"pie a aa BV265o AZN+y: LO Cornell University Library Sthaca, New York CHARLES WILLIAM WASON COLLECTION CHINA AND THE CHINESE THE GIFT OF CHARLES WILLIAM WASON CLASS OF 1876 1918 Cornell University copy the} BV 550.A8N4 1901 Missi issues of the twentieth centu I = iN mere a 31924 023 034 790 eee SS are subject to recall after two weeks. Olin/Kroch ee two weeks MISSIONARY ISSUES OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. PAPERS AND ADDRESSES OF THE General Missionary Conference OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH, HELD IN NEW ORLEANS APRIL 24-30, 1901; WITH A NUMBER OF MAPS AND CHARTS IN ILLUSTRATION OF THE WORK OF MISSIONS, THE LATEST STATISTICAL TABLES, AND A SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY. (ft é 2 kay by NASHVILLE, Tenn,, U.S. A.: PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Gerorce W. Carn, SECRETARY. Wa Siting BV2 5504 A®@ NH: IG al W 1431 NAsHVILLE, TENN.; DaLxias, TEX.: Press oF PustisHinc Houss M. E. Cuurcu, SouTH. BaRBEE & SMITH, AGENTS. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTORY. PAGE Pretatory NOTE. gece naae.ce deavmis aieen a gue geatngeal daha gealWie wlachas 2 Origin and Purpose of the Conference.........0.seeeees 3 The General Missionary Conference...............0.000 10 I. MISSIONS. Section I. THe Founpation. The Aim and Scope of Foreign Missions.....:........... 23 The Missidfiary [d@awaies: caccun di wemcioraw es wine easels eaniee 33 The Healing of the Nations....................0 eee 45 I MeCGESe Ti, (NE veriys tata en eran dae eep iar a eae 62 Obedience to the Great Commission: Christ’s Law of Life tO? LIS CHULCHiis oe ative na Rais ag Ba eee Ae ee wee See 74 Prayer and: Missions: coewe S kaicninee geae ter atrunereee 80 The Adequacy of Christianity to Meet the World’s Need... 89 The Bible and Missions. ..........0 0c eeeeeeee ee eneee 100 The Duty of the Pastor as to Missionary Equipment and bead ershipucauenootinemeghe woe reise Cane owe soune ere 110 Methodism and Modern Missions................0-0000- 117 Section II. EpucatronaL Work. Christian Education and Foreign Mission Work.......... 126 Missions and Education ........ 0... cece cece eee nes 133 The Value of the Study of Missions to College Students... 145 Woman’s Educational Work.......... 0... ccc cece eee 154 Our Educational Work in China........... 0.0... 00000 169 Section III. Mepican Work. The Physician as a Missionary......... 0.00. cece eee ee eee 179 Medical Work for Woman............ cc cece cece e eee 187 Section IV. Literary Work. A Supreme Need of the Work in China................. Ig! A General Survey.. bss eepie is Wi han RUN pele Green a Ya a ase 199 iv CONTENTS. Section V. Woman’s Work. aie Woman’s Work at Home and Abroad........seesee reese 208 Woman’s Work in Foreign Missions..........-+.++++++ 222 Bible Women...... ccc c eee ee cette een eee enn tnnees 231 Section VI. THE YounG PEOPLE. The Young People and the Church of the Future......... 241 The Sunday School Superintendent : How He May Deepen the Missionary Spirit in the Sunday School............ 257 The Highest Achievement ci the Epworth League........ 262 Organization for Missionary Work........-+++++eeeeeees 267 The Responsibility of the Young People for the Evangeli- zation of the World........-. cece cece eee ence eens 271 How to Make the Epworth League Most Effective as a Missiotaty FoRiRe.