ea ani Byeys New York State College of Agriculture At Cornell University Sthaca, N. Y. Library =o 2, == c = Q Ee N ec Eee SIRS IS4% A BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. A BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS COMPILED BY JAMES BRITTEN, F.L.S. SENIOR ASSISTANT, DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY, BRITISH MUSEUM AND G. 8. BOULGER, F.L.S., F.G.S8. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, CITY OF LONDON COLLEGE LONDON WEST, NEWMAN & CO 54 HATTON GARDEN 1893 © 39652 _ © LONDON PRINTED BY WEST, NEWMAN AND CO HATTON GARDEN PREFACE. A FEw words of explanation as to the object and scope of this Index may fitly appear as an introduction: to the work. . It is intended mainly as a guide to further information, and not as @ bibliography or biography.: We have been liberal in including all who have in any way contributed to the literature of Botany, who have made scientific, collections of plants, or have otherwise assisted directly in the progress of Botany, exclusive of pure Horticulture. We have not, as a rule, included those who. were merely patrons of workers, or those known only as contributing small details to a local Flora. Where known, the name is followed by the years of birth and death, which, when uncertain, are marked with a? or c. (circa) ; or merely approximate dates of ‘‘ flourishing’ are given. Then follows: the place and day of birth and death, and the place of burial; a brief indication of social position or occupation, espe- cially in the cases of artisan botanists and of professional collectors; chief university degrees, or other titles or offices held, and dates of election to the Linnean ‘and Royal Societies, A reference is then generally made to some botanical work or works justifying the inclusion of the name in the Nst, and terse encomia by eminent botanists are occasionally quoted. The present where- abouts of correspondence or MSS., and the existence of any herbarium or of plants collected, are next noted. Reference is then given to the chief sources of further information. Here, Pulteney’s ‘Sketches of the Progress of Botany’ (1790), Rees’ Cyclopedia (1819-20), in which many of the biographies. were written by Sir J. EH. Smith, Pritzel’s ‘Thesaurus Literature Botanica’ (1872), Jackson’s ‘Guide to Literature of Botany ’ (1881), and the Royal Society’s Catalogue of Scientific Papers (vols. iix.), are first quoted; then the fullest known record is given; and, lastly, a reference to the Dictionary of National Biography ’ (vols. i—xxxiii.), so far as issued to the end of 1892. Mention is then made of any portrait, original or engraved, of any genus dedicated to the botanist in question, or, failing any such v vi PREFACE. genus, of a species, Where a name occurs on many pages of Mr. Jackson’s work, our reference is to the index of that work. Although our information is largely derived from printed sources, it is also the result of private letters of inquiry; and where we differ from the various published biographies, it by no means indicates that we have not consulted them, or that we are necessarily wrong. Most of our abbreviations are so generally used as to require no explanation, though we are conscious that, in this and in other points, we have not always followed a uniform usage. Pl. for plants, Fl. for Flora, and Herb. for Herbarium need no glossary. The work originated in the want felt by the compilers of some reference-list of byegone workers in Botany. After several years of preparation, we thought it sufficiently advanced for publication at the beginning of 1888, and from that date down to the end of 1891 it appeared almost continuously month by month in the Journal of Botany (vols. xxvi.-xxix.). During its appearance we received many gratifying letters of approval and encouragement from botanists of eminence in all parts of the world, and much valuable supplementary information. No one can be more fally aware than we are of the numerous imperfections in our records. Such a work must of necessity contain errors both of commission and of omission, and few who consult it can form an adequate opinion of the labour involved in collecting information which, when set down, may appear of the most meagre character. Our plan somewhat extended itself as the serial issue of our work proceeded, and this, coupled with such corrections as reached us, has necessitated a more complete re-editing of the entire Index than we anticipated. This has oceupied us for more than a year, and enabled us to bring down our record to the end of 1892. The extent of this revision may be gauged from the facts that, whereas the issue in the Journal of Botany comprised 1,619 names, occupying 148 pages, an average of over ten names to the page, in its present form our little book contains 1,825 names, and occupies 188 pages, an average of less than ten names: to the page. The following is a list, with abbreviated titles, of the chief sources of information which are quoted by some abbreviation. It probably does not include a tithe of the works actually con- sulted, many of which are referred to under titles so little shortened as to require no explanation. June 1, 1893. vii LIST OF THE CHIEF BOOKS AND OTHER SOURCES CONSULTED AND QUOTED. Addit. MS. ‘Additional Manuscripts added to the British Museum since the publication of Ayscough’s Catalogue in 1782. Allibone. Critical Dictionary of English Literature, by S. A. Allibone, 1859-71. Almagest. (See Pluk. Almagest.) . ; Alumn. Oxon. ‘Alumni Oxonienses,’ by Joseph Foster, ‘ Harly Series,’ 1500-1714, in four vols.; and ‘1715-1886,’ in four vols., 1887-8. Amer. Journ. Sct. ‘American Journal of Science and Arts,’ 1819- 1892. ‘Andr. Bot. Rep. ‘ Botanists’ Repository,’ edited by H. C. Andrews, 1797-1814, 10 vols. Ann. & Mag. ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History,’ 1841-92. Ann. Bot. ‘Annals of Botany,’ edited by C. Konig and J. Sims, London, 2 vols., 1805-6; and ‘ Annals of Botany,’ edited by I. B. Balfour and others, Oxford, 1887-92. ‘Annual Monitor, or Obituary of the Society of Friends,’ 1813-67. Appleton, or Appleton’s Cycloped. Americ. Biog. ‘ Appleton’s Cyclopedia of American Biography,’ 6 vols., 1887-89. ‘ Atheneum,’ London, 1828-92. Ath, Oxon. or Ath. Ox. ‘Athene Oxonienses,’ by Anthony & Wood, edited by P. Bliss, 1813-20, in 4 vols. Bab. Fl. Cambr. ‘#lora. of Cambridgeshire,’ by C. C. Babington, 1860. Baillon. ‘Dictionnaire de Botanique,’ by Henri Baillon, Paris, 1876-92. Baxter, Brit. Phenog. Bot. ‘British Phenogamous Botany,’ by William Baxter, 6 vols., 1834-43. Biog. Britann. Biographia Britannica,’ 6 vols., London, , 1747- 66. Biog. Brit. Literar. ‘Biographia Britannica Literaria,’ iy Thomas Wright, F.8.A., 1842. Biog. Univ. +‘ Biographie Universelle,’ Paris, 1811-29, 52 vols. Birds of Essex. ‘The Birds of Essex,’ by Miller Christy, 1890. Blume Fl. Jav. ‘Flora Jave,’ by K. L. Blume, 1828-49 and 1858-62. Boase. ‘Modern English Biography,’ by F.. Boase, vol. i. (A-H), 1892. vili LIST OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Bot. Biol. Centr. Amer. ‘ Biologia Centrali-Americana’ (Botany), by W. B. Hemsley, 1879-88. Bot. Challenger. ‘ Report on the scientific results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger: Botany,’ 1885-6, 2 vols. Bot, Chronicle. ‘The Botanist’s Chronicle,’ edited by Alex. Irvine, London, 1863-5. Bot. Dept. The Botanical Department of the British Museum (Natural History). Bot. HE. Bord. ‘Botany of the Hastern Borders,’ by George Johnston, 1853. Bot. Gazette. ‘The Botanical Gazette,’ edited by A. Henfrey, London, 3 vols., 1849-51. Bot. Guide. ‘The Botanist’s Guide through England and Wales,’ by Dawson Turner and Lewis Weston Dillwyn, London, 2 vols., 1805. ‘Bot. Herald.’ Botany of the Voyage of the Herald, by B. Seemann, 1852-7. Bot. Misc. ‘Botanical Miscellany,’ 1830-33, edited by W. J. Hooker. Bot. Mag. ‘The Botanical Magazine,’ London, 1787-1892. Bot. Reg. ‘The Botanical Register,’ 1815-47. ‘Brit. Alg. ‘Manual of British Alge,’ by W. H. Harvey, 1841. Bryan. ‘Dictionary of Painters and Engravers,’ by Michael ; Bryan, edited by H. Ottley, 1866. Bull. Soc. Bot. France. ‘Bulletin de la Société Botanique de France,’ 1854-92. Buaton Bot. Guide. ‘ Botanical Guide to Manchester,’ by Richard Buxton, 1849. ° ; Cash. ‘ Where there’s a Will there’s a Way,’ by James Cash, 1878. Chalmers. ‘General Biographical Dictionary,’ revised by Alex- ander Chalmers, 1812-17, 32 vols. Collins, ‘N.S. Wales.’ ‘New South Wales,’ by David Collins, 2nd ed., 1804. ‘Comp. Bot. Mag. ‘Companion to the Botanical Magazine,’ by W. J. Hooker, 2 vols, 1835-6. Cooper, Athen. Cantab. ‘Athenee Cantabrigienses,’ by C. H. Cooper, 2 vols., 1858-61. Cot. Gard. ‘The Cottage Gardener,’ 1849-60 (continued as ‘Journal of Horticulture’). Cyb. Hib. ‘Cybele Hibernica,’ by D. Moore and A. G. More, 1866. eae eee Bot. ‘Welsh Botanology,’ by Rev. Hugh Davies, DC. Syst. ‘Regni Vegetabilis Systema,’ by A. P. de Candolle, 2 vols., 1818-21. Dict. Nat. Biog. ‘Dictionary of National Biography,’ edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee, vols. i—xxxiii., London, i nana onaldson’s Agric. Biog. ‘Agricultural Biography,’ by John Donaldson, 1854. j ne ee - Drake, Dict. Amer. Biog. ‘Dictionary of American Biography,’ Boston, 1872. : -LIST OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. ix Dryand. or Dryander. ‘ Catalogus Bibliothece Historico-naturalis Josephi Banks,’ by Jonas Dryander, 1798-1800, 5 vols. E.B., E. Bot., or Eng. Bot. ‘English Botany,’ by James Edward ci M.D.; the figures by James Sowerby, 36 vols., 1790- H. B. S. ‘Supplement to English Botany,’ London, 5 vols., 1831-63. Eliott, Bot. Carolina. ‘ Botany of South Carolina,’ by 8. Elliott, 1821-4, 2 vols. Encyc. Brit. ‘Encyclopedia Britannica,’ 9th edition, 24 vols., 1875-88. Eincycl. Gard. ‘ An Encyclopedia of Gardening,’ by J. C. Lou- don, 1850. Essex Naturalist. ‘The Essex Naturalist,’ 1887-92. Exot. Flora. (See Hook, Exot. Fl.) Faulkner, Chelsea. ‘ Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea,’ by Thomas Faulkner, 2nd edition, 2 vols., 1829. Felton. ‘Portraits of English Authors on Gardening,’ by Samuel Felton, 2nd edition, London, 1830. é Fl. Austral. ‘Flora Australiensis,’ by G. Bentham, 1863-78. fl. Bor. Amer. ‘Flora Borealis Americana,’ by Sir W. J. Hooker, 2 vols., 1840. Fil. Dors. ‘Flora of Dorsetshire,’ by J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, 1874. ; Fl. Hssexz. ‘The Flora of Essex,’ by George Stacey Gibson, 1862. Fl. Heref. ‘Flora of Herefordshire,’ by Rev. W. H. Purchas and A. Ley, 1889. fl. Hongkong. ‘Flora Hongkongensis,’ by George Bentham, London, 1861. Fl. Indica. ‘Flora Indica,’ by J. D. Hooker and T. Thomson, 1855. Fl. Leic. ‘Flora of Leicestershire,’ by Leicester Lit. and Phil. : Soc., 1886. Fl. Midd. ‘Flora of Middlesex,’ by H. Trimen and W. T. T. Dyer, London, 1869. An interleaved copy with MS. notes, in the Botanical Department of the British Museum (Natural History) is occasionally referred to. Fl. Plym. ‘Flora of Plymouth,’ by T. R. Archer Briggs, 1880. Fl. Tasm. ‘Flora Tasmaniez,’ by Sir J. D. Hooker, 1860. Fil. Trop. Af. ‘Flora of Tropical Africa,’ edited by D. Oliver, 3 vols., 1868-77. : Fl. Warwicksh. ‘Flora of Warwickshire,’ by J. E. Bagnall, 1891. ; Floral Cabinet. ‘The Floral Cabinet,’ edited by G. B, Knowles, &c., 8 vols., 1837-40. Forster, Gen., ov Forst., Gen., ‘Characteris generum Plantarum, ; ...?’ by J. R.and J. G. A. Forster, 1775. : Friend, Hist. Physic. ‘History of Physick,’ by John Friend, 2 vols., 1727. Friends’ Books. ‘Catalogue of Friends’ Books,’ by Joseph Smith, London, 1867, 2 vols. Gard. Chron. ‘The Gardeners’ Chronicle,’ London, 1841-92, =x ‘LIST OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Garth’s ‘ Dispensary.’ ‘The Dispensary,’ a poem by Samuel Garth, 1699; and ‘A compleat Key to the Dispensary,’ 1726. Gent. Mag. ‘The Gentleman’s Magazine,’.London, 1731-92. Geol. Mag. ‘The Geological Magazine,’ London, 1864-92. Ger. emac. ‘The Herball, . . . by John Gerard, enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson,’ London, 16383, fol., termed by Ray ‘ Gerard emaculatus.’ Gillow, Dict. Catholic Biog., or Dict. Eng. Cath. ‘ Dictionary of * the English Catholics,’ by Joseph Gillow, London, 1885-87 vols. .i.—iii. Gorham. ‘Memoirs of John and Thomas Martyn,’ by G. C. Gorham, London, 1880. Granger. ‘Biographical History of England,’ by Rev. James Granger, 5th edition, 6 vols., 1824. Greville, Alge Brit. ‘Alge Britannice,’ by R. K. Greville, Edinburgh, 1830. Guilding. ‘Account of St. Vincent Garden,’ by Lansdown Guild- ing, Glasgow, 1825. Haller. ‘ Bibliotheca Botanica,’ 2 vols., 1771-2. Halle’s Letters. ‘ Letters, Historical and Botanical,’ by Hughes . .R.P. Fraser Halle, 1851. Harv. Brit. Alge. ‘Manual of British Alge,’ by W. H. Harvey, 1841. Herbert and Dibdin’s Ames. Typographical Antiquities, by Joseph Ames and William Herbert, edited by Rev. Thomas F. Dibdin, London, 1810-19, 4 vols. Herb. Mus. Brit. The Herbarium of the Botanical Department of the British Museum (Natural History). Hist. Berw. Field Club. ‘ History of the Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club,’ 1834-91. Hoefer. ‘Nouvelle Biographie Générale,’ edited by Dr. J. C. F. Hoefer, 46 vols., 1852-66. a Fl, ‘Exotic Flora,’ by Sir W. J. Hooker, 3 vols., 1822-7. Hook. Fl. Scot. ‘Flora Scotica,’ by Sir W. J. Hooker, 1821. Hook. Gen. Fil. ‘Genera Filicum,’ by Sir W. J. Hooker, 1838-42. How. ‘Phytologia Britannica,’ by William How, 1650. H. 8S. Sloane Herbarium in the Botanical Department of the British Museum. Ic. Pl, ‘Tcones Plantarum,’ 1837-92. Irish Flora, 1833 (anonymous, by Lady Kane). Jacks. ‘Guide to the Literature of Botany,’ by B. D. Jackson, - . London, 1881. Johnson. ‘History of English Gardening,’ by George William Johnson, London, 1829. Johnston Corr, ‘ Correspondence of George Johnston, M.D.,’ 1892, Journ. Bot. ‘The Journal of Botany,’ 1834-92, including ‘Hooker’s Journal of Botany,’ 1834-42; ‘The London Journal of Botany,’ 1842-8; “Hooker’s Journal of Botany. and Kew Gardens Miscellany,’ 1849-57; and ‘ The Journal . of Botany,’ 1863-92. a LIST OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. xi Journ. Hort. ‘The Journal of Horticulture,’ London, 1860-92. Journ. R. I. C. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. Lambert, ‘ Pinus.’ ‘Description of the genus Pinus,’ by A. B. Lambert, 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1828-37. Laségue. ‘Musée botanique de M. B. Delessert,’ by A. Laségue, 1845. Leeds Worthies. ‘Biographia Leodiensis: or Biographical Sketches of the Worthies of Leeds,’ by Richard V. Taylor, 1865-67. Life of Darwin. ‘Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,’ edited by Francis Darwin, 3 vols., 1887. Lindley, ‘ Swan River.’ (See Appendix to ‘ Bot. Register,’ 1839.) Linn. Corr. ‘ Correspondence of Linneus and other Naturalists,’ edited by Sir J. HE. Smith, London, 1821, 2 vols. Innn. Trans., or Trans. Linn. Soc. ‘Transactions of the Linnean Society,’ London, 1791-1892. Loud. Arboret., or Loudon, Arboretum. ‘ Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum,’ by J. C. Loudon, London, 8 vols., 1838. Loud. Gard. Mag., or Mag. Gard. ‘ Loudon’s Gardener’s Maga- zine,’ 1826-43. Mag. Nat. Hist. ‘The Magazine of Natural History,’ conducted by J. C. Loudon, London, 1829-36, in 9 vols., and ‘New Series,’ conducted by EH. Charlesworth, 1837-40, in, 4 vols. Mag. Zool. Bot.. ‘Magazine of Zoology and Botany,’ conducted by Sir. W. Jardine, P. J. Selby, and Dr. George Johnston, 1837-8, continued as ‘ Annals of Natural History, or Maga- zine,’ &c., 1838-40, in 5 vols. Martyn. ‘Plante Cantabrigienses,’ by Thomas Martyn, M.A., London, 1763. Martyn’s Virgil. ‘Dissertations on the Aineids of Virgil,’ by John Martyn, with Memoir, 1770. Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc., Manchester. ‘Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester,’ 1785-1892. ‘ Memorials of Bartram,’ by W. Darlington, 1849. Mem. Wern. Soc. Memoirs of Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc., 8 vols., 1811-39. Men of Eminence. ‘Portraits of Men of Eminence, with Bio- graphical Memoirs,’ edited by Lovell Reeve and Edward Walford, 6 vols, 1863-66. Merrett. ‘Pinax Rerum Naturalium Britannicum,’ by Christopher Merrett, 1666. Michaud. ‘ Biographie Universelle,’ edited by L. G. Michaud, 45 vols., 1843-65. Midl. Fl. ‘Midland Flora,’ by Thomas Purton, 1817-21. Miers, Trav. Chili. ‘Travels in Chile and La Plata,’ by John Miers, 1826. ‘ Munk. ‘The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians,’ by William Munk, M.D., F.S.A., 2nd edition, London, 1878, 3 vols. Mus. Pet. ‘Museum Petiverianum,’ London, 1692-1703. Naturalist. ‘The Naturalist,’ 5 vols., 1837-39, edited by B. Maund, W. Holl, and Neville Wood; 8 vols., edited by B. R. and F. O. Morris, 1851-58 ; 2 vols., 1864-66. xii LIST OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. N.B.G. ‘The New Botanists’ Guide,’ by H.C. Watson, London, 2 vols., 1835-7. Nich. Anec. ‘Literary Anecdotes of the Highteenth Century,’ by John Nichols, F,S8.A., 2nd edition, London, 1812-15, in 9 vols. Nich. Illust. ‘Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century,’ by John Nichols, F.8,A., London, 1817-58, in 8 vols. Nichols’ ‘Illustr. to Granger.’ ‘ Portraits Illustrating Granger’s Biographical History,’ 1792-9; and 1820. Pharm: Journ. ‘ Pharmaceutical Journal,’ _London, 1842-92. Phil. Trans. The Philosophical Transactions of the ‘Royal Society, 183 vols., 1665-1892. Phyc. Brit. ‘ Phycologia Britannica,’ by W. H. Harvey, 1846-51. Phyt. ‘The Phytologist,’ London, 1842-63, 11 vols. , Pluk. or Plukenet Alm. : « Almagestum,’ by Leonard Plukenet, 1696. Pluk. or Plukenet Amalth. ‘ Amaltheum,’ 1705, Pluk. or Plukenet Mant. ‘Mantissa,’ 1700. . Pluk. or Plukenet Phyt. ‘ Phytographid,’ 1691-6. Pritz. ‘Thesaurus Literature Botanic,’ by G. A. Pritzel, Ind edition, Leipzig, 1872. [The first edition, of 1851, is occa- sionally referred to. ‘| Pryor, Flora Herts. ‘Flora of Hertfordshire,’ -by A. R. Pryor, 1887. Pult. ‘ Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England,’ by Richard Pulteney, M. D., F.B.S., London, 2 vols., 1790. Pursh, Flora, or Pursh, Flora Am. Sept. ‘Flora’ Americn Sep- tentrionalis,’ by F. Pursh, 1814. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. «Quarterly Journal of the Gusibgieal Society,’ London, 1845-92. Fay Corr. or Ray Lett. ‘ Correspondence.of Ji ohn Ray,’ edited by Edwin Lankester, London, 1848. Ray Mem. ‘ Memorials of John Ray,’ edited by Edwin Lan- kester, London, 1846. Rees. * Rees’ Cyclopedia,’ London, 1819-20, in which most of the botanical matter and biographies of botanists are by Sir J. E. Smith. Rich. Corr. ‘Extracts from the Literary and Scientific Corre- spondence of Richard Richardson, M.D., F.R:S., Yarmouth, 1835, edited by Dawson Turner. Rose. ‘Biographical Dictionary,’ by - Rey. Hcg Rose, B.D., London, 1857, in 12 vols. B.S.C. ‘Catalogue of Scientific Papers’ (1800-83), compiled and published by the Royal Society, London, 1867-91, in _ 9 vols. R. Syn. ‘Synopsis Methodica stirpium Brittannicarum,’ by John Ray, London, 1690, ed. ii., 1696; ed. iii., 1724. : a ee Guian. «Plantarum Guiane Icones,’ by E, Rudge, 5-7. Rumphia.. By.K. L. ‘Blume, Lidge, 1835-6, u vols, LIST -OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED, xii Salisb. Gen. ‘Genera of Plants,’ by R. A, Salisbury, edited by J, E. Gray, 1866. Salisbury Parad. Lond. ‘Paradisus Temmneees by RB. A, Salisbury, 1805-8. Scott. Nat. ‘The Scottish Naturalist,’ 1871-92. Semple. ‘Memoirs of the Botanic Garden at Chelsea,’ by E H. Field, revised and continued by R, H. Semple, London, 1878. Short, Western Botany. ‘Progress of Botany in Western America,’ by C. W. Short, 1836. Sloane, Jamaica. ‘Natural History of Jamaica,’ by Sir Hans Sloane, 1707-25. Smith Corr. or Smith Lett. ‘Memoir and Correspondence of Sir J. E. Smith,’ by Lady Smith, London, 2 vols., 1832. | Smith, Kew. ‘Records of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew’ (by John Smith, ex-curator), 1880. Stackhouse, Nereis. ‘ Nereis Britannica,’ by John Stackhouse, 1795-1801. Stat. Acc. Scotl. ‘Statistical Account of Scotland,’ by.Sir John Sinclair, 21 vols., 1791-9; and ‘The New Statistical Account,’ 15 vols., 1845. Stewart & Corry. ‘Flora of the North-Hast of Ireland,’ by 8. A. Stewart and T. H. Corry, 1888. Swartz, Fl. Ind. Occ. ‘ Flora Indize Occidentalis,’ by O. Swartz, 1747-1806. / Sweet, Fl. Garden. ‘British Flower Garden,’ by Robert Sweet, 1822-31. Syn. Harvey’s ‘ Synopsis of Alge,’ 1857. Tanner or Tanner, Bibl. Brit.-Hib. ‘ Bibliotheca Britannico- Hibernica,’ London, 1744. Theatr. ‘Theatrum Botanicum,’ by John Parkinson, London, 1640. : Threlkeld, Syn. Stirp. Hibern. ‘Synopsis stirpium Hibernicum, by Rev. Caleb Threlkeld, 1727. Thwates, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. ‘Enumeratio Plantarum Zeylanize,’ by G. H. K. Thwaites, 1858-64. Timehri, being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of British Guiana, 1882-92. Top. Bot. ‘Topographical Botany,’ by H. C. Watson, 2nd edition, London, 1883. _ Torr. & Gray, Fl. N. Amer. ‘Flora of North America,’ by J. Torrey and A. Gray, 1838-43. Trans. Bot. Soc. Hd.. ‘ Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh,’ 1844-92. Trans. Essex Field Club. ‘Transactions of the Essex Field Club,’ vols. i.-iv., 1880-86 (continued as ‘The Essex Naturalist ’). Trans. Hort. Soc. ‘Transactions of the Horticultural Society,’ 10 vols., 1820-48. \ Trans. Med. Bot. Lond, ‘Transactions of Medico-Botanical Society of London,’ 1828-37. Turn. Fuci. ‘ Fuci,’ by Dawson Turner, 1808-19. xiv LIST OF AUTHORITIES QUOTED. Vapereau. ‘Dictionnaire Universel des Contemporains,’ by G. Vapereau, 5th edition, 1880-81. : Ventenat, Jard. Malm. ‘Jardin de la Malmaison,’ by E. P. Ventenat, 2 vols., 1803. : Wadd, Nuge Chirurg. ‘Nuge Chirurgice,’ by William Wadd, 1824. Wall. List. or Wallich List. ‘List of Specimens of Indian Plants,’ by N. Wallich (lithographed), 1828. Wall. Pl. Asiat. or Wall. Pl. Asiat. Rar. ‘Plantze Asiatice Rariores,’ by N. Wallich, 1830-32. Walp. Ann.‘ Annales Botanices Systematis,” by 'G. G. Walpers and C. Mueller, 7 vols., 1848-68. Watt. ‘ Bibliotheca Britannica,’ by Robert Watt, 4 vols., 1824. Weston. ‘Catalogue of English Authors on Agriculture, Botany, &e.,’ by Richard Weston, 2nd edition, London, 1773. West Yorkshire. ‘Flora of West Yorkshire,’ by F. A. Lees, 1888. Wight & Arn. Prod. Fl. Ind., or Wight Prodr. ‘Prodromus Flore Peninsule Indie Orientalis,’ by R. Wight and G. A. W. Arnott, 1834. ; Wight, Ic. ‘Icones Plantarum Indie Orientalis,’ by Robert Wight, 6 vols., 1840-53. Winch, Bot. Guide. ‘Botanical Guide to Northumberland and Durham,’ by N. J. Winch, 1807. Wood, Fasti. (See Ath. Ox.) Wood's Naturalist. (See Naturalist.) Woolls, or Woolls, Bot. Discov. in Austr. ‘ Progress of Botanical Discovery in Australia,’ by W. Woolls, Sydney, 1869. XV ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. Page 4, before Amherst, Lady, insert— Amherst, Countess (Saran), (née THynne) (d. 1838): d. 27 May, 1838; m. 1, Other, 5th Earl of Plymouth; 2, William, 2nd Baron (afterwards 1st Earl) Amherst, 1800. Travelled and collected in India, 1823-8. Wall. Pl. Asiat. Rar. i. 1. Amherstia Wall. Page 4, before Anderson, George, insert— Anderson, Frederick W. (1866-91): b. Wisbech,-22 June, 1866 ; d. New York, 22 Dec., 1891. D.Sc. Montana, 1890. Went to America, 1881. Papers in Bull. Torrey Club and Bot. Gazette. Bot. Gazette, 1892, 78, (portr.). Page 7, after Atkinson, John, insert— Atkinson, William (1765-1821) : b. Dalton-in-Furness, Lanc., 3 May, 1765; d. Dalton, 8 Dec., 1821 ; bur. Dalton. Solicitor, of Dalton. Contributed to 3rd ed. of With. Azr. List of Plants in 1805 ed. of West’s ‘ Antiquities of Furness.’ Page 22, Brass, William, add— “©On West Coast of Africa, 1782-8. Trans. Hort. Soc. v. 449.” Coys (p. 40) should precede Coyte (p. 39). Page 42, Cunnack, James, add— “« (1831-86) : b. Helston, Cornwall, 27 Dec., 1831; d. Helston, 11 May, 1886; bur. Helston Cemetery. Correspondent of Watson.” Page 51, after Donn, insert— Donovan, Edward [see O’Donovan]. Page 55, Edwards, Rev. Zachary James, add— “« (1799-1880) : b. Wambrook, Dorset, 1799; d. Misterton, Somerset, 1880.”’ Page 63, for entry under Frampton, substitute— Frampton, Mary (1773-1846): b. Moreton, Dorset, 1778 ; d. Dorchester, Dorset, 12 Nov., 1846. 5 vols. of drawings of Dorset plants in possession of H. Frampton, of Moreton. ‘Journal of M.F., 1779-1846.’ FI. Dors. 39; Salter, Bot. of Poole, 33. Page 64, Freeman, Joseph, for ‘‘(fl. 1860)” read (fl. 1837-60).”" Page 94, for ‘‘ Johnson, George” read ‘‘ Johnston, George.”’ Page 98, under Knight, Joseph, add— ‘(1781 ?-1855) : b. near Hoghton, Gloucestershire, 1781? ; d. Bitham House, Banbury, 27 July, 1855. Gillow, Dict. Catholic Biography, vol. iv. ined.” BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. Abbot, Rev. Charles (1761 ?-1817): b. Winchester? 1761?; d. Bedford, Oct., 1817. D.D. Oxon, 1802. Vicar of Oakley Raynes and Goldington, Beds. F.L.S., 17938. ‘ Flora Bed- fordiensis,’ 1798. Discovered Hpipactis purpwrata, 1807. Contrib. to E. Bot. 72-2775. Herbarium at Turvey Abbey, Beds. Gent. Mag. 1817, ii. 378; Journ. Bot. 1881, 40; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 3. Abbot, Rev. Robert (1560 ?-1618): b. Guildford, Surrey, 1560?; d. 2 Mar., 1618. B.A. Oxon, 1579; M.A., 1583; D.D., 1596. Rector of Bishop’s Hatfield, Herts, 1584. Master of Balliol, 1609. Bp. of Salisbury, 1615. «‘ Excel- lent and diligent herbalist,’ Pult. i. 187; Ger. emac., 166, 175, 216; Ath. Oxon, ii. 224, 859 ; Alumni Oxon. ; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 24. Abbott, James (1831 ?-89): b. Leeds, 1831; d. Leeds, 2 Dec., ' 1889; bur. St. Mark’s Church. Druggist. Lect. Bot. Leeds Chemists’ Association. Pharm. Journ. 3rd ser. xix. 498. Abel, Clarke (1780-1826) : b. 1780; d. Cawnpore, 14 Nov., 1826. M.D., F.LS8., 1818. In China with Lord Macartney, 1816. Chinese plants in Brit. Mus. Pritz.1; R. 8. C.i.4; Gent. Mag. xevii., pt. 1. (1827), 644; Dict. Nat. Biog.i. 32. Portr. at Kew. Abelia R. Br. Abercrombie, John (1726-1806): b. Edinburgh, 1726; d. London, 30 April or 1 May, 1806. Pritz. (ed. 1), 1; Johnson, 219; Cott. Gard. iv. 65 ; Journ. Hort. lv. (1876), 469, w. portr. ; Felton, 153; Biog. in his ‘Gardener’s Pocket Journal,’ ed. 35, 1857; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 36. Best portr. in his ‘ Uni- versal Gardener,’ ed. 1783; full-length, et. 72, in ed. 16, 1800. Acton, Frances, née Knicur (1793 ?-1881): d. Acton Scott, Salop, 24 Jan., 1881. Hldest d. of T. A. Knight. m. T. P. Stackhouse Acton, 1812. Shared in her father’s experiments. Artist. Gard. Chron. 1881, : 182. 2 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Adair, Patrick (fl. 1696). M.D. Sent British seaweeds from Gosport to Doody (R. Syn., ed. 2, 328, &c.), Indian drugs to Sloane, and Cape plants to Plukenet. “A great acquaintance to Dr. Plukenet.” Herb. Sloane, 102, in which are plants from Johanna Island, supposed of his collection. Plukenet, Alm., 45, 115; Mant. 167. Adams, Francis (1796-1861): b. Luwmphanan, Aberdeen, 13 Mar., 1796; d. Banchory Ternan, 26 Feb., 1861. M.A. Aberdeen ; Hon. M.D., 1856; LL.D. Glasgow, 1846. Greek scholar. Translated Hippocrates, 1849. Murray, ‘ Northern Flora,’ xvii. and Append. I.; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 95. Bust at Univ., Aberdeen. Adams, George (1720-86? or 1773): b. London, 1720; d. London, 5 Mar., 1786? ‘Micrographia Illustrata’; Pritz. 1; Jacks, 219; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 97. Adams, George (1750-95): b. London, 1750; d. London, 14 Aug., 1795. EF.L8., 1788. Son of above. ‘Essays on Microscope, with view of organization of timber,’ 1787. Pritz. 1; Jacks. 219; Gent. Mag. lxv. 708; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 97. Adams, John (fl. 1785). Of Edmonton. ‘Account of a Varie- gated American Aloe,’ 1785; Pritz. (ed. 1), 2. Adams, John (fl. 1793-183-). F.L.8., 1795. Of Pembroke. Correspondent of Smith. Conchologist. Drowned off Pem- brokeshire, 183-. HE. B. 111, 248, 462; Lees’ ‘ Botanical Looker-out,’ 215; R. 8. C. i. 17. Adamson, Frederick (fl. 1840-45). Settler in Victoria. Sent large collections to Sir W. Hooker, 1840-45. Fl. Tasmania, exxvii. Aikin, Arthur (1773-1854) : b. Warrington, 19 May, 1773; d. London, 15 April, 1854. Son of following. F.L.8., 1818. Original Member Geological Soc., 1807; Sec., 1811; Sec. to Society of Arts, 1817-1840. Discovered Astrantia major in Salop, 1824. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. 507; B.S. C.i. 28; Proc. Geol. Soc. xi. (1855), p. xli.; Proc. Linn. Soe. ii. 304; Wall. Pl. Asiat. iii. 65 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. 1.184 Atkinia Br. = Epi- thema Bl. Aikin, John (1747-1822) : b. Kibworth Harcourt, Leicester, 15 Jan., 1747; d. Stoke Newington, London, 7 Dec., 1822. M.D., Leyden, 1784; F.L.8., 1795. Memoir by Lucy Aikin, 1823, portr., engr. by Englehart ; Jacks. 213, 244; R. S.C. i. 28; Munk. i. 421; Gent. Mag. 1823, i. 85; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 185. Portr. by J. Donaldson, engr. by Knight. Ainslie, Sir Whitelaw (fl. 1786-1835). M.D. Leyden, 1786; Surgeon H. I. C., 1788-1815; F.R.S. Ed. ‘Materia Indica,’ 1818, 1826; Pritz.3; R.S. C. i. 30; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 190. Ainsliea DC. i Aiton, William (1731-93): b. near Hamilton, N.B., 1731; d. Kew, 1 Feb., 1798. Director of Kew, 1759-1793. <‘ Hortus Kewensis,’ 1789. Rees; Pritz.3; Jacks. 412; Cott. Gard. v. 263; Johnson, 298; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 207. Oil portr. and engr., Kew. ditonia Thunb. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 3 Aiton, William Townsend (1766-1849) : b. Kew, 2 Feb., 1766; d. Kensington, 9 Oct., 1849. F.L.S., 1797. Director of Kew, 1793-1841. Pritz. 3; Jacks. 412: Proc. Linn. Soe. ii. 82; ‘Hortus Kewensis,’ ed. 2, v. 581; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 208. Portr. by L. Poyet, Kew. Alchorne, Stanesby (d. 1799 or 1800). Apothecary. Assay- master in the Mint. Hon. Demonstrator at Chelsea, 1771- 73. Semple; Linn. Corr. ii. 4-7. Alchornea Sw. Alcock, Randal Hibbert (1833-85): b. Gatley, Cheshire, 21 July, 1833 ; d. Didsbury, Lanc., 9 Nov., 1885. F.L.S., 1876. :‘ Botanical Names for English Readers,’ 1876. Jacks. 9, 499; Journ. Bot. 1886, 160; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1885-6, 137. Alderson, John (1757 ?-1829) : b. Lowestoft, 1757?; d. Hull, 16 Sept., 1829. M.D. One of founders of Hull Garden. ‘ Essay on Rhus Toxicodendron,' 1793. Corlass & Andrews, ‘ Sketches of Hull Authors,’ 6; Gent. Mag. Nov. 1830, 451; R. 8. G.i. 40; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 248. Two statues at Hull. Alexander, H. T. (fl. 1833-45). Of Cork. Surgeon R.N. i List of Flora Co. Cork. Power, Bot. Guide Cork, pref. i. Alexander, Sir James Edward (fi. 1824-38). Captain. “Traveller. Collected in 8. Africa. R.S.C.i. 43. Trans. Linn. Soe. xviii. 805. Catophractes Alexandri D. Don. Alexander, William (fi. 1799-1842). M.D., of Halifax. Nearly » lost his life collecting Lloydia. Trans. Hort. Soc. i. 328. — B.S. C.i, 44. Alfred the Philosopher (? de Sarchel, or Sereshel) (fl. 1170). ‘‘An Englishman, much respected at home.” ‘De Vegeta- bilibus et Plantis,’ translated fr. Arabic version of Aristotle. Felton, 4; Thomas Wright, Biog. Brit. Literar. ii, 220; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 285. Alfrey, George (fl. 1699). Surgeon. Made collections for Petiver on coast of Brazil, &&. Mus. Pet. p. 48, n. 347. Allan, James (fl. 1853), Ph.D.; A.M. ; Prof. Chemistry, Man-. chester. ‘Botanist’s Word-book,’ 1858, with G. Macdonald. _ Jacks 9; Gard. Chron. 1853, 791. Allan, John (1845-88): b. Carluke, 12 July, 1845; d. Easter Middleton, 2 Dec., 1888. ‘Botany of Applecross,’ Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. xvii. 117; Id. 524. Allchin, William Henry (1828 ?-91): b. 18282; d. London, 94 Nov., 1891. M.B.(Lond.) Practised in London. Grew varieties of British Ferns. Proc. Dublin Nat. Hist. Soc. _ Lé6l. B.S. C. ix. 30. Allman, William (1776-1846): b. Kingston, Jamaica, 7 Feb., 1776; d. Dublin, 8 Dec., 1846. MD., Dublin, 1804; Prof. Botany, Dublin, 1809-1844. M8. on ‘Mathematical Con- nection between Parts of Vegetables,’ 1811, in Herb. Mus. Brit. Pritz.4; Jacks. 17, 40, 65; R. 8. C.i. 51; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 8335. Allmania Br. Alston, Charles (1683-1760): b. Eddlewood, W. Scotland, 1683; d. Edinburgh, 22 Nov., 1760. M.D., Leyden, 1718 ; Prof. of Botany, Edinburgh, 1719-1760. ‘ Tirocinium Botani- 4 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF cum Edinburgense,’ 1753. Pult. ii. 9-17; Rees; Pritz. 5; Gent. Mag. 1760, 594; Jacks. 16, 32, 411; Rich. Corr. 275; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 346. Alstonia Linn. fil. Amherst, Lady Sarah Elizabeth [see Witu1ams). Anderson, Alexander (d. 1811): d. St. Vincent, W. Indies, 8 Sept., 1811. M.D.; F.L.8., 1808. In America from 1775. Curator, St. Vincent Garden, from 1785. In Guiana, 1791. Demerara, pl. in Mus. Brit. ; St. Vincent pl. at Kew. Pritz. 6; Cott. Gard. viii.; Lambert, ‘ Pinus,’ ii. 14; Gard. Mag. Is (1826) 194; Banksian Corresp. 8 May, 1789, and 30 Mar., 1796; Guilding, ‘Account of St. Vincent Garden’; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 872. Andersonia Br. Anderson, George (fl. 1800-17) : d. 10 Jan., 1817. F.L.8., 1800. Of West Ham and Leadenhall Street. ‘British Plants,’ Linn. Trans. xi. 216. Had a salicetum. Contributed Willows to E. Bot. 2348, &. Grew Narcissi, Bot. Reg. t. 123. With J. P. Jones in Devon aud Cornwall. Jones, Bot. Tour, viii. R. 8. C. i. 68. Salix Andersoniana Sm. Anderson, James (1739-1808): b. Hermiston, Edinburgh, 1739; d. Isleworth, 15 Oct., 1808. LL.D. Aberdeen, 1780. Pritz. 6; Jacks. 34; Memoir w. letters and portr. in ‘Bee,’ ix. (1792); Cott. Gard. v. 1; Gent. Mag. lxxviii. 1051; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 381. Medallion by Tassie. Anderson, James (d. 1809): d. Madras, 5 Aug., 1809. Physi- cian to East India Company. M.D. Edin. Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 382. Andersonia Roxb. = Amoora. Anderson, James (d. 1838). Director, Sydney Garden, N.S.W. Friend of the Cunninghams. Woolls, ‘Lectures on Veg. Kingdom,’ 1879, p. 58. Anderson, John (d. 1847): d. Sydney, 1847. Gardener. Col- lector on H.M.S. ‘Adventure,’ 1825-1830. Colonial botanist, Sydney, 1836-47. MS. list of Chiloe plants (1829-80) in ea Dept. Pl.in Herb. Mus. Brit. Fl. Tasm. exxiii.; R. 8. . i. 63. Anderson, Robert (1838-67). Brother of Thomas Anderson. ‘Catalogue of Calcutta Plants,’ 1862. Anderson, Samuel (d. 1878). F.L.8.,1854.. Of Whitby. Con- tributed to ‘Sphagnacee Britannice Exsiccate.’ Journ. Bot. 1878, 64; Gard. Chron. 1878, i. 178. Anderson, Thomas (1832-70): d. Edinburgh, 26 Oct., 1870. M.D. Edin., 1853; F.L.8., 1859. Superintendent, Calcutta Garden. Plants from Aden and India at Kew. Specially studied Acanthacee. Pritz.6; Jacks. 384, 388, 451; Journ. Bot. 1870, 368; Gard. Chron. 1870, 1478; R. S. C. i. 65; vii. 833; Trans. Bot. Soc. Kd. xi. 1875, 41; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1870-71, Ixxx.; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 392. a Anderson, William (1766-1846): b. Easter Warriston, Edin- burgh, 1766; d. Chelsea, 6 Oct., 1846. A.L.8., 1798; F.L.S8., 1815. Gardener and Curator at Chelsea from 1814.’ Pritz. 6; Semple, 119, 203; Proc. Linn. Soc. i. 331; Dict. Nat. Biog. i. 393. Anderson-Henry, Isaac (1799 ?-1884) : b. Caputh, Perthshire, BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 5 1799?; d. 21 Sept., 1884. F.L.S., 1865. President Bot. Soc. Hdin., 1867-8. Gard. Chron. 1878, 399, portr.; 1884, ii. 400; Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. xvi. 189; R. S. C. vii. 951. Andrews (fl. 1710). Apothecary. Of Sudbury. Friend of Ray, Dale, &c. Rich. Corr. 174; Ray. Syn. 114. Andrews, Henry C. (fi. 1796-1828). Of Knightsbridge, Lon- don. ‘Botanists’ Repository.’ ‘Heaths.’ ‘Roses.’ ‘Gera- niums.’ Pritz. 6; Jacks. 131, 182, 142, 471; Dict. Nat. Biog. 1.406. Anglicus, Gilbertus [see Lecrx] -)tWn9 pode Vie Annesley, George, Earl of Mountnorris, Viscount Va- lentia (1769-1844): b. 2 Nov., 1769; d. 23 July, 1844. F.R.S.; F.L.8. Succeeded to earldom, 1816. ‘ Voyages and Travels,’ 1802-6, 1809. ‘Botanices cultorem et fau- torem indefessum,’ Wall. Pl. Asiat. i. 5. Anneslia Salish. Anneslea Wall. Ansell, John (fi. 1841): b. Hertford. Afterwards of Chisle- hurst, Kent. On Niger Expedition with Vogel in 1841. Phyt. ii. 663. Ansellia Lindl. Aram, William (fl. 1770). Of Norwich (?). Wrote list of Norfolk pl. in ‘ Description of England and Wales,’ 1769-70, vol. vi. Jacks. 503. Archer, John (fi. 1660-84). Physician to Charles II. Of Knightsbridge. ‘Complete Herbal,’ 1673. Jacks. 199; Granger, iv. 5; Dict. Nat. Biog. 1.71. Engr. portr. in his ‘ Secrets Disclosed,’ 1684. Archer, Thomas Croxen (1817-85): b. Northamptonshire, 1817; d. Edinburgh, 19 Feb., 1885; bur. Grange Cemetery. Surgeon. In Liverpool Custom House, 1841-1860. Director, Edinburgh Mus. Science and Art, 1860-85. Pres. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 1862. ‘Popular Economic Botany,’ 1853. Pritz. 8; Jacks. 66, 192; R.S. C. i. 85; vi. 567; vii. 42; Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. xvi. (1886), 272; Pharm. Journ. 3rd ser. xv. 709. Arden, Lady (fl. 1796-1830). Mycologist. Contrib. to E. B. 461, 2659. Ardern, John (fl. 1349-1370). Surgeon. Of Newark. ‘De re herbaria . . . ,’ Sloane MSS. 56, 335, 341, 2002, 3844, 1991. Pult. i. 23; Friend, Hist. Physic; Tanner, Bibl. Brit.-Hib. 48 ; Haller, i. 229; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 76. Ardernia Salisb. Argyle, Archibald, Duke of [see CampBrELL, ARCHIBALD]. Armistead, Wilson (fl. 1838-65). Of Woodside, Liverpool (1838) and Leeds. Meteorologist and entomologist. ‘To 6 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF my Botanical . . . Friends,’ 1865. Had a herbarium. Friends’ Books, i. 131; Hall, ‘Flora of Liverpool,’ vii., and appendix; R. §. C. vii. 46. Armitage, — (d. before 1840). Treas. Birmingham Bot. and Hort. Soc. Floral Cabinet, iii. 6,81. Lathyrus Armitageanus Kn, and Westie. Armstrong, J. (fl. 1840): Kew collector at Port Essington. Plants at Kew. Fl. Tasmania, cxvil. Arnold, Joseph (1782-1818): b. Beccles, 28 Dec., 1782; d. Padang, Sumatra, July or Aug., 1818. M.D. Edin., 1807; R.N.; F.L.S., 1815. Memoir by Dawson Turner, Ipswich, 1849; Linn. Trans. xiii. 201; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii, 110. Col. medallion portr. Kew. Rafflesia Arnoldi R. Br. Arnott, George Arnott Walker (1799-1868) : b. Edinburgh, 6 Feb., 1799; d. Glasgow, 17 May, 1868. M.A. Edin., 1818; LL.D. Aberdeen, 1837; F.L.S., 1825. Regius Prof. Bot., Glasgow, 1845. ‘Botany’ in Encyel. Brit., ed. 7. ‘Rhizophorez,’ Mag. Zool. Bot. (1838), 359. ‘ Langsdorffia,’ id. (1839), 86. ‘British Flora’ (with W. J. Hooker). Herb- arium at Glasgow. Pritz.9; Jacks. 516; R.S. C. i. 98; vi. 568; Trans. Bot. Soc. Hd. ix. (1868), 414; Gard. Chron. 1868, 683; Journ. Bot. vi. 223; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1869, 101; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 120. Portr. at Kew. Artis, Edmund Tyrrell (fl. 1825). House-steward to Earl Fitzwilliam. ‘Antediluvian Phytology,’ 1825. Pritz. 9; Jacks. 176, 182. , Arviel, Henry (c. 1280). Resided at Bologna. ‘De Botanica, sive Stirpium Varia Historia.’ ‘‘ Varia itinera susceperat,”’ Haller, i. 219. Pult. i. 22; Tanner, Bibl. Brit. Hib. Ascham, Rev. Anthony (fl. 1550). Physician. Vicar of Burniston, near Bedale, Yorkshire. ‘A Little Herbal,’ 1550. Pult.i. 50-1; Pritz.9; Jacks. 25; Baker, ‘ Fathers of Yorkshire Botany’; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 149. Portr. engr. Cooper. Aschamia Salish. = Hippeastrum (in part.) Ashby, John (1754?-1828): b. 17542; d. Bungay, 24 Nov., 1828. Grocer and draper. Of Bungay. Contributor to Smith’s ‘Flora Britannica,’ and to Bot. Guide (547). Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. (1829), 120. Ashfield, Charles Joseph (fl. 1858-63). Of Preston, Lan- cashire. N. Lancashire plants in Phyt. y. vi. n.s., and in Bot. Chronicle. Herbarium in Preston. R. 8. C. i. 107; vii. 53. Ashley, W. H. (fi. 1850). M.D. Of London. Botanised in Devonshire before 1851. Halle’s ‘ Letters,’ pref. Ashmole, Elias (1617-92): b. Lichfield, 23 May, 1617; d. Lambeth, 26 May, 1692. Hon. M.D. Oxon., 1669. F.R.S. 1661. Windsor Herald, 1660. Took up study of plants in 1648. ‘Life. Mag. Nat. Hist. n.s.i. 272; Cott. Gard. iv. 269; Ath. Oxon. iii. 354; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 172. | Atkins, George (d. in or before 1862). M.D. Of Hull. Hada large general herbarium. Atkins, Anna, née Cuiupren (d. 1871): d. Halstead, Kent, BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 7 June, 1871; daughter of J. G. Children, of Brit. Mus. Collec- tion of Brit. pl. in Herb. Mus. Brit. Produced 3 vols. of Cyanotype Impressions of Algw (1859). See Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow, xxi. 155. Wrote memoir of her father (privately printed). Jacks. 242. Atkins, Sarah [sce Witson, Lucy]. Atkinson, John (1787-1828): b. Leeds, 29 May, 1787; d. Leeds, 3 Oct., 1828. Surgeon. F.L.S.; Curator, Leeds Philosoph. Hall. Contrib. list of Leeds plants to Whitaker’s ‘Loidis and Elmete.’ Mem. Wern. Soc. v. 277. ‘Leeds Worthies,’ 311; R. 8. C. i. 109; Whitaker’s ‘ Thoresby,’ 76. Oil portrait by Richmond ; litho. by Denny. Atthey, Thomas (1814-80): b. Kenton, Northumberland, 1814: d. Gosforth, April, 1880. A.L.S., 1875. Collected Dia- tomacez and plants of Coal-measures. Paper on Diatoms in Ann. Mag. N. H. Collection of Carboniferous fossils in New- castle Museum. Trans. Northumb. & Durham, viii. 88; Journ. Bot. 1880, 224; R. 8. C. i. 111, viii. 55. ix. 80. Attheya T. West. Atwood, Rev. E. Marcus (fl. 1858-63). ‘Rouen plants.’ Phyt. iii. 260; n.s.; R. 8. C.i. 111. Atwood, Martha Maria (fl. 1852-60). Of Clifton, Bristol. Contrib. largely to Swete’s ‘Fl. Bristoliensis’; also to Phyt. iv. n.s. Muscologist. Letters in Wilson’s Correspondence in Brit. Mus. Aubrey, John (1626-97): b. Haston Perry, Kingston, Wilts., 12 March, 1626; d. Oxford, June, 1697. F.R.S., 1663. Nephew to Henry Lyte. R. Syn. ed. 3, 131, 439,445. Biog. by J. Britton, London, 1845. Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 244. Aylesford, Countess of [see Fincu, Loutsa]. Ayres, Philip Burnard (d. 1863): d. St. Louis, Mauritius, 1863. Of Thame, Oxon. M.D. Cryptogamist. Contribu- tor to Phytol. Issued ‘Mycologia Britannica,’ dried speci- mens of Brit. Fungi, 1845; plants at Kew. Pritz. 10; Phyt. ii. 72; R. 8. C.i. 129; Fl. Maurit. 10. MSS. at Kew. Ayrey, James, or Airey (fl. 1705). Friend of Petiver and Plu- kenet. Vol. of his plants, Hb. Sloane, 74. Pluk. Amalth. 69. Babington, Benjamin Guy (1791-1866): b. Guy’s Hospital, London, 1794; d. London, 8 April, 1866. M.D. Cambridge, 1830; F.R.S.; F.R.C.P., 1831. Collected in Mauritius, 1811-12 (Trans. Med. Bot. Lond. 1829, appx. 11). Proc. R. 8. xvi. 1; R. 8. C. i. 186; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 311. Babington, Rev. Churchill (1821-89) : b. Roecliffe, Leices- tersh., 11 Mar., 1821; d. Cockfield, Suff., 12 Jan., 1889; bur. Cockfield. F.L.S., 18538; M.A. Cantab., 1848. At Horn- ingsey, Cambridge, 1848-61; to Honington, 1866; Rector of Cockfield, 1866. lLichenologist. Assisted J. D. Hooker with lichens of ‘Flora Antarctica’ and ‘Fl. N. Zealand.’ Contrib. Leicestersh. plants to ‘N. B. G.,’ and to Hind’s ‘FI. Suffolk.’ Jacks. 517; R. 8. C. i. 189; Ann. Bot. iii. 449 (bibliogr.) ; Journ. Bot. 1889, 110. Strigula Babingtonii Berk. 8 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Babington, Rev. Joseph (1768-1826): b. Rothley Temple, Leicestersh., 2 Jan., 1796; d. Bath, 15 Dec., 1826; bur. Broughton Gifford, Wilts. B.A. Camb., 1791; M.A., 1794; L.M. Oxford, 1795. Physician at Ludlow. Afterwards clergy- man at Broughton Gifford. Father of Prof. C. C. Babington. ‘Plants found near Ludlow,’ in Plymley’s ‘ Agriculture of Shropshire,’ pp. 183-207 ; E.B. 450, 740, 887. . Backhouse, James (1794-1869): b. 8 July, 1794; d. York, 20 Jan., 1869. Nurseryman. Botanised in Teesdale, &c., 1803— 65. Missionary Friend in Norway and the Southern Hemi- sphere. Correspondent of J. EH. Smith and W. J. Hooker. Pritz. 11; Journ. Bot. 1869, 51; Journ. Hort. xli. 1869, 32 ; Gard. Chron. 1869, 1386; R. 8. C. i. 147; vi. 578; vii. 65. Backhousia Hook. Backhouse, James (1825-90) : b. York, 22 Oct., 1825 ; d. York, 31 Aug., 1890. F.L.8., 1885. Son of preceding, with whom he botanised in Teesdale, &c., 1843-65, and visited Norway (1851), Ireland (1854), and Scotland (1859, &c.). Found Trichomanes in N. Wales, and Viola arenaria in Teesdale (1862). ‘Monograph of Brit. Hieracia,’ 1856. Contrib. to Phyt. (1855-8) and Bot. Gazette (1851). Pritz. 11; Journ. Bot. 1890, 353 w. portr.; RB. 5. C. i. 147. Backhouse, William (1779 ?-1844): b. 1779?; d. Darlington, 9 June, 1844. Banker. E. Bot. 1984, 2529, 2922, &e. Contrib. list of pl. to Longstaffe’s Hist. Darlington, pp. 374, xciv. Had a herbarium. Bacon, Vincent (d. 1739): d. 6 April, 1739. Surgeon and apothecary. Of London, afterw. of Grantham. F-.B.S. Member of Martyn’s Bot. Soc., 1721. Phil. Trans., No. 432; Martyn’s Virgil, xliii.; Gent. Mag. 1739, 216. Badham, Rev. Charles David (1806-57): b. London, 1806 ; d. Oxon, 14 July, 1857. M.D. F.R.C.P. ‘ Esculent Funguses,’ 1847. Pritz. 11; Jacks. 244; Fraser’s Mag. lvi. 152; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 387. Baikie, William Balfour (1825-64): b. Kirkwall, Orkney, 27 Aug., 1825; d. Sierra Leone, 30 Nov. or 12 Dec., 1864. M.D. Edin. R.N. Surgeon to Niger Expedition, 1854, 1857-9 ? ‘Historia Naturalis Orcadensis,’ 1848. Niger plants at Kew. Jacks. 217; R. 8. C. i. 154; vii. 68; Journ. Bot. 1865, 71; Fl. Trop. Afr. i. 8*; Gent. Mag., March, 1865; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 406. Monument in Kirkwall Cathedral. Stephanophyswm Baikiei Hook. Baily, Miss [see Kanz, Lapy]. Bain, John (fl. 1854). Of Trin. Coll. Bot. Gard., Dublin. neath te Hordeum sylvaticum in Ireland. Proc. Dublin Nat. oc. i. 45. Baines, Henry (c. 1800-c. 1880): b. Halifax, Yorks., c. 1800; d. York, c. 1880. Sub-curator, York Philosophical Soc. ; Curator of garden. ‘Flora of Yorkshire,’ 1840. Formerly in employ of Backhouse. Pritz. 12; Jacks. 262. Baines, John (1787-1838) : b. Horbury, Yorks., 1787; d. Thorn- hill, Yorks., 1 May, 1888; bur. Horbury. Mathematician. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 9 ‘In herbis decernendis peritus” (inscription on his tombstone). Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 439. Baines, Thomas (1822-75): b. King’s Lynn, Norfolk, 1822 ; d. Durban, Natal, 8 May, 1875. F.R.G.8S. To Cape Colony, 1842, Artist in Kafir War, 1848-51; in N.W. Australia in 1855; to Zambesi Expedition, 1858, &c. African plants at Kew. Jacks. 408; R. 8. C. i. 161; Biog. sketch in his ‘ Ex- plorations in 8.W. Africa,’ 1864; Proc. R. Geog. Soc. xx. 289 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. ii. 441. Vignette photo. at Kew. Mollugo Bainesii Oliv. Baker, H. C. (fi. 1836). Captain, Bengal Artillery. ‘ List of specimens of wood from India,’ 1836. Pritz. 12. Baker, Henry (1698-1774) : b. Chancery Lane, London, 8 May, 1698; d. Strand, London, 25 Nov. 1774. F.R.S8., 1740. Introduced Rhewm palmatum. Hb. Sloane, 152, 252; Nich. Anecd. v. 172; Nich. Illust. iv. 762; Biog. Britann. i. 525. Sloane MSS. 4435, 4436; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 10. Baker, Anne Elizabeth (1786-1861): b. Northampton (?), 16 June, 1786; d. Northampton, 22 April, 1861. List of plants in her brother George Baker’s Hist. Northamptonshire, i. 3. Gent. Mag. cexi. 208 ; Quarterly Rev. ci. 6; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 1. Baker, Robert (1824 ?-85): d. Leamington, 1885. M.D. Prac- tised in Birmingham and afterwards in Leamington. ‘ Cat. Warwickshire Plants’ (w. J. R. Young) in Proc. Warw. Nat. Hist. Soc. 1874. Fl. Warwickshire, 507. Baker, Rev. William Lloyd (fi. 1793). F.L.8., 1793. Of Stout’s Hill, Gloucester. Discovered Cephalanthera rubra. Sowerby Letters in Bot. Dep. Brit. Mus. Contrib. to E. B., 68, 483, 550, &¢. Oil-portrait at Hardwicke, Glou- cester. Bakewell, Robert (1768-1843): b. 1768; d. Downshire Hill, Hampstead, 15 Aug. 1843. Geologist. ‘Pollen,’ Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 1. R.S. C.i.167; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 23. Balfour, Sir Andrew (1630-94): b. Denmiln, Fife, 18 Jan., 1630; d. London, 10 Jan., 1694. M.D. Caen, 1661. Founded Edinburgh Bot. Garden, c. 1680. Pult. ii. 3; ‘Memoria Balfouriana,’ by Sir Robert Sibbald, 1699; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 48. Balfourra R. Brown. Balfour, John Hutton (1808-84): b. Edinburgh, 15 Sept., 1808 ; d. Edinburgh, 11 Feb., 1884., M.A. and M.D. Edin., 1832. F.L.S., 1844. F.R.S. Prof. Bot., Glasgow, 1841; Edinburgh, 1845-1879. Founded Bot. Soc., Edinburgh, 1836. ‘Flora of Edinburgh,’ 1863. ‘Manual of Botany,’ 1848. ‘ Class-book of Botany,’ 1852. Pritz. 13; Jacks., 518; R. §. GC. i. 170; vii. 77; ix. 108; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1883-4, 80; Gard. Chron. 1884, i. 220; Hist. Berwickshire Nat. Club, xi. 218; HE. B., 2918; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 56. Bai- fourodendron Mello. Poa Balfowrtt Parn. Ball, Anne E. (fl. 1840). Of Youghal. Algologist. Journ. Bot. 1840, 191. Assisted Harvey in Phyc. Brit. (tt. 14, 356). Sent Alge to Dublin Univ. Herb. Ballia Harv. 10 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Ball, John (1818-89) : b. Dublin, 20 Aug., 1818; d. S. Kensing- ton, 21 Oct., 1889; bur. Catholic Churchyard, Fulham. F.L.S., 1856; F.R.S., 1868. M.P. for Carlow, 1852. Under- Sec. of State for Colonies, 1855. 1st Pres. Alpine Club, 1858-60. ‘Alpine Guide,’ 1860-65. With J. D. Hooker in Morocco, 1871. ‘Spicilegium Flore Maroccane,’ Journ. Linn. Soc. xvi. ‘Notes of a Naturalist in South America,’ 1887. EH. B. 2914, 2971. Pritz. 13; Jacks. 518; R. 8. C.i. 171; vii. 78; ix. 109; Journ. Bot. 1889, 865; Proc. R. Soc. xlvii. v.; Ann. Bot. iii. 450 (bibliogr.). Ballard, — (fl. 1787). Of Malvern. Surgeon. Contrib. to Wither- ing, ed. 2 (pref. xi.). Lees, Bot. of Worcester, lxxxviii. Balls, Matthew (fil. 1869). Of Hitchin and Hertford. Phyt. n.s. ii. (1869), 202; Pryor, ‘ Flora of Hertfordshire,’ xlvii. Banckes, Richarde (fl. 1526). ?B.A. Oxon., 1515. ‘ Here begynnyth a new Mater ye whiche sheweth .... Vertues and Properties of Herbes,” London, 1526. Jacks. 23. Bancroft, Edward Nathaniel (1772-1842) : b. London, 1772; d. Kingston, Jamaica, 18 Sept., 1842; bur. Kingston Cathedral. M.B.Camb.,1794. Physician to Forces. M.D., 1804; F.R.C.P., 1806. In Jamaica from 1811. ‘ Cuichun- chulli,’ Comp. Bot. Mag. i. 277. ‘A zealous cultivator of botany,” Macfadyen, Fl. Jamaica, i. 112. R. 8. C. i. 75; Munk, iii. 81; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 106. Bancroftia Mac- fadyen. Banister, Rev. John (d. 1692 or 1696?): d. Virginia, U.S.A., 1692 or 1696?. Missionary in Virginia. Correspondent of Ray, Lister, and Compton. ‘Cat. of Pl. observed in N. America,’ in Ray, Hist. Pl. ii. ‘Herbarium Virginianum,’ 1767. Previously at Oxford, Phil. Trans. xxviii. 1713, 188. Letters in Sloane MSS. Herb. Sloane, 568. Pult. ii. 55-7; Pritz. 18; Phil. Trans. xvi. 667; Ray, ‘ Hist. Pl.’ ii. 1998; Loudon, ‘ Arboretum,’ 44; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 119. Banis- teria Houston. Bankes, J. (d. c. 1866). Of Plymouth. Had a herbarium. Keys, Fl. Dev. and Cornw., pref. ; Banks, George (fl. 1823-32): d. Devonport. F.L.S., 1824. Silversmith and engraver. Lecturer on Botany at Devonport. ‘Introduction to... . English Botany,’ 1823 (plates by author). ‘Indigenous Flora of London and Plymouth,’ in Mag. Nat. Hist. 1829, 265. ‘Plymouth and Devonport Flora,’ 1830-2. Pritz. 18; Jacks. 234, 258. Banks, Sir Joseph (1743-1820) : b. London, 13 Feb., 1748; d. Spring Grove, Isleworth, Middlesex, 19 June, 1820. M.A. Oxon, 1763; F.R.S., 1766; P.R.S., 1778; D.C.L. Oxon, 1771; Bart., 1781; K.C.B., 1795. Round the world with Cook, 1768-71 ; to Iceland with Solander, 1772. Purchased Cliffort’s Herbarium. Herbarium and library in Brit. Mus. Pritz. 18; Jacks. 518; Lives by Duncan, Brougham, &c. ; Gent. Mag. 1820, i. 574, 637; ii. 86; Nich. Anec. vii. 20, 509; Cott. Gard. iv. 169; Felton, 181; B. G. 385; Linn. Corr. ii. 574-580; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 129. Portr. at BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 11 Hortic. Soc.; engr. in ‘European Magazine,’ 1795. Two Wedgwood medallions. Oil-painting and busts, one by Chantrey at Linn. Soc. Statue by Chantrey at Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist.; portr. at Kew. Banksia L. fil. Josephia Brown. Barclay, Arthur (1852-91) : b. Edinburgh, 3 Aug., 1852; d. Simla, 2 Aug., 1891. M.B.C.M., Glasgow, 1874. Prof. Physiology Med. Coll. Calcutta. Mycologist. Worked at Uredinew. BR. S. C. ix. 121. Numerous papers in Trans. Linn. Soc., Ann. Bot., Journ. Bot., &e.; Journ. Bot. 1891, 384. Barclay, George (fl. 1835-41): b. Huntley, Aberdeenshire ; d. Buenos Ayres. Kew gardener and collector. H.M.S. ‘Sulphur,’ 1835, to Chili, Peru, Panama, Sandwich Isles, Nootka, &c. Plants and MS. Journal in Herb. Mus. Brit. Gard. Chron. 18832, i. 305. Barclay, Robert (1757-1830): b. 1757; d. 22 Oct., 1830. F.L.S., ' 1788. Of Clapham and Buryhill, Surrey. Had large garden. Hook. Exot. Fl. 166. Originated ‘Bot. Mag.’ (see dedica- tion to vol. liv.) Pritz. 14; Bot. Misc. ii. 122. Portr. at Kew. Barclaya Wall. Barham, Henry (d. 1726): d. Spanish Town, Jamaica, May, 1726. Surgeon, R.N. F.R.S., 1717. ‘Hortus Americanus,’ 1794 (written 1711). Pritz. 14; Jacks. 509. Sloane, Jamaica, li., viii. ; MSS. 4036. Pref. to Lunan’s ‘ Hort. Jamaicensis,’ il. Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 186. Barhamia Kl. = Croton. Barker, George (1776-1845): b. 1776; d. 6 Dec., 1845. Of Birmingham. F.R.8., 1839. Chemist. Had large collections of Orchids, &c. Flor. Cab.; Gent. Mag. ns. xxv. 324; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii: 200. Statue in General Hospital, Birmingham. Barkeria Lindl. Barker, John Theodore (fl. 1852). Of Bath. ‘Beauty of Flowers,’ 1852. Jacks. 48. Barnard, Alicia M. (fl. 1845). Of Norwich. Grand-niece (?) of Sir J. E. Smith. Pryor, ‘ Flora of Hertfordshire,’ xlvii. Barrington, Hon. Daines (1727-1800): b. 1727; d. London, 11 March, 1800; bur.in Temple Church. F.R.S. ‘ Natura- lists’ Calendar.’ Pritz. 14; Jacks. 219; Felton, 177; Baillon, i. 872; Nich. Illust. v. 582, w. portr.; vii. 4; Nich. Anec. ii. 558; iii. 3; viii. 424; Gent. Mag. Ixx. 291; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 286. Barringtonia Forst. Barrow, Sir John (1764-1848): b. Dragley Beck, Ulverston, Lancashire, 19 June, 1764; d. London, 23 Nov., 1848; bur. Camden Town. LL.D. Edin., 1821; F.R.S., 1805; F.L.S., 1810. Secretary to the Admiralty, 1804. Baronet, 1835. Autobiography, 1847. Proc. Linn. Soe. ii. 388; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 305. Portr. at Admiralty. Barrowia Dene. Barter, Charles (d. 1859): d. Rabba, W. Africa, 15 July, 1859. Niger Expedition, 1857-9. A.L.S., 1858. Large Niger col- lection at Kew. Pritz. 14; BR. 8S. C. i. 196; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1859-60. Barteria Hook. f. Barton, Benjamin H. (fl. 1835). F.L.8., 1835. Of Great Bissenden. ‘ British Flora Medica,’ 1837, with Thos. Castle. Pritz. 15; Jacks. 12 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Barton, John (fl. 1812-30). Of Chichester. Brother of Bernard Barton. ‘ Lecture on the Geography of Plants,’ 1827. Pritz. 15; Jacks. 221; BR. 8. C. i. 200. Barton, Rev. William (1754 ?-1829) : b. Preston, Lanc., 1754 ?; d. Lytham, Lanc., 21 March, 1829. M.D. Edin.; B.A. Camb., 1795. Incumbent of Samlesbury, Lango, and Great Harwood. ‘An accurate naturalist, botanist, poet.” Whittle, Hist. Preston, ii. 272. Bartram, John (1699-1777) :'b. Marple, Co. Delaware, Penn., 23 March, 1699; d.1777. ‘‘ King’s botanist in America,”’ 1765. “The greatest natural botanist in the world,’’ Linneus. Cor- respondent of Sloane, Hill, Ellis, and Collinson, Phil. Trans. 1740-1768. Pritz. 15; Medical & Phys. Journ. i. (1804), 115; Memorials, by W. Darlington, 1849. Friends’ Books, i. 201. Loudon, ‘ Arboretum,’ 85. Bartrania Hedw. Baskerville, Thomas (1812-1840): b. 26 April, 1812; d. Lon- don, 1840(?). M.R.C.S., 1835. Practised at Canterbury. ‘ Affinities of Plants,’ 1839. Pritz. 16; Jacks. 17; Dict. Nat. Biog. ili. 369. Baskervilla Lindl. Bateman, Rev. John (fl. 1665 ?-1700) : b. Sittingbourne, Kent, 1665 ?. B.A. Oxon, 1687; M.A., 1690. MS. List of Faver- sham plants, Hb. Sloane, 317. Pult. ii. 272; Jacob, ‘ Plante Favershamienses.’ Bauchop, J. C. (fl. 1840). Of Edinburgh. Wrote botany of Borrowstounness, Linlithgow, for Stat. Ace. Scotl. Bauer, Ferdinand (1760-1826) : b. Feldsberg, Austria, 20 Jan., 1760; d. Hietzing, Vienna, 17 March, 1826. Accom- panied Sibthorp to Greece, 1784. Flinders’ Expedition, 1801-5. ‘Ilustrationes Flore Nove MHollandia,’ 18138. Lambert’s ‘ Pinus,’ 1810-37. Lindley’s ‘ Digitalis.’ Pritz. 17; Jacks. 398; Nich. Illust. vi. 838; Ann. & Mag. iv. (1840), 67; Proc. Linn. Soe. i. 1839, 39; Journ. Bot. 1848, 106. Bauer, Francis (1758-1840): b. Feldsberg, Austria, 4 Oct., 1758; d. Kew, 11 Dec., 1840; bur. Kew. Brother of pre-- ceding. F.L.S., 1804; F.R.S., 1820. Came to England, 1788. Employed as artist by Banks. ‘Delineations of Exotic Plants’ ..., 1796. <‘Strelitzia depicta,’ 1818. ‘Ergot,’ Linn. Trans. 1840. Drawings of both Bauers in Dept. Bot. Brit. Mus. Pritz. 17; Jacks. 519; Gard. Chron. 1841, 22; Bot. Reg. 1841, p. 85. Proc. Linn. Soe. i. 1841, 101; Proc. Roy. Soe. iv. (1843), 342; Ann. & Mag. v. 1840, 47; vii. 1841, 77, 489. Portr. at Kew. Bauwera Banks ex Andr. Bot. Rep. (after the brothers). Baxter, William (1787-1871): b. Rugby, Warwick, 15 Jan., 1787 ; d. Oxford, 1 Nov., 1871. A.L.8., 1817. Curator, Oxford Bot. Garden, 1813-51. ‘British Phenogamous Botany,’ 1834-43. ‘Stirpes Cryptogamice Oxonienses,’ 1825. Plants in Oxford Herbarium. Pritz. 18; Jacks. 235; Journ. Bot. 1871, 380; Gard. Chron. 1871, 1426 ; Loud. Gard. Mag, x. (1834), 110; Druce, ‘ Flora of Oxfordshire,’ 392; Fl. War- wicksh. 498; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii, 438. Engr. at Kew, by J. Whessell, from drawing by A. Burt. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 13 Baxter, William (fl. 1823-30): d. before 1836. Collector in South Australia for Clapton Nursery, 1823. Plants in Herb. Mus. Brit. BR. Brown, Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. Suppl. 1830. Fl. Tasman. exxiv. A “very indefatigable botanic voyager,” Bot. Mag. 3500. Smith, Kew, 10. Bazxteria R. Brown. Beale, Rev. John (1603-83 ?): b. Herefordshire, 1603; d. Yeovil, Somerset, 1683? B.A. Camb. 1632; M.A., 1656; D.D., Rector of Yeovil, 1660; F.R.S., 1663. Correspondent of Boyle and Hartlib. Communication respecting vegetation in Phil. Trans. iii—vi. Felton, 21; Nich. Lit. Anecd. i. 447; iv. 256; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 1. Beaton, Donald (1802-63): b. Urray, Ross-shire, 8 March, 1802; d. Surbiton, Surrey, Oct. 1863. Cott. Gard. xiii. 153, portr. ; Journ. Hort. v. (1863), 349 and 415, portr. Beatonia Herbert. Beattie, James (1735-1803): b. Laurencekirk, Kincardine, 25 Oct., 1735; d. Aberdeen, 18 Aug., 1803. M.A. Aberdeen, 1758; A.L.S., 1807. Prof., Aberdeen. Added Linnea to British Flora, E. B., 483. Life by Sir W. Forbes, 1806; Smith, Lett. i. 441-3; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 23. Beaufort, Mary, Duchess of [sce Somerset]. Beaumont, John (d. 1731): d. Stone-Easton, Somerset, March, 1731; bur. Stone-Easton. Surgeon. F.R.S., 1685. ‘Rock- plants in the Lead Mines of Mendip Hills.’ Sloane MS. 4037, 128-32; Ray, Lett. 262. Gent. Mag. 1731, 34; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 60. Becher, Rev. John Thomas (1770-1848): b. 1770; d. Hill House, Southwell, Notts., 3 Jan., 1848. M.A. Oxon, 1795. Prebendary of Southwell, 1818. Determined Crocus nudi- florus, H. B. 491. Suggested Ordoyno’s ‘Fl. Notting- hamiensis.’ Gent. Mag. April, 1848; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 75. Becker, Lydia Ernestine (1827-90): b. Manchester, 24 Feb., 1827; d. Geneva, 18 July, 1890; bur. Cemetery of St. George, Geneva. Lectured on Botany. ‘Bot. for Novices,’ 1864. Jacks. 45; B.S. C. vii. 118; Journ. Bot. 1890, 320. Portrait by 8. J. Dacre. Bedford, John, Duke of [see RussELu, Jonny]. Beeke, Rev. Henry (1751-1837): b. Kingsteignton, Devon, 6 Jan., 1751; d. Torquay, 9 March, 1837. B.A. Oxon, 1773; D.D., 1800; F.L.8., 1800. Dean of Bristol, 1814. Dis- tinguished Lotus pilosus, and discovered Buplewrwm Odontites. Gent. Mag. n.s. vol. vii.; Smith MSS.; ‘Bot. Guide,’ p. 527-8; Mag. Nat. Hist. (1837), 61, 392; EH. B. 1129, 1256, 1616, 2255, 2468; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 124. Beeston, William (1672 ?-1732): d. Bentley, Suffolk, 4 Dec., 1732 M.B. Camb., 1692; M.D., 1702. Of Ipswich. «Very curious and knowing in plants,” Sherard, Rich. Corr. 184; Nich. Illustr. vi. 879; Loudon, ‘ Arboretum,’ 62. Bell, Miss (fi. 1832). Sent list of Norfolk pl. to Watson, N. B. G. 135. Hada herbarium. Top. Bot. 537. Bell, Elizabeth (d. 1876). Of Coldstream, Berwick. Corre- 14 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF spondent of G. Johnston. Hist. Berw. Field Club, viii. 31. Agaricus Bellie Berk. Bell, George (1755-84): b. Greenhill, Dumfries, 1755; d. Man- chester, Jan., 1784. M.D. Edinburgh, 1777. ‘De physiologia plantarum,’ 1777. Transl., with Memoir, Mem. Manchester Soc. ii. 397; Baillon, i. 395. Belt, Thomas (1832-78): b. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1832; d. Denver, Colorado, 21 Sept., 1878. Traveller. ‘ Naturalist in Nicaragua,’ 1874. Contrib. to ‘ Fl. Northumberland and Durham.’ Jacks. 368: i. 264; vii. 182; R. S. C. ix. 182; Gard. Chron. 1878, ii. 478; Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vii. 235 ; Proc. Geol. Soc. 1878-9, 48; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 204. Bennet, Rev. William (d. 1805). Minister of Duddingston, 1786-1805. Drowned in D. Loch. Art. ‘ Duddingston,’ in Sinclair, Stat. Acc. Scotl. xviii. 376, containing account of flora. Bennett, Edward (fl. 1852-53). Collected in Cornwall and New Forest. Phyt. o.s. iv. 1, 753; R.S. C. i. 273; Journ. Bot. 1872, 228. Bennett, Edward Turner (1797-1836) : b. Hackney, London, 6 Jan. 1797 ; d. 21 Aug., 1836. Elder brother of J. J. Bennett. Surgeon. Zoologist. Edited White’s Selborne (1837). Assisted J. E. Gray in ‘Nat. Arr. of Brit. Pl.’ Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 241. Bennett, Frederick Debell (fl. 1840). F.R.C.S.; F.R.G.S. ‘Catalogue of Plants collected during the Tuscan’s Voyage’ in ‘ Narrative of a Whaling Voyage, 1833-36,’ 1840. Pritz. 21. Bennett, John Joseph (1801-76): b. Tottenham, Middlesex, 8 Jan., 1801; d. Maresfield, Sussex, 29 Feb., 1876. M.B.C.S8., 1825; F.L.S., 1828; Sec. L.8., 1840-60; F.R.S., 1841. Assistant-Keeper, Bot. Dep. Brit. Mus., 1827. Keeper, 1857-70. ‘Plante Javanice,’ 1838-52. Pritz. 21; Jacks. 521; R.8.C.i.275; Journ. Bot. 1876, 97, with portr. ; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 246. Oil-portr. by Eddis and bust by Weekes at Linn. Soc., Kew, and Bot. Dep. Brit. Mus. Bennettia R. Br. = Cremostachys Tulasne. Bennettia Gray = Saussurea DC. Bennettia Miquel. Bennettites (fossil) Carruthers. Bennett, John Whitchurch (fl. 1830). F.L.5., 1828. ‘ Coco- nut Palm,’ 1831. Jacks. 208. Bennett, William (fl. 1844). Ferns of N. Wales, Phyt. iii. 709. Discovered Teucriawm Botrys, 1844. Id. 737. Fl. Herefordsh., pref. Benson, Rev. Thomas (1802-87) : b. Cockermouth, Cumber- land, Oct., 1802; d. Great Fambridge, Essex, 9 June, 1887. B.A. Cantab., 1824. Vicar of Great Fambridge, 1832. Contributed to Gibson’s ‘ Flora of Essex.’ Herbarium be- queathed to Essex Field Club. Bentall, Thomas (fl. 1845-62). Of Halstead, Essex. Manu- factured a drying paper. Contributed to Gibson’s ‘ Flora of Essex,’ and Phyt. i. and iii. Halstead Plants, Phyt. ii. 409. R. S.C. i. 280. Bentham, George (1800-84): b. Stoke, near Plymouth, 22 Sept., 1800; d. London, 10 Sept., 1884. LL.D. Camb., 1874; BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 15 C.M.G., 1878; F.L.8., 1826, Pres., 1861-74; Sec. R. Hort. Soc. 1829-40; F.R.S., 1862. ‘Plante Hart- wegiane, 1857. ‘Flora of Hongkong,’ 1861. ‘Flora Australiensis,’ 1863-78; ‘Genera Plantarum,’ with J. D. Hooker, 1862-83. Herb. at Kew. Pritz. 21; Jacks. 21; R. 8. C. i. 280; vii. 240 ; ix. 192; Proc. Linn. Soe. 1884, 90, with bibliography, 1887-8, 71; Journ. Bot. 1884, 353, portv. ; Gard. Chron. 1884, ii. 336, 868; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 263. Oil portr. by Dickinson at Linn. Soc. Photo. and engr. at Kew. Benthamia Lindl. = Cornus. Bentinck, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Portland, née Harney (1714-85): b. 1714; d. 1785; m. 1734, William, 2nd Duke of Portland. Had bot. garden and museum at Bulstrode. ‘‘ Well acquainted with English plants,” Browne, Jamaica, 165. Herbarium purchased by Lambert. Portlandia P. Br. Benwell, James (1735 ?-1819) : d. Oxford, 7 Oct., 1819. Em- ployed in Oxford Bot. Gard. more than 40 years. Accom- panied John Sibthorp on bot. excursions. Portr. by A. R. Burt, engr. Skelton. Baxter, Brit. Phenog. Bot. vi. 415. Berkeley, Rev. Miles Joseph (1803-89): b. Biggin, Oundle, Northamptoush., 1 April, 1803; d. Sibbertoft, Market Har- borough, 30 July, 1889. M.A. Cambridge, 1825; F.L.5., 1836; F.R.S., 1879. Rector of Sibbertoft. Fungi of ‘English Flora,’ 1836. ‘Decades of Fungi,’ 1844-56. ‘In- trod. to Cryptogamic Bot.,’ 1857. Contrib. to E. Bot. (2754-6, &c., and largely to Gard. Chron. Correspondence and drawing of Alge in Bot. Dept. Brit. Mus. ; Fungi at Kew. Pritz. 24; Jacks. 521; Journ. Bot. 1889, 305; Scott. Nat. 1889, 145; B. 8. C. i. 295; vii. 144; ix. 200; Ann. Bot. iii. 451 (bibliogr.). Oil portr. by Peel at Linn. Soc. Portr. in Gard. Chron. 1871, 271, and 1879, i. 788. -Portr. Men of Eminence, 1864. Berkeleya Grev. Berkenhout, John (1726 or 1730-91): b. Leeds, 1726 or 1730 ; d. Besselsleigh, Berks., 3 April, 1791. M.D. Leyden, 1765. ‘Clavis Anglica Lingue Botanice,’ 1764-5? ‘ Outlines of Nat. Hist. of Great Britain,’ 1770-1. Pritz. 24 ; Jacks. 521; ‘European Magazine,’ 1788, 156; Gent. Mag. lxi. 388, 485 ; Leeds Worthies, 187; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 369. Portr. 1791. Berry, Andrew (fl. 1805-19). M.D. Of Madras. Contri- — buted to Calcutta Garden. Friend of Roxburgh. Roxburgh, ‘Coromandel Plants,’ 1819, iii: 60; ‘Account of Columbo Root,’ Asiatic Researches, x. 335. R.S.C.i. 307. Berria Roxb. = Berrya DC. © Bettany, George Thomas (1850-91): b. 1850; d. Dulwich, 2 Dec., 1891. M.A. Camb.; B.Sc. Lond.; F..8., 1880. Lecturer on bot., Guy’s Hospital, 1877-86. ‘ Practical Botany,’ 1881. B.S. C. vii. 165; ix. 231. ‘Review of Reviews,’ v. 56, w. portr. Athenzeum, 1891, il. 767. Biddulph, Susanna (fl. 1790-1808). Of Southampton. Con- tributed Alge to EH. Bot. (1762, &e.). Biddulphia Gray = Conferva Briddulphiana Sm. 16 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Bicheno, James Ebenezer (1785-1851) : b. Newbury, Berks, 1785; d. Hobart Town, Tasmania, 25 Feb., 1851. F.L.S., 1812. Sec. L.S., 1824-1832. Colon. Sec., Van Diemen’s Land, 1842. Contrib. to E. B., 2631, 2675, 2680. Herb. at R. Institution, Swansea. Pritz. 27; Jacks. 17; Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 181; R. 8. C. i. 358; Gent. Mag. xxxvi.n.s.; ‘ Annual Register,’ 1851; Phyt. i. 105; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 1. Oil portr. by Eddis at Linn. Soc. Bichenia D. Don. Bidwill, John Carne (1815-53): b. Exeter, Devon, 1815; d. Tinana, Wide Bay, New South Wales, 1853. Superintendent Sydney Bot. Gard. ‘Rambles in New Zealand,’ 1841. Plants at Kew. Pritz. 27; Journ. Bot. 1853, 252; R. 8. C. i. 360; Gard. Chron. 1853, 4388; 1856, 20; Smith, Kew, 67. Fl. Tasmania, exxvi.; Ann. & Mag. viii. 1842, 4388 ; Gent. Mag. 1853; Dict. Nat. Biog. v.18. Bidwillia Herb. Bigge, Rev. John Frederick (1814-85): b. Linden, North- umberland, 12 July, 1814; d. Newcastle, 28 Feb., 1885 ; bur. Stamfordham, Northumb. Vicar of Stamfordham. B.A. Durham, 1839. A founder of Tyneside Nat. Club: President, 1847. Herbarium presented to Nat. Hist. Soc. Mus., New- castle. Hist. Berw. Nat. Club, xi. 207. Bigsby, John Jeremiah (1793-1881) : b. Nottingham, 14 Aug., 1793; d. London, 10 Feb., 1881. Geologist. M.D. Edin., 1814; F.L.S., 1823; F.R.S., 1869. ‘ Flora and Fauna of the Silurian,’ 1868. ‘Flora and Fauna of the Devonian and Carboniferous,’ 1878. Jacks. 522; Journ. Bot. 1881, 96; Proc. Geol. Soc. 1880-81, 39; Proc. Roy. Soc. xxxlii. p. xvi. ; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 27. Binfield, Rev. Edward (d. before 1813). A.L.S. Of Spetis- bury, Dorset. List of Dorset plants incorporated in Pul- teney’s ‘ Catalogue,’ ed. ii. (p. 62). Bingley, Rev. William (1774-1823): b. Doncaster, 1774; d. London, 11 March, 1823; bur. Bloomsbury Church. B.A. Camb., 1799; M.A., 1803; F.L.8., 1800. ‘Flora of the Snowdonian Mountains,’ 1798-1801, in Appendix to Jones’ ‘Tilustrations of the Scenery,’ 1829. ‘ Practical Introduction to Botany,’ 1817. Pritz. 27; Jacks. 522; Mag. Zool. Bot. ii. 170; Bot. Guide, 166; E. Bot., 663, 673, 675; Gent. Mag. 1823; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 55. Binney, Edward William (1812-81) : b. Mortcn, Notts., 1812; d. Manchester, 19 Dec., 1881. F.G.S., 1853; F.R.S., 1856. ‘ Sigillaria,’ 1858, &c. Jacks. 181; R. 8. C. ix. 243; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 56. Portr. at Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc. Bird, Frederick John (d. 1874): d. 28 April, 1874. A.L.8., 1840; F.L.S., 1862. M.D. Brother of next. ‘The artificial arrangement of British Plants,’ Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 1838, 604. Bird, Golding (1814-54) : b. Downham, Norfolk, 9 Dec., 1814; d. Tunbridge Wells, 27 Oct., 1854. M.D. St. Andrews, 1838; M.A., 1840; F.L.8., 1836; F.R.S. Contrib. to Irvine’s ‘London Flora.’ Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 404. Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 1838 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 74. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 17 Bishop, David (1788-1849): b. Scone, Perth? c. 1788; d. Malone, Belfast, 4 Aug., 1849. Curator, Belfast Bot. Gard., 1830. ‘Causal Botany,’ 1829. Pritz. 28; Jacks. 68; Cott. Gard. ii. 306. Black, Allan A. (1832-65): b. Forres, Morayshire, 1832; d. in Bay of Bengal, 4 Dec., 1865; bur. Table Island, in Cocos group. A.L.S., 1858. Apprenticed at Dunkeld. Kew gardener. Curator of Kew Herbaria. Supt. Bot. Gard., Bangalore. List of Japan plants in ‘ Bonplandia,’ and contrib. to Hodgson’s ‘Japan’ and ‘Treasury of Botany.’ Pritz. 28; Gard. Chron. 1866, 102; Journ. Bot. 1866, 64. Proc. L. Soc. 1865-6, lvi. Allanblackia, Oliver. Blackburne, Anne (1740-93): b. Orford Hall, Warrington, 1740; d. Fairfield, Warrington, 30 Dec., 1793. Daughter of following. Correspondent of Linneus. Silhouette and notice in Kendrick’s ‘Profiles of Warrington Worthies.’ oe Mag. lxiv. 180; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 121. Blackburnia orst. Blackburn, or Blackburne, John (1690-1786) : b. 1690; d. 20 Dec., 1786. Of Orford, Lancashire. Built first hot-house in north of Englandand firstripened pine-apples. Catalogueof his garden by Adam Neal, published 1779. Loudon ‘ Arboretum,’ 56; Rich. Corr. xxx. 324; Gent. Mag. lvii. 204; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 123. Blackburnia Forst. Blackstone, John (d. 1753): Apothecary. Of Fleet Street, London. ‘Fasciculus pl. circa Harefield . . . ,’ 1737. ‘Specimen Botanicum,’ 1746. MS. in Herb. Sloane, 317. Pritz. 28; Jacks. 523; Fl. Midd. 389-91; Rich. Corr. 351-5 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 132. Print in Hope Collection. Black- stoma Hudson = Chlora L. Blackwell, Alexander (c. 1709-47) : b. Aberdeen ?, circ. 1709; beheaded, Stockholm, 9 Aug., 1747. Printer. Of Chelsea. Husband of following: abridged Miller’s ‘Botanicum Officinale ’ for her ‘ Herbal.’ Gent. Mag. 1747, 424-6; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 142. Blackwell, Elizabeth (c. 1700-47): b. Aberdeen, c. 1700; d. London (?) after 1747. ‘A Curious Herbal,’ cuts drawn, engr. and col. by herself, 1737-9. Pult. ii. 251; Pritz. 28 ; Jacks. 31; Gent. Mag. xvii.; Bruce’s ‘Eminent Men of Aberdeen,’ 307; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 144. Blackwellia Comm. ; Blair, Patrick (d. 1728): b. Dundee, Scotland; d. Boston, Lincolnsh. ?, 1728. M.D. F.R.S. Practised at Dundee, London, and (fr. 1720) Boston. Out in the 15; but par- doned through Sloane. ‘Botanick Essays,’ 1720. ‘Phar- maco-botanologia,’ 1723-8. Pult. ii. 184-140; Rees; Pritz. 98 ; Jacks. 523; Sloane MSS. 4038; Biog. Univ. ; Chalmers; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 163. Bleria L. Blake, John Bradby (1745-73) : b. London, 4 Nov., 1745; d. Canton, 16 Nov., 1773. Supercargo to H.H.I.C. Sent many plants and seeds to Hurope. Vol. of drawings in Bot. Dept. Brit. Mus. made by a Chinese instructed by him. Trans. 3 18 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Linn. Soc. i. 172. Pritz. 28; Gent. Mag. 1776, xlix. 348; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 170. Wedgwood medallion. Blandford, George, Marquis of [see SpenceRr-CHURCHILL, GEORGE] . Blane, Sir Gilbert, Bart. (1749-1834): b. Blanefield, co. Ayr, 29 Aug., 1749; d. London, 26 June, 1834. M.D. Glasgow, 1778. E.R.S. Physician to the fleet. Baronet, 1812. ‘Nardus indica’; Phil. Trans. 1790, lxxx. 284. Proc. R. 8. iii. 303; Munk, ii. 325; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 202. Portr. by Shee at Roy. Coll. Physicians. Bligh, William (17534-1817): b. Tinten, Cornwall ?, 1753-4 ; d. London, 7 Dec., 1817; bur. Lambeth Churchyard. Captain of ‘Bounty.’ Introd. bread-fruit to W. Indies. Admiral, 1811. F.R.S. 1801. Governor of New South Wales, 1805. Sent some hundreds of plants from HE. & W. Indies to Kew. Ann. Bot. ii. 570; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 219. Blighia Koenig. Blinkworth, Richard (fi. 1830). Collected at Kumaon. Cor- respondent of Wallich. Blinkworthia Choisy. Bloxam, Rev. Andrew (1801-78): b. Rugby, 22 Sept., 1801 ; d. Harborough Magna, Leicester, 2 Feb., 1878. Rector of Twyceross, Leicestershire, and afterwards of Harborough. Visited S. America as naturalist to the ‘ Blonde,’ 1824-5 (Mag. Nat. Hist. 1831, 145). ‘Bot. of Twycross,’ Phyt. ‘Bot. of Charnwood Forest,’ w. Ch. Babington, in Potter’s History. E. B. 2854, 2944. Critical in Rubi and Fungi. Fungi and MSS. in Herb. Mus. Brit. Jacks. 523; Journ. Bot. 1878, 96; Gard. Chron. 1878, i. 311; Fl. Warwicksh. 501; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 264. Water-colour by Turner of him and brothers at funeral of their uncle, Sir T. Lawrence, in Nat. Gallery. Bobart, or Bobert, Jacob (1597-8-9-1680): b. Brunswick, 1597-8-9 ; d. Oxford, 4 Feb., 1680; bur. St. Peter’s-in-the- East, Oxford. Father of following. Superintendent, Oxford Bot. Gard., 1632. ‘Catalogus . . . Oxoniensis,’ 1648, 2nd ed., with Stephens and Browne, 1658. Pult. i. 312; Jacks. 415; Pritz. 80; Biog. Sketch by H. T. Bobart, 1884; Felton, 108; Journ. Hort. 1876, 364, with portr.; Wood, Fasti, ii. 189; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 285. Oil portr. by D. Loggan, 1675, at Linn. Soc.; engr. by Burghers; engr. at Kew. Bobartia L. Bobart, Jacob (16401-1719): b. Oxford, 2 Aug., 1641; d. Oxford, 28 Dec., 1719; bur. St. Peter’s-in-the-East, Oxford. Succeeded preceding in 1680 as Superintendent of Bot. Gard., and in 1684, after Morison, Prof. Bot. Oxford. Pub- lished Morison’s ‘ Historia,’ vol. iii. 1699. Herbarium in 12° vols. at the Bot. Garden, Oxford. Pult. i. 312; Biog. Sketch by H. T. Bobart, 1884; Grey’s Hudibras; Rich. Corr: 10, 152; Nich. Illustr. i. 342, 357, 361; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 286. Oil portr. at Oxford Bot. Gard. Engr. in ‘Oxford Almanack,’ 1719. Bobartia L. Bohler, John (1796-1872): b. South Wingfield, Derbyshire, 31 BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 19 Dec., 1797 ; d. Sheffield, 24 Sept., 1872. ‘‘ Simpler and field botanist.’ ‘Lichenes Britannici,’ 1835-7. ‘Flora of Roche Abbey’ in Aveling’s ‘ Roche Abbey,’ 1870. ‘Flora of Sher- wood Forest’ in White’s ‘Worksop,’ 1875. Pritz. 32; Jacks. 243 ; Journ. Bot. 1872, 384; Naturalist, iv. 206 (1838-9) ; Pharmaceut. Journ. 3rd ser. iii. 394;"Reliquary, xi. (1871) 212; Boase ; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 304. Lecidea Bohleri. Bohn, Henry George (1796-1884): b. London, 4 Jan., 1796; d. Twickenham, 22 Aug., 1884. Bookseller and Publisher. Edited Gordon’s ‘Pinetum,’ 1880. Jacks. 524; Gard. Chron. 1884, ii. 283; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 304. Bollar, or Bollard, Nicholas (fi: 1500?). Of Oxford. “A Tretee of Nicholas Bollard departed in three parties: 1. Of gendryng of Trees, 2 of gratfynge, the third forsoth of altracions.”” MSS. Cotton MS., Jul. D. viii. 11; Addit. MS. 5467. Pult. i. 23-24; Haller i. 232; Tanner Bibl. Brit. 110; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 324. Bolton, James (fl. 1775-95). Of Halifax. ‘ Filices Britannice,’ 1785-90. ‘History of Funguses about Halifax,’ 1788-91. Plants in Watson’s History of Halifax, 1775. Drew plates for Relhan’s ‘ Fl. Cantabrigiensis.’ Pritz. 33; Jacks. 524; Monthly Review, vols. Ixxvi., Ixxix. and 2nd ser. viii.; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 327. Booth, Thomas J. (fl. 1853). Nephew of Nuttall. Collected seeds of Rhododendrons in Assam and Bhotan. Journ. Bot. 1853, 353. Bot. Mag. 6, 7149. Rhododendron Boothu Nutt Booth, William Beattie (c. 1804-74): b. Perthshire, c. 1804 ; d. London (?), 18 June, 1874. A.L.8., 1825. At Chiswick, 1824-30. Assistant Secretary R. Hort. Soc. from 1858-74. ‘Tllustrations of Camelliexw,’ 1831. Contributed to ‘ Bot. Register,’ &¢. Gard. Chron. 1874, i. 838; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1874-5, xxxvii. : Boott, Francis (1792-1863): b. Boston, Mass., 26 Sept., 1792 ; d. London, 25 Dec., 1863. M.D. Edin., 1824; F.L.8., 1819. Sec. L.S., 1832-39; Treas., 1856; V.P., 1861. Lecturer on Bot., Webb St. School of Medicine, 1825. ‘ Illustrations of the Genus Carex,’ 1858-67. Massachusetts pl. in Hooke- rian Herb., Kew. Pritz. 35; Jacks. 524; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1864, xxiii; Gard. Chron. 1864, 51; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 393. Oil copy of portr. by Gambardella and photo. at Linn. Soc. Portr. at Kew. ‘ Borlase, Rev. William (1696-1772): b. Pendeen, Cornwall, 2 Feb., 1696; d. Ludgvan, 31 Aug., 1772. M.A. Oxon., 1719. Ordained, 1719. D.C.L. Oxon., 1766; F.R.S., 1751. Rector of Ludgvan, 1722. ‘Natural History of Cornwall,’ 1758. Pult. i. 355-6; Nich. Anecd. iii. 78, 689; v. 291-3; Nich. Illustr. iv. 227, 445, 460, 468; Gent. Mag. Ixxiii., pt. ii., 1114-7; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 398. Borrer, William (1781-1862): b. Henfield, Sussex, 13 June, 1781; d. Henfield, 10 Jan., 1862. F.L.8., 1805; F.R.S., 1835. Had a salicetum. Contrib. largely to E. Bot. ‘English Botany Supplement.’ ‘Lichenographia Brit.’ (w. 20 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Dawson Turner). B. G, 599. Herb. at Kew. Pritz. 36; Jacks. 525; Journ. Bot. 1863-81; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1862, Ixxxv.; RB. 8. C. i. 499; Phyt. vi. 70; Lower, ‘ Worthies of Sussex,’ 1865, 71; Boase; Dict. Nat. Biog. v. 406. Portr. at Kew. Borrera G. W. Meyer = Spermacoce. Borreria Acharius. Boswarva, J. (fl. 1860). Algologist. Of Plymouth. Cat. Plymouth Alge in Rept. Plymouth Institution, 1861-2. R.§8.C. ix. 301. Boswell, John Thomas Irvine, »é Syme, and afterwards Boswell-Syme (1822-88) : b. Edinburgh, 1 Dec., 1822; d. Balmuto, Fife, 29 Jan., 1888; bur. Kinghorn, Fife. LL.D., St. Andrew’s, 1875; F.L.S., 1854. Curator, Bot. Soc. Edin., 1850; Bot. Soc. London, 1851. Lecturer at Charing Cross and Westminster Hospitals. ‘English Botany,’ ed. 3, 1863- 1872. Jacks. 525; Proc. L. Soc. 1887-8, 84; Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. xvii. 516; Ann. Bot. ii. (1889) 430 (w. bibliog.) ; R. 8. C. y. 904; villi. 1051; ix. 301; Journ. Bot. 1888, 82. Portr. Illustr. Lond. News, 11 Feb., 1888. Symea Baker = Solaria. Bowdich, Thomas Edward (1790-1824): b. Bristol, 20 June, 1791; d. Bathurst, Gambia, 10 Jan., 1824. African traveller. Cape Coast Castle, 1814. ‘Mission to Ashantee,’ 1819. ‘Excursion to Madeira,’ 1825. Pritz. 87; Jacks. 525; Baillon, i. 481; Vallot, ‘Flore du Sénégal,’ 13; Gent. Mag. 1824, i. 279; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 41. Bowdichia H.B.K. Bowdich, Mrs. T. E. [see Luz, Mrs. R.]. Bowerbank, James Scott (1797-1877) : b. London, 14 July, 1797; d. 8 March, 1877. LL.D.; F.L.S., 1845; F.R.S., 1842. Lectured on botany, 1822-24. ‘Fossil Fruits of the London Clay,’ 1840. Had 100,000 fossil plants from Sheppey, now in Brit. Mus. Pritz. 37; Jacks. 182; R. 8. C.i. 553; vii. 237; ix. 325; ‘Portraits of Men of Eminence,’ 1864; Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. xiii. 123; Proc. Geol. Soc. 1877-8, 36; Geol. Mag. 1877, 91; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 58. Photo. at Linn. Soc. Bowie, James (d. 1869): b. London; d. Cape of Good Hope, 30 June, 1869. At Kew, 1810. Sent to Brazil with Allan Cunningham, 1814-17, and to the Cape, 1817-23, and again in 1827. Superintendent of Baron Ludwig’s garden at Cape. Plants in Herb. Brit. Mus. Drawings at Kew. Pritz. (sub Pritchard) 253, n. 7343; Journ. Bot. 1830, 20; 1889, 93; Gard. Chron. 1881, ii. 568; Hook. Exot. Fl. 227; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 65. Bowiea Harvey. Bowiesia Grev. = Delissea Lamx. Bowles, George, or Bowle (fl. 1604-50) : b. Chislehurst, Kent, 1604 ?. M.D. Leyden, 1640; F.R.C.P., 1664. First found Impatiens Noli-me-tangere, Ger. emac., 446. Pult. i. 136 ; Parkinson, ‘Theatrum,’ 297, 954; How, ‘ Phytologia ;’ Ger. emac., pref. and passim. Munk, i. 332. Bowles, William (1705-80): b. near Cork, 1705; d. Madrid, 25 Aug., 1780. Travelled in France and Spain from 1740. ‘Introducion a la historia natural... de Espafia,’ 1775. _ Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 69. Bowlesia Ruiz & Pavon. Bowman, David (1838-68): b. Arniston, Edinburgh, 3 Sept., BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 21 1838; d. Bogota, 25 June, 1868; bur. British Cemetery, Bogota. Foreman at Chiswick. Introduced Cyanophyliwm Bowman, &e. Journ. Hort. xv. 1868, 172; Gard. Chron. 1868, 924, 942. Bowman, Edward McArthur (d. 1872-3?). Of Queensland. Discovered Bicinocarpus Bowmanit, &e.Gard. Chron. 1873, 177. Bowman, John Eddowes (1785-1841): b. Nantwich, Cheshire, 30 Oct., 1785; d. Manchester, 4 Dec., 1841. Banker, of Wrexham. F.L.S., 1828. ‘Fossil Trees discovered near Manchester,’ Trans. Geol. Soc. 1841. Discovered Cuscuta Epilinwm, E. B. 2850. Pritz. 87; Proc. Linn. Soc. i. 185; R. 8S. C. i. 553; ix. 325; Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc. Manchester, 1846; Top. Bot. 539; N. B. G. 209, 244; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 73. Bowmania Gardn. Bowman, R. B. (d. 1882): d. Newcastle, 24 Nov., 1882. Of Newcastle, and Richmond, Yorkshire. Correspondent of H. C. Watson. Trans. Nhumb. & Durham, viii. 209. E. B. 2678, 2737, 2887. Herb. at Newcastle-on-Tyne. Mag. Zool. Bot. i. (1837) 205; Top. Bot. ed. i. 519; Johnston Corr 17. Bowring, Sir John (1792-1872): b. Exeter, 17 Oct., 1792; d. Exeter, 23 Nov., 1872. Linguist. Editor ‘ Westminster Review.” M.P. LL.D., Groningen, 1829. Knighted, 1854. F.R.S; F.L.S., 1820. ‘Autobiographical Recollections,’ 1877; Journ. Bot. 1853, 287 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 76. Photo. portr. in ‘Men of Eminence,’ 1866. Bowringia Hook.(= Brainea J. Sm.), to him and his son, John C. Bowring. Bradbury, Henry (1831-60): b. 1831; d. 2 Sept., 1860. Printer. Published Moore and Lindley’s ‘Ferns,’ 1855. ‘ British Sea-weeds.’ Jacks. 240; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 150. Bradbury, John (fl. 1805-17). Contributed Cheshire localities to Bot. Guide (109). Collector in N. America for Liverpool Bot. Garden, 1809-11. Louisiana plants described by Pursh (Fl. Amer. Sept. xvii. and supplement), also in Herb. Liverpool Bot. Garden. Journal of travels, 1817. Short, ‘Western Botany,’ 12; Torr. and Gray, Fl. N. Amer. ii. 250; Naturalist, iv. 397 (1839). Bradburia Torr. and Gray. Bradley, Henry (fl. 1779). Collected in China, 1779. Plants in Herb. Mus: Brit. Bradley, Richard (d. 1732): d. Cambridge, 5 Nov., 1732. F.R.S., 1720. Prof. Bot. Cambridge, 1724. ‘Hist. Pl. Succulentarum,’ 1716-27. ‘ Dictionarium Botanicum,’ 1728, &c. Pult. ii. 129-134; Rees; Pritz. 88; Jacks. 525; Phil. Trans. xxix. 486, 490; Nich. Anec. i. 446-451, 709; Cott. Gard. v. 93; Baillon, i. 487; Haller, Bibl. Bot. ii. 133; Gent. Mag. 1732, 1082; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 172. Bradlea Adanson = Apios Meench. Bradigia Necker = Siler Scop. Bradleia Banks = Glochidion. Bradshaugh (fl. 1640). Of Lancashire. Sent Rubus Chame- morus to Parkinson. ‘ Theatr.’ 1015. Brand, William (1807-69): b. Blackhouse, Peterhead, 1807 ; d. 15 Oct., 1869. W.S., 1834. Pupil of Graham at Edin- burgh, 1830-1. Orig. Memb. Bot. Soc. Edin. 1836; Trans. 22 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF 1836. Found Astragalus alpinus, 1831. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. x. 284. Brass, William (fl. 1790). Collected 250 species at Cape Coast for Banks, Fothergill, and Pitcairn. Plants in Herb. Brit. Mus. Brassia Br. Bray, John (fl. 1400). Physician. Pensioned by Richard II. ‘Synonyma de nominibus Herbarum,’ Sloane MS. 282, 24. Pult. i. 22; Jacks. 501; Haller i. 219; Tanner, Bibl. Brit. 122; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 237. Braylsford, James (fl. 1700). ‘A Turkey merchant.” Gave four books of Palestine plants collected by himself to Petiver. Mus. Pet. 79. H.S. 183. Bree, Rev. Robert Francis (d. 1830 or 1847?). Of Camber- well, and afterwards of Chichester. F.L.S., 1815; A.L.S., 1827. “Qui primus animum illustrissimi R. Brown capitulis dioicis Serratule tinctorie adtendit.’’ HE. Bot. 2809, 2934. Herbarium presented to a Society at Boulogne, Phyt. ii. 3. Breea Lessing = Serratula arvensis L. Bree, Rev. William (fl. 1770-1820). Father of following. Contrib. to Purton’s ‘ Midland Flora’ and drew plates for it (Lycoperdon, &c.). Midl. Fl. Appx. pref. vii. Bree, Rev. William Thomas (1787-1863) : b. Coleshill, War- wick, 1787; d. Allesley, Warwick, 1863. B.A. Oxon, 1808 ; M.A., 1816. Rector of Allesley. ‘“Nugeze Helvetice,’ 1856. Contributed to Phytologist, Mag. Nat. Hist., Ann. & Mag.,; Midland Flora, N. B. G. 181, Fl. Warw. 497, Top. Bot. 539, HE. B. 2626, 2653, 2724. Discovered Lastrea rigida. F. L. Colvile, ‘ Worthies of Warwickshire ;’ R. 8. C. i. 593; Journ. Bot. 1863, 160; Mag. Nat. Hist. 1831, 29, 162; Ann. & Mag. vi. (1841), 401; Pref. to Haworth’s ‘ Saxifragarum,’ xiii. Brewer, Samuel (before 1700 ?-c. 1742): b. Trowbridge, Wilts ; d. Bierley, Bradford, Yorkshire, after 1742; bur. Cleck- Heaton, Yorkshire. Lived at Bangor, and from 1727 in Yorksh. Became gardener to Duke of Beaufort at Badminton. Collected for Dillenius. Wrote MS. ‘ Botanical Journey through Wales’ (in Bot. Dept., Brit. Mus.). Discovered Dianthus cesius. Herb. bought for £20 by Richard Richard- son, jun. Pult. ii. 188-9; Pritz. 40; Rich. Corr.; Nich. Tllust. i. 261, 288; Cash, 5; Baker, ‘ Fathers of Yorkshire Botany’; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 295. Breweria R. Br. Brichan, Rev. James B. (fl. 1844). Of Banchory, Aberdeen. oo contributor to Phyt. i. Ross-shire plants in N. B. . 008. Brickell, John (fi. 1730-45). M.D. ‘Nat. Hist. N. Carolina,’ Dublin, 1737. Cat. American plants and trees, Dublin, 1745. Sent plants to Muhlenberg. Elliott, Bot. Carolina, ii. 290. Brickellia Ell. Bridges, Thomas (1807-65) : b. Lilly, Herts, 22 May, 1807; d. in the Pacific, 9 Nov., 1865; bur. Lone Mt. Cemetery, San Francisco. Son-in-law of Hugh Cuming. Kew Collector in Chili, Peru, Bolivia, and California, 1827-65. F..8. Intro- BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 23 duced Victoria regia. Pritz. 40; Proc. California Acad. Nat. Sci. iii. 1866, 236; R. S. C. vii. 259 ; Gard. Chron. 1865, 1226 ; Journ. Bot. 1834, 177; 1837, 64 ; 1845, 571; 1866, 64; Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. viii. Bridgesia Hook. — Polyachyrus Lag. Bridgesia Hook. & Arn, = Ereilla A. Juss. Bridgesia Camb. Briggs, Thomas Richard Archer (1836-91): b. Fursdon, nr. Plymouth, 7 May, 1836; d. Fursdon, 23 Jan., 1891; bur. Egg Buckland. © F.L.S., 1872. Critical British botanist, especially Rose and Rubi. ‘Flora of Plymouth,’ 1880. N unerous papers in Journ. Bot. from 1863. Jacks. 258; R. S. C. vii. 259; ix. 349; Top. Bot. 539; Journ. Bot. 1891, 97 _(portr.). Rubus Briggsii H. C. Wats. Brightwell, Thomas (1787-1868) ; b. Ipswich, 18 March, 1787; d. Norwich, 17 Nov. 1868; bur. the Rosary, Norwich. Solicitor and Mayor of Norwich. F.L.S., 1821. ‘Fauna Infusoria for East Norfolk,’ 1848. Triceratium,’ 1853. _‘ Memorials,’ 1869. Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 340. Brittain, Thomas (1806-84): b. Sheffield, 2 Jan., 1806; d. Urmston, Lancashire, 23 Jan., 1884. President, Manchester Microscop. Soc., 1882. + Micro-fungi,’ 1882. Portr. in Trans. Manchester Micr. Soc. 1891. Gard. Chron. 1854, i. 155; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 359. Brodie, James (fl. 1800). M.P. Of Brodie, Elgin. Discovered Moneses. F.L.S., 1795; F.R.S. Algologist. E. B. 146, 1966, 2589, &c. Turn. Fuci, ii. 2. Harvey, Phye. Brit. t. xx. Greville, Algze Brit. vi. Herbarium given to Walker Arnott. “Friend and patron” of Smith. ‘ Discoverer of many new British plants,” E.B.1966. Brodiga Sm. = Hookera Salish. Brodigan, Thomas (fl. 1830). Of Pilltown, Meath. ‘ Botani- cal, Historical . . . Treatise on the Tobacco Plant,’ 1830. Bromfield, William Arnold (1801-51); b. Boldre, Hants, 1801; d. Damascus, 9 Oct. 1851; bur. Damascus. M.D. Glasgow, 1823; F.L.S., 1836. ‘Flora Vectensis,’ 1856. Travelled on Continent, Ireland, West Indies, North America, and Egypt. Distinguished Calamintha sylvatica. Contrib. to E. Bot. (2812, 2863, 2897) and Phytol. Herbarium at Isle of Wight Philos. Soc., Ryde. MSS. bot. library, and N. American and Egyptian plants at Kew. Pritz. 41; Jacks. 254, 350; Proc. Linn. Soe. ii. 182; Phyt.iv. pref.; BR. §.C.i. 644; Journ. Bot. 1851, 373; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 398. Engr. portr. at Linn. Soc. and at Kew, and in ‘ Flora Vectensis.’ Bromfeldia Neck. Bromhead, Sir Edward Thomas Ffrench, Bart. (1789- 1855) : b. Dublin, 26 March, 1789; d. Thurlby Hall, Newark, 14 March, 1855. M.A. Camb., 1815; F.L.S., 1844; F.R.S., 1817. ‘Botanical Alliances,’ Edin. Philos. Journ., April, 1838. ‘Affinities of Lythracee’.... Mag. Nat: Hist. ii. 1838, 210; iv. 1840, 329. Pritz. 41; Proc. Linn. Soe. ii. 405; R. 8. C. i. 644; Boase. Bromheadia Lindl. Brookes, Richard (fl. 1720-63). M.D. Practised in Surrey and travelled in Africa and America. ‘Nat. Hist. Chocolate,’ 24 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF 1725, ed. ii. 1780. ‘Nat. Hist. Vegetables 1763. Jacks. 33; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 436. Brookshaw, George (f.1812). Artist. ‘Pomona Britannica,’ 1812. Some plates are stated to be by the next. Pritz. 42. Brookshaw, Richard (fi. 1736-1804): b. circ. 1736; d. cire. 1804. Artist. ‘Pomona Britannica,’ 1804. Redgrave’s Dict. of Artists, 1878; Bryan; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 440. Broome, Christopher Edmund (1812-86): b. Berkhampstead, Herts, 24 July, 1812; d. Holborn, 15 Nov. 1886. M.A. Camb., 1836. F.L.8., 1866. Mycologist. Herbarium in Mus. Brit. Pritz. 42; Journ. Bot. 1887, 148; R. §. C. i. 655, vii. 274, ix. 366; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1886-7, 34. Broomeia Berk. Broughton, Arthur (d. 1796 or 1803?); d. Jamaica, 1796 or 1803? Of Bristol M.D. Edin., 1779. ‘ Enchiridion Botanicum,’ 1782. ‘ Hortus Hastensis,’ 1792. ‘Cat. of the . . . Bot. Garden of Liguanea,’ 1794. Herb. in City Library, King Street, Bristol. Pritz.42; Jacks. 527; Baillon, i. 499; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 459. Broughtonia R. Br. Brown (e ?), Alexander (fi. 1700). Surgeon in EH. Indies. Correspondent of Plukenet. Discovered new plants in Hast Indies and at the Cape. Pult. ii. 62-3; Pritz. 44; Pluk. Mant. 69. Hriocephalos Bruniades Pluk. = Brunia L. Brown, George Dransfield (c. 1828-85): b. cire. 1828; d. Ealing, Middlesex, 17 July, 1885. M.R.C.S. F.L.S8., 1876. Practised at Haling. Microscopist and cryptogamist. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1883-6, 138. Brown, John (d. 1851): d. Boston, 30 Jan. 1851. M.D. Of Boston, Lincolnshire. F.L.8., 1826. Proc. Linn. Soe. ii. 132. Brown, John (d. 1873): d. Edinburgh, July, 1873. Sec. Edin. Nat. Field Club. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. xi. 427, 470; xii. 19; B.S. C. vii. 278. Brown, John William (1834-59): b. Otley, Yorks., 1834; d. Otley, 19 Aug., 1859. Hadaherbarium. Parkinson’s ‘ Lays and Leaves of the Forest,’ 252. ‘ Leeds Mercury,’ 18 May, 1889. Brown, John Wright (1836-63) : b. Edinburgh, 19 Jan. 1836 ; d. Edinburgh, 23 March, 1863. Assistant in Edinburgh Herbarium. Associate Bot. Soc. Edin. ‘List of Plants in Elie, Fife,’ in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. vii. 519. Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 21. Brown, Rev. Littleton (b. 1699): b. Bishop’s Castle, Salop, 1699. M.A. Oxon, 1722; F.R.S8. Of Shropshire. «An in- genious young clergyman,” Dillenius, ‘Historia Muscorum.’ Letters to Dillenius and plants in Oxford Bot. Gard. Library and Herbarium. Rich. Corr. 233; Linn. Corr., ii. 145. Brown, P. J. (d. 1842): d. Thun, Switzerland, 1842. Colonel. Lived at Eichenbuhl, Thun, from 1822-1842. F.B.S.Ed., 1838. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1833, 469; Catalogue des pl. de Thoune, 1848. Pritz. 43; Jacks. 344; R.S. C. i. 659. Brown (Peter), (fl. 1770-91). Flower painter. Exhibited at Royal Academy, 1770-91. Botanical Painter to Prince of Wales. Dryander, ii. 19. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 25 Brown, Philip (d. 1779): d. Manchester ?, 1779. M.D. Of Manchester. ‘Cat. of very curious pl., collected by the late . . . lately deceased, to be sold at his garden near Manches- ter, 1779. Pritz. 43; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 23. Brown, Robert (1767 ?-1845) : b. Perth?, 1767?; d. near Phila- delphia, Penn., 20 Sept., 1845. Nurseryman. Of Perth. Found Menziesia cerulea. Introduced Swede. Visited America with James McNabin 1834. Gard. Chron. 1845, 755; Loud. Gard. coe xii. ; Loudon, ‘ Arboretum,’ 182; Trans. Hort. Soc. iv. Brown, Robert (1773-1858) : b. Montrose, 21 Dec., 1773; d. London, 10 June, 1858; bur. Kensal Green. A.L.S., 1798; -F.L.S., 1822; President, 1849-53; F.R.S., 1811; D.C.L. Oxon, 1832; LL.D. Knight «pour le mérite.”” Naturalist to Flinders’ Expedition, 1801-5. Librarian to Banks, 1810, and to the Linn. Soc. First Keeper of Bot. Dep. Brit. Mus., 1827. ‘ Prodromus Flore Nove Hollandiz,’ 1810-30. E.B. 1702, 2879. ‘‘Botanicorum facile princeps,’’ Humboldt. Pritz. 43; Jacks. 527; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1859, xxv. 1887-8, 54; Baillon, i. 501; BR. 8. C. i. 660; vii. 279; ‘Times’ quoted in Cott. Gard. xx. 176; Proc. BR. §. ix. 527; Proc. R. Geogr. 8. iii. 237; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 25. Oil portr. by Pickers- gill and bust by Slater at Linn. Soc., bust and portr. at Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., and portr. at Kew. Brunonia Sm. Brown, Thomas (fl. 1816-34). Captain, Forfarshire Militia. F.L.S., 1816. Added notes, &., to White’s ‘ Selborne,’ 1833. Contrib. to Johnston’s ‘Fl. Berwick-on-Tweed.’ Hist. Berwicksh. Field Club, i. 9. Browne, Patrick (c. 1720-90): b. Woodstock, Co. Mayo, c. 1720; d. Rushbrook, Co. Mayo, 29 Aug., 1790; bur. Crossboyne. M.D. Leyden, 1743. Curator, Oxford Bot. Gard. In Antigua, 1737. In Jamaica, 1746-55. ‘Natural History of Jamaica,’ 1756. MS. ‘Fasciculus Plantarum Hiberniz’ at Linn. Soc. MS. Flora Indiz Occidentalis. Herbarium purchased by Linnzus for 8 guineas. Irish pl. in Lambert’s herbarium. Pult. ii. 349; Pritz. 44; Jacks. 370; Linn. Corr. i. 39, 42; ii. 480; Trans. Linn. Soc. iv. 31; Baillon, i. 502; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 58. Brownea Jacq. Browne, Samuel (d. before 1703). M.D. Surgeon to H.E.I.C. at Madras. Sent plants to Petiver, Phil. Trans. xx. 313; xxiii. Plants in Sloane Herbarium. Pult. ii. 38, 39, 62; Pritz. 44; Rich. Corr. 76; Linn. Corr. ii. 165; ‘Museum Petiverianum,’ 43. Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-82) :, b. St. Michael’s, Cheapside, London, 19 Oct., 1605; d. Norwich, 19 Oct., 1682; bur. St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich. B.A. Oxon, 1627; M.A., 1629; M.D. Leyden, 1644; M.D. Oxon, 1687; F.R.C.P., 1664. Knighted, 1671. ‘The Garden of Cyrus,’ 1658. ‘ Plants . . . in Scripture,’ &c., in posthumous works. Discovered Suaeda fruticosa (EK. Bot. 635). Pritz. 44; Life and Works, ed. Wilkin, 1836; Nich. Lllustr. vi. 830; Munk, i. 321; Felton, 94; Cott. Gard. v. 15; Trans. Linn. Soe. vii. 296; Dict. 26 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Nat. Biog. vii. 64. Portr. in vestry of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich; one at R. C. P.; one, with family, by Dobson, at Devonshire House ; engr. by R. White in ‘ Works,’ ed. 1686 ; and engr. at Linn. Soc., from Norwich portr. Browne, Rev. William (c. 1628-78): b. Oxford, c. 1628 ; d. Oxford, 25 March, 1678; bur. in outer chapel, Magdalen Coll., Oxon. B.A. Oxon, 1647; B.D., 1665. Vice-President of Magdalen, 1669. ‘Catalogus Horti Bot. Oxoniensis,’ 1658, with Stephens and Bobart. ‘‘ Chief hand in the composition of the Catalogue,’ Wood, Fasti, ii. 282. Pult. i. 167; Pritz. 44; Wood’s Fasti Oxon. ii. 282. Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 75. Brownlee, Rev. J. (fl. 1842). Missionary at the Cape. Had ‘‘a good general knowledge of Botany,” and sent pl. to Harvey. Journ. Bot. 1842, 16. Brownleea Lindl. Brownrigg, William (1771-1800): b. High Close Hall, Cum- berland, 24 March, 1711; -d. Ormathwaite, Keswick, 6 Jan., 1800. M.D. Leyden, 1735; F.R.S., 1741. ‘Electrifying of Plants,’ Phil. Trans. 1747, No. 482. Friend of Sloane, Hales, and Franklin. ‘Literary Life,’ by Joshua Dixon, 1801; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 85. Bruce, Arthur (1725 ?-1805): b. 1725?; d. 1805. Sec. N. H. Soc. Edin. Land surveyor. Discovered Hriophorum pubescens. Contrib. to E. Bot. 128, 1908, &. Herb. bequeathed to Sir J. E. Smith. _ Smith, Lett. i. 431-3. Bot. KE. Bord. 197; Journ. Bot. 1863, 359. Bruce, Henry (fl. 1830?). Plant collector under Wallich. Wall. List, p. 24. Bruce, James (1730-94) : b. Kinnaird, Stirling, 14 Dec., 1730: d. Kinnaird, 27 April, 1794. Traveller. Of Kinnaird. Consul at Algiers, 1763-5. In Abyssinia, 1769-1771. Pritz. 44; Biog. by A. Murray in 2nd ed. of ‘ Travels,’ 1805; Baill. i. 503; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 98. Portr. engr. Heath, 1790, in his ‘ Travels.’ Brucea J. 8. Miller. Brunton, Jobn (fi. 1777). ‘Cat. of pl. botanically arranged, most of wh. are cultivated and sold by .. .’ at Perryhill, Birmingham, 1777. Contrib. to Withering’s Arrangement, ed. ii. (pref. xi.). Pritz. 46; Jacks. 409. Brunton, William (1775-1806): b. 21 Oct., 1775: d. Ripon, 23 June, 1806. Muscologist. Of Ripon. F.L.S., 1806. Found Hypnum squarrulosum. EK. B. 1709. Contrib. largely to E. Bot. Bot. Guide, 563-745. Dicranwm Bruntoni Sm. Bryant, Charles (d. 1799?). Of Norwich. Brother of the following. ‘Flora Dietetica,’ 1783. ‘ Dictionary of Orna- mental .... Plants,’ 1790. Pritz. 46; Jacks. 528; Linn. Trans. vii. 299. Bryant, Rev. Henry (1721-99): b. 1721; d. Colby, Norfolk, 4 June, 1799. B.A. Camb., 1749; M.A., 1753; A.L.S., 1795. Rector of Colby, Norfolk. Contrib. to E. Bot. (221, &e.). Discovered Tillga muscosa, 1766. ‘ Enquiry into cause of ... . Brand,’ 1784. Pritz. 46; Linn. Trans. vii. 297 ; Smith, Lett. i. 33; Gent. Mag. lxix. 1799, i. 532; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 155. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS, 27 Bryce, James (1806-77) : b. Killaig, Coleraine, 22 Oct., 1806 ; d. Inverfarigaig, Loch Ness, 11 July, 1877. B.A. Glasgow 1828; LL.D., 1858; F.G.8. ‘Geology of Arran, .. . with an account of the Botany ... .’ 1872. Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 159. Buchanan, Francis, afterward Hamilton [see Hamitton]. Buckland, Rev. William (1784-1856) : b. Axminster, Devon, 12 March, 1784; d.15 Aug., 1856; bur. Islip, Oxon. B.A. Oxon., 1805; D.D., 1825; F.L.S., 1821; P.G.S., 1824 & 1840; F.R.S., 1818. Dean of Westminster, 1845. Reader in Mineralogy, Oxon, 1813; in Geology, 1818. Jacks. 182 ; R. S.C. i.; Proc. Roy. Soc. viii. 264; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1857; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 206. Portr. in Ipswich series, 1849. Bucklandia Sternb. = Clathraria Mant. Buck- landia Brong. (fossil Cycad). Bucklandia Br. Buckman, James (1814-84): b. Alfrick, Worcestershire, 20 Nov., 1814; d. Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 23 Nov., 1884; bur. Bradford Abbas. Druggist. F.B.S. Ed., 1840; F.L.S., 1850. Prof. of Bot., Cirencester, 1848-63. ‘Bot. Guide to Chelten- ham,’ 1844. ‘ British Grasses,’ 1858. Pritz.47; Jacks. 528 ; R. §. C. i. 705; vi. 611; vii. 298; ix. 393; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1884-5, 104; Proc. Geol. Soc. 1884-5, 43 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 216. Buddle, Rev. Adam (d. 1715): b. Deeping St. James, Lincoln ; d. Gray’s Inn, 15 April, 1715; bur. St. Andrew’s, Holborn. B.A., 1681; M.A. Camb., 1685. Lived at Henley, Suffolk, in. 1698. Vicar of Great Fambridge, Essex, 1703. Reader at Gray’s Inn. ‘Hortus Siccus Buddleanus sive Methodus Nova stirpium Britann.,’ Sloane MSS. 2970-2980. Herbarium in Sloane’s, in Mus. Brit. Fl. Midd. 386-8 ; Rich. Corr. 87, 95, 103; Hind, Fl. Suffolk, 475; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 229. Portr. at Hadleigh Hall. Buddleia L. Bulger, George Ernest (d. 1884-5). Lieutenant - Colonel. F.L.S., 1864. ‘Flora of Windvogelberg,’ Student, iv. 1870, 275. BR. 8. C. vii. 301; ix. 396; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1883-86, 80. Bulkley, Edward (fl. 1695). Surgeon to H. H. I. C. at Madras. Succeeded Samuel Browne. Sent plants to Petiver. ‘ Museum Petiverianum,’ 438, 94. Bull, Henry Graves (c. 1818-85): b. circ. 1818; d. Hereford, 31 Oct., 1885. M.D. F.B.S. Ed., 1841. Of Hereford. Mycologist. ‘Herefordshire Pomona.’ Journ. Bot. 1886, 62. R.S. C.i. 715; vii. 802; ix. 396. Bull, Martin M. (d. 1879): d. Jersey, 17 Aug., 1879. M.D. Of Jersey. Found Ranunculus cherophyllus. List of plants of Sark, Journ. Bot. 1872, 199. R. 8. C. vii. 302; Journ. Bot. 1879, 288. Bulleyn, Rev. William (1500 ?-1576): b. Isle of Ely, 1500; d. in prison, London ?, 7 Jan., 1576; bur. Cripplegate Church. Physician. Both of Oxford and Cambridge. F.R.C.P., 1560. Practised in Durham. Travelled in Scotland and Germany. ‘A Book of Simples,’ 1562. Pult. i. 77-83 ; Pritz. 48 ; Jacks. 25; Wood, Athen. Oxon. i. 538; Tanner, Bibl. Angl. Hibern. ; ‘28 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Cooper, Athen. Cantab. i. 343; Munk; Biog. Brit. ; Felton, 845; Cott. Gard. v. 207; Journ. Hort. 1876, 373, with portr.; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 244. Engr. portr. in profile in © Government of Health,’ 1559, and full length (imaginary) in ‘ Bulwarke of Defence’; head, engr. W. Stubeley, 1722. Bunbury, Sir Charles James Fox, Bart. (1809-86): b. Messina, 1809; d. London?, 19 June, 1886. F.L.S., 1833 ; F.R.S. ‘Plants of Brazil,’ Proc. Linn. Soc. 1849, 108; ‘Fossil Plants from... . Jurassic,’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1851. ‘Botanical Fragments,’ 1883. Herb. at Cam- bridge. Pritz. 48; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1886, 735; Ann. & Mag. vii. 1841, 439; Journ. Bot. 1842, 549; 1843, 15 ; 1844, 949,; 1886, 69; R. S. C. i. 715; vi. 612. Bunburia Harv. Bunny, Joseph (1798-1885): b. Newbury, Berks., 1798; d. Newbury, 2 June, 1885. M.D. Edin., 1823. Contrib. to Cat. Newbury Plants, 1889. Trans. Newbury Field Club, iii. xvi. Buonaiuti (fl. 1807). Librarian to Lord Holland. ‘On Dahlia,’ Appx. to McDonald’s Gard. Dict., 1807. Trans. Hort. Soc. iil. 218. Burchell, William John (1781—-2-1863): b. Fulham, 1781- 82; d. Fulham, 23 March, 1863. F.L.8., 1808; D.C.L. Oxon., 1834. ‘ Schoolmaster and acting botanist’ to H. E. I. C. at St. Helena, 1805-10. Travelled in S. Africa, 1811-15; in S. America, 1825-29. Herbarium and MS. Flora of St. Helena at Kew. Collected 15,000 spp. Heir to R. A. Salisbury. Pritz. 48; Jacks. 346; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1862-3 xxxiv.; Bot. Misc. ii. 128; Kew Gard. Report, 1865 ; Bot. Challenger, ii. 51; R. 8. C.i.; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 290. Portr. at Kew. Burchellia R. Br. Burdon, Mrs. (d. 1885): d. Castle Eden, Durham, 10 March, 1885. ‘An excellent botanist.” Naturalist, 1884-5; 235. Burgess, Rev. Dr. (fl. 1777-1805). Of Kirkmichael, Dumfries. Lichenologist. Lightfoot, Fl. Scotica, i. xiii. Contrib. to E. Bot. 300, 1473. Leptogium Burgessi Leighton. Burke, Joseph (fl. 1840). Collector for Lord Derby in 8. Africa and N. America. Pl. at Kew and in Herb. Mus. Brit. Journ. Bot. 1843, 163 ; 1845, 644; Ic. Pl. 593. Burkea Hook. Burnett, Gilbert Thomas (1800-35): b. 15 April, 1800; d. 27 July, 1835. Prof. Bot., King’s College, London, 1831, and at Chelsea, 1835. F.L.8., 1832. ‘ Outlines of Botany,’ 1835. Pritz. 49; Jacks. 38, 495; Semple, 186; R. 8. C. i. 735; Mag. Gard. iv. (n.s. ii.) 29; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 412. Burnetiia Lindl. Burnett, James (fl. 1836). M.A. ‘Magazine of Botany and Gardening,’ 1835-7. Burnett, M. A. (fi. 1840-50). Sister of G. T. Burnett. ‘ Plante Utiliores,’ 1842-50, drawn and coloured by M. A. B., the text mainly by G. T. B. Pritz. 49; Jacks. 192; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 412. Burton, David (d. 1792): d. Australia, 13 April, 1792. Gar-- BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 29 dener. Sent by Banks to Port Jackson. Salisbury, Parad. Lond. f. 73; Collins, ‘N. 8. Wales,’ 205. Burtonia Salish. = Hibbertia. Burtonia RB. Br. Burton, Sir Richard (1821-90): b. Barham House, Herts, 19 March, 1821; d. Trieste, 20 Oct., 1890; bur. Mortlake, Surrey. - Traveller in Africa, &c. Plants from Congo in a Kew. Fl. Trop. Afr. i. 10; ‘Nature,’ 30 Oct., 1890, 646. Bush, William Maddocks (1813?-57): d. Weston-super- Mare, 17 Dec. 1857. M.D. F.L.S., 1843. ‘Acquired considerable knowledge’”’ of botany. Proc. L. Soc. 1857-8, XXV. Busk, George (1807-86): b. 1807; d. London, 10 Aug., 1886. Surgeon, R.N. F.L.S., 1846; Sec. 1857-68; F.R.8., 1850; Pres. R.C.S., 1871. Zoologist and anthropologist. ‘ Volvox Globator,’ with Williamson, 1853. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1886-7, 36; R. 8. C. i. 742; ix. 406. Oil portr. at Linn. Soc. by Miss E. M. Busk. Bute, John, Earl of [see Stuart, Joun]. Butt, Rev. J. M. (fl. 1825). M.A. Vicar of Hast Garston, Berks. Relation of the following. ‘Botanical Primer,’ 1825; Pritz. 50; Jacks. 37. Smith, Lett. i. 440. Butt, Rev. Thomas (fl. 1797-1809). Of Areley, Salop. F.LS., 1797. Sent Anaphalis margaritacea from Wyre Forest to Smith. Smith, Lett. i. 435-441. Contrib. to E. Bot. 662, 2018, &. Botanised in Ireland. Buxton, Richard (1786-1865): b. Prestwich, Manchester, 15 Jan., 1786; d. Ancoats, Manchester, 2 Jan. 1865; bur. Prestwich. Shoemaker and newsman. ‘ Botanical Guide to .. . Manchester,’ 1849. Pritz. 50; Jacks. 256; Autobiog. in ‘Guide’; Cash, 94; Journ. Bot. iii. 71; Boase; Dict. Nat. Biog. viii. 106. Bynoe (fl. 1837-43). Surgeon on H.M.S. ‘Beagle,’ 1837-43. Fl. Tasmania, cxvii. Plants in Herb. Kew. Caius, John, alias Key (1510-73): b. Norwich, 6 Oct., 1510 ; d. London, 29 July, 1573; bur. in Chapel of Caius College, Camb. M.A. Cantab., 1535. M.D. Padua, 1541; of Cam- bridge, 1558. Pupil of Vesalius. F.R.C.P., 1547; Pres., 1555-60. Physician to Edward VI., Mary, and Elizabeth. Founder of Caius College, Camb. Communicated histories of rare plants to Gesner. ‘De Stirpium,’ 1570. Pritz. 50; Jacks. 26; Munk, i. 87; Life by Aikin; Cooper, Athen. Cantab. i. 312; Dict. Nat. Biog. viii. 221. Three portr. at Caius Coll.; mezzo. portr. by J. Faber; woodcut in his ‘Works,’ 1556; and one in the ‘ Heroologia.’ Calcoensis, Henricus (fl. 1493). Benedictine Prior. Scotch? ‘Synopsis Herbaria, MS. Pult. i. 24. Callcott, Lady (Maria), née Dunpas (1785-1842): b. Papcastle, Cockermouth, 19 July, 1785; d. Kensington, 28 Nov., 1842; bur. Kensal Green Cemetery. m.1. Thomas Graham, R.N., 30 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF 1809 (q.v.); m. 2. Augustus Wall Calleott (afterwards knighted), 1827. ‘Journal of a Residence in India,’ 1812. ‘Journal of a Voyage to Brazil,’ 1824. ‘Scripture Herbal,’ 1842, &. Collected in Brazil. Jacks. 20; Journ. Bot. 1842, 26; Gent. Mag. 1843, i. 98; Dodd, Annual Biography, 1842, 285. Dict. Nat. Biog. viii. 258. Gremia Hook. = Cephalophora Grahamia Gill. Caldcleugh, Alexander (fl. 1823). F.L.8., 1823; F.R.S. Col- lected in Chili. Friend of D. Don. Caldcluvia D. Don. Caldwell, Andrew (1733-1808): b. Dublin ?, 19 Dec., 1733; d. near Bray, Wicklow, 2 July, 1808. Irish bar, 1760. F.L.S., 1796. Correspondent of Smith. Smith, Lett. ii.; Nich. Illustr. viii. 24; Gent. Mag. lxxviii. 746; Dict. Nat. Biog. viii. 247. Caley, George (d. 1829): b. Yorkshire; d. Bayswater, 23 May, 1829; bur. St. George’s burial-ground, Hyde Park. Began life as stable-boy. Assisted by Banks. In New South Wales, 1799-1810. Superintendent, St. Vincent Gardens, 1816-22. <‘‘ Botanicus peritus et accuratus,” R. Brown. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. (1811); Gard. Chron. xxiv., 1885, 263 ; Mag. Nat. Hist. 1829, 310; 1830, 226. Woolls, Bot. Discov. in Austr.,* 7; Cash, 21. Caleana BR. Br. Calvert, Caroline Louisa Waring, née Arxinson (1834-72) : b. Oldbury, Argyle co., N. S. Wales, 25 Feb., 1834; d. Sutton Forest, N.S.W., 28 April, 1872. m. 1870, James Snowden Calvert, fellow-traveller of Leichhardt, 1844-45. Sent plants to F. von Mueller. Mueller, Fragmenta, v. 34, viii. 538. G. B. Barton, Literature of N.S.W., 1866, 111. Boase. Atkinsonia F. v. M., Epacris Calvertiana F. v. M. Calvert, Michael (1770 ?-1862): b. Knaresboro’, 1770?; d. Knaresboro’, 3 Dec., 1862. Chemist, botanist, and topo- grapher. ‘Hist. of Knaresboro’, 1844. Grainger’s Hist. of Harrogate (1871), 261. Boyne’s Yorksh. Library (1869), 142. ‘Leeds Mercury,’ 1 June, 1889. Boase; Dict. Nat. Biog. vill. 274. Cameron, David (1787 ?-1848): b. cire. 1787; d. Shrawley, Worce., 25 June, 1848. A.L.S., 1827. Gardener to R. Barclay (q.v.) until 1831; then Curator Birmingham Bot. Garden till 1847. Contrib. to Phyt. i., Gard. Mag., &c.; and to Knowles and Westcott’s Floral Cabinet. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 50. Hibiscus Cameroni Kn. and Westc. Campbell, Archibald, Srd Duke of Argyle (1682-1761) : b. Ham House, Richmond, June, 1682; d. London, 15 April, 1761. Planted Whitton. Most of his trees went to Kew. Loud. * Arboretum,’ 57-8 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. viii. 341. Argylia D. Don. Campbell, William Hunter. (1814-83): b. Edinburgh, 1814; d. London, 1883. Fellow collegian of Sir J. D. Hooker. LL.D. Edinburgh. First Sec. Bot. Soc. Edin. Collected Scottish plants. Author (with J. H. Balfour and C. C. Babington) of Edin. Cat. Brit. Pl. 1841. Attorney in Georgetown, Demerara. ‘ Vegetation of Georgetown,’ Ann. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 81 N. H. x, 349. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. v.25. R..8. C. i. 775. Timehri, ii. 366. His brother, Capt. J. Campbell, of the Madras Establishment, collected in India. Wight, Ic. iv. 1424. Campbellia Wight. Cantor, Theodore Edward (fl. 1836-54). M.D. Of Bengal Med. Service. Zoologist. Collected in Malaya and China, 1840-41. Plants enumerated by Griffiths in Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, v. 623 (1854). ‘General Features of Chusan,’ Ann. N. H. ix. 265. Pritz. 56; Laségue, 486; R. 8. C. i. 779. Carey, John (1797 ?-1880): b. 1797?; d. Blackheath, Kent, 26 Mar., 1880. To U.S.A. 1830; returned to England 1852. Contrib. Saiz and Carex to Gray’s ‘ Manual,’ ed. i. (1848). With A. Gray in N. Carolina, 1841. Contrib. to Silliman’s Journ. 1847-53; Amer. Journ. Sci. 3rd ser. xix. 421. Herb. presented to Kew. RB. 8S. C. i. 785. Sasifraga Careyt. Carey, Rev. William (1761-1834) : b. Paulerspury, Northants, 17 Aug., 1761; d. Serampore, 9 June, 1834. Baptist Missionary and Orientalist. In India from 1794. D.D., 1804; F.L.8., 1823. Founded Bot. Gard. Serampore. Edited Roxburgh’s ‘ Flora Indica.’ Pritz. 56; Jacks. 530. Memoir by Eustace Carey, 1836; Gent. Mag. 1835, i. 547 ; Baillon, i. 630; Dict. Nat. Biog. ix. 77. Careya Roxb. Cargill, James (fl. 1603). Medical man. Of Aberdeen. Studied at Basle under Caspar Bauhin. Correspondent of Gesner, Lobel, Caspar Bauhin. Described Fuct. Pult. ii. 2; Bauhin, ‘Prodromus,’ 154; Lobel, ‘ Adversaria’; Dict. Nat. Biog. ix. 80. Cargillia R. Br. Carlisle, Sir Anthony (1769-1840): b. Stillington, Durham, 8 Feb., 1769; d. London, 2 Nov., 1840. F.R.S., 1800. ‘ Physi- ological Observations,’ Trans. Hort. Soe. ii. 184. B.S. C.i. 710; Gent. Mag. 1840, ii. 660; Dict. Nat. Biog. ix. 103. Carmichael, Dugald (1772-1827) : b. Lismore, Hebrides, 1772; d. Appin, Argylesh., Sept., 1827. Captain. F.L.S. Friend of R. Brown. At the Cape, 1806-10; Mauritius and Bour- bon, 1810-14; India, 1815-17. Took Tristan d’Acunha, 1817. ‘Alege Appinenses,’ ined. Harv. Brit. Alge, 49, 54, &e. Linn. Trans. xii. 483. R. 8. C. i. 791; Pritz. 56; Bot. Mise. ii. 1, 258; iti. 23; Baill. i. 632. Carmichelia Grev. = Striaria Grev. Carmichelia, R. Br. Carpenter, William Benjamin (1813-85) : b. Exeter, 29 Oct., 1813; d. London, 10 Nov., 1885. M.D. Edinb., 1839; LL.D., 1871; C.B., 1872; F.R.S., 1844; F.L.8., 1856. Practised at Bristol till 1844. Fullerian Prof. of Physiology, 1844. Registrar, London University, 1856-79. ‘ General Physi- ology,’ 1839, ed. ii, 1841. ‘ Vegetable Physiology,’ 1844. ‘The Microscope,’ 1856, ed. vi. 1881. Pritz. 56; Jacks. 580; RB. S. C. i. 794; vii. 382; ix. 453; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1885-6, 188; Proc. Geol. Soc. 1885-6, 40; ‘Athenzum,’ 1885, ii. 639; Dict. Nat. Biog. ix. 166. Portr. in Ipswich Museum Series; portr. Men of Eminence, 1864. 32 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Carr, Amos (1829?-84): b. Frant, Kent, 1829?; d. Sheffield, 29 Ap., 1884. Postman and bootmaker, of Sheffield. Knew local plants well. ‘ West Yorkshire,’ 359; Naturalist, 1884, 71. : Carroll, Isaac (1828-80): b. 1828; d. Aghada, co. Cork, 17 Sept., 1880. Visited Lapland, 1864, and Iceland. Studied Cryptogamia. Contributed to ‘Cybele Hibernica,’ 1866. Herbarium and MS. Flora of Cork at Queen’s Coll., Cork. General herbarium, lichens, &c., in Brit. Mus. Journ. Bot. 1881, 128; R. S. C. i. 801; vii. 339. Carron, William (fl. 1848-67). Botanist in Kennedy’s explor- ing expedition from Sydney, 1848. Narrative in Macgilli- vray’s ‘ Voyage of Rattlesnake,’ ii. 117 (1852). Collected afterwards in Australia. Woolls, 46; R. 8. C. vii. 339. Carronia F. v. M. Casborne, Mrs. (née Lorrr), (d. 1884) :d. Pakenham, 1884. Of Pakenham, Suff. ‘Herbarium’ (1819-50), in 25 vols., at Troston Hall, Suff. Hind’s FI. Suff., 489. Castle, R. (fl. 1840). ‘ Description of a species of Rose new to the British Flora,’ Proc. Sei. Soc. Lond. 1840, ii. 36. R.S.C. i. 821. Castle, Thomas (c. 1804-38): b. Kent, c. 1804; d. Brighton ?, 1838. M.D. Camb.; F.L.S., 1827. Practised in Bermond- sey. ‘Systematic and Physiological Botany,’ 1829. ‘ British Flora Medica,’ with B. H. Barton, 1887. Pritz. 58; Jacks. 531; Dict. Nat. Biog. ix. 275. Catesby, Mark (1679 or 1680-1749): b. Sudbury, Suff., 1679 or 1680; d. London, 23 Dec., 1749. F.R.S., 1733. Of Hoxton and Fulham. In Virginia, 1712-19; In Carolina Georgia, Florida, Bahamas, &c., 1722-26. <‘ Natural History of Carolina,’ 1730-48, illustrated by himself, ed. ii. 1748; iii. 1771. ‘Hortus Europeus-Americanus,’ 1767. Plants in Hb. Sherard, Oxford, and Hb. Sloane. Pult. ii. 219; Rees; Pritz. 58; Jacks. 110, 362; Baillon, i. 655; Rich. Corr. 401; Linn. Corr. ii. 440; Nich. Anec. i. 371; Gent. Mag. 1749, xx. 30, 572; Loudon, ‘Arboretum,’ 68, 81; Dict. Nat. Biog. ix. 281; Drake, Dict. Americ. Biog. 170. Catesbea Gronovius. 4 Cathcart, James W. (1802-51): b. Edinburgh, 19 Feb., 1802 ; d. Lausanne, 8 July, 1851. Of Bengal Civil Service. Went to Calcutta, 1822. Collected at Darjeeling and Cape. ‘Illustrations to Himalayan Plants,’ 1885; pref. by J. D. Hooker. Indian plants at Edinburgh and Kew. Had a large coll. of drawings made of Indian plants, now at Kew. Bot. Mag. 4596. Cathcartia Hook. f. Catlow, Agnes (1807 ?-89): b. 1807?; d. Addlestone, Surrey, 10 May, 1889. ‘Popular Field Botany,’ 1847. <‘ Popular Garden Botany,’ 1855. Pritz. 58; Jacks. 42, 235. : Chambers, John (fil. 1800). M.D. Of Hast Dereham, Norf. ‘Pocket Herbal,’ 1800. Chambers, Richard (1784-1858) : b. London, 1784; d. Balder- ton, Notts, 20 Dec., 1858. F.L.8., 1822. Of Cecil Court, -BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 33 St. Martin’s Lane. Schoolmaster. ‘Cat. of Pl. of Tring,’ Mag. Nat. Hist. n.s. ii. 1888, 38; ‘ Introduction to the Study of Botany,’ 1847. Jacks. 486; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1859, xxx.; BR. S.C. i. 868. Champion, John George (1815-54): b. Edinburgh, 5 May, 1815; d. Scutari, 30 Nov., 1854. Lieut.-Col. In Ceylon, 1838-47. Hong Kong, 1847-50. ‘ Botany in Ceylon,’ Journ. Agric. Hort. Soc. India, ii. (1843), 871. ‘ Ternstroemiaces of Hong Kong.’ Linn. Trans. xxi. 111. Plants at Kew. R. 8. C. i. 870; Gard. Chron. 1854, 819; Fl. Hongkong, p. 8*; Dict. Nat. Biog. x. 33. Championia Gardn. Chandler, Alfred (fl. 1831). Nurseryman and floral artist. Of Vauxhall. ‘Tllustrations...of... Camellia... the draw- ings by Alfred Chandler ; the descriptions by William Beattie Booth,” 1831. Pritz. 60; Jacks. 126. Chandler, Elizabeth (1818-84): b. Hinton-in-the-Hedges, Bucks, 29 Ap., 1818; d. Isleworth, 29 Ap., 1884; bur. Isle- worth. ‘Plants of -High Wycombe,’ Bot. Chronicle, 1864, 81-84. Bucks plants in Brit. Mus. Chanter, Charlotte, née Kingsley (fl. 1856). Sister of Charles Kingsley. ‘Ferny Combes,’ 1856. Pritz. 61; Jacks. 251. Charles, James (f1. 1584). ‘Collection of Simples most in use, with their names Latin and English,’ 1584, Sloane MS. Haller, Addend. ii. 675. Charlton, Edward (1814-74): b. Hesleyside, Northumberland, 23 July, 1814; d. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 14 May, 1874; bur. Bellingham. Lecturer, Newcastle Med. School. Orig. Memb. Bot. Soc. Edin. M.D. Edin., 1836. D.C.L. Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. xii. 198. Johnston Corr. 29; Monthly Chronicle, 1889, 443. Charlwood, George (1784 ?-1861): b. 1784?; d. Feltham, 26 Aug., 1861. F.L.8., 1824. Nurseryman. ‘‘ An assiduous botanist,” Sweet, Fl. Australasica, t. 18. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1861-2, xc. Charlwoodia Sweet = Cordyline Comm. Chatterley, William Maddox (fl. 1839). Hon. Sec. Bot. Soc. Lond. ‘ Botanical Statistics,’ Proc. Bot. Soc. Lond. 1889, 87. Cheshire, William (d. circ. 1855): d. Stratford-on-Avon, 1855. Working printer. Botanised in Warwickshire. FI. Warwicksh., 502. . Chesney, Francis Rawdon (1789-1872) : b. Annalong, co. Down, 16 Mar., 1789; d. Mourne, co. Down, 30 Jan., 1872. Explorer of Euphrates. D.C:L. Oxon, 1850; F.B.S. General. Plants (descr. in Bertolini, ‘ Miscellanea Botanica,’ i.) in Herb. Mus. Br. Journ. Bot. 1872, 96; Proc. R. G. §. xvi. 301; BR. S. C. i. 896; Dict. Nat. Biog. x.185. Chesneya Bert. = Pimpinella L. Chesneya Lindl. Chitty, Simon Casie (fl. 1834-59). ‘ Botanical Dict. in Tamil Language,’ Madras, 1844. Pritz. 62. Christison, Sir Robert (1797-1882) : b. Edinburgh, 18 July, 1797; d. Edinburgh, 27 Jan., 1882. Pupil of Orfila. M.D. Edin., 1819; D.C.L. Oxon, 1865; LL.D. Edin., 1872; P.B.S.E., 1868-1873. me 1871. V.-P. Bot. Soc. Edin., 34 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF 1839. Prof. of Medical Jurisprudence, Edin., 1822-32; of Mat. Med., 1832-77. Lord Rector, 1880. ‘Treatise on Poisons,’ 1829. ‘Exact Measurement of Trees,’ Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. xiiixiv. Pritz. 62; R. S. C.i. 922; ix. 516; ‘Life’ (partly autobiog.), 1885-6; Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. xiv. 266; Dict. Nat. Biog. x. 290. Christisonia Gardn. Christy, William (c. 1807-39): b. Kingston-on-Thames ?, c. 1807; d. Clapham Road, 42 July, 1839. Of Clapham Road. F.L.S., 1828. Visited Norway and Madeira. Contributed to Gibson’s FI. of Hssex, and to Mag. Nat. Hist. 1833, 51; 1837, 25. Gave plants and books to Bot. Soc. Edinb. Jacks. 335; R. S. C. i. 925; Proc. Linn. Soe. i. 67; Gard. Mag. xv 536. Christya Ward & Harv. = Strophanthus DC. Churchill, James Morse (f. 1831). F.R.S.; F.L.8. ‘ Medical Botany,’ 1831. Clapperton, Hugh (1788-1827): b. Annan, Dumfriesshire, 1788 ; d. Chungary, near Sokota, 13 Ap., 1827. Captain, R.N. African explorer. In India, 1810-13; in Canada, 1814; in Africa, 1822-1827. Pl.in Herb. Mus. Brit., descr. by Brown in ‘ Narrative of Travels,’ by Denham and Clapperton, 1826. Pritz. 63; Jacks. 346; ‘ Sketch,’ prefixed to ‘Journ. of 2nd Expedition,’ 1829. Memoir by Rev. T. Nelson, 1830. Dict. Nat. Biog. x. 372. Portr. by Manton, engr. Lupton, in Lander’s Journal of Expedition, 1829. Clappertonia Meisn. = Honckenya Willd. Clark, William (fl. 1826). Botanical artist. Drew and engraved plates for R. Morris’s ‘ Flora Conspicua,’ 1826. Clark, William Barnard (fl. 1840): b. Ipswich. M.L.; F.B.8. Ed. 1839. ‘Flora of Ipswich,’ in Mag. Nat. Hist. 1840, 124. R.8. C.i. 987. Clarke, Benjamin (1813-90): b. Saffron Walden, Essex, 5 Sept., 1813; d. Hampstead, 4 Feb., 1890. M.R.C.8. F.L.S., 1845. ‘New Arrangement of . . . Exogens,’ 1851. ‘New Arrangement of Phanerogam. Pl.,’ 1866; ed. iii., 1888. “One of our most careful observers,’ Bentham. Journ. Bot. 1890, 84; R. 8. C. i. 935; vii. 395. Clarke, Rev. Sir Edward Daniel (1769-1822): b. Willing- don Vicarage, Sussex, 5 June, 1769; d. London, 9 Mar., 1822; bur. Jesus Coll. Chapel, Cambridge. Traveller and mineralogist. B.A. Cantab., 1790; M.A., 1794; LL.D., 1808. Collected in Scandinavia, 1799; Russia, 1800. Or- dained, 1805. Vicar of Harlton, 1806, and Yeldham, 1810. Pl. presented to A. B. Lambert. Prof. of Mineralogy, Cam- bridge, 1808. ‘Travels,’ 1810-23. Pritz. 63; R. S. C. i. 935; ‘Life,’ by Otter, 1825; Nich. Anec. iv. 389, 721; Nich. Ilust. Dict. Nat. Biog. x. 421. Bust, by Chantrey, at 7 of Coll. Portr. by Opie, engr. in ‘ Travels,’ vol. i., and in ife.’ Clarke, George (fi. 1840). Of Mahé, Seychelles. ‘Coco de Mer,’ Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. v. (1840), 422; and vi. (1841), 408. Proc. Linn. Soc. i. 1849, 153; R. S. C. i. 986. Clarke, Joshua (1805-90) : b. Saffron Walden, 10 Ap., 1805; BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 35 d. same place, Feb., 1890. Brother of Benjamin Clarke. F.L.S., 1853. Helped Gibson with Fl. Essex. Discovered Lathyrus tuberosus and Erucastrum Pollichit. F). Essex viii. ; R. 8. C. i. 986; Journ. Bot. 1890, 192. Clarke, Robert (fl. 1843-63). Surgeon, Sierra Leone. ‘Congo Tobacco,’ Journ. Bot. 1851, 9. ‘Paspalum exile,’ Proc. Linn. Soe. i. 155. Pritz. 63; B.S. Cli. 9. Clarke, Rev. William Branwhite (1798-1878): b.. Hast Bergholt, Suffolk, 2 June, 1798; d. N. 8. Wales, 17 June, 1878. M.A. Camb., 1824; F.R.S., 1876. Geologist. Dis- coverer of gold in Australia. In Australia, 1839-1878. Various papers on peat-bogs, submerged forests, Carboniferous plants. R. S. C. i. 987; vii. 896; ix. 528; Woolls, Bot. Discov. in Austy., 36; Proc. Roy. Soc. xxviii. 1879, i; Dict. Nat. Biog. x. 450. Clayton, John (1686 or 1693 ?-1773): b. Fulham, 1686 or 1693 ?; d. 15 Dee., 1773. Went to Virginia in 1705. ‘ Flora Virginica,’ 1739-45. Phil. Trans. xvii., xviii., xli. Sent pl. to Gronovius. Virginian pl. in Mus. Brit. Pritz. 63; ‘Memorials of Bartram,’ p. 406; Appleton’s Cyclopad. Americ. Biog.; Allibone; Rose; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 13. Claytomia Gronov. Clement, or Clements, John (d. 1572): b. Yorkshire?; d. Mechlin, 1 July, 1572; bur. Cathedral, Mechlin. M.D. Oxon; Prof. of Greek; F.R.C.P., 1528; President, 1544. Tutor to Sir Thomas More’s children. ‘The best botanist and herbalist of us all,” Sir T. Moore. Jacks. xxx.; Munk, i. 27; Wood, Athen. Oxon. i. 401; Gardiner, Admission registers St. Paul’s School, 19; Gard. Chron. 1872, 706; Fl. Midd. (interl.), 892; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 33. Clifford, Thomas Hugh (1762-1825): b. 4 Dec., 1762; d. Ghent, 25 Feb., 1825. ‘Flora Tixalliana,’ 1817. Pritz. 64; Jacks. 260. Clinton, — (f. 1829). Prof. Med. Bot. to Apothecaries’ Hall. Transl. and annotated Richard’s ‘Elements of Botany.’ Pref. to Irish Flora, viii. Clough, Edwin (d. 1883): d. Ashton, Lanc., 8 Feb., 1883. Working-man botanist. Journ. Bot. 1888, 192. Clouston, Rev. Charles (1800-84): b. Stromness, Orkney, 1800; d. Stromness, 1884. LL.D. St. Andrews. ‘ Guide to Orkneys’ (contains botany). Scott. Nat. 1885, 49; R.8. C., i. 960. ‘Cobbold, Thomas Spencer (1828-86): b. Ipswich, 1828; d. London, 20 Mar., 1886. M.D. Edin., 1847; F.L.8., 1857; F.R.S., 1864. Helminthologist. Prof. Bot. Roy. Vet. Coll., 1873. ‘Embryogeny of Orchis mascula,’ Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci., 1853. ‘Embryology of Achimenes,’ Journ. Quekett Micros. Club, 1879. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1885-6, 140; R. 8. C. ii. 2; vii. 409; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 147. Cockburn, Sir James (d. circ. 1780): d. in Ireland, circ. 1780. Baronet. Introduced Gardenia Thunbergia in 1778, Hortus Kewensis; Gent. Mag. 1780, 153. 36 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF Cockfield, Joseph (1740 ?-1816) : b. 1740?; d. Mar., 1816. Of Upton, Essex. ‘ Catalogue of Scarce Plants.’ ‘ The Botanist’s Guide’ (anon.), 1813; Letters, 1765-71, in Nich. Ilust. v. 7538-808. Pritz. 64; Jacks. 256; Friends’ Books, i. 438. FI. Midd, 398. Cocks, John (1787-1861): b. Sussex, 1787 ; d. Devonport, 1861. M.D. Algologist. ‘Algarum fasciculi,’ 1855-9. ‘ Seaweed Collector’s Guide,’ 1853. ‘Marine Algew,’ Journ. Linn. Soc. iv.101. Pritz. 64; Jacks. 242; R.S. C. ii. 5. Coel, James (fl. 1610). Of Highgate. Merchant. Lobel’s son-in-law. Had a botanic garden at Highgate. Introduced Cerasus Lawrocerasus. Pult. i. 125. Colden, Cadwallader (1688-1776): b. Dunse, Scotland, 17 Feb., 1688; d. Long Island, New York, 28 Sept., 1776. M.D. Edin., 1705. Practised in Pennsylvania, 1708-15. Surveyor-General of New York, 1719. Lieutenant-Governor, 1761. Introduced Linnean system into America. ‘ Plante Coldenhamiz ’ in ‘ Acta Upsaliensia,’ 1743. Correspondent of Linneus. ‘Correspondence,’ in Silliman’s Journ. vol. xliv. Pritz. 65 ; ‘Memorials of Bartram,’ p.19; Linn. Corr. ii. 451-8, 476; Nich. Anec. v. 484; Appleton, ‘Cyclop. Americ. Biog.,’ with portr.; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 260. Coldenia L. Colden, Jane, afterwards Farquhar [see FarquHaR]. Cole, Rev. Thomas (f1.1725). Of Gloucester. Correspondent of Dillenius. Burnt his herbarium. Pult. ii. 191. Colebrooke, Henry Thomas (1765-1837): b. London, 15 June, 1765; d. London, 10 Mar., 1887. F.R.S.; F.L.S., 1816. Sanskrit scholar. Chief Judge, Bengal. In India, 1783-1815. Furnished oriental names for Roxburgh’s ‘Flora Indica.’ On Menispermum, Boswellia, &c., Trans. Linn. Soc. 1817-26. Collected in Sylhet; and sent plants and drawings to W. J. Hooker, Smith, Exot. Bot. ii. 115; Pritz. 65; R. 8. C. ii. 12; Life by his son, Sir. T. E. Colebrooke, in his ‘ Miscellaneous Essays,’ 1872 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 282. Colebrookia Donn = Ceratanthera Horn. Colebrookea Sm.°. Coleman, Rev. William Higgins (1816 ?-63): b. 1816?; d. Burton-on-Trent, 12 Sept., 1863. B.A. Camb., 1836; M.A., 1838. Master at Christ’s Hospital, Hertford; and, from 1847, at Ashby-de-la-Zouch Grammar School. Described CGinanthe fluviatilis. Discovered Buniwm Bulbocastanum, 1839. ‘Flora Hertfordiensis,’ with R. H. Webb, 1849. Pritz. 340; Jacks. 253, 255; Top. Bot. 540. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. viii. 13; R. 8. C. ii. 13; ‘ Flora of Hertfordshire,’ 1887, xlii.; Journ. Bot. 1863, 318; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 290. Rubus Colemanni Bloxam. Coles, or Cole, William (1626-62) : b. Adderbury, Oxon, 1626; d. Winchester?, 1662. B.A. Oxon, 1651; B.D. Lived at Putney. Art of Simpling, Introd. to Knowledge of PI.;’ 1656. ‘Adam in Eden,’ 1657. ‘The most famous simpler or herbalist of his time,” Wood. Rees; Pritz. 65; Wood, Ath. Ox. iii. 621; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 277. Collie, Alexander (d. 1835): d. King George’s Sound, Dec., BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 37 1835. Surgeon R.N. F.L.S., 1825. On board H.M.S. Blossom, 1825-28. Collected in California, with Lay, in 1827; also in Chili and Australia, 1832. Plants in Herb. Kew. Pritz. 66; ‘ Botany of Beechey’s Voyage’; Botany of Geol. Surv. Californ. ii. 554. Collins — (fl. 18202). M.D. MS. List of Barbados plants. Maycock, Fl. Barbadensis, vii. Collins, Rev. John Coombes (fl. 1816-48). B.A. Camb., 1826 ; M.A., 1848. List of Somerset plants in N. B. G., 553. Collinson, Michael (1729?-95): b. Peckham?, 1729?; d. 11 Aug., 1795; bur. at Sproughton, Suffolk. Of Hendon, Middlesex, and Chantry, Suffolk. Only son of the following. Nich. Anec. v. 315. Collinson, Peter (1694-1768) : b. St. Clement’s Lane, Lombard Street ?, 14 Jan., 1694; d. London, 11 Aug., 1768 (not at Thorndon). F.R.8., 1728; F.S.A., 1737. Woollen-draper. Had garden at Peckham till 1749, and then at Mill Hill (afterwards Salisbury’s). Friend of Derham, Woodward, Dale, Sloane, Linnzxus, Bartram, Franklin, &. Contributed. to Gent. Mag. 1751-66. MS. account of introduction of American seeds in Bot. Dept. Brit. Mus. Pult. ii. 275; Rees; Pritz. 66; Account by Dr. Fothergill, 1770, with portr., engr. T. Trotter; Nich. Anec. v. 309; ix. 609, with portr.; ‘Hortus Collinsonianus,’ by L. W. Dillwyn, 1843; Friends’ Books, i. 443; Linn. Corr. i. 1-77; Linn. Trans. x. 270; Loudon, ‘ Arboretum,’ 54, 81; Cott. Gard. viii. 143; Gent. Mag. 1768, 398; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 382. Portr. at Kew. Collinsonia L. Colquhoun, Sir Robert (fl. 1822). Baronet. Collected in Kumaon. PI. in Hort. Bot. Calcutta. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. 608. Colquhounia Wall. . Colvill, William (fl. 1830). Of Arbroath. ‘ Functions of Spiral Vessels.’ Edinb. Journ. iii. (1830) 5; RB. 5S. C. ii. 26. Compton, Hon. and Rev. Henry (1632-1713): b. Compton Wyniates, Warwick, 1632; d. Fulham, 7 July, 1718; bur. Fulham. Cornet in Guards. M.A. Camb., 1661; and Oxon, 1666; D.D., 1669 ; ordained, 1662. Bishop of Oxford, 1674; of London, 1675. Friend of Ray, &c. Introduced many exotics, Loudon, ‘ Arboretum,’ 50. Pult.ii. 105, 302; Pritz. 67; ‘ Life,’ 1713; F. L. Colvile, ‘ Worthies of Warwickshire’ ; Phil. Trans. xlvii. 241; Cott. Gard. iv. 183; vii. 171; Wood, Athen. Ox. iv. 514; Fasti, ii. 293; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 443. Portr. mezz. by Is. Beckett, after J. Riley; by J. Simon, after Hargrave, 1710; and engr. by D. Loggan, 1679 Comptonia Brongn. = Comptonites Nilss.? Comptoma Banks MS., Giirtn. Conway, Charles (fl. 1836). List of Monmouth plants in N. B. G. 629. BR. 8. C. ii. 88; Top. Bot. 542. Cook, James (1728-79): b. Marton, Yorkshire, 27 Oct., 1728 ; murdered Hawaii, 14 Feb., 1779. Circumnavigator. First voyage, with Banks and Solander, 1768-71; second, with J. R. and G. Forster, 1772-75; third, 1776-79. Pritz. 68; Jacks. 534; Comp. Bot. Mag. ii. 233; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 38 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF 66. Portr., by Dance, at Greenwich Hospital. Two Wedg- wood medallions. Cookia Sonn. Cook, Samuel Edward, afterwards Widdrington [see W1p- __ DRINGTON]. Cooke, George (1781-1834): b. London, 1781; d. Barnes, Surrey, 1834. Line-engraver. Drew plates for Loddiges’ ‘Bot. Cabinet.’ Bryan. Cooper, Daniel (1817 ?-42): b. 1817?; d. Leeds, Yorkshire, 94 Nov., 1842; bur. Quarry Hill Cemetery, Leeds. A.L.S., 1837. Curator Bot. Soc. Lond., 1838. Assistant Zool. Dep. Mus. Brit. Assistant-Surgeon in Army, 1842. ‘Flora Metropolitana,’ 1836. Supplement, 1837. Pritz. 68; Jacks. 534; Proc. Linn. Soc. i. 173; Gent. Mag. xix. (1843), 108; R. 8. C. ii. 41; Proc. Boc. Soc. Lond. 1839 ; Mag. Zool. Bot. ii. (1838) 163; Johnston Corr. 71; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 141. Cooperia Herbert. a Cooper, Thomas Henry (fl. 1759?-1840?). F.L.8., 1835. ‘Botany of Sussex,’ 1834. MS. Fl. of Notts, N. B. G. vii. 265. Pritz. 68; Jacks. 260; Journ. Bot. 1875, sup., p. 6; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 152. Coote, Dr. (fl. 1640). Of Shropshire. Sent Drosera anglica to Parkinson. Theatr. 1053. Copland, William (fl. 1556-69): d. London, 1568 or 1569. Printer. Compiled ‘ Boke of the Properties of Herbes,’ 1552. Pult. i. 51; Herbert in Dibdin’s Ames, iii. 183; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 174. Corbet, Richard, alias Poynter (fl. 1597). Nurseryman, of Twickenham. Gerard, ‘Herbal,’ 1269. [Vincent Corbet, a nurseryman of Ewell, was father of Richard Corbet (1582— 1635), Bishop of Oxford and Norwich. Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 203. Corder, Thomas (d. 1874): d. 15 Oct., 1874. Of Writtle, Essex. A.L.S., 1833. local Sec. Bot. Soc. Lond. Found Bupleurum falecatum in 1831. EH. B.8.2763. Phyt. ii. 336. Went to Adelaide, 8. Australia, 1848. Cornthwaite, Rev. Tullie (1807 ?-79): b. London, 1807?; d. Walthamstow? 1 May, 1879. M.A. Oxon, 1830; F.L.5., 1864. Of Walthamstow. Formed a herb. and purchased some of Hd. Forster’s plants. Herb. now in possession of Hildebrand Ramsden, Esq. Corry, Thomas Hughes (1860?-83): b. Ireland, 1862; drowned in Lough Gill, 4 Aug., 1883. B.A. Camb., 1883; F.L.8., 1882. Assistant Curator University Herbarium. Lecturer in the Medical and Science Schools, Cambridge. ‘Flora of N. E. Ireland,’ with S. A. Stewart. Journ. Bot. 1883, 318; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1883-86, 3; R. 8. C. ix. 583. Corson, James (1815-41): b. Dalscairth, Dumfriesshire, 1815 ; d. at sea, 16 June, 1841; bur. Dutch Cemetery, Timor. Surgeon to South Sea whaler. Collected in South Sea Islands (plants and shells). Plants in Edinb. Herb. Loud. ‘Gard. Mag. xviii. 869. Lithospermum Corsonianum Don. Couch, Jonathan (1789-1870) : b. 15 March, 1789, Polperro, BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 39 Cornwall; d. same place 13 April, 1870. Surgeon. F.L.S. ‘Potato disease,’ Rept. Cornwall Polytechnic Soc., 1845, 9. Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 323. Couch, Thomas Quiller (1826 ?-84): d. Penzance, 23 Oct., 1884. Son of preceding. Surgeon. Bot. of Polperro, Rept. Cornwall Polytechnic Soc., 1848, 11; 1849, 29. ‘ Botanical Register,’ id., 1848, 21. Dict. Nat. Biog. xii, 324. Couitas, Harland (d. 1877): b. U. 8. A?; d. London, 2 Feb., 1877. Pro Bot. Penn. Medical University, Philadelphia. Lect. Charing Cross Hospital. Pritz. 70; Jacks. 535 ; Journ. Bot. 1877, 192. Coulter, Thomas (d. 1843): d. Dublin, 1843. M.D.; F.B.S. Ed., 1836. Explored Central Mexico. Reached Monterey, 1831. Met Douglas in California. Discovered Pinus Cowl- teri. Returned to England, 1833. Curator of Herb. Trin. Coll. Dublin. Plants at Trin. Coll. Pritz. 70; C. C. Parry, ‘Botanical Explorers of Pacific Coast’; in ‘Overland Monthly,’ 1883 ; Bot. Geol. Survey. Californ. 555; Journ. R. Geogr. Soc. 1835, v. 59. Coulteria, H.B.K. = Casalpinia. Courten, William (1642-1702): b. London, 28 Mar., 1642; d. Kensington, 29 Mar., 1702; bur. Kensington. Friend of Sloane and Sherard. Plants in Hb. Mus. Brit. Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 335. Courtenta Br. Covel, Rev. John (1638-1722): b. Horningsheath, Suffolk, 2 April, 1638; d. Cambridge, 19 Dec., 1722; bur. Christ’s Coll. chapel. M.A. Camb., 1661; Oxon. 1663; D.D., 1679. Chaplain to Brit. Embassy, Constantinople, 1670-81. Presi- dent C.C.C., 1688. Accompanied Sir G. Wheler in Asia. Described rare plants. ‘Memoir of Sir George Wheler’ ; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 355. Oil portr. by Valentine Ritz at Christ’s College, Cambridge. Cowan, James (d. 1823): d. Lima, Peru, 1823. Merchant. Travelled in Mexico and Peru. Sent pl. to Lambert. Trans. Linn. Soe. xiv. 578. Cowania D. Don. Cowell, John (d. circ. 1730). Of Hoxton. Nurseryman. ‘ Ac- count of Aloe americana,’ 1729. Cott. Gard. viii. 121. Cowell, M. H. (fl. 1839). Corr. Memb. Bot. Soc. London. ‘Floral Guide for East Kent,’ 1839. Pritz. 71; Jacks. 230, 254. Cowley, Abraham (1618-67): b. London, 1618; d. Chertsey, 28 July, 1667 ; bur. Westminster Abbey. M.A. Camb., 1642 ; M.D. Oxon, 1657 ; Camb. 1665. Poet. F.R.S., 1662. Works, 1668, w. life by Sprat; and portr. Pult. i. 282; Pritz. 71; Jacks. 212; Nich. Ilust. iv. 898; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 379. Portr. engr. by T. Faithorne in ‘Latin Poems,’ 1668; another in ‘ Works,’ 1673; and others. Two portrs. at Bodleian; one by Lely in Nat. Portr. Gallery, &c. Coxhead, Henry (fl. 1842). ‘Cat. of Vasculares of Britain,’ 1842. Pritz. 71; Jacks. 231. Coyte, Rev. William Beeston (1741-1810): b. 1741; d. Ips- wich, 3 Mar., 1810; bur. St. Nicholas’, Ipswich. M.B. Camb., 1763; M.D. Of Yarmouth and Halesworth. After- 40 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF wards practised as physician at Ipswich. A.L.S., 1788; F.L.S., 1794. ‘Hortus Botanicus Gippovicensis,’ 1795; ‘Index Plantarum,’ vol. i. 1807. Pritz. 71; Jacks. 13, 14, 412; Gent. Mag., 1810, i. 389; Rich. Corr., 184; Nich. Illust. vi. 877; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii. 424. Coys, William (fl. 1600). Of Stubbers, N. Ockington, Essex. First flowered Yucca, 1604. Lobel, ‘ Adversaria,’ i. 501; ii. 471; Parkinson, Theatrum, 84. Crabbe, Rev. George (1754-1832): b. Aldborough, Suffolk. 24 Dec., 1754; d. Trowbridge, Wilts, 3 Feb., 1832; bur. Trow- bridge. Poet. Chaplain to Duke of Rutland at Belvoir, 1782. LL.B. Cant., 1784. Rector of Trowbridge, 1813-32. Wrote, but destroyed, ‘Essay on Botany’; pub. list of pl. in Nichols’ ‘ Hist. Leicestershire,’ vol. i. Bot. Guide, 537; Hind. Fl. Suffolk, 479; Dict. Nat. Biog. xii., 428. Monu- ment at Trowbridge. Portrs. by Pickersgill and by Phillips, .engr. Crabbea Harv. ~ Cresswell, Rev. R. (fl. 1846). Of Salcombe Regis, and Sid- mouth, Devon. ‘Flowering Pl. and Ferns of Sidmouth,’ 1846. Experimented on Algz and sent specimens to Harvey. Harvey, Phyc. Brit. t.16?, 160. Schizothrix Cresswell Harv. Crichton, Sir Alexander (1763-1856) : b. Edinburgh, 2 Dec., 1763 ; d. June, 1856. M.D., Leyden, 1785; L.R.C.P., 1791 ; F.L.S., 1793; F.R.S., 1800. Knighted 1821. Physician to the Czar. ‘ Vegetable Remains near Ballisadiere, co. Sligo,’ Trans. Geol. Soc. Munk. ii. 416; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1857, xxv.; Proc. Roy. Soc. iii. (1856) 269; Quart. Journ. Geol. Soe. xiii. (1857) lxiv. ; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 85. Crichton, James Smith (1841-87): b. Gaixfield, Arbroath, 2 April, 1841; d. Arbroath, 28 June, 1887. M.D. Edin., 1864 ; F.B.8. Edin., 1886. President Nat. Hist. Assoc. Arbroath. Helped to compile ‘ Flora of A.,’ 1882. Trans. B. 8. Edin. xvii. 522; Scott. Nat. 1887, 175. Cripps, John Marten (1780 ?-1853): d. 3 Jan. 1853. F.L.S., 1803; M.A. Camb., 1808. Travelled in East with Dr. E. D. Clarke, and collected plants. At one time owned Pallas’s Herb. Proc. Linn. Soe. ii. 231. Croall, Alexander (1809-85): b. near Brechin, 1809; d. Stir- ling, 19 May, 1885. Of Guthrie, Forfar. Local Sec. Bot. Soc. London, 1843; Ass. B. 8. Edin., 1888. ‘ Plants of Brae- mar’ (dried specimens), 1855; ‘ Nature-printed Brit. Sea- weeds’ [with Johnstone], 1859-60. Keeper of Museum and Herbarium, Derby, 1863. Parish schoolmaster; then curator, Smith Institute, Stirling, 1873. Herbarium at Stirling. Pritz. 157; Jacks. 242; R.S. C. ii. 95; vii. 460; Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. xvi. 309; Smiles, ‘Men of Invention’ ; Scott. Nat. 1885, 98, 148. Crocker, C. W. (1832-68): b. Chichester, 1832?; d. Torquay, Devon, 19 Feb., 1868. Foreman at Kew. Afterwards verger, Chichester Cathedral. ‘Germination of Cyrtandree,’ Journ. Linn. Soe. v. 1861. Gard. Chron. 1868, 242. Crosfield, George (1785-1847): b. Warrington, 1785; d. BRITISH AND IRISH BOTANISTS. 41 Liverpool, 15 Dec., 1847. Secretary, Bot. Soc. Warrington. ‘Calendar of Flora,’ 1810. Pritz. 72; Jacks. 261; Annual Monitor, 1849; Friends’ Books, i. 494; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 2138. Crouch, Rev. James Frederick (1810 ?-89) : b. Aynho, Beds., 1810? d. Pembridge, 1889. M.A. Oxon, 1833; B.D., 1841. Rector of Pembridge, Heref., 1849. ‘On Cuscuta hassiaca’ ; Woolhope Club Trans., 1869,123. Fl. Heref. pref. vi.; RB. 8. C. vii. 469. Crowe, James (d. 1807). Of Lakenham, ur. Norwich. F.L.S., 1788. Studied mosses, fungi, and willows. Had a salicetum. Contributed to E. B. Helped Withering (Nat. Arr., pref. ie ed. ii.); Smith, Lett. i.17. Crowea Sm. Saha Croweana m. Crowther, James (1768-1847) : b. Manchester, 24 June, 1768 ; d. Manchester, 6 Jan., 1847; bur. St. George’s, Hulme. Weaver and porter. Contributed to ‘Flora Mancuniensis.’ Discovered Cypripedium at Malham. Cash, 77; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 245. Crozier, George (1792-1847): b. Eccleston, Lanc., 1792; d. Hulme, Manchester, April, 1847. Saddler. Pupil of Tho- mas Townley, at Blackburn. Settled in Manchester, circ. 1831. Contributed to Phyt.i. Leftlarge herbarium. Cash, 119. Cruckshanks, Alexander (fl. 1831): Collected in Chili. ‘ Ac- count of Excursion from Lima to Pasco.’ R. 8. C., ii. 100; Bot. Mise. ii. 168. Cruckshanksia Hook. & Arn. Cruickshanks, James (c. 1813-47): b. Montrose, c. 1813; d. Dumfries, 3 Dec., 1847. A.B.S. Hdin. Cryptogamist. Dumfries Jungermannie in Phyt. i.; Phyt. iii. 33. Cullen, W. (1785-1862) : b. 17 May, 1785; d. Allepey, India, 1 Oct., 1862. Resident at Court of Travancore. General, Madras Artillery. Meteorologist. Studied economic botany. Wight Icon. 1761. Balfour, Cyclop. India (ed. 2), i. 419. Cullena Wight. Cullen, W. H. (fi. 1849). M.D.; F.B.8.H. Of Sidmouth. ‘Flora Sidostiensis,' 1849. Pritz. 73; Jacks. 259. Cullum, Rev. Sir John (1733-85): b. Hawstead, Suffolk, 21 June, 1733; d.9 Oct., 1785; bur. Hawstead. B.A. Camb., 1756. 6th Bart., 1774. F.R.S., 1775. Rector of Hawstead, 1762; of Great Thurlow, 1774. ‘On Cedars in England,’ Gent. Mag. 1779, 1388. Discovered Veromca verna, E.B. 25. ‘History of Hawstead,’ w. list of plants, 1774; ‘ Naturalist’s Journal,’ 1772-85; B. G., 554. Hind Fl. Suff. 476. Nich. Anec. vi. 625; viii. 209, 673; Nich. Illust. vii. 408; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 283. Portr. by Angelina Kauffmann, 1778, at Hardwick ; engr. by Basire in ‘ History of Hawstead,’ 1818 ; and in Nich. Anec. viii. 209. Cullwmia R. Br. Cullum, Sir Thomas Gery (1741-1831): b. Hardwick House, Suffolk, 830 Nov., 1741; d. Bury St. Edmunds, 8 Sept., 1831 ; bur. Hawstead. M.R.C.8., 1800; F.L.8., 1790; F.RB.S. Practised at Bury St. Edmunds. Bath King-at-arms, 1771- 1800. 7th Bart.,1785 ‘Flore Anglice Specimen,’ 1774; 42 BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX OF ‘ Cat. of pl. of Bury,’ in Gillingwater’s History of Bury, 1804 ; Contrib. to B. G. for several counties; B. G. 557, &c. ; Hind. Fl. Suff. 478. Pritz. 73; Jacks. 232; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 284. Cullumia R.Br. Sir T. G. Cullum, his son, is said also to have been a botanist. Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 284. Culpepper, Nicholas (1616-54): b. London, 18 Oct., 1616; d. 10 Jan., 1654. Apothecary and herbalist of Spitalfields. ‘Herbal,’ 1652; ‘English Physician,’ 1652; ‘Physical Directory,’ 1649. Pult. i. 180; Pritz. 73; Jacks. 28; Gent. Mag., 1797, i.; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 287. Portr. in ‘ Direc- tory,’ 1649; engr. by Cross, in his ‘ English Physician,’ 1652 ; another in his ‘ School of Physic.’ Cuming, Hugh (1791-1865): b. West Alvington, S. Devon, 14 Feb., 1791; d. London, 10 Aug., 1865. F.R.S.; F.LS., 1832. Collected in South America and Pacific. In the Philippines, &c., 1835-39. Collected 130,000 dried speci- mens. Pritz. 73; Journ. Bot. 1865, 325; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1865-6, lvii.; R. S. C., ii. 103; Mag. Zool. Bot. 1838, 56. Portr. ‘Men of Eminence,’ 1864; Gard. Chron. 1865, 824 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 295. Cumingia Vidal. Cunnack, James (fi. 1864). Bookseller, of Helston, Cornwall. Had large herbarium. Active Member of Bot. Exchange Club. Found Hypericum undulatum. Journ. Bot. 1891, 98. Top. Bot. 542. Cunningham, Allan (1791-1839): b. Wimbledon, Surrey, 13 July, 1791; d. Sydney, 27 June, 1839; bur. in Scottish Church, Sydney. F.L.8. Employed on ‘ Hortus Kewensis,’ cire. 1808. Kew Collector, 1814-31. At Rio, with James Bowie, 1814-16; at Sydney, 1816-26; in New Zealand, 1826. Returned to England, 1831. Colonial Botanist and Superintendent, Bot. Gard., Sydney, 1836-38. Visited New Zealand, 1838. ‘Fl. Ins. Nove Zelandie,’ Mag. Zool. Bot. 1838, 210. Pl. bequeathed to Heward and presented to Kew, 1862; others in Mus. Brit. Pritz. 73; Jacks. 400; Life ky Heward in Journ. Bot. 1841-2, w. litho. portr. by J. Robin- son ; original at Linn. Soc.; Proc. Linn. Soc. i. 67; Bot. Reg. 1840, p.1; Gard. Chron. 1881, ii. 440; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiii. 8308.