an) eee saree Moai cee ee a. be Dy ne ae ee hh pet cain oes vet, So Ua Sas : , Cage Stas’ Y ne a ; | | . ‘ i SR ss Rep SESH S Bys ee re SEAS Oe Ee ees aan = aso " Duda’ ts w, Fr ae tg Os y pons, BS we : Sag! Mee avert, PEP TAL ie pat : a ag i Se jeer leis gee POT ee ete See ea, > ‘ eae ey a8 RO Ee eek a : iene RE eae Se es Rea ‘ ; = Fe eae ‘ eee Fe ge ge Oe ea te ig . ates a. 2 > = Q : ri ate a “d = ail i - =m 5 = = ) | | = : : 2 = — : < = - SP oe Sn Es ang Sat - Woah tt ee re 3 . ae a7 : = eS : Seas ee eae : Ze ey : : : ) : = ; g ; mi 2 : es ST eee eS: Z Z a a Sas SE , eq aS = Disrney is : 3 a a : * a ee me : i Se SP, es nena ae a a | = 1 ye see | otal we eee ae an SS es es ee 3% Ia, er oS Sea tae s ae et Sass = Se ee SS or aR ee gee Sap ow 2 : Sar = Se es : a i Ss sees xearneeeN oi = . : Bae as a aril posieriray PRESIDENT WHITE LIBRARY CORNELL UNIVERSITY The date shows when this volume was taken. To renew this book copy the call No. and give to the librarian. : No, 2. The Acropolis, with the theatre of Bacchus. View taken from the proscenium of the theatre. The architrave of ‘the Parthenon is seen above the fortification wall. ih Cones 7 Nov 2. View of the Acropolis from the north, with the Turkish town at the foot of the hill) At the extreme right is the Mars Hill. The grotto of Pan will be seen at the mght of the Acropolis, and nearly under the square tower. —— = ete TT No. 4. The Acropolis, from the hill above the Ilissus, looking north-west. At the right are the ruins of the Temple of Jupiter, and at the extreme left the Muszeum Hill, with the monument of Philopappus. ~* * : & ING, &: View taken from the tower of the Cathedral, looking south-west. Mars Hill is seen to the-right of the Acropolis. Hi No. 6. The western fagade of the Propylza, with the Temple of Victory and the ancient steps. At the extreme right is the Parthenon; at the left the detached mass is the pedestal of the statue of Agrippa. The square tower which rises above the Temple of Victory belongs to the period of the Genoese dukes of Athens. INO. Y. Eastern facade of the Temple of Victory. This temple was entirely destroyed during the Turkish occupation of Athens, and its stones, carefully collected from the walls, where they had been used as building material, were placed in their original position by two German architects, Ross and Schau- bert, in 1835-6. ie ae anette No. 8. The eastern fagade of the Propylea. The island and bay of Salamis are seen through the central intercolumniations, and through those at the left the port of Peirzeus. -* = 4 - en: ’ * wz oS * Ee ca . “ s 7” . roe 4) ee Come * - ees 0 gee eae ee ‘ s 4 3 ‘ : H] r % t FY Fe = B | | : a © —— 8 x = * , é 2 ‘ * - . . . s * : : NN s » No. 9. Western fagade of the Parthenon. At the right is Hy- mettus, at the left the summit of Lycabetus is seen, and at the extreme left is the Erectheum. The déévzs in the fore- ground are architectural and sculptural fragments. po ite Noo ae: Western portico of the Parthenon. The names scratched on the columns are of the Philhellenes, who fought here in the war of Greek independence. ee * . . \ - ’ NO. ae: oO oa ae On = Sees oO _ WY) OU S oO ie ek & os bess os oO oon Co leah foal oS & oO eos od ta M OQ. oO eo aed oe) © ten © ei oO ie oe — The circular grooves are those in which the bronze valves swung. y a 7” re A ee oo Soh Sela a INO. 12: Western portico of the Parthenon, from above, showing the frieze in its original position, the only portion which re- mains so. Wo. 13. View taken from the same point as No. 12, and looking eastward over the ruin of the Parthenon. Modern Athens is seen at the left, and above it, in the centre, Lycabetus ; at the right Hymettus, and in the extreme distance, Pentelicus. ING, 14. Interior of the Parthenon, from the eastern end: at the left, in the distance, is seen the island of AXgina. HI ING, 18. Eastern portico of the Parthenon, view looking northward, and showing Mount Parnes in the extreme distance. ee ee a ni dei a ek 2 limit, EE ST ne eeaienoniae ee ees i Ie 4 INO: 16, Eastern fagade, or front, of the Parthenon. No. 17. Profile of the eastern fagade, showing the curvature of the stylobate. This system of curvatures of the Greek temples (which will also be seen in No. 12), with regard to which so much discussion has taken place, seems, taken in connection with the diminution of the extreme intercolumniations of the fagade (seen in No. 16), to indicate, as its purpose, the exag- geration of the perspective, and, consequently, of the apparent size of the building. It is common to the Greek temples of the best epoch. No. 18. General view of the summit of the Acropolis, from the extreme eastern point, showing the Erectheum at the right, and in the distance, at the left, the Egean. The Parthenon occupies the centre. No: 16: Eastern facade of the Erectheum. The centre is the por- tico of Minerva Polias, at the left the tribune of the Caryatids, and at the right the portico of the Pandrosium. No. 20. Portico of the Pandrosium, from the north. a ee eI eS ne ie, ee Sateen laae tienen tai nee re ae ae INO. 21. Gate of the Pandrosium, showing details of the ornament. He #4 acti BL le te ze sen = (PUALAL AL ETA GY Sean) tay ea No. 22. | Western flank of the Erectheum. IND. 922. Tribune of the Caryatids (supposed to be the monument of Cecrops). Sd | F 7 5 No. 24. Figure of Victory, from the Temple of Victory ; high relief. NO. 26: Fragment of frieze from the Parthenon. Saaen eee ee eee eee Se ae i sh Y e a eae won <3 ye atc esac tite ON he sa cS iL A NO NES PTE MAET ABR A ENE NI CERES EG LEEK TE ELEY i AT EINER CS TSieaa sot : i ‘ Peed . i ee 5 Oe eet a ead CS, ays Pubic, Se BE ese is RE ee ae Oe E Se ek pa el s Shak 7 WR eae ro. € f gd P ot. 3 wh 7. ; > Wd £X. a bs ¥ ss Sai oho eta ae eee » I AW = OS SS . | AS eS oe see >, ge i . : = em a Sass wa Te Ci os = ee oh en < ee ee Ot Sed “ena ce det ee eK Ae eh ee ee tt Se , 7 ns ¥s 4 Oran ene abate i a * y » Sc hd : : esta hatncas BES; : ae ; : gM ete bef: ’ 5 % > Bays : : ae te Sort Phy! s s ¢ . ¥% Eh i A oe Se EI sa Se bape tg é mals Be ea? Sot ay eariity Penne Geeta sd Gevaes ehietas Raia ear als pe eet ees fa triers Pin we s we ts