SUNS As ce ey RANG if Su a0 er hi Chien bi kK NER ih Be CCA a tient x EAN ayaa bs sa a a ae ah rey Pb ESHA, Cornell University Library OF THE Wew Work State College of Agriculture Ag..88.9.7 aay) 81or-* Cornell University Library F 160.G3T46 1915 i ‘lil i I il i il i MARY AT THE FARM AND BOOK OF RECIPES COMPILED DURING HER VISIT AMONG THE “PENNSYLVANIA GERMANS” BY EDITH M. THOMAS 6 WITH ILLUSTRATIONS We love our Pennsylvania, grand old Keystone State; Land of far famed rivers, and rock-ribbed mountains great. With her wealth of ‘‘Dusky Diamonds” and historic valleys fair, Proud to claim her as our birth-place; land of varied treasures rare. PRINTED BY JOHN HARTENSTINE NORRISTOWN, PA. 1915 tbe COPYRIGHTED. 1915 BY EDITH M. THOMAS PREFACE The incidents narrated in this book are based on fact, and, while not absolutely true in every particular, the characters are all drawn from real life. The photographs are true likenesses of the people they are supposed to represent, and, while in some instances the correct names are not given (for reasons which the reader will readily understand), the various scenes, relics, etc., are true historically and geographically. The places described can be easily recognized by any one who has ever visited the section of Pennsylvania in which the plot (if it can really be called a plot) of the story is laid. Many of the recipes given Mary by Pennsylvania German housewives, noted for the excel- lence of their cooking, have never appeared in print. Tue AutHor. THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO MY FRIENDS WITH GRATITUDE FOR THEIR MANY HELPFUL KINDNESSES. “HE WHO HAS A THOUSAND FRIENDS, HAS NEVER A ONE TO SPARE.” THE HOUSEKEEPER’S SYMPHONY “To do the best that I can, from morn till night, And pray for added strength with coming light; To make the family income reach alway, With some left over for a rainy day; To do distasteful things with happy face, To try and keep the odds and ends in place. To smile instead of frown at Fate, Which placed me in a family always late For meals; to do the sewing, mending and The thousand small things always near at hand, And do them always with a cheerful heart, Because in life they seem to be my part; To know the place of everything and keep It there, to think, to plan, to cook, to sweep, To brew, to bake, to answer questions, To be the mainspring of the family clock. (Or that effect) and see that no tick, tock Is a of time or tune, or soon or late, This is the only symphony which I Can ever hope to operate.” Marion WILEY. II Il IV VI VII VIII IX x XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXHI XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI CONTENTS Mary’s Letter Received at Clear Spring Farm... Mary’s Arrival at the Farm.................5. Schuggenhaus Township ..................5. John Landis 24sec reseuset see ase ee neers The Old Farm-House and Garden............ Mary Confides in “Aunt Sarah” and Gives Her Views on Suffrage for Women............ Professor Schmidt ................ 0000s eee Uses of An Old-Fashioned Wardrobe.......... Poetry and Pie .2ce6e cen. ese ge cas evens cee o's Sibylla Linsabigler ................02.0000.. New Colonial Rag Rugs................-.0-. Mary Imitates Navajo Blankets............... “The Girls’ Camp Fire” Organized by Mary.... Mary Makes “Violet and Rose Leaf” Beads..... Mary and Elizabeth Visit Sadie Singmaster.... The Old Parlor Made Beautiful (Modernized). . An Old Song Evening.............2--020000+ A Visit to the “Pennsylvania Palisades”....... Mary Is Taught to Make Pastry, Patties and Rosenkuichen, s:.2< 0.8 eva oa knees dees: Old Potteries and Decorated Dishes............ The Value of Wholesome, Nutritious Food..... A Variety of Cakes Evolved From One Recipe. . The Old “Taufschien”................020005. The Old Store on the Ridge Road............ An Elbadritchel Hunt....................... Mary, Ralph, Jake and Sibylla Visit the Allen- town Pail -sc.ceosgedteaewssieaveiennace< Fritz Schmidt Explores Durham Cave......... Mary’s Marriage .........--. eee ee eee eee eee ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Mary Ch renihispiete )* c2s5 dy uawae eae seuss ere ectow 1 PMO OTA sag coer wate pier nye Wace meon eet Ria 11 Theil. Spring Houses a