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Sse Sihicaawiet Rut iG 1444626 44 Te eaittasstsaatiss eeaees aaae >; esaras ae ii sacentaas Isetnasaaiag Sete PANS ee TOSCO TEE TENTS LANA I Re g 3, Beery ROT PS Lee eR ieee ON te oe CORNELL | LAB of ORNITHOLOGY LIBRARY at Sapsucker Woods a Illustration of Bank Swallow by Louis Agassiz Fuertes Cornell University Library QL 696.C6M57 wi 2 | The Passenger Pigeon hs Gory Barks PASSENGER PIGEON (Columba Migratoria) Upper bird, male ; lower, female ‘THE PASSENGER PIGEON 2 BY Q W. B! MERSHON NEW YORK THE OUTING PUBLISHING COMPANY 1907 ay { Ly AK. Aal e3) Copyright, 1907, by W B MERSHON THE OUTING PRESS DEPOSIT, N. Y. CONTENTS CHAPTER Il IV VI VII VIII IX XI XII XIII INTRODUCTION My BoyHoop AMONG THE PIGEONS ‘ 3 THE PASSENGER PIGEON ri From “ American Ornithology,” by Aitendie Wi ison THE PASSENGER PIGEON From “Ornithological Biography,” by Jols hana Anticon As JAMES FENIMORE Cooper SAw IT THE WILD PIGEON oF NorTH AMERICA By Chief Pokagon, in “ The Chautauquan” THE PASSENGER PIGEON From “Life Histories of North Maan Birds,” by Charles Bendire NETTING THE PIGEONS . By William Brewster, in “The Auk ee EFFORTS TO CHECK THE SLAUGHTER. 3 By Prof. H. B. Roney THe PiczoN BuTcHER’s DEFENSE i ‘i é By E. T. Martin, in * American Fie Notes oF A VANISHED INDUSTRY . 5 ‘a ‘ RECOLLECTIONS OF ‘OLD TIMERS” 5 . Tue Last oF THE PIGEONS . : : ‘ . WuatT BECAME OF THE WILD PIGEON? . . By Sullivan Cook, in “ Forest and Stream” v PAGE ix 25 41 48. 74 77 93 105 119 141 V1 Contents CHAPTER PAGE XIV A Nove Tusory oF ExTINCTION ‘i 3 . 173 By C. H. Ames and Robert Ridgway XV News From JoHN BURROUGHS. ; ‘i - 179 XVI THe PicEoN IN MANITOBA. : 3 i . 186 By George E. Atkinson XVII THe PAssENGER PIGEON IN CONFINEMENT . . 200 By Ruthven Deane, in “The Auk” XVIII Nestinc Hasits oF THE PASSENGER PIGEON » 209 By Dr. Morris Gibbs, in “ The Oologist”’ XIX MiscELLANEous NoTES i . : ‘ « 217 ILLUSTRATIONS THE PASSENGER PIGEON . ; ‘ ‘ < Frontispiece By Louis Agassiz Fuertes FACING PAGE AUDUBON PLATE (color). : : ‘ ‘. : . 24 PASSENGER PIGEON AND Mourninc Dove . - ‘ . 88 FAC-SIMILE OF “AMONG THE PIGEONS” . : s . 92 H. T. Puiciip’s StorE ‘ A é 5 : . 104 BAND-TAILED PIGEON (color. 5 ‘ ¥ 7 . 130 CoMPARATIVE SIZE OF PIGEON AND Dove . . 5 . 156 YouNnG PASSENGER PIGEON ‘ ¢ ‘ 2 s . 198 Piceon Net . i. 3 j , 3 8 3 . 218 INTRODUCTION leisure time in collecting as much material as possible which might help to throw light on the oft-repeated query, ‘““What has become of the wild pigeons?” The result of this labor of love is scarcely more than a compilation, and I am under many obliga- | NOR the last three years I have spent most of my tions to those who have so cheerfully assisted me. I have given them credit by name in connection with their various contributions, but I wish that I might have been able to give them the more finished and literary set- ting that would have been within the reach of a trained writer or scientist. I am merely a business man who is interested in the Passenger Pigeon because he loves the outdoors and its wild things, and sincerely regrets the cruel extinction of one of the most interesting natural phenomena of his own country. If I have been able to make a compilation that otherwise would not have been available for the interested reader, I need make no further apologies for the imperfect manner of my treat- ment of this subject. It is hard for us of an older generation to realize that as recently as 1880 the Passenger Pigeon was thronging in countless millions through large areas of the Middle West, and that in our boyhood we could find no exag- ix xX Introduction geration in the records of such earlier observers as Alexander Wilson, the ornithologist, who said that these birds associated in such prodigious numbers as almost to surpass belief, and that their numbers had no parallel among any other feathered tribes on the face of the earth; or that one of their ‘‘roosts” would kill the trees over thousands of acres as completely as if the whole forest had been girdled with an ax. Audubon estimated that an average flock of these ‘pigeons contained a billion and a quarter of birds, which consumed more than eight and a half million bushels of mast in a day’s feeding. They were slain by millions ‘during the middle of the last century, and from one region in Michigan in one year three million Passenger Pigeons were killed for market, while in that roost alone as many more perished because of the barbarous methods of hunting them. They supplied a means of living for thousands of hunters, who devastated their flocks with nets and guns, and even with fire. Yet so vast were their numbers that after thirty years of observation Audubon was able to say that “even in the face of such dreadful havoc nothing but the diminu- tion of our forests can accomplish their decrease.” Many theories have been advanced to account for the disappearance of the wild pigeons, among them that their migration may have been overwhelmed by some cyclonic disturbance of the atmosphere which destroyed their myriads at one blow. The big “nesting” of 1878 Introduction xi in Michigan was undoubtedly the last large migration, but the pigeons continued to nest infrequently in Michi- gan and the North for several years after that, and until as late as 1886 they were trapped for market or for trap-shooting. Therefore the pigeons did not become extinct in a day; nor did one tremendous catas- trophe wipe them from the face of the earth. They gradually became fewer and existed for twenty years or more after the date set as that of the final extermi- nation. At one time the wild pigeons covered the entire north from the Gaspé Peninsula to the Red River of the North. Separate nestings and flights were of regular yearly occurrence over this vast eastern and northern expanse. Gradually civilization, molestation and war- fare drove them from the Atlantic seaboard west, until Michigan was their last grand rendezvous, in which region their mighty hosts congregated for the final grand nesting in 1878. As late as 1845 they were quite numerous on the Gaspé Peninsula of Quebec, but dis- appeared from there about that time. The habits of the birds were such that they could not thrive singly nor in small bodies, but were dependent upon one another, and vast communities were necessary to their very existence, while an enormous quantity of food was necessary for their sustenance. The cutting off of the forests and food supply interfered with their plan of existence and drove them into new localities, Xli Introduction and the ever increasing slaughter could not help but lessen their once vast numbers. The Passenger Pigeon laid only one egg in its nest, rarely two, and although it bred three or four times a year it could not replenish the numbers slaughtered by the professional netters. Undoubtedly millions of the birds perished at various periods along the Great Lakes country, becoming confused in foggy weather and drop- ping from exhaustion into the water, while snow and sleet storms at times caused great mortality among the young birds, and even among the old ones, which often arrived in the North before winter had passed. The history of the buffalo is repeated in that of the wild pigeon, the extermination of which was inspired by the same motive: the greed of man and the pursuit of the almighty dollar. We lock the barn door after the horse is stolen. Our white pine forests and timber lands in general have been wantonly destroyed with no thought for the future. The American people are wasteful. ‘They are just beginning to learn the need of economy in the use of that which Nature has flung at their feet. When one recalls the destruction of that noble animal, the buffalo, frequently for nothing else than so-called sport, or the removal of a robe; when one thinks of the burning of forest trees which took centuries to grow, merely to clear a piece of land to raise crops, it is not to be wondered at that the wild pigeon, insignificant, and not even classed as a game bird, so soon became extinct. The Passenger Pigeon CHAPTER I My Boyhood Among the Pigeons Y boyhood was made active and wholesome M by a love for outdoor pastimes that had been bred in me by generations of sport-loving ancestors. From which side of the genealogical tree this ardor for field and forest and open sky had come with stronger influence I cannot say. While my father was the one to use the fowling-piece and cast the fly for the glorious speckled trout, my mother was a willing conspirator, for it was she who packed the lunch basket, often called us for the start in the gray morning, and went along to “hold the horse” while we shot pigeons. And when we were bent on a day in the woods in bracing October weather she drove old Dolly sedately along the winding trail, while I hunted one side of the woods and father hunted the other. On such days we were after partridges, of course, ruffed grouse, the king of all game birds. Often mother marked them down and told us just where they had crossed the road, or whether the bird was hit, for the cloud of smoke from the old black powder made seeing guesswork on our part. She loved the dogs, too, those good old friends and workers, Sport, Bob, and Ranger. I 2 The Passenger Pigeon I remember calling my mother to a window early one morning and shouting: ‘‘See there! a flock of pigeons! Ah, ha! April fool!” This time I did not deceive her with the threadbare trick. The joke was ‘‘on me” for once. There was a flight of pigeons that morning, the first one of the season, and behind the foremost flock another and another came streaming. Away from the east side of the river at the north of the town, from near Crow Island, they swept like a cloud. Crossing the river to the west they reached the woods near Jerome’s mill and skirted the clearings or passed in waves over the tree tops, back of John Winter’s farm, and then wheeled to the south. Out of the tongue of woodland, just back of the Hermansau Church, they poured, thence over the fields, too high to be shot, and then away to the evergreens and stately pines of Pine Hill; on, on, on across the Tittabawassee, to some feeding ground we knew not how far away. Now that the pigeons had come they would ‘“‘fly” every morning. ‘This we knew from years of observa- tion in the great migration belt of Michigan. They would fly lower to-morrow morning, and in a day or two more sweep low enough for the sixteen-gauge and the number eight shot to reach them. Sometimes, even now, forty years after the last of the great passenger pigeon flights, I fall to day-dreaming and seem to hear myself saying in the eager, piping tones of those golden boy- hood days: My Boyhood Among the Pigeons 3 “Mother, I am going for pigeons to-morrow morn- ing! Do call me if I oversleep. I must be awake by four o'clock. We'll have pigeon pot-pie to-morrow. I’m going to bed early so as to be sure to be up by day- break. Old Sport is going along to ‘fetch’ dead birds.” “Hello, dad,” cries a voice in my ear, “‘what are you up to? What are you hustling around so for with your old shot pouch and powder-flask? There’s nothing to shoot this time of the year.” The spell is broken; my own boy fetches his daddy out of his dream, and I am fairly caught in the act of making an old fool of myself. My youngsters are counting the days before May first when I have promised to take them trout-fishing, and the smallest boy found his first gun in his stocking last Christmas. But they can know nothing at all about the joys and excitement of pigeon shooting in the vanished days when these birds fairly darkened the sky above our old homestead. But I try to tell them what we used to do and my story sounds something like this: “Tt is early in the spring, so early that a bunch of snow may yet be found on the north side of the largest of the fallen trees in the woods. Puddles that the melt- ing snow left in the hollows of the clearing are fringed with ice this morning, and we look around and tell each other, ‘There was a frost last night.’ The mud in the road has stiffened, and the rutted cattle tracks are also streaked and barred with ice. Yet winter has gone and 4 The Passenger Pigeon spring is here, for the buds are swelling on the twigs of the elms and the pussy willows show their dainty, silvery signals to tell us that the vernal equinox has come and gone. “If the springtime is still young, so is the day. Light is breaking in the gray sky of dawn as we hurry along the slippery, sticky road. We must make haste to the point of woods, by John Winter’s clearing, before full daybreak or the pigeons will be flying and we will miss the early flocks which always keep nearest the ground. “You may be curious to know what we look like as we trudge along in Indian file, eagerly chatting about a kind of sport which this later generation knows noth- ing about. I ama chunk of a country lad, topped by a woolen cap with ear-tabs pulled down over my ears, a tippet around my neck, yarn mittens on my hands, which are sure to be badly skinned and chapped this time of year from playing ‘knuckle-down-tight.’ “My ‘every-day pants’ are tucked into a pair of calf- skin boots with square pieces of red leather for the tops, an old-fashioned adornment dear to Young America of my day. My old Irish water spaniel ‘Sport’ is tagging behind or charging frantically ahead; my gun is a six- teen-gauge muzzle loader, stub and twist barrels, with dogs’ heads for the hammers. “Dangling from one shoulder is a leather shot pouch that cuts off one ounce of number eights for a load. The sides of this pouch are embossed, on the one a My Boyhood Among the Pigeons 5 group of English woodcock, on the other a setter ram- pant. Hanging at my left side by a green cord with a tassel or two is my fluted copper powder flask, ready to measure out two and three-fourths drams of coarse Dupont or Curtis & Harvey powder. ““My pockets are full of Ely’s black-edged wads, for I am a young nabob of sportsmen, let me tell you, and I scorn to use tow or bits of newspaper for wadding. My vest pocket holds the caps, G. D.’s or Ely’s again, for didn’t I tell you that I was a nabob. The piéce de résistance of this outfit is the game bag, the pride of my eye, for it was a Christmas present, and this is its maiden shooting trip. Suspended over the left shoulder so that it will hang well back of the right hip, the strap that car- ries it is broad and with many holes for the wondrous buckle which can be shifted to hang it in the most com- fortable place, wherever that is, for when it is loaded with game it will choke me almost to death, no matter how I adjust it. This noble bag has two pockets, one of them for luncheon, and on the outside is a netted pocket, easy to get into and keeping the birds cool. I nearly forgot to mention its magnificent fringe, which hangs down from both sides and the bottom like the war-bags of an Indian chief. ‘““My companions are rigged out in much the same fashion. They are grown men, however, for I don’t remember any other boys who shot pigeons with me. Holabird or khaki hunting suits are as yet unknown, and 6 The Passenger Pigeon even corduroy coats are rare. The powder horn is seen as often as the copper flask, and one hunter has a shot belt with two compartments instead of the English pouch. Of guns the assortment is as varied as the num- ber of hunters, but the old, hard-kicking army musket with its iron ramrod is more popular than any other arm. ““We reach the edge of the clearing not a minute too soon. Now and then a distant shot tells us that we are not the first hunters out afield this morning. The guns are cracking everywhere along the road that skirts the woodland, and back in, close to the ‘chopping,’ some better wing-shots are posted by the openings into the woods where the birds fly lower, but where the shooting is more difficult. It is largely of the ‘pick your bird’ style, for the flight of a pigeon is very swift, and when they are darting among the tree-tops of a small forest opening, rare skill is required to bag one’s birds. “T prefer to take the flocks, even though they offer me more distant targets, and soon my gun-barrels are as hot as those of the rest of the skirmishers. Some- times two or three birds drop from a flock at a single discharge, and then several shots may not fetch from on high more than one or two of the long tail-feathers spinning and twisting to the ground. It is fascinating to watch the whirling, shining descent of one of these. feathers, and I pick up one and stick it in my cap as a matter of habit. “This kind of pigeon shooting takes a good gun and My Boyhood Among the Pigeons 4 ammunition to kill a big bag as we bang away at long range at the birds on their way to the morning feeding- ground. The flight is over by half-past six o’clock and I am home by seven o’clock ready for breakfast and then to scamper off to school. “The pigeons in this particular locality have followed the same routine as long as I have known them. They only fly in the morning, always going in the same direc- tion, and I can’t recall seeing them coming back again, or flying later in the day. This habit holds until the young squabs are in the nests in June, after which we are likely to find pigeons almost anywhere, for their feeding grounds become scattered and local. “One thing that annoys me in these brave days of youth and sport is the poacher, the low-down fellow who steals my birds. I am reckoned a pretty good shot, and I have a first-rate gun, but I am only a boy, so the pigeon thief thinks I am fair picking, and he saves his ammuni- tion by claiming every bird that drops anywhere near him. “Another smart dodge of his is to fire into a flock ahead or behind the one I am shooting at and then claim whatever birds fall as the quarry of both our guns. If he is not too big I try to lick him, but generally I have to submit to the rascality unless I can persuade a grown-up friend to take my part. Sometimes these villains hang around my shooting ground without any guns at all, and pick up as many birds as I do. Then I hunt around 8 The Passenger Pigeon for a father or an uncle to reinforce my protests and there is a pretty row which ends in the interloper taking to his heels to wait for a more propitious occasion. ‘When we are ready to carry our birds home we pull out the four long tail-feathers and knot them together at the tips. Then the quill ends are stuck through the soft part of the lower mandible, and the birds are strung together, eight or ten in a string. These strings are bunched together by tying the quill: ends of the feathers, and we have our game festooned in compact shape for the triumphal march homeward bound.” Alas, the pigeons and the frosty morning hunts and the delectable pigeon-pie are gone, no more to return. They are numbered with those recollections which help to convince me that the boys of to-day don’t have as good times as we youngsters did in the prime of our busy out-door world. CHAPTER II The Passenger Pigeon (Columba Migratoria) From ‘* American Ornithology,’’ by Alexander Wilson HIS remarkable bird merits a distinguished place in the annals of our feathered tribes— a claim to which I shall endeavor to do justice; and, though it would be impossible, in the bounds allotted to this account, to relate all I have seen and heard of this species, yet no circumstance shall be omitted with which I am acquainted (however extraor- dinary some of these may appear) that may tend to illustrate its history. The wild pigeon of the United States inhabits a wide and extensive region of North America, on this side of the Great Stony Mountains, beyond which, to the west- ward, I have not heard of their being seen. According to Mr. Hutchins, they abound in the country around Hudson’s Bay, where they usually remain as late as December, feeding, when the ground is covered with snow, on the buds of the juniper. They spread over the — whole of Canada; were seen by Captain Lewis and his party near the Great Falls of the Missouri, upwards 9 10 The Passenger Pigeon of two thousand five hundred miles from its mouth, reckoning the meanderings of the river; were also met with in the interior of Louisiana by Colonel Pike; and extend their range as far south as the Gulf of Mexico, occasionally visiting or breeding in almost every quarter of the United States. : But the most remarkable characteristic of these birds is their associating together, both in their migrations, and also during the period of incubation, in such pro- digious numbers, as almost to surpass belief; and which has no parallel among any other of the feathered tribes on the face of the earth, with which all naturalists are acquainted. These migrations appear to be undertaken rather in quest of food, than merely to avoid the cold of the climate, since we find them lingering in the north- ern regions, around Hudson’s Bay, so late as December; and since their appearance is so casual and irregular, sometimes not visiting certain districts for several years in any considerable numbers, while at other times they are innumerable. I have witnessed these migrations in the Genesee country, often in Pennsylvania, and also in various parts of Virginia, with. amazement; but all that I had then seen of them were mere straggling parties, when compared with the congregated millions which I have since beheld in our Western forests, in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and the Indiana territory. These fertile and extensive regions abound with the nutritious beechnut, which constitutes the chief food of The Passenger Pigeon II the wild pigeon. In seasons when these nuts are abun- dant, corresponding multitudes of pigeons may be confi- dently expected. It sometimes happens that, having consumed the whole produce of the beech trees, in an extensive district, they discover another, at the distance perhaps of sixty or eighty miles, to which they regu- larly repair every morning, and return as regularly in the course of the day, or in the evening, to their place of general rendezvous, or as it is usually called, the roost- ing place. These roosting places are always in the woods, and sometimes occupy a large extent of forest. When they have frequented one of these places for some time the appearance it exhibits is surprising. The ground is covered to the depth of several inches with their dung; all the tender grass and underwood de- stroyed; the surface strewed with large limbs of trees, broken down by the weight of the birds clustering one above another; and the trees themselves, for thousands of acres, killed as completely as if girdled with an ax. The marks of this desolation remain for many years on the spot; and numerous places could be pointed out, where, for several years after, scarcely a single vegetable made its appearance. When these roosts are first discovered, the inhabi- tants, from considerable distances, visit them in the night with guns, clubs, long poles, pots of sulphur, and various other engines of destruction. In a few hours they fill many sacks, and load their horses with them. 12 The Passenger Pigeon By the Indians, a pigeon roost, or breeding place, is con- sidered an important source of national profit and de- pendence for the season; and all their active ingenuity is exercised on the occasion. The breeding place dif- fers from the former in its greater extent. In the west- ern countries above mentioned, these are generally in beech woods, and often extend, in nearly a straight line across the country for a great way. Not far from Shelbyville, in the State of Kentucky, about five years ago, there was one of these breeding places, which stretched through the woods in nearly a north and south direction; was several miles in breadth, and was said to be upwards of forty miles in extent! In this tract almost every tree was furnished with nests, wherever the branches could accommodate them. The pigeons made their first appearance there about the roth of April, and left it altogether, with their young, before the 29th of May. As soon as the young were fully grown, and before they left the nests, numerous parties of the inhabitants from all parts of the adjacent country came with wagons, axes, beds, cooking utensils, many of them accompanied by the greater part of their families, and encamped for several days at this immense nursery. Several of them informed me that the noise in the woods was so great as to terrify their horses, and that it was difficult for one person to hear another speak without bawling in his ear. The ground was strewed with broken limbs The Passenger Pigeon 13 of trees, eggs, and young squab pigeons, which had been precipitated from above, and on which herds of hogs were fattening. Hawks, buzzards, and eagles were sailing about in great numbers, and seizing the squabs from their nests at pleasure; while from twenty feet upwards to the tops of the trees the view through the woods presented a perpetual tumult of crowding and fluttering multitudes of pigeons, their wings roaring like thunder, mingled with the frequent crash of falling timber; for now the ax-men were at work cutting down those trees that seemed to be most crowded with nests, and contrived to fell them in such a manner that, in their descent, they might bring down several others; by which means the falling of one large tree sometimes produced two hundred squabs, little inferior in size to the old ones, and almost one mass of fat. On some single trees upwards of one hundred nests were found, each con- taining one young only; a circumstance in the history of this bird not generally known to naturalists. It was dangerous to walk under these flying and fluttering millions, from the frequent fall of large branches, broken down by the weight of the multitudes above, and which, in their descent, often destroyed numbers of the birds themselves; while the clothes of those engaged in traversing the woods were completely covered with the excrements of the pigeons. These circumstances were related to me by many of the most respectable part of the community in that 14 The Passenger Pigeon quarter, and were confirmed, in part, by what I myself witnessed. I passed for several miles through this same breeding place, where every tree was spotted with nests, the remains of those above described. In many in- stances I counted upwards of ninety nests on a single tree, but the pigeons had abandoned this place for another, sixty or eighty miles off towards Green River, where they were said at that time to be equally numerous. From the great numbers that were con- stantly passing overhead to or from that quarter, I had no doubt of the truth of this statement. The mast had been chiefly consumed in Kentucky, and the pigeons, every morning a little before sunrise, set out for the Indiana territory, the nearest part of which was about sixty miles distant. Many of these returned before ten o’clock, and the great body generally appeared on their return a little after noon. I had left the public road to visit the remains of the breeding place near Shelbyville, and was traversing the woods with my gun, on my way to Frankfort, when, about one o’clock, the pigeons, which I had observed flying the greater part of the morning northerly, began to return in such immense numbers as I never before had witnessed. Coming to an opening by the side of a creek called the Benson, where I had a more uninter- rupted view, I was astonished at their appearance. They were flying with great steadiness and rapidity at a height beyond gunshot in several strata deep, and so The Passenger Pigeon 15 close together that could shot have reached them one discharge could not have failed of bringing down several individuals. From right to left, far as the eye could reach, the breadth of this vast procession ex- tended, seeming everywhere equally crowded. Curious to determine how long this appearance would continue, I took out my watch to note the time, and sat down to observe them. It was then half-past one. I sat for more than an hour, but, instead of a diminution of this prodigious procession, it seemed rather to increase both in numbers and rapidity, and, anxious to reach Frank- fort before night, I rose and went on. About four o’clock in the afternoon I crossed the Kentucky River at the town of Frankfort, at which time the living tor- rent above my head seemed as numerous and as ex- tensive as ever. Long after this I observed them in large bodies that continued to pass for six or eight minutes, and these again were followed by other de- tached bodies, all moving in the same southeast direc- tion, till after six in the evening. The great breadth of front which this mighty multitude preserved would seem to intimate a corresponding breadth of their breed- ing place, which, by several gentlemen who had lately passed through part of it, was stated to me at several miles. It was said to be in Green County, and that the young began to fly about the middle of March. On the seventeenth of April, forty-nine miles beyond Danville, and not far from Green River, I crossed this 16 The Passenger Pigeon same breeding place, where the nests, for more than three miles, spotted every tree; the leaves not being yet out I had a fair prospect of them, and was really astonished at their numbers. A few bodies of pigeons lingered yet in different parts of the woods, the roar- ing of whose wings were heard in various quarters around me. All accounts agree in stating that each nest contains only one young squab. These are so extremely fat that the Indians, and many of the whites, are accustomed to melt down the fat for domestic purposes as a substitute for butter and lard. At the time they leave the nest they are nearly as heavy as the old ones, but become much leaner after they are turned out to shift for themselves. It is universally asserted in the western countries that the pigeons, though they have only one young at a time, breed thrice, and sometimes four times in the same season; the circumstances already mentioned render this highly probable. It is also worthy of observation that this takes place during the period when acorns, beech- nuts, etc., are scattered about in the greatest abundance and mellowed by the frost. But they are not confined to these alone; buckwheat, hempseed, Indian corn, hollyberries, hackberries, huckleberries, and many others furnish them with abundance at almost all seasons. The acorns of the live oak are also eagerly sought after by these birds, and rice has been fre- The Passenger Pigeon 17 quently found in individuals killed many hundred miles to the northward of the nearest rice plantation. The vast quantity of mast which these multitudes consume is a serious loss to the bears, pigs, squirrels, and other dependents on the fruits of the forest. I have taken from the crop of a single wild pigeon a good handful of the kernels of beechnuts, intermixed with acorns and chestnuts. To form a rough estimate of the daily con- sumption of one of these immense flocks let us first attempt to calculate the numbers of that above men- tioned, as seen in passing between Frankfort and the Indiana territory. If we suppose this column to have been one mile in breadth (and I believe it to have been much more), and that it moved at the rate of one mile in a minute, four hours, the time it continued passing, would make its whole length two hundred and forty miles. Again, supposing that each square yard of this moving body comprehended three pigeons, the square yards in the whole space, multiplied by three, would give two thousand two hundred and thirty millions, two hundred and seventy-two thousand pigeons !|—an almost inconceivable multitude, and yet probably far below the actual amount. Computing each of these to consume half a pint of mast daily, the whole quantity at this rate would equal seventeen millions, four hundred and twenty-four thousand bushels per day! Heaven has wisely and graciously given to these birds rapidity of flight and a disposition to range over vast uncultivated 18 The Passenger Pigeon tracts of the earth, otherwise they must have perished in the districts where they resided, or devoured up the whole productions of agriculture, as well as those of the forests. A few observations on the mode of flight of these birds must not be omitted. The appearance of large detached bodies of them in the air and the various evo- lutions they display are strikingly picturesque and in- teresting. In descending the Ohio by myself in the month of February I often-rested on my oars to con- template their aérial maneuvres. A column, eight or ten miles in length, would appear from Kentucky, high in air, steering across to Indiana. ‘The leaders of this great body would sometimes gradually vary their course until it formed a large bend of more than a mile in diameter, those behind tracing the exact route of their predecessors. This would continue sometimes long after both extremities were beyond the reach of sight, so that the whole, with its glittery undulations, marked a space on the face of the heavens resembling the wind- ings of a vast and majestic river. When this bend be- came very great the birds, as if sensible of the unneces- sary circuitous course they were taking, suddenly changed their direction, so that what was in column before, became an immense front, straightening all its indentures, until it swept the heavens in one vast and infinitely extended line. Other lesser bodies also united with each other as they happened to approach The Passenger Pigeon 19 with such ease and elegance of evolution, forming new figures, and varying these as they united or separated, that I never was tired of contemplating them. Some- times a hawk would make a sweep on a particular part of the column from a great height, when, almost as quick as lightning, that part shot downwards out of the common track, but soon rising again, continued advanc- ing at the same height as before. This inflection was continued by those behind, who, on arriving at this point, dived down, almost perpendicularly, to a great depth, and rising, followed the exact path of those that went before. As these vast bodies passed over the river near me, the surface of the water, which was before smooth as glass, appeared marked with innumerable dimples, occasioned by the dropping of their dung, re- sembling the commencement of a shower of large drops of rain or hail. Happening to go ashore one charming afternoon, to purchase some milk at a house that stood near the river, and while talking with the people within doors, I was suddenly struck with astonishment at a loud rushing roar, succeeded by instant darkness, which, on the first moment, I took for a tornado about to overwhelm the house and everything around in destruction. The peo- ple, observing my surprise, coolly said: “It is only the pigeons’’; and on running out I beheld a flock, thirty or forty yards in width, sweeping along very low between the house and the mountain, or height, that formed the 20 The Passenger Pigeon second bank of the river. These continued passing for more than a quarter of an hour, and at length varied their bearing so as to pass over the mountain, behind which they disappeared before the rear came up. In the Atlantic States, though they never appear in such unparalleled multitudes, they are sometimes very numerous, and great havoc is then made amongst them with the gun, the clap net, and various other imple- ments of destruction. As soon as it is ascertained in a town that the pigeons are flying numerously in the neighborhood, the gunners rise en masse, the clap nets are spread out on suitable situations, commonly on an open height in an old buckwheat field; four or five live pigeons, with their eyelids sewed up, are fastened on a movable stick—a small hut of branches is fitted up for the fowler at the distance of forty or fifty yards—by the pulling of a string the stick on which the pigeons rest is alternately elevated and depressed, which pro- duces a fluttering of their wings similar to that of birds just alighting; this being perceived by the passing flocks they descend with great rapidity, and, finding corn, buckwheat, etc., strewed about, begin to feed, and are instantly, by the pulling of a cord, covered by the net. In this manner ten, twenty, and even thirty dozen have been caught at one sweep. Meantime the air is darkened with large bodies of them moving in various directions; the woods also swarm with them in search of acorns; and the thundering of musketry is perpetual on The Passenger Pigeon 21 all sides from morning to night. Wagon loads of them are poured into market, where they sell from fifty to twenty-five and even twelve cents per dozen; and pigeons become the order of the day at dinner, breakfast and supper, until the very name becomes sickening. When they have been kept alive and fed for some time on corn and buckwheat their flesh acquires great supe- riority; but, in their common state, they are dry and blackish and far inferior to the full grown young ones or squabs. The nest of the wild pigeon is formed of a few dry slender twigs, carelessly put together, and with so little concavity that the young one, when half grown, can easily be seen from below. The eggs are pure white. Great numbers of hawks, and sometimes the bald eagle himself, hover above those breeding places, and seize the old or the young from the nest amidst the rising multitudes, and with the most daring effrontery. The young, when beginning to fly, confine themselves to the under part of the tall woods where there is no brush, and where nuts and acorns are abundant, searching among the leaves for mast, and appear like a pro- digious torrent rolling through the woods, every one striving to be in the front. Vast numbers of them are shot while in this situation. A person told me that he once rode furiously into one of these rolling multitudes and picked up thirteen pigeons which had been trampled to death by his horse’s feet. In a few minutes they will 22 The Passenger Pigeon beat the whole nuts from a tree with their wings, while all is a scramble, both above and below, for the same. They have the same cooing notes common to domestic pigeons, but much less of their gesticulations. In some flocks you will find nothing but young ones, which are easily distinguishable by their motley dress. In others they will be mostly females, and again great multitudes of males with few or no females. I cannot account for this in any other way than that, during the time of incu- bation, the males are exclusively engaged in procuring food, both for themselves and their mates, and the young, being yet unable to undertake these extensive excursions, associate together accordingly. But even in winter I know of several species of birds who separate in this manner, particularly the red-winged starling, among whom thousands of old males may be found with few or no young or females along with them. Stragglers from these immense armies settle in almost every part of the country, particularly among the beech woods and in the pine and hemlock woods of the eastern and northern parts of the continent. Mr. Pennant informs us that they breed near Moose Fort, at Hudson’s Bay, in N. latitude 51 degrees, and I myself have seen the remains of a large breeding place as far south as the country of the Choctaws, in latitude 32 degrees. In the former of these places they are said to remain until December; from which circumstance it is evident that they are not regular in their migrations The Passenger Pigeon 23 like many other species, but rove about as scarcity of food urges them. Every spring, however, as well as fall, more or less of them are seen in the neighborhood of Philadelphia; but it is only once in several years that they appear in such formidable bodies; and this com- monly when the snows are heavy to the north, the winter here more than usually mild, and acorns, etc., abundant. The passenger pigeon is sixteen inches long, and twenty-four inches in extent; bill, black; nostril, covered by a high rounding protuberance; eye, brilliant fiery orange; orbit, or space surrounding it, purplish flesh- colored skin; head, upper part of the neck and chin, a fine slate blue, lightest on the chin; throat, breast, and sides, as far as the thighs, a reddish hazel; lower part of the neck and sides of the same, resplendent change- able gold, green, and purplish crimson, the last named most predominant; the ground color, slate; the plumage of this part is of a peculiar structure, ragged at the ends; belly and vent, white; lower part of the breast, fading into a pale vinaceous red; thighs, the same; legs and feet, lake, seamed with white; back, rump, and tail- coverts, dark slate, spotted on the shoulders with a few scattered marks of black; the scapulars, tinged with brown; greater coverts, light slate; primaries and sec- ondaries, dull black, the former tipped and edged with brownish white; tail, long, and greatly cuneiform, all the feathers tapering towards the point, the two middle ones plain deep black, the other five, on each side, 24 The Passenger Pigeon hoary white, lightest near the tips, deepening into bluish near the bases, where each is crossed on the inner vane with a broad spot of black, and nearer the root with another of ferruginous; primaries edged with white; bastard wing, black. The female is about half an inch shorter, and an inch less in extent; breast, cinerous brown; upper part of the neck, inclining to ash; the spot of changeable gold, green, and carmine, much less, and not so brilliant; tail coverts, brownish slate; naked orbits, slate colored; in all other respects like the male in color, but less vivid and more tinged with brown; the eye not so brilliant an orange. In both the tail has only twelve feathers. PASSENGER PIGEON (Columba Migratoria) Upper bird, female; lower, male Reproduced from the John J. Audubon Plate * ¢ td fe CHAPTER III The Passenger Pigeon From *¢ Ornithological Biography,” by John James Audubon HE Passenger Pigeon, or, as it is usually named in America, the Wild Pigeon, moves with ex- treme rapidity, propelling itself by quickly repeated flaps of the wings, which it brings more or less near to the body, according to the degree of velocity -which is required. Like the domestic pigeon, it often flies, during the love season, in a circling manner, sup- porting itself with both wings angularly elevated, in which position it keeps them until it is about to alight. Now and then, during these circular flights, the tips of the primary quills of each wing are made to strike against each other, producing a smart rap, which may be heard at a distance of thirty or forty yards. Before alighting, the wild pigeon, like the Carolina parrot and a few other species of birds, breaks the force of its flight by repeated flappings, as if apprehensive of re- ceiving injury from coming too suddenly into contact with the branch or the spot of ground on which it intends to settle. I have commenced my description of this species with 25 26 The Passenger Pigeon the above account of its flight, because the most impor- tant facts connected with its habits relate to its migra- tions. These are entirely owing to the necessity of pro- curing food, and are not performed with the view of escaping the severity of a northern latitude, or of seek- ing a southern one for the purpose of breeding. They consequently do not take place at any fixed period or season of the year. Indeed, it sometimes happens that a continuance of a sufficient supply of food in one dis- trict will keep these birds absent from another for years. I know, at least, to a certainty, that in Kentucky they remained for several years constantly, and were no- where else to be found. They all suddenly disap- peared one season when the mast was exhausted and did not return for a long period. Similar facts have been observed in other States. Their great power of flight enables them to survey and pass over an astonishing extent of country in a very short time. This is proved by facts well-known in America. Thus, pigeons have been killed in the neighborhood of New York, with their crops full of rice, which they must have collected in the fields of Georgia and Carolina, these districts being the nearest in which they could possibly have procured a supply of that kind of food. As their power of digestion is so great that they will decompose food entirely in twelve hours, they must in this case have traveled between three hundred and four hundred miles in six hours, which The Passenger Pigeon 27 shows their power of speed to be at an average about one mile in a minute. A velocity such as this would enable one of these birds, were it so inclined, to visit the European continent in less than three days. This great power of flight is seconded by as great a power of vision, which enables them, as they travel at that swift rate, to inspect the country below, discover their food with facility, and thus attain the object for which their journey has been undertaken. This I have also proved to be the case, by having observed them, when passing over a sterile part of the country, or one scantily furnished with food suited to them, keep high in the air, flying with an extended front, so as to enable them to survey hundreds of acres at once. On the con- trary, when the land is richly covered with food, or the trees abundantly hung with mast, they fly low, in order to discover the part most plentifully supplied. Their body is of an elongated oval form, steered by a long, well-plumed tail, and propelled by well-set wings, the muscles of which are very large and powerful for the size of the bird. When an individual is seen glid- ing through the woods and close to the observer, it passes like a thought, and on trying to see it again, the eye searches in vain; the bird is gone. The multitudes of wild pigeons in our woods are astonishing. Indeed, after having viewed them so often, and under so many circumstances, I even now feel inclined to pause, and assure myself that what I 28 The Passenger Pigeon am going to relate is fact. Yet I have seen it all, and that, too, in the company of persons who, like myself, were struck with amazement. In the autumn of 1813, I left my house at Hender- son, on the banks of the Ohio, on my way to Louis- ville. In passing over the Barrens a few miles beyond Hardensburgh, I observed the pigeons flying from northeast to southwest, in greater numbers than I thought I had ever seen them before, and feeling an inclination to count the flocks that might pass within the reach of my eye in one hour, I dismounted, seated myself on an eminence, and began to mark with my pencil, making a dot for every flock that passed. Ina short time, finding the task which I had undertaken im- practicable, as the birds poured in in countless multi- tudes, I rose, and counting the dots then put down, found that one hundred and sixty-three had been made in twenty-one minutes. I traveled on, and still met more the farther I proceeded. The air was literally filled with pigeons; the light of noonday was obscured as by an eclipse; the dung fell in spots, not unlike melting: flakes of snow; and the continued buzz of wings had a tendency to lull my senses to repose. Whilst waiting for dinner at Young’s Inn, at the con- fluence of Salt River with the Ohio, I saw, at my leisure, immense legions still going by, with a front reaching far beyond the Ohio on the west, and the beechwood forests directly on the east of me. Not a single bird The Passenger Pigeon 29 alighted; for not a nut or acorn was that year to be seen in the neighborhood. They consequently flew so high, that different trials to reach them with a capital rifle proved ineffectual; nor did the reports disturb them in the least. I cannot describe to you the extreme beauty of their aérial evolutions, when a hawk chanced to press upon the rear of the flock. At once, like a tor- rent, and with a noise like thunder, they rushed into a compact mass, pressing upon each other towards the center. In these almost solid masses, they darted for- ward in undulating and angular lines, descended and swept close over the earth with inconceivable velocity, mounted perpendicularly so as to resemble a vast col- umn, and, when high, were seen wheeling and twisting within their continued lines, which then resembled the coils of a gigantic serpent. Before sunset I reached Louisville, distant from Har- densburgh fifty-five miles. The pigeons were still pass- ing in undiminished numbers, and continued to do so for three days in succession. The people were all in arms. The banks of the Ohio were crowded with men and boys, incessantly shooting at the pilgrims, which there flew lower as they passed the river. Multitudes were thus destroyed. For a week or more, the popula- tion fed on no other flesh than that of pigeons, and talked of nothing but pigeons. The atmosphere, during this time, was strongly impregnated with the peculiar odor which emanates from the species. 30 The Passenger Pigeon It is extremely interesting to see flock after flock per- forming exactly the same evolutions which had been traced as it were in the air by a preceding flock. Thus, should a hawk have charged on a group at a certain spot, the angles, curves and undulations that have been described by the birds, in their efforts to escape from the dreaded talons of the plunderer, are undeviatingly followed by the next group that comes up. Should the bystander happen to witness one of these affrays, and, struck with the rapidity and elegance of the motions exhibited, feel desirous of seeing them repeated, his wishes will be gratified if he only remain in the place until the next group comes up. It may not, perhaps, be out of place to attempt an estimate of the number of pigeons contained in one of those mighty flocks, and of the quantity of food daily consumed by its members. The inquiry will tend to show the astonishing beauty of the great Author of Nature in providing for the wants of His creatures. Tet us take a column of one mile in breadth, which is far below the average size, and suppose it passing over us without interruption for three hours, at the rate mentioned above of one mile in a minute. This will give a parallelogram of one hundred and eighty by one, covering one hundred and eighty square miles. Allowing two pigeons to the square yard, we have one billion, one hundred and fifty millions, one hundred and thirty-six thousand pigeons in one flock. | As every The Passenger Pigeon 31 pigeon daily consumes fully half a pint of food, the quantity necessary for supplying this vast multitude must be eight millions, seven hundred and twelve thou- sand bushels per day. As soon as the pigeons discover a sufficiency of food to entice them to alight, they fly around in circles, re- viewing the country below. During their evolutions, on such occasions, the dense mass which they form ex- hibits a beautiful appearance, as it changes its direction, now displaying a glistening sheet of azure, when the backs of the birds come simultaneously into view, and anon, suddenly presenting a mass of rich deep purple. They then pass lower, over the woods, and for a moment are lost among the foliage, but again emerge, and are seen gliding aloft. They now alight, but the next moment, as if suddenly alarmed, they take to wing, producing by the flapping of their wings a noise like the roar of distant thunder, and sweep through the forests to see if danger is near Hunger, however, soon brings them to the ground. When alighted, they are seen industriously throwing up the withered leaves in quest of the fallen mast. The rear ranks are con- tinually rising, passing over the main body, and alight- ing in front, in such rapid succession, that the whole flock seems still on the wing. The quantity of ground thus swept is astonishing, and so completely has it been cleared, that the gleaner who might follow in their rear would find his labor completely lost. Whilst feeding, 32 The Passenger Pigeon their avidity is at times so great that in attempting to swallow a large acorn or nut, :hey are seen gasping for a long while, as if in agonies of suffocation. On such occasions, when the woods are filled with these pigeons, they are killed in immense numbers, although no apparent diminution ensues. About the middle of the day, after their repast is finished, they settle on the trees, to enjoy rest, and digest their food. On the ground they walk with ease, as well as on the branches, frequently jerking their beautiful tail, and moving the neck backwards and forwards in the most graceful manner. As the sun begins to sink beneath the horizon, they depart en masse for the roosting place, which not infrequently is hundreds of miles distant, as has been ascertained by persons who have kept an account of their arrivals and departures. Let us now, kind reader, inspect their place of nightly rendezvous. One of these curious roosting places, on the banks of the Green River in Kentucky, I repeatedly visited. It was, as is always the case, in a portion of the forest where the trees were of great magnitude, and where there was little underwood. I rode through it upwards of forty miles, and, crossing it in different parts, found its average breadth to be rather more than three miles. My first view of it was about a fortnight subsequent to the period when they had made choice of it, and I arrived there nearly two hours before sunset. Few pigeons were then to be seen, but a great number The Passenger Pigeon 33 of persons, with horses and wagons, guns and ammu- nition, had already established encampments on the borders. Two farmers from the vicinity of Russelsville, dis- tant more than a hundred miles, had driven upwards of three hundred hogs to be fattened on the pigeons which were to be slaughtered. Were and there, the people employed in plucking and salting what had already been procured, were seen sitting in the midst of large piles of these birds. The dung lay several inches deep, covering the whole extent of the roosting place, like a bed of snow. Many trees two feet in diameter, I observed, were broken off at no great dis- tance from the ground; and the branches of many of the largest and tallest had given way, as if the forest had been swept by a tornado. Everything proved to me that the number of birds resorting to this part of the forest must be immense beyond conception. As the period of their arrival approached, their foes anxiously prepared to receive them. Some were furnished with iron pots containing sulphur, others with torches of pine knots, many with poles, and the rest with guns. The sun was lost to our view, yet not a pigeon had arrived. Everything was ready, and all eyes were gazing on the clear sky, which appeared in glimpses amidst the tall trees. Suddenly there burst forth a general cry of “Here they come!” The noise which they made, though yet distant, reminded me of a hard gale at sea 34 The Passenger Pigeon passing through the rigging of a close-reefed vessel. As the birds arrived and passed over me, | felt a current of air that surprised me. Thousands were seen knocked down by the pole-men. The birds continued to pour in. The fires were lighted, and a magnificent, as well as wonderful and almost terrifying sight pre- sented itself. The pigeons, arriving by thousands, alighted everywhere, one above another, until solid masses as large as hogsheads were formed on the branches all round. Here and there the perches gave ‘way under the weight with a crash, and, falling to the ground destroyed hundreds of the birds beneath, forc- ing down the dense groups with which every stick was. loaded. It was a scene of uproar and confusion. I found it quite useless to speak, or even to shout to those persons who were nearest to me. Even the reports of the guns were seldom heard, and I was made aware of the firing only by seeing the shooters reloading. No one dared venture within the line of devastation. The hogs had been penned up in due time, the picking up of the dead and wounded being left for the next morning’s employment. The pigeons were constantly coming, and it was past midnight before I perceived a decrease in the number of those that arrived. The uproar continued the whole night; and as I was anxious. to know to what distance the sound reached, I sent off a man, accustomed to perambulate the forest, who, re- turning two hours afterwards, informed me he had The Passenger Pigeon a5 heard it distinctly when three miles distant from the spot. Toward the approach of day, the noise in some measure subsided, long before objects were distinguish- able, the pigeons began to move off in a direction quite different from that in which they had arrived the even- ing before, and at sunrise all that were able to fly had disappeared. The howlings of the wolves now reached our ears, and the foxes, lynxes, cougars, bears, rac- coons, opossums, and pole-cats were seen sneaking off, whilst eagles and hawks of different species, accom- panied by a crowd of vultures, came to supplant them and enjoy their share of the spoil. It was then that the authors of all this devastation began their entry amongst the dead, the dying and the. mangled. ‘The pigeons were picked up and piled in heaps, until each had as many as he could possibly dis- pose of, when the hogs were let loose to feed on the remainder. | (Persons unacquainted with these birds might natu- rally conclude that such dreadful havoc would soon put an end to the species. But I have satisfied myself, by long observation, that nothing but the gradual diminu- tion of our forests can accomplish their decrease, as they not infrequently quadruple their numbers yearly, and always at least double it. | In 1805 I saw schooners loaded in bulk with pigeons caught up the Hudson River, coming into the wharf at New York, when the birds sold for a cent apiece. I knew a man in Penn- 36 The Passenger Pigeon sylvania, who caught and killed upward of five hun- dred dozens in a clap net in one day, sweeping some- times twenty dozens or more at a single haul. In the month of March, 1830, they were so abundant in the markets of New York, that piles of them met the eye in every direction. I have seen the negroes at the United States’ Salines or Saltworks of Shawnee Town, wearied with killing pigeons, as they alighted to drink the water issuing from the leading pipes, for weeks at a time; and yet in 1826, in Louisiana, I saw congre- gated flocks of these birds as numerous as ever I had seen them before, during a residence of nearly thirty years in the United States. The breeding of the wild pigeons, and the places chosen for that purpose, are points of great interest. The time is not much influenced by season, and the place selected is where food is most plentiful and most attain- able, and always at a convenient distance from water. Forest trees of great height are those in which the pigeons form their nests. Thither the countless myriads resort, and prepare to fulfill one of the great laws of nature. At this period the note of the pigeon is a soft coo-coo-coo-coo much shorter than that of the domestic species. The common notes resemble the monosyllables kee-kee-kee-kee, the first being the loudest, the others gradually diminishing in power. ‘The male assumes a pompous demeanor, and follows the female whether on the ground or on the branches, with spread tail and The Passenger Pigeon ay drooping wings, which it rubs against the part over which it is moving. The body is elevated, the throat swells, the eyes sparkle. He continues his notes, and now and then rises on the wing, and flies a few yards to approach the fugitive and timorous female. Like the domestic pigeon and other species, they caress each other by billing, in which action, the bill of the one is intro- duced transversely into that of the other, and both par- ties alternately disgorge the contents of their crops by repeated efforts. These preliminary affairs are soon set- tled, and the pigeons commence their nests in general peace and harmony. They are composed of a few dry twigs, crossing each other, and are supported by forks of the branches. On the same tree from fifty to a hun- dred nests may frequently be seen: I might say a much greater number, were I not anxious, kind reader, that however wonderful my account of the wild pigeons is, you may not feel disposed to refer it to the mar- velous. The eggs are two in number, of a broadly elliptical form, and pure white. During incubation, the male supplies the female with food. Indeed, the tender- ness and affection displayed by these birds toward their mates, are in the highest degree striking. It is a remarkable fact that each brood generally consists of a male and a female. Here again, the tyrant of the creation, man, inter- feres, disturbing the harmony of this peaceful scene. As the young birds grow up, their enemies armed with 38 The Passenger Pigeon axes, reach the spot, to seize and destroy all they can. The trees are felled, and made to fall in such a way that the cutting of one causes the overthrow of another, or shakes the neighboring trees so much, that the young pigeons, or squabs, as they are named, are violently hurled to the ground. In this manner, also, immense quantities are destroyed. The young are fed by the parents in the manner de- scribed above; in other words, the old bird introduces ‘its bill into the mouth of the young one in a transverse manner, or with the back of each mandible opposite the separations of the mandibles of the young bird, and dis- gorges the contents of its crop. As soon as the young birds are able to shift for themselves, they leave their parents, and continue separate until they attain matu- rity. By the end of six months they are capable of reproducing their species. The flesh of the wild pigeon is of a dark color, but affords tolerable eating. That of young birds from the nest is much esteemed. The skin is covered with small white filmy scales. The feathers fall off at the least touch, as has been remarked to be the case in the Caro- lina Turtle. I have only to add that this species, like others of the same genus, immerses its head up to the eyes while drinking. In March, 1830, I bought about three hundred and fifty of these birds in the market of New York, at four cents apiece. Most of these I carried alive to England, The Passenger Pigeon 39 and distributed among several noblemen, presenting some at the same time to the Zodlogical Society. ADULT MALE Bill—straight, of ordinary length, rather slender, broader than deep at the base, with a tumid, fleshy covering above, compressed toward the end, rather obtuse; upper mandible slightly declinate at the tip, edges inflected. Head—small; neck, slender; body, rather full. Legs—short and strong; tarsus, rather rounded; anteriorly scutellate; toes, slightly webbed at the base; claws, short, depressed, obtuse. : Plumage—blended on the neck and under parts, com- pact on the back. Wings—long, the second quill long- est. Tail—graduated, of twelve tapering feathers. Bill—black. Iris—bright red. Feet—carmine pur- ple, claws blackish. Head—above and on the sides light blue. Throat, fore-neck, breast, and sides—light brownish-red, the rest of the under parts white. Lower part of the neck behind, and along the sides, changing to gold, emerald green, and rich crimson. The general color of the upper parts is grayish-blue, some of the wing-coverts marked with a black spot. Quills and larger wing-coverts blackish, the primary quills bluish in the outer web, the larger coverts whitish at the tip. The two middle feathers of the tail black, the rest pale blue at the base, becoming white toward the end. Length, 1614 inches; extent of wings, 25; bill, along 40 The Passenger Pigeon the ridge, 5-6, along the gap, I 1-12; tarsus, 134; mid- dle toe, 1 1-3. ADULT FEMALE The colors of the female are much duller than those of the male, although their distribution is the same. The breast is light grayish-brown, the upper parts pale reddish-brown, tinged with blue. The changeable spot on the neck is of less extent, and the eye of a somewhat duller red, as are the feet. Length, 15 inches; extent of wings, 23; bill, along the ridge, 3-4; along the gap, 5-6. CHAPTER IV As James Fenimore Cooper Saw It NE of the most graphic descriptions ever O written of a pigeon flight and slaughter is to be found in Cooper’s novel, ‘“The Pioneers,” from which I make the following extracts: “See, cousin Bess! see, Duke, the pigeon-roosts of the south have broken up! They are growing more thick every instant. Here is a flock that the eye cannot see the end of. There is food enough in it to keep the army of Xerxes for a month and feathers enough to make beds for the whole country. . . . The re- ports of the firearms became rapid, whole volleys rising from the plain, as flocks of more than ordinary num- bers darted over the opening, shadowing the field like a cloud; and then the light smoke of a single piece would issue from among the leafless bushes on the moun- tain, as death was hurled on the retreat of the affrighted birds, who were rising from a volley, in a vain effort to escape. Arrows and missiles of every kind were in the midst of the flocks; and so numerous were the birds, and so low did they take their flight, that even long poles, in the hands of those on the sides of the moun- 41 42 The Passenger Pigeon tain, were used to strike them to the earth. . . . So prodigious was the number of the birds, that the scatter- ing fire of the guns, with the hurtling missiles, and the cries of the boys, had no other effect than to break off small flocks from the immense masses that continued to dart along the valley, as if the whole of the feathered tribe were pouring through that one pass. None pre- tended to collect the game, which lay scattered over the fields in such profusion as to cover the very ground with the fluttering victims.” The slaughter described finally ended with a grand finale when an old swivel gun was “‘ loaded with hands- ful of bird-shot,” and fired into the mass of pigeons with such fatal effect that there were birds enough killed and wounded on the ground to feed the whole settlement. The following description is from ‘The Chain- bearer,” also by J. Fenimore Cooper. The region of which he writes is in Central New York. “I scarce know how to describe the remarkable scene. As we drew near to the summit of the hill, pigeons began to be seen fluttering among the branches over our heads, as individuals are met along the roads that lead into the suburbs of a large town. We had probably seen a thousand birds glancing around among the trees, before we came in view of the roost itself. The numbers increased as we drew nearer, and pres- ently the forest was alive with them. As James Fenimore Cooper Saw It 43 “The fluttering was incessant, and often startling as we passed ahead, our march producing a movement in the living crowd, that really became confounding. Every tree was literally covered with nests, many having at least a thousand of these frail tenements on their branches, and shaded by the leaves. They often touched each other, a wonderful degree of order prevailing among the hundreds of thousands of families that were here assembled. ‘ The place had the odor of a fow]-house, and squabs just fledged sufficiently to trust themselves in short flights, were fluttering around us in all directions, in tens of thousands. To these were to be added the par- ents of the young race endeavoring to protect them and guide them in a way to escape harm. Although the birds rose as we approached, and the woods just around us seemed fairly alive with pigeons, our presence pro- duced no general commotion; every one of the feathered throng appearing to be so much occupied with its own concerns, as to take little heed of the visit of a party of strangers, though of a race usually so formidable to their own. ‘“ The masses moved before us precisely as a crowd of human beings yields to a pressure or a danger on any given point; the vacuum created by its passage filling in its rear as the water of the ocean flows into the track of the keel. “The effect on most of us was confounding, and I 44 The Passenger Pigeon can only compare the sensation produced on myself by the extraordinary tumult to that a man experiences at finding himself suddenly placed in the midst of an ex- cited throng of human beings. The unnatural disregard of our persons manifested by the birds greatly height- ened the effect, and caused me to feel as if some un- earthly influence reigned in the place. It was strange, indeed, to be in a mob of the feathered race, that scarce exhibited a consciousness of one’s presence. The pigeons seemed a world of themselves, and too much occupied with their own concerns to take heed of mat- ters that lay beyond them. “Not one of our party spoke for several minutes. Astonishment seemed to hold us all tongue-tied, and we moved slowly forward into the fluttering throng, silent, absorbed, and full of admiration of the works of the Creator. It was not easy to hear each others’ voices when we did speak, the incessant fluttering of wings filling the air. Nor were the birds silent in other respects. “The pigeon is not a noisy creature, but a million crowded together on the summit of one hill, occupying a space of less than a mile square, did not leave the forest in its ordinary impressive stillness. As we advanced, I offered my arm, almost unconsciously again to Dus, and she took it with the same abstracted manner as that in which it had been held forth for her acceptance. In this relation to each other, we continued to follow the As James Fenimore Cooper Saw It 45 , grave-looking Onondago, as he moved, still deeper and deeper, into the midst of the fluttering tumult. * * * * * “While standing wondering at the extraordinary scene around us, a noise was heard rising above that of the incessant fluttering which I can only liken to that of the trampling of thousands of horses on a beaten road. ‘This noise at first sounded distant, but it in- creased rapidly in proximity and power, until it came rolling in upon us, among the tree-tops, like a crash of thunder. The air was suddenly darkened, and the place where we stood as somber as a dusky twilight. At the same instant, all the pigeons near us, that had been on their nests, appeared to fall out of them, and the space immediately above our heads was at once filled with birds. “Chaos itself could hardly have represented greater confusion, or a greater uproar. As for the birds, they now seemed to disregard our presence entirely; possi- bly they could not see us on account of their own num- bers, for they fluttered in between Dus and myself, hit- ting us with their wings, and at times appearing as if about to bury us in avalanches of pigeons. Each of us caught one at least in our hands, while Chainbearer and the Indian took them in some numbers, letting one pris- oner go as another was taken. Ina word, we seemed ta be in a world of pigeons. This part of the scene may 46 The Passenger Pigeon have lasted a minute, when the space around us was sud- denly cleared, the birds glancing upward among the branches of the trees, disappearing among the foliage. All this was the effect produced by the return of the female birds, which had been off at a distance, some twenty miles at least, to feed on beechnuts, and which now assumed the places of the males on the nests; the latter taking a flight to get their meal in their turn. “T have since had the curiosity to make a sort of an estimate of the number of the birds that must have come in upon the roost, in that, to us, memorable moment. Such a calculation, as a matter of course, must be very vague, though one may get certain principles by estimating the size of a flock by the known rapidity of the flight, and other similar means; and I remem- ber that Frank Malbone and myself supposed that a million of birds must have come in on that return, and as many departed! As the pigeon is a very voracious bird, the question is apt to present itself, where food is obtained for so many mouths; but, when we remember the vast extent of the American forests, this difficulty is at once met. Admitting that the colony we visited contained many millions of birds, and, counting old and young, I have no doubt it did, there was probably a fruit-bearing tree for each, within an hour’s flight from that very spot! “Such is the scale on which Nature labors in the wilderness! I have seen insects fluttering in the air at As James Fenimore Cooper Saw It 47 particular seasons, and at particular places, until they formed little clouds; a sight every one must have wit- nessed on many occasions; and as those insects appeared, on their diminished scale, so did the pigeons appear to us at the roost of Mooseridge.” CHAPTER V The Wild Pigeon of North America By Chief Pokagon,* from ‘« The Chautauquan,’’ November, 1895. Vol. 22. No. 20. HE migratory or wild pigeon of North Amer- ica was known by our race as O-me-me-wog. Why the European :-ace did not accept that name was, no doubt, because the bird so much resem- bled the domesticated pigeon; they naturally called it a wild pigeon, as they called us wild men. This remarkable bird differs from the dove or domes- ticated pigeon, which was imported into this country, in the grace of its long neck, its slender bill and legs, and its narrow wings. Its tail is eight inches long, hav-: ing twelve feathers, white on the under side. The two center feathers are longest, while five arranged on either side diminished gradually each one-half inch in length, *Simon Pokagon, of Michigan, is a full-blooded Indian, the last Potta- wattomie chief of the Pokagon band. He is author of the ‘‘Red Man’s Greeting,” and has been called by the press the ‘‘ Redskin poet, bard, and Longfellow of his race.”” His father, chief before him, sold the site of Chicago and the surrounding country to the United States in 1833 for three cents anacre. He was the first red man to visit President Lincoln after his inauguration. In aletter written home at the time he said: ‘‘I have met Lincoln, the great chief; he is very tall, has asad face, but he is a good man, I saw it in his eyes and felt it in his hand-shaking. He will help us get 48 The Wild Pigeon of North America 49 giving to the tail when spread an almost conical appear- ance. Its back and upper part of the wings and head are a darkish blue, with a silken velvety appearance. Its neck is resplendent in gold and green with royal purple intermixed. Its breast is reddish-brown, fading toward the belly into white. Its tail is tipped with white, inter- mixed with bluish-black. The female is one inch shorter that the male, and her color less vivid. It was proverbial with our fathers that if the Great Spirit in His wisdom could have created a more elegant bird in plumage, form, and movement, He never did. When a young man I have stood for hours admiring the movements of these birds. I have seen them fly in unbroken lines from the horizon, one line succeeding another from morning until night, moving their un- broken columns like an army of trained soldiers push- ing to the front, while detached bodies of these birds appeared in different parts of the heavens, pressing for- ward in haste like raw recruits preparing for battle. At other times I have seen them move in one unbroken col- umn for hours across the sky, like some great river, payment for Chicago land.” Soon after $39,000 was paid. In 1874 he visited President Grant. He said of him: ‘‘I expected he would put on military importance, but he treated me kindly, give me a cigar, and we smoked the pipe of peace together.” In 1893 he procured judgment against the United States for over $100,000 still due on the sale of the Chicago land by his father. He was honored on Chicago Day at the World’s Fair by first ringing the new Bell of Liberty and speaking in be- half of his race to the greatest crowd ever assembled on earth. After his speech ‘‘Glory Hallelujah” was sung before the bell for the first time on the Fair grounds. 50 The Passenger Pigeon ever varying in hue; and as the mighty stream, sweeping on at sixty miles an hour, reached some deep valley, it would pour its living mass headlong down hundreds of feet, sounding as though a whirlwind was abroad in the land. I have stood by the grandest waterfall of America and regarded the descending torrents in wonder and astonishment, yet never have my astonishment, won- der, and admiration been so stirred as when I have wit- nessed these birds drop from their course like meteors from heaven. While feeding, they always have guards on duty, to give alarm of danger. It is made by the watch-bird as it takes its flight, beating its wings together in quick succession, sounding like the rolling beat of a snare drum. Quick as thought each bird repeats the alarm with a thundering sound, as the flock struggles to rise, leading a stranger to think a young cyclone is then being born. . About the middle of May, 1850, while in the fur trade, I was camping on the head waters of the Manistee River in Michigan. One morning on leaving my wigwam I was startled by hearing a gurgling, rum- bling sound, as though an army of horses laden with sleigh bells was advancing through the deep forests towards me. As I listened more intently I concluded that instead of the tramping of horses it was distant thunder; and yet the morning was clear, calm and beautiful. Nearer and nearer came the strange com- The Wild Pigeon of North America 51 mingling sounds of sleigh bells, mixed with the rumbling of an approaching storm. While I gazed in wonder and astonishment, I beheld moving toward me in an un- broken front millions of pigeons, the first I had seen that season. They passed like a cloud through the branches of the high trees, through the underbrush and over the ground, apparently overturning every leaf. Statue-like I stood, half-concealed by cedar boughs. They fluttered all about me, lighting on my head and shoulders; gently I caught two in my hands and carefully concealed them under my blanket. I now began to realize they were mating, preparatory to nesting. It was an event which I had long hoped to witness; so I sat down and carefully watched their move- ments, amid the greatest tumult. I tried to understand their strange language, and why they all chatted in con- cert. In the course of the day the great on-moving mass passed by me, but the trees were still filled with them sitting in pairs in convenient crotches of the limbs, now and then gently fluttering their half-spread wings and uttering to their mates those strange, bell-like wooing notes which I had mistaken for the ringing of bells in the distance. On the third day after, this chattering ceased and all were busy carrying sticks with which they were building nests in the same crotches of the limbs they had occu- pied in pairs the day before. On the morning of the fourth day their nests were finished and eggs laid. The 52 The Passenger Pigeon hen birds occupied the nests in the morning, while the male birds went out into the surrounding country to feed, returning about ten o’clock, taking the nests, while the hens went out to feed, returning about three o’clock. Again changing nests, the male birds went out the second time to feed, returning at sundown. The same routine was pursued each day until the young ones were hatched and nearly half grown, at which time all the parent birds left the brooding grounds about daylight. On the morning of the eleventh day, after the eggs were laid, I found the nesting grounds strewn with egg shells, con- vincing me that the young were hatched. In thirteen days more the parent birds left their young to shift for themselves, flying to the east about sixty miles, when _ they again nested. The female lays but one egg during the same nesting. Both sexes secrete in their crops milk or curd with which they feed their young, until they are nearly ready to fly, when they stuff them with mast and such other raw material as they themselves eat, until their crops exceed their bodies in size, giving to them an appearance of two birds with one head. Within two days after the stuffing they become a mass of fat—‘‘a squab.”’ At this period the parent bird drives them from the ‘nests to take care of themselves, while they fly off within a day or two, sometimes hundreds of miles, and again nest. It has been well established that these birds look after and take care of all orphan squabs whose parents have The Wild Pigeon of North America 53 been killed or are missing. These birds are long-lived, having been known to live twenty-five years caged. When food is abundant they nest each month in the year. Their principal food is the mast of the forest, except when curd is being secreted in their crops, at which time they denude the country of snails and worms for miles around the nesting grounds. Because they nest in such immense bodies, they are frequently compelled to fly from fifty to one hundred miles for food. During my early life I learned that these birds in spring and fall were seen in their migrations from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River. This knowledge, together with my personal observation of their countless numbers, led me to believe they were almost as inexhaus- tible as the great ocean itself. Of course I had witnessed the passing away of the deer, buffalo, and elk, but I looked upon them as local in their habits, while these birds spanned the continent, frequently nesting beyond the reach of cruel man. Between 1840 and 1880 I visited in the States of Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan many brooding places that were from twenty to thirty miles long and from three to four miles wide, every tree in its limits being spotted with nests. Yet, notwithstanding their countless num- bers, great endurance, and long life, they have almost entirely disappeared from our forests. We strain our eyes in spring and autumn in vain to catch a glimpse of 54 The Passenger Pigeon these pilgrims. White men tell us they have moved in a body to the Rocky Mountain region, where they are as plenty as they were here, but when we ask red men, who are familiar with the mountain country, about them, they shake their heads in disbelief. A pigeon nesting was always a great source of rev- enue to our people. Whole tribes would wigwam in the brooding places. They seldom killed the old birds, but made great preparation to secure their young, out of which the squaws made squab butter and smoked and dried them by thousands for future use. Yet, under our manner of securing them, they continued to increase. White men commenced netting them for market about the year 1840. These men were known as pro- fessional pigeoners, from the fact that they banded themselves together, so as to keep in telegraphic com- munication with these great moving bodies. In this they became so expert as to be almost continually on the borders of their brooding places. As they were always prepared with trained stool-pigeons and flyers, which they carried with them, they were enabled to call down the passing flocks and secure as many by net as they were able to pack in ice and ship to market.’ In the year 1848 there were shipped from Catteraugus County, N. Y., eighty tons of these birds; and from that time to 1878 the wholesale slaughter continued to increase, and in that year there were shipped from The Wild Pigeon of North America 55 Michigan not less than three hundred tons of birds. During the thirty years of their greatest slaughter there must have been shipped to our great cities 5,700 tons of these birds; allowing each pigeon to weigh one- half pound would show twenty-three millions of birds. Think of it! And all these were caught during their brooding season, which must have decreased their num- bers as many more. Nor is this all. During the same time hunters from all parts of the country gathered at these brooding places and slaughtered them without mercy. In the above estimate are not reckoned the thousands of dozens that were shipped alive to sporting clubs for trap-shooting, as well as those consumed by the local trade throughout the pigeon districts of the United States. These experts finally learned that the birds while nesting were frantic after salty mud and water, so they frequently made, near the nesting places, what were known by the craft as mud beds, which were salted, to which the birds would flock by the million. In April, 1876, I was invited to see a net over one of these death pits. It was near Petoskey, Mich. I think I am correct in saying the birds piled one upon another at least two feet deep when the net was sprung, and it seemed to me that most of them escaped the trap, but on killing and counting, there were found to be over one hundred dozen, all nesting birds. 56 The Passenger Pigeon When squabs of a nesting became fit for market, these experts, prepared with climbers, would get into some convenient place in a tree-top loaded with nests, and with a long pole punch out the young, which would fall with a thud like lead on the ground. In May, 1880, I visited the last known nesting place east of the Great Lakes. It was on Platt River in Benzie County, Mich. There were on these grounds many large white birch trees filled with nests. These trees have manifold bark, which, when old, hangs in shreds like rags or flowing moss, along their trunks and limbs. This bark will burn like paper soaked in oil. Here, for the first time, I saw with shame and pity a new mode for robbing these birds’ nests, which I look upon as being devilish. These outlaws to all moral sense would touch a lighted match to the bark of the trees at the base, when with a flash—more like an explo- sion—the blast would reach every limb of the tree, and while the affrighted young birds would leap simultane- ously to the ground, the parent birds, with plumage scorched, would rise high in air amid flame and smoke. I noticed that many of these squabs were so fat and clumsy they would burst open on striking the ground. Several thousand were obtained during the day by this cruel process. That night I stayed with an old man on the highlands just north of the nesting. In the course of the evening I explained to him the cruelty that was being shown to The Wild Pigeon of North America 57 the young birds in the nesting. He listened to me in utter astonishment, and said, “My God, is that possi- ble!” Remaining silent a few moments with bowed head, he looked up and said, ‘‘See here, old Indian, you go out with me in the morning and I will show you a way to catch pigeons that will please any red man and the birds, too.” Early the next morning I followed him a few rods from his hut, where he showed me an open pole pen, about two feet high, which he called his bait bed. Into this he scattered a bucket of wheat. We then sat in ambush, so as to see through between the poles into the pen. Soon they began to pour into the pen and gorge themselves. While I was watching and admiring them, all at once to my surprise they began fluttering and falling on their sides and backs and kicking and quiver- ing like a lot of cats with paper tied over their feet. He jumped into the pen, saying, ‘Come on, you red- skin.” I was right on hand by his side. A few birds flew out of the pen apparently crippled, but we caught and caged about one hundred fine birds. After my excitement was over I sat down on one of the cages, and thought in my heart, ‘‘Certainly Pokagon is dreaming, or this long-haired white man is a witch.” I finally said, ‘Look here, old fellow, tell me how you did that.” He gazed at me, holding his long white beard in one hand, and said with one eye half shut and a sly wink with the 58 The Passenger Pigeon other, “That wheat was soaked in whisky.” His an- swer fell like lead upon my heart. We had talked temperance together the night before, and the old man wept when I told him how my people had fallen before the intoxicating cup of the white man like leaves before the blast of autumn. In silence I left the place, saying in my heart, “Surely the time is now fulfilled, when false prophets shall show signs and wonders to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.” I have read recently in some of our game-sporting journals, ““A warwhoop has been sounded against some of our western Indians for killing game in the moun- tain region.” Now, if these red men are guilty of a moral wrong which subjects them to punishment, I would most prayerfully ask in the name of Him who suffers not a sparrow to fall unnoticed, what must be the nature of the crime and degree of punishment await- ing our white neighbors who have so wantonly butch- ered and driven from our forests these wild pigeons, the most beautiful flowers of the animal creation of North America. In closing this article I wish to say a few words relative to the knowledge of things about them that these birds seem to possess. In the spring of 1866 there were scattered through- out northern Indiana and southern Michigan vast num- bers of these birds. On April 10, in the morning, they commenced moving in small flocks in diverging lines The Wild Pigeon of North America 59 toward the northwest part of Van Buren County, Mich. For two days they continued to pour into that vicinity from all directions, commencing at once to build their nests. I talked with an old trapper who lived on the brooding grounds, and he assured me that the first pigeons he had seen that season were on the day they commenced nesting and that he had lived there fifteen years and never known them to nest there before. From the above instance and hundreds of others I might mention, it is well established in my mind beyond a reasonable doubt, that these birds, as well as many other animals, have communicated to them by some means unknown to us, a knowledge of distant places, and of one another when separated, and that they act on such knowledge with just as much certainty as if it were conveyed to them by ear or eye. Hence we conclude it is possible that the Great Spirit in His wisdom has provided them a means to receive electric communications from distant places and with one an- other. CHAPTER VI The Passenger Pigeon From «* Life Histories of North American Birds,’’ * by Charles Bendire EOGRAPHICAL Range: Deciduous forest regions of eastern North America; west, casu- ally, to Washington and Nevada; Cuba. The breeding range of the Passenger Pigeon to-day is to be looked for principally in the thinly settled and wooded region along our northern border, from north- ern Maine westward to northern Minnesota; in the Dakotas, as well as in similar localities in the eastern and middle portions of the Dominion of Canada, and north at least to Hudson’s Bay. Isolated and scattering pairs probably still breed in the New England States, northern New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wis- consin, Minnesota, and a few other localities further south, but the enormous breeding colonies, or pigeon roosts, as they were formerly called, frequently covering the forest for miles, and so often mentioned by natural- *The first volume of Captain Bendire’s monumental work was pub-. lished in 1892, by which time the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon was foretold as a matter of a few more years. His contribution to the subject therefore deals with a much later period in the history of the bird and links the studies of Wilson and Audubon with the present day, 60 The Passenger Pigeon 61 ists and hunters in former years, are, like the immense herds of the American bison which roamed over the great plains of the West in countless thousands but a couple of decades ago, things of the past, probably never to be seen again. In fact, the extermination of the Passenger Pigeon has progressed so rapidly during the past twenty years that it looks now as if their total extermination might be accomplished within the present century. The only thing which retards their complete extinction is that it no longer pays to net these birds, they being too scarce for this now, at least in the more settled portions of the country, and also, perhaps, that from constant and un- remitting persecution on their breeding grounds they have changed their habits somewhat, the majority no longer breeding in colonies, but scattering over the country and breeding in isolated pairs. Mr. William Brewster, in his article ‘On the Present Status of the Wild Pigeon,” etc., writes as follows: “In the spring of 1888 my friend, Captain Bendire, wrote me that he had received news from a correspondent in central Michigan to the effect that wild pigeons had arrived there in great numbers and were preparing to nest. Acting on this information, I started at once, in company with Mr. Jonathan Dwight, jr., to visit the expected ‘nesting’ and learn as much as possible about the habits of the breeding birds, as well as to secure specimens of their skins and eggs. 62 The Passenger Pigeon “On reaching Cadillac, Michigan, May 8, we found that large flocks of pigeons had passed there late in April, while there were reports of similar flights from almost every county in the southern part of the State. Although most of the birds had passed on before our arrival, the professional pigeon netters, confident that they would finally breed somewhere in the southern pen- insula, were busily engaged getting their nets and other apparatus in order for an extensive campaign against the poor birds. “We were assured that as soon as the breeding colony became established the fact would be known all over the State, and there would be no difficulty in ascer- taining its precise location. Accordingly, we waited at Cadillac about two weeks, during which time we were in correspondence with netters in different parts of the region. No news came, however, and one by one the netters lost heart, until finally most of them agreed that the pigeons had gone to the far north, beyond the reach of mail and telegraphic communication. As a last hope, we went, on May 15, to Oden, in the northern part of the southern peninsula, about twenty miles south of the Straits of Mackinac. Here we found that there had been, as elsewhere in Michigan, a heavy flight of birds in the latter part of April, but that all had passed on. Thus our trip proved a failure as far as actually seeing a pigeon ‘nesting’ was concerned; but partly by observa- tion, partly by talking with the netters, farmers, sports- The Passenger Pigeon 63 men, and lumbermen, we obtained much information regarding the flight of 1888, and the larger nestings that have occurred in Michigan within the past decade, as well as many interesting details, some of which ap- pear to be new about the habits of the birds. “Our principal informant was Mr. S. S. Stevens, of Cadillas, a veteran pigeon netter of large experience, and, as we were assured by everyone whom we asked concerning him, a man of high reputation for veracity and carefulness of statement. His testimony was as follows: ‘Pigeons appeared that year in numbers near Cadillac, about the 20th of April. He saw fully sixty in one day, scattered about in beech woods near the head of Clam Lake, and on another occasion about one hundred drinking at the mouth of the brook, while a flock that covered at least 8 acres was observed by a friend, a perfectly reliable man, flying in a north- easterly direction. Many other smaller flocks were re- ported.” “The last nesting of any importance in Michigan was in 1881, a few miles west of Grand Traverse. It was only of moderate size, perhaps 8 miles long. Subse- quently, in 1886, Mr. Stevens found about fifty dozen pairs nesting in a swamp near Lake City. He does not doubt that similar small colonies occur every year, besides scattered pairs. In fact, he sees a few pigeons about Cadillac every summer, and in the early autumn young birds, barely able to fly, are often met with 64 The Passenger Pigeon singly or in small parties in the woods. Such stragglers attract little attention, and no one attempts to net them, although many are shot. “The largest nesting he ever visited was in 1876 or 1877. It began near Petoskey, and extended northeast past Crooked Lake for 28 miles, averaging 3 or 4 miles wide. The birds arrived in two separate bodies, one directly from the south by land, the other following the east coast of Wisconsin, and crossing at Manitou Island. He saw the latter body come in from the lake at about 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It was a compact mass of pigeons, at least 5 miles long by 1 mile wide. The birds began building when the snow was 12 inches deep in the woods, although the fields were bare at the time. So rapidly did the colony extend its boundaries that it soon passed literally over and around the place where he was netting, although when he began, this point was several miles from the nearest nest. Nestings usually start in deciduous woods, but during their prog- ress the pigeons do not skip any kind of trees they encounter. The Petoskey nesting extended 8 miles through hardwood timber, then crossed a river bottom wooded with arborvite, and thence stretched through white pine woods about 20 miles. For the entire dis- tance of 28 miles every tree of any size had more or less nests, and many trees were filled with them. None were lower than about 15 feet above the ground. “Pigeons are very noisy when building. They make The Passenger Pigeon 65 a sound resembling the croaking of wood frogs. Their combined clamor can be heard 4 or 5 miles away when the atmospheric conditions are favorable. Two eggs are usually laid, but many nests contain only one. Both birds incubate, the females between 2 o’clock P.M. and 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock the next morning; the males from 9 or 10 o'clock A.M. to 2 o'clock p.m. The males feed twice each day, namely, from daylight to about 8 o’clock a.m. and again late in the afternoon. The females feed only during the forenoon. ‘The change is made with great regularity as to time, all the males being on the nest by 10 o’clock a.m. “During the morning and evening no females are ever caught by the netters; during the forenoon no males. The sitting bird does not leave the nest until the bill of its incoming mate nearly touches its tail, the former slipping off as the latter takes it place. “Thus the eggs are constantly covered, and but few are ever thrown out despite the fragile character of the nests and the swaying of the trees in the high winds. The old birds never feed in or near the nesting, leaving all the beech mast, etc., there for their young. Many of them go 100 miles each day for food. Mr. Stevens is satisfied that pigeons continue laying and hatching during the entire summer. They do not, however, use the same nesting place a second time in one season, the entire colony always moving from 20 to 100 miles after the appearance of each brood of young. Mr. Stevens, 66 The Passenger Pigeon as well as many of the other netters with whom we talked, believes that they breed during their absence in the South in the winter, asserting as proof of this that young birds in considerable numbers often accom- pany the earlier spring flights. “Five weeks are consumed by a single nesting. Then the young are forced out of their nests by the old birds. Mr. Stevens has twice seen this done. One of the pigeons, usually the male, pushes the young off the nest by force. The latter struggles and squeals pre- cisely like a tame squab, but is finally crowded out along the branch, and after further feeble resistance flutters: down to the ground. Three or four days elapse before it is able to fly well. Upon leaving the nest it is often fatter and heavier than the old birds; but it quickly becomes much thinner and lighter, despite the enor- mous quantity of food it consumes. “On one occasion an immense flock of young birds became bewildered in a fog while crossing Crooked Lake, and descending struck the water and perished by thousands. The shore for miles was covered a foot or more deep with them. The old birds rose above the fog, and none were killed. “At least five hundred men were engaged in netting pigeons during the great Petoskey nesting of 1881. Mr. Stevens thought that they may have captured on the average 20,000 birds apiece during the season. Some- times two carloads were shipped south on the railroad The Passenger Pigeon 67 each day. Nevertheless he believed that not one bird in a thousand was taken. Hawks and owls often abound near the nesting. Owls can be heard hooting there all night long. The cooper’s hawk often catches the stool-pigeon. During the Petoskey season Mr. Stevens lost twelve stool birds in this way. “There has been much dispute among writers and observers, beginning with Audubon and Wilson, and extending down to the present day, as to whether the wild pigeon has two eggs or one. I questioned Mr. Stevens closely on this point. He assured me that he had frequently found two eggs or two young in the same nest, but that fully half the nests which he had examined contained only one. “Our personal experience with the pigeon in Michi- gan was as follows: “During our stay at Cadillac we saw them daily, sometimes singly, usually in pairs, never more than two together. Nearly every large tract of old growth mixed woods seemed to contain at least one pair. They appeared to be settled for the season, and we were convinced that they were preparing to breed. In fact, the oviduct of a female, killed May 10, contained an egg nearly ready for the shell. ‘At Oden we had a similar experience, although there were perhaps fewer pigeons there than about Cadillac. “On May 24, Mr. Dwight settled any possible ques- tion as to their breeding in scattered pairs, by finding 68 The Passenger Pigeon a nest on which he distinctly saw a bird sitting. The following day I accompanied him to this nest, which was at least 50 feet above the ground, on the horizontal branch of a large hemlock, about 20 feet out from the trunk. As we approached the spot an adult male pigeon started from a tree near that on which the nest was placed, and a moment later a young bird, with stub tail and barely able to fly, fluttered feebly after it. This young pigeon was probably the bird seen the previous day on the nest, for on climbing to the latter, Mr. Dwight found it empty, but fouled with excrement, some of which was perfectly fresh. A thorough inves- tigation of the surrounding woods, which were a hun- dred acres or more in extent, and composed chiefly of beeches, with a mixture of white pines and hemlocks of the largest size, convinced us that no other pigeons were nesting in them. “All the netters with whom we talked believe firmly that there are just as many pigeons in the West as there ever were. They say the birds have been driven from Michigan and the adjoining States, partly by persecu- tion, and partly by the destruction of the forests, and have retreated to uninhabited regions, perhaps north of the Great Lakes in British North America. Doubt- less there is some truth in this theory; for, that the pigeon is not, as has been asserted so often recently, on the verge of extinction, is shown by the flight which passed through Michigan in the Spring of 1888. This The Passenger Pigeon 69 flight, according to the testimony of many reliable ob- servers, was a large one, and the birds must have formed a nesting of considerable extent in some region so remote that no news of its presence reached the ears of the vigilant netters. Thus it is probable that enough Pigeons are left to restock the West, provided that laws sufficiently stringent to give them fair protection be at once enacted. The present laws of Michigan and Wis- consin are simply worse than useless, for, while they prohibit disturbing the birds within the nesting, they allow unlimited netting only a few miles beyond its out- skirts during the entire breeding season. The theory is, that they are so infinitely numerous that their ranks are not seriously thinned by catching a few millions of breeding birds in a summer, and that the only danger to be guarded against is that of frightening them away by the use of guns or nets in the woods where their nests are placed. The absurdity of such reasoning is self-evident, but, singularly enough, the netters, many of whom struck me as intelligent and honest men, seem really to believe in it. As they have more or less local influence, and, in addition, the powerful backing of the large game dealers in the cities, it is not likely that any really effectual laws can be passed until the last of our Passenger Pigeons are preparing to follow the great auk and the American bison.” In order to show a little more clearly the immense destruction of the Passenger Pigeon in a single year 70 The Passenger Pigeon and at one roost only, I quote the following extract from an interesting article “On the Habits, Methods of Capture, and Nesting of the Wild Pigeon,” with an account of the Michigan nesting of 1878, by Prof. H. B. Roney, in the Chicago Field (Vol. X, pp. 345-347) : “The nesting area, situated near Petoskey, covered something like 100,000 acres of land, and included not less than 150,000 acres within its limits, being in length about 40 miles by 3 to 10 in width. The number of dead birds sent by rail was estimated at 12,500 daily, or 1,500,000 for the summer, besides 80,352 live birds; an equal number was sent by water. We have,” says the writer, ‘‘adding the thousands of dead and wounded ones not secured, and the myriads of squabs left dead in the nest, at the lowest possible estimate, a grand total of one billion pigeons sacrificed to Mammon during the nesting of 1878.” The last mentioned figure is undoubtedly far above the actual number killed during that or any other year, but even granting that but a million were killed at this. roost, the slaughter is enormous enough, and it is not strange that the number of these pigeons are now few, compared with former years. Capt. B. F. Goss, of Peewaukee, Wisconsin, writes. me: “Ten years ago the wild pigeon bred in great roosts in the northern parts of Wisconsin, and it also bred singly in this vicinity; up to six or eight years ago. they were plenty. The nest was a small, rough plat- The Passenger Pigeon 71 form of twigs, from 10 to 15 feet from the ground. I have often found two eggs in a nest, but one is by far the more common. These single nests have been thought by some accidental, but for years they bred in this manner all over the county, as plentifully as any of our birds. I also found them breeding singly in Iowa. These single nests have not attracted attention like the great roosts, but I think it is a common manner of build- ing with this species.” Mr. Frank J. Thompson, in charge of the Zodlogical Gardens at Cincinnati, Ohio, gives the following account of the breeding of the wild pigeon in con- finement: “‘During the spring of 1877, the society pur- chased three pairs of trapped birds, which were placed in one of the outer aviaries. Early in March, 1878, I noticed that they were mating, and procuring some twigs, I wove three rough platforms, and fastened them up in convenient places, at the same time throwing a further supply of building material on the floor. Within twenty-four hours two of the platforms were selected; the male carrying the material, whilst the female busied herself in placing it. A single egg was soon laid in each nest and incubation commenced. On March 16, there was quite a heavy fall of snow, and on the next morning I was unable to see the birds on their nests on account of the accumulation of the snow piled on the platforms around them. Within a couple of days it had all disappeared, and for the next four or 72 The Passenger Pigeon five nights a self-registering thermometer, hanging in the aviary, marked from 14° to 10°. In spite of these drawbacks both of the eggs were hatched and the young ones reared. They have since continued to breed regu- larly, and now I have twenty birds, having lost several eggs from falling through their illy-contrived nests and one old male.” The Passenger Pigeon has been found nesting in Wisconsin and Iowa during the first week in April, and as late as June 5 and 12 in Connecticut and Minne- sota. Their food consists of beech nuts, acorns, wild cherries, and berries of various kinds, as well as different kinds of grain. They are said to be very fond of, and feed extensively on, angle worms, vast numbers of which frequently come to the surface after heavy rains, also on hairless caterpillars. Their movements, at all seasons, seem to be very irregular, and are greatly affected by the food supply. They may be exceedingly common at one point one year, and almost entirely wanting the next. They gen- erally winter south of latitude 36°. Their notes during the mating season are said to be a short ‘“‘coo-coo,” and the ordinary call note is a ‘“‘kee- kee-kee,” the first syllable being louder and the last fainter than the middle one. Opinions differ as to the number of broods in a sea- son; while the majority of observers assert that but one, a few others say that two, are usually raised. The eggs The Passenger Pigeon 74 vary in number from one to two in a set, and incubation lasts from eighteen to twenty days, both sexes assisting. These eggs are pure white in color, slightly glossy, and usually elliptical oval in shape; some may be called . broad elliptical oval. The average measurements of twenty specimens in the U. S. National Museum collection is 37.5 by 26.5 millimetres. The largest egg measures 39.5 by 28.5, the smallest 33.5 by 26 millimetres. CHAPTER VII Netting the Pigeons By William Brewster, from «¢ The Auk,’’ a Quarterly Journal of Ornithology, October, 1889. N the spring of 1888 my friend, Captain Bendire, wrote to me that he had received news from a correspondent in central Michigan to the effect that wild pigeons had arrived there in large numbers and were preparing to nest. Acting on this informa- tion I started at once, in company with Mr. Jona- than Dwight, Jr., to visit the expected “nesting” and learn as much as possible about the habits of the breeding birds, as well as to secure specimens of their skins and eggs. Pigeon netting in Michigan is conducted as follows: Each netter has three beds; at least two, and sometimes as many as ten “strikes” are made on a single bed in one day, but the bed is often allowed to ‘‘rest”’ for a day or two. Forty or fifty dozen birds are a good haul for one “‘strike.’? Often only ten or twelve dozen are taken. Mr. Stevens’ highest “catch” is eighty-six dozen, but once he saw one hundred and six dozen cap- tured at a single “strike.” If too large a number are on the bed, they will sometimes raise the net bodily and 74 Netting the Pigeons as escape. Usually about one-third are too quick for the net and fly out before it falls. Two kinds of beds are used, the “‘mud” bed and the “dry” bed. The former is the most killing in Michigan, but, for unknown rea- son, it will not attract birds in Wisconsin. It is made of mud, kept in a moist condition and saturated with a mixture of saltpeter and anise seed. Pigeons are very fond of salt and resort to salt springs wherever they occur. The dry bed is simply a level space of ground carefully cleared of grass, weeds, etc., and baited with corn or other grain. Pigeons are pecu- liar, and their habits must be studied by the netter if he would be successful. When they are feeding on beech mast, they often will not touch grain of any kind, and the mast must be used for bait. A stool bird is an essential part of the netter’s outfit. It is tied on a box, and by an ingenious arrangement of cords, by which it can be gently raised or lowered, is made to flap its wings at intervals. This attracts the attention of passing birds which alight on the nearest tree, or on a perch which is usually provided for that purpose. After a portion of the flock has descended to the bed, they are started up by “‘raising’” the stool bird, and fly back to the perch. When they fly down a second time all or nearly all the others follow or accompany them and the net is “‘struck.” The usual method of killing pigeons is to break their necks with a small pair of pincers, the ends of 76 The Passenger Pigeon which are bent so that they do not quite meet. Great care must be taken not to shed blood on the bed, for the pigeons notice this at once and are much alarmed by it. Young birds can be netted in wheat stubble in the autumn, but this is seldom attempted. When just able to fly, however, they are caught in enormous numbers near the “‘nestings” in pens made of slats. A few dozen old pigeons are confined in the pens as decoys, and a net is thrown over the mouth of the pen when a sufficient number of young birds have entered it. Mr. Stevens has known over four hundred dozen young pigeons to be taken at once by this method. The first birds sent to market yield the netter about one dollar a dozen. At the height of the season the price sometimes falls as low as twelve cents a dozen. It averages about twenty-five cents. CHAPTER VIII Efforts to Check the Slaughter By Prof. H. B. Roney, East Saginaw, Mich. The following article appeared in ‘‘American Field,” of Chicago, Jan, 11, 1879. Parts omitted here referred to an ineffectual attempt on the part of the Saginaw and Bay City Game Protection Clubs to put a stop to the illegal netting and shooting of pigeons. The Michigan law was a bungling piece of business, working rather in the interest of the netters than of the birds. Prof. Roney and Mr. McLean accompanied the two representatives of the Game Protective Clubs sent North on this mission. I make this explanation as certain parts of the article I reproduce would otherwise not be as well understood. OR many years Passenger Pigeon nestings have been established in Michigan, and by a notice- able concurrence, only in even alternate years, as follows: 1868, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1876, 1878. In 1876 there were no less than three nestings in the State, one each in Newaygo, Oceana, and Grand Traverse counties. Large numbers of professional “‘pigeoners,” as they term themselves, devote their whole time to the business of following up and netting wild pigeons for gain and profit. These men carefully study the habits and direc- tion of flight of the birds, and in the spring of the year can tell with considerable accuracy in about what 77 78 The Passenger Pigeon locality a nesting is to form. ‘The indications are soon known throughout the fraternity and the gathering of the clans commences. The netters follow up the pigeons in their flight for hundreds of miles. The past year there have been nestings in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan, though in the former two States they were of short duration, as they soon broke up and the birds turned their flight to the northwest. The flight of a pigeon is, under favorable conditions, sixty to ninety miles an hour, and these birds of passage leaving the Pennsylvania forests at daybreak can reach the Michi- gan nesting grounds by sunset. Many of the little travellers came from the westward, crossing the stormy waters of the lake with the speed of a dart. From the four quarters of the globe, seem- ingly, they gather. Over the mountains, lakes, rivers, and prairies they speed their aérial flight, through storm, in sunshine and rain. Actuated as if by a com- mon impulse toward the same object, their swift wings soon reach the summer nursery, to which they are drawn from points hundreds of miles distant by an in- stinct which surpasses human comprehension. No less remarkable is the wisdom with which the nesting places are chosen, they being always in the densest woods, not in large and heavy timber, but gen- erally in smaller trees with many branches, cedars, and saplings. The presence of large quantities of mast, which is the principal food of these birds, especially Efforts to Check the Slaughter 79 beech nuts, is a prominent consideration in the selection of a nesting ground. As the feed in the vicinity of the nesting becomes exhausted, the birds are compelled to go daily farther and farther for food, even as high as seventy-five or one hundred miles, and these trips, which are taken twice a day, are known as the morning and evening flights. The apparatus for the capture of wild pigeons con- sists of a net about six feet wide and twenty to thirty feet long. The operator first chooses the location for setting his net, which, it is needless to add, is in utter disregard of the State law, which prescribes certain limits within which nets must not be placed. A bed of a creek or low marshy spot is chosen, if possible at a natural salt lick, or a bed of muck, upon which the birds feed. The ground is cleared of grass and weeds, and to allure the birds the bed is “baited” with salt and sulphur several days before the net is to be placed. A bough house is made about twenty feet from the end of the bed, and all is ready for the net and its victims. A bird discovers the tempting spot, and with the instinct of the honey-bee, returns and brings several others, while these in turn bring a multitude, and in less than two days the bed is fairly blue with birds feeding on the seasoned muck. The net is then set by an adjustment of ropes and a powerful spring pole, the net being laid along one side of the bed, and the operator retires to his bough house, 80 The Passenger Pigeon through which the ropes run, where he waits concealed for the flights. Many trappers use two nets ranged along opposite sides of the bed, which are thrown toward each other and meet in the center. When enough birds are gath- ered upon the beds to make a profitable throw, the operator gives a quick jerk upon the rope, the net flies over in an instant, while in its meshes struggle hundreds of unwilling prisoners. After pinching their necks the trapper removes the dead victims, resets the trap, and is ready for another haul. To lure down the birds from their flight over- head, most netters use “‘fliers” or “‘stool-pigeons.”” The former are birds held captive by a cord, tied to the leg, being thrown up into the air when a flight is observed approaching, and drawn fluttering down when the “flier” has reached its limit. The latter is a live pigeon tied to a small circular framework of wood or wire attached to the end of a slender and elastic pole, which is raised and lowered by the trapper from his place of concealment by a stout cord and which causes constant fluttering. A good stool-pigeon (one which will stay upon the stool) is rather difficult to obtain, and is worth from $5 to $25. Many trappers use the same birds for several years in succession. The number of pigeons caught in a day by an expert trapper will seem incredible to one who has not wit- nessed the operation. A fair average is sixty to ninety Efforts to Check the Slaughter 81 dozen birds per day per net and some trappers will not spring a net upon less than ten dozen birds. Higher figures than these are often reached, as in the case of one trapper who caught and delivered 2,000 dozen pigeons in ten days, being 200 dozen, or about 2,500 birds per day. A double net has been known to catch as high as 1,332 birds at a single throw, while at natural salt licks, their favorite resort, 300 and 400 dozen, or about 5,000 birds have been caught in a single day by one net. The prices of dead birds range from thirty-five cents to forty cents per dozen at the nesting. In Chicago markets fifty to sixty cents. Squabs twelve cents per dozen in the woods, in metropolitan markets sixty cents to seventy cents. In fashionable restaurants they are served as a delicious tid-bit at fancy prices. Live birds are worth at the trapper’s net forty cents to sixty cents per dozen; in cities $1 to $2. It can thus be easily seen that the business, when at all successful, is a very profit- able one, for from the above quotations a pencil will quickly figure out an income of $10 to $40 per day for the “poor and hard-working pigeon trapper.” One “‘pigeoner” at the Petoskey nesting was reported to be worth $60,000, all made in that business. He must have slain at least three million pigeons to gain this amount of money. For several years violations of the laws protecting pigeons in brooding time have been notorious in the 82 The Passenger Pigeon Michigan nestings. Professional “‘pigeoners’’ did not for an instant pretend to observe the law, and a lax and indifferent public opinion permitted the illegal slaughter to go on without let or hindrance, while itinerant pigeon trappers from all parts of the United States, grew rich at the expense of the commonwealth, and in intentional violation of its laws. Each succeeding year the news has been spread far and wide until it became useless to conceal the fact that pigeon trapping was a profitable business, the year of 1876 witnessing a magni- tude in the trafic which exceeded anything heretofore known in the country. In the early part of March last, a pigeon nesting formed just north of Petoskey, Michigan. Not many days had passed before information was conveyed to the game protection clubs of East Saginaw and Bay City, that enormous quantities of pigeons were being killed in open and defiant violation of the law. On reaching Petoskey we found the condition of affairs had not been magnified; indeed, it exceeded our gravest fears. Here, a few miles north, was a pigeon nesting of irregular dimensions, estimated by those best quali- fied to judge, to be forty (40) miles in length, by three to ten in width, probably the largest nesting that has ever existed in the United States, covering something like 100,000 acres of land, and including not less than 150,000 acres within its limits. At the hotel we met one we were glad to see, in the Efforts to Check the Slaughter 83 person of “Uncle Len” Jewell, of Bay City, an old woodsman and “‘and-looker.” Len had for several weeks been looking land in the upper peninsula, and was on his return home. At our solicitation he agreed to remain for two or three days, and co-operate with us. In the village nothing else seemed to be thought of but pigeons. It was the one absorbing topic everywhere. The “pigeoners” hurried hither and thither, comparing market reports, and soliciting the latest quotations on “squabs.” A score of hands in the packing-houses were kept busy from daylight until dark. Wagon load after wagon load of dead and live birds hauled up to the station, discharged their freight, and returned to the nesting for more. The freight house was filled with ” the paraphernalia of the pigeon hunter’s vocation, while every train brought acquisitions to their numbers, and scores of nets, stool-pigeons, etc. The pigeoners were everywhere. They swarmed in the hotels, postoffice, and about the streets. They were there, as careful inquiry and the hotel registers showed, from New York, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Maryland, Iowa, Virginia, Ohio, Texas, Illinois, Maine, Minnesota, and Missouri. Hiring a team, we started on a tour of investigation through the nesting. Long before reaching it our course was directed by the birds over our heads, flying back and forth to their feeding grounds. After riding about fifteen miles, we discovered a wagon-track leading into 84 The Passenger Pigeon the woods, in the direction of the bird sounds which came to our ears. Three of the party left the wagon and followed it; the twittering grew louder and louder, the birds more numerous, and in a few minutes we were in the midst of that marvel of the forest and Nature’s wonderland—the pigeon nesting. We stood and gazed in bewilderment upon the scene around and above us. Was it indeed a fairyland we stood upon, or did our eyes deceive us. On every hand, the eye would meet these graceful creatures of the for- est, which, in their delicate robes of blue, purple and brown, darted hither and thither with the quickness of thought. Every bough was bending under their weight, so tame one could almost touch them, while in every direction, crossing and recrossing, the flying birds drew a network before the dizzy eyes of the beholder, until he fain would close his eyes to shut out the bewildering scene. This portion of the nesting was the first formed, and the young birds were just ready to leave the nests. Scarcely a tree could be seen but contained from five to fifty nests, according to its size and branches. Directed by the noise of chopping and falling trees, we followed on, and soon came upon the scene of action. Here was a large force of Indians and boys at work, slashing down the timber and seizing the young birds as they fluttered from the nest. As soon as caught, the Efforts to Check the Slaughter 85 heads were jerked off from the tender bodies with the hand, and the dead birds tossed into heaps. Others knocked the young fledglings out of the nests with long poles, their weak and untried wings failing to carry them beyond the clutches of the assistant, who, with hands reeking with blood and feathers, tears the head off the living bird, and throws its quivering body upon the heap. Thousands of young birds lay among the ferns and leaves dead, having been knocked out of the nests by the promiscuous tree-slashing, and dying for want of nourishment and care, which the parent birds, trapped off by the netter, could not give. The squab-killers stated that ‘“‘about one-half of the young birds in the nests they found dead,” owing to the latter reason. Every available Indian, man and boy, in the neighbor- hood was in the employ of buyers and speculators, kill- ing squabs, for which they received a cent apiece. Early in the morning, Len, with his land-looker’s pack and half-ax, and the writer, started out to ‘look land.” Taking the course indicated by the obliging small boy, we soon struck into an old Indian trail which led us through another portion of the nesting, where the birds for countless numbers surpassed all calculation. The chirping and noise of wings were deafening and conversation, to be audible, had to be carried on at the top of our voices. On the shores of the lake where the birds go to drink, when flushed by an intruder, the 86 The Passenger Pigeon rush of wings of the gathered millions was like the roar of thunder and perfectly indescribable. An hour’s walk brought us to a ravine which we cautiously approached. Directed by the commotion in the air, we soon dis- covered the bough house and net of the trapper. Evi- dence being what we sought, we stood concealed behind some bushes to await the spring of the trap. The black muck bed soon became blue and purple with pigeons lured by the salt and sulphur, when suddenly the net was sprung over with a “whiz,” retaining hun- dreds of birds beneath it, while those outside its limits flew to adjacent trees. We now descended from the brink of the hill to the net, and there beheld a sickening sight not soon forgotten. On one side of the bed of a little creek was spread the net, a double one, covering an area when thrown, of about ten by twenty feet. Through its meshes were stretched the heads of the fluttering captives vainly struggling to escape. In the midst of them stood a stalwart pigeoner up to his knees in the mire and bespattered with mud and blood from head to foot. Passing from bird to bird, with a pair of blacksmith’s pincers, he gave the neck of each a cruel grip with his remorseless weapon, causing the blood to burst from the eyes and trickle down the beak of the helpless cap- tive, which slowly fluttered its life away, its beautiful plumage besmeared with filth and its bed dyed with its Efforts to Check the Slaughter 87 crimson blood. When all were dead, the net was raised, many still clinging to its meshes with beak and claws in their death grip and were shaken off. They were then gathered, counted, deposited behind a log with many others and covered with bushes, and the death trap set for another harvest. Scarcely able to conceal our indignation, we sat upon the bank and questioned this hero, learning that he had pursued the business for years, and had caught as high as 87 dozen in one day, learning later that he caught and killed upon that day, 82 dozen, or 984 birds. This outrage was perpetrated within 100 rods of the nests and in plain hearing of the nesting sounds, instead of two miles away, as the law prescribes. After gaining some further information, the old gray-headed land- looker and his companion withdrew, bidding the pigeon pirate good-day, and leaving him none the wiser for the visit. Out of sight we worked our way back to the road, overtook the stage and returned to Petoskey. The next day the writer swore out a warrant and caused the arrest of the offender, who could not do other- wise than plead guilty, and had the satisfaction of see- ing him pay over his fine of $50 for his poor knowledge of distances. The shooting done at the nesting was in the most flagrant violation of the protective laws. The five-mile limit was a dead letter. The shotgun brigade went where they listed, and shot the birds in the nesting as 88 The Passenger Pigeon they sat in rows on the trees or passed in clouds over- head. Before we arrived, a party of four men shot 826 birds in one day and then only stopping from sheer fatigue. Other parties continued the fusillade until the guns became so foul they could not be used, and would return to the village with a wagon-box full of birds. Scores of dead pigeons were left on the grounds to decay, and the woods were full of wounded ones. H. Frayer, a justice of the peace, informed us that a few days previously he had picked up fifteen maimed birds, his neighbor, a Mr. Green, twenty, and a Mr. Cross- man, thirty-six, all in one day, after a shooting party had passed through. The news of the formation of the nesting was not long in reaching the various Indian settlements near Petoskey, and the aborigines came in tens and fifties and in hordes. Some were armed with guns, but the majority were provided with powerful bows, and arrows with round, flat heads two or three inches in diameter. With these they shot under or into the nests, knocked out the squabs to the ground, and raked the old birds which loaded the branches. For miles the roads leading to the nesting were swarming with Indians, big and lit- tle, old and young, squaws, pappooses, bucks and young braves, on ponies, in carts and on foot. Each family brought its kit of cooking utensils, axes, a stock of provi- sions, tubs, barrels and firkins to pack the birds in, and came intending to carry on the business until the nesting UPPER SPECIMEN, PASSENGER PIGEON (E£ctopistes Migratoria) LOWER SPECIMEN, MOURNING DOVE (Zenaidura Macroura) Frequently mistaken for Passenger Pigeon Efforts to Check the Slaughter 89 broke up. In some sections the woods were literally full of them. With the aid of Sheriff Ingalls, who spoke their lan- guage like a native, we one day drove over 400 Indians out of the nesting, and their retreat back to their farms would have rivaled Bull Run. Five hundred more were met on the road to the nesting and turned back. The number of pigeons these two hordes would have destroyed would have been incalculable. Noticing a handsome bow in the hands of a young Indian, who proved to a son of the old chief, Petoskey, a piece of silver caused its transfer to us, with the remark, ‘‘Keene, kensau, mene sic’”’ (now you can go and shoot pigeons), which dusky joke seemed to be appreciated by the rest of the young chief’s companions. There are in the United States about 5,000 men who pursue pigeons year after year as a business. Pigeon hunters with whom we conversed incognito stated that oi this number there were between 400 and 500 at the Petoskey nesting plying their vocation with as many nests, and more arriving upon every train from all parts of the United States. When it is remembered that the village was alive with pigeoners, that nearly every -house in the vast area of territory covered by the nest- ing sheltered one to six pigeon men, and that many camped out in the woods, the figures will not seem improbable. Every homesteader in the country who owned or could hire an ox team or pair of horses, was go The Passenger Pigeon engaged in hauling birds to Petoskey for shipment, for which they received $4 per wagon load. To “keep peace in the family” and avoid complaint, the pigeon men fitted up many of the settlers with nets, and in- structed them in the art of trapping. Added to these were the buyers, shippers, packers, Indians and boys, making not less than 2,000 persons (some placed it at 2,500) engaged in the traffic at this one nesting. Fully fifty teams were engaged in hauling birds to the railroad station. The road was carpeted with feathers, and the wings and feathers from the packing-houses were used by the wagon load to fill up the mud holes in the road for miles out of town. For four men to attempt to effect a work, having for oppo- nents the entire country, residents and non-residents included, was no slight task. The majority of the pigeoners were a reckless, hard set of men, but their repeated threats that they would “buckshot us” if we interfered with them in the woods failed to inspire the awe that was intended. It was four against 2,000. What was accomplished against such fearful odds may be seen by the following: The regular shipments by rail before the party com- menced operations were sixty barrels per day. On the 16th of April, just after our arrival, they fell to thirty- five barrels, and on the 17th down to twenty barrels per day, while on the 22d the shipments were only eight barrels of pigeons. On the Sunday previous there were Efforts to Check the Slaughter gI shipped by steamer to Chicago 128 barrels of dead birds and 108 crates of live birds. On the next Sabbath following our arrival the shipments were only forty- three barrels and fifty-two crates. Thus it will be seen that some little good was accomplished, but that little was included in a very few days of the season, for the treasury of the home clubs would not admit of keep- ing their representatives longer at the nesting, the State clubs, save one, did not respond to the call for assist- ance, and the men were recalled, after which the Indians went back into the nesting, and the wanton crusade was renewed by pigeoners and all hands with an energy which indicated a determination to make up for lost time. | The first shipment of birds from Petoskey was upon March 22, and the last upon August 12, making over twenty weeks, or five months, that the bird war was carried on. For many weeks the railroad shipments averaged fifty barrels of dead birds per day—thirty to forty dozen old birds and about fifty dozen squabs being packed in a barrel. Allowing 500 birds to a barrel, and averaging the entire shipments for the season at twenty-five barrels per day, we find the rail shipments to have been 12,500 dead birds daily, or 1,500,000 for the summer. Of live birds there were shipped 1,116 crates, six dozen per crate, or 80,352 birds. | These were the rail shipments only, and not including the cargoes by steamers from Petoskey, Cheboygan, 92 The Passenger Pigeon Cross Village and other lake ports, which were as many more. Added to this were the daily express shipments in bags and boxes, the wagon loads hauled away by the shotgun brigade, the thousands of dead and wounded ones not secured, and the myriads of squabs dead in the nest by trapping off of the parent birds soon after hatch- ing (for a young pigeon will surely die if deprived of its parents during the first week of its life), and we have at the lowest possible estimate a grand total of 1,000,000,000 pigeons sacrificed to Mammon during the nesting of 1878. The task undertaken in behalf of justice and human- ity was a Herculean one, but backed up by such true sportsmen as A. H. Mershon and Wm. J. Loveland, of East Saginaw, and Judge Holmes, S. A. Van Dusen, D. H. Fitzhugh, Jr., and others of Bay City, as well as by the sentiment of every humane citizen of the State, we could not do other than follow the advice of Davy Crockett, and being sure we were right, we decided to “go ahead.” ‘The question of a wise protection to the game and fish of our State is one in which the writer holds a deep and fervent interest, and in serving this cause, he will swerve from no duty, nor shrink from consequences in the discharge of that duty. The foregoing article is the result of an honest con- viction that the best interests of the State demanded a full exposure of the methods by which the pigeon is threatened with extinction. AMONG THE PIGEONS. A Reply to Professor Roney’s Account of the Michigan Nestings of 1878. —BY— BE. T. MARTIN, In the Curcaago F1ELp, Jan. 25, 1879. SP aM ALE' GEONS FOR 5, E. T. Martin’s Headquarters at Boyne Falls, Michigan, during the Nesting of 1878. Fac-simile reproduction of circular, issued 1879, showing E. T. Martin’s pigeon headquarters at Boyne Falls, Mich. CHAPTER IX The Pigeon Butcher’s Defense By E. T. Martin, from the «* American Field,’’ Chicago, January 25, 1879. The preceding chapter by Prof. H. B. Roney in American Field, was answered by E. T. Martin, a game dealer of Chicago, who afterwards issued a pamphlet, the first page of which is herewith reproduced, and I make quite extensive extracts from the body of the circular, which incidentally advertises Martin as ‘‘the largest dealer in live pigeons for trap shooting in the world, also a dealer in guns, glass balls, traps, nets, etc.” I call the reader’s attention to the following: In the table given of the shipments from Petoskey and Boyne Falls, etc., during 1878, Martin estimates the number shipped alive from Cheboygan as 89,730, yet H. T. Phillips of Detroit, shows from his records that he alone shipped from that point 175,000 that year. So if Martin’s estimates are all as far wrong as this one, he should account for a total shipment of over 2,000,000 pigeons. In Martin’s circular, he seems to take offense at some remarks Prof. Roney has made in this article that reflect upon the character of these netters, for Martin uses in quotation marks the following: ‘‘A reckless, hard set of men, pirates, etc.,’’ which seems to have some foundation in fact, as Martin says: ‘In proof of the pigeons feeding squab indiscriminately, I may mention the fact that one of the men in my employ this year, while at the Shelby nesting in 1876 in one afternoon shot and killed six hen pigeons that came to feed the one squab in the same nest.” Further comment is unnecessary.—W. B. M. LITTLE after the middle of March a body of birds began nesting some twelve miles north of Petoskey, near Pickerel Lake. About April 8 another and larger body “‘set in” along Maple and Indian Rivers, and Burt Lake, and near Cross Village, there being in all some seven or eight distinct nestings, 93 94 The Passenger Pigeon covering perhaps, of territory actually occupied by the nesting, a tract some fifteen miles long and three of average width, or forty-five square miles. The principal catch was made from the Crooked and Maple rivers nestings, and when the former “broke,” which was about May 25, the pigeoners pulled up and left, many going home, and others to the Boyne Falls nesting, some thirty miles south, which “set in” at about the same time. This gave a duration of two and one-third months to the Petoskeynesting proper, though it is true that, feed being abundant, some very few birds remained around, roosting for a little longer. The Boyne Falls nesting lasted something over a month and broke early in July; from this the catch was very light. After that, the only catch was a few young birds taken ‘‘on bait.”’ Besides these nestings, there was one further south on the Manistee River, some twenty-six miles long by five average width, or 130 square miles, in which the birds hatched three times, and from which not a bird was caught, as it was an impenetrable swamp, and the putting of birds on the market would be attended with such expense as to destroy the profit. There were also one or two smaller ones, east of this one. These com- prised the Michigan nestings, in addition to which, at Sheffield, Pa., there was fully as large a body, and fully as large a catch as at the Crooked and Maple nestings, the birds hatching there, I think, three times, The Pigeon Butcher’s Defense 95 each hatching taking four weeks, from the beginning of nest building to the time the old birds leave the young. It is true, however, that birds were shipped from Petoskey the middle of August, but they were birds belonging to me that I was holding there for a market, my Chicago pens being full. Every bird of them had been in my possession for a month previous, and many for six weeks. So the actual pigeon business lasted not five months, as Prof. Roney says, but about three; part of which time the total catch was not fifty dozen per day. * * * * * They (Prof. Roney et al.) came to Petoskey with a great flourish of trumpets, hired expensive livery rigs to ride around the country in, made one or two arrests, secured one conviction by default, were defeated in every case that came to trial, had one of the party play the rdle of “terrible example” in the trout case, and then went home, and in the face of the fact that they had eaten, or known of having been eaten, hundreds of pigeons, and of the certainty that the report was false, had published in the Saginaw paper a report that the pigeons then being caught in Michigan were feeding on poisoned berries, and the using them for food had caused much sickness, and in one or two instances loss of life. This was not only published in the home papers, but was telegraphed to New. York, Boston, Chicago, St. 96 The Passenger Pigeon Louis and Cincinnati, and marked copies of the notice sent to the press of neighboring citir:. the avowed object being to cause such a decline in price as to force the netters to quit. It was based on the idea that most of them were men of small means, and that unless ready market offered for their birds, they must give out. The effect was to cause a drop in price of fifty cents a dozen in New York and Boston in a single day, to cause the price in Chicago to decline to twenty cents per dozen, and to take the last cent out of the pockets of a hundred netters, leaving many who became discouraged and had to walk long distances to their homes, dependent on chance for even a mouthful to eat. Many, though, held out. Telegrams of denial were sent, and the mar- ket in a week or two rallied somewhat, though it was a month before prices in the East touched the same figure as when the “poison-berry” telegrams were received. During the week when prices were lowest I refused to buy many dead birds offered me at five cents per dozen, preferring to lend the netter money, or to advance it on his next catch to be saved alive. And, by the way, let me say that killing the pigeons by pincers is an instantaneous and painless death, the neck being broken by a single movement, and the flutter- ing spoken of being the same seen in any bird shot through the head, or with the head cut off. But had the market remained unbroken, had this infamous pois- oned berry story never been started, no such net results The Pigeon Butcher’s Defense 97 in way of profit would have been reached as Prof. Roney says. Under very favorable circumstances, a good netter in such a season as we had in 1878, would make from $100 to $200, but by far the larger portion would not reach $100 over expenses. At the Crooked and Maple nestings day in and day out the average catch was about twenty dozen per day to each net and two men. These sold, except immediately after the “‘poisoned berry story,” at from twenty to thirty cents per dozen head, at the net, or if the catcher was saving alive, in which case his catch would be one- third smaller, owing to the trouble of handling the live birds, he would get from thirty-five to forty-five cents. The principal object in saving them alive was that no birds spoiled from warm weather, and at my pens close by the nesting they would be received at any hour, while to sell dead birds it was necessary to depend on some chance buyer or to haul to Petoskey, fourteen miles dis- tant. At Boyne Falls prices were a little higher, say twenty-five for dead and fifty cents for live, but the average catch was not five dozen per day to each net. There were exceptions both ways, which went of course to make up the average, the most notable being that of the 2,000 dozen caught by one party, not in ten days, but in twenty, employing two nets and six men. This I know, for I was at the net and saw part of the catch- ing, while Prof. Roney never got that far. This 2,000 dozen was shipped East and netted the catchers just 98 The Passenger Pigeon fifteen cents a dozen at the net, or $300 for twenty days’ work for six men and two nets, while on the other hand, during the same time, many better catchers who had not been lucky in location hadn’t made enough to pay for board. Names, locations, etc., can be furnished if Prof. Roney desires. The Professor then goes on to lament his failure before our Emmett County jury. The reason why is very simple, he never proved his case. This whole pigeon trade was a perfect Godsend to a large portion of Emmett County. The land outside of Petoskey is taken up by homesteaders, who, between clearing their land, scanty crops, poor soil, large families, and small capital, are poorer than Job’s turkey’s prodigal son, and in years past have had all they could do fighting famine and cold, and but a year or so since all Michigan was sending relief to keep them from starving, thou- sands of dollars being contributed, and then most har- rowing tales being told of need and destitution. The “pirates and bummers”’ left some $35,000 in good greenbacks right among the most needy of these people. Many were enabled to buy a team, others to clear more land, more to increase their crops, and all to lay in provisions and clothing to meet the bitter winter we are now passing through, and this money did more to open up Emmett County than years of ordinary work. It put scorces of honest, hard-working home- steaders on their feet; it increased trade, and, if sent The Pigeon Butcher’s Defense 99 by a special act of Providence, could not have done more good. Such being the case, can any blame be given an Emmett County jury if they required evidence direct and to the point before convicting? And in no case that came to trial was direct evidence given. So the four true “sportsmen” there in behalf of justice and humanity, had such a cold reception from all, that they concluded strategy beat that kind of work all to death, pulled up stakes and hurried home, and worked up the poisoned berry business. * * * * * Now, about the merciless slaughter. Prof. Roney estimates 1,500,000 dead and 80,000 live birds as the shipments, and then goes on to say that one billion birds have been destroyed! What logic. I have official figures before me, and they show that the shipments from Petoskey and Boyne Falls were: Petoskey, dead, by express............... 490,000 Petoskey, alive, by express............... 86,400 Boyne Pails, dead cicsc00e28hoerevenes 47,100 Boyne Falls, alive... ca scaaaewwerwe eeu 42,696 Petoskey, dead, by boat, estimated........ 110,000 Petoskey, alive, by boat, estimated......... 33,640 Cheboygan, dead, by boat, estimated....... 108,300 Cheboygan, alive, by boat, estimated....... 89,730 Other points, dead and alive, estimated..... 100,000 OGM cre te gee Oe lA ess 1,107,866 100 The Passenger Pigeon This may be set down as accurate or nearly so, and 1,500,000 will cover the total destruction of birds by net, gun and Indians. The total number of nesting squabs taken by the Indians would not reach 100,000 and not over fifty barrels of these ever reached a market, the Indians smoking the remainder for winter use. No one knows how many birds 1,500,000 are until they see them, and handle a few. As an illustration: To buy and sell 125,000 birds in four months, it took myself, two men and a boy all our time, working from daylight until after dark every day. I doubt if there were a billion birds in all the Crooked and Maple nestings. I am certain that there were not at any one time. I am also certain that more than double as many young birds left those nestings than all the birds caught, killed or destroyed. The morning that the Crooked nesting broke, I was out at daylight, and at the net to see and help one of my men make a strike; for an hour and a half a continuous body of birds half a mile wide and very thick was going out; our strike was twenty-nine dozen, twenty- five dozen young and four dozen old, about the same proportion as the other catchers. This showed that of the immense body over five-sixths were young birds, barely old enough ones remaining to guide the body of young, and this was out of the nesting from which the bulk of the birds had been caught, where the destruction had been the greatest. When it is considered that the The Pigeon Butcher’s Defense IOI Manistee birds hatched three times unmolested, that there was a body several times larger there, than at the Crooked and Maple, and that many from each body went further north entirely out of reach and nested at least once, possibly twice again, some idea may be formed of the immense addition to the army of pigeons from the Michigan nestings of 1878. Many more young birds left the Crooked River nesting alone, than all, old or young, destroyed during the entire season’s pigeoning. Prof. Roney’s lament about the young dying when deprived of the parent bird, and his addition to the number “‘sacrificed to Mammon” from that source, compares favorably with the poisoned berry story, or the attack on Turner. Admitting that 1,500,000 birds were caught and killed, not more than half of these would be old birds, some of which would not be nesting, and from some of which the young had left the nest. If for every one of the 750,000 old birds caught and killed, the squab had died, this would make a total slaughter of 2,250,000, or about one four hun- dred and fiftieth of the number he says. I don’t believe Prof. Roney knows what a billion is. However, there were not 750,000, no, nor 100,000 squabs killed by losing their parents. It is a well- proved fact that the old bird coming in will stop and feed any squab heard crying for food, that in this way they look out for one another’s young, and the orphans 102 The Passenger Pigeon or half-orphans are cared for. It is rare, however, for both old birds to be caught or killed, since the toms and hens when nesting always fly separately, and the chance of both the parents of the squab falling a “‘victim to Mammon,” particularly in a large nesting, is small. As proof of the pigeons feeding squabs indiscriminately, I may mention that one of the men in my employ this year, at the Shelby nesting in 1876, in one afternoon shot and killed six hen pigeons that came to feed the one squab in the same nest. * * * * * Why, Prof. Roney, the catch went on all the same, your party made no difference of note, but the weather was rough and somewhat stormy; the birds didn’t “stool” well, and during the days mentioned the catch was very small, hence the decrease in shipments. Now, regarding the law, it is well enough as it is; one shot- gun near a nesting is more destructive than a dozen nets; the report of the gun causes the birds to rise in thousands, and, when repeated, to leave in a body, regardless of nest or squab, and never to return; as an example, may be mentioned, the Minnesota nesting of 1877, when the birds were driven entirely away. The net is silent; its work occasions no alarm; it makes no cripples, consequently it can be admitted nearer to the nests than its more noisy partner. Protect the pigeons entirely, and a law forbidding catching dur- wv The Pigeon Butcher’s Defense 103 ing nesting time is equivalent to entire protection, and you have northern Michigan overrun with a pest that will destroy the farmer’s seed as fast as sown, and when harvest time approaches, pounce upon a wheat field ready for the reaper and in an hour not leave even enough for the gleaner. Their increase would be more rapid, their stay longer, and in four years not only would the law be repealed, but inducements to slaughter would be heid out to rid the State of the rapidly increas- ing and destructive pests. The pigeon never will be exterminated so long as forests large enough for their nestings and mast enough for their food remain. In conclusion, the pigeons are as much an article of commerce as wheat, corn, hogs, beeves, or sheep. It is no more cruel to kill them for market by the thousand, than it is to countenance the killing at the stock yards in this or any other large commercial center. The paper to-night shows that in six cities over four million hogs have been killed since Nov. 1, 1878, or two and a half months, a larger slaughter than, during the same time, of pigeons at the nestings by nearly threefold. Yet this is not “sacrificing to Mammon.” nn MS (rts, ENG vip prea Ze REY 4 > aia 2D Miscellaneous Notes 219 they supply the inhabitants with a material part of their subsistence, and are sold in the market at Quebec re- markably cheap, often as low as a shilling per dozen, and sometimes even at a less rate. It appears that the pigeon prefers the loftiest and most leafless tree to settle on. In addition to the natural beauty of St. Ann and its environs, the process by which the inhabitants take the pigeons is worth remarking. Upon the loftiest tree, long bare poles are slantingly fixed; small pieces of wood are placed transversely across this pole, upon which the birds crowd; below, in ambush, the sportsman with a long gun enfilades the whole length of the pole, and, when he fires, few if any escape. Innumerable poles are prepared at St. Ann for this purpose. The other method they have of taking them is by nets, by which means they are enabled to preserve them alive, and kill them occasionally for their own use or for the market, when it has ceased to be glutted with them. Behind Madam Fontane’s this sport may be seen in per- fection. The nets, which are very large, are placed at the end of an avenue of trees (for it appears the pigeons choose an avenue to fly down); opposite a large tree, upon erect poles two nets are suspended, one facing the avenue, the other the tree; another is placed over them, which is fixed at one end, and supported by pulleys and two perpendicular poles at the opposite; a man is hid in a small covered house under the tree, with a rope Jeading from the pulleys in his hand. Directly the 220 The Passenger Pigeon pigeons fly against the perpendicular nets, he pulls the rope, when the top net immediately falls and incloses the whole flock; by this process vast numbers are taken.” “Tanner’s Narrative,” a story (authentic) of thirty years among the Indians, published in 1830, refers fre- quently to great numbers of pigeons, and gives their range from the Kentucky, Big Miami and Ohio Rivers ,to Lake Winnipeg, or “The Lake of Dirty Waters.” Mr. Osborn further adds: ‘Tanner was a United States Indian interpreter at the Soo.” William Glazier made a trip to the headwaters of the Mississippi River in 1881 and wrote a book entitled “Down the Mississippi River.” In three different places in this book he mentions seeing wild pigeons. In one place he says that a small flock of pigeons dropped down in the tops of some tall pines near him. In Hayden’s Survey Report, Interior Department, as given in Coues’ “Birds of the Northwest,” 1874, it is mentioned that wild pigeons were found on the Pacific coast, and Cooper reports them in the Rocky Moun- tains. [High authority, but it must have referred to the band-tailed pigeon.—W. B. M.] From the foregoing chapters I have summarized the latest reports of the presence of the wild pigeon in its former haunts. These instances have been reported as follows: Miscellaneous Notes 221 N. W. Judy & Co., St. Louis, Mo., the largest dealers in poultry and game in that section, said, in 1895, they had had no wild pigeons for two years; the last they received were from Siloam Springs, Ark. This would mean that they were on the market during the season of 1893. Until 1890 frequent reports were recorded of pigeons seen singly, in pairs and in small flocks. In 1891 Mr. F. M. Woodruff, Assistant Curator of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, secured a pair at Lake Forest, Ill. A nest with two eggs and two birds were collected by C. B. Brown of Chicago in the spring of 1893 at English Lake, Ind. In September, 1893, three were reported in Lake County, I. In April of the same year, a male pigeon was re- ported as having been seen in Lincoln Park, III. Mr. R. W. Stafford of Chicago, IIl., reported seeing a flock in the latter part of September, 1894, at Ma- rengo, Ill. Mr. John L. Stockton, Highland Park, Ill., reported that while trout fishing on the Little Oconto River, Wis., early in June, 1895, he saw a flock of ten pigeons for several consecutive days near his camp. A young female was killed at Lake Forest, IIl., in August, 1895. 223 The Passenger Pigeon In October, 1895, Dr. Ernest Copeland of Mil- waukee killed one in Delta, Northern Peninsula, Mich. On December 17, 1896, C. N. Holden, Jr., while hunting quail in Oregon County, Mo., observed a flock of about fifty birds. Chief Pokagon reports there was a small nesting of pigeons near the head waters of the Au Sable River in Michigan, during the spring of 1896. A. Fugleburg of Oshkosh, Wis., reports that on the morning of August 14, 1897, he saw a flock of pigeons flying over Lake Winnebago from Fisherman’s Island ‘to Stony Brook. This flock was followed by six more flocks containing from thirty-five to eighty pigeons each. The same observer reports that on September 2, 1897, a friend of his reported having seen a flock of about twenty-five near Lake Butte des Mortes, Wis. W. F. Rightmire reports that while driving along the highway north of Cook, Johnson County, Neb., August 18, 1897, he saw a flock of seventy-five to one hundred birds; some feeding on the ground, others perched in the trees. A. B. Covert of Ann Arbor, President at one time of the Michigan Ornithological Club, reports seeing stray birds during 1892 and 1894, and states also that on October 1, 1898, he saw a flock of 200 and watched them nearly all day. Miscellaneous Notes 22% T. E. Douglas of Grayling reports seeing a flock of ten near West Branch, Mich., in 1895, and in 1900 he saw three on one of the branches of the Au Sable River in Michigan. In 1897 C. S. Osborn of Sault Ste Marie reported having seen a single wild bird flying with the tame pigeons around the town. In 1897 or 1898 C. E. Jennison of Bay City saw six or seven at Thunder Bay Island near Alpena, Mich. In 1900 Neal Brown of Wausau, Wis., killed one near Babcock, Wis., in September. George King of Otsego County, Mich., in 1900 saw a flock of one dozen or more birds on the Black River, and he says he heard two “holler” in 1902, but was unable to find them. In May, 1905, he is certain he saw six near Vanderbilt, Mich. John Burroughs reports that a friend of his, Charles W. Benton, saw a large flock of wild pigeons near Prattsville, Greene County, N. Y., in April, 1906. EARLY LEGISLATION TO SAVE THE PIGEON Wild pigeons were used largely by trap-shooters for tournaments. In 1881, 20,000 of them were killed in one of these trap-shooting butcheries on Coney Island, N.Y. The following editorial protest against this out- rage appeared in Forest and Stream, July 14, 1881: 224 The Passenger Pigeon Mr. Bergh’s Anti-Pigeon Bill.—Just as we go to press we learn that the Senate Fes passed the bill pre- pared by Mr. Henry Bergh prohibiting the trap-shoot- ing of pigeons. The bill awaits Governor Cornell’s signature before becoming a law. Its provisions are: SECTION 1. Any person who shall keep or use any live pigeon, fowl, or other bird or animal for the pur- pose of a target or to be shot at either for amusement or as a test of skill in marksmanship, and any person who shall shoot at any pigeon, fowl, or other bird or animal, as aforesaid, or be a party to any such shooting of any pigeon, fowl or other bird or animal; and any person who shall rent any building, shed, room, yard, field, or other premises, or shall suffer or permit the use of any building, shed, room, yard, field, or other prem- ises for the purpose of shooting any pigeon, fowl, or other bird or animal, as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 2. Nothing herein contained shall apply to the shooting of any wild game in its wild state. The bill is a direct and not wholly unexpected result of the Coney Island pigeon-killing tournament of the New York State Association for the Protection of Fish and Game. Had the sport of pigeon shooting been con- fined to individual clubs of gentlemen testing their skill at the traps, it is doubtful if the matter ever would have received, as it would not have merited, public attention. But when a society, which organized ostensibly for the Miscellaneous Notes 225 protection of game, treats the public to such a spectacle as that at Coney Island, neglects the matter with which it should be concerned and devotes 20,000 pigeons brought from their nesting ground to its wholesale slaughter, its members can hardly look for any other public sentiment than exactly that feeling which has been aroused. An afternoon’s shoot at a few pigeons, and a ten days’ shoot at unlimited numbers of helpless birds—many of them squabs, unable to fly, and others too exhausted to do so—are regarded by the public as two very different things. 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