er Bist ee AR RATER Cornell Law School Library ornell Universi KFN6003.W28 SERVICE OF PAPERS UNDER THE New York Code of Civil Procedure AND STATUTES, WITH DECISIONS FROM OTHER STATES AND APPENDIX OF FORMS. BY _ HENRY E. WARNER, CouNSELOR AT Law, AND AUTHOR oF “LAW OF EVIDENCE UNDER THE CODE oF CivIL PROCEDURE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK,”’ ETC, BANKS & BROTHERS, NEW YORK AND ALBANY, N. Y. 1890. DQ. SFE Copyright, 1890, By BANKS & BROS. iii PREFACH. Tus is the first time that the subject of the service of papers has beeat, considered in a work, by itself. The states, and ‘the ‘decisidns velating thereto, are scat- tered through many volumes, and the nearest approach to a compilation or classification of the law respecting the service of papers in an action, or civil special proceeding, is to be found in the very brief treatment of the subject by a few text books. The importance of those decisions, numerous as they are, and affecting as they do the jurisdiction of courts in matters coming before them for adjudication, and the large number of various proceedings in which the service of papers is assimilated to the service of a summons in a civil action, render it necessary that they all be included, with convenient references, in one volume. The design has been to cite such cases from other states as are in harmony with the law and decisions of this State, and, as far as respects the latter, to make the work as exhaustive as possible. Each casé has been verified, and the endeavor has been to make the work reliable and useful. iv PREFACE. The author submits the work to the profession, trusting that it may prove of some value to them. HENRY E. WARNER. Nort Tonawanpa, N. Y., March, 1890. Vv. CONTENTS. PAGE. PREBA CB ey siwicssauisi acai ssenoons pee eaunanicd 6 alae digi iby elbiolaigia'e dig Sistema ee iii TABLE OF CASES..........00ece eens sib lerelteial Sietewwiaterate Sila sere Ae ae PERSONAL SERVICE OF THE SUMMONS. .......0ccecee cece eee e ee eeeees 1-56 When and by whom served.......... ccc es cece ccc c neces eee eeeeaees 1 by. PH Vate: Person wis eeccescodevisiewee es esos ee oe oy die AR RE 1 by, SHETUE 2. soo lw Gate ayee ieee ues trae nets wee ete i hele lenses 2 DY. COPONED io: nvsatesnsstinera aie Megan i sigiteiee ese ese deka reese. 4 Personal service of summons upon natural person...............-..-- 4 SELVICE Of COPYiicss cca see swasapieniacdere aang gasses sie gis alee ik 5 WLODE COPY. sis saweie emetic sope sieeve eb seeeaGesy Gawsamwnrls 6 SUbAIVISIONSONEwinissearcncternsis ea Ga es vielen ede RGSS ER awaneAUe RRND 6 GW josics sai lisisivia's wo a aiealetate ss 2 s$ie OS RUR ES ONS ReSeeNetS 7 three! sia scene aana sane pan'p sd oe SNe O eR Guba 7 LOUP sa vawscauniieds sade esas e bees RedeeRR eee. 8 service, HOW Made. «esasaciens dvsssssveseiersresdecesseeenawuss 8 when sufficient .........-..0...... soentaneaes Mesieuanestees 9 Dy WIOIENCE acirag.scsvaceyeis 6 545 alec w oe ene aaalesars leisis Mramsbaveedebesnla 9 by fraud sescc0 50000535 a ee id SusbetSvauave aeonale de denies aaa sea 10 time of service................ pogierachve dateid eee e Aaa eessGiern eisaners sivinee odie: SCFVICEON SUNAY ok cas nie bow Gh wes euatemaenadwogen 13 PaAlWCdayjsisscske gen case tend ce cameeaada ganas 14 Half holiday... 30.65 keh ange abaersaoeye ener.’ 14 ClECHONAYs aw sitaak acudiad Gatcegae sae ema 44 14 day of town meeting...........0.. cece ee ee ee ee eee 15 PIACE OF SPVICE i ose dee Shvasls adulind Medinet aiaoussue ee cewes 15 service within territorial jurisdiction.............+. ..00% fae LD on man-of-war, CtC....... eee erence eee oee a egislee seis 18 on a county or town........ cose evccoscccce weaasecee 18 on a city or village...... $43 OU s ERS RU OER CU REaER, LS ON APHISONEL. 4.6 ss eectisesssreieavowserasseneessions 19 vi CONTENTS. PAGE Personal service on husband and wife................ ae aareiiats Bavnnwre wees 20 OM WITESS eisdranndae cade toleieivans Veen teu ualen eed an 20 on ambassador....... ceeeeeee ee eeee Sob Cpe uieanaere sient: (28 Service of summons, when lunacy, etc., not judicially declared.......... 24 Service on other than incompetent person..............cceeeeeeeeecens 25 When delivery of copy of summons to lunatic dispensed with........... 25 Designated Sérvice Of SUMMONS «i000 teas yesees Mae +s 0A Wee eNe tos 26 Personal service of summons on domestic corporation..............65 . 27 domésti¢ Corporation defined... 2 ccc wa weiecs cn aawawiemeecc aes dees 28 on Officersiof the: corporation «oo. cease eden sc aee a neneae sete 28 who is a@.managing- agent... ccscssaaui needa edd tee eaeeeaee oes eedee 29 Personal service of summons on foreign corporation..........-.6e.eee ee 82 under Code of Procedure...........eseseeee eee ceeeeeee sieraeeeees 384 undér Codé of Civil Procedure... .. oi. e0ceseans sccc itawestoceseeee 35 definition of foreign corporation...........+. eee cere soe reese 85 legislature may regulate ServiCe. 0.1.26... e ee ee eee eee eee eee 35 SUDGIVISION: ONG, 25.5.6 siden csia dae ce eeReatehee oe oe ee MedeeGnenaeys 35 EWOrss oScsewiecie teen Se eee aes Hiiwe ge ewweeaaastes a7 THERES coed ces dances eee stesodvan cu c's eesheweontawr e4 387 property within the State icccsors occas cddeneoeasiierrs 37 where cause of action ariseS ...-..... ee cece cece cece eee 38 who are managing agents.........6. eee cence eee eeeee 41 Service of process, etc., to commence a special proceeding.............. 43 Proof of personal service of summons....... Ry ide RESO Se Aelancnietiars 43 Affidavit Of SOrVICCscncei sy seas sie wwmscicne dee vey waU mame ea siees 44 by WHOM Made.44 same e en nomen Seehawep te aoraed 44 ACC ia view hebeaniet dese ese pee eat de aaa menses 44 time, place, and manner of service, ete.......--..-... eee 45 in actions for: divorce s.ccaiic cies nncmrede sop wie ane tude males 46 HIN ‘OF PLOOk sisi aced eo haw ates sresroye moore athe ee. sin 6.9.4. eis aipini and 47 disputing the service...........6 sinh avbeauacd ialsi 5-8 0: gadeasdea coualetmacee 1 defective service, how cured............6 cescceesceereve 48 Sheriff's certificate Of SCrvic@... 66. e cece eee eee eee eee eens 48 proof by affidavit... .....c.e cee e eect eee e nee e cere eneseee 48 by whom made.. ....... 2 eee eee (aibiadedep Saab op NEE Bk ede 49 requisites of certificate.............4- Pan eeiaeee to a coos 49 SffectiOf CertiACabesntacsiinseciaso0.0.9) sdsdalecniowe re need aieededs 50 AAMission: Of ‘SCLVICEE cwainenaeed sad abe dhNeens aaah weiae wees Rees 4 Ok POOAGiOF SERVICES ¢.csasdiereierg wscraararesnge sie he bse vermieiene Jeeaasanee OL CONTENTS. vii PAGE. Proof of Personal Service, (Continued.) sufficiency of admission....... ste e aie nis aie we wer aaleeiMesieisesere OL, time and place of service .......... « vankaenasauaecesesme- D2 verification of signature to admission........ isGeiniceswan 30d defective proof, how cured.......... Dare oaiennaveraste Serie caster ADE Effect of voluntary appearance. ...........0e.e0 iddsiwawsmecewesew OF SUBSTITUTED SERVICE OF SUMMONS........--+00 sescccosecccseecs 56-GC4 substitute for personal service in special caseS.......seececceeceeess 06 effect of substituted service........... She Meaharsicaen sien TOL facts necessary to be shown by affidavit.....scecccosseees OF affidavit held sufficient.............06. Aare gteces 59 insufficient............0008 ale lalaiale ereieleisie oso 60 form OF alfidavitia.iiassece eeeee ce eoeng Sidieisee writa terete aie 61 How substituted service must be made...........ceccceee eee e ee eeee 61 Papers to be filed; proof of service. ......... cece eceecee core eeeees 62 SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION...........0006 siesesweoricaaies C4111 Cases in which service of, summons by publication made............ 64 general provisionS..............+e06 sraaeleves sGiisiate'e oreecess 66 UNKNOWN OWDETS... 1... ee reece eccceevcene Mibsnesememwenas OS SUDCIVISION TWOxaescesesesitee oe oeweeee a o6te Se Weiseasieanes OS. Papers upon which order for publication made...... dA ame ae eR ORE 69 statute to be strictly pursued..................00- sineernadne ss 69 sufficiency of evidence to give jurisdiction............. ees 10 the verified complaint................0.00- Sid sissies eva cees 72 the afMdaVIt.siacces oes sees vevesscewinwnwees siaieiee sidisaarecsutha 33 proof, how Madesscscxyeenseesaas ye asses cieties cesseeceeoe TD by whom made: sxxiceaswmeormiads t2454 60 eee cee ssearwiowcein ~ UE PELE p53. pide Be ef Qaeweneoneeesan sss oetioe oes seioswace ys WA place Of takings. cecudaleseenineveaa sauce epee oseicis\e siaveiareuce 7 A allegations made upon information and belief............. 15 proof of residence..........ceeeeeneeeceeneees savegeemene: 50 proof of due diligence............e cece cece eens Sabie Mie state? UL when proof sufficient............. seRstatgledse'vece': 18 insufficient....... ehecsuateeatels eesccecccccs Sl property within the State...........ceseseeeee soesececcce 82 AVOIGING SCLVICE. eves secs i ioe Meee eeowsie ers sinvenseove Od Order, by whom made.............eeeeeeeee ewer « Hinveseasesa BD compliance with the statute........... ceneeey coscceccoeosce SD by whom order made............-..2006 oes ecceevccreccoer: 86 general requisites of the order........+.++0- eee seasiowlena 87 vill CONTENTS. SERVICE oF SumMONS, ETC., (Continued.) PAGE. publication of the summons............. simerese wereaiewlaleeine (09 complaint.........cceee eee eee aa 91 personal service without the State............. seers mains 91 deposit of papers in the post-office........... wibwvatulaiamonys 93 service on non-resident infant defendant.........-......64-- 96 When publication to be commenced...........-.ece ee eee eee Heonasar 9G When service by publication deemed complete.............seeeeeeee 96 computation Of time......... ccc cece cece cece cence ee eeceees 97 commencement of time to ANSWEP..... 2... cece cece eee e eens 98 Service by publication when warrant of attachment is granted....... 99 Papers to be filed; notice to defendant............ cece eee e cence 104 filing PApeTrs........ cece sce sce e eee c nent eee ecetaneearane 105 NOUMCO).i dw cei seaces s eee EIOSwES BNET TLE sehR MES RAE 105 Notice where service is made without State...........sceeeeeeevees 106 Service where party is UNKNOWN.......... cece e eee ewes seein 107 Service by publication in matrimonial actions..................008 108 Proof of service by publication...........eceeeeeeeceeeeereeeeeress 109 Defendant when allowed to defend........... csseceseeccsccceeaes 110 IRREGULAR, DEFECTIVE OR FRAUDULENT SERVICE.....+..- 0002000 111-116 What iS: SUGh Services a srcscsisiaisg eects W Sidtajniarcspiareiets Gre miele 4's wee meaner 111 Amendment of irregularities... 0.0... 0. cece cece cece cece e ween eens 112 Remedy for defective service...... cece cee c cece eee e eer e eet neeeeeee 113 SERVICE OF COMPLAINT........0.0ceeeeeeee sesar aed os overorasatotanns eee+. 116-120 Service of copy complaint or notice with summons................- 116 Copy complaint, when to be served...........eeceeeee seer e eee enes 117 Consequence of failure to serve complaint..............0 secon 119 SERVICE OF NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, ETC........ceeeeceeeee eevee 120-122 Appearance of defendant............. cc cece cece cece eee e cece eens 120 SERVICE OF ANSWER OR DEMURRER..... sg Seeseuarereecere Gib hee woe eaten 123-125 Answer or demurrer, how served...........eceeeeeeeeeeeeeee aiden 123 SERVICE OF cs cecee reece eens coeeeeceeeeees 125-129 When pleading to be served........... sc ceee eee e rece cee eeeseneees 125 When defendant to serve copy answer on co-defendant.............5 127 Service of amended pleading............ ccc ese e ce cee eee eeeeeees 129 SERVICE OF NOTICES OR OTHER PAPERS IN ACTION,.......+ asset 130-156 Personal service Of PapeTS........ cee cce cece sev eecncececeeeeeuees 130 THOUE OF SEFVICEs..i6ed. 56 bc os eae earenere ees Saseaewws ose 132 time of service on attorney ........... iavincled BSrasaschete eters averse 133 Service of papers, where service not personal......sesseeeeereeeess 133 CONTENTS. ix SERVICE OF PAPERS, ETC., (Continued.) PAGE. SUbdiVisiON ONC scesaiccnns ests eww eienmean nee geese wy eee 134 Service by Mail... .... cece eee eee cence eee eee e eee renee ees 134 WOW MAME sinescreperersierece civics eG Leisure ww lels Nene pees 1384 who to be served........e cece cece cree eet ereeeceeee 135 deposit in what post-office........... (aaswawedacn 135 when service deemed sufficient..............-.- sees 136 how paper inclosed and directed ............eeeeeeee 13. prepayment of postage...........eeee sence eens ncedees 139 place of residence............-0eeeeeee pistes taaaaves 140 SUDCIVISION: TWO. seco. alae ROMER SIE Tec oF es See Es eee 140 thYrOG cick menses cee eae tues ees e ey 141 Double time when served through post-office..........seeeeeeeeeee 145 When service to be made on attorney..... 2.0... cece cece cece 146 How service made upon a non-resident party ..........0eeeeeeeeeee 149 Service on non-resident attorneys.......... 0. cece eee eee eee ences 150 Proceedings upon death or disability of attorney...........--.0.eeee 150 Service through branch post-office in New York city.............06. 151 This article not applicable to service of summons, etc.............. 152 Service of notice cof trial: vxscseains es yess ees es Bide eens 152 Proof of service of paper, etc.......... pshsediusbtbe 6 $5 Gad vate co sae Seanciggnengas 154 SERVICE OF MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS....-.--.0---00+ BSH teusaniaae 156-221 Subpeena issued out of a court Of record.............e cece eee 156 Order for taking deposition.......... 6.0 c eee e eee e cent eee eee 159 Order of arrest and other papers........... ee eee cece eee eee eens 161 Injunction order and papers upon which order granted......... 163 Notice of application for money paid into court in partition..... 166 Summons in action by a private person fora penalty or forfeiture 167 State writswr