_-7091.2.23/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell Universit | Cc 295 rfa il | tana DATE DUE {NTERLIBRARY LOAN GAYLORD PRINTEDINU.S.& Annex Library es 71 Ca495 {877 THE CARR FAMILY RECOR Ds. EMBACING THE RECORD OF THE FIRST FAMILIES WHO SETTLED IN AMERICA AND THEIR DESCENDANTS, WITH MANY BRANCHES WHO CAME TO THIS COUNTRY AT A LATER DATE. BY EDSON UL. GAP, ROCKTON, ILLINOIS. HERALD PRINTING HOUSE. 1894. TO HON. EGBERT EUGENE CARR, MARLBOROUGH, N. Y., A LIFE LONG PRINTER AND EDITOR, WHOSE EFFICIENT SERVICE HAS BEEN VERY VALUABLE TO THE AUTHOR, THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. 4 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GENERATION. EXPLANATIONS. The column of figures on the left hand side of the page de- notes the number of each individual from one up to the high- est number, so each person has a distinct and individual num- ber, and by this plan anyone can trace his branch of the fami- ly forward or backward at pleasure. The number attached to a child in one generation, is placed in parenthesis after his name inthe next generation, and so on down to the latest gen- eration. To trace backward, reverse the order, and find the number in the left hand column which agrees with the num- ber after the same name in the next higher generation. When there is a cross X sign between the number column and the number of children in a given family, it denotes that the per- son has descendants, and is carried on to the next generation. Names having no sign attached, signify that they either died young, lived and died unmarried, or there is no means to trace them any farther. Thus, 150x1, John Carr, would be John Carr, (150) in the next generation. The index in the back part of the book gives the male and female names of all the Carrs who have married and had fam- ilies, and those where any considerable mention is made of them; also the names of all those who have married into the Carr family. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GENERATION, 5 PREFACE. It is the desire of most people to know something of their ancestors, especially so, when they come from a long line of worthy men and women who have preceded them in the cen- turies which have passed. Prompted by this feeling, the au- thor has spent years of patient toil to procure the matter of this book, and although he has not been able to give it in as thorough and complete a manner as desired, yet he trusts his efforts will be duly appreciated. Perhaps no one can form an adequate idea of the vast amount of labor necessary to com- plete such a work, unless they have had a good deal of expe- rience in such an undertaking. To gather all these facts from a great variety of sources, has cost much money and consumed a long period of time. Thou- ‘sands of letters have been written to all parts of the country where any one by the name of Carr could be found; the re- cords of New England towns have been carefully copied; and every old bible and ancient family document, has been laid under contribution to aid in completing the chain of so many generations of the family in this country. The work might have been vastly more complete in detail, if hundreds who have been addressed on the subject, had manifested interest enough to reply to letters soliciting in- formation. Others have very promptly responded with all the knowledge of family records within their reach, and mani- fested a great desire to aid all they could. The one rendering the greatest help in this direction was Walter Carr, of New York; and Hon. George C. Carr, of Jamestown, R. I, is deserv- ing of much praise for his efficient assistance. In matter of names, the plan has been to closely follow the spelling as received as far as possible, when common usage has not been very much trenched upon, supposing every one has the right to spell his or her own name in their own way. In matter of dates, the old and new style of ealier records are 6 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-FIRST GENERATION. given just as found, and quaint expressions preserved to show the manner of conveying ideas by the early fathers. There are some instances where different dates have been sent in by persons representing the same branch of the family, but in such cases, those most generally agreeing have been followed. Some copies of old wills have been given, and considerable biographical matter of persons who have risen to places of distinction introduced, together with incidents and family ep- isodes to relieve the prolixity of a continuous recital of record matter. ; Hoping my efforts to save the records of our noble family from being lost to posterity will meet with your kind approv- al, Iam very sincerely your Devoted relative, EDSON I. CARR. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GENERATION. 7 HISTORY. The history of the English speaking family of the Carrs and Kerrs is as old as the Norman conquest. One of the follow- ers of William Ist, taken from a charter in Battle Abbey, bears the name of Karre. The early posterity of this Norman soldier, undoubtedly settled in the north of England, and succeeding generations spread on both sides of the border land of Eng- land and Scotland, and afterward into the north of Ireland. The orthography of the original name was modified by the English and Irish branches of the family, from the Norman- French Karre or Carre to the present name of Carr, which has been retained with but few exceptions ever since. The Scotch branch of the family had various ways of spelling the family name, but most generally either Karr, Kerr or Ker. In the first centuries of the Norman rule in England, our family name took on various forms in writing, no doubt, large- ly due to the caprice of different members of the family, or the free and easy manner of writers in those days, who had very little regard for uniformity in such matters. From old docu- ments we find that there were no less than ten different ways to express the name in writing, thus: Carre, Carr, Care, Car, Karre, Karr, Kar, Kerre, Kerr and Ker. Notwithstanding this marked difference in orthography, there was a general uni- formity in the pronounciation of the name; the vowels a and e taking the quality of a in such words as far, mar, etc. Just as various in writing the family name has been the col- ors of their arms and mottos. Although the original arms have always remained the same form olden times to the present— three mullets or etoiles on a chevron—the amplest play has been given to taste, fancy or ignorance of heroic patching with regard to colors. Also the crest, originally a hart’s head, has in like manner been subjected to various changes. This dis- tinguished family in its various branches possessed a great number of arms, many of them the author of this book has copied, but it would cost too much to produce them in this work. 8 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GENERATION. The dificulty of tracing the early families of Carrs in Eng- land centuries back in‘a definite and concise manner, is ex- ceedingly perplexing and attended with many failures and disappointments. The records of the earliest Carrs who settled in this country, date back three centuries,to four brothers who were born in London. Their names were Benjamin, William, George and James Carr. The name of the father of these four sons, the author has been unable to find. The descendants of these brothers, are given in the following pages of the Carr Family Records in as complete a manner as could be obtained. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GENERATION 9 GARR FAMILY RECORDS. First GENERATION. I. BENJAMIN CARR was born in London, Eng., Aug. 18, 1592. He married Martha Hardington, in London, Sept. 2, 1613. They both died in London. Their children were, 2x1. Robert Carr, b. October 4, 1614. 3x2. Caleb Carr, b. December 9, 1616. 4x3. Richard Carr, b. January 5, 1621. 9x4. Andrew Carr, b. December 5, 1622. I. Wititram Carr was born in London, Eng., June 17, 1597. He married Susan Rothchild, in London, May 16, 1619. She was born in Devonshire, Eng., April 30, 1598. They came to America in the fall of 1621, in the ship Fortune, Capt. Roger Williams, with thirty-five passengers on board. They landed at Plymouth, Nov. 7, 1621. They stayed the following winter in Plymouth, and on June 1, 1622, they started in a south-west- erly direction through the trackless wilderness with an Indian for a guide, and after a journey on foot of forty-eight days, they located a home, July 18, 1622, where the town of Bristol, R. L, was afterward built. The town was laid out and named in 1636, by Roger Williams. William Carr died in Bristol, June 4, 1672, and his wife Susan died in the same place, May 3, 1671. They only had 6x1 George Carr, b. March 12,. 1620. ; There is an old bible which has come down to the present generation in the line of William Carr, which is a rare old treasure. It was printed in London in 1585. On the first blank page of this ancient book, is written in a woman’s hand the following valuable record: : “My maiden name was Susan Rothchild. I was born in Devonshire, Eng., in the year of our Lord, A. D. 1598, April 30. I married William Carr, of London, May 16, 1619. He was born 10 CARR FAMILY RECORDS--FIRST GENERATION. in 1597, June 17. Husband says he had a brother George Carr, who went to America in 1620. My husband has a brother Ben- jamin Carr, he was born Aug. 18, 1592. Iam acquainted with him and his family. He has four sons, Robert Carr, born Oct. 4, 1614; Caleb Carr, born Dec. 9, 1616; Richard Carr, born Jan. 5, 1621; Andrew Carr, born Dec. 5, 1622. My son George Carr was born March 12, 1620. My husband had a brother James Carr. He ran away to sea when a boy and we never heard from him.” The following extract of historical interest, is taken from Mrs. William Carr’s diary which is still preserved with the records of the family: “It was a summer day in 1621, as I stood upon our ship’s deck beside my husband with my infant son closely folded to my breast, while our noble captain, Roger Williams, stood. by our side. I took a last view forever of my native isle, and for- ever bid it adieu, and all the scenes of my childhood home. My heart ached while bitter tears blinded my eyes. Never shall I forget the scenes of that day, as We took a last farewell of our friends with many promises that they would soon join us in America.” “Then the order was given by our captain to cast off our moorings, and our ship stood out in the Thames. After all sails were spread we took our course down the river. Each spot along its banks was dear to my soul, and while I was sad, the passengers, there being thirty-five, were singing and making merry that they were going to America. I could .not join them for my heart was very sad.” “We had a pleasant saildown the Thames. Still I gazed upon my native isle with tearful eyes, and watched it when far out at sea, until the last receeding mountain vanished from my view. Our voyage was very pleasant for twenty days out to sea, and then we encountered a storm which lasted all the afternoon and following night. The weather was pleas- ant the rest of the way, and on the 6th day of November, 1621, the anchor was cast at dark some way out at sea for fear of unseen rocks.” “Next morning the boats were lowered and we landed, but what was my surprise! Lucinda, George Carr’s wife, had died early in the spring before. My husband and George his brother and myself went to view her resting place. There with tear- CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GENERATION. di ful eyes I viewed the last resting place of poor Lucinda Dev- enport, whom I had known in England. She had died in a foreign land of privation and cold, and was buried side by side with many others who had shared the same fate. My heart sank within me to think that I should never see Lucinda again. JI had anticipated many happy hours with her, but my youthful hopes were forever blasted.” “We lived with brother George through the winter, living mostly on what game we caught. It was a cold, tedious win- ter with deep snow. Game was plenty such as deer and moose.” “Ona June 1, 1622, husband started south-west for a warmer climate, with a pocket compass and an Indian guide. Brether George wentatwo days’ journey with us, and then returned home. I carried my son George in my arms and on my back through a dense forest settled only with wild beasts and In- dians, but we met with few of the former and none of the latter. After being forty-eight days on our journey, July 18, husband concluded to stop and build a log cabin and to settle for life. In four days, husband, the Indian and myself, finished our log cabin, covering it with poles and peeled bark. My journey through the forest and the hard labor I had done in helping spuild our cabin, had its effect on me, I felt nearly worn out.” “T had left my rich parents and my only brother Robert in England, and had faced the storms and perils of the ocean with my noble companion, and had traveled with him forty- eight days through the forest. To my companion I had given my early love and pledged my hand for life. He was ever kind to me. We both belonged to the society of Friends.” “Before leaving England, father gave me £100 in gold coin, my brother gave me two doubloons in gold. This gold coin I sewed into the wadding of my petticoat. Mother gave me her gold diamond ring which cost £16. She took her gold watch from her pocket and gave it tome. It cost £25. She also gave me her gold locket and the gold chain’'that she wore with her watch, and bade me keep them to remember her by. The lock- et cost £10, and I lost itin my journey through the wilder- ness in coming here, but it was found byan Indian hunter in 1625, and returned to me. I had many happy days hunting deer with husband, as there was plenty of them in the forest, but I often thought of home and the dear ones there. 12 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIRST GENERATION. “Mr, William Codle joined us in 1628, with his wife, son and daughter from England. They belonged to the society of Friends.” “In 1635, Robert and Caleb Carr, husband’s brother Benja- min Carr’s two sons, were sent over from London to live with their uncle William, my husband. We had fine times hunting with the Indians, they were very friendly tous. Our bedding and clothing were nearly all skins and furs like the Indians, but in all these years I was mindful to educate my son George, although we were in a nameless wilderness.” ' “In 1636 Capt. Roger Williams, who had abandoned the sea, moved from Salem, bringing with him a colony of Friends, and settled with us, and set up a school free for all, young and old. The same year he bounded the state and called it Rhode Island, and named our place Bristol. He also surveyed and laid out towns and gave them names.” “A meeting was held at our cabin and we offered up our humble thanks to God, that we had met on this side of the o- cean in a free land, beyond the persecution of Great Britain. How my heart thanked God that our noble captain who brought us safely across the ocean, had come to live with us, and preach and teach us to love God and to keep his command- iments.” - I. GeorGE Carr was born in London, Eng., about 1599. He married Lucinda Devenport and came to America in 1620, on the Mayflower, as a ship carpenter, bringing his young wife with him. He located with the pilgrims at Plymouth, and his wife was one of the unfortunate forty-one who died the follow- ing winter and early spring. A few years later he settled in Ips- wich, and from there removed with the first settler of Cloeches- ter, (Salisbury) Mass. He was granted an island in the Merri- mac river for a home and the purposes of a shipyard, and it was called Carr’s Island. The action of the town in relation to the grant of the island was as follows: “At a general meet- ing of the freemen of the town of Colechester, the 3rd day of the 5th month, 1640, it was ordered yt (that) George Carr shall have the island where he now dwells, as well as the marsh and upland, it being the greatest island within the town lim- its, in the Merrimack river, to him and to his heirs and as- signs forever.” Oct. 7, 1640, it was ordered by the General CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-SECUND GENERATION. 13 Court that “Colechester is henceforth to be called Salisbury.” The island was the home of the Carrs for a number of gen- erations, and the possession of this island gave the family the monopoly of the ferrying business across the river in ye olden times. This ferry at George Carr’s death was considered to be worth £400. Two of the family were drowned while attend- ing the ferry. The large house on Carr's Island was destroyed by fire, May 9, 1797. George Carr died in Salisbury, April 4. 1682, and his second wife Elizabeth, died in the same place, May 6, 1691. Their children, all born in Salisbury, were, 7X1. Elizabeth Carr, b. April 21, 1642. 8x2. George Carr, b. April 15, 1644. 9 38. Richard Carr, b. March 16, 1646, d. April 25, 1649. 10x4, William Carr, b. March 15, 1648. 115. Jame Carr, b, April 28, 1650. 12x6. Mary Carr, b. Feb. 29, 1652. 137. Sarah Carr, b. Dec. 17, 1654. 14 8. John Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1656, d. Dec. 25, 1689. 159. Richard Carr, b. April 2, 1659. 16X10. Ann Carr, b. June 15, 1661. I, JAMES CARR was born in London, Eng., about 1601. He ran away from home when a boy and went to sea, and after- ward became a sea captain. He was drowned while on a voy- age from the West Indies to Boston. It is presumed that he had no family. SECOND GENERATION. IIL. RoBert Carr (2) born in London, Eng., Oct. 4, 1614, came to America with his brother Caleb, on the ship Elizabeth Ann, commanded by Capt. Roger Cooper, which sailed from Lon- don, May 9, 1635. From an old shipping record in London, we find the following: “Calebb Carr, aged 19; and Robert Carr, aged 21, described as a ‘tayler,’ sailed for New England, on the 9th of May, 1635, in the Elizabeth Ann.” These two brothers who were both minors, were sent to America after the death of their parents, to live with their uncle William, who had previously settled in Bristol, R.I. A few years later the two brothers settled in Newport, I. I. Robert Carr was admitted as an inhabitant in Portsmouth, Feb. 21, 1639, and a freeman in Newport, March 16, 1641. He was one of the original purchasers of the island of Conanicut 14 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION, in Narragansett bay, of the Indians, which contained about six thousand acres. He also acquired considerable property in Newport. His will was dated April 20, 1681, as he had de- | termined on a voyage to New York and New Jersey. He-died in 1681, and his will was proved, Oct. 4, 1681. The following is a copy of his last will and testament: “Being now in my perfect health and memory, and being bound on a voyage to New York and New Jersey, and aged sixty-seven, and not knowing how the Lord may deal with me in my intended voyage, and knowing certainly that I must once die, though uncertain when, yet being desirous to set my house in order, do make and appoint this to be my last will and testament.” “Imprimis._I_ commit my soul into the arms of Jesus Christ my Redeemer, and my body to the dust, to be decently buried, and so my worldly estate I dispose of as followeth:” “Firstly, I give and bequeath to my loving wife, all my house- hold stuff and movables, excepting my sheep at Conanicut, and £20 in money to be paid her yearly during her natural, life by my sons hereinafter named.” “Second, I give to my eldest child, Caleb Carr, all my land at Conanicut, alias Jamestown, he paying my wife £10 a year in money during her natural life, and pay John Hicks, his children by my daughter Mary, £20.” “Third, I give my son Robert Carr,and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, my dwelling house and wharf from the corner post that leads into the well yard upon a straight line to the sea, (only the privilege of the highway between the house and the well yard to be common up to John Brown’s house, and the wharf to be free for my sons and daughters for any goods they shall bring on or off of said wharf,) and to have all the land upon the straight line from that post adjoining to the house and pasture, except what is given to my son-in-law, James Brown, and the privilege of the well and a way to it, and pay to his mother £7 in money yearly during her natural life.” “Fourth, I give to my son Ksek, all my land from the corner post of the well yard next to the street side of land I sold Nich- olas Davis, now in possession of Francis Brinley and Caleb Carr, together with the privilege of the highway between the house and the land and a highway down to my wharf, and the CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION. 15 privilege of the wharf, only the well to be common and free for my mansion dwelling house, and a highway to it for him and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, to enjoy the same and to pay to his mother yearly £3 in money.” “Fifth, I give and bequeath to my son-in-law James Brown, and to his child he hath by my daughter Elizabeth, all that land he hath built upon and fenced in, with two rods in length more or less, even with his land as it is fenced in the upper- most piece behind his house next to Mr. Brenton’s, with the privilege of the highway from the Broad street to his house and land.” “Sixth, I give and bequeath to my daughter Margaret, all my sheep at Conanicut, alias Jamestown, and the horseflesh to be sold and the value of them to be returned to her, except one yearling colt come of a young mare which I gave my son Caleb.” “IT do nominate and appoint my beloved wife executrix and my two sons, Caleb atid Robert Carr, executors to this my last will and testament, and as overseers I desire my brother Caleb Carr and Walter Clarke to be everseers to see my will to all intents and purposes be performed. ROBERT Carr. Signed. sealed and published, before us, April 20, 1681, Henry Dyre, JoHN WILLIAMS.” “John Williams and Heary Dyre appeared before the coun- cil, the 4th day of October, 1681, and upon. their engagements declared that they saw Robert Carr, deceased, of Newport, sign and own the above written will to be his last will, and that he was in perfect health and memory. Taken before the court, WESTON CLARKE, Clerk.” The name of Robert Carr’s wife is not known, nor when she > died. Their children were as follows: 17x1. Caleb Carr. 18x2. Elizabeth Carr. 19x3. Mary Carr. 204. Robert Carr. 215. Esek Carr. 226. Margaret Carr. Il. Gov. CALEB Carr (3) bornin London, Eng., Dec. 9, 1616, came to America with his brother Robert, on the ship Eliza- beth Ann, which sailed from London, May 9, 1635. He settled in 16 CARK FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION. Newport, R. L, with his brother Robert about 1640. He held many offices of public trust and honor during his lifetime, and accumulated considerable property. He was general treasur- er from May 21, 1661, to May 22, 1662. In 1687-8, he was justice of the General Quarterly Session and Inferior Court of Com- mon Pleas. He was governor of the colony in 1695, which last office he held till his death, which occurred on the 17th day of December, of the same year. He was drowned. In religious belief he was a Friend or Quaker. He had seven children by his first wife Mercy, (probably Mercy Vaughan) who died Sept. 21, 1675, and was buried in the family burying ground. The inscription on her gravestone reads as follows: “Here lieth interred ye body of Mercy Carr, first wife of Caleb Carr, who departed this life ye 21st day of September, in ye 45th year of her age, and in the year of our Lord, 1675. His second wife was Sarah Clarke, (Widow Pinner) daughter of Jeremiah Clarke, and sister of Gov. Walter Clarke, and by whom he had four children. She was born in 1651 and died in 1706. He died Dec. 17, 1695, and was buried in the family burying ground on Mill street, beside his first wife. The inscription on his tombstone reads: “Here lieth interred the body of Caleb Carr, governor of this colony, who departed this life ye 17th day of December, 1695, in ye 73rd (79) year of his age.” The following is a copy of Gov. Caleb Carr’s last will and testament: “In the name of God, Amen. The eighth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ninety- three or four, 1693-4, I, Caleb Carr, of Newport, on Rhode Island, in their Majesty’s colony of Rhode Island, King’s Province and Providence Plantation, in New England, in America, be- TS cancas .... years of age, and being now of perfect mind and memory, (thanks be given unto God,) therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appoint- ed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner and form following: That is to say, first and principally, I give my soul into the hands of God who gave it me, and for my body, I commend it to ye earth, to be buried in christian and decent manner; and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION, 17 in this life. I give, demise, bequeath and dispose in manner and form following:” “Tmprimis.—That all just debts which I do owe unto any person or persons be paid in convenient time after my decease by my executors hereinafter named.” “Item.—Unto my dear wife, Sarah Carr, I give and bequeath forty pounds in money, to be paid her within a year’s time after my decease, and three gold rings that now she hath, one of which my will is that she shall give to my daughter Sarah Carr, and another daughter Elizabeth Carr, and the other to whom she pleaseth. Also, I give and bequeath to my said wife Sarah Carr, a silver possnet and the cover belonging to it and two silver spoons, and one milch cow, forty sheep, a horse or mare, whether of which she shall make choice of, of mine, also my great looking-glass and the new great bible. Further, I do give unto my said wife Sarah Carr, the fifth part of the beds and bedding, pewter and brass, and the fifth part of all other household stuff that I do not now dispose of by this my will, nor shall not dispose of before the time of my decease. Fur- ther, I give and bequeath unto my said wife Sarah Carr, my Negro woman Hannah. Further, my will is that my said wife Sarah Carr, shall have after my decease, the house wherein my son John Carr now liveth, on the back side of my dwell- ing house, to live in during the time of her widowhood, togeth- er with privilege in the yard convenient to lay her wood, and in use of the well for her own use for herself and family, and the use of the lower garden to the eastward of the yard, as it is new fenced in with rail and wharfage, free for her own oc- cupation without charge to her.” “Ttem.—I give and bequeath unto my son Nicholas Carr, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forev- er, my farm, being and lying on the island of Conanicut, con- taining by estimation seven score acres, which I formerly leas- ed unto him for about twenty years, as by said lease may ap- pear, with dwelling house he now dwelleth in thereon, and all other out houses, buildings and fences thereon as privileges thereunto or belonging, as also that right in the share of Dutch island which belongeth to the said farm. Further, I give and bequeath to my said son, Nicholas Carr, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, forty acres of land lying on the west side of the highway, over against my brother Rob- 18 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION. ert Carr, his land on the said Conanicut island, as also ten acres of land on the said island which I purchased of John Peck- ham, jr., and also twelve acres of land at the head of the forty acres aforesaid, which twelve acres I purchased or bought of Benedict Arnold. Further, | give and bequeath to my son Nich- olas Carr, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, one-fourth of my share of land at Gould island, as also twenty-five feet in length of land from the west end of my ware house now standing upon my wharf here in Newport; the said land to be twenty foot in breadth, that if he see cause he may build upon it, or otherwise improve it. Further, I give and bequeath unto my said son Nicholas Carr, his heirs and ° assigns, my great bible, my seal ring and my little cabinet. Further, my will is that my said son Nicholas Carr, his heirs or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid unto my now wife Sarah Carr, yearly during the time of her widowhood, twenty shill- ings a year in wood or provisions, equivalent to money, and that my said son Nicholas Carr shall have privilege of my wharf here in Newport, for his own occasions.” “Ttem.—l give and bequeath unto my son Caleb Carr, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, the land at Conanicut, which I bought of Jirah Bull, Thomas Wat- erman and Richard Dunn, with the house and housing now upon it which he now liveth in with the right in Dutchisland belonging unto the said land, and also one quarter, or one fourth part of my land at Gould island, and the gold ring I do now wear, commonly called hand in hand and heart between, and my desk with draws for writings. Further, my will is, that my son Caleb Carr, shall pay unto my now wife, Sarah Carr, yearly during the time of her widowhood, twenty shillings a year in wood or provisions equivalent to money, delivered her here upon the wharf, I do also give and bequeath unto my said son Caleb Carr, his heirs, executors administrators and assigns, forever, all my right, title and interest in the forty-eight acres of land which I purchased of the said Arnold.” “Item.—I give and bequeath unto my son John Carr, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, my dwelling house I now live in above the highway here in Newport, with all the housings and land and gardens there- unto belonging, (all which land I bought of Mr. Benedict Arnold in his life-time,) all which I give unto my said son John CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION. 19 Carr, as above mentioned, only reserving the out house where- in he now liveth and the garden next to the said house, for my wife Sarah Carr, to enjoy and improve during the time of her widowhood, and privilege to lay her wood in and to the well for water, and to the cellar of the great house to make a little room therein for her own use with privilege to go thereto. Also, I give and bequeath unto my son John Carr, his heirs, execu- tors, administrators and assigns, forever, my whole part of Rose island and the whole of my warehouse standing upon my wharf here in Newport; and all my woolen apparel, the grate, andirons, jack for the chimney, the great tongs and fire shovel, one iron spit and the great table in the hall or parlor of my dwelling house and the forms belonging to it.” “Item.—I give and bequeath unto my son Edward Carr, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, fifty acres and half acre of land at Conanicut, which I bought of Jeremiah Willets, and sixty-five acres of land on said Conani- cut island which I bought of John Greene and Henry Bassett, as also ye right to Dutch island belonging to the said land all ye privileges belonging to those lands, and also one-fourth part of my half of Gould island, and my Indian boy named Tom, my pair of little ‘stilliards, my wearing linen, and whatsoever I have formerly given unto him, andthe chest that stands in ye hall, which I had of Moses Pachoo, the Jew.” “Item.—I give and bequeath unto my son Francis Carr, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, one-half of my right to the house and land in Newport, that I bought of Mr. Anthony Haywood, and also my one-half share of land at Cowset, that I bought of Major John Greene, and al- so a twenty shilling piece of gold, a silver spoon, and one-fifth part of my household stock, beds, bedding and furniture that I may leave behind me at my decease.” “Item.—I give and bequeath unto my son James Carr, and to his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, one-half of my right unto the house and land in Newport, which I bought of Mr. Anthony Haywood, and also my right in Misquammacuck lands, and a piece of gold and ‘a ‘silver spoon, and one-fifth part of my household stuff, beds) bedding and furniture that I may leave behind me at my decease.” , “Ttem.—I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Paine, and to her husband Thomas Paine, or ‘the longest liver of 20 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SECOND GENERATION. them, all the land which I purchased of the town of Newport, adjoining to the house of my said Thomas Paine hath let un- to Mr. William Brindley, here in Newport, which said house was purchased of my son Caleb Carr; also I gave unto them or the longest liver of them, one-fourth part of my share of Gould island, and whatsoever I have formerly given her. Fur- ther, I give and bequeath to my daughter Mercy Paine, my silver beer bowl, to be kept by her in remembrance of me as long as she liveth, and at her decease to be disposed of to whom she pleaseth.” “Item.—I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Carr, and to her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, the house and land thereunto belonging, which I bought of Henry Palmer, here in Newport; and also a twenty shilling piece of gold, a silver spoon, one-fifth part of my household stuff, bed, bedding and furniture that I may leave behind at my decease, and within two years after my decease, five pounds in money to be paid her by my executors.” “Ttem.—I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Carr, and to her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, forever, ye house and land which I bought of Ruth Pierce, in the which Thomas Paine now liveth here in Newport, and also my negro boy Joe, my silver caur, twenty sheep, one piece of gold, a silver spoon, and one-fifth part of my household stuff, beds, bedding and furniture that I may leave behind me at my decease, ten pounds in money to be paid by my executors.” “Item.—I give and bequeath to my grandson Job Carr, the son of my son Samuel Carr, the house wherein John Davis now liveth at the sign of ye ship here in Newport, and ye long house above it, and all ye land I bought of Mr. Arnold, west- ward of the highway and northward of a highway which be- longeth to the said housings, all of which I give and bequeath to my said grandson Job Carr, his heirs, executors, adminis- trators or assigns, forever, only reserving a cart way to the warehouse and wharf, and my will is that what I have herein given to my grandson Job Carr, shall be kept in the hands of my executors until he comes of age, and then delivered: unto him, and in ye mean time the income thereof to be paid by them toward the bringing him up.” “Ttem.—My will is that if any of my sons, Nicholas, Caleb, John and Edward Carr, or my grandson Job Carr, son of my CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION. 21 son Samuel Carr, should die without heirs, then whatI have given to either of them shall be equally divided amongst the rest that shall survive them; they my said sons, Nicholas, Ca- leb, John and Edward Carr, and Samuel the father of my grandson Job Carr, having all had one mother. And if any of my four children which I have had by my now wife Sarah Carr, should die without heirs, then what I have given to ei- ther of them shall be equally divided amongst the rest of these four, for they likewise had all one mother. Further, my will is, that if my wife Sarah Carr, the mother of these four last children, Francis, James, Sarah and Elizabeth, which I had by her, see cause to take all or any of them for ye .bringing of them up, she shall have the estate which I have given to them committed to her management for ye bringing them up till they ccme of age,‘and then by her delivered unto them, the boys their part when they arrive to be twenty-one years of age, and the girls their part at eighteen years of age, or on day of inarriage. But if she ought not thereof, then they shall be tak- en care of and brought up to learning at the discretion of my executors according to this my will. And futher, my will is, that if my wife Sarah Carr ought not of, nor be satisfied with what I shall have given her by this my will in lieu of her dow- ery, and give discharge under her hand and seal that my es- tate shall not be troubled or disturbed by herself or any other peison, by, from, or under her, in the hands of these I have be- queathed it unto; but on ye contrary shall cause disturbance unto them in the possession thereof about her dowery, then my willis, that my executors shall take all my estate both real and personal into their hands, and whatsoever she shall recov- er, shall be abated out of what estate I gave unto my four children which I had by her, and in lieu thereof, only twenty pounds apiece shall be paid to each of them by my executors hereafter named, and for all other lands that are mine and not disposed of by me in this my will, I give and bequeath to my grand children, to be equally divided between them.” “And this my last will and testament, I make and ordain my well beloved sons, Nicholas Carr and Caleb Carr, my full and whole executors, and if one of them die, then my will is that the other of them yt shall survive shall be full and whole executor thereunto, and do hereby utterly disallow, revoke, annul and make veid all and evcry other former testament, 22 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION. wills, legacies, bequests and executors, by me in anywise be- fore this time willed and bequeathed, ratifying and coafirm- ing this and no other to be my last will and testament.” “In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal ye day and year above written. CALEB CARR, [SEAL]” “Signed, sealed and delivered by ye said Caleb Carr to be his last will and testament, in the presence of us, RoBert GARDNER, NiIcHOLAS Easton, EpurAim TURNER.” “Upon the eighth day of March, one thousand six hundred and ninety-three or four, the above sd Mr. Caleb Carr, appear- ed before me and declared that he did set his hand and seal unto and declared the above sd instrument to be his last will and testament in the presence of those who then subscribed, as witnesses, their names thereunto. BENEDICT ARNOLD, Npl.” “Robert Gardner and Ephraim Turner, personally appeared before me in council this sixth day of January, one thousand six hundred and ninety-five or six, and upon their solemn en- gagement, did declare they saw the late householder, Govern- or Caleb Carr, deceased, sign and seal and own the above writing to be his last will and at the signing and sealing there- of, he was in his perfect sense and memory, we then signed as witnesses thereunto. ALBERT WaTSON CLARKE, Clerk of ye Council.” “The above and within written will with the attestation and probation thereunto, is recorded in ye 206, 207 and 208 pages of the council book number two belonging to the town of New- port, on Rhode Island. ALBERT WATSON CLARKE, RICHARD Warp, Recorder. Clerk of ye Council.” The children of Gov. Caleb Carr by his first wife Mercy Vaughan, and by his second wife Sarah Clarke, were as fol- lows: 23x1. Nicholas Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1654. 24 5. Mercy Carr, b. April 6, 1656, died young. 25x8. Caleb Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1657. 26x4. Samuel Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1659. 275. Mary Carr, b. Jan. 1, 1961. 28x6. John Carr, b. about 1664. 29x 7. Edward Cart, b. about 1666. children by second wife. 308. Francis Carr b. about 1678. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SECOND GENERATION. 23 31x9. James Carr, b. about 1680. 32X10. Sarah Carr, b. 1682. 33x11. Elizabeth Carr, b. about 1684. IL. RicHarpD Carr (4) born in London, Eng., Jan. 5, 1621, came to this country in August, 1635, in company with his brother Andrew, on the ship Abigail. As their parents were dead they were probably sent over to their uncle George Carr of Ipswich, Mass. He settled in Hampton, N. H., but later in life he loca- ted in Salisbury, Mass., where he died May 17, 1689. He left two children, as follows: 34 1. Elizabeth Carr. 35 X2. Samuel Carr, b, about 1680. Ii. AnpREW Carr (5) born in London, Eng., Dec. 5, 1622, came to America with his brother Richard in August, 1635. It is supposed that he followed the sea with his uncle James Carr, and settled either in the West Indies or South Carolina. II. Gzorce Carr (6) born in London, Eng., March 12, 1620. He came to this country with his parents in 1621, and settled in Bristol, R. I. He married Mariam Goldthwait, in Bristol, June 8, 1645. She was born in Deering, Eng., May 14, 1622, and died in Bristol, April 5, 1695. He died in the same place, June 9, 1699. Their children were, 361. William Carr, b. Aug. 23. 1648. 37 2. Mariam Carr, b. July 4, 1650, d. June 1, 1652. Il. Evizasern Carr (7) born in Salisbury, Mass., April 21, 1642, married John Woodmansey, of Boston, May 1, 1662. Il. Georce Carr (8) born in Salisbury, Mass., April 15, 1644, married Ann Cotton, daughter of Rev. Seaborn Cotton, of Hampton, N. H., Nov. 8, 1677. , Il. WitittaAmM Carr (10) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 15, 1648, married Elizabeth Pike, daughter of the first Robert Pike, Aug. 20, 1672. She died in Salisbury, May 2, 1715. Their children were, 88x1. Sanders Carr, b. May 13, 1674. 839 2. William Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1676-7, d. March 8, 1677-8. 493. William Carr, b. March 4, 1678-9, 41 4. Sarah Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1681. 425. Robert Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1685. 43 6. Sylvanus Carr, b. June 15, 1688. 24 CARR FAMILY RECORDS——-THIRD GENERATION. II. JAmEs Carr (11) born in Salisbury, Mass., April 28, 1650, married Mary Sears, in Newbury, Mass., Nov. 14, 1677. He was made a freeman in 1690. He resided on Carr’s Island, and died Aug. 5, 1726. Their children were, 44x1. Mary Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1678. 452. Hannah Carr, b. Oct. 16, 1680. 463. Sarah Carr, b. May 8, 1682. 47x4. John Carr, b. Aug. 26, 1684. 485. Catherine Carr, b. Nov. 24, 1686. 496. James Carr, b. April 3, 1689. 50x 7. Hepzibah Carr, b. April 24, 1692. 518. Elizabeth Carr, b. March 24, 1694, II. Mary Carr (12) born in Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 29, 1652, married Rev. James Bailey, of Newbury, Mass., Sept. 17, 1672. He preached in Salem, Mass., just prior to the famous witch- craft'delusion. They had, 52 1. Mary Bailey, b. July 6, 1673, in Newbury. II. Saraw Carr (13) born in Salisbury, Mass., Dec. 17, 1654, married William Kukely, of Hampton, N. H., Dec. 30, 1700. Capt, Ricwarp Carr (15) born in Salisbury, Mass., April 2, 1659, married Elizabeth........ ‘2nd wife Dorothy, who died Aug. 3, 1694; 3rd wife Mrs. Sarah Healey, married Feb. 26, 1702. She died Jan. 8, 1727; 4th wife Sarah Greely, Aug. 10, 1727. He died in Salisbury, Sept. i1, 1727. He had by first wife, 538 1. Elizabeth Carr, b. June 9, 1691. : 2nd wife Dorothy, 54x 2. Richard Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1693-4. 3rd wife Mrs. Sarah Healey, 55 3. James Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1702. 564. John Carr, b. Aug. 1706. II. Ann Carr (16) born in Salisbury, Mass., June 15, 1661, married Thomas Putman. They lived in Salem, Mass., during the witchcraft delusion. (see Bryant’s his. v. 2, p. 456.) They had, 57 1. Ann Putman, b. about 1680. ) THIRD GENERATION. III. Cates Carr (17) born in Newport, R. L, married Phillis Greene, daughter of Dept. Gov. John Greene, of Warwick, R. I., and lived in Jamestown, R.I., on land willed him by his fath- CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION 25 er. He died in 1690. His will was dated in Jamestown, Jan. 27, “1st of William, K. of Gt. B.,” and proved in Newport, March 30, 1690. He made mention of his wife Phillis Carr, sons Ca- leb, William, Robert and Job; and daughters Mary and Phillis; and also father-in-law Maj. John Greene, and brother-in-law Peter Greene. His wife was executrix of the estate. She was born in Warwick, R. I., Oct. 7, 1658, and married Charles Dick- inson for her second husband and had children by him. The childred of Caleb and Phillis Carr were, d8 1. Robert Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1678, died young. 59X2. Caleb Carr, b. March 26, 1679. GOx3. William Carr, b. Oct. 16, 1681. 61x4. Robert Carr, b. June 7, 1683. 625. Job Carr, b. 1685. 63 6. Mary Carr. i 6x7. Phillis Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1688. IIL. Evizaspera Carr (18) born in Newport, R. L, married James Brown, about 1670. He died in 1683, and she next mar- ried Samuel Gardiner, son of George and Herodias Gardiner. She died Dec. 8, 1697. Her children by her first husband were, 63xX1. John Brown, b. 1671. 66 24 James Brown. 673. Esek Brown, b. March 8, 1679. children by second husband. 68 4. Elizabeth Gardiner, b. 1684. 69 5. Samuel Gardiner, b. Oct. 28, 1685. 70 G6. Martha Gardiner, b. Nov. 16, 1686. 71. 7. Patience Gardiner. IIL Mary Carr (19) born in Newport, Rk. I., married John Hicks, a ship carpenter, and after his death she married Ralph Earl, son of William and Mary (Walker) Earl. She had four children by her first husband. 72 1. George Hicks. Three other children names not known. IIIf. Ropert Carr (20) born in Newport, R. L, married Eliza- beth Lawton, daughter of George and Elizabeth Lawton. He was ainerchant in Newport, and died in 1704. His will bears the date of Juiy 8, 1708, and was proved Feb. 5, 1704, which made his wife executrix and his brother-in-law Robert Lawton overseer. His wife to have the management of his estate to 26 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION. bring up his children, Robert and Abigail until of age, and then a certain part delivered unto them. The will of his son Robert was made Sept. 20, 1710, and prov- ed Oct. 2, 1710, making his mother his only heir. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Carr died in 1724. She willed prop- erty to her grandson James Honeyman, grand daughter Eli- zabeth Dunbar and others, including her sister-in-law Mary, wife of Ralph Earl. The children of Robert and Elizabeth Carr were, 76 1. Robert Carr, d. unm. 1710. 77x22. Abigail Carr. IIL. Esex Carr (21) born in Newport, R. L, settled in Little Compton, R. I., and was a cooper by trade. His wife’s name was Susanna, wnom he married in $384. He died in Little Comp- ton, in1744. His will was dated May 16, 1739, and proved Nov. 12,1744. After setting aside a quarter of an acre of land for a family burying ground, he willed his entire estate to his son Robert except the following sums to his daughters: To daugh- ter Mary, wife of John Brownwell, £5; daughter Sarah Thurs- ton, £5; daughter Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Wilbur, £5; daugh- ter Anna, wife of Jonathan Wood, £5; daughter Susanna, wife of Thomas Wilbur, £5; children of daughter Margaret Clos- son, £60; daughter Thankful, wife of William Lake, £5; grand daughter Mary, wife of Nathaniel Potter, 40s; grand daughter Deborah Carr, daughter of son Esek Carr, deceased, £50 at eighteen. The children of Esek and Susanna Carr were, 78x1. Mary Carr, b. July 14, 1685. . 792. Sarah Carr, b. March 19, 1689. 80x3. Elizabeth Carr, b. July 29, 1691. 81x4. Esek Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1693. 82x5. Anna Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1696. 83 6. Martha Carr, b. May 29, 1698. 84x 7. Susanna Carr, b. Sept. 20, 1700. 85x8. Margaret Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1703. 83x9. Robert Carr, b. Feb. 24, 1706. 87x10. Thankful Carr, b. April 27, 1709. IIL Marcaret Carr (22) born in Newport, R. IL, married Richard Hartshorne, an eminent Quaker, Nov. 27, 1670, and set- tled in Middletown, N. J. Their children were, 88 1. Sarah Hartshorne. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION. 27 89 2. Hugh Hartshorne. 90X3. Catharine Hartshorne, b. May 2, 1682. 91 4. William Hartshorne. Ill. NicHoLAs Carr (23) born in Newport, R. I., Oct. 22, 1654, married Rebecca Nicholson, daughter of Joseph Nicholson, of Portsmouth, R. I. She was born Feb. 1, 1656, and died May 13, 1703. He lived in Jamestown, R. I., and was the first repre- sentative of his town in the General Assembly, and during his lifetime held many offices of public trust. He died Feb. 17: 1709. In his will made June 10, 1708, mention is made of his sons Nicholas, Thomas and Benjamin; daughters Margaret Battey, Jane, Mary, Rebecca and Ann Carr; brother-in-law Thomas Paine and brother Edward Carr. Their children were, 92x 1. Nicholas Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1679. 93 2. Joseph Carr, b. March 7, 1681, d. Aug. 9, 1702. 94 3. Benjamin Carr, b. July 7, 1683, d. Dec. 27, 1684. 95x 4. Margaret Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1684. 96 5. Jane Carr. b. Aug. 3, 1686. 97 6. Caleb Carr, b. March 27, 1688, d. Jan. 4, 1704-5 98x 7. Mercy Carr, b. April 20, 1690. 99 8. Rebecca Carr, b. May 12, 1692. 100 °9. Ann Carr, b. Feb. 5, 1694. 10110. Thomas Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1696. 10211. Benjamin Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1697. TIT. Cares Carr (25) born in Newport, R. 1, Aug. 23, 1657, married Deborah Sayles. who was a grand daughter of Roger Williams. She was born about 1656, and died about 1700. He died in Jamestown, R. I., Oct. 10,1700, and his son John was made executor of his estate. Their children were, 103x 1. John Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1681. , 1Ob 2s aces Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1682. 105x 3. Mercy Carr, b. Oct. 7, 1683. 106 . Benjamin Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1685, d. March 15, 1701. 107 5. Daniel Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1687. 109 7. Deborah Carr. 110 8. Roba Carr. 111.) 9. Rachel Carr. 112x10. Sayles Carr, b. Nov. 24, 1696. : III. Samuet Carr (26) born in Newport, R. L, Dec. 15, 1659. 3 4 3D 108x 6. Peleg Carr, b. March 14, 1690. 7 8 28 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-THIRD GENERATION. He married and left one son. He died in 1694. His son was, 113.x1. Job Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1689. Ill. Mary Carr (27) born in Newport, R. I, Jan. 1, 1661, married Thomas Paine. He was a seacaptain and command- ed the frigate Pearl against the pirates of the West Indies. He died in 1715, and his wife Mary died in 1717. ‘No children. ComMISSION oF Capt. THomas PAINE. “Sir Thomas Lynch, Knight, one of the gentlemen of his Majesty’s bed chamber, and Captain General and Governor in Chief of his Majesty's Island of Jamaica and territories thereunto depending, and Vice Admiral to his Royal High- ness, James, Duke of York, in the American seas.” “Whereas, I am informed there are several pirates that have most barbarously murthured divers of his Majesty's subjects, robbing others and taking several vessels, “cursing the King, and not so much as pretending to belong to any Prince, or to have any commission of war. These are therefore to author- ize Capt. Thomas Paine, commander of the Frigate Pearl, to seize the said pirates, and to take, killand destroy the said pi- rates and their ships, provided they ,resist and cannot be brought in, for doing which this shall be your warrant. L likewise, hereby further assure you and your men, that for such service you shall have all the favor they can expect, or I can render you and them.” “Given under my hand, this 13th of October, 1€82. Jamaica. Signed, Tuomas Lyncu. By His Excellency Commanding, Henry Harrington, Sect.” IIL. Joun Carr (28) born in Newport, R. I., about 1664, mar- ried Waite Easton, daughter of Peter Easton, and grand daughter of Gov. Nicholas Easton. She was born in Newport Nov. 5, 1668 and died in August, 1725, and was buried in the family burying ground beside her husband. He lived in New- port, and in 1700 he was granted the privilege of running a ferry between Newport and Jamestown, and this franchise remained in the family for one hundred and seventy years. He died in 1714, and his estate was settled by his son Samuel, as heir to his property, according to the wishes of his father as follows: * “Kirst, I give a lot of land adjoining to Joseph Gardiner’s dwelling place in Newport, bound west and north on land of CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION. 29 James Carr, east on ye graveyard, and south on land or street leading to stone windmill. Also one small house and ware- house adjoining on ye wharf, heretofore my grandfather's, with the wharf and land whereon they stand, and the whole breadth thereof to Capt. Mumford’s lane, and also one-half of remainder of said wharf, except the part where Joseph Gardi- ner’s shop stands, and the yard north thereof the width of said shop to Capt. Mumford’s line, which I reserve to myself; all of which I convey and confirm to my brother Caleb Carr, and his heirs and assigns forever.” “Second, I give my father’s mansion house and outhouse adjacent, and the land adjoining and belonging thereto, bound north on Capt. Ellery’s land; east on land of my said father; south on the street; and west on land now in possession of Al- exander Mason, I convey to my brother John Carr.” “Third, I give the south-west corner or district tenement in which Alexander Mason now dwells, unto my brother Francis Carr.” “Fourth, I give my sister Ann Barker, the one-half or west- more end of the new house built by my father, with one-half of the garden adjoining, with 16 feet at the west end of the house, and 20 feet back from the street.” “Fifth, I give my sister Patience the other half of said house and land.” “Sixth, I give assurance of all the above bequests, provided my mother have the use of all said gifts until each party comes of age, except-my brother’s mansion house, which I re- serve to myself until Alexander Mason’s house comes into my hands, until which time I grant my mother equal privileges in said house, and when the said parties come of age, they shall pay to my mother their proportional part of £20 per an- num. And that the well at the mansion house shall be free to all the brothers and sisters, and my mother shall have all the movables of the estate, she paying the debts therof. And if any of these parties die without issue, then all the property shall revert to me and my heirs, and for the due performance of all of these provisions, I bind myself in the penal sum of £500, N. E. money. Signed Aug. 26, 1715, SAMUEL CARR. The children of John and Waite Carr, were, 114 1. John Carr, b. Nov. 23, 1691, d. June 5, 1694. 30 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION. 115x2. Ann Carr, b. about 1693. 116x838. Samuel Carr, b. 1694. 1174. Caleb Carr, b. about 1695. 118X5. John Carr, b. » 1697. 1196. Francis Carr, b. about 1699. 1207. Patience Carr, b. ,, 1700. 121 8. Joshua Carr, b. Feb. 1702, d. March 25, 1703, aged 18m. IIL Epwarp Carr (29) born in Newport, R. L, about 1666, married Hannah Stanton, in Jamestown, R. I., Oct. 6, 1686. She was a daughter of John Stanton, and was born Novy. 7, 1670, and died in 1712. He died Oct. 14, 1711. His wife Hannah and son Edward were executors of his will. The children of Edward and Hannah, were, . 122x1. Edward Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1689. 123 x2. Hannah Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1691. 1243. Mary Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1693. 125x4. Mercy Carr, b. Feb. 24, 1696. 126x5. Avis Carr, b. May 29, 1698. 1276. Patience Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1701. 128x7. James Carr, b. Oct. 27, 1708. 129 8. Phebe Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1706, d. July 17, 1711. 1309. Sarah Carr, b. Dec. 28, 1708. III. Francis Carr (30) born in Newport, R. L, about 1678, married Damaris Arnold, daughter of Josiah and Sarah (Mil- ler) Arnold, June 18, 1700. She was born May 19, 1684. He was a ship carpenter, and died in 1717. They had only one child who was sole heir of her father's estate. 131x1. Sarah Carr. III. James Carr (31) born in Newport, R. I., about 1€80. He was made a freeman in 1701. He married and had,. 1321. Caleb Carr. III. Saran Carr (82) born in Newport, R. L, in 1682, mar- ried John Hammett, Jan. 10, 1705. He died May 20, 1778, aged 93 years. Their children were, 133 1. John Hammett, b. Oct. 10, 1705. 134 2. Mercy Hammett b. Feb. 14. 1710. 135 3. Thomas Hammett, b. April 11, 1712. 1386 4. Sarah Hammett, b. 1714. 137 5. Elizabeth Hammett, b. Feb. 28, 1716. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION. 31 138 6. James Hammett, b. Dec. 31, 1718. IIL. ExvizasetH Carr (33) born in Newport, R. I, about 1784, married Capt. John Godfrey, son of John and Sarah Godfrey, May 28,1701, Their children were, 139 1. Mary Godfrey, b, March 238, 1702. 140 2. John Godfrey, b. Jan. 31, 1704, 141 3. Caleb Godfrey. b, July 17, 1706. 142 4, Elizabeth Godfrey, b. May 21, 1709. III. Samuet Carr (35) born in Hampton, N. H., about 1680, married Sarah Healey, in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 24, 1809. She died June 14, 1710. He next married Mary He had by his first wife, 143. 1. Sarah Carr, b. June 12, 1710, d. Aug. 25, 1711. by second wife Mary, 144 2. William Carr, b. April 18, 1717. III. Wiitram Carr (86) born in Bristol, R. L, Aug. 23, 1648, married Rosannah Carr, of North Carolina, May 9, 1675. She was born on plantation No. 2, Sept. 10, 1650. They had, 145x1. George Carr, b. May 20, 1681. III. SANDERS Carr (38) born in Salisbury, Mass., May 13, 1674, married Mary Purinton, (entered his intentions of mar- riage) Feb. 12, 1704, in Salisbury. Their children were, 146x1. Ezekiel Carr, b. Feb. 12, 1705. 147x2. Daniel Carr, b. July 7, 1706. 148x3. Sylvanus Carr, b. April 13, 1708. 149x4,. Mary Carr, b. May 28, 1710. 1505. Sanders Carr, b. April 12, 1712. 1516. Hezekiah Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1714. 152 7. George Carr, b. Nov. 10, 1715, d. July 8, 1736. 153. 8. Solomon Carr, b. April 3, 1718. 1549. John Carr, b. Aug. 21, 1721. TIL. Wititam Carr (40) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 4, 1679, married Ruth Brown, Jan. 15, 1703. Their children were, 155x1, William Carr, b. July 23, 1709. 156 2. Abra Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1711, d. March 25. 1718. 1573. Nathaniel Carr, b. May 24, 1714. 158x4. Elizabeth Carr, b. May 19, 1716, 1595. Samuel Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1719. 160 6. Abra Carr, b. March 29, 1722. 32 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION. 1617. Ruth Carr, b. March 29, 1725. 162 8. Richard Carr, b. Nov. 2, 1727, d. Nov. 15, 1727. III. Roperr Carr (42) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 28, 1685, married Susannah French, Dec. 12, 1712. She died Dec. 5,1729. He next married Hannah Elliott, in Amesbury, Mass., March 16, 1730-1. An extract of his will reads: “In the name of God, Amen. This —— day of September, Anno Domini, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two, I, Robert Carr, of Salisbury, in the county of Essex and Province of Massachu- setts Bay in New England, etc.” Names wife Hannah, and sons Sylvanus, Nathan, and children of his oldest son John, deceased, as follows: Joseph Carr under twenty-one years of age, Lydia and Susannah Carr under eighteen years of age. Names othes sons, Benjamin, Joseph, Robert and Elliott Carr; also daughte:s, Joanna, wife of Jeremiah Poor; and Abigail, wife of Daniel Page, The children of Daniel by his two wives were, es ce V 163x1. John Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1713. Zé 1642. Sylvanus Carr, b. Feb. 25, 1714-5. 1653. Joseph Carr, b. March 21, 1716-7. V166 <4. Benjamin Carr, b. March 5, 1718-9. 1675. Joannah Carr, b. May 24, 1721. 168x6: Abigail Carr, b. June 3, 1723. 1697. Martha Carr, b. May 12, 1728. V 170x8. Nathan Carr, b. June 14, 1728. children by second wife, 171 9. Susannah Carr, b. Oct. 25, 1731. 172 10. Nanne Carr, b. March 5, 1732-3. J 173 11. Robert Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1734-5, d. Oct. 2, 1742. 174X12. Betty Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1787. 175 x13. Mary Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1739. 176 x14. Elliott Carr, b. July 5, 1742. V 177-15. Robert Carr, b. Jan. 31, 17445. III. Mary Carr (44) born in Salisbury, Mass., Dec. 15, 1678 married Stephen Merrill, in Salisbury, July 20, 1710. x IIL Hannau Carr (45) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 16, 1680 married Simon Marston, of Hampton, N. H., Jan 26, 1706. TIL Saran Carr (46) born in Newbury, Mass., May 8, 1682 married Richard Taylor, of Hampton, N. H., Dec. 23, 1702. x d CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GENERATION. 33 III. Joun Carr (47) born in Newbury, Mass., Aug. 26, 1684, married Elizabeth Chase, in Newbury, Dec. 14, 1708. Their pores were, 178x1. John Carr, b. June 4, 1711. 1792, Ann Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1713. 1803. Moses Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1715. 1814. Mary Carr, b. Feb. 24, 1717. 1825. Elizabeth Carr, b. March 20, 1719. 183 x6. Sarah Carr, b. June 1, 1722. 1847. Hannah Carr, b. Sept. 15, 1725. 1858. James Carr, b. 1727. 869. Judith Carr, b, June 15, 1730. 187 x a Daniel Carr, b. July 18, 1724. 18811 | Anne Carr, b. - a III. Carnering Carr (48) bornin Newbury, Mass., Nov. 24, 1686, married Samuel Marston, of Hampton, N. H., March 17, 1709. Me TT, James Carr (49) born in Newbury, Mass., April 3, 1689, married Ruth Moody, April 25, 1712. Their children were, 189x1. Bradbury Carr, b. July 27, 1713. 190 2. Jane Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1715. III. Heezinaw Carr (50) born in Newbury, Mass., April 24, 1692, married Charles Case, July 15, 1714. III. ExizaBeTH Carr (51) born in Newbury, Mass., March 24, 1694, married Joseph Sargent, of Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 17, 1715. TTI. RicHarp Carr (54) born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 2, 1693-4, married Mrs. Lydia Judith (Stephens) Coffin, in New- bury, Mass., Nov. 18, 1715. She was born in Newbury, July 21, 1691. He next married widow Sarah Chase, in Newbury, June 13, 1720. He was drowned March 4, 1733-4, at 9 o'clock, p. m. His children were, 1911. Dorothy Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1716. children by second wife Sarah, 192 x 2. | Sarah Carr, b. July 21, 1721. 1933. | Judith Carr, b. A 64 1944. Elizabeth Carr, b. June 28, 1723. 1955. Richard Carr, b. March 138, 1725. 1966. Rebecca Carr, b. Jan. 9, 1727. 3o4 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. 197x7. James Carr, b. Oct. 3, 1728. 198 8. Mary Carr, b. July 6, 1730. Ill. Joun Carr (56) born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 1706, mar- ried Elizabeth Brown in Newbury, Mass. Intentions publish- ed Jan. 18, 1726. FourtTH GENERATION. IV. Cares Carr (59) born in Jamestown, R. L, March 23, 1679, married Joanna Slocum, in Jamestown by her father, Ebenezer Slocum, ‘warden, April 30, 1701. She was born in Jamestown, Jan. 2, 1680, and died Dec. 30, 1708. His second wife’s name was Mary, whom he married the 11th day of ——, 1712. Hesettled in West Greenwich, R. I, in 1731, and bought 28214 acres of land bounded on one side by what was afterward called Carr pond, of John Williams and his wife Rose Williams, Aug. 3, 1733. He deeded 100 acres of land to each of his sons Joseph and William. In 1743 he deeded land to his son Charles, and in his will of 1750, gave his property to his five sons. His children were, 199x1. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1602. 200 x2. Joseph Carr, b. about 1704. 2013. Patience Carr, b, ,, 1705. 202 4. Mary Carr, b. about 1707. 203 X5. William Carr, b. Dec. 26, 1708. children by second wife, 2046. Benajah Carr, b. about 1713. 205 x 7. Charles Carr, b. __,, 1715. IV. Witiram Carr (60) born in Jamestown, R. I., Oct. 16, 1681, married Abigail Barker, by John Weeden, warden, Feb, 8, 1708-9. They had, 206 x 1. Robert Carr, b. July 2, 1715. IV. Ropert Carr (61) born in Jariestown, R. L., June 7, 1683, married Hannah Hale, in Swansea, Mass., Oct. 21, 1708, where he settled and lived until his death which occurred Oct. 12, 1722. His wife was born May 8, 1690, and died in Warren, R. L., May 31,1771. Their children were, 207 1. Mary Carr, b. March 2, 1710. 208 2. Robert Carr, b. July 2, 1715, d. unm. 209 2. Hannah Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1717. 210x4. Caleb Carr, b. June 3, 1719, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-FOURTH GENERATION. 35 IV. Jos Carr (62) born in Jamestown, R. I, 1685, married Mehitable Sherman. She was born in Kingstown, R.I., March 4, 1688. He was a cooper by trade. He died Jan. 23, 1753, and she died Nov. 8, 1751. IV. Puiiiis Carr (64) born in Jamestown, R.I., Dec. 8, 1688, married Edward Boss, of Edward and Susanna, April 21, 1709, in Jamestown, by Edward Carr, warden. He was a merchant in Newport. He was born Jan. 20, 1685, and died Dec. 25, 1752. Their children were, 211 1. Mary Boss, b. Sept. 1, 1710. 212 2. Truelove Boss, b. Dec. 5, 1712. 213 3, Abigail Boss, b. Feb. 18, 1715. 214 4. Edward Boss, b. Nov, 23, 1716. 215 5. Hannah Boss, b. April 17, 1719. 216 6. Susanna Boss, b. Nov. 2, 1720. 217 7. Joseph Boss, b, Jan. 30, 1722. 218 8. Phillis Boss, b. Sept. 16, 1725. 219 9. Benjamin Boss, b. 23, 1727. IV. Joun Brown (65) born in Newport, R. L, 1671, married Elizabeth Cranston. She was born in 1671, and died June 3, 1736. He died Oct. 26,1731. Their children were, 520 1. John Brown, b. Dec. 26, 1696. 221 2. Jeremiah Brown. 222 3. James Brown. 223 4. William Brown. 224 5. Robert Brown. 225 6. Peleg Brown. 226 7. Elizabeth Brown. IV. Esex Brown (67) born in Newport, R. I, March 8, 1679, married Mercy Carr (105) Nov. 29,1705. She was born in James- town, R. LI, Oct. 7, 1683. They settled in Swansea, Mass. She died in Dec. 1776, Their children were, 227 1. Mary Brown, b. March 28, 1707, d. young. 298 2. Elizabeth Brown, b. Oct. 10, 1708. 229 3. Deborah Brown, b. June 11, 1711, d. young. 230 4. Esek Brown, b. Aug. 13, 1712. 231 5. Roba Brown, b, March 10, 1715. 932 6. Deborah Brown, b. Oct. 18, 1716. 233 7. Mary Brown, b. Jan. 15, 1718. 234 8. James Brown, b. Nov. 12, 1719. 36 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION 235 9. Benjamin Brown, b. July 17, 1721. 236 10. Jeremiah Brown, b. Aug. 22, 1725. 237 11. ( Daniel Brown, b. + ‘sj IV. ApicarL Carr (77) born in Newport, R. I, married —— Honeyman. Their children were, 238 1. James Honeyman. He was a minister. 239 2. Elizabeth Honeyman, married Dunbar. TV. Mary Carr (78) born in Little Compton, R. I., July 14, 1685, married John Brownwell, in Little Compton, by Edward Billings, justice, Dec. 30, 1715. He was born Feb. 21, 1682, and died in March, 1759. She died March 24, 1729. Their children were, 240 1. Susanna Brownell, b. Dec. 16, 1716. 241 2. Mary Brownwell, b. Sept. 11, 1719. 242 3. Martha Brownell, b. Feb. 17, 1723. 243 4. John Brownell, b. Aug. 4, 1725, d. May 21, 1729. TV. Saran Carr (79) born in Little Compton, R. I., March 19, 1689, married Edward Thurston, in Little Compton, by Ed- ward Billings, justice, Oct. 15, 1712. He was born Oct. 18, 1679. Their children were, 244 1. Mary Thurston, b. May 16, 1714. 245 2. Elizabeth Thurston, b. Sept. 24, 1719. 246 3. Ruth Thurston, b. Oct. 3, 1722. 247 4. Sarah Thurston, b. July 14, 1725. 248 5. Hope Thurston, b. Sept. 8, 1727. IV. EvizaBeTH Carr (80) born in Little Compton, R. L, July 29, 1691, married Samuel Wilbur, in Little Compton, by Rich- ard Billings, justice, Dec. 24, 1713. He was born Nov. 7, 1692, and died in May, 1752. She died in March, 1764. Their child- ren were, 249 1. Robert Wilbur, b. Jan. 14, 1715. 250 2. Thomas Wilbur, b. Sept. 14, 1716. 251 3. Susanna Wilbur, b. June 10, 1718. 252 4. Mary Wilbur, b. March 14, 1720. 253 «+5. Abishai Wilbur, b. Nov. 22, 1721. 254 6. Elizebeth Wilbur, b. July 28, 1723. 255 7. Martha Wilbur, b. March 11, 1725. 256 8. Ruth Wilbur, b. Nov. 20, 1726. 257 9. Esek Wilbur, b. Dec. 22, 1728. 258 10. Samuel Wilbur, Oct. 10, 1730. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-FOURTH GENERATION. 37 259 11. Susanna Wilbur, b. May 29, 1732. 260 12. Ebenezer Wilbur, b. Sept. 3, 1735. 261 13. David Wilbur, b. July 31, 1740. IV. Esex Carr (81) born in Little Compton, R. I, Aug. 23, 1698, married Mary Brownell, in Little Compton, April 3, 1716. She was born March 22, 1692, and died July 31,1717. He next married widow Deborah Head, Oct. 3, 1726. Hediedin Little Compton, Nov. 3, 1728. He had by his first wife, 2621. Mary Carr, b. July 31, 1717. daughter by second wife, 263 x2. Deborah Carr, b. April 18, 1728. IV. ANNA Carr (82) born in Little Compton, R. I., Feb. 28, 1696, married Jonathan Wood, by Richard Billings, justice, Aug. 14.1718. Their children were, 264 1. Margaret Wood, b. April 26, 1719. 265 2. Esek Wood, b. Nov. 18, 1720. 266 3. Job Wood, b. Dec. 6, 1722. 267 4. Sarah Wood, b. Jan. 31, 1725. Susanna Carr (84) born in Little Compton, R. I, Sept. 20, 1700, married Thomas Wilbur, by Richard Billings, justice, 1737. She died in Nov. 1790. Their children were, 268 1. Thomas Wilbur, b. Sept. 20, 1738, d. Jan. 1792. 269 2. Job Wilbur, b. April 2, 1740. IV. Marcarer Carr (85) born in in Little Compton, R. L, Jan. 16, 1708, married Timothy Closson, jr., by Richard Bill- ings, justice, March 10, 1729. He was born July 5,1705. Their children were, 270 1. Martha Closson, b. Dec. 5, 1729. 271 2. Esek Closson, b. Feb. 16, 1731. 272 3. Susanna Closson, b. Dec. 23, 1738. IV. Roperr Carr (86) born in Little Compton, R. IL, Feb. 24, 1706, married Elizabeth Cuthbert, by Richard Billings, justice, May 27,1730. She was born June 26, 1710, and died in January, 1773. Their children were, 2731. William Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1731. 2742. Esek Carr, b. March 25, 1733. 275 x3. Robert Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1784. 276 4. Caleb Carr, b. July 20, 1736. 277. +5. Cuthbert Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1739. 38 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. 278 6. Mary Carr, b, April 8, 1741. 279 %. Susanna Carr, b. March, 1743. 280 8. Sarah Carr, b. 1745. 281 9. Elizabeth Carr, b. 1747. IV. THANKFUL Carr (87) born in Little Compton, R. 1, April 27,1709, married William Lake, by Richard Billings, justice, Feb. 4, 1738. He was born Aug. 4, 1715. Their children were, 282 Eunice Lake, b. Aug. 25, 1739. 283 Mercy Lake, b. March 30, 1741. 284 Ruth Lake, b. April 20, 1743. 285 Reuben Lake, b. April 20, 1745. 286 Thomas Lake, b. Dec. 14, 17— i OR wh IV. CATHERINE HARTSHORNE (90) born in Middletown, N. J., May 2,1682, married Edward FritzRandolph. She died in 1759. IV. NicHoLas Carr (92) born in Jamestown, R. L, Sept. 19, 1679, married Frances Holmes, daughter of John and Mary (Sayles) Holmes, and great grand daughter of Roger Williams, March 16, 1706, by Samuel Cranston, governor. They lived in Jamestown. Their children were, . 287 x1. Rebecca Carr, b. April 17, 1707. 288 2. Mary Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1708, d. young. 289 x3. Anne Carr, b. March 15, 1710. 2904. Frances Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1711. 2915. Mary Carr, b. June 21, 1713. 292 6. Deborah Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1716, d. young. 293 7. Phebe Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1719. 2948. John Carr, b. June 20, 1721. 295 9. Deborah Carr, b. Feb. 5, 1724. IV. MarcGaratr Carr (95) born in Jamestown, R. I., Oct. 22, 1684, married John Battey, of Sampson Battey, of Jamestown, Sept. 18, 1707, and lived in Warwick, R. I. She died in 1765. Their children were, 296 1. Sampson Battey, b. Dec. 18, 1709. 297 2. Nicholas Battey, b. May 18, 1711. 298 3. Dinah Battey, b. Oct. 12, 1713. 299 x4, Rebecca Battey, b. Sept. 26, 1715. 3005. William Battey. b. Jan. 20, 1718. 301 6, John Battey, b. March 13, 1720. 302 7. Margaret Battey, b. Dec. 18, 1722. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. 39 303 8. Phebe Battey, b. Feb. 20, 1725.. 304 9. Caleb Battey, b. June 22, 1729. Mercy Cark (98) born in Jamestown, R. IL, April 20, 1690, married John Weeden, in Jamestown, Dec. 20, 1711. Their children were, 305 1. —— Weeden, b. Nov. 1712. 306 2. Edward Weeden, b. July 12, 1716. 307 3. Peleg Weeden, b. Jan. 29, 1718. 3808 4. Daniel Weeden, b. Jan. 1720. 309 5. George Weeden, b. Oct. 10, 1785. ee IV. THomas Carr (101) bornin Jamestown, R. I, Jan. 25, 1696, married Hannah Weeden, daughter of John and Jane (Un- derwood) Weeden, Feb. 23, 1720. She was born in Jamestown, April 14, 1699. He died Oct. 14, 1753. Their children were, 3101, Sarah Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1721. 3112. Jane Carr, b. Jan. 14, 1723. 3123. Benjamin Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1725. 313x4. John Carr, b. Sept. 20, 1728. 314 5. Thomas Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1730, d. Oct.14, 1753. 3156. Nicholas Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1732. 316x7. Rebecca Carr, b. June 22, 1735. 317 8. Joseph Carr, b. July 15, 1739. IV. BenJAMIN CARR (102) born in Jamestown, R. 1, Nov. 21, 1697. He settled in East Greenwich, R.I., where he married Ann ——. and they had, 318 1. Phebe Carr, b. May 6, 1730. 319 2. Peleg Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1732. IV. Joun Carr (103) born in Jamestown, R. 1, Jan. 4, 1681, married Abigail Remington, Dec. 15, 1704. She was born in Jamestown, March 3, 1686, and died March 6, 1763. He inher- ited most of his father’s estate in Jamestown where he lived. Their children were, 320 1. William Carr, b. Aug. 28, 1705. 3212. Caleb Carr, b. June 15, 1707. 322 3. Daniel Carr, b. Dec. 1, 1709. 323. 4. Phebe Carr, b. May 23, 1716. IV. Mercy Carr (105) born in Jamestown, R. I., Oct. 7, 1683, married Esek Brown (67) Nov. 29, 1705. They settled in Swan- sea, Mass., where she died in 1776. Children given on page 35. 40 CARR FAMILY RECORDS~—-FOURTH GENERATION. IV. Danret Carr (107) born in Jamestown, R. L, Nov. 15, 1687, married Mary ——. Supposed to have settled in Warwick, RL IV. Carr. PELEG Carr (1C8) born in Jamestown, R. I., March 14, 1690, married Anne Crawford, Nov. 29,1711. She was born May 13, 1690, and died Sept. 14, 1729. He was will by his fath- er, land in Kingstown and Cowset. He also owned property in Newport. He died Jan. 4, 1736. Their children were, 324 1. Freelove Carr, b, 1714, died June 28, 1730. 325 2. Alma Carr, b. 1718, died Oct. 22, 1729. IV. DeBoraH Carr (109) born in Jamestown, R. I., married John Greene, of Warwick, R. L, Dec. 6, 1711. She died May 6, 1729, the same day her last child was born. Their children were, 326x1. Thomas Greene, b. Oct. 29, 1714. 3272. Caleb Greene, b. June 11, 1716. 3283. Anne Greene, b. Feb. 24, 1718. 3294. Benjamin Greene, b. May 2, 1720. 330 5. Job Greene, b. March 29, 1722. 3316. Almy Greene, b. Jan. 31, 1724. 3827. Richard Greene, b. Oct. 4, 1725. 333. 8. Nathaniel Greene, b. April 10, 1727. 334 9. Deborah Greene, b. May 6, 1729. IV. Rosa Carr (110) born in Jamestown, R.I., married Rob- ert Hopkins in West Greewich, R. I., Oct. 16,1748. She next married John Noyes, Aug. 1, 1751. IV. Sayvtes Carr (112) born in Jamestown, BR, I, Nov. 24, 1696, married Martha Child, in Newport, R. I, June 10, 1740. He was willed land by his father in Cowset, New Bristol and a share in Gould island. He died in1774. He is supposed to have had ason Sayles who settled in Warwick, R. I. 335 X1. Sayles Carr, b. about 1742. IV. Jos Carr (113) born in Newport, R.I., Oct. 31, 1689, and settled with a colony of Quakers in the township of Oyster Bay, near Jericho, L.I. He married Hannah Willetts, only child of Richard and Abigail (Browne) Willetts, of Jericho, Feb. 11, 1711. She was born the 24th of 11th month, 1686, and died in Jericho, the 27th of the 11th month, 1727, where she was buried. Job Carr lived and died in Jericho, and his farm is CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-FOURTH GENERATION. 41 now owned by Mathew F. Robbins. On this farm is the old family burying which was intact fifty years ago, but has since disappeared. Mr. Robbins, now an old man, “distinctly re- members in his boyhood, a rough stone in the plat, on which were cut the letters, ‘J. C.,’ and that, he was always told, was the grave of Job Carr.” The records of Oyster Bay show that in 1714, “Job and Hannah Carr deeded to George Townsand ‘ 500 acres of land in Buck Co., Pa., by Neshaming creek, for- merly laid out by Job Browne, deceased, in 1688, and convey- ed by his son Samuel Browne, in 1696 to Hannah Carr.” The children of Job and Hannah Carr, were, 336 1. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 4, 1712. 337 2. Samuel Carr, b, Nov. 10, 1714, d. Aug. 16, 1743, Jericho. 338 x3. Hannah Carr, b. July 24, 1716. 339x4. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 4. 1719. IV. Ann Carr (115) born in Newport, R. I, about 1693, mar- ried Caleb Barker, of Scituate, R.I., Jan. 18, 1709. TV. SamMveEL Carr (116) born in Newport, R. I., 1694, married Mary Greene, of the family of Gen. Greene, of Warwick, R. I, about 1719. He was a gunsmith in Newport, and died of small pox June 19, 1739, and was buried on Goat island. His daught- er Waite died the same day and was buried with her father. The will of Samuel Carr was made June 12, 1739, and proved Aug. 7, 1739. Mention was made of wife Mary, sons Caleb, Samuel, Ebenezer and John, and daughter Waite. The in- scription on his tombstone is as follows: “In memory of Mr. Samuel Carr, who died June 19, 1739, in ye 46th year of his age, and his daughter Waite died ye same day, aged 13 years.” “Not human skill, nor prayers, nor tears could save, From the dark chamber of the silent grave, Thus are we from our fondest hopes beguiled— The tenderest husband and the sweetest child. In this distinguished day of both bereft, The happiest wife a mournful widow lett, Does to their much loved memory bestow This stone, sad monument of real woe.’ Mary, the wife of Samuel Carr, died in 1745, but her burial place is not now known. Her will was made July 18, 1745, and proved Jan. 5, 1746. Mention was made of sons Caleb, Samuel, Ebenezer and John, grandson Caleb of Caleb, grandson Sam- 42 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. uel of Caleb, sister Susanna Greene, deceased, sister Elizabeth Greene and her daughter Waite, deceased. The children of Samuel and Mary Carr were, 3401. Caleb Carr, b. 1720. 3412. Samuel Carr, b. July 28, 1722. 342 3. Waite Carr, b. 1726, died June 19, 1739. 348x4. Ebenezer Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1735. 3445. John Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1738. IV. Cates Carr (117) bornin Newport, R. 1, about 1695, mar- ried Penelope Wood, in Swansea, Mass., Aug. 2, 1722. They had, 345 1. Caleb Carr, b. 1723, died Aug. 29, 1730. IV. Joun Carr (118) born in Newport, R. I, about 1697, mar- ried Mary Hill, in Swansea, Mass., by Elder Joseph Mason, Sept. 15, 1735. They had, 346 1. Patience Carr, b. June 21, 1736, in Swansea. VY IV. Francrs Carr (119) bornin Newport, R. L, about 1699, married Hannah Weeden, in Jamestown, R. I, by Nicholas Carr, warden, Feb. 24, 1720. IV. Patience Carr (120) born in Newport, R. I, about 1700, married Joseph Peckham, of John and Sarah, as her first hus- band. He was born March 8, 1679. Hersecond husband was Edward Edes, whom she married Aug. 27, 1780. IV. Epwarp Carr (122) born in Jamestown, R. I, Sept. 14, 1689, married, Naomi Barton, (widow of Ebenezer Slocum, of Warwick, R.I., by whom ske had a daughter Ruth,) in War- wick, by John Weeks, asst., July 13, 1721. She died Jan. 23, 1726. He married his second wife, Hannah Hazard, of Oliver, in Jamestown, April 11,1734. The children of Edward and Naomi were, 3471. Edward Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1723. 348 x2. Benjamin Carr, b. Aug. 10, 1725. children by second wife Hannah. 349 x 3. Naomi Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1785. 350 4. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1733, d June 16, 1760. 351 5. Patience Carr, b. June 5, 1738, d. April 10, 1760. 352 6. Gideon Carr, b. April 29, 1740 353. «7. Avis Carr. b. March 12, 1742. 354 8. ——— daughter, b. March 15, 1744, d. in infancy. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. 43 355 9. Oliver Carr, b. May 13, 1747. 1V. Hannan Carr (128) born in Jamestown, R. L, Oct. 13, 1691, married Slocum. She next married Samuel Watson, of South Kingstown, R. L IV. Mary Carr (124) born in Jamestown, R. I., Oct. 26, 1693, married Josias Lyndon, Oct. 5, 1727. He was one of the found- ers of the Redwood library. He held the office of clerk of the Assembly for a number of years, and also was one of the in- corporators of the Brown University. In 1768 he was elected governor of the colony. When the British took possession of Newport, he moved to Warren, R.I., where he resided until his death by small pox, March 30, 1778. His wife Mary died March 14, 1790, being nearly 97 years old. They had no child- ren, ; IV. Mercy Carr (125) born in Jamestown, R. I., Feb. 24, 1696, married —— Paine, Dec. 20,1718. She next married Samuel Brown as his second wife. IV. Avis Carr (126) born in Jamestown, R.I., May 29, 1698, married Hez2kiah Gorton, in Warwick, R. I, Aug. 20, 1719. They lived in Warwick, and had only one child. Avis died Feb. 17, 1783. They had, 356 1. Samuel Gorton, b. May 20, 1720, d. Nov. 1, 1720. IV. PatrencE Carr (127) born in Jamestown, R.I., Feb. 14, 1701, married Robert Westgate, of Warwick, R. I, by Nicholas Carr, warden, July 9, 1723. She died March 27, 1753. Their children were, 357 1. Edward Westgate, b. April 23, 1724. 358 2. Avis Westgate, b. Nov. 9,1725. | 359 3. Patience Westgate, b. Dec. 16, 1728. 360x4. Sarah Westgate, b. March 11, 1782. 3615. Hannah Westgate, b. June 1, 1735. 3626. Mary Westgate, b. June 30, 1740. 1V. JAMES Carr (128) born in Jamestown, R. I., Oct. 27, 17C8, married Abigail —--: Their children were, 363 x1. Daramis Carr, b. Nov. 3, 1727. 364 2. Hannah Carr, b. Aug. 30, 1731. d. young. 365 3. Merebah Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1734. 366 x4. Phebe Carr, b. 1785. 3675. James Carr, b. July 15, 1737. 44 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-FOURTH GENERATION. 368 x6. Peleg Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1741. 369 7. John Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1745. 370 8. Hannah Carr, b. June 13, 1747. 371 9. Abigail Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1749. IV. Saran Carr (180) born in Jamestown, R.I., Dec. 28, 1708, married Resolved Waterman, of John and Anne, of Warwick, R. IL, Oct. 12, 1732. He was born Oct. 18, 1708, and died in 1752. Their children were, 372X1. John Waterman, b. July 8, 17383. 373 2. Edward Waterman, b. March 30, 1735. 374 3. Resolved Waterman, b. Jan. 28, 1737. 375 4. Caleb Waterman, b. June 20, 1739. 376 x5. Sarah Waterman, b. Jan. 23, 1742. 3776. Avis Waterman, b, March 1, 1744. 3787. Phebe Waterman, b. April 11, 1748. 379 8. Hannah Waterman, b. Oct. 12, 1750. IV. Sarau Carr (131) born in Newport, R. L., married George Piggott, a school master. She joined with her husband in 1717, in a suit against Stephen Mumford for possession of her father’s estate. She was called a minor, though married and sole heir of her father’s property. TV. Cates Carr (132) born in Newport, R. I. He settled in Little Egg Harbor, N. J., in 1746, where he married and raised a family. Later in life he located in Manahawkin, Ocean coun- ty, N. J. They had, 380 x1. James Carr, 381 2. Joseph Carr. 382 3. Catherine Carr, m. Asa Cramer, \| IV. Grorce Carr (145) born in Bristol, R. 1, May 20, 1681, married Elizebeth Codle, Aug. 19, 1710. She was a daughter of John and Jane (Williams) Codle, and was born June 17, 1684. She died May 26, 1772. They lived in Newport, R. I. He died July 2, 1760. Their children were, 383 1. Susan Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1714, d. July 11, 1717. 384 2. Elizabeth Carr, b. 1720, d. March 7, 1723. 385 x3. William Carr, b. Jan. 18, 1780. os 1 tee Carr (146) born in Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 12, 1705, married Mary Winch, of York, Me., Feb. 10, 1724. Their children were, CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-FOURTH GENERATION. 45 386 1. —— Carr, b. Nov. 1724. 387 2. Susanna Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1726. 388 3. Mary Carr, b. Nov, 23, 1728. 1V. DaAntEL Carr (147) born in Salisbury, Mass., July 7, 1706. married Sarah Osgood, in 1733. He died in Salisbury, Jan. 24, 1770. Their children were, 389 1.’ Osgood Carr, b. April 25, 1734, d. June 13, 1824, aged 90. 390 2. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1736, d. June 1744. 391 3. Sarah Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1738. 892 4. Samuel Carr, b. May 16, 1740. 393 5. Jabez Carr, b. Nov. 19, 1746. 394 6. Zebulon Carr, b. July 28, 1849. 1V. Sytvanus Carr (148) born in Salisbury, Mass., April 18, 1708, married Lydia Macrest, Aug. 27, 1730. He died in Salis- bury, Dec. 3,1770. Their children were, 395x1. Macrest Carr, b. May 2, 1781. 396 2. Sylvanus Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1784. 397 3. Moses Carr, b. May 8, 1788. 398 +. Sarah Carr, b. Sept. 23, 1743. 399 5. Phineas Carr, b. April 18, 1747. 400 6. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1751. IV. Mary Carr (149) born in Salisbury, Mass., May 28, 1710, married Moses Hoyt, July 15, 1781. IV. SanpeERS Carr (150) born in Salisbury, Mass., April 12, 1712, married Elizabeth Pike, Dec. 21, 1738. IV. Hezexrau Carr (151) born in Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 27, 1714, married Nanne Merrill, in Salisbury, Dec. 7, 1733. Their children were, E 3 V 401321, Sanders Carr, 6, Aug: 27, 1784, 12 Roy wwe 4022. Ezekiel Carr, b. April 29, 1736. 403 3. George Carr, b. July 26, 1738. 404 4. Martha Carr, b. Nov. 25, 1742. 4055. { Robert Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1744. 406X6, Sarah Carr, b. ta 407 7. Nanne Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1747. IV. Joun Carr (154) born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 21, 1721. He left Salisbury when a young man and settled in Epping, N. H., where he married and had ason as follows: 408 <1. John Carr, b. about 1745. 46: CARR FAMILY RECORDS--FOURTH GENERATION. IV. Wititam Carr (155) born in Salisbury, Mass., July 23, 1709, married Abigail Eastman, Jan. 21, 1736. She was born in Salisbury, June 18, 1712. They had, 409 1. Sarah Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1744. IV. NarHAnieL Carr (157) born in Salisbury, Mass., May 24, 1714, married Hannah Collins, in Salisbury, Dec. 25, 1735. Their children were, 4101. Betty Carr, b. Aug. 18, 1788. 411 2. Hannah Carr, b. March 1, 1740. 412 3. Thristram Carr, b. Feb. 21, 1742, d. March 15, 1744. 413 4. Ann Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1743. 414 5. William Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1748.. IV. EvizaBerH Carr (158) born in Salisbury, Mass., May 19, 1716, married Jacob True in Salisbury, Feb. 15, 1733. IV. SamuEt Carr (159) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 24, 1719, married Orpha Sanders, of Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 16, 1752. She died in Salisbury, March 10, 1805. Their children were, 415x1. Samuel Carr, b. March 20, 1755. 416 x2. Jesse Carr, b. May 14, 1757. IV. kuru Carr (161) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 29, 1725, married Samuel Sanders, about 1754 in Haverhill, Mass. IV. Joun Carr (163) born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 23, 1718, married ———. His second wife was Mary Shephard, whom he married Jan. 7, 1741. He died before 1752. He children by his first wife were, 417 1. Joseph Carr. 418 x2. Lydia Carr. 419 3. Susanna Carr. children by second wife Mary, 4204. John Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1742. 421 5. Mary Carr, b. April 4, 1746. 422 6. Betty Carr, b. July 17, 1749. IV. SytvANnus Carr (164) born in Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 25, 1714-5, married Sarah Elliott, in Amesbury, Mass., Dec. 17, 1738. Their children were, 423 1. Hannah Carr, b. Aug. 25, 1789, d. Jan. 2, 1772. 424x2. Edmond Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1746. 425 3. Dudley Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1748. 426 4. Sarah Carr, b. July G6, 1753. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. 47 IV. JosepH Carr (165) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 21, 1716-7, married Sarah Smith, in Newbury, Mass., July 23,1741. He next married Hannah Little, Jan. 7, 1746. IV. Benyamin Carr (166) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 5, 1718-9, married Sarah Collins, April 3, 1750. She was born in 1728 and died Jan. 24, 1813, aged 85 years. Their children were, 427X1. Benjamin Carr, b. March 11, 1751. 428 429 430 431 2. Sarah Carr, b. Aug. 12, 1753. 3. Nanne Carr, Oct. 26, 1755. 4+. Mehitable, b. Jan. 22, 1758, d. Feb. 16, 1762. 5. John Carr, b. May 6, 1760. IV. Joannau Carr (167) born in Salisbury, Mass., May 24, 1721, married Jeremiah Poor, of Rowley, Mass., Nov. 3, 1742. He was a son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Felt) Poor, and was born June 6, 1719, and in 1774. She died in 1782. They lived in Rowley, and their children were, 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 Mary Poor, b. Dec. 11, 1743, m. John Wheeler. Abigail Poor, b. Jan. 18, 1745-6, d. young. Moses Poor, b. June 6, 1747, d. young. Abigail Poor, b. June, 1749, d. youug. . Mehitable Poor, b. May 18, 1752, d. 1777. . Jeremiah Poor, b. June 20, 1757, m. Eliza Willett. Benjamin Poor, b. April 13, 17€0, m. Ruth Poor. Paul Poor, b. Feb. 23, 1762, m. Ruth Noyes, d. 1837. Silas Poor, b. April 20, 1766, d. unm. 1792. Ceara arwn IV. ApicarL Carr (168) born in Salisbury, Mass., June 3, 1723, married David Page, of Hampton, N. H., Feb. 4, 1746. IV. Marraa Carr (169) born in Sabisbury, Mass., May 12, 1725, married Benjamin Willett, of Newbury, Mass., Oct. 4. 1748. . IV. NatHan Carr (170) born in Salisbury, Mass., June 14, 1728, married Elizabeth Maxfield, in Salisbury, Nov. 21, 1753. Their children were, 4411. Jacob Carr, b. Dec. 11, 1754, in Salisbury. 442 443 444 445 447 Nathan Carr, b. July 25, 1756. a Joanna Carr, b. July 1, 1758. a . Battee Carr, b. June 27, 1760, in Haverhill, Mass. Susanna Carr, b. May 18, 1762, . Moses Carr, b. April 26, 17€4, ” Qh wh ” 48 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-FOURTH GENERATION. IV. SusanNAH Carr (171) born in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 25, 1731, married Michael Maxfield, April 8, 1753. TV. Berry Carr (174) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 18,1737, married Benjamin Colby, Nov. 12, 1855. TV. Mary Carr (175) born in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 1, 1739, married Israel True, Aug. 20, 1761. IV. Extrorr Carr (176) born in Salisbury, Mass., July 5, 1742, married Joanna Dow, Their children were, 4471. Hannah Carr, b. Nov. 23, 1765. 448 2. Betty Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1767. 449 3. Jemima Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1769. 450 4. Rhoda Carr, b. July 18, 1772. 451 5. Sarah Carr, b. Feb. 20, 1775. 4526. John Carr, b. March 11, 1778. 453 7. Nathan Carr, b. June 5, 1781. 454 8. Nanne Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1787. IV. Joun Carr (178) born in Newbury, Mass., June 4, 1711, married Anne Moody, July 28, 1738. They lived in Newbury. Their children were. 455 x1. John Carr, b. May 16, 1739. 456 x2. Samuel Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1740. 457 3. Anne Carr, b. March 6, 1743. 458 4. Sarah Carr, b. July 26, 1745. 4595. Mary Carr, b. April 22, 1757. IV. Ann Carr (279) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 10, 1313, married Thomas Perrin, of Ipswick, Mass., July 28, 1729. IV. Dr. Moses Carr (180) born in Newbury, Mass., Nov. 28, 1715. He settled in Dover, N. H., when a young man and mar- ried Mary Gerrish, daughter of Paul Gerrish. He practiced medicine in Somerville, N. H., for 60 years, He was town clerk, judge of the common court of pleas, and a representa- tive to the legislature. He dicd March 30, 1800. Their child- ren were, 460 1. John Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1741. 461 2. Paul Carr, b. July 6, 1743, d. Sept. 5, 1753. 462 3. Mary Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1744, m. John Rollins, d. Apr. 1823. 463 4. Moses Carr, b. May 28, 1746, m. Hannah Humbleton. 4645. James Carr, b. April 22, 1748. 465 6. Betsey Carr, b. July 26, 1849, m. Rev. R. T. Tibbitts. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-FOURTH GENERATION. 49 466 7. Sarah Carr, b. Sept. 17, 1751, d. July 4, 1755. 467 8. Daniel Carr, b. June 2, 1753, d. July 3, 1753. 468 9. Hannah Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1754, m. James Rollins. 469 10. Sarah Carr, b. Nov. 29, 1756, m. Dr. Nath. Law. 470 11. Paul Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1758. 471 12. Susan Carr, b. Feb. 25, 1761, m. Elijah Clement. 1V. Mary Carr (181) born in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 24, 1717, married Zachariah Newell, Nov. 27, 1785. IV. ExizaBeTH Carr (182) born in Newbury, Mass., March 20, 1719, married Daniel Pike, April 22, 1755. IV. Saran Carr (183) born in Newbury, Mass., June 1, 1722, married Francis Roberts, of Somerville, N. H., Sept. 19, 1745. She next married Charles Baker, of Dover, N. H. She died Oct. 21, 1807. IV. Hannan Carr (184) born in Newbury, Mass., Sept. 15, 1725, married Coffin Boardman, Oct. 31, 1746. IV. Carr James Carr (185) born in Newbury, Mass., in 1727, married Sarah Follinsbee, in Newbury, —5, 1749. She was a very intelligent woman and was much beloved by all who knew her. He moved from Newbury to Kingston, N. H., thence to Amesbury, Mass., and from there to New Milford, Lincoln Co., District of Maine, before the Revolutionary war. He raised a company of volunteers and received a captain’s commission from the colony. After the war he settled in Hav- erhill, Mass., and resided there a number of years. When sev- eral of his children became of age, he went back to Maine, and settled in Hallowell, where he traded fora number of years. He closed up his business in 1793, and in 1795 moved on to a farm 114 miles from the river, where he lived until his death in 1809, at the age of 82 years. He was a representative to the General Court of Massachusetts for several years, also repre- sentative from Hallowell in the District of Maine. They had a large family of children, two of whom died when five or six years old, and the rest married and settled in different parts of the country. Their names were as follows: 4721. Sarah Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1750. 4732. Francis Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1751. 4743. Hannah Carr, b. March 8, 1754. 475 x4. Judith Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1759. 50 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. 476 5. Samuel Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1761, in Amesbury, Mass. 477x6. James Carr, b. Sept. 13, 1763. ‘5 i 478X7. Daniel Carr, b. Sept. 17, 1765. 5 3 479 8. Bettee Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1767, d. young. 4809. Abigail Carr, b. May 21, 1770. 48110 Moses Carr. IV. Jupira Carr (186) born in Newbury, Mass., June 15, 1730, married Stephen Morse, Oct. 5, 1749. IV. DanteL Carr (187) born in Newbury, Mass., July 13, 1734, married Betty Chase, in Newbury, July 19, 1757. After her death he married Elizabeth Chase, Oct. 19, 1772. She was born in 1741, and died in Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 24, 1819. He died in the same place, April 12,1822. heir children were, 482 1. Elizabeth Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1758, d. Nov. 20, 1759. 483 2. Elizabeth Carr, b. June 11, 1760. 4843. Sarah Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1763. 485 x4. Anna Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1767. children by second wife Elizabeth, 486 x5. Daniel Carr, b. July 28, 1773. 487x6. John Carr, b. March 18, 1775. 488 x7. Moses Carr, b. July 3, 1777. 489 x8. Judith Carr, b, Aug. 20, 1779. IV. Anne Carr (188) born in Newbury, Mass., July 13, 1734, married Samuel Brown, March 1, 1759. IV. Brapsury Carr (189) born in Newbury, Mass., July 27, 1713, married Anne Richardson, of Newbury, Dec. 5, 1734. Their children were, 490 1. Bradbury Carr, b. Dec. 28, 1735, d. Dec. 31, 1735. 491 2. Anne Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1737. 492 3. Ruth Carr, b. March 15, 1739. IV. Dororny Carr (191) born in Newbury, Mass.. Sept. 8, 1716, married Nathan Merrill, jr., of Newbury, Oct. 16, 1731. IV. Saran Carr (192) born in Salisbury, Mass., July 21, 1721, married Josiah French, Dec. 20, 1739. She next married John Ordway, of South Hampton, N. H., Dec. 8, 1742. IV. Jupira Carr (193) bornin Salisbury, Mass., July 21, 1721, married Daniel Hoyt, June 24, 1736. IV. Evizasetu Carr (194) born in Salisbury, Mass., June 28, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENERATION. 51 1728, married Nathan Rogers, of Newbury, Mass., Aug. 18, 1744. IV. Ricwarp Carr (195) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 13, 1725, married Sarah Cook, in Newbury, Mass., April 16, 1745, ‘Their children were, 493x1. Richard Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1747. 494 2. Sarah Carr, b. March 17, 1749. 495 3. John Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1752. 496 4. Joseph Carr, b. March 13, 1756. 497 5. ( Benjamin Carr, b. i ” IV. RepeccaA Carr (196) born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 9, 1727, married Benjamin Ordway, of South Hampton, N. H., Oct. 30, 1746. Y IV. James Carr (197) born in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 3, 1728, married Mary Greeley, Nov. 28, 1756. She died April 8, 1798. He died June 9, 1812. Their children were, 498 1. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1757. 499 2. Judith Carr, b. Aug. 18, 1759, d. Jan. 31, 1849, unm. 5003. James Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1761. 501 4. EBlizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1763, d. Sept. 16, 1779. , 902 5. Esther Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1765, d. April 9, 1836. “ §08x6. Levi Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1768. 504 7. Sarah Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1770, d. Sept. 1855, unm. (- IV. Tuomas Carr was born in England, about 1679, and mar- ried Mary Dabney. She was born Jan. 22, 1680, and died in Virginia, Sept. 7, 1748, Thomas is supposed to have come from the border land between England and Scotland, and had a grant of land from the king, consisting of 25,000 acres, in the counties of Louisa and Albermarle, in Virginia. This ancient document was written on parchment, granting to “our trusty and well-beloved Thomas Carr, gentleman, a tract of land in our colony of Virginia.” Itis supposed that two brothers came over from England with Thomas and his wife, namely: Robert and John. Robert settled in another part of the colony and John died without issue. Thomas died May 29, 1738. Their children were, 505 x1. John Carr, b. June 25, 1706. 506 x2. William Carr, b. about 1707. 507 x3. Thomas Carr, b. » 1709. 508 x4. Sarah Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1714. 52 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTII GENERATION. IV. Ropert Carr, brother of the foregoing Thomas Carr, settled in Nansemond county, Va., where he died in1773. He married Mary Williams in 1735. His will is a unique docu- ment, and its minute details are amusing to the present gene- ration. He speaks of being “the author of eight children and the possessor of much plunder.” His children were, 509 1. Joshua Carr, b. 1736. 510 2. Mathew Carr, b. 1738. 511 3. Robert Carr, b. 1740. 512x4. Titus Carr, b. 1743. 513 5. Mary Carr, b. 514 6. Elizabeth Carr. 515 7. Lydia Carr. 516 8. Martha Carr. IV. BrapBury Karr came from Scotland with several brothers and settled in Chester, N. H., about 1724. His name is onan inventory of Chester in 1741, as Karr, but in all other places it appears as Carr. No record of his birth or date of marriage is found. His wife’s name was Anna. Their children were, 5171. Joseph Carr, b. Nov. 20, 1742. 518 2. Molly Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1747. 5193. Parker Carr, b. May 29, 1750. 520 4. Judith Carr, b. May 28, 1752. IV. Joun Karr is the name of another of the early settlers of New Hampshire, who probably settled near Boscawen. He was born in Scotland and might have been a brother of Brad- bury Carr. He married Margaret Kile, in New Hampshire, Dec. 6, 1743. She died April 19, 1785. This family alsotook on the Carr spelling of the family name. Their children were, 521 1. Jane Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1745. 522 2. John Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1747. 5233. Thomas Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1755. 524 4. Alexander Carr, b. June 19, 17— 5255. Elizabeth Carr, b. June 6, 1761. 5266. James Carr, b. June 10, 1763. IV. Jonn Carr was born in Londonderry, Ireland, July 26, 1700, came to this country and settled in New Hampshire. His’ wife’s name was Jane. He died April 23, 1770. They had, 527x1. Timothy Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1747. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 53 1V. Tuomas CARR was born about 1710, but where or who were his parents it is not know. He married Mary Bryan, a daughter of Nicholas Bryan, in Bridgewater, Mass. Their children were, 528 x1. Thomas Carr, b. about 1735. 529 2. Hugh Carr. 5303. Elizabeth Carr, b. about 1740. 5314. Daniel Carr, b. about 1752. FIFTH GENERATION. V. CaLeB Carr (199) born in Jamestown, R.I., Nov. 6. 1702, and diedin West Greenwich, R. I., in 1769. His wife Sarah was born Nov. 8, 1711, and died in November, 1798. Their children were, 932 1. Patience Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1729. 533 x2. Mary Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1781. 5343. Rebecca Carr, b. May 29, 1732. 535 x4. Susanna Carr. b. Feb. 3, 1784. 5386 x5. Robert Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1735. 537 X6. Merebah Carr, b. July 3, 1739. 588 x7. Comfort Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1741. 539x8. Caleb Carr, b. June 19, 1744. 540x9. Eleazer Carr, b. April 22, 1746. 94110. Joshua Carr, b. Dec. 28, 1748. 54211. Richmond Carr, b. April4 1751. 543 x12. Edward Carr, b. July 4. 1753. 54413. Thurston Carr, b. July 2, 1756. y V. JosepH Carr (200) born in Jamestown, R. I., about 1704, married Percilla ——, in West Greenwich, R. 1, June 21, 1741, by Joseph Slocum, justice. He died in 1765. His will was dated Feb. 15, 1765, and recorded in West Greenwich. Mention is made of wife Percilla, and children John, Job, Slocum, Jo- seph, Susanna, Ruth and Patience. Their children were, 545 x1. Susanna Carr, b. June 19, 1742. 546 x2. John Carr; b. Sept. 27, 1744. 5473. Job Carr, b. May 5, 1748. 548 4. Ruth Carr, b. Aug. 10, 1750. 549 5. Patience Carr, b. — 1752. 550x6. Slocum Carr, b. May 5, 1754. 5517. Joseph Carr, b. April 3, 1757. 54 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. V. Partaznce Carr (201) bornin Jamestown, R.I., about 1705, married Joseph Slocum, of Giles and Mary, in Newport, R. L, Sept. 27, 1724, by Jonathan Nichols, asst. They settledin West Greenwich, R. I. Their children were, 552 1. Joanna Slocum, b. 1725. 553 2. Mary Slocum, Nov. 3, 1727. 554 3. Desire Slocum, b. Oct. 1, 1781. 555 4. Jonathan Slocum b. 3mo., 1st, 1733. 556 5. Abigail Slocum, hb. 7mo., 4th, 1740. 557 6. Patience Slocum, b. 9mo., 19th, 1742. V. Witiram Carr (203) born in Jamestown, R. I, Dec, 26, 1708, married Elizabeth Cory, daughter of William Cory, in East Greenwich, R. L, April 19, 1782. He was a ship carpenter. Their children were, 558 1. William Carr, b. May 16, 1733, in East Greenwich. 559 2. Caleb Carr, b. July 7, 1734, " me 560 3. Joanna Carr, b. May 24, 1733, in West Gretnwicls 561 4. Blizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 24. 1788, _,, _ 562 5. Joseph Carr, lb. Feb. 8, 1740, 53 “3 563. 6. Waite Carr, b. May 17, 1742, es i} V. BENAJAH CARR (204) born in Jamestown, R. L., about 1713, married Louisa. 564 1. Benjamin Carr? 565 2. Louisa Carr? V. Capt. CHARLES Carr (205) born in Jamestown, Ik. IL., about 1715, married Hannah Hopkins, daughter of Joseph Hopkins, of East Greenwich, R. I., Nov. 18, 1735, by John Jenkins, jus- tice. He was deeded land by his father at Carr pond. He was a deacon in the Baptist church for thirty years, and once a member of the Assembly. He was also the sheriff of Kent county at the time the thirteen pirates were hung at the yard- arm of the ships lying in the bay of Bast Greenwich. The children of Charles and Hannah Carr, were, 5661. Mary Carr, b. 1736. 5672. Esek Carr, b. 1788. 568 x3. Hannah Carr, b. 1740. 569 x4. Robert Carr, b. 1742. 5705. Charles Carr, b. April 29, 17+. 5716. Martha Carr, m. Austin. 5727. Caleb Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1750. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 55 V. Carr. Ropert CARR (206) born in Jamestown, R. 1, July 2, 1715, married Mary Wood, in Newport, R. I, May 18, 1747. She was born in 1720, and died April 1, 1790. He died Nov. 7, 1765. Their children were, 573 1. Rebecca Carr, b. April 11, 1748, d. April 27, 1750. 574x2. Mary Carr, b. Feb. 11,1750. ' 575-3. Rebecca Carr, b. Nov. 1751, d. June 11, 1762. 576 4. Mehitable Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1753. 577 (5, Abigail Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1756. 578 6. Robert Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1757. 579 7. Sarah Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1759, d. March 29, 1760. 580 8. Job Carr, b. May 15, 1762. 581 9. Peleg Wood Carr, b. June, 1764, d. Oct. 10, 1764. V. CALEB CARR (210) born in Swansea, Mass., June 3, 1719, married Ruth Miller, Jan. 4, 1740. He died in Warren, R. L, May 27,1767. Their children were. 5821. Robert Carr, b. May 5, 1741. 583 x2. Caleb Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1743. 584 3. John Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1746, d. in Jamaica, unm. 585 4. Samuel Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1748, lost at sea. 5865. Jonathan Carr, b. March 8, 1751. 587 6. Hannah Carr, b. April, 1753. 588 7. Mary Carr, b. June 19, 1755. 589 8. Nathan Carr, b. April 3, 1757, killed in war with Eng. 590 9. Phillip Carr, b. June 4, 1759, lost at sea. 591 10. Ruth Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1761. 59211. William Carr, b. Nov. 11, 1764. V. Mary Carr (262) born in Little Compton, R.I., July 31, 1717, married Nathaniel Potter, of Dartmouth, Mass., Oct. 20, 1736, by Richard Billings, justice, in Little Compton. ; V. DeBoran Carr (263) born in Little Compton, R.I., April 18, 1728, married Thomas Bailey, in Little Compton, April 30, 1750. She died in August,1810. Their children were, 233 1. Mary Bailey, b. July 18, 1751. 594 2. Susanna Bailey, b. July 25, 1756. 595 3. Rhoda Bailey, b, Oct. 15, 1763. 596 4. Lydia Bailey, b. April 21, 1765. V. Wituram Carr (273) born in Little Compton, R.I., Oct. 31, 1731, married Abigail Dring, by Rev. Jonathan Ellis, Nov. 15, 56 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION, 1756. She was born in 1736, and died May 1, 1815. He died May 8, 1810. Their children were, 5971. Sarah Carr, b. July 27, 1757. 598 2. Elizabeth Carr, b. Dec. 1759, d. Dec. 19, 1846. 599 x3. John Carr, b. June 5, 1761. 600 4. William Carr, b. March 11, 1765. 601 5. Caleb Carr, b. May 23, 1767. 602 6. Samuel Carr, b. March 29, 1770. V. Rev. Esex Carr (274) born in Little Compton, R. L, March 25, 1733, married widow Lydia Simmons, (Grinnell). He settled in North Easton, Mass., where he lived for a num- ber of years, and where he died Feb. 19, 1794. He was a coop- er by trade as his father and grand father had been before him. He worked at his trade during the week and preached in his shop as a church on Sundays. He was the founder of the Baptist church in North Easton. His wife died May 17, 18038. Their children were, 603 x1. Caleb Carr, b. March 14, 1767. 604 2. Ellaphelda Carr, b. March 14, 1770, d. April 19, 1794. 605 x3. Esek Carr. V. Roperr Carr (275) born in Little Compton, R. I, Sept. 13, 1734, settled in Nantucket, Mass., and married Judith Swain. He was lost at sea in 1803. Their children were, 606 x1. Obed Carr. 607 x2. Robert Carr. 608 3. Mary Carr, b. April 13, 1775. 609 x4. Moses Carr, b. June 13, 1777. V. ResBecca CARR (287) born in Jamestown, R. I., April 17, 1707, married Joseph Underwood, of John and Sarah, of James- town, by Daniel Weeden, warden, Feb. 26,1747. He was born Sept. 8,1701. They had, 610 1. Mary Underwood, b. Aug. 7, 1748. V. ANNE Carr (289) born in Jamestown, R. I., March 15, 1710, married Immanuel Northrop, of Henry and Mary, in Jamestown, March 11, 1746. He was born in North Kings- town, Rk. IL, June 17, 1699. They settled in North Kingstown. V. FRANCES Carr (290) born in Jamestown, R. I, Oct. 24, 1711, married Christopher Spencer, of William and Elizabeth, of North Kingstown, R.1., Sept. 26, 1745. They settled in North Kingstown. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION, 57 V. Mary Carr (291) born in Jamestown, R. I., June 21, 17183, married Phillip Underwood, by J. Hull, warden, Sept. 12, 1728. They had, ; 611 1. John Underwood, b. Aug. 4, 1731, d. March 3, 1760. V. Joun Carr (294) born in Jamestown, R.1., June 20, 1721, married Alice Gardiner, by Samuel Hopkins, justice, July 26, 1747. They settled in North Kingstown, R. L, and had, 6121. Samuel Carr, b. 1752. 6132. Deborah Carr, b. June 10, 1760. V. Repecca Barrey (299) born in Warwick, R. I, Sept. 26, 1715, married Thomas Corpe, by James Rhodes, justice, 1741. Their children were, / 614 1. Freelove Corpe, b. March 1, 1742. 615 2. Massey Corpe, b. July 18, 1743. 616 3. Elizabeth Corpe, b. Dec. 22, 1744. 617 4. John Corpe, b. Sept. 28, 1746. V. Witi1am Barrey (800) born in Warwick, R. L, Jan. 20, 1718, married Hopestill Pierce, Oct. 9, 1740. Their children were, 618 1. Ann Battey, b. March 9, 1742. 619 2. Hopestill Battey, b. July 26, 1744. 620 3. Mary Battey, b. June 25, 1746. 621 3. William Battey, b. March 3, 1748, d. Sept, 23, 1749. V. Saran Carr (310) born in Jamestown, R.L, Jan. 11, 1721, married Peleg Cranston, Sept. 7,1749. Their children were, 622 1. Thomas Cranston, b. Dec. 18, 1750. 623 2. Samuel Cranston, b. April 12, 1752. 624 3. Patience Cranston, b. Aug. 29, 1753. 625 4. Hannah Cranston, b. Nov. 1, 1754. ; 626 5. John Cranston, b. Nov. 3, 1755. 627° 6. Peleg Cranston, b. April 22, 1757. 628 7. Elizabeth Cranston, b. April 19, 1759. 629 8. Rhoda Cranston, b. May 20, 1761. 630 9. James Cranston, b. June 1, 1764. 631 10. Nicholas Cranston, b. Nov. 11. 1766. V. JANE Carr (311) born in Jamestown, R. I, Jan. 14, 1723, married William Tew, June 8, 1740. She died Oct. 17, 1800. Their children were, 632. 1. Sarah Tew, b. Nov. 22, 1741. 633. 2. Hannah Tew, b. Aug. 6, 1748. 634 3. John Tew, b. March 4, 1746. 58 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-——FIFTH GENERATION 635 4. Ruth Tew, b. Dec. 28, 1749. 636 5. Elisha Tew, b. April 14, 1752. 637 6. Mary Tew, b. April 3, 1755. V. BenyJAMIN CarR (312) born in Jamestown, R. I, Sept. 14, 1725, married Mary Martindale, in Newport, R. I., by Joseph Sylvester, justice, Sept. 5, 1755. He died April 9, 1791. Their children were, 638 x1. Isaac Carr, b. May 27, 1757. 639 2. Hannah Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1761. 640 3. Joseph Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1762. 6414. Benjamin Carr, b. Aug. 21, 1765. 642 5. Mary Carr, b. July 20, 1769. 643 6. Thomas Carr, b. July 31, 1771. V. Joun Carr (313) born in Jamestown, R. I., Sept. 30, 1728, married Martha Paine, of John and Mary, 1760. She died April 29,1761. He died Feb. 9, 1769. They had, 644 1. Martha Carr, b. April 19, 1761. V. NicHoutas Carr (315) born in Jamestown, R. I., Dec. 25, 1732, married Mary Eldred, of John, Nov. 10, 1768. She died June 13, 1800, and he died March 3, 1813. The following revo- lutionary story is told of Nicholas Carr: As he was plowing on his farm on the east side of the island of Conanicut, he was approached one day by the captain of an English man-of-war, which was blockading Narragansett bay, and in an insolent manner commanded him to stop his team, which order was wholly disregarded, and this so enraged the captain that he up with his cane and struck the independent farmer a blow on his head. War was instantly declared, and the patriotic Conanicut farmer and the aggressive English captain fought the battle of the revolution in miniature, and pompous John Bull was a sight to behold after he had been rolled in the dirt until he cried for quarters, He went off to his ship in great fury and sent a file of marines ashore who took Carr and made him a prisoner in irons on board of the ship for three days, and _ every day a rope was put around his neck and he was given the choice of getting down on his knees and kiss the hand of the loyal subject of the king and be liberated, or be hung at the yardarm of the vessel. Finding that the fear of hanging had no effect on the old patriot, he was liberated and sent a- shore. He was afterwards appointed judge of the court of CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION, 59 Newport county, which office he held fora number of years. The children of Nicholas and Mary Carr were, 645 x1 Mary Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1771. - 646 x2. Thomas Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1772. 6473. John Carr, b. May 5, 1774. 648 4. Hannah Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1782. V. ReBeccA Carr (316) born in Jamestown, R. I, June 22, 1735, married Oliver Martin, of John and Phebe, in James- town, by Joseph Clark, warden, Jan. 26,1758. Their children were, 649 1. Rebecca Martin, b. May 31, 1760. ‘650 2. John Martin, b. May 9, 1763. 651 3. Ann Martin, b. Dec. 3, 1764. V. CALEB CARR (321) born in Jamestown, Bk. L., June 15, 1707, married Elizabeth Pierce, of John, by Giles Pierce, justice, in East Greenwich, R. I., Nov. 9,1740. Their children were, 652. 1. Phebe Carr, b. March 3, 1742. 653 2. Susanna Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1744. (54 3. Roba Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1748. 655. +. Daniel Carr, b. April 19, 1751, in North Kingstown, R. I. 656 x5. Peleg Carr, b. Aug. 3, 1753, ss 657 6. Mercy Carr, b. June 29, 1756, ‘3 i V. Tuomas GREENE (326) born in Warwick, R.I., Oct. 29, 1714, married Elnathan Rice, Jan. 18, 1735. V. CaLeB GREENE (327) born in Warwick, R.I., June 11, 1716, married Ann Bodman, Novy. 22, 1789. V. ANNE GREENE (328) born in Warwick, R. I. Feb. 24, 1718, married John Nichols, March 22,1733, 2nd., Nathan Wescott, March 6, 1735, and 8rd., John Greene, Feb. 10, 1744. V BENJAMIN GREENE (329) born in Warwick, Rk. L., May 2, 1720, manriied Mercy Rogers, Feb. 7, 1742. V. AtMy GREENE (331) bern in Warwick, R. L, Jan. 31, 1724, married John Culverson, July 2, 1749. ” V RICHARD GREENE (332) born in Warwick, R. I, Oct. 4, 1725, married Sarah Fry, Sept. 28, 1746. V. Say“es Carr (3385) born in Warwick, R. IL, about 1742, married Mary Hatch, of East Greenwich, R. L, Nov. 5. 1789, by Elder David Corpe. Their children were, 60 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION 658 1. Deborah Carr, b. Jan. 20, 1790. 659 2. Caleb Carr, b. Sept. 23, 1791. V. Hannau Carr (838) born in the township of Oyster Bay, near Jericho, L. 1., July 24, 1716, married Jeremiah Robbins. She died in N. J., Nov. 19, 1762. Of her last moments, her brother Caleb wrote: “Dear sister Hannah is lying at the point of death. As her husband and I were standing by her, she ex- pressed herself thus—‘I feel a degree of peace that cannot be expressed. Me-thinks I have a sight of the tree of life.’ Then she followed with an exceeding fervent prayer. I took my leave of her with the conviction that she would soon be with my beloved; and I prayed God we might live such lives that we might come to them in the Lord’s good time.” The child- ren of Hannah and Jeremiah were, 660 -1. Almy Robbins, b. 1733. 661 2. Elizabeth Robbins, b. 1736, m. Henry Cook, of John. 662 3. Hannah Robbins, b. 1739, m. Reese Cook, of John. 663 4. Sarah Robbins, b. 1742, m. John Tibbitts, of William. 664 5. Samuel Robbins, b. 1745, m. Elizabeth Cook, of John. 665 6. Isaac Robbins, b. 1746, m. Margaret Tibbitts, of Wm. 666 7. Stephen Robbins, b. 1750,m. Mariam Seaman. 667 8. Phebe Robbins, b. 1752, m. Benjamin Bedell. 668 9. Abigail Robbins, b. 1755, m. Samuel Tibbitts. 669 x10. Job Robbins, b. 1758, m. Mary Seaving. V. Cates Carr (339) born in the township of Oyster Bay, near Jericho, L. I. Nov. 4, 1719. He evidently crossed the sea about 1744, and after his return settled in Little Egg Harbor, N. J., where he married Sarah Ridgway, daughter of Thomas and Mary Ridgway, in 1746. She was born July 11, 1727, and died in Little Egg Harbor, April 16, 1762. He died in Mt. Holly, Sept. 11,1783. He was a prosperous farmer, and also carried on the business of carriage and wagon making. He left many manuscripts bearing his name, which attest that he was an ear- nest religious man, and a firm believer in the faith of the Qua- kers. The following is his charge to his children: “As your dear mother but a short time before her death, besides giving you her charge, desired of me that you might be brought up in the fear of the Lord; and my desire as your father is this, that you may have the fear of God always before your eyes, and be faithful in going to Friends’ meetings, and of a sober, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFIH GENERATION. 61 civil behavior. And as it was her wish, soit is mine, that you should not make yourselves too fine. Speak no bad words, take not God’s name in vain by any means, keep no bad company, tell no falsehoods, be not forward in idle discourse, be just in your dealings as I have been, punctual to your promises, charitable to the poor, and keep to the Friends’ plain language. And if you should arrive to be men and women, and are in- clined to marry, set not your affections on any person till you find them to be well grounded in your own religion, and to be living in the fear of God. For that with a morsel will be bet- ter to you than great riches without it. Tomychildren, given by me your father, 4th month, 19th day, 1762, CALEB Carr.” The children of Caleb and Sarah Carr were, 670x1. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1747. G7Lx2. Job Carr, b. July 15, 1750. 672 3. Thomas Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1753, d. April 8, 1753. 6734. Samuel Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1754. 6745. Isaac Carr, b. March 10, 1757. 675 x6. Hannah Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1759. 6767. Sarah Carr, b. April 14, 1762. V. Capt. CALEB Carr (340) born in Newport, R. I., 1720, mar- ried Elizabeth Phillips, in Newport, Nov. 15, 1741, by Rev. Nicholas Eyres. She was born in 1722, and died Feb. 28, 1805. He died Dec. 30, 1783. The following is a copy of Capt. Carr’s commission in the colonial service: “By the Hon.Samuel Ward, Esquire, Governor, Captain Gen- eral and Commander-in-Chief of and over the English colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation in New England, in America.” “To Caleb Carr, Gentleman, Greeting: Whereas the General Assembly of the colony aforesaid, at their session in Newport on the first Wednesday in this instant, may chose and appoint you the said Caleb Carr, Captain of Fort George upon Goat Island, in the township of Newport, in the colony aforesaid, I do therefore inthe Name of His Most Sacred Majesty George the Third by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, &c., here- by authorize, empower and commission you the said Caleb Carr to have, take and exercise the Office of Captain of the Fort aforesaid, with full Power and Authority to conduct, or- der and command all such Officers and Soldiers as do or shall 62 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—FIFTH GENERATION. belong unto the said Fort: And in case of any Invasion or at- tack of any enemy upon the said Fort, you are-to the utmost of your Skill and Ability with the men under your Command, to resist, fight and expel, kill and burn and destroy all Ships, Vessels and Parties that may attack or attempt the said Fort, in Order to preserve the Interest of His Majesty and his good Subjets in these Part. And you are always to follow and obey such further Instructions, Directions and Orders as shall from Time to Time be issued unto you by. your Superior Officers.” “Given under my Hand and the seal of the said Colony, this Fourth Day of May, 1765, and. in the Fifth year of His said Majesty’s Reign. Sam’L WARD. By his Honor’s Command, Henry Ward, Sect’y.” The children of Caleb and Elizabeth Carr were, 6771. Samuel Carr, b. —13, 1742. 678 x2. Caleb Carr, b. May 7, 1744. 679 3. William Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1745, d. —12. 680x 4. Waite Carr, June 20, 1748, 681 .5. John Carr, b 682. 6. Walter Clarke Carr, d. Aug. —. 683. 7. Phillip Carr, b. April —, 1752. d. June 30, —. 684 8. Nicholas Carr, d. Oct. 17, —. , 685 9. Patience Carr, b. July 20, 1755, d. Aug. 4, 1755. 686 10. Bailey Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1756. d. Nov. 2, 1756. 687 11. Ebenezer Carr, b. Jan. — 1758. 688 12. Peter Greene Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1759, d. Aug. 16, 1759. 689 13 Ann Carr, b. Nov. 5, 17€0, d. March 13, 1761. 690 14 Deliverance Carr, b. March 19, 1762, d. Sept, 7, 1762. 691 15 Greene Easton Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1763. 69216. William Pitt Carr, b. July 7, 1766. V. Samuet Carr (341) born in Newport, R. 1, July 28, 1722, married Damaris Carr, (3863) daughter of James Carr, of James- town, R. L, June 6, 1745. She was born in Jamestown, Noy. 3, 1727, and died Sept. 6,1800. Samuel Carr died in Tenseloge, Sépt. 2, 1796. The inscription on their gravestones in the fam- ily burying ground in Jamestown, read as follows: “In memo- ry of Samuel Carr, Esq., who died Sept. 2, 1796, in the 75th year of his age.” On his wife’s gravestone is: “In memory of Damaris Carr, wife of Samuel Carr, Ksq., and daughter of James Carr, who died Sept. €,; 18C0, aged 73 years.” Their children were, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 63 693 1. Damais Carr, b. Aug. 4, 1747, d. same month, | 694 2. Mary Carr, b. Nov. 25, 1749. 695 3. Hannah Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1751. 696 4. Comfort Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1754. 6975. Samuel Carr, b. Sept. 23, 1756. 698 x6. Ebenezer Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1760, 699 7. Abigail Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1766. V. EBENEZER CARR (343) born in Newport, R. 1, Oct. 2, 1785, married Phebe —. She died May 7, 1789. Their children were, 700 1. Robert Robinson Carr, b. Jan, 12, 1767. 701 2. Samuel Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1769. 702 3. § Abigail Carr, b. Dec. 2, 1771. 703 4.( James Carr,b. + ” 7 V. Capt. Joon Carr (344) born in Newport, R. L., Oct. 6, 1788, married Mary Arnold, by Rev. Gardiner Thurston, July 19, 1761. She was born in 1736, and died Nov. 2, 1789. He was acaptain in the revolutionary war and took an active part in the. battles of Rhode Island and at Trenton Bridge, N. J., under Washing- ton. He died March 25, 1814. Their children were, : 704 1. John Carr, b. April 12, 1762, lost at sea, Nov. 1785. 705 x2. Mary Carr, b. June 13, 1763. 706 X3. Sarah Carr, b. May 29, 1765. 707 x4. Samuel I. Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1766. 708 5. Caleb Carr, b. July 29, 1768, d. St. Mary’s, April 15, 1793. 709 6. { Richard Carr, b. June 21, 1770, d. July 19, 1770. 710 7. i Henry Carr, b. mn » d. Sept. 3, 1770. 711 8. Abigail Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1771. 712 9. Comfort Carr, b. July 15, 1773. 713 10. Ebenezer Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1775, d. Sept. 21, 1775. 714x11. George Washington Carr, b. July 12, 1777. 715 12. Hannah Carr, b. April 29, 1780. V. Epwarp Carr (347) born in Jamestown, R. L, Nov. 6, 1723, married Sarah Weeden, of Daniel, May 24, 1750. She died in North Kingstown, R. I., Dec. 13, 1778, aged 51 years. He died’ Sept. 25,1781. Their children were, 716 1. Sarah Carr, b. Feb. 25, 1751. 717X2. Joanna Carr, b. April 24, 1753. 7183. Edward Carr, b. March 1, 1755. 719 4. Phebe Carr, b. Dec. 2, 1756. °720 5. Daniel Carr, b. May 20, 1759. 64 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 9721 6. Patience Carr, b. March 15, 1761. 722x7, Peleg Carr, b. April 20, 1763. 723X8. Jane Carr, b. Jan. 19, 1765. 724x9. Resolved Carr, b. July 8, 1768. 725 10. Robert Carr, b. May 31. 1770. V. Benjamin Carr (348) born in Jamestown, R.I., Aug. 10, 1725, married Avis Weaver, of Middletown, R.I., Sept. 25, 1748. She was born May 26, 1725, and died Nov. 21, 1794. They set- tled in Coventry, R. I, in 1777. He married for his second wife, Freelove Letson, by whom he had one child. He died in Cov- entry, June 10, 1804. Their children were, 7261. Benjamin Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1749, (O. S.) 7272. Hannah Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1751, 53 7283. Edward Carr, b. Feb. 20, 1754, (N. 8.) 7294. Naomi Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1755. 730 5. Avis Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1758, d. young. 731 6. Mary Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1760, "7 732 7. Caleb Carr, b. May 14, 1763 _,, child by second wife Freelove, 733x8. Daniel Bublong Carr, b. Aug. 20, 1697. V. Naomi Carr (349) born in Jamestown, R.L, Jan. 10, 1735, married Azariah Tew, in Jamestown, July 17, 1757, by Joseph Clarke, warden. They had, 734 1. Avis Tew, d. March 38, 1765. V. Saran WESTGATE (360) born in Warwick, R.1., March 11, ‘1732, married Benjamin Watson, in Warwick, Sept. 25, 1749. V. Hannan WESTGATE (861) born in Warwick, R,I., June 1, 1735, married James Aborn, in Warwick, Nov. 16, 1755. V. Mary WestTGAre (362) born in Warwick, R. L, June 30, 1740, married William Hopkins, in Warwick, Dec. 5, 1760. V. Damaris Carr (363) born in Jamestown, R. [., Nov. 8, 1727, married Samuel Carr (341) June 6, 1745. She died Sept. 6, 1800. For children see page 63. V. PueBe Carr (366) born in Jamestown, IR. 1., 1735, married ‘Robert Robbins, in Jamestown, May 30, 1755. They had, 735 1. Benedict Robbins, b. Feb. 10, 1758. V. James Carr (867) born in Jamestown, R.I., July 15, 1737, married Sarah Tew, daughter of William, Dec. 1, 1757. His CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION, 65 house in Jamestown, was burned by the British during the revolutionary war. After the death of his first wife Sarah, he married her sister Desire Tew. He was a school teacher. The children of James and Sarah were, 736 X1. Robert Robinson Carr, b. May 26, 1759. 737 <2. Phebe Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1760. 738 x3. William Carr, b. May 12, 1763. 739 4, Damaris Carr, b. July 25, 1765. 740 5. Henry Tew Carr, b. Jan. 17,1767, d. young. 7416. James Casey Carr, b. July 2, 1769. 7427. George Tew Carr, b. Oct. 7, 1772. V. PELEG Carr (368) born in Jamestown, R. L, Aug. 19, 1741, married Ruth Tew, of William, in Jamestown, Dec. 7, 1766. Their children were, 743 x1. James Carr, b. April 30, 1768. 744x2, Bridget Carr, b. May 25, 1770. 7453. Abigail Carr, b. July 31, 1778. 746X4. Sarah Carr, b. April 4, 1776. 7475. Hannah Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1780. 7486. Peleg Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1782. 749 «7. Richard Tew Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1785. 7508. Ruth Carr, b. March 22, 1788. 751 9. William Tew Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1790, d. unm. 752 x10. Edward Carr, b. May 19, 1793. V. Capt, JOHN WATERMAN (372) born in Warwick, R. I., July 8, 1733, married Sarah Potter in Warwick, June 18, 1754, by El- der Joseph Torrey. Their children were, 753 1. Benjamin Waterman, b. July 15, 1755. 754 2. Mercy Waterman, b. Nov. 3, 1756. 755 3. John Waterman, b. Sept. 12, 1758, d. March 7, 1759. 756x4. John Waterman, b. Dec. 19, 1759. 7a7_ 5. Mary Waterman, b. May 22, 1761. 7586. William Waterman, b. May 5, 1763. 759 7. Sarah Waterman, b. Sept. 30, 1764. Vo Sarai WaTERMAN (376) born in Warwick, R. L., Jan. 23, 1742, marricd William Smith, Nov. 17, 1765. V. Avis WATERMAN (377) born in Warwick, BR. IL, March 1, 1744, married Thurston Gardiner, Dec. 22, 1768. V PHese WATERMAN (378) born in Warwick, R. I. April 11, 66 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 1748, married Benjamin Lockwood, April 5, 1772. V. James Carr (380) was undoubtedly born in Rhode Island about 1735, and if his father was married in Little Egg Harbor as the records seem to indicate, it must have been a second marriage. James married Phebe ——, about 1759, in Mana- hawkin, and settled in Mt. Holly N.J. They had, 760x1. James Carr, b. July 12, 1760. V. Witiram Carr (385) born in Newport, R.I., Jan. 13, 1780, married Julia Devenport, daughter of George and Lucy (Roth- child) Devenport, June 2, 1761. She was born in England, Sept. 27, 1738, and died in 1792. He died May 1, 1798. Their child- ren were, 7611. Jonathan Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1761. 7622. George W. Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1762. 7633. William M. Carr, b. May 24, 1779. 164x4. Joseph Carr, b. about 1781. V. Macrest Carr (395) born in Salisbury, Mass., May 2, 1731, married Elizabeth Waite, in 1750. Their children were, 765 1. Benjamin Carr, b. June 22, 1751. 766 2. William Carr, b. April 11, 1753. — V. SAnpERS Carr (401) born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 27, 1734, married a Maxwell and settled in Raymond, N. H., where he died in 1809. Their children were, 767 #1. David Carr, b. 768 2. Asahel Carr, went west and settled. 7693. George Carr, b. Aug. 20, 1764. 770 4. Jonathan Carr. 771 +5. Polly Carr, m. Maxfield and lived in Goshen, N. H. — V. Ezexite. Carr (402) born in Salisbury, Mass,, April 29, 1736, married Molly Eatoh, in 1762. Their children were, 772 1. Abner Carr, b. Dec. 2, 1763. 773° «2. Nanne Carr, b. Aug. 20, 1765. ~ V. Ropert Carr (405) born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 11, 1744, married Dorothy Allen, in Salisbury, Nov. 14, 1709. They had, 774X1. Benjamin Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1790. V. Sarat Carr (406) born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 11, 1744, (twin of Robert) married Ezekiel Evans, in Salisbury, Feb. 1), 1777, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 67 — V. Joun Carr (408) born in Epping, N. H., about 1745, mar- ried and settled in Northwood, N. H., and in 1789, in company with William Prescott moved to Vershire, Vt. They had, 7751. John Carr, b. March, 1769. V. Berry Carr (410) born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 18, 1788, married Nathan Aubin, of Newbury, Mass. Intentions pub- lished Nov. 8, 1760. V. SAMUEL Carr (415) born in Salisbury, Mass. March 20, 1755, married Mary Baker, Aug. 24,1788. Their children were, 776 1. John Carr, b. Jan. 5, 1790. 777-2. Polly Carr, b. March 9, 1792. 778 3. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1794. 779 +4. Benjamin Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1797. TsO 5. Samuel Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1800, d. May 30, 1842. V. JessE Carr (416) born in Salisbury, Mass., May 14, 1757, married Phebe French, in Salisbury, July 10, 1786. Their child- ren were, 781 1. William Carr, b. May 5, 1787. 782 2. Janne Carr, b. Dec. 3, 1788. 783 3. Samuel Carr, b. May 22, 1790. 784 4. Stephen Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1791. 5 6 nN 785 5. Moses Carr, b. May 28, 1793. 786 6. James Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1795. V. Lypra Carr (418) born in Salisbury, Mass., married Ma- rice Tucker, Dec. 20, 1753. — V. Joun Carr (420) born in Salisbury, Mass. Dec. 16, 1742, married Elizabeth Little, in Newbury, Mass., Nov. 24, 1774. She was born Sept. 3, 1754. He was lost at sea. They had, 787x1. John Little Carr, b. June 4, 1778. Mrs. Elizabeth Carr next married William Wiggleworth, of Newburyport, Mass., March 20, 1783. V.. EpMonp Carr (424) born in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 2, 1746, married Mariam Joy, March 6, 1773. He died in Salisbury, May 30, 1775. They had only one child, 788x1. Edmond Carr, b. March 24, 1775. V. BenyJAMIN Carr (427) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 11, 1751, married Sarah Fowler, Feb. 6, 1804. He died Dec. 18, 1831, and she died April 4, 1832. They had, 789 1. Sarah Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1805. 68 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. V. Jacos Carr (441) born in Salisbury, Mass., Dec. 11, 1754, He settled in Newbury, Mass., married and had, 7901. Daniel Carr, b. about 1785, V. Hannan Carr (447) born in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 28, 1765, married Jacob Whitman, of Newbury, Mass., Sept. 22, 1785. V. Jouxn Carr (452) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 11, 1778, married Sally Brown, in London, N. H., where he died Aug. .14, 1844. She died in the same place, Dec. 9, 1849. They had, 791 x1. Isaac Carr, b. May 20, 1813. V. Joun Carr (455) born in Newbury, Mass., May 16, 1739, married Ruth Morse, May 5, 1763. They had, 792 1. Abigail Carr, b. March 24, 1864. V. Samuget Carr (456) born in Newbury, Mass., Dec. 6, 1740, married Emma Chase, Dec. 23,1762. Their children were, 793 1. Moses Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1763. 7942. Josiah Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1765. 795 3. Emma Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1767. 796 x4. Samuel Carr, b. Jan. 13, 1770. —V. Mary Carr (459) born in Newbury, Mass., April 22, 1757, married William Pillsbury, of Moses and Abigail (Howard) Pillsbury, in Newbury, April 19, 1787. They had one daughter, 797 1. Mary Carr Pillsbury, — V. May. JAmMes Carr (564) born in Dover, N. H., April 22, 1748, married Susanna Wentworth, of Col. John and Abigail (Millett) Wentworth, March 5, 1785. She was born Aug. 2, 1760, and died Aug. 4, 1833. He was asoldier in the revolutionary ~ war, and was a lieutenant in Capt. John Wentworth's company, -~ and was promoted to the rank of major. He was sheriff of Strafford county 1800-10, representative in the legislature 1791- 1800 and 1810-15. He died March 11, 1829. Their children were, 798 1. Paul Wentworth Carr, b. Dec. 1, 1785, d. Sept. 22, 1786. 799 x2. Andrew Carr, b. March 30, 1787. 800 3. Susan Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1789, d. unm. 801 4. Clarissa Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1790, d. Dec. 9, 1795. 802 5. Moses Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1702, lost at sea, 1823. 803 x6. Samuel Wentworth Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1794. ~ 8047. James Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1796. 8058. Frederick William Carr, b. March 31, 1799. 806 x9. Tilly Wentworth Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1801. CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—FIFTH GENERATION, 69 807 x10. Oliver Peabody Carr, b. June 4, 1806. V. Saran Carr (472) born in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 28, 1750, married Peasley, in Haverhill, Mass. They went to Vermont, and purchased a farm, raised a large family of children, and lived to a good old age. V. Capt. FRANcIS Carr (473) born in Newbury, Mass., Dec. 6, 1751, married Mary Elliott, in Haverhill, Mass., and resided there many years, trading and building vessels. He moved to Bangor, Me., in 1796, and represented his district in congress. Their children were, 808 x1. Joseph Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1773. 809 x2. James Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1777. 8103. Mary Carr, b. Nov. 29, 1779. 811 4. Elizabeth Carr, b. March 2, 1782. 8125, Abigail Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1785. $136. Sophia Carr, b. June 10, 1787. 814 7. Charlotte Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1790, d. Sept. 15, 1795. 815x8. Francis Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1793. 8169. Joshua Wingate Carr, b. Dec. 2, 1796. V. Hannau Carr (474) born in Kingston, N. H., March 8, 1754, married Joshua Wingate, and lived in Haverhill, Mass., many years. In 1796 they settled in Hallowell, Me., where he did considerable business in trading and ship building. He was appointed postmaster of Hallowell under president Jefferson. Their children were, 817X1. Joshua Wingate. 818 2. John Wingate, d. at 38 years old, unm. 8193. James Wingate. 820x4. Joseph Wingate. 821 5. Sally Wingate, m. Wm. H. Page, of Hallowell, Me. 822 6. Mary Wingate, m. V. Jepira Carr (475) born in Kingston, N. H., Oct. 1, 1759, married Joseph Wingate, of Amesbury, Mass. In 1796 he sold his farm and moved to Hallowell, Me., where he bought a farm and continued at that business the remainder of his life. Their children were, 823 1. William Wingate, traded in Hallowell, d. a young man. 824 2. Sally Wingate, d. at 71 years, unm. $25 3. Judith Wingate, m. Nathan Moody, in Hallowell. 826 4. Betsey Wingate, m. Daniel Haines. 70 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION 827 5. Abby Wingate, d. at 18 years of age. 828 6. Mary Wingate, d. at 16 years of age. V. SAMUEL Carr (476) born in Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 4, 1761, married Sarah Carr, (484) of Newbury, Mass., Nov. 2, 1784. She was born in Newbury, Jan. 31, 1763. V. James Carr (477) born in Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 18, 1763, married Miss Decker, of Wiscasset, Me. He followed the sea and was master of a large ship from Wiscasset for several years. He died at sea when about 40 years old. — V. DanreL Carr (478) born in Amesbury, Mass., Sept. 17, 1765, married Sarah Hoyt, daughter of Mathias Hoyt, of Ames- bury, in 1785. She was born in Amesbury, in April, 1765, and died in Hallowell, Me., Jan. 13, 1856. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., and followed the sea, commencing when about 18 years of age, in the employ of Moses Brown, of Newburyport, Mass., in the West India trade. In 1792, in connection with his broth- er Francis and others, he built a vessel and traded between Newburyport and Bangor, Me. He died of fever in the prime of life, Feb. 3, 1799. Their children were, 829x1. Thomas Hoyt Carr, b. 1785. 8380 x2. Sarah Carr, b. 1787. ~ 8313. Daniel Carr. 832 x4. George W. Carr. 833 5. Charlotte Carr, d. when about 4 years old. 834 6. Ruth A. Carr, m. Col. Andrew Marston, of Hallowell. 835 7. Abigail Carr, d. when about 4 years old. V. Apicarin Carr (480) born in Amesbury, Mass., May 21, 1770, married Dr. William L. Abbott, of Amesbury, March 11, 1792. He diedeight years after marriage, and about three years after his death, she married Dr. Weld, of Haverhill, Mass. They moved to Hallowell, Me., and after a few years to New York city, where she died when about 73 years old. She had no children. V. Mosrs Carr (481) born about 1772, married Miss Stephens, of Hallowell, Me. He went to Ohio in 1814 with his oldest son with the intention of purchasing land, but they were taken sick and neither lived to return home. Their children were, 836 1. Daniel Carr, d.in Ohio in 1815. 837 2. James Carr. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION, 71 888 3. Betsey Carr, m. 839 4. Sarah Carr, m. 840 5. Moses Carr, m. in Thomaston, Me. V. Saran Carr (484) born in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 31, 1763, married Samuel Carr, (476) of Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 2, 1784. V. Anna Carr (485) born in Newbury, Mass., Aug. 8, 1767, married Stephen Bailey. Published Oct. 27, 1787. —V. Capr. Danret Carr (486) born in Newbury, Mass., July 28, 1778, married Elizabeth Worth, in Newbury, Nov. 19, 1795. —~ They settled in North Haverhill, N. H., soon after marriage. She was born in Newbury, Nov. 2, 1768, and died in North Haverhill, Sept. 18, 1836. He died in the same place, Nov. 10, 1852. Their children were, 8411. Melinda Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1796. —842x2. Daniel Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1798. 84833. Frederick Carr, b. March 22, 1799. s44x4. Laura Carr, b. Jan. 1, 1801. $455. Samuel Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1803. 846 6. Edmund Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1804. 847 7. Elizabeth Carr, b. April 27, 1806, d. unm. 848 x8. Nancy Carr, b. March 12, 1809. V. Dea. Joun Carr (487) born in Newbury, Mass., March 13, 1775, married Hannah Worth, in Newbury, Nov. 20, 1800. They settled in North Haverhill, N. H., where he died March 11, 1859. Their children were, 8491. Hannah Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1801. 8502. Eliza Carr, b. April 21, 1803. 851 3. Moses Carr, b. May 18, 1805, d. unm. $02 x4. John Carr, b. Noy. 28, 1806. 8535. Sarah Worth Carr, b. May 24, 1808. 8546. Edasund W. Carr, b. July 18, 1810. 835 7. David S. Carr, b. March 16, 1812, d. Feb. 12, 1841. 8668. Michael B. Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1814. = 857 9. Daniel Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1816, d. July 30, 1823. $5810. Hiram Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1818. 859x 11. Joshua Carr, b. March 1,,1820. 850 12. Laura Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1822, d. April 15, 1836. —~V. Moses Carr (488) born in Newbury, Mass., July 3, 1777, marricd Abigail Noyes, in Newbury, Oct. 23, 1800. She: was 72 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. born Feb. 11, 1777, and died July 20, 1863. About 1803 he mov- ed his family to Hopkinton, N. H., where he lived until his death which occurred Feb. 10, 1815. Their children were, 8611. Daniel Carr, b. Aug. 2, 1801. 862 2. John Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1802. .863 3. Moses Carr, b. V. JupirH Carr (489) born in Newbury, Mass., Aug. 20, 1779, married James Jeffers, in Newbury, Nov. 15, 1803. They set- tled in Haverhill, N. H. V. Ricuarp Carr (493) born in Salisbury, Mass.,Oct. 12, 1747, married Joanna Noyes, in Newbury, Mass., Nov. 16, 1770. They settled in Newbury. Their children were, 8641. John Carr, b. July 24, 1772. 865 2. Sarab Carr, b. March 12, 1774. 866 3. William Carr, b. April 12, 1775, d. Sept. 10, 1776. 8674. Ann Carr, b. March 27, 1777. 868 x5. William Carr, b. Sept. 10. 1784. 869 6. Betsey Carr, b. Nov. 19, 1786. . 8707. Daniel Carr, b. June 29, 1789. V. James Carr (500) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 10, 1761, married Mehitable Dodge, in Beverly, Mass., Jan. 3, 1785. She was born Oct. 23, 1757, and died April 2, 1838. He died Dec. 20, 1851. Their children were, 871x1. Mehitable Carr, b, Oct. 5, 1785. 872 2. Elizabeth Carr, b. April 30, 1789, d. Sept. 28, 1865, unm. V. Levi Carr (503) born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 25, 1768, married Mary Putman, of Danvers, Mass., Nov. 20. 1797. She was born in Danvers, Feb. 2, 1776, and died Dec. 28, 1855. He died in Newburyport, Mass, April 14, 1820. Their children were, 873x1. Levi Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1798. 874 2. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1800. - 875 3. James Carr, b. Feb. 6, 1803, d. Sept. 26, 1817. 876 x4. Clarissa Carr, b. June 6, 1805. 8775. Esther Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1807. V. Joun Carr (505) born in Virginia, June 25, 1806, married Mary Garland by whom he had one child. She died March 10. 1736. He next married Barbara Overton, daughter of James and Elizabeth Overton, Dec. 27, 1786. She was born April 2, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 73 1720 and died Dec. 1794, He named his country seat, “Bear Castle,” which was situated in Louisa Co., Va. He died June 17,1778. Their children were, 878 X1. Thomas Carr, b. Nov. 25, 1785. children by second wife, 879 2. John Carr, b. Feb, 10, 1733, d. Nov. 3, 1747. 880 3. James Carr, b. Aug. 20, 1740, d. Sept. 6, 1740. 881 4. James Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1741, d. Oct. 10, 1798. 8825. Dabney Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1748. 883 6. Samuel Carr, b. Jan. 6, 1745, 884 7%. Elizabeth Carr, b. Jan. 28, 1747. 885 8. John Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1750, d. young. 886 9. Overton Carr, b. July 17, 1752. 88710. John Carr, b. July 17, 1753. 888 x 11. Garland Carr, b. July 10, 1754. 889 x12. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1756. 880 13. Sarah Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1758, d. May 12, 1759. V. WILLIAM Carr (506) born in Virginia about 1707. He lived near Fredericksburg, Va., and died in 1760. He had, 891 x1. William Carr, b. about 1780. V. Tuomas Carr (507) born in Virginia about 1709, and rais- ed a family of children, as follows: 892x1. Thomas Carr, b. May 15, 1742. 893 x2. William Carr, b. about 1745. 8943. McCager Carr, b. ,, 1748. 895x4. Gideon Carr, b, 1752. V. SARAH Carr (508) born in Virginia, Nov. 14, 1714, mar- ried John Minor, Nov. 14, 1732. They had, 8961. James Minor. Ni Carr, bornin Virginia, married and had, 897 x1. Leonard Carr. 898 x2. Joseph Carr. V. Titus Carr (512) born Nansemond Co., Va.,in 1748, mar- ried Winnie Stephens, of Southampton Co., Va. in 1770. He moved to Green Co., N. C., soon after the death of his father, where he raised a family, and many of his descendants are scat- tered throughout the southern states. Their children were, 899x1. Elias Carr, b. 1775. 9002. Titus Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1788. 74 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—FIFTH GENERATION. V. Josepa Carr (517) born in Chester, N. H., Nov. 20, 1742, married Hannah Ayer. She died Feb 25, 1833, and he died Feb. 27, 1885. Their children were, 901 1. Hannah Carr, b. Nov. 10, 1735, m. Green, of Salem, Mass 9022. Joseph Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1767. 9033. Anna Carr, b. Aug. 26, 1770. 904 4. Bradbury Moody Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1778. V. PARKER CARR (519) born in Chester, N. H., May 29, 1750, married and raised a large family, as follows: 905 1. Bradbury Carr, b. May 6, 1770, d. Nov. 8, 1826. 906 2. Parker Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1771, d. July 18, 1848. 9073. Peter Carr, b. Oct. 9, 1773. 9084. Benjamin Carr, b. Nov. 4, 1775. 909 5. Mary Carr, b. Oct. 25, 1777, d. Jan. 8, 1851. 910 6. Daniel Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1770, d. April 21, 1861, minister. 911 7. Judith Carr, b. April 4, 1782, d. March 31, 1853. 912 8. John P. Carr, b. June 10, 1784, d. Nov. 10, 1847. 913 9. Nancy Carr, b. March 16, 1786, d. March 30, 1885. 914 10. William Carr, b. March 31, 1787, d.6 months old. 915 11. Mehitable Carr, b. April 5, 1789, d. 1841. 916 12{ RuthCarr, b. July 27, 1792. 917 13l Sarah Carr,b. ,, +, d. Nov. 5, 1876, 918 14. Hannah Carr, b. July 15, 1795, d. 1889. V. Tuomas Carr (523) born in Boscawen, N.H., Jan. 17, 1755, married Bertha ——, who was born in 1758. They settled in Newport, N. H., where he died March 4, 1828. His wife died Nov. 19, 1848. Their children were, 9191. Benjamin Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1779. 9202. David Carr, b. May 10, 1786. 9213. William Carr, b. Dec. 14, 1790. 9224. Joseph Francis Carr, b. Oct. 3, 1795. V Evrzanera Carr (525) bora in Boscawen, N. H., June 6, 1761, married Kennedy. Their children were, 923 1. Margaret Kennedy, b. May 13, 1787. 924 2. Alexander Kennedy, b. May 30, 1790. 925 3. Mary Kennedy, b. Jan. 4, 1798. 928 +. Elizabeth Kennedy, b. Jan. 19, 1796. 927 5. William Kennedy, b. July 16, 1798. 928 6. Harriet Kennedy, b. Nov. 19, 1800. 929 7. Thomas Jefferson Kennedy, b. Feb. 10, 1804. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATION. 15 V. James Carr (526) born in Boscawen, N. H., June 10, 1763. He was a soldierin the revolutionary war, and located first in Johnstown, N. Y., and afterward at Union Springs, N. Y., on a land claim in 1796. He married Margaret Morrell, of Mt. Mor- ris, N. Y. Their children were, 9301. Margaret Carr. 9312. John Carr, b. June 6, 1787. 932X3. Jonathan Carr, b. July 3, 1789. 9334. Jacob Carr. 9345, Alexander Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1793. 935 x6. James Carr. 9367. Hartman Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1797. 9378. Daniel Carr, b. 1800. 938 x9. Betsey Carr, b. 1803. 939 x10. Deborah Carr. v V. TimotHy Carr (527) born in Londonderry, N. H., Aug. 22, 1747. He moved his family to North Danville, Vt., in 1783. He died there Aug. 22, 1822. Their chilrden were, 9401. James Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1770. 941 2. Elizabeth Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1778, d. Dec. 30, 1723. 942 3. Susannah Carr, b, Aug. 8, 1776, d. Dec. 1831. 943 4. Margaret Carr, b. May 7, 1779, d. Feb. 1828. 944 5. George Carr, b. Nov. 12, 1781, d. Jan. 17, 1838. 945 x6. Timothy Carr, b. March 5, 1784. 9467. William Carr, b. May 16, 1787. 947 8. John Carr, b. July 17, 1790, d. Jan. 12, 1869. 2 V. THomas Carr (528) born in Bridgewater, Mass., about 1735, married Mercy. Their children were, 948 1. Ann Carr, b. May 11, 1757. 949 2. Thomas Carr, b. Sept. 17, 1759. 950 3. Mary Carr, b. May 138, 1762. 951 4. John Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1765. 952 x5. Redding Carr, b, Oct. 4, 1767. 953 x6. Elizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1770. 9547. William Carr, b. May 4, 1778. 955 8. Ebenezer Carr, b. March 28, 1776. 956 x9. Mercy Carr, b. Oct. 3, 1778. 957 10( Simeon Carr, b. May 21, 1781. 958 11 | Abigail Carr, b. *s a % V. EvizaBetu Carr (530) born in-Bridgéwater, Mass., about 76 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—FIFTH GENERATION. 1740, married Nathan Pettingill, son of Capt. Akerman Pet- tingill, of North Bridgewater, in 1759. He was born in 1732. Their children were, 959 1. Betty Pettingill, b. June 29, 1760. 960 2. Akerman Pettingill, b. Nov. 1763. 961 3. Hugh Pettingill, b. May 1766. . V. Danrer Carr (531) born in Bridgewater, Mass., about 1742, married Martha Edson in 1770. They had, 962 1. Daniel Carr. V. RoBerT Carr came from Ireland and settled in South Carolina. It is said that he hada large family, but we have only been able to find the records of two of his children, 9631. James Carr, b. Oct. 1789. 9642. John Carr. V. Jonn Carr was born in Ireland and was brought over with the first settlers of Londonderry, N. H., when a small boy. He married Isabella Walker, of Londonderry. They had, 965 x1. James Carr, b. 1748. 966 x2. John Carr, b. 1759. 967x3. David Carr. V. James Carr who was a merchant in Cooktown, Ireland, came to America, and settled in Pennsylvania about 1770. His children were, 968 x1. John Carr. 969 x2. James Carr. 970 3. Samuel Carr. 9714. Thomas Carr, b. about 1762. 972 5. Margaret Carr. 973 6. Mary Carr. 974 7. Jane Carr. V. Tuomas CARR was born in Ireland and came to this coun- try when only a child of two years of age incompany with his brother John and sister Hannah. Their parents both died on their passage, and were consigned to the waters of the Atlan- tic ocean. The children were landed at Annapolis, Md., and kind friends took them in charge and brought them up. Thom- as lived in Maryland, where he married and raised a family, but moved to Pennsylvania before all of his children were born. His children were, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION, 77 975x1. Thomas Carr, b. June 23, 1755. 976 2. Moses Carr, b 977 3. Elijah Carr 978 4. John Carr 9795. Elisha Carr, b. in Fayette county, Pa. SIxTH GENERATION. VI Mary Carr (533) born in West Greenwich, R. L, Feb. 18, 1731, married Thomas Rogers, in West Greenwich, by Samuel Hopkins, justice, Dec. 5, 1754. VI. ReBeccA Carr (534) born in West Greenwich, R. L, May 29, 1732, married Job Harrington, by Samuel Hopkins, justice, March 18, 1749. Their children were, 980 1. Alice Harrington, b. Feb. 22, 1751. 981 2. Whitman Harrington, b. Oct. 8, 1753. 932 3. Sarah Harrington, b. July 25, 1755. 983 x4. Job Harrington, b. Dec. 18, 1759. VI. Susanna Carr (535) born in West Greeriwich, R. L., Feb. 3, 1734, married Nicholas Whitford, Nov. 18, 1752. Their child- rin were, 934 1. Levi Whitford, b. Oct. 21, 1753. 985 2. Jesse Whitford, b, June 19, 1755. 986 3. Mary Whitford, b. March 10, 1757. 937 4. Asa Whitford, b. Dec. 30. 1761. VI. Rosert Carr (536) born in West Greenwich, R. L, Dec. 22, 1735, married Rebecca Brayton, of Thomas, of Coventry, R. L, Dec. 4, 1754. Their children were, 988 1. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1755. 989 2. Peleg Carr, b. Dec. 10, 1757. 990 3. Sarah Carr, b. Aug. 4, 1760. 991 4. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 11, 1762. 992 Joanna Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1764. 993 6. Thomas Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1767. 994 7, Rebecca Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1769. VI. Merepau Carr (537) born in West Greenwich, R.L, July 3, 1739, married Job Greene, of Henry, by Isaac Sheldon, jus- tice, Feb. 3, 1757. She probably died soon after the birth of her first child. They had, 995 1. Eunice Greene, b. Oct. 17, 1757. o ws 78 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION V1. ComForT Carr (538) born in West Greenwich, R.I., Aug. 7, 1741, married Benjamin Greene, by Isaac Johnson, justice, May 25, 1760. Their children were, 996 1. James Greene, b. Dec. 12, 1761. 997 2. Caleb Greene, b. Oct. 24, 1763. 998 3. Virtue Greene, b. May 3, 1767. 999 4. ( Anstress Greene, b. ,, 3 1000 x5. Benjamin Greene, b. Jan. 26, 1769. VI. Cares Carr (539) born in West Greenwich, R. I., June 19, 1744, married Abigail Very and settled in Stephentown, N. Y., where he died in 1798. Their children were, 1001 x1. Samuel Carr, b. about 1774. 1002 x2. Joshua Carr, b. » 1776, 1003 X38. Caleb Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1778. 10044. Gideon Carr. 10055. Sarah Carr. 10066, Patience Carr. 10077. Jemima Carr. 1008 8. Abigail Carr, m. John Brown and went to Canada. VI. ELEAZER CARR (540) born in West Greenwich, R.L, April 22, 1746, married Eleanor Stafford. He settled in Rensselaer Co.. N. Y., and died July 19, 1816. His wife died Oct. 26, 1813. Their children were, 1009 x1. Stafford Carr, b. July 9, 1769. 10102. Stutely Carr, b. July 5, 1773. 1011. 3. Catherine Carr. 10124. Eleazer Carr, b. 1777. : 1013 5. Eleanor Carr, m. Silas Thompson. 10146. Olive Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1783. VI. Josoua Carr (541) born in West Greenwich, R. I., Dec. 28, 1748, married Sarah Stafford, of Michael, by Gideon Tripp, justice, Nov. 5, 1771. He next married Elizabeth Colegrove, of Thomas, by Elder Thomas Manchester, April 20, 1794. She was born in Coventry, R. L, April 26, 1761. VI. RicHmMonp Carr (542) born in West Greenwich, R. L., April 4, 1751, married Mary Richmond. He diedin Stephen- town, N. Y.,and she died in Pavilion, N. Y., in 1839. Their children were, : 10151. Roger Carr, b. 10162. Richmond Carr. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 79 1017 x3. Eli Carr. 1018+. Levi Carr. 10195. Sally Carr. 1020 x6. Comfort Carr. 10217. Charlotte Carr. 10228. Rebecca Carr. 10239. Mary Carr. 102410. Marilla Carr. VI. Epwarp Carr (543) born in West Greenwich, R.I., July 4, 1753, married Eleanor Spencer, of William and Mary, of East Greenwich, Dec. 15, 1776. She was born June 22, 1754, and died in Stephentown, N. Y., March 20, 1798. He had four other wives after the death of his first wife but no children by either of them. His second wife was widow Mary Brown Green, whom he married Sept. 26,1798. She was born May 7, 1752, and died Jan. 19, 1806. He married his third wife, widow Sa- rah Potter, May 26, 1806. She was born May 24, 1750, and died Dec. 25, 1831. Married his fourth wife, widow Margaret Lam- fier, Aug. 12, 1882. She was born June 14, 1766, and died Aug. 19, 1833. Married his fifth wife, widow Bridget Williams, Dec. 14, 1886, She was born May, 25, 1780, and died Feb. 1848. He was one of the founders of the Baptist church in Stephentown, where he first settled when a youngman, For a number of years before his death, he was both blind and deaf. He died Sept. 1, 1845, at the age of 92 years. His children, all by his first wife, were, 10251. Sarah Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1777. 1026 x2. Susanna Carr, b. Sept. 9. 1780. 1027 3. Peleg Carr, b. Oct. 7, 1782, d. June 5, 1787. 1028 x4. Spencer Carr, b. May 2, 1784. 1029 5. Merebah Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1785, d. March 15, 1817. 10306. Eleanor Carr, b. Jan. 24, 1788. 10317. Edward Carr, b. Feb. 17, 1790. 10328. Mary Carr, b. May 7, 1792. 10339. Peleg Slocum Carr, b. April 23, 1794. 4034 10. Tracy Carr, b. Nov. 12,1795, d. Sept. 28, 1796. 103511. Mercy Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1798. VI. Tuursroxn Carr (544) bornin West Greenwich, R.L., July 2, 1756, married Audery Spencer, in East Greenwich, Nov. 28, 1775, and settled in Stephentown, N. Y. She was a daughter 80 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. of William and Mary Spencer, born June 22, 1754, and twin sister of Eleanor who married Edward Carr. He had nine children by his first wife, and after her death married Anna Doty in 1798, by whom he had three children. He died in Ste- phentown in 1812. His children were, 103861. Caleb Carr, b. 1776. 10372. William Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1778. 1038 3. Esther Carr, b. 1780. 1039 4. Sarah Carr, b. about 1782. 1040 5. Mary Carr, b. » 1784. 10416. Thurston Carr, b. April, 1787. 1042 7. Peleg Carr, b. about 1789. 10438. Audrey Carr, b. ,, 1791. 10449. John Spencer Carr, b. Jan. 24, 1793. children by second wife Anna Doty, 1045 10. Mercy Carr, b. June 27, 1799. 1046 11. Betsey Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1800. 1047 12. Anna Carr, b. March 12, 1802. VI. Susanna Carr (545) born in West Greenwich, R.I., June 19, 1742, married Ichabod Foster, of Coventry, R.I., June 5, 1768. She next married Spink Tarbox, of East Greenwich, by Elder James Wightman, Feb. 1, 1770. She had by first husband, 1048 1. James Otis Foster, b. May 27, 1769. VI. JoHn Carr (546) born in West Greenwich, R. L, Sept. 27, 1744, married Rosanna Straight, in East Greenwich, April 7, 1768, by Thomas Shippee, justice. VI. Jos Carr (547) born in West Greenwich, R. i., May 5, 1748. His will was made April 23, 1772. and he gave his prop- erty to his mother, Priscilla Carr, and to his brothers, Joseph and Slocum. VI. Stocum Care (550) born in West Greenwich, R. L, May 5, 1754. He is supposed to have married and had the following children: 1049 x1. Job Carr, b. ahout 1776. 10502. Caleb Carr, b. ,, 1778. VI. Josepn Carr (551) born in West Greenwich, R. I., April 3, 1757, married Rebecca Vaughn, and settled in Saratoga Co., N.Y. He died in Saratoga, March 15, 1848. Their children were, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 81 1051. 1. John Carr. 1052. 2. Slocum Carr. 1053 3. Joseph Carr, d. March, 1861, Battle Creek, Mich. 1054 x 4. William Carr, b. June 10, 1800. VI. Mary Carr (566) born in West Greenwich, R.L., in 1736, married John Pitcher, of East Greenwich, by Samuel Hopkins, justice, Jan. 15, 1755. Their children were, 1055 1. Jonathan Pitcher, b. March 8, 1756. 1056 2. Abigail Pitcher, b. June 3, 1758. 1057 3. Hannah Pitcher, b. Oct. 9, 1761. 1058 4. Phebe Pitcher. b. Sept. 12, 1764, m. George Potter, 1796 1059 5. Andrew Pitcher, b. Aug. 2, 1767. VI. Esex Carr (567) born in West Greenwich, R. I., about 1738, married Susanna Clarke, (one record says Nancy Clarke.) He settled on land adjoining Carr pond. Their children were, 1¢60 1. Caleb Carr. 1061 x2. Wanton Carr, b. 1765. 1062 x3. James Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1767. 1063 x 4. Charles Carr, b. Oct. 7, 1769. 10645. Hannah Carr, b. 1771. 1065 6. Esek Carr, died at sea. 10667. Clark Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1774. 1067 8. Robert Carr. 1068 9. Patience Carr. 1059 10. Peleg Carr. 1070 11. Patty Carr. 1071 12. Nancy Carr. 1072 13. Phebe Carr. 1073 14. Susan Carr. VI. Hannau Carr (568) born in West Greenwich, R. I., about 1740, married Jonathan Pitcher. They had, 1074 1. Jonathan Pitcher. 1075 2. Andrew Pitcher. VI. RoBert Carr (568) born in West Greenwich, R. I., 1742, married Mary ——. His will was made Jan. 9, 1816, and he gave his wife Mary profits of land bounded north-westerly by Carr pond, to his brother Esek some property, also to his nephew Robert Carr, son of Charles, and to his daughter Patience Vaughn. They had, 1076 1. Patience Carr, m. Vaughn. 82 CARR FAMILY RECORDS —SIXTH GENERATION. VI. Cuarces Carr (570) born in West Greenwich, R. I., April 29, 1744, married Tabitha —— about 1773. Their children were, 1077. 1. Eleanor Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1774. 1078 2. Benajah Carr, b. June 9, 1778. 1079 3. Charles Carr, b. May 2, 1780. 1080 4. Stephen Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1782. 1081 5. Mary Carr, b. July 24, 1784. 1082 6. Daniel Carr, b. May 24, 1793. 1083 x7. Robert Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1797. VI. Martna Carr (771) born in West Greenwich, R.I., mar- ried Austin. She willed property in East Greenwich, Feb. 15, 1819, to her cousins Benjamin and Louisa Carr, also to her brother Esek’s daughter, Susan Carr. VI. Cates Carr (572) born West Greenwich, R. L, Aug. 17, 1750, married Roba Hopkins, daughter of Alexander and Mary (Phillips) Hopkins, by Job Spencer, justice, Jan. 28, 1772. She was born in West Greenwich, Jan. 30, 1753, and probably dicd in Sterling, Ct. He moved from West Greenwich to Sterling, and in 1818 or 19, to Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., where he died. He had a family of twenty-three children by three wives. Of his second wife or her children but little is known, and most like- ly her children all died in infancy. The town records of Sterl- ing give no account of this remarkable family. He married his third wife in Sterling, by whom he had three children. She died in Yates Co.,a few years after the death of her hus- band. The names of the children as far as known are as follows: 10841. Alexander Carr, b. April 23, 1773. 1085 x 2. Caleb Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1775. 1086 3. Charles Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1777, probably died young. 1087 x4, Reuben Carr, b. June 20, 1779. 1088 5. Theodosia Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1781,m. Thomas Mumford. 1089 6. Mary Carr, b. July 14, 1782, m. Ezra Newton. ‘1090 7. Hannah Carr, b. Jan. 28, 1784, m. Truman Wheeler. 1091 8. Honor Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1785. 1092. 9. Benajah Carr, b. April 19, 1787, m. Polena Stevens. 105310. Willett Carr, b. June 27 1789, 109411. Peleg Carr, b. Feb. 8, 1791. 1095 12. Robert Carr. Eight children by second wife, names nct known. | CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 83 children by third wife were, 110421. William F. Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1814. 1105 22. Daughter, died in infancy. 1103 x 23. Charles Henry Carr, b. 1819. VI. Mary Carr (574) born in Newport, R. I., Feb. 11, 1750, married Peleg Barker, jr.. of Newport, Dec. 25, 1765. Their children were, 1107. 1. Robert Barker, b. 1766, d. Feb. 6, 1779. 1108 2. Mary Barker, b. Oct. 8, 1767, d. Oct. 20, 1767. 1109 3. Peleg Barker, b. Jan. 28, 17€9. 1110 +4. Charles Barker, b. Dec. 28, 1770. 1111 5. Daniel Barker, b. Dec. 22, 1771, d. Jan. 30, 1772. 1112 6, Daniel Wilcox Barker, b. Feb. 11, 1774. 1113. 7. Ruamy Barker, b. March 30, 1776. 1114 8. Sally Barker, b. Dec. 25, 1778. 1115 9. William Barker, b. May 7, 1781. VI. Ropert Carr (582) born in Warren, R. L, May 5, 1741, married Lydia Turner, of Newport, R.I. He died Aug. 15, 1789 in Warren. Their children were, 11161. Caleb Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1768. 1117) 2. Turner Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1769, d. Sept. 20, 1793. 1118 3. Lydia Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1772, d. Jan. 24, 1852. 1119 4. Robert Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1773, d. Oct. 30, 1855. 1120 5. Hailey Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1776, d. May 4, 1841. 1121 6. Phillip Carr b. Feb. 14, 1782, d. Oct. 8, 1795, 1122 7. Patience Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1784, d. Oct. 24, 1864. VI. Cates Carr (583) born in Warren, R. I., Sept. 4, 1748, married Lillian Burton. Their children were, 1123 x1. Samuel Carr, b. April 19, 1763. 11242. John Carr, b. Feb. 12, 1771. 1125 3. Caleb Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1778. 1126x+4. Stephen Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1780. 1127 5. Lillian Carr. VI. JonaTHAN Carr (586) born in Warren, R. IL, March 8, 1751, married Elizabeth Hill. Their children were, 1128 1. Jonathan Carr. 1129 2. William Carr. 1130 38. Lizzie Carr. 1131 4. Ruth Carr. 1182 5. Lillian Carr, b. 1779, d. Jan. 10, 1861. a 84 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 1133 6. Mary Carr, b. 1782, d. May 7, 1855, VI. Capt. WILLIAM Carr (592) born in Warren, R. I., Nov. 11, 1764, married Betsey Hoar, March 16, 1788. She died Nov. 11, 1790. He next married Rebecca Phillips, of Bristol, R. L, Aug. 3, 1794. He died July 9, 1845. Their children were, 1134 1. Betsey Carr, b. March, 1789, d. May 17, 1790. 1135 x2. William Carr, b. April 14, 1790. children by second wife, 1186 3. Nathan Carr, b. March 24, 1796; d. on vessel to N. Y. 1187x4. Betsey Carr, b. March 22, 1798. 1138 5. Harry Carr, b. Nov. 3, 1799, d. June 17, 1816, St. Lucas. 11396. Rebecca Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1802. 1140 7. Lydia M. Carr, b. June 21, 1805, unm. 11418. George W. Carr, b. April 18, 1808. 11429. Abby Carr, b. Dec. 21, 1810. 1143 10. Charles Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1818, d. July 10, 1835, Havana 1144 11. Mary P. Carr, b. July 4, 1815, unm. 114512. Harry P. Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1821. VIL Saran Carr (597) born in Little Compton, R. L, July 27, 1757, married William Wilbur, of William and Mary by Rev. Jonathan Ellis, Jan. 29, 1778. He was born May 17, 1747, and died March, 1805, Their children were, 1146 1. Abigail Wilbur, b. Jan. 8, 1779. 1147 2. William Wilbur, b. March 24, 1781. 1148 3. Sarah Wilbur, b. July 19, 1784. 1149 4. Jesse Wilbur, b. Aug. 8, 1787. 1150 5. Nathan Wilbur, b. March 15, 1791. 1151 6. Hannah Wilbur, b. Nov. 20, 1794. VI. Joun Carr (599) born in Little Compton, R. I., nine 5, 1761, married Mary Wilbur, of John and Eleanor, by Rev. Mo- ses Shepherd, Nov. 238, 1794. She was born July 3, 1773. Their children were, 1152 1. Abigail Carr, b. Jan. 5, 1795. 1153 2. Edith Carr, b. April 17, 1796. 1154 3. Mary Carr, b. July 17, 1797, d. July 12, 1814. 1155 4. John Carr, b. Nov. 22, 1798, probably died young. 1156 5. Mercy Carr, b. May 20, 1800. 1157 6. William Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1801. 1158 7. Rodman Carr, b. May 21, 1805. 1159 8. Benjamin Carr, b. Nov. 23, 1806. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SXITH GENERATION. 85 1160 9. John Carr, b. March 23, 1809. 1161 10. Thomas Dring Carr, b. April 25, 1811. VI. Cares Cark (603) born in North Easton, Mass., March 14, 1767, married Amity Harvey, in Taunton, Mass., in 1796. She was born Nov. 12, 1770, and died Feb. 8, 1851. He died in North Easton, July 29, 18389. Their children were, 11621. Caleb Carr, b. July 14, 1797. 11632. Eliza Carr, b. Dec. 31 1798. 1164 3. John Carr, b. Sept 3, 1800, d. June 11, 1815. 1165x4. Ruth Carr, b. June 1, 1802. 11665. Esek Carr, b. March 7, 1804. 1167x6. Lydia Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1806. 1163 7. Tella Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1807, d. May 31, 1818. 11698. Francis Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1810. 1170) 9. David H. Carr, b. April 19, 1813, d. Oct. 26, 1845. VIL Esex Carr (605) born in North Easton, Mass., married Betsey Bates, in Rochester, Mass., and settled in Westport. He followed the sea,and was engaged in the coast trade. In the winter of 1812 he loaded his vessel with provisions for Norfolk, Va., and with his oldest son Caleb, then fifteen years old, and two seamen, started on their voyage, Feb. 14. They were all lost at sea as they were never heard of afterward. His wife died of consumption two years later, leaving a family of poor orphan children. The oldest daughter who was then mar- ried, brought up the youngest of them. They were, 11711. Ellaphelda Carr, b. July, 1795. 1172 2. Betsey Carr, b. 1796, d. Sept. 1811. : 1173 3. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1797, lost at sea in 1812. 1174 4. Esek Carr, b. Jan. 1801, d. of fever in Norfolk, Va. 1175 5. James Carr, b. Dec. 1803, d. when 31 years old. 11766. Lydia Grinnell Carr, b. Nov. 1805. 1177X7. Abby Castino Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1807. 11788. Mary Wilbur Carr, b. Nov. 2, 1309. 1179 9. Nancy Simmons Carr, b. July 29, 1811, d. March 13, 1878 VI. Ogep Carr (606) born in Nantucket, Mass., married a lady in France and had one son. He was lost at sea. VI. RoBert Carr (607) born in Nantucket, Mass. He was engaged in the merchant trade, and his ship was taken by the French and he died in prison. Some share of French spoila- tion indemnity money has been paid to his relatives. 86 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—SIXTH GENERATION. VI. Capr. Moses Carr (609) born in Nantucket, Mass., June | 13, 1777, married Nancy Swain, June 29, 1802. He married his second wife, Mary Earl, May 19, 1814. She was born Aug. 20, 1792, and died in the same room in Nantucket in which she was born, Oct. 22, 1856. He was asea captain and had sailed twice around the world. Hedied Dec. 15, 1850. Their child- ren are, 11801. Obed Swain Carr, b. May 27, 1803. 118% James Carr, d. in infancy. children by second wife, 11823. John Gardiner Carr, b. April 21, 1815. 1183 4. Nancy Swain Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1817, d. April 9, 1828. 11845. Lydia Pease Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1821. 1185 6. Joseph Earl Carr, b. April 18, 1824, d. July 20, 1826. 1186 7. Joseph Earl Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1826, d. Feb. 22,1871, unm 11878. Mary Abby Carr, b. Oct. 13, 1828. 1188 9. Ann Brock Carr, b. Dec. 3, 1880, d. Nov. 29, 1833. 118910. William Beard Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1836. VI. SAMUEL Carr (612) born in North Kingstown, R. J., in 1750, married Frances Eldred. She was born in 1754, and died Dec. 21, 1850. He died Aug. 27, 1819. Their children were, 1190 1. Dolly Carr, m. Charles Rathburn. 1191 2. Mary Carr, m. William Thomas. 1192 3. Deborah Carr, m. James Nason. 1193 4. John Carr, m. Bourne. 11945. Joseph E. Carr, b. April 3, 1795. 1195 6. ( Lydia Carr, b. - - d. 1857. 1196 7. Susan Carr, b. March 19, 1797, d. May, 1879. VI. Deporan Carr (613) born in North Kingstown, R. I., June 10, 1760, married Elnathan Hammond, of Newport, lk. I, Nov. 5, 1790. He was born in Newport, Dec. 16, 1760. ‘VI. Isaac Carr (637) born in Jamestown, R. 1, May 27, 1757, married Mary Brightman, of John and Mary, March, 1781. They had, 1197 1. George Carr, b, March 17, 1786. VIL Benjamin Carr (641) born in Jamestown, R.L, Aug. 21, 1765, married Betsey. Their children were, 1198 1. Mary M. Carr, b. July 13, 1789. 1199 2. Abigail Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1791. 1200 3. Thomas Carr, b. March 10, 1798. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 87 1201. 4. Elizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 20, 1795, 1202 5. Joseph Carr, b. Jan, 11, 1798. 1203 6. John M. Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1800. 1204 7. Isaac Carr, b. July 8, 1802. 12058. Hannah F. Carr, b. June 26, 1804. 1206 x9. George W. Carr, b. Feb. 25, 1807. 1207 x10, William Pitt Carr, b. Oct. 9, 1809. CU He VI. Mary Carr (645) born in Jamestown, R. IL, Feb. 19, 1771, married Walter Watson. Their children were, 1208 1. Job Watson. 1209 2. Nicholas Carr Watson. 1210 3. Isabella Watson. 1211x4. Thomas H. Watson. 12125. William Watson. 1213 6. Elisha Watson. 1214 7. Walter Watson. 1215 8. Mary E. Watson. 1216 9. Sarah Watson. 1217 10. John EB. Watson. VI. Tuomas Carr (646) born in Jamestown, R. I, Oct. 18, 1772. He willed his property to his nephew, George Cross Carr, (1226). He died in 1837, without issue. VI. Joun Carr (647) born in Jamestown, R.I., May 5, 1774, married Mary Cross, of Col. Peleg Cross, of Charlestown, R.L, by Samuel Perry, justice, Dec. 21, 1805. She died in James- town, Dec. 24, 1822. He died in the same place, July 27, 1823. Their children are, 1218x1. Peleg Cross Carr, b. April 17, 1807. 1219 2. Mary E. Carr, b. April 18, 1808, d. Aug. 29, 1878. 12203. Catherine Congdon Carr, b. April 23, 1809. 1221 4. Thomas Jefferson Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1810, d. May 2, 1858. 1222 5. Nicholas Carr, b. April 8, 1812. 1223 6. John Eldred Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1814, d. Feb. 20, 1885, 1224 7. Celia Ann Carr, b. June 24, 1816. 1225 8. William Carter Carr, b. June 24, 1817. 1226x9. George Cross Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1818. 1227 10. Hannah Carter Carr, b. Oct. 9, 1822, d. young. VL PseLeG Carr (656) born in North Kingstown, R. I, Aug. 3, 1753, married Watty Tibbetts about 1778 or 79. Their child- ren were, 88 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 1228 1. Linsley Carr, b. about 1780, reported lost at sea. 1229 2. Uriah Carr, b. » 1782, 4 5 1230x3. Caleb Carr, b. July 7, 1784. 1231x4. Joseph Carr, b. June 9, 1786. 12325. John Tibbetts Carr, b. Aug. 29, 1788. 1233 6. Susan Carr, m. Henry Runnell. 1234 7. Polly Carr, m. Palmer Kceuney. 1235 8. Betsey Carr. / VI. Jos Ropsins (669) born in Little Egg Harbor, N. J., mar- ried Mary Seaving. They had eleven children, the youngest one was Hannah C. Robbins, b. March 19, 1814. She married, Ist. Job Rt. Carpenter, and 2nd. Joseph Smith. She lives in Chappaqua, N. Y. VI. Mary Carr (670) born in Little Egg Harbor, N. J., Sept. 30, 1747, married Brazilla Scott. She died June 12, 1831. VI. Jos Carr (671) born in Litthe Egg Harbor, N. J., July 15, 1750, married Catherine. He was killeJ in battle on the Ridg- way farm while a member of the Pulaski guards by British soldiers, Sept. 3, 1782. His children were, 1236 1. Sarah Carr, b. Aug. 2, 1778, d. March 1, 1780. 12372. Millicent Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1781. 1288 3. Job Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1782. VI. Samvuet Carr (673) born in Little Egg Harbor, N. J., Oct. 22,1754, married Ann French, Dec. 20,1781. She was born Oct. 16, 1758. Their marriage certificate is given here as but a few outside of the Quaker connection have seen one: “Whereas Samuel Carr, son of Caleb and Sarah his wife, of the township of Northampton, in the county of Burlington, and province of West Jersey; and Ann French, daughter of Robert French and Hannah his wife, of the township of Ches- ter, in the county and province aforesaid; they having declar- ed their intentions of marriage with each other before several monthly meetings of the people called Quakers, held at Eves- ham, in the county and province aforesaid, and having con- sent of parents and relatives concerned, their said proposals were allowed by said meeting.” “Now this may certify to all whom it may concern, that for the full accomplishment of their said intentions, this tweunti- eth day of the twelfth month, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-one, 1781, they the said Samuel Carr and Ann CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION, 89 French, appeared in a public mecting of the aforesaid people, met together at their house in Evesham; and the said Samuel Carr taking the said Ann French by the hand, did in a solemn manner openly declare that he took her, the said Ann French, to be his wife, promising through divine assistance, to be unto her a loving and faithful husband until death should separate them.” “And then and there in the same assembly, the said Ann French did in like manner declare that she took him, the said Samuel Carr, to be her husband, promising through divine assistance, to be unto him a loving and faithful wife until death should separate them; and moreover, they the said Samuel Carr and Ann French, she according to the custom of marriage, assuming the name of her husband, as a further confirmation thereof, have hereunto set their hands.” SAMUEL CARR, ANN CARR. “And we whose names are hereunto subscribed, being pres- ent at the solemnization of said marriage and subscriptions, have as witnesses, set our hands, the day and year first above written,” Wife’s Parents, Hushband’s Parents, Robert French, Caleb Carr, Hannah French. Sarah Carr, (deceased) Nearest Relatives, Other IVitnesses, Keziah French, John Steper, Samuel Billings, Jones French, John Hunt, Wim. Rogers, jr., Enoch Evans, William Rogers, Samuel White, Bethsheba Evans, Edward Dornell, Benjamin Moore, Josiah Lippincott, Noah Haines, Esther Wilkins, Rachael Lippincott, Isaac Barton, John Maxwell, Eliz’beth Lippincott, George Rigdon, Reuben Maxwell, Sarah Evans, Mary Engher, Ann Barton. Samuel Carr died June 29, 1832, and was buried in the Fiiends’ burying ground at Mt. Holly, N. J. Their children were, 12391. Hannah Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1782. 12402. Caleb Carr, b. July 28, 1784. 1241 3. Jeremiah Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1786, d. Nov. 15, 1786. 1242 x4. Samuel Carr, b. March 24, 1788. 12435. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1791. 12446. Isaac Carr, b. Nov. 4, 1798. 90 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 1245 7. Robert Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1795, d. Dec. 5, 1844. 1246 8. Thomas Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1798, d. young, VI. Isaac Carr (674) born in Little Egg Harbor, N.J., March 10, 1757, married Mary. He died at Mt. Holly, N. J., and his will was dated Feb. 2, 1814. Their children were, , 1247 1. Jane Carr. 1248 2. Sarah Carr. 1249 3. Hannah Carr. 1250 4. Isaac Carr. 1251 5. Henry R. Carr. VI. Hannan Carr (675) born in Little Egg Harbor, N. J., Sep. 10,1759, married a Mr. Winner. She died Aug. 9, 1778. They had, 1252. 1. Samuel Winner, d. Aug. 12, 177s. VI. Saran Carr (676) born in Little Egg Harbor, N. J., April 14, 1762, married —— Haines. VI. Samus. Carr (677) born in Newport, R. L, — 13, 1742, married Sarah Thomas, by Rev. Gardiner, Dec. 6, 1767. She died Sept. 30,1784. He next married Ann Hookey, Dec. 18, 1789. Their children were, 1253 1. Caleb Carr, (3rd) b. Dec. 7, 1768. 1254 2. Mary Carr, b. Dec. 17, 1771. 1255 3. Sarah Carr, b. July 18, 1776. 1256 4. Elizabeth Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1778. 1257 5. John Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1781, d. in infancy. 1258 6. John Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1782. 1559 7. Waite Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1784. child by second wife, 1260 8. William Phillip Carr, b. Oct. 11, 1793. VI. Cates Carr (678) born in Newport, R. I, May 7, 1744. He left Newport when a young man and married Margaret Adams, of Milford, Mass. 14011. Thomas Carr, b. about 1792. 98 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—SIXTH GENERATION. 14022. Edward Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1794. 14088. John Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1796. 1404x4. Nancy Carr, b. Jan. 19, 1798. 1405 x5. Sylvia Carr, b. July 28, 1801. 14066. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 28, 1803. 14077. James Carr, b. about 1805. 1408 x8. Erastus Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1811. VI. JonaTHaNn Carr (761) born in Newport, R. I., Oct. 28, 1761. He and his brother shipped for India in 1783, and re- turned in 1798. He married Salcme Seavey and settled in St. Albans, Me. Their children were, 1409 1. John Carr, b. May 13, 1799. 1410 2. Joseph Carr, b. Aug. 9, 1801. 1411x3. James Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1803. VI. GeorcE W. Carr (762) born in Newport, R. I., Nov. 16, 1762. He went on a voyage to India with his brother Jona- than in 1783. While there he mairied Mahala Dunbar, April 2, 1798, and returned to this country the same year. She was born in India, June 16, 1766. On their return they stopped at Island No. 10, South Carolina, and the next year settled in Readfield, Me. He died in New ‘Hampshire, in 1828, supposd to have been killed for the money he had with him at the time. Their children were, 1412 1. Judith Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1800. 14138 2. Thirza Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1801. 14143. Frederick Carr, b. July 11, 1802. 1415x4. John Carr, b. May 29, 1803. 1416x5. Horatio Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1805. 14176. George Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1807. VI. Witu1am M. Carr (763) born in Shapleigh, Me., May 24, 1779, married Eunice Gitchell. She was born in Vassalbor- ough, Me., April 25, 1786, and died in Pittsfield, Me., Oct. 25, 1875. Hé died in Pittsfield, in 1850. They had. 14181. James T. Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1835. VI. Josepu Carr (764) born in Shapleigh, Me., about 1781. We went to India and was never heard of afterwards. VI. JABEz Carr, probably a son of Jabez Carr (393), was born in Salisbury, Mass., Dec, 14, 1774, married Sarah Chase, in 1800. She was born Jan. 21, 1780. Their children were, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 99 1419 1. Paul Carr, b. July 4, 1801, d. 1831. 14202. Harriet Carr, b. Aug. 20, 1803. 1421 3. Eliza A. Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1805, d. July 20, 1867. 1422x4. James Carr, b. July 18, 1808. 14235. Sarah Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1811. 1424 6. Osgood Carr, b. April 1, 1814, d. May 27, 1885. 1425 7. Joseph Carr, b. April 29, 1817, d. 1822. VI. GrorcGEe Carr (769) born in Epping, N. H., Aug. 20, 1764, married Mary Marden, in Goshen, N. H., Oct. 28, 1790. She was born in Chester, N. H., June 29, 1772, and died in Goshen, Jan. 24,1958. He moved to Maine in 1792,.and built the first wharf in Belfast. His wife who was afraid her sons would want to go to sea, persuaded him to return to New Hampshire, which he did about 1810. He died in Bradford, N. H., June 8, 1829. Their children were, | 1426 x1. John Carr, b. April 13,1791. 1427x2. Mehitable Carr, b. April 17, 1793. 1428 x3. Jonathan Carr, b. July 17,1795. 1429x4. Stephen Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1797. 14305. Sally Carr, b. April 10, 1800. 1431x6. George Marden Carr, b. March 1, 1803. 14327. Mary Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1806. — 1433 x8. Lucretia Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1808. 1434 9. Milton Carr, b. Aug. 8. 1812, d. Sept. 8, 1812. 148510. Hial Cran Carr, b. Jan. 6, 1814. 1436 x11. Charles Rea Carr, b. April 6, 1819. VI. Benjamin Carr (774) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 26, 1790, married Mary Ann Beckett, of Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 5, 1835. He died May 26, 1849.. They: had, 1487x1. Benjamin Franklin Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1835. 1488 2. George Washington Carr, b. Sept. 1841, d. June 13. 1865 VI. Joun Carr (775) born in Northwood, N. H., March,:1769, married Mary Prescott, of William, in 1788. She was born in Epping, N. H.,in 1772. Her mother, Mary Dearborn, was a cousin of Gen. Dearborn, of Boston. Their children were, 14391. William Carr, b. May 4, 1789. 4440 2. Mary Carr, b. about 1792, m. Daniels. 1441 3. Rhoda Carr, b. ,, 1794. 1442x4. John Carr, b. » 1796. 14435. Edson Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1801. 100 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-SIXTH GENERATION. 1444 6. Dudley Chase Carr. 1445 7. Margaret Carr, m. Redfield. 1446 8. Cynthia Carr. VI Joun Lirrie Carr (787) born in Newbury, Mass., June 4, 1778, married Hannah Whitmore, (published in Newbury, Aug. 22, 1801). She was born in 1779, and died Dec. 29, 1864. They lived in Newburyport. Their children were, 1447 1. John Carr, b. 1802, d. at sea in 1827. 14482. Lydia Giddings Carr, b. Jan. 19, 1804. 1449x3. Joseph Flagg Carr, b. Jan. 19, 1806. 14504. Henry Southwich Carr, b. May, 1807. VI. Epmonp Carr (788) born in Salisbury, Mass., March 24, 1775, married Fanny Morrell, in Salisbury, Feb. 5, 1801. “He died March 14, 1807. VI. DaNIEL Carr (790) born in Newbury, Mass., about 1785, married Mary Ayers, in Bethel, Me., about 1804. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He died in Portland, Me., in 1854. She was born in 1782, and died in Rumford, Me.,in 1848. Their children were, 14511. James Carr, b. 1805. 1452 2. Eunice Carr, b. 1806, m. Moody M. Little. 14533. Thirza Carr, b. June 6, 1807. 1454 4. Dolly E. Carr, m. Rice Morse. 1455 5. Sarah Carr, m. Cole Hemenway. VI. Isaac S. Carr (791) born in London, N. H., May 20, 1713, married Lucinda J. Osgood, in Gilmanton, N. H. She was born in 1811, and died July 26, 1745. He next married Betsey Foss. She was born Nov. 27, 1815, and died in Pittsfield, N. H., June 15, 1789. He died in Pittsfield, March 30, 1890. His children are, 14561. Electa Ann Carr, b. April 17, 1887, Gilmanton, N. H. 1457 2. Helen Victoria Carr, b. March 28, 1839, 1458 x3. Edgar Leroy Carr, b. May 12, 1841, 1459 4. Asa Osgood Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1842, child by second wife, 1460 5. Isaac Newton Carr, b. Aug. 21, 1850, Pittsfield, N. H. ”y ” ” a” a” ” VI. Josran Carr (794) born in Newbury, Mass., Sept. 9, 1765, married Anna Danforth, in Newbury, March 11,1792. She was born in 1771, and died Aug. 29, 1849, He died April 18, 1830. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 101 VI. Emma Carr (795) born in Newbury, Mass., Sept. 27, 1767, married Paul Bailey, Feb. 19, 1787. He died March 31, 1844, She died Feb. 16, 1819. Their children were, 1461 1. Judith Bailey, b. Sept. 24, 1787. 1462 2. Joshua Bailey, b. Nov. 22, 1789, d. June 21, 1849. 1463 3. Walter Bailey, b. Oct. 2, 1791, d. May 16, 1873. 14€4 4. Eben Bailey, b. June 25, 1794, d. Aug. 5, 1838. VI. SamveL Carr (796) born in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 23, 1770. married Elizabeth Chase, June 29, 1797. She was born May 31, 1778, and died Oct. 23, 1854. He died April 20, 1851. Their children were, 1465 x1. John Chase Carr, b. Feb. 8, 1798. 1466 x2. Elizabeth Chase Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1799. 1467 3. Samuel Carr, b. Oct. 19, 1800, d. Aug. 28, 1810. 1468 x4. Moses Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1802. 1469x5. Mary Ordway Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1804. 1470x6. George Washington Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1806. 14716. Henrietta D. Carr, b. Jan. 20, 1808. 1472 8. Emma Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1810, d. Oct. 17, 1817. 1473x9. Samuel Carr, b. July 28, 1812. 1474 10. Sarah W. Carr, b. April 10, 1814, d. April 17, 1838. 1475x11. Harriet N. Carr, b. Feb. 8, 1816. 147612. Emma A. Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1817. 1477. 13. Anna M. Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1819, d. when 3 months old. 1478 14. Matilda Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1821, d. Feb. 27, 1821. VI. Joun Carr (of Samuel and Emma, 456) born in Newbury, Mass., Dec. 12, 1772, married Abigail Williams, in Newbury, Dec. 16, 1796. She was born Dec. 25, 1775, and died Aug. 25, 1861. He died June 16, 1850. Their children were, 1479 1. Anna Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1797, d. Feb. 10, 1817. 14802. Eliza Williams Carr, b. March 5, 1799. 14813. Samuel G, W. Carr, b. July 18, 1801. 14824. Emma Bailey Carr, b. July 27, 1803. 14835. Helen Maria Carr, b. March 38, 1805. 14846. Abigail Low Carr, b. July 18, 1807. 1485 x7. Thomas Williams Carr, b. May 31, 1809. 14868. Almira Ann Carr, b. April 30, 1811, VI. ANN Carr (of Samuel and Emma, 456) born in New- bury Mass., Jan. 30, 1775, married Thomas Kimball, Oct. 23, 17€3. He was born March 10, 1773, and died May 29, 1848. She 102 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. died Dec. 31,1859. Their children were, 14871. Judith Ann Kimball, b. April 8, 1795. 14882. William Carr Kimball, b. Oct. 26, 1797. 14893. Leonard Woods Kinball, b. Feb. 25, 1800. 1490 4. Emma Carr Kimball, b. June 13, 1802, d. June 24, 1862. 14915. Caleb Kimball, b. Oct. 19, 1803. 14926. Samuel Carr Kimball, b. March 9, 1806. 1498x7. Thomas Noyes Kimball, b. May 2, 1808. 14948. Moses Warren Kimball, b. Dec. 31, 1810. 1495 9. Joseph Horace Kimball, April 26, 1813, d. Mar. 11, 1838 1496 10. Charles Kimball, b. Sept. 14, 1815, d. March 17, 1816. 149711. Rufus Emory Kimball, b. Jan. 3, 1820. VI. Witiram Carr (of Samuel and Emma, 456) born in New- bury, Mass., Jan. 19,1781, married Mary Greenlief, in Newbury, May 31, 1805. She was born July 15, 1786, and died Feb. 28, 1868. He died in West Newbury, July 17, 1855. Their children were, 14981. Mary G. Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1806. 1499 x2. William Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1808. 1500 x3. Mehitable G. Carr, b. June 18, 1812. 1501 4. Caroline Carr, b. March 20, 1815. 1502 5. Luther D. Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1820, d. Oct. 30, 1849, in Cal. 1508 x6. Eliza Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1822. 1504 7. Robert Josiah Carr, b. March 4, 1880, d. Sept. 7, 1830, VI. Dr. RoBert Carr (of Samuel and Emma, 456) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 24, 1783, married Polly Chase, in New- bury, Jan. 20, 18138. She was born Aug. 5, 1785. “He early re- . moved from Newbury to the district of Maine, then a portion of Massachusetts, and established himself in the town of He- bron, where he successfully pursued the business of his pro- fession, and won for himself aconfidence and reputation that his friends and relatives may well delight to cherish.” He died in West Minot, Me., July 14, 1852. Their children were, 15051. Josiah Carr, b. Feb. 6, 1814. 1506 x2. Ann Kimball Carr, b. March 29, 1816. 1507 x3. Mehitable Frye Carr, b. April 5, 1818. 1508 4. Samuel Carr, b. July 30, 1823, m. Harriet C. Hanks. 1509 5. Robert William Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1826. VI. Mary Carr (of Samuel and Emma, 456) born in New- bury, Mass., Oct. 27, 1786, married Enoch Chase, in 1806. He died Feb. 1842, and she died April 4, 1845. They cnly had, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 103 1510x1 Warren E. Chase, b. Oct. 12, 1808. VI. ANDREW Carr (799) born in Dover, N. H., March 30, 1787, and settled in Lebanon, Me., where he died Oct. 1817. He left a daughter, 1511. 1. Clara Carr, m. Cavaly, Limerick, Me. VI. SAMUEL WENTWORTH CARR (803) born in Dover N. H., Oct. 6, 1794, married Rebecca Hanson Odiorne, of John and Sarah (Hanson) Odiorne, of Rochester, N. H., Dec. 15, 1825. She was born in Rochester, June 24, 1804. He settled in Dover, and was a representative in the legislature in 1831-2. In 1836 he moved to Coffeeville, Miss. He diedin Lexington, Miss., Nov. 20, 1853. Their children were, 1512. 1. Henry Oliver Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1827, d. Nov. 1, 1846. 1513 2. Elizabeth Landen Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1829, m. Thomas. 1514 3. Sarah Odiorne Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1831, m. E. Eggleston. VI. James Carr (804) born in Dover, N. H., Oct. 26, 1796, mar- ried Elvira Weston, of John and Rebecca, May 17, 1823, and settled at Deep Creek, Va., where he died Aug. 19, 1833. She died Oct. 19, 18338. Their children were, 1515 1. James S. Carr. b. March 4, 1825, d. Sept. 20, 1825. 1516 2. Susan Ik. Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1826, m. Joshua J. Moore. 1517 3. Oliver P. Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1827, d. Sept. 21, 1832. 1518x4. James F. Carr, b. March 17, 1829. 1219 5. Elvira Carr, b. Sept. 15, 18381, d. Sept. 27, 1832. 1520 6. Oliver P. Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1838, d. Oct. 2, 1835. VI. FREDERICK WILLIAM Carr (805) born in Dover, N. H., March 31, 1799, married Aun Eliza Weston, and died at Deep Creek, Va., Dec. 12, 1871. VI. Titty WENTWoRTH Carr (806) born in Dover, N. H., Nov. 5, 1801, married Elizabeth Ballan, July 28, 1825. She was born Jan. 31, 1809, and died in Norfolk, Va., Oct. 18, 1878. He first settled in Gates Co., N.C., where his wife was born, and then moved to Coffeeville, Miss., where he died Dec. 1, 1856. Their children are, 15211. Frederick William Carr, b. April 28, 1827. 1522 2. Tilly Wentworth Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1828, d. Mar. 28, 1847. 1523 3. Anna Eliza Carr, b. Oct. 13, 1830, m. John H. Payne. 1524x4. Elvira W. Carr, b. Dec. 21, 1882. 1525 5. Clara Augusta Carr, b. Feb. 6, 1835, d. July 15, 1851. 104 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 1526 6. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1887, d. Dec. 26, 1855. 1527 7. Thomas Wentworth Carr, b. June 29, 1839, d. July 8,’52. 1528 8. Sally Laura Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1842, m. Wm. A. Reddick. 1529 9. Susanna Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1844, d. July 14, 1851. 1530 10. Addie Payne Carr, b. Feb. 21, 1847, m. J. L. Braunon. 1531 11. Filena Carr, b. May 7, 1849, d. June 24, 1850. 1532 12. Betsey W. Carr, b. July 6, 1851, m. John C. Braunon. VI. Oxiver PEABopy Carr (807) born in Dover, N. H., June 4, 1806. married Mercy Hall Wentworth, of John and Joanna (Hall) Wentworth, in 1832. She was born Feb. 24, 1809, dnd died July 12,1852. They settled in Coffeeville, Miss. He died Jan. 2, 1855. Their children are, 1533 1. Oliver P. Carr, d. young. 1534 2. Henry H. Carr, b. June 29, 1840, d. 1862. 1535 3. George W. Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1842, d. 1863. 1536 4. Florence Augusta Carr, b. Feb. 25, 1845. 1537 5. Vienna Carr, b. July 8, 1847, d. Aug. 4, 1869. 1538 6. Thomas Wentworth Carr, b. April, 1850. 1539 7. Albert Oliver Carr, b. Jan. 1, 1852. VI. Joserpu Carr (808) born in Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 14, 1773, engaged in mercantile business with his brother James, in Bangor, Me., in 1796, and aftera number of years of pros- perous business, retired from the firm, rich in worldly goods. In 1849 he went to New York, was taken sick and died there, aged 76 years. VI. James Carr (809) born in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 9, 1777, went into business with his brother Joseph, in Bangor, Me.,. in 1796. He married Miss Jarvis, of Surry, Me. After he re- tired from business with his brother, he got an appointment under president Madison, as land agent for the state of Ohio. Before arriving at his intended place of residence on the Ohio river, his daughter fell overboard. In his effort to save her, he lost his own life with his daughter. They had, 1540 1. Daughter who was drowned. VI. Mary Carr (810) born in Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 29, 1779, married Joseph Hook. He was a merchant in Bangor, Me., later in life held some appointment under the government. Vi. Aprcaty Carg (812) born in’ :Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 10, 1785, married George Baker, of Bangor, Me. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 105 VI. Sopu1a Carr (813) born in Haverhill, Mass., June 10, 1787, married John Baker, of Bangor, Me. VI Francis Carr (815) born in Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 17, 1793, went west and died when about 30 years old. VI. Josuua WincaTE Carr (816) born in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 2, 1796. He settledin Bangor, Me.,and held office most of his life, having been sheriff of Penobscot county, mayor of Bangor, and also postmaster in Bangor under president Tay- lor in 1849, VI. Josuua WinGate (817) born in Haverhill, Mass., mar- ried a daughter of Gen. Henry Dearborn, of Gardiner, Me. He held an office in Washington when Gen. Dearborn was _ secre- tary of war, in Jefferson’s cabinet. He returned to Portland, Me., and was postmaster there for atime. He died when about 80 years of age. VI. James WINGATE (819) born in Haverhill, Mass,, married Miss Pope, of Ipswich. Mass. He succeeded his brother Josh- ua in the postoffice in Portland, Me., and afterwards retired to a farm in Kennebec county. VI. JoserpH WINGATE (820) born in Haverhill, Mass., and mar- ried a lady from the south. He was appointed collector of the custom house of Eath, Me., and afterwards represented Bath in the general court of Massachusetts, and Lincoln district in congress. VI. Tuomas Hoyt Carr (829) born in Haverhill, Mass., a- bout 1785, married Bethiah Scott, of Machias, Me., Dec. 26, 1812. She was born June 28, 1793, and died in Jackson, Mich., Dec. 18, 1858. He died in Belfast, Me., April 14, 1854, while on a visit, but was buried in Jackson. Their children were, 15411. Sarah Bethiah Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1813. 1542x 2. George Wales Carr, b. July 6, 1815. 15433. Francis Warren Carr, b. Jan. 30. 1818. 15444. Abigail Weld Carr, b. Jan. 6, 1820. 1545 x5. Solomon Thayer Carr, b. July 22, 1823. 1546 6. ( Daniel Hoyt Carr, b. April 5, 1826. 1547 7. Thomas Wingate Carr. b.,,,.. d. in infancy. 1548 x8. Caroline Webster Carr, b. May 26, 1828. 1549x0. Adelaide Wingate Carr, b. April 11,1882. VI. Saran Carr (830) born in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 1787, 106 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-3IXTH GENERATION. married Benjamin Wales, in Hallowell, Me., in 1807. He was born in Braintree, Mass., March, 1782, and died in Hallowell, July 14, 1859. He was a druggist. She died in Sept. 1854. Their children were, 1550 1. John Waldo Wales, b. 1808, d. in infancy. 1551 x2. John Waldo Wales, b. April 27, 1810. 1552 3. Benjamin C. Wales, b. Aug. 30, 1812, d. May, 1815. 1553 x4. Charlotte Waldo Wales, b. Aug. 19, 1815. 1554 5. Sarah Wales, b. Nov. 18, 1818, d. Sept. 16, 1892. VI. Danre_ Carr (831) born in Haverhill, Mass., married Abigail —— in Wiscasset, Me. and he had a family of four children. VI. GeorcE W. Carr (832) born in Haverhill, Mass., mar- ried Nancy Morgan, only daughter of Levi Morgan, of Hallo- well, Me. They had eight children, two of whom were, 1555 x1. George Carr. 1556 2. Levi Carr, went to Cahifornia in 1820. VI. Mevrinpa Carr (841) born in North -Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 12, 1796, married Hiram Carr, Nov. 9, 1820. They had, 1557 1. Samuel Carr. 1558 2. Elizabeth Carr. VI. Dea. DanreL Carr (842) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 31, 1798, married Rhoda Bagley, of Nathan and Hannah (Ford) Bagley, of Topsham, Vt., Feb. 9, 1823. She was born Aug. 7, 1799, and died Jan. 20, 1843. He next married Hannah Sawyer, of Bath, N. H., April 11, 1843. She died late in the year of 1887. He was a deacon in the Baptist church of North Haverhill, for a number of years. He died April 13, 1879. Their children are, 1559 1. Infant son, b. Oct. 5, 1824, d. at birth. 1560 2. Daniel Carr, b. Dec. 14, 1825, d. Jan. 18, 1827. 15613. Nathan Bagley Carr, b. July 24, 1827. 1562 x4. Francis Bailey Carr, b. April 27, 1829. 1563 x5. Charles Frederick Carr, b. Jan. 10, 18381. 1564 x6. George Edwin Carr, b. Oct. 7, 1882. 1565 7. Jackson M. V. B. Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1884, d. Oct. 11, 18€3. 1566 8. Harriet Bagley Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1837, d. Oct. 18, 1842. 1567 9. Charlotte Bagley Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1839, d. Feb. 8, 1840: children by second wife, 1538 10. Ezekiel Milo Carr, b. June 26, 1844, d. Aug. 29, 1845. 1569 x11. Samuel Ezekiel Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1846. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SIXTH GENERATION. 107 157012. Daniel Edmund Carr, b. May 10, 1848. 157113. Harriet Sawyer Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1850. VI. FrepERICK Carr (848) born in North Haverhill, N. H., March 22, 1799, married Betsey Bagley, of Nathan and Hannah (Ford) Bagley, of Topsham, Vt., Feb. 14,1821. He died Jan. 11, 1833. No children. VI. Laura Carr (844) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 1, 1801, married Ebenezer L. Burbeck, May 28, 1823. She died Oct. 21, 1871. They had, 1572 1. Laura Burbeck, m. 1573 2. Sarah Burbeck, m. Branch Jackson. 1574 3. Mary Burbeck, m. Biel Nelson. 1575) 4. Edmund Burbeck. VI. May. Samuet Carr (845) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Feb. 14, 1803, married Elizabeth V. Brewster, Nov. 26, 1829. Af- ter her death he married her sister Rachel Brewster, and for his third wife he married Mary Ann Crosby. Hedied Dec. 1, 1889. Their children were, 1576 1. Laura Maria Carr, b. June 26, 1831. 1577 2. Alma Augusta Carr, b. June 18, 1833. 1578 3. Nancy Aiabella Carr, b. April 7, 1835. 1579 4. Elizabeth Agnes Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1837. 1580 5. Jerome Eonaparte Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1838. 1581 6. Ann Elizabeth Carr, b. May 16, 1842. children by second wife, 1582 7. William Henry Carr, b. May 8, 1844. 1583 8. Loren Edgar Carr, b. Aug. 12, 1846. 1584 9. Persis Orette Carr, b. March 18, 1848. -1585 10. Julia Rachel Carr, b. April 26, 1849. 1586 x11. Mary Ida Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1850. 1587 12. Samuel Fred Carr, b. April 29, 1853. VL. Nancy Carr (848) born in North Haverhill, N. H., March 12, 1809, married Graham Kezer, Sept. 5, 18380. She died March 18, 1885. VI. Hannan Carr (849) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Aug. 31, 1801, married Stephen Farnham, April 26, 1827. She died Sept. 10, 1851. Their children are, 1588 x1. George Farnham, b. March 24, 1829. 15892. John Carr Farnham, b. Nov. 24, 1880. 108 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 15903. Eliza A. Farnham, b. Nov. 11, 1833. 1591 4. Stephen Farnham, b. Dec. 18, 1838, d. April 23, 1862. VI. Exiza Carr (850) born in North Haverhill, N..H., April 21, 1803, married John E. Stafford, Nov, 24, 1825. He was born in Plainfield, N. H., Aug. 30, 1793, and died in Waukegan, IIls., Jan. 2, 1868. She died in Chicago, Ills., \ug. 26, 1884. Their children are, 15921. Frank Stafford, b. June 6. 1827. 1593 2. Grant P. Stafford, b. Dec. 29, 1829. 1594 3. Levi Stafford, b. April 11, 1833. 1595 4. Elizabeth Stafford, b. Sept. 7, 1835. 1596 5. Laura A. Stafford, b. Oct. 10, 1888. 1597 6. William L. G. Stafford, b, April 15, 1842. VI. Joun Care (352) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Nov. 28, 1806, married Susan C. Rider, Dec. 16, 1830. He died Jan. 15, 1866. Their children are, 1598 x1. Helen E. Carr, b. May 5, 1832. 1599 x2. Jane Hibbard Carr, b. April 5, 1836. 16003. Sarah C. Carr, b. Jan. 20, 1838. 1601 4. Susan Augusta Carr, b. 1840, d. 1840. 16025. Byron L. Carr, b. Sept. 1848. VI. Saran Wortit Carr (853) born in North Haverhill,N. H., May 24, 1808, married Andrew Crocker, Oct. 10, 1880. She died July 27, 1839. He was born Feb. 22, 1808, and died in Cuba, Feb. 25, 1841. Their children are, 1603 1. Hannah Crocker, b. Oct. 16, 1831. 1604 2. Elizabeth Crocker, b. June 5, 1833, d. Dec. 22, 1835. VI Epmunp W. Carr (854) born in North Haverhill, N. H., July 18, 1810, married Wealthy Hunt, Jan. 1, 1833. He died March 24, 1848. She died June 16, 1859. Their children are; 1605 x1. Julia Adelaide Carr, b. Nov. 2, 1838. 1606 x2. Edmund Leroy Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1847. VI. Mrcaasc B, Care (853) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Feb. 19, 1814, married Louisa McConnell, Oct. 15, 1837, in Bath, N.H. She was born in 1813, and died Sept. 1871. He died Sept. 28, 1882. They had, 16071. John E. Carr, b. June 11, 1840. VI. Hiram Carr (858) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 10, 1818, married Mary Crocker, Dec. 25, 1839. She was born in CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 109 Haverhill, April 9, 1817. They reside in Needham, Mass. Their children are, 1608 x1. Emma L. Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1841. 1609 x2. Martin L. Carr, b. March 1, 1845. 16103. Alice W. Carr, b. Aug. 5, 1847. VI. JosHua Carr (859) born in North Haverhill, N. H., March 1, 1820, married Mary C. Carey, in North Haverhill, Nov. 27, 1845. She was born in Rochester, Vt., Sept. 10, 1820. They re- side in North Haverhill. Their children are, 1611x1. Ellen F. Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1849. 16122. Roselle E. Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1853. VI. DanreL Carr (861) born in Newbury, Mass., Aug. 2, 1801, married Rhoda Bartlett, in Hopkinton, N. H., Feb. 20, 1827. She died Nov. 29, 1836. He next married Caroline .L. Tappan, Jan.1, 1829. He was engaged in mercantile business for more than 50 years. He died in Hopkinton, Aug. 17, 1887. His children were, 1613 1. William A. Carr b. Jan. 10, 1828. children by second wife, 1614 2. Frank T. Carr. 1615 3. Kate E. Carr, m. Dr. C. A. Carlton, of Salem, Mass. VL. Joun Carr (864) born in Newbury, Mass., July 24, 1772, married Susanna Hutchings, in Georgetown, Me., May 12, 1799. She was born in Kittery, Me., May 26, 1772, and died in New- bury, May 22, 1854. A few years after marriage they moved from Maine to Newbury, where they lived the remainder of their lives. He died July 22, 1848. Their children were, 1616 1. William Carr, b. April 20, 1800, d. May 15, 1800. 16172. John Carr, b. May 31, 1801. 16183. William Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1803. 16194. Daniel Carr, b. March 25, 1805. 16205. Susanna Hutchings Carr, b. Dec. 3, 1807. 16216. Mary Ann Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1809. 1622 7. Elizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1811, d. Sept. 25, 1812. 16238. Hannah P. Carr, b. Oct. 3, 1813. 1624 9. George Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1816, d. Dec. 28, 1816. VI. Ann Carr (867) born in Newburyport, Mass., March 27, 1777, married Joshua Smith, of Monmouth, Me. He was a deacon in the Baptist church. She died in Winthrop, Me., March 31, 1856. No children. 110 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. VI. DantEL Carr (870) born in Newburyport, Mass., June 29, 1789, married Mary Joy in Winthrop, Me., Feb. 16, 1816. She was born in Winthrop, June 5, 1794, and died Jan. 14, 1878. He settled in Winthrop where he kept the first temperance hotel in that part of the country. He was a deacon in the Congre- gational church for about twenty years. He died Feb. 1, 1862. Their children are, 1625 1. Mary Ann Carr, b. Dec. 13, 1816, d. Nov. 26, 1826. 1626 2. Daniel Noyes Carr, b. April 14, 1818, d. May 15, 1825. 1627 3. Hartford Joy Carr, b. Sept. 13, 1820, d. July 13, 1822. 1628 4. George Whitefield Carr, b. April 17, 1824, d. May 4, ’49. 16295. Sarah Burbank Carr, b. June 19, 1826. 1630 6. Daniel Holmes Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1827, d. July 1, 1831. 16317. Helen Ann Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1833. VI. MeuirasBLe Carr (871) born Oct. 5, 1785, married David Lovejoy, July 29, 1810. She died Jan. 18, 1854. They had, 1632 1, James C. Lovejoy, b. Nov. 27, 1811, d. Dec. 16, 1811. VI. Levi Carr (878) born in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 5, 1798, married Mary Jane Ireland, in Newbury, Mass., June 1, 1843. He died Sept. 27, 1879. She lives in Amesbury, Mass. Their children are, 1633 x1. Caroline Marcellia Carr, b. March, 3, 1844. 1634 x2. Charles Henry Carr, b. April, 6, 1848. VI. Mary Carr (874) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 3, 1800, married Daniel Norton, of Newburyport, Mass., March 22, 1822. She died Aug. 1, 1877. VI. Crartssa Carr (876) born in iirc, Mass., June 6, 1805, married John Currier, Dec. 28, 1830. He was born in New- buryport, Mass., April 14, 1802, and died Sept. 2, 1887. She died Sept. 9, 1889. Their children were, 1635 x1. John J. Currier, b, Oct. 22, 1834. 1636 2. Mary Putman Currier, b. Aug. 14, 1837, d. Mar 26, 1845. VI. Estuer Carr, (877) born in Newbury, Mass., Nov. 1, 1807, married Augustus Bachelder, of Danvers, Mass., Sept. 15, 1836. She died Feb. 5, 1843. VI. THomas Carr (878) born in Virginia, Nov. 25, 1735. He was called “Thomas the Hunter,” a name he especially deserv- ed by reason of exchanging his patrimonial estate among the most fertile in the county of Albermarle, after he had killed CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 111 all the game upon it; for a barren mountain tract twenty miles away, where game was abundant. He married and had a fam- ily, one of whom was. 1637 x1. Samuel Carr, b. about 1760. VIL. Daspngey Carr (882) born in Virginia, Oct. 26, 1748, mar- ried Martha Jefferson, a sister of Thomas Jefferson, one of the presidents of the United States. He was a member of the house of Burgesses, and introduced and carried a bill of rights, which was regarded as the entering wedge to the separation of the colonies from England. His speech on that occasion was regarded by Mr. Jefferson as a “master-piece of patriotic eloquence,” and he was considered the ablest man of his age in America. (See Wirt’s life of Patrick Henry, p. 108.) On this subject Mr. Jefferson writes: “I well remember the pleasure expressed in the countenances and conversation of the mem- bers generally on this debut of Mr. Carr, and the hopes they conceived as well from the talent as the patriotism manifest- ed. But he died within two months after, and in him we losta powerful fellow laborer. His character was of a high order. Of spotless integrity, sound judgment, handsome imagination, enriched by education and reading; quick and clear in his con- ceptions, his correct and ready elocution impressed every hear- er with the sincerity of the heart from which it flowed. His firmness was inflexible in whatever he thought, was right, but when no moral principle stood in the way, never had man more of the milk of human kindness, of indulgence of soft- ness, of pleasantry in conversation and conduct.” He died at the age of thirty, in Charlottsville, Va., May 16, 1773, leaving a family of six children as follows: 1688 x1. Peter Carr, b. about 1764. 16392. Samuel Carr, b. ,, 1766. 16408. Dabney Carr, b. ,, 1767. 1€41x4. Virginia Carr, b. ,, 1769. 1642 5. Jane Carr, b. about 1771, m. Cary. 16438 6. Mary Carr, b. ,, 1773, d. unm. VI. Joun Carr (887) born in Virginia, July 17, 1853, married and had a family as follows: 1644 1. Nellie Carr, m. her cousin, Samuel Carr, (1639) 1645 2. Betsey Carr, m. ii Dabney Carr, (1640) VI. Gartanp, Carr (888) born in Virginia, July 10, 1754, mar- 112 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. ried Mary Winston. Their children were, 16461. Frank Carr, b. about 1776. 16472. Mary Winston Carr, b. about 1778. VI. Mary Carr (889) born in Virginia, Sept. 14, 1756, mar- ried James Minor, son of John and Sarah (Carr) Minor, (508) June 30, 1773. Mr. Minor built the “Gate House,” on the North Forks of the Rivanna river in Albermarle county about 1776. VI. Wit1Am Carr (891) born in Virgnia, about 1730, mar- ried and had, 16481. Walter Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1753. VI. Tuomas Carr (892) born in Virginia, probably Alber- marle county, May 15, 1742, married Ann Sanders, Jan. 27, 1770. She was born Feb. 6, 1750, and died Sept. 10, 1826. He died in Tennessee, May 5, 1821. Their children were, 1649 1. Thomas Carr. 1650 2. Gideon Carr. 1651 3. Elijah Carr. 1652 x4. John Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1782. 1653 5. Walter Carr, m. and had a son Mathew. 1654 6. Nancy Carr, m. Mansfield. 16557. Richardson Carr, b. May 10, 1789. 1656 8. Betty Carr, m. Bradlow. 1657 9. Susan Carr, m. Trevelyan. 1658 10. Sarah Carr, m. James Bettes. 1659 11. Polly Carr, m. John Horsley. 1660 12. Lucy Carr, m. William Gentry. VI. Wintiam Carr (893) born in Virginia, about 1745. He located in Powell’s Valley, Ky., where he acquired a large tract of land, but after occupying ita few years he was murdered. It is supposed this was done to get possession of his land. He had no family. VI. McCacer Carr born in Virginia about 1748, and settled in Kentucky. It is supposed he had a family. VI. GrpEon Carr, (895) born in Virginia in 1752. He lived in Albermarle county, nine miles west of Charlottsville, and carried on a large plantation with 17 negroes, raising tobacco for the Richmond market. He emigrated to Tennessee, and died in Dickson county in 1847, in the 96th year of hisage. His children were, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 113 * 16611. Meekins Carr. 16622. Walter Carr. 16633. Dabney Carr. 1664+. John Carr, b 1789. 1665 5. Susan Carr. 1666 6. Anna Carr. 1667 7. Elizabeth Carr. 1668 8. Martha Carr. VI. James Minor (896) born in Virginia, married Mary Carr. (889) VI. Leonard Carr (897) born in Virginia and emigrated to the Northwest territory, and settled in what is now known as St. Clair Co., Ills., in 1797. He had, 1669 1. William Carr, m. Miss Wiggins, of St. Louis, Mo. 1670 2. Samuel Carr. VI. JosEPpH CARR (898) born in Virginia and settled in St. Clair Co., Ills., in 1798. He was a soldier in the revolutionary war. His children were, 1671 1. Jacob Carr. 16722. Conrad Carr, b. 1783. 1673 3. Abner Carr. 16744. Henry Carr, b. June 7, 1788. 1675 5. Phebe Carr, m. Dorsey Wilderman. VI. Extras Carr (899) born in Green Co., N. C., in 1775, mov- ed to Edgecomb Co., and married Cecelia Johnson, in 1797. She was a daughter of Col. James Johnson, a revolutionary hero. They had a large family, mestly girls, the only son living to arrive at manhood was, 1676 x1. Jones Johnson Carr, b. March 15, 1805. VI. Trrus Carr (900) born in Green Co., N. C., Feb. 28, 1788. His wife’s name is not given. He died at the old homestead in Green Co., Feb. 5, 1887. They had, 16771. Mathew Lawrence Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1812. VI. JosepH Carr ($02) born in Chester, N. H., Feb. 26, 1767, married Betsey Richardson, of Daniel. He died in Oct. 1855, Their children were. 1678 x1. Daniel Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1787. 1679 2. Moses Carr. 1670 3. Joseph Carr, d. when 21 years old. * 114 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. VI. Anna Carr (903) born in Chester, N. H., Aug. 26, 1770, married Ist, Y. A. Silver,and 2nd, John Clark,jr. She died Jan. 18, 1859. VI. PreTer Carr (907) born in Chester, N. H., Oct. 9, 1778, married and raised a family. He died Oct. 1, 1845. Their children were, 1681 1. William Carr. 16822. Hazen Carr, b. June 21, 1801. 1683 3. Peter Carr. 16844. Jesse Carr, b. 1812. 1685 5. Parker Carr. 1686 6. John Carr. .1687 7. Phillip Carr. VI. BENJAMIN Carr (908) born in Chester, N. H., Nov. 4, 1775, married and had a family as follows: 1688 x1. Benjamin Page Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1807. 1689 2. Martha Carr, b. Sept.. 20, 1811. 2 1690 3. Mary Carr, b. March 6, 1814, d. Oct. 17, 1870. 1691 4. Sarah Carr, b. July 24, 1816. 1692 5. Almira Carr, b. June 19, 1821. 1693 6. Parker Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1823, d. May 27, 1883. 1694 7. Allen Carr, b. Nov. 25, 1825. 16958. William Carr, b. Dec. 20, 1828. VI. Cot. BENJAMIN CarR (919) born in Newport, N. H., Sept. 26, 1779, married Sarah Wilcox. She was born Dec.5, 1786, and died Oct. 31, 1859. He was colonel of the 31st regiment of state troops in 1824. He died Sept. 6, 1862. Their children were, 1696 x1. Sarah Maria Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1812. 1697 <2. Uriah Wilcox Carr, b. Oct. 30, 1814. 1698 3. Roxana Philomela Carr, b. July 5, 1819, m. Jas. Heath. 16994. Benjamin Franklin Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1822. 17005. Frederick Carr, b. April 14, 1825. 1701. 6. Owen Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1829, d. June 18, 1862, DeSoto, Wis 17027. Frances Foisaith Carr, b. Feb. 6, 1832. VI. Davin Carr (920) born in Newport, N. H.. May 10, 1786, married Sarah Serems. She was born Oct. 1, 1784, and died Dec. 14. 1865. He died Dec. 1, 1833. Their children were, 17081. Francis Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1811. 1704x2. Betsey Carr, b. May 26, 1812. 17053. William Carr, b. March 20, 1814. \ CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 115 1706x4. David L. Carr, b. July 12, 1816. 17075. Sarah S. Carr, b. June 6, 1818. 1708 x6. Elmira Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1820. 1709 7. Charlotte L. Carr, b. April 14, 1822, d. Sept. 26, 1867. 1710 8. Charles P. Carr, b, Sept. 28, 1826, m. Emily Glidden. VI. WituiamM Carr (921) born in Newport, N. H., Dec. 14, 1790, married Mary Davis, Nov. 20, 1816. She was born April 5, 1787, and died Aug. 7, 1853. He was in the war of 1812. He found- ed the “Carr Scholarship,” at Dartmouth college. He died March 11, 1868. No children. VI. JosspH FRANCIS Carr (922) born in Newport, N. H.,Oct: 3, 1795, married Clarissa Hall, of Grantham, N. N. She died March 28, 1837, aged 72 years. Their children were, 17111. Otis F. Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1823. 17122. Sarah Ik. Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1824. 1713 3. Daniel E. Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1826, m. Martha Griffin. 1714x4. Olive Ann Carr, b. Sept. 1827. 1715 x5. Lyman Carr, b. Jan. 19, 1832. 17166. Hial Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1784. 1717x7. Mary F. Carr, b. Aug. 21, 1837. VI. MarGaretr Carr (930) born in Johnstown, N. Y., married Miles. They had one son. This family settled in Goshen, Ind. VI. Joux Carr (931) born in Johnstown, N. Y., June 6, 1787, married Miss Hunt, of Springport, N. Y. His second wife was Lucinda Bowen, of Ontario Co., whom he married Feb. 22, 1816. She was born Jan. 17, 1797, and died in Polk Co., Iowa, Sept. 26 1879. He was in the war of 1812. He diedin St. Jo- -seph, Mich., in Oct. 1854. Their children were, 1718x1. Betsey Carr, b. May 12, 1817. | 1719x2. James Bowen Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1819. 172) 3. Priscilla Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1821, m. 17214. William Carr, b. May 5, 1823. 1722. 5. Morgan Carr, b. May 12, 1827, d. a young man, unm. 17236. Andrew Jackson Carr, b. March 2, 1831. 1724 7. Lucinda Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1883. VI. JoNATHAN Carr (932) born in Johnstown, N. Y., July 3, 1789, married, Hannah Green. They livedin Springport, N. Y. She was born in Connecticut, Aug. 11,1791, and died at Seneca 116 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. Falls, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1885. He died at Springport, Feb. 7, 1852. Their children are, 17291. Luman D. Carr,b. Dec. 29, 1814. 1730 2. Sylvira Carr, m. James VanGarder. 17253. Horace C. Carr, b. Aug. 27, 1819. 17264. Leonard H. Carr, b. June 9, 1822. 1727 5. William E. Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1824, d. 1835. 17286. Daniel W. Carr, b. Oct. 9, 1828. 1731 7. Albert H. Carr. b. May 13, 1835, m. Annetta Peabody. VI. Jacosp Carr (933) born in Johnstown, N. Y., married Betsey Rosepaugh. They lived at Union Springs, N. Y. He was in the war of 1812. They had six children. VI. ALEXANDER Carr (934) born in Johnstown, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1798, married Hannah Lake, at Union Springs, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1818. She was born in Hoosick, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1795. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. In 1831 they moved from Union Springs to Nottawa, Mich., in 1834 from there to Gosh- en, Ind., and in 1848 to Plymouth, Ind., where they spent the remainder of their days. Their children are, 17321. Sarah Carr, b. Oct. 23, 1814. 1733 x 2. Elizabeth Carr, b. June 27, 1817. 17343. Margaret Eliza Carr, b. May 16, 1819. 1735 x4. James Henry Carr, b. May 3, 1821. 1735 5. Hannah Carr, b. April 24, 1823, d. July 23, 1825. 17376. Nicholas Lake Carr, b. June 4, 1825. 1788 x7. Hannah Carr, b. Feb. 6, 1829. 17398. Sylvira Carr, b. March 26, 1831. 1740 9. George W. Carr, b. May 20, 1833, d. same day. 174110, William A. Carr, b. Sept. 15, 1834. 174211. Daniel A. Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1837. 1743 x12. Jane Carr, b. June 17, 1840. VI. Jamses Carr (935) born in Johnstown, N. Y., married Rachel Rosepaugh, and lived and died at Union Springs, N. Y. Their only child that lived to grow up was, ; 1744. 1. Thomas J. Carr. VI. Hartman Carr (933) born in Johnstown, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1797, and lived and died at Union Springs, N. Y. He married Ann Brock, in 1820. She was a niece of Gen. Brock and a cous- in of Gov. Fenton. She was born in Newbury, N. Y., Oct. 10 1801, and died at Carr’s Cove, on the east side of Cayuga lake CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 117 June 29, 1891, where she had lived for seventy years. At the time of her death her descendants numbered 14 children, 26 grand children and 15 great grand children. He died Sept. 23, 1876. Their children are, 1745x1. Mary Jane Carr, Feb. 17, 1822. 1746 x2. John Carr, b. May 9, 1828. 1747 3. Margaret Carr, b. Dec. 28, 1824, d. Dec. 19, 1844. 1748x4. Ashbell Wingar Carr, b. Aug. 1, 1826. 17495. William H. Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1828. 17506. Jonathan Carr, b. Dec. 19, 1829. 17517. Betsey Carr, b. July 25, 1832. 1752 x8. Deborah Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1833. 17539. Ellen Carr, b. July 15, 1837. 175410. Henry Clay Carr, b. March 1, 1839. 1755 11. George Carr, b. May 29, 1840, d. at 7 years old. 1756 X12. Glorian Cook Carr, b. Jan. 24, 1842. 175718. Hartman H. Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1844. 1758 x 14. Charles Horace Carr, b. May 14, 1846. VL Danret Carr (937) born at Union Springs, N. Y., in 1800, married Jane Clute. He wasin the Mexican war, and died soon after his return, in Centerville, Mich. He left one child, now dead. VI. Betsey Carr (938) born at Union Springs, N.Y., in 1808, married Ashbell Wingar. They lived at Union Springs, where he died in 1840. Their children were, 1759 1. Jenette Wingar, m. John Fish. 1760 2. Phillip Wingar, m. and died in Ann Arbor, Mich. 1761 3. Margaret Wingar, m. Starr. 1762 4, Emily Wingar, m. Fish. 1763 5. D. C. Wingar. . VI. DeBorAH Carr (939) born at Union Springs, N. Y., mar- ried Eli Bennett. They lived and died in Cayuga, N. Y. They had two children, 1764 1. W. A. Bennett. 1765 2. Leonard Bennett. iy VI. James Carr (940) born in Londonderry, N. H., Dec. 7, 1770, married and raised a family in Danville, Vt., where he died April 19, 1887. Their children were, 17661. ‘James Carr. oe 2. Milton Carr. mmited Ga. . Ba. V ta 118 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION, 1768 X3. John Stanton Carr, b. July 5, 1821. 17694. Smith Carr. 1770 5. Marion Carr. 1771 6. Hannah Carr. 1772 7. Betsey Carr. ° VI. Timoryy Carr (945) born in Londonderry, N. H., March 5, 1784, married and raised afamily. He died in Erie, Ills, Aug. 21,1850. Their children were, 1773 x1. Samuel D. Carr, b. May 21, 1815. 1774 2. Elvira Carr, b. 1820, m. and died Jan. 13, 1856. 1775 «3. Dorothy Carr. 1776 x4. Clarissa Carr. 1777_‘+5. Clara KE. Carr. 1778 6. George A. Carr. 17797. Merrill Pillsbury Carr, b. April 20, 1830. VI. Writram Carr (946) born in.Newbury, Vt., May 16, 1787, married and left one son. He died March 16, 1825. 1780 1. Timothy Carr, b. Dec. 20, 1823. VI. ReppInG Carr (952) born in Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 4, 1767, married Mercy West, Jan. 19, 1795. VI. ExvizaBetu Carr (953) born in Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 30, 1770, married Asa Pettingill, son of Daniel, in 1789. He was born July 14, 1765. VIL Wittram Carr (954) bornin Bridgewater, Mass., May 4, 1773, married Rhoda French, of Capt. William and Mary, of Stoughton, Mass., Nov. 30,1796. He settledin Easton, Mass., soon after marriage, but later in life moved to Stoughton, ‘where he died June 6, 1852. His wife was born in Stoughton, Oct. 5, 1774, and died in the same place, Dec. 29, 1853. They were both buried in Easton. Their children were, 17811. William Carr, b. April 20, 1798. 17822. Azel Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1799. 17833. Simeon Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1801. 1784x4. Alpheus Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1805. 17855. Rhoda Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1808. 1786 6. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1809, m. Merrill French, d. 1874. 1787 7. Nancy Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1819. VI. Mercy Carr (956) born in Bridgewater, Mass., Oct. 3, 17738, married Daniel Carr (962) Oct. 17, 1799.. No further record CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 119 is found of this family. VI. James Carr (963) born in South Carolina, October, 1739. He married and had a family of children. In 1781 he started to move his family to Tennessee, but was killed by the Indi- ans while on the journey. His wife and children and the com- pany they were with, continued the journey and settled in the vicinity of Nashville. Of this family there was, 1788 x1. John Carr, b. Sept. 5, 1778, VI. Joun Carr (964) born in South Carolina, where he mar- ried and had, 17891. John Carr, b. May 2, 1769. Y VI. Dea. James Carr (965) born in Litchfield, N. H., in 1748, married Ann Patterson, of Goffstown, N. H., and settled in Antrim, N, H.,in 1773. Hewas an elder in the Presbyterian church for 34 years. He died at the age of 86 years. Their children were, 17901. Jesse Carr, b. Dec. 11, 1776. 17912. Robert Carr, b. July 11, 1779. 17923. Samuel Carr, b. Feb. 13, 1782. 1793 4. Hannah Carr, b. May 14, 1784, m. James Backett. 17945. James Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1786. 1795 x6. Thomas Carr, b. April 12, 1789. “1796 x7. Alexander Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1791. 1797 8. Silas Carr, b. July 17, 1794, m. Nancy Stuart. 1798 9. Jonathan Carr, b. April 21, 1797, d. when 3 years old. VI. Joun Carr (966) born in Litchfield, N. H., in 1759, mar- ried Sarah Shackford, of Newburyport, Mass., who died at the age of 27, leaving three children. He next married Chloe Hix- zon, of Sharon, Mass. He settled in Antrim. N. H., in 1780, where he died in 1822. His second wife died in 1856. His child- ren were, 1799 1. Hannah Carr, b. 1784, m. Otis Howe. “18002. John Carr, b. 1785. oy 1801 38. Sarah Carr, b. 1786, m. Ezekiel Flanders, d. 1810. children by second wife, “1802 4. Isabella Carr, m. Enoch Roby. 1803 5. Naomi Carr, m. Ezekiel Roby. 71804 6. Jane Carr, m. William Walker, d. 1830. 1805 x 7. Jonathan Carr, b. 1800. 1808 8. Tristam S. Carr, d. unm. in 1834. 120 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 1807 9. Margaret Carr, b. 1807, m. Emmons Burdett. 1808 10. Levi Shackford Carr, was in U.S. navy, d. 1837, unm. ’ V VI. Davip Carr (967) born in Litchfield, N. H., married Su- san Gardiner, of New Bedford, Mass. In 1811 he settled in Holderness, N. H., and died there in 1848. Their children were, “1809 1. Thomas Carr, b. 1795, m. Marian Blanchard. 1810 2. Amos Carr, b. 1798, m. Lucy Woodbury. 1811 3. David Carr, b. 1801, m. twice and died in 1873. ; 1812 4. Jacob Carr, b. 1802, m. Harriet Beder, died in 1845, “48135. Samuel Carr, b. 1808. VI. Jonn Carr (968) born in Ireland, came to this country and was a professor in a college in South Carolina. He hada son, John Carr, who was appointed tosome government posi- tion under president Jackson, and was reputed wealthy but left no children. VI. James Carr (969) born in Ireland, came to this country and took part in the revolutoinary war, dying in Pennsylva- nia soon after its close, He left five children, 1814 1. John Carr taken prisoner at Detroit in war of 1812. VY 1815 2. James Carr, left one son Samuel Carr. : 1816 3. Samuel Carr, went insane. 1817. 4. Abigail Carr, m. John Sanders. 1818 5. Libby Carr, never m. VI. THomas Carr (971) born in Ireland about 1732, came to this country with his parents when about eight years old. They settled near Yorktown, Pa. He married Ann Gates, a cousin of Gen. Gates, and located in Butler Co., Ohio, where he died about 1838. His wife died in Sept. 1860, at the age of 95 years. Their children were, 1819x1. Jacob Carr, b. 1783. 18202. James Carr, b. 1785. 1821 3. Mary Carr, b. 1788, m. John Wilkinson 1822 4. Jane Carz. b. 1791, m. Jeremy Munson. 1823 5. John Carr, b. 1794, m. Kate Bell, Ottumwa, Iowa. 1824 6. Thomas Carr, b. 1797, m. Betsey Craig. 1825 7. William Carr, b. 1799, m. Jane Page, Oct. 17, 1863. 1826 8. Enoch Carr, b. 1801, d. 1821. 18279. Samuel Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1805. 1828 10. Elijah Carr, b. 1807. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GENERATION. 121 1829 11. Joshua Carr, b. 1812. VI. May. THomas Carr (975) born in Maryland, June 23, 1755, married Hannah Combs, in Pennsylvania, where they lived a number of years. She was born July,15, 1766. They moved to Indiana territory in 1806 with a family of eight children. He was a delegate to the covention' at Corydon which framed the state constitution. He died at his home on Silver Creek, Clark Co., Ind., Oct. 26, 1822. Their children were, 1830 x1. Absalom Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1786. 1831 2. Elizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 28, 1788, d. 1869. 1832 3. Nancy Carr, b. March 20, 1791, d. June 5, 1830, 1833 x4. John Carr, b. April 6, 1793. 1834 5. Joseph Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1796. 1835 6. Hannah Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1798, d. 1871. 1836 x7. Thomas Carr, b. April 4, 1801. 1837 8. Rachel Carr, b. Sept. 238, 18038, d. July 20, 1835. 1848 9. Jefferson Carr, b. Oct. 14, 1806, d. Jan. J, 1861. 1839 10. Rebecca Carr, b. June 16, 1810, d, June 10, 1857. 1840 11. Elisha Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1813, d. Sept. 9, 1836. VL Exisua Carr (979) born in Fayette Co., Pa., married and settled in Clark Co., Ind. Their children were, 1841 1. Joseph Carr, b. 1842 2. John Carr. 1843 3. Elijah Carr. 18444. Elisha Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1792. VI. Ropert Carr lived in London, Eng., and raised a large family. His youngest son who came to this country was, 1845x1. Henry William Carr, b. about 1779. VI. Benyamin Carr married Abigail Prescott, Jan. 1, 1775, and. lived in Readfield, Me. He died at the age of 96 years. Their children were, 18461. Benjamin Carr. 1847 2. Samuel Carr, went south and became wealthy. 1848 3. Aaron Carr, went insane by being struck by lightning 18i9 4. Joseph Carr. VI. Amos Carr born May 5, 1763, in Franklin Co., Mass., married Mary King, Oct. 1, 1787. She was born Jan. 15, 1761. Their children were, 1850 1. Roswell Carr, b. July 12, 1788. 18512. Amos Carr, b. July 13, 1790. 122 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 1852 3. Joshua Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1792. 1853 4. Polly Carr, b. Aug. 5, 1794, d. Oct. 31, 1799. 1854 5. Esther Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1797, d. Feb. 27, 1797. 1855 6. Almon Carr, b. April 12, 1800. 1856 7. Ambrose Carr, b. April 11, 1803. SEVENTH GENERATION. VIL. Jos Harrrncron (983) born in West Greenwich, R. L, Dec. 18, 1759, married Merebah Whitford, Oct. 14, 1781. Their children were, 1857 1. Ebenezer Harrington, b. July 7, 1782. 1858 2. Aaron Harrington, b, May 29, 1786, 1859 3. Job Harrington, b. Feb. 28, 1788. 1860 4. Nicholas Harrington, b. July 12, 1790. 1861 5. Carmi Harrington, b. Oct. 9, 1793. 1862 6. Rebecca Harrington, b. July 18, 1796. 1863 7. Paul Harrington, b. Aug. 18, 1798. 1864 8. Daniel Harrington, b. Dec. 28, 1801. VII. BenyaMIn GREENE (1000) born in West Greenwich, R. L, Jan. 26, 1769, married Mrs. Almy Bucklin, May 18, 1792. VIL. Samvet Carr (1001) born in Stephentown, N. Y., about 1774, married Anna Fanning and settled in Oneida Co., N. Y. Their children were, 1865 1. John F. Carr, lived in Jefferson Co., N. Y. 1866 x2. George Rufus Carr, b. July 18,1807. 5 1867 3. Samuel Carr. 1868 4. Sybil Carr, m. Billings, d.in McDonald, Co., Mo. VII. JosHua Carr (1002) born in Stephentown, N. Y., about 1776, married Sarah Whitman, and lived in Sn Cen- ter, N. Y. Their children were, 1869 x1. Caleb Carr, b. July 16, 1805. 1870 2. Joshua Carr, b. 1871 3. Amanda Carr. 1872 4. Henry Carr, m. Eunice Kettle. 1873 5 Henrietta Carr, m. McGill. 1874 Eurona Carr. 1875 7. Lorenze Carr. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 123 1876 8. Samuel Carr. 1877 9. Britton Carr, m. Louisa Knight. 1878 X10. Erastus Whitman Carr, b. April 10, 1825. 1879 11. Pathena Carr. VIL. Gen. Cates Carr (1003) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1778, married Theresa Bull, and after her death, he married Lucinda Harris in 1815. He was colonel of a regiment of state militia, and in 1814, when the call came forevery able bodied man to hasten to the defense of Plattsburgh, Col. Carr was foremost in action; but the progress of the troops was so slow, he asked permission of the commanding general to take 1500 men and hasten on to Plattsburgh with all possible dis- patch. The permission was granted and he arrived there in time to help turn the tide of battle in our favor, while the bal- ance of the troops did not arrive until the battle was all over. For this meritorious conduct on the part of Col. Carr, he was promoted to the generalship of allthe state militia, which rank he held as long ashe lived. He also was a member of the state legislature one term. He moved to Williamstown, N. Y., in 1828, where died Feb. 6, 1840. His children were, 1880 x1. Horace N. Carr, b. about 1799. 1881 x2. Louisa Carr, b. Nov. 29, 1800. children by second wife, 1882 x3. Cynthia L. Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1816. 2 1883 x 4. Caleb Lorenzo Carr, b. July 10, 1818. 1884 5. Lucinda O. Carr, b. 1821, d. 1850. 1885 6. Charlotte L. Carr, b. 1823, d. 1840. 1886 x8. Henry Tibbetts Carr, b. 1825. VII. GIDEON CARR (1004) born in Stephentown, N, Y., mar- ried Phebe Northrop, and had, 1887 1. Nicholas Carr. 1888 2. Phebe Carr. VIL Saran CARR (1005) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- ried Brayton. They had one son and two daughters, names not known. VII. Patience Carr (1006) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- ried Alvin Wood. Their children were, 1889 1. Polly Wood, m. Jerry Harrington. 1890 2. Sally Wood. 1891 3. Alvin Wood, m. Maria Short. 124 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 1892 4. Almira Wood. 18938 5. Abigail Wood. 1894 6. Henry Wood. 1895 7. Harriet Wood. VIL. Jemima Carr (1007) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- ried Joseph Sheldon. Their children were, 1896 1. Hannah Sheldon. . 1897 2. Joseph Sheldon, m. Clarissa Doty. 1898 3. John L. Sheldon. 1899 4. Lanson Sheldon. 1900 5. Abigail Sheldon, m. Daniel Davis. 1901 6. Didema Shildon. 1902. 7. Palmyra Sheldon. 1903 8. Madison Sheldon, m. Julia Sweet. 1904 9. DeWitt.Sheldon, m. Maria Smith. VIL. SrarForD Carr (1009) born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y, July 9, 17€9, married Catherine Stafford, in Kinderhook, Ni Yes Feb. 26, 1789, and moved to Wilton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., in 1793. He died in Wilton, June 18, 1855. She was born June 9, 1765, and died Sept. 9, 1852. Their children were. 1905 x1. Eleazer Carr, b. April 11, 1790. 1906 x2. Clarissa Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1791. 19073. Stafford Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1793. 1908 x4. Eunice Carr, b. May 14, 1794. 1909 5. John Carr, b, Nov. 22, 1795, d. July 28, 1813. 1910 6. Caleb Carr, b. April 29, 1798, d. Oct. 14, 1798. 1911x7. Amos Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1799. 19128. Stutely Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1801. 19189. David Carr, b. June 30, 1705. 1914 10. George W. Carr, b. April 29, 1807, drowned Sep. 6, 1816. VII. Rev. Srurety Carr (1010) born in Rensselaer Co., N.Y., July 5, 1778, married Sybil Dyer, of George and Ann, in West Greenwich, R. I., Feb. 16, 1791. She was bornin West Green- wich Aug. 1,1772, and died Dec. 4, 1839. He settled in Salibury, N.Y., where he lived a great many years. He served as a cap- tain in the state militia, his commission being signed by Geo. Clinton, governor of the state of New York, and bearing date of March 5, 1802. He died in the town of Spring,Crawford Co., Pa., June 3, 1840. Their children were, 1915 1. son, b. Jan. 26, 1793, d. in infancy. ‘CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, 125 19162. George Carr, b. June 28, 1794. 19173. Amasa Carr, b. Oct. 19, 1795. 1918x4. Eleazer Carr, b. May 19,1797. * 19195. Stutely Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1798. 19206. Alvah Carr, b. July 8, 1800. 1921x7. Ira Carr, b. Jan. 14, 1802. 19228. Chauncey Carr, b. July 16, 1803. 1923 9. — son, b. Dec. 4, 1804. d. in infancy. 192410. Serena Carr, b. Nov. 4, 1804. 1925x11. Silas T. Carr, b. Oct. 8 1807. 1926 12. Nancy Ann Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1809, m. H. Whipple. 1927 13. ——— daughter, b. April 16, 1811, d. 1928 14, ——— ¥s b. Dec. 11, 1812, d. next day. 1929 x15. Samucl Dyer Carr, b. April 1, 1814. 1830x 16. Adeline Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1816. VII. Eveazer Carr (1012) born in Rensselaer Co.,N, Y., in 1777, married Hannah Hakes, in Salisbury, N. Y. She was born in 1779, and died Nov. 30, 1857. He died Aug. 26, 1833. Their children were, 19811. Ormenda Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1802. 193822. Vienna Carr, b. March 24, 1804. °1933. 3. Malvina Carr, b. 1806, d. July 2, 1829. 19344. Eleazer Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1811. VIL OLtve Carr (1014) born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Feb. 1, 1783, married Wanton Sweet, Dec. 1, 1800. She died Oct. 1, 1856. Their children were, 1935x1. Tama Sweet, b. Aug. 30, 1801. 1936 x2. Jesse Sweet, b. b. Oct. 24, 1802. 19373. Review Sweet, b. April 16, 1804. 1988 4. Sophronia Sweet, b. Jan. 31, 1806, d. Feb. 6, 1889, unm. 1939 x5. Eleanor Sweet, b. Aug. 30, 1808. 19406. Stutely L. Sweet, b. Aug. 29, 1810. 1941 7. Griffin Sweet, b. March 5, 1813, d. April 22, 1876, unm. 19428. Roena Sweet, b. Aug. 27, 1814. 19489. Eunice S. Sweet, b. April 6, 1816. 1944 10, Mariette Sweet, b. Dec. 14, 1818, d. Jan. 25, 1850, unm. 1945 x11. Jerome Sweet, b. Jan. 2, 1821. 194612. Oliver K. Sweet, b. May 15, 1828. VIL Rocer Carr (1015) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- ried Hannah Newman. They settled in Pavilion, N. Y., and 126 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. later moved to Michigan, where he died in 1833. Their child- ren were, 1947 1. Enos Carr, fives in Michigan. 1948 2. Elijah Carr, |,, 1949 3. Melissa Carr, m. R. Smith, in Pavilion, N. Y. 1950 4. Charlotte Carr, m. Arvid Gardiner, d. in Michigan. 5. Nerissa Carr, m. Julius Crittenden, d. in ‘i VII. IRkicsmMonp Carr (1016) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- ried Rosanna Perry. They setlled in Pavilion, N. Y., where he died. Their children were, 19511. Livingston Carr. 19522. Sylvester Carr. 19533. Sally Ann Carr. 19544. Eli Carr. 19555. Wellington Carr. 1956 x6. Calphuria Carr. 19577. Edwin Carr. 1958 x8. Arvid Carr. VIT. Err Carr (1017) born in Stephentewn, N. Y., married Rebecca Crofoot, and settled in Covington, N.Y. Both died in Michigan. Their children were, 1959 x1. Erasmus Darwin Carr. 1960 2. Malcom Carr, lives in Detroit, Mich. 19613. Mariette Carr. 19624. Sophia Carr. 1963 x5. Angeline Carr. 19646. Caroline Carr. 1965 x 7. Charlotte Carr. 1966 8. Mary Carr, m. Webb, d. in Michigan, no children. 1967 x9. Jane Carr. VIL. Levi Carr (1018) born in Stephentown, N. Y., married Elizabeth Wetherbead, in Saratoga Co., N. Y., in 1830. Their children were, 19681. Dolly M. Carr. 1969 x2. Jane Carr. 1970 3. Mary Carr, b.in Saratoga Co., d. 1868, in Pavilion, N.Y. 1971 4. Ann Carr, b. - » d. 1866, ” ” VIL Sanity Carr (1019) born in Stephentown, N. Y., married Joseph Perry. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 127 VU. Comrort Carr (1020) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- ried Nathan Hinckley. VII. Caar.otTre Carr (1021) born in Stephentown, N. Y., married John Gardiner. VII. Repecca Carr (1022) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- ried Ransom Perry. VIL Mary Carr (1023) born in Stephentown, N. Y., married Joel Crofoot. VIL Marinita Carr (1024) born in Stephentown, N. Y., mar- Benjamin Jarvis. VIL. Saran Carr (1025) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1777, married Silas Wood, and after his death, Benjamin Doug- lass. She had by first husband, 1972 1. Maria Wood. VII. Susanna Carr (1026) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1780, married Samuel Gardiner. She died Jan. 29, 1806. They had, 1973 1. Clark Gardiner. VIL SpENcCER CArr (1028) born in Stephentown, N. Y., May 2, 1784, married Zylphia Goodrich, July 22, 1804. She was born April 28, 1788, and died Nov. 19, 1842. He died Nov. 29, 1842. Their children, all born in New Lebanon, N. Y., were, 19741. Amanda Malvina Carr, b. April 16, 1805. 19752. Eleanor Almira Carr, b. March 25, 1806. 19763. William Spencer Carr, b. Jan. 8, 1808. 1977x +4. Elijah Goodrich Carr, b. Oct. 14, 1809. ’ 19785. Sarah Ann Carr, b. March 8, 1811. 19796. Caroline Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1812. 1980 x7. Edward Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1816. | 19818. Lucy Ann Carr, b. June 12, 1818. 1982 x9. Caleb Carr, b. July 18, 1820. 1983 x10. Henry Augustus Carr, b. June 26, 1822. 198411. Cornelius B. Carr, b. May 18, 1824. 1985 x12. Louisa Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1827. VIL Exveaxor Carr (1030) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 24,1788, married Britton Chase. Her second husband was Phi- letus Glass. She had by first husband, 1986 1. Britton Chase. 128 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 1987 2. Henry O. Chase. 1988 3. Eleanor Chase, m. Judge Mott, reds. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1989 4. Eliza Chase. VU. Epwarp Carr (1031) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1790, married Mary Spencer. He next married Electa Ben- nett. His children were, 1990 1. Spencer Carr. 1991 2. Philander Carr. 1992 3. Eleanor Carr, m. Roswell Brown, resides Joliet, Ils. VII. Mary Carr (1032) born in Stephentown, N. Y., May 7, 1792, married —— Brown. She died Dec. 26, 1817. VII. PeLtec Stocum Carr (1033) born in Stephentown, N. Y., April 23, 1794, married Deborah Goodrich, Jan. 11, 1816. She was born Jan. 26, 1794, and died in Milton, Wis., Sept. 24, 1874. He died in the same place, Sept. 29, 1846. Their children are, 19931. Polly Ann Carr, b. Jan. 24, 1817. 19942. Ezra Slocum Carr, b. March 9, 1819. 1995 x3. Edward Nelson Carr, b. April £8, 1822. 1996 x4. Deborah Emeline Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1826. 19975. John Spencer Carr, b June 18, 1828. 1998 x6. Solomon Carpenter Carr, b. Dec. 19, 1830. 19997. Eleanor Margaret Carr, b. Jan. 26, 1883. 2000 x8. Elijah Melancthon Carr, b. March 11, 1885. 20019. Sarah Caroline Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1836. 200210. Joseph Goodrich Carr, b. March 19, 1840. VII. Mercy Carr (1085) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1798, married James Rogers, and after his death, she married Clark Vary. She had by first husband, 2003 1. Horace Rogers, VIL CaLesp Carr (1036) born in Stephentown, N. Y., 1776, married and settled in Norway, N. Y. He moved from Nor- way to Scriba, N. Y., in 1810, where he died Sept. 14, 1814. His children were, 20041. Spencer Carr, b. Oct. 5, 1808. 2005 x 2. Caleb Carr, b. April 15, 1809. VIT. Wittiam Carr (1037) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1778, married Mary Brown, Jan. 8, 1800. After her death, he married a widow Harvey, June 18,1818. He diedin Elgin, IUs., Dec, 6, 1846. His children were, CARR FAMILY RECORDS-——-SEVENTH GENERATION. 129 2006 X 1. Calvin Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1802. < 2007 X 2. Thurston Carr, b. Jan. 13, 1805. 2008 X3. Mary Carr, b. May 8, 1807. 20094. John Spencer Carr, b. June 9, 1810. 20105. Barbara Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1812. 20116. Phebe A. Carr, b. July 31, 1815. 2012 7. Harriet Sophrona Carr, b. Sept. 2, 1717, m. H. Dunn. children by second wife, 2013 8. Sarah A. Carr, b. March 6, 1820, m. David Barton. 2014 9. William Erastus Carr, b. July 9, 1822, d. young. 2015 10. William Carr, b. March 13, 1825, d. VU. THurston Carr (1041) born in Stephentown, N. Y., April, 1787, married Bethany Bailey, in 1808. She was born in 1784, and died in Genoa, Ills., June, 1853. They moved from Pennsylvania to Jefferson, Ohio, in 1817, where he died Sept., 1845. Their children were, 2016 1. Thurston Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1809. 2017 x2. Spencer Carr, b. March 19, 1811. 20183. Peleg Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1812. 2019x4. Lewis Comfort Carr, b. Aug. 18, 1814. 2020 x5. Abigail Carr, b. March 13, 1816. 20216. Betsey Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1818. 20227. Maria Marinda Carr, b.June 4, 1820. 20238. Gilbert Carr, b. March 14, 1822. 20249. Melancthon Carr, b. March 1,°1824. 2025 10. Phebe Ann Carr, d. young. 2026 11. Edwin Carr, b. April 11, 1828. VIL. AuprREY Carr (1043) born in Stephentown, N. Y., 1791, married Rev. Thomas Grinnell in 1811. She died June 8, 1846. Their children were, 20271. Audrey Maria Grinnell, b. Feb. 8, 1812. 2023 x2. George W. Grinnell, b. May 4, 1817. 20293. Mary Jane Grinnell, b. July 4, 1819. 2030 4. Julia A. Grinnell, b. 1821, d. 1822. 2031 5. Henry T. Grinnell, b. Sept. 19, 1835, d. May 21, 1839. VIL. Joux SPENCER CARR (1044) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1793, married Hannah Vary, Dec. 19, 1812. She was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., April 14, 1797, and died in Henri- etta, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1834. He died in Orangeville, N. Y., March 29,1866. Their children are, 130 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2082 1. Harriet Carr, b. Aug. 18, 1816, d. Nov.6,’72, Rome, N.Y. 2033 2. Gideon Vary Carr, b. March 15, 1821, d. April 21, 1865. 20848. John Thurston Carr, b: Feb. 19, 1823. 2085 x4. Egbert Eugene Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1825. 2036 5. Charles Mott Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1828, lives SanFrancisco. 2087 X 6. Isaac Thorn Carr, b. July 5, 1881. VII. Jos Carr (1049) born in West Greenwich, R. L, about 1776, married Mehitable Cash. He died in Etna, N. Y. They had, 2088 x1. Miner Thomas Carr, b. June 6, 1802. 2039 2. John Carr. 2040 3. Daniel Carr. VIL Cates Carr (1050) born in West Greenwich, R. I, about 1778, married, and died in Dryden, N. Y. They had, 20411. Benjamin Carr, b. 1805. 2042 2. Asa Carr. VII. Witiiam Carr (1054) bornin Saratoga Co., N. Y., June 10, 1800, married Phebe Perry, April 7, 1823. She was born in Wilton, N. Y., and died March 18, 1865. He died in Saratoga Co., March 22,1877. Their children are, 2043 1. Harriet O. Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1827. °2044 2. Eli P.-Carr, b. June 20, 1831, d. 2045 3. Benson Carr, b. June 2, 18388. 2046 4. Hannah Carr, b. April 11, 1835, d. 2047 5. William H. Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1837. 2048 6. Phebe Ann Carr, b. March 23, 1839. 20497. Delia Carr, b. June 8, 1841. 2050 8. Martha Carr, b. June 21, 1845. 2051 9. Frances S. Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1849. VII. Wanton Carr (1061) born in West Greenwich, R. I, 1765, married Sarah Starkweather, daughters of Dr. Robert Starkweather, of Stonington, Ct. He was a cooper by trade, and when a young man, in 1797, moved from Stonington to Cummington, Mass., and settledon afarm. They had four- teen children, and all grew up and married. At the time of his death, Sept. 25, 1845, his descendants numbered 108 in all, consisting of 14 children, 85 grand children, and 4 great grand children. She died Nov. 30, 1856. Their children were, 2052X 1. Nancy Ann Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1790. 2053 x2. Elizabeth Carr, b. Jan. 18, 1792. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 131 20543. Cynthia Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1793. 2055 X 4. Robert Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1795. 2056 x5. Lucy Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1797. 2057 x6. Esek Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1800. 2058 x 7. Hannah Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1802. 2059 x8. Clark Carr, b. Jan. 1, 18/4. 20609. Lyman Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1805. 206110. Sarah Starkweather Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1807. 2062 x11. Mary Carr, b. July 1, 1809. 2063 X12. Silas Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1811. 206413. Laura Ann Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1813. 2085 x 14. Julia Ann Carr, b. March 16, 1816. VII. James Carr (1062) born in West Greenwich, R. L, Aug. 17, 1767, married Elizabeth Covill, in Hoosick, N. Y. He died in Charleston, N. Y., June, 1854. Their children were, 2066 x 1. Amy Carr, b. Dec. 2, 1794. 2067 x2. James Carr, b. May 4, 1796. 2068 x3. Sarah Carr, b. May 3, 1799. 2069 x4. John Carr, b. Oct. 14, 1802. 2070 5. Ann Carr. 20716. Jarvis Johnson Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1806. 20727. Micajah Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1808. VIL. CHares Carr (1063) born in West Greenwich, R. I.,Oct. 7, 1769, married Dorcas Reynolds, of Amos and Hannah, Feb. 9, 1794, by Elder Elisha Greene, in West Greenwich. She was born July 5, 1774, and died June 21, 1858. They settled in Mont- gomery county N.Y. He died in Hainsville, ls., Oct. 11, 1850. Their children were, 2073 x1. Elizabeth Carr, b. Nov. 7, 1794. 2074 2. Arnon Carr, d. unm. 2075 3. Esek Carr, m. and had children. 2076 4. Hannah Carr, m. James Wickham. 2077 x5. Catherine Carr, b. May 12, 1808. 2078 6. Amy Carr, m. Elijah Jones. 2079x 7. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 138, 1809. 2080 x8. Bethel Carr, b. Oct. 25, 1812. 2081 9. Medeba Carr, d. Feb. 24, 1886, in Manchester, Iowa. VIL. Hannan Carr (1064) born in West Greenwich, R. I., in 1771, married Thomas Manchester, of Coventry, R. I., in West Greenwich, Dec, 12, 1798. 132 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. VIL Rav. CLrark Carr (1066) born in West Greenwich, R. I, Dec. 16,1774. When a young man he went to Delaware Co., N. Y., and there married Patty Merwin, Jan. 23, 1800. She was born in Brookfield, Ct., in 1774. He moved to Western New York about 1805, and was a Baptist minister in and around Buffalo for fifty years. He died in Concord, N. Y. Their child- ren were, 2082 x1. Clark Merwin Carr, b. April 2, 1805. 2083 x2. Louisa Carr. 20843. Laura Ann Carr. VII. Rev. RoBerT Carr (1083) born in West Greenwich, R. I., Sept. 24, 1797, married Honor Hopkins, Nov. 29, 1816. She was born in West Greenwich, Oct. 1, 1798, and died April 8, 1872. He died Sept. 16, 1879. Their children were, 2085 1. Tabitha Carr, b. Aug. 30, 1817, m. Scranton, d. 1882. 2086 2. Gideon Carr, b. July 15, 1820, d. May 18, 1862. 2087 3. Thankful Carr, b. June 3, 1822, d. June 3, 1839. 2088 4. Charles Carr, b. Oct. 29. 1823. 2089 x5. Daniel Carr, b. May 16, 1825. 2080 6. Mary Carr, b. April 1, 1827, m. Adam Liston, d. 1861. 2091 7. Charlotte Carr, b. April 11, 1829, m. Brewster, d. 1855. 2092 8. Ezra W. Carr, b. June 18, 1831. VII. Dr. ALEXANDER CARR (1084) born in West Greenwich, R. 1. April 23, 1773. It is supposed he never married. He died at sea. VIT. Cates Carr (1085) born in West Greenwich, R.I., Dec. 18, 1775, married Mehitable Davis, and lived in Bradford,'N. Y. Later in life he moved to Coldwater, Mich., where he died. Their children were, 2093 1. Roba Carr. 2094 2. Davis Carr. 2095 3. Sarah Carr. 2096 4. George Carr. 2097 5. Charles Carr. , 2098 6. Emeline Carr. 2099 7. Alexander Carr. VIL. ReuBEN Carr (1087) born in West Greenwich, R. I, June 20, 1779, married Lydia Turner, at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., in 1801. She was born July 7, 1786, and died in 1811, leaving four CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 133 children. He next married Sarah Larkins in 1813. In 1815 he moved his family from Mt. Pleasant to Potter, Yates county, N. Y., performing the journey of two hundred miles in eleven days with an ox team. In 1831 he further moved to Freehold, Warren county, Pa., where his family settled around him. His second wife died in 1842, and in 1845, he married Mrs. Phebe Trask, of Busti, N. Y., and with her he lived the remainder of his life, dying Aug. 19, 1869, over 90 years of age; and at that time he had had 14 children, 45 grand children, and 42 great grand children. His children were, 2100 1. Joseph Turner Carr, b. April 6, 1802, d. Aug. 29, 1834. 21012. Lydia Hopkins Carr, April 7, 1804. 21023. Mary P. Carr, b. Aug. 5, 1809. 2103 4. Esther T. Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1811, d. April 5, 1811. children by second wife, 2105. Joel L. Carr, b. Nov. 24, 1815. 21056. Jones M. Carr, b. Aug. 24, 1817. 21067. Reuben R. Carr, b. April 26, 1819. 21078. Sarah Carr, b. Jan. 28, 1822. 21089. Caleb Carr, b. May 28, 1823. 210910. Betsey Carr, b. March 15. 1826. 211011. Alexander H. Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1829. 2111 12. Charles Carr, b. July 7, 1833, d. Feb. 13, 1848. . 2112 13. John Carr, b. April 27, 1835, drowned Aug. 27, 1848. 211314. William Clark Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1836. VIL Witterr Carr (1093) born in West Greenwich, R.I., June 27, 1789, married Mary Babcock. He died in East Troupsburgh, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1864. Their children were, 2114 1. Samuel P. Carr, bh. Sept. 19, 1815, d. Feb. 14, 1832. 21152 Charles Hopkins Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1817. 21163. Abigail Carr, b. Oct. 5, 1819. 21174. Mary Miranda Carr, b. March 27,1822. 2118 5. Susanna Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1825, d. June 12, 1826. 2119 J. Susan G. Carr, b. April 15, 1827, d. Sept. 8, 1827. 2120 7. David Carr, b. July 2, 1828, d. Oct. 8, 1847. 21218. Alexander Carr, b. June 13, 1836. 2122 9. Henry Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1842, d. March 16, 1862. 2123 10. Roba Carr, b. July 29, 1845, m. Tiba Ward. VIL. Pevec Carr (1094) born in West Greenwich, R.I., Feb. 8, 1791, married Maria Smith. He died Sept. 11, 1867. Their 134 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. children were, 21241. Maria Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1819. 2125 2. Louisa A. Carr, b. May 2, 1821. 21263. Roba A. Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1823. 2127x4. Lydia E. Carr, b. June 10, 183. 21285. Pomelia A. Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1839. 2129 6. Oliver V. Carr, b. May 8, 1841. VIL. Witiram F. Carr (1104) born in Sterling, Ct., Oct. 10, 1814, married Louisa Jane Clark, Oct 19, 1846. She was born in Auburn, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1817, and died Feb. 28, 1864. He died in Wayland, N. Y., Feb. 29,1856. Their children are, 21380 1. Charles Albert Carr, b. July 13, 1€51, d. Feb. 10, 1854. 2181 2. Charles Murray Carr, b. April 25, 1854, d. Sept. 18, 1878 21323. C. Jennie Carr, b. March 29, 1856. VIL. Cuartes Henry Carr (1106) born in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., in 1819, married his wife in Jefferson, N. Y., but has lived in Minnesota and Iowa for the past twenty years. They now reside in Plainfield, Iowa. Their children are, 2133 1. Sarah Jane Carr, b. 1853, d. 1875. 21384 2. George H. Carr, b. 1856. 21385 3. Clarissa Carr, b. 1858, d. 1878. 21386 4. Emma Carr, b. 1860, d. 1879. VII. Cares Carr (1116) born in Warren, R. I., Feb. 26, 1768, married Olive Miller. She was born April 12, 1776, and died May 16, 1860. He died in Warren Jan. 30, 1853. Their child- ren were, , 2187x1. Turner Carr, b. May 24, 1796. 2188 2. Phillip Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1728, d. May 2, 1821, unm. 2139 3. Maria Carr, b. April 14, 1800. 2140 4. Betsey M. Carr, b. Nov. 11, 1807, d. June 27, 1827. 2141 5. Lydia T. Carr, b. May 21, 1809, d. July 8, 1853. 21426. Caleb Carr, b. March 31, 1812. VIL Samvuet Carr (1123) born in Warren, R. I., April 19, 1763, married Sally Jolls. He died in Warren, Dec. 5, 1820. She died March 22,1828. Their children were, 2143 1. James Carr, b. June 7, 1793, d. 2144 2. Sophia Carr, b. May 31, 1795, d. July 31, 1820. 2145 3. Sally Carr, b. Sept. 23, 1797, d. March 31, 1820. 2145 4. Samuel Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1809, d. June 7, 1817. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 135 2147 5, Lillian Carr, b. Dec. 21, 1802, d. Feb. 23, 1823. 2148 6. Clarissa Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1805. 2149 7%. George C. Carr, b. April 26, 1809, d. March 5, 1888. VIL. Capt. Jonn Carr (1124) born in Warren, R. I. Feb. 12, 1771, married Patty Davis, June 15, 1794. He was a sea cap- tain, and died Dec. 25, 1815. She died June 26, 1850. Their children were, 21501. John Carr, b. April 7, 1795. 2151 2. James D. Carr, b. June 6, 1797. 2152 3. Rebecca Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1800. 2153 4. Stephen Carr, b. May 14, 1802. 2154x5. Caleb Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1804. 2155 6. Ann Eliza Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1806. 2106 7. Lewis Carr, b. April 16, 1809. 2157 ~8. Daniel Carr, b. May 21, 1818. VU. STEPHEN CARR (1126) born in Warren, R. I, Sept. 10, 1780, married and had one child, 2158 1. Alfred C. Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1804, d. April 16, 1873, unm. VIZ. Wittiam Carr (1135) born in Warren, R. I, April 14, 1790, married Temperance Smith, Sept. 3, 1820. He died in Warren, July 9, 1841. Their children were, 2159x1. William Carr, b. July 9, 1821. 2160 2. Betsey Carr, b. April, 1824, d. Jan. 8, 1846, unm. 21613. Seraphine Smith Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1836. 2162 4. Josephine Carr, b. Jan. 8, 1839. VIL Betsey Carr (1187) born in Warren, R. I. March 22, 1798, married Hezekiah Norris, of Bristol, R. L, April 8, 1821, She died in Bristol, Feb..16, 1823. They had, 2163 1. { Harriet Norris Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1823, d. when 8 y. old. 2164 2. Betsey Norris Carr, b. 4 » d. March 11, 1880. VII ResBecca Carr (1139) born in Warren, R. I, Jan. 17, 1802 married Mason Ingraham, Nov. 25, 1833. She died in Warren, Aug. 29, 1889. Their children are, 2165 x1. Rebecca C. Ingraham, b. May 26, 18385. 2166 2. William Carr Ingraham, b. Feb. 25, 1838, d. July 10,’38. 2167 3. Alice L. Ingraham, b. July 13, 1839, d. Feb. 14, 1841. 2168 4. Charles E. Ingraham, b. Aug. 12, 1844, lost at sea 1862. VIL. Gseorce W. Carr (1141) born in Warren, R. I, April 18, 1808, married Elizabeth Read, of Somerset, Mass., June 9, 1841. 136 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. He died Dec. 2, 1879. Their children are, 21691. Clarence Lyndon Catr, b. July 18, 1841. 2170 2. Alice E. Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1845. VII. Assy Carr (1142) born in Warren, R.J., Dec. 21, 1810, married Allen Cole, July, 1833. They had two children, but both died young. ‘She died May 17, 1846. VIL Harry P. Carr (1145) born in Warren, R. L, Feb. 16, 1821, married Elizabeth Cole, April 12, 1848. He died in New Beaufort, N. C., Dec. 25, 18€3, while in the service of the U.S. Their children are, 21711. Sarah P. Carr, b.‘Aug. 20, 1851. 2172 2. Henry P. Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1857. VII. Catep Carr (1162) in Easton, Mass., July 14, 1797; married Chloe Parker, in Weston, Mass.,-April 20, 1823. She was a daughter of Elisha and Jerusha Parker, born March 7, 1801, and died in Newton, Mass., Dec. 10, 1882. He died March 28, 1887. Their children are, 2173x1. John H. Carr. b. April 9, 1824. 21742. Eliza Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1825. 2175x383. Martin Wales Carr, b. March 9, 1829. 2176 4. Lewis R. Carr, b. Nov. 7, 1830, d. Jan: 18, 1851. 2177 5. Jerusha Ann Carr, b. Dec. 25, 18383. 2178 <6. Sarah F. Carr, b. March 25, 1836. 21797. Henry Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1888. 21808. Lydia Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1880. VIL. Exiza Carr (1163) born in Easton, Mass., Dec. 31, 1798, married Lewis Kinney, Aug. 3, 1818. She died June 24, 1843. Their children are, 2181 1. John Kinney, d. young. 2182x2. Mary Kinney, b. Sept. 20, 1820. 2183 3. John Mozart Kinney, b. July 18, 1826. VIL. Rurs Carr (1165) born in Easton, Mass., June 1, 1802, married James Lathrop, Dec. 2, 1838. She died Nov. 1, 1872. Their children are, 21841. Eugene Terry Lathrop, b. March 22, 1840. 21852. William Henry Lathrop, b. Dec. 25, 1841. VIL Esex Carr (1166) born in Easton, Mass., March 7, 1804, married Ann Sanders, of England, May 24, 1829. She was born in 1813, and died March 6, 1884. He died in Raynham, Mass., CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 137 Oct. 31, 1883. Their children are, 2186 x1. Sarah Ann Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1881. 21872. Sophia Kinney Carr, b. July 19, 1885. 21883. Mary Louisa Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1841. VIL Lypra Carr (1167) born in Easton, Mass., Feb. 11, 1806, married Thomas Pope Terry, in Wareham, Mass., Oct. 15, 1826. He was born in New Bedford, Mass., July 6, 1805. They lived in New Bedford where all of their children were born. She died Dec. 21, 1868. Their children are, 2189 1. Elizabeth Pope Terry, b. Aug. 12, 1827, d. July 15, 1831. 2190 2. Charles Terry, b. May 15, 1833, d. May 12, 1835. 2191 3. Elizabeth Pope Terry, b. Dec. 14, 1841. 2192 4. Lemuel Toby Terry, b. Jan. 28, 1845. 2193 5. Francis Carr Terry, b. Sept. 21, 1848. VIL. Francis Carr (11€9) born in Easton, Mass., Dec. 4, 1810, married Sylvia Shurtleft, July 4, 18383,in Carver, Mass. She was born in Carver, Dec. 18, 1818, and diedin Wareham, Mass., Jan. 14, 1878. He next married Hannah N. Parker, in New Bedford, Mass., Jan, 29, 1879. They reside in Wareham. His children, all by first wife, are, 2104 1. Henry F. Carr, b. Feb. 24, 1835, d. May 18, 1835. 21952. Elizabeth J. Carr, b. March 28, 1836. 2196 3. Mary C. Carr, b. April 22, 1838, d. April 18, 1841. 2197 ‘4. Frederick Carr, b. Aug. 25, 1839, d. Sept. 25, 1839. 21985. Charles Francis Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1840. 21996. Lewis Kinney Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1841. 2200 7. Thomas Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1843, d Sept. 5, 1843. 22018. Emma Bradford Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1845. “202 9. Sarah A. Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1848, d. Sept. 25, 1851 2203 10. Mary .\. Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1851, d. Aug. 25, 1852. VIL. ELLAPHELDA Carr (1171) born in Westport, Mass., July, 17€5, married John Bucklain. He died Dec. 19, 1841, aged 49 years. She died Dec. 9, 1844. They had no children, but were parents to her orphan brothers and sisters. VIE. Lypra GRINNELL Carr (1176) born in Westport, Mass., Noy. 1805, married John Case. She died Oct. 27, 1887. They only had, 2204 1. Fanny Bucklain Case, m. Geo. H. Dunham, in Ind. VIT. Appy Casrivo Carr (1177) born in in Westport, Mass., 138 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. Feb. 23, 1807, married Obed Swain Carr, (1180) Aug. 30, 1827. VIL Mary WiLBur Carr (1178) born in Westport, Mass., Nov. 2, 1809, married Dr. George Adlington. He was killed by a whale while on a whaling voyage. She next married Thom- as Clark, who was made a prisoner in St: Louis, Mo., at the beginning of the rebellion because he would not take the oath of allegiance to the Southern Confederacy, and taken to New Orleans. When Gen. Butler took that city he was liberated, but only lived to reach Key West on his way home, where he died in a Masonic hospital. VII. Carr. OBED Swain Carr (1180) born in Nantucket, Mass., May 27, 1803, married Abby Castino Carr, (1177) in Nan- tucket, Aug. 30, 1827. He was captain ofa whaling ship and followed the sea until he was 40 years old, when he went into business in New Bedford, Mass., where he died Oct. 10, 1859. Their children are, 2205 1. Esek Warren Carr, b. May 28, 1828, d. same day. 2206 x 2. Obed Swain Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1830. 2207 <3. Elizabeth Bates Carr, b. March 3, 1882. 2208 x4. James Esek Carr, b. May 238, 1835. 2209 x5. Nancy Swain Carr, b. June 29, 1839. 22106. John Bucklain Carr, b. Jan. 1, 1845. 2211 7. George W. Carr, b. May 22, 1847, d. Cold Spring, L. I. VII. Joun GarpINner Carr (1182) born in Nantucket, Mass., April 21. 1815, married Anna Bunker Coffin, Cct. 21, 1841. He died in New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 12, 1875. Their children are, 22121. John Gardiner Carr, b. March 9, 1847. 22132. Joseph Edward Carr, b. March 5, 1848. 2214 3. Mary Elizabeth Carr, b. April 21, 1855,1. Brockton,Mass 2215 x4. Ada Clifton Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1856. 2216 5. Anna Bunker Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1857, d. March 7, 1858. 22176. George Harrison Carr, b. March 30, 18€3. VIL. Lypra Pease Carr (1184) born in Nantucket, Mass., Jan. 31, 1821, married Wiliam Hammond, of South Boston, Sept. 15, 1844. She died in New Bedford, Mass., Oct. 25, 1887. No child- ren. VII. Mary Assy Carr (1187) born in Nantucket, Mass., Oct. 18, 1828, married Benjamin Franklin Thompson, of Middle- boro, Mass., in New Bedford, Sept. 26, 1860, They reside, in CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 139 Middleboro, and have only one son, 2218 1. Benjamin Franklin Thompson, b. July 28, 1861. VII. Wittiam BEARD CARR (1189) born in Nantucket, Mass., Feb. 4, 1886, married Morena Olive Hashlam, in Providence,R. I.. March 30, 1864. She was born at sea, March 15, 1842. They reside in Brockton, Mass. Their children are, 22191. Mary Alice Carr, b. April 10, 1865. 2220 2. Morena Avis Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1868. 2221 3. Lydia Emma Carr, b. July 1, 1873. VII. JoserH E. Carr (1194) born in North Kingstown, R. I, April 3, 1795, married Ann Spink in 1813. She was born in North Kingstown, and died Sept. 13, 1860. He died in 1835. Their children were, 22221. Frances Ann Carr, b. May 2, 1814. 2223 x2. Joseph N. Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1815. 22243. Hulda Elizabeth Carr, b. April 10, 1817. 2225x4. Samuel M. Carr, b. May 24, 1818. 2226 x5. Isaac S. Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1819. 22276. Hannah Carr, b, Jan. 27, 1822. 2228 x7. Sally Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1823. 2229 8. Mary Carr, b. May 25, 1827, in Coventry, R.I. d. young VII. Hannau F. Carr (1205) born in Jamestown, R.I., June 26, 1804, married John Bates, in Newport, R. I., Nov. 7, 1839. VII. GgorcGE W. Carr (1206) born in Jamestown, R. I., Feb. 25, 1807, married Sarah Foster. She was born in South Kings- town, R. L, July 25, 1807, and died in Jamestown, March 18, 1874. He died in Jamestown, July 14, 1882. Their children were, 2230 1. Silas Carr. 22312. John F. Carr, b. July 19, 1840. 2232 3. George F. Carr, b. 2233 4. Isaac P. Carr. 2234 5. Eunice B. Carr. 2235 6. Stephen I. Carr. VIL Wituram Pirr Carr (1207) born in Jamestown, R. L, Aug. 9, 1809, married Mary Hull, in Jamestown, by Rev. Leland Howard, June 24, 1840. Cle OO oO VII. THomas H. Watson (1211) born in Jamestown, R. L, married and had the following children: 140 CARR FAMILY RECORD3S—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2236 1. George R. Watson. 2237 42. Walter Watson. 2238 3. Elizabeth Watson. 2239 4. Thomas H. Watson. VIL. Wittiam Warson (1212) born in Jamestown, R. I., mar- ried and had, ; 2240 1. George W. Watson. 2241 2. Mary L. Watson. VIL. Perec Cross Carr (1218) born in Jamestown, R. I, April 17, 1807, married Katherine Weeden. He died Sept. 15, 1884. Their children are, 22421. Henry Clay Carr, b. April 13, 1839. 2243 x2. Mary Katherine Carr, b. May 9, 1840. 2244 3. Alla Frances Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1843. 22454. Hannah Carter Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1844. 22465. Thomas Giles Carr, b. 2247 6. Sarah Weeden Carr, b. Nov. 12, 1847. 2248 7. Clarence Edmond Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1850.’ 22498. Celia Elizabeth Carr, b. Jau.5, 1852. 22509. Isabella Watson Carr, b. June 10, 1856. VIL. CATHERINE CONGDON CARR (1220) -born in Jamestown, R. L, April 23, 1809, married Robert H. Watson. She died May 1, 1890. Their children are, 2251 1. Thomas Carr Watson, b. Oct. 6, 18388. 2252 2. John Jay Watson, b, March 17, 1841. 2253 3. Mary Catherine Watson, b. June 12, 1848. VII. Hon. Georce Cross Carr (1228) born in Jamestown, R. I., Dec. 22, 1818, married Sarah C. Anthony, daughter of Rev. George Anthony, in 1840. On the death of his uncle, Thomas Carr, (646) in 1837, who died without issue, he was willed his paternal estate, which had descended from father to son from Gov. Caleb Carr down to Thomas Carr, and by him to his neph- ew George C. Carr, on which he now resides in Jamestown. Mr. Carr has been a representative in the state senate several terms, president of the town council and the court of probate for fifteen years, and is now one of the directors of the First National bank, of Newport, president of the Jamestown and Newport Steam Ferry company, president of the Ocean High- land company of Jamestown, and also president of the James- CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 141 town Light and Water company. Mr. Carr has an old bible in his possession which has come down to him from his ances- tor, Gov. Caleb Carr, and it contains a record of the family for five generations. It was printed in London in 1575. The child- ren of George and Sarah Carr, are, 2254 1. John A. Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1852. 2255 2. Thomas Carr, diedin infancy. VIL. Cates Carr (1230) born in Scituate, R.I., July 7, 1784. married Hulda Remington, in Coventry, R. I. Oct. 18, 1806, by Daniel C. Goff, justice. She was born May 17, 1787, and died May 7, 1815. He next married Hannah Gardiner, of William and Mary Gardiner, Jan. 11,1817. He moved from Scituate to the state of Pennsylvania in 1828, and died there in August, 1867. His children were, 2253X1. John Bowen Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1807. 2257 2. Peleg Wood Carr, b. April 24, 1809, d. March 12, 1837. 2258 x3. Benedict Remington Carr, b. Jan. 21,1811. 2259 4. Betsey Wall Carr, b. March 10, 1813, m. Johnson. children by second wife, 22605. George A. Carr, b. June 17, 1818. 22616. Mary Ann Carr, b. Dec. 26, 1819. 22627. Susan H. Carr, b. Nov. 20, 1821. 22€3 x8. J. Gardiner Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1823. 22649. Clark W. Carr, b. April 19, 1825. 2265 x10. William H. Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1826. 2266 X11. Joseph Linsley Carr, b. July 9, 1829. 226712. Oney Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1831. 2268 x13. Caroline J. Carr, b. Feb. 21, 1834. 2269 x14. Emily Carr, b. April 30, 1836. 227015. Betsey A. Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1837. 227116. Melissa H. Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1841. 2272 17. Ella Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1842, d. July, 1887, unm. VIL JosepH Carr (1231) born in Scituate, R. L, June 9, 1786, married Mary Cary, Nov. 3, 1805. He had four children by her, when she died of cosumption and all of her children. He next married Sally Curtis, Jan. 18, 1824, and lived in Cicero, N. Y. His children by second wife are, 2273 1. Charles H. Carr, lives in Syracuse, N. Y. 2274 2. John J. Carr, ‘i 55 a 2275 x3. Miles Henry Carr. 142 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, VII. Joun Trppetrs CARR (1232) born in Scituate, R. 1, Aug, 29, 1788, married Maria Fremyre, in 1812. In 18385 he moved his family from Clay, N. Y., to LaSalle Co., IUs.,and purchas- ed a section of land. He wasa prosperous farmer until his death, which occurred on or about Sept. 15, 1853, caused by being thrown from his wagon just after he had forded Fox river at Millington, Ill. Their children are, 2276 1. Charles Wilbur Carr, b. May 15, 1813. 2277x2. Archibald Fremyre Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1814. 2278 x3. Joseph Henry Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1816. 2279x4. Barney Stiles Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1818. 2280 5. R. D. (Rudolphus) Carr, b. July 3, 1820. 22816. Linsley Herbert Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1822. 2282 7. Edwin Ward Carr, b. May 7, 1824. 2283 8. Amanda Jane Carr, b. June 16, 1826. VIT. Minicenr Carr (1237) born at Little Egg Harbor, N. f., Jan. 16,1781, went to Ohio where she married, 1st Joshua Reves, and 2nd Joshua Stanley. She liveda widow a number of years after the death of her second husband, and died in Cincinnati, at the home of her daughter Rachel. Her children were, 2284 1. Samuel Reves, m. Ann Ellyson. 2285 2. Catherine Reves, m. Benjamin Langstaff. 2286 3. Ellen Reves, m. George Hammett. 2287 4. Joshua Reves. a children by second husband, 2288 5. Martin Stanley. 2289 6. Rachel Stanley, m. King, lives in Cincinnati. 2290 7. Jacob Stanley. : VIL. Hannan Carr (1239) born at Mt.’Holly, N. J., Sept. 317 married Thomas Middleton, at Mt. Holly. She died Jan. 23, 1870. She had. Samuel C. and John B. Middleton. VIL. Cares Carr (1240) born at Mt. Holly, N. J., July 28, 1784, married Sarah Grise. His will dated April 30, 1842, mentions five children as follows: 22911. Deborah Ann Carr, b. 1814. 22922. Mary Jane Carr. 2293 3. Hannah Carr. 22943. Caleb C. Carr. 2295 x5. Louisa Carr. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 143 VIL Samus. Carr (4242) born at Mt. Holly, N. J.. March 24, 1788, married Patience Thomas, Feb. 7, 1815. They settled in Damascus, Ohio. He died Aug. 9, 1873. She was born in North Carolina, Feb. 3, 1797, and celebrated her 94th birthday, Feb. 3, 1891. Shedied April 18, 1891. They were both mem- bers of the society of Friends, and were very exemplary people and highly respected by all who knew them. Their children are, 2296x1. Isaac Carr, b. Nov. 23, 1816. 22972. Ann Carr, b. March 3, 1819. 2298 x3. David Carr, b. April 4, 1821. . “ 2299 x4. Francis D. Carr, b. Dec. 14, 1823. 23005. Esther FP. Carr, b. Ang. 11, 1826. 23016. Hannah Carr, b. Nov. 9, 1832. VIL Mary Carr (1243) born at Mt. Holly, N. J., Sept. 27, 1791, married Aaron Lippincott. She diedin Farrington, N. Y., Jan. 12,1833. Their children are, 23J2 1. Anna B. Lippincott. 2303 2. Mary Lippincott. 2304 3. Jane Lippincott. 2300 +. Rebecca Lippincott. 2306 5. Charles C. Lippincott. VIL Isaac Carr (1244) born at Mt. Holly, N. J., Nov. 4, 1793, married Ann Craft, of George and Elizabeth (Ridgway) Craft, of Mansfield, N. J., by Friends’ ceremony in Burlington, N. J., Jan. 11, 1816. She was bornin Mansfield, Nov. 30, 1793, and died in Damascus, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1859. He moved to Damas- cus about 1824. He married his second wife, Rebecca H. Wool: ‘man, 3m. 27d. 1861, with whom he lived the remainder of his life. Like his ancestors, he was firm in the faith of the ortho- dox Friends of the old school. His time and money were free- ly given to the cause of religion and education. While firm in his own views, he was always kind and liberal to others. He died in Damascus, June 3, 1873, and his second wife died 7m., 1876. His children, all by first wife, are, 9307 1. Samuel Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1816, d. Feb. 15, 1835. 2308 x2. George Woolman Carr, b. July 25, 1819. 2309 x3. Isaac Ridgway Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1822. 2310x4. Robert French Carr, b. June 18, 1827. 23113, Thomas Woolman, Carr, b. March 6, 1830. 144 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2312 6. Elizabeth Ann Carr, b. May 2, 1833, d. Jan. 8, 1844. 2313x7. Joseph Middleton Carr, b. March 9, 1836. VIL Levi Carr (1261) was probably born in Massachusetts about 1765. Young as he was, it is said that he was in the bat- tle of Saratoga with his father, owing no doubt to the fact that his father lived so near that memorable battle field, and the connonading on that occasion made him deaf for life. He must have served in some capacity the remainder of the war, for he received a pension from the government. He married Ruth Goodrich in Saratoga county, about 1790, and later in life settled in Manlius, N. Y., where he died in 1849. She died. in the same place. Their children were, 23141. Allen Goodrich Carr, b. 1791. 23152. Phebe Carr, b. 1793. 23163. Levi Carr, b. 1795. . 2317«4. Vader Carr, b. about 1797. 23185. Hannah Carr, b. ” 1799. 23196. Mason Carr, b. ” 1800. 23207. Ruth Carr, b. ” 1802. 23218. Margaret Carr, b. about 1803. 2322 x9. Hulda Carr, b. June 29, 1805. VIL. Capt. JoHN Carr (1262) born about 1767, in Massachu- setts or Connecticut, married Prudence Benton, in Galway, N. Y., in 1788. He was only a boy at the close of the revolu- tionary war, but he had early imbibed a spirit for military ad- venture, which led him to some extent to participate in the In- dian warfare following the close of the revolution. Before he had arrived to manhood, he with six of his comrades were one day surprised and captured by a band of Indians who lay in ambush along their route, and taken a long distance into the Indian country. The usual penalty of death was the decree of the redmen’s council, and active preparations were made to have the execution as painful as possible. They were all stak- ed down to the ground, blazing fagots applied to their bodies, and subjected to a lingering death of most excruciating agony. All suffered death in this horrible manner but John Carr, whom the chief discovered to be a fine singer, and while his comrades shrieked in their awful suffering by the slow fire of death, he was niade to sing their heart-rending requiem. After the consummation of this fiendish work of the savages, they Residence of Capt. John Carr, (1262) Ticonderoga, N. Y. Built about 1818, and destroyed by fire some 60 years later. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 145 all got beastly drunk on the liquor they had plundered from the settlers on their raid, excepting one who was to guard the remaining prisoner. Toward morning whenthe whole camp was ina drunken stupor, the guard sent Carr with a camp ket- tle to a spring near by for some water. He gladly complied with the order, but instead of returning, left the kettle at the spring and boldly struck out for liberty. For three days and the intervening nights he kept on his weary way without sleep, subsisting only on a few berries and such slender twigs as he could grasp in his hasty flight. It was nearly nightfall of the third day when he came out of the forest and found pro- tection and safety; and only an hour later, his Indian captors who had pressed so closely on his trail, appeared in the edge of the woods, but too late to recover their escaped prisoner. He was captain of a company of state militia, and his com- missiou, which is inthe writer's possession, bears the date of June 15, 1793, and signed by George Clinton, governor of the state of New York, for the county of Saratoga. About 1800 he moved from Galway first to Crownpoint, and a year or two la- ter to Ticonderoga, N. Y., where he lived the remainder of his life. He was in the battle of Plattsburgh with his oldest son. His wife died in Ticonderoga in 1831, and he died in the same place in April, 1882. Their children were, 23231. Roxana Carr, b. Feb. 22,1789. 23242. Westil Carr, b. June 3. 1791. 23253. Alborn Carr, b. Oct. 14. 1798. 2326 4. Theron Carr, b. 1800, d. unm. 23275. Darius Benton Carr, b. April 20, 1802: VIT. Rura Carr (1263) born about 1769, married Stephen North and settled in Shoreham, Vt. Their children were, 2328 1. Stephen North, d. unm. 2329 2. Ruth North, m. late in life, no childrea. VIL Capr. EBENEZER CARR (1264) born about 1771, married 1st Clarissa Ball, and 2nd Rebecca Barnum. He died in Man- lius, N. Y.,in 1850. No children. VIL. PuHepe Carr (1265) born about 1773, married Asa Strong and after his death, John Grover in 1826. VIL. Con. James Carr (1266) probably born in Galway, N. Y., June, 1775, married Hulda Collins, in 1792, when only 17 years of age. She was born in 1773, and died Nov. 10, 1853. He com- 146 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, manded aregiment at Sacket’s Harbor, N. Y., in the war of 1812. Hedied May 10, 1832. Their children were, 2330 x1. Chauncey Carr, b. April 16, 1793. 2331 x2. Malinda Carr, b. April 5, 1795. 2332 x38. Margaret Carr, b. 1798. 2333 x4. Hulda Carr, b. 1799. 23345. Edward Carr, b. March 23, 1802. 2385 x6. James Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1803. 23357. Charles Carr, b. March 6, 1806. 2337 x8. Prudence Carr, b. May 28, 1808. 23388 x9. Eliza Elizabeth Carr, b. 1811. VII. Jenrat Carr (1267) born in Galway, N. Y., in 1777, mar- ried Betsey Hyer near Albany, N. Y. About 1825 they moved to Erie Co., N. Y., and in 1843, with four of his sons, William, Darius, Jehial and Lorenzo, and his only daughter, he started to emigrate to Elgin, IlJs., but died on the journey, at Ashta- bula, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1843, aged 66 years. His wife died in Eagle, Wis., while living with her son Darius, at the age of 94 years. They had a family of 14 children as follows: 2339 1. William Carr, settled in Elgin, Ills., in 1848. 2340 2. Ebenezer Carr, d. at Flint Creek, N. Y. 2341 3. Elijah Carr. 2342 «4. Riley Carr, b. Nov. 6. 1808. 2343 5. Asa Carr, fell and broke his neck when 3 years old. 2344 6. Joseph Carr, d.in den, N. Y. 2345 x7. Hiram Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1808. 2346 8. James Carr, d. at Lockport, N. Y. 2347 x9. Darius Carr, b. 1811. 2348 x10. Phillip Carr. 2349 X11. Jehial Carr, b. 1815. 2350 12. Van Rensselaer Carr, drowned when a boy, Eden, N.Y 2351 X13. Eliza Maria Carr, b. Aug. 2. 1818. 2352 14. Lorenzo Carr, went to Minnesota. VIL. CaTuerine Carr (1272) born in Newport, R.L., May 28 1804, married Thomas Frederick Coxe, in 1826. Shedied Dec. 20, 1882, and he died Jan. 18,1881. Their children are, 2353 1. Thomas Edward Coxe, b. Nov. 16, 1828. 23342. Lydia Catherine Coxe, b. Jan. 20, 1831. 2355X 3. Sarah Blizebeth Coxe, b. Aug. 1833. 2356 x4. Caroline Coxe, b. March, 31, 1844. ’ CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 147 2357 x5. Mary Jane Coxe, b. July 4, 1847. VIL. Henry WEEDEN Carr (1273) born in Newport, R. I, March 20, 1807, married Martha King Friend, daughter of Thomas and Catherine Pinnigee Friend, June 4, 1836. She was born April 23, 1816, and died in Providence, R. L, Jan. 9, 1891. He died Aug. 6, 1838. Their children are, 2358 x1. William Henry Carr, b. March 8, 1837. 2359 2. Sarah Catherine Carr, b. Jan. 6, 1839. VIL SamugLt Carr (1277) born in Newport, R.1., June 3, 1781, married Mercy C. Allen, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Tag- gart) Allen. He died in Newport, Oct. 14, 1846. Their child- refh were, 2360 tL. Joseph Allen Carr, b. 236L 2. John Francis Carr. 23323. Samuel Carr, b. June 13, 1814. 2363 4. Harriet M. Carr. 2364 5. Edward I. Carr. 2365 6. Maria A. Carr. 2366 7. William Carr. 2367 8. Mary C. Carr. VII. Benyamin UNDERWOOD Carr (1278) born in Newport, Ik. L, Nov. 8, 1782, married Keturah P. Gavitt, in Waverly, R.I., Jan. 24, 1811. She died in Newport, Dec. 6. 1811, aged 20 years. He next married Sally Wheeler, of Swan and Lucy Wheeler, ‘in North Stonington, Ct., Nov. 13, 1817. He died in Newport Aug. 24, 1864. His wife Sally died June 10, 1875, in her 77th year. Their children were, 2368 1. Benjamin Underwood Carr, b. Dec 4, 1811, d. young. children by second wife, 2369 x2. Samuel J. Carr, b. Sept. 23. 1818. 2370 3. Thomas Wheeler Carr, b. Feb. 5, 1822, lost at sea. 2371 x4. Benjamin Underwood Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1826. VIL. Damaris Carr (1279) born in Newport, R. I, Oct. 21, 1784, married Samuel Allen, of Joseph and Mary (Taggart) Al- len, Jan. 16, 1806. She died Feb. 26, 1846, and'he died Sept. 5, 1855. Their children were, 23721. Damaris Carr Allen, b. 1806. 2373 2. Mary Taggart Allen, b. Sept. 1808, d. Aug. 18, 1809. 2374 3. no name, d. at birth. 2375 4. Thomas Allen, b. April 10,1811, lived only two days. 148 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, 2376 5. Mary Allen, b. 1812, d. Aug. 9, 1828. 2377 6. Thomas Joseph Allen, b. June 10, 1814, d. same day. 2378 #7. —-—— child, no date. 2379 8. Joseph Taggart Allen, b. Nov. 1817, d. Oct._23, 1819. 2380 9. child, no date. 2381 10. Joseph 8. Allen, b. 1821, d. Feb. 10, 1825. 2382 x11. Catherine Allen, b. Jan. 26, 1823 2383 12. Samuel Joseph Allen, b. Jan: 6, 1825, d. Jan, 10, 1825. 2384 x 13. Samuel Allen, b. June 7, 1829. VIL. Green Carr (1280) born in Newport, Dec. 29, 1786, mar- ried Martha Tillinghast Mumford, April 19, 1812, by Rev. Rich- ard Eddy. She was born in Newport, Nov. 1795, and died Nov. 19, 18538. He died.in March, 1853. ‘Their children are, 23351. Mary M. Carr, b. July 7, 1813. 2385 x 2. Damaris U. Carr. b. Dec, 1, 1816. 2387 X3. Thomas B. Carr, b. May 1, 1820. 2388 4. Sarah W. Carr b. Sept. 3, 1822, d. July 22, 1846, unm. 2389 x5. John M. Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1825. 2390 x6. Jethro C. Carr, b. Feb. 5, 1827. VII. Ropert Rosinson Carr (1282) born in Newport, R. I, Sept. 18, 1791, married Sally F. Gavitt, in Westerly, R. 1, March 29,1817. He was postmaster in Newport, under Jackson's administration. He died in Newport, May 12, 1872. His wife died March 31 1880. Their children are, 23911. Samuel Robinson Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1818. 2392 2. Thomas Peabody Carr, b. June 15, 1821, d. Jan. 3, 1822. 2393 x3. Keturah Gavitt Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1823. 23944. Sylvester Gavitt Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1826. 2395 <5. Mary Allen Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1833. VIT. Francis Carr (1284) born in Newport, R. I, Aug. 27, 1796, married Lucina Durfee, of Oliver Durfee, 6f Tiverton, Rk. L., Dec. 18, 1823. Several of their children died in infancy, and only one grew up to manhood, as follows: 2396 x1. Benjamin Morris Carr, b. July 7, 1833. VIL Wituram GARDINER CARR (1294) born in Jamestown, R, I, Sept. 14, 1804, married Elizabeth Weeden, in Jauieatinens Nov. 5, 1837, by Elder Heary Burdick. VIT. Toppeman TULL Carr (1296) born in Jamestown, BR, L, May 21, 1808, married Hannah K. Carpenter, in Jamestown, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 149 Oct. 29, 1840, by Rev. John Suddard. VIL. Joun S. Carr (1302) born in Newport, R.L, June 20,1797 married Elizabeth Spooner, Aug. 12, 1827,. He died in New- port, Aug. 15, 1841. Their children are, 2397 1. John Spooner Carr, b. March 25, 1829, unm. 2398 x2. Samuel I. Carr, b. March 27, 1831. 2399 X3. William Spooner Carr, b. July 7, 1883. 2400 4. Sarah Coggeshall Carr, b. May 11, 1837, unm. 2401 5. Elizabeth Spooner Carr, b. April 13, 1841, unm. VIL. Mary Cranston Carr (1303) born in Newport, R. I, May 11, 1799, married Simon Hart, Sept. 30, 1823. She died in Newport, Aug, 26, 1877. VIL. Cates ARNOLD CARR (1305) born in Newport, R.J., Aug. 8, 1803, married Abigail Sayer Potter, Dec. 15, 1829, and settled in New Bedford, Mass., where he died June 18, 1869. She was born in Providence, R. L., July 7, 1807, and died in New Bed- ford, Sept. 30, 1888. Their children are, 2402 1. Samuel I. Carr, b. Nov. 29. 1830, d. July 28, 1831. 2403 2. Abigail Potter Carr, b. Nov. 29, 1831, d. March 2, 1888. 2404 3. Samuel I. Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1832, died at sea in 1869. 2405 4. John Potter Carr, b. May 4, 1835, d. Nov. 15, 1836. 2405 5. Charlotte Cranston Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1836, New Bedford. 24076. Mary Hart Carr, b. July 27, 1838, ~ ne 2408 7. Deborah Delano Carr, b. June 28, 1840, i " 2409 x8, George Henry Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1842, a " 24109. Sarah Arnold Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1849, : a VIL. AssBy Carr (1310) born in Newport, R.L, Dec. 18, 1803, married Thomas Potter, Dec. 19, 1825. She died May 7, 1885. Their ae eee were, 2411 1. Deborah Potter, b. Sept. 19, 1826, d. March 19, 1856. 2412 Z Thomas I. Potter, b. July 7, 1829, d. March 15, 1830. 2413 38. George W. Potter, b, June 11, 1831, d. June 3, 1859. VIT. Mary ANN Carr (1313) born in Newport, /R. 1, March 25, 1810, married Josiah Goodspeed in 1830. She died Nov. 19, 1879. They had only one child. VII. Cates ARNOLD CARR (1314) born in Newport, R.1I., June 15, 1813, married Martha Gladding about 1847. He died Jan. 3, 1872. They had, 2414 1. George Henry Carr, 150 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2415 2. Theodore G. Carr, VIT. THomas THursTON Carr (1315) born in Newport, R. L, May 4, 1815, married Clarissa Peckham, June 15, 1845. He died Dec. 15, 1887, and she died in March, 1872, aged 51 years. Their children are, 2416 1. Clara Thurston Carr, b. March 16, 1846, m. Burdick. 24172. Josephine Augusta Carr, b. May 7, 1847. 24183. Thomas Thurston Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1848. 24194. George Washington Carr, b. Nov. 29, 1850. 2120 5. Phebe Jackson Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1853, m. A. Sherman. 2421 6. Mary Leaver Carr, b. June 14, 1856, unm. 2422 7. William Peckham Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1858, unm. 2423 8. Anna Peckham Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1862, unm. VIL Saran Rk. Carr (1316) born in Newport, R. [L., April 5, 1818, married Benjamin C. Paull, in Newport, Nov. 22, 1842. Their children are, : 2424 1. Mary Frances Paull b. March 24, 1844. 2425 2. Benjamin A. Paull, b. Aug. 16, 1846, d. Sept. 16, 1863. 2426 3. Deborah C. Paull, b. June 24, 1849. VIE. Joan Carr (1317) born in Newport, R. 1, Feb. 22, 1821, married Sarah Crandall, Oct. 19, 1845. They had only one child. VU. Ametia Carr (1318) born in Newport, R.I., June 23, 1824, -married Whitman Peckham, June 16, 1844. Their children are, 2427 1. William Arnold Peckham, b. Feb. 23, 1845, d. Aug. 1854 2428- 2. George H. Packham, b. July 14, 1856. VIL. Daniet Carr (1839) born in Westerly, R. I., married Susan Cole. She died in 1830, and he died in Ashaway, R. LI, March 12, 1886. Their children were, 24291. Ann Elizabeth Carr, b. May 17, 1819. 24302. Sands Cole Carr, b. Oct. 14, 1821, Vil. Vincenr Carr (1341) born in Westerly, R. I. He settled in Providence, R.1., where he became a prominent business man. He left three children ‘ 2431 1. William Carr. 2432 2. Mariette Carr. 2433 3. Carr, m. Calvin W Tompkins. VIL. Rura Carr (1845) born in Coventry, R. 1, May 11, 1790, married Abner Wilbut, of Scituate, R.7., June 24, 1841. No CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 151 children. VIL. Weaver Carr (1346) born in Coventry, R. J., July 26, 1796, married Elizabeth Bennett, Dec. 27, 1815. She was born May 15, 1798, and died Feb. 22, 1838. He next married Olive Gage, April 14, 1834. She had four children, all dying in in- fancy. He died April 1, 1855. His children by first wife were, 24341. Sylvester Weaver Carr, b. Dec. 14, 1816. 2435x2. Rufus Bennett Carr, b. May 3, 1819. 2436 x3. William Benjamin Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1821. ° 2437 4. Caleb Samuel Carr, b. March 23, 1824, d. same day. 2488 x5. Mary Hannah Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1825. 2439 6. Lydia Elizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1827, d. June 8, 1845. 24407. Caleb Nicholas Carr, b. April 6, 1830. 24418. Joseph Gardiner Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1832. VIL. Benyamin Carr (1348) born in Coventry, R. I, Jan. 9, 1804, married Susan Scott, in Coventry, by Elder Charles Stone, in 1825. He died March 7, 1888. Their children are, 2442 1. Nancy Carr, b. March 12, 1826, d. young. 24438 x2. Amy Lawrence Carr, b. May 16, 1828. 2444 3. Susan Carr, b. June 17, 1831, unm. 2445x4. Benjamin Carr, b. June 14, 1833. VIL. DanteL C. Carr (1350) born in Coventry, R.I., July 1, 1819, married Mary Potter, in Coventry, by Elder James Bur- ‘ingame, in 1841. She was born in West Greewich, R.L, Sept. 5, 1819, and resides in Oneco, Ct. He died Sept. 15, 1874. Their children are, 24461. Ruth Carr, b. May 9, 1842. 2447 2. Caleb Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1844, d. 1838. 24483. Nathan Carr, b. April 7, 1847. 24494, Adeline A. Carr, b. Nov. 11, 1848. 2450 5. Daniel P. Carr, b. April 16, 1850. 2451 6. Thankful Carr, b. Aug. 24, 1853. 2452 7. Mary Ann Carr, b. April 26, 1855. 2453 8. John Francis Carr, b. June 3, 1857. 5434 9. Sarah Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1860. VIT. RowLanp Carr (1360) born in South Kingstown, R. L, Oct. 21, 1791, married Deborah R. Sheldon, in South Kings- town, in 1810. She was born, Nov. 9, 1791, and died in Otego, N. Y., May 27, 1873. He diedin Otego, Jan. 15, 1852. Their children are, : 152 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 24551. Anstrus Gamer Carr, b. July 2, 1811. 2456 x2. William Carr, b. June 29, 1813. 2457 x3. Mary Hopkins Carr, b. 1814. 2458 4. John Millard Carr, b. 1821, unm. 2459x5. James Henry Carr, b. April 14, 1823. 2460 x6. Lydia Hopkins Carr, b. Feb. 29, 1828. 24617. Samuel Rowland Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1331 VIL James Carr (1361) born in South Kingstown, R.I., April 15, 1798, married Polly Brown, April 18, 1822. She was born in Rhode Island, May 18, 1800, and died at Cherry Creek, N.Y., Nov. 11, 1838. He died in Waterloo, Iowa, Oct. 8, 1857. Their children are, 2462 1. Andrew J. Carr, b. April 2, 1824, m. Sarah Barnard. 2463 2. Rovella Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1826, d. Aug. 31, 1839. 24643. Louisa Adelia Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1829. 2465 x4. Lydia C. Carr, b. April 16, 1833. 24662. Mary E. Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1835. VIL. Wrutram G. Carr (1362) born in South Kingstown, Rk. I., Sept. 1801. married Sally Baldwin, in Otsego county, N. Y., in 1825. She was born April, 1802, and died April 3, 1858. He died in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Nov. 9, 1854. Their children are, ‘24671. Samuel H. Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1827. 21682. Truman B. Carr, b. Aug. 1829. 2469 3. George W. Carr, b. June, 1831, d. March, 1856. 24704. Lydia Ann Carr, b. Feb. 1837. 2471 5. Delos Carr, b. May, 1841, d. Oct. 1351. VIL. Saran Carr (1363) born in Jamestown, R. I, June 23, 1811, married Joshua Darling. They had, 2472 1. Louisa Darling, m. Henry Colvin, of Providence, R. I. VIL GeorGE WILLIAM Carr (1364) born in Jamestown, R. L, Jan. 20, 1818, married Mary Ann Allen, of Rebecca, in James- town, by Rev. Elisha F. Watson, Jan. 14, 1847. They lived in Jamestown. Their children are, 2473 1. James Carey Carr. 2474 2. Phebe Carr. 2475 3. Mary Ann Carr. 2476 4. Gertrude Carr. 2477 «5. Eunice Carr. “ VIL. James Carr (1365) born in Jamestown, R. L, July 22, - CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, 153 1814, married an English woman and lived in Brooklyn, N. Y. They had, ‘ 2478 1. James Carey Carr, d.-in the U.S. army. VII. Hannan Carr (1366) born in Jamestown, R. I, March 2, 1816, married George Hull, Jan. 18, 1837. Their children are, 2479 1. Mary Elizabeth Hull, d. young. 2480 2. Mary Hull. 2481 3. Henry Hull, drowned. 2482 4. George Carey Hull, d. young. 2483 5. Ida Matilda Hull. 2484 6. Desire Frances Hull. 2485 7. Elien Hull. VII. PuHese Carr (1367) born in Jamestown, R. I., Dec. 26, 1817, married Horace Ray. Her husband is dead. She is now living in Jamestown, and has two sons. VIL DestrE Carr (1368) born in Jamestown, R. I, April 3, 1796, married Darius Niles, in Otego, N.Y,. Feb. 28,1814. He was bern in Massachusetts, Nov. 30, 1786, and died in Otego, June 10,1875. She died in the same place, Jan. 22, 1861. Their children are, 2485 1. Eliza B. Niles, b. Sept. 29, 1815, d. May 8, 1818. 24872. Lydia Maria Niles, b. Feb. 28, 1818. 2488 3. George Carr Niles, b. Sept. 26, 1819, d. March 10, 1844. 2489 x4. John Howard Niles, b. Dec. 27. 1821. 24905. Desire Ann Niles, b. June 25, 1824. 2491 6. Darius Boliver Niles, b. June 3, 1826, d. July 14, 1851. 241927. Phebe Carr Niles, b. Sept. 28, 1828. 2493 x8. Jane Eliza Niles, b. Feb. 9, 1831. 24919. Daniel W. Niles, b. Dec. 25, 1833. VIl. James Wanron Carr (1359) born in Jamestown, R. L, Sept. 7, 1801, married Emeline A. Wanzer, in Morris, N. Y., where he died Aug. 18, 1855. They had, 24951. George Nelson Carr, b. June 29, 1846, VIE. Saran ANN Carr (1370) born in Jamestown, R. I., Jan. 14, 1805, married Rev. William Round, in Otego, N. Y., Sept. 2, 133 He was born in Richfield, N. Y., March 5, 1803, and died at Manassas, Va., Sept. 5, 1881. He was a minister of the M. E. church from 1828 to 1881. His mother, Sally Hopkins, was connected with Gov. Stephen Hopkins, one of the signers of 154 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. the Declaration of Independence. His grandfather, Bartram Round, was a lieutenant in “Scituate Hunters,” of R. L, during the revolutionary war. The mother of Bartram Round, was Su- sannah Seaman, and her mother was Priscilla Wood, through whom he descended from Lieu’t John Wood, of Newport, and from Richard Church who came from England with Gov. Winthrop’s fleet, and whose son, Capt. Benjamin Church was the hero of the King Phillip war. The wife of Bartram Round was Alce Wilkinson, who descended from Lawrence Wilkin- son, a cavalier who emigrated to Providence, R. J., in 1645, and who descended from the royal families of England, France and Spain. See books on Wilkinson and Hopkins families. Mrs. Sarah Round died at the home of daughter, in Wash- ington, D.C., March 4, 1892. Their children are, 2495 x1. Sara Mehitable Round, b. June 7, 1834. 24972. John Emory Round, b. Nov. 25, 1835. 2498 x 3. George Carr Round, b. Sept. 14, 1839. 2499 x4. Lydia Adelia Round, b. Feb. 20, 1842. VIT. MenirasLe THurston Carr (daughter of George Tew Carr, 742) born in Jamestown, R. L., April 21, 1809, married Bev- el Granville Wyburn Saunders, in Unadilla, N. Y., July 25, 1839. He was born in Unadilla, Jan. 17, 1806, and died in Ote- go, N. Y., June 7, 1884. His father, Capt. George Elisha Saun- ders, was killed at the battle of Queenstown, in the war of 1812. He was captain of the Otsego county militia. She died in Ote- go, Oct. 1886. Their children are, 2500 1. George Saunders, d. young. 2501 x2. Julia Saunders, b. July 15, 1842. VIL. Lypra Woop Carr (daughter of George Tew Carr, 742) born in Otego, N. Y., June 1, 1813, married Henry Caswell, in Montrose, Pa., by Rev. William Round, Nov. 17, 1845. He was born in Brooklyn, Pa., June 23, 1819, and died in the same place Oct. 16, 1886. She died in Breoklyn,Feb. 5, 1882. Their child- ren are, ; 2502 1. George Erastus Caswell, b. Nov. 16, 1847, d. Feb. 1871. 2503 xX 2. William Round Caswell, b. May 14, 1851. 2504 x3. Hettie Bell Caswell, b. May 28, 1855 VIT. Joan Carr (1379) married Elizabeth Hoag. He died in 1888. The family live in Afton, N. Y. Theirchildren are, 2505 1. Henry Carr. SARAH ANN CARR Rovunp, (1370) Born Jan. 14, 1805; died March 4, 1892. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, 157 2506 2. Justus Carr. VII. Carey Carr (1781) married and lived in Wisconsin or Iowa. Their children are, 2507 1. Hattie Carr. 2508 2. Mary Carr. VII. PHEBE Carr (1282) married Perry Myers. Their child- ren are, 2509 1. Charles Myres. 2510 2. Egbert Myres. 2511 3. James Myres. VII. Marretre Carr (1886) born March 11, 1828, married Rensselaer Day. Their children are, 2912 1. Emily Day, m. Keyes. 2013 2. Mary Day, d. in 1890, unm, 2514 3. Lettie Day. 2515 4. Phebe Day, unm. 2516 5. Cordelia Day. 2517 6. Celestia Day. 2518 7. Ida Day. VII. Corpetia E. Carr (1392) born in Butternut township, N.Y., Feb. 18, 1822, married James C. Emmons, Nov. 11, 1847. , He was born Aug. 30, 1823. They reside in Otego, N. Y. Their children are, 2519 1. Addie T. Emmons, b: Feb. 16, 1850,m. Ezra Brown. 2520 x2. Adelbert L. Emmons, b. Feb. 8, 1853. 25213. Edward B. Emmons, June 380, 1854. 2922 4. Florence M. Emmons, b. Nov. 26, 1856, d. May 5, 1857. 25235. Frank J. smmons, b. Nov. 8, 1859. VIL. Jutta M. Carr (1393) born in Butternut, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1823, married Isaac Starling, in Otego, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1844. She died Sept. 19, 1848. No children. VIT. Emtty Carr (1397) born in Butternut, N. Y., May 20, 1830. married Homer Birdsell, Sept. 18, 1848. She died in Oe go, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1886. They had, 2524 1. Edward Bardsell. 2525 2. Ellen Birdsell. VIL Exuizapern C. Carr (1398) in Butternut, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1831, married William Shepherd, April 2, 1851. She died in Otego, N.Y., Jan. 16, 1886. They had, 158 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2526 1. Edward Shepherd, d. young. 2527 2. Emma Shepherd, m. Henry Smith. 2028 3. Lucy Shepherd. 2529 4. Arthur Shepherd. 25380 5. Benjamin Shepherd. 2531 6. William Shepherd. 2532 7. Bessie Shepherd. VIL. Joun Carr (1399) born in England, about 1775, settled in Barrington, N. Y., in 1806, and built the first grist mill in the town. Later in life he went to Illinois and bought a section of land. He died in 1844. His children were, 2533 1. Joseph Carr. 2534 x2. William Carr, b. .\pril 9, 1800. 2535 3. Daniel Carr. 25386 4. Samuel Carr. oe 2537 «5. James Carr. 2538 6. Betsey Carr. 2539 7. Polly Carr. VII. Tuomas Carr (1401) born in Burlington, N. J., about 1792, married Abigail Moore, in Bethany, Pa. Their children are, 25401. Ephraim J. Carr, b. 1824. 2541 2. Jane Carr, b. 1827. 2542 3. Ann Elizabeth Carr, b 1830. 2543 4. Thomas Carr, b. 1832. VI. Epwarp Carr (1402) in Burlington, N. J., Feb. 4, 1794, married Phebe Leport, in Canaan, Pa., June 13, 1812. She died Nov. 7, 1823, and he next married Caroline Hudson, in Canaan, Aug. 3, 1824. She was born in Goshen, N. Y., April 26, 1805, and died in Waymart, Pa., Aug. 28, 1887. He died in the same place. His children are, 2544 1. Maria Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1813, d. Nov. 18, 1823. 2545 x2. Reuben Carr, b. Nov. 29, 1815. 2546 3. Charles W. Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1817. 2547 4. Cyprian Carr, b. April 6, 1819. children by second wife, 2548 x5. Francis Vincent Carr, b. June 25, 1827. 2549 x6. Amanda Maria Carr, b. July 20, 1829. 25507. Randall Wilmot Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1831. 2551 8. Esther A. Carr, b. April 26, 1832, d. Dec. 7, 1833. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTIL GENERATION. 159 2552 x9. Oscar Hudson Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1835. 2553 10. Philander Carr, b. Nov. 10, 1887, d. March 22, 1838. 2554 11. Mary A. Carr, b. May 22, 1840, d. June 15, 1843. 2555 X12. Walter E. Carr, b. Dec. 21, 1848. VIL. Jonn Carr (1403) born in Trenton, N. J., Sept. 12, 1796, married Adeline Jones, in Bethany, Pa., June 6, 1823. She was born in Salem, Pa., March 25, 1805, and died in Bethany, June 6, 1859. He died in the same place, Jan. 22, 1858. Their child- 2556 X 1. Clarinda M. Carr, b. April 25, 1824. 2357 2. Hester Carr, b. April 19, 1825, d. May 10, 1825. 2568 3. Varnell Carr, b. April 5, 1826, d, April 16, 1826. 2009 xX 4. Sarah Esther Carr, b. May 11, 1829. 25t0 5. Thomas C. Carr, b. May 20, 1839, d. Feb. 4, 1855. 2561 6. Mary Adeline Carr, b. Oct. 19, 1845, d. Sept. 1, 1881. VIL Nancy Carr (1404) born near Mt. Holly, N. J., Jan. 19, 1798, married Reuben Condit, in Bethany, Pa., in 1815. He was born in Orange, N. J., Oct. 16,1791, and died in Factoryville, Pa., July 9, 1873. She died in Waymart, Pa., Nov. 11, 1863. Vheir children are, 25621. Harriet Condit, b. June 9, 1819. 2563 x2. William Jackson Condit, b. Aug. 18, 1822. 25643. Eliza Maria Condit, b. July 25, 1827. 2595 4. Lucy Hall Condit, b. Oct. 23, 1729. 2566 5. Benjamin Franklin Condit, b. Jan. 4, 1834. 2567 6. Abram Osmon Condit, b. Feb. 17, 1837. VIL. Sytvrta Carr (1405) born near Mt. Holly, N. J., July 28, 1801, married Col. John A. Gustin, in Bethany, Pa., in 1825. He was bornin Wantage, N. J.. Aug. 11, 1798, and died Dec. 30, 1854. She died Aug. 7, 1883. Their children are. 2568 1. Frances Adelia Whitney Gustin, b. Oct. 23, 1826. 2569 2. Amanda Maria Gustin, b. Aug. 10, 1827. 2570 3. Joseph Miller Gustin, b. Sept. 2, 1829. 2571 4+. Oliver Dimock Durham Gustin, b. 1834. 25372 «5. Eliza Jane Gustin. 2573 6. Mary Lovina Gustin. 2574 7. George Wilmot Gustin, b. Sept. 18, 1841. 2575 8. Emeline Gustin, b. Dec. 16, 1843, Honesdale, Pa. 5573 9. Susanna Gustin, " ay VII. Mary Carr (1406) born in Burlington, N. J., Aug. 28, 160 CARR FAMILY RECORDS——SEVENTH GENERATION, 1803, married Randall Wilmot, as his second wife, in Bethany, Pa., Dec. 20 1821. He was born in Woodbridge. Ct., May 20, 1792. By his first wife he had one son who was the Hon. Da- vid Wilmot, of Pennsylvania, and author of the famous “Wil- mot Proviso.” Randall Wilmot died in Bozetta, Ohio, July 9, 1876. His wife Mary died in the same place, March 27, 1880. Her children are. 2577 x1. Jane Wilmot, b. Sept. 19, 1822, in Bethany, ia 2578 x2. Lois Wilmot, b. March 19, 1825, a 2579 x3. Edward Wilmot, b. May 24, 1828 ” ¥ 2580 x 4. Maria Wilmot, b. Feb. 13, 1832. 7 ut 2581 x5. Celinda Wilmot, b. Jan. 25, 1843, Braceville, Ohio. VII. James Carr (1407) born in Burlington, N. J., about 1805, married Betsey Buckingham, of Essex, Ct., Oct. 26, 1826, and lived in Waymart, Pa., until 1800, when he moved to Black Walnut. Pa. They had. 2582 1. James Carr, d. in Stouchsburgh, Pa. 2583 2. John Carr went west. VII. Erastus Carr (1408) born in Canaan, Pa., Sept. 28, 1811, married Margaret Whitaker, in Sanford, N. Y., June 10, 1832. She was born in Sanford, Feb, 20, 1811. He died Dec. 22, 1887. Their children are, 2584 1. Phebe Carr, b. July 9, 1833, d. Dec. 1876. 2585 X 2. James Henry Carr, b. April 22, 1835. 2586 3. Richard Jonathan Carr, b. April 1, 1837. 2587 x4. Nancy Maria Carr, b. Oct. 23, 1839. 2588 5, Catherine Dorcas Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1841, d. 1848. 2589 6. Charity Elizabeth Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1848. 25907. John Whitaker Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1845. 2591 8, Erastus Verney Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1847. 2592 9. Mary Jane Carr, b. Nov. 10, 1849. 2593-10. Oliver George Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1852. 25994 x11. Emmons Ward Carr, b. April 10, 185. 2595 12 Austin Colemaa Carr, b. April 24, 1857. VIL. James Carr (1411) born in St. Albans, Me, Sept. 1, 1803, He settled in Portsmouth, N. II, and kept a shoe store. VIL. Juptra Carr (1412) born in Readfield, Me., Jan. 2, 1800, mariied Thomas Flanning. She diced at Mt. Vernon, Me., leav- ing one daughter, 2596 1. Mary Flanning, b. Oct. 7, 1831, m. Eugene Smith. f CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 161 VII. Freperick CARR (1414) born in Readfield, Me., July 11, 1802, married Polly Knowles, in 1823. She was born in Wil- ton, Me., July 8, 1804. Their children are, 2597 x1. Elbridge Gerry Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1824. 2598 x 2. James Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1827. 2599 x3. Julia Carr, b. April 6, 1828. 2600 x4. Osgood Carr, b. April 6, 1830. 26015. Ruly Jane Carr, b. May 10, 1834. VII. Joun Carr (1415) born in Readfield, Me., May 26, 1803, He settled in Connecticut and married, but had no children. He was a hatter by trade. Vil. Horatio G. Carr (1416) born in Readfield, Me., Aug. 14, 1805, married Diantha Peterson, in Newport, Me., in 1827. He first settled in Newport, then moved to Dexter, Me., where he lived the 1est of his life. He died in 1850, found dead in the road, supposed from heart trouble. Their children are, 2602 x1. Martha Carr, b. May 7, 1828. 2603 x2. George W. Carr, b. Nov. 9, 1829. 2604 3. Diantha Carr, b. June 7, 1831, Newport, Me. 2605 4. Barzilla Carr, b. 1832, Newport. 2306 5. Druzylphia Carr, b. June 5, 1833, ewpurt 2607 6. Charles Carr, b. 1835, 2608 7. Susan Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1837, s 2609 8. Albert Carr, b. March 6, 1840, Dexter, Me. 2610 9. Horatio Gates Carr, b. May 5, 1842, 3B 2611 10. Franklin Carr, b. 1848. 261211. Sarah Frances Carr, b. Oct. 19, 184. 261312. Almon B. Carr, b. Nov. [1, 1846. 2614 13. Gilman Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1847, d. March 4, 1860. VII. GEorcE Carr (1417) born in Mt. Vernon, Me., Sept. 4, 1807, married Mary Peterson, sister of Diantha, May 4, 1826. He was asea captain. They had one son, 2615 1. George Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1827. VIL. James T. Carr (1418) born in Pittsfield, Me. Jan. 17, 1835, married Mary Margaret Maine, in Bangor, Me., Sept. 19, 1867. She was born in Chelsea, Me., June 2, 1846. They reside in Pittsfield. Their children are, 26161. Lillian Eva Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1868. 2617 2. Ada May Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1875, Milo, Me. 162 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 2618 3. Everett Moore Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1877, Lee, Me. 2619 4. Dennis T. Carr, b. April 7, 1879, Lee, Me. VIL. JAmes Carr (of John§, John , George’, 145) born in Es- sex Co., Mass., May 4, 1777, married Rebecca Stain, Aug. 12, 1808. She was born Jan. 9, 1781. Their children were, 2620 1. Stephen Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1804, d. 2621 2. Barnard Carr, b. March 238, 1806,d. 26223. David Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1808, 2623 x4. Moses Carr, b. April 22, 1810. 2624 5. James Carr, b. March 25, 1815. 2625 6. Nancy Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1822. VIL. Harriet Carr (1420) born in Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 20, 1803, married Moses B. Jackman, in Newbury, Mass., April 22, 1820. She next married Samuel Lunt, Aug. 10, 1837. She died Jan. 8, 1859. Her children are, 26261. William Henry Jackman, b. July 19, 1821. 26272. Harriet Jackman, b. Aug. 17, 1823. 2628 x3. Sarah Elizabeth Jackman, b. Sept. 14, 1825. 2629 4. Joseph Jackman, b. Feb. 10, 1829, d. Dec. 21, 1851. 26305. Moses Bradbury Jackman, b. March 11, 1832. 2631 x6. Reuben Jackman, b. Aug. 29, 1834. children by second husband, 2632 x7. Samuel Osgood Lunt, b. May 28, 1838. 2633 x8. George Keating Lunt, b. July 11, 1841. 2634 9. Anna Ellen Lunt, b. June 8, 1845, d. May 10, 1846. VII. James Carr (1422) born in Newburyport, Mass., July 18, 1808, married Ann Dole, in West Newbury, Mass., Nov. 23, 1837. She was born Oct. 12, 1812, and died in West Newbury, May 10, 1889. He died in the same place, Dec. 7, 1879. Their children were, 2635 x1. Enoch Dole Carr, b. Jan. 31. 1841, 2636 2. Martha Eliza Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1845, d. Sept. 15, 1864. VIT. Saram Carr (1423) born in Newburyport, Mass., Feb. 22, 1811, married Alpheus Wing, in Newburyport, in 1833. He was born in Wayne, Me., and died Feb. 2, 1870. She died June 8, 1884. Their children are, . 26371. Alpheus Wing, b. July 3, 1835. 2638.2. Benjamin Franklin Wing, b. in 1841. VIL. Joux Carr (1426) born in Chester, N. H., April 13, 1791, -CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 168 married Hannah Hadley, in Bradford, N. H., in 1815. She was born in Bradford, June 1, 1794, and died Sept. 1, 1857. He mov- ed from New Hampshire to Whitinsville, Mass., about 1840, and from there to Smithfield, R. L, in 1846. He died in Mill- ville, Mass., June 26, 1873, while living at the home of his daughter Seba. Their children were, 2639 X1. Drusilla Carr, b. April 16, 1816. 2640 2. Dianna Carr, b. July 28, 1823, d. June 5, 1858. 2641 8. Elzina Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1827, d. Feb. 22, 1890. 2642 x4. Seba Ann Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1830. VII. Menrraste Carr (1427) born at Great Pond, Me., April 17,1798, married David Sands Greene, in New Hamp- shire, in 1811. She died June 28, 1812, leaving one child, 2643 x1. Squire Greene, b. May 1, 1812. VI. JonatHan Carr (1428) born at Great Pond, Me., July 17, 1795, married Ruth Gove, Dec. 5, 1819. She was born Feb. 25, 1800, and died in Whitinsville, Mass., July 15, 1866. He next married Sarah Walker, in Upton, Mass., Sept. 4, 1867, After her death he married Sarah Flagg. He was engaged in the cotton mill business in Connecticut and Massachusetts. He died in Upton, April 24, 1876. His children, all by first wife, were, 2644 1. Almena Carr, b. July 5, 1823, d. July 28, 1828. 2645 2. Sarah Fidelia Carr, b. April 4, 1825. 2646 * 3. George Marden Carr, b. .\ug. 12, 1826. , 2647 4+. Alfred Prescott Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1829. 2648 5. Lewis N. Carr, b. June 25, 1831, d. Feb. 21, 1840. 2649 6. Adeline M. Carr, b. Jan. 8, 1833, d. Oct. 2, 1854. 2650 7. Jonathan Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1840, d. Feb. 10, 1840. 26518. Lewis Sturtevant Carr, b. June 23, 1843. VII. SrepHen Carr (1429) born at Great Pond, Me., Dec. 30, 1797, married .\nna Wilkins, in Deering, N. H., Feb. 16, 1822. He died in Deering, June 4, 1862. They had only one child, 2652 x1. Rebecca Jane Carr, b. April 10, 1823. VIL. Satty Carr (14380) born in Palermo, Me., April 10, 1800, married William Pike, in Newbury, N. H., Nov. 4, 1819. He was born in Newport, N. H., July 31, 1796. He was a school teacher and farmer, and lived in Goshen, N. H., where he died June 25,1885. She died in the same place, Dec. 7, 1879. Their * 164 CARR FAMILY RECORDS--SEVENTH GENERATION. children were, 26538 1. William Decatur Pike, b. June 30, 1821. 2654 2. Madona Teresa Pike, b. April 10, 1823. 2655 3. Ursula Rosette Pike, b. Nov. 15, 1825. 2656 4. Phelura Melissa Pike, b. Feb. 20, 1828, 2657 5. Sabrina Lucretia Pike, b. Dec. 27, 1831, d. April 25, 1833 VU. Grorce Marpen Carr (1431) born in Montville, Me., March 1, 1808, married Prudence Town, in Thompson, Ct., July 20, 1829. She was born in Thompson, Nov. 5, 1810, and died in Northbridge, Mass., Nov. 25, 1867. He went to Wilsonville, Ct., in 1819, where he worked as a weaver in a fac- tory. In 1832 he moved to Whitinsville, Mass. He lived in Blackstone, Mass., in 1842, and was a deacon in the Cong’l church there. In 1858 he bought a stage line which ran from East Douglass to Whitinsville Station. In 1865 he was station agent at Northbridge, at wbich place he died, May 5, 1875. Their children are. 2658 1. George Albert Carr, b. Aug. 12, 1831, agt. Albion, R. I. 2659 x2. Mary Jane Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1833. 2660 3. Alvon L. Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1833, lives Providence, R. I. 2661 4. Joseph Town Carr, b. Dec. 20, 1838, Is. Med. Lodge, Ka. 26625. Jerome Marden Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1841. 2663 6. Henry G. Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1848, d. Aug. 7, 1844. 26647. Emma L. Carr, b. July 2, 1853. VIL. Mary Carr (1432) born in Jefferson, Me., Jan. 29, 1806, married Horace Cutts, in 1825, by whom she had one child. Af- ter his death she married William Beck. She died in Sunapee, N. H., Sept. 24, 1885. Her children are, 2665 x1. Eliza Cutts, b Jan. 22, 1826. children by second husband, 2666 2. Frances L. Beck, b. July 17, 1844. 2367 3. Madona IL. Beck, b. Oct. 23, 1849, m. Seth W. Dodge. VIL. Lucretta Carr (1433) born in Palermo, Me., Oct. 10, 1808, married Thomas Foss, in Whitinsville, Mass., Feb. 9, 1884. They reside in Newport, N. H. Their children are, 2668 x 1. George Carr Foss, b. May 2, 1835. 2369 2. Fairfield Foss, b. Sept. 28, 1842, d. Sept. 6, 1848. 29670 x3. Milton Carr Foss, b. Nov. 26, 1843. VIL. Hran Cran Carr (1485) born in Deering, N. H., Jan. 6, / CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 165 1814, married Sarah Aldrich, in Northbridge, Mass., Jan. 6, 1840. She was born in Northbridge, Jan. 24, 1823, and died July 21, 1857. He next married Emily Keith, in Boston, Mass., -\pril 28, 1858. He was an overseer in cotton mills in Massa- chusetts most of his life. He died in Whitinsville, Mass., March 3, 1883. His children are, 2671 1. Frances Marion Carr, b. Sept. 10,1840, d. Nov. 24, 1844. 23722. Loammi Baker Carr, b. Nov. 19, 1842. 23733. Samuel Aldrich Carr, b. May 31, 1848. child by second wife, 2674 x4. Alice Marion Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1860. VIL. Cuarites Res Carr (1436) born in Newbury, N. H., April 6, 1819. He was inthe U.S. navy from Dec. 26, 1835 to -\ug. 29, 1848, and during that time visited Rio Janerio, Cape Town, Singapore, Hong-Kong, Canton, Java, Sydney, New Zealand, Honolulu and many other places of interest. He mar- ried Sarah Coggshall, in Blackstone, Mass., Aug. 23, 1845. She was born in Whitinsville, Mass., April 12,1825. They reside in Whitinsville. Their children are, 2675 1. George Washington Carr, b. May 3, 1849, d. May 1849. 2676 2. ila Augusta Carr, b. July 1, 1851, d. Sept. 23, 1851. 2677 X3. Charles K. Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1853. 2678 4. Electa Jessie Carr, b. Sept. 1856, d. Nov. 2, 1856. 2679 5. Ella Frances Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1858, d. Jan. 2, 1859. 2680 6. Laura Mansfield Carr, b. Sept. 7, 1860, d. Jan. 7, 861. 2681 x7. William H. Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1862. VIL Benjamin FRANKLIN CARR (1537) born in Salisbury, Mass., .\ug. 31, 1835, married Adelaide I. Easton, in Salisbury, March 12, 1855. Their children are, 2682. 1. Leonard Albert Carr, b. May 12, 1837. 9683 2. Cora Isabelle Carr, b. March 1, 1859. VIL. Wintiram Carr (1489) born in Vershire, Vt., May 4, 1789, marricd Sarah S$. Prescott. She was born in Vershire, Aug. 29, 1789, and died in Canandaigua, N. Y., in May, 1880. He died in Lockport, N. Y., in March, 1833. Their children are, 26841. Charles Edson Carr, b. March 8, 1817. “635 x2. William Prescott Carr, b. April 25, 1819. 26863. John Adams Carr, b. June 12, 1821. 2687 4. Mary E. Carr, b. March 21, 1824,m. White, d. Mar. 1848 166 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 2688 x5. Dudley Chase Carr, b. July 3, 1826. VIL. Dea. Joun Carr (1442) born in Vershire, Vt. in 1796, and at the age of 19 settled in Canandaigua, N. Y. He assisted his brother Dr. Edson Carr, to obtain his medical education. He married and had a family of children. Hedied in Middle- sex, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1861. VII. Dr. Epson Carr (1443) born in Vershire, Vt., Oct. 29, 1801. He studied medicine in the office of Dr. Richard Wells, in Canandaigua, N. Y., and attended a course of lectures in Boston. With characteristic diligence and perseverence he entered upon the practice of medicine and surgery, the latter including dentistry also, as these branches were not then sep- arated as they are at the present time. He married Mary Wil- kinson Beals, daughter of Thomas Beals, in Canandaigua, Nov. 8, 1827. She died April 13, 1861, and he died Nov. 29, 1861. Their children are, 2689 X1. Thomas Beals Carr, b. Jan. 7, 1828. 2690 2. Henry Taylor Carr, b. Nov. 10, 1880, d. in infancy. 26913. William Edson Carr, b. June 22, 1832. 2692 x4. Henry Taylor Carr, b. Dec. 2, 1839. Lypra GrippIncs Carr (1448) born in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 19, 1804 married Jere N. Jaques, in Newburyport, Mass., Oct. 1, 1822, She died Nov. 19, 1829, and he died July 30, 1849. Their children are, 2693 x1. Lydia Carr Jaques, b. Jan. 19, 1824. 2694 2. Mary Blizabeth Jaques, b. Feb. 19, 1828, d. Feb. 10, 1891 VIE. Josepn FLAGG Carr (1449) bornin Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 19, 1806, married Hannah Alexander, He died in 1&90. They had three children that died quite young. VIL. Henry Souruwick Carr (1450) born in Newburyport, Mass., May, 1807, married Caroline Sweet. He died in Cali- fornia in 1850 0r 51.) They had one daughter. VU. James Care (451) hor in Rumford, Me., in 1865. He went to New Brunswick, married and had a family, and died there. VIL. Trerza Carr (1453) boru in Rumford, Me., June 6, 1807, marricd Kbenezer Little, in Colebrook, N. H., Dec. 6, 1829. He was born in Croffstowa, N. H., July 18, 1805. She died in Cole- CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 167 brook, Jan. 1, 1857. Their children are, 2695 x1. Susan W. Little, b. March 18, 1831. 2696 X 2. Joseph D. Littte, b. Marce 10, 1833. 2697 X38. James C. Little, b. April 2, 1835. 2698 x4. Eben Little, b. Nov. 22, 1886. 2699 5. Ayers Little, b. Oct. 13, 1838, d. Oct. 20, 1891. 2700 6. John R. Little, b. Oct. 28, 1840. 27017. Dolly M. Little, b. Oct. 19, 1842. 27028. Thurza Ann Little, b. Jan. 10, 1845. 2703 x9. Mariette Little, b. June 16, 1847. VIL Exvecra ANN Carr (1456) born in Gilmanton, N. H., married, Ist Charles Watson, and 2nd Mellen Stokes. She died in 1888. VIL HELen Victorta Carr (1457) born in Gilmanton, N. H., March 28, 1839, married W.B. Norris. They have, 2704 1. Lucinda J. Norris. 2705 «2. Ella M. Norris. 2706 3. Bracket W. Norris. VIL Dr. Epcar Leroy Carr (1458) born in Gilmanton, N. H., May 12, 1841, married Addie J.B. Osborn, in London, N. H., July 3, 1867. She was bornin London, March 21, 1844. They reside in Pittsfield, N. H. Their children are, 2707 1. Bert Wilbur Carr, b. July 18, 1875. 2708 2. Belle Osborn Carr, b. June 16, 1878. VIL Asa Oscoop Carr (1459) born in Gilmanton, N. H., Oct. 31, 1842, married Vena Perkins. They had, 2709 1. Alice M. Carr. VII. Isaac Newron Carr (1460) born in Pittsfield, N. H., Aug. 21, 1850, married Sarah F. Batchelder. They had, 1710 1. Bessie Carr. VII. Dea. Joun Cuase Carr (1465) born in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 8, 1798, married Betsey Noyes, in West Newbury, Oct. 8, 1821, by Rev. Elijah Demond. She was born July 2, 1801, and died June 19, 1836. He married his second wife, Hannah Weth- erbee Pillsbury, daughter of Silas and Abigail (Cutter) Pills- bury, in Charlestown, Mass., March 14, 1837. She was born July 20, 1808, and died in West Newbury, Feb. 5. 1886. He held the office of town clerk in West Newbury 52 years, justice of the peace 49 years, secretary of the town fire insurance com- 168 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION, pany 40 years, notary public 7 years, postmaster 12 years, dea- con in the 2nd Cong’! church since 1832, and was twice elected to the state legislature. He carried on the business of manu- facturing combs for a number of years, and after that was in the grocery trade. He wasa Free Mason from 1826, and in poli- tics voted for both the Harrisons, his last vote being Nov. 3, 1891. He died in West Newbury, Dec. 18, 1891, at the remark- able age of 93 years. His children by first wife were, 2711 1. William N. Carr, b. Nov. 25, 1823, d. Nov. 28, 1823. 2712 2. Sarah Green Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1880, d. July 16, 1830. VIL. EvizaBeTH CHASE CARR (1466) born in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 16, 1799, married Joshua Bailey, of Paul, in West New- bury, Feb.8 1817. He was born Nov. 22, 1789, and died Jan. 21, 1849. She died April 11, 1839. Their children were, 27131. Gustavus .\. Bailey, b. April 26, 1820. 2714 2. Sarah Elizabeth Bailey, b. June 18, 1828. 2715 3. Mary Ellen Bailey, b. Aug. 24, 2830. 2716 4. Henry Clay Bailey, b. Oct. 22, 1833, d Oct. 11, 1888. 2717 5. Paul Albert Bailey, b. June 9, 1838, d. March 9, 1839. VIL Moses Carr (1488) bora in Newbury, Mass., Ang. 19, 1802, married Hannah M. Ordway, in West Newbury, April 25, 1823. She was born Nov. 15, 1802, and died in Bradford, Mass., April 17, 1891. “He died very suddenly at his home in West Newbury, Dec. 17, 1873. He was senior republican represen- tative of the coming legislature, and a citizen of high esteem.” Their children are, 27181. Horatio F. Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1825. 2719 2. Mary Elizabeth Carr. b. Feb. 26, 1827, d. i 12, 1829. 2720 3. Harriet Maria Ciirr, b. Nov. 21, 1828, d. July 12, 1839. 27214. Mary Elizabeth Carr, b. Jan. 19, 1830. 27225. Hannah Jane Carr, b. Nov. 22, 1881. 27236. Moses Francis Carr, b. April 16, 1834. 272! 7. Cnarlotte Josephine Carr. b. July 1, 1836, d. Mar. 19, 1837 27258. John Calhoun Carr, b. March 5, 1888. VIL. Mary Orpway Carr (146)) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 2), 1804, married Benjamin Brown, in West Newbury, Oct. 31,1825. He was born Oct. 11, 1799, and died Oct. 12, 1877. She died Aug. 11, 1858. Their children are, 2726 1. Joseph Warren Browa, b. Nov. 30, 1826, lives Chicago. 2727) «62. Harriet Carr Brown, b. Dec. 6, 1834, d. July 5, 1810. CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 169 VII. Grorce WasHIncton Carr (1470) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 2, 1806, married Susan A. Coker, in West Newbury. Dec. 30, 1883. She was born Oct. 9, 1811, and lives in West Newbury. He died of lockjaw in West Newbury, June 18, 1880. Their children were, 2728 1. George Robert Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1834, d. Sept. 19, 1848. 2729 2. Alden Scott Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1841, d. July 6, 1865. VIT, Henrietra D. Carr (1471) born in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 20, 1808, married Abraham Dow, jr., in West Newbury, June 24, 1833. He was born Oct, 10, 1808, and died June 29, 1884. She died Nov. 25, 1845. Their children are, 27301. George Carr Dow, b. May 11, 1434. 2731 2. Arthur Dow. b. March 8, 1836, d. Dec. 19, 1877. 2732 3. Henrietta D. Dow, July 21, 1845, d. June 5, 1846. VIT. Samvent Carr (1473) born in Newbury, Mass., July 28, 1812, married Sophia Foster Brown, April 17, 1887. She was born .\pril 25, 1715. They reside in West Newbury, Mass. Their children are, 2733 X1. Samuel Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1888. 27342. Oren Carr, b. March 6, 1841. 2735 X38. Josiah Carr, b. June 30, 1843. 27386 4. Elizabeth C. Carr, b. Oct. 3, 1845. 2737 5. Robert Carr, b. June 12, 1849, unm, 2738 x6. Sarah Wyman Carr, b. Aug. 21, 1850. 2739 7. John C. Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1854, d. May 30, 1854. 2740 8. Caroline Carr, b. March 28, 1855. 37419, Hattie Foster Carr, b. July 22, 1856. VIT. Harrrer N. Carr (1475) born in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 8, 1816, married Dea. John Carr, Nov. 3, 1835. He was born April 1, 1310, an | diel in Newburyport, Mass., Sept.-8, 1886. She died Sept. 9, 1837. He married his second wife, Elizabeth Howe, Jan. 21. 1839. She was born Feb. 21, 1815. He moved to New- bu-yport in 1842 and established the firm of Carr, Brown & Co. He hal by his wife Harriet, 2742 1. Harriet N. Carr. b. March 29, 1837, lives Newburyport. children by wife Elizabeth, 2748 2. Elizabeth Maria Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1840. 2744 3. Caroline Webster Carr, b. Nov. 25, 1842. 74500 4. John Carr, b. May 20, 1850, d. Lug. 2, 1851. 2746 5. John Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1852, d. March 5, 1854. 170 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2747 6, Annie Jones Carr, b. July 4, 1858, d. Sept. 15, 1862. VIL. Emma A. Carr (1476) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 4, 1817, married James L, Odiorne, of Newburyport, Mass., May 16, 1887. He was born in Newburyport, Jan. 29, 1817, and died in West Newbury, Dec. 21, 1872. She died April 8, 1892. Their children are, ‘2748 x1. James Lock Odiorne, b. June 29, 1837. 2749 2. Emma Carr Odiorne, b, July 28, 1840, d. Feb. 22, 1843. 2750 38. John Odiorne, b. Aug. 9, 1844. 2751 4. Samuel Carr Odiorne, b. Nov. 2, 1846, d. July 30, 1847. 2752 5. Charles Warren Odiorne, b. May 5, 1848. 2753 6. Harriet Emma Odiorne, b. June 9, 1852, m. Haverhill. 2754 7. Susan Boardman Odiorne, b. Nov. 23, 1856, m. VIL. Exiza Wititams Carr (1480) born in Newbury, Mass., March 5, 1799, married John Titcomb, of Concord, N. H., Oct. 1824. She died Feb. 23, 1846. No children. VII. SamuseL G. W. Carr (1481) born in Newbury, Mass., July 18, 1801, married Sarah P. Tuempore, March 9, 1831. Their children were, 2750 1. Samuel E. Carr, b. Dec. 1831. 2756 2. Sarah Carr, b. Feb. 1838, d. in infancy. 2757 «3. John Carr, d. infancy. 2758 4. Charles Carr, b, Feb. 1837. VII. Emma Barttey Carr (1482) born in Newbury, Mass., July 27, 1803, married Phillip Phillips, Nov. 1823. He died June 21,1828. Their children were, 2759 x1. Ann Maria Phillips, b. Oct. 1824. 27602: Eliza Jane Phillips, b. Feb. 1827. 2761 3. Lucy Phillips, b. April, 1828. VII. HELEN Maria Carr (1483) born in Newbury, Mass., March 3, 1805, married Calvin Bruce, May 9 1825. He died Sept. 18, 1848. No children. VII. Asicar, Low Carr (1484) born in Newbury, Mass., July 18, 1807, married Rufus Rand, Nov. 1827. Their children are, 2762 1. Charles D. Rand. b. Oct. 1828. 2763 2. John Carr Rand, b. Dec. 1832. 2764 3. Almira Carr Rand, b. Nov. 1834. 2765 4. Eliza T. Rand, b. Sept. 1836. 2766 5. Mahala F. Rand, b. Aug. 1840. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTIL GENERATION. 171 2767 «6. Abigail Williams Rand, b. Nov. 4, 1849. VIL Tuomas WIiLttitaMs Carr (1485) born in Newbury, Mass May'31, 1809, married Caroline Conner. He died July 2, 1888 Their children were, 2768 1. Phillip Augutus Carr, b. July 15, 1833, d. Mar. 21, 1844 2769 2. John Alfred Carr, b. May 30, 1835. 2770 3. George T. Carr, b. June 18, 1837. 2771 4. Thomas Tyler Carr, b. April 2, 1839. 2772 «5. Frank Henry Carr, b. Feb. 8, 1841. 2773 +6. Charles Clinton Carr, b. July 10, 1845. 2774 7. Caroline Elizabeth Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1849. VIL AusarraA Ann Carr (1486) born in Newbury, Mass., .\pril 30, 1811, married Tyler B. Hardy, Sept. 18, 1837. She died Aug. 10, 1889. VIL Juprira ANN KIMBALL (1487) born in Newbury, Mass., April 8, 1795, married John Cambell, Nov. 16, 1816. He was ‘born Dec. 1789, and died July 21, 1821. She died Dec. 24, 1833. Their children were, 2775 «1. Lucy Ann Cambell, b. Jan. 23, 1818, d. Aug. 13. 1839. 2776 2. John Leonard Cambell, b. March 238, 1820, d. Mar. 23,62 VIT. Wittram Carr KIMBALL (1488) bornin Newbury, Mass., Oct. 26, 1797, married Sally Rogers, July 11, 1824. She was born in May, 1800, and died June 12, 1833. He died Nov. 21, 1825. Their only child was, 2777 «1. Mary Aun Kimball, b. .\pril 26, 1825. VU. Leonarp Woops KIMBALL (1489) born in Newbury, Mass., Feb. 25, 1800, married Sarah P. Stone, Sept. 10, 1828. She was born in April, 1800. He died Sept. 16, 1828. No children. VII. Caves KimeBaue (1491) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 19, 1803, married \iaurtha Sargent, Jan. 19, 1824. She was born Jan. 19, 1805. He died Nov. 25, 1847. Their children are, 2778 1. Charles Leonard Kimball, b. April 20, 1825. 2779 2. William Henry Kimball, b. April 26, 1827. 2780 3. Martha Ann Kimball, b. June 10, 1829, 2781 4. Caleb Farnsworth Kimball, b. Aug. 22, 1831. 2782 5. John Alfred Kimball, b. March, 1834, d. Sept. 1834. 2783 6. Sarah Jane Kimball, b. May 31, 1835. 2784 7. Calista Kitridge Kimball, b. July, 1838. 2785 8. Nancy Bryant Kimball, b. Sept. 1831. 172 CARR FAMILY RECORDS--SEVENTIL GENERATION, 2786 9. Lorenzo Bryant Kimball, Sept. 10, 1844. VIL. SamugL CARR KIMBALL (1492) born in Newbury, Mass,, March 9, 1806, married Eleanor Erskine, May, 1828. She was born Jan. 1805. Their children are, ‘ 2787 1. Samuel Erskine Kimball, b. Aug. 26, 1829. 2788 2. Leonard Woods Kimball, b.March 22, 1882, d. Sept. ’42 2889 3. Ann Elizabeth Kimball, b. Feb. 4, 1836. 2790 4, Susan Ellen Kimball, b. Aug. 10, 1839. 2791 5. Sulivan Erskine Kimball, b. Dec. 12, 1842. 2792. 6. Emma Carr Kimball, b. Feb. 28, 1845. VII. THomas Noyes KIMBALL (1493) born in Newbury, Mass., May 2, 1808, married Sarah Kimball, widow of his brother, Leon- ard Woods Kimball, March 1880. He died Oct. 5, 1838. No children. VII. Moses WARREN KIMBALL (1494))born in Newbury, Mass. Dec. 31, 1810, married Judith Kimball, May 6, 1849. She was born Feb. 13,1818. They had, 2793 1. Anna Carr Kimball, April 3, 1850. VIL Rcerus Emery KimsBaut (1497) born in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 38, 1820, married Lydia Ik. Graves, July 30,1843. She was born July 6, 1823. He died Dec. 27, 18.4. They only had, 2794 1. Lucius Ann Kimball, Oct. 17, 4544. VIL. Mary G. Carr (1498) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 1, 1806, married James B. Kelley, of Hopkinston, N. H., Sept. 6, 1849. He is dead but she is now livingin West Newbury. VIT. WiiitramM Carr (1499) born in Newbury, Mass.. Nov. 27, 1808, married Eunice Heath, in West Newbury. Dec, 5, 1880, She was born Oct. 18, 1812. He died July 24, 1853. Their child- ren are, 27951. Eunice Rosina Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1831. 2796 2. Caroline Day Carr, b. March 7, 1888, d. Dec. 15, 1869. VIL. MriiraBle G. Carr (15C0) born in Newbury, Mass., June 10, 1812, married Joseph Low, in West Newbury, April 11, 1837, He was born in Essex, Mass., in 1803, and died in West Newbury, April 9, 1847. Their children are, 2797 1. Luther Webster Low, b. July 15, 1838, m. Kate Carlton 2798 2. Joseph Howard Low, b. Dec. 9, 1841, m. Mary Huntress 2799 3. Mary Caroline Low, b. Aug-t, 1845, m. F. Stanwood. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 178 VII. Exiza Carr (1503) born in West Newbury, Mass., Dec. 15, 1822, married Moses P. Stanwood, in West Newbury, May 17,1843. He was born Jan. 7, 1820. They live in West New- bury. Their children are, 2800 1. Emma C. Stanwood, b. July 12, 1845, m. Henry Lane. 2801 2. William C. Stanwood, b. July 6, 1848,m. Mary Mills. 2802 3. Luther D. Stanwood, b. Oct. 8, 1850. 1803 4. Charles Alfred Stanwood, b. Nov. 24, 1853, d. VIL. Josram Carr (1505) born in West Newbury, Mass., Feb. 6, 1814, married Elizabeth Frances Brickham, Sept. 28, 1841. Their children are, 2804 1. Eliza Furbush Carr, b. March 4, 1848. 2805 2. Josiah Francis Carr, b. July 29, 1849. VIL ANN KIMBALL Carr (1506) born in Hebron, Me., March 29, 1816, married Edward Bruce, March 8, 1838. Their children are, 2806 1. George Babson Bruce, b. Jan, 7, 1839. 2807 2. Emma Carr Bruce, b. May 23, 1841. 2898 3. Mehitable Frye Bruce, b. April 19, 1847, d. Jan. 9, 1848. VII. MenirasBLe Frye Carr (1507) born in Hebron, Me., Apr. 5. 1818, married Isaac Whitmore Marshall, Oct. 12, 1848. She died Jan. 9. 1845. They had, 2809 1. Robert Carr Marshall, b. Aug. 18, 1844. VIL Dr Warren E. Cnast (1510) born Oct. 12, 1806, married Ellen Maria Pettingill, in Salisbury, N. H., Aug. 6, 1834. He died in Portland, Me., Jan. 21, 1852, and was buried in Bosca- wen, N. H. She was born in Canaan, N. H., Jan. 9, 1814. Their children are, 2810 1. Warren Pettingill Chase, b. Nov. 30, 1835, Boscawen. 2811 2. Thomas Hale Chase, b. Feb. 20, 1837, aa 2812 3. Charles Henry Chase, b. Sept. 26, 1848. Portland, Me. VIT. James F. Carr (1518) born in Dover, N. H., March 17, 1829, married his cousin Elvira W. Carr (1524) Feb. 13, 1860, and settled in Norfolk, Va. She was born Dec. 21, 1832. Their children are, 9813 1. Miwira E. Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1860. 2814 2. James F. Carr, b. April 17, 1862, d. Aug. 24. 1865. 9815 3. Susan Moore Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1863. 2316 4. James F. Carr, b. Feb. 12, 1866, d. May 18, 1866. 174 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2817 5. Frederick W. Carr, b. April 1, 1869. ’ VIT. Freperick WILtuiAmM Carr (1521) born in Dover, N. H,, April 28, 1827, married Julia A. Gasse. They reside in New Orleans, La. VII. Exvira W. Carr (1524) born in Dover, N. H., Dec. 21, 1832, married her cousin James F. Carr, (1518) Feb. 138, 1860. For children see (1518) VIL Saran Bsruran Carr (1541) born in Machias, Me., Oct. 26,1813, married Thomas Bowser, She died in Bridgeport, Ct., Aug. 16, 1879. They had, 2818 x1. Henry Eugene Bowser, b. July 24, 1888. VIL Georce WaLes CARR (1542) born in Machias, Ve. July 6, 1815, married Emeline Matilda Summers, in New York city, Aug. 4, 1838. She died in Jackson, Mich., June 5, 1850, aged 32 years. He next married Eliza L. Chapman, in Jackson, Dec. 4, 1850. She died in Liberty, Mich., Dec. 12, 1851, He married Mrs. Margaret Thompson, in Marysville, Cal., July 12, 1853. She died in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 28, 1864. He died in Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 18, 1866. His children are, 2819 1. George Raynor Carr, b. June 2, 1839, d. Jan. 1, 1842. 2820 2. George Raynor Carr, b. July 31, 1848, d. May 5, 1863. 28213. Augustus Hoyt Carr, b. April 21, 1847. child by second wife, 2822 4. Lizza Bethiah Carr, b. Nov. 8. 1851, lives Palmer, Mich VIL. Francis WARREN Carr (1543( born in Lubec, Me., Jan. 30, 1818, married Mary Burnell Tomlinson, in Jackson, Mich., Sept 15, 1846. She was born in Derby, Ct., Sept. 25, 1826. He died in Jackson, Oct. 25, 1882. Their children are, 28231. Henry Burnell Carr, b. July 26, 1847, 2824 2. Mary Adelaide Carr, b. April 30, 1849. 2825 X3. Frank Russell Carr, b. July 8, 1851. 2826 4. Thomas Hoyt Carr, b. Jan. 1, 1854, d. March 14, 1858. 2827 5. Nellie Bethiah Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1855, d. Aug. 13, 1857. 2828 x 6. Harriet Sherman Carr, b. July 22, 1857. 2829 7. Grace Carr, b. June 20, 1859, d. 1859. 28308. Jenette Tomlinson Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1861. 2831 9. Katherine Borroughs Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1862. 2832 10. Charles Grant Carr, b. Feb. 25, 1864. 2833 11. Abby Nickerson Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1865. 2834 12. Caroline Webster Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1870. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 175 VII. Apicart WELD Carr, (1544) born in Lubec, Me., Jan. 6, 1820, married Salathiel Clarendon Nickerson, in Rockland, Me., May 20, 1839. He was born in Belfast, Me., Oct. 19, 1815, and died in the same place, May 12,1888, He was in the lumber trade in Bridgeport, Ct., for anumber of year, and afterwards returned to his native city. She resides in Springfield, Mass. Their children are. 2835 x1. Frances Ellen Nickerson, b. April 17, 1840, 2836 2. Frederick Angus Neckerson, b. March 2, 1845, d. 1848. 28373. Fred Augustus Nickerson, b. June 7, 1849. VII. SoLomon THAYER Carr (1545) born in Lubec, Me., July 22, 1823, married Harriet F. Monroe, in Jackson, Mich., June 18, 1857. She was bornin Aurelius, N. Y., Dec. 7,1881. He died in Tombstone, Arizona, Jan. 25, 1892. He was an active man of business, and at one time was in the iron business in Mich- igan. He was one of the early gold seekers in California, and later held a partnership interest in an orange grove tract of land in Florida. The family reside in Tombstone. Their children are, 2838 x1. Fanny Rose Carr, b. March 15, 1864. 2839 2. Thayer F. Carr, b. April 20, 1870, in Florida. VII. CaroLinE WEBSTER CARR (1548) born in Belfast, Me., May 26, 1828, married William B. Reynolds, in Jackson, Mich., Nov. 1854. She died in Jackson, in 1868, and he died in Nor- vell, Mich., May 21, 1879. Their children are, 2840 x1. Lovisa Jane Reynolds, b. 1855. 2841 2. Adelaide Reynolds, m. Wallday. 2842 3. William Reynolds, d. 2843 4. Caroline Reynolds, m. Godfrey. VII. ADELAIDE WINGATE Carr (1549) born in Belfast, Me., April 11, 1832, married James F. Humphrey, in 1854. Hedied about 1863. She resides in Chicago, Ils., with her son. Their only living child is, 2844 1. Bissell Humphrey, b. 1855. VIL. Jonxy WaxLpo Wates (1551) born in Hallowell, Me., April 27, 1810. He went to Cincinnati, Ohio, married and engaged in the drug business. He had one son who died about 1838. He died April 22, 1838. VIL. CuarLotrE WaALpO WALES (1553) born in Hallowell, Me., 176 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, Aug. 19, 1815, married Frederick Allen, of Hallowell, June 2, 1842, and resided there until his death, March 17, 1858. He was bornin Chilmark, Martha’s Vinyard, Aug. 1811. She resides in Augusta, Me. Their children are, 2846 1. Frederick Waldo Allen, b. Oct. 14, 1848, d. Oct. 5, 1876. 2847 2. William Mayhew Allen, b. Feb. 9, 1845, d. in infancy. 2848 3. Maria Vaughn Allen, b. Feb. 10, 1846, d.in infancy. 2849 4. Thomas Mayhew Allen, b. Sept, 13, 1847, d. March 1850 2850 5. Clara Wales Allen, b Feb. 20, 1850. 2851 6. Henry How Allen, b. July 20, 1856, m. Maud A. Luce. VII. GEorGE Carr (1555) born in Hallowell, Me. He married a daughter of Capt. Joshua Carr, of Hallowell. He followed the sea and was master of a brig belonging to Samuel Grant, of Hallowell. He left New York for Havre, France, with his wife in 1848, and it is supposed his ship was lost as they were never heard from afterwards. There was an old story hand- ed down by this branch of the family that an old bible and two silver goblets marked in a certain manner were wanted over the sea as proof of heirship to a valuable estate. Itis sup- posed that this George Carr had these valuable articles in his possession when lost at sea. VIL. Naruan Bac rey Carr (1561) born in North Haverhill, N.H., July 24, 1827, married Rosetta, second daughter of Da- vid Colburn, of Cabot, Vt., May 29, 1856. She was born in Cab- ot, June 9, 1826. They live in Madison, Wis. Their children are, 2852 x1. Ralph W. E. Carr, b. July 31, 1857. 2853 2. Flora Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1859, d. Dec. 7, 1893. 2854 3. Edwin Gardner Carr, b. May 27, 1861, d. Nov. 5, 1806. 2855 4. Frank A. Carr, b. June 16, 1864. VIL. Francis Bartey Carr (1562) born in North Haverhill, N. H., April 27, 1829, married Helen E. Carr, (1598) Dec. 20, 1850. She died Feb. 6, 1866. Their children are, 2856 1. Arthur Carr, b. April 2, 1853. 2857 x2. Walter V. Carr, b. June 2, 1856. VIL Cuarztes Freperick Carr (1563) born in North Haver- hill, N. H., Jan. 10, 1831, married Kate Melissa Mason, in North Haverhill, Nov. 29, 1855. They reside in Woodsville, N. H. Their children are, 2858 1. Emma Rhoda Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1856, d. April 10, 1875. 2859 2. Mary Mabel Carr, b. July 21, 1839. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, 177 2860 3. Lewis Carr, b. Jan. 14, 1861, d. 7 days old. 2861 4. Elmer Ellsworth Carr, b. July 21, 1863, d. Feb. 16, 1865. 2862 5. Orville Grant Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1866. VII. GgorGe Epwin Carr (1564) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Oct. 7, 1832, married Mary Ann Foster, in Bath, N. H., Feb. 28, 1860. She was born in Bath, Dec. 20, 1837. They re- side in Bath. Their children are, 2863 1. Walter Parson Carr, b. Dec. 13. 1862, d. March 20, 1868. 28642. William Edwin Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1864. 2365 3. Mattie Foster Carr, July 1, 1870. 28356 4. Deat Milo Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1872. VII. SaMuEL EZEKIEL CARR (1569) born in North Haverhill, N.H., Aug. 16, 1846, married Dorothy Ann Rolley. They live in Port Hope, Mich. Their children are, 2867 1. Robert Daniel Carr. 2868 2. Hattie Grace Carr. VIL DantiEL EpMuUND Carr (1570) born in North Haverhill, N. H., May 10, 1848, married Mary Ida Carr, (1586) Oct. 2, 1882. They reside in North Haverhill, and have, 2869 1. Daniel Carr, b. April 10, 1884. VIL Harriet Sawyer Carr (1571) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 21, 1850, married Charles Roswell Crosby, Jan. 28, 1873. She died July 19,1877. They had, 2370 1. Clara Hattie Crosby, b. March 25, 1876, d. June 19, 91. VIL. Mary Ipa Carr (1586) born in North Haverhill, N, H., Oct. 13, 1850, married Daniel Edmund Carr, (1570) Oct. 2, 1882. VIL Georce FarNHA™M (1588) born March 24, 1829, married Arvilla A. Hovey, Sept. 3, 1856. She died about 1868. He next married Elthina C. Barnes, Sept. 9. 1869. His children are, 2371 1. Carrie E. Farnham b. Sept. 27, 1857, d. 1885. 2872 2. Stephen F. Farnham, b. Oct. 4, 1859, d. 1891. 2873 3. William A. Farnham, b. May 13, 1863. children by second wife, 2374 4. Nellie E. Farnham, b. Oct. 25. 1870 d. 1887. 2875 5. Alice M. Farnham, b. Dec. 11, 1872. 2376 6. Myron L. Farnham, b. June 16, 1875. VII. Joun Carr FARNHA®™ (1589) born Nov. 24, 1830, married Laura Howe, Nov. 29, 1865. She died June 15,1866. He next 178 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, married Mary I, Howe, April 26,1868. His children by second wife are, 2877 1. Arthur S. Farnham, b. June 2, 1889, m, Emma J, Gale. 2878 2. Bertha L. Farnham, b. April 21, 1874. 2879 3. Milo G. Farnham, b. Dec. 31, 1877. VIL. Exviza A. Farnuam (1590) born Nov. 11, 1833, married Lyman Buck, June 22, 1853. She died Jan. 2, 1854. VIL. Frank STAFFORD (1592) born June 6, 1827, married Sa- rah Noyes, of Barre, Vt. Their children are, 2880 1. Mary Eliza Stafford, b. May 17, 1852, m. Arthur Wilder 2881 2. Wendell P. Stafford, m. Florence S. Goss. VII. Heten E. Carr (1588) born in Haverhill, N. H., May 5, 1832, married Francis Bailey Carr, (15€2) Dec. 20, 1850. She died Feb. 6, 1866. For children see (1562) VIL. Jane Hrpparp Carr (1599) bern in Haverhill, N. H., April 5, 18386, married John Easton, April 11, 1860, at Half Day, Lake Co., Ils. He died Jan. 16, 1876. She next married Horace A. Hinckley, in Waukegan, IUs., April 19, 1883. Her children by first husband are, 2882 x1. Louis Byron Easton, b. July 22, 1865. 2883 2. Richard John Easton, b. May 16, 1868, d. Sept. 2, 1872. 2? VII. Saran C. Carr (1600) born in Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 20, 1838, married Andréw J. Edgerly, Sept. 22, 1862. He was born Oct. 8, 1828, and died Feb. 26, 1890. She died April 22, 1891. They had only one child, 2884 x1. Julian Campbell Edgerly, b. April 22, 1866. . VIL Byron L. Carr (1602) born in Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 1843. He was in the war of the rebellion and lost afi arm, Af- terwards he studied law, and. is now located in Longmont, Col. He married Mary Pease in 1867. Their children are, : 2885 1. Susan Carr, b. 1868. : 2886 2. Jerome Byron Carr, b. 1881. VIL. Junta ADELAIDE CARR (1605) born Nov. 2, 1838, married Hollis A. Moran, of Derby, Vt., Oct. 8, 1866. Their children are, 2887 1. Mary Adelaide Moran, b. Dec. 17, 1869, d. Sept. 18, 1870 2888 2. .Annic Maria Moran, b. Oct. 14, 1871, d. Sept. 10..1872.. VII. Epmunp Leroy Carr (1606) born Nov. 15, 1847, married Elva M. Rice, of Sutton, Vt., Nov. 13, 1868. He died Nov. 29, 5 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 179 1890. Their children are, 2889 1. Flora A. Carr, b. 1869, d. Jan. 5, 1888. 2880 2. Ira W. Carr, b. Jan. 5, 1871. 2891 3. Harold F. Carr, b. Feb. 6, 1889. VIL. Joun E.’ Carr (1607) born June 11, 1840, married Nancy Mason, Jan. 27, 1859. She died Oct. 15,1877. He next married Delia Belden, April 19, 1882. She died Jan.15, 1891. He died March 9, 1891 His children by first wife are, 2892x1. Lilla A. Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1859. 2893 2. Melvin B. Carr, b. Oct. 20. 1862. VII. Exoara L. Carr (1608) born Feb. 4, 1841, married Charles Cavender, in 1862. They had, 2894 1. Nellie Clara Cavender, b. July, 1863. VU: Marrna L. Carr (1609) born March 1, 1845, married George Wilkinson, Feb. 1, 1872. No children. VIL. Avice W. Carr (1610) born Aug. 5, 1847, married How- ard Richardson, in 1867. He died in 1877. She next married Joseph W. Work, June 3, 1885. She hada child by each hus- band, as follows: 2895 1. Grace H. Richardson, b. 1868, m. Nelson M. Brook,1887 by second husband, 2886 2. Joseph W. Work,’b. Sept. 13, 1889, d. Dec. 31, 1891. 0 VIE. Exxen F. Carr (1611) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Dec. 15, 1849, married M.S. Meader, Dec. 20, 1870. Their child- ren are, 2897 1. Fred M. Meader, b. Jan. 28, 1876. 2898 2. Carl M. Meader, b. Nov. 14, 1890. vu VII. Rosette E. Carr (1612) born in North Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 6, 1853, married G. C. Gale, March 27, 1872. They reside in North Haverhill. No children. VIL. Joux Carr (1617) born in Georgetown, Me., May 31, 1801, married Mary Bean Smith, in Waterborough, Me., July 10, 1827. He died in Lemerick, Me., May 30,1877. Their children are, 2899 1. Ruth Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1828, d. Dec. 18, 1828. 2900 x2. Sabrina Knight Carr, b. April 12, 1830. 29013. Elizabeth Arnold Carr, b. April 19, 1832. 2902 x +. Hiram Smith Carr, b. April 11, 1834. 2903 X5. Susan .\nn Carr, b. April 6, 1836. 180 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 29046. William Remington Carr, b. Dec. 17, 1839. 29057. Sarah Eleanor Carr, b. July 14, 1841. 2906 x 8. Charles Freeman Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1848. 2907 x9. Mary Pierce Carr, b. March 28, 1846. 2908 10. John Franklin Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1848, d. Jan. 1, 1849. 290911. Harriet Ella Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1850. 2910x12. Lucia Sanborn Carr, b. July 13, 1853. 291113. Lillian Effie Carr, b. June 20, 1357. VIL Wiiiiam Carr (1618) born in Georgetown, Me., Jan. 29, 1808, and died in Sept. 1888. He married and had, 2912 1. John Carr, lives in Bath, Me. VIL. Daniet Carr (1619) born in Newbury, Mass., March 25, 1805, married Patience Flood, Oct. 28,1825. He died Jan. 28, 1853. Their children are, 29131. Harriet Carr, b. 2914 2. Mary Ann Carr. 2915 3. Daniel Carr. 2916 4. Harriet Carr. 2917 5. Elizabeth Carr. 2918 6. John William Carr, b. July 19, 1841. 2919 7. Emily Carr... 2920 8. George Henry Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1850. 2921 9. Albert Carr. _ VIL. Susanna Hurtcuincs Carr (1620) born in Newbury, Mass. Dec. 3, 1807, married Stephen Isley, in Newbury, Jan. 16, 1833, He was born in Newbury, April 16, 1810, and died March 21, 1851. She died May 23, 1855. Their children are, 29221. Lucy Isley, b. Sept. 18, 1834. 2923 2. Susan Lsley, b. Jan. 24, 1833, d. aged six weeks. 2924 3. Stephen Isley, b. June 4, 1837. 2925 4. Mary Jane Ilsley, b. Dec. 7, 1838, d. Sept. 4. 1847. te 2926 5.\ James Henry Hsley, b. Nov. 5, 1844. 2927 6. | Lydia Giddings Isley,” - d. April 27. 1893. VII. Mary Ann Carr (1621) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 4, 1809, married Cornelius Short. She died June 6, 1835, leav- ing one son who died in early manhood. VII. Hannan P. Carr (1623) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 3,1813, married James York, and lived in Haverhill, Mass. No children. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 181 VIT. SaraH BurBANK CARR (1629) born in Winthrop, Me., June 19 1826, married Henry Woodward, in Winthrop, Feb. 20, 1851. Hewas born in Winthrop, Jan. 27, 1827, and has been a deacon in a church in Winthrop a number of years. She died March 20, 1886. Their children are, 2929xX1. Mary F. Woodward, b. April 9, 1852. 2930 2. Helen Carr Woodward, b. May 5, 1854, d. May 5, 1862. 2931 3. George Henry Woodward. b. Nov. 20, 1856, d. Sept. ’58 2932 4. Daniel Carr Woodward, b. April 14, 1860, lives Detroit 29335. Annie M. Woodward, b. June 3, 1866. VIL. Hetex Axx Carr (1631) born in Winthrop, Me., Feb. 3, 1833, married Benjamin Smith, Feb. 20, 1851. He was born in Litchfield Co.. Me., July 6, 1824. After his death, she married Jeremiah T. Flint, of Boston, Mass., Sept. 10, 1860, and resided in Boston and Chelsea until his death, Jan. 26, 1883. She now resides at the old homestead in Winthrop. No children. VIL CarotinE Marcetta Carr (1633) born in Newbury, Mass., March 3, 1844, married Henry L. Kingsley, and resides in .Amesbury, Mass. VIL. Coartes Heyry Carr (1634) born in Newbury, Mass., -\pril 6, 1848, married Elizabeth Rand. VI. Jous J. Currier (1635) born in Newburyport, Mass., Oct. 22, 1834, married Susan Maria Page, in Newburyport, June 30, 1868. She was born inthe same place, July 15, 1835. They reside in Newburyport. No children. VIL. Samvet Carr (1637) born in Virginia about 1760, mar- ried and had, 2934 1. William Carr, was mayor of the city of Roanoke, Va. VIL. Prerer Carr (1638) born in Louisa Co., Va., married Miss Hollins. It was theught by his family and friends that he was the ablest of Dabney Carr’s three sons, but he never centered public life, being too proud to solicit votes. He lived a life of lordly ease and elegance on his beautiful estate, “Carr's Brook,” adjoining his brother Samuel's estate, “Dun- lora.” He died in Baltimore, Md., leaving three children. 2935 x1. Dabney Carr. 2936 x2. Nelly Carr, 2937 3. Jane Margaret Carr, m. Wilson MI. Cary. 182 CARR FAMILY ,RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. VIL. Con. SamMueL Carr (1639) born in Louisa Co., Va., mar- ried his cousin, Nelly Carr, (1644) and lived at “Dunlora.” He had three children by his first wife Nelly, and after her death, he married Maria Dabney, of Albermarle Co., and had three more children. They were, 2938%1. John Addison Carr. 2939 x2. Dabney Overton Carr. 2940x3.. James Lawrence Carr. children by second wife, 2941 x4. George Watson Carr. 2942 5. Marcie Jefferson Carr, m. M. J. C. Swayger. 2943 x6. Sally Watson Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1826. VII. Dasngy Carr (1640) born in Louisa Co., Va. married Betsey Carr, (1645) a daughter of his uncle John. He was late judge of the superior court of appeals of Virginia. They had, 2044 1. son, d. in infancy. 2945 2. Jane Carr, m, Rev. Payton Harrison, Baltimore, Md. 2946 3. Nancy Carr, m. Holmes Conrad, Martinsburgh, Va. VII. Vireinra Carr (1641) born in Louisa Co., Va., married Samuel Texcell. They had, 2947 1. Virginia Texcell, m. Dr. Frank Carr, (1646) VIL. Dr. Frank Carr (1646) born about 1776, at “Bear Cas- tle,” Louisa Co,, Va., married Virginia Taxcell, (2947) by whom he had one son. He next married Maria Morris, daughter of the late Col. Richard Mcrris, of Green Springs, Louisa Co., Va. Col. Morris was a man of great wealth and intelligence, and when Thomas Jefferson was president, he was urged to accept the bureau of the treasury in his cabinet, but he refused the honor. The children of Dr. Carr are, 2948 1. Peter Carr, m. Lydia L. Lewis. No children. son by second wife, 2649 x2. Frank E. G. Carr, b. March 19, 1824. VIL Mary Winston Carr (1647) born at “Bear Castle,” Loui- sa Co., Va., about 1778, married Achilles Broadhead, of Alber- marle Co., Va. They had, 2950 x1. J. O. Broadhead. 29512. Garland Carr Broadhead. VIT. Water Carr (1648) born Fredericksburgh, Va., Nov. 1, 1753, married Elizabeth Childs, in Fluvanna Co., Va., Nov. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 183 20, 1771. She was born in Spottsylvania Co., Va., Nov. 7, 1755. He died in Lexington, Ky., Dec. 5, 1838, and his wife died in the same place, June 7, 1847. Their children were, 2952. 1. Susan Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1772, m. Ira Metcalf, 1797. 2953 x 2. Charles Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1774. 2954 3. Phebe Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1777,m. Nathaniel Ferguson. 2955 4. Thomas Carr, b. March 4, 1779, m, Patty Young. 2956 5. Nancy Carr. b. July 12, 1781, m. Richard Young. 29576. William Chiles Carr, b. April 15, 1783. 2958 7. Virginia Carr, b. April 27, 1785, m. Elisha S. Winter. 2959 8. Dabney Carr, b. March 17, 1787, d. Aug. 7, 1822, unm. 2960 9. Walter Chiles Carr, b. April 4, 1789, d. unm. 2961 10. Elizabeth Carr, b. April 5, 1791, m. Thos. F. Reddick. 2962 11. Hulda Carr, b. March 1, 1793, m. Wm. C. Bell, 1814. VIL. Jon Carr (1652) born in Virginia, Feb. 27, 1782, mar- ried Elizabeth Horsley, Sept. 25, 1805. He died in Wilson Co., Tenn., in 1866. She died in the same place, Oct. 16, 1826. Their children were, 2963 1. Dabney Carr, b. June 17, 1808, d. 1864, unm. 29642. Martha Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1810. 2965 x3. Thomas Horsley Carr, b. April 10, 1813. 2966 x4. Talbott Carr, b, Aug. 1815. 2967 5. Sarah Carr, b. March 26, 1818, m. Johnson, 2d Davis. 2968 x 6. Nancy Carr, b. May 6, 1§21. : 2969 7. Mary Carr, b. April 25, 1825,m. Mathew Breedlove. by second wife Mary Riddle, 29708. John Carr. VIL Dr. RicHarpDson Carr (1655) born in Virginia, May 10, 1789. He was a Thompsonian doctor and was very successful in his practice. He married Mildred Sawyer, in Wilson Co., Tenn., Sept. 7, 1809. She was born in 1789, and died June 22, 1836, in Tenn. He died in the same place, Aug. 14, 1839. Their children were, 29711. Wilson Madison Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1811. 29722. Margaret Sawyer Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1814. 2973 x3. Allen Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1816. 29744. Thomas Sanders Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1818. 2975 x5. John Sawyer Carr, b. Dec. 11, 1820. 2976 x6. Sarah Spencer Carr, b. May 24, 1823. 2977 7. Laura Carr, b. May 8, 1826, d. one year old. 184 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 2978 8. Martha Carr, b. Jan. 6, 1828, m. James Ferguson. 2979 9. Betsey Carr, m. Renshaw. 2980 10. Eliza Carr, m. Thomas Austin. VIL. Meexrins Carr (1661) born in Virginia and settled in Dickson Co., Tenn. He died in his 87th year. VII. WALTER Carr (1662) born in Virginia. He settled in Tennessee below Memphis. VII. Dasney Carr (1663) born in Virginia, settled in Tennes- see, and then went to California. VIL. Joun B. Carr 1664) born in Virginia, in 1789, and em: igrated with his brother Meekins to Dickson Co., Tenn., where he died in 1851. He had, 2981 «1. William Hammer Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1822. VII. Conrap Carr (1672) born in Virginia in 1783, married Margaret Phillips, in St. Clair Co., Ills. He died in 1855. His wife died in Jackson Co., Ills. Their children were, 2982 x1. Joseph Carr, b. 1806. 2983 2. Gideon Carr. 2984 3. John Carr. 2985 4. David Carr. 5986 5. Benjamin Carr. 2987 6. Jacob Carr. 2988 7. Isaac Carr. 2989 8. Mary Carr. 2990 9. Sophia Carr. VIL. Henry Carr (1674) born in Virginia, June 7, 1788, mar- ried Mary Arnett, in St. Clair Co., Ils.. where he died March 28,1868. Their children were, 2991 1. Nancy Carr, m. George McMusty. 2992 x2. George W. Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1814. 2993 3. Joseph Carr, d.in infancy. 29944. Miranda Carr. 2995 x5. Catherine Carr. 2996 x6. Nathan Pleming Carr, b. 1821. 2997 7. Isabell Carr. m. Job Jackson, sons live in Missouri. 2938 8. Ahab Carr, d. in a steamboat explosion in 1838 or 9. 2999 9. Conrad Carr, m. McCulley. 3000 x 10. Edward Carr. 3001 11. William Carr, m. Smith, two sons live in Texas. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 185 3002 12. Mary Carr, d. in infancy. 3003 13. James Carr, lives in Franklin Co., Ills. VII. Jonas Jouynsoyn Carr (1676) born in Edgecombe Co., N. C., March 15, 1805, married Elizabeth Hillard, of Nash Co.,N. C., 1832. She died in 1840, and he died in 1844. Their children are, 30041. Mary Carr, b. 1833. 3005 x2. William Carr, b. 1835. 3006 x 3. Elias Carr, b. Feb. 25, 1839. VIL Cort. MatHew LAwreNcE Carr (1677) born in Green Co., N. C., Jan. 4, 1812. He was elected to the legislature of North Carolina in 1856. He died at the old homestead in Pitt Co., N. C., Oct. 14, 1889. His children are, 30071. Robert A. L. Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1835. 3038 x2. Titus William Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1841. UV VIL Daxter Carr (1678) born in Chester, N. H., Oct. 12, 1787, married and had a family. He diedin 1877. They had, 3009 x 1. Parker Carr, b. June 10, 1809. 30102. Joseph Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1819. Y VIL. Hazes Carr (1682) born in Grantham, N. H., June 21, 1801, married and had a family. He died in Oxford, N. H., April 24. 1884. His children are, 3011 1. Jesse Carr. 3012 2. Charles Carr. 30133. Hazen Eugene Carr, b. Oct. 11, 1836. PONEET, JESSE Carr (1684) born in Grantham, N. H., in 1812. He had, 20141. Jesse Kimball Carr, b. June 26, 1847. “VIL Bexyamix PaGe Carr (1688) born in Cabot, Vt., Oct. 26, 1807, married Asenath Bedell, in Peru, N. Y., in 1831. She was born in Plattsburgh, N. Y., in 1810. They settled in East Con- cord, Vt. Their children are, 3015. 1. Allen Carr, b. March 16, 1832, in Peru, N. Y. 3016 2. Fanny A. Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1835, d. March 14, 1840. 3017 3. Mary E. Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1837, d. Aug. 16, 1865. 3018 +4. Charles H. Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1839, d. Dec. 1, 1863. 3019 5. Arnold Carr, b. May 12, 1840. 3020 6. William B. Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1841. 3021 7. Alonzo P. Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1844, d. Seneca Locks, Md. 186 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 3022 x8. George Albert Carr, b. May 7, 1847. 3028 x9. Warren H. Carr, b. March 10, 1850, 3024 10. Luvira A. Carr, b. Dec. 1, 1851. VIL Witrram Carr (1695) born in Cabot, Vt., Dec. 20, 1828, married and had a family of children. He died in La Porte, Ind., Dec. 6, 1864. Their children are, 3025 1. Julia E. Carr, b. Feb. 8, 1856. 3026 2. Edwin M. Carr, b. April 16, 1862, is a R. R. engineer. VIL. Saran Marita Carr (1696) born in Newport, N. H., Nov. 17, 1812, married George W. Howe, April 30, 1835. He was born in Newport, June 22,1812. Their children, all born in Newport, are, 30271. Daniel W. Howe, b. Oct. 20, 1837. 3028 x2. Harriet A. Howe, b. Sept. 28, 1841. 3029 3. Flora M. Howe, b. Aug. 31, 1843. 30304. Marcia E. Howe, b. Jan. 23, 1847. 3031 x5. George A. Howe, b. Nov. 14, 1850. 30382 x6. Etta A. Howe, b. Feb. 8, 1854. VIL. Urtan Witcox Carr (1697) born in Newport, N. H., Oct. 30, 1814, married Lucretia T. Russell. She was born in Charles- town, Mass., July 25, 1819. He was ahotel-keeper in Boston, and died there, June 24, 1887. Their children are, 3033 x1. William Russell Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1845. 3034 2. Charles Atherton Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1858, d. Aug. 3, 1855 VIL. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CARR (1699) born in Newport, N.H., Sept. 16, 1822, married Alice Bascom, Aug. 22, 1859. She was born Sept. 29, 1837, They reside in Newport. Their children are, 3035 1. Fred Porter Carr, b. Jane 15, 1861. 30386 2. Alice Maud Carr, b. Oct, 18, 1863. 3037 3. Marcia Millen Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1870. V WII. Frepertck CARR (1700) born in Newport, N. H., April ‘14, 1825, married Mary Whiting, Aug. 7, 1861. She was born in Greenbush, N. Y., May 21, 1834, and died May 28, 1876. He next married Frances Pettet, Nov. 8, 1877. She was born in Gal- way, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1840. He lives in Greenbush and carries on a steam cracker and biscuit manufactory. He has been a S. S. superintendent for a great many years. His children by first wile are, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 187 3038 1. George Whiting Carr, b. Nov, 16, 1864, in DeSoto, Wis. 3039 2. Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1867. ®@ WIL Frasces ForsarrH Carr (1702) born in Newport, N. H., Feb. 6, 1832, married Rufus Peter Claggett. He was born June 20, 1830. They had, 3040 1. Fred Potter Claggett, born June 18, 1869. VII. Fraycts Carr (1703) born in Newport, N. H., Feb. 2, 1811, married Clarissa Butterfield. Their children are, 3041 1. Jane Carr, b. July 7, 1848, m. John Marshall. 3042 2..Charlotte Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1850. ° VII. Berssy Carr (1704) born in Newport, N. H., May 26, 1812, married Benjamin M. Durham. She died May 1, 1845. Their children are, 30438 1. Charles P. Durham, b. Feb. 17, 1839. 3044 2. George F. Durham. 3045 3. William H. Durham. 3346 4.) David Durham. 3047 (5. | Elvira Durham. 7 VIL. Wiirram Carr (1705) born in Newport, N. H., March 20, 1814, married Marcia Chandler. He died July 26, 1848. 7 VIL Daxter L. Carr (1706) born in Newport, N. H., July 12, 1816, married Hurd. Their children are, 3048 1. David H. Carr. b. April 22, 1856. 3049 2. Mary E. Carr, b. May 6, 1859. 7 VIL. Saran S, Carr (1707) born in Newport, N. H., June 6, 1818, married Lyman M. Fletcher, Nov. 22, 1844. He was born March 26, 1819. She died Sept. 4, 1857. Their children are, 3050 1. Ann Fletcher, b. Jan. 14, 1850,m. Allen Marshall. 3051 2. Alice Fletcher, b. Feb. 25, 1852, m. S.C. Ayer, 1 child. VIL Ecmrrea Carr (1703) born in Newport, N. H., Oct. 18, 1820, married Frederick Aiken, Jan. 31, 1856. He was born Dec. 28, 1798, and died Dec. 1, 1875. She died Aug. 11, 1888. Their children are, : 3052. 1. Addie Aiken, b. Nov. 15, 1857, d. Nov. 30, 1875. 3053 2. Frederick N. Aiken, b. Feb. 17, 1862. VIL. Ovrs F. Carr (1711) born in Newport, N. H., Feb. 10, 1823, married Ann E. Wheeler. They had, 3054 1. Archie Carr. 188 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 3055 2. Annie Carr. VIL Saran R. Carr (1712) born in Newport, N. H., Sept. 30, 1824, married Frank Bartlett. Their children are, 3056 1. Ina Bartlett. 3057 2. Bertie Bartlett. 3058 3. Eddie Bartlett. VIL Ontve ANN Carr (1714) bornin Newport, N. H., Sept. 1827, married Blanchard Kimball in 1874. He was born in Rumford, Me., in 1826. They reside in Dixfield, Me. VIL. Lyman Carr (1715) born in Newport, N. H., Jan. 19, 1832, married Emania W. Hill, of South Paris, Me., April 30, 1862. She was born Oct. 21,1841. He is a jeweler in Man- chester, N. H. They have, 3059 1. Herbert A. Carr, b. May 15, 1868. VIL. Hiat Carr (1716) open in Newport, N. H., Feb. 4, 1834, married Henrietta Thurbur, They have, 3060 1. Ida Carr. VIT. Mary F. Carr (1717) born in Newport, N. H., Aug. 21, 1837, married George E. Sanborn. They had, 3061 1. Lillie Sanborn. VII. Bersgy Carr (1718) born in Livingston Co., N. Y., May 12, 1817, married Elihu Haines in 1883. Their children are, 3062 1. Sarah J. Haines, b. April 30, 1835, m. Joseph Briggs. 3063 2. Lucinda Haines, b. Feb. 4, 1839, m. Jerome Patterson. 3064 3. Eliza.J. Haines, b. Feb. 24, 1841, m. Hiram Briggs. 3065 4. Clarissa Haines, b. July 2, 1843, m. Nehemiah Kirk. 3066 5. William J. Haines, b. Oct. 24, 1844,m. Clarissa Bachelor 3067 6. Horace E. Haines, b. March 17, 1846, m. Mary Jarmer. 3058 7. Henry S. Haines, b. Feb. 4, 1848, m. Torrella Harper. Rev. James Bowen Carr (1719) born at Allen’s Hill, Outa- rio Co., N. Y., Aug. 31, 1819, married Lucinda Hormarly, in Constantine, Mich., Jan. 22, 1845. She was born in Lewisburg, Ohio, Juue 9, 1827. He has been an ordained minister of the gospel about 40.years, and traveled as a missionary in the state of Iowa for a vumber of years. Their children are, 3039 1. Sarah Eleanor Carr, b. fan, 1, 1846, d. Jan. 22, 1846. 3070 2. Frances Augusta Carr, b. June 11, 1848, m. in 1870. 2071 3. Homer Alonzo Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1851, lives Newburn,la 3072 4. Mary Alice Carr, b. Nev. 22. 1§53, m. in 1872. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. 189 3073 5. William Henry Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1858, lives Mitchell, Ia 3074 6. Martha Ann Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1861, ms a \ 7 VIL Wripttam Carr (1721) born in Livingston Co., N. Y., May 5, 1823, married Susan Babcock, iu Lockport, Mich., March 5, 1850. She was born in Petersham, Mass., Dec. 31, 1880. He died in Feb. 1879. She resides in Maxwell, Iowa. Their child- ren are, 3075 x 1. Wyatt Carr, b. July 18, 1861. 3076 2. Orlando Marion Carr, b. May 18, 1855, d. Feb. 15, 1864. 30773. Clara W. Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1867. ¥ VII. ANDREW JACKSON Carr (1723) born in Livingston Co., N. Y., March 2, 1831, married Helen A. Huntley, in Constan- tine, Mich., Dec. 31, 1854. She was born in Onondaga Co., N.Y., Oct. 25, 1887. He died Feb. 14, 1874. She lives in Walnut, Bureau Co., Ills. Their children are, 3078 x1. Clarence D. Carr, b. March 31, 1856. 3079 x2. Clara Amelia Carr, b. March 13, 1858. 30803, William H. Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1861. 3081 x4. Ida Luella Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1865. 3082 x5. Charles Newell Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1870, d. March 16, 1872 VII. Horace C. Carr (1725) born in Springport, N. Y., Aug. 27. 1819, married Ann Tobias. He died in Wisconsin. She lives in Oshkosh, Wis. They had several children. VII. Leonarp H. CARR (1726) born in Springport, N. Y., June 9, 1822, married Lucy Ann Angel. They have two child- ren. VIL Danren W. Carr (1728) born in Springport, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1828, married twice and had four children. He lives in Osh- kosh, Wis. VIL Lunas D. Carr (1729) born in Springport, N. Y., mar- ried twice and had three children. He resides in Canoga, N. Y. VII. Sinan Carr (1782) born at Union Springs, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1814, married T. L. P. De Frees, in Goshen, Ind., Feb. 15, 1837. He was born in Virginia, Sept. 15, 1812, and died in Pi- qua, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1879. He was in the war of the rebellion, and won the rank of colonel. She is living at St. Marys, Ohio. They hal no children of their own but adopted a boy and a girl, 190 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-SEVENTH GENERATION. VIL Exurzaseri Carr (1733) born at Union Springs, N. Y., June 27, 1817, married Daniel Fetters, in Goshen, Ind., Oct. 24, 1842. Their children are, 30911. Chauncey Fetters, b. Oct. 21, 1843. 3092 x 2. Edwin Fetters, b. May 18, 1853. 3098 X83. Josephine Fetters, b. June 17, 18F8. VIL. MarcGaret Exviza Carr (1734) born at Union Springs, N. Y., May 16, 1819, married John L. Meredith, in Goshen, Ind., Aug. 18, 1848. He was a dry goods merchant fora number of years, and was cashier of the first national bank of Troy, Ohic. No children. VIL James Henry Carr (1735) born at Union Springs, N.Y., May 8, 1821, married Rachel Carmany, in Constantine, Mich., Jan. 22, 1845. She died June 24, 1858. He next married Eliz- beth Gibson, June 30, 1859. Their children are, 3094 x1. Marie Antonette Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1846. 3095 x2. Henrietta Augusta Carr, b. Dec. 28, 1847. 3096 x3. Lewis Preston De Frees Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1850. 3097 x4. Franklin Pierce Carr, b Aug. 12, 1852. 38088 5. Sat. Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1854, d. March 30, 1855. children by second wife, 3099 x6. Mary Jane Carr, b. July 22, 1862. 31007. Fanny Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1866. ° 3101 8. Alice Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1871. 3102. 9. Munie Carr, b. Jan. 7, 1873. 3103 10. Otto Carr, b. May 22, 1875. VII. Nicnotas Lake Carr (1787) born at Union Springs, N. Y.. June 4, 1825, married Sat. P. Ervin, in Lafayette, Ind., Jan. 19, 1851. He was in the dry goods trade in Lafayette and Decatur, Ils. He died in Decatur, Feb. 20, 1863. His family reside in South Euglewood, ls. Their children are, 31041. Daniel Mace Carr, b. Jan. 7, 1852. 31052. Preston De Frees Carr, b. March 15, 1854. 3106 3. Sarah Wilson Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1856. 3107 x4. Mary Sibley Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1859. VIL Hannan Carr (1738) born at Union Springs, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1829, married Peter Smith, in Goshen, Ind., Aug. 6, 1847, Their children are, g 3108 1. Sarah BE. Smith, b. May 19, 1848. 3109 2. Alexander Smith, b. Oct. 9, 1849. ; CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 191 3110 3. Jane Smith, b. Oct. 7, 1850. 3111 4. Ernest Smith, b. Oct. 19, 1853. 3112 5. James Henry Smith, b. June 24, 1855. 3113 6. Peter Smith, b. Jan. 11, 1858. 3114 7. Schuyler Colfax Smith, b. July 23, 1860. 3115 8. Albert Williams Smith, b. Oct. 3, 1862. 3116 9. Charles Smith, b. March 28, 1864. 3117 10. Dallas Smith, b. June 5, 1866. VIL. Synvira Carr (1739) born at Union Springs, N. Y., March 26, 1831, married Jacob Deviney, in Goshen, Ind., May 2/), 1848. Their children are, 3118x1. Mary: Deviney, b. Aug. 10, 1852. 31192. James Deviney, b. Feb. 7, 1855. 3120 3. Henry Deviney, merchant tailor, Waukesha, Wis. 3121 4. William Deviney, R. R. conductor, Cairo, Ills. 31225. Emma Deviney, b. Dec. 25, 1864. VIL Wiirram A. Carr (1741) born in Nottawa, Mich., Sept. 15, 1834, married Rebecca Jane Berlin, in Decatur, Ills., Feb. 2, 1858. He was. painter by trade, and when the war broke out he went into the army. After the close of the war he was a railroad conductor for a number of years. He resides in Piqua, Ohio, Their children are, 3123 1. Viola Carr, b. Aug. 12, 1859, 3124 2. Anna Lake Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1861. VIL Danret A. Carr (1742)born in Goshen, Ind., Jan. 17, 1837, married Mary Johnson, in Plymouth, Ind., Oct. 2, 1874. They reside in Monterey, Ind. Their children are, 3125 1. Mertie Ellen Carr, b. July 31, 1875. 3125. 2. Emma Jane Carr, b.*Oct. 21, 1877. 3127 3. William B. Carr, b. Jan. 30, 1879. 3128 4, Franklin E. Carr, b. March 8, 1884. 312) 5. Daniel Ray Carr, b. March 26, 1886. JANE Carr (1743) born in Goshen, Ind., June 17, 1840, mar- rie | Levi Ellis, Jan. 17, 1858. Their children are, 3130 1. Emma Jane Ellis b. June 4, 1860. 313{f 2 Lama Ellis, b. May 6, 1862. Mary Jane Carr (1745) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Feb. 17, 1822, married Benjamin R. Yard. She has been a widow since 1866. Their children are, 192 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION, 3182 1. Benjamin J. Yard, m. 2 childred, lives Auburn, N. Y. 3183 2. Sarah D. Yard,m. Alden S. Dean, Auburn, N. Y. 31384 3. Mary Yard, m. Frank Young, Toledo, Ohio, 3 children, VII. Joun Carr (1746) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 9, 1823, married Laura Smith. He died leaving two children, 3135 1. Frank M. Carr, lives in Milwaukee, Wis. 3136 2. An infant. VIL ASHBEL WINGAR Carr (1748) born at Springport, N. Y,, Aug. 1, 1826, married Abby S. Slocum, in Scipio, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1856. She was born at Fishkill, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1826. They reside at Union Springs, N. Y. He has held the office of jus- tice of the peace fora number of years. No children. VU. Wittram H. Carr (1749) born at Springport, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1828, married Amanda Kirby. He died Jan. 1, 1854. No children. VII. Jonataan Carr (1750) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Dec. 19, 1829, married Maria Jane Anderson, of Piqua, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1865. They reside at Springport, N.Y. Their children are, 3187 1. Nellie Hawes Carr. b. Dec. 2, 1866, 1. Ann Arbor,Mich. 3138 2. Harry Benson Carr, b. March 21, 1869, 1. Seneca Falls. VII. Bersey Carr (1751) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., July 25, 1832, married Austin K. Whittlesey. They reside at Union Springs, N.Y. Their children are, 3139 1. Died in infancy. 3140 2. William Wirt Whittlesey, lives in Rochester, N. Y. 3141 3. Margaret Whittlesey, m. and lives in Brazil, S. Am. 3142 4. John Whittlesey, lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Desorau Carr (1752) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Sept. 8, 1833, married Esek Wingar Hoff. They live at Union Springs, N.Y. Their children are. 3143 ‘1. Edwin Stanton Hoff, drowned Feb. 19, 1891. 3144 2. Charles Carr Hoff, lives in Denver, Col. 3145 3. Florence F. Hoff. 3146 4. Bessie Whittlesey Hoff. VU. Bria Carr (1753) born in Cayuga Co, N. Y., July 15, 1837, married George M. Hawes. He keeps the Arlington ho- tel, in Ann Arbor, Mich. They have, 3147 1. Clark C. Hawes. 3148 2. Georgia Bell Hawes. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 193 Henry Cray Carr (1754) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., March 1, 1839, married Georgie Anna Simmons. They live in Spring- port, N. Y. They have, 3149 1. Clinton Simmons Carr, law student, Syracuse, N. Y 3150 2. Lewis Smith Carr. . 3151 3. Hartman Carr. 3152 4. Sidney L. Carr. 3153. 5. William W. Carr. VIL. GLrortan Cook Carr (1756) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Jan. 24, 1842, married Albert Stoddard. They reside in Man- lius, N. Y. They have, : 3154 1. Bert B. Stoddard. VIL Hartman H. Carr (1757) born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Dec. 24, 1844, married Lucy Bristol Hogline. ” They live in Au- burn, N. Y. They have, 3155 1. Maro W. Carr. VIL. Cuartes Horace Carr (1758) born in Cayuga Co.,N.Y., May 14, 1846, married Addie Backman. They live on the old homestead near Union Springs, N. Y. They have, 3156 1. Ann Carr. 3157 2. Susan T. Carr. 3158 3. Bert Carr. VII. James CARR (1766) horn in Nore Danville, Vt., mar- ried and had, - reel, ci 3159 1: Marion Carr. ~ Warten 3160 2. Joseph Carr. Tus par Po pe PR lau elrer Ca Y VIL. Joun STANTON CARR (1768) born in North Danville. Vt, July 5, 1821, married Maria L. Merrill, in Rumney, N.H., Aug. 26, 1847. She was born Jan. 15,1824, and died in Springfield, Mass., March/17, 1870. Their children are, 3161 1 Florence M. Carr, b. Oct. 13, 1848, d. July 29, 1850. 3162 x 2;,Lewis Franklin Carr, b. June 25, 1850. , 31633. Florence Eloise Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1851. 31644. Harriet Merrill Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1853. “ VIL Situ Carr (1769) born i in North Danville, Vt. May 21, 1815, married and had, 31651. Cora Carr. Vv VIL Samvrt D. Cages (1773) born in North Danville, Vt., 194 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. married and had children. He died in Bae) Ills. Their child- ren afe, 3166 1. Reuben Wilcox Carr, b. Feb. 5, 1844. 3167 2. Mary E. Carr. 3168 3. William E. Carr. VIL. Crarissa Carr (1776) born in North Danville, Vt., mar- ried Hurd. She died and left one child, 3169 1. Clara Hurd. VII. Merritt PIttspury Carr (1779) born in North Dan- ville, Vt., April 20, 1830, married and hada family of five child- ren. He died in Fenton, [ls., Sept. 23, 1861. Their children are, 31701. James W. Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1852. 31712. Robert M. Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1854. 31723. Charles W. Carr, b. March 6, 1856. 3173 x4. Clara E. Carr, b April 5, 1858. 3174 5. Lauren D. Carr. b. Jan. 29, 18€0. VIL. Wititiam Carr (1781) born in Easton, Mass., April 20, 1793, married Anna Bryant, of Bridgewater, Mass. They lived in Stoughton, Mass., where he died Sept. 3, 1880, and was nee ried in Easton. Their children are, 31751. Anna Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1823. 31762. William French Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1825. 31773. Francis Carr, b. May 6, 1827. 31784. Sanford Benton Carr, b. March 14, 1830. 3179 5. Sybil B. Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1831. 31806. Lysander Carr, b. July 10, 1836. VIL Azet Carr (1782) born in Stoughton, Mass., Oct. 26, 1799, married Sally Willis, of Easton, Mass. He died July 17, 1848. They had, 3181 x1. George Bradford Carr, b. 1882. VIL Simson Carr (1788) born in Stoughton, Mass., Feb. 1 1801, married Anna Reynolds, of North Bridgewater, Mass. Their children are, 31821. Elizabeth Ann Carr, hb. June 19, 1828. 31832. Simeon Dexter Carr, b. Dec. 31, 1832. 21843. Rufus Benton Carr, b. May 10, 1841, VIL AupHeus Carr (1784) born in Stoughton, Mass., Aug. 23, 1805, married Eliza Bird of Isaac and Zilpha Bird, of Stoughton, Nov. 30, 1826. She was born Dec. 6, 1805, and died CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 195 Jan. 2,1878. He died March 15, 1882. Their children are, 3185 x1, Charles Carr, b. May 18, 1828. 3186 2. Azel Carr, b. March 17, 1830, d. May 30, 1850. 31873. Zilpha Jane Carr, b. Oct. 1 1837. . 3188x4. Mary Carr, b. March 18, 1840. RuHopa Carr (1785) born in Stoughton, Mass., Feb. 22, 1808, married Joel Packard, of North Bridgewater, Mass. She died Oct. 14, 1862. Their children are, 318) 1. Mary Allen Packard, b. April 3, 1828, d. April 3, 1828. 3190 2. Horace C. Packard, b. Sept. 26, 1838, Sept. 26, 1838. VIL. Nancy Carr (1787) bornin Stoughton, Mass., Feb. 13, 1819, married Edward Bartlett Bird, of Stoughton. Their children are, 3191x1. George Ellis Bird, b. Feb. 24, 1837. 3192 2. Martha Ellen Bird, b. Aug. 10, 1840. 31933. Warren Palmer, Bird, b. Oct. 8, 1843. 3194x4. Mary Etta Bird, b. Aug. 3, 1847. 31955. Nancy Elizabeth Bird, b. Dec. 14, 1849. VV. Joux Carr (1788) born in South Carolina, Sept. 5, 1773, married Sally Gage in Sumner Co., Tenn., Nov. 22,1791. She was born in Sumner Co., June 29,1774, and died about 1840. He died Dec. 31, 1858. Their children were, 3196 1. Elizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 3I, 1792. 3197 2. Priscilla Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1793. 3198 3. Anna Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1795. 3199 +4. William C. Carr, b. June 17, 1797. 3200 5. James C. Carr, b. April 27, 1799. 3201 6. John 8. Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1800. 3202 7. Oren P. Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1802. 3203 8. Wilson L. Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1803. 3204 9. Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1805, d. in infancy. 3205 10. Arish L. Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1807. 3206 11. Brice M. Carr, b. April 10, 1810. 3207 12. Patsey Carr, b. March 24, 1812. 3208 x13. Jesse D. Carr, b. June 10, 1814. ? 32C9 14. Sarah W. Carr. b. Feb. 24, 1818. VIL. Jesse Carr (170) born in Goffstown, N. H., Dec. 11, 1776, married, 1st Polly Ayer, of Francestown, N. H., and 2nd., Fanny C. Twist, Dec., 1833. He died in Lowell, Mass., April 15, 1859. 196 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. VIL. Robert Carr (1791) born in Antrim, N. H., July 11, 1779, married Annie Stuart. He died in 1838. Their children were, 3210 1. James Carr, b. Nov. 3, 1803, d. in infancy. 32112. Susan Carr, b. March 9, 1811. 32123. Oren Carr, b. Aug. 1, 1815. VII. Samvet Carr (1792) born in Antrim, N. H., Feb. 13, 1782, married Polly B. Reed, of Litchfield, N. H. He died in 1837, and his wife died Nov. 9, 1853, aged 63 years. Their child- red were, 3213 1. Lydia M. Carr, m. Robert Day, Dec. 4, 18382. 3214 2. Eliza M. Carr, d, in infancy. 3215 3. Louisa Carr, d. aged 19 years. 82164. Alonzo G. Carr. 32175. Francis Carr. VII. James Carr (1794) born in Antrim, N. H., Sept. 28, 1786, married Hannah Carr, Feb. 14, 1811. They moved to Bur- lington, Vt., in 1839, and he died there in 1867. J VIL Tsomas Carr (1795) born in Antrim, N. H., April 12, 1789, married Lucy M. Sawyer, April 11, 1815. He died in 1845. Their children are, 32181. Susanah Carr, b. Dec. 26, 1816. 3219 2. Alice Carr. b. 1818, m. Alvah Dodge, d. Sept. 20, 1855. 3220 3. James M. Carr,'d. in infancy. 3221 4. Lucinda S. Carr, b. 1822, m. Samuel G. Dodge, 1843. 32225. William Reed Carr, b. March 1, 1825. 3223 6. Thomas M. Carr, d. 1854. in Manchester, N. H. 3224 7. Sarah M. Carr, b. 1838. She was an invalid, d. 3225 8. Ellen A. Carr, b. 1837, m. Benjamin F. Felch. in 1872. N VIL ALEXANDER M. Carr (1796) born in Antrim, N. H., Dec. 15, 1791, married Hannah McIlvaine, April 17, 1817, moved in 1839 to Bedford, N. H., then to Amherst, N. H., where he died 1889. Their children were, 3226 1. Sabra G. Carr, b. 1818, m. Abram J. Twist. 3227 2. Lorenzo C. Carr, m. Catherine Hastings, of Amherst. 3228 3. Wlizabeth M. Carr, unm. lives in Bedford. \ 3229x4. Mark M. Carr. 3230 5. Hannah J. Carr, m. Timothy Jones, of Amherst. \ 3431 6. Alexander M. Carr, d. unm. at 25 years of age. / CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 197 VIL. Joun Carr (1800) born in Antrim, N.H., in 1785, mar- ried Polly Holt, June 11, 1810. He moved to Elmwood, IUs., in 1855, where he died in 1867. They were members ofthe East church, “faithful unto death.” Their children were, 3232 1. Sarah S. Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1811, m. Daniel Willard. 3233 x2. Mary B. Carr, b. May 10. 1813. 3234 3. Hephzibah H. Carr, b. Feb. 21, 1815, m. Joseph Closson 3235 4. Hannah H. Carr, b. June 17, 1816, m. Jonas M. Damon. 3236 5. Saphira Carr, b. March 18, 1818, d. 1836. 32376. Jeremiah 8S. Carr, b. 1820. 3238 7. Ottora Carr, d. 1848, in Lancaster, Mass. 3239 8. Dorothy H. Carr, d. 1847. 32409. John Carr, b. 1826. “VIL JoxatHan Carr (1805) born in Antrim, N. H., in .1800, married Annis Dinsmoor, Feb. 27, 1828. She was born in 1800, and died in 1844. He next married Jane M. Gregg, in 1846. He moved to Hancock, N. H., in 1852, and died there in 1858. His children, all by first wife, are, 32411. John Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1829. 3242 2. Samuel Dinsmoor Carr, b. March 22, 1832, d. 1853. 3243 3. Mary Dinsmoor Carr, b. Dec. 14, 1836, d. 1853. 3244 4. ( Caroline Carr, b. May 18, 1840, d. 1854. 3245 5. ( \deline Carr, b. a a d. 1856. VIL. Samtven Carr (1813) born in Antrim, N.H., in 1808, married, Ist Sarah Smith, 2nd Mary A. Hodgdon, and 3rd Eli- za Shaw. He died in 1874. VIL. Jacos Carr (1819) born in Bekeley Co., W. Va., in 1783, married Hannah Wickard, in Butler Co., Ohio in 1812. She died in 1868. He died in Hamilton, Ohio, in 1854. Their children were, 3246 1. Rosanna Carr, b. 1813. 32472. Jane Carr, b. 1815. 3248 x3. John W. Carr, b. 1817. 382494 Ann Carr, b. 1819. 3250 5. Hannah Dixter Carr, b. 1821. 32516. Thomas J. Carr, b. 1823. 32527. Rebecca Carr, b. 1825. 32538 Jacob G. Carr, b. 1827. 32549. James Carr, b. 1830. 3259 x10. Samuel Carr, b. 1832. 198 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-SEVENTH GENERATION, VII. Jamges Carr (1820) born in Bekeley Co., W. Va., in 1785, married Catherine Rice. He died in Ottumwa, Iowa, leaving three sons and one daughter. VII. SamMuEL Carr (1827) born in Kentucky, Sept. 29, 1805, married Eleanor Moore, in Butler Co., Ohio, Jan. 31, 1828. She was born in Ohio, Oct. 19, 1808, and died June 6, 1891. He died in Hamilton, Ohio, July 20, 1890. Their children are, 8260 x1. Alexander T. Carr, b. Nov. 8, 1828. 3261 2. Franklin Carr, b. April 20, 1831, d. June 14, 1832. 3262 3. James Moore Carr, b. April 10, 1833. 3263 4. Elijah Carr, b. April 19, 1836, d. May 24, 1841. 32645. | Mary Carr, b. 4 a 3265 x6. Martha Jane Carr, b. Dec. 31, 1839. 3266 7. Amanda Ellen Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1844. 3267 <8. Robert Samuel Carr, b. March 6, 1850. VII. ABsatom Carr (1830) born in Fayette Co., Pa., Sept. 12, 1786, married Jane Weir in Indiana territory in 1812, where he settled asa farmer. He was in the battle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 7, 1811, but took no active part in the war of 1812. He lived to be nearly 90 years old, dying July 7, 1876. Their child- ren are, 3268 1. Thomas J. Carr, b. July 9, 1813. 3269 2. Huldah Carr, b. 1815, m. Huston. 3270 3. Julia Carr, b. 1818, m. McCoskey. 3271 4. Susan Carr, b. 1820, m. Huston, d. 1870. 3272 5. Martha Carr, b. 1822, d. April 1884, unm. 3273 6. Mary Carr, b. 1825, d. Sept. 7, 1842. 3274 7. Andrew W. Carr, b. March 5, 1828. 32758. Francis M. Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1831. 3276 9. Joseph Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1832, d. Jan. 11, 1877. 3277 10. John Carr, b. March 1, 1835, d. May 1, 1877. VII. Gen. Joun Carr (1833) born in Fayette Co., Pa., April 6, 1793. He was in the battle of Tippecanoe at the age of 18 years. Herepresented his district in congress for 8 years, being first elected in 1831. He was clerk of the court twoterms, also general of the state militia of Indiana, and was generally known as Gen. John Carr. : VII. Cot. THomas Carr (1836) born in Fayette Co., Pa. April 4, 1801. He was sheriff of Clark Co., Ind., 18 years, and served two terms in the state legislature of Indiana. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 199 VIL Exisoa Carr (1844) born in Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 23, 1792. Went west when his father moved to Indiana, where .he married and raised afamily. Hewas in the war of 1812, going out asa drummer boy. The exposure of camp life so affected his health, that he died at the age of 32 years, April 2, 1824, in Washington Co., Ind. Their children are, 3278 1. Alfred Carr. 3279 2. Emily Carr. 32803. Harvey Carr, b. July 28, 1821. VIL. Hexry WILLIAM Carr (1845) born in London, Eng., a- bout 1779. He came to this country when a young man, and lived in New York city, but located in Utica, N. Y., in 1823. By his first wife he had one son and then she died. He next married Mrs. Ann Thornton, in Utica, in 1827. She died June 3, 1837. In 1838 he married Elizabeth Fox, of Otsego Co., N.Y. She died at the home of her son Noah Carr, in Utica, Jan. 11, 1893. He was a market gardener and veterinary surgeon. He died in Utica in 1842, at the age of 63 years. His children are, 3281 x1. Henry William Carr, b. children by second wife Ann, 3282 x2. Benjamin Carr, b. July 21, 1828. 3283 x3. Elizabeth Ann Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1831. 32844. Joseph Carr, b. April 10, 1833. 3285 x5. Mary Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1835. 6286 6. Harriet Carr, d. in infancy. 7 children by third wife Elizabeth, 32877. Noah Fox Carr, b, Nov. 11, 1839. 3288 x 8. Robert Carr, b. 1742. VII. BenyamMiIn Carr (1846) born in Readfield, Me., married Eunice C. Lane, Feb. 11, 1811. She was bornin Readfield. He died Jan. 24,1838. Their children were, 22891. Eunice Lane Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1812. 3290 2. Abigail Prescott Carr, b. May 24, 1814, m. S. C. White. 3291 3. Laurinda Carr, b. Jan. 1, 1816, m. Lyman White, d.1890 3292 4. George Gage Carr, b. July 1, 1818, d. Feb. 16, 1819. 3293 x5. George Gage Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1819. 3294 x 6. James Lane Carr, b. Nov. 23, 1821. 3295 x7. Benjamin F. Carr, b. July 25, 1823. 3296 8. Elvira N. Carr, b. March 17, 1825, m. Orson Lane. 32979. Albert C. Carr, b. July 19, 1828. 200 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SEVENTH GENERATION. 329810. Isaac A. Carr, b. Sept. 15, 1830 8299 11. Amelia M. Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1882, d. March 16, 1833. VII. Amos Carr (1851) born in Franklin Co., Mass., July 18, 1790, married Laura Mallary. Their children are, 33001. John Morrison Carr, b, Jan. 21, 1815. 3301 2. Mary Carr, b. May 23, 1816, d. Feb. 22, 1883. 3302 3. Hannah R. Carr, b. April 17, 1819, d. July 25, 1887. 3303 x4. Anna Maria Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1820. 33045. George Winslow Carr, b. June 7, 1822. 3305 6. Julia Ann Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1824, d. May 10, 1839. 3306 7. Laura Ktta Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1826. 3307 x 8. John Whipple Carr, b. July 17, 1828. 3308 9. Amos Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1831. 3309 x10. Willard P. Carr, b. Aug. 4, 1834. 3310 11. Lansford B. Carr, b. July 3, 1837, d. June 24, 1875. VII. Joun Carr, son of Arthur Carr, and one of nine child- ren, was born in the town of Shotta, Lanark Co., Scotland, a- bout 1803. He enlisted in the army at Paisley, when about 18 years of age. Some years after he married Mary Donohue, of Dublin, Ireland, daughter of Phillip Donohue. In time his regiment was sent to Malta, then to Gibraltar, and afterwards to the island of Grenada, in the West Indies. His wife went with him in all the removals of the troops, and lived succes- sively at Malta, Gibraltar and in the West Indies. After twen- ty years service, he settled down on the island of Grenada, where he died in August, 1841. She died in 1839, and was bu- ried in the military burying ground at Ft. Adolphus. Their children are, 3311 1. Annie Carr, b. 1831. 3312 2. Melinda Carr, b. 1833. 3313 X3. John Wesley Carr, b. May 25, 1835. VIL. Wittiam Carr, born in Virginia or North Carolina, a- bout 1785. He had brothers James and Jonathan, and sister Eliza. He married Martha Rice, about 1806. They moved to Putman Co., Tenn., where they lived the remainder of their lives. He died in 1854, and she died in 1848. They had, 33141. Albert Fielding Carr, b. 1823. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 201 EIGHTH GENERATION. VIII. Gzorce Rurus Carr (1866) born in Oneida Co., N. Y., July 18, 1807, married Mary Dickerson. He resides in West Union, Custer Co, Neb. Their children are, 3315 x1. Rufus George Carr, b. Sept. 7, 1836. 33162. Mary Jane Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1838. 33173. Anna M. Carr, b. Dec. 13, 1840. 3318 x4. Sarah A. Carr, b. March 24, 1843. 33195. Lewis S. Carr, b. May 1, 1851. 3320 x6. Harriet R. Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1853. 3321 x7. Ida May Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1857. VIII Cates Carr (1869) born in Stephentown, N. Y., July 16, 1805, married Jane Smart, in Ansville, N. Y., April 2, 1829. She was born in Argyle, N. Y., March 6, 1810. She lives with her daughter Louisa, in Wauwatosa, Wis. He died in Horicon, Wis. Their children are, 3322 x1. Henry Carr, b. March 10, 1830. 3323 x 2. Laura Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1831. 33243. Louisa Carr, b. July 7, 1833. 3325 x4. Calvin Carr, b. March 4, 1835. 3326 x5. George Carr, b. Jan. 18, 1838. 3327 x6. Caleb Carr, b. Oct. 27, 1843. VIIE Erastus WHITMAN Carr (1878) born in Stephentown, N. Y., April 10, 1825, married Louisa Ann Dean, Feb. 9, 1850. She was born July 9, 1835, and died June 25, 1852, He next married Mary Kettle, March 1, 1854. She was born Oct. 11, 1834. They reside in Stephentown Center, N. Y. Their child- ren are, 3328 x 1. Caroline Sarah Carr, b. May 18, 1852. children by second wife, 3329 x2. Elbert Edson Carr, b. Sept. 30, 1855. 333) 3. Louisa Elmira Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1857. 333L 4. Elizabeth Carr, b. June 27, 1880. 3332 5. William Henry Carr, Feb. 12, 1862. 3333 x6. Ezra Carr, b. Jan. 23, 1864. 3334 7. Alice Carr, b. Aug. 3, 1871. 202 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-EIGHTH GENERATION. VII. Horatio N. Carr (1880) born in Stephentown, N. Y., about 1799, married Harriet Putman, in Rome, N. Y. .He died in Troy, N. Y., in 1866. Their children are, 3335 1. Horatio Carr, \ 3336 2. Goveneur Carr. 3337 3. Julia Carr. VIII. Loutsa Carr (1881) born in Stéphentown, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1800, married Calvin P. Carpenter, June 20, 1822, He was born Sept, 9, 1802, and died in 1881. She died in 1883. Their children are, 3338 1. Bishop W. Carpenter, b. June 8, 1823. 3339 2. Goveneur S. Carpenter, b. Oct. 10, 1824, d. Mar. 4, 1852. 3340 3. Eliza C. Carpenter, b. Oct. 1, 1826. 3341 4. Mary F. Carpenter, b. May 2, 1828. 3342 5. Charlotte A. Carpenter, b. May 25, 1832. 3348 6. Sarah R. Carpenter, Oct. 4, 1834. 3344 7. Pardee Carpenter, b. Aug. 9, 1836. 3345 8. John Carpenter, b, Nov. 1838, d. Nov. 1862. 3346 9. Hiram A. Carpenter, b. Feb. 25, 1843. VIL Cynrara L. Carr (1882) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1816, married Aaron B. Gilbert, in Williamstown, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1857. He was bornin Trenton, N. Y., in 1807, and died in Williamstown in 1879. She resides in” Kasoag, N. Y. No children. VIIL Cartes Lorenzo Carr (1883) born in Stephentown, N. Y., July 10, 1818, married Frances C. Baker, in Sodus, N. Y., March 22, 1858. She was born in Sodus, July 20, 1835. He was elected to many offices in the town of Williamstown, N. Y., where he resided, and he held the office of justice of the peace for over twenty years. He died in Williamstown, Feb. 18, 1888. Their children are, 3347 x1. Lucian Caleb Carr, b. May 9, 1859. 3348 x2. Clara Lucinda Carr, b. April 14, 1861. 3349 3. Clarence Henry Carr, b. March 18, 1865. VIIL. Henry Tissetts Carr (1886) born in Stephentown, N. Y., in 1825, married Elsie Baker. He died in Williamstown, N. Y., May 5, 1864. Their children are, 33501. Caleb George Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1851. 3351 2. Satie L. Carr, b. April 20, 1861. 22579 2 Nelenan H Carr h Anril 10 1R8#8 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 205 VIII. Gipzon RENALDO Carr (son of Gideon Carr, 1004) born in Stephentown, N. Y., May 26, 1811, married Amanda Melissa Hodgkins, in Gouverneur, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1838. She was born in Washington Co., N. Y., July 27, 1814, and died Oct. 7, 1893. He lives in Coopersville, Mich. Their children are, 3353 x1. Philetia H. Carr, b. May 20, 1840. 33542. Philetus Gideon Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1842. 3355 x3. Hortense Amanda Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1844. 3356 4. Izelia M Carr, b. April 18, 1847, d. Oct. 14, 1866. 3357 5. Laura E. Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1849, d. Sept. 5, 1866. 3358 x6. Mary E. Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1852. 3359 7. Ezra I. Carr; b. May 21, 1855, d. Oct. 21, 1856. VILL Netson H. Carr (son of Gideon Carr, 1004) born in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y., Aug. 26, 1821, married Eliza A. Vinier, in Fowler N. Y., Sept. 7, 1846. She was born in Laprai- rie, Canada, Aug. 15, 1828, and died in De Kalb, N. Y., May 6, 1891. He died in the same place Aug. 11, 1893. Their child- ren are, 3360 x1. Nelson H. Carr, b. May 14, 1848. 3361 x2. John G. Carr, b. April 11, 1850. 3362 x3. Phebe .A. Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1852. 3363 x4. Emogene J. Carr, b. April 22, 1854. 3364 5. Abigail E. Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1856, d. Nov. 5, 1861. 3365 x6. Louisa F. Carr, b. July 11, 1859. 3386 7. Sarah A. Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1861, d. April 27, 1891. 33678. Merica L. Carr, b. Jan.,2, 1864. 3368 9. Infant son, b. Aug. 13, 1865, d. Oct. 15, 1885. 3369 10. Warren D. Carr, b. May 4, 1867. 8370 11. Hattie A. Carr, b. March 15, 1870, d. Oct. 1, 1890. VIII. Dr. ELEAZER Carr (1905) born in Kinderhook, N. Y., April 11, 1790, married in 1820, and had two children. Gota divorce from his first wife, and married Nancy Dutton in 1830. She was born Dec. 25, 1809, died Oct. 16, 1881, and was buried at Paine's Point, Ogle Co., Is. He died July 26, 1856, and was buried at Paine’s Point where his second wife was afterwards buried. His children are, 3371 x1. George W. Carr, b. July 19, 1822. 3372 2. Malvina E. Carr, b. Aug. 26, 1824, children by second wife, 3373 X38. Almon Carr, b, Sept. 8, 1831. 206 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-EIGHTH GENERATION. 33744. Sarah Eveline Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1836. 33875 x5. Adoliza Carr, b. May 1, 1842. 3376 6. Hiram F. Carr, b. March 19, 1844, d. Sept. 12, 1864. 3377 7. John Carr, b. May 2, 1846, unm. VIIL Crarissa Carr (1906) born in Kinderhook, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1791, married Calkins. They had, 3378 1. Electa Calkins, m. Joseph Taylor, Schuylerville, N. Y. VIII. StaFForD Carr (1907) born in Columbia Co., N. Y., Jan. 29, 1793, married Rebecca Terrill, in 1812. He settled in an early day near Oregon, Ills. He died in Kansas, Oct. 22, 1867. Their children are, 33791. Stafford S. Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1815. 33802. William Henry Carr, b. March 11, 1818. 33813. John Terrill Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1822. 3382 x4. Elijah C. Carr, b. March 29, 18382. VIII. Euntce Carr (1908) born in Wilton, Saratoga Co.,N.Y., May 14, 1794, married James Lockwood, in Wilton, Jan. 29, 1815. She died March 18, 1877. He was Lorn in Putman Co, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1793, and was living with his son Oscar in Saratoga, N. Y., in 1891, at the remarkable old age of, 98 years. Their children are, 3383 1. Julia E. Lockwood, b. March, 1816, d. June 9, 1837. 3384 2. John H. Lockwood, b. Nov. 24, 0817, m. Maria Fox, 1841 3385 3. Zephaniah Lockwood, b. Sept. 29, 1819, m. L. Terrill. 3386 4. Mary A. Lockwood, b. Feb. 19, 1821, d. Nov. 3, 1842. 3387 5, Clarissa Lockwood, b. Dec. 6, 1822, m. Mich. Dowling. 3388 6. Stafford Carr Lockwood, b. Dec. 10, 1824, m. Phillips. 8389 7. Catherine Lockwood, b. Dec. 25, 1823, d. Feb. 12, 1850. 3390 8. Jonathan Lockwood, b. Dec. 5, 1828, d. May 29, 1859. 3391 9. Leonard Lockwood, b. Nov. 29, 1830, m. E. Sanders. 3392 10. Theodore Lockwood, b. Oct. 2, 1832, d. June 19, 1838. 3393 11. Andrew J. Lockwood, b. Aug. 10, 1835, m. McDonald. 3394 x12. Oscar F. Lockwood, b. April 25, 1837. VU. Amos Carr (1911) born in Wilton, 'N. Y., Aug. 16, 1799, married Polly Brill. He died Nov. 12, 1887. They had, 3395 x1. John Henry Carr, b. June 28, 1829. VUI. Rev. Sturery Carr (1912) born in Wilton, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1801, married Eliza B. Marvin, Nov. 9, 1822. He was a Bap- tist clergyman and preached a number of years in Greenfield CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 207 Center, N. Y., and afterwards at Springfield, Pa, where he died March 2, 1853. She was born June 22, 1807, and died in 1867. Their children are, 3396 x1. Marvin Stutely Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1823. 3397 x2. Mary C. Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1827. 3398 x3. Roena E. Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1833. VIIL Davin Carr (1913) born in Wilton, N. Y., June 30, 1808, married Charlotte idwards, March 28, 1829. He died July 13, 1855. VIIL Carr. GzorGE Carr (1916) born in Salisbury, N. Y., June 28, 1794, married Nancy Griswold, in Dryden, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1813. She was born Sept. 16, 1790, and died in 1871. He was a captain in the war of 1812, and received a land warrant and a pension. He moved from Salisbury to Hector, Potter Co., Pa., where he died April 13, 1870. Their children are, 3399 x 1. Mariette Carr, b. March 28, 1815. 3400 x2. Sybil Amanda Carr, b. Dec. 10, 1816. 3401 3. Susan Carr, b.' Dec. 12, 1818, d. 28th of same month. 3402 x4. Edward Dyer Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1819. 3403 x5, Stutely Hurd Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1822. 3404 6. George Stafford Carr, b. March 20, 1824, d. Aug. 22,26. 3405 x 7.. George Norman Carr,.b. Aug. 15, 1826. VII. Amasa Carr (1917) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1795, married Mary Clement about 1818, by whom he had three children. After her death he married Lovisa Foot, in 1825. She was born in 1805 and died in 1877. He moved to Mt. Ver- non, Ind., about 1835. as children are, 3406 1. Darius Clement Carr, b. July 10, 1820, d: 12 years old. 3407 x2. Horace Dyer Carr, b. April 28, 1822. 3408 x 3. Mary S. Carr, b. Aug. 28, 1825. children by second wife, 3409 4. Emeline Carr, b. Dec. 1826, m. Gibson Nestor, Jan. 1856 34105. Edwin W. Carr, b. May 1, 1828. 3411 6. Stafford.Carr, b. June 20, 1830, m. Jane Mills, 1853. 3412 7. Oren Carr, b. Aug. 1832, m. Mary Wright, 1875. 3413 8. Adeline Carr, m. Isaac Davis, has 13 children. 3414 9. Lovisa Carr, b. Dec, 20, 1842, m. John Stallings, d. 1888. 3415 10. Harriet Carr, b. April 7, 1849, m. Chas. R. Mills, 1878, VIII. ELeazer Carr (1918) born in Salisbury, N. Y., May 19, 208 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 1797, married Mary Ann Smith, Dec. 12, 1887. She was born in Vertice, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1817. They celebrated their golden wedding in Erie, Pa., Dec. 12, 1887, and their descendants at that time numbered forty-two. He died in Erie, in Jan. 1888. Their children are, 3416 1. son, b. Nov. 9, 1838, d. same day. 34172. Serena Adeline Carr, b. Dec. 1, 1839. 3418 x3. Sybil Amanda Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1842. 3419x4. Chester Stutely Carr, b. May 22, 1844. 34205. Harvey Luzern Carr, b. July 6, 1846. 34216. Elbert Eugene Carr, b. Dec. 13, 1850. 34227. Lyman Wilson Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1854. 3423 x8. Frank Elmer Carr, b. April 4, 1859. VIL Strurery CARR (1919) born, in Salisbury, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1797, married Elizabeth Tyler. : She died May 9, 1844. He next married Eunice Eliza ‘Stafford. She was born in Oneida. Co., N. Y., June 30, 1812." He died in Union City, Pa., Jan. 16, 1888. His children are, ” 34241. William McDonald Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1825. 3425 2. John Tyler Carr, b. Dec: 22, 1827. 3426 3. Martha Rosina Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1829. 3427x4. Ann Elizabeth Carr, b. March 9, 1832. 3428 5. Alpheus Wilbur Carr, b. March 26, 1834, killed in battle 3429 6. Nancy Louisa ‘Carr, b. May 19, 1836. 3430 7. Albert DeWitt Carr, b. March 14, 1838, d. in the war. 3431 8. Adelia Maria Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1842. , children by second wife, 34382 9. Laura Shepard Carr, b. Sept. f, 1845, d. Oct. 6, 1868, 3433 x 10. Samuel Stafford Carr, b. May 31, 1847. 3434 11. HoratioChdauncey Carr, b. June 8, 1850, M. E. minister 3435 x 12. Harriet Adeline,Carr, bh. Aug. 3, 1852.. 3436 138. Alonzo Whitfield Carr, b: Nov. 12, 1855, d. Dec. 6, 1880. VUIL. AtvAn Carr (1920) born in Salisbury, N. Y., July 8, 1800, married Martha Place Tyler, Cct. 24, 1824. She was tc in in Lisbon, N. Y., May 20, 1799. He’ died in 1 Spring, Crawford Co., Pa., July 22, 1850. Their children are, 3137 1.( Son, b. April 7, 1826, d. 3d day after birth. 3438 2.{ Daughter, ” ” d. 5th day after birth. 31393. Humphrey Warren ae b. June 5, 1827. 3440x4. Alfred Bennett Carr,’b. May 14, 1829. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 209 3441 5. Hannah Jane Carr, b. Jan. 13, 1831. 3442 x6. Ossian Jeremiah Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1833. . 84437. Thompson Samuel Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1836. 34448. Lydia Mahala Carr, b. Aug. 28, 1838. VIIL Ira Carr (1921) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1802, married Esther Owen, in Dryden, N. Y., June, 1832. She was born in Goshen, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1806, and died in Norwich, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1875. He resides in Green, Chenango Co., N. Y. Their children are, 3445 x1. Charles Flavius Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1834. 34462. Mary Elizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 10, 1836. 34473. Esthira Ann Carr, b. June 8, 1838. 3448 x +4. Adeline Fredora Carr, b. Feb. 17, 1840. 3449 x5. Caroline Emerett Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1842. 34506. Helen Antoinette Carr, b. March 15, 1844. 34517. | Emma Loretta Carr, b. May 22, 1850. 3452 8. | Ira Duane Carr, b. eZ " d. Jan. 14, 1851. VIE. Cnauncey Carr (1922) born in Salisbury, N. Y., July 16, 1803, married and had, 3453 x1. John Stewart Carr, b. March 6, 1840. 3454 2. Mary Elizabeth Carr. 3455 3. Warren Carr, d. June, 1857. 3456 4. Henry Clay Carr.d.” ” 3457 5. Julia Carr, d. ay. : VIIL SERENE Carr (1924) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1806, married Hollister.. They had, 3458 x1. Charles L. Hollister, b. June 27, 1835. VIII. Stas T. Carr (1925) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1807, married Susan Lawrence, in Elmira, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1832. She was born on Long Island, March 18, 1818, and died in El- mira, May 5, 1878. He residesin Elmira, where all of their children were born, as follows: 3459 1. Augusta Carr, b. May 28, 1833, d. Aug. 22, 1833. 3460 x2. William Wyatt Carr, b. May 22, 1834. 34613. Mary Julia Carr, b. March 9, 1836. 34624. Sarah Frances Carr, b. Jan. 7, 1838. 3463 5. Esther Jane Carr, b. Jan. 8. 1842. 34646. Samuel Tuthill Carr, b. March 18, 1844. 3465 x7. Eliza Lawrence Carr, b. Dec. 26, 1846. 210 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 3476 8. son b. Dec. 14, 1851, d. same day. VIII. Samuer Dyer Carr (1829) bornin Dryden, N. Y., April 1, 1814, married Mary Ann Brownwell, in Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1841. She was born in Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1819, and died in Trenton, N. J., Jan. 25,1878. He was a student and teacher at 19 years of age, graduated at Union college in the spring of 1838, followed the profession of teacher for thirty years, was a broker in Wall street, New York, from 1861 to 1882, At the age of 77 years he writes that he never had a fit of sick+ ness in his life, He resides with his son, Dr. Carr, in Rockes- ter. His children are, 34671. Ada Delia Anna Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1842. 3468 x2. Allen Brownwell Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1851. VIII. ADELINE Carr (1930) born in Dryden, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1816, married Harvey Anson Dowe, in Moravia, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1844. She graduated at the Albany female seminary, in 1840. She now lives with her daughter Bertha, in Hamilton, Ohio. Mr. Dowe was Brig. Gen. of state militia years ago, was a. lawyer by profession, and at one time was editor of the Ithica Demo- crat. Their children are, 34691. Richard Henry Dowe, b. April 14, 1845. 34702. Florence Adell Dowe, b. Nov. 7, 1847. 3471 x3. Bertha Matilda Dowe, b. Sept. 22, 1852. VILL. OrmeNpDA Carr (1931) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1802, married Harry Burrell, in Salisbury, April 7, 1823.:He was born in Sheffield, Mass., Nov. 28, 1797, and ‘died at Little Falls, N. Y., March 5, 1879. She died in Salisbury, June 17, 1839. Their children are, 34721. Seymour Burrell b. March 2, 1824. 3473 2. Malvin Carr Burrell, b. Oct. 24, 1825,d. Jan. 16, 1857. 34743. Isaac Burrell, b. Nov. 22, 1827. | 3475 x4. Hannah Carr Burrell, b. Sept. 17, 1829. 3476 x5. Nancy Kellogg Burrell, b. Oct. 8, 1831. 34776. Eliza Burrell, b. June 6, 1833. 34787. Harry Burrell, b. Sept. 24, 1834. . VIUT. Vienna Carr (1932) bunt in Salisbury, N. Y., March 24, 1804, married Thomas A. Rice, in Salisbury, Feb. 16, 1825. She died Aug. 18, 1884. Their children are, 3479 x1. Eleazer Carr Rice, b. March 26, 1827. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 211 3480 2. Mary O. Rice, b. Jan. 6, 1829, m. Simeon Osborn. 3481 3. Caroline Rice, b. May 23, 1831, m. Wm. Ingham. 3482 4. George Hakes Rice, b. March 27, 1833, lives in Cal. 3483 5. Daniel IRice, b. Oct. 25, 1836, lives in Iowa. 3484 6. Adam Clark Rice, b. May 6,°1840, d. in the army. 3485 7. Nancy H. Rice, b. Dec. 34, 1841, lives in Adams, N. Ys 3185 8. Charles Rice, b. Sept. 15, 1846, lawyer. VILL. ELEAZER Carr (1934) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1811, married Hannah Raynor, in Salisbury, Jan. 5, 1832. He died Sept. 18, 1869. Their children are, 3487 x1. Lyman Hakes Carr, b. May 9, 1834. 3488 x 2. Eliza Carr, b. May 2, 1836. 34893. Malvina L. Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1888. 3490 x4. Ormenda Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1840. 34915 Lewis Eleazer Carr, b. March 10, 1842. VIIL Tama Linpa Sweet (1935) born Aug. 30, 1801, married Jesse Buck. She died in Utica, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1871. Their children are, 3492 1. La Fayette Buck. 3493 2. Watson Buck. 3494 3. Rosaline Buck. 3495 4. Jesse Buck. VIL. Jesse Sweet (1936) born Oct. 24, 1802, married Eliza- beth Potter, March 10, 1831. Hedied in Avon, Ohio, June 2 18387. Their children were, 3496 1. Elizabeth Sweet, b. Jan. 9, 1833. 3497 2. Burton J. Sweet, b. Jnly 20, 1836. VIL. Renew Sweet (1937) born April 16, 1804, married Ham- -ilton Barns. Their children are, 3498 1. Harriet Barns. 3499 2. Addison Barns. 3200 3. Thurlow Barns. 3501 4. Richard Barns. 3902 5. Lucretia Barns. VIII. ELEANor Sweet (1939) Aug. 30, 1808, married Thomas Humphrey, and had two children by him. After his death she married William Moore, and had one child. She died in IIli- nois, March 18, 1855. Her children are, 3503 1. Sarah E. Humphrey. , 212 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 3504 2. Aaron Humphrey. son by second husband, 3505 3. John S. Moore. VII. Strurety L. Sweet (1940) born in Aug. 29, 1810, married Alzina M———. He died in Iowa, June 28, 1874. Their child- ren are, - 3503 1. Agnes Sweet. 3507 2. Minerva Sweet. 3503 3. Clark Sweet. VII. Roexa Sweet (1942) born Aug. 27, 1814, married Henry L. Kelsey. She diedin Massachusetts, Dec. 19, 1883. Their children are, 3009 1. Everette E. Kelsey. 3510 2. Evelyn H. Kelsey. VIII. Eunice S. Sweet (1943) born April 6, 1816, married Chester King and had five children. After his death she, mar- ried Alden, and had children by him. She lives at Steamboat Rock, Iowa. VILL. Jerome B. Sweer (1945) born Jan. 2, 1821, married Ann Sheffield. He lives in Liscomb, Iowa. Their children are, 3516 1. James Sweet, 3517 2. Jesse Sweet. 3918 3. Sarah Sweet. 3519 4. Rhoda Sweet. 3520 5. Jerome Sweet. VIII. Oxrtve K. Sweet (1946) born May 15, 1828, married James Young. She diedin Illinois, March 5, 1856. Their child- ren are, a 3521 1. Fanny Young. 3522 2. John Young. 3523 3. Helen Young. a VIIL PHese Marra Carr (1888) born in Stephentown,N.Y., July 12, 1807, married Thomas Freeman, in Fowler, N. Y., and settled on a farm in the town of Edwards in the same county. He was born in Kent Co., England, Jan. 7, 1804, and died in Edwards, Dec. 20. 1890. She died in the same place, April 14, 1890. They had ten children. VILL Apicar, CArr (daughter of Gideon Carr, 1004) was “CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 213 born in Stephentown, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1813. She was a very successful school teacher. She married Jeseph Hewitt, in 1832, and settled on a farm in the town of Denmark, Lewis Co., N.Y. She died in Carthage, N.Y., Feb. 14, 18€3. He died in the same place, Nov. 7, 1862. They kad two sons and four daughters. VILL Nicnotas Norturop Carr (1887) born in Stephen- town, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1815, married Clarissa Belmot. They live in Fullersville, N.Y. They had two sons and three daughters. VIL. FREELOVE Carr (daughter of Gideon Carr, 1004) was born in Trenton, Oneida Co., N. Y., Sept. 19, 1817, married Amos Phillips, in Edwards, N. Y., and settled in Copenhagen, N. Y., where he owned a large flouring mill. He died about 1889. Sie died in Manlius, N. Y., May 19,1893. They had two sons and two daughters. VILL Cuariorrg SAMANTHA Carr (daughter of Gideon Carr, 1004 born in Deerfield, N. ¥., July 7, 1825, married Thomas J. Brayton, in Gouverneur, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1850. He was born in Edwards, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1823, and died in the same place, Oct. 31, 1883. She next married Aaron. Mason, in Gouvern- eur, Dec. 15, 1885. He was bornin Plattsburgh, N. Y., July 28, 1821. They live in the town of De Kalb, N. Y., postoffice ad- deess, Richville, N. Y. Her children by first husband are, 3549 x 1. Josephine Phebe Brayton, b. July 27, 1851. 35502. Edgar Thomas Brayton, b. May 15, 1858. 3091 3. ( Martha Ann Brayton, b. June 8, 1859, d. Feb. 3, 1860. 3952 4.) Mary Jane Brayton, b, + ”" d. Aug. 29, 1859. 35535. Myron Henry Brayton, b. ” ” d. Feb. 9, 1860. 3554 6. Ida Ella Baryton, b. July 16, 1865. VILL. Cuartes Taomas Carr (son of Gideon Carr, 1004) born in Deerfield, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1827, married Arlina White, of Ed- wards, N. Y.,and had two daughters. After her death he married Julia Barnet, by whom he had two sons. He died in Branch, Mich., Dec. 27, 1879. His sons by second wife are, 3557 3. Charles Carr. 3558 4. Thomas Carr. VILL Livincston Carr (1951) born in Stephentown, N. Y., married Ann Walker. He died in Bethany, N.Y., 1878. They had, 3959 X 1. Eliza Carr. \ 214 CARR. FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VIIL SyLvEsTER Carr (1952) born in Stephentown, N. Y., married Maria Williams, in Pavilion, N. Y., where they now reside. VITI. Satty Ann CARR (1953) married Samuel Thomas, in Pavilion, N. Y. She died in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., in 1889, leaving two children. VIII. Ext Carr (1954) born in Cayuga Co, N. Y., in 1821, married Jane Carr (1969) daughter of Levi Carr, in Covington, N. Y., in 1845. _He died in Pavilion. N. Y., Dec. 1, 1893, where his family resides. They had, 3566 x1. George B. Carr. VIII. WELLINGTON Carr (1955) born in Pavilion, N. Y., mar- ried Catherine Lent, in 1848. He died in Pavilion, in 1869, leaving two daughters. VIL. Catpuurta Carr (1956) born in Pavilion, N. Y., mar- ried Abram Potter. She died in Pavilion in 1862, leaving one. daughter. VILL. Epwin Carr (1957) born in Pavilion, N. Y., married Mary Hurd. They live in Kansas. Their children are, 357) 1. William Sylvester Carr. 3571 2. Edwin Carr. . VIL. Avip Carr (1958) born in Pavilion, N. Y., married Alice Higgins, of Wyoming, N. Y. They have one daughter. VIII. Rrasmus Darwin Carr (1959) born in Covington, N. Y., married Caroline ——. They live in Michigan. Their children are, 3073 1. Eli Carr. 3574 2. John Carr. 3575 3. Carrie Carr. VIII. Marrerre Carr (1961) born in Covington, N. Y., mar- ried William Tompkins. They had, 3576 1. Fanny Tompkins, m. Martin. 3577 2. Clarissa Tompkins, m. Coleman. VITL. Sopnra Carr (1962) horn in Covington, N. Y., married —— Webb, They had, 3578 1. Nancy Webb, m. Wilcox. 3579 2. Carrie Webb, d.in 1850. 3580 3. Eliza Webb, m. Crawford. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 215 VIII. ANGELINE Carr (1963) born in Covington, N. Y., mar- ried Allison. She died in Michigan, in 1860, leaving three children. VIIL. CaroLineE Carr (1964) born in Covington, N. Y., mar- ried Kellogg. They live in Detroit, Mich., and have two sons. VIII. CHarbLoTre Carr (1965) born in Covington, N. Y., mar- ried Walker. She died in Michigan in 1887. VOL JANE Carr (1967) born in Covington, N. Y., married Bullis, lives in Michigan, has five daughters. VIII Dotty M. Carr (1968) born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., married William Gilmore, in Pavilion, N. Y. She died in Pa- vilion in 1884. VIII. JANE CARR (1969) born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., married Eli Carr (1954) in Pavilion, N. Y., in 1845. VII. Amanpa Matvina Carr (1974) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., April 16, 1805, married Joseph R. Brown, Jan. 6, 1825. He died May 9, 1851, and she died Aug. 17, 1874. Their children are, 3591 1. Joseph Adam Brown, b. May 8, 1826. 3592 2. Mary Malvina Brown, b. July 16, 1828, m. H. Douglass 3593 3. Susan Catherine Brown, b. April 12, 1830, d. Feb. 17,’37 35944. Spencer Carr Brown, b. March 26, 1833. 3595 5. Nancy Eliza Brown, b. June 16, 1834, d. June 16, 1877. 3596 x6. William Brown, b. Sept. 3, 1846. VII. Exveanor ALMIRA CARR (1975) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., March 25, 1806, married Newton Goold, Oct. 1, 1829. She died Aug. 18, 1891. Their children are, 3597 X 1. Edmund Goold, b. July 17, 1880. 3598 2. William H. Goold, b. Aug. 9, 1832, m. Hattie Pulver. 3599 38 Charlotte Goold, b. June 5, 1834, m. C. Sanders, 1880. 3600 4. Luther Goold, b. March 27, 1836, d. Jan. 25, 1870. 3601 5. John N. Goold, b. Feb. 18, 1838, d. May 14, 1839. 3602 6. Walter B. Goold, b. Jan. 6, 1840, m. Adeline Manchester 3603 7. James Spencer Goold, b. Nov. 9, 1841, m. Gordon. 3604 8. Fanny Louisa Goold, b. Feb. 13, 1847, d. June 8, 1885. VILL Wrttram SPENCER Carr (1976) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1808, married Mary Ann Rowley, Sept. 9, 1830. She died March 31, 1852. He next married Mary Conklin, Aug. 31, 216 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 1853. He moved to Manchester, Mich., in 1833, and took up land from the government. He also engaged in mercantile busi- ness, but spent the most of his time in farming. He was a mem- ber of the state legislature in 1840, and held the office cf jus- tice of the peace for a number of years. He moved to Califor- nia in 1888, and died of an attack of la grippe in East Riverside. Cal., June 1, 1891. His children are, 3605 1. William Henry Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1832, m.Gray. __ 3605 2. Sarah Ann Carr, b. Sept. 23, 1833, d. Nov. 29, 1833. 3607 X3. ( Mary Ann Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1835. 3608 x 4. | Lucy Ann Carr, b. ue m 3609 5. Louisa Almira Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1837. 3610 x6. Edward Spencer Carr, b. March 19, 1841. 36117. Eleanor Zylphia Carr, b. Dec. 2, 1848, 36128. Cornelius B. Carr, b. June 8, 1846. . children by second wife, 3613 9. Ebenezer Goodrich Carr, b. Oct. 5, 1854. 3614 10. Elijah Carr, b. 1857. 3615 11. Mary Carr, b. 1859. VII. Exzyan Goopricu Carr (1977) born in New Lebanon, N.Y., Oct. 14, 1809. Hewent to Michigan in 1833, with his brother William, and settled in Manchester, which has since been his home. He married Mariette Douglass in 1839. She was born Nov. 12, 1812. Their children are, 3616 1. Caroline Carr, b. May 3, 1840, d. July 20, 1848. 36172. Spencer E. Carr, b. July 24, 1845. 36183. Elva L. Carr, b. March 19, 1849. 3619 x4. ( Kate C. Carr, b. Jan. 26, 1852. 3620 x5. 1 Carrie Carr, b. is a VIII. Saran Ann Carr (1978) born in New Lebanon,N. Y., March 8, 1811, married Benjamin F. Carpenter, Dec. 4, 1833. She died in Normal, Ills., July 14, 1884. Their children are, 3621 1. Carpenter, m. and had children. 3622 2. Henry Carpenter, m. Kate Wilson. 3623 3, Eudora Carpenter, d. young, 3624 4. Helen Augusta Carpenter, b. April 23, 1854, d. 1884. VIII. Caroninge Carr (1979) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., Sept. 11,1812, married Edwin A. Carpenter. She died in Ste- phentown, N. Y., June 2, 1845. Their children are, 3625 1. Frances Caroline Carpenter, b. May, 1837. = = Soe as SS eas oS eS Sat aK wy a SS EasTMan, (1981) Lucy ANN Carr Born June 12, 1818 and died Oct. 26, 1876. CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-EIGHTH GENERATION. 219 3626 as Ella Nash Carpenter, b. April 22, 1839. 3627 3. Carpenter, b. e ” d.in infancy. 3628 4.‘ ——— Carpenter, b. _ " d. ~ VIII, Epwarp Carr (1980) boru in New Lebanon.N. Y., Sept. 4, 1816, married Sarah Eliza King, Sept. 27, 1887. She died in New Lebanon, April 18,1878. He lives in New Lebanon Center, N. Y. Their children are, 3629 1. Sarah Louisa Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1888. 363802. Jane Eveanna Carr, b. March 2, 1840. 353L 3. Lucy King Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1842, ives Hancock, Mass. 3632 x4. Edward Spencer Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1844. 35335. Alfred Wesley Carr, b. Aug. 2, 1855, VII. Lucy Ann Carr (1981) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., ‘June 12, 1818, married Elbridge Gerry Eastman, in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 11, 1838. They moved to Nashville, Tenn., where she died Oct. 26, 1873. He died in the same place, Nov. 23, 1859. Their children are, 3334 1. Caroline Eastman, b. Aug. 21, 1839, d. May 10 1840. 35332. Mary Tennessee KRastman, b. Dec. 3, 1840.. 3636 x3. Caroline Clara Eastman, b. Sept. 24, 1842. 3637 x4. Charles Hazen Eastman, b. Feb. 25, 1845. 3638 x5. William Edward Eastman, b. Dec. 16, 1846. 3639 x 6. Lewis Robert Eastman, b. Jan. 18, 1849. 36407. Elbridge Gerry Eastman, b. Nov. 9, 1851, 36418. Lucy Carr Eastman, b. Dec. 16, 1853. 3642 9. John Winston Eastman, b. Jan. 15, 1856. 3543 x 10. Roger Eastman, b. July 21, 1858. VIII Caves Carr (1982) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., July 18, 1820, married Cinderella Lewis, Nov. 1, 1843. She was born in Berlin, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1820, and died in Rockton, Ills., in 1891. He resides in Beloit, Wis. Their children are, 3544 1. Mary Louisa Carr, b. 1844, d. Aug. 1846. 3645 2. Daniel Spencer Carr, b. 1846, d. young. 3545 3. Frank Lewis Carr, b. 1848, d. March, 1857, 3647 X 4. Ella Jane Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1850. 3648 x5. | Albert Cornelius Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1853. 3649 6. { Alice Cornelia Carr, b. " ” od, 3650 x7. Charles E. Carr, May, b. 27, 1857. 3651 x 8.,George Lincoln Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1860. VILL Dr. Henry Avcustus Carr (1983) born in New Leba- 220 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, non, N. Y., June 26, 1822, married Harriet Slyter, Dec. 1845. He graduated at Castleton, Vermont Medical college. He died of paralysis in Elba, Mich., May, 1888. She died in 1880. Their children are, 3652 1. Helen Marr Carr, d. 3653 2. Caroline Eliza Carr, d. VIII. Dr. Cornetius B. Carr (1984) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., May 18, 1824, graduated at Castleton, Vermont Medical college. He married, Ist, Anna Kinsley; and 2nd, Amanda V. Buell. Hedied in Missouri, Sept. 2, 1868, and was buried in the cemetery at Rockton, Ils. No children. VILI. Loursa Carr (1985) born in New Lebanon, N.Y., Nov. 18, 1827, married John Eastman, July 15, 1856. She died April 14, 1869. Their children are, 3654 1. Franklin Carr Eastman, b. April 20, 1857. 3655 2. John Henry Eastman, b. Oct. 7, 1859, d. May, 16.0. VIII. Potty Ann Carre (1993) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1817, married Nathaniel Rose, in Stephentown, Oct. 21, 1837. They moved to Milton, Wis., in May, 1829, where he died Nov. 17, 1878. She died in the same place, May 10, 1883. Their children are, 4 3656 1. Abby Rose, b. June 13, 1841, m. Wallace Munsell, 1861. 3657 2. Emma Rose, b. March 8, 1851, d. May 15, 1881. 3658 3. John Carr Rose, b. Oct. 15, 1852, m. Hattie E. Cram. 3659 4. Frank H. Rose, b. Feb. 2+, 1856. d. Oct. 22, 1857. 3660 5. Nathaniel Rose, b. July 2), 1857, d. Oct. 16, 1857. 3661 6. William Henry Rose, b. Aug. 24, 1862, m. Cannon. VILL Pror. Ezra Stocum Carr (1994) born in Stephen- town, N. Y., March 9, 1819, graduated at the Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, of Troy, N. Y., in 1838, and in medicine at the age of 23years. Soon after he was.elected professor of chem- istry, of Castleton Medical college, of Castleton, Vt., a posi- tion he held for 12 years. From Castleton he moved to Albany, N. Y., where he held the professorship of chemistry and phar- macy in the Albany Medical college, and gave frequent pop- ular scientific lectures to working men. He was tendered a professorship in the State University, of Madison, Wis., and was also appointed a commissioner of the geological survey of the state, which induced him to move to Madison. During the CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 221 war he gave the required course of instructions in chemistry in the Rush Medical college, of Chicago. In 1868 he resigned his position in eastern institutions to enjoy a year’s vacation in California. Fascinated by the charms of climate and scen- ery, he decided to make'a home in that delightful state, and accepted the professorship of agriculture and chemistry in its University, where he served for six years. In 1876 he was e- lected state superintendent of public instruction, a position he held for four years, during which time important changes were made in the school system. In 1880 he retired to Southern California, broken down in health, where he now resides at Pasadena. During his residence in Castleton, Vt., he married Jennie C. Smith, of that place, who has been an able and con- s:ant companionin all his public labor. Their beautiful home in Pasadena, is called ‘Carmelita’—little orchard—and its present developement is largely due to the skill and energy of Mrs. Carr. Their children are, © 3362 1. Ezra Smith Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1847, d. Oct. 3, 1873. 3363 2. Edward C. Carr, b. Dec. 5, 1848. 3664 3. john Henry Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1852, d. April 2, 1877. 3665 4. Albert Lee Carr, b. July 14, 1857. VIIL Epwarp Nevson Carr (1995) born in Stephentown, N. Y., April 28, 1822. married Hannah L. Allen, in Janesville, Wis., Dec. 31, 1848. She wasborn in Stephentown, April 28, 1824. Their children are, 3666 1. John A. Carr, b. July 18, 1856, d. July 19, 1850. 3667 2. Charles Adelbert Carr, b. Oct. 4, 1851, d. Sept. 18, 1858. 3668 3. Margaret Eleanor Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1858, d. July 24, 1884. VIIL. Desoran EMELINE Carr (1996) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1826, married Robert Powell, in Milton, Wis., March 2, 1844. She died July 28, 1886. Their children are, 3669 1. Henry F. Powell, b. May 26, 1846, d. March 16, 1848. 3670 2. Henry F. Powell, b. May 13, 1849, d. Feb. 23, 1858. 3671 x3. Edwin Carr Powell, b. July 27, 1852. 3672 4. Ella Powell, b. Aug. 1, 1854, d. Oct. 22, 1877. 3373 5. John R. Powell, b. March, 1858, d. June 9. 1879. VIII. Joux SPENCER Carr (1997) born in Stephentown: N. Y., June 18, 1828, married Caroline C. Atherton, in Milton, Wis., April 18, 1848. He died Aug. 23, 1850. They had, 3674 1. Arthur S. Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1849, d. Sept, 3, 1849. 222 CARR FAMILY RECORDS——EIGHTH GENERATION. VILL Sotomon CARPENTER CARR (1998) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1830, married Isabella Mackie, in Milton, Wis., Dec. 31, 1851. She was born in New Jersey. He has been a member of the state legislature, and for several years was grand master of the state grange. They reside near Milton Junction, Wis. Their children are, 3675 x1. William Solomon Carr, b. Jan. 9, 1853. 3676 x2. Isabella Mnemosyne Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1855. 8677 3. Florence Gydney Carr, b. May 26, 1861. 3678 x4. Kittie Euphrosyne Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1866. VIII. ELeAxor MarGaret Carr (1999) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1833, married Henry Powell, Oct. 3, 1853. He is a conductor on the C. N. W. railway and resides in Chicago. Their children are, 3679 x1. Henry Carr Powell, b. Sept. 5, 1855. 3680 x2. Fred Robert Powell, b. Sept. 17, 1857. VILL. Eviyanh MELANCTHON Carr (2000) born in Stephentown, N. Y., March 11, 1835, married Sabrah Louisa Babcock, March 15, 1855. She died Oct. 11, 1857. He next married Maria Dun- bar, Dec. 9, 1858. They live in Templeton, Cak His children are, ; 3681 1. Sarah Louisa Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1856. children by second wife, 3682 2. Maurice Grant Carr, b. Nov. 6, 1872. 3683 3. Dolly Leah Carr, b. March 19, 1891. VIII. Saran Caroning Carr (2001) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1836, married Horatio W. Maxon, Nov. 16, 1854, in Milton, Wis. She died Feb. 18, 1884. Their children are, 3684 1. Charles Slocum Maxon, b. May 7, 1859, d. May 22, 1885 3685 2. Maggie Deborah Maxon, b. Feb. 13, 1862, d. July 4. 1869 3686 3. William Benjamin Maxon, b. Feb. 5, 1865. 3687 4. Kate Maxon, b. Dec. 1, 1866. VII. JoserpH Goopricu Carr (2002) born in Milton, Wis., March 19, 1840, married Phebe J. Maxon, Oct. 17, 1863. They reside near Milton Junction, Wis. Their children are, 3688 1. Fred Maxon Carr, b. April 2, 1865. 3689 2. Anna Belle Carr, b. April 7, 1866. 3690 3. Joseph Leon Carr, b. April 7, 1870. 3691 4. Alice May Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1875. + 3692 5. Maud Emelyn Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1882, d. Feb. 27, 1884. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 223 VILL Spencer Carr (2004) born in Lynden, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1803, went with his parents to Scriba, N. Y., where he now re- sides. He married Phileta Fox, March 4, 1827. She died April 4, 1868, and the next January he married her sister Cynthia Fox. VIL. Cares Carr (2005) born in Norway, N. Y., April 15, 18C9, married and lives in Scriba, N. Y. Their children are, 3863 1. Edward Carr. 3694 2. Albert Carr. 3695 3. Clarence Carr. 3636 +. Sarah Carr. 3697 5. Mary Jane Carr. VILL. Carvin Carr (2006) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1802, married Caroline Humphrey, March 24, 1829. She was born in Stephentown, July 1, 1803, and died in Bartlett, Ills., Nov. 11, 1891. He died March 22, 1869. Their children are, 3698 1. Mary Jane Carr, b. Jan. 8, 1830, d. May 19, 1841. 33992. John Calvin Carr, b. June 14. 1834. 37003. Walter Raleigh Carr, b. June 9, 1836. VUI. Tuurstox Carr (2007) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1805, married Louisa Green. Their children are, 3701 1. Eliza Carr. 3702 2. Mary Ann Carr. 3703 3. Sarah Carr. 3704 4. Harriet Carr. 3705 5. George Spencer Carr. VII. Mary Carr (2008) born in Stephentown, N. Y., May 8, 1807, married James Betts. Their children are, 3708 1. Caroline Betts. 3707 2. Lucy Betts. 3708 3. Charlotte Betts. 3709 4. Emma Jane Betts. 3710 5. William Betts, 3711 6. Sarah Betts. VUIL. Joux Spencer Carr (2009) born in Stephentown. N. Y,, June 9, 1810, married Selina Pratt. Their children are, 3712 1. Harriet Carr. 3713 2. Lewis Carr. 3714 3. Milton Carr. 3715 4. Willis Carr. 3716 5. Orlena Carr. 224 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VII. Barsara Carr (2010) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1812, married Peter S. Pratt, in Canaan. N.Y., June 27, 1832. He was born Aug. 12, 1808. They settled in Illinois in 1845. She resides in Sycamore, Ills. Their children are, 3717X1. Susan M. Pratt, b. May 12, 1834. 37182. William Pratt, b. Feb. 18, 1836. 37193. John L..Pratt, b. Nov. 24, 1843. VIII. Puespe A. Carr (2011) born in Stephentown, N. Y,, July 31 1815, married Charles Sweet. Their children are, 2720 1. Mary Jane Sweet. 3721 2. Schranton Sweet. 3722 3. Jennie Sweet. 3723 4. Judson Sweet. 3724 5. Hattie Sweet. 3725 6. Stephen Sweet. VILL. Rev. SPENCER Carr (2017) born in Silver Lake town- ship, Pa., March 19, 1811. By his own industry he secured a liberal education, and spent his whole life from early manhood in the Baptist ministry. He was pastor of different churches in Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Kansas. He married Sarah Higgins, in Racine, Wis., Sept. 8, 1844. She was born in Sher- burne, N. Y., July 11, 1822, and now resides in National City, Cal. He died in Parkersville, Kansas, July 14, 1880. Their childrenare, ~* 3726 1. Howard Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1846, in Elgin, Is. 37272. Spencer C. Carr, b. Oct. 7, 1848. 3728 x3. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 27, 1850. VIII. Perec Carr (2018) born in Silver Lake township, Pa., Sept. 26, 1812, married Mary Trumball, in Madison, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1836, and after her death he married Jane E. Genung, of Madison, Sept. 6, 1842. She was born in Penn Yan,N. Y., Dec. 31, 1823, and came from a French family of excellent standing, He has been a member of the Baptist church for the past sixty years, and has given important service to both church and state. They reside at Lima Ridge, Wis. Their children are, 3729 x1. Lucius Genung Carr, b. June 30, 1843. 3730 x2. Grocius Leward Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1846. 3731 3. Arthur E. Carr, b. Feb. 21, 1848, unm. 37324. Mary Octavia Carr, b. Aug. 28, 1849. 3733 x5. Ozro F. Carr, b. Aug. 25, 1852. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 225 37346. Olive Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1855. 3785 x7. Cary Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1857, 37368. Luther Almon Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1859. 3737x9. Gilbert Bailey Carr, b. jan. 11, 1862. 3738 10. Ada Jane Carr, b. July 22, 1864. VILL. Rev. Lewis Comrort Carr (2019) born in Silver Lake township, Pa., Aug. 13, 1814, married Mary Ellen Starr, in Granvile, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1848. She was born in Granville, May 8, 1823. He was a Baptist clergyman and in the years 1865 and 186), was G. W. C. of the society of Good Templars, of the state of Illinois. Hed. June 3, 1882. Their children are, 3739 X1. Henry Martyn Carr, b. May 16, 1845. 37402. Mary Jane Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1847. 37413. Sophia Elizabeth Carr, b. July 24, 1849, 3742 4+. Martha Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1853, d. Jan. 14, 1853. 3743 x5. Ellen Sawyer Carr, b. Jan. 24, 1859. VILL. ABIGAIL Carr (2020) born in Silver Lake township, Pa., March 13, 1816, married Dr. Levi Ober, Nov. 8, 18438. He was born July 30, 1819, and was a leading physicianin Moline, Ills., and La Crosse, Wis. He died March 26, 1881. She died Aug. 31, 1875. Their children are, 37441. Louisa L. Ober, b. March 6, 1846. 3745 2. Ellen Maria Ober, b. Jan. 6, 1849, d. Dec. 22, 1864. 37463. William Edgar Ober, b. Dec. 27, 1851. VILL Betsey Carr (2021) born in Jefferson, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1818, married Joseph Mathews, in Jefferson, July 4, 1839. He was born May 17,1818. They reside in \ustinburgh, Ohio. Their children are, 3747X1. Melinda Mathews, b. Jan. 13, 1843. 3748 x2. Edwin Carr Mathews, b. Dec. 20, 1846. 3749 3. Lewis Mathews, b. Dec. 8, 1849, d. Oct. 11, 1864. 3750 4. Ellen Mathews, b. March 7, 1852, m. 1871, d. 1872. VII. Marta Marixnpa Carr (2022) born in Jefferson, Ohio, June 4, 1820, married Rev. J]. N. Stewart, in Jefferson, Oct. 29, 1833. She resides in Evansville, Ind. Their children are, 3751x1. A. J. Stewart, b. April 18, 1842. 3752 X2. Nancy A. Stewart, b. Sept. 3, 1843. 3753 3. H. J. Stewart, b. June 12, 1845, lives in Los Angeles, Cal. 3754 4. A. L. Stewart, b. Feb. 11, 1847. 226 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—KIGHTH GEN SRATION. 3755 5. G. A. Stewart, b. Jan. 18, 1859. VILL. Grnpert Carr (2023) born in Jefferson, Ohio, March 14, 1822, married Mary Ann Billbe, in Akron, Ohio, Oct. 22, 18t4. They reside in St. Louis, Mo. Their children are, 37561. Winslow A. Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1846. 3757 x2. Lewis Carr, b. Nov. 4, 1847. VIL. MeLanctHuon Carr (2024) born in Jefferson, Ohio, March 1, 1824, married Rebecca King, Sept. 1, 1842. He was in the army and died Oct. 5, 1865. Their children are, 3758 x1. Amos Alonzo Carr, b. July 29, 1845. 3759 x2. Esther Ann Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1848. 3760 3. Millard Arthur Carr, b. Aug. 26, 1855, d. 3761 x4. Lorenzo A. Carr, b. April 1, 1858. VIII. Auprey Maria GRINNELL (2027) born in Stephentown, _N. Y., Feb. 8, 1812, married Orson Reynolds, in Sherman, N. Y., April 22, 1830. He was born in Sherman, Oct. 30, 1809. She died May 10,1892. Their children are, 37621. Julia Maria Reynolds, b. March 2, 1881. 3763 X 2. William Henry Reyolds, b. May 23, 1832. VIII. Gzorce W. GRINNELL (2028) born in Sheldon, N. Y., May 4, 1817, married Jane Ann Weed, in Sherman, N. Y., Dec. 21,1837. She was born Nov. 23,1819, and died July 30, 1865. He next married Mrs. Mary M. Dixon, in Rock Co., Wis., in 1869. He died in Beloit, Wis., July 19, 1893. His children, all by first wife, are, _ 3764 x1. Adelaide N. Grinnell, b. April 3, 1839. 3765 x2. William A. Grinnell, b. Oct. 31, 1841. 37663. Ellen M. Grinnell, b. Oct. 20, 1845. 3767 x4. Mary A. Grinnell, b, Feb. 4, 1848. 3768 x5. Frances C. Grennell, b. Aug. 9, 1855. 3769 6. Hattie J. Grinnell, b. Nov. 22, 1857, lives in Ogden, la. 37707. Arthur E. Grinnell, b. Oct. 11, 1859. VIU. Mary Jane GRINNELL (2029) born in Sheldon, N. Y., July 4, 1819, married William Kipp, in Sherman, N. Y., April 22,1841. He was born in Pompey, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1817. They reside in Mitchell, S. D. Their children are, 3771 x1. James Alonzo Kipp, b. Feb. 19, 1842. 3772 x2. Charles Benjamin Kipp, b. Feb. 4, 1849. VIII. Joun Tuurston Carr (2084) born in Sheldon, N. Y., Hon. Ecpert EuGENE Carr (2035) Born Feb. 18, 1825. me tH CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 229 Feb. 19, 1823, married Salome N. Fox, Jan. 20, 1844. He died in San Francisco, Cal., Sept. 17, 1871. Their children are, 37731. Eliza Albertine Carr, b. March 25, 1845. 37742. Frank Depew Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1851. 3775 x3. Ada Elizabeth Carr, b. May 25, 1854. 3776 x4. Mary Eva Carr, b. March 21, 1856, VIII. Hox. EGBErRT EUGENE Carr (2035) born in Orange- ville, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1825. On Jan. 5, 1837, when in the 12th year of his age, he entered the office of the Genesee Gazette, at Le Roy, N. Y., to learn the printer’s trade, a business which he has followed almost continuously ever since. April1, 1852, he helped as one of the publishers to start the Rome Vigilant, at Kome, N. Y., which was run through that year in support of the nomination of Gen. Winfield Scott for the presidency. April 8, 1858, he became half-owner of the South-Western Lo- cal, at Shullsburgh, Wis., and continued one of its pulishers till September, 1861, when he removed to Monroe, Wis., where he purchased a half-interest in the Monroe Sentinel. He con- ducted this paper till the close of the war of the rebellion, his partner, Gen. James Bintliff, having entered the Union army in the summer of 1862, and continued in the service three years, and Mr, Carr had the sole management of the paper. In July, 1835, they sold the establishment, and that fall Mr. Carr was elected a member of the Wisconsin Assembly, and in the spring of 1866, he was a member of the legislative committee to re-apportion the state into senate and assembly districts. June I, 1866, he became half-owner of the Roman Citizen, at Rome, N. Y., and continued one of its editors and publishers for twenty-one years; disposing of his interest, June 1, 1887, and removing to Marlborough, N. Y., where he established the Marlborough Record, of which he is still (Feb. 1894) the senior publisher, having followed the printing business over fifty-seven years. April 5, 1849, he married Cornelia A. Loomis, of Westmoreland, N. Y. She was born May 24, 1830. Their children are, 3777 x1. Alice Harriet Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1850. 3778 2. Emma Carr, b. July 23, 1852, d. Sept. 2, 1852. 3773 x3. Cornelia Annette Carr, b. March 10, 1862. 3780 4. Ernest Lincoln Carr, b. Aug. 2, 1864, d. Jan. 24, 1884. 3781 5. Ada Grace Carr, b. Aug. 5, 1866, d. Sept. 13, 1866. 230 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—EIGHTH GENERATION. VIIL Isaac THorn Carr (2037) born in Henrietta, N. Y., July 5, 1831, married Nancy Popple, in Warsaw, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1854, by whom he had three children. She died Oct. 8 1871. He next married Mrs. Charlotte Moore, May 1, 1878, who died Nev. 10, 1880. He married his third wife, Mary A. Smith, Nov. 25, 1881. He was a printer by trade and had been connected with the publication of several newspapers in the state of Wiscon- sin. He died in Madison, Wis., July 1, 1892. His children are, 3782 1. Ella Eleanor Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1855, d. Jan. 15, 1835. 3783 2. Frank W. Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1860, lives Jamestown, N. D. 3784 3. Charles Mott Carr, b. March 28, 1862, d. May 15, 1885. VII. Miner THomas Carr (2C38) born in Ulysses, Tomp- kins Co., N. Y., June 6, 1802, married and had a family. He died in Conneautville, Pa., July 20, i880. They had, 3785 x1. Anthony Houtz Carr, b. et, 3, 1838. Three daughters. VII. Benjamin Carr (2041) born in Dryden, N. Y., in 1805, married Polly, Austin. Sne was born in Lyons, Pa. ‘Their children are. + 3789 X 1. Hiram Carr, b. dori 13, 1829. 3790 x2. Caleb Carr, b. March 12, 1831.. 37913. James Carr, b. May 10,-1836, 3792 4. Asa Carr, b. 1838, d. ; . at 3793 x5. Miner Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1848. .. 3794 6. Julia Ann Carr, m. VII. Detia Carr (2049) born in Wilton, N. Y., June 9, 1841, married Oscar F. Lockwood, (8394) March 17, 1859. Taey re- side at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. No children. VII. Nancy Ann Carr (2052) born in Stonington, Ct., Feb. 28, 1790, married Elias Ford, of Cummington, Mass. After his death she married a Mr. Brimhall. Jt is supposed that she died in Utah. No children. VILL ExizaBsetH Carr (2053) born in Stonington, Ct., Jan. 18,1792, married Ebenezer Gilbert about 1812, She died in Cum- mington, Mass., March 20, 1859. Their children are, 3795 x1. Alfred Gilbert, b. May 2, 1814. 3796 x2. William Henry Gilbert, b. Sept. 12, 1815. 37973. Wanton Carr Gilbert, b. May 1, 1818. 3798x4. Ebenezer Clark Gilbert, b. June 27, 1820. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 231 3799 5. ( Martha Gilbert, b. Feb. 14, 1822, d. May 14, 1822. 3800 x 6. | Mary Gilbert, b. e u 3801 x7. Calvin Gilbert, b. Feb. 28, 1824. 3802 x8. Deborah Maria Gilbert, b. Dec. 13, 1825. 3803 x9. Electa Gilbert, b. Oct. 5, 1825. 3804 x 10. Sarah Gilbert, b. July 17, 1880. VILL. Cynrura Carr (2054) born in Stonington, Ct., Oct. 21, 1793, married Bela Parson Clapp, March 2, 1815. She died in Williamsburgh, Mass., Jnly 31, 1877. Their children are, 3805 1. Sylvanus Clapp, b. Nov. 22, 1815, d. 3806 x2. Mary Parsons Clapp, b. Jan. 15, 1817. 3807 3. Francis Clapp, b. Sept. 15, 1818, d. Dec. 3, 1837. 3808 x 4. Franklin Clapp, b. Oct. 17, 1820. 3809 5. Laura Ann Clapp. b. Oct. 15, 1821, d. Aug. 29, 1844. 38106. Willard Smith Clapp, b. July 18, 1824. 2811 7. Lyman Clapp, b. July 18, 1827, d. Nov. 1829. 3812 x8. Bela Parsons Clapp, b. May 24, 1830. VHT. Ropert Carr (2055) born in Stonington, Ct., Oct. 26, 1795, married Mariah Barnes, in Salem, N. Y., March 4, 1824. She was born Sept. 4, 1802, and died June 7, 1885. He died in Ashland, Neb., Feb. 20, 1873. Their children are, 3813 1. Eleanor Carr, b. June 16, 1829, d. Feb. 12, 1833. 3814 2. Lyman Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1831, d. Feb. 2, 1833. 38153. Ellen Maria Carr, b. June 25, 1833. 3816 x4. Robert Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1835. 38175. Horace Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1837. 38186. Addison Carr, b. April 3, 1839. 3819 7. Lyman Francis Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1840, d. March 12, ’44. 3820 8. Henry Carr, b. Feb. 17, 1844, d. March 2, 1844. ‘83219. James. Barnes Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1845. VIII. Lucy Carr (2056) born in Chesterfield, Mass., Dec. 29, 1797, married Joshua W. Smith. He died Oct. 5, 1822. She next married Daniel Miller, Nov. 27, 1828. She died in South Hadley, Mass., April 11, 1859. Her children are, 3822 1. Calvin Smith, b. Oct. 3, 1821, d. Dec. 18, 1823. 3823 x2. Lucy Willard Smith, b. May 23, 1823. children by second husband, 3824 3. Josiah S Miller, m. and had children. 3825 4. Joseph Miller, b. Sept. 19, 1836,d. Andersonville pris. 232 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-EIGHTH GENERATION. VIII. Esex Carr (2057) born in Chesterfield, Mass., Feb. 16, 1800, married Wealthy Jenks, June 7, 1825. She was born June 22, 1808, in Hawley, Mass. He died in Waterloo, Wis., Oct. 1, 1851. Mrs. Carr is now living with her son Ezra, at Lake Mills, Wis. Their children are. 38261. Julia A. Carr, b. June 8, 1827. 3827 x2. Ezra Starkweather Carr, b. June 11, 1829. 3828 x3. Charlotte Augusta Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1831. 38294. Persis E. Carr, b. July 31, 1833. 3830 5. Esek Carr, b. Jan. 20, 1836, unm. VILL. Hannay Carr (2058) born in Chesterfield, Mass., Feb. 10, 1802, married George Washington Thurber, in Cumming- ton, Mass., May 11, 1828. He was born Oct. 4, 1§C4, and died in Concord, Erie Cu., N. Y., Nov. 11, 18&8. Their children aie, 3831 1. Horace Thurber, b. July 2, 1829, d. Sept. 3, 1834. 3832 x2. Helen Amerette Thurber, b. Sept. 20, 1830. 3833 3. Olin Thurber, b. June 22, 1832, d. June 6, 1834. 38344. Francis Clapp Thurber, b. May 2, 1834. 3835 x5. Lydia Ann Thurber, b. March 6, 1837. 3836 x6. Harriet Amelia Thurber, b. May 17, 1840. 3837 7. Sarah Thurber, b. Oct. 11, 1842, d. Nov. 10, 1842. 3838 x 8. Laura Emogene Thurber, b. July 4, 1844. . 38389 9. ! Lorenzo Thurber, b. vd. July 27, 1845 3840 x 10. George Eugene Thurber, b. Feb. 22, 1846. ; VIII. Crark Carr (2059) born in Chesterfield, Mass., Jan. 1, 1804, married Orphia Weeks, in Chesterfield, Sept. 3, 1&32. He died in Simsbury, Ct., June 9, 1848. Their children are, 3841 x1. Oscar Lyman Carr, b. 1833. 3842 2. Edgar Carr. 3843 3. Sarah Ann Carr, b. 1839, d. 1840. 38444. Mary Jane Carr, b. April 16, 1841. 3845 x5. Watson Ezra Carr, b. 1843. 3846 x6. Julia Ann Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1844. 38477. Andrew Clark Carr, b. 1848. VII. Lyman Carr (2060) born in Cummington, Mass., Sept. 22,1805, married Rosamond Whitman, in Cummington. He died in Dennison, Mich. Their children are, 3848 x1. Laura Ann Carr b. Aug. 22, 1888. 3849 2. Lyman Whitman Carr, b. 1835, in Cummington. 3850 3. Jane Rosamond Carr, b. April 11, 1837, . CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 233 8851 4. Cynthia Marian Carr, b. in Cummington. 3852 5. Sarah Maria Carr, b. in New York state. 3853 6. Silas Andrew Carr, b. ” vs 3854 7. Marcus Wanton Carr, b. in Newbury, Ohio. 3855 8. Asahel Story Carr. b. # a 3856 9. Charles Edward Carr, b. in Chester, Ohio. VIII. Saran STARKWEATHER Carr (2061) born in Cumming- ton, Mass., Aug. 17,1807, married Silas Warner in 1821, at the age of fourteen years. Her second husband’s name was Jesse Torry. She died in Chesterfield, Mass., Sept. 1863. Her child- ren are, 3857 1. Lyman Warner. 3858 2. Sarah Warner, d. when 16 years old. 3359 x3. Charles Dwight Warner, b. Sept. 7, 1827. 3860 4. Arabelle Warner. 38615. Ann E. Warner, b. April 27, 1835. 33326. Levi Warner. 3363 x7. Dora C. Warner. b. 1839. VILL Mary Carr (2062)born in Cummington, Mass., July 1 1809, married George Snyder, in New Jersey. They had, 3864 1. George Snyder. 3865 2. Julia Snyder. VIIL Siras Carr (2063) born in Chesterfield, Mass., Sept. 3, 1811, married Lucy Chittenden, in Plainfield, Mass., June 21, 1838. She was born in Plainfield, Feb. 24, 1812, and died in Troy, N. Y., Jan. 7,1871. He died in Cummington, Mass., Nov. 6, 1841. Their children are, 38661. Elias Ford Carr, b. March 6, 1839. 3387 x2. Susan Almira Carr, b. Nov. 3, 1840. VILL. Laura Ann Carr (2064) born in Hampshire, Mass., Dec. 6, 1818, married Phillip Burrett Brush, at Boston Corners, Erie Co., N. Y., April, 1836. He was born in Galway, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1805, and died in Ashland, Neb., March 18, 1876. She resides with one of her sons in Ashland. Their children are, 3868 x1. Marcus Brush, b. Feb. 16, 1837. 3369 x2. Hobart Brush, b. June 235, 1839. 387) x3. Sarah Matilda Brush, b. Aug. 27, 1844. 38714. Eugene Brush, b. Aug. 11, 1846. * 38725. Lyman Ray Brush, b. May 7, 1854. 234 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VIIL. Jurra Ann Carr (2065) born in Chesterfield, Mass., March 16, 1816, married James Blair Stillman, June, 1836. She died in Springfield, Mass., Aug. 25, 1853. Their children are, 3873 1. Clarissa Elizabeth Stillman, b. Aug. 15, 1837. 3874 2. Eugene Stillman, b. June. 1840, d, Oct. 1843. 3875 x3. Eugenia Louisa Stillman, b. Aug. 25. 1844. VII. Amy Carr (2066) born in Root township, Montgomery Co., N. Y.. Dec. 2, 1794 She died in Veronia, Ills., Oct. 1866. “They had, 3876 x1. Lydia Margaret Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1831. VIII. James Carr (2067) born in Root township, N. Y., May 4, 1796, married Mercy M. Corbin, June 238, 1823. He died in Charleston, N. Y., June 27, 1830. They had, 3877 <1. Ira J. Carr, b. May 12, 1855. VILL. Saran Carr (2068) born in Root township, N. Y., May 3, 1799, married Simon Brewster, May 3, 1818. She died in Cam- den, Feb. 17, 1888. Their children are, 3878 x 1. Amy Brewster, b. Nov. 25, 1819. 3879 x2. Julia Ann Brewster, b. April 28, 1824. 3880 x3. George J. Brewster, b. July 21, 1825, 3881 x4. Elizabeth Brewster, b. Feb. 3, 1832. 3882 x5. Mary Jane Brewster, b. April 5, 1835. 3883 x 6. Maria Brewster, b. March 2, 1838. _ VIT. Jonn Carr (2069) born in Root township, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1802, married Lydia Eliza Sweetman, in 1826. He died Nov. 24, 1863, and she died Aug. 1, 1885. Their children are, 3884 x1. Mary Taylor Carr, b. March 14, 1827. 3885 x2. James Anson Carr, b. June 21, 1828. 3886 x3. Michael Sweetman Carr, b. July 6, 1830. 3887 x4. Walter Carr, b. July 17, 1832. 3888 x5. Joseph Erwin Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1833. 3889 6. Elisha Carr, d. in infancy. 3890 x7. William Henry Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1837. 3891 <8. Delwin Brown Carr, b. Aug. 24, 1889. 3392 9. George M. Carr, d. 3893 10. Lydia Catherine Carr, b. about 1844, d. young. 3894 11. Eliza E. Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1845, lives in Dakota, unm. 3895 x12. Charles John Carr, b. Aug. 4, 1847. 3396 X13. Merritt Landon Carr, b. July 17, 1849. 3897 x14. Anna E. Carr, b. Dec. 26, 1853. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 235 VILL. Rev. Jarvis Jounson Carr (2071) born in Charleston, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1806, married Sally Corbin, Nov. 1, 1827. She was born April +, 1807. He was a preacher for a good many years, and died Sept. 26, 1877. Their children are, 3398X 1. Ecvilla Louisa Carr, b. April 12, 1829. 3899 X2. Salome Jane Carr, b. June 9, 1831. 3900 3. Amasa Stanton Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1833, d. Aug. 6, 1853. 3)01xX+4. James Ira Carr, b. June 6, 1836. 39025. Lovina Rose Carr, b. July 29, 1838. 33036. Sarah Elizabeth Carr, b. March 22, 1841. VEIL. Mircagamn Carr (2072) born Charleston, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1808, married Cinderella Cary, Jan. 5, 1831, by whom he had four children. She died in 1845. He next married Eleanor Catherine Brumagim (3914) Oct. 14, 1847. She was born Dec. 13, 1823, and now lives in Ames, Iowa. He was in the war but only served three months on account or rheumatism contract- ed while in the service. He died at Lake Side, Wayne Co., N. Y., Dec. 25, 1873. His children are, 39041. Lyman David Carr, b. July 14, 1833. 3905 x2. Sarah Jane Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1835. 3906 x3. George Edwin Carr, b. April 19, 1838. 3907 x4. Mercy Elizabeth Carr, b. March 3, 1841. , ,., children by second wife, ; 3908 x5. John Emory Carr, b. April 12, 1849. 39096. Florence Lovina Carr, b. Sept. 23, 1854. 3910 7. Emma C. Carr, b. Noy. 11, 1857, d. May 24, 1883. WVIIL ExizaBetTH Carr (2073). born in Provdience, R. I., Nov. 7, 1794, married John Brumagim in 1815, in Montgomery Co., N.Y. He was born in Montgomery Co., May 30, 1798, and died. Oct. 6, 1849, in the same county. She died in Ames, Iowa, Feb: 1, 1892 at the remarkable age of 97 years. Their children are, 39111. Peter A. Brumagim, b. Feb. 14, 1816. 3912 x2. Richard J. Brumagim, b. Jan. 30, 1819. 39133. David S. Brumagim, b. Oct. 9, 1821. 39144. Eleanor Catherine Brumagim, b~Dec. 18, 1823. 3915 «5. Arnon Carr Brumagim, b. Aug. 30, 1826. 3916 6. Mary Jane Brumagim, b. Oct. 17, 1829. d. Oct. 17, 1874. 39177. John E. Brumagim b. March 1, 1831. 3918x8. Eunice T. Brumagim, b. March 29, 1883. 3919 9. Charles W. Brumagim, b. April 24, 1840. 236 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHIH GENERATION. VILL. CaTHeriInE Carr (2077) born in Root township, N. Y., May 12, 1803, married Wait J. Lewis, April 8, 1829. He was born in Rome, N. Y., April 26, 1804, and died Dec. 16, 1859. She died Dec. 13, 1884. Their children are, 3920 1. Charles C. Lewis, b. June 4, 1830, lives Duanesb’g, N.Y 39212. David R. Lewis, b. May 14, 1832. 39223. Mary Ann Lewis, b. Jan. 24, 1840. ‘VILL. Mary Carr (2079) born in Montgomery Co., N. Y., Aug. 13, 1809, married Peter Marshall Loyd, in Canajoharie, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1828. They reside in Waukegan, Ils. Their children are, 3923 x1. Mary Ettie Loyd, b. May 16, 1880. 3924 2. Amos Reynolds Loyd, b. Jan. 18, 1833, m. Clarkson. 3925 3. Margaret Elizabeth Loyd, b. March 17, 1836, m. Allen. 3926 4. Medeba Amelia Loyd, b. June 29, 1840, d. May 25, 1867. 3927 5. Mercia Ada Loyd, b. June 26, 1844, m. Joel B. Doty. VILL. Berset Carr (2080) born in Root township, Montgom- ery Co., N. Y., Oct. 25, 1812, married Phebe Ophelia Holloway, in Root, Oct. 4,1885. She was bornin Whitesboro, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1817. He died in Leroy, Boone Co., Ils., July 12,1885. Their children are, 3928 x1. Sarah Eliza Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1837. 39292. William Holloway Carr, b. July 25, 1841. 39380 3. Thomas Stephen Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1845, d. Dec. 10, 1849. 3931 4. Charles Arnon Carr, b. Oct. 13, 1850. 3932 5. Howard A. Carr, b. May 1, 1853. 3933 x6. Phebe H. Carr, b. Oct. 16, 1856, 3934 7. Smith Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1862. VILL Crark Merwin Carr (2082) born in Durham, N. Y., April 2, 1805, married Delia Ann Torry, in Erie Co., N. Y., May 3, 1829. She died Nov. 22, 1839. He next married Fanny L. Yaw, by whom he had two children. He moved to Henry Co., Is., in 1850, and to Galesburg, Ills., in 1851,.where he lived until his.death in 1876. His children are, 3935 x1. Eugene Asa Carr, b. March 20, 1830. 39332. Byron Oscar Carr, b. April 24, 1832. 39373. Horace Merwin Carr, b. March 7, 1834. 3938 x4. Clark Ezra Carr, b. May 20, 1836. childreu by second wife, 3938 5. George Pitt Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1842, d. Dec. 29, 1871. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 237 39406. Grace Delia Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1852. VIII. Lovisa CARR (2083) born in Erie Co. N. Y., married Willard Alger. She died in Erie Co., in 1881, They had, 3941 1. Laura Ann Alger. 3942 2. Clark Alger. 3943 3. Oliver Alger, he is an engineer on South Pacific R.R, VIUII. Laura ANN Carr (2084) born in Erie Co., N. Y., mar- ried Ambrose Torry. She died in 1881. They had, 3944 1. Wray Torry, was in the army, now dead. 3945 2%. Porter Torry, d. 3346 3. Asa Torry, lives in Waterloo, Iowa. VILL. Dante Carr (2089) born in West Greenwich, R. I., May 16, 1825, married Bridget Anna Gardner, in Waltham, La Salle Co., Ills., Nov. 9, 1851. She was born in Sligo, Ireland, Nov. 25, 1832, and died June 15, 1885. He resides in Troy Grove, Ills. Their children are, 3947 1. Dauphina B. Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1852. 3948 x 2. Belle M. Carr, b. Aug. 30, 1854. 3949 x 3. Levi K. Carr, b. July 18, 1857. 3950 +4. Honor T. Carr, b. Nov. 22, 1862. 3951 x5. Robert J. Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1867. VIL. Lypra Hopkins Carr (2101) born at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., April 7, 1804, married Stoddard Bordwel!. He was born Dec. 7, 1800, and died at Bear Lake, Pa., Oct. 8, 1881. She died at the same place, Feb. 26, 1890. Their children are, 3952 x1. Enoch Bordwell, b. March 19, 1823. 3953 x2. Lydia Elvira Bordwell, b. Dec. 11, 1824. 3954 x3. Mary Roxana Bordwell, b. Jan. 26, 1828. 3955 x +. Richard Reuben Bordwell, b. Jan. 16, 1832. 3956 x5. John Bordwell, b. Feb. 17, 1834. 3957 6. Leander 8. Bordwell, b. Feb. 8, 1838, d. April 25, 1842. 3958 x7. Sarah M. Bordwell, b. July 30, 1840. 3959 x 8. Charles Theodore Bordwell, b. Feb. 15, 1843. 3960x9. Zama Adelaide Bordwell, b. Sept. 25, 1845. 3961 «10. Chester Bordwell, b. Dec. 19, 1847. VUI. Mary P. Carr (2102) born at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., Aug. 5, 1809, married Levi M. Wright, July 4, 1831. She died Sept. 24,1881. Their children are, 3962 1. James R. Wright, b. April 2, 1832, d. Jan. 1863. 238 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—KEIGHTH GENERATION. 3963 2. Arvilla Pauline Wright, b. Aug. 12, 1834, m. Walton. 39643. Harriet P. Wright, b. Feb. 8, 1836. 3965 x4. Andrew J. Wright, b. March 9, 1838. 3966 x5. Sally Ann Wright, b. June 8, 1839. 3967 x6. Lucretia M. Wright, b. April 5, 1842. 3968 7. | Serilous L. Wright, b. June 21, 1BAG, d. Jan. 1864. 3969 x8. ( Serilla M. Wright, b. aa 39709. Lillie G. Wright, b. Feb. 18, 1849. 3971 x10. Clarinda Wright, b. July 6, 1851. VIII. Jorn L. Carr (2104) born in Mt. Pleasant Pa., Nov. 24, 1815, married Betsey 1k. Wynn, April 20, 1837, She was born Sept. 10, 1818, and died of heart failure at the resi- dence of her son Myron, Dec. 9. 1892. Most of their married life was spent near Bear Lake, Pa., where he now resides. Their children are. 3972 x1. Calista A. Carr, b. March 23, 1839. 3973 2. Almeda Ann Carr, b. April 22, 1841, d. Oct. 17, 1847. 3974 x3. Myron Perry Carr, b. April 14, 1843. 3975 4, Alzada Ann Carr, b. Jan. 8, 1855, d. Dec. 20, 1863. VII. Jones M. Carr (2105) born in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., Aug. 24, 1817, married Sary Ann Estey, Aug. 15, 1844. They reside in Grant, N. Y. Their children are, 39761. Walter Carr, b. Aug. 1, 1845. 39772. Rose Carr. b. Aug. 23, 1849 3978 x3. Clemmie Carr, b. May 1, 1851. 3979 x4. Kit Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1858. VIII. RevBen R. Carr (2106) born in Potter, Yates: Co., N. Y., April 26, 1819, married Emily Stooltire, April 27, 1844. They reside in Panama, N. Y. Their children are, 3980 x1. Alice G. Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1845. 3981 x2. George Elmer Carr, b. July 27, 1846. 3982 x3. Zylphia Emily Carr, b. 1848. 3983 x4. Elsie Carr, b. Aug. 18, 1851. VIIL Saray Carr (2107) born in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y Jan. 28, 1822, married Elijah Scott. They reside at Steven’s Point, Wis. Their children are, 3984 x1. Corwin D. Scott, b. Jan. 25, 1848. 3985 x2. Walter Scott, b. May 4, 1849. 3986 x3. Cornelia Scott, b. May 18, 1851. 3987 x4. Winfield Scott, b. March 17, 1853. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 239 3988x5. Charles W. Scott, b. Oct. 22, 1854. 3989 x4. John G. Scott, b. Oct. 17, 1860. 39907. Willis E. Scott, b. May 24, 1863, 39918. Peter Scott, b. Dec. 26. 1865. VIII. Cates Carr (2108) born in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., May 28, 1823, married Nancy J. McCollough. He died Nov. 27, 1883. Their children are, 3992 1. Charles P. Carr, b. April 28, 1853, m. Mrs. M. Akin. 3993 2. Inez V. Carr, b. April 12, 1861,.m. Frank Ransom, 1886 VIIL Betsey Carr (2108) born in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., March 15, 1826, married Marvin Perkins, June 11, 1846. They live at Bear Lake, Pa. Their children are, 3994X1. Isadora Perkins, b. June 16, 1849. 3995 x2. Kdgar R. Perkins, b. Jan. 14, 1851. 3996 3. Fred Perkins, b. May 16, 1863, m. Minnie Johnson. VIII. Dr. ALEXANDER H. Carr (2110) born in Potter, Yates Co., N. Y., Oct. 23, 1829, married Lucinda C. Boardman. He was a veterinarian surgeon of marked ability and had an ex- tensive practice, and was a great favorite with all whom he came in contact. He died very suddenly of heart failure, May 25, 1886. His wife died Aug. 23, 1887. Their children are, 3997 x1. Lillian Carr, b. April 17, 1854. 3998 2. Effagene Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1859, d. Feb. 16, 1865. 3399 3. Mabel Carr, b. March 28, 1863, d. April 15, 1865. 4000 4. Herbert Alexander Carr, b. June 30, 1866. 4001 5. Ernest Carr, b. Oct. 17, 1871. VITL Witittam CLrark Carr (2113) born in Warren Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1836, married Margaret E. Todd, May 15, 1859. He en- listed in the war of the rebellion, Sept. 20, 1862, was wounded at the battle of Gettysburg, and died of his wounds, July 27, 1863. Their children are, 40021. John S. Carr, b. Feb. 12, 1860. 4003 x 2. DeForest Carr, b. April 9, 1862, VIL. Cuartes Hopkins Carr (2115) ‘born in Wayne Co., Pa., Sept. 27,1817, married Sarah ———. She was born in Genesee Co., N. Y., Dec. 9, 1821, and died in Holton, Mich., April 15, 1890. He died in same place, 1865. Their children are, 4004 1. Mary Matilda Carr, b. Dec. 19, 1839, Farmington, Pa. 4005 x2. John Willet Carr, b. March 1, 1844. 240 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-EIGHTH GENERATION, 4C06 3. Charles Wallace Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1846, d. Oct. 1870. 4007 4. Sarah Jane Carr, b. April 18, 1851, Troupsburgh, S a 4008 5. Samuel Porter Carr, b. April 4, 1854, ne 4009 6. Franklin Field Carr, b. Plato, Kane Co., Ills. 4010 7. Sylvia Sophia Carr, b. Aug. 5, 1858, d. 1872. 4011 8. William F. Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1880. VIIL. ApicarL Carr (2116) born in Wayne Co., Pa., Oct. 5, 1819, married Luther Newton. They reside in Knoxville, N. Y. Their children are, 4012 1. Willet Newton. 4013. 2. Emory Newton. VIIL Mary Mrranpa Carr (2117) born in Wayne Co., Pa.,, March 27, 1822, married Abner L, George, in East Troupsburgh, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1848. He was born in Brookfield, Pa., March 26, 1820. They reside in East Troupsburgh, Their children are, 4014x1. Mary Abbie George, b. July 22, 1849. 4015 x2. Bradford Willet George, b. Oct. 3, 1851. 40163. Sarah Matilda George, b. Dec. 11, 1852. 4017 4.{ Charles William George, b. May 6, 1854, d. June 25, '55 4018 5. ( Evadora Lucretia George, dd.” " d.Feb. 14,’61 4019 x6. Carrie Maria George, b. April 21, 1857 4020 7. Perry Abner George, b. Oct. 23, 1859, d. July 17, 1870. 4021 8. Emma Sophia George, b. Nov. 9, 1862. 4022, 9. Sherman James George, b. Sept. 20, 1864, d. June 10, ’80. VIII. ALEXANDER Carr (2121) born June 18, 1836, married and had a family. He died April 1, 1884. Their children are, 4023 1. Ward Carr. 4024 2. Willis Carr. 4025 3. Olive Carr. 4026 4. Lena Carr. VIII. Maria Carr (2124) born in Susquehanna Co., Pa., Oct. 21, 1819, married Sylvester Pierce, Oct. 8, 1844. She died of paralysis, March 4, 1886. Their children are, 4027 x 1. { Philander Adelbert Pierce, b. June 7, 1845. 4028 x2. | Laura Luama Pierce, b. a: 40293. Ann Eliza Pierce, b. Sept. 12, 1853. VUI. Rosa Carr (2126) born Aug. 11, 1823, married George Albro, May, 1849. Their children are. 40301. Azelia Maria Albro, b. Feb. 21, 1850. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 241 4031 2. Walter DeWitt Albro, b. Oct. 7, 1851. 4032 38. Byron Carr Albro, b. May 16, 1854. 4533 4. Almond George Albro, b. Feb. 6, 1860, m. E. Colgrove. VU. Lypra E. Carr (2127) born June 10, 18384, married Syl- vester St. John, July +, 1856. Their home is at Bear Lake, Pa. Their children are, 4034 1. Inez Isabella St. John, b. July 30, 1857. 40385 2. Ernest Watson St. John, b. May 4, 1859, Feb. 2, 1871. 4038 x3. Estella Delphine St.John, b. Feb. 4, 1861. 4037 x4. Iris Irene St. John, b. April 22, 1863. 4038 5. Alice Maw St. John, b. June 21, 1867, d. Oct. 31, 1873. 4039 6. Charles Neal St. John, b. Jan. 22, 1871. 4040 7. Earl W. St.John, b. July 1, 1873. VITi. Pomerra A. Carr (2128) born Nov. 6, 1839, married M. 5S.Simmons, May 31,1871. They live in Oil City, Pa. They had, 4041 1. Clyde Simmons, b. June 1, 1873. VIII. Dr. C. JexNnteE Carr (2132) born in Wayland, N. Y., March 2), 1858. Shestudied medicine and graduated in Chi- cago. She is now practicing in Joliet, Ils., with marked suc- cess. She married Prof. John Edward Stephens in Aurora, Ills., Dec. 16, 1892. He was born in Utica, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1848. VIL. TurRNER Carr (2137) born in Warren, R.L, May 24, 1796, married Sally Sanders, May 31, 1822. Their children are, 40421. Phillip Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1823. 40432. Turner Carr, b. July 28, 1824. 4044 3. Caleb S. Carr, b. ‘arch 4, 1826, d. Sept. 22, 1828. 4045 x4. Abbie E. Carr, b. June 18, 1827. 4046 x5. Caleb S. Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1829. 40476. Joseph S. Carr, b. March 20, 1832. 4048 7. Nancy OT. Carr, b. June 21, 1837, d. Sept. 1, 1839. VIII. Cates Carr (2142) born in Warren, R. I, March 31, 1812, married Hannah Sherman, Sept. 29, 1844. She was born Sept. 22, 1822. He died April 10, 1884. Their children are, 4049 1. Charles .\. Carr, b. June 17, 1845, d. March 21, 1849. 4050 2. Herbert L. Carr, b. .\pril 28, 1848, d. May 1, 1856. 4051 3. Jennie M. Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1856, d. Dec. 29, 1863. VII. Joun Carr (2150) born in Warren, R. 1, April 7, 1795, married Maria Brayton, in Warren, March 17,1824. She was born Sept. 15, 1801, and died in Pautuxet, R.I., March 18, 1863. 242 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. He died in the same place, April 3, 18738. Their children are, 4052 1. Elizabeth Mason Carr, b. Jan. 26, 1826, d. June 23, 1830 4053 x2. John Flavel Carr, b. April 23, 1827. 4054 3. Elizabeth Mason Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1830, d. Nov. 30, 1832 4055 x 4. George Wheaton Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1834. ° 4056 x5. Levi Forbes Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1840. 4057 x6. Maria Green Carr, b. Nov. 8, 1843. VIII. Cares Carr (2154) born in Warren, R.I., Feb. 28, 1804, married Fanny Rhoda Smith, daughter of Stephen and Ko- sanna Smith, Aug. 10, 1826. He died April 14, 1848, and she died April 8, 1863. Their children are, 4058 1. Stephen Smith Carr, b. June 22, 1827, d. Oct. 2, 1828. 4059 x 2. Frances C. Carr, b. June 13, 1829. 4060 x3. Caleb G. Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1831. 4061 x4. Helen S. Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1838. VOL Wititiam Carr (2159) born in Warren, R.1., July 9, 1821, married Elizabeth Durfee, in New York, Dec. 28, 1848. She was born in Fall River, Mass., Dec. 15, 1827. He died in Fall River, of paralysis after an active business life, June 5, 1893. Their children are, 4062 1. Joseph D. Carr, b. Nov. 11, 1850, d. March 27, 1880, unm 4063 2. Lizzie D. Carr, b. Dec. 10, 1852, d. April 25, 1875, unm. 4064 3. William Carr. b. March 1, 1855, d. Nov. 1, 1881, unm. 4065 x4. Delia S. Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1856. 4066 x5. Charles H. Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1858. 4967 6. Richard E. Carr, b. March 8, 1860, d.Aug. 16, 1875. VIIL. SERAPHINE SMITH Carr (2161) born in Warren, R. I, Sept. 29, 1886, married Rev. William Penn Hyde, June 6, 1859. He was born in Stonington, Ct., Feb. 15, 1828. They reside in Santa Clare, California. Their children are, 4068 1. William Fletcher Hyde, b. Sept. 23, 1860. 4069 2. Annie S. Hyde, b. May 17, 1862, d. Dec. 20, 1869. 4070 3. Bessie Carr Hyde, b. June 5, 1864. 4071 .4. Laura Hyde, b. Feb. 21, 1866. 4072 5. Edward L. Hyde, b. Oct. 2, 1867. 4073 6. Enoch Burrows Hyde, b. May 12, 1869, d. May 14, 1869. . 4074 7. Mary Elizabeth Hyde, b. April 20, 1870. 4075 8. John Hyde, b. March 1, 1872, d. March 25, 1872. 4076 9. James McDonald Hyde, b. June 25, 1873. 4077 10. Lillian Seraphine Hyde, b. Aug. 18, 1875. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 243 4078 11. Jennie Wheaton Hyde, b. Jan. 4, 1877. VUI. Resecca C. Incranam (2165) born in Warren, R. I, May 26, 1835, married Rev. C. C. Burrows, Nov. 24, 1868. They re- side at Green Cove Spring, Florida. Their children are, 4079 1. Ruth C. Burrows, b. Jan. 16, 1868. 4080 2. Charles E. I. Burrows, b. Jan. 6, 1875. VU. Crarence Lynpon Carr (2169) born in Warren, R. I, July 18, 1841, married Cealia Schiller, of Germany, June 17, 1875. They both died in San Diego, Cal. He died May 4, 1879. Their children are, ; 4081 1. George Carr, b. April 18, 1876. 4082 2. Charles Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1878. VIIL Sarau P. Carr (2171) born in Warren, R. 1, Aug. 20, 1851, married N. G. Williams, Oct. 4, 1871. She died at Bellows Falls, Vt., Oct. 4, 1884. Their children are, 4083 1. Charles Ernest Williams, b. March 30, 1874, d. Oct. 1882 4084 2. Lizzie Carr Williams, b. June 13, 1876. 4035 3. Genevia Williams, b. May 19, 1879. VII. Jounw H. Carr (2173) born in Easton, Mass., April 9, 1824, married Mary Stoddard. She died 1849. He next married Emily E. Willis, April 21, 1850. She was born in Easton, Aug. 19, 1831, and died July 17, 1889. His 3d wife is Harriet N. Dow, of Harwich, married Sept. 21, 1889. He is assistant foremanin the Ames Shovel Co., N. Easton. Children by second wife are, 4086 1. Lewis Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1851, d. July 25, 1852. 4087 2. Charles Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1853, d. March 4, 1854. 4988 x 3. Helen Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1855. 4089 x 4. Frank Carr, b. Feb. 12, 1861. 4090 5. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1866, d. Jan. 26, 1869. VIII. Exiza Carr (2174) born in Easton, Mass., Nov. 26, 1825, married Hiram Williams, of Larnard and Eliza (Wild) Will- iams, of Easton, Dec. 14, 1848. He was born Nov. 22, 1824, She died in N. Easton, Jan. 10, 1881. Their children are, 4091x1. Henry C. Williams, b. Oct. 26, 1849. 4092 x2. Edith E. Williams, b. Dec. 30, 1854. VIL Martin Wares Carr (2175) born in Easton, Mass., March 9, 1829. He learned the trade of making jewelry and novelties, which business he now carries on very extensively in Boston, Mass., where he resides. He married Lucy Brack- 244 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. ett, of Quincy, Mass., Dec. 22, 1858. Their children are, 40931. Louis Brackett Carr, b. May 31, 18860. 4094 x2. Eugene Parker Carr. b. Jan. 31, 1864. 4095 8. Fred Martin Carr, b. July 10, 1870. 4096 4. Emily Howard Carr, b. Oct. 19, 1876, d. March 6, 1877. -4097 5. Helen Damon Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1880. 4098 6. Howard Wentworth Carr, b. Jan. 30, 1881, d. Jan. 1894. VIII. Sarau F. Carr (2178) born in Easton, Mass., March 25, 1835, married Hannibal Wells, Oct. 5, 1854. She married her second husband, Albert T. Reed, March 15, 1863. Five child. VIIL Henry Carr (2179) born in Easton, Mass., Feb. 11, 1838, married Mary E. White, of Sanford and Mary (King) White, Nov. 1, 1863. They reside in North Easton. Their children are, 4099 1. Louis Henry Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1867. 4100 2. Edward Martin Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1874. VII. Lypra Carr (2180) born in Easton, Mass., Dec. 7, 1840, married George W. Humphrey, of Stoughton, Mass. Her sec- ond husband was William Monroe. She had one, child by her second husband. They reside in Lynn, Mass. 4101 1. Bert Monroe, m. and resides in Brockton, Mass. VIII. Mary Kinney (2182) bornin Easton, Mass., Sept. 20, 1820, married Ivory Hovey Harlow, in New York, April 29, 1846. Hewas born in Middleboro, Mass., July 28, 1824. They reside in Middleboro. Their children are, 4102 1. Elizabeth Kinney Harlow, b. April 22, 1847. 4103 2. Mary Louisa Harlow, b. Nov. 22, 1848, m. Ed. Wood. 4104 3. Louis Kinney Harlow, b. March 28, 1850, m. JuliaCoon 4105 4. Lucy Frances Harlow, b. Feb. 25, 1852, m. H. Thatcher 4106 5. Annie Hovey Harlow, b. March 25, 1854, m. Robinson. 4107 6. Grace Fletcher Harlow, b. June 1, 1856, m. Bicknell. 4108 7. Ivory Hovey Harlow, b. Dec. 28, 1858. 4109 8. Laura Belle Harlow, b. jan. 23, 1863, m. L. Bachelder. VIII. Bucene Terry Loturop (2184) born in Easton, Mass., March 22, 1840, married Sarah Vincent Southworth, in Brock- , |. ton, Mass., (then North Bridgewater) June 3, 1863. She was born in Lakeville, Mass., (then Middleboro) May 31, 1840. They reside in Campello, Mass. Their children are, 4110 1. Lawrence Eugene Lothrop, b. June 28, 1864. 4111 2, Bradford Vincent Lothrop, b. Dec. 15, 1866. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 245 41123. Sarah Maria Lothrop, b. July 6, 1868. 4113 4, Daniel James Lothrop, b. Dec. 29, 1869. 4114 5. Ruth Carr Lothrop, b. May 20, 1872. 4115 6. Lena Washburn Lothrop, b. June 29, 1876. VIIL. Wittiam Henry Loturop (2185) born in Easton, Mass., Dec. 25, 1841, married Elizabeth Dean Hall, Oct. 11, 1874, in Raynham, Mass. She was born in Raynham, Nov. 5, 1849. They reside in Easton, Mass. Their children are, 4116 1. Henry Avery Lothrop, b. March 19, 1876. 4117 4. Ellen Augusta Lothrop, b. April 17, 1881, d. Oct. 24,93. VIli. Saran ANN Carr (2186) bornin Easton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1831, married Cyrus B. Williams, in Raynham, Mass., Feb. 8, 1856. He died Jan. 3, 1885. Their children are, 4118 1. Edgar B. Williams, b. Nov. 30, 1856. 4119 2. Grace Williams, b. June 20, 1864. VILL. Sopata Kinney Carr (2187) born in Easton, Mass., July 17, 1835, married William H. Carpenter, in 1851. He died May 14, 1877. Their children are, 4120 1. George F. Carpenter. 4121 2. Thomas T. Carpenter. 4122 3. Henry E. Carpenter. VIII. Mary Louisa Carr (2188) born in Easton, Mass., Sept. 26, 1841, married Enos P. Hale, in 1863. He died June 1, 1868. No children. VIII. ExvizaBetu J. Carr (2195) born in Wareham, Mass., March 28, 1836, married Samuel Sampson, Sept. 13, 1857. They had two children. : VIII. CHariteEs Francis Carr(2198) born in West Wareham, Mass., Dec. 23, 1840, married Helen M. Hinckley, in Wareham, Sept. 14, 1861. They had three children VIII. Lewis Krtnney Carr (2199) born in East Wareham, Mass., Nov. 28, 1841, married Lucy Stearns, in New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 19, 1868. She was born July 19, 1846. She is a practicing physician, having graduated at the Boston Univer- sity in 1880. They reside in Brockton, Mass. They have one daughter. VII. Emma Braprorp Carr (2201) born in Wareham, Mass., Jan. 22, 1845, married H. W. Barrows, in New Bedford, Mass., April 14, 1866. They have eight children. 246 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VIII. OBep Swain Carr (2206) born in Nantucket, Mass., Feb. 7, 1880, married Catherine Louisa Wright, an adopted daughter of Dea. Wright, of Greenport, L. I., June, 1850. She was a lady of high culture. She died in March, 1851. He next married Sarah Maria Knapp, of Sag Harbor, L. I. Hedied in Greenport, Aug. 9, 1876. VILL. Exizaseta BATES CARR (2207) born in Nantucket, Mass., March 3, 1832, married William Stuart, of New York. She-died in New York, March 17, 1857, and was buried in New Bedford, Mass. No children. VIL. James Esex Carr (2208) born in Nantucket, Mass., May 28, 1835. During the war he was on board of the Pon- tiac as active engineer, and went down south to carry supplies to Sherman’s army while he was marching through Georgia to the sea. Heis now an officer of the county jail of New Bed- ford, Mass., a position he has held for the past twelve years. VIII. Nancy Swarw Carr (2209) born in Nantucket, Mass., June 29, 1839, married Nehemiah Savery Holmes, in New Bed- ford, Mass., Feb. 5, 1863. He was born in Plymouth Sept. 28, 1838. He is a contractor and builder, and resides in Brockton, Mass. Their children are, 4126 1. Harry Clifton Holmes, b. Nov. 39, 1863. 4127 2. George Adlington Holmes, b. Sept. 4, 1865. 4128 3. Abbie Louisa Holmes, b. Jan. 23, 1868. VIIL Joux Buckiain Carr (2210) bornin Nantucket, Mass., Jan. 1, 1845, married Caroline Frances Perothy, in 1874. He is acontractor and builder, and resides in Campello, Mass. Their children aae, 4129 1. Lelie Edith Carr, b. 1874. 4130 2. Harry Clifton Carr, b. 1876. 4131 3. Nellie May Carr, b. 1878. 4182 4. Carrie Lizzie Carr, b. 1881. 4133 5. Mabel Nancy Carr, b. 1885. 4134 6. Ralph Stillman Carr, b. 1888. 4135 7. Ethel Carr, b. 1889. VIIL. Joun GarpIner Carr (2212) born in Nantucket, Mass., March 9, 1847, married Clara L. Lawrence. He died Jan. 15, 1882. Their children are, 4186 1. Annie Lawrence Carr, b. Jan. 26, 1875. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 247 4137 2. William S. Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1878, d. in Falmouth. 4138 3. Arthur W. Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1879. VUI. JosepH Epwarp Carr (2213) born in Nantucket, Mass., March 5, 1848, married Martha H. Bradley, of Nantucket, July 3, 1873. They reside in Campello, Mass. Their children are, 4139 1. Edward Jay Carr, b. April 18, 1874. 4140 2. Harry Clifton Carr, b. Sept, 7, 1876. 4141 3. Ernest Bunker Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1879. 4142 4. Ida May Carr, b. May 27, 1889. VILL Apa -Cireron Carr (2215) born in Nantucket, Mass., Sept. 26, 1856, married Arthur Judson, of Hartford, Ct., where they now reside. Their children are, 4143 1. Arthur Judson, b. Dec. 24, 1886. 4144 2. Stewart Gardner Judson, b. Dec. 1890. VIII. GeorcE Harrison Carr (2217) in Nantucket, Mass., March 30, 1868, married Delia Washburn, of Lakeville, Mass. They have, 4145 1. Etta Coffin Carr, b. 1887. VU. Mary Axtce Carr (2219) born in Brockton, Mass., April 10, 1855, married Charles Lincoln Durham, Jan. 11, 1882. He was born May 18, 1860. Their children are, 4146 1. Alice Louisa Durham, b. Dec. 24, 1885. 4147 2. William Lincoln Durham, b. April 1, 1889. VIII. Frances ANN CARR (2222) born in North Kingstown, R. 1, May 2, 1814, married Perry L. Hopkins as his second wife. See (2227) VIIL. JoserpH N. Carr (2223) born in North Kingstown, R. I, Sept. 24, 1815, married Hulda Hammond. They live at Cowe- sett, Rk. I. No children. VUI. Huirpa EvizaBetH Carr (2224) born in North Kings- town, R. I, April 10, 1817, married William Payntor, of New York state. They have both been dead many years, leaving no children. VIII. Samus M. Carr (2225) born in North Kingstown, R. L, May 24, 1818, married Lucina Wood. Both are dead and left no children. VIII. Isaac S. Carr (2226) born in North Kingstown, R. L, Dec. 12, 1819, married Catherine Madden, in Scituate, R.L., Oct. 248 CARR FAMILY, RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 24,1847. She was born in New York, July 25, 1825, and died June 30, 1890. He resides in Hope, R. I. Their children are, 4148x1. Anna A. Carr, b. Aug. 20, 1848. 4149 x2. § Hulda F. Carr, b. Nov. 13, 1850. 4150 3. | Joseph M. Carr, b. a oe 41514. Hannah M. Carr, b. July 6, 1856. 4152 5. Emanuel Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1859. VII Haxnan Carr (2227) born in North Kingstown, R. L, Jan. 27, 1822, married Perry L. Hopkins. She died a few years after marriage, leaving two children. He next married Fran- ces Ann Carr, (2222) his first wife’s sister. She was born in Nosth Kingstown, May 2, 1814. They are living it Cambridge- ; port, Mass. Children by first wife are, 4153 1. Loraina Hopkins, m. but no children, now dead. 4154 2. Roscoe Hopkins, m. liv.in Johnston, R. I. No childrea, VIII. SALLy Carr (2228) born in North Kingstown, R. L, Aug. 6. 1823, married Henry Fenner. Both are dead. They had, 4155 1. Joseph Fenner. 4156 2. Annie Fenner. VILL. Sinas Carr (2230) born in Jamestown, R..I., March 19, 1839, married Klizabeth Congdon Watson, Oct. 17, 1871. They live in Jamestown. No children. VII. Joun F. Carr (2231) born in Jamestown, R. I., July 19, 1840, married Sarah Anna Clark, in New York, Nov. 19, 1868. She was born in New York, Feb. 10, 1844. He died Dec. 7, 1888. Their children, all born in New York, are, 4157 1. John F. Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1869. 4158 2. Annie Louisa Carr, b. June 27, 1872. 4159 3. Charles Carr, b. July 24, 1874. 4160 4. Sarah M. Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1875, d. Sept. il, 1876. VII. Isaac PENNINGTON CarR (2233) born in Jamestown, R. 1, Feb. 16, 1844, married. Ella Frances Crocker, i in Pautucket, R. I, Aug. 4, 1885. They reside in Jamestown. No children. VII. Eunice Browninc Carr (2234) born in Jamestown, R. 1, Oct. 24, 1847, married Alvah Littlefield, in New York, Dec. 3, 1885. They reside in Boston, Mass. No children. VIIL. SrePpHEN GouLp Carr (2235) born in Jamestown, R. I, July 24, 1850, married Helen Cordts, in New York, Dec. 9, 1891, where they now reside. They have, CARR BKAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 249 4161 1. Stephen Cordts Carr. b. June 14, 1893. VUI. Henry Ciay Carr (2242) born in Jamestown, R. I, April 18, 1839, married Louisa Low, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1867. She was born in Albany, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1840. He grad- uated at Brown University in 1862, studied law in New York, and was admitted to the bar in 1864. He moved to Tipton, lowa, in 1867, where he resided for twenty years, engaged in the practice of his profession. He was mayor of the town, and served his district as state senator. He moved to Los Angeles, Cal.,, in 1887, and there engaged in the practice of law. He died Dec. 25,1890. The family reside in Los Angeles. Their children are, 4162 1. Katherine Carr, b, March 6, 1868. 4163 2. Elizabeth Rice Carr, b. Aug. 26, 1869. 4164 3. Henry Clay Carr, b. March 27, 1877. VIIL. Mary KATHERINE Carr (2243) born in Jamestown, R. L, May 9, 1840, married Allen Gardiner, in Jamestown, Dec. 25, 1869, where they now reside. Their children are, 4165 1. Katherine Weeded Gardiner, b. Aug. 20, 1871. 4166 2. John Howland Gardiner, b. Nov. 3, 1872. 4167 3. Lucy Allen Gardiner, b. Feb. 8, 1875. 4168 4. Giles Carr Gardiner, b. Jan. 16, 1879. VIII. Hannan Carrer Carr (2245) born in Jamestown, R.I,, Dec. 7, 1844, married Gustavus Adolphus Clarke, in James- town, Sept. 18, 1872, where they now reside. Their children are, 4169 1. Clarence Clarke, b. Feb. 3, 1877. 4170 2. Celia Elizabeth Clarke, b. Jan. 17, 1882. VILL. THomas GILes Carr (2246) born in Jamestown, R. L, married Lucy Jane Cory, in Jamestown, Feb. 7. 1883, where they now reside. Their children are, ~ 4171 1. Nicholas Elkinton Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1884. 4172 2. Alfred Richard Carr, b. March 27, 1885. 4173 3. Mana Almy Carr, b. June 5, 1886. 4174 4. George Caleb Carr, b. April 25, 1888. 4175 5. Louisa Cory Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1889. 4176 6. — Carr, b. April 8, 1891. VIil. Catia EvizaABperH Carr (2249) born in Jamestown, R. L, Jan. 5, 1852, married George H. Clarke, in Jamestown, Dec.27, 1877. They reside inShannock, R. Il. Their children are, 250 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4177 1. George Perry Clarke, b. Jan. 13, 1879. 4178 2. Hattie Summer Clarke, b Jan. 15, 1880. 4179 3. Henry Garfield Clarke, b. May 28, 1881. 4180 4. Florence Clarke, b. May 3, 1883. VIII. Isapetta Watson Carr (2250) born in Jamestown, R. L, June 10, 1856, married Walter David Watson, in James- town, Oct.12, 1876. They reside in Providence, R.. I. Their children are, 4181 1. Walter Leon Watson, b. May 1, 1878. 4182 2. Richard Carr Watson, b. May 17, 1880. 4183 3. John Mitchell Watson, b. Nov. 27, 1883. VILL. Joun Bowen Carr (2256) born in Coventry, R. L, Sent 8, 1807, married Charlotte B. Mitchell, of New Shoreham, R. L., in East Greenwich, R.I., by James Miller, justice, June 2, 1830. VIII. Benepict REMINGTON Carr (2258) born in Scituate, R.1, Jan. 21, 1811, married Margaret Ann Millard, June, 1837. She was born in Greenfield, Pa., June 3, 1820. He died in Iowa. She lives in Dunmore, Pa. Their children are. 41841. Hulda Elizabeth Carr, b. June 26, 1838. 4185 x2. Mary Lovina Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1839. 41863. Margaret Ann Carr, b. Aug. 26, 1842. 41874. George Alpheus Carr, b. Sept. 1844. 4188 x5. Winfield Scott Carr, b. Oct. 1846. 4189 x6. Benedict Remington Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1848. 41907. Sarah Clarissa Carr, b. May 3, 1850. 4191 8. Charles Calvert Carr b. June 20, 1852, d. Aug. 1864. VIII. Ggorce A. Carr (2260) born in Scituate, R. I., June 17, 1818, married Clarissa Stone, Jan. 1, 1850. She was born Jan. 9, 1824. They reside in Lenox, Pa. Their children are, 4192 1. John Willington Carr, b. June 24, 1851, d. March 18,’52 41932. Isabella Alice Carr, b. March 16, 1853. 41943. George Allison Carr, b. Dec. 19, 1855. 4195 4. John Lincoln Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1858. 41965. Lucy Ella Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1860. 4197 6. Nelson Byron Carr, b. March 23, 1863. 4198 7. Alzada Marietta Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1866. VII. Mary Ann Carr (2261) born in Coventry, R. L, Dee. 26, 1819, married William Belcher, in Abington, Pa., July 1, 1838. They reside in Factoryville, Pa. Their children are, ee ee ee eT CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 251 4199 x1. Sarah Adelia Belcher, b. July 31, 1839. 4200 x2. Hannah Mary Belcher, b. Jan. 14, 1841. 4201 x3. Lucy Ellen Belcher, b. Dec. 10, 1844. 42024. Lydia O. Belcher, b. July 6, 1846. 4203 x5. William F. Belcher, b. Jan. 18, 1848. 4204 6. Emma Gertrude Belcher, b. June 18, 1849, d. May 1,’63 42057. Addison Belcher, b. Aug. 17, 1853. 4206 x8. Eva Belcher, b. July 31, 1856. VIII. Susan H. Carr (2262) born in Scituate, R. L, Nov. 20, 1821, married Amos O. Utley, Feb. 13, 1846. He was born in Grenfield, Pa., May 8, 1822, and. died Oct. 21, 1884. She resides in Factoryville, Pa. Their children are, 4207 x1. Mary Elmira Utley, b. May 16, 1848. 4208 x2. Truman Lester Utley, b. Oct. 27, 1849. 42093. Merritt Oney Utley, b. Oct. 4, 1852. 42104. Milo Utley, b. Feb. 23, 1855. 4211 5. Emma Utley, b. Jan. 19, 1864, d. June 26, 1865. VILL J. Garprner Carr (2263) born in Rhode Island, Sept. 12, 1823, married Polly Vosburg, Dec. 31, 1855. She was born in 1829, and died Aug. 29, 1866. He next married Mrs. Sarah Arnts, (Liepen) Nov. 12, 1867. She died Feb. 27, 1886. He mar- ried his third wife, Mrs. Mary Adams, April 8, 1889. He died Feb. 23, 1890. His children are, 42121. Charles Carr, b. June 3, 1858. 42132. { Bertha Carr, b. April 23, 1866. 4214 3. | Infant, b. ” ” d. Aug. 1866. children by second wife, George Byron Carr, b. April 23, 1869. Mary Maud Carr, b. March 16, 1871. Henry Otis Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1873. Merritt Carr, b. 1875, d. 1875. Mertie Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1876. 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 VILI. Crark W. Carr (2264) born in Kent Co., R. L, April 19, 1825, married Charlotte Casterline, in 1861. He died in Feb. 1887. They only had, 4220 1. Hannah E. Carr, b. Oct. 1863. VII. Winiram H. Carr (2265) born in Kent Co., R. IL, Dec. 16, 1826, married Harriet Mahon, March 14, 1849. She was born Aug. 29, 1822. He died in the service of his country, July, 1863. oe eons 252 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. She resides in Scranton, Pa. Their children are, 4221x1. Lydia A. Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1850. 42922. Frank H. Carr, b. Oct. 3, 1851. 42233. Dora E. Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1853. 42244, Hattie A. Carr, b. Jan. 1, 1858. 4225 5. Fred G. Carr, b. March 20, 1860, d. Dec. 9, 1862. VIL. Fossen Linstey Carr (2266) born in Clinton, Pa., July 9,1829, married Eliza A. Wrigler, in Abington, Pa. Feb. 17, 1859. She was born in Saddleworth, Yorkshire, Eng., Feb. 14, 1838. They reside in Factoryville, Pa. Their children are, 4226 1. Ada Josephine Carr, b. Oct. 23, 1859. 4227 2. Ella Adelaide Carr, b. Oct. 17, 1861. 4228 3. Luther Elmer Carr, b. March 6, 1854, d. July 6. 1880. 4229 4, Deltha Geneva Carr, b. Nov. 22, 1867. 4230 5. Melvin Wright Carr, b. April 7, 1873, d. Feb. 10, 1874. 4231 6. Ethel Wrigley Carr, b. Nov. 11, 1877. VITL Onty Carr (2267) born in Clinton, Pa., Oct. 4, 1831, married Lois Call, Feb. 1874. He died in Jan. 1881. She was born Sept. 1858, and lives at Clark’s Summit, Pa. No children. VIII. Carorine J. Carr (2268) born in Clinton, Pa., Feb. 21, 1834, married James Smith, Dec. 25, 1857. He was born May 14, 1832, in Franklin, N. J. They reside in Elmira, N. Y. Their children are, 4232 1. Alton C. Smith, b. Feb. 6, 1859. 4233 X 2. James Archibald Smith, b. Dec. 12, 1860. 4234 3. Ira Hillard Smith, b. May 26, 1867, d. June 13, 1875. 4235 4. Effie Imogene Smith. b. Sept. 29, 1868. 4236 5. Harry Lewis Smith, b. Jan. 29, 1878, d. Sept. 9, 1879. 4237 6. Kate Loduska Smith, b. Aug. 25, 1879. VIII. Emrry Carr (2269) born in Clinton, Pa., April 30, 1836, married Ira Hillard, in 1858. They reside in Spencer, Iowa. Their children are, 4238 x1. Lewis Hillard, b. Sept. 7, 1861. 4239 x2. Archie Hillard, b. July 17, 1863. VIII. Betsey A. Carr (2270) born in Clinton, Pa. Dec. 30, 1837, married Warren Lathrop, in 1862. She died Aug. 31, 1886. No children. VIL. Menrssa H. Carr (2271) born in Clinton, Pa., Dec. 25, 1841, married Amos C. Caryl, in Clinton, Dec. 25, 1861. He was Martin WaLes Carr, (2175) Born March 9, 1829. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 255 born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Oct. 28, 1830. They reside in Factoryville, Pa. Their children are, 42401. Eva Gertrude Caryl, b. May 4, 1864. 4241 2. Bessie Isabel Caryl, b. March 18, 1873. 4242 3. Jessie D. Caryl, b. Aug. 18, 1875. VUL Mires Henry Carr (2275) married Georgiana Carr, (4246) Sept 2,1852. They reside in Chicago, Ils. He has been a member of the board of trade and in the grain and commis- sion business for the past thirty years. They have, 42431. Minnie E. Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1867. VOI. ArcHiBaALp FrReMyRE Carr (2277) born in Amsterdam, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1814, married Jane Ann Howe, a daughter of a Baptist minister, of Knoxville, N. Y.,and engaged in the dry goods business in Rochester, N. Y. In 1843 he moved to Ionia, Mich., and engaged in banking business. He died in 1883 or 84, leaving one daughter, 4244 1. Marian Carr. VIIL JoserpH HeNry Carr (2278) born in Amsterdam, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1816, married Eva Eliza Maria Moschell, March 7, 1840. She was born in the town of Root, N. Y., Jan. 26,1820. He was engaged in the grain and produce business in Syracuse, N. Y., for several years; and in 1852, moved to La Salle Co., Ills., and founded the flourishing city of Sang wich in an adjoining coun- ty, where he engaged in mercantile business for a number of years. He now resides in Itasca, Ills. Their children are, 4245 1. Daisy Carr, May 5, 1841, d. day of birth. 4246 x2. Georgiana Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1842. 42473. Henry Herbert Carr, b. June 20, 1844. 4248 x4. Louisiana Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1846. 4249 5. Caroline Carr, b. June 16, 1849. 4250x6. Alice Adelia Carr, b. Oct. 17, 1851. 4251 7. Walter Carr, b. March 10, 1854, d. June 22, 1857. 4252 x8. Clarence Carr, b. June 14, 1856. 4253 x9. Maurice Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1858. 4554 x10. Bill Seward Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1860. 4255 11. Jesse Fremont Carr, b. Dec. 7, 1862. VILL. Barney STILES Carr (2279) born in the town of Clay, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1818, married Susan P. Williams, Feb. 21, 1841. ‘They reside in Somonauk, Ills. Their children are, 4256 1. Caroline C. Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1843. 253 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4257 2. Frances A. Carr, b. June 11, 1845. 4258 38. Celia A. Carr, b. Feb. 14,1851. 4259 4. Elvira M. Carr, b. Aug. 3, 1857. 4280 5. Nora B. Carr, b. July 17, 1869. 4261 6. Delano A. Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1861. 4262 7. Jennie B. Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1863. VII. Capt. Linstey HERBERT CARR (2281) born in the town of Clay, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1822, married Caroline Aldrich, Oct. 20, 1848. She was born in the state of New York, Oct. 23, 1820, and died Oct. 16, 1889. He went into the army of the U.S. as captain of comp’y H, 10th reg. Us. vol. infantry, and was killed at Island No. 10, March 12, 1862. Their children are, 4263 x1. Oscar Nathan Carr, b. July 22, 1849. 42642. Lyell Edwin Carr, b. Nov. 8, 1854. 4265 x3. Ernest Fremyre Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1858. 4265x4. Mary Delia Carr, b. Feb. 13, 1861. VIII. Desoran ANN Carr (2291) born in Brownsville, Pa., in 1814, married Dr. Eli Teagarden, of Mansfield, Ohio. They went to California many years ago and died there. VITL Mary Jane Carr (2292) born in Brownsville, Pa., mar- ried Dr. Edward Holeman. They settled in Equality, Ils., where she died Sept. 25, 1847. They had one daughter, 4267 1. Louisa Holeman., Vili. Hannad Carr (2293) born near Damascus, Ohio, mar- ried George Hollabaugh, of Mansfield, Ohio.: VUI. Dr. Cares C. Carr (2294) born near Damascus, Ohio. He studied medicine and went to Illinois. He married May 17, 1846, and died in Shawneetown, Ills., about 1848, leaving one daughter who was born May 17, 1847. VILL. Louisa Carr (2295) born in Mt. Holly, N. J., married C. C. Keech, of Sandusky, Ohio. She has been dead a number of years. They had several children. VIII. Isaac Carr (2296) born in Damascus, Ohio, Nov. 28, 1816, married Sophia Lynn, Oct. 31, 1844. They moved to Kos- ciusko Co., Ind., in 1851, where he bought and improved a farm, and where he lived until his death at Etna Green, Oct. 29,1865. Their children are, 42731. Henrietta Carr, b. Aug. 1, 1845. 4274 2. Catherine Carr, d. when two years old. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 257 VIIL Ann Carr (2297) born in Damascus, Ohio, March 3, 1819, married Moses Gruwell, at the residence of, the bride’s parents, near Marlboro, Ohio, March 23, 1836. They moved to Cedar Co., Iowa, and purchased a large tract of land. He died Aug. 31, 1877, and she died Dec. 11, 1889. They were both bu- ried in the Friends’ burying ground, at Honey Grove, Iowa. Their children are, 4275 x1. Cynthia Ann Gruwell, b. Sept. 15, 1837. 42762. Thomas S. Gruwell, b. Sept. 15, 1839. 42773. Hiram I. Gruwell, b. March 8, 1841. 4278x4. Samuel Carr Gruwell, b. July 6, 1848. 4279 x5. Esther Carr Gruwell, b. Sept. 12, 1845. 4280 x6. Charles C. Gruwell, b. Sept. 8, 1853. 42817. Mary Patience Gruwell, b. Aug. 14, 1856. 4282 x8. Eliza J. Gruwell, b. Feb. 27, 1860. VII. Davip Carr (2298) born in Damascus, Ohio, April 4, 1821, married Lovina A. Swartz, Sept. 27, 1848. He died in Etna Green, Ind., June 5, 1856. She died Feb. 19, 1889, aged 60 years. They have, 4283 x1. Jerome S. Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1849. 4284x2. Philonzo D. Carr, b. Nov. 16, 1850. VII. Francis D. Carr (2299) born in Damascus, Ohio, Dec, 14, 1823, married Jane Vaughn, Nov. 6, 1845. Their children are 4285 x1. Esther Vaughn Carr, b. March 29, 1848 4286 2. Charles Carr, b. May 3, 1850, d. Sept. 6, 1850. 4287 x3. Samuel Carr, b. April 24, 1854. VII. Estuer F. Carr (2300) born in Damascus, Ohio, Aug. 11, 1826, married David B. Thomas, in Marlboro, Ohio, June 1, 1851, by Rev. A. H. Thomas. They were married in the M. E. church in the presence of a very large congregation. They re- side in Marlboro. Mr. Thomas was born in Logan Co., Ohio, Nov. 10,1827. They lived in Iowa a few years, but preferring their old home in Ohio, returned to their native state to live. Their children are, 4288 1. Mary Ann Thomas, b. Aug. 4, 1853, d. Oct. 11, 1854. 4289 x2. Joseph Thomas, b. Sept. 20, 1855. 4290 x3. Isaac Carr Thomas, b. Aug. 17, 1859. 4291x4. Hannah Jane Thomas, b. April 14, 1862. “VIII. Hannan Carr (23801) born in Damascus, Ohio, Nov. 9, 258 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—EIGHTH GENERATION. 1832, married John Brantingham, at Friends’ church in Marl- boro, by Friends’ ceremony, 11mo. 15, 1849. He died*Sept. 12, 188t. Their children are, 42921. Angeline Brantingham, b. Dee. 21, 1850. 4293 2. Martin Brantingham, b. Jan. 31, 1853, d. Nov. 3, 1875. 42943. Samuel C Brantingham, b. Sept. 10, 1855. 4295 x4. Sarah Brantingham, b. Sept. 8, 1861. 4296 5. Ellen Brantingham, b. Feb. 5, 1867. 4297 6. Esther Brantingham, b. ” ” d. April 26, 1867. VIII. GEorGE WooLtmMan Carr (2308) born at Mt. Holly N.J., July 25, 1819, married Margaret Hays, in Mansfield, Ohio, May 23, 1846. She died Jan. 14, 1891. He resides in Alliance, Ohio. Their children are, 4298 1. Melville Winter Carr, b. in Paducah, Ky. 4299 2. Thomas Carr, b. ” d. young. 4300 3. Anna Elizabeth Carr, He nt 43014. Samuel Wilson Carr, b. Damascus, Ohio. 4302 x5. Ida Hays Carr, b. o ue 4803 6. Hovey Ripley Carr, b. Feb. 21, 1870, in Alliance. VIIL Isaac RipGway Carr (2309) born at Mt. Holly, N. J., Dec. 12, 1822, married Isabella Crew, near Damascus, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1847. She was born near Damascus, July 19,1819. They te- side ona farm in the same place. No children. VIII. Ropert Frency Carr (2310) born in Damascus, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1827, married Elizabeth Atkinson,in Damascus, Feb. 22, 1853. She was born in Salem, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1829, and died at Damascus, July 6, 1891. Heresides in Alliance, Ohio, and is engaged in farming and coal mining. Their children are, 43041. Alonzo Mahlon Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1853. 4305 2. Isaac Francis Carr, b. Jan. 27, 1858. 4306 3. Idella Jane Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1861. 4307 x4. Luella Amanda Carr, b. April 5, 1863. 4308 x5. William Atkinson Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1864. 4309 6. Edgar Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1866, d. Aug. 31, 1867. 4310 7. Joseph Reeding Carr, b. April 4, 1868. VII. Tuomas Wootman Carr (2311) born in Damascus, Ohio, March 6, 1880, married Susan D. Brown, in Damascus, Feb. 5, 1857. She was born in New Garden, Ohio, Dec. 24, 18—. He died in Alliance, July 6.1870. Their children are, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-EIGHTH GENERATION. 259 43111. Comley J. Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1857. : 4312 2. Francis C. Carr, b. Oct. 17 1859, d. Jan. 16, 1860. 4313 3. Caleb L. Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1860, d. Nov. 2, 1863. 4314 4. Charles D. Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1863. 4315 5. Lilly V. Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1865, d. April 9, 1866. 4316 6. Enoch M. Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1867. 4317 7. Thomas BR. Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1870. VIL. Josepa Mrppieron Carr, D. D., (2313) born on the old home farm near Damascus, Ohio, March9, 1836. Hespenthis early boyhood on the farm, attended the Greenwood district school, and the old Brick academy in Damascus. He entered Mt: Union college in the fall of 1854, graduated in the classical course with the honor of the Greek oration, June 22, 1859; and entered the Pittsburgh conference of the M. E. church, April 27,1859. Inthe Pittsburgh conference he was appointed pas- tor to the following places: East Liverpool and Bridgewater, New Brighton, Trinity church of Pittsburgh, St. Clairsville, Cadiz, New Philadelphia, Arch street Allegheny City, Wells- ville, Massilon, and presiding elder of the Barnesville district. By the formation of the East Ohio conference, he became a member and has filled the following appointments: Presiding elder of Barnesville district, pastor of the first M. E. church in Steubenville, Salem, Mechanicstown, Wellsville and Cam- bridge. He was made a member of the publishing committee of Pittsburgh, by the general conference in 1876. He was a member of the general conference of 1880, and chairman of the East Ohio delegation. By this general conference he was elect- ed representative of the fourth: general conference district, and member of the general committee on missions and church extension of the M.E. church. The degree of A. M. was con- ferred by his .Alma Mater, and that of D. D. by Franklin col- lege, a compliment from the Presbyterian church. He has ta- ken an active interest inthe work of education. He is now pastor of the M. E. church of Cambridge, Ohio, one of the old- est and most substantial churches of the East Ohio con- ference. He married .\manda Crozer in Marlboro, Ohio, Aug. 22, 1861. She was born in Paris, Ohio, Aug. 22, 1840, is a graduate of the Beaver Female college, and is an active member of the Home and Foreign missionary societies 'of the M. E. church. 260 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. * Dr. Carr has in his possession an old bible which has come down in the family from 1715, and contains the records of the family from that early date tothe present time. It was a gift of Mrs. Mercy Paine, a daughter of Gov. Caleb Carr, of New- port, R.1., to her nephew, Job Carr, the progenitor of this branch of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Carr reside in Cambridge, Ohio. Their children are, 4318x1. Elizabeth Welday Carr, b. May 29, 1862. 4319 2. Mary Eleanor Carr, b. June 8, 1864. 43203. Katherine Crozer Carr, b. June 11, 1866. 4321 4. Edward Ames Carr, b. June 18, 1868, d. Oct. 5, 1887. 4322 5. Helen Martha Carr, b. Sept. 20, 1870, Wellsville, O: 4323 6. Joseph Albert Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1872, - a 4324 7. Francis Isaac Carr, b. May 16, 1878, Barnesville, ” 4325 8. John Eaton Croser Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1880, Steubenville, 4326 9. Robert Herman Carr, b. May 30, 1881,” Ht VU. ALLEN Goopricu Carr (2314) born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., about 1791, married Olive Cole. She was born in Gal- way, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1794. He died in Fayetteville, N. Y., about 1839. Their children are, 43271. Lydia Carr, b. March 23, 1814. 4328 x2. Lyman Carr, b. March 27, 1816. 4329 X3. Allen Goodrich Carr, b. May 24, 1819. 4330 x4. Pamelia Carr, b. April 11, 1822. 43315. Marietta Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1824. 4332 6. Polly Carr, b. 1826. 4333 x7. Calvin Addison Carr, b. Aug. 10, 1830 4334 x8. Voloovia Carr, b. July 21 1834. 4335 x9..Sarah A.Carr, b. June 22, 1836. VIII. PHesBe Carr (2315) born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., about 1793. She was married three times. Her first husband’s name was Mayer, second husband Edson, and third husband Timothy Clock. She died in Ohio. Her children are, 4336 1. Henry Mayer, now dead. by second husband, 4337 2. Caleb Edson. by third husband, 4338 3. Anson Clock. 4339 4. Luther Clock. 4340 5. Berthula Clock. JosePpH MIppLeTon Carr, D. D., (2313) Born March 9, 18386. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 263 4341 6. Viola Clock. 4342 7. Melissa Clock. 4343 8. David Clock. VILL Levi Carr (2316) born in Manlius, N. Y., about 1795, married Martha Raymond in 1815. He died in 1828. Their children are, 43441. Alva Carr, b. 1816. 43452. James Carr, b. Sept. 17, 1819. 43453. Thurlow Weed Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1821. 4347 x4. Emily Carr, b. March 15, 1824. VII. Vaper Carr (2317) born in Manlius, N. Y., about 1797, married Susan His second wife was Angeline Sprague. He died in Battle Creek, Mich. He had one daughter, 4348 1. Susan Carr. VILL. Hannan Carr (2318) born in Manlius, N. Y., about 1799, married a Talmage for her first husband, by whom she had one son. Her second husband was Dea. Isaac Seeley. They lived near Rochester, N. Y. 4349 1. Joseph Talmage. VIII Mason Carr (2319) born in Manlius, N. Y., about 1800, married Eliza Foster. He diedin Battle Creek, Mich. They had two children. 4350 1. Delancie Carr. 4351 2. Wellington Carr, lives in Wisconsin. No children. VII. Ruta Carr (2320) born in Manlius, N. Y., about 1802, married a Klimer. They lived in Saratoga Cc., N. Y. She died in Hoboken, N. J. Their children are, 4352 1. Pamelia Klimer, m. Weed. 4353 2. Harry Klimer. 4354 3. Amelia Klimer. 4355 4. Sarah Klimer. VIL. MarGaretr Carr (2321) bornin Manlius, N. Y., about 1803, married Jonathan Sprague. They both died in Battle Creek, Mich. Their children are, 4356 1. Philetus Sprague. 4357 2. Carr Sprague. 4358 3. Argelus Sprague. 4359 4. Thomas Sprague. 4360 5. Vader Sprague. 264 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—KEIGHTH GENERATION. 4361 6. Mason Sprague. 4362 %7. Hannah Sprague. 4343 8. Ruth Sprague. VIII. Hunpa Carr (2322) born in Manlius, N. Y., June 29, 1805, married David Everson. They reside in Manlius, and have a family of children. VIII. Roxana Carr (2323) born in Galway, MN. Y., Feb. 22, 1789, married Stephen Cooper, in Ticonderoga, N. Y., July 4, 1805, and settled in Shoreham, Vt. He was born in East Hamp- ton, N. Y., March 27,1779, and was drowned while crossing Lake Champlain on the ice in the spring of 1827. His son Ed- gar who was with him, saved himself by clinging to some frozen substance on the edge of the break in the ice. She died in Shoreham about 1837. Their children are, 4376 x1. Louisa Cooper, b. Sept. 21, 1806. 4377 x2. Roxana Cooper, b. Aug. 2, 1809. 4378 x3. Phebe Lamira Cooper, b. March’ 27, 1812. 4379 x4. Edgar Cooper, b. April 1, 1816. 4380 5. Delia Ann Cooper, b. June 11, 1818, d. in Niles, Mich. 4381 x6. Augusta Cooper, b. March 24, 1828. VIIL Wastin Carr (2324) born in Galway, N. Y., June 3, 1791, married Mary Jones, in Ticonderoga, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1814, where they lived the remainder of their lives. He wasin the battle of Plattsburgh, in 1814. He died Nov. 25, 1846. She died May 2, 1889, at the remakable age of 95 years. During the last years of her life she received a pension for her husband’s military services in the war of 1812. Their children are, 43821. Wesley Jones Carr, b. Nov. 2, 1815. 4383 x 2. Sylvester Dana Carr, b. June 7, 1817. 4384 3. Mahala Carr, b. 1819, d. 1832. 4385 4. Samantha Carr, b. 1821, d. 1838. 4386 x5. James P. Carr, b. May 10, 1823. 43876. Mary L. Carr, b. 1825. 4388 x7. Delos Monville Carr, b. June 24, 1827. 4389 x8. Jerusha Carr, b. 1830. 4390 9. Merrill Benton Carr, b. 1834, d. 1858. VIII. ALBorn M. Carr (2825) born in Galway, N. Y.,Oct. 14, 1798, married Amity Phillips, in Shoreham, Vt., May 14, 1819. .They moved to Medina, Ohio, in 1883. She was born July 18, 1797, and died in Ohio, July 31, 1850. He next married Nancy CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 265 Tarbill, April 17, 1852. She died July 10, 1874. He died May 11, 1881. His children, all by first wife, are, 43911. Edward A. Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1821. 43922. Elmira B. Carr, b. May 11, 1828. 4393 3. Libanius Shafter Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1824, d. June 1, 1863 43944. Phebe M. Carr, b. June 15, 1827. 4395 x5. Richard H. Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1830. 43966. Eliza A. Carr, b. March 8, 1834. 4397 7. Francis A. Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1835, d. Nov. 21, 1840. VHT. Darius Benton Carr (2327) born in Ticonderoga, N. Y., April 20, 1802, married Lucinda Spicer, Feb. 27, 1825. She was born in Ticonderoga, in 1799, and died Sept. 14, 1833. He next married Mrs. Abigail (Porter) Spicer, widow of Daniel Spicer, brother of his first wife, April 12, 1834. She died Nov. 1859. He died in Ticonderoga, Dec. 11, 1850. His children are, 4398 1. Theron Alonzo Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1825, d. Feb. 17, 1826. 4399 x2. Editha Irena Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1827. 44003. Emily Malvina Carr, b. July 20, 1829. 4401 x4. Edson Irving Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1831. children by second wife, 4402. 5. Lucinda Abigail Carr, b. Aug. 25, 1837, d. Nov. 29, 1837 4403 6.( Mary Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1838, d. Sept. 30, 1838. 4404 7.| Martha Carr, b. ” my as aie 4405 <8. | Mary Roxana Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1839. 4406 9. | Martha Roana Carr, b. » ” d. Aug. 2, 1843. 440710. Harriet Amanda Carr, b. Jan. 7, 1842. 4408 11. Palmer Horace Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1843, d. Jan. 29, 1862, at Plattsburgh, N. Y., in the service of government CHAUNCEY CARR (2330) born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., April 16, 1793, married Elizabeth Keene, May 26, 1816. She was born . June 15, 1795, and died near Riverside, lowa, June 5. 1879. He died in the same place, Oct. 17, 1873. Their children are, 4409 x1. Chauncey Carr, b. March 20, 1817. 44102. Giles Collins Carr, b. Aug. 12, 1818. 44113. James Edward Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1819. 4412 x4. Marion Pamelia Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1821. 44135. Hiram Bannister Carr. b. May 28, 1823. 4414x6. Amasa Whitney Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1825. 4415x7. Esther Ortentia Carr, b.. May 29, 1827. 44168. Minerva Ann Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1829. 266 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4417 9. Byron Dennis Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1882, d. Aug. 28, 1837. 4418 10. Hobert DeWitt Carr, b. April 2, 1884, lives Riverside. 4419 11. John Irvin Carr, b. March 9, 1836, lives in Chicago. 442012. Mary Elizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 4, 1838. VITL Maninpa Carr (2331) born in Saratozxa, Co., N. Y., April 5, 1795, married John Gott, April 17, 1817. She died Oct. 7, 1875. Their children are, 4421 1. Edward Gott. .4422 2. Emeline Gott 4423 3. John E Gott. 4494 4. Maria Gott. 4425 5. Harriet M. Gott. 4426 6. Oscar F. Gott. 4427 7. Malinda Gott. 4428 8. Francis Gott. VILL MarGarer Carr (2332) born in 1798, married Benja- min F. Wheeler, March 15, 1815. She died Aug. 24, 1846. Their children are, 4429 1. Edwin Wheeler, b. about 1821, killed by machine. 4480 2. Eveline Wheeler, b. 1826, d. 1888. 4431 3. Benjamin F. Wheeler, b. May 22, 1832. VU. Huipa Carr (2333) born in 1799, married Amos Bish- op. She died in 1868. They had one son, 4432 1. Homer Bishop. VUL Epwarp Carr (2334) born March 23, 1862, married Bet- sey Castle, May 23, 1823. He died March 28, 1829. Their child- ren are, 4433 1. Helen Augusta Carr. 4434 2. Electa Carr. 4435 x3. Edward Vernon Carr. 4486 4. Calvin Castle Carr. VII. James Carr (2335) born Sept. 21, 1808, married Lucin- da Bishop about 1824. She died Oct. 5, 1881. He died Sept. 8, 1882. Their children are, 44387 1. Henry W. Carr, b. 1825, d. 1883. 44388 2. Maurice Carr. 4439 3. Juline Carr. 4440 4. Artemas Carr. 4441 5. Lucian Carr. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 267 4442 6. Emma Carr. 4443 7. De Arm Carr. VITT. Cuaries Carr (2336) bornin Watervale, N. Y., March 6, 1806, married Eliza Ann Butts, May 5, 1830. She was born March 28, 1808, at Dover Plains, N.Y. Sheis living with her daughter, Victoria. He died in Watervale, March 5, 1886. Their children are, 4444+ 1. Theodore Carr, b. July 31, 1831, lives in Detroit, Mich. 4445 2. Emory D. Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1837, d. Aug. 18, 1842. 4446 x3. Victoria A. Carr, b. Sept. 2, 1848. VIII. PRUDENCE CAarR (2337) born in Watervale, N. Y., May 28, 1808, married Nelson Butts, about 1832. He was killed by falling off from a load of hay and the wagon running over him, Aug. 1866. She died April 16, 1887. They only had, 44471. Frances Amelia Butts. VII. Eviza EvizABETH CARR (2338) bornin Watervale, N. Y., in 1811, married Perley Putman Cleveland, of Watervale. She died in 1854. They only had, 448x1. Francesca Cleveland, b. Sept. 22, 1832. VII. Riney Carr (2342) born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., Nov. 6, 1803, married Clarinda Brown, in Eden Valley, N. Y., April 18, 1836. She was born in Woodstock, N. Y.,March 11, 1817, and died at Flower Creek, Mich., Sept. 7, 1888. He died at Clay Bank, Mich., Sept. 3, 1870. Their children are, 44491. George W. Carr, b. Feb. 24, 1838. 44502. Eron Van Rensselaer Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1840. 44513. Norman Carr, b. July 15, 1842. “ 44524. Helen Clarinda Carr, b. June 23, 18H. 4453 x5. Mary Jane Carr, b. March 29, 1847. 44546. Marilla Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1849. 4455 x 7. Sophia Josephine Carr, b. Oct. 9, 1852. 44568. Martin Riley Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1854. 4457 x9. Melissa Isabel Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1857. VIIL Hiram Carr (2345) born in Wilton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Nov. 11, 1808, married Abigail Thompson, Feb. 12, 1828. She was born in Eden Valley, N. Y., March 25, 1811, and died Feb. 12, 1876. He next married Polly Dremmon, Oct. 12, 1886. He moved to Russell, Warren Co., Pa., in 1836, where he now re- sides. She died Nov. 1898. His children are, \ 268 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4458 x1. Lydia Ann Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1829. 4459 X 2. John Bisbee Carr, b. March 10, 1831. 44603. Asa Carr, b.. May 26, 1833. 44614. Juliana Alma Carr, b. May 30, 1835. 44625. Eliza Abigail Carr, b. June 1, 1837. 4463 x6. Jehial W. Carr, b. July 20, 1840. 4464 7. Viola Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1849, d. Dec. 6, 1850. VILL Dartus Carr (2347) born about 1811, married and rais- ed a family of children. He came west with his father in 1848, and lived foratime in Eagle, Wis., where his mother who lived with him, died at the remakable old age of 94 years. Of his children there is, 4465 x1. Frank Leroy Carr, b. June 12, 1852. VIL. PHintip Carr (2348) married Arminda Gray, in Wyom- ing Co., N. Y., about 1828 or 1829. He died in Russell, Pa. His children are, 4466 x1. Elizabeth Carr, b. 1831. 44672. Alonzo Carr, b. 1835. 4468 x3. John Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1837. 4469x4. Almira Carr, b. 1849. 4470 5. James Carr. VILL. Jearan Carr (2349) born in Erie Co., N. Y., in 1815, married Louisa Bulard, in Eden Valley, N. Y., and settled in Elgin, Ils., in 1843. He was in businessin Chicago, and died there in 1875. They had two children, 4471 1. Sylvester Carr, lives in Chicago. ; 4472 2. —-— Carr, daughter, m. Graves, live in Chicago. VIII. Exviza Marta Carr (2351) born in Erie Co.N., Y., Aug. 2, 1818, married Richard Bulard, in Marengo, Ils., Feb. 15, 1845, He was born May 5, 1818. She resides in Scranton, Green Co., Jowa. Their children are, 4473 1. Alonzo Van Rensselaer Bulard, b. Jan. 1, 1846. 44742. Melissa Jane Bulard, b: Jan. 23, 1848. 4475 3. Delenzo Jehial Bulard, b. Jan. 29, 1849, d. Sept. 8, 1877. 4476 4. George W. Bulard, b. Sept. 1, 1852, d. Dec. 5, 1855. 44775. Minnie Lena Bulard, b. Oct. 22, 1862. VIII. Lypra CaTuEerine Coxe (2354) born in Newport, R. I, Jan. 20, 1831, married Perry W. Cole. She died Dec. 20, 1884. Their children are, WintttamM Henry Carr (2358) Born in Newport, R. L, March 8, 1837. CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-EIGHTH GENERATION. 271 4478 1. Addie Cole, b.in Newport. 4479 2. Florence Cole b.in ” VIL Saran EvizaBeta Coxe (2355) born in Newport, R. IL, Aug. 1833, married Alfred H. Stevens. She died Jan. 7, 1887. Their children are, 4480 1. Lillian R. Stevens, b. March 21, 1858, d. Aug. 5, 1880. 4481 2. Robert W. Stevens, b. in Newport. 4482 3. Henry W. Stevens, b. in " 4483 4. Edward Alfred Stevens, b. in Newport. VIII. Caroiine Coxe (2356) born in Newport, R. I., March 3, 1844, married James R. Palmer. Their children are, 4484 1. Laura E. Palmer, b.in Newport. 4485 2. Catherine O. Palmer, b. ” 4486 3. Carrie Augustie Palmer, b. in Newport. VIII. Mary Jane Coxe (2357) born in Newport, R. L., July 4, 1847, married Thomas Sprague. They had, 4487 1. Elizabeth Dunn Sprague, b. in Washington, D. C. VIII. Wittram Henry Carr (2358) born in Newport, R. L., March 8, 1837, settled in New York, in 1860, where he married Celia Osborn, daughter of Leonidas Osborn, June 21, 1874. She was born in New York, Nov. 7, 1854. They reside in New York. Their children are, 4488 1. Jennie Louise Carr, b. Dec. 13, 1876, in New York. 4483 2. Henry Winfred Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1878, u VIII. JosepH ALLEN Carr (2360) born in Newport, R. L, married Catherine ———. They had, 44901. Daniel Sherman Carr, b. 1844. Vfl. SAMUEL Carr (2362) born in Newport, R. IL, June 13, 1814, married Sarah H. Remington, in New York, Nov. 5, 1845. She was born in Newport, Dec. 30. 1820. He died in Newport, May 7, 1890. Their children are, 44911. Mary Richardson Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1846. 4192 2. Peter Remington Carr, b. March 10, 1848, d. Aug. 20,’63 41933. Sarah Debois Carr, b. March 13, 1851. 4494 4. Samuel Allen Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1853. 4495 x5. Rualing Remington Carr, b. May 23, 1856. 4493 6. Clara Mumford Carr, b. March 23, 1858, d. Oct. 4, 1863. VILL. Samvuer J. Carr (2369) born in Newport, R. I., Sept. 23, 272 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 1818, married Mary Ann Tew, of Joshua and Christiana Tew, of Newport, in Boston, Mass., Oct. 7, 1851. He died in New- port, Sept. 10, 1881. Their children are, 44971. Alabama G. Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1853. 4493 2. Leander K. Carr, b. May 18, 1863. VILL Benyamin UnNDERWoop Carr (2371) bora in Newport, R.L, Feb. 14, 1826, married Susan W. Brooks, of William and Emeline Brooks, in Nantucket, Mass., Feb. 2, 1851. She died Feb. 10, 1888. He resides in Newport. Their children are, 4499 1. Phillip Rider Carr, b. April 5, 1853. 4590 2. Sarah Emeline Carr, b. May 20, 1854. 4501 3. Frances Carr, b. July 30, 1856. 4502 4. Benjamin U. Carr, b. Aug. 19, 1859. 4503 5. Willis Brooks Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1862. 4594 6. Ferdinand Defrize Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1864. 4505 x7. Susan Wheeler Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1866. 4506 8. Schuyler Colfax Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1868. VITI. Damaris CARR ALLEN (2372) born in Newport, R. I, 1806, married Capt. Jesse Chace, of Somerset, Mass., Sept. 16, 1840. She died May 10, 1857, and he died March 16, 1876. They only had, 4507x1. Amasa Menton Chace, b. March 22, 1847. VIII. CATHERINE ALLEN (2382) born in Newport, R. L., Jan. 26, 1823, married Silas G. Shaw, Sept. 1844. Her second husband was Oliver H. Geffroy, whom she married Oct. 24, 1849. She died Nov. 19, 1884. Her children are, 4508 1. Kate Allen Geffroy. 4509 2. Ida Bush Geffroy. 4510 3. Mary A. Geffroy. VIL. SamMuet ALLEN (2384) born in Newport, R. I, June 7, 1829, married Clara Gardiner Simons, of William and Mary Elizabeth (Easton) Simons, in Newport, March 26, 1857. They reside in Newport. Their children are, 45111. Samuel Allen, b. April 29, 1858. 4512 2. Damaris Chace Allen, b. June 9, 1859. 4513 3. Joseph Knowles Allen b. April 22, 1866. VUI. Mary M. Carr (2385) born in New Bedford, Mass., July 7, 1813, married James Barton. Their children are, 4514 1. Theodore A. Barton, b. July 2, 1843, in Newport, R. I. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 273 4515 2. Sarah C. Barton, b. May 6, 1847, in Newport. VIII. Damaris U. Carr (2386) born in Newport, R. I., Dec. 1, 1816, married David Taylor. She died Sept. 24, 1848, leaving one child, 4516 1. James Taylor, b. 1841, in New Bedford, Mass. VIII. Capt. Toomas B. Carr (2387) born in Newport, R. L, May 1, 1820, married Annie Sherman, of Newport, April 30, 1849. He served as captain in one of the R. L, regiments dur- ing the rebellion. They had two children, 4517 1. Alice Carr, b. Jan. 1850, unm. 4518 2. Clarence Carr, b. Oct. 1864, graduate of Brown Univ. VIL Joun M. Carr (2389) born in New Bedford, Mass., Jan. 2, 1825, married Harriet EK. Cozzen, Oct. 4, 1844. During the war he served inthe U.S. navy as master of arms, and was discharged at Annapolis, Aug. 1866. He died in Newport, R. I, of la grippe, April 18, 1893. Their children are, 45191. Thomas G. Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1846. 4520 x2. Charles C. Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1850. 45213. Hattie C. Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1863. VIII. JerHrRo C. Carr (2390) born in New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 5, 1827, married Content Hazard. He died Feb. 1883. They had three children, 4522x1. George Hazard Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1853. 4523 2. Florence T. Carr, b. Feb. 1857. 4524 x3. Samuel E. Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1861 VIII. SamueL Roprnson Carr (2391) born in Newport, R. I, Jan. 23, 1818, married Sarah G. Peckham, in Newport, Sept. 3, 1843. They moved to Georgetown, S.C., where she died Aug. 24, 1867. He next married Emma M. Spears, in Georgetown, Oct. 23, 1869. He held the office of county commissioner from 1867 to 1875. He died in Newport, Sept. 24, 1883. His child- ren are, 4525 x1. Robert Robinson Carr, b. June 7, 1850. child by second wife, 4526 2. Kethurah Gavitt Carr, b. Nov. 24, 1870. VIII. Keravuran Gavitr Carr (2393) born in Newport, R.L., Jan. 17, 1823, married Daniel U. Boone, in Newport, May 13, 1847. He died April, 1854. Their children are, 4527 1. Mary Catherine Boone, b. Feb. 27, 1848. 274 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 45282. Sarah Gavitt Boone, b. Dec. 22, 1849. 4529 x3. William Hull Boone, b. Jan. 12, 1852. 4530 4. Damaris Carr Boone, b. Nov. 3, 1853, d. April, 1854. VIII. Sytvester Gavitt Carr (2394) born in Newport, R. L, Oct. 8, 1826, married Amanda C. Stacy, in Tiverton, R. 1, by Rev. Jared Reed, June 10, 1849. She died April, 1852. He next married Annie Henderson, in Jamaica, L. I., Oct. 18, 1861. Their children are, 4531 x1. Robert Congdon Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1850. 4532 2. Harriet Westcott Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1852, d. April, 1852. children by second wife, 4533 3. George Henderson Carr, b. Nov. 22, 1867. 4534 x4. Annie M. Carr, b. May 18, 1870. VIII. Mary ALLEN Carr (2395) born in Newport, R. I, Jan. 25, 1833, married Stephen A. Ward, in Newport, Nov. 26, 1863. He died Feb. 16, 1865. They had, 4535 1. Sallie Carr Ward, b. Jan. 3, 1865. VIII. Benjamin Morris Carr (2396) born in Newport, R. L, July 7, 1833, married Harriet C. Underwood, April 6, 1860, They reside in Newport. Their children are, 4536 1. Mary E. D. Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1863. 4537 x2. Lucinda D. Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1864. 4538 x3. Francis F. Carr. b. Sept. 20, 1866. 4539 4. Stephen S. Carr, b. Jan. 28. 1876. VIII. Rev. Samver I. Carr (2398) born in Newport, R. L, March 27, 1831, married Caroline Williams Stedman, in Wake- field, R. L., April 19 1857. She was born in South Kingstown, k. 1, Feb. 21, 1838. They reside in Newport. Their children are, 4540 x1. Emeline Stedman Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1860. 45412. John S. Carr, b. July 25, 1862. 42423. Caroline Denison Carr, b. Nov. 13, 1864. 4543 4. Mary Norman Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1867. 4544 5, Daniel Stedman Carr, b. Aug. 1, 1869. 4545 x6. Bessie Carr, b. Jan. 2, 1871. 4546 7. William Hutchison Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1873. VIII. WILitaAM SPOONER CARR (2399) born in Newport, R. I, July 7, 1833, married Mary Elizabeth Hutchison, Dec. 31, 1868. He died Jan. 1, 1874. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 275 VIL Mary Hart Carr (2407) born in New Bedford, Mass., July 27, 1838, married John A. Blaine, in New Bedford, June 18, 1868, where they now reside. Their children are, 4547 1. Harry Arnold Blaine, b. and d. Aug. 10, 1870. 4548 2. Walter Edward Blaine, b. Oct. 18, 1872. VIU. Georce Henry Carr (2409) born in New Bedford, Mass., Dec. 15, 1842, married Kate J. Bennett, of Salem, Mass., Nov. 29, 1883. No children. VILE Saragd ARNOLD Carr (2410) born in New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 22, 1849, married George W. Paine, of Bristol, R. L., May 29, 1890. VILL. Josepaine Aucusta Carr (2417) born in Newport, R.L, May 7, 1847, married George A. Hazard. They have, 4549 1. Duncan Hazard. VUI. Toomas Tourston Carr (2418) born in Newport, R. I., Sept. 19, 1848, married Carrie Angard. Their children are, 4550 1. Thomas Carr. 4551 2. Mary Carr. VIII. GEorcE WasHINGTON Carr (2419) born in Newport, R. L., Noy. 29, 1850, married Julia Paull Mitchell. He is alaw- yer in New York. Office No. 29, Wall street. No children. VITT. ANN ELizaABetu CARR (2429) born in North Stoughton, Ct., May 17, 1819, married Dea. Nathan H. Langworthy, a prom- inent business man of Westerly, R.I. She died Dec. 28, 1884. Their children are, 4952 1. Sarah A. Langworthy, b. Aug. 2, 1842. 4553 2. Albert H. Langworthy. 45543. Susan E. Langworthy, b. about 1846. 4555 4. Adeline Langworthy, m. Lyons, live Pittsburgh, Pa. 4556 5. Jennie Langworthy. 4557 x6. Helen Langworthy, b. Jan. 29, 1861. VIII. Saxnps Cote Carr (2430) born in North Stoughton, Ct., Oct. 14, 1821, married Lucy Almira Greene, in Hopkinton, R. I. She was born in Truxton, N. Y., March 23, 1822. He died in Ashaway, R.I., Nov. 12, 1892. Their children are, 4558 X1. Lucie J§lizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1845. 4959 x2. Nathan Sands Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1854. VIII. Syivester Weaver Carr (2434) born in Coventry, R.L, 276 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. Dec. 14, 1816, married Sarah Ann Leonard. He died Nov. 17, 1842. They had one son, 45601. Sylvester William Carr, b. May, 1840. VIII. Rurus BENNET Carr (2485) born in Coventry, R. L, May 3, 1819, married Mary Jane Clark, in Coventry, Jan. 3, 1847. She was born in Coventry, Aug. 27, 1831, and died Oct. 25,1883. He lives in Pawtucket, R. I. Their children are, 45611. Pardon Wilson Carr, b. Nov. 9, 1847. 4562 2. Francis Delos Carr, b. Nov. 7, 1849. 4563 x3. Charles Wanton Carr, b. May 7, 1853. 4564 4. Robert R. Carr, b. June 3, 1857, d. Jan. 11, 1858. VI. Dea. WinLtiaM BENJAMIN Carr (2436) born in Coven- try, R. L, Dec. 7, 1821, married Nancy M. Bolkcom, Feb. 15, 1847. She was born in Seekonk, Mass., Nov. 19, 1819, and died in Pawtucket, R. I, Jan. 14, 1892. He lives in Pawtucket. Their children are, 4569 x1. Alfred William Carr, b. Dec. 11, 1847. 4566 x2. Edward S. Carr, b. July 24, 1856. VIII. Mary Hannan Carr (2438) born in Coventry, R. L, Feb. 10, 1825, married Holden Pearce, Nov. 1, 1842. He was born Oct. 10, 1815. She died Feb. 7, 1885. Their children are, © 4567 1. Sarah E. Pearce, b, Sept. 11, 1848, d. July 1, 1844. 4568 x2. Ellen F. Pearce, b. Aug. 11, 1845. 45693. Malvina F. Pearce, b. Nov. 27, 1847. 4570 x4. Hannah Pearce, b. June 3, 1850. 4571 5. Anson B. Pearce, b. July 5, 1852, d. Sept. 27, 1853. 4572 6. Abbie C. Pearce, b. Feb. 6, 1854, d. Sept. 18, 1855. 45737. James H. Pearce, b. May 31, 1857. 4574 8. Josephine H. Pearce, b. March 12, 1866, d. Feb. 7, 1873. VIIL. Cares Nicuoits Carr (2440) born in Coventry, R. I, April 6, 1830, married Elizabeth Jane Stewart, in Attleborough, Mass., Jan. 19,1851. Their children are, 4575 x1. Frank C. Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1855. 4576 x2. George Henry Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1858. VU. Joseph GarpINER Carr (2441) born in Coventry, R. I, Sept. 1, 18382, married Derinda C. Snow, Feb. 19, 1854. She died June 22, 1854. He next married Susan M. Jackson, Oct. 19, 1856. They had one child, 4077. 1. Ella Mana Carr, b. July 23, 1857, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 277 Amy LAwrence Carr (2448) born in Coventry, R. I., May 16, 1828, married Charles Andrews. She died Nov. 1852. They had two daughters, 4578 1. Amy E. Andrews, m. Brown, Summit, R. I. 4579 2. Andrews, m. David Wilcox, ” w VIL. BenyAMIn Carr (2445) born in Coventry, R. L, June 14, 1833, married Sarah E. Greene, Aug. 22, 1852. They reside at Washington, Kent Co., R. I. They have, 4580 x1. Phebe Ann Jessie Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1856. VILL. Ruru Carr (2446) born in Coventry, R. I., May 9, 1842, married Edwin H. Brown, af Summit, R. I, June 10, 1871. He was born in Waterford, Ct., Nov. 16, 1831. He followed the sea fortwenty years, making four voyages to the Arctic ocean. He served in the war of the rebellion in the 16th Ct. vol,, and was discharged by reason of wounds received in the service. He receives a pension from the goverment. They reside in Oneco, Ct. Their children are, 4581 1. Eben M. Brown, b. March 6, 1872, in Oneco. 4582 2. Ida Mabel Brown, b. June 2, 1877. 4583 3. Leonard T. Brown, b. June 2, 1880. ” VII. NatHan Carr (2448) born in Coventry, R. I, April 7, 1847, married Nancy M. Babcock, Aug. 29, 1872. She was born in Sterling, Ct., Feb. 25,1855. They reside in Sterling. Their children are, 4584 1. Lillie M. Carr, b. May 28, 1873. 4585 2. Mary W. Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1874. 4586 3. Nathan Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1877. 4587 4. George A. Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1882. VII. ADELINE A. CARR (2449) born in Coventry, R. I., Nov. 11, 1848, married George P. Babcock, in Foster, R. L, Jan. 14, 1869. He was born in Sterling, Ct., Sept. 10, 1850. They reside in Oneco,Ct. Their children are, 4588 1. Daniel P. Babcock, b. Oct. 28, 1869. 4589 2. Charles R. Babcock, b. Nov. 9, 1873. 4590 3. Mary J. Babcock, b. Nov. 9, 1875. 4591 4. George P Babcock, b. June 29, 1878. 4592 5. Dora B. Babcock, b. April 20, 1880. 4593 6. William P. Babcock, b. Aug. 19, 1883. 4594 7. Cora M. Babcock, Oct. 15, 1888, 278 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VIIL Anstrus GAMER CarRR (2455) born in Otego, N. Y., July 2, 1811, married Asa W. Lamb, Feb. 15, 1883. He was born Sept. 12, 1805, and died Novy. 26, 18738. She died Aug. 25, 1846. Their children are, 4595 x 1. George H. Lamb, b. Jan. 18, 1834. 4596 x 2. Chloe Lamb, b. Jan. 2, 1836. 45973. William C. Lamb, b. Oct. 21, 1837. 4598 x4. Deborah E. Lamb, b. Oct. 4, 1839. 4599 x5. Mary J. Lamb, b. Feb. 15, 1841. 4600 6. Alzina Lamb, b. Nov. 26, 1842, d. March 26, 1843. 46017. Lydia Lamb, b. Feb. 22, 1844. 4602 8. Rowland Carr Lamb, b. Feb. 20, 1846. VUE. Witiram Carr (2456) born in Otego, N. Y., June 29,1813, married Chloe S. Trask, March 9, 1884. She was born in 1811, and died Sept. 15, 1834. He died Jan. 15, 1883. VII. Mary Hopkins Carr (2457) born in Otego, N. Y., 1814, married Austin W. Trask, in 1880. He was born in Ct., in 1809, and died in Otego, in 1875. She died in 1883. Their children are, 4603 x1. Abdel Loomis Trask, b. April 25, 1833. 46042. Martin V. Trask, b. 1835. 4605 x3. Henry S. Trask, b. 1836. 4606 4. Iowland Trask, b. 1839, d. 1840. 4607 5. Marion Trask, b. 1841, d. 1865. 4608 x 6. Deborah R. Trask, b. 1853. VIII. James Henry Carr (2459) born in Otego, N. Y., April 14, 1828, married Laura Gates, in Oneonta, N. Y., March 12, 1846. She wasborn Jan. 31, 1822, and died Sept. 1, 1857. He next married Lucinda Desire Langworthy, in Columbia Co., N. Y., Nov. 15, 1858. She was born in Edmeston, N. Y., May 19, 1833. They reside in Warren, Is. The children are, 4609 1. William Henry Carr, b. March 8, 1847, d. Feb. 18, 1848. 46102. Adelia Electa Carr, b. Feb. 13, 1849. 4611 3. John Millard Carr, b. April 12,1851, d. Feb. 15. 1852. 4612«4. Ezra Rowland Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1853. children by second wife, 46135. Franklin Langworthy Carr, b. July 10, 1863. 4614 6. Deborah Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1865, d. April 28, 1872. VIIL. Lypra Hopkins Carr (2460) born in Otego, N. Y., Feb. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, 279 29, 1828, married Ezekiel Burdick, Nov. 16, 1847. He was born in Otego, Jan. 10, 1824. They had one son, 4615x1. James Henry Burdick, b. Nov. 10, 1848. VIIL SAMUEL RowLanp Carr (2461) born in Otego, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1831, married Azubah Ann Chapin, in Otego, Oct. 29, 1850. They reside in Gilbertsville, N. Y. Their children are, 46161. John Millard Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1853. 46172. Sarah Ann Carr, b. June 29, 1856. 46183. William Truman Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1866. 4619 4. Rose May Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1870. 4320 5. Deborah Eliza Carr, b. May 29, 1877. VIL. Louisa ApDELIA Carr (2464) born at Cherry Creek, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1829, married Silas Vinton, in Fredonia, N. Y., March 7, 1848. She died in Gowanda, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1884. He was born April 20, 1824. Their children are, 4621 1. Allen Carr Vinton, b. May 3, 1851, d. July 30, 1853. 46222. Frank Carr Vinton, b. Sept. 24, 1853. 4623 x3. James Platt Vinton, b. July 18, 1857. VIL Lypra C. Carr (2465) born at Cherry Creek, N. Y., April 16, 1833, married Hiram Kilborn, at Cherry Creek, June 2, 1852. VIIL. Mary E. Carr (2466) born at Cherry Creek, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1835, married Ezra Puffer, at Cherry Creek, Dec. 15, 1856. They reside on a farm near Racine, Wis. Their children are, 46241. Elmer Carr Puffer, b. May 11, 1859. 4625 x2. George Loran Puffer, b. Dec. 18, 1865. VIIL Samusi H. Carr (2467) born in Otego, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1827, married Matilda Kilborn, at Cherry Creek, N. Y., Dec. 1848. She was born Oct. 10, 1829, and died May 22, 1858. He next married Eliza King, Nov. 21, 1858. She was born Nov. 9, 1832. He isengaged in farming and has held many town of- fices. They reside in Villanova, N.Y. Their children are, 4626 x1. Sarah A. Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1849. 4627 x2. Clarinda Carr, b. March 11, 1851. children by second wife, 4628 3. Naron Carr, b. Feb. 20, 1861, d. Oct. 6, 1865. VII. Truman B. Carr (2468) born in Otego, N. Y., Aug. 1829, married Hannah Billins, Feb. 1857. They reside at Cherry 280 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, Creek, N. Y. He is largely engagedin farming. Their child- ren are, 4629 1. Ella Carr, b. May, 1859. 4630 x2. Jennie Carr, b. Nov. 1815. VII. Lypia ANN Carr (2470) born in Chautauqua Co., N.Y., Feb. 1837, married Jackson Berry, in 1856. He died in March, 1890. She died in Oct. 1890. Their children are, 4631 x1. Alice Berry, b. May, 1859. 4632 x2. Avis Berry, 1863. VIII. Lypra Marra Nivzs (2487) born in Otego, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1818, married Cephas Tillson in Butternut, N. Y., April 9, 1840. She died July 20, 1846. Their children are, 4633 1. Henry Harrison Tillson, b. Jan. 31, 1841, d. June 4, ’64. 4634 2. Analiza Tillson, b. March 10, 1845, d. Jan. 19, 1880. VUI. Joun Howarp NItEs, (2489) born in Otego, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1821, married Elizabeth Cummings, in Butternut, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1849. He died in Delhi, N. Y., June 27, 1877. Their children are, 4635 x1. George Cummings, b. Sept. 14, 1850. 4636 x2. Darius Duncan Niles, b. June 27, 1852. 4637 x3. Fanny Maria Niles, b. Aug. 19, 1855. 4638 x4. Blanch Carr Niles, b. Sept. 3, 1863. VIII DestrE Ann NIzzs, (2490) born in Otego, N. Y., June 29. 1824, married Hiram Randall, in Butternut, N. Y., June 19, 1845. He was born Dec. 25, 1816. They reside in Otego. Their children are. 4639 1. Ossion Adelbert Randall, b. May 18, 1846. 4640 2 Damaris A. Randall, b. Sept. 23, 1850, m. H. Blakely. VIII. PHese Carr NI Es (2492) born in Otego, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1828, married Constant Mathewson, in Butternut, N. Y,, Nov. 29, 1853. Heis a railroad conductor. She died at Manas- sas, Va., Oct. 26, 1877. Their children are, 4641 x1. Nellie Niles Mathewson, b. Nov. 30, 1854. 4642 2. Charles S. Mathewson, b. Oct. 14, 1867, m. VIII. Jane Exiza NIves (2493) born in Otego, N. Y., Sept. 9 1831, married Charles A. Shepherd, in Port Jarvis, N. Y., June 1, 1865. He was a soldier in Co. E, 90th N. Y. vol. He was express agent in Otego, and died Jan. 25, 1875. The G. A. R. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 281 Post 189, N. Y.,is named after him. She resides in Washing- ton, D.C. They had, 4643 1. Lena G. Shepherd, b. May 19, 1871. 4644 2. —— Shepherd, son, d. young. 4645 3. —— Shepherd, son, d. young, VI. Danret W. Nizss (2494) born in Otego, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1833, married Hannah Malvina Holliday, in Otego, Jan. 25, 1864. She was born Oct. 3, 1831. They reside in Springfield, S. D. They had, 4546 1. Richard V. Niles, b. May 21, 1868, d. Jan. 24, 1890. VII. Grorce Netson Carr (2495) born in Otego, N. Y., June 26, 1846. He is engaged in manufacturing shoes in Otego. He has no family. VIII. Sara MeuirasBLe Rovunp (2496) born at Sidney Plains, Delaware Co., N. Y., June 7, 1834. She was a successful school teacher for many years. She died unmarried at Manassas, Va., March 16, 1872. VIII. Rev. Joun Emory Rovunp (2497) born in West Win- field, N. Y,, Nov. 25, 1835, married Hattie Maria Case, in Bos- ton, Mass., Oct. 26, 1863. She was born in Boston, Aug. 18, 1843. He was captain in the 43d Mass. vol. 1862 and 1863, and has been a clergyman in the M. E. church since 1857. He was president of the Centennary Biblical Institute, in Baltimore, Md., from 1872 to 1882, He received the degree of D. D. in 1881. He died in Baltimore, Jan. 10, 1892, and was buried at Manas- sas, Va. Their children are, 4647 1. Kate Newburn Round, b. Sept. 15, 1864, clerk in Wash 4648 2. Robert Clement Round, b. Feb. 25, 1871, p. o. clerk. 4649 3. Genevie Calvert Round, b. Jan. 21, 1873. 4650 4. Hattie Crystal Round, b. Dec. 25, 1880. 4651 5. /Ktheldride Waity Round, b. June 3, 1883. VIII. Hon. GeorGE Carr Rounp (2498) born in Kingston, Pa., Sept. 14, 1837, married Emily C. Bennett, in Manassas, Va., Sept. 19, 1877. She was born in London, Canada, April 20, 1859, and descended through her father, Charles Bennett, from the Shattucks, Bloods, Lakins, early settlers of Mass. mentioned in the “Shattuck Family,” a book already published; and from her mother’s father, John Maitland, who descended from the Maitlands, a noble Scottish family of the house of Landerdale. 282 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. Mr. Round is a lawyer and notary public, and has been U. S. commissioner, attorney for the commonwealth, postmaster, and representative in the legislature of Virginia. He gradu- ated at the Wesleyan University, of Middletown, Ct., and serv- ed four years during the rebellion in the Ist Ct. artillery, and afterwards as a lieutenant in the signal corps. They reside in Manassas, Va. Their children are, . 4652 1. Narma Vera Round, b. Aug. 30, 1878. 4653 2. George Charles Round, b. May 17, 1880. 4654 3. William Maitland Round, b. Nov. 5, 1889, d. June 17,’90 4655 4. Ruth Althea Round, b. Sept. 5, 1891, Manassas. VIII. Lypia ADELIA RouNnpD (2499) born in Springville, Pa., Feb. 20, 1842, married Andrew J. Pine, in Windsor, N. Y., June 16, 1884. He was born Sept. 21, 1842. They reside.in Wash- ington, D.C. They had, 4656 x1. David Emory Pine, b. Dec. 1, 1865. VILL. Jutta SaunDERs (2501) born in Unadilla, N. Y., July 15, 1842, married William H. Parker, of Masonville, N. Y. He was born Sept, 21, 1840. They reside in Otego, N. ¥., where he is aleading merchant. No children. VILL. Winttram Rounp Caswe ui (2503) born in Brooklyn, Pa., May 14, 1851, married Clara Forsyth, of Charles and Julia, Nov. 15, 1874. She was born Jan. 20, 1855. They reside in Brooklyn. Their children are, 4657 1. Charles H. Caswell, b. Sept. 7, 1875. 4658 2. Hettie Ethel Caswell, b. Oct. 26, 1876. 4659 3. George Oliver Caswell, b. June 14, 1878. VIII. Herre Bett CAswe et (2504) born in Brooklyn, Pa,, May 28, 1855, married B. F. Van Fleet, of George, Dec. 20, 1874. She died leaving one child, ‘4660 1. Hayden Van Fleet, b. June 8, 1878, Fleetville, Pa. ‘VILL Aps_pert L. Emmons (2520) born in Otego, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1853, married Carrie Thomas, in Worcester, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1878. She was born in Madison, Ohio, May 11, 1858. Their children are, 4661 1. Kate C. Emmons, b. May 16, 1883, Worcester. 4662 2. Ethel Emmons, d. Sept. 2, 1887. 4663 3. Florence Emmons, b. Sept. 5, 1886, d. Nov. 12, 1886. VIL. Epwarp B. Emmons (2521) born in Otego, N. Y., June © CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 283 30, 1854, married Sarah Martin, in Otego, Oct. 22, 1879. She was born May 28, 1862. Their children are, 4664 1. Addie Emmons, b. Feb. 15, 1885, in Otego. 4665 2. Sadie Emmons, b. Aug. 23, 1887, ny VU. Franx J. Emmons (2523) born in Otego, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1859, married Estella Christian, in Oneonta, N. Y., April 28, 1886. She was bornin Hancock, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1864. They had, 4666 1. Arthur Emmons, b. March 23, 1887, in Ellis, Kansas. VII. Wittram Carr (2534) born in Gates Co., N. Y., April 9, 1800, married Anna Watson, Feb. 17, 1825. She was born in Rutland, Vt., Oct. 10, 1804, and died in Barrington, N. Y., Feb. 1873. He died in the same place, Aug. 17, 1862. Their child- ren are, 4667 x1. Madison Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1825, in a 4668 x2. John Carr, b. Aug. 18, 1827, 4669 3. Adelia Ann Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1831, a 4670 4. William Isaac Carr, b. June 20, 1833 i 46715. Andrew H. Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1837, 3 4672€. Sarah Louisa Carr, b. March 12, 1840. ” 4673 7. Levi P. Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1844, d. March 8. 1846. VU. Eruram j. Carr (2540) born in Bethany, Pa., in 1824, married Isabell Simons, in 1874. They reside in Lanesborough, Pa. Their children are, 4674 1. Addie Carr, b. Nov. 1875. 4675 2. Thomas A. Carr, b. Dec. 1877. VILL. Jane Carr (2541) born in Bethany, Pa., in 1827, mar- ried Elisha Kenyon. They have two children. VIII. ANN ELIzABETH Carr (2542) born in Bethany, Pa., in 1830, married John Hardesty. They live in San Jose, Cal. They have two girls. VILL Tuomas Carr (2543) born in Bethany, Pa., in 1832, married Helen Pike, in Wisconsin, in 1858. She died in 1883, leaving six children. He lives in South Dakota. VILL ReuBeN Carr (2545) born in Canaan, Wayne Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1815, married Elizabeth Corwin, in Prompton, Pa., Jan. 4, 1836. She was born in Prompton, Dec. 27, 1815. They reside in Dunmore, Pa. Their children are, 4686 x 1. George Gilbert Carr, b. Feb. 29, 1840. 4687 x2. Edward C. Carr, b. July 27, 1842. 284 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, 4688 3. Denton W. Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1845, d. Oct. 17, 1872. 4689 x4. Warren N. Carr, Sept. 27, 1847. 46905. Oren E. Carr, Jan. 9%, 1850. 4691 6. Morris Carr, b. Aug. 28, 1852, d. Sept. 25, 1852. 4692 7. Frank R. Carr, b. June 28, 1854, d. Oct. 16, 1875 FRANCIS VINCENT CARR (2548) born in Canaan, Pa., June 23, 1827, married Helen Augusta Cerry, April 26, 1855, in Way- mart, Pa. She was born near Newbury, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1832, and died in Waymart, July 20, 1868. He next married Eliza Goodnough Boyd, in Honesdale, Pa., March 12, 1879. -They reside in Honesdale. His children are, 4693 x1. William Loyd Carr, b. April 14, 1856. 4694 2. Ambrose Ensign Carr, b. April 21, 1863, d. July 19, ’85. child by second wife, 4695 3. Oscar Francis Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1881. WIII. Oscar Hupson Carr(2552) born in Canaan, Pa., Oct. 29, 1835. He was in businessin Waymart, Pa., when a young man, but went to Illinois and settled in Paxton, about 1867, where he died March 5, 1892. At the time of his death he was both town clerk and city treasurer. He left a wife and one daughter. VIII. Crarinpa M. Carr (2556) born in Bethany, P., April 25, 1824, married John Robertson, in Bethany, Dec. 28, 1848. He was born in Scotland, Aug. 13, 1828, and died Oct. 19, 1886. She resides in Morenci, Mich. Their children are, 4696 x1. George Carr Robertson, b. Sept. 13, 1850. 4697 2. Jennie Robertson, b. Aug. 1, 1852, 4698 x3. Clara M. Robertson. b. 28, 1855. VIII. Saran EstHer Carr (2559) born in Bethany, Pa., May 11, 1829, married Teneych De Puy, in Bethany, Jan. 18, 1855: He was born in Sullivan Co., N. Y., Aug. 31, 1828, They reside in Rochester, N. Y. He is a lumber merchant. Their children are, 4699 x1. Ada Bell De Puy, b. Oct. 25, 1858. 4700 2. Charles Teneych De Puy, b. Oct. 10, 1860. 4701 3. Mary De Puy, b. Nov. 7, 1870, d. May 10, 1871. VII. Harriet Conpirt (2562) born in Damascus, Pa., June 9, 1819, married Peter Richer Munn, of Orange, Essex Co., N. J, April 12, 1842. He is dead and she is living in Scranton, Pa. VII. Wintram Jackson Connprr (2563) born in Damascus, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, 285 Pa., Aug. 18, 1822, married Arminda Wells, in Benton, Pa.,, Feb. 20, 1852, They reside in Scranton, Pa. No children. VIL Exviza Marta Conpit (2564) born in Damascus, Pa., July 25, 1827, married Thomas Jefferson Dimock. He died May 25, 1875, aged 49 years. She lives in Waymart, Pa. VILL Jaxe Witmot (2577) born in Bethany, Pa., Sept. 19, 1822, married Wales C. Butterworth, in Attica, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1840. He was born in Massachusetts, April 24, 1810, and died in 1854. She resides in Ironton, Ohio. Their children are, 47021. Ida Butterworth, b. Nov. 10, 1840, Condersport, ag 4703 X2. Imogene Butterworth, b. May 4, 1843, ie 4704 x3. Louisa R. Butterworth, b. Sept. 9, 1844, ” i 4805 x 4. Josephine Butterworth, b. Aug. 10, 1846, ” 2 4706 X5. Jennie R. Butterworth, b. Sept. 5, 1852, d. March 5, ’62. VII. Lors Wiimor (2578) born in Bethany, Pa., March 19, 1825, married Othniel Brooks, in Braceville, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1846. Sheis dead. Their children are, 47071. Mary Brooks, b. May 2, 1849, in Braceville. 4708 x2. Jessie Brooks, b. Oct. 29, 1855, 7 VII. Epwarp Wrimor (2579) bornin Bethany, Pa. May 24, 1828, married Susan D. Polley, in Covington, Ky., March 1, 1866. She was born in Boone Co., Ky., Feb. 2, 1832. They re- side Pruett, Kenton Co., Ky. Their children are, 47091. Clarence O. Wilmot, b. April 1s, 1870. 4710 2. Mary L. Wilmot, b. June 25, 1874. VILL. Marra Wriimor (2580) born in Bethany, Pa., Feb. 13,1832, married Giles Bleasdale Overton, in Condersport, Feb. 8, 1854. He was bornin Athens, Pa., Jan. 9, 1825. Heis a descendant of George Clymer, one of the signers of the “Declaration of In- dependence’ and first president of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine .\rts. They reside in Olean, N. Y. Their children are, 47111. Alice Maud Overton, b. Jan. 26, 1855, Cleveland, Ohio. 47122. William Clymer Overton, b. Oct. 3, 1862, Scranton, Pa. 4713 3. Maria Bleasdale Overton, b. Jan. 31, 1864, Rochester. 4714 4. Carl Wilmot Overton, b. April 8, 1867, Union, Pa. 4715 5. David Wilmot Overton, Feb. 10, 1869, Towanda, Pa. VITI. Caninpa WriMor (2581) born in Braceville, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1843. She died in Chardon, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1893. VII. James Henry Carr (2585) born in Scott, Wayne Co., 286 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. April 22, 1835, married Fanny Schoonover, in Sherman, Pa. Dec. 7, 1861. She was born in Hollisterville, Pa., Feb. 9, 1843. They reside in Bird City, Kansas. Their children are, 4716 x1. John Grove Carr, b. Dec. 23, 1862. 4717 2. Lovern U. Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1865, d. Dec. 2, 1885. 4718 3. Dewey S. Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1868. 4719 4. Anna Belle Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1869, d. April 7, 1873. 4720 5. Edna Margaret Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1873. VII. Nancy Maria Carr (2587) born in Scott, Wayne Co., Pa., Oct. 23, 1839, married Isaac F. Stover, in Deposit, Broome Co., N. Y., Aug. 5, 1867. He was born in England, Feb. 18, 1840. Their address is Hales Eddy, N. Y. Their children are, 4721 1. Lillian Stover, -b. Dec. 17, 1870. 4722 2. William Stover, b. Oct. 11, 1874. 4723 3. Mary A. Stover, b. Aug. 17, 1876. 4724 4. Harry Stover, b. June 5, 1879. VILL. Joun Wuitaker Carr (2090) born in Sherman, Pa.,, Nov. 15, 1845. He enlisted Oct. 14, 1862, in Co. G, 141 Pa., vol., and was discharged June 2, 1865. He was a prisoner in Ander- sonville from June 2, 1854, to Dec. 18, 1864. He married Olive Evaline Smith, in Sherman, Dec. 25, 1868.- She was born July 1, 1849. They reside in Ashland, Wis. Their children are, 4725 1. Charles Ezra Carr, b. March 20, 1870. 4726 2. Fred Leslie Carr, b. Jan. 30, 1876. VILL. Emmons Warp Carr (2594) born in Starrucca, Wayne Co., Pa., April 10, 1854, married Gertrude E. Parsons, Aug. 27, 1886, in Winsor, N. Y. She was born in Gilbert, Pa., Feb. 14, 1871. They reside at Columbia Cross Roads, Bradford Co., Pa. Their children are, 4727 1. Cora Margaret Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1887. 4728 2. Harriet Lula Carr, b. Feb. 16, 1889. VIII. EvpripcE Gerry Carr (2597) born in Ripley, Me., Jan. 4, 1824, married Julia Johnson, youngest daughter of David Johnson, of Limerick, Me., in Salem, Mass., Sept. 6, 1846. She was born in Parsonfield, Me., May 1, 1826, and died May 6, 1849. He next married Abby Page, youngest daughter of Reuben Page, Jan. 10, 1852. She was born in New Hampshire, March 7, 1813, and died in Mexico, Me., March 12, 1889. He resides in Mexico. He has written some poetry for neighboring journ- als and published asmall volume of poems. He had one son, ELBRIDGE GERRY CARR xi ca a 2 mm Nw i a i, z r, v — = os S on = u 3 mm CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 289 4729 1. Joseph E. Carr, b. June 7, 1847, and was killed in bat- tle during the war of the rebellion, June 28, 1863. VUI. James Carr (2598) born in Ripley, Me., Jan. 16, 1827, married ———— Frost,in Harmony, Me., in 1850. He died in Harmony in 1880. No children. VUI. Jurra Carr (2599) born in Ripley, Me., April 6, 1828. She went west with an emigrant society when a small girl, having been taken to bring up by Isaac Tucker and wife. They settled on Fox river in Wisconsin. She married Daniel Shaw in 1846. She died in England, Aug. 25, 1893. Their children are, 4730 1. Daniel S. Shaw, b. May 8, 1847, d. 4731 2. Julia Shaw, b. Aug. 4, 1849. 4732 3. Edwin Shaw, b. Dec. 6, 1855. 4733 4. Nellie Shaw, b. April 5, 1861. VIII. Oscoop Carr (2600) born in Avon, Me., April 6, 1830, married Charlotte Rowe, of Baldwin, Me., May 6, 1856. She was born in Baldwin, Sept. 5, 1831. They reside in East Brown- field, Me. Their children are, 4734 1. Lewis W. Carr, b. April 6, 1857, in Baldwin. 4735 2. Lizzie Carr, b. 1858, d. 1861. 4736 X3. Elbridge G. Carr, b. June 15, 1865. VIII. Rury Carr (2601) born in Wilton, Me., May 10, 1834, married Silas Blackwell, Sept. 8, 1849. He died in Jay, Me., June 17, 1875. She died in Lewiston, Me., about 1886. Their children are, 4737 1. Bennett Blackwell, b. Aug. 2, 1850, m. Widow Scales. 4738 2. Pearl Blackwell, b. Feb. 28, 1852, drowned Aug. 14, ’64. 4739 3. Marietta Blackwell, b. March 12, 1854. m. U. Hatch. 4740 4. Oliver Blackwell, b. Jan. 1, 1856. VU. Martua Carr (2602) born in Newport, Me. May 7, 1828, married Dearborn T. Cooper, in Chicago, Ills., Sept. 10, 1855, where they now reside. They had, 4741 1. Nellie Cooper, b. June, 1858. VIII. Georce W. Carr (2603) born in Newport, Me., Nov. 9, 1829, married Emeline Wyman, Jan. 21, 1856. She was born Dec. 11, 1828. Their children are, 4742 1. Angia M. Carr, b. June 29, 1857, d. March 14, 1859. 4743 x2. Nellie W. Carr. b. Oct. 7, 1858. 290 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4744 3 Flora E. Carr, b. April 3, 1860, d. May 28, 1880. 47454. Charles E. Carr, b. Nov. 23, 1862. 4748 5. George W. Carr, b. July 14, 1864. 4747 6. Albert S. Carr, b. Sept. 4, 1868. VUI. Sarau Frances Carr (2612) born in Newport, Me., Oct. 19, 1844, married Edward Lansil, in Bangor, Me., Jan. 10, 1864. He was a sea captain, and died in Chelsea, Mass., March 20, 1888. They had, 4748 1. ——daughter, b. Nov. 9, 1869. VIII. Atmon B. Carr (2613) born in Newport, Me., Nov. 11, 1846, married Amelia Tremlin. She was born in Minnesota, and died at their home in Athens, Tenn., Sept. 23, 1891. VIL. Lintran Eva Carr (2616) born in Fairfield, Me., Dec. 7, 1868, married —— Johnson, in St. Albans, Me., Dec. 29, 1891. ‘They reside in St. Albans. VIIL SrePHEN Carr (2620) born in New Hampshire, Sept. 14, 1804, married Betsey Soper, Sept. 5, 1825. She was born Sept. 3, 1805, and died April 28, 1882. He died-at Mt. Vernon, Me., Aug. 15, 1848. Their children are, 4749 1. Lorana A. Carr, b. Oct. 16, 1826, m. 4750 2. Louisa E. Carr, b. July 2, 1828. 47513. George W. Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1830. 4752 x4. Lucy A. Carr, b. July 14, 1832. 4753 x5. Mary A. Carr, b. Oct. 30, 1835 4754X6, Sylvia Carr, b. Dec. 13, 1986. © 47557. Betsey K. Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1888. 4756 8. Caroline Vesta Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1840. 4757 x9. Samuel Wesley Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1848. aa oer on S. Carr, b. ae. ea. ea 4759 11 (Asa S. Carr, b. 4760x12 Edwin V. Carr, b. May 15, 1849. VIII. Davip Carr (2622) born in New Hampshire, Sept. 22, 1808, married Nancy Carr, daughter of Daniel I. and Maria (Ladd) Carr, May 28, 1829. She was born March 25, 1810. They lived in Dexter, Me. Their children are, 47611. Albert Gilman Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1830. 47622. Eliza Ann Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1832. 4763 3. James Gilbert Carr, b. Aug. 5, 1834,d. Aug. 4, 1838. 4764 4. Dorothy Ellen Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1836, d. Jan. 6, 1853. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 291 4765 5. Lorett Rebecca Carr, b. Nov. 8, 1838, d. Dec. 11, 1855. 4766 6. Charlotte Melissa Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1841, d. Oct. 5, 1865. 47677. Emeline Ellen Carr, b. March 25, 1849. 4768 8. Olive Ellen Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1855, d. Jan. 16, 1857. VIII. Moses Carr (2623) born in New Hamphire, April 22, 1810, married Sally Ladd, Dec. 3, 1831. She was born Aug. 10, 1810. They live in Sangerville, Me. Their children are, 47691. Albion Carr, b. July 30, 1832. 47702. Frank Carr, b. July 26, 1834. 47713. Hiram Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1838. 47724. Sarah Jane Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1839. 4773 x5. Calvin Carr, b. Aug. 10, 1846. 47746. Helen Carr, b. June 4, 1851. VII. Witiram Henry JACKMAN (2626) born in Newburyport, Mass., July 19, 1821, married Susan Graves Pike, Feb. 2, 1851. He died June 11, 1889. Their children are, 4775, 1. Anna Watson Jackman, b. Dec. 1, 1852. 4776 2. William Graves Jackman, b. Oct. 10, 1857, d. June 12,76 4777 3. Mary Elizabeth Jackman, b. Aug. 30, 1862. 4778 x4. Abbie Pike Jackman, b. Jan. 30, 1866. 4779 5. Frederick Keating Jackman, b. Aug. 19, 1868. 4780 6. Susan Kendrick Jackman, b. May 19, 1872, d. July 6, ’76 VIII. Harrier JAckMAN (2627) born in Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 17, 1823, married George W. Noyes, Nov. 27, 1844. She died Feb. 28, 1849. Their children are, 47811. Harriet Ann Noyes, b. Jan. 8, 1846. 4782 2. Joseph Clement Noyes, b. Feb. 9, 1848, d. April 28, 1849 VIII. Saran ELIZABETH JACKMAN (2628) born in Newbury- port, Mass., Sept. 14, 1825, married Giles A. Adams, in New- buryport, Jan. 13, 1848. Their children are, 4783 x1. Ellen Harriet Adams, b. June 22, 1851. 47842. Sarah Agnes Adams, b. Jan. 8, 1854. 4785 3, Alice Morse Adams, b. Nov. 5, 1856, d. Jan. 17, 1862. 4786 4. Richard Giles Adams, b. Dec. 30, 1858. 4787 5. Annette Morse Adams, b. Aug. 26, 1861, d. Feb. 14, 1865 4788 x6. Caroline Little Adams, b. Sept. 2, 1864. 4789 7. Elizabeth Carr Adams, b. July 14, 1867. 4790 8. Herbert Lawrence Adams, b. March 23, 1872, d. Aug.’91 VII. Moses BrapBury JACKMAN (2630) born in Newbury- 292 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. port, Mass., March 11, 1832, married Almira N. Lunt, March 31, 1857. He died Dec. 24, 1875, Their children are, 4791 1. Laura A. Jackman, b. April 3, 1860, d. May 10, 1877. 4792 2. Hattie C. Jackman, b. March 19, 1863, d. June 7, 1880. VIII. REUBEN JACKMAN (2631) born in Newburyport, Mass., Aug. 29, 1834, married Anne A. Mace, Dec. 27, 1862. They had, 4793 1. Lester L. Jackman, b. Sept. 15, 1876, d. April 6, 1885. VIII. Samvet Oscoop Lunt (2632) born in Newburyport, Mass., May 23, 1838, married Emma J. Roles, March 2, 1865. They had, 4794 1. Arthur G. Lunt, b. Jan. 16, 1866. _ VIII. Georce Keatinc Lunt (2833) born in Newburyport, Mass., July 11, 1841, married Julia A. Johnson, April 10, 1872. He died Nov. 9, 1876. They had, 4795 1. Emma A. Lunt, b. Oct. 1874. V1. Enocu Dole Carr (2635) born in West Newbury, Mass., Jan. 31, 1841, married Nancy P. Marshall, in Groveland, Mass., May 30,1868. She was born Dec. 2, 1838. He died Nov. 26, 1891. They had, 4796 x1. George G. Carr, b. July 7, 1869. VIII. AvtpHEus WING (2337) born in Newburyport, Mass., July 3, 1836, married Carrie Webber, in Lowell, Mass., in 1860. He died in Lowell, June 21, 1893. The had, 797 1. Minnie Frances Wing, b. Feb. 3, 1863. VIII. BenyamMIn FRANKLIN WING (2638) born in Newburyport, Mass., in 1841, married Annie Hunt. He died Jan. 1876. No children. VU Drusitira Carr (2639) born in Bradford, N. H., April 16, 1816, married Hiram Gove, Nov. 8, 1835. He was born in Weare, N.H., July, 1812. She died in Slatersville, R. I., Feb. 20,1886. He resides in Woonsocket, R. J. Their children are, 4798 x1. Hial Carr Gove, b. Aug. 25, 1836. 4799 x2. Arletta D. Gove, b. Sept. 12, 1888. 4800 3. Charles F. Gove, b. Aug. 6, 1845. 4801 x4. Raymond H. Gove, b. Nov. 8, 1847. 4802 X5. Franklin E. Gove, June 23, 1851. VIII. Sese Ann Carr (2642) born in Bradford, N. H., Feb. 7, 1830, married Charles M. Childs, March 6, 1851. They reside CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, 293 Millville, Mass. Their children are, 4803 1. Clarence M. Childs, b. Feb. 9, 1852, d. Sept. 6, 1868, 48042. Horace E. Childs, b. Dec. 11, 1857. VIII. Sourre GreeNzE (2643) born in New Hampshire, May 1, 1812, married Rhoda M. Rathbun, in 1839. She was born in Bristol, Vt., Dec. 21, 1821, and died Oct. 23, 1855. He moved to Fairwater, Wis., in 1863, and died there Sept. 28, 1865. Their children are, 4805 x1. George W. Greene, b. March 26, 1841. 4806 x2. Asa Ik. Greene, b. Jan. 4, 1843. 4807 x3. Charles O. Greene, b. Aug. 27, 1844. 4808 x 4. Alfaretta M. Greene, b. Oct. 20, 1846. 4809 x5. Daniel S. Greene, b. Dec. 12, 1848. 4810x6. Lura M. Greene, b. Nov. 12, 1850. VIII. Georce MAarpEN Carr (264) born in Glosenberry, Ct., Aug. 12, 1826, married Frances Meek, in Franklindale, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1849. They reside in Whitinsville, Mass. Their child- ren are, 48111. Sarah Frances Carr, b. Feb. 3, 1853. 4812 2. Addie Carr, b. June 1, 1855, d. Dec. 29, 1868. VU. Lewis SturTrevant Carr (2651) born Whitinsville, Mass., June 23, 1843, married Sarah Taylor, of Smithfield, R. L, in 1862. They reside in Whitinsville. Their children are, 4813x1. Alfred A. Carr, b. Nov. 4, 1862. 43142. Mary L. Carr, b. June 14, 1864, VII. RepeccA JANE Carr (2652) born in Deering, N. H., April 10. 1823, married David Bass, May 1, 1845. He was born in Cambridge, Mass. He is a large manufacturer of bobbins in Woonsocket, R. I. Their children are, 4815x 1. Mary A. Bass, b. July 20, 1846. 4616 2. Jennie MM. Bass, b. May 27, 1852, d. May 14, 1866. 4817 x3. Lewis Carr Bass, b. May 29, 1862. 4818 x4. Viola E. Bass, b. Nov. 4, 1864. VI. Mary Jane Carr (2659) born in Northbridge, Mass., Sept. 8, 1833, married Luther Hill, Oct. 14,1857, They reside in East Douglass, Mass. Their children are, 4819 1. Sarah EB. Hill, b. Feb. 3, 1859, d. Feb. 26, 1859. 48202. Laura Jane Hill, b. Nov. 19, 1860. VIII. Jerome Marpen Carr (2662) born in Thompson, Ct., 294 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. Jan. 3, 1841, married Frances J Bean, in Boston, Mass., Jan. 25, 1869. He served three years in the late war, and contracted rheumatism from which he never recovered. He died in Up- ton, Mass., July 30, 1888. Their children are, 4821 1. George Hazen Carr, b. Nov. 19, 1869, Lawrence, Mass. 4822 2. Jerome Francis Carr, b. Dec. 13, 1878, Wichita, Kan. VU. Emma L. Carr (2664) born in Northbridge, Mass., July 2, 1853, married W. E. Aldred, in Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 17, 1875. They reside in Newark, N. J. Their children are, 4823 1. Frederick W. Aldred, b. Feb. 1, 1877, Lawrence, Mass. 4824 2. Ralph Herbert Aldred, b. July 18, 1883, Lowell, ” VULI. Exrza Curts (2665) born Jan. 22, 1826, married Daniel Savery, Sept. 12, 1844. They reside in Newport, N.H. Their children are, 4825 1. Olive Jane Savery, b. May 5, 1846. 4826 2. Mary Alice Savery, b. Oct. 22, 1851. VIII. Grorce Carr Foss (2668) born in Goshen, N. H., May 2, 1835, married Eliza Heath, in Lewiston, Me., Oct. 2, 1854. He died in Harwood hospital, Washington, D. C., from wounds re- ceived at the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. They had 48271. Clara E. Foss, b. July 7, 1855. VIII. Mirron Carr Foss (2670, born in Newport, N. H., Nov. 26, 1843, married Sallie Swazy, in Washington, D. C., Sept. 1, 1873. He was in the printing and engraving bureau in Wash- ington for a number of years, and is now chief proof reader on the New York World. They reside in New York. They have, 4828 1. Nellie May Foss, b. June 26, 1874. VIII. Loammr Baxer Carr (2672) born in Mendon, Mass., Nov. 19, 1842, married Anne V. Prentice, in Whitinsville, Mass., March 16, 1852. She was born in Whitinsville, May 29, 1844. He served in the war nine months, and was discharged from the Stanley general hospital in Newberne, N. C., in Sept. 1853. He owned a stage line fora number of years, and is now in the undertaker’s businers in Whitinsville. Their children are, 4829 1. Myra L. Carr, b. Sept. 20, 1864. 4830 2. Bertha M. Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1866. VITL Samuet Axtprico Carr (2673) born in Blackstone, Mass., May 31, 1848, married Helen A. Morton, in East Doug- lass, Mass., Oct. 9, 1878. She was born at Rumford Corners CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 295 Me., June 19, 1854. They reside in Whitinsville, Mass. They have, 4831 1. Morton Hial Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1876. VII. Auice Marron Carr (2674) born in Whitinsville, Mass., Oct. 8, 1860, married Harry Deacon, May 27, 1879. She died in Whitinsville, Feb. 28, 1887. Their children are, 4832 1. Marion Elizabeth Deacon, b. May 24, 1882. 4833 2. Helen Carr Deacon, b. Feb. 28, 1884. VIII. Cuarres E. Carr (2677) born in Whitinsville, Mass., Aug. 138, 1853, married Henrietta Martin, in East Douglass, Mass., Jan. 28,1877. Their children are, 4834 1. Charles Arthur Carr, b. Jan. 31, 1878. 4835 2. William H. Carr, b. Oct. 5, 1879. VII. Wiiiiam H. Carr (2681) born in Whitinsville, Mass., Nov. 16, 1862, married Ella G. Smith, in East Douglass, Mass., June 12, 1890. VII. Cuarres Epson Carr (2684) born March 8, 1817, mar- ried and had a family. It is supposed he died in California. Their children are, 4836 1. Francis H. Carr. 4837 2. Nettie Carr,m. Mr. Child, of Hudson, Mich. VITI. Wittiam Prescotr Carr (2685) born in the state of Delaware, April 25, 1819, married Mary Jane Heselton, in Hope- well, N. Y., 1840. She was born in Manchester, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1819, and died at Clifton Springs, N. Y., April 25, 1894. He died Feb. 22, 1892. Their children are, 4838 x1. William Henry Carr, b. July 4, 1848. 4839 x2. Spencer Dudley Carr, b. Jan. 24, 1847. 4840 3. Laura Ermina Carr, b. April 4, 1856. VII. Joun Apams Carr (2686) born June 12, 1821, married and had a family. He died Dec. 16, 1853. They had, 4841 1. Carr, son d.in infancy. 4842 2. Mary Carr. 4843 3. Cordelia Carr. VII. DupLeyY CHaAse Carr (2688) born in Chapinsville, N. Y., July 3, 1826, married Sarah E , in Richfield, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1849. He died in Vanburen, Kansas, Aug. 20, 1871. Their children are, 296 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 48441. Wallace A. Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1850. 4845 2. Frances E. Carr, b. June 8, 1853, d. May 15, 1866. 4846 x3. Wilbur T. Carr, b. Oct. 10, 1855. 48474. Mary P. Carr, b. June 10, 1857. VIII. Dr THomas BEALS CARR (2689) born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1829, married Caroline Rebecca Northrop, in Wil- mington, N. C., Aug. 1, 18538. She was born in Wilmington, Aug. 19, 1830, and died Nov. 4, 1886. He died in Clinton, N.C, May 2, 1890. Their children are, 4848 1. Edson Carr, b. 1855, d. when about 10 years old. 4849 x2. Isaac Northrop Carr, b. Jan. 30, 1857. 4850 3. Thomas Beals Carr, b. 1859, d. about 10 years old. 4851 4. Mary Carr, b. 1860, d. in infancy. 48525. William Harris Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1861. 4853 6. Susan Carr, b. 1803, d. in infancy. 48547. Samuel Douglass Carr, b. June 28, 1885. 4855 8. Clarence Edson Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1878, Charlotte, N. C. VIL Wititram Epson Carr (2891) born in Canandaigua, N. Y., June 22, 1832, married and a children which are, 4856 1. Edson Carr. 4857 2. Thomas Carr. © VII. Henry Taytor Carr (2692) born in Canandaigua, N.Y., Dec. 2, 1839, married Maria C. Kelsey, in Canandaigua, April 23, 1863. She was born in Canandaigua, Sept. 1, 1843. They reside in Jonesville, Mich. Their children are, 4858 x1. Mary A. Carr, b. April 25, 1864. 4859 x 2. Edson K. Carr, b. june 12, 1866. 4860 x3. Fannie Beals Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1867. 4861 4. Henry Taylor Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1877, d. Oct. 2, 1877. VIL. Lypra Carr Jaguas (2393) bornin Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 19, 1824, married Moses Hale, in Newburyport, Aug. 19, 1851. He died Dec. 5, 1859. She resides in Newburyport. Their children are, 4862 1. Margaret Andrews Hale, b. Nov. 7, 1852, Newburyport 4863 2. Willard Jaques Hale, b. Aug. 19, 1854, 4864 3. Moses Tappan Hale, b. Oct. 20, 1857, _ 4865 4. Susan Webster Hale, b. Dec. 4, 1859, u VII. Susan W. Lairtte (2695) born in Colebrook, N. H, March 18, 1831, married William F. Stevens, Jan. 1, 1853. She CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 297 died Feb. 16, 1874. Their children are, 4866 1 Mabel Stevens, b. 4867 2 Frances Stevens, b. 1864, lives in Rumford, Me. VII. Josepu D. Lirrre (2696) born in Colebrook, N. H.,.March 10, 1833, married Persa Willard, May 10,1870. They reside in Colebrook. Their children are, 4868 1. Erving D. Little, b. Sept. 28, 1872. 4869 2. Etta Little, b. Jan. 16, 1875. VIII. James C. Littre (2697) born in Colebrook, N. H., April 2, 1885, married Lovina Hillard, in Stewartstown, N. H., Feb. 3, 1863. She died Oct. 25,1870. He next married Mary E. Tay- lor, of Byron, Me., March 7, 1872. They reside at Berry Mills, Me. Their adopted children are, 4870 1. Walter H. Lingsy Little (4878) b. Feb. 10, 1868. 4871 2. Nellie B. Little, b. July 17, 1885. VIII. Espen Littrre (2698) born in Colebrook, N. H., Nov. 22, 1836, married Ella Vance, Oct. 20, 1865. He died Jan. 30, 1867. They had, 4872 1. Edward Little, b. Aug. 25, 1866. VIII. Dotty M. Litre (2701) born in Colebrook, N. H., Oct. 19, 1842, married Seth Terrill, Dec. 10, 1866. She died Jan. 27, 1892. Their children are, 4873 1. Phillip Terrill, b. Nov. 16, 1867. 48742. Minnie Terrill, b. Feb. 16, 1869.. 4875 3. Allen Terrell, b. Jan. 9, 1873. VILL Taurza Ann Lite (2702) born in Colebrook, N. H., Jan. 10, 1845, married William Keyes, Oct. 15, 1866. She died April 13, 1875. Their children are, 4876 1. Addie Keyes, b. Aug. 138, 1870. 4877 2. Nettie Keyes, b. Aug. 13, 1873. VILL Marzgerre Lirtre (2703) born in Colebrook, N. H., June 16, 1847, married William Lingsy, Jan. 1, 1864. She died Sept. 15, 1868. They had, 4878 1. Walter H. Lingsy, b. Feb. 10, 1868, (4870) VUI. Gustavus A. Battey (2713) born in West Newbury, Mass., April 26, 1820, married Philinda Wilcox, Feb. 14, 1842. She was born Feb. 28, 1818, and died April 3, 1891. He died in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 8, 1889. Their children are. 298 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4879 1. Walter Scott Bailey, b. May 22, 1848. 4880 2. Ella Sumner Bailey, b. Dec. 5, 1850, lives Lowell, Mass VIII. Horatio F. Carr )2718) born in West Newbury, Mass., Aug. 19, 1825, married Elizabeth E. Flanders, in South Hamp- ton, N. H., Dec. 3, 1848. She was born in South Hampton, July 15, 1824. He died in West Newbury, Jan. 24, 1877. Their child- ren are, 4881 x1. Henrietta Dana Carr, b. May 28, 1850. 4882 2. Mary Adelaide Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1853, d. Oct. 18, 1857. 4883 x3. Fred Sumner Carr, b. April 2, 1857. VIIL Mary EvizaBeTu Carr (2721) born in West Newbury, Mass., Jan. 19, 1880, married Albert Hale Knight, in West New- bury, in 1848. They reside in Bradford, Mass. Their child- ren are, , 4884 x1. Josephine Herrick Knight, b. Feb. 11, 1849. 4885 2. Mary Carr Knight, b. Aug. 19, 1850, d. Nov. 10, 1852. 4886 3. Mabel Warren Knight, b. July 10, 1855, d. May 2%, ’63. 4887 4. Helen M.R. Knight, b. May 21, 1858, d. April 18, 1863. 4888 x5. Katherine Mary Knight, b. Jan. 16, 1864. VIII. Hannay JANE Carr (2722) born in West Newbury, Mass., Nov. 22, 1831, married Enoch D. Chase, in West New- bury, July 28, 1853. She died Aug. 11,1868. They had, 4889 1. Alice Chase, d. when 5 or 6 years old. VIII. Moses Francis Carr (2723) born in West Newbury, Mass., April 16, 1834, married Addie M. Small, April 30, 1868. She was born in Topsfield, Mass., July 5, 1847. They reside in Lynn, Mass. Their children are, 4890 1. Alice M. Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1869. 4891 2. Arthur E. Carr, b. Aug. 30, 1880. VU. Jown Catyoun Carr (2725) born in West Newbury, Mass., March 5, 1838, married Mary S. Morse, in Amesbury, Mass., in 1860, where they now reside. Their children are, 4892 1. Eveline Carr, b. April 18, 1862,in West Newbury. 4893 x 2. Mabel N. Carr, b. June 1, 1864. 4894 3. Susan M. Carr, b. June 16, 1867, 4895 4. John L. Carr, b. Aug. 25, 1869. VILLI. GEorcE Carr Dow (2730) born in West Newbury, Mass., May 11,1834. He died at the Soldiers’ Home, in Augusta, Me., CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, 299 of consumption, Dec. 19, 1877. He left one son who is living in Haverhill, Mass. VII. Samuer Carr (2733) born in West Newbury, Mass., Jan. 12, 1838, married Mrs. Eliza Merrill, April, 1861. Their child- "ren are, 48971. Frank Carr, b. May, 1866, in West Newbury: 4898 2. Hosea Carr, Feb. 1868, VIIL OreEN Carr (2734) bornin West Newbury, Mass., March 6, 1841, married Ellen Ruddock, of West Newbury, May 10, 1866. He was in the war of the rebellion. They live in Lynn, Mass. Their children are, 4899 1. Luella Brown Carr, b. July 9, reas 4900 2. ( Lena May Carr,b - VIII. Jostan Carr (2735) bornin West Newbury, Mass., June 30, 18483, married Esther 1%. Gale, in Salisbury, Mass. Dec. 30, 1865. They reside in Amesbury, Mass. Their children are, 4901 1. Alden Scott Carr, b. March 29, 1867. 4902 2. Albert Gale Carr, b. Jan. 14, 1872. SARAH WyMAN Carr (2738) bornin West Newbury, Mass., Aug. 21, 1850, married Simpson A. McConnell, in West New- bury, Nov. 11,1875. They reside in Merrimac, Mass. Heisa druggist. Their children are, 4903 1. Edgar S. McConnell, b. Nov. 11, 1872, by first wife. 4904 2. Lillian Brown McConnell, b. Aug. 26, 1877. VILL. Harrie Fosrar Carr (2741) born in West Newbury, Mass., July 22, 1856, married George H. Wormwood, in Haver- hill, Mass., July 26, 1880. They reside in Haverhill. Their children are, 4905 1. Edith Foster Wormwood, b. Dec. 9, 1881, in Haverhill. 4906 2. Mildred Esther Wormwood, b. Aug. 10 1883, ui 4907 3. Neva May Wormwood, b. Sept. 7, 1886. 8 4908 4. Caroline Elizabeth Wormwood, b. Nov. 8, 1887, 4909 5. Margie Wormwood, b. March 4, 1889, Haverhill. 4910 6..George Albert Wormwood, b. Sept. 4, 1890, ” 4911 7. Bernace Tilton Wormwood, b. June 8, 1892. ” VUI. James Lock Oprorne (2748) born in West Newbury, Mass., June 29, 1837, married Ellen M. Ordway, of Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 5, 1860. She was born in Haverhill, Aug. 4, 1843. They reside in West Newbury. Their children are, 300 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4912 1. William Boardman Odiorne, b. Dec. 21, 1861, 4913 2. Jennie Frazier Odiorne, b. March 21, 1863, m. Brown. 4914 3. Jones Elliott Odiorne, b. Nov. 6, 1868, d. Aug. 4, 1869. 4915 4. James Ernest Odiorne, b. May 27, 1870. 4916 5. Fannie Elizabeth Odiorne, b. March 1, 1873, d. 1878. 4917 6. George Cleighton Odiorne, b. Nov. 21, 1878. VIII. Ann Maria PuHIvurps (2759) born in West Newbury, Mass., Oct. 1824, married Josiah Allen, Aug. 1846. Their child- ren are, 4918 1. Phillip Henry Allen, b. April, 1847. 4919 2. Eliza William Allen, b. Nov. 8, 1849. VIII. Exiza Jane Puivurps (2760) born in West Newbury, Mass., Feb. 1827, married Charles Burbank, Dec. 1845. He died July 15, 1851. Their children are, 4920 1. Charles Burbank, b. Sept. 4, 1846. 4921 2. Emma Augusta Burbank, b. Feb. 3, 1848. VII. Eunice Rosina Carr (2795) born in West Newbury, Mass., Sept. 9, 1831, married Erastus E. Baker, in 1850. He was born in Sidney, Me., in 1828, and died in West Newbury, Jan. 5, 1851. She next married Lucian W. Paul, in 1853. He was born in Dery, N.H., in 1831, and died down south in 1853, while visiting his brother. Her children are, 4922 1. Erastus L. Baker, b. Feb. 7, 1851, d. by second husband, 4923 2. Daughter, b. Feb. 19, 1854. VIII. Henry EvGENE Bowser (2818) born in St. Stevens, N. B., July 24, 1838, married Jennie Azuba Judd, in Bridge- port, Ct., Nov. 25, 1880. She was born in Bethel, Ct., March 16, 1848. He is book-keeper for the Barnum & Bailey Circus Co., in Bridgport, where he resides. They had, 4924 1. Ethel Fugenie Bowser, b. Oct. 15, 1882, d. March 12, ’85 VIII. Aucustus Hoyr Carr (2821) born April 21, 1847, mar- ried Emma M. Burr, in Bridgeport, Ct., Sept.7, 1869. He died May 4, 18838. They only had, 4925 1. Maud Nickerson Carr, b. May 4, 1879, d. Dec. 30, 1885. VIII. Henry BurRNELL Carr (2823)born in Jackson, Mich., July 26, 1847, married Nellie Hungerford, in Concord, Mich., June 15, 1875. She was born in Pulaski, Mich., Nov. 17, 1855. He died in Jackson, of heart disease, Jan. 4, 1892. They had, Henry Evcene Bowssr, (2818) Born July 24, 1838, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 303 4926 1. Florence Hungerford Carr, b. July 7, 1884, Concord. VIII. Frank Russett Carr (2825) born in Jackson, Mich., July 8, 1851, married Clara Holland, in Port Huron, Mich., March 15, 1878. They reside in Port Huron. Their children are, 4927 1. Gaila C. Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1879, d. April 18, 1882. 4928 2. Edith Carr, b. July 15, 1880, in Port Huron. VII. Harriet SHERMAN CARR (2828) born in Jackson, Mich,, July 22, 1857, married Guy Ernest Holcomb, in Jackson, June 4,1878. He was born in Peru, N.Y., June 4,1851. Their child- ren, all born in Jackson, are, 4929 1. Guy Ernest Holcomb, b. Aug. 25, 1879. 4930 2. James Madison Holcomb, b. April 6, 1881, 4931 3. Wilbur Coulbeck Holcomb, b. Dec. 12, 1889. VIL Jenetre TomMLINson Carr (2830) born in Jackson, Mich., Oct. 28, 1861, married Joseph Howland Cobb, in Jackson, July 12, 1887. He was born Jan. 12. 1861. They reside in Alpena, Mich. They have, 4932 1. Ruth Harriet Cobb, b. July 27, 1890. VIII. Frances ELLen NICKERSON (2835) born in Belfast, Me., April 17, 1840, married Sherman Chester Paterson, in Bridge- port, Ct., June 25, 1861. They reside in Springfield, Mass. He is employed in the office of the Holyoke Paper Co. They have, 4933 1. Albert Clarendon Patterson, b. Sept. 15, 1862. VIII. Frep Avcustus NICKERSON (2837) born in Belfast, Me., June 7, 1849, married Flora Harriet Lucus, at Chicopee Falls, Mass., June 25, 1885. He is manager of the Narrow Fabric Co., of Springfield, Mass. VIIL Fannie Rosz Carr (2838) born in Jackson, Mich., March 15, 1864, married Allen R. English, in Tombstone, Arizo- na, Aug. 1881, where they now reside. VILL. Lovisa JANE REYNOLDS (2840) born in Jackson, Mich., in 1855, married Joseph Lorenger, of Monroe, Mich. They re- side in Chicago, Ills. They have, 4934 1. Adelaide Lorenger, VIII. Ratpw W. E. Carr (2852) born in North Haverhill, N. H., July 31, 1857, married Nellie Swain, Sept. 1877. They reside in Dubuque, Iowa. Their children are, 4935 1. Ernest Carr, b. Aug. 1878, Madison, Wis. 304 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 4936 2. Jessie Viola Carr, b. May 26, 1882, Dubuque, lowa. VU. Warrer V. Carr (2857) born in North Haverhill, N. H., June 2, 1856, married and lives at Smith’s Basin, N. Y., They have, 4937 1. Helen M. Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1889. VIII. WILLIAM EpwIn Carr (2864) born in Bath, N. H., Dec. 30, 1864, married Emma Phebe Aldrich, in Bath, in 1889. She was born in Landaff, N. H., Feb. 4, 1862. They reside in Bath. VIII. Louis Byron Easton (2882) born July 22, 1865. He graduated at the Normal University, of Normal, Ils,, June 26, 1890, and was principal of the Barrington, Ills., high school in 1891. VITL Junttan CAMPBELL EDGERLY (2884) born April 22, 1866, married Clara Tileston Powell, Sept. 9, 1891. He is on the editorial staff of the Boston Globe. His wife before marriage was one of the instructors in the Boston school of oratory. VIII. Liniian A. Carr (2892) born Oct. 1, 1859, married Fred S. Carr, Aug. 6, 1882. Their children are, 4938 1. Edward S. Carr; b. June 21, 1883. 4939 2. Nancy M. Carr, b. July 18, 1885. 4940 3. Maurace Frederick Carr, b. June 4, 1889. VII. Sasrina Knicutr Carr (2900) born in Waterborough, Me., April 12, 1830, married Henry D. Griffin, in Limerick, Me. Aug. 20, 1850. They settled in South Groveland, Mass. Their children are, 4941 x1. Elen Frances Griffin, b. Aug. 5, 1851. 49422. Annie Estella Griffin, b. Nov. 8, 1852. 4943 x3. William Henry Griffin, b. April 28, 1857. VIII. ExizapetH ARNOLD Carr (2901) born in Waterborough, Me., April 19, 18382, married Albion K.P. Barton, in Litnerick, Me., Nov. 1850. Their children are, 49441. Charles Albion Barton. 4945 x2. Fred Edgar Barton, b. Dec. 20, 1857. 4946 3. Willard Barton, b. Nov. 24, 1865, d. Sept. 9, 1876. 4947 4. Arthur Flint Barton, Feb. 13, 1872. VIII. Hiram Smiry Carr (2902) born in Waterborough, Me, April 11, 1834, married Elizabeth W. Moore, in New York, June 25, 1861. She was born in New York, June 10, 1838. He died CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 305 in Limerick, Me., Oct. 17, 1873. She resides in New York. Their children are, 4948 1. May Eloise Carr, b. July 11, 1863. 4949 x2. Lillian Moore Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1865. 4950 3. Inez Frances Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1868, d. March 26, 1889. VILL Susan Ann Carr (2903) born in Limerick, Me., April 6, 1836, married Horace W. Barbour, in West Berwick, Me., Aug. 20, 1854. They reside in Lewiston, Me. Their children are, 49511. Amie Lizzie Barbour, b. June 15, 1855. 4952 2. Albion Elmer Barbour, b. Feb. 22, 1865. VIL. WIntiAmM REMINGTON Carr (2904) born in Limerick, Me., Dec. 17, 1839. He enlisted in the 12th Mass. reg. Atthe battle of Gettysburg he was sergeant in Co. I, and was so seri- ously wounded that he died from this cause, July 14, 1863. He was buried in the National cemetery. VII. Saran ELEANOR Carr (2905) born in Limerick, Me., June 14, 1841, married William H. Barton, in Haverhill, Mass., July 6, 1863. Their children are, 4953 1. Gertrude Barton, b. Sept. 15, 1864. 4954 2. Grace Eva Barton, b. Jan. 8, 1866. VII. CuarLes FREEMAN CARR (2906) born in Limerick, Me., Dec. 27, 1843, married Elinda A. Mays, in Buxton, Me., June 21, 1874. They reside in Portland, Me. Their children are, 4955 1. Frank Preston Carr, b. April 24, 1875, 4956, 2. Leon Carr, b. Dec. 28, 1878, d. March 18, 1879. VI. Mary Pierce Carr (2907) born in Limerick, Me., March 23, 1846, married George A. Follinsbee, in West New- bury, Mass., May 19, 1880. VII. Harrier Evia Carr (2909) born in Limerick, Me., Feb. 7, 1850, married Charles H. Heath, in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 6, 1871. Their children are, 4957 1. Linnie May Heath, b. June 30, 1872, in Haverhill. 4958 2. Harland Howard Heath, b. Sept. 21, 1873; d. Dec. 1888. 4959 3. Charles Carr Heath, b. May 10, 1878, d. July 11, 1878. 4960 4. Vara Carr Heath, b. May 22, 1879, Haverhill. 4961 5. Fred Barton Heath, b. Jan. 4, 1881. VIL Lucia SANBorRN Carr (2910) born in Limerick, Me., July 13, 1853, married Ccrydon R. Bonney, in Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 8, 1878. 3806 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VII. Linwtan Errre Carr (2911) born in Limerick, Me., June 20, 1857, married Frank H. Wiggin, in Limerick, Oct. 10, 1878. They had, 4962. 1. Leon Carr Wiggin, b. 1879. VILL. Lucy Insiey (2922) born in Newbury, Mass., Sept. 18, 1834, married Hazen M. Adams, in Newbury, Sept. 24, 1855. He was born in Newbury, Aug. 18, 1532. They reside in New- bnryport, Mass. Their children are, 4963 1. Sarah Isley Adams, b. Feb. 21, 1860, in Newbury. 4964 2. Susan Coffin Adams, b. June 28, 1865, o VII. Mary F. Woopwarp (29329) born in Winthrop, Me., April 9, 1852, married A. W. Bailey, in Wiathrop, Oct. 20, 1885. They reside in Winthrop. Their children are, 3 4965 1. Sarah N. Bailey, b. Feb. 22, 1887, in Winthrop. 4966 2. Jenette Marion Bailey, b.. April 3, 1889.” 4967 3. Arthur Herbert Bailey, b. Dec. 23, 1891,” VUI. Annie M. Woopwarp (2933) born in Winthrop, Me., June 3, 1866, married Burton Smith, Aug. 27, 1889. They live at Livermore Falls, Me. VII. DaBney Carr (2935) born in Louisa Co:, Va. He was collector for along time of the port of Baltimore, Md., and af- teawards U.S. minister to Constantinople. VIII. NeELuie Carr (2936) married William B. Buchanan. They moved from Baltimore, Md., to Wheeling, W. Va., and after her husband’s death, went to Davenport, Iowa. Their children are, 4968 1. Carr Buchanan, lives in Annas enn, Pa. 4969 2. Esther Buchanan. VII. Joun Avprson Carr (2938) was a lieutenant in the U.S. service, but died on his farm in Albemarle Co., es about 1738. VIL, DaBney OVERTON Carr (2939) was a cadet in the mil- itary academy at West Point, and from there went to South America with anephew of Simon Boliver. He was mortally wounded while serving as captain of artillery in Boliver’s army. VIL. James LAwreNcE Carr (2940) was a member of the bar and lived and died in Kanawha, W. Va. # CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 307 VIL Cor. Gzorce Watson Carr (2941) born at “Dunlora,” Albemarle Co., Va. He was a lieutenant in the Mexican war, and in the service of the U. S.in Washington territory until 1859. He married Emma Watts, of Roanoke Co., Va., Nov. 20, 1860. She died in 1872. In July, 1876, he married Pinnie Lewis, of Richmond, Va. They reside near Trenton, Roanoke Co., Va. His-children are, 49701. Maria Dabney Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1861. 49712. Betsey Breckenridge Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1863. 4972 3. .\lice Robertson Carr, b. Feb. 20, 1866, d. Jan. 29, 1883. 4973 4+. William Watts Carr, b. Dec. 11, 1867. 4974 5. Annie Holcomb Carr, b. March 29, 1870, d. Jan. 7, 1873. child by second wife, 4975 6. Sally Watson Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1878. VIII. Satty Watson Carr (2943) born Sept. 12, 1826, mar- ried Frank E. G. Carr, (2949) Feb. 4, 1847. She died in 1850, at “Red Hill,” Ablemarle Co., Va. VIL. Exveaxor B. Carr (of Jonathan B., of Overton 886) bornin Virginia, in 1821, married Dr. B. F. Todd, of Missouri. She died in California in 1892. Their children are, 4976 1. Overton C. Todd. 4977 2. Molly H. Todd. 4978 3. Laura T. Todd, m. Collins. 4979 4. B. F. Todd. VIL. Dasyey T. Carr (of Jonathan B., of Overton 886) born in Virginia, and now lives in Bay City, Mich. Their children are, 4980 1. Mary Carr. 4981 2. Eleanor Carr. VUL Marra Evizaperu Carr (of Jonathan B., of Overton 886) born in Virginia, married Dr. James Douglass. They had two children. VII. Dr. Frank Carr (of Jonathan B., of Overton 886) born in Virginia, married Ella Chandler. They had three children, as follows: 4984 1. Nannie Carr, m. Ridgeway, live in Kansas City, Mo. 4985 2. Frank Carr, lives in Nevada, Mo. 4986 3. John Carr. VITI. Franx E; G. Carr (2949) born in Albemarle Co., Va., He 308 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. March 19, 1824, married Sally Watson Carr, (2943) Feb. 4, 1847. She was born Sept. 12, 1826, and died in 1850, at “Red Hill,” Albemarle Co. He lived in St. Louis, Mo., quite recently, but died in his old home in Virginia in 1893, They had, 4987 1. George W. Carr, b. April 5, 1848. He lives in Corsi- canna, Texas. VIL. Patsy Carr (daughter of Daniel Ferrill Carr, of Gar- land Carr, 888) married George W. Clive and settled in Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Afterwards they moved to Texas where they both died. They hada family of several children. VIII. Hon. James Overton Broapueran (2950) born in Albe- marle Co., Va., May 29, 1819. He settled in St. Louis, Mo., married and raised a family of children. He is a lawyer of marked ability, and has been prominent in politics in Missouri, for a number of years. He has been a member of congress, and was delegate tothe Missouri constitutional conventions of 1846, 1861 and 1875. He has had much experience in di- plomatic matters through his connection with the French spoilation claims, and is now U. S. minister to Switzerland. Their children are, 4993 1. Charles Snowdon Broadhead, b. 4994 x2. Mary Winston Broadhead, b. 4995 3. Nannie Dorsey Broadhead. VIIL Mary ANN Broapuerap (daughter of 1647) born in Al- bemarle Co., Va., July 28, 1821, married John H. Newby. She died in St. Louis, Mo., fuly 3, 1890. Their children are. 4996 1. William Garland Newby, banker, Ft. Worth, Texas. 4997 2. James B. Newby, dentist, St. Louis, m. VII. Pror. GARLAND CARR BROADHEAD (2951) born in Al- bemarle Co., Va., Oct. 30, 1829, married Marion Wallace Wright in Cass Co., Mo., Dec. 20, 1864. She was born in Cass Co., April 9, 1848, and died at Pleasant Hill, Mo., Nov. 24, 1783. He next married Victoria Regina Royal, in Columbia, Mo., June 18,1890. She was born in Prince Edward Co., Va. He is professor of geology and mineralogy in the State University of Missouri, at Columbia. He was a former state geologist. Their children are, 4998 x1. Mary West Broadhead, b. April 28, 1866. 4999 2. Garland Carr Broadhead,b, Jan. 4, 1873. 5000 3. Marion Gertrude Broadhead. b. May 21, 1877. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 309 5001 4. Harry Howard Broadhead, b. Oct. 29, 1879. VIII. ExvizaBetH Marta Broapueap (daughter of 1647) born in Albemarle Co., Va., Aug. 25, 1829, married Dr. H. B. Logan of St. Louis, Mo., March 16, 1875. She died in St. Louis, July 2, 1892. No children. VIU. Wiiitam F. BroapHEAD (son of 1647) born in St. Charles Co., Mo., Nov. 23, 1887, married Rosalie Weber, in St. Louis, Mo., June 11, 1873. They live in Clayton, Mo., and have one daughter and four sons, as follows: 5002 1. Rosalie Broadhead. 5003. 2. Overton Broadhead. 5004 3. Archibald Broadhead. 5005 4. William Broadhead. 5006 5. James Broadhead. VIII. Cuartes Carr (2953) born in Fredericksburg, Va., Oct. 24, 1774, married Elizabeth Todd, in Lexington, Ky., June 17, 1801. She died in Lexington, Oct. 30, 1863, and he died in the same place, Jan. 1869. Their children were, 5007 X 1. Thomas Carr, b. May 26, 1802. 5008 x2. David Todd Carr, b. March 4, 1804. 9009 x3. Alfred William Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1806. 5010 4. Dabney Walter Carr, b. Feb. 21, 1808, d. Oct. 14, 1830. 50115. Elizabeth Jane Carr, b. April 15, 1810. 5012 x6. Walter Chiles Carr, b. March 19, 1812. 5013 x7. Ann Maria Carr, b. b. April 26, 1814. 5014 8. Martha Ellen Carr, b. April, 1816, d. July 7, 1817. 5015 x9. Susan Frances Carr, b. March 30, 1818. 5016 x10. Levi Todd Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1820. 5017 x 11. Ckarles Dabney Carr. b. Dec. 9, 1824. 5018 x12. | Mary Ellen Carr, b. ie oo 5019 x 13. Robert Elisha Carr, b. Aug. 9, 1827. VILL. JupGe Wintiam CuiLtes Carr (2957) born near Char- lottsville, Va., April 15, 1783. He went to Lexington, Ky.. with his parents when quite a young man, and in 1804, rode on horseback from there to St. Louis, Mo., where he lived the remainder of his life. He built the first brick house in St. Louis. He married Anne Maria Eliot, Nov. 17, 1807. She was born Aug. 31, 1788, and died in St. Louis, Aug. 11, 1826. She was a descendant of the historic John Eliot, the apostle to the In- 310 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, dians. He married his second wife, Dorcus Bent, in St. Louis, Dec. 10, 1829. She was born in St. Louis, March 12, 1807, and died Feb. 25, 1888. He died March 31, 1851. His children are, 5020 1. William Henry Carr, b. Oct. 23, 1809, d. Oct. 11, 1821. 5021 x2. Ann Maria Carr, b. March 19, 1812. 5022 3. Charles Eliot Carr, b. June 28, 1814, d. Sept. 22, 1826. 5023 x4. Virginia Eliot Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1816. 50245. Cornelia Chiles Carr, b. July 15, 1819. children by second wife, 5025 x6. Dabney Carr, b. June 29, 1831. 5026 x7. Walter Bent Carr, b. Jan. 11, 1883. 5027 8. William Chiles Carr, b. March 24, 1835, d. July 18, ’40. 5028 x9. Charles Bent Carr, b. July 28, 1836. 5029 10. George Washington Carr, b. Aug. 10, 1838, d. Aug.’39. 5030 x 11. Thomas Jefferson Carr, b. June 28, 1840. 503112. Robert Septimus Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1842. 5032 13. Martha Elizabeth Carr, b. May 12, 1844, d. Sept. 11,'49. 5033 x 14. Eugenia Carr, b. May 19, 1847. MarrTua Carr (2964) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Nov. 5, 1810, married William T. Gentry. They are both dead. They left one child, a daughter, VIII. Tuomas Horstey Carr (2965) born in Wilson Co,, Tenn... April 10, 1813, married Octavia Stamps Mathews, in Sumner Co.. Tenn., Dec. 27, 1836. She was born in Fanquier Co., Va., April 22, 1814, and died in Pope Co., Is., Jan. 1. 1880. He died in the same place, April 28, 1868. Their children are, 5034 x1. John Mathews Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1838, Sumner Co., Ten 5035 x 2. Thomas Jefferson Carr, b. May 4, 1840, ie 5036 x3. William Roland Carr, b. June 21, 1848, ts id 5037 x4. James Calvin Dew Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1845, u M2 5088 5. Peter Hubbard Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1848, d. VII. Tarsorr Carr (2966) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Aug. 2, 1815, married Savely, in Hendersonville, Tenn. They had several children. VIII. Nancy Carr (2968) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., May 6, 1821, married E. E. Trovilion. Her address is Wool, Pope Co., Ilis. They had several children. VIIL. Joun Carr (2970) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., married JupGE WILLIAM CHILES Carr, (2957) Born April 15, 1783, died March 31, 1851. CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—-EIGHTH GENERATION. 313 Emily Corum, near Belote’s Ferry, Tenn. He was killed in the battle of Chickamauga. He left several children. VILL. Witsox Maprson Carr (2971) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Sept. 29, 1811. He learned the printer’s trade in Nash- vilie, Tenn. He drove the first stake for a railroad west of the Mississippi river. He lives near St. Charles, Mo., unm. VIL. MARGARET SAWYER Carr (2972) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Feb. 19, 1814, married Thomas C. Trevelyan, in Wilson Co., May 28, 1833. They settled in Pope Co., Ills., and had nine chiidren. VILL ALLEN Carn (2973) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., April 22, 1816, married Polly Crocker, in Wilson Co., in 1884. He moyed to Franklin Co., Ills., in 1838-40, and engaged in farm- ing and fruit raising. He diedin 1879. Their children are. 5064 1. John Richardson Carr. 5065 2. Charles Carr. 5066 2. Sarah Sawyer Carr, m. NcCager Estes. VILLI. THomas SANDERS CARR (2974) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Sept. 27, 1818. He was a tailor by trade and carried on the bu- siness in St. Louis, Mo. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was worth $150,000, but lost it all during the war. He then went to France and lived there nine years, where he married. The French war and the death of his wife broke him up again. He returned to this country in July, 1871, and died near St. Charles, Mo., in 1885. VILL. Joon SAwyER Carr (2975) born in Wilson Co., Tenn., Dec. 11, 1820, married Eliza M. Estes, in Franklin Co., Ills., Feb. 2, 1852. She was born in Franklin Co., June 25, 1829. He died in Antiock, Ills., Nov. 19, 1875. She resides in Parish, Ills. Their children are, 5067 1. James Thomas Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1855. 5068 2. Charles Wilson Carr, b. May 16, 1857. 5069 3. Green Marshall Carr, b. Aug. 1, 1859, d. Aug. 11, 1882. 5070 4. John Ewing Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1862. 3071 5. Arnetta Sabrina Carr, b. May 26, 1870. VIIL Saray Spencer Carr (2976) born May 24, 1828, mar- ried Elisha Compton, in Tenn., Feb. 25, 1846, and settled in Pope Co., Ills., in 1849. They live in Macedonia, Ils. They have six children. 314 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VIIL Wintram Hammer Carr (2981( born in Albemarle Co., Va., Oct. 2, 1822, married Bethenia Garner, in Dickson Co., Tenn., Dec. 24, 1854. She died July 11, 1866. He lives in Cen- terville, Tenn. They had, 50781. Mary Caroline Carr, b. April 17, 1857. VIL. JosepH Carr (2982) born in St. Clair Co., Ills., in 1806. married Sarah McMutry, in St. Clair Co., in 1827. She was born in 1807, and died in 1844. He died in 1860. Their children are, 5079 x1. James Mack Carr, b. 1828. 5080 x 2. Michael Carr, b. March 15, 18383. 5081 x3. Olive Ann Carr, b. 1838. 5082 x4. Lovina Carr, b. 1841. VIII. Grorce W. Carr (2992) born in St. Clair Co., Ils., Nov. 27, 1814, married Terressa Caroline Garner, in St. Clair Co., in: 1835. She was born in South Carolina, March 7, 1816, and died Oct. 1866. He died in Macon Co., Ills., March 30, 1868. Their children, all born in St. Clair Co., are, 5088 1. Belinda B. Carr, b. 1836. 5084 2. Nathan A. Carr, b. March 30, 1838. 5085 x3. Mathew Sparks Carr, b. Oct. 2, 1840. 5086 4. Mary Bernice Carr, b. Jan. 1843. 5087 5. Margaret Isabel Carr, b. Aug. 1845. 5088 6. George W. L. Carr, b. April 28, 1848. 5089 7. Terressa Caroline Carr, b. Sept. 1850. 5090 8. James Garner Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1853. 5091 9. Henry Ahab Carr, b. Nov. 5, 1856. VIII. Miranpa Carr (2994) born in St. Clair Co., Ills.; mar- ried Nathaniel Smith. Their son, R. J. Smith, is secretary of the Trader's Ins. Co., of Chicago, Ils. VILL. CaTHErRInE CARR (2995) born in St. Clair Co., Ils., mar- ried John Woods. Herson Dr. Woods was coroner of St. Clair Co., and resides in East St. Louis, Ills. VII. Natuan Fiemine Carr (2996) born in St. Clair Co., Ils., in 1821, married Margaret McMutry, in 1842. She was born in Monroe Co., Il!s.,in 1821, and died in 1877. He died in 1850. Their children are, 5092 1. George W. Carr, b. Dec. 10, 1845. 5093 2. Christopher Columbus Carr, b. Feb. 20, 1848, d. 1884. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-EIGHTH GENERATION. 315 5094 3, Martin Charles Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1850. VIIL. Epwarp Carr (8000) born in St. Clair Co., Ills., mar- ried Potter. They had five children, which are all dead but one, 5095 1. Lewis Carr, of Red Bud, Ills. VIIL Mary Carr (3004) born in Edgecombe Co., N. C., in 1833, married David Hinton, of Wake Co., N. C., in 1852. Their children are, 5100 1. Charles L. Hinton. 5101 2. Elizabeth Hinton. 5102 3. Jane Hinton. 5103 4. David Hinton. 5104 5. Mary Hinton. VII. Wittram Carr (3005) born in Edgecombe Co., N. C., in 1835, married Belle Irving, of Warren Co., N. C., in 1856. She is a great grand daughter of Col. Henry Irving, a revolution- ary hero. Their children are, 5105 1. Carrie Carr. 5106 2. Jones Carr. 5107 3. Irving Carr. VILL. Gov. Extras Carr (3006) born in Edgecombe Co., N.C., Feb. 25, 1839, married Eleanor Kearney, in Huntville, N. C., May 24,1859. He has been an active member in the farmers’ movement in the state, and also president of the Farmers’ State Alliance. He was elected governor of his state in the fall of 1892, and resides in Raleigh, N.C. Their children are, 5108 x1. William Kearney Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1860. 5109 2. John Buxton Carr, b. Aug. 30, 1862. 5110 3. Mary Elizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1864. 5111 4. Elias Carr. b. Aug. 7, 1866. 5112 .5. Eleanor Carr, b. Dec. 21, 1880. 5113. 6. Annie Bruce Carr, b. March 1, 1884. VIII. Ropert A. L. Carr (3007) born in Pitt Co., N. C., Jan. 23,1835, married Sarah A.L. Hooker, in Hookertown, Jan. 17, 1856. She was born Sept. 15, 1832. They reside at Willow Green, N.C. Their children are, 5114x1. Laura Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1857. 51152. Olive Carr, b. Feb. 26, 1860. 51163. Emma BE. Carr, b. May 26, 1862. 316 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 5117 4. Sarah L. Carr, b. June 1, 1867, d. Oct. 6, 1868. 5118 5. Sarah Roberta Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1874. VILL. Trrus Witiram Carr (3008) born in Pitt Co., N. C,, Feb. 27, 1841, married Ada Gray Little, in Pitt Co., Feb. 27, 1866. She was born March 28, 1848, and died Feb. 8, 1882. He next married Dora E. Little, Sept. 1, 1887. They reside in Cas- toria, N. C., where he is engaged in general merchandise. His children by first wife, are, ° 5119 1. William Gray Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1866. 5120 2. Mathew Lawrence Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1870. 5121 3. Frederick Lewis Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1873. 5122 4. Dora Little Carr, b. Oct. 13, 1886. ‘ VII. Parker Carr (3009) born in Chester, N. H., June 10, 1809, married and had a family. He died in Hookset, N. H., Feb. 11, 1869. They had, 51231. James R. Carr, b. May 10, 1841. VIIL. JoserH Carr (3010) born in Derry, N. H., Sept. 11,1819. He went to Boston when about 18 years old and found employ- ment inastore. Bystrict attention to business he gradually worked his way up to an important position in one of the larg- est wholesale dry goods houses in the city. He was the first man to travel over the country and sell goods by samples. He has been a very successful business man and has accumulated a handsome property in the dry goods trade. He has now re- tired from active business. He married Sarah Jane Freder- ick, Feb. 3, 1851, in Quincy, Mass., where they now reside. Their children are, 51241. Mary Jane Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1851. 5125 2. Alice Maria Carr, b. Jan. 26, 1853. 5126 x3. E. Frederick Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1855. 5127 4. Joseph Gould Carr, b. July 24. 1860, d. March 24, 1861. VIII. Hazen EvGENE Carr (3013) born in Oxford, N. H., Oct. 11, 1836, married Martha Julia Eaton, in Wentworth, N. H., Jan. 24, 1866. She was born in Wentworth, June 3, 1836. He died Aug. 7, 1884, in Oxford, where she now resides. Their children are, 9128x 1. Lydia Williams Carr, b. May 8, 1868. 9129 2. Jesse Eaton Carr, b. June 11, 1872. 9130 3. Charles Everett Carr, b. March 15, 1875. JosEPH CARR (3010) born Sept. 11, 1819. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 319 VILL. Jesse KimBaLi Carr (3014) born in Oxford, N. H., June 26, 1847, married Ellen M. Kent,in Lyme, N. H., June 1, 1874. They reside at Ft. Payne, Alabama. Their children are, 5131 1. Josie Lueline Carr, b. June 26, 1876, in Oxford. 5132 2. Jessie Elvira Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1878. a VIII. Georce ALBERT CARR (8022) born in Waterford, Vt., May 7, 1847, married in Londonderry, Vt., Jan. 1867. He resides in East Concord, Vt. Their children are, 5188x1. Fred Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1868. 5184 2. Charles Williams Carr, b. May 4, 1871. 5185 3. Fava Annette Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1874. 5186 4. Kate Mabel Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1876, d. July 18, 1879. VILL Warren H. Carr(3023) born in Derby, Vt., March 10, 1850, married in Londonderry, Vt., July 4, 1870. They reside in East Concord, Vt. Their children are, 5137 1. Harley E. Carr, b. Aug. 3, 1872. 5188 2. Corilla A. Carr, b. May 29, 1874, d. Sept. 16, 1874. 5189 3. Blanch Z. Carr, b. July 4, 1877. 5140 4. Harry S. Carr, b. March 5, 1881. VIII. Dante, W. Howe (3027) born in Newport, N. H., Oct. 20, 1837, married Maria H. Page, Oct. 28, 1861. He enlisted in Co. K, 9th N. H. vol., .\ug. 6, 1862, and was discharged from ser- vice. June 30, 1865. He purchased afarm in Marlow, N. H., where he now resides. Their children are, . 5141 1. Lucy M. Howe, b. Feb. 18, 1875. 5142 2. John P. Howe, b. March 10, 1877. VILL Harrier A. Howse (3028) born in Newport, N. H., Sept. 28, 1841, married Charles Kompton, March, 1862. They reside in Lempster, N. H. Their children are, 59143 1. Lettie F. Kompton, b. March 31, 1866. D144 2. Willis 8. Kompton, b. Nov. 8, 1868. VIII. Marcia E. Howe (3030) born in Newport, N. H., Jan. 23, 1847, married George H. Silvernail, in Gibbon, Neb., Nov. 17, 1873, where they now reside. He was born in Auburn, O., July 22, 1845. Their children are, 5145 1. Merton L. Silvernail, b. Nov. 6, 1874. 5146 2. Earl H. Silvernail, b. Dec. 30, 1880. o147 3. Halbert G. Silvernail, b. Dec. 17, 1884. VIU. Gerorce A. Howe (3031) born in Newport, N. H., Nov. 320 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 14, 1850, married Nellie Peck, Oct. 11, 1881. They reside in Marlow, N. H. Their children are, 5148 1. Elsie M. Howe, b. Dec. 10, 1882. 5149 2. Robbie L. Howe, b. June 18, 1885. 5150 3. Etta A. Howe, b. March 4, 1887. 5151 4. Golda M. Howe, b. Feb. 3, 1889. VIL. Erra A. Howe (3032) born in Newport, N. H., Feb. 8, 1854, married E. C. Griffin, April 4, 1878, in Marlow, N. H. They reside in Gibbon, Neb. Their children are, 5152 1. Adelmer G. Griffin, b. April 14, 1879. 5153 2. Leon E. Griffin, b. March 20, 1881. 5154 3. Arthur B. Griffin, b. Sept. 26, 1886. VU Wiriram RussELL Carr (3033) born in Charlestown, Mass., Aug. 6, 1845, married Adelaide Warren, in East Boston, Mass., Dec. 22, 1880. She was born in Boston, Nov. 24, 1859. He is engaged in a bookstore in East Boston. VUI. Wyatt Carr (38075) born in Constantine, Mich., July 13, 1851, married Ellen Angles, in Jasper Co., Iowa, Oct. 17, 1874. She was born in Illinois, June 7, 1852. He is a dealer in fine horses. They reside in Collins, lowa. Their children are, 5155 1. Stephen A. Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1878, oy Co., Towa: 5156 2. Olga Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1882, 5157 3. John Carr, b. Aug. 2, 1886, e i 5158 4. Amos B. Carr, b. Oct. 1889, a re VII. Crara W. Carr (3077) born in Maxwell, Iowa, Dec. 7, 1867, married John Oxley, June 6, 1888. He was born in Mor- gan Co, Ills., June 26, 1866. They reside in Story Co,, Iowa. Their children are, 5159 1. Clyde Oxley, b. Sept. 27, 1889. 5160 2. Susan Eliza Oxley, b. May 11, 1892. VIII. CLarence D, Carr (3078) born in St. Joseph, Mich., March 31, 1856, married Sabrina Jane Bunn, in Wells Co., Ind,, Jan. 5, 1879. She was born in Wells Co., Aug. 4, 18538. They reside in Decatur, Ind. Their children are, 5161) t Ernest Elwood Carr, b. Noy. 18, 1879, Bureau Co., lls. 5162 2. Florence Belle Carr, b. April 29, 1882, d. 5163 Forrest Fleetwood Carr, b. Sept. 5, 1884, Bureau Co. 5164 Darlene Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1887, Wells Co., Ind. 9165 5. Delmore Carr, b. Feb. 4, 1891, ” a mw CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, 321 VII. Crara AMELIA CARR (8079) born in Chariton Co., Mo., March 18, 1858, married William G. Bodine, in Bureau Co., Ils., March 1, 1876. He was bornin Macomb Co., Mich., Aug. 28, 185). They reside in Walnut, Bureau Co., Ills. Their child- ren are, 5166 1. Charles D. Bodine, b. Dec. 7, 1876, d. March 1, 1877. 5167 2. Clarence E. Bodine, b. March 20, 1878. 5168 3. Frank E. Bodine, b. April 28, 1881. 5169 4. Florence L. Bodine, b. Aug. 19, 1887. 5170 5. Leroy M. Bodine, b. June 2, 1890. VILL Wriiiram H. Carr (3080) born in Bureau Co,, Ills., Dec. 16, 1861, married Hannah Brood, June 2, 1885. She was born in Christiantown, Sweden, Dec. 4, 1862. They reside in Wright Cc,, ls. Their children are. 5171 1. Arthur Leroy Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1886, Bureau Co., Ils. 5172. 2. Glenworth Leon Carr, b. March 30, 1888, ”’ a 9173 3. Clara Mabel Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1890, Wright Co., Hils, 5174 4. Ivin Guy Carr, b. April 10, 1892, a VIL. Ina LuELLA Carr (3081) born in Bureau Co., Ils., Feb. 26, 1865, married Solomon Bunn April 11, 1887. He was born in Franklin Co., Pa, Aug. 8,1849. They reside in Wyanet, IIs. They have, 5175 1. Delbert Bunn, b. June 18, 1889. VIII. Cuauncey Ferrers (3091) born in Goshen, Ind., Oct. 21, 1843, married Lucina Palmer, in Plymouth, Ind., May 12, 1864. He is a farmer and lives in Plymouth. Their children are, 5176 1. Martin Fetters, b. May 11, 1865. 5177 2. Daniel Fetters, b. June 2, 1871. 5178 3. Nicholas Bruce Fetters, b. Dec. 22, 1874. 5179 4. Charles William Fetters, b. Dec. 1, 1878. 5180 5. Hortense May Fetters, b. Oct. 27, 1881. 5181 6. Harry Lee Fetters, b. Nov. 17, 1884. VII. Enwin Fetters (8092) born in Goshen, Ind., May 18, 1853, married Emeretta Duff, in Plymouth, Ind., Dec. 30, 1880. He is farmer. Their children are, 0182 1. William L. Fetters, b. Sept. 25, 1881. 5183 2. Dawn J. Fetters, b. July 25, 1883. 5184 3. Bessie V. Fetters, b. June 27, 1884. 5185 4. Pearl D. Fetters, b. April 2, 1886. 5186 5. Nellie E. Fetters, b. June 24, 1888. 322 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VILL. JosEPHINE FEtTrers (38093) born in Plymouth, Ind., June 17, 1858, married Jariah M. Cripe, in Plymouth, June 20, 1878. Their children are, 5187 1. Arthur D. Cripe, b. Feb. 5, 1879. 5188 2. Maud E. Cripe, b. April 24, 1880. 5189 3. Minnie B. Cripe, b. May 1, 1884. 5190 4. Lillian Cripe, b. Feb. 1, 1889. VILE. Marm Anronerre Carr (3094) born in Goshen, Ind, Oct. 22, 1846, married William Klingerman, in Inwood, Ind., April 5, 1862. They have. 51911. James Albertus Klingerman, b. June 14, 1865. VII. Henrrerra Aucusta CARR (3095) born in Goshen, Ind., Dec. 28, 1847, married David Armstrong, in St..Marys, Ohio, Nov. 28, 1866, where they now reside. He is adry goods mer- chant. ‘Their children are, 51921. Sarah Eleanor Armstrong, b. Sept. 29, 1867. 5193 2. Lillian Carr Armstrong, b. July 8, 1875. VII. Lewis Preston: Dr Frees Carr (3096) born in Goshen, Ind., Jan. 25, 1850, married Mary H. Kelsey, in St. Marys, Ohio, June 6, 1872. He isin the creamery business in St. Marys. Their children are, 5194 1. Rachel Flora Cary, b. March 17, 1873. 5195 2. Margaret De Frees Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1876. 5196 3. Ettie Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1878, d. Dec. 9, 1886. VII. FRANKLIN PIERCE CARR (3097) born in Piymouth, Ind., Aug. 12, 1852, married Flora Cooper, in Brookfield, Mo., June 13, 1883. He is arailroad engineer and resides in South Engle- wood, Ills. VIL Mary Jane Carr (3099) bora in Plymouth, Ind., July. 22, 1862, married Charles C. Rupp, in Burlington, Iowa. Heis amerchant in Burlington. Their children are, 5197 1. Jesse Rupp, b. Nov. 30, 1880. 9198 2, Russell Rupp, b. March 15, 1882. VII. Panny Carr (3100) born jn Plymouth, Ind., Sept. 26, 1866, married Arthur Alber, in Burlington, Iowa, Dec. 18, 1886. ‘Phey reside in Burlington. . Their children are, . 5199 1. Myrtle Alber, b. Aug. 12, 1887. 5200 2. James H. Alber, b. Dec. 5, 1888. 5201 3. Guy Alber, b. Jan. 18, 1890. Pee CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 323 VIL. DanreL Mace Carr (8104) born in Piqua, Ohio, Jan. 7, 1852, married Kate Murray, in Liberty, Mo. Oct. 2, 1873. Their children are, 5202 1. Nicholas Preston Carr. b. Feb. 12, 1875. 52038 2. Ida C. Carr b. Sept. 1, 1877. 5204 3. Daniel Murray Carr, Feb. 21, 1880. 5205 4. Katie M. Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1882. VIII. Preston DE FreES CARR (3105) born in Washington, D.C., March 15, 1854, married Elizabeth Schmidt, in La Fay- ette, Ind., June 1, 1881. He is a railroad conductor on the Wabash railway. Their children are, 5206 1. Daniel M. Carr, b. July 19, 1884, Danville, Ils. 5207: 2. Ethel F. Carr, b. Feb. 18, 1886, Anderson, Ind. 5208 3. Hazel Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1888. VIUT. Mary Srsrey Carr (3107) born in Decatur, Ils., Sept. 11, 1859, married William Russell, in Indianapolis, Ind., March 16, 1882. He wasa railroad conductor and died April 16, 1883. They had, 5209 1. Irvin A. Russell, b. Dec. 28, 1883. VII. Mary Deviney (3118) born in Goshen, Ind., Aug. 10, 1852, married George Morgan, Feb. 8, 1873. They had, 5210. 1. Henry Morgan, b. Jan. 8, 1874. VIL. James Deviney (3119) born in Goshen, Ind., Feb. 7, 1855, married Sept. 13, 1880. He lives in Red Wing, Minn., and runs an express train on the Illinois Central R. R. Their children are, 5211. 1. Florence Deviney, b. July 18, 1881. 5212. 2. William Henry Deviney, b. Feb. 16, 1883. 5213. 3. Mabel Clara Deviney, b. Dec. 16, 1885. VIII. Emma DEvINney (3122) born in Goshen, Ind., Dec. 25, 1864, married Frank Dittoe, June 16, 1881. Their children are, 5214 1. Jennie Dittoe, b. Sept. 8, 1882. 5215 2. Lillie May Dittoe, b. April 22, 1884. 5216 3. Cora Alice Dittoe, b. Oct. 21, 1885. 5217 4. Earl Roscoe Dittoe, b. Dec. 12, 1888. VILL Lewis Franxiin Carr (3162) born in Cambridgeport, Mass., June 25, 1850, married Susie D. Carter, in Springfield, Mass., April 23, 1874. She was born in Springfield, Aug. 14, 1852. They reside in Springfield, Their children are, ee ¥ 324 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-EIGHTH GENERATION. 5218 1. Florence Maria Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1876. / 5219 2. Rebecca Dickimon Carr, b. April 5, 1880. V 5220 3. Harriet Merrill Carr, b. April 23, 1883. VIIL. Frorence ExvorsE Carr (3168) born in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Oct. 10, 1851, married Frank P. Hazlee, in Springfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 1880. VY VIEL. Harrier Merritt Care (3164) born in St. Johnsbury: Vt., Nov. 1, 1858, married James W. Hazlee, in Springfield, Mass., April 23, 1885. Y VII. James W. Carr (3170) born in Fenton, Ills., Sept. 21, 1852. Graduated at the University of Michigan, March 28, 1877. Heisalawyer. by profession and resides in Omaha, Neb. He married Jennie M. Thompson, in Pratt, Ils., Jan. 29, 1878. Their children are, 5221 1. Myrtle M. Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1879, Maryville, Ma: 5222 2. Anabel B. Carr, b. Oct. 12, 1881, 2 VILL. Roperr M. Carr (8171) born in Fenton, Ills., Feb. 18, 1854, married Cynthia Loretta Robinson, Feb. 25, 1875. She was born in Erie, Ills., Aug. 1, 1855. They reside in Bagley, Iowa. Their children are, 5223 1. Minnie A. Carr, b. Jan. 28, 1876. 5224 2. Clara E. Carr, b. April 29, 1878. 9225 3. Sarah A. Carr, b. April 30, 1880. 5226 4. Linneus M. Carr, b. April 5, 1882. 5227 5. Mary L. Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1884. 5228 6. Cora E. Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1887. VIII. Cuartes W. Carr (3172) born in Fenton, Ills, March 6, 1856. Heis a commercial traveler, is married and resides in Des Moines, Iowa. Their children are, 5829 1. Charles H. Carr, b. Dec. 29, 1879. 52380 2. Ethel Carr, b. 1881, in St. Joseph, Mo. N VII. Crara E. Carr (3173) born in Fenton, Ills., April 5, 1858, married C. O. Booth. They reside in Liberal, Mo. Their children are, 5231 1. Nellie B. Booth, b. July 18, 1877, Newton, Ills. 5232 2. Flora A. Booth, b. Aug. 31, 1881, e 5233 3. James H. Booth, b. July 23, 1883, ” ” 5234 4. Booth, b, April, 22, 1886, Liberal, Mo. 5235 5. —— Booth, b. July, 1888, 2 = CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 325 K VIL. Lauren Duane Carr (3174) born in Fenton, Ills., Jan. 24, 1850, married Mabel Emma Mills, in Lincoln, Ills., Nov. 13, 1892. She was born in Lincoln, Oct. 8, 1866. They reside in Ann Arbor, Mich. VII. Anna Carr (3175) born in Stoughton, Mass., Jan. 25, 1823, married, Oliver Anson Day, of Easton, Mass. She died and was buriedin Easton. Their children are, 52331. Henriette Day, b. Aug. 9, 1846. 5237 2. Oliver Anson Day, b. July 7, 1848. 5238 x3. Martha Ann Day, b. July 23, 1850. VUE. Wintrram FrReENcH Carr (8176) born,in Stoughton, Mass., Feb. 2, 1825, married Sarah Emeline Holmes, of Easton, Mass., Mav 5, 1844. She was born in Easton, Nov. 20, 1827, and died in Providence, R. I., Jan. 14, 1891. Their children are, 5239x1. Sarah Maria Carr, b. Nov. 12, 1845. 52402. Henry Francis Carr, b. May 2, 1848. 5241 3. Frederick William Carr, b. May 3, 1861, d. Sept. 24,’61. VIIL Francrs Carr (3177) born in Stoughton, Mass., May 6, 1827, married Isabel M. Webster, in Easton, Mass., March, 1849. She was born in North. Bridgewater, Mass., and died in Stoughton, April 4, 1882. Their children are, 5242 1. Mary Cordelia Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1849, d. Feb. 24, 1876. 9243 2. Herbert W. Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1854, d. April 14, 1863. 5244 3. Frank G. Carr, b. Dec. 30, 1856, in Stoughton. 5245 4. Martin H. Carr, b. April 27, 1862, i. 5246 5. Ernest L. Carr, b. May 18, 1865, mn 5247 6. Ida May Carr, b. July 23, 1867, d. June 6, 1882. VIII. Sanrorp BENTON CARR (3178) born in Stoughton, Mass., March 14, 1830, married Mary BR. Richardson, of Stoughton. He died Jan. 3, 1852, and she died April 23, 1852. They only had, 5248 1. Harriet A. Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1851, d. May 4, 1852. VII. Lysanper Carr (3180) born in Stoughton, Mass., July 10, 1836, married Julia Manley Packard, of North Bridgewater, Mass., June 13, 1858. Their children are, 5249 1. Charles Hayward Carr, b. May 18, 1859, d. March 11,’75. 5250 2. Albert Lincoln Carr, b. Jan. 20, 1861,d. April 20, 1861. 5251 3. William Manley Carr, b. June 6, 1862. VIII. Grorce BrapFrorp Carr (3181) born Stoughton, Mass., in 1832, married Sarah Jane Leonard, of Raynham, Mass., 1845, 826 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. Their children are, 52521. George Herbert Carr, b. 1855. | 5253 x2. Luella Jane Oct. 2, 1858. VIU. Evizapetru ANN Carr: (3182) born in North Bridge- water, Mass., June 19, 1828, married George’ Adams Packard, of North Bridgewater. ‘She died March 13, 1874. Their child- ren are, 52541. George Prescott Packard, b. March 8, 1849. 5255 x2. Florence Cary Packard, b. Nov. 20, 1851. §258x38. Heary Franklin Packard, b. Dec. 20, 1853. 5257x4. Julia Thomas Packard, b. April 18, 1856. 5258x5. Charles Wesley Packard, b. May 4, 1859. . 52596. Clifford Andersen Packard, ». July 2, 1864. 5260x7, Annie Frances Packard, b. July 8, 1866. 52618. Herbert Packard, b. Jan. 2, 1870. VILL Smreon Dexter Care (3183) born in North Bridge- water, Mass., Dec. 31,1832, married Harriet A: Willis, of North Bridgeport, Nov. 6, 1854. He next married Harriet Carpenter. Their children are, 5262 1. Warren D. Carr, by Aug. 23, 1855, d. Sept. 25, 1865: 5263 x 2. Louisa Carr, b. April 27, 1858. 5264 3. Rufus Henty Cair, b. Feb. 6; 1869. VILL. Rurus., BENTON ,CarR (3184) born in North Bridge- water, Mass., May 110, 1841, married Helen F, Hollis, of North- Bridgéwater, Nov: 1; 1863. >-They had, 52651. Marion Granvillé’ ‘Carr, ‘b. Sept. -1,. 1865. VIL Crarues CARR (3185) born in Easton, Mass., “May 13, 1828, married Sarah Frances Dickerman, daughter of James and Sally (Randall) Dickerman, in North Bridgewater, -Mass., March 2,1851. She was born-in. Easton, April 17, 1831, and died Jan. 27, 1852. He next married Harriet A. Hartwell, Dec. 24, 18538. She was boruin North Bridgewater, Nov. 11, 1826. The reside in.North Easton,Mass. Their children are, 5266: 1. { Sarah Frances Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1852, d. Oct, 27, 180. - 5267 * 2. | Infant daughter, b. i " d. Jan. 15, 1852. children by second wife, 52683. Charles Burley Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1854. 5289 x4. Emily Priscilla Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1856. 5270x5. Hattie Eliza Carr, b. Jan. 9, 1860. 5271 x6. Ellen Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1861. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 327 3272x7. George Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1866. VILL. Zippos JANE Carr (3187) born in Stoughton, Mass., Oct. 1, 1837, married Charles Reuben Lyon, of Milton, Mass., Nov. 24, 1861. VILL Mary Carr (3188) born in North Bridgewater, Mass., March 18, 1840, married William Packard, of North Bridge water, July 13, 1863. He was born Oct. 1, 1820, and died Nov. 11,1866. She lives in Brockton, Mass. They had, 5273 1. Herman Packard, b. Aug. 19, 1865. VIL Georce Eris Birp (3191) born in Stoughton, Mass., Feb. 24, 1837, married 1st, Louisa Ward, of Stoughton, Nov. 18, . 1833; and 2nd, Sophia M. Drake, Jan. 4, 1884. They had, 52741. Fauny. Louisa Bird, b. Oct. 25, 1864. VILL. Warrex PALMER Burp (3193) born in Stoughton, Mass., Oct. 8, 1843, married Sarah J. Gay, of Stoughton, March 12, 1864. Their children are, 5275 1. James Edward Bird, b. Nov. 3, 1865, d. Oct. 14, 1867. 5276 2. Mary Warren Bird, b. Nov. 17, 1869. 5277 3. Estella Maria Bird, b. Sept. 3, 1875. VIL. Mary Erra Birp (38194) born in Stoughton, Mass., Aug. 3, 1847, married Williain E. Moon, of Shoreham, England, in 1874. They have, 5 3278 1. Edward P. Moon, b. Feb. 1875, in Stoughton. Vi. Nancy Exizanetay Brirp (3195). born in Stoughton, Mass., Dec. 14, 1849, married Horace W. Mann, of Randolph, Mass., in Brocixton, Jan. 20, 1878. Their children are, _ 5279 1. Linna E. Mann, b. July 8, 1881. 5280 2. Wyman H. Mann, b. Oct-11, 1887. VIIL Hox. Jesse D. Carr (3208) born in Sumner Co., Tenn., June 10, 1814, married Louisa A. Brener, in Davison Co., Tenn., Oct. 27, 1836. She was born in Dickson Co., Tenn, Nov. 13, 1814. His busy life has been marked with many adven- tures and changes, but his untiring perseverance has been crowned with success. At 18 years of age he was a clerk in astore in Nashville, Tenn., then in business on his own ac- count in Memphis, Tenn. In 1843 he was in New Orleans, La., in the commission business, and followed the fortune of the American army as a sutler during the Mexican war. He went 328 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. to California in 1849, and for years had a large contract from the government for carrying the mails. He has accumu- lated a large property, owning 20,000 acres of land and a large mining property. He has been a member of the state legisla- ture, and has been president of the Salinas bank, since its or- ganization. He resides in Salinas, Cal. Their children are, 92811. Lashin W. Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1837. 52822. John S. Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1839. 5283 x3. Jessie D. Carr, b. Dec. 23, 1846. VILL. Susan Carr (8211) born in Antrim, N. H., March 9, 1811, married M. W. Stickney, Feb. 25, 1834. She died in Alba- ny, N. Y., in 1848. VIII. Oran Carr (8212) born in Antrim, N. H., Aug. 1, 1815, married Abbie W. Tyrell, Nov. 19, 1840, He died March, 1877. Their children are, 5284 1. Susan Carr, b. May 1, 1842, m. James Carter. 59285 2. Ann L. Carr, b. April 24, 1844, m. John Johnson. 5286 3. Abbie F. Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1846, m’ Henry Lawrence. , 5287 4. Orraetta Carr, d.in childhood, 5288 5. Lucy E. Carr, b. May 24, 1852, m. John Woodbury. 5289 6. Orra May Carr, b. May 6, 1856, d. May 12, 1875. 5290 7. James Oren Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1863. VIII. Atonzo G. Carr (3216) born in Antrim, N. H., married Elizabeth Trecell, and lives in Lowell, Mass. VIII. Francis Carr (3217) born in Antrim, N. H., married 1st, Nancy McCleming, and 2nd, Almira Baker. He lives in Springfield, Mass., and is engaged in steam and gas pipe fit- tings. Vill. Susanan Carr (8218) born in Antrim, N. H., Dec. 26, 1816, married Calvin C. Gould, Sept. 8, 1848, and moved to O- hio, where she died in 1873. VITL WititiamM REED Carr (3222) born in Antrim. N. H,, March 1, 1825, married Helen A. Coburn, of Deering, N. H.,, Oct. 14,1848. He died in Autrim, 1892. Their children are, 5291 1. Celia F. Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1850. 5292 2. Thomas A. Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1852. 5293 3. Sina M. Carr, b. Nov. 19, 1854. 5294 4. William M. Carr, b. July 1, 1856. 5295 5. Minnie S. Carr, b. April 27, 1858.. pre Hon. Jesse D. Carr (3208) born June 10, 1814. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION, 331 5296 6. Lucy A. Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1860. 5297 7. Walter H. Carr, b, July 16, 1866. 5298 8. Mary H. Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1868. 5299 9. George R. Carr, b. July 8, 1870. 5300 10. Lewis S. Carr, b. Dec. 3, 1877. VIII. Mark M. Carr (3229) born in Antrim, N. H., married 1st, Emma Ferson, of Goffstown, N. H., and 2nd, Mary A. Cle- ment, of Hillsborough, N. H. Hedied in Manchester, N. H., in 1872. Vili. Mary B. Carr (3233) born in Antrim, N. H., May 10, 1818, married Samuel Baker, and went to Lowell, Mass. He died in 1855. Their children are. 5301 1. Samuel R. Baker. £302 2. George W. Baker. These two brothers were in the war of the rebellion. Sam- uel was acolonel and George a captain. They both live in Peoria, Ilis., and their mother lives with them. VILE. Jeremiau S. Carr (3237) born in Antrim, N. H., in 1820, married Martha W. Merrill, of Brownfield, Me., in 1847. He died in Elba, Ills., in 1875. VUTL. Joux Carr (3240) born in Deering, N. H., in 1826, mar- ried Ist, Frances A. Wood, of Merrimack, N. H., and 2nd, Cyn- thia Jones, of Peacham, Vt. He was drowned in lake Erie, Oct. 26, 1856. VII. Jonn Carr (3241) bornin Antrim, N. H., Aug. 19, 1829. He went to Boston, Mass., when 18 years of age. He has never sought nor held public office, though often solicited to do so by his fellow citizens. His principal occupation has been in connection with the First National Bank, of Boston, having been with itas a state and national bank since its foundation in 1859. From 1864 to 1881, he was cashier, and since 1881, as president. He is also president of the Eliot Five Cent Savings Bank of Roxbury, Mass., where he resides. He is treasurer of several other institutions, and is away up in Masonry. Socially and religiously he is held in high es- teem, and as a business man without reproach. He married Augusta L, Eaton, in Boston, Sept. 4, 1862. She was born in Boston, Feb. 2), 1835. Their children are, 53803 1. Albert Eaton Carr, b. July 18, 1863. 332 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 5304 2. Walter Dinsmoor Carr, b. April 8, 1865, d. April 28, ’65. VIL. Rosanna Carr (3246) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1813, married John Bridge in 1834. She died in 1887. They had, 5305 x1. Hannah Bridge, b. 1835. VIII. Jane Carr (38247) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1815, married John H. Brown, in 1831. She died in 1889. Their children are, “5306 1. Alfred Brown, b. 18387. 5307 x2. Emma Brown, b. 1839. 53808 x3. Eliza Jane Brown, b. 1842. 5309 4. John Brown, b. 1846, d. 1862. VIL. Joun W. Carr (3248) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1817, married Elizabeth James, in 1839. She died in 1853. He next Mrs. Elizabeth Zigler, in 1855. Shedied the same year. He married Emeline Sample, in 1857. They reside in Hamilton, Ohio. His children are, 53101. Mary E. Carr, b. 1840. 53112. Louisa H. Carr, b. 1842. 5312 *3. Barton Carr, b. 1848. 5313 x4. Mina E. Carr, b. 1851. children by third wife, 53145. Bessie Carr, b. 1860. 5315 x6. Fred Carr, b. 1863. VIII. Ann Carr (8249) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1819, married John Bell. Their children are, 5316 1. Melinda Bell. 5317 2. Jacob Bell. 5318 3. James Bell. 53819 4. Albert Bell. 5320 5. Emma Bell. VIIL. THomas J. Carr (3251) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1823, married Mary Ann Beatty. She died in 1856. He lives in Hamilton, Ohio. Their children are, 53211. Hannah Jane Carr, b. 5322 x2. Ann Maria Carr. 53233 Kate Carr. 9324 x4. Jacob Carr. 5325 X5. John Carr. VILL. Resecca C.Rrr (3252) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1825, Joun Carr (3241) born Aug. 19, 1829. ' CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 335 married John T. Beal, in 1847. He died in 1891. Their child- ren are, 5326 1. Jacob Marion Beal, b. 1848. 53272. Amy Louisa Beal, b. 1850. 33233. Daaiel Frank Baal, b. 1853. 5329 x4. Carrie Beal, b. 1857. 33305. Annie Beal, b. 1861. 53316. Jennie Beal, b. 1867. VIL Jacos G. Carr (3253) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1827, married Catherine Zeller, in 1855. She died in 1880. Their children are, 5332 x1. James A. Carr, b. 1856. 5333 2. John Carr, b. 1857. 53343. Ida May Carr, b. 1859. 5335 x4. Clement V. Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1863. 5336 x5. Lizzie Carr, b. 1864. 5337 6. Alfred Carr, b. 1866. VILL James Carr (3254) born in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1830, matried Ann Tracy in 1858. Theirchildren are, 5338 x 1. Jacob Carr, b. 1859. 53839 2. Laura Carr, b- 1861. 53840 3. Sarah Carr, b. 1868. 5341 x4. Frank Carr, b. 1866. 5342 5. May Carr, b. 1868. VUI. Samveu Carr, (8255) bern in Butler Co., Ohio, in 1837, died in 1851. VIli. ALEXANDER T. Carr .3260) born in Butler Co., Ohio, Nov. 8, 1828. He never married. He was a hardware mer- chant ian Anderson, Ind. He died March 29, 1854, from the ef- fect of breaking a blood vessel. VO. Jamies Moore Carr (3262) born in Butler Co., Ohio, April 10, 1833, married Sarah J. Linter, Oct. 28, 1851. She died in Jan. 1888. He next married Nannie Hunt in May, 1889. He died May 11, 1892. No children. VUI. Mary Carr (3204) born in Butler Co., Ohio, April 19, 1836, married William Rumple, Oct. 16, 1855. She was thrown from a horse and killed, Oct. 14, 1861. He died Jan. 20, 1865. They were both buried in Oxford, Ohio. Their children are, 336 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—BIGHTH GENERATION. 53431. Eleanor Sarah Rumple, b. July 18, 1856. 53442. Mary Jane Rumple, b. Jan. 26, 1858. 53453. Anna Maria Rumple, b. Jan. 28, 1869. MartTHa JANE Carr (3265) born in Butler Co., Ohio, Dec. 31, 1839, married John W. Koll, Dec. 21, 1865. Their children are, 5346 x1. Arthur C. Roll, b. March 2, 1868. 53472. Margaret Eleanor Roll, b. Dec. 26, 1869. VIII. Amanpa ELLEN Carr (3266) born in Buttler Co, Ohio, Oct. 20, 1844, married A. R. Rogers, of Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1867. He was a captain of artillery during the war. They have, 53481. ( Samuel Claud Rogers, b. Oct. 12, 1868. 5349 x 2. Alonzo Carl Rogers, b. my e VII. Ropert SAMUEL CarR (3287) born in Butler C., Chio, March 6, 1850, married Aurelia W. Smith, Oct. 1, 1876. She was born in Oxford, Ohio, July 20, 1857, and died Dec. 31, 1885. He next married Elsie M. Smith, twin sister of his first wife, Nov. 9, 1886. He is engaged in the practice of law in Hamilton, Ohio. Their children are, 5350 1. Elsie Eleanor Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1877. 5351 2. Mary Lizzie Carr, b. April 17, 1880. children by second wife, 5352 3. Samuel Smith Carr, b. May 25, 1890. 5353. 4. James Gates Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1891. VIIL. Dr. Francis M. Carr (8275) born in Clark Co., Ind., Jan. 3, 1831, married Martha Ellen Cartner, Dec. 25, 1854. He has been practicing medicine for the past 40 years. They re- side in Oregon, Ind. Their children were, 5354 1. John Pinckney Carr, b. March 22, 1856, New Market. 5355 2. Joseph William Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1857, Memphis, Ind. 5356 3. Milton Weir Carr, b. April 13, 1861, New Market, ” 53857 4. Samuel Elmer Carr, b. March 27, 1863, a u 5358 5. Francis Walton Carr, b. July 17, 1866, 2 i 5359 6. Charles Little Carr, b. June 14, 1871, Oregon, ee 5360 7. Manton Marble Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1876,” 7 VII. Anprew Jf. Carr (son of Gen. John Carr, 1838) was born in Charlestown, Ind., about 1830. He married and had a fam- ily of four children. He died in Charlestown, in 1894. VILL Harvey Carr (3280) born in Washington, Co., Ind, July 28, 1821. He married his first wife in Orleans, Ind., Jan. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 337 6. 1846, and his second wife in Saltilloville, Ind., Nov. 18, 1858, They reside in Leipsic, Ind. Their children are, 5365 1. William Taylor Carr, b. April 28, 1847, d. May 15, 1856. 5366 2. Bruce Carr, b. May 12, 1849, d. 1892, was state treasurer children by second wife, 5367 3. Emery S. Carr, b. Oct. 28, 1859. 5868 4. John E. Carr, b. May 8, 1862. 5369 5. Florence M. Carr, b. April 7, 1864. 53870 6. Carrie L. Carr, b. July 13, 1866. 5871 7. Reed A. Carr, b. Nov. 22, 1869. VIII. Henry Wiciiam Carr (8281). He ran away from home with a circus company when about 14 years old and went down south. He became the owner of acircus that trav- eled through the southern states. He married but had no children. He has not been heard from since the war. VILL Benyamin Carr (3282) born in Utica, N. Y., July 21, * 1828, married Sarah Jane McAvoy, March, 1855. She was born in New York city, Feb. 23, 1887. They reside in New York. Their children are, 5372 1. Jennette Elizabeth Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1856, New York. 5373 X2. Irene Susan Carr, b. Dec. 26, 1858. . 93743. William Henry Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1861. a" 5875 4. Benjamin Carr. b. June 18, 1865, m. i 5376 5. George Samuel Carr, b. July 16, 1871. =" 538776. Sarah Jane Carr, b. Oct. 14, 1873. " VIII. EvizaBETH ANNA Carr (3283) born in Utica, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1831, married Frederick Simmons, in Sauquoit, On- eida Co., N. Y., Oct. 31, 1854. He was born March 38, 1829, in Sauquoit where they now reside. Their children are, 5378 x 1. Edward Eliot Simmons, b. Jan. 9, 1858. 5379 2. Henry Fowler Simmons, b. Aug. 12, 1863. 53880 3. Charles Abbott Simmons, b. Nov. 8, 1865. VIII. JosepH Carr (3284) born in Utica, N. Y., April 10, 1833, married Catherine Maria Pollard, June 20, 1853. She was a daughter of Richard Pollard, who came to Utica from Eng- land in 1832. She died March 25, 1881. He next married Mary Dunlap Shields, April 15, 1885. She was born in Scotland, May 28, 1852. He served in the Union army during the latter part of the rebellion. His children, all by his first wife, are, 5381 x1. Charles Henry Carr, b. July 10, 1854. 338 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 5882 x2. Frederick Joseph Carr, b. June 23, 1857. 5283 3. Fanny Maria Carr, b. Dec. 17, 1859, lives in Chicago. 5384 4. Elizabeth Pollard Carr, b. July 10, 1871, lives Erie, Pa. 5385 5. Katherine Louisa Carr. b. Feb. 8, 1874, lives in Utica. VIL. Mary Carr (3285) born in Utica, N. Y., Nov, 21, 1835, married Francis Elbridge Merritt, of Clinton, Oneida Co., N.Y., Sept. 18, 1856. They reside in Utica. Their children are, 5886 1. Juliette Elizabeth Merritt, b. Feb. 15, 1858. 5887 2. Benjamin S. Merritt, b. Oct. 27, 1860, d. Aug. 16, 1862. 5388 3. Mary Carr Merritt, b. Nov. 18, 1862. 5389x4. Francis Elbridge Merritt, b. June 12, 1864. 8390 5. Luella Belle Merritt, b. Jan. 24, 18€8, d. 1875. VIII. Noan Fox Carr (3287) born in Utica, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1839, married Alice Lewis, of Whitewater, Wis., in 1870. She was born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1850. He served in the war of the rebellion. They reside in Utica. His children are, 5391 1. William Carr. 5392 2. Fred C. Carr, d. May 25, 1891. 5393 3. Joseph Carr. VILI. RoBert Carr (3288) born in Utica, N. Y., in 1842, mar. ried Barbara Witzenberger, of Germany,in 1860. He served in the army during the rebellion. They live in Westmoreland, N.Y. Their children are, 5394 1. Emery Carr. 5395 2. Frederick Carr. 5396 3. Robert Carr. VIII. Eunice Lane Carr (3289) born in Readfield, Me., Feb. 9, 1812, married Joseph L. Atkins, May 11, 1834. He died July 26,1851. She next married Alfred Watson, Sept. 4, 1855. She died June, 1890. VITI. GeorGE GaGE Carr (3293) born in Readfield, Me., Dec. 30, 1819, married Julia A. Brent, Oct. 19, 1845. She died Aug. 20, 1852. He next married Thankful W. Chandler, Jan. 1, 1853. They reside in Brockton, Mass. His children by first wife are, 5397 1. Julia Frances Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1846, d. Sept. 16, 1867. 5398 x 2. George Bradford Carr, b. Dec. 10, 1847. 5399 x3. Abbie Maria Carr, b. June 8, 1850. VILL James Lane Carr (3294) born in East Winthrop, Me., Nov. 23, 1821, married Sarah Capen, May 1, 1850.. She died CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. 339 Jan. 23, 1860. He next married Eliza A. Wrightington, Oct. 7, 1860. He died in Brockton, Mass., April 9, 1890. His children, all born in Brockton, are, 5400 x1. James Franklin Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1856. 5401 x2. Sarah Lovina Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1858. , children by second wife, 5402 3. Ada Forest Carr, b. April 16, 1865, d. July 20, 1865. 5403 4. Herbert Wrightington Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1866. 54045. Eunice Della Carr, b. June 22, VIL. Benyamin F. Carr (3295) born in East Winthrop, Me., July 17, 1823, married Mary R. Gross. He died Feb. 10, 1858. She died in 1859. . VUE. Evvina N. Carr (8296) born in East Winthrop, Me.» March 17, 1825, married Orson Lane. She died Jan. 16, 1843. VII. Avpert C. Carr (3297) born in East Winthrop, Me., July 19,1828, married Mary A. Watson, May 6, 1851. She died Dec. 1887. He resides in East Winthrop. VIII. Isaac A. Carr (3298) born in East Winthrop, Me., Sept. 15, 1830, married Mary B. Cottle, May 2, 1849. She died Aug. 1889. He resides in East Winthrop. VIIL Joun Morrison Carr (3300) born in Franklin Co. Mass., Jan. 21, 1815, married Jemima McNitt, in Stockton, N. Y., March, 1836, Their children are, 5405 1. Lucretia Ann Carr, b. April 1, 1837. 5403 2. Alice M. Carr, b. Oct. 17, 1845. 5407 3. Hiram Carr, b. March, 1847. 5408 4. Ada M. Carr, b. April 6, 1851. VILL. Anna Maria Carr (3303) born in Franklin Co., Mass., Oct. 28, 1820, married Lewis Ames, in Stockton, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1840. They reside in Stockton. Their children are, 0409 1: Hannah Lovina Ames, b. Oct. 16, 1840. 04102. Ervilla Melvina Ames, b. Dec. 14, 1844. o411X3. Eva Valona Ames, b. July 2, 1854. VIIL. Grorcr WINsSLow Carr (3304) born in Franklin Co., Mass., June 7, 1822, married Mary Lyon, in Conway, Mass. Their children are, 5412 1. Ida Augusta Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1848. 0413 2. Clara Belle Carr, b. May 8, 1855. 340 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. VII. Laura Erra Carr (3306) born in Ashfield, Mass,, Jan. 12, 1826, married Elisha Gilbert, of Fredonia, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1848. They had, 5414 1. Mary EK. Gilbert, b. May 9, 1850, lives Conneautville, Pa VILL Jonn WurprLe Carr (3307) born in Franklin Co., Mass., July 17, 1828, married Clarinda Russ, in Stockton, N. Y., in 1851. Their children are, 5415 1. Lenora Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1852. 5416 2. Clarence Carr, b. 1855. 5417 3. Laura M. Carr, b. 1859. VIL. Wintarp P. Carr (3309) born in Ashfield, Mass., Aug. 4, 1831, married Carrie Sophia Ramsey, Aug. 9, 1858. She was born in Waterloo, Wis., in 1843. After her death he married Mrs. Mary Trop Woodworth, Aug. 22, 1882. She was born in Napoli, N. Y., May 13,1839. He was postmaster at Sioux Falls, S. D., under Cleveland’s first administration. His children by first wife are, 5418 x1. Gertrude Sophia Carr, b. May 11, 1862. 5419 2. Fred Jay Carr, b. March 13, 1869. 5420 3. Mabel Elizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 3, 1877. 5421 4. Charles Burtram Carr, b. July 18, 1879. VII. Joun WEsiry Carr (3313) born in in Gibraltar, May 25, 1835, married Margaret Josephine Shannor, in New York, April 4, 1868. She was born in Dublin, Ireland, April 16, 1846. They reside in Brooklyn, N. Y. Their children are, 5422 1. James Hillsdale Carr, b. April 12, 1869, d. June 1, 1887. 5423 2. Annie Beatrice Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1870. 5424 3. John Moister Carr, b. Jan. 14, 1872. 5425 4. Josie Margaret Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1874. 5426 5. George Frederick Carr, b. June 1, 1876. 5427 6. Lilly Carr, b. Oct. 30, 1882. VITI. ArBert FIELDING Carr (3314) born in 1823, in Putman Co., Tenn., married Frances Harper, in Putman Co., Jan. 15, 1843. She was born in 1826, and is now living in Flint, Ills. He died in Hamilton Co., Ills., Oct. 31,1865. Their children are, 5428 x 1. James Daniel Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1843, Putman Co. 5429 2. Martha Elizabeth Carr, b. Jan. 21, 1846, is 5430 3. Susan Carr, b. May 16, 1849, a 5431 4. | Tennessee Carr, b. Feb. 20, 1852, e 5432 5. ( Orlena Carr, b. Mm m CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 341 5433 6. Missouri Frances Carr, b. July 17, 1854, Putman Co, 5434 7. George H. Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1857, o 5435 8. William Fielding Carr, b. Dec. 22. 1860, Hamilton Co. Nintru GENERATION. IX. Rurus Grorce Carr (3315) born in Oswego Co., N. Y., Sept. 7, 1836, married Sarah Daniels, of Manchester, Boone Co., Ills., Sept. 18, 1859. They live in West Union, Custer Co., Neb. He is engaged in merchandise and running a flouring mill, as well as a large interest in farm lands. Their children are, 5486 x 1. Alda I. Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1861. 5437 2. Eben J. Carr, b. Jan. 20, 1864, d. April 25, 1873. 5488 x3. Stanley V. Carr, b. Oct. 17, 1866. 54389 x4. Rodner B. Carr, b. Dec. 23, 1869. 54405. Cora J. Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1872. IX. Mary JANE Carr (8316) born in Roscoe township, IUs., Aug. 7, 1888, married Nathan Gorham, in Caledonia, Ills., Jan. 23, 1864. They parted in the spring of 1884. She resides in Manchester, lowa. Their children are, 5441 1. Frank A. Gorham, b. June, 1865, Caledonia, Ils. 9442 2. Edward Nathan Gorham, b. April 8, 1867. 5443 3. Jantha Gorham, b. July 30, 1875, d. Sept. 30, 1875. IX. Anna M. Carr (3317) born in Roscoe, Ils., Dec. 13, 1840, married James Benedict, in South Grove, Wis., July 4, 1864. They reside in Randolph, Neb. No children. IX. Saran A. Carr (3318) bornin Roscoe, Ils. March 24, 1843, married Charles Whitney, in Beloit, Wis., Nov. 1860, They reside in California. Their children are, 3444 1, Winnifred Whitney, b. California. 5445 2. Albert Whitney, b. BR 5446 3. Jed. Whitney, a: TX. Lewis S. Carr (8319) born in Roscoe, Ils., May 1, 1851, married Retta Snyder, in Manchester, lowa, Feb. 1, 1876. They reside in the state of Washington. Their children are, 3842 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 5447 1. Bert S. Carr, b. Aug. 26, 1878, Putman, Iowa. 5448 2. Blanch Carr. IX. Harriet R. Carr (8820) born in Roscoe, Ils., Feb. 2, 1853, married Herbert Peters, in Putman, Iowa, May 22, 1878, He died in Manchester, Boone Co., Ils., May 18, 1891. They had, 5449 1. Fred Peters, b. Sept. 16, 1880, West Union, Neb. IX. Ipa May Carr (3821) born in Beloit, Wis., Sept. 19, 1857, married Jerry Phelps, in Little York, Iowa, Feb. 1875. They reside in West Union, Neb. No children. IX. Henry Carr (3322) born in Williamstown, N. Y., March 10, 1880, married Harriet Smith, at Summit, Wis., Nov. 17, 1852. He died April 29, 1858. Their children are, 5450 1. Frank Carr, b. 1853, d. 1855. 5451 x2. DeWitt Caleb Carr, June 16, 1856. IX. Laura Carr (3323) born in Mexico, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1831, married Dudley Keneson, in Scriba, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1848. She died July 28, 1852. No children. IX. Louisa Carr (3324) born in Mexico, N. Y., July 7, 1833, married Samuel B. Rhodes, in Scriba, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1852. He was born in Washington Co., N. Y., Nov. 16, 18381. They reside in Wauwatosa, Wis. They had, 5452 Helen N. Rhodes, b. Nov. 11, 1871, Milwaukee, Wis. TX. Capt. CaLtvin Carr born in Mexico, N. Y., March 4, 1835, matried Caroline Allport, in Oswego, N. Y., May 4, 1857. She was born in Oswego, April 12, 1837. He is engaged in the in- surance business in Chicago, Ills.,12 Sherman street. Their children are, 5453 1. Willis Carr, b. Aug. 18, 1859, in Oswego, N. Y., d. 5454 2. Frank C. Carr, b. Sept. 12, 1860, d. TX. GeorcGe Carr (3326) born in Mexico, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1838, married Rose P. Holmes, in Horicon, Wis., Oct. 16, 1864. No children. TX. CALEB Carr (3327) born in New Haven, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1848, married Harriet Walwick, in Horicon, Wis., Nov. 28, 1887. She died in Horicon, March, 1891. Their children are, 5455 x1. Harry Walwick Carr, b. Aug. 1868. 5456 2. Clara Belle Carr, b. July, 1871, in Horicon. 5457 3. Josephine Laura Carr, b. Nov. 11, 1875. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION, 343 5458 4. Jennie May Carr, b. 1878. LX. Caronine SARAH Carr (3328) born in Stephentown Center, N. Y., May 18, 1852, married John N. Crandall, May 4, 1873. She died May 17, 1876. Their children are, 5459 1. Charles Crandall, b. Feb. 16, 1874. 5460 2. Irving Crandall, b. March 16, 1876, d. Sept. 9, 1876. IX. Erpert Epson Carr (3329) born in Stephentown Cen- ter, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1855, married Amelia E. Flint, Nov. 12, 1884. He was ordained for the ministry of the Free Baptist church. Oct. 18, 1889. IX. LoursA ELMira Carr (3330) born in Stephentown Cen- ter, N. Y., Feb. +, 1857, married Irving A. Coleman, April 18, 1880. Their children are, : 5461 1. Ella Coleman, b. May 28, 1881, d. Aug. 18, 1881. 5462 2. Lillian Coleman, b. Feb. 9, 1888, d. Sept. 30, 1885. Two other children died in infancy. IX. Ezra Carr (3333) born in Stephentown Center, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1864, married Mary M. Green, Dec. 25, 1885. They had, 5465 1. Maud Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1887, d. April 5, 1889. IX. Luctan CaLeB Carr (3347) born in Williamstown, N. Y., May 9, 1859, married Hallie May Gilbert, in Mexico, N. Y., May 9, 1883. She was bornin Brasher, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1860. They reside in Williamstown, and he is engaged in the hardware business. No children. IX. Ciara Lucinpa Carr (3348) born in Williamstown, N.Y., April 14, 1861, married Emor Eugene Burleigh, in Sodus, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1881. He was born in Newark, N. Y., June 24, 1847. They reside in Newark. No children. IX. CaLeB GEORGE CARR (3350) born in Williamstown, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1851, married Josephine E. House, Nov. 17, 1878. She was born in Albion, N, Y., Sept. 14,1858. They reside in Wil liamstown. Their children are, 5466 1. Cora Louisa Carr, b. March 7, 1881. 5467 2. Henry Lewis Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1883. 5468 3. Clara May Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1889. IX. Purtetz, H. Carr, (3353) born in Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., May 20, 1840, married Sherman B. Richardson, at 344 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-NINTH GENERATION. Phelps Mills, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Jan. 1,1857. He was born at Sacket’s Harbor, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1836. They reside in Greens- burgh, Kansas. They have, 5469 1. Clinton J. G. Richardson, b. May 29, 1870. IX. Parwerus Grpgon Carr (3354) born in Fowler, St. Law- rence Co., N. Y., Jan. 31, 1842, married Marion A. Clark, in Canton, N. Y., June 18, 1873. Sbe was born in Canton, Feb. 4, 1845. They reside in Russell, N. Y. Heisa dealer in boots and shoes. Their children are, 5470 1. Eddy Sumner Carr, b. Feb. 12, 1875, Russell. 5471 2. Daughter not named, b. Jan. 2, 1881, d. April 5, 1881. TX. Hortense A. Carr (3355) born in Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Nov. 17, 1844, married John Wesley Downs, in Gou- verneur, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1866. He was bornin Edwards, N. Y.. Feb. 11, 1835. They reside in Coopersville, Mich. Their child- ren are, 5472x1. Amy Melvina Downs, b. Jan. 13, 1867. 5473 x2. Eda Amanda Downs, b. Aug. 16, 1869. 5474 3. Eddy G. Downs, b. Sept. 4, 1879. IX. Mary E. Carr (8358) born in Fowler, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Feb. 28, 1852, married Charles Elbert Clark, in Coopers- ville, Mich., Oct. 23, 1871. He was born in Antwerp, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1845. They residein Kinsley, Kansas. Their children are, 5475 x1. Minnie Blanch Clark, b. March 12, 1874, Pella, lowe. 5476 2. Mabel Vary Clark, b. Oct. 9, 1881, aM IX. Nextson H. Carr (3360)born in De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y.. May 14. 1848, married Helen Blackman, in Roxbury, Ct., March 1, 1877. He died Sept. 22, 1877. IX. Joun G. Carr (3361) born in De Kalb, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y., April 11, 1850, married Cornelia A. Colton, in Richville, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1876. She was born in Richville, July 25, 1856, and died in Cheboygan, Mich., Aug. 10,1887. He next married Mary E. Spear, Oct. 11, 1888. She was born in Mendon, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1865. They reside in Cheboygan. His children by first wife are, 5477 1. Orville L. Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1880, Cheboygan. 5478 2. Infant, b. July 21, 1887, d. Aug. 24, 1887. IX. Pugese A. Carr (38362) born in De Kalb, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1852, married James Rushton, in Edwards, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1888. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 345 They reside in Edwards. IX. EMoGENE J. Carr (3363) born in De Kalb, N. Y., April 22, 1854, married Francis B. Clark, in Spragueville, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1876. They reside in Spragueville. Their children are, 5479 1. Hattie E. Clark, b. April 20, 1878, d. April 17, 1879. 5480 2, Laura L. Clark, b. Sept. 18, 1879. 5481 3. Mabel E. Clark, b. Aug. 31, 1883. 5482 4+. Edith J. Clark, b. July 28, 1885. 5483 5. Wilbur F. Clark, b. Aug. 2, 1888. IX. Louisa F. Carr (3365) born in De Kalb, N. Y., July 11, 1859, married Harley H. Lovell, in Cheboygan, Mich.. Feb. 15, 1881. They reside in De Kalb. Their children are, 548! 1. May L. Lovell, b. April 19, 1886, Canton, N. Y. 5485 2. Earl H. Lovell, b. Nov. 5, 1890, 2 Ix. Merica L. Carr (3367) bornin De Kalb, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1864, married William N. Miller, in Hermon, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1891. She died March 17. 1893. IX. JOSEPHINE PHeBE BRraAyTON (3549) born in Edwards, N.Y., July 27, 1851, married S. Nathan Shaw, in Gouverneur, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1888. They reside in Edwards. No children. IX. EpGar THomas Brayton (3550) born in Edwards, N. Y., May 15, 1858, married Jennie Masonin De Kalb, N. Y., April 24, 1884. They reside in Edwards. Their children are, 5486 1. Mabel C. Brayton, b. July 8, 1885. 5487 2. Howard T. Brayton, b. June 22, 1887. IX. Grorce W. Carr (3371) born July 19, 1822, married and had a family of five children. He died in New York, leaving his family in poor circumstances. He was a stone cutter by trade. Ix. ALMon Carr (3373) born Sept. 8, 1831, married Sarah Ey- chaner, in Oregon, Ills., July 2, 1857. She was born in the state of New York, June 5, 1840. Her father was in the war of 1812. They reside in St. Lawrence, 8. D. Their children are, 5488 x 1. Edward A. Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1859. 5489 x2. Ernest W. Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1860. 5490 x3. Charity N. Carr, b. Nov. 30, 1863. 5491 x4. John A. Carr, b. Sept. 1, 1866. 54925. Florence May Carr, b. May 6, 1872. 346 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 5493 6. Clarance Walter Carr, b. July 19, 1876. 5494 7. Floyd N. Carr, b. April 18, 1882. IX. Saran Evening Carr (3374) born in Ellensville, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1836, married Alvin Lacey, in Oregon, IUs., Nov. 23, 1857. He was born in Mason, Mich., July 3, 1832, and died Feb. 1, 1885. He was in the war of the rebellion. The family live in Curlew, Iowa. Their children are, 5495 x1. Fred Albion Lacey, b. Sept. 6, 1858. 5496 X2. Frank De Witt Lacey, b. March 31, 1860. 54973. Etta May Lacey, b. Nov. 2, 1861. 1X. ApdoLizA Carr (3375) born in Ogle Co., Ills.. May 1, 1842, married Chales D. Fuller, Feb. 1858. He enlisted at the begin- ning of the war of the rebellion and never returned. She died Dec. 3, 1882. They had one child. 5498x1. Marion Fuller, b. 1859. IX. Srarrorp 8S. Carr (3379) born in Wilton, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Dec. 27, 1815, married Caroline Sherman, in Wilton, Dec. 27, 1838. She was born in Pittstown, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1820. They reside in Wilton. Their children are, 5499 x1. Martha Elizabeth Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1840. 5500 x2. Watie Carr, b. Oct. 14, 1848. 5501 3. Elias S. Carr, b. April 23, 1846, d. Dec. 26, 1847. 55024. Clarissa J. Carr, b. March 14, 1851. 5903 X5. Ferdinand Carr, b. April 16, 1853. 55046. Sherman S. Carr, b. May 19, 1858. IX. Witiram Henry Carr (3380) born in Wilton, N. Y., March 11, 1818, married Sarah Mabel Clancy, Jan. 20, 1889. She was born in Wallingford, Rutland Co., Vt., Dec. 6, 1819. He died in Wilton, Sept. 14, 1848. The family moved to Kansas in 1859. Mrs. Carr resides in San Jose, Cal. Their children are, 5505 1. son b. Sept. 19, 1889, d. same day. 5906 2. Hannah Maria Carr, b. July 5, 1840. 5007 X3. Amanda Jane Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1842. 5508 x4. Nelson Franklin Carr, b. Sept. 2, 1844. 5909 5. Rebecca Mabel Carr, b. July 26, 1846, d. May 30, 1850. IX. Joun TEerritt Carr (3381) born in Wilton, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1822, married Antoinette S.Granger, at Mt. Pleasant, N. Y., June 20, 1854. She was born in Vernon, N. Y., July 18, 1834. He was a lawyer by profession, and died at his home at Sara- CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-NINTH GENERATION. 347 toga Springs, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1889. Their children are, 5510 x 1. Clarence Granger Carr, b. Jan. 30, 1856. 5511 2. Carrie Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1859. 55123. Laura Wayland Carr, b. June 15, 1871. [X. Exiyau C. Carr (3382) born in Wilton, N. Y., March 29, 1832, married Nettie M. Needham, in New York city, March 13, 1856. She was born in Wales, Mass.,in 1834. He died in Marysville, Cai., Jan. 1, 1891, from injuries received by being thrown from a carriage during a runaway by a frightened team. Mrs. Carr lives at Ft. Scott, Kansas. Their children are, 5513 x1. Frank Stafford Carr, b. Dec. 17, 1856. 5514 2. Willis Needham Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1859. IX. Oscar F, Lockwoop (3394) born in Wilton, N. Y., April 25, 1837, married Delia Carr (2049) March 17, 1869. He served in Co. D, 77th N. Y. vol. in the last war from Sept. 24, 1861, to Dec. 13, 1864. They reside at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. No children. LX. Joun Henry Carr (3395) born in Chestertown, Warren Co., N. Y., June 28, 1829, married Amelia Roblee, March 12, 1856. She was born in Kendall, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1837. He died June 4, 1879. She resides at Saratoga Springs,N. Y. Their children are, 5515 1. Harriet Adelia Carr, b. May 22, 1857. 50162. Addie Elizabeth Carr, b. June 18, 1859. 50173. Ellen Marion Carr, b. July 3, 1861. 9918x4. Charles Henry Carr, b. May 19, 1866. 5019 5. Mary Edith Carr, b. July 9, 1870. 5520 6. Herbert Leland Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1874. IX. Dr. Marvin SAMUEL CARR (3396) born in Wilton, Sara- toga Co., N. Y., Oct. 6, 1823, graduated from the Castleton Med- ical college, of Castleton, Vt. First practiced in Erie Co., Pa, and next in Peoria, is. He raised a company for the 14th Ills. cavalry during the last war, and was captain of company A. He resigned in 1864, and since that time has resided in Galesburg, Ills., and engaged in the practice of his profession. He married Ann E. Sherman, Sept. 9, 1845, by whom he had oneson. Henext married Susan Margaret Espy, May 16, 1854. His children are, 5521 x1. George H. Carr, b. July 21, 1846. 348 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. children by second wife, 55222. Annette Emma Carr, b. June 19, 1855. 5523 3. Lillie E. Carr, b. Feb. 6, 1858. 55244. Edwin Stutely Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1860. TX. Mary C. Carr (8397) born in Wilton, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1827, married John L. Parsons, Dec. 31,1855. He was born in Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y., Nov. 21, 1828. He enlisted in Co. E, 83 Ills. infantry and was 2nd lieutenant. He was discharged on account of heart disease contracted in the service, and died Nov. 12, 1863. Their children are, 5525 «1. Ada A. Parsons, b. Nov.8, 1856. 5526 x2. Marvin Carr Parsons, b. Dec. 2, 1857. IX. Rowena E. Carr (3398) born in Saratoga Co.,N. Y., Aug. 8, 1833, married Lucius W. Blakesley, May 3, 1853. Their child- ren are, 5527 1. Eva R. Blakesley, b. March 21, 1854, d. March 26, 1857. 5528 X 2. Ida Florence Blakesley, b. Jan. 27, 1857. 599293. Frankie Eliza Blakesley, b. June 24, 1859. 55380 4. Myrtie Mabel Blakesley, b. Nov. 9, 1878. IX. Marretra Carr (38399) born in Dryden, N. Y, March 28, 1815, married George Karr, in Almond, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1842. He was born in Almond, Sept. 17, 1808, and died June 8, 1875. She resides at Glen Hazle, Elk Co., Pa. Their children are, 5531 1. Helen Amanda Karr, b. June 25, 1843, d. Sept. 6, 1852. 59322. Mary Alice Karr, b. May 19, 1846. 5933 3. Ada Demaris Karr, b. Nov. 15, 1848, d. Sept. 12, 1849. 55344. Samuel Dyer Karr, b. Dec. 18, 1851. 55385 5. George Karr, b. April 17, 1855, d. April 18, 1855. 5536 x6. Florence Augusta Karr, b. April 26, 1859. LX. Sypm AMANDA Carr (3400) born in Dryden, N. Y., Dee. 10, 1816, married Rev. George Washington Webb, in Almond,, N. Y., May 19, 1836. He was born July 24, 1808, and died in Sunderlinville, Pa., June 3, 1863. She next married John George, at Academy Corners, Pa., Aug. 19, 1865. Her child- ren, all by first husband, are, 5537. 1. Helen Amanda Webb, b. Feb. 24, 1837, d. March 23, ’55. 5038 2. Oscar Irving Webb, b. Feb. 7, 1839, d. Jan. 18, 1863. 99303. Nancy Elizabeth Webb, b. Sept. 24, 1841. 5940 4. Mary Maria Webb, b. July 29, 1848, d. March 3, 1855. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 349 55415. Josephine Matilda Webb, b. Sept. 4, 1848. 5542 6. George Stafford Audubon Webb, b. Feb. 17, 1851, d.’53 5543 x7. Evangeline St. Clair Webb, b. Feb. 15, 1854. 5544 7. Charles Augustus Webb, b. July 4, 1857, d. April 21,68 IX. Rev. Epwarp Dysr Carr (3402) born in Dryden, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1819, married Lorana S. Schoonover, in Danville, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1845. He was in the ministry fora number of years, but now resides in Raymond, Pa. Their children are, 5345 x1. Lenora Martha Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1846. 5546 2. Mary Amanda Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1848, d. June 14, 1858. 55473. Emma Lucina Carr, b. May 31, 1851. 5548 x4. George Norman Carr, b. Aug. 6, 1853. 55495. Edward Augustus Carz, b. Sept. 16, 1857. IX. Sturety Hurp Carr (3403) born in Dryden, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1822, married Julia S. Schoonover, in Almond, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1848. She was born in Westfield, Pa., May 18, 1829. They reside in Caton, Steuben Co., N. Y. Their children are, 5550 1. Galus Pemberton Carr, b. March 11, 1849, d. April 22,’50 5551 x2. James Gaylord Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1850. 5552 x3. William Wyatt Carr, b. Jan. 5, 1854. 5593 x4. Hiram Edward Carr, b. June 16, 1855. 50545. Stutely Arden Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1858. 5955 x5. Charles Audubon Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1864. IX. GEorcE NormMAn Carr (3405) born in Dryden, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1826, married Sarah Clark, Jan. 23, 1856. She died in Jewett City, Ct., June 20, 1865. He next married”Harriet Newell Kinnie, Sept. 15, 1868. She died Sept. 26, 1875, in Nor- wich, Ct. He married his third wife, Susan Elizabeth Abbott, in Wilton, N. H., April 5, 1877. They reside in East Wood- stock, Ct. His children are, i 5956 x 1. Mary Coit Carr, b. May 26, 1857. 5057 X 2. Geneva Carr, b. May 14, 1859. children by second wife, 5558 3. Grace Mabel Carr, b. Aug. 27, 1869. 5559 4. George Norman Carr, b. Aug. 15, 1871. 5560 5. Helen Elizabeth Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1873. 5561 «#6. Bertha Howard Carr, b. Sept. 11, 1874. 5562 «7. | Lillian Abbott Carr, b. ‘ ” IX. Horace Dyer Carr (3407) born in Dryden, N. Y., April 28, 1822, married Pomelia Ann Lane, Dec. 24, 1846. She died a 350 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. July 31, 1852. He next married Mary Potts, Feb. 11, 1855. She died in California, Dec. 7, 1869. He died Jan. 11, 1888. His children, all by second wife, are, 55631. Charles Fremont Carr, b. March 26, 1858. 5564 2, Emma Serena Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1859, d. Oct. 30, 1861. 5565 3. George Dyer Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1862, d. Oct. 16, 1862. 5566 4. Carrie E. Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1866, Genesee, Wis. IX. Mary S. Carr (3408) born in Dryden, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1825, married G. H. Sperry, March 28, 1848. They reside in Dryden. No children. IX. Epwin W. Carr (3410) born in Dryden, N. Y., May 1, 1828, married 1st, Emma Robb, in 1852, and 2nd, Elizabeth Buckworth, in 1873. She lived but little over a year. After- ward he married America W. Robb. He had seven children by his first wife, and seven by his last wife. They live in Harmony, Ind. IX. SERENA ADELINE CARR (3417) born in New Hudson, N.Y., Dec. 1, 1839, married Amos Potter, in Crawford Co., Pa., Dec. 20, 1853. She got a divorce from him: in 1877. She lives in Erie, Pa. Their children are, 5082 x1. Eveline Adell Potter, b. Jan. 21, 1855. 5583 x 2. Ida Florence Potter, b. Aug. 14, 1859. 508438. Lillian Adelaide Potter, b. March 11, 1863. 9085 4. Mary Amanda Potter, b. Sept. 22, 1868, d. Oct. 6, 1870. 5586 5. Charles Elbert Potter, b. Oct. 7, 1871, d. Nov. 9, 1872. 1X. Sysm AMANDA Carr (8418) born in Allegany Co., N. Y., Feb. 14, 1842, married William Webber, in Conneautville, Pa., Dec. 8, 1861. He was born in Crawford Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1840. They reside in Lynden, Whatcom Co., Wash. Their children are, 5587 x1. Phebe Ann Webber, b. April 18, 1863. 5588 x2. Maud Adeline Webber, b. March 23, 1865. 5589 Mary Lavern Webber, b. June 22, 1869, d. Oct..17, 1870. 9590 4. Pearl Wave Webber, b. Nov. 10, 1872, d. May 22, 1884. 5591 ‘| William Harvey Webber, b. pune 27, ee: 5992 Harry Edward Webber, 5593 7. Winifred Eveline Webber, b. July 25, 1877. 5594 Frances Sybil Webber, b. Aug. 6, 1880. TX. Cresrer STuTELy Carr (3419) born in Allegany Co., wo Ole arn CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 351 N. Y., May 22, 1844, married Sarah Sanborn Chamberlain, June 9, 1870, in Pierceville, Pa. She was born in Madison, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1845. He was in the war of the rebellion. They re- side in St. Ignace, Mich. Their children are, 5595 1. Charles Chester Carr, b. April 27, 1871. 5596 2. Bessie Bernice Carr, b. Oct. 30, 1874. 5597 3. Grace Garland Carr, b. Dec. 3, 1878. 5598 4. Robert Roscoe Carr, b. March 25, 1880. IX. Harry Luzerne CARR (3420) born in New Hudson, N.Y., July 6, 1846. He enlisted in company E, 103 Pa. vol. in 1865. He went into camp at New Berne, N. C., where he was taken with fever andague. On July 2nd he was sent to Baltimore, and was discharged July 14, 1865. This disease was never ful- ly cured, and every spring and fall he would have a spell of sickness from its effects. He married Mary Elizabeth Ami- don, in Hayfield, Crawford Co., Pa., April 11, 1867. She was born in Mayfield, May 29, 1849. In the spring of 1877, he mov- ed his family to Michigan, and in Jan. 1879, to Franklin Co., Ark., where he died Aug. 22, 1879, of erysipelas caused by the poison in his blood from the effect of fever and ague. By great exertion, Mrs. Carr brought up her family until they could help themselves. She married again in 1888, and now resides in Norrisville, Pa. Her children by first husband are, 5999 x 1. Horace Eleazer Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1868. 5600 2 David D. Carr, b. June 17, 1870. 5601 3. Luman Harvey Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1871. 5602. +4. Fred Clair Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1874. 5603 5. Myrtle Belle Carr, b. Aug. 24, 1876. 5604 6. Bertha May Carr, b. Feb. 10, 1878, d. same day. 5605 7. Harvey Luzerne Carr, b. Jan. 26, 1880, d. April 1, 1882 TX. ELrBert EUGENE Carr (3421) born in Allegany Co., N_Y., Dec. 21, 1850, married Mary Elizabeth Clawson, Jan. 21, 1876. She was born in Crawford Co., Pa., April 17, 1852. He is in the nursery business in rie, Pa. Their children are, 5606 1. Harry Rubert Carr, b. Jan. 29, 1877. 5607 2. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1878. 5608 3. Ada Carr, b. March 16, 1882, d. May 8, 1887. 5609 4. Bina Carr, b. July 20, 1887. 5610 5. Ralph Eugene Carr, b. July 5, 1889, d. Nov. 27, 1889. IX. Lyman Witson Carr (3422) born in Crawford Co., Pa., 352 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. Oct. 22, 1854, married Dora L. Gebhardt, in Erie Pa., Sept. 29, 1881. They reside in Erie. They had, 5611 1. Homer Carr, b. June 26, 1886. IX, Frank Ecmer Carr (3423) born in Crawford Co., Pa, April 4, 1859, married Martha Irene Geer, Nov. 26, 1885, in Erie, Pa. She was born in Erie, Sept. 2, 1862. They reside in West Cleveland, Ohio. Their children are, ‘ 5612 1. Marjorie Lenora Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1886. 5613 2. Bert Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1888. 5614 3. Ruth Marion Carr, b. June 12, 1892. IX. Winntam McDonartp Carr (3424) born in Dryden, N.Y., Dec. 25, 1825, married Anna Bordwell, in Eckford, Mich., Aug. 5, 1857. They reside in Lansing, Mich. Their children are, 5615 1. Louisa Carr, b. June 3, 1858, d. Oct. 11, 1858. 5616 X2. William Eugene Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1861. 5617 3. Arthur Crosby Carr, b. April 4, 1863, d: July 18, 1863." 5618 4. Harriet Alice Carr, b. March 11, 1868. IX. Ann ExizapeTH Carr (3427) born in Dryden, N. Y., March 9, 1832, married Charles James Fisher, in Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1852. He was born Sept. 20, 1816. ‘They reside in Spencer, N. Y. Their children are, 5619 1. William, Henry Fisher, b. Jan. 31, 1854. | 5620 2. George Phillip Fisher, b. July 28, 1855. 5621 3. Charles James Fisher, b. Nov. 18, 1857, d. May 12, 1861 IX. SAMUEL STAFFORD Carr (3433) born in Dryden, N. Y., May 31, 1847, married Mary Herrick, of St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Sept. 1847. Their children are, 5622 1. Gertrude Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1874. 5623 2. Clara.Carr, b. Aug. 5, 1876. 5624 3. Rose Carr, b. Feb. 14, 1879. 5625 4. Stanford Carr, b. May 25, 1881. 5626 5. Alice Carr, b. Jan. 14, 1884. 5627 6. Ernest Carr, b. May 25, 1886. 1X. Harrret ADELINE CARR (3435) born in Dryden, N. Y,, Aug. 3, 1852, married J. F. Anderson, in 1877. They reside in Union City, Pa. Their children are, 5628 1. Ralph Anderson, b. Oct. 13, 1880. 5629 2. Arabe] Anderson, b. April 23, 1883. IX. Humeparey WarREN CARR (3439) born in Dryden, N. Y., CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 353 June 5, 1827, married Laura T. Boynton, May 6, 1851. She was born in McLeon, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1830. They reside in Jersey City, N. J. Their children are, 5630 1. Carroll Hart Carr, b. June 26, 1853, d. Nov. 3, 1853. 5631 2. Ella Martha Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1855. LX. ALFRED BENNETT Carr (3440) born in Dryden, N. Y., May 14, 1829, married Chloe Rachel Stebbins, in Mosiertown, Pa., Oct. 18, 1855. She was born in Cussewago, Crawford Co., Pa, Nov. 16, 1885. They reside in Mosiertown. Their children are, ‘5932x1. Clarence Alfred Carr, b. July 26, 1856. 5833 2. Clara Luella Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1858. 5334 3. Humphrey Rufus Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1860. 5335 4. Meda Lucinda Carr, b. April, 1868. 5636 5. Matilda Effie Carr, b. Sept. 21, 1865. 5637 6. Alvah Lemuel Carr, b. Oct. 18, 1868. 5638 7. Allen Bert Carr, b. March 6, 1872. 5639 8. Ossian Elmer Carr, b. Sept. 7, 1876. IX Ossian JEREMIAH Carr (3442) born in Dryden, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1833, married Lucy L. Whipple, Aug. 21, 1856. She was born in Hayfield, Pa., Dec. 2, 1830, They reside at Edge- water, Wash. No children. IX. THompson SAMUEL CARR(3443) born in Dryden, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1836, married Almira Eliza Whipple, Sept. 25, 1862. She was born in Hayteld, Pa., Dec. 4, 1840. They reside in Mo- siertown, Pa. Their children are, 5640 1. Herbert Willis Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1863, lives Seattle, Wash 5641 2. Jennie Carr, b. Nov. 8, 1864, teacher, ‘ se 5642 3. Bertha Carr, b. May 16, 1870. 5643 4. Anna Carr, b. March 6, 1872. 5644 5. Albert J. Carr, June 9, 1876. IX. Lypra MAHALA Carr (3444) bornin Dryden, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1838, married Ambrose Whippie, in Cussewago, Pa., April 18, 1861. They reside in Meadville, Pa. Their children are, 5645 1. Ossian Carr Whipple, b. March 24, 1862, d. March 21, 5646 2. Paul C. Whipple, b. Oct. 14, 1863, d. May 24, 5647 3. Ernest A. Whipple, b. April 6, 1866. IX. Cuaries Fiavius Carr (3445) born in Dryden, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1834, married Mrs. Julia Budlebough, in Lincklaen, N. Y., April, 1863. Their children are, 354 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 5648 1. Carrie E. Carr. 5649 2. De Vere Carr. 5650 3. Charles Carr. IX. Mary EwizaBetH Carr (3446) born in Dryden, N. Y,, Aug. 10, 1836, married G. McHitt, in Dryden, Feb. 18, 1858, Their children are, | 5651 1. George Byron McHitt, b. Oct. 2, 1859. 5652 2. Bertha Elizabeth McHitt, b. May 7, 1863. 5653 3. Jose Edith McHitt, b. Nov. 28, 1867. 5654 4. Clarence Bevere McHitt, b. July 30, 1873. 5655 5. Kate Florence McHitt, b. Aug. 16, 1878. IX. Estarra ANN Carr (3447) born in Dryden, N. Y., June 3, 1838, married S. B. Bacheller, in Dryden, May, 1859. Their children are, 5656 1. Roscoe Allen Bacheller, b: 5657 2. Viola Jantha Bacheller. 5658 3. Edwin Bacheller. 5659 4. Bertha Bacheller. 5660 5. Milan O. Bacheller. IX. ADELINE FrREDORA Carr (38448) born in Dryden, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1840, married J. Dickinson, in Hamilton, N. Y., Feb. 1864. After his death she married S. S. Wilcox, of Lisle, N. Y. She had a child by each of her husbands, as follows: 5661 1. Mabel C. Dickinson, b. Aug. 22, 1865. 5662 2. Burr Darius Wilcox. IX. CARoLInE EMERETT Carr (3449) born in Dryden, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1842, married Milan Hill, in Lincklaen, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1864. She died in McDonough, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1865. IX. HELEN ANTOINETTE CARR (3450) born in Dryden, N. Y., March 15, 1844, married A. D. McHitt, in Norwich, N. Y., Jan. 17 1864. She died Sept. 17, 1864. They had, 5663 1. Ira Dwight McHitt, b. Sept. 9, 1864. IX. Emma Loretta Carr (3451) born in Dryden, N. Y., May 22, 1850, married O. Whitten, in Norwich, N. Y., March 9, 1877. Their children are, 5664 1. Fred O. Whitten. 5665 2. Mabel C. Whitten. 5666 3. Howard Whitten. 5667. 4. Mary Elizabeth Whitten. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 355 IX. Dr. JoHN STEWART Carr (3453) born in Cussewago, Pa., March 6, 1840, married Mary Ettie Nelson, May 12, 1881. She was born in Crawford Co., Pa., Dec. 1, 1857. They reside in Mosiertown, Pa. Their children are, 5668 1. Groeeme Tecumseh Carr, b. July 28, 1882. 5669 2. Ettie Ruth Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1883. 5670 3. Inez Eliza Carr, b. June 28, 1885. 5671 4. Mary M. Carr, b. May 24, 1888. 5672 5. Charles Carr, b. July 13, 1889. IX. Cuarves L. HOLvisTer (8458) born in Ithaca, N. Y., June 27, 1835, married Mary Jane Shoemaker, in Nashville, Tenn., June 7, 1864. She was born Feb. 3, 1841. He died June 12, 1890. Their children are, 5673 1. Serena Hollister, b. April 23, 1865, d. Feb. 13, 1866. 06742. Florence A. Hollister, b. Aug. 11, 1866. 5675 x2. Mary A. Hollister, b. Jan. 1, 1869. IX. Wittiam Wyatt Carr (3460) born in Elmira, N. Y., May 22, 1834, married Sarah Sabine Smith, in Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 24, 1862, where he now resides. Their children are, 5676 1. Jessie Sabine Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1864, d. Aug. 2, 1865. 5677 2. James Trowbridge Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1869. 0678 3. Harry Sabin Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1873, d. Sept. 18, 1873. IX. Mary Jutta Carr (3461) born in Elmira, N. Y., March 9, 1836, married William Goldsmith, in Elmira, Feb. 14, 1872. He died Jan. 26, 1883. She next married Griffin Stevens, May 5, 1887. They reside in East Burlington, Pa. No children. 1X. Saran FRANCES Carr (3462) born in Elmira, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1838, married Corydon Lyon, June 8, 1859. She died in El mira, Dec. 25, 1890. Their children are, 0679 x1. Charles Edward Lyon, b. June 5, 1860. 06802. Henry Wyatt Lyon, b. Nov. 15, 1861. 56813. Willis Edgar Lyon, b. March 14, 1863. 9682 x4. Belle Frances Lyon, b. Nov. 18, 1864. 9683 5. Albert Marion Lyon, b. March 22, 1867. 5684 6. Franklin Eugene Lyon, b. Dec. 27, 1870. 5685 7. Minnie Estella Lyon, b. Dec. 23, 1872. 5686 8. Frederick C. Lyon, b. April 21, 1875. 9687 9. Harlen Cowles Lyon, b. March 6, 1876. IX. Samvet Turuiny, Carr (3464) born in Elmira, N. Y., 356 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. March 13, 1844, married Mary E. Hallock, in Chicago, Ills., Sept. 20, 1866. She died Feb. 25, 1881. No children. TX. Exiza LAwRrENCE Carr (3465) born in Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1846, married Stephen G. Joyce, in Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1885. They reside in Dubuque. They have, 5688 1. Susan Maria Joyce, b. May 13, 1887. IX. Apa DeLt1ia ANNA CARR (3467) born in Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1842, married Capt. Richard Henry Fisk, May 31, 1866. He was born Nov. 17, 1842, (same age as his wife), and died Aug. 3, 1872. She died in Rochester, N. Y., May 12, 1884. Their children are, 5689 1. Robert Allen Fisk, b. March 21, 1867. 5690 2. Louis Henry Fisk, b. July 15, 1868, d. Aug. 1889. 5691 3. Clarance Brownwell Fisk, b. Feb. 5, 1870. 5692 4. Ada May Fisk, b. April 1, 1872. _ IX. Dr. ALLEN BRowNWELL Carr (3468) born in Ithaca, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1851, married Mrs. Agnes P. Jennings, July 29, 1886, in Rochester, N. Y., where he now resides. No children. IX. Ricuarp Henry Dowe (38469) born in Dryden, N. Y., April 14, 1845, married Condie Murray White, in Elbridge, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1869. They reside in Ithaca, N.Y. Their child- ren are, 5693 1. Harvey Dowe, b. Nov. 7, 1872. 5694 2. Adeline Cornelia Dowe, b. March 28, 1874. 5695 3. Paul Lional Dowe, b. Sept. 16, 1877. IX. FLorencrk ADELL DowE (3470) born in Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 7 1847, married Henry B. Morris, in Ithaca, July 15, 1879. They reside in Geneva. N.Y. Their children are, 5696 1. Albert Dowe Morris, b. May 7, 1880, d. July 11, 1880. 5697 2. Hilda Bertha Morris, b. Jan. 29, 1888. IX. Bertoa Martitpa, Dows (3471) born in Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1852, married Samuel W. Powell, in Ithaca, April 18, 1882. They reside in Hamilton, Ohio. Their children are, 5698 1. Florence Dowe Powell, b. Nov. 2, 1882. .5699 2. Edith Adeline Powell, b. Oct. 24, 1885. 5700 3. Harvey Dowe Powell, b. May 5, 1887. 5701 4. Catherine L. Powell, b. March 25, 1889. IX. Seymour BurreE.u (3472) born in Salisbury, N. Y., March CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION, 357 2, 1824, married Catherine Heron. They had, 5702. 1. Harry Burrell. IX. Isaac BurRRELL (3474) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1827, married Emily Sarah Miller, in Constableville, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1853, by Dr. H. W. Morris. They reside in Poughkeesie, N.Y. Their children are, 5703 X 1. Helen Burrell, b. Sept. 14, 1857, in Chicago, Is. 5704 2. Malvin Carr Burrell, b. Dec. 6, 1859, ” “ 5705 x38. Robert Benson Burrell, b. March 5, 1861. 5706 4. Laura Miller Burrell, b. July 23, 1868, d. April 5, 1878. 5707 5. Seymour Burrell, b. March 30, 1871, Salisbury. IX. Hannan Carr Burrs .t (3475) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1829, married Stephen T. Miller. Their children are, 5708 1. Harry Miller. 570) 2. Seth Miller. S710 3. Annie Miller. o711 4. Jane FE. Miller. 5712 5. Eliza R. Miller. 5713 6. Charles A. Miller. IX. Nancy KetxocG BurRELL (8476) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1831, married Powers L. Green, Dec. 15, 1855. They had, 5714 1. Powers L. Green. IX. Exiza Burre we (3477) born in Salisbury, N. Y., June 6, 1833, married Acors Rathbun. They had, 5815 1. Ormanda Burrell Rathbun. IX. Harry Burriu (3478) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1834, married Josephine Ostrander. He died March 13, 1874. Their children are, 5716 1. Cornelius Ostrander Burrell. 5717. 2. Maud Burrell. . 9718 3. Clifford Burrell. IX. ELEAZER Carr Rice (3479) born in Salisbury, N. Y., March 26, 1827, married Sarah Ingham. They reside in Fair- field, N. Y. IX. Lyman Haxes Carr (3487) born in Salisbury, N. Y., May 9, 1834, married Susan L. Starkey, Dec. 8, 1859. He died June 18,1868. Their children are, 57191. Mary Ellen Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1860. 358 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-NINTH GENERATION, 5720 2. Eleazer Starkey Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1862, d. Oct. 8, 1878. 5721 3. Lyman Hakes Carr, b. Aug. 22, 1867, lives in St. Paul. IX. Exiza Carr (3488) born in Salisbury, N. Y., May 2, 1836, married Hinton S. Loyd, Sept. 1858. They reside in Hamilton, N.Y. Their children‘are, 57221. Effie De Klyn Loyd, b. April 17, 1860. 57232. Frederick Osborn Loyd, b. May 21, 1861. IX. Marvin L. Carr (8489) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1836, married Mary J. Rice, Oct. 1859. They reside in Oneida, N. Y. Their children are, 5724 1. Ida May Carr, b. June 8, 1863, d. July 22, 1864. 5725 2. Hermon Rice Carr, b. Feb. 27, 1865, lives Oneida Castle 5726 3. Charles J. Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1869, a es Ye IX. OrMANDA Carr (3490) born in Salisbury, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1840, married Richard E. Whitney, Sept. 28, 1865. He was born in Salisbury, Feb. 27, 1827, and died in Belvidere, Ills., April 20, 1887. She has been afflicted with blindness since 1883. She resides in Belvidere. Their children are, 5727 x1. Grant Carr Whitney, b. Feb. 4, 1867. 5728 2. Lillie Whitney, b. Dec. 8, 1868, d. Oct. 24, 1870. IX. Lewis Eveazer Carr (3491) born in Salisbury, N. Y., March 10, 1842, married uth Duke, and resides in Port Jervis, N.Y. He is a prominent lawyer in that city. Their children are, 5729 1. Raymond W. Carr, b. June 138, 1869. 5730 2. Lewis Eleazer Carr, b. June 27, 1871. 5731 3. William Duke Carr, b. Oct. 26, 1874. IX. leu1za Carr (35959) born in Pavilion, N. Y., married Lu- cius Head, in Orangeville, N. Y., where they now reside. IX. GEorGE B. Carr (3566) born in Pavilion, N. Y., married Blanch Fay. They reside in Pavilion, and have, 5732 1. Fay Carr. IX. SPENCER Carr Brown (3594) born in Stephentown, N.Y., March 23, 1833,.married Anna Conklin, Aug. 30, 1871. They reside in Stephentown, and he is a merchant there. Their children are,. 5733 1. John Willis Brown, b. Aug. 2, 1872. 5734 2. Mary Brown, b. June 1, 1874, d. Feb. 25, 1877. 5735 38. Edith Esther Brown, b. Aug. 25, 1881. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 359 IX. WiLi1am Brown (3596) born in Stephentown, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1848, married Louisa Whitman, Nov. 29,1882. Their child- ren are, 5736 1. Lucy Amanda Brown, b. June 16, 1884. 5737-2. Eva Anna Brown, b. April 27, 1886. LX. EpMunp Goo Lp (3597) born in Stephentown, N. Y., July 17, 1830, married Adeline Glass. They had, 5738 1. Carlton Goold, b. May 13, 1854, m. 5739 2. daughter, b. April 13, 1866. IX. Mary ANN Carr (3607) born in Manchester, Mich., Dec. 6, 1835, married Albert Case, Jan.1, 1855. He was born Jan. 16, 1831. They reside in Jackson, Mich. Their children are, 57401. Ella Louisa Case, b. Dec. 9, 1858. 5741x2. Cora Amelia Case, b. July 19, 1860. 5742 3. Eva M. Case, b. May 15, 1866, d. Feb. 5, 1892. 5743 4. Carrie Case, b. June 15, 1871. 5di44. 5. Albert W. Case, b. Oct. 3, 1872, d. at 6 months old. 0745 6. Oree Belle Case, b. Sept. 7, 1874. IX. Lucy ANN Carr (3608) born in Manchester, Mich., Dec. 6, 1835, married James S. Spencer, 1866. They had, 5746 1. Grace Spencer, b. about 1878. IX. Epwarp SPENCER Carr (3610) born in Manchester, Mich., March 19, 1841, married Jennie Britton, in 1863. He married his second wife, Ella M. Wetherbee, in Hillsdale, Mich., Nov. 27,1877. They reside in Ann Arbor, Mich. His children are, 5747 1. Louis Carr, b. Sept. 26, 1866. children by second wife, 59748 2. Willis G. Carr, b. Sept. 13. 1880. ai49 3. Ethel B. Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1882. 5750 4. Grace M. Carr, b. July 15, 1884. 5751 5. Spencer William Carr, b. July 9, 1886. 5752. 6. Frank Edward Carr, b. Jan. 22, 1889. IX. ELEANOR ZYLPHLA CARR (3611) born in Manchester, Mich., Dee. 2, 1813, married William Moore, Dec. 26, 1864. They had, 59753 «1. Fred Carr Moore, b. Nov. 13, 1879. . IX. Cornetius B. Carr (3612) born in Manchester, Mich., June 8, 1846, married Nellie Sanborn, Nov. 1, 1876. 360 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. IX. Spencer E. Carr (3617) born in Manchester, Mich., July 24, 1845, married Minnie E. Disley, Dec. 30, 1868. They live in Jackson, Mich. Their children are, 5754 1. Neva L. Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1872. 5755 2. Jules Verne Carr b. July 27, 1875, d. Aug. 18, 1893. 6756 3. Minnie Carr, b. Nov. 18, 1888. IX. Etva L. Carr (3618) born in Manchester, Mich., March 19, 1849, married Edson T. Green, Sept. 23, 1874. They reside in Manchester. Their children are, 5757 +1. Clarence E. Green, b. Dec. 28, 1876. 5758 2. Mervin T. Green, b. Nov. 13, 1880. 535) 3. Marietta D. Green, b. Oct. 13, 1882. IX. Kate C. Carr (3619) born in Manchester, Mich., Jan. 26, 1852, married S. Howard Pennington, july 13, 1881. He died Sept. 4,.1885. She married Thomas J. Thorne, in Manchester, Sept. 2,1891. They reside in Manchester. She had by her second husband, 5760 1. Charles Burtless Thorne, b. Oct. 19, 1892. IX. Carrie Carr (3620) born in Manchester, Mich., Jan. 26, 1852, (twin sister of Kate C.) married William Burtless, Feb. 29, 1876. They reside in Manchester. Their children are, 5761 1. EB. Frederick Burtless, b. Jan. 24, 1877. 5762 2. Charles Burtless, b. March 22, 1880. 5763 3. Hazle Kate Burtress, b. Sept. 13, 1888. IX. Saran Louisa Carr (38629) born in New Lebanon,N.Y., Aug. 8, 1828, married Samuel Shuniway, in Kinderhook, N.Y., Feb. 20, 1862. They reside at Lebanon Springs, N. Y. Their children are, 5764 1. Edward P. Shumway, b. 5765 2. Herbert Shumway. IX. JANE EVEANNA Carr (3630) born in Hancock, Mass., March 2, 1840, married Stephen S. Kirk, by whom she had one daughter. After his death she married Egbert Jolls,.April 4, 1877, in New Lebanon. They reside at Lebanon Springs, N. Y. Her daughter is, 5766 1. Jane Louisa Kirk, b. 1858. IX. Epwarp SPENCER CARR (3632) born in New Lebanon, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1844, married Annie Taylor, in Greenport, L. I, Dec. 27, 1873. She died Aug. 23, 1877. They had, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION, 361 5767 1. Anna Millicent Carr, b. “IX. Anprep WeEsLEY CARR (3633) born in Kinderhook, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1855, married Catherine Robinson, in Jamaica, L. L, May 10, 1886. She died Jan. 1889. He lives in Garden City, L. I. IX. Mary TENNESSEE EasTMAN (3635) born in Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1840, married Dr. J. H. Curry, May 7, 1861. They have nine children. IX. CAROLINE CLARA EASTMAN (3636) born in Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 24, 1842, married W. M. Duncan, Dec. 24, 1868. They have five children. IX. CHarLes Hazex Eastman (3637) born in Plymouth, N.H., Feb. 25, 1845, married Kate Contrill, Feb. 23, 1871. IX. Witit1am Epwarp EASTMAN (3638) born in Washington, D. C., Dec. 16, 1846, married Addie C. Clark, March 10, 1870. They have three children. IX. Lewis Ropert EastMan (3639) born in Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 18, 1849, married Lillie Ford, June 27, 1872. They have three children. IX. ErBripGeE Gerry EAsTMAN (3640 born in Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 9, 1851, married Caroline Gleases, Feb. 22, 1872. They have three children. IX. Lucy Carr Eastman (8641) born in Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1853, married L. K. Hart, Oct. 2, 1877. They have one child. IX. RoGer Eastman (3643) born in Nashville, Tenn., July 21, 1858, married Georgie B. McConley, Dec. 20.1881. He resides in Nashville, and is a cashier in one of the banks there. IX. Erta JANE Carr (3647) bornin Berlin, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1850, married J. F. Chamberlain, Aug. 10,1876. They reside in Beloit, Wis. Their children are, 5792 1. Alla Chamberlain, b. 1877. 5793 2. Ada Chamberlain, b. May 31, 1880. 5794 3. George Chamberlain, b. Jan. 1887. IX. ALBERT CornEtius Carr (8648) born in Berlin, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1853, married Mary E. Meech, Sept. 27, 1873. Their children are, ‘ 5795 1. Lewis D. Carr, b. Dec. 5, 1876. 362 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 5796 2. Clyde C. Carr, b. Feb. 1879. 5797 3. Vernon Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1881. IX. CHarves 2. Carr (3650) born in Richland, Iowa,May 27, 1857, married Julia E. Sanders, in Beloit, Wis., March 10, 1877. She was born May 24, 1856. They reside in Chicago, IIls. Their children are, 5798 1. Ethel Carr, b. June 138, 1880. 5799 2. Luva Carr, b. June 16, 1883. IX. Grorce Lixcony Carr (3651) born in Rockton, Ils., Nov. 6, 1860, married Lillie A. Packard, in 1887. They reside in Beloit, Wis. IX. Epwixy Carr Powatr (3671) born in Milton, Wis. July 27, 1852, married Emma A. Wilson, Oct. 5, 1876. They had, 5800 1. William R. Powell, b. July 4, 1877. TX. Winitam Soromon Carr (3675) born in Milton, Wis., Jan. 9, 1853, married Jennie Empey, May 15, 1883. They live at Stevens’ Point, Wis. Their children are, 5801 1. Cecil G. Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1885. 5802 2. Winnie Grace Carr, b. Dec. 24, 1887. - IX. Isaperta Mnemosyne Carr (3676) bornin Milton, Wis,. Oct. 28, 1855, married W. C. King, in Milton Junction, March 5, 1878. They reside in Springfield, Mass. Their children are, 5803 1. Grace Belle King, b. Dec. 22, 1880. 5804 2. Ethel May King, b. June 6, 1886. 5805 3. Mildred King, b. April 15, 18€0. IX. Kirrrge EuPHROSYNE Carr born in Milton, Wis., Oct. 10, 1866, married Clinton E. Marquart, in Milton, Dec. 4, 1888. They live at Milton Junction. IX. Heyry Carr Powe t (3879) born Sept. 5, 1855, married Louisa I. Jolls, Sept. 18, 1884. They had, 5806 1. Eleanor Maud Powell,b. April 21, 1886, d. May 28, 1891. IX. Frep Ropert Powe. (3680) born Sept. 17, 1857, married Ada Fisher, Aug. 11, 1886. They have, 5807 1. Elsie Powell, b. Jan. 14, 1890. IX. Jonny Carvin Carr (8699) born in Canaan, N. Y., June 14, 1834, married Julia Margaret Smith, in Hanover, Ills., Dec. 3, 1856. She was born in Amsterdam, N. Y., July 28, 1836. He is engaged in the creamery business. They reside in Aurora, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-NINTH GENERATION. 363 Tis. Their children are, 5808 x1 Jay Wylie Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1857. 5809 x2. George Spencer Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1859. 53103. Arthur William Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1862. 5811 x4. Fred Augustus Carr, b. Sept. 5, 1863. 5812 5. Mary Jane Carr, b. Sept. 5, 1866, in Chicago, Ils. 5813 6. Harry Carr, b. Dec. 18, 1867, d. Jan. 3, 1868. IX. WALTER. RALEIGH CARR (3700) born in Columbia Co., N. Y., married Patience Ophelia Gould, in Cook Co., Ils., Dec, 31, 1857. She was born in Berkshire, Mass., Aug. 20, 1836. He enlisted Dec. 10, 1861, in company E, 15th Ills. cavalry, and was discharged Jan. 30, 1865. He was wounded while charging a rebel camp at Union City, Tenn., April 1, 1862. They reside at Ft. Scott, Kansas, and he is engaged in the grain and coal trade. Their children are, 58141. Calvin Samuel Carr, b. Sept. 8, 1859. 0815 x 2. Mary Frances Carr, b. Feb. 24, 1868. 5816 3. Walter Gould Carr, b. April 4, 1870. 5817 4. Ernest Edward Carr, b. July 11, 1877. 5818 5. Caroline Louisa Carr, b. March 26, 1880. IX. Susan M. Pratr (3717) born in Columbia Co., N. Y., May 12, 1834, married James P. Brown, March 8, 1854. Their child- ren are, 5819 1. James L. Brown, June 8, 1855. 5820 2. Etta E. Brown, b. Dec. 13, 1856. 5821 3. Carrie B. Brown, b. May 29, 1858. 5822 4. Elva L. Brown, b. Jan. 5, 1861. 5823 5. Ida A. Brown, b. Nov. 4, 1863, d. March 8, 1864. 5824 6. Arthur B. Brown, b. Oct. 9, 1865. 5825 7. Willis I. Brown, b. Jan. 25, 1867. 5826 8. { Lora Brown, b. May 18, 1868. 5827 9. Lena Brown, b. u a 5828 10. Frank B. Brown, b. Sept. 14, 1869. 5829 11. Susie A. Brown, b. April 10, 1871. 5830 12. Alta B. Brown, b. Nov. 17, 1874. 5831 13. Ethel A. Brown, b. July 8. IX. WrmuamM Prarr (3718) born in Columbia Co., N. Y., Feb. 13, 18386, married Mercie Simmons, Dec. 15, 1863. She died in 1866. He next married Armina Jones, April 14, 1870. He died Nov. 29,1873. Their children are, 364 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 5832 1. Orson A. Pratt, b. July 19, 1865. children by second wife, 5833 2. Anson L. Pratt, b. Feb. 13, 1871. IX. Joun L. Prarr (3719) born in Columbia Co., N. Y., Nov. 24, 1843, married Frances A. Palmer, April 20, 1868. He is a lawyer and residesin St. Paul, Minn. Their children are, 5834 1. Alfred A. Pratt. b. June 30, 1873. 58385 2. Loyd P. Pratt, b. Dec. 6, 1875. IX. SPENCER Carr (son of Thurston Carr, 2016) born in 1888, married Elvira M. Welling, in Genoa, Ills, May 8, 1860. He was in the Union service from 1861 to 1865. They live in Ra- in Racine, Wis., and he foreman in the Pearce Manufactuing Co’s shops. Their children are, 5836 1. Ora M. Carr. 5837 2. Grace Carr, m. Ashley, one child. 5838 3. Andrew Carr, b. 1873. 58389 4. Flora T. Carr, b. 1884. IX. Georce M. Carr (son of Thurston Carr, 2016) born in 1840. He wasin the Union service and was twice taken pris- oner. He died Chicago, Ills., March 8, 1888, of disease contract- ed while in rebel prison. He left a wife and two children. IX. SPENCER C. Carr (3727) born in Palmyra, Wis., Oct. 7, 1848, married Maggie Love, in Wisconsin, July 5, 1872. She died at Ft. Worth, Texas. He married again and lived in Nashville, Tenn. His children by first wife are, 9842 1. Nellie Carr. 5843 2. Eddie Carr. IX. Mary Carr (3728) born in Palmyra, Wis., Aug. 27, 1850, married Rev. Melvin A. Wambaldt, a Baptist minister, in By- ron, Minn., Oct. 6, 1875. Their children, born in Jackson, Flo- rida, are, 5844 1. Hicks Wambaldt, b. Jan. 1877. 5845 2. Minnie Wambaldt, b. Aug. 28, 1880. IX, Rev. Lucrtus Genune Carr (3729) born in Madison, Ohio, June 30, 1843, married Mattie Brewster, of Chicago, lls., July 18, 1873. She was born in Lawrence, N. Y., April 7, 1845. He was in the army four years, in company B, 12th Wis. in- fantry. He has been in the Baptist ministry for nearly twen- ty years. They now reside at Stevens’ Point, Wis. They have JOHN CALVIN Carr (3699) born June 14, 1834. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-NINTH GENERATION. 367 one son, born in Stillmans Valley, Ils., 5846 1. Charles Clue Carr, b. Sept. 28, 1879. IX. Grocius LEwWARD Carr (3730) born in Madison, Ohio, June 11, 1846, married Elen Elizabeth Virginia Brainard, of Lone Rock, Wis., March 9, 1881. She was born July 15, 1854. He is a farmer and lives at Lima Ridge, Wis. Their children are, 5847 1. Cora Leona Carr, b. Aug. 20, 1882. 5848 2. Arno Raymond Carr, b. April 18, 1887. 5849 3. Ara Elmer Carr, b. June 16, 1889. IX. Mary Octavia Carr (3732) born in Palmyra, Wis., Aug. 28, 1849, married Jefferson John Reynolds, of Lone Rock, Wis., Feb. 26, 1879. He was born Aug. 24, 1823. Their children are, 5850 1. Oren Cary Reynolds, b. Dec. 9, 1883. 5851 2. Jennie Ellen Reynolds, b. Sept. 21, 1885. IX. Ozro F. Carr (3733) born in Palmyra, Wis., Aug. 25, 1852, married Birdie Myers, of Pittsburgh, Pa., May 12, 1888. IX. Oxutve Carr (3734) born in Palmyra, Wis., Oct. 28, 1855, married John Clement, of Lavalle, Wis., Nov. 23, 1876. He was born March 29, 1846. Their children are, 5852 1. Edna May Clement, b. Nov. 2, 1877, in Lavalle, Wis. 5853. 2. Walker Judson Clement, b. July 27, 1879, Lima Ridge. 5854 3. Ruby Loella Clement, b. May 18, 1881, Lima Ridge. 5855 4. Lottie Octavia Clement, b. June 28, 1883, uf 5856 5. Cecil Carr Clement, b. July 10, 1885, Reedborough. 5857 6. Grace Belle Clement, b. Oct. 22, 1888 uw IX. Cary Carr (3735) born in Ironton, Wis., Nov. 15, 1857, married Adeline A. Neff, of Dixon, Wis., Sept. 1, 1887. She was born Sept. 26, 1853. They reside in Davision, Wash. They have, 5858 1. Ada Elizabeth Carr, b. Dec. 1, 1888. _ IX. LurHer ALmMon Carr (3736) born in Ironton, Wis., Dec. 27, 1859, married Caroline Green Fuller, of Chicago, Ills., May 27, 1884. She was born June 5, 1857. He is engaged in elec- tric street railway business in Racine, Wis. Their children are, 5859 1. Myron Lester Carr, b. Dec. 15, 1886. 5860 2. Herold Chase Carr, b. June 21, 1889. IX. Girgert Bartry CARR (3737) born in Ironton, Wis., Jan. 11, 1862, married Melissa Maria Cobb, of Chicago, Ills., May 1, 868 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 1888. She was born Feb. 25, 1858. They reside in Chicago. He is a dealer in coal and wood. Their children are, 5861 1. Clarence Gilbert Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1884. 5862 2. Leward Edward Carr, b. Aug. 3, 1888. IX. Henry Martyn Carr (8789) born in Chardon, Ohio, May 16, 1845, married Mary Fanny Marsh, in Alton, Ills., Oct. 8, 1873. She was born in Alton, June 18, 1844. He is engaged in the dry goods businessin Alton. He has been treasurer of the Ills: Baptist Association for a number of years. They had 5863 1. Lewis Marsh Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1876. IX. Mary JANE Carr (3740) born in Grandville, Ohio, Feb. 9, 1847, married J. M. Stifler, D. D., in Griggsville, Ills., April 21, 1868. He was born in Hollidaysburgh, Pa., Dec. 8, 1888. They reside in Chester Pa. Their children are, 5864 1. Gertrude Stifler, b. Feb. 28, 1869, Upper Alton, Ills. 5865 2. Edward Stifler, b. Dec. 27, 1871, d. Aug. 15, 1873. 5866 x3. Ellen Rebecca Stifler, b. Aug. 15, 1873. 5867 4. James Stifler, b. Feb. 10, 1875. ‘5868 5. Edna Stifler, b. Jan. 1, 1877, Hamilton, Ohio. 5869 6. Herbert Stifler, b. Jan. 17, 1881, New Haven, Ct. 5870 7. Rose Weston Stifler, b. March 17, 1883, nm 5871 8. Francis Stifle, b. Nov. 7, 1884, Chester, Pa. IX. Sopnra EvizABeTH Carr (3741) born in New Carlisle, Ohio, July 24, 1849, married Columbus C. Simmons, in Griggs- ville, Ills., Oct. 17, 1870. They reside in Verdon, Neb. Their children are, 5872 1. Juna Simmons, b. Oct. 30, 1871. 5873 2. Myrtle Simmons, b. Feb. 17, 1873. 5874 3. DaTay Simmons, b. Nov. 12, 1875. TX. ELLEN Sawyer Carr (3743) born in Moline, Ils., Jan. 24, 1859, married Elmer L. Armstrong, in New Haven, Ct. Dec. 21,1882. He was born in New Haven, Nov. 28, 1854, and re- sides in the city. He is engaged in manufacturing carriages. Their children are, 5875 1. Lewis Elmer Armstrong, b. Dec. 18, 1885. ’ 5856 2. Teredore Carr Armstrong, b. Dec. 1, 1888. Loursa L. OBER (3744) born March 6, 1846, married Rockwell K. Osborn, in La Crosse, Wis., Aug. 17, 1870, where they now reside. He was born Jan. 22, 1842. They have, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 369 5877. 1. Ella Louisa Osborn, b. Dec. 8, 1873. IX. Wiiittam EpGar OBeER (3746) born Dec. 27, 1851, married July 4, 1875, and died in Chicago, Ils., Dec. 4, 1888. IX. Metinpa Matuews (38747) born in Hiram, Ohio, Jan. 18, 1848, married Sylvester Curtis, in Jefferson, Ohio, Sept. 22, 1866. He was born June 17, 1839. Their children are, 5878 1. Esther May Curtis, b. Jan. 18, 1871. 5879 2. Effie Maria Curtis, b. Nov. 7, 1874. 5880 3. Ernest E. Curtis, b. Aug. 20, 1878 IX. Epwin Carr Marurws (8748) born in Austinburgh, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1846, married Sarah Oct. 26, 1866. They had, 5881 1. Jiva Mathews, b. April 2, 1869. IX. A. J. Srewart (8751) born in Springfield, Ohio, April 13, 1842, married Lizzie Syms, July 2, 1868. They reside in Indi- anapolis, Ind. IX. Nancy A. Srewart (3752) born in Harmony, Ohio, Sept. 3, 1848, married A. Lyon, in Rockville, Ind., Sept. 9, 1882. He is a railroad engineer. They reside in Evansville, Ind. IX. Winstow A. Carr (8756) born in Akron, Ohio, Dec. 29, 1846, married Elizabeth Ryan, in St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 8, 1875. He died in St. Louis, July 29, 1890. Their children are, 5882 1. James A. Carr, b. April 16, 1877. 5883 2. Mary Ellen Carr, b. Dec. 8, 1878. 5884 3. Frank A. Carr, b. Sept. 29, 1880. 0885 4. Thomas E. Carr, b. Sept. 22, 1882. 5886 5. Henry Carr, b. March 3, 1885. 5887 6. Lewis C. Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1889. IX. Lewis Carr (3757) born in Akron, Ohio, Nov. 4, 1847. He married his first wife in Akron. He next married Sarah J. Moore, in Upper Alton, Ills., Sept. 12, 1869. She was born at Saratoga Springs, N. Y. They have, ‘5888 1. Tanner Carr, b. May 1, 1871, lives in St. Louis, Mo. IX. Amos Atonzo Carr (3758) born July 29, 1845, married Harriet B. Dearholdt, Aug. 26, 1866. She was born July 10, 1847, and died Feb. 18, 1883. He next married Sarah E. Selden, Oct. 31, 1883. She was born Dec. 19, 1852. Their children are, 5889 1. Charles. H. Carr, b. Aug. 16, 1868. 9890 x 2. Addie L. Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1870. 370 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 58913. Bertha May Carr, b. Dec. 12, 1872. 5892 4. Edith Adell Carr, b. March 6, 1875. 5893 5. Alice E. Carr, b. March 238, 1878. 5894 6. Myrtle M. Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1881. children by second wife, 5895 7. Verne A. Carr, b. Dec. 27, 1884. 5896 8. Ethel H. Carr, b. Nov. 8, 1886. 5897 9. Walter A. Carr, b. Jan. 7, 1889. LX. EsrHer ANN Carr (3759) born Dec. 9, 1848, married John Grover, Jan. 26, 1867. He was born Aug. 31, 1846. Their child- ren are, 5898 1. Carrie Grover, b. Oct. 19, 1867. 5899 2. Minnie Grover, b. Nov. 15, 1869. 5900 3. Julia Grover, b. Aug. 10, 1876. 5901 4. Addie Grover, b. Oct. 7, 1880. 5902 5. Mabel Grover, b. Dec. 2, 1882. 5903. 6. John Grover. b. Jan. 7, 1885. 5904 7. Miranda Grover, b. Oct. 22, 1888. IX. Lorenzo A. Carr (3761) born April 1, 1858, married Em- ma Duegen, Feb. 18, 1879. She was born June 28, 1864, and died Oct. 26, 1888. Their children are, 5905 1. Maud ‘Adell Carr, b. April 22, 1880. 5906 2. Minnie Loretta Carr, b. Oct. 20, 1884. 5907 3. Nellie Belle Carr, b. April 28, 1887. 5908 4. Eva May Carr, b. Aug. 29, 1888. IX. Jutta Maria ReEyNOLDs (3762) born in Sherman, N. Y., March 2, 1831, married Ezekiel Davis, in North East, Pa., Aug. 13, 1846. He was born in Holland, N. Y., July 12, 1827. They had, 5909 x1. James Smith Davis, b. April 10, 1849. 5910 Four girls died young. TX. WiwitiAmM Henry REYNOLDS (3763) born in Sherman, N. Y,, May 23, 1832, married Harriet C. Yost, in Vanango, Pa., Oct. 15, 1851. He was killed in the battle of Gettysburgh. They had, 5914 1. George Henry Reynolds, b. Dec. 28, 1855, Titusville. IX. ADELAIDE N. GRINNELL (3764) born in Sherman, N. Y., April 8, 1889, married Earl Billings, in Janesville, Wis.,Nov. 7, 1859. They reside in Ogden, Iowa. He is the publisher of the Reporter in that town. They have, 5915) 1. C. Luella Billings, b. Feb. 19, 1862, Beloit, Wis. ° CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 371 TX. WiLtittAM H. GRINNELL (3765) born in Sherman, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1841, married Myra A. Clark, in Chicago, Ills., Jan. 4, 1872. She was born in Derry, N. H., Sept. 15, 1848. They re- side in Beloit, Wis. They had, 5916 1. Harry W. Grinnell, b. April 12, 1878, d. Noy. 14, 1878. 5917 2. Grace B. Grinnell, b. Aug. 29, 1878, (adopted daughter) IX. ELLEN M. GRINNELL (3766) born in Sherman, N.Y., Oct. 20, 1845, married John Holmes, in Janesville, Wis., about 1868. They live in Chicago, Ils. They have, 5918 1. Adelaide Holmes. IX. Mary A. GRINNELL (3767) born in Sherman, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1848, married Clark Burnham, in Janesville, Wis., where they now reside. They had one child that died young. IX. Frances C. GRINNELL (3768) born in Johnstown, Wis., Aug. 9, 1855, married Thomas Webster, in Ogden, lowa.. They live in Colorado, and have two children. IX. ARTHUR GRINNELI1 (3770) born in La Prairie, Wis., Oct. 11, 1859, married Lillie Burlingame. They reside in Washing- ton, D.C. They have three children. IX. James Atonzo Kriep (3771) born in Sherman, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1842, married Eliza Vanderburg, May 4, 1870. She was born in Bradford, Wis., April 7, 1850. Their children are, 5925 1. Mary Ellen Kipp, b. Jan. 1, 1873, Rock, Iowa. 5926 2. Orlando William Kipp, b. May 3, 1874, ” IX. CHARLES: BENJAMIN Kipp (3772) born in Sherman, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1849, married Mary Ellen McMillen, in Wellington, S. D., Dec. 20, 1879. She was born in Horicon, Wis., Feb. 9, 1852. He died in Sioux Falls, S. D., Oct. 2, 1881. Their child- ren are, 5927 «1. { Arthur William Kipp, b. Sept: 24, 1880, d. Nov. 5, 1880 5928 2. ( Mary Alice Kipp, b IX. EuizaA ALBERTIE CARR (3773) born in Batavia, N. Y., March 25, 1845, married William Jordan, Sept. 4, 1863. They reside in San Francisco, Cal. Their children are, 5929 1. Ada May Jordan, b. May 25, 1866. 5930 2. Earl Fargo Jordan, b. Dec. 16, 1868. 5931 3. Loma Elizabeth Jordan, b. April 2, 1870. 5932 4. Alice Cornelia Jordan, b. Oct. 31, 1871. 872 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. IX. Frank Depew Carr (3774) born in Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1851, married Margaret Maud Kahts, in San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 1, 1887. She was born in Portland, Oregon. Feb. 7, 1865. He is engaged in realestate business. IX. Apa ErizaABeETH Carr (3775) born in Batavia, N. Y., May 25, 1854, married Charles Houchuer, Oct. 16, 1874. They re- side in San Francisco, Cal. Nochildren. IX. Mary Eva Carr (8776) born in Batavia, N. Y., March 21, 1856, married Eimer D. Howard, Jan. 12, 1891. They live in Batavia. IX. Arice Harrizr Carr (3777) born at Ft. Plain, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1850, married Fred W. Corson, Sept. 18, 1873. They reside in New Castle, Pa. Their children are, 5933 1. Egbert Dexter Corson, b. Nov. 30, 1884. 5934 2. Marjorie Corson, b. Feb. 13, 1890. TX. Cornevia ANNETTE CARR (3779) born in Monroe, Wis., March 10, 1862, married Charles E. Westervelt, in Marlborough, N. Y., Jan. 14,1891. Heis junior editor of the Marlborough Record. Their children are. 5935 1. Cornelia Annie Westervelt, b. Dec. 6, 1892. 5936 2. Louisa Ruth Westervelt, b. Dec. 31, 1893. IX. Anruony Hovrz Carr (8785) born in Dryden, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1833, married Clara Elizabeth Irvin, in Sciegertown, Pa., March 16, 1859. They reside in Conneautville, Pa. Their child- | ren are, 0937 1. Anthony Wayne Carr, b. Feb. 1, 1860, d. May 23, 1865. 5938 2. George Irvin Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1862, d..March 11, 1865. 5939 x3. Cora Loretta Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1867. 5940 4. Effa Myrtle Carr, b. April 29, 1870. 5941 5 Daniel Houtz Carr, b. June 6, 1872, d. Feb. 14, 1875. 5942 6. Sadie Adelia Carr, b. Aug. 29, 1876. 5943 7. Chester Anthony Carr, b. Nov. 20, 1878, IX. Hrream Carr (3789) born in Dryden, N. Y, April 13, 1829, married Mary W. Macomber, in Meadville, Pa., June 10, 1855. She was born in Cranesville, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1824. They reside in New Richmond, Pa. Their children are, 944 1. Mary Emma Carr, b. April 22, 1856, d. April 8, 1881. 0945 x2. Anna Maria Carr, b. July 22, 1857. 0946 3. Laura Alice Carr, b. April 24, 1860. Fi CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTI GENERATION. 373 IX. Cates Carr (3790) born in Dryden, N. Y., March 12, 1831, married Charlotte E. Winston, in Lyona, Pa., Dec. 28, 1854. She was born in Townville, Pa., July 10, 1836, and died Jan. 1, 1877. He resides in Lyona. Their children are, 59471. Oren B. Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1856. 5948 x2. Asa N: Carr, b. March 9, 1859. IX: JAmMEs Carr (3791) born in Lyona, Pa., May 10, 1836, mar- ried Angeline Merritt, daughter of Thadeus and Fanny Mer- ritt, of Sorrel Hill, Pa., Aug. 18, 1865. She was born at Sorrel Hill, Sept. 20, 1848. They reside in Grove, Newaygo Co., Mich., Their children are, 5949 1. Edward Benjamin Carr, b. Jan. 30, 1868, Grove, Mireli 5950 2. Flora Florence Carr, b. Nov.-26, 1871, Us 5951 3. Julia Amelia Carr, b. Sept. 25, 1874, a a 5952 4. Eva Eldora Carr, b. Feb. 9, 1877, y @ 5953. «5. Thadeus Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1881, ad us IX. Mrver Carr (3793) born in Lyona, Pa., Aug. 7, 1848, married Charlotte Winston. She died in Lyona. He died June 14, 1882. IX. Rev. ALFRED GILBERT (3795) born in Cummington, Mass., May 2,1814, married Julia Briggs, and second wife, Mary Bliss. He was a graduate of Union college, and was an or- dained Congregational minister; but spent the most of his life in teaching a boys’ school, in Lanesborough, Mass. He had two sons by his first wife, 5954 1. Alfred Gilbert, was a lawyer, d. unm. 5955 2. Julius Gilbert, was a teacher, d. unm. IX. Wittram Henry GILpert (3796) born in Cummington, Mass, Sept. 12, 1815. He went to York, N. B., where he mar- ried and had a family of four children. 5956 1. Clara Gilbert. 9957 2. Lewis Gilbert. was in U. S. army for 20 years. 5958 3. Sarah Gilbert. & : 5959 4. William Gilbert. IX. Wanton Carr GiILBert (38797) born in Cummington, Mass., May 1,1818, married Lucy E. Richards, in Cunimington, June 29, 1848. She was born in Stoddard, N. H., Aug. 11, 1820. He was a merchant and a successful business man. He was a representative in the legislature two years, and also a delegate 374 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-——NINTH GENERATION. to the state constitutional convention. He died in Cumming- ton, Oct. 23,1854. Their children are, 5960 1. Flora Lucy Gilbert, b. Oct. 29, 1845, d. June 13, 1863. 5961 2 Eleanor Mary Gilbert, Jan. 30, 1847, d. Sept. 15, 1850. 5962 x3. George Neal Gilbert, b. Dec. 17, 1851. 5963 4. Foster Ward Gilbert, b. Oct. 16, 1853, live in Chicago, IX. Rev. EBENEZER CLARK GILBERT (3798) born in Cum- mington, Mass., June 27, 1820. He went to Missouri, married and raised a large family. He was a Free Methodist preacher. He died in 1874. IX. Mary GILBert (3800) born in Cummington, Mass., Feb. 14, 1822, married Andrew Everett, in Bennington, Vt., April 21, 1850. She next married Calvin Damon, in Chesterfield, Mass., Nov. 6, 1855. She died July 28, 1883. Her children are, 59701. Samuel H. Everett, b. Nov. 11, 1851. : children by second husband, 59712. Albert Calvin Damon, b. Nov. 18, 1856. 69723. Edgar Nelson Damon, b. Dec. 26, 1858. 5973 x4. Carrie Electa Damon, b. April 26, 1861. IX. Catvin GILBERT (3801) born in Cummington, Mass., Feb. 28, 1824, married Eliza Crosby. He died in one of the western states. They had, 5974 1. Josie Gilbert, m. Willis Wood, Whitehall, N. Y. . IX. DEBoran Marta GILBERT (8802) born in Cummington, Mass., Dec. 13, 1825, married Alvin S. Thayer. She died in Branford, Ct., Nov. 27,1877. Their children are, 5975 x1. Clarence Eben Thayer, b. June 23, 1853. 5976 2. Edwin Thayer, m. and lives in Branford, Ct. 5877 3. Eveline Thayer, d. young. IX. Evecta GInspert (3803) bora in Cummington, Mass., Oct. 5, 1828, married Lyman Cross, and after his death, she mar- ried Nelson Gardner, in Boston, Mass., Nov., 11, 1852. He was born Dec. 28, 1815, and died April 30, 1889. She died in Ash- field, Mass., Jan. 28, 1874. Her children are, 5978 1. Ellen Cross, d. Oct 17, 1851. children by second husband, 5979 x2. William Bryant Gardner. 598038. Minnie Gardner, b. March 2, 1862. 5981 x4. Nelson Gardner. CARR FAMILY RECORDS——NINTH GENERATION. 373 5982 5. Charles Norton Gardner. IX. Saran GILbert (3804) born in Cummington, Mass., July 17, 1880, married Dr. John Bryant. She died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1859. Their children are, 5983 1. Cora Gardner Bryant, b. July 17, 1857, d. Nov. 1883. ou84 2. John Pomeroy Bryant, b. 1860, d. at 3 vears of age. 5985 3: James Elbridge Bryant, b. 1863, d. March 16, 1871. 5986 +. Henry Gilbert Bryant, b. May 25, 1865, d. 1889. IX. Mary Parson Ciapp (38806) born in Westhampton, Mass., Jan. 15, 1817, married Graves, April 21, 1847, in Williams- burgh, Mass., where they now reside. Their children are, 5987. 1. Emily Williston Graves, b. Oct. 28, 1848, m. Wood. 5988 2. Freddie Graves, b. Sept. 7, 1856, d. March 20, 1857. IX. Franxitx CLapp (3808) born in Westhampton, Mass., Oct. 17, 1820, married Susan Webster Fuller, Sept. 9, 1851. She died Oct. 18, 1861. He next married Harriet Pease Hillman, May 14, 1862, in Wiiliamsburgh, Mass. Their children are, 5989 1. Frank Lyman Clapp, b. Sept. 25, 1853. children by second wife, 5990 2. Susan Alice Clapp, b. June 3, 18638, d. Aug. 15, 1865. 5991 3. John Francis Clapp, b. June 6, 1866. 5992 4. Mary Alice Clapp, b. July 7, 1868, d. Jan. 9, 1870, IX. WILLarD SMitrH CLaApp (3810) born in Westhampton, Mass., July 18, 1824, married Sarah Pratt, in Pawtucket, R. L, Feb. 3, 1852. They reside in Chicago, Ils. He is a taveling salesman. No children. IX. Beta Parson CLapp (3812) born in Westhampton, Mass., May 24, 1830, married Sarah Ann. Hopkins, in New York, June 10, 1863. She was born in Coventry, R. lL, Aug. 16, 1831. They reside in Pawtucket, R. I. Their children are, 5993 1. Bela Carlyle Clapp, b. Aug. 4, 1865. 5994 2. Ralph Rogers Clapp, b. Nov. 22, 1867. 0995. 3. Edith Lizzie Clapp, b. Jan. 17, 1871. 5996 4. Samuel Hopkins Clapp, b. Sept. 18, 1876. TX. Evten Marra Carr (3815) born in Evans, Erie Co., N. Y., June 25, 1833, married William Smith Barnes, in Chesterfield, Mass., June 3, 1852. He was born April 24, 1831, and died March 24, 1870. She next married John C. Tenney, in York, Neb., March 1, 1879. Her children are, 376 CARR FAMILY RECORDS-—NINTH GENERATION. 5997 1. Albion Clifford, Barnes, b: May 18, 1853, d. Feb. 6, 1856 5998 x2. William Elvin Barnes, b. Oct. 9, 1855. 5999 x3. Frank Adelbert Barnes, b. July 3, 1858. 1X. RoBert Carr (3816) born in Erie Co, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1835, married Lenora A. Cooper, in Mendota, Hls., Jan. 22, 1868. He died June 9, 1885, and was buried ‘in the Carr cemetery, four miles north of Ashland, Neb. She residesin Yutan, Neb. Their children are, 6000 x1. Linda Adell Carr, b. Nov. 4, 1863. 6001 x2. Clara Augusta Carr, b. Nov. 22, 1864. 6002 3. Alice May Carr, b. March 12, 1866. 6003 x4. Dephna Carr, b. June 8, 1867. 6004 5. Jay Elmer Carr, b. July 28, 1869. IX. Horace Carr (3817) born in Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1837, married Lovina Weygandt, in Earl, La Salle Co., Ils., Oct. 26, 1865. She was born in Summit Co., Ohio, Sept. 6, 1848. He is a dealer in pumps and windmills, at Yutan, Neb. Their children are, 6005 1. Charles Carr, b. May 5. 1869. 6006 2. Ida Carr, b. Feb. 11, 1872. 6007 3. Cora Carr, b. June 2, 1875. 6008 4. Elmer Carr, b. Jan. 16, 1877. 6009 5. Bertha Carr, b. June 6, 1879. 6010 6. Edith Carr, b. June 13, 1883. IX. Appison Carr (3818) born in Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., April 3, 1839, married Nancy Tarpenning, July 28, 1865. He went to Kansas when but 17 years old, and for several years was engaged in carrying freight across the plains. He owns a farm of 640 acres near Ashland, Neb., where he resides. Their children are, , 6011 x1. Flora Everline Carr, b. April 10, 1866. 6012 2. Luelle E. Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1869, d. Feb. 24, 1870. 6013 x3. Ella Nevada Carr, b. May 6, 1871. 6014 4. Minnie Florence Carr, b. Sept. 27, 1873. 6015 5. David Nelson Carr, b. Oct. 8, 1875. IX. James Barnas Carr (3821) born in Erie Co., N. Y., Oct. 6, 1845, married Josephine 1875. They reside in Omaha, Neb. Their children are, 6016 1. Ella Carr. 6017 2. Edna Carr. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 377 1X. Lucy Wittarp Smirx (3823) born in Westhampton, Mass., May 28, 1823, married Horace Putman, Dec. 14, 1870. They reside in Springfield, Mass. IX. Jurta A. Carr (3826) born in Chesterfield, Mass., June 8, 1827, married Joshua H. Dawson, in Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1845. They reside in Stacy, Minn. They had, 6018 x1. Francis J. Dawson, b. June 4, 1846. TX. Ezra STARKWEATHER CARR (3827) born in Chestertield, Mass., June 11, 1829, married Esther Eliza Adams, in Buffalo, N. Y., April 28, 1853. She was born in Buffalo,. Aug. 1829. He was in the Union army during the war of the rebellion. They reside at Lake Mills, Wis. They had, 6019X1. Rose J. D. Carr, b. Jan. 1854. LX. Cuartotre AuGusta Carr (3828) born in Chesterfield, Mass., Aug. 19, 1831, married James M. Solomon, Dec. 31, 1849. She died at their home in Packwaukee, Wis., March 11, 1892. Their children are, 60201. Eugene Martin Solomon, b. June 28, 1851. 6021 x2. Herbert James Solomon, Jan. 7, 1860. IX. Persis E. Carr (3829) born in Chesterfield, Mass., July 31, 1838, married Isaac Newton, in 18538. She died Dec. 18, 1884. They had, 6022 x1. Ada Newton, b. June, 1854. IX. HELEN AMERETTE THURBER (3832) born in Concord, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1830, married Sewell A. Whitney, in Colden, N. Y., March 21, 1860. He died in Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1886. She died in 1892. Nochildren.. ‘IX. Francis Crapp THURBER (3834) born in Concord, N. Y., May 2, 1834, married Cynthia Griffin, July 2, 1856. She was born Sept. 8, 1889. They reside in Hamburgh, N. Y. Their children are, 6023 1. Nellie Jane Thurber, b. Sept. 17, 1858. 6024 2. George Eugene Thurber, b. July 21, 1861, d. July 9, ’91. IX. Lyptra ANN TuurBER (3835) born in Concord, N. Y., March 6, 1887, married Dorman Holt, in Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1855. She married her second husband, Benjamin Cumming- ham, in St. Paul, Minn., but lived in Chicago, Ills., at the time of his death, which occurred June 25, 1885. She had, 6025 1. Rose Justina Holt. 378 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-NINTH GENERATION. IX. Harriet AMELIA THURBER (3886) born in Concord,N. Y., May 17, 1840, married Lafayette Littlefield, of Buffalo, N. Y., July 2, 1856. They reside in Chicago, Ills. They had, 60261. Blanch Littlefield, b. May 18, 1861. IX. Laura EMoGENE THURBER (8838) born in Concord, N.Y., July 4, 1844, married Enos Harry Minard, in Kenosha, Wis., July 28, 1889. They reside in Milwaukee, Wis. IX. GeorGE EUGENE THURBER (8840) born in Concord, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1846, married Dora A. Taylor, in Groesbeck, Texas, July 21,1888. They reside in Dallas, Texas. IX. Oscar Lyman Carr (3841) born in Chesterfield, Mass., in 1833, married Fanny Rathburn, of Springfield, Mass., in 1870. She died Feb. 1, 1881. Their children are, 6027 1. Albert Carr, b. 1874. 6028 2. Clark Carr, b. 1876. IX. Mary JANE Carr (3844) born in Granby, Ct., April 16, 1841, married John D. Kyle, in Chester, Mass., Dec. 6, 1866. He was born in Chester, Sept. 14, 1826, and died April 13, 1888. She next married Joseph F. Dolbey, Sept. 17, 1889. He was born in Raymond, N. H., Oct. 4, 1824. They reside in Huntington, Mass., P. O., Littlefield, Mass. She had, 6029 1. Annie Belle Kyle, b. Feb. 1, 1869. IX. Watson Ezra Carr (3845) born in Granby, Ct., in’ 1848. He enlisted in the 27th Mass. reg., and was wounded at the . battle of Cold Harbor. He died of his wounds in Washington, D. C., Nov. 5, 1864, and was buried in Chester, Mass. IX. Junta ANN Carr (3846) born in West Hartford, Ct., Aug. 8, 1844, married Albert Hancox, in Chester, Mass., Jan.-1, 1873. They reside in Springfield, Mass. Their children are, 60380 1. Angie Hancox, b. March 8, 1875, d. same day. 6031 2. Edith Hancox, b. June 18, 1877.’ IX. ANDREW CLARK CARR (3847) born in Simsbury, Ct. in 1848, enlisted in the Ist Ct. reg., and died of measles in Balti- more, Md., Feb. 15, 1864. He was buried in Chester, Mass. IX. Lavra ANN Carr (3848) born in Cummington, Mass., Aug. 22, 1833, married Elder Frederick Talhunt, in Cleveland, Ohio, May 11, 1854. He was born in England, Dec. 14, 1828, and died in Bedford, Ohio, March 30, 1884. She resides in Na- pa City, Cal. Their children are, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 379 6032 1. Charles Frederick Talhunt, July 20, 1856, d. May 30,’84 60383 %2. Laura Annette Talhunt, b. April 9, 1859. 6034 3. Mary Elizabeth Talhuut, b. Oct. 9, 1866, d. Oct. 10, ’88. 6035 4. Georgia Monroe Talhunt, b. May 25, 1875, in Bedford. IX. Cuarvtes DwicuTr WARNER (3859) born in Williamsburgh, Mass., Sept. 7, 1827, married Maria A. Bester, in Chesterfield, Mass., May 12, 1852. She was born in Hartford, Ct., March 22, 1830. They reside at Red Bank, N. J. Their children are, €036 1. Frank Bester Warner, b. Jan. 13, 1857. 60372. Kate Maria Warner, b. Sept. 30, 1858. 6038 38. Grace Elsie Warner, b. June 15, 1865. IX. Ann E. WaRNER (3861) born in Williamsburgh, Mass., April 27, 1835, married Horace Robinson, in Chesterfield, Mass., Nov. 1852. He was born in Chesterfield, Feb. 1828, and died Aug. 22, 1864. She next married Rev. William E. Coquellette, of Nugent, Iowa, Dec. 1884. They reside at Roundhouse, IIs. Her children are, 6039 x1. Mary Robinson, b. Nov. 1, 1857. " 6040 2. Eddy Robinson, d. Sept. 1864, Wethersfield, Is. 6041 x3. Ella Robinson, b. TX. Levi WARNER (8862) born in Williamsburgh, Mass. He served through the war and studied surgery, but died of small pox before he completed his studies. IX. Dora C. WaRNER (3863) born in Cummington, Mass., in 1839, married Henry Erastus Smith, May 15, 1859. He was born in Hadley, Mass., in 1837, and died Jan. 4, 1885. The fam- ily reside in Northampton, Mass. Their children are, 6042 1. Fred Henry Smith, b. Sept. 28, 1860, d. April 19, 1878. 6043 2. Sarah Nettie Smith, b. Oct. 5, 1863, d. July 27, 1878. 6044 3. Dora Bessie Smith, b. Sept. 1, 1866. 6045 4, Charles Warner Smith, b. Sept. 22, 1868. 6046 5. Bertha Chester Smith, b. June 5, 1871. 6047 6. Leon Earl Smith, b. Jan. 23, 1877, d. Jan. 28, 1878. 6048 7. Alice Edith Smith, b. Jan. 18, 1880. IX. Exrais Forp Carr (3866) born in Cummington, Mass., March 6, 1839, married Julia Amelia McMaster, in Troy, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1868. She was born in Troy, March 26, 1844. He graduated at Union college, Schenectady, N. Y., in 1864. In June, 1892, Union college conferred on him the degree of Doc- 380 CARR FAMILY RECORDS~—-NINTH GENERATION. tor of Philosophy. They reside in Trenton, N. J. Their child. ren are, 6049 1. Lulu McMaster Carr, b. May 13, 1871. 6050 2. Clara Jennette Carr, b. Feb. 2, 1874, d. May 5, 1877. 6051 3. Frederick Julian Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1878. 6052. 4. Florence Elizabeth Carr, Sept. 23, 1881, d. July 22, 1882. 6053 5. Julia Brewer Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1884. 1X. Susan ALmrrA CARR (38867) born in Cummington, Mass., Nov. 3, 1840, married John Ekin Brown, Dec. 21, 1882, in Akron, Ohio. He was born in Moon township, Pa., March 11, 1848. They reside in Bennett, Pa. No children. IX. Marcus Brusu (8868) born at Boston Corners, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1837. Hestudied law, and was a very eloquent speaker; and if his life had been spared, would have made himself fa- mous for his oratory. He died of typhoid fever, at the age of 33 years, Sept. 13, 1870. He was a member of the legislature of Nebraska at the time of his death. He never married. IX. Hosart Brusu (3869) born in Buffalo, N. Y., June 25, 1839, married Mary Eliza Johnson, in Ashland, Neb., Nov. 6, 1870. He is engaged in the drug business in connection with his brother Lyman, in Ashland. His children are, 6054 1. Marcus Brush, b. Aug. 4, 1871. 6055 2. Carrie Amelia Brush, b. Oct. 17, 1873. 6056 3. Millie Mabel Brush, b. June 27, 1876. 6057 4. Eddie Louis Brush, b. Dec. 29, 1878. 6058 5. Drue Ella Brush, b. May 8, 1881. IX. Saran MatiLtpa Brus (3870) born in Waterloo, Wis., Aug. 27, 1844, married Andrew Marble, in, 1867, in Ashland, Neb. They live in Hermosa, 5. D. Their children are, 6059 1. John Hobart Marble, b. Feb. 27, 1869. 6060 2. Nellie Marble, b. July, 1874. 6061 3. Myrtle Marble, b. April, 1879. IX. EUGENE Brusu (3871) born in Waterloo, Wis., Aug 11, 1846, married Mary Anu Stevens, in Wahoo, Neb., Sept. 9, 1880. He is a teacher in the public school. His wife died Jan. 25, 1890. His children are, 6062 1. Myrtle Brush, b. April 9, 1883. ‘6063 2. Alice May Brush, b. Aug. 31, 1884. 6064 3. Hobart Ray Brush, b. April 21, 1887. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 381 6065 4. Lela Marble Brush, Jan. 14, 1890. IX. Lyman Ray Brusnu (8872) born in Waterloo, Wis., May 7, 1854, married Drue Taylor, in Ashland, Neb., Dec. 23, 1879. He is in the drug business in Ashland, with his brother Hobart. ‘heir children are, 6066 1. Maud Brush, b. May 28, 1881. 6037 2. Linnie Brush, b. Dec. 31, 1882. CO6S 3. Jessie Brush, b. May 15, 1886. LX. EvGenta Lovisa STIrpMAN (3865) horn Aug. 25, 1844, married Charles Amos Call, Oct. 4, 1864. She died Jan. 5, 1876. Their children are, 6069 1. Jennie Stillman Call, b. June 30, 1866, d. Dec. 30, 1875. 6070 2. Arthur .\mos Call, b. June 1, 1868. IX. Lypra MAarGareT Carr (38876) born in Root township, Montgomery Co., N. Y., Feb. 16, 1831, married Uriah Hill, April 17, 1855, in Charleston, N. Y. He was born Aug. 8, 1829, and died in Gallupville, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1871. They had, 6071 1. Lyman Mason Hill, b. Feb. 22, 1856. IX. Ira J. Carr (3877) born in Charleston, N. Y., May 12, 1825, married Hannah R. Vanderveer, Aug. 8, 1847. He died in Rural Grove, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1881. Their children are, 6072 x1. John H. Carr, b. Aug. 9, 1848. 6073 x2. Jacob V. Carr, b. Oct. 15, 1850. 60743. James O. Carr, b. July 18, 1853. 6075 4. Hulbert W. Carr, b. July 26, 1863, d. May 10, 1864. IX. Amy BrewsTER (8878) born in Carlisle, N. Y., Nov. 25, 1819, married William Fox, in Parish, N. Y., March 6, 1842. He was born March 20, 1818, and died Dec. 15, 1855. She resides in Lawler, Iowa. Their children are, 6076 1. Simon Stanton Fox, b. Jan. 2, 1848, d. Jan. 16, 1875. 6077 X2. Sarah Jane Fox, b. Jan. 12, 1846. 6078 3. George Edwin Fox, b. Oct. 7, 1849. 6079 x4. Franklin Walter Fox, b. April 7, 1851. 60805. Myron Brewster Fox, b. Dec. 7. 1852. IX. Jutta ANN Brews TER (3879) born in Camden, N. Y., April 28, 1824, married William D. Fox, in Camden, Sept. 7, 1844. He was born Oct. 9, 1807, and died Dec. 29, 1870. She resides in Camden. Their children are, 6081 1. Amanda M. Fox, b. July 18, 1846, d. April 14, 1847. 382 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 6082 2. Lucinda Fox, b. April 23, 1848, d. Aug. 28, 1851. 6088 x3. Alonzo B. Fox, b. Dec. 26, 1851. 6084 x4. Alfred A. Fox, b. Sept. 4, 1854. 6085 x5. Frank E. Fox, b. May 25, 1857. 6086 x6. George H. Fox, b. June 12, 1860, 6087 7. Leroy Fox, b. Aug. 6, 1862, d. Aug. 16, 1863. 6088 x8. Bertha E. Fox, b. May 24, 1864. IX. Grorce J. BREewsrer (3880) born in Parish, N. Y., July 21, 1825, married Sarah C. Schott, Nov. 11, 1857. She was born in New Hartford, N. Y., April 28, 1836. He died Sept. 24, 1889. She resides in Camden, N. Y. Their children are, 60389 x1. Ida M. Brewster, b. Dec. 9, 1858. 6090 x 2.. Mary H. Brewster, b. Oct. 6, 1862. 6091 3. Della Brewster, b. April 18, 1867. 6092 4. Vina W. Brewster, b. April 9, 1873. IX. ExvizaBETH BREWSTER (3881) born in Parish, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1832, married Andrew Meeker, Jan. 4, 1855. They live in Cam- den, N. Y. Their children are, 6093 1. George H. Meeker, b. April 3, 1857, m. Lizzie Spawn. 6094 2. Emma Meeker, b. Feb. 24, 1866. IX. Mary JANE Brewster (3882) born in Camden, N. Y., April 5, 1835, married Isaiah Schott, Dec. 2, 1858. She died at Carmichael Hill, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1874. He resides at-Big Brook, Oneida Co.,N. Y. Their children are, 6095 x1. Alice M. Schott, b. Oct. 2, 1859. 6096 x 2. Isabelle Schott, b. Oct. 20, 1861. 6097 3. Estella D. Schott, b. Dec. 20, 1863. 6098 4. Orion M. Schott, b. Oct. 20, 1871, d. Feb. 28, 1876. IX. Marra Brewster (3883) born in Camden, N. Y., March 2, 1838, married S. L. Goodsell, March 24, 1863. They reside in Sauquoit, N.Y. They had, 6099 1. Mina Elizabeth Goodsell, b. March 23, 1869. 1X. Mary Taytor Carr (3884) born in Carlisle, N. Y., March 14, 1827, married John Isaiah Hoag, in Carlisle, Feb. 22, 1847. She died Nov. 28, 1883. He lives in Sloansville, N.Y. He was born in Milan, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1825. Their children are, 6100 1. David Hoag, b. Sept. 5, 1848, d. Aug. 15, 1866. 6101 x2. George Washington Hoag, b. April 9, 1851. 6102 3. Frances Sylvina Hoag, b. Nov. 13, 1853, d. Feb. 4, '70. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 383 6103 4. Edwin Hoag, b. Feb. 13, 1857, d. March 31, 1857. 6104 5. Harvey B. Hoag, b. Jan. 11, 1859, d. March 9, 1877. 6105 x6. Ruth Hannah Hoag, b. Jan. 3, 1861. 6106 7. John Jerome Hoag, b. Jan. 23, 1863, d. March 3, 1864. 6107 8. Lilly Ann Hoag, b. Dec. 17, 1864, d. March 8, 1866. 6108 x9. Eliza May Hoag, b. Dee. 30, 1866. g 6109 10. Libbie A. Hoag, b. Nov. 17, 1871, d. Nov. 21, 1871. IX. James ANson Carr (3885) born in Carlisle, N. Y.. June 21, 1828, married Margaret Maria Gordon, in Charleston, N. Y., May 15, 1853. She was born in Charleston, Oct. 4, 18382. They reside in Norwich, N. Y. Their children are, 61101. Norman Carr, b. July 22, 1854. 6111 2. Mary Elizabeth Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1856. 6112 3. Hannah Maria Carr, b. March 31, 1861. TX. Mrcuaret SWEETMAN CarR (8&£6) born in Carlisle, N. Y., July 6, 1830, married Eliza Margaret Bassett, Nov. 15, 1854. She was born in Schoharie, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1885. They reside in Sloansville, N. Y. Their children are, 6113x1. Albion Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1856. 61142. Wellington Carr, b. Jan. 17, 1860. 6115x838. Newell Carr, b. Oct. 1, 1861. IX. WaLrer Carr (3887) born in Carlisle, N. Y., July 17,1832, married Harriet Florence Northrop, in Brooklyn, N. Y., June 28, 1855. She was born in Utica, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1835. He is a commission merchant in New York. Their children are, 6116 1. Walter Albert Carr, b. Oct. 9, 1856. 61172. Minnie Helena Carr, b. April 12, 1859. 61183. Lelia Edith Carr, b. March 30, 1861. 6119 4. Arthur Lincoln Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1865, d. in infancy. 6120 5. Eudora Hortensia Carr, b, Jan. 26, 1869. 6121 6. Adelbert Clarence Carr, b. Nov. 12, 1873, d. in infancy. IX. Joseph Erwin Carr (3888) born in Carlisle, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1833, married Mary Eliza Montanye, in Sloansville, N. Y., Novy. 4, 1857. She was born in Sloansville, Oct 10, 1885. Heis a veterinary surgeon and lives in Sloansville. Their child- ren are, — : 61221. Edwin Delwin Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1838. 6123 2. Walter M. Carr, b. April 26, 1866. IX. Wintram Henry Carr (3890) born in Carlisle, N. Y., Sept. 384: CARR FAMILY RECORDS-——-NINTH GENERATION. 24, 1837, married Esther Ann McDuffee, in Charleston, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1866. She was born July 17, 184 They reside in Sloansville, N. Y. Their children are, 6124 1. Delphine Carr, b. March 17, 1867. 6125 .2. Juneous D. Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1869, 6126 3. Elvius J. Carr, b. April 17, 1871. 6127 4. John Bridge Carr, b. March 16, 1874. 6128 5. Annie M. Carr, b. July 28, 1876. IX. Detwin Brown Carr (3891) born in Carlisle, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1839. He lived ona farm until 1860, when he went to New York, and has since been engaged in mercantile business. He married Jennie Eliza Augusta Palmer, in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1865. She was born Jan. 25, 1845 in Brooklyn, where they now reside. Their children are, 6129 1. Frank Delwin Carr, b. Sept. 14, 1866. 61380 2. Maud Olne Carr, b. Sept. 15, 1868. 6131 3. Edith Alice Carr, b. Oct. 29, 1871. IX. CHaryes JoHn Carr (3895) born in Carlisle, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1847, married Julia G. Wanget, Sept. 11, 1872. She died May 14, 1884. He next married Fanny J. Jett, July 29, 1885. She was born Dec. 11, 1865. They reside in Knox City, Mo. Their children are, 6132 1. Delwin Carr, b. Aug. 21, 1873. 6133 2. Oscar Carr, b. Aug. 11, 1874. 6134 3. Laura M. Carr, b. April 29, 1877. 6135 4. Mary Carr, b. Aug. 13, 1880. children by second wife, 6136 Riley Carr, b. July 29, 1886. 6137 6. Grace B. Carr, b. Oct. 6, 188-. ol IX. Merrirr Lanpon Carr (3896) born in Carlisle, N. Y, July 17, 1849, married Emily Alice Young, in Illinois, July 3, 1876. She was born in Indiana, Sept. 9, 1854. They live in Bancroft, lowa. Their children are, 6138 1. Ethel Lida Carr, b. April 19, 1877. 6139 2. Delbert Benton Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1880. 6140 3. Orville Carr, b. Oct. 11, 1881. 6141 4. Arthur Clark Carr, b. May 24, 1883. 6142 5. Leo Earl Carr, b. June 19, 1886. , IX. Anna E. Carr (3897) born in Carlisle, N. Y., Dec. 28 SS ae ON WALTER Carr (3887) born July 17, 1832 ei CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION, 387 1853, married Norman S. Lillapaugh, Oct. 6, 1871. He was born Noy. 24, 1850. They reside in Roselle, N.Y. They have, 6143 1. Frank Lillapaugh, b. March 15, 1880. IX. Ervitt, Louisa Carr (3898) born in Montgomery Co., N.Y., April 12, 1823, married Cyrus Blenis,in OneidaCo.,N.Y., july 13, 1848. He was born in Green Co.,N. Y., Nov. 28, 1827, and died March 17, 1888. The family reside in Waterloo, Iowa. He served in the 17th Ills. cav. Co. A, in the rebellion, from Sept. 1862 until June 17, 1865. Their children are, 6144x1. Charles O. Blenis, b. July 26, 1849. 61452. Jay R. Blenis, b. Feb. 3, 1852. 6146 X 3. fee Edward Blenis, b. Jan. 4, 1859. TX. SALoME JANE CARR (3899) born in Charleston, N. Y., June 9, 1831, married William J. Lanfear, in Oneida Co., N. Y., Dec. 9, 1851. He was born in Rome, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1828, and died Aug. 15, 1877, in Oneida, Ils., where she now resides. Their children are, 6147 1. Harvey Lanfear, b. July 18, 1853, d. Aug. 20, 1853. 6148 x2. Charles H. Lanfear, b. Sept. 4, 1854. 61493. Frank W. Lanfear, b. Sept. 21, 1861. 6150 4. | De Forest Eugene Lanfear, b. Aug. 10, 1865, d. 1865. 6151 5. | Ernest Lanfear, b. " z IX. James IRA Carr (3901) born in Charleston, N. Y., June 6, 1836, married Elizabeth Hill, in Waterloo, lowa, Sept. 10, 1860, where the family now resides. He died in Waterloo, May 31, 1892. Their children are, 6152 x1. Minnie Lillie Carr, b. Aug. 23, 1861, 6153 2. Willis Lincoln Carr, b. Sept. 24, 1869. IX. Lovina Rose Carr (3902) born in Amesville, N. Y., July 29, 1838, married E. L. Wells, in Monroe, Ills., Dec. 30, 1856. He was born at Glens Falls, N. Y., June 10, 1833. They reside in Oregon, Uls. Their children are, 6154x1. Fred J. Wells, b. May 10, 1858. 6155 2. Myrtie Wells, b. Dec. 9, 1863. 6156 3. Henry Edward Wells, b. Nov. 7, 1871. IX. Saran ELizABETH CARR (3903) born in Charleston, N, Y., March 22, 1841, married Charles Simmons, and after his death in 1867, she married William B. King. She had adaughter by each husband. She resides in Jolon, Monteray Co., Cal. 388 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. Her children are, 6157 1. Simmons. 6158 2. —— King. IX. Lyman Davip Carr (3904) born in Charleston, N. Y., July 14, 1838, married Martha A. Cushing. He died in Charles- ton, in 1864. No children. IX. Sarau JANE Carr (3905) born in Charleston, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1835, married Thomas Kimpson in 1860. Their children are. 6159 1. Cora Kimpson, b. Aug. 20, 1861, in Eden, Iowa. 6160 2. Mennie Kimpson, b. April 7, 1871, a" Y IX. GeorGE EDwIn Carr (3906) born in Charleston, N. Y., April 19, 1838, married Hannah Delia Bowdish, Jan. 1, 1859. He died May 19, 1860. They had, 6161 1. Dores Carr, b. July 1, 1860. TX. Mercy ExvizaBpeTra CARR (3807) born in Charleston, N. Y., March 38, 1841, married Joseph Edward Hughes, April 9, 1863. He was born Sept. 6, 1883, in Mercer, Pa., where they now re- side. Their children are, 6162 1. David Edwin Hughes, b. Feb. 28, 1864, d. Oct. 30, 1890. 6163 2. Lyman Carr Hughes, b. June 4, 1866. 6164 3. John Leonard Hughes, b. Oct. 23, 1874. 6165 4. Mertie Klizabeth Hughes, b. Jan. 15, 1877. IX. Joun Emory Carr (3908) born in Charleston, N. Y., April 12, 1849, married Ellen E. Parker, in Walworth, N. Y., April 16, 1871. She was born Dec. 18, 1845. They reside in Hopewell, N.Y. Their children are, 6166 1. Charles J. Carr, b. July 23, 1878. 6167 2. Franklin A. Carr, b. Nov. 14, 1874. 6168 3. Edith E. Carr, b. March 6, 1884, d. Nov. 6, 1884. 6169 4. Clarence &. Carr, b. Dec. 20, 1885. IX. Frorence Lovina Carr (3909) born in Charleston, N.Y., Sept. 23, 1854, married W. F. Allen. She resides in Des Moines, Towa, and has one daughter, 6170 1. —— Allen. IX. Dr. PETER A. Brumacim (3911) born Feb. 14, 1816, mar- ried Mary Van Husen, in Montgomery Co., N. Y. He practic- ed medicine in Montgomery Co., and vicinity for 45 years. His wife died Jan. 12, 1890. Heresides in Albany, N. Y. Their children are, CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. 389 6171 1. Mary B. Brumagim, b. Oct. 13, 1846, d. 1849. 6172 2. Patience J. Brumagim, b. Sept. 5, 1848. 6173 3. Charles Brumagim, b. May 4, 1851. IX. Dr. Ricnarp J. Brumacim (3912) born Jan. 30, 1819, mar- ried Jane Van Cleaff, in Spotswood, N. J.,and practiced medi- cine there for 20 years, and for 15 years in Morrison, Ills., where he died June 38, 1882. Their children are, 6174 1. Anna Brumagim, b. .\pril 1, 1849. 6175 2. William Harvey Brumagim, b. March 2, 1851. 6176 3. Lizzie S. Brumagim, b. Feb. 2, 1853. 6177 4.( Frank S. Brumagim, b. March 26, 1863. 6178 5. | Mary Brumagim, b 2 i IX. Davip 5. BruMacim (3913) born Oct. 9, 1821, married Amelia Brown, in Carlisle, N.Y. Hewasa farmer and died in Morrison, IUs., Sept. 1, 1892. Their children are, 6179 1. Jennie E. Brumagim, b. Oct. 9, 1852. 6180 2. Ida F. Brumagim, b. Aug. 15, 1854, d. Feb. 1857. IX. ELEANOR CATHERINE BruMAGIM (3914) born Dec. 18, 1823, married Micajah Carr (2072) She had three children, see page 235. IX. Arnoxn Carr Brumacim (3915) born Aug. 30, 1826, mar- ried Gertrude Ann Runkle in Montgomery Co.,N. Y. He is a farmer and lives in Root, N. Y. Their children are, 6181 1. Adela E. Brumagim, b. Dec. 24, 1852. 6182 2. Henry J. Brumagim, b. Oct. 16, 1861. | IX. Joun E. Brumacim (3917) born March 1, 1831, married Mary C. Little, in Montgomery Co., N. Y. He is a farmer and residesin Ames, Iowa. Their children are, 6183 1. Will C. Brumagim, b. Aug. 20, 1858. 6184 2. Marcus H. Brumagim, b. April 7, 1862. 6185 3. Estella C. Brumagim, b. Aug. 18, 1869. 6188 4. R. Dick Brumagim, b. Jan. 5, 1874. IX. Evnice T. Brumacrim™ (3918) born March 29, 1833, mar- ried J. V. Walker, in Montgomery Co., N.Y. They reside in Morrison, Ills. No children. IX. Davip R. Lewis (3921) born at Little Falls, N. Y., May 14, 1832, married Catherine Manning, Dec. 26, 1863. She died March 30, 1876. He is a jeweler by trade, and resides in Man- 390 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. chester, lowa. Their children are, 6187 1. W. J. Lewis. 6188 2. Jesse Glenn Lewis. IX. Mary Ann Lewis (2922) born in Keen, Essex Co., N. Y,, Jan, 24, 1840, married C. C. Morse Dec. 26, 1866. Their child- ren are, 6189 1. Charles Morse. 6190 2. John Morse. 6191 3. Amy Morse. IX. Mary Ertig Loyp (2923) born May 16, 1830, married Thomas Jenkins, in Racine, Wis., Dec. 2, 1752.. They reside in Waukegan, Ills. IX. Saran Exiza Carr (3928) born in Root, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1837, married William H. Still, in Beloit, Wis. He was born in Bennington Co., Ohio, Dec. 15, 1840. They reside in Syra- cuse, Neb. Their children are, 61921. Nettie Still, b. Jan. 22, 1864. 61938 2. Nellie Still, b. March 18, 1867. TX. Wittitam HoLtoway Carr (3929) born in Root, N. Y,, July 25, 1841, married first wife Dec. 6, 1864. He married his second wife, Carrie Louisa Culver, in Walworth Co., Wis., Oct. 30,1886. She was born in Leroy, Boone Co., Ils.; June 3, 1867. They reside in Leroy. Their P.O. address is Sharon, Wis. His children are, 6194 1. Annie Ruby Carr, b. July 18, 1866. 6195 x2. John Lyman Carr, b. Feb. 15, 1868. child by second wife, 6196 3. Ophelia Holloway Carr, b. May 29, 1888. LX. PuHeBe H. Carr (3983) bornin Leroy, Boone Co., Tls., Oct. 16, 1856, married Capt. Silas Growe Cheever, in San Fran- cisco, Cal., April 28, 1887, where they now reside. They have, 6197 1. Earl Howard Cheever, b. Feb. 15, 1890. IX. Gen. EUGENE ASA CaRR (3935) born at Boston Corners, Erie Co., N. Y., March 20, 1880. He graduated at West Point, in 1850. He became acaptain in 1858, and a colonel in 1861. He commanded a division at the battle of Pea Ridge, March, 1862, and was appointed a brigadier general of volunteers the same mouth. Heserved in Arkansas in 1864, and after the rebellion was employed iu active service against the Indians. CARR FAMILY RECORDS—-NINTIL GENERATION. 3gl He married Mary P. Maguire, in St. Louis, Mo. His address is Ft. Wingate, New Mexico. They had only had one son, 6198 x1. Clark Merwin Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1866. 1X. Cot. Byron Oscar Carr (3936) born in Concord, N. Y., April 24, 1832, married Mary E. Buck, Oct. 19, 1858. She was born in Fairfax, Vt., in 1839, and died in Galesburg, Ills., March 16, 1861. He next married Sarah Pratt, Feb. 15, 1872, in Carlin, Neb. She was born in Freeport, Maine, July 17, 1850. They reside in Lemoore, Cal. He is cashier of a bank at that place. His children are, 61991. Eugene Merwin Carr, b. Aug. 30, 1859. 6200 x2. Byron Thrope Carr, b. March 16, 1861. ; children by second wife, 6201 3. Mary Louisa Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1873, Memphis, Tenn. 6202 4. George Pratt Carr, b. Sept. 6, 1875, d. Nov. 25, 1877. 6203° 5. Murray Torry Carr, b. Nov. 19, 1884, Helena, Mont. IX. Rev. Horace Merwin Carr (3937) born at Boston Cor- ners, Erie Co., N. Y., March 7, 1834. Inthe spring of 1850, he went with the family to Illinois, and in the following autumn entered the preparatory department of Knox college, of Gales- burg, and pursued his studies to the end of the junior year, when he entered the senior class of Madison University, of Hannilton, N. Y., graduating in the class of 1856, and from the theological seminary in 1859. The same year he was called to the pastorate of the first Baptist church of Ogdensburgh, N. Y., and was ordained in November of that year. On the breaking out of the civil war, he entered the army as chap- lain of the 3d Ills. cav., commanded by: his brother, Eugene A. Carr. He was present at the battles of Pea Ridge, Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, and several minor engagements, and also at the surrender of Vicksburgh. He married Sally Hous- ton, in Memphis, Tenn., Sept.-3, 1863. She was born in Somer- ville, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1835. She was a daughter of Maj. Will- iam Houston, a brother of Gen. Sam. Houston, of Texas. 475 Garland Carr 111 George Carr 12, 23, 44, 99,161,176 342, 466. Capt. George Carr 207 George A. Carr 250 George Albert Carr 319 George Allison Carr 407 George Alpheus Carr 407 George B. Carr 358 George Bradford Carr 325, 471 Hon. ( George Cross Carr 140 George Edwin Carr 177, 388 George Elmer Carr 396 George G. Carr 450 George Gage Carr 338 George Gilbert Carr 444 Dr. George H. Carr 476 George Harrison Carr 247 George Hazard Carr 434 George Henry Carr 275, 438 George Herbert Carr 464 George Lincoln Carr 362 George M. Carr 364 George Marden Carr 164, 293 George Nelson Carr 281 George Norman Carr 349, 479 George Rufus Carr 201 George Spencer Carr 483 534 George Tew Carr 96 George W. Carr 98, 106, 135. 139 289, 314, 345, 429, 447. George Washington Carr 93,169 _ 275. George Wales Carr Col. George Watson Carr Dr. George Wheaton Carr George William Carr George Winslow Carr George Woolman Carr Gideon Carr G:deon Renaldo Carr Gilbert Carr Gilbert Bailey Carr Giles Collins Carr Green Carr Grocius Leward Carr Harrison Burdett Carr Harry Luzerne Carr Harry Walwick Carr Hartman Carr Hartman H. Carr Harvey Carr Hazen Eugene Carr Henry Carr 112, 185, 174 307 401 152 339 298 123 205 226 367 316 184, 244,342. Dr. Henry Augustus Carr 219 Henry Burnell Carr Henry Clay Carr Henry Francis Carr Henry Herbert Carr Henry Martyn Carr Henry Taylor Carr Henry Tibbetts Carr Henry Weeden Carr Henry William Carr Herbert Asa Carr Hezekiah Carr Hial Carr Hial Cran Carr Hiram Carr Hiram Bannister Carr Hiram Edward Carr Hiram Smith Carr Horace Carr Horace C. Carr Horace Dver Carr Horace Eleazer Carr 193, 199, 108, 267, 372, Rev. Horace Merwin Carr Horatio F. Carr 300 249 464 411 368 296 202 147 337 507 45 188 164 449 427 480 304 376 189 349 481 391 298 CARR FAMILY RECORDS. Horatio G. Carr 161 Horatio N. Carr 202 Humphrey Warren Carr 352 Ira Carr 209 Ira J. Carr 381 Isaac Carr 86, 90, 148, 256 Isaac A. Carr 339 Isaac Newton Carr 167 Dr. Isaac Northrop Carr 454 Isaac Pennington Carr 248 Isaac Ridgwar Carr 258° Isaac S. Carr 100, 247 Isaac Thorn Carr 230 Jabez Carr 98 Jacob Carr 68, 116, 197, 468, 469 Jacob G. Carr 335 Jacob V. Carr 488 James Carr 18, 24, 30, 33, 43, 51 64, 70. 72, 75, 76, 96, 97, 103, 104 116, 117, 119, 120, 131, 152, 160 162, 166, 193, 198, 234, 266, 335” 378, 419, Col. James Carr 145 Maj. James Carr 68 Capt James Carr 49 Dr. James Carr 426 Dea. James Carr 119 James A. Carr 469 James Anson Carr 383 James Barnes Carr 376 Rev. James Bowen Carr = 188 Dr. James Calvin Dew Carr 461 James Carey Carr 96 Rev. James Daniel Carr 472 James, Edward Carr 502 James Esek Carr 246 James F. Carr 173 James Franklin Carr 471 James Gaylord Carr 479 James H. Carr 507 ' James Henry Carr 190, 278, 285 James Ira Carr 387 James Lane Carr 338 James Lawrence Carr 306 James Mack Carr 461 James Moore Carr 335 James O, Carr 488 James P. Carr 421 James R. Carr 462 James T. Carr 161 CARR FAMLY RECORDS. James W. Carr 324 James Watson Carr 153 Rev. Jarvis Johnson Carr 235 Jay J. Carr 504 Jay Wylie Carr 483 Jehial Carr 146, 268 Jehial W. Carr 432 Jeremiah S. Carr 331 | Jerome Marden Carr 293 | Jerome S. Carr 414 Jesse Carr 67, 185, 196 Hon. Jesse D. Carr 327 Jesse Kimball Carr 319 J. Gardiner Carr 251 jethro C. Carr 273 Job Carr 35, 40, 80, 88, 130 joel L. Carr 238 john Carr 28, 33, 39, 42, 45, 46, 48 57, 58, 67, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 87 99, 101, 105, 109, 111. 115, 119 120, 150, 154, 158, 159, 161, 162. 179, 183, 192, 195, 197, 200, 234 241, 310, 331, 432, 443, 468. 535 John Mathews Carr 460 John Millard Carr 440 John Morrison Carr 337 J. S. Carr 499 John 8S. Carr — 149, 399, 436, 466 John Sawyer Carr 313 _ John Spencer Carr 129, 221, 223 | John Stanton Carr 193 Dr. John Stewart Carr 355 John Terrill Carr 346 John Thurston Carr 226 John Tibbetts Carr 142 John W. Carr 332 John Wesley Carr 340 John Whipple Carr 340 John Whitaker Carr 286 John Willet Carr 399 Jonathan Carr 83, 98, 163, 192 197. Jones Johnson Carr 185 Jones M. Carr 238 Joseph Carr 47, 538, 74, 80, 98 104, 113, 141,314, 316, 337. Gen. John Carr 198 | Joseph Allen Carr 271 Capt. John Carr 63, 135, 144 | Joseph E. Carr 139 Dea. John Carr 71, 166 | Joseph Edward Carr 247 Jobn A. Carr 474 | Joseph Ervin Carr 383 John Adams Carr 295 | Joseph Flagg Carr 166 John Addison Carr 306 | Joseph Francis Carr 115 john B. Carr 184 | Joseph Gardiner Carr 276 John Bisbee Carr 431 | Joseph Goodrich Carr 222 John Bowen Carr 250 | Joseph Henry Carr 255 John Bucklain Carr 246 | Joseph Linsley Carr 252 John Calvin Carr 362 | Rev.Joseph Middleton Carr 259 John Calhoun Carr 298 | Joseph N. Carr 247 Dea. John Chase Carr 167 | Joseph S. Carr 401 John E. Carr 179 | Joshua Carr 78, 109, 122 john Emery Carr 388 | Joshua Wingate Carr 105 John F. Carr 248 | Josiah Carr 100, 178, 299 John Flavel Carr 401 | Kit Carr 396 John G. Carr 344 | Lashin W. Carr 466 John Gardiner Carr 138, 246 | Lauren Duane Carr 325 John Grove Carr 446 | Leonard H. Carr 189 John H. Carr 243 | Levi Carr 72, 110, 126, 144, 263 Rev. John H. Carr 488 | Levi Forbes Carr 402 John Henry Carr 347 | Levi K. Carr 392 John Irving Carr 500 | Levi Todd Carr 458 John Little Carr 100 | Lewis Carr 369 John Lyman Carr 492.| Rev. Lewis Comfort Carr 225 John M. Carr 2738, 508 | Lewis Eleazer Carr . 358 536 CARR FAMILY RECORDS. Lewis Franklin Carr 323 | Nathan Bagley Carr 176 Lewis Kinney Carr 245 | Nathan Fleming Carr 314 Lewis Preston DeFreesCarr 322 | Nathan Sands Carr 436 Lewis S. Carr 341 | Nathaniel Carr 46 Lewis Sturtevant Carr 293 | Nathaniel Paschell Carr 511 Capt. Linsley Herbert Carr 256 | Nelson Franklin Carr 475 Livingston Carr 213! Nelson H. Carr 205, 344 Loammi Baker Carr 294 | Newell Carr 490 Lorenzo A. Carr 370 | Nicholas Carr 27, 38, 58 Louis Brackett Carr 406 | Nicholas Lake Carr 190 Lucian Caleb Carr 343 | Nicholas Northrop Carr 218 Rev. Lucius Genung Carr 364 | Noah Pox Carr 338 Luman D. Carr 189 | Rev. Norman Carr 429 Luther Almon Carr 367 | Obed Carr 85 Lyell Edwin Carr 412 | Obed Swain Carr 246 Lyman Carr 188, 232, 417 | Capt. Obed Swain Carr 138 Lyman David Carr 388 | Oliver Peabody Carr 104 Lyman Hakes Carr 357, 482 | Oney Carr 252 Lyman Wilson Carr 351 | Oren Carr 299, 328 Lysander Carr 325 | Oren B. Carr 484. Marcrest Carr 66 | Oren E. Carr 444 McCager Carr 112 | Oscar Hudson Carr 284 Marvin L. Carr 358 ; Oscar Lyman Carr 378 Mark M. Carr 331 | Dr. Oscar Nathan Carr 412 Dr. Martin Charles Carr 462 | Osgood Carr 289 Martin Riley Carr 430 | Ossian Jeremiah Carr 353 Martin Wales Carr 243 | Otis F. Carr 187 Dr. Marvin Samuel Carr 347) Ozro F. Carr 337 Mason Carr 263 | Parker Carr 74, 316 Col. Mathew Lawrence Carr 185 | Parker Snow Carr 497 Dr. Mathew Sparks Carr 462} Pardon Wilson Carr 437 Maurice Carr 412 | Capt. Peleg Carr 40 Meekins Carr 184 | Peleg Carr 65, 87, 94, 96, 138, 224 Melancthon Carr 226 | Peleg Cross Carr 140 Merrill Benton Carr 498 | Peleg Slocum Carr 128 Merrill Pillsbury Carr 194 | Peter Carr 114, 181 Merritt Henry Carr 519 | Phillip Carr 238, 400 Merritt Landon Carr 384 | Philetus Gideon Carr 344 Macajah Carr 235 Puilonzo D. Carr 414 Michael Carr 461 | Preston De Frees Carr 323 Michael B. Carr 108 | Ralph W. E. Carr 303 Michael Sweetman Carr 383 Redding Carr 118 Miles Henry Carr 255 | Resolve Carr 94 Miner Carr 373 | Reuben Carr 132, 283 Miner Thomas Carr 230 | Reuben R. Carr 238 Dr. Moses Carr 48 ' Richard Carr 23, 38, 51, 72 Capt. Moses Carr 86 Capt. Richard Carr 24 Moses Carr 70, 71, 168, 291 | Richard H. Carr 422 Moses Francis Carr 298 | Richard Henry Carr d11 Nathan Carr 47,277 | Dr. Richardson Carr 183 CARR FAMILY RECORDS. Richmond Carr 78, 126 Riley Carr 277 Robert Carr 13, 24, 32, 34, 37, 52 56, 66, 76, 77, 81, 83,85, 121, 196 231, 338, 376. Capt. Robert Carr 55 Dr. Robert Carr 102 Rev. Robert Carr 182 Robert A. L. Carr 315 Robert Congdon Carr 435 Robert Elisha Carr 458 Robert French Carr 258 Robert J. Carr (392 Robert M. Carr 324 Robert Robinson Carr 95, 148 434. Robert Samuel Carr 336 Robert Septimus Carr 460 Rodner B. Carr 473 Roger Carr 125 Rollin Fayette Carr 514 Rowland Carr 151 Rualing Remington Carr 483 Rufus Bennett Carr 276 Rufus Benton Carr 326 Rufus George Carr 341 Samuel Carr 27, 31, 41, 46, 62,67 68, 70, 86, 88, 90, 91, 101, 134 143, 147, 169,181, 196, 197, 198 271, 299, 335, 415. Col. Samuel Carr 182 Maj. Samuel Carr 107 Samuel Aldrich 294 Samuel Douglass Carr 454 Samuel Dyer Carr 210 Samuel E..Carr 434 Samuel Ezekiel Carr 177 Samuel G. W. Carr 170 Samuel H. Carr 279 Samuel I. Carr 93 Rev. Samuel I. Carr 274 Samuel J. Carr 271 Samuel M. Carr 247 Samuel Robinson Carr 273 Samuel Rowland Carr 279 Samuel Stafford Carr 352 Samuel Tuthill Carr 355 Samuel Wesley Carr 448 Samuel Wilson Carr 416 Sam Houston Carr 492 537 Sanders Carr 31, 45, 66 Sanford Benton Carr 325 Sands Cole Carr 275 Sayles Carr 40, 59 Sherman S. Carr 475 Silas Carr 238, 248 Silas Adney Carr 509 Silas T. Carr 209 Simeon Carr 194 Simeon Dexter Car 326 Slocum Carr 80 Smith Carr 193 Solomon Carpenter Carr 222 Solomon Thayer Carr 175 Spencer Carr 127, 223, 364 Rev. Spencer Carr 224 Spencer E. Carr 360 Spencer C. Carr 364 Spencer Dudley Carr 453 Stafford Carr 124, 206 Stafford S. Carr 346 Stanley V. Carr 473 Stephen Carr 135, 163, 290 Stephen Gould Carr 248 Stutely Carr 208 Rev. Stutely Carr 124, 206 Stutely Arden Carr 480 Stutely Hurd Carr 349 Sumner M. Carr 510 Sylvanus Carr 45, 46 Sylvester Carr 214 Sylvester Dana Carr 421 Sylvester Gavitt Carr 274 Sylvester Weaver Carr 275 Sylvester William Carr 436 Talbott Carr 310 Theron R. Carr 498 Thomas Carr 39, 51, 53, 73, 74 75, 76, 87, 110, 112, 120, 158, 196 283, 457, Col. Thomas Carr 198 Maj. Thomas Carr 121 Capt. Thomas B. Carr 273 Dr. Thomas Beals Carr 296 Thomas Beals Carr 454 Thomas G. Carr 434 Thomas Giles Carr 249 Thomas Horsley Carr 310 Thomas Hoyt Carr 105 Thomas J. Carr 332 . 538 Thomas Jefferson Carr 459, 460 Thomas Sanders Carr 313 Thomas Thurston Carr 150, 275 Thomas William Carr 171 Thomas Woolman Carr 258 Thompson Samuel Carr 353 Thurlow Weed Carr 419, 497 Thurston Carr 79, 129, 223 Tidderman Hull Carr 148 Tilly Wentworth Carr 103 Timothy Carr ~°795, 118 Titus Carr 73, 113 Titus William Carr 316 Truman B. Carr - 279 Turner Carr 241, 400 Uriah Wilcox Carr 186 Vader Carr 263 Vincent Carr 150 Wallace A. Carr 453 Walter Carr 182, 184,383, 396 Walter Bent Carr 459 Walter Chiles Carr 457 Walter Raleigh Carr 363 Walter V. Carr 304 Wanton Carr 130 Warren Denison Carr 502 Warren H. Carr 319 | Warren N. Carr 444 | Watson Ezra Carr 378 Weaver Carr 151 Wellington Carr 214, 490 Westil Carr 264 Westi] Jones Carr 420, 498 Wilbur T. Carr 453 Willard P. Carr 340 Willett Carr 133 William Carr 9, 28, 31, 34, 46, 54 55, 66, 73, 95, 102, 112, 115, 118 128, 180, 135, 165, 172, 180, 186 187, 189, 194, 200, 289, 242, 278 288, 315. Capt. William Carr 84 CARR FAMILY RECORDS. William A. Carr 191. William Atkinson Carr 416 William Beard Carr 139 Dea. William Benj. Carr 276 Judge William Chiles Carr 309 William Dolbear Carr 511 William Edson Carr 296 William Edwin. Carr 304 William F. Carr 134 William French Carr 325 William G. Carr 152 William Gardiner Carr 148 William H. Carr 192, 2&1, 295 321. William Hammer Carr 314 William Harris Carr 454 William Henry Carr 271.346 383, 453, 470, 496. William Herbert Carr 509 William Hodges Carr 512 William Holloway Carr 390 William Kearney Carr 462 William Loyd Carr 444 William M. Carr 98 William McDonald Carr 352 William Pitt Carr 91, 189 William Prescott Carr 295 William Reed Carr 328 William Remington Carr 305 William Roland Carr 460 William Russell Carr 320 William Spencer Carr 215 William Spooner Carr 274 William Solomon Carr 362 William Turner Carr 441 William Wyatt Carr 355, 479 Willis Benton Carr 501 Wilson Madison Carr 313 Winfield Scott Carr 407 Winslow A. Carr 369 Wyatt Carr 320 Zenus Arthur Carr 496 CARR FAMLY RECORDS. 539 NOTES AND CORRECTIONS. The Carr coat of arms which forms the frontispiece of this book is a copy of the original document which was brought to this country by George Carr in 1620, who came over on the Mayflower. It descended in his family line to his son James’, John’, James!, Daniel’, Thomas‘, and is now the property of his youngest daughter, Mrs. Adelaide Humphrey, of Chicago, Ills. It bears the partly obliterated signature of one of the Carrs of the house of Somerset. Its exact counterpart was brought over by William Carr, a brother of George Carr, in 1621, and has come down to the present time in his family line. It is now in the possession of Elbridge Gerry Carr, of Mexico, Me. CORRECTIONS. Richard Carr (54) born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 1693-4, mar- ried Lydia Coffin, daughter of Stephen Coffin, of Newbury, Mass. Theirintentions of marriage were recorded Oct. 29, 1715, and the marriage was consumated Nov. 18, 1715. She was born in Newbury, July 21, 1691. No, 185. James Carr born Oct. 20, 1727. No. 2823 Henry Burwell instead of Burnell. Page 264 Stephen Cooper was drowned in the spring of 1828 instead of 1827. 540 DN SAPO CARR FAMILY RECORDS, ILLUSTRATIONS. . Sarah Carr Round, Manassas, Va............. pea fetatitets 154 . Cynthia L. Carr Gilbert, Kasoag, N. Y............-+6- 202 Lucy Ann Carr Eastman, Nashville, Tenn........... 216 Hon. Egbert Eugene Carr, Marlborough, N. Yes 226 Martin Wales Carr, Boston, Mass.........¢.-.0000006 251 . Joseph Middleton Carr, D. D., Cambridge, Ohio...... 260 . William Henry Carr, New York City..............5.- 268 Elbridge Gerry Carr, Mexico, Maine...............55 286 . Henry Fugene Bowser, Bridgeport, Ct....... peace as 300 . Judge William Chiles Carr, St. Louis, Mo............ 310 . Joseph Carr, Quincy, Mass......... 0... cece eee cee 316 . Hon. Jesse D. Carr, Salinas, Cal..................000. 328 . John Carr, Boston, Mass......... 0.0... cece ee cee eee 332 . John Calvin Carr, Aurora, Hls............ 00.00.0008. 364 . Walter Carr, New York City....... 2... c cece eee eee 384 . Dr. George Wheaton, Carr, Providence, R. L.........-- 402 . Edson Irving Carr, Rockton, Ills..............000008 . 422 . Residence of Capt. John Carr, Ticonderoga, N. Y..... 144