Cornell alniversity Library ie ENGIN. Bel 1983 . ) CORNELL UNIVERSITY | LIBRARIES NL ITHACA, N. Y. 14853 aye Engineering Library Carpenter Hall UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS BULLETIN Vol.1 JULY 15, 1904 No. 20 Published Fortnightly by the University and entered at Urbana, Illinois, as second-class matter The Gniversity Studies Vol | JULY. 1904 No. 7 _ The Coals of Iflinois; Their Composition and Analysis By S. W. PARR. M. S.. Professor of Applied Chemistry in the University of Illinois, THE ILLINOIS COMMISSION TO THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION PRESENTED WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON MINES AND METALLURGY COMMITTEE WALTER WARDER, CHAIRMAN, CaiRO J.N. C, SHUMWAY. TAYLORVILLE H. M. DUNLAP, Savoy CopyricuHt, JuLy 1904, By THe University oF ILinors. Gniversity of Jllinois Vol | JULY, 1904 No. 7 The Anuntversity Studies The Coals of Illinois; Their Composition and Analysis By S. W. PARR, M, S.. Professor of Applied Chemistry in the University of Illinois PRICE 25 CENTS Aniversitp Press @rbana Char BRO UG La? 1904 THE COALS OF ILLINOIS. THEIR CoMPOsITION AND ANALYSIS. There are two sources of motion on the earth, chemical action and gravity. They are the initial forms of power and constitute the prime factors in industrial development. Their availability in any region is an index of present or potential activity. Of gravity it may almost be said that it has become a commodity by reason of its easy transformation into electric energy; but its range is limited. (Chemical energy in its cheap- est form resides in the coal and oil deposits of the world. Their cost of transformation is the great problem of the engineer. He has been mainly occupied with boilers and grates and stok- ers, but recently a marked tendency is evident towards a more critical study of the fuel itself. The investigation presented herewith of the composition and properties of coal is a con- tribution in that direction. Geologically, coal is a mineral derived by process of de- composition from organic material consisting, in the main, of cellulose. We know the products of decomposition of this material when submerged to be carbon dioxide, marsh-gas and water; hence a chemical change takes place somewhat after the following equation: 6CsHwO =7 CO2 + CHs + 15H2O + CrsH26O Cellulose Coal Now, if we take this hypothetical coal molecule, CxsH2x0, and examine it chemically, we shall find that under the influ- ence of heat its most natural decomposition products are coke, marsh-gas and water, indicated in an equation with their per- centages as follows : Crs H260 ss Cy 4+ 6CHs + H,0 Coal Coke Marsh-gas Water 100 per cent. = 69.84 per cent. + 25.40 per cent. + 4.76 per cent. {291] 4 But in the usual method of analysis a separation is made between the coke, or non-volatile part, and the volatile matter as a whole, including in the latter both the marsh-gas and water; hence we have a procedure represented by the follow- ing equation: CHO == Cor + (6CHa + H20) Coal Coke Volatile Matter 100 per cent. = 69.84 per cent. + 30.16 per cent. This volatile matter burns, being mostly marsh-gas, the chief constituent of house-gas; the water is small in amount and seems to have been in a measure lost sight of, for this vola- tile material came to have the name “ volatile combustible ” applied to it. Moreover, water of more genuine characteristics is always found present. It is hygroscopic and invisible, to be sure, but it can be removed by drying, as the other water of composition can not be, and hence the analysis showing only the one kind, the hygroscopic, has been made to satisfy both the purpose of the engineer and the conscience of the chemist. The engineer therefore receives his results in percentages of constituents labeled as follows : Ash Moisture Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon or Coke He calls the first two the non-combustible, and the last two the combustible, material; and to the sum of the latter, as the unit of the fuel, he refers the evaporative efficiency of his boiler, and also his calorific values, on the theory that he ob- tains the heat units per pound of combustible when making the calculation to the material as “ash and water free.” Semi-Brruminous Coat. In the accompavying diagram (Fig. 1) the characteristics of this type of coal are more concisely shown and in the rela- tive proportions of the constituents. The results, moreover, [292] 5 are not hypothetical, as above considered, but are taken from an actual sample of “ Pocahontas” coal,' which belongs to the so-called semi-bituminous type, and constitutes a very large part of the coal deposit of the Appalachian field. The outer zone in the diagram represents the constituents as ordinarily found by proximate analysis, and in tabular form would be represented thus : Pe nece Gi eegeterecine 3.49 per cent. MOISHITO: 4) 054-204 0445 “93 Volatile Matter....... 18.70“ * Fixed Carbon......... 76.88 “ * 100.00 “« * Total non-Combustible. 4.42 “ “ Total Combustible .... 95.58 “ * Hence 104.62 pounds of coal are required to make 100.00 pounds of actual fuel. In the next to the outer zone of the figure the constituents are the same, except that the “volatile matter” is subdivided into that part which in our hypothetical coal molecule was referred to as water of composition, as distinct from the “moisture” or hygroscopic water. This constituent in the actual coal amounts to 4.21 per cent., leaving for actual com- bustible in the volatile part only 14.50 per cent. instead of 18.7 per cent. as before indicated. Hence it appears that our report of analysis as above given should be modified to read thus: GND os Gok lead fades baa ahaa a tl hh Soe 3.49 per cent. Moisture .................. Oa Water of Composition ..... hoes as 3 2 oa eos Ez ° 5 5 oS eee | we . - = |e | oe T ° sIsk[euy o}eUIyn[ sish[euy 9}eULXOIg TILA AT&V iL [319] 32 The samples for Table IX. were collected between Feb. 8th and June 8th, 1904. These were obtained at the mines from the surface of car lots as made ready for shipment to the con- sumer. Amounts varying from 40 to 50 pounds were taken and shipped in sacks to the laboratory. In general one sample of lump or screened nut and one of screenings or slack was procured from each mine. The term “slack” has been uni- formly applied where the material included all that passed through a 14 inch screen. Immediately upon receipt of the material it was reduced by quartering in the usual manner. A check sample, buck- wheat size, was taken, another part was ground to pass through a 100 mesh sieve and each was sealed ina “lightning” fruit jar. The analytical results are given in percent. The calorific values are given in British thermal units per pound of actual coal as represented by the samples and also in calories per kilo of actual coal. [Note.—For the collection of many of the samples I am indebted tothe State Mine Inspectors, and I wish here to express my appreciation of their interest and efficiency. The general analytical work has been in charge of C. H. McClure, assist- ed by Chas. Edwards and A. C. Brown, and I heartily commend the skill and faith- fulness which has characterized their part of the work.—S., W. P.] [320] 9 ” MY TON [09 WH ® [e0g uodumssy [~~ URIISIIG)|GoNdninssy | T CHES re 1 lo-t * “Lg ones es “OF ms ‘OE : CL eror * “OL . z | HOUTS . ‘opp Ueoay ‘Aqding | ~ TILAQ |" pooai py erg 61 06°0 C0 'T 60°89 |I8"E9 CONF 1100S IS ‘OT : : “09 B ueueey Aqding PETAR | poo pIerg ? 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By Pro- fessor D. K. Dodge, Ph.D. The Decline of the Commerce of the Port of New York. By Mr. Richard Price Morgan. A Statistical Study of IMinois High Schools. By Mr. F. G. Bonser, M.S. The Genesis of the Grand Remonstrance from Parliament to King Charles I. By Henry Lawrence Schoolcrait, Ph.D. The Artificial Method for Determining the Ease and the Rapidity of the Digestion of Meats. By Harry Sands Grindley, Sc.D., and Timothy Mojonnier, M.S. Illinois Railway Legislation and Commission Control since 1870. By Joseph Hinckley Gordon, A. M. Introduction by Professor M. B. Hammond, Ph. D.