TTP LP i PerenaTHaRTAPeTeRRe Ren tine CREO CMU RR ERR Cenc) PTPIPILC RCCL EEC kk Ce CUCL Ce CCU TUS Peercurr ers Pee Linetnitenanaad (Ce POR eee er Prec erer ne eu cc rat aa] One ks Tc Cornell Mniversity Library UGHT WITH THE INCOME SAGE ENDO WME THE GIFT oe ert Henry W. Sage 1891 : VAL 08.0. fe . Pee AYE oo ; 3513-1 aaa dsyuotsz | ‘CHILINA UIOAMASAY AHL AGNV GaASIVY AAV SHLVH HHL NHHM AVC ISVAQ TWHL ONTNAG NUNVE MAA ‘OOIXE]L ‘OLVALVNVAY , ‘VITO VI Ad yYsaud ,, YO ‘NYG NAMOT—CCZ ‘VI “ - RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER AND DOMESTIC WATER-SUPPLY - |. WITH AN ACCOUNT OF VARIOUS TYPES OF DAMS AND THE METHODS, PLANS AND COST OF THEIR CONSTRUCTION ALSO CONTAINING MISCELLANEOUS DATA UPON THE AVAILABLE WATER-SUPPLY FOR IRRIGATION IN VARIOUS SEC- TIONS OF ARID AMERICA; DISTRIBUTION, APPLICATION, AND USE OF WATER; RAINFALL AND RUN-OFF FROM VARIOUS WATERSHEDS; EVAPORATION FROM RESERVOIRS; EFFECT OF SILT UPON THE USEFUL LIFE OF RESERVOIRS; AVERAGE COST OF RESER- VOIRS PER UNIT OF CAPACITY, ETC. BY JAMES DIX SCHUYLER Member American Society of Civil Engineers; Member Institution of Civil Engineers, London; Member Technical Society of the Pacific Coast; Member Engineers and Architects’ Association of Southern California; Member Franklin Institute; Corresponding Member National Geographic Society SECOND EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS Lonpon: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limitep 1908 Copyright, 1901, 1008, BY JAMES DIX SCHUYLER. The Scientific Press Robert Brummand and Company New York To tHE Memory or My BrorHeEr, HOWARD SCHUYLER, LATE M. AM. SOC. C. E., AN ENGINEER OF BRILLIANT ATTAINMENTS AND CHARMING CHARACTER, WHO SACRIFICED HIS LIFE IN UNTIRING DEVOTION TO THE CON- STRUCTION OF THE MEXICAN CENTRAL RAILWAY AS ITS FIRST CHIEF ENGINEER, THE INSEPARABLE COMRADE OF MY CHILDHOOD, AND IN YOUTH MY ‘‘GUIDE, PHILOSOPHER, AND FRIEND,” INSPIRING MY AMBITION TO THE ACHIEVE- MENT OF EVER HIGHER * IDEALS, THIS BOOK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED. BY THE AUTHOR. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. Tue kindly reception given to the first edition of this book, which appeared in 1901, and which has been in sufficient demand to necessitate a return of the forms to the press several times to supply the unan- ticipated call for it, has been so flattering to the author that he has been encouraged to accept the urgent advice of his publishers and many friends among the engineering profession, and attempt such a revision of the work as will bring it more nearly up to date. In the past ten or twelve years, since the first compilation of data on the construction of dams in western America was undertaken, the world in general appears to have entered upon a new era of dam and reservoir creation, and there has been such a remarkable degree of activity displayed in the conserva- tion and utilization of water, that it may be quite reasonable to state that more dams have been built in the decade that has just passed than during any fifty years of previous history. This is true not only of the United States but also of Europe and other countries. The present appears to be an age of dam construction, and there has developed an eager demand for information regarding the actual works accomplished, their dimensions, character, plan, materials, methods of construction and cost. The author has been gratified to find his book in the hands of engi- neers in every part of the globe he has visited, which may be accepted as an attestation of the fact that there is a wide field for such a work. He has therefore felt it to be a duty to make it more complete, and more worthy of the interest taken in it. Much new matter has been added and some of the old has been taken out as obsolete and of little present value. The chapter on Hydraulic-fill Dams has been greatly extended by descriptions of later constructions, and two new chapters have been added, descriptive of reinforced concrete dams, the latest claimant to public attention, and of structural steel dams, which have increased in numbers and size. Vv vi PREFACE. The developments made in hydraulic-fill dams in the past few years, and the wide-spread interest manifested in this novel utilization of the forces of Nature to construct enduring barriers of unprecedented height, at moderate cost, would alone have justified the publication of a sepa- rate volume on that subject, embodying all the experiences of the author and other engineers in that most fascinating and interesting field of construction. The chapter on Masonry Dams has been increased twofold by an attempt to make some mention of all the most notable dams of the world, and many that are very little known. Attention is particularly directed to Plates 1, 2, and 3, in which profiles are shown of all of the leading and better known masonry dams in existence, drawn to uniform scale for easy graphical comparison. No such complete collection of dam profiles has ever before appeared in print, assembled together on a common basis. The endeavor has been made to give the book greater attractive- ness by the addition of 234 new cuts and photographs,—some of which have been taken by the author’s pocket camera—an inseparable com- panion. Thus over sixty per cent of all the illustrations in the book are new, and probably as great or a greater proportion of the reading matter is also new or rewritten. The labor involved in this revision has been enormous, but if his efforts shall prove of value to the engineering profession the author will feel amply repaid. JAMES D. ScHUYLER, Los ANGELEs, CaLiIForNiA, October, 1908. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION In 1896 the author was requested to prepare a brief descriptive account of such of the principal dams and reservoirs as had come under his observa- tion in the course of his professional practice in the arid region of the United States, for publication among other Water-supply and Irrigation Papers issued by the U. S. Geological Survey for the general information ‘of the public on topics of popular interest. In compliance with this request a paper was written somewhat hastily in the rare leisure intervals of a busy season, which was printed and cir- culated as a portion of the 18th Annual Report of the Geological Survey, in a more pretentious form than had been anticipated when the manu- ‘script was prepared. The rapidity with which the edition of the paper was exhausted testified to the existence of a widespread interest in the subject -of water-storage in the West, and a general demand for the facts regarding the works which have been built and those which are projected. This has encouraged the author to republish the paper in another form, revising and adding to it as the material has become available. The work does not ‘pretend to be an exhaustive treatise on the subject of dam-construction in western America, nor does it assume to cover the field by an account of all the important dams which have been built. It is chiefly a straightfor- ‘ward description of those works with which the author has become familiar, either as a consulting engineer, or as designer and constructor, or merely as an interested observer of the development of the ideas of other en- gineers. The field is too great to be completely covered by any one work, and new projects are developing with such rapidity as to render the task of enumerating them all quite beyond the power of any one individual. For what it may be worth in the way of information or suggestion to the fellow members of his profession, or to others interested in the storage of water, the volume is modestly presented, craving indulgence for all errors of omission or commission. James D. ScHUYLER. Ocrozer, 1900. vii INTRODUCTION. THE development of a water-supply for irrigation in the arid West sooner or later reaches a stage where the construction of storage-reservoirs becomes a necessity. If the stream is one of considerable volume, numer- ous irrigation-canals will be constructed from it at all convenient points, and its entire normal] flow will be utilized before the impounding of flood- volumes is thought of as a possibility. But with the varying seasons there will occasionally come a year when the best of streams are so shrunken below the normal as to limit sharply the area which can be irrigated from it, and emphasize the regret that some means had not been provided for holding back the wealth of water which at times pours into the sea without benefit to any one, so as to render it available in the drier part of the year. Other streams there are, which drain very large districts and at certain times of the year are formidable and almost impassable rivers, that in the summer and fall are dry for months at a time. If these sources are to be rendered servicable storage-reservoirs must be built as the initial step in irrigation development. All streams, except they be regulated by nature by means of lakes or subterranean reservoirs, are subject to great fluctuation. It is the function of artificial reservoirs to equalize in a measure these variations in flow, im- pounding the floods for use in the season when irrigation is necessary. Were it possible to conceive of a stream flowing throughout the year without change in volume, such a stream would not have its fullest measure of use- fulness without storage of the water flowing during the period of the year when irrigation is not needed. Inasmuch as the total available water-supply of the arid region is vastly short of the quantity needed for irrigating all the land requiring artificial watering, it is evident that, under every condition and with every class of stream, storage-reservoirs are needed to develop the fullest measure of use- fulness of the existing supply. Unfortunately it is beyond the possibility of hope that all the water flowing can be stored or utilized. There is such a wide range in the total run-off of every stream from one season to another that it would rarely be possible to find storage capacity for the extremes of flow. On large rivers ix x INTRODUCTION. the ratio between maximum and minimum years may vary as 12 to 1, while on smaller streams the total flow one year may be one hundred times as. much as that of the next year. Hence the reservoirs which might be pro- vided to catch all the flow of average years would occasionally be over-. whelmed by freshets so extraordinary as to fill them several times over. This condition has an important bearing on the design of every reservoir located in the path of floods, first, in emphasizing the necessity for provid- ing ample spillway capacity, large enough to carry safely the greatest possi- ble or probable flow, and, second, in fixing the proportion which the capacity of the reservoir may bear to the total annual run-off of the stream, so as to minimize the ratio of silt deposited to the total volume of water impounded. It may be accepted as true that the destiny of every reservoir: is to be filled with silt sooner or later. If a reservoir were created on a. stream carrying silt to the extent of 1% of its volume on an average (although few actually carry so much as 1%), and the average annual flow of the stream were, for an extreme example, fifty times as great as the capacity of the reservoir, the latter would be filled and become unservice- able in two years, assuming that the greater portion of the silt carried was. deposited in the reservoir. It would evidently, therefore, be unprofitable to construct such a reservoir unless provision were made for an immediate increase in height of dam, for diverting the river around the reservoir, which is usuaily impracticable, or for sluicing or dredging the silt from the reservoir, a process involving great expense. If, on the other hand, the- reservoir capacity was made great enough to store rather more than the: usual average flow for one year, the period of usefulness of the works would be vastly increased, and the consideration of the problem of silt disposal. would be left for future generations to solve. The importance of reservoir-construction and water-storage for irriga- tion was not so generally recognized in the arid region prior to about the. year 1885 as it has been subsequent to that time, and it is only within a comparatively recent period that capital has been extensively enlisted in such works except for the storage of water for cities and towns. With a few prominent examples of successful achievement in that line as precedents, however, the subject of water-storage has awakened wide-spread attention, and each year it appears to be attracting deeper public interest. Capital has been slow to undertake the largest and most important works of this character, because of the difficulty of realizing immediate returns upon the investment. The development of a new section upon which water is but recently introduced, the construction of distributing canals, ditches, and pipes, the cultivation of the land and the planting of orchards—in fact the conversion of a desert to a condition of profitable productiveness, is the work. of time, which cannot be begun until the irrigation-works are actually com- pleted, and when begun is slow of full development. Meantime, however,, INTRODUCTION. xi the interest account accumulates, and often is so far in excess of possible revenues as to bring discouragement, and sometimes actual bankruptcy, before a paying basis is reached. The uncertainty of the laws of the differ- ent States governing water rights in reservoirs, the difficulty of establishing fixed rates for water that will be high enough to afford an adequate revenue to the capital involved and low enough to enable the farmer to pay for the water he requires and make a living while developing his farm, and the responsibilities involved in the risk from floods, accidents, and dry seasons, have been potent in deterring capitalists from investing in the business of storing and selling water, per se, unless it were coupled with the ownership of the lands to be irrigated, or with the domestic supply of a growing town, or with the possibilities of generating water-power. The recent development of electrical machinery, by which power may profitably be transmitted long distances with comparatively small loss, has indirectly benefited the irrigation development of the country by adding an incentive to the construction of storage-reservoirs for the primary and more profitable purpose of generating power. Many reservoirs are being favorably considered by capitalists for the power which they will afford that would otherwise be regarded as comparatively valueless or unprofitable investments for irrigation alone. As the great bulk of precipitation in the arid region occurs in the mountains, where it increases with some degree of uniformity with every foot of increased altitude, the mountains are coming to be regarded as indispensable to the wealth of the country, valuable not only for their precious metals, stone, and timber, but for the store of water which they are able to supply to the thirsty plains below. The mountains not only supply the water, but they usually afford the best sites for reservoirs to impound it, in ancient lake-beds, and high, cool, deep valleys, surrounded by forests; while the latter fulfila most important function and attain a value far higher than the mere commercial one to be derived from their lumber and firewood, by serving to retard the rapid run-off of the water- supply. Forest growth is of primary importance in the preservation of the source of streams, in preventing the mountains from being washed down with destructive force to the valleys and the sea, and in creating natural reservoirs on every square mile of their surface. That storage-reservoirs are a necessary and indispensable adjunct to irrigation development, as well as to the utilization of power, requires no argument to prove. That they will continue to become more and more necessary to our Western civilization is equally sure and certain; but the signs of the times seem to point to the inevitable necessity of governmental control in their construction, ownership, and administration. Those which private capital may undertake should only be permitted to be erected under the most rigid governmental supervision, to assure their absolute safety. Many reservoirs are needed for the development of the arid regions which xii INTRODUCTION. are of too great a magnitude to be undertaken by private capital or organized individual effort. In every other country such works are undertaken by the national government. In general it may be said that the lands which would be benefited by such works in arid America belong to the govern- ment. ‘To make these lands productive aud capable of sustaining popula- tion, the government of the United States shoald undertake their reclamation and construct and administer the reservoirs. That sucha policy will ere long be inaugurated seems inevitable. The purpose of this work is to familiarize the public with the details of construction and the general features of interest appertaining to the principal reservoirs constructed or projected in the Western States and Territories which have come within the knowledge or observation of the writer, describing in a popular way their characteristics, their water-supply, the results accomplished or sought to be accomplished by them, and the methods and materials employed in the constraction of the dams which form them. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. RGOGRSPILE DAMS) Sees Sue aes vata tax tastes eee sve Sas ea eh tae a a et Various types of rock-fill dams. described.—The Escondido dam, faced with redwood plank—the first rock-fill dam built for irrigation storage.—Lower Otay steel-core, rock-fill dam, general description of construction.—Morena rock- fill dam, with concrete facing.—Chatsworth Park rock-fill, with concrete and masonry skin.—The Pecos Valley, N. M., type of rock-fill dams, with earth facing. —Quick-opening spillway gates—Walnut Grove rock-fill dam, and its disastrous failure.—East Canyon Creek rock-fill dam, with plate-steel center- core.—The English dam, Cal., timber-crib rock-fill, destroyed.—The Bowman dam, an existing example of earlier rock-fill construction.—Castlewood rock-fill dam.—Rock-fill and earth dams in New Mexico.—Combination dams, rock-fill and hydraulic-fill, on Snake river, Idaho.—Zufii Indian combination dam, N. M.—Minidoka combination dam, Idaho.—Rock-fill dams in Maine and Georgia.—Dam in New Zealand.—Steel-faced rock-fill dam in Colorado. CHAPTER II. HyYpRaULIC-FILL Dams ee MEcatsret a ce LY Sete keg case Plesk SN Ak Reino dealt Ateadle Principles of dam construction by the agency of water.—San Leandro and Temescal dams, supplying Oakland, Cal., partially built by the hydraulic method. —The Tyler, Texas, hydraulic-fill dam, the cheapest on record.—La Mesa, Cal., hydraulic-fil dam, and the assorting of rock and earth by the varying velocities of water.—The Crane Valley hydraulic-fill dam, San Joaquin river, Cal.,—The filling of high trestles with earth and rock embankment by hydraulic methods on the Canadian Pacific and Northern Pacific railways, as illustrating the prin- ciples of hydraulic dam construction.—Lake Frances, Cal., hydraulic-fill, built by pump.—Hydraulic sluicing on Milner and Minidoka dams, Idaho.—Waialua and Nuuanu dams’samples of Hawaiian hydraulic-fills—Terrace dam, Colo., the highest in America.—Hydraulic-fill dams in Brazil and Mexico, most perfect and largest types of the new hydraulic construction.—Yorba dam, and Silver Lake dam, Cal., built chiefly by material pumped through pipes.—Swink hydraulic-fill dam, Colorado, one of the huge Colorado projects.—Croton and Lyons dams, Michigan.—Little Bear Valley dam, Cal.—Failure of Snake Ravine dam, showing danger of improper methods used.—General principles——The core-wall question, Clay vs. concrete or masonry. Limiting height of dams.— Hydraulic construction at Seattle, Tacoma, and elsewhere. xiii 85 Xlv TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. MASONRY" DAMBij2 Oci2 ca siaeee nlite trasten nately adv anstna aunt aoamaweaaddvra Me Elementary principles involved.—Curved vs. straight masonry dams.—The advantages of curvature in all masonry dams as a safeguard against cracks due to extreme changes of temperature.—The old Mission dam, erected by the Jesuit Fathers near San Diego, Cal., one of the first structures of its kind in America. —El Molino dam.—The Sweetwater dam, its original design, construction, severe test and subsequent enlargement.—The silt problem in the Sweetwater reservoir.—The Hemet dam and the irrigation of land from Lake Hemet reser- voir.—The Bear Valley dam, the slenderest dam of its height in the world.—La Grange dam, the highest overflow dam in America.—The Folsom dam, Cal., erected by convict labor. The San Mateo, Cal., concrete dam, the greatest mass of concrete in existence.—Run-off streams supplying the San Mateo and adjacent reservoirs.—Pacoima submerged dam.—Agua Fria dam, Ariz., and the limited volume of underflow in streams shown by its construction.—The Seligman dam. —The Williams dam.—The Walnut Canyon dam, Ariz., and the phenomenal leakage of the reservoir behind it.—The Ash Fork, Ariz., steel dam, the only one of its type in the world.—The Lynx Creek dam, and its failure, a conspicuous example of how dams should not be built—Concrete dams at Portland, Oregon. —The Basin Creek, Mont., masonry dam.—A masonry dam under 640-ft. head. —Cornell University dam and the provision made for contraction cracks— Bridgeport and Wigwam dams, Conn.—The Austin dam and its failure.— The New Croton dam, New York.—Cross River dam.—Croton Falls dam.— Spier Falls dam.—The remarkable dam built at Ithaca, N. Y.—Ashokan dam, N. Y.—Sodom dam.—Boyd’s Corner dam.—Indian River dam, N. Y.— Granite Springs dam, Wyo.—a good example of cost data carefully kept.—Lake Cheesman dam, the highest masonry dam in America.—The Great Boonton dam in New Jersey—The Wachusett dam, Mass.—Remarkable construction in dam over Susquehanna river—Pedlar River dam, Lynchburg, Va., a novel and well planned strusture——A notable dam in Georgia.—The mammoth constructions of the U. S. Reclamation Service—the Roosevelt dam, Arizona, and the Pathfinder and Shoshone dams of Wyoming.—The slender Upper Otay dam in California—The dam of Mariquina river, for the Manila, P. I., waterworks.—Masonry dams in Guanajuato and other parts of Mexico.— Masonry dams of Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Wales, Algiers, Germany, Egypt, India, China, Australia, Peru, Brazil, and South Africa. CHAPTER IV. PUARTHEN DAMS oie eoSAs ahs wears aictre Ween A a eect eae lea woud ae mean ete Ancient earth dams of Ceylon and India, of enormous dimensions.—Modern dams of India.—General principles to be observed in earth dam construction.— The Vallejo dam.—Cuyamaca dam and reservoir and the irrigation system sup- plied.—Merced reservoir dam.—Buena Vista Lake dam.—Pilarcitos and San Andrés dams, supplying San Francisco.—The Tabeaud dam, one of the highest earthen structures.—The Chollas Heights dam, with sheet-steel core-wall.—Cache la Poudre dam.—Earth dams erected by the State of Colorado.—Doubtful results of State construction of storage-reservoirs.—The Canistear dam, New Ji ersey 416 TABLE OF CONTENTS. XV PAGH Core-wall dam.—An arched earth dam with concrete core-wall, at Amsterdam, N. Y.—The Laramie River dam, with triple-lap sheet piling under base.—The highest core-wall of concrete in America, in Newark dams, Cedar Grove, N. J. —Belle Fourche dam, 8S. Dakota.—North Dike of. Wachusett dam, Mass., watertight, without core-wall.—Druid Lake dam, Baltimore, Md.—Cold Springs dam, Umatilla, Oregon, built without core-wall.—Slips in earth dam sometimes due to soluble salts in earth.—Modern Indian dams.—The Talla dam of Edinburgh, Scotland.—Discussion of core-walls in earth dams. CHAPTER V. STBET DAMS west cies cede sega ew nace eG b VEY Ok BAAR OG MELE EGS ARE alae a ek 453 The Ash Fork dam, erected in 1897, for the Santa Fé Pacific Railway, in Johnson Canyon, near Ash Fork, Ariz., the pioneer in steel dams.—The Redridge dam, Michigan, erected four years later—The highest and latest steel dam, built across the Missouri river, near Helena, Montana, called the Hauser Lake dam.—Failure of Hauser Lake dam in April 1908.—Contract for reconstruction and borings to bedrock. Illustrations of the wrecked dam. CHAPTER VI. REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS 0.0... cece ccc ete tence eee eee eneeeeeneveeeens 465. Principles on which the dams are designed—the hollow interior form adapted to ease of building covered passageway to observation of the condi- tions of water-tightness, and to manipulation of gates.—The latest form of reinforced concrete dam illustrated by the Ellsworth, Maine, dam, completed in 1908.—The Patapsco dam, Ilchester, Maryland, a type of dam containing a power-house in its hollow interior, subject to submergence by overflow.—The Juniata dam, Huntingdon, Pa., a type built on porous gravel foundation.—. The Pittsfield dam, Mass, also founded on gravel.—La Prele dam, Douglas, Wyo., under construction, the highest of its class. CHAPTER VII. NATURAL, RESERVOIRS 6 sissies dG mew ois v:oaie Bie Suess Sala TNS o SBA EEG SOE RAS 483 Depressions in the great plains of the West used as natural reservoirs by providing outlets and feeders.—The formation of lakes and natural reservoirs by landslides, and by glacial deposits of terminal and lateral moraines.—Twin Lakes reservoir, Colo., an example of lakes formed by glacial moraines—the author’s design of outlet structures——Larimer and Weld reservoir, Colorado, and others fed by the Cache la Poudre river.—Marston lake, Colo., used for Denver City supply.—Loveland, Colo., reservoir-site.—Laramie reservoir-basin of colossal capacity.—Lake de Smet, Wyo., basin.—Natural reservoirs utilized for irrigation in Arkansas Valley.—The Great Oregon Basin reservoir, Wyo. —tThe Douglas Lake reservoir, Colo.—Fossil Creek reservoir.—Natural gravel bed storage in the San Fernando, San Gabriel, and Santa Ana Valleys in Southern California.—Lost Canyon natural dam, Colo. XXvVl MisczLLANEOUS TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. ee ee A collection of illustrations received too late for classification in regular order.—The rock-fill dams of Bowman lake, Eureka lake, and Weaver lake, on the South Yuba river, Cal., types of earliest constructionThe Faucherie timber dam.—Remains of the English Lake dam, partly destroyed by flood in 1883.—A recent view of the completed Lake Frances hydraulic-fill dam, with full reservoir.—Hydraulie sluicing at Seattle, Wash., ilustrated.—The Hopkirk wood-stave reinforced pipe for carrying liquid earth—The Milner combination dam.—The Walnut Grove rock-fill dam—The Granite Reef concrete weir.— The Hinckston Run, Pa., cinder-fill dam.—Latest view of Necaxa dam.—Four notable masonry dams in Mexico, not hitherto described.—View of the Santo Amaro hydraulic-fill dam, Brazil, with table of progress, ratios of solids carried, ete——A remarkable illustration of stability of clay core of hydraulic-fill dam under test conditions.—A high Japanese hydraulic-fill dam.—Dixville, N. H., earth dam, with concrete core on sheet-piles—Arrowhead dam, Cal.—A leaky core-wall.—The John Days dam, Cal., a combination of concrete and earth.— The Roland Park hydraulic-fill dam, Baltimore, Md. APPENDIX. Containing tabulated data of the cost of reservoir construction per acre~ foot in the United States and in foreign countries on various types of dams. Also tables of the area and capacity of twelve western reservoirs, at varying levels LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 1. Map of Escondido Irrigation District 1.0.0... cc cece e cence eee e were ne eeee 2 2. Feeder Canal, Escondido Irrigation District, Cal... 0.0.0... eee eee eee 3 3. Conduit Mountain Side Flume..... cece ce cee een eee 5 4. Escondido Rock-fill Dam... 2.0... cece ee eee eee eees 6 5. Back of Escondido Irrigation District Dam. ....... 0... cece cece eee eee 8 6. Plans and Profiles of Escondido Dam .. ........ eee e eee eee cette eens 10 7. Details of Outlet Gate of Escondido Dam........... 0. eee cece eee eee 11 8. Contour Map of Escondido Reservoir.... 0.00... cece eee cee eee 13 9. Construction of Wood Facing of Escondido Dam... ........... 0.00 eee eee 14 10. General View of Escondido Dam and Reservoir........... seen eee 14 11. Masonry Base of Steel Diaphragm, Lower Otay Dam., Cal................ 16 12. Lower Otay Dam, Rock-fill, Steel Core... 2... 0... ieee cece 18 13. Illustrating Construction of Lower Otay Dam... ... 1... cee ee eee eee eee 19 14. Anchorage of Steel Web of Lower Otay Dam.......... 0.0... ccc cece eee eee 20 15. Construction of Steel Plate Core-wall of Lower Otay Dam................ 21 16. Crest of Lower Otay Dam, showing Alinement of Steel Core............... 22 17. Contour Map of Lower Otay Reservoir ....... 0... cece eee eee eee eee ees 23 18. Plan and Sections of Lower Otay Dam ... 1.2... .. ee eee eee eee eee eee 25 19. Explosion of Great Blast, Lower Otay Dam........... eee eee cece eee eee 26 20. Barrett Dam-site, Cal., Foundation View. ....... 0. ccc cece cece een ceeeees 29 21. Morena Dam-site, Cal., Foundation View ............ ce ceceeeecececeecs 32 22. Morena Rock-fill Dam, Unfinished... eee ee eee eee e eee 33 23. Morena Rock-fill Dam, showing Portion of Toe-wall..........cccceeeeeees 34 24. Map of Reservoir Locations in San Diego County, Cal... ........0ceeeeeee 34 25. Profile of Chatsworth Park Rock-fill Dam, Cal... ..........ceeeeeeeeeeees 35 26. Plan, Sections, and Elevation of Castlewood Dam, Colo............00s000- 38 27. Castlewood Dam, during Construction .............. 0. cece eee cecereeeees 39 28. General View of Castlewood Dam and Reservoir ........-.ccccceeceeees 40 29. Castlewood Dam after First Completion... .......... ccc eeeecceueeeees 41 30. Leakage through Castlewood Rock-fill Dam... ........ 0.000. c cece eee cues 41 31. Section of Castlewood Dam, after Reconstruction .............-.cecceeeee 42 32. Lake Avalon Dam, N.M. Plan of Dam and Canal.................00005 43 33. Lake Avalon Dam, N.M. Rock-fill under Construction ...............005 44 34. Lake Avalon Dam, N.M. As Originally Completed..................000- 45 35. Lake Avalon Dam, N.M. Canal Head-gates. ........ cc .ceceeeeeeceeee 46 36. Lake Avalon Dam, N.M. Quick-opening Spill-gates.............000 0005 47 Xviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGH 37. Sections of Lake Avalon and Lake McMillan Dams... ........-.0000- eee AL 38. Map of Pecos Valley, N. M........ cece ccc e cece e ence eee ece cece eeeenees 48 39. Sketch of Pecos Valley Canals ........ 02... cee cece cence cence eee eeeens 49 40. Cross-section and Longitudinal Section, Walnut Grove Dam, Ariz....,..... 54 41. General View of Walnut Grove Dam and Reservoir ...........eeeeeeeaaee 55 42. East Canyon Creek Rock-fill Dam, Utah ........ 2... cece cece eee eee eens 62 43. Balanced-valve Reservoir Outlet, Lake Cheesman Dam, Colo. ............. 63 44. Plan and Section, Bowman Dam, Cal., Rock-fill Timber Crib.............. 66 45. Plan and Section, Fordyce Lake Beck: fill Dam, Cal... ........ 0... cece eee 67 46. Map of Milner Dam, showing Location of the Three Channels, closed by Separate Dams, forming One Complete Structure............. facing page 68 47. Great Battery of 99 Waste-gates, Milner Dam, Idaho... ...............6. 71 48. “Irrigation Falls,” formed by Discharge from Waste-gates, Milner Dam, Tdaho: viene nox ieviad acensetac Gitiiats we edinevaeg shane hoes BOS a ees 71 49. North Channel Dam, Milner, Idaho, during Construction... .............. 72 50. Milner Dam. Divers at Work placing Sheet-piling in 40 Feet of Water...... 72 51. Milner Dam, Snake river, Idaho, showing Rock-fill with Wooden Core-wall, before Earth Sluicing began « «.0:...¢.545 099 vata eae eieon sare arate eee A Saree 73 52. Milner Dam. Near Viewof Some of the Waste-gates, showing Travelling Hoist 73 53. First Opening of Head Gates, Twin Falls Canal, Idaho, at Milner Dem ..... 74 54. Plan of dam, waterway and-Waste Tunnel for the Zufidam....facing page 74 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. V7. 78. Down-stream Face of Zufii Dam, N. M., showing character of Dry Masonry inthe Rocke :44 ovosde ts ce ead ee evar tere wesc wea eee we Aes 76 Hydraulic-fill Side of Zufii Dam, showing Gravel Cover of Stone Rip-rap. . 76 Zuni Dam, N. M., showing Spillway Channel and Guard-wall in Foreground 77 Section of Zufi Det INS, Mie Sestanas af aediie.t anita e gtnelew gated Miata Melia coleraiahiautes sabe 77 Zui Dam, N. M., illustrating Method of Delivering Sluiced Material by HON OD WMG) tos send eto Celede SV ama haa wee oa we bogies MAG Ey RR a Ree 78 Zuii Dam, N. M., showing Hydraulic Monitor at Work ................ i. 78 Minidoka, Rock- fill- Hydraulic-fill Dam, Idaho ...... 0... eee eee eee eee 80 Section of Alfred Dam, Maine ............ 00. cece cece eee e eee e tenes 81 Alfred Dam, Maine. Down-stream Face of Rock-fill................0000 82 Double-jointed Hydraulic Giant or Monitor... 0... ec cece eee ee eee ee eee ees 88 Deflecting Nozzle of Hydraulic Giant... 6... eee eee eee eee eee 88 Plans and Cross-sections of San Leandro and Temescal Dams, Cal.......... 90 Hydraulic-fill Dam at Tyler, Texas. ......... 6002 e eee ee eee eee ee eee 91 Hydraulic Sluicing with Pumped Water at Tyler, Texas...............-.. 92 General View of Sluicing on Tyler Hydraulic-fill Dam .............--..-4- 95 La Mesa, Cal., Hydraulic-fill Dam. View of Completed Dam. ............. 96 La Mesa Dam in Course of Construction .........0... 000 e eee ee ee eee eee 97 La Mesa Dam, showing Core-wall Trench, and Beginning of Hydraulic SST OTS saa e bcaetanct a elialie4 ods Se SUAS c aeehcaugs sis a @ de Madandbyh wlanes Souk BG a ae el 100 Details of Outlet-gates and Well-culvert of La Mesa Dam... ......-..+++- 101 La Mesa Dam, illustrating an Unsuccessful Method of suspending Delivery- pipe trom: Cable. xiaanees Ae ened sate ees eh ES h eR Re eS 103 Cross-section of La Mesa Dam, showing Theoretical Distribution of Materials. 104 La Mesa Dam, showing Distribution of Material through Pipes laid on Trestles. . si tdesee . 105 Crane Valley: Dawnsite. Ga, ‘ dowine ‘Outines of ‘Hydraulie-All. ‘Dans. as Paasche ek iss, deters Rees oe ao es BO wa as 106 View of Crane Valley Dam-site, Cal... ...... eee c cece ce eeteneee toot sxe L107 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. o FIGURE 79. 80. 81. 82. 83, 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102, 103 104. 105. 106, 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. Crane Valley Dam, showing Wooden Fence or Central Core, built up from Base about 30 Feet in Height... 0.0.0... eee Crane Valley Dam, showing Discharge of Sluiced Earth at End of Conveying- MUIMESS, a: ¢:-5 4, als Aectanend ais. & bana ape tmmniee Gidnayeanadt oo wien teeta ge ead ale inant oa. Gala aa Ec Crane Valley Dam, showing Hydraulic Giant at Work .................005 Crane Valley Dam. General View, showing Borrow-pits in Distance....... Plan of Lake Frances Hydraulic-fill Dam... ...........000005- Jacing page Break in Original Lake Frances Dam... .... 02... ee eee eee Near View of Bank exposed by Break in Lake Frances Dam .............. Toe Levee of North Face of Lake Frances Dam...............-.20 00000 Dome over Gate Chamber and Outlet Culvért, Lake Frances Dam.......... West End of Lake Frances Dam, showing the Break Restored by Hydraulic Sluicing, the Higher Dam nearly completed, the Giant in Operation. and the Supply-pipe to Pumps... 00. c cece cert e ene e eens Hydraulic Giant in Action, Undercutting the Bank....................04, Beginning Reconstruction of Lake Frances Dam............-..-.00000000e Pumping Station, Lake Frances Dam, showing Temporary Dam for holding Water pumped over and over .......... 0.00 cece cece ete ene ees Lake Frances Dam, showing Main Flume and Laterals for Distributing Sluicéd Materials. cic. sue veer hastens am herman ee tee ves Bee ce Sections of Waialua Dam, Hawali............. 0... c ccc cece cece ene Contour Plan of Waialua Dam, Hawaii...........0 000000. e ee eee ees Waialua Dam, showing Trestle from which Rock-fill was built, and Hydraulic- Al Sluiced Againstltis, ca. ecceed seg se ened dae Pe eve eee ac eee ws Rock-fill Face of Waialua Dam ............... 00 cece eee eeeeees Temporary Outlet Tunnels for Flood Discharge, Waialua Dam. ........... Rip-rap over Hydraulic-fill Waialua Dam ...... 1.2... eee eee Waialua Dam, looking Down-stream through Dam-site Nuuanu Dam, Honolulu, showing Toe of Rock-fill Plan and Sections of Terrace Dam, Colo... ........ 00.0.0 cece cece cece Terrace Dam, Colo., showing Deposit of Sluiced Material on Up-stream Toe, . about 70 feet above Base... 2.0... . 0.2 eee cee etc ete e eens Hydraulic Sluicing on Terrace Dam, Colo . 2. cece eee Terrace Dam, Colo., Down-stream Slope, illustrating Gradation of Material from Coarse to Fine toward Center... 00... ... cc cece eee eee ee eee eee Terrace Dam, Coio., Deposit on Up-stream Toe.......... 2... e eee eee Waste or Overflow Flume for Flood Discharge on Unfinished Terrace Dam. . General View of Terrace Dam, Hydraulic Filling and Monitor in Operation. . Santo Amaro Dam, Brazil, showing Plan of Distribution of Hydraulic Sluiced Materials? .oi0s2.¢5 sguvesdet caw ee gee bee ek oe ose Sales pe Santo Amaro Dam, General View from Up-stream Side .............000005 Hydraulic Monitor at Work, on Santo Amaro Dam, Brazil, delivering 8 sec-ft. under 85 lbs. Pressure, through 4-inch Nozzle .............-00e0eeeeeee Upper Toe Filling on Santo Amaro Dam, showing Lateral Flumes.......... Cross-section of Necaxa Dam, Mexico, showing Dimensions, Cut-off Trenches, and Theoretical Distribution of Materials ..............0 cece cen eeaee Contour. Plan.of Necaxa Hydraulic-fill Dam, Mexico............ facing page Looking Up-stream through Gorge at Site of Necaxa Dam, showing Stripped Slopes prepared for the Dam. ........... 0... cece cece eee eee te eene Necaxa Dam, Hydraulic Monitor working under 180 Ibs. Pressure, with 6-inch Nozzle, delivering 30 sec-ft. of Water. ....... 0... c cece ee eee eee eee xix PAGE 110 111 113 115 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 129 130 131 133 133 135 135 137 140 141 142 143 143 144 145 147 148 149 150 152 152 153 154 xx LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 116. Necaxa Dam, Mexico. View from Pit with Monitor at Work, looking along Up-stream Toe, January 1, 1908 ....... 0. eee cc cee nee 155 117. Necaxa Dam, Hydraulic Sluicing under High Pressure in Limestone and Uae Rock ws ssaaads aes sae dee anhalt eaies a eae din eS 156 118. Stone carried through Flume to Up-stream Slope of Necaxa Dam. ......... 157 119. Measuring a Stone carried by Water through Flume to Down-stream Toe of Necaxa Dam................-..- Heston ty Loi apg wom aa gue ayn Secor ee esos 157 120. Lower Toe Slope of Necaxa Dam, showing Masonry Revetment..........- 158 121. Illustrating Construction of Down-stream Slope of Necaxa Dam, showing Flume, and Materials Delivered .. 00.0.0... ccc ccc eee cece eens 158 122. Lower Toe of Necaxa Dam, at Height of 85 feet, January 1,1908......... 159 123. Necaxa Dam, showing Pond on Crest, and Reservoir Partly Filled. looking Wp sbe ak Oss sie cend ev seas B aecvean ces aches AMAA are acne Nahed harass ae ROG EIS 160 124. Necaxa Dam, Up-stream Slope, looking toward Sluicing Pit and SpillwayGap. 161 125. Necaxa Dam, showing Portion of Concrete Core-wall, on South End. Also Overflow Drainage Pipe sc sno eareegie weeds Sei acne ng wake ae we gla 162 126. Lower Toe of Necaxa Dam, showing First Delivery-trestle, and Pipe originally ised for Carrying ROC 2 sie cie 5 «iecuelae ard ores aus, srelds aunlbaa decade dissed tna se aaseie 163 127. Hydraulic Sluicing at Necaxa Dam, during Visit of Am. Soc. C. E. Conven- tion, June; 1907 si csasceind Seana sae evade adn Kanes Sas Slaw gia 164 128. Necaxa Dam, Up-stream Toe, as it appeared October 26, 1907, showing Two Lines of Flume and Hydraulic Elevator in Operation................6.. 165 129. Necaxa Dam, Up-stream Toe, December 9, 1907............0 20: e eee ears 166 130. Hydraulic Sluiced Material delivered through Pipes to Acatlan Dam, Tenango River; Mexieo igcivis aie csnaed ota 3 Fen eee eae aes SN Pa RUN Gree Rae Mere 168 131. Ground Sluicing at Acatlan Dam, Mexico ...... 0... eee cee eee eee eens 168 132. General View of Pipe Distribution to Acatlan Dam.............. eee eee 169 133. Acatlan Dam, as completed, July, 1906............ 0. cee eee eee eee ee 169 134. Yorba Dam, Cal., Hydraulicking an Earth Bank with Water pumped ehnouglt l-inch Nozzle mingles 25: ADS: PLeSSULE is. cin cbt te onde Dp irgceieiane Geined Aiea a 173 135. Yorba Dam, Cal., showing Discharge of Pumped Earth and Water along Upsstreant Toe. levee hacer «das da hua iandeecateae Soak Pemenan waa eReN 173 186 Silver Lake Dam, Los Angeles, Cal., showing Sluicing of Earth to Pump, and thence to Dam through a Booster Pump...........--...e eee e eee 175 137. Hydraulic-fill Dam at Croton, Mich., during Construction ................. 178 138. Flumes and Trestles used at Croton Dam.... 1... 6... ce cee eee ee 178 138a. Map of Little Bear Valley Reservoir ..........-------s esse eee facing page 180 139. Improvised Hydraulic Monitors used in Hydraulic Sluicing at the Croton Dam, Mich, vuncevens eucdys eed ecru eee el iem yeas hen gays 181 140. Hydraulic Sluicing Canadian Pacific Railway. View of Pit and Hydraulic (Fi aurat Sab WOTIE see diverees Be Gale ee petted arena asdastod se wndanot alk. nenat ay dudan sale ana, S eee weg v 194 141. Hydraulic R. R. Fills partially completed, at Mountain Creek, B.C......... 195 142. Hydraulic R. R. Fills, near View of Dump under Trestle at Mountain Creek, Be CO oniO Pe Res scou.en sci .s Wi cele se aes tee ee Me Ss eek ey Sa Be ee 196. 143. Northern Pacific Railway, Hydraulic Filling of Bridge 190................ 197 144. Northern Pacific Railway, Hydraulic Filling of Bridge 189................ 198 145. Northern Pacific Railway, Hydraulic Monitor at Work.................... 199 146. Northern Pacific Railway, Hydraulic Filling of Bridge 184... ............. 200 147. Site of Lake Cheesman Dam. looking Down-stream. ............ 0s eee eee 203 148. Comparison of Profiles of Zola, Sweetwater, and Bear Valley Dams........ 207 149. Old Mission Dam, near San Diego, Cal. The First Irrigation Dam built in the: UnitedsStatess jesse dco Se Bie val Sale ee date SOUS aeons s eae eles 214 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. xxi FIGURE PAGE 150. Original Sweetwater Dam, as completed to the 60-ft. Contour ............. 216 151. Elevation and Sections of Sweetwater Dam, Cal.... 0.0... . cece eee eee 217 152. Face of Sweetwater Dam, in 1899, after Two Years of Drouth. ............ 218 153. Details of Tower of Sweetwater Dam........ 0... cece eee eee eee eee 220 154. Sweetwater Dam, Cal., as finished, April, 1888......... Pease eames 221 155. Sweetwater Dam during the Great Flood of July 17, 1895... ............. 222 156. Sweetwater Dam, showing Intake Tower and Bridge..................05. 223 157. Spillway of Sweetwater Dam, as rebuilt after Flood of January, 1895....... 224 158. Sweetwater Dam, showing Apron, Water-cushion Weir. and Spur-walls to protect Pipe Line built in 1895 2... 0... cee eee eens 227 159. Flashboard Weir formed on Parapet of Sweetwater Dam after Freshet of 160. Contour Plan of Sweetwater Dam, Cal... ..... 0.00.2 cece eee 229 161. Plan and Profile of Waste-outlet Tunnel, Sweetwater Dam. Cel............ 229 162. Details of Sweetwater Dam Plans........... 0... cee cece eee eee 230 163. Sweetwater Dam, showing Head of Outlet Tunnel and Partial View of Spillway in Background... ceeacaotmnvie va cae eats Gere A gicd a Pinte ninarelens 231 164. Six Views of Sweetwater Dam, during Flood of 1895 and after Repairs made the same: Year's sivas nigiesseaaee seesaw 4 eked be sea ee ee es Me 234 165. Map of Lake Hemet, Conduit and Irrigated Lands............. cee e eee 238 166. Hemet Dam, Cal., from below ....... 0... cece eer cee tenes eeeeeeee 240 167. End View of Hemet Dam, showing Curvature .......... 0. ccc eee eee e eens 241 168. Contour Map of Lake Hemet Reservoir ........... 0 cee cen ceecececeevees 242 169. Plan, Sections, and Details of Hemet Dam, Cal. ....... 2... 0. cece ee eee eee 243 170. Construction Plant, Hemet Dam, Cal. ... 20... 0... cece eee eee eee 244 171. Hemet Dam, Cal., Masonry Construction . ......... cece cece cere teen eee 248 172. Cross-section of Profile of Bear Valley Dam, Cal... ......c.. eee ee eee eeee 249 173. Plan and Elevation of Bear Valley Dain ........ cece cee eee cece eee eee 249 174, End View of Bear Valley Dam, showing Curvature... .............eeeeee 251 175. Spillway of Bear Valley Dam, showing Flashboard Gates closing the Channel. 252 176. Looking Up-stream at the Bear-Valley Dam, Cal.. showing in Foreground the Base of a Proposed New Rock-fill Dam began in 1888 but never COMPLETE cs eees5ac 5s ce ow wALdae dade tee aunlinde. woahalsna RAG ayer eave cdeain GitecoualS Bgdasaveleney 253 177. Outline Map of Bear Valley Reservoir ......... 00sec ccc cece cee eeeeeeee 255 178. Plan of La Grange Dam, Cal... 2... ... ec cc ete cece eee e cence nes 258 179. Profile of La Grange Dam, Cal. ...... 0. cece cece eee e ee aee sNews 3 Ge 258 180. Up-stream Face of La Grange Dam, showing Curvature. ........0.00.e0e- 259 181. La Grange Dam during Construction—finishing the Crest .............0.4- 260 182. General View of La Grange Dam, Cal., showing Overflow, when Dam was nearing Completion ..........: sec ee cece een n ete e een n eee n een eees 260 183. La Grange Dam, Cal... 1... 6c. cece tenet eee e ence ene nes 261 184. Flood Overflow, over Completed La Grange Dam...........--..--++ eee 261 185. Lower Face of La Grange Dam just about Completed, showing Low-stream Flow through Temporary Culvert ......... 0006 cee eee eee eee nets 262 186. Folsom Dam, Cal., over American River at Folsom State Prison. Masonry Structure built by Convict Labor... 0.0.00... 0. cece eee e eee 203 187. Plan, Section, and Elevation of Weir and Headworks of Folsom Canal, Folsom Dam; Calis: 3sc¢0 csce bs cued een es ce 25 Caw s bean e nase os Heels wees 265 188. General View of Folsom Dam, American River ............00eeeeeeeeeete 266 189. Hydraulic Jacks used for raising Shutter on Crest of Folsom Dam.......... 267 190. Plant for mixing and delivering Concrete at San Mateo Dam, California.... 269 xxii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 191. Illustrating Construction of Intake of San Mateo Dam and showing Up- stream, Pacei:: 23 cemasuea dn rad been eee head Meee eareaMecr Sarswe aa 270 192. Moulds for Mammoth Concrete Blocks, San Mateo Dam .................. 271 193. San Mateo Dam. Roughing Surface of Concrete Blocks to receive Fresh COMED G5 sacs Si-0 8 de See oie yaeig ioe Gone Haeea Rae a amet ondary) BOR Ese 272 194. End View of San Mateo Dam, showing Curvature. Photo taken during Inspection by American Society of Civil Engineers, July, 1896........... 273 195. Plans and Sections of San Mateo Dam and Map of Crystal Springs Reservoir facing page 273 196. Excavation of Trench for Pacoima Submerged Dam... .............--45 276 197. View of Flood passing over Pacoima Subterranean Dam...............+-- 277 198. Plan, Profile, and Sections of Pacoima Dam...............0 2c cee e eee e ees 278 199. Measuring-box used by Maclay Rancho Water Co................. 00000 280 200. Agua Fria Dam, Ariz., showing Foundation Masonry ...................5. 281 201. Profiles and Sections of Agua Fria Diverting-weir and Proposed Storage AAU ss o.o.2 ick ccke esc ah'sncy asians BPS Rea acto sh me Toa, Rien BUGS E Aare gia Oe aad Gecko eee ure MRy ohare 282 202. Diverting Dam on Agua Fria River, Ariz., practically finished, but never Pub: Ai Service acascdeacenmaa aa ics Sea tees POA ae Gee teats Guede ts 283 203. Submerged Dam near Kingman, Ariz. (Santa Fé System) ................. 285 204. End View of Seligman Dam, Arizona, during Construction................ 286 205. Up-stream Face of Seligman Dam. ..............00. 00.0. c cece eee 287 206. Section and Profile of Seligman Dam.................. 0000 c sees 287 207. Walnut Canyon Dam, Arizona, from below.. ......... 0.000. c cece ees 289 208. Walnut Canyon Dam, Arizona, Section and Profile....................005 289 209. Lynx Creek Dam, Ariz. After Rupture by Flood........................ 291 210. Lynx Creek Dam, Ariz. Section showing Facing Walls and Concrete Ileart. 291 211. Reservoir No 1, Portland, Ore., Waterworks. Concrete Dam with Earth LCA Oe ont sack ON oe tea sh gti ops Nae tel ch Stan ads fea a th ds alls ae Shed 293 212. Concrete Dam, Reservoir No 3, Portland Waterworks, showing Hydraulic Power-house in Foreground ........... 00... e cece eee tenet e nee ene 293 213. Exterior View of Reservoir Dams at Portland, Ore. Dam No. 4 in Fore- ground Dam No. 3 in Background............... 0... 294 214. Concrete Dam, Reservoir No. 3, Portland, Ore., showing Power-house below.. 295 215. Concrete Dam, Reservoir No. 4, Portland, Ore. ........... 0... cece eee eee 295 216. Reservoir No. 2, Portland, Ore., showing Aeration Fountains.............. 295 217. Masonry Dam under 640-foot Head.................0...00... Bia are serene ah 297 218 New Croton Dam, N. Y., showing Spillway in Foreground Spanned by Bridge is iis br ke race aes Cees cama in doe Peed Stee a ed 299 219. Profile of Cross River Dam, New York City Waterworks.................. 300 220. End View of Cross River Dam, showing Construction... ................0. 300 221 Profiles of Overfall and Abutment Sections of Spier Falls Dam, N. Y....... 302 222. Ithaca, N. Y., Brick-faced Dam. End View during Construction.......... 303 223 Section of Ithaca Dam as Originally Planned............... 00.0.0 cease 304 224 Profile of Ashokan Masonry Dam, N. Y., under Construction .............. 305 225. Profile of Ashokan Earth Dam, N. Y., under Construction. ............... 306 226. Contour Plan of Wigwam Dam, Conn.............. 0... cee eee eee eee 311 227. Section of Wigwam Dam ............. 2c cece cece cence ee eeeteveees 311 228. Austin, Texas, Dam and Power-house, before the Break.................. 312 229. Austin Dam during Flood of April 7, 1900, and immediately before the Breaky -a:o net jones evokes tes dais ot es ovis Be ens Sued oa aie cas 314 230. Austin, Texas, Masonry Dam. View from North End a Few Minutes after they Break OCCUrr OG sy xissa seesseesce hs hesntdce foatas doe cae kee: vine eenctn Swap Sioa od Sa ses 316 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Xxiil FIGURE PAGE 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254, 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. The Broken Dam at Austin after Subsidence of Flood, showing Section of Masonry moved Bodily Down Stream............... 00000 c cee eee ee 316 Granite Springs Dam, Cheyenne, Wyoming. End View of Completed Dam . 318 Granite Springs Dam, Wyo., showing General Character of Rubble Masonry. 319 Contour Plan and Profile of Granite Springs Dam, Wyo.............,..... 320 De Weese Dam, Colorado, from below ...............00 0000 cece eee eee 324 End View, De Weese Dam, Colo., showing Curvature... .............-.-. 324 Boonton Dam, N. J. Elevation of Spillway and Section through Main Dam. 326 Profile of Wachusett Dam, Mass. ............ 0.000 c cece eee eee 327 General View of Wachusett Dam, showing Spillway...................0.. 328 Section of Connellsville Dam. Indian Creek, Pa...................-02005 330 McCalls Ferry Weir over Susquehanna River, Pa...............-. 0000000 332 Section and Details of Forms, McCalls Ferry Dam, Pa.......... facing page 332 Steel Forms and Construction Derrick, McCalls Ferry Dam................ 333 Pedlar River Dam, Va. Illustrating Concrete Block Construction ......... 335 Pedlar River Dam, Va. Longitudinal Profile, showing Air-vent Pipes to Prevent; Vacuum... ces ca gots eet ey ds eas ce eed ates Be seats 335 Map of Roosevelt Reservoir, Salt River, Ariz., showing Sections........... 337 Plan of Roosevelt Dam, Arizona.............. 00000 c cece eee eee eae 338 Section of Roosevelt Dam, Arizona. ............0 000 c cece teens 339 Upper Otay Dam, Cal. Plan, Section, and Elevation.................... 342 Upper Otay Dam, Cal. Foundation Masonry and View of Gorge.......... 343 End View of Upper Otay Dam, showing Curvature...............--..005 344 General View of Upper Otay Dam.... ...... 2.2... eee 344 Profile of Mariquina Dam. Manila, P. I., Waterworks ................... 345 Front of Esperanza Dam, near Guanajuato, Mexico.................-.--5 348 “Presa de la Olla,’”’ or Lower Olia Dam at Guanajuato, Mexico. View of Feast: Day Celebration: y 2.3: 24 .e:5s eau ovee es bee ed Bee eM OES BLAS frontispiece Mercedes Dam, Durango, Mexico. General View from Below before Com- pletion of Gate TO Wer sso. ds cp iesunsed ag aeedeeiod aly intents nodes aly tava 351 Mercedes Dam. End View during Construction... ................-0000- 353 Mercedes Dam, looking across Spillway Channel into the Reservoir........ 353 Furens Dam, St. Etienne, France. End View, showing Front............. 360 General View of Furens Dam and Reservoir...............--0 00 eee eee 361 Meer Allum Lake Dam, Hyderabad, India. Plan and Sections............ 378. Barossa Dam, South Australia, showing Completed Dam................ 381 Plan of Barossa Dam, Australia .......... 0.0.2 eens 382° Profile of Barossa Dam, Australia... 0. cece eee 383. Cataract Dam, Australia. End View, during Construction................ 385 Belubula Dam, Australia. Plan, Elevation, and Sections................. 387 Assouan Dam, Egypt, showing Discharge of Water through Sluices....... 389 Front View of Sand River Dam, Cape of Good Hope, 8. Africa............ 392 The Remscheid Dam, Germany. General View. .................000005- 394 Urft River Dam, Germany. Section .............00 000060 c cece eee eee 396. Lennep Germany, Buttressed Dam. Plan and Elevations...... facing page 397 Lennep, Germany, Buttressed Dam. Sections showing Piers... .facing page 397 Gileppe Dam, Verviers, Belgium. General View, showing Curvature...... 400 Thirlmere Dam, England. End View, showing Curvature ................ 404. Craig Goch Dam, Wales. End View showing Lake, Curvature of Dam, and Spillway: over: Cresticico-secis cote eae ces aia ien Means SERS SORA 406 Craig Goch Dam, Wales. General Front View .........--...---+ees+eee 407 XXIV LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE AGE 277. Carpa Dam, Peru. Showing Outlet Cut and Steel Bulkhead.............. 410 278. Quisha Dam, Peru. End View, showing Curvature ...........00+ 0+ eeeeee 412 279. Sacsa Dam, Peru. Typical Outlet Gates .........00. 000. cece eee ee 412 280. Huasca Dam, Peru, illustrating Bulkhead in Outlet Cut. ..............045 413 281. Autisha Dam-site, Santa Eulalia River, Peru............. 0000s serene 414 282. Autisha Reservoir-site, Peru. ........... 00.0 c cece eee eee teenies 415 283. The Ekruk Tank, Bombay, India. Plan. ............... 000 c seen eee 418 284. Ashti Earth Dam, India. Cross-section ........... 00 cee eee 420 285. “uyamaca Dam, Cal. View of Dam and Outlet Tower................+5- 424 286. Masonry Diverting-weir of the San Diego Flume Co., Cal. ..............05- 425 287. Plan and Elevation of Diverting-weir, San Diego Flume Co................ 427 288. Sample of High Trestle Construction, San Diego Flume................... 428 289. Map of Merced Reservoir and Feeder Canal, Cal... . 2.0.00. .....00. 00005 430 290. General View of Yosemite Reservoir, Merced, Cal..................00000. 431 291. Chollas Heights Dam, Cal. Sections showing Steel Core.................. 436 292. Section of Belle Fourche Earth Dam, 8S. Dakota.................-000000 442 293. Section of Cold Springs Dam, Umatilla Project, Oregon... ............... 445 294. Ash Fork, Ariz., Steel Dam, during Erection... ................0..00008 454 295. Ash Fork, Ariz., Steel Dam, showing Frame ready to receive Plates....... 456 296. Ash Fork Reservoir above Steel Dam. ............. 00. eee eee 456 297. Redridge Steel Dam, Michigan. View during Erection................... 457 298. Sections of Redridge Steel Dam, showing Computed Strains. ............. 458 299. Hauser Lake, Mont., Steel Dam. General View before Completion. facing page 459 300. Hauser Lake Dam, showing Curved Face Plates......... Ct SRR a Base 459 301. Hauser Lake Dam. Typical Sections with Computed Strains........... -. 460 302. Hauser Lake Dam. General View of Reservoir and Finished Dam.......... 461 303. Hauser Lake Dam. Up-stream Face nearing Completion ............... 460 304. Hauser Lake Dam. General View of the Structure after the Wreck of April’ 14, 1908 4080s ci Gh etn eaten as ates Gh ew es PA ah eh eee eas »... 462 305. Hauser Lake Dam. Another View of the Ruins after Failure............. 463 306. Reinforced Concrete Dams. Typical Section, showing Resultants of Pressure at Varying Levels of Water Surface ........00... 0.0 c cee eee 466 307. Form of Reinforced Dam Adapted to Low Heads and Hard Bottom....... 467 308. Type of Dam built on Gravel Foundations—relieved of Up-lift Pressura ... 468 309. Illustrating Passageway through Hollow Concrete Dams.................. 468 310. Section of Reinforced Dam, showing Resultants of Pressure and Computed DURAN S22. is esenig ahs adie Sardaea Ine adel enith dog doddins lgsamtna dap dcgus akasont ace bela 469 311. Plan and Elevation of Ellsworth, Maine, Reinforced Concrete Dam........ 470 312. General View of Completed Dam at Ellsworth, Maine, showing Power-house. 472 313. A Detail of a Waste-gate Adapted for Movement by Hydraulic Power...... 493 314. Illustrating a Log Sluiceway through Reinforced Dam and its Closing Mechanism sca esas eats bat a 8 eae eg ed et Ace See ok alee ed Sew aE 473 315. Showing Manner of Setting and Releasing Flashboards on Crest cf Hollow WONCKECE MAINS ih oi sce oicasl hs eieusee miakeus Simbleds aleumdbnasd 4 Magih.e alive Gurcheua de adie laatets 474 316. General View of Rollway of Ellsworth Dam....... 0.0... ccc cece ecu eee 474 317. The Patapsco Dam, Ilchester, Md. General View. ............cecceceeee 475 318. Cross-section of Patapsco Hollow Dam, containing Power-house........... 476 319. Interior of Patapsco Submerged Power-house .. ...........cccecceeeceees 476 320. Floor Construction, Juniata Dam... 0. cece ne eeenees 477 321. General View of Juniata Dam, partially Finished........................ 477 322. Foundation View of Wheel-pit and Cut-off Wall, Juniata Dam............ 478 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, xXXV FIGURE PAGE 323. View of Completed Juniata Dam, showing Water overflowing Crest........ 478 324. Section of Pittsfield Dam, showing Gate-house Contained in Center of Dam. 479 325. Longitudinal Section of Pittsfield Dam, showing Piers and Stepped Footings ODISIOPES seteis sic. sae Pe Ra eG RS ad eR oe VO re oes AGS 480 326. View of Pittsfield Dam as Completed, from below...................-0055 481 327. Longitudinal Section of Dam 115 feet High........... 20... 00. eee eee 482 328. Section of Same, with Power-house. ............0 00sec cece eee eee 482 329, Section of High Dam planned for Subsequent Increase of Height........... 482 330. Map of Twin Lakes Reservoir-site................. 0000. eee ee facing page 484 331. Twin Lakes, Colo., Masonry Dam over Outlet, with Earth Backing on Top Of Outlets Culverts by cis cs ceeds 4 awd ates Glas oe SO se eR en ane x 484 332. Elevation, Profile, and Sections of Twin Lakes Dam and Reservoir Outlets.. 486 333. Douglas Lake Dam, Colo., showing Dangerous Settlement Cracks.......... 492 384. Longitudinal Section of Lost Canyon Natural Dam, Colo.................. 494 335. Approximate Cross-section of Lost Canyon Natural Dam................. 495 336, General View of the Bowman Lake Rock-fill Dam, 8. Yuba River, Cal...... 498 337. End View of Bowman Lake Rock-fill Dam. ..............2.00....000000. 499 338. Dry Masonry in Face of Bowman Lake Dam................0..0.0000005 500 339. Measuring Weir in Front of Bowman Lake Dam....................00000. 501 340. Timber Crib Rock-fill Spillway of Bowman Lake Dam... ................. 502 341. Faucherie Timber Dam, and Reservoir .............. 000s cece cee eee eee 503 342. Detail of Timber Bracing of Faucherie Dam... ........ 0.0.0... eee eee eee 503 343. Front View of Eureka Lake Dam and Reservoir...............-.0000 000 505 344. End View of Eureka Lake Dam, Cal............. 0000 cee ec eet teenies 505 345. Weaver Lake Rock-fill Dam, Cal., Recent Construction ................... 506 346. Inside View of Remaining English Dam, showing Timber Lining Decayed anid! Malling: A Partie ceccoses eseese sojaudl ya a wid dustin dcesermn Soe Radi 98d ating Sansaae ater,» 508 347. Another View of English Dam after 25 Years of Disuse................... 508 348. English Lake Rock-fill Dam, Down-stream Face...............-.00eee eee 509 349. Lake Frances Hydraulic-fill Dam as Completed ................0...00 000s 510 350. Hopkirk Wood-stave Pipe as used in Seattle, Wash.................-.04- 510 351. Showing Wear on Hopkirk Pipe after Six and one half Months Use......... 510 352. Hydraulic Mining in Regrading the City of Seattle, Wash... .............. 512 353. Opening a Street by Hydraulic Mining in Seattle. ....................00. 513 354. Delivering Spoil to build up Low Ground in Seattle...................... 515 355. General View of the Three Dams across Snake River at Milner, Idaho, forming Headworks of the Great Twin Falls Canal..................... 516 356. The Walnut Grove Dam, Hassayampa River, Ariz., before its Destruction.. 517 357. The Granite Reef Dam, Arizona........ 0... eee cece eens 519 358. The Hinckston Run Cinder-fill Dam, near Johnstown, Pa................. 520 359. Construction of Hinckston Run Dam, showing Steel Outlet Tower. ........ 521 360. Section of Hinckston Run Cinder-fill Dam, Pa.................0..0..005. 523 361. Necaxa Dam, Mexico, taken July 1, 1908.22.00... 0. 0c cece cece eee eens 528 362. Esperanza Dam and Reservoir, near Guanajuato, Mexico................. 526 363. End View of Esperanza Dam, along Front ........... 0000s cece eee eee 526 364, Discharge End of Spillway of Esperanza Dam. .............--++eee- sees 527 365. The Spillway Channel as it leaves the Esperanza Dam................--.- 528 366. The Six Main Outlet Pipes and Gate-valves of the Esperanza Dam, Mexico.. 528 367. The Upper Olla Dam, Guanajuato, Mexico ...........6 22 ee eee eee eee eee 530 368. The Lower Olla Dam, Guanajuato, Mexico ............. eee e eee eee cree eee 530 369. Rollway from Waste Channel, Lower Olla Dam... ....-...eeeeeee seen eee 531 XXV1 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. FIGURE PAGE 379. Detail of Front of Lower Ola Dam .......0.. 060 eee ene 532 371. General End View of the San José Dam, near San Luis Potosi, Mexico, during Constructions sis ocacen sos Saka ea bees het BE SSAA G AEE Re Ew 533 372. One of the Two Gate Structures of the San José Dam.............-----44- 534 373. Front Face of San José Dam, and Side of Spillway Channel..............-. 535 374. Mexican Masons at Work on San José Dam... .......... 2-6-5500 e eee 536 375. Bonding of the Masonry of San José Dam... .... 2.0 es 536 376. The Santo Amaro Dam, approaching Completion ...................0.05- 537 377. Clay Core of Santo Amaro Dam, Exposed to View by Break in Levee....... 539 378. Contour Plan of Projected Japanese Hydraulic-fill Dam................-- 541 379. Section of Ikawa Dam, Oigawa River, Japan............. eee eevee eee ee 542 380. Longitudinal Profile, Ikawa Dam-site, Japan ...... 0.0... 06. e eee eee eee 544 381. Roland Park Hydraulic fill Dam, Baltimore, Md. ............. eee eeeee 546 PLATES. 1. Profiles of Foreign Masonry Dam, Colored. 2. Profiles of Foreign Masonry Dams, Colored. 3. Profiles of American Masonry Dams, Colored. 4. Profiles of American Earth Dams. 5. Profiles of English Earth Dams. 6. Profiles of English and French Earth Dams. RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, AND DOMESTIC WATER-SUPPLY. CHAPTER I. ROCK-FILL DAMS, THE natural fertility of resource in the American people has led to many novel experiments in the constrnction of dams to adapt them to the materials most conveniently available, and this has resulted in the develop- ment of numerons interesting types. Among these the most conspicuous. are the rock-fill dams, which may be said to have originated about the middle of the last century in the mining region of California, where dams were built in remote and almost inaccessible locations, to which the transporta- tion of cement was impracticable. These were considered to be of a tem- porary nature, where dams of permanent masonry were not warranted, but where a water-supply for mining purposes needed to be impounded. They began with timber or log cribs filled with loose stone. Their next. stage was an embankment of loose stone a portion of which was laid up as a dry wall, with a facing of two or more thicknesses of plank to secure. water-tightness. The latter type has proven so serviceable that it is still regarded as one of the most desirable classes of dam that can be built, where economy is of prime consideration. In the attempt to secure a greater degree of durability other types have been developed as follows: 1. Rock-fill dams with a vertical central core of steel plates, protected with a coating of asphaltum and burlap, and supported by thin concrete walls on each side. 2. Rock-fill dams with a facing of steel plates riveted to I-beams Jaid on the inner slope of the embankment at an angle varying from about 20° off the vertical to about 45°, the wall being hand-laid to a sufficient thick- ress to give requisite stability. 3. Rock-fill dams, with face of masonry, built vertically or slightly inclined, backed with earth or rock, and protected on the lower slope by a covering of stone laid in mortar. 4. Rock-fill dams with facing of Portland cement-concrete, either re- inforced with steel rods or expanded metal, or without such reinforcement. 5. Rock-fill dams with facing of earth. be: RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. 6. Rock-fill dams with inner core-wall of wood, faced with earth sluiced in position, filling the voids in the rock above the wood partition; gener- ally called the ‘combination roek-fill and hydraulie-fill dam.” 7. Roek-fill with facing of concrete. Existing examples of these various types and their variations will be considered in the following pages. The Escondido District Dam, California.—I ew of the irrigation districts organized in California under the well-known Wright law have been suc- TIOG Riw STR 7 A WESERVOIR pI 4 reste) | TUS RIW DAM 7.125 RIW 7a/ ta District Fic. 1.—Map oF Esconpipo I[rRIGATION Districr AND SYSTEM OF Works. cessful in accomplishing the purpose of their organization, and many disastrous and Jumentable failures have to be recorded in the practical operation of a law which, at one time, was looked upon as a wise and feasible measure for the general irrigation of the arid Jands of the States. Amony the very few that succeeded in selling bonds and constructing a storage-reservoir and distributory system is the Escondido district in the northern portion of San Diego County. The district (Fig. 1) is in a valley whose description is implied by its Spanish name, Escondido—hidden. It is surrounded by mountains and embraces 13,000 acres. ‘The storage-dam supplying the district is located on the Von Segern branch of San Elijo THaO’ AO AGIG AHL NO TYNYY) 4 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Creek, which passes through the town of Escondido. It is about two miles east of the district at its nearest point, and at an elevation of 1300 feet above sea-level, or about (50 feet above the town. The immediate watershed tributary to the reservoir measures about S sqnare miles, which in that region affords insuflicient run-olf to fill the reservoir, although adding materially to it at times of heavy rainfall. lfence the main supply had to be brought to it from the San Luis Rey tiver, the nearest stream to the north, by a conduit which taps the river at an altitude of 1600 feet, in a wild, rocky canyon, which is almost inaccessi- ble by reason of its ronghness. The conduit has a capacity of 28 second- feet, and is 5.6 miles long, consisting of 67,287 feet of ditch built along the rngged mountain-side (see Fig. 2), 14,142 feet of flume, and S06 feet of tunnel. The intake is made by a tunnel 356 feet long, heading in the river 3 feet below low-water level, while at the other end the rim of the reservoir- basin is pierced by a second tunnel 450 feet long. ‘This tunnel discharges into a ravine leading down to the dam, 34 miles below. The intake tunnel is cut through solid granite, which is excavated below grade at its lower end to form a settling-baain, in which sand accumulates at the rate of about 1000 cubic feet daily. This is slaiced back into the river by the opening of a side outlet-gate. By this means the water of the conduit is kept com- paratively clear and but little sediment has accumulated in the reservoir. The upper 8000 feet of the conduit consists of a flume (lig. 3), sup- ported on posts on the sides of a rugged canyon, which in places presents a vertical face of considerable height. The lumber of this flame was hauled by a roundabout road to a bluff on the opposite side and 600 feet above the river-bed, whence it was transported by a wire cable with a span of 1500 feet by means of a trolley manipulated by hand windlass and rope. At other points the lumber was hoisted to the line by horse-power, by means of a car and portable track several hundred feet in height. ‘I'he flumes are mainly 4 feet wide by 3 feet deep, and the ditch is excavated with a bottom width of 5 feet and side slopes of 1 on 1, the minimum excavation on the lower side being about 3 feet. The formation throughout that region is granitic, partially decomposed, the disintegration of the rock forming a few feet of soil, from which protrude large bowlders of very hard granite embedded in softer rock im sitlu. The total cost of the conduit was $116,528.60, or $1.29 per foot for construction and engineering, and 12 cents per foot for right of way, com- missions, ete. The conduit is capable of filling the reservoir to its present capacity in a little over sixty days when running to its full capacity. Should the dam be completed to the height of 110 feet as it has been pro- jected, the conduit would require to run full for rather more than six months to fill the enlarged reservoir. Tn seasons when the precipitation exceeds 20 inches the run-off from the ROCK-FILL DAMS. 5 immediate watershed above the dam is alone expected to fill the reservoir as at present constructed. For the preservation of the main conduit, of which nearly 20% is wooden flume which should be kept wet for proper maintenance, it would be desirable to maintain a flow of water through it the entire season. For this purpose the construction of an auxiliary reser- Fig. 3.—FEEDER CONDUIT OF EscONDIDO [RRIGATION DISTRICT. voir at the head of the conduit is regarded as one of the most desirable of the projected improvements to the system. A very capacious reservoir-site exists at Warner’s Ranch, 15 miles above the head of the canal, where the drainage of 210 square miles of watershed may be impounded. A much greater volume of water can here be stored than would be needed by the district. In fact the capacity of a reservoir with a dam 100 feet high at this point would be 193,200 acre-feet, covering 5535 acres, which is far beyond the probable yield of the watershed in years of maximum rainfall. 6 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. A cross-section of the dam-site is shown in Fig. 177, where the width of the site at 100 feet is seen to be but 590 feet. A more modest dam of earth, 36 feet high, to hold 30 feet depth of water and to impound 6400 acre-feet in a reservoir covering 740 acres, would serve all the requirements of the Fig. 4.—Esconpipo IRRIGATION DAM, LOOKING NORTH, SHOWING SPILLWAY. district and at moderate cost, provided the land is obtained at reasonable rates. The Escondido dam is of the ordinary type of rock-fill, with facing of redwood plank. In this respect it resembles the mining dams of northern California, although the use of redwood has given the facing a longer life than the more perishable pine used in the North. This structure appears to have been built with unusual care, and though ragged and unfinished in appearance, it is of ample dimensions for the pressures it withstands and is ROCK-FILL DAMS. 7 reasonably water-tight. It is 76 feet high, 380 feet long on top, 100 feet on bottom, with a base of 140 feet, and a thickness at the crest of 10 feet. A spillway has been excavated at the north end on the right bank of the Teservoir, in solid rock, 25 feet wide, its bottom being at the 71-foot contour, or 5 feet below the crest of the dam. This is left open and unobstructed, although it hus been customary near the end of the rainy season to build a barrier of sand-bags across it in order to impound a greater depth of water, after the danger of floods is presumed to be over. The slopes of the dam are 4} to 1 on the water-face, and on the back 1 to 1 for half the height, flattening to 14 to 1 from mid-beight to base. The cubical contents are 57,159 cubic yards, of which 6000 yards were hand-laid in courses of dry rubble on the face, the thickness of the wall being 15 feet at bottom, and 5 feet at top. The remainder consists of loose, angular blocks of granite, of all sizes up to 4 tons weight (Fig. 5), which were loosely dumped from cars and placed to some extent with derricks. No small quarry-spawls or earth were used, and the result is a clean rock-fill, which has not settled more than three inches since its final completion. No large ledges affording well-defined quarries of any con- siderable extent were uncovered in the course of construction, but all the material was taken from scattered bowlders and rock-masses protruding on either side of the canyon above and below the dam for a distance of 800 feet. Temporary tramways were built at different levels on either side, as the dam rose in height, so arranged as to permit the cars to run to the dam by gravity, the empty cars being hauled back by horses. These tracks were carried across the dam on elevated trestles, the posts of which remain buried in the embankment. This arrangement involved the pushing of the cars across the trestle by hand, which was a slow and expensive process. The entire method of work was costly and inconvenient compared with the modern systems of cableway transportation of such materials. In stripping the foundations bed-rock was found about 4 feet below the bed of the creek, nearly level across the canyon from side to side. The top soil was removed over the entire base of the dam and the filling of rock placed directly upon the granite foundation. The bed-rock was of the formation described as prevailing along the main conduit, which is a common characteristic of southern California, and consists of disintegrated granite holding hard bowlders indiscriminately through it. The formation is not impervious to water, and for that reason is not considered a desirable or satisfactory foundation for a heavy masonry dam because of the resultant upward pressure on the base due to that condition, but for a rock-fill strue- ture of this class it is unobjectionable. Into this bed-rock a trench was excavated at the upper toe of the dam, from 3 to 12 feet deep, which was refilled with rubble masonry 5 feet thick, laid in Portland-cement mortar. Into this masonry was embedded the plank facing, which was thus ROCK-FILL DAMS. 9 connected all aronnd the toe with the canyon walls and bed. The dry wall forming the upper face of the dam was so laid as to embed in its surface a series of redwood timbers, 6’’ x 6” in size, placed in vertical parallel lines, 5 feet 4 inches apart between centers. These timbers projected 2 inches beyond the face of the wall, and the planks were spiked to them. As each row of plank was put in position, beginning at the bottom, concrete was rammed into the 2-inch space between the plank and the face of the wall, giving a fall bearing for the plank throughout. ‘This provision was certainly a wise one, and so far as the writer is informed was never employed before in the dams of this class previously constructed. On the lower third of the dam the facing plank are 3 inches thick, on the middle third 2 inches, and on the upper third 14 inches, all being doubled throughout. Joints were broken as far as possible, both at the vertical and the horizontal seams, by the second layer, and they were calked with oakum and smeared with hot asphaltum. Springs of water were developed in the excavation of the foundation to the extent of 30,000 to 40,000 gallons per day, constant flow. These were led ont by pipes to the outer toe. The leakage through the dam when filled to the 47-foot level was found to be 130,000 gallons daily, exclusive of the springs. This increased to 450,000 gallons daily when the reservoir filled to the top. It is not known whether this leakage comes through the joints of the facing or percolates through the disintegrated granite beneath the dam. Whatever may be its origin, it is entirely harmless as far as can be observed, and is not a source of anxiety. In the winter months when irrigation is not required this leakage-water is used for domestic service, and the whole of it is at all times picked up by the diverting-dam and carried into the distributing system. Hence it occasions no direct loss of water. While this amount of leakage would be dangerous to an earth dam, and even in a masonry structure would indicate the existence of an upward pressure that might endanger its stability if the section were too light, yet in a work of this nature the drainage through the open, loose rock is so perfect that the gravity of the mass is not lessened or disturbed by it, and no serious consequence can be anticipated. The facing-planks have been carried up 3 feet higher than the top of the rock-fill as a wave protection, so that the extreme crest is 9 feet above the floor of the spillway as shown by the section illustrated in Fig. 6. The outlet was originally designed to be controlled by means of a tower, the foundations of which were laid at the upper toe of the dam near the south end, but the plan was changed and a grating placed over the base of the unfinished tower a few feet above the gate covering the outlet. The gate is of cast iron with brass facings, set in a frame, also faced with brass, and bolted to the cast-iron outlet. It is set at the incline of the upper slope and is controlled by a long rod resting in guides at frequent intervals, Profile of Rock-Ffil/ Dam e VERTICAL SCALE le SCALE o a 2° °° ~ 2 ° a QR 6 ° ~ S 9 = is ¥S 3s \ AIT \ ‘ % \ u rro Wasteway Guide for Gate Rod ——— Ft. Longitudinal Section ‘0 FEET 10 Fie 6.—PLans anD PROFILES oF Esconpipu Dam. ROCK-FILL DAMS. il fastened to the wooden facing, and leading to a worm- gear placed at a con- venient height above the top of the dam (Fig. 7). The outlet-pipe is 24 inches in diameter, consisting of a cast-iron elbow connecting with vitrified Fig. 7.—DETAILS OF GATE OF EsconpIpo Dam. sewer-pipe of ordinary weight, laid in a trench cut in the bed-rock and embedded in concrete, which covers it fully 12 inches in depth. The total cost of the dam under the contract. was $86,946.21, or $27.82 per acre-foot of reservoir capacity below the spillway level. The land for 12 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the site cost in addition $23,112.88, including clearing. The total cost was therefore $110,059.09, or $38.41 per acre-foot of capacity. The prices paid were unusually high for such work, and were the following per cubic yard: earth excavation, 30 cents; rock excavation, $1.10; rock-fill, $1.50; dry stone masonry, $3.75; rabble masonry in cement mortar, $8; concrete, $14; lumber, $50 per thousand feet board meagnre. The detail of this work is given with special fullness, as it is the first rock-fill dam to be constructed in California for irrigation storage, and is of a type which is likely to be employed quite commonly in the future in localities better adapted for its use than in this particular case, where stone was comparatively scarce in the immediate vicinity of the dam. The works of the district summarize in cost as follows: Main feeder conduit......................2...... $116,328.60 Dati and TESeHVOll cs css5e vassie sae eevedadeeuw ees 110,059.09 DistTibUtlon Sy stO Minos sascwocie meen be eed ews 85,727.80 DOTA sc ccncrypena ee dong na iegaieeaieeey abel 25 1549 The catchment of the reservoir has been approximately as follows: 1895, 48 feet depth= 880 acre-fcct , 1896, 60 ‘‘ fC = 4925 " 1397, 74 §* §€ = 3700 vt 1898, 59.5 ‘‘ «= 1000 a 1899,47 ‘f ‘f = 830 ue Total: cisco aes 8335 acre-feet, or an average of 1667 per annum, Lower Otay Rock-fill Steel-core Dam, California——One of the most interesting of all the rock-fill types of dam yet constructed is located on Otay Creek, San Diego County, California, 22 miles southeast of San Diego, 10 miles back from the coast, and not more than 5 miles from the Mexican boundary-line. It forms the lower one of a series of four mammoth dams projected by the Southern California Mountain Water Company, to impound water for the municipalities of San Diego and Coronado and for the irrigation of an extensive area of frostless mesa lands adapted to citrus-fruit culture, reaching from the Mexican border north- ward to San Diego, including the peninsula of Coronado, and for the domestic supply of the villages and towns within reach of the distributing system to be built from the reservoir. The Lower Otay dam was com- pleted in August, 1897. The Otay Creek, at the point selected for the dam, cuts through the great dike of porphyry which traverses San Diego County from north to south nearly parallel with the coast-line. ‘lhis dike in places is 10 miles or more in width, and at others less than 1 mile, and occupies the middle ground between the granite formation lying east of it, and the mesa forma- £ LILRLLST NOLLVYOLIM] OGIdnx¢ SJ dO VOAMASsa Af © 0. 09J— 8 ¥ NOOs ic JAL {[ ao ] 4 I VY Woo0Ln ‘e) 8 “OL AWMILSWM (gar aaeiss 7 AEeF Z 7 Fic. 10.—Esconpine (Cau.) Rock-FILL Dam. Wooven Linine. 14 ROCK-FILL DAMS, 15 tion, which is an irregular strip of land, 10 to 15 miles wide, lying between the porphyry dike and the shore of the Pacific. The mesa formation is alluvial in origin; consisting of marl, indurated sand, gravel, cobbles, and all shades of soil from clay to sandy loam, but is devoid of hard rock, while the porphyry is an igneous rock, exceedingly tough, of high specific gravity, without regular cleavage, but broken by numerous fine seams with infiltration of reddish clay. The highest protrusions of the dike form the San Ysidro and San Miguel mountains, 2500 to 3000 feet in altitude. It is intersected by all the streams of the county that reach to the ocean, affording sites for the Lower Otay, the Upper Otay, the Sweetwater and La Mesa dams, and others further north that are projected. ‘'he Escondido dam is but a mile or two east of the dike in granite formation. The Otay dam is within a few hundred feet of the western limit of this dike, and in fact the outlet tannel of the reservoir avoids it entirely and was excavated through the soft brown marl of the mesa formation. The site of the Otay dam was an ideal one for a masonry structure, because of the satisfactory character of the bed-rock foundations, and the abundance of suitable rock and sand at the site, while its convenience to a port of entry rendered the cost of cement very moderate. The usual incentive for building rock-fill dams in preference to masonry, due to their remoteness and the high cost of freiguting cement to the site was lacking in this case, and in fact the work was originally planned as a masonry dam. A foundation was laid for this purpose 65 feet thick at the base, reaching down to a depth of 31.4 feet below zero contour, and carried up to a height of 8.6 feet above zero, with a length on top of 85 feet. A view of the work is shown in Fig. 11. Whether the change in plan from masonry to rock-fil: with steel core has resulted in economy of first cost is difficult to determine, as the actual cost of construction has not been made public, or whether there may be grounds for regret that the change was made cannot be known until the stability of the structure is fully tested by the lapse of time. ‘The reservoir has never filled since the completion of the dam, and until it is filled and remains full a considerable period without developing signs of weakness or extensive leakage, the success of the novel design cannot be known. Meantime the engineering profession will entertain the liveliest interest in the development of this novel type of dam, which, if successful, will certainly have wide application to other sites where the choice of material has a more limited range. The credit for originating the idea of making a rock-fill dam water-tight by inserting in its center a web-plate of steel, filling the entire cross-section of the canyon from side to side, and for putting it in application on a large scale, belongs to the former president of the water company, Mr. E. 8. Babeock, of San Diego. When this plan was decided upon a 16 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. heavy T iron was anchored to the top of the finished masonry foundation by 1-inch bolts, set in the masonry. ‘The vertical leg of the T was punched with £-inch rivet-holes, spaced 3 inches center to center, and the bottom plates riveted to it. The plates were 5 feet wide, and 17.5 feet long, and the three bottom courses were 0.33 inch thick. From 28 to 50 feet high they are 4 inch thick, and above 50 feet they are 8 feet wide, 20 feet long, and lessening in thickness as the top is approached. After riveting the Fie. 11 —Masonry Founpation or LowER Oray Dam. plates together with hot rivets they were chipped and calked on the side next to the water, and coated with Alcatraz asphalt, F grade, applied hot with brushes. Over this coat a layer of burlap was placed on each side of the plates, while the asphalt was still hot. This adhered tightly to the plate and served to hold the soft asphalt from flowing. A harder grade of asphalt was subsequently put on over the burlap, and the whole then encased in a rubble-masonry wall laid with Portland-cement concrete, 2 feet thick, the steel plate being in the centre. This wall at base is 6 feet thick, ROCK-FILL DAMS. 17 tapering to 2 feet in a height of 8 feet. The moulds for the concrete, con- sisting of 1-inch boards laid horizontally and 2 x 6-inch vertical posts, were left in position permanently and the rock-fill built against them on either side. The steel core, or web-plate, was carried into the side walls of the canyon in a trench excavated to the depth necessary to reach solid rock and anchored with bolts leaded into the rock. ‘The end plates were not trimmed to fit the irregular line of the rock cutting, but the masonry was widened to a maximum thickness of 20 feet at the sides, tapering from the normal thickness of 2 feet in a distance of about 20 feet. Fig. 14 shows the trench on the right bank about at the 40-foot contour. The function of the wall is to steady and stiffen the web-plate and protect it from injury from the loose rock piled against it, and as the wooden moulds were not removed the embankment is free to settle without injuring the concrete or the plates. The expansion of the plates after they were riveted together, and the obtuse angle up-stream on which they were first started, which gradually was obliterated by an approach to a straight line toward the top of the dam, gave them a very irregular alignment, as will be seen in Fig. 13, which is a view looking along the top of the dam toward the left bank just before its completion. The dam is a loose, rock-fill embankment, lying as it was dumped, without any portion of it, except the 2-foot core-wall, being laid by hand. In this respect it differs from its predecessors of the same type, which have been built with a considerable proportion of their slopes on the water-side laid up asa dry wall. It was designed to be 20 feet wide at top, with side slopes of 1} on 1 on each side. When work was suspended the up-stream slope, composed of the finer grades of materials coming from the quarry, had assumed about the slope stated, but the lower slope was steeper and stands about 1 to 1, while the top width is from 9 to 12 feet. When visited by the writer in September, 1899, the material excavated from the spillway cut was being dumped on the upper slope and the top width increased. The spillway is located some few hundred feet from the east end of the dam, and will consist of a channel 30 feet wide, 300 feet long, with a maximum depth of 30 feet, cut in the rock to a depth of 10 feet below the crest of the dam. ‘The depth of water will be controlled by flash-boards resting at an angle of 30°, between channel-iron frames placed 5 feet apart. A wagon-bridge will be built over the top of these frames, from which fall control of the flash-boards will be had. The discharge of the spillway will reach the creek channel several hundred feet below the toe of the embankment. The entire volume of stone used in eke work, approximately 180,000 cubic yards, was quarried immediately below the dam on the right bank, and was transported from the quarry by means of a Lidgerwood cableway, the cable having a diameter of 24 inches, and a span of 948 feet between 8T § AMO) TAALS—KVQ Ta-MO0Y (IVD) AVLO— ZT ‘DI 61 ‘AMO TAALG—W EPA T eae 6) als $F MIDAS VQ) THA MOONY CIVD) AVIO—'ET OL Fic. 14.—SrTEEL WEB-PLATE AND ANCHOR-TRENCH AT WEst END oF Lower OTAY Z Dam. 20 TZ ‘ANOD IAALS—NVG TAM (IVD) AVIQO—'GT “DT 22 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC, towers, crossing the canyon diagonally, at an angle of about 60° with the axis of the dam. The head tower was 130 feet high, the tail tower down- stream 60 feet high, the tops being practically level, and a direct line between them crossed the axis of the dam 260 feet above the bed of the stream. The cableway had a guaranteed capacity of 10 tons, center load, under which its deflection was 88 feet, or 42 feet higher than the top of the Fie. 16.—Crest oF Lowrer Otay Dam, showing WEB-PLATE OF STEEL EMBEDDED IN CONCRETE. DAM NEARING COMPLETION. dam. Up to the height of 75 feet the rock dumped under the line of the cable was distributed by means of derricks, but subsequently a secondary cableway was erected parallel with the line of the dam, underneath the main cable. This was anchored at each end to heavily ballasted cars rest- ing on tracks, which permitted the cable to be shifted 30 feet, or 15 feet either side of the center of the dam. The loaded skips from the quarry brought to the dam by the overhead cable were picked up by the secondary cable and carried to any point desired along the line of the dam. Tools, materials, derricks, 35-I. P. hoisting-engines, and all other articles required 23 ROCK-FILL DAMS. .—Map oF Lower OTay RESERVOIR. Fie. 17 24 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. to be moved from one position to another were hauled rapidly and safely Ly means of these cableways, and not infrequently the employees preferred the aerial journey across the canyon by the cableway to the more laborious climb over the trails. Fig. 18 illustrates the general plan of the dam, with a cross-section of the site and details of the outlet tannel. Quarry.—All or the greater portion of the rock used was loosened in the quarry by very heavy blasts, the first of which was made by driving a tunnel 5) feet into the face of the cliff with lateral drifts, 18 and 28 feet long respectively. In the shorter drift, 4000 pounds of Judson powder (containing 54 nitro-glycerine) under a vertical depth of 70 feet, and in the larger, 8000 pounds under a depth of 85 feet, were exploded simultaneously, which resulted in loosening and throwing out about 50,000 to 75,000 cubic yards. 7 EGG. hoo ii Seg\S= Neg oy sg. Cord, IE NO=f ansehen Te 47 \ (Conauit Cap Reservoir, . ~ Wotersneq \ ap? Bo FA Barrer Dam ‘ 4 Miles EG Sle {\ F m2) tr 3 oy \ =u a a Way resecvo1r £1395 ND. fe ama Se San a cee cs NR Boundary es eines eee ees Fie, 24.—RESERVOIRS NEAR San DieGo, CALIFORNIA. Chatsworth Park Rock-fill Dam.—A structure »f more than common interest as an example of ‘Show not to do it’? was erected on Mormon Canyon, in the westerly part of San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles Co., California, near the station of Chatsworth Park, in the winter of 1895-96, ROCK-FILL DAMS. 35 for impoundir.g water for irrigation and to serve as a diverting-dam for a conduit to carry the flood-water of the stream to a secondry reservoir of +4 N 0. Fill of rock-quarry Spaw!s ; and sand Canyon an Ee 3 oO > Fie. 25,—SKETCH OF RECONSTRUCTION OF CHATSWORTH Park Rock-FILL Dam. much larger capacity a short distance away to the south. Two failures of earth dams erected at the same site had already occurred prior to the build- ing of the dam in question, both having been overtopped and carried away by reason of insufficient spillway capacity. The last one was swept out shortly before beginning work on the rock-fill, chiefly as the result of bad management. ‘The spillway had been filled with sand-bags to make the reservoir hold a little more, and when the flood came there was no one at hand to remove them. When the attendant finally arrived the sluice-gate was stuck fast and could not be opened, and before any relief was afforded the water rose over the top of the dam and washed it away, although it was a well-built structure. The rock-fill dam was built 41.33 feet high above the creek-bed, 10 feet wide on the top, with sides sloping at an angle of 60°, above and below alike, or 1 vertical to 0.57 horizontal, which gave a base width of 60 feet. The length on bottom is 100 feet, and at top 159 feet; cubical contents, 6,025 cubic yards; area of water-face 7700 square feet, covered with Portland-cement concrete from 8 inches thick at top to 16 inches at bottom. The rock used for the fill is a soft sandstone, quarried on the line of the dam at one end, 500 feet away, and 75 feet to 100 feet higher than the top 36 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC, of the dam. The quarry-face was 30 to 40 feet high. A light trestle was built on a sharp incline from the quarry to and across the dam, and a cable, passing over a dram or pulley at top and with a car attached to each end, was the means employed for transportation, the loaded cars fetching up the empty ones. ‘The material was dumped in place promiscuously and without selection. Some of it disintegrated and crumbled into sand when blasted, hammered, or dropped from a few feet in height, and, as everything loosened in the quarry was put into the fill, the proportion of sand and earth is very large and the natural angle of repose of the mass is much flatter than that of rock alone, and flatter than the slopes proposed by the plans. The specifications required the slopes to be laid up two feet in thickness as a dry wall of uncoursed rubble, but this was done in such an indifferent manner that within two weeks after the contractor had moved off the work more than three-fourths of the lower face-wall fell or slid down, followed by some of the embankment behind it so as to leave the concrete facing unsupported and its under side exposed to view for several feet from the top of the dam. ‘The dam was not of much value for water- tightness, as it leaked considerably with but 10 feet of water behind it. The work was done by contract, at a total cost of abont $9000, part of which was payable in land. After the work was done the contractor took advan- tage of the failure of the company to comply with the California law requiring contracts to be recorded to make them valid, and bronght suit to recover a greater amount than the contract price. Ie succeeded in getting a jury to give judgment for about 40% additional, while the owners have been obliged to reconstruct the dam. This was begun on the plan illus- trated in Fig. 25, the lower slope being hand-laid to a thickness of 4 feet, and covered with a masonry slope-wall G feet thick, although the work is still incomplete. This is believed to be the first case on record of a dam falling down before the water-pressure had been applied to it. The watershed area above the dam is about 15.5 square miles, from 1000 to 3800 feet in elevation, from which maximum floods of 700 to 800 second- feet may be expected—snificient to fill the reservoir in three or four hours, as the capacity is not in excess of 200 acre-feet. The Castlewood Dam, Colorado.— The Chatsworth Park dam, just described, bears some resemblance to the Castlewood dam erected on Cherry Creek, some 35 miles above Denver, Colorado (which city is at the mouth of the same stream), although the latter structure is a much more success- ful engineering work and of greater size and importance. ‘The Castle- wood dam was built in 1890 by the Denver Land and Water Company, for the impounding of water for the irrigation of some 16,000 acres of fertile mesa land lying between Cherry Creek and the South Platte River, and extending to the city limits of Denver. The area of watershed above the dam is about 175 square miles, from which the run-off after severe cloud-bursts on the ‘‘divide’’ sometimes ROCK-FILL DAMS. 37 reaches or exceeds 10,000 cubic feet per second for a short time. The reservoir covers about 200 acres, and has a capacity of 4,000,000,000 gallons, or about 12,280 acre-feet. The dam is a rock-fill with a masonry wall on the upper face, while the lower slope is covered in steps of 2 feet with large blocks of stone laid in cement mortar, the general slope being 1 tol. The facing wall is of rough rabble masonry, 4 feet thick, standing on a slope or batter of 1 to 10. The two walls are joined at the top with a coping of large stones, forming the crest of the dam, 8 feet in width, 4 feet thick. The geological formation at the dam-site is peculiar. The floor of the reservoir basin is covered to a great depth with hard, blue clay, over- lying which is a great sheet of sandstone and conglomerate rock or ** pudding-stone ’’? 100 feet or more in thickness. ‘The dam was founded on the clay, and the facing-wall was carried down into it to a depth of 6 to 22 feet. The lower slope-wall was also founded on this clay at a depth of 10 feet from the surface. The general dimensions of the stracture are: length at top, 600 feet; extreme height above floor of reservoir, 70 feet; height above foundation of face-wall, 92 feet; width on top, 8 feet. The main spillway is located in the center of the dam, and is 100 feet long by 4 feet deep. An auxiliary spillway, called a by-pass, is located at the west end of the dam, and is 40 feet in width. The total spillway capacity thus provided is about 4000 second-feet, while the outlet-pipes, eight in number, each 12 inches diameter, have a combined capacity of about 250 second- feet. A ‘* water-cushion ’’ has been provided at the toe of the dam, to receive the impact of the waste water pouring over the structure and to prevent erosion of the toe. This is 25 feet wide, 200 feet long, and consists of a rock pavement, 3 to 6 feet deep, heavily grouted at the top with cement mortar. : The face-wall has been reinforced by an embankment of earth placed against it, and covered with stone riprap, 1 foot thick. This embankment reaches to within 30 feet of the top of the dam at the outlet-tower near the center, and rises to the full height at either extremity. The outlet-tower is a rectangular structure, built in the body of the dam, with a central opening of 6 x 7.5 feet reaching to the top. Into this the eight 12-inch outlet-pipes discharge at four successive levels, 6 feet apart from the base up, the gate-valves being placed inside the tower. From the base of the tower the water discharges into the creek channel through a 36-inch open pipe, made of concrete 4 feet thick, surrounding a cement pipe of standard dimensions. The water ia picked up 13miles below the storage-dam by a low diverting-dam, 125 feet long, and conveyed through 40 miles of canals, with maximum capacity of 75 second-feet, to the lands irrigated and to an auxiliary reservoir, formed from a natural depression in the plain. This RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-PO WER, ETC. 38 ‘NOLLVAATY GNV ‘SNOIMLIAG 'NVTG | OdVHOTOD) NYC GOOMATTISV)— ‘96 “YTV ‘uBld RTT onrtoans Bt a ee BS eee Sees 3 Ss ae T a ale g 00s) ids | (009 a, 3 § § & BS] F at (085 S005 Sy Ny gas Gal wl S| 1098 1025 (ear 090 usqwoyud eajon YBnosuy LICL 49aS -SS049 ‘QD yBnosy4, UOIYOSS-SSO4D "FQ. YBnosuy uoipsas-sso49 “22Bf4S ae ec yo2 Sh Ol oS ° SUG 4DES JO BOIS Oa ,OOl ,O8 ,09 Ov 2 O Ud Aa] PUD UD|J JO 9109S 001 a a ; 18 fits yy ea . S SI cf | = + 2 3 4 eS Ga | ie a | 35 Yo a 44h 4S a 085 09S 025 00S ,C8bP Odb L7H See a COP OIE $2 Seo OR {SU OA asl Sct O0r " 0p ‘ss0g-¥g ‘HLYON DNIMOO'T ‘NOILIQUISNOD PNTUNG “OTOD ‘KY(E GOOMATASYD @ MATA ae Ota 40 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. reservoir has a surface area of 60 acres and a capacity of 700 acre-feet, its maximum depth being 16 feet. The construction of the Castlewood dam was attended by much opposition from the citizens of Denver, who were apprehensive of its fig. 28.—Vinw or CastLEwoop Dam anp Reservoir, CoLorapo. safety and severely criticised the plan. Unsuccessful attempts were made to enjoin the construction, but it was finally permitted to be completed. On April 30, 1900, after a very heavy rainfall exceeding all pre- vious records, the reservoir was filled, and it was reported that 500 cubic feet per second passed over the top of the dam, and through the 40-foot ROCK-FILL DAMS. Fic. 29.—CastLewoop Dam, Coto, Fic. 30.—CastLEwoop Dam, Coto., SHowinc LeakaGEe THROUGH ROCK-FILL. 41 42 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. spillway at the side, while the discharge pipes were wide open. At the same time a large volume of water found its way through the cracks in the masonry wall, and poured out in large streams through the rock-fill for 10 to 15 feet above the base. The photograph, Fig. 30, shows an enormous, amount of this leakage, and the cause for the alarm created in Denver, which lies directly in the path of the escaping water. That the dam was able to withstand such a volume of leakage is a testimonial to the stability of rock-fill dams, which in this case afforded such complete drainage as to be unaffected by leakage that would immediately have destroyed an all-earth dam. Subsequently repairs were made in the manner illustrated by Fig. 31, taken from Engineering Record. An earth embankment, 8 feet wide on the crest, was built on the up-stream side to the full height of the rock-fill, with slope of 3 on 1, c--= 78% ===» +—— 718" ~~» 30 Coment Pipe! 7 ‘ ee > mn Fic. 31.—Casttewoop Dam, Coto. SEcTION AFTER RECONSTRUCTION. faced with 12 inches of riprap. Underneath this embankment the outlet pipe was extended from the valve chamber to the up-stream toe by building a 40-inch woodstave pipe, surrounded with reinforced concrete 1 foot thick. This pipe connects with a steel box encased in concrete, into which all of the eight 12-inch pipes that pass through the masonry make connection. The 40-foot spillway, which had been seriously damaged in the flood, was repaired, and another one, 12 feet wide, with side slopes 1 on 1, was built at the opposite end. The dam in its present condition, as reconstructed, is practically a combination rock-fill and earth embankment, having a masonry core-wall throughout, and is manifestly a safe and substantial structure. The dam was planned and built by A. M. Welles, C.E., of Denver, with Mr. Alfred P. Boller, M. Am. Soc. C. E., of New York, as consulting engineer. ROCK-FILL DAMS. 43 Pecos Valley Rock-fill Dams, New Mexico.—Two rock-fill dams with earth facings have been constructed across the Pecos River, in the Pecos Vallsy, New Mexico, which have boldly and successfully exemplitied a dis- tinct type of dam that is considered to be preferable to all other rock-fills where the proper conditions exist and suitable materials are obtainable. One of these dams is located 6 miles and the other 15 miles above the town of Carlsbad, N. M. They were built by the Pecos Irrigation and Improve- ment Company. Lake Avalon Dam.—The lower dam, designated locally as the Lake Avalon dam, was built primarily as a means of raising the level of water of the river in order to divert it into a canal at a safe height above the reach of maximum floods, and at the same time to equalize the flow by providing Fig. 32.—Sxercu-mar oF Dam at Heap or Pecos Canal... a considerable volume of storage in the reservoir thus created. The dimensions of the dam were as follows: length on crest, 1050 feet; maximum height, 48 feet; outer slope of rock-fill, 14 to 1; width of rock base, 106 foet; crown, 10 feet. The earth facing has also a crown width of 10 feet, making the total width 20 feet on top. The slope of the earth embank- ment that is built against the rock-fill is 3.5 to 1, which is covered with a revetment of loose stone 2 to 3 feet thick for wave protection. The rock- 44 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. fill before the addition of the earth facing is illustrated by Fig. 33, a view taken during construction. Fig. 34 is a view of the finished dam, taken in 1892. The grade of the main canal leading out from the dam on the east side of the valley is 10 feet above the base of the dam, and is excavated in limestone to a maximum depth of 38 feet. Fig. 35 is a view of the main canal and headgates, taken from the lower side. aaa TTT Fie. 33.—Lake AvALon Dam. ROockK-FILL IN PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION. The dam was in service until August 3, 1893, when it was ruptured by a flood-wave that was in exce’s of the spillway capacity, the maximum flood disc arge cing 42,500 sec.-fe t. The water poured over its crest, and, as t= 1s style of dam is not calculated to withstand such an overflow, it speedily washed out a breach to the bed-rock over 300 feet in length. This was immediately repaired and built 5 feet higher, at a total cost of $86,000. The capacity of the open spillway at the west end of the dam was increased by widening it from 200 feet to a width of 240 feet, and by cutting it 3 feet deeper, making it begin to discharge while the water is 15 feet below the crest. A second spillway in rock was cut about half a mile to the west of spillway No. 1, having a length of 300 feet. In addition to these discharge- channels the main canal below the dam is so arranged that surplus water will begin to slop over its banks at a height of 13 feet above the bottom of the canal, over a length of about 200 feet. By opening the headgates and partially closing the secondary gates across the canal below, this slop-over can be given a large capacity of discharge. Ordinarily, however, the ROCK-FILL DAMS. 45 water-level in this section of canal is maintained to a depth of over 20 feet above the floor of the canal by a series of thirty-one gates placed on the side of the canal, parallel to it, and across the spillway. These gates are hinged at the sides, and are each 5 feet 4 inch wide by 7 feet 2 inches high. They can be opened in an emergency almost instantly by the stroke of a Fig, 34.—Laxe AvaLon Dam, Pecos River, New Mexico. SHOWING THE CREST OF COMPLETED DAM AND SPILLWAY DISCHARGING. hammer upon a latch-releasing bar at each gate, when the pressure forces them to fly open like a door. The opening can be closed above the gates by flash-boards, permitting the closing and latching of the doors. (See Fig. 36, taken from Engineering News, Sept. 17, 1896.) The total capacity which the spillways now have is estimated at 33,000 second-tfeet, while the water-level is still below the top of the dam. The original cost of the dam was about $90,000, and the reconstruction was therefore but little less than the first cost. Mr. H. H. Cloud, formerly of the Colorado Midland Railroad, was the chief engineer of the dam, with Mr. E. 8. Nettleton acting as consulting engineer, and Mr. Louis D. Blauvelt as principal assistant. Mr. Cloud ascribes the cause of the overtopping of the dam to the fact that the spill- ways were choked by the débris from bridges, together with the bodies of drowned cattle brought down by the river. Another account states that the gate-keeper and his assistants were in Eddy at the time, indulging in a drunken spree, and did not start for the dam until the only bridges across 46 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC, the river were washed away, and they could not cross. When they finally secured boats for crossing and reached the dam just before the disaster, they were unable to open the waste-gates because of a defect in construc- tion, since remedied. It was believed that if the lateral waste-gates along the canal had been opened when the flood-wave first reached the dam, the relief thus afforded would have avoided the disaster. No loss of life was reported as a result of the flood, and but little property was damaged. The reservoir capacity of Lake Avalon from the floor of the canal to the spillway-level is about 5578 acre-feet. When filled to the 23-foot level Pets Bee mT ge oe } _ Fig. 35.—Canat Herapeates, Lake Avaton Dam. it had a length of about 5 miles and a maximum width of 1.5 miles. It submerged an area of 934 acres. Water-tightness of Lake Avalon Dam.—The dam for some time after completion was apparently free from direct leakage through it, although water stood in a pool at the base of the dam, which was believed to come from springs, issuing from the rock. From the dam down for several miles there are springs of large volume coming out on the river-banks, whose total flow at the stone dam at Carlsbad, as measured by the writer in October, 1897, was approximately 90 second-feet. Since the con- struction of the reservoir these springs are said to be increasing in number and volume. The largest one, flowing 5 to 6 second-feet, broke out in a new place in 1896, some 3 miles below the dam. Distinct swirls and miniature maelstroms have been observed on the surface of both reser- ROCK-FILE DAMS. 47 ENo.News. Fig. 36.—QUICK-OPENING GATES IN SPILLWaY OF LAKE AVALON RestRvork, Pecos Vauuey, N. M. SURFACE OF WATER RimRaP 1 Pr Threw Joo00.Cu.vos. PUIPRAD LEY T MICH BE 6200.Cu. kos. Rocn Frez 102400.CU.YOS. LAN == 108 600, Cus. Oe Fria. 37.—SEctions or Lake AVALON AND Lake McMILLAN Rock-FILL AND EARTH Dams, Pecos Vauuey, N. M. ven Rivers) iT.20 S. R28 R26 6. R27 €..CHAvES _cO.R.28 8. | | 8.29 6. —-- - = ee oer oor Joo}-ng UL AIM se YMpuoo ayJ, ‘WNpuoo FulAreo OJUT 41 BULL} 10jaq uoIsUadsNs UL 41 393 07 YI1Be JuTUesOO] Jo poqyeuT sainogs Ssdooud OITAVUGAP, AHL AM NOILONULSNO,S) AO asunoy) NI Wvd (Iv,)) vsqdyq VI—'IL “DID 98 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. methods in a modified form to the erection of La Mesa dam. The situation and materials available were less favorable than at Tyler, and it was not possible to obtain water under pressure for disintegrating the soil. Hence it was necessary to resort to ground-sluicing alone. The dam-site is in a narrow gorge cut through hard porphyry, whose walls are but 40 feet apart at the stream-bed, and stand nearly vertical on one side for 40 feet in height, from which elevation the ground slopes gently upward on both sides. ‘The site had been regarded as particularly suitable for a masonry or rock-fill dam, as the foundations were of the best character and the materials at hand all that could be desired. With these advantages in view the first plans made were for a rock-fill with plank facing, of the following dimensions: height, 55 feet; length on top, 470 feet; thickness at base, 110 feet; at top, 12 feet; upper slope, 4 to 1; lower slope, 1 to 1; volume, 15,000 cubic yards. Bids were received on these plans, the lowest of which called for 99 cents per cubic yard for the rock-fill, and $2.08 for dry rubble wall. These prices are but 55% to 66% of the contract prices paid for the Escondido dam. The total cost under these bids would have been $20,260, exclusive of the plank facing and the outlet-gates and pipes. The hydraulic-fill dam proposed by Mr. Howells was given the preference by the company on a guarantee of a material reduction of cost below the bids for the rock-fill dam, and, although numerous difficulties were encountered, it was finally completed for about $17,000, including plant, excavations for foundations and spillway, outlet-gates, culvert and stand-pipes, paving of slopes, and all accessories, and furthermore it was built to a height of 66 feet, or 11 feet higher than the proposed rock-fill. It was made 20 feet wide on top, with a base width of 251.5 feet. All of the dam except a few feet on top, which had to be finished out with wagons, was put in place by flowing water. The surplus water from the flume was used at a time when little or no irrigation was going on, and at the same time the water was stored in the reservoir as it was being formed back of the dam. The total volume of material handled was 38,000 cubic yards, some of which was transported an extreme distance of 2200 feet, and taken from an area of 11.5 acres, which was stripped to a mean depth of 2 feet. Had the material been as abundant and as accessible throughout the construc- tion as it was up to the time one-fourth of the dam was in place, the entire structure could have been finished for 25% to 30% of its ultimate cost, but unfortunately it was found that below a depth of 2 feet from the surface the gravel and cobblestones of the mesa were cemented together so hard as to resist further washing, and this condition necessitated the employment of horses and scrapers to bring much of the material used to the slaiceways, at greatly increased cost. The results, considering all the unfavorable con- ditions, are an indication of what can be accomplished by this process where HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 99 surrounding conditions are more auspicious. The surface soil and sand contained in the coarse gravel constituted less than one-third of the mass, and consequently the dam can properly be termed a rock-fill with an earth core. The deposit on the dam being always near the outer slopes, the larger stones were naturally dropped there, while the finer materials shaded cff towards the center. The gravel is of all grades, from egg size to large cobbles, 8 to 10 inches in diameter. On the outer slopes the largest of these were laid up in a dry wall of uniform slope and surface. In beginning the work a trench was excavated in bed-rock, as shown in Fig. 72, from 2 to 5 feet deep, 20 feet wide at center and tapering to 5 feet at the ends. At right angles to this trench in the bed of the gulch a culvert was built to reach entirely through the dam at its widest point. This culvert, whose details are shown in Fig. 73, consisted of a concrete conduit, 48 inches wide, 30 inches high, extending from the inner face of the dam outward 180 feet, to a point 72 feet from the lower toe, where it connects with two 24-inch cast-iron pipes, that form the outlet to the reservoir. One of these pipes connects with a wood-stave pipe supplying water to San Diego, and the other is used as a waste, or clean-out, pipe. Both are controlled by gate-valves at the toe of the dam. The walls of the concrete culvert are 12 inches in thickness, and four vertical stand-pipes connect with the culvert at intervals of 35 feet from the inside end. These stand-pipes consist of 24-inch vitrified pipes, surrounded with concrete, which pass upward through the body of the dam, and are now used as outlet-pipes to the reservoir at four different levels. During construction they performed the important function of conveying the water into the reservoir after it had dropped its load of gravel and sediment on to the surrounding embankment. They were built up a joint at a time in 2-foot sections, as the work progressed, and were finished off at the top with brass ring and flap-valve, the latter being controlled by rods reaching up the slope through the water to the surface. (See Fig. 70.) These flap-valves can only be opened when pressure is relieved by closing the gate-valves below. The volume of water used in constructing the dam was from 300 to 400 miner’s inches—6 to 8 second-feet, which was all that could be spared from the flume after supplying the domestic consumption in San Diego and along the line, and the little irrigation which is kept up, even in winter, when the rains do not come just right. From the end of the 37-mile flume, which terminates on the mesa 10 miles from San Diego, the water was siphoned across a deep ravine by a 36-inch wood-stave pipe, 3000 feet long, discharging into a ditch which carried the water 1.5 miles to the top of the ridge overlooking the dam-site on the south. From this main ditch at various points laterals were carried down the slope of the hill towards the dam on a grade of 6%, dividing the ground into irregular zones of 50 to 100 feet in width, by several hundred feet in length. In sluicing these divisions AVC THA-OIWGVUAAPF, AO NOTLONNISNOD AHL JO DNINNIDAG “HIOANTSAY VSA WI— ZL - ae Lots a TOT ‘NVQ VSdJ{ WJ dO LUAATOO-TIAM GONV GLVO-LAILOAOQ dO STIVLAGQ— gE) “SIE F383 ae iasen WALSAS SWNT 09319 NYS “uloyy aG/ of buypoay 20h aAYS Uap o—mM pup ‘sadly uo4d MAA IIe ¥ Q-Vv SNIT NO NOIL23S, 480] pub HannD ‘HAM ‘40D 184NO Jo suag '0iof AADJ[§ UIPOopA 102 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. were stripped off clean to the cemented gravel bed-rock, beginning next to the head ditch and working downward toward the dam across the end of the strip. The fall from the upper-line ditch to the lower side of the zone was as great as the slope of the ground would admit,—the greater the fall the more rapidly the sluicing was done. The work accomplished was satis- factory as long as this slope was not flatter than about 25%, but as the hill from which the material was taken rounded off toward the top the velocity of the water in the cross-ditches became lessened, until it was insufficient to erode the material from its bed, and the process had to be assisted by the use of picks or plows, where the ground was not too soft for teams to get over it. ‘This additional labor of loosening materially increased the cost. All of the material was obtained from one side of the dam, which was a further disadvantage. As the stream secured its load of earth or gravel it was conveyed along the line of the lower ditch by 24-inch wood-stave pipes until deposited on the embankment. About 2000 feet of this piping was used in the work, the first cost of which was 90 cents per foot, exclusive of the lining of strips of tire-steel subsequently added to resist wear and tear. It was made in sections of 10 to 14 feet, loosely placed together and connected by strips of canvas wound around the ends of abutting joints and held in place by an ingenious tourniquet of tarred rope placed back of the last round band on the end of each section, the twist on one being made by a long nail, and on the other by an 8-inch piece of 4-inch gas-pipe, the nail slipping into the gas-pipe and so preventing both ropes from loosening or untwisting. During a portion of this work the pipes were supported to the desired grade-line on the dam by trestle-work. A wire cable was also used for this purpose, although the latter did not give satisfactory results. Fig. 74 illus- trates both methods of suspending the pipes, and shows the dam when about 30 feet high. The necessity of frequently unjointing the pipe on the dam for distributing the material evenly over the line from side to side made the use of a canvas joint over that portion of the pipe inconvenient, and it was replaced by loose straps of iron bolted to the pipes on the sides, which kept them in line, and the water would shoot across the joint with- out material loss. These joints were easily taken apart when desired. The pipes were found to wear very rapidly, and were lined, first with strips of wood, and later with strap-iron or tire-steel. Cast-iron pipe or open flumes would be preferable for this sort of service. The work on the dam began February 14, 1895, and during the first thirty working-days, of 24 hours each, 21,000 cubic yards, or 55% of the entire dam, were put in place—an average of 700 cubic yards per day, although at times more than double this amount was moved in 24 hours. The ratio of solid embankment to water used during this period was about 3.3%. The force of men employed varied from 27 to 45, working in eight-hour shifts. €0T ‘Sadiq ONIGNGdSNY LO GOHLAW AHL DNILVULSATIT OIOAUASH YY VST VT “WV() OITAVUCAPT FO NOTLONY SNO)—'FL ‘SY y : a ™ Ena eee : : 2 104 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Two men were kept on the dump directing the stream of material and building up the outer edges of the slopes to the proper lines, while the others were chiefly engaged in ground-sluicing. With looser or deeper soil, br under conditions permitting the use of a jet of water under pressure, the cost of loosening, which in this case was the chief item of expense, would be reduced to a nominal amount. It is apparent that an embankment built in this manner is compacted as thoroughly as it could be by any process of rolling and is not subject to further settlement. It is also manifest that the finer materials are by this process precipitated in the interior of the fill, next to the discharge-outlets for the water, and that the particles are in a general way graded in size from the outside toward the center. In this dam all of the stand-pipes are placed inside of the center line, as shown by the section of the dam (Fig. 75), and therefore more of the coarse and permeable bowlders and gravel are placed on the outer half of the embankment, where they afford 2-Lines of 24"Cast iron lye r 2-24"Pressure Gares bs | -24°Cast lratt Fipe.l2 Long Fie. 75.—Cross-sEcTION OF LA Musa Dam. ready drainage to the percolation that might find its way through the dam. (See Fig. 75.) Thus the failure of the structure through the ordinary process of supersaturation and the sloughing of the outer slopes is rendered highly improbable if not impossible. A dam built in this way is tested as it grows by the pond of water standing on top of it and the rising lake behind it, and if any weakness exists it is sure to be discovered and remedied by the operation of natural laws. This dam is not entirely free from leakage, although as the water comes through quite clear it causes no anxiety and shows no tendency to increase. The leakage measures 100 gallons per minute when the water in the reser- voir stands at the 54-foot level, and 23 gallons per minute when the water stands at 46 feet. The reservoir-basin is large enough to impound 18,890 acre-feet if the HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS, 105 dam be raised to the 140-foot contour. Such adam, of safe dimensions, would contain 682,000 cubic yards, and its construction has been seriously considered, the material to be obtained by excavating the interior of the basin, conveying it to the dam by the hydraulic method and then hoisting it in place by mechanical means. The elevation of the base of the dam is 433.5 feet above sea-level, and a 24-inch wood-stave pipe, 6500 feet long, banded to withstand 180 feet maximum pressure, connects it with a 15-inch steel main that is laid from the end of the main flume to San Diego. The location and elevation of the connection of these pipes has practically determined the 43-foot contour in . Fie. 76.—La Mesa Hypravuic-FILL DAM, SHOWING Pipe DiscHARGING MATERIAL ON THE Dam. the reservoir as the lowest level to which the water will ordinarily be drawn when used for city service, unless a more direct connection be made. In times of scarcity the water below the 43-foot level has been pumped from the reservoir. Crane Valley Hydraulie-fill Dam, California.—Some years ago the San Joaquin Electric Company erected a power-plant on the San Joaquin River, 34 miles north of Fresno, to utilize water brought from the North Fork of the San Joaquin to the power station. The power-drop at this place is 1410 feet, and the plant is remarkable as one of the first to make use of so high a drop, as well as for the long distance of the transmission of power, as the company deliver electricity to Hanford, a distance of 70 miles, as well 90T ‘NY( VHd-OITAVUGAH, dO SUNITLAQ ONIMOHS “@LIS-NV(] ATTIVA GNVUQ 40 MATA—')) “DIT ‘VINUORITV) ‘ALINNOD ONSHUT “ALIS-IWNV( AMTIVA FNVUD dO MAIA—'S) ‘OTT 108 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. as to Fresno. The plant was designed and built by J. J. Seymour, C.E., nresident of the company, and by J. S. Eastward, chief engineer, under contracts with the General Electric Company. The plant was entirely successful until a severe drouth developed such an unprecedented shortage in the low-water supply as to diminish the possible power output below the demands upon it. To remedy this deficiency, and the annual shortage during three or four months in average years, the company undertook the erection of a storage-dam for impounding the flood run-off of the North Tork. The dam was planned and supervised by J. M. Howells, C.E., and is a structure purely of the hydraulic-fill type. The general dimen- sions of the original plan were as follows: Maximum height........ 0.2... 2.2.4: 100 feet. Length on top ........... ee Neste ee 720 ‘‘ With OMtOWiacs. dake tat ee cath ge 5 29." Slope on water-side....... peeie, aethe. Go eeele «ec lower side....... weer wees, Tegel: Width of canyon at base........ 0.2... 50 feet. Width 60 feet higher... ........0..... 300‘! Water for sluicing was brought to the dam-site a distance of 5 miles, by flumes and ditches. The volume used was 15 second-feet (750 miner’s inches), which was delivered to the summit of a hill overlooking the dam and 200 feet above it. This hill, which furnished the materials for building the dam, was surveyed and explored by borings to determine the quantity and quality of available earth for the purpose. The hill has an underlying base of granite, which has disintegrated very irregularly, leaving hard exposures at various points, while in places the depth to solid rock is very great. This disintegrated material is sandy in places, and in spots it has passed into the clayey stage, while fragments of granite still lie bedded intact, furnishing rock for the outer paving of the embank- ment. Hard bed-rock is exposed over nearly the entire area covered by the dam. It is of granite throughout, hardest near the level of the stream, where erosion has polished it smooth and glassy. Higher on the sides it is not so hard, but has made an excellent foundation. Advantage has been taken of a cut, blasted out from the solid rock, at a level 14 feet above the stream-bed, by an old mining company for a ditch grade, in which to place the outlet-sluices. This cut was arched over with masonry for the entire width of the dam, and served to carry the flow of the stream during construction. Gates were set in this cut on the center line of the dam, to be closed when the dam was finished and storage began. The gate-stems extend up through a circular shaft, 22 inches in diameter, 3 inches thick, reaching to the top of the dam. This shaft is made of IY DRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 109 successive rings of cement pipe, 6 to 12 inches in height, which were added one at a time, as the dam rose. During construction this shaft served to draw off the surplus water from the pond formed on top of the embankment, after its load of material had dropped on the rising dam. In preparing the foundations the center line of the dam was ex- cavated to bed-rock and all loose material removed for a width of 20 feet from the center line on the up-stream side. Then a concrete wall, 2 feet in thickness, and about 2 to 5 feet in height, was built on bed-rock, into which was firmly imbedded the footings of a wooden core-wall, of doubled Fig. 79.—Crane Vattey Dam. SHowinc Woopen Fence, or Center DIAPHRAGM, WHICH WAS CaRRIED Up To a HercuT or 30 FEET ABOVE BEp-ROCK. l-inch surfaced sheeting. This wooden partition was continued to a height of some 30 feet above the base of the dam, its object being mainly to prevent the stratification of material deposited by the water from extending across the center of the dam from either side. It was also designed as a check against percolation through the dam. It had been intended to carry this partition to the top, but as the dam building progressed it was found that stratification could be effect- ually prevented by a system of cutting into the plastic material of the central part of the dam by pushing down broad wedge-shaped planks or paddles, 1 inch thick, 12 inches wide. This was systematically carried on while sluicing was in progress, and in continuous lines, at intervals 110 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. of 2 feet, parallel with the center of the dam on the up-stream side, for a width of 20 feet out. As the workmen were able to shove the paddies into the mushy mass to a depth of 10 fect or more, the cleavage across the stratification was repeated over and over again. On the withdrawal of the paddle the fine silt would immediately fill the hole, and thus alter the composition of the mass. The result of this kneading process was so satisfactory that on the sides of the canyon, at an elevation of 60 feet from the base, the wooden Fic. 80.—Crane Vattey Dam SHowine DiscuarGce or Situicep Eartu at END oF CONVEYING FLUME. core-wall was carried no higher than 6 feet above the concrete founda- tion. A porous cement conduit, or pipe 3 inches diameter, was laid on top of the concrete wall against the wooden sheeting on the down- stream side, throughout its entire length. At the lowest point in the stream-hed the pipe from either side connected with a 6-inch cement pipe laid on the bottom outward to the toe of the lower slope. These pipes were designed for drainage, but through a series of mishaps they came near causing the destruction of the dam. During a sudden freshet which threatened to overtop the dam, it heeame necessary to use powder to blow out a weoden gate that had accidentally closed the outlet cul- vert. The explosion shattered the 3-inch drainage pipe at one point HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 111 over the culvert, and started leakage of muddy water carrying sand through the 6-inch outlet. This continued until it carried out sufficient material to produce a crater in the dam, conical in shape, reaching to the top, and discharging over 1000 cubic yards of the finer material of the center portion of the dam before it was finally checked. As the dam had then reached a height of 70 feet, and the reservoir was nearly full the situation was alarming. The cavity was hastily filled with gravel, sandbags, etc., and the leakage finally ceased. A shaft was Fic. 81.—Crane Vautitey Hypravuic-rirt Dav. SHowrne Metuop oF LoosENING THE MATERIALS SLUICED INTO THE Dam. then sunk down to the break, and the fact discovered that the break had been self-mended by being plugged with roots and leaves that had been washed into the dam in the process of sluicing, rather than by the sandbags and other fillings that had been thrown into the cavity. Owing to long delay in securing permission to use the ditch, which passed through a United States Forest Reserve, it was necessary to begin sluicing by means of a pump. A steam-pump with a capacity of 2.25 second-feet was installed on the bank of the stream, above the dam-site, and delivered water through an 11-inch riveted steel pipe to a “Little Giant” monitor with 23-inch nozzle at the borrow-pit, 75 to 110 feet above the stream. About two-thirds of the total amount of material placed in the dam 112 2ESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. was conveyed by the water pumped. When the permit to use the ditch was finally granted, the remaining third was ground sluiced in by the use of the flumes that were employed for the conveyance of pumped water. These flumes were laid on a grade of 6°¢, which was the mini- mum permissible for free operation with the comparatively small volume of water delivered by the pump. The flumes were made of 1-inch pine boards, 12 inches wide, 10 inches deep, covered on top except across the dam, where the cover was omitted. With this small flume, and the small quantity of water used, it was not possible to convey any rock to the dam, or material co:urser than fine gravel, even on 6; grades. Two sets of flumes were used, one on either side, in alternation. When one side of the embankment was raised to a height from which the heavier particles, making their own gradients toward the center, ap- proached the center as closely as was deemed expedient the stream of material was shifted to the flume on the opposite side, which was then raised accordingly. At the base of the dam the coarser sand was not allowed nearer than about 40 feet from the center line, but as the dam rose and its top width decreased this distance was decreased corre- spondingly. After both sides had been raised to the same level, by an even dis- tribution on each, all the way across, the water-level of the pool, always remaining in the center of the embankment, was then raised by adding one of the cement rings to the circular drainage shaft, through which the surplus water was allowed to escape. This raised the water-level of the central pool about 13 inches. The process of sluicing was then repeated. As the dam approached the 60-foot level this was found to throw the water-line too near the edges of the dam, and rings 6 inches in depth were added thereafter. The flumes were so placed that when the dam had reached an elevation equal to the lower end of the flume, which was of course on the further side of the dam from which the exca- vation was taking place, the line of the flume was at the outer edge of the embankment. The flume was then raised, moving it toward the center of the dam sufficiently to allow the process to be repeated on the higher level. The trestles supporting the flumes were made of 2” x4” plank, which could generally be pried out of the sand and used again. A handspike with a sharp iron spur bolted to the end would suffice to start any one of the posts of the trestle from its bedding in the sand. The flumes were thus raised about 10 feet in elevation each time. At short intervals slotted openings were made in the bottom of the flume through which a driblet of water was allowed to run. This carried with it a large percentage of the coarser sand, which was thus deposited where it could be cast by shovels to the slope line. The discharge from the flume to the dam of the greater portion of the HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 113 water with its load, was made at convenient points by side gates in the flume, formed of a short section of the side board sawed in such a way that it could be swung across the flume, turning out the entire flow at that point. From these points of discharge the sand and silt were distributed on light grades until the central pool was reached, when precipitation of the sand took place at once, forming bluff banks under the water near its edge, while the fine silt particles were distributed across the pool. The construction was suspended when the dam reached a height of about 70 feet, where a temporary spillway was available over a gap Fic. 82—Borrow-Pits FROM WHICH MATERIAL WAS SLUICED TO THE CRANE VaLLeY Dam IN BacKGROUND. in the crest of the horseshoe shaped hill, around which the river formerly flowed. It is planned to be extended later to the full height of 100 feet. On completion of sluicing, the embankment was rip-rapped on both faces with broken stone, partially taken from the temporary spillway, and partly gathered from the adjacent hillsides. The preliminary estimates of cost of the dam contemplated an expendi- ture of $25,000 for the 100-foot structure. At that time the necessity for pumping was not considered. The actual cost of the work done could not be definitely ascertained. This example of hydraulic-fill dam building, considering the class of material available and the conditions under which it was constructed, 114 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. affords a most valuable illustration of the flexibility of the hydraulic process in adapting itself to the building of a stable dam at small cost with materials from which it would otherwise or by other methods have been impossible to secure stability or water-tightness in an embankment of similar height. In this locality the cost of either a masonry or rock- fill dam would have been so great as to be commercially unprofitable, while the materials which might have been used for the ordinary type of earth dam occurred in such irregular pockets, interspersed between huge granite bowlders, as to be difficult of access and consequently expensive. The material was also of doubtful value for earth-dam construction, built in the usual way, with plows and scrapers, because of the difficulty of securing solidity and compact- ness and proper bond with the bed-rock, with such material, with- out a segregation of the fine from the coarse, as by the hydraulic pro- cess. There were occasional pockets of red clay mixed with sand which had been filled in by the action of water, instead of originating from the disintegration of granite rock in place as the bulk of the material was formed. When the material from the clay pockets came onto the dam it gave trouble to the workmen to keep the outer edges of the embankment up to the steep slopes at which they were designed, owing to the tendency of the slippery clay to slide down to flatter angles of repose. The decomposed granite, however, was regarded as ideal material for hydraulic dam building, as it was found to contain 70% to 80% of sand and gravel of all grades, from a hazelnut size down to very fine grains. The remaining 20% to 30% was still more finely divided, dis- coloring the water like clay and requiring considerable time to settle. Such material, when once settled and drained, offers enormous resistance to the percolation of water, and its behavior in this case at the time of the break is not easily understood. The leakage through the bottom pipe was small—never more than 30 to 40 gallons per minute, but even that amount of water passing through the core material should have been impossible if the central portion had been composed exclusively of the fine silt or clay. There must have been some unbroken lines of coarser sand crossing the central zone as far as the partition. It is doubtless true that drainage of the central impervious zone of hydraulic- fill dams should be made exclusively through the porous friction-bearing materials composing the outer slopes, and not by any defined channel of considerable size, such as the cement pipes laid under the base of this dam, which, as this example shows, may become a source of dangerous concentration of drainage. The dam has been in service ever since its completion, and is regarded as a safe structure. , SECTION THROUGH WEIR AND BASIN Scale of Feet iy. SS ot 0 -10 20 30 \ \_ New Spillway ye 165 C lou 0159 — fs 8" Concrete oh ee a og 3 Cis Concrete Side Wall7 Side Slopes and Bottom Paved with 2 Top of Stone to beginning of Channel s eA lOpOls 2 Old Spillway ~.~ Center Lin £2] lived with Timber’ — = ‘ & \ 5 Culvert ~ PLAN OF DAMA Scale of. AVERAGE SECTION, 6-FT. CULVERT AVERAGE SECTION, 5-FT. CULVERT AND 3-FT. PIPE Fu NE A-B ‘Feet —,—— iy 2 50 00 250 Grown of New Dam, 6 ft.wide,Contour 166. Length, 1300 feet gout Top of Contour 164, 16 ft wide ici eee eens a ntour 125, on Nortu Face of Old Dam Dam SECTION THROUGH CULVERT Scale of Feet Inlet Crib Old Dam Foe of both Ola and New Dams 425 — Te Tate PLAN AND SECTIONS, OF. THE DOBBINS CREEK HYDRAULIC-FILL DAM, YUBA CO., CAL, . BUILT FOR.THE BAY COUNTIES POWER CO. [Vo face page i15.} HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. Llo Lake Frances Hydraulic-fill Dam, California——As an example of unusual difficulties and adverse conditions successfully overcome where other methods have failed, the repair and enlargement of the broken Lake Frances dam by the hydraulic method is perhaps the most con- spicuous which could be selected. This dam was originally built as an ordinary earth dam, by fie Bay Counties Power Company, two miles above the Colgate Power House, on a little tributary of the Yuba River, called Dobbins Creek. It is located about 35 miles from Marysville, in the mountains of Yuba County, at an elevation of 1500 feet above sea-level. The watershed intercepted Fig. 84.—BreAK IN ORIGINAL LAKE FrRaNcES Dam. LOooKING UP STREAM. is but 6.5 square miles above the dam, from which the run-off fluctuates from a mere trickle of 3 or 4 miner’s inches to an extreme flood flow of about 1000 second-feet. The dam was intended to form a small reser- voir for emergency service, and is located 400 feet higher than the pen- stock of the power-house, which receives its water supply from the North Fork of Yuba River through a wooden flume nine miles long, built in the rocky canyon of that stream. The flume is subjected to occasional interruption from falling rocks, and in such an emergency the small reservoir storage of the Lake Frances reservoir is drawn upon for a few hours at a time to maintain the operation of the plant. It was originally planned to utilize the power at certain hours of the day when the demand was less than the output by pumping water from the flume up to the 116 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. higher reservoir, and a 4-stage 10-inch centrifugal pump was ordered built for this purpose. This plan was not carried out, but one-haif the pump was subsequently finishea up and used for the hydraulic-fill work which will be described. The original dam built in 1899 had a maximum height of 50 feet, was 992 feet long, 16 feet wide on the crest, and was given slopes of 3 on 1 and 2 on 1, on the up-stream and down-stream sides respectively. It formed a reservoir of 42.67 acres area at the spillway level (4 feet below the crest), and gave a storage capacity of 30,545,000 cubic feet. Fic. 85.—Near View or Ricut Sipe or BREAK IN EMBANKMENT OF LAKE FRANCES: Dam SHowine Roots Exposep By THE BREAK. The site of the dam as well as a large part of the reservoir-basin was covered with pine forest when construction began, and had to be cleared and grubbed to get at the material in the borrow-pits. For two-thirds of its length from the east end where the embankment was lowest in height, it was built with slip and wheel scrapers, the earth being spread in layers of 6 and 8 inches depth and moistened and rolled as is customary. The remainder, covering the highest and most im- portant portion of the dam on either side of the original stream channel, was built late in the season when the ground had dried out and the water- supply had practically failed. The rainy season was approaching and there was such haste in completing the dam that the earth was dumped HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 117 in any way most convenient, as in an ordinary railway embankment, without any attempt at spreading in layers. The steep hill slope at the west end was not even cleared of stumps and roots over much of its surface, as the subsequent break revealed. The material of the hillsides consisted of red clay and gray sandy soil, resulting from the disintegration of syenite rock, devoid of mica. In the valley proper the soil contained some gravel and enough vegetable mold to constitute a dark loam. Rupture of Original Dam.—A few days after the fill had been com- pleted, a rainfall of 9 inches in 36 hours caused the reservoir to fill rapidly, Fig. 86.—Tor Lever or Nortu Facer, Lake Frances Dam, AND INLET Crip aT Heap oF FIvE-FooT OUTLET CULVERT. and when the water had risen to within six feet of the spillway level, at 11 a.m., Oct. 21, 1899, the dam was suddenly ruptured, and a hole washed through it 100 feet wide at top, extending down to and below the original stream-bed. The dam originally contained 80,265 cubic yards, of which 16,160 cubic yards, or about 20%, were washed away. Repair and Enlargement by Hydraulic Method.—During the summer following the break the writer was employed to report on the repair of the broken dam, and after examination recommended that the hy- draulic sluicing method be employed. In the spring of 1901 he was placed in charge of construction, associating with him Mr. J. M. Howells, M. Am. Soc. C. E., who corroborated the writer’s recommendation of the hydraulic-sluicing process as the most desirable means for recon- struction. It was decided that it would be unwise to repair the dam 118 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWLRK, ETC, by simply filling the gap, as it would subject the remainder of the em- bankment, which had already failed at one point, to the possibility of a repetition of the same disaster, as well as subject the old and new parts to unequal settlement. It was therefore proposed to place a heavy layer of earth against the upper slope of the original fill of sufficient thickness to give an impervious core of selected fine clay between zones of porous, stable material. This added thickness was recommended to be 125 feet, measured horizontally, which, if carried out simply as a repair of the old dam, would have left it with a crest width of 141 feet. With this broad crest it was evidently safe to add 25 feet to the height Fic. 87.—Dome on Gate CHAMBER, Lake Frances DAM; aLso TWENTY-TWO-INCB Siuice Pipe. of the dam. The filling of the break and the 125 feet facing required 133,782 cubie yards of material, while the increase in height proposed involved but 81,371 cubic yards additional for which the plant would have been already installed. As the storage would be increased three and one third times the extra cost was manifestly justifiable, and the work was ordered on that plan. Sluicing with a Pump.—As a gravity water-supply was not obtain- able it became necessary not only to pump the water for sluicing, but to build a small storage-reservoir below the dam to store up a supply and pump the water over and over again. Owing to delay in com- pleting the two-stage tandem centrifugal pump (one half of the large pump referred to) on account of a machinists’ strike in San Francisco, work was begun on a small scale May 10, 1901, with a 6-inch single-stage centrifugal pump, direct connected to a 30-H.P. motor, installed with HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 119 electric current supplied from the Colgate Power House, two miles away. This pump delivered 1.76 second-feet under a head of 100 feet, and did very good service until June 15. By its use 4090 cubic yards were deposited in the repair of the break, at a cost of 18.27 cents per cubic yard. The larger pump was finally installed and put in service Aug. 30, 1901. It continued to supply the water for sluicing until the completion of the dam June 28, 1902. The pump had a capacity for delivering 6 cubic feet per second, under a pressure of 120 pounds per square inch, through a line of 20-inch Fig. 88.—West Enp oF Lake Frances Dam, SHOWING THE Break RESTORED, THE HicHeR DAM NEARLY COMPLETED, THE HyprauLic GIANT AT WORK, AND THE Main Pirr LINE SUPPLYING WATER TO THE PuMP. pipe, 300 to 700 feet long. The pump was belt-connected with a 350 H.P. synchronous motor, using alternating electric current at 2400 volts. ; A careful test of the plant made Feb. 5, 1902, showed the efficiency of the pump to be 61% to 63%, and the combined efficiency of pump and motor of 50% to 52%, when delivering 4.1 to 4.66 second-feet, under 104 pounds pressure. The first work of the new plant was to complete the filling of the gap in the original dam by depositing the remaining 9620 cubic yards. This work was much hampered and delayed by the contracted area to which it was reduced, requiring frequent suspension of work to allow for proper settlement and drainage. Levees were maintained along the up-stream and down-stream slopes, one or two feet in height, composed 120 RES’ RVOIRS FOR lLRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. of the most stable materia] brought down by the water, while the fine clay mud was deposited in the pond confined between these levees. The excess water was drained from this pond by flumes at one end, or by a pipe siphon, and returned to a pond at the north side of the dam. The sediment deposited from this overflow, together with one or more slides or slips from the slope, of the filling in the break, added 5220 cubic yards to the zone calied the “North Face.” These slips and sloughing down the slope were due to the lack of sufficient coarse gravel, rock, and sand to afford the desired friction and requisite freedom of drainage. During ali this filling of the break as well as in all subsequent work Fig. 89.—Hyprautic Grant In AcTION UNDERCUTTING THE BANK. the water contained in the fine mud which composed the bulk of the interior of the dam was constantly being pressed out as settlement of the mass continued, and appeared as a continuous ooze over the entire face of the slopes. In fact this ooze was apparent for some months after the dam was completed. Owing to the great length of the dam (1300 feet on the crest) and the necessity for securing all the material of construction from one end, it was necessary to use gradients as low as possible, to avoid exressive height of trestle supporting the flume and pipe for delivering the mate- rial. The minimum was found to be 2.2%. For this reason it was not possible to transport mucl of the rock encountered in the borrow-pits, and there was constant Jack of sufficient coarse material to maintain HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 121 the slopes, and prevent slides. It was finally found necessary to resort to the use of pine and cedar boughs and other brush 6 or 8 feet long laid into the slopes with the butts inside, to prevent the tendency to slip. This was effectual in knitting the mass together sufficiently to overcome the sliding and sloughing tendency. The general plan of building the north face and the top embank- ment was to deliver the sluiced materials that had been loosened and washed out by the hydraulic giants, under pressure of 40 to 75 pounds per square inch at the nozzle, through a 22-inch riveted steel pipe, placed on a high trestle running parallel with the axis of the dam, and far Fig. 90.—Laxe Frances Dam, NovemBer 6TH, 1901. From SoutH Borrow-rit, LOOKING ALONG AXIS OF OrIGINAL Dam. enough inside the slope lines to make delivery through lateral flumes of moderate length, terminating at the edges of the rising embankment. They were of varying length, according to the height at which they were designed to deliver, and were made about 25 feet in average height. The longest trestle with which the additional height of 25 feet above the original dam was built was 1560 feet long, with 13 branch trestles, as shown in Fig. 92. The highest bent in this trestle was 40 feet high. The sections of pipe laid on the trestles were separated by a space of two to four feet, which space was filled by a loose curved plate or half pipe clamped over the joint with key bands that could be quickly un- jointed by driving out a key and slipping off the band. Thus delivery of a part or the whole discharge of the pipe could be made at any point desired. 122 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC, ? The volume in the completed dam is 280,700 cubic yards, of which amount 182,937 cubic yards were deposited by sluicing in the period of 253 days. A record of the actual time of sluicing shows an aggregate during this period of 1581 working hours, or a little over 25% of the total time. Omitting Sundays and half the nights, the sluicing, in shifts of 10 hours per day, was carried on about one half the maximum available time, The other half was lost by reason of stoppages required for building trestles, and also from lack or shortage of power. mB tee Fig. 91.—Lakr Frances Dam ConstrucTIon. PUMPING STATION, SHOWING SUCTION PIPE CONNECTED TO TANDEM CENTRIFUGAL Pump. Cris Dam IN FOREGROUND BUILT TO STORE WATER FOR EARLIER OPERATIONS. The volume of water used was carefully measured and found to vary from 4.5 to 7.0 second-feet. The total water pumped was estimated at 30,740,000 cubic feet, while the total volume of solids transported and deposited in the dam amounted to 4,940,000 cubic feet, or 16.6% of the entire amount of water pumped. This was in addition to about 2% or 3% of silt carried in suspension and drained back into the reser- volr. The weekly percentages of solids carried by the water varied from a minimum of 6.1% to a maximum of 47.7%. With unlimited power, clear water, good material in the pit, a bank over 25 or 30 feet high and all conditions favorable, the material poured in rapidly and the HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 123 ratio was maintained for several weeks from 32% to 38% of solids. A frequent cause of delay was due to accumulation of roots and stones in the borrow-pit, preventing a continuous flow of earth to the sluice ditch. Another cause was the occasional clogging of the delivery-pipe by reason of the light grade, and a momentary increase in percentage of solids carried. The best week's work was 22,350 cubic yards, deposited in 94.5 hours, an average of 236 cubic yards per hour with 6.5 second- feet of water, and a ratio of 27.2% solids. The power used averaged 236 H.P., showing a combined efficiency of pump and motor of 53.9%. Fig. 92.—Laxe Frances, Cat, Hypravtic-FILL Dam BurtpiIne. SHOWING OUTER Levers MaintTaineD wiTH BrusH, DerFLectinc Boarps For DISTRIBUTING SLUICINGS ALONG SLOPE, GENTLE SLOPES TOWARD CENTER OF Dam, AND GRADUAL MoveMENT oF DRAINAGE TOWARD EXTREME END. The total power used, at } cent per H.P.H., cost $2054, or about 1 cent per cubic yard moved. The minimum cost for labor during any one week’s run was 3.8 cents per cubic yard. The average labor cost was about 15 cents per cubic yard, and the total cost, including all power, materials, and plant, was probably less than 20 cents per cubic yard. Under more favorable conditions the work might have been done at an average of 3 to 5 cents per cubic yard. These improved conditions. easily attainable for hydraulic-fill dam construction in many localities, may be outlined as follows: (a) Constant, uninterrupted power amply sufficient to do the work 124 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. required if the water has to be supplied by pumping, but preferably a gravity supply of 10 to 30 second-feet, giving greater carrying power and greatly increasing the output of material with the same force of attendants. (b) Shorter top length of dam, permitting the use of steeper gra- dients in the sluice boxes and delivery-pipes, and consequently giving higher velocities and ability to move rock of considerable size for sta- bility of slopes. In this case much rock was necessarily left in the pit where it was in the way and was a source of diminished efficiency, although greatly needed on the dam, because of lack of transporting power. (c) Delivery from both ends of a dam simultaneously, instead of from one side alone, which would permit of increased gradients and more effective delivery of coarse material throughout the entire iength of the slopes. (d) A larger proportion of sand, gravel, or broken stone of less than 10 or 12 inches diameter, rendering the slopes stable without the use of brush, and avoiding the building of dry levees with teams. Settlement—The dam was constantly undergoing settlement as the water was being pressed out of it. This was observed by the distor- tion of the flumes and pipe trestles, and the slope boards on the slopes. The greatest amount of settlement measured on the posts of the last trestle used on the north face was 3.48 feet, or about 9% of the height. The original dam settled 2.5 feet vertically, notwithstanding the fact that it had been exposed to the rains of two previous winters, and was presumably solid. Comparison of the volume of the dam with that taken from the borrow- pit (covering 7.12 acres, excavated to a mean depth of 21.5 feet) indi- cated that the former was but 84.6% of the latter, and estimating the silt carried off by the tail-water at 4.4%, the shrinkage of the soil from its natural condition in the bank to its compacted state in the dam was about 11%, a practical illustration of the solidifying action of water in building dams by this process. In fact, from the compact condition of hydraulic-fills generally, it appears certain that it is not possibie to secure such density of earth by any other process, even at many times the cost. Stratification —The same means were used in this work to prevent or break up stratification across the center as were employed on the Crane Valley dam. The work of thrusting down paddles or planks was continuously kept up, the men working from boats or rafts float- ing in the pond of mud on top of the dam. Where any tendency was discovered for the formation of local stratification of sand streaks across or near to the center it was corrected by a change in the position of the dump and the grade from the sides toward the center. HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 125 Spillway.—The service outlet of the Lake Frances dam is a 30-inch cast-iron pipe, laid through the embankment and surrounded with masonry. Alongside of this pipe a masonry culvert was built for draw- ing off surplus water at will before the reservoir is filled to the spillway level. The spillway proper is 80 feet long, and is formed by a slab of concrete, 8 inches thick, reinforced with continuous sheets of expanded metal. Owing to the absence of rock this concrete slab, of Ogee form, was laid on the natural earth and discharges into a paved basin, from which a ditch leads to an isolated rock cliff, 500 feet away. After the completion of the dam, during the winter of 1904-5, the lake was filled to overflowing, with the 5-foot culvert discharging its full capacity, and water ran 22 inches deep over the spillway. Evi- dently, the original spillway, 40 feet wide without an auxiliary dis- charge culvert, would have been totally inadequate, so that the first dam was doomed to ultimate destruction even had it not been breached as it was. Hydraulic-filling of the Milner Dams on Snake River, Idaho.—In the foregoing chapter on rock-fill dams, a description was given of three combination rock-fill dams built on Snake River, Idaho, in 1904-5. The hydraulic filling was of a character quite distinct from that em- ployed in the pure types of hydraulic-fill dams hitherto treated of in this chapter, and is deserving of further notice. The earth available for this work was of one class only, and consisted of fine white or grayish soil which covers the plains of that region to a depth varying from one to twenty feet or more. It is exceedingly fine in texture, an almost impalpable powder, free from grit and wonderfully uniform in quality. A test made by the writer showed that it was like finely-ground cement, as nearly 90% would pass through a sieve of 10,000 meshes per square inch. It is classed as loess or wind-borne soil, and is doubtless a fine voleanic ash. It absorbs water slowly in bulk, like flour, but when once wet packs very solidly and becomes as stable, as impervious, and as dense as clay, with this advantage that it does not shrink and crack in drying. Using this material as a backing for the rock-fill, it was very evident that the voids in the rock-fill above the wooden-core wall, described in the previous chapter, could only be filled by sluicing the earth in place with water. It was also considered that desired water- tightness of the mass could best be obtained by a thorough saturation during construction. The earth had to be obtained at a distance of 2000 to 8000 feet from the dam. A portion of it nearest to the dam was scraped into a box at the borrow-pit, by slip and wheel scrapers and dump wagons, and, water being pumped from the river to the box, the earth was thus sluiced through a flume to the point of discharge at the dam. The volume of water discharged hy single 126 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. 4-inch centrifuga! pumps was about 1.5 second-feet. The flumes were about 12 inches square, open at top. No determinations were made of the percentage of solids carried in this way, but the water seemed to be well loaded at all times, and flowed freely on grades of 2% to 5%. In building the two dams in the high-water channels there was no difficulty in maintaining a levee of dry earth at the outer toe of the slope with teams, the earth being hauled in by wagons and scrapers. All of the earth for the south dam and a large part of that for the middle dam, except for the base, was hauled by cars and electric locomotives from borrow-pits a mile or more away, on the south side of the river. It was loaded into the cars either by teams through traps, or by an electric shovel, and dumped at the nearest end of the dam at such an elevation that the water would carry it on a grade to the-further end. The grade naturally assumed by the earth thus sluiced was from 2% to 4%. The liquid mud freely entered the voids of the rock-fill, and filled them solidly as far as the center core-wall of wood. As it rose in height some slight leakage would show below for a time, but the joints in the wood quickly swelled and filled with mud and became entirely tight. The earth was always twenty feet or more below the top of the rock-fill, and the work progressed at such a moderate rate that the embankments had ample time to settle and solidify. The earth packed so readily that in four days’ time after sluicing was sus- pended a team could be driven over the embankment without sinking in, although while sluicing was in progress a pole could be pushed down into the mud to a depth of 10 feet or more, particularly at the extreme end where the water stood longest in the pool. Very little surface drainage was required to get rid of the surplus water. It seemed to be absorbed and disappear, without showing up either above or below the dam. The earth came to the dam in a pul- verized, dusty condition, and the water was sprayed upon it and at once saturated it to the softest of mud. About 80% of the earth in the south and middle dams was sluiced in place, and 20% put in by teams at the outer slope. This dry portion constantly absorbed moisture from the adjacent mass of mud, and thus became equally hard and solid. The hydraulic-filling of the north or channel dam was principally delivered from the north side of the river through a flume into the upper end of which a receiving-box was placed, into which the earth was dumped from wagons through a trap where the pumped water sluiced it down to the dam. The earth was loaded into the wagon by means of a travelling exca- vator with belt conveyors that delivered a continuous stream of earth to the wagons travelling by its side until each received its load. In this case the water used was about 1 second-foot and the lower HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 127 end of the flume discharged along the upper side of the wooden core- wall, on top of the rock-fill, first filling the voids in the rock and then extending up-stream into deep water 20 to 30 feet in depth. On reach- ing the water it assumed a very flat slope under the water-line of 6 or 7 to 1. When the fill had reached the top of the water by this process the slopes were drawn in to the regular 4 on 1 slope. The contract prices for this work were as follows: Dry earth embankment—........... 27.5 cents per cu. yd. Earth embankment placed by sluicing 37.5 ‘' ‘* ¢* These prices were necessarily high on account of the remoteness of the locality, the high cost of fuel, labor, supplies, and materials. Waialua Dam, Hawaii—Beginning about the year 1889, extensive development in the growth of sugar-cane was made upon the island of Oahu by means of irrigation with water from artesian wells located near the seashore, the water being forced by powerful pumps to varying levels up to 650 feet above the sea-level. Costly pumping stations were installed and provision made for the delivery of very large volumes of water. The fertility of the soil is such that an expenditure of $50 to $75 per acre per annum for pumping water was amply justified by the yield of cane to be secured by that means. One of the latest and largest of the pumping systems installed on the island is on the Waialua Sugar Plantation, 22 miles from Honolulu, stretching for several miles along the north shore, and extending back to an elevation of 700 to 800 feet. The aggregate capacity of the pumps in the four great pumping-stations on this plantation is 72,000,000 gallons per 24 hours, their average lift being from 231 to 540 feet, with an extreme lift of 650 feet. The cost of pumping runs into high figures. The fuel bill for irrigation pumping alone in 1902, before the introduction of California oil, was over $180,000, and the average cost of water was $63.36 per acre for that year. To reduce this cost of lifting water to the higher levels, as well as to increase the water-supply and extend the irrigable area, the plantation manager decided in 1903 to undertake the storage of flood water by the building of a dam on an intermittent stream, called the Kaukonahua Gulch, which flows through the property, and in May of that year the author was engaged to report on the construction of the dam, which had been projected by the Wahiawa Water Co. This company had been or- ganized by Mr. L. G. Kellogg some years before to supply water to the Wahiawa Colony lands, located on a high plateau between the two forks of the Kaukonahua Gulch, where a colony of Americans were engaged in growing pineapples. The company built a ditch to the Colony, and subsequently surveyed the reservoir-site and contracted with the Waialua 128 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Sugar Plantation to take stock in the Water Company to supply funds for building the dam, and purchase the reservoir water at an agreed rate. The Kaukonahua heads in the Koolau Mountains at an elevation of 2360 feet, where the annual rainfall is about 180 inches, well distributed through the year. The watershed is of limited area, but the run-off is at times very great, fluctuating spasmodically between wide extremes, so that storage is needed to utilize the stream to any advantage. From the limited data available it was estimated that the total annual run-off was about 50,000 acre-feet, so distributed through the year that the reservoir, which has a capacity of but 7800 acre-feet (2,500,000,000. gallons) could be filled and emptied several times each year, and there- fore be as serviceable as a much larger reservoir filled less frequently, inasmuch as the irrigation season is practically continuous. The reser- voir occupies two forks of the stream which join immediately above the dam, water backing up in each from 4 to 6 miles. They are generally parallel, and are practically two miniature canyons cut down through a sloping plain to a depth of 150 to 200 feet. The formation thus exposed in section is all of volcanic origin and consists of decomposed lava, in alternating layers and of all shades of color from red to reddish brown and purple to bright yellow. This formation is generally quite free from any tendency to slide, and will often stand vertically in trenches or tunnels without timbering for an indefinite time. It is so free from grit that it resists the erosive action of water in a remarkable manner. It was apparently not sufficiently stable to afford a reliable foundation for the masonry dam that had been originally considered, and after examining the site the author recommended the adoption of a com- bination rock-fill and hydraulic-fill, with a wooden diaphragm in the rock-filled portion, to be imbedded at the bottom in a concrete wall, the latter to be carried down in a trench far enough to intercept various strata of porous, cinder-like material encountered in the test-pits; the earth-fill to be sluiced into place against the rock-fill and the diaphragn: and to have an up-stream slope of 4 on 1. Mr. H. Clay Kellogg, C.E., of Santa Ana, California, who had made the original surveys and test: pits of the dam and reservoir-site, was employed to build the dam, and carried out the work in a very efficient manner, substantially on the plans described. The dam has the following dimensions: Maximum height above stream-bed............. 98 feet ~ ‘€ above base of core-wall........ 136 ‘‘ Tenigth, onerestia vase sycitiiaie hai alsenes esacth Mateuraeele 460 ‘‘ Wadthonicrestrs: .c.caG ded «4s scdadeoadagannes 25: 8 HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 129: The rock-fill portion has a base width of 80 feet, crest width 11.5 feet, down-stream batter 0.75:1, up-stream face vertical; volume 26,000. cubic yards. The wood diaphragm is located two feet below the up- stream face of the rock-fill, which is chiefly composed of a hand-laid dry wall. The diaphragm consists of double 2-inch redwood plank, laid horizontally and spiked to 3 by 6 inch posts, placed two feet apart, center to center, with a double layer of burlap dipped in hot asphaltum between the two layers of plank. This latter precaution secured abso- lute water-tightness to the diaphragm during construction, preventing any leakage of liquid earth through the rock-fill. The rock was brought to the site by a train of cars and locomotive from a distance of one to six miles, and consisted of basaltic boulders. LONGITUDINAL-SECTION Top of Dam High Water Line Scale of Feet 0 2% © 50 100 150 200 CROSS-SECTION Hydraulic Earth-fill Hand placed Stone on each side uf Core Bed _of Creek & Fig. 93.—WataLua Dam SEcTIONS. found in the dry-stream channels of the Waianae Mountains, many of which required blasting for convenience of loading by hand. They were dumped from the top of a trestle built at the outset to the full height of the dam (see Fig. 95), and the larger stones selected from the dump for laying up the faces of the wall. The height from which the rocks were dropped consolidated the embankment quite effectively, so that little or no settlement has been noticeable since the completion of the dam, although shortly before completion the outer facing wall, some 2 feet thick, bulged out about a foot beyond the slope line over a limited area, indicating that some settlement had occurred. This was corrected 130 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. by relaying the bulged portion to the true line, after which no further movement was observed. The concrete core-wall, as shown by the longitudinal section (Fig 93) extends to a depth of 38 feet entirely across the bottom of the valley, and into the hillsides laterally from 10 to 20 feet. Scale of Feet 50 100 #150 200 230 Fria. 94.—Controur Puan oF Waratua Dam. 8.5407, “EEE. sop U, Hd a, = = ae. ° = s 5s 3/ we? Ss OQ pwe! St =u gf «yous 2 ao Sa a oO =ZeXy FE 3 ' zm Ox. = Ae = <> ay oat Ay 2 sa] 5 °3 =| od 2 2 fa 2 a: D 9 Elevation of Spillway Crest, 4389.6 fROSS-SECTION OF DAM NO. 2 AT NECAXA, MEXICO. SHOWING DIMENSIONS, CUT-OFF TRENCHES AND THEORETICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS. Ciay IED fig G ft. (Impers ious) 159 ft. viginal 189 ft. civiea) a sue | Fig. 112. Ltd., aCanadian corporation, organ- ized by F. 8S. Pearson, Dr.Se., has installed a power-plant at the foot of the falls of the Necaxa River, State of Puebla, 100 miles northeast of the city of Mexico, where a max- imum drop of 1400 feet is utilized, developing +0,000 H.P. which is transmitted to the capital of the Republic and to the mining camp at El Oro, a total distance of 170 miles. To equalize the flood flow of the streams and store water for use in the dry season, the company has been engaged since 1904 in the erection of five storage-reservoir dams of earth, which when com- pleted will create an aggregate stor- age capacity of 123,000,000 cubic meters (100,000 acre-feet). Two of these dams, at Necaxa and Tez- capa, are to be of unprecedented height, and of enormous volume, 190 and 175 feet respectively, while a third, on the Los Reyes River, is to be 100 feet high. The hy- draulic-fill process is being employed on all but one of these dams, for the adoption of which the responsibility rests with the author, who was called upon in January, 1905, to report on the subject, and has since been retained as consulting engineer to supervise their construction. The highest and most important dam of the group is that at Necaxa, whose chief function is to serve as a penstock reservoir at the head of the pressure-pipes, and afford a stor- age of over 43,000,000 cubic meters (34,850 acre-feet) on the main Necaxa River, a stream which fluctuates between extremes of 2 and 200 cubic meters per second. < AAA Were 2 AV pees Sa ee S\\ =S = es} cera) TD We yy 1 Le Up. ( SS —Tes ( | i / i aah \\ Vey at =! eee A SS Sit SSN iy ee YL & \ 8) 27 Fie. 113. MEXICAN LIGHT AND POWER CO,LTD. PLAN OF DAM NO. 2 AT NECAXA, MEXICO, Contour Interval, 2 Meters mak Scale of Feet 0 _ 50 100 150 (To face page 152 WYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 153 The dam-site is of peculiar geological formation at the line of junc- ture between the original limestone and the succeeding lava flow which has partially filled the valleys between the limestone mountains. The lava is in all stages of decomposition, varying between hard basalt and light cinders, in successive layers, some of which are very porous and will pass water freely while other layers are firm and impervious. In stripping for the dam irregular masses of hard basalt were encountered here and there which gave rise to the hope that the foundation would prove suitable for a masonry structure, but these were underlaid by soft, treacherous material at slight depth. Fic. 114.—Looxine up Stream at Site or Dam No. 2, at NecaXa, SHOWING Srrippep ABUTMENTS FOR THE DAM ON EACH SIDE. The tunnel excavated through a spur against which the south end of the dam rests revealed the existence of pockets of quicksand, which further indicated that it was unworthy of confidence as the abutment of a high masonry dam. The only apparent alternative was to build the dam of earth, and plans had been prepared to build the earth dam by the usual methods, excavating with steam-shovels, hauling by cars and locomotives, spreading the earth in layers, and wetting and rolling it after the usual fashion. There was an abundance of clay to be had on the adjacent mesa, of purely volcanic origin, but the enormous quan- tity to be moved and the cost of building as high a dam as was required for necessary storage, caused the management to hesitate. The solu- 154 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POW i: Rk, ETC. tion of the difficulty was afforded by the existence right at hand in the slopes of the high limestone ridge to the northwest of the dam of a suffi- cient mass of broken fragments of stone of all sizes intermingled with pure yellow clay of superior quality to build the dam by the hydraulie- mining process, using powerful jets of water under high pressure to be brought to the site by a ditch. This material could not be handled economically or sorted and deposited in a way to produce stability and drainage of slopes, and compact imperviousness to the core of the dam in any manner except by the hydraulic method. Fic. 115—Necaxa Dam, Mexico. Hyprautic Monitor Worxkinc unDER 180 Pounps Pressurr, 6-1ncH Nozz_r, 30 Seconp-FEET or WATER. Somewhat similar arguments applied to all of the other dams of the group. The proportions of rock and clay are about equal, and their dis- tribution can be so controlled and regulated by the varying velocitics of the water as to permit of the formation of two rock dams at either slope resting against and confining an enormous mass of dense, impervious clay between them. In this manner the dam when com- pleted cannot fail by shpping or sliding, and must be proof against leakage. The dam will contain 1,639,690 cubic meters (2,143,520 cubic yards), and will have the following dimensions: HYDRAULWIC-FILL DAMS, 155 Length on crest... Siwaneamveeser L220 feet Height above lOWer lee mcescucdcccascce., 100 Height above up-stream toe................... 178 © Width of crest.......... Mursameseteceee coe Super-elevation above spillway ................ 16.4 feet Up-stream slope......... mptstvemaro tcusncvastsstauetaasiencer stax TORO Muh DOMiies Peat Opies escacsauwwectacersenennce 200m 1 Bane WIUED Gaus terreus ere ciauemumesoeenense Oiadeer Fic. 116.—Hypraviic Monrror in Action, witH 30 Seconp-FEET UNDER 180 Pounps Pressure, 6-1ncH Nozzue. Up-srrzam Tor or Dam sHown, WITH Taitinac Ponp av Lert. Sluice Ditch.—The supply-ditch for sluicing is 17.5 km. long, and as it passes the site of Dam No. 3 on Necaxa River, 6 miles above Dam No, 2, will furnish water for building both dams. It has a capacity of 70 second-feet as far as Dam No. 3, and 53 second-feet, the remain- ing distance, delivering water to Dam No. 2 at a height of 728 feet above its base. The elevation gives most effective and powerful cutting-jets at all working levels, above the crest of the dam as well as below. The ditch was extremely difficult to construct, as it was excavated on steep mountain sides in rock, requiring cement lining in many places and one jong siphon with head of over 400 feet. Its total cost was about $250,000 gold, but as it can be utilized to generate 1700 H.P. after the dams are finished, its cost is not entirely chargeable to the building 156 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. of the dams. The drawing, Fig. 113, illustrates the location of the dam and the general process of construction. Fig. 112 is an ideal sec- tion of the dam, showing the cut-off core-trenches, two on each side of the concrete core-wall. Stripping Foundations.—The preparatory work of stripping at Dam No. 2 consisted of the removal of all surface soil to a depth of 2 to 3 feet over the entire base of the dam, and the excavation of all loose, pervious material over the middle third down to hard-pan or bed-rock. The hard-pan is a species of soft lava, locally called ‘‘tepetate,” and Fic. 117.—Hypravric Monrror WorkKING oN Ling or ConTACT BETWEEN LIMESTONB AND Lava iN Sprupway Cut, Necaxa Dam, Mexico. the rock is basalt that was encountered in the form of thin layers, or kidneys, disconnected and of irregular masses. The depth of this stripping in the valley was from 10 to 15 feet. It was a tedious work, occupying more than two years, part of the time with two steam-shovels and two locomotives and trains of dump-cars. Part of the material was placed at the upper and lower slopes of the dam, to the extent of 75,000 cubic yards, but the greater portion was wasted. It amounted in all to 272,487 cubic yards. The trench for the concrete core-wall was exca- vated to a depth of 40 feet below the stripped surface across the valley portion and from 5 to 20 feet deep on the slopes. It cut through various strata of porous, rotten tepetate, and finally ended in a hard, imper- vious layer. It was about 6 feet wide and filled with concrete made of HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS 157 Fic. 118.—Stone Carriep THROUGH FLUME TO Up-sTREAM SLOPE OF THE Necaxa Dam. Fig. 119.—ILLUSTRATING THE SIZE OF STONE DELIVERED BY FLUME TO THE Necaxa Dam. Tue LARGEST ONE MEASURED CONTAINED 18 CuBic FEET. 158 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWLR, ETC. Fic. 120.—Lower Tor or Necaxa Dam, Looxtna NortH, SHOWING DELIVERY oF Rock aNp CLay By PLUME. Fic. 121.—Down-stream Store or Necaxa Dam, sHowinc Masonry PAvemMEeNT ON FackE AND CHARACTER OF SLUICED MaTERIAL. HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 159 Portland cement and hydraulic lime in proportions to insure water- tightness. It was carried about 2 meters in height above the stripped surface, finishing with a width of 1 meter on top. It contains in all about 5600 cubic yards of concrete. The exterior of the exposed part of the wall which is enveloped in clay puddle was made very rough by projecting small stones to form a bond and to avoid the smooth surfaces which water may follow. The two trenches up-stream from the core- wall, and parallel with it, were excavated to the clay floor of the valley, and were refilled after sluicing began with the clay puddle that forms the heart of the dam. The preliminary plant for the delivery of material to the dam con- Fie. 122.—Necaxa Dam From Betow, at Heicut or 85 Fert. January 1, 1908. sisted of two trestles, 40 to 60 feet high, built parallel with the center line and supporting two lines of 20-inch riveted steel pipe laid on a grade of 5°; from the borrow-pits on the mountain side, opened by the hydraulic “oiants.” These trestles were located about 100 feet in from either toe, and the material carried was delivered to the outside by branch pipes, 16 inches in diameter, which were supported by cables suspended across the dam between the exterior footings and the trestles. As a larger quantity of rock was desired on the down-stream slope, one of the pipes was laid to the lower trestle from borrow-pit No. 2, yielding about 95% of broken stone, while the other pipe to the up-stream face was taken from borrow-pit No. 1 where the material consisted of clay to the extent 160 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. of 60°% to 70% mingled with stones of all sizes. The photographs, Figs. 118, 119, 120, 121, and 124 show the nature of the materials delivered to each and the manner of delivery. A striking feature of this work, as illustrated by the photographs, Figs. 118 and 119, taken by the author in January, 1908, is the large size of rocks which have been transported through the fumes and deposited on the dam. Many of these contain upwards of 15 cubic feet and weigh over 1 ton. In this respect the magnitude of the operation exceeds any hydraulic sluicing ever before attempted. The down-stream slope is being covered with 2 feet of masonry laid in Portland cement, using Fic. 123.—Necaxa Dam anp Reservoir. Siuice Ditcu 1n Uprer Ricut-Hanp CoRNER OF PICTURE. the larger stones brought down by the flume. The purpose of this is to protect the work from the consequence of a sudden freshet, which might exceed the capacity of the flood discharge outlet-pipes provided. These are two in number, one of which is oi steel 8 feet in diameter, in the main outlet tunnel, the other is 10 feet in diameter of concrete, built for construction purposes only and to be plugged when the dam is finished. Two overflow towers 8 feet diameter are built at the head of this pipe in successive layers, as the lake across the dam rises, per- mitting of storage following up the construction. The solidity of the rock-fill is attested by the lack of settlement cracks in the masonry facing built on the slope of the fill. HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 161 The rocks transported by the water are carried along at a velocity of about 20 feet per second, and as they drop in place they act as power- ful rammers to consolidate the embankment. The material leaves the end of the raceway at such a velocity as to pile up several feet higher than the top of the flume. It has been the practice to build up the dump from the extreme end of the flume, retreating and removing section by section as the embankment is formed until the ridge is made entirely across the valley along the slope line, to be followed by another line of flume, 15 to 20 feet higher, built a little nearer the center line. There Fig. 124.—Necaxa Dam, Up-streaM SLOPE, LOOKING TOWARD S.uicinG Pir anp SPILLWAY GaP. is great wear and tear in the flumes and linings, but the material is used over and over until worn out. When working in clay the ratio of solids carried to water used has reached as high as 70%, but in rock the ratio is as low as 3°7, and the average falls below 10% of solids. The cost for labor alone averages from 3 to 10 cents gold per cubic yard. Sluicing began in April, 1907, and continued throughout the year, with many interruptions due to drought and shortage of water, breaks in the ditch, etc. By May 1, 1908, a total volume of 622,990 cubic meters had been delivered, and it is estimated that the dam may be en- tirely completed before the end of the year. 162 RESLRVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATLR-POWER, ETC. After the borrow-pits lad been well opened, it was found that a much greater percentage of large rock would have to be handled than was anticipated, and to save the cost and delay involved in breaking the rocks to a size that would pass through the sluice-pipes, it was determined to substitute open flumes. Two lines of flumes were accord- ingly built on 8‘, grade, crossing the dam about midway between the first lines of trestle and the outer slopes. When these were put in service they were able to carry rock of a maximum size of 12 to 18 cubic Fig. 125.—Necaxa Dam. IncLinep Pire wiTH PERFORATIONS FOR DRAINAGE OF WATER AFTER SETTLEMENT OF StuIcED MATERIAL ON Dam. ALSO COoRE-WALL as COMPLETED. feet weighing a ton or more. The velocity of the water through the flumes was about 20 feet per second. They were made rectangular, 4 feet wide with V-shaped bottom, lined with sheet steel and T-rails. The maximum volume of water carried is about 30 second-feet. The hydraulic monitors, or “giants,’’ discharge varying amounts, accord- ing to the pressure and the size of nozzle used. The nozzles employed vary from + to 6 inches, according to the work required, and discharge from 15 to 30 second-feet. Ixperienced hydraulic miners from Cali- fornia are emploved to manipulate the monitors. Visitors to the work find a peculiar fascination in watching these powerful jets of water, issuing at a velocity of 200 to 300 feet per second, tearing down the mountains, ripping up the ledges of stratified Hmestone, and: tossing HYDRAULIC-rILL DAMS. 163 about huge stones weighing tons as though they were pebbles. The greater portion of the material for the dam will come from the excavation of the spillway, which requires a cut over 150 feet deep. The surplus AMOT— OST ‘DIY “NOLLOLULSNO,) — & i SIT GNNO TZ OT XING dasa ‘NALANVIC, NI Lo VTE wOd “IVINGLV]Y THd-OTTAVUGAT] LO UALOVUVH,) ONIMOHS ‘OOTXAPY ‘NVC. VXVOaN 0 1d ADUVEOSIC] ac NU r water, draining from the pond, which is maintained on the center of the dar, is carried off through holes in an inclined concrete pipe (Fig. 125), built up the steen slope near the south end of the dam on the opposite side from the borrow-pits. To raise the pond it is only neces- sary to close the lower of these holes with wooden plugs. In this manner, FOL ‘MOOY FSOOT ANV AVI) Ad GIVTUGAO I ‘ON Lig NI Sd9aaT ANOLSANIT GALI, DNIMOHG “1061 “ENOL ‘VXVOUN LV DNIOINIG OITAVUGAY—' JZ “DIT « COT ‘Adi g 40 ING LY SHUOMAVAY LV TWNV) NAMOG OLNI GNOG NOUd UALVAA ONILAIT ‘Avex LAAT 002 NGINQ ONILVNAdQ YOLVAGTIG OIAVUGAH OSTY “ANAT Ad AMLISOdT(] ONIGH TWIUGLV]Y DNIMOHS “JQGT ‘9% “LOO ‘OOrxXay ‘WYQ) YXVOUN—'SZT “DLT 99T ‘WV(] 40 HALNGY NT NAMOHS SI TIVA\-HYO,) TH, , ‘g (08 “I : Sx Y fO TOT, WVAULS-d \—'60T “OTT SAINT Ae STVINALV]Y JO AMAATTACE DNEMOHS “IOGT ‘6 say ‘WV IMA-OTTOVUCAPT VNVOAN AO AOT, I a 6 AANA ava ane HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 167 the line separating the central clay puddle, from the semi-porous mixture of clay and rock can be controlled, as it is found that the deposit drops off under water at a slope of 1 on 1. Under the water of the pond, the fine clay is deposited almost absolutely level. The water in the pond is usually from 12 to 15 feet deep over the bed of clay beneath. In this manner two stable dams of rock are being built up with an enormous core of clay, having a maximum thickness of 500 to 600 feet between them. Dam No. 1, at Acatlan.—This structure was completed in June, 1906. It serves as a diverting weir to turn the water of the Tenango River to the Necaxa, ihrough a 3000 foot tunnel. Its extreme height is about 30 feet and it was built of earth by the ground-sluice method, with water taken from the stream through a short ditch. Figs. 130, 131, and 132 illustrate the construction of the dam, and Fig. 133 shows the finished dam viewed from the tunnel portal. It is divided into two sections by a concrete weir located in the stream channel at the deepest portion. When examined with an earth auger to a depth of 20 feet below the crest six months after completion the core material was found in a plastic but compact condition. The dam has shown no sign of leakage or seepage and but very slight settlement. Dam No. 3, at Tezcapa.—This dam, the second in height of the series, is located six miles above Necaxa, and will form a reservoir of 19,000,000 cubic meters, or less than half the capacity of Necaxa reser- voir. After the site had been partially stripped, work was suspended pending the completion of the Laguna and Los Reyes Dams, Nos. 4 and 5, where subsequent surveys proved that greater storage can be secured at less cost and in shorter time. For this reason it will probably be the last of the group to be finished. In many respects it will present fewer difficulties of construction than any of the others, and can be completed with the plant in use at the Necaxa dam. Laguna Dam.—A large natural basin near the end of one of the tributaries of the Necaxa River was acquired by the company and utilized as a storage-reservoir by building a long low dam across its outlet. It is fed by a 5-mile canal of 10 second-meters capacity from Necaxa River. ‘This site is 20 miles distant from Necaxa, and 3000 feet higher. The dam was planned to have an ultimate height of 66 feet with a crest width of 25 feet and slopes of 3 on 1 and 2 on 1 respect- ively, and was to have been made as a hydraulic-fill, with water pumped from the lake. The urgent necessity for securing a storage of 12 to 15,000,000 cubic meters in the shortest possible time, led to the adop- tion of a plan for building the up-stream toe of the large dam to the height of 40 feet of the material chiefly obtained from stripping the middle third of the main dam. As there was a large amount of loose 168 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Tig. 130.—Liquip EartH BEING DEPOSITED THROUGH PIPES ON OU1ER SLOPES OF Dam No. 1, Tenanco River. Fic. 131.—Grotunp-stutcine on Dam No. 1, TeNANGO RIvER. HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 169 Fic. 132.—Mnrrnop or Disrrisutine Stuicep MATERIALS THROUGH Pires, DAM No. 1, at AcaTban, Tenanco River. Fig. 133.—Dam No. 1, av AcaTLAN, TENANGO RIVER, COMPLETED JuLy, 1906. THE MATERIALS FOR THE DAM WERE GROUND-SLUICED FROM THE BoRROW-PITS IN THE BaAcKGROUND. 170 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. rock in this stripping, it was decided to build the lower half of the dam as a loose rock-fill, with down-stream slope of 1 on 1, and crest width of 2 meters, while the up-stream half was to be of earth. Between the two materials a diaphragm of double 2-inch pine planks spiked to round poles set vertically was built, backed by a layer of choice puddle clay 2 meters thick, on the up-stream side. This diaphragm was started in the bottom of a trench in the bowlder and tepetate formation beneath the surface soil, the trench being 2 to 5 meters deep. Considerable water was developed in the trench but was drained off without difficulty, All the material in the dam was put in place by peon laborers with “chiquihuites,”’ or baskets which they carry upon their backs with a leather strap passing across the forehead. The earth was moist enough to pack well under the thousands of trampling feet, and though no roller was ever placed upon it, the dam has shown no perceptible settlement. The dam was completed before the end of the rainy season of 1905 sufficiently to store the desired volume of 10,000,000 cubic meters, and proved to be entirely tight with the exception of one rather serious leak near the outlet-pipe, which was shut off by driving sheet-piling in the clay puddle. The reservoir proved to be so useful that it was resolved in January, 1907, to enlarge it as quickly as possible by the addition of 4 meters to the height of the dam, giving a capacity of 44,000,000 cubic meters to the lake. To make this enlargement most economically it seemed best to change the center line to that of the temporary core- wall and build a permanent core-wall of concrete, 1 meter thick, on the up-stream side of the plank diaphragm. This was done by exca- vating one half of the clay puddle and bracing the trench from the diaphragm to planking placed on the opposite side. This was done and the trench solidly filled between the forms which were not removed. The up-stream slope was changed to 2 on 1 and covered with a blanket. of selected clay puddle 1 meter thick. The slope of the down-stream half was increased to 2 on 1 and the filling made of the best material available, well under-drained from the interior rock-fill by trenches filled with rock reaching to the lower toe, at intervals of 20 meters. Cost of Basket Earthwork.—To those who are unfamiliar with methods in vogue in parts of Mexico in handling of earth and rock on men’s backs by baskets and other home-made receptacles, a brief account of it may be of interest. In northern and western Mexico the peons use a ‘basket made of raw hide, while in the central and southern portions the basket is made of bamboo about 19 inches deep, 173 inches in diameter at top, 74 inches at the bottom, and containing 1.4 cubic feet. These cost 40 cents (Mexican) each, and unless reinforced will. not wear longer than 3 or 4 weeks. By stringing wires through them or putting rawhide over the outside, they are made to last two to four HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 171 times as long. These are carried on men’s backs with a loop of leather or fiber passing over the basket and across the forehead. The most satisfactory method of working the laborers is to give them a task of a certain measured quantity to be excavated, loaded in baskets and delivered as a day’s work. This varies from 2 to 5 cubic meters, accord- ing to the distance. The average wage is 75 cents per day. With a “tarea’’ of 3 cubic meters carried a distance of 150 meters from the pit, up a 2 on 1 slope a part of the way, which is a fair day’s work, the cost would amount to 9.5 cents gold per cubic yard, pit measurement, or about 12 cents per cubic yard measured in the settled embankment. With such cheap labor as is available in Mexico the economy of hy- draulic-fill construction is not so pronounced as elsewhere, and it is to be preferred chiefly on the ground of the superior quality of the embank- ment produced by the process. Los Reyes Dam.—The fifth dam of the system is located on a stream to the north of Laguna, and not tributary to the Necaxa River. A tunnel through the intervening ridge was required to make its water available to the power-plant. This diversion was made before the work on the dam was begun. The site is a favorable one for a dam of 100 feet height, forming a reservoir of 28,000,000 cubic meters capacity. The gorge is narrow, and the volume of material required for an earth dam is but 183,000 cubic meters, which is small in comparison with the storage secured. Here, too, the emergency of maintaining a water-supply to the power-plant, already taxed to its limit, necessitated the employ- ment of the temporary expedient of building a toe dam while the founda- tions of the larger structure were being prepared. This was made in a similar manner to the Laguna Dam with a combination of rock-fill, wood core-wall and earth-fill on the up-stream side, with a much thicker clay puddle against the diaphragm. The concrete core-wall in the center of the main dam is being carried down through soft, seamy sandstone to a maximum depth of 60 feet. When finished up to the top above the stripped surface, it will be enveloped in clay puddle sluiced in by water supplied by a larger pump capable of delivering water under sufficient head to afford a cutting stream for loosening the earth and then do away withhandwork. The down-stream slope will be composed of loose rock 50 feet thick at base, 5 feet at the top, resting against the clay puddle and affording the requisite stability and drainage. In building the toe dam the principal part of the earth was put in place with baskets, and a plant was not installed for sluicing until the work was two thirds compieted. Then a couple of Cameron steam- pumps, with combined capacity of 500 gallons per minute, were coupled together and water to the amount of about 300 gallons per minute was 172 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC pumped from the pond above the dam to the head of a 10-inch V-flume laid on 10% grade, terminating on the dam above the wood core-wall. Earth was brought in baskets and dumped into a box at the head of the flume, whence the water carried it to the dam. The maximum work of this crude apparatus was 540 cubic meters (700 cubic yards) delivered in 10 hours, with a ratio of 75% of solids carried by the water. The cost of earthwork done in this manner during the month of Decem- ber, including basket delivery of earth not sluiced, was under 11 cents gold per cubic yard. These various works are being executed under the control of R. F. Hayward, M. Am. Soc. C. E., general manager, by Mr. F. 8. Hyde, chief engineer. The Yorba Hydraulic-fill Dam, California—H. Clay Kellogg, C.I., of Santa Ana, Cal., who built the Waialua combination dam near Hono- lulu, described in the foregoing pages, has constructed an earth dam chiefly by the hydraulic process near Yorba Station, 30 miles south of Los Angeles, which has many interesting features and illustrates the adaptability of the method to conditions apparently unfavorable. The dam is 47 feet high, 800 feet long on the crest, having a slope of 3.5 on 1 on the water-face and 2 on 1 outside, with a crest width of 16 feet. Its contents are about 100,000 cubic yards, of which 80% was excavated, conveyed, and placed by the agency of water. The dam is located at the edge of a mesa, where it breaks off at the side of the valley of the Santa Ana River, and the top of the dam is but little lower than the level of the mesa. It closes the outlet of a small valley in the mesa, and forms a reservoir of 51,000,000 cubic feet capacity (1170 acre-feet) to be used for irrigation as an adjunct of the main canal of the Anaheim Union Water Co. This canal, from the Santa Ana River, feeds the reservoir and passes around it at an elevation but a few feet higher than the top of the dam, and the water used in sluicing was that supplied by this canal. The work was begun in February and completed in November, 1907, with a small force. Owing to the lack of head for hydraulicking under pressure, the lower half of the dam was built up by the ground-sluicing method, the materials being loosened by plows, picks, and bars and washed into the dam through flumes, one on each side, laid on grades of 4% to 7% and using 3 to 4 second-feet in each flume. The side levees were built up at the beginning 4 to 8 feet high, with earth scraped from the center. Subsequently they were maintained by earth brought in from either end by cars and scrapers. The average cost of ground sluicing was about eight cents per cubic yard. ‘ July Ist, when the dam reathed a height above which it was no longer possible to secure the required gradients for conveying the mate- HYDRAULIC-FILL DAMS. 173 Fic. 134.—Yorsa Dam, Catirornra. Hyprauticking AN EartH Bank WITH Water Pumpeep THROUGH 1-1INcH NozzLE UNDER 25 Pounps PRESSURE. Fic. 135.—YorBa Dam, Catirornta. SHowine DiscHarce oF PuMPED MaTprtaL, ALONG Up-streAM Tor LEVEE. 174 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. rial by gravity, a single stage centrifugal pump, operated by gasoline engine of 60 H.P., was installed to deliver sluiced material through an 8-inch pipe to and along the dam, a maximum distance of 800 feet from the pump. The latter was located at one end 20 feet below the crest height of the dam, and had a capacity of 3 cubic feet per second. A second centrifugal pump, with a capacity of 0.5 second-foot, was in- stalled near the ditch for supplying the hydraulic stream used for cutting the earth bank, delivering the water through a nozzle 1 inch in diameter at the end of a 2inch hose, under a _ pressure of 35 pounds per square inch. This small stream, easily controlled by two men, sufficed to do the mining, clear water being added to the extent of 2.5 second-feet to convey the loosened earth to the lower pump. In this manner about 600 cubic yards was delivered daily in 10 hours, at a total cost of about 12 cents per cubic yard. The material consisted of adobe clay soil, sand and gravel. -* Hine leness ats DASCte rcs. epeseuars che wace.cereea ou aneies 46“ OR Ree cia toes cn ee dL Ary Dugurttantias oe Height on upper side exclusive of parapet......... gO. Hieioht- on. lower Sid@.c2 noe tas he ee earl ese ea ee 98 *¢ TRE ANUS OL ALG Li s4ah eonace tee eres ele ie a hea eh ety ren * MASONRY DAMS. 219 The up-stream face has a batter of 1 to 6 from base to within 6 feet of top; thence vertical. The lower slope has a batter of 1 in 3 for 28 feet, then 1 in 4 for 32 feet, and thence 1 in 6 to the coping. Water is drawn from the reservoir through a tower of hexagonal form, placed 50 feet above the dam, near the center (see l’ig. 153), and connected with the dam by a foot-bridge of iron (see Fig. 154). It has seven inlet-valves which are placed at intervals of 10 feet in height from the top down. ‘Two cast-iron outlet-pipes, 18 and 14 inches diameter respectively, lead from the tower to and through the dam. They lie in a trench cut in the bed-rock, and on top of them is built a masonry conduit from the tower to the dam, connecting with a third pipe, 36 inches diameter, of riveted wrought iron, 4 inch thick. All are carefully embedded in the masonry of the dam, and no leakage has ever taken place along them. Gate-valves control their flow below the dam. The tower valves are simple plates of cast iron fitting over elbows set in the masonry of the tower, ard can only be moved when the lower gates are closed. The stone used in construction was quarried from the cliffs on either side below the dam, within a distance of 800 feet, and was all hauled in wagons and stone-boats. Animal power was alone used for manipulating the derricks in the quarry and on the dam, as well as for mixing concrete. The stone was a blue and gray porphyry impregnated with iron, weighing 175 to 200 pounds per cubic foot. It quarried out with irregular cleavage, but generally presented one or two fairly good faces. The seams in the rock contained plastic red clay to such an extent that it was necessary to wash and scrub by hand every stone that went into the dam with good steel and fiber brashes. Imported English and German cement was used throughout the work, mixed with clean, sharp river sand in a revolving square box of wood, with a hollow shaft passing through two diagonally opposite corners, throngh which the water was introduced. The masonry weighed when tested 164 pounds per cubic foot. The waste-weir is formed at the left bank as a part of the dam, and as first built consisted of seven bays, each 4 feet in clear width, closed with flash-boards, which could be opened to a depth of 5.7 feet below the crest of the dam. These bays were separated by masonry piers, each 2 feet in thickness. ‘This wasteway and a 30-inch blow-off gate from the main pipe below had a combined capacity of 1800 second-feet, which was in excess of the maximum flood discharge as indicated by high-water marks, although a subsequent flood exceeded this capacity a little more than ten times. The volame of masonry in the dam proper, including the parapet 3.5 feet high, 2 feet thick, was 19,269 cubic yards. The wasteway, inlet-tower, and other accessories required 1238 cubic yards additional, or a total of 20,507 cubic yards of masonry, in which were used 17,562 barrels of 220 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WAYER-PCGWER, E10. Fig. 158.—DETAILS oF gta bh TaqaR oF SWEETWATER DaM. “OSgl ‘I1udy ‘GSHSINIG SV NVQ UALVMIGFEMG— FCT ‘DIT “CEST ORE AUVANVEG AO goo Ty LVAUY AHL ONIUAG NV UALVMLAAMG—'CC | “OIL “WV AUNOSV]Y (1VQ) UALVMLEAMG— OCT? SPILLWAY oF SWEETWATER Dam, SEEN Frou BrELow. Fig. 157. » MASONRY DAMS. 225 cement, an average of 1.17 cubic yards per barrel. The total cost was $234,074.11, divided as follows: PLO sie pda Sle om RereGakey, $6,236.76 MatenalS:. .caiepise seins wacteen ~“S#4ASL70 Wa bor. eau iepis Sa ees ae ees 140,405.65 ME OtAN ssaians ol addr ain eo elke ease $234,074.11 The reservoir capacity formed by the dam was 5,882,278,000 gallons or 18,053 acre-feet, of which 80% is within the upper 30 feet, and 40% in the last 10 feet. The area covered at high-water mark was 722 acres, of which 300 acres was cleared and grubbed at a cost of $10,808.46, or ahout $36 per acre. The average depth of the reservoir is 25 feet. Enlargement.—On the 17th and 18th of January, 1895, the Sweetwater dam successfully withstood a test far more severe than is usually im- posed on reservoir walls of such comparatively slender dimensions (thanks to the painstaking care exercised in its original construction), and beyond any previous calculation or expectation. On those dates the reservoir was filled to overflowing by a flood resulting from a rainfall of more than 6 inches in 24 hours, and for forty hours the dam was submerged to a maximum depth of 22 inches over the parapet wall, with the wasteway and blow-off gate wide open. This was 5.5 feet higher than the water had been expected to rise in extreme floods, as it had not been considered possible for the crest of the parapet to be reached. A gap in the ridge to the south of the reservoir, the crest of which was about level with the parapet, carried off quite a large additional volume at the extreme of the flood. The maximum rate of discharge during the flood was carefully computed by Mr. H. N. Savage from weir measurement, and found to be 18,150 second-feet, a rate of discharge which was maintained for one hour. This extraordinary freshet, which within a week produced a run-off of nearly three times the capacity of the reservoir, was gratifying in one respect, in that it demonstrated the ability of the dam to cope with such emergencies, as not a stone of the masonry was disturbed or moved from place, although so much damage was done to the pipes and sur- roundings of the dam as to necessitate a large expenditure in repairs. The water-supply was cut off from consumers for more than a month before a partial restoration could be made. Advantage was taken of the opportunity afforded by the general repairs to make a material enlargement of the reservoir capacity by virtually raising the permanent high-water level to the point it had assumed during the flood, and at the same time preparing the dam for receiving a repetition of such an experience by enlarging the wasteway and fortifying the weak points developed by the flood. 226 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The freshet caused a tremendous erosion of the bed-rock on either side of the dam, particularly in front of the spillway discharge, where the strata were inclined at about the proper angle to enable the water to strip off layer after layer with surprising rapidity. It was estimated that no less than 10,000 cubic yards of the solid rock on that side were torn away and washed down-stream, and some 2000 yards from the opposite wall of the canvon. The approach of a disused tunnel below the spill- way, which was some 25 feet long, and about 30 feet of the tunnel itself, in solid rock, were cut off and the surrounding rock washed away. This tunnel had been opened some years before to draw down the reservoir, in compliance with the order of the United States Circuit Court, in the famous litigation over the condemnation of lands in the reservoir-basin, and terminated directly in front of the spillway channel. The bombard ment of the stones rolled down the canyon during the flood uopn the pipe- line resting on one side and covered with masonry, destroyed it for a con- siderable distance down-stream, as well as the railway track leading to the dam. The repairs to the dam, and the general improvements designed, were completed in the summer following at a cost of $30,000, under the capable direction of H. N. Savage, chief engineer, the author acting as consulting engineer during its progress. The alterations made were the following: 1. The parapet of the dam was raised 2 feet and strengthened, so as to permit of permanently holding the water in the reservoir as high as its crest, leaving 200 feet in the center as a weir, 2 feet deep. This weir was arranged with cast-iron frames carrying flashboards, to be removed in extreme floods, as shown in Fig. 157. 2. The spillway was extended in length by adding four more bays, each 5 feet wide, and carrying all the bays up to the level of the new crest of the dam, giving it a maximum depth of 11.2 feet and a discharging capacity of 5500 second feet. 3. The unused tunnel, 8 by 12 feet in size, the bottom of which at the head is 50 feet below high-water mark, was adapted for use as an additional spillway discharge, by laying four pipes through it on a 4% grade, two of which are 36 inches and two 30 inches in diameter, all arranged with valve covers over elbows at their upper ends, where a shaft, reaching to the sur- face on the line of the dam, gives means of control (see Figs. 159, 160, and 161). Further control is had by gate-valves set in the pipes directly below the masonry bulkhead built across the tunnel at the shaft, all the pipes passing through this bulkhead. In the summer of 1899, when the reservoir was empty, the head of this tunnel was protected by a concrete portal with an inclined grillage of iron rails to keep out drift, as shown in Fig. 161. 4, The eroded rock slope below the wasteway after being made uniform was covered with a grillage of iron rails embedded in concrete, which has a “ANIT-GdIqd NO STIVM-UL N a I¥ S i d} TIVM-UNdg ONILOULOUG ANY AVATIIdg dO NOUdY MAN DNIMOHS ‘NYG MALY MLAIMS—' SCT “OI Ira. 159.—ReEPAIRING AND INCREASING THE HEIGHT OF THE PARAPET OF SWEET- water Dam. 298 MASONRY DAMS. 229 thickness of 3 feet, and is designed to prevent all future erosion of the beJ- rock (Figs. 158 and 162). 5. A concrete wall 15 feet high, 18 inches thick, with counterforts of a / , River Gotton\’ t ail : ' > A i 4 Q ‘ a a q L S| ne BY A sans i MK / SCALE he 2 #: 4 20 40 60 Ss: FEET = een ZA a = PROFILE ANO SECTIONAL View SCALE 20)5/05 0 10 20 40 60 | es PLATL Fo-T Fig. 161.—PRoFILE AND SectTionat. View axnp PLAN OF WastEway TUNNEL, SWEEtWaTER Dam 15 feet base, was built from bed-rock 50 feet below the dam on a curve concentric with it, to form a water-cushion or pool in case of a future over- flow. This is shown in plan in Fig. 160. oe 230 —DeEtaILs oF SWEETWATER Dam. Fig. 162 MASONRY DAMS. 231 6. The main supply-pipe was replaced throngh the canyon in a solid rock cut a portion of the way, and protected throughout the canyon by concrete collars and covering and spur walls, all with iron rods incorporated. At the same time a new steel pipe-line, 24 inches in diameter, which was partly laid when the flood occurred, was completed to National City on Fic. 163.—SwretTwaTerR Dam, sHowtne Heap oF OUTLET TUNNEL AND SPILLWAY. the north side of the valley, as a high-level conduit. This was connected with and took supply from one of the 30-inch-iliameter pipes built in the tunnel, and connected with the original distribution svstem at National City, thus giving two independent conduits. The effect of raising the parapet wall in the manner described has been to raise the height of the reservoir 5.5 feet and increase its capacity about 25%, or from 18,053 acre-feet to 22,566 acre-feet. The dam having shown its ability to withstand this increased pressure, it is now proposed to make this addition to the reservoir a permanent feature of the works. Concrete was used in all the new work, as preferable to rubble masonry, because of the greater ease with which all the materials could be handled and because of the fact that the work could be performed by unskilled labor under intelligent foremen. The concrete was mixed with a rotary Ransome mixer, one of the best machiues for the purpose yet devised. A steam hoisting-engine furnished all power required for rock-vrushing, actuating the mixer, and hoisting the concrete to the top of the dam, where it was distributed by wheelbarrows. Old rails and scrap bar-iron of all sizes were embedded in the concrete wherever it would add desired reinforcement to the strength, as in the 6-inch floors of concrete forming the foot-bridge 232 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. over the wasteway, spanning the 5-foot spaces between piers; in the roof of the gate-house over the shaft in the tunnel from which the heavy gates are suspended, and in the floor of the house; in the curved wall forming the auxiliary water-cushion dam, which is 10 to 15 feet high, and but 18 inches thick, and in the inclined apron of the wasteway. This construction is quite satisfactory, and shows no cracks anywhere. The rates of expansion and contraction of iron and concrete under changes of temperature are practically identical, and no separation of the two elements can occur by such changes. There are no visible evidences of cracks in any of the masonry of the dam, nor any indications of a tendency towards crushing at the toe of the dam. This may be due to the fact that the stone is extremely hard and strong, and the mortar of prime quality. It may be further owing to the fact that arch action has resisted pressure from the top down to some neutral point where gravity alone suffices. There have never been any spouting leaks to indicate the transmission of an upward pressure upon the masonry of the slightest moment. The leakage through the wall was never of considerable amount, and has steadily diminished, so that when full the wall is practically dry over most of its outer face. This leakage was reduced in amount in 1890 by carefully repointing the inside face as far down as the water was lowered in the reservoir, about 60 feet below the top, and applying successive washes of potash-soap and alum- water alternating. Protracted litigation followed the building of the Sweetwater dam, over the attempted condemnation of a tract of about 300 acres of Jand at the upper end of the reservoir-basin, submerged by the impounded water. The land was comparatively valueless for agricultural purposes, but a jury gave an exorbitant judgment of its value on testimony erroneously admitted as to its special adaptability for reservoir purposes. This litigation lasted several years and was finally compromised, but the effect of it was quite disastrous to the progress of the country depending upon it for irrigation. During the progress of this litigation a tunnel, heretofore referred to, was opened around the south end of the dam, at the level of 25 feet above the lowest outlet, by means of which the flooding of the land could be avoided. In obedience to an order of the United States Circuit Court the reservoir, which had been filled, was ordered emptied, and an enormous volume of water was thus wasted at a time when it was greatly needed for irrigation. Including the period of retarded growth during the progress of litigation the dam has been in service for thirteen irrigation seasons, during which time the impounded water has created values aggregating several millions of dollars, reckoning all improvements made in the district directly dependent upon it for water-supply. The area irrigated from it is now 4580 acres, chiefly planted to citrus fruits, of which the greater part is MASONRY DAMS. 233 devoted to lemons. A population of 2500 to 3000 people is dependent upon the reservoir for domestic water. ‘Che distribution for irrigation as well as for domestic use is entirely by pressure-pipes, and the agricultural community is as well equipped for fire-pressure and general water-supply as the average American city. All water for irrigation, and practically all domestic water, is measured by standard water-meters. The pipe system has cost in the aggregate some $800,000. Run-off of Sweetwater River.—The area of watershed above the Sweet: water dam is 186 square miles, ranging in elevation from 220 feet above sea-level, which is the elevation of the top of the dam, to about 5500 feet at the summit of the monntain-range in which it heads. The mean eleva-. tion of the basin is probably about 2200 feet. There is practically no diversion of the stream above the reservoir, and no utilization of its water other than that of the dam. Hence the catchment at the reservoir repre- sents the entire run-off of the shed. A careful record of this run-off hag been kept since the construction of the dam. Its extremely variable character is shown by the following table: TaBLE oF MreasurED Run-orr, SWEETWATER DRAINAGE-BASIN. Area 186 square miles. infall Run-off as Average Yearly Season. dgeceh acer aia Mipesined at the aoe ie meee ue : Hacks: Acre-feet. per Square Mile. Sreandstcet: 1887-88 | 3 ..... 7,048 0.0524 9.74 1888-89 13.53 25,253 0.1875 34.88 1889-90 16.52 20,532 0.1525 28 .36 1890-91 12.65 21,565 .5 0.1602 29.79 1891-92 9.88 6,198.3 0.0460 8.26 1892-93 11.62 16,260 .7 0.1210 22.51 1893-94 6.20 1,338 .4 0.0099 18.45 1894-95 16.19 73,412.1 0.5452 101.40 1895-96 7.29 1,320.9 0.0098 1.83 1896-97 10.97 6,891.6 0.0512 9.52. 1897-98 7.05 4.3 0.00003 0.006 1898-99 5.05 245.5 0.0018 0.34 1899-1900 5.54 0.0 0.0000 0.00 1900-01 7.05 7 828 0.0061 1.14 1901-02 4.86 0 0.0 0.0 1902-03 5.72 0 0.0 0.0. 1903-04 6.39 0 0.0 0.0 1904-05 15.55 13,760 0.1022 19.00 1905-06 15.52 35,000 0.2600 48 .35 1906-70 12 88 30,000 0.2228 41.44 Totals ......... 190.46 259,654 Mean for 20 yrs. 9.52 12,982.7 . _ 0.0964 17.93 The average annual run-off for twenty years has been 69.8 acre-feet per square mile of watershed area, while the maximum has been 395 acre-feet per square mile. Of the entire period of twenty years recorded the run-off has exceeded the capacity of the reservoir in but four seasons. The remaining sixteen seasons have been so far below tthe full-reservoir capacity in yield of stream- 234 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. flow as to justify the recommendation made by the writer on the completion of the dam that a full reservoir should always be considered as a two-years’ SPILLWAYS. x ag om) PY uw Lad rf 3 Pr a rt) 3 ie) Fic. 164.—Sweetwater Dam, CaLIrorNrIA, DURING FLoop or 1895, AND AFTER SUBSEQUENT RECONSTRUCTION OF supply, and that no more than one-half its capacity should be used in any one season. The percentage of probable mean rainfall which this run-off represents is remarkably small, in view of the mountainous and precipitous MASONRY DAMS. 235 character of a considerable part of the. drainage-basin. The mean rainfall of 1894-95 was estimated at 27.14 inches, of which the run-off was but 26%. The following year, with an estimated mean rainfall of 16 inches the run-off was but six-tenths of 1%. This illustrates the great variation to which such streams are subject. When the rainfall in the lower two-thirds of the basin does not exceed 12 inches it is all absorbed in plant-growth and evaporation from the soil and does not feed the stream except when it comes in violent storms. Under such conditions the upper third of the basin supplies all the run-off, and if that portion does not receive more than 18 to 20 inches, the stream-flow is very small and of short duration. The record of catchment at the Cuyamaca reservoir, whose watershed is all on the mountain-top from 4800 to 6500 feet in elevation, adjoining the upper portion of the Sweetwater shed, clearly shows that the larger part of the run-off of all of these coast streams must ordinarily come from the higher mountains, and illustrates the value of elevation in any shed for purposes of yielding run-off for reservoirs. The precipitation and catchment record kept at the Cuyamaca dam from 1888 to 1896 shows that the drainage-basin of 11 square miles gave an average yield of 491 acre-feet of water per square mile, while the mean of the Sweetwater during the same period was 100 acre-feet per square mile, or about one-fifth that of the Cuyamaca. Since the great flood of January, 1895, the Sweetwater system to and including 1899 had not experienced a season of sufficient run-off to fill the reservoir, and had endured practically four years of continuous drouth, as the entire catchment in these four seasons was 8,034 acre-feet, or 36% of the reservoir capacity. Asa result the reservoir was drained to the bottom early in 1899, and it became necessary for the company to develop and put in operation an entirely new and independent supply for the preservation of the orchards. Two independent gasoline-engine, centrifugal-pump pumping-plants were established in the bed of the reservoir about 14 miles above the dam, by which water was drawn from 35 small wells put down in the shallow sand and gravel-bed; the water there stored in the subterranean voids was thus made to yield a constant flow of about 1 second-foot. This was conducted in a flame to the dam, and there admitted to the tower and the distributing system. ‘The pumping was done with gasoline-engines, the lift being about 18 feet. In the valley below the dam three substantial pumping-stations were installed, with steam-pumps, drawing from a large number of wells, bored at intervals of 100 feet along the suction-pipe leading to the pump. In this manner the stored water in the sandy bed of the valley was made to produce 4 to 5 second-feet additional. The season was successfully passed owing to the energy with which the supply was developed, the orchards were kept alive and thrifty, and no great suffering was experienced, although it seemed 236 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. inevitable at the beginning of the irrigation season of 1899 that the orchards would perish, or at least that there would be a total loss of fruit, if not of the trees. Pumping operations extended from May to November 23, 1899, during which time the total volume pumped was about 458,000,000 gallons, or 1402 acre-feet. The area irrigated was approximately 3800 acres. Deducting from this total the amount of water used for domestic service, the mean depth actually applied to the orchards averaged 3.2 inches. This small amount, supplemented by thorough cultivation, proved sufficient to save the orchards aud keep them in healthy growth, which is an in- teresting demonstration of what can be done in an emergency. The cost of the pumping-plants and wells so quickly inaugurated as a substitute for the reservoir was abont $27,000. ‘The cost of pumping was about 64 cents per 1000 gallons, which was covered by an increase in rates, to which the community cheerfally acceded as an emergency. ‘The season of 1899-1900 having failed to give any run-off to the reservoir, all the pumping-plants in the reservoir-basin and below the dam were reinstalled, and an auxiliary plant, consisting of 40 wells, 2 inches diameter, 50 feet deep, pumped by a 22-H.P. gasoline-engine and 6-inch centrifugal pump, was added to the main plant at Linwood Grove, while at Bonita the same number of wells were sunk, and pumped by two 6-inch centrifugal pumps, placed in tandem and actuated by gasoline-engines. In this way they managed to tide over the third year of drouth. Sedimentation of Sweetwater Reservoir.—Prior to the construction of the dam some apprehension was felt as to the probability of the speedy filling of the reservoir with sand brought down by the stream, which had been thought to be so large in volume as to destroy the usefulness of the reservoir ina short time. The writer made some observations on the load of sediment carried by the stream in flood during the construction of the dam, which led him to conclude that the reservoir might be filled with water a thousand times before becoming entirely filled with sediment. * Carefal re-surveys of the reservoir made by Mr. H. N. Savage, chief engineer, since it became empty, demonstrate that the total filling has been about 900 acre-feet since the construction of the dam, or at the average rate of 75 acre-feet per annum. The total volume of water that has entered the reservoir in the first 12 years was 180,066 acre-feet. The measured solids deposited from this water have therefore averaged a trifle more than one-half of 1%. The deposit has been almost directly as the depth, being greatest at the dam, where the depth of silt of almost impalpable fineness is 24 to 3 feet. The addition made to the reservoir capacity after the flood of 1895 was 4.6 times the accumulated sediment of twelve years, or, in other words, sufficient to offset the filling of half a century. * The Construction of the Sweetwater Dam. Trans, Am. Soc. Civil Eng., vol. xix. p. 214. MASONRY DAMS. 237 Evaporation.—The percentage of water lost in storage-reservoirs by evaporation is the most serious factor which the projectors of such enter- prises have to anticipate. It is subject to wide variation due to differences in mean depth, exposure, temperature, winds, and relative humidity, but it is always in operation, and subjects the reservoir to a constant loss, so great that it must be considered in all calculations of reservoir duty, as, in extreme cases, it may amount to 50% per annum. Careful measurements of evaporation in a floating pan at Sweetwater dam shows the annual loss to be about 54 inches in depth. It is about 2 inches during the month of January, and over 8 inches per month during July and August. This causes an annual loss of about 154% of the stored water, and as a reservoir must always be held back for dry years, so that practically a reservoirful is at least a two-years’ supply, the loss is really 30% of the total supply, leaving but 70% of the reservoir capacity available for use, one-half of which only can be safely counted on each year. This reduces the available annual supply to about 8000 acre-feet. At the Cuyamaca reservoir, on the adjacent watershed, the average loss reported during nine years prior to 1897 was 563 inches in depth per annum. This loss amounted to 25.5% of the total water caught and stored during that time, which is nearly double that of the Sweetwater. This difference is due to greater surface exposure per unit of volume stored. The Sweetwater reservoir has an exposure of 39.8 acres per 1000 acre-feet of capacity when full, while the Cuyamaca has an exposure of 84 acres per 1000. This is an illustration of the advantage of great average depth in reservoirs, and an argument in favor of high dams for effective conservation of water. Conduits. —The main pipe leading from the dam is 36 inches in diameter for 1600 feet, thence 30 inches diameter for 28,200 feet to Chula Vista. It has a minimum capacity for delivery of 1260 miner’s inches (25.2 second-feet) to an elevation of 90 feet above sea-level, which is high enough to cover the larger part of the settlement. This pipe was found to be inadequate to the demands upon it, becanse in practice the maximum rate of consumption is about double the mean rate, and for the further reason that the higher levels could not be supplied and at the same time permit the maximum discharge to the lower levels. To remedy this lack of efficiency a second conduit, 24 inches diameter, was built in 1895 on the north side of the vailey of the Sweetwater. It is of riveted steel, 30,142 feet in length, and cost $65,000. It has a minimum capacity of 450 miner’s inches (9 second-feet) and is used chiefly for high service. It con- nects at the dam with one of the 30-inch pipes laid through the tunnel. The distributing system of pipes, from 4 to 24 inches diameter, is over 65 miles in length, and has cost over half a million dollars. Hemet Dam, California.—The most massive and imposing stracture that 238 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. has thus far been erected in western America for irrigation-storage is the dam erected in the San Jacinto Mountains, in Riverside County, California, at the outlet of Hemet Valley, the location of which with respect to the irrigated lands is shown in Fig. 165. The view in Fig. 166 is rather an imperfect representation of the appearance of the dam from below. Fig. 167 is an end view which shows the arched form of the dam. The ‘dam is built of granite rubble, laid in Portland-cement concrete, and was designed to be carried to the ultimate height of 160 feet above the stream-bed. Its present height is 122.5 feet above base, or 135.5 feet above “| 5 2 TR. 72.6 S.R.2E 72.6 S.A. 3E. Fic. 165.—Mar SHowine Location oF LAKE HEMET, THE Marin Conpbvit, AND IRRI- ‘ GATED LANDS. lowest foundations. It is 100 feet in thickness at base, and has a batter of 1 in 10 on the water-face, and 5 in 10 on back. Its present crest is 260 feet long, while the length on base is but 40 feet. The dam was bnilt up with fall profile to the height of 110 feet above base, at which point the thick- ness is 30 feet. Here an offset of 18 feet was made, and the remaining wall is 12 feet at base, and 10 feet thick at top. A spillway notch 1 foot deep, 50 feet long, was left in the center. Extreme floods may exceed the capacity of this spillway and pass over the entire length of the wall to the depth of several feet. ‘This actually occurred in January, 1893, when the dam was 107 feet in height. The dam is arched up-stream with a radius of 225.4 feet on the line of its upper face at the 150-foot contour, although it has a gravity section, with the lines of pressure inside the center third, as shown on section in Fig. 169. ‘The site seemed to be more suitable for a masonry structure than any other type because the canyon is extremely narrow, the foundations excel- lent, and materials for construction abundant. After due consideration of all alternative possibilities the writer was directed to prepare plans suitable for the maximum height to which a dam could be built to advantage at this MASONRY DAMS. 239 site, and in the summer of 1890 the plant was assembled and excavation begurt ‘The stripping to bed-rock occupied several months, with the aid of a cableway for conveying the waste to a dump below the dam. In this operation a large hole was developed in the rock, 13 feet in depth, within the lines of the base of the dam. This hole was found to be filled with gravel, firmly cemented in place so tightly that it might safely have been built upon had its limits been known. After the hole was cleaned out a center trench was cut in the bed-rock up the sides, as a key or anchorage, to receive the masonry. The cement and all tools had to be hauled up the mountain, a distance of 23 miles from the nearest railroad station, over a road whose maximum grade is 18%, making a total ascent of 3350 feet, and decending to the dam from the summit nearly 600 feet. The hauling was done at a cost of $1 to $1.50 per barrel, and occupied a considerable time in delivering a suffi- cient quantity to make a beginning, and it was the 5th of January, 1891, before the first stone was laid. The total amount of cement used was about 20,000 barrels, which cost delivered about $5 per barrel. Work was prosecuted without interruption until January 24, 1892, when severe weather and floods compelled a suspension of construction for four months, when the 45-foot level was reached. On resumption of work the following spring it was pushed to the 107- foot contour, when the workmen were again driven off by a storm and freshet on January 9, 1893, when the reservoir was filled so rapidly that many of the buildings and tools were submerged before they could be removed. The work remained at this stage until the fall of 1895, when the dam was completed to its present height and all machinery and tools were brought down the mountain. At its present height the dam contains 31,105 cabic yards of masonry. The concrete used to embed the blocks of stone was mixed in the pro- portion of 1 of cement, 3 of sand, and 6 of broken stone, crushed to pass through a 24-inch ring. Mortar was only used in laying the facing-stones and pointing the joints on the exterior faces. Both concrete and mortar were mixed by a cubical iron mixer, one of a number that had done service on the San Mateo dam in northern California. The sand used was clean and sharp, and was constantly brought to the dam by the small living stream flowing from the mountains, the sand being rolled along its bed. It was accumulated in a little reservoir formed by a temporary log dam, and con- veyed to the mixing-platform by an endless double-wire-rope carrier, fitted with triangular buckets, placed at intervals of 20 feet. By this means the sand was hoisted 125 feet and carried horizontally 400 feet to the mixing- platform, where it was stored in a bin. This device was very simple, inex- pensive, and quite effective, and the sand was always washed clean. Fig. OFZ ; ‘og \aH—'99T ‘KINAOD AGISUMATY ‘WV LANA TT - ‘VINHOJITYD ‘AL TFG AV TAL 10 WLIO ANA AVATTIdg AHL ONTMOHS ‘UAHSINIGE SV NVC] LAINE] —2OT ‘DIT 242 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. dV] TNOLNON—'SOT “DIT “HIOAUNSAY LAWAG ANV'T AHL 40 MASONRY DAMS. 243 170 shows a view of the plant for crushing the stone and mixing the concrete. A portion of the sand-conveyor is also visible in the photograph, as well as one of the engines used on the cableways, and the cars for the Profile Masonry Dam FSO rt. Le (00 feel as Top View of Valve Section of Fipe and Valve — 5 Fic. 169.—HemMet Dam, RIVEnsiDE County, CALIFORNIA. delivery of concrete to the dam. These latter ran along a tramway, laid on a trestle built from the mixing-platform along the face of the vertical cliff, some 300 feet, to the dam at the 80-foot level. When the dam reached this level an elevator was built to a higher line of trestle. 244 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The stone was all quarried within 400 feet of the dam, on both sides of the canyon, both above and below the dam. It was hoisted and conveyed to the wall by two cableways, each about 800 feet long and 14 inches in diameter. The cables crossed the dam nearly at right angles with the chord of the arch, but diverging from each other, and were anchored to convenient trees on either side of the gorge. ‘I'beir position was seldom changed, except to lift them higher up into the tree-tops, and toerect ‘* A”? frames on top of the masonry to support the cables, when the wall had reached such a height as to require it. Loads of 10 tons could be hoisted car) Y gem ee a “ Fic. 170.—HEMEY Dam CONSTRUCTION PLANT. and handled with ease, and with the aid of two derricks, one at each end of the dam, the rock brought by the cables was placed where required. The loads were readily transferred from the cableway to the derricks while in the air. The trolley which traveled on the cableway, and the devices for sustaining the hoisting-line as the load moved back and forth, were devised on the ground and operated satisfactorily. The derricks were actuated by water-power obtained from a 36-inch Pelton wheel located below the dam and propelled, under a head of 75 feet, by about 80 miner’s inches of water, brought from the stream by a flume 1.5 miles long to the edge of the cliff at the mixing-platform, and thence in a 13-inch riveted steel pressure-pipe. The pipe passed through the line of the dam and was embedded in the masonry. Subsequently it was cut MASONRY DAMS. 245 off at the upper face of the dam and was made available as the lowest outlet of the reservoir. Two other outlets were provided, consisting of 22-inch lap-welded steel pipes, placed at the 45-foot and 75-foot levels, near the left wall of the canyon. ‘These pipes were provided with cast-iron elbows tarning upward and flaring to 30 inches diameter, just inside the line of the dam. ‘They are closed by semi-spherical cast-iron covers, which are raised and lowered by wire ropes passing over a pulley and windlass that are provided for each, and stand on an overhanging frame bolted to the top of the masonry. ‘These covers are ordinarily removed and replaced by cylin- drical fish-screens that stand on the top of the elbows, and the main control is had by gate-valves set on each pipe at the lower line of the dam. When these valves are open the water spouts freely into the air and falls in a spray upon the rock below. ‘This water is collected in a pool a short distance from the dam, and passes over a weir for measurement, before beginning its 5-mile plunge down the canyon, to the final point of diversion into the main flume. When construction began, the reservoir-site was well covered with pine forest, and, as it was desirable to clear the flowage tract, the trees were cut and sawed into lumber. Over one million feet B.M. of this lumber was used for buildings, flumes, and staging about the dam, and half a million more was hauled to the valley for flumes and trestles. Much of the fire- wood cut from the tree-tops was also hauled down the mountain by the returning cement teams. The main conduit is partly built of this mountain pine, and, although it is knotty and inferior lumber for general purposes, the flame made of it did good service for six or eight years before it was recently replaced with California redwood, which is much more durable. The conduit is 3.24 miles in length from the pick-up weir, just above the janction of South Fork and Strawberry Fork, to the mouth of the main canyon, where it connects with a 22-inch riveted iron pipe, 2 miles long. From the end of this pipe an open ditch, lined with masonry 8 to 10 inches thick, and plastered with cement mortar, conveys the water 5 miles to a 20-acre distributing-reservoir, located near the highest corner of the irri- gated lands. ‘This reservoir has a capacity of about 90 acre-feet, and from it the water is distributed by some 30 miles of pipe, flumes, and lined ditches. The slope of the land is 40 feet per mile from east to west, requiring small conduits for distribution. The main canyon flume was built of 14-inch lumber, and is 38 inches wide, 18 inches deep, and has a grade of about 140 feet per mile. It was calked and battened, smeared with asphalt inside, and whitewashed on the exterior with lime. The ditch- lining consists of granite cobbles of 10 inches maximum diameter, laid in equal parts of lime and cement mortar. It is 2.75 feet wide on bottom, % feet at top, 2.75 feet deep, and has a capacity of 60 second-feet or 3000 inches. 246 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The dam of the distributing-reservoir is of earth, 300 feet long, 14 feet high, and 8 feet wide on top. The reservoir is usually filled within a foot of the top of the dam. In construction a trench was excavated 9 feet deep under the center line, in the center of which a tight board fence was built, reaching to the top of the dam, to prevent the burrowing of ground- squirrels and gophers, a function which it effectually performs. The trench was refilled with puddled soil each side of the fence, and the puddle brought to the top of the dam. The area irrigated by the system in 1896 was 1092 acres, and is increasing each year as the tracts are sold to settlers. This area was in 72 separate tracts, of which the average size is 10 to 20 acres. The rates charged for water are $2 per acre annually, with an additional charge during the nominal ‘‘ non-irrigating season’? (November 15 to April 15) of $1 per month for each tract for domestic service. In the town of Hemet, which is supplied by the same system, there were, in 1896, 55 taps, paying a uniform domestic rate of $1.50 per month. Water- power is used in the town to drive an electric dynamo for lighting the hotel and some of the buildings, the waste water flowing to a small reservoir. The apportionment of water by the water-right contracts given with the deeds to the land is at the rate of ‘‘ one-eighth of 1 miner’s inch of perpetual flow from April 15 to November 15 of each year for each acre.”’ This is equivalent to 46,224 cubic feet per acre per annum, or a mean depth of 12% inches over the land. The water-rate of $2 per acre would thus be equal to 4.3 cents per 1000 cubic feet, or 0.57 cent per 1000 gallons. The altitude of Hemet Valley where the dam is located is approximately 4300 feet. The watershed area, as determined from the topographic map of the United States Geological Survey, is 69.5 square miles, the extreme elevation of which is about 9000 feet. This point is Tahquitz Peak, a spur of Mt. San Jacinto. The total drainage-area of the San Jacinto River above the mouth of the canyon is 141.8 square miles. The reservoir there- fore receives the run-off from nearly one-half the entire drainage-basin of the river. The average yield of the shed has not been accurately deter- mined, although it has been insufficient to fill the reservoir in any one season since 1895. The irrigation season of 1899 began with but 1000 acre-feet in the reservoir (gage 73 feet). The present capacity of the reservoir is 10,500 acre-feet, but the addi- tion of 274 feet to the height of the dam will increase it 24 times. The cost of the dam and irrigation-works has never been made public. The area of the tract depending upon the reservoir for irrigation is about 7000 acres, of which not more than half have been irrigated. The Bear Valley Dam, California.—Probably the most widely known irrigation system in California is that of the Bear Valley Irrigation Com- pany of Redlands, California, chiefly by reason of the remarkably slender proportions of the Bear Valley dam, which has been to the engineering MASONRY DAMS. 247 fraternity the ‘‘ eighth wonder of ‘the world,’’ and has no parallel on the globe. ‘The dam has no stability to resist water-pressure except that due to its arched form, and it has been expected to yield at any time, although it has successfully withstood the pressure against it for fifteen years, and is apparently as stable as it ever was. ‘The probabilities are that nothing but an extraordinary flood or earthquake, or a combination of unusual move- ments, will ever accomplish its destruction. Such vast interests are now dependent upon the water stored by the dam that its failure would be a public calamity, greatly to be deplored. The settlements of Redlands, Crafton, and Highlands, which are among the choicest of the orange- growing regions of southern California, and the irrigation districts of ‘Alessandro and Perris, are the outgrowth of this water-storage, although the Perris district receives but a small portion of its supply from this source. Prior to the construction of the dam in 1883-84, the natural streams entering the San Bernardino Valley had been entirely appropriated and used in irrigation, and had apparently reached the limit of their irrigable duty. No storage-reservoirs were then in service, and the creation of the Bear Valley reservoir for conserving the flood-waters of the Santa. Ana River has more than doubled the area of land irrigated previous to its constraction in the territory covered by its water, and has increased the valuation of property in far greater ratio ‘The useful function of the storage-reservoir was never more fully exemplified than in this case. The Bear Valley dam was designed and built by F. KE. Brown, C.E., a graduate of Yale Scientific School. The construction of the dam was a bold and difficult undertaking, as it was the pioneer enterprise of California for irrigation-storage, and the site is in a remote locality, to which the cement, tools, and supplies had to be hauled over a rough mountain-range from San Bernardino, descending on the opposite side to the Mojave Desert. and again climbing the mountain to Bear Valley, a total distance of 70: miles. The cost of hauling cement was $10 per barrel, and its total cost delivered was $14 to $15 per barrel. Under such conditions, and with a. scarcity of funds for what was considered a questionable experiment, it is not surprising that economy of masonry was practiced to such an extent that it is quite without a parallel for boldness of design. The dam is. curved up-stream with a radius of 335 feet, and is 64 feet high from base to crest. The length on top is about 300 feet, and the thickness but 2.5 to 3 feet on top, and 8.5 feet ata point 48 feet below the crest, where it rests on a base of masonry that is 13 feet wide, making an offset of about 2 feet on each side at the center; but as the base was built with a curve of shorter radius than the upper 48 feet of the dam, the offset is not uniform, but tapers to nothing on the waterside at the ends of the base, and is fully 4 feet wide on the back. The lowest foundation of the base is 20 feet wide, as shown in Figs. 168 and 169. The entire dam contains about 3400 cubic. é Ec A ¢ : : ; re a nw Maude ih Se reAAMnA SUR PANO POOL. AE Fic. 171.—Laxe Hemet (Cau.) Masonry Dam. 248 MASONRY DAMS. 249 yards of masonry, in which were used about 1600 barrels of cement. It is reported to have cost $75,000, or over $22 per cubic yard, of which the cement alone cost but $7.50 for each cubic yard of masonry laid. That the plant and labor could have cost so much as $14.50 per cubic yard, which is several times the ordinary cost of such work, must, if true, have been largely attributable to the lack of adequate machinery, as well as extrava- gant management. The masonry is a rough, uncut, granite ashlar, with a - re a rere 66 i eee 4 CEE SB, — --20°-- > s Fic: 172.—Cross-sEcTION oF BEAR VALLEY Dam, ELEVATION FROM LOWER SIDE Fig. 173. —PLAN AND ELEVATION OF BEAR VALLEY Dam. hearting of rough rubble, all laid in cement mortar and gravel. At the beginning an earth dam was erected, 24 miles above, 6 feet in height, to retain the summer flow. As the masonry rose water was let down to the main dam, forming a pond which floated timber rafts on which stone was transported to the site, and from which construction was carried on. Hand- derricks were carried on these rafts. The work was evidently done slowly and with great care, as it has leaked but little beyond the usual sweating, which has left its marks in an efflores- cence or deposit of lime, brought ont of the mortar by the moisture oozing through. This occurred during the first few years after completion and 250 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. has almost entirely ceased. When inspected by the writer in August, 1896, the water stood within 10 feet of the top of the dam with little or no visible leakage below. The south end of the dam abuts against a projecting ledge of granite, standing boldly out from the side of the canyon 100 feet or more beyond the general line of the side slopes, illustrated in the photograph, Fig. 170. Over the top of this ledge, as far from the dam as it could be placed, a spillway, 20 feet wide, was excavated to a depth of 8.5 feet below the level of the extreme top of the dam (Fig. 175). The extreme capacity of this spillway does not exceed 1700 second-feet, which is dangerously small. The great Sweetwater flood of 1895 gave a maximum discharge of nearly 100 second-feet per square mile of watershed. A freshet of proportional volume from the Bear Valley shed would give a discharge of about 5600 second-feet, or more than three times the spillway capacity. Occurring at a time when the reservoir were full, such a flood would overtop the dam by a depth of 2 to 3 feet. The result might be disastrous. The spillway was for a time closed with sand-bags to hold the lake to a higher level, but this device was substituted by movable flashboards, arranged in four bays, separated by suitable framework. The only outlet or means of control of the reservoir is an iron gate made to slide on brass bearings, and closing a rectangular opening, 20 by 24 inches, leading to a culvert cut in the bed-rock. The culvert trench was made 2 feet wide and 3 feet high, flat on bottom and arched over the top with concrete. The dam was built over it, and the culvert simply passed through or under the wall. The gate is operated by a screw-stem that passes up through a 6-inch pipe, standing vertically in the water next to the dam, and reaching up to a wooden platform at the coping-line. The gate-stem, hand-wheel, and mouth of outlet culvert are shown in the illus- tration. The maximum discharge capacity of the gate when wide open with full reservoir is about 167 second-feet, which is much more than is ever required to be drawn. ‘The capacity with reservoir practically empty is over 80 second-feet. The top of the dam is not finished to a true level line, as the coping- stones have been omitted over about one-half the length, and this portion is 2 to 3 feet lower than the finished crest. It requires considerable nerve to walk over the top of the dam, because it has no hand-rail or parapet and is so narrow that few visitors care to attempt the feat. Water has stood for a considerable time within a few inches of overflowing, although it has never actually passed over the top, as the spillway has thus far been capable of carrying the surplus flood-water. The maximum volume stored in the reservoir, thus far, has been somewhat in excess of 40,000 acre-feet, and Fic. 174.—Brar VALLEY Dam, LOOKING SOUTH, TOWARD SPILLWay “SULV}) CUVOSHSVTY HLIM ‘WYG ATTIVA UVAIG JO AVATIAG—'e/T ‘oT Fig. 176.—Bassz or New Rocx-ritt Dam, BELOW THE BEAR VALLEY Dam (SHOWN IN BackGRounp). 254 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. in seasons of excessive precipitation the ran-off has exceeded the reservoir capacity. In order to be able to impound the entire run-off from the watershed, or the greater portion of it, the company at one time contemplated the erection of a higher dam, to be built about 200 feet down-stream from the present dam, and impound water to the 75-foot contour of the reservoir, or 11 feet higher than the crest of the existing structure, at which level the capacity of the basin is 80,000 acre-feet, flooding a surface area of 3060 acres toa mean depth of 25.3 feet. It was regarded as impracticable to add another foot to the height of the present dam, and no engineer cared to risk the responsibility of excavating at the toe of the wall for such an addition to it as would enable it to be raised to the desired height; hence it was deemed best to go a safe distance below to avoid jarring or disturb- ing the fragile wall, and there begin an entirely independent structure. The new dam was designed as a rock-fill, and was to be 80 feet in height above the base of the present dam, but was never finished beyond the foundations, which were laid in a substantial manner in ‘1893 (Fig. 176). It is a matter of regret that the second dam was not completed, as its com- pletion was recognized as affording a rare opportunity for studying the arch action upon the present masonry wall. At the time it was began a com- mittee was appointed by the American Society of Civil Engineers to examine and measure the movement in the masonry incident to the loading and unloading of the arch. This could be quickly accomplished by empty- ing and refilling the pond between the two dams. If taken at the right time, the effect of a flood pouring over the crest of the thin masonry wall could have been observed, and much useful knowledge obtained on the subject of the strains in arched dams of which so little is now known. The watershed tributary to the Bear Valley reservoir, as determined from the best available maps, is approximately 56 square miles, the maxi- mum elevation of which is about 7700 feet, or 1500 feet higher than the valley. On the north and east the shed borders on the desert, and the pre- cipitation shades off to a considerably less amount than is recorded at the dam. The record of rain and melted snow at the dam from 1883 to 1893, the season beginning in each year on September Ist, is as follows: Inches. Inches. 1883-84. ...... 94.60 1888-89........ 46.03 1884-85........ 28.06 1890-91........ 78.40 1885-86........ 65.51 1891-92........ 38.00 1886-87........ 24.00 LBB 2H 9S cones selaceins 44,32 1887-88........ 62.30 1894-95........ 50.00 Mean for 12 years........ 53.70 g y Bites GT mr 2 . “| \W 2 \ Ny pecans, a ae 256 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The dry years which have occurred since 1895 must undoubtedly reduce this mean very considerably, althongh the record has not been made public. In 1891 the run-off from the watershed was computed by Wm. Ham. Hall from the records of catchment, as follows, beginning with the completion of the dam: Season. Pee Season. ao at 1883~84........ 236,000 1887-88........ 132,400 1884-85........ 21,600 1888-89........ 70,400 1885-86........ 142,400 1889-90........ 211,600 1886-87........ 8,000 1890-91........ 186,800 Mean........ 126,150 This estimate is so large as to be decidedly questionable. Mr. J. B. Lippincott, Hydrographer U. 8. Geological Survey,* estimates, by compari- son of observations in other parts of the State, that the probable maximum run-off of the shed is about 100,000 acre-feet, and the mean about 28,500. The minimum was doubtless reached in 1895-99. The irrigation season of 1899 began with but 1560 acre-feet in the reservoir, a small portion of which was held over from the previous year. This was entirely exhausted early in the season, and an attempt was made to maintain the supply by pumping from shallow wells in the bed of the reservoir, although with indifferent success. Four to six acre-feet per day were obtained for a time, but it was largely dissipated by evaporation in passing down the canyon. The loss to be anticipated from this reservoir by evaporation is a sub- ject of much interest. It is at an altitude of 6200 feet, and well sheltered from winds by surrounding mountains, favoring minimum loss. On the other hand the water is shallow and spread out over a large area. Observa- tions made at the gate-house of the Arrowhead Reservoir Company in Little Bear Valley, in the same. mountain-range, but at lower elevation (5160 feet above sea-level), indicate that the evaporation from water-surface is about 36 inches per annum in that locality, of which about 90% occurs in the. eight months from March to November, inclusive. This rate of loss applied to Bear Valley reservoir when full would indicate a probable loss of over 20% per annum if no water were drawn out, or about 14% per annum if a uniform draft of 2500 acre-feet per month were made during the period from March to November, inclusive. The general form of the reservoir is shown in Fig..177. La Grange Dam, California.—There is something quite unusual in a masonry dam 125 feet high which is erected for the sole purpose of divert- ing water from a stream for irrigation purposes, and this is the character of structure that was built on the Tuolumne River, 14 miles above the town * Nineteenth Annual Report for 1897, U. 8. Geol. Sur., Part IV., p. 585. MASONRY DAMS. 257 of La Grange, California, in 1891-94, by the Turlock and Modesto irriga- tion districts jointly. The Tuolumne River, as it leaves the mountains, on its way across the San Joaquin Valley, is cut down so deeply below the general level of the plain as to require a high dam to raise the water suffi- ciently to get it out on the irrigable lands. The dam is located at the mouth of a narrow box canyon and is in no sense designed or used for storage. It is 125 feet high on the up-stream face, 129 feet on the down- stream side, 90 feet in thickness at bottom, 24 feet at crest, and but 310 feet long on top. The wall is built as the segment of a circle of 300 feet radius, the arch being opposed to the direction of the water-pressure, although its profile is of purely gravity type, in which the lines of pressure are well within the middle third. On the water-face the dam is vertical for 70 feet below the top, and thence to the foundation has a batter of 1 in 20. The edges of the crest are rounded off on a radius of 3 feet on upper side, and 17.5 feet on lower side, leaving 6 feet of the crest level. At 6 feet below the crest the dam is 24.18 feet thick; at 69 feet below it is 52 feet thick; at 89 feet it is 66.25 feet; and at 97 feet, the top of the foundation masonry, it is 84 feet thick. ‘The extreme bottom width at the highest point of the dam is 90 feet. The lower face has a batter of 4 to 1, from 70: feet below the crest, where a compound curve of 63 and 23 feet radii commences, which carries the face to its intersection with the battered face of the foundation masonry about 3 feet above low water. From this point the foundation batter is 1 in 7, to the bottom, about 32 feet in the deepest place. These dimensions give practically an ogee form to the down-stream face, which permits the water to follow the masonry without leaving its face in its descent, provided the depth be not more than 4 to 5 feet, and gives it a horizontal direction at the bottom. The curvature of the dam and the fact that the canyon is but 80 feet wide at the base of the dam, or top of foundations, so concentrate the stream that some erosion may be anticipated at the base, although nothing serious in that line has been reported. The dam contains 39,500 cubic yards of masonry and cost $550,019. It is built throughout of rough, uncoursed rubble masonry, laid in Portland- cement concrete, in practically the same manner as that described in the construction of the Hemet dam. The work was done by contract, at $10.39 per cubic yard, including the excavation for foundations, but not including cement, which was furnished by the districts. The cement cost $4.50 per barrel delivered, and 31,500 barrels were used in the work. It is believed to be the highest overflow dam in the United States, if not in the world. The volume of water passing over it may in extreme floods amount to 100,000 second-feet. The maximum flood that has yet gone over the dam was about 46,000 second-feet in volume, the dept on crest being 12 feet. te IAS 3 1 roy ‘9 v “ Tm COR 7 RTE hn Po Br NS CU HOES OO ISAS _ Lue es seer 2 Ko x g 3 Fie. 178.—Puan oF La Graner. Dam, CALIFORNIA, < Prob. Fctreme PVC AM Fic. 179.—ProriLte or La Grance Dam, CALIFORNIA. MASONRY DAMS. 259 During construction the low-water discharge was carried past the work in a flume the first year, and subsequently through two culverts, one at low- water level, and a second 10 feet higher. These were 4 feet wide, 6 feet high. The Modesto Canal takes water through an open cut from the dam, on the right bank, and has a capacity of 750 second-feet. The Turlock Canal reaches the reservoir above the dam by means of a tunnel 560 feet long, 12 feet wide, 11 feet high, with regulating-gate at the head. ~eonpe- Be ee Fic. 180.— Upper Face or La Grance Dam. In construction of the dam three lines of cableway were used, spanning the canyon, for hauling the materials. The excessive cost of the work was doubtless due to the uncertainty as to the value of the bonds of the irrigation districts, which created a temerity among contractors, and there were few bidders. The contractor was obliged to buy the bonds at not less than 90% of their face value, and dispose of them at a figure from which he could obtain a profit on his work. Under ordinary conditions of prompt payments in cash the constrvction should have been done for one-half the actual cost. The dam was designed by Luther Wagoner, C.E., who resigned Fic. 181.—La Grancr Dam, CaLirorniA, DURING CONSTRUCTION—FINISFING THE CREST. Fie. 182.—La Grange Dam, CALIFORNIA. 260 , CALIFORNIA xaE Dam \ —La Gi F Loop. 261 NIA, DURING 3B Dam, CALIFoR G 44.—La GRAN 8 1 IG. F 262 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. shortly after work began, and construction was completed under charge of E. H. Barton, engineer for the Turlock district, and H. 8. Crowe, repre- senting the Modesto district. The elevation of the crest of the dam is 299.3 feet above sea-level, and the canal grade is 8.3 feet lower. The Turlock irrigation district embraces 176,210 acres, and the canal supplying it has a reported capacity of 1500 second-feet. he main canal is 18 miles long, feeding five laterals of an aggregate length of 80 miles. nity Fig. 185.—Lower Face or La Grane DAM. The Modesto district covers 81,500 acres, with a main canal 22.75 miles long before reaching the district, having a capacity of 640 second-feet. The entire irrigation system when fully completed will be the largest and most comprehensive one in California. and the dam upon which its success depends has been wisely constructed of such dimensions as to be of unquese . tionable stability. Figs. 180 to 185 are views of the structure. Folsom Dam, California.— There are many features of the Folsom dam, on the American River, California, which give it special interest to engi- neers and all others who have seen it, one of which is that it was built by the State of California entirely with convict labor, incidentally to give employment to the inmates of one of the State prisons, but primarily to £96 ‘doqey uostud Aq yypInq we ‘SdLVO-dVaH] TYNV() DNIAOHS ‘NOSINY ALVIG NOSTOY FHL LV ‘VINNOATIVD ‘NAAT NVoruaiwy No WV AUYNOSV]{ JO MUT,y— y8T YLT 264 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. develop water-power for use in various industries about the prison and for transmission to other localities. A further purpose is served by the dam in the diversion of water from the American River out upon the plains of the Sacramento Valley for irrigation. The plan, profile, and section of the dam are shown in Fig. 187, anda photograph taken by a convict during construction is given in Fig. 188. The dam is of the same general character as the La Grange dam, serving no purpose of storage, but designed solely for the diversion of the stream and so constructed as to permit flood-water to pass freely over its crest. It is located at the top of a natural fall in the bed-rock of the stream, its height at the up-stream toe being 69.5 feet, while at the down-stream footing the height is 98 feet to the crest-line. The top thickness is 24 feet; base 87 feet. A movable shutter, 180 feet long, is placed in the center of the dam for raising the normal water-level at low stages. ‘his shutter is placed in a depression, 6 feet in depth, below the general level of the dam, and is lowered during floods to allow the passage of extreme freshets over the dam. At low water the shutter is raised to a nearly vertical position by means of hydraulic jacks, as shown in Fig. 189, which are operated from the prison power-house. The entire crest length of the dam is 650 feet, including the curved approach to the canal head-gates. The main dam is straight in plan. The construction of the dam was begun in 1886 and completed in 1891. It contains 48,590 cubic yards of masonry in the dam proper, while the retaining-wall of the canal has 27,000 cubic yards and the power-house 13,700 cubic yards of granite masonry, all laid in Portland-cement mortar. ‘The dam is a very massive and substantial piece of masonry, composed of rough granite ashlar in large blocks of 10 tons or more in weight. ‘The quarry, which deter- mined the location of the State prison, affords an unlimited quantity of excel- lent granite which has a fine cleavage and is readily quarried into blocks of any desired size. The excavation of the canal along the granite cliff gave all the material needed for the dam. The stone was delivered to the dam by a cableway of unusual construction, in that two cables were used side by side like a suspended railway-track, and the trolley was a four-wheeled carriage from which the loads were hoisted and suspended. There are many disad- vantages to this form of cableway, and no special features to recommend it as preferable to the single cable. he latter admits of dragging rocks from either side of the line of the cable for a considerable distance, an operation which would tend to derail the trolley of a double cableway. The canal taken from the left side of the dam passes through the prison grounds and thence to the town of Folsom, one and one-half miles below, where the main power-drop of 85 feet is utilized for generation of power, which is transmitted electrically to Sacramento, 22 miles distant. West Side Canal : S PLAN ee 8 ae =—=Cana on o RE cmececou. tS CROSS SECTION OF WEIR Fig. 187,—Puan, CRoSs-SECTION, AND ELEVATION OF WEIR AND HEADWORKS OF Fousom Canat. 265 996 ‘WOSTOT LV NVQ YAANY NVOTUAWY—' gy ‘O17 ° i eS = o 7 = : 2 a. ap ae : ty mo, ’ i & ~ es MASONRY DAMS. 267 In passing the prison power-house a drop of 7.5 feet is utilized by six 87-inch Leffel turbines of the double improved type, and about 800 H.P. are developed at the maximum. ‘The canal is 8 feet in depth throughout, the width below the prison power-house being 30 feet on bottom, 40 feet on top. Above the power-house the width is 10 feet greater. The grade is 1: 2000, and the capacity of the canal about 1000 second-feet. Fig. 189.—HypRAULIc JACKS FOR RAISING SHUTTER ON Foisom Dam. The San Mateo Dam, California.—Doubtless the most enormous mass of masonry of any sort in the West, if not in the entire United States, is the great concrete dam erected on San Mateo Creek, 6 miles above the village of San Mateo, California, by the Spring Valley Water-works of San Fran- cisco, to impound water for the supply of that city. The dam ranks among the highest and most costly of the world, and was erected in 1887 and 1888. It was projected to reach to a height of 170 feet, at which the top width was to be 25 feet and base width 176 feet, but construction was suspended at the height of 146 feet, or 34 feet below the ultimate height. When finished the top length will be 680 feet. It has a uniform batter of 4 to 1 on the up-stream face, while the lower slope, beginning with a batter of 24 on 1 near the top, curves with a radius of 258 feet to near the bottom,’ where the batter is 1 to 1. The dam is arched up-stream with a radius of 637 feet. It is built throughout with concrete, made of broken stone, beach sand, and Portland cement. This material was chosen because of the difficulty of securing rock in the vicinity suitable for rubble masonry. The stone was quarried in the immediate vicinity, and occurred in small irregular nodules, 268 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. frequently so coated with clay and serpentine as to require it to be thoroughly washed before it was fit for use. After crushing, it was passed through revolving cylindrical tumblers, where a constant stream of water was main- tained to carry off the mud and tailings, which passed off through a flume and dropped to the stream-channel, where the deposit from these washings covered several acres to a considerable depth. The proportion of waste was large. The sand used in the concrete was obtained from the sand-dunes of North Beach, San Francisco, where it was loaded on cars, hauled one mile, und dumped into barges, then towed 25 miles up the bay to a landing oppo- site San Mateo, and thence hauled 6 miles by wagon to the dam. All the materials were thus unusually expensive. The concrete was mixed in a battery of 6 cubical iron mixing-machines revolved by steam-power. It was delivered to the work by a double-track tramway on a high trestle carried part way across the canyon at the level of the top of the dam on the lower side, as shown in Fig. 190. The cars on this tramway were pushed by hand and dumped into hoppers let into the floor between the rails, leading to vertical pipes, 16 inches in diameter, which extended down to platforms that were placed from time to time at a level with the top of the work as as it progressed. ‘The concrete dropped down these pipes, striking on steel plates, from which it was shoveled into wheel- barrows and trundled to the place of use. The height of this drop was sometimes as great as 120 feet, but no injury resulted to the concrete, or to the men shoveling it as it fell. The concrete was mixed in the proportions of 1 part cement to 2 parts sand, 64 parts broken stone, and 3 part water by measure. It was moulded in cyclopean blocks of 200 to 300 cubic yards each, with numerous offsets ingeniously dovetailing the blocks together, and every possible precaution was taken in the joining of the successive portions to secure an absolute bond. The surfaces of the blocks after the forms were removed were roughened with picks, swept and washed clean, and grouted with pure cement before concrete was placed against them. ‘The result has been very satisfactory; the dam is almost absolutely water-tight, although some moisture does find its way through and appears in spots on the lower face. No settlement or expansion cracks are visible, and the work has the appearance of being absolutely homogeneous. Figs. 192 and 193 show the general method of forming the blocks and preparing them to receive fresh concrete, and Fig. 194 isa general view of the dam taken at the time of the visit of the American Society of Civil Engineers in Annual Convention, July, 1896. Plans and sections of this dam are shown in Fig. 191. At the 170-foot level the reservoir will have a capacity of 29,000,000,000 gallons, or 89,000 acre-feet. The present capacity is approximately 20,000,000,000 gallons. The entire volume of the dam is approximately 139,000 cubic yards. When the dam is extended to its ultimate height it will be necessary to ‘WY OULV]IY NVQ LY ALAUONO,) ONITGNV]T ONY ONINIJY YOK INVIG—'O6T ‘STL Da WY YTV ITHAEY LULL Ny ee eo ‘WV, OFLV] NVQ dO AUMVIN] JO NOILONULSN( O— I6L ‘ONT “ ‘NV OFLV] NVQ ‘SYOOIG ALAYONOD NOs saTAOTY— ZT ‘ONT » SEC oS 250 219 CROSS SECTION OF DAM OUTLET TUNI TOP VIEW OF DAM Fic. 195.—Pxans anp Secriovs or San Mav Oo peril ttre. anes See Tee VLTZLZ ILL NY E> rrrrraz zy eeezaziD) WLLL TALI LLG IL IZZEIEL |} ipernity ViarI27 LA Ii ie Lyon L Lk Le Ul, Liz MldilidddlilPre SSE LESLIE LLLIBEELEI EE LE. SSS 7 SS ypSpypwywy—_—O peo PLAN SHOWING LAYER OF CONCRETE BLOCKS RM o® FROCK EXCAVATION FOR FOUNDATIGN OF DAM yam AND Map ov Crystau Sprinas RESERVOIR. [To face page 273.} &L6 ‘OGST ‘Af’ NT ‘SUAANIONG] TAL) 40 ALAIDOg NVOINAINY AU GHLOAdSN] ONIDG WV OFLVIY NVS—'FEL ‘DT 5 ei eae DR ee nce ae Pd a 274 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. close a gap in the ridge a short distance north with a wall about 25 feet high. The outlet to the dam is a tunnel 390 feet long, driven through the hill on the north side of the channel, through which a 54-inch riveted iron pipe is laid. The tunnel is 7$ feet wide inside the lining, and of the same height, and is lined with four courses of.brick, 21 inches thick. The tunnel is intersected by a brick-lined shaft, 14 feet clear diameter, placed just inside the dam in the reservoir. Inside this shaft is a stand-pipe connecting with the main outlet-pipe. Three branch tunnels, carrying large pipes, open out from the reservoir to this stand-pipe, each pipe being con- trolled by gate-valves that are placed in the main shaft. This is an admir- able form of outlet, as all the pipes from the shaft are accessible to inspection and repair. The ends of the tunnels under water have plain cover-valves over elbows, and are provided with fish-screens that are put into position from floating barges. A main pipe, 44 inches in diameter, leads from the dam to San Francisco. ‘The present crest of the dam is 281 feet above tide- level. When the reservoir is filled it submerges the old Crystal Springs reser- voir and dam, the latter being an earth structure which did service for many years until superseded by the new dam. A smaller reservoir, that formerly supplied the town of San Mateo, was also obliterated from view, and the water at highest level will extend up the valley of the north arm of the creek nearly to the toe of the San Andreas dam. The old Crystal Springs reservoir had a tributary watershed of 14 square miles, which yielded a mean annual run-off of 319 acre-feet per square mile during the cight years from 1878 to 1886. The mean rainfall during that period was 34.95 inches. This run-off is equivalent to a mean of 14.4% of the mean rainfall, the maximum having been 34% and the minimum 0.54. The Pilarcitos and San Andreas watersheds, whose catchment is retained by earthen dams, receive a much higher precipitation, especially the former, which is more directly exposed to the saturated wind-currents from the ocean. ‘The average precipitation over all the Spring Valley Water Co.’s sheds, during the seven years from 1868 to 1875, was 43.5 inches, from which the mean run-off was 35.5%, including loss by evaporation. These watersheds are partially wooded, undulating pasture-lands, uncultivated, covered with deep soil, and clothed with native grasses that spring up annu- ally from seed and have little permanent sod. The results of the measured catchment from these areas indicates that, in general terms, on watersheds of this character from 20 to 35 inches of rainfall are annually taken into the soil and absorbed in plant-growth and evaporation. Pacoima Submerged Dam, California.—One of the most novel and inter- esting masonry dams erected for impounding water in California, where so many novelties and experimental works have been carried out, is a slender MASONRY DAMS. 275 little reservoir wall built across Pacoima Creek, in the San Fernando Valley, 20 miles north of Los Angeles, for the purpose of forming an underground reservoir, whose storage capacity consists solely of the voids in the gravel- bed filling the valley of the stream. The creek drains a watershed whose area is 30.5 square miles above the point where it issues from the mountains. Here it flows over exposed bed- rock, and the normal summer flow, which diminishes gradually from about 100 to less than 10 miner’s inches, is entirely diverted by a pipe-line and used below for irrigation. The dam in question is located 24 miles further down, where the channel of the stream is contracted to a width of 550 feet by a ledge of sandstone which crosses it at about right angles. Between the dam and the mouth of the canyon is a continuous bed of gravel, in places half a mile wide, which, though lying on a heavy grade, constitutes the storage-reservoir.. The dam was constructed by excavating a straight trench (shown in Fig. 196), 6 feet wide, from side to side of the channel, down to and into the sandstone bed-rock. In the center of the trench a wall of rubble masonry was laid, 3 feet wide at base, 2 feet at surface, using the cobbles excavated from the trench, and a mortar of Portland cement and sand, The mistake was made of not filling the entire width of the trench with concrete, thoroughly rammed between the side walls, which would probably have insured satisfactory water-tightness. As it was, the space each side of the wall was refilled with gravel, and the wall was not thick enough or sufficiently well pointed to be entirely water-tight. The general height of the wall is 40 feet, the maximum being 52 feet. Plan, profile, and section of the dam are shown in Fig. 198. ‘Two gathering- wells are provided in the line of the wall, each 4 feet inside diameter, reaching from bottom to top. Three lines of drain-pipes, 8 and 10 inches diameter and made of asphalt concrete, laid with open joints, are placed inside the dam leading to the wells, the function of which is to gather the water and feed it to the wells. Outlet-pipes 14 inches diameter, one from each well, lead to either side of the valley. ‘These are placed 13 feet below the top of dam and connect with a main leading to the pipe distributing system supplying the irrigated lands. When the reservoir is drained down to the level of these outlets further draft is made by pumping, which is required for about 100 days during late summer and fall. The cost of the dam is given at $50,000, and the volume of masonry was about 2000 cubic yards. It is a piece of amateur work, built without engineering advice, but it serves a useful purpose, though not at all commen- surate to its cost. It is, however, a type of dam that may be applicable to other localities more naturally favorable than this. ‘WV NVENVUUTLENG VNIOOVG HOd HONAUT dO NOILVAVIXY—O6T “OMT ‘NY NVONVuUudLang WWIOOVG UAAO ONISSVd GOOTY dO MAIA— L6T ‘SI 278 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. PROFILE SUBMERGED DAM ~ LOOKING UP STREAM s2--- _ ---507-- iia _ Qsrream Side Send Gravel and Boulders | S87G, G revel ato Boulders GE SECTION OF WELL "SECTION OF WALL. Fic. 198.—PLan arp PRoFILe oF Pacoma Dam. MASONRY DAMS 279 The dimensions and capacity of this novel reservoir cannot be clearly determined, but its surface area is approximately 300 acres, its mean depth probably 15 to 20 feet, and its capacity equivalent to the volume of voids in the gravel, or 1300 to 1500 acre-feet. Agua Fria Dam, Arizona.—One of the tributaries of the Gila River, which joins it from the north, below the city of Phoenix, is the Agua Fria River, heading in the mountains near Prescott, and draining some 1400 square miles of mountainous territory. The Agua Fria Land and Water Company have erected a masonry diverting-weir across the stream, at a point 14 to 2 miles above the northerly line of Gila Valley, and have pro- jected a storage-dam 14 miles higher up the stream, at a point called the Frog Tanks, to impound the flood-water for irrigation of the plains, beginning some twenty miles west of Pheenix. The dam is projected to the height of 120 feet above the bed of the stream. The width of the canyon is here 298 feet at the level of the sand, but at top the dam will be 1160 feet long. Sections of the two dam-sites and profiles of the dams are shown in Fig. 201. Soundings have been made over the greater portion of the channel width, and what is presumed to be bed-rock has been found at depths of 9 to 15 feet, but for a space of 50 feet no bottom was found with 24-foot sounding-rods. As the greatest depth to bed-rock at the diverting-dam below was but 40 feet, this depth has been assumed for the maximum of the unexplored 50 feet at the upper site, thus making the extreme height of the dam 160 feet. The reservoir to be closed by this dam will be 5 miles in length, flooding an area of 3200 acres and impounding 108,000 acre-feet. With a dam of gravity profile, with base of 124 feet and crest 8 feet wide, the volume of masonry required is computed at 128,650 cubic yards. The enterprise, when completed, is expected to furnish water for irrigating 50,000 acres of superb valley land that is now an absolute desert. A main canal has been projected, 25 miles in length, with a capacity of 400 second-feet, and some four miles of the heaviest work was completed from the dam down the left bank to the point where the canal is intended to cross the river by a 700-foot flume. This canal is 18 feet on bottom and is to carry 8 feet depth of water, on a grade of 2.11 feet per mile. The diversion-dam, upon which about $100,000 had been expended at the time work was suspended in the fall of 1895, wil: have a top length of 640 feet, a maximum height of 80 feet, a top width of 10 feet, and a base of 65 feet. When finished it will contain 17.200 cubic yards of masonry, and will have cost in the neighborhood of $150,000. The only apparent purpose of this dam was to save the construction of a conduit, 14 miles in Jength, in the canyon between the storage- £80 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER ETC. dam proper and the diverting-weir. The storage dam must be built before the scheme is of any value, or before there is any water available for irrigation. The reasons which led to this error in judgment were, first, a misappre- hension as to the depth to bed-rock at the lower site. In fact, the dam was begun without a sufficient knowledge of what a great undertaking it was to be, and so much money had heen expended before it was known or suspected that the extreme depth finally reached was to be so great that it was then Fie. 199.—MEASURING-BOxX USED BY Mactay Rancuo Water ComPANY. too late to abandon the work. The second reason was the confident expecta- tion that the volume of underflow that would be brought to the surface of the dam would reach from ‘‘500 to 1000 miner’s inches,” which, if real- ized, would have enabled the projectors to use the canal at once in the rec- lamation of the desert land entered under the United States Desert Land Act before the main reservoir could be made available. This ‘‘ underflow” development was, however, a sore disappointment, as the flow when finally secured amounted to less than fifteen miner’s inches, about what had been predicted by the writer when consulted on the subject a year or more before. The cross-sectional area of the two channels in which the underflow was passing beneath the surface is approximately as follows: East Channel.........-....-.00000- 504 square feet. West) “8 “atata ebsites stein 2685 Totalecc.s2ecseseeeaede: 31389 “6 If the voids in the coarse sand with which these channels are filled could be assumed to be 28% of the entire area, which they are approximately, the T8Z “WVG-ONILUFAIGQ: VIUY VODY dO IGNNVH)D LISA JO SNOILVONNOY— YONG “OTT 282 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. rate of flow established by the discharge of 15 inches (0.3 second-foot) would be precisely one mile per annum, a velocity which coincides with the observations of several authorities on the rate of flow through sand of that character. It may be noted in this connection that the volume of under- flow in sandy rivers is generally vastly smaller than the popular conception of it, and for this reason submerged dams for raising this underflow are usually commercial failures, except where the material of the stream-bed is a coarse gravel, with little or no fine sand intermingled. Quarry i as an a a poe a a af” ' Sectional Aree, 84320 bg. Fr. ‘ ' tus Ny - - ¥60~-~ -.-- —S Fic. 201.—Cross-sections or AGUA Frta DIvERTING-DAM AND STORAGH-RESERVOIR Dam, ARIZONA. The masonry used in the diverting-dam is a rough rubble, faced with coursed ashlar, mostly laid in a mortar of hydraulic lime of good quality, burned about 20 miles from the dam. (See Figs. 200 and 202.) Fora portion of the work a small amount of Portland cement, made in Colton, California, was used. The rock was handled by a Lidgerwood cableway, with a span of 700 feet. The excavation of foundations, amounting to about 12,000 cubic yards, was accomplished by teams and scrapers, the water being handled by centrifugal pumps. In October, 1895, a flood came which poured over the fresh masonry for several hours to the depth of 8 feet, and finally carried away a section 100 feet long, 12 feet deep, near the west end. The partial failure of the wall is accounted for by the fact that in laying the masonry each course was leveled off smoothly with mortar, in the fashion to which brick-masons are addicted in laying up house-walls. There was thus little bond between the courses, which is so essential in dam-work. A view of the dam, taken from Lv — 0% “OTT oe “VID VONOV FHL NO NVG-ONILUAATC cOC 284 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the canal bank, is shown in Fig. 202, reproduced by permission from a paper entitled ‘Irrigation near Phoenix, Arizona,” by Arthur P. Davis, C.E., Hydrographer, U. 8. Geological Survey, being No. 2 of the series of “‘ Water-supply and Irrigation Papers,” from which some of the data for the foregoing description are derived. In addition to the Frog Tanks reservoir-site the company have a second location, 8 miles higher up the river, where the gorge is but 262 feet wide at the river-bed, in solid rock, and but 500 feet wide at a height of 200 feet. This basin is said to have a capacity of 150,000 acre-feet, with a dam 150 feet high. The watershed, which drains the east slopes of the Brad- shaw Mountains, reaches summit elevations of 6000 to 8000 feet. A reasonable estimate of rainfall and run-off from this shed is a precipitation of 16 inches and an annual run-off of 15%, which would yield 142,300 acre- feet. Storage-reservoirs for Water-Supply Along the Line of the Santa Fé Pacific Railway in Arizona.—The northern portion of Arizona, traversed by the Santa Fé Pacific Railway, is an elevated plateau draining into the Colorado Canyon on the north, the Colorado River on the west, and the Verde, Salt, and Gila rivers on the south. This region has a maximum elevation of over 7000 feet along the railway and receives a greater precip- itation than the lower altitudes in the southern part of the territory, but it is largely capped with volcanic lava and indurated ash, through which the water from rain and melted snow rapidly sinks and disappears. Living springs and streams are therefore infrequent, and the water-supply for rail- way purposes is so unevenly distributed as to necessitate the impounding of flood-waters in artificial reservoirs. This necessity is chiefly due to the general absence, in the valleys of that region, of beds of coarse sand and gravel, which constitute nature’s storage-basins. The railway company, to avoid hauling water from point to point over this section of the road, has constructed several substantial dams for storage purposes at convenient points near the line of the railway, all of an interesting character in their construction from an engineering standpoint, although unimportant in the volume of water stored compared with works located in more favorable localities. These reservoirs are the following: Volume Stored. r : Height Elevation Locality. ne Character of Dam. above ; bets Sea-level. Cubic Feet. | Acre-ft.| Feet. Kane man pircsisciesere| seetaes ay eed ease 16 Masonry, submerged Seligman ............ 39,651,000 | 703 68 Masonry : 5884 Asb Fork............. 4,950,000 | 113.6 46 Steel 5445 Williams. ............ 14,700,000 | 338 46 Masonry 7000 Walnut Canyon....... 20,798,000 | 488 70.4 , Masonry ' 6282 MASONRY DAMs. 285 The Kingman Submerged Dam.—About one mile west of Kingman the railway company have a well sunk in the gravelly bed of Railroad Canyon, from which they pump water for filling their tank at Kingman to supply the town, as well as the locomotives of the railway. To increase this supply and to furnish water by gravity to another tank 4 miles below, a masonry dam was built on bed-rock to intercept the underflow of the stream and store water in the gravel bed above the dam. The dam consisted of a slender masonry wall, 2 feet thick at top, 6 feet thick at base, and 16 feet high, crossing the canyon from side to side and reaching up nearly to the surface of the stream-bed. A trench was excavated in a straight line, the dam was built, and the gravel restored to its natural position, so that floods pass over its top unobstructed. ‘The dam is thus entirely concealed from view. At the northerly end of the dam it was SUBMERGED QAI ar KINGMAN “Seare wor Freer q les 0% OF Viet COMmE. St "OST — mare Fig. 203.—SUBMERGED STORAGE- AND DIVERTING-DAM, NEAR KINGMAN, ARIZONA. necessary to tunnel some distance under the railway in gravelly formation in order to carry the masonry to the bed-rock wall of the canyon on that side. This tunnel was made 12 feet wide, 20 feet high, and about 30 feet long, the top of the tunnel being 16 feet below the rails. A 6-inch cast: iron outlet-pipe is built through the dam 12 feet below the top, at one side. Four feet above the dam an elbow is placed, upturned vertically, and an 8- inch wrought-iron stand-pipe 10 feet long is inserted in the elbow. This stand-pipe is perforated with 3-inch holes, placed 4 inch apart, for straining the water, the top being capped. The gravel reservoir is kept filled to thé top of the dam by the natural underflow, and thus the town well is sup- plied and the lower tank automatically filled by gravity, the discharge being controlled by a float. No shortage of water has been experienced since the dam was built in 1897. The dam is 173 feet long on top, and contains 320 cubic yards of masonry. (See Fig. 203.) The Seligman Dam.—This structure was begun June 25, 1897, and completed Feb. 28, 1898. It is the largest and most expensive of all the structures of its class built by the railroad company. It is located three miles southeast of the town of Seligman, an important division terminal 286 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER POWER, EI. 5104 feet above sea-level. ‘The dimensions of the dam are as follows: Length at base, 145 feet; length on crest, 643 feet; height, 68 feet; thick- ness at base, 47.77 feet; thickness 3.1 ft. below the over flow or 5.1 ft. below the crest, 5.14 feet; thickness at top, 1.75 feet. It is arched up-stream with aradius of 800 feet from the line of the water-face. The cubica contents are 18,161.4 cubic yards, divided as follows: Concrete in foundation........... 0... 300 cubic yards. Rough rubble in core... 22. vee 13,843.4 °° oe Drésseu asivla. sie tat oe at ha Gas BOLE tt ss COPY. o eine st hen ee oe aos 20U.38 “SE The work was done by contract, the railway company furnishing the cement and delivering the stone, sand, and cement on cars to the dam-site, the contractor quarrying and loading the stone. The rubble sandstone was Fic. 204——SrtiamMan Dam, ARIZONA. hauled 43 miles from Rock Butte. on the S. F.. P. & P. R.R., the facing- stone was hauled 175 miles from Holbrook, and the sand 150 miles from the Sacramento Wash. ‘Lhe contract prices were: $9 per yard for coping, 86.50 per vard for facings, $4.62 for rubble. and $2.81 for concrete. The total cost of the dam was in excess of $150.000. The character of the masonry is well shown by the photograph (Fig. 204) of the lower face during erection. Fig.205 shows the water-face and end buttresses. The water appearing in the foreground is retained by a low earth dam that had been in use for some time prior to the construction of the masonry dam. ‘The center of the dam is depressed two feet below MASONRY DAMS. 287 the crest for a distance of 340 feet, and curved in the form of the segment of a vertical parabola for the overflow, which is the true form taken by falling water pouring over a weir. The maximum capacity of this spillway is 3400 second-feet, and as the watershed tributary to the dam is but 18 square miles, the capacity provided is doubtless greatly in excess of what will ever be required. The outlets to the reservoir consist of two 8-inch cast-iron pipes, placed 6 feet apart between centers, 54 feet below the crest of dam, on the north Fig. 205.—Srnieman Dam, Arizona. View or Upper Face puring Construction, side of the ravine, and one of similar size on the south side, used as a waste. These pipes are connected with vertical stand-pipes, inside the reservoir, standing 10 feet high and 6 feet from the face of the dam. Secrion seorere ke era soue secant ae cree Lop stag. Sonccae Fig. 206.—Secrion anp Prorite oF SELIGMAN Dam, ARIZONA. They are of wrought iron, capped at top and perforated with 2-inch holes, bored 4 inch from center to center. They form the intake, and serve:to strain the water and keep out trash from the pipes. Gate-valves are placed in each pipe at the outside toe of the dam, and the pipes are reduced below the valves to 6 inches in diameter, where one of them is connected with the main pipe line leading to Seligman. The reservoir is 3000 feet 288 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. long, and covers an area of 25} acres. Its maximum capacity is 30,651,000 cubic feet, or 703 acre-feet, of which one-third is in the upper ten feet, The average loss by evaporation from January to June inclusive was found to be 0.03 foot per day, or an annual rate of 10.95 feet. This loss, applied to the mean surface exposed, would amount to 15% per cent of the entire volume in 809 days, assuming an average daily consumption of 16,000 cubic feet during that time. A full reservoir is therefore expected to supply 120,000 gallons daily for 24 years, after deducting evaporation. The catchment is somewhat unreliable, and the reservoir did not receive any water for the first two years after it was built. Fig. 206 illustrates the section of the canyon and the profile of the dam. The fine appearance which the immense mass of masonry presents inspires regret that it should be hidden from public view from passing trains, although it is easily accessible to those who care to step off at Seligman and inspect it. The Williams Dam.—The first of the series of dams for storage erected by the railway company was constructed near the town of Williams in 1894. It has an extreme height of 46 feet, is 385 feet long on the crest, 50 feet long at the base, where its thickness is 32 feet. The thickness at top is 4 feet. It is arched up-stream with a radius of 573 feet from the line of the vertical water-face. The dam contains 5226 yards of masonry and consumed 3640 barrels of cement in construction. Its cost was $52,838. The dam has been a serviceable structure. The capacity of the reservoir is 110,000,000 gallons. The watershed area is not definitely known, but is small. The Walnut Canyon Dam.— Walnut Canyon is a tributary of the Little Colorado River, which heads in Mormon Mt. a little south and east of Flagstaff. The watershed area above the dam is 126 square miles, which ordinarily affords a much greater run-off than the storage capacity of the reservoir. The geological formation of the canyon walls at the dam-site is sandstone in heavy layers or strata in nearly level beds. The bottom of the canyon was so filled with débris of earth and stone that it was necessary to excavate 28 feet below the surface to reach bed-rock, on which the dam was erected. The width at this point was but 30 feet, at the surface of stream- bed 120 feet, and at the top of the dam 268 feet. The extreme height of the dam is 77.6 feet. Its thickness at base is 61.5 feet. ‘The water-face 1s vertical, while the upper face has a batter of 7} inches to the foot between the vertical curves at top and toe. The top is rounded in parabolic form to a thickness of 13 feet at a point 10.4 feet below the crest, to form an easy overflow for surplus waste water, while at the base the wall is vertical for 10 feet, above which is a vertical curve, tangential to the horizon, pass- ing through 58° of arc, to a point 46.4 feet below the top, where the thick- ness is 35.5 feet. ‘This design forms an exceedingly massive structure with unusually large factor of safety. The dam is arched up-stream with a radius MASONRY DAMS. 289 of 400 feet to the line of the water-face. The masonry consists of 5244 cubic yards of heart rubble, 1572 cubic yards of facing ashlar masonry in irregular courses, with dressed beds, and 80 cubic yards of cut coping- Fig. 207.—Watnut Canyon Dam, ARIZONA. stone—a total of 6986 cubic yards. There were 6070 barrels of Portland cement used in construction. The total cost, exclusive of excavation, oe = agen ieee jo—— Log ——- of £4.476.00 freee Lire by Bate or 04m Fic. 208.—Secrion anp Prorite or WatnuT Canyon Dam, ARIZONA. was about $55,000. The stone used was quarried at the dam-site and was of good quality. The outlets consist of two 10-inch cast-iron pipes, placed 6 feet apart, at an elevation of 30.4 feet below the top of the dam, 10 feet above the stream- bed. Vertical strainer-pipes, 10 feet high, are placed over the upper ends 290 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. of the outlets in the reservoir, 6 feet from the face of the dam. Outside, the pipes are controlled by 10-inch Ludlow gates, and are reduced to 8 inches diameter below the gates. The main pipe-line from the dam follows the canyon for 44 miles to the railroad crossing, and thence follows the track easterly 12 miles further to a tank. Fig. 207 isa view of the dam from below when nearly completed. Fig. 208 showsthe profile of the dam as constructed, and a section of the canyon at the dam-site. The reservoir was filled for the first time on the 8th of March, 1898, and if it had been water-tight should have supplied an estimated consumption of 60,000 gallons daily for more than two years, allowing for a daily evapora- tion loss of 0.03 foot. The water, however, disappeared very rapidly, and by September 20th was all gone, having lasted but 196 days instead of the estimated 356 days. The draft for consumption on the road was not greater than had been assumed in the original calculation, and the excessive loss could only be accounted for by percolation through the sandstone or through the seams separating the underlying limestone from the sandstone. It is hoped that the reservoir will ultimately puddle itself and become tight, and efforts are being made to assist the process by plowing and loosening clay soil at points above. It is unfortunate that the usefulness of such a fine structure should be curtailed by this unexpected leakage in the walls of the reservoir, but it is possible that the loss of water may gradually lessen and finally cease. This experience illustrates, however, one of the vicissitudes attending the impounding of water. Under the most favorable conditions the annual loss by evaporation on this reservoir would be nearly 35% of the volume of storage capacity. No run-off was caught during the summer of 1899, and in the latter part of August it was still dry. The entire series of reservoir dams have been constructed under the supervision of Mr. R. B. Burns, Chief Engineer, Santa Fé Pacific Railway, to whom the writer is indebted for the data concerning the works and the views which illustrate them. Lynx Creek Dam, Arizona.—This structure was located 12 miles east of. Prescott, Arizona, and was designed to impound water for hydraulic mining on Lynx Creek,some 4 miles below. It was intended for an ultimate height of 50 feet, and was started with a base of 28 feet. When it had reached a height of 28 feet on the up-stream side, the lower edge of the crest being 2 feet higher, it was roughly squared off with the intention of adding the remaining portion at a later date, when a sudden flood overtopped the dam and ruptured it, taking out about 35 feet of the masonry down to the bed- rock. The break is shown by the view, Fig. 209, looking up-stream. It occurred in 1891, and the dam has never been rebuilt. The dimensions of the dam were ample to withstand any overflow to be expected from the be MASONRY DAMS. 9 2 wo ie * Fic. 209.—Lynx Creek Dam, Arizona, arteR Rupture BY FLoop. FROM BELOW. Fic. 210 —Lynx Creek Dam, ARIZONA. a VIEW SECTION SHOWING FacING WALLS AND ConcRETE HEARTING. ~92 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. floods draining the tributary watershed of 30 square miles of territory, from 5500 to 7500 feet in elevation, had the masonry been of reasonably good quality. The failure, therefore, was clearly due to poor workmanship and unsuitable materials. The dam was 150 feet long on crest, and was built with a central angle of about 165° opposed to the direction of the current, the up-stream face being vertical. ‘The wall consisted of a thin facing of hand-laid masonry, not over one foot thick, the core being filled with a weak concrete of fine gravel, stone, spawls, and sand. ‘The section of the dam as constructed is clearly seen from the photograph (Fig. 210). Considerable lime was used with the cement, which was of poor quality, and the concrete, though ten years old, possesses so little cohesion that it may be crumbled with a light touch. The cement used averaged but 1 barrel to 6 cubic yards of masonry. The failure of the dam, under all the circumstances, might have been anticipated. It is referred to here merely as an example to illustrate the natural consequences that must follow any carelessness or lack of attention to proper selection of materials and skill of construction in masonry or concrete dams that must withstand the erosive action of floods as well as normal water-pressure. Concrete Dams of Portland, Oregon.—Among recent constructions of | concrete masonry three dams designed and erected by the author for the water-works of Portland, Oregon, in 1894, may be classed as worthy of note. They were built for the purpose of forming distributing reservoirs, and were located across natural ravines, or embayments in the hills, the reservoir space being largely augmented by excavation, and the slopes covered with a lining of concrete. One of these dams, shown in Fig. 211, closes reservoir No. 1 on the side of Mount Tabor, and is 35 feet high, 300 feet long, with a base of 18 feet and top width of 6 feet. The reservoir capacity is 12,000,000 gallons. Behind the dam the material excavated from the reservoir was placed, forming a heavy embankment whose top width is 100 feet. This is such an immovable barrier that the chief function of the concrete wall is to act as a retaining-wall for the inner slope of the earth-fill, and to form a part of the reservoir lining. The reservoir receives the water delivered by a steel-pipe line 24 miles long, amounting at maximum capacity to 22,400,000 gallons daily, and distributes it to three other reservoirs, one of which is but 2000 feet distant, shown in the photograph Fig. 216, and the other two are five miles away, across the Willamette River, and designated as reservoirs 3 and 4 (Fig. 213). Reservoir No. 3, high service, has a dam 200 feet long which is arched up-stream with a radius of 300 feet. Its height is 60 feet, base 40 feet, top width 15.5 feet, carrying on its crest a driveway of the City Park, in which it is located. ‘This is the only dam of the three which is curved, and the only one which does not exhibit some slight expansion-cracks. The dam forming reservoir No. 4, low service, is 50 feet high, 350 feet long, and 40 feet wide at base. The faces of these two dams, both of which are in the MASONRY DAMS. 293 Fic. 211—Resrrvorr No. 1, PortTLanp, Ore., WATERWORKS. CoNcRETE Dam witH EartH BackING. Fic. 212—Concrete Dam, 60 Fert Hicn, at Reservoir No. 3, PortTLanp, ORm. POWER-HOUSE IN FOREGROUND. b6c ‘NODAUC ‘ANVILYOG LV SNV( UNIOAUASAY JO MAIA YOIUMTLXY—e1Z ‘OL PAR RRO eC Fic. 214.—Concrers Dam at Reservorr No. 3, PorTuanp, OREGON, WATERWORKS, SHOWING POWER-HOUSE BELOW. Fic. 216.—Resrrvorr No. 2, PortLaAND, OREGON, WATERWORKS, SHOWING A@RATION Founralns. 295 296 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. City Park, are moulded and chiseled to resemble stone, and considerable ornamentation has been done on the parapets and about the gate-houses, as shown in Fig. 213, to which the concrete and iron construction lends itself to good advantage. It is needless to add that the dams of the dimensions given are of safe gravity profile, with ample factors of safety. Basin Creek Dam, Montana.—This dam was built in 1893-95 to impound water for a portion of the domestic supply of the city of Butte, Montana, and is located 13 miles south of the city, on Basin Creek. It was designed by Chester B. Davis, M. Am. Soc. C. E., and constructed under direction of Eugene Carroll, C.E., Chief Engineer. The construction was described in Engineering News, December 17, 1892, Aug. 7, 1893, and Sept. 5, 1895, in communications prepared by these engineers, from which the following data have been taken. The dam is constructed of large stone, with spaces thoroughly filled with concrete, made of crushed granite 3 parts, sand 3 parts, and Yankton Portland cement 1 part. It was designed for an ultimate height of 120 feet above the lowest foundation, assumed to be at elevation 5780 feet above sea-level, or 30 feet below stream-bed, and was curved up-stream with a radius of 350 feet from its water-face. The thick- ness at base was to be 83 feet, and at top 10 feet ; up-stream face vertical. At full height it would impound about 1,000,000,000 gallons (3069 acre- feet), covering’ an area of 130 acres to a mean depth of 23.6 feet. The dam was not completed higher than to the 5860-foot contour, or 40 feet below the projected crest, although its actual maximum height is 88 feet, of which 28 feet is below the stream-bed level, and it now can impound 200,000,000 gallons. The contents of the dam are 11,500 cubic yards of masonry. Its top length is 259 feet. Three 20-inch pipes are laid through the dam at its center, at the creek-bed level, two of which are used for blow- off. These pipes are controlled by plain cover-valves, resting on upturned elbows inside the dam, and raised by a windlass from the top. Gate-valves on the pipes below the dam give secondary control. The materials of construction were hauled by a Lidgerwood cableway, with a clear span of 892 feet, the main cable being 2} inches diameter, sus- pended 60 feet higher than the 120-foot crest-line. This cableway crossed over the quarry, and was stretched on the chord of the inner face of the dam. The loads were swung either side of this line by using a single horse pulling from a rope attached to the load and leading back over a sheave to a snubbing-post. ‘The limited space made the use of derricks for this purpose inconvenient. For a distance of 9 miles from the dam the main conduit to the city consists of a wooden-stave pipe, 24 inches in diameter, built by the Excelsior Wood-stave Pipe Co. of San Francisco, of which Mr. D. C. Henny, now supervising Engr. U. 8S. Rec. Service, was manager and engineer. High Pressure Mining Dams.—A curiosity in the line of masonry dams is the one built in the Curry mine, at Norway, Michigan, to cluse MASONRY DAMS. 297 a drift 6 feet wide, 74 feet high, and thereby cut off a troublesome stream of water. It was built of sandstone, arched against the direction of the pressure, with a thickness of 10 feet, and laid in Hilton-cement mortar, in the proportion of 1 to 2ofsand. The dam (Fig. 217) is nearly 800 feet below the surface, and when the water fills behind it is subjected to a pressure of 277 lbs. to the square inch, equal to a static head of 640 feet, or a total pressure against the dam of over 800 tons. The dam was designed and built by Wm. Kelly, M. Am. Inst. M. E., and the most extraordi- Longitudinal Section. Fig. 217.—Masonry Dam vunpbER 640-FooT HEAD, THE GREATEST RECORDED WATER-PRESSURE ON MASONRY. nary precedent on record of masonry under such extremely high pressure. It was made practically water-tight by building a brick wall, 22 inches thick, 26 inches above the face of the dam, filling the intermediate space with concrete, and placing a quantity of horse-manure against the brick- work, which was held in position by a plank partition or bulkhead. When finally tested the leakage was but 7 gallons per minute. The dam cost $484.27. (See Engineering News, Dec. 16, 1897.) 298 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. High-head Dams in Chapin Mine, Michigan.—Subsequent to the construction of this dam, two others of similar character and purpose, but under still higher pressure, were built in the Chapin Mine, Michigan. One of these, on the east branch of the twelfth level, is at a depth of 960 feet from the surface, and resists a pressure of 355 pounds per square inch, equal to a head of 816 feet. The dam was made in the form of a circular arch, 6 feet in thickness, with an inner radius of 7.3 feet. It is set into deep skewbacks, cut into the walls of limestone surrounding it, and is formed of blocks of sandstone, laid in 1:2 cement mortar. This was backed up by concrete 5 feet in thickness on the crowning side of the arch. A 38-inch extra heavy pipe with gate- valve passes through the dam. The total load upon the dam is 1840 tons. The second dam, in the west branch of the twelfth level tunnel, is under the same head, but being slightly higher withstands a total load of over 2500 tons. It is a simple plug of concrete, 20 feet long, about 10X10 feet in size, with an 8-inch outlet-pipe passing through it. The concrete is braced on the outer face by two heavy vertical girders of steel, behind five horizontal steel rails of heavy weight, all cemented into off-sets or recesses cut into the walls of the tunnel. The drift is 10 feet wide by about the same height. The New Croton Dam, New York. (Fig. 218.)—It is perhaps appro- priate that the commercial metropolis of the United States should have the highest dam in the world, embodying the most enormous mass of masonry in existence, and costing more money than any dam ever built. The dam occupied fourteen years in construction, having been begun September, 20, 1892, and completed January 1, 1907, at a total cost of $7,631,185.69, which included the construction of 20 miles of new highway and the reinforcing of 3 miles of the old Croton aqueduct. The excavation for the foundations involved the removal of 1,821,400 cubic yards of earth and 400,250 cubic yards of rock. The masonry in the structure has a total volume of 855,000 cubic yards. The dam has a maximum height of 297 feet above the lowest founda- tions, a base width of 296 feet at the level of 131 feet below the original river-bed, anc a length of 2200 feet on the crest, including a masonry waste-weir 1000 feet in length. The width on the crest is 18 feet at a height of 14 feet above the spillway level, but a roadway 19.5 feet wide is carried over the top of the dam by corbeling out near the top to get the necessary width, which is accomplished by a series of ornamental arches, which greatly add to the architectural effect. The area of the reservoir formed by the dam is about 3360 acres, and its capacity is MASONRY DAMS. 299 about 180,000 acre-feet. The average cost per unit of storage is there- fore about $42 per acre-foot. The dam was designed by the late Alphonse Fteley, Past President Am. Soc. C. E., who carried on construction for nearly eight years, until January 1, 1900, when he resigned and was succeeded by W. R. Hill, M. Am. Soc. C. E. After the resignation of Mr. Hill as chief engineer of the Aqueduct Commission, J. Waldo Smith, M. Am. Soc. C. E., was appointed and served for two years, succeeded by Walter H. Sears, as Fic. 218.—Nrew Croton Dam, N. Y. Spittway In ForeGRouND SPANNED BY BRIDGE. M. Am. Soc. C. E. The work was directly supervised for the first twelve years by Chas. 8. Gowen, M. Am. Soe. C. E., as division engineer. The Cross River Dam, New York (Figs. 219 and 220).—The Aqueduct Commission of New York City have under construction and practically completed a high masonry dam for storage of water on Cross River, a branch of the Croton River, near Katonah, N. Y., to the extent of a total capacity of 9,000,000,000 gallons (27,540 acre-feet) at a cost under the contract awarded to MacArthur Bros. Company and Winston & Co. of $1,246,211.60. 300 10 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC, Sit thOe at Fic. 220.—Tue Cross River Dam ror New York City Water SupPuy. MASONRY DAMS. 301 The dam will have a maximum height of 170 feet above the founda- tion, and a crest length of 772 feet. The width on top is 23 feet, and at base 127.7 feet. The total volume of the masonry is computed at 155,000 cubic yards. It consists of cyclopean rubble, laid between facing walls of concrete blocks, 2 to 3 feet wide, 3 feet in depth at bottom courses, diminishing to 2 feet at the top. The concrete of those blocks is mixed in the proportions of 1 of cement, 2.3 sand, and 4.7 broken stone, moulded in steel-faced moulds to produce a smooth surface. These blocks are set in rich mortar, consisting of 1 of cement to 2.5 of sand and pointed with 1:1 mortar. The blocks have a maximum weight of 6 tons. The concrete of the heart of the dam is mixed in the proportion of 1:3.2:5.8 into which large blocks of stone are imbedded. The work was constructed under the charge of Walter H. Sears, M. Am. Soc. C. E. J. Waldo Smith, M. Am. Soc. C. E., is chief en- gineer of the Aqueduct Commission, Prof. Wm. H. Burr, consulting engineer. The profile of the dam is shown on Plate No. 3. At its southerly end it is continued by an earth embankment with masonry core-wall 150 feet long, while at the northerly end is located a spillway constructed along the hillside a distance of 240 feet. The Croton Falls Dam, New York.—Quite similar in design and height to the Cross River dam is the structure also being built by the Aqueduct Commission of New York City on the west branch of Croton River, near Croton Falls, N. Y. The dam will have the same profile and crest width, but its length will be 1095 feet, terminating at the north end with an abutment from which an earth dam with masonry core-wall will be continued 100 feet further. The spillway is to be 700 feet long, constructed along the hillside nearly at right angles to the direction of the dam. Mr. Walter H. Sears is also chief engineer of this work. The reservoir will have a capacity of 14,000,000,000 gallons (42,840 acre- feet). : Spier Falls Dam, New York.—The Hudson River Water-Power Company in 1900 to 1905 constructed a high masonry dam across the Hudson River, 9 miles above Glen Falls, N. Y., having a height of 154 feet, a base width of 112 feet, and a thickness of 17 feet at top, which is 10 feet above the full reservoir level. At the original surface, which is 64 feet above the lowest foundation, the thickness is 74.1 feet. The up-stream side is vertical for 41 feet from the top, thence batters 5.7% to the bottom. On the down-stream side it is vertical for 4 feet, where a vertical curve of 81.74 feet radius continues 58.4 feet further, to where a batter of 1 to 1.045 begins. From the original ground level to the 302 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. base the slope is 65%. The main dam, a section of which is shown in Plate III, extends across the river channel a length of 552 feet. This is continued by an overflow rollway weir section in masonry 817 feet long, 10 feet lower than the crest of the main dam. The total volume of masonry was 180,000 cubic yards. It is of the class known as cyclopean masonry, composed of large blocks of granite imbedded in a mortar of concrete, comprising about 30% of the mass. ENG.NEws. Fic. 221.—Spizr Fatits Dam, N. Y. PRoFILES OF OVERFALY AND A3UTMENT SECTIONS. The dam creates a reservoir 5.5 miles long, from which a power- head of 80 feet is derived, furnishing 20,000 H.P. at the minimum low water. The dam was built under the supervision of Mr. Charles F. Parsons, chief engineer. The Ithaca Dam, New York (Figs. 222 and 223).—One of the curiosities of recent dam construction is situated two miles from the city of Ithaca, on Six-Mile Creek, in a narrow rock gorge, with vertical walls but 90 feet apart. The dam was designed by Prof. Gardner S. Williams, M. Am. Soc. C. E., of Cornell University, who was inspired by the narrowness of the site to attempt a structure of most unusual slenderness and peculiar form. It was intended to be 90 feet in height, with a radius of 57.75 feet on the down-stream face, in the shape of a section of a spherical shell, with overhanging crest. In deference to popular distrust of the safety of the structure, it was finally reduced to the height of 30 feet above MASONRY DAMS. 303 base, and finished off with an up-stream batter of 45° and a top thick- ness of 1 foot. The maximum thickness is 7.75 feet. The dam is com- posed of concrete, mixed in the proportion of 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, 2 parts gravel, and 2 parts broken stone, crushed to pass a 4-inch ring. The concrete was placed between thin walls of vitrified paving- brick, laid in a single course on each face, in cement mortar anchored into the body of the concrete by flat steel bolts, 15 4X7 inches, turned up 4 inch at each end and placed at every fifth brick in every fifth course. Fic. 222.—Iraaca Dam, New York, ILLustraTiInc CoNcRETE CONSTRUCTION BETWEEN Brick-FACING Forms. Inside the brick facings is a layer of rich cement mortar, 3 inches thick, in which are imbedded bands of steel, 3 inches wide, 3 inch thick, placed 4 feet apart, extending entirely around the structure, and tied through the dam every 4 feet by %-inch steel rods, having a nut on each side of the bands. Over the steel frame thus formed is a wire netting with 4-inch mesh imbedded in the mortar. The dam cost $25,000 and required the following quantities: Hxca- vation, 500 cubic yards; concrete, 1000 cubic yards; brick, 120,000 (240 cubic yards); steel, 5000 pounds; cement, 1800 barrels. All concrete was put in very wet. The brick walls were laid flat, 3 to 4 feet in advance of the concrete and obviated the use of other forms. 304 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The structure was built for the Ithaca Water Co. to provide storage for city supply from an area of 48 square miles. The Ashokan Dam, New York.—The City of Greater New York is engaged in the most costly work ever undertaken by a municipality for the increase of its water-supply to the extent of 500,000,000 gallons daily by [the gathering of water in huge reservoirs in the Catskill Moun-tains, to be conveyed by an aqueduct of enormous size, 82 Cam-trom Oren 701. peel 7 en 821M th, Chaseal 7 7 Mee § B Be | ! I ' @0.10--— 1 —— 0.20 69.451 1 vl os] ‘ 241.00 61.65" , e50'| Fe 217.00 we} R SIX-MILE CREEK OAM. 3 | 1 ! 1 | 1 ! 1 ! ITHACA WATER- WORKS CO. ' | ' 1 | | | 1 v 1 | 1 1 ~_Aals of Up-tream Face, of Mata Dam 2 e+ ee tee Fig. 223.—IrHaca Concrete-Brick Facep Dam. SgctTions oF Dam as PLANNED. miles long, to the city. The works are estimated to cost upwards of $162,000,000. The principal reservoir, called the Ashokan reservoir, will cover an area of 8300 acres, and have a capacity of 368,030 acre-feet. Its max- imum depth will be 180 feet, and its mean depth 45 feet, or 25% of the maximum. It will receive its supply from the run-off of 255 square miles of watershed area. A masonry dam to contain 884,000 cubic yards of masonry, called the Olive Bridge dam, is to be erected, and in addition there are required five earth dams or dikes to complete the inclosure of the basin, involving the handling of about 7,000,000 cubic MASONRY DAMS. 305 yards of earth. The excavation required for these structures is enor- mous in quantity, amounting to 1,910,000 cubic yards of earth, and 425,000 cubic yards of rock. The specifications require all of the work to be completed in eighty-four months. Bids were received for this work August 6, 1907. The lowest bidder was the John Peirce Company of New York in the aggregate sum of $10,315,350, but the contract was awarded to the next bidders, Mac- Arthur Bros. Co. and Winston & Co., for $12,669,775, on the recom- K 264" EL610 Die 4 Drainag Slocks ORS Concrete ee a0 SS OOTP: cD OFA a) wi BEIRLOS Guarana eS Oe BUSS sO 0 e380 Sy Fie. 224.—AsHoxan Dam, Masonry. mendation of the Chief Engineer, J. Waldo Smith, M. Am. Soc. C. E., and the Board of Consulting Engineers, Messrs. John R. Freeman, Frederic P. Stearns, and Wm. H. Burr, M. M. Am. Soe. C. E., on the ground that the lowest bid was below cost in the earthwork portion. This position is not sustained by a board of nine advisory engineers, who maintain by minute cost analysis that the lowest bid would have been profitable. The Olive Bridge dam, with crest elevation of 610 feet, will con- sist of a central masonry structure, 1000 feet long, straight in plan, with an earth dam on the same line, 2100 feet long on the north side, and a south wing of 1540 feet length. These embankments will have concrete core-walls reaching to elevation 596, or 6 feet above the flow line of the reservoir. 306 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The masonry structure will be built of cyclopean rubble masonry between face walls of large concrete blocks, and will have a maximum Cut off to Grade Cut-off if requirea-~ 3 + oS cS 8 S BR 8 iS 2. 8 | EON 1 ESE “& F Eas o- aS x 4 Sa S 3 . X g sk ee FS ign ac Hh $ Vian A S i py 3S SS vy RalZ ¥ ESB : ts a Oy ga BS x RAS S Bae g 8B 8 x N § & ¥ Q Flow Line E1590 Fic. 225.—AsHokan Dam, EaRrTH. height of 220 feet, a base of 190.2 feet, and a top width of 23 feet below the coping. It wiil carry a roadway, for which the top is corbeled out to an extreme width of 26 feet 4 inches. One of the special features of the design, which shows an inclination to follow the precedents established by German engineers, is the elaborate pro- vision made for drainage of the masonry by building inspection galleries at the water-line and near the bottom running the entire length of the dam, and con- nected by vertical or slightly inclined porous concrete drain-pipes, at intervals of about 11 feet. By this means all possibility of up- ward pressure upon the base of the dam or any portion above the base through the transmission of pressure by communication seams or cracks or open joints from the reservoir, will be avoided, and any water that may find passage through the face will be inter- cepted and drained away. The design- ing engineer was Mr. C. E. Gregory; Mr. Benj. 8. Wever is assistant engineer in charge, and Mr. Alfred D. Flinn, depart- ment engineer. The precedent established at the Wachusett reservoir of stripping all sur- lace soil from the basin was not fol- lowed in this case, but after investigation was declared to be an unnecessary ex- pense. The Titicus Dam, New York.—This structure is a part of the system of storage for the supply of New York City, and was built in 1890 to 1895, at a cost of $933,065. It resembles the New Croton Dam in general design, in that it is a combination of masonry and earth, the higher portion in the center of the valley consisting of masonry, flanked on either side by earthen embankments, provided with a central core-wall of masonry. The main MASONRY DAMS. 307 masonry dam is 135 feet high above foundation, 109 feet high above original surface, 75.2 feet thick at the level of the stream-bed, 20.7 feet thick at top, and 534 feet long. ‘The earthen dams are 732 and 253 feet long, respectively, the total length of dam being 1519 feet. A waste-weir, 200 feet long, built in steps on the lower side, is carried over a portion of the main masonry dam. The masonry consists of rough rubble, faced on either side with cut stone, laid in regular courses. The earthen dam is 9 feet higher than the crest of the spillway. It is 30 feet wide on top, with slopes of 24 to 1. The core-wall is of rubble masonry, 5 feet on top and 17 feet thick at a depth of 98 feet. It reaches to a maximum height of 124 feet above base. The greatest depth of water is 105 feet. The dam was planned by A. Fteley, Chief Engineer, and construction was originally in charge of Charles S. Gowen, who was subsequently succeeded by Alfred Craven as Division Engineer, and M. R. Ridgway, Assistant Engineer. The Sodom Dam, New York.—This is a purely masonry structure, built across the east branch of the Croton River in 1888-93, by the Aqueduct Commission of New York, and, in connection with the Bog Brook dams 1 and 2, forms what is known as ‘‘ Double Reservoir I.” ‘The reservoirs were connected by a tunnel, 1788 feet long, by which the surplus water from the Sodom dam is made to supply the other reservoir, whose watershed was but 3.5 square miles, while that tributary to the Sodom reservoir was 73.4 square miles. The tunnel thus equalizes the supply from the two watersheds. The combined storage capacity of the two reservoirs is about 9,500,000,000 gal- lons. The Sodom dam is 500 feet long on top, 98 feet high above founda- tion, 78 feet above stream-bed, and the masonry has a bottom thickness of 53 feet, and is 12 feet wide at top. It contains 35,887 cubic yards of rubble masonry, chiefly laid in Portland-cement mortar, mixed 2 to 1 and 3 to 1. A continuation of the masonry dam is carried along the crest of the ridge, nearly at right angles to the wall, in the form of an earthen embankment, 9 feet high, 600 feet long. In extension of this bank is a masonry overflow, 8 feet high, 500 feet long. The cost of the dam was $366,490. It was planned by Chief Engineer Fteley, and constructed by Geo. B. Burbank, Division Engineer, and Walter McCulloh, Assistant, later Division Engineer. An interesting account of the dam is to be found in a paper prepared for the American Society of Civil Engineers in March, 1893, by Mr. McCulloh, from which it appears to be one of the few masonry dams that were quite water-tight from the first filling of the reservoir, although ‘‘ sweating ” appears at several points on the lower face. The dam was built by the aid of a 2-inch cableway, stretched along its axis, with a span of 667 feet between towers. The Sodom reservoir covers an area of 574.9 acres and impounds 4,883,000,000 gallons. The Bog Brook reservoir, with which it is connected, floods a surface area of 410.4 acres. The Bog Brook dams are of earth with masonry core. Dam 308 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC No. 1 is 60 feet high and holds 54 feet maximum depth of water. It is 2% feet wide on top. The core-wall is 10 feet thick at base, 6 feet at top. Dam No. 2 is 25 feet high. The cost of the two dams was $510,430. The Boyd's Corner Dam, New York.—In 1866 the Croton Aqueduct Board of New York began a masonry dam near Boyd’s Corners, on the west branch of Croton River, which was completed in 1872. The dam contains 27,000 cubic yards of masonry, of which 21,000 yards are concrete hearting and 6000 yards are cut-stone facings. The dam has a maximum height of 78 feet, is 670 feet long on top, 200 feet long at level of stream-bed, 53.6 feet thick at base, 8.6 feet at top. The base is laid with a batter of 3 to 1 on each side to the original stream-level, 60 feet below the crest, where an offset of 1.5 feet was made on each side, and the dam was then carried up vertically on the water-face, and given a batter of 0.4 to 1 on the lower side. The reservoir covers 279 acres and impounds 2,722,700,000 gallons of water. The Indian River Dam, New York.—This important structure was erected in 1898 for increasing the size of Indian Lake and thus store water to supply the Champlain Canal, to add to the water-power, and to improve the navigation of Hudson River. It is located in Hamilton County in the northern part of New York State, on a tributary of the Hudson, at an elevation of 1655 feet at the high-water line. The dam is a combination masonry and earth structure, straight in plan, the masonry portion being 47 feet in extreme height, having a base width of 33 feet, a thickness on crest of 7 feet, and a total length of 207 feet. The earth embankment is a continuation of the masonry, 200 feet long, 15 feet wide on top, with inner slopes of 24 to 1, paved with 12 inches of stone riprap. The outer slope is 2 to 1. ‘Through the center is a core-wall of masonry, 4 feet thick at base, 2 feet at top, reaching to within 2 feet of the crest of the embank- ment. The end of the embankment next the dam is supported on the down-stream side by a masonry spur-wall at right angles to the dam. The embankment rests on hard-pan, into which the core-wall is carried down uniformly 4 feet thick to depths of 8 to 20 feet, filling the trench cut for it. On the opposite or west end of the dam a spillway was excavated in granite, having an effective length of 106.5 feet and a depth of 6 feet, to the bottom of the floor-stringers of the foot-bridge which spans it and which rests on five masonry piers. The capacity of discharge is estimated at 5000 second-feet. The coping is made of large, selected stones firmly doweled to the masonry. A logway, 15 feet wide, whose crest is 17 feet below the top of the dam, is provided through the masonry. It is closed with 45 wooden needles, 4’’ x 8’’, 20 feet long, which are handled by block and tackle. The outlets to the reservoir consist of two 50-inch steel pipes, controlled by Eddy flume-gates, and having a discharging capacity of 1500 second-feet with full reservoir, The. gates are inside of a tower, on the MASONRY DAMS. 309 exterior of which are auxiliary sluice-gates of wood, raised by screws. A 6-inch by-pass pipe enters the tower from the reservoir, by which the tower is filled and the pressure relieved from the wooden gates, so that they can be readily raised. The total actual cost of the work, including $13,000 for clearing, was $83,555, the contract price being $92,000. Under the most favorable con- ditions the cost per cubic yard for the masonry was as follows: Cementin: tas u iis canine ed aa ke Hee eee eas $2.00 Dandy 4 sos yilicny ey bh aa wegwurne wed ete tae aes 15 Quarrying stone. . 2.2.0... ccc eee 35 Labor of laying masonry..............0.002 ee ee ee 53 Labor of pointing masonry............000-0ee eee ee AB Labor of mixing mortar, concrete, and crushing ..... 20 General expenses, superintendence, etc.............. 27 Otel es ikscohhe Ba datnd Coty Od aces Ghee eked $3.65 The cement used was made at Glenn’s Falls, N. Y., of the ‘‘ Ironclad” brand of artificial Portland. The reservoir formed by the dam has a storage capacity of 4,468,000,000 cubic feet, or 102,548 acre-feet, and floods an area of 5035 acres. ‘The original lake covered 1000 acres, and the new dam raised the mean surface of the lake 33 to 34 feet. The tributary drainage-area above the dam is 146 square miles, the run-off from which can be safely estimated to fill the reservoir every year. The dam was built for the Forest Preserve Board of New York State by the Indian River Company. It was planned by Geo. W. Rafter, M. Am. Soc. C. E., and constructed under his supervision by Wallace Greenalch, Jun. Am. Soc. C. E., as Assistant Engineer. For further details of this interesting work the reader is referred to Hn- gineering News of May 18, 1899, containing descriptive illustrated papers on the subject by Messrs. Rafter and Greenalch. Cornell University Dam, New York.—In 1897 an overflow masonry dam was built across Fall Creek near Ithaca, N. Y., as a portion of the hydraulic laboratory plant of Cornell University. It is curved in plan on a radius of 166.5 feet, and is 153 feet long on top, with a maximum height of 30 feet, and a gravity section, vertical up-stream, and stepped on the lower face. It is located at the head of Triphammer Falls, in a picturesque gorge, cut deeply into the shale formation of that region, where the total fall is about 400 feet in a mile. The stream drains a watershed of 117 square miles, on which the mean precipitation from 1880 to 1897 was 35.22 inches. The mean flow is about 175 second-feet, ranging from a minimum of 12 to a maximum of 4800 second-feet. In times of flood the water discharges over the crest of the dam and over a natural spillway ledge at one end of the dam, a total width of 267.5 feet, made up of 134.5 feet on the dam and 133 feet on the natural spillway. 310 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The dam is of gravity section, and made of concrete, composed of four parts of hard, clean, argillaceous shale, two parts of sand, and one part of ‘“Improved cement.” ‘The ‘‘ Improved cement” is a mixture of Rosendale and artificial Portland in the proportion of weight of 3 to 1, ground together in the clinker state, and costing one-half the cost of pure Portland cement. One of the interesting and unusual features of the construction of this dam was the provision made for concentrating the contraction due to tem- perature changes in the concrete to a central point of weakness. This was done by leaving a 5-ft. circular opening through the dam during construc- tion, connecting with which was an open well extending up through the heart of the dam to its crest. At this point the section was thus reduced to 60% of the normal, and shortly after completion the wall cracked for one- half its height down through the well. During unusually cold weather, when the crack was widest, the opening through the dam and the well were filled with concrete, and the contraction-crack was thus effectually closed. The dam and other works connected with the entire plant designatcd as the hydraulic laboratory were designed by Prof. E. A. Fuertes, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Director of. the College of Civil Engineering. Construction was in charge of Mr. Elon H. Hooker, Resident Engineer. Mr. Ira A. Shaler, M. Am. Soc. C. E., was contractor for the work. A full descrip- tion of the laboratory is given in Hngineering News, March 2, 1899. The Bridgeport Dam, Connecticut. The town of Bridgeport, Conn., having a population in 1890 of 48,890, is supplied by a number of storage- reservoirs, one of which is formed by a masonry dam across Mill River, built in 1886. Its general dimensions are as follows : Maximum height.....................0..000. 42.5 feet. Bottom thickness...............0.00 0000008. 32.0“ Top thickinesss.. 422.4%. c8s ees ees eons 8.0 < heneth vat crestic.. yeu ote euce sess aeea rad 640 =“ Length at: base c3 oak Be OS hae ke tees 50 The structure is composed of rubble masonry built of gneiss rock laid in a mortar of Rosendale cement and sand in the proportion of 1 to 2. The lower face of the dam is built in steps. The outlet from the gate-chamber is a 30-inch cast-iron pipe, controlled by a gate-valve in the chamber. The latter structure is built against the dam, is 10 x 15 feet inside, in two com- partments, between which a fish-screen is placed. Three 30-inch openings, at different levels, controlled by gates, lead from the reservoir to the outer compartment. ‘The spillway, at one end of the dam, is 80 feet long, 5 feet deep. The reservoir covers 60 acres and has a capacity of 240,000,000 gal- lons (737 acre-feet). The dam has leaked so much as to require an earth backing.* * «The Design and Construction of Dams,’ by Edward Wegmann, p. 128. REA NU ¢ Lsesersigseigs eit gy oie eee TH UNE WN . SS ‘ * \ S WY = S & Wa SAS SY S x ‘ ee SANA SWAsQQey SAWN Ws Zed Ee easy tal HAART A ne Natt QIN NUN OE aa Sy RNAS AN RRR ‘ \" ee AM ie ig ait rua NN RAR ti wy Wet Ay ai NX wit H Ate Moat Aetna ARAN ARR ESA ER Ne SOA AAA MANGAN SSAA AAA nA RY ARDS Ne it ty AN etait Bri SED’ ar we p10 16£ _P — = 909 “snip Fic. 227.—Srcrion or Wicwam Dam. Fig. 226.—Pian or Wigwam Dam, Connecticut. 311 312 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The Wigwam Dam, Connecticut.—The city of Waterbury, Conn. (pop. 30,000 in 1897), constructed a masonry dam in 1893-94 to store water in a reservoir located on West Mountain Brook and receiving the drainage from 18 square miles of watershed. The dam was designed and built by Robt. A Cairns, City Engineer. It was planned for an ultimate height of 90 feet, at which its full length on top will be 600 feet, and it was completed with full section to within 15 feet of the ultimate crest, and there stopped, as the storage at that level was sufficient for present needs. The base thickness is 62.08 feet, and it is 12 feet thick on the crest. The cubic contents of the completed portion are 14,887 cubic yards, of which 5754 yards are laid in Rosendale cement, and the remainder in American Portland cement mortar. The cost has been $150,000. The present capacity of reservoir is 335,000,000 gallons (1028 acre-feet), which will be increased to 714,000,000 gallons when the dam is completed. A temporary wasteway, 82 feet long, 2 feet deep, has been made at one end of the dam, which is of insufficient capacity. The completed dam will have a wasteway 100 feet long over a rocky ridge some distance away, and another 78 feet long at the dam. An earth embankment is required to close a gap in the reservoir, as an auxiliary to the masonry dam. ‘This will be 35 feet high when finished, but is built only to a height of 20 feet. The Austin Dam, Texas.—The city of Austin, Texas, the capital of the State, with a population of about 25,000 inhabitants, has erected one of the most notable masonry dams of the United States, across the Colorado River, 24 miles above the city, for power-development purposes. The dam, Fig. 228, was built in 1891-92. It was designed by Mr. Jos. P. Frizell, M. Am. Soc. C. E. of Boston, and about two-thirds completed by him. He was succeeded by Mr. J. T. Fanning. The dam proper is 1091 feet long between bulkheads and 68 fect high. It is vertical on the up-stream face, while the down-stream face is inclined at a batter of 3 in 8, terminating in a vertical curve of 31 feet radius, while the crest is rounded on a radius of 20 feet on lower side, forming an ogee curve that has the general shape of the trajectory of falling water. Mr. Frizell’s original design contemplated a flat top for the purpose of facilitating the erection on the crest of a series of movable flashboards, or some other form of falling dam, that could be lowered in flood-time, but would permit of increased storage during low seasons, and the development of a more uniform volume of power at low and high water. The power is used for pumping water for city supply, for electric lighting, propulsion of street cars, and general manufacturing. Its volume is estimated at 14,636 horse-power for 60 working hours weekly. The dam is straight in plan, and contains about 88,000 cubic yards of masonry, of which 70,000 yards are of rongh rubble, made of the limestone quarried near the site, and 18,000 yards are of cut-stone range-work, in ete Coes ‘SVXEL ‘ASNOH-NGMOT GNV WY) NISAW—'ezz “DIS nD ad GG é old RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. which Burnett County blue granite was used, brought a distance of 80 miles. The entire work was done by contract, at a cost of $11 to $15 per yard for the cut-stone masonry, and $3.60 to $4.10 per yard for the rubble, the larger sum being for work in which Portland cement was required. The cost of the dam and head-gate masonry was $608,000, and the entire expenditure, including dam, power-house, reservoir and distributing sys- tem, lighting-plant, ete., was $1,400,090, for which amount the city voted its bonds May 5, 1890. Fic. 229.—Austin DamM DURING FLoop oF APRIL 7, 1900, AND IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE BREAK. The dam is founded on limestone rock throughout, the river here flowing through a gorge with cliffs rising from 70 to 125 feet in height above the river. Lidgerwood cableways were employed in placing the stone and for hauling all materials. The Colorado River at Austin drains an area of 40,000 square miles, from which the discharge has a range of from 200 to 250,000 second-feet. The reservoir formed by the dam is very long and narrow, extending back 19 to 23 miles up the river and having an average width of but 800 feet. Its surface area is 1836 acres, and the capacity at the time the dam was finished was 53,490 acre-feet, the mean depth being 29.1 feet, or 42.5% MASONRY DAMS. 315 of the maximum. The dam was completed in May, 1893, and the water first overflowed the crest of the dam on the 16th of that month. Four years subsequently, in May, 1897, Prof. Thomas U. Taylor, of the University of Texas at Austin, made accurate soundings of the lake to determine the volume of silt which had accumulated in four years, and ascertained that the deposit amounted to 968,000,000 cubic feet (22,227 _ acre-feet), or 41.54% of the original capacity. The greatest depth of fill was at the dam, 23 feet; three miles above it was 16.5 feet deep at the maximum; seven miles above, 20 feet; 9.3 miles above, 21.3 feet; 14.6 miles above, 15.3 feet; 15.9 miles above, 6.6 feet. To this point the filling was composed of mud. Above this distance the deposit was mostly sand. Considering the total volume of water which must have passed through the reservoir during the four years, the percentage of silt deposited seems very small, and the result is not such as to discourage the construction of reservoirs on streams where the ratio between run-off and storage capacity is less disproportionate. There are no definite data available of the total discharge of the river, but assuming it to have been about 50 acre-feet annually per square mile of watershed, which is a reasonable assumption for streams of that class (the run-off of New York and New England streams is from 700 to 2000 acre-feet per square mile, while that of the Rio Grande and Gila rivers is 25 to 35 acre-feet per square mile), the total volume of water discharged in the four years must have been approximately 8,000,000 acre-feet, or about 160 times the reservoir capacity. The rela- tion of the silt deposited to total run-off would be in the ratio of about one-fourth of one per cent of this volume, or 2770 cubic feet per million. The river Po,* as determined by M. Tadini, carried as the mean of four months 3333 cubic feet per million; the river Ganges, 980 as the mean of 12 months, and in flood 12,300; the Mississippi, 291 to 1893; the river Indus, in flood 2100. A stream of the size and character of the Colorado River of Texas, to be utilized for irrigation should have a reservoir of one to two million acre-feet capacity, to be in proper proportion to the volume of run-off and amount of silt carried, and maintain a sufficiently long period of usefulness to be profitable. Such a reservoir would probably not be filled with silt short of 400 to 500 years. Failure of the Austin Dam.—On the "th of April, 1900, a severe flood in the Colorado River and its tributaries, unprecedented since the erection of the dam, resulted in the failure of this fine structure, with considerable loss of life. About 500 feet of the masonry was first pushed bodily down- stream, about 60 feet, apparently sliding on its base, and after a few hours was entirely broken up and washed away, with the exception of a small section, which still stands upright in the position where it was first de- a * See Humphrey and Abbott’s report on Mississippi Delta Survey, 1876. —AuvstiIN Dam, Texas. VIEW TAKEN bDURING FLOOD, 4 FEW MINUTES AFTER THE BREAK F c. 231.— Austin Dam, PExas, AFTER SUBSIDENCE OF FLoop oF APRIL 7, 1900. , Showing section of musoury moved bodily down-stream. 316 MASONRY DAMS, 317 posited. Measured along the crest, the break left about 500 feet of the dam at the west end and 83 feet at the east end still unaffected. About two-thirds of the wall of the power-house below the dam next the river was also destroyed by the flood. The entire property loss must have ex- ceeded $500,000. At the time of the break the lake-level had reached a height of 11.07 feet above the crest. The flood was the result of extraor- dinary rains throughout a very extensive watershed area. In fifteen hours the rainfall at Austin and vicinity was 5 inches, falling on ground already well soaked by previous rains. The maximum flood prior to the catastrophe occurred June 7, 1899, when the water rose to 9.8 feet above the crest of the dam, without injury to the structure. The dam will probably be rebuilt upon safer plans, and precautions taken to anchor it into bed-rock a suf- ficient depth to prevent it from sliding on its foundations. The appearance of the dam immediately before the break is shown in Fig. 229. Figs. 230 and 231 graphically present the break andthebodily movement of a section of the dam down-stream intact, better than any detailed description. The author is indebted to Engineering News for thsse three cuts. Granite Springs Masonry Dam, Wyoming.—There are few dams in Western America more correctly representing the principles of modern science as applied to dam construction, and more generally satisfactory in economy of design and execution than the dam erected in 1903-04 by the City of Cheyenne, Wyoming, for the storage of a domestic water- supply at Granite Springs, on Middle Fork of Crow Creek, 12 miles from the city. The work was designed and built by A. J. Wiley, M. Am. Soe. C. E., to whom the author is indebted for the facts regarding the work, and the accompanying illustrations. (Figs. 232, 233, and 234.) The dam has an extreme height from foundation to parapet of 96 feet, and is constructed in arch form, with a radius of 300 feet. It is but 10 feet long on the base, and 410 feet in length on top, where its thickness is 10 feet. The base is 56 feet in width, up and down stream. Although curved in plan it is of gravity section and the resultant lines of pressure and weight are within the limits of the middle third, assum- ing the masonry to have a specific gravity of 2.5, when the reservoir is filled. The dam is built throughout of uncoursed rubble masonry laid in Portland cement mortar, and its cubic contents are 14,422 cubic yards, including a parapet wall 2 feet thick, 3 feet high. The rock was found to weigh 177 pounds per cubic foot and the mortar was estimated at 138 pounds per cubic foot. The proportions of each entering into the composition of the wall gave the estimated weight of the masonry at 165 pounds per cubic foot, corresponding to a specific gravity of 2.64. The spillway is located apart from the dam in a saddle or gap, 200 318 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. feet away, the height of the saddle being 85 feet above the creek bed. Here a masonry spillway structure was erected with its crest 90 feet above the bed of the stream. The discharge from the spillway returns to the stream 500 feet below the dam. The spillway wall is 180 feet long over all, with an overflow crest 52 feet long, 3 feet lower than the top of the parapet. Its discharge capacity is approximately 900 second- feet or 12 times the maximum observed discharge of the stream. The spillway structure is also curved, on a radius of 200 feet. The watershed area of the stream above the dam is 27.5 square miles, from 7000 to 10,000 feet in elevation, reaching to the Continental Fic. 232.—GRaNITE Sprincs Dam, CHEYENNE, WYOMING. Divide. The measured run-off from this watershed, as determined by the U. 8. Geological Survey for the year 1903, aggregated 7344 acre- feet, or 41°, of the precipitation of 12.25 inches of that year in the City of Cheyenne. The mean of thirty-four years’ record in that city is 13.23 inches. Two thirds of the total annual run-off occurred in the months of April and May. The capacity of the reservoir is 5321 acre-feet, covering a surface of 185 acres, to a mean depth of 28.76 feet. Construction.—The entire base of the dam, except that part of the east end which lies more than 50 feet above the creek-bed, is a dense hard variety of granite, classified as gabbro, and entirely free from seams or cracks, and almost devoid of defined cleavage planes. Above elevation MASONRY DAMS. 319 50 at the north end the gabbro is overlaid, by a different variety of granite, with regular cleavage planes, soft at the surface but increasing in hardness with depth. At the contact with the underlying gabbro there was no apparent seam, although a marked difference in hardness and texture distinguished the two varieties of rock. Excavation was made into the softer rock as deep as 30 feet in places before a satisfactory Fic. 233.—Granite Sprincs Dam, WYOMING, SHOWING GENERAL CHARACTER OF Russie Masonry. foundation was secured. The gabbro, where exposed, had been worn to a smooth glassy surface, which was roughened by shallow blasts previous to laying masonry upon it. The rock used for the masonry was taken from a granite quarry 100 feet below the dam, and as taken out by blasting ranged in size from spawls to irregular shaped blocks of 4 cubic yards, averaging about 2 cubic yards. The largest rock placed in the wall contained 5 cubic yards and weighed nearly 12 tons, but rock over 3 cubic yards 320 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION. WATER-POWER, ETC. in size were unprofitable to use on account of extra care required in handling. All drilling was done by hand. The rock was taken from the quarry by a guyed derrick with 40-foot boom, and loaded upon platform cars, on a track laid with a grade on which loaded cars ran by gravity to the dam, and the empties were pushed back by hand. 9 wy foo oe AND PROFILE oF Grawits Sprincs Dam, Wyomina. ae ° Fic. 234.—Pian A trestle carrying the track along the curved down-stream face of the dam was supported on one side by the steps in the masonry. Upon the top of the dam were located two derricks with 40-foot booms similar to the quarry derrick. Each derrick was operated by a 10-ton hoisting- engine, located in an engine-house near the south end of the dam. The derricks on top of the dam took the rock from the cars on the lower MASONRY DAMS. 321 side of the wall and set them in the position desired in the masonry. They also hoisted the mortar buckets from cars on the up-stream side of the dam and dumped them where the mortar was needed on top. The mortar was mixed with a Smith mechanical mixer in half yard batches, and distributed by long-handled shovels. ‘To insure the filling of the voids the mortar was mixed very wet, even sloppy, requiring but little tamping. The face stones and those laid in contact with the bed-rock were ‘laid in mortar in the proportion of 1 of cement to 3 of sand. All the interior of the dam was laid in 1 to 4 mortar. In setting the large rock a bed was prepared with spawls and mortar, and then a considerable excess of mortar was placed on the bed. The rock was then slowly lowered and settled in place by working it with bars. The excess mortar would ooze from under the rock which would then float upon an even layer of mortar, filling all the irregular spaces beneath. The large rocks were set as closely as possible to each other without being in contact, the intervening spaces being filled with mortar and small stones, which were crowded down into the wet mortar until submerged. The proportions of rock and mortar were determined to be 64.8% and 35.2% of the entire mass respectively. The total quantity of cement used was 8843.75 barrels, an average of 0.613 barrels of cement to the cubic yard of masonry. The average rate of progress was 60 cubic yards of masonry per day of ten hours or 240 working days for the entire work. Alpha cement of American manufacture was used exclusively on the work. It was shipped in sacks and test samples taken from every twentieth sack. The average time of initial set was 45 minutes, vary- ing from 30 to 60 minutes. The final set invariably occurred within ten hours. The average fineness was 93% passing through a sieve of 10,000 meshes per square inch. Neat cement tests showed a tensile strength of 654, 792, and 806 pounds respectively in 7 days, 28 days, and 90 days. For 1 to 3 hand-mixed mortar the results were respect- ively 233, 312, and 345 pounds in the same period. The 1 to 4 mixture gave tests of 226, 306, and 361 pounds respectively. The sand was obtained from the adjacent dry stream-beds, and hauled in wagons an average distance of half a mile. It was passed through screens with 3-inch openings and used without washing. The voids in the sand were determined by depositing it slowly in a measured depth of water in a cylindrical vessel. After compacting the sand by light blows on the side of the vessel the depth of the sand and the depth of the water above the sand was measured. The difference between x 322 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. this latter and the original depth of the water was taken to represent the voids, and divided by the depth of the sand to determine the percentage of voids. The result of twenty-five tests gave an average of 23.4% of voids. Cost.—The entire work was done by contract at a total cost to the city of $109,194.50, including water-rights, land, clearing, building, excavation, outlet-pipes, and valves, spillway, measuring weirs, engineer- ing, superintendence and general expense. For the body of the dam the average cost to the city was $6.04 per cubic yard exclusive of engi- neering, etc., while the contractor’s profit was 85 cents per cubic yard, or 14%. The cost to the contractor was as follows, per cubic yard of masonry in the dam: Per Cu. Yd. Masonry. Rock acs sevseass 9,414 cubic yards delivered, at $1.96 $18,452.60 $1.28 Mortar......... 5,008 ‘‘ fee PE 193 9,676 .08 0.67 Laying... ..... 14,422 ‘ oe He fo Mel 16,017 .90 1.11 TOtal Gace dations give Ph ase lubtadl amulets Malin, deabede due bale $3 .06 8844 barrels cement, delivered, at 3.58 31,665 .38 2.13 Total waavetusascowa ea apie saGketamntaaa: aia. Aaa $5.19 The contractor’s plant was estimated to have cost $10,700, and to have depreciated 50% in two years of use, which depreciation is 1- cluded in the above estimate of cost. The outlet of the reservoir is a 24-inch cast-iron pipe laid through the masonry on bed-rock at a height of 12 feet above the stream-bed. The pipe is 1} inch thick, with bolted flanged joints, and provided with a 24-inch high-pressure Rensselaer standard gate-valve at each end, operated by hand-wheels. The up-stream valve is protected by a timber screen, and operated by a hand-wheel with an indicating stand mounted on the crest of the dam, and connecting with the valve by a vertical non-rising stem supported at intervals of 14 feet by brass boxes set in stones projecting from the face of the dam. This valve is usually kept wide open, the regulation being done by the down-stream valve, which is more accessible. : The conditions under which this dam has been built appear to have been extremely favorable for economy and safety of construction, with first-class materials immediately available, excellent foundations, and an entire absence of complications of an unusual or embarrassing nature in the preparation of foundations or the conduct of the work. The excellent character of the construction and the skill and care with which it was executed, are shown by the absence of leakage further than the usual unimportant sweating which is observed at times on the MASONRY DAMS. 323 down-stream face, when the water-level rises in the reservoir. This sweating stops when the water-level ceases to rise for about thirty days, and on a hot day is offset by evaporation, when it practically disappears. Lake Cheesman Dam, Colorado.—A storage reservoir for the domestic water supply of the City of Denver, Colorado, was formed in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, 48 miles southwest from Denver, on the south fork of the Platte river, by the building of a masonry dam of notable height and dimensions, called Lake Cheesman, after the President of the Denver Union Water Co. The dam was begun immediately after the destruction by flood of the rock-filled dam begun on this site (page 62) in May, 1900, and completed in July, 1904. The dam has an extreme height of 234 feet, and carries a maximum depth of water of 224 feet, which exceeds that of any dam ever con- structed. Its thickness at the base is 176 feet, and for the upper 30 feet it is 18 feet thick. It is built on a semi-circular arch, with radius of 400 feet at the up-stream face. The length on the crest is 710 feet. The gorge is exceedingly narrow, being only 30 feet wide at the base of dam, 40 feet wide at 40 feet above base, and 130 feet wide at 100 feet height. The width of the canyon is equal to the thickness of the masonry at the height of 70 feet above the base. The volume of masonry in the dam is 103,000 cubic yards. The work was done under contract by the Geddes & Seerie Stone Co., of Denver, at a total cost of about $1,000,000. The excavation of foundations required the removal of about 26,000 cubic yards of rock, sand and gravel. The spillway is located 200 feet north of the dam, in a natural gap of the ridge of granite forming the abutment on that side, and is about 300 feet in length. Its capacity is greatly in excess of the maximum recorded discharge of the stream, 1945 second-feet. Its crest is 6856 feet above sea level, or about 1600 feet higher than the Denver City Post- office. The quality of the masonry is of unusual excellence, and the dam is said to be entirely free from leakage or the appearance of seepage on the down-stream face. The reservoir formed by the dam covers an area of 874 acres, and has a capacity of about 3,500,000,000 cubic feet (80,000 acre-feet) fed by the flow from a catchment basin of 1796 square miles, including almost the whole of South Park. The dam was designed and built by Charles L. Harrison, M. Am. Soc. C. E., Chief Engineer, Mr. L. E. Cooley, M. Am. Soc. C. E., acting as con- sulting engineer. The work is described in detail in a paper prepared by Mr. Harrison for the American Society of Civil Engineers, and published in December, 1904, accompanied by a mathematical analysis of stresses by Silas H. Wood- ard, Assoc. M. Am. Soe. C. E. 324 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Fic. 235.—Dr Wererse Dam, CoLtorapo Fic. 236.—Dr Wersr Dam, Wet Mountain VaLiey, CoLorapo. LE ET Scale ’ o SS— , IMILE = = = a Contour interval 10 feet Fia, 146.—Con'rour Mar or San Carios Reservorr-srre, Gina River, ARIZONA. [To face page 825. MASONRY DAMS. 325 The De Weese Dam, Colorado.—A masonry dam was built in 1905 across Grape Creek, in the Wet Mountain Valley, by Mr. Dal De Weese, fcr the irrigation of a tract of choice fruit-growing land on the mesa south of the Arkansas river, opposite Canyon City. The dam is curved in plan, and has a maximum height of 44 feet, the crest being at an elevation of 7755 feet above sea level. The dam is arched in plan, of gravity section, and used as an overflow weir for the greater portion of its length. The outlet of the reservoir is 31 feet below the crest. It forms a reservoir of 150 acres area, and has a storage capacity of 1700 acre-feet. Plans have been pre- pared by the owner for increasing the height 40 feet, and other claimants to the surplus flood waters have proposed making a still higher extension. to store water to the level of 80 feet above the present crest, giving a total capacity to the reservoir of about 65,000 acre-feet. The photographs, Figs. 235 and 236, were taken by the author in January, 1907, and show the general character of the structure. Boonton Dam, New Jersey. (Fig. 237.)—A reservoir covering an area of 800 acres, and impounding 8,600,000,000 gallons (26,400 acre-feet) was created for the water supply of Jersey City by the construction in 1900-1905 of a dam of masonry, with an auxiliary dyke of earth with concrete core- wall, both of unusually large dimensions. The masonry structure, which is 2150 feet long, has a maximum height of 114 feet, is 77 feet wide at the base and 17 feet wide ontop. The up-stream face is vertical for 55 feet from the top down, then batters 1 in 20. The lower face batters 0.56 to 1 to within 22 feet of the top, and thence is vertical. It contains a total of 255,000 cubic yards of masonry, and is built almost wholly of cyclopean rubble. At each end the masonry dam is extended to the hills on either side by earth embankments, 450 and 500 feet long, respectively. A portion of the masonry, 300 feet long, is built as an overflow spillway, 5 feet below the crest of the dam, the elevation of which is 305.25 feet above mean tide. The down-stream face of the wall is covered with an embank- ment of earth, reaching to within 65 feet of the top of the dam, above which line the down-stream face is laid in ashlar masonry in courses from 18 to 36 inches in thickness. This dam is one of 24 of the great dams of the world, and is only ex- ceeded in length by the Tansa and Bhatgur dams in India. It is remark- able for the rapidity with which it was built, 85% of the masonry having been placed in 15 working months, from May, 1892, to November, 1894. The stone used is syenite, quarried four miles from the dam, and brought in large rough blocks, which were dropped into place closely together into a bed of very soft wet concrete, the spaces between the stones being filled with spawls to secure as large a percentage of rock as possible. The con- crete was mixed in the proportion of 1 cement, 2.75 sand and 6.25 of crushed rock. The two faces of the dam were laid in advance of the con- 326 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. crete and kept always two to four feet higher. The average weight of masonry was 166 pounds per cubic foot, the unusual weight being due to the fact that the ‘‘plums”’ constitute 50% to 55% of the mass. The core-wall of concrete in the center of the earth extensions of the dam is 4 feet 8 inches thick, carried well into the hills on either side. These dykes were made of earth, rolled in layers and paved. They have a maximum height of 35 feet. To complete the reservoir on the south side an embankment, called the Parsippany dyke, was built with a maximum height of 30 feet, a total _ 131025 EI 305 25 56'Dam Stee! Pipe Thich iar Ps Pioaca Semgwoss Cala Rve ce Seticinat: FAMINE Sakic adameonvevecdaessetit ey Longitudinal Section through Sivice-Way Fic. 237.—Boonton Dam, N. J. Elevation of Spillway, Section through Spillway and Section of Main Dam. length of 3720 feet, a width of 12 feet on the crest, and side slopes of 2 on 1. Its purpose is to avoid flooding a highway and a broad plain in an adjacent watershed. The dyke is founded on impervious red clay, and has a concrete core-wall 4 feet 8 inches thick, carried down 8 to 10 feet into the clay below the surface. The excavation for this dyke taken from the reservoir basin increased the storage capacity about 30,000,000 gallon (150,000 cubic yards). The plans for the Boonton dam were prepared under the direction of E. W. Harrison, M. Am. Soc. C. E., the chief engineer of the Jersey City Water Supply Company, contractors for the new water works of Jersey DIVISION OF HYDOROGRAPHY Gila River Storagelnvestigation pvr SAN CARLOS DAM SITE o: GILA ‘RIVER oe BROKEN CONTOURS INDICATE BEDROCK. CONTOUR INTERVAL JOFEET Susvevco ev CrsusC Base, Hromccn: j | UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY ar, | j s\— MAY, 1899. | “= Dacre ine 10 wea 420 i a IDX ZA: ZION Fig. 148.—Contoun PLan OF SAN CARLos Ne ET aTenE weencea tee ea SITE, SHOWING LocaTION SELECTED FOR ProrposED Masonry Dam. [To face page 327. MASONRY DAMS. 327 City, acting with J. Waldo Smith, M. Am. Soc. C. E., consulting engineer. The works were built under Wm. B. Fuller, M. Am. Soc. C. E., the resident engineer in charge. The dam is built on the Rockaway river, near Boonton, and the conduit to convey the water to Jersey City is 22.81 miles in length, laid on a hydraulic grade of 6 inches per mile. The Wachusett Dam, Mass.—To provide for an essential increase in the water supply of the City of Boston and surrounding towns, the Metropolitan Water Board built the Wachusett dam on the south branch of the Nashua ae about 185'~ — ~ ~ Sy WACHUSETT DAM Fig. 238.—PRoFILE oF WACHUSETT Dam. river, creating a reservoir of 4195 acres, with a maximum depth of 129 feet, an average depth of 46 feet and a storage capacity of 193,300 acre- feet, or 63,068,000,000 gallons. The watershed area intercepted by the dam is 118.3 square miles. The preparations for building the dam began in 1895, by borings to ascertain the depth to bedrock. This was a very thorough exploratory work, consisting of 806 separate borings to rock, aggregating 15,308 feet and 38 diamond drill borings in bedrock, with a total length of 2489 feet, * For full data on the construction of the dam, see annual reports of the Metro- politan Water Board for 1900 to 1907; also a paper, by Dexter Brackett, M. Am. Soc. C. E., presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the American Water Works Association. SCE ‘WY LIASAHOVM—'6es “DIT MASONRY DAMS. 329 the holes over the site being 10 to 20 feet apart in each direction. Con- siderable work of stripping was done by the Board prior to the letting of contracts. Contracts were let for construction of the masonry dam October 1, 1900, and completed in 1906. The contractors were McArthur Bros. Company. The total cost of the dam was $2,270,116.85. The dam isa granite masonry structure, 944 feet long, including abutments at each end, with its crest 20 feet above high water level, and a waste-weir 452 feet long. The height of the top of the dam above the point of deepest excavation is 228 feet, and the maximum thickness is 185 feet. It is 22.5 feet thick at the top under the projecting cornice, which gives it a total top width of 25.75 feet. It does not carry a roadway over the top, as is customary with many dams of that class. The dam is straight in plan. It contains a total volume of 266,663 cu. yds. of masonry of all classes, viz., rubble, 251,920; ashlar, 9,037; dimension stone masonry, 2742; brick, 1065; and concrete 1899 cubic yards. About three-fourths of the heart of the dam is laid with natural cement mortar, mixed 1:2, the remainder being laid with Portland cement. The rubble consists of 54% large stones, 17% small rock and 29% mortar. In constructing the reservoir the soil was stripped from 3943 acres to an average depth of one foot, the quantity removed being 6,900,000 cubic yards. This material was chiefly used in the building of the north dike, which is an embankment in two sections, respectively 4300 and 6700 feet long, required to complete the reservoir. This dike contains 5,861,814 cubic yards, of which 85% came from stripping the reservoir. The max- imum height of this dike is 80 feet, or 65 feet to full reservoir level. The south dike is a similar structure, 2800 ft. long, 30 ft. maximum height. The cost of the north dike was $749,811.36, the south dike $136,871.10, and the removal of soil from the reservoir $2,528,155.10. The total cost of all the works, including $3,179,060.57 paid for real estate, and the relocation of railroads, the building of bridges, damages, etc., was $10,797,537.17. The sum of $188,035.81 was further spent on improving the watershed by the drainage of marshes, etc. The outlets to the reservoir consist of four 48-inch cast iron pipes, built through the body of the dam, at elevation 284, or 111 feet below the high water level of the reservoir. They supply water to the Wachusetts aque- duct, and to power turbines below the dam. The water may be wasted through them as well, their combined capacity with full reservoir being about 2500 sec.-ft. The work was constructed under the direction of Frederic P. Stearns, chief engineer of the Metropolitan Water Board, and Messrs. Hiram F. Mills, Jos. P. Davis and Alphonse Fteley as consulting engineers. The designing engineers were Reuben Shirreffs and Alfred D. Flinn. The res- 330 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC ident engineer was Thos. F. Richardson. All the engineering staff are members of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Connellsville Dam, Pa.—The Mountain Water Co., of Connells- ville, Pa., completed a masonry and concrete dam in 1906 across Indian Creek, to form a reservoir of 230,000,000 gallons (700 acre-feet) capacity. It is 650 feet long on top, of which 300 feet in the center is used as an over- flow waste weir, 6 feet lower than the remainder ofthedam. It is about 39 feet maximum height, with a crest width of 6 feet and a hase of 26 feet. It is Fic. 240.—CoNNELLSVILLE Dam, Penn., across INDIAN CREEK. vertical on the up-stream side. The structure has a face on either side of about 3 feet thick of ashlar masonry, of sandstone, the interior being com- posed of 1:3:5 Portland cement concrete, with about 25% of bowlders embedded as ‘‘plums.”’ The sand used was obtained by crushing the sandstone. Each finished layer of concrete was grouted with liquid neat cement before the next layer was deposited. A section of the dam is shown in Fig. 240. The Indian Creek dam is one of a number similar structures built by the American Pipe Co. The experience with all of them is that where cracks have appeared they extend * Engineering Record, January 27, 1906. MASONRY DAMS. 331 completely through the body of the masonry. Several cracks appeared in tho Ii:dian Creek dam, extending from face to face, and from top to bottom, the largest being one-sixteenth inch in width. The chief engineer of this work was Mr. J. W: Ledoux. The Round Hill Dam, Wilkesbarre, Pa._The water supply in Wilkes- barre and other towns in the Wyoming Valley is controlled by the Spring Water Supply Co., by whom a masonry dam was constructed in 1899 to 1901, on Spring Brook, six miles from Moosic, a station on the Delaware & Hudson railroad, having a maximum height of 104 feet, a thickness at base of 77.9 feet, and a width of 9 feet on top. The total length of the dam is 500 feet, of which 280 feet of the higher portion is masonry, beginning at a vertical cliff on one side, while the remainder, 220 feet, is an earth embank- ment «vith concrete core-wall. The crest of the masonry is 5 feet higher than the spillway. The batter of the upper face is 12.5% from the bottom up for 70 feet, thence vertical to the top. The down stream face has a batter of 75% below the 70 ft. level, thence a compound vertical curve to the top. The dam and wingwall contains 37,710 cu. yds. of masonry, in which 25,085 bbls. of cement were used. It was built of sandstone in blocks up to 3 cu. yds. in size, laid in mortar of 1:3 Portland cement and sand. The cost of the masonry averaged $5.98 per cu. yd. The extension of the dam in earth is an embankment with slopes of 2.5:1, on each side. In its center is a core-wall of concrete 3 ft. thick at top (which is two feet below the crest of the dam), reinforced by counter- forts or buttresses on each side, built on a slope of 1:6. The embank- ment is riprapped with stone for a depth of 18 ft. below the spillway crest. The reservoir formed by the dam covers an area of 118.7 acres, receiving the drainage of 36 sq. miles of watershed. It has a capacity of 1,322,000,000 gallans (4050 acre-feet). The entire cost of the dam was $240,547.93, or $59.39 per acre-ft. of storage capacity. Two 30-inch discharge pipes pass through the masonry portion of the dam, with two gate valves on each line, 30 ft. apart. The dam was designed and built by John Lance, C. E., chief engineer of the company. The Trap Falls Dam, Bridgeport, Conn.—In 1905 a dam of cyclopean rubble masonry was built to form a reservoir of 236 acres area, having a capacity of impounding 1,400,000,000 gallons (4340 acre-feet) for a portion of the water supply of the City of Bridgeport, with a population of 85,000. The dam is of gravity section, 8 feet wide on top, is 900 feet long, straight in plan, and 48 feet in maximum height, founded on granite or gneiss. The concrete in which the large rock were embedded was mixed in the propor- tion of 1 of cement, 2.5 sand, and 5 crushed rock, and made quite wet. About 20% of the dam is of large ‘*plums,” weighing up to 2 tons placed 332 RESERVOIRS POR IRRIGATION, WATER-POW ER, ETC. not less than 4 inches apart. About 11,000 cubic yards of ihis class of masonry were required. McCalls Ferry Dam, Pa.—Power is being developed to the extent of 100,000 H. P. on the Susquehanna river, 40 miles north of Baltimore, 60 miles west of Philadelphia, by the erection of a masonry dam, 55 feet maximum height, 2850 feet in length, with a base width of 65 feet. The dam is of ogee form, and is to be used as an overflow for its entire length. The dam when completed will contain 330,000 cubic yards of concrete, in. cluding that in the power house and the construction bridge. McCatts Ferry DamM, PENNSYLVANIA, 241. Fic. (cee abod aonf of) ‘Uol4OAs{a eps srereeeccesceectoenee £8 99 Snpredi tee pre eslssanietardeumiatesds ‘VINVATASNNGG ‘KVL AUB] STIV, OTL— CFS PLT Sea iesease nwt piethocay 208 S434fOY Gf SUHOY Q AUUOSOLY SPAOMO4, PAA Y20G GLIA “$G/S/°7 2/7 BY Of 82a BUitsdNy SIe{f- ‘sig, Ux22 40 Hujoe7 afqnog ~~ (‘p2Banjuq) "uWy t4oddng so s1o4eq GHEE Fe | kK soos £057 - Stel *‘PAaAOWlay 240 UlLG fo YIDG £0 S/DILAa, UBYM {PBS aq Ok LN 9-7 Vv wee ah eeeee ns ols 982 -- “ wh Pe QO 0! ‘UolFDASIa PU . ane) | sisay) BASS xeg xexeerp bul. XExe a "UPId 440g 7 TTP 7 7 XO POY XX XXX yt SOLD Bx a" xsexeet buioag 640g Li207 pe vaesrE NT? u 5 Hy i H et D4hee9 fou ee beg eo MASONRY DAMS. One of the most interesting features of construction was the substantial concrete bridge thrown across the river on a series of arches, to serve as a working platform from which to build the dam. This bridge is 50 feet wide, 2300 feet long, parallel to and 16 feet downstream from the edge of the dam a" 9 WN t A ie tf SNS McCauis Ferry Dam, PENNSYLVANIA. 243. Fig. and power house. Four railway tracts of standard gauge were laid on the bridge, on which three travelling cranes, spanning all four tracks, with a base of 44 feet, are used for handling the steel forms of the dam and the material. They stand so high that cars and engines can pass underneath 334 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. them, and each crane has four outriggers with a horizontal reach of 94 feet, and a capacity of lifting 5000 lbs. at the extreme end. The dam is composed of cyclopean rubble, with huge blocks embedded in concrete, and is founded on hard gneiss bedrock. The total cost of the dam and power house, and electric plant, including the reconstruction of the Pennsylvania R. R. for a number of miles, is estimated at $10,000,000 Dr. Cary T. Hutchison is chief engineer, Wm. Barclay Parsons, M. Am. Soc. C. E., consulting engineer, Hugh L. Cooper, hydraulic engineer, and B. R. Value, engineer in charge. The Pedlar River Dam, Lynchburg, Va.—A concrete dam has been erected across the Pedlar river, Va., to form a storage reservoir of 365,000,000 gallons capacity (1,115 acre-feet) for the water supply of Lynchburg, a city of 22,000 inhabitants. The dam is 415 long, straight in plan, with 150 feet near the southern end used as an overflow spillway. The maximum height of the structure is 73.5 feet, the parapets 2.5 feet above the crest being 12.5 feet higher than the spillway level. It has a base width of 42.5 in the spillway section. The main portion is 39.2 feet thick at the bottom, 10 feet at top. The contract for the dam was let in May, 1904, to C. G. Williams, of Brooklyn, for $103,708. Several novel and interesting features have been introduced in the con- struction of this dam, one of which is the precaution taken to avoid the formation of a vacuum under the sheet of falling water over the spillway, as the maximum depth of overflow is expected to reach 6 feet. The down-stream face of the spillway is laid in steps of granite blocks, 18 to 27 inches deep (Fig 244), and large enough to extend 2 feet under the next step above. Under each of the steps 6-inch vitrified pipes are embedded, each extending the full length of the spillway and through the two wing walls. These pipes are open at the ends, and each have three 4-inch branches, with open ends extending to the faces of the steps, so as to supply air to the back of the sheet of falling water. (Fig. 245). The concrete of the heart of the dam was laid in large blocks, about 10 10X15 feet in dimensions, inside of wooden forms, with vertical and horizontal offsets locking them together, after the general plan employed on the San Mateo dam. The wing walls on each side of the spillway are re- inforced concrete. The heart of the dam was made of natural cement concrete, with large stone embedded. The dam was designed by H. L. Shaner, city engineer of Lynchburg. The Morgan Falls Dam, Atlanta, Ga.—The Atlanta Water and Elec- tric Power Co. in 1902-04, erected a dam on the Chattahoochee river, 16 * Engineering Record, Septmeber 21, 1907. 336 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. miles from Atlanta, about 900 feet long, 50 feet high, for the development of power transmitted to the city. The dam is founded on hard gneiss rock all the way across the river, and is straight in plan, divided into two main portions, one of which is a rollway overflow, 700 feet long, from the abutment on the west side. The other portion, 10 feet higher than the overfa.] crest, is vertical on the up-stream face. The rollway portion has a total width of 64 feet at the base, including the toe of the dam; is 43 feet thick at the base of the main prism, above the curved toe, and 15 feet thick at a point 8 feet below the top. The up-stream face of the rollway section is built of rubble masonry, laid in Portland cement mortar, while the down-stream face and crest are of concrete, trowelled to a true, smooth surface. The interior, between these faces, is of cyclopean masonry, of the usual type of large blocks embedded in concrete, consisting of 1 part Portland cement, 2.5 parts sand and 5 parts crushed rock. The facing concrete was mixed 1:2:4, with a skin of richer mixture 1:2. The dam was built on the plans of George B. Francis, M. Am. Soe. C. E., of the firm of Westinghouse, Church, Kerr and Co., of New York, contracting engineers for the entire plant. The plant has a capacity of 10,500 K.W. generatecl in seven units of 1500 K.W. each. The Catawba River Dam, South Carolina.—This structure, built in 1903-04, for power development, 6.5 miles from Rock Hill, 8. C., consists of an earth dam, 306 feet long, having a central masonry core-wall connect- ing with a masonry dam, 585 feet long across the main channel of the river, in two tangents with a central are between them. The maximum height of the overflow rollway section is 55.5 feet with a base width of 33 feet, and up-stream face vertical. The up-stream face is built up with roughly coursed quarry-faced stone, 18 to 28 inches thick, laid in cement, while the heart of the dam is cyclopean rubble, in which stones of all sizes up to 8 tons weight were used, bedded in 1:3 mortar. Between the largest ones a concrete of 1 part of cement, 3 of sand and 5 of broken stone was tamped in. The face of the overfall was a concrete mixed 1:2:4. The structure contains about 60,000 cubic yards of masonry in all. The earth dam is separated from the masonry by a heavy abutment wall, acting as a retaining wall for the earth, and carried to a height of 22 feet above the crest of the masonry dam. Into this abutment a masonry core-wall for the earth fill is bonded. This has a: thickness of 18 feet at the base, 4 feet at the top, and at the junction with the abut- ment it is 58 feet high. At a point 70 feet from the retaining wall the core-wall narrows to 4 feet at the base, and carries the same width throughout the remainder of its length and height. Against this core-wall on the up-stream side is a filling of puddle clay, 337 MASONRY DAMS, MOAUTSAY DHL JO SNOMOUS-SSOUN NA], dO SNOMVATIG, DNIMOHS “2IUY ‘UTATY LIvg Woaudsey LIGAMsooy Ao AV —~“OrG “OT SSS (4324 0021 ou oo8 009 007 02 Q aN ge ve ec 2e 1€ $U014IaG SSO4D 4O 2]EI9S [PIA owas SS oN smine 2 f ° Bj2IG }e,UOZI4OH ge Of S2 92 £2 Ke ¥ Ave v2 €2 22 t v2 0 el vl si ot al Bl “oy enw ii ! Wy Se: Uy > é LJ. , we CEN sap" QO aye rer NS fj wil LUV ZS eois : aw aut THUS “HAWS ie Y WINN NSS wu IE — %, my YUM ML ays Lay IS CG IW Fig. 164.—Map oF Satt River V. co a al LY? \ ‘ us wy, UA 4g, 2 MN “Alani 3% > Finis, ‘. yr. “ge (Ging € *s wen Z..,, wy. tec stl, et S, i, a : BY Re! nt f { ‘ s 1” Crags ang ane i 2 pis cin IK x Uys Zing TS # se os : a s¥ii QW ZS eh Zs Fig no, 7 “ag oY ee . . € ‘as aa Min ON TAS A aay gh i git zh of 4 “f jd ae ¢ f y i Jamanuyel ’ i entre, 4 1 f 4 is f i _ ccna perenne : W be : It, / ‘ e, / MARICO co} Hg OE i PINAL UMM iE Me, i Yuu i - S. \ i ws tat : G/LA / ; a Ze 4 HOWING CANALS CONSTRUCTED AND PROPOSED. [To face page 347. MASONRY DAMS, 347 ed until 1902, when active construction was resumed and has continued ever since. The dimensions of the dam are as follows: Lenethsontopetieeiseta. Me Se 1800 feet Maximitm, heights.c1sanceduava de dweargeee 85.4 ‘ Thickness at base.......... 0 . eee eee eee 65.6‘ Thickness at crown.... .......... 0005. dene Onto Height of crest above spillway lovel...... eds 6.6 ‘‘ The cubic contents will be about 92,000 cubic yards and cost complete about $500,000 gold. The new dam surrounds and envelops the old foundations of twenty years ago, to which it is joined with a base laid in Portland cement mortar. The body of the dam is a rough rubble, formed of large blocks of hard limestone, up to 3 tons weight, laidin a mortar of native hydraulic lime and sand. There are five outlets to the reservoir, on four different levels, consist- ing of cast-iron pipes built through the masonry. Three meters above the base are two 36-inch cast-iron pipes, having a discharge capacity of over 1000 sec.-feet under full head. At the six-meter level, a 24-inch pipe and valve are placed for operating a flour mill by water power. Above this at the 11.5 and 18 meter levels are two other pipes, delivering water to lands that cannot be reached from the main outlets below. On the up-stream face of the dam an embankment of clay has been built against the dam on a slope of 2 on 1 toa height of 33 feet. This is for the purpose of cutting off filtration into the lower levels of the masonry, and corresponds to modern German practice in such structures. Before building this dike of earth the joints in the masonry, which had been left open for several years, were carefully pointed with Portland cement mortar. Care has been taken to keep the masonry wetted during the period of setting, and for this purpose the water in the reservoir has been allowed to follow up the building of the dam to or near the top of the work. The wasteway will be excavated in rock at one end of the dam. It will be 250 feet long, 6.5 feet deep. In connection with the two dams, about 18 miles of canals have been built on the hacienda, providing for the irrigation of 25,000 acres. The plant is doubtless the most costly and important reservoir irrigation work in Mexico. The author is indebted t» the courtesy of Mr. Oscar J. Braniff for the data concerning these works. The capacity of the new reservoir will be 35,000,000 cubic meters (28,370 acre-feet). Pia. 254.—Fronr or Esperanza Dam, at GUANAJUATO, Mexico. MASONRY DAMS. 349 By courtesy of Modern A/exico, of St. Louis, Mc., the accompanying views of two notable’ masonry dams at Guanajuato, Mexico, are incorpo- rated in this work, as types of reservoir construction in our neighboring republic. Fig. 254 shows the upper dam, from which water is supplied to the higher portion of the city through a stand pipe that is shown in the view of the lower dam, or the ‘“‘ Presa de la Olla,’” Fig. 255 (frontispiece). The upper dam is evidently a massive, ornate structure that would do credit to any country of the world, as far as exterior appearances can lead one to judge, although the precise dimensions are unfortunately lacking. Estimating from the proportions of the figures in the foreground, the height of the dam must be at least 80 feet. The view of the lower dam was taken on St. John’s Day, the 24th of June, which is celebrated annually by a function called the ‘“ Fiesta de la Presa,” or the feast day of the dam. Sharply at 12 o’clock noon of that day, the people congregate to wit- ness the opening of the gates, bringing refreshments and musical instru- ments for a picnic, and thus commences a fortnight of gayety, gambling, bull-fights, cock-fights, theater and dancing. The object of letting out the water is to clear the reservoir preparatory to the advent of the rainy season, which usually begins about that day. The water thus released washes out the river-bed below, which is the main drainage of the city. Mercedes Dam, Mexico.—One of the large landed estates of Mexico, in the State of Durango, is the Hacienda de Santa Catalina del Alamo y Anexas, which includes five minor haciendas, or centers of administration, embracing more than one million acres, and belongs to Sefior Pablo Mar- tinez del Rio, of Mexico City. While a large part of the estate consists of rugged grazing lands, there are extensive valleys of fertile soil where cotton can be profitably grown. The Nazas river is the source of irri- gation supply or a large and extremely fertile territory known as the Laguna District, stretching eastward from the line of the Mexican Central railway for 50 miles or more. A large part of the cotton crop of Mexico is produced in this district. It has developed into such a profitable industry as to give a high value to all the water supply available for irrigation. The property of Mr. del Rio adjoins the Laguna District on the west, from which a number of small tributaries of the Nazas river drain the mountainous portion of the hacienda in a northeasterly direction from the region broadly knownasthe Yerbanis Sierra. One of these tributaries, called Zorrillo creek, drains an area of 120 square miles before passing through a narrow box canyon known as the Boquillo del Zorrillo. Below this canyon, there are many thousands of acres of fine land, in a large valley of a stream called La Vieja, which only require sufficient water 350 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. supply, applied artificially at the right time, to produce cotton or any other crops in abundance. Immediately above the canyon is a small valley of a few hundred acres, surrounded by hills and adaptable for the formation of a capacious reservoir. The canyon is not more than 1,800 feet in length, in the form of a letter S, and at its upper end the width between the rocky walls is but 102 feet at the creek bed. These walls are nearly vertical for 60 to 70 feet in height and then slope back at an angle of about 2 to 1 on one side and 3 or 4 to 1 on the other. This site was selected for the construction of a masonry dam, which was begun May 14, 1901, and completed May 8, 1905, forming one of the most notable dams in Mexico and comparing favorably with many of the best known structures in the world. It is easily accessible by good road, eight miles from the station of Pasaje, on the Mexican International Railway, which is about midway between Torreon and Durango. The dam has an extreme height from the lowest foundations to the crest of 40.5 meters (132.8 feet) of which 8.5 meters (27.88 feet) is below the original creek bed. The thickness of the wall at the top is 3.5 meters (11.48 feet), at the level of the creek bed 22.2 meters (72.8 feet), and at extreme base it is 25.75 meters (84.5 feet). The profile is of the well known Wegmann gravity type, based on a specific gravity of 2 for the masonry. Its cubic contents are 21,416 cubic meters (about 28,000 cubic yards), and its cost complete was approximately $200,000, Mexican currency. The wall is straight for little more than half its length, the remainder being curved with a radius of 60 meters, measured from the central axis at the crest, its convex side being up-stream. Its length at base is but 13 feet; at the creek bed, it is 103 feet long; 66 feet above the creek bed it is 256 feet long, and at the crest its total length is 535 feet, not including the spillway, which is 98 feet in length and 63 feet deep. A tunnel 77.6 feet long, 6 feet by 6 feet 5 inches, was cut out through the rock at the level of the stream bed at the end of the dam, through which the flow of the stream was diverted during construction. This diversion was effected by means of a slender wall, built as a portion of the upper face of the dam, which was founded on bedrock in a trench cut for the purpose. This tunnel was temporarily closed with a wooden bulkhead, but was to be pro- vided with a 24-inch outlet pipe and gate, surrounded by concrete. To cut off seepage through bedrock underneath the dam, a trench, 1 meter wide, 2.5 meters deep, was excavated in the solid rock above the footing of this wall, the rock being plastered with cement and the trench refilled with puddled clay. The remaining excavation for the base of the dam was then made, without molestation from water, and the foundations of the dam were laid with cement mortar for a thickness of 2 meters. On © T¢e “MUMOT GALV!) dO NOILATMNOS) GUOdHH MOTH WOUd MATA TVUANG!) ‘OOTXATY “ODNVUNC ‘WY SaddoUugdpy— 9CG “OT 352 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the sides this thickness diminished from 2.0 meters next to the bottom to 0.75 meters at the top. In the body of the dam hydraulic lime mortar was used, made near the site from an excellent quality of limestone there existing. The sand used was a clean, sharp quartz sand, found in the bed of a tributary stream some distance above the dam. The Portland cement used amounted in all to 1800 barrels. It was mixed in the proportion of 1 to 4 of sand, and hence only about 10% of the entire volume of masonry is laid in cement, the remainder being laid with hydraulic lime mortar. The character of masonry in the body of the dam was an uncoursed rough rubble, but the two faces were built of cut stone, in uniform courses of 0.6 meters (2 feet) on the lower face and 0.45 to 0.70 meters on the up- stream face. It was estimated that 37% of the mass of masonry consists of mortar. The stone at the dam is of volcanic origin, classified as rheolite, which was so brittle and of such irregular cleavage as to be considered unfit for use in the masonry. The stone used in the work was taken from a quarry opened 2 kilometers above the dam. It is an andesite or sandstone for- mation of a reddish color, which appeared to fill all requirements, as it could be quarried in large blocks and was easily dressed to dimensions required. When tested at the National School of Engineering in Mexico, it was found to have a compressive strength equal to 521 tons per square foot. The main outlet of the dam consists of a cut-stone culvert, 6 feet wide, 7.87 feet high, having vertical sides and a semi-circular arched roof. This connects with a rectangular shaft or tower built against the dam on the up-stream side, extending from the base to and above the top, the interior dimensions being 5.1 feet thick. At the base of the tower on the outside is a 6-foot circular sluice gate of cast iron, operated by a steel gate stem, 1.75 inches diameter, a ball-bearing geared hoisting device, resting on a platform projecting from the tower at the level of the crest of the dam. On the inside of the tower, against the face of the dam proper, is a similar sluce gate, 5 feet in diameter, also operated from the top. The method of operating these gates is to fill the tower with water through other smaller openings, while both gates are closed. The outer gate, being re- lieved of pressure, can then be raised. The inner gate, which can be kept well oiled, as it will be easily accessible, can presumably be easily raised under full pressure as much as desired. If it were opened wide the discharging capacity with the reservoir but half full would be approxi- mately 900 cubic feet per second. As it is never intended to draw out more than 40 to 50 sec.-feet for irrigation at any time, the evident purpose of these huge gates is to provide for a very large discharge at times, to be used in the attempt to wash out silt accumulations from the reservoir, MASONRY DAMS. 353 Fic. 257.—Merrcepes Dam, Mexico, puRING CONSTRUCTION. Fic. 258.—Merrcepres Dam, Mexico, LOOKING ACROSS SPILLWAY CHANNEL, SHOWING CurveD Portion aT Far Enp. 354 RESER\ OIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. although they are of doubtful value for this purpose. They will probably never be used except when the reservoir is nearly empty. The main service outlets consist of two flange-joint 12-inch cast iron pipes, placed vertically inside the walls of the tower and opening out into the reservoir with six upturned elbows, which are closed with cast iron covers, lifted from the top by cables. These pipes pass through the masonry of the dam underneath the culvert, and discharge into the cement- lined canal which starts at the base of the dam and is carried through the canyon to fields below. Gate valves at the lower end control the discharge. The covers on the inlet elbows have hinged one-inch flap valves, which are raised to admit water for filling the pipes, before the covers are raised, and thus act as by-pass valves. The intake elbows are placed in pairs at depths of 34.4 feet, 62.8 feet and 91.3 feet from the top. The four upper ones are in the front wall of the tower and the lower two on the sides. They connect with the vertical standpipes by means of flanged crosses, the free ends of which are closed with cast-iron caps bolted to the flanges. The six-inch by-pass connections, controlled by gate valves, open into the tower at the base of each vertical standpipe, through which the tower may be filled behind the 5-foot sluice gate. As a precaution against percolation through the dam, the upper face was treated with alternate washes of alum dissolved in water, and potash soap, five coats of each on the lower third, four coats on the middle third and three coats on the upper section. Application was made by spraying with a hand pump. The dam was entirely built by native labor, with but few mechanical appliances. The materials were hauled to the site on small cars drawn by mules on a two-foot gage tramway, hoisted by animal power up an incline of 24% grade, and distributed over the dam by portable tracks and cars pushed by hand. The mortar was mixed in a vat operated by mule power and located about a mile above the dam, where water was obtained from wells. It was delivered on the same track by which stone was brought from the quarry. During the first year of construction the work was over- topped by freshets several times without injury. During the second year the run-off was very small and the work was interrupted by floods; in fact, ashortage of water for construction was experienced for a brief period. The dam reached a height of 10 meters during that season. At the close of the rainy season in the fall of 1905, the water in the reservoir had reached a height of only 13.5 meters (44 feet) above the floor of the outlet culvert. With the water standing at this height in the res- ervoir dampness and sweating was observed on the down-stream face of the dam, but this completely disappeared a few days later. Leakage through the bedrock at the sides of the dam and into the tunnel continued MASONRY DAMS. 355 as long as water remained in the reservoir, although in finely distributed filtrations, through minute seams and not in a manner threatening the least danger to the dam. By the end of August, 1906, the reservoir was filled to the height of 46 feet, but without the reappearance of moisture on the face of the dam, although the leakage through bedrock seams was renewed in the same amount as before. As the stream carries a large quantity of silt at times, it is expected that the seams in the rock may ultimately be closed by the fine particles of silt drawn into them and finally shut off all further leakage. Water Supply.—The discharge of the stream was measured during the time of construction of the dam, as follows: 1901, 4306 acre-feet; 1902, 26,000 acre-feet; 1903, 2830 acre-feet; 1904, 8590 acre-feet; 1905, 5463 acre- feet; average 9438 acre-feet. This is a run-off of 24 to 217 acre-feet per square mile per annum, averaging 78.6 acre-feet per square mile. The rainfall at the dam has been recorded as follows: 1901, 11.65 inches; 1902, 24.84 inches; 1903, 16.38 inches; 1904, 14.80 inches; 1905, 16.36 inches. The rainy season begins in June and ends in November, the heaviest rains occurring in the month of September, before and after the equinox. Owing to the precipitous and impermeable nature of the watershed and the lack of the retarding influences of forests and gravel-filled valleys, the run-off is torrential in character and at times reaches a rate of 7000 cubic feet per second. The watershed is about 42 miles in extreme length and the summit elevations more than 3000 feet higher than the dam. Owing to the irregularity in rainfall the water supply is correspondingly fluctuating, amounting to considerably less than the reservoir capacity during four of the five years in which it was measured. The reservoir floods an area of 416.4 acres and has a capacity of 12,000 acre-feet. The spillway of the reservoir was excavated from the solid rock at the north end of the dam to a width of 30 meters (98.4 feet). The crest is well paved with masonry laid in cement. It is two meters in depth below the crest of the dam. Its capacity is said to be double the amount deduced as essential by observation of the volume and duration of maximum floods, and considering the equalizing action of the reservoir capacity in the two meters of depth over the sill of the spillway. Irrigation.—The area of land which may be irrigated from the reservoir has yet to be determined from theeobservation of catchment during a period of years. If the reservoir could ke filled once each year, it would suffice for the irrigation of 5000 acres. A single crop of cotton produced on this area, with the noi mal yield of one bale per acre, valued at $50 per bale, would more than repay the cost of the dam. The investment is therefore to be regarded as a profitable one. 356 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Silt.—Observations on the volume of silt brought to the reservoir in- dicated that at times it might reach as high as three per cent. Upon the advice of the author a partial precipitation of the silt will be made by the building of some small dams above the main reservoir, as any attempt to sluice it out of the reservoir could only result in a loss of valuable water, without moving more than an inappreciable quantity of the silt which had precipitated over the floor of the reservoir. Canal System.—The main canal is 2100 meters in length, mostly lined with masonry. It has a section of 2.75 square meters and a grade of 5 feet in 10,000 (2.64 feet per mile). From the end of the main canal a smaller ditch with a section of one square meter and having the same slope or grade as the main canal, is carried to the south a total distance of 6500 meters (4.4 miles), while toward the north extends a ditch with a section of 1.8 square meters and a fall of 1 per 1000 for a distance of 1560 meters. This ditch has several drops of 2 to 3 meters, built in masonry. These ditches have a combined length of 8600 meters (5.8 miles) as far as com- pleted, and command an area of 5000 acres, on a portion of which a satisfactory crop of cotton was produced in 1906. The dam was designed by Carlos Patoni, C. E., of Durango, and the construction was carried out under direction of Carlos Duran, C. E., of Mexico City, to whom the author is indebted for the facts embodied in the foregoing description, as well as to P. Barnetche, the intelligent foreman in more immediate charge of the work. Figs. 256, 257, and 258 are excellent photographs, taken during con- struction and after completion of the dam. Masonry Dams IN Various Parts OF THE WORLD. The data for the following condensed descriptions of the principal masonry dams of the world have been gleaned from many sources, including the Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Trans- actions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineering News, Engineering Record, and other journals, but chiefly from the exhaustive and valuable work on ‘‘The Design and Construction of Dams,” by Edward Wegmann, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Dams IN SPAIN. The Del Gasco Dam, Spain.—To the engineer the history of the failure of a structure is quite as interesting and valuable as that of a successful construction, and the case of the old dam started on the Guadarrana River, in 1788, is an excellent example of the fact that Spanish engineers of the MASONRY DAMS. 357 18th century were not as scientific as their descendants of the present day. The dam was a pretentious structure, and was to have been 305 feet in height, 823 feet long, with a base thickness of 236 feet, and a crest width of 13 feet. It was straight in plan, consisting of two parallel walls, each 9.2 feet thick, connected by cross-walls, leaving compartments to be filled with stones laid in a mortar of clay. When the dam reached a height of 187 feet a severe storm filled the reservoir, overtopped the dam, and so saturated the clay that its swelling forced out a part of the front wall. After this discouraging experience the dam was abandoned. The Almanza Dam, Spain.—The oldest existing masonry dam was erected in the Spanish province of Albacete prior to 1586. It is built of rubble masonry, faced with cut stone, and is 67.8 feet high, 33.7 feet thick at base, and of the same thickness for 23.5 feet of its height, the upper side being vertical, and the lower face stepped. The crest is 9.84 feet thick. The lower 48 feet is built on curved plan with radius of 86 feet. The upper portion is irregular. The maximum pressure upon the masonry is 14.33 tons per square foot. The Alicante Dam, Spain.—This structure, erected in a narrow gorge on the river Monegre, in 1579 to 1594, is the highest dam in Spain, and is used for irrigation of the plains of Alicante. The height is 134.5 feet, the base width being 110.5 feet, and the crest 65.6 feet. The gorge is remarkably narrow, being but 30 feet at bottom and 190 feet at the top of the dam. The dam is curved in plan, with a radius of 351.37 feet on the up-stream face at crest, which has a batter of 3 to 41. The dam is built of rubble masonry, faced with cut stone. It is supposed to have been designed by Herreras, the famous architect of the Escurial palace. The reservoir formed by the dam is small for so large a structure, having a length of but 5900 feet and a capacity of 975,000,000 gallons (2982 acre-feet). The stream carries such a large volume of silt that it is necessary to scour out the sediment by a device called a scouring-gallery. The scouring is done every four years. The gallery is a culvert through the center of the dam at the bottom, 5.9 feet wide, 8.86 feet high at the upper end, and en- larged below. The mouth is closed by a timber bulkhead, which is cut out from below when the scouring is to be done. The sediment forms to a great depth above the mouth of the culvert, and has to be started to move by punching a hole through it with a heavy iron bar. The total cost of scouring the reservoir amounts to $50. The sediment which is not swept out by the velocity of the current is shoveled into the stream by workmen. The Elche Dam, Spain.—This structure has a maximum height of 76.1 feet and a base of 39.4 feet, and is formed in three parts, closing converging valleys. The principal wall is 230 feet long and built of rubble faced with cut stone. It is curved in plan, up-stream, with a radius of 205.38 feet. It is provided with a scourging-sluice similar to that at the Alicante dam, but so designed as to be safer for the workmen who remove the timbers 358 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. forming the bulkhead at the mouth of the sluice. The dam is located near the town of Elche, on the Rio Vinolapo. The Puentes Dam, Spain.—This structure is noted because it was of unusual height and massiveness, and yet failed by reason of its having been founded on piles driven into a bed of alluvial soil and sand instead of bed-rock. It was erected in 1785 to 1791, on the Guadalantin River, at the junction of three tributary streams, and stood successfully for eleven years, during which time the depth of water never exceeded 82 feet, but in 1802 a flood occurred which accumulated a depth of 154 feet in the reservoir, and produced sufficient pressure to force water through the earth foundation. The reservoir was emptied in an hour, the pipe founda- tion was washed out, and a breach in the masonry, 56 feet wide, 108 feet high, was created, destroying the dam and leaving a bridge arching over the cavity. The extreme height of the dam was 164 feet, and its crest length was 925 feet; its thickness at base was 145.3 feet, and at top 35.72 feet. The extreme pressure on the masonry was computed by M. Aymard at 8.12 tons per square foot. It was built of rubble masonry, with cut-stone facings, and was polygonal in plan, with convexity up-stream. Water was taken from it through two culverts, one near the base, and the other 100 feet from the top. These were 5.4 feet wide, 6.4 feet high, and connected with masonry wells having small inlet-openings from the reservoir. A scouring-sluice, 22 feet wide, 24.7 feet high, was also provided through the dam, divided by a pier into two openings at its mouth to shorten the span of the timbers that closed it. At the time of the break the mud deposited in the reservoir was 44 feet deep. The disaster caused the loss of 608 lives and the destruction of 809 houses. The property loss was estimated at $1,045,000. The dam is reported to have been recently restored, and was doubtless extended to bed-rock for its foundation. Val de Infierno Dam, Spain.—This dam is 116.5 feet high, and founded on rock. It has an enormous section, the base width being 137 feet. Even within 15 feet of the top the thickness of the wall is over 97 feet. It was built for irrigation in 1785 to 1791, and is located on one of the branches of the Guadalantin River, above the Puentes dam. It is not now in service, and the reservoir has entirely filled with sediment. The scouring of the silt from the reservoir injured the property below, which led to the aban- donment of the structure. The scouring-sluice of the dam is 14.8 feet high, 9 to 12.3 fect wide. The Nijar Dam, Spain.—This dam has a maximum height of 101.5 feet above the bed of the stream, and consists of a massive base of masonry, 144 feet thick, 70 feet high. On this the dam proper rests, having a base thickness of 67.6 feet. The upper face is vertical, and the down-stream face is built in high steps. The scouring-sluice, which is an appendage MASONRY DAMS. 359 of all Spanish dams, is 3.3 feet wide by 7.2 feet high, closed at its upper end by a gate operated by a long rod extending to the top of the dam. The reservoir capacity formed by the dam is 12,570 acre-feet. The Lozoya Dam, Spain.—The object of this structure, which was built about 1850 across the Rio Lozoya, was not to store water, but simply as a diversion-weir to supply a canal leading to the city of Madrid. Its height is 105 feet, top length 237.8 feet, and it consists of a wall of cut stone, straight in plan, having a thickness of 128 feet at base, backed up partially by a sloping bank of gravel. The canal is taken through a tunnel in the rock on the right bank, 22.4 feet below the top. A second tunnel, used as a scouring-sluice, is placed 7.5 feet lower than the canal, below which the reservoir is allowed to fill with sediment. A waste-weir is cut in the rock, on the left bank, 11 feet deep, 27.6 feet wide. The Villar Dam, Spain—In 1870-78 the Spanish Government con- structed a second dam on the Rio Lozoya, to supplement the supply to Madrid by storage. The dam is 170 feet high, 547 feet long on top, 154.6 feet thick at base, 14.75 feet thick at the crest, which is 8.25 feet above the spillway level. The dam is modern in design, and has a gravity profile with large factor of safety. It is also curved in plan, on a radius of 440 feet. It is constructed of rubble masonry throughout, with the exception of cut-stone copings. Its cost was about $390,000. The capacity of the reservoir formed by it is 13,050 acre-feet. Two scouring-sluices are built through the dam and closed by gates that are operated by hydraulic power from a central tower. The Hijar Dams, Spain.—Water is stored for irrigation on the Martin River, above the city of Hijar, Spain, by means of two masonry dams built in 1880. The general dimensions of each of these dams are about alike, the height being 141 feet, length 236 feet on top, thickness at base 147 feet, and at crest 16.4 feet. The water-face is vertical for 82 feet from the top, continuing with a vertical curve to the base. The omter face is in a series of steps below a point 29.5 feet from the top, each step peing 6.5 feet high, 4.9 feet wide. Both dams are arched up-stream with a radius of 210 feet. One of the reservoirs has a capacity of 8913 acre-feet, and a water- shed of 17 square miles; the other impounds 4864 acre-feet, and receives the drainage from 92 square miles. Dams IN FRANCE. The Gros-Bois Dam, France.—This structure has been severely criticised because of the fact that it would be more stable to resist water-pressure applied from the lower side than the upper, and for the reason that it has an excess of masonry over what would be required if it were distributed in proper form; and yet it has but a small factor of safety, as was proven by the fact that it slid down-stream on its base about 2 inches, and was only relieved of strains that produced cracks and leaks by the addition Fig. 259.—Furens Dam, St. ETIENNE, France, DoWN-sTREAM Facer. 360 19 _ MIOAUASAY ONIMOHS ‘GFONVUY ‘ANNGILY “Le ‘UGINY,d TUIIONY ‘WV SNAMOY dO MEIA TVYENEY)— 09 DIT 362 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. of nine counterforts, 13 to 37 feet thick, projecting 26 feet from the base. The dam was originally built vertical on the down-stream face, and stepped on the waterside. Its height above bed is 73.2 feet, extreme height 92.9 feet; top length 1804.6 feet; thickness at base 45.9 feet, at top 21.32 feet. It is founded on argillaceous rock, rather soft. The dam was built in 1830-38, on the Brenne River, for feeding the navigable canal of Bour- gogne. The Chazilly Dam was constructed after the general type of the Gros- Bois dam, and on the same profile. It is on the Sabine River, near the city of Chazilly, and is 1758.6 feet long, 73.8 feet high, 53 feet thick at base, 13.4 feet at crest. The Zola Dam, designed by the father of the noted novelist, is one of the few dams depending solely upon their arched form for their stability. It is 119.7 feet high, 48.8 feet thick at base, 19 feet thick at top, and 205 feet long on the crest, which is surmounted by a parapet + feet high. The gorge has a width of but 23 feet at the base of the dam. The radius of the arch is 158 feet at the crown. The water-face has three steps or offsets from the vertical and the profile is quite erratic and irregular. It forms a reservoir for supplying the city of Aix with water, and was built about the year 1843. It is made of rubble masonry, founded on rock. The Furens Dam.—Among many engineers this famous dam is recog- nized as a model of correct form, profile, and dimensions, whose outlines conform closely to what are accepted as certainly safe and well-balanced proportions throughout, even though the volume of material may be slightly excessive. It was built by the French Government in 1862 to 1866 for the purpose of controlling the floods of the Furens River and protecting the town of St. Etienne from inundations. The dam is 183.7 feet in extreme height on the down-stream side, 170.6 feet in height on the up-stream side, and carrying a maximum depth of 164 feet of water. Its base thickness is 165.8 feet, and it is 16.4 feet thick at a depth of 21 feet below the top. The crest is 12.4 feet wide, and is used as a carriage-road; the top length is 326 feet. The dam was four years in building, construction being limited to six months each season, owing to the altitude and to the severity of the winter weather. Tach year, while building, the water was allowed to flow over the top of the finished masonry, and when completed no leakage was visible further than a few damp spots on the lower side with full reservoir. The dam contains 52,300 cubic yards of masonry, and cost $318,000, of which the city of St. Etienne paid $190,000 for the privilege of the storage for its domestic supply. The rock used was mica-schist. Notwith- standing its safe gravity profile the dam was curved up-stream, with a radius of 828 feet for architectural effect. The volume of water stored by this great dam, the highest in France, is comparatively insignificant, MASONRY DAMS. 363 being but 1297 acre-feet (422,625,000 gallons). M. Graeff, Chief Engineer of the Department of the Loire, and M. Delocre des:gned the dam, and M. Montgolfier was engineer in charge of construction. The Ternay Dam.—Located on the river Ternay, in the province of Ardéche, southern France, this dam was erected in 1865 to 1868, for con- trolling floods and supplying the neighboring town of Annonay. It is con- structed of granite rubble masonry, and is founded on bed-rock of granite. The proportion of mortar in the work was 0%. In plan it is curved with a radius of 1312 feet, while the profile is a gravity type, resembling that of the Furens dam. The extreme height is 119 feet, and bottom thickness 89.2 feet. The up-stream face is vertical for 58.5 feet, and battered below that point. The lower face is chiefly formed in a vertical curve of 147.6 feet radius, reaching from the water-level to within 30.5 feet of the bottom, the slope to the base being tangent to the curve. The center of the circular curve is 7.5 feet above the crown of the dam. The dam was designed and built by M. Bouvier, Engineer des Ponts et Chaussées, under the general direction of J. B. Krantz, Chief Engineer. The profile of the dam, however, is considerably lighter than the type recommended by M. Krantz in his “Study on Reservoir Walls,” which form resulted from his adherence to a limiting pressure of 6 kilograms per square centimeter (85 Ibs. per square inch) upon any portion of the masonry, whereas the maximum pressures in the Ternay dam are esti- mated to be 9 kilos per square centimeter. M. Krantz comments, how- ever, on the Ternay dam as follows: “ The reservoir wall of Ternay, which was remarkably planned and built by M. Bouvier, has, in my opinion, scarcely a defect.” The capacity of the reservoir back of the dam is 686,766,000 gallons (2107 acre-feet). The total cost of the dam was $204,372. The Vingeanne Dam, France.—This structure resembles the Ternay in height and general form, being 113.8 feet high, 18.1 feet thick at base, 11.5 feet on top. It is located near the town of Baissey, and was built in 1885. The Ban Dam, France.—Next to the Furens dam in height the reservoir wall constructed in 1867 to 1870, near the city of St. Chamond, was built upon the same general principles, except that a greater maximum pressure was permitted upon the masonry, the computed extreme being 8.18 tons per square foot. Its extreme height is 157 feet, length 512 feet, base thick- ness 127 feet, top width 16.4 feet. The wall is battered or curved on both sides, there being no vertical faces. In plan it is curved convex up-stream. It is composed of rubble masonry founded on rock. It is used for the supply of the city of St. Chamond, and its cost was $190,000. The Verdon Dam, France.—This structure is not of great height, being but 59 feet, but its construction presented great difficulties, owing to the volume of water carried by the Verdon river, and the narrow canyon in 364 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. which it was placed. The low-water flow is 350 second-feet, while in floods the discharge reaches over 4200 second-feet. The dam had to be founded on rock, after excavating 20 feet through gravel and bowlders; and as the canyon is but 130 feet wide at the top of the dam and considerably less at the water-level, there was little room to do the work and take off the constant flow. The dam is used for diverting water to a canal, supplying the city of Aix and other places in the vicinity. The dam proper is curved up-stream with a radius of 108.8 feet, resting on a rectangular base of concrete. The masonry consists of rubble with cut-stone facings. The general dimen- sions are: Length on top... .. ccc cece cece cece cere ec cees 131.3 feet. Thickriess Of base is cise aga en oeal nevi eee oes 32.5 “ Thickness of crest...... 0... e eee e eee eee eens 14.2 “ Height above river-bed............c ccc eee 40.2 “ Height above foundations.............0e sees 59.0 “ The concrete foundation has a thickness of 48 feet. This is protected from the falling water by an embankment of large blocks of loose stone. The maximum depth of overflow was estimated at 16.4 feet. The Pas Du Riot Dam, France.—Subsequent to the construction of the Furens dam, a second storage-reservoir for the further supply of the city of St. Etienne was built in 1872 to 1878 to the height of 113.2 feet, curved in plan, and similar in profile to its greater neighbor. The reservoir formed by it has a capacity of 343,380,000 gallons (1054 acre-feet). The cost of the dam was $256,000. The Cotatay Dam, France.—In 1885 a dam was built on the Cotatay brook near the city of St. Etienne to supply the city of Chambon-Feuge- rolles. This also is of the Furens type, curved in plan, and has a maximum height of 144.3 feet, with maximum depth ‘of water of 121.4 feet. It is curved on a radius of 1148 feet, and is 508 feet in length on top. It was built in 1900-04 on the Cotatay river by M. Reuss, Engineer of Bridges and Roads. The Pont Dam, France.—This structure, of granite rubble, founded on rock, has a maximum length of 495 feet and an extreme height of 85 feet. It is curved in plan, with a radius of 1312.4 feet. The base thickness is 62 feet, and crest 16.4 feet. The water-face batters 4.2 feet in its total height. : On the lower face, from the top down for 62.3 feet, is a vertical curve, whose radius is 98.4 feet. The remaining height has a batter tangent to this curve. Nearly 20 feet of the base of the dam is below the river-bed. Seven counterforts or buttresses, 16 feet long, 3 feet thick, help sustain the dam. The dam was built in 1883 on the Armancon River, 24 miles from the city of Semur. MASONRY DAMS. 3865 The Chartrain Dam, France.—The profile of this modern structure, built in 1888-92, is one of the most graceful and scientific in design of all of the French dams of recent construction. It has a maximum height above lowest foundations of about 180 feet, and a base’width on top of founda- tions of 135 feet, the foundations extending above and below the toes of the wall to a total width of 156 feet. The dam is located on the river Tache, and was built to store water for the supply of the city of Roanne. The reservoir, however, is quite small for so high and costly a dam, covering but 54.36 acres in area and impounding 3647 acre-feet to a mean depth of 67 feet, or 41% of the maximum depth. The cost of the dam was $420,000, or $115.10: per acre-foot of storage capacity. The Bousey Dam, France.—The failure of this structure April 27, 1895, with the loss of one hundred and fifty lives and the destruction of much property, has particularly emphasized the value of several features of masonry dams which may be regarded as essential in the design of all such works: 1st. That they be founded on impermeable bed-rock, and the possi- bility of upward pressure from water passing through fissures be avoided. 2d. That they shall have a profile of such dimensions as to permit of no tension in the masonry. 3d. That the masonry shall be practically impervious to water. 4th. That it be curved in plan to avoid temperature cracks and move- ments as the result of expansion and contraction of the masonry. The Bousey was lacking in all of these essential features, and its failure was not surprising in the light of all the facts that have been published regarding it. It was built in 1878 to 1881, near Epinal, France, across the small stream of Aviére to form a storage-reservoir of 1,875,000,000 gallons for supplying the summit level of the Eastern Canal, which here crosses the Vosges Mountains in connecting the rivers Moselle and Saéne, this canal being a connecting link in interior navigation between the Mediterranean and the North Sea. The reservoir was fed by an aqueduct from the Moselle River. The reservoir covered an area of 247 acres. The general dimensions of the dam are as follows: Length on top... 2... cece eee cece teen e eee 1700 feet. Height above river-bed................0.0000, Ag #6 Height above foundations................0000- WD. Width ontopin ins cente ea eens Aaa 13) Width 36 feet below water-level................ 18 # 266 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The wall was vertical on the water-face from top to bottom. The masonry was founded on red sandstone, which in places was fissured and quite permeable, with springs which gave trouble in construct- ing the foundations. The foundation was not excavated to solid, im- permeable rock under the entire dam, but an attempt was made to remedy this deficiency by building what was called a “ guard-wall,” 6.5 feet thick on the upper side of the dam, extending down below the foundations through the imperfect rock for the purpose of cutting off leakage under- neath. This was carried up to the river-bed and lapped against the main wall. The dam was completed in 1880, and the following year water was admitted. When it had reached about one-third the height, 33 feet below the top, enormous leakage, amounting it is said to 2 cubic feet per second, appeared on the lower side of the dam, partly due to two vertical fissures or expansion-cracks in the wall. March 14, 1884, when the water had risen to within 10.4 feet of the top, the pressure was sufficient to bulge the wall forward for 444 feet, forming a curve convex down-stream, the ex- treme movement being from 1 to 3 feet according to different authorities. Four additional fissures then appeared, and the leakage increased to about 8,000,000 gallons per day. These cracks opened in winter and closed in summer. The water was kept behind the dam and the following year allowed to rise to within 2 feet of the top, after which it was drawn off, when it was discovered that for 97 feet the dam had been shoved forward, separating from the guard-wall, and numerous cracks were found on the inner face. Extensive repairs were then undertaken. The joint between the main wall and the guard-wall was covered with masonry and sur- rounded by a bank of puddle, 10 feet thick, while a heavy, inclined buttress- wall was built at the lower toe, deep into the bed-rock, and toothed into the masonry of the dam to prevent the tendency to slide on its base. This abutment was nearly 20 feet in height, and its base was 84.3 feet below the top of the dam, making the total thickness of base 71.6 feet. Notwith- standing all this work the dam was fatally weak at a point near the river- bed level, where the line of resistance falls considerably outside the middle third, and the final break occurred at a point about 33 feet below the top, where the fracture was almost horizontal longitudinally, and 594 feet of the central part of the dam was overturned. The break was level trans- versely for about 12 feet and then dipped toward the outer face. The repairs finished in 1889 were presumed to have made the dam safe, and the break did not occur for six years afterwards, during which time the action of temperature-changes is presumed to have produced the weak- ness resulting in the final catastrophe. An interesting account of the fail- ure of the dam was published in Engineering News, May 16 and 23, 1895. The lesson taught by it will be serviceable to engineers the world over. The Mouche Dam, France.—The purpose of this structure, completed MASONRY DAMS. 367 in 1890, is similar to that of the Bousey dam—to form a storage-reservoir for feeding a navigable canal. It is located on the Mouche River, near the village of St. Ciergues, and forms a reservoir of 241.8 acres, having a mean depth of 29 feet and impounding 7010 acre-feet. The general dimensions are as follows: Length On top sates eas csiteanneineeeess 1346 feet. Maximum height, lowest foundation to parapet. 114.5 “ Height, base to water-line................... 94.5 “ Width-Of Das@ssccccusaseos eeeewese eases 66.7 “ Width of t0psciscicsierrerwiew ie ietaeeans 11.6 “ The up-stream face has a batter of 1 foot in 50, while the down-stream batter is nearly 1 to 1. The dam is straight in plan and carries a roadway over the top, nearly 25 feet wide, supported by arches resting on abutment-piers that give the required extra width. There are forty of these arches, each with a span of 26.2 feet. The masonry was found experimentally to weigh 134.2 Ibs. per cubic foot, and the computations of the profile were made on that basis, pre- serving the lines of pressure, reservoir full and empty, well within the center third. The excavations for foundation were required to be so deep to reach bed-rock that 56% of the masonry is laid below the surface, the maximum depth of excavation being about 40 feet. The water-face of the dam was given three coats of hot pitch, and subsequently whitewashed. Settons Dam, France.—This structure was built originally with the view to improving navigation on the Yonne River, in 1855-58. It had an extreme length of 889 feet, a maximum height of 69 feet, and was 14 feet wide on the crest. In 1899 the dam was reinforced by the addition of a “ouard wall” on the up-stream face for its entire height, the wall having a thickness of 17.3 feet, with a number of vertical wells constructed in the wall to intercept and drain off the leakage through the wall. Avignonet Dam, France.—This dam is remarkable for the fact that it has been built to the height of 75.5 feet as an overfall weir in the river Drac, which in flood carries as much as 35,000 sec.-feet, without having been founded on bedrock. It was located in a narrow gorge whose sides rise nearly 1000 feet, and the stream being torrential in character the canyon had been filled to a great depth with boulders and gravel, the excava- tion in which to reach bedrock would have been exceedingly deep. Therefore the engineers decided to build it on the detritus of the canyon, merely sinking two cut-off trenches about 13 feet deep, 8 feet thick, and giving the dam a base of 78.4 feet, which is greater than its height. 368 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The dam is curved in plan, on a radius of 656 feet, is 196.8 feet lon; on the crest, and is 15.6 feet thick on top, with a roll-way form on the down- stream slope. (See plate I.) The toe of the dam is extended down-stream by an apron of reinforced concrete. The entire dam is built of concrete, was completed in 1902, and is used for the development of power for the city of Grenoble, whose population in 1896 was 64,000. The Sioule Dam, France.—This structure, erected in 1902-04, across the Sioule River, is utilized for water storage and power, the power-house being located immediately below the dam. It is curved in plan, with a radius of 984 feet, and is 393.7 feet long on the crest, has a maximum height of 98.4 feet, is 79 feet wide at base, and 16.4 feet wide on top. At each end of the dam an overflow weir is provided, extending parallel with the valley, and nearly at right angles with the direction of the dam. The Miodeix Dam, France.—The storage of water and the develop- ment of power from the Miodeix river, for the city of Auvergne, was the purpose of the erection of this dam in 1903. The maximum height is 80 feet, the crest width 10 feet, and the base 69 feet, The up-stream batter is 9% and that of the down-stream face is 80%, with a vertical curve near the top, having a radius of 26.4 feet, above which it is vertical for 8.4 feet to the top. The Turdine Dam, France.—A reservoir of 28,840,000 cubic feet capacity (661 acre-feet) was formed in 1902-04 for the water-supply of the city of Tarare (population in 1896, 14,500) by the erection of a masonry dam of triangular profile, having a height of 82 feet, a base width of 65 feet, and a crest width of 13 feet. The dam is curved in plan, with a total length of 394 feet on top. The up-stream batter from the base up for 15 meters is 8.33%, thence to the top 5%, while on the down-stream face the batter from foundation up to a height of 11.12 meters is 80%, thence by a vertical curve of 49.5 feet radius to within 5.4 feet of the top. The spillway level is but 2.3 feet below the crest of the dam. This dam is about 20 miles northwest from the city of Lyon, and about 35 miles north of St. Etienne, the location of the Furens dam. The Echapre Dam, France.—One of the high modern dams of France was that erected in 1894-98 for the water-supply of the city of Firminy, Department of the Loire (population in 1891, 14,500). The maximum height above lowest foundations is 160 feet, the width at base 88.6 feet and on top 17 feet. It carries a maximum depth of water of 121.4 feet. It is curved in plan on a radius of 1148.2 feet, and is 541 feet long on the crest. A pleasing architectural effect is given to the down-stream face by a series of arches, with spans of 13 feet, which support the side of the roadway on top of the dam, which has been corbelled out over the arches to give the desired width of roadway and sidewalks. The arches rest on pilasters 4 [MASONRY DAMS. 369 feet wide. The arches have a total height of 33 feet. The up-stream face of the dam is vertical for 99 feet from the top down, while the lower face batters about 76%. The spillway of the dam at one side is 101.7 feet long. The dam was designed and built by M. G. Reuss, Ingénieuer des Ponts ct Chaussées. The reservoir for so high a dam is comparatively small in capacity, containing but 33,535,000 cubic feet, or 770 acre-feet. The dam is but a few miles west of the Furens dam. The Ondenon Dam, France.—Quite similar in design to the Echapre and Cotatay dams is the structure erected in 1900-04 by the same engineer, to store water for the supply of the town of La Ricamarie. It is 123 feet in height, carrying a maximum depth of 107 feet of water. It is also curved in plan, with a radius of 984 feet, is 420 feet long and 15.4 feet wide on top, with a base width of 94 feet. It also carries a roadway on top, supported by corbeling out the normal width on 10 foot arches resting on pilasters. The reservoir capacity is extremely small, being but 14,120,000 cubic feet (324 acre-feet) and is indicative of the scarcity of good reservoir sites in that region. The Cher Dam, France.—One of the highest of the modern French dams is now under construction to create a storage reservoir for the supply of the City of Montlucon, in Central France (population in 1896, 31,600) and for power development, the capacity being about 20,000 acre-feet. The height will reach 158 feet; crest width 15.4 feet; base thickness 141 feet. It is to be curved in plan, with a radius of 656 feet. ‘The Cher River, on which the dam is located, is one of the tributaries of the Loire. Dams In ITALY. The Lagolungo Dam, Italy.—This structure was built in 1883 to a height of 131 feet, and 20 years later, in 1903, it was decided to increase its height by ten feet. The dam is immediately above the Gorzente dam, near Genoa, and creates a reservoir for the supply of that city, with a capacity of 130,000,000 cubic feet, or 2950 acre-feet. As originally constructed it was given a thickness of 140 feet at the base, 16.4 feet at the crest, with a parapet 8.4 feet higher than the top of thedam. The addition to the height was made by replacing the old parapet by a new one, 14 feet high, 16 feet wide at the base, 8.2 feet wide on top—-in other words, the dam was simply added to on the top from the original crest width of 16.4 feet to the new width of 8.2 feet, while the spillway, which was 72 feet long, was built up 10 feet higher with masonry. A second spillway, 59 feet long, was added. Both weirs have flash boards on their crest to give additional reservoir capacity, which now amounts to 156,700,000 cubic feet (8600 acre-feet) with possible increase of 5.5% by the flashboards. 370 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The dam is provided with cast-iron outlet pipes at four different levels, by means of which the water may either be turned into the aqueduct lead- ing to the city or into the next reservoir below, formed by the Gorzente dam. The Gorzente Dam, Italy—The city of Genoa derives a water-supply from a reservoir formed by a masonry dam, built in 1882, on the Gorzente River. The reservoir capacity is 748,800,000 gallons (2298 acre-feet), covering 64 acres. The dam has a maximum height of 121.4 feet, and is 492 feet long on top, 23 feet thick at top, 99.6 feet thick at base. The masonry is a rubble composed of serpentine rock and mortar of Casale lime and serpentine sand. Cagliari Dam, Italy.—This structure is located on the island of Sar- dinia, 13 miles from the city of Cagliari, on the Corrungius River. It was built in 1866, and is 70.5 feet high, 52.5 feet thick at base, 16.4 feet at top, and 344.5 feet long on top. It is built of rubble masonry composed of granite and a hydraulic lime mortar, mixed with clean, well-washed, granitic sand. Frenco Dams IN ALGERIA. The Habra Dam, Algiers——The French Government has built, or en- couraged the construction by private parties of, a number of notable stor- age-reservoirs for irrigation in Algiers, of which the largest was that formed on the Habra River, by a masonry dam, whose disastrous failure has made it well known among the engineering profession, and added to the many lessons which such failures carry with them. The dam was begun in November, 1865, completed in May, 1873, and after eight years of service was ruptured in December, 1881, causing the loss of 209 lives aud the destruction of several villages. The main dam was straight in plan and 1066 feet long on top, flanked by an overflow wall, 410 feet long, making an angle of 35° with the direc- tion of the dam, the top of which was 5.2 feet below the crest of the dam proper. The maximum height of the dam was 117 feet from foundation to the water-line, above which a parapet extended 8 feet higher. The dam was 1+ feet thick at top, 88.4 at base, battered on both sides and of ample dimensions to withstand the water-pressure, provided the masonry had been properly constructed and of first-class material. When completed and first filled the dam leaked like a gigantic filter, but the leakage practically ceased in course of time. The reservoir formed by the dam had a capacity.of thirty million cubic meters, or 24,330 acre-feet. The watershed of the Habra River is very extensive, covering 3859 square miles above the dam, from which the MASONRY DAMS. 371 annual discharge, however, was only about 3} times the capacity of the reservoir, owing to the slight rainfall of that region. The summer flow was about 18 second-feet, and the normal winter flow was about 100 second- feet, while extreme floods reached 25,000 second-feet in volume. The flood which caused the rupture of the dam came from a rainfall of 64 inches in one short storm, during which the run-off in one night was computed at 3,500,000,000 cubic feet, or more than three times the reser- voir capacity. This resulted in a general overflow of the crest of the wall, as the spillway was of insufficient capacity, and produced such excessive pressure upon the outer face of the masonry as to exceed its normal strength. Over 300 feet of the wall was torn out to the very foundation. In a paper on the subject written the following year by the eminent Italian engineer, G. Crugnola, he attributes the failure to inferiority in the quality of the masonry. The sand was not of good quality, and in the cen- ter of the dam a red earth, containing 22 to 24 per cent of clay, was used instead of sand. Furthermore, the mortar was made of hydraulic lime burned from calcareous rock found on the banks of the river, which, though hydraulic, was not very good. The inference drawn by M. Crugnola is that the hydraulic lime contained a quantity of quicklime, which expanded in time, causing porosity if not actual cavities in the interior of the masonry. The stone, as well as the mortar, was extremely porous, consisting chiefly of calcareous Tertiary grit, which was of variable hardness, some having a decided schistose structure. One must conclude from all the facts that had the spillway been suf- ficient in capacity to avoid the submersion of the dam, and had the face of the wall been made absolutely water-tight by such precautionary meas- ures as were employed on the Remscheid dam, the failure would not have occurred. The curvature of a wall of the great length of the Habra would doubtless have avoided temperature cracks, which, as has been pointed out by Prof. Forchheimer (page 122), may have been a leading source of weakness. The failure occurred during the coldest weather, when such cracks appear in masonry walls. The Hamiz Dam, Algiers—Next in importance to the Habra dam, and somewhat higher, is the Hamiz dam, erected in 1885 on the Hamiz River. This wall is also straight in plan, but only 532 feet in length on top, 131 feet long at base. The extreme height above foundation is 134.5 feet, and above river-bed 91.2 feet, and at top 16.4 feet. Both faces are curved in outline. The dam impounds 10,500 acre-feet of water, gathered from a shed of 54 square miles. The Gran Cheurfas Dam, Algiers.—This structure is quite similar in dimensions to the Hamiz dam, and was built in 1882-84, on the Mekerra River, 9 miles from St. Dionigi. Its foundation extends 32.8 feet below the 372 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. river-bed, and has a thickness of 134.5 feet at base and 78.7 feet at top. On this foundation the dam proper rests, with an offset of 34 feet on each side, making its thickness at bottom 72 feet, while at top the wall is 13 feet thick. Both faces are curved in parabolic form, presenting a graceful profile. The maximum pressures on the masonry are 6.1 tons per square foot. The dam failed in part when first filled, and a breach of 130 feet was made in the wall, but it was immediately repaired. The failure occurred in winter. The dam is straight in plan. The reservoir capacity behind the dam is about 13,000 acre-feet. The Tlelat Dam, Algiers——This masonry wall is 69 feet high, 325 feet long, 40 feet thick at bottom, 13 feet thick at top, and impounds 445 acre- feet, derived from a water-shed of 51 square miles. The dam was erected in 1869 on the Tlelat River to supply the town of Sante Barbe, 7$ miles below, and also for irrigation. The wall is vertical on the water-face, while the lower side has a vertical curve, the center of radius being 11.8 feet above the top of the dam. The Djidionia Dam, Algiers, is 83.7 feet in extreme height, of which 28 feet is foundation below the river-bed level. The face is vertical, and the dam is straight in plan. The foundation is broader on top than the bottom of the dam, and will permit of an increased height in the structure by adding to the lower side from the foundation up. This has been de- cided upon, and 26 feet additional in height will be built. The reservoir will then have a capacity of about 4000 acre-feet. The dam was built in 1873-75, on the Djidionia River, to supply the towns of St. Aimé and Amadema with water. The masonry of this dam is slightly in tension on the water-face when the reservoir is filled, amounting to about 15 lbs. per square inch, but no injurious effect upon the masonry is apparent from this small tensile strain. Dams IN INDIA. The Tansa Dam, India.*—This great dam, forming a reservoir for the supply of Bombay, was begun in 1886, and completed in April, 1891. The work was done by contract and cost $988,000. It is straight in plan, the alignment consisting of two tangents, and it has a total length of 8800 feet, the maximum height being 118 feet. For a length of 1650 feet the dam is depressed 3 feet, to serve as a waste-weir. The thickness of the masonry at the base is 96.5 feet, and the entire section is made of sufficient * See Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. cxv. Paper by W. J. ©, Clerke, M.I.C.E., on ‘*The Tansa Works for the Water-supply of Bombay ”; also, ‘Trrigation in India,” by Herbert M. Wilson, 12th Annual Report U. 8S. Geological Survey. q ) DISTRIBYT. FESERK sd = mat SANTA MARIA (WATERSHED } OVE VALLEY oe ee ae RESERVOLE YO OH —s———-= : < oat Aiken hae, TAT Opa gona Tis : ees Fig. 176.—Map oF SounCES OF WaATER-SUPPLY IN THE Vicinity oF San Dizco, CALIFORNIA. Ifo. face gage B78 MASONRY DAMS, 373 dimensions for an ultimate height of 135 feet, to which it may be raised in future, when its length will be 9350 feet on top. The dam was built with native labor, and consists of uncoursed rubble masonry throughout, all the stones being small enough to be carried by two men. The stone is a hard trap-rock, quarried on the spot. The cement was burned at the site of the dam from nodules of hydraulic lime- stone, called kunkur, which are found throughout India, and occur in clay deposits, although in this case it had to be brought long distances by rail and carts. Most Indian masonry is made with kunkur hydraulic lime. The nodules require to be exposed to the sun, dried and washed before being burned. They are usually of one or two pounds weight, although sometimes found in blocks of 100 lbs. or more. From 9000 to 12,000 men were employed on this dam during the work- ing season of each year, from May to October, but during the monsoons all work was suspended. The volume of masonry in the work is 408,520 cubic yards. It is reported to be entirely water-tight. The excavation was carried to a considerable depth in places, and necessitated the removal of 251,127 cubic yards for the foundations. The reservoir covers an area of 5120 acres and impounds 62,670 acre- feet above the level of the outlets, which are placed 25 feet below the crest of the spillway, or 89 feet above the river-bed. The loss by evaporation reduces the available supply to 15,870 acre-feet, although of course many times this quantity could be drawn from the lake if the outlets were near the bottom. The watershed area is 52.5 square miles, on which the precipi- tation is from 150 to 200 inches annually, and the estimated annual run- off is 267,000 acre-feet. The dam was planned and built by W. J. C. Clerke, Chief Engineer. The Poona or Lake Fife Dam, India.*—This was one of the first masonry dams built in India by the British Government for irrigation storage, and was begun in 1868. It is made of uncoursed rubble masonry, founded on solid bed-rock, and is straight in plan, having a top length of 5136 feet (nearly a mile), of which 1453 feet is utilized as a wasteway. Its maximum height above foundation is 108 feet, and above the river-level 98 feet. The design of the dam is extremely amateurish. The up-stream batter is 1 in 20, and the down-stream slope 1 in 2, unchanged from top to bottom, the top width being 14 feet, and the base 61 feet. The alignment of the dam is in several tangents with different top width for each, according to its height, the points of junction being backed up by heavy buttresses of * ‘Irrigation in India,” by H. M. Wilson, in 12th Annual Report U.S. Geological Survey. out RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. masonry. When completed the dam showed signs of weakness and was strengthened by an embankment of earth, 60 feet wide on top, 30 feet high, piled up against the lower side. The water is drawn from the reservoir 59 feet above the river-bed, and there is therefore available but 29 feet of the total depth of the reser- voir. The amount available above this level is 75,500 acre-feet. The lake is 14 miles long and covers an area of 3681 acres. The dam is located 10 miles west of the town of Poona, on the Mutha River. Its cost was $630,000, and it contains 360,000 cubic yards of masonry. The canal on the right bank is 23 feet wide, 8 feet deep, and 99.5 miles long, drawing 412 second-feet from the reservoir and distributing it over 147,000 acres of land to be irrigated. At the town of Poona a drop of 2.8 feet is utilized for power by an undershot wheel, to pump water to supply the town. The left-bank canal is 14.5 miles long and carries 38 second-feet. The sluices from the reservoir are cach 2 feet square, closed by iron gates operated by capstan and screw from the top of the dam. Ten of these supply the larger canal, and three discharge into the smaller one. Eight additional circular sluices, 30 inches in diameter, supply water to natives for mill-power and discharge into the larger canal. The Bhatgur Dam, India.*.There are no masonry structures in the United States or Europe which surpass in size those of India which have been constructed for irrigation purposes by the British Government, in the attempt to render the great population of that country self-supporting and check the frightful famines by which it has been periodically devas- tated. The Bhatgur dam, constructed on the Yelwand River, about +0 miles south of Poona, is one of the most notable of these great structures. Its length on top is 4067 feet, its extreme height above foundations is 127 feet, and it forms a reservoir 15 miles in length, having a capacity of 126,500 acre-feet. The extreme bottom width of the dam is 74 feet, and the crest is 12 feet wide, forming a roadway. The alignment of the dam curves in an irregular way across the valley, so as to follow the outcrop of bed-rock on which it is founded. The section of the dam was designed after a formula similar to that deduced by M. Bouvier, and all the calcula- tions were worked out by Mr. A. Hill, M.I.C.E., who was afterwards assistant on the construction of the Tansa dam. The curve adopted for the lower face was a catenary, but the wall was actually built in a series of batters. * “Trrigation in India,” by H. M. Wilson, in 12th Annual Report, U.S. Geological Survey. MASONRY DAMS. 375 The three primary conditions of the design were: 1st. The intensity of the vertical pressure was nowhere to exceed 120 lbs. per square inch (8.64 tons per square foot); 2d. The resultant pressures were to fall within the middle third of the section; and 3d. The average weight of the masonry was assumed at 160 Ibs. per cubic foot. The use of concrete was only permitted where the pressure was calculated not to exceed 60 lbs. per square inch, which gave a factor of safety of between 6 and 7. The dam was designed and built by J. E. Whiting, M.I.C.E. Waste-weirs at each end of the dam have a total length of 810 feet, and can carry 8 feet depth of water. The roadway is carried over these weirs on a series of 10-foot arches. Additional flood-discharge is given by twenty under-sluices, 4 x 8 feet in size (of which fifteen are located 60 feet below the crest), having a total capacity of 20,000 second-feet. These sluices are lined with cut stone, and closed by iron gates, operated from the top of the dam. The overflow wasteway is closed by a novel series of automatic gates that open in flood and rise up into position as the flood recedes, permitting the full storage of the additional 8 feet depth to be utilized. The gates are nicely balanced by counterweights that occupy ; pockets in the masonry. As the water rises to the top of the gate it fills these pockets, reducing the weight of the counterpoises, and the gate, being then heavier, will descend below the crest of the weir. When the level of the flood is reduced so that it no longer enters the pockets, the latter are emptied by small holes in the bottom, and the counterpoises overcome the weicht of the gates, lifting them into place again. The reservoir is used to supply the Nira Canal, which heads 19 miles below. This canal is 129 miles long, 23 feet wide, 7.5 feet deep, and carries 470 second-feet, supplying 300 square miles of land. The water is diverted to it by a masonry diverting-dam, known as the Vir weir, which is of itself an important structure, being 2340 feet lorg, 43.5 feet high, constructed of concrete faced with rubble masonry. Its top width is 9 feet. Maximum floods of 158,000 second-feet pass over its crest to a depth of 8 feet, coming from a watershed of 700 square miles. A secondary dam, forming a water- cushion, is located 2800 feet down-stream. This is 615 feet long, 24 feet high, built of masonry founded on bed-rock, and carries a roadway over its crest. During maximum floods the water is 32 feet deep in the cushion, when the water is 8 feet deep over the main dam. The works were finished in 1890-91. The Betwa Dam, India.*—This masonry structure forms a diversion- weir for turning the water of the Betwa River into a large irrigation-canal, - * See “ Trrigation in India,” by H. M. Wilson, in 12th Annual Report, U.S. Geo- logical Survey. : 376 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. and also serves for storage to the extent of 36,800 acre-feet, which is the capacity of the reservoir above the canal flow, although not all available. The total length of the dam is 3296 feet, and its maximum height is 50 feet. It has an extremely heavy profile, being 15 feet thick at top and 61.5 feet at base. At its highest part the down-stream face is vertical, and a large block of masonry 15 feet thick reinforces the dam at its lower toe. It consists of rubble masonry laid in native hydraulic lime, with a coping of ashlar, 18 inches thick, laid in Portland-cement mortar. In plan the dam is divided into three sections, of different lengths, by two islands, and is irregular in alignment. The canal floor is placed 21.5 feet below the crest of the dam. A masonry subsidiary weir, 12 feet wide on top, 18 feet high, to form a water- cushion for the overflow of the dam, was built 1400 feet below, across the main channel, and a second subsidiary weir, 200 feet below the main weir, was made, to check the right-bank channel at the same level. The main dam and subsidiary weirs cost $160,000, not including the regulating and flushing sluices, which cost $10,000. The main canal is 19 miles long, and with its branches supplies 150,000 acres. The Periyar Dam, India.—None of the modern structures for irrigation storage in India have presented greater difficulties than the great dam erected across the Periyar River, which was begun in 1888 and completed in 1897. The project, of which the dam was the basis, includes the con- struction of a wall to close the valley of the Periyar River to store 300,000 acre-feet of water; of the construction of a tunnel 6650 feet long, through the mountain-range dividing the valley of the Periyar from that of the Vigay River, for the purpose of drawing off the water of the reservoir, with the necessary sluices and subsidiary works for controlling the water on its way down a tributary of the Vigay; and finally the necessary works for the diversion, regulation, and distribution of the water for the irriga- tion of 140,000 acres in the Vigay valley, of which area the water-supply of the Vigay was only sufficient for irrigating 20,000 acres. The dam is 155 feet high above the river-bed, with a parapet 5 feet higher, the foundations reaching to a depth of 173 feet below the crest. It is 12 feet thick at top and 114.7 feet at base, and is constructed through- out of concrete composed of 25 parts of hydraulic lime, 30 of sand, and 100 of broken stone. The water-face is plastered with equal parts of hydraulic lime and sand. The length of the dam on top is 1231 feet. Its cubic con- tents are about 185,000 cubic yards of masonry. A wasteway has been excavated on each side of the dam, one of which is 420 feet long, and the other 500 feet long. The latter is partially formed by a masonry wall 403 feet long, filling a saddle-gap. The crests of these wasteways are 16 feet below the top of the parapet. The rock is a hard syenite. The maximum floods of the river reach 120,000 second-feet at MASONRY DAMS 377 times. The drainage-area above the dam is 300 square miles, on which the rainfall is from 69 to 200 inches, averaging 125 inches per annum. The river is one that is subject to violent and sudden floods, in an uninhabited tract of country, far even from a village, some 85 miles from the nearest railway, where there were no roads or even paths, in the midst of a range of hills covered with dense forests and jungles tenanted by wild beasts, where malaria of a malignant type is prevalent, where the commonest necessaries of life were unobtainable, and where the incessant rain for half the year prevented the importation of labor and rendered all work in the river-channel impossible for six months out of every twelve. During the first two years of construction watchmen with drums and blazing fires had to guard every camp at night against the curiosity of wild elephants that constantly visited the works, uprooting milestones, treading down embankments, breaking up fresh masonry, playing with cement-barrels, chewing bags of cement and blacksmith’s bellows, kneeling on iron buckets, and doing everything that mischief could suggest and power perform. The limestone for making the hydraulic lime was brought a distance of 16 miles, surmounting an elevation of 1300 feet by an endless wire rope, 3 miles long, to which the stone was brought by wagon-road. From the lower end of the ropeway the stone was carried on a short tramway to canal-boats plying on the river as far down as the dam, the stream having been made navigable for this purpose. The sand used was dredged from the river-bed. This brief summary of the unusual conditions under which the dam was built, gleaned from a paper written by Mr. A. T. Mackenzie, A.M.I.C.E., gives a general idea of the extraordinary difficulties which had to be overcome in constructing this great work, which is certainly one of the most notable of the many monuments to English engineering in India. The total cost of all the works connected with the project amounted to about $3,220,000. The estimated net revenues were $260,000 annu- ally. The dam was designed and constructed by Col. Pennycuick, Chief Engineer. It is so designed (by M. Bouvier’s formule) that the greatest pressure on front and back shall not exceed 9 tons per square foot, and the lines of pressure are kept within the middle third. Most modern dams of any magnitude have been built of uncoursed rubble masonry. Col. Pennycuick justifies the use of concrete in the Periyar dam in the follow- ing language, as quoted by Mr. Wilson: “Concrete is nothing more than uncoursed rubble masonry reduced to its simplest form, and as regards resistance to crushing or to percolation the value of the two materials is identical, unless it be considered as a point in favor of concrete that it 378 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. must be solid, while rubble may, if the supervision be defective, contain void spaces not filled with mortar. The selection depends entirely upon their relative cost, the quantities of materials in both being practically identical.” In this opinion of the value of concrete he is less conservative than the engineers of the Tansa dam, who limited the use of concrete to the upper portion of the dam, where the limit of pressure did not exceed 60 Ibs. per square inch. While the full reservoir capacity is 305,300 acre-feet, the level of the outlet-tunnel is such that but 156,400 acre-feet can be utilized, although this may be supplied several times annually. Meer Allum Dam, India.—Sometime prior to the year 1800, an ex- traordinary dam was built to form a reservoir for the supply of the city of Plan —-- --340---— V/ Z LA YY, ILL LLL LL Section A-B Section C-B. Fic. 261.—Meer Attum Lake Dam, Hyperasan, Inpra, LLL Hyderabad, in the form of a large arch, about half a mile in length, com- posed of 21 smaller arches, of semi-circular form, resembling scallops, with massive buttresses or piers between them. Fig. 261 shows the longest of the arches. MASONRY DAMS. 379 The spans between piers are of varying length, from 70 to 147 feet in the clear. The masonry of the arches, which is vertical on both faces, is 8.5 feet in thickness, and they transmit the pressure to the piers, which are 24 feet in thickness. The reservoir formed by the dam is known as the Meer Allum lake, having an area of 900 acres, a maximum depth of 50 feet, and a capacity of 355,500,000 cubic feet (8168 acre-feet). A spillway is provided at one end, but the water at times flows a few inches deep over the entire crest of the dam.* Dams IN AUSTRALIA. Burraga Dam, N.S. W.—One of the slenderest concrete dams con- structed in recent years in Australia, where several structures of extremely light type have been erected, was that built for the supply of the Lloyd Copper Company’s mine, on Thompson’s creek, New South Wales, forming a reservoir of 31 acres area, with a capacity of 13,500,000 cubic feet (310 acre-feet). The greatest height of the dam is 41 feet, the width at the crest being but 2 feet, and at the base 25.3 feet. Its length on top is 425.6 feet, of which 140 feet is used as an overflow waste-weir. The work is described by John Hayden Cardew, Assoc. M. Inst. C. E., in a paper published June, 1903, in the Minutes of Proceedings of the In- stitute of Civil Engineers, from which the following quotation is taken: ‘Although the greatest care was observed in the mixing of the concrete to secure a water-tight wall, it was recognized that the coarseness of the same would greatly militate against success in spite of the inner face of richer concrete, and it was found as the dam progressed and the water rose in the reservoir that a considerable leakage occurred, which appeared on the down-stream face of the dam like water coming from a very fine rose. To render the inner face with cement mortar made from such coarse sand would not improve matters; it was therefore decided to paint the inner face with neat cement mixed to aslurry, applied with stiff brushes, and well rubbed into the pores in three successive coats; this proved most effective, for when the water rose again in the reservoir the wall was found to be perfectly water-tight. “‘The expansion and contraction in concrete dams when the reservoir is low is very great, and when the reservoir is full it is very unequal in different parts of the cross-section; this is especially the case in some parts of Australia, where hot days and cold nights are of frequent occurrence, giving arange of temperature of about 90° F., and on that account many of the concrete dams in this country are badly cracked. In order to * Engineering Record, January 10, 1903. 380 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. obviate this tendency to some extent, and to assist in closing the cracks as the reservoir filled, the curved form was adopted. ‘‘Tt has been observed that the curved form does not render the struc- ture altogether immune from cracking, and the cracks occur generally at about one-third of the length of the dam from the wings, commencing at, the crest, first as a very fine crack and afterwards opening out and extending down the wall a distance of one-third to one-half of its height, and opening and closing as the reservoir empties or fills. It was thought that the introduction of an iron tie-bar in the crest of the dam to take the tensile stress due to contraction, would completely preserve the work from cracking. It has been proved in other works that the temperature in the heart of the dam, say 3 feet from the surface, is con- stant, from which it may be argued that in order to ensure safety from cracking it is only necessary to protect from tensile stress the upper or thinner part of the dam where the cracks invariably originate.” As a result of this reasoning three lines of 70-pound ‘‘T”’ rails were laid six inches below the level of the weir overflow, jointed with fish-plates and embedded in the concrete. The cost of the dam was £9566 ($44,500). The inner face for a thickness of 18 inches consisted of 1 of cement, 2.5 of sand and 3.5 of crushed stone to pass through a ring of 4 inch diameter, and the outer face for a thickness of 6 inches was made of concrete composed of 1 of cement, 3 of sand and 5 of crushed stone, passing a ring of 14 inch diameter. The heart of the dam was built of blocks of stone, set in concrete, making what is locally known as ‘‘plum concrete,’’ each stone having 6 inches of concrete all around, and no stone being laid nearer than 18 inches to the inner face, nor6 inches to the outer face, nor 2 feet to the foundations.. The stones were not larger than 16 cubic feet nor smaller than 2.5 cubic feet, roughly squared and placed with their longest dimensions normal to the axis of the dam. The proportion of ‘‘plums”’ was 33% of the whole. Barossa Dam, South Australia.—One of the most remarkable of the recently constructed dams in Australia is that completed in February, 1903, by the South Australian Government at Barossa, for the domestic supply of the town of Gawler and surrounding farming district, including a small amount of irrigation, the total annual supply available being about 1,000,000,000 imperial gallons, or 3675 acre-feet. The dam is built entirely of concrete, as an arch, curved up-stream with a radius of 200 feet on the up-stream face (Fig. 262), the total length of the crest being 472 feet, the chord subtending the segment of a circle being 370 feet and the versed sine about 133 feet. The dam has a thickness at top of but 4.5 feet, and a maximum thickness at base of 45 feet, the extreme height being 113 feet, or 95 feet above the stream bed. The up-stream face is vertical, while the down-stream face has a batter of 37.14% from a point 27.34 feet below the 882 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. top tothe base. It contains 17,975 cubic yards of rubble concrete, of which 2215 yards, or 12.3%, are large stones or “‘plums.”’ The average cost of the concrete was $9.30 per cubic yard, and the total cost £169,947 ($827,000). It was estimated that a saving of $217,000 was effected by the substitution of an arched concrete dam for a structure of gravity type as originally proposed. The dam is built in a subsidiary basin of 3675 acre-feet capacity, supplied by a tunnel 7400 feet long from the Para River. By this arrange- ment only clear water is taken into the river after the muddy floods have passed. The main outlet pipe is 22 to 18 inches diameter, 7 miles long to the Bi et Rs 56 “Scour Valve Fig. 263.—Barossa Dam. town of Gawler, and is constructed of steel by the locking bar principle first used on the famous Coolgardie pipe line. The top of the dam for the upper 20 feet is reinforced with 18 lines of 40-pound steel rails, joined with fish-plates, and imbedded in the con- crete. The range of temperature during construction was from 30° to 168° F. Observations taken after completion during six days upon which equal extremes of 50° prevailed, the top of the dam was found to have moved up-stream to the extent of Z-inch, showing an expansion of about 1.5 inch in the total length during the interval of the observation. This backward and forward movement of the dam appears to produce no cracking of the structure, which remains in an entirely satisfactory condition. Coolgardie Dam, Helena River, Australia.—The daring and costly proj- ect for the supply of the desert mining region of Coolgardie, by pumping 5,000,000 imperial gallons daily through a pipe line 153.5 miles lorg, is MASONRY DAMS. 383 wy EZ q 1 t | \ j String cnorse of 401, rails “fished: at points Rl 158-25 [ULF ce Water. 18-20 UN \s a a aE) \ ‘ 1434 lx metal el Toy, 4 U8 « segs. \ bre ¢ ta. oh . S s excess mortar oo Wl A 18384 [bs mital 730 25 ae i ag, ens cement = ZZ a ae Cz metay 666, ~ nuls TShexcess morler fey. 49 = eH WN Leg {ait 2 age arse eA Pratl Sy a rock with mi. iett Lotal ela wt foundations 9,912$ ¢ . Fagha of dape| above beds of creck) 957% 700 F: yh suse | L var 0 2 7» wie 2 we 28 ore oe pea Fic. 264.—Barossa Dam. 384 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. better known to the engineering world than the fact that in connection with this project, and for the purpose of impounding water for it, a dam of large dimensions was built across the Helena river. The works were de- scribed with great minuteness in an able paper by Chas. Stuart Russell Palmer, M. Inst. C. E., and published in the Minutes of the Institution of Civil Engineers, in March, 1905. The dam is a rubble concrete structure, straight in plan, 755 feet long on top, 100.5 feet high above the stream bed, and 197 feet in extreme height above lowest foundations. The width on top is 10 feet, and at 100 feet below 90 feet. The spillway is made over the crest of the dam for a length of 440 feet, spanned by a footbridge resting on seven piers. A water cushion has been provided at the base of the dam by an auxiliary weir below 100 feet long. The crest of the dam is 426.75 feet above sea level, 6.75 feet above the lip of the spillway. The maximum depth of water is 97 feet. The volume of concrete is not given, but there were used 76,418 barrels of cement, the mixture being in the proportion of 1 of cement, 2 of sand to 5 of crushed granite rock, passing a 24-inch ring. The construction of the dam began in January, 1900, and was completed in June, 1902. The reservoir covers an area of 800 acres, and has a capacity of +,600,000,000 imperial gallons (16,900 acre-feet). The pipe line to Coolgardie is 30 inches diameter, 351.5 miles long, and has a capacity of 5,600,000 gallons in 24 hours. It is of the lock-bar type. The total natural lift overcome by the eight pumps installed along the line is 1290 feet, but the total head pumped against including friction is 2700 feet, requiring an effective power of 3129 H. P. The power provided was 3642 H.P. The selling price fixed for the water to cover interest, depreciation and operating cost was 82 cents per 1000 gallons, equivalent to $5.10 per 1000 cubic feet, or $222 per acre-foot. Cataract Dam, Australia——The highest and most pretentious dam construction in Australia has been in progress of erection since 1902, to form a reservoir of 25,700,000,000 gallons (78,860 acre-feet) for the domes- tic supply of the city of Sydney, N.S. W. The dam is straight in plan, 811 feet long on top, 194 feet maximum height (40 feet below and 154 feet above the river-bed), 158 feet thick at the base, and 16 feet at the crest, at a height of 7 feet above the spillway level. The dam is provided with a spillway at one end, 730 feet in length. It is formed of cyclopean rubble masonry of blocks of sandstone weigh- ing 2 to 5 tons, set in cement mortar, and packed in with concrete, the blocks forming about 65% of the mass. (See Fig. 265.) The up-stream face consists of concrete blocks, 52.52 feet, set in place with cement 386 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Belubula Dam, Australia (Fig. 266).—A dam consisting of a series of buttresses, or piers, with elliptical arches between them, was built on the Belubula river, N.S. W., for the Lyndhurst Goldfield Co., by Mr. Oscar Schulze, C. E., of Sydney, for the storage of water for power. The dam is of unusual design and construction, the base, or foundation, up to a height of 23 feet, consisting of concrete, above which the dam was built of brick a further height of 36.75 feet, in the form of six buttresses, 28 feet apart, center to center, each 40 feet long, 12 feet wide at the up-stream side and 5 feet thick at the outer end. These buttresses form piers for five brick arches, inclined at an angle of 30° from the vertical, and made 4 feet thick at bottom, 1 foot 7 inches thick at top. The spandrels between the arches were filled with concrete, which covered the crown of the arches te a depth of 12 inches, and joined the side walls of the dam, which are also of concrete. The total length of the dam, including the spillway section of 65 feet, is 431 feet. The dam contains almost 6000 cubic yards of concrete, and 500,000 bricks (1000 cubic yards) and the total cost was less than $45,000. The storage in the upper 16 feet of the reservoir amounts to 87,120,000 cubic feet, and gives a head of 200 feet on the turbines located one-half mile below the dam. The Beetaloo Dam, South Australia.—Like the Periyar dam in India and the San Mateo dam in California, this structure is composed entirely of concrete, of which about 60,000 cubic yards were used. The dam was built in 1888-90, to form a reservoir of 2945 acre-feet capacity for irrigation and domestic water-supply. The dam is 580 feet long on top, curved in plan, with a radius of 1414 feet, and designed after Prof. Rankine’s logarithmic profile type. The maximum height is 110 feet, the base width being the same as the height. The thickness at top is 14 feet. The spillway is 200 feet long, 5 feet deep. The cost was $573,300. Water is distributed entirely by pipes under pressure, some 255 miles of pipe from 2 to 18 inches diameter being required. The dam was designed and built by Mr. J. C. B. Moncrieff, M.I.C.E., Chief Engineer. The Geelong Dam, Australia.—This structure is also constructed wholly of concrete, made of broken sandstone and Portland cement, in the pro- portion of 1 of cement to 74 of aggregates, The dam is 60 feet high, 39 feet thick at base, and 2.5 feet on crest. It is curved in plan on a radius of 300 feet from the water-face at crest. The coping is formed of heavy bluestone of large size, cut and set in cement. The work was-carried up evenly in courses a few inches thick, and thoroughly rammed. The surface of the finished concrete was wetted and coated with cement grout before adding a fresh layer to it. The dam forms a reservoir for the supply of the city of Victoria. Water 288 “WVq Vinantag—'99% ‘DIL “udid {oudljoeS f = oor 08 on’ Of oo or oF or or or (, “md jo Nog . \ @TPIOM 6 = ( | ‘E wa) ed ie : ady burysnty,9°9 UM IOPIT G ‘yoor upsy o G- uOolL99S ssoig saquioy) buyuaasg- ‘d-J uolpas~ssory “d-D uolj9a¢ ~sso1y UOT — yoy pag a44oig =B.. (15919 sapun) “BUI TIEUID UO YIOY PAG SALOUPUI AUT bys a =. peyog puny. SSS Fed Gs 388 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. is drawn from it by two 24-inch pipes passing through the masonry, one of which is used for scouring purposes. The dam leaked slightly at the outset, but this leakage quickly disappeared. Dams IN CHINA. The Tytam Dam, China—This modern English structure was built to store water for the supply of Hong Kong. It is about 95 feet high, and is intended to go 20 feet higher. The present crest width is 21 feet, base about 65 feet. The water-face of the wall is almost vertical, the outer face being stepped in 10 feet vertical courses. The water-face is laid up in granite ashlar, the remainder being concrete, with stones of 2 to 6 cubic feet embedded. About 40% of the entire wall is composed of stone, and 60% of concrete. The screenings of crushed granite were used as sand, together with some river sand, which was scarce, and used without wash- ing, as it was believed the rock dust and fine particles of soil would con- duce to water-tightness. The strength of the mortar was less of a consideration than the securing of a water-tight wall. Dams IN AFRICA. Assouan Dam, Egypt (Fig. 267).—No irrigation works of modern times are more notable and far-reaching in their beneficial results upon the industrial welfare of the people than the great storage dam erected by the Egyptian Government at Assouan, on the river Nile, 700 miles above its mouth. It creates a reservoir with a capacity of 863,000 acre-feet, its effect extending back up the river a distance of 140 miles, estimating its surface slope at 1:32,000. It will thus cover an area of over 40,000 acres, a large portion of which is not over 1000 feet wide. The dam which was begun in 1898 and completed in June, 1902, is of vast proportions, being 6400 feet in length, with a maximum height of 130 feet above the lowest founda- tions and containing 704,000 cubic yards of masonry. The maximum depth of water in the reservoir available for draft is about 60.8 feet at the dam. The elevation of high-water level in the reservoir is 348 feet above mean tide. The dam is divided into two sections, one of which extends from the east bank for 1800 feet as a solid masonry wall without openings, while the remaining portion of 4600 feet, containing’ 180 sluice-ways, reaches to the west bank, and includes a navigation lock on that side. The sluice-ways are designed to carry the entire volume of the river at flood, without permitting the water to reach higher than within 9.8 feet of the top of the dam. The width of crest of the eastern solid section is 17.8 feet, while the portion in which the sluice-ways are built is 23 feet wide on top, carrying a roadway entirely across the dam. The sluice-ways are in four levels, 140 of them on the two lower levels, each being 7 meters high by 2 meters wide, while the upper banks of 49 sluic2s are cach 2 meters MASONRY DAMS. 389 wide by 3.5 meters high. The total discharging area thus provided, with all sluice-gates open, is 24,100 square feet. The maximum recorded discharge of the river was 494,500 second-feet (1878-79). The sluices mostly are in groups of ten, with spaces of 5 meters of solid masonry between individual sluices, and 10 meters between two adjoining groups, where buttresses 26 feet wide, 3.8 feet thick, are built on each face at intervals of 240 feet. The openings or outlets being arranged at varying heights the reservoir may be drawn from near the top, without excessive head or friction to resist the opening of the gates. Sixty-five of them are placed near the bottom of the dam, with sills 70.7 feet below the floor of the roadway on top, of which forty are lined with plates of Fic. 267.—Tue Assovuan Dam, Ecyrt. Snowine DiscHarGE THROUGH A NUMBER OF SLUICES. cast-iron, 14 inches thick, having flanges or ribs embedded in the musonry, 12 inches deep, by which the plates are bolted together. Seventy-five sluices are placed at the next higher level, 55.8 feet below the crest, and of these one-third are provided with balanced gates of the Stoney roller type, easily operated under full pressure, if desired. Of the remaining sluices 18 are placed with sills 42.7 feet below the top of the dam, and 22 are 29.7 feet below the roadway level. The navigation pass around the dam consists of a canal, partly excavated in rock and partly in embank- ment witb 4 locks, making a total descent of 68.9 feet. The canal is 654 feet long, 49.2 feet wide on the base. The dam is founded on a ledge of granite of very irregular surface, one narrow channel requiring a maximum height of 130 feet, but the average height is about 82 feet. The base width Is about 85 feet. The down-stream batter is 1:1.5, while that on the up-stream face is 1:18. 390 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The dam consists of rubble masonry laid in 1.4 cement mortar. It was said to be entirely water-tight when completed. The total excava- tion required was 824,000 cubic yards or double the estimate. This in- creased the masonry by 45% over what was anticipated, so that the final cost of the dam reached the sum of £2,450,000 ($11,907,000) or $13.80 per acre-foot of storage capacity. The plans for the dam were prepared originally by Sir Wm. Wilcocks, M. Inst. C. E., and executed by: Frederick W.S. Stokes, M. Inst. C. E., and his successor, C: R. May, M. Inst. C. E. Sir Benjamin Baker, M. Inst. C. E., acted as consulting engineer for the Egyptian Government. The contractors were Sir John Aird & Co. The original plans first proposed would have raised the water to such a height as would have inundated the ancient temple of Phile, situated a mile above the dam on an island. Out of deference to public protest against the destruction of this archezological monument, the plans were modified so as to limit the flood level to the floor of the temple. In order to protect the portions of the temple resting on silt a great deal of work in underpinning was performed. Quite recently it has been decided that the temple must be sacrificed, as the importance of raising the dam to give increased storage has become paramount to all sentimental con- siderations. The capacity of the reservoir will be nearly doubled by the higher construction which has begun, and which will make it the largest reservoir in the world. It is reported that the increase of storage will add 1,000,000 acres to the irrigable area. Work has already begun on raising the dam, which will require three to four years to complete. The Assiout Dam, Egypt.—In connection with the utilization of the water stored in the great Assouan reservoir, a diverting dam was con- structed at the same time across the Nile, 339 miles below, to supply water to the Ibrahimia irrigation canals. The work is fully described in a paper prepared by George Henry Stephens, C. M. G., M. Inst. C. E., and published in Volume 153 of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, for March, 1904. Mr. Stephens had charge of the work from its commencement until its completion in 1902. The dam is a masonry structure, 2691 feet long, built on a send foundation and carrying a roadway on arches above the flood level. It consists of a series of 111 arched openings, each 16.5 feet wide, formed by masonry piers, each 6.56 feet thick, 51 feet wide, resting on a platform or base of concrete and rubble masonry, 87 feet wide, 9.8 feet thick having a row of cast-iron sheet piles, with tongued and grooved joints, driven 13 feet into the sand, on the upper and lower edges of the platform, as a cut-off against seepage under the dam. The roadway level on top is 41 feet above the floor of the structure. The maximum head of water against the dam is 34.5 feet. MASONRY DAMS. 391 The river bed is protected from erosion by a stone pavement, laid parallel with the dam entirely across the channel, 67 feet wide, placed on a bed of clay puddle, 4.6 feet deep, 46 feet wide on the up-stream side, with a similar pavement on the lower side, covering an inverted sand and gravel filter beneath to clarify percolating water and prevent wash. One of the interesting special features of this work is the use of cast- iron sheet-piles in the foundations. These were each 16 feet long, 2 feet 3.5 inches wide, 114 inch thick, and weighed about 2180 pounds. The tongues were 24 inches deep, and the grooves enough deeper to admit of a } inch O. D. pipe for carrying a water jet to facilitate driving, and subsequently to carry cement grout with which the grooves were filled and made water-tight. The work required 210,222 cubic yards rubble masonry and concrete, 11,472 cubic yards ashlar masonry, 1,626,660 cubic yards earthwork in excavation and embankment, and 642,370 cubic yards in temporary cofferdams. The navigation lock around the dam is 262 feet long, 52.5 feet wide, and capable of passing the largest steamers that ply on the Nile. The cost of the dam and locks was about $4,200,000, including the canal headworks, which cost about $660,000. The irrigation under these extensive works is chiefly devoted to the production of cotton and sugar cane, and it was stated that the value of the crops produced the first year after their completion was in excess of the entire cost of the works constructed. Sand River Dam, South Africa (Fig. 268).—A dam of rubble concrete was built in 1906 to store water for the supply of Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa, having a height of 55 feet, a length of 398 feet, and a base width of 38 feet. The overflow portion, 5 feet below the crest, is 151 feet long. The total cubic contents of the dam are about 9000 cubic yards. It is composed of concrete mixed in the proportion of 1 cement, 1.33 sand, and 5.5 stone, broken to pass a 1} inch ring, with ‘‘plums”’ of large quartzite rock and iron rods and rails embedded. The materials were conveyed to place by means of an aerial wire tramway. The dam is straight in plan. The cost was about $140,000. The works were planned and constructed by Mr. W. Ingham, Assoc. M. Inst. C. E. The reservoir formed by the dam has a capacity of about 220,000,000 gallons (660 acre-feet). Johannesburg Dam, South Africa.*—To supply the Rand mines with water for mining and domestic purposes, the Vierfontein Water Syndicate, in 1898, undertook the erection of a rubble masonry and concrete storage dam 120 feet in extreme height, located six miles south of Johannesburg. The dam was planned as a combination arch and tangent, the arched por- * Engineering Record, January 7, 1899. C6E ‘VoIudy HLNOg ‘adOP] door) 40 adv) ‘WY AAAIY ANVE—'ggz ‘DIT MASONRY DAMS. 393 tion being 340 feet long and the length over all 585 feet. The radius at the crest of the arch was 275 feet, decreasing to 206 feet 75 feet below, to meet the lines of the gravity dam on tangent. After stripping a depth of 12 to 14 feet, a base of concrete 40 feet wide, 15 feet thick, was laid, in which railway rails were embedded in two layers, one longitudinally near bedrock and the other transversely about two feet below the top. On this foundation the masonry work of uncoursed rubble was laid with a base width of 36.5 feet, decreasing to 33 feet at a height of 20 feet, and to 7 feet at the crest. The total volume of masonry in the dam was esti- mated at 30,000 cubic yards. The materials were handled by a Lidger- wood cableway, suspended across the gorge. The rock used was a hard blue quartzite, quarried half a mile away. The water was to be pumped from the dam to a service reservoir 13 miles distant, at an elevation of 575 feet above the dam. The reservoir covered an area of 104 acres, and had a capacity of about 3900 acre-feet. The works were planned by Wm. Ham. Hall, M. Am. Soc. C. E., as consulting engineer, with Mr. J. B. Rogers as resident engineer. Construction was well advanced at the time of the breaking out of the Boer war, which caused a suspension of operations. Dams IN GERMANY. The Remscheid Dam, Germany (Fig. 269).—This structure is one of the best existing types of reservoir walls, as they are designed and built by modern German engineers, and possesses more than ordinary interest. It is 82 feet high, 49.2 feet thick at base, 13.1 feet thick at crown, and is curved in plan, with a radius of 410 feet. The total contents of the dam are 22,886 cubic yards, and its cost is given at $91,154, an average of $3.98 per cubic yard. The reservoir formed by it has a capacity of 35,310,500 cubic feet, of 811 acre-feet, while its average cost was $112.45 per acre-foot of storage capacity. The dam is built across the Eschbach valley, and is designed to supply the city of Remscheid, and manufacturers in the valley below. It was begun in May, 1889, and water turned on November, 1892. It is composed of rubble masonry, the stone, a hard slate, being laid in trass mortar. Trass is a rock of volcanic origin, from which hydraulic lime is made resembling pozzuolana, used so extensively in Italy. The mortar consists of one part lime, one and one-half parts trass, and one part sand, and was preferred by the engineer to Portland cement, because it sets more slowly and tests showed it to be superior in point of elasticity. The dam has shown no settlement, no cracks, and no leaks. The courses of masonry were laid so as to be as nearly perpendicular as possible to the varying direction of the resultant pressures at all points. The water-face of the dam was “ANVINUGY) ‘NVQ GIGHOSWAY AHT—'69G ‘DIT MASONRY DAMS. 395 plastered with cement mortar, over which two coats of asphalt were placed, the asphalt extending 20 inches over the bed-rock. Then a brick wall, 14 to 24 bricks thick, was carried up outside, tight against the asphalt. The dam was designed and built by Prof. 0. Intze, and described in a paper published in the Journal of the Society of German Engineers, from which the facts above given are gleaned. The Einsiedel Dam, Germany.—This dam was:completed in 1894, and forms a reservoir for supplying the city of Chemnitz. It is composed of rubble masonry, the total volume of which was 31,600 cubic yards. Its maximum height above foundation is 92 feet, of which 65 feet is above the natural surface. ‘The length over top is 590 feet, top thickness 13 feet, base 65.5 feet. It is curved to a radius of 1310 feet. The storage capacity of the reservoir is 95,000,000 gallons (291 acre-feet). The Urft Dam, Germany.—The highest dam in Europe is that built in 1901 to 1904 across the river Urft, near the city of Aachen, Germany (population in 1895, 110,500), the seat of the great Polytechnic School, one of whose Professors, Otto Intze, designed the structure, which is but an hour’s journey from the famous Gileppe dam, in Brussels. The dam is curved in plan, on a radius of 656 feet, and has a crest length of 741 feet. Its maximum height is 190.3 feet. Its thickness at base is 165.7 feet, and at top 18 feet, at a height of 4.9 feet above the spillway level. The base is exactly equal to the maximum depth of water. On the up-stream face of the dam an earth embankment is built to within 77 feet of the top, having slope of 2 on 1, paved with rock. The body of the dam is built of slate masonry laid in courses inclined against the lines of pressure, after the plan of the Remscheid dam, while on the up-stream face is laid a separate wall of traprock masonry, 3 feet thick, the stones of which are stepped on the battered portion of the face. Previous to laying this face wall the masonry was covered with a plaster coat of cement, one inch thick, and a coat of asphaltum, to insure water-tightness. As an additional precaution for the same purpose, the earth embankment was built as described. To provide for the drainage of any water that might penetrate the body of the masonry in spite of these extraordinary measures, two rows of 24 inch clay pipes were placed vertically in the heart of the dam, from top to bottom, the pipes being 8 feet apart in each row. The pipes of each row are connected to a 6-inch header pipe that leads to the drainage tunnels built through the dam near the center at the lowest level. In each drainage tunnel, which extends through the earth embankment to the reservoir, a 23-inch steel washout pipe is laid. The main outlet of the reservoir is a tunnel, 9200 feet long, about a mile north of the dam. Water carried through this tunnel supplies power 396 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. under a head of 360 feet, from which 10,000 H. P. is generated in 8 units and transmitted to neighboring manufacturing towns. (See Fig. 270.) (High Water Level) vEarth Fill, paved hochster TTF Sau 9+3225 H Ti eae i ta Hn Ce eu a OU ea ce eae ed ola eee i, Halli I ly . iif As (ah. | Afi) (80 Fie. 270.—Urrr River Dam, GERMANY. The Solingen Dam, Germany.—The water supply of the city of Solin- gen (population in 1895, 40,800) is in part derived from a reservoir formed by a stone masonry dam, arched in plan, on a radius of 492 feet, having a crest length of 585 feet. Its length at base is 125 feet; the thickness at top is 14.7 feet, and at the foundation level the masonry is 120 feet thick, while the maximum height is 141 feet. The location of this dam is but a short distance from Remscheid. 4 ‘Spilwayy ET ae After Reconstruction.) yl See, TN Aw ea a) \\ ANI Xe NANNY A Before Reconstruction. Fig. 271.—Lennepr Dam, GERMANY. (New Water. Fic. 272.—Lennep Dam, GERMANY. [To face page 397.] MASONRY DAMS. 397 The Lauchensee Dam, Germany.—This structure is one of four built by the German Government in 1892-95, for the purpose of increasing the low water flow of the streams of the Vosges mountains, and has many in- teresting features. It has a maximum height of 98.4 feet, is about 840 feet long on top, and is curved up-stream with a radius of 2950 feet. The crest width is 13 feet, base 65 feet, designed as a gravity structure, with all lines of pressure falling within the center third. It is composed of cyclopean rubble, laid in concrete of trass mortar, mixed in the proportion of 1 part lime, 1 part trass and 24 parts sand, produced by crushing sand- stone, which is the foundation rock of the dam. The dam contains 37,400 cubic yards of masonry, of which 65% is stone and 35% mortar. The masonry cost $5.38 per cubic yard, the total cost of the dam being $243,750, including $23,750 for an earth embankment placed against the down-stream side of the dam four years after the masonry was completed, when it had been demonstrated that there were no defects in the masonry structure. The purpose of this embankment, which reaches nearly to the top of the dam, is to protect the masonry from the sun, it having been noted during many years’ observation on the elastic movements of the dams of that region that the water pressure exerted a much smaller influence than the expan- sion due to warm weather. The embankment is paved on the surface, and is provided with two berms. The reservoir has a capacity of but 27,200,000 cubic feet (624 acre-feet). The average cost was therefore about $390 per acre-foot of storage ca- pacity provided. The chief engineer of the work was Mr. H. Fecht, who contributed an article in the “Zeitschrift fur Bauwesen,”’ quoted by Engineering Record, August 30, 1902. Lennep Dam, Germany (Figs. 271, 272).—This dam was originallly built in 1893 to a maximum height of 37.7 feet, with a width on bottom of 24.6 feet, and a crest width of 5.25 feet, forming a small reservoir of 32,000,000 gallons capacity, supplying the city of Lennep. The dam was curved up-stream with a radius of 460 feet, and its crest length was 416 feet. To increase the storage capacity to about double, it was decided to add 10 feet to the height of the dam, and this addition was recently completed in a somewhat remarkable manner by building a series of buttresses or counterfort walls on the down-stream side, 41 feet apart from center to center, each buttress being uniformly 9.84 feet thick. At the section of maximum height the buttresses extended down a distance of 26.24 feet from the original toe of the dam, and at the level of the crest of the old dam the buttress is 10.66 feet wide. An addition to the top of the dam, 10.7 feet high, was built in trapezoidal section, starting with the crest width of the old dam and narrowing slightly to the top. A series of hori- 398 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. zontal arches were sprung between the buttresses at the crown level and at mid height to transmit the pressure to the buttresses, and at the same time vertical arches of concrete were made between the upper and lower horizontal arches. The masonry of the buttresses was laid in courses so inclined as 10 be normal to the lines of pressure, as in the Remscheid, Urft and other German dams. The mortar used in the concrete and in laying the masonry consisted of 1 part Portland cement, 1 part slaked lime, 14 parts trass, and 43 parts washed sand. Lennep is a small city of 14,000 inhabitants, in the neighborhood of Remscheid.* Other German Dams.—The following list of masonry dams, designed after what may be termed the Intze type, with earth embankments on the up-stream face, is quoted by Mr. Edward Wegmann in his work, from an article on masonry dams by H. Bellet, Civil Engineer. Name. Location. Height in Feet. Salbach .......--005 Ronsdorf............ 78.5 Lingese............. Marienheide......... 80.5 Eschbach. .......... Remscheid.......... 82.0 Bevery cigs aes carts Hiikeswagen........ 82.0 Fuelbecker.......... COTO Fie Bees Bn tog bd 88.7 Jubachss sede aacens es Meinerzhagen. ....... 91.3 Glorbach ........... Breckerfeld......... 105.4 Hasperbach....... ‘Tee EAS POs cc yscce Head gececads 111.0 Herbringhauser...... Liidringhausen...... 112.0 Oesters:ciay gies gare Plettenberg.......... 119.0 Henner.........-... Meschede........... 125.0 Ennepe. ............ Altenvorde.......... 135.0 Sengbach........... Solingen............ 142.0 Queis ........ eee eee Silesia... 0.0... .. cee 148.0 Dams IN AUSTRIA. The Komotau Dam, Austria.—The highest dam in the Austrian Em- pire was built near the city of Komotau, Northern Bohemia, near the German frontier, on a tributary of the river Elbe, in 1901-1904, for the water supply of that little city, whose population in 1900 was 13,050. The dam forms a reservoir of 24,710,000 cubic feet capacity, or 568 acre-feet. It has a maximum height of 139.4 feet, or 116.5 feet above the stream bed, and carries a maximum depth of 111.5 feet of water. It is 508.5 feet in * Engineering News, August 29, 1907, with illustrations from the “Zeitschrift fiir Bauwesen.” MASONRY DAMS. 399 length on top, 170.6 feet long at bottom, is 98.4 feet thick at the base, and 13 feet on the crest. It is curved in plan, on a radius of 820 feet. The total volume of masonry is 53,600 cubic yards, consisting chiefly of cyclo- pean rubble, made of large blocks of gneiss embedded in Portland cement concrete. The crest of the dam is ornamented with dimension stone of granite, cut and laid in mortar. In this dam, as in many of the newer German dams, a facing of asphalt- um and tar was applied in two layers, held in place against the up-stream slope by a layer of concrete, dovetailed into the main body of the dam. A drainage system in the body of the masonry was also provided to carry off possible seepage, by means of 3-inch vertical pipes with open joints, placed in small shafts, built 6.5 feet apart, 3.3 feet in from the water-face. These connect at the bottom with larger pipes discharging any water so collected into a drainage gallery leading to the down-stream side. In this manner it is intended to prevent the possibility of the existence of upward pressure inthe interior of the masonry. This treatment of masonry dams is becoming quite universal among European engineers and is being adopted in the United States. The dam, though known to the outside world by the name of the city it supplies, is locally named for the Austrian Emperor, Franz Joseph. Dams In Betcrum. The Gileppe Dam, Belgium.—No masonry structure of modern times has so great a section as this, and few if any contain such an enormous mass of masonry, the total volume of which is 325,000 cubic yards, all of which was put in place in six years, from 1870 to 1875 inclusive. The dam is most imposing in appearance, but it has a vast excess of masonry beyond safe requirements, the effect of which is to place additional stress upon the foundation masonry without increasing the stability. The prin- cipal dimensions are as follows: Maximum, heigh tesis.csucseba cue ws eects 154 feet. Mens hVOm top ivnais caren apmreemantimcdie sGiewkceaon Mid. = Breadth: Ol LOpiaeewenwaxe porew sees tease ee 49 « Breadth at bass. .cns ous exeee ewes eed we 216.5 “ The dam is curved up-stream on a radius of 1640 feet. It was designed by M. Bidaut, Chief Engineer, who occupied nine years in the preliminary studies before plans were submitted to the Belgian Government, by whom it was erected to regulate the flow of the Gileppe River and provide a pure- water supply for the cloth manufactories at the city of Verviers. The reservoir formed by the dam covers an area of 198 acres and im- pounds 3,170,000,000 gallons, or 9730 acre-feet. The mean depth is 49 OOF ‘WOAIDTAG ‘SUMIAUGA ‘NVC BddAIHN—'eLlZ ‘OI MASONRY DAMS. 401 feet, or just one-third the maximum depth. The capacity of the reservoir is about one-half the average annual run-off from 15.4 square miles of watershed. The masonry is rough rubble throughout, of sandstone quarried on the spot. The dam is surmounted by a cyclopean statue of a lion sitting on a pedestal. An ample carriageway is provided across the dam. Considering the great thickness of the wall and the care taken in its construction, it was a great disappointment to find on filling the reservoir that it leaked quite considerably. This leakage gradually diminished and is of no importance as affecting the stability of the dam. The entire cost of the dam was $874,000, or $89.83 per acre-foot of etorage capacity. Dams IN GREAT BRITAIN. The Vyrnwy Dam, Wales.—Since July 14, 1892, the city of Liverpool, England, has been chiefly supplied by water from a large storage-reservoir in the mountains of Wales, 77 miles distant, formed by a monumental dam of masonry erected across the Vyrnwy valley, in 1882 to 1889. The dam has a top length of 1172 feet, is straight in plan, and has a maximum height of 161 feet from foundation to parapet. It is used as an overflow-weir over its entire length, and its profile was designed to offer additional] resistance over that presented by water-pressure alone. An elevated roadway is carried across the dam on piers and arches, above the level of flood-water, which adds greatly to the architectural effect and ornamentation of the imposing mass of masonry. The great wall is composed of cut stone. The base width of the dam is 117.75 feet. The back-water level below the dam is 45 feet above its base. The total volume of masonry in the dam is 260,000 cubic yards, which was laid with such extraordinary care that its average cost was nearly $10 per cubic yard, in a country where materials and labor are of the cheapest. The base of the dam is founded on a hard slate rock, and one end of the masonry is built into the solid wall of bed-rock on the side of the valley. At the other end, however, the rock was so deeply overlaid with a deposit of bowlder clay that the masonry was connected with this material by a puddle-wall of clay recessed into the masonry. The general dimensions of the dam are as follows: Total length on top.......-e cece eee eee ener eet eee eee eens 1172 feet. Maximum height on top of roadway parapet......--.-+.+++-- 161 “ Height, river-bed to parapet..........- esse eee recente e eee 101 “ Height, river-bed to overflow-level......-.-.+++eeeee terse 84 “ Greatest width of base..... 2... cece eee eee eee e eens 120 “ Batter of water-face.... 2c. cece ee eet eee eaee 1to7.27 “ 402 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The cost of the dam is given as follows: Borings and preliminary work....... 00.0. e eee eee eee eee eee $34,600 Excavating 220,820 cu. yds. and backfilling 79,501 cu. yds...... 287,600 Puddle-wall, including excavation. ...... 66... c eee ee eee eee 16,800 Masonry and brickwork... 06.6.0 cece eee eee eee eee eee 2,532,000 Regulating and gauging plant............ 2. eee eee eee eee 46,000 Basin and other work below dam... .... cece cece eee 40,000 Total for dam proper....... sieaetnere tia eeemcareeeaoee $2,957,000 In addition to this the removal of a village in the basin, the building of roads around the lake, culverts, fencing, planting, dressing slopes, and erection of superintendent’s house cost $377,000, or a total of $3,334,000. The reservoir formed by the dam covers a surface area of 1121 acres, and impounds 12,131,000,000 Imperial gallons, or 44,690 acre-feet. This gives a mean depth of 39.87 feet, or 47.5% of the maximum. The water- shed area is 29 square miles, upon which the minimum recorded rainfall is 49.63 inches, and the maximum 118.51 inches. The average cost of the dam per acre-foot of storage capacity formed by it was $74.61. The dam was planned and constructed by Geo. F. Deacon, Chief Engineer, Liverpool Water-works. Messrs. Thos. Hawkesley and J. F. Bateman were consulting engineers. Tests made by Kirkaldy of large blocks of the concrete and masonry taken from the dam showed a compressive strength of 300 tons per square foot, while the maximum strains to be borne by it are but 9 tons per square foot, an excess of strength which has been considerably criticised. The Blackbrook Dam, England.—A dam of considerable importance was built in 1900 to 1905 across the valley of the Blackburn, to form a reservoir of 80,960,000 cubic feet capacity (1860 acre-feet) as storage for the domestic supply of the city of Loughborough (population in 1891, 18,200). The dam is 108 feet in maximum height, 525 feet long on the crest, 65 feet thick at base, and 14 feet at top, carrying a maximum depth of 65 feet of water. The foundations extend down 30 feet below the orig- inal stream level, and a cut-off trench goes down 25 feet still deeper. The dam has a spillway over the crest for a length of 150 feet, which is spanned with six arches of 25 feet each, carrying a 9-foot roadway over the top of the dam. A water-cushion or tail pond is provided at the down- stream toe of the structure to prevent scouring during heavy floods. Water is drawn from the reservoir through valves placed at various levels in a valve tower above the dam. The work was carried out under direction of Messrs. George and F. W. Hodson, M. M. Inst. C. E. MASONRY DAMS. 403 The Swansea Dam, Wales.—The waterworks of Swansea, Wales (pop- ulation in 1891, 90,400), were supplemented in 1905 by a storage reservoir formed by a dam of cyclopean rubble masonry, faced with brick, having a maximum height of 144 feet, and a crest length of 1250 feet. The structure was carried down into the rock a depth of 37 feet below the river bed, and is 7 feet higher than the overflow level, leaving an available depth of 100 feet of water in the reservoir. The up-stream face is vertical from the top down for 70 feet, then batters 1:20 to the bottom. The thickness at the river bed level, 107 feet below the crest, is 75 feet. For the heart of the dam the large stones were bedded in 1:2:5 concrete, but in the lower part of the base and the upper six feet of the water face a richer mixture was used, consisting of 1 of cement, 2 of sand and 3.4 of fine crushed rock. The brick facing on both up-stream and down-stream sides of the dam is uniformly 18 inches thick, tied into the body of the masonry, and laid in 1.3 cement mortar. The brick used were blue Staffordshire brick, hard burned, with hard pressed brick for the exterior facing courses. The dam was designed and constructed by Mr. R. H. Wyrill, M. Inst. C. E., Borough and waterworks engineer for the city of Swansea. The use of brick for the facing of a masonry dam is confined to three principal structures in the world, as far as recorded in technical literature: the Renscheid dam, with one face so covered, and the Ithaca dam, with both faces of brick, being the other two examples, aside from the Swansea dam. The Burrator Dam, England.—The city of Plymouth (population in 1891, 84,200),a port in the south of England, began the construction of the Burrator reservoir, on the river Meavy, 10.5 miles from the city, in 1893, by the erection of a masonry structure called the Burrator dam, and an earth embankment called the Sheepstor dam, both notable struc- tures. The works were described by Edward Sandeman, M. Inst. C. E., in a paper contributed to the Institution of Civil Engineers, and published in October, 1901, from which the following description has been compiled. Mr. Sandeman was hydraulic engineer tor the city, and constructed the works under the advice of James Mansergh, F.R.S., President Inst. C. E., acting throughout as consulting engineer. The Burrator dam has a total height of 145.5 feet from base of founda- tion to the coping of the parapet wall, is straight in plan, 361 feet in length, with a thickness of 62.8 feet at the level of the river bed, 77 feet below the overflow level, and is battered on the up-stream face 7.5%, and on the lower face 61%. It carries a roadway 18 feet wide on top, supported over a central spillway of 125 feet total length by five segmental arches of 28 feet span. The maximum depth of excavation to granite bedrock was 40 feet. FOP ‘GNVIONG SWVC] GUANWIMIH[—'F2Z ‘DI MASONRY DAMS. 405 Blocks of granite, roughly dressed on the bed and weighing from a few hundred pounds to 7 tons, were embedded in rich concrete, while the facings were composed of large stones having an average thickness of 30 inches, with beds and joints carefully dressed, but left rough on the exter- ior, and laid in cement mortar, the joints being pointed and calked with neat cement mortar. The cost of the masonry dam was $495,700, while the cost of the earth dam was $106,600, a total of $602,300. The reservoir has a capacity of 105,120,000 cubic feet. or 2410 acre-feet. The average cost, therefore was $250 per acre-foot of reservoir capacity. The earth dam is a remarkable structure on account of the extraordi- nary depth of excavation required to reach bedrock with the concrete core-wall, whose lowest level is 91 feet below the surface. This was built up to within 22 feet of the water-line throughout, 5 to 6 feet thick, on top of which clay puddle 8.5 feet thick at bottom, 6 feet at top, was extended nearly to the crest of the embankment. The maximum depth of water against this embankment is but 17 feet. Its length is 470 feet, crest width 12 feet, slopes 3 on 1 and 2 on 1. Thirlmere Dam, England (Fig. 272).—A part of the water supply of Manchester is furnished from a reservoir at Thirlmere lake, formed by a masonry dam, built in 1886-1893. The dam has a maximum height of 62 feet, and is 18.5 feet wide on top, forming a roadway with masonry parapets on each side. The width of the dam at the base is 51.8 feet. The up-stream face has a batter of 12.5%, while on the down-stream side is a vertical curve with a radius of 100 feet. The dam has a gravity section, and is built on a.reverse curve, in order to follow the alinement of highest bedrock across the valley. The crest of the roadway of the dam is 6.2 feet higher than the high water level of the reservoir. The dam was built by Mr. George H. Hill, engineer in charge. Craig Goch Dam, Wales.—The city of Birmingham, England, has been engaged for many years past in extensive works of water storage to obtain an additional supply from the mountains of Wales, to be brought to the city by an aqueduct 74 miles long, 8 feet high inside, by 7.5 feet wide, with a capacity of 129 cubic feet per second. A total storage capacity of 66,000 acre-feet is being created by the erection of five high masonry dams, one of which, the Craig Goch dam, is illustrated by two photographs, Figs. 275 and 276, taken from Engineering Record, January 30, 1904. Other dams on the same stream are the Caban Goch and Pen-y-Gareg dams, which are straight in plan. The Careg-Dhu dam and one other masonry structure are located on the Clarewen river. The total cost of the dams and aqueduct are estimated at over —SHOWING OVERPOUR ON THE CRAIG GocH Dam, WALES. 406 Fic. 276.—Craiag Gocw Dam anv Reservoir, RADNORSHIRE, WALES, FOR BIRMINGHAM WATER-SUPPLY. 407 408 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. $29,000,000. ATl dams are built of cyclopean rubble laid in a matrix of high class Portland cement. The dams were designed and built under the direction of James Mansergh, F.R.S., M. Inst. C. E. Derwent Valley Dams, England.—Five large masonry dams for the storage of water to supply the cities of Leicester, Derby, Sheffield, and Nottingham have been under construction since 1904, under one combined project controlled by an organization called the Derwent Valley Water Board. These dams are of the following general dimensions: Nama ee ace ver 7 Valley Level. Howden dam............ 1080 118 Derwent dam............ 1070 115 Haglee dam.............. 980 136 Ashop (ani wi cndccaiees 840 103 Bamford dam............ 2500 95 In excavating for the Howden dam it has been necessary to sink to a depth of 67 feet below the river bed to reach bedrock, and a trench 20 feet deeper has to be cut into the rock to reach water-tight strata. In making the excavations a cableway for carrying away the spoil has been used. The dam is to be 160 feet thick at the base, 9 feet at crest, and be built of cyclopean rubbJe masonry. It will have a long spillway over the crest. It is estimated that the works will cost entire about $35,000,000, and serve about 2,000,000 people. The work will occupy twenty years in con- struction before the entire system is completed, although they will be in partial service at a much earlier date. The main aqueduct will be 55 miles long. Dams In SoutH AMERICA. The Rio das Lages Dam, Brazil.—The Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power Co., in 1905-07, built a rubble masonry dam 135 feet in height, on the Rio das Lages, 50 miles from the city of Rio de Janeiro, to form a regulating reservoir for the development of power. The dam is of gravity type, with all lines of pressure well within the middle third, the main portion of which is curved on an arc of short radius, best fitting the bedrock, with tangential extensions into the banks at either end. Five hundred feet below the dam the river plunges over a vertical fall of 200 feet over a hard ledge of granite, in a gorge filled with rank tropical foliage, forming ascene of great beauty and grandeur. The dam creates an enormous reservoir, 16 miles long, with many tortuous windings and arms, giving a total capacity of 7,780,000,000 cubic feet, or 178,000 acre-feet. MASONRY DAMS. 409 The writer examined und reported upon the site before the plans were definitely decided upon, at which time the quantity of masonry required was estimated at about 63,000 cubic yards. From the dam to the power house a total fall of 1030 feet is utilized for the development of over 50,000 H. the primary installation, transmitted to Rio de Janeiro at 80,000 volts. The works have been designed and built by Mr. Chas. H. Kearney, chief engineer, under direction of F. 8. Pearson, M. Am. Soc. C. E., as consulting engineer, and vice-president of the company. Parnahyba Dam, Brazil.—In 1900 the Sao Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Co. built a masonry dam across the Tieté river, 22 miles below the city of Sao Paulo, near the village of Parnahyba, for the development of power. The dam is 850 feet long on the crest, straight in plan, 37 feet in height, with a base width of 30 feet. A rollway section for overflow is located in the central portion of the dam, 325 feet in length, the end sections being 5 feet higher. The dam rests throughout on solid granite, formed of rough rubble masonry, with cut-stonc facings on the down-stream portion of the rollway and crest. The water from the dam is conveyed to a small penstock reservoir, 200 feet from the power-house, through two #-inch steel feeder pipes, 12 feet diameter, 2223 feet long, resting on steel saddles, placed 10 feet apart, on masonry piers. The secondary dam is constructed of concrete, resting on rock, is about 45 feet high, 255 feet long, 24 feet thick at the base, with a batter of 35% on the down-stream side. The crest width is about 8 feet at a height of about 10 feet above the water line. The constructing engineer was Mr. Hugh L. Cooper, with F. §. Pearson, Dr. Sc., M. Am. Soc. C. E., acting as consulting engineer. RESERVOIRS IN PERU. The only storage reservoir dams of importance in Peru are situated on the headwaters of the Santa Eulalia river, the main tributary of the Rimac river, and are probably the highest in altitude of any dams in the world, as well as possessing many other unique conditons. In the years 1874-75 the Peruvian Government undertook the work of developing a water supply for irrigation in the Rimac valley by the build. ing of masonry dams and outlet cuts in a group of lakes known as the “Lagunas Huarochiri,” situated at elevations of 14,000 to 16,000 feet above sea level in the Andes mountains at the head of the Rimac river. There are some 65 or 70 of these lakes, nine of which were ccnverted into storage reservoirs, having an aggregate capacity of 37,212 acre-feet, although the maximum quantity ever stored since they were put in service has been 410 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. but 28,100 acre-feet. The lakes are about SO miles away from the land irrigated; the loss by evaporation and seepage in transit by the natural stream channels in this distance is estimated at 50%, and the net results accomplished by the water of these reservoirs is stated to be the reclamation of only 1940 acres, at an average cost of $506.70 per acre! The works are nevertheless of an interesting and instructive character, and the writer is indebted to Mr. W. T. Turner, chief of the Hydrographic Commission, Department of Lima, for the accompanying photographs, illustrating their construction and the data concerning them, from which the following description has been compiled. Lake Carpa Dam.—Lake Carpa is situated near the head of the Huasca river, a small tributary of the Santa Eulalia, having a limited drainage Fic. 277.—Carpa Dam, Peru, sHowinG TypicaL OvTLET Cut, FILLED WITH STEEL BULKHEAD, GLACIER IN BacKGROUND. area and principally fed by the melting of a glacier. A cut through gravel and solid rock, about two meters wide, was first made to a depth of 11.7 meters (38.4 feet) to drain the lake, and a masonry dam was built about the top of the cut to a total height of 4.30 meters (14.1 feet) making a total MASONRY DAMS. 411 depth of reservoir of 16 meters (53.5 feet). The dam is vertical on the up- stream face, has a crest width of 1.5 meters, and is vertical on the lower face for a depth of two meters below the top, thence slopes 0.5:1 to the bottom. The length of the dam on the crest is 58 meters (190 feet) and it is curved with a radius of 60 meters. It contains a total of 907 cubic meters (1190 cubic yards) of masonry, the contract cost of which was $65.00 per cubic meter. Excavation in rock, 2978 cubic meters at $20.00 per cubic meter, and in gravel 1857 cubic meters at $12.00 per cubic meter, brought up the total cost of the work, exclusive of gates, to $140,800. The storage capacity when filled is 16,921 acre-feet, but as the lake has never filled above the foot of the masonry in this dam, the maximum storage has been but 10,190 acre-feet. Fig. 277 shows the dam from the down-stream side and the outlet cut from near the bottom to the top of the masonry, which is divided by the cut in two halves, the space being filled with a bulkhead composed of I-beams and steel plates. Water is released at the bottom of the cut through gates in the bulkhead that are raised by screw-stems reaching to the top. Lake Quisha Dam.— About a mile above lake Carpa reservoir and 300 feet higher in elevation, is lake Quisha which has been converted into a storage reservoir by a dam quite similar in construction to the works at lake Carpa. The cut to drain the lake is 10.6 meters deep and the dam 6 meters high, a total of 16.6 meters (54.5 feet). The dam has the same section as the Carpa dam with a crest length of 48 meters and a volume of 887 cubic meters of masonry. It is also curved up-stream, with a radius of 66 meters. The water-shed tributary to the lake is but 3 square miles, and the annual run-off is so much less than the reservoir capacity that the water has never reached within 5 meters of the top of thedam. The capaci- ty of the lake is 8035 acre-feet, while the maximum amount stored has been 5654 acre-feet. As this dam is on the same water-shed as the Carpa dam, and the total annual run-off of the tributaries of both is less than the capacity of Carpa lake reservoir, it is evident that the Quisha dam was not required, and its cost—over $125,000—was a useless expenditure. The elevation of the lake is 15,400 feet above sea level. Fig. 278 shows the entire dam and a portion of the lake. Incidentally it conveys an idea of the scenic grandeur with which the lake is surrounded. The Sacsa Dam.—Sacsa lake is 1000 feet lower in elevation than Quisha lake, and is located near the head of the Sacsa river, but, unlike the two reservoirs just described, has a water supply greatly in excess of its capacity, which is but 4172 acre-feet. The outlet cut was made to a depth of 5 meters, and gates were erected with the evident purpose of building a dam 7.5 meters in height above the bottom of the cut. This dam, however, was never completed, although it would have added 50% Fic. 279.—Sacsa Dam, Peru, DEsiaNEp To RE INCREASED IN Heigut 8 Fret, SHOWING GATES. 412 MASONRY DAMS. 413 to the storage capacity of the lake. The excavation of the cut required the removal of nearly 18,000 cubic meters of clay, gravel and rock, the cost of which, with the 173 cubic meters of masonry around the gates, and including the latter, was over $250,000. The photograph (Fig. 279) ry * Fig. 280.—Huasca Dam, Peru, ItLustratinc Type oF Iron BULKHEADS USED IN OutLet Cuts or aLL Nine Lakes USED as Reservoirs. clearly shows the typical plan of outlet gates used on all the reservoirs. The other six reservoirs, Huasca, Bucro, Mischa, Huachua, Manca, and Pichua, are natural lakes, converted to use by merely making outlet cuts and erecting controlling gates. Fig. 280 is typical of all of these, and shows the iron work of the bulkhead in the cut, in which the gates are placed at Huasca lake reservoir—the largest of the six, having a capacity of 4228 acre-feet. The total expenditure on these works by the Government was $983,000. The enormous unit prices paid for the works is suggestive of official graft on an extensive scale. The coastal plain of Peru, extending from 30 to 50 miles inland, is extremely arid, and rain falls at rare intervals of many years. The valleys 414 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWELR, ETC. of the streams intersecting this plain and draining from the precipitious Andes mountains, are generally small and have an inadequate water supply during eight months of the year. The rainy season in the Western Cordil- Jera, one of three parallel ranges which make up the Andes chain of moun- tains, occurs during the summer months from December to March, when the precipitation is very heavy, and the run-off is so great that if one-fourth Fic. 281.—AutisHa Dam Sirr, Santa Eurauia River, Peru—a Most REMARKABLE GORGE. of it could be stored, the entire arable area of the Peruvian coast could be abundantly irrigated. The rivers, however, are very short and pre- cipitous, and possess few flat basins suitable for the storage of flood waters. The soil of the valleys is extremely fertile, and the incentive for the de- velopment of irrigation is large, as it is said that Peru produces a greater quantity of sugar per acre than any other cane growing country in the world. Other crops yield with equal luxuriance. In the course of the MASONRY DAMS. 415 investigation which is being conducted by the Hydrographic Commission under Mr. Turner, a remarkable dam site has been surveyed which is without parallel. It is located on the Santa Eulalia river, 20 miles above Chosica. For 400 feet in height above the stream bed, this wonderful canyon is nowhere more than 35 feet in width and presents a most tempt- ing opportunity for daring hydraulic engineering in the erection of a dam Fic. 282 —Ressrvoir Site aBove Proposep AutTiIsnA Dam, Peru. of unprecedented height. Fig. 281 is a view of this phenomenal canyon, and Fig. 282 is a photograph of the reservoir basin above the dam. The opportunity for water power development is also remarkable on these rivers, which fall so very precipitously toward the west. One branch of the Rimac river falls 73 feet in a distance of 35 miles, with a minimum flow of 250 sec.-feet, capable of developing 200,000 H. P. This is a fair illustration of nearly all the rivers of Peru flowing into the Pacific Ocean. CHAPTER IV. EARTHEN DAMS. THE earliest constructions for water-storage of which there is historical record have been earthen dams erected to impound the water for irrigation. India and Ceylon afford examples of the industry of their inhabitants in the creation of storage-reservoirs in the earliest ages of civilization, which for number and size are almost inconceivable. Excepting the exaggerated dimensions of Lake Moeris in central Egypt, and the mysterious basin of “ A] Aram,” the bursting of whose embankment devastated the Arabian . city of Mareb, no similar constructions formed by any race, whether ancient or modern, exceed in colossal magnitude the stupendous tanks of Ceylon. The reservoir of Koh-rud at Ispahan, Persia, the artificial lake of Ajmeer, or the tank of Hyder in Mysore, cannot be compared in extent or grandeur with the great Ceylonese tanks of Kalaweva or Padavil-colon. The first Ceylon tank of which there is historical record was built by King Pandu- waasa in the year 504 3.c. The tank of Kalaweva was constructed a.p. 459, and was not less than 40 miles in circumference. The dam or embank- ment of earth which formed it was more than 12 miles in length, and the spillway of stone is described by the historian Tennent as “one of the most stupendous monuments of misapplied human labor on the island.” The same author describes the tank of Padavil as follows: “The tank itself is the basin of a broad and shallow valley, formed by two lines of low hills, which gradually sink into the plain as they approach the sea. The extreme breadth of the enclosed space may be 12 or 14 miles, narrowing to 11 at the spot where the retaining bund has been constructed across the valley. . . . The dam is a prodigious work, 11 miles in length, 30 feet broad at the top, and about 200 feet at the base, upwards of 70 feet high, and faced throughout its whole extent by layers of squared stone. . . . The existing sluice is remarkable for the ingenuity and excellence of its workmanship. It is built of hewn stones varying from 6 to 12 feet in length, and still exhibiting a sharp edge and every mark of the chisel. These rise into a ponderous wall immediately above the vents which regulated the escape of the water; and each layer of the work is kept in its place by the frequent insertion, endwise, of long plinths of 416 EARTHEN DAMS. 417 stone, whose extremities project beyond the surface, with a flange to key the several courses and prevent them from being forced out of their places. The ends of the retaining-stones are carved with elephants’ heads and other devices, like the extremities of Gothic corbels; and numbers of similarly sculptured blocks are lying about in every direction... . On top of the great embankment itself, and close by the breach, there stands a tall sculptured stone with two engraved compartments, the possible record of its history, but the characters were in some language no longer under- stood by the people. The command of labor must have been extraordinary at the time when such a construction was successfully carried out, and the population enormous to whose use it was adapted. The number of cubic yards in the bund is upwards of 17,000,000, and at the ordinary value of labor in this country [England] it must have cost £1,300,000, without including the stone facing on the inner side of the bank. The same sum of money that would be absorbed in making the embankment of Padavil would be sufficient to form an English railway 120 miles long, and its completion would occupy 10,000 men for more than five years. Be it remembered, too, that in addition to 30 of these immense reservoirs in Ceylon, there are from 500 to 700 smaller tanks in ruins, but many still in serviceable order, and all susceptible of effectual restoration. . . . None of the great reservoirs of Ceylon have attracted so much attention as the stupendous work of the Giants’ Tank (Kattucarré). The retaining-bund of the reservoir, which is 300 feet broad at the base, can be traced for more than 15 miles, and, as the country is level, the area which its waters were intended to cover would have been nearly equal to that of Lake Geneva, Switzerland (223 square miles). At the present day the bed of the tank is the site of ten populous villages, and of eight which are now deserted.” It was but recently discovered that the reason why the great reservoir was never utilized after having been built at such enormous expense, was an error in the original levels by which the canal from the Malwatte River, that was intended to feed the reservoir, ran up-hill. Capt. R. Baird Smith, in his work on “Irrigation in the Madras Provinces,” says: “The extent to which tank irrigation has been developed in the Madras Presidency is extraordinary. An imperfect record of the number of tanks in fourteen districts shows them to amount to no less than 43,000 in repair and 10,000 out of repair, or 53,000 in all. It would be a moderate esti- mate to fix the length of embankment for each at half a mile, and the number of masonry works in sluices, waste-weirs, etc., would probably not be overrated at an average of six. These data, only assumed to give some definite idea of the system, would give close upon 30,000 miles of embank- ments (sufficient to put a girdle round the globe not less than 6 feet thick) and 300,000 separate masonry works. The whole of this gigantic ma- SIP *QQLVDINUT SGNVT DNIMOHS OSTV ‘wv dO STIVLA( GNV NVIgQ ‘AVaKog INV MNUMY ZAL— "ess “Oly No1L97§ TWNIONLIONOT, ci i | NW LW ~ 'O: SD Treg SYMOME TY 40 aTIMS Curronboy- O-. EARTHEN DAMS. 419 chinery is of purely native origin, not one new tank having been made by the English. The revenue from existing works is roughly estimated at £1,500,000 sterling per annum, and the capital sunk at £15,000,000.” The same author described the Ponairy tank of Trichinopoly, now out of repair, as having an embankment 30 miles in length, and an area of 60 or 80 square miles. The Veeranum tank is very ancient, though still in service and yielding a revenue of $57,500 per annum. It has an em- hankment 12 miles long, and covers 35 square miles of area. The Chumbrumbaukum tank has an embankment 19,200 feet in length, and forms a reservoir of 5730 acres, with a capacity of 63,780 acre-feet. The dam is 16 to 28 feet high. The water from the reservoir yielded an annual revenue to the government of $25,000 in 1853. The Cauverypauk tank, in use from four hundred to five hundred years, has an embankment 32 miles long, revetted with a stone wall 6 feet thick at bottom, 3 feet at top, and 22 feet high, rising to within 5 or 6 feet of the top of the bank, which is uniformly 9 feet high above high-water mark. The embankment is nowhere less than 12 feet wide on top, with a front slope of 24 to 1, and a rear slope of 1$ to 1. The whole outer surface is carefully turfed and planted with grass. Water is distributed from nine masonry sluices. Mr. H. M. Wilson, in his work on “ Irrigation in India,” describes the abandoned tank of Mudduk Masur as having been built over four hundred years ago, when its capacity must have been 870,000 acre-feet of water. The restraining-dams were three in number; the main central dam, which is 91 to 108 feet high, and having a base of 945 to 1100 feet, is still intact, and the whole reservoir is capable of easy restoration. The lack of a spill- way caused the destruction of the tank by the overtopping of one of the minor embankments. Mr. Wilson states that in the Mysore district of southern India there are 37,000 tanks, aside from the 53,000 enumerated in the Madras Presidency by Capt. R. Baird Smith. Jn the Mairwara District 2065 tanks have been built under English rule since the date of Capt. Smith’s work, before quoted—1854. Of the modern earthen dams built by English engineers in the employ of the Indian Government, two of the most interesting were recently con- structed in the Bombay Presidency, the Ekruk tank near Sholapur, and the Ashti tank, on the Ashti river. The Ekruk Tank (Fig. 283) impounds 76,500 acre-feet, and has a dam whose maximum height is 75.6 feet. The total length is 6940 feet, which included 2730 feet of masonry, of which 1400 feet is at the northern end and 1330 feet at the southern end. The cost of the dam was $666,000. The loss of water by evaporation during eight months is 7 feet in depth and amounts to 12,500 acre-feet, or 16% of the entire capacity. The Ashti Tank (Fig. 284) is formed by an earth dam 12,709 feet long, O2F “VIANT ‘WY ILHSY HHL dO NOILOS-SSOND—F8SZ ‘PLT 5 ‘ 5 Be es RRS Se ae See ee | Baa Pe ZY) 9 o he 5 EEN UA be EET NEN PEI WE anaes BARTHEN DAMS. 421 58 feet in maximum height, having slopes of 3:1 inside and 2:1 outside. The crest of the dam is 12 feet above high-water mark, and has a width of 6 feet. The interior slope is paved with stone. The storage capacity of the reservoir is 35,700 acre-feet, of which 9200 acre-feet, or 26%, is lost by evaporation. The reservoir has a surface area of 2870 acres. The following description of the construction of the dam is condensed from Mr. H. M. Wilson’s “ Irrigation in India”: The site of the dam was cleared of vegetation and top soil, so that the entire structure rests upon a sound and firm foundation. There is no puddle-wall proper, but a puddle-trench, 10 feet wide, was excavated down to a compact, impervious bed, the entire length of the dam, and was filled to one foot above the natural ground surface. This filling was composed of two parts sand and three parts black soil. The central third of the dam is built up of selected material of black soil, extending, as shown in the accompanying section, in a triangular section, 60 feet wide at the base, to the crest of the dam. Outside of this central section are two triangular sections of brown soil, faced with 1 to 15 feet of puddle of sand and black soil. On the inside a stone paving 6 inches thick is laid over the slope to " resist wave-action. Across the river-bed a trench 5 feet wide was excavated along the entire length of the dam and extending 100 feet into the banks. On each side this trench was filled with concrete and connected with the puddle-trench. The puddle-trench was curved around the concrete wall and continued across the river at a distance of 20 feet from the concrete wall on the up-stream side. This work having been finished in dry weather, the sand of the river-bed was sluiced out of the way by confining the stream and directing it into narrow channels by loose rock spur-walls and piers. The cross-section of the Ashti dam is considered amply strong, yet a more liberal section is believed to be advisable, especially in the matter of top width. The wasteway of the Ashti reservoir consists of a channel 800 feet wide, cut through the ridge rock, the crest of which is level for 600 feet in length; thence the stream falls with a slope of 1% into a side channel. Its discharging capacity is 48,000 second-feet, causing the water to rise % feet above its sill, or to within 5 feet of the top of the dam. In 1883 a serious slip occurred in the Ashti dam, causing a total settle- ment of 16 feet at the crest of the embankment, and causing the ground at the top of the dam to bulge upwards. The cause of this slip was attributed to the fact that for a considerable portion of the length of the dam it is founded on a clay soil containing nodules of impure lime and alkali, which render it semi-fluid when soaked with water. The slip occurred during or after excessive rains. It was corrected by digging drainage-trenches at the rear toe, which were filled with bowlders and 422 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. broken stone, and by the addition of heavy berms or counterforts of earth, for 700 or 800 feet of its length, to weight the toe. Similar slips oceurred in the Ekruk dam, due to similar causes. These occurrences point to the value of thorough drainage to the outer toe of all earthen dams, and the desirability of the adoption of that form of combina- tion of rock-flll and earth used so successfully in the Pecos dams, wherever rock can be obtained for the outer portion of such embankments. Vallejo Dam, California.—Wherever earthen dams are constructed partially upon exposed bed-rock foundations, it is essential to provide free drainage to the water which seeks to follow along the bed-rock. An inter- esting application of this principle was made in the construction of a dam erected a few years since for the water-supply of Vallejo, California. The dam was built for storage purposes and formed a reservoir of 160 acres, 3 miles from the city. The bed-rock was exposed in the channel, and formed a low fall about the center line of the dam. Just above this fall a concrete wall was built upon the bed-rock some 6 feet high, with a drainage-pipe extending out to the lower toe of the embankment. A quantity of broken stone was placed above this wall, which formed a collecting-basin for any seepage that might pass through the embankment or that might creep along bed-rock, and the dam was then built over the wall in the ordinary way. This provision effectually prevents the satura- tion of the outer slope and keeps the dam well drained. The dam was planned and built by Hubert Vischer, C.E., with Mr. C. E. Grunsky acting as Consulting Engineer. Earthen dams are usually constructed in one of the following ways: (1) A homogeneous embankment of earth, in which all of the material is alike throughout; (2) An embankment in which there is a central core of puddle con- sisting cither of specially selected natural materials found on the site, or of a concrete of clay, sand, and gravel, mixed together in a pug-mill and rammed or rolled into position; (3) An embankment in which the central core is a wall of masonry or concrete; (+) An embankment having puddle or selected material placed upon its water-face; (5) An embankment of earth resting against an embankment of loose rock; , (6) An embankment of earth, sand, and gravel, sluiced into position by flowing water—a form of construction described in the chapter on Hy- draulic-fill Dams. Earthen dams have also been built with a facing of plank, made water-tight by preparations of asphaltum or tar. The choice of these various available plans is dependent upon local conditions at the site of the dam to be built, the materials available, and the predilection or education of the engineer planning the structure. EARTHEN DAMS. 423 European engineers, judging from their works, lean toward the central puddle-core, and the greater number of the earth dams of the British Empire are constructed on this plan. American engineers appear to prefer the masonry core-wall, or the puddle facing on the inner slope of the embankment to the central puddle-core, as a means of cutting off per- colation through the dam and thus securing water-tightness. The natural slope of dry earth placed in embankment is about 1, to 1, but in practice it is customary to increase this to 2 to 1 on the exterior, and to 3 to 1 on the interior slopes. The necessary height of the em- bankment above the high-water mark depends to some extent upon the length and size of the reservoir, and the “reach ” of the waves generated by winds, as well as upon the width of the spillway and the height to which water must rise in the reservoir during maximum floods to find full dis- charge through the spillway. Ample spillway capacity is of primary im- portance to the security of any earthen dam, unless it be one whose reser- voir is filled by a canal or other controllable conduit from an adjacent stream. A lack of sufficient spillway is the cause of the greater number of the failures of earthen dams that have occurred, of which the most memorable case was that of the Johnstown dam, whose rupture caused the loss of two thousand lives and the destruction of many millions of dollars’ worth of property. Had the spillway been of ample dimensions, this dam would have resisted any pressure that could have been brought to hear upon it and the disaster would, in all probability, never have occurred. A common source of failure is in the doubtful practice of building the outlet-pipes through the body of the dam. These should either be laid in a tunnel at one side, or in a deep trench cut into the hed-rock or the solid impervious base of the dam, and the pipes surrounded by concrete, filling the entire trench. In building earth dams of any type it is essential that the earth should be moist in order to pack solidly, and if not naturally moist it must be sprinkled slightly until it acquires the proper consistency. An excess of moisture is detrimental. It should be placed in thin layers, and thor- oughly rolled or tamped, and the surface of each layer should be rough- ened by harrowing or plowing before the next layer is applied. Droves of cattle, sheep, or goats are often used with success as tamping-machines for earth embankments. They are led or driven across the fresh made ground, and the innumerable blows of their sharp hoofs pack the soil very thor- oughly. The Cuyamaca Dam.—One of the first earthen dams built in California for irrigation storage was the Cuyamaca reservoir-dam, erected in 1886 by the San Diego Flume Company. It is located in a summit valley between two of the Cuyamaca peaks, some 50 miles east of San Diego, at an elevation of 4800 feet. The dam is 635 feet long on top, 41.5 feet high, 424 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, E17. vith inner slope of 2:1, and outer slope of 1.5:1. The crest of the dam js 6.5 feet above the floor of the spillways, one of which is 90 feet and the other 41 feet in width. Before work was begun on the dam the site was covered with loose rock, and it was supposed that bed-rock was near the surface. Hence the priginal plan was to build a masonry dam. Excavations were started for that purpose, and considerable cement was brought to the ground to construct the foundations of masonry. It was soon found, however, that the loose rock was merely a surface layer on top of a bed of clay, and the plan was changed to a dam of earth throughout. The discharge-sluice of the dam was built through the center of the structure, and consisted of a masonry culvert 34 feet wide, 44 feet high, 120 feet long, resting on a bed of concrete 18 inches thick, laid in a trench of that depth cut in the clay. This culvert has a fall of 34 feet in length. At its upper end is a circular brick tower, 5 feet in diameter inside, with an opening at the bottom 3 feet wide, 43 feet high, that is closed by a ponderous wooden gate, so large and heavy as to be almost immovable. A second gate, 16 feet higher, of similar size and eonstruction, is provided to close another opening into the tower. These Fig. 285.—View or CuyaMAca DAM AND OUTLET-TOWER. gates slide vertically in wooden grooves. An iron gate inside the tower closes the head of the culvert. The bond between the earthwork and the culvert was imperfect, and considerable leakage ensued after the reservoir first filled, but this was afterwards remedied. Fig. 285 is a view of the dam from the side of the reservoir, showing ihe tower. The dam is reported to have cost $51,000 as originally constructed to vhe height of 35 fect. In 1894 an addition of 6.5 feet was made to the height of the dam, at a cost of $3400, This addition increased the capacity “VINNOMITY,) “O,) GILATY s NVW GAL ao WV G-ONTLNGAAT(T AUNOSVIY—'98G “DIT 426 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. of the reservoir to 11,410 acre-feet, covering an area of 959 acres to a mean depth of nearly 12 feet. The watershed tributary to the reservoir is about 11 square miles. The following table, prepared by Mr. F. 8S. Hyde, C.E., from the records of the company in 1896, gives the volume of catchment and use during the first nine years after the completion of the dam: TABLE OF RAINFALL, RUN-OFF, EVAPORATION AND AVERAGE DRAFT FROM THE Cuyamaca RESERVOIR, SAN DrEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. Evaporation. pune raft from Rain and ee Run-off ©|—————_——___——__|_ Rerervoir Calendar| “Melted | Run-off in Ito precipita per for Year. Snow. Acre-feet. tion Square Mile. Average | Irrigation Inches. Per cent, |Second-feet.| Total. per Day. |. and Inches. |City Supply. Ft. In, Acre-feet, 1888 24.05 3,076 21.75 0.385 3 9.50 0.316 1889 52.83 5,568 17.91 0.697 4 5.00 0.250 2,853 1890 62.91 6,214 16.79 0.768 3 9.25 0.208 2,881 1891 64.96 7,735 20.24 0.969 3 8.75 0.2038 3,084 1892 42.56 5,163 20.62 0.647 3 6.75 0.241 4,821 1893 41.51 4,098 16.78 0.512 5 38.25 0.303 5,965 1894 24.90 2,035 13.89 0.255 7 1.00 0.341 2,939 1895 58.52 11,464 33.31 1.436 5 3.75 0.317 6,237 1896 26.44 1,158 3) 0.145 5 7.50 0.284 5,777 Means .. 44.29 5,397 19.83 0.676 B19) |iseeein een 4,331 Subsequent years of drouth have resulted in emptying the reservoir entirely. The rainy seasons of 1897-98, 1898-99, and 1899-1900 have furnished practically no water for storage. Referring to the above table of rainfall and run-off, it should be ex- plained that as the rain-gauge on which the precipitation was recorded is located at the dam between two high, wooded peaks, which act as condensers of the moisture-laden clouds, the record shows a greater amount than the average of the watershed, which a few miles east of the dam borders on the desert, where the rainfall is known to be much less. This is borne out by comparing the measured run-off with the ‘* Newell Curve” of run-off, which would indicate that if the recorded precipitation were a mean of the entire area, the yield should be two to three times as great as it actually was. This Cuyamaca rainfall record is misleading asx a criterion of mountain precipitation in this region. The water actually flowing in different seasons from a known area, as shown by the table, is more reliable as a guide for estimates of the yield to be expected from adjacent sheds than any single rainfall record, or any possible collection of rainfall statistics without such empirical knowledge of actual yield in stream-flow produced by any given rainfall. During the period covered by the table the mean annual draft from the EARTHEN DAMS. 427 reservoir was 4331 acre-feet, while the mean annual run-off was 5397 acre- feet. The difference between these figures, or 1066 acre-feet, represents the mean annual evaporation, or 19.75 per cent of total catchment. After flowing down Bowlder Creek and the San Diego River 12} miles, dropping 4000 feet vertically in that distance, the water released at the dam is picked up and diverted to the flume by means of a masonry weir extending across the San Diego River. This diverting-dam is 340 feet long on top, 35 feet high, 22 feet thick at base, 5 feet at the crest. To cut off leakage under the dam a subwall was built on the up-stream side in the main channel, lapping onto the base of the dam and extending down 15 feet deeper. This wall is 5 feet thick at bottom. The original wall had been founded on disintegrated granite. The subwall was built in a trench that cut deeper into the soft granite, but was not entirely effectual in stopping the leakage. (Figs. 286 and 287.) a tegulator ELEVATION ioe, Se ee 20 wde ia $9 -. a Fig. 287.—PLan AND ELEVATION oF DIvERTING-DAM OF San DizGo FLUME Co., CALIFORNIA. The main flume is 34.85 miles in length, 6 feet wide in the clear, with single sideboards 16 inches high, though the frame-posts are 4 feet high and will admit of additional sideboards to give a total depth of 4 feet. If completed as originally designed, the flume would have a capacity of 5000 miner’s inches under 4-inch pressure. Its present maximum capacity is not over 900 inches. The flume is supported at places on high trestles, one of which is shown in Fig. 288, and there are a number of long and costly tunnels on the route. The grade of the flume is 4.75 feet per mile. It commands all the irrigable lands of El Cajon Valley, Spring Valley, and the San Diego mesa, and supplies water to about 5700 acres, mostly culti- vated in orchards of citrus fruits. The city of San Diego has also received ‘VINNOAITVY ‘ANAT ODAC] NVQ NO NOLLOQULSNO)) AILSANL-HDIPT 40 ATANVG—Sss ‘PLT EARTHEN DAMS. 429 its domestic supply from this source during the greater portion of the time since its completion, through a 15-inch steel-pipe line laid over the mesa, from the end of the flume to the city, about 10 miles. In the summer of 1897-98 the reservoir was quickly exhausted, and it became necessary to install an independent system of supply for the orchards and the city of San Diego. For the orchard supply this was accomplished by sinking a series of bored wells in the gravel bed of the San Diego River, above El Cajon Valley, where the flume leaves the immediate valley of the river. Pumping-stations were erected, and the wells, which were placed at intervals of 50 feet along a horizontal suction- pipe 1000 to 1300 feet in length, were drawn upon in series simultaneously, the water being forced up to the flume with a lift of 300 feet. About 3 second-feet (150 inches) were thus obtained, and though the supply was meager it was sufficient to maintain the life of the trees and keep them in bearing with good cultivation. The city was supplied in a similar manner by wells sunk in the river-bed in Mission Valley, from 2 to 4 miles above the main pumping-plant. The water was lifted to the surface at sev- eral points and conveyed to the pump-station by small flumes. Over 3,000,000 gallons daily were thus obtained. These plants have had to be maintained and increased in capacity. The inhabitants of southern California have reason to congratulate themselves that Nature has provided underground storage-reservoirs capable of being drawn upon so liberally that they are able to endure such an unprecedented period of drouth as they are now experiencing. To obtain the supply, however, by wells and pumps is generally far more costly than water stored in surface reservoirs. , The Merced Reservoir Dam, California——The highest and longest earthen dam closing a reservoir chiefly devoted to irrigation in California is that which forms the so-called “ Yosemite Reservoir,’ 6 miles north- east of the town of Merced. This dam was constructed in 1883-84 by the Crocker-Hoffman Land Company as a part of its general system of irriga- tion, by which some 150,000 acres are commanded for irrigation. It has a maximum height of 50 feet, and is built entirely of earth composed of a sandy clay with inner slopes of 3:1 and outer slopes of 2:1. From the top down for 15 feet the interior is paved with loose rock, 12 inches thick, for wave-protection. The entire length of the dam is 2200 feet, of which 1400 feet is less than 10 feet high. It was built up as a homogeneous bank of earth, without a puddle-wall, or without adding to the natural moisture of the soil. The earth was simply put in place with scraper-teams, the material being deposited with care in thin layers.. The top width is 20 feet, base 290 feet. The dam rests on a very firm foundation of cemented gravel, into which a wide, deep puddle-trench was cut and carefully re- 430 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETO. SNELLING TSS.RISE. av: ee Canal) Cs T8S.RI4E. Fic. 289.—Map sHowine Location or MERCED REsERvorr, CALIFORNIA. GXV TYNYO-UECHAT DNIMOHS “TV ‘GaOuTT WIOANASAY ALINASOA JO MATA—'O6Z “PI 432 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. filled. Much of the material used in the dam had to be loosened by blasting. The reservoir-outlet consists of a masonry conduit, made of brick laid in cement mortar, placed in a trench cut in the cemented gravel. This conduit carries the main, cast-iron, delivery-pipe, 24 inches in diameter, and a blow-off sluice-pipe. The conduit is + feet in diameter in the clear, the brickwork being 12 inches in thickness. The reservoir, dam, and outlet-tower are shown in Fig. 290. The reservoir covers 600 acres and has a capacity when full of 15,000 acre-feet, of which about 20% is annually lost by evaporation. It is fed by a canal 27 miles in length, leading from a diversion-weir placed in the Merced River a short distance above the town of Snelling. For the first 8 miles the canal has a maximum capacity of 1500 second-feet, which is the largest canal in California. The total cost of the canal system, with its laterals, and the reservoir was about $1,500,000. The watershed area of the Merced River above the head of the canal is 1076 square miles, in which is included the famous Yosemite Valley. The mean annual flow of this stream as determined by the California State Engineering Department for the six years from 1878 to 1884 was about 1600 second-feet, the maximum being 6510 second-feet in the month of June, and the minimum 65 second-feet in the months of November and December. During the three months of May, June, and July, when the greatest amount of irrigation is required, the mean discharge of the river in the period named was about. 4000 second-feet. Buena Vista Lake Reservoir, California—The large storage-tank formed of Buena Vista Lake, in the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley, is the largest irrigation-reservoir in the State, covering an area of 25,000 acres to a mean depth of nearly 7 feet. The volume of water which it is capable of impounding above the level of the outlet-canal is 170,000 acre-feet, and in its general characteristics it more nearly resembles the great tanks of India than any reservoir in this country. The reservoir is formed by a straight dike, or dam, 5.5 miles in length, following a township line from the foot-hills at the base of the mountains, due north. The maximum height of the dam is 15 feet, tapering out to nothing at either end. Its top width is 12 feet, and the slopes are 4:1 inside, 3:1 outside, the crest being 4 feet higher than the high-water level of the reservoir when full. The erosion of this hank due to wave-action rendered it necessary to riprap the face with stone over a long section from the south end northward, where there were no tules growing to serve as a breakwater to lessen the effect of wave-action, as was the case at the north end. To procure the material for this riprap a narrow-gauge rail- road was built for some ten miles from a quarry at the base of the moun- tains. The cost of this work was more expensive than the construction EARTHEN DAMS. 433 of the embankment and brought the entire cost of the dam and outlets up to about $150,000. The dam divides the reservoir from what was formerly known as Kern wake, before its bed was drained and cultivated. The reservoir now receives all the surplus water of Kern River and the waste at the tail end of all of the Kern Island canals below Bakersfield. The water thus stored is only available for use on a belt of arable land that was formerly a swamp, extending from Buena Vista Lake to Tulare Lake. This Jand before reclamation was periodically overflowed when the water of the river was not so extensively absorbed in irrigation in the delta and upon the adjacent plains as it has been in recent years. Since its reclamation it requires to be irrigated, and the reservoired water is devoted to that purpose. The reservoir was first filled in 1890, and has been in service ever since. Its creation was the result of the compromise of the most extensive and costly litigation over water-rights that has ever arisen in California. The title of the action was that of Lux vs. Haggin. It will go down in history as the case in which the Supreme Court of California, by a majority of one, first established the English common-law doctrine of riparian rights as applicable to the streams of the State. It is believed that this doctrine, though greatly modified by subsequent decisions, has been a serious draw- back to irrigation development in California. The surface of the reservoir is so large as compared with the volume stored that the annual loss by evaporation is estimated at 120,000 acre-feet, or 70% of the total capacity. This is an enormous waste of water, which might be saved to a considerable extent by the construction of storage- reservoirs in the mountains, where the ratio between surface area and volume would be very much less, and the rate of evaporation smaller. The reservoir is generally filled from about May 1st to July 20th, during the melting of the snows, after which time to September Ist the inflow is about sufficient, ordinarily, to offset evaporation. Thus during the five hottest months, when nearly,70% of the total evaporation of the year takes place, the loss is supplied by the river, and by the return waters of irriga- tion. Therefore, in those seasons when the run-off is sufficient to supply the demand of the canals and yield a surplus great enough to fill the reservoir by September 1st, in addition to evaporation, the net amount available for use from the reservoir would approximate 125,000 to 135,000 acre-feet. Measurements of the river taken daily from 1879 to 1884, and from 1894 to 1897,—ten years in all,—show a minimum yearly discharge of 364,000 acre-feet, a maximum of 1,760,000 acre-feet, and a mean of "89,000 acre-feet of water discharging into the valley at the mouth of the canyon. The Pilarcitos and San Andrés Dams, California—The water-supply of San Francisco is largely derived from the storage of storm-waters on 434 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the peninsula south of the city. The San Mateo dam, of concrete, described in a previous chapter, supplanted one of the original earthen dams, that known as the Upper Crystal Springs; but there are two other notable structures still in service, called the Pilarcitos and the San Andrés dams. The Pilarcitos dam is 640 feet long on top, 95 feet in height above the original surface of the ground, and has a top width of 24 feet. The slopes are 2:1 each side. A puddle-wall, 24 feet thick, extends down 40 feet below the surface, into a trench cut in bed-rock. The reservoir formed by the dam has a capacity of 1,180,000,000 gallons (3622 acre-feet), and gathers the run-off from a watershed of 2510 acres. The elevation of the lake is 696 feet above sea-level. The San Andrés dam has a top length of 850 feet, a maximum height of 93 feet above the original surface, and a top width of 24 feet. The inside slope is 3.5:1, while the outer slope is 3:1. The central puddle- wall reaches to bed-rock through 46 feet of earth and gravel. The dam was originally built to a height of 77 feet, but in 1875 it was raised 16 feet by the addition of the new material upon the outer slope. The base of the new section was 135 feet. As the inner slope was projected to the new crest of the dam it became necessary to make a horizontal offset in the puddle-wall in order to keep it within the center of the new section. The San Andrés reservoir has a capacity of 6,500,000,000 gallons (19,950 acre-feet), and intercepts the drainage from 2695 acres of water- shed immediately tributary. It is also fed by a flume, 17.42 miles in length, leading from Lock’s Creek. This flume gathers the water from 1800 acres of the Lock’s Creek shed, all above 505 feet elevation. Other feeders to the reservoir gather the water from Pilarcitos Creek below the Pilarcitos dam, and from a branch of San Mateo Creek. Tabeaud Dam, California.—For the purpose of creating a penstock reservoir at the head of the pressure pipes of the Electra Power-house, the Standard Electric Co., in 1900-01, built a high earthen dam across a small tributary of the South Fork of Jackson creek, 8 miles from the town of Jackson, Amador Co., Cal. The reservoir receives the drainage from a catchment area of but two square miles. It is fed by a long flume from the Mokelumne river. The reservoir area is 36.75 acres, with a capacity above the outlet tunnel of 1070 acre-feet. The crest of the dam is 1258 feet above sea level, the flow line of the reservoir is 8 feet lower, while the level of the outlet tunnel is 70 feet below the flow line. The dam ranks among the highest earth dams of the world, and has the following dimensions: Height at center above bedrock 120 feet; height above lower toe 123 feet, height above up-stream toe 100 feet; length on crest 636 feet, length at bottom 50 to 100 feet; width at base 620 feet; width on top 20 feet. The side-slopes of earth are 2.5 on 1, on both sides, with a rock-fill on EARTHEN DAMS. 435 the up-stream slope, from the base up two-thirds of the height, laid on a slope of 3 on 1, and overlying a heavy layer of clay puddle. The dam has a total volume of 370,350 cubic yards, all of which ex- cept 40,000 cubic yards, was put in by contract at 40 cents per cubic yard. It was all of choice material, consisting of a red gravelly soil, containing about 70% clay, obtained from nearby borrow-pits within the reservoir basin and near the ends of the dam. It was hauled in carts and four-horse dumping wagons, loaded by scrapers through traps, or loading platforms, and spread in layers of 6 to 8 inches, thoroughly sprinkled, and harrowed and rolled by 5 and 8 ton rollers. The center of the dam was maintained lower than the two sides by about 10% of the height at all levels. The dam was so carefully built and so thoioughly supervised that one year after its completion a maximum settlement of but 24 inches was found to have occurred, with 90 feet of water in the reservoir. It has shown no sign of leakage. The dam was planned and built by Mr. Burr Bassell, M. Am. Soc. C. E., since deceased, author of a useful little book entitled “Earth Dams.” On September 1, 1901, when the dam was nearing completion, the author was employed to make a report upon its construction and stability. His findings were entirely favorable. During the course of this investi- gation it was found that the weight of earth material taken from test pits on the dam was 133 pounds per cubic foot, showing that it had been con- densed and compacted 40% from its weight in a loose condition. The dam has no core-wall or puddle core, but is a homogeneous earth structure of such high-class material and such superior workmanship that, although nearly the highest of all earth dams, it is tight and stable without these features that are usually regarded by the profession as indispensable. Chollas Heights Dam, California——An earthen dam built by the Southern California Mountain Water Co. in 1901, four miles east of San Diego City reservoir, at an elevation of 428 feet on the crest, is worthy of note as the first dam of that material to be built with a core-wall of steel plates, riveted together to form a water-tight diaphragm in the center. The dam is 526 feet long, 56 feet high, and 20 feet wide on the crest, with slopes of 3 on 1 and 2 on 1, up-stream and down-stream respectively. It is an embankment of earth taken from the reservoir bottom, consisting of sand, clay and gravel. It was deposited in layers and rolled, after the natural soil under the up-stream half had been stripped to a depth of one foot. The steel diaphragm is embedded at the bottom and ends in a concrete wall, built in a trench 30 inches wide, extending across the valley. This wall has a maximum height in the center of the valley of about 17 feet, and is stepped up the slopes to correspond with the courses of steel plates. It was made up of 1:2:4 concrete and is carried up to within 13 feet of the 436 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. crest of the dam, or 8 feet below the flow line of the reservoir. The steel diaphragm reaches to the same height, and consists of four courses of plates, each 6 feet high, 20 feet long, } inch thick. These are riveted and calked and coated with hot asphaltum. A layer of burlap dipped in hot asphaltum was then applied to both sides of the plate, and the whole surface treated to a second coat of the bitumen. Water is drawn from the reservoir through a 24-inch cast-iron pipe, laid in a trench excavated in the natural earth beneath one end of the dam E1430 { Elevation of Top 428’ , 420 oe ’ pe \ es S ’ 410_| ; i Riveted Steel Core 4 thick VA yerteeat it pax é NE of Plates 6% 25" ¥. oN gre “20! 400 a pre Ut ft. J soy onl eal t Concrete Wall BA"thich, WA 0 90’ 390 H lool f 1 | Era NY 7 \ x) SS 24'C. 1. Pipe. Se vo 380 . > PR S K Original! Ground Surface and ee QU Base of lower part of Fill, LL - ————— - ———— - ———- oer ouliet pe Taid'in Wench on Concrete Pers. age Tower Base, !I'Diam . 3 tourses Crossed Fails in Concrete. Section of Dam along Line of Outlet Pipe Fic. 291.—Cuoitias Hetcuts Dam, CaLirorNtia. about 38 feet below the top. The pipe is supported on concrete piers every six feet, several being extended as cut-off collars. At the head of the pipe is a circular tower of concrete, with gates at three levels for admitting water to the pipe. The reservoir is used as a receiver at the end of a pipe line of wood stave construction, 20 miles long, leading the water from the Lower Otay reservoir. Mr. E. F. Tabor, now in charge of the construction of the Shoshone dam for the U.S. Reclamation Service, was engineer on the building of this dam, under the direction of H. N. Savage, M. Am. Soc. C. E., acting as consulting engineer. EARTHEN DAMS. 437 Cache la Poudre Reservoir Dam, Colorado.—The Union Colony of Greeley, in northern Colorado, is supplied with water for irrigation by the Cache la Poudre Canal, an important adjunct of which is a storage-reser- voir of 5654 acre-feet capacity, formed by an earthen dam, 38 feet in height. For a long time after the construction of the canal it was thought unnecessary to supplement its river-supply by a reservoir. Later experi- ence showed that the low-water period came on in many vears before the potato-crop was made, and a reservoir-site was sought to store water to carry the farmers over this critical period. The site selected was one which could be filled by a supply-canal, 8 miles long, discharging into the main canal 2 miles below its head. The dam was made by scraper-teams, of the soil at the site, and is homogeneous in character, without puddle. It was originally made with a uniform inner slope of more than 3 to 1, but the action of waves has made it quite irregular. The embankment settled 4 to 5 feet the first year after the water was turned in, and becomes quite soft throughout whenever the reservoir is filled, but this is yearly becoming less. The rock for rip- rapping the face of the dam was brought by rail to the nearest point, and hauled by wagon two miles, costing $1.10 per ton laid down. The dam cost $81,623 for construction, in addition to $28,643 paid for real estate and rights of way—a total of $110,266. The year after it was completed and filled, the reservoir proved its value by saving the crop of potatoes valued at $331,366, of which one-half is credited to the reservoir. The feeder-canal has a capacity of 150 second-feet, while the outlet- canal will carry 200 second-feet. The outlet-conduit is founded on tough clay, and has a floor of wide flagstones laid on concrete. The conduit is 5 feet wide, and 5 feet high in center, the side walls being 24 feet high, and a semicircular arch form- ing the roof. Two collar-walls extend into the embankment to cut off leakage. The gates are the invention of Gordon Land, a well-known hydraulic engineer of Denver, and are known as “ railroad gates.” They are two in number and travel on a double track, set at an inclination of 20° from the vertical, the gates being provided with wheels. They go down to their seats by gravity, and are raised by wire ropes passing over a windlass at the top of the embankment. Colorado State Dams.—In 1892 the State of Colorado by legislative enactment inaugurated a system of storage-reservoirs for irrigation, under which five dams were erected in different parts of the State by money appropriated for the purpose by the State legislature. This is a policy which has not been attempted by any other of the States of the Union, so far as the writer is aware, and in this case it does not appear to have been successful or to meet with popular favor. The dams are under the 438 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC control of the State Engineer, and water from them is sold to the irriga- tors. The selection of the sites and the expenditure of the money appear to have been controlled by politics rather than by good engineering. The experiment cost the State $102,544.88 in all, and the total storage provided was but 2574 acre-feet in the aggregate. An account of these works, gleaned from the State Engineer’s reports, is of interest, and is con- densed as follows: The Monument Creek Dam.—This earthen dam is located on Monument Creek, some 15 miles north of Colorado Springs, at an elevation of 7000 feet above sea-level. Its dimensions are the following: Maximum height ...2.c.sescaswees eeeeee ts 40 feet Width Onl LOPncace cosa ec iielee anste odes alas la 20 “ Length On topiiersnapiaaks atasseteng tesco 855“ Tniner slope:ncdscieseinaee ose een eatio ewes 3:1 Outer 6lO Nei. aise ia elie tes case eA 2:1 ‘The water-line is 7 feet below the crest of the dam. The inner face of the dam is covered with a clay puddle-wall laid on the slope, with a hori- zontal thickness of 50 feet at the base and 10 feet at top. This puddle is carried down to bed-rock in a trench 14 feet deep, at the inner toe of the dam, the minimum width of the trench being 5 feet. Over the puddle-wall is laid « riprap wall of stone, placed with care by hand. The outer half of the dam is composed of coarse gravel, rock, and earth. These general principles must be regarded as unexceptionable in earth-dam construc- tion. The reservoir-outlet is formed by two 16-inch cast-iron pipes, laid in a trench excavated underneath the dam, with concrete collars, 12 inches wide and the same thickness, at each of the joints. Between these collars the trench was filled with puddled clay. Just above the inner line of the crest cz the dam a gate-tower is carried up through the embankment from the level of the outlet-pipes. At the bottom of this tower two 16-inch stop-valves are placed in the outlet-pipes, their stems reaching to the top of the dam inside the tower. The tower is circular in form, 44 feet inside diameter for the lower 8 feet, and 3 feet diameter for the remaining height. It is built of sandstone, 18 inches thick, laid in cement. The entire tower is encased in puddled clay. The spillways provided each side the dam have a total width of 200 feet, although 50 feet width was regarded as probably ample to carry the maximum floods from the 22 square miles of drainage-area. The dam was planned and built under the supervision of J. P. Maxwell, State Engineer. The work was done by contract for $25,000, exclusive EARTHEN DAMS. 439: of engineering, but when finally completed in 1894 its entire cost had reached $33,121.53. The award of the contract was made subject to the proviso that El Paso County, in which it is located, should furnish, without cost to the State, a clear title to the land required, which was done. It was estimated that the reservoir could be filled three or four times. every year, but it is found to fill once and sometimes twice in a year. The reservoir covers 62 acres to a mean depth of 13.8 feet, or 42% of the maximum depth. It impounds 885 acre-feet. The Apishapa State Dam is located in the Metote Canyon in Las Animas. County, and was completed in 1892. The dam is of earth, and forms a reservoir of 459 acre-feet capacity. Its cost was $14,771.80. It is filled by a ditch, 2 miles long, leading from Trujillo Creek, which has 30 square miles of watershed, the water from which is fully appropriated and used by prior locators. The Hardscrabble State Dam is an earthen structure, completed by the: State in 1894, at a cost of $9997.31. It impounds but 102 acre-feet of water, and is filled by a ditch from Hardscrabble Creek, in Custer County. The Boss Lake State Dam is located in Chaffee County, on the head- waters of the South Arkansas River. It was finished in 1894, at a cost of $14,654.24, and forms a reservoir with a capacity of 205 acre-feet. It is made of earth, and was reported to be unsafe in construction and was. never filled. The tributary watershed is 4 square miles. The Saguache State Dam is located near the town of Saguache, and is an earthen dam which cost $30,000. The reservoir capacity behind it is 954 acre-feet. It is filled by a ditch from the Saguache River, but as the normal flow of the stream is fully appropriated, only the winter and spring floods are available. Canistear Dam, New Jersey.—The main earth dam of the Canistear: reservoir of the East Jersey Water Co. was built in 1896, to form a res-- ervoir of 323 acres, with a capacity of 2,407,000,000 gallons (7390 acre- feet) at a cost of $341,000, including a masonry overflow weir and two- auxiliary dikes. It is worthy of note for the rapidity with which it was completed, less than five months’ time having been required to construct it. The main dam contains 98,000 cubic yards and the two auxiliaries 3850: cubic yazds. All three have concrete core-walls, amounting to 9050 cubic yards, while the overflow weir has 4500 cubic yards of masonry. It was a rush job, in which work was done by night as well as by day. The main dam was about 57 feet high, 672 feet long on top. The wasteway was made 275 feet long to provide for floods from a watershed of 10.5 square miles. The dam was planned and built by Clemens Herschel, M. Am. Soc. C. E., of New York, one of the distinguished American engineers who 440 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. are apparently firmly committed to the concrete or masonry core-wall as an essential element in the building of earth dams. The Glenwild Dam, Amsterdam, New York.—The city of Amsterdam, New York, in 1902, built an earth dam 63.5 feet high, 450 feet long, 13 feet wide on top, with up-stream slope of 2 on 1, down-stream slope 2.5 on 1, to form a reservoir of 180 acres area, and having a capacity of 1,200,000,000 gallons (3675 acre-feet). The dam is curved up-stream with a radius of 708.6 feet, and has a core-wall of cement masonry in the center, reaching to a height of 1 foot above the flow line of the reservoir. The core-wall is 14.5 feet thick at the ground line, and extends 7 feet below the surfacer with a uniform thickness of 6 feet. Above the wide part of the base at the stripped surface it has a batter on one side of 3 inches to the foot. The wall is composed of broken bowlders, none of which exceed } cubic foot in size, laid by hand, and grouted with 1:3 cement mortar, in 16-inch courses. The outlets consist of two 18-inch and one 12-inch cast-iron pipes laid side by side and bedded in rubble masonry, through the body of the dam. Where they passed through the core-wall, an arch was sprung over them, and the space between pipes and arch subsequently filled with cement grout poured in through three 14-inch pipes reaching to the top in the in- terior of the wall, after all settlement had ceased. The dam was designed by Mr. Stephen E. Babcock, of Utica, as con- sultingengineer. Its cost by contract was $47,360. The Laramie River Dam, Wyoming.—The Wyoming Development Co., in 1900-01, constructed a dam across the Laramie river to form a storage reservoir covering an area of 6588 acres and having a storage capa- city of 120,000 acre-feet, for the irrigation of 60,000 acres in the neighbor- hood of Wheatland, 90 miles north of Cheyenne, at an altitude of 4700 feet above sea level. The dam is 8000 feet in length, 34.5 feet maximum height, and contains 344,000 cubic yards. The up-stream slope is 3 on 1, outer slope 2 on 1, crest-width 15 feet at a height of 5 feet above the flow line of the reservoir. The dam is built as a homogeneous earth structure, the material being placed by horse-scrapers and carts. It has no core- wall, but for a distance of 1200 feet in the center, crossing the river chan- nel, a row of wooden triple-lap sheet piles was driven to a depth of 10 to 12 feet below the surface. The embankment is rip-rapped with large bowlders on the water-face, extended by an apron of the same material, 30 feet wide above the upper toe of the dam, requiring a total of 16,000 cubic yards of rock. The dam was built by George Frederick Vollmer, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E.* Cedar Grove Dams, Newark, N.J.—The city of Newark, New Jersey, in 1901-04, created a storage reservoir near Cedar Grove, seven miles from * Vide Minutes of Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 162, Nov., 1905. EARTHEN DAMS. 441 the city, having a capacity of 700,000,000 gallons (2150 acre-feet) by building an earth dam 2700 feet long, across the main outlet of the basin, with dikes at each end of the reservoir, 650 feet and 825 feet in length respectively. All three dams have concrete core-walls, which extend up 2.5 feet higher than the full reservoir level, are 4 feet thick at top, and have a uniform batter of 4 inch to the foot on both sides, down to the orig- inal ground surface, below which the thickness is uniform to the bottom of the trenches in which they are built. The walls are plastered with } inch of 1:1 cement mortar on the water side, applied in the forms as the concrete was placed. The maximum height of the core-wall in the main dam is 102 feet, and the total volume of concrete in all the core-walls was 36,000 cubic yards. It was mixed in the proportion of 1 part of Rosendale cement, 2 of sand and 5 of crushed rock. The posts of the forms on each side of the wall were made to support alight railway the entire length of the dam, on which cars operated by a cable and winding engine were run, conveying concrete from the mixing plant at one end. This trestle was carried up in three bents or levels of 20 feet each on the main dam. The maximum heights of the north and south dikes above the original surface are 26 and 25 feet respectively, the core-walls being 40 and 42 feet high. They are 12 feet wide on top, 6 feet above reservoir level, and have 2 on 1 slopes each side. The main, or west dam, is 18 feet wide on top, 5 feet above the water line, and has an 8-foot berm in each slope 20 feet below the top. The core-wall trenches were refilled on the water side of the walls to the original ground surface, with clay puddle, and on the other side with selected material shoveled into water or well rammed. The earth, a red clayey loam, was excavated by steam shovels and hauled to the dam in trains of 34 yard cars by numbers of small saddle- tank locomotives. It was spread in 5-inch layers by scrapers, and compacted by steam rollers and traction engines. This dam is to be noted as having one of the highest concrete core-walls in America, and the whole construction is typical of modern earth-dam work. The total amount of material borrowed, representing the approxi- mate volume of the dams, was 400,000 cubic yards. The total cost of the dams complete was $660,000. This includes cost of stripping of the reservoir to a depth of six inches, but does not include pipes or outlet tunnel. The outlet of the reservoir is through a tunnel, 300 feet long, on the opposite side of the reservoir from the main dam. The works were designed and constructed by M. R. Sherrerd, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Belle Fourche Dam, South Dakota.—The largest earth dam under construction by the United States Reclamation Service is to form a res- 442 . 3. < 2 a RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. MEAOER T | 2 b poe — 4 1 MCAOEA = CMOANMMEMT BUILT IMO Ime LAYERS. CE PRESENT _SURTA Fig. 292.—SrctTion oF BELLE Fourcut Eartu Dam, Sout Daxora. ervoir of 215,000 acre-feet capacity, for the irrigation of about 90,000 acres of arid land, largely public, situated south east of the Black Hills, South Dakota, by the diversion of the waters of the Belle Fourche and Red- water rivers, into a large basin east of the town of Belle Fourche, on Owl creek. The reservoir will be filled by a large feeder canal 64 miles long, 40 feet wide on the bottom, carrying 10 feet depth of water. Thedam is to be 115 feet high, 6500 feet Jong and will contain 1,600,000 cubic yards. Its crest width will be 20 feet, at a height of 15 feet above the flow line or crest of spillway. The latter is 300 feet long, semi-circular in form. A section of the dam is shown in Fig. 292. The inside slope is 3 on 1 from the base up to near the water line, with an 8-foot berm near the bot- tom, 10 feet below low- water line at the foot of the pavement. Above the water the slope is 1 on 1. The facing of the dam is of concrete, made in large slabs, laid on 12 inches of screened gravel, overlying 12 inches of unscreened gravel. The slabs will be laid in the form of headers and stretchers, breaking EARTHEN DAMS. 443 joints, the largest being 5 feet 3 inches<7 feet 7 inches in size and 8 inches thick. The lower slope is 2 on 1, with two 8-feet berms. The dam contains no core-wall but consists of a heavy adobe clay, placed in 6 inch layers, sprinkled and rolled. The bulk of the earth was contracted for at a cost of 28 cents per cubic yard. The contract was let to Orman & Crook, of Pueblo, Colorado, for a total of $879,164.25 or $4.09 per acre-foot of reservoir capacity. This does not include preliminary expenses, engineering, supervision, etc., amounting to perhaps 20% more. The total volume of concrete in the work was estimated at 31,930 cubic yards, ranging in price from $6.50 to $7.00 per yard. It is understood that the financial embarrassments of the contractors were chiefly due to the losses on this work. North Dike, Wachusett Dam, Mass.— One of the most difficult earth dam constructions and one of the largest reservoir embankments in the world, is the North Dike of the Wachusett reservoir, referred to ia the account of the Wachusett dam. The dike is two miles long, 65 feet high at the deepest place to the water line, or 80 feet high to the top, witha maximum width on the base of 1930 feet. It covers an area of 135 acres, and contains 5,300,750 cubic yards. The down-stream slope o: the varies from 3% to 6%, averaging less than one-tenth the usual slope given to reservoir banks. To cut off percolation through porous substrata under the dike, a cut-off trench was excavated for a distance of 9505 feet, to a maximum depth of 60 feet, with a bottom width of 30 feet. For 3130 feet the ex- cavation reached to bedrock. Over a distance of 5239 feet wooden sheet- piles 4 to 6 inches thick were driven in the bottom of the trench, to great depths, with the aid of the water jet, reaching at bottom to extremely fine sand. The cost of this work was about $125,000. Over 540,000 cubic yards were removed in the excavation of this trench, which was carefully replaced by selected soil from the reservoir stripping, placed in layers, sprinkled and rolled. The shrinkage of soil from the borrow pit to the finished dike after rolling was found to be 37.5%. On April 11, 1907, a section of this dike in the highest place slid off into the reservoir over a length of 675 feet at a time when the water was 40 feet: below the top of the dike. About 65,000 cubic yards moved bodily from 250 to 300 feet laterally. The dike was heavily riprapped with stone on the water-face, with 5 feet of coarse gravel and small stones, and over- lying this was a layer of rock 10 feet thick, taken from the excavation and dumped on the slope. The embankment broke away to the crest, but caused no serious injury, and it is thought the safety of the dike was in no way affected. The slope was 1 on 2 on the water-face, and the embankment has a wide berm 30 feet below the top. The cause of the 444 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. slide is not definitely known, but it seems evident that the angle of the slope was greater than the natural angle of repose of the materials used when saturated with water. Druid Lake Dam, Baltimore, Md.—One of the highest earth dams in America was built in 1864 to 1870, with a maximum height of 119 feet, a crest width of 60 feet, at an elevation of 5 feet above the flow line, and with inner slope of 4 on 1, outer slope 2 on 1. The dam has a puddle clay core-wall in the center, having a base width of 36 feet, and a crown width of 17 feet, a little above the water line. In the construction of the dam, narrow embankments were first built up on each side of the core-wall to a height of 25 feet, the material being placed in layers well rolled. Then embankments of dumped material were built to the same height at the slopes, leaving basins between them and the center. These basins being filled with water the earth to fill the basins was dumped from the fill-banks over the edges into the water until the two basins were filled to the uniform height of the banks either side. Then the process was repeated by building up the core-wall, with supporting banks of rolled material, followed by dump-fills and the formation of pools of water or basins on either side into which the earth was subsequently dumped to fill them. This was a crude form of hydraulic fill, but it was an early recognition of the principle that earth settled under water is more cheaply compacted than would be possible of attainment by other means, while the proven stability of the dam after 37 years of service attests the efficiency of the process. Cold Springs Dam, Oregon.—The Umatilla project of the United States Reclamation Service in Oregon is designed to irrigate about 20,000 acres from the Umatilla river. In connection with it the Cold Springs dam is being built in a small valley to form a storage reservoir of 50,000 acre-feet capacity. It is to be 3200 feet long, about 82 feet maximum height above the original surface, and will contain 620,000 cubic yards. Its width on the crest, 7 feet above the water line, will be 20 feet. The down- stream slope 2 on 1, up-stream slope 3 on 1. The diagram, Fig. 293, is a section of the dam showing the proposed arrangement of materials. The material immediately available for the construction of the dam con- sists of basalt rock, an extensive deposit of gravel on the northerly hillside below the cam, and fine surface soil, covering the entire country about. These were the most abundant, but in addition there is also available a deposit of pure volcanic ash, at infrequent intervals and scanty in quantity, an induiated clay at one end of the dam and sand and gravel underlying the surface soil, somewhat indurated and stratified. Prior to determining the choice of materials to be selected a series of interesting experiments were conducted under the direction of D.C. Henny, M. Am. Soc. C. E., supervising engineer, assisted by E.G. Hopson* the purpose of which * Engineering News, March 7, 1907. EARTHEN DAMS 445 was to ascertain the permeability of the materials and the rates of percolation of water through them. These rates were determined by placing the materials in tanks similar to those used by the Mas- sachusetts State Board of Health and by the Massachusetts Metropolitan Water Board in experimenting on the permeability of soils to be used in constructing the North Dike of Wachusett reservoir. The tanks were of galvanized iron, 18 inches in diam- eter, 5 feet deep. Two perforated pipes passed through the tanks hori- zontally, 3 feet apart, connected on the outside with glass gage tubes. The material to be tested was carefully rammed ina wet condition into the tanks between and around the perforated pipes. To prevent seepage of water following along the sides the interiors of the tanks were painted and sanded. Water was then put in on top of the material and maintained at a constant level. At regular intervals the outflow from the tubes was measured by weight. As the result of these it was found that the rate of percolation through surface soil was about 18,000 gallons per acre per day; through fine subsoil, 350,000; through gravel, 155,000,000; through volcanic ash, 400,000, and through coarse subsoil 650,000 gallons per acre per day. A mixture of 50% of fine subsoil with an equal amount of gravel showed a rate of but 20,000 gal- lons per acre per day. The experi- ments resulted in a material change in arrangement of materials in the dam from what .had been the original design, and the selection and disposition have been Tile Drain Connecting Trenches, 100’ Intervals * SE a? nm siape 4: 2m / Ne és: 25%6r: Sf if 2 \y'80% Gravel fy! 20% Earth 0) y 7 33% Larth eg 10 ~ 67% Grave! 3 Hie Fb E ~ £0 hiprap ‘ l2Gravel. i 50% Gravel | 90% Earth lei, vlna Section or Cotp Sprines Dam, Umatitta Prosecr, OREGON. os a N Soeees s BR = o S Ish 3 y P23 8 2 KW w made as shown in the diagram. ‘This is such an intelligent and rational design of earth dam construction that the author considers it worthy of special commendation and study. The placing of coarse gravel on the down- stream side where it gives stability and drainage is directly in line with 446 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the principles employed in hydraulic-fill dam construction. The position shown for the drain-pipes, considerably below the center, is more nearly correct than to carry them as far as the center. The.absence of a core- wall will also be noted. As the result of the experiments the engineers computed the possible loss by percolation through the dam when completed under this design with full reservoir, at about 20,000 gallons per day, or less than one- thirtieth of a cubic foot per second. Slips in Earth Dams.—This experience with the Wachusett dike appears to be a very common one in the building of reservoirs in India, where many such slides have occurred, although almost invariably on the down-stream slope of the reservoir. These are doubtless largely due to the peculiarly unctious, black soils of that country, which lack in the ele- ments to produce friction and stability, as well as drainage. In building the Waghad dam, which was to have been 95 feet high, an extensive slip occurred when it was completed to a height of 87 feet. The outside slope in this case was 2 on 1. The slope assumed by the slide from the bottom up for nearly half the height was about 3 on1. It was repaired by first digging three drains at right angles to the axis of the dam. Then a few feet of soil was built up in the work of restoration, when a further motion was observed. This was only stopped after a large trench had been dug about 250 feet long, with base width of 30 feet and side slopes of 1 on 1, to a maximum depth of 40 feet down to rock. This was refilled with dry stone, and a wide berm added. The repair was effective, doubtless due to the drainage provided by the stone filling of the trench. Mr. William L. Strange, Assoc. M. Inst. C. E., in a paper on ‘‘Reservoirs in Western India” * says: “Low dams can be constructed with much steeper slopes than high ones. The water-faces of dams require a flatter slope than the rear ones. From these considerations it may be deduced that in an originally homo- geneous dam with plane slopes, the resistance to slipping decreases with the height from the top, and that the proper section is one having the slopes continually flattened toward the base.” On these principles he proposes an empirical section with the following slopes: Inner slope, base to 25 feet, 7 on 1; 25 to 40 feet, 6 on 1; 40 to 55 feet, 5 on 1;.55 to 70 feet, 4 on 1; 70 to 85 feet, 3 on 1; 85 to 100 feet, 24 on 1. The down- stream slope of his ideal section starts with 5 on 1 to 25 feet, then 44, 34, 3, 24 and 2 on 1, respectively, for each change of 45 feet of height. The crest width of this section he shows as 10 feet at a height of 7 feet above the flow line, with a retaining wall nearly vertical on the water side for the 7 feet of superelevation. * Minutes of Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, vol. 132. EARTHEN DAMS. 447 For high earth dams in narrow gorges, where rock or ‘‘some non-viscous material is obtainable, he suggests a ‘‘compound dam,”’in which the two toe embankments for about one-third of the height are built up of rock, or presumably gravel if rock is not to be had, having the usual slopes of 3 on 1 on the water face and 2 on 1 outside, the inner batter of these toe walls to be steep; the space between these toe walls to be filled with earth, and the embankment to be continued above the top of the toe walls after the ordinary method of earth construction. This “compound dam’’ is virtually based upon the same principles which have been set forth in the chapter on Hydraulic-fill Dams, as the leading advantage of the hydraulic-fill process of dam construction, which employs natural forces to segregate the coarse, ‘‘non-viscous material” from the soil, and deposit it in the form of massive toe walls on the slopes, confining the fine, unctuous, impervious materials in the center where they cannot escape or cause slips. Soluble Salts as a Cause of Earth Slips.—As noted elsewhere in the foregoing pages, the slips which occurred in the Ashti and Ekruk dams were attributed to the fact that the black soil from which the dams were made, and which prevails over a large portion of India, contains impure lime and alkali in small nodules, which dissolve readily. In California, Colorado, and the Western States generally, these soils are of frequent occur- rence, and cause great trouble in canal banks because of the seepage through the banks, which do not become firm and impervious until the soluble salts have been ieached out of the soil in the course of years. This class of soil when placed in a dam is subject to saturation not only from the rains but from percolation of water through the embankment from the reservoir. When so saturated the salts form a lubricant on which the embankment is apt to slide. Where the materials can be sluiced into the dam and deposited by the hydraulic process the water in transit must separate the insoluble materials, take up the salts in solution to a large degree, and finally carry them away as it drains off after leaving the earth. This is one of the advantages of the hydraulic process, which have not been dwelt upon in the chapter on Hydraulic-fill Dams, for the reason that this class of soil is the most undesirable, unfavorable and difficult to handle by this process, and therefore to be avoided. But where it has to be used for lack of better, it can certainly be made more stable by wash- ing out its soluble contents by hydraulic sluicing, thus permitting of stable construction from otherwise unstable materials. Various Modern Indian Dams.—In the paper referred to above, Mr. Strange gives a list of twelve earth dams built by English engineers in the Bombay Presidency, India, for irrigation storage, with the following data of dimen.ions and capacity: 448 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POW ER, ETC. : on = Reservoir serv Orr rf Name of Dam. Bae | Mage | Fou ates | fee | Gea. i INSU e.3 Asern cessing encecne 12,700 58 6 2600 35,700 TOK eule dateeeaunrg 6,940 75.7 6 4550 76,500 TAS iid. a Soke dora id gale wave 718 56.4 10 75 Maint? ccs esd oe dae ee aad 3,370 57.3 5 180 4,500 Medleri ................ 2,250 41 6 169 1,430 Mhaswad ............. 7,950 79.8 8 4020 71,000 MOAISED icc op sdie coe alae 3,000 65 10 505 7,850 Nehini-s ¢ajectece a howenc 4,820 74 8 675 12,090 PATS Ul nese Storborryderdenvens 2,770 62.3 6 to8 152 2,870 Wachad 2< se: hex deka 4,162 95 6 778 14,300 Malavediur.s sass ccees ee 4,445 114 10 3550 118,000 Parla cee. dae ease tide 3,120 94 10 815 19,600 Talla Dam, Edinburgh, Scotland.—In 1897-1904, the city of Edin- burgh, Scotland, built a storage reservoir dam on the Talla, a branch of the river Tweed, from which a conduit 32 miles long conveys water to the city. As an example of the latest type of earth dam as built in Great Britain, this dam is particularly interesting. It is 78 feet high above the original surface, and 1030 feet long on top. The crest width is 20 feet at a height of 7 feet above the flow line of the reservoir. The puddle trench was 50 feet or more in depth, excavated into slaty rock a maximum depth of 30 feet. The width at bottom was about 12 feet, with nearly vertical sides for 15 feet, above which it widened to 30 feet in the next 20 feet of height. From this point up the puddle core was given a batter of 1 in 8 on each side to the top, wnere it is 20 feet wide. On either side of the core-wall the middle third of the dam, or a little less, was made of “ clayey or adhesive material in layers 9 inches thick.’’ Outside of this zone, the construction was of “stony or open material in layers 18 inches thick.” The inner slope was 4 on 1, the outer 3 on 1. The total volume of the dam is about 500,000 cubic yards. From the description of the materials given* the dam is as perfect an imitation of the modern hydraulic-fill dam as could be made with the old and more expensive methods necessarily employed for handling the materials, although it may be doubted if the construction is any more satisfactory or has any higher factor of safety than if it had been built by the hydraulic process. The leading idea of the design is prac- tically identical, viz:: a body of clay forming the heart of the dam to the extent of nearly one-third, with porous, rocky materials on the two slopes giving drainage. The so-called ““compound dam” suggested by Mr. Strange is on the same general design, or aims at the same result. * Paper by Wm. A. P. Tait, M. Inst. C E., in vol. 167, Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers. EARTHEN DAMS, 449: Illustrations of Typical Earth Dams.—Plates 4,5,and 6 have beentaken from the valuable work of Wm. Ham Hall, Am. Soc. C. E., published in 1888, entitled ‘Irrigation in California,” to illustrate a few standard types of high earth dams with clay puddle core-wall. Plate 4 shows longitudinal and cross-sections of the Pilarcitos and San Andrés dams, and a longitud- inal section of the Old or Upper Crystal Springs dam, all pertaining to the waterworks of San Francisco. On Plate 5 are similar sections of the Llannefydd dam, Wales, in which the maximum depth of excavation for the core-wall was 122 feet; of the Dodder river dam, Ireland, where the excavation was comparatively small; of the Yarrow dam, Liverpool, England, 90 feet high, with a puddle core reaching down to 175 feet below the crest; and of the Vehar dam, Bombay, India, having a height of 84 feet. On Plate 6 are sections of the Stubden, Leeming and Loch Island Reavy dams in Ireland, the Rotten Park dam, the Ulley dam, and the Vale House dam in England, and two dams in France, built without puddle cores. The Vale House dam is a part of the waterworks of Manchester, and has a puddle extending to a depth of 50 feet below the surface, with a base of concrete on the bottom of the puddle, filling the core-trench on bedrock —a common practice with English engineers. Cere-walls for Earth Dams.—The recent invention of steel sheet-piling which can be made practically water-tight, as a substitute for wooden sheet-piles, which are never entirely satisfactory, has greatly simplified the matter of securing a foundation for core-walls of earth dams. The construction of a satisfactory cut-off in quick-sand, gravel, soft rock or alternating strata of porous material, can now be made in many locations by the driving of steel piles without the necessity for excavating, bracing, pumping, etc., all of which is slow and difficult. Unless large bowlders are encountered, steel piles can be driven to as great a depth as is generally necessary to go down fora foundation. Time is often of vital consideration, and the use of piles of this class will frequently be the means of rapidly completing a job which would otherwise be delayed indefinitely waiting for the completion of the final excavation of foundations. This use of steel piles as a cut-off and fo: foundation of the concrete core-wall may be cited in the building of the Big Rapids dam, Mich., in 1907, by William G. Fargo, hydraulic engineer, of Jackson, Mich., where sheet-piles were driven as deep as 56 feet through sand and gravel into hardpan. On top of this row of piles a thin reinforced concrete core-wall was built up through the dam, to the top, so located that the line of the wall coincided with the water line of the reservoir. In this way the con- tinuation of the core-wall was made to act as a retaining wall, and the finishing of the riprap on the face of the dam. The notable feature of this construction and that of the Lyons dam,. 450 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. built by the same engineer, is not alone the use of steel piling, but the extreme thinness of the core-wall, which is but 10 inches thick throughout. The wall is therefore merely a curtain, or diaphragm, of no stability un- supported, but having a certain amount of flexibility. It will therefore accommodate itself to unevenness ofsettlement in theembankmenton either side with less danger of serious rupture than a rigid wall would undergo. This use of a flexible, reinforced concrete core-wall or diaphragm for earth dams was first suggested by Mr. H. M. Wilson, M. Am. Soc. C. E.,* who wrote that in his opinion “such a diaphragm would be imper- vious, tough and flexible if not too thick,” and suggested a thickness of 4 to 6 inches throughout, ‘firmly anchored in cement masonry at the foundation and up the abutment.” The only example of the use of cast-iron sheet piles as a foundation for a dam on record is that of the Assiout dam, Egypt, described in Chapter III on Masonry Dams. The steel-plate diaphragm of the Chollas Heights dam of San Diego, Cal., heretofore described, is another notable instance of the use of a flexible diaphragm as a core-wall. These are in striking contrast to the heavy masonry and concrete core- walls built in earth dams in the Eastern States, to which British engineers so seriously object. Mr. Reginald E. Middleton, M. Inst. C. E., says on this subject: f “Where masonry alone is used, should there be any movement in the bank, the wall will be fractured, serious leakage may take place and the dam may be so much weakened thereby that its unforeseen destruction may result, and it is exceedingly difficult to make a thin or even a thick masonry wall perfectly water-tight.” British engineers adhere to clay puddle core-walls, and are not to be convinced that it can be considered good practice to attempt to support arigid material such as masonry with a plastic material such as earthwork. The introduction of a thin, strong diaphgram, having a certain amount of flexibility and capable of yielding to pressure without injury, would seem to solve the objections raised toward the standard American type of core-wall as hitherto established, although as yet not sufficiently tested to establish their reliability. The recognition of the desirability of building core-walls with flexibility combined with water-tightness, led to a suggestion by the editor of Engi- neering News} that the core-walls of earth dams be built of brick, 16 inches thick, laid in hot asphaltum, in such a way as to hold a center diaphragm of pure bitumen between walls of brick. In this situation, * Engineering News, July 16, 1903. { Engineering Record, vol. 54, page 304. t Engineering News, February 20, 1902. EARTHEN DAMS. 451 in the heart of the dam, the asphaltum would be forever protected from oxidation or volatilization, and its water-tight properties preserved indefi- nitely. At the same time it could yield to uneven settlement without injury. The suggestion does not appear to have been adopted as yet, as far as the author is aware. The editor of that journal * also suggests the use of stone macadam as a substitute for more expensive concrete in core-walls for earth dams. By this plan the macadam would consist of crushed rock, with an extra quantity of fine rock dust, to be spread in layers, thoroughly wetted and rolled or tamped in position, the finer dust to be obtained by recrushing and rebolting and passing through rolls a portion of the medium product of the rock crusher, in order to fill the voids in the rock. The editor calls attention to the high cementation value possessed by the dust of lime- stone, felsite, and even quartzite when saturated and pressed together under heavy rollers. This suggestion would appear to be quite as applicable to the build- ing of a core or facing for a rock-fill dam, in localities where cement is costly and difficult to obtain. Special attention of engineers throughout the world was called to the discoveries made by a board of engineers called in 1901 to report upon the safety of the proposed earth extension of the New Croton dam. This board consisted of three prominent members of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Messrs. J. J. R. Croes, Edwin F. Smith, and Elnathan Sweet. Under their direction borings were made in a number of high earthen dams with masonry and concrete core-walls, at right angles to the axis, and at such intervals as to determine that in almost every case there was a continuous water-plane extending from the water surface of the reservoir to the core-wall, and on the down-stream side to the lower toe, having an inclination of 17% to 20% and indicating that the dams were saturated below this plane. The inference was plain that the core- walls were not water-tight and not effective in preventing water from passing through the dam. Their stability therefore depends in little or no degree upon the core-wall, but rather upon the compactness of the earth and the fineness of the particles composing the embankment, through the medium of which the movement of water on the plane of saturation is so exceedingly slow as to have no power to remove any particles from the dam. The result of the investigation by the board was to recommend that the proposed earth section of the dam, which required a masonry core- wall of over 180 feet maximum height, be substituted by a solid masonry dam. These findings were generally approved by the engineering pro- fession and the change was made. * Engineering News, June 25, 1903. 452 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. If a concrete core-wall is not water-tight its only function in a dam must be as a stop against the ravages of burrowing animals. For this purpose it is customary with English engineers to spread a layer of broken stone over the outer slope, and then put six inches of soil above it. This simple treatment is found quite effective. As noted in Chapter I on Rock-fill Dams, a core-wall of reinforced con- crete but six inches thick at the top, 12 inches at bottom, 24 feet high, was built into the Avalon dam, New Mexico, in the reconstruction of the dam by B. M. Hall, engineer for the United States Reclamation Service. Tn an article written on this subject * Mr. Hall says: “It is a well recognized fact that a durable core-wall or diaphragm of some kind should be placed in every earth dam to prevent burrowing animals from making tunnels through the dam that will enlarge rapidly as soon as a stream of water begins running through, and to prevent defi- nite water channels through the dam from any other cause. So far as the writer is informed, no advocate of core-walls has ever claimed that even the heaviest walls in use are intended to add anything to the strength of the earth dam, or that the section of an earth dam could be safely reduced on account of having a masonry or concrete core-wall in it. This being the case, it is evident that a diaphragm made of im- perishable materials, and having a certain amount of flexibility, will fulfill all the requirements of the ordinary core-wall, and will have the additional advantage of being able to accommodate itself to slight in- equalities of settlement in the dam.” He states that he has designed an earth dam for the proposed Carite reservoir in the island of Porto Rico, in which it is planned to use a vertical diaphragm of concrete 6 inches thick, reinforced with 43-inch steel rods spaced one foot apart both vertically and horizontally. The dam will be 92 feet high and the diaphragm will extend from the bedrock to the crest of the dam, 12 feet above the high water level of the reservoir. The earth will be puddled against the wall on each side as it is built up. * Engineering News, February 6, 1908, ‘‘Reinforced Concrete Diaphragm for Earth Dams,” by B. M. Hall, M. Am. Soe. C. E. CHAPTER V. STEEL DAMS. The Ash Fork Steel Dam.—This structure is the first one of its class that has ever been erected, and has so many novel features of an experi- mental character that it is specially interesting and instructive to the engi- neering profession. It was designed by F. H. Bainbridge, C.E., of Chicago, and was erected in 1897 on Johnson Canyon, at a point 4.3 miles east of Ash Fork, the j inction of the Santa Fé Pacifie with the Santa Fé, Prescott and Pheenix ra.lroad. The dam is one mile south of the track of the former road. The steel portion of the dam is 184 feet long, 46 feet maximum height for 60 feet in center. This steel structure connects with masonry walls at each end, which complete the dam across the gorge to a total length of 300 feet on top. The steel structure consists of a series of twenty-four triangular bents or frames, standing vertically on the lower side, with a batter of lto 1 onthe upper. These frames are composed of heavy I beams, with diagonal struts and braces, resting on concrete foundations, and placed 8 feet apart, center to center, all well anchored into the bed-rock on the concrete base, and braced laterally in pairs. The dimensions of the bents vary with their height. The end bents are 12 to 21 feet in height, nine in number; four of the bents are 33 feet high, and the remainder from 33 feet to 41 feet 10 inches high. The batter-posts, to which the face-plates are riveted, are of 20-inch I beams, the longest being 66.5 feet. The face of the dam is composed of curved plates of steel, ? inch thick, 8’ 103” wide, and 8 feet long, the concave side being placed towards the water. They thus present the appearance of a series of troughs or channels between the supports. The bent plates do not extend into the concrete at the base, but the bottom course consists of flat plates, and the course next to the bottom is dished in the form of a segment of a sphere, making the transition between the curved and straight form. The edges of the plates are beveled for calking, and riveted together with soft iron rivets. The joint between the steel and masonry structures at the ends is formed by embedding flat plates into the concrete, the face of which has the same slope as the face of 453 454 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the steelwork. The abutments project 8 inches beyond the line of the face- plates. The masonry-work consists of 342.6 cubic yards of rubble and 1087 cubic yards of concrete, and there was used in the work a total of 1751 barrels of Portland cement. ‘The work was begun October 7, 189°, and completed March 5, 1898, under the supervision of R. B. Burns, Chief Engineer, Santa Fé Pacific Railway, Mr. W. D. Nicholson, Assistant Engineer, being directly in charge. ‘he dam is designed to carry flood-water over the top of the stee] structure. The steel plates are carried over the top of the frame, forming a rounded apron to carry the overfal! beyond the line of posts. ‘This apron, connecting with the curved inner plates, forms a series of trough-like Fie. 294—Asm Fork, ARrIzoNA, STEEL DAM, VIEW OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION FROM LOWER SIDE. channels between posts, 1.3 feet deep at center. The abutment wall at the east end of the dam is 2 feet higher than the bottom of the spillway chan- nels, and that at the west end is nearly 8 feet higher. The rock at the dam-site is volcanic in origin, very hard on the surface where exposed, but containing occasional pockets of ashes or cinders, and badly broken by seams. The rock excavated for foundations was used for concrete and rubble masonry. The concrete was mixed in the proportion of 1 of Portland cement to 3 of sand and 5 of broken stone. The outlets consist of two 6-inch cast-iron pipes placed 6 feet apart, with perforated stand-pipes, 10 feet high, inside the reservoir, similar to those at the Seligman dam. The pipes are embedded in the concrete 28 feet below the top of the dam, and reduced to 4’’ diameter at a point 16 feet below the gates that are vlaced at the toe of the masonry. The fall in the pipe-line, 4.3 miles long, is 200 feet from base of dam to the top of the water-tank at Ash Fork. EARTHEN DAMS. 455 The reservoir has a capacity of 37,023,000 gallons, or 4,950,000 cubic feet, and receives the drainage from 26 square miles of watershed. The average consumption is estimated at 90,000 gallons per day, or three-fourths that of Seligman. The loss by evaporation is expected to be 40% to 50% of the total supply, but, inasmuch as it will receive water from summer rains as well as from melting snows, it is anticipated that the supply will be main- tained equal to the ordinary demand. . Considerable difficulty was experienced after the reservoir was just filled in making a water-tight connection between the steel structure and the concrete on bottom and sides, although no leakage occurred through the joints in the steel portion of the dam. This was apparently due to the expansion and contraction of the steel exposed to the sun. Even after adding several feet of concrete to either side of the base of the steel struc- ture the leakage was still annoying. Finally in 1900 a heavy coating of asphalt mastic was applied, and the dam has made water-tight. The total weight of steel in the structure is 478,704 lbs., which was framed and erected by the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Company at a cost of $55.78 per ton of 2000 Ibs. ‘The detailed cost of the entire dam is given as follows: MATERIAL. Lumber, ete., in buildings...................., $659.94 Explosives and tools used in excavating.......... 937.20 Corrugated iron and nails in facing............. 181.02 Rubble stone................. eases seeds 155.25 Paint and oil for painting dam..... ........... 213.49 Cement, 1926 barrels......0 20.2.0... cee eee eee 5,774.92 Steel in dam, erected... ..... oa: Bees 13,351.05 Fencing for veservolters2gseca0 sees esaeaee 409.26 Total material. .......... Meekie beewerecbelOeele LABOR. De RRES ETA a tion aca neemicund ap eacaia memo e wah $15.00 Building? Cai ps os i cate nae was deh eee 272.75 Hauling material.... «2.2.0 62.2. ee eee ... 8,378.10 Excavating and laying masonry ................ 15,440.36 Engineering and superintendence............... 3,102.83 Plans and tests of metal ...... ........... bad 233.68 freight on metal............-.--- eee eee ... 1,651.30 Total Jabot nr 2s eee eee 24,093.97 Total cost of dam complete................... $415,776.10 The pipe-line to Ash Fork cost................ 15,978.70 456 RESERVOIR FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Figs. 294 and 295 give an excellent general idea of the construction. Fig. 296 shows a portion of the reservoir, and represents clearly the igneous rock formation of the canyon in which it is located. Fic. 296.—Asu Fork Reservoir. The Redridge Dam, Michigan.—Four years after the erection of the first steel dam in Arizona, a second was constructed across the Salmon Trout river at Redridge, Mich., for the development of power in the copper regions for mining purposes, by the Atlantic Mining Co. and the Baltic Mining Co., and furnishes water to stamp mills. It is located only a few hundred feet from Lake Superior, and its crest is but 84 feet above the normal lake level. The dam is of much larger dimensions than the Ash Fork dam, although designed on the same general plan, with the im- STEEL DAMS. 457 portant difference that it has a concrete base throughout, to which the steel structure is anchored. The proportions are such that at any section of the dam the resultant of all pressures with full reservoir falls within the middle third of the concrete base. This base is built in a trench in bed- rock, two to four feet deep. The dam is 1006 feet long, the steel portion being 464 feet long between the abutments, in the center of the structure, which is continued at the ends by earth embankments with masonry core-walls. The maximum height is 74 feet. There are 8000 cubic yards of concrete in the main Fic. 297.—Reprince Stee, Dam. dam, and 2000 cubic yards in the abutments and core-walls. The con- crete base is 64 feet thick, and has somewhat of an ogee form, with a depth of 14 feet at the lower toe, and 38 feet maximum height. The up-stream side is inclined to conform to the batter of the steel frame and plates. The steel portion of the dam consists of a series of steel bents of A-frames 8 feet apart, to which is riveted a facing of steel plates, curved with the concave side up-stream. The face is inclined at an angle of 55° 58’, while the apex angle between the face and the inclined columns or struts is 56° 10’, The plates are % inch thick, 16 feet high, and having on each side a flat strip of 5% inch wide, which is riveted to the flange of the I-beams. These beams, forming the face members are 15 to 24 inches in depth. Below 458 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the bottom course of curved plates is a course of flat plates, the space be- tween being closed by a segmental inclined diaphragm. The joining with the concrete base is made with the flat plates. The dam forms a reservoir of 150 acres, having a capacity of 600,000,000 gallons (1830 acre-feet). The dam was designed by J. F. Jackson, M. Am. Soc. C. E., engineer of the contracting firm that built the dam, the Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Faitway Trestle ~ * >. pe 4 ~ SS - 2 oad v Section near Center. Fic. 298.—Reprince Stee, Dam. Co., builders of the Ashfork dam. F. Foster Crowell, M. Am. Soc. C. E., acted as consulting engineer. An interesting feature of the construction was the method employed to fortify the bedrock in front of the dam and cut off percolation under- neath it. A line of drill holes, 2 inches diameter, 10 feet deep, and spaced 7 inches apart, was put down into the rock on a line 20 feet above the toe of the dam. Cement grout was forced into these holes under an air pressure of 90 pounds per square inch. The rock floor between the line of holes Fic. 299.—Haus I 200%) Sirs! ZN Ca siueg 4 UOLED9S, rN | Tegpes | ENS ee So gq. +s Ete gT = Yes ---d wt SMF FOS AH &xy = we Zl SSN 9 SHS “NS oy, StS es L SYS, Safes 7 3 ff OSS “gy - = : | sag be sed Sx ML «8h S512_000°98- _y__ i paN ‘S4q/00% Poo, SS “lls. AS a OLSE TS yar | a: LOH al Sa 1 | pug ssom t 79..' "PD 8 ERS/S 18,974 dies es *~ ays Jos, IL as ‘ “961 CO at “824D|[q P2AIND mine “ail rit : ae fe $0 uolpounr eee "3 “\e, $b U01493g 4inpuoy 9 ; ° vo] XE aa z 2 . eA + guiop dx aia $0 UOIL9IS Teele, ek er PEs >] 7ee “F EEE au . , spspogysoiy Ke’ S S40g Uosy y a5. Q go jodoy ‘ssocTy La 4 | | UO!4295 “yy 0s ax2g. eg sie ‘ . ale “ove TF [Teds \ Be EARTHEN DAMS. 461 ENG. NEWS, Fic. 303.—Hauser Lake Dam, MONTANA, NEARING COMPLETION. 462 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. is 630 feet long and has a maximum height of 81 feet. The dam has an inclination of 1.5 on 1. It was designed by Mr. J. F. Jackson, Assoc. M. Am. Soe. C. F., and built of steel in a similar manner to the Ash Fork and tedridge steel dams. A portion of the dam was founded on solid rock. Vie. 304.—Virw or THE WrECKED Hauser Lake Dam, IN Apniz, 1908. The remaining portion for 300 feet, where gravel was found to an unknown depth, was founded on steel sheet-piles of the Friestedt pattern, 35 feet long, driven at the up-stream toe of the dam. The steel plates covering the dam were connected with the top of the sheet piles, and an upper layer of concrete covers the toe plate and the tops of the sheet piling The dam HARTHEN DAMS. 463 is required to pass floods that may reach 60,000 sec.-feet, and for this purpose a spillway, 500 feet long, 13 feet deep, is placed in the center, with a timber apron, founded on stone filled cribs on the down-stream side to receive the over-pour. Wooden flash boards are arranged to be 305.—Hauser Lake Dam AS IT APPEARED APRIL 15, 1 Fia. placed in this spillway section after the high-water season is past. The low-water flow, amounting to 3000 sec.-feet, was carried during con- struction by six lines of 8-foot steel pipes, about 100 feet long, embedded in concrete. The steel work was mostly erected between July and No- vember, 1906. 464 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. The reservoir above the dam, called Hauser Lake, is 16 miles long, extending to the foot of the Canyon Ferry dam. Mr. Wm. De la Barre, M. Am. Soc. C. E., acted as consulting engineer. Failure of the Hauser Lake Dam, Montana.—The now steel dam built on the Missouri river, about 18 miles from Helena, Mont., de- scribed on page 499, and but recently completed, was partially destroyed on April 14, 1908, subsequent to the preparation of the description, and a section about 300 feet wide in the center of the dam was washed out. The failure, as described in Engineering News, April 30, 1908, with photographs of the ruined structure, was caused. by water under- mining the rubble masonry fill and the steel sheet-piling at the up-stream toe of the dam. This piling had been used over a portion of the channel where bed-rock could not be reached and where the gravel of the river- bed is of great depth. The maximum depth reached by the piling driven in this gravel was 35 feet. The concrete placed over the top of the piling, which formed the junction between the expansion joint of the steel work and the sheet piling, is said to have been placed in a depth of 10 feet or more of water, so that its quality may have been very poor. The total damage caused by the break is estimated at $250,000 to $300,000, requiring six months time to make the necessary repairs. Figs. 302 and 303 illustrate the dam as completed, and just prior to completion. The wreck of the dam is clearly shown by Figs. 304 and 305. These interesting cuts have been kindly loaned by Engineering News. A contract for the reconstruction of the dam has been let to the Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, by whom borings have been made to bedrock, which was located at a depth of 55 feet below normal water level. The plan to be adopted for the restoration of the dam has not been announced. CHAPTER VI. REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. The design of the structural steel dams described in the preceding chapter is that of a triangle with the up-stream face so flatly inclined that the water-pressure is made to give increased stabilitv by its weight, and this basic principle has been the leading feature in the development of dams of reinforced concrete, which were first introduced in the Eastern States about the year 1902 by the Ambursen Hydraulic Construction Company of Boston, who hold patents on the plans and methods employed. No less than 39 dams, from 10 to 80 feet high, and from 60 to 1200 feet ‘long, have been erected in this short interval, many of which have been described in detail in the engineering periodicals and have attracted marked attention throughout the engineering world. No failures have yet been recorded. The list of structures erected includes the following: Sheldon Springs and Woodstock, Vt.; Wilton and Goffston, N. H.; New- ton, Russell, Gloucester and Pittsfield, Mass.; Ellsworth, Me.; Hunting- don and Ricketts, Penn.; Ilchester, Md.; Danville, Ky.; Fenelon Falls, Ontario; Woonsocket, R. I.; Theresa, Schuylerville, Ramapo, Grays, Colliers, and Horseshoe, N. Y., Dellwood, Illinois; Douglas, Wyoming and many others. The designs for these dams are highly specialized and exhibit an in- telligent conception of the problems involved. They also illustrate in a striking way the manifold uses and flexible adaptability of the new build- ing material which is so rapidly entering into all forms of construction at the present day. The basic design is that of the original type of timber crib dam of tri- angular form and long low hack slope, the old so-called “horse dam,” from which it differs mainly in the substitution of imperishable and water- tight concrete for the wood used by our forefathers. The valuable principle adhered to throughout is that the vertical com- ponent of the static pressure shall be made to pin the dam more firmly down to its foundation, whereas with the usual type of gravity masonry or con- crete dam, where the up-stream face is generally vertical, or but slightly inclined, the pressure is exerted horizontally to overturn the dam, which must therefore be made sufficiently massive to resist this force by its weight alone. 465 466 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. A properly designed gravity dam exerts a pressure on its foundation ranging theoretically from zero at the up-stream edge to a maximum at its down-stream toe, which maximum is kept at or just within the safe limit of crushing for masonry, usually on a safety factor of 2 or 2.5. The diagram of foundation pressure is therefore a triangle. In the reinforced concrete dam, the slope of the “deck” or water-face may be so related to the weight and base width of the dam that the pres- sure on the foundation is controlled at the will of the designer, and it is said that the factor of safety in all its relations is never made less than 5. CENTRE OF GRAVITY Li 7 x » Xe MIDDLE THIRD R TRAFE. Fic. 306. Usually the proportions are such that the diagram of pressure is nearly a rectangle. In other words, the pressure is uniformly distributed over the whole foundation, with any excess pressure thrown slightly towards the up-stream angle instead of being concentrated at the down-stream toe. This arises from the fact that the resultant of the water pressure and weight of the dam can be held at or a little above the center of the base instead of passing down to the lower edge of the middle third. In diagram, Fig. 306, the movements of this resultant and the pressures on the base may be traced. As the water rises back of the dam, the result- ant advances slightly up-stream from the center, until it reaches to about three-fourths full height, when it returns again nearly to the center with REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. 467 the dam under its calculated flood load. The angle of the resultant also is always kept within the limit of the angle of friction, thus preventing any tendency of the dam to move on its base. Fig. 307 shows in perspective and section the form adapted to low heads and hard foundations. It consists of a series of piers or buttresses, spaced 12 to 18 feet apart on centers, and covered with a deck of concrete, rein- forced between the different bays as a beam, in which the tension members of steel are placed near to the under side, leaving from ten inches to several feet of concrete between the steel bars and the water. The thickness of the concrete sheet necessarily increased from top to bottem with the in- crease of head. But little reinforcement is used in the piers, except at li TL SOU nL < al Fia. 307. the edges and around the openings which are usually made through them, either for convenient passages or for the saving of material. The concrete in the deck is mixed as rich as 1:2:4, usually with fine aggregates, and is poured into the forms in sloppy condition, which en- sures a thorough coating of the steel with cement. Experience seems to show that water-tightness can best be insured by mixing the concrete very wet, which is becoming generally recognized and adopted on all modern concrete work. One apparent advantage of this design is that the dam when founded on rock has no continuous base, and therefore cannot be threatened by upward lifting pressure of water that may find its way through seams in the rock. Several of the dams have been built on gravel or other porous foundat'on with a continous base of concrete over the gravel, protected by a curtain wall, or sheet-piling above and an apron below. The floor is pro- 468 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, LTC. Fig. 308. Fic. 309. REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. 469 tected from the uplift of water pressure underneath by leaving numer- ous “‘weep-holes.”” These holes are shown in the perspective drawing of that type of construction, Fig. 308. The design of these dams leaves them hollow, which has the advantage S . 3 x 9 a 8 aS s ts a | oS a Nh Z LES SP i Uk Se ia oe” aie Sy s$ Keo re Vi, Vo ig joe | wer SS oun e Re REZ ‘BR 2 “RS ay 8 8 = = ; 404SUa4 Bp 3 auigany LR ul yeesuay 9 8 EE BEE EB SL 08. SH za6ef-fot : BSN 8409 ene rae j Sp 5 ih yrousuag 9 es bua j 2 Sey song yqny = komids # id Je “e Z ba! | eee el A be memes SYD Oy ass007 {ae REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. 471 river to the other, as a substitute for afoot-bridge over the stream. Such a passage is illustrated in Fig. 309. In some of the later designs the interior passageway has even been increased to accommodate a highway, and in other cases it bas been used as a runway for a traveling crane for picking up the machinery of a power house located in the interior of the structure. The part of the dam first constructed in the bed of a flowing stream is the piers, and these can be built independently inside of caissons, so that the use of expensive cofferdams for the diversion of the entire stream may often be avoided. This is done by completing the structure above the water line, allowing the stream to flow uninterrupted between the piers. Subsequently the closure of the separate bays is made with concrete as simply as the process of putting in stop logs in a large canal headgate. The Ellsworth Dam, Maine.—As an example of the latest form of this new type of construction, the dam built across the Union river at Ellsworth, Me., during 1907, completed in January, 1908, may be cited. This dam was t uilt for the Bar Harbor and Union River Power Co., to form a reservoir of 71,000 acre-feet capacity, but chiefly to give head to a power- house located against the dam, where the first installation was for 4250 wheel H. P. It is founded on granite, and the transverse profiles are very irregular, as shown in Fig. 305, which is a section through the rollway. The maxi- mum height of the dam is 71.5 feet, in the bulkhead portion, back of the power-house. The rollway is 65 feet high. The total length of the dam is about 500 feet. The general plan, elevation and section of the struc- ture are shown in Fig. 306. The space underneath the bulkhead and immediately in the rear of the power-house is utilized as a trans- former-house, store-house, machine-shop, etc., while the power-house is approached from the town on the opposite side of the river by a tunnel beneath the low part of the crest and a passage at different levels entirely through the body of the dam. The structure is shown in Figs. 312 and 316. The high tension wires for the power house pass through portholes shown in the picture just underneath the top of the dam to the right of the power-house. Considering the height and length of the dam, the fact that it contains but 8000 cubic yards of concrete is striking. The work was begun the last of February, 1907, on the excavations of foundations and building of cofferdam. As there were 3000 cubic yards of hard rock to excavate the first concrete was not laid before June 9th, and the last put in place Nov. 14th. Evidently the design permits of remarkable rapidity of construction, and small amounts of material. The cost is not available for any of these structures, although they are said to compare favorably jai ‘ESQOH-UHMOG ANY WV] HINOMSTTY FAT —ZIE ‘SLT REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. 473 with the cost of dams of any other material and of other types, as must result from the smaller quantities required. On dams of the height of the Ellsworth dam, the piers are expanded on their up-stream edges to form haunches or corbels reinforced with i Pacamet eng Fie. 314. \ steel, to act as seats for the deck-slabs. This construction is illustrated on the margin of Fig. 310. A detail of the waste gate adapted for movement by hydraulic power is shown in Fig. 313. Fig. 314 shows a section of a log sluiceway, and its closing mechanism. 474 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Fic. 316.—ExLiswortH Dast, MaINneE. REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. 475 Flashboards to increase the storage in low water are set and released by the device indicated in Fig. 315. As will be observed the standards which clamp the boards in position may be withdrawn entirely into the interior, leaving the crest of the roll- way entirely unobstructed for passage of floods. The Patapsco Dam, Maryland.—This structure is 30 feet high, 200 feet long, built across the Patapsco river near Ilchester, Maryland. The entire width of the river was required for the overflow weir, so that it Fig. 317.—Patarsco Dam, ILcHESTER, MARYLAND. became necessary to utilize the room in the hollow interior for the power- house, in which three units of 500 H.P. were snugly installed. The dam is of the half-apron type, affording ample daylight on the down- stream side. The cubic contents of this dam are but 2200 cubic yards. A general view is shown on Fig. 317. Fig. 318 is a cross-section of the dam with its enclosed power-house, and Fig. 319 shows an interior view of the power house after completion. This dam is of the lowest height admissible for a submerged power- house. Two dams of this submerged power-house type are being built, 70 feet high, affording ample room for installations of 5000 H. P. each, accommodating traveling cranes, transformer-rooms, switch-boards, ete. Se f Ss Poy ae A) Hi i TEST TA WATER El 7950 I OT Ee ER AES Feet eee Fic. 319.—Inrerior or Patarsco SusMERGED PowEr-HOUSE. REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. 477 4) { poeek ae Fig. 321.—Juniata Dam, aND PoWER-HOUSE PARTIALLY COMPLETED. RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Lic. 323.—View oF coMPLETED JUNIATA Dam REINFORCED CONCRETE DAMS. 479 The Juniata Dam, Huntingdon, Pa.—This interesting dam is built on a foundation of porous gravel, underlaid by hardpan at a depth of about 18 feet. A trench was first sunk to the hardpan at each edge of the dam, and: a reinforced concrete cut-off wall molded therein, intercepting the underflow. (See Fig. 322.) The completed floor forming the base for the superstructure of the rollway is illustrated by the photograph, Fig. 320, on page 480. The reinforcement of this floor is proportioned to distribute the pressure to an average of 1.3 tons per square foot. Fig. 321 gives a clear view of the work at an advanced stage, with the river flowing through openings beyond the cofferdam, and Fig. 323 shows the completed dam and power-house. The dam in the rollway section is 28 feet high and 460 feet long. It contains 6400 cubic yards of concrete, including abutments and bulkheads. COARSE SCREEMS. Ly Tig. 324.—Srcrion or PittsFretp DaM, SHOWING GATE-HOUSE CONTAINED. The Pittsfield Dam, Mass.—This structure, 42 feet high, 465 feet long, containing 3950 cubic yards of concrete, was begun Sept. 1, 1907, and completed March 1, 1908, a total of six months. It is founded on gravel, 480 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. underlaid at a depth of 12 feet with dense yellow clay. Cut-off walls at each edge extend down 3 feet into the clay at bottom and sides. The gate-house is incorporated with the dam, utilizing the space between two piers for that purpose. Fig. 324 is a cross-section through the gate-house. The longitudinal section, Fig. 325, shows the footings adapted to the hillside, and soft foundation. The completed dam is shown in Fig. 326. The work was carried on continuously throughout freezing weather, when the thermoneter reached a minimum of !2 degrees below zero, by heating the materials, and by using “salamanders” in the bays beneath the deck, for which the hollow dam construction was favorable. There is said to be no discernable difference in the quality of the concrete laid in the winter raonths and that which was placed in moderate weather. A dam of this type has been designed for construction during 1908, which is to be 115 feet high, 1,300 feet long, and contains about 85,000 cubic ITI. L SECTION OF PITTSFIELD DAM, SHOWING PIERS AND STEPPED Footines on SLOPES. yards including the power-house. Floods approximating 40,000 second- feet are to be cared for without variation of the working level of the water by a series of waste gates between the several bays, operated by hydraulic lifts, and by a movable crest on the rollway. A section through the bulkhead and power-house is shown in Fig. 328, representing all essential details clearly. Fig. 327 is a longitudinal section of the dam. Another dam planned for construction in 1908, is shown in section in Fig. 329. This dam is to have an ultimate height of 120 feet, will be 520 feet long and contain 54,000 cubic yards of concrete, as shown by dotted lines in the section. The first construction will be limited to 80 feet, with a temporary wooden apron supported on steel beams on the down-stream side. La Prele Dam.—This dam for irrigation purposes is now under con- struction near Douglas, Wyoming. It is 135 feet high and 250 feet long, and will contain about 15,000 cubic yards of concrete. The limit of height to which dams of reinforced concrete may be safely built is as yet to be determined. Preliminary designs for a structure 315 feet high were computed by request of engineers in Government service, and it is stated that no insuperable difficulties were encountered, the unit stresses being kept the same as on smaller dams, and the ratio of material and costs holding about as in other cases. “CHLATANOD sv NYG QTEISLIIg AnL—9ce ‘DIY 482 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. att” Tie FUT 4 } as “EE TMI Fic. 327. Fic. 329.—Ssecrion or High DaM, PLANNED FoR INCREASE OF HEIGHT IN FUTURE. tS4 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POW ER, ETC. coarse gravel, sand and glacial flour. This lake is to be converted into a reservoir for irrigation storage by the building of a hydraulic-fill dam across the outlet channel. Twin Lakes Reservoir, Colorado.—Almost identical in geographical formation and glacial origin to that of Lake Como, Montana, are the Twin Lakes on the fork of the Arkansas river which heads in Mt. Massive, near Leadville. This was one of the reservoir-sites segregated and surveyed by the United States Government in 1892, as shown by the map (Fig. 330). Fic. 331—Twin Laxes, Cotorapo, Masonry Dam over OUTLET, WITH EARTH BackInG, GATE-HOUSE, AND OUTLET CULVERTS. These lakes cover an area, at normal stage of water, of about 1900 acres, and have a depth of more than 80 feet. They are at an altitude of 9194 feet, and receive the drainage from 387 square miles of watershed, including within this area some of the highest mountains of Colorado. The annual run-off from this area is from 40,000 to 100,000 acre-feet. The plan proposed by the government engineers for utilizing these two lakes and converting them into one large reservoir was to erect an earth dam, with a maximum height of 73 feet. across the valley below the lakes, and thus increase their surface area to 3475 acres. This would give a reservoir capacity above the normal lake surface of 103,500 acre-feet. To fill the reservoir it was designed to supplement the run-off of the streams PLATE NO. 1—PROFILES OF FOREIGN DAMS. 9 in Spain.—Alicante. Almanza. Elche. Hijar. Lozoya Nijar. Puentes. Val de Infierno. Villar. 22 in FRaNcE.— Avignonet. Ban. Bouzey. Bosmolea. Chartrain. Chazilly. Cher. Echapré. Furens. Glomel. Gros Bois. Lampy. Miodeix. Mouche. Pont. Settons. Sioule. Ternay. Turdine. Vioreu. Verdon. Zola PLATE NO. 2.—PROFILES OF FOREIGN DAMS. 5 in AuGerta.—Gran Cheurfas. Djidionia. Habra. Hamiz. Tlelat. 3 in Iraty.—Lagolungo. Cagliari. Gorzente. 3 in EncLtanp and WaLes.—Burrator. Thirlmere Vyrnwy. 1 in Cuina.—Tytam, Hongkong. 1 in Austria.—Komotau. 2 in Eaypr.—Assouan. Assiout. 5 in INnpra.—Betwa. Bhatgur. Periyar. Poona. Tansa. 6 in AusTRALIA.—Barossa. Beetaloo. Burraga. Cataract. Coolgardie. Geelong. 1 in New ZeaLanp.—Idaburn 2 in Mexico.—La Jalpa. Mercedes. 5 in Gprmany.—Einseidel. Eschbach. Lauchensee. Remscheid. Urft. 1 in BeLaium.—Gileppe Radius= 410 —> rege Radius = Infinity Rodws> 656 — i = <8 Radius= (310 —*! QO--- --=- -=--- EINSIEDEL DAM (Germany - 1890 -94) TYTAM DAM (H ong Kong - Chinas 1887) i All| EURFAS (Algiers ~ 1882-8 ) eere us ' AGOLUNGO DAM Radius = Infinity mcf (Genoa. Irely - 1683 ) ' Sil! % 361 URFT DAM (Germany - (901/04) KOMOTAU DA (Austria - 1900-"03) Radius «410 a l 2 adius = Infinity i ee aappalia CAGLIARI DAM Sarna. fAustvalis} pose PSE THIRLMERE. DAM (England-1e¢6“93) we --+ B2---5--> th HAM IZ DAM ( Algrers~ 1885) R MSCH El D DAM Radius = Infinity nfi ity Germany -1889"9!) fze25: Radius = lnfinrty {Ge se BURRATOR DAM (England - 1893-96 ) COOLGARDIE D, Radius = Infinit oa ae (Australia -1898 -1903) ( wll J P| VYERWo"D DAM (England - 1882-90) aa. Cast Iron Piles ASSIOUT DAM (Egypt - 1898 -1903) GORZENTE DAM (Genoa, Italy 18.80 -83) AA ANN DJ ee IA DAM Radius 1640 —> ( Algiers - 1873-75 ) 2. abe! ' ee Infinity 2788- -- = —= LB: 4 oy ~ ASS UAN DAM (Egypt - 1898-1902) WW0--.------ W-------- y < WG PCE At DAM LA JALPA DAM (Algiers-1869) Mexico -i902-09 ofa OC. ..... .. ee 8 8=8=|(ols—--- -- Se = ii------- ASN Le Ogg HAS eS TANSA DAM (India - 1886 -'92 ) / cod, B ETWA DAM (India 1888) ot m R (Algiers - 1865 - 73) AUCHENSEE DAM (Sermany - (889 - 1895) re = Infinity “PERIYAR DAM (Indio - 1889-96) PLATE It. Radius = 2350 —4 PROFILES OF PRINCIPAL MASONRY DAMS OF THE WORLD SHEET 2 — DAMS IN GERMANY, ENGLAND, ITALY, AUSTRIA, BELGIUM, ALGIERS, INDIA, EGYPT, CHINA, AUSTRALIA , NEW ZEALAND ano MEXICO. SCALE OF FEET — o 10 20° 30 40 60 80 2 of Concrete Dry Peck Fill > “t IDABURN DAM ( New Zealand ) Radius 1414" Se ee hy -0 * oP m0 \ , / BEETALOO DAM i (Australia -.886 89) MERCEDES aM (Mexico- 1902 ‘os) Radius =200! ——> Radius + gone I i, GEELONG DAM - 1835 [ Australia ) BAROSSA (Australia ~ 1899-1903) OUP E' NPM) CATARACT DAM ( Australia -1902-‘08) Se eee (India »iases ) “BOONA "DAM (India- 1a68) , i eS yf\ Lf- , Radsuselnfins oO mG ao 4 PLATE NO. 3. 29 Prorites or AMERICAN Masonry Dams. Ashokan, N. Y. Boonton, N. J. Boyds Corners, N. Y. Bear Valley, Cal. Colorado, Texas. Cheesman Lake, Colo. Cross River, N. Y. Croton Falls, N. Y. Granite Springs, Wyo. Hemet, Cal. Indian River, N. Y- Ithaca, N. Y. La Grange, Cal. Manila, P. I. McCall’s Terry, Penn. New Croton, N. Y. Pathfinder, Wyo. Roosevelt, Ariz. Sodom, N. Y. Spier’s Falls, N. Y. San Mateo, Cal. Sudbury, Mass. Shoshone, Wyo. Sweetwater, Cal. Titicus, N. Y. Upper Otay, Cal. Wrchusett, Mass. Wigwam, Conn. PLATE III. po i‘ ~ A Radius= 213.2 — Rodius=Infimty Radius = Infinity —} : Radius = Infinity Radius = Infirrty : Radius = 300° —» Pesect Heighp BRIDGEPORT DAM Connecticut ) Radius > Infinity SWEETWATER DAM California rae TAT GUe| GAN (New York) 1890-95 GRANITE SPRINGS DAM ivye rag es Radius = Infinrty —+ Radius = 632 — i. c oss SANE Bese oanty 1905 -? Radius =335> Rodius = 225.4 —> CROTON FALLS Ne York (nee tere) BOYDS CORNE Re DAM (New ¥ ork \eoe-'73 BEAR VALLEY DAM (California) 1884 i SODOM DAM (New York) gaa - 1892 2z'pipe MSCALLS FERRY. DAM (Pennsylvania) ZZ pipe ZF c fagiateel pipe 6 thick « 19.07 >ia7's BOONTON DAM New Jersey) 1899- 1904 eee Radiv3=\50—> 3" Radius= 360 -> 2S MATEO DAM ee ae (california) Radius = Infinity > Fanaa 1 HEMET DAM (California ) Radius= ann Radius =600' —» Radius= Infinity —> 2508 Sea eee UPPER OTAY DAM INDIAN RIVER DAM (massechy aoe New York ige°8 r 1 Radius = 300 ——> \ 1992 mS Wi GWAM DAM (Connecticut ) 1893-1902 OW i OB ROOSEVELT DAM ( Avizona \905-? Radius = 400 PROFILES OF PRINCIPAL MASONRY DAMS OF THE WORLD “ SHEET 3 - AMERICAN DAMS SCALE OF FEET 0 10 20 30 40 60 60 z ‘ \ Radius = 410° ——4 MANILA DAM Priutpine islands Wa Diets ) Radius= Infinity Radius= Infinity —> 264 zd Inspection Gallery * See: C4 i 7 ee PATHFINDER DAM (wyoming 06 — ? 205 M “SPIERS FALLS DAM 2 NEEM eZ ake WACHUSETT DAM Sia aeecnL Pe ; ele ASHOKAN DAM NEW CROTON DAM ali uate 1900-05 (New York New York) 1892-1907 Massachusetts - i o5-? \ ( Bsn eeuectts) i891" 93 1908 -? PLATE NO. 4.—SECTIONS OF CALIFORNIA EARTH DAMS. Pilarcitos Dam. San Andrés Dam. Old Crystal Springs Dam. PLATE LV. PR aa = tal See Pilareitos, Elevation. OLD CRYSTAL SPRINGS DAM. Spring Valley Water-works. San Francisco, U. S. Old Crystal Springs, Elevation. STOP hese eT Ie te : yin wt tu, I PILARCITOS DAM. | | Spine Valley Waleewirks Pilarcitos, Section. | 3 | Ba San Francisco, €. 5. San Andres, Elevation. SAN ANDRES DAM. Spring Valley Water-works. San Friincisco, U.S. San Andres, Section. PLATE NO. 5.—SECTIONS OF TYPICAL FOREIGN EARTH DAMS. Llannefydd Dam, Wales. Dodder Dam, Ireland. Yarrow Dam, England. Vehar Dam, India. PLATE V. LLANNEFYDD DAM. DODDER DAM. River Clwyd. River Dodder. Rhyl District Waterworks, Wales, Dodder, Elevation. Drainage and Water-power. Ireland fehyl, Section. |. fig. 2. Rhyl, Elevation. 670 YARROW DAM Liverpool Water-works, England. Yarrow, Elevation VEHAR DAM. River Goper. Bombay Water-works, India. Vehar, Section. Scales in feet. Scale for Fig. 5. Z Scale for Fig’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7. 8 fe} PLATE NO. 6—SECTIONS OF TYPICAL FOREIGN EARTH DAMS Stubden Dam, Ireland. Leeming Dam, Ireland. Loch Island Reavy Dam, Ireland. Rotten Park Dam, England. Ulley Dam, England. Vale House Dam, England. De Torcy Dam, France. Montaubry Dam, France. PLATE VI STUBDEN DAM. ROTTEN PARK DAM. Bradford Water-works, Ireland, Birmingham-Staffordshire Canal, England. Rotten Park, Section. [| ULLEY DAM. LEEMING DAM Uley Brook. Oxenhope Valley. Treland. Rotherham Water-works, Enylana Water-power. LOCH ISLAND REAVY DAM. DE TORCY DAM eye eee "VALE HOUSE DAN z Banbridge Water-works, Ireland. Canal du Centre, France. Etherow River ; 2 : De Torey, Seetion. gait ase Rit > Manchester Water-works, England. Loch Island Reavy, 7 = ss Section.2 2 = Ze . Loch Island Reavy, Plan of Culvert. eae ea = Scale in foet. SO NATURAL RESERVOIRS. 485 directly tributary by diverting water from the main Arkansas river, by a canal leaving the river a short distance below Leadville. Some years after this survey was made a private corporation, called the Twin Lakes Reservoir Company, was organized by Buffalo capitalists to carry out the work on a modified plan. This company acquired sufficient land around the margins of the lakes to control them, and began work in the summer of 1898. The plan adopted by them comtemplated works that would enable them to draw off the lakes to 16 feet below their normal level, and in addition build a low dam that would store 9 feet in depth above that level,—thus commanding a total depth of 25 feet and a total volume of 48,000 acre-feet. Of this volume, two-thirds, or 32,000 acre- feet, is below the normal lake-level. In pursuance of this plan they ex- cavated a canal at one side of the outlet-stream, 2000 feet long, from the edge of the lower lake to the point of its intersection with Lake Crvek. This canal is 40 feet wide on bottom, and has a maximum depth of 37 feet. The excavation was in sand, bowlders, and silt, or “ glacial flour,” and was chiefly made with a steam-shovel. At the point where the excavation was deepest, some 200 feet from the lake margin, they prepared to erect head- gates of iron, on a heavy base of concrete, with abutment-walls of cut stone laid in cement mortar. The structure was to have been 32 feet in height. The gates were twelve in number, each 2 feet 83 inches wide, 5 feet high, made of 4-inch boiler-plate, and carrying iron flashboards, loosely resting one above another, on top of the gate, and reaching up to above high-water mark. The gates were to slide vertically between 12-inch I beams. These beams were to be embedded in the concrete floor. The foundations for this floor were made by driving piles, upon which the abutment-walls and center pier rest. (Fig. 332.) The concrete base of the gate structure was planned and built 72 feet long, with a width of 69 feet to the outer lines of the abutment-walls. It was made 5 feet in thickness, with double grillage of T rails, encased in the concrete. Three lines of apron or curtain walls extended down 5 feet below the bottom of the concrete, across the line of the canal. In the spring of 1899 this structure was partially completed, the floor was finished, and one of the abutment-walls was built 12 feet high, when work was stopped by threats of injunction made by officials of the Denver and Rio Grande and the Colorado Midland railways, whose tracks through the canyon of the river below would have been endangered by any failure of the proposed reservoir. At this juncture Mr. O. O. McReynolds was appointed Chief Engineer, and the writer was employed as Consulting Engineer to prepare plans to make the work secure and allay apprehen- sions of its safety. The modifications which were made in the plan are shown in Fig. 332, and the work has since been completed in compliance 486 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. LONGITUDINAL SECTION AND ELEVATION THROUGH GATES,OAM AND CULVERTS aeamenimare SYATACE Grace > as ¥, Dar Avena Mase S Guiveer $f itt 19 Toa en Re Foor 2 rent ae Tee : 2 ea Ce ar caer eteesce Us 4 - Sayer ee ep en te a : eae iase ieee eg Find Coreneo arm = Lae ore COnAu6ArLOD /f0N VIEW LOOKING DOWN THE CANAL. L —— Lt TOF or Dare 980709 Fic Fie 4 wee nee eee eG OS Rica md Se eh a 9 a) * « q rane J Bean GAIL MOE - 88 tave < . Puas Dower 167 ‘Scava or Feer WAL BECTION, DAM TAN WING WALL HALF ELEVATION LODKING UP THE CANAL BrLow masonry DAM Aputmenr Canteen Pen i 28k PLAN OF ONE HALF OF GATE OPENING SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF GATES tL Fee eee Bence or Faeyr Fig. 332.—Detarts oF OUTLETS FOR Twin Lakes, CoLo. DESIGNED FOR THE Twin Lakes Reservoir Co. sy J. D. ScHUYLER, Cons. ENGR., AND BUILT EY O. O. McReyNnotps, CHIEF ENGINEER. NATURAL. RESERVOIRS. 487 with the new design. The changes were made in such manner as to adapt them to the part already completed and to utilize materials already on the ground. These were the following: A series of four culverts were built on top of the completed floor, extending from the line of gates to the lower edge of the concrete platform, a distance of 47 feet. These culverts are each 7 feet 11 inches wide and 7 feet high, with a semicircular arch over them. They are built of concrete, the thickness of the arch being ® feet. On top of these culverts a masonry dam is built across the canal, reaching to a height of 30 feet above the floor of the structure. This wall is of sandstone ashlar, laid in large blocks with Portland-cement mortar. Its base width is 15 feet, top 4 feet; down-stream batter 5: 12. Extending well into the banks on each side, in line with the dam, is a con- crete wall, 2 feet thick, designed to cut off seepage through the earth filling on the sides that would tend to pass around the dam. Against the masonry dam on the lower side is an embankment of earth over the top of the culverts, forming a driveway over the canal, 22 feet wide on top. The outer slope terminates against a low wall forming a facade for the culvert-portals. The slope is paved with stone. For 50 feet above and 75 feet below the concrete platform the canal is paved with con- crete on the bottom, and the sides protected from erosion by substantial walls of concrete above the dry rubble below the headworks. The gates built for the original design were used, but the hoisting-device was im- proved, and a substantial gate-house built over the gates. Spillway.—A space is left between the gates and the masonry which will admit of a maximum discharge of 600 second-feet over the top of the flashboards, without raising the gates. Whenever any water thus passes over the top of the flashboards it can escape freely through the culverts and down the canal. This provision for sudden floods in the possible absence of attendants to open the gates is considered an ample spillway allowance. The culverts have a combined capacity of over 2000 second- feet. Fishway.—To provide for a free passage of migratory fish over the dam, in compliance with the State law, it is proposed to erect a fish-ladder of approved design, supplying it with water piped from a neighboring stream. The lakes abound in trout. The entire cost of the improvements, including the purchase of valuable villa sites on the lake margins, will be about $200,000. ‘The works were finished during the current year (1900). % “ Glacial Flour.”’—An interesting feature of these improvements is the peculiar character of the material through which the canal has been excavated and upon which the head-works have been built. The lakes are located between two great lateral moraines, hundreds of feet in height, while the barrier across the valley, forming the natural dam inclosing 488 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. the lower lake, is a terminal moraine deposit, consisting largely of rock dust, or almost pure silica ground to an impalpable powder, known to geologists as * glacial flour.” This material is so fine in texture as to resist percolation through any considerable mass of it, and hence it be- comes practically impervious as an embankment of ordinary dimensions. It is neither quicksand nor clay, and has none of the characteristics of these elements. The natural channel through which the lakes overflowed into the Arkansas river was closed by an embankment of this glacial flour, well riprapped with stone on both sides. Larimer and Weld Reservoir.—One of the natural basins, located 14 miles north of Fort Collins, Colorado, has been made to hold an important auxiliary supply to the Larimer and Weld canal, feeding into the latter 2 miles below the head of the canal. When filled to the rim it holds a maximum depth of 25 feet, and has a storage capacity of 7700 acre-feet at that level. This capacity was increased in 1895 to 11,550 acre-feet by constructing a low levee or bank about 2000 feet long at the lowest part of the rim of the basin. This added 5 feet to the depth of water in the lake. The cost of the improvements was $21,796, but land and water rights, attorneys and court fees, and miscellaneous expenses swelled the entire cost to $64,782. On the same canal system are two other natural basins, utilized as reservoirs, the larger of which, called the Windsor reservoir, is 25 miles below the head of the canal. It carries a maximum depth of 28 feet of water, and cost $52,000, of which $25,000 was for the land and attorneys’ fees. To increase the depth to 40 feet, an embankment is to be built which is estimated to cost $23,000 additional. The reservoir will then have a capacity of 23,000 acre-feet. The Larimer County Canal utilizes six of these basins on the plains, as storage-reservoirs, which have a combined capacity of 10,560 acre- feet. All of these basins above described derive their water-supply from the Cache la Poudre River. Marston Lake.— Another one of these natural basins, situated at an elevation to command the city of Denver, has been utilized by the Denver Union Water Company as a storage-reservoir of 5,000,000,000 gallons capacity. It is fed by a canal from Bear Creek, and is provided with two outlet-tunnels which connect with the main conduits leading to the city of Denver, 10 miles distant. Loveland Reservoir-site—One of the largest of the natural-basin reservoirs that has been projected for use in Colorado is located 3 miles northeast of Loveland, Colorado, at Boyd Lakes. These are two basins adjacent, each containing small lakes, on the high ground between the NATURAL RESERVOIRS. 489 Cache la Poudre and Big Thompson rivers. The basin will require no dam, and when filled will have a maximum depth of 44 feet, and a surface area of 1920 acres, the capacity of which will be £5,740 acre-feet. The method proposed for its conversion into a reservoir is to make an open cut, 10 feet wide at the bottom, on a grade of 1.5 feet per mile. At the deepest point in the cut a masonry wall is proposed to be built across the cut, with six 3-foot, cast-iron pipes passing through the wall. The reservoir would be fed by two canals from the rivers on each side of it. The entire cost of the improvement is estimated by Capt. H. M. Chitten- den * at $262,106.34, or $5.73 per acre-foot of storage capacity. The Laramie Natural Reservoir-site, Wyoming.—Capt. Chittenden’s able report + on reservoir-sites in Wyoming and Colorado describes a natural basin that could be made available for storing the surplus water of the Laramie and Little Laramie rivers, which is one of colossal magni- tude. Its maximum depth is 170 feet, covering an area of 13,651 acres, and having a capacity of 937,038 acre-feet. This is greatly in excess of the supply available from the two streams mentioned, which is estimated at 70,000 acre-feet annually, although this could be increased by gathering the supply from more distant sources. When filled to the 100-foot level, the annual loss by evaporation would be 24,000 acre-feet, leaving a supply of 46,000 acre-feet for irrigation. The estimated cost of the canals, reservoir-outlets, rights of way, etc., for utilizing the basin on the basis of storing only the waters of the two Laramie rivers, was $416,254, or $9.05 per acre-foot of average supply. Lake De Smet Reservoir-site, Wyoming.—Among the reservoir-sites examined and reported upon by Capt. Chittenden, in the report quoted above, was a natural depression without outlet, called Lake De Smet. This basin is 3 miles long, 1 mile wide, and covers an area of 1965 acres. The improvement of this basin which he recommended was to construct a feeder-canal, 84 miles long, with a capacity of 727 second-feet, and con- struct two outlets, one at each end of the basin, discharging into Box Elder Creek on one side and into Piney Creek.on the other, each to have - a capacity of 425 second-feet. This would convert the basin into a reser- voir by the addition of 30 feet in depth, bringing the level of the lake up to. the rim of the basin, increasing its surface area to 2400 acres, and affording an available storage of 67,627 acre-feet of water. The entire cost of the improvement was estimated at $113,360, or $1.67 per acre-foot of storage capacity. * Report of Capt. Hiram M. Chittenden, Corps of Engineers, U. 8. A., upon examina- tion of Reservoir-sites in Wyoming and Colorado, under the provisions of Act of Con- gress of June 8, 1896. House Document No, 141, 55th Congress, 2d Session. + ddid. 490 RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Such natural basins as those described in the foregoing pages, which can be filled by controllable canals, present advantages as storage-reser- voirs which are certainly ideal. The great thickness of the natural ridges which surround them renders them absolutely safe against bursting, pro- vided their outlets are properly designed and well constructed; they are generally quite free from loss by percolation, and the volume of silt de- posited in them is in direct ratio to their capacity, as no more silt-laden water need be put into them than is drawn out of them for use, in addition to evaporation, whereas a reservoir located in the channel of a river may often have to receive the silt from a volume of water many times the reservoir capacity. The only disadvantage they possess is that the surface area exposed may he greater per unit of volume stored than in deep reser- voirs formed by high dams, and consequently the ratio of loss by evapora- tion may be somewhat greater. This disadvantage is, however, amply offset by the many superior features they possess when compared with the average stream-bed reser- voir. Natural Reservoirs of the Arkansas Valley, Colo. The most extensive enterprise for the storage of flood waters for irrigation in natural-basin reservoirs yet undertaken in the West was recently completed by The Great Plains Water Company in the Arkansas Valley in Eastern Colorado, and the reservoirs were partially filled and used for the first time during the irrication season of 1900. The reservoirs are five in number, lying in a group closely adjacent to each other, and have the following capacities: | Volume below ' Total Outlet Level Volume i Area, ; Availabl * Name of Reservoir. rea: Capacity. Tina nee} a Ter Uses Acres. Acre-feet. Acre-feet. Acre-feet. Nee: Sopahise. ss, N. M...) Rock-fill and earth 6,300 | 176,000 27 94 Lake McMillan, ‘‘ es a WS oe HE os 89,000 | 180,000 2.02 Tyler, Vexaseu: .sxuwsyes Guuncies Hydraulic-fill 1,770 1,140 0.64 Cache la Poudre, Colorado. .....| Earth 5,654 | 110,266 19.50 Larimer and Weld, ‘‘ ....... a 11,550 89,782 7.77 Windsor, ROD aati 20h ee 23,000 75,000 3.26 Monument, BS) on some ands es 885 33,121 38.69 Apishapa, Bee a bi Sear heath & 459 14,772 32.18 Hardscrabble, OE inate ae 102 9,997 97.78 Boss lake, Be See menage ue 205 14,654 71.39 Saguache, aa eee a, 954 30,000 31.45 Seligman, Arizona. ............. Masonry 703 | 150,000 169 .50 Ach Fork, © ectencsaamcnnoes Steel 110} 45,776 | 416.30 Williams, Spi Siecatn ten ed bactiet l Masonry 338 52,838 156.35 Walnut Canyon, Arizona........ a 480 55,000 114.60 New Croton, New York......... Masonry and earth |} 98,200 |4,150,573 42.27 Titicus, BA ate ie a me a 22,000 | 933,065 42.42 Sodom, Le een Tee on me ey 14,980 | 366,990 24.50 Bog brook RE Udi stout Earth 12,720 | 510,430 40.12 Indian river, Dw ssereniteh opasae ts Masonry and earth | 102,548 83,555 0.81 Wigwam; Cont s ices 2 eee kiass Masonry 1,028 | 150,000 145.90 Yorba dam, California.......... Hydraulic-fill 1,171 38,000 32.50 New Croton dam, New York... | Masonry 180,000 |7,631,000 42.00 Wachusett dam, Massachusetts . . ne 193,300 |2,270,116 11.74 Round Hill dam, Pennsylvania ..| Masonry and earth 4,050] 240,548 59.39 Pedlar River dam, Virginia...... Concrete 1,115 | 103,708 93 .00 Canistear dam, New Jersey...... Earth 7,390 | 341,000 46.15 Glenwild dam, New York. ...... ue 3,675 47,360 12.90 Laramie river dam, Wyoming. ..| ‘‘ 120,000} 117,200 0.98 Cedar Groove Res.dam, N.J.....| ‘‘ 2,150 | 660,000 | 307.00 Belle Fourche dam, South Dakota’ ‘‘ 215,000 | 879,164 4.09 £50 Cost oF Reservoir CONSTRUCTION PER ACRE-FOOT. RESERVOIRS FOR IRRIGATION, WATER-POWER, ETC. Foreign RESERVOIRS. N Character of D | eae |e rot ame. aracter 0. am. . Ost. cre-1001 Pec of Capacity. Cousin, France.............- Masonry 1,297 | $247,600} $190.00 Furens, ee Ce Cae ie 1,297 | 318,000) 245.00 Ternay, OOD eatecde bap ah tran “ 2,433 | 204,372) 84.00 Ban, SES oc eccvevane hencleseanicce ist 1,499 190,000] 127.00 Pas dw Riot! © ecco sy weuse cect ee 1,054 256,000} 243.00 Chartrainy (°° apse eda cvs designe ae 3,647 | 420,000} 115.10 Lake Oredon, ‘6 .............. Earth 5,894 142,000 24.00 Mouche, GOT Teather tet hone Masonry 7,011 | 1,003,657} 143.00 Liez, OP, eabvare eet Gest g aie Earth 13,051 598,418 46 .00 Wassy, Ge ssa atl cuatutae anaes a 1,740 | 138,942} 80.00 Patas, Indian as eeaamin ees fe 325 15,925] 49.00 Ekruk, ghee wars re reabeuevedatchd Earth and masonry; 76,175 666,000 8.74 Ashti, OE” aide Sitsstiens i dent autear, Earth 32,660 | 270,000 8.26 Lake Fife; “" 4. sa cezsaeusa es Masonry 75,500 630,000 8.34 Bhatgur, 68 ase skce camese vets ao 126;500 8 eae ce peers Me oh ene 8 Tansa, Eira TaloncusecmechSvubantioans “ 52,670 | 988,000} 18.76 Betwa, We latte h cake beteave a Sas 36,800 160,000 4.35 Chumbrumbaukum, India....... Earth 63,780 312,000 4.89 Villar Spats s 3.205 «parse aarscls Masonry 13,050 390,000} 28.88 Gilleppe, Belgium.............. oy 9,730 | 874,000) 89.83 Remscheid, Germany........... “f 811 91,154} 112.45 Vyrnwy, Wales ................ ve £4,690 | 3,334,000 74.61 Beetaloo, Australia ............. Concrete 2,945 573,300) 194.70 Burrator dam, England.......... Masonry and earth 2,410 | 602,300} 250.00 Assoun dam, Egypt. ........... Masonry 863,000 }11,907,000 13.80 Belubula dam, Australia ........ Brick and concrete 2,000 45,000} 22.50 Burraga dam, ES Webs ah aoe ti Masonry 310 46,500} 150.00 Sand river dam, South Africa. ...| Concrete 660 140,000} 212.10 Lauchensee dam, Germany...... Masonry 624 243, 750} 390.00 Talla reservoir dam, Edinburgh. . .| Earth 10,280 | 1 220, 000} 118.66 APPENDIX. 551 TABLES OF RESERVOIR CAPACITIES AND AREAS, Esconpipo Reservoir, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 8 square miles; elevation of base of dam above sea-level, 1300 feet.] Height 5 ' Capacity of Bee Ease Surface Area, Tenor ele. Remarks. Feet, Acres, Acre-feet. QO carsaieiillsucsen dees | 46 | BO || sereverstncceveney 288 D0 eee ste vse site 970 Capacity of reservoir as com- 65 EERE 2,400 pleted in 1895, 3,500 acre-feet. 80 174 4,576 r Outlet of reservoir is 16 feet $0 saaseraaecand 6,455 | above base. LOO: feisiece: ole sutsece 8,693 110 285 11355 | J LOWER OTAY RESERVOIR, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 100 square miles; elevation of base of dam above sea-level, 345 feet.] Height above fase Surface Area. Capea ee Remarks. of Dam. ‘ Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. 30 40 321 | 40 96 1,002 50 160 2,284 ie 2. ace Outlet tunnel 48 feet above base 80 308 9756 of dam. For cross-section of 90 452 13°530 dam site see Fig. 177, p. 373. 100 567 18,623 130 1,000 42,190 150 1,414 66,455 | MoRENA RESERVOTR, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 135 square miles; elevation of base of dam above sea-level, 3100 feet.{ Height Cee Capacity of ae sence Surface Area. Reservoir. Rainarke: Feet. Acres, Acre-feet. 130 850 24.107 140 1,137 34,358 150 1,370 46,733 50 46 460 2) 60 73 1,079 70 111 2,029 | 80 152 3,316 | Ontlet tunnel is at 30-foot con- 90 225 5,188 tour. Rock-fill dam, with 100 304 7,831 asphalt concrete facing. For 110 438 11.466 cross-section of dam-site see 120 624 16,804 Fig. 177, p. 373. J d02 APPENDIX. La MrEsA RESERVOIR, SAN DrEGo County, CALIFORNIA. {Area of tributary watershed, 5 square miles; elevation of base of dam above sea-level, 433.5 feet.] Height Capacit ae eg Surface Area. fo Remarks. -Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. 30 12 110 ) 35 18 190 40 24 290 45 30 430 50 41 610 55 53 850 9 e a ren Hydraulic-fill dam, completed 70 83 1,850 r 1895, to 66-foot contour. Out- 25 96 2990 let at base of dam. 80 113 2,820 85 129 8,420 90 152 4,120 95 181 4,950 100 205 5,920 140 444 18,880 J LakE HEMET RESERVOIR, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. [Area of watershed, 65 to 100 square miles; elevation of base of dam, 4200 feet.] Height it Bere pe Surface Area. cepa Remarks. Feet. Acres. Acre-feet, 40.0 2.0 33 45.0 2.3 73 Lowest outlet at 45 feet. 50.0 3.0 113 60 0 29.0 832 70.0 62.0 773 80.0 103.0 1,603 90.0 133.0 2,787 100.0 187.0 4,391 110.0 252.0 6,598 120.0 328.0 9,512 122.5 365.0 10,500 Top of dam as completed 1895. 130.0 486.0 13,590 140.0 601.0 19,077 150.0 738.0 25,836 APPENDIX. 553 LirrLe Bear VALLEY RESERVOIR (ARROWHEAD ReEsiRvOIR CoMPANY), SAN BERNARDINO County, CALIFORNIA, [Area of tributary watershed, 6.6 square-miles; elevation of base of dam, 4946.3 feet.] i ee ; : Tunnel | Surface Area. See Remarks. Outlet. Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. 10 29.7 198 . 20 55.8 619 \ 30 77.0 1,280 40 109.6 2,207 50 191.8 3,680 : 60 236.9 5,830 70 286.0 8,414 Bottom of outlet tunnel is 15.5 80 336.3 11,518 feet above bed of creek at 90 395.8 15,170 base of dam; lowest founda- 100 452.0 19,401 tions about 15 feet lower, 110 535.0 24,326 120 626.0 30,094 135 716.0 40, 144 147 800.0 49,238 160 884.0 60,179 175 932.0 78,800 SWEETWATER Dam, SAN DiEGO County, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 186 square miles; elevation of lowest outlet above sea-level, 140 feet.] Height - baye Losi: Surface Area. Tenet Remarks. est Outlet. a . Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. 0.0 820. teexweasecace 1 10.0 17.1 94 20.0 75.2 540 8 ee a a lt outlet is 24 feet above 50.0 398.0 7,066 lowest foundations of dam. 60.0 539.0 11,737 70.0 722.0 18,053 7.5 895.0 22,500 J 554 APPENDIX, PausBa RESERVOIR-SITE, SAN DiEG@o County, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 372 square miles; elevation of base of dam, 1350 feet.] Height Capacity of oe Surface Area. Rscreeie. Remarks. Feet. Acres, Acre-feet. 10 107 54 20 62.3 441 30 110.5 1,262 40 190.7 2,760 50 ane pas eae depth to bed rock 60 ; : 4} about 25 feet in center of 70 447 0 12,200 channel 80 584.2 17,355 | . 90 689.4 24,723 100 805.9 32,200 | 130 1,214.0 62,496 140 1,441.0 75,7700 | J Cuyamaca REsERVOIR, SAN DiEGo County, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 11.03 square miles; elevation of dam, about 4850 feet.} Height | _ Gannciier ee Surface Area. eaceen - Hiemiapee ‘Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. 10 6 12 12 44 60 14 106 200 16 178 490 18 255 900 = i eaan Top of dam, 41.5 feet above base. 94 519 3/240 \ Floor of wasteway at 35-foot 26 605 4.360 contour above base. 28 684 5,650 30 768 7,100 32 842 8,710 34 919 10,470 35 959 11,410 APPENDIX. BaRrRETT RESERVOIR-SITE, SAN DrEGo County, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 250 square miles; elevation of base of dam, 1600 feet.] Height bi B: _| Capacity of al es oa Surface Area. Reservoir. Rewaike Feet. Acres. Acre feet. 60 70 586 0 97 1,412 80 147 2611 aa en oa Used as a diverting-dam, to the 110 985 8 975 height of 60 feet, for diverting 120 363 12,193 Morena reservoir water to the 130 469 16 345 Lower Otay reservoir. For 140 576 31530 cross-section of dam-site, see 150 662 27,835 Fig. 177, p. 378. 160 784 35,160 170 871 43,440 175 936 47,970 Uprer Otay RESERVOIR-SIYE, SAN DieGo County, CALIFORNIA. [Area of tributary watershed, 8 square miles; elevation of base of dam, 480 feet.] Height above Surface Area. Capacity of Base of Dam. Reservoir. Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. 60 89 643 80 178 8,236 100 293 7,871 an 452 15,342 555 APPENDIX.. Bear VALLEY RESERVOIR, SAN BERNARDINO County, CALIFORNIA. {Area of tributary watershed, 56 square miles; elevation of base of dam, about 6200 feet.] Height ee C ity of Height : c ity of ae Surface Area. Heeneeie. aitipas BaS Surface Area. Reserenii Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. Feet. Acres, Acre-feet. 15 10 a 58 1,859 26,463 20 35 159 55 1,960 80,010 25 141 411 a7 2,069 34,040 30 295 1,558 60 2,251 40,476 35 428 3,847 65 2,482 52,428 40 1,060 7,166 \ a 2,812 65,065 45 1,425 18,3857 80 8,300 95,500 50 1,691 21,139 RooseEvELT Dam Reservoir-SiTB, Sitt River, ARIZONA. [Area of watershed, 6260 square miles; elevation of base of dam, 1925 feet.] Height Height z ; above Dam 2 ane Low. | Area Blooded) Reon || at tow | Area Flooded. GRenr water Mark. water Mark. Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. Feet. Acres. Acre-feet. 25 330 4,400 120 5,860 241,800 30 420 6,100 125 6,210 272,800 35 570 9,000 130 6,570 803,900 40 730 11,900 185 6,950 338,600 45 890 16,200 140 7,350 373,400 50 1,030 20,000 145 7,980 413,000 oD 1,280 26,900 150 8,530 453,000 60 1,510 33,300 155 9,110 498,000 65 1,740 42,000 160 9,680 544,000 70 1,880 50,700 165 10,170 594,000 5 2,300 62,100 170 10,680 645,000 80 2,610 73,500 175 11,240 701,000 90 3,430 108,600 180 11,750 757,000 95 3,820 122,700 185 12,300 820,000 100 4,210 141,800 190 18,000 880,000 105 4,610 164,700 195 18,600 950,000 110. 4,990 187,700 200 14,200 1,020,000 115 5,480 214,700 2200 anaes . 1,284,000 IN DEX. Acknowledgments, 496 Advantages of leaky dams maintained, 58 African dams, 388 . Agua Fria masonry dam, Arizona, 279 Aguilar, Ponciano, 524 | Aird, Sir John & Co., 390 Aix, France, supplied by Zola dam, 362 Aix-la-Chapelle Polytechnic school, 208 Alamosa river (Terrace dam), Colo., 139 Alessandro, Cal., 247 Alfred dam, Maine, 81 Alicante dam, Spain, 357 Alkali in earth dams, cause of land-slips, 421 Almanza dam, Spain, 357 Ambursen Hydraulic Construction Co., 465 s American Institute of Mining Engineers, 58 American Pipe Co., 330 American type of masonry core-walls criticised by British engineers, 450 Amsterdam, N. Y., supplied by Glenwild dam, 440 Anaheim Union Water Co., Cal., 172 Ancient earth dams in Ceylon, 416 Anglo-Japanese Hydro-Electric Co., 540 Animas Canal, Reservoir, and Water Power Investment Co., Colo., 84 Annonay, France, supplied by Ternay dam, 363 Apishapa river, Colo., 176 Apportionment of irrigation supply, Hemet system, 246 Arkansas Valley natural basin reservoirs, 490 Arkansas Valley Sugar Beet and Irrigated Land Co., 490 ' Armancon river, France, 364 Arrowhead Reservoir Co., Cal., 180, 256 Ash Fork steel dam, Ariz., 453 Ashokan dam, N. Y., 304 Ashop dam, Derwent Valley, England, 408 Asphalt burlap over sheet-steel core of dam, 16, 436 Asphalt coating on face of dam, 395 Asphalt concrete, in core-wall of dam, 60 Assouan dam, Egypt, 388 jelly models of, 211 Atcherley, L. W., 210, 212 Atlanta Water and Electric Power Co., 334 Atlantic Mining Co., Mich., 456 Austin dam, Austin, Texas, 312 Autisha dam-site, Peru, 414 Australian dams, 379 Austrian dams, 398 / Avalon (Lake) dam, near Carlsbad, N. M., 43 Avignonet dam, Grenoble, France, 367 Babcock, E. 8., 15 Babcock, Stephen E,, 440 Bainbridge, F. H., 453 Baissey, France, 363 Baker, Sir Benjamin, 211, 390 Balanced valve for reservoir outlet, 62 Baltic Mining Co., Mich., 456 Bamford dam, Derwent Valley, England, 408 Bar Harbor and Union River Power Co., 471 Barnetche, P,, 356 557 598 Barrett dam, Cal., 28 Barton, E. H., 262 Basin Creek dam, Montana, 296 Basin Creek masonry dam, Butte, Mont tana, 294 Bassell, Burr, 435 Bay Counties Power Co., 115 Bear Valley dam, Cal., masonry, 207, 210, 215, 246 Irrigation Co., 246 Beetaloo dam, Australia, 386 Belgian dams, 399 Belle Fourche Jam, S. Dakota, 441 Bellet, H., 298 Belubula dam, Australia, 386 Berry, Thomas, 499 Betwa dam, India, 375 Bever dam, Germany, 398 Bhatgur dam, India, 374 Bickel, P 8. A., 499 Bidaut, M., 399 Bighorn Valley, Wyo., 341 Big Rapids dam, Mich., 449 Bihler, Chas. S., 197, 198 Birmingham, England, supplied by Craig Goch dam, 405 Blake, Prof. W. P., 54, 58 Blasts, heavy, for rock-fill dams, 24, 33 Blauvelt, Louis D., 50 Bog Brook dams, N. Y., 307 Boller, Alfred P., 42 Bostaph, W. M., 60 Bousey dam, France, 365 Bouvier, M., 363, 374 Bowie, Aug. J., Jr., 60 Bowman dam, Cal. (timber-crib, rock-fill), 65, 500 Boyd’s Corner dam, N. Y., 308 Braniff, Oscar J., 346 Brazilian dams, 408 Brenne river, France (Gros Bois dam), 362 Brick facing of masonry dam, 403 Bridgeport, Conn., supplied by Trap Falls dam, 331 dam, Conn., 310 Brightmore, Arthur W., 212 Brodie, Major Alex. O., 58 Brown, F. E., 245, 247 Buena Vista Lake dam, Cal., 432 Burbank, Geo. B., 307 Burns, R. B., 288, 454 INDEX. Burraga dam, N.S. W., 379 Burrator dam, England, 403 Burr, Prof. Wm. H., 301, 305 Buttressed, arched dam (Meer Allum), 378 Caban Goch dam, Wales, 405 Cableway for dam construction, Agua Fria, Ariz., 280 Hemet, Cal., 244 Lower Otay, Cal., 22 Milner, Idaho, 69 Cableway, Lidgerwood, used on rock-fill dams, 33 Cache la Poudre dam, Colo., 437 Cagliari dam, Sardinia, Italy, 370 Cambie, H. J., 192 Cambria Steel Works, 499, 522 Canadian Pacific Railway hydraulic-fills, 189 Careg-Dhu dam, Wales, 405 Carew, John Hayden, 379 Carey Act, U. 8. Government laws for aiding in reclaiming land by irriga- tion, 70 Carite reservoir, Porto Rico, 452 Carlsbad, N. M., 43 Carroll, Eugene, 294 Case, Maj. J. F., 346 Cast-iron sheet piles, first use of, 390, 391 Castlewood dam, Colorado, 36 Catawba River dam, South Carolina, 336 Cement grout pumped into bedrock under dam, 458 manufactured by U. 8. Govt. in Ari- zona, 339 Ceylon dams of antiquity, 416 Chabot, A., 89 Chapin Mine high-pressure dam, 298 Chartrain dam, France, 365 Chatsworth Park dam, 34 Chattahoochie river, Ga., 334 Cheesman Lake rock-fill dam, Colo., 62 Chemnitz, Germany, 395 Cheyenne, Wyo., supplied from Granite Springs dam, 317 Chinese dams, 388 Chittenden, Col. H. M., 489 Chollas Heights dam, Cal., 435 Chula Vista, Cal., 235 Cinder-fill dam, Johnstown, Pa., 522 Clarewen river, Wales, 405 INDEX. Clay core-wall of Santo Amaro dam, ex- posed section of, illustrated, 539 puddle walls in Pilarcitos and San Andrés dams, 434 @lerke, W. J. C., 372, 373 Cloud, H. H., engr., Lake Avalon dam, 45 Code, W. H., chief engineer, U. S. Indian Service, 74 Colgate Power House, Yuba river, Cal., 115 Colorado river, Texas, 315 ‘Colorado State dams, 437 ‘Combination dams (rock-fill and hydraulic- fill), Milner, Idaho, 68 Waialua, T. H., 127 Zuni, N. M., 74 ‘Combination earth and concrete dam in California, 545 Commission of Engineers on New Croton Dam, 451 ‘ “Compound dams,’’ as suggested by W. L. Strange, 447 Concrete, cyclopean, block construction, 334 Conduits of Sweetwater system, 235 Hemet system, 245 Connellsville dam, Pa., 330 Construction of dam by convicts, 264 Coolgardie, Australia, water-supply dam, 211, 382 Coolie, L. E., 323 Cooper, Hugh L., 334, 409 Core-wall, concrete, highest in world, 441 of clay, 185 of concrete, full height of hydraulic- fill, 180 in Boonton dyke, N. J., 326 in Dixville, N. H., dam, 543 under hydraulic-fill, 156 of earth in North Dike Wachusett dam found to be practically im- permeable, 540 of masonry, Bog Brook dams, 307 of masonry, Catawba River dam, S. C., 536 of reinforced concrete, in rock-fill dam, 49, 452 of sheet-steel in Chollas Heights dam, 435 plain concrete, in rock-fill dam, 130 steel (and facing), in rock-fill dam, 59 559 Core-wall, wood, in hydraulic-fill dam, 110 in rock-fill dam, 70, 129 with asphaltum and burlap, 129 Core-walls of masonry or concrete seldom watertight, 186, 451 Cornell University, N. Y., 302, 309 Cost data: Agua Fria dam, Ariz., 279 Ash Fork steel dams, 455 Ashokan dam, contract, 305 Assiout dam, Egypt, 391 Assouan dam, Egypt, 350 Austin dam, Texas, 314 Ban dam, France, 363 Barossa dam, Australia, 382 Bear Valley dam, cement for, 207 Bear Valley dam, complete, 249 Beetaloo dam, S. Australia, 386 Belle Fourche dam, 8. Dak., 443 Belubula dam, Australia, 386 Betwa dam, India, 376 Buena Vista Lake dam, Kern Co., Cal., 433 Burraga dam, Australia, 380 Burrator dam, England, 405 Cache la Poudre dam, Colo., 437 Canistear dam, New Jersey, 439 Cataract dam, Australia, 385 Catskill water-supply for New York City, 304 Cedar Grove dams, N. J., 441 Chartrain dam, France, 365 Colorado State dams, 439 Coolgardie dam, Australia, 384 Craig Goch and other Welsh dams, 408 Cross River dam, N. Y., 299 Curry Mine, high-pressure dam, 297 Cuyamaca dam, Cal., 424 Derwent Valley dams, England, 408 Escondido conduit, 4 dam, 11 Esperanza dam, Mexico, 527 Fossil Creek, Colo., 492 Furens dam, France, 362 Glenwild dam, Amsterdam, N.Y.,440 Granite Springs dam, Wyo., 322 Hemet dam, cost of cement, 239 Hinckston Run dam, Pa., 524 hydraulic sluicing, Canadian Pacific Ry., 192 560 INDEX. Cost data: Cost data: hydranlic sluicing, Northern Pacific Twin Lakes reservoir outlet and dam, Ry., 193 487 Northern Pacific Ry., Summary Tyler, Texas, hydraulic-fill dam, 94 of, 200 Wigwam dam, Conn., 312 Indian River dam, N. Y., 309 Ithaca dam, N. Y., 303 La Jalpa dam, Mexico, 347 Lake Carpa dam, Peru, 410 Lake Cheesman dam, Colo., 323 Lake de Smet, Wyo., 489 Lake Quisha dam, Peru, 410 La Mesa dam, Cai., 0& Laramie, Wyo., 489 Larimer and Weld natural reservoir, +88 Lauchensee dam, Germany, 393 Loveland, Wyo., 488 McCalls Ferry dam, Pa., 334 Mercedes dam, Durango, Mexico, 350 : Mercedes Yosemite dam and canal system, 432 New Croton dam, N. Y., 298 North dike, Wachusett dam, Mass., 443 Pacoima submerged dam, Cal., 275 Padavil earth dam in Ceylon (esti- mated), +17 Pas du Riot dam, France, 364 Pathfinder dam, Wyo., 341 Pedlar River dam, Lynchburg, Va., 334 Periyar dam, India, 377 Poona dam, India, 374 Remscheid dam, Germany, 393 Roosevelt dam, Ariz., 340 Round Hill dam, Pa., 331 Sacsa Lake dam, Peru, 413 Sand River dam, 8. Africa, 391 San José dam, Mexico, 532 Seligman dam, Ariz., 286 Shoshone dam, Wyo., 341 Sodom dam, N. Y., 307 Sweetwater conduit, north side, 237 cost of pumping, 236 dam, Cal., 225, 226 pipe system, 233 pumping plants and wells 236 Tansa dam, India, 372 Ternay dam, France, 363 Titicus dam, N. Y., 306 Villar dam, Spain, 359 Vyrnwy dam, England, 402 Wachusett dam, Mass., 329 Walnut Canyon dam, Ariz., 239 Williams dam., Ariz, 238 Cost of reservoir construction per acre- foot of capacity, tables of, 549 Cottonwood creek, San Diego Co., Cal., 24 Coventry, W. B., 205 Cracks, absence of, in Sweetwater dam, 232 Crafton, Cal., 247 Craig Goch dam, Wales, 405 Crane Valley, hydraulic-fill dam, Cal., 105 Craven, Alfred, 307 Croes, J. J. R., Member of Commission on. New Croton Dam, 451 Cross River dam, N. Y., 299 Croton Falls dam, N. Y., 301 Croton, Mich., 177 Crow Creek, Wyo., 317 “Crowder,” used for loading water with earth in ground sluicing, 132 Crowe, H. 8., 262 Crowell, F. Foster, 458 Crugnola, G., 371 Crushed stone macadam, for core-wall of earth and rock-fill dams, suggested, 451 Crystal Springs dam, old, 274 Cuevas, Luis S., 534 Curry Mine, high-pressure dam, 296 Curry Mine Norway, Mich., 294 Curtis, C. E., 499 Curved dams, 207 free from cracks, 209 Cuyamaca dam, Cal., 423 Cuyamaca reservoir, Cal., 233, 235 Davis, Arthur P., 284, 340 Davis, Chester B., 296 Davis, Jos. P., 329 Deflecting nozzles, hydraulic giants, 88 De la Barre, Wm., 464 Dei Gasco dam, Guadarrana river, Spain, 356 INDEX. Delocre, M., designer of Furens dam, 205, 208, 363 Denver Union Water Co., 62, 323 water-supply from South Fork of Platte river, 323 Derby, -England, supplied by Derwent dams, 408 Derwent Valley dams, England, 408 “Design and Construction of Dams,” by Edward Wegmann, C.E., 205 DeWeese dam, Colo., 325 Diagram of forces, reinforced concrete dams, 466, 469 Diaz, President Porfirio, Mexico, 346 Divers used for placing sheet-piles and concrete, 70 Dixville, N. H., earth dam, 543 Dobbins Creek, Yuba County, Cal., 115 Dodder River dam, Ireland, 449, and Plate 5 Douglas Lake reservoir, Colo., 491 Drainage in masonry dams, 399 Drainage of earth dam, Vallejo, Cal., 422 Duchesnay, Edmund, 192 Dudley, Arthur W., 543 Dulzvra Pass, Cal., 24, 28, 30 Duran, Carlos, 356 Durango, Colo. (power received from Animas dam), 84 Duryea, Edwin, Jr., 546 Early type of hydraulic-fill in Druid Lake dam, Md., 444 Earth core-wall in North Dike, Wachu- sett dam, 540 Earth dams: Apishapa State dam, Colo., 439 Ashti tank, India, 419 Belle Fourche dam, 8. Dak., 441 Bog Brook, N. Y., 307 Boss Lake State dam, Colo., 439 Buena Vista Lake dam, Cal., 433 Cache la Poudre dam, Colo., 437 Canistear dam, New Jersey, 439 Cauverypauk tank, India, 419 Cedar Grove dams, N. J., 440 Chollas Heights dam, Cal., 435 Chumbrumbaukum tank, India, 419 Cold Springs dam, Umatilla, Oregon, 444 Cuyamaca, Cal., 424 Dixville, N. H., 543 561 Earth dams: Druid Lake dam, Baltimore, Md., 444 Ekruk tank, India, 419 Glenwild dam, New York, 440 Hardscrabble State dam, Colo., 439 Hemet distributing-reservoir, 246 Indian river, N. Y., 308 in India, numbers estimated, 417 -419: John Days, Cal. (combination), 545 Laguna dam, Mexico, 167 Laramie River dam, Wyo., +40 Merced or Yosemite dam, +29 Monument Creek dam, Colo., 438 ‘Mudduk Masur tank, India, 419 North Dike, Wachusett dam, Mass., 443 Pilarcitos dam, Cal., 433 Ponairy tank, India, 419 Saguache State dam, Colo., 439 San Andrés dam, Cal., 434 Tabeaud dam, Cal., 434 Talla dam, Edinburgh, Scotland, 448 Vallejo dam, California, $22 various recent Indian dams, 448 Veranum tank, India, 419 Earthwork, delivery by baskets, Laguna dam, Mexico, 170 East Jersey Water Co., 439 Eastward, J. 8., 108 Echapré dam, France, 368 Eddy flume-gates, Indian River dam, 308 Eel river, Cal., 545 Einsiedel dam, Germany, 395 El Cajon valley, California, 213, 429 Elche dam, Spain, 357 Elder Creek, Wyo., 489 Electra, Cal., power house, 434 Ellsworth, Maine, reinforced dam, 471 El Molino dam, San Gabriel, Cal., 213 Emergency development of irrigation water to substitute for dry reser- voirs in California, +29 Engineering errors in ancient (‘eylon, +17 Engineering News, 45, 49, 1X8, 296, 297, 309, 310, 317, 366, 450, 451, 452, 459, 164, 546 Engineering Record, 42, 60, 188, 379, 391, 397, 405, 450, 511, 540, 543, 545 English dam (rock-fill), Cal., 63 English dams, 401 concrete . Enlargement of Sweetwater dam, Cal., 225 562 Ennepe dam, Germany, 398 Eschbach dam, Germany, 398 Eschbach valley, Germany, 398 Escondido, Cal., 2, 4 Esperanza dam, Mexico, 524 Espinal, France, site of Bousey dam, 365 Evaporation, Arrowhead reco.ds, 256 enormous, from Buena Vista reser- voir, Cal., 433 from Cuyamaca reservoir, 237, 426 from Sweetwater reservoir, 237 reservoirs in India, 419, 421 Excelsior Wood-stave Pipe Co., 296 Expansion movements of masonry dams, 208, 209, 379 Experiments by D. C. Henny on permea- bility of soils for Cold Springs dam, Oregon, 444 Experiments with models of masonry dams, 210, 211, 212 Failure of dams: Austin dam, Texas, 315 before water pressure was applied, 36 Bousey dam, France, 365 Cheesman Lake rock-fill dam, Colo., 62 English dam, California, 63 Habra dam, Algiers, 370 Hauser Lake dam, 464 Johnstown dam, Pa., 423 Lake Avalon dam, New Mexico, 49 Lynx Creek dam, Ariz., 290° original Lake Frances dam, Cal., 117 Puentes dam, Spain, 358 Snake Ravine dams, Cal., 182 Walnut Grove dam, Arizona, 53 Fanning, J. T., 312 Fargo, W. G., 180, 449 Farren, George, 208 Faucherie dam, Cal., 502 Fecht, H., 397 Fishway, 487 Fletcher, Prof. Robert, 543 Flexible core-walls, of reinforced concrete, 450 of brick laid in asphaltum, 450 Flinn, Alfred D., 306, 329 Flood discharge: Bear Valley reservoir, Cal., 248 Cherry Creek, Colo., in 1900, 40 Drac river, France, 367 INDEX. Flood discharge: Eel river, Cal., 545 of Missouri river over Hauser Lake dam, 463 Oigawa river, Japan, 541 over Vir weir, Bhatgur dam, 375 Pecos river, N. Mex., 44, 49, 53 Periyar river, India, 376 River Nile, Egypt, 389 Sweetwater river, Cal., 225, 248 Tuolumne river, Cal., 255 Yelwand river, India (Bhatgur dam), 374 Zuii river, N. M., 75 Folsom dam (masonry) at Folsom prison, Cal., 262 Forchheimer, Prof., 208, 371 Forest Preserve Board of New York, 309 Fort Collins, Colo., 491 Fortier, Samuel, 60, 202 Fossil Creek reservoir, 492 Francis, Geo. B., 336 Franz Joseph, or Komotau dam, 398 Fraser river canyon, B. C., 190 Freeman, John R., 305 French dams, in France, 359 in Algeria, 370 Frizell, Jos. P., 312 Frog Tanks reservoir-site, Ariz., 279, 284 Fteley, Alphonse, 299, 307, 329 Fuelbecker dam, Germany, 398 Fuertes, Prof. E. A., 310 Furens dam, St. Etienne, France, 362 Gabbro granite, 319 Gawler, S. Australia, 380 Geddes & Seerie, 323, 341 Geelong dam, Australia, 386 General Electric Company, 108 Genoa, Italy, supplied by Gorzente dam, 369 German dams, 393 Gila Valley, Ariz., 279 Gileppe dam, Belgium, 399 Giants Tank dam, Ceylon, India, 417 Glacial flour, 485, 487 Glorbach dam, Germany, 398 Goodale, W. W., 134 Gore, William, 212 Gorzente dam, 369, 370 Gould, E. Sherman, 186, 188 INDEX. Gowan, Chas. 8., 299, 307 Graeff, M., 362 Gran Cheurfas dam, Algiers, 371 Grand Rapids-Muskegon Power Co., 177 Grand river, Mich., 180 Granite Reef dam, Ariz., 499, 518 Granite Springs dam, Wyo., 317 Gravel preferred for dams, tests of, etc., 202 Great Plains Water Co., Colo., 490 Greenalch, Walter, 309 Gregory, C. E., 306 Grenoble, France, 368 Gros Bois dam, France, 359 Ground ssluicing, one of hydraulic-fill processes, 131 Yorba dam, Cal., cost of, 172 Grunsky, C. E., 422 Guadalantin river, Spain, 358 ‘Guadarana river, Spain, 356 ‘Guanajuato, Mexico, 346 Habra dam, Algiers, 209, 370 Hageman canals, N. M., 51 Haglee dam, Derwent Valley, Eng., 408 Hall, B. M., eng., U. S. Rec. Service, 49, 451 Hall, N. L., 343 Hall, Wm. Ham, 254, 393, 449 Hamiz dam, Algiers, 209, 371 Harper, J. B., engineer, Zufii dam, 74 Harrison, Chas. L., 323 Harrison, E. W., 326 Hasperbach dam, Germany, 398 Hassayampa river, Ariz. (Walnut Grove dam), 53 ‘Hauser Lake steel dam, Helena, Mont., 459 Hayward, R. F., 172, 499 Helena, Mont., 464 Helena river, Australia, masonry dam, 211, 384 Hemet dam, Cal., 237 Henner dam, Germany, 398 Henny, D. C., 296, 444 Herbringhausen dam, Germany, 398 Herschel, Clemens, 202, 439 Highest dam in Spain, 357 Highest overflow weir in United States, 255 ‘Highlands, Cal., 247 ‘High-pressure mining dams, 296 563 Hijar City, Spain, 359 dams, Spain, 359 Hill, A., 374 Hill, George H., 405 Hill, Louis C., 340, 518 Hill, W. R., 299 Hinckston Run dam, Pa., 499, 518 Hodson, George and F. W., 402 Holbrook, Ariz., 286 Holyoke dam, Mass., 202 Honolulu, T. H., 127 Hooker, Elon H., 310 Hopkirk wood-stave pipe, reinforced, 510, 512 Hopson, E. G., 444 Horn, F. C., engineer, Minidoka dam, 80 Howden dam, Derwent Valley, Eng., 408 Howells, J. M., 90, 94, 98, 108, 117, 499, 549 Hudson Canal and Reservoir Co., 338 Hutchison, Dr. Cary T., 334 Hyde, F. 8., 172, 426 Hydraulic elevator, used in Brazilian dam construction, 538 Hydraulic-fili dams: Acatlan, Mexico, 167 Crane Valley, Cal., 109 Croton, Mich., 177 Lake Frances, Cal., 115 Little Bear Valley, Cal., 180, 545 Los Reyes, Mexico, 152 Lyons, Mich., 180 Milner, Idaho, 125, 514 Necaxa, Mexico, 152, 524 Nuuanu, Honolulu, T. H., 136 principles defined, 85, 86, 87 Roland Park, Baltimore, Md., 546 San Leandro, Cal., 89 Santo Amaro, Brazil, 146, 535 Silver lake, Los Angeles, Cal., 174 Swink, Colo., 176 Temescal, Cal., 89 Terrace, Alamosa river, Colo., 139 Tezcapa, Mexico, 152, 167 Waialua, Hawaii, 127 plantation dams, 134 Yorba, Cal., 172 Hydraulic giant, or monitor, 88 Hydraulic lime, used in Habra dam, Algiers, 371 used in Periyar dam, India, 376 Hydraulic sluicing at Seattle, Wash., 509 564 Hydraulic-sluicing of railway embank- ments, 90 Hydrographic Commission of Peru, 415 Idaburn dam, New Zealand, dry wall, concrete face, 82 Ideal conditions for hydraulic-fill dam building stated, 123 Illustration of typical earth dams, 449 Imitation of hydraulic-fill dam in Scot- land, 449 India dams, 372 Indian Creek dam, Connellsville, Pa., 330 Ingham, W., 391 Institution of Civil Engineers of Great Britain, 356 Intze, Prof., 208, 395 Irrigation of cotton from reservoir water in Mexico, 355 of sugar-cane in Peru, 414 Italian dams, 369 Ithaca dam, N. Y., 302 N. Y., Water Company, 304 Jackson, J. F., 458, 462 Japanese hydraulic-fill dam, 540 Jaycox, T. W., State engineer of Colo- rado, 142, 146 Jelly models of masonry dam, 212 Jersey City Water Supply Co., 326 John Days dam, Cal., 545 Johnstown, Pa., 499 Jubach dam, Germany, 398 Juniata dam, 477, 478, 479 Katonah, N. Y., 299 Kkeukonahua Gulch, Hawaii, 127, 128 Kearney, Chas. H., 409 Kellogg, H. Clay, 128, 136, 172 Kellogg, L. G., 127, 136 Kelly, Wm., 297 Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins Contracting Co., 341 Kingman submerged masonry dam, Ariz., 285 Kkomotau dam, Austria, 308 Koolau Mountains, Hawaii, 128 Krantz, J. B., 208, 363 La Grange masonry dam, Cal., 256 Lagunas Huarochiri, Peru, 409 La Jalpa dam, Mexico, 346 Lake Avalon rock-fill dam, N. M., 43 INDEX. Lake Carpa dam, Peru, 410 Lake Cheesman dam, Colo., 323 Lake Como, Bitterroot Valley, Mont., 483 Lake Frances hydraulic-fill dam, Cal., 115, 509 Lake McMillan, rock-fill dam, N. M., 50 La Mesa hydraulic-fill dam, Cal., 94 Lance, John, 331 Land, Gordon, 437 La Prele dam, Wyo., 480 Laramie river, Wyo., 440 Larimer and Weld natural reservoir, 488 Lauchensee dam, Germany, 397 Leakage, Escondido rock-fill dam, 9 Leakage from Walnut Canyon reservoir, excessive, 290 Leakage of masonry under 640 ft. head, 295 Leakage through concrete core-walls, 545 Leeming dam, Ireland (no core-wall), 449: Leicester, England, supplied by Derwent dams, 408 Lerma river, Mexico, 346 Lewis Construction Company, 512 Limiting height of earth dams, 188 Lingese dam, Germany, 398 Lippincott, J. B., 182, 256 Litigation over flowage tract, Sweetwater dam, 323 Little Bear Valley dam, Cal., 180 Liverpool, England, supplied by Vyrnwy dam, 401 Llannefydd dam, Wales, examples of very deep core trench, 449 Llewellyn Iron Works, Los Angeles, 340 Lloyd Copper Co., N. 8. W., Australia, 379 Loch Island Reavy dam, Ireland (no core- wall), 449 Loess, or wind-borne soil, for dams, 125 Logway, Indian River dam, 308 Los Angeles, Cal., 493 Lost Canyon natural dam, Colo., 494 Loughborough, England, supplied by Blackbrook dam, 402 Lozoya dam, Spain, 359 Lux vs. Haggin, a cause celebre, 433 Lynn, Mass., earth dam with concrete core-wall, 545 Lynx Creek masonry dam, Arizona, 290 Lycn’s Peak, San Diego Co., Cal., 24 Lyons dam, Mich., 449 INDEX. McCall’s Ferry dam, 332 McCulloh, Walter, 307 McHenry, E. H., 197 McReynolds, O. O., 485 MacArthur Bros. Company, 299, 305 Mackenzie, A. T., 377 ‘Madrid, Spain, supply from Rio Lozoya dam, 359 Manchester, England, supplied by Thirl- mere dam, +05 Manila, P. I., 343 Mansergh, James, 187, 403, 408 Mariquina river, P. I., 343 Martinez del Rio, Sefior Pablo, 349 Martin, James Wm., 499, 518 Martin river, Spain, 359 Masonry or concrete dams: Agua Fria, Ariz., 279 Alicante, Spain, 357 Almanza, Spain, 357 Ashokan, N. Y., 304 Assiout, Egypt, 390 Assouan, Egypt, 388 Austin, Texas, 312 Avignonet, Drac river, France, 365 Ban, St. Chamond, France, 363 Barossa, Gawler, South Australia, 380 Basin creek, Mont., 296 , Bear Valley, Cal., 246 Beetaloo, Australia, 386 Belubula, Australia, 386 Betwa, India, 375 Bhatgur, India, 374 Blackbrook, Loughborough, England, 402 Boonton, Jersey City, N. J. 325, Bousey, Epinal, France, 365 Bridgeport, Conn., 310 Burraga, Australia, 379 Burrator, Plymouth, England, 403 Catawba river, 8. C., 336 Chartrain, Roanne, France, 365 Chazilly, Sabine river, France, 362 Cheesman lake, Colo., 325 Connellsville, Pa., 330 Cornell University, N. Y., 309 Cototay, Chambon-Feugerolles, France, 364 Craig Goch, Birmingham, England, 405 Cross river, N. Y., 299 Croton Falls, N. Y., 301 "565 Masonry or concrete dams: Del Gasco, Spain, 356 diverting weir, San Diego Flume Co., Cal., 427 Djidionia, St. Aimé, Algiers, 372 Echapré, Firminy, France, 368 Einseidel, Chemnitz, Germany, 395 Elche, Spain, 357 El Molino, of San Gabriel, Cal., 213 Esperanza dam, Guinajuato, Mexico, 524 Folsom, Cal., 262 Furens, St. Etienne, France, 362 Geelong, Australia, 386 Gilleppe, Verviers, Belgium, 399 Gran Cheurfas, Mekerra river, Al- giers, 371 Granite Springs, Wyo., 317 Gros Bois, Brenne river, France, 362 Habra, Algiers, 370 Hamiz, Algiers, 371 Helena river, Australia, 211 Hemet, Cal., 237 Hijar, Martin river, Spain, 359 Huasca, Peru, 413 Indian river, N. Y., 308 Johannesburg, %. Africa, 391 John Days dam, Cal. (combination), 545 Kingman (submerged), -Ariz., 285 Komotau, Bohemia, Austria, 398 La Grange, Cal., 256 La Jalpa dams, Mexico, 347 Lake Carpa, Peru, 410 Lake Quisha, Peru, 411 Lauchensee, Germany, 397 Lennep, Germany, 397 Lozoya, Madrid, Spain, 359 McCalls Ferry, Pa., 332 Mariquina, Manila, P. I., 343 Meer Allum, Hyderabad, India, 378 Mercedes, Durango, Mexico, 350 Miodeix, Auvergne, France, 368 Morgan Falls, Atlanta, Ga., 334 Mouche, St. Ciergues, France, 365 New Croton, N. Y., 298 Nijar, Spain, 358 Old Mission of San Diego, Cal., 213 Olla dams, Guanajuato, Mexico, 529 Pacoima (submerged), Cal., 274 Parnahyba, Brazil, 409 Pas ‘lu Riot, St. Etienne, France, 364 566 Masonry or concrete dams: Pathfinder, N. Platte river, Wyo., 341 Pedlar river, Lynchburg, Va., 334 Periyar, India, 376 Pont, Semur, France, 364 Poona, India, 373 Portland, Ore., 292 Puentes, Spain, 358 Remscheid, Germany, 393 Rio das Lages, Brazil, 408 Roosevelt, Ariz., 338 Round Hill, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 331 Sacsa, Peru, 411 San José dam, San Luis Potosi, Mex- ico, 531 San Mateo, Cal., 267 Sand river, Port Elizabeth, 8. Africa, 391 Seligman, Ariz., 285 Settons, Yonne river, France, 365 Shoshone, Wyo., 340 Sioule, France, 368 Sodom, N. Y., 307 Solingen, Germany, 396 Swansea, Wales, 403 Sweetwater, Cal., 210, 213 Tansa, Bombay, India, 372 Ternay, France, 363 Thirlmere, Manchester, England, 405 Titicus, N. Y., 306 Tlelat, Sante Barbe, Algiers, 372 Trap Falls, Bridgeport, Conn., 331 Turdine, Tarare, France, 368 Tytam, Hong Kong, China, 388 Upper Otay, Cal., 342 Urft, Aachen, Germany, 395 Val de Infierno, Spain, 358 Verdon, Aix, France, 363 ° Villar Rio Lozoya, Spain, 259 Vingeanne, Baissey, France, 363 Wachusett, Mass., 329 Walnut Canyon, Ariz., 288 Wigwam, Conn., 312 Williams, Ariz., 288 Zola, Aix, France, 362 Maxwell, J. P., 438 Meavy river, England, 403 Meer Allum dam, India, 378 Mekena river, Algiers, 371 Mendocino County, Cal., 545 Mercedes dam, Durango, Mexico, 349 Methods of constructing earth dams, 422 INDEX. Metropolitan Water Board, Mass., 327 ‘Mexican dams, 346 Middleton, Reginald, E., 187, 450 Mills, Hiram F., 329 Milner, Idaho, 68, 499 Minidoka, Idaho, 79 Mining dams of masonry under enormous head, 295 Miodeix dam, Auvergne, France, 368 Miscellaneous data, Chapter VIII, 497 Mission dam of San Diego, Cal., oldest in State, 213 Models of masonry dams, experiments on stresses in, 210 “Modern Mexico,” periodical, 349 Modesto canal, Cal., 259 Modesto irrigation district, 259, 262 Mohave river, Cal., 180 Molesworth, Guilford L., 205 Moncrieff, J. C. B., 386 Monegre river, Spain, 357 Montgolfier, M., 363 Morgan, Joseph, 187 Mouche dam, Haute Marne, France, 209, 366 Mountain creek, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., 192 Mount San Jacinto, 246 Mount Tabor, Portland, Ore., reservoir, 292 Mousam river, Maine, 81 Murphy, E. C., 49 Mulholland, Wm., 174 Mutha river, India (Poona dam), 374 Nagle & Leonard, contractors for Walnut Grove dam, 55, Nashua river, Mass., 327 National City, Cal., 215, 229, 231 National School of Engineering, Mexico, 352 Natural reservoirs, 483 Douglas lake, Colo., 491 Fossil Creek, Colo., 492 gravel bed storage, 492 King, Colo., 490 Lake Como, Mont., 484 Lake de Smet, Wyo., 489 Larimer, Wyo., 489 Larimer and Weld reservoir, Colo., 488 Lost Canyon, natural dam, Colo., 494 Loveland, Colo., 488 INDEX. Natural reservoirs: Marston lake, Colo., 488 Nee Gronda, Colo., 490 Nee Noshe, Colo., 490 Nee Skah, Colo., 490 Nee Sopah, Colo., 490 Oregon Basin, Wyo., 491 San Bernardino Valley, 493 Twin Lakes, Colo., 484 Upper San Gabriel Valley, Cal., 493 Nazas river, Mexico, 349 Needle gates, Indian River dam, N. Y., 308 New Zealand, Idaburn dam, 82 Newark, N. J., supplied by Cedar Grove dams, 440 Newell curve of run-off as related to rain- fall, 426 Newell, F. H., 340 Nicholson, W. D.,454 Nira canal, India, 375 North Bloomfield Mining Co., 67 Northern Pacific Ry., hydraulic-fills on, 193 Norway, Mich., mining dam, under high head, 296 Nottingham, England, supplied by Der- went dams, 408 Nuuanu dam, Honolulu, T. H., 136 Oakland, Cal., 89 Oester dam, Germany, 398 Oigawa river, Japan, 540 Olive Bridge dam, Ashokan, N. Y., 305 Oregon Basin reservoir, 491 Orman & Crook, 443 O’Rourke, J. M., & Co., 340 Otay Creek, San Diego Co., Cal., 12 Otay dam, Lower, 12, 60 Ottley, Sir John W., K.C.LE., 212 Outlet pipes, Hauser Lake dam, Mont., 463 Pacoima submerged dam, Cal., 274 Parker, M. 8., 60 Parnahyba, Brazil, 149 dam, Brazil, 409 Parsippany dyke, Boonton dam, N. J., 326 Parsons, Charles F., 302 Parsons, Wm. Barclay, 334 Pasaje, Mexico, 350 Patapsco, Md., reinforced concrete dam, 475 Patoni, Carlos, 356 567 Pearson, F. §., Dr.Sc., 149, 152, 409 Pearson, Karl, 210, 212 Pedlar River dam, Lynchburg, Va., 334 Peek, Geo. M., 84 Pelletreau, M., 208 Pennycuick, Cal., 377 Pen-y-Gareg dam, Wales, 405 Percentage of mortar in Mercedes dam, 352 Permeability of soils, experiments on, 445. Perris, Cal., 247 Periyar dam, India, 376 river, 376 Peruvian dams, 409 Pierce Co., John, 305 Pilarcitos dam, California, 433 Piney Creek, Wyo., 489 Pittsfield dam, Mass., 479 Plantation reservoir cheaply built by- sluicing, 134 Plasticine models of masonry dams, 212 Plymouth, England, supplied by Burrator- dam, 403 Port Elizabeth, 8. Africa, 391 Portland, Oregon, concrete dams, 292 Precipitation: at Bear Valley dam, Cal., 254 at Granite Springs dam, Wyo., 318 at Rowman dam, Cal., 65 at Séo Paulo, Brazil, 151 Catawba river watershed, S. C., 338 Cuyamaca dam, Cal., 1888 to 1896,. 426 in Eastern New Mexico, 52 in Japanese Alps, 543 on Koolau Mountains, Hawaii, 128 on Spring Valley Water Co.’s water~ sheds, 274 record for ten years, Bear Valley,. Cal., 252 Sweetwater river shed, Cal., 235 Tansa dam watershed, India, 373 Turbio river, Mexico, 346 Prendergast & Clarkson, -341 “Presa de la Ollila,” Guanajuato, Mexico, 349 Principles of hydraulic-fill dam construc-. tion, 184 Principles of masonry dam designing, 205,. 206 Pumping from bed of Sweetwater reser-. voir, 235 # p68 Pumping liquid earth to build a dam, 174, 175 Pumping salt water for sluicing in Seattle, 514 Pumping water for dam _ building by sluicing, 111, 118, 138, 172, 179 Queis dam, Germany, 398 Quinton, John H., 80 Rafter, Geo. W., 309 Railroad gates for reservoir outlets, 437 Rainfall, sce Precipitation. Rand Mines, 8. Africa, 391 Rankine, Prof. W. J. M., 205 Record of progress in sluicing, Santo Amaro dam, Brazil, 538 Reinforcement of concrete dam, Burraga Australia, 380 Remscheid, Westphalia, Germany, 208, 393 Rennselaer gate-valves, 322 Reservoir capacity: Agua Fria dam-site, 284 Alicante dam, Spain, 357 Arrowhead Res. Co.’s Little Bear Valley dam, Cal., 182 Ash Fork dam, Ariz., 282, 455 Ashokan dam, N. Y., 304 Ashti tank, India, 421 Assouan dam, Egypt, 388 Austin dam, Texas, 314 Barossa dam, Australia, 380, 382 Barrett dam, Cal., 30 Basin Creek dam, Butte City, Mont., 294, 296 Bear Valley dam, Cal., 254 Beetaloo dam, §. Australia, 386 Relle Fourche dam, South Dakota, 442 Belubula dam, Australia, 386 Betwa dam, India, 376 Bhatgur dam, India, 374 Blackbrook dam, England, 402 Boonton dam, N. J., 325 Bousey dam, France, 365 Bowman dam, Cal., 65 Boyd’s Corner dam, N. Y., 308 Bridgeport dam, Conn., 310 Burraga dam, Australia, 379 Burrator dam, England, 405 Cache Ja Poudre dam, Colo., 437 INDEX. Reservoir capacity: Canistear dam, New Jersey, 439 Cataract dam, Australia, 384 Cedar Grove dams, Newark, N. J., 441 Chartrain dam, France, 365 Cher dam, France, 369 Chumbrumbaukum tank, India, 419 Cold Springs dam, Umatilla, Oregon, 444 Colorado State dams, Colo., 439 Connellsville dam, Pa., 330 Coolgardie dam, Helena river, Aus- * tralia, 384 Craig Goch dam, Wales, 405 Cross River dam, N. Y., 299 Croton Falls dam, N. Y., 301 Cuyamaca dam, Cal., 426 DeWeese dam, Wet Mt. Valley, Colo., 325 Djidionia dam, Algiers, 372 Douglas lake, Colo., 491 East Canyon Creek, Utah, 58, 60 Echapré dam, Trance, 369 Einseidel dam, Germany, 395 v Ekruk tank, India, 419 English dam, Cal., 63 Esperanza dam, Mexico, 527 Eureka Lake dam, Cal., 504 Faucherie dam, Cal., 504 Fossil Creek, Colo., 492 Furens dam, France, 363 Gileppe dam, Belgium, 399 Glenwild dam, New York, 440 Gorzente dam, Italy, 370 Gran Cheurfas dam, Algiers, 372 Granite Springs dam, Wyo., 318 Habra dam, Algiers, 370 Hemet dain, Cal., 246 Hijar dams, Spain, 359 Huarochiri lakes, Peru, 410 Idaburn dam, New Zealand, 82 Indian River dam, N. Y., 309 Johannesburg dam, S. Africa, 393 Kkomotau dam, Austria, 398 Lagolungo dam, Italy, 369 Laguna dam, Mexico, 170 La Jalpa dam, Mexico, 347 Lake Avalon dam, 46 Lake Carpa, Peru, 411 Lake Cheesman dam, Colo., 323 Lake de Smet, Wyo., 489 Lake Frances dam, Cal., 116 INDEX. 569 Reservoir capacity: Lake Huasca, Peru, 413 Lake McMillan, 50 Lake Quisha, Peru, 411 Lake Sacsa, Peru, 411 La Mesa dam, Cal., 104 Laramie, Wyo., 489 Laramie River dam, Wyoming, 440 Larimer and Weld reservoir, Colo., 488 Lauchensee dam, Germany, 397 Lennep dam, Germany, 397 Los Reyes dam, Mexico, 171 Lost Canyon dam, Colo., 495 Loveland reservoir, Colo., 489 Mariquina dam, Manila, P. I., 343 Marston lake, Colo., 488 | Meer Allum dam, India, 379 Mercedes dam, Mexico, 355 Merced- Yosemite reservoir, Cal., 432 Morena dam, Cal., 31 Mudduk Masur tank, India, 419 Necaxa dam, Mexico, 152 New Croton dam, N. Y., 299 Nijar dam, Spain, 358 Nuuanu dam, T. H., 136 Ondenon dam, France, 369 Pacoima submerged dam, 277 Pas du Riot, France, 364 Pathfinder dam, Wyo., 341 Pedlar River dam, Va., 334 Periyar dam, India, 376 Pilarcitos dam, Cal., 434 Poona or Lake Fife dam, India, 374 Portland dams, Ore., 292 Redridge dam, Mich., 458 Remscheid dam, Germany, 393 Rio das Lages dam, Brazil, 408 Roosevelt dam, Ariz., 338 Round Hill dam, Pa., 331 San Andrés dam, Cal., 434 San José dam, Mexico; 533 San Leandro dam, Cal., 90 San Mateo dam, Cal., 268 Sand River dam, 8. Africa, 391 Santo Amaro dam, Brazil, 151 Seligman dam, Ariz., 238, 282 Shoshone dam, Wyo., 341 Silver Lake dam, Cal., 175 Sodom dam, N. Y., 307 Sweetwater dam, Cal., 218, 225, 231 Swink dam, Colo., 177 Reservoir capacity: Tabeaud dam, Cal., 434 table of, mining reservoirs in Califor- nia, 68 Tansa dam, India, 373 Ternay dam, France, 563 Terrace dam, Colo., 146 Tlelat dam, Algiers, 372 Trap Falls dam, Conn., 331 Turdine dam, France, 368 Twin Lakes, Colo., 484, 485 Tyler dam, Texas, 93 Upper Otay dam, Cal., 342 Victor dam, Colo., 84 Villar dam, Spain, 359 Vyrnwy dam, Wales, 402 Waialua reservoir, Hawaii, 128 Walnut Canyon dam, Ariz., 288 Wigwam dam, Conn., 312 Williams dam, Ariz., 238, 282, 286 Yuba dam, Cal., 172 Zuni dam, N. M., 79 Reservoir capacity, tables of: Barrett reservoir 555 Bear Valley reservoir, 556 Cuyamaca reservoir, 554 Escondido reservoir, 551 Lake Hemet reservoir, 552 La Mesa reservoir, 562 Little Bear Valley reservoir, 553 Lower Otay reservoir, 551 Morena reservoir, 551 Pauba reservoir, 554 Roosevelt reservoir, 556 Sweetwater reservoir, 553 Upper Otay reservoir, 555 Redridge steel dam, Mich., 456 Reuss, M. G., 364, 369 Reinforced concrete dams at: Colliers, N. Y., 465 Danville, Ky., 465 Dellwood, Il., 465 Douglas, Wyo., 465 Ellsworth, Maine, 465 Fenelon Falls, Ontario, Can., 465 Gloucester, Mass., 465 Goffston, N. H., 465 Grays, N. Y., 465 Horseshoe, N. Y., 465 Huntingdon, Pa., 465 Ilchester, Md., 465 Newton, Mass., 465 570 Reinforced concrete dams at: Pittsfield, Mass., 465 Ramapo, N. Y., 465 Ricketts, Pa., 465 Russell, Mass., 465 Schuylerville, N. Y., 465 Sheldon Springs, Vt., 465 Theresa, N. Y., 465 Wilton, N. H., 465 Woodstock, Vt., 465 Woonsocket, R. I., 465 Reyes, Sebastien, 534 Richardson, Thos. F., 330 Ridgway, M. R., 307 Rimac river, Peru, 409 Rio das Lages dam, Brazil, 408 Rio de Janeiro Tramways Light and Power Co., 408 Riprap on earth portion, Castlewood dam, Colo., 37 Robinson, Col. E. N. (chief engineer, Walnut Grove dam), 55 Rockaway river, N. J., 327 Rock-fill dams: Alfred, Me., dry wall, concrete face, 81 Animas dam, Colo., plank face, 84 Bowman, Cal., 65 Chatsworth Park, Los Angeles Co., Cal., 34 classified, 1, 2 East Canyon Creek, Utah, 58 English, Cal. (timber crib), 63, 507 Escondido district, Cal., 2 Eureka Lake dam, Cal., 504 Lake Avalon, N. M., original, 43 reconstruction, 49 Lake McMillan, N. M., 50 Lower Otay, Cal., 60 Milner, Idaho (combination type), 68 Minidoka, Idaho (combination type), 79 Morena, San Diego Co., Cal., 30, 33 Pecos Valley system, N. M., 43 Roswell, Ga., plank face, 82 Victor, Colo., steel face, 83 Waialua dam, Hawaii (combination type), 127 Walnut Grove, Ariz., 53, 514 Weaver Lake dam, Cal., 504 Zuni, N. M., (combination type), 74 Rock Hill, 8. C., power plant, 336 INDEX. Rogers, J. B., 393 Roland Park, Md., hydraulic-fill dam, 546 Roosevelt dam, Arizona, 338 Roswell, Georgia, 82 Roswell, N. M., 51 Rotten Park dam, England (no core-wall), 449 Round Hill dam, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 331 Run-off: Agua Fria river, Ariz., estimated, 282 Bear Valley reservoir, estimated, 256 Catawba river, 8. C., 338 Crow Creek, Wyo., 318 Crystal Springs reservoir, San Mateo, 272 Cuyamaca reservoir, 235 Cuyamaca reservoir-basin, 427 Fall Creek, Ithaca, N. Y., 309 Habra river, Algiers, 371 Kaukonahua Gulch, Hawaii, 128 Kern river, Cal., 433 Mercedes dam, Mexico, 355 Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, 136 of Twin Lakes, Colo., watershed, 484 Sweetwater river, Cal., twenty years’ record, 233 Tansa dam shed, 373 Zuii river, Ariz., 79 Sacramento wash, Ariz., 286 St. Ciergues, France, site of Mouche dam, 367 St. Dionigi, Algiers, 371 Salt river, Ariz., 338 Salts leached out in hydraulic sluicing, 447 San Andrés dam, California, 433 San Bernardino Valley, Cal., 493 San Diego Flume Co.’s diverting weir, 427 San Diego Land and Town Co., 215 San Fernando Valley, Cal., 275, 493 San Gabriel Valley, Cal., 493 San Jacinto Mountains, 238 San Juan Co., Colo., 84 San Leandro, Cal., 89 San Leandro dam, Cal., 89 dam (earth), 89, 188 San Luis Potosi, Mexico, supplied by San José dam, 534 San Luis Valley, Colo., 139 San Mateo dam, Cal. (concrete), 267 Sand River dam, South Africa, 391 Sand-washing device, Hemet dam, 239 INDEX. 571 Sandeman, Edward, 403 Santa Ana river, Cal., 172 Santa Eulalia river, Peru, 409 Santa Fé Pacific Railway, dams for water- supply, 282 Santo Amaro dam, Brazil, 146 Sao Paulo, Brazil, 146 Tramways Light and Power Co., Brazil, 409 Savage, H. N., 27, 225, 226, 236, 341, 436 Sazilly, M., author of paper on ‘Masonry Dams in 1853,” 205 Schulze, Oscar, 386 Sears, Walter H., 299, 301 Seattle, Wash., hydraulic dredging at, 201 regrading of city by sluicing, 509 Sedimentation of Sweetwater reservoir in twelve years, 236 Seligman dam, Ariz., 283 Semur, France, 364 Sengbach dam, Germany, 398 Settons dam, France, 367 Seymour, J. J., 108 Shaler, Ira A., 310 Shaner, H. L., 334 Shear board method of building slopes in hydraulic-fill dams, 547 Sheepstor (earth) dam, England, 403, 405 Sheet-piling, triple-lap, in Laramie River dam, 440 Sheffield, England, supplied by Derwent Valley dams, 408 Sherrerd, M. R., 441 Shirreffs, Reuben, 329 Shoshone dam, Wyo., 340 Shutter, movable, on crest of Folsom dam, 264 Silt carried by various rivers, 315 deposit, Austin dam, Texas, 315 in Alicante dam, Spain, 357 in Mercedes reservoir, Mexico, 356 Silver Lake dam, Los Angeles, Cal., 174 Silverton, Colo., power received from Animas dam, 84 Sioule dam, France, 368 Six-Mile Creek, Ithaca, N. Y., 302 Slip of a portion of North Dike, Wachu- sett dam, Mass., 443 Slips in earth dams, common in India, 446 Slips in earth dams in India, 422 Slopes for earth dams proposed by W. L. Strange, 446 Sluice-water supply ditch, 155 Smith, Capt. R. Baird, 417 Smith, Edwin F., 451 Smith, J. Waldo, 299, 301, 305, 327 Smith mechanical concrete mixers, 322 Snake Ravine hydraulic-fill dam s, failure of, 182 Snake river, Idaho, 68 Sodom dam, N. Y., 307 Solbach dam, Germany, 398 Solingen dam, Germany, 396 Soluble salts a cause of earth slips in dams, 447 Southern California Co. 12, 28, 342 South Fork of Eel river, Cal., 545 Spanish dams, 356 Spier Falls dam, N. Y., 301 Spillways of earth dams, lack of sufficient capacity principal cause of failure, 423 Spring Valley water works, San Fran- cisco, 267 State prison, Folsom, Cal., 264 Standard Electric Co., 434 Steam-plows for ground-sluicing, 132 Stearns, Frederick P., 305, 329 Steel dams, 453 Ash Fork, Ariz., 453 Hauser Lake, Helena, Mont., 459 Redridge, Mich., 456 Steel sheet-piles for core-walls, 449 Friestedt patent, 462 Stephens, George Henry, 390 Stokes, Frederick W. 8., 390 Stoney roller gates, Assouan dam, 389 Storage reservoirs on Santa Fe Railway, 284 Storrow, Samuel, 497 Strange, William L., 446 Stratification in hydraulic-fill dams, 185 prevention of, 110, 124 Stubden dam, Ireland (no core-wall), 449 Subsidiary weir, Betwa dam, 376 Superiority of hydraulic method, illus- trated, 540 Susquehanna river power development, 332 Swansea dam, Wales, 403 Sweet, Elnathan, 451 Sweetwater dam, 207, 209, Sweetwater river, Wyo., 341 Mountain Water 572 Swink, Senator G. W., 177 Swink’s hydraulic-fill dam, Colo., 176 Sydney, N. 8. W., supplied by Cataract dam, 384 : Tabor, E. F., 436 Tacoma, Wash., hydraulic filling at, 201 Tahquitz Peak, Hemet watershed, 246 Tait, Wm. A. P., 448 Tansa dam, Bombay, India, 372 Teichman, F., 340 Temperature changes and movements in masonry dams, 208, 209, 380 Ternay dam, France, 363 Terrace dam, Colo., 139 Tests of strength of andesite stone, Mexico, 352 Thirlmere dam, England, 405 Tia Juana river, San Diego Co., Cal., 24 Tieté river, Sio Paulo, Brazil, 146, 409 Titicus dam, N. Y., 306 Tonto Creek, Ariz., 338 Torreon, Mexico, 350 Transporting rock by flume, 160 Trap Falls dam, Bridgeport, Conn., 331 Tuolumne river, Cal., 183, 254 Turbio river, Mexico, 346 Turdine dam, France, 368 Turlock Canal, capacity, 257 Turlock irrigation district, 182, 257, 262 Turner, W. T., 410 Twin Falls, Idaho, 499 Twin Falls Landand Water Co., Idaho, 68 Twin Lakes reservoir, Colo., 484 Tyler, Texas, hydraulic-fill dam, 96 Tytam dam, Hongkong, China, 388 Ulley dam, England (no core-wall), 449 and Plate 6 Umatilla, Oregon, irrigation of, U. 5. Rec. Serv., +414 Umpqua river, Oregon, natural dam, 483 Underflow of Agua Fria river, Ariz., 280 Union Colony of Greeley, Colo., 437 United States Reclamation Service, 49, 79, 338, 340 Urft dam, Germany, 395 Upper Crystal Springs dam, Cal., 449 Utah experiments, Utah Agricultural College, 202 INDEX. Vacuum on face of dam, relief of, 334 Vale House dam, England (without puddle-core), 449, and Plate 6 Vallejo dam, California, 422 Value, B. R., 334 Valve, balanced, for reservoir outlet, 62 Valves, wooden, for reservoir outlet, 56 Vehar dam, Bombay, India, 449 Verviers, Belgium, supplied by Gileppe dam, 399 Vierfontein Water Syndicate, 391 Vigay river, India, 376 Villar dam, Spain, 359 Vingeanne dam, France, 363 Vinolapo river, Spain, site of Elche dam, 358 Vischer, Hubert, 422 Voids in sand, method of determining, 321 Vollmer, George Frederick, 440 Von Segern Canyon, Escondido dam, Cal., 2 Vosges mountains, Germany, 397 Vyrnwy dam, Wales, 401 Wachusett reservoir, 306, 327 Wade, L. A. B., 385 Wagoner, Luther, 54, 55, 259 Wahiawa Colony, Hawaii, 127 Waialua hydraulic-fill dam, 127 Waianae mountains, Hawaii, 129 Walker, 8. G., 136 Walnut Canyon, masonry dam, Ariz., 288 Walnut Grove rock-fill dam, Ariz., 53 dam, wooden facing of, 55 Walzl, John H., 547 Warner’s Ranch, Cal., 5 Water cushion: Betwa dam, India, 376 Castlewood dam, 37 Sweetwater dam, 227, 229 Vir weir dam, India, 375 Water-plane through earth dams with core-walls, found by Commission reporting on New Croton dam, 451 Water power of Peruvian rivers, +15 Waterbury, Conn., 312 Watershed areas tributary to: Austin dam, Texas, 314 Ash Fork steel dam, Ariz., 455 Barrett reservoir, Cal., 28, 30, 33 Bear Valley dam, Cal., 254 INDEX. Watershed areas tributary to: Bowman dam, Cal., 19 Castlewood reservoir, Colo., 36 Catawba river, 8. C., 338 Chatsworth Park, Cal., 36 Cuyamaca reservoir, Cal., 233 Habra river, Algeria, 370 Hemet dam, Cal., 246 Hijar dams, Spain, 359 Lake Avalon and Lake MeMillan dams, N. M., 52 Lynx Creek dam, Ariz., 290 Merced river, Yosemite reservoir, 432 Morena reservoir, Cal., 33 Nuuanu reservoir, Honolulu, 136 Old Crystal Springs reservoir, 274 Pacoima Creek, 273 Periyar river, India, 377 Pilarcitos and San Andrés reservoirs, 274 Round Hill dam, Pa., 331 San Mateo Creek, 266 Seligman reservoir, Ariz., 287 Sodom dam, N. Y., 307 Sweetwater dam, Cal., 233 Tansa dam, India, 373 Wachusett dam, Mass., 327 Walnut Canyon dam, Ariz., 238 Walnut Grove dam, Hessayampa river, Ariz., 58 Williams dam, Ariz., 238 Zorillo Creek, Mercedes dam, Mexico, 349 ; Zuni reservoir, 79 Wegmann, Edward, 205, 356, 398 Weight of Ash Fork steel dam, 455 Welles, A. M., 42 Wells, L. W., 94 Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., 336 Wet Mountain Valley, Colo., 325 573 Wever, Benj. 8., 306 Wheatland, Wyo., 440 Whiting, J. E., 375 Wigwam dam, 312 Wilcocks, Sir William, 390 Wiley & Lewis., Inc., 497 Wiley, A. J., 317 Wiley, W. H., 491 Wiley, Wyoming, 491 Wilkesbarre, Pa., 331 Willamette river, Oregon, 292 Williams, C. G., 334 Williams dam, masonry, Ariz., 288 Williams, Prof. Gardner 8., 302 Wilson, H. M., 57, 205, 209, 372, 373, 377, 419, 421, 450 Wilson, John Sigismund, 212 Winston & Co., 299 Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Co., 455, 458, 459 Wooden dam, 503 Wooden-stave pipe, 296 Woodward, Silas H., 323 Wright irrigation district law, 2 Wyrill, R. H., 403 Yarrow dam, England, earth, with pud- dle-core, 449 Yelwand river, India (Bhatgur dam), 374 Yorba hydraulic-fill dam, Cal., 172 Yuba river, Cal., Middle Fork, 63 North Fork, 115 South Fork, 65 Zola dam, 207, 210, 362 Zorillo Creek, Mexico, 349 Zorn, G. W., 491 Zui dam (combination rock-fill, hydrau- lie-fill), 74 Zuni Indian Reservation, N. M., 74 oe ze rate pia . 0? 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