Male ae EBVO" ava te" Bry baney” se Unie e e a ee ee pease atts : Read akabauien . anehasemas Sees ema hgcicehlanas i Cornell University Library Sthaca, New York : CHARLES WILLIAM WASON COLLECTION CHINA AND THE CHINESE THE GIFT OF CHARLES WILLIAM WASON CLASS OF 1876 1918 The date shows when this volume was taken.. To renew this book copy the call No. and give to the librarian, HOME USE RULES All Books subject to Recall All borrowers must regis- ter in the library to borrow books for home use. All books must be re- turned at end of college year for inspection and Tepairs. Limited books must be re- turned within the four week limit and not renewed. Students must return all books before leaving town. Officers should arrange for the return of books wanted during their absence fram ., town. Volumes of periodicals and of pamphlets are ‘held in the library as much as silo sc enh eananae eba eeenraen eo meennnnimeninn® possible. For special pur- poses they are given out for "a limited time. Borrowers should not use their library privileges for the benefit of other persons. Books of special value seecrenesnastrmanetimeninimernemoinmnennnens and gift books, when the giver wishes it, are not allowed to circulate. Readers are asked to re- port all cases of books sovnecocaceeese, aevsesanansnensesnacacuserssnssanesssaei ann marked or mutilated. ” Do not deface books by marks and writing. HJ 6081 Oi University Library Ae TARIFEH, on RATES OF DUTIES PAYARLE ON GOODS, WARES, AND MERCHANDISE, IMPORTED INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, IN CONFORMITY WITH THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF MARCH 2, 1861. WITH ADDENDA OF AUGUST 5, 1861; DECEMBER 24, 1861; JULY 14, 1862; MARCH 3, 1863; JUNE 30, 1864; AND MARCH 8, 1865. ALSO RECENT CIRCULARS AND DECISIONS OF THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT RELATING TO COMMERCE AND THE REVENUE; TABLES OF FOREIGN CURRENCIES, REDUCED TO THE UNITED STATES STANDARD, ETC. ARRANGED BY FE. D. OGDEN, CHIEF ENTRY CLERE, CUSTOM-HOUSE, Pont or NEW-YORE. ie Oe Zoe y LONDON‘ Z BACON & CO., PUBLISHERS AND AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS 48, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1866, & a LY Wasm HTCO8) QO 34 Wi 8 7A HARRILD, ree, LONDon, W. €. Leng, SBelficld. PREFACE TO THE AMERICAN EDITION. Tur subscriber begs leave to present this edition of the New Tariff of Duties chargeable upon Importations into the Ports of the United States, thoroughly revised and corrected, in conformity with Act of Congress of March 2nd, 1861, and Addendas of August 5th, 1861, December 24th, 1861, July 14th, 1862, March 8rd, 1863, June 30th, 1864, and March 3rd, 1865, by Mr. E. D. Ogpen, Chief Entry Clerk of the New York Custom House, so well known in connection with this work, having compiled the same for nearly thirty years, and with what accuracy is well known to the public, his being recog- nized as the only official copy published. Mr. Oapen, as well as the Publisher, have exercised great care to have this edition merit the same approbation of the public as former ones. PHILIP E. BOGERT, (late BOGERT, BOURNE, & AUTEN), Publisher. New Yorr, 1865. INDEX. PAGE PAGE Act allowing Drawback on Goods from Fees as fixed by Law, List of ............. 79 British Provinces 00.00. ...ccccccseesseceeaee 72 | Fees, when to be paid by Importers ...... 71 Act relative to Protest, February 26,1845 74 | Francs reduced to U.S. Currency, Custom- “ forthe Appraisement of Goods, etc. . 82 House Value ...........ccseseeees saveseeraves, LOD: “ for Mitigating, etc., Penalties, For- General Information..............0 paicuseaena 64 feitures, etc., March 3, 1797 ............. 83 | Gunpowder and Fire-Crackers, how to be Additional or Penal Duty............ mnceaae 70 | exported... ...ececeeestceeeeeeesesteneeees "5 Addition to Invoice wisi ves 70 | Information for Ship-Masters ...........005 67 Alphabetical List of Articles, with Hates Invoices, Extract of Laws relative to...... 73 of Duties, under Act of June 30,1864. 1) Power of Attorney, Form of ......... gies 84 Allowance for Damage.............ccccsecees . 70 | Power of Substitution, Form of ........... 84: Allowance for Deficiency in Package...... 71 | Protest, Form of .....cccceeeceesseeeeeeene 75 Amended Regulations for Transporting Prussian Rix Dollars reduced to U.S. Cur- Goods, Cb. ..eeecccicceeesecssesneseveseeenes 78| — rency, Custom-House Value..........0.4. 107 Beer, Ale, and Porter, the Capacity of Rates of Foreign Currency as fixed by Package in which to be imported ...... 2s! | TLRa We Secs naak dadamesgwaseSonatenblastapadeusss 94 Brandy, the Capacity of Package in which Rates of Foreign Currency as fixed by to be imported .........4. alin icles iia 64] Usage vce sigdaniemoiivtansaanseesa ey tirana 95 Bremen Rix Dollars reduced to U.S. Cur- Reciprocal Treaties .... wee 85 rency, Custom-House Value ............. 105 | Reciprocity Treaty and Proclamation .... 85 British Tariff, alphabetically arranged ... 112 | Refined Sugar, how to be Imported ....... 72 Collection Districts, List of.............c0068 66 | Sampling Goods in Warehouse, how al- Consular Certificate of Currency, Form LOWER, veiccesscnneenaacestcs 76 OF sisssveriuaceciariaasncnececsssesocmvccvee ZO | Sraugeling, Penalty for ......0: iiideye 20) Damage, when not allowed ....., ve. 71) Sterling Money reduced to U. 8. Guereniy) Damage, where ascertained......... ieceiveany 71) Custom-House Value v..ccceeecccreeeeeees 98 Damage, what Proof required............... 71 | Tares allowed by Law and Custom, List Discount, where allowed .........ccecseeees 71 Ob se occlaslit'ssieneiscaiacchnvsauevaseasaweuaeConweaas 65 Distilled Spirits, the Capacity of Parkaga Treasury Circular relative to Navigation in which to be imported wo... 72 Laws, October 15, 1849 wi. ceeseeee . 68 Drugs, adulterated .. sesaasesuseceesesese ZL) Vessels engaged in Foreign Trade, Extract Exchange (sterling), Tables Gioniia alee of Laws relative to ......ccccceeeteeeeneeee 68 Of L1 sterling occ... ccescceccsee eee eeeenete 108 | Vessels less than Thirty Tons not to im- Exchange Table, showing value of Green- port Dutiable Goods ........6 cee 72 backs ......ccceseeeeee saPenegacnmanmeesrencneee 111 | Zolverein States, List of... ees 73 PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION. Tue greatly increasing business with the United States, since the close of the war, has caused the shipping and mercantile trade to feel the want of a complete Handbook of Rates and Duties to and from the United States. To supply this want we have reprinted the “United States Tariff,” compiled by EH. D. Oapen, of the New York Custom House, corrected to the end of 1865, and have added to it many valuable Tables, and other matter, so as to make it the most complete work of the kind. Among the various additions will be found Exchange Tables, showing the value of £1 sterling, and of the American Dollar, at the different rates of exchange; the value of Greenbacks at the various quotations of gold, with rules for calculating the same; the British Tariff, or Rates and Duties on all Articles and Wares imported into Great Britain, etc., etc. The work has been compiled and revised with the greatest care, conden- sation and accuracy having been thoroughly studied, the whole work then being stereotyped, and it is hoped, will facilitate business between Great Britain and the United States. G. W. BACON & Co. 48, PaATERNOSTER Row, Lonpoy, January 1, 1866, TARIFF: RATES OF DUTIES Imposed by the Act of Congress of March 2, 1861, WITH ADDENDA OF August 5, 1861, December 24, 1861, July 14, 1862, and March 3, 1863, June 30, 1864, and March 8, 1865, On all Goobs, Waves, anh Merhandise IMPORTED INTO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A. ABSYNTH, and all other enumerated spirituous liquors under 50° in strength,and costingover$5 ‘gal. 50 YP cent. ——, 50 and under —— , 51 ——_—_, 52 pe gS —_— , 54 88 SG —_———-, 57 —__—— , 58 ——_—,, 59 —_——, 60 DUTY. ers 2 60 Y gal. DUTY. Absynth, 74?.....cccscceee siegaeeess $3 70% gal. ee DUR re oe 375 , oil of, or wormwood ...... 50 YP cent. Acacia, or gum arabic ........06 inde 20 8 ACCOVdIONS ..c..sssceeeceesenseeees « “ Acid, chromic Acetate of lead, or sugar of lead ... of potasse... Of baryta ..viessecseeees Of TOD 00... cecesenecese ese neo ees of strontian = OF ZINC .eiisseeeeeeee ees sic Of lead ......csseeees wae es - of magnesia ——v-— ofsoda... “ ce ...25 P cent. 10 6c ———— of lime... ceesee eee ——— of quicksilver Acid, acetic, acetous or concentrated vinegar, or pyroligneous, exceed- ing the specific gravity of 1040°...80c. Ib. As above, not over 1040°, called INO. Bidacuantisaitessaermececonnieamumed 25 Acid, benzoic .... mi ...10 Y cent. ——+, DOLACIC ...sssssesonccoseeens a. Be. Pb. —, citric, white or yellow ......... 10 “ ——, gallic (med.)....cccecsereeeee $150 “* =, MUPIALIC ...esceeeeeeeeee ateaewans 10 4 cent. , nitric, or nitric fort. ......66000 10 « 1 2 BATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Acid, oxalic ........cccsssscseesreseseeees 40, Wb, Say PANIC ics ccieeh pic owrnivenwones $2 , tartaric, in crystals or powder 20c. “ ~—, sulphuric, or oil of vitriol .,.... 1S ACOMG: ss. se velanicanenineiitaeny 3 Of Acorn coffee and dandelion root, raw or prepared, and other articles for similar use, not provided for ...... 3 & Acids, all kinds of, used for chemical or manufacturing purposes, not otherwise provided for.............. free. Acids used in the fine arts, not otherwise provided for ............10 Y cent. | Adhesive felt, for covering ships’ DOttOMS.. ee ececee se eeeeeeees free. Adhesive plaster, salve ............... 40 cent. Adianthum (a veg. sub.), 10 ct. & $5 PB ton. Adzes ..... saan anoeeetoNeaT AcE TANe 45 $Y cent. Agaric (a fungus)........ ‘ Agates coscsdesecruversmsiencreaass e ——-, bookbinders’ as ‘ Alabata, in sheets...............s00eteees of Alabaster and spar ornaments ......80 Alba, canella......... cee cee 20 Albumen, prepared white of an egg.25 “ Ale, in bottles oo... eseeeseeeeeees 35c. 4 gal. Ale, in casks vieeseO. Ale, otherwise than in bottles. iecvea yen 20 « Alkanet root......scccccceeceeceeseseeeees 20 P cent. Alkermes ........... seomnncacad Alina a ses sactal sive 20) OSE Alspice, oil Of ........cccuee 50 AIMONAS? siississsdcvdsalcseaviwnccnesenete 6c. YP Ib. , shelled iccenespereel OS paste camenariveess 50 ‘P cent. A068. costs sosscarscascsetnsenrencsvsrzenes G6n YW Tb; ALUM sosissies teva cae svevesecaieencnads "600. *p-100 lb. Alum, patent .........5.. Rear 60 es —— substitute ...cccceecccse s+ 60 ¢ Alumina, sulphate of...............60 e Aluminous cake ..........000.000844/60 es Alzarine (extract of madder) ......,..10 9 cent. AMber, ZUM... .cesesesssseeeseeeeee ZO yp DeAds: wiisssiiiavererercnendO DUIY. Amber, oil of, crude ...... cssssseneeeeeeLO. YP ID, Ambergvis.....cccssspeeee wea free, Amylic alcohol ..... +82 Y gal Amethyst .... ...10 Y cent, Ammonia ............ iii atamee. acetate, or visrollanesta OE seiisgunsdissnescrisssavaisersesseeseas d OCs AO De ———, sulphate of .......... 20 YP cent. ESLER, < ipasiaarcarssasenedieauas 20 » carb. sinsddvavedeeveeusseO - > Muriate Of .....ccceeereer 20 a refined co venessnsenaaes donee 20 * | Analine, dyes ...,.....$1 Y lb. and 35“ SS seinen deat uvceonstepedietes 20 « Anatomical preparations, (Accord- ing to materials of which com- posed) Anchovies (in Oil) .....eccesceeeseess D0 PD cent, (in salt) ..... 50 © Angelica root ........:.sseee essence: #8 Angora goats’ wool or hair (see hair) Animals, all alive free, Animal oil, not otherwise enume- Late” ......ccsseesceceeseeseeceeseeeneees20 9 cent, Animal carbon ... ADNAUO ssa ss ceascstervesees an ingncne w+. free Annatto extract ... eveeveeee 20 YD cent? Annattoseed ..... aisag awalaca Wako seeaeseO) 8 Annealed iron wire to pay duty as other iron wire. Anise 8cCd oo. ..siesssssessessseereees DC. WD Ib, i de siseusweasaeeane LO '€ Anise seed, oi] Of ......ccecesceccseeeeeeDO Anthos, Oil Of ..isssisceseesecseees50 WY cent Antimony, crude, or regulus of......10 “ Antique oil ..... ssvsanseasn DO - St Antiquities, specially imported .., Anvils .2ke. Y Ib, Any goods, wares, or merchandise of the growth, produce, or manufac- ture of the United States, or of its fisheries, upon which no drawback, bounty, or allowance have been paid free, Tee ea neem eee nee eee see eee eee reenenes RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Apothecaries’ vials and bottles ex- ceeding the capacity of six, and not exceeding the capacity of 16 ounces each, not cut ...............385 YP cent. wmvanma4d- *Apparatus, philosophical, or instru- ments, books, maps, charts, sta- tues, statuary, busts, casts of mar- ble, bronze, alabaster or plaster of Paris, paintings, drawings, etch- ings, specimens of sculpture, cabi- nets of coins, medals, regalia, gems, and all collections of anti- quities imported by order and for the use of any Society incorpo- rated for philosophical, literary, or religious purposes, or for the en- couragement of the fine arts, or by order and for the use of any semi- nary of learning, school, or college within the United States or the territories thereof..........cecseees free, *Apparatus, philosophical, or instru- ments, are exempt from the above schedule, and under act july, 1864, Will PAY... .cecceccnssecersseeserserenees Apparatus, philosophical, not spe- cially imported ..... agua a ewain tote 40 “ Apparel, wearing, and other personal , cut baggage in actual use Aprons, SUK vc iccesceeeeceseenseeeeeeee 60 { cent. Aqua ammonia, or hartshorn..,......40 Aqua fortis ....... ws 10 “ — mellis, or honey ikee veeeeeee DO & Argentophile (prep. for cleaning brass) ..... aainceineslieicesiiancsmasatntant 20 Arrack, 50 degrees and suitor, .$2 50 a —,6l * 2 55 —,52 %- ee 2 60 “ ,53 « 265 —,54 * m270 & ——,55 & 2TH ——,56 “ «. 280 & ——, 57 . 285 # 15 { cent. DUTY. Arvack, 58 degrees and under ,..$2 90 ‘ ee ———, 59 ef we 295 ——, 60 . 3800 “ —-—,61 ea BECDS, SE —-—,62 ae B10 ——,63 * ap B15 & ——,61 a, 3 20 ———,65 825 * —-—,66 * .. 830 —,67_ # 835 —,68 * 340 ———, 69 * . 3845 —-—,70 * .3850 ———, all imitations to pay same as genuine. Armenian, bole........cssesssceseeeseess 00 $ cent. Armenian, Stone .....csccccecnenseeeeres 1o Archelia, archil, or orchelia ..,...... 10 * if a vegetable dye ......... TO <8 Argent, vivum, or quicksilver......... 15 Of Argentine ....ccccessseeceeeees sehneciates 35 Argol, or crude tartar’......ccccceeceeee 6c. 4 lb. —-, partially refined, as brown PALA caivassneiacetuss cnt HameeTioeE 6e. Arms, fire ..........600 Fade Nueiomanucakas 35 cent. 5 BIOS sean cctseeninaacionierirnens BB Arrowro0b wo... saiiaipatatantaencwndine 30. fF ATSCNIC. ..5 ise saissevvestiwseaia vnc rea TeS 20 = ———, sulphate of ...ccccessseeeees 20 « Articles embroidered with gold, sil- ver, or metal........ Piva neeeamaoaaats 35. OC Articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, or its territories, brought back in the same condition as when ex- ported, and on which no draw- back was allowed.......... iswisarone APO, Articles, all, composed wholly or in part of gold, silver, or platina, not otherwise provided for........ creer 40 GY cent. Articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise provided for ....s.cccccsseee janenmni’ free. Articles not ina crude state, used RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. in dyeing or tanning, not otherwise PVOVIded for... eeeeeesecsseeeeceeees 20 “P cent. Articles, all manufactures of, and not subject to any other rate of CUty “wccsuessacecrmeineceeneteseaecame. 20° Articles, raw or unmanufactured, not provided for Articles manufactured from copper, or of which copper is the material of chief value, not combined with gold, silver, German silver, platina or steel, not otherwise specified ...35 “ Articles worn by men, women, or children, of whatever materials composed, made up in whole or part by hand, not otherwise pro- vided for ..... svakuadiidien oes ee 35. OC Articles, all, imported for the use of the United States........ccceccceeceee free. Artificial feathers and parts ......... 50 ‘) cent. Artificial flowers, or parts thereof...50 “ Asbestos, a crude mineral substance 25“ Asphaltum | siesscseieaovecssessavnewens 25 Assafcetida Asses’ skin (or parchment) , imitation of, or parch- ment .......0 seeaeeee a AVA TOOB os scsievee veweme assess teslaintdes 20 Aubusson carpetings (see carpeting). Augers Auripigmentum, or orpiment, sul- phate of arsenic .......ceecseee seers 20 * Awl hafts ..... tie oad caceneeniebeneec er end 85 Awls .......645 dishdageaneas ibansiedaishwate 45 « AX OB) 25 2 sahananiicorancinconaantaneeneevess 45 « Axletroes, iron ..c.eceseceee seeeeee sce 2BC. YD Ib. AYY-BtONES i.issssessecccessessenserereee LO YP cont. B. BACON ssiissssnscisincciasrvernnnna Ror Ib Baggage, personal, in actual use, Bagging, called cotton bagging (see cotton bagging). DUTY. Bags, bead, made in part by hand. .50 4 cent. —, grass cdaviyieasatisviedeeta BO —, gunny (see cotton bagging). —, woolen ......24¢. 4? Ib. and 40“ WORSE « chavcusnneiwitvatiadewesdes00- * a MAK spimeiahivededveniensiescaae wissen ——, HEMP visssscevccsvcveseveee tanaeeo ce ——,, carpet, worsted ........6+ aves aes 50 ——.,, carpet, combed wool, or worsted and leather ........ duasnvaataeeaess eoOe Baizes seeaesdde. WY 8g. yd. Balls, billiard ........s.sscsssseserseeeesB0 Cent, , Wash .........10c. Ib. and 25 “ Balmorals, and goods of similar de- scription,or used for like purposes, of wool, worsted, or other mate- Vials .cjccssceceavagenss 24¢. Ib.and35 “ Balm of Gilead ..........seeee vive tO Balsam copaiva ..s.ssceccsesseeseneeee 200. P Id. OF TUL. .c..csseviseserie BO“ Peruvian ....... scesiesisgin cies BO. “£8 , medicinal, not otherwise Provided fOr.......ccssssesseeseeserees 30 Y cent. ————,, all kinds of cosmetic...... SO Bamboos, unmanufactured Bananas: cvcnvardenssuersanianedousesovsss Bangups, a cotton stuf or cord (see cottons). Bark of cork trees, unmanufac- CUNO si ccasehvisddeiwavesdvendcuenccdO | 9 POPUVIAN veateiesisiataninanecares 20 “ ——, flat cavaraya (Peruvian) ...... 20“ , all not specially mentioned ...10 “ ——, all medicinal ..............06 siesd2O» ° $8 Barrege, cotton (see cottons). » wool (see woolens). , worsted, or silk and wors- ted, not provided for ...........0... 50 * ——-—, pearl, or hulled ....... sewves ss Barytes, sulphate of, crude or re- fined ..... side del dedaeaabevoveaweaddaares Oe GO 1Ds Barytes, nitrate Of ..ssssesssesveseeree20 YP cent. RATIS OF DUTIES. DUTY. Barytes and acid combined .........3¢. Y Ib, Bar iron, when manufactured in whole or in part by rolling (see iron). Bar iron, not manufactured in whole or in part by rolling (see iron). Barwood (a dye wood) Barilla ssiaesceneccscavseensaserenens soollOes Bass (the inner bark of a tree) ...,..20 cent. Basg0Ons -..issesesesseeeesseseeesserseeesBO Baskets, wood or offer wiieeeeereeedd “ » palm leaf ....... . ig BLLAW: cevevadceavennes . , grass or whalebone ., Battledores ........ccceceeseseee * Bay rum, essence of ......seesseeeeees $2 YP oz. Bay water, or bay rum............$1 50 4 gal. —— wax, or myrtle wax............ 20 "P cent. Bayonets' wzsscvisirsieiwweessto Bdellium, if crude ...........666 aivaasia 20. = M$ , VENOM... ee cecccece see een ees 20 « Beads, of precious stones .. 0d —-, gold and silver........csceseeeee 50 , all not otherwise enumerated.50 Bead ornaments ........csessceseeeee ees 50 « Beans, tonqua ...iccrsccsecseveeesereeeoO , vanilla ...., cisaaccunnea wae eased $3 Y Ib. —~., all other not specially men- HONED :cicccaccevencennssassaccoensies 10 “ cent. Beaver, fur undressed on the skins,,.10 “ Beam knives.......cccccccsseceeeeene 40 Beams, scale..., 43 sé Bed feathers.........cceccccsssosscseenens ss ticking, linen (see flax). —— ticking, cotton (see cotton). —— CAPB ves esseeeveere ails satan enwoatats 35 BCLOWS: aie semectnoworeshaueenncvas 2ke. YP Ib —— sides, as carpeting (see mats). Beek: ssssnccnansases eeaeas sant seeeeeLe. WD Ib. Beer, in bottles . ..85c. Y gal. SL CASKS!: sSaise isis nivale videos dBi 88 ——, otherwise than in bottles ...... 20 #8 Bees Wax: ssisevacsesncssasytaanvacevsencs 20 Y cent. Bellows pipes .....essecsecesssseereeeaee 35 DUTY. Bells, old, and bell metal ........., Bell cranks, of iron..........c0000006+..35 P cent. —— levers, of iron ....... 85 —— pulls, of iron ....... oe Bellows........ seca wt 85 6 Belta, sword leather ...........c00088. 35 Benzine, or benzole oil, refined...... 40c. Wy gal. Benzoates....,... sialon saawiaalnupinnaeTtaatit 30 ‘{) cent. Bengzoic acid..,..... a8 Sonendinnn els pauias 10 « Benzoin (@ gum) .....csseseseeeesceseeeLOC. YP Ib. Beds, feather .......... bien iaaaweinanes 20 4 cent. Bed spreads, or covers, made of the scraps or waste ends of printed calicoes, sewed together ............ i Bells, of bell metal, fit only to be remanufactured ........06 supeneslsad free. Bell metal, manufactured .,..........85 cent. Bells, silver or gold .......ccsseeseceenes 40 «“ Berlin blue ssissvssseceecsavevss seats 25 « Bergamot, essence of ...........0.6000+ $1 $ Ib. Berries, used for dyeing, all exclu- sively, in a crude state Berries, not otherwise provided for.10 ‘{» cent. Bezoar stones ....ccsesscsssetsseeseeee LO Bichromate of potash ...........6..005. 8c, P 1b. Bicarbonate of soda, or saleratus ...13 * Bick IONS siesinssscnvuvasseraientes tess 35 Y cent Binding, carpet, if worsted ..,......50 ¢ cotton... steaagaue an a uabatdl 35 CO » worsted ....... 50 —— silk we. +60 8 pLCREHOR Jc ie nieeduelacs ssaseou plinen ....... Sr oehseteR setae to4 40 «“ pQUALLEY csvvsies saceusvapivnasaoniee 50 * Bird’s eye stuff, linen (eee flax). BiPds: - gaczan tect sase nadeuseedeaesantacy iree. Bismuth .......... iaeeTeaRaeNweIaTE free. , oxide of ...., eaaaiey saaienMaee 20 ‘/? cent. Bitts, carpenters’.. sesh Bitter apple..........ccee s+ L0c. 9° Ib, Bitumen ...20 4 cent. Black, ivory...ccccevseeeeee Baemnieerss 25 —, lamp .........6 san phis gies ve ve bu eae 20 « — lead seers $10 P ton. 6: RATES OF DUTIES, DUTY. Black lead, pots w..ssccccsseseeseeceresBo HY Cent. — glass bottles, not exceeding the capacity of one quart ......,..85 ———-, exceeding one QUST wcivsmariivdivsisveaniencssco Black lead powder ....secsecsseesseeene 20 = « Blacking ..... sani acivermmancontnons 80 Bladders’ siescssvowieccasseneenavaensed” Blacksmiths’ hammers ...........0. 23¢. Y Ib. sledges .......66 araaiente 2 Black frankfort ......... Blanc fixe Sen eee ven vee nee ese nes eedensoes Blankets, all, wholly or in part of wool, value not over 28c. $Y Ib., 12¢. QP lb. and ws egeratans 20 ‘P cent. Blankets, all, wholly or in part of wool, value over 28c. and not over 40c. “P lb., 24c. 4 Ib.and ...25 Blankets, all, wholly, or in part of wool, value over 40c. % lb, 24c. WY Ib. and scorned Bleaching powders ........06664..80¢. Y 100 1b. se eeeeen ees 80 cent. Blue, Prussian....ccsscscesees ——, guineas (see cottons). ——) BFUINC ecccsseerevseceenereerer 2 Blue gall ,....... diseiutalepaEtaitlcahndtes free, Blooms, iron in, subject to the same duty as iron in bolts or bars (seo iron). Boards, planed wecssccessesseeees p POUGD, cccierirsesacaess 120 Bobinet lace (cotton) w...ceee BD Bobbin or braid cotton .... 35 6 wire, covered with cotton, as wire. Locking, all ......ssseeveseveeees 2d. WP sq. yd, Bodkins, ivory . bone | Bologna sausages.....ssccessecesserers | Bolt rope, as cordage (tarred) secassenseeeeeelD 4 cent. 3c. 4 Ib. sees 20 GD cent, DUTY. Bodking, steel ........csessecseesescve ss 40 Y cents > DYBES: ivsscindeiceauaee wee © , copper 30 fi7 Bolting cloths ...........csssssseceeeeee PCC, Bolts, iron, for fastenings ............85 cent. — brass, for fastenings ............35 “ | ——, COPPEP.......seceeee eeausegieainy 185 ——, composition .......0.... wacoo sisi 3c. P Ib. —— rope; as cordage, not Manilla ‘(untarred) wo... oadthguedia teenies 33 Bole, Armenian v.....ccceeesee eee DO Y cont Bone, black-sicissssveescioassvercnsko —- dust ... sooo free. Bones, burnt ........ shaekeritenes erie free, Bonedice, draughts, chessmen, chess, and bagatelle balls ..............006 50 P cent. Bonnets, Leghorn .. 40 6 Ge CHIP” ssabadnevereoyy Seutdee saa 40 « ——, grass ...... daesaastoaaserananess dO? “8 . furleather ....... saecdnncaee 35 OC mp BETAW wiiccaceesceseescecesseeen 40 = 5 MUSED cS cicesiee eiicncenmenes whe » SUK OF satin ..ssiseaccevees. 60 § Bonnet wire, covered with silk, same as wire. wire, covered with cotton thread, if wire of chief value, same as wire. Boucho leaves ........000058 Bone alphabets’ —— chessmen seaeesereeee LOG. QB Ib, ..35 Y cent. den cemeneee ——, whale, rosettes .... ——,, tip and bones.............. 10. ——,, whale, other manufactures of 85 “ ——, whale, not of the American fisheries......... Sa Tih omaweroasea te enpaes 10 « BOOBs. stedeaiaeasendy asale ater dubia lasers 35 CO , lace, silk or satin, for children 85 “ Bootees, for women or men, silk ...85 Boots and bootees, men’s, of leather 35“ , women’s, of leather 35 ———-——, children’s, of leather 35“ RATES OF DUTIES. 7 DUTY. Bookbinders’ agates ferrulea..,......20 9p cont. Books, maps, and charts, imported for the use of Congressional li- brary, by authority, provided the price paid importer does not in- Clude duty s.sccceeeeeeees eavanttaaau free. Books, blank, when bound........0+ Books, blank, when unbound. ...... Books, periodicals, and other works in the course of printing and re- publication in the United States. Books, printed magazines, pamph- lets, periodicals, and iliustrated newspapers, bound or unbound, * not otherwise provided for......... Books, Hebrew, or of which that language forms the text, when bound ..... aia es Sensassaed aneereues Books, do. do. unbound...... ——, all in foreign languages, ex- cept Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, bound or in boards........c0e Books, do. do. in sheets or pamphlets ..... sean endaabaanneacen Books, editions of works in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, or English, which have been printed 40 years prior to date of importation ..,....0.... Books, all reports of Legislative Committees appointed under foreign governments ............44 Books, Polyglots, Lexicons, and Dictionaries.. aap aweiranaman yee Books, eviodioats, pampies sisal illustrated .. vsenagenaai Books of engravings, “bean or un- bound «sc Books and instruments, professional, of persons arriving in the Books, specially imported for the use of schools, etc. ......cseseesen ees free. Boot web, linen ......... 25 WP ct. DUTY. Borax, or tincal, refined...............L0c. 4 lb. Botany, specimens in ............. ve free, Bottles, apothecaries’, exceeding the capacity of 6, and not exceeding the capacity of 16 ounces each...35 cent. Bottles, black glass, not exceeding one quart ......cerererers cage <& Bottles, black ialaas, exaaling one QUATE ctsserinnciirersasinesanmanainins 35 Bottles, perfumery and fancy, not exceeding the capacity of 4 ounces each (Cut) ...ccceseeccssesceneseneeee 40 © Bottles, perfumery and fancy, ex- ceeding 4 ounces, and not exceed- ing 16 ounces (cut) .....ceeeeeee 40 « Bottles (containing wine orspirituous Liquors).....sccseeees 2c. each. Bougies ....sssesee sas aneuenanen nhac eee 35 4 cent. Boucho leaves .... : ..10c. 4 Ib. Boxes, gold or silver ... ....40 WY cent. 480 dees eereeeneeee eas ,musical ..,.... “ , japanned dressing ............ 40 « ,cedar, granadilla, ebony, rose, and satin ........ siieniadisle senwinaee 35 Ot , all other wood et pband, Of CMNvccrscnccvscamesnese 2 » shell, not otherwise enu- Merated —ccersessessessrosersneersesees , if paper only ... , fancy, not otherwise speci- fied ..... wiesagcoo. Box boards, paper ...... swaoo 4 Bracelets, gold or set ...... ae ——, gilt .. 1 6 DAT scene 18d Braces, saapaiekstst 1 without bitts ...385 “ Braces and bitts, carpenters’ .........45 Brace DittS ..ccsssecssssssesseeeeseeeeee de Braces or suspenders, silk ............60 . Braces or suspenders, cotton ,..4.....35 85 a Sven neeeeenae Braces or suspenders, all leather ...385 pall Others cescasiwesssnanaes 350 CO , India rubber... won Brackets woccnewivesssvauumvwdecncdo 8 RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Brads, cut, not exceeding 16 ounces to the 1000 v....eseeeseecsseceeee weed Brads, cut, exceeding 16 ounces to tHE: L000 veiscosesseassaevavevecwanngs Braids, cotton........ssccceseesceeees 8c. 4 Ib. 35 WP cent. in ornaments, forhead-dresses..85 “ Braids, hair, nct made up for head- GLESECS wus seesessseseessestrerserrensde Braids, hair, made up for head- GYCSSES oo. .eessscescescsenesecseeenseanso Braids, straw, for making bonnets or hate vc. eeeenees severed Brandy, under 50° te paenetly and costing over $6 gallon... 50 , 50 and under ...$3 00 4 gal. 7 51 . 8 06 —. 52 «8 120 4 —, 53 6s we 38° 18 —_—-y, 54 s 3 24 & —, 55 se . 3 380 —-, 56 ee 3 36 « —, 57 8 3 42 _—_—, 58 " 3 48° & —, 59 38 54 & —, 60 =« . 38 60 “ ——, 6L “ he 3 66 itd —, 62 a“ 8 72 «& — 63 .3 7 —_, 64 w 8 84 & —, 65 ss as & 90. .S —-, 66 « .8 6% « —, 67 “ . 4 02 79 —, 68 « «4 08 —, 69 « 4 4 ; 70 4 20 Brandy, all imitations of, to pay same as genuine. Brass, manufactures of, not other- wise enumerated ...............s0808 35 YP cent. Brass, in a or sheets ...... 85 mm, IN DATE creicresssescesssveesceeed 5, AD PIES: cacnasivnarwessementowas 1 —, old, only fit to _ remanu- factured oi... djnaieeiinaqnegneaeane 1 DUTY. Brass, wire ........066 mei eacenceTeeTt Nas 35 ‘j) cent. , rolled ..... Bb & —, battery a5 ——, 8tuds .....ccccescrecescrece oe ves 35 CO BCL ORG csi sdsonietsesseeddacaseieiens 35 Brazil paste, or pasta de Brazil...... 10 “* WOO... ceassswnsisdounceansoiiganes free. pebbles, prepared for spectacles.40 4 cent. Bread baskets, japanned............... 40 * mn; Plated ...c assesses eeanine 35 p Silver oo. ceeeeeeee 40 Breccia, in blocks or slabs ............ free. Bricks, fire or roofing.........se0s0000. 20 “) cent. Britannia ware.......... 18d Bridle bits (see saddlery) ......4.0...85 Bridles .0............ Brimstone, crude..........cscseeeseeeee séeinecttewseo ~£ .$6 Y ton. sidussecvesseemranglO Co enaestereresces ... free. stenseeseeseeLO FY cent. siteeeeD. ~* , in rolls Brime ........ Bristol stonea .... boards ......0000% 7 pantovated . aenasundseleay 35 BY isbles 35505 fbn oth dee doctune tac? 15¢e. Y Ib, Brodequins, leather............ +85 WP cent. Bronze: cast]... cicseosavsasvecevivveedecnd 35 Bronze, all manufactures of .........85 Bronze metal in leaf ............ cess. lo « Bronze powder ........c.ccccceseeeeees 20 « » pale, yellow, white, BUC ed ici cess sas veeeads woavessaingl 20 « sliquid,gold,orbronzecclour.10 Brown, rolls, linen (see linens), » Spanish dry oo... cceceeesee 25 ——, Spanish, in oil 23 smalts .......cccceeee sesansaved 20 «“ Brooms, all kinds,,...... 30 Brucine (medical prep.) ......s..00005 40 “ Brushes of all kinds....... Wiecsuaswaawe 40 « Buckles of copper, brass, iron, pew- ter, tin, lead, or of which either of these articles is a component material..........., edi enitiyeewa ates ds Buckles, of gold or silver ............ Buckrams (sce linens), ec RATES OF DUTIES, a DUTY. Bugles, musical instruments .,.......30 cent. » glaas, if cut......... 50 “ » Glass, if not cut............500 Building stones, not provided for ,..20 “ Bullets ........... 35 Bullrushes lo “ Bulbs, or bulbous roots .........0...80 Bullion: ..iccccicacesssues sevvsessnvenecisstleOy .50 4 cent. eee cee neenetewe reopens seeeeeee Sean eet ene rar ees veneee Burlaps (see linens). Burning fluid ... teneneneee ees D0C. YW gal. Burr stones, unwrought ............+free. —, bound up in mill stones 20 {) cent. der eeeeeees Burgundy pitch .....ccccccecssereseeeZO Busts, lead Buttons, all except silk ........... 30 Button moulds, of whatever mate- Tall! coticuets Dvic cou ewast ncceccesresaas OU. SF 30 ct 4c. 4 Ib. 35 4 cent. Buttons with links csalecsdeneieeinwans BAe av ienssiiness a Butchers’ Enives ...........csesssesesees Cc. CABINETS of coins, medals, gema, and all other collections of anti- deh gtecuccansuetsoelnes seo ee APO. 85% cent, quities ..... Cabinet wares ... Vee ree aneceeeeoeseccsee Cables, tarred ......... sesesereesDCe YD Ib. , untarred ...... siassnnecde » made of grass......cccseeerde ———, untarred Manilla .....4......23 Cadmium sca sicssccssieswewarervesvene Cajeput, or cajeputa, oil of............ Cakes, linseed .....c..sseeeeeeeeeee Calamine .....ccccccsesessevens free. 250. YP Ib. seeeee20 Y cent. Calomie’l, pacvecsssescastssectucosuesavsae 30 Cameos, real,, peeee pene gnerenrengeegens DUTY. Cameos, imitation Of .....ccecccseseees 40 cent. VTALBEC wervesienrevienissaevece 2 ———, imitation, set .... s Camel’s hair .......... ci : pencils, in quill ...,.. 35 Y cent. , other ......385 Camomile flowers ...iccccesecsseceeee ZO Camphor, refined ....icsccccsssesesees 40c. 4 lb. HOTOUS SsrcisssstisaaserecsasessO” Cammood ......ssssesceceseeees Canary seed , ...$L YP bushel. Canella, ADA Lcscsessivsdseeevenicercntes BOW cent. Candlesticks, alabaster .......cccsseee 30. » DONE. ssn esceee enemies oo | , earthenware, white or colored ........ oa disesieachineiesaunmenanys 40 Candlesticks, brass .......ssssesseeeeses 35 , bronze.. sé y BUb ssais € ——, gold......, € , glass, cut ee » not cut “ SET ON waontwe ibietecee > Japanned .ceeeeeee 40 « » MALDIe..,....066000000.50 » plated se 9 POWEEL ie ceeseeeee fe + porcelain, not orna- MENLO sorcecacover sade cored SBUVEY eee 40 pSP@ essscecrecseeresensoO © ———, stone ware, common..25 “ PUM, scocsencaccdnacscamevOd. f ,» washed ,, 1.30 Candles, adamantine ... 50, YW Ib 9» LALOW sce ceccnne ces cees sueseae » Wax, pure or mixed ....., 8 « » Spermaceti, pure or mixed.8 S BECATING .ocecsscrssccasssaneD » parafiine, pure or mixed..8 » ML OthErB... cece 2, 6 Candy, sugar, colored, value over 30 cts. P 1b., or when sold by the box, package, or not by the poand ...50 9p cent. lo BATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Candy, sugar, colored, valued at 30 cts. Y lb. or less Candy, sugar, not colored ............10 Canes, walking, finished or not ...... 35 Cannon, brass sisscssecersrsrcceresseeensOO » TOD... eee 85 Cantharides ........... Canton crapes (see silks). Canvas, for floor cloths or wearing apparel, linen (see flax). «150. Y Ib. “ cent. C77 rn 500. Y Ib. Caoutchouc gums, India rubber ...10° 9 Betts Capers aeae waldsdlescdacedguisunes ce +180 Caps of Bigs isswsaaeneess sdavevanwnseavsed 40 —-, cotton wove ..... iedesieadetues 35 — of cotton, if jointly made by Wand ..ccccccosesecscesaeneeveseceseesessOO Caps of fut ....cccseccsesesserseesseees OO — of lace, trimmed (cotton) ...... 35 — of lace, not trimmed, “......... 35 — Of leather.......sscscccsssseeereeees BO wm OF Tine aca aeesceneveracneesveveeeOD sees OF SIE: givrreiernncussievnncane veeee 60 — of wool, wove, 20c. 4% lb, and 30 — of worsted, WOVEC.......csccssseeee 35 Caps, &c., unbleached cottons ...... 35 Cap pieces, for stills... Caps, lace, sewed... eile nies Caps, gloves, estes, wit, socks, stockings, wove shirts and drawers, and all similar articles made in frames, and worn by men, women, or children, and not otherwise provided for... inva oS Caps, lace, not seed ication) dian 35. CO Capsules i.ceresssssscceseenes seeetenenees 40 * Carbines or carabines ........ Sidaeetieee 35. Carbon, Carbonate of magnesia ofammonia ...... Carboys, of the capacity of half a gal.35 Carboys, above half, and not above D8 BASS: severance cen senedies sandeneegers 85 Carboys, exceeding three gals, and not exceeding ten gallons ..,,.....35 teeeenssenenseeOGe senveneeedO GD cent, % Ib. iT] “ “c DUTY. Carbuneles .. seveeee LO ® cent. Cardamom seed ......... 1.000. Y Ib, Card cases, of whatever material Oboe eenecenancceoense COMPOSE .isssscserenceesseceersessenns 35 cent. Cards, playing, value 25c. or less YP PACk...csscsrseccnceessserees seeeeoe200. GP pk, Cards, playing, over 25c. 4 pk......35¢. Y pk. » VisitINg ..s.seee sinaeiaealne eases 35 Y cent. Cards, blank.......sssseseseee seseeesseesO e a WOOL iicsscssscssessvseesevenn 40 ff COLON eeserssreceerersererserede Carmine, a water color wvecedd , lake, drug or liquid .. oo ay YY cae eecce ee ceeeeeene es ee _ , aliquid dye ... 20 Carpet binding......sccscscreersreedO Carpeting, Wilton vc.) 4 - , Saxony..... | = ————, Aubusson........ ave ne , Axminster . 8 = , patent velvet ......... <2 9 TOULNAY icsssceenese “te pa yd. = » tapestry .. _ , Brussels, soanght Bs iS Jacquard machine ............ 3 Carpeting, medallion, or whole | = CALPCt...ssscesssesesssecessessesees J = Carpeting, as above, value over $1 25 per 6q. YA. vissecceeseeees 80c. Y sq. yd. Provided that none of the above car- peting shall pay a less duty than 50 % cent. Carpeting, Brussels, printed on warp’ Or Otherwise ......scseverrieeD0C. BP sq. yd Carpeting, Brussels tapestry, printed on warp or otherwise.50 Carpeting, treble ingrain, three DIY seeisacssvewins +40 Carpeting, ‘Venetian worsted Chain wee sdsbeannenvanen 40 Carpeting, yarn, Venetian, and two ply ingrain .......c.cee 85 Carpeting, hemp ......sceseeeeeee OF py JUEO ciercrere saenpener’ 63 or, felt, albrccsceccrenssenenedd it3 ce 17 e RATES OF DUTIES. it DUTY. Carpeting, all other, of whatever material ssesenseecees 40 P cont. Carriages of all descriptions, and parts thereof ... Caraway seed ....... Carui, or caraway, ail of. CARVere ss casvetcesvnnsaestee's = Cascarilla bark.....ccscssesssressevees20 Casement rods, iron for (see iron). Cassimere, woolen (see woolen). , cotton, wool, being a com- ponent part, chief value (sce wool). Casks, empty ........ a Cassada, or meal of s Cassia, Chinese, Calcutta, and Sumatra vicicseccssseeeeeveneeee DOC YP Ib Cassia, ground oe ceseeeeseeesee serene 25 = DIGS sisssnasevessncreriavesssnee. 25 SEO. is scents ccctioatierrnadacacd 20 { cent. Castanas, or castinai i... 20. GY Ib. Castings of plaster ...........6cc00 14.85 YP cent, Castor beans or seeds, 50 lbs. to DUSH. ...ssesssseesessseeseeeeesss 600, 4 bushel. Castor Oil... ..ccocssrecsssrsecseeesccesOl DD gale Castors, brass or iT0D............08ee 35 # cent. WOOK. ssicleredsideuiswanidesee.” Castors or cruets, silver, without glasses vse sees i ] « Castors or arate plated, ao, a s — , wood, do. a e Castor glasses, not in the frames, or cruets, CUb .iieeeeeee ee aeneaneas 40 @ Castor glasses, not in the frames, or cructa DOG CUE weeeeeeredo Castor .issecsesseevssvescescescevcceees 20 « Cast-iron vessels, not otherwise spe- cified (see iton). Catches, brass, copper, oriron ,,,,..85 Catechu, ascutch vivuiserere lO & Catgilt:iiisiiiicracmuncamwansd 6 Cataup sc ciesscacenssidsetetentvesaacgechO! 6 Caulking mallets ........cesseeereeedd Caustic 80da —sssessssetsesererrese dlc. Yb, | Cedar wood.. DUTY. Cayenne pepper viscsecesscceservsseree LSC. YP Ib. Cayenne pepper, ground .........18 “ essaeeeesescearncnsnecacsesef TOO, Cement, Roman ..... tes eeecenseeeseess20 4 Cent, Chafing dishes, copper..........00000.85 Chafing dishes, iron or tin .......00.385 °° Chain cables.........ccssesssessssseeeee 230. Y Ib. Chain breeching, iron (see so —— curbs, gilt Chains, hair .., saacescensonesesseevere,O0 Gp cent, 325 = TAO beeen cree een en een eeees -—, iron (see iron). DEASSS sciire, Wns taceastecsieesecn 35 j COPEL esveaenmcedicccveo , gold or silver, not jew- ClDY cent. Crocus powder ..... waQ -Crome yellow ....... aves wei Ss Crowns, Leghorn hat ..... 40 “ Crucibles, black lead ....... 30 » sand... 225 Crystals, watch oo. ...ccseeeeeeseeeeee 40 “ ——, glass, for seals (see glass). OF TID: yunnccivamssneeesaaaoieds 20 « , orange (sce glass). Cubebs ........ deawrdedpanieceniinacenten 10c. Y Ib. Cudbear v..cccsseseeee aerenceae 10 cent. Cammin seed ....ccceeseseeneeereneees 5c. YP lb. Cupboard tums .....eeeeeeceeeeeene ees 35 YP cent. Curls; hair gisrosseenaiedioasanawsies 85 Of Curriers’ knives .......cceeseeseeeeeeee 45 “ Currants) 5 ...cidccsacssnncavanciin san stes 5e. Y Ib Curtain rings oo... ..ccseeeeeceeeeeeennes 35 ) cent Custas, as manufactures of cottons. Catch: sacar tecaniinssarspasenceeseenainne 10 “ Cutting knives... ccesseeeeeee ees 45 « Cuttle-fish bone (sepia) ............008 5e. QP Ib. Cut glass ware, not otherwise speci- fied: sicwisenesrcmsesmcivxenes wicdentaitiies 40 ‘I? cent. Cutlasses Cutlery, of all kinds, except pocket, pon and % D. DAGGERS. ....... sbdea SasisebdesieMe\ians 55 YP cent. Daguerreotype plates ............00008 35 Dates—green, ripe, or dried ......... 2c. YP Ib. Dates, preserved in sugar or mo- lasses sonteeennesdssessneceeneSO 4h Cente Decanters, cut glasd ww. 40 ——, plain do....... siasueatianints 35 CO Demijohns, of half-gallon or less ...40 —, over half and not over threo .senseseeawesveveaevess snsenaatetet 40 « Demijohns, over three ...........40 © DUTY. Dentifrice.......cssseceeceeceecneseeseess00 ¥ cong, Devonshire kerseys (see wool). Dextrine (comp. of farina and acids)20 Diamonds.......cccccseeseeceeseseeneesee of - »seb ... » glaziers’ ......... eter ld Diaper linen (see linens). Diapers, cotton (see cotton). Dice, ivory or bone ..........ssceeeeeeee 50 * Dimities and dimity muslin (eee cot- tons). Dimity furniture, dimity cambrics, and all other dimity (see cottons). Directions for patent medicines...... 25 DDIPKS: csc cawsaeeantouaniannsamaboap’ codaewas 35 Dishes, chafing, copper .......ssceee0 35 >——, iron or tin........... 35 OC Distilled vinegar, medicinal ....,.... 40 « Dividers, brass, iron .........sseeeeeee 35 —— —,, silver oo... eee cna 40 WOOK. weswadaas idan ceeereness 85 Divi divi (a vegetable substance in a crude state, used for dyeing and CANDIUE) ccocirctarvesneeaseandednmdnce free. Dog chains (see iron). Dolls of every description ............ 35 ‘Pp cent. Demets, a flannel (see flannels). e Dominoes, bone or ivory.........4444..50 —, bone or ivory, if any Metals, cccacecesvanssaeasesveiiererssa100-- ——-—, if NOE COS viesessseeereeeeedd Dowlas (see linens). Doyleys, cotton (see cottons). ——, linen (see linens). » woolen (see woolens), Down, all kinds ........cceccceseereeedO © Dragons’ b1OOd ......seeseeese ae eevens 10c. 4 Ib. Drawing pencils, black lead ......... 50c. per gross and 30 YP cent, , not black lead, 50c. per gross, and30 Drawings savscnwonnoiensnwnrei20 Draw knobs, of brass, iron, washed, gilt, or plated ..cccsccseserrererdo © BATES OF DUTIES. 17 DUTY. DUTY. Draw knobs, of brass and glass ...,,.40 4? cent. | Dutch pink .....ccccssssercserseseeseeee20 | cent. ————, entirely of cut glass ,..40 , entirely of plain glass ..35 a IVOTY ssevscceeeneee sees BO j DONG Cissvacsieevessenienc80 Drawing knives ...ccccssessssserese 4D Drawers, Guernsey, worsted .,,......385 , knit, without needle-work 35 » Silk, WOVE wo... oiwneses 60 « , cotton, wove, bleached or COlOLE ses swwicgesssageiaees jekeasnreses 35. OC Dress goods, for women and children, in whole or part of wool, worsted,] mohair, alpaca or goat’s hair, gray or uncolored, value not over 30 cents per square yard, 4c. Y sq. yd. and 25 Dress goods, as above, over 30 cents per sq. yd. ...6c. sq. yd. and 30 Dress goods, as above, if stained, colored, or printed, value not over 30 cents per sq. yd. 4c. 4 sq. yd. and 30 Dress goods, as above, value over 30 cents per square yard, 6c. { aq. yd. and 35 Dried pulp wsccccccceeees sortavansawereaO Drillings, linen (see linens). ———, if cotton be a component material, subject to the regulations respecting cotton cloths. Druggets, all ....seeeeseeevees 25ce. per aq. yd. Drugs, dyeing, not otherwise enume- rated, not crude ........cccccceseeees 20 { cent. Drugs, in a crude state, used in tan- ning or dyeing ............ eataelnenes free. Drugs, medicinal, not otherwise enu- ce merated, in a crude state.. 20 4) cent. Duck sail, of cotton.......sceresoeeee80 —, ravens, Of hemp....secsvereed0 — , of flax ...., aassoanawrna 80 *« Dulce (seaweed).,.......10 4 cent & $5 4 ton. Datch metal, in leaf........,s.ceeseeee LO YP cent. Dust Pans srrsessosesereveeevesessvessenaa Dye Woods wissscssesersessneves Dyeing drugs, and materials for com- posing dyes, crude, not otherwise enumerated davecaeua sve ravwwerecsvelresblOee E. EARTH, in Oil..........046.44.,$1 50 Y 100 Ib. Earth, brown, red, blue, yellow, dry, a3 OCHTE wee.seceeeee sini 50c. Earthenware (brown or common),..25 YP cent. » stone or crockery ware, all other, white, glazed, edged, printed, painted, dipped, cream ce colour ........ diinsiees Seciesie adieeamownae 40 « Ebony, unmanufactured ... .. free. , manufactures of ..,... ...85 P cent , green (or dyewood) ......... free. Elastic garters, made of elastic wire, covered with leather, with metal Elecampane .............. sleneroeinariasaitse 20 Embroideries, all in gold or silver, fine or half fine, or other metal ...35 Embroidery, if done by hand with a needle, and with thread of gold...35 Embroideries, other .....sscesesseeee BD Emeralds ..,......., svisdiasieeesvaass seedy lO Emery, ore or rock ......ssccesscsseveee Cty » manufactured, ground or pulverized......... sidnivaneaieceuiianeiatd Ic. Ib. Emery cloth, cotton........ ‘ ...35 YP cent. Emetic, tartar, medicinal ..,.........15¢. Y Ib. Enameled white............. selbaB ane acanis 3. Engraved plates of steel, copper, etc. 25 cent. Encaustic tiles ..........ccsecseeseescueee 35 OC Engravers’ copper, prepared or po- lished ........ leat ieaGeersecenwncoar 6° Engravers’ scrapers., burnishers —— or lined apothecaries’ glass measures (sce glass). 18 BATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Engravings, books of, bound or not.25 Y cent. Epaulets, plated ........ wana re 35 OCS ———, gilt, Mi fin wares BD 4) WOYStET cicvsccsseecsnerees OO 5 COLLOD vo. seceseneees sweiaaree’ 35 Epaulets, of goldand silver .........85 “ ESgOth ccasssecctanssveapesecreebasvsenseas20G: YP Ib, Escutcheons, silver .......6:00008 Oeics 40 ‘) cent. brass, iron, gilt, or plated35 “ Escutcheon pins ....... iicatinaveates 148d Essence of almonds...........s1eseeees $1.509 Ib. Essence of aspic, or d’aspic...........- 50 YP cent. bergamot ..ssssesesseeee $1 Ib. — Juniper... cresescseeseree 200s ————— cajeput iriccrssccerseees 25e, * CLOVES vicssesscees sacar’ $2 CO CALAWAY vscesesssernreees DOG, CARE srssiaviavvarcciek: ————— cinnamon ricer 82 citronella........ avavreerss BO. ——————— COBTAC aicecrcenesncerees $4 YP oz. $$ —— CUDEDS vescecccsesccaeeenns $1 YP Ib. fennel ...ccccceceresseenee DOC. ———— valerian .,... seeawannaion’ $1.50 « fruit seisiieoses sevsereeeB2eDO ————— lavender ......sssessseeee 50 Y cent, Lemons: sisi jaiiavsesmsanve 50c. 4 Ib. ——_——— muscade, or nutmegs...50 Y cent. mustard salad ......... $1.00 @ gal, OVADZCS —vacssereecsneenees 50c. 4 Ib. ———— origanum, or thyme, red.25 “ == —— TOSCMALY vs eissesrecerees 50 { cent. TOSC. ss ssevseceeeneeseeeeees PLiDO YP OZ —— rue »..50 Y cent. 50 «ss BADING sicssescoererrscinees spruce vO = UVLO! dinesinneveasedeenesasOO' GINBEL visevescceceeeeene DO Peppermint wee thyme, white ............80¢, Y Ib, Tssences, extracts, toilet waters, cos- metics, hair oils, pomades, hair restoratives, hair dressings, hair dyes, tooth washes, dentifrices, DUTY. tooth pastes, aromatic cachous, or other perfumes, cosmetics,by what- ever name or names known, used, or applied as perfumes or applica- tions to the hair, mouth, or skin.,.50 Y cent, Tstopillas, linen (see flax). Etchings or engravings Ethers,preparations or extracts, fluid, all not provided for........... bettas $1 4 Ib. Etoile, or stars for ornaments, gold, or mi fin ... 35 $Y cent. Extract of belladonna Campeachy wood .........10 cicute ..... ‘ et colocynth... . elaterium... ee gentian ..... re Hyoscyamus.......ssesees re —— indigo ......... es Logwood .......seccseseesenes ey ANNUX VOMICB ........6..e ee 40 * MAMder cicccessseresaserre LO opium ......... sbereaasieaiaes 40 “ ————— rhatania .r.crccccrcereee 40 —— rhubarb ..... cdavapeeetrenes 40 SHYAMONIUM......0cecee sevens 40 Extracts and decoctions of dyewoods, not otherwise provided for.........10 Extract, all other medicinal ......... 40 « Eyes and rods for stairs .issssseeevee 35. serteedO ee —, bull’s, a bean ....., yp > BI ASS es ccsveasceessrenees eer OO FB. FALSE COLLARS wsscssrereeens BD YP cont Fans, palm leaf .....460 ——, all ofhers........ccssssssseveeeereeeB0 Ye cent. Fancy or perfumed shaving soaps, including Windsor soap and wash- Dalls seccosesseeese lOc, Y Ib. and 25 Fastenings, shutter or other, of cop- per, iron, brass, gilt, plated ......85 “ Fastenings of stocl jrsescscerssserernr te RATES OF DUTIES. 19 DUTY. Fastenings, japanned ..sccccasseseeese 40 WY cent. Fearnought cloth (see woolens). Feathers, ostrich, vulture, cock, or other feathers, ornamental, manu- factured ...sscsssccscooroerereerererOO Feathers, ornamental, crude ..,......25 * 7» for beds .ecccsseees 80 & Feather beds. Felt, patent adhesive, for ships’ bot- COWS wasavincesviassirecsevesewisvecsicdtee, Felt, roofing s.sssscssssussecscceseeeee20 YP cent, Felts, or hat bodies, made in whole or in part of wool (see woolens). season acennevensonean senses 20 © Feldspar’ esssccssivsesveavevsesseeve ieee 20 Felting, hatters’, (see wool). Fennel, essence Of, ...sscsssesseovsereers DOC. Y Ib. Ferrets, cotton... Ferri, rubigo .., Fiddles .., Fids visscaseeees Fifes, bone .., ——, IVOTY weve 80. ——, Of WOOd ....seseeee 380 Figures, alabaster ., 30 -y brass ease 35 ) DIONZC, .ssccsecseeeesesesseees 35 Oe , (such as used in churches) not gold or silver.....sssevsererreeeesdD Figures, gold or silver..,.. weed , gilt or plated., ‘end «* y MALDIE.....cssseesedecrveeeelO ———, plaster, if baked...........40 —, 1 CASE > sieserseereeee 40 Figs, green, ripe, or dried 5e. YP Ib. ——,, preserved in sugar or molasses.35 4 cent. Fig blue ..ssisesevcecsssoscssecresseesesazn Filberts...scssccsccssevsessnvrseveceeseeseedCe Q Ib, Files and file blanks, all not over 10 inches long....... ..10c. Y 1b. and 30 YP cent, Files and file blanks, over 10 inches Long v.csssseeisiveeee GC. 1b. and 30 & Filtering stones , unmanufactured.,....10 *€ Finishing powders wissssssseerer20 seaawaubsadakseanecedineeO. DUTY. Firearms, other than muskets and VfLCES vc ccseescinesseetcanecesesesessennsDD GP CONE, Fire crackers, per box of 40 packs, 80 to each pack (and in same pro- portion for greater numbers) ..,...$1 YP box. Fire irons ...sssssessessvseecevsenseesseneeB0 GY Cont. Fish, mackerel .......secesee:sessevsseeeeS2 DDL ——, herring, pickled or salted .....$1 5 BAIMON ss ssrsisseceersssssseasiernceee ——, all other, pickled, in bbls.......$1 50 * ——,, all not in bbls., and not other- wise provided for....iccoscesssseseseed@e Y Ib, Fish, fresh for daily consumption, FOVCIQN viscessescoeees seceeseersn ese se fLOCe Fish, all, in oil, not otherwise pro- vided for cisssrvecscssecceessecesssenesBO $Y cent. — glue, called isinglass wesuesen.80 HOOKS: sacsisesacvanseereeasvavveaccOD —— SKINS, PAW essesessenevesvseneneezO Fisheries of the United: States and their territories, all products of; Fishing lines, silk... Flageolets, Wood sesessesens - , bone or ivory ...... 80 Flannels, uncolored, all valued at 80c. per aq. yd., or less, 24c. lb. and 80 *€ Flannels, all valued above 30c, per sq. yd. .........24c. Mlb. and35 © Flannels, all coloured, printed, or plaided............:..24c lb. and 35 Flannels, all composed in part of BIIK.cecsscccesscoveessrsensetuccerseneeDO Flannels, composed in part of cot- COD sessseccerreseeee24e. Pb, and 85 = Flasks, or bottles that come in gin CASES iiscancersoarsecsesssaavesreansesseeOO Flasks, powder, brass, copper, if no steel sisssscssccrreseesscsonenao Flasks, horn, entirely of wsseeweuedo Flat irons isccsccsecseteccetaiyaseneeeed de Pd, oe 20 RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Flate, for making hats or bonnets ...30 Y cent. Flax, manufactures of, or of which flax is a component part of chief value; valued not over 30c. per BQ. YO. scssccssneceseveeecessercseseessBo Flax, manufactures of, or of whick flax isa component part of chief value; value over 30c. per sq. JA. saarserseccecencenonsvesscresesroens ZO — 6 Flax, manufactures of, or of which flax is a component part of chief value, not otherwise providedfor,,.40 Flax thread csscscccssssceceesssverseeens40 , packed thread..cccesceseeene 40 “e ——, EWING arececsecercceaneanenen renee AO —,, unmanufactured .......0000. 915 P ton. y LOW Of. csssseseeesessrerssensesersedo Flaxseed (52 lbs. per bush.) ,.,...16c. $ bush. Oil. ssesesesesseeeeeeseverees aac. 4 gall, Fleams ....scssssseseesseesscsscessesesesss0 4 Cents Fleshers’ (Knives)...s.sccccsseesesseveene do Flies, Spanish, or cantharides,........50c. Y Ib. Flints ....cccccssesesseesecesssesssenseessO 4 cent. ———, BLONE ..ercovrertcosers eveceeinkO 8 —,, ground ... weld Float files, not over 10 inches long, 10c. 1b,and30 8 “ , over 10 inches long, 6c. 9 Ib. and 80 FIOCKS .cscccsecesveenenesseesveesssessessssssOCe 4 Ib. Flore benzoin ....... sidan ote seseeeeseeLO WY cont, Florentine buttons, covered with bombazette over a metal form ...30 “ Floss silk, and other similar silks, purified from the gum..............35 © Floss cotton (see cotton thread)......40 “ Flour, of wheat c..icccccssccssessreeeed won, OF KC aiciineesveaivascild: ——, BAZO vesssccsnceeeees seceassseaneeed QO. WY Ib, Flower water, orange, (see Cologne Water) ceecescesseveenes teseseenserenee 00 YP cent, Flowers, artificial......c.ccsccceeeee DO , crude, used exclusively in ‘dyeing corewer atau ras iaaedeariseevee lle DUTY. Flowers, all medicinal..................20 @& cent. ————,, all not otherwise provided LOB os cxcnscraxansatareasesssineasesd oaeeeedO! Flutes, of wood ... ; , ivory or bone entirely......... 30. Flushings (see woolens). Foils, fencing, steel ....csssesssereereee 45 Foil, copper ... —, silver ... —, tin ... Hols Gigitalas aessusceeesivadsatecvaesses 20 « Forks, of gold or silver ..ssc.000004.40 | Forks, wood.......... Tea soba veaenitnen 35 OC , ivory, turtle shell, mother of pearl, deer horn, or bone handles, and iron or steel blades ............85 Fossils ..... das ti sawansauren Pigdewamsecuns 10 Box: g)l0v6 sj sesciecessnerwsavooscaveccaass 20 = Frames, or slicks for umbrellas or parasols, finished or not ............ 35 «OC Frames, plated crueté ........000.52...85 , quadrant...... . , silver cruet.... Frankfort black Frankincense, a gum ., French green ........54. Fringes, cotton... sgiaaniane oo OF » wool....,...,.24c. perlb. and 40 SAMENINO os enscaeaanxeed sextexies 50 « Frize, or ratteens, of wool, (see wool). Frizettes (curls), hair ..................385 9 SILK ..cccceeeasessseeseererse 60 Frosts (glass) ... Fruit ethers ..ccsccccsossesssreneee2 50 Ib. JUICE i ca ssecunscesstcecacenieuseses 25 P cent. Fruits, preserved in brandy or sugar.385 » preserved in their own juice...25 “ ——Plokled siscceiwvssscicsenaacee Sf ——, green, ripe, or dried, not other- wise provided for..cussssessserelO Frying pans .......cccccsescsceseeneeBd Pullers’ boards,...csccesssssserserrereBo Cart .iisisssseeesesscerseveesesO GP ton, Fulminates, or fulminating powders.80 ‘P cent, RATES OF DUTIES. 21 DUTY. Furniture, coach and harness,........85 4 cent. Furniture, household, not otherwise BPecified visiircerserseseersrsreae Furs, undressed, all kinds of, on the skin......cccccsssescssssssessseesee LO Fur, dressed, all on the skin ,,,......20 hats, or caps Of w.cseccsseeeerdd hat bodies, or felts ........00.00.380 ‘ Furs, hatters’, not on the skin ......20 Fusil oil, or amylic alcohol............$2 YP gal. USUHG. ied ss sca sep teacaa sea susadcovarans estes Fur muffs or tippets, or other manu- factures, not specified ,.,.....0500...30 4 cent. G. GALANGA. sissscsssscesserecrseeenee 20 4 cent. Gallengal, or gallengal root ..,......20 Galloons, gold or silver, fine or half fine avinisiiurieiwcienanranen “St Gralls, NUE....ssccscesseescereveeceeneeee flO, Gambia........000 sovsecseerseeeevsensveeslO 4 cont. Gamboge, medicinal gum ..........10 “ Gamboge, refined......ssscesessereeedO Game bags, leather ....cccccrereeedd y EWING cerscceerseverereenedd — § Garance, or madder, prepared Garancene (extract of madder) .,.,..10 4 cent. Garnets, glass (see glass). 4 @ precious StONe .ss0100...10 , imitation of,acomposition.40 “ phardware....cseseerdd Garden seeds, not otherwise speci- fied Garters, elastic, made of wire, cover- ed with leather, with or without metal clasps ....csccessessssssseerseereedo Garters, India rubber, with clasps...35 Gas retorts, of common earthen or stoneware, not ornamented..,......25 Gauze, cotton (see cottons). Greelatine cissssrcsscessssevrerevsevveseerad — Gems woe seevccoseersecesseene lO , Bet... Gentian, or gentian root......000000420 DUTY. German silver, manufactured..,......40 Y cent. Gig hames (see saddlery) ... ——— BPTIN GS... vecsereeseeeea raven —— handles (see saddlery) .. Gilt DaseS..c...seevescessevecenenes — capitals.....060 —— ChAINB 1. ..esrecceersveveseee , if mock jewelry .... —— CAY-TIDGS secsissseccesssssersersonesza — —— paper 35 CO PING fee eesiatiaevssnesieenscando. , if mock jewelry ..... 2 6 ——, if mock jewelry”... —— ware, silver or gold......0 ware, of other metals.,.., WI visser esscce secs — watch chains ....., —— watch seals ......iccsccrsoernze © —— Watch keys wissscssssssresseerrens Bo —— WOO. rsessevsersrrressvsernnreerdn Gilt studs, if mock jewelry...........25 © Gimlets..,..ccccscsssssrsereersererrerree 4 Gimps, COttON visisesssceessssrerereerredn my BILE vs cssecoreeseesseeeeeeeree ses » thread, linen .....csececreere 40 , Wire, being a component part Of chief value ......sssseseenceeree ee BO Gin, 50 degrees and under ,,.$2 50 % gallon. —,51 « we 255 —,52 2600 ——,53 « 26500 —,54 « 270 —,55 275 —,56 « 280 —,57 285 —,53s * 290 « —,59 « 295°C —,60 « 300 = — 61. « a —,62 « 3100 —,63 « 315 OM —,64 « 320 = & —,65 32S 22 BATES OF DUTIES; DUTY. DUTY. Gin, 66 degrees serra $3 80 4 gallon, | Glass, as above, above 24 by ,67 385 BO inches ..cccscsrsseessveeseeereZCe YD 8q. foot. ,68 3840 « Provided, that all as above, weighing »69 345 4 over one pound per square foot, —, 70 & 350 = & shall pay an additional duty on —, all imitations of, to pay as the excess at the same rates herein genuine. imposed. Ginger, ground wisersssseeeeereee8C, YP Ib. » preserved and pickled .,,,..50 4 cent. VK NOOLS cvysausdcaendypaoveacygeee Ce A ID 7» CSSENCO OF sicssereasseveeeeesss00 GY cent, Gin cases, with bottles in them, the CASES PAY sesscrsseseeseeseeceoessseeeesDO and the bottles ...sccssessersseeeeBO Ginghams, as cottons. Ginseng sisserqenecsersenssesssceeseeeesaO Girandoles csccssseveosserssersneseee ee 40 Glass, of antiMOny ..,,..seecesseeeeeeeeQO0 —, old broken, fit only to be re- manufactured vriscsssseeseeseeseressdtCes Glass wares, of cut glags......serse.40 4 cent. Do.. do. all others not specially mentioned, not CUE ..s.sereeeeerseeeBO Glass, apothecaries’ phials and bot- tles, not exceeding the capacity of BIX OUNCES CACH.vseesseeseseeerseseensOO Glass, apothecaries’ phials, above six ounces, and not exceeding sixteen — OUNCES CACH jereecrercesceeeseseereerssOO Glass bottles, black, not filled .,.,..35 » filled with preserves,..40 —— buttons, cut entirely of ...,.....80 — jars, filled with preserves ..,,..40 —— ——,, plain, not filled............85 ——, all fluted, rolled, or rough plate glass, not including crown, cylinder, broad or common win- dow. glass, not over 10 by 15 InCheS ..cessseseenssseevesseerersace BQ. foot. Glass, as above, over 10 by 15 &“ “« &% «s and not over 16 by 24in. ...10, % Glass,.as above, over 16 by 24 inches, and not over 24 by “ 80 inches seaweneedeseaeiveicen tek SOs Glass, all cast polished plate glass, unsilvered, not over 10 by 15 inches,....... ..00000..30. WY sq. foot. Glass, as above, over 10 by 15 but not over 16 by 24 in.......5c. Glass, as above, over 16 by 24 but not over 24 by 30 in..,....8c. Glass, as above, above 24 by 30 but not over 24 by 60 in...25c. Glass, as above, above 24 by GO inches ...ssssseseessecseereoe00G Glass, all cast polished plate glass, silvered, or looking glass plates, not over 10 by 15 inches cicseccasenreaseeeeesssAQe Glass, as above, over 10 by 15 but not over 16 by 24 in....,..6¢. Glass, as above, ovcr 16 by 24 but not over 24 by 30 in. .,,...100. Glass, as above, over 24 by 30 but not over 24 by 60 in....... 35c. Glass, as above, over 24 by 60 INCHES ...scssscessceenesoneven esses OOGe Provided, that no looking glass plates, or plate glass silvered when framed, shall pay a less rate of duty than that imposed on similar glass of like description not framed, but shall pay in addition thereto.30 9 cent. for the frames. Glasses, Hour .....csssecoessseeeeeveersoo ¥ Cent, — , looking, with paper and wood frames (see glass plate, silvered), Glass, paintings on, not otherwise © BPCCHACH s.ssorsaccceesssoveeeerseree AO Glass plates, or disks, unwrought, for optical instruments .resrserey.LO c “cc oo “ o BATES OF DUTIES. 23 DUTY. Glass shades, for time-pieces or miantel ornaments v..cccseserreeedd GP cont. Glass, cut, all wares Of sissseeeveees40 —,, all articles of, not specified, plain or moulded...rcsersssseevereesBD —, plain or moulded, weighing under 8 ounces, except tumblers...35 —, cut, ornaments for chande- Liors, Otc. scccrsscesnsneernecceesesesss40 — tumblers, plain and moulded...85 — articles, plain or moulded...,,.35 ——, watch, or watch crystals .,,...40 —, pressed ..., wacodssareeeeDO —— COIOTEM seccrerecsvocseseessererene40 —y CENBLAVEM, cssssssocnsseceeeeessees-40 am, pAinted essscccccscseerevesceees 40 ——, printed cissccscssesseevesesseee se 40 —,, Bilt vecreceans —, stained ..,. —, silvered ..., ——, spectacles rseesssseccserrrerere 40 ——, pebbles, for spectacles ....4.....40 —, all manufactures of, or of which glass is @ component material, not otherwise provided for .........40 —— bottles, filled with preserves,,.40 —— jars, filled with preserves ,..,..40 —, all articles not specified, con- nected with other materials so as to prevent its being weighed ,,,,,.40 Glaziers’ diamonds ....sessaseeceeeseeesLO Globes sccsscaseveccsorsvvccesesevssisaiies BD Gloves, ANQOTA...ssscvevcessesesesssseeesBO y WOLSCEH sesesceeoneons A) COLO vas ceesevencvceses , men’s leather ......06,+0000008.50 , women’s leather habit ..,,.,50 , children’s leather habit..,...50 , women’s leather, extra demi length sicsccssesenverserssssessooeeeees00 —, children’s, extra demi length 50 DUTY. Gloves, hait,...cccccsescccssssssseseesss00 4 cout. Glue, isinglass .. GUWG isis sacensevenacevspedisaitassua reece Glycerine (med, prep.) sesecreeeeB0 © Goats’ skins, AW... .csssesecssesseveevee LO —, tanned sisisisscssonase20 Goncallo WOOd...sssesssceeeee wc 2OL 8 Gold epauleties iscccscccsreecd © ——,, all articles composed wholly or part of, not otherwise specified ,..40 Gold-beaters’ brine ....sssseseeeveces ee ALCS. MOUS srssecsseeeee LO Y cont. BEINS seseessveeerseeelO —— coin or bullion vcssssssrevene flO, TUE sisicadcacsnava scenes cdaavacadeadTOOs ~—— embroideries .., seuseee Bd VY cont, —— or silver lace, even ifmifin ...25 —— leaf, per package of 500 leaves vcssesesssrreres SL 50 Y package. —— muriate of (chem. prep.) ......20 Y% cent. —— ornaments, made by spreading gold leaf on very thin paper ......40 = OF1de Of L.isivoresersveesecnseanies 20 —— paper, in sheets, strips, or other LOVING 65 chiianes ve dave wedsovenani neler FSS GILE: sii oeestaviasaasassacavesien —— shell, for painting w...........85 © SS SLUGS Soi cancas csv deaundiadieaseseor “* Golo shoes, or clogs, WOOd......s0000 35 — shoes, or clogs, leather .........385 Gouges ...sescercsesseees séxiianearaunneta ey Gowns, not wool or silk .. 35. 6 Gown patterns, wool being » com- ponent part (see wool). Grains tawed or tanned (secleather).25 * OF Paradise ..ssscevevveseeesee20 Grain. tin wwii 20 Granella, or grana, Granulated tin vsiscccsecsessneeees 20 WU conte Granza, or Madder..eccersessesevseese fVCC, Grass DOGS wiisccsessessssscreseesscr BO & —— cable or cordage, untarred...31¢. YP Ib. ——_ CIOUD sar srecvssstrievssessseveeees30 QD cont. 24 RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Grass and cotton cloth ........s00068D Yr cont. —— flats, braids, or plaits, for making hats or bonnets ............80 hats or bonnets... 200040 Grasshopper springs ., tense BD Grass, Sisal... s.scseeseseseoessereree Slo Gy ton. —— mats, of flags (see mats). —— rope, untarred .ecsrecosereednC. Y Ib. Grease vecsssseccssccessseveressssessseseeLO Y cent, Groen turtle....cceereane20 Green Vitriol cessecssscssssceesseveeee $C QD ID. GridirOns......1ccscsseesecesevsorseseeOO 4 Cent Grindstones, finished ...... iiaveewsvevneO —, rough or unfinished ...10 Guava jelly, or paste ....... ajeneeanane 50 Gunny bags and cloth (see cotton bagging). Guano ...sssccccccrerecescerseseevessesse fC, ——, imitation of.,.., Guinea grains ..,.....006 Guitars ....ccsccseeoeees Guitar strings, gut .....cssesceceoeereesBO Guimauve, or camomile ..,..0s0000004420 Gum aloes wisceeseesscccssesssessenenes 60, GY Ib, bevzoin, or Benjamin .........10 , Senegal, Arabic, tragacanth, Barbary,East India, Jedda, amber.20 4 cent. MASIC cos seersveserereesseveseseees DOC. 4 Lb, —— copal, and other gums and re- sinous substances, used for the same or similar purposes as copal.10 ——— shellac .risscerssecsecssveversser se LO —, all other resinous substances not specified, in a crude state ...20 4 cent. do. do. notdo.w....20 —— substitute, burnt flour and SEATCH sscccessvessensces vonseeessore rs 20 —— sandrac, kowrie, and damar .,.10c. ‘{) lb. Gum elastic bougies ....ecoessecreed0 {cont “ 6“ “ sh “ “ —— catheters ...... 85 ——_—— injection bags .......:....385 “ — nipple shields... 35 ———- ——— POBBATICS rssrsserenverenrdD m—— ———— BOLODS sissrersrresseerene 0 DUTY. Gum elastic stomach tubes .........385 P cent. rT] Guin JOCK Sins iavesscauerteceinecsdecssaseanshd: Gunpowder, value less than 20c. - WDesssseesesseereeess60. YP lb, and 20 Gunpowder, value over 20c. ‘{) lb. 10c. 4 lb. and 20 Gun wadding of paper ...scesss0000s 8D Gutta percha, manufactured .........40 , unmanufactured......10 Guts, sheeps’, salted sessssecsseeesss20 Gypsum, or plaster of Paris .........[ree. H. TACKLES, flax..ssessescsccsstenreenn 4d G cont. s HEMP aicossccsserseresen te © Hair of alpaca, goat, or other like animals, unmanufactured, value at.the last place of shipment, ex~- clusive of charges-at such port, 2c. YP Ib. or less sesssesseeenresees30e Y Ib, Hair of alpaca, goat, or other like animals, unmanufactured, value, as above, over 12c. and not over DAC. Y Ube. sccccccreceereraseceneessseesG Hair of alpaca, goat, or other like animals, unmanufactured, value, as above, over 24c, 4) Ib., and not over 32c. 4 lb. it] 10c. Ib. and 10 Y cent. Hair, as above, value over 32c. PY Ib. sissssssseeresd2e. Y Ib. and 10 Hair of alpaca, goat, or other like “ animals, unmanufactured, im- ported in such state, by the ad- mixture of dirt, etc., as to reduce it in value (see proviso in wool). Hair, all other manufactures of, not Provided for..s.sse sesesesseeeaesseesBO Hair, made up for head-dresses..,...40 » prepared for head-dresses..,...35 40 ome THES... cia sve aes ineawtaieeameteand — cloth sisccsscescnes — curled, for beds .. RATES OF DUTIES, 25 4 DUTY. Hair braids, for the head...........35 YP cent. belts: skccsessecvavsaaseceseisermeOD ——_ DYOOMS. rssesenserssetererecveseeene BO — bracelets, chains, ringlets, and CUES... siaviverearasere 13D Hair, Hogs’... s.sssssscssesesseeeeveersecnlee QD Ib, Hair, human, prepared for use......30 4 cent. —_ »manufactured 4.4.40 —— BlOVES vaieessscesessrerseessereers oO“ » unmanufactured, human,,....20 ——, cleaned, not otherwise pro- vided for sss ‘vies! iT Flair, horse, cleaned......sssssseseserseeLO —, horse, long, used for weaving, Cleansed OF NOtsssrccsseseeeseeceesefOCs Hair pins ...ssssssssseseesevssscesenesenesB0 qy Cont. —— powder, perfumed, all others DOL specified .,...ccssesserersrereree OO Hair powder, not perfumed ..., ce —— SEALING sirssvrceseeroerneveens Hair, other, raw.... Hair pencils....csssosssressveeseeeenned0d 4 cent. Halter chains (see iron). rings (see saddlery).....4.000..39 Hames, W00d .iscccssssseseeseevnseeenesd0 Hammers, blacksmiths’,.........0...25¢ GY Ib. ——, all others, if no steel...,..85 Y cent. Hams, Dan sisssssssssssssseceenvovsenseeace 4 Lb, Handkerchiefs, linen, (see linens). » bandanna and chop- p2 (see silks), Handkerchiefs, silk (see silks). ———-——--, cotton (see cottons). , Madras (sce cottons), os ii7 Handles for chests....scsssressseeeeed0 4 cent. THangers.siceccccssersersensveseessevsesao * Hangings, paper... 385 Hares’ hair or fur..... 20 Hare skins, undressed., 10 =« —— skins, ressed....csscccseseeesese 20 Harlacm Oi) wicccsessceseenseresoeeersees00 FHarness.....sssesceeseneecassescceseennves 35 FUYDIEGTC Voiecsseessvveeereree dD Harp strings, gut... DUTY. Harp strings, wire....sssserererse BD UY cent. Harps and harpsichords .........4.4...80 Hartshorn, spirits Of. 40 Hatchets v...ccsscssssceesevseescesreee 40 Hat bodies, cotton..... 85 —, in whole or in part wool, and wool of chief value.... wane - af Hats, Leghorn.....cccseeeeeeeeeen 40 Hat linings, cotton, as cottons. Hats of chip, straw, or grass......... 40 © —, cotton cloth, complete with the exception of the liningandband.40 “ Hats of wool,.,...24c. q Ib, and 35 “ Hats, fur ...scccoseeeee ——, leather.......cssssssecssssserseee 40 +, palm leaficaussnaearservinessAO =; PRA: ascisssevimmniscdd © , japanned......... Ssaddeessomansado ° ——, silk, men’s... 60 = Tats, Panama, Manilla, Leghorn, Na- ples, or elsewhere, composed of satin-straw, chip, grass, rattan, wil- low, or any vegetable substance, hair or whalebone, or any other material not specified..............40 Athos viisassacies vecswy Seitensasaeaovacaaur- “8 Havresacks, of leather........:s00000:00 © Hay kyives .....cccsccsesevesees 45 Head dresses, ornaments for.........85 Head matter, if fisheries of the Onited States ........ccccceserevee free. Head picces, for slills...........0....80 4 cent. Hearth rugs, all (see mats). Hellebore root. ..ccssessessesceeseeseeees20 Hemlock v.ssescssscesssceeveeenscensee see 20 Hemp 8000 ..srscosvesesessveeesecseeree ace 4 Ib, teeeeeneeee 2G, 4 gal, ——, manufactures of, or of which hemp is a component part of chief value, valued not over 30c. 4 BQ YQ. siccssceesssceevevessesersessseesO0 4? Cent, Hemp, manufactures of, or of which hemp is a component part of chief value, value over 30c. { sq. yd. 40 “ —— — Oils C9 26 RATES OF DUTIES, DUTY. Hemp, unmanufactured..s.ssssse010.$40 P ton. ——, Manilla, woe enatuaueed 8250 —, sun, & S15 ——, Indian, < 825 4 —, manufactures all of, or of which hemp is a component, mate- rial of chief value, not otherwise provided for...cccscccseacecercceeeeeeed0 YD cont. Hemp, codilla, or tow of hemp......$10 4 ton. ——, Indian, (crude drug).........+..20 Y cent. Henbane visscessessscssssceaveseees Herrings, pickled, in barrels... ; » pickled, in kegs........... ——, smoked or dryveessecsecseese Hides, raw vicssesssscccesepecesseaseeeest.O GP cont, —, salted or pickled.......ceccc00LO , tanned, (sole leather)... Hinges, brass, copper..... , Silver or gold.ieserss Hobby horses, Wood.......005 weed PAPEL isesseseessereee DO Hods, coal iron......ssccsesesveerensenees 35 Ot > COPPEL aisereresecseerserresdo Hoes, if any steel...icscssscsceseee 4 Hoffman’s anodyne v...eccccesseesereee DLC. Y lb, Hones ..csescccesseresnseeseeseseesen ++.20 WY cent, Honey v.ccesccccceceoesssearsscseveeseenss0. YY gal, WAGED wessecereeens Hooks, fish w...csceseees 45 « Ob eannaeneaneanes and eyes, All... sssssereee BD »Veaping wise Warieteeaanacto Hoops, iron, fit for use wc... BD OPS axsissicnsvieatvabesnases +00. Y Ib, Horn combs ......ccscceseeneees ..385 PY cent, — tips ..... — plates, for Tintern... . Horns vesssinnesvetes iaeddO Hose, cotton, plesdhed or colored ...35 “ —, worsted ...... etitnsea oo ——, BIIK, BOWED wieseecseccssceserseess G0 « —— leather a iccctssmacsvisisevvecnn Bo ——, linen thread ww. BD Hosiery, wool.......20c. QP lb. and 80 Household effects, old, and in use of Weve eeaeeeneae 3c. YP Ib. seeeceeeeeee.00 GY cent, DUTY. persons or families from foreign countries, if used abroad by them and not intended for any other person, or for sale ....sesseseeserenehPOO. Household furniture ....scssesseeeeesd0 4 Cont of cedar, gran- adilla, ebony, mahogany, roso and satin WOOd wi..eeeeeseeseee uence Hungary water (coemetic) w..0...50 Hyacinth roots .....cssceesseservsseerr 80 Hydriodate of potash . ...75e. BY Ib. Tlydrometers, of glass...........00046.85 % cent, It is understood that those which come from France have no metal connected with them. And thatthose which come from Eng- land have brass as a component part: this being so, they will be siabject to a duty Of swwsveeercade Tt ICE wicsssaceccsceevssssssssecsesseesseesssfPOe, Imitation of precious stones, glass. .40 4 cent. Implements of trade of persons ar- riving in the United States India rubber in bottles, or sheets, or otherwise unmanufactured..,...,..10 9 cent, India rubber, milk Of ...cecceceseeeeees20 —— oil cloth or other manu- factured articles, composed wholly or in part of India rubber, not otherwise provided for 35 Cee eeovenns | India rubber cloth vsssesessesseereneedd —— and silk, or silk and other material combined ...,.....50 | India rubber shoes and boots ......385 suspenders (see sus- ponders) sce MND. H | India rubber webbing... dd | Indian meal .......cssscccsseessessennelO hemp (crude drug)....01000.20 Indian red Peoreneeevenrsreeerees RATES OF DUTIES, 27 DUTY. Indigo wsssccsscencsecesececoeseecreenses £00, o COTMINEH ssccssvevasersesesene 20 4 cont, Indispensables, or bags, leather......35 ———-—_——, cotton.......85 —-——————-——,, merino stuff..50 ——-—— — — —— y BULK .,.4444004..00 ————,, bead .........50 © ———, bead, with seneeceaneqaceesses0O clasps .. Tak? scswsaresissnssacascncseavaassavanges BO Tak powder veccesccessseeseeveeesessness:00 Ink stands, leather ..,....s.seed0 —, paper, with glass ......40 y BILVES vieccccssseceeseesee 40 —, WOOD sisecevevssseeneveeesBO —, glass, plain ,,, - 2 Glass, cut w4, Instruments, philosophical... 40 ——, MUSICAL Vareesieseerere BO » philosophical, not spe- cially imported, duty according to the materials they are composed of. Instruments, musical, brass ..,......80 Inventions, models of (under restric- TOL) carisasi scalgeasceeaseie sisvdatansiasavtteey Todine (crude) vissccssccssssreereeees000. GQ? Ib. ———, Salts OF siicicscorscssersesseen LD YY cont, ssreeevsvsesanneneZBGe YD Ib, Ipecac, ipecacuanha wissen 00 © Tridivi creecssessecevsveee conenseeness£LOOs Tris root ..., Tron andirons, cast.. —— ADVIS erseesssegevenes i anchors, and parts Of css 2d —— axles ee tsteviemameed ——, band, hoop and scroll, from 4 to 6 inches wide, and not less than FZ inch thick ....cccccseseseceneeeeeeees Le ot Tron, as above, from 4 to 6 inches wide, under % inch thick, and not under No. 20 wire gauge... 13. « Iron, as above, thinner than No. 20 WILE ZAUZC ssssersovccnveegecrenesnene Ld ———, resublimed : DUTY. Tron bars, rolled or hammered, com- prising flats, not less than one or more than six inches wide, nor less than § ormore than 2 inches thick.le. lb. Tron, round, not less than ? or more than 2 inches in diameter ..... avovdl & Tron, square, not less than # or more than 2 inches square ........0600 al % Iron bars, rolled, or hammered, com- prising flats, less than § or more than 2 inches thick, or less than 1 inch or more than 6 inches wide...1} Tron, round, less than 2 or more than Zinchesindiameter ...........12 Tron, square, less than 3 or more than 2 inches square wwiccccseeede Provided, that all iron in slabs, blooms, loops, or other forms, less finished than bars, and more ad- vanced than pig iron, except cast- ings, shall pay as iron in bars, Provided,that none of the above iron shall pay a less rate of duty than 35 9 cent. Tron bars, for railroads, or inclined planes, made to pattern, ready to Lay COW sacayesane esvissanevane 70c. 100 Ib. Iron boiler-plates or other plate iron, not less than 3-16 inch thick,,,.,..,.1d¢. Ib. Tron butts, cast “ bolts, wrought... aay —— bed-screws ...... woneaes sesveerseae = ‘brads, cut, not over 16 ounces per thousand .......... sist 3 see 250. per My Iron brads, cut, over 16 ounces per Phoupand 405 scvesansicseevasiwensnant 8c. YY Ib. Iron cables, or chains, or parts of...24 Iron castings, all not enumerated ...30 Y cent. Tron chains.,,> - . , of wire, or rods, ( —— trace... not less than 3.3 91 ‘ - halter,.. : ar ze. Ib. diameter fence .., —-— chains, as above, less than one« quarter of an inch in diameter, and not under No, 9 wire gauge.3 28 BATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Tron chains, as above, under No. 9 WIE ZOUZO .icsecscsssccecveveesennres 35 P cent. Tron, coated with zine or any metal by electric batterios wissecssseeeeee2GCe YP Ib. Tron flues, wrought ..sccsssrsesssnecg —— gas pipe, cast wiciovsordy © —— gas tubes, wrought wu 8d & ——, galvanized ....cccsscssccosessoe —, hatters’ — hinges, cast... icsbened eeaineserewerved nde ide dau hpaesaceesansea —— hollow ware, glazed swede » tinned weweeeede f Tron, Cast ..cccsccsssssccssssesseseosevende ~——— hinges, wrought... —— hammers, blacksmith............24 © ——, malleable, casting, not other- wise provided fOr,..ssssscsrrsrreesrg Tron, malleable,......0. mill wrought wiiccscsessereened jerank wrought ...cueeed © —— manufactures of all kinds not otherwise enumerated,,....,.060+..30 4? cent. Tron nails, CUt.....ssscrseressstseveeereel gc. YP Ib. ————, wrought (board) .........25 “ —, horse-sh0e .sse sessveevereed Tron nuts, wrought ....ccscceeren 6 ——, old scrap, fit only to be re- manufactured issscccrssrserssereree 98 4 ton. Tron, pig s.ssccaee rivets, Wrought v.tsccsesecesneeszacr WY Ib, —— railroad chairs, wrought .....2 “ SS UBAG: sscciesin en ssviereedilonsecndeyaagus dy —— BEOVES sessseee —— stove plates,....... —— steam pipes, cast....ueneede —— slit rods, not otherwise pro- Vided for ..isssscccsvessesesesesesssesdy Tron spikes, CUb sisssccsseeesssserrrdg y WEOUZHE sicseosssersreere De Tron sled ges vcsscsssssecstsssssseeseense og —— steam tubes, wrought .........33 —— sprigs, cut, not over 16 ounces per thousand......cccsccerscersesessesgCe Iron sprigs, cuf, oyer 16 oz ver M ,,.30. pM. p Ib. DUTY. Tron sheets, smoothed or polished...3c. Y 1b. » common or black, not thinner than No. 20 wire gauge...1} “ Iron sheets, common or black, less than 20, not less than No. 25 WILE ZAUZC sissrevenvsscsesenseerenses Iron sheets, common or black, less than No, 25 wire gauge ........12 Iron screws, wood, 2 inches or over inlength Jaccaniwinisecens Iron screws, wood, less than two inches in Jength j.iscccccsretl © Tron screws, except WOOG sessessee.-30 Y Cont, —, tailors’ irons ..s.sscecsesseeeeeeeed gee Ib, —— tacks, cut, not over 16 ounces per thousand ..ssissesssesseceesseene dee GM. Iron tacks, cut, over 16 ounces per thousand .....sccssseseereeeeesseseseesd@e YY Id. Tron vessels, cast, not otherwise provided fOr....csomerrvde bright, coppered or tinned, drawn and finished, not more than } inch in diameter, nor less than No. 16 wire gauge, 2c. P lb. and15 % cent. Iron wire, as above, over 16 and not over 25 wire gauge, t¢c.9lb.and15 Iron wire, over 25 wire gauge, 4c. Ib.and 15“ Provided wire, covered with cotton, silk, or other material, shall pay 5c. Y Ib. in addition. Tron water pipe, cast... Lye > Ib, —— tubes, wrought .....4... Tron washers, wrought, ready PUNCHEM visrecscecccccecseeeerseresea = Tron, wrought, for ships (weight) of each 25 pounds ormore .....2 Iron, wrought, for locomotive tire, parts OF ascisiiavierwccersenned Tron, wrought, for steam engine and parts of, each 25 pounds or 14 es Iron wire, TLLOTO sesessvecncnsereeveceeeveseserseeseed RATES OF DUTIES. 29 DUTY. Tron, all rolled or hammered, not otherwise provided for ...........14¢. $Y Ib. Tron castors ...ccscsscesesseves +35 FY cent. —— COMDS, CUITY viesesesssssersvsernedd —— cutting knives, for cutting hay ORB AW sicscieiecaiaearges goo. Iron cutting knives, if any steel......45 , manufactures of, partly finished, pay the same rate of duty as if entirely finished ......ssseserdd © Tron scythes, part steel .... 45 ——— BhOE v.rrsevcceneesveres 30 —— shovels, part steel ..,, 45 6 —— sickles, part steel .... 45 —— spades, part steel 4504 —— squares, marked on one a ai, Be. BP Ib. and vveceseccceseseeerrr so Iron squares, all other 30 Y cent. and 6c, GP Ib. Iron square wire, used for the manu- facture of stretchers for umbrel- las, and cut in pieces not exceed- ing the length used therefore ,,,35 YY cent. Tron, taggers’ ..s.cisscssessseensenseesseBO —— sulphate Of viicccssessseeesengCe YY Ib, —— wire, annealed, to pay duty the same as other iron wire. Tron, manufactures of, not other- wise provided for ......sccssssereeeedd YP cent. seeceneeeoee Deve eeeen renee eee sneees Tsinglass ......ssessecceseas 30. Issue peas 40 * —— plaster .......ccesecene 40 6 Istle, or tampico fibre... sale. GY Ib. WOrfuissiesrenoiceiconmee seveceeeeLO PY cent, —— chessmen, dice, draughts, chess and bagatelle balls .......0.06.154..50 6 —— combs ........ ene do ——-, stneituctieed nat midyited for35 ——, unmanufacturedrcrrvrned® DUTY. Tyory black .....csscscccssssseeesseeveree20 YY cont, —— parallel rules (not mounted)...85 “ PTOCVACLOLS .iisisseseeestrerererssdo —— scales ..,. wend —— sectors... siseseecadieneda DUES oc cseceseeee iiaieniiescemedd ——, vegetable, manufactures of ...35 J. JACKS, a part of piano-fortes ......35 Y cent. . clothiers’,, Jalap.., “ .50c. 4 lb. Japanned wares, of all kinds, not provided for.....iciceeseseeceese-40 YD cent. Jars, black glass, not exceeding one quart....... Hiden dadeianansanaaanee 35 Jars, black glass, exceeding one qt...35 Jessamine, or jasmine, oil of Jellies, and all other similar pre- Parations .....ccsccccorrracscsscsescers 50 Jerk beef ..,... ica ktheiecicemneveaent vw le. Y Ib. Tet, real ye. iissiicsccesssreescareeeres Bd Y cents —, if composition vissecccesessseees 35 = BLONES! sicssasssanvcesinteeivierasacend Jet bead THO OeN Denne seer gever oes snnceeenere Vee enboeneceveteoecesseesneeseses od OWELY Yi Ses desssdtevuseemeeendeee. — false, 80 called sales eiivsveame@eone ) Joints, India w.vsesescssseeeeee BO Jostic, or jos light ...c.csesecreee 20 © Juglandium, oil of ...,......005 Juice of limes ..,..... Of TeMONS.......cesecesssecees 8 —— Of OFANGES Leseesscceseccceeeeeens 20 « Juniper berries....cisssseseereeeee LO PAGS vicdssccsreraswnvnsd Turk, 1d. .ssiseessesececaverenes iecaridane free. Jute, manufactured, or of which jute is a component material of chief value, value 80 cents per equare Fard or less vs seseesceseeccecenees 35 YP cent. Jute, manufactured, or of which jute is a component material of chief value, value over 30 cts. peraq. yd.40 * 30 RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Tute, butts issecscossercersestrsereer ee SO YF ton. , manufactures of, not otherwise PLOVIded for........sservserreeeeeees OO 4 Cent. Jute, unmanufactured cose 5 CATPEtING ...ssecsrsssececerenBZCe YP Bq. yd. K. KALEIDOSOCOPES .....esccceenesss.40 Y cent. Kaoline .....ccccsssscnsseccssccesssseesees.00 4y ton. Kelp: ssssrsveassesseesdsteceaseaserveseen as f0G.,, Kentledge (sce iron). Kermes (mineral) ....sssccssscserssveeLO cont. Kersey ratten, woolen cloth (see wool). Kettles, brass, in nests ssesseeeeeeee BD 7, CASE ION siscsessecersssceeseeeeeL ge. YP Ib, y COPPEL sssesseeesseverseeereres dO Gy Cent. Keys, watch, of gold wessieeerr2d ——, ——,, Of silver eseesereerrndd —, all other, of iron, brass, or COPPET sisiiesterseterseree & Keys, all other, of gold or silver..,...40 “ Kilmarnock caps, worsted w..erseee50 King’s yellow .icssssstssereen2o Kirschenwasser (see arrack). Knitting needles ........cssesssvessaeees 25 « Knives, cutting (meaning those for hay or straw) wsscssssesrsevevere 4d Knives, curviers’ .....ssscssessesseceees 45 ———, Arawing v.sccssecessseveaneerees 45 ———, flesh.....4...4. 45 , silver or gold... 40 ——, pen, jack, and pocket...,.,...50 “ Knobs, brass, gilt, plated, or washed, HON OF COPPEY v.sssereessesrerserrresBo Knobs, cut glass ......04 fa ———,, glass, not CUE. erende ——, ——~—, with brass, iron, or composition shanks wuss 40 ity Kmockers ...csccecssecetseeceeanaeeeaneses Oo Knots and stars, of gold and silver,’ fine or half fin@....ccsecrreereee Bd Krems white, or white lead ...,.,...8¢. Y Ib. Kredsote ssssociesseressesceecisedeeeeiee20 YP cont, L. DUTY. LABETS, printed ..,..cserseceeveees 20 4 cent, Labels, decanter or other, gilt or Plated sincere © Labels, decanter, or other, gold or BUVOL , cvssssssivaacecesvevevessvaeererc4O TilG: Ay 0 isc3\cesesssindeuneasie daveedoaeraevest TOC: —— marine (artificial gum) .........20 YP cent. —— spirits, prepared dye —— BUIPHUY, ...scssesereensees .. free. Lace, bobbinet .....s.000 seseeeeeB5 WD cont, ——, coach (cotton) ..... Bd —_, (worsted) .. —, ZOD. aeeseeeeces ——, plated, or mi fin ——, silver .... may SIRS siivertvesseeves eas veccteaveetins 60 « —— shawls, if sewed-(cotton) ......85 —— edgings, cotton ....cusceee dd © —— insertings, cotton wee 35 —— gimp, COttON ..,.ssececcerveeenesBD —— quillings, cotton ......sseceeee 003d tatting, COLtON......c0cseener od © —— purling, cotton wie Bd —— bobbinet veils, cotton ...... 85 OC — chemisettes, not trimmed...]/ 35 “ —— collars, not trimmed...,.....] 85 —— pelerines, not trimmed ...]| 85 —— collarettes, not trimmed ...} 35 —— cazenous, nottrimmed......] 35 —— handkerchiefs ........c000088] 85 —— caps, not trimmed .........] 85 —— ——, made up and trim- INEM isiituiicsanciiiaastuavegeta vases Lace collars, trimmed ...........,°35 —— collarettes, trimmed ......] 35 “ —— pelerines, trimmed .........] 35 “ —— chemisettes, trimmed ...... 85. CO —— cazenous, trimmed ........., 85 —— handkerchiefs, trimmed ...f 85 “ —— collars and capes,.ready to wear oe 35 CO Lace pelerines viseessenens 85 © RATES OF DUTIES. 81 DUTY. Lace veils, cotton..csocsscesseseereeees80 YP conte Laces, all thread ......sccsssseesstenreB0 Lace, thread insertings .....s.0000....30 Laces, gold and silver, invoiced fin, mi fin, argent fin, and argent mi Laced boots or bootees Sums Lacets, or lacings, silk..................50 ) if cotton wo... 35 Lacquered ware re 35 Ladies’ worked caps, trimmed, cot- CON. ereessees erties sveasatanties 35 Ladles, gilt on copper.ieeveeeeeedd » Gilt on silver veces 40 —, gold or silver ....ccscsseeeeees 40 « y iron, tin, Britannia, brass, OF COPPEY vscseses senses ccaceeveeceeees 35. COS Ladle heads Dat eceeiaaiecan ne $6 Lake (water colours) w.sosroreeerdd —,drop, “ ain & PAINS vrescrssvacrsccssseressascctrzo Tampblack: «iscsssvssevsvsavseceestecane 20 * Lamp hooks.....ccssccscccsessereeerernBo ——— pulleys, brass, copper, or ALO. + chi vansdvverneearae dshdivebisoeasad 2° —— pulleys, WOOd......eereeen do © Lamps, brass, copper, or tin .........385 , entirely of plain ne sesseesdo ‘$ , cut glass........ weve 40 ——, with brass pillars ., teomreenrdo Danceta,..crccscssccsccssseseescees caaee et Lancet cases, akawvedn PAPEr..r.y..Bd leather ...... 35 CO Lantern leaves, or horn plates......10 Lanterns, tin, gilt, plated, brass, pewter, OF COPPET.essereeerersseenerdod Lapis, calaminaris (calamine) —, infernalis, preparations.....,,..20 4 cent. —, tutia, oxide of zinc.........4.0.L2c. P Ib, Tatd)..ciccanacniimnannnnne |S Larding pind issccccsserseseevseeseeendo Qy cent, Lasting, woven or made in patterns, of such size and shape and form, and cut in such manner as to he DUTY. fit for buttons, shoes, or bootecs exclusively, and not combined with India rubber .....sccess+++06.L0 Y cents Latches, iron, brass, gilt, plated, washed, OF COPPEY sissesseerereedo Lath sccvssvevsssevsssseveteversiviesssnnrer20- Latten, Drags eiciccssicccsesssrrees Oo Tiaudanum: sjrssevserseseocerasaessveneet0 “* Laurel, oil of....... siecdivincndiecsierep20Ce BP 1be Lavender, essence of, double or sin- gle distilled ...........006 seeeeeeeeee00 WP cent. Lavender, dry, flower Of ...c0000020 j HOWE? fcivsrissncvsvescn2O © SOL OF js egesevassaanassascenn DO’ Water -..iiscavessiesreres 00 * Lawn, cotton (see cotton). ——, linen (see linen). —, or long lawn, linen (see linen). Lead, all manufactures of, not other- Wise 8PeCificd ..iserssessesssseersseeedo Lead casts...ss0se0 85 —, in bars ...... 2c. Y Ib. —, black ..cseccsseevens 1.810 YP ton. ——,, powder of black ... ++.20 Y cent, Lead combs v..ssccssseeees —— pots, black ..., —, in pigs ...... sasubdabasecgussavierageees GPalDe —, old, fit ee to be remanufac- tUTEd Va sesetsrersteeeersesene de 6 Lead, sugar of “ —, red, dry or ground in oil ime sass Wiis oes nein antl “ TOM sassivves a # Lead in sheets ., Da —— shot vse aioe f ——, TOYB..rrcresscreronccevenceevereeess50 9 cent. —$, A0CALC ..secscesasreeeeees «200. 4 Ib. ——, white, dry, or ground in oil.,.3 & ~—— PIPES vcrrerscecsersserversecsseereae SS OFC: ics iedsnaasenevens istiacsacde —— in any other form not specified..35 cent. Leaders, leather ....cesssssescesenssaeeeBD y WOYSEEE, ssscrsvecereenssseeensOO Leaf, Dutch metal wisssssesnrld © 82 RATES OF DUTIES, DUTY. Leaf, gold, per package of 500 Tenves....sssessescesccerseeseceedh OO FY package. Leaves, medicinal, in a crude state..,20 {) cent. , silver, of 500 leaves per package csssecssssoerrereeed ace YP package, Leather bracelets, elastic........0000..80 4 cent, “ mM ——._ MES a rrcceeseenennrevenceeeesOO garters, elastic ......see00080 , and all manufactures there- of, or of which it is the material of chief value, not otherwise specified 35 “ Leather, bend .cuccsssssssssstmer Bo ——, caps of... » hate of... ee ——— bottles.......seceseeecees —— braces or suspenders. sassavgaas. * Sees BOLO iene sedcteenissaseiiearyies » upper (tanned calf-skins)...30 “ ——,, ——, not otherwise speci- fled sassecenecaeseeceesreenees tant aes 25 Leather, patent (or japanned) or “ enameled ..icccccsserssereseesreenee ees B0 Leaves for dyeing, ina crude ——— not used in dyeing, not otherwise provided for .,..........20 4 cent. Leaves, DOUCHO...sssssssssssecseeseeseeesLOCe YP Ib, ———, pal oo. scrsssscssesvesveeveree free, ———,, medicinal .......ccceseeeeeree20 Y cent. Leeches Lees, wine, crystallized, or crude tartar, or argols .issceseeeseeee 6. Y Tb. Leghorn hats or bonnets, and all hats or bonnets of straw, chip, or grass 40 4) cent. aeiaTaeceO. osdeadedtaeaiaineuciatearenneitees braids *....seseeene 30 « crowns or brims ,., 320 «6 plaite: accvsieaves 300 Lemons, in bulk v...csscseerreeezo , in boxes, barrels, or casks ...25 “ Lemon juica....ccccceee iditeeeerlO 1 Oil OL c.ceees seceecaneDOc. Y Ib, servelO WP cent. Lemon, essence of ssssscssseenneee. 00: 00Ce PP Ib. Leno, linen (see flax). Leno, muslin (see cottons). Leopard skins, raw......0+++ y UVCSSCA..sesesseveeceeees 20 Lima bark... .seccsceeceecceessneeneeeaeens20 Lame, cei ceesaavavenssacevesasseoesveeree lO! , borate of —, chloride of —, white Limes visscessesees Lime juice......00 Limets, oil of ... Lime, acetate of .. y CLELATC, ereecsreeees Lines, fishing, a twine..... ——, fishing, complete .... ————, WOrSHET ..c.0. cesceeseereccsceeers 50 Linen thread twine 40 — packing thread ..... dupeeGsweeine 40 Linens, all manufactures of, not otherwise specified see..sscesseree. 40 40 Linen bags wissssvesetssessenseeeeeeerees — canvas, black, woven, or made in form or patterns, of such size and shape exclusively for buttons, shoes, OF DOOCCES ...,..sseseseneeeseesLO Linen mitts, wove on frames ,,,......35 EAPC. ase cnevsenscesercoseccsversces AO Linens, brown...... , bleached... , burlaps , brown Hollands ...... as Blay chetienccexiecnesace ———,, canvass padding ...... —— , cot bottom...........006 y COMLINGE ..seeceeeeee M$, CYASD ver secescoes ‘pack oxenbs aed ‘aapun do “s4u90 Og en[eA ow om '; TAWDE secosescncecvoecnsone si esetuvanerivavvaxavees DOHA? IDs sssseesseeeeees300. YJ 100 Ib. . RATES OF DUTIES. 33 DUTY. Linens, as above, value over 30c. per square yard ... Linen, all manufactures of, or of which flax, jute, or hemp shall be component material of chief value, valued at over 40c. per square yard, not otherwise provided for...40 Links, coat . cscsstsesessssreserendo Linseed ......... Linseed cakes .. — MEAL... seeceesenrerneneensen ee ZO OU scsaassandeeatieseaseumeane 28c. YW gal. sessceseeeveees 40 QP cent. Lint, linen ,,......0006 —, COLTON... sresereesves SigaeenandsanecdO Liqueurs or cordials, all sweet “ Liquor, ir0n.eseecceseeese eevee veseseeeeslO GQ cent. » purple... vz 5p TOM seveassvenvessis aawieeraie wince: we IY) ess cesnccsieneen tris ivehicantes 20 CAKES. iiss sisigiaaseas artvecnecdd bottles, if CUE cisesecceseseeeee4O bottles, if not out wu 8d Liquorice paste....scccccssssecsecsneeeees root... aioe ee |e » inrolls, Litharge ....sscsceene Lithographic stones ..,.40:6644 Lithontriptons ..sssessessesssrerrnao Litmus v.cceccesseseceseseneeeeersvesseene20 Loadstones ..ccccsiccccsessesscersessennez0 Lotions, all cosmetic . Lozenges, all medicinal Locks, brass.......0006 die ——, wood and iron ,. ——, wood and steel ... Logwood , extracts of ...... Long cloths, liable to the regulations respecting manufactures of cotton. Looking-glass plates, if silvered (see glass). frames, if gilt on sRav ede vuieddenceeanvoeaieensngeeyoO metal sreseavceeseeere 40 Y cent. ..1€¢ bush. ...20 4 cent. 52 50 YY gal, 10c. P Ib. s1eeee20 4 cent. seateveesensLO FY cent. DUTY. Looking-glass frames, if wood, or Gilt ON WOOKL....cesessrsenseconeccesss 35 Y cent. Looking-glass frames, if metal ..,...85 Lumar caustic ...ssesccsseseeseesescsesss 40 Lustres, glass, cut v..ccesscssrereeee 40 , brass and glass .... 40 LUGS. vseveesesousaaraenkes 30 LG) BOGS sacvssesa wisvaveremnaeacn2e MM. MACARONT wisssccessecsesssecceeeeees MACO ss. sancvcancpecsoaaeeaiennie seseeveeeee 40. Y Ib, Macassar Oil........csescee oe .50 { cent. Machinery, models of, and other in- Ventions wvsieseseeesee vee actuate free. Machinery, fnoduding all the preli- minary processes requisite -there- 35 cent. for, exclusively designed or ex- pressly imported for the manufac- ture of flax and linen goods Machinery, steam agricultural and Implements ...s..seseeeseeveseneres ALEC Mackerel, pickled ...... leveeeepenseeeeses D2 4? DbL. Madder.........sseveeee Madder root....sscccsesessverseeeenes Madder, ground or prepared...,...... free. Magic lanterns, and similar articles, composed of tin, glass, wood, brass, copper, €tC. ....sssseseereee 40 WY cent. Magnesia, calcined ...,...ssseseeeeeeb2C. Y Ib. , carbonate Of wwe 6 » sulphate of, or eae salts.... teens wa ley £8 Mahogany...........055 sseabesadaieeuaeres thes Mails, an iron article used in weay- ING sss sven vessaevereeeserseteenees seevesdo 4 Cent. Mails, Sr0n: scrsicanavauvamieoo a, BLED saicarinedsqertieesecdeseramn aoa #2 Mallets, wood ........ isons iasiueien sn woo | Mall scsonstevscesssvassvaatavictasavienee 20. & Manganese ...sys. Seatac 10 * Mangoes! ssisvisviionincenvencnld © 34 BATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Mangroves, or shells of .........+0¢...20 YP cent. Manilla grass (or hemp) ............525 @% ton. Manna (med. gum) wisescsesseeeee ee 200. WY Ib, Mantillas, sill 04 sisscsessoeosscssevsees 60 %& cent. Manufactured tobacco not otherwise provided for ..... ancien eaeeaicasitiings 50c. 4 lb. Manufactures of the United States and its territories .......cesseeeneee free, Manufactures, all, of the United States, brought back ......... seas £PCC, Manufactures of articles, vessels and wares, not otherwise provided for, of brass, copper, iron, lead, pewter, tin, or of which either metal is Of Chief value .....cccsccsecesseveeeeeBO GP Cont, Manufactures of bark of cork tree, except COPKS.....sscsssesenseesesseess 00 Manufactures of bladders ............80 “ Manufactures of bone, shell, horn, ivory, and vegetable ivory ......... 35 CO Manufactures of cotton,if tamboured or embroidered 1... sessseseseseeees 35 CO Manufactures of cotton, wholly un- bleached (see cottons). Manufactures of cotton and linen, not otherwise enumerated, flax Chief value vissscssccevseseeseeceeer 40 Manufactures of cotton and silk, not otherwise enumerated, silk not Chief value: iecsevtsaiiveesesmiieanoe Manufactures of cotton and worsted, not otherwise enumerated .........50 “ Manufactures of cotton, embroidered or tamboured, not otherwise pro- Vided fOr .scccssecesesevereseveeenesesBO Manufactures not otherwise provided for, composed of mixed materials, in part of cotton, silk, wool, or worsted, fax, hemp or jute, not otherwise provided for ............385 Manufactures of flax, or of which flax is a component part of chief vaine, not otherwise provided for, “ seveersestaceeresnsenserses4O « DUTY. Manufactures of fur, or of which fur is a component material,...........385 W cent. Manufactures of gold, silver, German silver, platina, or of which either isa component part, not other- wise provided for....iccccseeeee 40 © Manufactures of glass articles, ves- sels, and wares, not otherwise pro- vided for, NOt CUt...ececeron © Manufactures of gutta percha Manufactures of hemp, or of which it is a component material of chief value, not otherwise provided HOM. dyisassdraisviseteansdeegt sningessos OO Manufactures of hair, not otherwise PVOVIdE FOF. iississcessecerseere BO Manufactures of India-rubber and silk, or of silk and other mate- Vials) sivssnsuerssserersesvereservecrs 1 BO. Manufactures of jute, or Sisal grass, not otherwise provided for...,.....80 Manufactures of linen, ifembroidered or tamboured, not otherwise pro- Vided for .ceisscssoesreerseeserseeesoe © Manufactures of leather, not other- wise provided for, of which leather isa component part vu. BD Manufactures of marble, more ad- vanced than slabs or blocks, (ough) sisi cissswriersancdveseawiesbO Manufactures of mohair, alpaca, or goats’ hair, of which they shall be a component part, not otherwise PVOVIded FOL... .resessssecesererseee DO Manufactures of mohair, cloth, silk, twist, and other cloth woven or made in patterns of such size and form, or cut in such manner as to be fit for shoes, boots, bootees, and buttons, exclusively, and not combined with India rubber ...... 10 « Manufactures of paper, of which paper is a component part, not otherwise provided for sede ily oid RATES OF DUTY. Manufactures of papier mache, not otherwise provided for ............35 { cent. Manufac’sofsilk,embroidered or tam- boured,not otherwise provided for.35 Manufactures of silk, or of which silk shall be w component mate- vial of chief value, not otherwise Provided fOr... ..ccesecreseeeeeeseeses DO Manufactures of steel, or of which steel shall be u component part, not otherwise provided for.........45 Manufactures of tobacco, all not otherwise provided for .....4.0...000. Y Ib. Manufactures of wood, viz. ; cedar, granadilla, ebony, mahogany, rose, AN satin ....cecccrersressecsererseersO0 4 cent. Manufactures of wood, of which woodis u chief component part, not otherwise provided for ...,.....385 Manufactures of wool, embroidered or tamboured, not otherwise pro- Vided for vicccssscessesscosseseee sees OO Manufactures of wool, or of which wool is a component part of chief value, not otherwise provided for, 24c. Y Ib. and 40 As above, if value over $2 sq. yd. 24c. Y yd. and 45 Manufactures of combed wool or worsted, embroidered or tam- Loured, not otherwise provided for.35 Manufactures of combed wool, called fj «“ ce o rt9 worsted, mohair, alpaca or goats’ hair, or of which it is a component part, not otherwise provided for...50 Manuscripts....cccsscccverccssseaeveenes Maps vissscsssseesersssccersersereeceeesso0 GP cent, Marble, manufactures of........05005..00 Busts ciccrecccccscesorsccsecerer LO Marbles, for children’s play (baked).50 Marble table top ..sssssssseseseeseres50 , white statuary, brocatella, sienna and antique, in slaborblock, rough or squared.$1 { cub, ft,and 25 cfd free. “cs “ “ “ DUTIES, 35 DUTY. Marble, all other, in slab or block, rough or square, 50c. {) cubic foot and 20 4 cent. Marine coral ........ccsseeseessenseneefPee, Marmalade, a sweetmeat ............30 YP cent. MarvoWisssssssssccssssreseerssrerereeer LO Mascate, essence Of .....cssssesseeeeese00 Marsh mallows (med. root) .........20 Mastic, crude ...50e. 4 1b. TELNET vicsecsseesereeesseeer 00 Matches, for pocket lights ............85 YJ cent. Mathematicalinstruments, especially imported for any college, academy, school, or seminary wives Madeovewrar dD Mathematical instruments, of brass .35 —, all of bone .35 , of gold,,,...40 “ “ —_———,, gilt or plated v..csscccsscccesersanersnenessees 8 -—— , of iron...... a , all of ivory.35 , of silver ,..40 ——. , of wood .,.35 Matico (medicinal leaf) .......+0+0+44.20 Mats, cocoanut........06 fivieneesOO ——, rugs, screen, covers, hassocks, bedside, and other portions of carpets, to pay the same duty as carpeting of similar character. Mats, screen, hassocks, and rugs, all ObHER .sgicvescvevessvsceemeteenecewecess4 —, straw, tOW visseeceeceecesseeenersOO ——,, table, WOOd... secs see eeeeeees aioe (8 ——, of flag, jute, or grass .....+664...80 45 ——, sheepskin wirseccessscceeseneaees Matting, cocoanut .. , all floor, of flags, jute, or Meal, cassada ..csescssesssoeee Sipvtenns 20 « poms, NINSOOD. ii awaeviecins. coawraigns sires 20 « am, Oat aseeeee saad | Measures, glass, engraved ........06 40 “ | Meats, prepared v.ssscsesesseceneeseeesBO Medals, gold, silver, and copper ...frec. 36 RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Medals, and other collections of antiquities Medicinal preparations or patent medicines...... tee ssecseceeveesesseeensOO0 4 cent, Medicinal preparations, not other- Wise specified ..sscssrsevereeeereeees 40 * Medicinal roots and leaves, barks, flowers, plants, seeds, not other- Wise specified ....secccccssereseere 20 Melado, concentrated ........sccceeeees25C- YP Ib. Metal, plated ........cssccseesesseeree BO P cent, Metallic slates, paper ......cc000 8d 5 AM aise cs aabigy edenanas 35 OC Metals, unmanufactured, not other- wise provided for.....ssccssereers20 Melting pots, if earthen ......4.....25 “ Or glue pots wees Bd Mercury, or quicksilver ...... wader , all preparations of .,.......20 “ Merino shawls (so called), body worsted or combed wool, not otherwise provided for ..44.......85 Merino cloth, entirely of combed wool (see dress goods), Merino fringe, worsted .....6066...50 trimmings, worsted .........50 “ shawls, made of combed wool (see shawls, worsted). cloth, worsted stuf, not otherwise provided for ............50 Manilla hemp .......ssssesssseseveeee ss S20 4 ton. Mica, isinglass ..,........ssecssssseeeeses0 4 cent, Milk of 10se8......sssssssesesersecseesers00 Millinery of all kinds, not otherwise Provided fOL...scrscorssssoeeesssedod Millopedes wicssscccssssseessceeesveerssezO Mill saws (see iron). Mills, coffee .....csccscscsetseserseesteeesdo Miniature cases, ivOry.. wescseedd sence BD Miniatures wicsccssssecseseseeeverssesene dO Mineral and bituminous substances in a crude state, not otherwise PLOVIAE OV. ssersevsessvesovenreer ZO o —~—— sheets, ivory ., DUTY. Mineral green ...ssscsssssssrssesoreeess 80 FY cont, kermes sisseccssssesrevesvore lO blue ..80 or medicinal water, in bot- tles or jugs, containing not over one quart ......+00...8c. each and 25 =“ —— as above, 3c: for cach additional quart or part of,and 25 “ Mirrors (see glass). Mirror glasses, silvered (see glass). - , not silvered (see glass). Mitts, cotton, bleached or coloured .85 “ BULK vc essecesetsssseeerereanesse 100 —, woolen .........20e. 9% lb. and 30 “ ——, leather cicccccscsccresseseerersoe —, limen acceecceececse see eee Mock jewellery... —--- pearls ...... vaveecnAO. “ Modelling, specially imported , not specially imported, according to the materials of which they are composed. Models of invention, or improve- ments, none so that can be fitted FOF USE seesessereseescsscnensenencer ee sAPOCs Mohair in strips or patterns of the size exclusively for buttons ......10 4 cent. Molasses ..issesesssssccssecsseesceneeeseOCs Gy gal. » concentrated ........660006.290+ Y Ib. Moon seed (poppy seed) s.sserseeess 20 Y cent. MO psi seccessdsseesscesienedeseesseasigegcoo Morocco skins wissecscsecseereenensenee 20 Morphine .....ccsessesesseseeseeseeeess 92 00 $Y 02, “cc » BALES OF resesssssssesresreresQZ 00 Mortars, brass ..s.secsesessecsesesssessesB0 4? cent. 2 MALHE viccescesscsnssereesersOO +» COMPOSITION ...sesseeseveee eB Moss, Iceland wiecsscsssssrssessearereeelO —, for beds... 4.200 Mosaics, real, not set ......csse0e lO ——, set i... aed Mother of pearl shells,........ssoeees fee, RATES OF DUTIES, DUTY. Mother of pearl, articles made of, not otherwise enumerated ........, 20 Y cent. Mother of pearl studs ...scseseerere20 buttons, with metal eyes or Shanks v..cescessesseeseerseeesdO Mould buttons (see buttons) .........80 Mouse traps, wood or Wire... 38d Maffs, of furiigecsiiscsctsvrevsvevorvernda Munjeet (Indian madder) .....,......frec. Murexide ...sscsscseeseersersosssesessnnca Muriate of barytes . s ——— gold iisssrsecceeseserersevr20 CID sessecssecenestam seers BO StYONHUM ..icicceseeeeeer. 20 — § Muriatic acid ....ccsccssssneessstsrreelO Music in sheets, as pamphlets ...,..20 ——, bound, as DOOKS wieseressseeeeeZ0 = Musical instruments .., 380 0 y DYASS sessseeeeee 30 =“ Musical instrument strings, of gut...30 “ ———, part of Metal iiseessrersseercsrrsnae Mushrooms, prepared......... steereedo Mushroom sauce wsessssssssareserenedd Musk wis sesssssescereeeeerseoeressssee00 wm, CLUE cieceseeevee ssestosssesseene2O Muskets: ..ccvasnaveriiiinninen © Musket bayonets.......cccssesmedd barrels, if any steel .....,..45 “ ————— bullets asicscsernnedd — roda.... 85 BLOCKS: sci cusigerceanegeseeeaearssDO Muslin handkerchiefs (see cottons). Chemisettes ..rcccorseovrnidd se COMATS Versesesereersseeessereesdo bands visseccecvesseceserensnerdo —— CANEZOUS .eseserseessseesensesdd Mustard, ground, in glass or tin ..,16c. "{) Ib. » ground, in bulk wd? - seed oil, not salad .........25c. gal. Oil salad wseeesceree St OO Myrrh, gum, crude........... +++.20 @ cent. 5 sVCHNE ..cisccseeeeerere 20 Myrobalan (a nut for dyeing) N. DUTY. NAILS, brass ...cieiscsssseesesseseaneesdd 4 cont, a) COPPEY oa, ce seresssesrrreda » composition ...... srtasrreendo , iron, cut ..... a lye. Y Ib. ——, , wrought (board) .,,...24 , ornamental, with brass, gilt, or polished heads ...ssecsssseeeeeesdD FH Cenk, Nail plates SaavareaverieslnieetensannnNs 35 OC Nails, 2inC sissseccseesscessseecsseseneeao Nankeens, imported directly from China (as cottons). Nankeens, not imported direct from China, subject to the regulations on manufactures of cotton. Nankeen shoes........ 238d 6 cy ——— B]IPpers irserserecseveee #10 Napkins, cotton (as cottons). Naphtha, refined oo. .cesccseerseeseee 400. Yr ovr, Naples soap ......... 10c. Y Ib. and 25 WP ccut, Narcotine (med.) ciisccscsessoerere 40 Natron sisscssscesssees isis ateaaiensas te. DP Ib, Needles .... seeee 20 P Cont, crotchet ..... teitiseveioueamveo Needles for knitting or sewing ma- Chines viscose Sl YM. and 35 Nests, brass kettles in ...ssseeerendd “ , birds’ Nets, fishing, seines ...sscssseeseeeee Bae, GY Ib, + —, fishing, dip or scoop nets ...,..85 Y cent. savecanecceseneressevecnsnsaO Nickel ...ssssssororsccscsorssssserseredo Nippers (iron) ..... sao ff 4c Nitrate of barytes potash or saltpetre, unre- fined .sseserssssesnecnosevcevsnreneeeZas PIB Nitrate of potash or saltpetre, re- Fined .acsscccsesveevsenreesennesseseneD Nitrate of potash, partially refined ..3 | AFTON sa ceeneessrevensesaanaeeser20 BP cont eescceneecesseesesas 20 a BUVCY: voeasniedinwvecteasrenesO strontium .... memo “ Nitrate of tin scccsccssscssseveeeseeeess20 | mm lead ie seeseseeeeeeoeessenannen dee YW Ib, 38 RATES OF DUTIES, DUTY. Nitre, mur. tin wicscecsessscesseeveeee 20 4 cont, —, refined soda ...... ede. WY Ib. —, unrefined soda ... wk Nitric ether, spirits of... 150 Nitrous acid c.ssscosecsecsscenesseeeeesLO FY cont, Nobs or knobs, glass, with shanks or Yivets ..sisisvesessieee 40 & Nobs or knobs, steel wiscsscsseeeee 4d “ Norfolk latches ....scssscssssssseeeeeeBd Noyea vissssssessscsesssseessteenesa 50 YD gal Nutria skins, if undressed ..,.........10 $Y cent. Nut-galls ...ssccccssssscsssceevessseeensesf PCs Nutmegs ...siccccccessccersvceeseseenss 000. Y Ib. Nuts, all not otherwise provided for2 Nuts used in dyeing, specially in a Crude State ...sceccorsscsessesseveesss AOC, Newspapers ..scoccsesseseseeeesseveres20 4 cont, Nux vomica..., . Nyansooks (as cottons). oO. OAKUM and junk.....csececeeesse es free, Oats iccsiicies caebavaicias siascatacdaneee 10c. 4 bush. Oatmeal.......csceccccsrrvervevessseeves LO YD cent, Ochres, or ochrey earth, dry, not otherwise provided for ...... 50e. 100 Ibs. Ochres, or ochrey earths, ground in Oil vssetsseeresenserssssessssses SL 50 YP 100 Ibs. Ochres, all, or ochrey earths, IN Oil... seccseccessssseesseeeer Sl 50 a Brown, blue, red, and yellow earth, to be considered as OCHLC...ccsseccseceasereeeeeD0Ce ee Odors or perfumes.....cecessseeeeeess. 50 4 cent. Oilcakes: i:ascisivsaniivesicasigescan2o —— cloth, table mats .....c:00000..40 © — —, table mats, lined with WOO EN. ...csssessecsessssssreecseeer 40 Oil cloth, silk ...... 50 6 Oil cloths, such as hat covers, over garments, not silk, are usually made of seeconcareersoossessesecerenss4O DUTY. Oil cloth, floor, stamped, painted or printed, value 50c. or under per BQUATC YALA rsseretesasceseoresvveverOO Gy Cont. Oilcloth,floor,stamped, painted, value over 50c. per square yard ........40 “ Oil cloth, all other, except silk......40 “ , furniture, other .,.....+..40 ———, medicated, not silk ..,..40 “ aprons Oil, Harlem ..cseccccrssscnseseseveess 90 © ——, allspice c.issccssseesserensseceeesD0 —— absynthe, or wormwood ......50 “ —— of almonds, fixed or expressed 10c. {) lb. —— of almonds, essential or essence OF sseseecscccusseres sonssesseeeceseeeese BL 50 WY Ib. Oil of amber or ambre, crude ..,...10c. 4? Ib. —-— of amber, rectified ........4600..20 —— animali ..s.scccaces seveeseeeZ0 FY cent. —— of aniseed, essential or essence OE ideas ...50c. 49 Ib. Oil, bears’ jcssvecesassasencssecoces overes 50 Y cent. ——-, bay, fixed or expressed ..,...20c. @% Ib. » cajaput, or cajaputa wee 2d © — chamomile .., seeeeeed0 Y cent. Oil Of cassia....cisccssessecsesesenseeees SL QD Ib. carophil (oil of cloves) .........82 OF CALAWAY ..ccscsserseveceseceess DOG. itcedevadsagieateee = Gl V6S: sesicccsreswaasicrnaense ———— COCOANUES vei secrssesevsersessere LO WY cent. croton, fixed or expressed ...$1 $Y Ib. Citronella ..ascsscsssaseossseneees 50c. “ Oils, all essential, not otherwise Provided fOr......ccesessecsereeeees 50 WY cent. Oil of cogniacs, or ananthic ether ...$4 % oz. —— CUDEDS —airccrerscneervensscenee Sh Y Ib, fennel ....., eeseveseness DOG. hartshorn ..,,.. ..50 4 cent. ——juglandium ,...... 50 teeseeeaesceteenseereceensZ0G. WY Ib, —— laurel, fixed or expressed ......20 “ —— mace, fixed or expressed ..,...50 —— wminth or mint ++»..50 Y cent. —— nuts # sesteseeeseeesegease1OO cinnamon ...... —— juniper Ory seenenenneccensveesesenennen DO RATES OF DUTIRS, DUTY. Oil of palm beat.ic.ssesesserseereees LO Y cent, —— pale Pircscccassereereeneversacennrs 10 “ ——— POPPIES iiissssereersseesreereee DO -—— petroleum, crude ... ... 200, Y gal. refined... wach! —— TUO reeveanee i ...50 Y cent. —— rOCk, CrUDO vaeseesiecesceeeeete ees 20c. f gal. SBAZO sevesene ansaid seas asiea ae 50 “ cent. — savin ..... su aiena mevemente ee eaatics 50 “ —— sassafras oo. siddsyeseudes 50 “ — spruce ..... seeirsoO BPO v.essessececssenseeeeneeeneess 50 “ — spurge 1... ix avai.“ ——— valerian cicsccsccsseteeteeseceeees $1 504 tb. Oil, Seal. cssetevesestersesesceseeenes LO YW cont. —— of allspice ...isc seeeseeesseseeee 0 —, succini (drug) ......0. aati 50 “ Oil of ambergris ....... ics dea ated 50 “ —— almonds, essential ...............1 50 Ib. 817 50 “ SL .50 Y cent. —— bay leaves .. —_ eae —— cedrat sacsnnaiiwiamiexenens Oils of ale, pear, eeutlt, apricot, strawberry, and raspberry .........$2 509 1b. “cc seen jasmine, or jessamin ......... ...50 PY cent, davender: si icessasessissaarisvenncDO — lemon ..... Te aiasasesun cise Rennie 50c. { 1b. —— limets, limette wo... cesses 50 | cent. —— macassar 0... a — neats’ foot ....ccccceee 8 —— nerol, or orange flower .. 50 —— nutmegs ...... suciecadgaereavencey OO) Oranges ........ ssseavaanearevesasO0G, DP Ib, origanum, or thyme, red ...... 25 “ —— pimentoO wirccersccenns seecennes 50 “ THOIUM vesscceceseseseeeerseveere OO —— roses, or otto of r YOSES we. seeeee $1 50 Y oz. — rosemary, or anthos .. ...00 FY cent, —— sweet MANOrUM. sieves 50 “ —— thyme, or origanum, white ...30c. { 1b. ——tuberos ...... taereeseessvecsenees.00 4) cent, —— vanilla beans er.....csseeeee aibO —— Violets -..cccscssccssecereatessre 0 —— ricini, or palma christi ......,..51 gal, 39 DUTY. Oil, coal, crude v.vicsccccccercerere L5e. WY gal, aceite SHOANEM. si iiisminaeueemioncas 40 « Oils, CASbOP esscacassoss ibn tweaedauazet ees Si: | ——, olive, in casks, not salad ....,.25 “ ——, ——, in bottles or flasks ...... $1 « —, flaxseed , 23 ——, hempseed ..... eT NES aes eRe 23 © —, illuminating, from coal, shale, asphaltum, peat, petroleum, or rock oil, or other bituminous sub- stances, used for like purposes ..40 “ —, Kerosene ...ceesccssecseseeeneeee 40 —, linseed... a ¢ > pPOPOS€Od sui saa diasneansoacnmasecaes 23: Deena eene eee eeeoesenaay —, salad ..... $1 ——,, spermaceti, of foreign fishing 20 4 ccnt. , fish, and all other of American fisheries, all articles the produc- tion of said Oil of vitriol.......... Le. Y Ib. ——, whale and other (not sperm), of foreign fishing Moshe e uaa Old brass, fit only to be remanufac- 20 cent. tured cswesiesads Aalvseerneenenes ide S Old Lead vi.csecessesseststessssnsersessneddee YD Ib. Old copper, fit only to be remanu- facie is cccseeecens Fae haipan kates 1k «& Old pewter, fit only to be remanu- factiired cassis scsncasaiioe waar 3S Old silver, fit only to be remanu- fachured . casiesseeeseiecdisecvesvivasd free QVC sie tcacaaseapiaan scar aennesisits »..80 4 cout. , in oil or salt... drarseenoO Onions ....... cmacdog sive sasdudettawiocs 10. “« Opium ....... fceaunee sanabeascmnns $2 50 Y Ib. » prepared for smoking ...... 100 ‘cent. » OXEVACE OfjvsisrsrserassavearstOO * Orange crystals w...seree 20 $8 flowers..... LQ. 6 Oranges ...... By Hak eb Atiae acid owteaaineciene 2a. 8 »in boxes, barrels, or casks...25 Orange peel..... squbawentenh ea wisueaeas 10 «& I38UC PCAS....cerseacnreeces vesgs4O $8 flower water wu... sii: ~S 40 RATES OF DUTIES, DUTY. Orchilli, or orchello.....cs.cssssseveeees LO FP cent. Ore, specimens of, not otherwise provided for...sccerrsecsrerveeeeeve lO Ore, COPPET sersssteesssesereresrsesernene OF Silver and gold w..sseeeseesees free, ....80 Y cent. caiiamnnneD “ OPgans ...sssseerseressees Ornaments, gilt wood . » Old paper ..isseeereeee 40 ——_—-—, for ladies’ head-dresses, silk Ornaments, cut glass, for mounting Chandeliers ..csscssssecsvvaseeceseeees 40 « Ornaments, not for head-dresses, of metal, to pay duty according to metal of which composed. Ornamental feathers, manufactured 50“ Orpiment ...cccscacsaresereereeetene 20 Orris root, or iris root ww... . free. Osier, for basket-makers’ use......... 30 } cent. Ostrich plumes and feathers, manu- factured...cscscscsetenveescssenses 10050 Ostrich plumes and feathers, un- manufactured Or TAW veces 2d Otto, or oil of roses ..sssseseeeeee SL 50 per 02. Oxalic acid ...ccecsrsseceveessenseeeneees 4c. 4 Ib. Oxide of bismuth viisccssseeseeeseees 20 YP cent. Oxymuriate of HMO wiser or chlorate of potasse, 6s Oysters ..sisecsscceeceneeneeeee Osnaburgs (see flax). P. PACK thread ...ccscccssesseccaeeesseees 40 4 cent. Padding, wool (see wool). Paddy v.ccsssevecscevssssenssesssnersennedgCe GP ID. ....80 4 cent. “ Pad screws (see saddlery) .. Paint brushes ....sssesversesssereeeee 40 Painted floor cloths,oil (see oil cloths). Painting brushes .....ccccceeeenvescver AO Paintings.—To constitute a painting in the meaning of the law, it must be an object of taste or vertu, and not paintings on plates, goblets, “ DUTY. vases, or any utensil for use, or capable of being converted to breast-pins, ear-drops, or other ornaments to be worn...............L0 4 cent. Paintings, the productions of Ame- rican artists residing abroad, pro- vided it shall be so certified by the artist or ConBUL,.......scereresseesesfPOOs Paintings, other, provided the same be imported in good faith as objects of taste, and not as mer- Chandise .icscccsccecsseccesessnerersesLO 4 cent. Paintings on glass ......... ‘ porcelain ........10 CANVAS wee lO Paintings, all, not otherwise pro- Vided FOV v.cssssesteeneeeeneeseeanerees 10 « Paints, dry or ground in oil, not otherwise provided for ....0....25 Paints (water colours). 3d & , water colours for paper hangings siceasvccescsvervesis eZ Painters’ colours, all not otherwise provided for.....cssere Paints, Dutch pink....... ) COBEN vicesseeseeeceeees s , Frankfort black......... 8 , French KR s ivory black.......00000. | B25 , king’s yellow........06 = 25 . (UOC incinseicccesinuccevaae peo ——, lamp black.... $ 2 ——,, mineral green............ g 30. , olympian green......... 25 , patent yellow....... sites 25 § CHALK: s.cievesepereasivssrce 25 , rose pink 2a St ——, Spanish brown, dry .........25 —_, » in oil... 2 « ——, terra umbra ............50¢. 4 100 Ibs. » White load ......ccccceeseeeene BC. BD Ib. Palm leaves, unmanufactured.......,.free. —— leaf hats ...scccssssesseeseeeeese-- 40 Y cent. —— leaf baskets....scccccssseerserdd RATES OF DUTIES, 41 DUTY. Palm Oil vicssesessevcosscesseseesserseesLO $ cont. Pamphilets............. sasdao hin auenni weld Pannel saws (as hand saws). Papers, illustrated w....cesecseeerereee Bo Paper, antiquarian, double elephant, atlas,columbier, elephant, imperial, super-royal, royal, medium, demy, foolscap, drawing, and writing ... Paper, bank folio, and quarto post of all kinds, letter and bank note ...85 “ Paper, copperplate, blotting, copying, colored for labels-and needles, marble, and fancy colored .,.......85 Paper, glass, morecco, sand, and tISBUC....eeeeeecceee weteoo Paper, pot and pith...... 35 , pasteboard, pressing boards, and gold and silver paper in 35 “ sheets or StripS.......sccccsceeeeeee ees 35 Paper, colored, copper-plate, print- ing, and stainers’ ............s00e0eee 35 OC Paper, binders’ boards, box es mill boards, and paper makers’ DORMS? sig side seine cdensces eres sane 35 Paper, wrapping and cartridge ...... 35 385 350 » bound ......85 Paper, printing, unsized, used for books and newspapers exclusively .20 ‘ Paper, envelopes and fancy note ——, music, with lines, in sheets .. > 2 Paper, for screens or fireboards ...... 35 —, all other not enumerated ...... 35 —,, counting-house boxes ......... 35 OC Paper boxes, fancy ......cscsseeseeee ees 35.C~C~ —— hangings ....sssccssscceerees wis8d. labels ...... Vasvonanne eeeecaaannaes 35 —— pill Doxes......ecceeeccersesseeee 8D —— PIN CASES oo. eecsecsecneerrrernsssod —— segars (see scgars). snuff boxes ..... dain teen endo Paper wadding.... Parafline DUTY. Parallel rules, ivory (not mounted).35 cent. » (mounted) wi Bd Paving tiled: scciscssisiceswe20 Parchment ........06. bapa eai dan Chitin 30. Paris white, in oil ....,.......$1 50c. { 100 Ibs. y ALY. .s406 Sl ee Paris green ....cessscssenssanesersssseeesB0 YP cent Parts of stills, viz. : Sheets made by rolling, intended for the sides; globes and heads, made by hammering thick sheet copper ; and shoulders, made out of sheet copper, by haramering .,.25 Pasteboard ...sscsssesesesceseseseernese OD Paste giggers wi. Paste, almond ........ : sik —., perfumed ......... ——, or pasta de Brazil (ground Nicaragua wood, adye) ...s00-LO Paste work that is set in gold or Bilver jewelry .....cssscceseneveeenss00 Paste, imitation of precious stones...40 “ Pastel, or woad ........eceees wishes free, Patent floor cloth, oil (cee oil cloth). yellow ...... dueGedtadensurnereiey 25 4) cent. Paving stones ... oad as ald Pearl, mother Of ........ccsscoseeseee seed Pee, Pearls, SCt ssiscoseseseseeeersersenser se 20 GY cent, —, all, not set... eeeneniextiran 10 “* ——, composition, 8¢t....cceeie. 80 ——, mock pearls ..... 40 Peas, green, as vegetables ............ lo * Peanuts (or ground beans)............ le. Y 1b. » Shelled.........06 inva Dunceuslinvn 14,“ Pellitory root .......ss00008 seanveeeeaees 20 cent. Pélta salted wis seoiwsgavevsismneavowtvaes 10. “ Pencils, wood, filled withlead or other material ...... 50c. per gross and 30“ - , camels’ hair ............ccee0e 350 CO , chalk ..,50c. 4) gross and 35 . slate ..... ssveweibidapisensosudO | ~S Pencil cases, gold rs y BiVEr ooo... eens ade 40 « ——--——, gilt or plated .4.4.4.......85 9“ & RATES OF DUTIES, DUTY. Penknives, jack and pocket, all,.....50 % cent. Pen holders ..... nahianemaawupietad aionaenyeed 35“ Pens, metallic ...10c. Y gross and 25 “ Pen holder tips, and parts of......... 85 CO — , quills oe s Pepper, black .....c.cccccssecssccesevees 15c, YP Ib. so) BTOUNT wiceecesecersee LS ——, white wo, ote isis 15 ——, —,, ground ween ivvskB, —‘*6 ——. Cayenne....... 15 ——. Cayenne, ground ...., arene l 9 BOD istics cnealans jae itlaas ined » prepared for engra- Pistols, sssasicarieiseenes sendin 85 VETE; SLCC c wasnctustscacisonarnsto Platillas, linen (see flax). Platina, unmanufactured ............fee. -———, manufactures of, not other- wise provided for......ssesssseeeese40 GY cent, Platina vases, or retorts .. seve free, Playing cards, value 25c. or less per pack ,,,., o sasies Se saitegiepaveuivatny 11.250. Y pack. Playing cards, value over 25c. PCY PACK sesseresivevererrereeennesD 44 RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Pliers (i701) ....cessssesseessrenecerseeeesD GP cent, Ploughs (iron) .........cesesceeredd (a plane) v.csecscccccereree 4d Plumbago ...cccscsssseeesereeeveseeseee BLO 4 ton. PLUMS viissssceveesseveevenccseenesseesersOCe GP Lb, Plumes, ornamental, manufactured 50 4) cent Plush or shag, worsted .......400005.50 —, cotton (see cottons). Shalt iad aeseikeissesternesiaeuenO ——, mohair, or goats’ hair, not otherwise provided for............... » wool, not otherwise provided {OP scenes ccaestisiinee 24c. {9 Ib.and 40 “ Pocket -books, leather, or if leather is the article of chief value........35 Pocket books, paper ........ lights, phosphorus 50 ee Pole COPS ..scsessessseccescosereessesseeesOD carriage HOOKS....ssccseeeeceeBd f Polishing powders w.iccccccrseee 2d SEONES sessseerereeeessen cee se ACO, Polished or scraped brass ............ 35 P cent. Polypodium ......cccssseessseeeereersee ZO Pomatum vireesssserssvseeeeeeeseeeerer DO Pomegranates ...sccccssssseessseceseser LO Pomegranate peel .....ceceeseecrer2O Pongees, white (ceo silks), Poplins, stuff (see dress goods). Poppy heads ......cssesssecseesseeeeee20 OU sitvteevccassssdicecineesemecs0O) SE BECD sssaceseeanacean aissenccvten2O. *F Porcelain and Parian ware, not orna- mented w......cs000 aie aticurasirateesnane 45 « Porcelain and Parian ware, orna- mented ....csccossssesesees glass...... slates Pork ..... SC saie desineeiasladt sade eusietaaages ees Porphyry ........ Dendidunasias sion aneemaniond 45 ") cent. Portable desks ...........006 oe enecuaiets 35 Porter, in bottles./........ sesseeeeeeseesBOce Wal, GAN CASKS: da daviaieauvccnians wikae 20 « , imported, otherwise than in bottles ciisiveresercesecipvessre20 DUTY. Potasse, or potash, prussiate of, red 10c. YP lb. PotassiuM.........sccesiscssseesesesee lo Potash, bichromate of... 8 » Chromate Of sissssccrerreeree B , Chlorate of ......0008 gee GF ME ——-, hydriodate of.. lb @ ——-, prussiate of, yellow . we pS SSS pPOPe.. issieisiesiieas 15 Y cent. , iodate of... 75c. 4 lb. , iodide of ..... 75 » ACOtate Of ....ceccecscvecsceeee 75 « POUROGR ise nccssaassevsacwentienns 25c. Y bush. Pots, black lead ....ccssssseeeeseeoeneee 35 $Y cent. , cast iron......... gaginniseceedveimia lic. Y Ib. ——, melting earthen common ...... 25 4 cent. Poultry or game, prepared............ 35 POUNEO 2335. osssevensiecsnscaetes Siidates cad 20 « Pound ribbon, if silk ..........02608...60 ¢ Powder, black lead .....csecssecsessees- 20 j DIDO se adissesaddeencdessvediaraeeO° * OL DTAIET aiiavinccscesversvarennseO —* y OF DYONZE iccecccseeeserseesZO— § , gun, and all explosive sub- stances for blasting, and of value less than 20c. {) Ib., 6c. Ib. and 20 Powder, gun, and all explosive sub- stances for blasting, and of value over 20c. { lb. ...10c. Y lb. and 20 “ , hair, plain or not perfumed 50 “ » Perfumed vi... 50 a , ink ,,,. sésvereadeD iE ——, puffs ..... serie ——-—, subtil, for the skin............ 50 a HOOT ee eccecesccence ven ens Powders, pastes, balls, baleams, oint- ments, oils, waters, washes, tinc- tures, essences, or other prepara- tions or compositions, commonly called sweet scents, odors, per fumes, or cosmetics ; and all pow- ders and preparations for the teeth OY Z Sill Vets weaver segsiwesens 40 “ ig BECCH weusnseseasinsn'ssy 45“ LATES OF DUTIES. 53 DUTY. Spectacle glasses, not set ............40 4 cent. —, pebbles, not sct ...40 “ Spectacles, brass mounted ..,... Sereno! SF —, iron mounted .... ———. plated » gold mounted ........40 © ———, silver mounted ............40 “ » turtle shell, mounted 7.85 “ , turtle shell and silver ... Spelter, manufactures of.......s00006+.89 in pigs or blocks........0......13¢. 4 lb. » in sheets ssaumeg Spermaceti oil, of foreign fisheries.,,20 4 cent. Spider net (as cotton cloth). Spices of all kinds, not otherwise provided for,......c.ccce0e taietie's wad. ff Spikes, copper.......ccssseevee saueeueatia 35 ——, composition’ ...,... weiadandstiniet 35. CO iron, wrought...........6006 250+ Y 1b. CUE: nyeinsenenonei erases siecbeccsonear °° Spike rods (see iron). Spirituous liquors, not otherwise provided for .., ++4..100 YP cent. Spivits, lac’ sseussceerdvaviavaevessevenvesdPOC. as VOMOW.csessescessseeeessseeeeeeo0 Y cent, , distilled or manufactured from grain (see gin). Spirits of turpentine ...,, iiss alo aainsaas 30c. YP gal. distilled from other materials than grain (see gin.) Spoke shaves vsccsseccssrsrseeeees 4d PP cent. Spokes ...... 35 CO SPONBCS, sai sssguiessvassiavererreenssaevseeseO” Spoons, gold and silver .......... wees AQ: p MOLM cs Snieecigeaasanenceaseeies 85 ) AIL OFMEY vs ccessccescenseeses woo fF BpUDk® suisssuvecdseiudsasvamerargeesiecsscdOr Spurs, gold and silver........00000.40 » Al OEY ..cseesevees Springs for wigs (steel) of brass wire, used in the making Of WigS sssessseesseeeevseens BO Spy-glasses ssscrveereevsevseveeseecevenOo DUTY. Squares, brass.....sssssssssstesrserse reed 4 Cent. . marked on one side, 8c. Ib. and380 ——-, iron, other... Ge. Y1b. and 30 “ 5 Steel. ceseuses 6c. Y 1b. and 30 “ Square wire, used for the manufac- ture of stretchers for umbrellas, and cut in pieces not exceeding the length used therefor ....ssecceres 35 Squares, wood ......... uierimerende Squills, or Scilla ........... saudagansieaeLO- <8 Stamped floor cloths, oil (see oil cloths). Starch, made of potatoes or corn, 1c. lb. and 20 “ ——, other .,.......8¢. {7 Ib. and 20 “* Stars of gold, fine and half fine...... 35 Statuary, all, the production of American artists abroad, provided it shall be so certified by the artist OF CONSUL ViisssesseecrsteeesssseeeseeEECOs Statuary, not otherwise provided for, of marble ....... siaseniseseadatec 10 YP cent, Statues, and specimens of statuary specially imported in good faith as objects of taste, and not merchan- dise, of marble or stone ....60.10 Statues and specimens of statuary, not specially imported, viz. ; Statues of alabaster......... veeriatvateeeoO £ —— of brass or bronze wee. 85 Of marble: creieersawsendd © of metal .., +86 - of plaster, cast e Of WOO eeriernnaiecersiecres. 35 CO Staves, for pipes, hogsleads, and ‘ CASES ai tans vevesecrsmesaavevetesteiaievs LO Staves, other Stave bolts Stavesacre secon Stecl, in bars... — ingots... — sleels,,, ——— COLUS,..000 value 7c. or less yp lb, teegegees 2ic. YP Ib. 54 RATES OF DUTIES. DUTY. Steel, in bars... ‘ingots ... — sheets ... — coils,..,., Steel, in bars... value over 7c. and not over ) 8¢. 4 Ib. 1c. Y Ib. 1 —— ingots .., \value over lle. ne —— sheets ... fr 1b. a v cent. coils...,.. wire, not less than a quarter inch in diameter, and value 7c. per Ib. or less .......ccessseceeseeesee2t@s GY Ib, Stecl wire, not less than } inch in diameter, and value over 7c. per lb. and not over 11c. per Ib. wu. B Steel wire, as above, value over 1lc. per Ib................83¢. Y Ib, and 10 Y cent. Steel wire, less than a quarter inch diameter and not less than No. 16 wire gauge .........24¢, 4 lb. and 20 Steel wire, less than No. 16 wire BOULC seesseseerenee dC YP lb, and 20% Steel, in any form, not otherwise pro- Vided fOr ...cscsccssccrresersrserere BO Steel plates, engraved uc 20 Steel manufactures, all of, in whole or part, not otherwise providedfor45 “ Steel chains ...ccisecccsecsressrsee de cutting knives, scythes, sickles, reaping hooks, spades, and shovels45 Steel, all articles not enumerated, manufactured from steel, or of which steel is a component part...45 Steelyards......sccoctsssssesceeseede Stereotype plates......c..cceceeee iassaceeo. 86 Sticks, walking, finished or not ...... 35 CO —, or frames for umbrellas or PATA sis saviariedceissssiaasd © Stiffeners for cravats .. 35 Stilettoes (daggers). Bo & SLVOLY” srissiteimemernsiawse Still bottoms ..,,... Still Worms viscsessscescsssssereeeao | Stirrup irons soe de Stock locks, if any steel wind DUTY. Stockings and half stockings, worsted 35 ‘P cent. Stockings, silk ..sssesssssessessesrnesee60 Stomach pumps ... Haiigeweeo> “ Stoneware, COMMON ciceessssveseerees ZO » all other, composed of earth or mineral substances, whe- ther gilt, painted, printed or glazed40 Stoneware, exceeding the capacity of 10 gallons; not ornamented ......25 “ Stoneware gas retorts not orna- mented ......44. Stones, Bristol.....cssecsssseessseerselO ppolishing iiscicssseseerer es fPECs , burr, unwrought »burr, wrought visser free. ———,, building... ..ccsccsseererrees20 GD cent. CORNELIAN... \.stscrerssessrenseesLO 8 BALM. sisseseversereevevsveeeLO , BTING iircireccrcesssserrererrrelO ——,, lithographic ....c.cecescene 20 OD irsictavesggitacseocrcacnceo © adenine” ff —, marbles .,, —, mill, (burr,) bound up......20 “ ——, mill, fit for immediate use...20 , not merchantable, for ballastlO “ s POCEEN ss scsastereanvawee . free. Tag and sand .ieccrrsecereseeedO YP cent. SLOUCD: sicisriseesinwervecweo, oS PWhEE siscscsseressscsierserreedO Storax or styrax, a balsam ............ 30 “ Straw baskets wicsccssssesesendo ——,, for hats, in its natural state...10 “ ——,, knives, iron, for cutting straw35 —, steel, for cutting straw45 “ Stretchers for umbrellasand parasols35 “ Strings of musical instruments,if gut30 “ » DOW, if QUE. recssereersrresseeBO © ——, hatters’, if gut .. Strontian v.cssscecssvcessenevrvaseeneeeees —_—) mauriate OF yrrrsevrervveee20 - RATES OF DUTIFS. 55 DUTY. DUTY. Strontian, nitrate of ...scse00e00+..20 YP cent. | Sugars as above, valued over 30c. Strychnine and its salts,..............81.50 oz, ‘? Ib. (see candy)..... ...50 YP cent. Studs, gold, as jewelry ...s.0000...25 4 cent. | Sugars, syrup Of ..,...ssseesseverreeeee-29C. GP Ib. , Silver, “ Mateewenmaal ave 95 * syrup of cane........ icehicagen 2, « ——, gilt, ¢ weniniienee © Sugar tongs, gold and silver ......... 40 % cent. GAVOLY castcsvcrecrstatgisanavoD “Sf ——, plated rises Bo © » mother of pearl........4....30 Sulphate of ammonia...... weerenime20? iy Plated a.) wesgiesmiennaaneo: fF OF LMG a csvsvdesvasstacevt vite 10 « , brass .... scaeoo., —— of quinine “ » COPPEY sven addatananan un 35 ——-——_ of rhubarb of Stump joints, iron ..... Saisie asbaaneean 85 OF ZINC pie osiieaecosiinaregics 20 i BLEGL. hay set vraatintaanasane 45“ —-— of magnesia, Epsom salts 1c. 4 1b. Sublimate, corrosive (mercurial) ...20 OF TON iadeuciasescaseiimae a — * Substances expressly used for ma- Sulph. mur. tin scssvicosssvoniens. 20 4 cent. TUTES «sais ena sides/saasesiagnvacdsecasestteOy Succory root — ground, burnt, or pre- Pate; ssenwansrirwwincances B Sugars, all not above No. 12 Dutc standard in Color....cissscceeee B Sugars, all above No.12 Dutch stand- ard, and not above No, 15 Dutch Standard in color ......sseeeeseeeee 33 Sugars, all above No. 15, not stove dried, and not above No. 20 Dutch standard in COlOriicsssccrseeee & Sugars, all refined in form of loaf lump, crushed, powdered, pulver- ized, or granulated ..isseeseee 5D Sugars, all stove dried, or other su- gars above No. 20 Dutch standard Anvcolor’: svsnesseeeseveiseistiadverees 5 Provided the standard by which the color and grades of sugars are to be regulated shall be selected and furnished to the collectors of such port of entry as may be.necessary by the Secretary of the Treasury, from time to time, and in such manner as he may deem expedi- ent. Sugars, refined, when tinctured, colored, or adulterated, valued at oo 6 «ss “ BOC, YD Lb, or lesBisssesssesessovveereeLD Sulphur, flor, flour of sulph. $20 yp ton ANd ay sivssssiosrsveacasesevava see LO Sulphurate of arsenic .....sss0eeec0000-20 Sulphuric acid, or oil of vitriol...... 1c. Y Ib. Sulphuric ether wissen sl BUMAC .i,rrerssccscssserecesseveccerseeess LO VY cont, Super acetate of lead, or sugar of lead csnsnssssisenrasajnerccencostsnzaaa200. We Ib, Surgeons’ instruments, ivory,........ 35 YP cent. —,, silver.........40 Y cent. —; steel, not otherwise provided for .......44...45 Surplice ping oo... : Suspenders or braces, cotton.....,... _—_—_—_ 35 jlinen .........95 ——_——, leather ..... 35 ————_ — , ilk 60 _— , leather ends ONLY. es snvasaieicndanntans weaeagiensige BO Suspenders, India rubber Suspender webbing, India rubber...35 —~-—— webbing, silk... J) mA Od aeeeeecerssresreeen dD Swans, down of ..,.. wiiewearierswso0 FE Swans’ skins, undressed ,.......10004.20 * —~— —-~, dressed ......... ‘ave © Sweetmeats, all not otherwise pro- vided fF visas sciseds cessed estes 8D Sword blades w......ccssccesesssenee rAd mm, for CANES sieee cere 56 RATES OF DUTIES. : DUTY. Sword knots, lace ..ssscssesseesereeeedO GY cont, , gold and silver, fine and half fine 85 Sword knots, silk Jesse 60 —$—$ — ——) WOTKECHA aeseceeeesrees 50 = ce GWOrdS sesseoceseneceessnsancessseeseoeeseeO0 7, TABLE CLOTHS, cotton (see cot- ton). Tablo linen (see flax). Table covers, woolen (see woolens). , oil cloths (sce oil cloth). — fasteners........ deatariieewnebo ap cent. —— knives and forks .icveeeedd mats, oil or floor cloth (see mats) tops, composition ....... tagacad Tables, with marble tops, slabs, or Ornaments v....eeceeeeererrde Table tops, scagliola ... 85. eoeecetreneenes Tables, WOO w.ececssesrescssseereerersdn = Tacks, brads, or sprigs, not exceed- ing 16 ounces per 1,000.........6.. 2c. Tacks, brads, or sprigs, exceeding do. 3c. » Steel we ——, tinned .... 850 A Taggers’ i700) vseccseseeeenseeees Tale, a mineral ..sccsccsscessceenscenes 10-8 Tallow ..iccssesesserecees aenahe aseties le. $Y Ib. CANGLES caiisvestienviacceenDh S Tamarinds, preserved in sugar or brandy ... Tamarivids; cic wiawevreveeelO Tamboreens.......cccsscsssersseassreese0 Tannin and tannic acid ...........000 $2 Y Ib. Tupers, paper, with cotton fics. cite Tapers, adamantine.....scccrsessveeers , spermaceti, pure or mixed 8 ———, BECATING,.....sccsresserteeen OF & —., wax, pure or mixed.,, sey zl a Tapers, parafine, pure or mixed) ea ss ——, all other viscccccserccssessscacs 7 Tapes, COLON sissiroeeseeevvereeeerenrO0 4 COME, a YM. 4 lb. ...45 Y cent. seesseeseens dO 4 cont, 35 YY cent. be. YW Ib. DUTY. Tapes, Harlem ....sesesseceseessene ee Bd 4 Cent, ——, leather ..ccccsssceeeeeee juankadane 85 ay LINED ai seven esitecweinaeeingand saves 40 & BIE eee cee ceeeenee cag Paseo 50 —, measuring, linen ......60...40 —, —— leather............... 85. ——=; tailors’ jasvecscsnevecevarnecnis 35 CO —, , in silver cases......... 40 *« Tapioca: weasstseeseecrmtecnecenianee 20 WALOS

silk Deven eee neeeeeeae eee oO « RATES OF DUTIES. 59 DUTY. Umbrellas, sticks or frames for ......85 4 cent, , brass tips, runners, etc., OP iimrinicnigammmaavecnde Umbrella, square wire, used in the manufacture of stretchers, if (ut in the usual lengths for w.6.605..35 4 Umbrella furniture, silver for ......40 » bone or ivory ...385 United States—all articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, on which no allowance for bounty or drawback has been made on exportation United States—all articles imported for the use of, according to the material of which composed. Vv. VANDYEE, brown wiiscccssssseeees 20 Y cent, Valencias, wool (see wool). , Valenciennes (thread lace)............80 “ Valonia, or valeni, a nut, for dyeing free. Vanilla, plants Ofss...sssssesrereeseee 30 Y Cent. DeaNS asi cacssceaiesacsaes 10083 Y Ib, Varnishes of all kinds, value not over $1.50 YP gal. ......60c. $Y gal. and 20 cent. Varnishes of all kinds, value over $1.50 YP gal....... 50c, YP gal.and25 Vases, porcelain, ornamented, con- taining flowers, with stands and BLADES sascssscvsseeseresveesevseresesss00 Vegetable substances, unmanufac- tured, used for bDedd .secsseveee.. 20 Vegetable substances, unmanufac- tured, used for cordage .....4......$15 Y ton. Vegetables, prepared GP cent. ,used in dyeing, or in composing dyes exclusively, in a Crude state ...sccccesetonsecsvesveerefLO@y Vegetables, not otherwise provided {OP accccsasecoancscteescassesvceesseeeadO cont, Vegetable substances, not otherwise provided for .4...10 cont, and $5 P ton. DUTY. Vellum ....csccecssstssessssesereneeesenss 00 $y Conte Velvet, Cotton sisssesssscessessveenereeesoo , printed or painted............ 35 OC , silk and cotton, silk not Chief value v.issssssscrseceerseneers DO , silk (see silks), ——— binding, cotton seseueo 3d PBI sesseccrceverensGO Velveteens, cotton (see cottons). Veneering rods.issccoscsersreesresrreeoo Venetian red, Ary....cssssccssesees wane © _— pA OL sssecesnrecceenes 25 « Venison Lams .iscssccsevsseeseeceveeees 20. QP Ibe Veratrine (med. prep.) v.cseeree 40 Y cent. VELGIBTIB sccndcscsivevccedsceatesscaasaieds 6c. Y Ib. Ver ditere scaiesire scustenias sau snenosiess dies 20 YP cent. Verinicell .cisciscsseciesasnierctiorvatnao Vermilion iiicssscssessersesvesnerrerzo Vermuth (wine bitters)...........065 100 * Vessels, cast iron, not otherwise SPCC sisssvesiesscsacerersersernse LZer Gy Ib. Vessels, COpper..c..ssseseee seveeeeeeees sD 4 cont. Vestings, cotton (see cotton). , Silk and cotton weer 50 ——, silk (see silks) veces 60 « ——, silk and wool, wool chief value, not otherwise provided for, 24c. PY lb. and 40 “ ——, woollen, not otherwise pro- vided for........000 24c. lb. and 40 “ Veste, if 10 WOO! ....ssssseevseesee ser ees 35 «Ot Vials, all perfumery and fancy, not cut, not exceeding the capacity of 4,02; BCD sssestiarectevsaveeauea 82 © Vials, perfumery and fancy, not cut, when exceeding 4 oz., and not exceeding 16 02. each ...ccsereenedd © Vials, all perfumery and fancy, cut 40 “ |——, apothecaries’, above 6 oz., and notexceeding 16 OZ... Bo Vices (iron and steel) ., 450 Vinegar oreierveveceerseee ..10c. Y gal. acai teated (see eal acetous), ——, ? RATES OF DUTIES. 60 DUTY. Wiolin ssa sievevesceseuien 80 Pp cent. Violin strings, gut ....cecceseeeee 30 © — » Wire... aneiemerans oo. Vitriol, oil of, sulphuric acid........ 1c. Y 1b. —~—, blue or Roman, or sulphate Of COPPEY ..sssessecssccescorsssessesees20 4 Cont. ——-— BICC visssssseccsesaveersseneses gee WP Ib. ———, white, or sulphate of zinc,,,20 4 cent, WwW. WADDING, paper... ..scsossereeseeeee3d YP cent, Waters .ssvaciucieissieaseaini mew eae 35 Wagon boxes wiccsscssessssssssserseeeesBo Waiters, gold or silver ........... 40 (UE ccna eugene. » Japanned........00. 40 ) ———— paper .... 40 § ~———, plated ...icscssscccsnsenccnees 350 OG , wood .., 35 , leather... won: Walnuts, all....... ‘digs ations daciemnANeTie 3c. YP 1b. Walking sticks or canes, mounted ...85 YW cent. » unmounted 85 “ Warming pang, brass ....iccccseeeee Bd PCOPPCY wisecsvevervvesce Weaslt DUG: sisissiiissescnesseteecrece2B ° Washes, cosmetics or dentifrice......50 Wash balls..,.........10c. lb. and 25 « ‘Waste or shoddy ......... sereveveerenreedCs YP Ib, Watches, gold and silver ............25 Y cent. ———,, and parts of other ...,.....20 Watch crystals.....ccccsssserserseee 40 materials and unfinished PATS 1 ressressssstervesesnsensesseneeO Water, aqua mellis, or honey.........50 » bay, commonly called bay TUM seriscccesesserseerereeereereseeeGl 50 YP gal, ———, Hungary... ..cccccccesssseess. 00 9 cont, -———, lavender........ we 50 ———, orange flower......ccccecceres 50 1p TORS. ci cseavetasversnasecuomamoO * iT) y COLOULS aissevessserreveesreesesBD DUTY. Waa D0OdS ccicciivsisteceastecsxaanioorn 504 cent. ——-, bees, bleached or unbleached.,.20 —-, sealing........0.. digas esaeonedaanenes 35 OC ——, shoemakers’ .,...sceressesseeeeee 20 « —— tapers .......... éduisielgs vate wee ee 8e. YP Ib Wearing apparel of persons arriving in the United States in actual use, and personal effects, not mer- chandise .., Webb, or webbing, boot, of cotton.,.85 Y cent. saiece apalvindsea seasdausaire tele , of flax ...,,.85 , of silk ..,... 60 “ ——_——,, of worsted 35 “ —_—_—————_, of wool...... 35 Os Webbing, India rubber .......cc00000385 ‘Wedgewood ware (white) .isccce4O Weights, brass.......ccccccesessseseeee Bd » cast iron, without rings of wrought iron affixed to them,,....85 * 9 COPPCL viserseccscssersonsseesdD 9 1Cad .iitestteeneeBo Weld ssssaressnsisrcrsasvavevervaxouceectt@es Wet blue SO= GENERAL INFORMATION, Brandy and Spirits may be imported in bottles 12 in each case, but cannot be imported in other smaller packages, under the capacity of 15 gallons for brandy, and 90 gallons for spirits, (except arrack and sweet cordials,) under penalty of forfeiture. Extract from Act of July 14, 1862. So. 14. And be it further enacted, That from and after the day and year aforesaid, thero shall be levied, collected, and paid, on all goods, ‘wares, and merchandise of the growth or produce of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope, when imported from places this side the Cape of Good Hope, a duty of ten per centum ad valorem, und in addition to the duties imposed on any such articles when imported directly from tho place or places of their growth or production, Act March 3d, 1865, section 6.—Except raw cotton and raw silk, as reeled from the cocoon, or not further advanced than tram or organzine. Szo. 10, det March 3d, 1865, provides, That so much of sections 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, Act 1799, as requires the branding, marking. and certifying of casks, chests, vessels, and cases, containing distilled spirits or teas, bo revived, under instructions of Secretary of Treasury, 69 THE FOLLOWING RATES OF TARE Were aporrep, unper Acr or Conaruss, Jury l4rn, 1862. Almonds viscecssssesseceeee siaiaseiatealas aed in bales... 2} per cent. do. i : do. do. 8 do. Alum sascsessaes 10 do. Alum, coarse or ground. Barytes ... wea . 3 per cent. Cheese . tse " ‘do. Cassia .... as in Mats wee 9 do. Coffee, Rio ... oe .in single bags ... 1 do. 0. die siea asain eStitnadale at Seis .in double bags ... do. do. All other, actual tare ..... CinMAMON...sissccsrseenrescovcerecasoonss do. Cocoa .. do. do. wee do. Chicory... ‘i é zs do. Copperas ......4. a ear do. Currants .., i wee. LO do. Hemp, Manilla ......ccecceccccceseeeee .. 4 pounds per bale. do. Hamburg, Leghorn, Trieste ....ccccecccssscsnseteeeseessnsuaeeees a 5 do. Indigo ........8 sinlacesia esata claataneaieat 10 per cent. ‘ do. do. do. do. E visa nea’ do. Peruvian Bark.. ceeel CELOONS ec aee eee do. Paris White... -in casks,... do. Pepper... do. do. ... do. Pimento .. do. Raising ... do. do. ... do. do ... : . : do. do. ... seonssss dn quarter boxes. 29 do. do. ... .in frails L4 do. RCO csowsiiines’s aaaisjeniasi i He do. Spanish Brown, dry do. do. do. oil... do. Sugar... 12k do do. week do. do. «10 do. do. . veel do. CO. a3 ; ays 1 do. dO. weave i i .. 23 do. Salt, fine i bs ....8 pounds per sack. Teas, China or Japan......... a invoice weight ... do, all others, actual tare .......cscscssesccccsverscnsesssescscorseases iieaciesnaiea Tobacco, Leaf .............005 ‘i in bales........00. 10 pounds per bale. do. do. bales,ex.covers12 do. Whiting sicscsscccseesseeeseneenes snenndasnaaAanverehoameatienss in casks,..,.,.....,10 per cent. EXTRACTS FROM ACT 14rm JULY, 1862. Szc.16. Delivery only.—Act of Jan- 5 ILLINOIS. Greenp oat uary 12, 1816. Chicago. New-York City, For that part of the State _ KENTUCKY. Niagara, southwest of the counties of Louisville. Oswegatchee, Matagorda and Warters, and LOUISIANA. Oswego, including said counties, that New Orleans, Sackett’s Harbor, Saluvia shall be the Collect- Teche. Sag Harbor, ing District, and Matagorda, MASSACHUSETTS. Troy. Aransas, Copano, and Corpus Barnstable, NEW-JERSEY, Christi, are Ports of Delivery Boston and Charlestown, Bridgetown, only. Edgartown, Burlington, VIRGINIA. Fall River, Camden, Cherry Stone, Gloucester, Great Egg Harbor, East River, Marblehead, Little Egg Harbor, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Newburyport, Newark, Petersburg, New-Bedford, Perth Amboy. Hate ic : Nantucket, r appahannock, Salem and Beverly, ee See ues Wheeling, Plymouth. Camden, Sorktown, MARYLAND. Edenton, Yeocomico. Annapolis, Newbern, VERM ONT Baltimore, Ocracoke, Burlington. 67 INFORMATION FOR SHIPMASTERS. ENTRY OF VESSELS FROM FOREIGN PORTS. It is necessary that the manifests (three copies) of vessels from foreign ports should be made out before arrival, in order to be presented to the boarding-officer wpon arrival. They should include everything on board; and, after stating the cargo laden at the port of departure, if there should be any return cargo, it should then be added under that head. If there are any surplus stores, these should then be particularized; and, finally, the pas- sengers’ names, individually, with the number of packages of baggage belonging to each— the whole to be signed by the master. Where there are passengers, a separate list (besides the names on each manifest), in- cluding the names, age, sex, occupation, country to which they severally belong, and of which they intend to become inhabitants, and if any have died on the passage, will also be necessary. Another list of passengers, similar to the last, is required by the mayor of the city. If any part of the cargo is to be landed at a different port than the first one of entry, it must be so stated in the manifest, as otherwise that privilege will be lost, and the cargo re- quired to be landed at the first port of entry. The captain will be particular in haying his crew mustered by the boarding-officer, upon arrival, in order to the cancelling of the bond given for their safe return. Vessels must report at the custom-house, within twelve hours, and enter within forty- eight hours, after arrival. If the captain is not an owner of the vessel, and there should be a resident owner at the port of entry, such owner is required to accompany the captain, in order to swear to the register. ENTRY OF VESSELS COASTWISE. Nothing further is required than the clearance from the custom-house at the port of departure, and the register, if she is a registered vessel. CLEARANCE OF VESSELS FOR FOREIGN PORTS, Every shipper must clear his goods at the custom-house before the vessel can clear. From these shippers’ clearances, the vessel’s manifest is to be made, after the same form, and including all the particulars therein contained. A notarial crew-list and duplicate shipping articles are also required. Ifthere is any change of owner or master, notice thereof should be given, at least the day previous, in order that the register may be endorsed or a new one issued. Inquiry should also be made, u day or two previous to clearing (in case of vessels last from foreign ports), whether the return of the inward cargo corresponds with the manifest, as delays may otherwise occur in settling discrepancies, which to adjust may and does fre- quently detain vessels from clearing, when the hurry is great, and consignees are anxious to get their vessels to sea. If there is any cargo brought in the vessel, not to be landed, a permit must be obtained to retain the same on board, several days before clearing, as the officer discharging the vessel cannot make his return without it; and, without dis return, the vessel cannot bo 68 INFORMATION FOR SHIPMASTERS, cleared. When cleared, the captain will reccive his register, crew-list, clearance, bill of health, and shipping articles; or, in case of a foreign vessel, all that he requires is a clearance and bill of health, upon presenting which to the consul of his nation, he will reccive all other necessary papers. \ CLEARANCE OF VESSELS COASTWISE, Duplicate manifests, made out from the bills of lading (number of packages in each bill of lading being stated ix writing), with the shippers and consignees, and places of residence, is all that is required, It is deemed unnecessary to state the different desks to which application must be made in entering and clearing, as these are liable to be changed, and as full information on this head can easily be obtained at the time, by simply asking, when leaving one desk, where to proceed; and eo on, until the entry cr clearance is completed. CIRCULAR. Treasury Department, Oct. 15, 1849. In consequence of questions submitted by merchants and others, asking, in consideration of the recent alteration of the British Navigation Laws, on what footing the commercial relations between the United States and Great Britain will be placed, on and after the first day of January next—the day on which the recent act of the British Parliament goes into operation—-ihe Department deems it expedient, at this time, to issue the following general instructions for the information of the officers of the customs and others interested : First. In consequence of the altcrations of the British Navigation Laws, above referred to, British vessels, from British or other foreign ports, will (under our existing laws), after the first of January next, be allowed to enter owr ports with cargoes of the growth, manu- facture, or production of any part of the world. Second. Such vessels and their cargoes will bo admitted, from and after the date before mentioned, on the same tcrms, as to dutics, imposts, and charges, as vessels of the United States, aud their cargoes, W. M. MEREDITH, Secretary of the Treasury, EXTRACTS Of Laws Regulating Vessels engaged in Foreign Trade Vessels built in the United States, wholly owned and commanded by citizens of the United States, and no other, can be registered and entitled to the privileges of a vessel of the United States; but such vessel cannot be so entitled if owned in whole or in part by any citizen residing in a foreign country unless ho be aconsal of the United States, or partner in a house of trade within the United States, VESSELS ENGAGED IN FOREIGN TRADE. 69 No registered vessels can be entitled to the privileges of an American vessel, if owned wholly or in part by a naturalized citizen, residing for more than one year in his native country, or more than two ycars in any foreign country, except he be a consul or agent of the United States; but she may be so entitled, in case of a bona fide sale to a resident citizen of the United States. Oath of ownership to be taken by every owner of a registered vessel, and transmitted, within 90 days, to the collector granting the register. Previous to the registering of any vessel, the resident owner or master must give bond that the register shall be solely used for the vessel; and in case of her being lost, sold to foreigners, or broken up, the register to be surrendered within eight days after the arrival of the master within the United States. In order to the registering of avessel built within he United States a certificate of the master carpenter who built her must be produced, setting forth her description, and for whom built. In cases of steam vessels owned by a company, the oath of the president or secretary is suficient, without designating the names of the persons composing the company. Vessels to be registered in the port where the owner, or if there be more than one, the managing owner, resides. Her name, and the port to which she belongs, to be painted on her stern, white letters on a black ground, not Jess than three inches in length, under a penalty of fifty dollars. In case a registered vessel should be transferred, in whole or in part, to a foreigner, her register must be surrendered within seven days, or the bond will be forfeited. No vessel which has been registered, and thercafter seized or captured, and condemned, by any foreign power, or shall, by sale, become the property of a foreigner, shall be entitled to a new register (unless claimed by her former owners, at the time of her seizure or capture), but shall be deemed a foreign vessel. Change of master to be reported by new master, or owner, and oath of citizenship to be endorsed on register, or the register shall be void, and the master forfeit 100 dollars. Upon the entry of a registered vessel, from a foreign port, at the port where an owner resides, he must make oath that the register contains the names of all the owners, and that no foreign citizen has any share in such vessel, by way of trust, confidence, or otherwise. If any register shall be fraudulently used for any vesscl not entitled to the benefit thereof, she shall be forfeited. If any vessel, enrolled or licensed, proceeds on a foreign voyage without surrendering her enrolment or license, and being registered, she shall be liable to forfeiture. In case a register is lost, destroyed, or mislaid, the master, on oath, and in compliance with the requisitions of the law, may receive a new one. On satisfactory proof to the secretary of the treasury that a vessel has been sold, by process of law, and ler register retaincd by her former owners, he may direct a new one to be issued. No sea letter, or other document, certifying a vessel to be the property of a citizen of the United States, can be issued, except to vessels duly registered or enrolled, and licensed as vessels of the United States. When a registered vessel is transferred, in whole or in part, to a citizen, or altered in form, burthen, or rig, she must be registered anew, by her former name, or lose the benefits of an American vessel, Every case of transfer, in whole or in part, must be by bill of sale, reciting the certifi- cate of registry at length, and the certificate surrendered. Vessels arriving from a foreign port must enter at an established port of entry, and no cargo can be unladen except at a port of entry or delivery. 70 GENERAL INFORMATION. Every American vessel arriving from a foreign port, must be provided with a mani- fest of her whole cargo, or the master forfeits a sum equal to the value of all goods not included therein ; all goods not included, belonging to the master, officers, or crew, to be forfeited. The manifest to be delivered to the first officer of the customs who shall board her. Neglect, or refusal to produce manifest, subjects the master to a penalty of 500 dollars. Merchandise destined for delivery at different districts must be distinctly set forth on the manifest. Merchandise unladen without permit from the proper officers of the customs, to be for- feited ; and the master and mate, each, forfeit one thousand dollars—except by an unayoid- able necessity, to be satisfactorily proved to the collector. The register and crew list to be deposited with the collector, on entry of vesscl, within 48 hours of arrival, and arrival reported to collector, within 24 hours, Foreign vessels, on entry, to produce manifest of cargo, and certificate of consul of nation to which they belong, of the deposit of their papers with him. No vessel permitted to an entry, until the master shall have delivered to the postmaster all letters directed to persons within the United States. Before departure for a foreign port, the master of every vessel must deliver to the collector a manifest of his whole cargo, and the value thereof, and obtain a clearance, under penalty of 500 dollars. In case any part of the cargo consists of goods subject to inspection, by the laws of the States, a certificate of inspections must be produced, previous to clearance. Before clearance, the shippers or consignors of the cargo must deliver a manifest of their portion of the cargo, under oath, setting forth the kind, quantity, and value of each article, and the foreign port where intended to be landed. Vessels licensed for the fisheries, intending to trade at any foreign place, must obtain permission from the collector of the port whence she departs, deliver a manifest, and comply with all the requisitions of the laws applying to vessels engaged in foreign trade. If found within three leagues of the coast with foreign goods on board of the value of 500 dollars, without such permission, will be forfeited. ‘GENERAL INFORMATION. ADDITIONAL, OR PENAL DUTY, of 20 per cent, ad valorem, provided, in certain cases, by the 8th section of the Tariff Act of 1846, to be exacted and paid before the delivery of goods for consumption, or their being withdrawn from the warehouse for transportation or exportation. In no case to be returned as debenture. ADDITIONS TO Entries of purchased goods, under the 8th section of the Tariff Act of 80th July, 1846. Where goods-have been actually purchased, the law requires the invoice to state the true cost, and not the market value abroad: on which value, with certain added charges, the duties are to be assessed. Tho privilege, therefore, given in the 8th section of the act referred to, is to enable importers of any goods that have been actually purchased, on making entry of the same, to add to the cost given in the invoice, to bring it up to the trwe market value abroad, and by so doing, exempt the goods from the additional duty imposed by said section. The additions contemplated by the law in such cases must take place at the time of making entry, and cannot be allowed at any subsequent period.— Circular, October 12, 1849. ALLowancr.—Under the provisions of the 52d section of the general collection law of GENERAL INFORMATION. 71 2d March, 1799, allowance for damage may still be made on the articles mentioned in the 58th and 59th sections of that act, now subject to ad valorem rates of duty, under the tariff of 1846; the deficiency, leakage, or breakage, being taken into consideration by the appraisers, as among the elements of actual damage to be ascertained by them, in the manner prescribed in Circular instructions of 25th November, 1846, Where claims are made for damage on certain liquors éx bottles, under the 59th section of the Act of March, 1799—unless the importer at the time of entry, shall in the exercise of the option given by said section, prefer that the actual quantity be ascertained by tale— the allowance for breakage shall in no case exceed the per centage provided by said section, in such cases, namely, of ten per cent. on beer, aleyand porter, and five per cent. on all other liquors.—Cireular, December 31st 1847, ALLOWANCE ON ABATEMENT OF DUTIES, under the last proviso of the 21st section of the Tariff Act of 30th August, 1842, for deficiency of articles in packages, can only take place where it shall satisfactorily appear to the appraisers that the packages had not been opened after their shipment. Such allowance or abatement, on separate articles or packages, included in the mani- fest, but not found on board the vessel at the time of unlading the same in the United States, cannot be made, unless satisfactory proof be adduced, that, by accident or other cause, such articles or packages had never been actually shipped; or that being shipped, they had been actually lost or destroyed by accident or other cause during the voyage, and before the arrival of the vessel within the limits of any collection district of the United States.—Circular, December 31, 1847. Applications for allowance for damage must be sworn to before a Deputy Collector, and lodged in Liquidating Department, Custom House, within ten working days from landing of the merchandise. Damage incurred in lading merchandise on board the vessel at a foreign port of ship- ment, not to be considered as having occurred “during the voyage.” Damage must be ascertained at the port of the United States where the vessel originally enters, and cannot be certified ‘from any other port to which the goods may be conveyed.— See Circular, 25th November, 1846. Damage.—The proof required before appraisement will be a certificate under oath of owner, consignee, agent, or other reliable person, after personal inspection of the vessel and cargo, of their belief of the existence of damage.—Circular, February 1, 1849. Discount.—Never to be allowed in any case, except on articles where it has been the uniform and established usage heretofore; and never more than the actual dis- count, positively known to the appraisers.— Circular, 25th November, 1846, Not to be allowed unless exhibited on the invoice; but if appearing o: the invoice, although not deducted ftom the foot of the same, to be allowed. Druas.—Essential oils and medicinal preparations found on examination by the ap- praisers, to be deteriorated, adulterated, or inferior in strength and purity, to be exported within six months, or the collector to cause them to be destroyed.— Circular, July 8, 1848. Eytry cannot be made for warehousc when no invoice accompanies the importation.— Circular, October 12th, 1849. FrEEs.—When goods are withdrawn from warehouse in quantities less than the entire importation, the expense of weighing, gauging, or measuring must be paid by the owner, importer, or agent, if it be necessary to weigh, gauge, or measure such portion, in order to ascertain the dutiable value-—Circular, October 30th, 1846. INVOICE or entry to contain the weight, quantity, or measure of goods, or the same to be weighed, gauged, or measured at the expense of the importer—dct 80th July, 1846, Sec. 4. 72 GENERAL INFORMATION. Fire Insurance on goods for any period prior to their shipment for the United States, is to be included in such charges.— Circular, December 31st, 1847. No Rerinrp Lump og Loar SuadaR can be imported into the United States ex- cept in ships or vessels of at least 120 tons burthen, and in packages containing at least 600 lbs., under the penalty of forfeiting the same, together with the ship or vessel.— > > i b a eq rt qe ea et aa 84 | owomnoanes HODHONKNDDWODHOAKNRMDAHOMOHOANRMDAHOHOHONARMDWONHONRMDOHWHONDHONARNRDD a »~ DBRODHANHRANSD HWINDOMNMHDDAOOAAANAMNDM HDD O OPP DADDBDDOTANHAANAVWDIAHOOOOME-DDRBDONMHAANMOD oD |aeeedgess OD OD OD CD OD OD OD OD OD OO Mt SH SH OH SH SH SH OH OH OH OSH OH OHHH HHH 1D 1D 19 10 8D 19 69 19 19 10 19 Mw DO WWMOOVTODVOOSO ei fm | eR ERR RR RR RRR RRR RR RRR RRR RRR REP PPP PPP PPP heheh eee heb RRR RRR RRR S| =| SIS eys SFE Reps ereaene SISTety SSIS Syorere Teer rs ess 14 ~ . . eS 3 Hod Ad Ob Ee 1 HOD HAS ODE GG HHO HID Ob EE PM AOD AID ODES DOD HID OO QD HOD ID ADI OOO ID OD ei OD HID COE al als © © © © Re} i > a et et ei et e al ei el Pa ea Oo es MODACO HONKRMAWOHMH HO AKNRMDAWOMHOAKNNDDWHWOWNONMMADWOMMHONrMDDAWOMHOAMMDDWONOMONMS pS = a a MOM HMDDOR NR DDODDOCHHAANMMAHANOMDONR NR DDBHBOCOHAAANAMDDAHNODOONMEDDBOOHAAAAMWDHWONOOCONN®D | oO AAPMRMPBRMRADBBABARBOSOCS COSSDSSSSSSCSOSS SAAN AAA NANANANNANNANAANAN aw wT SS womoomononoowono WOOOORRRR RRR RRR EERE RRR REE ERP PP PPP PPh hhh PPh hhh hhh hhh heheheh hb S| PPR R LD ep pperep wor perp war oP wapcrD wap POPP WP LPP LE PLP PLS PUPIL Te . é . Ss Crd Ad be ne ete eb eid Ob BS GG et elec Ab GO RL Gy et HOD HID OD EL CT HCD HID COS Fe ted HAD OD RL GG et Od Hid od RL GD Od AS oS fay 8 » 12 9 © © © © ei et me et rel rt ei et &3 MODHOWMHOAMMDAHONWHOAMMDAHWOW HONK MDHONMOHONrDDHOMOHONAMDDWOHOHOAPMMDHWOONMOND a HAAN HIDN1IDD DRKRDDBDOO HHAAADMDHODOH OOH EN DD ADDAAAADIDHODOONMNDDROORAAN ed OOODODODO CDODDODODO DOODGDHHH DHODODODODDODDODDODDODDODODDOGDODDDDOODDOODOODO 3 Gamo ALGAAS HDL S Aeon amber iacrased girs enw err aia sed cw ers wears cts chs uy uw wD ae sl a et ea ea ei ra ea 111 180—200 PER CENT. bd & 2 Ten- ths Rate, 180. oy dork cot Cos oo DP ON Of CO S190 Ct 08 et e @ a F199 Tet co 9 wa oo Or co et ND at go rt go DOWD DDWDMWDDMDDDDDDDDWOMDDDDDDDDDMDDDDDDDDDDHDONDHDD nan m Oo 1 Crm Oh Ow CO RArONW Or G® OR CO OF 109 Ot oo te Showing the value of Greenbacks at calculating the came, AHP NOKROWNNRAHEP NOH DWAIN RDHNOKHE DWAIN DHE ANOKHAWNTNAHM AS = @ OMe OHNO H HOw oH 2S rae _ @ @ 7 @ a Ye ee He COLD CO CO 3 x PCrRaANAaAr® ao ' ai " DRoONma~ARoH ‘ ‘ 1 ' 1 ShoWdDRO ORO dDEOO yr eee Someone On~ymoaro me WOW MWMOHMHDMDMDMDMDMDDDDDDDDDDDDHDDDDDDODDDDDDDDHOHDH | > Ten ths. BDWIN BDH NOR MDWNNRBH NOR AWNNRBEHNORBDWNNAHPAOCKAWNAD Rate. $ Cts.te2|| Rate. 190. Y OO CORONA eG e © mr DD wr 09 ore oo fot ot ag 69 Ott Go 7 wo do do bo Com Oo Or anmca e © . tee ' PRON AOR® CrRWNOr®D Baton oH OW a1 09 Or 9 e © Gr Oui cos i EXCHANGE TABLE POW ODM MODDDDDDDDDWODAHMODDDDDMDONDDDDMDMANDDMDNDMHADDA 195. 1 ‘ ST OS oe e © ro 1. DROW ORO DRANWARO FS ear ren t 3 DPOW OPO Sy Cory Fo 68 i © 0 Te ee DAROWAR OD" ro © =O an On HP AORDMDWNNAHEPNOKHMDWINRMHE NOH OWNNRAHNORWDWNNAHAOCK ’ CRON MDH WD Gl SSeS DADO DMMMDMDDWDDMDMADAMDDDMDDDHDDDDDWDHDDBDBHDADBMDDMDBDBDMDBDHDA | msn 20 ° the different Rates of Exchange, from Par to 200, with rule for Ten-' ths. DOMWAM ASCH OOTP HASH OWIVAHASCH DUNN ANM ASH Were | With gold at | Par Ruvz.—To find the value of one dollar at any quotation, divide 10,000 by the quotation of gold, and the 125 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 BPH EERE REPRE be a »” ” 2” ” 2 equal to DPHYOKYNHHNYNPHYNNYNWHhe product will be the value in halfpence—thus :—Gold at 175 175) eet (57 25-175 halfpence = 2s, 4d, 12-176, 1250 1226 25 here 2 cents are equal to 1d, here 4cents are equal to 1d, here 6 cents are equal to 14. here 8 cents are equal to 1d. THE BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES NOW PAYABLE, AS ADOPTED AT THE CUSTOM-HOUSE. —_—oO OOS A. ARTICLES. ACCORDIONS (see musical instru- ments). Agates or cornelians (see precious stones, unenumerated). Albumen ....ciescceseccrereeens saa ant ewt free. Ale and beer .......6.0e br. 1 00..1 00 Alganobilla seed (see seeds, unenu- merated). Alkali, viz., Barilla........cscsceseeess Crt. free. , pearl and potash ............ » volatile, liquid ammonia free. of other sorts, unen. ...... ewt, and val. Alkanet root (see dye stuffs, unenu- FOREIGN. BRITISH. merated). Almonds, not Jordan or bitter ..,...cwt. free. g DOPAAN svicdscesacanes saiecaees se 5 DILLER sacsaneenaaeeeeay seesGte - secseedb, 1d. free. ...cwt. free. Aluminium oe. ...1b. free. Amber, rough w...ieccsceessasserrereee CWE free, » manufactures of, not en- umerated (except beads) ............value free, Amborgris (see drugs, unenumer.) ——~—., paste of wwe ALUN traicvies ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Amboyna wood (see wood, viz., fur- niture and hard woods, unenume- rated). Ammunition, viz.:— , shot, large and small, OF Lead”, wicdinssavaeks carsuveeevae eas Corte dress ee iron ...... aes -—_ , rockets, and other com- bustibles used in war, not other- wise enumerated or described....,. value free. Anchovies (see fish). Angelica, not candied (see drugs, un- enumerated). , candied (see succades). Animals, (living) asses, goats, kids, oxen and bulls, cows, calves, mules, sheep, lambs, swine hogs, seosess Umber free. » horses, mares, geldings, and sucking pigs.......... Colts, foals ..........ccccceee num. and yal. free. , unenumerated ...... tasens o Animal charcoal (see bones). Annatto, roll and flag ........ ereiarlaint ewt. freo. Antimony, viz., ore of... ...ton free. y CTUME. eseeeees ....ewt. free. ——-—-, regulus ..... payee i Apples, raw vc. ... bushel free, aac ULIER acsiesinriersevanseiverces BRITISH TARIFF OF CU;TOMS’ DUTIES, 113 ARTICLES, OREIGN, BRITISH. Aquafortis...... iiasiderewianeissenvansewe CWbi tree: ALgOl ss sssisaccesiawnessoesniierancedes sass Aristolochia (see drugs, unenum.) Arms, viz.:— ——,, swords, cutlasses, matchetts, bayonets, gun-barrels, gun-locks, cannon, and mortars of iron, not mounted, nor accompanied with carriages ..... aeatanenteions value and cwt. free. , cannon and mortars of brass, not mounted nor accompanied with carriages 0.0.0... value and cwt. free. —, cannon and mortars mounted, or accompanied with carriages, and other fire-arms, viz., muskets, vifles, carbines, fowling-pieces, or guns of any other sort not en- umerated, and pistols .....6ce00 value free. AYTOWYLO08 ve sceveeseeeeeee vee ewt 49d...4¢d. ATSCNIC:.fescuhetidraneates eraraderoneiaancle cewt. free. Art, works of, of whatever metal ...value free. , works of, in stone or marble value free. Ashes (see alkali). Asphaltum or Bitumen judiacum ...ton free. B. BACON... .ccssscsrestsceeesssecenssseeess Wh, free, Balsams, viz.:— , capivi or copiaba ............Ib. free. y REPU — cnveaseacrites sapaanoonente Tb, free. , unenu. balsam ......... lb. and val. free. , Riga (see spirits, sweetened or mixed, enumerated). Barilla (see alkali). Bark, for tanners or dyers ....... ...0wb, free, —,quercitron, cascarilla, Peruvian, cwt, free. ——, other sorts unenu.....,.cwt. and val. free, , extract of (see extracts), Barley, pearled..............cwh 43d....43d. Barwood ........04 sesseseeeceesseeees tO free. -Barytes, sulph. of ....... sesssccereee ton free, . value free, ...ton free, Baskets ..... Seaneenes “ Basket rods, peeled . pUNPCElE” sissessecceerenververer ARTICLES FOREIGN. BRITISH, Bast ropes, twines, and strands...... ewt. free. Beads, coral ....., decinaguavededernusiaglOomtuers , other sorts not enum. val. and Ib. free. , and bugles of glass............1b. free. Beans, kid. or French (see seeds). Beef, salted .......cc000 siseseeseerser Wh free, ——, fresh and slightly salted ...... ¢ Beef wood (see wood, viz., furniture and hard woods, unenumerated). Beer or mum..,....,brl. £1 Os. Od.,..£1 Os. Od. ——, spruce,..... “ £1 Os. Od....£1 Os. Od. —,, of other sorts “* £1 Os. Od....£1 Os. Od. Berries, viz.:— » Juniper, yellow ....ss00106...0WE free. ———, Myrobalan ...issscccersssessees e , unenumerated.,..... ewt. and value free. Birds, viz., singing or other (see animals living, unenumerated). 43d....44d. Bitumen judiacum (see asphaltum). Blackwood (see woods, viz., furni- ture and hardwoods, unenum.) Bladders ...........csccsseveeeeesesesttumber free, Bonnets (see hats). Bones (except whale fins), whether burnt or not, or as animal char- coal, viz., applicable to mannfac- turing PULpOses vii iscseeeeeceeeeeees ton free. —— for manure ........ceescees bean’ fe Books, bound or unbound ,.,val. and ewt. free. Biscuit and bread............ ewt. Note.—For description of books prohibited to be im- ported, see Act for the Regulation of Customs and Acts for securing Copyrights. Boots and shoes (see leather). Boracic acid ........e00s siae owe, free, Borax, refined ..... siskecate sid naeelea'se a , or tincal, unrefined ......... e Bottles or glass (see glass). , of earth or stone (see earth- enware, unenumerated). Boxes, viz., brass (see brass manu- factures, unenumerated). Box-wood (see wood, viz., furniture and hard woods). 114 BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Bran and pollard... wh free, Brass, manufacture of, not otherwise enumerated ...............value and ewt. free. , old, fit only to be remanu- factured ......cssccsssseesessecsessconse CWbe free, Brazil wood .....006 Braziletto wood ..... siedienaaismattsnay ee Bricks, clinkers, or tiles, viz., Dutch, num. free, » Other SOrts viiscsssessescerereee Bread (see biscuits). Brimstone, unrefined .....cs0cceee CWE free, ——— refined in rolls .....cseesccuee a A -—$— in FOU irasacecsccseneeenns Bristles .....:..scorsesesnsssceoesevensesceel de free. Bronze, manu. of a metal bronzed or lacquered ...............Value and cwt, free. powder .... seveceseees Value frees works of art in (see Art, works of, all sorts). Brooms and brushes..........:++00000... Value free. Bullion and foreign coin, of gold or BIVEY .....csssseseeeseeeeese0Z. and value free, Bulrushes.,....... srseceees oad free, Butter ws... seecertaneestecerensssesCWbe free, Buttons and studs of metal.,,.........value free, » Other BOrts ..sccssessevenseeees 5B C. CABINET ware (see furniture). Cables (see cordage). Calamine, or lapis calaminaris (see zinc, ore of). Cameos, not Bet .....cscessseesseereeee Valu free, Camomile flowers (see drugs, un.) Camphor, unrefined ...,.. .....4...0Wwt. free, LONE. wisarisecevideies se CaMWO0d wrsisesersscssseseserereeere ton free, Candles, spermaccti.....s.ccseveeees..0Wh free, @—-—, 8HCEAYING iiicicccccssececaevens CAML OW eich tvaniavertadertdoaes a WBE as a Silene caaagamecnnines mm, paralHne ........sccsssveeesscace Candlewick (see cotton manuface tured, unenumerated), ARTICLES, FORTIGN. Canella alba (see drugs, unenum.) Canes, Viz., bamboo..........10000e UM. free. ——,, rattans, not ground wicsesee ove as —, or sticks unenum,,,.,.num. and val, free, —, walking, or sticks, mounted, painted, or otherwise ornamented Cantharides ...s.cssssescorssceseserseeerlD, free, Caoutchoue wisssscccssseerssessereeorses CWE. free, , manufactures of, viz., overshoes and boots... reeredb. free, , other sorts ...1b. and value free. BRITISH. “ Capers, including the pickle ......... Ib. free. Cardamoms sessciaeniwireeininn Cards, playing, dozen packs ...,..... 38. 9d. Carmine ...........ccssseeeeees Value and oz. free. Carriages of all sorts ......cceccececees value free. Casks, empty ..s.cssevee Cassava powder, cwt.... Castor ...... ssanseapwewentt eeemumnvigs De ATC Casts of busts, statues or figures, value and ewt. free. Catechu (see cutch). Catlings (see musical instruments, strings of). Ps CAVIAre......sseceseenseeeeeeeeserseseee seb, free, Cedar wood (see woods, viz., furni- ture and hard woods). Cheese... cecivssaccssnsevnsenvvevawe Owe free, Cherries, raw .,....seareseesscessesersesDUshel free. —— Uried... eee Dd oo, Id Cherry wood (see wood, viz., fur- niture and hardwoods, unenum.) Chicory, or any vegetable matter applicable to the uses of chicory or coffee, raw or kiln-dried (SOY) sieeeesssseeeerveere CWE 263. 6d, » roasted or ground .,.Ib. 4d. China root (see drugs, unenum.) — ware, or Porcelain ware, cwt. and val. free. Chloride of lime (see drugs unen.) Chloroform srssssecoeerdds 83, Od....83. Od. 4d. BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. 115 ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH, Cinnabaris nativa .....cccseseeeee CWE. free, Cinnamon i... cssssessseseseecevveeseeerl dy free, Citrate of lime (see drugs, unenum.) Citric acid (see drugs unenum.) ’ Citron, preserved with salt.....,......value free, Civet (seo drugs, uncnumerated), Clinkers (see bricks). Clocks........sce00005.++e0mber and value free. Cloves veseccesesaeees wealb. free, Coal, culm, or cinders ..................ton free, Cobalt assgvavesecnanscmsacnan’ value and ton free. ———, 07 Of..aeeeeeees ....ton and value free. , oxide of ...... ishiigumiisarecce Cochineal ....ccsscceesscssessrsesvesteess CW free, granill.- siwecsstecccanns dust .... sesnereumeen Cochinella wood (see woods, viz., furniture and hardwoods, unenu.) C0008 ivviniavsromasaseanenvidbs Ld 1d. —— husks and shells.,.cwt.2s. Od....23. Od. —— paste and chocolate 2d... 2d. Coculus Indicus ....sccesscccerrrereeee CWE. free, Cofkee: scsansserssvauvevessorens sds. Bde 8d. —— kiln-dried, roasted, or GLOUNA , cscsescdavedve geet “4d... 4d. Coir rope, twine and strands .,.......cwt. free. = FAD. sscrrcncacia i cf — FIDL... as scaseeseeoeereeeeereeee ton free. Note.—Coir fibre is admitted free, as a vegetable sub- stance of the nature of undressed hemp. Collodion .....s.ssssereeseseveee Ballon 243, Od. Colocynth (see drugs, unenum.) Columbo root (see drugs, unenum.) Comfits ..c.scsecseseeveee(aY) lb. Id... ld. Confectioncry.....0088 Ib Id... 1d. Copper ore Of, ...sseseeees sone ton free, » Vegulus Of, iis © old, fit only for remanufac. $f , unwht., viz., bricks or pigs, rose copper and cast copper ...... - part wrought, viz., bars, rods, or ingots hammered or raised .,.ton free. in plates and copper coin ... ss WIE vvisseresseereees ton and value free, ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Copper, manufactures of, not other- wise enumerated or described, and copper platesengraved ........... value free. Copperas, blue, green, and white ...ton free. Coral in fragments ......,...0...1b. and oz. free. —— whole wvcveees sumvavers “SS negligées.. —— beads (see beads). Cordage and cables (not of iron), ex- cept coir and bast rope ..4.........cwt, free. iT3 c weee » (see also twine). Cordial waters (see spirits). COR ais acess nsiceanebsnas seesssaeseess 600 free. Corks, ready made ........... ivsaordes Tb. free. ——,, squared for rounding............ ewt. free. ——-, fishermen’s.,... sraeeee Corn, grain, meal and Bors al articles of the like character, viz., wheat, barley, bear or bigg, oats, rye, peas and beans (not kidney nor French), maize or Indian corn and buck wheat .....csseseessesee se CWE Wheat meal, and flour, barley meal, oatmeal, groats, rye meal, and flour, pea meal, and bean meal, maize or Indian corn meal and buck wheat meal, and meal not otherwise enumerated, or de- scribed 43d. Cotton, raw (or cotton wool).........cwt. free. JAID ..sgesseeeeeeeredb, and value free. manufactures, Viz. + piece goods, viz, of India and China, including calicoes, ruslins, nankeens, and handker- chiefs ......... sesseeeeee-pieces and value frec- of other countries, viz., mus- and other than wmuslins pieces and value free. hosiery of all sorts ‘..,.......,. value free. 3d. Seas d tieiiaaibiiaumciseaeniadgeisnc OW Us lins manufactures, unenumerated). “ waste of ..... seeWh and value free, yarn, waste of ....,.lb. and value free, Cowries .sssere:.coessresveceee, CW, and value free 116 BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Cranbervies .....csssesssecsesasesesceees Bale Hee, Cream of tartar .., ..ewt, free. Cubebs .....cccscceseeee . lb, free. Cubic nitre (see nitre). Cucumbers, preserved in salt (see pickles). Currants .... . oews, 7s. Od, Catch tsacesesivardiseeinds pottbetisatinestnct ton free, D. DATES......ccccsecssccecersoesenseoesess OW free, Diamonds (see precious stones). Dice ....s0ssese00eeepair £1 1s. Od....£1 1s. 0d. Divi divi ...scssssscscsescsevesenseeeeess tOD free, DOWD wiscscsscsesseesssssorensercseceeeeel De free, Dragon’s blood, or sanguis draconis (see gums). Drawings (see prints). Drugs, unenumerated ..,...cwt. and value free. Dye-stuffs, other than dye-woods, and substances used in tanning, unenumerated ............cwé. and value free. enumerated (see annatto, argol bark, berries, cochineal, cutch, divi divi, extracts, galls, garancine, gambier, indigo, gums, viz., lac dye, madder, moss rock, munjeet, orchal, potash, bichromate of, saf- flower, shumack, terra-japonica, turmeric, and valonia). Dye-woods, enumerated (see barwood, Brazil wood, Brazilletto wood, camwood, ebony green, fustic, log- wood, Nicaragua wood, red wood or Guinea wood, Sapan wood, Saunders red, or red sandal wood). E. EARTHENWARE, not being Por- celain or China ware, and not otherwise enumerated or described ewt. and value free. Tebony, Breen iissssccesssseersseeresees COD free, of other sorts (see wood, furs niture, and hardwoods). ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Frege vceccsserssersesseecesseeeess 6. hundred free. Elder-flower water (see perfumery, unenumerated). Embroidery and needlework— Curtains, commonly called Swiss, embroidered on muslin or net...1b. free. All other embroidery not enume- VAateD .eecscssssecessesseceeseesee Value free. Emeralds (see jewels). Emery (see stones, emery stone). Essence spruce, £100 .........£10,..£10 Extract, safflower........... annubaeewettes Ib. free. bark, or of other vegetable substances to be used for tanning or dyeing ..................eWt. and value free. not particularly enumerated.value free. F. FEATHERS, for beds, in beds, or Otherwise ....sccsersevecereeseee sees wh, free. » ornamental, viz., ostrich, white, 0z., and value free. “ i , of other sorts unenumerated.., sesessesees- Wt, 73. Od.,,..78. Od. tty “ Figs ......cse0 Fig-cake .. Fish (including turtle), viz. :— —~—, fresh (not of British taking) :— ey COD cate corset der itiessinnaed ewt. free. » CC]S Voc ccseee < , herrings ........ , salmon 4... 5 HUPCIC: i sccauereacaventseereua » unenumerated.,.cwt. and value free. cT3 ce ——.,, cured or salted, viz. :— 4» ANCHOVICT siesseseeeseceeseedb. free, pr COD des ae van saci ssontsyeouses ,.cwt, free. p herrings icici © y SALMON viseecsececeenens ce <* 9 CULO vivsdsaversnisetansawere ———,, unenumerated...cwt. and valuo free. Flax, dressed or undreseed..,.........cwt. free, ——, tow and codilla OF sesssesssere = BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. 117 ARTICLES, FOREIGN, BRITISH. Flock, for paper stainers...............cwb. free. Flocks Flour (see corn), Flower roots.......scssesssssesesssessess Value free, Flowers, artificial......c..ccccceee Frames, for pictures, prints, drawings, or mirrors..............045 6 Sea A pigs 88 Fruit, raw, not otherwise enume- rated . bush. and value free. Oned sviticicimaiicedvacs ft —, preserved in sugar, unenume- rated (see succades), » enumerated to be separately entered (see almonds, paste of; cherries, dried ; marmalade ; plums). ——-, preserved without sugar in its own juice, unenumerated,..Jb. and value free. Furniture, hardwoods (see woods). » household, of wood and cabinet WaYC...sccssesrrrseresees Value free, Furs (see skins). Fustic v.isscssscsssesssseeesesessreesseen tO, free, G. GALLIC powder (see drugs, un- enumerated). Galle ....csssccossevscescessscesssssosens ons CWe, free, Gambier w.s.ccceee sees Gamboge ... Garancine.......sssesseecserenorecsssecare Garnets (see precious stones). Gauze, of thread (see linen manufac- tures, unenumerated). Gelatine: gos0sissncsedeaeaccdeneduweunerss ewt. free. Gentian......cccesscsresesesersereeeees ton free, Ginger .... .. ows. free, » preserved, say...... Tb. 1s. Od, Genseng (see drugs, unenumerated). Glass, viz. :— Window glass and German shect glass, including shades and Cylinders oo. essesseesererr Wes free, Flint cut glass, flint coloured and ornamented glass .,....cwt, and value frec. see eeeeneneee ...cwt. free, “ ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. ’ Plate glass, cast or rolled .........cwt. free. Flint glass, plain, including bot- GeS sei secsviain aaa teeeoes Silvered glass or mirrors,.........0 Bottle of green or common glaas.., Manufactures not otherwise enume- rated, and old broken glass...... ewt. and value free. Glues sarisaeuvcasesraneebaanianseanvadanes cewt, free. —— clippings or waste of any kind, fit only for making glue.,..cwt. and value free. “ 13 “ Gold, leaves of ......, ie es Bae HER sees KUM, free, , ore of, and ore of which the greater part in value is gold ...... ton and value free. (See also bullion and plate.) Grains, Guinea and Paradise .........cwt. free. GRAPES ics sadeceanpiuprenaevaensee ...bush. free. ...cwt. free. si caiulewsapaiaaiesses sa giveddcseian ON. frees, Gum, viz. Animi, Arabic, Benzoin or Benjamin, copal, dammar, dra- gon’s blood or sanguis draconis, euphorbium, gedda, lacdye, seed- lac, shellac, sticklac, mastic, sanda- rack, senegal, tragacanth, kowrie...cwt. free. ——, unenumerated.........cwt. and value free. Gun stocks in rough, of wood ...... cwt. free. of3 Gunpowder .... a Gutta percha .........6. Siiteiag oaauleeeteny . ——, manufac. of.,.cwt. and value free, .79 GYPSUM aiiissisecceeaecserenvaeererscens ton free. H. HATR, viz. :— Camel’s hair or wool ..... selb. free Cow, ox, bull, or elk hair,........... ewt. freo. Goats’ hair or wool (see wool), Horse hair ...cesceseseseerseeees OW, free. Human haits..cecisascsseeccccensscnn lb. free. Unenunierated... Value free. Manufactures of hair, unmixed, or mixed with othcr materials not being goats’ wool] iicececcccrrnne 118 BRITIGH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. ARTICLES. FOREIGN, Manufactures of hair or goats’ wool, or of hair or goats’ wool and any other material,.,.......,.value free. Hams of all Kinds,.......00000 wcwt, free. Harp-strings or lute-strings (see musical instruments, strings of). Hats or bonnets, viz. ;— CUED saissing sais ace ope darjessivaiaveasavecival Oc ROG. Bast, cane, or horse-hair............ sr SUPA Wisiprrineniiadseeseniedeuunivenses: — of hair, wool, or beaver ,..,.+e.2um. free, OF felt iecseeccccceceeaes swim — of silk, or silk shag laid upon felt, linen, or other material... Hellebore (see drugs, unenumerated). Hemp, viz., dressed wic..cssersesseee Wh, free, » rough or undressed wwe “ , tow, and codillaof hemp.,, “ JUL cnvcernanevensaricaiapeneins s yarn, and waste of ...1b. and value free. Other vegetable substances appli- cable to and imported for the same uses as hemp, except coir and flaX........:0000.cWwt and value free. Hides not tanned, tawed, curried, or in any way dressed, dry ...,.......cWt free, “ BRITISH. y WEE seseccconcsestecsectavaeceeeosnes —, tanned, curried, or in any way dressed, not being varnished, japan- ned or enamelled.,.......05008: celb, free. ——. if varnished, japanned, or enamelled vsceserereens sigaaivasine sbi s ——, Muscovy or Russia hides, or pieces thereof, tanned, coloured, shaved, or otherwise dressed ...... es —— or pieces thereof, raw or un- dressed, unenumerated ............value fire, —— or pieces in any way dressed, not otherwise enumerated ......... © —— tanned, not otherwise dressed.,.1b. free. Hones ......scccsccseeerereess UM, and value free. Honey v..csscsssssccoessveesessevsersvserCWts free, Hoofs of cattle .....cssssesssseveasseeree Valu frog, Hoops of wood (see wood). ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. HOPS csiinsviresvasvecverseveeeesrasseedewhe Lee. Horns, viz., buffalo and deer ,........60n free. of other sorts, unenumerated, and horn tips and pieces of horns I. IODINE, as goods manufactured, per T.0. 100s sievinesieecsasse vesvenscestovensemensiton, free, Ink for printers .. —, Indian..,........... : — for Writing .....s..ccccerssseeer se Value free, Inkle (see linen, unenumerated). Instruments, viz., anatomical or BUPBICAL......cesessceessccecovseeevesee VOLO free. ———, astronomical, optical, and scientific of other sorts, un- ENUMECr AGE ..sseccesesseeesserereeree Value free, Tpecactanha.....cscscscceeresseseeserselDe free, Iron, ore of, and pyrites .....ton and value free, —— pyrites (see pyrites of iron or copper). a) PIF vcresnsssceesesssesserseererseee tO free, bars, unwrought, shect .......4 ° —— WHE vis ssesseveccanerseereeensscese OWE, free, m—— rough castings....ccscvee ——bloom wee ehaeteee ...ton free. —, chromate of, including chrome OVO sicsesesecceteeseeveereevestOn and value free. —— , slit or ham. into rods............ton free. My CARE cic cee see teneveaaenrteenceseces 3 ——— OOPS aarccrecerctrvessvcrseeaaress —-, old broken and old cast ...... 7 —— and steel, wrought or manufac- tured, excepting arms and ammu- nition, viz. ;— —— machinery, wrought castings, tools, cutlery, and other manufac- tures of iron or steel not enume- rated ..sccseorsseeeseseensCWE and value free, ~—,, fancy ornamental articles of iron or steel ...,..seese00eeWEs and value free. Tsinglass siscsssssseccnneveotecenceserseesCWhs free, BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES, 119 ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH.| ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Ivory (see teeth). ‘Women’s boots, single soles.,.doz. pair free. vegetable (see nuts, corosso). ——-,, double soles... s J. shoes, single soles... ——,, double soles... s TA LAP ssscdasarievvenerssiasvsiededevcsvlD fees Japanned or lacquered ware...cwt.and val. free. Jewels (see precious stones). Jewellery (not mock) not otherwise Enumerated ...sccsecverveecreeesesees value free. Juice of lemons, limes, or free. Jute (see hemp). K. KERNELS (see nuts). Kingwood (see wood, viz., furniture and hardwoods, unenumerated). L. LACE and articles thereof, viz. ;— Mohair or worsted w....:scsrsevedb. free. Thread or cotton ase tex see Value free. Silk lace, pillow ....... Machine or imitation .........6 °°" Lacquered ware (see Osean amie Lapis calaminaris (see zinc, ore of). Latten (see brass manufactures un- enumerated). Lead, O70 Of vcsssssesssccevenvenvennensee ——, black (see plumbago). ewt. free. ton free. —, pig andsheet....cserore TOD ese sense eee rasueneacnceteneer. 2" ——, white rcs gad iveabrotoeneana sf ——, chromate of............ton and value free. —, acetate of .....44. subateesar head ..cwt, free. —,, litharge ...... ‘ ——, manufactures of, not otherwise enumerated .....:s00+-CWt, and value free. Leather manufactures — boots and shoes, viz. :— Mens’ shoes ..ssecssesseseeeseres0Z. pair free. — boots not exceeding 9 in. in height... .csccsssesesveerseeee —— boots exceeding 9 in. in height vcsssessceseesseeeuennenes ss Children’s boots and shoes, not exceeding 7 in. in length ... e Boot fronts not exceeding 9 in. IW HOIPHE cise ccescvveraenavecee exceeding 9 in. in Height ...ssecsecsescvscevenvevene es Boot backs ..c.ssccscevecesevevsees sf Gloves of leather .... Any article made of leather, or any manufacture whereof leather is the most valuable part, not otherwise enumerated or de- SCLIDED ..isssseesssesereecsseeeeesees VOLUO free, Leaves of gold (see gold). Leaves of roses..... stesesereecsesssveeteelD, free, Leeche.isisreeescessserevestseesererveseerValuro frec, Lentils (see seeds). Lemons (see oranges). Liguum vite (sce wood, viz., furni- ture and hardwood). Limes, juice of (see juice). Linen manufactures, including manu- factures of linen, mixed with cotton, viz., Cambric and French lawns, including bordered hand- kerchiefs, whether cut or in the PIECE sissececeseaseeeeeeeesverseeeeees8Q- 708. free, ——, damask and damask-diaper ... —, sails and sail clothy...ccccsseee < —— manufactures, unenumerated,,.value free. SOLD Sivas hate awiieiiivn Ib. and value free. am JUICE ceesuecenscoreestesssens POW wisisecerewesy TOOG weseseee seeneeserteeseanees se Litharge (see lead). Live creatures, illustrative of natural history (see animals, unenumerated). Logwood sisssccssessssscecteenseceseeeees ton free. 120 BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH. Lucifers of Wood ....scsesseceeeeee Cub. ft. free. » Vesta Of WAX vis ssecsseesseees UN, free, M. MACCARONI (see vermicelli). Mace \csscssescesseesssssereressesesconselb, free, Madderyaiccinesssaensvacevessegsereueanecewls free, ri TOOE ...cavcereneseevensarecener res Mahogany (see wood, viz., furniture and hardwoods). Malt wisicccceseceoeee Qt G1 5s, Od....£1 58. Od. Mandica flour ...........cwt. 43d....43d. .....ton free. Manganese, ore of .., Manna .....cccssscsscesseecescsscenseeeselD, free. CYOUP seeseeeee CWE 45d....45d. Manures, not enumerated.,.ton and value free. unenumerated to be sepa- rately entered (sce bones, guano, rags). Maps or charts, or parts thereof, plain or coloured.....,,,.num. and value free. Maple wood (see wood, viz., funi- ture and hardwoods). Marble (see stone). Marbles (see toys). Marmalade ............(say) Ib. 1d...,1d. Mats and matting ........s..ssss0008.. Value free. Meat, salted or fresh, not. otherwise Aescribed ...sseisesssescseeseeveesees CWE, free. preserved in any other way ’ than salted ....ccceeceees sen eeaeanees # Medals, of gold or silver........ pany Other S0rb w...ceeesasees Medlars (see fruit, raw, unenume- rated). Mercury, prepared (see drugs, un- enumerated). Metal, bell w.i...sescssseeseeesereereees ton free, leaf, not gold, the packets contajning 250 Icaves ..........0...- free. of any sort, and fit only to be remanufactured.........ton and valuo free. Metals and ores unenumerated, viz., ore unenamerated,........ton and value free, ARTICLES, FOREIGN, Metals of any sort, unenumerated, unwrought ..,,...00.ton and value free, wrought....... iageguee © Mill boards (see paper). Minerals and fossils, unenumerated value free. Models of cork or Wood wissessee corn Molasses (see sugar). Morphia and its salts (see drugs, unenumerated). Moss, viz. :— Rock for dyers’ use......ssssee0000..ton free. Other sorts (see drugs, unenume- rated). Mother o’ pearl shells...,..cwt. and value free. Mum (see beer). Munject c..ccescesscsesseeesteeoorennee Wt, free, Musical instruments, viz. :— BRITISH. and value, Piano fortes visecscsssccceeeee a Harmoniumsorseraphims.,, “ o Strings of .....cseececteeeceees seoseees Value free. Musical instruments, not vutherwise enumerated or described.......... MBE Ss is csacdncacsae sens ...02, free. Mustard flour (see sauces or condi- ments, unenumerated). Myrobalanes (see berries). Myrrh wiiccssssssssessescceseerserseers Whe free, N. NAPHATHA wassccscscssscssessereee Gal free, New Zealand wood (see wood, furni- ture, aud hardwoods, unenume- rated). Nicaragua Wood wi.cscsssseessseeeeeees ton free. Nickle, ore of......... seoeeeee ton and value free. , metallic and oxide of, re- fine ssc caricacven nssanwvciienenvens ... value free, , arseniate of, in lumps or powder, in an unrefined state...... “ Nitre, viz., cubic nitre .........000...0Wt, free. Nitric acid (see aquafortis). Nutmegs, except those commonly Called Wild .iierssosecserserrsseesceerelds free, BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. 121 ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH. Nutmegs, Wild i.scsuseccesessesreredb, free, Nuts, small and walnuts.. ... bush. free. ——, chesnuts .., “ vaseenees —, cocoa .., Cee e ee neneeteneene —— and kernels of walnuts, of peach stones, and all nuts and kernels unenumerated, commonly used for expressing oil therefrom..,ton and value free. —— and kernels unenumerated, not commonly used for expressing oil therefrom ys ccessesvenssiesraiess vasivesens value free, ——,, corosso or vegetable ivory......cwt. free. Nux VoMICA wricceccssesseessesetiee O. Oats and oatmeal (see corn). Ochre sisseccseccesrssereneeersaneevseases Oils, viz. :— Fish oil, cod liver,...........+.se004..tun free, —— —, train or blubber .. —— —,spermaceti or head matter Animal oil, viz. :— —, lard v..sccsscssseeereees Ct. free, ———— — tallow. ccisecsrsecrreee = —, unenumerated .,.cwt. and value. Castor viccccessceccssvsecroseeces sores OW by free, 6c eeeee Cocoa nut...cccseecerceens , teeeeeeenes sesseees tn free, Jisdiastadlaveatiey dup risadvecdioomue Whe Tree, Seeds, hemp ......scccseveeenes —, linseed veceree ttn free. ce ——,, rapeseed.........4 ' ..tun and value, , unenumerated..... Chemical, essential, or perfumed, Viz. — ———, bergamot....... seseseesentb. free, y CASSIS: ..ccavseveaeveetene » lemon .... s peppermint... , otto of roses ......... a OS , other sorts............1b. and value. ROCK v.iiccssscseesessseseserssseseees. OWE, free. ARTICLES, FOREIGN, BRITISH. Oil or spirit of turpentine ..cwt. free, — not particularly enumerated or described ., seceeeee Value free. Parafline ...iccsssseseseaee gal. and value free. Oilseed cake, viz., cotton seed, lin- seed, rapeseed, unenumerated ...ton free. Olibanum ........... Sasitepuceasn cae cw. free. Olives .....ccceee hisses aauisbigasneniuand gal. free. Olive wood (see wood, viz., furniture and hardwoods, unenumerated). Oil cloth........ evvaewessouveineSQe Yds free, Onions—raw .i..sissessesseseessseeesss bush, free, in salt and water ... secon Bal. free, . lb. free. acne seo. um, and value free, Opium Opera glasses Orange flower water (see perfumery, unenumerated). Oranges and lemons ......00.....bush, free. , peel of, viz., in brine.........pipes free. , dried, not free. Orchal ........5.005 Ore (see metals and ores, unenumerated). Orpiment ....ccssccccesseevoounne Orris root (see drugs, unenumerated). Orsedew vissisccsseeseecerseesreeneetees ewt. free. Otto of roses (see oils, essential). Oysters (see fish). seseeae swt free. PR. PAINTERS’ colours, unenumerated, viz., unmanufactured ..,..,.........value free. ——_—- ,»manufactured,,, “ Palmetto thatch v...scccccssccseeeeee CWE, free. , manufactures of. .. Value free. Paper, brown, made of old rope or cordage only, without separating or extracting the pitch or tar therc- from, and without any mixture of other materials therewith .........cwt. free, » Waste, or paper of any other sort, not particularly enumerated or described ........cseecesee es » gilt, stained, coloured, em- bossed, and all fancy kinds, not being paper hangings .......cscc-0 122 BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES, ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH. Paper, gilt, etc., not paper hangings, or paper fit for printing or writing, cwt. free. ; printed, painted, or stained paper hangings or flock paper ... , millboards ,, Gey Re ———, pasteboard csrerersersocseree = for printing or writing... © » pasteboard, viz., jacquard cards, perforated for use in wearing “ , card and paper cuttings, fit only to be remanufactured.........cwt, free. Partridge wood (see wood, viz. furniture and hardwoods, un- enumerated). Parafline (see oils). Pasteboards (see paper). Pearls, set or unset ..... seeveceeasceess Value free, 5g LOW sis cdvceinsestocensevessote os OUBh. free, ATIC: vss cng doesasedongaicsusitsa’ ss Peas (see corn). Pencil, of slate and not of slate .... Pens (see stationery). «value free, Pepper, of all sorts, .........1b. 6d....6d and 5 { cent. thereon Percussion caps ...... see. Dum, and value free. Perfumery not otherwise enumerated value and Ib. free. Petroleum, unrefined ...,...05.....+...tun free, »TeLNEd .....sieeseorsereereee Bale free Pewter (see metals, unenumerated wrought). Phosphorus (see drugs, unenumerated). Photographs (see prints). Pickles, preserved in vinegar, gal. 1d..,.1d. and vegetables preserved in salt, except onions ...,.....+00+.....Value free, Pictures, viz. :— oil paintings ., number and value free, photographe or sun pictures, viz., on metal, glass, or other sub- stance, not paper ...number and value free, — on paper (see prints). Pink 100t ...cccsscccsesresvoeseresevseselb, free. ARTIOLES, FOREIGN, BRITISH. Pimento sissicsetsesssersereesrevsseeeeeCWhe free, Pipes of clay (see tobacco pipes). Pistols (see arms). PitCh..eseessetreestsecscesveserseee OW, free. Burgundy (see drugs, un- enumerated), Plantains (see fruit, unenumerated). Plants, shrubs and trees ......,.......,.value free. Plaster of Paris .....cssssccsseveesees. tO free. Plate, of gold (E), oz. troy ...17s....17s. —— of silver, gilt and ungilt, oz. ELOY sesesessceenscereveeceeede 6d....18. 6d. —— battered, to be entered as bullion. Plated Ware ...sseccssesescccceeesseeeee Value free. Platina and ore of .........cwt. and value free. metallic, wrought or un- WrOUgHE v.csssscseseeerseseesereeesOZ. troy free, Platting, or other manufactures used in or proper for making or orna- menting hats or bonnets, not otherwise enumerated, viz. of BELAW vesesereesserseseeveeeeelb. and value free. of other kinds...,.. Plums (commonly called French plums) and prunellos, cwt. 7s. ...78, , dried or preserved (except in sugar) not otherwise described ewt. 7s....73, , preserved in sugar (say) Ib. 1d....1d, Note, Peaches and apricots dried in the sun without sugar are admissible the same, Plumbago....ssssassccssccsevaveesereeee tOD freo, Pollard (see bran). Pomatum erred, frees Pomegranates (see fruit, unenume- rated). Porcelain (see china). Pork, salted (not hams) ,, wee wt, free, “ Potash, prussiate of... slb. free. » Sulphate Oficina ——-, bichromate of.,.....esseecesces se » Muriate Of .icreeeeeee CIE. free, BRITISH TARIFF OF OUSTOMS’ DUTIES. 123 ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH. Potatoes ...... diss tasmadasinenty 1 cwt. free. Potato flour ........0......0wt 43d..,.439d. Note. Sweet farina of potatoes as Mus sovado sugar per B, 0, Poultry and game, alive or dead, in- cluding rabbits w...cecssesesseen eee valuo free, Powder, hair ............cwt 43d....43d. y perfumed ...... 43d.,..49d, , not otherwise enumerated or described, that will serve the same purpose as starch, cwt. 43d.,..44d. Precious stones of the higher class, including ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, and topaz, set or unset, value free. N.B. Diamonds are by law ex- empt from entry. of the inferior class, including the agate or cornelian, garnet, onyx, lapis lazuli, ete., UNSC ccseersecsnvenscersicaeescearsenss value free. set in gold or silver to be entered as jewellery. Prints and drawings admitted under Treaties of International Copyright ewt. and value free. or, and at the option of the importer—single number and value free, bound oc “cs — , including engravings and photographs on paper number and value free. , drawings wholly ex- ecuted by hand .,.,..number and value free. Prunes vicscsesecerseesseses os OWhs 780s 7Be Puddings (see sausages). Purple wood (see wood, viz.,furniture and hardwoods, unenumerated). Pyrites of iron or copper, or sulphur OTE sacseesesseseeseeereveeeee tn and value free, Q. QUASSTA sissscsesssessenrsroseseeeees CVG free, Quicksilver, metallic wiiecccecedd. free, ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH. Quills, goose..... ...number free, Fy BWAD) cinisiavsnsuntcdisaaansions s Quinces (see fruit, raw, unenumerated). Quinine, sulphate Of sissescoseerernes0Z. free, R. RADIX contrayerve, enule, cam- panee, eringii, ipecacuanhe, rha- tanie, seneke, serpentariz, or snake root (see drugs, unenu- merated). Rags, old ropes or junk, old fishing nets, fit only for making paper or Pasteboard virecssereerserereeveeess bon free, “ —, woollen wii se =——, pulp off sssaisscssvevsscaarecvanes Raising v.ssccsessessseeee ee CWhe 78.,.,786 Red wood or guinea wood ..,.........ton free. Rhubard visscssesscsscessvceeees sesseolb. free, Rice, not rough nor in the husk ...cwt. free. oc ——, rough, in husk ..................qr. free, —— dust for feeding cattle, cwt.43d.., 43d. Ribbons (see silk), Ropes (see cordage). Rose water (see perfumery, unenu: merated). Rosewood (see wood, viz., furniture and hardwoods). RoSiD.isccssceesscseesseeeeessresesereee CW: free, ——, oil of (see oil, unenumerated), Rubies (see jewels). Rum (see spirits). Rye (see corn). 8. SACCHARUM saturni (see lead, acetate of). Safllower v.csicccccoesssceeceesrossesseeCWt freee Saffron sisssssecsssessesrsesvescaesesseseeel Ds free, Sago and sago flour......cwt. 43d....43d, Sal ammoniac, limonum, prunella, (see drugs, unenumerated), Salep, or salop (see drugs, unenu- merated). 124 BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. ARTIOLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Sails (see linen). Salicine......c0 asses .+.0Z, free. Galt ....ccssecceccscsesseeesseereeseeeeeee ton free, Saltpetre .....csssssssesceessevereseeseee CW bs free, Sandal wood, red.......ccsseseeeeseses ton free. , white or yellow (sce wood, viz., furniture and hard- woods, unenumerated). Sanguis draconis (see gums). Santa Maria wood (see wood, viz., furniture and hardwoods, ‘unenu- merated). Sapan WOO ...ssescsorvesssessereesseee tn free Sarsaparilla .. ulb. free. Sassafras ... sessaeeeereeees CWE. free, Satin wood (see wood, viz., furniture and hardwoods). Sauces, not otherwise enumerated Ib. and value free. Sausages or puddings s.:.seecrseeerelb, free, Scaleboards vississseccsssseeeeseee Owe, free, ScaMMONY...sersececesevseeessrerererer seed. free, Seeds, viz. :— Amisced sissecscsssecrerecrrereres OW, free, Beans, kidney or French .........bushel free. Canary ....+ Carraway ...ccccereee ...ewt. free, CALTO Ess sais sssinsisndusasiecosesiereanies ee Clover ..... stwangawaseaes ree Suecies s Cotton ..... Puiiedabin tnt ctaidastacemawlendas ton free. Croton qr. free. Darl vic asacdecsasicsoes ae Wax sasnsersasevcieceies dogs sateen qr. free. Garden, unenumerated ...]b. and value free. Grass seeds of all sorts, cwt. and value free. Hemp vccscsersessestessseecsseeteeenQts free, Lentils ...bushel free. Tiinseed aiieseseriessnsvnsvereantannas qr. free. Lucerne ........... sosteseersaveaseavewhs free, Millet: sis svesseaevrone ee er es Mustard ........ hid cviaaeen vans aeeeres ¢ Onion ..... eeasinet s PCOPY viscsssssreersevseesersneenerecs Qty free, ARTICLES. FOREIGN. BRITISH. Seeds— Rape wus ...qr. free. Sesamum ...escecersccseecsesseeseenes & Waves cacevsiawsareavrdesreaseeraneers ¥ Trefoil ....ccccccccaeees sesseaerereres CWE. free, —— unenumerated, commonly used for compressing oil therefrom .,.qr. free. , other, not particularly enu- merated or described ...cwt. and value free. Segars (see tobacco). Semolina ...sceeeeee CW 4nd.,..45d. Seneka root or snake root ............1b, free. Senna ....csccceeeeee cdpoutainupeiean sense ee Ships, with their tackle, apparel, and furniture, viz., Foreign built, of wood, and ships, built of wood in any of Her Majesty’s possessions abroad, on the registration thereof as British ships— ——, for every ton of the gross register tonnage without any de- duction in respect of engine-room or otherwise ........ seeds, Od....1s. ——, British or foreign built, broken up, or sold to be broken up, or abandoned by the owners, or sold as wreck, whether afterwards re- covered or repaired, or not.........value free, Shoes (see boots). Shrub (see spirits). Shumach aiisicoorssenesscesseosnsceseesston free, Silk, thrown, not dyed, singles ..,...]b. free. ——, orgzine, or crape ... ante , tram 0d. Ded eeanenvcenenscaveeresecesee LOW ccside oveswenedaeniceeea ineiien —, knubs or husks of silk and waste Silk ....c....sssescssseeeerseees CWE free. ——, dyed, single, or tram.... ——, Orgzine, OF CYAPE seeseereresree = ——, manufacture of, or of silk mixed with metal, or any other material, the produce of Europe (E.) viz. silk or satin, plain, striped, figured, OY brocade sessecsescsesersseveraeeees BRITISH TARIFF OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. 125 ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH.| ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH. Silk, broad stuffs ....cccseecescceeeens Ib. free. Silk dresses...............number and value free, ——, articles thereof, not otherwise —— manufactures of, or of silk and Onumerated ..cicccescecceseeseeeeens c any other material, and articles —— gauze, or crape, plain, striped, of the same, wholly or partially figured, or brocaded, viz., broad made up, not particularly enume- BUMS vi 3s caas tis desvcanasieccexticdaees ss rated waviesmecies secsseseecsaveseee Value free.” —— articles thereof, not otherwise Silkworm gut wiiisssecscccccsseeseeenes . enumerated ....ceccceeseecseteesecnee ee Silver ore, or ore, of which greater velvet, plain or figured, viz. part in value is silver .,.value and ton free. broad stuffs, the foundation of ———— Wire... ceca eeaaeaul oz. and value free. which is wholly composed of cot- Skins, furs, pelts, and tails, viz. :— ton or other materials than silk... a, bear, visvacsssevaees siamasenent number free. —— ribbons............ aibidae aeenseanivtas fe Sas, DAVE Hs cardi daaviwensereeees sae re or satin, striped, figured, or ——, chinchilla .icicesceessene brocaded, or plain ribbons.,.,, bi —, CONEY srrcccreceees aweane a Oe — ribbons, gauze, or crape.....se6 es ——, deer, undressed .....cscscesseeeee sf -—— gauze mixed with silk, satin, or ——,, deer, India tanned, tawed, or “ other materials oe | in any way dressed ........... wee, —— ribbons, velvet or plush, wholly —— ermine, undressed ....csceveeeee of silk, or of silk mixed with mm, fisher visseesseseeee ‘ vipuens “ COMLON, ceva versccsceivcissevessstacaaa —, fitch........... ; —— manufactures of silk, or of silk —, fox, silver ....... vee mixed with any other material, , other sorts .... ce ott nor of the sort used for making —, goat, undressed........ sishingiielehis is hats, called plush, not being rib- = , tanned, tawed, or in any DONS sacsaicsevrassesennhevsoaenvaanea nena es way Gressed ......sesceeceeeseeeesenee is y articles thereof, not otherwise ——.,, kid, in the hair, undressed ... *e enumerated....... seeseeeeelb, and value free. 2 ArvesSEd siecesscecersssseeree | — black plush, commonly used —,, Kelinski ....icsecccsssseceseeeeeces for making hats .........sssceeesetb, free. —, lamb, undressed...........65 ioe . —— parasols and umbrellas ..,......each free. | ——, lamb, tanned or tawed, or in — corahs, choppahs, bandannas, any way Aressed ...,ssessesersseeseee ss and tussore cloths, romals, and —, lynx... 7 sf taffaties...............the piece and value free. |] ——, marten ...cseccceseeee seevevee wats — China crape shawls, scarfs. hand- ——-, MUSGUASD icsecererererereneees ie kerchiefs, and pieces, viz., plain —, NUETIA Lc eeeseeeee nes ian = OO and damask, and value free. | ——, otter, common sea......... apauae se —— ditto, embroidered ...........6068 y TACODO...cceeesceorsens aaalisamatua a . rs damask ..,.sssccsesseee FUNNIng yard free. | ——, sable ...cecesceceeeeeseeeeees & Pongees seessores sesessvese-piece free. | ——, sheep, undreszed ... ats —— Pongee handkerchiefs ..,...... s . tanned or tawed, or in —, fancy net or tricot ...............1b. free, any way dressed ....... oui o —— turbans or caps..,number and value free. | ——, squirrel or calabar........sssee00 s — hats and bonnets suscree © Hates WOM sw useedisiciainssaieaisoueceniee. 126 ERITIQN TARIFY OF CUSTOMS’ DUTIES. ARTICLES, FOREIGN. BRITISH. Silk and furs, and pieces thereof unenumerated, viz., raw or un- Cressed vissessseeees ..number and value free. —,, tanned, tawed, curried, ‘or in any Way Aressed vis.sccscecaeecenees , articles manufactured of skins ONG Furs. sicesinsasvneversaeeraes Slate (see stone). Salts ccs svessiseinssvessestaeesveries ewes £e00, wevget value free, Snuff (see tobacco). Soap; vizi; hard sisvcvivssenivisenactecs ~ Be) BOLT. de. dasvannnduskuseeucadedulaenes e Soda, sulphate Of........cccssesseeserees