Tests of a Jacobs-Shupert Boiler W. F. M. GOSS sod. aks 4d eens 4 ae iy Cornell University Library TJ 642.G67 ONT 3 1924 004 616 839 engr ‘hes rs of a JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER in comparison with a RADIAL-STAY BOILER A Report submitted to Mr. A. F. HUSTON President of the Jacobs-Shupert United States Firebox Company Coatesville, Pennsylvania by W. F. M. GOSS, D. Eng. Dean of the College of Engineering, University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Illinois Published by JACOBS-SHUPERT UNITED STATES FIREBOX COMPANY Coatesville, Pennsylvania 9:12 Copyright, 1912 Jacogs-SHupert Unrrep States FirEBox COMPANY Coatesville, Pennsylvania II. IIT. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. CONTENTS PAGE . LETTER or TRANSMITTAL : ’ : : : ; : é : 7 INTRODUCTION : ; : ; : ; ‘ , 3 : : : 9 A Brier Story oF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE BOILER : > A Toe Mopern Raprat-Stay Borer 3 g : ‘ ‘ : : . 15 THE JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER AND SOME OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH HAVE BrEn CLAIMED FOR IT , : 3 ‘ : : s 3 : io Tue JAcoBs-SHUPERT BOILER IN SERVICE. ; ; ; ; ‘ . 85 PRoGRAM OF TESTS AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE MEANS EMPLOYED IN CARRY- ING IT OuT 4 ; ; 3 : : : ’ : : 4 we 39 Tuer RevativE VALUE or Frresox HEATING-SURFACE AND OF TUBE HEATING- SuRFACE AS DETERMINED BY TEstTs oF Aa TyPICAL JACOBS-SHUPERT Borer AND A TypicaL Rapiau-Stay Borer : . : . 52 EVAPORATIVE TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER AND A NORMAL RapIAL- Stay Borter . 5 : : ; 5 ; . 5 , oho . Tue Brick Arcu as A Factor In BorterR PERFORMANCE : F , no G . Low-water Tests AND THEIR RESULTS : : : . : : - SOL . Some Facts with REFERENCE TO THE CIRCULATION OF WaTER IN LOCOMOTIVE BoiLers . ; : 3 é ; ; F : : . 5 . 118 . EXPERIMENTAL Meruops AND OBSERVED AND COMPUTED RESULTS . . 131 . A SUMMARY . ‘ ; : : p ; : : : : : . 164 I. Letter of Transmittal Mr. A. F. HUSTON, President, Jacops-SHUPERT United States Firebox Company, Coatesville, Pennsylvania. Dear Sir: In obedience to your direction, transmitted under date of August 24, 1911, I have approved the designs and superintended the construction of two locomotive boilers identical in their general dimensions and differing from each other only in the fact that one was fitted with a Jacobs-Shupert firebox and the other with a radial-stay firebox. I have since subjected these boilers to an elaborate series of tests. I transmit herewith a report of the methods employed, of the results obtained, and of the conclusions reached. Respectfully submitted, W. F. M. GOSS. CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, ILLINOIS, July 31, 1912. II. Introduction 1. The Jacobs-Shupert United States Firebox Company, in under- taking the manufacture and sale of a new type of steam boiler, early deter- mined to conduct an elaborate series of tests as a preliminary step in the development of its business. There had already been numerous tests designed to disclose the behavior of various details entering into the construction of the boiler, and there were already one hundred and sixty- nine locomotives having Jacobs-Shupert boilers in successful operation. In addition to these significant facts, the Company desired for its own information and for the information of boiler users in every field of service, to make of record a correct and comprehensive statement of the merits of the new type of boiler. A tentative program of tests was drawn up and its execution was intrusted to the undersigned, who as expert in charge was given a free hand in the working out of the details. It is the purpose of this report to present a full statement of the work done and of the results obtained. 2. For the purpose of gaining some understanding of the behavior of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler in service, a trip of inspection was made to a number of roundhouses and shops where locomotives equipped with such boilers were being handled. An account of this inspection is set forth in Chapter VI of this report. 3. In cooperation with Mr. Charles Ducas, the able Technical Man- ager of the Jacobs-Shupert United States Firebox Company, the elaborate series of tests which has now been concluded, was planned. The tests have involved the construction of two modern locomotive boilers, differing from each other only in the fact that one was fitted with a Jacobs- Shupert firebox and the other with a radial-stay firebox. Both boilers were built to the general dimensions of a certain standard of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. The firebox employed in the construction of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler was not especially made for the test, but by permission of the Santa Fe was taken at random from a number of similar fireboxes under construction for that Company. No radial-stay firebox for a boiler of the dimensions selected was available, and as a conse- quence one was especially constructed, its overall dimensions being made to agree accurately with those of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox. Each boiler, as first constructed, was partitioned off into two compartments by an extension of the back tube-sheet in all directions to the outside shell of the boiler. The tests made when the boilers were thus equipped per- mitted a separate determination of the heat transmitted by the firebox heating-surface and by the tube heating-surface (Chapter VIII). The performance of the boilers thus equipped was determined when oil and coal respectively was used as fuel. This work having been completed, the partitions were removed and the boilers subjected to such reconstruction 9 INTRODUCTION as Was necessary to make them normal to conditions of service. Tests were then made to establish the performance of the two normal boilers (Chapter IX). This accomplished, each boiler was subjected to a_ test of strength under low-water conditions with results which are set forth in Chapter XI. 4. While one important purpose of the several chapters which follow is to discuss and summarize the results obtained, a most interesting and promising field of study is supplied by the unembellished numerical data derived from the tests. These are presented complete, with a full descrip- tion of the methods employed in obtaining them, as Chapter XIII. Not only does this chapter contain the commonly presented facts concerning the performance of the two boilers tested, but it also presents for most of the tests the results of a complete heat-balance. By reference to the tables of this chapter, therefore, the student of steam engineering will find material for comparisons involving many factors which do not appear in the more descriptive chapters preceding. d. It will interest those who have occasion to follow this work to know that it is stated by the officers of the Jacobs-Shupert United States Fire- box Company that the entire capital for its business has been supplied by the Lukens Iron & Steel Company. It has been remarked as of more than ordinary significance that this Company, having so much at stake, and understanding perfectly that adverse results might have meant the clos- ing up of a business, should have fearlessly acquiesced in the plans of the Firebox Company, whereby a single expert was authorized to under- take the comparative tests and was given a free hand in carrying them out. 6. In the execution of its program of tests, the Jacobs-Shupert United States Firebox Company is indebted for substantial assistance to many different agencies. Chief among these is the Lukens Iron & Steel Com- pany upon whose premises all the work was done. The organization of men and the equipment of this magnificent establishment being at all times available, greatly facilitated the progress of the work. Whatever the need, whether for rough labor, for skilled labor, or for materials, it was always supplied practically on demand. The interest in the tests which was manifested by Messrs. A. F. and C. L. Huston, President and Vice-President, respectively, both of the Lukens Iron & Steel Company and of the Jacobs-Shupert United States Firebox Company, permitted no desire of the expert in charge to go unsatisfied. 7. The United States Bureau of Mines, in recognition of the signifi- cance of the tests, has cooperated in the work so far as circumstances would permit. 8. The undersigned finds pleasure also in acknowledging his personal indebtedness to Mr. P. C. Haldeman, Master Mechanic of the Lukens Iron & Steel Company, to Mr. A. M. Baird, Master Boiler Maker, and to his personal assistant, Mr. J. F. Butler. W. F. M. G. CHAMPAIGN-URBANA, ILLINOIS, y 31, 1912. July 31, 10 Ill. A Brief Story of the Development of the Locomotive Boiler 9. The boiler is the locomotive’s primary source of power. However efficient the details of its engine, they can be effective in the development of power only when furnished with an ample supply of steam. This must come from the boiler. The boilers of early locomotives were small and inefficient and the problem of improving them as it has presented itself to succeeding generations of designers has been beset with difficulties. 10. An early form of locomotive boiler was a plain cylindrical structure containing a single flue. At one end of this flue a fire-door was attached, and inside the fire-door, grate bars were arranged. At the other end an elbow was added to connect with a vertical stack. By this arrange- ment the stack was in front of the boiler, not on it. When the locomotive was operating, the elbow and a considerable portion of the stack were commonly red-hot. An improvement consisted in fitting the boiler with a return flue which brought the stack and fire-door at the same end, and which provided more heating-surface, a longer flameway and lower stack temperatures than were possible with the earlier design. The famous “Puffing Billy,” a locomotive which did effective service for many years, was provided with a boiler thus constructed. Obviously, the power developed by such an arrangement could not be great, and the commer- cial success of the locomotive awaited the advent of a boiler having greater capacity. This came when George and Robert Stephenson designed and constructed the multitubular boiler for their famous locomotive “Rocket.” This boiler had a plain cylindrical shell fitted with twenty- five 3-inch copper tubes extending from end to end of the boiler. At the front-end a smoke-box was attached which discharged into the stack. At the back-end a box-like fixture was added to constitute the firebox. The superior success of the “Rocket” over that of previously existing locomo- tives was due largely to the fact that its boiler gave an abundant supply of steam. 11. The “Rocket’s” boiler fixed the general lines to be followed in the building of locomotive boilers for many succeeding years, but it did not completely solve the problem of the firebox construction. That detail was destined to take on many forms in pioneer days, and it is one which has been the subject of much debate and change in more modern times. The first tubular boiler having a self-contained submerged firebox, seems to have been that of the locomotive “Planet”? built by the Stephensons for service on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1830. The fire- box was rectangular in plan. While the Stephensons subsequently devoted 11 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER themselves to the development of this form of construction, others built fireboxes which were circular in plan, crowned by a hemispherical dome, a form well chosen to resist the stresses imposed by the internal pressure of the boiler. In the process of developing such structures, however, practice came gradually to rely for strength less upon form and more upon stays by the use of which a structure weak in form could be held in place. A firebox rectangular in plan being desirable, other forms gave way to this plan. The stability of the sides and ends of all such fireboxes was secured by the use of stay-bolts connecting the inside and outside sheet. The support of the crown-sheet proved a more difficult matter. For many years it was provided for by the application of crown-bars running over the crown-sheet either longitudinally or transversely, the latter being the more common arrangement in this country. The crown-bars were metal girders of such form as to permit them to extend across and above the crown-sheet while receiving their support from feet bearing on the upper edges of the side-sheets. A series of such crown-bars served as lines of support for the crown-sheet which was held up by suitable rivets or bolts. The crown thus supported was in effect carried by the side-sheets, and while this type of construction proved serviceable for many years and is still used in small boilers, the time came when in the development of the American boiler it had to give way to something better. As the dimen- sions of fireboxes increased, the crown-bars became enormously heavy, and the load which they imposed upon the side-sheets became so great as to complicate the problem of firebox maintenance. In this emergency a part of the load was for a time removed from the side-sheet by carrying heavy sling stays from the crown-bars to the outside shell of the boiler, but the relief thus obtained was only partial, and the size of boilers con- tinued to increase. For a time and to a very limited extent in this country, the crown-bar boiler was followed by the Belpaire boiler, a design in which all portions of the firebox are stayed, and in which the outside of the boiler is so formed as to permit all stays to connect sheets which are parallel. But the real successor of the crown-bar boiler has been the radial-stay boiler, in which the crown of the firebox is curved to a form which will permit its being held up by stays extending to the outside shell or wrapper sheet. The lines of the stays extended do not necessarily radiate from any single point, but their arrangement suggests such a possibility; hence the term “radial stays.’ As compared with the Bel- paire, the radial-stay type presents greater difficulty to be overcome in making an analysis of the stresses which are set up in its several parts by the presence of internal pressure, but it is lighter and probably on the whole equally satisfactory. The radial-stay firebox of the present day may have either one of two forms. It may be “wide,” in which case the side-sheets extend in a straight line from the mud-ring to the curved portion of the crown-sheet, or it may be “narrow,” in which case the side- sheets extend vertically for a short distance above the mud-ring, then 12 DEVELOPMENT OF THE LOCOMOTIVE BOILER curve outward and finally back again to meet the curvature of the crown- sheet. In either case, stay-bolts closely spaced connect the side-sheet with the outside sheet of the boiler. 12. Practice has developed many embellishments in the construction of this form of firebox. First, it has found that longitudinal stresses imposed upon the tube-sheet make it desirable to have a certain element of flexibility locally about the tube-sheet, and hence instead of inserting rigid radial stays at this point, two or more rows of sling stays are used. The design of these is such that while giving adequate support to the crown-sheet they offer no resistance to the movement referred to. A second embellishment is to be found in the use of button heads on the firebox end of some or all radial stays. The design of these heads is such as to provide a broad bearing for the plate upon the head of the stay, a connection which is altogether stronger than is obtained by merely screw- ing in the straight stay and heading it. Practice has also developed certain forms of flexible stays for use in the water-leg and higher up in the boiler. These devices are such as to permit some change in the angular position of the stay without imposing transverse stresses upon it at points near the outside sheet. These and many other embellishments in its design have permitted the radial-stay boiler to perform a service which as meas- ured in power output per unit weight is superior to that of any type previously employed in locomotive service, and it is this fact which chiefly has resulted in the wide use of the type. But the necessity for certain of these embellishments and the practical difficulties which are experienced in maintaining the modern radial-stay boiler suggest deficiencies in the fundamental principles underlying its design and the time will doubtless come when the large sized radial-stay boiler will entirely give way to something that is scientifically more sound. The promise of such a consummation is to be seen in the recently developed Jacobs-Shupert boiler which was first put in service in 1909. This type of boiler has in the past three years been subjected to extensive use and to elaborate laboratory tests, with results which as to maintenance cost and strength are entirely complimentary to the new design. 13. The Jacobs-Shupert boiler in its external form follows the general lines of the radial-stay boiler, of which it is to be regarded as a logical devel- opment. It differs radically from its predecessor in the structural charac- teristics of its firebox and in the means employed for supporting it. The Jacobs-Shupert firebox provides an element of longitudinal flexibility which the firebox of the radial-stay boiler does not possess, and thereby eliminates strains due to expansion which must be met by the rigid sheet of the radial-stay boiler. It makes no use of stays in side-sheets or crown, and hence abolishes completely a fruitful source of trouble which is always present in the radial-stay type of boiler. The support of the side-sheets and crown is secured by means of rivets submerged in the water-space of the boiler, no one of which can be exposed to the direct heat of the 13 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER furnace. As a consequence, the strength ofthe Jacobs-Shupert boiler under low-water conditions as compared with that of the radial-stay boiler is vastly augmented. A fuller description of this latest type of locomotive boiler is presented as Chapter V, and an account of its performance con- stitutes the subject of Chapters VIIT to XIV, inclusive. IV. The Modern Radial-Stay Boiler 14. The radial-stay boiler has constituted an important factor in the development of the modern high-powered American locomotive. For a score of years the locomotive designer has endeavored to secure larger boilers. In working out this purpose, the machinery of the locomotive has been lightened, steel has been substituted for cast-iron, and to insure the exclusion of unnecessary weight, the design of every detail of mechan- ism has been subject to the closest scrutiny. All that has been gained through the better design of machine parts has been utilized by giving increased weight to the boiler, but here again no unnecessary material has been allowed. In the design of the boiler, the effort has been to secure maximum heating surface for minimum weight. It is in the development of this general conception that the radial-stay boiler has been brought to its present-day standard. It has given the American locomotive greater steaming capacity and power than have been possessed by the locomotives of any other country. Whatever may be the future of the steam locomo- tive, the history of the art will not fail to give an important place to the radial-stay boiler. 15. However great the success of the modern radial-stay boiler, it must be admitted that under present-day conditions involving high steam-pressures and large firebox areas, it is a structure which is exceed- ingly susceptible to deteriorating influences. The difficulties appear chiefly in the firebox which as usually constructed is made up of five plates of steel; namely, two side-sheets, the tube-sheet, the door-sheet, and the crown-sheet. The side-sheets are usually flat plates of steel which are in the neighborhood of five feet wide and which may be nine or ten feet in length. As these plates must transmit heat from the furnace to the water of the boiler, they can not be heavy and they are usually three- eighths of an inch thick. Under modern conditions of operation, how- ever, they must be so supported that they will resist a pressure of 14 or 15 tons per square foot. This is accomplished by the introduction of stay-bolts which tie the side-sheet to the outside sheet of the boiler. The construction is well shown by Fig. 1, which is a view of the water-leg of a firebox from which the barrel and throat-sheet have been removed. Obviously, there is no provision in the design of such a side-sheet for taking care of local expansion, and as a consequence the effect of such expansion can only find expression in bringing about a change of stress within the sheet itself. The result is that different por- tions of the side-sheet behave in different ways. They change their position with reference to the outside sheet of the boiler, causing stay- bolts to loosen, to become leaky, and in the zone of greatest movement, finally to break. This fact was recently emphasized by Mr. F. A. Delano, 15 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER President and Receiver of the Wabash Railroad, a high authority in railway mechanical matters, who in the course of a recent address,* said: “A modern locomotive boiler has from 1,200 to 1,500. stay-bolts, between 4 and 5 in. apart, on all sides of the firebox. Under the law, five broken stay-bolts are sufficient to condemn an engine. This means that a locomotive boiler must be more than 99 per cent. perfect to meet approval; and yet it is safe to say that no high-pressure boiler can be cooled down and reheated again (as it must be for each washing out) with- out breaking at least this number of stay-bolts.”’ Not only does trouble arise from the presence of stay-bolts, but the sheets themselves gradu- ally bulge between the stay-bolts, and under un- favorable conditions of service they deteriorate rapidly. Fig. 2 shows a patch which in the proc- ess of making repairs has been applied to a bulged side-sheet. The appearance of the patch itself and especially of the patch bolts which hold it in place, suggests the difficulties that must be met in maintaining any flat sheet under the con- ditions of service to which a side-sheet is exposed. ; 16. The crown-sheet Fic. 1—Firebox showing a heavy deposit of scale at the. Hee f junction of the stay -holts and firebox sheets, and the 12 the radial-stay type o corrosion of the stay-bolts. Scale formation is also boiler is usually curved. S. hese conditions are : : shown around the flue ferrules Thes ad S ease he iitsandian similar to those found in most locomotive boilers : : working under average water conditions. common with the side- sheets it must stand up under a pressure of approximately 15 tons per square foot, or a total load for a modern crown-sheet of 1,000 tons or more. Support is given the crown- -sheet by the radial stays which tie it to ‘ie outside shell of the *An address given before th the Commercial Association of the State of Michigan, Detroit, April 17, 1912. 16 MODERN RADIAL-STAY BOILER boiler, and which having considerable length permit some freedom of movement in the sheet under them. Consequently, the crown-sheet is more durable than the side- sheets, but it nevertheless suffers deterioration as an in- direct cause from expansion and contraction stresses. Fig. 3 shows a crown taken from ser- vice, in which the plate is more or less bulged between stays, and in which the dark spots indicate pitting or local corro- sion of the plate. Fig. 4 is a view into the water-space over the crown-sheet of a_ boiler from which the barrel has been removed. It indicates the size and the spacing of the stays. Fic. 2.—Patch on side of firebox showing the wear is A : on such patches. The patch is, in general, in Four front rows were sling- good condition, but the bolts at the rear end stays, and these had been re- have started working down, and there are indi- moved prior to taking the pic- cations of cracks near the calking edge. tures. Figs. 5 and 6 show a similar view of a boiler with all the stays still in position. The illustrations well show the obstructions which are presented to the free movement of water over the crown-sheet, and the ease with which sediment or scale may collect upon certain portions thereof in this type of boiler. Fig. 7 shows a bulged and leaky crown-sheet from the fire-side. 17. The back tube-sheet is one difficult to maintain in the radial-stay boiler. If its tubes leak they must be rolled, and the gradual process of rolling extends the tube- sheet upward with the result that the forward end of the crown-sheet gradually becomes bent upward and the fillet of the tube-sheet itself not infre- quently expands above the level of the crown-sheet. Fig. Fic. 3—Crown-sheet showing pitting and cor- Gichowethisnce i the flleeor rosion resulting from scale accumulation. This box was removed on account of this pitting. the tube-sheet. One result of this extension is a gradual de- generation of the upper portion of the tube-sheet itself. Thus in Fig. 5 is to be seen a series of irregular cracks extending all around the top not far from the 17 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Fic. 4.—Crown-sheet showing the corrosion at the points where the bolts pass through it. This box was removed on account of the corrosion of the crown-sheet. Fic. 5.—Water side of back flue-sheet showing cracks in the flange caused by the crimping action, resulting from the vertical movement of the sheet. This firebox was removed because of the pitting of the crown-sheet around the radial stays and crown-bar bolts. 18 MODERN RADIAL-STAY BOILER point of its connection with the crown-sheet. Figs. 8, 9, and 10 show the degeneration of the tube-sheet resulting from stresses induced by the distortions already referred to. These illustrations are in nowise peculiar, but on the contrary, may be taken as entirely typical of the difficulties to be met in the maintenance of all large radial-stay fireboxes. 18. The forces at work within the structure of the radial-stay firebox, which ultimately bring about its ruin, are, under service conditions, always present, but the careless handling of the locomo- tive or the necessity for using a muddy, foaming or scale-producing water hastens its deterioration. Careless handling may expose the firebox to sud- den changes of tempera- ture which may result in leaks; the use of muddy or scale-producing waters may result in the deposit of solids on the sheets and lead to local overheating; and the use of foaming waters may operate in various ways to deprive the plates of the protec- tion against overheating which they are designed Fic. 6.—Back flue-sheet showing the deteriorated con- ve dition of its flange, which has resulted from the con- to have. In other words, tinually recurring strains. where the conditions are all favorable to longevity, the radial-stay boiler must be tenderly handled, and under conditions which are normal through large sections of our country, it is kept in service only as a result of constant attention. The radial-stay boiler is everywhere expensive to maintain, and its need of attention requires the locomotives to spend much time in the roundhouse, which might otherwise be given in service at the head of a train. It is customary on most roads to have a boiler maker go over the boilers after each trip, and on many roads the conditions are such that he must always do some work on them. Now a boiler that must be fixed after each brief period of service is to be compared with a highway bridge which must be mended after each passing vehicle—it serves an immediate purpose, but it leaves much to be wished for. 19. Finally, the radial-stay boiler is weak, as have been all its prede- 19 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER cessors, under low-water conditions, and when failure occurs, the results are likely to be disastrous. A study of the radial-stay construction will suffice to reveal the explanation. The support of the crown-sheet is such that any local yielding imposes additional stress upon adjacent parts, and as these fail, the affected zone is extended, the process proceeding with such rapidity that the pent-up water and steam in the boiler is released with explosive effect. This is well illustrated by Fig. 11, which shows almost the whole crown to have come down together with a con- siderable portion of one side-sheet. The explosive effect of such a failure is apparent. A Committee of the American Railway Master Mechanics’ Association, reporting at the convention of the Association in 1910, gives Fic. 7—Photograph showing the bulging of crown-sheet between stay-bolts. results of an inquiry concerning the number of boiler explosions, failures, and casualties to employees and others. The report was based on responses received from 157 railroads owning and operating 43,787 locomo- tives. The committee reports that during the period from June 1, 1905, to November 1, 1909, there were 246 firebox explosions resulting in the loss of 127 lives, and 2,499 fireboxes damaged by overheating, resulting in 142 deaths. More than 98 per cent. of these failures are said to have been due to low water. This statement makes it evident that low-water conditions are matters to be reckoned with, and that a boiler which is inherently weak when the water is low is at a disadvantage as compared with one which is less affected by overheating. 20. The explosion of locomotive No. 2538 which occurred four miles south of Yoncalla, Oregon, on April 4, 1912, may be accepted as typical of recent disasters. The accident in question occurred on the Oregon & California Railroad which is operated by the Southern Pacifie Company. A report of the accident as formulated by the chief inspector of locomotive 20 MODERN RADIAL-STAY BOILER Fic. 9—Top of flue-sheet showing patch. This patch was made necessary by the crimping action of the flue-sheet described in connection with photographs previously shown. TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER boilers of the Interstate Commerce Commission presents the following facts: The locomotive was of the consolidation type and at the time that it exploded was engaged in helper service on a south-bound train of 40 cars weighing altogether 1,605 tons. Three freight engines were coupled to the train, the road engine No. 3203 at the head and two others No. 2538 and No. 2194 between the caboose and the train. It was the boiler of 2538 that failed. The exploding boiler was blown clear off the frames of the locomotive, breaking or pulling out the expansion plates attached to the firebox, shearing cylinder saddle-bolts and breaking the saddle. It passed over three box-cars, apparently lighting on an oil-tank car, from which it rolled off to the right side and landed on the bank of an 8-foot cut at a distance of approximately 218 feet from the point where the explosion occurred. The engineer and fireman were both killed. The report con- tinues: “At the time of the accident, the train was ascending a grade of $4.48 feet per mile at a speed of 10 to 12 miles per hour. The accident occurred on a tangent 627 feet south of a left-hand 8° curve. The eleva- tion of the right-hand rail of this curve was from 319 to 3°q4 inches for a distance of 198 feet in the center of the curve. Our inspection disclosed the fact that almost the entire crown-sheet, with the exception of a portion of the left back corner, was overheated. The overheated portions of the sheet extended 4 inches below the highest part of the crown-sheet at the right front corner and one inch below at the left front corner. At the right back corner it was about on a line with the crown-sheet, while there had apparently been water on the left back corner. So far as could be ascertained by our inspection, the injectors, safety-valves and steam-gauge were in good condition.” The report concludes with the opinion that the accident in question was the result of overheating the crown-sheet due to low water. With the efforts of the inspector to fix the responsibility for the low water, the undersigned is at present not concerned, but he wishes especially to call attention to the fact that the crown-sheet came down as soon as any considerable portion of it was bare and before it was entirely uncovered. The modern firebox has so little power of resistance in the presence of low water that the fact that any part of the crown-sheet is bare is commonly accepted as a cause sufficient to explain a firebox failure. 21. It is obvious that any boiler, however satisfactory when properly handled, which possesses such enormous power of destruction when carelessly or imperfectly managed, always presents a certain element of danger. In stationary practice, progress in the art has produced certain types of boilers which in case of failure do not act with an explosive effect. In these so-called “safety boilers,” the heating surface is subdivided so that a failure, if one occurs, is limited to a comparatively small detail; a break down can not easily become progressive. A failure is merely a blow- out. There is no explosion, and no damage is done beyond that of the affected part. There is no wreckage, and there are ordinarily no casual- ties. In this respect the design of the stationary boiler occupies a much 99 MODERN RADIAL-STAY BOILER Ic. 10.—Top of flue-sheet showing a patch which has been properly applied, but which has itself become cracked as a result of strains. EOL SOEs SAWS c PTL wrrrrrry ty yt) YT TELE hh veeaaad Fic. 11.—Crown-sheet failure in which most of the crown and a porlion of one side-sheet were blown away, the stays retaining their places in the out-sidesheet. 23 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER higher plane than that occupied by the locomotive boiler. The locomotive service is in need of a boiler possessing the elements of safety which are to be found in existing types of stationary boilers. 22. These well-known deficiencies of the radial-stay boiler are not rehearsed for the purpose of obscuring its merits, but that our devotion in fostering it may not be permitted to blind our eyes to its frailties. No one who considers the progress of the past can assume for a moment that our present-day practice is final. The radial-stay boiler has had its pre- decessors and they have disappeared, and no one can doubt that the radial-stay boiler itself is but an embryo predecessor of a type which must soon be revealed. V. The Jacobs-Shupert Boiler and Some of the Advantages Which Have Been Claimed for It’ 23. The term Jacobs-Shupert boiler as hereinafter used implies a boiler having a Jacobs-Shupert firebox. This firebox is more than a mere modification of pre-existing forms; it is entirely new in its contour, in the means which are employed for its support, and in the fact that it is made up of a considerable number of comparatively small plates. A Jacobs-Shupert firebox may have the same overall dimensions as a radial- stay or a crown-bar firebox; that is, it may be designed to respond to all of the limitations which must be observed where other types of fireboxes are used. On the other hand, indications are not lacking to show that the dimensions of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler may be extended to limits which are hardly possible in the case of the radial-stay type. 24. The contour of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox as shown by any longitudinal section is not dissimilar to that of the corrugated furnaces so long and so generally used in marine service. It is shown by Fig. 16. The firebox is supported in part from the shape which is given the several * As a matter of historical interest, the following brief account has been abstracted from a very full and interesting statement prepared by Mr. H. W. Jacobs. The conception of a sectional firebox having submerged seams originated with Mr. F. W. Shupert while Foreman of Boiler Makers at the San Bernardino Shops of the Santa Fe Railway. He availed himself of an early opportunity to discuss the matter with Mr. H. W. Jacobs, and in April, 1906, a model in tin, having the sections run longitu- dinally, was made (Figs. 12 and 13). In August of the same year, chiefly through the activities of Mr. Jacobs, the first model hay- Fic. 12—Model No. 1. Shupert’s ing transverse sections extending original design of firebox. View , ; ‘ showing arrangement of stays in from mud-ring to mud-ring was first model. March, 1906. constructed (Figs. 14 and 15). This and subsequent models were Fic. 13.—Model No. 1. exhibited by Mr. Jacobs to various people who were likely to on oe ee be interested, and from whom he expected to get useful sug- ing arrangement of lon- gestions, often with results which were discouraging to him. ea ee But in the spring of 1907, he had succeeded in developing the 1906. , idea to a point where he was ready to apply for a patent. A very complete model to scale, constructed to show the practicability of the design, was exhibited a year later and won many friends for the new device. Encouraged by Mr. 25 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER elements entering into its construction and in part by stay-sheets extend- ing between the sections and the outside shell of the boiler. There are no sling stays in the boiler, and stay-bolts are used only in the door-sheet and tube-sheet. 25. The sides and crown of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox are composed of a series of channel sections made up from long, narrow, flat-sheets which, having been heated, are pressed into shape by a special hydraulic flanging machine (Fig. 17). A flanged section is shown by Fig. 18. Stay- sheets are fitted between every two adjacent sections and find their sup- port in the sections of the outside wrapper of the boiler. The two adjacent sections of the firebox and their stay-sheet are fastened by through rivets. The process of riveting is shown by Fig. 19, and a firebox with all the inside sections in place by Fig. 20. The sections have a uniform width of 9°s inches over flanges and the stay-sheets are *< of an inch thick, so that each stay-sheet and its accompanying section cover the construction of a 10-inch length of firebox. A firebox having ten sections is, therefore, 100 inches in length, and one having 13 sections is 130 inches in length. The stay-sheets connect the sections of the fire- box with similar sections which form the outside wrapper of the boiler, the construction of which is well shown by Fig. 21. To provide for circu- lation in a horizontal direction, the stay-sheets are pierced with openings of liberal size (Fig. 22) and as all stay-sheets of a given boiler are made from the same templet, these holes line one with another. The door- J. W. IKkendrick, Third Vice-President of the Santa Fe Railway, the late W. F. Buck, Superintendent of Motive Power, under date of September 2, 1908, formally authorized the building of a locomotive embodying the Jacobs-Shupert firebox. Many engineers of distinction inspected the boiler of this locomotive while it was in process of construction, and in the spring of 1909, it was described by a number of techni- cal papers. The locomotive with the new boiler made its trial trip on April 9 and went into regular service April 20, 1909. It was subjected to an Fic. 14. — Model No. 9, @Xhaustive series of road tests Jacobs-Shupert firebox. conducted by Mr. H. B. Mac- View showing arrangement of stays as applied in later model, August, 1906. the railroad company to order , Se i Farland. Its success encouraged ceemeetintiee tie ed more fireboxes. In January, Hae 18 NA hank IG, v.—i0del INO. 2. Jacods- 1911, the interests of the inventors and pioneer promoters Shupert firebox. View showing were taken over by an organization incorporated as the arrangement of transverse unit rs ee ‘ ‘ ‘ : sections in later model. August, Jacobs-Shupert United States Firebox Company, A. F. 1906. Huston, President; H. W. Jacobs, First Vice-President; C. L. Huston, Second Vice-President, and Joseph Humpton, Secretary and Treasurer. In July, 1912, G. H. Pearsall and C. B. Moore were made Vice-Presidents in charge of sales. This company, having offices in New York and Chicago and works at Coatesville, Pa., is now responsible for the manufacture and sale of the new device. 26 ADVANTAGES OF THE JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Fira. 16.—View of joint between firebox sections and stay-sheets. Fig. 17.—Horizontal hydraulic press for flanging channel sections at works of Jacobs- Shupert United States Firebox Co. Q7 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER sheet (Fig. 23) and the back-sheet of the firebox are stayed to each other in the usual way. There are stays also in that portion of the tube-sheet which is below the tubes. A throat-sheet (Fig. 24) connects the special Fic. 18.—Mhiddle inside channel section partially completed. construction of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler with the barrel which in all respects 1s normal. 26. In fitting up the stay-sheets and the inside and outside sections of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler, all rivet holes are drilled from standard tem- plets, so that the process of assembling parts is more like that of assembling a machine than that of putting together the several parts of the boiler. This impression is heightened by the fact that in the mill a long reamer is run through half the flanges of a completely assembled firebox, and then, working from the opposite end, through the other half. All rivets are driven in reamed holes, and rivets in the same horizontal course line with each other perfectly. The mud-ring is in nowise different from that employed in a nor- mal boiler. The method of connecting the sections with the mud-ring is shown by Fig. 25,* and a view of the in- terior of a completed firebox by Fig. 26. 27. It has been said that objections have been made to the Jacobs- Shupert boiler because of the number of rivets it contains, but before urg- ing such an objection one should consider that a rivet which is well placed and well driven is a very reliable fastening, and that there are no rivets in the side-sheets or the crown of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox where the presence of such fastenings would be most objectionable. The fact that there are no seam- rivets in the firebox, and that all the rivets made necessary by the special construction of *The latest fireboxes of the Jacobs-Shupert design have what is claimed to be an improved joint be- tween the inside sections at the mud- ring. In this new joint, the lapping of the sections over each other at the mud-ring and around the bottom of Fic. 25a.—Details of butt-welded joint at mud-ring. 28 ADVANTAGES OF THE JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER the Jacobs-Shupert boiler are either entirely in the water-space or on the outside of the boiler, suggests that the service to be met by them is similar to that imposed upon the normal shell-rivet. Shell-rivets commonly give no trouble. Moreover, the number of rivets in the Jacobs-Shupert boiler is not greatly in excess of the combined number of rivets and stays in older types of boilers. For example, a comparison of the drawings of the two boilers described in Chapter VII, the heating-surface and external dimensions of which were designed to be exactly the same, shows that the number of rivets, stays, etc., for all that portion of the boiler back of the center of the throat-sheet is as follows: Jacobs-Shupert Radial-stay Fras Le gee Peepee ert etd in rete Sars rue ze Meee eareten 320 312 Connecting inside and outside sections and stay- sheets (11 sections, 12 joints).................. 2,520 As fastenings for longitudinal stays.............. 176 164 Patch bolts in door-sheet.............000.000000. 44 44 Stay-bolts in tube-sheet and door-sheet............ 368 366 Rivets in firebox seams...............0000000 cee. 180 Seam-rivets in outside wrapper.................... 373 Radial-stays, crown-bar stays, and stay-bolts not 1,196 including those in tube-sheet and door-sheet aml so tala yt err ee ar ete eet A 3,428 2,635 Reduction in firebox rivets and stays in contact with fire by Jacobs-Shupert construction— 1, 196-366-180 — 368.0422 ee cee ese 1,374 Increase in number of riveted fastenings involved by Jacobs-Shupert construction— oA S12 GOOG ae Prt SNe ae ee ne Met ee eer eee 793 the stay-sheet, is eliminated. This new style joint is shown by Fig. 25a. Adjacent inside sections are butt-jointed from the point where the stay-sheet ends to the bottom of the mud-ring and this butt-joint is welded by means of the oxy-acetylene method. Fig. 255 is a view of a Jacobs-Shupert firebox having the butt-welded joint shown in Fig. 25a. This firebox is one of several in service on the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Fic. 25b.—Interior of Jacobs-Shupert firebox with butt-welded mud-ring joint. Lehigh Valley Railroad. 29 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER The method of riveting sections and stay-sheets has been shown by Fig. 19. Many rivets may be driven in the time that is required to set one stay-bolt, and a rivet in a reamed hole once driven requires no attention, while a stay-bolt must be constantly inspected and frequently worked upon. The elimination, therefore, of 1374 firebox stays in return for the addition of 793 through rivets, is a matter which, from the standpoint of Ba ‘ “a is] 9 ) y 9) % j cs ~ PECL TOY y ow Ss Rene Fic. 19.—Method of riveting together the channel sections and stay-sheets by means of gap riveter. construction and maintenance, has much to recommend it. Obviously, while the Jacobs-Shupert construction does increase the number of rivets, there is no corresponding increase in maintenance cost or hazard; the change amounts to the displacement of a troublesome device by one of the oldest and most reliable fastenings employed in the arts. 28, A number of advantages possessed by the new form of firebox are at once apparent. Most obvious, perhaps, is the presence of an ele- ment of flexibility which is introduced by the combination of curved sec- tions. In this respect the Jacobs-Shupert firebox is comparable with the corrugated furnace to which reference has already been made. Any 30 JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER THE OF ADVANTAGES “ESS Ae sss. SSS al firebox ready for the application of the outside sections. ction se hupert Fic. 20.—The Jacobs-S poe editestn we ee ee ee rw) Scie Tee SS ee ee ie aioe CA ial es erat a Ne Oe Che ie Salas ee Pag ee Fig. 21.—-The completed Jacobs-Shupert back end ready for application to boiler shell. 31 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER strain due to longitudinal expansion is taken care of with the least chance of injury to the structure. Pips 7 [ 20, 9900 00 0900099999095 0 o00 500 [ i 3—Removable Stays 4—Removable Stay Pins o000000009000009000 09009005 = 070: OG) 'O Fic. 22.—Stay-Sheet. 1—Inside Channel Section Rivet Holes 2—Outside Channel Section Rivet Holes The effect of this provision must be beneficial in reducing the cost of repairs and in increasing the life of the boiler. 29. The presence of the cor- rugated surface within the firebox adds somewhat to the extent of the firebox heating-surface as compared with the surface presented by a nor- mal firebox of the same overall dimensions. The extent of this increase in the case of the boilers described in Chapter VII is 11 per cent. 30. The fact that the Jacobs- Shupert firebox has no stay-bolts in the sides and crown removes an important source of difficulty. With no stay-bolts there can be, of course, no leaky bolts to calk, no broken bolts to replace, and no spots inherently weak when the water drops a little low. The rivets joining the several sections mak- ing up the firebox struc- ture are not inside of the firebox. They can not be seen from the firebox and they can not be affected by the direct ac- tion of the heat from the firebox. They are above the crown in the water space of the boiler at a distance sufficiently far from the heating-surface of the firebox to be un- disturbed by any condi- tion that may arise within the firebox. These fea- tures place the design of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler upon a plane which, from a purely mechanical point EAE oD Fic. 23.—Looking toward door-sheet of Jacobs-Shupert firebox during process of assembling. of view, is essentially higher than that which is occupied by the normal radial-stay boiler. The fact also that in the manufacture of these boilers, 32 ADVANTAGES OF THE the principle of interchangeability is JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER employed, establishes a standard of workmanship which has never before been reached in the construction of large boilers. This superior work- manship will not in the long run in- crease the cost. Interchangeability in machine construction has operated to improve the quality of the machine and also to reduce its cost. Similar results will ultimately follow the adoption of interchangeability in boiler construction. In the manufacture of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox, machinery is used instead of men. Each oper- ation is simple and yet the result is pre- cise. There is no drifting of holes and no local heating of plates which have been set in their places in the boiler. The result of the new process is a boiler accurately made, substantially put together, and comparatively free from initial strains. the methods of com- bined to be sarried, and provide an inexpensive The design and manufacture permit repair parts procedure in maintenance. 31. The Jacobs-Shupert — boiler judged by the standards of good de- Kia. 24.—Straight throat-sheet showing jig bolted in place ready for drilling rivet holes. sign is obviously less susceptible to the weakening influences of low-water conditions than the radial-stay boiler. In the Jacobs-Shupert boiler the Inside Channel _/ Section 7 Throat Sheet rae Stay Sneet cE 1 ali | Outside Chanuel Section Fic. 25.—Method of lapping the joints and making the connection at the mud-ring. fastenings which must be depended upon to hold up the crown are so far removed from the heat as to be com- paratively unaffected; whereas, in the radial-stay boiler they are actually in the fire. Its superiority in this respect, while apparent as a matter of design, has now been abundantly demonstrated by the results of tests under low-water conditions, described in Chapter XI. 32. As a safety device, the Jacobs- Shupert firebox derives from its sec- tional form the same advantage which the water-tube boiler derives from the subdivision of its heating-surface into tubes of moderate size. If for any reason, such as the occurrence of low water or the accumulation of scale, the firebox fails, the worst thing oO 33 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER which can happen is the blowing out of a single section. In this case the plate will “pocket,” and the rent will be small. The result will not be an explosion, but merely a discharge of steam and water into the firebox Fic. 26.—Looking toward crown of Jacobs-Shupert firebox. which extinguishes the fire and relieves the boiler from pressure without doing serious injury to life or surrounding property. The Jacobs-Shupert boiler may, in fact, properly be characterized as a “safety boiler.” VI. The Jacobs-Shupert Boiler in Service 33. Having agreed to make a study of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler, it became desirable for the undersigned to make use of such sources of infor- mation concerning this new type of boiler as were open to him. One conspicuous source was to be found in the one hundred and sixty-nine locomotives having Jacobs-Shupert boilers, which were in service along the line of the Santa Fe Railway. It was determined, therefore, as a preliminary to the more scientific aspects of the study, to make a trip of inspection for the purpose of ascertaining the behavior of the boilers as they were to be seen when in service on that road. In carrying out this purpose, Inspections were made late in November, 1911, at the Argentine shops near Kansas City, at the principal shops of the road in Topeka, Kansas, at the roundhouse at Newton, Kansas, and at the roundhouse and shops at Clovis, New Mexico, at each of which points a considerable number of Jacobs-Shupert fireboxes were handled. A Mallet-compound fitted with a Jacobs-Shupert firebox was also ridden on the division west of Clovis. 34. The Argentine roundhouse was found to be handling twenty- five Jacobs-Shupert fireboxes. Most of these at the time of my visit were out on the road, but two were found in such condition as to admit of inter- nal inspection. These were the boilers of locomotives Nos. 1485 and 1494. Both locomotives were equipped for using oil fuel, and both were reported as having been in service about a year. The sections of the firebox of locomotive No. 1485 were in perfect condition, and nothing could be found either upon them or upon the joint between them and their stay-sheets to indicate that they had ever been worked upon subsequent to their in- stallation. Some calking had been done in the joint between the forward section and the tube-sheet and work had been done on the tubes, but the structure of the firebox was in excellent condition. The presence of brick- work common in oil-fired locomotives prevented a close inspection in the vicinity of the mud-ring, but no indication of leaks at that point could be discovered. Locomotive No. 1494 was found in a similar favorable condition. Its tubes were tight and all parts of its firebox perfect. The boiler had just been washed out, and it was possible by inserting electric lights through the washout holes to see a good deal of the water side of the sections. They were found evenly coated with a thin scale, presenting no signs of rust, of pitting, or of other forms of local deterioration. In this roundhouse also the interior of the firebox of locomotive No. 1460 was examined. This locomotive is in all respects similar to those already described, except that it is fitted with a radial-stay firebox. It was in the same service as those previously examined, was being fired with oil 35 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER as were they, and was said to have been in service for about twenty months. The tubes and a good many stays widely distributed over the firebox were leaking slightly, but the firebox was otherwise in good condi- tion. The boiler was cold and a boiler maker was inside calking stay- bolts. Oil firing is likely to be hard in a locomotive firebox, and this boiler was older than the Jacobs-Shupert boilers previously examined, but after making all allowances, one could not escape the impression that in their resistance to the deteriorating influences of service, the Jacobs-Shupert fireboxes were disclosing superior qualities. 35. At the Topeka shops there was an opportunity to inspect the oldest’ Jacobs-Shupert firebox in service. It was on the Santa Fe type, locomotive No. 917. It had been in heavy service, oil-fired, for a period of two and a half years and was at the time of inspection undergoing heavy repairs. The necessary work on the boiler had been completed, but work on the machinery was still in progress. An examination of the firebox showed that some small cracks in the upper part of the tube-sheet had been plugged in the course of service repairs. The repeated rolling of tubes had had the usual effect of extending the tube-sheet upward, and the firebox section attached thereto had rolled up with it without injury. The firebox of this boiler was a large one, it being made up of thirteen sections. As a result of overheating, due doubtless to accumula- tions of scale, small pockets had formed on the first six of them, counting from the tube-sheet back. At the time of inspection these had been heated and set back in the process of repairing, and as some small trans- verse cracks had appeared, the oxyacetylene flame had been used to add metal and to weld up the defects. The area of surfaces on the several sections which had been thus treated varied from a half inch to two inches in diameter. By this simple process a damaged crown had been made entirely good. The sections were in perfect form and it was said that the boiler had been subjected to a hydrostatic test of 350 pounds. These facts are important as disclosing the ease with which the new type of fire- box, after suffering damage, may be repaired. At the Topeka shops I inspected also the interior of the firebox of locomotive No. 3009, a new Mallet-compound which went into service only three months previous to my visit. This locomotive was in the shop after having been in a head- end collision. Its firebox is the largest in service, being made of fifteen 10-inch sections, making its length 150 inches. The condition of this firebox was perfect. 36. The Pecos division of the Santa Fe is equipped for its freight service with forty or more very heavy Mallet-compounds. All of these have Jacobs-Shupert fireboxes. They are fired with coal and work heavy trains over long grades. The feed-water is alkal, and it is necessary to cool, empty and refill all boilers after every round trip. Locomotive No. 1162 was ridden from Clovis to Blacktower. The train consisted of 42 loaded cars and a caboose. The atmospheric temperature was about 36 JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER IN SERVICE freezing, and the entire distance was up a 0.6 per cent. grade. In a five- mile run the engine had accelerated its train to a speed of 25 miles an hour. The rate of firing during this portion of the run was not far from 5,000 pounds of coal an hour. The steam pressure which was 210 pounds at the start, increased during the first five miles run to 225. These conditions, I understand, are typical of those which determine the service which must be withstood by the Jacobs-Shupert firebox in the Mallet-compounds of the Pecos district. 37. At Clovis, a division point in the Pecos district, an inspection was made of the interior of the fireboxes of two of these locomotives, No. 1158, which went into service nineteen months ago, and No. 1162, which has been in service about one year. No. 1158 had been in the roundhouse but a short time and was in the process of being cooled off. No. 1162 was cool, and the boiler maker was giving attention to three tubes which showed slight leaks. With this exception, both fireboxes were in perfect condition. No sign of a leak could be discovered about the mud-ring or between the sections or elsewhere within the structure of the firebox. Taking advantage of the fact that the construction of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox permits every part of the water side of the crown-sheet in a boiler ready for service to be closely inspected, a process impossible of execution in a stayed firebox, the water-space of No. 1162 was carefully examined. The tubes of the boiler presented rust spots or incipient pits, due doubt- less to the nature of the feed-water used, and at rare intervals similar spots appeared on the sections of the firebox. Except for this, the water surfaces were perfect. There was no evidence of localized rust-spots on the sections of the firebox. At Clovis also a stay-bolt firebox on the bal- anced compound passenger engine No. 530 was inspected. This boiler was reported to have been in service about one year. Many of the stay- bolts had been worked upon and many had lost their heads. The stay- bolts along the lower portion of the side-sheets were seeping and the plate was beginning to bulge between stays. 38. The inspection at Clovis ended the detailed examinations of fire- boxes. The five days’ experience on the line of the Santa Fe justifies the following conclusions: 1. The construction of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox admits of easy and thorough inspection. 2. The Jacobs-Shupert firebox gives no trouble by leaking at the mud-ring. Not a single case of a leaky mud-ring could be found. 3. The fireboxes give no trouble by leaking between sections. 4. No indication could be found of grooving or cracking at the fillet or in any other part of the sections making up the firebox. 5. The fireboxes examined, while very large, appear to resist perfectly the pressure imposed, which in all cases was above 200 pounds. 6. The firebox structure of a Jacobs-Shupert boiler after a year of service in a district of alkali water, appeared as though new, while that 37 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER of a radial-stay boiler in the same service for the same or a lesser length of time presented unmistakable evidences of degeneration. 7. Evidence was not lacking to prove that minor defects, such as those which may arise in a Jacobs-Shupert boiler from accumulation of scale or because of low water, are easily repaired. Since the inspection of the undersigned, that is, since November, 1911, it has been reported that defects have appeared in some of the older Jacobs-Shupert boilers. These have arisen from a faulty arrangement of longitudinal stays. In the boilers affected the back head is braced by comparative short stays secured to certain of the outside or wrapper-sheet sections. The sections being curved are not well suited to meet the loads imposed by the stays, and it is not surprising that some of them have suffered. The obvious remedy is to be found in extending all longitudinal stays through to the throat-sheet or to the barrel of the boiler. By so doing, they will be removed from all connection with the sections. I understand that the present practice of the Jacobs-Shupert company provides for this change in construction. 38 VII. Program of Tests and a Description of the Means Employed in Carrying it Out Program of Tests 39. For the purpose of determining the performance of the Jacobs- Shupert boiler as compared with that of a radial-stay boiler, an elaborate series of tests was outlined. The outline embraced the following provisions: The boilers to be tested were to be designed for locomotive service and to be identical in their general dimensions. They were to differ from each other only in the construction of the firebox and in the means employed for supporting it. One boiler was to be equipped with a Jacobs-Shupert firebox and the other with a radial-stay firebox conforming to the best present-day practice. A laboratory was to be provided in which the two boilers could be erected and equipped with all apparatus necessary for testing. The tests specified were to be grouped into three series designated as Series A, B, and C, respectively. Series A was planned to disclose the relative amount of heat absorbed by the fireboxes and by the tubes of the two boilers under similar condi- tions of operation. To facilitate these tests, it was proposed to have the boilers constructed with a partition separating the water space into two compartments, one of which was to include the firebox surface and the other the tube surface. In carrying out the tests, these compartments were to be separately fed with weighed water. Not less than three tests, one at low power, one at medium power, and one at high power, were to be made upon each boiler. It was believed that the results would serve to establish the relative value of a unit area of firebox heating-surface as compared with that of a unit area of tube heating-surface, facts which American engineers have long desired to know, and that they would dis- close the difference, if any, in the heat-absorbing capacity of the two fireboxes tested. Series B was to be made up of tests of normal boilers. The boilers which had served in the tests of Series A were to undergo such reconstruc- tion as might be found necessary to the removal of the partitions. This accomplished, there would be available for the further work a normal Jacobs-Shupert boiler and a normal radial-stay boiler. Each boiler was then to be subjected to a series of evaporative tests for the purpose of establishing its evaporative efficiency and capacity under different rates of power. In addition to data usually secured in boiler testing, it was proposed to make of record such information as might be possible concern- ing the circulation of water within the two boilers. The purpose of this series was to secure an accurate measure of the evaporative performance of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and of a normal radial-stay boiler. Series C was planned to disclose the relative strength of the two boilers under low-water conditions. In preparation for the tests of this series the boilers were to be removed from the testing laboratory and set up with everything necessary to their operation in a location where their 39 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER explosion would result in no harm to surrounding property. Adequate provisions were to be made for the safety of observers. The boilers were to be operated, the supply of feed-water was to be cut off or so controlled that the firebox would be uncovered, and the low-water conditions were to be continued until failure occurred. The tests contemplated by this outline have now been entirely carried out. It is the purpose of the present chapter to present in detail a description of the boilers and of the apparatus and methods employed in testing them. Design of the Boilers 40. The boilers tested are shown in their general dimensions by Fig. 27. Drawings showing the detailed construction of both boilers are pre- sented as Figs. 28 to 36, inclusive. The firebox-end of the Jacobs-Shupert 7 2) ha = © | | IIH 10 ”-_ RADIAL-STAY BOILER Fic. 27.—General construction of test boilers. boiler was taken at random from a lot which were under construction for a railroad company. No effort was made to have the particular one chosen stronger or better than the others which were going through the shop. In its dimensions and in the specifications which controlled in its construction, it conformed to the requirements of the railroad company in question. The boiler complete was made by the Jacobs-Shupert United 40 PROGRAM OF TESTS JOAN, 84----sooedg penby oF ,00I— UI F190 ION erp Ff SPOaTY XOG-aayT nbg. 86 t 84601 —sooedg penbg-0f—001 | 01S MU EGSle— — IID) papjaas na : | | SABg Madd JT S901 af skeqg madoguT 91 4. seg VED 18 “06 ‘SPANL ‘IgTIog ylodnyS-sqoove Jo SULMBIP [eIaUaD—'gz ‘DI OCG soquy;s yysuay Papjam wWrog “RTP iG 068 “SPADE 41 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER States Firebox Company at Coatesville, Pennsylvania. In order to secure a radial-stay boiler of the same general dimensions as the Jacobs-Shupert boiler, it was found necessary to build one especially for the tests. The order was executed by The Baldwin Locomotive Works, subject to the specifications and standards of the same railroad to which the Jacobs- Shupert fireboxes were being supplied. 41. In addition to the inspection of the railroad company, both boilers were built in the presence of a personal representative of the undersigned. All materials employed were subject to the usual inspection and test, and a record of these tests is in the possession of the undersigned. Reports were received daily as the work progressed. The whole purpose was to secure two boilers, each of which should be entirely representative of the type it was designed to represent. The purpose was to secure a normal Jacobs-Shupert boiler and a normal radial-stay boiler. 42. The dimensions of the boilers are as follows: Jacobs-Shupert Radial-stay Boiler Boiler Type of boilefssicacs2e4c04g0chinsannacsgaaeasae Pxtendéd Extended wagon top wagon top Dratt-appliances: a seaadus pelea ee eee ae See Fig. 7. See Fig. 44 Grates, oil burner, brickwork, brick arch......... See Figs. See Figs. 45 and Ue and 46 Boiler Shell— Diameter at front-end........................ 70” 70” Diameter at throat............0.0......0.0-. 8376" 8374" Tubes— ING ber ase ice ea Pe ore rg ee ae ihe ey 290 290 Renee ee nee nie 19/2" 18/2” TDA MOTE cece, We eae oa pee a ee Pardee ee ees Ql” Quy” Firebox— Length; insid@a.cee. ten 7 teens 3 cede eect aeees 9' 154” 9/1146" Wadthicinside@re 3 © wn 2 5 a =| S Te & | on z it an | & | a or Yap = AN | ge | aD pS) < Back Head) Door, |e Q 24 Equal Spaces 24% =O OE Or LO ay OO 0-986 - 6-8 -___-- ——____——.. S Gaels, oo -—o91g2@ Equal Spaces. us Fic. 35.—Detail drawing showing back head and section of radial-stay firebox from a 3-inch blow-off pipe or was discharged by the safety-valves. The boilers and connected steam-piping were well covered with asbestos cover- ine. In all of these respects the equipment of the two boilers was @. identical. . 48. The laboratory as described by the preceding paragraphs served In its operation, a staff of eight mic for all the tests of Series A and B. io , acting under the immediate supervision of Mr. J. F. Butler. were employed 48 PROGRAM OF TESTS | f eat kta | linge fel / The last 3 Threads nearest the Head | tu be slightly larger in diameter ~ yi" f°? 12 Threads +2 Drilled Holes No Turned Steel Bolts J | Ng” 4g aa” a | \" Me Sony we > Fig. 36.—Details of staying, radial-stay boiler. 49 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Fic. 37—Photograph of partition in Jacobs-Shupert boiler from barrel of boiler. The ele 5 ] . I . . . partition separated the water space in two compartments for obtaining data in regard to relative capacity and efficiency of firebox and flue heating-surface. Tests Series A. Fic. 38.—Back tube-sheet in Jacobs-Shupert boiler as used in Tests Series B, viewed from the barrel of the boiler. The partition was converted into this tube-sheet by Scutting openings with the oxyacetylene flame. PROGRAM OF TESTS 49. While the tests of Series A and B were in progress, an investiga- tion was conducted by Mr. George L. Fowler, concerning the movement of water within the boilers, the results of which are given in Chapter XII entitled “Some Facts with Reference to the Circulation of Water in Loco- motive Boilers.” At the conclusion of the tests of Series A and B, the > Fic. 39.—Photograph of partition in radial-stay boiler from the barrel of the boiler as used in Tests Series A. Firebox-sheets and wrapper-sheets were attached to partition by means of angle-irons. boilers were dismantled, the covering upon them was removed, and they were transferred to the ground selected as a site for the low-water tests (Series C). An account of the re-equipment of the boilers for the low- water tests, a description of the tests and the results obtained from them constitute the subject of Chapter XI of this report. VIII. The Relative Value of Firebox Heating Surface and of Tube Heating Surface as Determined by Tests of a ‘Typical Jacobs-Shupert Boiler and a Typical Radial-Stay Boiler 50. Many years have passed since any effort has been made to estab- lish by experimental processes the relative amount of heat absorbed by the firebox and by the tubes of a locomotive boiler. In the meantime, boilers have greatly increased in size and they have been so changed in their pro- Fic. 40.—View in radial-stay boiler from barrel looking toward door-sheet after partition had been removed following conclusion of Tests Series A. A regular flue-sheet was applied for Tests Series B. 52 VALUE OF FIREBOX HEATING-SURFACE portion that no measure of a quarter of a century ago can now be accepted as applying to present-day practice. With the hope of making a contribu- tion which would be of interest to the engineering profession, it was early arranged that the tests to be undertaken by the Jacobs-Shupert United States Firebox Company should include such a determination. In carry- e000 eee @ e °e -@ @ ° &e @ @ & @ @ Fic. 41.—Photograph in radial-stay boiler showing flue-sheet and staying of firebox previous to start of Tests Series B. ing out this purpose, both the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and the radial-stay boiler as initially constructed were partitioned off by an extension of the tube-sheet to the outside shell of the boiler. This partition separated the interior of the boiler into two compartments. The compartments were connected only through the medium of the steam piping, the arrangement of which was similar to that of two boilers connected to a common steam header. In the process of testing, both compartments received heat from a single source; namely, the interior of the firebox, but each compartment was fed from a separate supply of weighed water, and its output of steam was dealt with as though it had been a separate boiler. The details of 53 BOILER JACOBS-SHUPERT A OF TESTS (VY SeL9S) *$}89} pory-[lo oy} TOF posuvsre sv sioplog Surmoys ‘ATOyLAOGL’] SUISAT, JO WOLDS pUL SUOTVASTO ‘UL[|—*sF “OL dang lo adiqyt SS = oysaluy wos} — el 7 MOUIIAO IO = re ate o = = ae —— 0,0 ———- — aes “1 KS ISVS | ae g ro | | anyon” addy AL EH VO Jou OL J Z i a S & & a & pug WoT PAS se 4 4 SURFACI = i HEATING FIREBOX OF 4 4 VALU (‘q7 putw solog) *s]s0] porY-[ROD OF posuvavy sv SIo[loq SULMOYS ‘ATOPVIOGL’T Surjsoy, JO UOLes puv suOT]VAdo ‘UL[I— ESF “PMT dy ‘adhd | act | , Ls es ~0;29—— = eae 5 , i é adic as alte Se 9 J y fs ~, a> ‘ ae \ =| 8) i }4-— AY ; ar oak : fi : Voi CT SSS © | ayqoau, = $5 a 4 & ee adt,g SUL dtd b fey uy YET & e ym ee He el © Hs } Uda af eh adhe 55 BOILER PERT JACOBS-SHU A OF TESTS UMOYS JOY] YPLM [RoUapT sva Jeplog Avys-perpel oy} Jo yuowdmbo oyy, “suryse} IoJ syuetosuvare soyyo pue suidid surmoys ‘replog yaodnyg-sqoove JO_LWOTVAIO [RIOUI)—" FF YT] umd, 346 AATB aqo|D oun By Jay 0 PAS a Ll (eo ee =< $10} 99 [UTA O.LP-M OIA G-10.J— 9 og ——————————— 8S a}01900,) a! | & AABN AQOD AC 56 x-SURFACE HEATIN(C OF FIREBOX VALUE LLG | | “Jon sv posh SUAL [BOO Uo AM S]}so} 10} SYXOGOAY ul LOMAYOLIG pue stoduiep jo JUSWISULLLY- —OF “OTL ina Layer [eee fesse Sa] ea] ) LI eat [eee] HH e \ / ‘pou su posn SUA [lo UdT S}So} AOj SUXOQ OI, Ut SHOMAOLLG jo JUOUOSULALDY- Op DIO] Ssuruodg¢ LW JOOS LOOP SPALMO] GULLOO] ‘JOoT[S LOOP apISuL JO pRaTTR 9 WOTOOS ASOASTRATT, SaAUdIdg loo] Jo SLLO.M- OLE JO WOlooy [LUTPNyLSTOrT I e—f SV_f = OUT oO} fey ty al | |__| 1 dh F 5 4 = | e & | 1 x yf | | A | ” tres | = AT yt Tol pet ETO ; | i — 489 - : 57 RT BOILER 7 Hy JACOBS-SHUPI A Ts OF \ 4 nn ri ‘sorplovy ysoy pure surdid jo yuswasuvse ‘soATRA-LjoFeS PUL SYoRIS svoqe spooy ‘sIaflog Jo UOTPWoOT Surmoys ‘AIOJVIOGL] Sutse} JO TOW} JO MATA JRIIUaH— pF “DIA 4 f : : ; I ! ! ae . sari VALUE OF FIREBOX HEATING-SURFACE the process may be perfectly apprehended by reference to the explanatory notes and the tables of Chapter XIII. 51. The location of the partition was such that the heat transmitted by the tube- sheet of the firebox was de- livered to the barrel-end of the boilers, and the evaporation from this portion of the firebox was weighed in with that of the tubes. The observed data (Cols. 37 and 38) give the a actual weighings of water fed — Fic. 48—Photograph showing water-glasses and to each portion of the boiler, gage-cocks arranged for Tests Series A. These show water-levels in firebox and barrel when the same were separated by partition. and all items involving water evaporated, which follow in the tables, are deduced from these values, being based upon the observed results referred to the actual surface which was effective in bringing about Fic. 49.—Photograph of forward end of test boiler showing main steam discharge pipe and controlling valve, the 3-inch relief pipe to atmosphere above it, and the electric pyro- meter for indicating the temperature of smoke-box gases. 59 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Fig. 50.—Two calibrated water tanks on left and fuel-oil weighing tank on right as arranged for Tests Series A. Water was supplied independently to the firebox and barrel by means of the separate water tanks. \ 4 Fic. 51.—Another view of fuel-oil weighing tank on platform and receiving tank below. After the oil was weighed it was discharged into the receiving tank from which it was ted directly to the burner by gravity. ; 60 VALUE OF FIREBOX HEATING-SURFACE Fic. 52.—Photograph showing draft-gages in front and behind diaphragm, gas sampler for flue gases, and steam gages and thermometers in discharge pipe. The large valve served a double purpose, namely, that of regulating the draft, and with the apparatus behind it, as a throttling calorimeter. There were other calorimeters nearer the boiler. Fic. 53.—Photograph showing firing platform of one test boiler. Scales in foreground are for weighing ashes. Scales for coal are located near door of laboratory not visible in picture. 61 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT: BOILER the result. The deduced values covering the firebox performance have been obtained by multiplying the evaporation actually obtained by the ratio of the total firebox surface to the firebox surface effective in pro- ducing vaporization in the fire- box-end of this boiler. The small increment, which by this correction is added to the ob- served evaporation of the fire- box, is in the deduced results, subtracted from the observed evaporation of the barrel. The effect of this correction is merely to credit to the firebox and debit to the barrel the heat Fic. 54.—View at front of firebox, showing steam transmitted by the back tube- and oil pipes to fuel-oil burner. Gage shows sheet. These statements are, pressure in steam line. of course, applicable to both boilers. 52. In the operation of the boilers constructed and equipped as described, a series of conditions appeared which, while unexpected, were interesting. It was found after starting fires under coldjboilers that the firebox-end of the boiler would begin to make steam while the barrel re- mained comparatively cold. The steam thus generated by the firebox passed through the piping to the cooler steam space of the barrel, where much of it condensed. As a result, the water-level of the barrel would gradually rise and the water-level in the firebox-end would fall. The prog- ress of these changes soon made it necessary to blow off water from the barrel, and to feed water to the firebox- end. This action operated greatly to prolong the process of getting the boiler into action. After the barrel began to make steam, both com- partments performed normally as two boilers of a single battery, the qual- ity of steam delivered from each Pye. 55 —Valve for controlling fuel-oil being practically of the same value. supply to burner under boiler. A li is obvious that the action as micrometer adjustment and calibration ; 1s rious the ac = : : of valve provided a very delicate regu- scribed had nothing to do with the lation of oil used during tests. 62 VALUE OF FIREBOX HEATING-SURFACE differences in the design of the two boilers, but was a result of the manner in which they were fitted up for the test in hand. The action occurred in connection with both boilers. It was completely overcome by adding a 2-inch emergency pipe connecting a washout hole in the bottom of the barrel with a washout hole in the water-leg of the firebox. This connec- tion permitted, during the process of warming up, the firebox-end to be supplied with water from the barrel-end, and it established a channel for circulation which was found to be necessary to normal action. The pipe in question was provided with two valves and a drain between so that the circulation could be effectually stopped after both parts of the boiler were gotten into action. 53. The record of injector action for the two compartments, when the evaporation for the whole boiler equaled 25,000 pounds of water per hour, will be of interest as suggesting the constancy with which the conditions of the tests were maintained. It is as follows: BARREL FIREBOX INJECTOR WATER INJECTOR WATER LEVEL see eee Sekt Ae ee LEVEL | ABOVE | ABOVE ON OFF IN ACTION CROWN ON OFF IN ACTION CROWN CLOCK CLOCK TIME IN SHEET CLOCK CLOCK TIME IN SHEET TIME TIME SECONDS INCHES TIME TIME SECONDS INCHES 8-15 8-16 60 514 8-16 8-17 40 6.0 8-18 8-19 65 8-20 8-21 35 8-21 8-22 50 8-23 8-24 40 8-24 8-25 50 8-25 8-26 40 8-26 8-27 40 8-28 8-29 35 8-29 8-30 55 8-31 8-32 30 8-32 8-33 50 8-33 8-34 30 8-35 8-36 50 534 8-36 8-37 30 5% 8-37 8-38 55 8-38 8-39 30 | 8-40 8-41 50 8-42 8-43, 30 | 8-43 8-44 55 8-45 8-46 30 | 8-46 8-47 50 8-47 8-48 30 8-48 8-49 55 8-49 8-50 30 8-50 8-51 50 8-52 8-53 30 8-53 8-54 55 5 8-55 8-56 30 5.0 8-56 8-57 50 8-58 8-59 30 | 8-59 9-00 55 9-00 9-01 30 9-01 9-02 50 9-03 9-04 30 9-04 9-05 50 9-05 9-06 30 9-07 9-08 55 9-08 9-09 30 9-09 9-10 50 9-11 9-12 30 9-12 9-13 55 9-14 9-15 30 9-15 9-16 50 41% 9-17 9-18 30 56 9-18 9-19 55 9-20 9-21 30 9-21 9-22 50 9-24 9-25 30 9-23, 9-24 50 9-26 9-27 30 9-25 9-26 55 9-28 9-29 30 9-27 9-28 50 9-30 9-31 30 9-29 9-30 55 9-34 9-35 30 476 ene ana ne 51g 63 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER 54. The tests upon the partitioned boilers are referred to throughout this report as those of Series A. Nine tests were made with oil as fuel, five upon the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and four upon the radial-stay boiler. These were followed by twelve tests, during which coal was used as fuel, Fic. 56.—Cinder trap over stack of boiler. Samples taken in four positions. six upon the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and six upon the radial-stay boiler, The results of all tests are given in detail by the tables of Chapter XIII. A summarized statement of the more significant facts developed is as follows: Series A. Oil Fuel 55. Numerical values which are of especial interest are presented in Table 1, and a diagram showing the percentage of the total heat absorbed by the firebox as Fig. 57. The points plotted in this diagram include all results as obtained from both the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and the radial- stay boiler. Referring to Table 1, it will be seen that each pound of oil burned resulted in the evaporation of from 15.9 to 13.2 pounds of water, the amount diminishing as the rate of power is increased. The thermal efficiency of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler under low rates of power may exceed 80 per cent. and even under high rates of power it is above 70 per cent. It can be shown that when the Jacobs-Shupert boiler is made to evaporate 20,000 pounds of water an hour, it will generate 14.14 pounds of steam for each pound of oil burned. It can be shown also from data to be presented later in this chapter that at the same rate of power it will generate 8.3 pounds of steam for each pound of Dundon coal burned, so that a comparison of the results here presented, with others which are to follow, makes one pound of oil in locomotive service equal to 1.7 pounds of high-grade bituminous coal. 56. With reference to the distribution of work between the firebox and the tubes, Fig. 57 shows that the fraction of the total heat transmitted which is taken up by the firebox is greatest when the rate of power is low Thus, when only 800 pounds of oil are being fired per hour, 54 per cent. of the total evaporation is from the firebox surface, whereas when 2,200 64 E SURFAC \ = HEA TIN ¢ BOX \ 4 FIRE EK OF ‘ 4 VALUI mae TI LLL 89° §I spunod TOA AO aNna0da Nad ILVUOdVAA ATVALNDA XOHWFUIA NI NOLLVUOdVAA TVL LO “INGO Wad 1s '6 Loh 66°24 Slt 69°6 66°6 16°9 63° L 06°86 89 spunod IVLOL In’¢ 98'S LE F 00°6 66°9 oS OL F TL F 60°76 4g spunod LORRI EL 9g spunod NOPMAILA MAOH NAd AOVAMAG ONILVAP OF AUVAdDS uda LVUOdVAW LINATVALNOOT IC LAR TaN4d TlO—V SalMgs 68L°L] O89'TS FSS'TS OOF OL | 966'86 69866 8°06 LEO TS OFL TT bg spunod TYLOL LEST TSLOL LFL‘OI OFS'G OLLI 9STSI O¢O'TL 60S TI FONE eg spunod TAMU EL NnOy Wad NOLLVUOdVAG, LNATVAINOG oT6'IT 90LS 9F6 ‘OL OFF SEL‘6 OST TIED O6L 906°TL LILG S89'TL CLS LOG'6 668'T Sor Ol SOFT 969 96L Sg ST spunod xodaul spunod 4wnoH udd TIO YALA 40 SAHONI WOVUHdVIG fo INOW NI LaAvad u-6-V U-8-V ULV w9-V f[-¢-v f--V {-$-V f-0-V {-1-V e iB T ~ LSaL dO NOIL -YNDISaG TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER S oe in te leas ration in Firebox— | | : a 7 Stes reer oe | a ar > S| ee ee |_| ae = | om | |_| 2 ee ye re real eg eld £8 7 | / Bi el eae camel ee eat | ( = | | | | |5 Jacobs—Shupert Boiler +2 | xy Radial Stay Boiler Z eee | | | | Oil |Burnea per Hour—Pounds 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 Fic. 57.—Ratio of evaporation in firebox to oil burned per hour. Test Series A—Oil Fuel. pounds of oil are fired per hour, 40 per cent. of the total transmission 1s through the firebox. This statement shows that the proportion of the whole work done by the firebox is not only surprisingly large at its maxi- mum, but that it continues to be large under all conditions of operation. Translating the facts presented by these values given into measures which are more readily recognized, and expressing them in round numbers, it may be said that when served with 2,200 pounds of oil per hour: The Jacobs-Shupert boiler will evaporate 40,000 pounds of water per hour. Of this amount, 16,000 pounds will be evaporated by the firebox and 24,000 pounds by the barrel. The whole boiler will develop 1,200 horse-power, of which amount nearly 500 horse-power will be developed by the firebox. The average rate of evaporation per foot of heating-surface per hour for the whole boiler will be 9.78 pounds. The average rate of evaporation per foot of heating-surface per hour for the firebox will be 49.59 pounds, and for the barrel 6.47 pounds. The ratio of heat absorbed per foot of heating-surface by the firebox to that absorbed per foot of tube heating-surface is as 7.6 to 1. 57. While the tests show the efficiency of the boilers when fired with oil to be high, and while the results are very consistent, they can not be accepted as constituting a basis of comparison which admits of a high degree of refinement. This fact arises from difficulties encountered in the maintenance of a satisfactory fire. The burning of oil in large quantities within the firebox of a locomotive boiler presents a problem which has not yet been perfectly solved. In the case of the boilers experimented upon, the burner, the brickwork, and all other provisions affecting combustion were made to agree with the practice of large railway corporations having hundreds of locomotives oil-fired. The undersigned believes that the results obtained at the testing plant were probably as satisfactory as any which are obtained upon the road, but it was impossible in the mainte- 66 VALUE OF FIREBOX HEATING-SURFACE nance of the fire to prevent deposits of soot upon the heating-surface. The practice of thoroughly cleaning the heating-surfaces before starting fires, and of afterwards doing nothing to them during the progress of the test, resulted in abnormally high smoke-box temperatures and in the accumu- lation of considerable quantities of soot which was required to be removed at the end of the test. All results obtained under this practice were finally discarded. Later recourse was had to sanding the tubes, a practice com- mon on railroads. At regular intervals during the progress of the test a scoopful of sharp sand was carefully distributed through the door into various portions of the furnace in such a manner that the particles would be taken up by the draft and carried through the tubes, cleaning them as by a sand-blast process. While this practice gave cleaner tubes, it did not clean the firebox, and an attempt was made to reach this portion of the heating-surface by using an air-blast with sand. As a result of these efforts systematically applied, the results obtained are fairly consistent, but since it is known that the performance of the boiler was more or less affected by the presence of soot, and since it can never be certain that the extent of this defect was constant for all the tests made of record, the results can not he accepted as constituting a measure of the relative per- formance of the two fireboxes, which is satisfactory from a scientific point of view. For this reason, also, no attempt has been made to elaborate, through a complete heat balance, the computations of the oil-fired tests. Tests of Series A with Coal 58. The more essential facts developed by these tests are set forth in Table 2. This table includes the results of twelve tests, six upon the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and six upon the radial-stay boiler. For each boiler, two tests were made with Scalp-Level coal and four with Dundon coal. The Scalp-Level coal burns with a short flame. Its analy- sis (coal as fired) is as follows: Per cent. ISAS CAT DOL cats. baie eid fos. Ge ue ess ae he ew ele 75.90 Volatile: matters assoc ue lose deat states, VIORADS IMIGISUUTE Ss Acs oaies eh ectece cheese ut sans ate kt ND tae eas 2.15 The Dundon coal is a long-flame gas coal. Its analysis (coal as fired) is as follows: Per cent. Fixed carbon............ eT eI ee: her nen ae, ADL OS Volatile matter.............00. 000000000 cece eee .. 84.34 IVI OIS tree tacts cote tear tiny Mere Goce vosns aeons 3.38 PAIS Tie mtn a epee ctae te ed Rerntieh eaten Pisce aout teetuee thas eet 12.74 59. The results show that under low rates of power either boiler will give an evaporation of more than 10 pounds of water per pound of coal. For the whole series of tests the evaporation is normally above 8 pounds 67 R \ 4 BOLLE RT \ 4 4 SHUPI JACOBS A Ok TS iS k T 98° 1S sec lL StS / geotrE rFe'Sa | GOOTTT | SSF | uopund ro YU-oll-V oe SS 66°11 9¢e°8 FLL ES esLso GBC TT | Sa uopun( Lb Y-ILI-V o9'$ 0S OF 6L'S8 cae LOE FS G8OFL Sts'6 cEse uopund ; “Ls Y-OLI-V | ‘ A a | 3 i : 666 10°68 ols T6°¢ | 19lte | LeF'or FSL'L SIF PaeT aes ||| tee U-6OI-V OF OL to OF 60'¢ OLS 88°06 SOO'SL = 0898 688'9 FSET | pet dreog | TT U-80I-V ses 66° SF CO F IL'6 C6 TS SOL FL | seerk | €o@'L | ToL | uopun(y | oT U-LOI-V¥ 68°24 60°96 SF Il FO'S SL ae ese'ts | OFSS Ss GEOCST 666° uopund L'9 £-901-V ss's FS°SE LLTL SF's a6 1¢ | Sores | gaF'ga oS6'1L S8o'F uopund | Gok £-¢01-V 6E°8 Lo 8S T'S Teg LO OF 6L9°C6 | GE8TST 968'6 066% uopund | OF {-FOI-V FLOL S§°¢S ors 06°¢ LL’ S& 8a6'°CS 6LE'9L 6T6'8 S6TS PAvT dpeog tF f-S0I-V 6L°8 FL St TLE 697% 60°08 | OS6FI 906°L TT69 G39'T uopun(d FT {-201-V 96°01 96° OF as F 10's F996 FIC TL 696°8 6TL'9 Foe PavT dpeog or f£-101-¥ - J == 7 = ae ro gg 8g 4g 9g bs | eg 6g To | 9T | ST T = | = | spunod spunod spunod spunod spunod spunod spun IVLOL TWaHHva NOAA TWLOL TAnuvVa NOAA qaqa sv | = HaALVM IvVoOO aad > - = = - - oes dO S@HONI ISGL AW ALSTON" . Gana: | TV¥0O | WOVUHA ‘ao at vad T¥OO AO -vid NOLL NOLL MAOW UAd AOVAUDAS ONILVaAH wnoy uaa qaqa aNIn 0 : -YNDISad -VuUOd VAT | fi0 aul auvaog ad NOILVUOdVA IN@TV ALND | AMOLSIOI LNOUT NI LNGTV NOILVUOd VAY LNATVALAOD - LAV -ATIDG | Z FIVeL TaNA TVOO—V Saluas(SLsaL 68 VALUE OF FIREBOX HEATING-SURFACE of water per pound of coal. A comparison of the performance of the whole boiler when delivering a definite amount of power, shows that the thermal efficiency is from 8 to 10 per cent. less when coal is fired than when oil is used as fuel. 60. The percentage of the total heat absorbed by the boiler, which is taken up by the firebox when the fuel is coal, is shown diagrammatically by Fig. 58. The points plotted upon this diagram fall into two series of groups. The first located by double circles represents all results obtained with Dundon coal, both from the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and the radial-stay boiler. The second located by single circles represents results obtained with the Scalp-Level coal. Neither boiler was equipped with the brick arch during these tests. It is interesting to note that the short-flame coal is at a distinct disadvantage as compared with the long-flame coal in giving up heat to the firebox. When Dundon coal is used as fuel, the percentage T zl ouG (sea ome rae lf ee a L | = eo shh | | —s Dundon Ceal | | aearah a eer ee | | 22 see eee eee | | |< A a el = | | Scalp |Level|Coal 5 Oe] | | || | g | ) | | | & 3 a | > 2 sal ee el Eas (ee es ae eee pee hh ~ An | peers | ia | | rt | | | 9°0 dacobsoshinert Hore) | Lo "| | omen | | my oy Radi Stay Boiler _ || See | ee 2 a | | cS | asi Dry Chal per Ho w—Pounds | | 1000 1200 1400 1600 ‘eh 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3460 3600 3800 4060 4200 4400 Fic. 58.—Ratio of evaporation in firebox to coal burned per hour. Tests Series A—Coal Fuel. of the total heat absorbed by the firebox varies from a little less than 50 to a little more than 30, depending upon the rate of power, the percentage diminishing as the power is increased. When Scalp-Level coal is used, the percentage is about 8 less than when Dundon coal is used. 61. If we assume the Jacobs-Shupert boiler to be evaporating 20,000 pounds of water per hour, the percentage of the total heat absorbed by the boiler which is taken up by the firebox, is as follows: Per cent. Wihen- orl ismisedkas: fuel: siacats Choe tas de pee ea ea we 42 When long-flame bituminous coal is used as fuel. ....... 42 When short-flame coal is used as fuel... .............0... 35 This suggests the possibility of the existence of some relation between the oo u percentage of total heat which is absorbed by the firebox and the charac- ter of the fuel. For example, it may be that the substitution of anthracite for bituminous coal would operate to reduce the total work done by the 69 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER firebox below 35 per cent. The explanation is perhaps due to a changed condition in the tubes rather than in the firebox. It may be that the freer burning coal deposits less soot in the tubes and permits them to absorb a larger proportion of the total heat delivered. 62. It will be of interest to note that with Dundon coal when the rate of combustion equals 4,341 pounds per hour, which is near the highest reached in firing the partitioned boilers: The Jacobs-Shupert boiler will evaporate 35,405 pounds of water per hour, of which amount 11,982 pounds will be evaporated from the firebox and 23,423 pounds from the tubes. The whole boiler will develop 1,026 horse-power, of which amount 304 horse-power will be developed by the firebox. The average rate of evaporation per foot of heating-surface per hour for the whole boiler will be 11.77 pounds. The average rate of evaporation per foot of heating-surface per hour for the firebox will be 51.92 pounds, and for the barrel 8.43 pounds. The rate of heat absorbed per foot of heating-surface by the firebox to that absorbed per foot of tube heating-surface is as 6.15 to 1. A Comparison of the Performance of the Two Fireboxes 63. The Jacobs-Shupert firebox and the radial-stay firebox were designed and constructed to have the same over-all dimensions. The heating-surface of both fireboxes, as measured by their projected areas, is substantially the same and is equal to 206.7 feet. But the curved form of the sections of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox gives a developed area which is greater than that of the plain surface of the radial-stay firebox. The developed area of the surface of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox is 230.8 feet, an increase over the surface of the radial-stay firebox of 11 per cent. This increase in the heating-surface of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox is an incident in the development of its design. The purpose of giving the sections of the firebox the shape they have is not primarily that greater heating- surface may be secured, but that a satisfactory structure may result. Nevertheless, a question as to the effect of this increase in heating-surface upon the amount of heat absorbed by the firebox, is one of some impor- tance, and its determination constitutes one of the questions for which the present series of tests was instituted. The results upon this point, as set forth in detail by Chapter XIII and as briefly reviewed in the short tables presented herewith as Tables 1 and 2, are not conclusive. While results of individual tests may be selected which will show a considerably higher percentage of the total heat absorbed to have been taken up by the Jacobs-Shupert firebox than by the radial-stay firebox, their effect is neu- tralized by the possibility of other comparisons involving results believed to be equally reliable. The fact as developed by the results of 20 tests seems to indicate that the difference in absorbing capacity of the two fireboxes tested is not sufficient to be established by carefully conducted boiler tests. Heat transmitted by a locomotive firebox is chiefly the 70 VALUE OF FIREBOX HEATING-SURFACE result of conduction and convection; radiation probably plays but a small part. Transmission by conduction is a function of differences in tem- perature. If in the case in hand, a plane in the water space above the crown-sheet is considered as receiving the heat and a parallel plane in the firebox below the crown-sheet as the source of heat supply, the amount of heat transmitted will theoretically be independent of the form of the metallic crown-sheet between. Again, the convection currents have a clear sweep over certain exposed portions of the firebox sections, but do not reach other portions which are between the sections. It is not unlikely that considerations such as these account for the results which have been obtained. These statements apply only to the fireboxes. The results which have been derived from the boilers as a whole are next described. IX. Evaporative Tests of a Jacobs-Shupert Boiler and a Normal Radial-Stay Boiler G4. At the conclusion of the tests described in the previous chapter, the boilers were reconstructed to such extent as was necessary to secure the removal of the partitions, which in the previous work separated the firebox-end from the barrel. A statement of the means employed in bringing about this result will be found in Chapter VII. The reconstrue- tion accomplished, there was available for the further work a normal Jacobs-Shupert boiler and a normal radial-stay boiler. Tests upon the normal boilers were first run using Scalp-Level coal as fuel and without the presence of an arch in the firebox. This series was followed by two tests in which Dundon coal, a long-flame gas coal, was used. After this, the brick arch was added to the firebox and the program of tests prac- tically repeated. The details of the process may be perfectly apprehended and the results obtained easily understood by reference to the explanatory notes and the tables of Chapter NHI. The tabulated statement Table 3 presented herewith covers the more important results which were obtained from the entire series. A summary is as follows: Results of Tests without the Brick Arch in Firebox 65. These are represented in Table 3 by tests 201 to 302, inclusive. The series includes five tests of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and four tests of the radial-stay boiler when fired with Scalp-Level coal, and one test of each boiler when fired with Dundon coal. The efficiency of a locomotive boiler is highest when the power developed is least. For example, referring to the first test (201), it will be seen that when the Jacobs-Shupert boiler was fired with 1,315 pounds of moisture free coal per hour it— (a) Evaporated 15,293 pounds of water per hour. (b) Evaporated 5.08 pounds of water per square foot of heating- surface per hour. (¢) Evaporated 11.01 pounds of water per pound of coal. (d) Developed 443 horse-power. (e) Developed an overall efficiency of 71.86 per cent. (f) Developed an efficiency, excluding the grate, of 79.75 per cent. 66. The precise effect produced by increasing the load upon a boiler is well shown by the values of the heat balance for the several tests run ie oa WM x = Z on PI VAPORATIVE ‘ Hy BOILER I ATIVE OMPAR Y ( 10°49 SF oo OL GL oL' 08 46°19 ol 19 0g gL 8° sl 96°09 96° LE 66° FE LO LE If 99 L664 96 G¢ 96'8¢ 96°69 19° 1k GL°6L O4 ALVUo ONIGONTONGA LONGIOISAL TS o9 848 SI | 699'T SL’ 61 cs SIT 6gs'9 L8°8¢ T3'8 66 | 860'T 10ST | 9L' 28 690°¢ or LO To OL | rs 898 FOOL T& 0¢ 966% og 9k OL TT | 49 Str alg IL 66 166'1 06° L¢ 6L°8 | 06 00ST 16° a1 | 69 SOL L88'¢ 9L°9¢ 6F'8 | 66 | COST 61ST 18 T6 986°¢ GL 69 49°01 | TS | TS8 SL OL L6°0¢ 99'S o8 FL LPIL | 9°9 | SoP lo¢ 90° F6 L96'T XOdsaYdIA NI HOUV HLIM SO 6S | 60°8 | 66 | L8o'1 48° FT S8ETF 66°76 PSPS Fo 9S 69h | LG LOFT GS OL L19°0¢ oL OTT 1s9°9 Go GE 182 Fo | 600'T Lo tL FOP OF I& &6 LOF'S 79 FS 86'8 6G | F601 L6° FL SCOTT 08 6 LOE 96°69 Fo'6 o's TTS cL 6 SOT'6S 9F oS TOS 69'9L 89 TI 6°9 S&F 10'¢ OSO FL TO 66 | o8o'L TF 0S 19k 66 | S66‘T 86ST OLO'SF PL TIL FISD 00 6G LhLek 66 | ces‘l 6 ST CFO OF se ror | 066°¢ 66° 8¢ 6'°8 96 | 8ST 8o'ST | F966 69°S8L LOPE 46°69 19 6 os 696 | 66 OL | 198°OS 8ST’ 09 GIFS 98° TL | TOIL | 89 STP 80°¢ | 660'S1 oP FG 6861 | Se eee [eee eS = Z| xXOdddIA NI HOUV LNOHLIM 69 v9 69 6g 8g | bg SS TS —— ooo — —__—_-—____— | — —=—— a = ‘ | spunod | aauld Fault | qqaowaga “MH Wad spunod = spunod spunod Pacrctunel eno ‘aH OL agqdo 1s AMA sovaras | Leese estes ee : mTOVaUAS ‘dH ONILVORH MNoOH uma | “AMY! aNOH umd AO NO EUs ONMEVGH NaTIO’ LVDS UTI | NoivuodvAa | (LL OS MEd | oS gaa NOILVUOdVAG INATVALNOD TvYOO aad Guy OLsIoWw dO OLLVU | NOILVHUOdVAG, LNATVAINOT | DNATVAINOT AUOALSIOW € 1921 SLTNSAY AO ATAVL GASNAGNOD yoary wmoynwM pue yUM—g SelIeag s}say | uopunqdg ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” . ” ” ” uopun(d ” ” a ” ” ” ” ” ” » Jar] djrog 9T TWOO AO aNIM f-10s-@ U-LOT-2 U-90t- U-S0t-a {-TOF-@ £-S0F-2 {-c0f-@ £-LOF-@ U-o0s-a f-106-a U-606-4 U-s0e-d U-L00-2 U-900-2 {-£06-4 {-t00-@ {- 600-€ {-G00-d f-1L0e-d LSaL AO NOILYNDISAG TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER with Sealp-Level coal. For example, tests 201, 202, 204, and 205 repre- sent in the order given an increased rate of power. A statement of con- ditions and results is as follows: SRESt mum DET 395004 Sak iawn eas a aye ea 201 202 204 205 Pounds of coal fired per hour............ 0.4 1,389 3,419 5,930 16,314 Thermal units for each pound of coal: (a) Absorbed by water in boiler........... 10,687 9,327 7,532 7,388 (b) Lost by moisture in coal.............. 48 34 37 33 (c) Lost by moisture in air............... 49 53 114 64 (d) Lost by hydrogen in coal............. 486 497 500 514 (e) Lost by smoke-box gases.............. 1,979 2,731 3,992 4,675 (f) Lost by incomplete combustion........ 78 (g) Lost by cinders passing up stack....... 153 851 —- 1,078 1,012 (h) Lost by combustible in ash............ 1,187 679 291 185 (t) Lost by radiation and unaccounted for . 205 547 881 783 Total B. T. U. per pound of coal........ 14,872 14,719 14,425 14,654 By comparing the values in the horizontal lines, the changes resulting from changes in the rate of power may be seen. First, it will be observed that the number of thermal units absorbed by the water in the boiler becomes smaller with each succeeding test. The loss thus sustained is accounted for by the increased amount of heat which goes off with the smoke-box gases and in the form of combustible material which passes out of the stack as cinders. yf 67. The evaporative He a rt performance of the boil- Ei eee tee ers in terms of pounds = Ho | of coal fired per hour is Pe rt Bunlion Coa shown by Fig. 59. In 8 7 ae this figure the double Sy TAM] : le circles represent tests = with Dundon coal and ae the single circles tests I 1 with Scalp-Level coal. 4-8 g15 Tests upon the Jacobs- 2 E ele tee Shupert boiler are indi- a % | ox Radial Stay Botlel cated by the plaincircles, oe | while the tests on the ae | Polnds of Coal, Moisture Free, per Hour | radial-stay boiler : oon 1000_| 2000 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 | 6000 indicated by combined Fic. 59.—Water evaporated per pound of coal. Tests circles and crosses. The Series B. Without arch. diagram represents all results obtained. Tests 301 and 302 were run with Dundon coal, all others with Scalp-Level coal. The long straight line represents the tests of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler when T4: COMPARATIVE BOILER EVAPORATIVE TESTS using Scalp-Level coal, with a maximum error which is less than 3 per cent. and an average error which is less than one per cent. It will be seen that the line also represents fairly well the results obtained from the radial-stay boiler, which are marked by crosses. Dundon coal gives a higher evap- oration than Scalp-Level coal. A parallel line is drawn through the two points representing the results obtained from the two boilers when fired with Dundon coal. Results with a Brick Arch in the Firebox 68. Upon the completion of tests 201 to 302, inclusive, described in the preceding paragraphs, both boilers were equipped with firebox arches supplied and installed by the American Arch Company. Thus equipped, tests 401 to 501, inclusive, were run. A detailed description of the arches, together with a discussion of their effect upon boiler efficiency, is reserved for another place (Chapter X). The present pur- pose is to consider the results in their relation to the two boilers tested. = TH |-Sealp Level Coal 69. A summarized 118 —— statement of the actual — [10 = 4 values appears in Table loz sal. ip ee 3 and the comparative ps 2 ie performance of the two |*= boilers is set forth by eae Fig. 60. In the latter ae figure, the long straight |_ 5 3 lineisdrawntorepresent | 3 Sa as nearly as possible the /+¢ AG points shown by circles, {3 BS see beseunerh Ealler which are those of the |, = ol acacia a Jacobs-Shupert boiler “é when fired with Scalp- {1 as) Tevel-coal. Te seill he 0 | Pounds of Coal, Moisture Free, per Hour 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 seen that the line also . : : Fic. 60.—Water evaporated per pound of coal. Tests Series represents fairly well B. Withearc: the points located by crosses, which indicate results obtained from the radial-stay boiler. The crosses fall lower than the circles which determine the location of the line. Only one test representing Dundon coal is of record in this group, and this (501) is a test of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler at the highest rate of power developed during the series. In this test, the firing 75 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER was at the rate of 6,553 pounds of moisture free coal per hour. This rate of firmg resulted in: A rate of combustion equaling 119.38 pounds of coal per foot of grate per hour. An evaporation of 57,564 pounds of water per hour, or the equivalent of 19.13 pounds of water per foot of heating-surface per hour. The development of 1,669 boiler horse-power, or the equivalent of one boiler horse-power for each 1.8 foot of heating-surface. An evaporation per pound of coal, notwithstanding the high rate of power developed, of 8.78 pounds of water. The maintenance of an overall boiler efficiency of 65.34 per cent., and of the boiler, exclusive of the grate, of 67 per cent. 70. It is unusual for boilers to be driven to such rates of power. At the Purdue locomotive testing plant, as a result of its first fifteen years of operation, the highest rate of evaporation made of record was 14.45 pounds of water per foot of heating-surface per hour, obtained August 7, 1905, by the use of Youghiogheny coal. At about the same time the report of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company of the St. Louis tests was issued, by which it appeared that the New York Central locomotive No. 3000 had, while on the testing plant, been forced to a rate of 16.34 pounds per foot of heating-surface per hour, which was the maximum for that celebrated series of tests. It is in comparison with these record-breaking perform- ances that the rate of 19.13 pounds obtained for the Jacobs-Shupert boiler at Coatesville is to be considered. So far as the undersigned is informed, it represents the highest rate of power to which any locomotive boiler has been driven. 71. The conclusion to be drawn from the tests of Series B concern evaporative efficiency and capacity. The results show that the Jacobs- Shupert boiler and the radial-stay boiler, under all the various conditions of the tests, operate at practically the same efficiency. There are indica- tions that under very high rates of power the Jacobs-Shupert boiler has some slight advantage. 72. Two boilers of the same efficiency will generate equal amounts of steam for equal quantities of fuel consumed. Relative steaming capacity is in the case of such boilers a matter of relative coal-burning capacity. The superior strength of its firebox allows the Jacobs-Shupert boiler to be fired to very high limits of power without injury. Its strength thus becomes an indirect factor in extending its capacity. In this respect, the capacity of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler excels that of the radial-stay boiler. X. The Brick Arch as a Factor in Boiler Performance 73. The tests of Series B afford an excellent basis from which to deter- mine fie value of a brick arch in a locomotive firebox. Some of these tests, Nos. 201 to 302, inclusive, were run w ith no arch; the others, Nos. 401 to 501, inclusive, were run with an arch. They involve both the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and the radial-stay boiler. Sealp- Level coal was used for some of these tests and Dundon coal for the others. 74. The arches used in these tests were, as previously noted, supplied Note- See that arch tubes are spaced 40" apart C.to C.at a point 60" from flue sheet along the tubes ee Section A-A eae (oy — eae 109¢"—— Fic. 61.—General_ drawing of brick arch as applied to Jacobs-Shupert firebox. Tests Series B. b | Wy > (iy / ele Section A-A « —i61— a | > Fic. 62.—General drawing of brick arch as applied to radial- ey firebox. Tests Series B. V7 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER and installed by the American Arch Company. They were substantially the same for both boilers, but the curvature of the firebox sections of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler made necessary some slight differences in design. The arch as installed in the Jacobs-Shupert boiler is shown by Fig. 61, and as installed in the radial-stay boiler by Fig. 62. 75. The evaporative efficiency of the boilers with and without the arch is well shown by Fig. 63. In this figure the points shown as triangles | 12> arial SS a T q eam Te . | = ee | 1.6 Se Sal ee ee v | yA. . With Arch-Scalp Level | fy ee roa ieee Sel == | (ea Peer a hea bel (eal | Without Arch-Sealp Level 7 JN _ | , With Arch-Dundon 2S eee 5 SScclesst ; a | | ASS = e| ~] Qh = | eth aes % oe og gz, Without Arch. = = . sa 2 | Dindon— ~ Re mS a tlie st eo) | | — SS 2 | | | E 4 | © | 3a Ope alee ee j i ae ey i ll aa ie. bE) Ss) a | Tests Without Arch | | 5-3-7 pt Ht ~—| | | | 9) 9 | Tests With Arch | | 4 eee ail al = z | ii 3s\— t— | Lf | | | | | jo el | Ss eae Rn | | S | | Au | | — 0 Pounds of Coal, Moisture me per Hour 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Fic. 63.—The effect of the brick arch in firebox on efficiency. represent tests (Nos. 201 to 302, inclusive) without the arch. Nine of these tests were run with Scalp-Level coal, five on the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and four on the radial-stay boiler. The long dotted line drawn through this group of points may be accepted as representing the per- formance of both boilers without the arch fired with Scalp-Level coal. Similarly, the points located by squares represent results from both boilers with the arch. Six of these points represent tests with Scalp-Level coal, and the long full line may be accepted as fairly representing them. The addition of the arch raised the performance of these boilers from that represented by the dotted line to that represented by the full line, an increase of 0.6 of a pound in the amount of water evaporated per pound of coal. For example, assuming the boilers to have been fired with 6,500 pounds of Scalp-Level coal per hour, they will evaporate 7.35 pounds of water per pound of coal without the arch and 7.95 pounds of water per pound of coal with the arch, a gain of 8 per cent. Comparisons involving lower rates of combustion lead to smaller gains when these are expressed as a percentage of the evaporative efficiency. In the light of these experi- 78 THE BRICK ARCH IN BOILER PERFORMANCE ments, it is fair to say that the addition of an arch in the firebox of loco- motives using Scalp-Level coal, results in increasing the efficiency from 5 to 8 per cent. 76. The points representing tests with Dundon coal are three in num- ber. One representing the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and one the radial-stay boiler without the arch are shown on Fig. 63 as triangles enclosed in -204-J/B U yun For 924 a yunted| For|881 Due-to-€o Ash|291 to le e td Comb le in Stack Cinders 1078 Due|to C ble AL Due to Escapin 83958 C o-Hydr« in 480 Due toM ure e to Hyd n 1¢ to Moistu in Coal in Coal 31 e to ea a aa — oH TN oO = qa 0 in| Air jtt4 ue-to—Me in|Coal 37 ND Absor b Boiler; Absor vy Boiler 7535 T|UNITS PER |PO 1500-— | | Total Heat Units 14427 otal Heat Units 14 Fic. 64.—Comparison of heat balances of representative tests with and without arch. circles, and one representing the Jacobs-Shupert boiler with the arch as a square enclosed in a circle. A short dotted line is drawn through the two points representing the two tests without the arch, and a short full line through the one point representing the test with the arch. The differ- ence in the location of these lines measures the effect produced by the 79 TESTS OF A. JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER arch. It represents an evaporation of one pound of water. Thus, when 6,500 pounds of Dundon coal are fired per hour, the boilers without the arch will evaporate 7.7 pounds of water per pound of coal, and with the arch, they will evaporate 8.7 pounds of water per pound of coal. This means that with Dundon coal the addition of the arch resulted in increas- ing the evaporative efficiency to the amount of 12 per cent. 77. The results of the heat analysis for two tests at substantially the same rate of power, one with the arch and one without it, are presented as Fig. 64. 78. The difference in the effect produced by the arch in connection with the two grades of coal is doubtless to be found in differences in the manner in which the coal burns. The Sealp-Level coal has only half the volatile matter of the Dundon coal. The benefits to be derived from the presence of an arch—the longer flame way, the better mixing of gases, and the conserving of high furnace temperature—are all matters which affect its combustion favorably, but the long-flame Dundon coal being in greater need of these advantages, naturally profited most by the presence of the < arch. 80 XI. Low-Water Tests and Their Results 79. One of the principal advantages claimed for the Jacobs-Shupert boiler is that of increased safety. This claim has been based upon the fact that its firebox is made up of comparatively small sections, that the rivets joining the sections are entirely in the water space of the boiler, where even under low-water conditions they can not be exposed to the direct action of the heat, and that there are no stays in side-sheets or crown ending in the firebox. If low water occurs and the crown-sheet becomes overheated, the parts most affected are the curved portions mak- ing up the center of the sections, that is, the portions of the plates most Fic. 65—The Jacobs-Shupert boiler on the way to low-water testing grounds over the industrial tracks of the Lukens Iron & Steel Company. Note its size as compared with that of the boiler of the mill locomotive. remote from the joints. The excessive heating, therefore, comes at a point which, by the design of the boiler, is best able to withstand it. It is, of course, entirely conceivable that even under these conditions the overheating may proceed to a point which will result in a failure of the sheet, but it has been claimed that even in such an event, a single section only will fail, that the plate will pocket and blow out through a compara- tively small opening, and that the effect of the failure will be entirely local. These assumptions, if true, make the Jacobs-Shupert boiler a safety- boiler in the same sense that the modern water-tube boiler, so much used in stationary service, is a safety-boiler. If the action described actually takes place, there can be no explosions of a Jacobs-Shupert boiler such as occur in the case of a radial-stay boiler when the crown-sheet comes down. The confidence with which the claims for safety were put forth had been greatly strengthened by the results of a test of a large Jacobs-Shupert . : 81 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOTLER boiler which was made at Topeka, Kansas, in the fall of 1910. These tests were most carefully conducted by Mr. H. B. MacFarland, and the results as reported by him completely sustain the assumption above stated. But notwithstanding the confirmatory evidence thus supplied, the officers of the Jacobs-Shupert company early expressed the desire that such tests be included in the series to be conducted by the undersigned, Fic. 66.—Setting of Jacobs-Shupert boiler for low-water test. View shows concrete piers and the substantial supports under the boiler. Fic. 67.—Setting of radial-stay boiler for low-water test. View shows the substantial concrete piers and supports identical to those under the Jacobs-Shupert boiler. 82 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS Fic. 68.—General view of testing ground, showing location of boilers with reference to each other, the shelter for the operating staff, the elevated fuel-oil tank, and the large display board for indicating to guests in the pavilion the water-levels and steam pressures during tests. and these were, as a consequence, specified in the original outline. This provided that at the conclusion of the evaporative tests, the results of which have already been presented, both the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and the radial-stay boiler JACOBS-SHUPERT should be tested to complete RADIAL STAY : \S BOILER failure under low-water condi- BOILER |X S tions if that should be prac- ticable. 80. The boilers have al- 214’ Water Line - 215” Water Line ready been described (Chapter ta Oll Lane “Ye Oildane VII). Both were of the same general dimensions, and both were designed for a working pressure of 225 pounds. As has been previously stated, the firebox-end of the Jacobs- Shupert boiler was selected at random from a number of similar fireboxes under con- struction at Coatesville on the order of a railroad company. There was nothing special about it. It was, however, fitted up under the scrutiny /Fuel Oil Pump of a personal representative i ree of the undersigned. It was no stronger or better than the Fic. 69.—Ground plan of testing field. others of the same lot. o v 3 Water L Cperating Shelter i! i: y"Steam Line Fuel Oil Tank : Dispiay Board for Guests TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER 81. The radial-stay boiler was constructed under the spec- ifications of the Santa Fe rail- way by the Baldwin Loco- motive Works under the scrutiny of a Santa Fe in- spector. It was inspected also by a personal representative of the undersigned, whose daily reports cover progress made and include — certificates — of analyses and of tests made by him, or in his presence, of the materials entering into the construction of the boiler. Fic. 70.—The shelter for operating staff in low- These, however, are not im- water tests, consisting chiefly of a Jacobs- portant to this presentation, Shupert firebox behind an embankment of . timber and dirt. Located about 200° feet except so far as they concern from boiler. the details which failed under the low-water tests, and this report need not be cumbered by a full record of such statements. Those facts which are most pertinent will be set forth in connection with the discussion of the results of the low-water tests. 82. Preparations for the low-water tests received careful attention. Fic. 71.—View of Jacobs-Shupert boiler in position after low-water test, showing water, oil and steam pipes. valves and connections, the three pops and special water-glasses and gage-boards. 84 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS An extensive fill made up of refuse from the mill of the Lukens Iron & Steel Company, extending up the valley of a small stream for a distance of several thousand feet, remote from habitations, supplied an acceptable ground. The fill was traversed by railway tracks over which the mill locomotives and cars were constantly operating. Fig. 65 shows the Jacobs-Shupert boiler on its way to the testing-ground. The upper sur- face of the fill was fairly level, and at the point chosen for the setting of CastIron =_2——~‘0j] Burner Port ‘ Oil Burner Pedestals AirPortsBack Wall Supply Pipes to Oil Burner Fic. 72.—General arrangement of oil burner and fixtures and brick arch in test boilers in low-water tests. the boilers it extended to a width of approximately 200 feet. Each boiler was set on two concrete piers, one under the firebox approximately 10 feet square, and the other under the barrel of the boiler of much smaller dimensions. These are well shown by Figs. 66 and 67. The location of the boilers with reference to each other and to surrounding features of the landscape is shown by Fig. 68, and the general layout of the equipment by Fig. 69. A substantial shelter for those conducting the tests, consisting principally of the firebox-end of a Jacobs-Shupert boiler, was established 200 feet from the nearest boiler (Fig. 70). In the rear of this shelter an oil-tank was erected at such a height as would serve to deliver fuel-oil to the burners under the boilers by gravity, and a small pump near the tank served to take oil from a works tank-car which could be switched to an adjacent track to this service tank. The Jacobs-Shupert boiler with its connected piping, gage-boards, etc., is shown by Fig. 71. The radial- stay boiler was similarly equipped. The boilers were fed with water by means of an independent steam-pumping plant located on the bank of the stream below the fill. A shelter was provided for the attendant of this plant. A main feed line was laid directly from the feed pump to the operators’ shelter, at which point it branched to each boiler, a valve in each branch within the shelter permitting a control of the feed during the progress of the tests (Fig. 69). The oil-supply pipe also branched at the shelter, and each branch was provided with valves permitting control at that point. These oil-valves, however, were not used except to shut off 85 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER the supply of oil when the boiler being supplied went out of commission. The location of the oil-burner, the design of the brickwork and other details of furnace arrangement are shown by Fig. 72. The draft which during the low-water tests was supplied in the same manner as in the evap- orative tests, that is, by dis- charging steam from the boiler through a normal exhaust pipe and tip, could be con- trolled from the shelter. This was accomplished by having a ratchet-wheel (Fig. 73) fit- ted to the stem of the 7-inch valve in the steam-delivery pipe, and two levers carrying dogs to engage the ratchet- wheel. The action of one lever served to open the valve, while that of the other closed it. Either lever could be op- erated by pulling a wire at the shelter, a counterweight serving to return the lever to its initial position. It had been planned originally to ob- serve the steam pressure and Fig. 73.—Draft regulator for controlling the steam water-level by means of water- flow through exhaust-pipe of boiler during glasses and gages located low-water test. By means of wires the draft = could be controlled from the operating shelter. within the shelter, but the possibility of errors appearing in apparatus extended so far from the boilers resulted in a determination to take these readings from apparatus immediately affixed to the boiler. To make this possible two small telescopes were mounted on the top of the operating shelter, by the use of which observers could read with greatest ease the graduations and figures on the steam-gage, and observe accurately the level of the water in the water-glass. One of these glasses is to be seen in Fig. 70, and the instruments to be observed in Figs. 74 and 75. 83. Elaborate provisions were made for the comfort and conven- ience of official guests. Upon the hillside above and to the rear and at a distance of 600 feet from the nearest boiler, a pavilion (Fig. 76) was erected having seats under roof for 300 guests. A telephone connected the guests’ pavilion with the operating shelter, and a large display board was erected to serve in keeping the guests at all times informed as to the steam pressure and the water-level within the boiler under test. Adja- cent to the guests’ pavilion was a refreshment booth from which lunch could be served to guests arriving by morning trains. _. 4 H ovo y x ing on Water Gauge JRADIAL STAY) BOI \OBS-SHUPERT BOILE ‘al | aoe | | i \ /Probable| Water Level at End-of Test, - 35” below Crown Sheet 10 20 30 Fic. 77.—Water-levels and steam pressures in boilers during low-water tests. TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOTLER boiler, the excess of steam generated over that required to produce the draft was successfully discharged by two safety-valves, whereas through- out the corresponding period the three safety-valves of the radial-stay boiler were always open. An explanation of this action is to be found in the fact that the Jacobs-Shupert boiler was not so well supplied with water at the start, and as shown by the record was fed liberally during the first K \ [+ | MN = N J nches io nel SY i 4 N\ 10 [: Firebox feo Banvel-y sheet, I srown' ss Total Boiler pe > ' fron Cr at Et rae St | [ens | se ane Theron = | | | Ly Deity 40 Distance fre Gol] Iie, | ame eae eee feral ne at as | | | Thousand Pounds | | | 6 $8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 10 }— to he Fic, 78.—Calibration of Jacobs-Shupert boiler, showing water capacity at various levels. few minutes of the test. Second, another condition which influenced the spectator grew out of the fact that the test of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler endured for 32!5 minutes longer than that of the radial-stay boiler. The spectator was naturally more impressed by the conditions prevailing dur- ing the last half hour of the test than by those prevailing during the earlier portions thereof. He knew that the water-level was steadily receding, failure seemed imminent, and he was in the attitude of expectancy. His condition of mind and the fact that during this interval the quantity of steam discharged steadily declined, accounts for the impression referred to. Such an impression so far as it has reference to that portion of the test of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler which is comparable with the entire period of endurance of the radial-stay boiler finds no justification in the records of the tests. 93. The fact that after nearly a half hour of operation without feed, the delivery of steam from the Jacobs-Shupert boiler diminished as the test proceeded is to be accounted for in several ways: First, as the heating- 96 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS surface of the boiler became bared, its evaporative capacity necessarily diminished; second, with heating-surface bare, the steam delivered became superheated and the safety-valves were called upon to handle a reduced weight of steam, each pound of which carried away an increasing amount of heat; third, as the heating-surface became bare, the heat of the furnace was in part absorbed in raising the temperature of the metal of the boiler, not only the firebox and the tubes, but indirectly through the increased temperature of the steam within the boiler, the shell, and all parts to which the steam had access. Heat could not be taken from the firebox to raise the temperature of the steam and to increase the temperature of metallic parts of the boiler and at the same time evaporate as much water as was possible before these new avenues of heat absorption appeared. The working out of this process and the fact that the test of the Jacobs- Shupert boiler proceeded until 78 per cent. of the water it contained had been evaporated, explains the significance of the observed action. 94. As already stated, it was the purpose in the case of each boiler to start under conditions which would insure the evaporation of approxi- 10 \ wn Sheet Firebox | | 10 I Barrel = & 2 o HH vo y a 60. bee ae ol Thee Pounds aoe 16 18 20 22 24 26 9 a Fic. 79.—Calibration of radial-stay boiler, showing water capacity at various levels. mately 10 pounds of water per foot of heating-surface per hour. This is equivalent to a total of 30,000 pounds per hour. It has just been shown that at whatever rate the boilers may have been started, the output in the form of water evaporated must have steadily declined as the test pro- ceeded. It would be interesting to know what was the rate of this 97 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER decline. Data for such an inquiry are supplied by the known weight of water contained by the boiler for every surface-level and the observed rate at which the surface-level receded. An attempt to make use of these data leads to inconsistencies resulting, no doubt, from unavoidable errors in observation caused by the surging of the water in the gage-glass. But however inaccurate, the results of such an investigation are not without interest, and brief reference may therefore be made to them. 95. The calibrated water capacity of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler is given by the lower curve of Fig. 78, and that of the radial-stay boiler by the lower curve of Fig. 79. The curves are practically the same for both boilers. The rate of fall in water-level during the low-water test. is recorded in the logs of the tests Tables 4 and 5. From facts thus avail- able, computations have been made as follows-: 96. Concerning Rate of Evaporation, Jacobs-Shupert Boiler: POUNDS OF WATER MINUTES DURING | : : EQUIVALENT TO POUNDS OF DY EMO Ee DROP IN WATER WATER Sea ER LEVEL FOR FIVE-MINUTE PER HOUR | aera INTERVALS | § eeu cick —— areas ee 1:48 to 1:53 1,300 | 15,600 2.5 1:53 to 1:58 2,000 24,000 0.0 1:58 to 2:03 875 10,500 0.0 2:03 to 2:08 2,825 | 33,900 0.0 2:08 to 2:13 1,700 | 20,400 | 0.0 2:13 to 2:18 1,875 22,500 | 0.0 2:18 to 2:23 | 1,325 15,900 | 0.0 The boiler feed-valve was open during one-half of the first interval embraced by those computations. The weight of water fed, if it were known, should be added to the value given in the second column. It is known that the rate of feed more than equaled the rate of evaporation so that the actual rate of evaporation during this interval must have been more than double 15,600 pounds. At 2:23.5 the water passed below the bottom of the gage-glass which was 25.5 inches below the crown-sheet. The calibration curve (Fig. 78) shows that there was then a little more than 10,000 pounds of water in the boiler, which when filled to the middle gage-cock, contains 30,000 pounds. 97. Concerning Rate of Evaporation, Radial-stay Boiler: POUNDS OF WATER EEL eee . fas as EQUIVALENT TO POUNDS OF RGR pee PIVE-MINOTE DROP IN WATER WATER SS UREN ORE INTERVALS LEVEL FOR FIVE-MINUTE PER HOUR au INTERVALS WAS OPEN a ALS 3:35 to 3:40 1,600 | 19,200 1.0 3:40 to 3:45 1,800 21,600 1.0 3:45 to 3:50 1,800 21,600 0.0 3:50 to 3:55 2,200 | 26,400 0.0 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS CL hg Ve Fic. 80.—Photograph of Jacobs-Shupert firebox after low-water test, showing brick arch in place and in perfect condition. The light spot on flue-sheet at center of crown-sheet is the visible record of the only leak observed in the firebox after the test. Fic. 81.—The center portion of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox after the low-water test. The sections shown in the photograph received the most severe overheating and were badly scaled and discolored. The line of demarcation is seen clearly on the right side-sheet. 99 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER It will be seen that the values deduced for the first two intervals are affected by the introduction of feed-water. The weight of water fed should, of course, be added to the value in the second column. At 3:5734 the boiler failed. It contained at the time of failure something more than 14,000 pounds of water. 98. The conclusion of the low-water test as applied to the Jacobs- Shupert boiler found that boiler undisturbed and apparently ready for service. After having boiled nearly dry, when its steam pressure had fallen to 50 pounds, the test was terminated by shutting off the blast and Deep Blue Coty Sey, ee ie on / ) \ 9 or p. XL Vv Fra. 82.—Discoloration of firebox sheets from overheating—Jacobs-Shupert boiler. Sec- tion through firebox section No. 5. the fuel supply. An hour later, after the test of the radial-stay boiler had been completed, an inspection, through the door of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler, disclosed portions of the brick arch still sufficiently heated to glow. A description of a detailed inspection of this boiler which was made later is as follows: 99. The Jacobs-Shupert firebox, as photographed through the door after the test, is shown by Figs. 80 and 81. In both of these views the brick arch is seen to be wholly undisturbed and in perfect condition. Later, this arch was removed and the boiler was turned on its side to facilitate inspection. When in this position, the photographs shown by 100 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS Figs. 83 and 84 were taken. A well-defined line of demarcation was found to run around the firebox approximately 34 inches below the stay- sheet calking line in the crown of the firebox. The line presented waves as it passed the convolutions of the several sections, its maximum and minimum limits being those shown by Fig. 84. Portions of the sections below this line were soot covered and normal in appearance. Higher up and in more exposed portions of the firebox the sections had the color and appearance of freshly heated steel. The more highly heated portions were flecked Fig. 83.—View of forward portion of Jacobs-Shupert firebox after low-water test, showing first five sections and flue-sheet. Above the line of demarcation the steel is of dark blue color, and the surface scaled from intense overheating. The blue shades off into reddish brown, and lower down into sooty black. with scales, resulting from oxidation (Fig. 81). Between the portions which were soot covered and those which bore the appearance of freshly heated steel was a belt approximately 5 inches in width which was gen- erally reddish brown in color shading off into the black which was below and into the freshly heated steel above (Fig. 82). 100. The firebox was made up of eleven sections. ~ f : ed : / Contour = / ‘ ==, Ro ee es eee ee eee / me ON 8 SSS SSeS i e 7 SN ie rs Original Ss. ~ Contour ~ MA los S aa) Left Side pe oe Original - 2S Contour,7 7 Front Fic. 85.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. SECTION No. 2 — Final Contour S See Ne Original ~~2y Contour Baek ea Left Side Fic. 86.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Tllustrations are about six-tenths full size. 104 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS SECTION No. 8 aA Pees » Original S\ Contour >» Tee Original’. \ Contour z ‘ = = Final Contour —, 2 R Seo) Gare Left Side Fic. 87.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. SECTION No. 4 ae 2p Original ~SX Contour ight Side wees / Back Front Final Contour Fic. 88.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. 105 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER SECTION No. 5 ~ ieee \ Originals, : PG Contour ~\_ Front Back Original ~~ ~._ Contour 4 N, Original >._ Contour >< Front Back Left Side Fic. 90.—Change in contour of firebox sections during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. 106 as a result of exposure LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS SECTION No. 7 7 Original ~ Contour Original SS —Final Contour Contour ~~ ~ ba =I as ) o m = Original - Contour~, Fig. 91—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. SECTION No. \ a cia (sa \\ Original "~\y Contour ear S Original’y | Contour 1 4 a 3 oS = S os Ho AA et eee) 8 = = Left Side ee aS Original 3-7 a Contour” A- Final Contour & 7 / Fic. 92.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. 107 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER SECTION No. Original *\S Contour eee Originals Contour ~ 4 ‘4 a 4 2 o 4 = eH FQ Final Contour, Fria. 93.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. SECTION No. 10 ee Original > ~_ Contour Right Side ee S Original > _ Contour Center of Crown Left Side Fic. 94.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. 108 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS SECTION No. 11 ers Original >. _ Contour es Right Side Se Original 5 ES Contour Center of Crown Front Back Left Side Original »,- Contour,” Fic. 95.—Change in contour of firebox sections as a result of exposure during low-water tests. Illustrations are about six-tenths full size. 105. The radial-stay boiler failed under the low-water test. Its appearance at the moment of failure is shown by Fig. 96. The force of the explosion was sufficient to raise the rear of the boiler, to blow out the tile brick arch, to blow out the cast-iron pedestals, to disrupt the brick- work under the boiler, and to scatter fragments of all of these over an area a hundred feet or more in radius. The diagram (Fig. 97) and the photographs (Figs. 98 and 99) show well the distribution of débris. The boiler itself was lifted from its foundation and was moved forward a dis- tance of about 8 inches, the rear swinging to the right, as shown by Figs. 100 and 101. As the front-end of the boiler slid forward on the support under the barrel, an extra heavy blow-off pipe was sheared. 106. The radial-stay boiler failed by the pocketing of a considerable section of the crown of the boiler (Fig. 102). This section embraces 188 crown-stays and stay-bolts. The button-headed stays failed by the stays breaking inside of the sheet and the flat-headed stays pulled through the sheet. The length of the damaged portion as measured longitudinally extends from the first row of stays, counting from the front-end of the firebox to the twenty-first row. In the first row the sheet pulled away from a single stay and in the twenty-first row from three stays. A plan of the crown-sheet and a profile of the pocket, the formation of which resulted in failure, are shown by Fig. 103. The sheet itself was found not to have ruptured or cracked, and, so far as could be determined, no 109 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER button-headed stay pulled through the sheet, though the holes in the sheet (Fig. 104) are in many cases considerably elongated in direction of the maximum movement of the plate. The contents of the boiler were dis- charged through the openings vacated by the stay-bolts, the aggregate area of which has been found to be approximately 186 square inches. 107. A considerable portion of the undisturbed area of the crown of the firebox was found to be mottled blue and black, giving evidence of some scaling from the effects of heat. The brightness of the color, how- ever, had been affected by the discharge of steam from the firebox. The button heads of the undisturbed stays in the vicinity of the pocketed sec- Fia. 96.—The radial-stay boiler at the moment of failure. Escaping steam and water through the ruptured crown-sheet mingled with the smoke from the stack and formed a cloud several hundred feet in height completely enveloping its surroundings. tion showed the same variegated blue, black and white. This effect, however, was practically confined to the zone occupied by the button- headed rivets and to the forward two-thirds of that zone. There was a slight change in the superficial color of the plate between the eighth and ninth row of stays on the left-hand side of the boiler, suggesting that below the ninth row of stays the effect of overheating was nil. 108. Both side-sheets with their staying were in perfect condition, no evidence of leaking stay-bolts appearing. 109. The door-sheet with its stays was found in perfect condition. 110. The tube-sheet was found in perfect form and the tubes appeared 110 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS to be as secure as when originally welded thereto. Only a few tubes, variously estimated from nine to eighteen in number, seemed from their color to have been involved by the overheating. No tube was found which had been sufficiently heated to sag. The very small portion of the tube-sheet which was overheated may be seen from Fig. 104. 111. The arch tubes had been forced somewhat downward by the 175ft—_—_—_ 15° 1. Piece of Arch Brick 9. Draft Door 2. Fragment of Brick from Side Wall 10. ee 3. C. I. Pedestal 11. Fragment Arch Brick 4. Iron Pipe Stand 7’-6” long, 2’ E. H. 12. “ Brick flanges on ends 13 “ 5. ©. I. Pedestal ; 6 «4 “ 14. 7 oe oe 15. 8. 14 Pig Iron (leaned against door) 16. Oil Boiler Piping Fic. 97.—Diagram showing distribution of débris by explosion of radial-stay, boiler. discharge of steam from the crown-sheet (Fig. 105), and the right-hand tube had been distorted sufficiently to develop a leak in the tube-sheet. 112. The simple character of the failure of the radial-stay boiler per- mits our interest in the design and in the characteristics of the materials used in working out the design to be centered upon two things. These are the crown-sheet and the radial stays. The crown-sheet was manu- factured by the Lukens Iron & Steel Company. A sample for test cut from this sheet and examined prior to the construction of the boiler gave the following characteristics: 111 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Fic. 98.—Photograph showing the radial-stay boiler after the low-water test and the dis- tribution of débris over a radius of 150 feet. Fic. 99.—Another view of the radial-stay boiler after the low-water tests, showing effects of the explosion. 112 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS Fic. 100.—The radial-stay boiler after the low-water test. The explosion caused a for- ward movement of eight inches and a side movement of eighteen inches, the rear end swinging to the right on the front support as a pivot. Fic. 101.—Another view of the radial-stay boiler after the low-water test, showing final position of boiler after its failure. In the foreground will be observed the supporting pedestals, one of which was broken. 113 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Mite i leisy wea thar ee tru ey aes te Dyas ike aces inane Ser teen ye Tere N= 1957 Ultimate strength, pounds per square inch................... 66,970 Klogationy per Céitas e453. paves wa tie. ees weer esaaenasase. — 20200 Carbon;, per cents d cca ceodue pees nay a Reatghe teed ealtar oA Eslohees .16 Manpanese.permeentf5.5 iin fans dae ato vere ate eek nei ome bate 42 Phosphorus peiCemtte anes cee e meeit eh eg Rea aan 02 Sulphur, per cent......... get Se ne re Ree he Mt Ge Hane O24 The fact that this sheet in coming down did not crack is in itself evidence of the high quality of the material. 113. The dimensions and design of the radial stays are shown by ee ee Se ee ee Oy ot SNe” pat Fic. 102.—Photograph of radial-stay boiler, after low-water test, showing the failed crown- sheet. A large pocket was formed in the forward right side of the crown-sheet, the sheet pulling away from 188 crown-stays and stay-bolts. The button-head stays failed by heads breaking inside of sheet and the flat-headed stays pulled through the sheet. Fig. 106. These stays were manufactured of Taylor stay-bolt iron and the record of the tests is as follows: Markie, Shue es ae pee ey eee ee ey Pay lorstay-bolt DDraane ber chtn asec ene ter cme etek net che econ yh eck A 1.003 INTO hs 2 gees wae wiry ey sous snail me Be Us re A atten et eae ta NG .790 Breaking strength, pounds......................2205. 38,200 LLESS: PEr SG UArE INCH vase seg A eae eS 48,400 Original: length, anchés. 34.45 2h4f0edes oy ata ena ea 8. Length after breaking, inches................0..0205. 10.72 Blongation, percent ina cisicinaes Paes A Seok SR 34.00 114. These statements will suffice to show that in the selection ot materials and in working out the construction, the radial-stay boiler was not inferior to the highest standards prevailing in such matters. The fact 114 pug «ey puy yuo. Oo 18 19 15 16 17 18 14 a aol ol we o m 9 pormnfuug x © mK e Fria. 103.—Plan and profiles of pocket in crown-sheet of radial-stay boiler. 5 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Fig. 104.—A close view of the pocket formed in crown-sheet of radial-stay boiler in the low-water tests. The sheet was not cracked or ruptured, and the tube, side and door- sheets were uninjured, all of which is conclusive evidence of the high quality of material and workmanship entering into the construction of this boiler. Fic. 105.—Photograph of radial-stay boiler after low-water test, showing pocket in crown- sheet. The arch tubes were disturbed and forced downward. 116 LOW-WATER TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS that the failure of the boiler was not more disastrous is to be accounted for in the superior character of the materials and workmanship employed in its construction. 115. The preceding description of the breaking down of the radial- stay firebox is significant in that it confirms the experience in practice on the road. The firebox tested was new; there was no accumulation of scale upon it. It had not been weakened by strains induced by long Crown Bars a \ fe i <1" Ciown Bolts Extra strong \ a ey, Hydraulic Pipe s a5 28g EJ © lor Thimbles ee = as List | an 7! (8) ne 5" (S) : Radial ne Fic. 106.—Crown bars, crown bolts and radial stays used in radial-stay boiler. service, and it had every chance to present the maximum resistance to failure to be expected of that type of construction which it represents. The facts show, however, that when, through the receding of the water- level, the heated zone had extended downward sufficiently to include the upper portion of the crown and to take in only the upper rows of the tubes, this firebox, new and in perfect condition, possessing material advantage over the average radial-stay firebox in service, failed. XII. Some Facts with Reference to the Circulation of Water in Locomotive Boilers 116. The motion of the water within a locomotive boiler in response to the energy transmitted to it in the form of heat, is known to have an important bearing on the up-keep and life of the boiler. Tt is known also that the water always rises from the heating-surface, and that upward currents thus stimulated must be compensated for by downward currents in other portions of the boiler. But the downward currents are secondary and are probably less stable and less direct than the initial currents which rise. In the complicated passages of a locomotive boiler, these secondary currents may take various directions and move with various velocities. Their strength and direction have been the subject) of much loose speculation. 117. It has been urged, for example, that the presence of the stay- sheets which enter into the construction of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler, retards the circulation, and that they are, therefore, objectionable. Such an objection must be based upon the assumption that the stay-sheet is deficient in the openings it presents as channels for the fore and aft move- ment of water, and as these openings possess considerable area, 1t must be assumed also that the fore and aft currents are tremendously vigorous. Each of these assumptions is susceptible of rather careful examination. 118. The stay-sheet of a Jacobs-Shupert boiler consists of a com- paratively thin plate extending from the firebox to the shell of the boiler. From the mud-ring upward it is pierced at regular intervals with ports which are approxtmately 3 inches square. The bridge between the ports is normally 3.5 inches in width. Actual dimensions taken from the stay- sheet of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler which was tested, show the port loca- tion and area to be as follows: Port No. 1, center 2.0’" above mud-ring, area 11.0 sq. in. DS et 9.0" 8.3 i ee ae 3, oe 15.5” se ee “ee 8.6 we oe oe SAG OE SOO (i SS iy 2 SOEs me he re FOB bs SE fa He SOROS ia ee Osea 35.0” ba ra i Oe ee pe Re AG, ee SAUER a Sa a en al OnLy he ie: Be Oey ee 48.0” bs A se SOLD. Saat Pose es 54.5" - ee = 109" LOS 62.5" a cf “16.5% eee SIN 68.77 ef mi “18.0% Portarea in water-leg of one side.......... 11.38)" Total area of ports in water space of boiler... ..223.6 ° 118 CIRCULATION OF WATER IN BOILERS These ports are entirely in the water space. Above them are others much larger which are in both the water and steam space. Assuming, then, that vigorous longitudinal currents are to be provided for in the water-leg of a locomotive boiler, the design in question provides a portage <(i{i7¢—-——h- yy (HE = — =Ih- (i—-— il) 2 = 1 = Sa a 2 | = fe {_—ay* {ii - — TM} SU peel es Lt Ee | Radial-Stay Boiler. Jacobs-Shupert Boiler. Fig. 107.—Horizontal section of water-leg of radial-stay and Jacobs-Shupert boilers. Radial-Stay Boiler. Jacobs-Shupert Boiler. Fic. 108.—Vertical section of water-leg of radial-stay and Jacobs-Shupert boilers. which, under a head as small as a hundredth of a foot, will suffice to pass a volume of water equal to that contained by the boiler in about 70 seconds. 119. A discussion of this question so far as it relates to the Jacobs- Shupert boiler, usually leads to comparisons between that type of boiler 119 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOTLER and the radial-stay type, and the fact that in the radial-stay boiler there are obstructions to the fore and aft movement of water is often neglected. It may be that thickly-set stay-bolts impede the free fore and aft move- ment of water as much as stay-sheets. The clear space between the stay- bolts is greater than the port openings in the stay-sheets, but there are two and a quarter courses of stay-bolts where there is one stay-sheet. Fig. 107 presents a horizontal section of the water-leg of the two types of boilers. It shows in’ plan the ob- structions which in each type of boiler impede the horizontal movement of water. Fig. 108 presents a similar comparison of vertical sections. While it is clear that the largest: openings are in the radial-stay boiler, the differences are not great. This state- ment is emphasized by a comparison of photographic views of actual boilers (Figs. 38 and 41). 120. Thus far the argument has been addressed to those who insist upon the presence in the water-leg of Fic. 109.—Crown-sheet of Jacobs-Shupert boiler, showing smooth, unobstructed, finely curved surface for ascending or less horizontal in direction. Leav- currents of water. ing this question for a moment, it will be of interest to observe the superior advantages presented by the Jacobs- Shupert boiler in facilitating the movement of water in a vertical direction. The water space about a Jacobs-Shupert firebox presents broad unob- structed channels, permitting freedom in the vertical movement of water, which have no counterpart in the stay-bolt boiler. Differences in dimen- sions are shown by the drawings presented as Fig. 107, which are to scale. A better understanding of the excellence of the surface over which the ascending currents sweep is given by Fig. 109 which is a view over the crown of a firebox section between two stay-sheets. In the radial-stay construction, an area similar to that shown would present two rows of stay-bolts extending out from the sheet which in the Jacobs-Shupert con- the boiler of strong currents more struction presents a smooth, unobstructed, finely curved surface. 121. The paucity of facts available concerning the movement of water about the firebox of a locomotive boiler led to an early determination on the part of the Jacobs-Shupert company to undertake an experimental study of the matter. In the development of its plans the well-known consulting engineer, Mr. George L. Fowler, was retained to conduct the proposed investigation. Mr. Fowler entered upon the work with enthu- siasm. He skilfully devised a method of procedure and he designed and secured the construction of special apparatus which he afterward used at 120 CIRCULATION OF WATER IN BOILERS JACOBS— RADIAL JACOBS — RADIAL SHUPERT STAY SHUPERT STAY 1” from Inside Face of Side Sheet 3" from Inside Face of Side Sheet 15% Hole No.3 No.3 ~! Velocity-Ft. per Sec, 9 s > ai wo a 9: No.8 @No.7 No.8 “bNo.8 No.7 No.8 R 2 S ai “ 0, e 0.79 e09 te ee of Nol? No.12 @— eNo.12 0.12@¢ \ 2" from Inside Face of Side Sheet 4” from Inside Face of Side Sheet aS LS SE No.3 é mr wD | a 8 > No.8 en 3b ¢. 5 8 No.8, @No.7 oO. é oO. No. ont oO tof 0. oN oO ¢ G > ge 0.75 0.46 No.12% No.12 <— No.12@— Fic. 110.—Diagram showing velocity of mixture in feet per second in different portions of water-leg. the testing laboratory in Coatesville. Mr. Fowler assumed the responsi- bility for all that he undertook to do and is entitled to all the credit for the results achieved. What he did and how he did it is all described in his report, a brief summary of which is presented in the succeeding para- graphs. A complete transcript of Mr. Fowler’s report concludes this chapter. 122. In preparation for Mr. Fowler’s work, the water-leg, both of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and of the radial-stay boiler, was drilled with fifteen holes regularly located at points chosen for exploration. The holes were filled when not in use by a l-inch pipe plug (Fig. 112). It is to be regretted that in the time allowed for the work actual observations could only be taken at holes 3, 7, 8, and 12 of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and at holes 3, 8, and 12 of the radial-stay boiler. By the methods employed by Mr. Fowler, and fully described by him in the report which follows, an exploring tube with an opening at right angles to its axis was connected with a suitable manometer gage. This tube was inserted at the point to be investigated. By turning the exploring tube on its axis and observing the indications of its gage, the direction of the flow could be ascertained. The tube was inserted through a stuffiing-box and _ its initial end could be made to occupy any position along the line of its axis between the firebox sheet and the outside sheet of the boiler. The results as to direction are shown graphically, and as to velocity, both graphically and numerically, by Fig. 110. Concerning the inconsistencies 12] TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER which are here apparent, Mr. Fowler ealls attention to the fact that ‘the records of the angle of flow must not be taken as positive or fixed.’ The observations for direction of flow were not taken simultaneously with those for velocity. The fact is, as Mr. Fowler himself makes clear, that the work he has done is to be accepted only as the beginning of a solution of a very complicated problem. 123. It should be very clear from these statements that no useful result will follow an attempt to compare values obtained from the Jacobs- Shupert boiler with corresponding values from the radial-stay boiler. Neither as to direction nor velocity of flow are the values given absolute or comparable. Since all circulation is in response to the application of heat, the velocity of flow and for some points in the boiler, the direction also must depend upon the rate of power at which the boiler is operating. Since, also, the introduction of cold water must tend to suppress upward currents and stimulate downward currents, a full interpretation of any set of values must specify whether the injector is in operation or other- wise. Observations to determine the precise characteristics of the cir- culation, to possess comparative value, must be taken when all of these controlling conditions are maintained. Mr. Fowler’s observations upon the radial-stay boiler were made during the progress of efficiency tests Nos. B—405—R, B—406—R, B—407—R, B—502—R, the results of which are elsewhere reported. His observations on the Jacobs-Shupert boiler were made after the boiler had been transferred to the site of the low-water tests, where it was especially operated for his work. The fact that Mr. Fowler makes no attempt to connect the results he observed with the rate of evaporation or with any other factor which could be accepted as a measure of the activity of the process within the boiler, is an indica- tion that he regarded the data which it was possible for him to secure in the time allotted, as insufficient for such a purpose. 124. But notwithstanding the limitations which must be placed about them, Mr. Fowler’s results constitute a distinct contribution to the sum of knowledge and are of tremendous significance. They show, for exam- ple,”"almost a complete absence of any fore and aft movement of the water. His conclusion upon this point is as follows: “T think that if this matter were to be examined to a finality, it would be found that there is a regular slow movement from front to back, broken throughout the whole course by violent agitation and innumerable cross currents, but that in no place are these currents torrential nor is the steam movement itself very rapid.” That is, Mr. Fowler finds no evidence to show that the water at the bottom of the boiler is pushing backward and in the upper part forward. His observations seem to sustain the very rational assumption that enough water passes back from the barrel to the water-legs of the boiler to make good that which the firebox evaporates, and no more. Since the firebox 122 CIRCULATION OF WATER IN BOILERS evaporates from 30 to 50 per cent. of the water handled by the boiler, a similar percentage of the total feed must, in the case of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler, find its way through the ports in the forward stay-sheet. Some of this water is evaporated before the second stay-sheet is reached. With the passage of each section, the backward flow diminishes until at the last stay-sheet only enough passes to supply that which the last section evaporates. Obviously, an aggregate port area of 1°5 square feet is quite sufficient to pass from 30 to 50 per cent. of the water which the injector delivers through a 2-inch or a 2'%-inch pipe. 125. The conclusion that the fore and aft movement of water in a locomotive boiler is no greater than is necessary to convey from the front of the boiler, where it is delivered, that portion of the feed which is to be evaporated by the heating-surface which is farther back, is amply con- firmed by the experience gained in running the evaporative tests of Series A. It will be remembered that in these tests, both the Jacobs-Shupert boiler and the radial-stay boiler were fitted with a water-tight partition, absolutely closing off the barrel of the boiler from the firebox end. In this case, whatever circulation there was in the barrel could only involve barrel water, and whatever circulation there was in the firebox end could only involve the water of that end. Obviously, there was no chance here for the longitudinal movement of water, and yet, under these conditions, not the least difficulty was experienced with either boiler in working the rate of evaporation up to more than 10 pounds of water per foot of heat- ing-surface per hour, that is, to a rate of power which upon the road would be regarded as normal. 126. All this should make clear the fact that the ports in the stay- sheets of the Jacobs-Shupert boiler have a very minor function to per- form. Not only are they, as now designed, entirely sufficient, but the thermodynamic performance of the boiler could not suffer in any way if they were reduced to a small percentage of their present area. 127. The full report of Mr. George L. Fowler is as follows: New York, June 12, 1912. Pror. W. F. M. Goss, Urbana, III. Dear Str—In accordance with instructions received from you in your letter of October 3, 1911, I have made an investigation into the rapidity of the circulation of the mass of the liquid at a number of points of each of the two boilers which you have been testing for the Jacobs-Shupert Firebox Company. The apparatus used for this purpose was designed to measure the velocity and direction of flow as well as the quality of the mass of the liquid at different points of the water-leg of the firebox. It is shown dia- grammatically in the accompanying print. The principle of its operation is that of measuring the impact of the flow of the mass in the water-leg upon the mouth of a Pitot tube, by means of the elevation of a liquid heavier than water in a U-tube, and afterward determining the quality of the liquid, that is, the proportions of contained water and steam by means 123 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER of samples led off into a barrel calorimeter. The Pitot tubes were inserted in the firebox at the points where it was desired to make the measurements, and could be moved to and fro through suitable stuffing boxes so that the opening could be placed at any point between the two sheets. At the same time it was revolvable so as to be turned to face in any direction. The construction of the apparatus in detail was as follows: The Pitot tube G (Fig. 111) was inserted in the water-leg and was con- nected by means of the flexible pipe C with the top of a water-glass F. From the bottom of the water-glass F another flexible tube B ran to the bot- tom of the water-glass E; while from the top of the water-glass E, a third flexible tube, A, ran to a point in the firebox below the water-line. The flexible pipe B and the two water-glasses formed a U-tube which was filled Fic. 111.—Apparatus for measuring boiler circulation. to the center of the glasses with tetrachloride of carbon that was colored red and whose specific gravity is exactly 1.6. It was evident that, with connec- tions to the boiler as shown, the liquid will stand at the same height in each of the two glasses so long as the pressure above the tetrachloride of carbon in each leg remains the same, but if the pressure on either leg exceeds that of the other, the tetrachloride in the leg of the higher pressure will be cor- respondingly depressed. This increase of pressure was secured by turning the Pitot tube, and when it faced directly into the stream, it would pro- duce the greatest pressure at the top of the glass F, with a corresponding depression of the tetrachloride in that leg. For convenience of entering the boiler fifteen holes were drilled in the side of the firebox. They were in three rows, five in a row and numbered, for the sake of identification, as shown in the accompanying print Fig. 112. The Pitot tubes were used; those holes not occupied being plugged. 124 CIRCULATION OF WATER IN BOILERS After a reading had been taken, the valve H was closed and the valve I opened. This cut the pressure off from the top of the water-glass F, and allowed the mixture of steam and water entering the Pitot tube to flow into the water partially filling the barrel calorimeter K, when from the temperature ranges before and after the admission of the liquid from the boiler together with the pressure existing at the time as read from the steam gage, it was possible to determine the percentage of steam and water entering into the mixture as it existed at the mouth of the Pitot tube in the water-leg. From this the specific gravity of the mass could be calculated. Then with the head produced by the difference in the levels of the tetrachloride of carbon and the specific gravity of the liquid whose impact caused that difference of level, the velocity of the liquid can be calcu- lated. This is the method followed in all of my observations and which are tabulated on the accompanying sheets. (Tables 6 and 7.) >) n A 0 A rn A ARIE 5 4 3 2 1 ° ° ° ° ° 10 9 8 7 6 ° ° ° ° 15 14 13 12 11 |— ° ° ° 3 Oo Fic. 112.—Side elevation and section of firebox showing location of holes for circulation tests. The heat (B. t. u.) given is for that above 32 degrees Fahr. The column headed “Angle of Flow,” indicates the observed angle at which the mass was moving at the time of the observation. It is measured in the direction of the movement of the hands of a watch starting with 0 for the vertical downward movement. Then 90 degrees would be hori- zontally from the front to the back; 180 degrees vertically upward, and 270 degrees horizontally from the rear to the front. The “Specific Gravity of the Mass” denotes the specific gravity of the combined mass of steam and water. The “Velocity of the Mass” is the velocity which a mass of the corre- sponding specific gravity would have to have in order, by its impact on the mouth of the Pitot tube, to cause the difference in the level of the tetra- chloride as observed. The “Velocity of the Steam,” given in the last column, is the velocity that steam of the pressure existing in the boiler at the time of the observa- tion would have to have in order to cause the observed difference in the levels of the tetrachloride. 125 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER These velocities are calculated on the basis of the elevation of a mass Whose specific gravity is 0.6, for this reason. The specific gravity of the tetrachloride is 1.6. The 1 is balanced by the superincumbent weight of water in each leg of the U-tube, leaving only the .6 to be moved by the impact on the Pitot tube. In handling the apparatus and making the observations here recorded, the differences in level of the tetrachloride were first observed. Then water and steam were blown through the piping, leading to the calori- meter, sufficient to heat it, after which it was turned into the barrel for the measurement of its heat values. The records of the angles of flow must not be taken as positive and fixed. The figures given are for the approximate average inclination of the flow. As a matter of fact it shows every evidence of constant varia- tion, sometimes through angles approximately 45 degrees for the higher velocities, and this together with other general indications have led me to the opinion that there is much agitation in a boiler, with comparatively little circulation or progressive movement of the water. I think that if the matter were to be examined to a finality it would be found that there is a regular slow movement from front to back, broken throughout the whole course by violent agitation, and innumerable cross currents, but that in no place are these currents torrential nor is the steam movement itself very rapid, while in some places there is a true circulation, that is, the water follows a definite path returning to a previous position. An example of this is found in the tests at hole 8 of the radial-stay boiler on June 4. At one inch from the inside sheet there was an upward flow of 1.71 feet per second; at two inches the flow was still nearly vertical; at three inches there was a neutral point at which no movement could be detected; while, at four inches or near the outer sheet, there was a vertical movement downward. The same thing is observable with the Jacobs- Shupert firebox at holes 7 and 8, but without the indication of a neutral zone devoid of flow. There are some peculiarities in the observations that I cannot attempt to account for because of the limited data. For example, in the observa- tion at hole 12 of the radial-stay boiler, the three records of the third, show a constantly increasing percentage of steam in the mixture from the inner sheet to the outer. This is checked by the observations on the fourth, except that the one at four inches from the sheet, which is farther out than that of the third, shows a falling off as the outer sheet is approached. This same condition, though not so markedly, appears in the Jacobs- Shupert boiler at hole 7. As for the general character of the water movement, there is, in the radial-stay boiler an entire absence, so far as my observations went, of eddy or reverse currents. The movement is either vertical or back from front to rear, whereas in the Jacobs-Shupert firebox, with the general movement the same, there was one hole where the movement was from the rear to the front, evidently due to eddies set up by the stay-plates. In calculating these velocities corresponding to the heights, I have taken it that these heights or differences of level vary as the impinging mass and that the squares of the velocities vary inversely as the mass. You will observe that the percentages of steam are less in the Jacobs-Shupert boiler than in the radial-stay. From the dates you can determine the probable rates of evaporation in the radial-stay, from your 126 BOILERS WATER IN OF CIRCULATION S186 19° G6 OL 86 Ss" 00° 00°0 elit o0'¢ 60'S 6L°8 6L'L 00° og 40° 00°L Tg'2 6F OL 0074 £9" 06 anooags udd “La NI WVaQLS 40 ALI -OOTHA 98°3 | LO's) 093] LBS | co" 00° 6h OF -OOTHA TEC” 0&6" LPG" 086° St6" 186° St6" 6F6" F96" L96° 086° 618° L¥8° 866" S68" 0g8" SSVIL 0 ALIAVUD O1ldIogdds oF So o mm HO OD 0 Dro hr oa OS™ Ww 9 Oo Oo HH eo 2 + mo oH a = “ST SSVIL WVaLS 20 GOVINO “und SIo S06 S16 066 O16 OTS S06 £06 S06 OLT Ost 066 SST O6L 066 006 “Sat auos “Saud uadtTiow O8T O8T GLI &6 06 06 06 O8T ool OST gg 06 06 LPT O8T MAOTA @IONV LLE | SLE‘OL | 9°23 FOL | SLES O1F | OTSST | 0°88 901 | 0098 BF | SELSLT | (0° OF Bal | 9° E8E SIF CFOS | OFF | S1ssI | O0' 988 FOP «| F6S'6L | 9° 8h G31 | 0° 886 FF BESTS | OBS | 28s | O' BRE ost FOS | O'S | S{8BI_ 0° 00F OIF | segs | O'S¢ Sst | 0°96 COF SIFOL | SOF | S{8IL | 9 OTF OOF | SIFIT | ¢°83 | %00T | ¢'98s oss =| FOL'SE | 9°68 8IL | 0 998 SOF =| oFS‘SE | 9 FF OIL | ¢'9LE L6F =| SoT‘ss | g'0¢ G3L | 0 SbF ELE | OSGLT | O'8E FIL | O FSF lf | F90‘8L | OFF | 24SLL | O'8FF SLE | OFG‘EL | 9 6% 901 | 0° 09F G6F | SLEGI | ¢' 68 FIL | 0° OFF ae ‘AL ‘a eanvil ‘UHYa | ‘SaT “AL ‘a IVLOL AO “dW WHSIAM LADITM uagtTiog WOU UALAWNIUOTVYD 9 1981 (ss | 0088 9L 0'8Ts 88 g 1S 88 0° FE 98 ¢ 66 88 0°98 88 0° 8S 98 O° LFS 68 0° 9L8 8L 0°89 88 ¢ 91g 98 0° BES S18 9 FOS 68 0° 91F a8 0° F0F ws S 18t 8L | $ 00F “MHVA “SaT “dL LHOIGM UALV AL 241-K1 T a XN oN CoE Eats o Le 7 90 \g0 SCO mat SO NAS PN AN IN AN o@\ oo EN AN SQHONI ‘qano-n NI dINdITt 40 | LHW | e418 818 & S@HONT ‘LOGHS @dIsNri Wout GONV. -sIa manne ol ol ol ol @IOH 10 ‘ON WATIOd AVLS-TVIGVA NI NOILVTNOUID AO SNOILVAYASAO AO STIV.LAG » IFC) ” WV ¢FS | goung » 616 ” » POT 3 ‘Wd 0€'T | * » PRIT a » OO ” » OOTT ” | » 8 °OT) ” WY ST'6 | Foune » 96S » é xn Wdtoe! cas WY ¢§ oune | aw | ava R \ 4 BOILE RT \ 4 4 SHUPI S ACOBS J 0 | ‘ ag : at f ee We 99° | 616 sol O61 0 SOF SOLsI 00 SIL ¢'FLE +6 o TTS 4 é & > SBI] a, o6 L68" ¢'6 O6L | OGT LEF II@FI «6¢te | SIL ¢ FSS cs 0 aes My I g » O66T) 45 66 oo6 CF 008 0 90F LOFLI (0 SF | OoL Iss 798 ¢° 86s y t L » OOCI] ,, lL o96" OF Cle 0 OOF EsSFlL fos | OIL | O' 98s 68 o' 6TS oo g L » S@Tl] 4 GL Lt 69 Were O61 St LOST 0 SF | eq8ll 0° S68 8 0° 0¢s SE é L 3 (ROSTER | cy, as SL 6o'1 $96" 6S 0% OST 10F 868'FS 089 OTT 0 90F ¢9 O° FTE 4% | I L wv CF oT soune 18°F ct 196 CF fso | SIE SOF OLe6T SLE | Sat 0 0LE 8 gees , fF & ra APSE Se) es 66°8 o16 PF COL cL 696 OOL6L =o FS | CIL 0°86 8L ¢ Sts 4 é él » Ose 3 6°11 alt £6 ae C2B C&S Slt loset = g LE oIL = ¢ 186 18 0 FFE Se I ol 3. OS * 60° OI 16 £16 C3 Ole 0 686 OSS'OT LaF BOL | OOF FTLL gees | Tt + 8 oUF | 3s co'¢ L¢ OT6 s¢ G06 0 80T OLS FL ¢°96 | SOL ¢'F9S 9b | osss | 28 | § 8 3 Of | ss es +9 OL6 Ld coe | (O9T 08 esV'IL 0 6B | FG TBOL OO 8%E FB 0668 | va é ae ee a0 TL st Sts Sol OLT | OST 1¢t 9OO'SL 0 BF OIL O'8LE Lh 018s iy I 8 Wad (OE | Zounr = ae ‘uud SSVIV wae sat ee en wavy eas sae ea ei came taane | | “La NI ‘La NI IO IWYaLS quas Soe : aes | IVLOL Soave a | “dNGL [aoe ‘d WAL | eHOTAL Irs NI e ACISNT a@10H | sie | ae IVVaLS SsvIv ATIAVED: : 10 “said aTONY ia a —| Se see 2 aa dInNdIT Wout 40 °ON | i. | JO XLT HO ALI OMIOddS % INFO YaATIOd iO GONVL | “DOTHAN “udd | Uuavog Woy YALAWINOIWY MLV AL LHSIGH | -sId £1921 YATIOd LYAMNHS-SHOOVE NI NOILWTNOUID JO SNOILVAYASAO AO STIVLAG 128 CIRCULATION OF WATER IN BOILERS other tests with the Jacobs-Shupert the evaporation is estimated to have been about 12 pounds per square foot of heating surface per hour. And the boiler was being fed with water at a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahr. The rate of movement, too, was more rapid with the radial-stay than with the Jacobs-Shupert, but in both cases the movement was so slow that no criticism can be offered as to the checking of the flow by the stay plates of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox. Evidently, from the rate of flow and the percentage of steam contained in the water, there was ample opportunity for the water to come back and completely fill the leg. Incidental to this, I observed that a change in the rate of steam flow through the exhausting pipes would have its effect on the velocity of the currents in the water-leg of the firebox. The opening of the safety-valve, for example, would increase the speed at once. While when the pressure was being raised, the water seemed quite stagnant. In order to ascertain the likelihood of there being a straight flow of cold water from the front to the rear over the top of the foundation ring, a thermometer was placed at the back lower corner of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox on the eighth, when being driven as already indicated and using feed water at a temperature of about 70 degrees Fahr. When the boiler was at work under 215 pounds’ pressure the observed temperature at this point was 380 degrees Fahr., or only 13 degrees below the boiling point at that pressure. This indicating either a circulation through hot portions of the boiler before reaching the back end of the water-leg, or an agitation of the water en route and its mingling with quantities of steam or hot water by which its temperature was raised. The tests cannot be regarded as conclusive because of their meager- ness, but they indicate that neither the water nor steam velocities of a locomotive firebox are high, and that the opening in the stay-plates of the Jacobs-Shupert firebox are quite sufficient to admit the water in ample quantities to all parts of the water-leg. Finally I wish to suggest that many of the seeming inconsistencies of these observations may be attributed to the interval of time between them. This ran for fifteen minutes to forty-five minutes in which there was ample time and opportunity for such changes to occur in direction of flow and rate of evaporation as to fully account for the actual changes observed. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) Geo. L. Fow rer. 129 AIT. Experimental Methods and Observed and Computed Results 128. There is presented in this chapter as Tables 8 to 30, inclusive, the full exhibit of observed and calculated results derived from the evapo- rative tests. Series A (Tables 8 to 19) consists of 21 tests, and for each of these the water and steam record is presented separately for the barrel and the firebox end. Series B (Tables 20 to 30) consists of 19 tests. This gives a total of 40 tests reported. The facts associated with these tests are presented under 125 headings. Each of these column headings bears a number, and throughout the text, whenever tables are used, any given col- umn number always refers to the same heading. 129. In general the methods employed have been those outlined by the code for conducting boiler trials of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The observed data tabulated have been corrected in so far as necessary in accordance with calibrations of the instruments in question. The Steam Tables of Marks and Davis have been employed. 130. That no one may be in doubt as to the significance of any item given, the tables are preceded by concise explanations of the manner in which the values of each column were obtained. This is as follows: Table 8, Tests Series A, and Table 20, Tests Series B General Conditions 131. Column 1. Designation of Test.—This column appears upon each of the tables as a cross reference. The first term of this designation indicates the series to which the test belongs, the second, the number given the test, and the third, the boiler upon which the test was made. Thus, the designation for the first test reported upon Table 8 is A-1—J, which indicates that this test belongs to Series A, has been given the laboratory number 1 and was conducted upon the Jacobs-Shupert boiler. Column 2. Date of Test. Column 3. Duration of Test, Hours.—In general it was sought to have the duration of oil-fired tests such as would result in the consump- tion of from 4,000 to 6,000 pounds of oil. In like manner it was sought to have all tests during which coal was used of such duration that approxi- mately 10,000 pounds of coal would be burned. For the low and medium power tests, it will be noted that from 8,000 to 11,000 pounds of coal were burned. For the high power tests, it was found impossible for a single fireman to handle to the best advantage more than 6,000 or 7,000 pounds of coal at the necessary rate of firing. On this account it was deemed 130 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS advisable to limit the tests to such a length as would permit one fireman to work through an entire test. For high power test No. B-209-R, only 3,672 pounds of coal were fired. This test was closed at the end of 40 minutes on account of injector trouble. Column 4. Power.—This column will be of service in indicating approximately the load carried by the boiler. For Series A, the terms “Low,” “Medium,” and “High” indicate approximately an equivalent evaporation per square foot of heating-surface for the entire boiler per hour of 4, 7, and 10 pounds, respectively. In like manner for Series B the same terms indicate rates of 5, 10, and 15 pounds of equivalent evaporation per square foot of heating-surface per hour. Column 5. Furnace.—This column appears only upon Table 20 relative to Series B, indicating whether or not the firebox was equipped with a brick arch. During Series A the fireboxes were without arches dur- ing all tests. A description of the arches as installed during Series B wil] be found in paragraph 74, page 77. Column 6. Barometric Pressure, Pounds per Square Inch. Column 7. Boiler Pressure, Gage, Pounds per Square Inch.—During Series A the boiler pressure was recorded b oth for the firebox end and the barrel end of the boiler. In all tests, however, the average values for the two portions of the boiler were found to be the same and are so recorded, The location of the gages and arrangement of piping showing the method by which the pressure was equalized between the two ends of the boiler are shown in Figs. 47 and 48, pages 58 and 59. Column 8. Temperature of the Laboratory, Degrees Fahr., is the average of observations taken upon an ordinary dry-bulb thermometer at 10-minute intervals. Column 9. Temperature of Laboratory by Wet-Bulb Thermometer, Degrees Fahr., is the average of observations taken upon a stationary wet- bulb thermometer at 10-minute intervals. Column 10. Temperature of Outside Air, Degrees Fahr. Column 11. Temperature of Smoke-Box Gases, Degrees Fahr., was determined by means of thermo-couples, the location of which is indicated in Fig. 49, page 59. Column 12. Draft Back of Diaphragm, Inches of Water. Column 13. Draft Front of Diaphragm, Inches of Water.—For the high power tests of Series B mercury manometers were used to determine the draft in front of the diaphragm. In all other cases water manometers were used in making draft determinations. Fig. 52, page 61, shows the location of draft gages in connection with one of the boilers. 13] TESTS OF A JACOBS -SHUPERT BOTLER Table 9, Tests Series A, and Table 21, Tests Series B Fuel 132. Column 14. Total Oil Burned, Pounds.—The oil used was obtained from the Sun Company, Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, and has been referred to as “close cut.” It is stated that it had been specially treated for the removal of sulphur. Its analysis is given in Table 16, page 152. Oil was delivered to a weighing tank set upon platform scales from which it passed to a calibrated storage tank and thence by gravity to the oil burner. Figs. 50 and 51, page 60, show the arrangement of the oil tanks. The amount of oil burned, as shown by the calibration of the storage tank, was recorded every 20 minutes. Column 15. Oil per Hour, Pounds = column 14 + column 3. Column 16. Kind of Coal.—Two kinds of coal were used during the lests, Sealp-Level and Dundon Gas coal. The Sealp-Level coal was mined in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, and may be described as a short flame coal. The Dundon Gas coal, a long flame coal, was mined at Widen, West Virginia, on the line between Clay and Nicholas counties. For those tests marked “hand-picked”? lumps from 2 to 3 inches in diameter and larger were used, the larger lumps being broken to size suitable for firing. For test No. B-406-R coal which had been left from previous tests was run over a 14-inch screen, thus removing a large portion of the very fine coal which would otherwise have been unduly large for this particular test. Upon Tables 15 and 26, pages 148 and 159, will be found chemical analyses of the coal employed, and upon Tables 17 and 28, pages 150 and 161, will be found their calorific values. Column 17. Coal as Fired, Total, Pounds.—All coal fired was weighed on platform scales and distributed to the storage bins, two in number. The fireman drew his supply from one bin for the check period of twenty minutes. At the end of that time any coal remaining was weighed back and the bin credited with same. The supply was then drawn from the re- maining bin for the next check period. In this way each bin was in service every alternate twenty minutes. Fig. 53, page 61, shows the arrange- ment of scales for weighing coal and ash. As each coal barrow was brought into the building a shovel of coal was taken from it and deposited in a con- tainer. At the end of the test this sample was mixed and quartered, one- quarter being placed in a shallow iron pan and covered. Weighings of this sample before and after drying gave determinations as to accidental mois- ture. After the accidental moisture determination had been made _ the sample was again mixed, crushed and quartered until a suitable sized sample was obtained which was placed in an air-tight container and for- warded to the chemical laboratory. Column 18. Coal as Fired per Hour, Pounds, = column 17 + column 3. METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS Column 19. Coal as Fired per Square Foot of Grate per Hour, Pounds, = column 18 + grate surface, square feet. Column 20. Moisture Free Coal, Total, Pounds, = column 17 x (1 — (column 80 + 100)). Column 21. Moisture Free Coal per Hour, Pounds, = column 20 + column 3. Column 22. Moisture Free Coal per Square Foot of Grate per Hour, Pounds, = column 21 + grate surface, square feet. Table 10, Tests Series A, and Table 22, Tests Series B Fuel (Continued) 133. Column 23. Total Ash, Pounds.—The ashes were drawn from the ash-pan from time to time as the test progressed and weighed at the con- clusion of the test. A shovel full of ashes was taken from each barrow load after being weighed and placed in a container. This gross sample was then mixed, crushed, and quartered until a suitable sized sample remained which was forwarded to the chemical laboratory for analysis. Column 24. Total Stack Cinders, Pounds.—A portion of the stack cinders was collected by means of a spark-trap the nozzle of which extended over the stack. The position of this nozzle, which was deter- mined by a graduated quadrant, permitted collecting sparks from four representative portions of the outflowing stream. The weighed portions so collected were used as a basis for the determination of the total sparks emitted. Fig. 56, page 64, shows the arrangement of the spark-trap as attached to the stack. Column 25. Moisture and Ash Free Coal Fired, Pounds, = column 17 x (1 — ((column 80 + column 83) +100)). Column 26. Moisture and Ash Free Coal Fired per Hour, Pounds, = column 25 + column 3. Column 27. Moisture and Ash Free Coal Consumed, Pounds, = column 25 — (column 23 x column 100 + 100) — (column 24 x column 99 + 100). Column 28. Moisture and Ash Free Coal Consumed per Hour, Pounds, = column 27 + column 3. Column 29. Per Cent of Ash in Terms of Moisture Free Coal, = (column 23 + column 20) x 100. Column 30. Per Cent of Stack Cinders in Terms of Moisture Free Coal, = (column 24 + column 20) x 100. Column 31. Steam Used by Oil Burner, Pounds.—The amount of steam used by the oil burner was determined by, passing it through a cali- brated orifice placed in the line leading to the burner. The drop in pres- sure at the orifice was determined by means of suitable pressure gages. Column 32. Steam Pressure, Atomizer of Oil Burner, Gage, Pounds per Square Inch.—The average of observations taken at 10-minute intervals. 133 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Tables 11 and 12, Tests Series A, and Table 23, Tests Series B Boiler Performance 134. Column 33. Temperature of Feed-Water, Firebox, Degrees Fahr. Column 34. Temperature of Feed-Water, Barrel, Degrees Fahr. Column 35. Temperature of Feed-Water, Degrees Fahr. All recorded feed-water temperatures are averages of observations taken at 10-minute intervals. Column 36. Water Fed to Boiler, Corrected, Pounds. Column 37. Water Fed to Boiler, Corrected, Firebox, Pounds. Column 38. Water Fed to Boiler, Corrected, Barrel, Pounds. Column 39. Water Fed to Boiler, Corrected, Total, Pounds.—The water fed to the boiler was measured in calibrated tanks provided with overflows to insure uniformity in filling. Four measuring tanks, two for each boiler, were used, each of which was supplied with a feed-water tank from which the injectors drew their supply. The arrangement of tanks is shown in Fig. 50, page 60. Each injector, of which there were four, had a separate measuring and feed-water tank. Observations were taken upon the heights of water in the feed-water tanks every twenty minutes, making possible the determination of the amount of water fed to the boiler for this interval. The overflow from each injector was received in a barrel and returned to its feed-water tank. During the tests of Series A with the partitioned boiler, one injector with its measuring and feed tanks supplied the firebox end of the boiler with water while another injector with its complement of tanks supplied the barrel end. The values given in columns 36, 37, and 38 have been corrected for leaks, which in the majority of tests amounted to nothing and in the other tests were very small and for differ- ences of water-level and steam pressure in the boiler at the beginning and end of the tests. All tests were so conducted as to make such differences and therefore the corresponding corrections as small as possible. Column 40. Water Fed to Boiler, Adjusted to Include Back Tube- Sheet as Part of Firebox, Firebox, Pounds. Column 41. Water Fed to Boiler, Adjusted to Include Back Tube- Sheet as Part of Firebox, Barrel, Pounds. Column 42. Water Fed to Boiler, Adjusted to Include Back Tube- Sheet as Part of Firebox, Total, Pounds.—Upon page 42, paragraph 42, will be found information relative to the heating-surface for firebox, barrel, and total for each of the two boilers. Where the term heating-surface appears in the following expressions it is expressed in square feet. The partitioned boiler as actually tested was so arranged that the heating- surface of the back tube-sheet was necessarily included as a part of the heating-surface of the barrel instead of as a part of the firebox heating- surface. In order that all results relative to evaporative performance which are affected by the division of the boiler into firebox end and barrel 134 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS end may be based upon the firebox heating-surface which includes the back tube-sheet and upon the barrel heating-surface which does not include the back tube-sheet the following assumption has been made: The equivalent evaporation per square foot of heating-surface of the back tube-sheet was equal to the equivalent evaporation per square foot of heating-surface of the remaining part of the firebox. In accordance with this assumption, column 40 = column 37 + (column 37 x heating-surface of back tube- sheet + (heating-surface of firebox — heating-surface of back tube-sheet)), column 41 = column 38 — (column 87 x (heating-surface of back tube- sheet + (heating-surface of firebox — heating-surface of back tube-sheet)) x (column 47 + column 48)), and column 42 = column 40 + column 41. It will be evident that the differences which exist between corresponding values in columns 39 and 42 are due to the slightly different conditions which existed for the firebox end and barrel end as to feed-water tempera- ture and quality of steam. All tabulated results relating to evaporative performance may be calculated either from columns 37, 38, and 39, taking into account the assumption made above, or may be calculated somewhat more readily from columns 40, 41, and 42. Column 43. Quality of Steam, Firebox. Column 44. Quality of Steam, Barrel. Column 45. Quality of Steam. The quality of steam was, in all cases, determined through the use of throttling calorimeters and the results are averages of observations taken at 10-minute intervals. Column 46. Factor of Evaporation. Column 47. Factor of Evaporation, Firebox. Column 48. Factor of Evaporation, Barrel—The factor of evapora- tion for a given test is the ratio of the heat supplied in producing a pound of steam from average feed-water temperature to average boiler pressure under average conditions of quality to the heat of vaporization of water at 212 degrees Fahr. Expressed algebraically this becomes, qt+ar—h 970 .4 where q = heat of liquid for average test conditions. x = average quality of steam. r = latent heat of vaporization for average test conditions. h = average heat in feed-water above 32 degrees Fahr. 970.4 = latent heat of vaporization of water at 212 degrees Fahr. and 14.7 pounds pressure per square inch. Column 49. Equivalent Evaporation, Firebox, Pounds, = column 47 x Column 40. Column 50. Equivalent Evaporation, Barrel, Pounds = column 48 x column 41. Column 51. Equivalent Evaporation, Total Pounds.—In Table 12 Series A this column = column 49 + column 50. In Table 23 Series B this column = column 36 xX column 46. 135 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Column 52. Equivalent Evaporation per Hour, Firebox, Pounds, = column 49 + column 3. Column 53. Equivalent Evaporation per Hour, Barrel, Pounds, = column 50 + column 3. Column 54. Equivalent Evaporation per Hour, Total, Pounds, = column 51 + column 3. Column 55. Equivalent Evaporation by Firebox, Per Cent of Total, = (column 49 + column 51) x 100. Column 56. Equivalent Evaporation per Square Foot of Heating- Surface per Hour, Firebox, Pounds.—The values in column 56 were cal- culated in accordance with the expression ((column 37 x column 47) + column 3) + ((heating-surface of firebox — heating-surface of back tube- sheet). These values are also equal to (column 52 + heating-surface of firebox). Column 57. Equivalent Evaporation per Square Foot of Heating- Surface per Hour, Barrel, Pounds, = column 53 + heating-surface in the barrel. Column 58. Equivalent Evaporation per Square Foot of Heating- Surface, per Hour, total Pounds = column 54 + total heating-surface. For Series A these values are also equal to ((column 37 x column 47) + (column 38 x column 48)) + (column 3 x total heating-surface). Table 13, Tests Series A, and Table 24, Tests Series B Boiler Performance (Continued) 135. Column 59. Boiler Horse-power Developed = column 54 + 34.5. Column 60. Ratio of Heating-Surface to Boiler Horse-power Devel- oped, Firebox, = firebox heating-surface + (column 52 + 34.5). Column 61. Ratio of Heating-Surface to Boiler Horse-power Devel- oped, Barrel, = barrel heating-surface + (column 53 + 34.5). Column 62. Ratio of Heating-Surface to Boiler Horse-power Devel- oped = total heating-surface + column 59. Column 63. Equivalent Evaporation per Pound of Fuel as Fired, Pounds, = column 51 + column 14, for all tests reported in Table 13 in which oil was used as fuel, and = column 51 + column 17, for all tests in which coal was used as fuel. Column 64. Equivalent Evaporation per Pound of Moisture Free Coal Fired, Pounds, = column 51 + column 20. Column 65. Equivalent Evaporation per Pound of Moisture and Ash Free Coal Consumed, Pounds, = column 51 + column 27. Column 66. B.t.u. Absorbed by Boiler per Pound of Oil = column 63 x 970.4. Column 67. B.t.u. Absorbed by the Boiler per Pound of Moisture Free Coal Fired = column 64 x 970.4. 136 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS Column 68. B.t.u. Absorbed by the Boiler per Pound of Moisture Free Coal Consumed = (column 70 x column 103) + 100. Column 69. Overall Efficiency, per cent.—This is the ratio of the heat units absorbed by the boiler to the heat units fired, = column 66 + column 101 for all tests reported in Table 13 in which oil was used as fuel, = column 67 + column 103 for all tests in which coal was used as fuel. Column 70. Efficiency of Boiler and Furnace Excluding Grate, per cent.—This is the ratio of the heat units absorbed by the boiler to the heat units which may be considered as rising from the grate, = (column 65 x 970.4) + column 104. Table 14, Tests Series A, and Table 25, Tests Series B Smoke-box Gases and Air Supply 136. Column 71. Gas Analysis, CO, per cent. by volume. Column 72. Gas Analysis, O., per cent. by volume. Column 73. Gas Analysis, CO, per cent. by volume. The gas analyses were made with the Orsat apparatus and are averages for continuous sam- ples. Fig. 52, page 61, shows the position of the gas sampling tubes. Where insufficient data regarding gas analyses or data that were obviously In error were secured these have been omitted from the tabulations. Column 74. Gas Analysis, N, per cent. by Volume = 100 — (column 71 + column 72 + column 73). Column 75. Dry Gas per Pound of Carbon Consumed, Pounds, = (4 x column 71 + column 72 + 700) + (3 x (column 71 + column 73)). Column 76. Dry Gas per Pound of Moisture Free Coal Fired, Pounds, = (column 75 xX column 85). Column 77. Air per Pound of Carbon Consumed, Pounds, = column 74 + (.33 x (column 71 + column 73)). Column 78. Air per Pound of Moisture Free Coal Fired, Pounds, = column 85 x column 77. Column 79. Ratio of Air Supplied to Theoretical Requirement = column 74 + (column 74 — (3.77 x column 72)). Table 15, Tests Series A, and Table 26, Tests Series B Chemical Analysis—Coal 137. The chemical analyses and determinations of calorific values for oil, coal, ash and stack cinders were made at the Pittsburgh laboratory of the United States Bureau of Mines. For the tests during which oil fuel was used one composite sample made up from separate samples for each test was analyzed and reported upon. For the tests during which coal was 137 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER burned one sample each of coal, ash, and stack cinders were submitted for each test, proximate analysis being made for each sample submitted and calorific determinations being made for all coal and stack cinder samples. Ultimate analyses were made for one sample of Scalp-Level coal and for one sample of Dundon coal. From the ultimate analyses submitted by the chemist an ultimate analysis was calculated for the coal of each test upon the basis of its ash and sulphur as shown by the proximate analysis for that sample and upon the assumption that the hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen bore the same quantitative relation to each other in all samples, namely, that shown by the single ultimate analysis. Column 80 to 89, inclusive, Chemical Analyses, obtained from the report of the chemist. Table 16, Tests Series A, and Table 27, Tests Series B Chemical Analyses—Stack Cinders—Ash—Oil 138. Columns 90 to 98, inclusive, Chemical Analyses, obtained from the report of the chemist. Table 17, Tests Series A, and Table 28, Tests Series B Calorific Values 139. Column 99. Per cent. of Combustible in Stack Cinders = column 91 + column 92. Column 100. Per cent. of Combustible in Ash = column 95 + column 96. Column 101 to 105, inclusive, Calorific Values by Oxygen Calorimeter, B.t.u., obtained from the report of the chemist. Column 106. Calorific Value per Pound of Ash, Estimated, B.t.u.,— for all tests during which Scalp-Level coal was burned column 106 = column 104 x (column 100 + 100) x 0.912 and for all tests during which Dundon coal was burned column 106 = column 104 x (column 100 + 100) x 0.945. The constants 0.912 and 0.945 appearing in these expres- sions were determined in the following manner. Upon examination of the calorific values submitted by the chemist for stack cinders it was found that the combustible contained in those cinders had a heating value uni- formly lower than the combustible in the coal from which the cinders orig- inated. In the case of the Scalp-Level coal tests the average calorific value of the combustible in the stack cinders was found to be 91.2 per cent. of the combustible in the coal. In the case of the Dundon coal tests the corresponding figure was found to be 94.5 per cent. These figures were employed in the above expression for computing the calorific value of the ash, thus assuming that the combustible in the ash was of substantially the same calorific value as the combustible in the stack cinders. 138 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS Table 18, Tests Series A, and Table 29, Tests Series B Heat Balance—British Thermal Units 140. Where insufficient data have been secured or data relative to gas analyses have been omitted the corresponding heat balances have also been omitted. The reliability of data relative to flue-gas analyses is not comparable with that of other portions of the data. Heat balances for all tests during which coal was burned for which sufficient data were secured are presented notwithstanding the fact that some of the results are obviously inconsistent. Column 107. B.t.u. per Pound of Moisture Free Coal = column 103. Column 108. B.t.u. absorbed by Boiler per Pound of Moisture Free Coal = column 67. Column 109. Loss Due to Moisture in Coal, B.t.u., = (column 80 + (100 — column 80)) x ((212 — column 8) + 970.4 + 0.47 x (column 11 — 212)). Column 110. Loss Due to Moisture in Air, B.t.u., = ((grains mois- ture per pound of air) + 7,000) x column 78 x (0.47 x (column 11 — column 8)). The number of grains of moisture per pound of air was deter- mined by means of psychometric tables and the data given in columns 8 and 9. Column 111. Loss Due to Hydrogen in Coal, B.t.u., = (column 84 +100) x9 x ((212 — column 8) + 970.4 + (0.47 x (column 11 — 212)). Column 112. Loss Due to Escaping Gases, B.t.u., = 0.24 x column 76 x (column 11 — column 8). Column 113. Loss Due to Incomplete Combustion, B.t.u., = (column 85 + 100) x (column 73 + (column 71 + column 73)) x 10,150. Column 114. Loss Due to Stack Cinders, B.t.u., = (column 24 + column 20) x column 105. Column 115. Loss Due to Ash, B.t.u., = (column 23 + column 20) x column 106. Column 116. Loss Due to Radiation and Unaccounted for, B.t.u., = column 107 — (column 108 + column 109 + column 110 + column 111 + column 112 + column 113 + column 114 + column 115). Table 19, Tests Series A, and Table 30, Tests Series B Heat Balance—Percentages 141. Column 117. Heat Absorbed by the Boiler, per cent., = (column 108 + column 107) x 100. Column 118. Heat Loss Due to Moisture in Coal, per cent., = (col- umn 109 + column 107) x 100. Column 119. Heat Loss Due to Moisture in Air, per cent., = (column 110 + column 107) x 100. 139 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER Column 120. Heat Loss Due to Hydrogen in Coal, per cent., = (col- umn 111 + column 107) x 100. Column 121. Heat Loss Due to Escaping Gases, per cent., = (column 112 + column 107) x 100. Column 122. Heat Loss Due to Incomplete Combustion, per cent., = (column 113 + column 107) x 100. Column 123. Ieat Loss Due to Combustible in Stack Cinders, per cent., = (column 114 + column 107) x 100. Column 124. Heat Loss Due to Combustible in Ash, per cent., = (column 115 + column 107) x 100. Column 125. Heat Loss Due to Radiation and Unaccounted for, per cent., = (column 116 + column 107) x 100. 140 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS GENERAL CONDITIONS TESTS SERIES A Table 8 | TEMPERATURE—DEGREES | FAHRENHEIT Dusne DESIGNA- he | MORE “ETRIC, | eae | LABORATORY | | nen OF | OF | POWER | Sonn |,8UR& |—— a ; BACK FRONT case | Eee || tae pee SUR [ume | oe ware| Ge, | Pee [Ore Ona a ew (eka AIR GASES | ins. of | ins. of MOM- MOM- water water | | | ETER | ETER 1 2 3 | 4 | 6 7 8 | 9 10 TT ||) xd 13 A- LJ | 3-18-12} 5.00 Low 14.6 216.4 | 72.0 70.9 68 455 | 1.2 1.5 A- 2S | 3-12-12) 3.67 | Medium 14.5 210.4 53.6 Site 37 566 | 1. 2.6 A- 3-3 | 3-20-12) 4.00 | Medium 14.6 | 215.2 57.9 | 56.6 61 562 | 2.0 3.0 A- 4-J | 3-11-12) 3.00 High 14.5 212.2 | 50.0 49 4 37 730 3.2 532 A- 5-J | 3-20-12} 3.00 | High 14.6 215.0 | 59.0 | 58.8 60 | 642 | 4.0 6.5 A- 6-R | 3-13-12; 5.00 Low 14.4 216.4 57.8 57 3% 49 473 0.9 1.2 A- 7-R 3-12-12) 3.00 Medium 14.5 211.7 | 49.5 eaten) “ee 598 | 2.0 2.8 \— 8-R , 3-16-12) 4.00 Medium 15.1 217.6 54.9 Ravin 44 582 2.0 2.6 A- 9-R | 3- 8-12) 3.00 High 14.3 214.8 53.0 52.3 41 O74 4.0 6.1 A-101-J | 3-29-12) 6.00 Low 14.3 217.6 68.6 oe ok 67 529 0.6 L.2 A-102-J | 4-— 3-12) 5.00 Low 14.5 215.1 47.0 46.0 49 562 0.8 1.3 A-103-J | 3-30-12) 3.83 Medium 14.7 217.0 49.9 47.9 50s} 44 A-104-J0 0 4- 3-12) 3.00 Medium 14.5 |) 214.1 42.6 Atos. ly) cade 581 | 2.1 4.2 A-105-J_ | 4- 1-12) 2.00 High 14.6 | 215.2 64.0 mane 59 617 | 3.2 7.3 A-106-3 | 4- 5-12, 2.00 High 14.7 Q14.0 | 56.1 49 4 55 639 | 3.3 6.7 A-107-R | 4— 4-12) 5.00 Low | 14.8 216.8 51.3 45.3, 46 602, 0.9 1.8 A-108-R | 3-28-12) 7.00 | Low | 14.6 | 217.0 61.5 61.2 59 499 | 0.6 1.1 A-109-R | 3-27-12) 4.00 Medium 14.6 215.6 | 56.9 55.8 57 | 572 | 1.9 3.4 A-110-R | 4— 2-12} 3.33 Medium 14.2 216.5 65.6 62 568 | 1.6 SA A-IILER | 4-11-12) 2.00 | High | 14.6 | 214.7 | 54.2 | 54.2 50 | «G18 3.9 77 AHR | 4 #12 2.00 | High | 14.8 214.2 56.1 | 48.9 51 615 | 3.2 6.4 141 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER | OIL DESIGNA- TION | OF TEST | TOTAL | PER HOUR pounds pounds a Se 1 | 44 15 A- 1-J 736 A- 2 1,453 A- 3J | 1,399 A- 43 | 2,156 AS J | 9,117 A- 6-R 790 A- 7-R 1,504 A- SR 1,440 A- 9-R 2.106 A-101-J | A-102-J |... feupesssi tots A-103-J3 | aN dsAar2S Hat ee A-104-F | o..c.. | esas. A-105-J | ..... A-106-J | aaa eh PUR ccce. wears A-108-R J sees [Petes A-109-R | oweces | ween A-110-R........ fpovseee BOVE |) asaee: WV (eeeea A=1ie-K | xssaue |i) eeees FUEL TESTS SERIES A Table 9 COAL AS FIRED MoIsturE FREE COAL ror | PER SQ.FT. PER SQ.FT. COAL TOTAL | PERHOUR|OFGRATE| TOTAL | PERHOUR | OF GRATE | pounds pounds | PERHOUR| pounds | pounds | PERHOUR pounds | pounds 16 17 18 19 20 | 21 22 | | sates erases sles ah eee es lil cee eee stalalanata | was tela sicuaaes Pena | Ske eth | ee) eae Jovsee aE, ee ee | ee | ae Scalp es 8,206 1,368 24.1 7,946 | 1,324 | 23.3 | Dundon 8,285 1,657 29.2 8,109 | 1,622 | 98.6 Scalp Level] 9,871 2.575 45.3 9,577 2,498 | 44.0 Dundon 9,269 3,090 54.4 8,969 2,990 52.6 Dundon 8,682 4,341 76.4 8,455 4,228 | 74.4 Dundon 8,929 4,465 78.6 8,783 4,392 | 77.3 Dundon 8,784 1,757 30.2 8,606 1,721 29. 6 Scalp Level) 10,165 1,452 25.0 10,040 1,434 24.7 ‘Scalp Level) 9,888 2,472 42.5 9,672 2,418 | 41.6 Dundon | 9,677 2,903 49.9 9,449 2,835 48.7 Dundon | 8,690 4,345 T4.7 8,500 4,250 73.1 Dundon 8,542 4,271 73.4 8,275 4,138 71.1 142 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS FUEL (Continued) TESTS SERIES A Table 10 PER Ee « | MOISTURE AND | MOISTURE AND | cENT CENT. STEAM ASH FREE COAL | ASH FREE COAL OF _OF PRES- ; STACK Ee oes 48H loinpens| UsED | “aT DESIGNATION pee CINDERS rnurs IN | BY ATOM- nen | pounds | TOTAL oa TERMS OIL IZER | oe mors- | yots- | pounds | BURNER TOTAL, | Sore | TOUAU | noe: | eRag | TUES Ibs. per pounds | pounds | POURdS | pounds | coaL ee odes 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A= 2J | 420 | 9.5 A- 2J | 262 | 7.6 A- 3-3 285 | 7.6 A= 44 | 193 | 6.2 A- 5-J 250 | 9.4 A- 6-R 351 | 7.3 A- 7B 932 | 8.5 A- 8&R | 305 | 8.2 A- 9-R ies ee eee Repke a) Ul) etevacey Bars babetvn ace 158 4.2 A-101-J 353 112 7,511 1,252 | 7,197 1,200 4.4 1.4 A-102-J 230 68 7,365 1,473 7,279 1,456 2.8 0.8 A-103-J3 365 492 9,109 2,376 8,456 2,206 3.8 5.1 A-104-J 270 70 7 A384 2,478 7,336 2,445 3.0 0.8 A-105-J 65 93 7,753 3,877 7,670 3,835 0.8 1.1 A-106-J3 218 93 8,015 4,008 7,900 3,950 2.5 1.1 A-107-R 315 87 7,870 1,574 7,774 1,555 Oat: 1.0 A-108-R 353 208 9,436 1,348 9,078 1,297 3.5 2.1 A-109-R 292 479 9,211 | 2,303 8,675 2,169 3.0 5.0 A-110-R 256 76 8,648 2,594 8,568 2,570 a1 0.8 A-111-R 229 61 7,557 | 3,779 7,465 3,733 Date 0.7 A-112-R 404 61 7,376 3,688 7,248 3,624 4.9 0.7 143 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER BOILER PERFORMANCE TESTS SERIES A Table 11 TEMPERA WATER FED TO a yap TE) PE LA ATE PE ce i BOILER Stk FACTOR OF Fre eo Watmte he Sau Pe Bea aael EVAPORATION DESIGNATION PART OF FI OF — = TEST fone aaa Seen ee TOTAL as eo TOTAL FIRE- BAR- FIRE- BAR- Geet dees Ibs. Ibs. lbs. tbs. Ibs. Ibs. BOX REL BOX REL 1 33 384 37 388 89 | 40 41 42 43 44 47 48 A- 1-J 53.8 538.5 | 22,145 26,376 48,521. 25,315 23,195 48,510 0.998 0.993 1.2119 1.2079 A- 2-J 45.3 45.0 27,440 38,801 66,241) 31,368 34,847 66,215 0.997 0.986 1.21911.2111 A- 3-J 55.7 | 55.3 | 26,733 42,468 69,201 30,559 38,635 69,194 0.995 0.9921.2078 1.2061 A- 4-J 43.7 43.1 25,083 48,951 74,034 28,674 45,307 73,981 0.997 0.9761.2223 1.2042 A- 5-J 55.7 54.4 24,315 47,676 71,991 27,796 44,182 71,978 0.997 0.991 1.2095 1.2052 A- 6-R 46.7 44.9 24,570 26,523 51,093 28,340 22,750 51,090 0.997 0.994.1.2198'1.2190 A- 7-R 46.8 44.9 20,804 33,086. 53,890 23,997 29,896 53,893 0.996 0.995 1.2181 1.2184 A- 8-R 49.5 46.8 31,181 40,043 71,224. 35,966 35,258 71,224 0.997) 0.995,1.2173)1.2178 A- 9-R 47.6 44.5 | 25,502 43,001 68,503 29,415 39,082 68,497 0.996 0.991/1.2179 1.2164 A-101-J 56. 56.6 26,705 45,547) 72,252 30,527 41,708 72,235 0.996 0.990 1.2087 1.2034 A-102-J 54.2 54.5 25,088 33,864 58,952 28,678 30,263 58,941 0.996 0.992 1.2106 1.2071 A-103-J 52.9 | 52.4 | 24,727 55,388 80,115 28,266 51,842 80,108 0.997) 0.993. 1.21341.2110 A-104-J 55.0 53.4 | 21,319 42,392) 63,711 24,371 39,339 63,710 0.996 0.993 1.2096 1.2089 A-105-J 56.5 | 57.0) 17,371 41,369 58,740 19,857 38,878 58,735 0.994 0.993 1.2068 1.2050 A-106-J 50.8 51.6 17,387 39,333 56,720 19,875 36,846 56,721 0.994 0.995 1.2118 1.2126 A-107-h 52.4 50.3 | 25,810 35,089 60,849 29,771 31,077 60,848 0.997 0.9941,.2134 1.2129 A-108-R 56.5 54.4 32,029 54,833 86,862 36,945 49,916 86,861 0.997 0.9941.2095 1.2088 A-109-R 53.9 | 52.3 | 22,123) 57,709) 79,832 54,307, 79,826 0.998 0.993 1.2123 1.2099 A-110-R 59.0 57.0 23,604 43,979. 67,583) 27,226 40,355, 67,581 0.996 0.993.1.2056 1.2049 A-111-R 56.4 56.3 17,204 42,116 59,820 19,845 39,468 59,313 0.996 0.992 1.20861.2051 A-112-R 55.4 52.9 15,780 AIST 57,094 18,202 38,895 57,097 0.996 0.995 1.2096 1.2106 144 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS BOILER PERFORMANCE (Continued) TESTS SERIES A Table 12 BQUIY- EQUIVALENT EVAPORATION BOUL ALENT UAT ORAZIGN) ALENT ae RQ. FT. Ty pare DESIGNATION ORATION) BUpEagn sa OUR “i Mon BaRReL| Toran | QRX | BARREL | romas: ereenee ox | BARREL | TOTAL pounds | pounds ; pounds pounds pounds | pounds CENTS pounds pounds | pounds 1 49 50 51 52 53 54 | 55 56 57 58 aby oe s a fae a : | pean ee) ree eee ee ee ee |e A- 1-J 30,680 | 28,018 | 58,698 6,136 5,604 | 11,740 | 52.27 | 26.59 2.02 | 3.90 A- 2J 38,240 | 42,205 | 80,445 | 10,428 | 11,509 | 21,937 | 47.54 | 45.18 4.14 7.29 A- 3-J 36,908 | 46,598 | 83,506 9,227 | 11,650 | 20,877 | 44.27 | 39.98 | 4.19 6.94 A- 4-J 35,048 | 54,558 | 89,606 | 11,683 | 18,186 | 29,869 | 39.11 | 50.62 6.55 9.93 A- 5-J 33,619 | 53,249 | 86,868 | 11,206 | 17,750 | 28,956 | 38.70 | 48.55 6.39 9.63 A- 6-R 34,569 | 27,732 | 62,301 6,914 5,546 | 12,460 | 55.48 | 33.45 2.00 4.18 A- 7-R 29,230 | 36,423 | 65,653 9,743 | 12,141 | 21,884 | 44.52 | 47.14 4.37 7.33 A- 8-R 43,782 | 42,935 | 86,717 | 10,946 | 10,734 | 21,680 | 50.49 | 52.96 3.86 7.27 A- 9-R 35,825 | 47,540 | 83,365 | 11,942 | 15,847 | 27,789 | 42.97 | 57.78 5.71 9.31 A-101-J 36,896 | 50,191 | 87,087 6,149 8,363 | 14,514 42.36 | 26.64 3.01 4.82 A-102-J 34,718 | 36,530 | 71,248 6,944 7,306 | 14,250 | 48.74 | 30.09 2.63 4.74 A-103-J 34,300 | 62,781 | 97,081 8,949 | 16,379 | 25,328 35.33 | 38.77 5.90 8.42 A-104-J 29,479 | 47,558 | 77,037 9,826 | 15,853 | 25,679 | 38.27 | 42.57 5.71 8.54 A-105-J 23,964 | 46,846 | 70,810 | 11,982 | 23,423 | 35,405 | 33.84 | 51.92 8.43 | 11.77 A-106-J 24,085 | 44,680 | 68,765 | 12,043 | 22,340 | 34,383 | 35.03 | 52.18 8.04 | 11.43 A-107-R 36,125 | 37,692 | 73,817 7,225 7,538 | 14,763 | 48.93 | 34.95 2.71 4.95 A-108-R 44,683 | 60,337 |105,020 6,383 8,620 | 15,003 | 42.54 | 30.88 3.10 5.03 A-109-R 30,936 | 65,707 | 96,643 7,734 | 16,427 | 24,161 | 32.01 | 37.42 5.91 8.10 A-110-R 32,824 | 48,625 | 81,449 9,848 | 14,589 | 24,437 40.30 | 47.64 5.25 8.19 A-111-R 23,984 | 47,563 | 71,547 | 11,992 | 23,782 | 35,774 | 33.52 | 58.02 8.56 | 11.99 A-112-R, 22,017 47,087 | 69,104 | 11,009 | 23,544 | 34,553 | 31.86 | 53.26 8.48 | 11.58 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILE BOILER PERFORMANCE (Continued) TESTS SERIES A R Table 13 — ees Ne EQUIVALENT EVAP- B. T. U. ABSORBED ENCE TO BOILER HORSE- ORATION BY THE BOILER PowER DEVELOPED ee [OVER ALL]| NACE EX- oe POUND eee OF | GRATE) DEBIGNATION Bae mia Seay OF PER Boers B.T.U. | PER CENT. angen DEVE eounp| or | MOIS= POUND|* ‘Gp | ABSORBED] OF B.T.U, OPED | prRE- | BAR- or | mors- | "Np. PounD saat More Sone fae TOTAL| FUEL | TURE TURE BOX | REL Ag. |GaRpn, || 48H OF | TURE | ppeR PER BOILER vinup | coaL | FREE | OI | FREE | Goar, | POUND PER Ibs. |¥IRED | COAL COAL | Con | OF FUBL | POUND Ibs for FIRED | syppp| FIRED OE WHER lbs. SUMED 1 59 60 61 62 63 64 | 65 | 66 67 | 68 69 70 | oes A- 1-J 340 | 1.30 } 17.10] 8.84 | 15.96}...... | eae 15,488}. ..... eee BOG8. 4] satandes A- 2J 636 | 0.76 6.38) 4278 | 16.10) |. 02542 Jobe PA CBI aisccvers| eraawore 3 T6385. Cl ek ee A- 3-J 605 | 0.87 8.23 | 4.97 | 14.92 es scear ees V4 ASD coe Ala ake TORAAD IN) GS A- 4-J 866 | 0.68 5.27| 3.48 |13.86]......)...... 13,446). ..... eaed es | 70205: | cae aes A- 5-J 839 | 0.71 &.40| 3.68 | 13.68 jcc cccleccess WSBT Bliss heen 69.15" |) -vedee A- 6-R B61 | 1.03 | VF 287) BQO | VST hic.e ae ale oun 3 U5 SOF les 85 erlioe lade | MOT 2) pense A- 7-R 634 | 0.73 7.89) 4.70 | 14.55]......).... oil PAGAL TB occ czas | iain jo! iSeDoo | eae A- 8-R 628 | 0.65 $93) 40°78 | S06. eee Vee aoa celal] LA OMB cia ccass ieee GTA |) ei tice A- 9-R 806 | 0.60 | 6.05) 3.71 ]13.20]...... frees 12,809). 0... Kee 66.70 | ..... A-101-3 421 | 1.33 | 11.45) 7.39 | 10.61) 10.96/12.10!...... 10,636 Ree 71.62 TA.75 A-102-J3 413 | 1.15 | 13.12] 7.28 8.60} 8.79| 9.79]...... 8,526} 8,626) 62.01 62.74 A-103-J 734 | 0.89 5.85 | 4.15 9.84] 10.14] 11.48]...... 9,837| 10,595| 65.79 70.86 A-104-J 744 | 0.81 6.04] 4.04 8.31] 8.59) 10.50)...... 8,335} 8,447) 67.39 68 .30 A-105-J 1,026 | 0.66 | 4.08) 2.93 8.16) 8.38 | Qu QS anya ary 8,127) 8,215) 58.65 59.28 A-106-J 997 | 0.66 4,.30| 3.02 | 7.70) 7.83) 8.70)...... 7,597| 7,707) 55.12 55.91 A-107-R 428 | 0.99 | 12.70] 6.96 8.40) 8.58] 9.50)...... 8,323} 8,428} 60.22 60.97 A-108-R 435 | 1.12 | 11.11] 6.86 | 10.33]10.46)11.57)...... 10,150] 10,549) 68.65 71.35 A-109-R 700 | 0.92 5.83] 4.26 9.77 | 9299) WL. 14 | nos 9,696] 10,295) 64.68 68 .68 A-110-R 708 | 0.72 6.57) 4.21 8.42] 8.62) 9.51]...... 8,365| 8,442) 60.51 | 61.07 A-111-R 1,037 | 0.59 4.03] 2.88 893.) B.42)) 95589). ccose « 8,168} 8,270, 61.10 61.86 A-112-R 1,002 | 0.65 4.07] 2.98 8.19 | 8.35] 9.54]...... 8,104 8,249] 60.09 | 61.16 146 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS SMOKE BOX GASES AND AIR SUPPLY TESTS SERIES A Table 14 | Gas ANALYSIS Dry Gas | AIR RATIO PER CENT BY VOLUME PER POUND PER POUND Sain aaa TIGN) =} — oo S CARBON | MOISTURE) CARBON | MOISTURE) pounds | pounds | pounds pounds | reine 1 71 72 73 | 74 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | _| | Sar | A- 1-J | 13.1 | o.1 0.0 83.8 19.2 | ae: | 19.4: | Sitcee | 1.2 A- 2-J | 13.0 | 1.2 0.2 85.6 LO SO. |i) sabiets & 1 TR gees Ll A- 33 12.1 3.5 0.0 84.4 208% I devs [i soaeOn | cas: 1.2 A- 4J 12.4 | 2.6 0.3 84.7 LOR Wl ses | BOO wl hk ss | 1.1 A- 5-J 13.7 | 0.4 0.7 85.2 LISOe | | aveke cs 1 a ee 1.0 A- 6-R 11.4 | 5.3 0.0 83.3 QQ AO ih aha Doe Wh. fate as | 1.3 A- 7-R 10.4 5.9 0.0 83.7 QAO | lt) kena: 24.4 ] 22... | 1.4 A- 8-R 12.9 2.8 || 0.0 84.3 19%? | \) Piatto | LOBE Ti tte | 1.1 A- 9-R 12.4 2.3 0.2 85.1 198 Once Ne2025° ||) owes / 1d A-101-J 10.1 | 8.0 0.4 81.5 23.8 | 20.4 23.5 20.2 1.6 A-102-J 9.2 7.5 0.5 82.8 25.6 | 19.7 25.9 20.0 1.5 A-103-J 7.0 11.7 0.1 81.2 34.7 | 30.0 34.7 30.0 | 279 A-104-J 12.5 | .3 O70 81.5 16.5 11.6 16.2 11.4 | 1:2 A-105-J 12.9 2.8 2.8 81.5 16.0 12.5 15.7 12.3 1:2 A-106-J VW .7% 3.2 2.0 83.1 | 18.3 | 14.2 18.4 14.3 1.2 A-107-R 7.4 11.6 0.3 80.7 | 32.1 | 24.9 31.8 24.7 | 2.2 A-108-R 9.7 8.5 0.1 81.7 95.4 | 21.7 25.3 21.6 1.7% A-109-R | 11.9 5.3 | 0.2 82.6 20.7 | 18.0 20.7 17.9 1.3 A-110-R | 8.7 9.8 0.3 81.2 | 97.6 | 21.5 27.3 || as A-111-R 8.0 10.8 0.4 80.8 29.5 22:3 29.2 29:.1 | 2.0 A-112-R | 9.7 8.8 0.3 81.2 | Q4.9 | 18.9 24.6 18.7 | 1337 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS—COAL TESTS SERIES A Table 15 PROXIMATE ANALYSIS ULTIMATE ANALYSIS CoAL AS FIRED MoIsTuRE FREE COAL DESIGNATION | = Ss ‘ : a ein | MOIS- aes | RIXED | gu | ) ae carpon | NITRO- oxyarn SUL- ee per cent. MATTER por cent. per cent. per te per cent. Der eet per cent. per cent. \per cent. a 1 80 | 81 82 83 | 84 85 86 87 88 89 | | A- 1-J ; ane CA A= 2 ie | ay | aoe A- 3 Whe Sais | eta | A- 4-J } . AS BS | tl | A- GR | | | A- 7-R | A- 8-R | A-101 —J | 3.17 16.14 75.40 5.30 4. 34 85.86 | 1.33 2.30 0.69 | 5.47 A-102-J 212 36.52 | 52.39 8.98 4.81 , 77.18 1.52 6.40 0.92 | 9.17 A-103-J | 2.98 16.40, 75.86 4.75 4.37 86.46 | 1.34 2.31 0.62 | 4.90 A-104-J3 3.24 31.58 | 48.62 16.56 4.39 70.43 1.39 5.84 0.84 | 17.11 A-105-J 2.62 34.72 | 54.58 8.08 4.86 77.92 | 1.53 6.46 | 0.93 8.30 A-106-J 1.63 35.42 | 54.35 8.60 4.83 77.54 | 1.53 6.43 0.93 8.74 A-107-R | 2.03 35.61 | 53.98 8.38 4.85 Tr 1.53 6.45 | 0.90 8.55 A-108-R | 1.23 16.36 76.47 5.94 4.31 85.43 | 1,33 2.29 | 0.63 6.01 A-109-R 2.18 17.05 | 76.10 4.66 4.37 86.59 | 1.34 2.32 | 0.62 4.76 A-110-R 2.36 34.82 | 54.55 8.28 4.85 77.86 | 1,53 6.46 | 0.82 8.48 A-111-R | 2.19 34.56 | 52.40 | 10.84 4.71 75.59 | 1.49 6.27 | 0.86 | 11.08 A-112-R | 3.13 33.74 | 62.62 | 10,52 4.73 75.87 1.49 6.29 | 0.75 | 10.86 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS CHEMICAL ANALYSIS—STACK CINDERS—ASH—OIL TESTS SERIES A Table 16 PROXIMATE ANALYSIS PROXIMATE ANALYSIS DESIGNA- StTacK CINDERS SH = = ULTIMATE ANALYSIS TION | mors- ee | poset. | caper mole | aS | pixep | asi ROLE or Test | TURE yyapppR CARBON TURE = warrpr CARBON per cent. per cent. /P& cent. per cent. per cent. ner cent, Pe cent.|per cent. 1 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 | 98 A- LJ | ee er eral eee ima ee Sr eN Cena ll anton Sith gSrtensy Ad A eer un ieee | conereatetee || Mia ern ie tncece alll Gee tall) ronan Se 8e [I reves per cent. A- 3-3 | ROT eter el eee viocem eee Hees OMe Me tee egal ll Aton 8 Hydrogen..... 12.39 Ae Alc) lr er rN a reg | Marc eran NN tee Ra cree g Mee ate aeRO lll ee ace Al tay Carbon........ 86.85 Fee I ener nearer ase meee dpe Wty lloe apes MN ee tall ac Sulphur. ...... 0.29 (Naan O— Rall an oan noe Meek ee van cee | MG ee Abell phn ull! auetersg Water......... 0.00 A- TR | ee ee kl eer eee ee Were ea Meee ||| eee aera Sand a s2cax 2% 0.00 ACA S= Helen wera ie eet ee sees Lee re || late ea ela ta Ill owned Resor ie INN! aaa: lReseterte mere ot nA cee ethane |) me 99.53 A-101-J | 1.22 | 3.73 | 62.80 | 82.25 | 0.85 | 3.25 | 65.28 | 31.17 egtiecea A-102-J | 16.45 | 4.96 43.56 | 35.08 7.89 | 2.73 20.34 69.04 | ee ae oe A-103-J | 0.42 | 2.48 | 74.83 | 22.82 | 0.21 | 2.82 | 73.42 | 24.05 | viscosity (Engler A-104-J | 1.08 4.76 52.42 41.74 7.80 2.27 19.21. 70.72 Degree at 20° C.) 1.6 A-105-J | eave | eee pee ae ae et 8.03 2.14 20.40 69.43 | Flash Point— A-106-J | 0.50 | 2.65 | 71.20 25.65 | 6.97 | 1.857 | 19.37 | 72.09 ees AOR) 7.93 | 6.10 48.44 48.13 0.40 | 1.78 | 15.10 | 82.72 | tbe... 8020 A-108-R| 8.10 | 3.93 | 66.71 28.55 0.38 | 4.71 55.80 | 39.11 | Ignition Point— A-109-R,| 0.37 | 2.74 | 72.53 | 24.36 | 0.32 | 5.09 55.14 | 39.45 | — (Pensky - Mar- A-110-R| 0.78 | 4.45 | 42.94 51.83 | 0.53 1.86 | 15.15 | 82.46 Hiss en A Ud Ess lige | sea es Weer earl eet | 0.827) 1.48 | 20.80°| 97.64) Gaitas nar man A-112-R | 0.48 | 2.384 67.36 29.82 0.35 | 1.67 19.67 | 78.31 | high value . . . 10664 149 DESIGNATION OF TEST 1 A- LJ A= 2-J A- 3-J A- 4-J A- 5-J A- 6-R A- 7-R A- 8-R A- 9-R A-101-J A-102-J A-103-J A-104-J A-105-3 A-106-J A-107-R A-108-R A-109-R A-110-R A-111-R A-112-R OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER CALORIFIC VALUES TESTS SERIES A Table 17 | CALORIFIC VALUE BY OXYGEN CALORIMETER CALOR- l IFIC | PER CENT.) por CENT. | | PER VALUE | OF COM” | of coM- I ge VER. | pounp: | 32 PER BU Rupes senrBiis PER | aR an ars. OF me | SAD UL STACK IN FOUND | OF COAL TURE oO sa OF stack | ‘Ty DOH CINDERS ner OF OIL |asrrrep | FREE | AND ASH | onpers | Bas | BeT Us | alm GORE FREE Beas | MATED] | ee Coan | | Bru. | | | | | |__| = _ |— 99 | 100 | 101 102 103 104 | 105 106 } — S| eee 2a See ee Pe —= fr ROTO S|) caeakty i) Stew ee ll Sivwteg || seein Lil ocetitg POT OS = | asda 1) | wee. | eaves? il) ote W saiopeeics, Ih ranted S POO ii nekte lel Gussmecan |) “aheswesx [Alle eorctx nets | Nea ee ILO TOSS le ecteoe | Mantra ac ti are see Ul a erie ph enawes HELO MMOD nil esnue® | osrmmany bh a umaysee. [lll | siseeasces Ill eapeeyes | 19,195 | waeeies || pea f omega ||! Catia We sachs mthat SG TO5: 2/1) hada ie ees siganten |'|ll aeathees LOSTO RAN Reece pee een Illeana elt UR le ht eee oe ae T9A95 | sands Spas | | keke Wty Petaszeit nore ete i6 68.48 | Peete 14,380 14,850 | 15,710 | 9,585 | 9,809 48 52 QB.0F | sc ees 13,458 13,750 15,140 6,766 | 3,299 76.76 TOtAG AN oS snaps 14,506 14,953 15,721 10,958 10,857 57.18 21.48 11,967 | 12,368 14,920 | 8,233 3,074 oe 22.54 steps, | ESMGR | 49/886" | Ts1Is: | eau. 3,217 73.85 BORO Wr) Shore 13,559 13,784 15,106 | 10,510 2,988 49.54 POs88° Pass 13,542 13,822 15,115 | 6,937 2,410 70.64 60.51 |, eesres 14,604 14,785 15,734 | 10,193 8,612 | | 75.27 60.23 | ateciae 14,663 14,990 15,741 10,701 8,645 47.39 | 17.01 | ..... 13,498 | 13,824 15,106 | 6,865 2,428 wise 22.04 | ..... | 13,076 | 13,969 | 15,085 | ..... | 3,130 69.70 21.34 |) | Jecctaecas 13,065 | 13,486 15,129 9,878 | 3,050 : i | | METH ODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS HEAT BALANCE—BRITISH THERMAL UNITS TESTS SERIES A Table | 2. T. U. 18 a | BT, B. T. U. | SORBED Saunt | nomen | (pe i DESIGNATION ce | pee, | | onli, aie seis | eee one “mois. | Mors- | HYDRO- | ESCAP- ao Goal | TURE | TURE | TURE GEN ING | comBUS | | prep |INCOAL| IN arr |INcoaL| Gases | COSY COAL 1 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 111 112 113 | | ees A- 1-J A- 2-J | A- 3-J | A- 4J | A- 6-R A- 7-R A- 8-R | | | A- 9-R ah ee beoat was eee | Nahe A-101-J 14,851 | 10,636 | 41 Salou 493 2,252 331 A-102-J | 13,749 8,526 28 29 563 2,440 407 A-103-J 14,952 9,837 41 55 519 4,029 123 A-104-J 12,368 8,335 44 518 1,503 1,273 A-105-J seme | aes Steven sda Bee Rae ae A-106-J | 13,784 | 7,597 22 23 577 1,980 1,149 A-107-R | 13,823 | 8,323 27 32 574 3,298 308 A-108-R 14,786 | 10,150 16 49 487 2,278 87 A-109-R 14,990 9,696 29 39 509 2,220 140 A-110-R 13,824 8,365 31 560 2,587 | 261 A-111-R cond Sees Masa ahi pea 34M mie dee A-112-R | 13,487 8,104 42 29 560 2,537 231 DUE TO COMBUS- TIBLE IN STACK CINDERS 114 133 57 562 64 112 70 208 529 55 72 DUE TO 'COMBUS- TIBLE IN ASH 115 436 94 414 92 T4 88 302 260 66 149 U. Loss PER POUND OF MOISTURE FREE COAL FIRED DUE TO RADIA- TION AND UNAC- COUNT- ED FOR 116 528 1,605 —628 539 2,250 1,102 1,210 1,568 1,899 1,761 151 . TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER HEAT BALANCE—PERCENTAGES TESTS SERIES A Table 19 PER CENT. OF HEAT OF FUEL FIRED | | DESIGNATION | TO a TO TO a TEST SORBED | ol pnp woeunn| HYDRO” | wscar- | INCOM’ | COMBUS | conus. | “tow sare | IN COAL | IN ATR | aN GOT, | Ne ee | eae COUNTED, | ——- 1 e700) ae: |) ave 120 121 | 122 12a. | «(124 «| «126 | | | i | | | Aaeaege y) e235 eee a Weeeree Heer lM cme atanaae 1 cece lM eeeres th eases AS Ao-7) ||, Bees. peer eet TL) Jes con aul Piea eee n env ayapane | LAN eeaa et eciee eel Pay, ere elise tec eey eeeeeel baa betes Wl acne, ee he Reet aa, Dy hanes. A- 43 | ..... [i eaters Ills waecheetan (il) tacaeeers |) | eters Pl aceder ets, le theres | I che aes | Sra A= ob Sd ltl oa aesy ites sess lili geet ts Icey seer Ld desis ESSN ante te INE RN RRC oy ktakcteeal lll rsa rants AS 6B lll wane UP ee ceed | eiretee reap omer call (oe eC ceria a a [pa Lb eaens AE ETT ee nan hese etn ence lta ee lectern ean bere eee ee [erences RPE hl manta, eens Nagase tl ecern a Malla sean Py eae eee Th re UB eng oRe Tee = IA linac eal CALL tocol Ill ante Ree wae I ery perce TH ease NID |b iets arena ME Aara Saeed Une toes eee LN Ur yas A-101-J 71.6 GE See (It eee 3.3 15.2 2.2 09 | 29 3.6 A-102-J 62.0 02 | 02 | 4.1 17.7 | 3.0 0.4 | 07 11.7 A-103-J 65.8 0.3 | 0.4 3.5 26.9 0.8 3.7 2.8 -4.2 A-104-J 67.4 ie Sav ecreee: 4.2 12.2 10.3 05 | o7 | 48 A-105-J RE copra) ar torn |e ee ee eee ol eave eens taf Serene eran Uh ot cay A-106-J 55.1 0.2 | 02 42 | 14.4 | 8.8 0.8 | 05 | 16.8 A-107-R 60.2 0.2 0.2 4.2 | 23.9 2.2 0.5 0.6 8.0 A-108-R 68.7 0.1 0.3 8.8) 15.4 0.6 ae Og 8.2 A-109-R 64.7 0.2 0.3 3.4 14.8 0.9 es et eC A-110-R 60.5 0:25 | ee, 4.1 18.7 | 19 0.4 0.5 | 18.7 ASV SRe. Where md Aeeseeeaea lil Pacer lL 2A teen lctpenec IN) eat teeh teens wll aah LY plots A-112-R 60.1 0.3 0.2 4.2 | 18.8 1.7 0.5 | Vl 13.1 152 DESIGNATION OF TEST 1 B-201-J B-202-J B-203-J B-204-J B-205-J B-206-R B-207-R B-208-R B-209-R B-301-J B-302-R, B-401-J B-402-J B-403-J B-404-J B-405-R B-406-R B-407-R B-501-J METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS GENERAL CONDITIONS TESTS SERIES B Table 20 | | | |BENRERATIEE | ber BA- : ae eh eee || ae = DURA- ROM- | BOIL'R| LABORATORY "OE, Oe POWER FURNACE PRES- nee ie + aera a ee TEST TEST SURE jlbs.per) BY | BY SMOKE j7,_ DIA- hrs Ibs. per| sq.in.| DRY | WET | BOX | pupey| pHR'M sq.in. | | BULB BULB | GASES | {03 of | ins. of | | aot eas | water | water | BTER | BTER | 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 | 9 | 11 | 12] 18 5- 6-12 7.00 Low Without Arch 14.6 215.8 71.5 66.7 497 0.8 1.6 5- 3-12 3.33 Medium Without Arch 14.7 | 210.9 74.3 | 63.7 | 601 2.9 7.8 5— 7-12 | 1.33 High Without Arch 14.5 | 171.3) 61.1 | 59.0 | 625 5.0 13.6 5-13-12 1.00 | High Without Arch 14.5 | 142.0) 69. 63.7 | 632 6.2 15.9 5-11-12 1.00 High Without Arch’ 14.6 | 161.9; 67.1 | 56.6 | 662 6.8 16.5 5-27-12 7.00 Low Without Arch 14.6 | 212.9) 80.2 | 67.3 558 | (0.8 1.3 5-28-12 3.33 Medium Without Arch 14.5 | 207.5 77.2 | 69.4 622 | 3.2 7.4 5-28-12 1.00 High Without Arch 14.5 | 176.3 84.5 72.9 620 5.5 13.1 5-29-12 0.67 High Without Arch 14.5 | 182.0 77.1 72.4 647 5.4 11.3 5- 7-12 1.00 High Without Arch 14.5 | 180.7 61.4 59.5 632 6.8 18.1 5-29-12 1.00 High Without Arch 14.5 | 182.3) 74.2 | 69.9 662 | 5.7 11.5 5-20-12 7.00 Low With Arch) 14.6 217.0. 84.1 | 71.4 S25 | 1,0 1.9 5-21-12 3.83 Medium With Arch 14.6 | 212.7) 77.4 | 64.9 | 589 | 3.9 | 8.7 5-22-12 1.00 High With Arch| 14.7 164.9| 62.9 | 59.0 | 686 | 6.9 15.8 5-22-12 1.00 High With Arch 14.7 | 157.0) 69.0 | 62.4 704 | 8.7 | 18.8 6-412 7.00) Low With Arch 14.5 | 210.8) 80.2 | 68.9 524 | 0.9 | 1.6 6— 3-12 | 3.33 Medium With Arch 14.7 205.1, 77.0 | 65.9 630 | 3.7 75 6- 3-12 1.00 High With Arch 14.7 | 171.6) 81.6 68.0 677 | 6.7 | 12.8 5-23-12 1.00 High With Arch 14.7 | 168.6] 61.3 | 58.8 | 730 HS | 22.9 153 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER FUEL TESTS SERIES B Table 21 = a . = SS ee | COAL AS FIRED | MOoIsTURE FREE COAL KIND _——— ee sae 5 = ————— OF | | PER SQ. FT. | | PER SQ. FT. COAL | TOTAL PER HOUR | OF GRATE | TOTAL | PER HOUR | OF GRATE | pounds pounds PER HOUR | pounds | pounds PER HOUR pounds pounds 1 | 16 17 is | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 aa — =| = = eee cena || SO = a B-201-J Scalp Level ; 10,092 1,442 | 25.38 9,720 1,389 Q4..45 B-202-J Scalp Level 11,699 3,510 | 61.78 11,396 3,419 60.18 B-203-J Scalp Level 6,163 4,623 | 81.38 5,954 4,467 78.63 B-204-J Scalp Level* 6,098 6,098 107 . 34 5,930 5,930 104.38 B-205-J Scalp Level* 6,471 6,471 | 113.91 6,314 6,314 111.14 B-206-R Scalp Level 9,168 1,310 22.52 8,971 1,282 22.04 B-207-R Scalp Level 10,518 3,155 | 54.25 10,171 3,051 52.46 B-208-R | Scalp Level* 5,508 5,508 94.70 5,397 | 5,397 92.80 B-209-R Scalp Level* 3,672 5,508 94.70 3,618 5,427 93.31 B-301-J Dundon 6,822 6,822 | 120.08 6,631 6,631 | 116.72 B-302-R Dundon 5,611 5,611 | 96.47 5,484 5,484 | 94.29 B-401-J Scalp Level 9,929 1,418 24.96 9,571 1,367 24.06 B-402-J Scalp Level 10,096 3,029 53.32 9,521 2,856 | 50.27 B-403-3 Scalp Level* 5,593 | 5,593 98 45 5,386 5,386 94.81 B-404-J Scalp Level* 6,032 6,032 106.18 5,887 5,887 103 .63 B-405-R Scalp Level 9,571 1,367 | 23.50 9,248 1,321 22.71 B-406-R Scalp Levelt 10,133 3,040 | 52.27 9,752 | 2,926 50.31 B-407-R Scalp Level* 5,172 5,172 88.93 5,069 5,069 | 87.16 B-501-J Dundon 6,782 6,782 | 119.38 6,553 6,553 115.35 * Hand-picked. f Screened. 154 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS FUEL (Continued) TESTS SERIES B Table 22 mores | aoe. | commune | ened ee TEST pounds POTN OF MOIS- | OF MOIS- pounds TOTAL PER HOUR TOTAL PER HOUR | TURE FREE | TURE FREE pounds pounds pounds pounds COAL COAL 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 B-201-J 1,029 151 9,207 1,315 8,297 1,185 10.6 1.6 B-202-J T45 806 10,691 3,208 9,473 2,842 6.5 7.1 B-203-J 219 401 5,679 4,259 5,181 3,889 3.7 6.7 B-204—J 183 507 5,499 5,499 4,930 4,930 Oak 8.5 B-205-J 146 505 5,948 5,948 5,417 5,417 2.3 8.0 B-206-R 364 108 8,467 1,210 8,158 1,165 4.1 12 B-207-R 453 320 9,661 2,898 9,059 Q,717 4.5 3.1 B-208-R 143 219 5,072 5,072 4,805 4,805 a.7 4.1 B-209-R 109 72 3,373 5,065 3,240 4,865 3.0 2.0 B-301-J 161 111 5,803 5,803 5,662 5,662 2.4 1.7 B-302-R 138 47 4,819 4,819 4,737 4,737 2.5 0.9 B-401-J 579 130 9,134 1,305 8,666 1,238 6.0 1.4 B-402-J 370 535 9,038 2,712 8,354 2,505 3.9 5.6 B-403-J 147 278 5,004 5,004 4,647 4,647 2.7 5.2 B-404-J 61 288 5,551 5,551 5,247 5,247 1.0 4.9 B-405-R 559 73 8,776 1,254 8,317 1,188 6.0 0.8 B-406-R 401 356 9,160 2,748 8,566 2,570 4.1 3.7 B-407-R 151 221 4,715 4,715 4,445 4,445 3.0 4.4 B-501-J3 174 120 5,689 5,689 5,548 5,548 a07 1.8 1 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER BOILER PERFORMANCE TESTS SERIES B Table 23 EQUIVALENT EVAPORATION Mower | gta OF, mprowowns] Ugg | oe one mma PEE VATE 10 CTE Fatet EVAPORA- aes >) B. } pounds 1 35 36 45 46 51 54 58 a acetai ie B-201-J3 64.4 89,172 0.9970 1.2005 107,049 15,293 5.08 B-202-J 66.3 91,206 1.0000 1.2010 109,538 32,861 10.92 B-203-J 65.9 44,446 0.9999 1.1989 53,285 39,964 13.28 B-204-J 68.9 38,592 1.0002 1.1931 46,045 | 46,045 15.31 B-205-J | 66.9 | 40,147 | 1.0005 1.1974 48,070 | 48,070 15.98 B-206-R 73.8 87,788 | 0.9980 1.1922 104,662 | 14,952 5.01 B-207-R 73.1 81,366 | 0.9982 1.1924 97,025 | 29,108 9.75 B-208-R 77.3 37,629 | 0.9987 1.1868 44,658 44,658 14.97 B-209-R 74.8 23,787 0.9982 1.1886 28,269 | 42,404 | 14.21 B-301-J 66.0 | 42,220 0.9999 1.1989 50,617 | 50,617 | 16.83 B-302-R, 76.8 37,420 | 0.9979 1.1861 44,383 44,383 14.87 B-401-J 70.7 91,752 0.9995 1.1965 109,783 15,683 5.21 B-402-J 71.9 84,986 0.9996 1.1956 101,613 30,484 10.13 B-403-J 72.1 38,353 1.0007 1.1916 | 45,701 45,701 15.19 B-404-J 71.4 | 43,444 0.9995 1.1914 | 51,759 51,759 | 17.21 B-405-R 78.1 91,106 0.9980 1.1872 108,162 15,452 5.18 B-406-R V7.4 84,098 0.9980 1.1872 99,843 29,953 10.04 B-407-R 80.6 | 37,917 0.9980 1.1812 44,788 44,788 | 15.01 B-501-J3 68.3 48,164 0.9990 1.1952 57,564 57,564 19.15 156 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS DESIGNATION OF TEST B-201-J B-202-J B-203-J B-204-J B-205-J B-206-R B-207-R B-208-R B-209-R B-301-J B-302-R B-401-J B-402-J B-403-J B-404-J B-405-R, B-406-R B-407-R B-501-J BOILER PERFORMANCE (Continued) TESTS SERIES B Table 24 | | EFFICIENCY B. T. U. — EQUIVALENT EVAPORATION | ABSORBED BY THE | | [BOILER RATIO BOILER | AND FUR- OF [OVER NACE EX- HEATING | ALL] CLUDING SCnen ieee aaa —| PER CENT., GRATE) | PowER To PER | OF B.T.U. | PER CENT. BOILER 9 ABSORBED| OF B.T.U. | “orap | HORSE- PER pombe armors | Aes pounp | BY THE | ABSORBED POWER POUND | OF MOIS- |TURE ae POUND | or mors- | BOILER | BYTES DEVEL- oy COAL |TUREFREE ASH FREE |,OF MOIS- legnprren| ,PER | BOILER OPED as¥FIRED| COAL | COAL eee COAL gent BAe | | ds | ON- a CON- ‘ a | Me | oanoe soars SIRED SUMED ENED eae pounds | SUMED Se ee. ee ee za ! teas! € 59 | 62 63 64 65 | 67 68 | 69 70 fi) eee Cl aavene. ill Boreas ett IPRs crater llinigteacectete alt ll eeestsyceeey ni aeecteese nll ern ee B=30J-3. | -eecan | ees: i te See oad ha mae ew I ll Ingress LIN | cetera wi acmereteeenn ||| Peoceevene B-302-R | 9.4 9.8 0.3 | 80.5 | 25.7 | 19.2 | 25.2 | 18.8 | 1.8 B-401-J 9.6 | 9.7 | O.1 | 80.6 | 25.7 22.3 | 25.2 21.8 | 1.8 B=402-Je pl Verctrcse Vly eaencaceny UNL eesscvers tll Linsceeae pity pememnen | tee kesAsey I Votaeegesen Niue esc 4 |, Gedarass B-403-J Mei |) ldo 0.1 | 81.5 33.3 27.9 33.4 | 27.9 2.1 B-404-J 8.1 | 10.3 | 0.0 81.6 | 30.6 | 26.0 | 30.6 | 26.0 | 1.9 B-405-R | 10.4 8.8 0.0 80.8 24.1 0,7 93.6. | 26.2 | LL. B-406-R | ..... |... Hh etree NT beceecerieets 1h crete ||| atitetes IW cette | I poe delaen |) vecaosaste Bw7-R | 5.6 | 14.7 | 0.0 | 79.7 | 48.9 | 387.0 | 43.1 | 36.4 | 3.3 | 17.9 24.1 17.8 1.6 B-501-3 10.2 7.8 | O.1 |} 81.9 | 24.2 158 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS CHEMICAL ANALYSIS—COAL TESTS SERIES B Table 26 PROXIMATE ANALYSIS ULTIMATE ANALYSIS CoAL AS FIRED MoIsTURE FREE COAL DESIGNATION ce TEST mots- | VOrA" | FIxep asa | HYDRO- ares NITRO- | oyygen| S8UL- | Asn parite ah [CANE ped Glae| ue, BoE COM yoe ay DEE Ce pcaky, pe cat 1 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 B-201-J 3.69 16.09 75.14 5.08 4.34 85.89 1.33 2.30 0.86 5.28 B-202-J 2.59 16.46 74.92 6.03 4.28 84.85 1.32 2 OF 1.09 6.19 B-203-J 3.39 16.54 75.60 4.47 4.36 86.34 1.34 2.31 1.03 4.62 B-204-J 2.75 17.10 73.08 7.07 4.24 | 83.91 1.30 2.25 1.03 HOF B-205-J 2.43 16.79 75.13 5.65 4.30 85.16 1.32 2.28 1.14 5.80 B-206-R 2.15 16.45 75.90 5.50 4.31 85.38 1.32 2.28 1.09 5.62 B-207-R 3.30 17.56 74.30 4.84 4.34 86.08 1.34 2.30 0.95 5.01 B-208-R 2.01 16.76 75.33 5.90 4.30 85.21 1.32 2.28 0.87 6.02 B-209-R 1.48 17.17 74.67 6.68 4.26 84.41 1.31 2.26 0.98 6.78 B-301-J 2.80 32.10 52.97 12.13 4.64 74.42 1.47 6.17 0.82 12.48 B-302-R oeT 33.75 52.14 11.84 4.66 | 74.79 1.47 6.20 O46 |W B-401-J 3.61 16.55 75 44 4.40 4.37 86.57 1.34 2.32 0.83 4.57 B-402-J 5.70 16.50 73.02 4.78 4.35 86.12 1.34 2.31 0.81 5.07 B-403-J 3.70 16.41 73.05 6.84 4.22 83.66 1.30 2.24 1.48 7.10 B-404-J 2.40 17.38 74.66 5.56 4.29 | 84.99 1.32 Deo 1.43 5.70 B-405-R 3.37 18.10 73.60 4.93 4.34 85.89 1.33 2.30 1.04 5.10 B-406-R, 3.76 16.51 73.89 5.84 4,29 84.90 1.32 g 27 1.15 6.07 B-407-R 1.99 17.18 73.98 6.85 4.26 | 84.37 1.31 2.26 0.81 6.99 B-501-J 3.38 34.34 49.54 12.74 4.60 | 73.84 1.45 6.13 0.80 13.18 159 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER CHEMICAL ANALYSIS--STACK CINDERS—ASH TESTS SERIES B 24 | 22.67 Table 27 PROXIMATE ANALYSIS—STACK CINDERS | PROXIMATE ANALYSIS—ASH ‘TION OF : ee ATILE FIXED Leo reen VOLATILE i: a a er | pereaut. | enue | Aer ee | "pereent. | MATTER | CARBON | percent. | | 1 — Z. 1 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 B-201-J | 1.05 6.13 63.30 29.52 | 0.82 | 5.42 72.95 | 20.81 B-202-J 0.51 Ze 81.76 15.21 1.13 6.67 65.82 26.38 B-203-J 0.43 2.47 84.23 12.37 | 0.65 | 6.61 61.90 | 30.84 B-204-J 0.21 2.35 85.85 1430 | 0.66 | 7.11 59.60 32.63 B-205-J 0.16 1.96 86.96 10.92 3.91 8.88 47 46 39.75 B-206-R | 3.90 6.24 58.65 31.56 | 2.97 | 6.29 59.39 31.55 B-207-R | 0.38 3.48 | 78.29 17.85 1.54 5,93 69.21 23 .32 B-208-R | 0.22 2.80 | 84.18 12.80 | 0.17 | 4.57 48 .60 46.66 B-209-R | 0.21 2.95 83.72 ele 0.68 5.87 59.48 33.97 B-301-J | 0.15 | 4.43 | 74.05 21 37 | 0.83 | B30 29 85 65.95 B-302-R. | 0.00 3.74 77.57 | 18.69 1.05 4.16 27.97 66.82 B-401-J | (0.98 5.37 62.24 | 31.46 0.51 | 9.385 | 56.21 33.93 B-402-J | 0.53 2.56 79.06 | 17.85 2.36 7.33 59.41 30.90 B-403-J 0.28 2.36 87.47 9.89 0.75 6.46 | 67.28 25.51 B-404-J 0.28 | 2.48 | 89.62 | 7.62 0.36 4.21 | $9.37 36 .06 B-405-R 0.00 5.04 56.91 38.05 0.34 | 8.20 | 65.82 25.64 B-406-R 0.00 | 2.65 | 84.65 | 12.70 0.65 | 7.31 | 63.35 | 28.69 B-407-R 0.10 2.51 82.87 14.52 0.00 6.52 | 47.30 46.18 B-501-J 0 | 39.88 | 3.38 | 3. 70.71 24 | 3.66 76.22 160 DESIGNA- TION OF TEST B-201-J B-202-J B-203-J | B-204-J | B-205-J B-206-R B-207-R B-208-R B-209-R B-301-J | B-302-R B-401-J B-402-J B-403-J B-404-J B-405-R B-406-R | B-407-R | B-501-J3 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS CALORIFIC VALUES TESTS SERIES B Table 28 CALORIFIC VALUE BY OXYGEN CALORIMETER PER CENT. | sau cunn. | = SS = | COMBUSTIBLE Soe aE PER | er | BN ena gare, 1h) eee |e ere | one ae CIDER re AS FIRED ee ASH FREE Gas | Bes U3 B. T. U. es B. T. U. 99 100 | 102 | 108 | 104 105 et ee eee —_——|- | ee 69.43 | 78.37 14325 | «14872 «15,700 9,884 84.28 | 72.49 14338 | (14.719 15,691 | 12,040 86.70 68.51 14,392 | 14,897 15,619 | 12,386 88.20 66.71 14,031 | 14,427 | 15,557 | 12,604 88.92 56.34 14,297 | 14,654 | 15,556 | 12,647 64.89 65.68 14,740 | 14,792 15,673 9,211 81.77 75 14 14,377 | 14,868 15,651 | 11,657 86.98 53.17 14,402 | 14,697 15,638 | 12,397 86.67 | 65 .35 14,298 | 14,512 15,566 | 12,330 78.48 33.22 12,733 13,100 14,969 11,176 81.31 32.13 12,958 13,259 15,088 11,594 67.61 65.56 14,340 | 14,877 15,590 | 9,652 81.62 66.74 13,996 14,841 | 15,633 | 11,648 89.83 73.74 13,970 14,506 15,615 | 12,746 92.10 63.58 | 14981 | 14795 | 15,624 13,055 61.95 74.02 | 14937 | 14897 | 15,635 | 8,867 87.30 70.66 | 14,188 | 14,737 | 15,689 | 12,469 85.38 58.82 | 14,276 | 14,566 | 15,662 | 12,195 79.88 25.91 | 12,604 | 13,045 | 15,025 11,376 | | 161 CALORIFIC VALUE PER POUND OF ASH {ESTIMATED ] By TU. 11,219 10,371 9,756 9,463 7,991 9,386 10,725 7,582 9,275 4,697 4,579 9,320 9,513 10,500 9,058 10,552 10,108 7,686 3,677 TESTS OF A JACOBS-SHUPERT BOILER HEAT BALANCE-—BRITISH THERMAL UNITS TESTS SERIES B Table 29 ee B. T. U. Loss per Pounp oF MoIstuRE FREE COAL FIRED BLT. U. | SORBED | corn ner wit | | | | hi. i) i - DESIGNATION a ae / ETRE lee | DUE TO naa MOIS- POUND | DUB TO) DUB TO DUB TO | DUB TO PUB TO | comBus- SO Ge Theron TURE | OF MOIs- | MOIS- | HYDRO-| ESCAP- | Qrow, | TIBLE | "rein | AND Bont]! aera cee wy ca ares | eee OED see) AN naa FREE | | TION |crnpERs| “58 | Caen 1 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 = ||, | —| ron 3 a B-201-J 14,872 | 10,687 48 49 486 | 1,979 78 | 153 1,187 | 205 B-202-J 14,719 | 9,327 34 53 497 | 2,731 0 851 679 547 B-203-J Baleares pba | re eaiets- 1)" eee Dates as es B-204-J 14,427 | 7,535 37 114 500 3,992 0 1,078 | 291 881 B-205-J | 14,654 7,388 33 G+ 514 4,675 0 1,012 185 | 783 B-206-R | 14,792 | 11,315 28 | 49 491 | 2,244 | 79 11] 381 95 B-207-R | 14,868 | 9,257) 44 | 86 507 3,180 0 307 |) 477 950 B-208-R Depeeaaietieehl ec Soca | aetel es B-209-R | Ae oes Anes ve eae B-301-J UL enol Rennes, oe ee Svea eee | dee ee Ser B-302-R 13,259 | 7,853 31 78 554 Q711 | 235 99 115 1,584 B-401-J 14,877 | 11,130 47 63 490 | 2,356 | 88 131 564 8 B-402-J ee | a ae eee aa | ne | cess | aes ee ee ee B-403-J | 14,506 8,234 52 82 | 510 4,170 | 119 657 287 | 395 B-404-J 14,735 | 8,532 31 Uh | 480 | 3,958 0 639 94 924 B-405-R 14,837 | 11,350 44 55 | 488 2,202 Oo | 70 637 -8 B-406-R nei | ieehnes ae Peon eae rete Pex eee ey. B-407-R 14,566 | 8,574 Q7 112 |) 506 5,286 | 0 531 229 | —428 B-501-J | 13,045 | 8,524 48 56 | 565 | 2,872 75 208 98 600 162 METHODS AND COMPUTED RESULTS HEAT BALANCE—PERCENTAGES TESTS SERIES B Table 30 PER CENT. OF HEAT OF FUEL FIRED DESIGNATION | | | | nO 16 | | TO AB- | TO TO =: