RM CORNELL et UNIVERSITY Cs LIBRARY Gift of _ Number _ STP of Date Ape. 2 pF Price .. B Ba Ao... iii A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE MEDICAL & SURGICAL USES OF Pipl CL CI sy. INCLUDING: LOcALIZED AND GENERAL FARADIZATION ; LOCALIZED AND CENTRAL GALVANIZATION ; ELECTROLYSIS AND GALVANO-CAUTERY. BY GEO. M. BEARD, A.M., M.D., MEMBER oF THE NEW YORK SOCIETY oF NEUROLOGY AND ELECTROLOGY: FELLOW OF THH NEW ‘ORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE: MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY; PHYSICIAN TO DEMILT DISPENSARY, DEPARTMENT OF BLECTRO-'THERAPEUTICS AND NERVOUS DISEASES, ETC. AND A. D. ROCKWELL, A.M., M.D., ‘EMB) i) THE NEW YORK SOCIETY OF NEUROLOGY AND ELECTROLOGY: FELLOW OF THE NEW a ii YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE: MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY ; ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST TO THE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Second Edition, Revised, Enlarged, and mostly Re-written. WITH NEARLY TWO HUNDRED ILLUSTRATIONS. NEW YORK: WILLIAM WOOD & CO., 27 GREAT JONES ST. 1875. 4 EHiHE LE NIV REPTY |. RAKY - ane A .%337%0 COPYRIGHT, WILLIAM WOOD & CO. 1875. J. F. Trow & Son, PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS, 205 to 213 East Twelfth Street, TO JOHN T. METCALPE, M.D. PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL MEDICINE IN THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, NEW YORK, TH1s Work 1S DEDICATED, WITH THE GRATEFUL ESTEEM OF THE AUTHORS PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. A FEw weeks after the publication of the first edition of this work, in 1871, we were informed by the publishers that a new edition would be called for. From that time to the present moment much force has been expended on the thorough revision of the work in all its depart- ments. As much time and toil, it is safe to say, have been given to this edition as to the first ; and ‘the work as it now stands represents our accumulated and thoroughly sifted experience from our entrance upon this specialty, as well as a full and exhaustive résumé of all that has been accomplished by other authorities everywhere. About one year ago, while this edition was in press, we amicably dis- solved the professional association that had existed for six years, and during which all our writings on this subject had appeared. This dis- solution of our business relations has not affected the present work except so far as to delay somewhat its publication. The success of the first edition of this work has far surpassed our highest hopes ; and our belief is that it may have done something to raise the standard of electro-therapeutics as well as to popularize it. More than a year since, the work was translated into German by Dr. Vater, of Prague, who has confirmed all that we have claimed in regard to the efficacy of general electrization, and who has followed up the translation by a series of elaborate articles, didactic and clinical, on general electrization and central galvanization in the Al/gemeine Wiener Zeitung. The use of general faradization as a constitutional tonic in a wide variety of affections is now well established and the effects that we have claimed for it have been confirmed in full detail by com- petent observers at home and abroad. This method of using electricity has also attained a wide popularity, and its introduction into therapeu- tics may be said to have marked a radical and important advance. The section on Electro-physics is much enlarged. Observation has convinced us that the one great defect in those who practise electro- therapeutics is ignorance of the physical relations of electricity. From Vi PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. I this source flow at least half the blunders, discouragements, and ill- success that novices in this branch so painfully experience. The undu- latory theory of the electrical force that is adopted in this edition is, so far as can now be seen, consistent and harmonious, and it explains better than any other theory the varied and complex phenomena of électro-physiology and electro-therapeutics. The chemistry of the batteries, it will be seen, is explained in full detail, and in accordance with recent chemical facts and nomenclature. To Ohm’s Law, at once so important and so difficult, a separate and special chapter: has been assigned; and no effort has been spared to make it clear in all its practical relations to all trained minds who will give it close and careful attention. In the preparation of the section on Electro-physics we have been favored with the advice and suggestions of a number of our most dis- tinguished physicists and mathematicians ; and especially are we indebt- ed to Prof. Henry T. Eddy, of Cincinnati, who has interested himself in the attempt here made to put the most recent theories and facts of electro-physics in a shape at once clear, compact, and trustworthy. The need of a section of this kind has been most urgent, for the treatises on the physics of electricity that have been most accessible are either far behind the time or have been expressed so blindly as to be of little value to electro-therapeutists. Even the best of the more recent writers on the physics of electricity, as Fleming Jenkins, and Latimer Clarke, have not adapted their works to the wants of those who use electricity in therapeutics. Electro-physiology is largely rewritten and considerably enlarged. It includes a large number of our own experiments, mostly made dur ing the past three years, as well as a compact résumé of all the more recent studies in this branch by European and American observers. The general relation of electro-physiology to electro-therapeutics has been brought into prominence at every point. The method of central galvanization that we have systematized and introduced to the profession since the publication of the first edition is here described and illustrated in full detail. The great practical advantages of this method of galvanization over localized galvanization of the nerve-centres—and in many cases over general faradization—are already well understood by many of our leading electro-therapeutists. There are now introduced into science, six methods of using electri- city for the treatment of disease: localized faradization and localized galvanization, general faradization, central galvanization, and, in electro- surgery, electrolysis and galvano-cautery. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. vii In the chapter on Apparatus we have endeavored to represent with fairness and impartiality the- best workmanship and the most recent improvements. The fact of the superiority of continuous over separate- coil Faradic-machines in the treatment of sensitive patients is here for the first time brought out and emphasized. A new chapter on General Suggestions has been added, in which the attempt has been made to answer in detail the various practical queries that so annoy the beginner in electro-therapeutics. In the section on Electro-surgery the principles of galvano-cautery, of ordinary electrolysis, and of the method of electrolysis of the base have been described and illustrated, and in the clinical portions all varie- ties of results have been presented from a very large experience in this department, so that one may learn both what can be done and what cannot be done by electricity in surgical diseases. In the clinical part of electro-medicine a number of entirely néw chapters have been added, and all of the chapters have been recast. The number of cases has been increased nearly twofold, the failures and successes being fairly represented. We may call especial, attention to the chapters on Diseases of the Skin, wherein, besides many other cases, are detailed the remarkable results of central galvanization in chronic eczema and prurigo, and to the chapter on Diseases of Children, in which are recorded the results of experiments in the treatment of whooping-cough, marasmus, and de- bility, and also the fact of the remarkable tolerance of childhood to electricity. Since the publication of the first edition ‘a number ‘of excel- lent works on nervous diseases have appeared, and for that reason, as well as for lack of space, the systematic remarks on certain diseases have, in this edition, been mostly omitted, save some special points wherein our views differ from those generally adopted. Although the work is considerably enlarged yet this enlargement is due more to the addition of new matter than to the retention of old. If there are any who object to the size of the work, who seek for short and ready methods to the science and art of electro-therapeutics, who despise and deride the physical and physiological relations of electricity, and who suppose that he who has held two sponges on a patient has compassed the whole of electrology, we “can only reply that it is not for such that this book was written, and we hope that nothing we may write will encourage the increase of physicians of that character. The ideal of every electro-therapeutist—certainly of every one who gives the subject special attention—should be to become an electrologist, that is, to be a master of electricity in its physical and physiological as well as Vili PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. its purely diagnostic and therapeutic relations ; for all such this edi tion is designed to be a work of exhaustive reference. Those, how ever, whose aims are lower will here find the purely practical anc clinical department clearly presented by a large variety of illustrations of the various methods of application, and by details of more than two hundred cases, including every type of medical and surgical disease, for which electricity by any method of application has been used with any encouraging results, To those who, since the first edition of this work was out of press, have grown weary in waiting for the long-promised appearance of the second edition, we may express the hope that they will find in the present treatise sufficient evidences of original experience and research to fully account for, if not to justify the annoying delay. GEO. M. BEARD, A. D. ROCKWELL, 53 West 33d Street, N. Y. 122 Madison Avenue, N. Y, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. THE object of this work is to present, in a compact, practical form, all that is now known on the application of electricity to the treatment of disease. The aim of the authors has been to combine their own extensive and varied researches with localized and general electriza- tion, and the labors of all other recent explorers in electro-therapeutics, in a summary which should be at once practical and exhaustive, and which should represent with strict impartiality all that has been really accomplished in this department by ey school, in every country, and by all methods. For this undertaking the authors have been prepared by an experi- ence acquired in more than 10,000 applications of electricity in a wide variety of morbid conditions, and by personal observation of the methods and the results of the recognized leaders in this important field of science. For convenience of reference, and in order to avoid repetition and confusion, the work is divided into Electro-Physics, Electro-Physiology, Electro- Therapeutics, and Llectro-Surgery. It is believed that by this arrangement the work will be more acceptable both to the majority who seek to consult the distinctively practical portions, and to the few who may desire also to investigate the subject of electricity in its physical and physiological relations. General electrization, which the authors were the first in the profes- sion to systematically investigate, is here, for the first time, described and illustrated in systematic detail of its modus operandi and its very remarkable effects in conditions of debility. The general differential indications for the use of the two cur- rents and for the use of localized and general applications, we have sought to distinguish and elucidate by logical deductions from the known principles of electro-therapeutics, and, above all, from extend- ed experimental comparison. The knowledge of electro-therapeutical anatomy, which is so essential for an intelligent electro-diagnosis in therapeutics, we have endeavored to facilitate by concise and explicit illustrations. The drawings for illustrations of the different methods of electrization were made from photographs taken during the applica- tions. x PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. In the selection and detailed description of apparatus, both the tastes of the specialist and the imperative needs of the general practitioner have been constantly borne in mind ; and while nearly all the most im- proved forms of machines for both currents have received notice, minute description and illustration have been reserved only for those that experience has shown unite in the highest degree the qualities of convenience and compactness, with accessibility and uniformity of ac- tion. When we began our experiments in this department, there was in this country no satisfactory apparatus either for the faradic or the galvanic current, and for this reason our ‘early observations were made under exceeding disadvantages. The difficulty has for a number of years been partly met by the electro-magnetic apparatus of Kidder, which, for all the essential qual- ities required, is as yet unsurpassed. We early became convinced that scientific electro-therapeutics required also a galvanic apparatus which should be at least more compact and more portable than those which had been usually employed, and that to be forced to depend on appa- ratus of foreign construction would both retard the progress and prac- tically prohibit the popularization of electro-therapeutics. Amid many ‘discouragements which only those who have pursued similar investiga- tions can well appreciate, we have striven to overcome this serious evil and to prepare a galvanic apparatus which should be both simple and enduring, and which could be used at the bedside as well as in the hospital or consulting-room. Through the skill and intelligence of the mechanician above-mentioned, we are now able to present an appa- ratus for the galvanic current which, if not on the one hand so com- pact, or on the other so elaborate as others to which we have called attention, is yet, in the wide variety of size and shape of which it is capable, in the simplicity of its construction, and the ease of its man- agement, perhaps even better fitted to supply the general want. Llectro-surgery, though a young and as yet but little developed branch of electro-therapeutics, is yet of such intrinsic importance and interest, and so fruitful in promise for the future, that it has been deemed worthy of separate and special consideration. In the preparation of the detailed and statistical reports of cases, we have sought to give a picture that shall be so accurate, and so true to experience, that it may be unfailingly recognized by all those who pur- sue 2 similar line of experiment. The somewhat deserved reproach against electro-therapeutists, that they publish only their most fortunate results, we have endeavored to avert by giving prominence to failures as well as to successes; by noting relapses as well as permanent re- PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. xi coveries. We have been not unmindful of the fact that statistical re- ports of the results of any method of treatment, however conscien- tiously prepared, must be at best incomplete, and to a certain extent illusory. Therapeutics is always a subject of vast complications. It is probable that in some of the cases reported as absolute or approxi- mate recoveries, nature and time, and in a few instances, perhaps, other medicinal or hygienic treatment bore as large a share as the ap- plications themselves. We have, however, endeavored to make all ’ proper allowances for the influence of these various factors ; and in the few exceptional cases where medicinal has been combined with electrical treatment, the fact has been mentioned, and cases of posi- tive doubt have been excluded from consideration. For the study of the special effects of electrical treatment, when used alone, we have been peculiarly fortunate, since the vast majority of our cases had abandoned medication before they were referred to our care. On the other hand, it is indisputably true that some of the cases reported as absolute failures, or as but slightly benefited, were kept from perfect recovery by the indulgence of evil habits of hygiene; and it is fully probable that some of them, as well as of those reported as unknown, appreciated the after results of the treatment and went on to recovery. Still further, it is in every way probable that some of the failures might, by greater perseverance on the part of the patients, have been trans- formed into perfect successes. It is believed that these various errors to a certain extent counter- balance each other, and that on the whole our statistical reports fairly represent, so far as they go, the legitimate results of the electrical treatment. And yet it should be considered that the majority of the cases represented in our statistics were both long-standing and pecu- liarly obstinate, and there is ground for the belief that those who treat milder and more recent cases by the same methods, will obtain a larger percentage of success. It will be observed that throughout the work these leading ideas are kept constantly in the foreground as the foundation principles on which must rest the science of electro-therapeutics :— 1. That electrization, besides being merely a local stimulant, also exercises an influence over general and local nutrition, at once unique and unrivalled, and that entitles it to the highest rank among constitu- tional tonics. 2. That the accepted system of making the applications exclusively local is both illogical and inconsistent ; that in the use of electricity, as of every other remedy, constitutional diseases should be treated constitutionally. , xii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. 3. That the best method of bringing the whole system under the direct influence of the current is by general electrization as here de- scribed ; and that by the use of this method the success of electro- therapeutics is materially enhanced, and its sphere very greatly widened, so as to include a variety of frequent and distressing constitutional mogbid conditions, for which merely localized electrization is but im- perfectly indicated. 4. That, in determining the influence of the electrical applications on conditions of disease the last appeal must be made, not to physics’ nor to physiology, nor to pathology, nor to any @ priori reasoning what- ever, but solely and alone to clinical experience. To those who. adhere to the long-accepted theory that electricity is merely a means for local stimulation, and, as such, chiefly indicated in the severe or incurable conditions of paralysis or chronic rheumatism, or who hope to reduce electro-therapeutics to an exact science on the basis of a complete physiology and pathology, the above propositions must seem both radical and erroneous, and especially so if they have studied the action of electricity on the body merely by localized appli- cations. 3 Therefore with all the greater interest and pleasure have we ob- served that, during the last few years, there has been in electro-thera- peutical literature a manifest and increasing tendency to abandon the narrow doctrines of merely local stimulation, to accept the fact which experience everywhere confirms, that in electricity we have an unsur- passed means of improving the general nutrition in the immense va- riety of chronic morbid conditions where such results are chiefly indi- cated ; and we express the confident hope that the abundant and varied evidence with which in the present work we have been enabled to for- tify these propositions, increased and enriched as it may be by the ex- perience of the future, and harmonizing as it surely must with the gen- eral progress of science, will materially aid in bringing nearer the day of their universal acceptance. Although this work is not intended to be in any sense a complete. guide to the study of chronic diseases of the nervous system, yet some general remarks on the nature, causation, and the diagnosis of the principal of these diseases have been deemed both appropriate and necessary, for the twofold reason that such knowledge is necessary for an intelligent appreciation of the directions for the treatment, and also because very many of the diseases here mentioned—such as nervous dyspepsia, spinal irritation, neurasthenia, hypochondriasis, insomnia, locomotor ataxy, muscular atrophy, spinal and infantile paralysis, as well as some of the varieties of neuralgia—have not received in any one PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION, xili popular text-book the practical attention which their vast importance in electro-therapeutics requires. Scientific electro-therapeutics requires scientific diagnosis. He who only knows how to apply electricity is not fit to do even that. Suc- cessful results in electro-therapeutics can be and are obtained by the most ignorant of charlatans, but to intelligently report these successes or make them of value to science requires the best skill of the physi- cian. Mere hand-books of electrical applications cannot be otherwise than injurious to science. Other conditions being the same, the value of reports of cases in electro-therapeutics is in direct proportion to the accuracy and completeness of the diagnosis. For this reason it is that electro-therapeutics is the most exacting and laborious of all the special departments, for in a certain sense it trenches on and necessi- tates a knowledge of all other departments. In the strict sense of the word, therefore, the electro-therapeutist is no specialist, since his idea! —which of course he can but imperfectly fulfl—must be to know something of every department with which electro-therapeutics brings him into relation. His ambition, like that of Bacon, must be “to make all knowledge his province.” Besides a thorough familiarity with the department of nervous dis- eases, and especially with the recent methods of studying them by the zesthesiometer, the ophthalmoscope, and by electricity, it is necessary for the electro-therapeutist to avail himself of all the advances that are made in the special departments of gynzecology, ophthalmology, otol- ogy, laryngology, and dermatology, as well as general medicine and surgery. In respect to diagnosis we have ourselves been exceptionally fa- vored, since the majority of our cases have obtained the opinion of one or more acknowledged authorities in their respective departments. That all the special views on the nature and treatment of the dis- eases here mentioned should meet with universal acceptance, is more than can be expected. Everywhere we tread on debatable ground. In regard to the nature, the causation, the symptoms, the general treat- ment, the divisions and the terminology of diseases, the choice of cur- rents, the methods of applications, the relative merits of rival appa- ratus,—in these and in many other subjects there is room for the widest possible divergence of honest opinion among those whose abili- ties and opportunities entitle their opinions to the highest respect. On all these controverted themes we present nothing as a finality, noth- ing which we shall not readily modify in the light of sufficient inductive evidence. XIV PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. More than almost any other department, electro-therapeutics has suffered from its terminology. So large is the number of synonyms, and so indefinite the meaning of many of the words and phrases which have come into use, that intelligent conversation on the subject has been well-nigh impossible. This crying evil, from the first, we have sought to rectify, and with this view we have resolutely and uni- formly distinguished the two currents as faradic and galvanic, discard- ing entirely their various and complex synonyms. It is believed that this and other changes which we have made are in the direction of simplicity, and that they will shorten the labors of the student, and will serve to recommend rather than repel the earnest inquirer. It will be observed that in this work the future as well as the past has been regarded, and that a number of diseases are mentioned, for the sake chiefly of the promise and the hope which they offer for elec- tro-therapeutics. The object of such mention is to inspire authorities in the several departments to co-operate with electro-therapeutists in the important and difficult task of submitting these diseases to faithful and rigid experiment, and to those who may be induced to do so we beg leave to offer these suggestions :— First. That they do not suffer themselves to be misled or in any way controlled by theoretical reasoning. Already the advance of elec- tricity into the domain of medicine has been retarded, at least a quar- ter of a century, by erroneous or undemonstrable theories concerning the action of electricity or the nature of diseases, or more recently by futile attempts to make electro-physiology a sufficient basis for electro- therapeutics. It cannot be too often repeated, that the essence of electro-therapeutics is clinical experience. Electro-physiology is a science at once noble, interesting, and suggestive, but in its relations to electro-therapeutics, with very few limitations indeed, it should fol- low rather than precede, should explain rather than guide. _ Secondly. That they do not confine their attention too exclusively to diseases which have a merely pathological interest. We but represent the growing sentiment of the ablest medical thinkers of our time, when we assert that in recent days, in nearly all departments, therapeutics has been sacrificed to pathology, and that diseases, however prevalent, and however painful, which offer no interesting pathological history, are practically neglected. Now it is safe to assert that in this country at least, there is immeasurably more suffering in the higher walks of life ¥ from the somewhat indefinite condition known as nervous dyspepsia ° than from all forms of paralysis combined; and any remedy which, uke general electrization, promises almost sure relief for this condition, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. XV and which at the same time, by its powerful effects over nutrition, tends to prevent or delay the visitation of incurable central lesions, is surely worthy of careful study. It is especially unfortunate for the stu- dent ‘of chronic diseases of the nervous system that nearly all the works on practical medicine have been of foreign authorship, and have been based on hospital rather than on private practice ; for the types of disease are modified by social position and occupation as much as by race or climate, and the nameless symptomis associated with chronic nervous exhaustion which are found in every family among the higher walks of American society, and in greater variety and severity than in any other country, should receive the earnest attention of all practi- tioners, if necessary even to the exclusion of the rare and exceptional pathological cases to be found in our public institutions, however inter- esting or suggestive they may be. As will be seen in the course of the present work, this class of cases are, of all others, the most amenable to electrical treatment, and therefore demand the special study of the electro-therapeutist. Withal it should be remembered that electro- therapeutics has not been entirely useless to pathology, since, in ob- scure cases, the locality if not the precise nature of the disease, is in- dicated by the results of treatment. Thirdly. That unfavorable as well as favorable results be accurately reported. Every failure which is published in detail is, in one way, as much a fact for science as a success, since it reduces and guides the labors of future experimenters. In our estimate of any remedy, it is im- portant that we should know its weakness as well as its strength. Those who know the most of electricity in its relations to medicine will be the last to regard it as an unfailing specitic. If investigations are everywhere pursued in this spirit and by those most competent to make them, the reproach of Mr. Lecky, that “ The medical powers of electricity, which of all known agencies bears most resemblance to life, are unexplored,” will cease to be deserved. To all who for the first time enter upon the study of this branch of science, we cannot too strongly recommend the practice of sedf-expert- mentation. Better than any experiments on animals, better even, in many features, than extended investigations in the treatment of dis- ease, is the precise and peculiar knowledge of the modus operandi of the applications, and the sensations which they produce, which is ob- tained through personal experience. 4 Compared with internal remedies, electricity has the great disadvan tage that, on account of the necessary mechanical and technical diffi culties in the way of its successful employment, it cannot be rapidly xvi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. popularized. Drugs for internal administration, like bromide of potas- sium and hydrate of chloral, can spread over the earth in less time than is required even for the specialist to master the elements of electro- therapeutics. There is little doubt that if electricity could be given in the form of pills or powders as successfully as it is now employed, its use would be increased one thousand-fold. Considering all the technical difficulties in the way of the rapid pop- ularization of electro-therapeutics, its recent progress is something un- paralleled in the history of science ; the dark days of its history are over, and they can never return. That an agent which, by the almost unanimous consent of the pro- fession, was resigned to outsiders and to those who were always igno- rant and usually unscrupulous ; which in text-books and lecture-rooms was mentioned only in tones of warning or disrespect; and which in this country, but a very few years since, was sunk so low that he who attempted to raise it was believed thereby to imperil his professional and social position—should, in so short a time, and against such in- herent technical difficulties, assume a position side by side with its sister branches, where it should be taught in our schools, incorporated in text-books of general and special medicine, should occupy the at- tention of some of the ablest leaders of modern thought, and should arouse the enthusiasm of all ranks of the profession as no other special department has ever done, might well have seemed past belief, even to those who had the strongest faith in the liberality and activity of our time. The beneficent results of this progress will not be confined to elec- tro-therapeutics ; they will react favorably on all departments, and es- pecially on general therapeutics, by diffusing a wider liberality and a broader spirit of inductive investigation. The paths of all future ex- plorers in the scientific treatment of disease will have been made easier and safer by the toils and the triumphs of this one department. Henceforth the cause will need not so much energy as guidance; not so nich enthusiasm as wisdom. We take this occasion to express our thanks to the very many able men in the profession who, in ways innumerable, and from the outset of our investigations, have so warmly co-operated in our labors, and whose intelligent sympathy and substantial encouragement for a cause that was yet on its trial in America, have largely contributed to what- ever degree of success we have been enabled to achieve. G. M. B. anp A. D. R. CONTENTS. ELECTRO-PHYSICS. CHAPTER I. ‘A KNOWLEDGE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRO-PHYSICS NECESSARY TO THE ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST—DEFINITION OF ELECTRICITY—Mac- NETISM. Polarity of magnets—Magnetic induction—Physical effects of magnetization—Magnetic poles—Variations of the needle—Solar origin of magnetism. CHAPTER II. FRICTIONAL, OR STATICAL, OR FRANKLINIAN ELECTRICITY. Statical in- duction— Distribution of electricity ~Holtz’s machine— Electrophorus CHAPTER III. GALVANISM, OR VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. Chemistry of the battery—Sim- ple galvanic circles—Polarity of the circuit—Electro-chemical series— Amalgamation—Polarity of electricity—Derived or branch currents— Polarization of electrodes—Daniell’s and Grove’s batteries—Zinc-car- bon batteries—Smee’s battery—Galvanometers— Volta’s researches... CHAPTER IV. ELECTROLYSIS (ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY). Laws of electrolysis—Theory of electrolysis... .. miei telelersiee ue sedouadarvatbronsuas nate Siereseeeats aise soe ashee Siete CHAPTER V. INDUCED ELECTRICITY—CURRENT AND MAGNETO INDUCTION—ELECTRO- ‘MAGNETISM, Ampére’s theory of magnetism—Electro-magnetic helix —Induction coils—Ruhmkorff’s coil—Magneto-electricity—History of induction. .... eg iai Sara taal al whan p14 0 co sae seieabee ase chasers Gain ut as PAOLA IE CHAPTER VI. THERMO-ELECTRICITY. Thermo-multiplier—Thermo-electric batteries, . . CHAPTER VII. Oum’s LAW AND ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION TO ELECTRO-THERAPEU- tics. Electro-motive force—Tension or potential—Resistance— Quantity or strength of current—Large cells zs. small cells,........66 14-24 25-52 53-58 59-71 72-76 77-95 xviii CONTENTS. ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. CHAPTER I. RELATION OF ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY TO ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS—ANI- MAL ELECTRICITY. Electric fishes—Galvani and Volta—Humboldt’s and Aldini’s researches— Du Bois-Reymond’s discoveries — Experi- ments of Trowbridge...........ceesceeeenecereeee racerbaraieas sees QQ-IIE CHAPTER II. ELECTROTONOS, ANELECTROTONOS, AND CATELECTROTONOS. Du Bois- Reymond’s molecular theory of anelectrotonos—Effects of electrotonos —Pfliiger’s contraction law... .....cscceesne en ceeteretcectenenes ITI-116 CHAPTER IIL ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE SKIN. Action of the faradic current— Of the galvanic current—Electro-anzsthesia...........eceecee eee 117-123 CHAPTER IV. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. Galvanization of the brain—Experiments of Hitzig, Ferrier, and others, .... eeeeeee [24-127 CHAPTER V. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE SYMPATHETIC AND PNEUMOGASTRIC. Experiments with sphygmograph.............. iva iaieibienoaedneoen arses +» 128-139 CHAPTER VI. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE NERVES OF SPECIAL SENSE. Action on the optic nerve—On the auditory nerve—Brenner’s researches—Action on the gustatory nerve.,......... aipsataleners aa co i alc eta aiacavaeere veee 140-152 CHAPTER VII. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOTOR AND SENSORY .NERVES AND VOLUN- TARY MUSCLES. Electro-muscular contractility—and electro-mus- cular sensibility—Increase of temperature after muscular contraction —Electro-physiological anatomy..........s0.c000 Jaye detape sais eeeee 153-169 CHAPTER VIII. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES. Experiments,..... 170-175 CHAPTER IX. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE BLOOD, LExperiments,................ 176-179 CONTENTS. xix CHAPTER X. ELECTRO-CONDUCTIVITY OF THE HUMAN BODY. Modified by age and temperament,...... aise swe eee SMe arses Dai diaieie ive dude Suyeutraniaee EOOmNOT CHAPTER XI. THE EFFECT OF ELECTRICITY ON NUTRITION. Mechanical, physical, chemical, and physiological effects—Electrical endosmosis after physical effects—Electrolysis of living substance—Circulation—Secretion—Ex- cretion—A bsorption—Effects produced by increase in size and weight —Reflex action—Experiments, ...... 0.0... cece esen ce ceececeeteees 188-206 CHAPTER XII. RELATION OF ELECTRICITY TO LIFE. Electricity vs. nervous force—The- ory of correlation of physical and vital forces—Electricity of plants.... 207-211 ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. CHAPTER I. HIsTORY OF ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Era of Franklinic electricity—Era of galvanization- --Era of faradization—Localized faradization and gal- vanization—General faradization—Central galvanization—General re- marks—Popularity of electro-therapeutics— Rapid progress of electro- therapeutics in America... .. Raa aneutiiemamasatss sia ood sucnneeies 214-252 CHAPTER II. GENERAL THERAPEUTICAL ACTION OF ELECTRICITY. Electricity a stimu- lating sedative tonic—Is electricity transformed into nerve force ?—El- ectricity compared with other tonics—Rationale of electrization,.... ++ 253-261 CHAPTER III. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS IN REGARD TO THE USE OF ELECTRICITY AS A THERAPEUTIC AGENT. Stage of disease when indicated—Differential action of poles and of current direction—Both seat of disease and effects to be treated—Healthy parts may be benefited—Dose of electricity— Mild currents—Care in details of application—Time, frequency, and regularity of applications—Combination of methods—How to judge of effects—Good effects-—Bad effects—Regard for age—After effects— Use of electricity by the laity—Abbreviations used in electro-therapeu- LCS aye presiew ete oouste! sohislaie gy ebaye aah Wa MaMa Srniem ern eml Seeeeres sexes 262-296 CHAPTER IV. COMPARATIVE VALUE OF THE GALVANIC AND FARADIC CURRENTS,—Ad- vantages of galvanic over faradic—Advantages of faradic over galvanic —Galvano-faradization........ {SAAS TOO ee Meme ERD a eel eonweeness 297=3903 XX CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. THE PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRO-DIAGNOSIS (ELECTRO-PATHOLOGY).—Modi- fications of electro-sensibility—Electro-muscular sensibility and con- tractility—Galvano vs, Farado-muscular contractility—Abnormal reflex irritability—Diplegic contractions—Electro-bioscopy.......sss+eeees 304-318 CHAPTER VI. “ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICAL ANATOMY. Motor points—Electro-sensibility of surface of the body..... dee OEseee eee da bse tata pyetenehiveraevtevaouaeievsre . 319-326 CHAPTER VII. APPARATUS FOR ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. Single and separate coil ma- chines—Faradic apparatus—Rules for its use—Galvanic apparatus— Directions for use—Cabinet battery—Rheostates—Galvanometers and electrodes—Care of electrodes—European batteries .............+2.. 327-366 CHAPTER IX. LocALizED ELECTRIZATION. Dry faradization—Electric moxa—Electriza- tion with moistened electrodes—Direct and indirect electrization—Defi- nition of terms—Details of applications—Electrization of the brain, spine, cervical sympathetic, plexuses, nerves, muscles—Effects........ 367-382 CHAPTER X. GENERAL FARADIZATION. Object proposed—Position of patient—Of operator—Application to head and neck—Use of hand as an electrode— Special rules observed—Persistence in treatment—Effects—Rationale of effects... .......0005 Bear nloretimeniire airs Sei acsuc ules edeadek Ch ascyena a ibn ecebivarnises 383-407 CHAPTER XI. DIFFERENTIAL INDICATIONS FOR THE USE OF LOCALIZED AND GENER- AL FARADIZATION. Cause of failures in electro-therapeutics—Com- binationof the-method sy cis: wasieiserersiece gene's Gues ¥y Se ae REE REO 408-411 CHAPTER XII, CENTRAL GALVANIZATION. Method—Details of the applications—Theory of the method—Compared with localized galvanization—With general faradization—Objections answered. ......... ccc cect ect eee teacees 412-425 \ : CHAPTER XIII. THE USE OF STATICAL ELECTRICITY (FRANKLINIZATION). Methods— Shocks from Leyden jar—Apparatus...........0ceccescceeeceucaes 426-430 CHAPTER XIV. ELECTRIC BATHS. Method of giving—Effects—Rules for giving them.... 431-434 CHAPTER XV. HYSTERIA AND ALLIED AFFECTIONS. Electro-diagnosis—Cases of hys- teria— Hypochondriasis—Cases—Neurasthenia—Spinal irritation —Dif- ferential diagnosis—Insomnia—Astraphobia (fear of lightning)........ 435-457 CONTENTS. Xxi CHAPTER XVI. [Nsanity. Methods used—Cases. . ° ++ 458-462 senna eee cee ee eee e ere re cenes CHAPTER XVII. CEREBRAL AND SPINAL CONGESTION, Prognosis and treatment—Cases,, 463-467 CHAPTER XVIII. CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM, Cas€S......cceseces secs seer secseseevcescses 408-469 CHAPTER XIX. NEURALGIA. Methods of treatment—General prognosis—Cephalalgia— Cases—Sick headache (migraine)—Facial neuralgia—Gastralgia—Scia- tica—Reflex neuralgia—Galvanic belts and disks. ...........00.--00- 470-491 CHAPTER XX. ANAZHSTHESIA, Different kinds of sensibility—Farado-sensibility—Electro- diagnosis—Prognosis—Cases...... 6 aa heen ares Biceresie ee beg iaberaiore oie seeee 492-497 CHAPTER XXI, PARALYSIS. Paralysis from opium—Syphilitic paralysis—Lead paralysis— Hysterical paralysis—Cases—Hemiplegia, treatment and accessories— Cases of hemiplegia—Glosso-laryngeal paralysis— Paraplegia—Facial paralysis-—Paralysis from pressure and cold—Reflex paralysis......... 498-526 CHAPTER XXII. LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA (POSTERIOR SPINAL SCLEROSIS), Causes of the disease —Electro-diagnosis—Prognosis—Treatment—Cases..... ....eeeeee + 527-535 CHAPTER XXIII. PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR ATROPHY. Prognosis and treatment—Cases— Progressive myo-sclerotis paralysis (Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis)..... 536-540 CHAPTER XXIV. RHEUMATISM AND GOUT. Treatment—Prognosis—Cases—Myalgia— Lumbago—Pleurodynia—Rheumatic gout........... stie ews eeeeceee 541-547 CHAPTER XXV. SPASMODIC DISEASES. Writer’s cramp—Torticollis—Cases—Paralysis- Agitans—Asthma-—Facial spasm—Hydrophobia—Epilepsy—Cases.... 548-559 CHAPTER XXVI. DISEASES OF THE SKIN, General considerations—Methods of application— Central galvanization—Eczema—Prurigo——Lichen—Anwsthesia—Acne —Acne rosacea—Psoriasis pityriasis—-Herpes—Herpes frontalis—Ring- worm—Scleroderma—Melanoderna—Elephantiasis—Case—A lopecia— Permanence of results......... stacaiancit Saath nib Hua eyshg evans o oie Gielen « 560-574 XXil CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXVII. DISEASES OF THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. Electro-diagnosis—General principles of treatment—Dyspepsia—Cases—Constipation— Chronic . diarrhoea—Jaundice—Ileus (invagination)—Regurgitation (vomiting)— Flatulence,-—Sea sickness, ..........0 0008 See Cin Sisieiena eves weeeces 575-586 CHAPTER XXVIIL. “DISEASES. OF WOMEN. Amenorrhcea—Dysmenorrhcea—Menorrhagia— Leucorrhcea—Methods of treatment, external and internal—General and central treatment—Franklinization Prognosis —Cases—Atrophy and displacement of the uterus—Congestion and enlargement—Irrita- tion and congestion of ovaries—Intra-uterine galvanic pessaries... ... 587-602 CHAPTER XXIX. DISEASES OF CHILDREN, Chorea—Marasmus and Whooping-cough—In- continence of urine--Vomiting and cholera-infantum—Paralysis—Mi- croscopic examination of muscles—Treatment—Cases,....... cesses 603-616 CHAPTER XXX. DISEASES OF THE GENITO-URINARY ORGANS. Electro-diagnosis and treatment of impotence—Aspermatism—Spermatorrhcea—Cases—Pa- resis and paralysis of the bladder—Orchitis—Enlargement of the pros- tate—Prolapsus ani—Prolapsus of the sphincter—Hemorrhoids....... 617-628 CHAPTER XXXI. DISEASES OF THE LARYNX. Anemia—Aphonia — Treatment—Cases— Spasinus-glottidis—Nervous cough—Hyperzesthesia—Aneesthesia...... 629-638 CHAPTER XXXII. DISEASES OF THE EYE. General considerations—Paresis and paralysis of muscles—Asthenopia—Amblyopia and amaurosis—Spasm of the lid —Opacities of cornea and vitreous humor—Ptosis and mydriasis— Myosis—Neuro-retinitis Strabismus, ..... 0.0... ecceceueeee aehote 639-647 4 CHAPTER XXXIIL DISEASES OF THE EAR. General considerations and methods of applica- tion——Pathological reactions—General results—Subacute and chronic inflammation of middle ear—Tinnitus aurium —Hysterical deafness— Chronic suppuration of the middle ear... 0... eee eee 648-660 CHAPTER XXXIV. Mipwirery. Faradization for inertia uteri—Post-partum hemorrhage— Deficient lacteal secretion—Sore nipples................ 0.0032... 661-663 CHAPTER XXXV. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION BY ELECTRIZATION IN CASES OF APPARENT DEATH FROM DROWNING, OR SUFFOCATION THROUGH POISONOUS s GASES, OR IN ASPHYXIA OF NEW-BORN INFANTS, ...,... veeees 664-666 CONTENTS. XXili CHAPTER XXXVI. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND LUNGS. Palpitation of the heart—Angina pectoris—Consumption.... ice cea ccd eee eee eear todos dad dacceetes 667-671 CHAPTER XXXVIL. MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. Seqnelze of cerebro-spinal and ther- mic fever—Cases—Intermittent fever—Addison’s disease—Case--Dia- betes—Exophthalmic goitre—Dropsical effusiotis—Brizht’s disease~— Suppression of urine--Diabetes—Graves’ disease—Chronic rhinitis— Catarrh of nose—Anosmia--Toothache—-Ozone and ozonized oxygen— Hay fever--Fever and convalescence —--Obesity--Cirrhosis of the NVOi)s esis: cried yavectinns Mew icelconc rey Boa ata mamnnrbensarnariot eaten aoe eda 672-689 ELECTRO-SURGERY. CHAPTER I. HISTORY OF ELECTRO-SURGERY. Early history—Later history—Surgical and medical electricity compared ......... apehad see CaRota eA ReC Este 691-698 CHAPTER II. ELECTROLYSIS. Its nature and general methods—Method of introducing the needles—-Electrolyzing the base--Method of operating—Instruments—- Theory of the method—Its advantages and disadvantages...........- 699-710 CHAPTER III. GALVANO-CAUTERY. Advantages over actual cautery—Apparatus, handles, burners, loops for Galvano-cautery—Care of batteries—Uses and advan- tages of “the galvano-cautery—Rules for use of galvano-cautery, and adaptation tu various departments—Statistics of cases,...........006 711-723 CHAPTER IV. BENIGN AND MALIGNANT ‘TUMORS. Neevi (erectile tumors)—Goitres— Benign cystic tumors—Malignant, cystic tumors—Hydatids of the liver —--Fibroids—Fibroids of uterus—Lipomata (fatty) tumors—Adenitis, —Ovarian tumors—Polypi—Epithelioma—Scirrhus and other malignant growths—Cases—-Relief of pain of cancer by Seana CPALIVE- CASES, 2.4 cae s s2G ou Bee Meas SRE See omens + 724-75 3 CHAPTER V. ANEURISMS AND VARICOSE VEINS, Method of operating—Statistics of aneurisms treated by electricity —Varicose veins ...........+002008 - 754-758 CHAPTER VI. STRICTURES, Stricture of the urethra—Experiments and cases—Stricture of the cesophagus.,... ok sdeaaeeotgnacinle sake Slee wyaenaeuiemiylstsiel ore shale Giese 759-763 XXiV CONTENTS. CHAPTER VII. ULcERS, FISTUL4E AND SINUSES. Ulcers—Bed-sores—Method of treat- ment— Galvano-ozonization......... siavleusncnaasiavsnysnusyS4 Siva ESE 764-766 CHAPTER VIII. ,MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL DISEASES. Stumps after amputation—He- matecele—Gangrene—Carbuncles—F uruncles—Burns—Frost-bite (chil- blains)—Synovitis—Hydrocele—Sprains—Strains of muscles—Spondy- litis (Pott’s disease)—Spinal curvature—Pseudo-arthrosis (ununited fracture)—Hernia—Morbus coxarius (disease of the hip-joint)—Club- foot (talipes)—Warts—Dissolution of calculi in the bladder—Electric explorer or probe—Extraction of foreign bodies by the electro-magnet —Electro-chemical baths--Removal of poisonous metals from the body —Faradic anzesthesia—Hydro-electrization—Electro-medication—Po- LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. 1—Magnetic Tone, illustrated.............. Sid acon etauacera mates a acais tape anatase ae 2—- « Polarity, illustrated..... ... bvuraviash Gueiilesa CuouaMhaacans Scadatintuanavens »- 4 a ATMAUNTE: ois cdieeniawake andre enacts ot a Sa casastrocavanaies wie igrsters we 6 4—Insulated Conductor............. elie AusaliaouekGiekaeds sassanuases 10 5— Brass Hemispheres cose waxcwsiesalnna ke nseessens esate watemaseeare 17 6—Insulated: Cylinder... savssseascnrsiausn acasbenseredesecess pamee ae 18 7—Cylinder Electrical Machine........ 0... ...06 00 cece e nec e teen eens 19 S—Holtz's Machine. ssxvassigiwassatn sms wndeeenstneete teedeuneg aaa 20 G— Betinett!s: Blectrosco pe... iscsi siccacosn/svecs, avn: at oi basveusior@in ecerdis Soevbigucenceopenre-atd. 3 21 NO Wey deri Jae asi vavauscaveiacaratsic cathe ashcnrdnsrastiaancccdausipnoscenes icusvor ia Beadeccauevenseseause™ 22 TU Simple Galvanic: C1icley, 5c cscs erace des asersnaicr aubioitie win wen andrea itavvasavane or blecwror 28 12—-Compound Galvanic Circle... 0.0... cece ccc eee cece e ete en eens 34 13—Branch Current, illustrated... 0.0.0... cece eee e eee tenes hand vranstitan tease 35 14—Voltaic Pile............... exeraaue eieapcvens alates i aus anne rats aate Salekeb canals 36 15—Daniell’s Battery............. a aciuiisisae sare aa eh Cia tate Neate arena te .. 38 16—Grove’s Battery.............0008 Siecaseers si HIRT MOTE SRE ES 40 17—Bunsen’s Nitric-Acid Battery,.............000°- ee ee 40 18—Smee’s Battery......... (sla or stan-Sion Weim anticelbaarBepsaun ate BS aciersieeas econ esis ie 43 TOSSVOMAMELER. occiccdduaraineaabalesaatienuisecns Srenty Cosh talc claspanise Slsegeys hye caseduewensieaa 40 20—Astatic Galvanometer..... aa giasarerstecrsieten jet svesl Shae eit eaoneraorcantiatezare 47 21—Galvanic Frog......... Voww EGU Saereledealkre as Mie tigers 49 22—Phenomena of Electrolysis ..........0..5004 ideas aise enignareyieng 58 23—Electro-magnetic Helix......... SPAS R De ASR tle @iacieiaieve ensiace 61 24—Electro-magnet..... Di dagatesiensematase ae TS eae ssmwes ion ereen athens 61 25—Current Induction, illustrated. .........0. 62 ce ee eee ete nee e ec eeeee 62 26—lInduction, illustrated........... i aes eaacbeaaasd ganaraiaiapses ae SEIN aie eaarwante 63 27—Current-interrupter.----..... ee eee e eee reer eee Wyrr eee e reece cceee 64. 28-—Ruhmkorff’s Coil. .... Ane stWucuniesinoreenan ica ibrevercuavese Sivas eet 66 29—Horse-shoe Magnet... 2... sce seer rece eee e rece ee ere tenenerenee . 69 30—Thermo-electricity, illustrated......... araeaiids al Saudi go GeseaN WR Se venom ope 72 31—Thermo-multiplier .. 2.0.0... eee cece e eee nent e etter ence ee ecens 75 32—Farmer’s Thermo-electric Battery..........-seeee cere ceeereeeteeeeee 76 33—Electrotonos, illustrated ...... 6... cece ee eee eee teeter ec en ences 112 34—Anelectrotonos and Catelectrotonos, ifiustrated te eee ee 113 35~43—Sphygmographic Tracings...... osentuua davecousaoeetee a iene eae See wale aneeen son HBF 54—Electro-therapeutical Anatomy of the Human Body—anterior view...... 322 xxXvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE 55—Electro-therapeutical Anatomy of the Human Body—posterior view..... 323 56—Kidder’s Faradic Machine......... cece cee ccceeeeeee ace voraslnadcerndunto 331 57—Faradic Machine (Galvano-Faradic Mnmutactadic Co. De daieiaih avecranetevensne 335 5s— es without the box..........ceeeeeneee Hearne aneares 336 5o— - (Thomas Hall) ec eccaececcin a eynwsguviave see cies +. 337 60—Zine-carbon Battery; 32 cells, .sc..cuscccasses as teste does nee eaenrnr «+ 339 61—-Galvanic Battery,-16 cells... 00.1... . cece cece ee rere eee e teeter ee eee « 340 62—Two Zinc-carbon Batteries, united, 18 cells....... i daveis aeRO SS severe 340 63—Galvanic Battery, 36 cells... .... cece cece cece tne ence eee enees 341 64—Kidder’s Zinc-carbon Battery, 18 cells... cece ee ee inc orsioed ietteen’ 342 65—Cabinet Battery (Galvano-Faradic Manufacturing Co.)..... ay iou ers sayiauau diet 345 66—Portable Galvanic Battery (Drescher).............. siikanasievoenorac ees sieejoua2eay 349 67—Galvano-Faradic Machine, BE cere a fate jusatanaristgrentun phikevarteienalseeraibas 350 68—Portable Beetz-Lechanché Battery... ........ ce cece cece cece eee tener 351 . 69—-Brenner’s Apparatus (Galvano-Faradic Manufacturing Co.),........-++ » 352 70—Galvarometer used by the Authors (Chester & Co.) .... ..05 seeaseree 352 7i—Siemens’ Stopper-rheostats +0000. nexweswas saeawaee cia gevew sae eweseas 353 72—Hydro-rheostat (Galvano-Faradic Manufacturing Co.)..........000ee ees 354 73—Universal Handles for Electrodes........... eee. ee eeeees Pe eeeeeE es 355 m4— “ ge ‘¢ _ with Interrupter, insulated........... 355 75 Long Sponge: FlECtrode, «wes ative sessieinvsieiea ecouhnaoeneve ind ORR Ringer soa be sass caueie 356 76—Electrodes of various sizes to be attached to Universal Handles.......... 356 77—Hard Rubber Handle and Electrode. ........... 000 ceccee ese eceeeees 386 78—Sponge-holder, with sponge attached. ...... 0.0... cc eeee cece ce ceenees 356 79—Small Sponge Electrode... .... cece eee ee ee eee eee eee Seer otpine hs «. 356 862 Diichentiels: Ele ctiod enw cean neve ccantwreie saan 6 atnspewaeirenteatecrs 356 81—Rockwell’s Brass Ball Electrode for General Faradization, .... ehivgerenteeys 356 ,82—Beard’s Stationary Electrode. .......... 0... ccc e eee ce ec eneeeee 357 83—Adjustable Electrode, with band......... 0... c cece cee e ee eee eee e ees 357 84—Beard’s Adjustable Electrode, with flannel cover........... 0000 ce eeuee 358 85—Flannel Cover for Electrode... .........0ceeeeece oo PERE Da 358 86—Adjustable Electrode, with sponge......... sasece Se sah RSI Heatntvevesecevnseia 359 87—Oblong Adjustable Electrode... 2... 0... 0. cece cece nee e cece ene ceeeee 359 OS — Metallic, Bash ses sot asecds ve fe WEE Seencn bean anpaa Bipeeis sarduotbentevarmibemmsnmedes ove 359 89— ‘¢ with brush pushed within the cylinder...... Seid Wes gaia + 359 go—Spinal Electrode... ........ eee eee stivexadvenumorint a oiawentatae éeugeean 359 g1—Beard’s Current-reverser.............00 06 crete eatanenoratinrergiay sieves saeroatis 360 92—Meyer & Meltzer’s Faradic Machine.......... 0... cu ceca cece ec eueece - 363 93—Foveaux’s Portable Galvanic Battery,...........ccccccseeceecccceees 365 94—Meyer & Meltzer’s Portable Apparatus .......... 0.00. ceee eee shad Sine 366 95—Galvanization of the Cervical Sympathetic........ 00.0... cece ee eees 372 96— ss ss ee «s including the Pneumogastric.. 373 97—Faradization of Facial Nerve and Muscles........... 0... cceeeeeeee wesw OS g8— Muscular Faradization, with Metallic Electrodes. ............cececeeee 375 99—Faradization of muscles of thigh... ........ 0 1. e cece ace e nce ccceeee 376 too— ee ‘* Popliteal Nerve and serene ‘tcaclez,, iaicaish aotigrace ve ietedayy 376 ror—Spinal-cord-brachial plexus current..2...... sevannrshe Siavovsiehararaandielawlenstehuais 378 10z—Spinal-cord-medium neive current........ *SUeierstedeaiwmas oem wien 37S LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. XXVil to3—General Faradization, application to head...........cccecccecceuesecs 3s 1oq— . a #8 SPM sccaea ice ces eigoean insensedes 987 105—General Galvano-faradization, application to spine by sponge-holder...... 390 106—General Faradization, application to stomach...... 60845534 vite wA 394 1o7— ‘* cs we “ lower extremities .........cccceees 395 108—Central Galvanization, first stage... cece eee ise Sra seuss anecceopanniy ny 412 tog— “ es second stage..... aie lanGa ax hysteininiets aarded we AIG 110o— * as thindvatagels soa scence doe.aet dace Salons srg ations 414, im— * ss FOU CH StABE eck ens oy Gis How aan ane eecieinks or o. 415 112—Method of Franklinization,.......... a debes ate eG aves avesveuacs abiitierieiciane: «6 430 113—Electric Bath. ....... lon eesansas signet W oie sa darned ater terete a8 oem vee 432 PEAS Circle Disks 3 2scvie- ai evade ss Sai yiggin eek 6 pad GH aD ee ee - 544 115—Oblong Button Disk......... ana neseiae Be Re Ne ES Nota Bere ee 544 116—Elephantiasis of legs, before treatment by electricity................26 573 117-—Rectal Electrode, non-insulated...........0.4- oa eeialer lassie eadends cae SON r18— “ | « insulated..........2006 Fie Dbwertinclanmaldinineaaa-t da wile’ 581 t19—Double Rectal Electrode..... sini yieee eg gaan eases dsaiwtegparss degeesee SSE 120—Faradization of the Uterus..........0.cceeeeeceeeeee gists eave erates se «. 588 121—Uterine Electrode............. iit weod a sin ees sivaerlasa dak Gis ema 8474 589 122—Beard’s Intra-uterine Electrode.......... was See Nene ceawls sf evaesee 589 123—Double Intra-uterine Electrode...............- os wraliatareiaetn di Se Rte vee. 589 124—Duchenne’ s Double-uterine Electrode, open..... ae LOe CER EWA O ed 8S BAS 590 125— ss ss a ee closéds 25 wecsces ieee 845084 590 126—Vaginal Electrode..... wieudneid Siang Bea evesaian ous Sisvaussate wistarwiaver sie geese case «+ 591 127—Intra-uterine Galvanic Pessary............ ibiaeidicaosmarsaa tiated ieee uae . 608 128—Duchenne’s Trocar.........e000+- ise es ineeeee Si ov iviain Wao ote sini ees soe 610 129—Noeggerath’s Trocar........eeeeer ee eee ee ee eeeee apa teiire tie @saanaaces 610 130-131-132—Normal Fibre, first degree... .......50:-+ ee eres ow neler ay 611 133-134—Normal Fibre, second degree......... siidlogwlee eRe da tele Seeey eke 611 135-136— * «© third degree.........000 ieee eee errs ees wea vgs (OI2 137-138-139—Normal Fibre, fourth degree.... ........ dk 6 ee Trrerr re exe B12 140—Insulated Catheter Electrode. ...... es sce eee teen ee eeaee §.seaebagete 621 141-142—Double Vesical Electrode, closed and Open. .......e ees eee cence . 625 143—Laryngeal Electrode and Necklet.............e0200+ siGibe-etbia .aueaalatonna sess 632 144—Internal Electrization of Ear..........2..4. efide ee ate eess Savidve ody aunave 649 145—Murray’s Galvanic Nipple-shield.............. dae IeA Ode Melee DRT 663 146—Nasal Electrode ..........-+e-eeeeee aisleraeveGureue ate ees we Meielg ee pees . 634 147—Conductor for Electrolysis... ......-0 ces ce cece teen ence en ee ee en ees 702 148—Bayonet-pointed Needles for Electrolysis. .........0ssceeeseeeeener ees 703 149—Rockwell’s Long Needle for Electrolysis of Uterus............ aa ga wince 703 150—Rockwell’s Needle Holders with Needles for Electrolysis..........0--.55 704 151—Beard’s Long-cutting Needles for Electrolysis of the DASE. cece a eceeee ae 704, 152—Electrolysis of Base in scirrhus OF breast. saicsiweiegie aaa wee tse aes ee . 706 153— “s ce 6a ee ‘6 6 after removal of tumor........ 707 ‘154—Byrnes’ Multiple-element Battery. ......-.0. sess rreee ener ecees of ab ahi 712 155—Zinc-carbon Galvano-cautery Battery (Drescher & CO} wi ssaper ceca gees 713 156— “ os (© (Kidder).......cseswseseee eee eeen et 713 157— “ ss «¢ (Galvano-Faradic Manuf’ing Co.). 714 XXVili LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, PAGE 158—Galvano-cautery Battery (Meyer & Meltzer, London).... ......+.. seem, FUG 159~-189—Accompanying Appliances, Handles, Burners, or Cauterizers, Loops, Knives, etc., for Galvano-cautery..... oisasesiapece shi sopavdiorenaudusig nse 716-718 190— Galvano- -cautery Operating Case and Loop (Galvano-Faradic Manufac- a PMT ITS (COL) svcat k seneea Natehecier Soh erekcigg weve a ate epladtg ealwoseenetolghonele -- 718 192—Benign Cystic treated by ordinary Hlecttolysis eeaeats iui ween aes seyieiatencis 732 193—Electrolysis of base of malignant cystic tumor............00.. sewsereoee 735 194—Removal of Epithelioma by Electrolysis of base...........0e00e005 sees 740 195— ) Epithelioma of Vagina and Vulva before and after operations by Elec- os trOlysISs 6a cee vesiese ee eo ie keetaw seamen 743 197—Scirrhus of Breast treated by ordinary electrolysis...... Scayaearacbie wine Dietetins TAY. 198—Trouve’s Electric Explorer......... ceeccees ccccccccsescsevsesvens 773 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. ELECTRO-PHYSICS. CHAPTER I. A KNOWLEDGE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF ELECTRO-PHYSICS NECESSARY TO THE ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST—DEFINITION OF ELECTRICITY—. MAGNETISM. Electro-physics is the science which treats of electricity in its physical relations. No one can be a master in electro-therapeutics without also being a master in electro-physics. Hence it becomes necessary, in a systema- tic treatise on electro-therapeutics, t6 present the leading principles of electro-physics, and to point out their practical bearings both on electro-physiology and electro-therapeutics. This necessity is all the greater because electro-physics is the branch of electrology that electro- therapeutists are most of all disposed to neglect ; and ignorance of this department has retarded, and still retards, the scientific advance of electro-therapeutics both medical and surgical. It is possible to make happy hits in electro-therapeutics without knowing anything of electro- physics or electro-physiology ; but on the average, and in the long run, the best results will be obtained by those who to purely practical know- ledge add a thorough mastery of the scientific relations of the subject. Why discussed in a Practical Treatise like this.—The necessity of pre- senting the leading principles of electro-physics in a practical treatise like this is the more imperative from the fact that, until quite recently at least, all, or nearly all, the text-books on physics in use in schools and colleges have failed to represent the advanced researches and generalizations of modern scientists in the department of electricity. The old hypotheses, that electricity is a single or double fluid, still linger in our centres of education, or yield the ground but slowly ; and even in those works that are fully up to the times on this subject, the special I 2 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. and practical bearings of electro-physical principles on electro-phys- iology and electro-therapeutics are of course not considered. To this should be added the consideration that any science, however well acquired, if it be not kept before the mind by teaching or writing, or by practical application, soon fades from the memory, or becomes a mass of half-truths and uncertainties. We are therefore justified in assuming that not one in a hundred of those who will consult this book as a guide in electro-therapeutics will be so thoroughly and accurately informed on the principles of electro-physics as not to need, on this subject, some compact treatise which shall serve as a guide and reminder of the leading facts and principles of the science. To supply this need is the object of this division of our treatise. ‘ NATURE AND DEFINITION OF ELECTRICITY. Electricity is now regarded as a FORCE correlated to the other great forces of nature—heat, light, etc.—and, like them, is simply a mode of motion,—a form of vibration. Although the precise nature of these vibrations have not yet been ‘mathematically demonstrated, as in the case of light and heat, yet the theory that the phenomena of electricity are the result of vibrations has much in its favor, and it is by no means impossible that in the future the nature of these vibrations will be well understood. In the present treatise, as in all works on physics, various terms, as “current,” “flows,” “runs,” etc., that took their origin when the fluid theory prevailed, are retained for the sake of convenience of description. With this understanding there is no objection to their use. Electricity is manifested in three general forms: Magnetism ; Stati- cal or Frictional or Franklinic Electricity ; and Galvanism, or Voltaic or Dynamical Electricity. MAGNETISM. Magnetism.—In order to understand electricity in general it is neces- sary to understand magnetism, which is one of its manifestations. Magnetism, defined by its phenomena, is the power which certain bodies possess of attracting iron. The bodies which are observed to have this power are called magvets, and are divided into two classes—zatural and artificial. Natural magnets consist of iron ore or loadstone. Joad- MAGNETISM—POLARITY OF MAGNETS. 3 stone was first discovered in Magnesia, in Asia Minor, and hence the name magnet was derived. The compass was introduced into Europe in the twelfth century; but the Chinese are said to have been acquainted with it in the fourth century. Artificial magnets are usually made of steel that has been magnetized by the galvanic current or by other magnets. Steel bars that have been thus magnetized may be either straight or bent. For convenience’ sake, they are usually bent in the form of a horseshoe. All substances are more or less susceptible to magnetic influence, but iron is more affected by it than others. Experiments illustrative of the effects and power of artificial magnets are so familiar that they need not be cited. Polarity of Magnets.—The polarity of a magnet is that peculiar pro- perty by which it manifests two opposite kinds of magnetism, that are termed, relatively to each other, the north and the south pole. When a magnetic needle is so suspended that it can move unimpeded in any direction, one end points to the north, and the other to the south. If the magnét be disturbed in any way, and forced temporarily out of position, it at once and uniformly returns. Polarity is a quality that belongs not only to magnetism, but also to other forms of electricity, and to light and the other great forces, The poles of a magnet are always at its ends, for here the attractive power is greatest. This can be demonstrated by a very simple experi- ment. If a magnetic bar be rolled in a pile of iron-filings, it will be found that these adhere to the bar most firmly and in the greatest quantity at and near its poles. The quantity that adheres is less as we approach the middle of the bar. Neutral Line.—In long bars there is always a place at the middle, or near to it, where no filings are attracted. This space is variously termed the neutral or magnetic zone, or magnetic equator, or point of indifference. NE Fic, 1 Another familiar experiment is to pass an iron ball, suspended by a string or thread, near to a magnet from end to end. It is observed that the ball is attracted very little, or not at all, in the middle, but 4 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. that the attractive power is increased as we bring it towards either end. "If any substance be placed between the ball and the magnet, the at- traction is just as marked, unless the interposed substance itself con- tains iron. Nearly all substances that are not themselves magnetic are capable of transmitting the magnetic influence, Another feature of magnetic polarity is, that like poles repel, and *unlike poles attract, each other. If one magnetic bar be suspended freely in the air, and another be brought near to it; it will be found that the north pole of one is attracted by the south pole of the other, and vice vers@—in short, that the like poles repel, while the unlike attract, Fic, 2. Magnetism of Broken Magnets.—If a bar that has been magnetized be broken in the middle, each half will have two poles and a neutral point in the centre. If one of these halves is broken in the middle, each half will be found to have two poles and a neutral line. If one of these parts in turn be broken, each half will again be found to be a complete magnet, with two poles and a neutral line, and so on as long as we can carry the division. Coulomb's Theory of Magnetism.—A theory of magnetism ad- vanced by Coulomb is, that magnetic substances consist of particles, each one of whichis a magnet. These particles have their poles turned in different directions, so as to neutralize each other. Magnetization brings these particles round so that éhey lie in the same direction. This theory brings magnetism very close to statical electri- city, and would naturally be adopted by those who believe all mag- netic phenomena result from electricity in magnetic bodies. MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 5 ’ Between the behavior of electricity in animal bodies (animal electri- city), electricity in general (statical and dynamical electricity), to be subsequently explained, and magnetism as here explained, there are analogies so close and so consistent as to warrant the view that all are but different manifestations of one force. Magnetic Induction.—lf a bar of soft iron is brought in contact with or near to one of the poles of a magnet, it is attracted, and for the time being becomes itself magnetic; and if it is brought near enough to the magnet, it firmly adheres to it. A bar of soft iron thus obtains by zzduction all the properties of an ordinary magnet. It has a north and south pole. It attracts iron-filings around these poles, just like the regular magnet. If another piece of soft iron is brought in contact with, or near to its poles, it is attracted and made to adhere, just as it would do if applied to an ordinary magnet. Quite a number of bars of soft iron may be made to adhere in the same way. But when this bar, thus made magnetic, is forcibly removed from the per- manent magnet to which it adheres, it instantaneously loses all its mag- netic power, and the iron-filings or pieces of soft iron that have been attracted by it at once drop off. Such a magnet is therefore styled “temporary,” in contradistinction to the permanent magnets of steel. If a bar of s¢eel is brought near to, or in contact with a magnet, it also becomes magnetic, and exhibits very different phenomena from the bar of soft iron. In the first place, it becomes magnetic much more slowly than the bar of soft iron, and displays less miagnetic power. On the other hand, it does not, like the soft iron bar, lose its attractive power as soon as it is removed: from the magnet, but perma- nently retains it. The quality of steel by which it at first resists the attractive power of magnets, and resists the dispersion of the magnetism which it has once acquired, is called coercitive force. The same phenomena are observed in regard to heat. Some bodies that are quick to acquire heat, are quick to part with it; and vice versd, those bodies which, like iron, steel, and so forth, acquire heat gradually, also part with it slowly. It is by virtue of its coercitive force that doadstone permanently re tains its magnetism. The harder any steel is, the greater its coercitive force. Steel that is soft has comparatively little coercitiveness, and when brought near to, or in contact with a magnet, it behaves very much like soft iron. Very hard steel, on the contrary, has so great coercitiveness that it is only attracted by very powerful magnets. 6 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. . Soft iron, when adulterated with sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic, or charcoal, or if it is even twisted or bent, may exhibit a slight degree of coercitive force. Soft iron that is perfectly pure possesses no coer- citive force whatever. The law of the distribution of magnetism in a bar of iron, and the law of magnetic attraction and repulsion were discovered by Coulomb in 1789. Shape of Magnets—Magnetic Armatures.—Artificial magnets are either composed of straight bars, or are bent in the shape of a horse- shoe. The horseshoe form is used mainly for the sake of conveni- ence. It enables us to apply both poles simultaneously and uniformly to the object that is to be magnetized. Very powerful magnets may be made of a number of thin steel bars placed side by side, their poles being situated homonymously, that is, lying in the same direction, A : number of bundles of bars of steel arranged in this way is called a “magnetic magazine, or battery.” Magnetic armatures are pieces of soft iron that are placed at the ends of magnets, to keep their magnetic power. This bar, or armature, not only receives magnetism from the magnet, but acts upon it in return, and thus helps to preserve its magnetic power. Magnets that are not provided with an armature gradually lose their attractive power by the disturbing influence of the magnetism of the earth. The magnetic power of magnets is apt to be impaired by letting them fall on a hard surface, or by suddenly striking them with a solid body. Fic. 3. Magnetization.—It is possible to communicate magnetism to bodies that can retain it in several different ways: 1. By single Touch.—The bar which we wish to magnetize is laid on a table, and the pole of a magnet is rubbed along its surface from end to end for a number of times. 2. By double Touch.—The bar that is to be magnetized is placed on a piece of wood, the ends of which are placed against two strong mag- nets. Two magnets for rubbing are placed on the bar to be magnet- ized, making an angle with the bar of from 15° to 20°. A small piece of wood is placed between the extremities of these two magnets, to prevent their touching. They are then rubbed along the bar that is to be magnetized, from the middle towards the end, and back again, and MAGNETIC INDUCTION. 7 raised from the magnetized bar again at the middle. This method communicates a strong, though sometimes irregular magnetism; it was invented by Mitchell, and perfected by Epinus in 1758. 3. By separate Touch.—This method consists in putting two opposite poles of two magnets of the same force in the middle of the bar that is to be magnetized, and moving each of them at the same time toward the opposite end of the bar. This operation is repeated several times on both sides until the bar is magnetized. The magnets may be held vertically or may be inclined. The vertical method was first used by Knight in 1745. 4. By the Galvanic Current.—The bar to be magnetized is placed | inside a coil of insulated wire through which a galvanic current is run- ning, and is then moved backward and forward, as in the method by the double touch. 5. By the Earth.—It is clear that the earth is itself a magnet, for it manifests strong inductive power. A steel rod becomes permanently magnetic when it is held parallel to a dipping-needle. If a bar of soft iron is held in the same position it also becomes magnetic, and much more rapidly than the steel bar, but does not so long retain its magnet- ism. Ifa soft iron bar, held in this position, is struck a few times by a hammer, its magnetism, which was before temporary, becomes per- manent. The blows of the hammer seem to impart in some mys- terious way a coercitive force to the temporary magnet. Large masses .of iron, when kept in a stationary position for any length of time, always give proofs of having been magnetized by the earth. Tools in workshops are apt to become permanently magnetic from the repeated hammering to which they are subjected. The mag- netism of the loadstone is due to the silent but continuous inductive action of the earth.* Saturation Point of Magnetism.—The limit of the amount of mag- netism that a magnet can permanently retain is called the point of satu- ration. Mf any magnet receives more of magnetism than it can perma- nently retain, it gradually loses it or throws it off until it falls to the point of saturation, when it ceases to lose any more. The saturative point of any magnet depends on its temper and coercitive force. Mag- nets will retain their magnetism at the point of saturation for years if they are not seriously disturbed. Magnetism is very markedly influenced by temperature. -When a * On this subject we may refer to the able pamphlet of Prof. Mayer on The Earth a great Magnet. 8 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. magnet is heated it loses its magnetic power in proportion as its tem perature rises ; when it is cooled, it regains more or less of what it has lost. But if any magnet is subjected to a heating process for a numbe1 of times, it becomes less sensitive to the changes of temperature. All evidence of magnetism is driven out of a magnet at white heat, but it regains its capacity of magnetization after it has been tempered and fhagnetized. Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism.—When a rod of iron or a needle is suspended between the poles of a magnet, it is attracted by these poles, and keeps a position of rest between them, in a line joining the two poles. Substances which behave in this way are called paramagnetic, and they are said to place themselves axiadly between the poles. When a rod of some other substance, as bismuth, is suspended between the poles of a magnet, it is repelled by them, and keeps a position of rest in a line of right angles to the two poles. Substances which behave in this way are called diamagnetic, and they are said to place themselves equatori- ally between the poles. The representative of paramagnetic bodies is iron. The representative of diamagnetic bodies is bismuth. The para- “ magnetism of iron, nickel, and cobalt is manifested before magnets of average strength; but the majority of substances exhibit diamagnetic traits only in the presence of the strongest magnets. Experiments in this department are usually conducted with electro. magnets, since they are much stronger than permanent magnets. Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism of Liquids, Flames, and Gases.— To study the magnetic properties of liquids, they are placed in long tubes of thin glass and hung like rods of solid substances between the poles of a magnet. It is found that some arrange themselves axially and others equatorially. A paramagnetic liquid becomes heaped up at the poles and depress- ed between them. A diamagnetic liquid is depressed at the poles and heaped up in the centre. The flame of a candle is repelled by the poles of a magnet and brought into an equatorial position ; it is there- fore a diamagnetic. The magnetism of gases is studied by sending them through glass tubes between the poles, or by inflating soap bub- bles with them. The nature and degree of the magnetism which bodies exhibit is modified by the nature of the medium in which they are examined. A glass tube filled with a solution of proto-sulphate of iron is paramagnetic when suspended in air, in pure water, or in a more dilute solution of proto-sulphate of iron; in a solution of the same strength it is indifferent ; in a stronger solution it is diamagnetic. PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF MAGNETIZATION. 9 Then, according to the medium, a substance may be paramagnetic, diamagnetic, or indifferent. The general law is, that a substance is in- different toward a substance of equal magnetism, paramagnetic toward one of less magnetism, and diamagnetic toward one of greater mag netism than itself. PARAMAGNETIC SUBSTANCES, DIAMAGNETIC SUBSTANCES, Iron, Bismuth, Nickel, Antimony, Cobalt, Zinc, Manganese, Tin, Chromium, Cadmium, Titanium, Sodium, Palladium, Mercury, Paper, Lead, Sealing-wax, Silver, Peroxide of Lead, Copper, Plumbago, Gold, Red Lead, Arsenic, Sulphate of Zinc, Alum, Shellac, Glass, Vermilion, Sulphur, Charcoal, Sugar, Oxygen, Alcohol, Au, Water, Salts of Manganese, Caoutchouc, Proto and per Salts of Iron. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Carbonic acid. Brugman discovered in 1778 that bismuth was repelled and cobalt was attracted by the poles of a magnet. Diamagnetism was discov- ered and worked up by Faraday in 1845. In 1855 and subsequently the subject has been variously investigated by Tyndall. Physical Effects of Magnetization.—Magnetization produces two remarkable effects—sound and elongation. When a good ear is placed near an iron core, just as the current is being established around it, a click is heard. The same sound is heard when the current is broken. Place a rod of soft iron in an electro-magnetic helix, with its ends rest- ing on two trays, and musical sounds may be produced. Elongation of a bar when magnetized is thus explained. The bar may be supposed 10 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. to be made up of particles united by cohesion but capable of re- moval. When the bar is magnetized these particles put their longest diameters lengthwise to the bar, or tend in that direction. That sound is an effect of magnetization was discovered by Page. The elongation of a bar by magnetization was discovered by Joule, of Manchester, one of the pioneers of the doctrine of the correlation and conservation of forces. Grove has also shown that iron filings, suspended in a cylinder around which the current runs, attach themselves end to end. Terrestrial Magnetism.—When a needle is so placed that it can move freely in a horizontal direction, it always assumes a north and south position. When a needle is so placed that it can move freely in a vertical plane, it inclines more or less toward the earth. ‘ These positions of a suspended needle are directed by the magnetism of the earth,—/errestrial magnetism,—and are respectively termed its. declination and inclination. Terrestrial magnetism is composed of three elements—declination, inclination, and intensity. Declination.—The declination of the magnetic needle does not always coincide with the north and south points of the horizon, but as a rule only approximates to them. The magnetic meridian is a vertical plane passing through the horizon at the points indicated by the needle. The astronomical meridian is a vertical plane passing through the horizon at the north and south points. The angle between these merid- ians is called the vardation of the needle. Inclination or Dip.—When the magnetic needle is free to move in a vertical direction, it inclines from the horizontal position. The angle between the needle thus inclined and the horizon is called the dig or inclination. ‘The dip is greatest in the polar regions, and diminishes toward the equator, where at certain points it is zero. This discovery _ was made by Robert Norman, an instrument-maker, of London, in 1576. Magnetic Poles.—Those places where the dipping-needle is vertical, that is, where the inclination is 90°, are called magnetic poles. In 1830 Sir James Ross found that the north magnetic pole was 96° 43' west longitude, and 70° north latitude. The probability is that the south magnetic pole is about 154° east longitude and 7 54° south latitude. Jntensity.—The magnetic force of the earth which brings the sus- pended needle to the magnetic position, after it has been driven from . VARIATIONS OF THE NEEDLE, II it, is called intensity. The needle may be regarded as a magnetic pendulum, with magnetism instead of gravity acting on it. Halley, the astronomer royal, published the first magnetic charts in 1701. Variations of the Needle.—The magnetic elements—inclination, de- clination, and intensity—vary at different places. These variations are called secular, annual, and diurnal. Secular Variations are those which take place in the lapse of centuries. In every place the magnetic elements vary with exceeding slowness from year to year, completing cycles of change in the course of ages. Annual Variations are observed from month to month. The west- ern declination, for instance, decreases between April and July, and increases during the remainder of the year. Diurnal Variations.—The needle has a mean daily position, from which it regularly deflects eastward or westward at certain hours of the day. At midnight the needle is 14’ east of this mean daily position. It reaches its furthest east point at eight o ’clock in the morning. At one o'clock in the afternoon it reaches to 10’ west. It remains west of the mean until midnight. The needle is at the mean position a little after ten in the morning and a little before seven in the evening. But the daily range of the needle varies in the different seasons of the year. In the month of May the average daily range between the eastern and western extremes is 12’. This is its maximum range for the year. In December the average daily range is 5’ 28”, which is the minimum for the year. Diurnal variations were discovered by Graham, an instru- ment-maker, of London, in 1722. The diurnal variations of the range are not uniform in all parts of the world. Near the magnetic equator it amounts to very little or to noth- ing at all, but increases toward the north. Occasional Variations.—The daily course of the needle is liable to be quite materially altered by the various changes and disturbances of the earth and atmosphere. Sometimes these changes thus produced amount to one or two degrees. It is very well known that the phenomena of the “northern lights ne are accompanied by greater or less magnetic variations. Earthquakes, volcanoes, thunder.storms, whirlwinds, and indeed all forms of disturb- ances and warring of the elements, are liable to be associated with greater or less variations of the terrestrial magnetism. These disturb. ances have been termed by Humboldt ‘magnetic storms,” and are known as such among telegraph operators and mariners. 12 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. The magnetism of the earth is indeed in a state of constant fluctua- tion, like the waves of the ocean. It has been found by the observa- tions of Sabine and others that there is a certain periodicity to these storms, and Schwabe and others have shown that the spots on the sun vary continually and teach their maximum every ten years, and at a corresponding time. Hanstien published a work on the magnetism of ,the earth, in 1817, and in 1826 published the first iso-dynamic charts. Magnetic stations were first established in Europe in 1835, and in 1836 observations were published by Gauss and Weber. Between 1840 and 1854 observations were made by British officers throughout the empire under the directions of Colonel Sabine. Theory of Terrestrial Magnetism.—The theory of magnetism, which we hold in common with many philosophers, is, that magnetism is gene- rated in the earth by the heat of the sun, and that the currents thus produced are continually traversing the surface. Prof. Chas. Young, the distinguished spectroscopic astronomer, in- forms us that while making observations at Sherman, on the Rocky Mountains, the magnetic needle was disturbed very sensibly a¢ the very moment that disturbances were taking place on the sun. If these observations should be confirmed, it would seem to suggest the theory that magnetism travels from the sun through the ether with the rapidity of light. Still further, it has been shown by a powerful array of comparative observations, extending through many years, that the appearances of the aurora borealis, the magzefic storms, and variations in the solar spots, correspond both in their maxima and their minima. This corre- spondence is so complete as to give convincing probability to the the- ory that our sun is the grand source of magnetism, and that the aurora and all other magnetic disturbances are direct resultants of a solar influence.* ° 'The acceptance of the theory that there is one mighty and widely pervading force in nature, that in some substances and under certain conditions manifests itself as magnetism, and in other substances and under different conditions manifests itself as statical or dynamical or animal electricity, and that the differences of rapidity with which these forces travel, and the various and distinctive peculiarities by which they manifest themselves, depend on the medium through which they are propagated and the circumstances under which they are developed, * This subject is discussed in a valuable paper in the American Fournal of Sciences, April, 1873, by Prof. Elias Loomis, of Yale College. : SOLAR ORIGIN OF MAGNETISM. 13 has the advantage of simplicity, and may perhaps help us to compre- hend the action of magnetism and electricity on the human body in health and disease. In this view a proper understanding of the laws of magnetism becomes essential to the electro-physiologist and the elec- tro-therapeutist. CHAPTER II. °- FRICTIONAL, OR STATICAL, OR FRANKLINIC ELECTRICITY. WHEN glass is rubbed with silk it acquires the power of attracting any light substance, such as a pith-ball. By’a short contact this prop- erty is also communicated to the pith-ball, and it then vepeds the glass instead of being attracted. These phenomena are explained by the existence of a force which is termed LZiectricity. That which exists in the glass is called vitreous, or positive, or + electricity. If a piece of sealing-wax be rubbed with flannel it will a¢/¢vact the pith-ball, which is repelled by the glass. This phenomenon is due to the existence of resinous, or negative, or — elec- tricity in the sealing-wax. _ The name electricity is derived from the Greek word jAexrpov, mean- ing amber, because, as the story goes, Thales of Miletus, one of the seven sages of Greece, first discovered the manifestations of this myste- tious force by rubbing a piece of amber with a dry cloth. The science of electricity dates from 1600, when Dr. Gilbert, of Col- chester, physician to Queen Elizabeth, published a work on magnetism, entitled 7ractatus de Magnete. He first used the word electricity. He showed that not only amber, but other bodies, as sulphur, wax, etc., develop electricity. He first used the term poles in magnetism, and announced the first theory of terrestrial magnetism. Not only sealing- wax and glass, but all bodies contain more or less of electricity that may be thus developed by some kind of friction. Conductors and Non-conductors.—All bodies are electrically divided into three classes: Conductors, semi-conductors, and non-conductors. Under the first class—conductors—are included water and all saline solutions, the metals, the earths and stones, the structures of plants and animals, etc., etc. Under the second class—semi-conductors—are in- cluded ether, alcohol, dry wood, marble, paper, straw, etc., at 32° F. Under the third class—non-conductors, or insulators—are included glass, sealing-wax, porcelain, resins, sulphur, wax, dry metallic oxides, fatty oils, etc., at — 13° F.; phosphorus, india-rubber, gutta-percha, col- a FRICTIONAL OR FRANKLINIC ELECTRICITY. 15 lodion, wool, dry, hair, silk, shellac, ebonite, amber, feathers, chalk, lime, dry gases, and aqueous vapor in a dry state. The conducting power of metals may be lessened by heating them. In nearly all other substances heat increases the conducting power. Certain substances, such as feathers, wool, hair, and the atmosphere, which in a dry state are non-conductors, become, when thoroughly moistened, the best of conductors. In this classification of all substances into conductors, semi-conduc- tors, and non-conductors, reference is had only to frictional electricity. Substances that are semi-conductors for frictional electricity are non- conductors for galvanic electricity. Frictional electricity may be obtained not only by rubbing, but also by cleavage and pressure. When a piece of mica is cleaved, the two plates which are separated exhibit opposite electricities, and a faint light is observed when the cleavage is made in the dark. The light that is seen when sugar-candy or loaf-sugar is broken, is accounted for by the development of electricity through cleavage. When a thin piece of cork is pressed against a slice of orange, by insulating handles, one assumes a positive and the other a negative electricity. The same phenomena may be obtained by cleavage and pressure of very many other substances, and under diverse condi- tions. A conductor is said to be insulated when it is placed on some non- conducting substance, so that the electricity communicated to it is pre- vented from passing into the ground. Glass is one of the best non- conductors, and is the insulating material usually employed in the con- struction of electrical apparatus. It is hard, durable, and easily ob- tained, and, could its surface be kept always dry, would be surpassed as »an insulator byno material. In frosty and dry weather it acts very well ; but when the atmosphere is at all damp, it becomes coated with a layer of moisture, which very much impairs its insulating power. A much superior insulator to glass is ebonite, a preparation of vulcan- ized india-rubber, that of late has been much used. Discovery of Electric Conduction.—Electric conduction was discov- ered by Stephen Grey in 1729. He found that when a wire 700 feet long, and hung on loops of silk, was connected at one end with a glass tube, and the tube was rubbed, the other end of the wire was electri- fied and attracted light bodies. When wire-loops were substituted for the silk-loops, the electricity passed off through the wire. Hence origi- nated the distinction between insulators and conductors. Loss of Electricity.—All electrified bodies lose electricity more or less, 16 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. however carefully they may be insulated. There are two reasons for this :-— First. No insulators are perfect. The best insulators, as glass and rubber, conduct somewhat. Secondly. The air is a conductor ; its conductive capacity depends upon the amount of moisture in it. In vacuo, also, electrified bodies lose their electricity more rapidly than in air, on account of the diminution of the pressure on the insulat- ing surface. The human body, as will be shown under Electro-physiology, is charged with electricity, which is conducted away by the air, and not unlikely by other conductors. Statical Induction.—An insulated conductor, when charged with either positive or negative electricity, acts on bodies placed near to it just as the magnet acts on soft iron ; tt attracts the opposite and repels the same kind of electricity. This may be shown in the following manner : A brass cylin- der (Fig. 4), rounded at either extremity, is insulated by means of a glass rod. Two pith- balls are suspended by cotton thread from each end. If an insulated ball charged with positive Fie. 4. electricity be brought in close proximity to the brass cylinder, the pith-balls will diverge, show- ing a disturbance of the electrical equilibrium in the cylinder. So soon as the charged ball is withdrawn, the pith-balls hang down as before, showing that the electrical disturbance in the cylinder depended on the presence of the charged ball, and was merely temporary. If a small disk of insulated gilt paper be brought in contact with the end of the cylinder next the charged ball, and then approached © toward an electrometer, the needle will indicate that the disk has re- ceived — electricity. If the experiment be tried with the opposite end, 4 electricity will be transmitted to the gilt disk. It is thus seen that + electricity of the charged ball causes the near end of the cylinder to assume a — condition ; while, according to a universal law, that no — electricity can be excited without an equal amount of positive electricity, the opposite extremity becomes +. The - phenomenon thus described is called induction, or influence ; and while in this peculiar electrical condition the cylinder is said to be folar- ized. Induction and Conduction compared.—We have seen that a body may se — + t DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY. 17 be charged with electricity both by conduction—actual contact—and by induction at a distance. In conduction, the first body loses a part of its electricity; in induction it does not. In conduction, the elec- tricity given to the body is the same as that which gives it; in induc- tion, it is of the opposite kind. In order to impart electricity by con- duction, the body must be insulated ; to impart electricity by induction, the body must be for the time in connection with the earth. Bad con- ductors are acted on by induction s/ow/y, but retain their electricity longer ; just as steel which is slowly magnetized becomes a permanent magnet, while soft iron, which is rapidly magnetized, soon loses its magnetism. ‘There is a limit to the conductive capacity of every elec- trified body ; when this limit is reached, it ceases to have any effect on the second body, Distribution of Electricity.—It is evident that the greater the surface over which electricity is diffused, the less is its power or intensity at any given point. Llectricity does not penetrate to the interior of metallic conductors, but diffuses itself over the surface. Experiment proves this. Leta brass ball be charged with electricity, Fic, 5: and suspended by a silk thread, and then covered with two hemispheri- cal surfaces of brass, which exactly fit it. When the hemispheres are withdrawn, it will be found that they are charged with electricity, which ‘thas been entirely taken from the brass ball. Faraday illustrated this truth by a beautiful and original experiment with a conical bag of cotton gauze, around the opening of which an in- sulated ring was attached. The bag was held distended by means of a silk thread attached to the apex, and then charged. By the proof-plane, he found that the charge was wholly on the outside. The bag was then turned inside out by pulling the thread the other way, when it was 2 18 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. found that the electricity had changed sides, and lay wholly on the outside. Density.—The quantity of electricity on a given surface at any moment is called electric density, or thickness. The shape of a body has an influence in the distribution of electricity over it. 7 In an ellipsoid, for example, the density is greatest at the small end and least at the middle space. Fra. 6. On an insulated cylinder, with the two hemispheres at the ends, the density of the electricity is greatest at the ends. On a circular disk, the density is greatest at the edges. Zhe tendency is for electricity to accumulate at points. Ona sphere the density is uniform; the further removed a body is from a sphere.the more irregular the distribution. In all pointed rods the electricity accumulates at the pointed ex- tremities ; hence lightning-rods are made to terminate at sharp points. In electro-physiology and electro-therapeutics it is found that small, pointed electrodes cause much more pain, the strength of the current being the same, than large, broad electrodes. Hence, except in those cases where it is desired to confine the action of the current to a very limited surface, electrodes of pretty good surface are desirable. Electric Machines.—This term is exceedingly vague. It is applied to any and all forms of electrical apparatus. The first electric machine was made in 1672, by Otto von Guericke, of Magdeburg.* It consisted of a globe of sulphur, turned on its axis by one hand and pressed against , * Experimenta Nova, Magdeburgica, HOLTZ’S MACHINE. 1g the other hand. Afterward a glass cylinder was used instead of sulphur. In 1740 Winckler substituted cushions of horse-hair as rubbers. In 1760 Ramsden substituted a circular glass plate for the glass cylinder. The forms of electric machines now used are modifications of Rams- den’s. ‘This is one of the forms of apparatus from which we obtain statical electricity. Fig. 7 represents the common cylinder electrical machine, for developing electricity by friction. . Fie. 7. Holts Electrophorus Machine.—The best and most recent form of apparatus for statical electricity is the electrophorus machine that was invented by Holtz,* of Berlin, in 1865. In this machine the electricity is generated not by friction, but, as in the electrophorus, by zzductive action. The machine consists of two glass disks and paper coatings, with a number of conductors. One of the disks revolves on its axis; the other remains immovable. The disks and paper coatings are cov- ered with ¢ealing-wax. : The metallic conductors are made ina comb-shape. An incision in the immovable disk, with the paper coating and metallic conductor, is called an element. The machine may have two, four, six, or eight of these elements. When rotated, the paper coating becomes charged with negative electricity: the corresponding part of the movable disk be- comes charged with positive electricity. The conductor corresponds to the finger of the experimenter. The length of the spark produced ™ A similar machine was constructed about the same time by Topler. 20 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. by the machine depends on the size of the disk, which may be 12, 21, or 30 inches in diameter. These machines are also called rotation multipliers, because by their rotary motion they multiply by successive transmissions the charge of electricity that they communicate. ee Fia, 8. Electric Spark.—An interesting phenomenon connected with the electrical machine is the electric spar which is drawn from the con- ductor when the finger is presented to it. The positive electricity of the conductor decomposes the electricity of the body, attracting the negative and repelling the positive, and, when the tension is great enough, these opposite electricities overcome the resistance of the air and recombine, with a spark and crackling sound. The spark is accompanied by a prickly sensation. When the spark is short it is straight; beyond two or three inches in length it becomes curved or zigzag, like the lightning in the sky. ELECTROSCOPE, 21 The human body may be charged with electricity by sitting on an insulating stool and touching the conductor of an electrical machine. When the body is thus charged, the hair diverges, a peculiar sensa- tion is felt in the face, and if any other person standing on the ground touches one so charged, he receives a spark, with a crackling sound and a pricking sensation. Electrophorus.—The electrophorus, invented by Volta, in 1775, con- sists of a metallic mould, filled with a mixture of shellac and turpentine, and a movable metallic cover that is provided with a glass handle. The surface of the shellac is negatively electrified by beating it with a cat’s fur or fox-tail, The cover is then put on, and by contact be- comes negatively electrified, and gives to the finger a slight spark of negative electricity. If the cover be now removed by its insulating handle, it gives positive electricity to whatever touches it. This posi- tive electricity it acquires not directly from the shellac, but by zaductive action through the air. _Gold-Leaf Electroscope.—By this instrument we are enabled not only to detect the presence, but to determine the kind, of electricity that may exist in any body. Fig. 9 represents Bennett's electroscope. B is a tubulated glass Fic. 9. shade, enclosed at its lower end by a metallic cover, by means of which it communicates with the ground. A metal rod. fitting in the tubule of the shade, terminates at its upper extremity in a knob, C, ard at its lower extremity it holds two narrow strips of gold leaf. On the inside of the shade are two strips of gold leaf reaching to the metal cover. 22 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. If a body charged with eithér kind of electricity is brought in contact with the knob, the goid leaves diverge. Thomson's Quadrant Electrometer.—A far superior instrument for all delicate researches is the guadrant electrometer of Sir William Thomson. This instrument is quite complex, and only in a general way shall we attempt to describe it. A delicate aluminum needle, .two inchés long, is hung by two cocoon threads in a glass jar, which is one-sixth filled with sulphuric acid. From the needle a delicate thread of platinum drops into the acid. The needle is thus free to swing hori- zontally a little distance, or until the torsion of one of the threads by which it is hung forces it back to its original, position. Above the needle a very delicate mirror is suspended. When the aluminum needle is charged with electricity, which is conducted through the sulphuric acid and carried up the platinum wire, the needle is repelled or at- tracted according as the electricity is positive or negative. Behind a screen, at some little distance, is placed a lamp, the light of which reaches the needle through a slit in the screen. On the screen is a scale; a very slight movement of the needle is reflected by the mirror above it on the scale. An exceedingly slight displacement of the needle. Fic. 10. will cause a very large displacement of the image reflected on the scale. Thus this instrument is of great value in very delicate researches. Leyden Jar —The Leyden jar is made of glass, with a coating of tin- foil pasted carefully inside and out, extending to within a few inches of the mouth. ‘Through a varnished wooden cover a wire, having a knob at top, is passed, and extends to the inside coating. Now, when either positive or negative electricity is. communicated to the knob at the top, it is immediately diffused over the whole inside coating ; and by its inductive influence the outside coating takes on the opposite kind. LEYDEN JAR. 33 When in this state,—the two coatings being oppositely electrified,— the jar is said to be charged; and a discharge takes place when a com- munication is established between the knob and the outside coating, the equilibrium being restored with a bright flash of light and. a sharp report. As the human system is a good conductor, this discharge may take place through it, by grasping the outside coating with one hand, and touching the knob at the top with the other; or several persons may form a line by grasping hands, the one at one extreme touching the outside coating, while the one at the other extreme touches the knob. All will feel the shock, as it is called, at the same instant. While the jar is receiving the charge, it must not be insulated ; that is, the outside must communicate with the earth. As the positive fluid collects on the inside, the outside becomes negative by the expulsion of the posi- tive fluid naturally in it, and the accumulation of the negative fluid in its stead, drawn from the earth. But if the outside is insulated, these transfers to and from it cannot take place, and therefore the jar cannot | become charged. A submarine cable is really a vast Leyden jar. The wire constitutes the izterior coating, the water the exterior coating, and the gutta- percha the insulator between them. On this account the passage of an electric current through a submarine cable is greatly retarded. History of the Leyden Jar.—In October, 1745, a bishop of Cammin, in Pomerania, Von Kleist by name, passed through a cork in the neck of a flask an iron nail connected with an electrical machine. The flask contained mercury or alcohol. On touching the nail, Von Kleist re- ceived a severe shock. In January, 1746, Cuneus, Allamand, and Musschenbroek passed a wire from an electrical machine into a flask filled with water. Musschenbroek held the flask in his right hand, and when a turn was given to the machine, he received a spark from the conductor with his left hand. The spark was so terrible that he declared he would not receive another like it for the French crown. He observed what Kleist did ‘not, that only the person who /eld the jar received the shock. In this experiment the Zand of the observer corresponded to the outer coating of the ordinary Leyden jar. He was the most scientific of the three Leyden philosophers who have given the name to the Leyden jar. The theory of the Leyden jar, and apparatus similar to it, was given by Franklin in 1747. In the same year Watson, Bishop of Llandaff, sent a discharge from a Leyden jar through 2,800 feet, and subsequently through 10,600 feet of wire. 24 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. Experiments like these were also made by Franklin across the Schuyl- kill. For a long time Franklinic electricity was the only form used in electro- therapeutics. At present it is but little used except in certain hos. pitals and public institutions. Its value as a therapeutic agent is, however, unquestioned, and now that some of the inconveniences attending its use have been removed by Holtz’s machine, it is just that it should have a fair and careful trial at the hands of modern electro. therapeutists, CHAPTER III. GALVANISM, OR VOLTAIC ELECTRICITY. Unper the general term Dynamical Electricity is included the elec- tricity which arises, firs¢, from chemical action—especially from that attending the dissolution of metals—called galvanism or voltaic elec- tricity ; secondly, from induction .by currents or magnets, called induced electricity, electro-magnetism, or magneto-electricity ; thirdly, from heat, called ¢hermo-electricity. These varieties. are called dynam- ical electricity, signifying electricity in motion as distinguished from frictional or statical electricity, which denotes the electrical condition of bodies in which electricity remains insulated or stationary. Strictly speaking, these terms—dyzamical and statical—are applicable to both branches of the science ; for if the poles of a series of galvanic batteries are insulated, they manifest, before the current begins, the electric tension of a friction machine. Again, the characteristics of the gal- vanic current are manifested slightly in the series of discharges which are transmitted in a wire connecting the prime conductor of a machine in action with the ground or other negative conductor. Nature and Definition of Force and its Relation to Matter.— Force is that which produces motion. It is itself a primary motion and cannot be defined. Matter is a collection of centres of force called atoms. Molecules are collections of atoms. A molecule is the smallest particle into which a body can be divided without losing its identity. The molecules of a gas are in rapid and continuous motion, and the relative velocities in different gases has easily been determined. These motions and velocities are the result of the forces of which matter con- sists. It must be similarly true of liquids and solids : force and motion are the bases of their constitution. Indeed, without force matter would not exist at all, for matter is simply an aggregation of centres of force. Ponderable Matter is a form of force which our senses recognize. Ether pervades all matter and all space, but it is not recognized by sense, and yet it is none the less a manifestation of centres of force. Electricity compared with other Forces.—If force be added to matter 26 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. the equilibrium of that point is disturbed, and the disturbance is propa gated from molecule to molecule, through matter, or ether, or both. Heat by conduction and mass-motion are of matter only. Heat by radiation and light are of the ether only. Electricity is now regarded as a movement of the ether, and of the body in which it circulates. Chemical action is a rearrangement of atoms. After this action the sum of the activities of the molecules of the resulting product is dif- ferent from that which its factors previously had. ‘This difference is force, and. appears sometimes as light, and under certain conditions as electricity, but it is rarely or never confined to one mode of manifes- tation. Zhe condition for the generation of electricity by chemical action appears to be that this action takes place at the surface of a conductor through which a current (so called) can circulate. Since the current is made of motion of the molecules of the conductor through which it passes, and of the ether, the nature of the conductor must modify the current itself It is known that the current through a telegraph-wire 500 miles long meets the greater part of its resistance in the first 100 miles. The current is modified by the material and length and size of the. wire. , The differential physiological effects of induction-coils of different lengths and fineness may thus be in part explained. These differential effects will be spoken of in the electro-therapeutical portion of this work. The Chemistry of the Battery not yet Exact.—Chemistry can never be an exact science until temperature, specific heat, and matter are all considered, and justly-estimated in all reactions. This has not yet been accomplished. Weare unable to state @ prior? what must be the electro-motive force of the different batteries in use, since that, as we have seen, depends on data hereafter to be determined. F requently, however, we are able to state which of two reactions must evolve the greater force, and so, under like circumstances, the stronger electric current. Thisis done by inspection of the electro-chemical series of elements. That series, how- ever, must vary with the temperature, so that it is no sure guide. Office of the Water in the Battery.—The water used in all common batteries serves as a solvent of the salt formed in the reaction. When the water used becomes saturated by this salt the current stops, and it declines in power as the solution approaches saturation. Opice of the Metals in the Battery.—Of the two metals in any battery one only enters into the reaction. Zinc has generally filled that place in all the best-known batteries, because it is neurer the negative CHEMISTRY OF THE BATTERY. 27 end of the electro-chemical series than any other common and conve- nient metal. Potassium or sodium would he the deau ideal of the neyative metal, but they are not convenient or practicable. Any metal or con- ductor which is not acted on by the fluid in which it is immersed may occupy the other place in the couple. -All modern research tends toward the’ conclusion that the different forms of electricity which we variously distinguish as magnetism, LFrank- linism, galvanism, electro-magnetism, are but expressions of one force, which force is, as we have seen, but a mode of motion of the universal ether. Very recently a European physicist has estimated the electro- motive force of Holtz’s machine, and has expressed it in a mathematical form, so that it may be compared with the ordinary galvanic batteries. In the present chapter we shall speak of the form of electricity that is generated by chemical action—ga/vanism or voltaism. Analogy and experience make it more than probable that a// chemical action whatso- ever is attended with the evolution of electricity; and reasoning still further we may believe that all molecular disturbance, however excited, must give rise to electrical disturbance. ‘The play and interplay of electrical phenomena are incessant and infinite; electrical force, like light and gravity, is everywhere being generated and everywhere acting. ‘If we are unable to detect the electricity generated by chemical action only under certain conditions, or when generated in comparatively large quantities, it is because of the imperfections of our knowledge and the want of sufficient refinement in our apparatus for collecting and measuring electricity. As a matter of experience it is found that chemical electricity is most conveniently generated by the reactions that take place between two metals and some acid solution, and as a matter of convenience and economy zinc is the metal at the expense of which the electrical force is evolved, the other metals acting merely as conductors; but the combinations that are actually employed by physicists are but a fraction of those that are possible and conceivable. Every year new batteries and modifications of old batteries are de vised, but all of them are based on the general principle that chemica] action of any sort whatsoever is attended by the evolution of electri- city. We present below brief descriptions of some of the principal batteries that are now in use. All, or nearly all of them, in their original shape, or under various modifications, are used in electro-therapeutics. We shall not attempt to exhaust the list, but to illustrate those that are best known, most useful, and are most thoroughly representative. ‘Those 28 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. who understand the principle on which these batteries are constructed will not find it difficult to understand any new modification of them that may arise. Here let us interpose the remark, that the time and energy that are devoted to the study of the chemistry of batteries will not be wasted time—will indeed be spent most wisely—for half the annoyances of * young and old electro-therapeutists comes from the difficulty of keeping their batteries in order. This difficulty will be diminished one-half and more when we really understand the mechanism of batteries and the laws that govern their action. Simple Galvanic Circles.—In the formation of a simple galvanic circle there are usually metals and a liquid. Fig. 11 constitutes such a circle. Let C and Z represent respectively plates of copper and zinc introduced into dilute acid, and connected by a wire. An electri- cal disturbance takes place over all the surface of the zinc covered by the liquid. Positive electricity is generated at the zinc element, and flows through the liquid to the copper, and thus a constant current is es- tablished over the wires, as shown by the Fic. 11. arrows. . So far as the galvanic action is concerned, it matters not whether the plates touch each other or are connected by wires, as in the figure. A current is formed, whether contact is made between the plates either above or below the liquid. In every instance, however, a circuit must be formed, around which the electricity may flow. The electricity may traverse the circuit either in a single current or in a number of partial currents, into which it may divide itself when the plates are brought in contact along their whole surfaces. When the plates, or the wires which connect them, are in contact, the circuit is said to be closed ; when they are separated, it is said to be dvoken, or open. ‘The electricity is generated wholly by the chemical action of the acid upon the zinc, and, other things being equal, the quantity of electricity set in motion will be proportional to the extent of zinc sur- > face exposed to the acid. The terms LElectro-positive and Electro-negative.—Both in simple and compound circles the electricity always moves zz the liquid of the battery from the zinc to the copper; and of of the liquid, from the copper to the zinc. This should be remembered, since the zinc is POLARITY OF THE CIRCUIT. 29 called the electro-positive element, although out of the liquid it is nega- tive ; and, consequently, in the decomposition that occurs in the battery, that element which goes to the zinc pole is called the electro- positive element, being attracted by its opposite force; while the element going to the copper is called, for the same reason, the electro- negative—a current from two liquids and one metal. Two liquids and one metal can also produce a circuit as well as one liquid and two metals. Becquerel’s oxygen battery (pile a oxygéne) is one of the best arrangements of this kind. The current is produced by the action of caustic potash on nitric acid, platinum forming the con- ducting arc. Homogeneity of the Galvanic Circuit.—In frictional electricity there are points which form the seat of + or — electricity. On the con- trary, in a wire where a galvanic current is circulating, there are no such points. It has no power, like frictional electricity, to attract or repel objects. The wire feels and behaves no differently when the current is passing than when it is not. The wire conducts so much better than the air that the current follows it. Its force is the same at every point, in the battery or in the circuit. Making interruptions in it at different points, and sending currents through solutions of sulphate of copper, the same amount of copper is deposited at each of the places where the interruption is made. If we connect the several breaks by pieces of platinum wire, each wire will be heated to the same temperature. In short, the magnetic-heating and chemical and other effects of the current are the same at every point in the circuit. Polarity of the Circuit.—lf the wire in which the current runs be cut or broken at any point in the circuit, the current ceases to flow— that is, ceases to be dynamic, but at the two cut ends there is statical electricity. One end of the cut wire will be charged with + and the “other with — electricity. The amount of this statical electricity will depend on the original strength of the current before the interruption was made. By the condensing electroscope it can be shown that each end of the cut wire is charged with an opposite electricity, and the amount of this can be estimated. If we take away any part of the wire entirely from the circuit, the piece of wire taken away is out of the circuit en- tirely ; but if the ends of the wires at each point of interruption be dipped in a fluid that is decomposed by the current, the circuit will be again completed, and it will be found that the part of the wire that is taken away has opposite electricities at the ends. 30 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. Similarly, also, the solution in the battery and the metals themselves, like the connecting wire, are + at one end and — at the other. The circuit throughout consists of + following — and — following +. It appears to be electrically the same throughout. Electrical Relations of the Elements.—In the galvanic cell, by the decomposition of the water, oxygen arises at the positive pole and hydrogen at the negative. The metals assume opposite electricities, the zinc being positive and the copper negative. Since electricities that attract each other are opposite to each other, the substances that are liberated at the positive pole are called electro- negative, and the substances liberated at the negative pole are called electro-positive. ‘Vhus, in the decomposition of the battery, oxygen which is liberated at the zinc is electro-negative, while hydrogen which is liberated at the copper or platinum is electro-positive. The elements have heen arranged as to their electro-chemical re- lations when associated in pairs in the galvanic cell. According to recent chemistry, ato ns are arranged in two classes, according to their combining power. ositive atoms are those which are attracted to the negative electrode in electrolysis, and whose hydrates are bases. Negative atoms are those that are attracted to the positive pole in electrolysis, and whose hydrates are acids. The electro-chemical series are presented below : Llectro-Chemical Series. Negative end —. Silicon. Zinc. Oxygen. Hydrogen. Manganese. Sulphur. sold. Lanthanum. Nitrogen. - Osmium. Didymium. Fluorine. Iridium. Cerium. Chlorine. Platinum, Thorium. Bromine. Rhodium. Zirconium. Todine. Ruthenium. Aluminum. Selenium. Palladium. Erbium. Phosphorus. Mercury. Yttrium. Arsenic. Silver. Glucinum. Chromium. Copper. Magnesium. Vanadium. Uranium. Calcium. Molybdenum. Bismuth, Strontium. ELECTRO-CHEMICAL SERIES—AMALGAMATION, 31 Tungsten. Tin. Barium. Boron. Indium. Lithium. Carbon. Lead. Sodium. Antimony. Cadmium. Potassium. Tellurium. Thallium. Rubidium. Tantalum. Cobalt. Caesium. Columbium. Nickel. Positive end +. Titanium. Iron. Each atom of any of the substances in this list is positive to any atom of any substance above it, and negative to any one L-low it. These distinctions are therefore purely relative. Thus, for example, copper, when associated in a galvanic pair in the proper fluid with any one of the elements below it, generates positive electricity and becomes electro-positive, but when associated with any one of the elements above it, becomes electro-negative. The more electro-negative any one of the elements in this series is to a given element, the more intense will be the current generated when they are united in a galvanic pair. For example, the current generated by zinc and copper is feebler than that obtained from zinc and platinum, and the current is less when carbon is substituted for the platinum. The order in the above arrangement is, however, by no means absolute. The relative position of the metals depends fre- quently on the liquid in which they are immersed. Thus silver is — toward lead in a solution of dilute sulphuric acid, while in a solution of cyanide of potassium it is + toward it. Amalgamation.—If pure zinc is immersed in dilute sulphuric acid no change is manifest, while ordinary commercial zinc is quickly dis- solved by it. The action of the dilute acid or zinc is due to the im- purities of iron or lead which it contains. ‘These impurities are electro- negative toward zinc, and they cause local currents of electricity. When the battery is closed, these local currents interfere with the action that produces the main current; when the current is open, they may still keep up their action, as is evidenced by the bubbling up of the gases, and thus the zinc may be in time destroyed. Now, local action in a single battery cell, arising from the above cause, not only consumes the power of that member, but reduces the energy of the whole series. In order to avoid this evil, resulting from local action, it is necessary that the zinc plates be amalgamated with mercury. The amalgamated surfaces are reduced to one uniform electrical condition, like pure zinc, and will remain in the fluid for any 32 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. length of time unacted on, until connected with the electro-negative element. At the present time all improved batteries are constructed with amal. gamated zinc. How to amalgamate Zinc.—To amalgamate zinc, first immerse it in a solution of dilute sulphuric acid of almost any strength, so as to clean the surface ; then dip it in mercury, or pour mercury over it, and rub it on with a brush or sponge or cloth. The mercury will spread very rapidly over the surface of the zinc, and give it a bright, mercury-like appearance. The art of amalgamating zinc is of great practical importance to the electro-therapeutist, since nearly all the batteries in common use have zinc for one of the metals. Amalgamated zinc was first used for gal- vanic batteries ‘by Kemp, in 1826. Chemical Action the Origin of the Current.—When the electrically opposite metals—zinc and platinum, for example—are dipped in acidu- lated water and united at their ends, either directly or by a wire, the zinc has so strong an attraction for the oxygen of the water that it unites with it and forms the oxide of zinc. This oxide of zinc combines with the sulphuric acid and forms sulphate of zinc. The hydrogen of the water escapes in the form of gas at the platinum. Zhe result of this chemical action is a current of electricity. The zine (the electro- negative element) dissolves, and the quantity of electricity generated is proportioned exactly to the quantity of zinc dissolved. . It had been supposed by Volta and his followers that simple contact of the metals was all that was necessary to excite the current; but Faraday showed, by two very beautiful experiments, that mere contact was not sufficient—that there must be chemical action in the cell in order to obtain a current. It is possible that all chemical actions are attended with the generation of electricity ; but only under certain con- ditions, or when the amount is considerable, are we able to detect it. Ln what way does Chemical Action generate the Current ?—In science it often happens that the simplest and easiest questions are the hardest to answer. Just how the current is excited by chemicdl action we do not fully know. We know that when the different metals touch each other, the positive electricity will go to one metal and the negative to the other. This disturbance, however, is only momentary, and equili- brium is at once restored, and no current continues. Now we may regard the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen that make up a molecule of water as charged with opposite electricities, like two different metals, When ‘zinc and platinum are dipped in water, the a ELECTRICITY AS RELATED TO OTHER FORCES. 33 positively charged atom will turn toward one metal and the negative toward the other; but as long as the metals do not touch each other the equilibrium is at once restored, and there is no current. ‘The free ends of the metals are in a state of electric tension, and are capable of discharging themselves into a condenser or Leyden jar. When the metals are made to touch each other, or are connected by wires, they are relieved of their charge, and again become charged ; then again relieve themselves, and so on indefinitely. There is no equilibrium established, but a constant effort to establish it, which never succeeds. This con- stant effort to establish an equilibrium keeps up the current. Electricity a Mode of Motion.—Although, for the sake of conve- nience, we speak of electricity as a current flowing in certain direc- tions, after the manner of a river, yet, as we have already said, we should not thereby be led into the error of supposing that the elec- tricity is a real fluid flowing through different substances, or from one substance to another. Electricity is a disturbance propagated in the Molecules of a body, and at the same time in the Ether pervading that body.—The theory that light was caused by the emission of particles from the sun was aban- doned long ago; and now the theory that light consists of wsdulations of ether is considered to be as impregnable as the theory of gravitation. Similarly we may believe that electricity consists of movements of a different. kind from those of light, but which is variously modified in its “manifestations by the substances through which it circulates. The impulse or movement that constitutes what we call the current may be regarded as simply a mode of motion. Polarity of Electricity.— Polarity, or properties in opposite directions, is not peculiar to electricity. Light and heat may also be polarized, and chemical attractions and repulsions are likewise manifestations of the polar qualities of atoms. We may gather a definite idea of the nature of electricity and the character of the so-called “current” by the following illustration: Let a tube be filled with balls, all of which are attracted to each other. If the first ball is turned round on its centre, it will turn in a similar way the next ball, and so on through the whole series. There is here no progress of a material current, but simply a motion. If the motion is rapidly repeated through the attempt of electricity to find an equilibrium, we have what we call an electrical current. Electricity convertible into the other Great Forces.—We see in this section on electro-physics many illustrations of the transformation of one force into another. If we start with heat, we find that it pro- 3 34 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. duces electricity, and through electricity produces chemical action, magnetism, and light. If we start with magnetism, we find that it produces electricity, and through electricity heat, chemical action, and light. If we start with chemical action, we find that it produces heat, light, and electricity. If we start with electricity, we find that it pro- duces magnetism, heat, light, chemical action, and motion. * Conversion of Electricity into Heat. The Electric Light.—By the law of the correlation of forces the electricity generated in a battery may be converted into heat. This heat may remain in the battery or be transferred to any part of the circuit. In order to convert the elec-, tricity into heat it must pass through some poor conductor that resists its passage, and thus compels it to appear as heat. With ordinary thick copper wire there is but little sensible heat in the passage of a current, because copper wire is a good conductor; but when platinum wire, which is a poor conductor, is used, it is raised under a strong current, to white-heat. This has been utilized in galvano-cautery. In the electric light the heat is transferred to carbon points interposed in the circuit. Particles of carbon become incandescent, and are volatil- ized and transported from the positive to the negative pole. A metal or other substance may give an electric light, but carbon, on account of its friability, gives a better and stronger light than any other substance. The electric light was invented by Sir Humphry Davy in 1813. Compound Galvanic Circles.—The compound galvanic circle, or gal- Fic. 32, vanic battery, is composed of two or more simple galvanic circles. They are so connected together that the copper of one battery is joined to the zinc of the next, and so on throughout the series. By combining together a number of cups, such as are represented in Fig. 12, we form DERIVED OR BRANCH CURRENTS. 35 an excellent compound circuit. Each cup contains a zinc and a copper plate, which are connected together as described above. By examining this arrangement, it will be seen that one extreme of the series is cop- per and the other zinc. If these two extremes or poles are connected by a copper wire, the current will flow in the direction of the arrows, both through the series and éver the wires. Derived, or Partial, or Branch Currents.—When a current in its passage through any conductor meets with different qualities of resist- ance, it subdivides into various branch currents. In Fig. 13 the cur- rent goes from the elements through the wire 7, g, p, 2, m; but if a Fig. 13. ,second wire, ”, «, g be interposed, the current will divide at g, x, part going by way of g and part around through x, 7. The divided currents which go through the wires are called derived or partial cur- rents. ' If, instead of one or two wires, a large number were interposed, the current would subdivide itself as many times as there were wires, part going through each wire. In thus dividing into derived or partial currents, two laws are obeyed : ¥ ist. Zhe sum of the strength of the divided current is equal to the strength of the principal current. If (in the figure) the strength of the current g, ~, 2 is 40, and g, x, 7 is 60, then the strength of the prin- cipal current in 7, g, before division, is 100. 2d. The strength of the currents in the divided parts is inversely as the resistance in those, parts. This law supplements the first. Re- sistance is directly as the length and inversely as the diameter. If the derived wires are of the same length and diameter as the prin- cipal wire, then the current will divide into equal parts between them. If the derived wires are of the same length as the principal wire, but of unequal diameters, the current will divide unequally, according to the diameter of each wire. The law may be illustrated by thinking of the course that rivers pursue when they are subdivided or split up inte 36 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. deltas. The quantity of water that flows through all the subdivisions or deltas would be equal to the quantity that flowed through the main stream before the divisions took place. If the subdivisions are of dif- ferent sizes, the deepest and widest will convey the most water. When electricity ‘passes through the human body it encounters tissues that differ considerably in their conductivity, and hence it subdivides into an infinite number of derived or partial currents, the strength of which varies with the nature and length of the tissues. This point will be further illustrated in electro-physiology and electro-thera- peutics. Description of Galvanic Batteries.—Under this head may properly be included, first, a description of the voltaic pile, which was constructed by Volta in 1799, and became known in England in 1800. The apparatus consists of a number of disks piled ima PT F ne MeN ay ml oe one above the other! The arrangement is in the ug following order: A disk of copper is placed on a mre Le frame of wood; a disk of cloth, moistened by acidulated water, is then placed on the copper, and then a disk of zinc on the cloth completes =& what is called the voltaic couple. A series of such couples constitutes a voltaic pile—the ter- minal copper being the positive and the terminal zinc the negative pole. This apparatus is inconstant and unreliable, easily corrodes, has many inconveniences, and is now but little used. Various modifications of the voltaic pile have been devised, but all of them are too inconstant for electro-therapeutical purposes, or indeed for any sustained use whatsoever. : Polarization in Batteries.-When two metals, as zinc and platinum, are placed in acidulated water, the platinum plate becomes covered with a film of hydrogen. This hydrogen is electro-positive, like zinc, and so when the platinum becomes well covered we have electro-posi- tive zinc opposed to electro-positive hydrogen, and thus the current be- comes enfeebled, if not destroyed. This polarization in batteries is pre- vented in two ways: ist. By keeping the liquids in constant agitation. Blowing into the liquid with a bellows, or stirring the liquid by any mechanical arrange- POLARIZATION OF ELECTRODES. 37 ment, keeps the surface of the platinum or carbon free from hydrogen, and thus prevents the weakening of the current. Dr. Byrne, in his galvano-cautery battery (to be described in the sec- tion on Electro-surgery), has availed himself of this depolarizing power of mechanical agitation, and has thus succeeded in obtaining a great and enduring quantity of electricity from a comparatively small surface. On the same principle we explain the fact that lifting the metals out of the liquid for a moment or two at once increases the strength of the current. While in action, the hydrogen accumulates on the platinum ; by removing the metals from the liquid an instant, the hydrogen escapes and the battery is as good as ever. 2d. By the use of ¢wo liquids. The cells of Grove, Daniells, and Bunsen, to be hereafter explained, are constructed so as to avoid polari- zation of the metals. Polarization of Electrodes and Currents of Polarization.—The elec- trodes that convey the current through acidulated water also become polarized. Oxygen covers the positive and hydrogen the negative electrode. Hydrogen being electro-positive, and oxygen electro-negative, these two gases act like two metals, and if the current of the battery be bro- ken and the two films of oxygen and hydrogen are connected metalli- cally, an electric current is obtained, just as a current is obtained between zinc and platinum. In the liquid the current flows from the film of hydrogen to the film of oxygen. Two electrodes covered in this way with films of gas are called polarized, and the currents gene- rated by these are called the currents of polarization. ‘These currents of polarization are always in a direction opposite to the main current, and tend to interfere with and weaken it. This polarization of the electrodes takes place more or less in all applications of the galvanic current. One evidence of this is the discoloration of the electrodes that are employed in electrization after long use. To meet this difficulty ‘ unpolarizable electrodes have been devised. These will be described under Electro-therapeutics. Secondary Piles and Gas-Batteries.—lf a series of plates of plati- num, with moistened cloths between them, be connected with the poles of a battery, the gases (oxygen and hydrogen) resulting from the decom- position of the water-accumulate in films on the platinum. If now the series be separated from the battery, it will itself, through the action between these films of gases, generate acurrent. A pile thus formed is called a secondary pile. It was discovered by Ritter. The .gas- battery of Grove is constructed on the same principle. The gases are 38 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. collected in glass tubes, oxygen in one and hydrogen in the other, and in each tube is fastened a platinum electrode. The tubes are inverted over sulphuric acid.’ When the electrodes are connected with a gal- ‘ vanometer a current is indicated, the direction of which is from oxygen to hydrogen. There are two general varieties of batteries, doudle and single cell. * Double-cell Constant Batteries.—The current produced by elements with a single liquid becomes rapidly enfeebled, because of the polariza- tion. This polarization is prevented in the double-cell batteries of Daniell, Grove, and Bunsen, by placing the electro-negative ele- ment in a liquid that is acted upon chemically by the deposited hydrogen. Currents from these two-cell batteries are called constant, because they do not weaken: so rapidly as currents from single-cell batteries, and the metals can be allowed to stand all the time in the solution. The term constant is now applied to the galvanic current, however generated, as distinguished from the induced or faradic current. Daniells Battery.—Fig. 15 represents a single’cell. V is a glass or porcelain vessel Fighas nearly filled with a saturated solution of sulphate of copper. C is a cylinder of cop- per, open at both ends and perforated by a number of holes. G, which is also perforated by holes, is an annular shelf at the upper por- tion of the zinc cylinder, upon which crystals of sulphate of copper may be placed to supply the waste in the cell caused by the electrical action. P is a thin porous vessel of unglazed earthenware, containing the amalgamated cylinder of zinc Z, and a solution either of common salt or dilute sulphuric acid. The elements are connected in series by strips of copper, # and 2, which are fixed to the copper. and zinc by means of binding-screws. When the circuit in the battery just de- scribed is closed, an atom of zinc replaces and liberates from the nitric acid two atoms of hydrogen, thus producing sulphate of zinc. The liberated hydrogen replaces one atom of copper in the sulphate of copper, which by electrolytic action is deposited on the copper element, or sometimes on the porous cup. Polarization is the resistance to the passage of the current produced by a deposit (such as hydrogen) on DANIELL’S AND GROVE’S BATTERIES. 39 either of the elements. No such deposit occurs in this battery, hence the current is constant. j Order of the parts in Daniell’s sulphate of copper battery: rst, zinc; 2d, sulphuric acid; 3d, porous cup; 4th, sulphate of copper; sth, copper. s 4 Reaction. Zn + H,S0O,-+ CuSO, = Zn SO, + H, SO, + Cu The current obtained from this battery will flow with undiminished strength for hours, and, in fact, is superior to all its fellows in con- stancy. Daniell’s battery was invented in 1836. The modifications of Daniell’s battery are quite numerous; among them we may men- tion those of Hill, Siemens-Halske, and Muirhead. : Grove's Battery.—This battery differs from Daniell’s mainly in the substitution of a nitric-acid for a sulphate-of-copper solution, and pla- tinum for copper, by which increased electro-motive force is obtained. In Fig. 16, A represents a glass vessel containing dilute sulphuric acid, Z a cylinder of zinc. open at both ends, and V a porous pipe-clay vessel partially filled with nitric acid. P is a plate of platinum, with a cover, C, which rests on the porous vessel when the platinum is immersed in the nitric-acid solution ; 4 and @ are binding-screws, which connect re- spectively with the platinum and zine: In this arrangement a double reaction occurs between the zinc, sul- phuric acid and nitric acid, giving as a result, sulphate of zinc, water and nitrogen dioxide, which is disengaged, and by contact with the air be- comes nitrogen tetroxide. The reaction in Grove’s nitric-acid battery is as follows: 1st, zinc; 2d, sulphuric acid; 3d, porous cup; 4th, nitric acid ; 5th, platinum. Zn, + (H,SO,), + (HNO,), = (Zn SO,), + N.O, + (H, 0), also N,O, + O, = N,O, by contact with the atmosphere. Force must be lost by the evolution of these nitrous fumes. ~-Prof. Wolcott Gibbs, of Cambridge, has discovered that a small quantity of bichromate of potash in the nitric-acid cup of Grove’s battery acts as a deodorizer by taking up the disagreeable nitrous acid fumes. Thus one of the most serious objections to the use of this battery is removed. Grove’s battery was invented in 1839. It is very powerful, and is ‘40 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. much used in telegraphy. It has also been employed in galvano- cautery. Fic. 16. Bunsen's Double-cell Nitric Acid Battery.—This battery is very. similar to Grove’s. It differs from it only in the substitution of carbon for platinum. The letter P in Fig. 17 represents a single element, as it appears when ready for use. , F is a vessel of glass containing dilute sulphuric acid. Z, a cylinder of amalgamated zinc. V, a porous vessel partly filled with ordinary nitric acid ; and C, a bar of carbon or coke. The zinc is first placed in the vessel F, after which the porous vessel V, into the nitric-acid solution of which the carbon C has been immersed, is inserted into the zinc cylinder. The binding-screws m and x are respectively the posi- tive and negative poles. The elements are arranged in the form of a BUNSEN’S AND WALKER’S ZINC-CARBON BATTERIES. 4I compound battery, by means of the clamp m m, and a rod connecting the carbon of one cell with the zinc of the following. Bunsen's Bichromate Battery.—In this battery a solution of dichro- . mate of potash—one part to twelve parts of water—is placed in the porous cup. The order of the parts in Bunsen’s Bichromate Battery is as follows : ist, zinc; 2d, sulphuric acid; 3d, porous cup; 4th, sulph. acid and bichromate of potash; sth, carbon. Reaction. Zn, + (H, 5O,), + K, Cr, O, + (H, SO,), = (Zn 8O,), + K, Cr, (SO,), + (Hz O), Chrome-alum, sulphate of zinc, and water, are the products. The office of the porous cup is to keep the bichromate of potash from the surface of the zinc, and thus inore uniformity and constancy of action is attained. While the action of Bunsen’s battery is the most energetic of all the constant batteries, and while the first cost is less than Grove’s, it is yet more expensive to work and more inconvenient to manipulate. Bun- sen’s battery was invented in 1843. Walkers Single-cell Zinc-carbon Battery.—In this battery carbon is substituted for the platinum of the Smee battery, and the solution used is composed of bichromate of potash, sulphuric acid, and water, the same as in Bunsen’s battery. The carbon is usually the pressed and baked graphite of the gas-works. There is considerable differ- ence in the quality of the carbon as sold in the market; the more thoroughly it is pressed and baked, the better it will be. Carbons that are poorly prepared, or that contain impurities, easily become soaked with fluid and the salts of the solutions, and also generate local currents that interfere with the main current. Sometimes: the carbons are platinized, that is, covered with finely-divided platinum, as is the silver in the Smee battery. The proportion of the solution used in Walker's battery is as follows : Sulphuric acid, Bichromate of potash, 4.......... Ed. Water aa. cite Aa: cea sciom are ne guns & xij. The reaction is the same as in Bunsen’s Bichromate Battery just de- scribed. To prepare this mixture, add the sulphuric acid to the water, and when this ts cool, add the bichromate of potash well pulverized. Do not immerse the elements in the fluid until it is perfectly coo/, for when 42 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. hot the fluid saturates the carbons and removes the amalgam from the zinc, and thus injures very seriously the working power of the battery.* The proportions of sulphuric acid and bichromate of potash above given may be varied more or less as may be desired. Mathematical accu-, racy is not required. If, however, the solution is excessively strong, if the proportion of bichroraate of potash and sulphuric acid is too great, say two or three times what is here given, the battery will wear away very tapidly and a greenish-black deposit will be found in the bottom of the cells. This deposit, which sometimes forms very hard, and is difficult to remove without breaking the glasses, is the chrome- alum, and is a result of the decomposition of the salts and acids that takes place while the battery isin action. Like the Smee battery, the zinc-carbon battery will need to be occasionally amalgamated, but, un- like the Smee battery, it does not require any mercury in each cell, and the presence of mercury will give rise to local action. We speak thus particularly of the simple zinc-carbon battery, because it is one very widely used in electro-therapeutics, and it is important that its manage- ment should be well understood. The galvanic batteries of Stéhrer, of the Galvano-faradic Manufacturing Company, and of Kidder, are mostly of single-cell zinc-carbon elements. The zinc-carbon battery, like Smee’s, to be hereafter described, is not constant. If the metals are kept long immersed in the solution, the power rapidly goes down. It is necessary, therefore, to keep the metals out of the solution, except when the battery isin use. In this respect the battery differs very much from the batteries of Grove, Bunsen, and Lechanché, where the metals are never removed from the solution except to be cleaned and repaired. Smee's Battery.—This battery, invented in 1840, is very economical, convenient, and easy to manage, and on that account has been con- siderably employed in electro-magnetic apparatus. It consists of a plate of corrugated platinum, or silver covered with finely-divided plati- num, between the two plates of zinc, in a solution of sulphuric acid and water (one part to ten or twelve). The order of the parts in Smee’s Sulphuric Acid Battery is as follows : 1st, zinc; 2d, sulphuric acid ; 3d, platinum. Reaction. Zn + H,SO, = Zn SO, + H, * It is well known that when sulphuric acid and water are mixed, the solution be- comes very hot, The explanation of this is, that in mixing, the atoms of the water are attracted to the atoms of the sulphuric acid ; in other words, work is done, ‘The vol- ume is diminished 8 per cent., and the heat that appears is a result of the work thus performed. SMEE’S AND LECHANCHE’S BATTERIES. 43 The chemical action of this battery is more rapid than that of the sul- phate of copper battery, because platinum is more positive than copper, whose place it occupies in the sulphate of copper battery. The dis- engagement of the hydrogen is effected by mechanical means, but there must be a large loss of force in changing hydrogen to a gaseous state, precisely as force is lost in changing water to steam. The object of corrugating the platinum plate, or making it into folds or furrows, is to give greater surface. The object in covering it with finely-divided platinum is to roughen the surface so that the hydrogen will not adhere. It is customary in using the battery to keep about half a tablespoonful of mercury in the bottom of the cup, in order that the zincs may be all the time wellamalgamated. Care should be taken, in the preparation of this battery, to prevent the mercury from collecting on the platinum plate. If by any carelessness it does gét on the platinum plate, it will turn it to the color of mercury, and will weaken or destroy the force of the battery. In this battery more or less action goes on even when the. connections are not made ; this is evidenced by the formation of sulphate of zinc at the top of the metals after they have been long im- mersed. It is therefore an advantage in using the battery to keep the elements out of the so- lution when not needed. If kept constantly immersed, like Daniell’s battery, it very soon loses its power and becomes thoroughly incrusted with sulphate of zinc. Lechanché's Battery.—During the past few years, this battery has attracted great attention in Europe, both among telegraphists and elec- tro-therapeutists. The great advantage that is claimed for it, where it is not used too long at a time, is that it is far more constant than any other battery yet invented. The battery was devised by Lechanché, a Frenchman, in 1868, and bears his name. A Lechanché cell consists of, 1st, a cylinder of zinc in a concentrated solution of chloride of am- monium ; 2d, a rod of carbon, packed with powdered carbon and na- tive peroxide of manganese in a porous cell. The whole is closed with a cover. The chemical changes that take place in a Lechanché bat- tery are these: Chloride of ammonium is decomposed, chlorine com- pining with the zinc, hydrogen being absorbed by the oxygen of the peroxide of manganese, and ammonia being liberated. The ammonia is absorbed by the water, but in process of time the water becomes 44 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. saturated, then the ammonia escapes through the opening in the cover, The chemical formula is as follows : Zn + (Cl NH,), + (Mn O,), = Zn Cl, + H, O + (NH,), + Mn, O, » Lechanché’s battery was first arranged for electro-therapeutics by Gaiffé, an instrument-maker of Paris. It has been modified by Tripier, the well-known French electro-therapeutist, by Keyser and Schmidt, of Berlin, and a portable form has been devised by Beetz, of Munich. Lechanché’s battery has one great advantage and some disadvantages, Its advantage lies in its power of endurance. If not overworked it will stand for months and years, and yet retain sufficient power to be quite useful in electro-therapeutics. This is not true of any other battery; even Daniell’s, the most constant of all, and as variously modified, requires replenishing or cleaning every few months, else it goes down to nothing. Its disadvantages are these : ist. It rapidly polarizes, and so generates a secondary current that weakens the main current. This polarization only takes place when the battery is in action; if, therefore, the battery is but little used, or only occasionally, this disadvantage does not appear. 2d. The free ammonia that escapes after the water becomes satu- rated is annoying. On account of these disadvantages, vechanché’s battery has not been as popular among telegraphers as was at one time expected it would be. Among European electro-therapeutists, however, it is considerably used. It is sometimes employed in electro-magnetic or induction machines. Callan's Tron-zine Battery.—In this battery the positive plate is zinc in dilute sulphuric acid; the negative plate is iron in strong nitric acid. The great practical difficulty with this battery is, that under certain conditions it may suddenly and rapidly evolve nitrous fumes. This complaint has been made even by those who have adopted this form of battery in electro-surgical practice. The common explana- tion that the phenomena displayed by this battery are due to the pas- sivity of iron, is not in accordance with the more recent doctrines of physics. This fact is a serious objection to the use of these batteries, in electro-therapeutics. They have been employed, however, for the purpose of galvano-cautery. , Wollaston's Zinc-copper Battery—This form of battery, devised by Wollaston in 1801, is now pretty well displaced by modern improve . 4 ZINC-COPPER BATTERY—WATER BATTERY. 45 ments. It consists of a copper vessel, enclosing a solution of sulphate of copper, a zinc plate, or a sheet of copper folded over a piece of zinc, so as to have both faces of the zinc exposed to chemical action, and so increase the quantity of electricity. The two objections to the battery are, that it is not constant, and the metals must be kept out of the solution except when in actual use, and that the zinc becomes rapidly corroded with a deposition that weakens the force of the bat- tery. This deposition must be constantly cleared and scraped off, if we would keep up the strength of the current. The order of the parts in the sulphate of copper battery, single’ cell, is as follows: ist, zinc; 2d, sulphate of copper; 3d, copper. Heaction. Zn + Cu SO, = Zn So, + Cu In this battery any local action on the zinc will deposit metallic copper in the form of a black powder upon the zinc, or an oxide of copper, which forms a covering on the surface of the zinc. For this reason the zinc must be amalgamated or else frequently cleaned. Sulphate of copper must be frequently added, so that the battery shall be charged with a saturated solution of that salt ; but care must be taken that the solution of sulphate of zinc does not approach saturation. The necessity of frequently cleaning and scraping the zinc in this battery is a most serious disadvantage, and on that account mainly it is not to be recommended to the electro-therapeutist. Water Battery.—lf a large number of cylinders of zinc and copper be immersed in water in glass jars, and are properly protected from light and dust, a current of electricity will be produced. A battery of 130 pairs causes the gold leaves of the electroscope to diverge, and 1,200 pairs gives a strong shock. A battery of 2,000 or 3,000 pairs is very powerful. Batteries of this kind have been constructed by Crosse, Noad, and Gassiot. These water batteries will keep their power for years, provided water is supplied to them to make up for the loss from evaporation. They take up a large space, and, on account of the great resistance of the water, give but a small quantity of electricity. Yor these two reasons they offer no advantage for medical ‘use. Marine Battery.—A sea-water or marine battery has been constructed by Duchemin, of France. A cylinder of carbon and sinc, attached to acork, is put into the sea, and connected with the shore by con- 46 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. ducting wires. As the ocean furnishes the exciting fluid, it needs no replenishirg. It was hoped that a battery of this kind might be of sufficient strength to furnish an electric light for light-houses. This hope, so far as we know, has not been realized. Dry Pile.—Dry piles have, instead of liquids, some solid hygrometric substances, as paper or leather. There are many varieties of dry piles. Those of Zamboni, which are best known, are composed of tin or silver and binoxide of manganese. A piece of paper is tinned or silvered on one side, and the other side is covered with powdered binoxide of manganese. These sheets are cut into disks, about one inch in diameter, and arranged so that the tin or silver of each disk is in contact with the manganese of the next in the series. A Zamboni pile of 200 couples is very feeble arid slow in its action, but it can charge a Leyden jar, and it is quite permanent. Instruments for Measuring Electricity—The instruments for mea- suring electricity are quite numerous, and some of them are very delicate. It is necessary here to describe only a sufficient number to illustrate the principles involved. The Voltameter.—The voltameter is an instrument devised by Fara- day to measure the strength of the galvanic current. It is a graduated tube that receives and accurately measures the quantity of gas that is generated by the decomposition of water by the current in a given time. In Fig. 19 the platinum needles connected with the poles of the bat- tery are inserted through the cork, at the end of the tube. The gases that result from the electrolysis rise to the top, as the tube is held up- right, and repel the water through a hole in the cork. that fautudiaduaiudantuntuntiekantealad todiotiadaads Fic. x9. This is a very trustworthy method of measuring currents and of comparing batteries. If we wish to ascertain how one battery com- pares with another in strength, or whether a battery has weakened by use or long standing, or whether the strength is sufficient for a power- ful electrolytic: operation, the voltameter will give us precisely the infor- mation we seek. Galvanometers.—A galvanometer is an instrument for indicating the presence and direction of a current, and for measuring its strength. There are several varieties of galvanometers, but all are constructed on u GALVANOMETERS, 47 the same general principle—a magnet Sreely hung so as to be deflected by the passage of a current through a coil of insulated wire. Galvanom eters with a long coil—sometimes called “¢ension” galvanometers— are used to measure circuits of large resistance. Galvanometers with a short coil—sometimes called ‘quantity ” galvanometers—are used to measure circuits of small resistance. The explanation of this difference will appear in the chapter on Ohm’s Law. Fic. 20. Astatic Galvanometer.—This form of galvanometer is used either to detect the simple presence of a current, or to measure the strength of a weak current. Let A and B, Fig. 20, represent two needles of about equal strength, having the same axis, and having their poles reversed in reference to each other. The needles will settle a very little in the meridian, from the fact that one of them is very slightly more highly magnetized than the other. C is an insulated wire, bent around the lower needle several times. When a current is passed through this wire, the needles will be influ- enced to turn in the same direction. In this way the passage of the most feeble current may be detected. In connection with a thermo- electric pile, this instrument is capable of indicating a change of tem- perature of only a very small fraction of a degree. Galvanometers which have a long resistance coil, and in which a branch resistance coil, or “shunt,” as it is called, is interposed, may be used to measure strong currents (see chapter on Ohm’s Law), and are therefore con- venient in comparing batteries. A galvanometer of this kind that we employ will be described under electro-therapeutics. Thomson's Reflecting Galvanometer.—Sir William Thomson has done much to advance the science of electrology by the construction of his reflecting or mirror galvanometer, which will indicate the presence of very slight currents. This instrument consists of the coils of a gal- vanometer, between which are suspended, by a single silk fibre, a mirror and magnet, which, when it moves under the influence of a cur- 48 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. rent, is reflected through a lens on a graduated scale placed at a little distance in front of it. A lamp is placed behind the screen, which contains a slit, through which the light passes to the mirror, from which it is reflected back-on the graduated scale. When the magnet is deflected by the passage of a current through the coil, the image moves to the right or left along the scale, the angle made by the re- flected image being twice the angle through which the mirror and magnet are deflected. A very small deflection of the magnet pro- duces a very great displacement of the refiected image on the screen, and thus a very slight current can be detected. This instrument, as that of Wiedmann, of Germany, is much used in delicate electro-physiological researches. Rheostates: Instruments for Measuring Resistance.—The rheostat, an instrument invented by Wheatstone, was originally designed to ascertain the relative amount of resistance of different conductors. In electro-therapeutics it is employed to interpose resistances in the circuit, etc., so as to delicately modify the strength of the current within’ small fractions of the strength of an element. In electro-physiological investigations, as also in certain branches of electro-therapeutics—particularly in applications to the ear—rheostates have been used. The form employed by Brenner and others, and also the water-rheostat, will be described in electro-therapeutics. Early History of Galvanism.—In the year 1786, while Galvani, Pro- fessor at Bologna, was experimenting with an old-fashioned electrical machine that lay near a dish of frogs that had been prepared, it is stated, for his sick wife, he noticed that the frogs jumped whenever a spark was drawn from the conductor of the machine. On observing this, it occurred to him that perhaps he had found a means of detect- ing atmospheric electricity more delicate than he had previously em- ployed. In order to test this, Galvani took the dish of frogs, and, with his neighbor Camillo, went out on the terrace of his house.* It was a clear evening in the early part of September, and no marked elec- tric phenomena were apparent in the air. Fixing an iron hook in the spine of each frog, he suspended it from the iron railing. Behold spontaneous movements appeared in the frogs, various in their character and quite frequent ! That moment was the birth of the science of Galvanism. At once there flashed on the mind of Galvani the query, What causes these con- * At No. 96, in Strado S. Felice, Bologna, the house where Galvani lived, with terrace and railings, is still shown to travellers. EARLY HISTORY OF GALVANISM. 49 tractions? There were no electric disturbances in the air ; the electric machine was far away inside the house. Could there be electricity in the frogs themselves? In the history of science it often happens that a theory partly false guides us into facts that are wholly true. Thus it happened to Galvani. From that moment until he died, he lived in an atmosphere of ex- periment. Frogs without number were slaughtered, and all for the purpose of proving to himself and others that it was animal electricity that caused these contractions. Galvani’s researches, as soon as they were made public, in 1791, ex- Fic. 21. cited great interest among scientific men, and inspired him to make another attempt to master the mysteries of electricity. At the time when Galvani made his discovery, the interest excited by the discovery of the Leyden jar and Franklin’s kite, about forty years previously, had died out. Philosophers had followed the vein thus opened, about as far as it seemed to lead. They supposed that the battles of elec- tricity were all fought out, and so they were laying aside their armor. On the announcement of Galvani’s discovery, his experiments were re- peated all over Europe, and the theory that the contractions of the mus- cles of the frog were due to animal electricity was universally adopted. Volta's Researches.: The Theory of Contact and Chemical Action.— Among those who were stimulated by the discovery of Galvani, was 4 50 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. Volta, Professor of Physics in Pavia, Italy, who had already been long distinguished as an electrical experimenter, and who, in the knowledge of this special branch, was far superior to Galvani. At first Volta accepted Galvani’s theory of animal electricity, but subsequent research caused him to doubt its truth. He observed that it was only by means of heterogeneous metals that muscular contractions could izvariably be produced, and hence he denied the existence of animal electricity, explaining the phenomenon of muscular contractions through the influence of the artificial electricity excited by a heteroge- neous metallic combination.* Galvani then not only demonstrated that contractions could readily be caused by exactly homogeneous metals, but that the phenomenon was produced by the simple contact of nerve and muscle. His manner of experimenting was as follows: The leg of a frog, denuded of its skin, had its sciatic nerves cut at their exit from the vertebral column. The nerves thus denuded were taken gently up by some non-conductor and made to touch one of the muscles, when the leg would immediately become convulsed. Volta endeavored to prove that the concussion caused by the contact of nerve and muscle was the cause of the electric current thus produced ; but Galvani conclusively demonstrated that such could not be the case, by placing a non-conductor between the two tis- sues, wlien no action could be excited in the leg. He went further, and at last succeeded in producing muscular contractions when only the nerves of non-prepared legs were brought in contact. The discovery of the Voltaic pile, which excited great interest in men of science, seemed to decide the battle for Volta, and all the efforts of Galvani to convince philosophers of the existence of animal electricity were in vain. Galvani’s first observations on frogs dates back as far is 1780. He’'first published his researches in 1791. Volta did not undertake the investigation of the subject until 1792, the year following the publication of the researches of Galvani. And yet Volta has almost equal claim to be the founder of the science of galvanism ; for while Galvani discovered the new manifestation of electricity, he failed to comprehend its true value, while Volta, by the discovery of the pile which bears his name, demonstrated what Galvani would never believe, but which Prof. Fabroni, of Florence, had in 1792 suggested, that chemical action was the source of the electricity in Gal- vani’s experiments. * The theory that the experiment of Galvani could be explained by chemical action was first suggested by Prof. Fabroni, of Florence, in 1792. COMPARATIVE MERITS OF GALVANI AND VOLTA. 51 Thus Volta made the science of Galvanism or Voltaism a possi: bility. Terminology of Dynamical Electricity. _The tenig galvanism and voltaism are both employed to define electricity generated by chemical action. Among physicists of recent times the preference is given to Volta, and the terms voltaism, voltaic electricity, electro-voltaic battery, are taking the place of galvanism, galvanic electricity, and electro-gal- vanic battery that were formerly employed, and which among the people are yet the most familiar. The grounds for thus giving the preference to Volta are these: First. He was a more profound and philosophical observer than Galvani, although he did not make the experiments with the frog until his attention had been called to the experiments of Galvani. Yet for thirty years, from the age of eighteen, he had been studying the phe- nomena of electricity. He was an excellent physicist, and had invented the electrophorus and electrical condenser. + Secondly. He came nearer than Galvani to the true interpretation of the phenomenon of the convulsions in the frog. His contact theory, which so long guided the scientific world, though now known to be only a partial truth, was yet a great step in advance of Galvani. It is now known that both contact between dissimilar substances and chemi- cal action are necessary to generate the current. Thirdly. He invented the pile which bears his name, and thus pre- pared the way for the numerous electro-chemical batteries now in use, and in fact for the whole science of Voltaism or Galvanism, with all its many practical applications. But for Volta the science of galvanism might never have existed. Volta during his lifetime was far more hon- ored than Galvani. He was called to Paris by Napoleon, invited to perform his experiments, and’ was invested with titles and emolu- ments; while Galvani died unhonored, neglected, and comparatively . obscure. Although for these three reasons physicists have consciously or un- consciously been led to give Volta the preference over Galvani in their nomenclature, there are yet two opposing reasons that will probably make it impossible to carry this preference into the domain of electro- therapeutics. , rst. Galvani’s experiments really gave the impulse to those investi- gations that led to the discovery of animal electricity, the study of which has become so important a feature of electro-physiology. 2d. The terms galvanize and galvanization have become permanently incorporated into the nomenclature of electro-physiology and thera. 52 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. peutics. No physiologist or electro-therapeutist thinks of using the terms voltaize, voltaization, and it. would be useless to attempt to compel them to adopt them. For the sake, therefore, of clearness and consistency we shall, throughout this work, in all the departments, rigidly adhere to the nomenclature derived from Galvani. CHAPTER IV. ELECTROLYSIS (ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY). ELEcTROLYsIs, derived from #Aexrpoy and Avw, through Avors, disen- gaging, is the act or process of decomposing a compound substance by electricity. Electro-chemical decomposition takes place at both poles, but with different products and manifestations, according to the strength of the current, the nature of the substances acted upon, and the material of which the electrodes are composed. Liistory of Electrolysis.—The chemical effects of statical electricity were first investigated by Drs. Priestley and Cavendish, in 1784. The decomposition of water by passing through it a succession of discharges of statical electricity was first discovered, in 1789, by Messrs. Dieman, Paetz, Van Troostwyck, and Cuthbertson. The power of the galvanic current to decompose water was discovered and first described by Messrs. Nicholson and Carlisle, in 1800. They experimented with the voltaic pile, which had then just been discovered. These experiments ers also decomposed other substances by the galvanic current. On Nov. 20, 1806, Sir Humphry Davy presented to the Royal Society a lecture ‘On’ some Chemical Agencies of Electricity,” and in the fol- lowing year he announced his discovery of the decomposition of the fixed alkalies. Between 1831 and 1840 Faraday published his “ Zx- perimental Researches in Electricity,’ in one of the most renrarkable series of scientific essays that ever proceeded from the pen of man. Terminology of Electrolysis.—With the aid of two friends, Faraday prepared the following terminology of electrolysis, which is now gener- ally adopted. The poles where the electricity passes in and out of the body that is undergoing decomposition are called electrodes (jAexrpov, and.63és, way). The surface where the current enters the decompos- ing body is called the anode (dva, upward, and 68ds, way) ; the surface where the current leaves the decomposing body is called the cathode (xard, downward, and é8ds, way). The anode is in contact with the positive pole and the cathode with the negative. * 54 ELECTRO-PHYSICS, Practically, anode is used as synonymous with positive pole, and cathode with negative, although, strictly speaking, anode and cathode refer to the points of the decomposing body, and positive and negative to the goles of the battery that are in contact with these. Compound substances that are directly decomposable by the current are called electrolytes (jhextpov, and Avw, decompose). To edectrolyze a body is to chemically decompose it by the current. The act of pro- ducing electrolysis is called electrolyzation. The elements of an electrolyte are termed 7éus, (cidv, participle of the verb «wu, to go). Those ions that appear at the avode are termed anions, those which appear at the cathode are termed cations. For- inerly anions were termed electro-negative, and cations the electro-posi- tive elements of the compound. Water, for example, is an. electrolyte that evolves two ions—oxygen and hydrogen; oxygen goes to the anode and is the anion; hydrogen goes to the cathode and is the cation. No substance can be an electrolyte which is not a conductor ; but in the readiness with which they are decomposed substances widely vary. Every electrolyte must contain more or less of water. ‘Pure water, though an electrolyte, is yet decomposed only with great diffi- culty ; but by adding to it a little sulphuric acid, or certain salts, it very easily undergoes electrolysis. It is furthermore believed that no fluid can be a conductor without also being an electrolyte; that is, more or less electro-chemical decomposition must take place when the galvanic current passes.throughany fluid. Substances that are found to be ready electrolytes are chloride of sodium, muriatic acid, and iodide of potas- sium. Laws of Electrolysis.—-Although electrolysis, like all other phe- nomena connected with atomic changes, is but imperfectly understood, yet some of the general laws of its operation have been already well ascertained. i Among the more important of these laws the following may be enu- merated : 1. Definite Electro-chemical Action.—It has been found that when several substances are simultaneously decomposed by the current, the elements that are evolved are definite in quantity and are electro- chemical equivalents of each other. This law, which was discovered by Faraday, may be thus illustrated. Let the current be sent successively through a series of cells filled with oxide of lead, chloride of lead, and chloride of silver. The different substances would combine in the fol- lowing proportions : LAWS OF ELECTROLYSIS. 55 At the Positive Pole, At the Negative Pole. Water...... istoaaes 8 grs. oxygen. 1 gr. hydrogen. Oxide of lead..... 8 a 113.5 grs. lead. Chloride of lead... 35.5 grs. chlorine. 103.5“ Iodide of lead..... 127 grs. iodine. 103.5 “ Chloride of silver.. 35.5 grs. chlorine. 108 grs. silver. These numbers, it will be seen, represent the combining proportions of these substances. Substances combine in equivalent proportions ; they ate decomposed in the same equivalent proportions. 2. Primary and Secondary Results.—The results of electrolytic action are distinguished as primary and secondary. The results are called pri- mary when the elements that are decomposed appear at the electrodes unchanged and uncombined; the results are called secondary when the elements that are decomposed are changed or recombined when they appear at the electrodes. The secondary results are favored by the nascent condition of the elements that are decomposed. The secondary results are caused by the action of the decomposed elements on the sub- stance of the electrode, or on the substance itself that is undergoing decomposition. Even the decomposition of water, when diluted with sul- phuric acid, is really a secondary result. Perfectly pure distilled water does not perceptibly decompose even under quite a strong current. Ifa few drops of sulphuric gases are added, the acids are freely disengaged. The sulphuric acid H,SO, is disengaged by the current into H, at the negative and SO, at the positive pole ; the former H, is liberated, and the latter SO, at the positive pole acts on the water and forms sulphuric acid again. Secondary decomposition is modified by the material of which each electrode is composed. Thus in decomposing sulphuric acid, when the positive electrode is made of carbon, the oxy- gen decomposed acts on the carbon, forming carbonic acid and carbonic oxide. Electro-chemical action continued for weeks, months, and years, as was done by that very laborious experimenter, Mr. Crosse, of Broom- field, may produce as secondary results interesting minerals, such as quartz, arragonite, malachite. During these experiments in electro- crystallization Mr. Crosse discovered that remarkable insect, the acarus, which appeared in electrized solutions of sulphate of iron, sulphate of zinc, and nitrate and sulphate of copper. It was supposed that the acari arose from ova deposited by insects floating in the at- mosphere, and that they might possibly be hatched by electric action. As a reward for this discovery, which now seems to be almost forgotten, 56 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. Mr. Crosse was subjected to absurd and outrageous abuse, as though he were infringing on the prerogatives of the Creator. Mr. Weekes, of Sandwich, in Kent, subsequently repeated the experiments of Crosse by passing electrical currents through silicate of potash in glass receivers over mercury. All possible care was taken to keep out foreign matter. After a constant action of a year, insects appeared, entirely similar to those obtained by Mr. Crosse. The metallic deposits in electro-metal- lizing are the secondary results of the electro-chemical decomposition. Water is electrolyzed, hydrogen is disengaged at the cathode, and oxy- gen at the anode; but the hydrogen reacts on the metallic solution, combines with its oxygen, and frees the metal. The oxygen also com- bines with an element at the anode. In the section on Electro-Surgery it will be found that the secondary decomposition is utilized in the selec- tion of the material used for needles in galvano-puncture. 3. The Differential Action of the Poles.—Different elements go to the anode and the cathode, according to the nature of the substance de- composed and the material of which the electrode is made. Platinum-wire makes the best electrode for electrolytic experiments on various substances, because platinum is not acted on. Copper and silver wire may be used, but the secondary action which they cause greatly complicates the experiment. To distinguish the precise character of the changes that take place in the electrolysis of many substances is‘frequently difficult, and sometimes “impossible. It is difficult to decide whether any of the elements of the electrolyte, besides water, undergo decomposition ; and whether the changes are of a primary or secondary: character. Aniong the substances that are most readily decomposed by the elec- tric current are the following : Todide of Potassium.—This decomposes under a very feeble current, the iodide and oxygen going to the positive and the hydrogen and al- kali to the negative. Thus the decomposition of iodide of potassium by electricity affords a very good means of distinguishing the poles. The brown color of the iodine always appears at the positive pole. The whole solution soon presents the color of iodine, Chloride of Sodium.—A solution of common salt decomposes quite readily, chlorine appearing at the positive and hydrogen and oxide of sodium at,the negative pole. If the positive needle is platinum, the odor of chlorine is at once detected; if it is of copper, the chlorine unites with the copper, making the solution turbid. ; Acetate of Lead.—This salt in solution decomposes with comparative slowne:s by secondary action, peroxide of lead appearing at the posi- THEORY OF ELECTROLYSIS. 57 tive pole, and hanging from it in light threads or masses. The water frequently decomposes before the lead yields at all. Nobilis Ivis-Rings.—It is by the electrolysis of lead that the beau- tiful iris-rings are produced. A polished steel plate is put in a dilute solution of acetate of lead. The steel plate is connected with the positive pole of a galvanic battery, while a wire, connected with the negative pole, is put in the solution. Peroxide of lead is at once libe- rated on the steel beneath the wire, and a film extends outward, but growing thinner and thinner. Thus a series of concentric circles is formed exhibiting bright iris colors. Nitric Acid.—Strong nitric acid conducts well and decomposes, oxy- gen appearing at the positive pole, nitrous acid and nitric oxyd at the negative pole. Dissolution takes place, and the water becomes yellow. LVitrate of Potash.—This is a good conductor, and yields secondary results. Sulphurous Acid.—This, when diluted, yields oxygen at the positive pole, and hydrogen and sulphur at the negative. Sulphuric Acid.—-This yields sulphur at the negative pole, and pio- duces secondary results. Muriatic Acid.—A strong solution of this yields hydrogen at the negative pole, and chlorine at the positive pole. Electyo-metallur gy.—Electro-metallurgy, or the art of precipitating metals from their solutions by the galvanic current, is a result of the discovery of electrolysis—is indeed itself simply an electrolytic pro- cess. There are two divisions of this- art—electrotyping and electro- plating. ‘The art of electro-metallurgy was discovered, independently, by Spencer, in England, and Jacobi, in Petersburg, in 1837. Electro- gilding was discovered by Brugnatelli, a pupil of Volta, but was first used by M. de la Rive. Theory of Electrolysis.—The theory of electrolysis at present accepted is the following: In every compound one of the elements is electro- positive, the other, electro-negative. Under the influence of the opposing electricities from the electrodes, decomposition and recompo- sition go on from one pole to the other. But these decompositions and recompositions are seen only at the electrodes. This may be illustrated by the electrolysis of water. Water is com- posed of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. Oxygen is electro-negative and hydrogen is electro-positive. When, now, the electrodes are dipped in water, the electro-negative oxygen of the molecule a (Fig. 22) is attracted to the positive pole, and the electro-negative hydrogen is repelled. 58 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. The oxygen is then given off at the positive pole, while the liberated hydrogen unites itself with the next atom of oxygen of the molecule 6, while the original atom of hy- drogen is expelled. This atom of hydrogen unites te with the oxygen of the molecule 5 ¢, drives out the hydrogen with Fic. 22. which that atom had ‘been pre- viously combined, and so on through the whole series of molecules until the negative pole is reached. Here the hydrogen has no more oxygen to combine with, so it is liberated as gas. The electrolysis of all other electrolytes is similarly explained. This simple and ingenious theory was devised by Grotthiiss. . Decomposed Elements appear only at the Electrodes.—In electrolysis the elements decomposed appear only at the electrodes; the interme- diate region presents no change, although, of course, it must be trav- ersed by the decompositions that occur. This is illustrated by the following experiment of Davy: Three vessels are connected by a cot- ton wick thoroughly moistened. In one vessel is placed an alkaline salt, and in the other two, water. The liquid of all three vessels is colored with syrup of violets. When the galvanic current is made to pass through the vessels. the liquid at the negative pole becomes green, and the liquid at the positive becomes red, demonstrating that the acid goes to the positive and the alkaline base to the negative pole. The fluid in the middle vessel suffered no change of color, although it must have been traversed by the acid in the solution. Electrolysis compared with the Reactions in the Batteries.—It will be observed that the chemical action that takes place in the fluids of any battery is similar to electrolysis. ‘The two are, indeed, facts of pre- cisely the same nature. The action in the battery is accompanied by an electric current; the action in electrolysis occurs as a result of the passage of a current. In the section on Electro-Surgery it will be shown that all these phy- sical laws of electrolysis have a direct and necessary bearing on the use of electrolysis in surgery. CHAPTER V. INDUCED ELECTRICITY—CURRENT AND MAGNETO-INDUCTION—ELECTRO- MAGNETISM. Induced Electricity, or Electro-Magnetism : Electro-dynamical Induc- tion.—We have seen that zzduction means the action that electrified bodies exert on other bodies at a distance. Electro-statical induction has already been treated of. We have now to speak of the induction of current-electricity. Prof. Oersted, of Copenhagen, first observed that the electric cur- rent, brought near a magnetic needle, caused it to deflect. This was the earliest observation in electro-magnetism. Philosophers at once set themselves at work to explain this phenome- non. The discovery was not an accidental one on the part of Oersted. For years he had been occupied with the study of electro-physics, and as early as 1807 he had published a work in which he stated that he purposed to ascertain whether electricity in its most latent state had any effect on the magnet. His first discovery that the needle had a tendency to place itself at right angles to the wire in which a current was passing, was a natural sequence and confirmation of his early researches. This discovery by Oersted formed another era in the science of elec- tricity ; for in 1820 the enthusiasm caused by the discoveries of Galvani and Volta, had subsided, just as the enthusiasm caused by the Leyden jar and Franklin’s pile had died away when Galvani made his renowned experiment. Ampérés Theory of Magnetism.—Among the many scientists who sought to explain and unfold the phenomena of electro-magnetism as discovered by Oersted, it was reserved for Ampére to achieve the highest success. This theory, which was developed by rigid mathemat- ical demonstrations, was, that each molecule of a magnetic body ts trav- ersed by closed electric currents. These currents are free to move about their centres of gravity, but the coercitive force, which is weak in soft iron but great in steel, tends to keep them in position. 60 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. Before a magnetic body is magnetized these molecular currents, or rings of electricity, by their mutual attraction neutralize each other, so that their combined action on any other substance is nothing. When a body is magnetized, these molecular currents assume a paral- lel direction. The more complete the magnetization, the more nearly parallel they become. When they are completely parallel, the limit of magnetization is reached. Ampére further supposes that all these mo- lecular currents are equivalent to a single current circulating round the magnet. Still further, and in consonance with his theory, Ampére sup- posed that terrestrial magnetic effects were due to magnetic currents - that circulate round the earth from east to west, perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. The resultant of these currents is a single cur- rent going from east to west. These currents, which are supposed to be due to the action of the sun, deflect magnetic needles, magne- tize iron, etc. The Electric Current acts as a Magnet: Solenoids.—In confirma- tion of Ampére’s theory of magnetism, it is found that when a helix, or spirals of covered wire, coated in such a way that one of the wires passes through the axis (solenoid, as it is called), is suspended into cups of mercury, and traversed by a current, it will act like a magnetic needle and point from north to south, Ampére gave the following rule.by which the directions of the needle under the current can be under- stood: Let the observer imagine himself placed in the wire, so that a current enters at his feet and leaves at his head, while his face is turned toward the needle; the pole will a be deflected toward the left of the observer. ffelix.—In a helix of a copper wire through which a current circu- lates, each convolution of the spiral may be regarded as one of the little ‘magnets of Ampére’s theory. The ends of the spiral, when the current passes through it, act on a magnetic needle like the poles of a magnet. Ampeére’s theory explains two important magnetic phenomena. 1st. Why like poles repel and unlike attract. Two north poles of a magnet side by side have opposite cur- rents and repel each other. Similarly with two south poles. Buta north and south have currents in the same direction and attract each other. ‘" 2d. Why a magnetic needle places itself north and south. A magnet can come to rest only when the current below it, nearest the earth, is parallel to the earth-current. The magnetic needle turns to the north to allow the currents below it to become parallel to the earth’s current. ELECTRO-MAGNETIC HELIX. 61 Electro-magnetic Helix.—Magnetism is induced in a bar of soft iron by the simple passage of a current near it, in a direction at right angles to the bar. If, however, the wire (Fig. 23) encircles the iron many times, this efféct will be much in- creased. Let a current be passed P over the wire in the direction of the arrows, and the iron within will be- come strongly magnetic, with its poles as shown by the letters S and .N. If the enclosed iron be not too heavy, it will be drawn to the centre. ’ and held suspended there. When the current is broken, the iron ceases to be magnetic; while, if a bar of hardened steel be substituted for the. iron, it will retain its magnetism permanently. Such a coil of wire is called a helix, from tig, a winding, and a magnet formed in the manner described is termed an electro-magnet. Fig. 24 represents the general form of an electro-magriet. It is com- posed of a bar of soft iron, bent into the form of a horseshoe. An insulated wire is coiled round its extremities. When a cur- rent of electricity is passed through the coil, the horseshoe-bar becomes magnetic, and attracts the armature. If the current is broken, the bar becomes demagnetized and the armature falls to the ground. , Perma- nent magnets possess much less power than electro-magnets. If the iron bar within the helix be more than a third of an inch in thickness, and the current be of moderate strength, the mag- Fie. 24. netism induced is in proportion to the strength of the current, and of the number of turns in the coil. Ad- ditional coils of the wire give no increased magnetism, if the bar is thinner than one-third of an inch. In this case maximum is soon reached. ‘Again, if the circuit is made very long, thus reducing the strength of the current, the advantage usually gained by the thick bar, and by increasing the number of coils, may be lost. The iron bar should be perfectly. pure and well annealed, in order that the electro- magnet may quickly acquire and as quickly lose its magnetism on closing and breaking the circuit. 62 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. Direction of the Induced Current.—If a current of electricity is passed through any conductor, it will in- duce a current in the opposite direc. tion in a sécond conductor situated ree ~SCéppaaile'di to the first. Let A B, Fig. avae 25, be a wire connected: at either * extremity with the poles of a gal- vanic battery, and M N a second wire parallel and near to the first. As soon as the circuit is formed and a current passes from + to —, a secondary current is induced in the second wire, but in an opposite direction. This current is, however, but for an instant. As soon as the circuit is broken, an instantaneous current, with its direction reversed, is again established in the second wire. : Different Orders of Induced Currents.—Induced or secondary cur- rents have themselves the power of producing induced currents in other adjacent circuits. Currents thus induced from secondary induced currents are called tertiary induced currents. ‘These tertiary induced currents have also the power of producing induced currents in an ad- _jacent circuit, and so for a long series. — Currents produced in this way are in opposite directions alternately, and their strength diminishes the higher they ascend. ; As a secondary current flows in a direction opposite to that of the battery current, so the fertiary flows in a direction opposité to the secondary. This law holds good throughout the whole series,—the strength of the current diminishing as the distance from the battery increases. The manifestation of electrical action in the secondary coil, upon closing and breaking the circuit, is called the electric throb, while the passive condition of the wire while under induction has been described by Faraday as electro-tonic. If the primary coil be movable, so that it can be brought in closer proximity to the secondary coil while the current is passing, an inverse current is produced at the moment of its approach, the same as when. the circuit is closed. If now the primary coil be withdrawn, a direct current is produced, the same as when the circuit is broken. As long as the primary coil remains in one position, all evidence ‘of electricity in the secondary wire disappears. If, however, while in this position, the strength of the primary current be increased or diminished, mo- mentary currents are established in the secondary coil; the inverse following the increase, and the direct current following the decrease in 4 DIFFERENT ORDERS OF INDUCED CURRENTS. 63 the strength of the primary current. In thus experimenting, it is much more convenient to wind the wires on separate bobbins, so that one may be placed within the other, as represented in Fig. 26. Let A represent the primary coil, which is composed of wool-covered wire, #, of an inch in diameter; and.B the secondary coil, of silk- covered wire, much longer than the other, and about 5 of an inch in diameter. Now let the secondary coil be connected with the galvan- ometer, G, by means of the two binding-screws, while the primary coil, by two loose and flexible wires, is placed in the circuit of a galvanic cell. As soon as A is inserted into B, a momentary inverse current is indicated. If it be withdrawn, the galvanometer indicates a momen- tary direct current. While the primary coil remains in the secondary, the needle announces the induction of currents according to the prin- ciples stated above, whenever the strength of the primary current is increased or diminished. The Conditions under which Induction takes place.—To sum up in brief. Induction takes place from one circuit: into an adjacent circuit, ist. At the moment when the current is closed. 2d. The moment when the current is opened. 3d. While the current is increasing or diminishing in strength. 4th..While the current is brought near to or removed fromthe adjacent circuit. A current that closes or increases 64 ELECTRO-PHYSICS,. - in strength, or is brought near to an adjacent circuit, induces an inxverse momentary current in that circuit. A current that opens or diminishes in strength, or is removed from an adjacent circuit, induces a direct momentary current in that circuit. It will be seen, therefore, that in- duction takes place only when there is some change in the condition of the inducing current. It must be closed or opened, increased or dimin- ,ished in strength, brought near to or removed from the adjacent circuit. In the ordinary electro-magnetic machines these changes are made by a rheotome, or current-interrupter, and the strength of the current is modified by withdrawing or removing a metallic cylinder enclosing the coils, or by withdrawing or removing the core of iron needles. Induction of a Current on Itself: Extra Current.—The extra cur- rent is that which is induced by the current in each coil, or winding of the primary coil on the other adjacent windings. The windings act inductively on each other both at the opening and closing of the circuit. Thus we have a direct and an inverse extra cur- rent. The direct extra current gives shocks and sparks, decomposes water, magnetizes steel, and melts platinum-wire. The electro-motive force of the extra current bears a uniform relation to the intensity of the primary or inducing current. When the secondary coil is closed, the extra current does not appear in the primary coil, but by what is called reaction it is formed in the secondary coil itself, and becomes an ordinary induced current. It is called the extra current only so long as it remains in the pri- mary coil ;, it so remains only when the secondary coil is open. Leheotome, or Current-interrupter.—Among the different contrivances for producing these changes in the primary current that are neces- 2 sary for induction, the most convenient is the Rheotome, or Current-interrupter. This, when placed in the circuit of the pri- mary coil, alternately closes and opens the cur- rent, and thus causes induced.currents in the secondary coil. Fig. 27 represents a current-interrupter. Into the iron covering A are fastened the ends of the iron wires of the core within the Fic. 27. coil. The hammer H is attached to a spring D, which is in the primary circuit; f is a projection tipped with plati- num, because that metal does not corrode; pf’, connected with the ‘INDUCTION COILS. 65 screw, is also tipped with platinum. When-the circuit is closed, the core of iron-wire A becomes magnetic, and draws H away from 9’, against which it naturally rests. This breaks the current, for the circuit is completed through the connection of g and g’. As the current is broken, A of course loses its magnetism, and no longer has power to attract H ; therefore the spring D brings H back to #’, where it natur- ally rests. This completes the circuit, and again A becomes magnetic, and again it attracts H, and thus H is kept rapidly vibrating with a buzzing sound between A-and '. These constant interruptions keep up an induced current in the secondary coil. The screw J gives the necessary stiffness to D. Object of the Iron Core in the Primary Coil.—The inductive power of the primary current is very greatly increased by putting a bar of soft iron or a bundle of iron wires in the heart of the primary coil. The iron core strengthens the current in this way. It becomes magnetic by the action of the current, and this magnetism disappears when the cur- rent opens. The disappearance of the magnetism induces a current in the same direction as the disappearing primary current, and thus strengthens it. In electro-magnetic machines, as used for ¢lectro- therapeutics, this iron core is a very convenient means for modifying the current. Pushing it in the coil increases the current, withdrawing it diminishes the current. A bundle of wires is preferable to a single bar of soft iron, for in the latter, currents are formed which impede the sudden cessation of the primary current, while in the former these cannot be formed. Thickness and Length of the Outer and Inner Wires.—It is a law of electro-physics that wires of a large diameter conduct electricity better than wires of a small diameter. It is necessary that the primary cur- rent should be strong, since its principal object is to excite magnetism in the core ; consequently the coil is made of thick wire and of moderate length. The secondary coil, however, is made of very thin wire, and of great length, so that as many turns as possible may be brought within the influence of the core and of the primary coil, and thus pro- duce a secondary current. As with the galvanic or inducing current, the electro-motive force of the battery is proportionate to the num- ber of cells; so with the induced or secondary current, the electro- motive force of the coil is proportionate to the number of turns or coils in it. Induction Coils and Electro-magnetic Machines.—An induction coil for philosophical or electro-therapeutical purposes consists usually of two helices or coils of wire enclosing a bar of soft iron or a bundle of 5 ‘ 66 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. iron wires.* The inner coil is connected with the poles of a battery, and there is some arrangement for breaking the current. The inner coil is composed of tolerably coarse wire, and is comparatively short. The current that runs through it is called the primary, or sometimes the inducing, current. The outer coil is in no way connected with the inner coil, but receives by induction a current from the current of ethe inner coil as it is alternately broken and closed. The outer coil is composed of jime wire, and it is very much longer than the inner coil. The finer and longer the wire, the greater the tension of the current. The current that comes through the outer coil is called the secondary. current, in distinction from that which comes from the inner coil, which + is called the primary. In both coils the iron is insulated with silk cover- ing. Ruhmkorff’s Coil.—The most powerful of all coils, and the one best adapted for philosophical experiments, is that of Ruhmkorff, of Paris. It is about 14 inches in length. The. inner coil is of copper, is about 2mm. in diameter, and 4 or 5 yards long. It is coiled on a cylinder of card-board, and is enclosed in an insulating cylinder of glass or rubber. The wire of the outer coil is of copper, from 4 to 4 mm. in diameter, and from thirty to sixty miles in length. The distinctive features of this coil are these : : 1st. It is coiled in sections so as to avoid the induction of the outer coil on itself, which is liable to take place when it is very long and the tension is high, however thorough the insulation. * In the machine of Kidder, to be described under Electro-Therapeutics, the helix is composed of three or more coils of wire, not distinct, buf connected. RUHMKORFF § COIL. 67 2d. The insulation is very complete. The wire is covered with silk, and each winding is separated from the others by a layer of shellac. In the larger coils of Ruhmkorff the induced currents are thousands of times stronger than the primary current that excites them. The Condenser of Ruhmkorff’s Coil.—The intensity of the current of the secondary coil is increased by interposing a condenser in the circuit. In Ruhmkorff’s coil the condenser consists of 150 sheets of tin-foil 18 inches square, and with a surface of about 75 square yards. These sheets are coiled around insulating oiled silk, and around each other, so as to form two armatures, and the whole is placed below the helix in the base of the apparatus. Being introduced into the circuit, it receives the extra current and increases its tension. It stores up and utilizes force that would other- wise be wasted in the form of sparks at the interrupter. Lffects produced by Ruhmkorff's Coil.—The tension of Ruhmkorff’s coil is enormous, and for the reasons above given—the length and fine- ness of the secondary wire and the power of the condenser. It possésses all the properties of statical as well as dynamical electricity. It is capable of giving a shock so violent’ as to prostrate a man, and'ifa sufficient number of elements are connected with it, it could kill as by a stroke of lightning. When two couples are connected with it, it will kill a rabbit. It causes fine iron wire to melt and burn with a bright light. It can rapidly decompose water, or produce luminous effects in the water without decomposition. It decomposes and combines gases. Passed through a hermetically sealed tube containing air, it forms nitrous acid from the nitrogen and oxygen. It can produce a spark eighteen inches in length in the air. In vacuo it produces most remarkable effects. In the so-called electric egg, a luminous trail is observed between the poles. At the positive pole the light is red and brilliant; at the negative, feeble and violet. If vapor of alcohol, or turpentine, or bisulphide of carbon, be introduced into the vessel, it appears in the form of alternate light and dark zones or strata. The tints vary with the nature of the vapor. The same phenomena are obtained by the ordinary galvanic current from a large number of cells. The luminous effects of the coil are as great from a single cell as from a large number. In electro-therapeutics a wide variety of electro-magnetic machines have been devised. Most of them are run by one or two cells, like Smee’s or Walker's, and the current generated is just sufficient for ap- plication to the human body, and are but little adapted for the philo- sophical room. 68 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. The largest induction coil of which we have any knowledge is that of Apps, in London. It is nine feet ten inches long, and its diameter is two feet. The soft-iron core is five feet long, four inches in diameter, and weighs 125 pounds. The length of the primary coil is 3,770 yards, while that of the secondary coil is ove hundred and fifty miles. This battery is excited by 48 large Bunsen cells. It gives a flash twenty- eNine inches long that will perforate five inches of solid plate-glass. At the Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, there is also an induc- tion coil of great power. Properties of Induced Currents.—Induced currents have in different degrees all the properties of the ordinary galvanic current. They pro- - duce chemical, thermic, luminous, and physiological effects. They deflect the magnetic needle, magnetize steel, and are capable of them- * selves exciting induced currents. There is a difference, however, be- ‘tween the effects of the direct induced and inverse induced. The direct gives a powerful shock, the inverse a mild shock. The direct magnetizes to the point of saturation, the inverse does not magnetize. In their action on the galvanometer they are about equal In quan- tity, the direct and inverse induced currents are about the same; but the tension of the direct induced is greater than that of the inverse induced. ’ Comparative Chemical Effects of the Galvanic and Induced Currents. —That the chemical character of currents of induction is distinctive from the galvanic is proved by the following experiment: When the platinum poles connected with an induced current are placed in water, water is decomposed and oxygen produces oxidation of platinum, which is re- duced to metallic platinum by the recombination of the hydrogen with the oxygen. This process takes place at both poles, so that both become covered with a powder of platinum. If a solution of iodide of potassium and starch is brought into the circuit, the d/ue color appears at doth poles. When the galvanic cur- rent is used, the blue color appears only at the positive pole. When the induced current is sent through water it decomposes it, just as the galvanic current does the oxygen and hydrogen, both appearing at both poles; but they recombine, and thus the water does not appear to be decomposed at all. It is of the first importance to the electro-therapeutist to understand electro-magnetism, for it is the form of electricity most used in electro- therapeutics. Magneto-electricity.—Magneto-electric induction is the induction of ° MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES, 6g electric currents by magnetism. It is, as the term implies, the reverse of electro-magnetic induction. There are two forms of magneto-elec- tric induction. The first and most familiar form is when a current is induced in a coil of insulated wire. The second form is when a current is induced in conducting plates. Under electro-magnetic induction we have seen that the coil of wire in which a current circulates produces a contrary induced cur- rent in an adjacent coil whenever a change is made in the current by opening, closing, withdrawing, or approaching it. The strength of the induced current is proportioned to the amount and suddenness of these changes. If now we substitute for the primary or inducing coil a per- manent dar magnet, and cause it to approach or withdraw from the ad- , jacent coil, it induces ‘a current in that coil. This principle is the basis of all the magneto-electric machines that are so familiar to stu- dents of philosophy, and that were once so much used in electro-thera- peutics. The development of magneto- electricity is shown in a very simple manner by the conimon horseshoe magnet, its armature, and a copper wire. Let the armature A B be encircled by the wire C, one end of which is flattened and amal- gamated with nitrate of mercury, and the other filed to a point. When the armature is placed upon the magfit, the moment of contact, when it is withdrawn, and the act of withdrawal, will each be marked by a spark of electricity at C, where the two extremities of the wire meet. The electric current flows in one direction at the in- stant magnetism is induced in the soft iron which is enclosed by the coil of wire, and in the opposite direc- tion when its magnetism is destroyed. In the electro-magnetic machines in ordinary use a soft-iron arma- ture covered with wire is made to rotate in front of the poles of a per- manent horseshoe magnet. As the armature rotates, its two ends are, of course,.alternately brought near to and removed from the bars of the magnet, and thus two currents are induced in the wires that cover the armature. Each current lasts half of a revolution, and ifthe rotation be rapidly kept up, a current is produced which may be perceived when the ends of the wires are joined. A Continuous Current from Magneto- electric Machines.—When the armatures of the magneto- -electric machine are made to revolve with 70 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. sufficient rapidity, a continuous current is produced which has all the properties of the galvanic current. Magneto-electric currents are, therefore, extensively used in electrolytic experiments and in electro- plating. It is possible that some of these may be utilized in electro- therapeutics. Currents induced by Magnetism in Conducting-plates: Magnetism. of Rotation.—In 1824-5 Arago discovered that when a copper disk re- volved with great rapidity under a needle resting on a disk above the disk, the needle deflected in the direction of the motion of the disk. After a time, if the movement be sufficiently rapid, the needle refuses to remain fixed, and turns around after the disk. The explanation of this phenomenon was given by Faraday in 1831. He showed that it arose from the reaction of the currents induced in the plate by the mag- net. The magnetism of rotation is only one of the many phenomena connected with induction. All these phenomena—induction by currents of magnetism and by rotation—are explained by the theory of Ampére before cited. They are at once in harmony with that theory and con- ' firmatory of it. History of Induction.—The discovery that electric currents of mag- netism can induce currents in neighboring circuits was made by Faraday in 1830. His researches on the subject were published in the Philo- sophical Transactions in 1831 and 1832. ' This discovery’of Faraday, like that of Oersted, was the result, not of accident, but of long and laborious experimentation. As early as 1825 Faraday had sought to make a wire, through which the galvanic current was passing, induce a current in a neighboring wire, just asa conductor charged with Franklinic electricity would have done. Not until 1831 did he find out that the current must be broken or closed, or approached or withdrawn, before it could induce a current in a neighboring wire. In 1832 Prof. Henry, then of New Jersey, now of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, observed phenomena which, in 1834, Faraday showed were due to the extra current. In 1837 Bachhoffmer and Sturgeon showed that a bundle of wire was better in an induction appa- ratus than a rod of soft iron. In 1841 Prof. Henry studied the inductive action of currents on currents. In 1850 or 1851 Rubmkorff constructed the induction-coil, and in 1853 Fizeau greatly increased its power by adding to it a con- denser. The discovery that discharges of the Leyden jar made a primary spiral induce a current in a secondary spiral, and that currents ‘of the third, fourth, and fifth order can be thus produced, and of suffi- HISTORY OF INDUCTION. 71 cient strength to give shocks, burn, etc., was made simultaneously by, Profs. Henry, of Washington, and Riess, of Berlin. The first magneto-electric machine was made by Faraday in 1831. The first machine of the style now used was made by Pixii in 1832. Improvements have been since made by Saxton (1833), Clarke (1836), Petrine (1844), Stéhrer (1844), Siemens, Halske, Duchenne, and others, CHAPTER VI. THERMO-ELEFCTRICITY. Thermo-electricity ts that form of electricity that arises from the heat. ing of two heterogeneous conductors at their junction. The two most important methods of generating thermal currents are, rst, with two portions of the same metal; and 2d, with two different kinds of metal. Thermo-electricity generated by One Metal.—lf a copper wire be cut into two pieces, and one of the ends be heated to redness and pressed against the end of the other piece, a current of electricity is produced. This is demonstrated by the galvanometer. When different portions of the same metal have different structures, a current is obtained when the point where both structures come together is heated. If, for example, a platinum-wire be twisted or bent on itself, this twisting so changes the structure of the wire that a current is generated by heating the point of union between the’ twisted and non-twisted portion. Thermo-electricity generated by Two Metals.—Let A and B (Fig. 30) be respectively bars of antimony and bismuth, soldered to- gether, while G represents a galvanometer connected by two wires with the free extremities of the metals, When the junction S of the metals is heated, a current of. electricity is generated, which flows from the bismuth to the BAI}, antimony, as shown by the arrow. If the junction S is chilled by applying ice, a current is also produced, but in the oppo- site direction. This combination constitutes a shermo-electric ~ul Sy pair. HEAT The following is the thermo-electric classification of the FIG. 30. metals. The arrows show the direction of the current, accord- ing as the junction is influenced by heat or cold. The relative elec- tro-motive force of the metals is indicated by the numbers. THERMO-ELECTRICITY. 73 Bisiiutlies. dss oa enes ebagcaus +25 Cobalt scare aucieteien eis pole eqa tah 9 Potassium...... ea rtreshn a hihicains 5.5 German Silver............... 5.2 Nickel...... asta eis wine io 5 A Sodium .........cce cece eee 3 MEnCUry: cs cursceeemanganeeus 2.5 Aluminume........ eee eevee 1.3 Magnesium..........0-e.00: 1.2 Lead....... Sd dey ooo eana 1.03 A Till wit veeeee tales aac ete I 1 5 COpper . siwdwiees bea oanareates I a ov Platinum. ..... Coreen ceed 0.7 a SilVERs bon eatassenes amet aee ° Gas-COKG..eieiaxes paneee ees 0.05 ZINGs de desig ete Gehan eta 0.2 AYSENIC, gate Adenine are) he ee 0.38 TTOM Ga noes wieid sale ee ieee eee 5 Vv ~ Red Phosphorus...........4. 9.6 ADUMONY ‘wie cee we he ee bee ee 10 Tellanum 22 a.asasniwsnve css 179 SSlENIU IN shecaiswa guk lene leh oa ae 290 As in the electro-chemical classification, so here, the greater the differ- ence between two, elements, the greater is the electro-motive force. For example, the electro-motive force of a bismuth and antimony pair is greater than that of a bismuth and copper pair. Among these substances the strongest current is produced by bismuth and selenium, but as selenium is expensive, antimony is generally substituted for it. The antimony is the negative metal but the positive pole, and thus corresponds to the platinum or cop- per in the galvanic battery. The bismuth is the positive metal but the negative pole, and thus corresponds to the ziuc of the galvanic , battery. The current goes across the point of union from bismuth to anti- “mony. When the temrperature is raised beyond a certain point the direction of the current is sometimes reversed. Thus, for example, in a circuit of copper and iron the current goes from the copper to the iron so long as the temperature does not exceed 300°. When the temperature 74 . ELECTRO-PHYSICS. exceeds 300°, the direction of the current is changed and it goes from iron to copper. Thermo-electric Force influenced by Crystallization.—It is a fact of interest that the thermo-electric force is influenced by crystallization. Metals which have a crystalline structure are best suited for a thermo- electric pair. » Ithas been noticed, also, that when the cleavage of bismuth is par- allel to the face of junction, the electro-motive force is greater than when both are at right angles ; with antimony the reverse is true. The difference is so great that it is possible to construct a thermo-electric element of two pieces of bismuth by making the cleavage in one parallel to the face of the junction, and the other at right angles to it. The same can be done with antimony. General Properties of Thermo-electric Currents —Thermo-electric currents have to a less degree all the properties of the galvanic battery. They can be kept very constant, for by the use of ice and boiling water the junction of the metals that give rise to them can easily be kept at a definite temperature. For this reason (their constancy) Ohm used them in the experimental establishment of his great law. Electro-motive Force of Thermo-electric Currents.—As compared with the currents generated by chemical action—hydro-electric currents —the thermo-electric currents have a very feeble electro-motive force. According to Wheatstone, the electro-motive force of a bismuth-copper element, with a difference of 100 C. in the temperature of their junctions, is zg that of a Daniell element. Other observers have estimated the electro-motive force of thermo-electric currents still less. According — to Kohlrausch, the electro-motive force of an iron-silver couple with to° or 15° difference of temperature at their junction is sess that of a Daniell element. Origin of the Current in a Thermo-electric Battery.—We have shown that in the galvanic battery the origin of the current is chemical action. In the thermo-electric battery chemical action will not explain the existence of the currents, for they are formed in hydrogen and in vacuo. They are not caused by contact, for they can arise from 4, single metal. It has been supposed that thermo-electric currents are due to the unequal propagation of heat. In a homogeneous circuit no current is produced, for the heat extends equally in all directions. Thermo-multiplier.—The chief use of thermo-electricity is to measure exceedingly feeble changes of temperature. The thermo-electric pile THERMO-MULTIPLIER. 75 connected with the galvanometer is incomparably more delicate than any thermometer. The arrangement used by Melloni is represented in the cut. Fic. 31. On a wooden base a graduated copper tube, about a yard long, is placed. On this are placed a lamp, a, the screws F and E, a sup- port for the bodies to be experimented on, and the thermo-electric pile m. Near by is the galvanometer D, which has only a few turns of thick wire. Such a galvanometer is called a thermo-multiplier. It is so very delicate that the heat of the hand, at a distance of three feet, will generate electricity in the pile sufficient to deflect the needle. If the face of the pile be breathed upon, the needle will swing around to go®. The thermo-multiplier is a powerful illustration of the great law of the correlation and conservation of forces. As electricity pro- duces heat, so in the thermo-electric pile heat produces electricity. In the thermo-multiplier heat produces electricity ; this electricity produces magnetism, is converted into mechanical motion, and not until it has gone through all these transformations can a very delicate amount of heat be detected. The thermo-multiplier is used in physio- logical researches. Thermo-electric Batteries—A number of thermo-electric couples soldered together so that the copper or antimony of one is soldered to the bismuth of the other, and so on, is called a ¢hermo-electric bat- tery. The current is generated by heating one row of the soldered faces, or, as the current depends on the difference of temperature of the two sides, by applying ice to one side and heat to the other. The accompanying cut represents Farmer's thermo-electric battery, 76 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. constructed on the principles above indicated. The heat is supplied by a gas-burner or alcohol-lamp. Thermo-electric batteries of any form are not as yet much used in. electro-therapeutics. The hopes at one time entertained of them have been disappointed. In practice they have been found to be inconve- Fic. 32. Farmer’s Thermo-Electric Battery. nient, bulky, expensive, and untrustworthy. It is not impossible, how- ever, that future researches may so develop the department of thermo- electricity that thermo-electric batteries may be constructed that shall be more convenient for practical use than the ordinary galvanic batteries. This is a realm in which there is room for experiment. CHAPTER VII. OHM’S LAW AND ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATION TO ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. THE basis of all electrical measurement is Ohm’s law, which is, that the guantity of electricity passing through any point in a circuit varies directly as the electro-motive force, and inversely as the resistance. Putting Q for quantity, E for electro-motive force, and R for resistance, the law is thus expressed: Q = =. This law was discovered by Prof. Ohm, of Nuremberg, in 1827, and for a long time was neglected. It is the north-star of dynamical elec- tricity. Those who can keep this always in sight need never lose their way, however long or intricate the explorations they may make in this important and fascinating realm. Although originally nothing but a theory, yet it has been powerfully confirmed by the mathematical calcu- lations of Fechner, Pouillet, Kohlrausch, Daniell, De la Rive, and Wheatstone, and has proved itself competent to explain all the phe- nomena with which it has to do. Just as the strength of the theory of gravitation consists in its power to account for the movements of the solar system, just as the strength of the undulatory theory consists in its power to explain the complex phenomena of light, so the strength of Ohm’s law consists in its power to account for the phenomena of dy- namical electricity. As no one can be master in astronomy without understanding gravitation, or in optics without understanding the undu- latory theory, so no one can be master in electricity without under- standing Ohms law. We shall endeavor to make this law and its application as clear as the nature of the subject will allow. It is necessary to define certain terms that are not very familiar ; first of all, units of measurement. A unit is an abstract term to express any determined quantity, by the repetition of which any other quantity of the same kind can be measured. An ohm is a unit of resistance; one million ohms = one megohm; one millionth of an ohm = one microhm. — A number of units of resistance have been proposed—among others, 78 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. definite lengths of wires of a definite thickness; but wire is rarely pure, and the different specimens widely vary. In 1864 the British Association, acting on the suggestion of Weber, decided that electrical resistance could be expressed as an absolute ve- locity, without any reference to the substance that conducts. This unit, which expresses a velocity of 10,000,000 metres of a second, is called a B. A., or British Association, unit. Previous to this action of the Association the best known units were those of Siemen and Varley. Siemen’s unit is a column of pure mercury, one metre long and one square millimetre in sections at 0° C. Varley's unit was one mile of ordinary copper-wire, No. 16, 7g of an inch in diameter at 60°F. The &. A. unit of the British Association is’ embodied in an alloy of platinum and silver. This alloy has the ad- vantage of German silver, that its conducting power does not change with long use. The unit of edectro-motive force is called a volt. A volt is equal to about the force of a Daniell cell, or the decimal -9268. The unit of quantity is a farad. In other words, a farad is the quantity of electricity which, with a certain electro-motive force, flows through a certain resistance. The terminology of electricity in general has been atrociously diffi- cult and obscure, but nowhere has there been deeper obscurity and grosser misunderstanding and inconsistency than in the application of the terms resistance, quantity, tension, and electro-motive force. Llectro-motive Force.—The electro-motive force ts the force that urges forward the current. It is the origin of tension, to be hereafter defined. This force is modified— st. By the nature of the plates of which the element is composed. 2d. By the nature and strength of the acid solution. 3d. By the number of elements in the solution. Substances that stand at or near the ‘two extremes of the electro- positive and electro-negative series, generate a stronger electro-motive force than substances that stand near each other. Zine and platinum or zinc and carbon give more electro-motive force than zinc and copper, because the difference in their oxidability is greater, and they stand farther apart in the electro-positive and electro-negative series. Plates that are imperfect in their structure, or which contain impuri- ties that generate currents in opposition to the main current, or plates that are worn out, or are encrusted with the products of chemical OHM’S LAW—ELECTRO-MOTIVE FORCE. 79 decomposition, give less electro-motive force than plates that are per- fect, fresh, and clean. Similarly also the electro-motive force is diminished by the polarizing action of the current in the cell. Thus, in the Smee cell, the hydrogen that gathers on the platinum-plate and the oxygen that gathers on the zinc, generaté a current that is opposite in direction to the main cur- rent, and enfeebles it ; and for this reason, lifting the plates out of the liquid a moment to allow the gases that form on them to escape, or vigorously agitating the liquid, at once increases the electro-motive force. Strong acids which excite vigorous chemical action give more electro-motive force than weak acids, and therefore it is that sulphuric and nitric and chromic acids are so much used in batteries, When the proportion of acid in the solution 1s large, electro-motive force is greater than when it is small. Strong solutions, however, con- sume the plates faster, and the electromotive force will be reduced thereby sooner, other conditions being the same, than when weak soln- tions are used. The electro-motive force is exactly proportioned to the number of elements, without regard to their size. Two elements give twice as much electro-motive force as one element, and one hundred elements give one hundred times as much as one element of a similar character. This can be proved by a galvanometer, with a long resistance-coil, where the deflection of the needle will be in pretty exact proportion to the number of cells brought into the circuit. The exactness of this proportion is of course modified by the imperfections of individual ele- ments, or by variation in the quantity and strength of solution in each cell; but the law always holds good. As with the long-coil galvanometer, so with the human body, or any other powerful resistance whatsoever, the electro-motive force that passes through it will be—all other conditions being the same—proportioned to the zumber of elements and without regard to their size. If a series of very Jarge elements are opposed to an equal series of very smadi elements of similar construction, no current will pass; they will neu- tralize each other. If both be tested by the galvanometer with a long resistance, they will cause similar deflections of the needle. The quantity of electricity that passes through a circuit ts directly pro- portioned to the electro-motive force. li there were no resistance in the circuit, quantity and electro-motive force would be the same: Q = E. But there can be no circuit without some resistance, therefore Q never equals E. : Electro-motive force of different batteries, approximately : 80 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. GlOve,.... crevasse ew ore aimiste Gabe drarareane tater 100 Bunsen)....0 2s ens aan re tiie Gahanna Gedo uve 9S Daniell ssiencc a icaswi nents anisole w eciaed eens 56 Smee (when not in action)...........0+++e eee 57 “ (when in action). ....... sete eee ewes 25 Wollaston (copper and zinc)..........0e00ee: 46 Marié Davy (sulphate of mercury and graphite). 76 : Chloride of silver... .... ccc cece eee er eee eee 62 Chloride of lead........cee eee e eee coree seus BO These estimates are the mean of a very large number of observa- tions by Latimer Clark, taken on a sine galvanometer. The electro- motive force is somewhat modified by various undetermined causes. Tension, or Potential.—Tension is that quality of electricity by which it overcomes resistance. This definition is practical rather than strictly scientific, and can only be understood by explanation. Tension is a resu/t of the electro-motive force, and is dependent on it, and by mistake the two are often confounded. The sum and the diffe- rences of electro-motive force are always equal to the sum and diffe- rences of tension, but they are differently distributed in the circuit. By mathematicians the term otential, suggested by Green, is preferred to tension. The term is a re/ative one, and no body or part of a body: can be said to have an adsolufe tension or potential. The potential of a body is really the difference between its potential and that of the earth, which is assumed to be zero. Electricity flows from a body or part of a body at a higher potential, to a body or part of a body at a lower potential, and the work which it does measures its amount. Differences of potential may be compared to differences of level for water. As water tends to flow from a higher level to a lower level un- til all is of a uniform height, so electricity tends to flow from a higher to a lower potential until the potential of all parts of the conductor is the same, and ceases to flow. An instance of extreme tension is found in lightning, where it is caused by the differences in the electro-motive forces between two clouds, or between the clouds and the earth. The tension of the frictional machine is very great, for the reason that it is not at all influenced by the resistance of the circuit, which in the galvanic battery is very great. If the current of the galvanic battery encountered no resistance in the circuit, or was not affected by resistance, its tension would be enormous, The term zz¢ensity has long been used as synonymous with tension , but, strictly speaking, intensity is derived from the French intensité, OHM’S LAW—TENSION, OR POTENTIAL. 81 which has been translated intensity, but which really means guantity. It is better to dispense entirely with the term intensity, and we have ' done so in the present work. Our definition of tension may be thus illustrated: Leta battery of 100 cells be joined in the ordinary tension arrangement, zinc united with carbon and soon. Place the battery on an insulated stand, and connect the zinc or negative pole with the earth, leaving the other free. Regard- ing the earth, for convenience’ sake, as zero, the copper pole will have a tension of 0, while the free end will have a tension of 100 fositive. If a wire be connected with the free end, a current would flow from it to the earth. If now we reverse the position of the poles, connecting the carbon pole with the earth, and leaving the other free, the carbon end will be o, and the zinc end will be 100 negative, and if it be con- nected with the earth a current will flow from the earth to it. In both of these cases the tension is the same; in one case it is positive, in the other negative. Take the same battery, with the zinc pole connected with the earth, and join the carbon and zinc ends by a short, thick wire, and a strong current will flow through the wire. But here comes in the difference between tension and electro-motive force, for it can be ascer- tained by proper tests that the electro-motive force of the battery is the same as it was before the ends were joined, but the tension has changed. Before, it was 100 positive at the carbon end, now it is almost o. If, instead of a short, thick wire, a long, fine wire that offers greater resistance be used to connect the poles, the tension at the carbon end will rise with the increase in resistance in the wire. When the resist- ance becomes infinitely great, the tension becomes roo again, but it can never exceed too, for the tension can never exceed the electro- motive force at any point, although it may fall very much below it. These two general laws in regard to tension should be remem- bered : rst. It rises with the distance from the zero end of the circuit. 2d. The quantity of electricity passing between any two points is always proportioned to the difference of tension between these points.. The actual tension may be high or low, positive or negative, but there can be no current without differences of tension.* The arrangement in series (or, as it is erroneously called, “intensity arrangement”’), is when the electro-positive element of one cell is united to the electro-negative element of the next cell,and soon. The “ quan- tty arrangement,” or “muitiple arc,” is when all the electro-positive ele- * On Electrical Measurement, By Latimer Clark. London, 1868, p. 17. 6 82 ELECTRO-PHYSICS, ments are united to all the electro-negative elements so as to make one large element. The arrangement in series, or a ‘‘ tension arrangement,” is used for all ordinary galvanization and electrolyzation. The-multiple arc, or “‘ quantity arrangement,” is used in galvano-cautery. The phrases “joined for tension,” or “intensity,” and “joined for quantity,” are relics of old and exploded theories of electricity. For convenience’ sake they are still used; but those who understand Ohm’s law need not be deceived by them. Resistance.—Resistance is that quality of a conductor that impedes. the passage of a circutt. There are two kinds of resistance in any circuit : ist. That of the battery itself (Ztermal Resistance). 2d. That of the connecting wires (circuit outside of the battery), the galvanometer, the human body, or other substance introduced into the circuit (Zxternal Resistance). How Resistance is Modified.—Resistance is modified in three ways: 1st. By the nature of the substance, whether liquid or solid, or by its - specjal chemical composition. 2d. By the form of the substance, whether long or short, of small or -large diameter. 3d. Ry the temperature. It is proved by experiment that che resistances of wires of the same material and of the same thickness are directly proportioned to their length, and inversely proportioned to the squares of their diameters. A wire one mile in length gives twice the resistance of a wire half a mile long, and four times the resistance of a wire one-fourth of a mile long. On the other hand, wires of the same metal, but of diameters which stand to each other in the relation 1, 2, 3, offer a resistance which stand to each other as 1, }, 4. In other words, the longer the wire the greater the resistance, the thicker the wire the /ess the resistance: The. same law, but less exactly, applies to liquids, and for this reason /arge elements give less resistance than small elements. ‘The relative specific resistances of a number of metals at a temperature of 54° F. are as follows : : COPPCtsis woe s6ceae aw are I ATOM, sc wrerdscesvgeiareaetae TS GOldeeisieeweiwneceeadoe WA Wed owconacs cibsaacatieers . Il LATA Coes ido) ae iden'asnc v-acryeatos 3.7 + Platinum......... saan 11.3 Mercury (at 57°).......5. eisiaray BOTs The converse of resistance is conduction. The following table of the relative conductibility of metals at 32° F OHM’S LAW—RESISTANCE, 83 is taken from Latimer Clark. It will be perceived that it varies some- what from the above table of relative resistances : DIVER sckeeieweraneelae KMCacepaevesunneauned Copper (pure)... 6.60.04 .99-9 Steel nadeacdemsonmench is selected (commer- Iron......... ania tele carta 15 cial)....85 tog5 | German silver..... 12to15 Copper, ordinary (commer- Tin.............. iesawT2id CIAL) scsrceresere ages ...40to 70 + Lead........ Leeee aeO3 DBIASS a aie sie citar +eeee20 = Platinum...... Rea ie OO. GON siete disse rmeawT® MEICUry. cece eee ee L6 It will be seen that both estimates agree in making copper and silver the best conductors, and for that reason copper-wire is so much used in making battery connections. In both tables platinum stands low in conductibility, and for that reason platinum-wire is used ‘when, as in galvano-cautery, it is required to generate heat by passing the cutrent through a resisting medium. If mercury could be made in the forni of a wire it would of course be better than platinum, since its resist- ance is somewhat greater. Bismuth, graphite, and coke rank still lower in conducting power than mercury. The resistance of liquids is enor- mous. Thus, taking copper-wire at 32° F. as 1, the resistance of a saturated solution of sulphate of copper at 48° F. is 16.885.520; ditto of chloride of sodium at 56° F., 2.903.538; ditto of sulphate of zinc, 15.861.267; sulphuric acid diluted to 74 at 68° F., 1.032.020; nitric acid at 55° F., 976.000; distilled water at 59° F., 6.734.208.000. It has been estimated that the human body, by virtue of the salts which it contains, conducts 15 or 20 times better than water, provided the skin be fully moistened; and that copper conducts from three to four hundred million times better than the human body. Liffects of Temperature on Resistance.—Resistance is more or less modified by temperature. Between 1° and 100° C. the relative conducting power of the metals remains the same; at 100° metals lose about 30 per cent. of their conductibility as compared with o° C.; but this varies with different metals. Conductivity is increased by annealing. Non-metallic sub- stances increase in conductivity as they rise in temperature. Water, for example, when heated conducts better than water cold. When a current passes from a liquid to a solid, or vice versa, the resistance is very great. 84 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. , All Resistance reiative.—-No substances absolutely resist the passage of electricity; even resin, glass, and sulphur, the worst conductors, do conduct a slight current, as can be proved by a very delicate galvano- meter. ™ NVo perfect Conductor.—Even the best conductors, as copper and silver and gold, are imperfectly so; they all resist the current more or less. This can be shown with the galvanometer, which, when brought d- rectly into the circuit, shows a deflection of the needle. .When short wires of copper or silver are interposed the deflection is lessened. If we now comprehend the terms édectro-motive force and resistance, we shall have no difficulty in comprehending the term quantity, for, according to Ohm’s law, the quantity varies directly as the electyo-mo- tive force and inversely as the resistance. The quantity of electricity is the amount which passes through the circuit in any given time. This depends, according to Ohm’s law, on two factors—the electro- motive force and the resistance. The quantity varies directly as the electro-motive force; and if there were no resistance, quantity would be precisely the same as electro-motive force. But the guantity varies inversely as the resistance, and therefore, to find out what the quantity of any current is, we divide the electro-motive force by the resistance. The fraction thus formed is the quantity or the strength of the current, as we commonly call it. There are, as we have seen, two kinds of resistance, that in the battery and that in the circuit outside of the bat- tery ; doth of these must be taken into account in estimating the relation of the different kinds of batteries, and in selecting batteries for special kinds of work. Let E be the electro-motive force, R the resistance of the circuit outside of the battery, r the resistance in the battery; = Q, the quantity or strength of the current—the number of E then R+r farads or measures of electricity that flow through the circuit in a given time. The correctness of this mathematical conclusion may be demon- strated on a galvanometer that has only a short resisting wire ; one cell will deflect the needle nearly as much as one hundred cells. Again, when any number of cells are joined together with great external resist- ance, such as is offered by a long, fine wire, or by the whole human body, for example, the quantity of electricity that flows through the circuit will increase with the increase in the number of cells. There is no inconsistency between these phenomena. It is indeed a part of and a conclusion from Ohm’s law. Everything depends on the OHM’S LAW—QUANTITY OR STRENGTH OF CURRENT. 85 external resistance. Although in this case, asin the other, each added cell brings in its own internal resistance that counterbalances the elec- tro-motive force, yet the internal resistance dears so small a proportion to the large external resistance that the quantity of electricity flowing through the circuit will be pretty directly proportioned to the number of cells. Still keeping Ohm’s law before us, we can demonstrate this mathe- matically, Let the electro-motive force of any cell be 10 volts, and the internal resistance be 20 ohms, and the external resistance afforded by the human body 10,000 ohms. The quantity of a single cell could be thus represented : * ro electro-motive force 10 I zo internal resistance, and 10,000 external resistance 10,020 1002 Again, we may illustrate this as follows: One hundred cells are joined together and the ends are connected by a short wire. Let the electro-motive force of one cell be 10 volts or units of electro-motive force, then the electro-motive force of 100 cells will be 1,000 volts. Let the resistance in each cell be 5 ohms, or units of resistance, then the resistance in the 100 cells will be 500 ohms. Let the resistance of the short connecting wires be 10,000 ohms: now, in order to find the number of farads of electricity—that is, the quantity or strength of the current that flows through the con. necting wire—divide the electro-motive force by the resistance, and we have this fraction : 1,000 electro-motive force _ 3,000 10,000 resistance of wire, and 500 resistance of battery 10,500 This fraction reduced = 3%, alittle more than jy, which fraction rep- resents the quantity of electricity that flows through the wire. We may illustrate this law by supposing a current of water passed through an ordinary syringe. The quantity of water that flows through the tube will be directly proportioned to the force with which it is urged forward by the piston ; this force would correspond to electro- motive force. The friction will correspond to the internal and ex- ternal resistance of the battery. Now if we divide the one by the other, we have the quantity of water which in a given time flows through the tube, or the strength of the current. In this way we can find the number of cubic inches of water that flow through the tube in a second of time, just as we can find the nuniber of farads, or units of 86 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. quantity of electricity, that flow through a circuit. It follows from all this, of course, that if the electro-motive force be very greatly in- creased, the resistance being the same, the quantity must be increased ; but if the resistance be increased in proportion to the increase of the electro-motive force, the quantity will not be any greater. Absolute Quantity and Actual Quantity.—It also follows that the absolute quantity of any battery—the amount that it is capable of generating—may be very much greater than the actual quantity that it sends through a circuit. Everything depends upon the resistance, whether it be small or great. Relation of Quantity to Electro-therapeutics.—It is important to know how to ascertain the guantity of electricity, for nearly all of the lead- ing actions of electricity depend on quantity. It is quantity that deflects the needle of the galvanometer, and quite accurately mea- sures the current that passes through the wires that. surround the needle. It is quantity that decomposes chemical substances, as water, salts, the human body, etc. Hence, electrolytic operations largely depend on the quantity of electricity that flows through the tissues acted on. It is quantity that accomplishes much of the therapeutical effect of the different forms of electrization—although tension alone, with very small quantity, may, as in the. case of frictional or frank- linic electricity, be capable of therapeutical effects. Franklinic elec- tricity, however, relieves and cures disease by changing the electrical condition of the patient, by giving a positive or a negative charge, more than by the passage of the current through the body, and the consequent electro-tonic and chemical changes. Ordinary faradic or galvanic electricity, on the other hand, does not, as many suppose, charge the patient with electricity, and does not, by its direct action, leave any more electricity in the body than it finds there. If they increase or diminish the natural electricity of the body, it is indirectly through the effect of quantity of electricity passing through the tissues and improving nutrition. Under this head come these important practical conclusions: First. If any large number of cells every way similar are joined in @ SHORT ciRcuIT by large connecting wires, and without any other ex- ternal resistance, there will be no more quantity of electricity flowing than if a small number of similar cells were so joined. Although each additional cell increases the electro-motive force, yet it also increases the resistance, as we have already seen, and this in- crease of resistance will counterbalance the increase of electro-motive force, so that the quantity of electricity that flows through the circuit OHM’S LAW—LARGE CELLS vs. SMALL CELLS. 87 will be about the same. Ohm’s law will demonstrate this mathemati- cally. Let the electro-motive force of any cell be 1o volts, or units of electro-motive force, and the resistance’of each cell be 20 ohms, or units of resistance, and the resistance of the short wire 2 ohms. Dividing the electro-motive force by the resistance, we have for a single cell $2 + . = $$ = 4, = the quantity that one cell sends through the circuit. . Now let there be 50 similar cells, and our fraction will be $9 x £8 = F's + 2 = fifty = $49 = fraction that varies very slightly in value from 38. Let there be 1,000 cells, and we have this fraction: 2G X 4090 = 50000 4+, = $0000. The result still differs but slightly from those previously obtained. Secondly. Large cells connected by great external resistance, as the human body, or a galvanometer with a long resistance-coil, do not send more quantity of electricity through that external resistance than similar small cells. The electro-motive force of large cells is no greater than that of simi- lar small cells, as we have already seen. The resistance is less because the surface of the plates is greater, and the greater the section the less the resistance, as has already been shown. But the little advantage thus gained from large cells by a diminution of resistance bears so small a proportion to the great external resistance of the human body, or of a very long wire, that the quantity of electricity actually sent through the circuit will not be materially increased—at least by any reasonable number of cells. Here again Ohm’s law comes to our assistance, and fortifies our statement by a rigid mathematical demonstration. Let us suppose a battery of 100 smad/ cells. Let the electro-motive force of each cell be ro volts. Let the izternal resistance of each cell be 20 ohms. Let the external resistance of the human body, through which the cur- rent is to be made to pass, be 10,000 ohms. Now, by Ohm’s law, to find the quantity of electricity that flows through the human body when enclosed in the circuit, we divide the electro-motive force by the inter- nal and external resistance, as follows: Ioo,_X 10 = 1000 1000, » 10 I 10,000 (external resistance), x 100 x 20 = 2000 (internalresistance) ~ 12000 120 12 Let us now suppose too similar very /arge cells. ‘The electro motive force would be the same, the external resistance would be the same. But the internal resistance of the battery would be less be. cause the surface is greater. 88 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. By a law previously explained, the resistance varies inversely as the square of the section. Yor convenience sake, we will suppose the re. sistance of the large cell to be 7, that of the small ones—that is 2—- and Ohm’s law will give us the following fraction : 100 X 10 = 1000 (electro-motive force) ___ 1000 10 “zo,000 (external resistance) 100 x 2= 200 10200 102 * —a fraction that is, it is true, a little larger than 3!,, but not enough to be worth considering. The same truth may be shown by a galvanometer that has a long resistance-coil. If the fluid be raised just'a little, so that elements are just immersed and the poles are connected with such a galvanometer, a certain deflection of the needles will take place, according to the number of cells; if now we raise the fluid still higher, so that all the elements are immersed, and four or five times as much surface is brought into action in each cell, the needles will not be much more deflected, but will remain at nearly the same point where it was when the elements were first immersed. This is an experiment that we -have made repeatedly.’ For the galvanometer substitute the human body from the hand to the legs, and we can understand the great fact that large cells do mot send more guantity of electricity through the body than small cells of _ similar character. From all these demonstrations we see that it is with electricity as with money—the adsoluce quantity that any man may give may be a ‘very small fraction of the actual quantity that he can be made to give. A millionaire has a far greater quantity of money than one who has only a thousand dollars, but the one may not givé a dollar any: easier than the other. Under great pressure the millionaire may give a thousand times more than the poor man, just as a battery of large cells may, before small resistance, send a very much larger quantity of elec- tricity than a similar battery of small cells; but when there is great resistance it may send very little, if any, more. In electro-therapeutics, as in telegraphy, electro-metallurgy, and, other uses, large cells have this advantage, that ¢hey last longer and do not require so frequent cleaning and filling. Although they cannot in a given time send through the human body, or long lines of wires, any more quantity of electricity than small cells, yet their reserve quantity is much greater, and in proportion to their size they will hold out longer and keep up a more uniform current. The poor man may give five dollars as easily as the millionaire, but OHM’S LAW—LARGE CELLS vs. SMALL CELLS. 89 under great pressure the millionaire can keep on giving out five dollars long after the resources of the puor man are exhausted. Large cells may, for electro-therapeutical purposes, have the advan- tage of steadiness of current ; there would appear to be less fluctuation in the strength of the current from moment to moment than when the cells are small. In small cells the degree of the internal resistance and the extent of the chemical action may vary more or less from moment to moment, owing to the polarization of the elements and the deposition of the salts in the solution. This fluctuation is most marked in batteries where the action is very energetic. Small single cells, especially the zinc-carbon batteries, lose much of their power during a long opera- tion. Zhe popular notion that large cells have a therapeutic advan- tage over small cells by sending a larger guantity of electricity through the body is, in the light of Ohm's law, as well as in the light of expe- rience, erroneous. Thirdly. For the electro-chemical decomposition of water, salts, and the human body (electrolysis), a considerable number of cells of medium size, neither very large nor very small, and in which the chemical action is powerful, are required. ‘The resistance of the “imited portion of the human body usually submitted to electrolytic operation is great, though not so great as that of the whole body; and as we have seen, before a great resistance, very large cells give no greater quantity in a given time than cells of moderate size. If the cells are too small, however, they will soon become exhausted. For electrolytic operations, the ordinary zinc-car- bon or Walker’s batteries, as manufactured in this country by the Gal- vano-faradic Manufacturing Co., Kidder and others, answer very ex- cellently most of the purposes of electrolysis. They have more electro- motive force than Smee’s elements, and although not as enduring, they yet give a greater quantity of electricity for a short time, which is of course the great requisite in electrolytic operations. The resistance of the skin is very great, but in electrolysis the needles go beneath the skin, and are placed near each other. The resistance is very much less than in external applications when the electrodes are far apart; hence it is an advantage in electrolysis to have cells of good size, though not of the largest. Fourthly. When a short platinum-wire in a short circuit is to be heated, as in galvano-cautery operations, a very few large cells or a single very large cell is preferable to a large number of small cells. This fact has long been practically recognized, ahd all the batteries go ELECTRO-PHYSICS. for galvano-cautery operations are constructed on this principle. The reason for this is not so well understood; Ohm's law gives us the ex- planation. Platinum-wire, though it resists the current very powerfully as com. pared with silver or copper wire, yet offers a very small resistance as compared with water or the human body, or very dong wire of any kind. Hence, in the galvano-cautery instruments, the external resistance is * small, being not very much greater than the internal resistance of the batteries, perhaps not so great. Now, before a large external resist- ance—the human body, or very long coils of wires—the surface of the elements is used at the best advantage when cut up into small cells; before a small resistance, the surface of the elements is used at the best advantage when cut up into a few large cells, or, if the external resistance be very slight indeed, a single large cell will be better; for we have previously shown that, in a short circuit, one cell gives as much quantity of electricity as one hundred, or, indeed, any number of cells. Let us suppose 100 small cells; let each cell have an electro-motive force of 10 volts and a resistance of 20 ohms. Let there be enclosed in a circuit the human body, or a very long coil of fine wire, that gives a resistance of 10,000 ohms. ‘Then, according to Ohm’s law, we have the following fraction : roo x 10 = 1000 electro-motive force ae. 10,000 external resistance roo x 20 = 2000 internal resistance 12 which represents the quantity of electricity that flows through the circuit. Suppose now one ce// of the same character, but very much larger, sends a current in a short circuit—through a short platinum- wire, such as is used in the galvano-cautery for cauterizing surfaces. Suppose the external resistance of this short circuit be 9g ohms. The electro-motive force of the large cell is no more than that of the small cell; the internal resistance of the battery is very much less, for, as we have seen, the resistance diminishes as the surface increases. For convenience sake, we will suppose the internal resistance of the large to be sy that of the small cell—that is, 1. Now, dividing the electro- motive force by the resistance, according to Ohm’s law we have this result ; to electro-motive force 10 + = = =—=>=1 g external resistance + 1 internal resistance 10 the quantity of electricity that flows through the circuit, or twelve times as much as with roo small cells. OHM’S LAW—APPLIED TO GALVANO-CAUTERY. gl Suppose now this one large cell be connected by a long and fine platinum-wire, such. as is used in the removal of tumors by galvano- cautery operations. The resistance will of course be greater, for two reasons, because the wire is longer and because it is finer; for the law is, the less the surface or section the less the resistance. Suppose the resistance be 19 ohms. Dividing the electro-motive force by the resistance, we have— 10 electro-motive force 10 xg external resistance + 1 internal resistance 20 that is, one-half the quantity of electricity that there was when a short platinum-wire was in the circuit. Very likely this would not be enough to heat the wire and keep it hot during a long operation. This law comes to our rescue, and helps us out of this as of so many other difficulties. Cut up the one large cell into two cells, and inter- pose the long fine platinum-wire in the circuit. The electro-motive force will be doubled, the external resistance will be the same; but the internal resistance will be greater because the surface is diminished. Dividing the electro-motive force by the resistance, our fraction stands thus; 20 electro-motive force 20 1g external resistance + 4 internal resistance 23 which is nearly double the quantity of electricity sent through the long wire by a single cell. Thus is explained the fact that the best galvano- cautery batteries are arranged so as to be thrown into one large cell, or cut up into several cells, according as a short or long wire is to be heated. It has been found byexperiment that the heat developed by the current in any wire is proportioned to the squares of the quantity of electricity that flows through i. This is demonstrated by passing a current through platinum-wires in a bottle of alcohol. The heat is communicated to the alcohol, and the thermometer shows the temperature. It is found if a current of a cer- tain quantity raises the temperature ro, a current of twice that strength will raise it 40. Again, it is found by experiment that ile heat developed by the cur- rent in any wire is proportioned to the resistance of the wire. This is demonstrated with the arrangement just described, by insert- ing a rheostat whose resistances are known, so as to keep the quantity Q2 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. of electricity constant at a fixed point, and then inserting platinum. wires of different lengths into the bottle. From all this it follows that batteries for galvano-cautery should have large surfaces and a small number of cells, and that they should be arranged so that the surface may be used as one or two cells, or cut up into four or six, according as short or long wires are to be heated. Fifthly. It follows that the dose of an electrical application cannot be accurately described by stating the number of cells and the length of the sitting. This conclusion is an important one, and for want of a knowledge of it electro-therapeutists continually blunder. Supposing now that we are treating a patient locally or centrally by the galvanic current, and we desire to transfer the patient to another physician. We inform the physician to whom the transfer is made, that we are treating the patient with ten cells for ten minutes, and we desire that he should continue to give the same dose. In the light of Ohm’s law, let us see what such instructions are really worth. The quantity of electricity that passes through the patient in a. minute is equivalent to the electro-motive force divided by the resistance ; multiply the quo- tient thus obtained by ten, and we have the dose of electricity that the patient receives in ten minutes. If, now, all the factors that determine the electro-motive force and the external and internal resistance were constant and were accurately known, and if they were the same for all batteries and all modes of application, then the dose thus ordered would be a mathematical one, and could be mathematically followed. No forms of error are so erroneous or so illusory as those that approach us under cover of facts and figures. In our very attempt to be accurate we stumble into gross inaccuracy. Had we left the whole matter to the judgment of the physician, with some general suggestions as to the sus- ceptibility of the patient, we should have come far nearer the truth, as will be apparent by the following considerations. The electro-motive force varies in different batteries, and in theysame battery at different times. Grove’s battery, for example, has four times the electro-motive force of Smee’s battery in action, and twice the elec- tro-motive force of zinc and copper, or Daniell’s battery. Then, again, the electro-motive force will, in some batteries, as Smee’s or Walker's, fall off during an application ; and in all batteries, however constructed, the electro-motive force varies at different times, from causes not yet determined. But the electro-motive force is constancy itself in comparison with OHM’S LAW—APPLIED TO ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS. 93. the variations of the internal and external resistances. Beginning with the internal resistance, we find that for a Grove’s cell, containing one pint of liquid, it is very small, less than one ohm; for a Daniell’s cell, 5 to 15 ohms, and for a Smee’s cell, less than one ohm. The internal resistance varies with the size and shape of the cell, the distance of the plates from each other, and with the length of time that the battery is in action. Even if the electro-motive force and external resistance were accurate and constant, the variations in the internal resistance would be sufficient to vitiate all attempts at prescribing electricity by the number of cells. But it is in the external resistance that we find the greatest variation, uncertainty, and inconstancy in applications of electricity to the human body. The external resistance depends on the following factors: 1st. The size and construction of the wires that connect the battery with the electrodes, The larger the section the less the resistance, and, therefore, large wires will conduct more than small ones. A cer- tain conventional size is manufactured by each instrument-maker, but the sizes vary with different makers. 2d. The size and shape of the electrode. Up to a certain point, varying with the number of cells, a large, broad electrode will conduct more than a small and narrow one. A metallic electrode conducts very much better than a sponge; flannel conducts much better than sponge, but worse than metal. The difference in the conducting power of metal, sponge, and flannel, is great. A current which is painful when applied by a metal, and is quite perceptible when applied by a flannel or chamois, is not felt at all when applied by a sponge. The painful- ness of an application, it is true, does not depend on the amount of electricity that passes, but is also modified by the extent to which the current is diffused. This would depend on the action of the electrode. With the same current passing, the hand of the operator would proba- bly be less irritating than a sponge or flannel. 3d. The quantity and quality of the liquid used to moisten the elec- trodes. Electrodes that are perfectly dry conduct but little, at least with currents of the tension used in electro-therapeutics. Electrodes that are wet with warm water conduct better than those that are wet with cold water ; and those that are wet with warm salt-water conduct best of all. The difference in the conductivity of a sponge wet with simple cold water and one wet with warm salt-water is so great that a current which is not felt when applied by the former, becomes unbearable when applied by the latter. 4th. The amount of pressure that is used on the electrodes. If the 94 ELECTRO-PHYSICS. wet sponge is lightly pressed it conducts but little, and its conductivity increases with the pressure. Firm pressure moistens the skin more thoroughly, and-thus increases its conductivity, and at the same time it brings into coaptation all parts of the sponge, so that it becomes well saturated. 5th. The position and extent of the body included between the elec- trodes. This factor is a most important one, and it has been unac- countably overlooked in all discussions on this subject. The difference in the conductivity of the bones and soft tissues is all the difference between twenty and one, and in all parts the conductivity is modified. by age, by temperament, and by disease. The resistance of the whole body, from one hand to the other through the shoulders, is about seven or eight times the resistance of the Atlantic cable, and the resistance of the whole length of the body, from the head and shoulders to the feet. is probably greater than that. But the resistance of any limited portion: of the body, as the head, or spine, or cervical sympathetic and pneu- mogastric, or individual muscles or nerves, must be only a fractional part of the resistance of the whole body. Other conditions being the same, the nearer the electrodes are to each other the less the resistance. This may be illustrated by an experiment that we have frequently tried. If one electrode be put in the vagina and the other in the rectum, a cur- rent of but two or four cells may be painfully felt; but if one of the electrodes is placed externally on the back or hypogastrium, a current of a dozen or more cells may be scarcely perceived. The same experi- ment may be tried on the back; placing one pole on the nape of the neck and the other at the lower end of the spine, a current that is just perceptible at first, as the electrodes approach each other becomes positively unbearable. 6th. The length of the application. When the galvanic current is first applied to the body by wet sponges, but little sensation is experi- enced on the skin; but in the course of a few seconds a burning pain is felt, that increases with the length of the application. This is explained in part by the chemical changes that take place, and in part by the fact that as the skin becomes more and more moistened by the pressure of the wet sponge, and the skin under the electrode becomes more and more congested, the resistance is diminished. Consequently, toward the close of even a very short application, more electricity passes, all other conditions being the same, than at the beginning. On this account it frequently becomes necessary to reduce the number of cells during the sitting, especially when the electrodes are kept all the time on one spot. Thus it becomes clear that any attempt to prescribe the OHM’S LAW—APPLIED TO ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS, 95 dose of electricity by the number of cells, in ordinary external applica- tions to the body, must fail of its object. In electrolysis, where the needles are always united, near to each other and under the skin, the chances for error are not so great, since there is much less variation in the resistance. If, in describing an electrolytic operation, we specify the 4imd and number of cells used, and the mode and length of opera- tion, we convey a tolerably correct idea of what was really done. The time may come in the advance of science, after physiology shall have found its Newton to reduce its present chaos to order and law, when it shall be possible to prescribe so many farads of electricity, repeated three times a week, as we now prescribe so many grains of bromide of potassium, or so many drops of laudanum, repeated three times a day ; but for the present we can rest assured that when we describe the cur- rent that we employ as m/d, or medium, or strong, and have stated the method and length and frequency of application, we have attained all the accuracy that science will allow. Although the above statements have reference only to the galvanic current, they just as truly apply to the faradic ; for induced as well as galvanic electricity is subject to the law of Ohm. One difference, how- ever, should be noted, that on account of the slighter chemical action of the faradic current the resistance of the skin beneath the electrodes does not diminish with the length of the application. For the above reasons the graduated scales that accompany some of the faradic machines for electro-therapeutics are of but little practical value. Finally, Ohm’s law explains the fact of observation, that when the poles of a galvanic battery are metallically connected, the chemical action in the battery is greatly increased and the plates rapidly de- stroyed. The metals being better conductors than the body, conduct a much greater quantity of electricity ; and as the potential quantity of electricity that any battery is capable of generating is limited, then when the resistance between the poles is least, the action must be strongest, and the metals the most rapidly consumed. Neglect in this regard causes the premature destruction of many batteries. ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY, CHAPTER I. RELATION OF ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY TO ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS— ANIMAL ELECTRICITY. Llectro-physiology is the science which treats both of the laws of animal electricity, and also of the phenomena produced by the action of electricity on the body in health. We propose to present this subject as compactly as possible, and consequently shall speak only of those facts that are necessary for a true appreciation of the science, and chiefly of those that, directly or indirectly, have a practical aa on electro-therapeutics. Importance of a Knowledge of Electro-physiology to the ee peutist.—It is of course possible to use electricity successfully in thera- peutics without any thought of its physiological action, and thousands have so used it. It is possible to relieve pain of almost ¢ very variety, and to cure any of the curable forms of paralysis, without u.derstanding anything of the action of electricity on nutrition or on the normal mus- cle. Any old country granny, the stupidest of nurses, an infant even, can hold two sponges on a part of the surface of the body, and let the ‘current run. Those who aim no higher than this—the indiscriminate holding of electrodes on patients—need give no thought to electro- physiology ; need, indeed, waste no time on this or on any other work of electro-therapeutics : they do not even need to trouble themselves with the details of the applications, but have simply to delegate them, with- out reserve, to the nearest nurse or clodhopper. Those, we assert, who aim no higher than this will fall short of even that: their success im relieving symptoms by electrization will be so capricious and illusory, that, in time, they will abandon the attempt, allow their battery to grow rusty in the garret, and thenceforth they will condemn and despise sci- entific and successful electro-therapeutists. : The electro-therapeutist, above all others, should start out under the inspiration of the motto of the late President Dwight: ‘Aim high, for you will be sure to come short of your aim.” To apply electricity after the manner of nurses and “‘rubbing doctors,” is not using it, but abus- ing it. 100 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. Those who aspire to mastership in electro-therapeutics will not be con tent with the mere attempt to relieve symptoms ; they will seek to study those most complex and subtle diseases for the treatment of which elec- tricty is indicated ; they will resort to this force for diagnostic as well as therapeutic aid ; they will strive to know not only how to use it, but, what is more difficult, how not to use it. He only can reap the full and rich harvest of electro-therapeutical science and art who sows beside all waters ; he must become more or less proficient in neurology, in electro- physics, and in electro-physiology. He who has a knowledge of the laws of animal electricity, and the actions and reactions of franklinic, galvanic, and faradic electricity on the brain, spinal cord, and sympa- thetic ; on the nerves of motion and of common and special sense; on voluntary and involuntary muscles; on the skin, and on all the various passages and organs of the body in health, and also of the electro-con- ductivity of the body, will find the paths of electro-diagnosis and of elec- tro-therapeutics illumined at every step by such knowledge, and will, in the end; make more correct interpretations of disease than he who _ merely holds electrodes on patients without any higher aim; and more than that, he will be introduced into a field of thought and experiment— a field surpassingly rich and fruitful, and lying in close relation to all departments of physiology, of pathology, and of biology, where he can study science for its own sake, without regard to its immediate practical value. -In the above remarks we do not wish,to be understood as subscrib- ing to the notion, quite popular among some, that electro-therapeutics must be based on electro-physiology ; very far from it: the two sciences are closely related and are of reciprocal assistance, but one is not built up on the other. Neither are exact sciences, and may never become such. Pathology, though it is but “the shady side of physiology,” yet so complicates therapeutics that electro-physiology cannot become a reliable basis for electro-therapeutics. The two sciences are pursued neainly by different methods: electro-physiology is a science of experi- ment; electro-therapeutics is a science of experience. Electro-physiology largely Studied by Experiments on the Living Hu- man Subject.—An advantage of great import to electro-physiology, and one that especially commends it to the electro-therapeutist, is that it is largely based on experiments made on the living human subject. True enough, thousands of frogs have given up their lives in the electro-physi- ological laboratory, and dogs and cats, rabbits and guinea-pigs, rats, and monkeys even, have been subjected to electric tests while living, in health and uninjured, while dying, and when dead; but some of the most ANIMAL ELECTRICITY. IOI interesting and suggestive phenomena of this science, those which have the nearest practical relation to electro-therapeutics, can be best studied on the living human subject, and without injuring the subject experi- mented on. This is the supreme advantage of the study of the physiological action of electricity over the study of the physiological action of the majority of drugs. The objection so often made against experiments made with medicines on inferior animals, that they do not teach the action of such medicines on the human body in disease, cannot, therefore, apply to electro-physiology, except to a limited degree. Not a few of the physiological reactions of the human body to elec- tricity can be studied while making therapeutical applications. The reaction of voluntary muscles, of the motor and sensory nerves, of some of the nerves of special sense, to electricity, and the general effects of electricity on nutrition, are taught. us every time we electrize a patient by any of the familiar methods of application. Electro-physiology and electro-therapeutics thus go hand in hand. The Localization of Electricity in the Body an Advantage in Studying its Physiological Effect—The drugs with which we experiment on ani- mals, in order to learn their physiological action, are usually absorbed cand carried through the whole system; to confine their action to any part or member is impossible. If they select any organ on which to expend their force in preference to other parts, it is by virtue of their in- herent affinity for such organ, and not from any powerin the experimenter to confine them there. But electricity can, to a certain extent, be local- ized in a muscle or nerve, or in some special organ ; thus its effects can be studied with greater precision and certainty than the effects of drugs internally administered. Thus the physiological action of electricity has a specially practical bearing on its therapeutical action. Animal Electricity is the Electricity that exists in Animal Bodies. Electric Fishes.—The most remarkable display of animal electricity appears in certain varieties of fishes. At a very early period it was known that a certain flat fish had not only the power, when touched, to give forth shocks, but could impart to other bodies, for some distance through the water, a benumbing influence. This phenomenon was first proved by actual experiment to be of an electrical nature as early as 1773; and soon after, by means of a number of Leyden jars, connect- ing with a disk of leather or wood, either side of which was covered by tinfoil, an artificial torpedo was constructed. The subject of animal electricity is one of great scientific interest, and may in time become of direct practical value to electro-therapeutics. This peculiar power 102 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. is possessed only by a small number of fishes, the best known of which are the forpedo or electric ray, the gymnotus ox electric eel, and the electric shad. This development of electricity does not take place in all parts of the fish, but is confined to a peculiar expansion of the nervous system, called the electrical organ. The nerves constituting the electrical or- gans of the torpedo and gymnotus are of great size. Those of the for- mer consist of three principal trunks, and arise from the cerebro-spinal system ; while the nerves composing the electrical organs of the latter are derived from the spinal cord alone. As stated above, the phenom- ena produced by these fishes are similar to those which are obtained from electricity that is artificially generated. If electric fishes are touched with the hand, a shock is perceived, while if glass, resin, or any other non-conductor is intervened, no effect is produced. Sparks may be drawn from them in the same way that they are drawn from other bodies that are artificially charged with electricity. The current obtained from them will magnetize steel needles, decompose water, and if the needle of a galvanometer be brought into the circuit it will immediately suffer deflection, so that the direction of the current ‘ may be readily determined. The electric force of the fish is much weakened after it has exerted its power a number of times in quick succession, and it requires rest and nourishment to enable it to recover its normal vigor. Liistory of the Discovery of Electricity in the Body of Man and other Animals.—We have already seen (Electro-Physics, p. 48) that Galvani discovered in 1786 that muscular contraction follows the contact of the nerves and muscles of a frog with a heterogeneous metallic arc. From this observation, and from subsequent study of the subject, Galvani was inclined to believe and to declare that in the tissues of animals there exists a special independent electricity, which he called animal elec- tricity. Although Galvani’s conclusions were, as we now know, not en- tirely logical, yet he stumbled on an important discovery that was des- tined to be demonstrated and confirmed by other and Jater observers. There zs such a force as animal electricity, but the experiments of Galvani are explained by contact of dissimilar substances and by the chemical action of the fluids of the body on the metals, and not by the electricity of the body. Volta’s Researches have already been given in Electro-Physics (p. 50). flumboldt’'s Researches.—In 1799 Humboldt published a work contain- ing the result of many and curious experiments, the object of which was ANIMAL ELECTRICITY. 103 to show that both Volta and Galvani were right and both wrong ; that there was such a thing as animal electricity ; that Galvani was in error in regarding it as the only form of electricity that appeared in his ex- periments ; and that Volta was in error in refusing to admit its exist- ence. Aldin?’s and Nobili’s Researches.—In 1803 a nephew of Galvani, Aldini, published experiments that went to demonstrate the existence of animal electricity. The voltaic pile, however, was a stronger argu- ment against the existence of animal electricity than any experiments could be in its favor, and for these reasons animal electricity was for- gotten. . In 1827 M. Nobili, having constructed a very sensitive galvanome- ter, was enabled, as he supposed, to detect, without doubt, the exist- ence of an electric current in the frog. He observed that when the needle was placed in the circuit it deviated some 30°. Researches of Matteucci and Du Bois-Reymond.—aA few years subse- quently, Matteucci turned his attention to this subject; but it was re- served for Du Bois-Reymond to investigate most clearly and most fully, if not most conclusively, the electric properties of the nerves and muscles. , By these two observers it is believed to have been shown, rst. That currents in every respect like the frog-current of Nobili, are not peculiar to the frog, but are inherent in all animals, warm and cold-blooded— in toads, salamanders, fresh-water crabs, adders, lizards, glow-worms, and tortoises, as well as rabbits, guinea-pigs, mice, pigeons, and spar- rows. (Du Bois-Reymond.) 2d. That currents are found in nerves as well as muscles, and that both are subject to the same laws. *(Du Bois-Reymond.) 3d. That the current usually observed is a muscular current that is produced by the muscles, the nerves acting only as inactive conduc- tors. (Du Bois-Reymond.) 4th. That this muscular current may be upward or downward, and that the current of the whole limb is the resultant of the partial cur- rents of each muscle. (Du Bois-Reymond.) 5th. That these currents do not depend on the contact of hete- rogeneous tissues, as Volta had believed, for the nerves, muscles, and tendons in their electrical relations are homogeneous. (Du Bois-Rey- mond.) 6th. That electricity is found not only in the muscles and nerves, but also in the brain, spinal cord, and sympathetic—in motor, sensory, and , mixed nerves—in a minute section as well as in a large mass of nervous! 104 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. substances—in a small fibril as well as in a large muscle—in the skin, spleen, testicles, kidneys, liver, lungs, and tendons; but not in fasciz, sheaths of nerves, and sinews. 7th. That animal electricity is capable of decomposing iodide of potassium, and of deflecting the needle of the galvanometer, (Mat- teucci.) 8th. In the muscles and nerves electricity is in the condition of a closed circuit. oth. That contraction of muscle is accompanied by an electric dis- charge resembling that of a torpedo. (Matteucci.) It was the perusal of the essay of Matteucci that inspired Du Bois- Reymond to undertake those magnificent researches that have given him a name and a fame in the realm of electrology. He devised special apparatuses for his researches, and handled them with great skill and patience. Even if many of the conclusions presented are erroneous, they are none the less interesting suggestions, and have prepared the way for those who are now earnestly seeking to discredit his experiments and disprove his statements. The above conclusions of Du Bois-Reymond were derived from ex- periments on the nerves of frogs, but electricity is not confined to the lower forms of life, either dead or dying. Electricity in the Living Man.—In the living man it is believed that cutaneous currents are found. The hand is negative to the elbow, and the palm of the hand is negative to the back. The foot is negative to the chest, and the sole of the foot is negative to the back. The elbow is slightly positive to the chest, and the hand is sometimes negative to the foot, and sometimes the reverse. These cutaneous currents are quite strong and uniform. They are to be distinguished from the thermo-electric currents that are observed when two symmetrical parts are heated. A finger at the temperature of 32° is positive to one at 90°, and a finger at 60° is feebly positive to one at 80°, and strongly positive to one at 180°. The cutaneous currents are also to be distinguished from currents that arise from dissimilar immersion, dissimilar sweating and shielding of the body. Currents of electricity have been found in the urethra and bladder of the rabbit, the intestines, the spleen, the testicles, the tendons, and the oviduct of the frog, and the iris of birds. All these currents resemble the ordinary muscular currents, in that the outer and inner surfaces have opposite electricities. ANIMAL ELECTRICITY. 105 The currents of the nerves and muscles are very much stronger than those of other tissues.* _ Dr. C. B. Radcliffe takes a radically different view of animal elec- tricity. His conclusions, briefly summarized, are as follows: 1. The sheaths of the fibres of nerve and muscle during rest are charged with electricity like Leyden jars. He believes it probable, though not entirely demonstrable, that the sheaths of the fibres con- duct electricity so feebly that they are practically non-conductors and are di-electric. This charge is brought about by the development of electricity, either positive or negative, through oxidation, or some form of chemical action, on the outside of the sheaths of the fibres, which electricity induces through the di-electric sheath, an opposite electricity from the inside of the sheaths, after the manner of the Leyden jar. Electricity which exists in the nerves and muscles during rest is in a statical condition, and not in dynamic or current state. The nerve-current and muscle-current are purely incidental phenom- ena, resulting from applying the electrodes to points of unequal elec- tric tension. 2. That the passage of a nerve or muscle from a state of rest toa state of action is accompanied by a discharge similar to that of a torpedo. The arguments in favor of this view are, that the anatomical and physio- logical apparatus of the torpedo closely resembles the muscular appara- tus of all animals; that the nerve-current nearly disappears from the nerve, and the muscle-current from the muscle, when nerve and muscle pass from rest into action ; and, finally, that the phenomena of induced or secondary contraction cannot otherwise be explained. This discharge takes place between the sheaths of the fibres, which are very elastic, and are capable of being elongated during rest by the mu- tual attraction of the opposite electricities with which they are charged. 3. That when a nerve or muscle passes from action to rest it resumes its condition of charge. Elongation, therefore, is the result of charge, and contraction of discharge. This point is illustrated by the following experiment : A narrow band of rubber is wound on both surfaces very near the edge with gold-leaf, so that it can be charged or discharged with electricity like a Leyden jar. By a simple arrangement of a grooved wheel and an apparatus that multiplies and records the movements, it can be shown that when the band is charged by a few turns of a frictional machine, it * Dynamics of Nerves aud Muscles. London, 1871. 106 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. elongates, and when the charge is discharged it contracts. It is believed that the muscle behaves in precisely this manner. If nerves are not affected in the same way, it is because their fibres are not sufficiently elastic. 4. That the blood keeps up the natural charge of electricity in nerve and muscle. The acceptance of this view explains many interesting facts in pathology. It explains the fact that diseases that are accompanied by a deficiency in the nerve-currents, as neuralgia, spinal irritation, hysteria, tetanus, epilepsy, usually manifest themselves by morbid activity, by increased and unnatural movements of muscles and nerves. Active inflammations, when there is increase of blood, are not usually accompanied by excessive muscular or nervous action. Apparatus for Studying Animal Electricity.—In a practical work of this kind it is not necessary nor proper to enter into elaborate detail of all the experimental premises by which Matteucci, Du Bois-Rey- mond, Pfliiger, and others have made their discoveries. A very brief description of the apparatus of Du Bois-Reymond may possibly be of interest. He employed a very delicate galvanometer, the distinctive fea- tures of which were, jirsé, the astatic needles were constructed and arranged with great care ; and, secondly, the wire around them was very long, and of from 4,000 to 24,000 convolutions. A multiplier of this sort will indicate the presence of exceedingly feeble currents. The wires of the multiplier are connected with carefully cleaned and pre- pared flat new plates dipped in vessels of zinc, containing sulphate of zinc to prevent polarization. Two cushions, as they are called, made of layers of blotting-paper soaked in.a solution of sulphate of zinc, are laid in the edge of edch vessel, with their ends in the liquid. The whole is enclosed in a moist chamber. In order to protect any tissue, it is placed in connection with the two cushions in various posi- tions ; then, if there be any current, the deflection is seen in the needle of the multiplier. When two symmetrical parts of the longitudinal or transverse section of a nerve are applied to the cushions, no deflection is seen ; when two dissymmetrical parts of the longitudinal section are placed on the cushions, the needle deflects 6° or 7°. When the longitudinal section of the nerve on one side touches one cushion, and the transverse sec- tion touches the other side, the needle deflects 15° to 30°. Instead of the galvanometer multiplier we may use the rheoscopic frog, which may give some results ; but it has the disadvantage that it EXPERIMENTS OF TROWBRIDGE. 107 loses its irritability, and that it contracts only when the current is closed or broken. Experiments of Trowbridge.—We have given a full and varied pre- sentation of the leading conclusions of Du Bois-Reymond and others, and have described, in a very general way, the best method of perform- ing the experiments on which his conclusions are based. We have done this in justice to a name that is greatly honored in science, in justice to the name that has made an era in physiology, and to prepare the student for an intelligent understanding of the experi- ments that seem to overthrow these views of Du Bois-Reymond that have been so widely accepted. It has always appeared to us that in the experiments of all electro- physiologists, the later as well as the earlier school, there were chances for great error, and have been surprised that their conclusions have been accepted with so little reservation. Bearing in mind that all chemical action, however slight, is probably accompanied by the generation of electricity, it is surely not irrational to suspect that the conclusions from careful experiments of Du Bois- Reymond and others might be in some, if not in all cases, modified by chemical action between the animal tissues and the cushions of the gal- vanometer, however skilfully these were protected. Among the physicists at least, the theories of Du Bois-Reymond have been, on the whole, losing ground during the past ten years, and pro- bably on account of the considerations that are above presented. Prof. John Trowbridge, of Harvard College, has recently made a series of researches that seem to cast grave doubts on the interesting and hitherto accepted conclusions of Du Bois-Reymond in regard to animal electricity. This physicist, starting out on the face of the accepted fact that two liquids of dissimilar chemical character, separated by a porous partition, give rise to a current of electricity, has made experiments with an apparatus similar to that employed by Du Bois-Reymond in his researches on animal electricity. Instead, however, of placing a piece of muscle or nerve on the cushions, he used a series of artificial muscles. These artificial muscles were made of glass-tubes covered by porous partitions, and filled with the different liquids, such as— Undistilled water, Weak solution of salt in distilled water, Solution of different salts of iron, Blood, Acidulated water. 108 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. Placing the artificial muscle thus prepared in the position where the natural muscle is placed in Du Bois-Reymond’s experiments, he found that each liquid caused a deflection of the needle of the galvanometer. There is no question, in the opinion of Prof. Trowbridge, that the currents that caused these deflections of the needle arose from the actions of the fluids in the tubes on the saline solution of the cushion and’ the protecting guard. This view is confirmed by the fact that when the artificial muscles were, filled with distilled water, there was no de- flection of the needle observéd; but when undistilled water or the other fluids mentioned were used, the needle of the galvanometer de- flected so far as in some cases to throw the spot of light off the scale.* Prof. Trowbridge exercised the same precautions as are found necessary by electro-physiologists in obtaining the so-called muscular currents. He argues that the behavior of the artificial muscle must be similar to that of a natural muscle placed on the cushions ; and he states further, that when we use the natural muscle, containing fresh and chemically active blood, separated by its sheath from the clay guards of the cushions, an electrical action must take place between the fluids of the muscle and the saline solutions in the connecting apparatus, which action cannot well be distinguished from the so-called muscular current.t In order to avoid every possible source of error in these experi- ments, Prof. Trowbridge not only tried distilled water in the artificial muscles, instead of undistilled water and the different solutions, but also tried the mere contact of the bladder membrane-partition without any fluid, and in neither case was any current produced. He employed a vessel shaped like the letter U, opened at the bend, and covered at the ends bya membrane. Into the two limbs of the tube he injected fluids of different kinds. When the vessel was filled with a fluid that was homogeneous, and the ends of the tube brought in contact with the cushions, the needle of the galvanometer was deflected. When the points of contact were reversed, the direction of the needle was re- versed. That mere contact of the tube with the cushions did not cause the deflection of the needle, was shown by the fact that when no fluids were in the tube there was no deflection. That the direction of the current was ¢hrough the U-shaped tube, and not from its extremities to the galvanometer and back, was proved by the fact that when the section of one of the limbs of the U-shaped tube was constricted, the * Thomson’s reflecting galvanometer and new quadrant-electrometer were used in these experiments. + On the Electro-motive Action of Liquids separated by Membranes, American Fournal of Science and Arts, vol, iii., May, 1872. EXPERIMENTS OF TROWBRIDGE. 109 deflection of the needle was reduced, and when the constriction was complete there was no deflection. The conclusion to which Prof. Trowbridge arrives from these ex- periments, which have been repeated at various times, is, “‘ ¢hat when the cushions of the galvanometer are connected by a membranous sac con- taining fluids, or animal tissue saturated with fluid, an endosmotic action takes place, accompanied by galvanic action ; and that this galvanic action is determined by the difference of endosmotic action at various points of the enclosing membrane.” * When, therefore, a muscle is placed on the cushions of the galvanom- eter, its transverse section on one pad and its longitudinal section on the other, endosmose takes place, which is different at different points, and the galvanic current that appears is probably caused by this difference of endosmotic action and not by the so-called muscular current. Then granting that a muscular current exists, it must suffer important modifications in strength and direction through this endos- motic action. Jf the muscular current does not exist, this endosmotic action, with the accompanying galvanic action, will account for the de- fiection of the needle of the galvanometer that had been supposed to be aue to the muscular current. In a letter received by Dr. Beard from Prof. Trowbridge, under date March 28, 1873, nearly one year later than the date of the publication of the researches of which the above is an abstract, he says that “later experiments have convinced me that there are no such currents as mus- cular currents, properly so called. I think that the phenomena noticed by Du Bois-Reymond arise from differences in the chemical nature of different portions of the muscle. Du Bois-Reymond contends that such chemical difference does not exist, and that the tissue is homo- geneous from a chemical point of view. It must be remembered, however, that a delicate galvanometer can detect differences in chemi- cal composition which cannot be detected except by the most refined analysis. I should therefore make my assertions stronger than I have done, in the accompanying papers, in view of subsequent experiment.” Prof. Trowbridge has also made experiments that seem to cast grave doubts on the conclusions of Du Bois-Reymond in regard to electrical currents in the arms. Du Bois-Reymond in his experiment connects the terminals of a galvanometer in separate vessels by a siphon-tube containing the same liquid as the vessel. The ends of the tube are covered with a porous preparation. * Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, January 9, 1872. 110 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. Placing a forefinger in each vessel and violently contracting the arm, he observed that the needle of the galvanometer was deflected ; on contracting the other arm, the needle deflected in the opposite direc- tion. Du Bois-Reymond explained this phenomena by the theory that electrical currents circulate in the arm distinct from and co-exist- ing with the muscular and nerve-currents. It is not difficult to con- ceive that in an experiment of this kind there would be chances for error sufficient to make us very cautious in accepting any immediate conclusions in regard to it. In order to test the validity of this con- clusion, Prof. Trowbridge prepared a vessel with two limbs, which he substituted for the human finger. Du Bois-Reymond’s experiment- vessel was filled with a solution of salt, and the end of the limbs was covered with prepared membrane. The resistance of the circuit through both limbs and the vessel was about that of the human body from the forefinger of one hand to the forefinger of the other—that is, about seven or eight times the resistance of the Atlantic cable. The ends of the limbs or tubes were immersed in the fluid of the vessel con- nected with the galvanometer. As soon as they touched the liquid, the needle of the galvanometer was deflected, and on reversing the limbs the needle was deflected in the opposite direction. When the flexible portion of one of the limbs was pinched so as to diminish the diameter, the deflection was also diminished. When a trifling change was made in the chemical character of the fluids in the two limbs, and one of the limbs was slightly contracted, the direction af the needle was reversed. Prof. Trowbridge is disposed to believe that the deflection of the needle caused by the contraction of the muscles of the arm, “is pro- duced either by the temperature or ‘by the change in the flow of the blood.” It has been established, that the electro-motive force between venous and arterial blood is about one-thirtieth that of a Daniell’s cell; and as muscular contractions change the chemical character of the blood, and as by very slight chemical difference between two fluids separated by a membrane, like the skin, is sufficient to create a gal- vanic current, it is not improbable that the conclusion of Du Bois- Reymond in regard to the existence of a separate electrical current in the arm is erroneous. CHAPTER II. ELECTROTONOS, ANELECTROTONOS, AND CATELECTROTONOS. Lilectrotonos is the peculiar modification of irritability that nerves and muscles undergo when acted upon by a galvanic current. While the nerve is in the electrotonic state, that part of it not in- cluded between the poles will deflect the needle of a delicate galvano- meter; and that the deflection then caused is not due to the natural nerve-current, is proved by the fact that it appears when only the sur- face of the nerve is connected with the galvanometer. It is therefore the electric condition of the nerve caused by the passage of the current through it that deflects the needle. The electrotonic condition not only remains so long as the galvanic current continues to pass, but, if the current be sufficiently powerful, it remains for a limited time after the current ceases to pass. The electrotonos is more noticed the larger the extent of nerve acted upon, provided the current be sufficiently increased to overcome the increased resistance. In nerves that are dead, or have lost their irritability, electrotonos cannot be excited at all, or only feebly, and the same is true when the nerve is cut across or tightly bound with a ligature. The change in the nerve-current depends on the direction of the galvanic current. When the galvanic current flows in the same direc- tion with the nerve-current, the strength of the nerve-current is in- creased ; when the galvanic current flows in a contrary direction, the strength of the nerve-current is diminished. Electrotonos is greater when the galvanic current flows lengthwise than when it flows across the nerve. It increases, within certain limits, with the increase in the intensity of the current. Molecular Liueory of Anelectrotonos—Du Bois-Reyniond has sug- gested a theory to account for the phenomena of electrotonos, which has been generally accepted. It is analogous to the theory of mag- netism suggested by Coulomb. He supposes that muscles and nerves consist of electric molecules, which have one positive equatorial zone * 112 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. and two negative polar zones, whose axes are parallel to each other; that is, two molecules make one molecule. This is called the peri-polar arrangement. In a magnet, each individual molecule manifests the same phenomena as the entire magnet: each molecule is indeed a magnet in miniature. In like manner, each molecule of the nerve or muscle manifests the same phenomena as the entire nerve or muscle. These peri-polar molecules are enclosed by a moist covering. Du Bois-Reymond further supposes that each peri-polar molecule may be divided into a group of dipolar molecules—where the positive Fic. 33. Peri-polar Arrangement of Electro-motor Molecules. L S—Longitudinal Section. T S—tTransverse Section. P—Parelectronomic Layer. hemispheres are turned toward each other—without changing their electrical properties. This is called the di-golar arrangement. If a number of such molecules are brought under the influence of a galvanic current, their positive zones will turn toward the negative pole, and the negative toward the positive ; one of the molecules (3) turning 180° on its axis. The arrangement will be as above. From its resemblance to the voltaic pile it is called the pile-like arrangement. This pile-like arrangement of the molecules not only takes place between the electrodes, but also beyond them into the extra-polar region. Du Bois-Reymond has illustrated these phenomena on molecules made of zinc and copper. , From these experiments Du Bois-Reymond concluded, first, that the nerve is always in the condition of a closed circuit, since electric cur- rents are produced by the connection of layers surrounding the mole- cules with their molecules; and secondly, that the current obtained from an animal, as indicated by the galvanometer, is only a small por- tion of the entire current. ANELECTROTONOS AND CATELECTROTONOS. 113 The galvanic current that produces the electrotonic condition is called the polarizing current. The portion between the poles is called intra- polar ; beyond and outside of the poles, extra-polar. Electrotonos is ascending when it proceeds from the muscle to the nerve ; descending when it proceeds from the nerve to the muscle. Anelectrotonos and Catelectrotonos.—Anelectrotonos is a condition of diminiched irritability which takes place at the positive electrode. Cate- lectrotonos is a condition of increased irritability which takes place at the Fic. 34. L S—Longitudinal Section. T S—Transverse Section. 1. Peri-polar arrangement of electro-motor molecules. 2. Di-polar arrangement of electro-motor molecules. 3. Pile-like arrangement of electro-motor molecules, caused by the action of the galvanic current. negative electrode. At some point between the electrodes the irritability of the nerve is unchanged. The conditions of anelectrotonos and catelectrotonos are found not only between the poles, but also in the other portions of the nerve, in the extra-golar portion. The portion between the poles and near the negative pole, together with the portion beyond the negative pole, is in a state of catelectro- tonos, with increased irritability. The portion between the poles and near the positive pole, together with the portion beyond the positive pole, is in a state of anelectrotonos, with diminished irritability. The extra-polar catelectrotonos depends on the length of the nerve be- tween the poles, and the strength of the current, up to a certain limit. The strength of the extra-polar anelectrotonos is proportioned to. its Il4 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY, distance from the poles, being greatest near the intra-polar portion. The extra-polar catelectrotonos, both ascending and descending, is in a state of increased irritability. The extra-polar anelectrotonos, both ascending and descending, is in a state of diminished irritability. Neutral Point.—Between the poles there is a point where the irrita- bility is not changed ; there anelectrotonos meets catelectrotonos. This is called the neutral point. The relative position of this depends on + the strength of the polarizing current. Where the strength of the cur- rent is medium, the neutral point is about midway between the poles. Where the current is weak, the neutral point is nearer the positive pole. Where it is strong, it is near the negative pole. Negative Variation—When a current frequently interrupted is applied to an irritable nerve, it causes the nerve-current to diminish in strength, and finally utterly destroys it. This fact is demonstrated by the galvanometer. The same phenomena is caused to a less degree by chemical or mechanical stimulation of nerve. Negative variation has been explained by the theory that the peri-polar molecules in the nerve chanze their arrangement, so that their electro-motor power is diminished. ‘The neg- ative variation of the current has been studied by Bernstein. He re- gards all the electric phenomena of the nerve as undulatory movements, and has mathematically estimated the length of the waves in nerve and muscle. Cyon, in confirmation, has shown that the degree of the variation is directly proportioned to the number of interruptions in the exciting current. Lffects of Electrotonos in Diminished Conductivity.—The power of a nerve to conduct irritability 7s more or less modified by the condition of electrotonos. The portion of the nerve near the positive pole, which is ‘in a condition of anelectrotonos, has its conductibility diminished ; the portion of the nerve near the negative pole, which is in a condition of catelectrotonos, has its conductibility increased. If the current be suf- ficiently strong, the power of the nerve to conduct impressions may be nearly or entirely destroyed. Effects of Electrotonos after the breaking of the Galvanic (polarizing) Current.—One of the effects of the electrotonos is the zrritation which is caused by the passing away of the anelectrotonos. This. irritation, which appears at the positive pole, is shown either by a contraction or by a tetanic condition. , Positive Modification and Negative Modification.—The nerve which is in a condition of catelectrotonos at the negative pole is greatly modified by the breaking of the polarizing current. Its irritability is ANELECTROTONOS AND CATELECTROTONOS. II5 thereby diminished. This diminution of irritability is called the “nega- tive modification.” At the positive pole in the catelectrotonic region, an increase of irritability, or positive modification, appears on breaking the current. This increase and diminution of irritability continue for some time after the polarizing current is broken. Liffect of a Change in the Direction of the Current.—Another effect of electrotonos is the change of irritability which is caused by a change in the direction of the current. Ifa nerve is subjected for some time to the influence of a galvanic current in a certain direction, it loses some of its irritability, which it regains when the current is reversed. Restoration of Irritability.—A very important effect of electrotonos is a restoration of irritability in a nerve. It has been proved, both by experience and by experiments, that nerves, which from any cause have lost their irritability to the faradic current, sometimes regain it after an application of the galvanic. It has been shown by the experience of several writers on electro-therapeutics, and of ourselves, that, in cases of paralysis, when the faradic current at first fails to produce contrac- tions, the application of the galvanic may not only readily produce con- tractions, but may also produce such a change in the irritability of the paralyzed parts as to cause them to regain their lost irritability to the Jaradic current. (See Electro-Therapeutics.) LElectrotonos of Muscle.—A muscle, like a nerve, may be put in the condition of electrotonos ; the changes of irritability that accompany this condition are confined to the portion of muscle through which the current flows. The subsequent effects, after the polarizing current is broken, are also limited to the portion through which the current passes. It is logically probable, also, that not only the motor-nerves, but also all parts of the nervous system—central and peripheral—are capable of exhibiting the phenomena of modified irritability under the galvanic current. Theory of Anelectrotonos and Catelectrotonos.—That the galvanic current in its passage through the nerve diminishes the irritability of that nerve in the region of the positive pole, and increases its irritability in the region of the negative pole, may be explained by the purely physical effects of the currents in the tissue. We have seen that in electrolysis acids go to the positive and alkalies to the negative pole ; now it is a fact of physiology that acids diminish the irritability of nerves, while alkalies increase it. Anelec- trotonos and catelectrotunos may therefore be caused by acids at the positive and alkalies at the negative pole. This explanation is rendered probable by two facts: first, that 116 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. anelectrotonos and catelectrotonos are not produced by the secondary faradic current, which has no marked chemical action ; and secondly, that very feeble and instantaneous passages of the galvanic current pro- duce electrolytic effects. Phliiger's Contraction-Law.—The law of contraction, as derived by Pfliiger from experiments on the frog, is thus formulated: Zhe nerve is excited by the appearance of catelectrotonos, and the disappearance of anelectrotonos, but not by the appearance of anelectrotonos or the dis- appearance of catelectrotonos. This law is considered of great scientific as well as practical value. Electrotonos in the Living Man.—The subject of electrotonos in the living man has been studied by Eulenburg, Samt, Von Bezold, Brenner, Erb, Briickner, Runge, and Filehne, but most successfully by Cyon. Cvon,* by a series of elaborate and careful experiments, has shown that the contraction-law of Pfltiger, as established on the frog prepara- tion, applies also to the living human subject. He has shown that, after closing the circuit, the irritability is in- creased near the negative pole; tuat this condition of catelectrotonos increases as the current runs up to a certain point; that on breaking the current the zegative modification, or condition of diminished irrita- bility, appears for a moment, and then disappears. Near the positive pole, on the other hand, the irritability is.diminished at and after closing the current. On breaking the current there is an increase of irritability, or positive modification, which appears to be greater when the current has been allowed to run a long time. The experiments from which Cyon derived these conclusions were made on the ulnar nerve, and with great care to avoid error. It will be seen that the results correspond with the results of Pfltiger’s experi- ments on the frog, and confirm them. Cyon found, however, that these results were not uniform in all persons, but were modified more or less by temperament and disease. Practical Bearings of the Laws of Electrotonos.—The laws of electro- tonos do not by any means explain all the therapeutical action of the galvanic current on the body; but so far as they go they are of great value, and should be considered by those who stndy the therapeutics of galvanism. ‘The calming effects of the positive pole, and the irritating effects of the negative pole, as well as the exact effects of strong and interrupted currents, may in these laws find their partial if not complete explanation. “ Principes d’ Electrothérapie. Paris, 1873, p. 130 ef seg. CHAPTER III. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE SKIN, In regard to the study of the action of electricity on the body in health, it is necessary to make the preliminary remark that many of the experiments that have been made and published, and widely quoted in this department, have but little scientific value, and cannot be re- garded as in any sense authoritative. The reason for the uncertainty pertaining to the reported experiments aré manifold : 1. The distinction between the currents has not been observed. Not only have the faradic and the galvanic currents been constantly con- founded, but the subdivisions of the faradic current—the electro-mag- netic and magneto-electric—have been vaguely commingled. Many observers speak of galvanization when they mean faradization, and vice versé, and not a few apply both terms to the use of the same current. 2. Allowance has not been made for the differential action of strong, medium, and feeble currents, or of long and short applications. The difference in the physiological effect of a large and small dose of opium, strychnine, belladonna, or ergot, or any other powerful remedy whatso- ever, is enormous. When a small dose has no perceptible effect, a large dose may throw into profound sleep, or into violent convulsions, that lead to death. In speaking of the physiological action of drugs of any kind, the dose is always mentioned, and any experiment with drugs, on man or animals, when the dose is not known or mentioned, has little value in science. Similarly also in electro-therapeutics, we find in every-day experience that the difference in the effects of a mild and short, and a severe and” long, application, is only the difference between making a patient infinitely better or infinitely worse. - When, therefore, we read that galvanization of the sympathetic or pneumogastric produces such and such effects, we really get no precise knowledge whatsoever. 3. The differential susceptibility of man and animals has not been duly considered. Experiments with electricity performed on the lower ani- mals, as frogs, dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, cows, guinea-pigs, etc., do not 118 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. always afford a safe basis for generalization in regard to the effects of electricity on man, and especially on man in a state of civilization. In their susceptibility to the electrical stimulus, and in the length of time that they retain their irritability’ after death, there is a great difference in animals; between animals and civilized man this difference must be very great. “In proportion as the organization of man is more complex than that of the lower animals, in that proportion will the physiological reactions of the human body to the electric current, or indeed to any other in- fluence, be more complex and uncertain, and more liable to deviations and modifications than the physiological reactions of the inferior forms of life to which we are supposed to be related. Conclusions in electro- physiology, derived solely from experiments on animals, have the great merit of simplicity; but when applied to the far higher and more com- plex organization of man, and especially of civilized man, with his ex- cessively sensitive system of nerves, they are apt to lead into serious error. 4. Individual idiosyncrasies have not been properly considered. The action of medicines varies with the temperament to such a degree as to make necessary great caution in rushing to generalizations from expe-. riments on one or two persons. Applications of electricity, faradic or galvanic, to the cervical sympathetic, similar in length and strength, may cause in one individual symptoms of cerebral congestion, in another symptoms of cerebral anzemia, and in another its effects may be purely negative. In one individual the effects of such application may be felt at once, in another an hour or two after the application, in another not until the following day. . There is a great difference in the average susceptibility of different nationalities and of the higher and lower orders of society, with occa- sional exceptions both ways; the tough, coarse-fibred laboring classes are much less susceptible to electricity, just as they are much less sus- ceptible to drugs, than the delicate, finely organized, brain-working classes. 5. Zhe action of electricity on the body in health may be learned, in part at least, by studying its action in disease. , “Pathology,” Allbutt well says, “is but the shady side of physiology.” To draw the line precisely where health ends and disease. begins, is oftentimes beyond the power of mortal man. Of the deep darkness of the midnight-hour any child is conscious, and even the birds discern the approach of evening ; but what physicist so keen as to tell the precise moment when the late afternoon begins to fade into the early twilight ? ACTION OF FARADIC CURRENT ON THE SKIN. Ily It is because physiology and pathology thus run into each other, that observations on pathological states may be of great service to physiology. Experiments made with electricity on patients more or less diseased have helped, as we shall see, to solve some of the problems of electro- physiology. Certain pathological states render the nerves unusually unpressible to electricity in degree, though in the same way as in health, and thus are of great value to the electro-physiological experi- menter. The above considerations explain in part the opposite and inconsistent as well as fragmentary character of electro-physiological researches, and they should be borne constantly in mind by those who study this and the following chapters, devoted to the action of electricity on the human body in health. Action of Franklinic Electricity.—When the sparks of frictional electricity are applied to the skin they produce a sensation of pricking, and if the sparks are large the skin becomes red and a papular eruption appears. Applied to the scalp, it causes the hair to stand on end. Action of the Faradic Current.—lf any dry artificial electrode is pressed against the dry skin while a faradic current is passing, the elec- tricity will penetrate but slightly to the deeper tissues, unless the current is very intense, because of the great resistance offered by the skin. One effect of the faradic current on the skin in this way is to cause a change in the circulation. The change may be eithér anzemia or hyper- zemia. At first there is anzeemia. The calibre of the blood-vessels is narrowed, through the action of the current on the vaso-motor nerves. This contraction with anzmia is spasmodic in its character; it lasts but for a time, and in the course of two or three minutes it gives way to hyperemia. The skin becomes red, and remains so for a short or long time, from several minutes to several hours, according to the strength of the current, the length of the application, and the tempera- ment of the individual. Another effect of faradizing the skin in this way is pain. This pain is caused by the irritation of the extremities of the sensory nerves. When the dry hand is substituted for the dry artificial electrode, the surface can be faradized without producing pain. During the latter operation the electricity, acting upon the dry surface of the skin, pro- duces a peculiar cracking or humming sound that may be heard several feet. An application of a faradic current of ordinary strength is followed by the most marked effects on the skin when it is dry, from the fact that the electricity is mostly confined to the surface of the tissue. A 120 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. very fine, or, in other words, a rapidly interrupted, faradic current, has a more marked effect on the sensory nerves than a coarse, or slowly in- terrupted, current, and in the treatment of the more common forms of anzesthesia and neuralgia this fact must be considered. Zhe negative pole has a much stronger effect both on the sensory and motor nerves than the positive. Any one can readily distinguish the poles, when held in the hand, by the stronger sensation and more violent muscular con- traction which is felt at the negative. Some parts of the skin are more sensitive to the’current than others, from the fact that they are more richly supplied with nerves. The face is especially sensitive at the points where the various branches of the trigeminus issue, and at the line of demarcation of the skin and mucous membrane of the nose and mouth. The relative sensitiveness of different parts of the surface of the body to the faradic current will be discussed in detail in a chapter devoted to that subject in the section on Electro-Therapeutics. A faradic current’of moderate strength, when applied to bones that lie very near the surface, produces considerable pain of a peculiar character. This pain is caused on account of the irritation of the sentient nerves of the periosteum. ‘The forehead and the region of the scapula and tibia are especially sensitive to electriza- tion. It is not supposed that the bone is specifically affected by the electric current. Both the ‘periosteum and the bone, however, may have an increased amount of blood attracted to them by the electric current. Acting in this manner, electrization has been known to reunite an old fracture. (See Electro-Surgery.) The great and peculiar sensitiveness of the skin to electricity is ex- plained in part by the fact that the epidermis as a whole is so poor a con- ductor, and the electricity enters it dy points through the sudoriferous and sebaceous glands, and the smaller the diameter of the point at which the electricity enters a body the greater the density, the strength of the current being constant. When now an electrode is applied to the body, the entire current, instead of diffusing itself over the whole surface, enters at the glands, where there is best conduction, and consequently excites pain. For the same reason, to a greater degree, electricity applied by means of a metallic brush is far more painful than when applied with a broad metal or sponge. For the same reason a wet sponge electrode, when lightly touched to the surface of the body, causes more pain than when firmly pressed on the skin. One effect of faradizing the skin is the phenomenon of “ goose-flesh,” ACTION OF GALVANIC CURRENT ON THE SKIN, 121 popularly so called. This is noticed not only where the electrodes are applied, and between them, but atadistance. Itis more observed in the nervous and feeble than in the hardy and strong. It may be excited by weak currents of momentary duration. In some persons it cannot be excited at all. ‘ Action of the Galvanic Current.—The effects of the galvanic current on the skin differ somewhat from those of the faradic. At both poles there is a burning sensation, which increases in intensity with the strength of the current and the length of the application. ‘The sensation, when the current is closed, is like that of a mustard-plaster, or, with a very strong current, that of a hot iron pressed on the skin. The “ goose- skin” sometimes appears as under the faradic current, but it lasts longer. It appears only around the poles, and not beneath them, at the points of contact. At the positive pole, in some cases, there appears under the electrode, at first, a shallow depression, and the skin is pale, but soon hyperzemia appears, and many little elevations here and there. When a strong current is used an ischaemic appearance is presented beneath the electrode, and a red areola extends for some distance around. At the xegative pole substantially the same phenomena appear, but the hypereemia arises more rapidly, and is more intense and extended. The general sensation caused by the galvanic current is then, 7 character, substantially the same. at both poles. In degree of action there is a certain difference, since the change at the negative develops more rapidly and powerfully. The above phenomena we have repeatedly demonstrated on a variety of temperaments. We have observed that the rapidity and strength of the action are considerably modified by the individual. Soft, thin, and delicate skins appreciate the burning feeling and the various stages of hypereemia more quickly than skins which are coarse, thick, and hard. Ziemssen, who has carefully studied this subject, states that zzpo- larizable electrodes are necessary in order to obtain the complete results with certainty. The advantage of unpolarizable electrodes is, thac they are not so painful, and so a current of from thirty to sixty elements can be borne for a long time, say from ten to thirty minutes. With ordinary electrodes such a current would for most persons be un- endurable after the second minute. Chemical Effects of the Galvanic Current on the Skin.—The chemical effects of the galvanic current on the skin differ not only in degree but in kind. Under the zegative pole—when metallic electrodes of moderate diameter are applied on the skin, slightly moistened—there appear small, pale vesicles, that are transparent and are not raised much above the 122 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. skin. This phenomena is produced by a current that causes a strong burning sensation. These vesicles contain fluid and layers of epidermis. The fluid is a/kaline. When the strength of the current is increased the fluid becomes of a brownish color, and blisters are formed and a red areola appears. The serum that comes out on the skin is alkaline. These blisters, and all the other phenomena, as has been often demonstrated, appear more rapidly on delicate than on thick skins, and when fully formed they are a long time in healing, and for days and weeks a yellowish and brownish discoloration may be observed at the points where the skin was acted on. If the application be still more protracted little ulcers are formed, that are also slow to perfectly heal, but are not painful, and cause no an- noyance. At the Jositive pole, when a strong current is used for some time, a blister appears, accompanying the other symptoms of ‘“ goose-flesh,” ischemia. The blister is colored in its centre a yellowish brown. The serous fluid that comes from the blisters is acid. The metallic elec- trode becomes black through oxidation. In order to demonstrate this action of the positive pole, it is better to have the connection at the negative pole established by means of a broad, soft, and well-moistened sponge. Ziemssen states that by this experiment, made with thermometers, no elevation of temperature takes place either at the positive or nega- tive pole. In all these chemical actions of the galvanic current on the body, it is probable that more or less ozone is produced, and it is not impossible that the ozone thus produced may in some way modify the effects. (See section on Ozone and Ulcers, in Electro-Therapeutics. ) Llectro-anesthesia.—It has for some tine been a matter of dispute whether a slight anaesthesia can be produced by the electric current. It is well known that for a number of years some dentists have been accustomed to connect the forceps for extracting teeth with one pole of an electro-magnetic apparatus while the patient rested his foot on the other pole, so that as soon as the forceps seized hold of the tooth a cur- rent is established. Although this method of producing anzesthesia is not now received with favor, there is no question that the electric currents do have a slight benumbing effect. The results of various experiments that we have from time to time performed in this department seem to be conclusive. We have had teeth extracted while a strong faradic current was passing through the jaw, and feel assured from this personal ELECTRO-ANASTHESIA. 123 “ experience that the electricity caused the pain to be lesg sensitively felt. That the pain caused by the prick of a pin, for example, is less sensi- tively felt when a strong faradic current ‘is passing through the part where the puncture is made, we have practically demonstrated on the hand and other parts of the body. Althaus* arrived at the conclusion that the electric current could pro- duce an anesthetic or slightly paralyzing effect, from experiments on the nerve-trunks, as the ulnar and sciatic. His method of operating was to place the positive pole over some point where the nerve was superficial, and the negative over some one of the terminal branches, keeping up the action of the current for fifteen minutes, with the result of producing a feeling of numbness, and less sensitiveness to the cur- rent. Knorr, of Munich, has availed himself of the anzesthetic effects of electrization for opening felons and buboes. We have also experimented on inflamed and irritated mucous mem- branes. In rhinitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis, we have for three years been accustomed continually to make use of the benumbing effects of electrization. It has a very slight anesthetic effect on irritated and inflamed mucous membrane, and those on whom it has been employed desire to have the applications repeated. Our custom has been, in some cases, to use local faradization after the application of caustics and other irritants, in order to relieve the very annoying pain that they so often cause, or in any irritable condition of the parts. A French physician, M. Victor Revillout, has obtained similar results from applications of the faradic current to the uterus after cauteriza- tion. + * Medical Electricity, 1860, pp. 166, 167. + Archives Générales de Médecine, September, 1868, p. 356. i CHAPTER IV. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. Direct Application.—it has been shown by Fritsch and Hitzig that in the cerebral convolutions there are centres for the production of voluntary muscular movements in various parts of the body. These physiologists took off the upper part of the skull of a dog, and by means of weak galvanic currents excited the exposed brain, locating the current, as far as possible, in small portions. They found that when certain definite portions of the anterior convolutions were excited, movements were caused in certain groups of muscles on the opposite side of the body. Continuing their researches, they showed that there are definite nerve-centres for the nerves that preside over the muscles of the neck, the foot, and the face, for the extensor and adductor muscles of the forearm, and for the flexor and rotator muscles of the arm. Prof. Ferrier, of King’s College, London, has made similar researches with the faradic current, and with it has investigated the brains of fish, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea-pigs, and monkeys. He has studied not only the cerebrum, but the cerebellum, the corpora quadrigemina, and other portions of the brain. Electrization of the optic thalami produced no result. Electrization of the corpora striata caused the limbs to be flexed. Electrization of the anterior tubercles of the corpora quadrigemina caused dilatation of the pupils and opisthotonus ; while electrization of the posterior tubercles caused the animal to make all sorts of noises. Electrization of the cerebellum caused movements of the eyeballs. Dr, Beard* has carefully studied this subject on the brains of dogs, rabbits, cats, and pigeons. He used both currents, mild, me- dium and strong, and studied also the question of diffusion of currents. His provisional conclusions were, that the surface of the brain was electrically excitable ; that the theory advanced by Dupuy and other French observers, that the excitation was due to the diffusion of the cur- rents to the central ganglia, was not tenable. Dr. Bartholow+ had made * Archives of Electrology and Neurology. May, 1874. t Ibid. GALVANIZATION OF THE BRAIN. 125 similar experiments on the brain of a living woman, exposed by can- cerous disease. , Liffects of External Galvanization of the Brain.—The leading effect of medium and strong galvanization of the brain by external application in the living human subject is different. When one electrode is placed on the forehead and the other on the occiput, or one on the summit of the head and the other on the stomach, galvanization is followed by little if any tendency to vertigo. When a current of even feeble tension is passed from temple to temple, or from one mastoid bone to its fellow, very decided dizziness is at once perceived, which continues during the operation of the current, and becomes most decidedly manifested at the moment the circuit is broken. During the passage of the current there is a very marked and quite irresistible tendency to lean toward the positive pole, while objects in view seem to move in the same.direction. When the circuit is opened there is a reversal in the direction of the seeming movements, and the experimenter instantly bends in the opposite direction toward the nega- tive pole. For these phenomena an ingenious and plausible explanation is given by Hitzig. When the current passes from the forehead to the occiput, the right and left lobes of the brain and all that pertains to them are equally or symmetrically influenced, and little if any dizziness is per- ceived. Place, however, the anode upon one temple ahd the cathode upon the other, and mark the readiness with which dizziness is produced. In this operation the brain is no longer symmetrically affected. One hemisphere 1s in a condition of anelectrotonos, or diminished irritability, while the other is in a condition of catelectrotonos, or increased irrita- bility, or, as it is expressed, there is a falsification of the muscular sense, a disturbance of the equilibrium, and the apparently involuntary incli- nation toward the anode is in reality a voluntary effort to restore the imaginary loss of balance. Hitzig indicates several degrees of galvanic giddiness. 1. A mere sense of fulness in the head. This feeling is caused by a mild current when broken, but not usually when the current is running, nor so markedly when the current is closed. Certain temperaments, however, experience this feeling not only when the current is broken, but also when it is running. 2. Apparent movements. These are produced by stronger currents. Objects when the current is running appear to go from the positive to. the negative pole ; when the current is broken the apparent movement is reversed. 126 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY, 3. Staggering. This is produced by stronger currents. In impress. ible temperaments very mild currents may produce it. Movements of the Eyes.—Movements of the eyeballs have also been observed by Hitzig during the second and third stages of dizziness. When a strong current goes transversely through the head, and its direction is changed, movements of the eye, resembling nystagmus, «appear. There is a jerk, and then a further movement. If the positive pole be in the right mastoid, and the negative in the left, both eyes are jerked toward the left, and kept there, provided the current be suffi- ciently strong. There are anatomical reasons for supposing that the brain can be more easily affected in the mastoid and occipital regions than in the anterior portion. A large vein connects the transverse sinus with the posterior auricular veins, and with the posterior meningeal artery into the skull through the mastoid foramen. In the occipital region a vein connects the transverse sinus with the vena cervicalis profunda through the posterior condyloid foramen.* SPINAL CORD. Rigid cramps of all the muscles of the trunk and extremities follow electrization of the spinal cord when an electrode is placed at either extremity of the cord. Cramps ofthe same character are also pro- duced when one electrode is applied to the anterior and the other to the posterior column, either at their upper or lower extremities. If the spinal cord be divided at about its centre and the lower half electrized, only the muscles of the lower or hinder limbs will contract. If the upper half be electrized, only the muscles of the fore limbs will enter into contraction. The results will be the same, whether the cut extremities are separated or brought in close contact, in which latter condition no impediment is offered to the passage of the current. The above researches of Weber have been confirmed by Dr. Beard’s experiments on dogs and rabbits. The effects are produced by both currents. : Inhibitory Effects.At the moment of closing and breaking a gal- vanic current its action upon the cord is manifest by the contraction of the muscles of the body and limbs ; but during the passage of the cur * Quoted from Luschka and Anatomie des Menschen, vol. iii, 2, p. 154, by Althaus, Third edition, p. 139. SPINAL CORD. 127 ‘ rent no contractions are observed, and a paralyzing effect soon takes place. The cord remains insensible to any stimulus that may be ap- plied to it as long as the current is passing, but at its cessation any mechanical irritation will give rise to the usual tetanic convulsions. This diminution of excitability is confined alone to the spinal cord, for if the motor nerves and muscles are traversed by an induced current (while the cord is under the influence of the galvanic) they contract vigorously. The galvanic current applied through the spinal cord for a long time produces paralysis According to Mayer, if a mild faradic current be applied to the cervi- cal region of frogs that are in an irritable condition, movements of the lower extremities occur. Electrization of the posterior columns pro- duces these movements easier than electrization of the anterior col- umns. If the posterior columns are removed no movements occur. If the cord is divided into halves, posteriorly and anteriorly from above nearly down to the origin of the sciatic nerve, electrization of the pos- terior half produces movements, but electrization of the anterior does not. If the posterior roots on the trunk of the brachial nerve are elec- trized, the movements are produced just as when the cord itself is elec- trized. Fick, however, declares that the anterior columns respond to faradization. Cilio-spinal Centre.—The cervical sympathetic nerve, which animates the radial fibres of the iris, takes its rise from the spinal cord between the seventh cervical and the sixth dorsal vertebre. If this portion of the cord be galvanized, the excitation is transmitted to the cervical sympathetic nerve, and thence to the iris, producing dila- tation of the pupil. This point has been termed by Budge and Waller the centrum cilio-spinale. A ganglion near the fifth lumbar vertebra which, on being electrized in animals, produces contractions of the rec- tum and bladder, is called the ganglion genito-spinale. The first of these points, the centrum cilio-spinale, can be demon- strated by external applications both of the galvanic and faradic cur- rents, and is of great importance in general faradization. The ganglion _genito-spinale also is probably directly, though not so ‘demonstrably, affected by external electrization of the spine. CHAPTER V. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE SYMPATHETIC AND PNEUMOGASTRIC. In order to intelligently appreciate the experiments that have been made to determine the action of electricity on the sympathetic and pneumogastric, it is necessary to keep constantly before the mind the following considerations : rt. The action of electricity on the sympathetic and pneumogastric must be modified by the kind of electricity employed, by the strength of the current and length of the applications, and by the condition and temperament of the subject in which the experiment is made. : To say that galvanizing the sympathetic produces such and such effects is really to give no information whatsoever, for at once the inquiring soul raises the questions, How strong were the currents used? How long were the applications? Were men or animals subjected to the experiment? Were they intact or injured? If animals, what kind, and were the results the same on several animals of the same kind ? 2. These nerves can be affected both by external and internal appli- cations of electricity. The fact that external electrization affects these nerves, which has by some been disputed, is fully apparent from what is known in general of the electro-conductivity of the body, is confirmed by special experi- ments, and is demonstrated by observations in physiological and patho- logical cases. This is true not only of the cervical sympathetic ganglia, but of all the ganglia of the body. Known facts in regard to the elec- tro-conductivity of the body show that none of the ganglia of the sympathetic can escape the electric influence when the current is ap- plied over the surface of the body. 3. The effects of external application through the skin on these nerves cinnot be expected to be identical in kind and degree with the effects of direct application to the nerves themselves. Although the cervical ganglia of the sympathetic and the pneumogastric nerve are traversed by the currents of electricity when the electrodes are placed on the skin in sucha position that the current in passing from one to the other finds these SYMPATHETIC AND PNEUMOGASTRIC. 129 nerves in their pathway, yet on physical or physiological principles we cannot expect the same results as when the one or both poles are di- rectly applied to the nerves. In external applications it is the derived currents that pass through the nerves, and direct polar effect is not gained. When we consider that the currents in passing from one pole to the other diffuse themselves into numberless undulatory, diverse cur- rents, it is easy to see that only a small part of the electric influence will be appreciated by such small nerves as the sympathetic ganglia or the pneumogastric. In the body between the electrodes the currents act like diffused light ; at the electrodes the currents act like light con- centrated to a focus. If currents of sufficient power could be borne externally, it is possible that by single external applications there could be produced all the effects that are obtained by direét applications to the nerves themselves ; but this is hardly probable, for the twofold rea- son that the differential polar effect could not be obtained, and that the great stimulation of each of the electrodes on the surface would complicate the experiment. These considerations, as it seems to us, sufficiently explain what to many has been regarded as a great diffi- culty—that the ordinary therapeutical measures for electrizing the sym- pathetic do not produce the same effects as direct applications to the ganglia. That the sympathetic and the pneumogastric are traversed by the cur- rent when the electrodes are placed on the surface of the neck, is suffi- ciently probable from the known laws of electric conduction. When one electrode is placed at the nape of the neck, and the other at the anterior border of the sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle, the current, whether faradic or galvanic, however widely it may radiate, and however numerous the branch-currents may be, must by physical necessity trav- erse the sympathetic and pneumogastric. There is no more prob- ability that it’ will go out of its way, in violation of physical laws, and avoid these nerves, than that a storm sweeping between New York and Brooklyn will take a circuitous march and avoid the East River. These nerves—the sympathetic and pneumogastric—and the tissues by which they are surrounded, are good conductors, very much superior in conductivity to the skin, and of almést the same conductivity as the muscles; and even if some branch or derived currents pass through other tissues, as unquestionably is the case, these nerves cannot be wholly avoided, and when the electrodes are in central positions they are probably the highway through which nearly the entire charge passes. But stronger than the analogies of electro-physics, and more con- 9 130 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. vincing than experiments on the dead subject, are the observed effects of electrization of the neck in physiological and pathological cases. These effects, which will be detailed further on, harmonize so closely with all our knowledge of nervo-physiology, and accord so exactly with pathological observation, as to demonstrate beyond doubt, and with an emphasis by which those who observe cannot fail to be impressed, that the sympathetic and pneumogastric can be affected by external faradi- zation or galvanization of the neck. 4. It is difficult, if not impossible, to affect the cervical sympathetic or the pneumogastric by external applications, without at the same time affecting the depressor nerve, the spinal cord, or the brain, and especially difficult is it to limit the action to the pneumogastric without at the same time affecting the sympathetic, and vice versa. This conclusion follows as a logical result from the anatomical rela- tion of the parts and from what is known of the electro-conductivity of the body, and is pretty distinctly demonstrated by the physiological and therapeutical action of the current when externally applied. In what- ever position we place the electrodes, the derived currents, in passing from one electrode to the other, must traverse some portion of both of the great nerves. The base of the brain and the region of the neck constitute the most important part of the central nervous system. ‘So far as life can be said to have any centre, it is here, where the pneumogastric, the phrenic, and the other great nerves take their origin. Directly or indi- rectly, by the actual passage of the current, or by reflex action, any part of this important region is liable to be affected in the applications em- ployed in the so-called galvanization of the cervical sympathetic. It is partly on account of this difficulty of limiting the action of the current to one or other of these great nerves that we treated them both under the same chapter. When operating on these nerves, exposed and laid bare and isolated, the action of the current can, of course, be limited pretty exclusively to the nerve operated on. The. cervical ganglia of the sympathetic receive the chief attention in all these ob- servations, because they are prominent and accessible and bear a powerful and recognized influence over the cerebral circulation ; but _all the ganglia of the sympathetic are accessible to the electrical influ- ence. Action of Electricity on the Cranial Portion of the Sympathetic.—In 1727 M. Pourfour du Petit discovered that the following symptoms re- sulted from division of the cervical filaments of the sympathetic nerve, viz. : contraction of the pupil, redness and injection of the conjunctiva, and flattening of the cornea; the eyelids approach each other, the SYMPATHETIC AND PNEUMOGASTRIC. 131 nictitating membrane becomes more prominent, the secretion from the mucous surfaces of the eye is increased, and the eyeball is drawn fur- ther into the orbit. In addition to these symptoms, the ears and nostrils also become red and injected, and the head hotter and more sensitive. Claude Bernard observed that not only did all these phenomena dis- appear when the cranial portion of the nerve was submitted to electri- zation, but that quite reverse phenomena appeared. The pupil be- came larger than natural ; the conjunctiva, the ears, and the nostrils be- came quite pale; the eyeball protruded from its orbit; the mucous surfaces became drier, and the head cooler and less sensitive ; but as soon as electrization was discontinued, all the phenomena caused by the section of the nerve again appeared. Electrization of the great sympathetic Jefore it is divided produces almost precisely the same results as after division. It has been ob- served by Weber, that if either the inferior cervical ganglia of the sympathetic nerve or its cardiac branches are submitted to electrization, the action of the heart ts accelerated. Action of Electricity on the Cephalic, Thoracic, and Abdominal Gan- glia.—Section of the sympathetic causes, as we have seen, increase of heat in the ear. Now if the cephalic end of the divided sympathetic is electrified, the increased temperature of the part is lowered ; but if the electric current be passed through the large diameter of the ear, the temperature is further increased. On the other hand, if there has been no division of the sympathetic, and the ear is electrified, the heat in that part is lessened. Valentin found that the galvanization of the superior thoracic gan- glia revived the pulsation of the heart after it had ceased, and increased the frequency of the beats when already in action. Mild galvanization of the splanchnic nerves that arise from the six lower dorsal ganglia of the sympathetic increases, while strong galvanization diminishes, the peristaltic action. Effect of direct Electrization of the Pneumogastric and on the Respi- ration.—MM. Arloing and ‘Tripier have shown that section of the pneumogastric below the medulla oblongata so far modifies its irrita- bility that the action of the heart is not arrested, or but for a short time, by the faradization of the distal end of the cut pneumogastric. The same authors believe that weak faradic currents cause a slight increase in the rapidity of the beats of the heart and elevation of the blood-pressure in the arteries. They found that the right pneumogastric has a more powerful influ 132 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. ence over the heart than the left. Faradization of the peripheral end of the divided pneumogastric causes arrest of the action of the heart. sudden irregularities of its rhythm, and some diminution of pressure. Faradization of the central end causes retarded and diminished pres- sure. According to MM. Arloing and Tripier, faradization of the intact pneumogastric with feeble currents does not accelerate respiration ; fara- dization with medium currents causes sudden inspiration and forced expiration ; faradization with strong and powerful currents causes re- flex coughing and vomiting. The same observers found that the left pneumogastric has a more powerful influence over respiration than the right. The discovery that the right pneumogastric has a greater power over the heart than the left, was made by Masoin, of Belgium, about the same time as it was made by Arloing and Tripier. Masoin found the move- ments of the heart were stopped by the galvanization of the left pneumo- gastric. It was possible to restore the movements by a mechanical ex- citation, such as striking the heart with the finger ; but after the move- ments were stopped by galvanization of the right pneumogastric, it was not possible to restore them in that way. Dr. Brown-Séquard * states that he has found the same differences to exist in men as in animals, judging from experiments made not by electri- city, but by pressing on the nerves near the angle of the jaw. Arrest of Respiration by Galvanization of the Laryngeal and other Branches of the Pneumogastric.—It has been shown by Brown-Séquardt that electrization of the upper or the lower laryngeal nerves causes arrest of the respiration, and Bidder has shown that a reflex spasm of the glottis may be caused in the same way. Electrization of the cesophagus and pharynx may sometimes produce the same effect. If the upper laryngeal nerve is electrized after the chest is opened, the arrest of the respiration does not take place as easily as when the chest is not open. The respiration, when thus arrested, usually re- turns in the course of a quarter or half a minute, whether the electriza- tion is continued or not. The effect of electrizing the pneumogastric on the respiration is modified by two factors—the portion of the nerve that is electrized and the strength of the current. Mild galvanization of the pneumogas- tric in the lower part of the neck may increase the respiratory move- * Archives of Scientific and Practical Medicine January, 1873, p. 92.. + Loc. cit., p. 96. SYMPATHETIC AND PNEUMOGASTRIC. 133 ments ; weak electrization in the upper part of the neck, near the origin of the nerve, may arrest respiration. A mild current may increase the respiration or diminish it, or it may have no effect whatever. A medium current may arrest respiration and cause spasm of the glottis and of the muscles of inspiration. A powerful current may paralyze the diaphragm, and may produce death without the accompanying symptoms of agony.* Coughing.—A prominent effect of electrizing the pneumogastric is coughing. This symptom may be excited by external as well as by internal applications, and by the faradic as well as by the galvanic current. We made our first experiments in this direction in 1867. Dr. Rock- well then observed that the application of either pole of a strong faradic current to the nape of the neck—the other pole being at the feet, or in either hand, or at the pit of the stomach—excited in sensitive patients quite severe attacks of coughing, that lasted so long as the pole remained in position. Most clearly this effect was seen in thin and sensitive pa- tients. It was not necessary to be particular in regard to the position of the pole on the neck in order to excite this symptom ; not only in the cilio-spinal centre, but even when the pole is as low down as the first and second dorsal vertebre, the laryngeal branches of the pneu- mogastric may be so irritated as to induce coughing. This phenomenon we daily observed in the operation of general faradization. The same effect follows the use of strong interrupted gal- vanic currents. According to Donders, the pneumogastric, when acted upon by the galvanic current, conforms to (Pfliiger’s law of contraction; in the region of anelectrotonos its irritability is lessened; in the region of catelectrotonos its irritability is sometimes increased. Action of External Applications of Electricity on the Pneumogastric and Cervical Sympathetic of living uninjured Men.—The experiments above recorded were made chiefly on the exposed nerves of animals, and the applications were made directly to the nerves by one or both poles. Keeping in mind the considerations previously adduced, we proceed to examine into the effect of external applications of electricity on the cervical sympathetic and the pneumogastric of living men in health. In our attempts to solve the problem, we have experimented on a * Archives of Scientifie and Practicrl Medicine, No. 1, 1873, p. 96. Whether these experiments were performed with the faradic or galvanic current is not dis. tinctly stated, * 134 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. large variety of individuals of different ages and by different methods of application. One of the electrodes is placed in the mastoid fossa, and the other over the seventh cervical vertebra, or at the top of the clavicle. Both directions of the current are used. We used in these experiments a zinc carbon, or the Smee’s battery, of from 5 to 30 cells, from 1 to 5 or Io minutes. The general results of our researches may be thus summed up: 1. A slight feeling of drowsiness. This sometimes began to be per- ceptible shortly after the electrodes were applied, increased up to a certain point, and continued for some little time after the séance was over. In many cases it is not observed until the lapse of five or ten minutes after the séance. The feeling, which was by no means con- stant, was usually so slight that it might not have been observed, had we not in our experiments kept closely on the watch for every sensa- tion experienced during or just after the application. Some individuals are amazingly susceptible to this soporific effect of galvanization of the neck. A young lady whom we were treating for facial acne by central galvanization, was frequently put right to sleep within one minute after the application began. Her eyes would close and her head would droop and nod; and when the electrodes were removed she would awake but slowly, and with a vacant look and drowsy feeling, such as we all experience when we are suddenly roused from a nap. This effect followed any surt of application around the neck with either pole and in any direction. On the accepted theory that a state of cerebral anzemia predisposes to sleep, we should reason, @ griori, that electrization of the sympa- thetic ought to induce a feeling of drowsiness, since on some individ- uals it unquestionably diminishes the current of blood in the brain, and experimentally we have found that it does thus induce a slight and temporary disposition to sleep, although this result is probably far less marked than it would be if, without injury to the living subject, the application could be made directly to the ganglia, and this effect is by no means uniform, but varies with the strength of the currents and with the temperament of the individual. 2. A feeling of warmth through the system with sensible perspiration. This was not a constant symptom, though it was oftentimes very decided. To produce sensible perspiration usually requires a strong current and a long application. The extent to which this was felt was manifestly dependent on the strength of the current and the length of the application. It was usually felt but a short time after the séance was completed. We have observed this effect more frequently and SYMPATHETIC AND PNEUMOGASTRIC. 135 more markedly in the susceptible and nervous than in the cold and phlegmatic, and most frequently in more or less pathological cases. 3. A marked effect on the pulse. The pulse was sometimes accele- rated, but more frequently lowered, two, three, four, or more beats. In order to determine the effects of electrization of the sympathetic on the pulse, we made the examinations imniediately before and imme- diately after the applications. Every prec:tution was taken to avoid error, by allowing an interval of rest before the sitting, in order to give time for the subsidence of the pulse to its natural condition from any excitement that it may have received from the exertion of walking or the labor of partially disrobing. In cases of doubt the whole minute was counted, in some instances several times in succession. A patient unaccustomed to the sensation produced by the electric current, or to the modus operandi of its employment, might experience an accelera- tion of the pulse from simple mental excitement, not only prior to or at the commencement of the sitting, but also during or after the appli- cation. Error from this cause was in our cases manifestly impossible, and all the others on whom we experimented with a view to obtain physiological results were so well’ familiarized to the medical employ ment of electricity that they would receive any treatment proposed with cool indifference. In order still further to guard against error, and at the same time to observe the continuance or permanency of the effect of the experiments, we repeated, in some instances, our exami- nations of the pulse at intervals of fifteen minutes or half an hour after the sitting was over. A corroborative evidence that these changes in the pulse were due to the action of the current, and not to mental excitement, is found in the fact that, after an interval of five, ten, or fifteen minutes, the pulse returned to its original condition. These changes in the time of the pulse were also accompanied by perceptible changes in its character, which, if careful sphygmographic observations had been made, might perhaps have been reduced to some general law. Eulenburg and Schmidt found that when the positive pole of from twenty to forty of Daniell’s elements was placed at the manu- brium sterni, and the negative pole in the auriculo-maxillary fossa, the pupil of that side was at first slightly dilated and afterwards con- tracted. These changes in the pupil are by no means uniform in their appearance. In some cases they appear at once after closing the circuit, and in others after the lapse of half a minute or minute, and ‘in others after interruptions. These phenomena are liable to 136 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. many variations, according to the strength, length, and locality of the applications. If an electrode is placed in the auriculo-maxillary fossa of each side, the changes in the pupil occur on both sides, but are more marked on the side on which is the negative pole. The same applica- tion, continued for some time with a strong current, reduced the normal pulse from 4 to 16 beats a minute and the pathological pulse even more, diminished the tension in the carotid and vertebral arteries, and markedly altered their sphygmographic tracings. The.same observers found that galvanization of the spine also diminished the beats of the pulse. Liffect of External Electrization through the neck on the Retinal Circulation.—In order to determine the effect of external applica- tions of electricity through the neck on the retinal circulation, we have made many experiments with the aid of a number of leading ophthal- mologists. These experiments, which have been frequently repeated with dif- ferent individuals, with different strengths of current, and with different batteries, seem to us to demonstrate the following propositions : * 1. Galvanizing or faradizing the region of the cervical sympathetic has a marked temporary influence over the retinal circulation. It may cause contraction of the arteries or dilatation of the veins. 2. The faradic current produces precisely the same effects on the retinal circulation as the galvanic, only more slowly. The physiological difference between the currents in this respect is therefore a difference of degree and not of kind. 3. Mild currents and short applications caused contraction of the blood-vessel of the retina, while strong currents and long applications caused dilatation. Much seemed to depend on the temperament and condition of the individual. What would cause contraction in one would in the other cause dilatation.+ ‘These varying effects correspond with clinical experience. 4. When the patient on whom the experiment is made is in an excited or irritable condition from any cause, or from previous electri- zation, even a mild current will sometimes cause dilatation at once, without any early contraction. * The ophthalmologists who observed the retina in these experiments were Drs, Roosa, Hackley, Loring, _Matthewson, Prout, and Newton, to all of whom we desire to return our acknowledgments. + The opposite and contradictory results obtained by different observers who have studied the effects of chloral, bromide of potassium, etc., on the retinal circulation, may be similarly explained, EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SPHYGMOGRAPH. 137 5. The contraction which takes place is sometimes followed, a few minutes after the close of the séazce, by dilatation which is greater than normal. 6. The dilatation which takes place is sometimes followed by con- traction after the close of the séance. In some of the experiments no effect on the retina could be detected. Impressible and nervous temperaments seem to exhibit changes in the vascular condition of the retina much more readily than cold and phleg- - matic temperaments. The question now arises, Whether these changes in the retinal circu- lation were due to the effect of the current on the sympathetic or on the pneumogastric, or did they take place through the spinal cord or by reflex action ? This question is answered by comparing the results of these experi- ments with the result of experiments made by Duchenne and Prof. Léigeois, of Paris. These gentlemen laid bare the cervical sympathetic in a rabbit, and electrized it with both currents in the same manner that we electrized the necks of the individuals on whom we experimented. The results on the circulation in the rabbit’s ear were in every distinc- tive feature identical with the results on the retina when the galvanic current was passed through the neck of the living human subject. The other effects of galvanizing the region of the cervical sympathetic —disposition to sleep, sweating, increased circulation in the extremities, etc.—seem to confirm these physiological observations. These experiments have been ‘partially confirmed by Onimus, who has shown that the circulation of the retina may be influenced by galvanization of the cervical sympathetic. He observed hyperzemia, but this, as we have shown, is not a constant effect. Experiments with the Sphygmograph—We have made experiments with the sphygmograph, with the assistance of Dr. IL. De Forest Wood- ruff. For assistance in the study of sphygmography we are under obligations to Dr. Roger S. Tracy. A few samples of the observations are repre- sented in the cuts. "No. 1.—Normal pulse. Pe a No. 2—After five minutes’ galvanization of the sympathetic. 138 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. ta: No. 3.—After ten minutes’ galvanization of the sympathetic, No. 5.—After five minutes’ faradization of sympathetic Sef SS ce =~ No. 6.—After nine minutes’ faradization of sympathetic. No. 7.—After twenty minutes’ faradization of sympathetic No. 8.—After fifteen minutes’ general faradization, No. 9.—Five minutes after close of séance of general faradization. From these experiments we derive the following conclusions : 1. Both currents—faradic and galvanic—when applied in such a way as to traverse the region of the neck in which the pneumogastric and cervical ganglia of the sympathetic are situated, markedly affect the pulse. 2. The effect is chiefly shown in abruptness of the systole, and in abruptness of the diastole, and in shortening of the interval between the cardiac impulse and the arterial impulse. In general it may be said that the force of the pulse is increased. Its rapidity may be either increased or diminished, according to the length of the appli- cation and the strength of the current, and analogy would lead us EXPERIMENTS WITH THE SPHYGMOGRAPH. 139 to believe that the effect must widely vary with the individual. The arterial impulse increased probably from the effect on the vaso-motor nerves. 3. The effect of general faradization was to prolong the systole and the interval between the cardiac and the arterial impulse. The ab- ruptness, and the systole that is so marked during and after faradi- zation through the neck, was not observed after general faradization. A calming, soporific influence is very frequently produced by general faradization, and the effect on the pulse harmonizes with this obser- vation. 4. These effects on the pulse gradually pass away, but are distinctly traceable for a number of minutes after the electrodes are removed. The effect of the current thus applied on the circulation is pro- bably a complex resultant of the effect of the electricity on the pnheumogastric, the sympathetic, the depressor and the spinal cord. To differentiate these effects is manifestly impossible. CHAPTER VI. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON THE NERVES OF SPECIAL SENSE. Action of the Galvanic Current on the Optic Nerve.—The galvanic current, when applied to the eye, causes both flashes of light and per- ception of color. If one electrode is placed on the tongue, or on any part of the mucous surface of the mouth or nose, and the other on any part of the surface of the body, the flash is readily perceived. The character of these flashes is variously modified by the strength of the current and the suddenness of the interruption. The tempera- ment of the patient also modifies the reaction, and the effect of the two poles is usually quite different. We have studied this subject with various strengths of current, and on subjects of both sexes differing widely in age and temperament. In one subject—a young man of nervous temperament—the positive pole placed over the eye, with a medium ‘current from ten zinc-carbon cells, caused a white central spot, with a light areola. ‘The white central spot varied in shape between that of a quarter or half toa full moon. When the negative pole was placed over the eye, the central spot appeared of a bluish or purplish color, and the areola was the same as under the positive pole. In both cases the areola seemed to consist of waves of light radiating from the centre toward the periphery. In making these experiments, the pole that is placed over the eye is armed with a soft sponge, and is pressed firmly on the closed lid, while the other is applied at the back of the neck, or is held in the hand of the subject. In another subject, a young physician of good health, and nervo- sanguine temperament, the positive pole from a current of six cells caused a central disk of a pink color, and from this spot violet waves radiated through the areola. The pink disk appeared when the current was closed, the violet areola flashed out when the current was broken. The negative pole produced reactions every way similar. This subject could not bear very strong currents, EXPERIMENTS ON THE EYE. 141 Several other physicians on whom we experimented could not dis- tinguish any central disk, but all could readily see the light areola. The conclusions from the above, and numerous similar experiments made in different individuals, are as follows : 1. A mild as well as a strong galvanic current applied to the eye, and interrupted, causes a flash or glimmer of light to appear. 2. A medium or strong galvanic current causes, in addition to the flash of light, a distinct central spot of varying shape, and both the central spot and the areola may be of various colors, as pink, purple, yellowish, and violet. 3. With some individuals, though not with all, the colors of the central spot and of the areola, and their relative arrangement, appear dif- ferently under the two poles, and also differently at the closing and opening of the circuit. 4. All those reactions, like all other electro-physiological reactions, are variously modified by the temperament of the individual operated on and by the strength of the current. The above conclusions, as will be seen, differ somewhat from those of Helmholtz and others who have studied this subject. The differ- ential action of the ascending and descending currents we have not been able to demonstrate, and see no way of demonstrating. We be- lieve that here, as in so many other electro-physiological and electro- therapeutical procedures, the differential polar action has been con- founded with the differential action of the ascending and descending currents. : Although the above reactions in their full degree can be most con- veniently obtained by placing one electrode over the closed eye, and the other in the hand or at the back of the neck, yet the general re- action of the glimmering flash of light can be obtained by placing one electrode in the vicinity of the eye, or on any part of the face or beard, or in the mouth. In susceptible persons the flash comes from inter- rupted galvanization of the neck or spine. Faradic Current.—The current from the primary or secondary coil of the ordinary faradic machines has little or no perceptible effect on the retina, as we have demonstrated by various experiments. We have found, however, by repeated observations, that the current from the Jong coils of the electro-magnetic machine manufactured by Kidder has a most decided action on the retina. The peculiar construction of the coil of this machine will be described in the chapter devoted to apparatus for electro-therapeutics. It is sufficient here to say that it is composed of three or four or more coils of insulated copper-wire, the 142 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. inward coil being short and thick, and the others gradually increasing in the length of the wires. These coils are not separate’and distinct, as in ordinary machines, but connected, and are, so to speak, sapped at the points of union, so as to obtain a number of currents varying in quantity, tension, and physiological power. It is from the fourth and fifth coils, which are not furnished to the majority of his smaller machines, that we obtain the reaction of the retina that we are now to describe. ‘The reaction is best obtained by placing a medium-sized sponge: electrode, well moistened, over the closed eye, or very near to the eye, while the other electrode is held in the hand or applied to some indifferent point, as the back of the neck, or arms, or feet. With a current of moderate strength thus applied, a circle filled with wavy, undulating light, or whitish spots or figures, appears. It is difficult to convey in language a precise description of this appearance. If snow- flakes could be elongated somewhat, and made to coil about in various directions, they would give a good idea of this reaction. If we look through a window at a thick, driving snow-storm, with large flakes, we can get a not very incorrect notion of the reacticn, as we have over and over again demonstrated on ourselves and others. So far as we have been able to see, bright or variegated colors do not appear, except from the current of the 7th coil. The negative pole gives a stronger reaction than the positive; but not appreciably different in character. This reaction of the fourth coil of this machine is utterly unlike that which is obtained from either pole of the galvanic current. This effect has long been shown by the inventor of this machine, and has been illustrated by him. We were induced to question his assertions until we had first made experiments of our own with the different coils of the machine. The Effect of Electrical Irritation compared with Mechanical Irrita- tion of the Eye.—It is interesting to compare the reaction produced by the galvanic and faradic currents on the retina to the effects of mechanical irritation. We have found by experiment on ourselves that rubbing the eyes when closed, or partially closed, causes various and oftentimes beautiful appearances. Very frequently a central spot. will appear, varying in shape and color, and changing in shape and color during the irritation. All conceivable shapes, and every grade of color, we have seen in this way over and over repeated ; sometimes a mere circle of light shading off into darkness, and again a definite and well-formed object, brilliant in color, standing forth clear and beautiful against the dark background. Forms resembling a bouquet of flowers, or a cluster of stars, or various shapes of crystals, appear with such AUDITORY NERVE. 143 vividness that we love to prolong the experiment. Simple pressure on the side of the eyeball will cause reactions somewhat similar in kind (though less in degree) to those produced by the faradic current. These reactions, however, are not constant; they vary greatly with the individual, and with the same individual at different times. In order to obtain the most beautiful appearances, it is necessary to first look for a moment on bright light, or to have the eyes open in the full sunlight. It would seem that the retina must first become sensitive, by exposure to strong light, before the reactions can appear in their full extent. Action of Electricity on the Auditory Nerve ; Action of the Faradic Current.—The faradic current, when applied to the ear, or in the vicinity of the ear, causes a ringing, or humming, or rumbling sourd, according to the method of application and the strength of the current. These sounds are due, in part, to the susurri of the muscles. Action of the Galvanic Current.—To the galvanic current the audi- tory reacts by certain fixed laws. This normal formula is as follows : Ka § KI, distinct accented sound. Ka D KI >, sound disappearing by degrees. Ka O —, no sensation of sound. An S os 73 £6 An D— “6 77 7 > An O KI, weak and short sound, similar in character to Ka S. In the above formula, Ka = Kathode (negative pole), An = Anode (positive pole), S = closing (schliesung), O = opening (oeffnung), D = duration of current. Pf = whistling sound. Kl =ringing “ Z = hissing ae The sensations with Ka S appear sooner and stronger than with An O. This formula, it will be observed, harmonizes with the law of elec- _trotonos (see p. 111), and Pfliiger’s contraction law—that “a nerve is stimulated by the appearance of catelectrotonos and the disappearance of anelectrotonos ; not, however, by the disappearance of catelectrotonos and the appearance of anelectrotonos. (See p. 116). Although the character of sounds varies with the strength and contin- uance of the current and with the individual, yet in the healthy ear the polar effects never vary. 144 — ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. There is never any sensation of sound with the closing of the anode (An S), except in pathological conditions. The polar effect is therefore the leading effect, and the direction of the current through the auditory nerve appears to have no demonstra- ble influence. The use of the rheostat and the changes in the reactions that are made by interposing the various grades of resistances in the circuit are represented in the following experiments of Brenner : * The experiment was performed on a healthy ear that had been cured a short time before of a catarrh of the middle ear. The number of elements is in Roman, the number of resistances in Arabic. XX 10-80 gave no reaction. XX 260-400 Ka S—Rumbling of XX go-120 Ka S—Buzzing of flies cannon. very short. Ka D—Same > Ka D —— Ka O —— Ka O —— Ans Ans —— An D An D —— An O—Rumbling of An O wagons. XX 130-170 Ka S—Stronger buzz XX 410-550 Ka S—Striking of me- ing. tallic plate. Ka D—Same. Ka D—Same > Ka O —— Ka O —— Ans — Ans — An D —. An D —— An O —— An O—Rumbling. XX 180-250 Ka S—Distant rum- XX 560- Ka S—Sharp ring like bling of wag- a silver table ons. bell. Ka D—Same. Ka D—Same > Ka O —— Ka 0 —— Ans —— AnS —— An D — An D — An O—Buzzing of flies. * Op. cit., Bandi., p. 105. An O-——-Weaker and shorter ring- ing. Erb + gives the following result of experiments on himself: + Archiv Ophthalmology und Otolog. Vol. i., No, 1, p. 246. , » BRENNER’S RESEARCHES. 145 to El Ka S K] —~ Ka D KI > Ka O —— AnS —— An D An O Kl 8 and 6 El KaS Kl Ka D ——.- Ka O ——- An S — An D —— An O ae On another patient,* 50 years of age, he obtained the following 1e- ‘action with accompanying symptoms of pain and facial contortions : 8 El Ka S—Clear whistling, stinging pain and facial contortions. Ka D—Gradually disappeared. Ka O—No sensation. An S—Violent pain. An D—Pain remains. An O—Short and weak whistling; slight facial convulsions with 1o E]; the same formula gave still louder sensations of sound, but the accompanying pain was very severe. Brenner + gives the following reaction in a healthy man : Ka 5—Rumbling of cannon. Ka D— ‘“ ‘ Ka O —— AS — AD AO—Rumbling of wagons. Same patient treated by a stronger current. Ka S—Sharp ringing. KaD— “ 6c Ka O —— AS — AD [ing. AO--Weaker and shorter ring- The variations of the tone with the difference of the current are rep- resented in the following experiment of Brenner : } With the Cathode closing. XX 10 KaS K. 20 KaS K. 30 KaSK. 4o KaS K’. so KaS K’. 60 KaS K’. yo Ka S K”. 80 Ka S K”. With Anode opening. (An O.) XX 30AO0 K. 40A0OK, 5s0AOK, 6oA OK. Fo AO K., 80 AO K’ go AO K’. 100 A K’, These Reactions produced directly and not by Reflex Action.—We * Loc. cit., p. 250, 10 + Op. cit., Band i., p. 106. $ Loc. cit.,. p, 110, 146 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. thoroughly agree with Brenner and Erb that these reactions of the audi- tory nerve are obtained by the direct action of the current on the nerve, and not by refex action through the trigeminus. This view is proved by the general fact of the conductibility of the tissues of the brain (see chapter on that subject), by the fact that even when the trigeminus is paralyzed the reaction may yet occur,* and by the fact that when the , electrode is placed in a condition favorable for the entrance of the “current into the ear, the reaction is more decided than when the elec- trode is placed in a condition favorable for the excitement of the trige- minus, but unfavorable for the direct entrance of the current, as has been conclusively shown by Erb} and by ourselves.[ We have removed the pole from the ¢ragus to the malar bone and the cheek, both of which points are highly favorable for the excitation of the trigeminus, and have found that with removal the reaction diminished or disappeared. In order to obtain that normal formula, the following conditions are necessary :— 1. Convenient galvanic apparatus. A very powerful galvanic battery is not needed. The range of éle- ments to which the auditory nerve sensibly reacts is between 2 to 30. In some cases quite strong currents are necessary. The galvanic batteries and electrodes described in this work are: adapted for these investiga- tions. There should bea current reverser ; and a rheostat, though not exactly indispensable, is yet very convenient. 2. A right method of application, and practice in using it. On the whole, the best method of application to produce these reac- tions is the external arrangement, in which one pole is firmly pressed on the tragus (the ear external auditory canal having been previously filled with warm salt water), while the other is held in or fastened on the hand on the opposite side. Any convenient electrodes may be used for these purposes. So long as the pole whose specific effect we desire to produce is on the right place in the ear or on the tragus, the position of the other electrode is not absolutely essential, provided it is somewhere on the opposite side, so as to allow the current to pass through the auditory nerve. It is difficult or impossible to get the reaction while the pole is on the mastoid process of the same side. It * Vide Moos’ case, above quoted in Archiv Ophth, und Otol., vol. i, No. 2, p. 482. ¢ Archiv Ophth. und Otol., vol. i, No. 1., p. 261 et seq. } For a detailed discussion of this subject, see Brenner’s work, Band i., 1 Abth., P. 94, et seq. ; ACTION ON AUDITORY NERVE. 147 has been shown that when both poles are placed in the auditory canal, ‘by means of a double electrode, the auditory nerve reacts to the nearer pole. : A number of intelligent and practised patients with both healthy ana diseased ears. The advantages of intelligence on the part of a patient are obvious ; just as in investigating electro-muscular sensibility, it is necessary to depend entirely on the statements of the patient for our information. Even the strong-minded and intelligent are sometimes so distressed by the pain produced by the applications, or so distracted by the sensa- tions of dizziness, and the contractions of the facial muscles, that they are unable to rightly interpret their subjective sensations in the ear. It is necessary that the experiments should be made on a number of patients, in order to obtain the variety of reactions above described. It is best also to make the first experiment on patients who have diseased ears, for it is as true of the auditory as of the nasal passages that they sometimes become less sensitive when diseased. This is to be explained partly by the manipulations and treatment to which such patients become accustomed, and partly by the fact that the morbid process itself produces callousness of the parts. The operator should proceed calmly and with self-command. After the patient is in position, with his head inclined on the back of the chair or lounge, and one of the electrodes fastened to or held in the hand opposite the ear to be experimented on, a little warm salt water should be dropped in (which can be very conveniently done by squeez- ing the small quantity necessary to fill the external auditory canal from a small sponge or from a teaspoon or funnel-shaped glass *) and the other electrode firmly pressed on the tragus. It is well to begin with a small number of elements, and gradually increase until a reaction is obtained. The reaction will usually appear when the current is strong enough to produce contractions of the facial muscles. The patient should all the time be continually and repeatedly questioned in regard to the sensations experienced, especially if he is unaccustomed to the. treatment, for at first he may be so distracted dy the flashes of light before the eyes, the contractions of the facial muscles, the nausea, the metallic taste, and the noise of the water in the ear, and especially by the pain, that he may be unable at first to distinguish the true character of the reaction. * It is well to place a towel about the neck, just as when syringing the ear, so as to avoid wetting the collar or other clothing of the patient. 148 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. If the battery is provided with a commutator, for increasing and diminishing the number of elements brought into requisition, a current reverser tor changing the direction of the current without removing the poles, and a rheostat for introducing resistances into the circuit, the labor of the operator will be materially lightened ; dut such appliances . are not indispensable, + The operator should remember that the reactions are modified by the experiment itself. (@.) Ka.S is most effectual after An.S. Therefore the use of voltaic alternatives is of service. (4.) The excitability of the nerve is increased by long closure of cath- ode (Ka.S.). (c.) The excitement of An.O. increases with the strength of the cur- rent and the length of closure. . It should be remembered also that Ka.S. is stronger and quicker than An.O. a Judging from our own researches in this department these three lead- ing statements of Brenner—that the auditory nerve reacts to the wearest electrode in a regular manner, that in health sounds of some kind are produced at the closing and in the duration of the cathode, and that in pathological cases a part of the normal formula is more or less changed —are capable of sufficient and easy demonstration to those who are thoroughly familiar with electro-therapeutical experimentation. On the other hand, some of the special features of Brenner's system offer difficulties in the way of their successful and uniform demonstra- tion that can only be overcome by careful practice in this special de- partment. . To catch the sounds which in health are heard at the open- , ing of the anode ; to distinguish between the noise caused by the agita- tion of the water in the ear, and the subjective sounds that are so fre- quently the symptoms of disease of the auditory apparatus and the genu- ine reaction of the auditory nerve; to obtain the complete normal formula in health, and to satisfactorily discriminate between the various abnormal reactions of disease—the first attempt to fully corroborate all ‘the assertions in these particulars will usually result in complete or par- tial failure, especially to those who are unfamiliar with the use of gal- vanic apparatus. Degrees of SIrritability.—Brenner distinguishes three different de- grees of irritability of the auditory nerve, according to the number of elements that it takes to excite the reaction. The degrees of irritability may be changed during the sitting by the effect of the current on the nerve, and especially by the voltaic alternatives. Thus, if at the beginning of the sitting the nerve reacted to 16 ele- OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. "149 ments, but to no number less than that, these 16 elements would repre sent the primary irritability of that nerve. If by various alternations of the current the nerve is brought into a condition that it reacts to 12 elements, these 12 elements represent-the secondary irritability of that nerve. If, by still further excitation, the nerve is made to react to ro ele- ments, these 10 elements represent the ¢ertiary excitability of that nerve. In opposition to the above conclusions Dr. Wreden, of' St. Peters- burg, has made a number of experiments which seem to him to establish that the sounds heard during galvanization of the ear are due not to the reaction of the auditory nerve, but to the contraction of the small muscles of the middle ear. In his experiments he electrized the Eusta- chian tube, through the catheter, and also the middle ear, by means of small, delicate, and finely graduated sounds insulated to their points. He believes that by this method he causes contraction of the ¢ensor tympani and of the stapedius, through irritation of the fifth and seventh nerves.* Wreden asserts that during electrization by these methods the mem- brana tympani is retracted, and believes that this retraction is caused by the contraction of the muscles. This, however, has been denied by . Poorten. To settle this question, Léwenberg devised a manometer, which consists in a bit of cork or rubber fitted into the external meatus hermetically, and receiving hermetically a capillary glass tube which contains a drop of colored liquid. The external meatus is filled with water, which is connected with one of the poles of a faradic machine, while the other is applied to the skin by a sponge or through the Eusta- chian tube. When the membrana tympani is retracted by the action of the current, the drop of colored water indicates this retraction by falling, when it is pushed outward, by rising. Admitting to the full all that has been claimed by Wreden and Low- enberg, we do not see that it proves that the supposed complex reac- tions of the auditory nerve to electricity are nothing more than muscu- lar contractions. Admitting that in some cases where the membrana tympani is gone, the reactions are not obtained, still the following con- siderations are, to our mind, convincing : 1. The reactions of the galvanic current, when applied to the ear, are frequently similar to some of the sounds of tinnitus aurium. They are sometimes so much alike that they cannot be distinguished. * A résumé of this subject is presented in Dr. Roosa’s work on Diseases of the Ear, pp. 493-495- 150 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. 2 The differential polar effects of the galvanic current on the ear, wnich are very easy of demonstration, cannot be explained by any theory of muscular contraction. 3: Some of the reactions are produced by the steady action of the galvanic current, without any interruption, and with a strength not suffi- cient to produce muscular contraction; while it is true that certain .Teactions in some cases require strong and interrupted currents, it is not true of all of them. . 4. A reaction of the auditory nerve similar to some forms of tinnitus can be obtained in some sensitive cases, not only by galvanization of the ear, but of the other parts of the head, and even the trunk. We have had a patient who complained every. time we galvanized the spine that buzzing, hissing sounds were excited in his ear. Simi- lar sounds are produced by galvanization of the ear. The effect in this case was probably reflex. All these considerations convince us that the variety of sounds pro- duced by galvanization of the. ear is due to the excitation of the au- ditory nerve, and that this excitation may be both direct and reflex. We are fully aware, however, that for the present this fact has a greater interest for the electro-physiologist than for the electro-therapeutist. Olfactory Nerve.—We have observed in frequent experimenting on . ourselves that the negative pole of a strong galvanic current applied to the Schneiderian membrane caused, in certain sensitive localities, an odor muchresembling sulphurettedhydrogen. The odor observed in the neigh- borhood of docks will perhaps suggest the peculiar character of this re- action more than any formal description. This reaction is obtained only when a powerful current is used. It is obtained at the opening of the circuit, while the circuit is closed and for some little time after the circuit is opened. We have found that this peculiar reaction varies much with the individual, and with the same individual at different times. A sen- sitive, or even an ulcerated condition of the mucous membrane would seem to form it. Although we are frequently treating cases of rhinitis (nasal catarrh) by internal galvanization with metallic electrodes, yet our patients never speak of this peculiar odor. The mucous membrane of the nasal passages is very sensitive, and in: ordinary therapeutical applications only gentle currents will be borne, whereas this reaction of the olfactory nerves demands powerful and painful currents. The differential reaction of the positive and the negative pole of the ascending and descending currents that were long ago claimed by Rit- ter, we have not been able toconfirm. ‘Ihe phenomenon of sneezing, or 3 disposition to sneeze, of which Ritter spoke, is due, not to any reac- ACTION ON THE GUSTATORY NERVE, ISI tion of the olfactory nerve, but to the mechanical irritation of the sen- sory nerves by the electrode. Sneezing, as all aurists know, is called forth by a single introduction of the Eustachian catheter, and we observe it continually in introducing the nasal electrode. It is observed most, however, just as the electrode is being inserted ; and when the current is running, the symptom does not usually annoy us. The action of a gentle current on the sensory nerves of the nasal passages seems rather to have a sedative effect, and in a measure counteracts the tendency to sneeze that is excited by the mechanical irritation of the electrode. Schénbein suggests that the peculiar smell experienced from the pas- sage of the electric current through the olfactory nerve is caused by ozone that is generated. This peculiar odor, observed in powerful galvanization of the nasal passage, is unquestionably due to the reaction of the nerve to the elec- trical stimulus, and corresponds to the effects produced by the same agent on the nerves of seeing, hearing, and tasting. Franklinic electricity, electro-magnetism, magneto-electricity, are unable, in any-strength that can be endured by a person in health, to excite the peculiar reaction of the olfactory nerve. ‘ Action of Electricity on the Gustatory Nerve—Action of the Galvanic Current.—In 1754, long before the discovery of galvanism, it was noticed by M. Sulzer that lead and silver, when connected and then brought in contact with the tongue, gave rise to a peculiar taste similar to that produced by vitriol of iron. If we apply a piece of zinc to the upper, and one of silver to the lower part of the tongue, a powerful acid taste will be experienced under the zinc plate, and a slight alkaline taste under the silver plate. These sensations are perceived as long as the circuit is closed; but if the plate or the tongue be warmer or colder than natural, or very much benumbed by acids or other irritating substances, very little, if any, sensation is produced. If the tension of the current be much increased, by using several pairs, the tongue be- comes convulsed and a flash of light is perceived. When neither of the electrodes touches the tongue, a metallic instead ‘of an acid or alkaline taste is produced. . The peculiar reaction of the gustatory nerve to the current is gen- erally described by those on whom we have experimented as “ cop- pery,” or “sour,” or ‘‘metallic,” or “ bitter.” Sour or coppery are, we believe, the designations most frequently employed by those persons who experience the sensation for the first time, and who have no theories in the matter to prove or disprove, and who therefore are likely to give their real impressions. If we ask them whether they have x 152 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. a taste in the mouth while the current is passing, they usually reply that the taste is sour or ‘‘ coppery,” and sometimes they may call it “ bitter.” If we ask them whether the taste is ‘‘ metallic,” they usually reply in the affirmative. Our observations on this subject have been very numer- ous, and they have been made with both currents. It is not necessary to send the galvanic current through the tongue or through the chorda tympani nerve, or through the face even; for galvanization of the neck “in the anterior and posterior regions, and of the head in almost any direction, and of the spine—the lower as well as the upper region—will be felt in the gustatory nerve. This metallic taste is felt almost as soon as the galvanic current is closed, grows stronger while the current runs up to a certain point, and is sometimes felt for several minutes after the electrodes are removed. In some temperaments on which we have experimented, the metallic taste remains on the tongue for several hours, and even all day, and longer. : In susceptible temperaments the faradic current produces in a less degree this metallic, taste, and that, too, not only when applied to the tongue, but also the head, neck, and spine. In the operations of cen- tral galvanization this reaction of the gustatory nerve becomes of con- siderable value in showing us that the current is passing as we wish it, and that the patient is receiving all that is well for him. The gustatory reaction thus answers the purpose of a galvanometer, showing that. the current is passing, and to a certain degree regulating the dose. There is little doubt that this metallic taste, caused by electrization, 1s due to a peculiar excitation of the properties of the gustatory nerves | by. the stimulus of the current. The theory that it might be of an electrolytic character, and therefore explained by the products of decomposition at the poles—acid at the positive, and alkalies at the negative—Rosenthal, by a variety of ex- periments, has shown to be untenable. CHAPTER VIJ. ACTION OF ELECTRICITY ON MOTOR AND SENSORY NERVES AND VOLUNTARY MUSCLES. Irritability of nerves and muscles is that property by virtue of which they conduct the natural stimulus of the body, or external apr eNO, or respond to artificial stimulation. Nerves and muscles are called irritable so long as they retain this property. Irritability of the nerves is a property inherent in them. No other tissue except nerve tissue possesses this property. During life nerves and muscles manifest their irritability by fulfilling all the natural functions that belong to them; it is this property that _ enables them to conduct that mysterious vital agent, which, in lieu of definite knowledge, we are obliged to call nerve force. This nerve force, which is peculiar to living beings, may possibly be correlative to the other forces of nature —light, heat, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation—but the theory that it is identical with electricity is, as will be seen, untenable. Lrritability, how long Retained after Death.—The irritability of nerves and muscles. begins to diminish after death, and sooner or later disap- pears. It disappears much sooner in cold-blooded than in warm- blooded animals. In warm-blooded animals, as the rabbit and the dog, the muscular current may disappear in half or three-quarters of an hour. In the limb of a frog that has been properly protected and under a cool tem- perature, it may remain for two, three, or even four weeks. It is on account of this persistence of irritability in frogs that they are so fre- quently chosen in electro-physiological experiments. Irritability also varies with the temperature. It lasts longer in cold than in warm weather, and under extreme heat it remains but a short time. The local application of poisons and powerful chemical substances, as extract of opium, acetates of strychnine, morphine, creasote, nitrate of silver, mineral acids, rapidly destroys the irritability. How Muscular Contractions are Produced.—There are, then, two 154 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. ; ways by which the muscles can be made to contract under electricity : (x) by acting on the motor nerves, and (2) by acting on the muscles themselves. There is, however, this interesting and important differ- ence in the effect of electrizing the motor nerves and the muscles, that when the fornier are electrized all the muscles supplied by them con- tract, and when the muscles are electrized, only that muscle to which the electrodes are applied, or that part of the muscle between the “electrodes, will contract. When direct applications to the muscle are made, the best contractions are produced by putting one electrode at each end. The muscular contractions produced by directly fara- dizing the muscle are due to the excitation of the muscle, and also of the intra-muscular nerve-fibres. The most powerful muscular contrac- tions are produced by placing one electrode on the muscle, and the other at the point where the motor nerve that supplies it is most super- ‘ficial. Differential Action of Positive and Negative Pole in Producing Con- tractions.—Not only is there a difference in the degree in the opening and closing contractions of the faradic current, but there is also a dif- ference in the action of the poles in producing contractions. When the interruptions are rapid, as in the majority of machines, the muscle does not have time to go through all the process of lengthening and shorten- ing with each movement of the current to and fro, and consequently it is kept in the state of tonic contraction above described. If, now, one pole be placed on some indifferent point, while the other pole is placed over the nerve to be acted on, it will be found that the zega- tive pole produces stronger contractions than the positive. This experiment is easily made, and it is not difficult to demonstrate on one’s self that this stronger action of the negative pole in producing mus- cular contraction is entirely independent of the direction of the current —is, in short, a polar effect. We have already seen that on sensory nerves the negative pole is more powerfully felt than the positive. Stmple Fluctuation in Strength of Current sufficient to Produce Con- traction.—In order to produce muscular contractions, it is not necessary that the current should be opened or closed. A moderate variation in the strength of the current—such as is obtained by adding one or more cells, or by uniting another and independent current in the circuit, or by taking off some portion of the current from the circuit—will cause muscular contractions. The contractions produced in this way are, however, less vigorous than those produced in closing and opening the circuit. It is to be observed, also, that the vigor of the contractions is proportioned to the suddenness of the closing or opening the circuit. MOTOR AND SENSORY NERVES, ETC. 155 This point is frequently forced upon our observation in the treatment of paralysis. If the electrodes are armed with large sponges, and are slowly applied over the muscle, with gradually increasing pressure, scarcely any contraction, or at least only a feeble one, is produced ; but if the interruption be made in the metallic part of the circuit—in the electrode by an interrupter, or in the battery—the contraction with the same current will be very energetic. By referring to Electro-Physics (p. 63), it will be seen that the law of muscular contraction under electrization follows the laws of current- induction. Both contraction and induction occur when a change is made in the strength of the current by closing, opening, increasing, or diminishing. Muscular Contractions more Vigorous when a great length of the Nerve is Galvanized.—The muscular contraction caused by galvaniza- tion is greater when a large than when a small extent of the nerve is included between the electrodes. It is not a difficult matter to demon- strate this fact.. The experiment can be made on nerves of rabbits, dogs, frogs, or other animals. Nerves of Living Man.—Our previous remarks have been applied to the reaction of the nerves of animals in a condition not purely physio- logical. When the ga/vanic current is applied to a living and healthy motor nerve in a healthy man, contraction takes place only on closing the circuit. This fact is constant with either pole and any direction of the current. The negative pole applied to the nerve produces stronger contraction than the positive. At the opening of the current there is no contraction. When the nerve is separated from the body, or injured, or fatigued in any way, the phenomena already described appear. The first symptom of fatigue is contraction both at the opening and closing of the current. When the nerve becomes more exhausted the contrac- tions are produced on closing and opening the inverse current; and when the exhaustion is still greater, contraction is obtained only on making the direct current. Action of the Faradic Current.—The faradic current, when rapidly interrupted, as in most of the faradic machines, and applied to the motor nerves, keeps up a tonic contraction of the muscle supplied by these. This contraction is maintained so long as the current runs. If a contrivance for making s/ow inductions be connected with the faradic machine, then the contraction ‘of the muscles corresponds to the opening and closing of the current, and the opening contraction is stronger than the closing. When the current of the secondary wire is closed by placing the 156 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. electrodes on the skin, the current of the primary cqil (extra-current) exercises a retarding influence on the secondary current, and then the closing contraction is rendered more gradual and gentle from nothing to the maximum. When the current of the secondary coil is opened, the current of the primary coil (extra-current) does not exist (see Electro-Physics, p. 64), , and consequently the current of the secondary coil is not retarded and goes rapidly from its maximum to nothing. Differential Action of Primary and Secondary Coils.—Duchenne has stated with a measure of truth that the current of the primary. coil (ex- tra-current) of his apparatus has a more powerful effect on the sensi- bility and contractility of the organs beneath the skin, while the current of the secondary coil acts more powerfully on the retina and on the skin. The primary coil is composed of thick, short wire. The secondary coil is composed of long and thin wire with many windings. The differential action of the primary and secondary currents on the skin, muscles, and optic nerve is due to these two causes : 1. The primary current, circulating through a short thick wire, has less tension than the secondary current that circulates through a long thin wire, because tension is developed only in the presence of resist- ance. Since, now, the skin offers greater resistance than the muscles, the secondary current, by virtue of its greater tension, is able to pene- trate it, and also to penetrate the brain and affect the optic nerve. But the primary current, having less tension, passes through the skin, circulating in it but slightly, and goes to the muscles beneath, which are good conductors, and on these it spends its force. In other words, a current of low tension selects the best conductors, avoiding the poor conductors so far as is possible, while the current of high tension traverses also poor conductors. 2. The primary current moves in one direction, and has a mild elec- trolytic power, while the secondary current moves to and fro so rapidly that it cannot perform electrolysis. Action of the Galvanic Current.—The interrupted galvanic current of moderate strength, if applied to a motor nerve, causes all the mus- cles supplied by that nerve to contract. If the current be interrupted slowly, the contractions will be clonic, if rapidly interrupted, the contractions will be sonic. The violent contrac- tions that occur at the moment of closing and opening the circuit of an intense current. may be avoided if we begin with an extremely mild current and slowly and gradually increase its tension. By this method . VOLUNTARY MUSCLES. 157 Ritter was enabled to pass through his own person, without experienc- ing either the closing or opening shock, the enormous current gener- ated from a battery of two hundred elements. Galvano-tonic Contractions—When very powerful currents are applied continuously to the nerves, tonic contractions are produced dur- ing the whole time that the circuit is closed. Contractions thus pro- duced were called by Remak galvano-tonic contractions. They are called galvano-toni¢ contractions to distinguish them from the clonic contractions produced by the faradic current. When the galvanic cur- rent is applied continuously to the surface of the body, by means of moist sponges, the galvano-tonic contractions increase in vigor, up to a certain point, the longer the electrddes are kept in position. This phenomenon is explained mainly by the fact that the skin becomes more moist as well as hypersemic (p.121) by the effect of the current, and thus becomes a better conductor for the electricity. With the faradic current this increase of effect is not so observable. The current required to produce galvano-tonic contractions is quite powerful and painful. The strength of current required will depend on the position of the nerve acted on, the length of nerve included between the elec- trodes, and the individual experimented on. Tonic Contractions in Antagonistic Muscles.—Remak states that when galvanic currents of great power are used, certain nervous /onic con- tractions appear in antagonistic muscles. ‘Thus, for example, when the median nerve is subjected to the continuous action of a powerful galvanic current, contractions appear in the common extension of the same arm, so that the fingers are raised. It is probable that this phe- nomenon is due to reflex action. Lifect of the Will in opposing and aiding Contractions produced by Electricity—The contractions produced by electricity can be materially aided or opposed by effort of the will of the person operated on. Ifa person whose muscles are being electrized concentrate his mind on the muscle that is subjected to the influence of the current, and simultane- ously with the closing of the circuit, wills to contract the muscle, the contraction will be more vigorous and complete than when the elec- tricity is not so aided. The will co-operates with the electricity, and the two agents reinforce each other, and thus accomplish more than would be possible for either alone. This can be very conveniently demon- strated on the communis extensor of the forearm. In electro-therapeu- tics this co-operation of the force of will and electricity becomes of great practical value. It has long been known that paralytic patients of all kinds, even those of a cerebral chronic incurable character, can be 158 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. greatly benefited by slightly concentrating the mind on the parts to be moved, as the fingers or toes, and resolutely willing to move them. In practice it has been found that such treatment is of positive and permanent service. The combination of the force of will with electricity is very much more efficacious than either when used alone. When a muscle becomes _so diseased that the will is powerless to remove it, the electricity may contract it with ease. Where electricity alone causes feeble or imperfect contraction, electricity, co-operating with the will, may make the contraction vigorous and complete. In order to make experiments of this kind fully successful, it is necessary that the will and force should be concentrated simultaneously with the closing of the circuit; and yet experience shows that the effect of the electrization, if not too long continued, isto give tone of the muscle, so that it responds more readily to the will for several minutes, or even hours, after being sub- jected to the electrization. This is especially observed in muscles that are in a condition of paresis.. In all these experiments much depends on the organic energy and grit of the patient. Cozversely, it is found that by an effort of wil the contraction of muscles induced by electri- city can be within a certain limit, successfully opposed. The experi- ment can be made on the communis extensor of the forearm without difficulty. A feeble current will cause this muscle to contract so as to bring up the hand and fingers; by an effort of the will this can be resisted so that the hand remains on a level, or nearly so. When very strong currents are used the will is completely overborne, and has no effect whatever. Lxtent of Shortening of Muscle during a Contraction.—In the process of contraction muscles shorten in proportion to their length. The greatest possible shortening is obtained during tetanic or continuous contraction, and not during a momentary contraction. The maximum of shortening is reached, not suddenly, but gradually, and it does not long remain at the maximum even when the electrization is continued, but begins to lengthen at first rapidly and then more slowly. The greatest amount of shortening possible to a muscle is ¢hree-quar- ters or two-thirds of its length. In contraction the muscle becomes a little smaller in bulk. The cause of this is not fully understood.* Immediate Strengthening or Restorative Effect of Electrization on * Electro-Physiology and Electro-Therapeutics, By C. E, Morgan, M.D. New York, 1868, p. 573. ‘ VOLUNTARY MUSCLES. 159 Voluntary Muscles.—One very interesting effect of electrization on voluntary muscles is to increase their power of doing work. This effect, which is called by Heidenhain and Remak restorative, can be demon- strated in various ways. The capacity of walking, in cases of paralysis of the lower limbs, is sometimes increased at once after electrization ; the patient steps across the floor easier and-more firmly and rapidly, and can walk further; or he can raise his leg higher and with less difficulty. In one case of paralysis of the tibialis anticus muscle there was no response to the will until a current of medium strength had been applied, when it contracted without much difficulty. Dr. Poore * found, on placing a weight of 17 oz. in the hand of a man holding his arm out at right angles with his body, that in four minutes the pain was so great that he could not go on; applying now a mild current through the nerves of the arm, the strength returned. Another man could hold out his arm 134 minutes when the current was applied, but only 6 minutes without the current. The dynamometer is a good means of studying this subject. In one case Dr. Poore found that eight successive squeezes of the dynamome- ter with electrization gave 477 lbs. ; without electrization, 388 Ibs.; a difference of 89 lbs. In another experiment made, when the hand was not tired by previous experimenting, the difference was even more marked, being a gain of 152 in six squeezes of the dynamometer. Effect of Fatigue of Muscles on the Contractility. --When a striped muscle becomes very much weakened or fatigued it behaves under elec- trization much like the smooth muscle. Dr. Beard has demonstrated this fact on dying rabbits and dogs. Beginning the electrization just as they are cut open, the striped muscles react vigorously and normally to the current; but as the animal dies the character of the contraction changes, becoming slower and more deliberate. If, now, the current be rapidly interrupted, no contraction occurs, for there is not time for the muscle to respond. If, now, weak currents are used, the muscle contracts very much after the manner of unstriped muscle—that is, with a slow drawing rather than a rapid and vigorous action. Effect of Muscular Tension and Relaxation on Muscular Contrac- tion.—Dr. Wm. R. Fisher, of New York, has called attention to the fact that muscles contract more easily when somewhat relaxed than when in a tense condition. This experiment can be tried very easily on the common extensor of the forearm or on the peronei muscles of the leg. The fact is of practical importance in the treatment of paralysis. The Practitioner, Jan., 1873. 160 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. Ziemssen,* on experimenting with unpolarizable electrodes, and gradually increasing the strength by the acid of the rheostat, obtained the following results: 1. With the weakest current that caused muscular contraction there was opening contraction at the cathode. 2. With a current a little stronger there was strong closing contrac- tion at the negative pole, and weak opening contraction at the positive. 3. With still stronger current theré was also weak contraction at the opening of the positive pole. , 4. With still stronger currents there was @ tonic contraction at the nega- tive pole, continuing for some time after the contraction at the closing. 5. With a much stronger current the tonic contraction was more vigorous; the other contractions are also increased in strength, and there appeared a contraction at the opening of the negative pole. 6. With the strongest current that can be borne, all the other contrac- tions were increased in strength, and there appeared, besides, moderate tonic contractions at the positive pole. The above results can be verified only when unpolarizable electrodes are used, for with ordinary electrodes the pain would be far too great to be endured. The opening and closing of the current must be made in the metallic part of the connection, in order to give it the greatest possible suddenness. ‘Ziemssen suggests for these experiments the median and ulnar nerves at a point a little above the wrist. At this point the epidermis is quite thin and the nerves superficial. Judging from our observations, it is impossible to reduce this subject to a rigid mathematical law. The words “strong” and ‘ weak,” as applied to currents, are quite indefinite, and the irritability of nerves varies in dif- ferent individuals at different times. It is for these reasons that observ- ers differ in the results of their experiments. Lilectro-muscular Contractility and Electro-muscular Sensibility.— The susceptibility of the muscle to contract under the influence of the electric current is called electro-muscular contractility. The sensation that accompanies this contraction of the muscles under the electric influence is called electro-muscular sensibility. Electro-muscular con- tractility and electro-muscular sensibility vary in different individuals, and in different parts of the body. They are greatly modified by dis- ease. ‘This fact is of great importance in diagnosis of paralytic affec- tions. In using the terms electro-muscular sensibility and electro-muscular contractility, we do not wish to convey the idea that they represent any . * Op, cit., p. 80, ELECTRO-MUSCULAR CONTRACTILITY. 161 special nerve-functions, but rather that the general sensibility of the nerves, and the general contractile power of the muscles may be excited by the application of electricity. The question, whether there is any special sense of muscular contractility, aside from the general sensibility of the nerves, of the muscle, of the tissues that surround it, and of the bones and cartilages with which it is connected, is one that we are dis- posed to answer in the negative. There appear to be hysterical cases, where the consciousness of muscular contractility under the electric current remains, while the skin is almost perfectly anesthetic ; and there are certainly cases where the muscles respond to the will, but do not respond to electricity. Practically, therefore, the terms electro-muscular sensibility and contractility, especially the latter, with its subdivisions into. farado- and galvano-contractility, are of great value in electro- physiology and therapeutics, and it appears to us are perfectly legitimate. The manifestations of the electro-muscular contractility and sensibility of the muscles in the different parts of the body are modified, first, by the anatomical position of the muscles; secondly, by the quantity and distribution of the sensitive nerves ; and thirdly, by the thickness of the skin and adipose tissue. The muscles of the face, the platysma myoides and sterno-cleido- mastoid are, in health, very sensitive to the electric influence. Next in order of sensitiveness to the electric current are the anterior muscles of the forearm and of the inner side of the thigh. On the other hand, the muscles of the back possess a much less degree of electro-muscular contractility and sensibility, and the posterior muscles of the forearm, and posterior and other muscles of the thigh are much less susceptible to the electric influence than those of the anterior and inner portions of these limbs. In corpulent patients it is more difficult to affect the mus- cles, because adipose tissue is comparatively a poor conductor. In women and children the adipose tissue is relatively more abundant than in males and adults. Increase of Temperature after Muscular Contraction.—It has been ascertained by careful experiments, that an increase of temperature results from muscular contractions produced by the electric current. Increase of temperature in the muscles of paralyzed limbs, after elec- trization, is frequently perceptible to the touch of the operator, and the sensations of the patient. We have repeatedly demonstrated the same results from faradization of the aims, the legs, the face, and, indeed, all parts of the body. In very many cases this increase of temperature is so marked as to be powerfully appreciated by the patient, and entirely perceptible to the hand of the operator. General faradization causes Ir 162 ELECTRO-PHYSIOLOGY. more or less elevation of the temperature of the body. This is demonstrated by the sensations of the patient,* and by the thermom- eter, It has been shown by Brown-Séquard and Lombard that excitation of the nerves of the skin causes an increase of temperature in the limb. + The development of heat is not aided by increasing the strength of the current above the degree necessary to produce a full contrac- tion. It has been demonstrated that, in patients afflicted with trau- matic tetanus, there is a great increase of temperature that remains for some time after death. Investigations on the effect of muscular contraction on temperature should be made by delicate surface thermometers. Sume of the super- ficial muscles of the forearm offer a good surface for this- experiment. The thermometer must be kept firmly and uniformly pressed on the skin, and the modifying effect of currents of cold air should be guarded against. The thermometer should be kept z situ about fifteen minutes before beginning electrization, so as to get accurately the normal tem- perature. Then the nerve that supplies the muscle or muscles to be tested should be faradized. The following investigation is from Ziemssen.{ The patient was a strong man, ‘who was suffering from complete paralysis of the extensor muscles of the hand and finger from nerve injury. This fact accounts for the low temperature before faradization. Temperature on the forearm, between the extensor digit. comm. and exten. carp. radi. brev. : The skin uncovered...............005 contests 34.7° Cent. After 4 minutes’ faradization through the radial nerve : At Opening OF CUITENt i i.icaucinanieaamteairens aoe 34.8 I minute after opening the current............... 35-3 5 minutes ‘ss (C eaeiewanwna eae 35-7 Io es s CO ates eR AROS 35-35 12 es “ saa Gaeaa enews 35:3 In the 13th minute faradization was renewed for 1 minute: Temperature at opening the current.......... we B47 I minute after opening the current.............. 35-1 4 minutes . EE steheechaisel gua vaise Suara 35°45 * Electricitdt in der Medecin, 1866, p. 29. } Archives de Physiologie, November and December, 1868. _¢ Op. cit., p. go. INCREASE OF TEMPERATURE AFTER FARADIZATION, 163 In the 6th minute faradization was renewed for 1 minute: Temperature at opening the current............. 35.1 1 minute after opening the current....... aretxartata 35-3 5 minutes a BE” oc ceaetaca dea sie aera’ gs 35-6 The general results of all the investigations that have been made in this department by Becquerel, Breschet, Helmholtz, eee Althaus, and ourselves are these : 1. When muscles are made to contract under faradization of the mus- cles that supply them their temperature rises. 2. This elevation of temperature is not necessarily accompanied by any increase in size of the vessels, although faradization usually increases the size and appearance of the vessels more or less. 3. The more vigorous the contraction and the longer it is continued, the higher the temperature rises. : 4. If the faradization be continued long enough the temperature will be so much increased that it can be detected without difficulty by the hand, and by the sensations of the person operated on. 5. When all the superficial muscles of the body are faradized, as in the method of general faradization, the temperature not only of individual muscles, here and there, but also of the whole body, rises. This fact we have repeated and demonstrated by observations made on many varie- ties of temperament. Amore accurate method of investigating this subject is by means of the thermo-electric pile (see Electro-Physics, p.75). This instru- ment is capable of measuring a small variation in temperature, and also indicates the variations much more quickly than the thermom- eter. The thermo-electric pile is connected with areflecting galva- nometer (see Electro-Physics, p. 47). Ziemssen gives the following ob- servation made on the extensors of the forearm: TIME OF FARADIZATION. DEFLECTION OF THE NEEDLE Minutes. Seconds. OF THE GALVANOMETER,. ° TS ek shereyares alacant — 1.5 ° 30 Pacituereeuatasers + 2.3 ° AS In another case, where there was great difficulty of hearing, with tinnitus, that had existed for three years, and demonstrable anatomical changes, but in which a central disease was suspected, the reaction was as follows :* XX so Ka.S.K’. Ka.D.K. oo Ka,0O.— A.S.— A.D.— A,O.k, > Other cases, illustrative of changes of various kinds, we give below :— Qualitative change.—A Hyperesthesia with in- Hypereesthesia with pa- laborer, 30 years old; in- version of the normal radoxical sensations in ear telligent ; deafness and tin- /formula.4—A lady of 60; not treated.t nitus on both sides from absolute deafness in left ear ; Ear treated. eer not childhood; drum cloudy drum depressed, thickened XX 100 Ka.S.K" ; and thickened. and opaque, Ka, D. K. 2 — X 100 Ka.$.K'. 6 El. Ka,— ia, O. _ K.> Ka.D.K. 0 Ka, D,— AS. Ke. Ka.O,—Rattling. Ka.0.PE£. > A.D. k.> AS. ¢e An.S. Pf. A.O.K.> —— A.D. & & An.D.Pf. 00 * A.0.K.> An.O.— “Op. cit., pp. go, 191. + Erb in Archiv Ophth, and Otol., vol. i, No. 1, p. 272. ¢ Brenner, op. cit., Band i., p. 205. 652 Illustrative and typical case of in- version of the normal formula,* — An officer, 26 years old; from his childhood completely deaf in left ear ; no tinnitus ; no demonstrable change in drum; only a DISEASES OF THE EAR. Modification of the normal formula without hyperesthesia.—A woman, 45 years; old difficulty of hearing in both ears; no tinnitus; some dulness of the drums, pale color ; right ear normal. RicHT Ear :— XX 500 Ka.S.—‘* Chirping.” Electric examination of Electric examination of Ka. D. 66 short, right (healthy) ear left (diseased) ear Ka.O. aS ae normal oe inverted A.S, —Roaring. 1X Ka.S.K’, IX Ka.S, — A.D. “short. Ka.D.k > Ka, D, — A.O, —Indefinite sounds, Ka.0, — Ka.0.K. Left ear gave same formula, except GY ait A.S.K'. that Ka.O. gave a short and slight roar- A.D. — A.D.K. > ing. A.O.k. A.O. — The above case of the officer Brenner regards as of a special nature. The patient was examined by a number of aurists, and the inversion of the normal formula in the diseased ear was decided. The following experiments were made by one of the authors of this work on himself. The right ear, on which the experiment was made, has for twenty-five years been affected with chronic inflammation of the middle ear. The drum is cloudy, the tube pervious, and the hear- ing distant ; at times he had been troubled with tinnitus, but not at the time of the experiment. The objective examination of the ear was made by Dr. D. B. St. John Roosa. The experiments are given in detail, because they illustrate a number of the peculiarities in regard to the galvanic reaction of diseased ears, and the difficulties and com- plications that attend the investigation. The internal method was used : 1o Stohrer’s El. Ka.S.—No reaction. 12 El. Ka.S.—No reaction. Ka.D.—-Some rumbling, Ka.D.—“ made evidently by Ka.O.— pressure of electrode. + AnS.—* Ka.O. An,D,—‘* * An.S.—No reaction, An.O.—“ An. D.— “ - An.O.— ‘ ae Feeble flashes of light were observed. The rumbling of a distant carriage for a moment was mistaken for the cathode closing reaction, * Brenner, 1. c., p. 219. + In order to prevent deception on this point, the finger was pressed on the tragus, and found to produce the same apparent sensation of rumbling. The apparatus ¥ PATHOLOGICAL CASES. 653 16 El., Ka.S.—No reaction. . Ka. D.—Hissing in the other ear ; (paradoxical reaction), Ka,O.—Same for a moment, An.S.—Hissing. An D.—Same. > An.O.—No reaction, but hissing in other ear. Stronger flashes of light 5 dizziness ;»subjective sounds in ears for some minutes after treatment. 20 El. Ka.S.--Slight roaring, Rheostate—600--Same roaring. Ka.0.> yoo— < as Ka.O.—No reaction. 800-- ‘ ef An.S.—Loud hissing (seething), goo— ‘ «© still pain. An, D,—Same, > 1,000—Much less roaring, and An,O.—No reaction. hissing in other ear much Considerable pain in ear; much less, stronger flashes and dizziness; metallic Ka,O.—No reaction. taste; burning in wrist of the hand The anode reaction with the resis« holding cathode, _ tances of the rheostate was as follows: The rheostate was now brought into An.S.—Very loud hissing. use, _ An,D. © and flow of saliva, 24 El. K.8.—Low rumbling and hissing Rheostate—1oo—Very loud hissing, in other ear; very great pain; 2oo— * ‘“s perspiration on forehead, and 3o0— “ #6 ae muscular contractions, 400—Loud _ Ka, D.—Same, oo 500— ‘* as Rheostate--100o—Same roaring. 600—Less sf 200— ee “a 700— cé oe 300—Less sé 8c00— «6 “ 400— * “ goo— ** ‘6 500— ** less pain. 1,000—Much less‘ Concerning the above case it may be remarked : 1. The deviation from the normal formula was unmistakable. The anode reaction was very decided, there was no possibility of a mistake. The chief difficulty was with the cathode. A low rumbling or roaring was all the reaction that could be obtained with Ka.S. or Ka.D. and that only when many elements were used. 2. The accompanying phenomena—dizziness, pain, contractions of the facial muscles, metallic taste, flow of saliva, perspiration on fore- head, burning and contraction of the muscles of the hand holding the electrode—were present, but did not interfere with thé observation of the reaction of the nerve. It is just, however, to remark that this in- used in this experiment had no current reverser, consequently it was necessary to con- tinually move the electrode to and from the tragus, } 654 DISEASES OF THE EAR. dividual has been accustomed for many years to experiment on himself with electricity, and therefore would be little liable to be annoyed or distracted by their incidental phenomena; yet even he was deceived momentarily by the rumbling of a distant wagon. Constriction of the throat, of which some complain, was not experienced. The following pathological case is of double interest, since benefit to the hearing seemed to result immediately after the galvanic exami- nation. Case CCIV.—G. K. B., aged 18, had from his early boyhood suffered from chronic ulceration of the membrana tympani with discharge, In the left ear the drum had disappeared, The watch could be heard only on pressure. There was no tinnitus, The Eustachian tube was pervious, Three years before the right ear had been siuailarly affected, and had entirely re- covered under the influence of treatment, so that the discharge ceased and the hearing was normal, At that time Dr, St. John Roosa saw the case in consultation and con- firmed the diagnosis. August, 1820. The patient again consulted us for his right ear, which we found in the condition described, and which was similar to that in which we had found it three years before. At this time we decided to test the galvanic 1eaction, which we were able to do without difficulty, by the external method. The result was as follows: 8 El: Ka.S. Some rumbling. Ka.D. sf se Ka.O, No sensation, An.S. Rumbling, An.D. ee An,O, No sensation, With ten and twelve elements there was the same, but louder, and with eighteen elements a sound like the ringing of a large bell, reaction. When sixteen elements were used, the patient experienced a sensation of hissing with An.S. and An.D. After various changes of the current, a less number of elements brought a decided reaction, In order to see whether the patient deceived himself, or whether the sounds were produced by the agitation of the water in the ear, we applied the electrode to the tragus, when disconnected from the battery. Immediately after the sitting the patient said that he could hear conversation better. The week following the same experiment produced the same result, During the in- terval magnesia had been blown into the ear in considerable quantities, so as to in- terfere somewhat with the hearing power ; for that reason it was impossible to deter- mine whether the improvement was permanent. Dizziness in this patient was very marked and lasted by terms for several days, General Therapeutical Results of Electrical Treatment of Diseases of the Ear.—In the United States, cures of deafness, without regard to the pathology on which the symptom of deafness depends, have oc- TINNITUS AURIUM. 655 casiuuatly been accomplished by uneducated empirics, who have treated all farms of disease of the ear, from inspissated cerumen to disease of the auditory nerve, by some unscientific and uniform method of faradi- za’ion, Duchenne reports one case by faradization of hysterical deafness ef many months’ standing; one caused by quinine; one consecu- five to an eruptive fever; one following measles; one of twenty years’ standing. Several cases of nervous deaf-muteism were also ymproved. The conclusions to which he arrived are as follows: * 1. “That nervous hysterical deafness is generally caused by elec- trical excitation of the chorda tympani and movements of the chain of little bones.” 2. “That cases of nervous deafness consecutive to eruptive and continued fevers have been cured by the same treatment, even though they have been of long standing, and, from the fact of their resistance to ordinary remedies, have appeared to be incurable.” 3. ‘That probably the thérapeutical action of the process of fara- dization is chiefly due to the undulations of the labyrinthine liquid produced by the movements of the chain of little bones, and conse- quently of the fezestra ovali.” 4. “That electric exploration of the ear furnishes no pathogno- monic sign which permits the prognosis of incurability of the deaf- ness.” Subacute and Chronic Inflammation of the Middle Ear.—As far as we can judge from our own observations, old cases of chronic inflammation of the middle ear, where the hearing power is so much impaired that a watch can be heard only on pressure, offer an un- favorable prognosis. The best results are obtained in those cases that are just passing from the subacute to the chronic stage. We are inclined to the belief that these results, when they do occur, are brought about by the mechanical action of the faradic current, on the adhesions within the middle ear.’ In some even long-standing cases of chronic inflammation of the middle ear temporary improvement of hearing unonediaiely fol- lows faradization or galvanization. Tinnitus Aurium.—The very frequent and very distressing symptom, tinnitus aurium, and which accompanies so many of the morbid processes in the auditory apparatus, is not relieved by electrical treatment as uni- * Treatise on Diseases of the Ear. Translated and edited by Dr. B. St. John Roosa. “Second American edition, 1869, pp. 1,013, 1,030. 656 DISEASES OF THE EAR. formly as d griori reasons would lead us to expect. The capriciousness and uncertainty of the results in such cases are partly to be explained by the fact that ¢innitus aurium isa symptom of such diverse and sometimes undiscoverable pathological conditions. Local galvanization by the external method, or galvanization of the sympathetic, sometimes avail for the temporary relief of this affection, and in some cases a more or less permanent cure is obtained. Galvanization of the cervical sympathetic affects the ear just as it affects the retina, through modification of the circulation in the brain. Dr. Rumbold, of St. Louis, reports two cases of tinnitus aurium, in which local galvanization was of great service.* With reference to the therapeutical value of the galvanic current, especially in the treatment of diseases of the ear, Brenner ¢ and Ha. gen{ substantially agree to the following propositions : 1. The galvanic current is indicated not only for those cases where no morbid changes can be diagnosticated, but also in all cases, however complicated, in which the abnormal reaction to the current shows that the nerve participates in the disease. 2. The galvanic treatment may aid in the absorption of morbid deposits. From our survey of the literature of the subject, and from our own comparative observations, we are justified in these two conclusions : _ First. The galvanic current is on the whole of greater service, and is of greater promise in the electro-therapeutics of the ear than the faradic. Second. The results obtained in the electric examinations are not uni- form or always reliable guides to the special method of treatment that it is best to adopt. Reasoning d priori, it would be inferred that the reaction of hyper- esthesia would call for treatment by the azode, and the reaction of Zor- por (anesthesia) for treatment by the cathode; but experience shows that there is no uniformity to this law. Moos, § in the remarkable case to be hereafter cited, found that the cathode at one time exercised a temporarily beneficial influence on the subjective symptoms, which usually disappeared only under the anode. Erb || also, in case of “ sémple hyperesthesia of the right auditory * Archives of Electrology and Neurology, May, 1874. t Op. cit., Bandi, p. 262, } Praktische Beitraige zur Ohrenheilkunde, Leipzig, 1866, p. 29. § Archives Ophthal. and Otol., vol. i., No. 2, p. 488. | Archives Ophthal. and Otol., vol. i., No. 1, p. 28. HYSTERICAL DEAFNESS. 657 nerve,” with “inversion of the normal formula,’ found that the tinnitus was quieted by the closing of the cathode (Ka.S.) and not by the closing of the anode, as would have been expected. Still further, it is not demonstrated that in many of the cases of hypersesthesia that were successfully treated by the anode, or of torpor (anesthesia) that were successfully treated by the cathode, the results might have been equally or more successful if the poles had been re- versed. The conclusion is, therefore, that while the general law laid down on page 281, that the positive pole is on the whole the more calm- ing and the negative the more irritating, applies to the auditory nerve as to other parts of the body, yet it is always liable to many real or apparent exceptions, and in the present state of our knowledge the rule can never be made an absolute or uniform guide in the electro-thera- peutics of the ear. ‘ Brenner * details eleven cases of diseases of the ear treated by the galvanic current. In one case of thickening of the drum, the current caused ab- sorption. In one case of hyperzesthesia, with tinnitus aurium and anatomical changes in the middle ear, the tinnitus was rapidly cured. In one case of hyperzesthesia, after the use of quinine there was recovery. In one case of hyperzsthesia, with tinnitus aurium and catarrh of the middle ear, the tinnitus was cured. In one case of obstinate subjective symptoms of: various kinds there was improvement under great difficulties of application. In one case of noises in the head and ears, of ten years’ standing, with important anatomical changes in the ear, there was improvement. Of deafness, two cases were improved, one was much improved, and one was cured. The case which recovered was one of facial paralysis, with anomalous reaction of the auditory nerves. In all the cases there were anatomical changes. In some cases the treatment was quite persistent. fy sterical Deafness. —When deafness depends on simple hysteria the results of electrical treatment may be very brilliant. Dr. Moos, of Heidelberg, has published a case of recovery from deafness under the influence of the galvanic current, which is the most remarkable of any which have been scientifically reported. * Op. cit. Band i., 2 Abth., p. 233 et seq. Brenner also mentions the fact that he failed in seventeen cases of tinnitus, Loc. cit., p. 235. 42 558 DISEASES OF THE EAR. Casz CCV.—The patient, a lady of nineteen, after an attack of acute articular rheumatism (Feb. 9, 1869), was taken with symptoms of acute intercranial disease of an hysterical character, She became completely deaf for noises, musical notes, and speech, and for several weeks it became necessary to communicate with the patient by writing. This deafness was preceded by abnormal sensitiveness of the ear, and dis- tressing acuteness of hearing. Two weeks afterwards, the ninth week of her sick- ness, the sensitiveness had diminished, and her deafness was absolute. In the eleventh and twelfth weeks of the disease, she began to suffer from hysteria or epileptic attacks, lasting from a half to one and a half hours, from one to three times a day. These at- tacks were accompanied by loss of consciousness, tetanus, clonic cramps, and pains in the back and abdomen. There was also unilateral hyperesthesia of the scalp and face. ‘These symptoms were variously treated by the galvanic current. The patient was treated with the galvanic current ; at first daily, from May roth to July 27th, At first there was, as has been stated, a feeble reaction to the current. This was followed, in a few days, by simple hyperesthesia, combined with a paradoxical re- action in the ear not treated, and lastly hyperzesthesia w7th gualitative change, When the cure was complete the normal formula of Brenner appeared. On the eleventh day of the treatment the patient heard her own voice in the left ear, immediately after the galvanic treatment. Noises in the ear appeared which wee treated by the anode. On the 18th and 24th of June, conductibility of the ‘ones was noticed for the first time. July 12th, two months from the beginning of the treatment, the patient could hear-the watch on the right side 10 feet, on the left 9 feet. The treatment now caused dizziness, which made it necessary to give longer intervals during the séances, and it was found necessary to use very weak currents. The patient was now sent to Black Forest, where in six weeks she fully recovered. On the 2gth of April, Dr. Moos, an experienced aurist, who had once before ex- amined the patient, came to the conclusion that there was perfect paralysis of both auditory nerves. The electric examination, made on the gth and roth of May, gave the following result :— , Ricut Ear. 10 El. goocR* K.S. —Lively whirring sound. K.D, —Same gradually disappearing. ‘ K.O. —No result. An.S.— “ * An. D,— «6 ee An.O.—“ Lert Ear. 10El, goocR KS. —Scratching of a violin. K.D. —The same, lasting a short time. K.O, —None, An.S.— * An.D.— « An,O.— § The ears were differently affected. On the right side there was ‘ paralysis of the auditory nerve, paralysis of the sense of touch, as well as paralysis of the trophic nerve, decubitus of the right concha.” On the left side there was “paralysis of the nerve of hearing, long-continued hyperzesthesia of the nerves of touch,” * Resistances of the rheostate, CHRONIC SUPPURATION OF THE MIDDLE EAR. 659 Concerning this case we may remark :— 1. It was unquestionably a case of Aysteria, of which the rheumatic affection was the exciting cause. Very likely some of the cures of deafness obtained, now and then, by electrization, are of a similar character. 2, Although the element of time should not be ignored, yet the re- covery was mainly due to the electrical treatment. This is proved by the immediateness and rapidity of the results. 3. The case establishes, so far as a single case can, the substantial correctness of the main propositions of Brenner. 4. It is not demonstrated that the exclusive use of either pole was necessary to obtain the result, and it is entirely probable that the faradic current might have been of more or less service. Deafness following Cerebro-Spinal Fever.—Our own experiments in the electrical treatment of deafness, following cerebro-spinal fever, have been entirely unsatisfactory. Moos * relates a case of cerebro-spinal meningitis that was followed by complete deafness, that gradually improved so that he could hear one or two feet. The patient was troubled with tinnitus aurium and also with headache and vertigo. With the right ear he heard nothing ; with the left ear could hear the voice two feet. Temporarily the anode produced a diminution of thé subjective noises. After twenty-two sit- tings the hearing power was raised to eighteen paces ; the noises and giddiness were much diminished. Chronic Suppuration of the Middle Ear.—We have experimented somewhat in the treatment of chronic ’suppuration of the middle ear by the local use of the galvanic current. The experiments were made both in private practice and at the Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital in con- nection with Drs. Matthewson, Newton, and Prout. The theory on which the experiments were based was that ulcerous conditions in the ear might be treated electrically just like similar conditions in other parts. Ulcers on the mucous membrane do not yield as readily to elec- trical treatment as ulcers on the surface of the body, and do not bear electricity as well; they are, however, somewhat susceptible of elec- trical treatment, as is shown by experiments in chronic urethritis and granular lids, The method of treatment adopted in these experiments was to insert an electrode with a long narrow extremity, covered with a little cotton, into the auditory canal, through a rubber speculum ; the canal being filled with tepid water. The electrode is usually connected with the negative * Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology, vol. ii, No. 1., p. 332. 660 DISEASES OF THE EAR. pole of the galvanic current, though sometimes with the positive pole. The circuit is completed by the hand of the patient holding a sponge electrode or resting on a stationary electrode. Only very weak cur. rents and very short applications are borne, and it is almost inudis- pensable to have some kind of rheostate, so that the current may be gradually shut on or off. Under this treatment the character of the discharge changes, and in some cases the recovery was certainly more rapid and satisfactory than it would have been without it.* * Vide Dr. Roosa, Treatise on Diseases of the Ear, p. 377+ CHAPTER XXXIV. MIDWIFERY. Tue use of electricity in midwifery was first tecommended by Ber- tholon and Herder (1803). Kilian afterwards used “galvanic obstetri- cal forceps,” made of two metals.* Faradic currents were first used for bringing on labor-pains by Heeniger, Zyly, and Jacoby, of Neustadt, in 1844. Since that time the same agent has been used for this purpose by Frank, Dempsey, Barnes, Mackenzie, Tyler Smith, Radford, and others. The indication for the use of the current in midwifery is declared to be an adynamic condition of the uterus, when other conditions are favorable for or necessitate immediate delivery. Dempsey records a case where, after ergot in large doses had failed, faradization for forty minutes produced uterine contractions that resulted in the delivery of the child. Frank reports a case of miscarriage, from a fall, in which faradization produced contractions of the uterus, and stopped the very profuse hemorrhage. Mackenzie succeeded in stopping the hemorrhage in two cases of placenta praevia. In one case the current was applied for six, and in the other for three hours.t+ These observers claim that electricity acts more quickly, more uni- formly, and with less injurious effects than ergot.{ Both M. De Saint Germain and Tripier are highly in favor of fara- dization in the last stages of delivery. When the labor has fairly begun, the pains coming on at intervals of about a quarter of an hour, Tripier faradizes the lumbar region. Uterine contractions soon follow and occur more frequently, while the dilatation of the neck takes place rapidly. In cases of confinement M. Tripier always faradizes the lumbar region by means of two electrodes, and sometimes he applies one pole directly to the uterus. According * Meyer, op. cit., P 452. t Quoted by Meyer, op. cit., p. 452. ¢ Simpson and Scanzoni, on the other hand, deny the utility of electricity in mid- wifery, 662 MIDWIFERY. to his account the placenta is expelled immediately after the foetus, and although it was evident that the child felt the current, not the slightest injury has ever been inflicted.* During the last two or three years there has been a revival of interest in the use of faradization in mid- wifery. Quite a number of observers in different countries have reported good results. Dr..A. Murray, of this city, informs us that he has treated eighty- two cases of izertia uteri, in second stage of labor, by external faradi- zation, and always with good results. He states that it acts much more speedily than ergot. His method is to piace one pole on the sacrum and the other. over the abdomen. The applications are continued for from eight to ten minutes. Post-Partum Hemorrhage.—Faradization has also been used with good effect in post-partum hemorrhage. It rapidly produces contrac- tion of the uterus, and thus may save the life of a patient. It is to be applied the same way as before delivery. Some obstetricians always have a faradic apparatus on hand, in case of parturition. Diseases of the Mammary Gland— Deficient Lacteal Secretion.-- Secretion of milk may be increased by electrization. Two methods of faradization have been proposed, one by means of moist electrotes on the gland, the other by dry electrodes, with a view to excite the se- cretion of the gland by reflex action. Successful cases have been reported by Aubert and Becquerel.t Aubert cured one of his cases by dry, the other by moist electrodes. In the first case the patient had no milk three weeks after parturition. After a delay of seven months the treatment was applied. The third application brought on a milk-fever ; after the fifth, milk appeared. In the other case the mother was attacked by pneumonia 114 months after confinement. As a consequence the lacteal secretion ceased. Four faradizations with moist electrodes filled the breasts. In Becquerel’s case recovery was obtained by three applications. Similar results have been obtained by other observers. Dr. Skinner, of Liverpool (quoted by Althaus), reports a case of a lady who, while nursing her fifth child, suffered complete suppression of the lacteal secretion, which the Doctor attributed to the tincture of iron she was taking. He applied the current (probably the faradic, which, on account of its greater mechanical effects, would be more indicated in such cases) to the left breast. The patient felt a rush of milk to the breast, and in a few hours a full supply appeared. * Journal de Médecine. - + Quoted by Meyer, op. cit., pp. 451 and 452. DEFICIENT LACTEAL SECRETION. 663 The right breast had not been used for some time, on account of a previous abscess. As a new experiment, the Doctor made two applica- tions of five minutes each to this breast, and brought on as much milk as in the other. Permanent increase in the lacteal secretion under general and localized faradization, Case CCVI.—Mrs, , who was nursing her second child, submitted to faradi- zation for the relief of nervous prostration and insomnia. The flow of+milk was scanty ; quite insufficient for the proper nourishment of the child. Under the influence of general faradization the patient soon stated that she thought her milk was somewhat more abundant, and in subsequent séances we invaria- bly ended by localizing the current in both breasts. These attempts resulted in such a decided increase in the amount of milk secreted, that the infant found sufficient nourishment from the breast without resorting to artificial food. It is worthy of comment, that the left breast, which was almost dry at the begin- ning of treatment, finally secreted more abundantly than the right. Dr. A. Murray informs us that he has tried faradization as a galacta- gogue in thirty-seven cases. He found it efficacious in about two-thirds of the cases. Sore Nipples—Sore nipples, like ulcers and fistule in general, may be treated electrically by either current, but the galvanic is preferable. Different forms of galvanic nipple-shields have been devised. ‘These act like the electric disks, and other body batteries. Dr. A. Murray, of this city, has devised a galvanic nipple-shield, which he finds very valuable. It is composed of silver and zinc. It is of the shape of a percussion cap, and the size of a small thimble. This shield is kept z sit by strips of adhesive plaster. The milk trickling down the breast may offer sufficient moist- ure to excite galvanic action; or a small piece of moist- tened lint may be interposed between the nipple and the shield. Dr. Murray claims that when this shield is worn Fic. 145. for several hours, the excoriations rapidly heal. Miurcay’s Gal. He also uses this shield as a prophylactic, and for this vanic Nipple- purpose recommends it to be worn two or three hours shield. daily for two weeks or so before confinement. Rohland, of this city, has devised a galvanic nipple-shield of a differ. ent construction. CHAPTER XXXvV. ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION BY ELECTRIZATION IN CASES OF APPARENT DEATH FROM DROWNING, OR SUFFOCATION THROUGH POISONOUS GASES, OR IN ASPHYXIA OF NEW-BORN INFANTS. THE process of exciting artificial respiration by faradization * is as follows : 1. Let an assistant put the head, shoulders, and arms of the patient in a fixed position, while another stands ready to assist the expiratory movements by pressure. 2. Graduate the current to a strength sufficient to produce vigorous contractions of the muscles of the ball of the thumb, and then press ‘the sponge electrodes (which should be of large size and well moistened) firmly over the phrenic nerves at the outer borders of the sterno-cleido- mastoid muscles and at the lower end of the scaleni muscles, 3. Interrupt the current (either by removing one of the electrodes, or by an interrupter ), about three times a minute, while the assistant presses firmly on the abdomen, pausing occasionally to observe the effect. * 4. Lf after a number of interruptions no inspiratory movements ap- pear, increase the strength of the current. In some cases it is sufficient to put one electrode over the phrenic nerve and the other in the seventh intercostal space. Large electrodes are used so as to affect the other muscles which have a share in inspiration (scalenus-anticus and sterno-cleido-mastoid) simultaneously with the phrenic nerve. The object of holding the arms and shoulders in a. fixed position is to prevent the interference which may arise from the contractions of the muscles of the arms, and at the same time to obtain the co-operation of the serratus and pectoral muscles. Prof. Ziemssen, who first proposed this method of producing artificial respiration, advises the trial of the galvanic current in those cases * The faradic current is usually employed for this purpose, although the interrupted galvanic current might answer the purpose, IN OPIUM POISONING. 665 where the irritability is lost to the faradic. The same writer presents a number of successful results in cases of poisoning by carbonic acid gas with this method of treatment trom his own and other experience.* In opium poisoning artificial respiration by faradization may be tried either alone or in connection with other methods. Dr. Iram has re- ported a case of opium poisoning, which recovered on the application of one pole to the neck and the other to the perinzeum, after tannin, coffee, and tartar emetic had been unsuccessfully employed for several hours. Those who attempt to produce artificial respiration in emergencies are frequently unfamiliar with the motor point (see p. 168) of the phre- nic, and therefore apply the pole in the neck indiscriminately. A medical acquaintance informs us that an attempt of this kind which he made in a case of opium poisoning proved instantaneously fatal to the patient. Under ordinary methods the patient was recovering, but in order to expedite the progress, faradization was tried. One pole’ was placed on the ribs, and the other somewhere in the neck, in order to find the phrenic nerve. Immediately the patient ceased to breathe, and no further treatment availed to resuscitate her. This case, so far as we know, is unprecedented. It is explicable only on the theory that the shock of the sudden closure of the current near the nervous centre destroyed the waning life by concussion. This unique and unfortunate case should not deter any physician from resorting to the electric method of artificial respiration in all cases where it is indicated, any more than the equally unique case of blind- ness produced by the galvanic current (recorded by Duchenne) should deter us from galvanizing the eyes and face. Meyer records a'successful result ina case of threatened death from exhaustion after diphtheria.+ Friedberg ¢ succeeded in restoring a child of four years, asphyxiate by chloroform, by this method, combined with compression of the dia- phragm.§ Many failures have been made in the attempt to produce artificial respiration by faradization, because the operators were ignorant of the true method of application, or were not sufficiently persevering. Dr. Beard has twice failed to resuscitate dogs that were narcotized by * Die Electricitat in der Medicin, 1866, p. 174 et seq, t Op. cit., p. 431. t Quoted by Meyer, op. cit., pp. 431, 432. § Irritation of the phrenic nerve might be readily combined with Howard’s method vf artificial vespiration. 666 ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION BY ELECTRIZATION. chloroform, although the applications were begun in less than a minute after the heart ceased to pulsate. He failed also in a case of opium poisoning in an infant six weeks old. Some remarkable results have been reported where life was saved by faradization around the neck and chest, kept up by intervals for many hours. Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton, from a number of interesting experi-, ments undertaken to test the utility of electricity in asphyxia, concludes as follows :— st. That it is useless to expect good results if five minutes have elapsed since life appeared extinct. 2d. That the current should be applied faithfully and steadily, one pole being placed on the ensiform cartilage, the other on the base of the skull or over the tracks of the great nerves of the neck. 3d. That the faradic and interrupted galvanic currents are the best. 4th. That the current should be applied some time after respiratory movements have become regular.* Resuscitation of New-born Children.—Successful experiments in the resuscitation of new-born children have been made by Schulz and Pernice. The latter succeeded in three out of five cases. In one of his cases the child was born to all appearance dead. Restoration was accomplished in half or three-quarters of an hour by the alternate use of the warm bath and faradization of the phrenic nerve. Legros and Onimus + have experimented on animals—rats, dogs— with a view to bringing on resuscitation during syncope from loss of blood. They used the galvanic current, placing the negative pole in the mouth and the positive in the bowels. Dr. Rockwell has treated ‘several cases of suspended respiration. A new-born babe was to all appearances dead ; faradization of the phrenic nerve resulted in decided manifestations of life for a few moments only. In the case of a lady who was in a state of asphyxia—from a subcutaneous injection of morphine—faradization of the phrenic nerve excited respiratory movements which were repeated some twelve or fifteen times after the current ceased to pass. He did not succeed in saving the patient. * Electricity as a Means of Resuscitation. American Practitioner, Oct., 1872. + Gaz. des Hép.,, No. 53. CHAPTER XXXVI. DISEASES OF THE HEART AND LUNGS. Palpitation of the Heart.—That galvanization of the sympathetic and general electrization have a positively accelerating or sedative effect on the action of the heart, we have demonstrated by a large number of experiments. (See Electro-Physiology.) This effect is pro- duced by the action of the current on the sympathetic or the pneumo- gastric in the neck, or in general electrization it may also result, secondarily, from the influence that the system at large receives from the application. Cases of functional disturbance of the heart, associated with dyspep- sia and hysteria and anzemia, we have found to yield to general faradi- zation in a large variety of instances, even when no special attention was directed to the sympathetic or the pneumogastric Fliess experimented with the galvanic current in twenty-four cases, nineteen of which were functional, and five of an organic character. All-the cases were more or less relieved, even those dependent on structural lesion, while the majority of the functional cases were perma- nently cured. His method of treatment was the daily application to the pneumo- gastric in the neck of mild, descending, galvanic currents, for one or two minutes. Temporary abatement of the symptoms followed each application. The treatment of functional palpitation of the heart is certainly worthy of more attention than it has thus far received from electro- therapeutists. Palpitation of the heart assoctated with dyspepsia—Unusual susceptibility to the current—Great improvement under general faradization, CasEz CCVII.—Mr. B., of New Jersey, applied to us March rst, 1867, with the symptoms of weakness of the stomach and liver, and also of functional derangement of the heart. He was tall, somewhat spare, but of fair muscular development. His Occupation was that of a farmler, but for some time before he visited us he had been unable to make any protracted exertion. He had tested various kinds of internal medicines, and with unsatisfactory results. 568 DISEASES OF THE HEART AND LUNGS. During the first application he was momentarily overcome by a feeling of faintness, out at once rallied, and went away feeling stronger and brighter. He continued to risit us two or three times a week; for nearly two months, The improvement was low, but very positive, with occasional temporary relapses, The cardiac symptoms rradually diminished, and his strength increased to such an extent that he was able to ‘esuume in part his daily avocation. When he left us his digestive functions were well performed, and he had made ar- ‘angements to enter upon an active and pleasant out-door employment, Angina Pectoris.—The treatment of angina pectoris has ever been satisfactory. The cases that have fallen under our observation were nostly of a chronic character, and turned to electro-therapeutics as a ast resort. As illustrative of the best result that we have been able -o obtain in the treatment of this remarkable disorder, the following case is presented : Angina pectoris—Probably of an idiopathic character—Recovery unaer general Saradization, CasE CCVIII.—The patient was a stout, vigorous man, aged 48, and for eighteen nonths he had been the victim of violent, sharp, shooting pains, under the sternum, in she left shoulder and arm. Frequently the neck would suffer, and occasionally the left eg. Physical exploration gave no evidence of organic disease; and as it was impos- sible to find any external exciting cause, we attributed the symptoms to idiopathic zauses, When he moved more rapidly than usual, or over-exerted himself in any way, he was liable to be seized with a violent sense of constriction in the chest, which caused him to feel as if about to die. In a moment the radiating pains described rbove would follow, and compel him to stop perfectly still. His appetite and diges- sion were but little, if any, impaired; yet, from the first, the frequency and severity of the attacks had gradually increased, Asa rule, a paroxysm occurred every day, and frequently several times during the twenty-four hours, Occasionally, however, a week would pass without an attack. We made use of general faradization when he was entirely free from any uneasi- yess. Three days elapsed before he again came to us, but during this interval the nalady had not manifested itself. Before administering the second application, the patient purposely brought on a raroxysm by violently swinging his arms and bending his body. In the midst of the dain the positive pole was suddenly applied ouer the nipple, and a very intense cur- rent sent through the body. With the rapidity of the passage of the electricity itself, che pain left him, and after the séance had closed, he found it impossible, by any >ffort he could make, to bring on another attack. At the next visit, three days sub- sequently, he was able, by very violent efforts, to bring on a paroxysm, but of far ess severity than before, Similar treatment, by localized faradization, immediately velieved him, A few more applications were given, but during his visits to us he aever succeeded in exciting another attack, that we might have the pleasure of sub- Juing it. For several months after he was discharged as cured, he had no return of the angina, : CASES OF ANGINA PECTORIS. 669 Angina pectoris—Decided relief under central galvanization—Relapse. Case CCIX.—Mr, H. M., aged 35, referred to us by Dr, Leaming, had for twenty years heen a sufferer from cardiac palpitations, with some of the symptoms of angine pectoris. The cardiac palpitations seemed to have a relation to the condition of the stomach, being associated with and apparently dependent on attacks of indigestion, attended with regurgitation and pyrosis. It was one of those cases where it was diffi- cult to determine precisely in what organ, or nerve, or nerve plexus, the symptoms took their origin. The patient was not remarkably intelligent, but so far as could be gleaned from his history, the attacks involved both the heart and the stomach, for it was certain that anything that excited indigestion often ushered in paroxysms of great severity, Organic disease of the heart had been suspected, but Dr. Leaming, a skilful and practised auscultator, decided that there was no such lesion, Medicine had accomplished but little for the patient, and we decided to use central galvaniza- tion, The first application was mild and brief, but it caused much dizziness, and for the moment alarmed and worried the patient. In a few days, however, he began to improve in his symptoms, and began also to bear the current better. For about two months the patient persevered in taking the treatment, and with most decided im- provement. While the cure was not perfect, yet all his symptoms were so alleviated, that life became, in a measure, enjoyable, instead of a heavy and constant burden. Subse- quently he relapsed. We may have, as illustrated by the following case, a retrocession of the rheumatic or gouty diathesis to the heart, and, according to some writers, to the lungs also, producing an incurable organic lesion that may result in this neurosis. A metastasis to the stomach, of either of the two diseases just mentioned, may give rise also, according to others, to symptoms of cardiac neuralgia. Angina pectoris following repeated attacks of gout—Aggravated temporarily by strong galvanization—Relieved by mild general faradization, CasE CCX.—Mr. B., aged 52, was referred to us by the late Professor Geo. T. Elliott. The patient was a stout, plethoric man, somewhat advanced in years, beyond the middle period of life. He was perhaps what might be called a ‘‘ high liver,’’ and for years he had indulged in wines freely, although not to great excess. He had on two or more occasions suffered quite severely from attacks of gout of the great toe, and very soon after recovery from the last attack, he began to experi- ence slight symptoms of his present difficulty. The pain generally commenced in the chest, behind and a little to the left side of the sternum, and extended to the shoulder and down the leg. Occasionally, the symptoms would first manifest themselves in the leg, and then ex- tend to the heart. The paroxysms were never severe, so long as a quiet posture was maintained, but the exertion of ascending one or two flights of stairs, or walking a few blocks, almost invariably excited much pain, accompanied with a very distressing shortness of breath. The patient remarked, as a singular fact, that while such slight efforts readily caused 570 DISEASES OF THE HEART AND LUNGS. cardiac distress, it was possible for him to exercise quite violently with light dumb-bells, and yet suffer from none of the evil effects that might from analogy be expected to follow. The first two applications, given in November, 1867, were followed by no special results, Treatment with a powerful faradic current, on a third occasion, considerably ag- | gravated the symptoms. The fourth application, given with a milder current, worked an immediate change for the better. The pain was immediately dissipated, and for two days, until we saw him again, he was far better than he had been for months. ‘He walked a long distance without being at all oppressed in breathing, and at night he was quite comfortable, although heretofore his symptoms were, as a rule, much aggravated at this time. On the left side of the neck, the application excited pain that proceeded toward the chest. On the right side, no such effect was noticed. Without detailing farther the incidents con- nected with this case, we will simply say that treatment by both currents, together with persistent medication, accomplished merely occasional and temporary amelioration of his distressing symptoms, It is true that physical exploration gave no evidence of or- ganic lesion, but in consideration of the undoubted gouty diathesis, together with the persistent character of the symptoms, there could be no hesitation in declaring the existence of some irreparable structural disease. It is impossible to account for the temporary but marked amelioration that on different occasions followed the applica~ tions, without we refer it to the mild anzesthetic effect of the faradic current. Diseases of the Lungs.—For diseases of the lungs electrization has accomplished less than in any other department. The recognized gravity of phthisis, together with the @ préord improbability that it could be directly cured by any known methods of using electricity—these two causes have deterred electro-therapeutists from making even experi- mental applications to diseased lungs. One author—Bastings,* of Brussels—kowever, has reported most astounding results from faradiza- tion of the muscles of the chest. If we accept in good faith the state- ments of this author, even the second stages of phthisis may be cured by this method, which seems to affect the lungs not directly, but in- directly, through the muscular development which it causes, and the greater amount of oxygen which it enables the lungs to breathe. The amazing statements which the author advances, concerning the cure of consumption, are entitled to more consideration than they would otherwise receive, from the fact that the fundamental idea on which his treatment is based, namely, that faradization of the muscles —electro-muscular gyninastics —- markedly increases their size and strength, and also improves the general nutrition, is eminently sound and thoroughly demonstrable, as we have shown during all our investi- gations in electro-therapeutics. * Die Lungenschwindsucht und ihre Heilung durch Electricitit. Translated from the French by Dr, Silbermann. Erlangen, 1866. CONSUMPTION. 671 Vaust * has experimented with the method of Bastings—electro-mus- cular gymnastics—in growing children, who were not affected with any special diathesis, but who ‘presented the appearance of debility, lan- guor, and lack of force so frequently found among the poorer classes.” The results were “ wonderful.” Not only were the muscles of the chest greatly increased in size after a number of applications, but their “ breathing was deeper, their appetites better, and they were more cheerful and lively.” After six months’ treatment the increase was still more marked in some of the cases. According to our experience, the growth of the muscles under faradization is at first quite rapid, but subsequently much slower, and in afew months becomes stationary, Bastings has used these electro-muscular gymnastics in consumption, not with a view 4o directly affect the tuberculous deposit at all, but, by’ strengthening the muscles of the chest, to so improve the respiratory power that more air can be inspired, and so benefit result to the healthy portion of the lung, and indirectly, through better oxygenation of the blood, to a certain extent on the diseased portion and on the whole system. The method and principles of treatment in all his cases was substan- tially similar—electro-muscular gymnastics: about half a minute was given to each muscle, and about five minutes to each sitting. Pro- longed treatment was found to be injurious. The general statements of the author were confirmed by Dr. Bougard,+ who affirms that the patients remain cured for one, two, or three years. Dr. Crocq also speaks favorably of the method of Bastings, although in the treatment under his own direction of the very severe cases of consumption in the St. John Hospital he obtained no positive results. Although the beneficial effects of muscular exercise in consumption have long been conceded, yet, in the present state of the professional mind on the' subject, the statements of Bastings will need more numer- ous indorsements before they are accepted. We would suggest a method of treating pulmonary tuberculosis, which, so far as we know, has not been used, but which is surely worthy of atrial, This method would consist in external galvanization of the diseased portion of the lung with a mild stable current. The electric current might thus act on the diseased lung, as it acts on inflamed and ulcerated surfaces elsewhere. * Medicinisches Journal, vol. 38, Juni 1864, p. 599. Sitzung der Gesellschaft fur Medicin und Naturwissenschaften zu Briissel, vom 2. Mai 1864. This paper is pre- sented in the work of Bastings, above quoted, p. 119 et seq. t Op. cit., p. 147. Loc. cit., p. 142 et seq. CHAPTER XXXVI. MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. Sequelae of Sunstroke and Cerebro-spinal Fever.—During seasons of protracted and excessive heat, such as have been notably experienced during the past few summers, a very large number of persons, especially in our cities, are more or less injured, either by the general depressing influence of the continued high temperature, or by some special exposure, without being, in the ordinary sense of the word, suzstruck. Those whose nervous system has been exhausted or disordered by the excessive use of stimulants and narcotics, by debilitating diseases, and especially by over- labor or excitement of the brain, are most liable to be thus affected. Injuries thus produced may be manifested by every variety of ner- vous disorder—spinal irritation, insomnia, neurasthenia, neuralgia, epi- lepsy, nervous dyspepsia, hysteria, paralysis, and not unlikely positive insanity. The majority of such cases never know the exciting cause of their symptoms until, perhaps, it is indicated to them by the physician who inquires into them. In a number of cases that have been under our care for the above symptoms the solar heat was a prominent if not a principal cause. The symptoms may appear and reappear for months and years after the original attack. There is little doubt-that there are through society thousands of such cases of various grades, many of whom have never suspected the nature of their malady. The solar origin of the symp- toms which we have mentioned may be suspected not only when, as is very frequently the case, they can be traced to some definite exposure, but also when they are observed to be peculiar to the summer, remit- ting wholly or partially in winter, or to be especially aggravated by exposure to the sun, and to be experienced only during the daytime. Our best results with electricity have been obtained in these cases by a combination of the two methods of electrization, general faradi- zation and central galvanization, varied in some cases by galvanization of the pneumogastric and cervical sympathetic. Excepting those cases SEQUEL# OF CERERRO-SPINAL AND THERMIC FEVER. 673 which, by some peculiarity of temperament, or as a peculiar result of the disease, cannot bear electricity, the electrical treatment works admi- rably, whether used alone or: in connection with internal medication. Arsenic we give in the form of granules, ~y of a grain each, before meals. We use also zinc in the form of oxide or phosjhide, and fat in the form of cod-liver oil emulsion. Partial paralysis—Physical qnd mental depression—The sequele of sunstroke— Rapid recovery under general faradization and central galvanization, CasE CCXI.—Mr. W., aged 55, consulted us in the autumn of 1872. —_he patient was connected with one of the prominent firms for the manufacturing of safes in this city; and while in a Western city, endeavoring to negotiate certain sales, he was suddenly overtaken with faintness, profound vertigo, and almost complete uncon- sciousness. This attack occurred on an oppressive July day, some four months prior to his visit to us, and ever since he had been in an exceedingly nervous, excitable con- dition. Any considerable exercise in walking was invariably followed by unusual fatigue, and he was not only incapacitated from engaging in any business enter- prise, but an attempt to read even the morning paper resulted in mental disquietude and real exhaustion. There was a decided loss of power in both lower extremities, associated with a considerable degree of anzesthesia. We submitted him, on several different occasions, and at intervals of a day, to general faradization, with the effect of improving greatly his motor power, and of dissipating all numbness. After a time central galvanization was alternated with the above treatment, and in the course of six weeks the patient had so far improved in his other symptoms as to be fully able to again engage actively in business, In the following case the peculiar susceptibility to stimuli caused by sunstroke was strikingly illustrated : Case CCXII.—Mr. W., a gentleman about 35 years of age, was referred to us, Oct. 16, 1872, by Dr. A. B, Ball, While ascending a mountain during ‘his summer vacation, he was overcome by the excessive heat. He was not unconscious, and after a short rest he resumed his walk, The thermometer at the time was about 90°. The attack Jeft him with a feeling of sensitiveness in the head, which, instead of diminishing, had increased until the time that he called upon us, During several weeks, at intervals of a few days, he had several attacks of loss of motor power. * A prominent feature of his case was his exceeding susceptibility to stimuli, A tea- spoonful of wine or a whiff of a cigar caused him to feel wretchedly. We found him on trial similarly sensitive to electricity. Mild faradization or gal- vanization caused a heightening of the evil symptoms, and the electrical treatment was abandoned, Subsequently the patient was rapidly benefited by a short trip to the sea-side. The first breath of the ocean air seemed to act on him with the force of a specific, The sequelee of cerebro-spinal fever present symptoms quite similar, and are to be treated on the same general principles ; that is, by gen- eral faradization and central galvanization, just as we treat hysteria and allied affections: 43 674 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. Intermittent Fever.—According to Tripier * the electric bath and statical electricity have been used in certain cases of intermittent fever, both in England and Sweden, and occasionally with satisfactory results. The efficacy of the preparation of quinine in malariai disease has, however, destroyed most of the interest that might otherwise have at- tached to electricity in its therapeutic relation to fevers. In certain chronic conditions of intermittent fever, where quinine and other internal medication have proved ‘unavailing as a means of permanent relief, we have seen undoubted benefit arise from general faradization. It undoubtedly acts in this case like any other stimuia- ting tonic without any special infiuence on the malarial poison. Intermittent fever— Temporary relief from quinine—Recovery under general fara- dization, CasE CCXIII.—Rev. Mr, L, applied to us for treatment in October, 1867. His general appearance presented all the marked -characteristics of malarial influence, while he complained of obstinate constipation, loss of appetite, and a considerable degree of insomnia. One year previously he was prostrated by an attack of chills and fever, but soon recovered his usual health under the influence of quinine. In the following July he suffered another and more severe attack of the tertian, which soon changed into the quotidian type of the disease. During the first ten days of his ill- ness he took 100 grs. of quinine, but with little apparent benefit. Still further treat- ment by quinine interrupted the severity and regularity of the paroxysms, but by no means effected a cure, For some time before he fell under our observation (Oct. 14, 1867), he suffered every few days from what is commonly termed *‘dumb ague.” We immediately resorted to the most thorough form of treatment by general electrization with the faradic current. He was remarkably susceptible to its influence, and over the region of the stomach and liver especially only a very slight current could be borne. is This treatment was repeated every other day for two weeks. His bowels soon became regular, his appetite improved, and after the third application the attack eeased altogether. For several months, at least, after the cessation of treatment he continued free from any indications of returning symptoms. Subsequently he passed from under our observation. A second and third case, in which the symptoms were less severe, but fully as persistent, yielded promptly and completely to the same method of treatment. Intermittent fever associated with anesthesia, insomnia, and great debility—Ap- proximate recovery in two weeks by general faradization, Cask CCXIV.—Miss C. S., aged 23, was placed under our care by Dr. Geo. Steinert, .of Harlem. * Manuel d’Electrothérapie, etc., 1861, p. 581. ADDISON’S DISEASE. 675 The patient had all her life been somewhat feeble in health, but at this time, and ‘or a month previously, she had suffered from a very decided impairment in her general condition, Every afternoon at 4 o’clock she experienced a very decided sense of chilliness, fol- lowed by a feyer which lasted until 5 o’clock the following morning. The hands were at all hours exceedingly tremulous, and at night especially her fingers became quite anzesthetic, Her strength was so far exhausted that she could walk but a few blocks without great fatigue. Notwithstanding these unfavorable symptoms her lowels continued regular and her appetite good, She suffered much, however, from insomnia, and was rarely able to sleep before 2 AM, A single general application of the faradic current resulted in marked relief of the condition of trembling and numbness. Her sleep rapidly improved ; the periodical chill and fever became less and less marked, and soon disappeared ; her strength de- cidedly increased, and seven applications given during two weeks resulted in an ap- proximate recovery. Malarial fever, more or less persistent, for ten months—Benefit is derived from general faradizsation and galvanization of the sympathetic. Casz CCXV.—Minnie H., aged 20, came for treatment in August, 1871. Since October, 1870, she had suffered more or less from chills and fever. She had lost flesh, was weak, anzemic, and irregular in menstruation, She was submitted to six applica- tions of general faradization, which resulted in a decided improvement in her general . condition, and for three weeks there were no evidences of a return of the malarial symptoms. After this the chills again annoyed her, when she returned, and was treated by galvanization of the sympathetic. The applications were followed by a cessation of the paroxysms, after which she passed from under our observation, Disease of the Supra-renal Capsules (Addison's Disease).—Our know]- edge of the pathology of Addison’s Disease is very incomplete. Ina large proportion of cases the bronzing of the skin, and the peculiar sachectic condition of the affection, are preceded by organic lesion of the supra-renal capsules. Cases are not wanting, however, in which fost-mortém examinations _ have revealed no anatomical lesion of the capsules, notwithstanding the previous existence of the most marked and severe characteristics of Addison’s disease. Dr. Wilkes states, “That after some years’ attention to the subject, I repeat, with much confidence, that the disease of the capsules in Morhus Addisonii is uniform and peculiar. In all the examples which we have now in our museum, amounting to thirty-three, the disease is of the same nature in all.”* Of one hundred and ninety-six cases reported by Dr. Greenhow, the * Guy’s Hospital Reports, Vol. xi., 1865. Quoted from Aitken’s Practice of Medicine. Vol. ii, pp. 113. ‘ 676 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. supra-renal capsules were found to have undergone the characteristic morbid change in one hundred and twenty-seven.* In consideration, therefore, of these facts, it is extremely probable that certain organic changes in the capsule of the kidney, and the pecu- liar symptoms of the disease under consideration, are directly related to each other as cause and effect. If the affection be recognized before the bronzing of the skin has taken place, it may possibly be arrested. ‘Unfortunately, however, it is, as a rule, impossible to diagnose the disease before the discoloration of the skin commences, when it is generally acknowledged to be incurable. In regard to this bronzed discoloration of the skin, microscopical examinations by Dalton and others, have demonstrated that it is due to pigmentary granules in the rete mucosum, similar to those in the skin of the negro. We give the following details of the remarkable effects of electricity in a case of Addison’s disease exactly as they appeared in the first edition of this work. After the patient had approximately recovered his strength, he was presented before the New York Medical and Library Association, by Dr. Rockwell, as an illustration, not as a cure, of a case of disease of the supra-renal capsules, but as one of the very best illustrations of the extraordinary tonic powers of general faradization. Most of those present acknowledged the amelioration of the man’s symptoms to be the result of the treatment, but doubted whether there was or had been disease of the capsules. For two years afterwards the patient lived and enjoyed during the- time all the vigor that had resulted from the use of electricity. Suddenly, and without apparent cause, his strength failed him, and within twenty-four hours he died. A_ post- mortem was obtained which substantiated the original diagnosis. The capsule of one kidney had entirely disappeared, leaying in its stead some calcareous remains. The other capsule was situated on the in- ternal border of the kidney a little below its normal seat, and was com- posed of a cheesy-like substance—characteristic of the disease. The specimen was presented by Dr. Rockwell before the members of the New York Pathological Society. Disease of the supra-renal capsules—Dark skin—Deficient secretions—Faralysis of the left arm—Loss of sexual power—Very great improvement under general far- adization—Slight further improvement under galvanization of the sympathetic, CasE CCXVI.—The patient, aman aged 45, was referred to us by Dr. H. H. Gregory, of Harlem, and the diagnosis of disease of the supra-renal capsules was con- firmed by Prof. Austin Flint. * Clymer in Aitken’s Practice of Medicine. Vol. ii., pp. 110. REMARKABLE CASE OF ADDISON’S DISEASE. 677 Until November, 1867, the patient enjoyed perfect health, About this time he began to observe slight symptoms of exhaustion. Soon his appetite failed him. He became anzemic, and suffered from excessive fatigue after the slightest exertion. He was confined to his bed during the month of January, when he first observed some slight discoloration of his face and hands. During the succeeding months, until August, 1868, his general health seemed to improve somewhat, so that he was enabled to engage in moderate labor. At this time. he suddenly relapsed into a state of utter exhaustion, His skin became several shades darker, and his general appearance was that of an ordinary mulatto. His bowels became distressingly constipated. Sleep was fitful and unrefreshing. His mouth and throat were excessively dry and parched; indeed, the function of the secretory organs generally was markedly impaired. The skin was shrivelled and dry. The finger-nails were brittle, breaking on the ap- plication of a very slight force. The left arm was stiff and almost powerless. It could not be bent beyond a right angle, nor lifted more than a few inches from the side. Lastly, the sexual power and desire were entirely lost. All of these symptoms persisted, with but slight variation, notwithstanding an un- interrupted tonic treatment, until June, 1869, when the case fell under our observa- tion, As the most prominent and distressing symptom of which the patient com- plained was the excessive debility that unfitted him for the slightest exertion, the results of treatment by general electrization illustrate more forcibly than in most other instances its remarkable constitutional tonic power. A general application of the faradic current revealed not only a profound anzesthetic condition of the whole body, but also an unusual general impairment of the electro-muscular contractility. By placing the negative electrode at the pit of the stomach, and the positive on the neck, a little above the seventh cervical vertebra, distressing nausea was invariably produced, The patient began to amend from the first day of treatment, and, after having re- ceived thirty general applications of the faradic current, his condition at that date may be thus summed up: ist. He had long been completely cured of his constipation. 2d. Sleep was perfectly sound and refreshing. 3d. The dry and parched condition of his mouth and throat was entirely relieved, and all the secretions of the body had increased in quantity and quality. 4th, His finger-nails were restored to their usual elasticity. 5th. He had approximately recovered the use of his arm. This improvement was * manifest after the third application. 6th, The sexual organs had been very decidedly strengthened, 7th. Above all, his strength and power of endurance had progressed with the above changes, At first he was barely able to crawl a single block ; he could after- wards walk a couple of miles without suffering unpleasant fatigue, and could readily engage in any light labor. 8th. In regard to the bronzing of the skin, the change was not, as yet, very marked. The discoloration seemed to be a shade lighter, and had sensibly receded on the sides of the fingers and hands. We have referred to the nausea excited by the electric current. In 678 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. view of certain theories that have been advanced concerning Addison's disease, this fact is of considerable interest. The semi-lunar ganglion and solar plexus, and also the pneumo- gastric and phrenic nerves, supply nervous filaments to the capsules. In consideration of this fact, Dr. Habershon and others are of the “opinion that the more fully the disease is known the more completely will it be traced to the sympathetic nerve.” The unusual action of even a mild current on that nerve, in producing nausea, tends to strengthen this conclusion. This annoying symptom ‘rapidly became less marked as the patient gained strength under the influence of electrization, and a most power- ful current could soon be applied without causing inconvenience. The patient was subsequently treated by galvanization of the sympa- thetic, with some further, though not marked, improvement. Very little scientific attention has been given to the electro-thera peutics of diseases of the kidneys, although the organs are sufficiently accessible to electrization. Most of the recognized chronic diseases of the kidneys are of so grave a character that they have offered but little encouragement for electrical experimentation. It is impossible to pass an electric current through the body in the region of the kidneys without directly affecting these organs, as is clear from what is known of the conductibility of the tissues, and also from clinical observation. In many instances patients have called our atten- tion to the fact that after general faradization the secretion of urine was much increased. Complete suppression of urine for six days, following an attack of gravel—Three applications of general faradization is followed by a copious flow, amounting in eighteen hours to over twelve quarts, Case CCXVII.—Mr. S., aged about 50, and weighing some 280 lbs,, had for several years suffered more or less from gravel. In these paroxysmal attacks the urine would often become completely suppressed, but by a warm bath and warm drink the func-, tional activity of the kidney invariably returned in a short time. On one occasion, how- ever, after an attack of unusual severity, these ordinary remedies completely failed to re-establish the excretion of urine. Dr. H. H. Gregory was immediately called, and, in conjunction with Dr, W. H. Draper, vainly endeavored by every means at command to relieve the suffering patient. At the end of the sixth day but about thirty drops of a thick and bloody fluid had been passed, and Dr, Gregory requested us to use elec- tricity. The patient was at this time completely prostrated and very drowsy, but no odor of urea conld be detected in the breath. We decided to submit the patient to general faradization, and on Saturday evening, the sixth day of the suppression, made a preliminary attempt. There was so much adipose tissue to overcome, and the skin of the patient was so exceedingly sensitive, that it was very difficult to carry out the . SUPPRESSION OF URINE—DIABETES, 67g proposed treatment effectually, On Sunday morning a second application, with an in- creased strength of current, was given, and again on Sunday evening at 100’clock the treatment was essayed a third time. Two hours subsequently the patient felt a tle- sire to urinate and succeeded in passing an ounce. In a few minutes the desire to urinate returned, when almost without cessation he passed an ordinary sized chamber full, and up to six o’clock the same day twelve quarts were voided, From this time forth the kidneys continued active, and the patient recovered, An instructive feature in this unique and interesting case lies in the fact that, notwithstanding a complete suppression for 168 hours, the symptoms of uremic poison were by no means so decided as might be expected. This amelioration can without doubt be fairly attributed to the skilful management of the attending physician, especially in the matter of hot-air baths, by which the excretory function of the skin was kept i in a constant state of activity. In relation to the credit due to electricity for the successful issue of this desperate case, whether the symptoms were self-limited, or whether the treatmeut by the hot-air baths and internal medication would alone and in good time have brought about the desired result, it is impossible positively to decide. On the principle of post hoc et, etc., it would cer- tainly seem as if faradization should be regarded as the important thera- peutic factor employed, especially as its power to increasé the urinary secretion, both in the healthy and diseased condition of the kidney, is clearly taught by experience. Diabetes.—The supposed relation of this symptom to the disease of the brain suggests the propriety of treating it by ga/vanization of the sympathetic and of the brain and spinal cord. Dr. Wm. Dickinson,* who has made post-mortem examinations of the brain and spinal cord of five diabetic patients, found the following peculiar morbid changes, which were nearly similar in all :— 1. Dilatation of the arteries. This was the earliest symptom. 2. Degeneration of the nervous matter. : 3. Cavities produced large enough to be seen without the micro- scope, and which contained products of nervous decay. 4. These contents become absorbed. These changes were found near the arteries and throughout the spinal cord and encephalon, but especially in the medulla oblongata and pons varolii.+ * Medical Times and Gazette, March 19, 1870. + The relation which has been established by Calvi between diabetes and pruritus of the vulva, which is a nervous affection, would seem also to speak for the nervous character of the former disease. (See Damon’s Neuroses of the Skin, 1868, p. 25.) 680 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. These investigations were confirmed by a most distinguished author ity in nervous pathology, Dr. Lockhart Clarke. Besides these pathological observations, there are two general con- siderations which might be adduced in favor of the theory that diabetes is essentially a nervous disease. In the first place, it appears, in some instances at least, to be brought on by excessive mental excitement or worry. That it may be produced by concussion of the brain is, we believe, conceded. That there is a relation between diabetes and the base of the brain has for some time been more than suspected. Secondly, the results of some of the therapeutical measures would . seem at least to indicate that this disease may be favorably influenced through remedies that affect the nervous system. Prof. Austin Flint * has recently published reports of two or three cases of diabetes that were decidedly benefited by bromide of potassium. Experience is the best and only test of the strength of these facts and considerations. The experiment of cerftral galvanization—including the brain, spinal cord, and sympathetic—is surely worthy of a faithful trial, especially in the early stages of this affection. This treatment would be none the less indicated if, as some suppose, the pathological changes found in the brain and’ spinal cord of diabetic patients are merely the reszét of the disease. : Experimentally faradization of the liver might also be tried. Semmola + has found both temporary and permanent results from faradization and galvanization of the pneumogastric. In some cases both the quantity of urine and of sugar were diminished. It may be re- marked that it would be difficult to galvanize the pneumogastric without also affecting the sympathetic. It is yet too early to offer positive opinions in regard to the electro- therapeutics of this disease, but the following cases are suggestive of what may possibly be accomplished in the future. Diabetes Mellitus of traumatic origin in an aged patient—Rapid relief of all the symptoms, and apparent arrest of the disease under central galvanization— Subsequent attack of hemiplegia. Case CCXVIII,—J. D., a farmer, aged 76, was referred tous January 30, 1873, by Dr. J. H. Raymond, The patient had always been active, laborious, and well, until two years previous, when he fell ten feet in a barn, struck and hit on his side. That same night came pain in the nipple, and a very profuse flow of urine. At one time he passed as high as two quarts and three pints daily. Jt was ascertained that the * American Practitioner, Jan., 1870, + Quoted by Althaus, op. cit., p. 582. + CASES OF DIABETES—GRAVES’ DISEASE. 681 arine contained sugar, and by medical advice he had adopted Camplin’s diet, and under Dr, Raymond had taken carbonate of soda with advantage. The symptoms at the time the patient came to us were as follows :—There was headache, bad taste in the mouth; the urine had a specific gravity of 1024, and he was obliged to rise in thenight to pass water; about two quarts were passed daily ; there was considerable muscular debility, so that a short walk was fatiguing. On the theory that the disease was in the spinal cord, or at least in some part of the. central nervous system, we began to use central galvanization, with immediate results. After the first application he began to be stronger, and after a week it was no longer needful for him to rise at night to pass water. The specific gravity of the urine soon went down to rorg, at which point sugar could still be detected. The diet of the patient, and his general manner of life, were the same as before. Sugar was never entirely expelled from the urine, but in strength the patient so much improved that he could walk several miles daily. The headaches were felt no more, and the bad taste was much mitigated. He returned to his home and to his occupation, and was able to work more or less for six months, when he was taken with hemi- plegia, Dr. Bunker informs us that he has similarly treated a case of diabetes, and has from time to time examined the urine and estimated the quantity of urea, He has con- firmed the experience above recorded; and besides, has shown what we did not attempt, that the quantity of urea diminished very markedly under the treatment. In the following much severer case the apparent results of treatment were less decided :— Diabetes mellitus, two and a half years’ standing, apparently caused bya fall, complicated with various nervous symploms—Temporary benefit from central galvanization, Case CCXIX.—Mrs, L., a married lady, under middleage, was sent to us March 4, 1873, Two and a half years before she had a severe fall, which produced a concus- sion of the spine, and laid her up for a week, In a few months came on excessive thirst, constipation, and sugar in the urine. She had been through various forms of treatment, and confined herself to bran-bread, and was then drinking Bethesda water, which seemed to do her good. Her condition was as follows: Specific gravity of urine, 1049 ; six gallons passed daily part of the time, and when she paid no regard to her diet, Considerable facial neuralgia, great thirst, a feeling of aching and stiff- ness in legs, with pains resembling growing pains; insomnia, partly owing to the fact that she was obliged to get up several times during the night to pass water; and ten- derness of dorsal and lumbar vertebrae. Treatment by central galvanization faithfully used brought down the specific gravity of the urine to 1040, but never lower than that, enabled her to pass the entire night without rising to make water, and relieved many of her general nervous symptoms, and this was all it accomplished, Exophthalmic Goitre, or Graves’ Disease.—The characteristic features of the disease are enlargement of the thyroid gland, exophthalmus, and palpitation. It is due to disease of the sympathetic. It has been 6°2 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. treated by galvanization of the sympathetic. Wietfeld and others re- port successes with this method of treatment. Dropsical Effusions.—Dropsical effusions are susceptible of treat- ment by the electric currents, even when they depend on incurable dis- eases of the heart, liver, or kidneys. Galvanization and faradization may both be tried with strong currents. In cedema of the lower limbs we have found both galvanization and faradization temporarily and sometimes permanently efficacious. General dropsy the result of valvular heart disease—Powerful faradic currents, localized, greatly increase the secretory action of the kidneys, and dissipate the dropsical effusion. Case CCXX.—December 13, 1870, we were called to see, with Dr. Samuel T. Hubbard, a lady aged about thirty-five years, who was suffering from general dropsy. The abdomen was enormously distended, and the lower limbs were double their nor- mal size. The patient was a frail, delicate woman, and for years had suffered from valvular disease of the heart resulting from articular rheumatism. The kidneys were almost entirely inactive, so that she voided not more than a tea- spoonful of urine at a time, and the aggregate quantity secreted during twenty-four hours was but a trifle. All that we could hope to accomplish was to whip up the secretory process, and for this purpose a faradic current of great intensity was directed through both kidneys and the lower limbs, The current was to the patient hardly ap- preciable, notwithstanding the great strength of current used, and yet the flow of urine was so increased that during the next twenty-four hours a greater amount was voided than she was accustomed to pass when in her ordinary health. The applica- tions were repeated fifteen times (the increased amount of urine secreted being kept up) until the water had disappeared from the abdomen and legs. This was only one of several previous attacks, and her strength was so much reduced by continued suffering that she gradually sank and died. Electrization evidently prolonged life, and by relieving the pressure on the lungs, much alleviated the distress. Brigh?s Disease.—Theoretically, local galvanization through the region of the kidneys and central galvanization ought to be of service in the early stages of Bright’s disease. The nutrition of the kidneys might thus be improved directly and indirectly. We have not yet experimented as much in this direction as we could wish. : : Dr. H. J. Pratt, of Denver, Colorado, reports a case of Bright’s disease where the galvanic current applied over the dropsical abdomen and general faradization resulted in relief of the dropsy, and in a dimi- nution of the amount of albumen and of the hyaline casts. Rhinitis (Catarrh).—Subacute and chronic inflammations of mucous membranes are susceptible of electrical treatment—may, indeed, be permanently as well as temporarily relieved by it, though but rarely does it work an entire cure unless aided by other measures. CHRONIC RHINITIS—ANOSMIA. 683 Aside from any chemical effect of the current, its mechanical action alone would be sufficient to theoretically account for the relief it gives to inflamed mucous membranes. Stellwag, speaking of irritants in general in the treatment of external inflammations of the eye, uses the following language : “The irritation which they set up in the sensory nerves being carried over to the vaso-motor nerves, may cause a con- traction of the calibre of the vessels when they are in a condition of relaxation. This is done by the excitation and invigoration of the atonic muscular fibres. The resolution of the inflammation is favored by the lessening or removal of the congestion, which is one of the causes of the unfavorable course.” * The theory is fully plausible that electricity operates to a less degree in the same way, for its primary effect is to increase the amount of blood in the mucous membrane to which it is applied, and experience shows that this hypersemic condition thus created soon passes away. + The same explanation. will apply to the action of electricity on all the mucous.membranes—the eye, the ear, the pharynx, larynx, and urethra. Certainly the ultimate result of electrization is to. give tone to the mu- cous membranes as to other tissues of the body. (For methods of treatment of rhinitis, see Azosmia.) Catarrh of eight years’ standing—-Complete and permanent recovery under local galvanization, Case CCXXI,—Mr. N., aged 28, was referred to us by Dr. D, B. St. John Roosa. For eight years the patient had been afflicted with nasal catarrh, of a most persistent and annoying type. We expressed doubt as to the efficacy of the electrical treat- ment in her case, and stated that if it was undertaken it would be necessary to be most persevering in order to test its efficacy. The patient was willing and anxious to try this or any other method that offered the slightest chance of relief, and for nearly four months she submitted to the pro- posed treatment. From four to, six ordinary sized zinc-carbon cells were used, and the treatment was both external and internal. About sixty applications were given, and the result was a complete recovery. Over four years have now elapsed since this case was first published, but the patient has never felt a symptom of a return of the diffi- culty. Anosmia, or Loss of Sense of Smeli.A very frequent result of long- continued rhinitis is partial or complete anosmia. The acute form that * Diseases of the Eye, Translated by Drs, Hackley and Roosa, p, 26. + Golubew has shown that the capillaries of the nictitating membrane of the frog contract transversely under the influence of powerful electrical shocks, (Billroth’s Surgical Pathology. Trans'ated by Dr. C. E. Hackley, p. 53.) 684 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. appears in the early stages of severe cold usually passes away without treatment on the subsidence of the inflammation. In some cases anosmia is supposed to, and probably does, result from careless and too prolonged use of over-irritating injections. There are various grades of the disease, from simple and scarcely perceptible obtuseness of the smell to absolute inability to detect any odor whatever. Kerosene, coffee, illuminating gas, make no more impres- sion than substances of a negative character. Anosmia may also result from central as well as peripheral lesion. i The ¢veatment of anosmia may be both external and internal. The external treatment is the same as that recommended for rhinitis, except that the current should be much stronger ; the internal treatment consists in the direct application of a metallic electrode to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. We have used for this purpose an insulated elec- trode, with a metallic bulbous extremity that can be run some distance up the inferior meatus. An insulated Eus- tachian catheter, containing a wire with a bulbous extremity, y serves very well the purpose, or 2 common silver catheter, a re uninsulated, may be used ; or, indeed, any flexible metallic trode, electrode of proper size. Anosmia existing six years—Improvement under treatment by local faradization, Case CCXXII.—Mr. H. I., a medical] student, aged 30, was referred to us by Dr. Roosa, May, 1869. Some six years previously the patient had fallen from a horse and sustained severe bruises about the head and face. From that time he had been unable to distinguish any odor with the exception of that of fresh-ground coffee and kerosene oil, : A powerful application of the faradic current was made on either side of the bridge of the nose, near the eyes, enabling him in the course of a few hours to smell faintly certain strong perfymes. On the following morning, however, he was surprised to find himself able to smell tobacco smoke, camphor, etc. His sense of smell remained thus acute until three or four in the afternoon, when it suddenly disappeared. A second application was followed by the beneficial result of the first, and with only a partial relapse, while the third and fourth séances rendered him sensible to most of the ordinary odors. Anosmia associated with loss of the sense of taste—Recovery under localized galvani- zation, Casz CCXXIII.—Mrs, H., sent to us by Dr. A. N. Brockway, aged 45, was suf- ering from a severe and chronic nasal catarrh, and associated with this disease was a complete loss of the senses of taste and smell, TOOTHACHE. 685 It was alike to the patient whether she ate the most delicate morsel or the dryest crust, or whether she inhaled the perfume of the rose or the most disagreeable of odors. This condition has existed for several years, but under the influence of the galvanic current, applied both to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and ex- ternally, the senses of taste and smell gradually returned to their normal acuteness, Toothache (Odontalgia).—The pathological conditions that give rise to toothache are so various, and the anatomical difficulties in the way to direct localization of the current in the affected nerve are so great, ‘that uniform results from electrical treatment cannot be expected. The familiar cause of toothache is exposure tocold. Although the nerves connected with decayed teeth are more liable to be affected after such exposure, yet the nerves of any or of all the teeth, even when they are perfectly sound, may also become hyperzsthetic and cause exceeding distress, either from exposure to cold, or from anzemia or nervous exhaustion.* The applications may be external or internal, either with the faradic or galvanic currents. The galvanic is preferable, since by it we can better put the irritable nerve in a condition of anelectrotonos (see p. 281). Externally a moistened sponge electrode connected with the posi- tive pole may be applied for a few minutes over the seat of the pain, while the other is held in the hand of the patient. The application may be made internally by means of a small insulated electrode, with a metallic extremity. (The nasal or laryngeal electrode will serve the purpose.) In both the external and internal applications it is well to begin with a mild current, and gradually increase it up to the point where thé patient can conveniently bear it. Ozone and Ozonized Oxygen.—When sparks of electricity pass be- tween two metallic plates, a, peculiar odorous principle is developed, which has been termed ozone (from 62m, to smell). This odor is observed during experiments with apparatus for statical electricity, while the elec- tricity is passing from a point, when a discharge from a strong battery is sent through a number of sheets of paper, and also after an object has been struck by lightning. As long ago as 1785, Von Marum observed | that electrified oxygen gave forth an odor much like that which is ob- served after a lightning stroke. This odor was usually described as “ sul- phurous.” Mr. Schdnbein, who, in 1840, first called formal attention to ozone, first discovered that it appears at the positive pole in the elec- trolyzation of water. *Frommhold givés an interesting chapter on Odontalgia Rheumatica. See his Electrotherapie mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Nerven-Krankheiten, 1865, p. 404. ° 586 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. The observer also found that this peculiar odoriferous principle can be preserved in glass vessels for a very long time. The odor may be pre- vented from appearing by raising the temperature of the liquid toa boiling point, and it may be at once neutralized by the addition of quite small quantities of pulverized charcoal, tin, zinc, iron, lead, an- timony, bismuth, or arsenic, by a little mercury, or by introducing into the substance red-hot platinum or gold. It is produced by the slow oxidation of phosphorus. It is disengaged from solutions of a number of the salts, and from diluted nitric, phosphoric, and sulphuric acids. Mr. Gann concluded, from his experiments, that this odor may be evolved from all metals, provided they are so treated as not to become oxidized or to combine with other metals.* Tests. —The test for ozone proposed by Schénbein was a paper moistened with a solution of iodide of potassium and starch. The ozone sets free the iodine and gives the starch a deep-blue color. General Properties—Ozone is active, intensified oxygen. Like oxygen, it has a powerful oxidizing action. It is about half as heavy as oxygen, and, at a temperature of 290° (Cent.), is changed back into ordinary oxygen. It is only soluble in oil of turpentine. Ozone exists in the atmosphere in greater or less quantity, which is believed to vary with the atmospheric conditions, and to exert a definite and powerful influence on the health, although precise and satisfactory demonstration of the nature and extent of the laws of this influence is yet wanting. According to the experiments of Prof. Schénbein, Messrs. Martiguer, Marignac, De la Rive, Becquerel, Frémy, and others, it would appear that ozone is only a peculiar form of oxygen produced by electricity—a change analogous to that which the solar rays bring forth in chlorine— and that its presence in certain quantities is essential to health. Ac- cording to Dr. Boeckel, Prof. Schénbein, and Dr. Billiard, the presence of cholera or malaria is attended by the absence of ozone.} It is possi- éle that ozone has more or less share in the variations of the physical conditions that have been ascribed to changes in the conditions of atmos- pheric electricity. Ozone is found to be especially abundant in the atmosphere after a thunder-storm. It is also supposed to be produced by decay and the growth of plants. It destroys the impurities of the air miasms by producing oxidation. It has been estimated that “a * Lectures on Electricity by Henry M. Noad, London, 1844, p. 232. + On the Influence of Variations of Electric Tension as the remote Cause of Epidemic and other Diseases. By Wm. Craig, 1864, p. 424. See also Cornelius Fox on Ozone and Antozone, for a résumé of what is known of this subject. EFFECTS OF OZONE. 687 volume of air containing ggg, of ozone will purify 540 volumes of pu- trid air.” In the arts ozone has been utilized for bleaching and disin- fecting. Physiological and Therapeutical Effects of Ozone.—The physiological effects of ozone have been studied both on man and on animals. It is believed that the bracing and inspiring effect of a clear, crisp, and sparkling morning, is due in part to the great amount of ozone in the atmosphere.* When it is held in combination with oxygen or common air, it acts much like oxygen, but more powerfully. It affects the pulse, the respiration, and the circulation, in various ways, according to the quantity taken, and the temperament of the individual. In this respect, it behaves like electricity. It has been thought that ozone is formed in the body from the contact of oxygen gas with the blood, and there are those who believe that it is absorbed with the ozone in the air, and is carried into the blood, where it takes part in the process of oxidation. There is a possibility, if not indeed a probability, that electricity, in its passage through the body, generates ozone in very minute quantities, through the electrolytic and other changes that it produces, and the theory, that the beneficial effects of electrization are in part due to the ozone thus generated, has some plausibility. But on all these subjects very little is known. Experiments made in the laboratory with ozone, artificially prepared, are highly suggestive. Catarrhal symptoms and attacks, much resembling epidemic influenza, are produced by long breathing air laden with ozone. It is stated that it would be difficult to distinguish between the symptoms of influenza and the symptoms of an over-dose of ozone. Experiments on animals have shown that irrita- tion of the mucous lining of the throat and nostrils, with febrile symp- toms and congestion of the lungs, may be quickly excited by breathing air containing a large percentage of ozone. If animals are, for a long time, subjected to ozone, they perish. In their susceptibility to it, however, they vary widely. A rabbit, breathing air mingled with yyy of its weight in ozone, has died in two hours. Mice, breathing air about seam Of ozone, have died immediately. Rats are more susceptible than guinea-pigs, and guinea-pigs are more susceptible: than rabbits. Pigeons are quite tolerant of ozone, and frogs are proof against it, pro- vided they have abundance of water.’ Birds are specially tolerant of this agent, as might naturally be inferred, since, in the higher strata of the air, where they fly, ozone is more abundant than near the earth. A convenient apparatus for the inhalation of ozonized oxygen is that * Dr. Baldwin (Am. Jour. Med. Sciences, Oct., 1874) gives observations that op: pose this theory. 688 MISCELLANEOUS MEDICAL DISEASES. of Siemen’s, which consists of a glass tube lined with tin-foil leaves that are connected with the current from a powerful helix, anc. slightly, separated from each other, so that in passing from one to the other the current is interrupted with sparks. Through this tube the oxygen passes from an iron receiver, and ozone is developed by the action of the current at its interruptions. By this apparatus fifteen per cent. of the oxygen may be converted into ozone. A glass apartment may be con- structed on the same principle, in which the patient may sit for a long time and slowly breathe in a natural manner the diffused ozonized oxygen. Dr. C. Lender,* of Berlin, has successfully experimented with the in- halation of ozonized oxygen in the treatment of wounds, and has found that in malaria and various conditions associated with impure blood and depraved nutrition, its corrective and tonic effects are very decided. In this country the therapeutic effects of ozone have been studied by Dr. Sass, end v ith encouraging results. Antozone.—This, like ozone, is an active condition of oxygen, and is produced in the same way and at the same time. The fact that such a condition as Anfozone might exist was suspected by Schénbein in 1858, and its properties have since been studied by Meissner, in 1863 and 1869. Hay Fever—(Summer Catarrh—Rose Cold—Autumnal Catarrh.— Dr. Beard has recently made extensive researches in this strange dis- ease, and has shown that the nervous system has more ta do with it than has been supposed. He has treated two cases of the disease dur- ing the attack by external galvanization. In one case considerable and in the other case very decided relief was obtained. Dr. W. F. Hutch- inson, of Providence, has succeeded not only in relieving, but in break- ing up an attack by central galvanization. As a prophylactic a prolonged course of general faradization or cen- tral galvanization is recommended. Acute Diseases —Fevers—Convalescence.—General faradization and central galvanization might be used in acute diseases much more than they have been. When quinine, iron, etc., are used, these methods of electrization should be used both for their sedative and their tonic effects. That the pulse and temperature, when abnormally high, can be * Das unreine Blut und seine Reinigung durch negatiy-electrischen Sauerstoff (Ozon). Also, Sauerstoff und Ozonsauerstoff, nebst ihrer Anwendung bei Verwun- deten nach einem im Berliner Inhalatorium gehaltenen Votrage. Compare also Dr. A. H. Smith’s excellent paper on Oxygen Gas as a Remedy in Disease. New York, 1870, FEVER AND CONVALESCENCE. 689 reduced by general faradization and central galvanization we have abundantly established by many observations, and the greater tonic effects of these methods of using electricity are now conceded every- where. The introduction of these methods to the treatment of acute and sub- acute diseases offers a great field for enterprising general practitioners. Dr. Glax treated thirty cases of typhoid fever by galvanization of the cervical sympathetic, and succeeded in reducing the temperature and diminishing the fever. ; In convalescence from any acute disease, general faradization and cen- tral galvanization are a great assistance, and have been considerably used for that purpose by ourselves and other observers. Obesity.—Obesity has been treated by powerful faradization, with a view to produce absorption of the adipose tissue, and, it is claimed, with some success. The applications are directed through the abdomen. Cirrhosis of the Liver.—The pains that accompany this disease may be relieved by various electrical applications, and it isevery way pro- bable that the disease might be arrested, in some cases at least, pro- vided the treatment was begun early and faithfully carried out. 44 ELECTRO-SURGERY. CHAPTER I. Electro-surgery is that branch of electro-therapeutics which includes the electrical treatment of the diseases commonly known as surgical. Besides the four medical applications of electricity,—localized fara- dization, localized galvanization, general faradization, and central gal- vanization—all of which may be used for surgical diseases, it includes galvano-cautery and electrolysis, both of which may be regarded as pe- culiar to this department. History of Llectro-Surgery.—The history of surgical electricity, though to a considerable degree interwoven with the history of electro- therapeutics in general, is yet sufficiently distinct to entitle it to special consideration. Electro-surgery was born in one of the darkest eras of electro-thera. peutics, the decade just preceding the great discovery of induction by Faraday, in 1831. The distrust and neglect with which at this period especially electro-therapeutics was regarded by men of science was due partly to the reaction that inevitably followed the extravagant hopes that had been raised on the discovery and popularization of the voltaic pile at the beginning of the century ; partly to the inconstancy and un- reliability of the pile itself, partly to the almost absolute ignorance of the profession concerning the indications for, the effects of, or the methods of using electricity ; and partly also to the fact that it was con- founded with mesmerism, which, after creating absurd and wide-spread excitement, had fallen into deserved and permanent neglect. It was in the middle of this era, in the year 1825,* when the cause of electro-therapeutics seemed hopelessly lost, that Sarlandiere ¢ called renewed attention to this despised agent by proposing the employment of electro-puncture, in order to bring the current more directly to bear on the deeper tissues. The first experiments were made with statical ‘electricity. 5 The subject was afterwards studied by Magendie, who used electro- * Two years previously (1823) Prévost and Dumas had attempted, with some suc- cess, the dissolution of calculi of the bladder in animals; and many years before some surgical diseases had been treated electrically, but the subject was not systemati- cally studied until 182 5. + Mémoires sur Pélectro-puncture, Paris, 1825. 694 HISTORY OF ELECTRO-SURGERY. puncture. with the galvanic current (galvano-puncture) in the treatment of various diseases. At first electro-puncture was used medically more than surgically. The treatment of aneurisms by this method was of a later date. The idea of causing coagulation of the blood by galvano-puncture was originally suggested by Scudamore, and in 1831 Guérard, Pravaz, and Leroy d’Etiolles proposed the treatment of aneurism by this method, which was first practised by B. Phillips, about the year 1832,* and after- wards studied by Liston. In 1839 Schuster successfully employed electro-puncture for the treat: ment of hydrocele and other serous effusions, and in 1843 he ever his successes to the French Academy. In 1839, and the following year also, Crussel, whose name is so prominent a figure in the history of electro-surgery, began his investiga- tions on electrolysis.t| His experiments excited little interest in the profession. In 1843, also, Steinheil and Heider suggested the theory that the nerves of teeth might be killed by placing a platinum wire, heated by the passage of a galvanic current, in the cavity, and in 1845 Heider first successfully employed this method. He used for this purpose one very large element of Grove. The operation took but a few seconds. In 1846, Crussel, whose name, as we have seen, is also to be remem- bered as the founder of electrolytic treatment, successfully removed by the heated platinum wire a “large fungus haematodes, situated in the frontal and ocular region.” In the same year Petréquin, of Lyons, obtained successful results in the treatment of aneurisms by galvano-puncture. The year 1846 may therefore be regarded as one of special significance in the history of electro-surgery. About this time also, the same treatment was used by Burci, of Italy. In 1847 Bertani and Milani first treated varicose veins by galvano- puncture. In the same year Crussel published his method of treating ulcers by availing himself of the electrolytic powers of the galvanic cur- * Erichsen’s Surgery, p. 513. + Frommhold, Electrotherapie mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Nerven-Krankheiten, Pest, 1865, p. 104. The first experiments with electrolysis were made much earlier than this; since, according to Brenner, Mongiardini and Lando had used a needle-shaped electrode, connected with the negative pole (probably of a voltaic pile, which was then just com- ing into notice), for the treatment of gangrene. De/? applicazione del Galvanismo alla medicina, Genova, 1803. EARLY HISTORY. 695 . rent. .This author observed that when two metallic plates are con- nected with the poles of a galvanic apparatus, and applied to the body, very different effects were produced at the two poles—the positive act- ing like an acid, and making harder the tissue; the negative like an alkali, and causing an increase of fluid. On the strength of this ob- servation, Crussel treated ulcers and cancers by a flow connected with the positive pole of the apparatus, while the negative was in the hand of the patient. The result of this treatment was to cause a scab to form, which fell off, leaving the sore smaller and more healthful in ap- pearance. Repeated treatment of this kind wrought cures. In the same and the following year, Crussel formally called the at- tention of the profession to “‘the electrolytic method of cure.’ * For the treatment of strictures another method was subsequently inves- tigated by Willebrand, Wells, Ciniselli, and has recently been revised by Scouteten, Mallez, Tripier, and others. In 1850 Marshall sug- gested and successfully employed the galvano-cautery in the treatment of fistulee. In 1852 Baumgarten and Wertheimer, with the co-operation of Mal- gaigne, successfully operated on an aggravated case of varicose veins in the arm. : In 1852, also, Ciniselli,} who still cultivates with distinguished suc- cess the department of electrolysis, first established by experiment that the alkalies appear at the negative, and the acids at.the positive pole. His method of demonstration was to lay a piece of flesh across the edges of two vessels filled with distilled water, and alternately con- necting each of the vessels with a pole. The acids were found .in the vessel containing the positive pole, and the alkalies in the ves- sel containing the negative. The piece of flesh was shrunken and burned. In 1853 Ellis first used the heated platinum wire for cauterization of the cervix in inflammations and ulcerations. In this same year Hall sucessfully treated a case of ununited fracture by galvano-punc- ture. A great and important impulse was given to galvano-cautery by Middeldorpff, who, in 1854, published his celebrated work on the subject. | * Die Electrolytische Heilmethode, Neue Med. -Chir. Zeitung, 1847, No. 7. Med Zeitung Russlands,.1847 and 1848, Quoted by Meyer, op. cit., p. 474. + Dell’ azione chimica, dell’ electricita, Cremona, 1852. + Brenner, Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen auf dem Gebiete der Elektrother- ‘apie, Bd: ii., p. 265. | The Galvano-Caustic, Breslau, 1854. 696 HISTORY OF ELECTRO-SURGERY, In 1855 Demarquay removed a swelling of the submaxillary gland by galvano-puncture. In the same year, Vergnés and Poey published their experiments on the removal of poisonous metals from the body by the electro-chemical bath. In 1856 Boulu caused resolution of tumors in a number of cases by magneto-electricity, applied by means of metallic disks. Two cases of swelling of the parotid gland were in this way entirely cured. In the same year Meding extracted mercury from a patient who had long suffered from mercurial poisoning, by means of the electro-chemical bath. In 1858 and 1859 Zsigmondi published the result of his successful experience with galvano-cautery after the system of Middeldorpff. In 1859, also, Delstanche, Lehmann, Burdel, and Thevissen reported suc- cesses in the treatment of hydrocele by farado-puncture. In 1861 Braun and Von Gruenewald introduced the galvano-cautery into gynzecology, where it has since been employed for the removal of polypi, excision of the cervix, and so forth. Both in the extent and the variety of his operations in this depart- ment Middeldorpff far surpassed all his predecessors. He devised a powerful, though somewhat bulky apparatus, as well as various burners’ and loops for operating on different parts and organs of the body. In 1867 Althaus * revived the attention of surgeons to the surgical powers of electricity, by reports of successful experiments in the treat- ment of navi and tumors of various kinds by electrolyzation. During the past five years extensive researches have been made in nearly all the prominent departments of Electro-Surgery by the authors of the present treatise.+ The results of the researches are recorded in this section. Experiments made in those departments of Electro-Phy- siology bearing on Electro-Surgery have already been recorded in the section on Electro-Physiology. During the same period the various departments of Electro-Surgery have been studied by Althaus, Von Bruns, Byrne, Groh, Neftel, Duncan, Newman, Voltolini, Caldwell, Prince, ourselves + and others. Surgical compared with Medical Electricity.—In comparing this his- tory of surgical with that of medical electricity, we observe a number of interesting points both of similarity and of contrast. Surgical is much younger thah medical electricity, dating, as we have seen, from 1825. In neither department has the progress been uniform or consistent. * Tumors and other Surgical Diseases. 1867. + Clinical Researches in Electro-Surgery. By A. D. Rockwell, A.M., M.D., and George M. Beard, A.M., M.D, William Wood & Co. 1873. SURGICAL AND MEDICAL ELECTRICITY COMPARED. 697 Eras of extravagant expectation have been followed by eras of indif- ference, although with surgical electricity the contrast has been much less marked than with medical, The interest that was aroused by the introduction of electro-puncture in 1825, of electrolysis and gal- vano-cautery in 1846-47, was followed by a reaction of neglect that allowed the whole subject to sink into nearly absolute forgetfulness. The progress of surgical even more than of medical electricity has been impeded by want of convenient and reliable apparatus, and by this dif- ficulty is explained the fact that so few workers have entered this most promising field. While the number of experimenters in medical elec- tricity, both in the profession and out of it, and in various countries, is very large, including very many of the ablest writers of modern medica] literature, the practice of distinctly surgical electricity has been con- fined to a few, and the authors by whom it has been really advanced could be counted on one’s fingers. Surgical, unlike medical electricity, has been studied and pursued mainly by men of science, and the progress that has been made in it has been much more frequently the direct result of scientific observa- tion and experiment. Those physicians who have made eras in medi- cal electricity have done so by improving, developing, systematizing, and introducing to the profession methods of treatment which either by charlatans or others had been substantially known and practised before them. Sarlandiere, Stenheil, Heider, and Crussel, on the contrary, first suggested and employed as well as introduced to the profession electro-puncture, galvano-cautery, and electrolysis. Another important distinction is this, that nearly all the surgical dis- eases for which electricity is employed have been treated with more or less success by other methods, while in many of the medical diseases in which electrization has been most successful it has been the chief, and in some the only dependence. Finally, it should not be forgotten that the surgical successes achieved by electricity have been of great service to electro-therapeu- tics in general. A surgical operation appeals to the eye and to mechanical skill, while medicine appeals more to the higher and rarer qualities of reason and imagination. Many who fail to comprehend a complex medical fact or principle may be fascinated and carried to en- thusiasm by whatever strikes the senses. Hence we find that the sug- gestion of electro-puncture in 1825 revived an interest in electricity that its purely medical applications failed to sustain, and from that time to the present the fortunate operations of galvano-cautery and electrolysis have aroused the attention of many who had no faith in 698 HISTORY OF ELECTRO-SURGERY. and no comprehension of the remarkable powers of electricity over nutrition. Temperament of the Patient less important in Surgical than in Medi- cal Electricity.—In medical electricity, as we have seen, the results of treatment largely depend on the temperament. Some can bear almost any amount of electrical treatment, others can bear but a little, and others still can bear none at all (see p. 291). We have seen in the chapter on Hysteria and allied Affections that symptoms for which electricity is peculiarly adapted, and over which its greatest victoriés are obtained, sometimes refuse to yield and are indeed aggravated when any form of electricity is used by any mode of application, for the reason ‘that the ¢emperament of the patient contra-indicates electricity. Tem- peraments that will not bear electricity at all or but little are quite frequently found, especially among the better classes. In surgical dis- eases that are treated by distinctively surgical applications of electrici- ty the temperament need not usually be taken into account. Electro- surgical operations are of a thermal or chemical character, and are not dependent for their success on the idiosyncrasy of the patient. We have seen, furthermore, that the electro-susceptibility of patients may appear either in the form of farado-susceptibility or galvano-suscepti- bility—-some who can bear and be benefited by the faradic current, cannot bear the galvanic, and vice versa. In electro-surgical operations the possibility of these special idiosyncrasies need not be considered. It is true that patients behave very differently after electro-surgical operations, that some suffer from irritative fever and others do not, and these differences of effect may very likely be due to differences of electro-susceptibility, but such differences are not usually of suffi- ciently serious importance to require consideration. CHAPTER II. ELECTROLYSIS—ITS NATURE AND GENERAT, METHODS. Tue definition and derivation of electrolysis, as well as its general laws and phenomena, have already been given (see Electro-Physics, Chapter IV.). Its physiological relations have also been presented in considerable detail (see Electro-Physiology, p. 91). It remains for us here to speak only of electrolysis in its surgical relations, and to describe the rules and methods of the various operations in which it has been found of service. Electrolysis in surgery is, however, so closely dependent on electrolysis in physics and physiology, that no one can intelligently utilize and explain it in operative procedures who does not also understand its physical and physiological relations. The term electrolysis is a general one, and signifies decomposition by electricity. As such it applies to the electrical decomposition of in- organic as well as organic substances, and of animal tissues, whether in health or in disease, living or dead. Practically, however, the term is now pretty well restricted, in electro-therapeutical language, to the electrical decomposition of morbid’ growths, or to parts affected by chronic inflammation, by means of some form of needle electrodes, and although more or less electrolytic action takes place in all applications of the galvanic current externally or internally, yet the term, when ap- plied to any electrical operation, is understood to imply that electro- lytic action was the leading effect sought for, and that it was obtained by needles, or at least by some form of metallic electrode more or less pointed at the extremity. : On the other hand, when electrodes with very large surface are used, with a view to chemical effect, and the transfer of fluids with absorption, the process is called catalysis. Catalysis depends in part, at least, on electrolysis, and the distinction between the terms, which has been ob- served by electro-therapeutists is practical rather than scientific. Theory of Electrolysis of Morbid Living Tissue.—For electrolysis, living as compared with dead tissue has the twofold advantage that its solutions are warmer and therefore better conductors, and that it is capable of the processes of absorption. 700 ELECTROLYSIS—ITS NATURE AND GENERAL METHODS. When needles connected with the poles of a galvanic battery are inserted into a tumor, a threefold action is produced. 1. Decomposition of its fluid Constituents —Hy drogen and alkalies, soda, potassa, etc., go to the negative, and oxygen and acids to the positive. The special character of these electrolytic phenomena will depend on the character of the tumor, and the rapidity of the action will be proportioned to the relative amount of its fluidconstituents. As the body is mostly composed of water holding salts of potash, soda, etc., in solution, it is a good electrolyte, and in most of the conditions of dis- ease undergoes rapid decomposition. Scirrhus and fibroids, when hard and firm, require considerable strength of current, and are electrolyzed with comparative slowness. Erectile tumors, which are almost entirely of fluid composition, can be electrolyzed very rapidly. Although elec- trolytic action takes place at both poles when inserted in tumors, as when inserted in inorganic substances, yet this action on the whole ap- pears to be the more vigorous and more effective for causing absorption and disintegration at the negative pole, and in practice this pole is usually found to be the more efficacious, although successful results are obtained by the positive pole or by both combined. Epithelioma, being largely composed of water, also decompose rapidly. Reasoning from what we know of the electrolysis of inorganic sub- stances, it is proper to assume that in the electrolysis.of a malignant tumor, for example, the many chemical substances of which it is com- posed undergo manifold combinations and recombinations, the precise nature of which cannot well be fully divined, and the practical effect of which in causing discussion of the tumor can only be determined by extended clinical experience. 2. Absorption.—Absorption may be hastened both by the chemical changes that take place, and also by the mechanically irritating effect of the needles and the transference of the anions and cations. This absorption takes place both during and after the treatment. In some cases it is not at all observed during the operation, but goes on slowly for weeks following. Stimulation of absorption is especially marked when electricity acts on hydrocelé and cystic tumors. 3. Disintegration and Atrophy.—As a result of the decomposition and absorption, and associated with them, the tissues become dried, separated, shrivelled, and the tumor decreases in bulk and may entirely disappear. All these processes, or rather the effects of these processes, may be distinctly observed during the electrolysis of any small wen, mole, nzvus, or wart, both during and after the operation. Shortly after the needle is inserted, the growth will be seen to change in color ; BATTERIES FOR ELECTROLYSIS. 7ol the skin soon begins to shrivel and contract, like an apple when it is baking. The next day the growth will be still smaller, and perhaps nearly or entirely obliterated. Apparatus for Electrolysis.—Electrolytic action is chietly obtained by the galvanic current, although there is little question that the ‘faradic current (both the electro-magnetic and magneto-electric) has more or less electrolytic power, and the magneto-electric current has been used in electro-plating. The magneto-electric rotary machine, as constructed by Saxton or Stéhrer, is capable of producing electrolysis.* It has, however, for this purpose, in therapeutics at least, no advantage, and decided disad: vantages as compared with the galvanic current. It has been shown that for the purposes of galvano-cautery quantity with moderate tension was required, and that this was obtained by a few large elements ; for the purposes of electrolysis tension with mod- erate or fair quantity is required, such as is obtained by a considerable number of elements of medium size (see chapter on Ohm's Law in Electro-Physics, p. 77). Any of the galvanic batteries described in the chapter on apparatus, can be used. for electrolysis. The zinc-carbon batteries are the best for the purposes of electrolysis, but with the cabinet battery and with most of the combinations and modifications of Daniell’s cells, the elec- trolytic action is comparatively feeble, and only answers for trifling oper- ations. Deficiency in electrolytic power in a battery may to a certain extent be compensated by protracted applications. Methods of Testing the Electrolytic Batteries.—Batteries may be ap- proximately tested with a view to ascertaining their comparative advan- tages for electrolytic operation, by the amount of deflection they cause to the needle of the galvanometer of known construction (p. 46) ; by. the rapidity and amount of decomposition which they cause in simple compounds, such as acidulated water, iodide of potassium, or common salt, and by their capacity for heating platinum wire (p. 82). An approximate test for the qualities that are needed in electrolytic operations is found in the decomposition of iodide of potassium, The rapidity with which this yields to the current of a battery, and the amount of iodine evolved in a given, time, very fairly indicates the capacity of that battery for electrolytic purposes. * See Frommhold’s Electrotherapie mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Nerven-Krank- heiten. Pest, 1865, p. 104. + In experimenting with galvanic batteries care must be taken to avoid frequent or long-continued connection of the »eta//ic portions of the electrodes, since, on account 702 ELECTROLYSIS—ITS NATURE AND GENERAL METHODS. Needles.~-For producing electrolysis in, tissues beneath the skin fine needles of gold or gilded. steel are used. The advantage. of the gold is that it resists oxidation better than any other metal. Gold or gilded needles can, however, be used only with the negative pole, since with the positive they would be acted on. The conductors may be composed of two, four, six, eight, or more needles. The needles may be insulated with hard rubber, or collodion, or shellac, for about one-third of their length, so that when introduced into a tumor the skin may not be acted on and inflammation excited. In- sulation, however, is only necessary in those cases where, .as in sub- cutaneous nevi, it is desirable that the skin should not be affected by the current. The shape of the point is of considerable importance. Round needles are introduced with difficulty. The bayonet-pointed needles are preferable. The common glover’s needle, as sold in the fancy stores, we have found to be easier of introduction than any other form. Althaus has employed a conductor, a modification of which is repre- sented in the following cut : Fic. 147. Conductor for Electrolysis. This consists of a conducting wire, composed ofa number of small wires twisted, with a number of branches, each one of which is so arranged that it can be attached to a needle after it has been introduced into the part to be treated. The advantages of this arrangement are that one needle or more can be used, and that the number can at pleasure be increased or diminished during the operation, and that the needles can be intro- of the feeble resistance thus offered—metals being far better conductors than the hu- man body—powerful action takes place in the cells (as is shown by the active evolue tion of gases, attended with a boiling or hissing sound), which, if allowed to continue, eats holes in and rapidly consumes the zinc. NEEDLES FOR ELECTROLYSIS. 703 duced in any'direction. In the conductor which we have constructed, and which is represented in the cut (Fig. 147), the needles are united to the conducting wires by being inserted in miniature cups or cavities at the end of the wires. Fic. 148. Fic. r49. Bayonet-pointed Needles for Electrolysis, Rockwell’s Long Needle insulated and non-insulated (Kidder). for Electrolysis of Uterus through the Vagina or the Walls of the Abdomen. 704 ELECTROLYSIS—ITS NATURE AND GENERAL METHODS. flexible Copper Wire for Connecting the Needles in Electrolytic Operations.—These needles are attached to connecting wires by fine flexible copper wire. Wire of this kind, it may be remarked, is a most convenient.and almost necessary adjunct to an electrolytic case, and to the operating-room of the electro-therapeutist. It is useful for many 8 «a f Ik a Ei ell ® 5 : S ® g 2 x — Se —_—_—_—— = Wie. iets : Fic. 150. Beard’s Long Cutting Needles for Needles for Electrolysis, with Rock- Electrolysis of the Base. well’s Needle- Holders, (Tiemann and Galvano-Faradic Mfg. Co.) purposes of connection, and when thumb-screws are out of order or broken off it very well supplies their place. Dr. Murray, of this city, has employed needles insulated at both ends, leaving an uninsulated portion in the middle. He uses these needles in the treatment of hydrocele and cystic tumors. They are ELECTROLYSIS OF THE BASE, 705 introduced so that the insulated portion is on the skin, and the unin- sulated portion within the tumor. Method of Introducing the Needles.—The skin in some parts of the body is quite tough, and needles go in with much greater diffi- culty than one might suppose. The method of introducing a hypo- dermic syringe is the best method of introducing needles for electro- lysis. The skin may be pinched up and kept tense with the left hand, while the right pushes in the needles the required depth. If it is impossible or merely difficult to push the needles in as far as is needed, it is better to let on the current, and allow a little electro- lytic action to take place around the needle. This will loosen it at the negative pole (though at the positive it will have the opposite effect, and bind it close and firm). The negative needle thus loosened can easily be pushed further in. The pain attendant on the introduction of the needles is, of course, best combated by full anzesthesia or by ether spray; but there are many cases where anesthetics are hardly required, where ether spray cannot be conveniently used, and where it is desirable to diminish in some way the pain. A mixture of ether and carbolic acid in equal parts, first suggested to us by Dr. Sterling, has a positively benumbing effect on the part to which it is applied. The mixture can be localized to a very small spot, and the benumbing effect begins to be felt in less than five minutes, and lasts for fifteen or twenty minutes, varying with the amount used. It turns the skin a little white. The disadvan- tage in its use is that it sometimes makes a slight sore afterward. The benumbing influence of the faradic current may be utilized for this purpose (see Electro-Anzesthesia). Electrolyzing the Base.—During the past three years we have been treating malignant tumors of various kinds by a method of electrolysis which Dr. Beard has termed zorking up the base, or electrolysis of the base. The ordinary method of electrolysis does not suffice for malignant tumors. It will relieve the pain, but relief of pain can be obtained by simple external galvanization without any needles. It will cause a certain reduction in size, but this reduction is almost always limited, rarely exceeding ten or twenty-five per cent. In some cases, not the slightest perceptible reduction is caused, even by the most persevering use of electrolysis. . When powerful currents are used, there. must, of course, result more or less destruction of tissue near the point where the needles are inserted, and by successive operations the entire growth may be broken down, or may slough away after the operations are dis- 45 706 ELECTROLYSIS—ITS NATURE AND GENERAL METHODS, continued, and it is possible to extend the operations far into the base and surrounding tissues. Some of our first cases were treated in this way; but it is to the last degree awkward, tedious, and involves a great waste of time and force. Method of Operating by Electrolysis of the Base.—The patient must first be fully etherized. The method of operating on a smad/ tumor is to first insert the needle connected with the positive pole underneath the tumor and near the border. that * Archives of Electrology and Neurology, May, 1874. SCIRRHUS OF RECTUM. 746 the passages were easier. Three weeks after the operation the patient was very much better, and went round the house. The operation, which lasted forty minutes, including intermissions consisted in inserting one needle connected with the ‘positive pole into the body of the growth, while the negative needles were run through the base and made to work around the inside of the rectum at the base of the tumor, as far as it was deemed prudent to go. The growth was mostly removed in this manner, and with very little hemorrhage. The entire thirty-two cells were employed, and the patient was kept under ether for two hours. Irritative fever. followed the operation for five days, The pulse went up to 120. There was some flatulence and pain in the abdomen, but no positive tender- ness, There was considerable urethral irritation and dysuria, and the urine was . drawn by a catheter. — s In a few days, the patient was able to discharge large and well-formed faeces, For about a month, there was some discharge from the rectum, but no symptoms of pyzmia, or of peritonitis or of cellulitis that might be feared from so formidable an operation. From May to June there was but little pain in the rectum comparatively, and the patient was able to walk about and to go out, May 1 sth, the patient rode out with comfort, and she strongly hoped that the relief would be permanent ; but there were signs of a recurrence of the growth, in- creasing stricture and induration, and the feeces gradually became smaller. During all this time, Dr. Crosby was in the habit of introducing sponge-tents of good size about every week or ten days. , 7 Dr. Crosby being called away July 1st, Dr. George K. Smith was called in, and suggested the use of ox-gall injection to soften the fseces, This suggestion was acted upon with good results. ° The patient, who was subsequently seen by Dr. Colton, gradually grew weaker during the excessive heat of the summer, and died October 27th, 1872, apparently from exhaustion, Dr. .Crosby thus epitomizes the important features of this case in its electro-surgical aspects : “That this growth was malignant was evident from the history of the case and all the symptoms, and was established by the microscopic ex- amination of Dr. Spier. I am disposed to believe that if the tumor had been in a position where it could have been more readily reached, and where the whole growth and she adjacent parts could have been thoroughly electrolyzed, the results would have been very much better. As it was, it seemed unjustifiable to interfere too seriously with the gut, lest we might destroy it and produce recto-vaginal fistula. “The stricture extended upward, about three inches above the anus, and ranged from three-fourths of an inch to an inch in breadth, “Tt was only at one point anteriorly that it extended higher than three inches. At this point, a little indurated tissue could not be removed without endangering the recto-uterine pouch of the peritoneum. 750 BENIGN AND MALIGNANT TUMORS. “Whatever, then, might have been hoped in case the removal had been absolutely complete, it was certain that the disease must continue to develop in this particular case. Anatomically, three inches of the rec- tum—that is, that portion within the perineum—may be safely removed by the knife even. In the.above case, the spear-pointed electrodes brought away a large annular mass of scirrhus when the operation was performed. “This was followed, a few days later, by thé separation of a large annular slough, and the rectal wall was left soft and free from disease, except. the small, indurated spot that extended above the floor of the pelvis and could not be safely removed. It is a fair question whether if the operation had been done earlier, radical improvement might not have followed. ‘A point of practical convenience was seen in the method adopted to reach the stricture. “I first. completely ruptured the sphincter ani, so as to induce com- plete relaxation. A piece of two-inch lead pipe, about two inches in length, with a handle soldered on one side, made an excellent speculum, which was pushed up to and brought the stricture fully into view. “ Through this, it was possible to carry the spear-shaped electrodes through the stricture with ease and certainty, and move them freely around the circumference of the bowel. ‘This case showed, what I have witnessed in other cases treated by electrolysis, no primary shock. “The irritative fever which followed was very marked for some days, but there was no primary disturbance, either of temperature or pulse. : “The removal immediately by the electrodes and secondarily by sloughing of so much tissue necessitated free granulation. “The repair which followed was unusually rapid. In fact, in this and in other cases treated in the same way, I have been impressed with the fact that proliferation is very rapid after electrolysis. ‘‘In this case, the granulating surface healed rapidly and completely. We anticipated, independently of any recurrence of the disease, decided contraction of the cicatricial tissue. “ Electrolysis did not save the patient’s life, but it was more efficient than any plan of treatment I have seen adopted in these most distress- ing cases.” SCIRRHUS OF BREAST. 751 Extirpation of a mammary cancer by the knife, followed by complete destruction of the underlying tissue by electrolysis—Reappearance of the growth. Case CCXL.—Mrs. H., a married lady, aged about forty, came under our observa- tion, through the kindness of Prof. J. L. Cabell, of the University of Virginia. The patient was suffering from cancer (scirrhus) of the left breast of about the size of an ordinary orange, and in addition one of the axillary glands was enlarged to the pro- portions of an ordinary hickory-nut, She had cbserved while in India, eighteen years before, a small lump in the breast, but during all the years of her residence in that climate it remained stationary and never annoyed her. About eighteen months before we saw her, she left India for Eng- ‘Jand, and soon after arriving in that colder and damper atmosphere the lump began to enlarge. During the process of its growth she has suffered from occasional neural- gic pains, but of no great severity. . On June 12, 19, and 28, 1873, we operated by the ordinary method of electrolysis, ‘on each occasion introducing three needles. These efforts merely resulted in a softer condition of the tumor, with possibly some slight diminution in size, and we deter- mined to extirpate the growth, and to destroy the surrowiding tissue by the under- mining electrolytic process. The patient went to her home, and in October she returned and submitted to the radical operation, Instead, however, of taking away the tumor by the process proposed, we secured the-services of Dr. A. B. Crosby, who, on the eighth day, after the patient had been thoroughly etherized by Dr, N. B, Emerson, quickly removed both the breast and the enlarged gland of the axilla. We had at hand an appliance consisting of some twenty points, projecting from a metal plate an inch and a half long, by an inch in width. : This contrivance, which we call a harrow electrode, was placed on a portion of the surface of the wound, and the operation was continued, : The needles penetrated somewhat into the exposed tissues, and the electrolytic pro- cess, which was at once begun, gave evidence of its usual activity. Hydrogen was developed in abundance, and the tissues changed in color and consistency, and rapid and complete destruction followed to a considerable depth. By this method the whole of the freely exposed surface was worked over and destroyed, and those portions that were more or less hidden were treated by two or three ordinary electrolytic needles, It was necessary to observe some caution in the regulation of the strength of the current and the position of the poles, for when the current was increased above a cer- tain point, or, through the position of the poles, affected too directly the pneumo- gastric nerve, the heart’s action became most markedly lowered both in frequency and force. On modifying the influence of the current, however, the circulation became as strong as usual—for a moment, indeed, there was an increased vigor in the reaction, The suppuration, which was quite profuse for a time, was followed by a healthy gra- nulating surface, and in ten days the patient was sufficiently recovered to return to Virginia, where the healing process progressed favorably throughout. Some six months subsequently the growth began to redppear, and will undoubtedly destroy the patient. The above history is of interest, simply as an illustration of the special method of treatment employed. The case was of many years’ standing—for two years the growth had been constantly enlarging, in- 752 BENIGN AND MALIGNANT TUMORS. volving the axillary glands—hence it cannot by any means be regarded as atest case. Of the two methods of treating scirrhus, viz., the re- moval of the growth by the electrolytic process alone, without the use of the knife, or—as in the case just related—extirpation by the knife, with the subsequent employment of electrolysis for the purpose of destroying the reproductive power of the disease—the latter seéms, at least to one of the authors of this work, decidedly preferable. — By this method, although two distinct operations are performed, less time is consumed in the operation; and it is possible more effectually, and to a greater depth, to destroy the underlying tissue. Relief of the pain of cancer by galvanization—So \ong as we are able to do so little towards the radical cure of the worst forms of cancer, it can never be amiss to dwell upon any means that will even fora, time relieve the awful agony that so frequently attends it. It is not sufficiently understood what a magic influence an intelligently directed application of the constant current exercises, as a rule, over the throbbing pains of scirrhus, especially of the female breast. The woman at Bellevue, we referred to in Case CCXXXVIII., p. 747, had suffered most severely for many weeks. After the first introduction of the needles every vestige of pain left her, and during the two weeks that she was under observation, before leaving the hospital, she was entirely comfortable. A number of similar cases might be recorded, but we will offer only the following, which is perhaps of more interest than the majority: An immense ulcerating scirrhus of the breast attended by the most excruciating and constant agony—No relief follows the use of the: galvano-cautery or electrolysis, but by external galvanization the pain is kept almost entirely in abeyance for months. CasE CCXLI.—In February, 1873, Mrs. ——, a patient of Dr. Everett Herrick, came to us, seeking relief from an immense ulcerating cancer of the breast. The tumor had been removed more than a year previously by Dr. W. H. Van Buren, but the wound did not entirely heal, and, « few months subsequently, the ulcerative process began, and steadily progressed. For many months the pain from which she suffered had been of unusual severity, By the advice of her physicians, above-named, she was submitted to localized gal- vanization of the sound portions surrounding the ulcerating part, and by frequent applications the intense pains were for nearly four months held in almost complete abeyance. At times, however, her sufferings were most intense, and words fail to ex- press the instantaneous and absolute relief that invariably followed the treatment. We would occasionally find her in the morning suffering most acutely. An applica- tion would dissipate the pains, and for twenty-four hours frequently, and sometimes for forty-eight, she would move about and rest in perfect comfort, In the latter part SCIRRHUS OF BREAST. 753 of May it was observed that the current did not afford the same relief as formerly. The character of her sufferings had, however, changed. In the place of the sharp, shooting pains simulating neuralgia, the distress consisted in a constant burning and itching, which annoyed her more or less until her death some few months subse- quently, It must be remarked that her later sufferings were not to be compared with those which the current so effectually allayed, Was the change in the character of her pains the result of the galvanization, or is it probable that, if left to nature, the characteristic neuralgic pains would in the same way have been replaced by the less distressing symptoms of itching and burning ? It is impossible to say, but it seems reasonable to attribute the changed action to the influence of treatment, It is proper to say that, during the course of treatment, we operated in the presence of Drs. Van Buren and Herrick, by both the galvano- cautery and electrolysis, with the vain hope of modifying in some degree the profuse and offensive discharge and checking the rapidity of the ulcerative process. This case was alone sufficient to teach the necessity of care in the application of electricity, and to confirm the statement that it is not so much electricity that relieves and cures as the method of using it. An application too prolonged, or with a current of too great tension, would not only fail to relieve, but on the contrary decidedly aggravate the distress, The cathode, applied to the seat of pain, did not relieve as did the anode, The pain was for some time overcome by simple localized galvanization, but dur- ing the last weeks of treatment the applications were effectual only when the elec- trodes were separated as far as possible. CHAPTER V. ANEURISMS AND VARICOSE VEINS. In the treatment of aneurism the great end sought is coagulation. A knowledge of the differential action of the poles in producing coagula- tion is essential to an intelligent use of electricity in treating aneurism. Coagulation takes place at both poles of the galvanic current; that at the positive pole being small, black, and hard ; and that at the nega- tive being larger, softer, and of a yellowish color. Aneurisms may be treated, with greater or less success, according to their size and position, the condition of their walls, and general health of the patient, by either of the poles, or by both combined. The best method forthe majority of cases, certainly for aneurisms of any considerable size, is to use both poles, and a large number of needles that are insulated, so that the current will not act on the walls of the aneurism. In the treatment of aneurism, especially, careful insulation is needed. The advantage of using both poles is twofold. First.—A double clot is formed, one at the positive and the other at the negative pole. Although the negative clot is soft and yielding, still, in combination with the positive clot, itis of decided service in closing the aneurism ; and, so far as we can ascertain, there is no evidence that embolism is ever caused thereby. Secondly. The resistance is greatly reduced'by placing needles con- nected with both poles in the sac, so that the electrolytic action is very much inore effective than when one pole is placed on the surface of the body. The blood is the portion of the body that best conducts electricity ; and when both poles are inside of the sac, and near to each other, as of course they must be, a mild current will cause vigorous electrolysis. On the other hand, if one pole be applied by a wet sponge to some indifferent point on the surface, a strong current is needed to produce a clot, and a long operation ; and, unless the sponge on the surface is occasionally moved, it would cause great pain ; and if the patient is under an anesthetic, a blister may be caused. As the negative pole is more painful than the positive, when the positive alone Ps STATISTICS OF ANEURISM. 755 is in the aneurism, the negative on the surface may be very uncomfort- able, even with a feeble current. We are aware that tolerably good re- stilts have been secured in many cases of aneurism, and especially by the English surgeons, by the positive pole alone ; but we suspect that better results might have been obtained if both poles had been inserted into the sac. At all events the use of both poles should be thoroughly tested. In the electrolytic treatment of aneurisms, as in so many other elec- trical applications, it is an advantage to have a rheostate, so as gradually to let the current on or off without shock. Statistics of Aneurism treated by Electricity—The published statis- tics of aneurism treated by electricity are of little or no value, and for two reasons: 1. They represent experiments made, in a large percent- age of the cases,"by those who are but little familiar with Electro- Physics, or Electro-Physiology. Quite frequently the poles have been confounded, so that it is impossible to tell whether the positive or negative is used, and from many of the accounts, it is impossible to tell even approximately the strength of current employed. 2. The statistics are derived, in part, at least, from cases that are re- ported too early. The temporary relief that results from the coagulum formed in the aneurism by the chemical action of the current has been interpreted as indicating a perfect recovery. Some of the cases hastily reported as cured probably died soon after, if not before, the account of their recovery was fully in print. For these reasons we omit all the statistics that have appeared on this subject ; preferring the general average opinion, so far as it can be obtained, of those surgeons and electro-therapeutists who are best qual- ified to speak on this subject. Our general conclusion, derived from many experiments on animals, from actual experience, and from a comparison of the various observa- tions that have been made on the subject, is that for those varieties of aneurism—such as the thoracic, abdominal, and so forth—that cannot well be treated by the old methods, and in some cases for those that are accessible to other treatment, galvano-puncture, rightly performed, may be of great service in relieving the accompanying symptoms, in prolong- ing life, and may now and then achieve a radical cure. The following case is condensed from the published account of Dr. Keyes,* in co-operation with whom the operations were made : * New York Medical Journal, December, 1871. a '56 ANEURISMS AND VARICOSE VEINS. 'neurism of abdominal avrta treated by galvano-puncture—Relief of symptoms— Death and post-mortem. CasE CCXLII.—A widow, 42 years of age, had been afflicted for many months with ‘swelling in her stomach,” that all the surgeons regard as aneurism of the superior iesenteric, or of the aorta. The patient was in Charity Hospital. There was pain in the pigastric region, which was aggravated by movement. The tumor, which was about ie size of the fist, was situated to the left of the median line, and extended a little elow the umbilicus, A thrill could be detected at the upper part of the tumor, but ot at the lower. The patient was gradually failing. The only case of treatment of abdominal aneurism by galvano-puncture recorded at iat time was that ofan Italian nobleman, a patient of Dr. Felice Dell’ Acquia.* In iis case the patient died directly after the operation from rupture of the aneurismal ic, caused by violent muscular contractions while under the influence of chloroform. ‘hree needles, connected with a voltaic pile, were used for forty minutes, Only a nall coagulum was formed. S March 3oth, 1871. A hollow steel needle was cautiously introduced, and connected ith the positive pole, while the negative pole was applied externally by means of a songe. Only from eight to twelve zinc-carbon cells were used. Drs. Wood, Sayre, nd Mason made digital compression to the aorta below the umbilicus, The needle dhered and came out with some difficulty, but no blood followed. The bruit seemed ‘ainter than before the operation, No unpleasant result followed except some pain aat was produced by the compression, and exhaustion that was produced by the therization. April 6th, Operated as before, but with two positive needles, insulated to within short distance of the points. One of the needles was hollow, and was introduced: ntil the blood flowed through it. From twelve to sixteen freshly charged zinc-carbon ells were used for twenty-five minutes. The solid needle was more acted on than the ollow needle, being nearly destroyed at the non-insulated extremity. No compression rasused. Defore the operation two murmurs were heard ; after the operation, but ne, Patient suffered less than after the other operation. Some irritative fever ap- eared. Evidence of solidification of the tumor. May 4th, Six positive needles were introduced ; three connected with a zinc-carbon attery of seventeen cells with larger plates. The current was passed for forty-one iinutes. There was no compression of the aorta. June 22d. Patient greatly improved; gets up and dresses herself. Tumor quite ard, Used two batteries as in previous operation. Eleven needles were used, and the urrent was passed sixty-five minutes, There was less irritation after this than after he other operations, The tumor became harder, but not smaller, and a murmur ould be heard only with great difficulty. In spite’ of the improvement in the condition of the tumor the patient grew weaker md weaker, and died of exhaustion, July 18, 1871. Post-mortem examination by Dr. Drake revealed the surprising fact that the patient ad three aneurisms : one of the arteria innominata about twice the size of an English valnut ; one of the aorta opposite the sixth and seventh dorsal vertebree, about eleven * Gazzetta Medica Italiana, Lombardia, No. 28, 1870, p. 217. CASE OF ANEURISM—VARICOSE VEINS. 757 inches in circumference ; and the one operated on, which was found to arise from the anterior wall of the aorta at the origin of the superior mesenteric. This aneurism was about twelve and a half inches in circumference. In all three of the aneurisms organized light-colored clots were found The one operated on was less solid than the others. There was, indeed, uo evidence that the galvano-puncture had produced any perma- nent clot. It is possible, however, that it caused a temporary clot that was wasted away by the current of blood, There is no question that the tumor became more solid after the operation, and that this solidification was attended with diminution of the nausea and pain, Luigi Ciniselli* has written a monograph on aneurisms of the tho- racic aorta treated by galvano-puncture. He speaks of twenty-three cases. Of these six recovered, sixteen died, and in one case the result is not known. Of the six reported as cured, one relapsed in three months, another in seventeen months, another in four months, but was again operated on, and after eight months there had been no relapse. Of the remaining three cases one had not relapsed up to ‘nine and a half months, another had not relapsed at eight and a half months, and the last remained well at four and a half months. Eyre has reported a case of aneurism of the left external iliac artery by farado-puncture. Symptoms of inflammation appeared, but after seventeen days the tumor was firmer, and evinced less pulsation. The faradic current, however, has nothing to commend it for the treatment of aneurism. Ciniselli successfully treated an aneurism of the ascending aorta in a patient forty- six years of age, by a galvano-puncture. Three needles, connected with a voltaic pile of thirty pairs, were inserted in the third intercostal space where the tumor was prominent and the pulsation strong. The operation lasted forty minutes. After the operation the skin over the tumor wasred. For three weeks the patient kept his bed and took digitalis. Forty-three days after the operation he left the hospital. Fifty-eight days after the operation only a slight prominence remained, and no pul- sations could be seen. Seventy-eight days after the operation the patient resumed his occupation, which was that of a coachman, Varicose Veins.—Varicose veins were'treated by galvano-puncture after the manner of aneurisms many years ago. Bertani and Milani experimented in the treatment of varicose veins by galvano-puncture as far back as 1847. These observers applied a bandage or tourniquet to the limb to diminish the blood supply before operating. * Sugli aneurismi dell’ aorta toracica finora trattati cola elettro-puntura, Miliano, 1870, Quoted in Dr. Keyes’s paper on Practical Electro-Therapeutics, N. Y. Medical Journal, December, 1371. 58 ANEURISMS AND VARICOSE VEINS. Baumgarten and Wertheimer successfully treated a severe case of vari- ose veins of the upper extremity up to acromion, whence the evil xemed to spread over the trunk. The patient wasa young girl. The mb had doubled in size. ‘¢ Baumgarten and Wertheimer introduced in three sittings, at an interval of two ‘three days each time, about ten needles into the most extended veins, placing a mductor connected with the negative pole in the hand of the patient, at the same me connecting all the needles with the positive pole. The operation caused but tle pain. After a few minutes the needles were removed, when, in place of the lated veins, full resistant cords were felt, a sure sign of complete coagulation. fter a month, the greater portion of the veins were obliterated, and the volume of e limb considerably reduced; only then those veins, heretofore of normal size, be- in to dilate a little, which circumstance can exercise no influence'on our opinion of is modus operandi.” * For the treatment of varicose veins the positive pole would possibly 2 better than the negative or than both together, and for the reasons dove given. The space within the enlarged vein is comparatively nall, and the small clot made by the positive pole ought to be sufficient : obstruct the flow of blood. The positive clot would have the ad- intage of firmness, and embolism would be less likely to follow than after ie use of the negative pole. * Meyer, op. cit., p. 471. CHAPTER VI. STRICTURES. Strictures of the Urethra.—FElectrolysis for strictures was first used by Crussel. The same treatment was subsequently employed by Wille- brand and Wertheimer. The method of Willebrand was to introduce to the stricture a metallic sound, insulated up to the tip, and to connect this with the negative pole, while the positive was held in the hand of the patient. The ap- plication was continued for ten or twenty minutes, and the cure was accomplished in eight or ten days. The subject was afterwards studied, though not with special success, by Jaksch and Leroy d’Etiolles. , The first important and successful results in the electrolytic treat- ment of strictures of the urethra were obtained by Mallez and Tripier, in 1867. * Their method of treatment was to introduce an insulated sound with. a metallic extremity to the seat of the stricture, connecting it with the negative pole, while the positive was applied to the inner side of the thigh by a moistened sponge electrode. At the commencement of the operation the patient feels a pricking sensation. This sensation becomes less and less miarked. The me- tallic extremity is then passed along until all parts of the stricture are affected. After the operation a catheter can be introduced without difficulty. The operation lasts about five minutes ; from one to five applications are necessary. In the majority of the thirty-one cases treated by Mallez and Tripier, as they claim, one application was sufficient. The diameter of the urethra seems to increase slightly for a few days succeeding the operation, and in some cases an eschar was thrown off © in a few days after the operation. * De la Guérison durable des Rétrécissements de I’ Uréthre, par la Galvano-Caustique Chimique, Paris, 1867. The term ‘‘ chemical galvano-cautery,” used by these authors, is synonymous with e/ectrolysis. 760 STRICTURES. Experiments made in Charity Hospital by Drs. Keyes and Beard,* and the experience of Dr. Rockwell in private practice, do not entirely confirm the results given by Mallez and Tripier, although substantially the same method was used. The operation was found to be painful oftentimes, and the results not always satisfactory, as the following record, which is a fair sample, will show. CasE CCXLIII.—F., aged forty, general health excellent. First gonorrhoea at twenty-second, second at thirty-eighth year of age. Stream became gradually reduced until Jan. 11, 1871, at which time he had complete retention for fifteen hours, relieved by hot baths. The patient entered the hospital, and was treated by dilatation. February 6th,—Examination detects the following strictures (orifice admits 14 easily): At orifice, stricture (linear) arresting No. 14 soft bulbous sound. At two and a half inches, stricture (linear) arresting No. 12. At five inches, stricture, one-third inch long, arresting No. g. Current from ten cells was passed through second stric- ture for five minutes, A good deal of pain complained of. Current from ten cells was passed through lower stricture for ten minutes. No. 12 bulbous sound passed easily into the bladder after the operation, March 4th.—No slough has been passed. No. g steel sound is grasped by stricture. March 15th.—(Using my own instrument with steel bulb 154 -) Stricture at the orifice ; fifteen cells; five minutes ; bulb passed. Structure at two and a half inches; sixteen cells; ten minutes; bulb passed. Stricture at five inches; sixteen cells; thirteen minutes; bulb passed. A little blood was lost at this opera- tion, and « good deal of pain was felt afterwards. No slough was passed. . The- orifice swelled and became hard and inflamed. Patient refused to follow up the treatment or to be examined further, : Dr. Robert Newman reports far more satisfactory results in the treatment of strictures of the urethra. The leading and distinctive features of his method are these : 1. The use of very mild galvanic currents, just perceptible to the patient, and from three to five minutes in duration. Like other observers he uses the negative pole. The instrument should be held loosely against the ob- struction, and no pressure should be used, and no force whatever. 2. Long intervals, from two to four weeks, between the applications. Dr. Newman insists on a careful preliminary diagnosis of the nature and exact seat of the stricture. He operates with bougies provided with metal bulbs of various sizes. Unless the stricture is too firm or fibrous he uses a bougie which is three or four times larger than the stricture. After he has ascertained by measurement the exact locality * From article of Dr. Keyes in the N.Y, Medical Journal, December, 1871, + Archives of Electrology and Neurology, May, 1874, p. 18. . CASES OF STRICTURE OF URETHRA. 761 of the stricture, he pushes a small india-rubber ring over the bougie, at such a distance from the end that when’ the ring reaches the meatus he will know that the bulb is in contact with the stricture, and then he is assured that the electricity acts only on the stricture. Dr. Newman regards a patient as cured when a No. 12 English sound can be passed without trouble. He claims to have treated in this way over thirty patients, and that his results have been uniformly good, and for the reason in part that he has selected his cases. He does not claim that all strictures can be treated successfully in this way, but states that some of his cases were bad and complicated.* Two strictures—Chancroid—Failure of dilatation—Success with electrolysis, R, A., hotel-keeper, came under treatment in March, 1872, Had been treated in the country for stricture by dilatation, with no success, Found a chancroid in the urethra, which was treated first. The two strictures were found situated at one and a quarter and four and a half inches from meatus respectively. March 22, Electrolysis was used with a bougie No. 10, with a metal bulb as ne- gative ; positive electrode in the palm of the hand. Ten cells of the galvanic battery were used for nine minutes, and the bougie passed slowly through the strictures into the bladder. April 14. The operation was repeated with'a bougie No. 12, The patient has been heard from recently, and has not had a relapse, One stricture, spermatorrhea, impotence, melancholia, March, 1872.—R. S., a merchant of Philadelphia, came to my office in an advanced stage of hypochondriasis, complaining of general malaise, spermatorrhcea, impotence, small stream of water, pain in the urethra, etc. A steel sound No. 12 entered the urethra easily, but was arrested at seven inches, Sounds of * Dr, Newman gives the following bibliography of the subject : Mallez et Tripier, ‘Traitement des Rétrécissements Urétraux par la Galvano- Caustique Chimique Négative, Compte Rendu de I’Acad. des Sciences. Bulletin Thérapeutique, Mai 30. Med. 58. Mallez et Tripier, “¢ De la Guérison durable des Rétrécissements de PUréthre par la Galvano-Caustique Chimique.” Althaus, in Goeschen’s ‘‘ Deutsche Klinik,” No. 34-36, ‘‘Heilung der Harnréh- ren-Stricturen durch die Electrolyse.” : Keyes, “‘ Electrolytic Treatment of Stricture of the Urethra.” New York Medical Journal, December, 1871. Bautisto Campos: ‘De la Galvano-Caustique Chimique comme moyen du Traitement des Rétrécissement de l’Uréthre.” Paris, 1871. ; Dutrieux, “De la Galvano-Caustique Chimique dans le Traitement des Rétrécisse- ments Organic de l’Uréthre.” Press. Med. Belge, No. 25, 1872. Mallez et Tripier, London Lancet, October, 1871. ; “Multiple Strictures of the Urethra treated by Electrolysis,” by T. F, Frank, M.D., Medical Record, February 2d, 1874, page 62. 762 STRICTURES. smaller size were all arrested likewise at the same place. There is no doubt that a itricture exists, and at last a sound No, 7 passed it with difficulty, The trouble must sxist either at the junction of the membranous and prostatic portion, or in the lat- er only, Galvanism was used with ten cells. Bougie No. 10, with the usual metal- ic end as negative into the urethra, met the same obstruction at seven inches. The sositive pole was a nickel bulb, and grasped firmly with the closed hand. After five ninutes of electrolytic current, the bougie passed the stricture slowly and slipped into the bladder. The withdrawal of the bougie was followed by a thick, gleety- dis- charge. It seems that this matter had accumulated behind the stricture, irritated the orostatic portion and the ducts, and thereby was accessory to creating a spermator- ‘hoea, On passing water, shreds came along of a thick white mass, which were the sroduct of electrolysis. The operation has not caused any pain, and the patient travelled home without unpleasant feeling. April 16, On examination with a sound No. to, found the stricture at the exact slace; the sound passed the stricture after persistent and patient efforts. Then the galvanism was used as before, with a bougie No. 12 as negative, and with the same result. May 9. In Philadelphia, a sound No, 12 could be easily passed into the bladder, which proves that the stricture is cured. The patient has been kept under observa- tion for two years, and has been seen only two weeks since. He is perfectly well ; as married since, and is the father of a healthy child. Casz CCXLIV.—J. A., aged forty. Two attacks of gonorrhoea in’ 1856 and 1869. Drifice admits 18. Double linear stricture in first half-inch, admitting 13 bulbous sound, From one and a quarter to six inches from the meatus the whole urethra is stiff and rigid, , It grasps No. 13 steel sound throughout. At six inches a short stricture exists, :hrough which No, 11 passes into the bladder. Feb. 21, 1871. Steel bulb 154; six to sixteen cells, gradually increasing. First stricture passed in one and a quarter minutes, In half a minute more, lowest stricture was reached. In half a minute lowest stric- ture was passed. Some blood followed. March 4. Steel sound No, 15 passed into bladder. No. 16 was grasped and would not go. Patient left the hospital. Case CCXLV.—S, F. P., aged sixty. Gonorrhcea at eighteen, another at twenty. [n 1836 he entered a hospital to be treated for stricture, and was gradually dilated to 12. In 1860 forcible dilatation was practised under chloroform, He neglected to pass instruments for himself, and had to be treated again in 1864, this time by gra- dual dilatation. Since then, he passes No, 3 soft bougie ‘‘every time he makes water,” but he does not pass it into the bladder. On examination, I find stricture zommencing at two inches from meatus, and continuing indefinitely as far as could be ascertained, Only a No, 3 bougie could be passed into the bladder. Urethra feels (outside) like a fibrous cord. March 16. Steel bulb 6; sixteen cells; twenty minutes; no progress; battery seemed very weak. Spasmodic Stricture.—This condition may be relieved by the faradic STRICTURE OF THE C&SOPHAGUS. 763 current, which by its mechanical action probably has the effect to relax the parts. Dr, Chadsey* reports a case of retention of urine, of two days’ standing, in 1844, caused by hard work and exposure to cold, that he treated successfully by faradization. The stricture was about two-thirds of the distance from the penis to the bladder. No kind of catheter could pass, The positive pole of a faradic apparatus was applied against the stricture for twenty minutes by means of a knitting-needle in a gum elas- tic catheter. The retention was completely relieved. Dr. Chadsey states that he has met with partial success in other similar cases, In this case the result was probably due, in the main, to the mechan- ical effects of the current, and not to any electrolytic action. Stricture of the Gsophagus.——This terrible condition might very ap- propriately be treated by electrolysis. Althaus suggests that the ceso- phageal electrode should be applied to the seat of the stricture and con- nected with a negative pole, while the positive is applied to the neck or back. From fifteen to thirty cells would probably be required. Dr. Frank informs us that he treated successfully a case of spasmodic stric- ture of the cesophagus, by the galvanic current, applied by means of an oesophageal electrode. * New York Medical Journal, February, 1869, pp. 574, 575+ CHAPTER VII. ULCERS, FISTULA, AND SINUSES. Ulcers-—Bed-sores.—The earliest attempts to treat ulcers by elec- tricity were made by Crussel, in 1847. The same treatment has been used in syphilitic ulcers by Kyber, of Cronstadt, Rosenberger, of St. Petersburg, and in the majority of their reported cases with success. Ulcers may be treated with both currents by means of metallic disks or plates covered with soft sponge. Galvanization serves to cure in such cases partly by its electrolytic effects. One electrode may be ap- plied to the ulcer, and the other to the nearest large nerve-branch or plexus, or to the sympathetic or spinal cord. The applications should not be excessively painful. In some cases decided results may follow a single application of electricity to an ulcerated surface. In a case of an ulcer in the leg of a girl eight years of age, one faradization with a current of moderate strength so improved the nutrition of the parts that healing at once commenced, and in a short time entire recovery took place without any further treatment. Ulcers may also be cauterized by the galvano-cautery. In the treatment of ulcers, and indeed of many conditions, it is a con- venience to have one electrode kept in a fixed position without the aid of the physician or of an assistant. For this purpose the adjustable electrodes, provided with a rubber belt which can be passed around the limbs or body, are convenient. Ulcers may also be treated by prolonged applications with the so- called “body batteries.” A disk of zinc connected by a wire with a disk of silver. Either the zinc or the silver disk may be applied over the ulcer, and the circuit completed by one disk on an indifferent point, or in case there are two ulcers, one may be covered with the silver disk, and the other with the copper disk. ‘These disks may be keptin posi- tion and worn all the time, or only at night. Garrett’s electric disk may also be used for the same purpose. The results of these prolonged applications are most excellent, es- CASES OF ULCERS AND FISTULA. 765 pecially in bed-sores. We have known them to fail, however, in very bad cases, and notably when great debility existed. Indolent ulcer of the arm; recovery under local galvanization. Casrk CCXLVI.—Mary H., aged forty, while moving, May 1, 1871, fell and in- jured the arm immediately above the external condyle. The pain was excessive and continued to distress her for several weeks, when a small ulcer made its appearance and enlarged until it was two inches in diameter. The patient applied for treatment, July 18. The ulcer was covered with a dark- colored scab three-fourths of an inch, partly lifted from its resting-place by exuberant and unhealthy granulations, The scab was removed, and a wet cloth in connection with the positive pole was applied to the diseased part, while the negative was placed on an indifferent but ap- proximate part. The galvanic current was used. She suffered no more pain after the second séance, and as the applications were repeated the ulcer rapidly healed, until August 30, when the part was covered by sound, healthy skin. Syphilitic ulcer ; recovery follows three operations by electrolysis, Case CCXLVII.—Catherine McK., aged forty, suffered three years since from a number of syphilitic tubercles and ulcers about her hips, thighs, and vulva. They per- sisted along time and gave her much annoyance, but finally healed, with the exception of one on the inside of the thigh. It was elevated nearly one-half an inch above the surrounding surface, was excessively painful, and discharged an offensive secretion, A needle counected with the*positive pole was passed through the base of the elevation, and a current of moderate tension allowed to pass for a few moments. This applica- tion dissipated all pain, and after the third séazce, given several weeks after the first, soon healed, and the patient was discharged from the Dispensary. : Anal Fistula of long standing treated by galvanization with both poles—Relief of pain. CASE CCXLVIIL—A case of fistulze, at and near the anus in a shoemaker, was brought to us by Dr. Russell, of Brooklyn, The patient had a fistula with four open- ings—one in the rump and the others at the border of the anus. The origin of the _ difficulty was local injury. The patient had once been operated on with the knife without permanent relief Examination had made it pretty clear that necrosed bone was the cause of the fistula, and kept up the constant discharge. We first electrolyzed away with the long cutting needles the painful protuberances at the orifice, near the anus, ‘The removal of these caused great relief, and enabled the patient to sit down and to resume his occupation. We then placed long, polished steel conductors into the opening in the rump, connecting them with the negative or positive pole, using the positive when the hemorrhage was greatest. The con- ductors were introduced up to the bone. Strong currents were borne, and great re- lief obtained of the pain and uneasiness, but no permanent cure, Galvano-Ozonization.—This is a term employed by Dr. A. Murray, of New York, to designate the combined action of ozone and the gal- vanic current in the treatment of ulcers. He claims that his experi- 766 ULCERS, FISTUL#, AND SINUSES. ments show that ozone is generated at the positive pole when the gal. vanic current is applied to an ulcer, and that the ozone thus generated has a curative effect on the ulcer, and aids the other action of the current. For this reason he regards the positive pole superior to the nega- tive in the galvanic treatment of ulcers, fistulae, and so forth. ‘CHAPTER VIII. ‘MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL DISEASES, Stumps after amputation that are slow to heal have been successfully treated by electricity, like ordinary ulcers, by Dr. Geo. K. Smith and by Dr. Snively, of Brooklyn. _ Hematocele.—Hematocele of the pelvis or pudenda, or of other por- tions of the body, may be treated electrolytically, like erectile tumors, and by ordinary faradization. Gangrene.--Gangrene may be treated electrically in various ways, but especially by electrolysis and galvano-cautery. Carbuncles and Furuncles.—Dr. Rockwell demonstrated long ago that faradization was capable of hastening suppuration, and we have frequently utilized this fact in the treatment, not only of carbuncles and furuncles, but of various other forms of abscesses. Dr. Sass in- forms us that a number of years since he used this treatment in two instances with good effect. Burns.—Burns in a subacute stage might not unlikely be helped toward recovery by faradization or galvanization. . Frost-bite (Chilblains ).—In the first edition of this work we stated that we were not aware that any attempts have been made to treat chil- blains by electricity, but that it certainly would not be irrational to try the power of galvanization in this disease. Successful results have been recently reported by various observers. Chilblains are to be treated like ulcers. : Synovitis.—In effusions of an acute and very sensitive character, electricity is usually not indicated, but in the subacute and chronic forms it is of great efficacy. The treatment should be directed by the cause and stage of the disease, and by the results of trial in each case. The treatment of those cases that depend on rheumatism, or hysteria, should be constitutional as well as local. In some cases general faradization, with special attention to the affected joint, is sufficient ; in others the general treatment is sensibly aided by galvanization or fara- dization of the joint. 768 MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL DISEASES. Whether the galvanic or faradic current is to be preferred for local applications can only be determined by the results of trial. Our cus- tom is to begin with the faradic current, and to use it so long as benefit results, and then to change to the galvanic. It should be borne in mind that the greater chemical effects of the galvanic current are in these cases frequently more than counterbalanced by the powerful mechanical action of the faradic. Stable increasing currents are to be preferred. This is one of the conditions in which localized galvano-faradization (see p. 302) may be tried. The electrical treatment of effusions of the joints is‘much aided by using the hands as an electrode, with gen- tle but firm manipulation. There is no question that under the influ- ence of “rubbing” have been wrought many important cures in these affections. : Electrolysis has been successfully employed in effusions. It may be resorted to in all obstinate cases. Synovitis of the knee, complicated with hemiplegia— Recovery under faradization, Case CCXLIX.—Mr. Geo. ‘L., aged 35, stated that about the 1st of July, 1866, he was sunstruck ; and between the 2oth of the same month and the 15th of August, he suffered from three strokes of hemiplegia, resulting finally in total blindness, His sight gradually returned, but by degrees his shoulders became lame and stiff, so that he could with difficulty use them. This state of things continued until about the mid- dle of September, when both knees and ankles commenced to enlarge. In November, when the patient applied to us for treatment, we found him suffering from severe sub- acute synovitis. Both knees were enormously swollen, the fluid having accumulated to such an extent that the patella projected forward more than aninch, Four applica- tions of the faradic current were given, one every day, but with no marked effect, ex- cept that the lameness of the shoulders and ankles was much relieved. He then left the city and was absent one week. On his return the improvement was found to be very great, The accumulation of fluid in the knees had almost entirely disappeared, and the swelling was reduced in proportion. At first, the strongest cur- rent from Kidder’s apparatus made no impression, when applied down the spine. The legs were but little sensitive to the electric stream, and the feet and toes, which are generally very readily affected, were remarkably torpid. The applications were con- tinued on Dec. 3d, 4th, sth, 7th, and oth, effectually removing this want of sensation, and completely dissipating the remaining swelling and tenderness of the knees. fy drocele.—Electro-puncture was first tried for hydrocele by Schuster in 1839. The method is to introduce the needle into the tumor at opposite sides, and so deep that the points nearly approach each other. The needles are then attached to from three to six elements of a galvanic battery. The application should be made for five or ten minutes. One, SPRAINS AND STRAINS. 769 two, or three applications usually suffice to coniplete a cure. The same treatment has been successfully employed by many others. Successful results from the faradic current have been reported by Burdel, Deletanche, Lehmann, and Thevissen. The galvanic is un- doubtedly the current to be employed in such cases. Hydrocele, in short, should be treated electrically like cystic tu- mors. ‘The great end to be accomplished is not the withdrawing of the fluid, which can be done with the ordinary trocar, but the stimulation of the membrane of the sac, so that absorption shall take place and the fluid not again collect. Many of the failures that have occurred in the treatment of hydrocele have been due to a misapprehension of this fact. Dr. Frank has combined the use of galvano-cautery with electrolysis in the treatment of hydrocele. In some cases there will be a return of the disease even after electrolysis. Sprains (strains).—Sprains of joints of all kinds may be treated by electricity ; faradization and galvanization of the affected part with a mild, stable, or gently labile current are indicated. We have in this way treated all stages of sprains—acute, subacute, and chronic—and almost uniformly, thus far, with beneficial or curative results. We have not been able to decide which current is preferable. Sprains in the acute stage, or just passing into the subacute stage, should be treated by very mild currents and by short applications. In such cases no electrode is so agreeable as the hand of the opera- tor gently passed over the painful part. We have treated a number of cases of sprains of the wrist in patients who are engaged in manual employments. In such conditions the lo- calized application of the faradic current alone rapidly brings on the recovery. Strains of muscles with rupture of fibres, so far as our limited ob- servation goes, do not yield to electrical treatment. In the few cases where we have perseveringly used faradization and galvanization we have not been able to see that the slow improvement was in any degree hastened. Lameness and swelling caused by a sprain—Relieved by local faradization. CaszE CCL.—The power of the faradic current to allay irritation and relieve lameness, in cases of sprains or injuries, was well illustrated in the case of a Mrs. B., directed to us by Dr. Kissam. Her foot was heavily pressed upon by the rocker of a chair, and caused such ecchymosis, pain, swelling, and lameness, that for two months she was unable to walk more than from her house to her carriage. The faradic cur- rent, applied over and around the foot a number of times, relieved most decidedly the 49 ' 770 MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL DISEASES, swelling and lameness, and enabled the patient, in a few wéeks, to exercise in walking without serious difficulty. Spondylitis (Potts Disease).—Spondylitis is a term that is applied to inflammation of the vertebre. Among its symptoms are at first changes in shape of the spinal column, obstinate gastralgia, or neuralgic pains in the breast and various parts of the body, and subsequently pro- jection of the diseased vertebrze, deformity of tlie spine, peculiar attitude and paralysis,* sensitiveness of certain vertebre, and spontaneous pains in the spine. The form in which it appears is in the cervical and upper dorsal verte- bra, with the symptoms of neuralgia in the arm, or neck, or lower limbs. Some cases of torticollis, and even of chorea, may depend on disease of the vertebra. Other symptoms are paralysis, atrophy, or contraction of certain muscles. In many cases of inflammation of the vertebra the nature of the disease is not suspected, because the changes in the form of the spinal column and the immobility of the vertebra only appear after the morbid process had made considerable advance. In making the diagnosis it should be considered that the appearances of the spine, which are usually regarded as evidences of spondylitis, may arise from paralysis, or atrophy of the muscles, with contractions of the antagonists. The treatment consists in galvanization of the affected vertebre, the positive pole being placed over the seat of the disease, and the negative at some point above or below. The results are sometimes beneficial. Spinal Curvature.—Lateral curvature of the spine, depending on re- laxation of the muscles and ligaments, and associated with general de- bility, is a condition for which general and localized faradization and galvanization of the sympathetic are well indicated, and in which they have wrought most important results. General faradization alone is pretty sure to be of service, both in raising the tone of the system and in permanently relieving the curvature. The electrical treatment may be used in connection with mechanical appliances. ' Pseudo-arthrosis (Ununited Fracture).—Burman obtained a good re- sult from electrical treatment of a transverse portion of the tibia and ‘fibula. After the lapse of a month the bones had not united. A bandage was applied and a current (whether faradic or galvanic is not * See paper on Differential Diagnosis of Diseases of the Spine, by Chas, F, Taylor, M.D. + Benedikt, op, cit., 312. HERNIA—MORBUS COXARIUS. 771 stated) was applied for half an hour by two needles. Suppuration fol- lowed, callus was formed, and entire recovery took place. Hall also obtained a successful result in a fracture of the thigh by the same treatment. The operation was repeated daily for two weeks. Hahn also reports a successful result from electro-puncture in a case of fracture of the thigh.’ He used at first magneto-electricity, and sub- sequently the galvanic current. No improvement followed the use of magneto-electricity, while the galvanic current brought on inflammation in six days. The inflammation thus excited produced a union of the fracture in ten days. We treated a case of ununited fracture of femur at the Long Island College Hospital. Insulated needles were used, and very strong cur- rents. Inflammation was excited, and some improvement was mani- fest, but the bones were: so far apart that it was found necessary for the surgeons to operate in the usual manner. Hernia.—Delaux reports a case of incarcerated femoral hernia in a woman who refused to submit to an operation. Tumor disappeared after a few applications. The first application was directed to the her- nia, and in the other applications one pole was applied to the hernia and the other in the rectum. Before electrical treatment was tried the patient was growing worse. Faradization might give tone to the weak- ened muscles in reducible hernia, and for this purpose we have em- ployed it in a single instance; of the results we have not been in- formed. Morbus Coxarius (Disease of the Hipzjoint)—This condition may be treated electrically, in connection with ordinary mechanical treat- ment, with a twofold object of hastening the recovery of the lesion and improving the general condition. The methods of treatment that would seem to offer most hope are stable faradization or galvanization of the diseased joints, five, ten, or fifteen minutes daily, alternating with general faradization. This treatment might be used in connection with the ordinary method by extension. Club-Foot (Talipes).—In club-foot it is not unfrequently a great advantage to combine faradization or galvanization of the partially paralyzed muscles with the use of mechanical appliances (see chapter on Infantile Paralysis). Warts.—Warts, if they were regarded as of sufficient importance, might be removed by electrolysis of the base, or by the galvano-cau- tery. Dissolution of Calculi in the Bladder.—The employment of the gal- 772 MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL DISEASES. vanic current to dissolve calculi was proposed by Bourier in 1801, by Morgiardini and Lando in 1803, and by Gruithuisen in 1813, but was first successfully carried out by Prévost and Dumas in 1823. The theory of Prévost and Dumas was, the calculus could be made to crumble by the mechanical effect of the gases generated by the cur- rent. In-their first experiment they placed a fusible human calculus in water, submitted it to the action of a voltaic pile of 120 elements for twelve hours. Platinum wires were placed against the calculus, on opposite sides. Fine powder soon appeared. At the end of the oper- ation the calculus was found to have lost 12 grains in weight, the origi- nal weight having been 92 grains, It'was again submitted to the cur- rent for 16 hours, at the end of which time it was reduced to very small fragments that could have easily passed the urethra. Their second experiment was made on a fusible calculus in the blad- der of a living bitch, into which warm water had been injected. The application, which lasted an hour, was repeated 12 times during six days. The calculus had become so friable that the operation was not repeated. Examination of the bitch after death showed evidence that the bladder had been injured by the operation. In 1835, Bonnet proved that by applying platinum electrodes to the opposite sides of a calculus in a solution of nitrate of potash, electro- chemical decomposition ensued, by which nitric acid appeared at one electrode and potash at the other. The effect of these two substances was to dissolve the calculus. Stones composed of phosphate will be dissolved on the acid, and those composed of uric acid or urate of ammonia on the alkaline side. Under this action, the stone, unless very hard, becomes friable and falls to pieces. ‘These experiments were confirmed by Bence Jones, who also found that calculi of oxa- late of lime could be slowly dissolved in the same way. Neither.of these experimenters attempted the dissolution of calculi in the human blad- der. Some experiments made by Dr. Rockwell in this line, and also by Dr. Beard, at the suggestion of Dr. Gouley, did not give very satis- factory results. The amount of decomposition of phosphatic stone was very trifling, even when strong currents were used for several hours. Electric Explorer or Probe —This apparatus (Fig. 198) indicates at once the presence of metallic bodies in gunshot wounds. Fig. 1 represents its natural size. Fig. 2 shows one of the exploring sovrn.s., There are generally two sounds, one stiff, the other flex. ible. The trembler or needle is so arranged as to resist all shocks and fulfil the following conditions :— o ELECTRIC EXPLORER. 773 1. It is very portable, and in all possible positions can be carried in the vest pocket, or in the ordinary surgical case. 2. It cannot be deranged. 3. Three senses take part in making the exploration—the hearing, the touch, and the sight. 4. It indicates with certainty the presence of a ball by the movement of the trembler, an effect which is only produced when the circuit is closed by a metallic body. Experi- ence has shown that the contact of organic tissues, even with a battery of 15 elements (and probably with even a greater number), will not put the trembler in vibration. 5. The explorer indicates at the same time the depth at which the ball is situated, and in some cases also the flexible sound pre- serves the form of the canal through which it passes. The battery is in acase made of hard rub- ber. This holds the elements, zinc and car- bon, which fill only half. The other half is occupied by the exciting liquid, a solution of sulphate of mercury. When the case is re- versed, or in a horizontal position, the liquid flows on to the element and a current arises ; when the case is in a vertical position the metals are not touched by the liquid, and Fic 198. there is no current.* Trouve’s Electric Explorer, * The first apparatus for the electric exploration of wounds was devised by M. Favre, of Marseilles, of which the following description was given by Nélaton, in re- marks to his class at the Wépital des Clinigues : ‘*‘ Two conducting wires are placed in a sheath, or the two electrodes may be covered by an isolating substance. These wires are in communication with a battery of only one couple, and a galvanometer is fastened on one of the wires. If you introduce the end of these into a wound, the contact of the soft parts, the bones, or pus, is not sufficient to establish a current, but if the ends come in contact with a metallic body, the needle of the galvanometer will rise, this being a proof that the circuit is complete. Only one couple, however, should be used, so as to avoid the decomposition of the fluids in the wound, which would imme- diately give rise to a current."—(Am, Four. Med. Sciences, vol, xlv., 1863, p. 218.) During the recent Franco-Prussian war an ‘‘ Electric Bullet-seeker,” that strikes a little bell when metallic connection is made, has been successfully used, 774 MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL DISEASES. Extraction of Foreign Bodies by the Electro-Magnet.—Dr. Delore * has suggested the electro-magnet as a means of extracting foreign bodies ffom the eye, urethra, auditory canal, etc. He states that the magnet has been used for the purpose of extracting pieces of iron and steel from the eye since the days of Fabrice de Hilden. Delore’s attention was called to the subject by an attempt which he made to extract a piece of a pin from the external auditory canal. A slender magnet was prepared by M. Fasse, which could be bent at will, but it was found to be not sufficiently powerful. Then M. Fasse suggested the idea of using the electro-magnet for this purpose. With this view he constructed a small electro-magnet, composed of a stem of iron, with. a bulbous extremity, and covered with several windings of insulated copper wire. - The force that is obtained is in proportion to the strength of the current used to magnetize the iron, the number of spirals, and the diameter of the magnet. In order to ascertain how much power was necessary to extract needles from the body, a number of experiments were made. “*A needle embedded in the horny substance of the hand to the _ depth of three millimetres requires for its extraction a traction of 89 grammes.” ' “« Embedded sixteen milli. deep in the heel of a cadaver requires 400 grs.” «Embedded four centimetres deep in the calf of the leg it requires 400 grs.’’ “Tf it has perforated the cornea it must have a traction of 39 grs.” The advantage claimed for this method of extracting foreign metallic bodies is that ‘*it produces no sensation on the surface of the tissues,” and also is less liable to injure them than forceps or probes. LElectro-Chemical Baths—Removal of Poisonous Metals from the Body.—In 1855 Vergnés and Poey, of Havana, reported to the French Academy a method of removing poisonous metals from the body by means of the galvanic current. Vergnés, while practising electroplating in 1852, had brought an obstinate ulceration on his hands. He placed his hands in an electric bath, connected with the positive pole. In 15 minutes a metallic plate connected with the negative pole in the bath was covered with gold or silver from the ulcer. A few such treatments cured the ulcers. . An electro-chemical bath is taken as follows: An isolated metallic * Translated from Lyon Dfédicale, in N. Y. Medical Gazette, Aug. 20, 1870, FARADIC ANASTHESIA. 775 tub is placed on an isolated bench. The tub is filled with water, acid- ulated with nitric acid of mercury, gold or silver, and sulphuric acid if lead is in the patient. The patient is placed in the bath, and the tub is connected with the negative pole, while the patient takes the positive pole, part of the time in the right and part of the time in the left hand. The current now enters the arms, and passes through the body to the tub. The metal that is extracted from the body is found on the sides of the tub, in the water in the tub, and in the atmosphere of the room from evaporation. These experiments were confirmed by Caplin and Meding.. Meding . extracted mercury from a patient in this way. Vergnés employs elec- tro-chemical baths also for introducing medical substances into the body. The patient sits in the bath containing the solution, and in the position described, and absorbs the substance while the current is passing. Among the remedies that Vergnés employs for the purpose are phos- phate of iron and nitric acid. There is little question that the passage of the current through the body, immersed in certain medicated solu- tions, aids in the absorption of some portion of the compound. This whole subject, however, is yet in dispute, and will remain in dispute until it is carefully investigated by competent men, and all possible sources of error are guarded against. faradic Anesthesia.—The benumbing effects of the. faradic current on the nerves may be utilized for the production of local anzesthesia. (See Electro-Physiology.) It is only indicated for slight or at least short operations, such as the opening of abscesses, felons, bubnes, the extraction of foreign bodies and of teeth. For opening abscesses a strong faradic current should be directed through the parts as the incision is made. The relief thus afforded is slight, but is positive, and is not unworthy of a trial. Faradic anzesthesia has been chiefly used in the extraction of teeth, where it is certainly of some service. The patient places his foot ina _ metallic slipper, or on a plate, or holds an electrode in the hand, while the circuit is completed as soon as the forceps of the dentist, which is connected with the battery, seizes the tooth. It is well to connect the forceps with the negative pole, because it is the stronger. The contractions produced by the passage of the current are certainly disagreeable, for a current of considerable strength is required, but the pain of the extraction is less severely felt than it would be when made unaccompanied by the current. , This method of producing local anzesthesia was at one time somewhat popular among dentists, but partly on account of the fact that itis at 776 MISCELLANEOUS SURGICAL DISEASES. best an imperfect method of preventing the pain of the operation, partly on account of the mechanical difficulties in the way of its employment, and partly, also, on account of the popularization of nitrous oxide, it has fallen into disuse. Faradic anzsthesia may be utilized for the relief of the irritation caused by the application of caustics to the larynx, eye, or uterus. Dr. A. Tripier,* of Paris, has recently advanced the theory that faradic anzesthesia is explained by the interference of the different impressions that are made on the nerve, The impression made by the faradic cur- rent first reaches the cerebral centre, and neutralizes, or, at least, diminishes, the impression made at the same time by any other irritat- ing influence. This theory seems to us sensible and just. Dr. Tripier further recommends a return to the practice of faradic anzesthesia for slight operations. Hydro-Electrization.—Dr. Beard has devised a method of apply- ing electricity by means of a continuous stream or jet of water flowing from a metallic tube—or one that has a metallic orifice—connected with one pole, while the body of the patient is in any convenient way connected with the other. A jet or stream of water, so long as it is not broken into spray, will conduct the current from one-eighth of an inch to one or two inches from the orifice, according to the size of the stream, to any part where it may be applied. Contractions of muscles, and all the effects of ordinary localized electrization, may be thus pro- duced. This method of electrization is adopted for those localities where, on account of the natural sensitiveness, or from the nature of the disease, ordinary e’ectrodes, by their mechanical irritation, cause unbearable pain, or where, for anatomical reasons, they cannot be applied. For supplying a continuous stream of water we use an ordinary stiff rubber bag, which is filled with water in the usual way, by first com- pressing the sides and exhausting the air. Connected with this bag we use silver tubes of various shapes and sizes, provided with small thumb- screws for making the connection with the battery, and either insulated or non-insulated, according to the special purpose at hand. The various douches that are used for the cavities cf the body may be utilized for the same purpose, provided the leather tubes are lined with spirals of wire, to keep up the connection of the current, or the tubes are composed of metal and insulated. On this principle, and in order to meet the same therapeutical in- dications for which ordinary electrization is employed, applications may * Archives of Electrolugy and Neurology. May, 1874, p. 109. HYDRO-ELECTRIZATION— ELECTRO-MEDICATION. 777 be made to the external auditory canal, and, in cases of rupture or ulceration of the membrana tympani, to the middle ear, by a straight, insulated tube, or by the ear douche; to the conjunctiva by a single tube or by the ear-douche ; to the nasal passages by the nasal douche or metallic posterior nasal syringe ; to the pharynx and naso-pharyngeal space by a properly curved tube ; to thé stomach by the stomach-douche, such as has recently been used by Ploss, of Leipsic, or by the stomach- pump; to the d/adder by the bladder-douche ; to the vagina and os by the vaginal douche; and to the cavity of the uterus by the uterine douche; to the cavities of opened abscesses ; to stumps that aré slow to heal, and finally to all zrritable ulcers, wherever situated. Either the galvanic or the faradic current may be used, and the water may be pure or variously medicated. Warm water conducts better than cold, and is therefore preferable, except for those cases where the tonic effects of cold are indicated. The conducting power of the water is also increased by the addition of common salt, and various medicinal substances which are ordinarily used for the treatment of the conditions for which hydro-electrization is indicated, and may, therefore, be proper- ly combined with it. Potter's hydro-therapeutic contrivances are very convenient for the purposes of hydro-electrization. Electro-Medication—Long ago it was contended by Fabré-Palaprat, Orioli, and Vergnés that medical substances could be introduced into the body by means of the galvanic current, but by Remak, Rosenthal, Tripier, and others their statements have been discredited. From our experiments it would seem that atropine might be introduced into the system by means of the faradic current in sufficient quantities to slight- ly affect the pupil. Recently Beer, of Vienna, and Von Bruns * have succeeded in intro- ducing iodine into the dead and living subject, by means of the elec- trolysis of iodide of potassium. For this purpose they have used a glass tnbe, containing a solution of iodide of potassium (1 to 1, or 1 to 2), ‘tightly corked at one end, and at the other covered with cloth ora piece of bladder, and connected through the cork with the negative pole of the galvanic current by*a piece of platinum. The positive electrode may be of a similar construction, or an ordinary sponge elec- trode. If by this arrangement an application be made through the face—an electrode being placed on each cheek—for a few minutes, traces of iodine can be detected in the saliva. A good test for iodine is disul- * Die Galvano-Chirurgie oder die Galvanokaustik und Elektrolysis bei chirurgischen Krankheiten. Tiibingen, 1870, p. 133 ¢f seg. 778 MISCELLANEOUS SURGIGAL DISEASES. phide of carbon, which will detect one part in 1,000,000 parts of water by the purple-red color which it produces. Another test is glycerine, which, mingled with iodine and electrolyzed, gives a dark-blue or black line. The electrolytic introduction of iodine has been used in gland- ular swellings (as goitre), effusions in the joints, periostitis, and with asserted success, after simple galvanization has failed. We have ex- perimented in this direction considerably without arriving at any con- clusive results. The difficulty in.all therapeutical experiments is that we are using simultaneously two remedies, iodine and electricity, both of which are separately efficacious in producing absorption. fodalgia.—There are certain obscure painful affections of the feet that appear to be sometimes of a nervous character—a kind of hyper- zesthesia—and sometimes appear to depend on actual injury of the bones or tendons, The former class—of which we have seen several cases—are really medical cases, and are to be treated by central and local galvanization. The latter are surgical cases and are to be treated by local applications. GLOSSARY. Explanation of the terms used in ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS (Medical and Surgi- cal), ézcluding also many of the terms of ELECTRO-Puysics axd ELECTRO-PHyYsI- OLOGY, WitTH the progress of the study of Electricity in its relations to Physics, Physi- ology, Practical Medicine, and Surgery, there has arisen a new and extensive termi- nology. The terms used, especially in Electro-Therapeutics and Electro-Physiology, have been introduced by different observers, in various countries, and in different lan- guages, and are all necessarily based on an incomplete knowledge of the mysterious force whose phenomena and manifold relations they aim top describe. It was inevita- ble that a nomenclature devised under such circumstances should be more or less inaccurate and confused. This inaccuracy and confusion have been still further increased by the carelessness of writers, who have misunderstood and misapplied these terms, and greatly perverted them from their original meaning. It would be difficult to find any two authors who entirely agree in their use of terms, even of those which are most frequent and most important ; and readers who are not thor- oughly familiar with all branches of the subject in the various languages, and with the incorrect as well as the correct phraseology, are constantly bewildered. It is believed, therefore, that a list of the words and phrases employed by writers on Electricity, which should present their original and derived meanings in their various combinations, with their correct and incorrect synonyms, would be of service not only to those who consult this volume, but to all who occupy themselves with the department of Electro-Therapeutics. The need for such a list is rendered the more imperative from the fact that many of the terms it includes cannot be found in the most recent dictionaries. The terms which we have ourselves introduced, or to which we have given a new combination or attached a peculiar signification, are designated by a star (*). The figures refer to the pages in the present work where the terms to which they refer are explained. ‘780 GLOSSARY. AMALGAMATION. To compound mercury (quicksilver) with another metal. In Electro-Physics. the term is usually applied to the covering of the zinc plates with mercury, by first pouring over them an acid solution and then dipping them in mercury, or pouring it over them. ANEIECTROTONOS, The phase of diminished irritability which appears at the positive pole when a nerve is in the electrotonic condition (p. 113). ' ANIMAL ELEcTRICITY (p. tor), Anions. In electrolysis the electro-positive substances that go to the cathode (Faraday) (p. 53). ANODE (ava, upward, and 650s, way). Where the current enters, called also Jositive or copper pole (Faraday). : ANTOzONH (p. 688). Apparatus. A contrivance or combination for a certain purpose; often used synonymously with machine or battery. Strictly, however, apparatus is applied only to the more simple contrivances, and machine to the more complex. Armatoures. Bars or 4¢eefer's, which, when placed in contact with the pole of a magnet, preserve its magnetism. ASCENDING. From periphery toward the centre, applied especially to the nervous system. Battery Current (see Galvanic Current). Latrerry, Evecrric (or galvanic), A serdes of Ieyden jars, or (more frequently) cells, connected together. The term is applied, however, to a sémgde cell, and incorrectly also to a machine or apparatus. Bounp Etectriciry. Electricity in the Leyden jar. . CATALYsIS (kata, and Avots, from Avw, to disengage). The absorption, and the accompaniying trans- ference of liquids caused by the chemical action of the galvanic current (Remak). It is a part and result of electrolysis. Caratytic. Pertaining to catalysis. CatTeLectroronos. The phase of i#tcreased irritability which appears at the negative pole when a nerve is in the electrotonic condition (p. 113). CaTHopr (kara, downward, and 686s, way). Where the current passes out; called also negative or zine pole (p. 53). Cations. In electrolysis, the electro-negative substances that go to the anode (Faraday) (p. 53). CEut (see Element). CenTRAL GALVANIZATION * (p. 412). CuemicaL GaLvano-Cautery (see Electrolysis), CHRONOSCOPE AND CHRONOGRAPH (xpévos, time, and cxometv, to observe), Instruments for measur ing and recording the velocity of the nervous force, electricity, etc. Circte GALvANic (p. 28). CLosinG Contractions. Contractions produced at the closing of the circuit. Coercitive Force (p. 5). : Com Inpuction. Rolls of wire in which the current is induced by the alternate opening and closing of the circuit, as Rhumkorff’s coil (see Induction). Commurator. An arrangement for reversing the current. Conpenser. An apparatus for condensing a large quantity of electricity on a small surface. Conpuctinc Wires. The wires that conduct the electricity from the machine to the electrodes. Conpuctivity (or conductibility), That property by which a body conducts electricity. Conpucror. That which conducts electricity. Sometimes used for electrode. Constant Current. The galvanic current from elements with two liquids. ‘The constant batteries that are best known are those of Daniell, Grove, and Bunsen and their modifications (p. 26). Applied also to the galvanic current in general, and used synonymously with continuous. It is sometimes prefixed to galvanic current (constant galvanic) in the sense of unduterrupted (see Galvanic Current). Continuous. Constantly flowing in one direction, sometimes used in the same sense as constant or gelvanic, Strictly, it should be applied to the uninterrupted galvanic current, since the faradic current is always interrupted (see Galvanic Current). ; Continuous EvectrizATion.* This term might appropriately be applied to the protracted applica- tions made by galvanic disks, belts, chains, poultices, etc., worn on the body. ConTRACTILITY, ELECTRO-Muscurar. That property of muscles that causes them to contract, when acted upon by the electric current. It is to be distinguished from irritability, which it includes. Electro-muscular irritability may exist in muscles that have wholly lost their electro-muscular con+ tractility (see Irritability). GLOSSARY. 781 Copper Pots (see Positive Pole). : ‘CuRRENT CHANGER (see Current Reverser). Current, Exectric. The continuous discharge of electricity that results from chemical action, such, for example, as takes place in any ordinary galvanic cell. Current INcREASER.* A contrivance for increasing the strength of the current without breaking the circuit, A form of rheostat. CURRENT OF THE PILE (see Galvanic Current). CurrEnT Reverser. An arrangement for reversing tne current (p. 360). Current SeLector. A contrivance for bringing any desired number of elements into the circuit. CyvinpeR Macuine. A form of machine for generating statical electricity. DEctinoMETER. An instrument for measuring magnetic declination. The mariners compass is a declinometer. Density. Compactness. The density of a current, other conditions being the same, is in proportion to the smallness of the electrodes. Descenpinc, From the centre toward the periphery. Driamacnetism. That property of bodies by which they manifest the same magnetic phenomena as iron (p. 8). Dierectsic. A medium through which induction is propagated. Dir.ecic ConTRACTIOnS (p. 315). . DivoLarR ARRANGEMENT (p, 113). Dievinc Neevie. A needle for measuring the magnetic dip. Direcr Current (see Descending current), also used fur ga/vanzc current (see Galvanic Current). } Direct ELeEcTRIZATION (p. 369). 2 Dry (or cutaneous) Faravization. Faradization with dry electrodes (p. 368). DynamicaL ELEcTRICITY (p. 25). Execrric (electrical), Pertaining to, derived from. or containing electricity. E.ecrrics. Those substances which, when held in the hand and rubbed, become electric. Exectric BATH (p. 431). ELectric (or metallic) Brus. A wire brush used as electrode. Execrric (or galvanic) Disks (p. 544). E.ecrric HAnp. The hand used as an electrode in electrization. Evectric Moxa (p. 368). Exectric Porn'rs * (see Motor Points). Execrrician, One who studies electricity in its piysécad relations, as in telegraphy ; oftentimes used erroneously for electro-therapeutist. , ELECTRICITY (jAextpoy, amber) (p. 2). Evecrriry. This term is usually applied to the use of statical electricity, and is therefore synonymous with franklinization. It is used sometimes synonymously with electrize, ELEcTRIZATION. The act of electrizing. The term includes faradization, galvanization, and franklini- zation, or the application of statical electricity. For the sake of uniformity, and in order to preserve the distinction between the different methods of application, e/ectrization has in this work usually been preferred to the periphrastic expression —the use of electricity. ELEcTRIzE. To affect by electricity. Execrro-Anastuesia.* The production of local anesthesia by the application of electricity. The faradic current is used for this purpose (on faradic anzsthesia). Evectro-CHemicat. Pertaining to electro-chemistry, Execrro-CHEMIcaL BATH (see p. 774). Execrro-Cuemistry. Electricity in its relations to chemistry, of which electrolysis is a branch. ELECTRODE (jAextpoy and 68és, way). The way by which the positive and negative electricities emerge. The positive pole is connected with the negative metal of the element, and the negative pole is connected with the positive metal. E.ecrro-Diacnosis. The use of electricity as a means of diagnosticating disease (p. 259), called also electro-pathology. ” E_ecrro-Dynamics. The phenomena of electricity in motion. Especially applied to the material attractions and repulsions of currents on currents, and currents on magnets, Exectrotocy.* Electricity in its relations to Physics, Physiology, Pathology, and Therapeutics, medical and surgical. 782 GLOSSARY. ¥xectrovocist.* One who is versed in electricity in its relations to Physics, Physiology, Pathology, and Therapeutics. That is, Electro-Physics, Electro-Physiology, Electro-Pathology (Electro-Di agnosis), and Electro-Therapeutics (Electro-Medicine and Electro-Surgery). ELEcTROLYsIS (HAextpov and Avw—through Avous, disengaging). The act or process of decomposing a compound substance by electricity. ELECTROLYTE. A substance which is susceptible of electrolysis. ELecTROLYTIC, Pertaining to electrolysis. 4 ELectRoLyze. To decompose a cbmpound substance by the action of electricity. ELecTROLyzATION. The act of electrolyzing. E.ectro-Macnet, A bar of soft iron which, under the influence of the galvanic current, becomes magnetic. Evecrro-MaGNetisM. ‘The phenomena of magnetism produced bv an electric current. ELecrro-Mepicine. Electricity in its relations to medicine, ELectro-MEDIcAL. Pertaining to electro-medicine. Evecrro-MepicaTion.* The introduction of medicines into the body by means of electricity (p. 777). E.ecrromerer. An instrument for measuring the charge of a battery. ELECTRO-MOTIVE FORCE (p. 78). Execrro-motor. The metals that generate an electric current. Execrro-Otiatrics. The electro-physiology or electro-therapeutics of the ear. Evecrro-PaTHOLoGy (see Electro-Diagnosis). Enecrropuorus. A contrivance for collecting electricity by induction. ELecrropHorus MACHINE (p. 19) % Evectro-Puysics.* Electricity in its physical relations. Execrro-PHysioGnomy * (p. 165). Evectro-Puysto.ocy (p. 99). ELecTrRo-PHystoLoGicaL ANATomy.* ELECTRO-PHyYSIOLOGIST. One who studies electricity in its physiological relations. Evectro-Puncrure. The application of electricity (galvanic, faradic, or franklinic) by needles introduced beneath the surface. ‘i E.ectroscopg. An instrument for detecting the presence of statical electricity. Evrctro-SensiBiLiTy.* Sensibility of the body to electricity. Evecrro-Surcery. The use of electricity, of any form, or by any method of application in surgi- cal diseases. It includes galvano-surgery. E.ectro-SuscertisBiLity.* Susceptible to electricity, including farado-susceptibility and galvano- susceptibility. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICAL ANATOMY * (p. 319). ELecTro-THERAPEUTICS, The use of electricity of all forms to the treatment of disease. The term includes both medical and surgical electricity (electro-surgery) ; also gelvano-therapeutics and galvano-surgery. ELECTRO-THERAPEUTIST. One who studies electricity in its Therafeutical relations. Electro-thera- peutists are frequently and erroneously called Electricians (see Electrician). ELecrrotonic. Pertaining to or derived from electrotonos. ELEcTroTonos. The modification which a nerve-current undergoes when acted upon by the galvanic current (p.111). ELEcrro-VITAL. Pertaining to animal electricity, which is dependent on wz¢aZ processes. ELEMENT (couple, or pair, or cell), GALvANic or VotTaic. Two heterogeneous metals immersed in acid solution. Thus we have Smee’s, Grove’s, Bunsen’s, and Daniell’s Elements, called also a battery, although strictly a da¢¢ery means a series of elements. Exrra Current. The current which is induced by any coil of wire on the adjacent coils of the same wire (p. 69). Exrra-potar. Not included in the intra-polar region between the poles (p. 113). Farapic (FARADAY) CURRENT, The induced current (p. 59). The term is applied both to the electro- magnetic and magne.v-electric currents, since they were both discovered by Faraday. Called also secondary, interrupted, induced, inductive, to and fro, indirect, electro-magnetic, and magnete-electric. In this work the term faradic has been uniformly adhered to. Farapism. The phenomena of the faradic current. Sometimes used for faradization. farapize. To affect by application of the faradic current. Farabizavion. Affecting by application of the faradic current. (According to our highest authority GLOSSARY. 783 in the orthography of this department of terminology—Mr. William Wheeler—/faradazzation, as derived from Faraday, would be more consistent with analogy than faradization. The latter mode of spelling the word has the twofold advantage that it has been Idng used and is the more simple, and accordingly we have retained it in this work and in all our recent writings.) FaRADO-CONTRACTILITY. Contractility under the faradic current. FARADO-ELECTROLYZATION.* The simultaneous use of faradization and electrolyzation, FARADO-PUNCTURE. Electro-puncture with the faradic current, not much used. FARADO-SUSCEPTIBILITY.* Susceptibility to the Faradic current. Frankuinic. Pertaining to statical electricity. FRANKLINISM (FRANKLIN). The phenomena of statical electricity. FRANKLINIZATION. The application of statical electricity. FRICTIONAL ELEcTRICITY. Electricity generated by friction. It is one form of statical electricity, which is the wider term, including electricity generated by pressure or cleavage; but the terms are used synonymously. Ga.Lvanic Apparatus, Apparatus for generating and furnishing the galvanic current. GaLvanic BELT (p. 544). Ga.vanic CHAIN (p. 544). Gatvanic Circr.e. Two metals in a liquid—the galvanic element, pair or cell 2 action is called also acircuit or chain. A circle may be single—one cell or pair; or compound—several joined to- gether. Ga.vanic CurRENT. A current generated by chemical action and coming directly from the cell, pile, or battery in which it is generated ; distinguished from the faradic current, that is, induced on a coil of wires ; called also continuous, constant, direct, primary, current of the pile, battery cur- vent, and voltaic current. Gatvanic (or Electric) Disks (p. 544). Gatvanic Pair (see E’ement). Gatvanic PEssariEs (intra-uterine) (p. 6or). Gatvanic PouLtTices (p. 544). Gatvanism. The science which treats of electricity that arises from chemical action ; called also wod- tatc or dynamicad electricity or voltaism. Physicists are of late inclined to prefer the terms derived from Volta; Physiologists and Physicians generally employ the terms derived from Galvani. Ga.vanizaTION. Affecting by application of the galvanic current, Gauvanize. To affect by application of the ga/vanic current, erroneously applied to all forms of electrization. Ga.vanist. One who uses galyanism (little used). Ga.vano-causTic (see Galvano-cautery). GALVANO-CAUTERISM. The application of the galvano-cautery (see Galvano-cauterization). GALVANO-CAUTERIZATION. The act of burning or searing by a non-conducting-wire, heated by the galvanic current. : ’ GaLvaAno-cauTeRY, Cauterization by a resisting wire (usually platinum), heated by the galvanic cur- rent; called also galvano-caustic, or guxdvano-causty (p. 712). GALVANO-CONTRACTILITY. Contractility under the galvanic current. GALVANO-FARADIZATION.* The szv¢ultancous application of the galvanic and faradic currents. GALVANOMETER (or multiplier). An instrument for determining the presence and direction and measur- ing the strength of acurrent. It is frequently used by electro-therapeutists in order to ascertain the dose of the galvanic current that they are giving. It is. however, only an approximately cor- rect guide (p. 46 and p. 352). Gatvano-puncrurE. Electro-puncture with the galvanic current. Gatvanoscorr. An instrument for indicating the presence of dynamical electricity without determin- ing its amount. GALvANo-suRGERY. The application of the ga/vanic current to surgery, a part of electro-surgery., GALVANO-SUSCEPTIBILITY.* Susceptibility to the galvanic current. GaLvANo-THERAPEUTICS. The application of the ga/vanic current to therapeutics, a part of electro- ‘therapeutics, GeNnERAL ELECTRIZATION * (p. 383). GeneraL FARADIZATION.* General clectrization ‘with the faradic current (p. 383). GENERAL GALVANIZATION.* General electrization with the galvanic current (p. 383). Hexix. The coil of wires of the electro-magnetic apparatus (p. 61). Hypru-ELecrrizaTion.* The application of electricity by means of water as an electrode (p. 776}. 784 GLOSSARY. INCREASING CurRRENT.* An application in which the strength of the current is gradually increased without breaking the current, called also svvedling current. InpIREcT ELECTRIZATION (p. 369). Invucep (or Induction, or Inductive) CurRENT. As usually understood, the current which is induced in a coil of wires from another coil through which the current passes. Currents may, however, be induced in any metallic conductor from any other metallic conductor that is traversed by the elec- tric current, or from powerful magnets, or from the magnetic action of the earth. Tnpucinc Current. The current that gives rise to an induced current. InpucTIion (p. 5 and p. 59). InpucTiveE (see Induced Current). . Intensity. Strength of currents erroneously used for tension. InsuLaTon (or Isolator), A bad conductor of electricity. InsuLatep. Placed on non-conducting supports, or covered with some non-conducting substance. INTERRUPTED CuRRENT. Broken, intermitted. The faradic current is necessarily interrupted by the apparatus that generates it. The galvanic current may be either centinuous or interrupted. InTRA-vOLAR, Between the poles (p. 112). Ions. ‘The constituents into which the electrolyte is decomposed (p. 53). Irrirasitity. That property of organized substances that causes them to respond to stimuli. IRRITABILITY, ELecTRo-MuscuLar. The property of muscular fibre that causes it to be excited to movement by the electric current. Electro-muscular irritability may exist without electro-muscular contractility ; that is, the muscles may quiver or be spasmodically excited by even a mild current, even when they fail to contract under a very powerful current. IRRITABILITY, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, AND ‘TERTIARY. Degrees of irritability that are observed during a séance of galvanization (p. 148). Lasice Current (or application). An application in which one or both of the electrodes is moved or glided over the surface. Leynen Jar. A glass bottle partially coated with tinfoil, for condensing statical electricity. Locat EvectrizaTion. Application of electricity to some part or organ, as distinguished from geu- eral electrization, in which the application is made all over the body. Joced/ is practically synony- mous with /ocaéized electrization, although, strictly speaking, localized implies that the direct action of the current is confined to the part to which the application is made, while local does not suggest any such meaning. According to this distinction, electrization may be local without being necessarily localized. For the sake of uniformity, the term localized has been generally ad- hered to throughout this work, to distinguish all local applications of electricity (see Localized Electrization). . Locaizep ELECTRIZATION (p. 367) (see Local Electrization). Macuting (Electric or Electrical). Any mechanical contrivance that generates any form of electricity ; also called electric apparatus, but strictly is more complex than apparatus. Thus, fo. example, we have Holtz’s machine for statical electricity ; Kidder’s machine for the galvanic and faradic currents, etc, Macnetism. The power which certain bodies possess of attracting iron. Macnetization. The act of magnetizing. Macneto-Etectriciry. ‘The current induced by a magnet, as in the magneto-electric or rotary appara- tus. Itis one form of the faradic current, of which the electro-magnetic is the other (p. 68). MAGNETOMETER. An instrument for measuring magnetic declination. Macnets, Substances that have the property of attracting iron. . . Mo tecutes, The minute particles of which bodies are composed (pp. 25-35). Motor Points. Points on the body where the nerves and muscles most readily respond to electriza~ tion ; more specific than electric points, which is a general term, and includes all forms of reaction tc the electric current. Muttipuier, An instrument for multiplying or increasing a force—as heat or electricity. The term is applied both to the gadvanonzeter and thermo-multiplier (p. 74). NeGative MopiricaTIion (p. 114). NEGATIVE PoLe. Where the current passes out ; called also zinc-pole or cathode, Thecurrent is felt stronger at the negative than at the positive pole. NEGATIVE VARIATION (p. 114). Nerve-Muscir Current (p. 377). Oveninc Contractions. Contractions produced at the opening of the circuit. Ozone (p. 685). GLOSSARY. 785 PARAMAGNETISM, That property of bodies by which they manifest magnetic phenomena opposite and corresponding to iron (p. 8). PERIPHERAL ELECTRIZATION, Electrization of the periphery. PERIPOLAR ARRANGEMENT (p. 112). PILE-LIKE ARRANGEMENT (p. 52). Pratinum (or Platina) (from Spanish platina, silver). A metal used in electrical researches. PLexus-NERvE CURRENT (p. 183). Pocar. Relating to the poles. g Povarrry or Eecrricity. That property of electricity by which peculiar phenomena of the positive and negative are exhibited at certain points (p. 33). Polarity of anerveis that condition of a nerve by which one part is exhibiting a positively and the other a negatively electric state. PotarizaB_e. Susceptible of polarization, PorarizaTion. The act of giving polarity to a body in batteries (p. 36). Porar Meruov. The method of application by which the distinctive and differential action of each pole is obtained, by placing one pole over the part to be aftected and the other in some indifferent point; called also zxzpolar. PovarizE. Tocommunicate polarity to. Potarizinc. Giving polarity to. Porarizinc CurRENT. The current that produces the electrotonic condition. Pores. Points where magnetism is concentrated, or where the electric current passes inor out. The ) terms fositive and negative are relative, not absolute, since their position varies with the relative position of the electrodes, Posiriwe MopiFICATION (p. 114) Positive Poe. Where the current enters, called also copper dole or anode (p. 53). Primary Current or Inpucinc Current. The current that passes through the inner coil of wire in a helix, and that induces a current on the coil that surrounds it (p.62). Used erroneously as synony- mous with galvanic or constant current, PROTRACTED APPLICATIONS.* Applications that are made for a very long time. Applications of gale vanic belts, disks, and poultices are protracted, Quatity oF A CuRRENT, as distinguished from quantity and intensity, refers to its smoothness or harsh- ness, or to the rapidity or slowness of interruption. Quantity (p. 84). Execrric REacTIoN. The phenomena developed by any part of the body under the influence of electricity. Reaction (Gatvanic). (See Electric Reaction.) Reopuore. An Electrode. Resistance. The opposite of conductivity. That property of bodies that makes them resist or oppose the passage of the current (p. 82). Reverse CurrEnT ‘(see Ascending Current). Rueocorp. An instrument for controlling the fluctuations of the current. RueomoTor (see Electromotor). RuHEOTOME (péw réuvery, to cut). A current breaker (p. 64). RuEostTATE (p. 48). Rotary Macuine. Magneto-electric machines, in which the induced electricity is generated by turn- ing a crank. SEcoNDARY CuRRENT. The faradic current, called also the zxterrupred, induced, inductive electro- magnetic, faradic, etc. Sensrpitity, ELecTro-Muscutar. The peculiar subjective sensation which is experienced by the con- traction ofa muscle under the electric current. Suock. A sudden single discharge of electricity, such as is given from a Leyden jar, or apparatus for statical electricity. t Spark, Evectrric. The spark that attends the discharge of electritity on the passage of the current from one conductor to another. Spinat-CorpD CurRRENT SpinaL-Corp Musc.e CurRRENT : Srinac-Corp Nerve Current | P. 327-328. Spinat-Corp PLExus CURRENT SpinaL-Corp RooT CurRRENT STasie CuRRENT (or application). An application in which both electrodes are kept in a tixed position. 50 786 GLOSSARY. Sraticar Exrecrriciry. Electricity in rest, generated by friction, pressure, or cleavage (p. 25). STRENGTH OF THE CURRENT (p. 84). Sweiinc Current (see Increasing Current). Tension (p. 80). TrTanizaTion, The production of a tetanic state in a nerve by passing a galvanic current through i it. . ‘Tuermo-Execrricity. The electricity that is d by heating two h 1g at their point of junction (p. 72). To-anv-FRo CurrenT (see Faradic Current), Unirorm Current.* A current thatis keptat the same strength during the application. Unirocar Metuop oF APPLICATION. One pole on the part that is to be affected, and the other on some indifferent point ; called also polar method. UNINTERRUPTED. Unbroken, i (see Conti ). Applied only to the galvanic current, since the faradic is always interrupted by the machine that generates it. Unit (p. 77). UNroLarizaBLe. Not susceptible of being polarized, VortTa-E.ectric InpucTion (see Induction). Vo.tTaic ALTERNATIVES. Changes in the direction of the galvanic current. Vorraic Pitg or BaTTery (Volta). A series of elements so arranged that the zinc of one element is con- ' nected with the copper of the other (p. 36). Vorraic CurrENT (Volta) (see Galvanic Current), VOLTAISM (see Galvanism). Although the honor of giving the name to electricity generated by chemical action is really deserved both by Volta and Galvani, and has, to acertain extent, been accorded to both, yet the term galvanism with its.derivatives has practi dan dancy which it will probably retain. | VoLTAMETER. An apparatus for testing the strength of the current by measuring the quantity of gas given off in a given time during the decomposition of water (p. 46)e Working up the Base.* Electrolysis of the Base of tumors, Zinc Poe (see Negative Pole) ; called also cathode, INDEX. Abbreviations in Electro-therapeutics, 296, Acute diseases, 688. Adenitis, 739. . Addison’s disease, 674. Adjustable electrode, 357. After-effects of electrical treatment, 294. Acne, 567. Rosacea, 568. Ague, 674. ee a Aldini’s researches in Animal Electricity, 103. Alopecia, 573. | Alcoholism, chronic, 469. Amalgamation of zinc, 3. Amaurosis, 644. Amblyopia, 644. mise: 587. rognosis in, 592. Cases of, 592. Ampére’s theory of Magnetism, 59. Anzesthesia, 492. Tactile Sensibility in, 492. « Farado sensibility in, 492. Electro-diagnosis, 493. Prognosis, 494. Treatment, 493. Cases of, 494. Anesthesia, cutaneous, 567. Anesthesia, electro, 122. Anesthesia, hysterical, 495. tomy, electro-physiological, 163. Anatomy, electro-therapeutical, 319. Anelectrotonos, 113. ‘Anelectrotonos, theory of, 15. Angiomata, 724. Aneurism, 754. Aneurism, statistics of, treated by electricity, 755. , Cases of, 756. Angina pectoris, 668, Ani, prolapsus, 628. imal Electricity, 101. History of its discovery, roz. Aldini’s researches, 103. Humboldt’s researches, 102, Du Bois-Reymond’s researches, 103. Nobili’s researches, 103. Matteucci’s researches, 103. , Apparatus for studying, 106. Animal magnetism, 209. Anosmia, 683. Cases of, 684. i Apparatus for electro-therapeutics, 327. Antozone, 688, Aphonia, 629. Prognosis, 633. Treatment of, 631. Cases of, 634. . . Applications of electricity, care in details, 276, Time of day for, 278. Time of, 269. Frequency of, 282. Prolonged, 281. Combination of methods, 282. Armatures, magnetic, 6, Artificial magnets, 3. Arthritis nodosa, 546. Artificial respiration, 664. Ascites, 602. Aspermatism, 621. Asphyxia, 664, Asthenopia, 642. Asthma, 554. Astraphobia, 456. Ataxia, locomotor, 527. Asophy, progressive muscular, 536. ‘ases of, 537. Auditory nerve, galvanization of, 143. Reaction of, 650. Normal formula of, 143. Changes of reaction in, 650. Hyperzesthesia of, 650. Anesthesia of, 65x. Baths, electric, 431. Baths, electro-chemical, 774. Batteries, galvanic, 38. Wollaston’s, 44. Daniell’s, 38. Grove’s 39. Bunsen’s, 40. Thermo-electric, 75. Farmer's thermo-electric, 76. Cabinet, 345. European, 362. Becker-Muirhead, 364. Marine, 45. Callan’s iron-zinc, 44. Gas, 37. Polarization in, 36. Double-cell constant, 38. Bunsen’s bichromate, 41. Walker's single-cell, 41. Smee’s, 42. Lechanché’s, 43. . Water, 45. Bed-sores, 704. Belts and chains, 490. Pulvermacher’s, 490. Galvanic, 490. Benign tumors, 724. Bioscopy, electro, 317, Bladder, diseases of, 624. Paralysis of, 626. Dissolution of calculi in, 771. Blepharospasm, 644. Branch currents, 35. Bright's disease, 682. Boils, 767. Brass ball, 356. . Brain, action of electricity on, 124. Brenner's apparatus, 352. Burners for galvano-cautery, 716. Buboes, 627. Bunsen’s battery, 40. Burns, 767. Byrne's galvano-cautery apparatus, 712 Calculi in bladder, dissolution of, 771. Callan’s iron-zinc battery, 114. 788 Cancer treated by electricity, 740. Cancer, relief of pain of by galvanization, 752. Carbuncles, 767. Cataract, 647. Catarrh, 682. Catelectrotonos, 113. Catelectrotonos, theory of, 115. Central galvanization, 412. Electrodes for, 416. Battery for, 416. and localized galvanization, 419. and general faradization, 420. History of, 230. In the treatment of skin diseases, 563, Cephalalgia, 475. Cerebral congestion, 463. Cerebro-spinal fever, 672. Chilblains, 767. Children, new-born, resuscitation of, 666. Children, Diseases of, 603. Chorea, 603. Whooping-cough, 603. Cholera infantum, 603. __. Laryngismus stridulus, 603. Marasmus and debility, 603. Incontinence of urine, 603. ee a ae nfantile sis, 603. Cholera-infantum, op. Chorea, 603. Electro-diagnosis, 454. Treatment of, 603. Prognosis, 604. Cases of, 604. Chromated lead as an electro-negative element, 344. Chromatogenous diseases, 572. Chronic alcoholism, 468. Circles, galvanic, 28. Cirrhosis of the liver, 689. Club-foot, 771. Coil, primary, 65. Coils, induction, 65. Rubmkorff’s, 66. Conduction, the converse of resistance, 82. Condenser of Ruhmkorff’s coil, 67. Congestion, spinal, 463. Case of, 464. Constipation, nervous, 579. Prognosis, 579. Cases of, 580, Internal applications in, 581. Contact and chemical action, theory of, 49. Contractions, muscular, 555. Contractility, elecfro-muscular, 160. Contractions, diplegic, 315. Galvano-tonic, Convalescence, 688. Cough, nervous, 636. Coughing produced by electrizing the pneumogas- tric, 133 Cornea, opacities of, 645. Coulomb's theory of magnetism, 4. Cramp, writer’s, 548. Crystallization, thermo-electric force influenced by, 74. Current, break, 64. Extra, 64. Chemical action, the origin of, 32. Derived or partial, or branch, 35. Thermo-electric, general purposes of, 74. Thermo-electric, electro-motive force of, 74. Induced, properties of, 68. Curvature, spinal, 770. Cutting loops for galvano-cautery, 716. Cystic tumors, 731. Daniell’s battery, 38. Deafness, hysterical, 657. Following cerebro-spinal fever, 659. INDEX. Declination, ro. Definition of electricity, 2. Derived currents, 35. Density, 18. Diamagnetism, 8. Diabetes, 679. Diarrheea, chronic, 58. Digestion, diseases of the organs of, 575. Electro-diagnosis, 575. General principles of treatment in, 575. Diplegic contractions, 315. Disks, galvanic, 490. In myalgia, 544. Dose of electricity, 272. ‘ Double-cell-constant batteries, 38. Drescher’s galvano-faradic machine, 350. Galvanic battery, 349. Dropsy, 682. : ‘ DuBois-Reymond’s researches in animal elec tricity, 103. Duchenne and Remak, 225. Duchenne’s apparatus, 363. Dynamical electricity, terminology of, 5z. Dyspepsia,‘577. Dysmenorrheea, 587. Dysphagia, from spasms of the pharynx, 555. Dysphonia, cases of, 635. : Ear, diseases of, 648. . 7 Internal method of electrization of, 649. External method of electrization of, 650. Electro-diagnosis of the diseases of, 650. Middle, chronic suppuration of, 659. Middle, subacute inflammation of, 655. Eczema, 563. Effects of electrical treatment, how to judge of the, 283. Of localized electrization, 379. Of general faradization, 400. Electrical relation of elements, 21. Treatment, after-effects of, 294, Electricity, frictional, 14. Statical, 14. Distribution of, 17. Magneto, 68. Thermo, 72. Animal, Reymond’s theory of, 103. Statical use of, 426. Animal, roz. Induced, sg. A mode of motion, 33. Franklinic, 14. Loss of, 15. Polarity of, 33. Conversion of, into heat, 34. Nature and definition of, 2. In the living man, 104. Action of on the skin, 117. On the brain and spinal cord, 124. On the sympathetic and pneumogas- tric, 128 On the nerves of special sense, 140. On motor and sensory nerves, and voluntary muscles, 153. On involuntary muscles, 170, Effects of on nutrition, 180. Mechanical, physical, chemical, and physio: logical effects of, 180. Effects on secretion and excretion, 197. Absorption, 200. Reflex effects of, 200. Relation to life, 207. Free in the body, 209. In plants and fruits, 220. General therapeutical action of, 253. Dose of, 272. Spe are of, 287. ts use by the laity, 295. Fishes, or. ao Electric Machines, 18. INDEX. Electric Light, 35. Baths, 431. Effects of, 433. General rules for giving, 434. Moxa, 368. : Explorer or probe, 772. Disks, 490. Electrical endosmosis, 191. Electrization, localized, 367. History of, 223. Rationale of, 257. Instruments for, 367. With moistened electrodes, 368. Details of application of, 371. Of plexuses, nerves and muscles, 377. Effects of, 379. J 5 In its relations to other 1orms of treatment, 294. Direct and indirect, 369. Electro-anzesthesia, 122. “lectro-chemical baths, 774. Electro-bioscopy, 317. Electro-conductivity of the human body, 180, Electro-diagnosis, 304. ‘ Electro-sensibility, 305. Electro-muscular contractility, 160, Sensibility, 160. Electro-dynamical induction, 59. Electro-magnetic helix, 61. Machines, 6s. Electro-magnetism, 59. Electrodes, 355. Metallic, 359. ’ Unpolarizable, 36r. Moistened, electrization with, 368. Brass ball, 356. Foot plate, 195, 202. ,' Uterine, 589. Intra-uterine, 589. Rectal, 581. Double uterine, 590. Vaginal, 591. Double vesical, 590. Adjustable, 357. Care of, 362. Polarization of, 37. Universal handle for, 353. Long sponge, 356. Hard rubber handle, 356. Duchenne’s, 356. Stationary, 357. * Spinal, 359. Current reverser, 360, Electro-magnet in extraction of foreign bodies, 774. Negative, 28, Electro-medication, 777. Electro-motive force, 78. . Electro-muscular sensibility, 308. Electro-physics, 1. Electrometer, Thompson’s quadrant, 22, pre pelnaltey; 304. éctro-physiology, 99. Electro-physiognomy, 165. Electro-physiological anatomy, 165. Positive, 28. Electro-surgéry, 693. History of, 693. Electro-therapeutics, history of, 214. Apparatus for, 327. ‘ Rapid progress in America, 243. In advance of electro-physiology, 248. Causes of failure in, 410. Electro-therapeutical anatomy, 2x9. Electrolysis, definition of, 53. History of, 53. ‘Terminology of, 53. Laws of, 54. Theory of, 57- | Its nature and: general methods, .699. 789 Electrolysis, NeedJes for, 702. Of living and dead tissue, 192. Of the base, method of operating by, 706. Apparatus for, 7or. Conductor for, 702. Electrolyzing the base, 705. Electrophorus, 21. Electrophorus machine, Holtz’s, 19. Electroscope, gold leaf, 21. Electrotonos, definition of, 111. Molecular theory of, 111. Of muscle, r15. In the living man, 116. Practical bearing of its laws, 116. Elephantiasis, 372. Elements, electrical relations of the, 30, | Endosmosis, electrical, 191. Erectile tumors, 724. Epithelioma, 740. . Epilepsy, 558. Cases of, 558. Epileptiform neuralgia, 479. Cases of, 480, Exhaustion, nervous, 444. Exophthalmic goitre, 681. Extra current, 64. Eye, diseases of, 639. Paralysis of ‘Re muscles of, 640. Electrization of, 639. Prognosis in paralysis of the muscles of, 640. Asthenopia, 642. Amblyopia and amaurosis, 644. Lid, spasm of, 644. Eyelid, cases of spasme of, 643. Eye, opacities of the cornea, 645. . Ptosis, 646. ; Mydriasis and myosis, 646. ‘Neuro-retinitis, 646. Strabismus, 646. Opacities, vitreous humor, 645. Photophobia, 645. Cataract, 647. Facial neuralgia, 479. Cases of, 480, Facial Eeralyais, 519. ‘ases of, 520. Facial spasm, 555- Farad, 78. Faradic current, effects of, 119. Faradic anesthesia, 775. Faradie and galvanic currents, comparative value of, 297. Baradsaten era of, 223. ° Galvano, 302. Dry or cutaneous, 368. Faradization, general, 383. History of, 227. Apparatus for, 386. Effects of, 400. Rationale of, 406. Farado-sensibility, 324. Degrees of, 324. As compared with galvano-sensibility, 326. Farmer’s thermo-electric battery, 76. Fatty tumors, 739. 5 Feigned diseases, 316. Ferrier, researches of, 124. Fevers, 688. Convalescence from, 688. Fever, intermittent, 674. Fishes, electric, rox. Fistula, 764. Flatulence, 585. . Fibroids, 736. 2 Force, electro-motive, 78. Fothergill’s disease, 479. Foveaux’s battery, 364. Franklinization, 426. , Franklinic electricity, action of, 119. 799 Franklinic Era of, 215. Fritsch, researches of, 124. Free electricity in the body, 209. Franklinization, methods of, 427. Apparatus for, 429. Frictional electricity, 14. Frost-bite, 767. Furuncles, 767. Gaiffé, battery of, 363. Galvani’s researches, 49. Galvanic batteries, 38. Galvanic current, effects of, 122. Galvanic and faradic currents, of, 297. Galvanic belts and disks, 490. Circuits, compound, 34- Circuits, homogeneity of, 29. Galvanism, 25. Early history of, 48. Era of, 219. Galvanization, central, 412. History of, 230. Of the head, 371, Of the sympathetic, 372. Of the pneumogastric, 373. Of the spine, 374. Galvano-cautery, history of, 712. pepecnes for, 711. ses of, 719. Advantages of, 719. Advantages of, over the actual cautery, 711. Burners and cutting-loops for, 716. Rules for the use of, 720. Adaptation to various departments, 721. Byrne’s, 712. Galvano-faradic apparatus, Drescher’s, 350. Meyer and Metzger’s, 366. Galvano-puncture in sciatica, 487, Galvanometer, 46, 349. | Thomson’s reflecting, 47. Galvano-tonic contractions, 357. Galvanoscopes, 349. Gas batteries, 37. Galvano-faradization, 302, Galvanometer, astatic, 47. Gangrene, 767. General faradization, 383. History of, 227. Length of applications, 397. Application to spine, 392. Details of its application to different parts of the body, 388. Applications to the neck and throat, 389. . Applications to the head, 389. General galvano-faradization, 390. General faradization, applications to the upper ex- tremities, 392. . Applications to the lungs and heart, 392. Applications to the liver, spleen, and towel: value P 393- Applications to the stomach, 394. Applications to the female genitals, 394. Applications to the lower extremities, 394. Effects of, 400. Rationale of, 406. Persistence in treatment, 397. General and localized faradization, differential indications for the use of, 408. General therapeutical action of electricity, 253. Genito-urinary organs, diseases of, 617. Treatment of, 616, 619. Electro-diagnosis, 619. Gleet, 646, Glosso-laryngeal paralysis, 514. Glottis, spasm of, 635. Goitre, 729. Gonorrhaea, 626. Gout, 541. Case of, 546. INDEX. Gout, rheumatic, 546. Treatment of, 546. Graves’ disease, 681. Grove’s battery, 39. , ‘ct Gustatory nerve, action of electricity on, 151. Hall’s faradic machine, 337. Twenty-cell battery, 351. Hay-fever, 688. Hezmatocele, 767. Hemorrhoids, 628. Hand as an electrode, 398. Head, galvanization of, 37%. Headache, 475, Prognosis, 475. Cases, 476. Heart, galvanization of, 172. Diseases of, 667. Palpitation of, 667. Cases of, 667. Helix, 60. Hemiplegia, 511. Cases, 510. Hemorrhage, post-partum, 662. - Herpes zoster, 569. 7 Frontalis seu ophthalmicus, 569. Hernia, 721. Hiccough, 556. Hip-joint, 771. History of central galvanization, 238. History of electro-therapeutics, 214. General faradization, 227. Hitzig, researches of, 124. Humboldt’s researches in animal electricity, x02. Hydatids of liver treated by electrolysis, 736. “Hydrocele, 768. Hydro-electrization, 776. Hydrophobia, 556. Hydrostat, 338. Hypochondniasis, 441. Treatment, 442. Cases, 442. Hysteria and allied affections, 435. Electro-diagnosis, 435. Treatment, 435. Prognosis, 435. of, 436. paralysis, sor. anzesthesia, 495. deafness, 657. Tleus, 581. Impotence, 618. Causation, 619. Electro-diagnosis, 619. Treatment of, 6x9. Cases of, 622. Incontinence of urine, 609. Induced currents, different orders of, 62 Properties of, 68. Induction of a current on itself, 64. Induction, statical, 16. Induction coils, 65. Magnetic, 5. Electro-dynamical, 59. History of, 70. Infantile paralysis, 610. Examination of muscles, 610, Early symptoms, 610. Electro-diagnosis, 612. Treatment, 613. Prognosis, 613. Cases, 614. Tasca 458. lases af, 460. Infantum, cholera, 609. Interruptions, slow, comparative value of, 330. Insomnia, 454. Treatment, 454. Case of, 454. Intensity of magnetism, 10. INDEX. Intensity vs. quantioy, 80. Intra-uterine electrode, 589. Intermittent fever, 674. Irritation, spinal, 449. Isolation, 672, Involuntary muscles, action of electricity on, x70. Irritability, restoration of, 115. Degrees of, 148. How long retained after death, 153. Tris, action of electricity on, 170. Invagination, 581. ar, Leyden, 22. aundice, 580. eratitis, 645. Kidder’s faradic apparatus, cut of, 332. Galvanic apparatus, 342. For galvano-cautery, 713. Rules for the use and care of, 333. Lacteal secretion, deficient, 662. Larynx, diseases of, 629. Laryngismus stridulus, 635. Larynx, external electrization of, 629. Anesthesia of, 638. Hyperesthesia of, 637. Lead palsy, 499. Lechanche’s battery, 43, Leucorrheea, 587. Leyden jar, 22. History of, 23. Leucoderma, 572. Lichen, 567. Life, relation of electricity to, 207. Localization, absolute of electricity, impossible, 38. Light, electric, 34. Liver, cirrhosis, 689. Lightning, fear of, 256. Lipomata, 739. | . Localized faradization, history of, 223. Galvanization, history of, 225. Electrization, 367. Instruments for, 369 Details of application of, 371. Effects of, 379. Localized and general faradization, differential in- dications for the use of, 409. Locomoter ataxy, 527. Electro-diagnosis, 528. Treatment, 529. Prognosis, 528. Cases of, 530. Lungs, diseases of, 670. Machine, electric, Holtz’s, 19. Electro-magnetic, 65. Magnets, artificial, 3. Shape of, 6. Polarity of, 3. Magnetic armature, 6. ot Induction, 5. etism, 2. Bae Coulomb’s, theory of, 4. Of rotation, 70. Of broken magnets, 4. Terrestrial, 10. Electro, 59. Ampére’s theory of, 49. Animal, 209. In headache, 344. Magnetization, 6. physical effects of, 9. Magneto-electricity, 68. Electric machines, 337. Malignant tumors, 724. Marasmus, 608. Maritime battery, 45. | . i Matteucci’s researches in animal electricity, 103. Melanoderma, 572. Meyer and Metzger’s apparatus, 366. Mammary gland, diseases of, 662. Melancholia, 441. 791 Menorrhagia, 587. Midwifery, 661, Migraine, 478. Milk, deficient secretion of, 662. Treated by electricity, 663. Miscellaneous medical diseases, 672. Sequelz of sunstroke and cerebro-spinal fevers, 672. Intermittent fever, 674. Addison’s disease, 675. Suppression of urine, 678, Diabetes, 679. Exophthalmic goitre, 681. Dropsical effusions, 682. Bright's disease, 682, Catarrh, 683. Anosmia, 683. Odontalgia, 685. Hay fever, 688. Obesity, 689. Cirrhosis, 689. Morbus coxarius, 771. Motor points of muscles, 319. Nerves, action of electricity on, 153. Mother’s marks, 724. Moxa, electric, 368, Multiplier, thermo, 74. Multiple element battery, Byrne’s, 712. Muscle, eleéctrotonos of, 115. Muscular atrophy, progressive, 536, Muscular contractions, 555. Muscular rheumatism, 544. Treatment, 544. Cases of, 545. Myalgia, 544. 7 Mydriasis and myosis, 646. Myosis and mydriasis, 646. Myo-sclerotic paralyses, progressive, 540. Nature of electricity, 2. Neevi treated by electrolysis, 724 Neck, applications to, 389. Needles for electrolysis, 702. Method of introducing for electrolysis, qos. Negative modification, 114. Variation of the muscular current, x14. Nerves, electrization of, 377. Nerve muscle current, 377. Nervous exhaustion, 444. Cough, 636. Dyspepsia, 576. Force, speed of, 207. Neurasthenia, 444. vs. anemia, 444. Treatment, 445. Prognosis, 445. Cases, 445. Neuralgia, 470. | lassification, 470. Electro-diagnosis, 470. Treatment, 470, Prognosis, 472: Constitutional, 471. Intercostal, 473. Central, 475. Cephalalgia, 475. Facial, 479. Epileptiform, 479. Spinal irritation, 449. Peripheral, 482. Gastralgia, 483. Sciatica, 486. Angina pectoris, 668. Galvanic belts and disks in, 490. Cases of facial, 367. Reflex, 489. Neuro-retinitis, 646. Neutral line, 3. Point, 114. Nipples, sore, 663. 792 Nipple Shield, galvanic, 663. Nobili’s researches in animal electricity, 103. Nutrition, effects of electricity on, 180. Obesity, 689. Odontalgia, 685. Cidema, 682. (Esophagus, stricture of, 763. Ohman, 77. Ohm’s law, 77. Opium poisoning, paralysis from, 500. Ophthalmoscopic examination of the retina in gal- vanization of sympathetic, 136. Optic nerve, action of the galvanic current on, 140. Orchitis, 627. 2 Case of, 627. Ovaries, irritation and congestion of, 601. Ovarian tumors, 739. Ozone, 685. Physiological and therapeutical effects of, 68' ’ Ozonization, galvano, 765. Oxygen, ozonized, 685. Ozonized oxygen, 685. General properties of, 686. Paralysis, 498. Accessories to electrical treatment of, 508, Time of beginning treatment in, 508. Classification, 498, Rheumatic, 498. Lead, 499.” Syphilitic, 499. From opium pgisoning, 500. Hysterical, 501. Central, sos. Glosso-pharyngeal, 514. Spinal sclerosic, 527. Infantile, 610. Peripheral, 519. Facial, 519. From pressure, 523. Reflex, 525. Calorific, 525. Progressive myo-sclerosic, 540. Agitans, 552. Pain of cancer, relief of, by galvanization, 752 Palsy, shaking, 552. Paramagnetism, 8. Paraplegia, 516. Differential diagnosis, 516, « Electro-diagnosis, 516, Treatment, 516. Prognosis, 517. Cases of, 517. Paresis of muscles of eye, 640, : Of bladder, 624. Partial currents, 35. Pathology, electro, 304. Pathophobia, 441. Pessaries intra-uterine, galvanic, 6or. Petit mal, 558. Pectoris, angina, 668. Pflueger’s law of contraction, 116. Photophobia, 645. Physical effects of magnetization, g. Physical and vital torces, theory of correlation, 269. Physiognomy, electro, 165. Physiology, electro, 99 : Pile, voltae, 36. : ry, 46. Piles, 628. £ Plexus uerve current, 377. Pneumogastric, galvanization of, 373. Action of electricity on, 128, Poles, how to distinguish, 343. Podalgia, 78. Potential of the electric current, 80, Polarity of the circuit, 99, . INDEX. Polarity of Magnets, 3. f Electricity, 33. Polarization of electrodes, 37. Post-partum hemorrhage, 662. Polypi, 740. . Positive modification, 114. Pott’s disease, 770.- . Primary coil, object of the iron core in, 65. _ Primary and secondary coils, differential action of 156. Probe, electric, 673. Pityriasis, 568. Progressive muscular atrophy, 536. Symptoms and diagnosis, 447. Eleotro-diagnosis, 536. Treatment, 536. Case of, 537. Muscular hypertrophy, 540. Myo-sclerosic paralysis, 540. Prolapsus uteri, 600. Ani, 628. Prostate, enlargement of, 627. Prurigo, 566 Psoriasis, 568. Pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, 540. arthrosis, 770. | Ptosis, 646. Quantity of the electric current, 84. Absolute and actual, 86. | 7 Radcliffe, Dr. C. B., views of animal electricity, 105. Rectum, scirrhus of, 748, Restorative effect a electrization on voluntary muscles, 158. _ Remak and Duchenne, 225. Reflex effects of electricity, 200. Remak’s galvanic apparatus, 365. Resistance, 82. Effects of temperature on, 83. Rectum, discases of, 628. Reflex neuralgia, 489. Paralysis, 525. Regurgitation, 584. Resuscitation of new-born children, 666. Respiration, artificial, 664. Retina, ophthalmoscopic examinations of, during galvanization of sympathetic, 136. Rheostat of Mayer and Wolff, 353. Hydro, 353. Rheotome, 64. Rheumatic paralysis, 542. Gout, 546. ‘Treatment, 546. Rheumatism, 541. Rheostat, 48, 352. Rhinitis, 682, Ringworm, 571. Rotation, magnetism of, 70. Rosacea, acne, 568 Ruhmkorff’s coil, 66. Rubber covers for conducting wires, 361. Sciatica, cases of, 487. Sarrhus, 740. Sclerosis, spinal, 527. Sea-sickness, 585. Secondary and primary coils, differential action of, 156. Scleroderma, 571. Sensory nerves, action of electricity on, 153. Seminal emissions, 617. Sensibility, electro-muscular, 160,"308. Shaking palsy, 552. Shape of magnets, 6. Shottening: of muscles during a contraction. 158. Siemens-Meidinger battery, 364. Single coil and separate coil faradic machines, 328. Sick headache, 478. INDEX. Sick headache, case of, 478. Singultus, 556. Sinuses, 764. oo Skin, diseases of, 560. Treatment of, 561. Eczema, 563. Prurigo, 566. Lichen, 567. Anesthesia, 567. Acne, 567. Rosacea, 568. Psoriasis, 568. Pityriasis, 568. Herpes, 569. Ringworm, 571. Scleroderma, 571. hromatogenous diseases, 572, Leucoderma, 572. Melanoderma, 572. Elephantiasis, 572. Alopecia, 573. Smee’s battery, 42. Solenoids, 60. Spark, electric, 20. Spasmodic stricture, 762. Spasms of the eyelid, 644, Facial, 555. Spasmus glottidis, 635. Spasmodic diseases, 548. Spermatorrhoeza, 617. Sphincter, paralysis of, 628, Sphygmograph, experiments with, 137- Spinal congestion, diagnosis, 463. Case of, 463. Cord, direct electrization of, 126, Current, 377. Root current, 377. Cord, plexus current, 378. Nerve current, 378. Muscle current, 377. _ Curvature, 770. Spinal Irritation, 449. - Differential diagnosis, 449. Pathology, 450. Treatment, 451. Prognosis, 451. Cases of, 451. Sclerosic paralysis, 527. Spine, galvanization of, 374. Spondylitis, 770. Sprains, 769. Stammering, 557. Statical electricity, 14. Induction, 16. Era of, 215. Use of, 426. Stéhrer, apparatus of, 363. Stéhrer’s zinc-carbon battery, 364. Stomach, action of electricity on, 170. Strabismus, 646. Strain, 769. Stricture of the urethra, 759. Cases of, 760. Of the cesophagus, 763. Spasmodic, 762. Stumps after amputation, 767. i Suggestions in regard to the therapeutical uses of electricity, 262. , 2 é Agee: action of electricity on cranial portion of, 130. Nerve, action of electricity on, 128. Galvanization of, 372. : m Action of electricity on the cephalic thoracic and abdominal ganglia of, 131. Sunstroke, 672. Suppression of tirine, 678. Surgery, electro, 693. History of, 693- Synovitis, 767. 793 Synovitis, case of, 767. Syphilis, 627. Talipes, 771. Temperature of electrodes and operating-room, 276. Tension of the electric current, 80, Terrestrial magnetism, 10. ° Tetanus, 556. Thermo-electricity, 72. Multiplier, 74. Electric batteries, 75. Thermo-electric currents, general properties of, 745 Thomson’s quadrant electrometer, 22. Eines applications to, in general faradization, 389. Tic-douloureux, 479 Tinnitus aurium, 655. Galvanization of sympathetic ing 656, Tobacco, excessive use of, 310. Tonics, definition of, 254. Tonic effects of electricity, 254. In general faradization, 403. Toothache, 685. Torticollis, 550. Diagnosis of, 550. Electric examination of, 551. Treatment of, 551. Prognosis, 551+ Cases of, 551. Tremors, 466. Trowbridge, experiments of, 107. Trocar, Duchenne’s, 610. Noeggerath’s, 610. Tuberculous diathesis, 291. Tubercula quadrigemina, direct electrization of, 61. Tumors, removal of by galvano-cautery, 721. Non-malignant, 724. Erectile, 724. Malignant, 724. Cystic, 731. Fatty, 739. Ovarian, 739- Ulcers, 764. Unit, a, 77. Unpolarizable electrodes, 361. Ununited fracture, 770. Urethra, strictures of, 759. Cases of, 760. Hypereesthesia of, 629. Water battery, 45. Wollaston’s battery, 44. Urethritis, chronic, 626. Urine, incontinence of, 609. Suppression of, 678. Uterine electrode. 589. Uterus, faradization of, 588. | Diseases of, prognosis in, 587. Enlargements of, 599. Prolapsus, 600. Anteflexion of, 600. Retroflection of, 600, Retroversion of, 600, Anteversion of, 600. Amputation of neck of, by galvano-cautery, 72a. Congestion of, 599. Displacements of, 599. Atrophy of, 599. Fibroids of, 738. Uteri prolapsus, cases of, 600. Vaginal electrode. 591. Variations of the needle, 11. Varicose veins, 754. Veins, varicose, 754. Vital and physical forces, theory of their correla tion, 209. Vitreous humor, opacities of, 645. 794. INDEX. Viscera, abdominal, localized electrization of, 576, | Water rheostat, 353. Volta constructs the voltaic pile, 36. Wesley, Mr., 217. Volta’s researches, 49. Wires, conducting, rubber cover for, 362, Voltaic pile, 36, Whooping-cough, 609, Vomiting, 584, 609. Wollaston’s battery, 44. Volta meter, 46. ‘Women, diseases of, 587, Walker’s single cell zinc-carbon battery, 4x. Writer’s cramp, 548, Warts, 771. Wry neck, 550, \V 0 Dec e (ov) enna Sell % CONSERVATION 1998