005, 5e,30, 2. (30005) a person of rank, a nobleman, minister. : m6, 5e,5c, 2. (3288) an order. —=(95, 5c,5c,3c, 2. a divine or royal order. Goof, 5c,5c,2c, n. the same. £0Q, 5c,5c, 2. (209) business, an affair; a process at law. MAP, 5c,20, 2. (s0¢g) an inheritance. £09, 5c,4c, n. (30g) a government service or duty of any- kind, as paying taxes. LQ, 5e,3c, 2. (soe(go05) @ cannon, co(god, 5c,30, 1%. (pron. amyit) (a0(§05) gain, profit. IO}, 5e,2c, 2. (8003) opinion, sentiment. 86, 5c,2c,30, v. to be heretical, heterodox. 010, 5c,2c,2c,5c, %. an opinion. mo73, 5c,2c,5c, v. to be stately, dignified,—from OQ, 2c, to dwell. mo, 5c,40, n. (30 &:) foundation, origen, also m00&, 5c, 40. m9, 5c,40, n.. (309 &:) stock in trade, capital, also an00&, 5c,40. ; 24,90], 5e,5c,2c, m. (909900 P.) flavor, taste, onqS, 5c,30, ». (9096) height, stature; place, location. —cor{, 5c,30,2c, . the stature of a god. LNQGOSOO, 5e,5c,4c,5c, 0. (soqongp P.) the fourth and last state attained by an areeyah. od, 5c,5c,4c,5c,30, n. ( 05) the duties of this state. £009 567 W502", 5e,5c,4c,5c,30,5¢,20, 2. ( 09g2$) one who has performed the duties of this state. eoocor", 5c,5c,4c,5c,5c,5¢,20, 2. ( 00G9$) one who has obtained the rewards of this state. Q5, 5c,5c,4c,5¢,2c, 2. ( S05) the rewards of this state. AQ], 5c,2c, n. (z¢p) a thing, matter; office, rank. m§Eop, 5c,2c,5c, 2. (209,00 P.) a forest. m&8coSuq,, 5c,5c,5c,2c,5c, m. Areemataya the next and last Buddh of this cycle. £0§o0}, 5c,5c,2c, n. (22009) an areeyah, one who has entered on the four paths; one who has become in- dependent of the common laws of transmigratory existence and will attain annihilation at the close of the present life. They are distinguished into four orders, each divided into two classes, making eight kinds,—C20T.021 005, 4c,2c,3c,5c, 0052001078, 3c,5c;2c,2c,5c, 20261018, 5c,2c,2c,5e, 2qG0500, 5c,5c,4c,5c. mqow8QF, 5c,2c,5c,2c,2c, . the four immaterial su- perior heavens. ong 6, 5c,2c, n. (soeqp6) color, appearance, brightness. —— $f , 5c,2c,3c, v. to shine, as something polished. ———05, 5c,2c,lc, v. to shine dazzlingly. 35, 5c,2c,3c, v. to strike, impinge, as rays of light on a thing. RS, 5c,2c,2c, v- to shine. ng’, 5c,2c, 2. (30g 05) the age of maturity; age. mm0o&, 5c,40, . vide co &, Bc,40. | 20095, 5c,2c, ”. (208) desire, will; need, want. 2009, 5c,4c, int. an expression of surprise. —— 9, 5c,4c,4c, int. the same. 568 ° od noe05, 5c,5c, 2. (0609) habit, a way acquired. mg, 5c,4c, 2. (socoo2 Es) one who is progressing towards a divine state; an incipient deity. aay’, 5c,5c, adv. with unnecessary fuss over a small matter. 05, Ic, v. *85, Ic, to take. —Q], 1c,2c, v. to carry. —.}, 1c,40, ». to take an opinion, appeal to -the decision of another. —»6, 1c,30, v. vide oo5.ances. —882€805, 1¢,3c,lc,30, v. to clear out dirt, filth. — 22, 1c,2c, v. to collect revenue. — oof got , 1c,4c,1c, v. to take or get a present, as an official for a partizan judgment. —cog 6, 1c,5c,40, v. to take an account. —, Ic,lc, v. to gasp, as at the point of death. —ooe§, 1c,5c,2c, v. to be careful of reputation. —on’, 1c,lo, v.: to kill. —ol orf , 1c,lo,40, v. to murder. —BEq, 1c,2m,40, v. to administer an oath on a reli- gious book. — Hor, 1c,3c,20, v. to take nigban, be annihilated. —€, 1c,3c, v. to borrow money. —9, 1c,1c, v. to take a husband. — 9824", 1c,1c,5c, v. to commit adultery. — Gan , 1c,1c,2c, v. the same, — 6, 1c,3c, v. to gather honey. —B2f, 1c,4c, v. to gather fuel. — foFmrb6", 1c,4c,1c,4c, v. to gather the materials for a fire. —}, 1c,4c, v. to fetch, to bring. MEQ] Bo 569 —-¢S, 1c,4c, v. to take a wife. =e 1c,30,5c, v. to take booty. —8.5e 0, 1c,4m,3c,5c, v. to burn by applying a hot iron, to cauterize. 2.7 ye’, Ic,40,3c, v. to extract the heat of the body by some process. —ae, 1c,20, v. to pretend to refinement, to put on vain airs. SE, 1c,40, v. to put forth strength, to take fresh strength. —mcd, 1c,5c,4c, v. to regard, take notice of one side, to be one-sided, partial in judgment, to be inclined to one party, 506. — 5, 1c,2c, v. to bring to light, produce openly. m0, 2c, v. * 86, 2c, to melt, ‘as ore or metal. —0§5, 2c,30, v. to melt, fuse. | rh, 1o, m a younger brother of one’s father, an uncle younger than one’s father. —o0, 1o,20, n. the same. 208.5c01 24,9000, 5c,5c,2c,5c,5c,5c, 2. vide SDakD000, 5e,5c,5¢,5c. mBEqpy2cn, Be,2c,2c,5c, 5c, n. ( 803000 P.) an inanimate substance. m88c}q/, 5c,2c,5c,4c,40, 2. ( 288 ) the lowest hell. maPay, 5e,20,2c, n. (~2c0¢p) freedom from enemies. mPs, 5c,3c, a. (s0305) born out of a privileged state, t. €. as irrational creatures and those in _ a state of suffering. n9Qn, Be,5c,5c,5c, n. (soBQar) want of modesty, shamelessness. meg{ Bo, Bc,4c,5¢,5c, n. (960200809) a profitless deed. VJ 570 “ Fas) QD, 1c, v. *o, 1c, to keep back, conceal what ought to be revealed. —<8&, 1c,lm, v. to refrain from speaking, keep silent. — J, 1c,20, v. the same as 2D. —86, 1c,40, v. the same, - £3, 1c, v. *od*, 1c, to charm, fascinate, as a serpent ; to lay charms upon a person, as thieves pretend to do, so that he is passive to their will. O23, 2c, v. part. a negative prefix. — 26.030, 2c,2c,2c,lo, adv. somewhere between two extremities. —O, 2c,5c, v. to be well, in good health. —rom00’, 2c,5c,2c,lo, v. to be pretty well. —o008¢059.5, 2c,20,1¢,3c, adv. perpetually, forever. — 09 nef, 2c,2c,lc, v to be contrary, opposite, ad- verse, uncongenial, unfriendly. —r21Sma02€ » 2c,5c,2c,40, v. to regard as of slight importance, to treat with indifference. —2¢1095, 2c,2c,2c, v. (03208) to have ill will. —cB2f, 2c,3m, adv. abundantly, without stint. —§, 2c,3c, adv. without intermission, repeatedly. — §8.05008, 9c,3c,2c,4c, adv. the same. —G.n}8.01°9, 2c,5c,3c, 1c,3c,lc, v. to know nothing . well, to be stupid. —geAicq, 2c,5c,4c,4c, v. to be unthankful. — REx! or NPs 2c,1c,40, adv. by and by, soon, not long. —Kicofasee, 2c,2c,3c,2c,3m, v. to be without meaning, useless. £309), 5c,5c,2c, ”. a kind of fruit which when eaten gives youth, rejuvenates. £9, 40, v. (93) * ao", 4c, to wonder, be amazed. 0126260971071 095 571 —coof, 40,4c, v. to wonder. —o9€, 40,3c, v. the same. 2], 1c, n. the younger brother or sister of one’s father. vide 6$.0, 80,1c, Cof00}, 3c,1c. — 29, 1c,lo, ». the husband of a father’s younger sis- ter. O21, 2c, v. to be disgusting, detestible,—used with g&, 3c. m1nH#R, 2c,2c,5e, 2. (s0293,) a stranger, sojourner, pilgrim, 845, 20. 91} 2c,2c, v. to be quarrelsone, disposed to quarrel,— nr" £271; 4c,2c,2c, a rude, disrespectful, quarrel- some person. © 01100, 2¢,2c,5c, n. (909900 P.) space, expanse of heaven. 129, 00800, 2c,5c,5c,5c, 2. (200800 P.) a religious teach- "er. | LD]CO]M, 2c,2c,5e, x. (22029 P.) a deed. 010060 fF, 2c,5c,4c, n. (8922960) P.) an evil enslaving principle or law, of which there are four, viz, 019] o0cof, 9c,2c,5c,4c, sensual pleasure, 60190G07, Be,2c,5¢,4c, existence, S3S00]9060f, 5c,2c,5c,de, heresy, 228.5c010060f, 5c,5c,2c,5c,4c, ignorance. MOO# WH, 2¢,2c,5e,2c, n. (20200303) a deed per formed in the near approach of death. 191991; 2c,2c, n. (20000 P.) desire, longing, passion. 129100q,, 2c,5¢,5c, 2. (2099 P.) respect, orEanF'q5es8, 40,1c,2c,2c. mnyrerfooyoyg&, 2c,2c,2c,1c,lo, ”. (202939) a fabulous fish of monstrous size. 572 « 204908 § £2126], 2c,2c, n. (8920029 ) authority, governmental dominion. £91 80800, 2c,5c,2c,5c, n. (22080500) PAN BOISE, profit, good result, reward. £01 KBE, 2c,5c,2c, n. (2208008) the same, O12], 2c,5c,2c, . (90036005) energy, power. £21005, 2c,30, n. (209005) fault, crime, sin (priestly). M9160, 2c,2c, %. (2G0)) water, 26, 5c. M109, 2c,5c,20, v. (89905) to assent, agree to, engage; 2, & substitute. 2078.4500, 2c,3c,or5c,5c, 2. ( 098000 ) permission, commission. 291000026, 2c,5c,5c,5c, n. (99000009) 1. a place, abode Boz, 3c,2c, an abode of the mind Boz8Bo5, 3c,2c,5c,20, denoting the six senses, 212, e859} 00050026, 5o,2c,5c,5c,5¢, seeing, GooTO2 100050026, 4c,2c,5c,5c,5c, hearing, D726] 00050026, 2c,2c,5¢, Be,5c, smelling, C80 100080026, 2c,2c,5e,5¢,5c, pa £109100050026, 2c,2c,5c,5c,5c, feeling, 0005006, 5¢,2c,5c,5c,5¢c, thinking; 2. an object with which the mind is conversant, or denoting the object of the six senses, 272, qoyooosonr6, 2c,2c,5¢, 5e,be, appearance seen, 900500100050026, 3c, 2c, 5c,5c,5c, sound heard, net c0 0008 ona6, 4c 12¢,5e, 5e,5c, odor smelt, 92010005002, 5c, 2c,5e,5¢,5c, flavor tasted, Q080250] vocBavae, 3c,8c,2c,5c,5c, 5c, tangibility felt, adevoocor., 2c,£c,5c,5c,5c, immaterial objects thought on. 109, 20,5, n. (5003 P.) life. 05, 2¢,5c,30, 2. (—m6, ) the period of one’s life, 71906, 2c,5c,4c, v. to be of immense height or depth. BIB 573 OLYD 2¢,5c,2c, v. the same. —— 21906, 2c,5¢,2c,2c,5c,4c, v. the same. 198, 2c,2c, n. (s09q005) dawning light, morning dawn. 196, 2c,2c, n. (9999) an object of actual sense or thought material or immaterial. So, 2c,2c,1¢,4c, v. to retain the idea, have a strong or lasting impression. ID1OOG, 2c,5c,5c, n. (so0o0D P.) desire, passion. 910, 2c,5c, m. Ava. £91010, 2c,2c,5c, n. (s000190 P.) aresting place, abode. L1G 14, 2¢,2¢,5ce, x. (090309) nourishment, food. £1, 3c, v. SB, 3c, to open, as the mouth, to gape, to crack open. —}, 8c,lc, adv. spreadingly, stridingly, sprawlingly. —9 736, 3c,1c,3c, v. to bestride. — 296, 3c,40, v. to open the lips; also a term applied by the Shans to a class of words uttered with the mouth wide opened,—opposite of 036298, 2c,40. —295.00105, 3c,40,3¢,20, v. the same. " —BS, 3c,20, v. to crack open. | 207.95, 4c,4c, v. (sooo) to trust in, rely on. SO]H], 4¢,2c, v (soD:32) to be deterred by feelings of respect or fear of offending. £2100}, 4c,4c, v. (3024) to be gratified, take satisfaction. IBS, 2c, prep. with, together with; conj. and. —on&, 2c,4c, prep. the same. —09O, 2¢,30, prep, the same. Soo, 5m,5c, n. (—2009 P) envy, jealously, ill will. BHooq,. 5m,5c,5¢, m. (20054) dominion, supremacy.. BHa08oo, 5m,5c,5¢,5¢, 2. (s2002§00) the same, BAS, 5m,5c, x. (08) a holy man, an anchorite. 574 z BED 8502798, 5m,2c,2c, 2. (e914) a desirable object. BS8610, 5in, 5c, 2c, 5c, 2. (2980000) the female pri- vate parts. IBS, 20, n. *BS, Qc, a yoke or collar for one animal. — m6, 20,1lo, n. .that part of the collar above the ani- mal’s neck. —R, 20,3c, ”. that part of the collar beneath the ani- mal’s neck. BS, 4o, v. * 25, 4c, to be dwarfish, stunted, as men. — BS, 40,40, adv. short, stunted. BS.00020N, 50,5c,2c,5c,5c, 2. (s0Q009000 P.) an ex- cellent disciple. 360}, 50,5c,2c,5c,5c,1¢,4c, 2. the two chief disciples of Buddh, viz 2014q5(Q}, 2c,5c,3c,2c, the right hand chief disciple and AN. , 3c,5c,20, the left hand chief disciple. BSB, 50,50, n. (909 P.) fire, BSBa, 5o,5¢,5c, 2. (28q08 P.) alchemy. BSIQ); 50,5¢,2c, ”. (soogep) a character, letter of the alphabet, 095c8.4, 1c,3c. BE, le, v. *o6é, 1c, to lean upon, recline upon, to trust, adhere to, take refuge in. —06, 1¢,4c, v. to trust in, take refuge in, —85, 1c,50, v- to rest on the elbow, to recline on the elbow. —c, Ic,4c, v. to trust in, take refuge in. —86&, 1c,3c, v. the same, BENS, 2c,5c,3c, a. English, sometimes 20,5¢,3c. BEooe, 2c,2c, v. to be an earthquake; an earth- quake. SB05 575 BEorakooy, 2c,5c,2c,2c, 2. (s238000) a kind of blue pre- cious stone. BEooc§, 2c,5¢c,2c, 2. (ec) the faculties of sensation and feeling, of which there are twenty two, including the six senses; sense, good sense, freedom from pas- sion, composedness, dignity. BES, 2c,le, 2. infreg, vide gc8, 2c,1c. KE, 3c, v. (N. 8.) to roll over and over, BE, 3c. ERE, 1m,1m, adv. with a very smooth surface, —865, 30. ——— QERE, 1m,1m,lc,1c, adv. the same. SBE, 4m, v. to be brand new, —used only with 8, 2c, and addressed to children. IRE, Qo, n. * RE, 2c, a glazed pot. — ERE, 20,40,1lc, . a pot made at Meding Keung, where the glazing is of a superior quality. RECS, 20,lo, ”. a scarab beetle, 908, 2c,1c. SRE, 30, 2. (N. S.) the loins, waist, small of the back, B35, lo. RECE, 30,40, adv. on the back with the head thrown up, —os, 20. BPBOS; lo,lo, adv. in a stretched out position, — 4 , 4c. ep, 20, v. * Bok, 2c, to sail around, as a bird without striking the wings. oop, Q0, v. *2&, 2c, to run, to flee. KO, 30, »» *ceaf, 3c, to be dwarfish, very short in stature. SRO5, 2c, v- *o005, 2c, to crush down with a grinding motion, to grind. — $05, 20,3c, v. the same, B76 ° Lr 5805, 4c, adv. *0R05, 4c, small in quantity, sometimes Be. — 26, 4c,3c, adv. a little, a small quantity, (N. 8.) BABE, 40,8c. | — Bod cnoSano8, 4c,4c,4c 4c, adv. small and abundant. —.o5, 4c,30, adv. small. —apot , 4c,2c, adv. a little. S8SBOS, 2m,2m, v. to loathe in the stomach, be sick in the stomach. £RO5, 4m, a one, —used only in composition as BSS, 4c,4m. B05, 4m, v. (pron, ate) to pity,—used only in composition. —cq, 4m,lc, v. to pity, feel tenderly towards, sometimes cxboq, 4c,Ic. Bo5905B.2 00050026, 4m be, 5e,2c, Be,5c, 5e, 2. (sq g8 2000009) one of the six senses. SHE, 1m, n. *oo2&, 10, a muscle, sinew, tendon ; a scar, seam. —8E, 1m,3m, v. to have a muscle permanently con- tracted. — 05, 1m,2c, v. to be cramped or contracted into a knot. —oo02€, 1m,30, v. to have a pricking sensation of the nerve from a blow ; 7. a nerve. - —oo&, 1m,20, v. to have a muscle displaced across an- other: — 0, 1m,5o, v. to twitch nervously. — 0305, 1m,5c, ». to twitch involuntarily. — og&&, 1m,2c,3c, . the cord or tendon back of the ankle. — op, 1m,bc, ”. the abdominal muscle. opE8E, 1m,5e,3m, v. to have the abdominal muscles tense, rigid, so as to be hard to the touch. © BS 577 —2§6, 1m,8c, n. vide BakogSag&. — 86, 1m,30, v. to have a muscle dislocated. ——Q, 1m,5c, v. to have a muscle lose power of action. —905, 1m,8c, v. the same, — 88, 1m,30, ”. a blood vessel, vein or artery. —_— G5, 1m,4c, v. to have a muscle shrunken or contracte ed. Bf , 3m, v.(N.S8.) to play, togamble, tnfreg, vide Sef, 3m. Barf, 4m, v. “coor, 40, to make motion preparatory to butting, as oxen or buffaloes, —sometimes 5m. BS, 20, n. *) the custard apple tree. REE 587 caf, Be, v. part. an assertive particle; int. politely expres- sive of satisfaction, assent. Cato, 4c,5c, 2. (Jv P.) a stream or current. CO, 4c,5c,2c,3c, ». four streams or currents which carry away creatures, viz, 0]¢0[9, 1c,4¢,5e, OGOfd, 5e,4c,5e, BScoofo, 5c,4c,5¢, mBASccof 9, 5c,5c,4c,5c. GMDT.N190, 4c,2c,5c, 2. ((e3a0000) asking leave, permis- sion. ° cma Boo, 4c,5c,5c, a. (698200) having special reference. GMTO1O9, 4¢,2c,5c, 2. (org) instruction. BS, 4c, 2. *2s, 4c, the chest of an animal. BASABS 0 , 4c,4c,4c,1c, v. to be exceedingly ugly in looks,—used of a married couple, vide BERERED 26, 2c,2c,2c,1c. BABS, 5c,5c, adv. exceedingly numerous, Baf » 4¢5 with a confused noise,—Ce{, 4c. MAS, 5e,5c,5c,5e, adv. the same. BS, 20, v. * a5, 20, to roll from side to.side, as a pony. BE, le, 2. *o6, 1c, a large wicker basket, four cor- nered at the bottom and round at the top. — 0}, 1c,2c, 2. the same. DBE8E, Ic,lc, adv. greatly swollen, —4, 3c. RE, 2c, . a large kind of frog, also 4c. —-mo€, 2c,20, n. a bull frog. REBERED°, 2c,2c,2c,1c, v. to be exceedingly ugly in looks,—used of a married couple. SBERE, 3c,3c, adv. somewhat dark, obscure, sometimes Be,be, —O0008E, 4c,2c. BEBE, 3c,3c, adv. the same. 588° . Hot BEBE, bc,5c, and 3c,3c, adv. rumblingly, like distant thunder, BHoEBEBE, 5c,1c,5c,5c. ERG, lo, v. to be without any tattooing or any ornaments on the legs,—used withe 97, 1c, disrespectful. OBE, 20, 2. (a3) *oo&, 20, a pond or lake. —J5.9’, 20,10,40, 2. a mud hole frequented by buffaloes. SBE, 20, 2. *o, 20, the component parts of a territory or jurisdiction taken collectively ; a province. HEM6, 20,lo, adv. unsteadily, totteringly, reelingly. ERE, 30, 7. *m6, 30, an orchid. —, 30,4c, ». a kind of orchid. SBE, 4o, v. *o6&, 40, to collect and be stagnant, as rain water under a house. 805, Qc, v. *on05, 2c, to make a prolonged sound, as a crying child, or a resounding gong. 50305, 2c,2c, adv. intensive, —used with 9, 2c, as HBO50B0S, to be very dark colored. B05, 4c, v. * 05, 4c, to shut up, to close, stop up. RobG0S, 20,20, v. to be troubled by food in the stomach after having eaten heartily. Br, le, v. *ok, lc, to swallow. Rofo , lc,lc, v. to attempt to do what one is incap- able of doing, in order to please or secure the praise of others. of » 2c, pr. other, another. Hef , 4c, v. *poe&, 4c, to produce a melodious sound, - to utter sweet persuasive strains; to persuade, pacify. — on Sagré, 4c,3c,2c, v. to sing a lullaby; ». a cradle song. —_An® Ae Ae 1 the same RS " §89 of, lo, v. “cor, lo, to be not clever, to be silly, without'a sound mind. ‘ BrFhot, 1o,lo, adv. continually.lying down from laziness, — 2526 » 4c. BE, 4c, v. *mS, 4c, to want food or drink; to be hungry, to be thirsty; to famish. —56, 4c,3c, v. to want food, famish. —2&, 4c,40, v. to be deprived of a mother’s milk. os, 4c,20, v. to be destitute of food, famished. BE, 20, 7. *oo6, 20, a large basket with a cover. —qr, 20,40, 2. a circular basket with a cover. —0o08, 20,40, ”. an oblong basket with a cover. BSS, 1c,4c, adv. somewhat overcast, as the sky by clouds, —Qos, 4o. BORS, 1o,40, adv. with a slight depression or con- cavity of surface, —vor, 4o. BEES, 20,30, adv. brilliantly. , 30, v. “Wd, 80, to join, unite, put together length- wise; to have improper sexual intercourse. BS, 4o, v. *93, 40, to have the goitre in its early stages when the throat remains comparatively flat. BS, Qc, v. "A; 2c, to follow the sound of an instru- ment with the voice. 535, lo, v TOL 1c, to reply to a call, to answer. 35, 2o, v. oo 2c, to raise sour,wind from the stomach. BE, 30, v. part. an assertive verbal affix; zt. a particle expressive of assent. BS, 5o, v. *0, 5c, to be soft, yielding, lax, as over-ripe fruit. BEBE, 50,50, adv. with a sweetish taste, —co*, 4m. ps, 2c, v . *B4, 20, to go or come out, to appear; to 590 . RS rise, as a heavenly body ; to sprout, asa plant; to come out, as the eruption of a disease; ”. an appella- tion given to females. —n05, 2c,20, v. to return from market. —; 2¢,2c, v. to bud. ; —&, 2c,4c, ». a female who builds 2 monastery. —6&, 2c,4c, v. to bear, bring forth. — 0, 2c,40, v. to sprout from a seed. — 2096, 2c,40, v. to come from the lips, to be spoken. —(1, 2c,2c, n. the wife of a teacher. —on2f, 2c,30, v. to sprout. — OQ, 2c,2c, v. to bud; to have a small swelling or pim- ple come. — Gof , 2c,20, v. to retire to the wilderness, as a hermit. —cr¢, 2c,lo, a. to take out, discover, produce, bring to light. =", 2c,40, ”, a mother-in-law. =o, 2c,30, v. to run away. —.64, 2c,30, v. to separate from, leave, be from; to be born. —SEM, 2c,4c,2c, ”. a female who offers an idol. —vo5S, 2c,20, v. to break out with any eruptive disease. — eT 2c,4c, v. to appear. — 0905, 2c,3c, v. to shoot, as a twig, young branch. —oo2€, 2c,lc, v. to have a tumor in the groin. — og, 2c,lc, ”. a mother-in-law. —01, 2¢,2c, % to cease keeping lent; ». the tenth month nearly answering to October. 5, 4c, . the brain, also ORY, 2c, 6, 2c. —095, 4c,2c, ”. the marrow of bones. —_aAn& Ae Ac. 2 hollaw eavitv. Qf 591 — og SogEr&, 4c,4c,2c,3c, n. the bend under the knee. —9950.5007, 4c,4c,20,1c, ». the socket of the eye. —cnf, 4c,lc, 2. the brain. QS, 5c, v. “85, 5o, to fall behind, to finish less quick- ly than another the same amount of work. RE, 1c, m. the body or central portion of something. —q, le,lc, 2. the body of a prawn. —vSoe%, 1¢,20,4¢, . the central portion of the seed of an entada creeper. &&, Qe, v. * RE, 20, to fuse, melt together, make one mass. , — 06, 2c,40, v. to fuse, melt together in one mass. RE, 2c, v. (c2006) * BE, 20, to beat, conquer, overcome; to gain one’s object. —cS, 2c,50, v. the same. —g’, 2c,4c, n. (—Qs) a triumphal festival. EROS, 2c,3c, ». a kind of fabulous monkey. RERS, 2c,40, adv. intensive,—used with 08, 1c, to be black, and applied to dogs. mpSecc, 2c,lo, adv. unsteadily, totteringly, reelingly. RECLDT, 2c,1c, v. vide RAGA, 4c,1c. ECE, 30,40, adv. lying on the back with the head thrown up, a8 a swimmer. RE, 4c, v. (ca00€: ) to remain at rest a while, sojourn, —generally used with 006, 1c, as QL WER IRE, 2c, 1c,2c,4c. © c3osoo8o, 5c,5c,5c, 2. (939 P.) fear of sinning, ten- derness of conscience; careful avoidance of sin. one ~ at, @. * Bet » lo, to take the lead, go before ; to be before ; adv. formerly. —}, 1c,2c, v. to take the lead, go ahead. 592 : oR" 09! —on& Ic,40, adv. at first, foremost; formerly. — 0060905, 1c,40,4c, adv. very long ago, at first, before anything else. —om&ceod82, 1¢,40,1¢,80, adv. at the very first. —o& 26", 1c,40,5c, adv. previously to present time. —26].0R 24°02}, 1c,3c,lc,lce, v. to take the lead of, be a superintendent. of others. —2’, lc,5c, adv. previously to present time. —mddapr9E, 1c,30,1c,1c, v. to superintend and en- courage. —g 6, 1c,lc, v. to take the lead, be first in doing. Rot 7 20, B. * £6, 20, tobe fine, small, hence a diminu- tive ending; to be fine, in speech. —co’, 2c,40, 2. a person in the employment of an of- ficial, Hf opot co" 40,2c,40. — ov, 2c,3c, v. to exalt with fine words, to praise with fine words. opof , 2c, v. to exalt (b.),—used with Coe, 3c. opot , Bc, v. “Br2€, 30, to persuade, smooth, pacify with smooth words. S, 4c, 2. *<85, 40, a small basket made in apartments, — 6, 4c,lo, ”. asmall basket made in apartments for putting different kinds of food separately, 3, 4c, 1. * RS, 40, the hole used by a frog during its partially dormant state in the cold season. S86, 5c,50, adv. in a crowded state, with little room. oR, vide 2, og’, le, v. *c0, 1o, to sprinkle, scatter in fine particles. oy", Qc, v. *c, 20, to feed beasts. i 3c, 7. *oS, 30, sugar cane. colco!. fe.5e. adv. slowly. oF o* 593 op » 1c, 2. “oS, 10, a glazed pot with a spout. — RE, 1c,3m, 2. a teapot. —2, 1c,5c, . a teakettle. — 2345, 1c,5c,5c, . an inkstand. OR, 2c, v. “3°, 20, to warm one’s self by the fire, to de- rive heat from a fire. 55, 2c,lc, v. to keep one’s mind quiet, undisturbed. —5', 2c,4c, 9. to warm by a fire. —c805, 2c,20, v. to bask in the morning sun. OY, 3c, v. *o0°, 30, to rest a while from labor, be still, quiet. =, 3c,1lc, v. to keep one’s mind quiet, settled; to be settled, quiet, undisturbed in mind. —Q, 3c,3c, v. to be neat, nice in arrangement or man- ners. : O§Q, 3c,3c, adv. perfectly round,—q2, 40. oS,0", 3c,3c,30,30, adv. the same. OY, 4c, v. to make a murmuring sound; to speak in @ murmuring indistinct tone. — 08, 4c,4c, adv. in a low murmuring manner. — far" ar*, 4c,4c,40,40, adv. the same. —0r", 40,40, v. the same as 9. S, 2c, v. “<8, 2c, to throb with pain. mo”, 1c,4m, n. a species of mint. or", 2c, v. *03, 2c, to bo satisfied with food, to be full. ong", 2m,3m, adv. brilliantly. 29", 20, n. a daughter (b.). £0, 30, n. "205, 30, to put, place or be close together, 28 persons sitting; to pile up, as fire-wood. 0°20", 40,40, adv. with a weak voice, as an old man. %9 594 a ) SoS —noF or, 40,40,4c,4c, adv. the same. : oS oo", 50,5c, ade. sparingly, on account of having a small supply,—32€ , 1c, applied to children. APPENDIX A. /. nEcF, Io,lo, adv. witha howling sound, a8 when a dog is beaten. 26001, lo,lc, ». a son. nSay’, 4c,4c, m. a wooden case for carrying small scales. M1, 1c, m acrow; »v. to be black like a crow, —used of animals, as ©}, 5c,1c, a black pony. BE, 40, a of a reddish color, —used of the hair of oxen, as 236, 1o,40. n#'o8, 1o,2c, ». the ordinary blue cotton trowsers worn by the Shans. Qs 2c, m. a bud; v. to bud (b.). CAQAMEN, n. 2c,3c,40,5c, a part of a bamboo joint prepared for a cup or bucket and used by Shan travellers. CATH], 4c,2c, 2. (colecu P.) an ox, 9, 4c. BEDS, 40,3c, n. vide BES, 40,3c. BES, 4o,5c, n. vide BEQS, 40, 5c. 2 BrlQ5r6F, 4m,lc,1c, 7. a kind of turban of native man- nfacture worn formerly before the introduction of of foreign goods. BS Br2b20E 65, 40,1c,1c,1c; 7. a sandal made of leather. 2, 5c, v. to do, to work, work hard, the thing to be done APPENDIX 5965 resenting more or less difficulty, as onyee’Q2678, c,5c,5¢,4¢e,2c, This person works a new rice field; —more generally used in composition, as 2008, 5e,20. 2526805, 50,5c,5c, % a mortarused for pounding dried chillis. Bok , 1c, . a name for the Shans of the principality of Kaingtung, BEorE, 4m,lc. f a) og’ Bf , 5¢,5c, #2. a kind of native steelyard or Roman bal- ance, consisting of a lever suspended near one of its extremities, on the longer arm of which the count- erpoise slides along. A small iron tongue in the han- dle indicates the variations in the equilibrium. o9'g. 265, 5c,1c,50, #. asteelyard suspended by a cord and having the longer arm notched. oo 204, 5c,4o, v. to be restless, restive, frequently moving about. 297085, 5c,5e,5c, 2. (290405) a good act or deed,— the opposite of 09-095, 5c,5c,5c. 23.86, 30,40, . young tamarind shoots used for food. 20'BbBS06.9", 10,10,40,1¢,40, ”. a girdle adorned with plates of buffalo horn. co BEBSopE, lo,1o,40,4c, ”. a girdle adorned with plates of copper. GEgok’, 30,2c, m a jacket, dyed a yellowish color ,— worn by women. 8505, 30,1c, ». a black cotton-wadded jacket. © oq &2g&Q!, 10,1¢,4c, ”. akind of Shan bag, worn by being suspended from the shoulder. 596 APPENDIX oe 200836 cor cR0S, 5e,3c,40,1c,3c, 2. a gourd used for drinking purposes and protected by a network on the outside. 2€00808eF, 5c,3c,lc, m. an earthen goglet. 200g", 1o,5c,3c, ”. the Mysore Thorn. Oo 888, 2c,40, n. a flute having only one reed. 8g, 2c,4c, n. a flute having two reeds. C0895, 2c,40, ”. an ear ornament, which consists of paper, gold, or any other substance wound in a coil. es) 6195, 3c,lc, 7. a woman’s turban. WA ge , 4c,4c, m. shoots of the mulberry used for food. Baf o02€, 1o,lo, ”. a tray made of woven bamboo. oO 05040245, 20,5c,3c, . the Brazil gooseberry. ooo, 20,40, n. the opposite leaved mango, mangifera oppositifolta, 05020868, 20,4¢,4c, n. vide q5090805, 20,4c,4c. Gof, 3c, ”. a pot, chatty. — nr BE, 3c,30,4m, ”. a superior kind of chatty made for cooking purposes. 26.1, 3c,3c,4c, 2. asuperior kind of chatty, made for cooking purposes. —09.02¢ 00, 3c,3c,4c,40, ”. a long stemmed pipe. —001945, 3¢,8c,5c, . a pipe with a crooked stem. —v010'805, 3c,3c,5c,30, ”. a pipe whose bowl is made of ebony. . — 001.0989, 3c,3c,2c,4c, m. a pipe covered with silver, APPENDIX 697 BABES, 2c,5c,3c, n. the flower of the padouk, ptero» carpus. ——-00€ 0}, 2¢,5¢,3c,10,2c, n. the same (b.). © 0016795, 40,3c,4c, n. a mattress cover of different colors. 00" 153; 40,3c,20, n. a bed covering of different colors. Oo 8526028, 1o,5c,3c, 2. a small gourd with a long neck, used as a water dipper Bosak » 1o,2c, ”. a bracelet made of a coil of metal. 0 APPENDIX B. Names of Fruits and Plants not identified. Bor, 3c;30, n. a kind of creeper. SE BEog, 40,lo,l1c, ~. a kind of creeper. 00585, 4c,1m, ”. an edible moss, growing in water. og 23905, 30,30,4m, ”. a kind of tree. 092665805, 30,4c,4m, 2. a kind of shrub. G05, 10,20, 2. HIS YQ, 4c,4m,lc, n. BAZERQS, 4c,40,30, ”. a kind of creeper. 65095, 4c,40, n. a plant which grows in the water. HAWS, 4c,2c, n. a kind of creeper. WO5G, 4c,30, ”. a kind of shrub, which grows in low, moist places after the water of a river subsides in the dry season. H5Q05, 4c,2c, n. a kind of creeping plant which has its home in lakes, BAB, 4e,4c, n- 598 APPENDIX 656", 4c,2c, . a kind of creeper. WHE, 4c,40, 2. HAR~, 4c,40, -n. SAD, 4c,3c, m. a kind of creeper. 0524, 20,4c, n. a kind of fruit. 0H, 20,3c, . a kind of fruit. o5ap, 20,30, ”. a kind of fruit. @503007, 20,3c,3c, . a kind of fruit. 00305, 20,2c, n. the fruit of a kind of creeper. 005, 20,4c, n. a kind of fruit. gAS0, 2c,4c,2c, n. a kind of flower. gH509", 2c,4c,3c, m. a kind of flower. g50'RS, 2c,2c,3c, ”. a kind of flower, —also called in book language con's'Q5, 1o,2c,2c,3c. QS20EG1, 2c,10,3c, n. a kind of flower. 956788, 2c,4c,1m, 7. the leaves of a kind of tree used for medicine and for ornament. g Ageds, 2c,4c,4c, n. a kind of flower. g5e", 2c,2c, n. a kind of flower. gE 00Ee1, 2c,10,2c, m. a kind of flower. gcqe®, 1c,20, m a kind of fragrant creeper. s8cc{, 2c,3c, n. a plant having a bulbous root. s808E, 2c,50, ”. a plant having a bulbous root. 02.05.0805, 2c,20, n. CorrIGENDA. page line Sor read 15 (of Introd.) 12 wods words. 75 21 cl C}s 99 19 no 608. “s 20 66 6&6 117 23 backwords _ backwards. 125 9 begining beginning. 128 23 existance existence. 131 10 grapevine grapevine. 132 20 3 on. 133 31 quilty guilty. 134 25 engenia eugenia. “ 30 &“ se 148 7 refering referring. 153 17 Kyoung kyoung. 158 10 Qt 36. 166 20 the a. 180 4 terrer terror. 264 30 be at beat. 266 23 09 & 09 €. 269 20 25 268. 280 11 36 86. 281 28 store sore. 286 15 quide guide. 299 15 depterocarpace dipterocarpacce. 304 23 o0& o8&. 305 4 805 805. 321 27 existance existence. 335 1 co cd. 340 12 anthority authority. 369 31 making making. 376 17 co cf. 600 879 21 5 36. 380 3 x ge. 383 5 Qu QA. 409 4 an a. 441 22 ts to. 452 11 61 Siz 476 10 ard 98. 485 . 13 oD 9. 493 6 eight eighth. 547 30 bunde bundle. 578 11 c& cé. 586 19 ferior _inferior. Tue Enp. 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