\\“ DVCO Ny y MY NY ASO FT OhaY CRRA Kecvy¥ Ca VAY AAS Faden y \“\ AN r YY RNAS \ AWW ANU AX O°O°OCO 6? \ \\ \\ \\ \\ _ ro AU \ ANY \ A SN Ni \\ \\ \ A \ \\ AA \\ << \ \ _ \ SS \ AY \ \ \ A AK \\ AI \ Seo : SHINE D Paste) se : o Dee ih tise eg ee a ee eae Cornell Aniversity Library TELE GLE Or a ee State Voeatkex AI2 University Library ac 984.M3A12 tii iii iu 004 018 8 enar U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU THE CLIMATOLOGY AND PHYSICAL FEATURES OF MARYLAND SECOND BIENNIAL REPORT OF THE MARYLAND. STATE WEATHER SERVICE FOR THE YEARS 1894 AND 1895, BALTIMORE 1896 PRESS OF THE FRIEDENWALD COMPANY BALTIMORE, MD. CONTENTS. PAGE DErtnR TO THE GOVERNOR, co. cuca ons eaeaeee asnaees 5 BOARD OF GOVERNMENT << pesdest cw says anveens secee as 7 List OF OBSERVERS: Observers of United States Weather Bureau,..... 8 Meteorolooics, OUST VERS, 44.00 chide etude wneewee 8 Weather Sienal Displayniens.MuOy Blackiston Smith . Benzinger PQRS EES om p coe o 2 a ra REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR. The Maryland State Weather Service, which was organized in May, 1891, under the joint auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, the Maryland Agricultural College, and the United States Weather Bureau, has been carried on since the Spring of 1892, by the same insti- tutions, under authority granted by the Legislature of the State, which at the same time appropriated a sum of two thousand dollars annually for the expenses of the work. This amount, which is intended primarily to defray the cost of printing, admits of the publication of a large amount of data relating to the climate and physical features of the State. Monthly Meteorological Reports, extending through- out the year, and Weekly Crop Bulletins, covering the growing and harvesting seasons, have been published. That these publications are appreciated by the people of the State is evidenced by the hearty support they have given in rendering information in regard to the weather and the crops, and by the general and complete publi- cation of reports by the newspapers of the State. Two thousand copies of each of the Meteorological Reports and Weekly Crop Bulletins have been printed and distributed. 18 MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. In addition to the regular issues, ten large Climatic Charts, with explanatory notes, have been published, which represent the seasonal and annual temperature and rainfall of the State. To these will be added shortly hypsometric and drainage maps, while others are in course of preparation. The presentation in this graphic manner of the typical features of Maryland climate will be much more readily comprehended than the tabulated statements, and it is intended to distribute them largely to the public schools and other educational institutions, as well as to the public generally. The Biennial Report to the last Legislature, entitled “The Climatology and Physical Features of Maryland,” contains a general review of the climate of the State. It is illustrated by maps, diagrams, and tables. This publication, which is distributed free, has been in much demand by those seeking information in regard to the climatic features of the State. The present Report is intended to give a later and more complete review of the climate of the State. It is illustrated by maps and tables which will give at a glance the most salient characteristics of Maryland cli- matology. These various regular and special reports have been sent widely throughout Maryland, into other States and to foreign countries. They have been most favorably received and have added largely to the spread of knowledge con- cerning the State of Maryland. This information would reach more widely those elements in foreign countries from whom immigration is REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR. 19 desired, if certain of the publications were translated into German and other languages. Letters, bearing upon this point, have been obtained from consuls in European countries, showing the important use to which the reports could be put if they were in the language of the people. The Maryland State Weather Service is similar in its organization and methods to like services in other States. The personnel consists of voluntary observers, who have been selected at favorable points throughout the State, and a corps of permanent observers who have been assigned from the National Bureau to take charge of the work at the central office. The stations connected with the service are of three classes: Ist. Those which report meteorological facts. 2d. Those which send crop notices. 38d. Those which dis- play signals. In a few instances the same person fulfills the duties of all three offices. Connected with the first class there have been 68 observers during the past year, with the second class 188 correspondents, and with the third class 52 display men—making 308 stations connected with the Maryland State Weather Service, besides the central office. To all of these the fullest praise is due for the important aid they have rendered in the prepara- tion of the weekly and monthly forms and publications since the organization of the service. Nearly all parts of the State are represented, and it is hoped that the number of observers will steadily increase until every section is provided for. Professor Milton Whitney continues, as Secretary and Treasurer, to represent the Maryland Agricultural College, 20 MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. and Dr. C. P. Cronk, as Meteorologist in charge, the U. 8. Weather Bureau upon the commission, of which the Director is the other member. The results of the past two years indicate a steady growth in the efficiency of the service, as well as an appreciation of its work among the citizens of the State. WILLIAM B. CLARK. THE PHYSICAL FEATURES OF MARYLAND. THE CLIMATE. The climate of Maryland in general is continental, although it is greatly modified in the eastern por- tion of the State by the ocean and the Chesapeake Bay, and in the extreme southeast becomes almost oceanic or insular, surrounded as the land is on nearly all sides by water. The State of Maryland contains the four following climatic divisions: EASTERN MARYLAND, SOUTHERN MARYLAND NORTHERN-CENTRAL MARYLAND—Piedmont Plateau. WESTERN MARYLAND—Appalachian Region. Coastal Plain. - The succeeding tables show the monthly, seasonal, and annual means of temperature and precipitation for the State and its different regions. and the accompanying charts graphically exhibit the distribution over the State of the annual and seasonal means: Monthly and Annual Means of Temperature. . w # a ane ei@|¢|4|2 g a oS a . o 3 @ 8 8 g Fay ele; 2/5/ 8/8/38) 8/8/28] 5] 2] & f/f) ela} se/6!15] 4] 8] és] e414) a STAT Bs iscaxiwee yes aes 81.9/33.3]/40.6]51.6/62.3/72.1175.1/73.5/67.2/54 6/438. 7/35 6 6/53 .4 Eastern Maryland...... 33.6/34.4/42.0]52.8/62.4/72.2/75.2/74.4|/68.5/55 .9145.3/37.6/54.5 Southern Maryland..... 33.6/35.5/42.4153 .6/64.1173.6/77.2/75.6)69.0/56.5/45.7/86.0/55.1 North-Central Maryland ee 4|32.9}39.3/50 8/62.0/71.7/75.2/72.6/66.1/55.1/43.0/35.2/52.8 Western Maryland...... 7 0/28.0/28.6/48.5'59.4/69.6/70.3/70.2/64.1/48.9/38.6/31.5/49.0 22 MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE, Monthly and Annual Means of, Precipitation. é 3 a | 3 Pl gl a |) | ola | || : a . ele elel a! slal el el al el els 2)/e)]al¢4}/e)/8)/8) 418) 65] 2)A8]e STAT Bice sacedieds ®e audeies 3.26/3.11]8.58)/3.71)3.93]/3.46/3.77|3 .68)/3.60/3.01/3.13/2.96)3 .44 astern Maryland .....|3.34/3.32/3.62/3.86]/3.89|2.82/3.89/3.85/3 .57/3.05/3.14/3.02/3.44 Southern Maryland..... 3.12/3.05/3 76/3.88)/4.23/3.43/3.93)/3.58)3 .69|3.04/3.39/2.85/3.52 North-Central Maryland|3.44/3.66|3.62|3.45/3 .80/3.78/3.84|3. 95/3 .83/3.15]3.17/3.17|3.52 Western Maryland...... 3.03}2.96/2.85/3.60/3.81/4.11/2.92/2.70/2.81/2.48/2.38|2.78|3.07 Seasonal Means of Temperature and Precipitation. MEAN TEMPERATURE. MEAN PRECIPITATION. K d H q | ee ae Wwe ae | ee H s a 2 g 3 a a | 2} e¢|2)]A ss] 8 oul 3) 8] g/s)s ie g ela }al|ei ial s Be! 6 ‘t Pp a a 2 o Sa oi els oH . UD Be, g eee] 35 q a Ble la) 2 tb | + A,B) Ss) R] sles! og re) 3S 3 o| oO |o] 38 © a SOjo|f@|)sa);Sia-| xa + veny Charles.... 20/88 81 |76 39 | 54.2/63.8]/44.5 84! 29 31) 11 53/3.21| 9} 11 Charlotte Hall 2 167/38 30 |76 44 | 52.2)63.5/40.9/84) 28 26] 3 58/8.10] 15) 12 Cherryfields... 20/88 11 [76 24 | 51.8)... |. [endaeeee [eee [anoees |e. (8.16) 18] 5 Solomon’s.... -!Calvert.. 20/38 19 |76 27 | 53.0/61.2)/44.7/80) 28 32) 38 48)3.14] 6) 11 EASTERN MD. AND DELAWARE. Easton .. . . 35/38 42/76 6 | 55.1/65.8 44.4/80) 27 30) 3 50/3.96] 14) 10) 6] 9/N.W. Mardela Spr. ' 25/88 30 |75 39 | 52.0)60.9/40.9/77| 28 26) 38 51/3.74| 10} 10) 10] 7|N.W. Pocomoke City... ++ (88 5/75 8 | 55.266.8/43.5/81) 2: 29) 3,9 | 52/8.22) 13 "] ie) 108. W. Newark, Del.!..... Newcastle... [..../84 41]75 44 | 49.3/59.5/89.2/78) 28 21, 3 57/3.38' 14, 5] 9} 6N.W. Kirkwood, Del. '*..|Newcastle....|....]89 35/75 41 | 50.4) ...]..../82| 28 30; 3 Be levee [lea et vevefevee| aos ferstese Wilmington, Del.?.|Newcastle 115/89 44 |75 33 52.0)65.0 42.2/81] 29 26, 3 §5/8.38} 13) 10) 7 9 - as Milford, Del.1....../Kent..........| 20/88 45/75 25 52.2, 63.4 41.8)/78) 27,28) 28) 3 50/4.40) 19 7 4) 10) _W. Millsboro, Del.? .../Sussex........ vee (B38 41/75 15! 51.3'61.9]40.9/81) 28 28) 3,7,9| 53/4.37) 15) 6} 9) 12,8. W. { VIRGINIA. Novfoliis. siascissialececs vassenece|, G06 BLIWG IF | S5.8L, 347.386) 26 87) 11 492.11; 16) 9 5) 10/N.W. Wareawxcrnens sonase Richwia wos fowes| cqaoma’l) svg iii 44.3/84) 28 29; 9 55/3.05] 11} 12) 7 8 ( Western Maryland...|.... 47.8)56.1/386.4)..] 0.00. [eceel ewes: 60.2)4.12/10.0} 9.3}10.7|12.0/S. W. | Northern-Cent’] Md.}.... 50.6/60.6 42.2 se aca 50-814.17 13.0/10.6] 6.4) 8.1)N.W. AVERAGES { Southern Maryland..|.... 52.8/63.0/42.9 seo (53.63.04/12.6] 9.2] 7.6] 9.0/N.W. East. Md.and Del....|.... 52.2/63.7/41.9 reeee {52.5]/3.78/14.0] 2.1] 7.9] 9.0/N.W. { Entire territory...... “— RO BOB AOSlaclaceees [oar lowaww, 54.2/3.'75/12.4| 9.3] 5.9] 9.5|/N.W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Meanof 7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4 *Meanof 8a.m.+8p.m.+2 *Meanof Ta.m.+ -m. + 2. me The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maximum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record ; for instance, “a denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of astation indicates that two or more observers, aS the case may be, are reporting from the same station. + Omitted in computing averages. 64 MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR MAY, 1894. TEMPERATURE. ie Max. Min. a oa 7 a é|8 2] 3 ¢ d bo | 3 io Bs ae = shee 6 é & | #i se On|. 3 a |B] E STATIONS. Countizs. |2 2: s = s/2)], 1B Bal wo ez -| 9) |e/2 alole| el] S186 os| 2 3 blala| oa a ml Ris | RIA IAS) & go} UO - a olo]o o = |e lap lp. ie] a se] 2 | 6) 2lalal#l ¢ #| ¢ |Blaieleis lee B 2 a a ee cee epi & o a/Sila|/H#|]s/eol & Ba; 8 5 o}/a@|/d|o| es lol & /Sl/olSiaelFlacl & 4 A QA | 4 14/2 )A) 9 18) 4 Azle /o]e]5 |x Au | WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside Garrett ....../2440/39°207|'79°287 8,18 | 28] 29 Oakland .. -/Garrett .. 2380/39 25 |79 20 Iv | 30) 29 Boettcherv .../Allegany . 900/39 33 |'78 48 36) 29 Cumberland (a)... |Allegany .....| 650/39 39 |78 46 1 | 33) 27 Cumberland (b)..../Allegany ..... 700/39 39 |78 45 1 | 38] 28 NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. Mt. St. Mary’s...... Frederick ....| 720/89 41 |77 21 | 64.8,73.2/56.5) 86) 2 | 47| 23 9) 15 Frederick ..... ..|Frederick ....| 280/39 24 /77 18 | 65.2)/75.2|55.3] 86] 2 | 42) 29 3] 14 New Market }*..... Frederick ....| 500/39 23 |77 18 | 63.8]....]....] 84/ 6 | 40) 1 3) 11 Taneytown......... Carroll..... ..|-+++ (89 40 [77 9 |....-- aiatsial| fecal} cava, wralaseet oesellasanes ne of dell era) Bachman’s Val.!*..|Carroll. . ..| ..-(89 40 77 1] 62.41....].-. | 84) 2 | 40] 29 10; 10 Fenby 1 .......008s Carroll....s.«.| 950/89 33/77 5 | 62-91....] «| 81) 1B | 40) 29 ll; 8 McDonogh .........|Baltimore ....] 535/39 23 |76 46 | e64.0)e72.3}e55.6) 84) 2 | 41] 30 oa viel ae Woodstock Coll.*./Baltimore ....| 392/89 19 |76 51 | 63.8] ...)/2.9} 78) 6 | 39] 29 7 14 Baltimore: aisciinss: |} gates, dpi vies 179/39 17 |76 36 | 65.3)74.0/56.6) 87) 2 | 43) 29 8} 11 Fallston 2* . .|Harford ..... | 450/39 81 |76 24] 62.6]....}....1 85] 2 | 41) 29 8} 12 Darlington Harford .....- 300/39 47 |76 14 | 62.8)72.5/53.0} 85] 2 | 40) 29 3} 10 Great Falls 5*...... Montgomery || 150/39 0 /77 14 | 66.1)... |....} 86) 2 | 46) 29 seeleceele SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Dist. Res., D. C.%.. 120/39 9 |77 0} 67.2].. 83} 2 | 46} 29 | 37|3.85). Rec. Res., D. C.5*.. 160/38 52 177 0} 66.1]....1.. | 88] 2 | 45) 29 | 38)/6.91). Washington, D.C..| .-. ... « 112/88 52 |77 0 | 65.9/75.7\56.1] 88} 2 | 41) 29 474.03 College Park ...... Pr. George’s .| 130/38 57 |76 50 | 63.8)/74.0|53.5| 86] 2 | 881 29 | 48/3.90).. Upper Marlboro ...|Pr. George’s .| 60/38 47 |76 45 | 66.2/76.8|55.5] 85] 1 | 40) 29 | 45]/4.48 Benedict............ Charles ...... | 20/38 81 |76 39 | 67.8]77.9/57.71 90] 3 | 42) 29 | 4814.64 Cherryfields 2*..... St. Mary’s 20/38 11 |76 24 | 66.0}....]...0| oe Jaren teaslierted. +++ (2.85 Solomon's .......... Calvert .+..+» | 20/88 19 |76 27 | 67.7!76.3/59.1] 87/ 2 | 44) 29 43 4.65 EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Piasbottagiavssaua vs Talbot........ 35/38 42 |76 6 | 67.5)/77.3157.7| 81] 18 | 47) 29 40/6.46) 12] 12 Mardela Spr........ Wicomico ....] 25/38 30 |75 39 | 65.0/75.0]55.0] 89] 18 | 45] 29 | 44/4.33) 12) 11 Pocomoke City ....)Worcester....]..../88 5/75 8 | 67.9)77.7/57.9| 87) 2 | 44) 1 435.18) 18) 12) Newark, Del....... Newcastle....]..../39 41 |75 44 | 62.0)71.8/52.2) 86) 2 | 41) 29 45/12.67) 13 1 ° Kirkwood, Del ®*..|Newcastle....|... /89 385 |75 41 | 66.3]...-] ..-| ..[sese |. i] cpveseboss eitiscedltaiacs wii waraalltisier, [Riegel iets Wilmington, Del ..|Neweastle.. f 66.6/77.9155.4] 91} 18 | 43) 29 48/11.99] 10) 12 Chestertown....... Kent ... 63.8)73.1|54.6] 84) 18 | 41) 1 436.67) 138) 1 Milford, Del........ Kent |. 65.2)74.5/65.9) 87/ 18 | 45) 1 4216.67) 12) 6 Seatord, Del........ Sussex . 65.4/76.4/54.4| 90} 18 | 42) 29 48/6.56 serferee| TB) eeeees Millsboro, Det...... Sussex 65.2)75.9]54.5} 89) 2 | 42) 16 477.20} 14 6] 11) 16] EB ¢ VIRGINIA. Norfolk sess vs. ddd |ieeew eae weeaaeas 43/36 51/7617 | 69.4/78.7%)60.0] 93) 18 | 49 1 44/3.47] 12) 13] 6) 11/S. E. Cape Charles.... . |Northampton!....|.....+|...6+ 67.8]... |47.5)]*8 8 | 40] 16 14/4.09]....Jec.efe. | 8) 8 Warsaw veces seve (RICHMONG cosa saya [senses |eeeres| 6802 Pact 93; 18 | 43} 29 50/4.47] 10) 17] 4) 8) S. Western Maryland ..|....|..-.+: 61.1)70.8 50.7 ++. /14.5/8. W. Northern-Cent’l Md sei 63.9) 73.4[55.0] 11.6)12.6/N.W. AVERAGES/ Southern Maryland.. esialeds 66.3) 76.1|56.4 10.8)12.2/S. E. | East. Md.and Del...|... | ..-..-]- 65.5)77.1)55.3]. 9.8) 13.9) seswnw | Entire territory...... sionays | geet 64.2/74.4/54.4 10.7|13.3)seswnw * Bxtremesof temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Meanof7a.m.+2p.m.4+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. ? Meanof8a.m.+8p.m.+2 %MeanofTa.m.+2p.m. +2. &Meanof8a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m. + 3. The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maximum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote tbe number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a”? denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name ofa station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. +} Omitted in computing averages. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS. 65 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR JUNE, 1894. TEMPERATURE. 8 Max. Min. a el a Oo = ° z Sell at e| 2 dj fle g| = 2 * : z r E ° a + d q 5 oO} oe STAaTIONs. Countiss. |2 eps. (ess 2/S)2) 6) 2 j8S| » a oO 3 a el ‘ 2; Pl EE Alsa s 3 fo 3 a) wlH]a n Bs a Ag! a ae] 3 |B) Pe] ers 3 S/R IF Al SITE g Be/ 3 |S |/e/a}f) ¢ |i ¢ |Selals#lal/3les| = Ba} 5 q g BS} se) | 5 bb) + Os) Sue =S/ Oo as| 3 3 3 o|/o/o}] a |o| @ S/o;/Sisz!iSis-| a < 4 4 = /2/a4/8] AQ |All Qa |S a|o|e/o le iv WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside.... ..... Garrett. .... |2440/39°207/79°28") 64.2)/76.8/51.6] 87) 24 | 32) 7 6518. 77) vara sw Oakland scsias sacess Garrett....... 2380/39 25 |79 20 | 64.0/76.1,52.0| 86 23, 24] 38] 7 48 4.45 8} 21 1) 15|)8S. W Boettcherville‘*...|Allegany ..... 900/39 33 |78 48 | 70.9] ...]....| 94] 23, 830) 48} 6 46/2.40]....]. eee Cumberland (qa) ..../Allegany ..... 650/39 39 /78 46 | 73.2/83.1/63.2) 97) 23 | 49) 7 4811.65 Nea ite W Cumberland (b) .. |Allegany .... | 700/39 39 |78 45 | 72.2/81.3/63.2| 92] 25 | 45) 6 47)/1.64) 22) 4) 4) 4j...... NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. Frederick ......... Frederick ....| 280/39 24 |77 18 | @71.6/ [83,8/259.5) 97) 24 | 42) 6 55/2.97]....]. stig Potash are an Bachman’s Val.?*..|Carroll... ....| .- |89 89 (7655 | 71.2/..../.. |100) 24 | 46) 6 54/2.25] 24) 5) 1) &/S.W Fenbyt? cscs «...-/Carroll... 950/39 33 |77 5 | 70.9]....]... | 92] 24 | 47 6 451.00) 17 2 1 6 McDonogh Baltimore 535/59 23 76 46 | 273.4 282.0\g64.8) 94) 24 | 47) 1,6 | 47]... Joes. wisctl| pics, Wayans Baltimore xis aase ex dsee cioeee 179/39 17 |76 36 73.0;83.0,63.1) 98] 24 | 47) 1,7 5113.29} 17| 11 2! 11/8. W Fallston !* Harford 450/39 31 ,76 24 | 71.0)....| .../ 93) 23 | 47) 7,8 463.89] ...] .. |. Darlington. Hartord:n.<+. 300/39 47 |76 14 | 70.5)81.8/59.2) 93] 23 | 45) 1,7 | 483.25) 26; 3) 1 Great Falls**. ..... Montgomery .| 150/39 00 |77 14 | 73.4)....]....| O4) 2 51) 6,7 | 43)1.72)....]..-. SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Dist. Res., Ds CF. 74.6),...]..+.] 92] 28, 241 51) 6.7 | 411.74)... oe Rec. Res., D. C.5*..]. (302 cal oe M2) Bt | St) F 41/1.75| ...|- jes Washington, D.C.. 73.6 84.4/62.8) 98 24 46 6 52/1.24) 19) 9 2) B/S. We College Park. ....|/Pr. George’s..| 100/388 57 |76 50 71.6 85.0)58.3] 99) 24 45) 7,15 | 54)1.81)....]..-- 6) cosssiers Benedict...........5 Charles ..... 20/38 31 |76 39 | 275.6) a87.1/a64.3/104) 25 46 1 58}1.60| 21 3] 6] BB} ee eee Charlotte Hall..... St. Mary’s ....| 167/38 30 |76 44 | a73.6)a87.2/260.2) 99) 22,24) 41) 1 58/1.15) 14] 13) 2) 4/8. Ww. Cherry fields?* ..... St, Mary ?Sicc| 20ST ERE | 3.6) c0 1) ees! sine] mice SS Moons. ROBB | AD Oa 1.90} 14) 15 1 718 W. Solomon’s ......... Calvert... ... 20/388 19 |76 27 | '74.9)84.7/65.1) 96} 23, 241 49, 1 47| .87; 10) 9} 11) 8/SW SE. ‘Eastern Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown ....... KeenG ceacvenes 80/39 13 176 7 | 71.4/80.9)61.9) 94) 24 | 46) 7 48!1.40) 19} 8) 3) 418. W. Denton ......- eee Caroline ...... 42/38 47 |75 41 72.7/82.7/62.7| 99} 23 | 43] 16 HGlla2d) eae), wos lerzar sie as, [xeseetiere Easton ..-: aca PLATDO ti ences 35,38 42 |76 6 72.2 83.5/60.8! 96) 24 41 2 55|1-34) 12) 15 3 5S. W. Mardela Spr.....-.. |Wicomico. ...} 25/38 30 |75 39 72.5)82.2/62.8| 96] 24 | 46, 16 50} .70| 13} 15) 2) 3/8. Ww. Pocomoke City..... Worcester... 37/88 5 |75 B4 74.4184 3)64.6] 99° 24 | 49) 6 50/1.64) 17) 11 2 6S. W. Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle... | 115/39 44 |75 33 | 75.1/87.3/62.9)102) 24 | 47) 7 55/2.90) 138} 14) 3) 10/...... Newark. Del. ..... Newcastle ...|... |39 41 |75 44 | 70.8/81.4,60.3] 96 24 | 4f 513.44] 15] WW) 4) 9) 8S. Dover, Del .......-- K 40.39 10 |75 80 | 73.4/88.2/63.5] 96| 23 | 501,6,7,8) 46)1.60/ 19) 9) 2) sIN.w. Milford, Del. ccc... 20/88 45 |75 25 | 73.0/83.4/62.5) 99) 23 | 47) 1 525.07) 23) 6/ J} gis. Ww. Seaford. Del - Pd . (88 40 |%5 35 | 72.6/84.2/61.1] 98) 24 | 46) 15 F110) eiecheues| aan | sour nreees Millsboro, Del Sussex ve visaxs .. /88 41 [75 15 | 72.8/83.9)61.8) 97] 23, 241 44) 15 53/4.01) 17; 10} 3) 12/8. Ww. ¢ VIRGINIA. Birdsnest?*........ Northampton 15 96) 24 | 57) 1,6 39)1.95) 13) 13) 4) 7S. Ww. Norfolk..... ‘ a ers apelin sie 75.0/85.0)65.0) 97/ 23 1; 49 1 483.36) 19 7) 4 aS. WwW. ( Western Maryland .. 68.9]79.1)57.2)...]...005 48.8 2.78 15.0 12.5 2.5) 9.5/8, | Northern-Cent’l Md. 72.0)82.661.6]...|....-- a 18.62.49 “1.0, 7.8) 1.2 7.8 8. V AVERAGES?’ Southern Maryland..|. 73.8 $5.6 62.5 Breas a 60.1)1.51 15.6 9.8) 4.41 5.55. W East. Md. and Del.... 72.8 83.4 62.3 .|51.6 2.23)16.4)11.0 2.6 7.28, Ww. Entire territory..... 71.9/82.7/60.9)...]...... Tt 25/17-0/1003) 2.5) (5.8. W, * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Mean of 7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. ?Meanof 8a.m.+8p.m.+2. *Mean of Ta.m.4+2 p-m.+2. *Meanof8a.m.+2p m.+9p.m. + 3. . ; ; The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maximum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of davs that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. {Omitted in com- puting averages, 66 MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR JULY, 1894. TEMPERATURE. g Max. | Min. & Al. 3 e or ae es ¢| 3 2 g 4 B oe 3 . z E ° a a nD . STATIONS. Counrins. |2 3 )2|8lé& als ol | oleh] ov] $/ Jl pyalala a b/E |e] el|aigs & Bs) 2/2)/a |] 2) ele : eleieilalelee| = B*/2/5|3]e] e218) s |/E] ¢ (Slelsl/2/S (8S £ ee Sie |e lel sie] s 8] e (ele 2/4] 2 tae 2 an 3 ° i ° a os a | Se eH 4 4 4 2)e212/A} A JA! A Ale I/Os Io |e Au WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside ......... Garrett........ 2440/39°20’|79°21’| 66.4]'79.8] 53.1} 92] 19 | 34) 9 | 588.91} 15) 5 Oakland ............|Garrett.. {2380/39 24 |79 18 | 66.0)77.7/54.2| 87! 19 | 38) 9 | 49/8.63) 14) 15 Boettcherville!*...| Allegany 900|39 39 178 48 | 73.1] ....].-. {100 19, 20) 54) 8 | 46i4.10.....)....[... fee: Cumberland (a)... |Allegany..... | 650/39 89 |78 46 | '77.0/88.3] 65.6] 99 1, 20] 52°8,9 | 47/B.25/....] .. Jo... Cumberland (b) ....|Allegany...... 700/39 39 |78 45 | 75.2/84.6/65.8! 98 20 | 52 10 | 4613.23) 25) 2 NORTHERN-CENTRAL Mp. Mt. St. Mary’s Coll.|Frederick..... 720/39 48 |77 20 | 80.4/87.3/ 73.6) 97] 13 | 58] 10 | 39/1.29]... |....]....)...- (8. W. Frederick........ ...|Frederick..... 280/39 24 [77 18) 76.9] 88.5] 65.3) 98 tea BO) OH 2d BtOla alsa: baer 40 |ay'g a New Market :*...../Frederick ....| 500/89 23 |77.18 | 74.8)....]....] 97] 13 | 52) 9 | 48)/2.48| 28) 4) 4/ 5)/N.W. Taneytown......... Carroll .iisccass ieee 1B9 40 17% DO sciaie wom | gana |eos|sencwall er s| easawe |ee5-0/229] eae Java cfotavie ier mall shina Bachman’s Val !*.. Carroll....... | -+.|89 37 |76 55 | 73.9] .. |....| 98] 20, 27] 55] 9 | 43/2.98) 22] 6) 38] 4)/S. W. Fenby 3#...... 0.5 ..[Carroll........ 950/39 33 |76 58 | 15.7)....]... | 96] 20 | 58] 8 | 388)/4.00] 22] 7 2] 9 S. McDonogh. ...... .|Baltimore ....) 535/39 28 |76 44 | a'75.8| 283.9) 267.8) 92) 13, 28) 5]! 10 A acesasal| SpSts\cieass- HS VEG AS Baltimore acs sxcuvans| wand + nave coor 179/39 17 |76 36 | 77.6 86.9) 68.4) 97] 14, 29] 56] 10 | 41]1.73) 19} 9] 3) 9/8. W Fallston?* ....... .|Harford...... 450/39 31 |"6 24 | '74.4/....] +. | 95] 28, 29) 54) 8,10 | 41)1.95} 0) 29) 2) 10)..... Darlington......... Harford......- 300/39 39 |78 45 | 78.0) 86.2) 69.7) 96] 17,29] 51, 10 | 45/1.98} 26 J) 5) 8S. WwW. Great Falls 5*,.....- Montgomery..| 150/39 0 |77 14 | 77.6] ....|....| 95} 13,20] 60} 8 | BBR.11}..e- fees | ceefeeeefeneene SOUTHERN MARYLAND ¢ Annapolis... .. .;Anne Arundel} 20/38 58 |76 30 | m83.5/m91.8]m75.2| 97] 28, 29] 62, 1% | 35] .8O)..+. fee. Jecee[eeeed woes Dist. Res...D. C. 9¥.) ....cccceeneee es 120/38 52 |77 0 |. 78.3) ....]....{ 93) 18 | 59] 9 | 3842.24 ver fecerlen Rec. Res., D. C. ote eee rene enee 160138 52 |\77 O| 78.2] .. |..-.| 94) 13° | 61) 8,9,10) 33/2.28 A wall fesse | astenness Washington, D.C..).-.6) ee cae 112/38 52 |"7 0 | 78.0/88.1] 67.8} 97; 13 | 54| 10 | 43/2.14 4| 9l S. College Park....... Pr. George’s..) 130/38 58 |76 56 | 75.8) 88.1| 63.5/100} 18 | 49/10, ]1| 51/2.86]----|..--[ecee| ee [eweees Benedict.. . ...... |Charles........ 20/88 81 76 40 | e79.7| €89,8| 069.6] 99] 14 | 54} 8 | 458.74; 21) 1) Ol Bleaseee La Plata ... ..... \Charles........] 190/38 32 |7 0 | 82.6/91.3]74.0| 99) 27 | 58) 10 | 41] .56).-.-[.-. | [eee Charlotte Hall...... St. Mary’s ....| 167/38 28 |76 88 | '77.6)89.4/65.7] 99] 14 | 49} 8 | 50/2.91) 19) 9) 3) 6S. W Pope's Oreek....... Charles.. .....} 100/88 22 |77 1 | £77.8]89.2) 66.5) 98] 15,28) 50) 8 | 48/....]--. [eee fereeleees fen ee Cherryfields * ..... St. Mary’s.....| 20/88 11 |76 24] 76.6) ....) .. |...) we... ceefe cee{eee [B52] 14) 181 4) 7S. W. Solomon’s .......++ Calvert.. ..... 20/38 19 |76 27 | 79.4/88.4/'70.3| 98] 29 | 60) 8 | 388|2.34) 8] 11) 12) 9S. W. EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown........|[Kente..s.oce 80/29 13/76 4] 76.4/85.6/67-2| 93119528, 55] 8, 101 3si1.o7] 20) 8} 3] 71S W Denton ... [Caroline ...... 42/38 47 |75 41 | 77.7| 87.5] 67.9) 97) 13 | 54; 8 | 4B]/1.04]....]....[ fees Jereees Easton Talbot... ...-.| 85/38 42 |76 6 | 77.3) 86.7| 67.9] 95) 13 | 52] 10 | 43)5.18) 22} 4) 5) 8) S. Mardela Spr .....-. Wicomico, . .| 25/38 30 |75 39 | 76.4) 84.7| 68.2) 93) 29 | 56] 10 37\7.19| 17] 9) 5] 10/8. W. Princess Anne. ...|/Somerset. ...; 20/88 10 |'75 35 78.0] 84.8] 71.1) 92 co me 60] 10,11) 32/1.92) 15 9 " 8| W. Pocomoke City. ...|Worcester sal 37/88 5 75 84 | 78.3) 87.7) 68.9) 96} 27 | 59/8,1011] 37)/2.45) 19] 10, 2) 7 S. Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle....| 115/39 44 |75 33 | 80.0/90.8]69.3/101; 28 | 55] 10 | 46) .94; 14) 14) 3) 8/S. W. Newark, Del........ Neweastle.... ..../39 40 |75 37 | 76.0/86.1) 65.9] 96) 28, 29] 50] 10 | 46/2.44) 17) 9) 5) 7S. W. Kirkwood, Del 2....|.Newcastle ....|... 89° BS: (15 AL | SUB: 2) cise eery lacs wileaeeines [ia xeilie sepease' [tere |} oe Ihoest | aa aie [lame ae rasa teio DOVEL, Dells nnyed eaie> [REM Gitar «asa iren | 40/39 10 |75 30 | 77.0] 85.6] 68.4) 95) 23 | 56] 8 | 392.16} 21] 7 8) 7S. W. Milford, Del........ Kent...... ++| 20/88 45 [15 25 | 77.4)87.3/67.4) 95/29.28)' 541 6 | 4i/e.85] 21] 4] 6 |S, W. Millsboro, Del...... SUSSEX seamen soa 38 44 |75 15 | 77.0) 86.8) 67.3) 96) 29 | 57] 8,9,10) 39/4.07) 20) 5) 6) 11/8. W. ( Western Maryland..|.... 71.5) 82.4159.7)... 3.42/18.0] 7.3] 5.7/10.3/S. W. | Northern-Cent’l Md.|... 15.9| 86.6] 69.0). 2.36/18.7| 9.3] 3.2| 7.5/8. W. AVERAGES; Southern Maryland..)... 78.4| 89.2] 68.2)... 2.51/15.4| 9.2] 6.4) 7.8/S. W. East Md.and Del.... |... 5 77.4) 86.6] 68.2) .. 3.12/18.6] 7.9) 4.5) 7.9)8. W. Entire territory......)...-} eee. marae 75.8) 86.2) 64.3].. 2.85/17.7| 8.4| 5.0) 8.4/8. W. = Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: : sete OF 7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. *Meanof 8a.m.+8p.m.+2. 5Meanof 7Ta,m.+ 2p.m. +2. : The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maximum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘ta’ denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. + Omitted in computing averages and in review of month. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS. 67 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR AUGUST, 1894. TEMPERATURE. 3 Max. | Min. 3 mally 3 n ey | KAS 6] o 2 é |. | “| els STATIONS Cc 8 3 é a |e al=l. gel : OUNTIES. |2 I es 2 = |3/s eje|elal& Be] e os! @ 2 me lala|a a m>{a| es] B/A jas) & o91, gy a a lolole ® ala ja;Fl]s.iFRal 3 52! 3 6 4g ® - |o « tae Aldipr| 3 pa} 7 0 gigi oO w é Prag] sa am i Sal s q 8 ]}sei asl} e) 6 jm] S | a/Sl sl} | BIBS) & Be) 3 3 3 O©1|Dio|] ww |o] B SOfo|]/f|a;S isc = < 4 4 = /s/2/A;} a a) 8 |e} {/O]e 15 la a WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside.......... Garrett. ..... 2440/399207|79°217) 64.8)77.7/52.0] 87] 8,9 | 39] 5, 2: 481.01) 14) 13) 4 Oakland : Garrett. . - (2380/39 24 |79 18 | 63.8|75.6]56.9] 84 9 | 41 6 431.86) 11 1} 19 Grantsville........./Garrett. -|2100/39 41 |79 12 | 66.4/77.3/55.6] 85) 9 | 42} 5 431.62) 11} 14) 6 Boettcherville **.../Allegany .....] 900/39 39 |78 48 | 69.8]..../....} 921 9 | 591 5 4012.00] 00-0.) ave» Cumberland (a) ....|Allegany .. 650/39 39 |78 46 | 73.6/84.5/62.7| 92) 9 | 54) 22 38/1.57) «|. Cumberland (b) ..../Allegany . . 89 39 |78 45 | 70.8/80.5/61.1] 90) 9 | 52] 4,5 | 38/1.15] 19) 8 NORTHERN CENTRAL Mp. Mt. St. Mary’s Coll.;Frederick ...| 720/39 43 |77 20 | 74.4/82.7/66.2/ 941 8 | 59] 12 422.50) 17] 2] 12) 3/N.Ww, Frederick .......... Frederick ... | 280/39 24 |77 18 72.8/83.7/62.0) 94 8 | 52) 22 42/1254) cnc. [asa lien Bl eseiscaress New Market ?}*.. ..]Frederick ....| 500/39 23/7718 | 70.7 90) 1 | 581 17,22) 32)1.59) 19} 9) 3) 3INvW. Taneytown......... CAPLON ieee reee +e (89 40 [77 9]... sat vous [cna | ua iovendedd | arall etalon eye LOTS | a gua!) eal teetecelllscaee. epee rae Bachman’s Val.?*../Carroll ..... «2189 387 (76 55 | 69.7|..-.]. 94) 2 | 56} 22 38/4.29) 16) 9 6) 5/8. BL Fenty 2? scons raves Carrollies. 2. 950 39 33 /76 58 | 71.2)/....] ...} 90} 8 | 59) 17,22) 31/2.70; 16; 14) 1] 6/8. EB: McDonogh .. .. .../Baltimore ...| 535/39 23 |76 44 | £72.4|f80.2/ 64.6] 98] 1,8 | 57] 22296] 31).. |....|-.../..../... ae Woodstock Coll....|Baltimore ....| 40039 19 [76 51] 69.4). . |58.6/#95) 8 | 50| 1 452.80; 10; 8 18) 4) BB, Baltimore ..... saline | Baaad os bee, sige 179/39 17 |76 36 | 73.2/81.3/65.0/ 981 8 | 57] 22 361.41) 19) 9) 38 8) S. E. Paliston "os cescases Harford careus 450/39 31 |76 24 | 70.3)....]....] 88/3, 8, 9] 57| 22 BLUES ean) a0, Lawns ower doen. Darlington sawsw cass Harford .... | 3800/39 39 |78 45 | 70.6/89.1/61.0| 97] 3 | 56] 22 41/2.76) 23) 38} 5) 6éls, Great Falls 5* ....., Montgomery .| 150/39 0 |77 14 | 73.4]....} . .| 90) 9 | 58] 23 BU2 IO boca » se este HY xcecsan SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis.......... Anne Arund’!) 20/38 58 |76 30 | 73.6/82.4/64.8] 90] 1,9 | 56] 11 34/0.93} 25) I) 5 Dist. Res., D. C.5*.. 7 74.4] .. 9 2] 22 29/1.71 Rec. Res., D. C.5*.. 73.8)... : ne 30/1.8 Washington, D.C.. 38 52 73,6/82.6/64.7 9 | 54) 22 38/2.00) 11} 14) 6 College Park. ... |Pr. George’s..| 130/38 58 |76 56 | 72.2/83.7 3} 23 | 50] 2 46/3.56 Upper Marlboro ...|Pr. George’s..| 60/38 47 |76 45 | 73.0/83.4 8 | 51] 22 422.17) 22) 5) 4 Marshall Hall .|Charles.. 88 42 77 8 |...... ae i 266 Maleves? .oa-ai[iteaege [ise iS ecstaceh-a Benedict ..... Charles . 20°38 31 |76 40 74.8)84.0'65.6) 96} 10 | 55) 22 41/1.15) 19) 6 6 La Plata. Charles. 190/38 32 |77 0 | 74.9/86.9/62.9) 96] 38,9 | 55} 21, 2: 411-41] o.fec pee | Bel Alton Charles. 38 26 |T7 1 | £74.4) 186.3) 162.5] 95} 10 | 55) 17,19) 40)1-80)....) .. |... }.. Pope’s Cre Charles . 100/38 22 |77 1 | 74.5)85.2/63.8) 96} 7,8 | 51! 21 451-80] ....]..0.,... |. Charlotte Hall St. Mary 167/38 28 |76 388 | 74.2184.7/63.6) 95} 9 2) 22 432.79) 15] 51 9 Cherry fields # St. Mary’s ....} 20/38 11 |76 24 | 72 0 ee Lit N SES Barca ame ee . (8-20; 14 6] 11 Solomon’s ... Calvert occa 20/38 19 |76 27 | %5.8,83.7/67.9) 96) 9 | 60] 22 36)1.86) 5) 11) 15 EASTERN Mb. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown ...... Ren & ssescais an, 80/389 13 |76 4 | 71.8/80.8/62.9) 91) 9 | 51] 28 4013.54 10) 17) 4) 6/N.E DORCOD ss iisis asics seis Caroline..... 42/38 47 |'75 41 73.0/83.4/62.5) 90/2, 3, 8} 51] 2 39)2.63] .. |.. seea|eeenes HastOn peasiacas sosce Talbot .......} 85/88 42 /76 6 | 72.6/81.5/63.6] 89 1 Dit 728 88'4.91) 20) 8! 38 6] _ 8. Mardela Spr ....... Wicomico....| 24 38 30 |'75 39 71.4'79.5/62.3) 89 9 | 50) F228 8913.54 8) 15 8 9S. W Princess Anne..... Somerset. ..{ 20:38 10 |75 35 | %2.1/78.5)65.7| 90) 9 | 56) 22 442.79) 6) 13] 12/ 11) W. Pocomoke City ....|Worcester....} 3738 5 |75 34 | 73.2)81.8/64.6) 93) 9 | 55) 22 38)4.57/ 12} 10) 9! 8 Wilmington, Del.../Newcastle....| 115'39 44 /75 33 | 75.0 85.2/64.9| 93) 1,2 | 53] 22 405.78; 12) 18) 49) ‘oN. WwW. Newark, Del....... Newcastle....}..../39 40 |75 37 | 71.0,80.4/61.6) 89} 1,8 | 50} 22 39/4.99] 7 12| 12) 9 Kirkwood, Del®.../Newcastle..:.|....139 35 [75 41 | d71.0)... | .. [..-]....-./...]-.-00- aati astvell renee Sra eae Dover, Del wees xn» PBOE 1c iene nier 40 39 10 |75 30 | 71.3)/78.7/63.9) 87) 1,3 | 54] 22 334.01) 13) 15 8/8. W. Milford, Del........ ee eee 20.38 45 |75 25 | 72.6/81.9/63.4| 90} 3 | 54) 22 36/4.2 19 9 13) 6) N. Seaford, Del........;Sussex .......] ....38 40 175 85 | 71.2/80.1/62.2) 92; 9 | 51] 22 41/928 be oevlawse}s i ees axes Millsboro, Del...... Sussex ++. (38 44 [75 15 | 71.7/80.6/62.6) 91) 3 | 50] 22 41/2.26) 10) 14) 7 6/N.E ¢ VIRGINIA. Norfolk aicevecaes Sage ee ama ede +se»| 48) 86 51) 76 15} 74.6/81.9/67.1] 98) 9 | 60) 5 33/8.45' 11) 9! 11} 13/N. BE. WHEY cy ina trseceunesieeees aml eset laamens seeeee] 78.6183.2/64.1) 95, 9 | 54) 28 41/2.98] 6) 16) 9 6 S. + PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia... .. eh hneeenee aewelsaierhte [Volacare USsena Rial sabes 73.0/81.4/64.5) 89! 1 | 58) 22 31)2.15} 11) 12) 8} 7/8. Ww. Western Maryland .. BSE TOLD e dl sa ob ca esexdex [oasis 41.7'1.54)13.8] 9.0) 8.2) 7.0/S. W. [ Northent-Cent?l Md. 71.6/83.4/62.9 saxens| 0.8 2089/17.1) 9.7) 6.1] §.1] SB. AVERAGES{ Southern Maryland. 73.9)/84.3)63.9 vee) [88.8 1.94) 14.4) 6.9 7.8) 6.3) 8. | East. Md. and Del... 72.1/80.8 63.4 -. {89.0 3.79)11.5)12.6) 7.8] 7.8/8. W. | Entire territory ..... vaca 19000 71.4/81.9,62.0 . {89.0 2.42/17.7] 6.6) 7.5) 6.6/S. W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Mean of 7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+ 4. ?Mean of 8a.m.+8p.m. +2 5 Mean of 7 a.m. + 2 ‘a “The pacts of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maximum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name ofa station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. +t Omitted in computing averages. 68 MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1894. TEMPERATURE. g Max. Min. 3 a na anaemia m Bey ® oe g lca &| 8 .| | E ' g o a a 7 a). STATIONS. Countizs. |G i é 5 g 3 é 3 ala be Be i“ on} © | FZ > lujala ah pl| alae | m>)/AISS! & sels | Bl eg |sls 1s 3 alm |al|Z|p leg) & BH, 8 ] &® | & /alalfl ¢ |Z] g [Blais Ald jer 3S Se) e |S |e leieial 1S) eo Bl Sle) a2 esl & a; A}/A] 2 lalelal a lal a ljslélsléis = a WESTERN MARYLAND. | Sunnyside........... Garrett........|2440/39°207/79°21’| 62.2/'73.4'50.9] 88] 3 | 29] 28 59/3.00; 15] 4) 6! 9S. W. Oaklands... ..eseee Garrett........ 2380/39 24 |79 18 | 61.2/71.351.1] 82; 9 | 32] 26 50/2.80} 15] 10) 5) yS. W. Grantsville. Siete Garrett.. 2100/39 41 |79 12 | 64.6/74.4/54.8] 861 9 | 31! 26 55)2.87) 5} 14] 11 Bcewas Boettcherville '”.../Allegany 67.9]... }....| 94) 9 | 88) 26 OIL) sis csietll sashyes[caien ssl qzopeucth aosumisaat Cumberland (a)..... Allegany...... 71.2|79.6'62.7) 92) 9 | 42) 26 BOUT A) asa: eave esi cw neat lovivg, | ever ra’ ous Cumberland (b)..... |Allegany...... 68.8)77.4,60.2] 94] 9 | 388! 26 56/1.74) 17); 7 6) TI... NORTHERN-CENTRAL Mp. ¢Mt.St.M’ry’sColl**|Frederick..... 720/39 43 |"7 20 | m63.3] ...1....] 87) 15 | 44] 26 $34.31] s005 Frederick....... .. Frederick..... 280/39 24 |77 18 | '70.4/79.5/61.2] 93} 10 | 43} 26 50/3.02] .. ‘ Taneytown. .. ..../Carroll........ sain sae ees lee lewsmasllacal wean. leter MEOl eal sieaiw Bachman’s Val !*..|Carroll........ 40} 26 50/7.87| 16 Hem yt F vsswisier sans Carroll ...... 44) 26 42)4.00} 15 McDonogh...... ... Baltimore..... 44) 26 BA ie ll sean Henacave Woodstock Coll ...-|Baltimore..... 40} 26 51/1.45} 10 Baltimore.... ..... |... 45) 26 49/4.75| 11 Fallston !*. woe | PL ATLOLG sia aces sebieth 431 26 46)3.68]....).. Darlington. ... .../Harford... . b76.0 41] 26 48 T04 arcidiscstthasd || 4aai| sawaee Great Falls 5*,.. ... Montgomery.,| 150/89 0 |77 14 sist 90) 9, 10} 46} 26 44|2.68).. sate SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis .... 22... Anne Arund’l| 20/38 58 |76 30 | 0.2)75.8/64.6] 86) 16 | 40] 29 461.53} 20) 4); 6] 6\N. BE. DiS. RES, De Gyo Rs a | cissionsincaaiwersesjence 120/88 52 |"7 Of '71.8)....7....] 90/ 10 | 48) 26 42/1209) 66.0 6|sece | saree feeee| eae Ree. Res, Di C8 otis av asateieine 4 160/38 52/77 O} 71.0)....]....] 91] 10 | 47) 26 BAT TR era | wrens acs Washington, -Ds Ors |ssiciesacescisnd sic 112/388 52 |77 0 | '71.4/80.0/62.9] 95, 10 | 47] 26 48)1.53) 14) 7 College Park....... Pr. George’s..| 180/38 58 |76 56 | 69.8)80.7/59.0| 96) 10 | 44) 26 B21 65]. 2 fece ed oe Upper Marlboro.,.../Pr. George’s..| 60/88 47 |76 45 | 70.'7/80.9160.5] 98} 10 | 46] 25 2/1.16) 19} 5 Benedict. ... ..... |Charles,...... 20/38 81 |76 40 | €75.2/d82.5/d68.0/100) 11 | 86! 21 6410-42] ceased cass eaves] La Plata.... .. -..|Charles,...... 190|/38 32 |77 0} 71.8/82.0)61.6) 97) 10 | 48/ 25,26) 49] .96)....)....]... Bel Alton. .........]Charles........ «++-/88 26 (77 1) %3.3/84.8/61.81 97) 10 | 50) 28 ATLA Wrssrae | |pcasais | wine Pope’s Creck.......|Charles. ...... 100/388 22 |77 1] 71.6/81.2/62.1; 98] 9 | 46) 25 5211820) secre la sot csveie leew Solomon’s.... .... -|Calvert. ..... 20/38 19 '76 27 | '73.8/80.8166.9] 95) 9, 10} 53) 26 42/1.94 5] 11, 14] 8/8. E. Charlotte Hall..... St. Mary’s..... 167/38 28 16 388 | %2.2/| 99] 10 | 47) 26 52|/2.04| 13; 9) 8] 8iN. Kk, Cherry fields ?...... St. Mary's. :«=| 20/88 11 |%6 24 | %2.6).. .[....lescfesvess|e.sleceee [eee [8-69] 11) 16] 8 INE SW EASTERN MD. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown....... |Kent........ 80/39 13 |76 4 | 69.8/77.7/61.9| 90} 10 | 44) 26 463.83) 11] 15] 4) 7S. W. Denton ...... .|Caroline ...... 42/38 47 |75 41 | 72.3/] 95) 9 | 46) 25 491263 wase'licsasil gure uae. [serecis Easton..... .. Talbot ........ 35/38 42 |76 6) 71.6/81.1/62.2! 92} 10 | 45! 26 47/3.99} 21 2 7 7S. W. Mardela Spr .. ... |Wicomico..... 25 38 30 75 39 | 71.5\'79.4/63.6) 93) 9, 10} 46] 26 47/2.661 9) 9) 12) 8iS. EB. Princess Anne. .. |Somerset...... 20/38 10 75 85 | 71.6)79.1/64.2] 92) 10 | 47} 26 452.66, 9] 13) 8 6/8. W. Pocomoke City. ...{Worcester....| 37/38 75 84 | 72.1/81.3'63.0) 92) 10 | 52) 26 40)1.91] 12! 9) 9 4S. E. Wilmington, Del...])Newcastle....| 115/39 44 |%5 33 | 71.2|'79.2'63.3] 93] 10 | 45] 26 4814.78 6) 17) 7 JIN. EB. Newark. Del. .... |Newcastle....|..../39 40 |%5 387 | 68.2 76-2|60.1 90) 10 2| 26 48)8.89| 13) 6) 11 6|/S SE Dover, Del.. .. \KRODtiwiaviesve 40/39 10 |75 30 | 69.8/76.6 63.1} 89] 10 | 48) 26 41/4.61| 14) 8) 8 10\N. B. Milford, Del... PISODG eajeiisceiies 20/88 45 (75 25 | 71.8/ 94) 10 | 52/1, 26] 42)4.16, 17) 5) 8 10/S. Ww. Seaford, Del ... ...|Sussex... ....]..../88 40 75 35 | 70.4/79.4:61.5| 94) 10 | 48] 26 AGI 258) sscacrie | arsed wind |aiine | IETS Millsboro, Del .... [Sussex........]... 88 44/75 15 | 70.7/79.1/62.3] 93} 10 | 51) 12 42/4.82) 17) 5] 8) 8IN. EB. + VIRGINIA. Cape Charles !*... |Northampton]....|..... Jee 72.4/....|....| 90} 10 | 48) 28 426.22) 2) 12] 16} 3] S. Norfolk. ...... a sche. ae noi -| 43) 86 51) 76 15) 74.4/80.8 68.0) 94 9 | 62) 26 32/6.49) 12} 8) 10) 9jN. E. Warsaw....csesses ss TRIGHMONG vis | ser | onaien bisseiters 70.6/79.4/61.8) 94/9, 10) 53) 21 41/2.97) 12) 11) 7 | EB. ~ PENNSYLVANIA. PHUAISIPU. sacar sncan, cite spitiaia ages | eeaae, Ibias 70.0/77.2) 10; 6) 14) 8S. Ww. Western Maryland...|....|. 65.9)73.2 13) 9} 1% 8S. Ww. Northern-Cent’! Md.}... 68.8/77.0, 13} 8) 9] Q}...... AVERAGES, Southern Maryland..|.... 71.9)81.0 63. 14, 8| 8 8|N. E. East. Md. and Del....|.... 70.9)79.5/62. 13) 9} «8 8 SE SW Entire territory.... 69.4/77.7 13} 8} 8 8S. W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. L a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: +Mean of Ta.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. p.m. + 2 computing averages. ** For last 17 days, only. * Mean of 8 a. m.+ A numeral following the name of 8 p.m. + 2. 5 Mean of 7a.m.+2 The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maximum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘ta’ denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. ¢ Omitted in MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR OCTOBER, 1894. 69 TEMPERATURE. 3 Max. | Min. 8 ALS 6 : ere | > a : i ao | + o| ot ° @ | xls ele a}.g) & STATIONS. Countizs. |3 | | gs s [2/8 & Ga z Be bo os] S| Bl bm l]alels a rp} ele) el|Alss| 2 Zo] 3 & | 3 |e|e]2 ® Sis le);s le los] 3s pel £ m | 2 lava lel ¢ El ¢ 1S) sla Alc laa) s Bel qa aelaija|hl 8 |e & jal] Slel}e| 28s) 5 ohn 3 ° © oO Ca a oO 3S ° o| 2 eo| Se i|e el 4 Sel 5 q g 3 S| a] +. bo] 2 a | & Ble) SIES) § asl a 8 S 9/ O]/o/ 8s jo] o | Sle| o |Sl| ale le-|] a *......|/Montgomery. | 15039 0 wee) BOI IG 5| 29 sea SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Jewell........ «+ Anne Arund’l : 8| 29 Dist. Res., D. C. ‘ ‘ i] 2s Rec. Res., D. C. 5* aioe "| 29 Washington, D. C.. 29.8) 60) 1 6; 2 College Park ; 28.8) 56! 6, 21] 17| 6, 24 ia Upper Marlboro....|Pr. George’s. | 60/38 47 26.1! 59} 1 6) 29 0 Marshall Hall......-. Charles.....-++ +. (88 42 j322) 60; 15 | 20) 5 site ines a ‘Plata so ssaeeses Charles.......-| 190/38 32 25.1) 64) 21 6] 28 Oars Bel Alton.........-- Charles........|....|88 26 29.8) 64| 16 8] 2 sar pullers Solomon’s......-+-- Calvert... ...-- 20/38 19 83.3) 60} 12 | 11] 29 cs 2.8 Charlotte Hall.....- St. Mary’s. .. | 167/38 28 2289) 58! 16 5] 29 é 4.0 Cherryfields ?....... St. Mary’s....- 20/88 11 jibe einer ee aie a a atta a 2.85] 1.0]. EASTERN MD. AND DELAWARE Chestertown....... Tee it vase. agpase vn 80/39 13 |76 4 36.4) 43.3 29.5) 65) 16 9} 29 56/2.98) ...., 14] 8! 9) 5/N.W. Denton......- +0555. Caroline ...... 42'38 47 175 41 | 87.6 48.8) 26.5) 72) 20 9} 28 63/2.81) 4.0 |oscc|eccefeseetmec[eceees Basta, cae aes screens Talbot .... .. 35/88 42 |76 6 | 40.9 49.3) 32.5] 64) 15 12)28, 29] 5212.60] 1.0] 14, 5) 12) 5) W. Mardela Spr.......- Wicomico. ...| 25/38 30 |75 39 | 38.6 47.6 29.6) 67) 12 | 12 5511.43) 2.2| 14; 8 9| 9g|N.W. Princess Anne. ..../Somerset...... 3/38 10 |75 35 | 39.0 48.7|/ 29.4) 66) 12 | 12) 29 541.67) 0.5| 15) 6) Tl #6)N.W. Pocomoke City.. ..|Worcester ...| 87/88 5 |75 384) 41.9 51.4/32.4| 72) 12 | 11) 29 61/2.01) 3.2] 16] 10} 5; 8/N.W. Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle ..-| 11539 44 |75 33 | 87.0, 43.8) 30.3) 55) 16 7| 29 45/4.31) 3.0) 11) 15) 5] 11)N.W. Newark, Del........ Newcastle..../....|89 40 |75 387 34.4/ 41.8 27.1) 56) 16 6] 29 50/2.65) 3.0) 14) 5! 12) 7) W. Kirkwood, Del?....|Newcastle....| .. [89 35 )75 41 |H33.1)... ital 8 aes ea bec eam saul “eae leaks loedylt heelos wall temets Dover, Del. ..... -.;Kent.......--- 40/39 10 |75 80 | 387.6 44.5: 30.6) 64 12 | 10) 29 543.39 . 18) 2) giN.W. Milford, Del........ Kent... ..ss0: 20/88 45 175 25 | 40.0 49.2'30.8) 61) 17 | 10) 29 51)2.80) 1.0) 18; 1) 12) 9|N.W. Seaford, Del........ Sussex .....-.!... [88 40 [75 35 | 38.1) 47.0: 29.2) 68) 12 9) 29 5912.38) .. [.. altars | erage Ape, [teres Millsboro, Del......|Sussex .. -+-- «++ [B88 44 175 15 | 37.6) 46.3) 28.9) 67) 12 9} 29 58]/2.37, 0.2]; 17) 5) 9] 7 N, t VIRGINIA. ss irdsnest 1*#........|Northampton |....|....-.]....+ 42.4 ....)....] 70] 2 | 14) 29 | 56/2.35] 3.5] 15} 2) 14) 5/N.W. Noone, elke vaeel acs reeenecees| 481 BO 91] 96.15] 44.6 sy ve) ce] T8} 12 | 18) 20 59/2.28] -.<. | 17) 9) 5) 10) W. WarsaWicscseneveres Richmond....|....[ecceee [eee 39.8 49.1/30.5| 66] 2 | 7/29, 80, 59/1.61) 2.0] 12} $/ LU) 5) N. + PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia .....5..:eeeee ee sihacie cat [erceied al we cores 36.8 42.7/ 30.8) 56] 16 | 7} 29 | 49/4.03| ....| 10) 11] 10) 10/N.W. Western Maryland...|....Jecsees]ercees 32.3 40.1] 23.9]...f..0.-. wie 13.6 |18.4] 7.2)12.0) 7.9/8. W. Northem-centl Dthialel sal imwnics |ovriens ae Gl eaaleaness ie an ia i Pe ie Hiv. Southern Maryland. seall| gyistere- || eater 88.1) 47.3 29.5]...]... 6. a ‘i i . .bIN.W. Sane Busts Ma. end Del ar 38.8 46.8 24.7 ...[eccces oat 2.0 115.1] 6.4] 9.5) 7.5|/N.W. | Entire territory...-.- jee 86.0 44.4 27.8) ...] 0.0.65 tte 6.0 |14.9) 7.0] 9.6) 7.5)N.W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer, A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Meanofva.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. *Meanof8a.m.+8p.m.+2. ®Meanof7a.m.-+ 2p.m.+ 2. The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes one day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. + Omitted in computing averages. 79 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR JANUARY, 1895. TEMPERATURE. g Max. | Min. 8 3 e : 3s|3] 4 e|\ 3 2 d ‘ |S] a .| | 4 ° g od d a A Dl ogy Ee STATIONS. Countizs. |& ; S| g 3| Ee lal. | R/Ze 3 3 © = =|s 9 a | Sim bp © o 9 i ; . o| SO |PIi sp ;Alsa] a 3S ; 5 b> Se n Bb] g Be aol =a s#| 3 2] Bm; 2] eis 2 giu| a |AlAs] mite s pH] 5 Sp » a qd 3 2 3 pia o he THT! 2 Ha 2] 2) 8] el ale = 18) 2 le/S| 2 2/5/2185) 2 inet x ° ° — = 4 ue 4 H}A] a] al ala} a }Al Aa fale] Se / Oy amy Oy] a WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside ‘ Garrett . 244£0/39°207/79 217| 22.4) 31.0/18.9] 56} 7 |-17] 18 13)/5.48) 27.5 8) 8 21; 168. W. Oakland . Garrett 2380/39 24 (79 18 | 21.6/31.5)11.6] 49} 8 |-12) 5 6119.89} 56.0] 6] 15} 10) 225. W. Deer Park. Garrett. 2457/39 25 (79 13 | 21.4|81.9/11.0} 50) 7 |-15] 5 6B 6) ass fe aol hecdanye| x eaten Grantsville.. -|Garrett 2100 39 45 |79 10 | 22 8/31.0/ 14.6} 53 -14| 13 67/5.42] 24.5) 5) 7 19) 11) W. Westernport ....... Allegany ..../1000/39 28 |79 2 | 24.4/34.3/14.5) 48) 18 | -8} 12 56)2.45| 16.0)... ay sr asses Boettcherville!*...|Allegany .... | 900/39 39 |78 48 | 26.2].. 44] 15 | -6/1, 13,25] 50/4.20] 20.0)....1.. 2 Cumberland (a)?...;Allegany ..... 650/39 39 |78 46 | 27.8] 040,8)d16.6; 511] 18 | -4| 12 55/3.38) 16.5]... |--- feces|eoee Cumberland (0) ..../Allegany ..... 700/39 39 |78 45 | 26.0) 32.2/19.8) 42| -8| 12 | 45/3.53] 14.5) 5] 7} 14 Hancock -| Washington. .| 500/39 40 |78 10 |L25.7|135.8|L15.6) 47] 19 | -3/ 138 BO|T147] 45.0). cs fossefecsefeosel Sharpsburg......... Washington..| 420/39 25 |77 45 | 26.2/84.3/18.2) 44) 7 0} 18 44/4.17) 10.9) 9} 11} 11 NORTHERN-CENTRAL Mb. Burkittsville ...../Frederick ...]..../89 25 |77 35 | #26.3] g32.8] 220.8] 49) 8 | 0| 13 | 49)4.34) 14.4) 5] 8) 14 12) W. Mt. St. Mary’s Coll’: Frederick ....| 720/39 43 |77 20 | 29.5) -...|17.7] 46] 8 | -1] 14 | 4u/1.87) 6.8) 14) 5] 12) 7. -.. Frederick (@)....... Frederick s+++| 280/89 24 |77 18 | 28.5) 35.2/21.8) 45 4 2| 13 43)3.54| 8.5 8. Sd tard Slewesey Frederick (b).......|Frederick ....| 280/39 24 |77 18 | 28 8/85.3/22.5] 45} 7 3} 18 AE ose y'e| aunimase It] 5) 9] ...| W. Bachman’s Val.'*..|Carroll....... +++ 189 87 176 55 | 26.0)....]....] 46] 67 5} 5 41/4.18} 9.0} 10) 7| 14 14/8. Ww. Westminster........|Carroll........ +++ (89 83/77 0 |k 29.5} k37.4]k21.6] 56) 16 2] 13 BAlt197] occ [ae vaalecee|eceefacaees MeDonogh «......+. Baltimore ....| 335|39 23 |76 44 | 80.0) 0377] e224) 52/7s°10) og) 6 | 43)....|eereefesee[eresfereeferee] eeeee Glyndon ....... «44: Baltimore ....) 280/39 24 |77 41 | 26.2) 33.8/18.6) 49) 7 3} 5 46/5.10} 18.0) 8} 10) 13) 9) S. Woodstock Coll....|Baltimore ....| 400/39 19 |76 51 | 28.0) 37.5)18.4) 51) 7 5 46/3.85} 19.5) 2} 15) 14) 9|N.W. Baltimore ...... ee [iseeeeee ceases 179/39 17 |%6 86 | 31.8) 37.3) 25.3] 60] 7 9} 13 51/4.67/ 5.0) 8] 15 16) W. Johns Hopkins Hos)..............4. 124/39 17 |76 36 | 30.4) 32.8) 22.7| 60] 7 a 14 BB] sivas | ce.seasece | decell psc idl Reels Fallston?* .. Harford ..... 450/39 31 |76 24 | 29.2]....]..--/ 50 7 | 10) 5 40)4.64 6.3 g| 14) 8 15) W Darlington.. -|Harford ...... 300/39 39 |78 45 | 28.6) 36.2)21.1] 50) 10 8 425.29} 5.0) 18 9, 8|N.W. Great Falls®*...... [Montgomery .| 150/39 0 |77 14 | 30.0)....]....{ 55] 7 | 6) 13 42/3.66).....5 seafeee asain wiacavna SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis. .. .... [Anne Arund’l| 20/39 58 |76 30 | 30.0/88.8/21.2| 54) 18 | 11) 14 Ah sil lees ied 19} 2) 10 Jewell ......... -/Anne Arund’l) 165/38 45 |"6 87 | 33.4/40.9/25.9) 61; 7 | 13] 1 48)5.09] 14.0) 13} 9) 9 Dist; RES x. Ds: G.b* waleogemu seins cerginec 120/38 52 |77 0 | 380.7|....]....] 55) 7 5| 13 50|/3.12]..... sev [ecer|eres Rec. Res., D. O.5%..)..eceseeeees eae | 160188 52 (77 0} BLL) ecectsace] 55 7 8| 13 42)4.382)....06 «tals Washington, D.C..j..-.. .. ++. esse] 112/388 52 |77 0 | 31.6) 38.6) 24.7] 62 q 4; 18 58/4.42)...... a 8} 16 College Park. ..... Pr. George’s..| 130/38 58 |7%6 56 | m29.4/m38,2/m20.5) 49} 22 | 10! 25 39/3.79) 7 ssa Upper Marlboro ...!Pr. George’s..| 60/38 47 |76 45 | 30.6) 39.0) 22.2) 63 8) 2,13) 55/5.43} 15.5] 15) 7 9 La Plata...... .|Charles ....... 190\88 82 |77 0 | 388 2)48.0/23.4) 64) 7, 18} 10 a 1B 54,6.00 Os sce va sale seteil eiaseid | pease acneriene Bel Alton.... . {Charles ....... ++ +188 26 [77 1 | 34.3)48.4)25.2) 54, 7 13 45)5.05]...... ae Sol 5 iiss] gaa oF Pope’s Creek. «(Charles . ...--| 100/38 22 |77 1 | 32.2/42.4/22.0] 59) 7 6) 31 53/2.60]...... (eats dl eet: [Panes Neteesssul eniGssies Solomon’s .... -|Calvert ....... 20/38 19 |76 27 | 34.7) 42.2) 27.2) 60) 7 12) 13 483.40! 16.0 6 6; 19) 12/8. Ww. Charlotte Hall .|St. Mary’s ....] 167)38 28 |76 38 | 382.8/41.2) 24.7) 62) 7 10) 5 52)3.62| 14.0 9g] 18) 8} 6/N.W. Cherryfields?. ../St. Mary’s ...-} 20/38 11 |76 24 | 38.2) ....] .-ee[eeebeeeeee |e cfeeeeee 2.78) 11.0) 11) 14, 6) WI... EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown ....... TROT iiscaers.slsins 80/39 13 |76 4 | 80.6/87.8)/23.5) 55/10, 11) 11) 138 44/4.20) 4.0) 8] 10) 13) 7IN.W Denton ..|Caroline . 2)38 47 "75 41 33.2] 42.6) 23.9) 61 7 13) 12 483.58) 9.5]... J+. atéves|araras!| aowaisions Easton .. .. ...... |Talbot.... 35/38 42 176 6 | 35.2) 43.9) 26.5) 61 7 | 11) 30 50/4.60) 9.0; 8 8) 15) 12)N.W. Mardela Spr ......., Wicomico ....| 25/38 30 |75 39 | 33.0/41.6/ 24.3) 62) 10 | 10) 26 52)4.14 9.0) 8} 14) 19) 9IN.W. Princess Anne .. ./Somerset..... 20138 10 |75 85 | 34.3) 44.0) 24.6) 62) 7, 10] 12) 2 50/3.42) 6.0) 9] 10} 12) 11/8. W. Pocomoke City...-- Worcester ...| 37/38 5 |75 84 | 37.4) 46.4) 28.4) 66 % 16} 2, 5) 504.84) 4.0 8} 18) 10) J1)/N.W. Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle....| 115,39 44 |75 33 | 31.2) 38.6/23.8) 55 % | 12) 13 4315.47 4.5) 5] 18! 18) 15) W. Newark, Del. ..-.. Newcastle ...]..../89 40 |75 87 | 28.6) 35.7/21.5) 53 7 7 5 464.85 4.5 7 8 16) 9) W. Kirkwood. Del®....|Newcastle .. |....|39 35 [75 41 | b28.0]....). [...{-e-f. lara alles | Lease teeenal acelin cle cael Dover, Del .. . .../Kent és 40/39 10 |75 380 | 32.4/39.7/ 25.2) 60 7 14} 13 465.47 6.0} 12) 11 8} 13/8. W Milford, Del ....... 20/88 45 |%5 26 84.0) 43.4) 24.4' 62| 7 | 12 50 4.85 7.5, 11 6] 14) 8 W. Seaford, Del......../Sussex.. --++ (88 40 |75 35 | 33.0) 42.0) 24.0, 61 q 12} 13 49)4.63] 10.5).. aa lt sa Millsboro, Del..... Sussex. see[eee- (88 44 175 15 | 33.7) 42.8' 24.6, 65) 7 | 13) 2 53/5.29| 7.5) 11} 10} 10) 15)...... {VIRGINIA. Birdsnest ?*... ... Northampton }....| ....-|....+. 8126) seal ses | 165) | 19p 13 46/3.95] 1.6) 7 6) 18) 8|N.W Nor fol isc ssctios Barat ee 205 2 aes 43] 86 51) 76 15) 39.6/48.1/81.0) 70} 7 | 15) 18 55/4.80) 2.7) 13) 11) 7) 11) W Warsaw ......--eeeee Rich MON wise [wes esewst| se oe ae 44.4) 42.9/25.8) 65) 6 8} 13 57/4.83] 9.5} 9 9] 13) 8| N PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia ........sececesscerseess cereal eaventn ate de 30.6! 37.2) 24.0) 55! «7 | 10/18, 14] 45/4.52) 4.6] 8) 11] 12} 13/N.W. ( Western Maryland...J.... 2404) 32.5] 15sB) aie. |searen.e asad cane Ds 56.6/4.83| 23.2) 6.6) 9.6/15.0 14.8)S. W. | Northern-Cent’l Md.}|.... 28.7| 35.6) 23.3]...)-..0- aie, fares 3s 46.04.12} 10.2/10.1) 9.2)11.2 11.0} W. AVERAGES} Southern Maryland..|..-. 82.1! 40.8) 23.7)... ) ec. eee aay fe ins 40.2/4.13} 11.9/11.9)11.4] 9.110.7|N.W. East. Md.and Del.. .|.-.. 82.7) 41.5) 24.6)...)-.006- vee| see /48.9/4.61] 6.8] 8.7°10.8/12.5 11.0)/N W. \ Entire territory.....- tees 29.5) 87.6/21.1]...]..--6- oad] sala 50.44.42 13.0 9.8/10.5 12.0,11.9 N.W. *Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained thus: 1Mean of 7a.m.+2 p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. ?Meanof8a.m.+8p.m.+2. ®Mean of 7 a.m. + 2p. m. +2. The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. +t Record incomplete. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR FEBRUARY, 1895. 73 TEMPERATURE. € Max. Min. 8 es|| ge a —— ng eH 3} 3 @ a | %| S| z .| | 4 ° Bile4ela alal @ a|.s| B STATIONS. COUNTIES. |2 ; Ss Sys Sf bop |e | ce | Bere ea a : 5 a|e Sel] o lm] 2/8 les on| © < Boley ae éé ple] a jel eBlAalss} 42 gol 3 3 a s/3/8 a Zlala l/a;ié& ala ao) 2 = a & © a AlBlaF| € |p| & So S18) ase 6 |el 6 |§¥ a] 278 Sies| = Bel + a g Bia) x!l + a) 2p 8) 3 2 2/8) 21S! oa Se) eS 3 SlSl@l|/e; 2 le] se l/els) o |Li|ael\Zla-| -& < 4 4 a {ale fal a A) A ale] & }O]R]O |s A WESTERN MARYLAND. | | Sunnyside .......... Garrett....... 2440 39°207|79°21’| 15.0'25.0) 5.0) 49) 28 |-15] 8 | 641.16) 11.3] 10) 8 10 10S. W. Oakland .. «. Garrett ......./2380.39 24 |79 18 |] 7.1] 47} 28 |-12 3 59'1.61| 12.0 6] 10) 6) 14/8. W. Deer Park... .- Garrett .. (2457/39 25 /79 13 | 16.7/28.5) 4.9) 48) 28 |-18} 6 66} 690) GB ls scaalnagys:taccvrn [ay ae eden Grantsville. .. Garrett .. -12100/39 45 /79 10 | 19.2/27.1] 9.2) 48} 28 |-12] 6 601.45) 12.0 6) 14) 8) 6 W. Westernport c .-|Allegany 1000)38 28 |79 2) 21.6/30.9!12.2) 56) 28 | -5| 7 61) .75| 7-5). saver lec eifige Grete Boettcherville *.../Allegany — ..-| 900/39 39 |78 48 | 22.6/....[ ...] 60] 28 |-10) 8. 8 | 70)1.30) 13.0}. Cumberland (a) ....)Allegany ..... 650/39 39 |78 46 | 28.2/87.2/19.2) 64) 28 | -3) 7 67] .93) 8.8]. Cumberland (b) ....|Allegany ..... 700|39 39 |78 45 | 22.4/380.1)15.5) 54 i 28 | -3) 6 57) .98) 9.5 Hancock...........5 Washington ..| 500|39 40 [78 10 | 23.8,85.5/12.5) 58|"°52/| -s| 3 | 66] .97| 9.5 Sharpsburg.. -|Washington ..| 420/39 25 /77 45 ; 22.8/82.0/13.5) 56) 28 | -6) 3 62)1.45} 14.0 NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. Burkittsville....... Frederick ....]....|39 25 |77 35 | d26.0/d33.8|d18.3} 72] 28 | -8) 6, 8 | 75] .94] 8.3]....]. all) WW Frederick (a). --|Frederick ....) 280/39 24 )77 18 | 25.132.917.3) 61) 28 | -4) 3 65/1.23] 10.2 ]....]. Dliciesue Frederick (b)....... Frederick ....) 280/89 24 |77.18 | 26.0|34.1/17.8) 60} 28 | -1 8 61/1.20} 12.0] 21 4 4iNW, Bachman’s Val.'*../Carroll .......}... O19 weve | sare] 491 28 |--3 6 52] .70) 7.0] 10} 11 7 2iIN.W. Westminster......./Carroll... — 25.2)33.2/17.2) 57) 25 | -41 6 61]1.30] 12.0/ 17] 7 4| 6|W NW + Glyndon... -|Baltimore ....| 660:39 27 |76 41 | k15.0/k23.3/k6.8| 38) 17 |-11 8 4911.66] 18.7] .. wid fetta lngecisness McDonogh .. ......|Baltimore ....| 535.39 23 |76 44 | d25.8'd33.3/d17.8) 59] 28 | -6 7 GB ae y Geers Ieee sta.) Sasredell en onss Woodstock Coll.....|Baltimore ....| 39239 20 |76 49 | 24.2)34.2|14.1) 60) 28 | -7 3 711.04) 10.4) 17 6 5 4|N.W. Baltimore ........ 3 bite 26.4/33.2119.6] 62) 28 1 6 6]; .838} 9.38] 11 5 2) 5S|N.W. Johns Hopkins Hos 25.5/33.8/17.2| 63) 28 | -1] 8 Ghee |) ace ave: ge tealensaline 2 Fallston.?® sciav «ac 24.0)....]-...| 58) 28 | -3] 6 6111.48) 12.51) 13, 12 3, 4) W. Darlington .. ‘ Y 300 23.7133.0/14.4, 58! 28 | -6] 6 64/1.61] 13.5] 22 2 4 4NW, Great Falls®*. Montgomery .| 150/89 0 |77 14 | 25.5) ...]....| 63) 25 | -1) 3 64) .57 ass: Io Mie ai ientece [Hersates SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis . .|Anne Arund’l} 20/39 58 |76 30 19.0 8 64) sce) sens | 22) 0) Ghaves | NW Jewell... Anne Arund’]| 16058 44 176 36 Mis 8 64/1.17) 11.5] 19) 4! 5) 5S|N.W. Dist. Res., D. C. \77 0 nts 3 HY 39 || ceceuennt I sentog | ticveh'| cosebtae| ina vg | saetaaw w Rec. Res., D. C.°*.. 77 0 Sapa 3 64/729] .... |. Seesints eiaspnet| aVkse 5, Senn ode Washington, D.C..|.. 77 0 18. 3. | 67/1.10} ... 14, 9} 5) 6IN.W College Park....... 76 56 14.8 3 Ol ZO} FeO lexmeees|s sain] i Zhawie core Upper Marlboro ...|Pr j 16 45 14.6 3 7211.10} 12.0] 19 5 4 5|N.W La Plata...... -|Charles. ..... 190/38 32 77 0 18.9 % GH Led Tl WEG accede ewne |sacu leas see Solomon’s ..... -|Calvert ...... 20/88 19 |76 27 19.1 8 62)1.34) 11.8 9} 9 10) 5IN.W. Charlotte Hall .....|/St. Mary’s ....| 167/38 28 [76 48 16.3 6 70/1.38] 13.5} 20) 4) 4) S|IN.W. Cherryfields?....... St. Mary’s ... | 20/38 11 |76 24 pins « sel... /1.78) 10.0] 15} 8) 5) 6|N.W. EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown .-|Kent -| 80/39 18 [76 4 | 28.8/31.7/15.8) 58) 28 0| 6, 8] 58/1.35! 138.51) 20) 6) 2) 3IN.W Denton . ../Carolip 42/38 47 )75 41 27.6/39.6]15.7| 60) 28 | -2| 6 211.05] 9.1 [....]....1- piMenfibisrsuttous Easton..... -.|Talbot ... 35/38 42 |76 28.9/38.9]18.9) 64) 28 2) 8 62)1.98} 17.0} 21) 2 5| BINLW. Mardela Spr........|Wicomico ....| 25:38 30 7) 39 | 25.7/34.3)17.1) 61) 28 2, 8 59/2.02} 10.0/ 14, 8 6] 5|N.W. Princess Anne..... Somerset..... 20/38 10 |75 35 | 25.3)/33.2/17.4) 61) 28 3} 8 58)2.14| 13.0} 10) 14) 4 5|N.W. Pocomoke City. .. |Worcester....| 37/88 5 |75 34 | 29.3/87.5/21.1| 64) 28 2| 8 62/1.62} 138.5} 17) 5) 6) 6IN.W. Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle....] 115/39 44 !75 33 | 26.5/35.6|17.4| 57; 28 | -2) 6 | 59/1.95) 11.7) 12) 15) 1) 7N.W. Newark, Del....... Neweastle....|..../39 40 [75 37 | 22.5/30.9)14.1| 56) 28 | -4| 6 60)1.08} 12.0} 14) 8} 6) 4;N.W. +t Kirkwood, Del.?..:Newcastle. ..|....'89 35 |75 41 | 20.6)....)ssseJeseleeseeefeee[ereses Zyacl nvadaaas| * easavec IL esac hoeaietes|pSvanse: tavern il esau Dover, Dei «AK 24.9133.0/16.8] 56] 28 |-1]) 6 57/1.55) 12.0} 17 WT O4 6) W NW Milford, Del. 27.6137.6/17.8] 62) 2 1) 6, 8) GI1.50) 11.5] 18) 4) G6) 4/N VW. Seaford, Del.. . 25.3/34.6/16.0] 61) 28 | -2) 6 GCBlT 68] 12 85 | ois s Maseie' ad adeeks [fied emaainere Millsboro, Del.....- 25.4135.1)15.8] 62) 28 | -1]| 6 63/1.93} 8.0] 17) 7 4) TNLW. + VIRGINIA. Norfolk......+0+ steel wane seescneuses ee serbia Fg BF eS TIE a8e9 31.9/39.4/24.4] 68) 28 2] 8 66/2.62| 10.8) 18| 6) 4) TLIN.W Warsaw.... .-+-++.-/Richmond ..--}... Jeseee fareeee 26.4/36.5/16.3] 68) 28 oO} 68 68/1.15] 11.5} 15) 9) 4) 4) N. $ PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia .......-.eeeeeecee ee ee ee Sebel ase Be aNe f SaEHON 25.4/32.3/18.6] 58) 28 | -3) 6 56/1.39) 11.4) 10) 11) 7} 6)/N.W. Western Maryland ..|....]....0[.. + 20.9/80.3111.0).. |..... |...]....+-[63.2|1.15] 10.4 | 9.3]12.2| 6.5] 6.s/°W" } Northern-Cent’] Md.|....]..... als waren 25.0188.5/17.1]...].....- sche 63.3}1.09] 10.6 ]15.9} 6.7) 4.0] 4.9)N.W. AVERAGES ) Southern Maryland..|....|.....- sevens | BOABABIIT. Te saves es va 66.3)1.17| 11.5 |16.5| 5.6) 5.8] 4.8|N.W. East. Md. and Del....}....}.-. ++ a eiayeaaes 96.1135.2/17. 1)... } eee ee sale 60.1/1.62) 11.9 |16.0) 7.6) 4.4) 4.7/N.W. Entire territory ..... haze 3i[sagaro's 1S | ic gaseaant 24.5/88.4/15.7)...]... + ssi 63.2/1.26) 11.1 14.4 8.0) 5.2] 5.1]N.W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a sta- tion indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Meanof 7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. ? Mean of 8a.m.+8p.m.+2. ®*Meanof 7a.m.+ 2p.m. +2. The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the max- imum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. + Omittcd in computing averages. t Record incomplete. 74 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR MARCH, 1895. TEMPERATURE. fi a - Max. Min. 2 “| 3 2 ——|\7—|¢6le] 4 e| 5 o = = $ q Ze bo | 2 3 " o| = ; 8 gj) 2/g Bley ec 12) \ hie STATIONS. CountTiEs. |2 : # s |S |S a 8 B Bla| 2 lbs] » ox} | BS] m lalla a p || go |e | eBlA IAS & co| S|] fb | ag }elo ,o o ala} a |alslpelos) a BS] 2) eB )| et lalal?] ¢ 12] ¢ 2lal 4 /e/Ala let 2 Sel 3 FE ajlealjel/&| 8 /a) § |a|/S!] S$ | ele] 2/85) § An| @ ° ° oO} ole oe o oe o|s5 ° ®i\ al Sia «a q 4 4 a lalezlAlaAa jal A |ala] & |O}e{o lm AA WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside..........)Garrett.. 2440)/39°207|79°21’| 31.4/40.3/22.5] 69) 29 2) 23, 22) 67/6.20] 22.2 8] 6 Oakland ..........66 Garrett........ 2380/39 24 |79 18 | 83.2/43.5)23.0] 66) 29 | -3) 21 69)5.22|...... ll 8 Deer Parke criccwene Garrett 2457/89 25 |79 13 | 83.0/45.6]20.6] 67] 30 | -7| 21 TAG25) 92 | one Leeen | Grantsville ........./Garrett....... 2100)39 45 |79 10 | 33.8)/42.0)/25.5] 67) 12 9) 20 58/3.10) 14.0] 10) 6 Westernport.......|Allegany..... 1000/39 28 |78 2 | 87.0/46.5/27.4| 60) 1 | 12) 20 ABNLAIO) G20 | conc beswafe Boettcherville!*..|/Allegany ..... 900)39 39 |78 48 | 388.2]...-]..--] 66) 1 18) 3 48|2.60) 6.0 |. Cumberland (a) ...;Allegany ..... 650/39 39 /78 46 | 41.852.0/31.5 69) 24 | 21) 4 4812.59) O20 | prev lasae] > Cumberland (b) ....;Allegany...... 700/39 39 |78 45 | 37.8/45.2/30.3 65] 1 | 22/2,3,5,6) 43/2.45] 3.0] 12) 7 Hancock.........66- Washington ..| 500/39 40 |78 10 | 40.0/51.6)28.4) 70) 1 | 17) 16 53/1.741 1.0}; 12} 12 Sharpsburg.......++ Washington..| 420/89 25 |77 45 | 39.2/47.2/31.3] 64) 1 | 22%) 5 42/2.56; 0.8] 13) 9 NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. Burkittsville....... Frederick ....| ...|89 25 |77 85 | 41.9/51.4/32.4' 63) 1 | 21) 5 42/203) 4.8 |aaieslllsnas|woefieds 1 We Mt.St. Mary’s Coll.1|Frederick ....| 720/389 43 [77 20 | 38.6)....|26.5.%61] 1 | 14) 5 47/1.80].... .) | 11) 13) 7N.W. Frederick (a@j....... Frederick ....| 280/39 24 |77 18 | 40.0/47.9]32.0] 69 1 | 21 5 4812.49] 0.5 |... efisccpeeee [er esleeen ee Frederick (b)... ... Frederick 280)39 24 |77 18 | 41.0/49.7/32.2) 66 1 22] 6 44/+1.50]...... 16) 10) 5)-...)N.W. Bachman’s Val,*..|Carroll... ....|.-- 39 87 176 55 | 36.2)....]....| 62] 1 | 20) 5,6] 42/1.93/ 1.6) 16] 6) 9) JO)N.W. Westminster........|Carroll........]- {89 25 \77 O | 41.0151.0/31.1) 69} 1,2] 17] 5 52/12,74]....65 18} Ml 2] Tees ¢Glyndon..... ‘:|Baltimore ....} 660/39 27 [76 41 | 36.4)147.2/u25.6] 62] 25 | 16] 26 | 46]7146]......]-.--[.. Ell eta sitll McDonogh . .-|Baltimore ...| 535/39 23 |76 44 | ¢39.8]c47.9]c31.7| 67) 1 | 19] 5 |....|....faee ee snes [tcvavat sc rocsiansd s/o 4 Garrison.....-.. .|Baltimore ....| .../89 23 |76 49 | 39.0/49.0)/28.9] 66 1 19) 5 472.47, 3.0} 13) 12) 6] 7 a Woodstock Coll Baltimore ....| 392/89 20 |76 49 | 39.8/50.2/29.5) 69} 1 | 18) 5 51/1.52] 3.2] 11} 10} 10] 4) W. Baltimore: :acacesee | eaeiaesosumeren 179|39 17 [76 386 | 40.6/48.2}32.9) 72] 1 21) 56 51'2.94, 0.8] 11] 15] 5] 13/N.W. Johns Hopkins Hos} ..........5 eee 124/39 17 176 36 | 39.8/48.3]31.3] 70] 1 | 2 5 49|.... savts'Ikegsuazal Moceu fhagesesell ee ogat] Saat .. PAalstogh 8.5 ¢ awe BO 31 (76 24. | GBB) oc [onal BA] J | 20l & 4412.85) 0.7 9} 13) 9} BIN. W. Darlington ... j 38.4/46.8/29.5) 66) 1 | 19) 5 47\2.73| 1.5 | 19) 4) 8) GINAAY. Great Falls®*. .....|Montgomery.| 150/389 0 |77 14 | 40.8)..--)..../ 70) 1 | 24) 5 462.86) ...... were fence [wed [actaalten SOUTHERN MARYLAND. TEWELL sassaie a sewaien Anne Arund’l| 160/38 44 |76 36 | 42.8/51.9]33.8) 71) 1 | 22) 5 49/3.26]...... weeks walanae ist. 120/388 52 |77 O} 41.8)....[.. .] 67] 1 26) 5 41/2.63]..... saat a3 E 160/88 52 |77 O | 40.8)... ]....) 68} 1 | 22) 5,22] 46)2.50]......Jeee]eee 5 Washington, D.C 112/88 52/77 0 | 41.8/50.0/83.5) 74 1 | 22) 5 522.59)... ..- 12); 10 College Park....... Pr. George’s..| 130]/88 58 |76 56 | 41.4/51.4/31.4) 72] 1 | 20) 6 52|2.7B].. 00. seid, ANpesous es Upper Marlboro....|Pr. George’s..| 60]88 47 |'76 45 | 41.3/51-0/31.5) 73) 1 | 22) 5 51/3.50) T 16) 7 La Plata...... .../Charles ......- 190/38 82 177 O | 43.2/52.5/34.0) 70 1 | 26) 4 44/3.15}...... ay |] capalicy Bel Alton. ..|Charles... (88 26 |77 1 | 44.4/54.3/34.6) 73 1 | 25) 16 48)2.85) 00.206) ene ssaiee Mie Solomon’s...... .../Calvert.. . 20138 19 |76 27 | 43.2'51.6/34.8) 69 1 | 25) 5 44/3.29| 1.0 7 7 Charlotte Hall. ...|St. Mary’s..... 167\38 28 |76 48 | 43.2|53.5133.0) 70 1 | 22) 6 48)3.28) T 12 i Cherryfields? ...... St. Mary’s....- 20.88 11 PIG EA Bp Blenweleercie «|onicns see |ervew [ose [BDOy Bb 9) 16 EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown ....... entrees see 80/39 13 76 4 | 39.2/47.1)31.4) 66) 1 | 22) 5 | 44)/t2.17)...... 15) 9) 7 OTN.W. Denton ... Caroline 42)38 47 |75 41 40.6/49.5/31.6) 71 1 23) 22 48/4.05) 0.5 |-- [eee e [eee eden ee feeene Easton..... -|Lalbot ... 35/88 42 |76 6 | 42.8)51.6/84.1| 74 i 23) 5 51/3.45| 0.0} 11 8) 12} 10)N.W. Mardela Spr... -|Wicomico. 25/38 30 175 39 | 41.9)/50.8/33.0) 68; 1 | 23) 6 45/3.30] 1.5] 11} 9) | JIJN.W. Princess Anne..... Somerset ..... 20/38 10 |%5 35 | 42.3)51.'7/32.9) 65} 1 | 23) 6,23] 42/4.28) 3.2] JJ] 12] 8) 10/N.W. Pocomoke City ....|Worcester....| 37/38 5 |75 34] 43.9/52.7/35.1] 68) 1 | 26) 6,17) 42/4.43/.... .| 16] 6) 9) 12iN.W. Wilmington, Del ..|Newcastle....] 115/89 44 |'75 83 | 40.7/51.0)30.4) 67) 1 19} 5 48/3.61| 1.2 9| 16} 6} 10) W. Newark, Del....... Neweastle....|..../39 40 75 37 | 37.9/46.9/28.9) 63) 1 | 19) 5 4413.09} 0.5 | 13) 8] 10) 8|N.W. Kirkwood, Del ?...|Neweastle....|... |89 35 |75 41 | e85.4)... |. -Jeee[ vere Jove} eee ee udlltocee ee lee sallgante aes eer s Dover, Del ......... 40.6/48.6132.7] 67} 1 | 23) 5 44)/3.791.. IW 6] 8) «9IN.W. Milford, Del. ......- 42.4|51.8/32.9] 69} 1 24| 5,6 | 45/2.69). 19} 4 8) 7S. W. Seaford, Del. ...... naar 41.8/51.8)/31.9) 67 1 2) 5 4513.84). soa: | eeoeasal toteae disse bag lheta sleet Millsboro, Del...... wads 42.0/51.2/32.7) 68} 1 | 22) 6 46/4.66 17 6! 8) 10) N. { VIRGINIA. Birdsnest 1*......... Northampton] ...|....--]....++ 44.2)....J...-] 72} 1 | 30) 3,5,17] 42/5.60) 2.6 8) 7) 16) 10)/N.W. NOPf OW K nciw. senc dace [iecaieis esis 03 2:eteraoie'| a [Peureisierd 46.8)/56.0/37.6| 76} 30 | 29) 17 47\5.36| 1.5] 16] 7 8} 14, N. Warsaw ....... sce: Richmond ....|....)-.ccesf eevee 43.6/53.3/34.0) 72) 1 | 22) 1% 50\3.72) 1.5) 12) 13) 6) 11] N. { PENNSYLVANIA. PhilAdel Phidiscccsecerays clenaese sre] x2 lew aol sears 38.0/45.'7/80.2) 64, 1 | 18) 5 46)2.61| 3.8] 13) 7 11) 12\N.W. ( Western Maryland ..|....).....-| ...+ 36.5/46.0)26.7 sicrasava |teeaes | senemeese 55.03.08} 6.8 |10.6) 7.4,12.4]11.6) SW W | Northern-Cent’l Md.|.... 89.6)49.0)29.0]...]-.00. Jewelen aoe 46.9/2.88| 2.0 /13.3]10.2) 7.4) 7.9|N.W. AVERAGES { Southern Maryland .|....{..---.| ss... 42.3/52.0/33.3]. .Jeseees[oce[eceees 47.5|3.03} 1.1 |11.2]10.2) 9.6|10.2|N.W. | Hast. Midvand Del cislenscheassss| cones $1,0/50.4/82.3). 0% | seeees [ane] sree es 45.3/3.'74| 1.3 [13.9] 8.4) 8.7] 9.4)/N.W. | Entire territory.....}....[eeseesjeee oe 39.8/49.4]80.3). -|reseee[eeefeseeee 48.7|3.08} 2.8 |12.5] 9.3] 9.5] 9.8IN.W. * Extremesof temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: . 5 Mean of 7a.m.+2p.m. + 2. s that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- 1 Mean of 7a.m.+2p.m.4+ 9 p.m. + The absence of a numeral indicate: 9 p.m. + 4. 2 Mean of 8a. m. + 8 -m. + 2. mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of astation indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. + Record incomplete. t Omitted in computing averages. qq ou MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR APRIL, 1895. TEMPERATURE. g Max. | Min. 8 3] gy a ’ ae te s|3| a S| 3 2 | ; a|s| & .| A = . ° s 41g |e. | 4B) en) SvaTIons. Counties. |2 > |e ele Silas) ela]. |e/e29 os . od = s/s ce] o eS Bla | siel] w o/s / Slop 7 a p/2] 8 |e/el)alss} & 38) 2/2) 2) e/e/8} 18) [ze] @ (alge el s 27| 6 | @ | e1s| aie) & le) os |Slal se lelel ese é 28,8 | 28\e l/l ele] s |e) 2 |Ble| 6 )e\eie lige e PH} AlT aA al aelAal a jaja lsla] a /oleisla | a WESTERN MARYLAND. | Sunnyside.......... Garrett. 2440/39°207/79°217| 47.0/54.5 39.5] 79) 25 | 18} IL 61)/4.8 13) 6) Il) 13/8. W Oakland.... . Garrett . 2380/89 24 |79 18 46.0 56.0/35.9 TU) 25 22) 11 54/3. ll) 1 7) 13/8. W. Deer Park een Garrett. 2457/39 25 |79 13 | 45.0'58.2'31.8) 80) 26 20; 19 60 sete feeeeee Grantsville... Garrett. 2100/39 45 /79 10 46.2'55.4 36.9 76) 25 eet. Wd 54 13 4] 13) 12/8. W. Westernport. Allegany -{1000}/39 28 |78 2 |'39.5] 81] 26 | 27) 10 54 Sedeani!| aut Boettcherville!*.../Allegany 900/39 39 |78 48 BP) ata [ewes 86) 25,20) 32, fe ite BED AO) wees leserteoes| axeela via] res 0 Cumberland (qa) ..../Allegany ..... 650/39 39 |78 46 52.9 82.2) 43.6 86) 25 | 32) 10 54 wring heave | agi [is se E. Cumberland (b) Allegany . ...| 700/39 39 |78 45 52.0/60.2 43.8 83) 25 | 32) 11 51 14 7 QO Glvasiews Hancock.. Washington ..| 500/39 40 |78 10 | 52.6/65.4'39.7| 89] 25 | 25) 11 64 13} 8} 9) 8 W. Sharpsburg. Washington ..| 420/39 25 77 45 | 52.4/62.8/42.1) 87} 25 | 30] 11, 18] 57 12} 6} 12) LI]N.wW. NORTHERN-CENTRAL Mp. Burkittsville....... Frederick ....|..../89 25 |77 35 | 52.5/62.0/43.0) 85] 25 | 32 Tg TS) BSBA) cssiee 10) 10} 10) 12) W. Mt. St. Mary’s Coll.1|Frederick ....| 720/39 43 |77 20} 52.6]..../43.5)*84| 25 20, 4 35 4.09] ..... 4/ 13) 18) 10) N Peederigk os raseesy Frederick ....} 280)39 24 77 18 | a52.4/b62.2'242.6| 85] 25 32) 4,11 | 53/4.69]......]... a aianeg|taeeeek, Mes ats [hersatae ¥ Woman’s College ..|Frederick ....| 280/39 24/7718 | 53.1/63.2/43.0) 84) 25 33) 4 51/4.97)...... 15} 9) 6] 8|N.W. Bachman’s Val.}*../Carroll........ +++ |B9 87 |76 55 49). 8B) cisaiail were 84) 25, 26) 28! 56/6.45).... 15) 5; 10 9 S. E. Western Md. Coll.. Carroll... .... -++-/89 25 |77 0} 54.4 84} 2 30 4,11, 12) 54)5.45).. ... 13 6} 11 BI sce eres Glyndon ..0+ 6.00% Baltimore ....| 650/39 27 |76 45 | 51.6 62.6 40.5] 84) 25, 26) 25 19 59/7 60) vas 008 1m 6g 11|N. E Garrison esse senaes Baltimore ....|....|39 23 |76 49 | 50.8/60.9,40.6) 85] 25 | 28° 4,12 | 57/9.28/...... 14} 6) 10; 10) W McDonogh School..| Baltimore ....} 535/39 23 |76 44 | c51.1 009.1 43.1) 80) 25. 261 82 4,11 | 48)... |e... set lie we fs xo2:| amestced Woodstock College|Baltimore ...| 392/39 20 |76 49 | 51.4 2.0 40.9 85) 25 ot 15 58)/2.00]...... 8} 10) 12 5|N.W. Baltimore ........ bien conse sepaimaiers 179339 17 |76 86 | 52.8/60.7)44.9) 86 ‘ a 4 2)7 42) cece 10} 12 8} 11) 8. E. Johns Hopkins Hos] ......... 0.5.4. 124/39 17 |76 86 | 52.0 61.1/42.9) BL) |) 58 6 xs a cece age lene =! eeseallaxtrae | ease St. Charles College.|Howard...... 300/39 16 |76 44 | 53.8/59 7/48.0 5 45/7.25] ..... 17)... 13 9)N.W Great Falls®*....... Montgomery .| 150,39 0 |77 14] 53.9)....].... 4 DES. 28) scwees feel ex elleaectlwos | evens Fallston School !*../Harford ...... 45039 381 |76 24 | 51.0) ...].... 4 498.52) ..... 8] 11) 11] 12) E Darlington Acad’y.'Harford ...... 300/39 39 /76 14 | 50.4/60.4 40.4 4 57/6.68] ..... 18) 5 Ml) WB Be a 2g SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis .......... Anne Arund’l) 2039 58 |76 80 | 53.662.0 45.1) 84) 25 | 34! 3,4 SEWED -isgcrorigess way Anne Arund’l 3 | 53.6/62.9/44.3! 85) 25, 26] 32 Dist: Reésis. Ds Ooo % nels ss panes coeens 54.6) -..]--. | 80° 26 | 36) 8 Rec. Res., D. C.5*..]. SWB) ac peassy 82p BE [SS Bid: Washington, D. C.. 38 52 53.8/62.7/44.8) 86) 25 | 33) 12 Md. Agricult. Coll..|Pr. George’s..| 130/38 58 |76 56 | b51.7/b62.8/b40.6] 85) 25 2 4 DAUBEL cscs: a. cip% Pr. George’s. | 160/39 5 |76 45 | 054.6) 066.0/043.1| 86] 26 | 34) 19 Upper Marlboro ...|Pr. George’s..| 60/38 47 |76 45 | 5% 8/63.5/42.0) 88) 26 | 30] 4, 12 DA PYLE. c.245 coeuse Charles. ..... 190/88 32 [77 0} §5.6/65.1/46.2) 85] 25, 26] 30) 11 Bel Alton .... . .../Charles.. wile 58.2)/70.5,45.8) 89] 25 | 82) 11 Pope’s Creek. . |Charles.. 53.4/63.7/43.2) 89) 25 | 291 11 Solomon’é sso. Calvert ...... 53.9]62.2)45.7) 77} 20, 25] 35| Charlotte Hall Sch’l\St. Mary’s ....| 167/38 28 |76 48 | 54.2/64.8/43.7) 87| 25 | 29 4, 12 Cherryfield’s? ..-... St. Mary’s ....| 20/388 11 |76 24 | 52.9)....[..../... [eee olf ees crate eiocnes EASTERN Mb. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown....... Kent assac jas 80/39 13 [76 4 | 51.9/61.2/42.6) 81) 25 | 31] 12 Denton ..... ......./Caroline - | 42/88 47 175 41 | 54.8/65.9/43.7) 87] 25 | 28) 12 Bastoniaince « «(Pal Dot. 2x cee 35/88 42 |76 6 | 53 7/63.5}43.9] 84] 25 | 30) 12 Mardela Sper Wicomico.... 25/38 30 |75 39 | 53.4)62.6/44.2) 82) 26 | 2 12 Princess Anne..... Somerset..... 20/88 10 |75 85 | 54.1/64.8)43.4) 83] 25, 26] 27) 12 Pocomoke City.....|Worcester....| 37/88 5 |75 34 | 55.8/64.2/46.4) 84 26 | 32) 12 Wilmington, Del...|;Newcastle....| 115/39 44 |75 83 | 54.0/64.4/43.7] 89) 25 | 31 Delaware Colleze..|Newcastle ....|....|39 40 |75 387 | a49.7/59.4/40.0) 84) 25 | 30) 11 Kirkwood, Del.?... 39 35 |75 41 | 48.3)....] - |...Jeeeee- est | eisewce sil eves © Dover, Del .. 40)39 10 |75 30 | 52.7/61.7/43.7) 85) 25, 26) 32] 4, 12 Milford, Del. 38 45 (75 25 | §3.8/63.4/44.3) 85] 25 | 30) 12 Seaford, Del . (88 40 |75 35 | 53.5)64.4/42.6) 84) 25, 26) 28) 12 Millsboro, Del...... | ... [38 44 |75 15 | 52.9/62.7/43.1) 86) 25 | 28] 12 ¢ VIRGINIA. WOT issoeis eeunicay| «scan aeons, nw reas 57.7/66.1/49.3] 84| 25 | 39) 4 45/6 .07 18 5) 16)N. BE. Warsaw iis vssecenss Richmond ....|.... 55.0/65.4/44.5) 87/ 25 | 284,12 | 59/5.22)...... 8) 12) 10) 7 E $ PENNSYLVANIA PHU ibdcgecscyesews ai cociaews wiaistay assurance aves | B1.6)6002148.1! 84) 25 | 82] 11 52/6.14) ..... | 3) 16} LIN. BE. ( Western Maryland...|.... 49,7/]..0.0- aGlie Bhea 56.3). 71)-.+6+-/12.7) 7.2/10.2/10.618. W. | Northern-Cent’l Md.|. Hg a aae a Eodeet| Panta adios heeanaga es : a 4 we a N.W. AVERAGES Southern Maryland.. : : Qhevs|acees : a é iS -O|N. BE. : East. Md. and i ee 53.2/62.9)48.4)...1 oes ge 12.9] 7.3] 9.7110.1|N. BE. - Entire territory ..... es 52.3 en eee wavs [Rae ta 5 aah 12.9} 7.4/10.0)10.0)/N. B. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer, A numeral following the name of u station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Meanof7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. ?Meanof8a.m.+8p.m. + 2. 5 Mean of 7a.m.+2p.m.+ 2. The absence of a numera] indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes one day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. + Omitted in computing averages. + Record incomplete. 76 e MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR MAY, 1895. TEMPERATURE. S Max. Min. 8 ‘ a SS alee o| dg e Sl all gy &|2)% les 5 @|/#is ala] o a|.8| £ STATIONS. CountiEs. |2 ; eS] a G/S/ela|]. | SiS S - 2 a & a ° a | s |e oo os} S| FS] pe j ; pl P|s/eR/B)/Alscl a so| od 2 ee EL LS 8 2)ialala|s Ag| 3 ao| 3 3 s o| . jol . |4 Al el.sal 3 pH! + 8D ~~ q qa a a i 3 Py a a 5 oO ao & Bele) 8/818) eis) 2 isle 818) s| 8) a8] 2 ee) 2 a) a/38/2/2!/2 14) 4 [Al 4 [sl|€@lélaléislel a WrstERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside Garrett 2440)399207/799217| 54.0) 66.9] 41.0) 90} 30 | 24) 17, 22} 66)2.50 Oakland .« Garrett 2380)39 24 179 18 | 54.4) 66.7) 42.0) 86) 30 | 27) 17, 22] 59)3.76 Decr Park. Garrett 2457/39 25 |79 13 | 55.2) 71.1] 30.4] 93) 30 | 20) 18, 22) 73/2.'75 Grautsville Garrett 2100/39 45 |79 10 | 55.8) 66.5} 45.0} 89} 380 | 27 62|2.28 Westernport.. -/Allegany . 1000/39 28 |78 2] 61.1) 78.1) 49.1) 941 30 | 30) 16 64|0.'70) Boettcherville !*.../Allegany . 900|39 39 |78 48 | 62.0)..... --. «| 96) 30 | 34) 13 62)2.10 Cumberland (a) ... |Allegany .....] 650/89 39 |78 46 | $66.6)¢77.6)$55.5) 98| 30 | 38) 22 60/1.82 Cumberland (bp) ..../Allegany......! 700/39 39 |78 45 | 62.2) 71.0) 53.3) 93) 80, 31) 35} 21 58/1.52 Oldtown........ Allegany. ...j 500/89 33 |78 87 |......|....- cies le $e ERE aides aaeveeel| teen | LENO! a Hiancoeli.. ei iessss Washington ..} 500/39 40 |78 10 |gt67.8)¢¢80.1/¢+55.4/101) 30 | 30} 13 71/2.02 Green Spr. Furnace; Washington..| 500/39 39 |77 55 | 62.2] 74.1) 50.2) 96] 30 | 33) 13,17) 63/2.55) . Hagerstown........ Washington..| 525/39 89 |77 43 | 63.2) 76.1] 50.2) 98) 30 | 85) 22 63)/2.69]... zee Sharpsburg. ..|Washiogton..| 420/89 25 77 45 | 62.5) 73.1) 52.0) 96) 380 | 34) 17 62/2.17]....} 18} 6) 8} 13/SE NW NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. Mt.St. Mary’s Coll."| Frederick. 62.9]. ..-5 52.5) 90) 30, 31) 37) 13 53]4.19).. 7 11) 13 Frederick ..... .... Frederick 63.1) 73.1) 53.1) 95) 30 | 87) 22 58/3.81).. tT 19) 5 Bachman’s Val.!*..|Carroll.... Gils O lis sexscere!| actaassse 95} 31 | 384) 17 612.95) .. 43) 1) 7 Western Md. Coll ..|Carroll.... 65.2) 77.4] 53.1] 99) 31 36) 13 65/3.36} .. 42) 9} (10 Glyndon .....eseeee Baltimore .... 62.0) 73.8} 50.38} 96; 30 | 35) 22 61/3.17) . 19) 6) 6 Garrison.........665 Baltimore ....| -»-|39 28 |76 49 | aG1.4| 72.0} 50.8] 92) 30, 31] 387; 13 55/3.98} .. 14) 22) 5 McDonogh School..|Baltimore ....| 535/39 23 |76 44 | c61.0)¢69.7/c52.3| 91) 380, 31) 40) 18, 22) 51)....).. nde scssescrliwert ee Woodstock Coll ....|Baltimore ....| 892|39 20 76 49 | 61.8) 73.2) 50.3] 95) 380 | 38) 18,17) 57/2.03) . 4) 2B) 4 BaltimGrs sissies: edleas ne Bereta sees 62.4] 70.8) 54.0) 95} 31 | 40) 5 55/3.04] ., 8) 19) 4 Johns Hopkins Hos|..........- ai 62.2) 71.5] 52.8) 95) 30, 31} 40) 13 DG) vee < fas un, | otaeayal in St. Charles College.| Howard 62.7) 68.7 56.7) 89) 31 | 42) 19 47/3.94) . 20) 8} 3 Great Falls 5# .....- Montgomery .| 150/89 0/77 14] 63.7/.....|...-- 92) 80, 81} 44] 13 48/8.49] ...]....].-..]- Fallston School !*. |Harford ...... 450|39 31 176 24 | 60.9) ....]..... 92) 30,31) 41) 13 51/4.42).. 9) 14) 8 Darlington Acad’y.|Harford ..... .| 300/39 39 176 14 | 61.8) 72.2) 51.3) 94) 31 | 30) 14 55/2.69)....] 17] 4) 10 SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis .......... Anne Arunad’l| 20/39 58 |76 30 | 61.6] 70.0) 53.21 94) 31 | 40] 14 54/8.41]...., 10) 4] 17 Jewell snnsx Ddateiassinsis Anne Arund’l| 160/388 44 |76 36 | 62.0) 71.0) 53.1] 95} 31 | 39) 13 56/4.31] ...] 19) 7 Dist. Ress, DiC. e¥ se] cones. reaes + evee| 120/88 52 |77 0 | 63.3)..... asevel QI) 81 42) 13 49\2.43]....]..00]-- Recs Resi. Dy Ge Sb ail waasen ia tewe. ee 160138 52 |"7 O|} 6B.1].....]...0. 93) 31 43) 13 50|2.78).... Washington, D. C..| ..... eecee cues 112/38 42 77 0 | 62.6) 71.9} 53.2] 95) 380 | 40) 13 55/3.09).... Md. Agricult. Coll..|Pr. George’s..| 130/88 58 |76 56 | d60.6)e71.9|d49.3) 94] 30, 31) 37) 17 57/3.16).. PMO! osaicas seus 90% Pr. George’s .| 160/39 5 \76 45 | 60.0) 69.9) 50.2) 93 36] 22 57\8.42 Upper Marlboro ...|Pr. George's .| _60|38 47 |76 45 | 62.1) 72.6) 51.6) 96) 30, 31) 89) 13, 17| 57/4.19). La Plata ..... 66 ..|Charles. .... | 190/88 32 (77 0 | a63.5!a74.0/a53.0) 96) 30 | 38) 12,18) 585.40]... |... Jessep ocee[evee|eres Bel Alton: «00. (Charles. iss. «++. (38 26 177 1 63.8] 73.8) 63.8) 95} 30 | 40) 12 55|4.40)... ane) cea as Pope’s Creek. .. . |Charles. ..... 100/38 22 [77 1 | c63.2/e74.8.051.5'100] 31 | 40) 14,16) 60)3.95]....]....)eeee[eeeefe oe Solomon's ......... Calvert. ....- 20/38 19 |76 27 | 62.6) 71.5) 53.8100 9 21 13 584.46]... Charlotte Hall Sch’l/St. Mary’s ...] 167/88 28 |76 48 | 62.5) 73.2] 58.8] 95) 31 | 38) 17 57/4.68].... Cherryfields ?...... St. Mary’s. . | 20/38 LL /76 24 | 62.8)... .|..... cvaillecanise [sara | Serres [edeavesilt OOM ce EASTERN Mb, AND DELAWARE. Chestertown...... s(IROM bs ase aaihton 80/39 13 }768 4 | 61.4) 71.0] 51.9) 92] 31 | 41) 13 51/3.42] . 18) 1) 2} 68) W. Denton ....... Caroline.. ...] 42/88 47 |75 41 | 63.6) 74.1] 53.1] 98) 31 | 38) 17 60)2.83} . cisjsref| Chcroeallleeentes Haston .. . TPAalbot. veces 35)38 42 |76 6 | 62.2) 71.7) 52.6) 93) 30, 81) 39) 17 54|3.07). 14} 6) 11) J4)N.W. Mardela Spr.. . Wicomico ....| 25/38 30 |75 39 | 61.2) 69.4) 53-1) 93) 381 | 37) 17 5615.23]... 8) 12) 11) 15/8. BE. Princess Anne. Somerset..... 20/38 10 |75 35 | 61.6) 70.3] 53.0) 93) 381 | 40) 15 |, 53)3.94 6) 15) 10) 13/N.W. Pocomoke City. ...|Worcester....| 87/88 5 |75 34 | 63.0) 72.0) 54.0) 96] 31 | 42) 17 544.33). 11} 13) 7 Id) 8. Wilmington, Del ..|Newcastle....| 115/39 44 |75 33 | 65.4) 77.4} 53 5) 98! 10,30) 41) 22 57/2.15) T 9| 18) 4! 11/8. Ww. Delaware College..|Neweastle....|..../89 40 |75 37 | 61.0) 71.0} 51.0) 92] BL | 387) 17 Sb 72). 12) 8] HW) 8/SE W Kirkwood, Del.?...|Newcastle «..|89 35 75 41 | d58.4).....]-..-. dll as 38 Kevll sural assertion wie aia ||) gis | Seaienn Dover, Del.........+ Kent 40/39 10 |75 380 | 62.1) 70.8] 53.3] 95) 31 41} 13 54)2.75|.. ll} 11 9] 16\S. B. Milford, Del.. seeee feeee (38 45 175 25 | 62.5) 71.9) 53.1] 96) 31 | 39) 17 574.48) .. 20) 2) 9) 9 N Seaford, Del. ....-. -|-++-(38 40 175 35 | 61.2) 70.9] 51.4) 94) 381 | 38) 17 56)/4.27|.. reer rr Millsboro, Del Ss ceeanen[eree OS dt S15) 61.4) 71.3) 61.5) 97) Bl | 38) 17 59)5.52].. 14) 10} 7 16\N. EB + VIRGINIA. Norfolk... ai.i5 0 aeti[) ete aes, citaia bayinnns t yale © 64.0) 72.2) 55.7) 96) 31 | 44) 15 52/8.60]....] 17] 9] 5) 14)N. BE. Warsaw. ...-. Richmond ....|..+e]seeeeefeaeee +| 68.5} 74.0) 53.0) 95) 30, 31] 36) 17, 23) 59/4.95.....] 9} 16) 6 E. ¢ PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelpbia.... sc... ce cece eseenelecee|eeeeee | eenee 62.4] 71.5] 53.3] 94) 30 17; 6) 9IN. E. Western Maryland ..|....)....+. 59.3! 71.0] 46.9]...].....- 8.7] 7.0]10.5/S. W. Northern-Cent’l Md.|....| ..... 62.4] 72.2] 52.5 ‘ 12.4] 6.8]/11.0\S. E. pea Southern Maryland..|....|...... 62.5] 72.2] 54.2/...]..000. 11.0) 9.3/12.2|N.W. Hast. Md. and Del...|... | ..... 61.9) 71.8) 52.6!...].....- 10.6] 8.1|12.4/S. B. | Entire territory...... sisal ioierasta* | brevapaya 61.5) 71.8) 51.6 misieisicns 10-7 7.8/11.5/S. B. _ _* Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Meanof7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. *Meanof 8a.m.4+8p.m.+2. ®°Meanof 7.a.m.+2p.m.+2. The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record ; for instance, ‘“*a’’ denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. + Omitted in computing averages. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR JUNE, 1895. T7 TEMPERATURE. P . n _ 3 Max. | Min. 8 b 3] gy Q | —_————_ é Ss = = 2 3 g|/| 3 = a| # 5 gj) ela a) =) % S| fas} = STATIONS. Countizs. |2 [size /s|s e/S| Ee |e] S| sles) w 2/S/B)elelale a ele) 2 | elo] ae] B as] 5 | 8] a] 2} ole ° ale | 2 |Alp| Be pul; 2 op + a aie 3 = 3 Bis = a | gee | Be 3 Sal we a g S| ejal +s | &| + a/S|S |sejui sles) ¢ 2S) 8 5 o}/ ole] €¢ |ol es | Sls 6/2} a/2lyeri a 4 4 4 2 ,s2/e2);A} a8 jal a jelae}] a | S]/a]}o A WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside?* ....... Garrett .... .2 9°207|79°21'| 66.7]... |....] 92) 8,4 | 39] 8 53 5.97)...... 14} 6 10) 11/8. W. Oakland .... . Garrett : 24 179 18 65 3)/77.8/52.8) 88 4 | 40 8 48/4200) seins 16] 13 1) 11/8. W. Deer Park.. + GREKCT ac otic 739 25 174 13 | 66.1)81.1/51.1) 99 4 37) 6,8 62/4.01 Peace sigs easieeae ROR: I aceuapa, do Grantsville-.. s Garret tic icv 210059 45 (79 10 | G6.5/79.0)54.0; 90) 4 41] 7,8 49 4.07 -| 12] 18 5 | sais Westernport.......;Allegany...... JUU0 39 28 [7X 2 70.2}89.5)54.8:102) 25 | 45 7 51| a5 eeisneses| ans eee A Nas castes Ee 1,2. Allegany .= « | 9$UU'39°39 |T848)) Tell, csc | sass 3/50) 8 504-90) ..... Bl esceihvars “Shriver & hose f Allegany «.... 650/39 39 |78 46 | 77. 4/54] 7° | 47/4.87]...... Td ies Se oe ciktaie | Allegany sioeee 700 39 39 18 45 | 72 3 | 50) G7] atibeag)... ai) 5] 1] 10)... Oldtown..... ....../Allegany ...- | 500:39 83 [78 87) OT. 3 56) 7, 19 3038.69 ..... 22 6 2 78. E. Hancock .... . Washington..| 50030 40 78 10) 72. 3 | dal 7,8] Selg2g).... | de} 13) 1] 6] W. Green Spr. Furnace Washington..) 500 39 39 |77 55 | 73. 3 145) 7 BST T secs 20) 5) 38) oy) UW. Hagerstown. . |Washington.. 39 39 (77 43 | 73. 3.4 | 43) 7 | 55/450 15} 5] 10) gi.....- Sharpsburg... . Washington.. BY 25 77 45 | 73. 1,2,3, 50) 7,8] 473.81 19} 65) 66) 1OSEEW NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. | Mt.St. Mary’s Coll.b| Frederick ....) 720 39 43 |77 20 2 | Bul 25 i 8 Frederick . ....... .|Frederick ....| 280/39 24 |77 18 1,3 | 49} 8 14, 2 Bachman’s Val. '*.. Carr Ols.. ccc lassie 39 387 |7b 55 3 | 53) 7 i o4 Oe fp eeceall 3925 7 0 26 | 43) 7 1 5 Glyndon .........+. Baltimore ... aug i 3} 49! 8 8) 5 Garrison ...-........ Baltimore ...|- 5 5 3 | 4s) 7,8 9 8 Me Donogh Scbool,b Baltimore ....| 55: 3/76 44 3) 52) 7 acecaiablhevs 3 hs Woodstock Coll.e...|Baltimore ...| 892/84 20 |76 49 3 | Su) 7 36 Sage tee eet i eceises | dasiensraravetas -axsterath 179)39 17 |76 36 4 | 63) 7 ll] 6 St. Charles Coll... ‘ me 2 Seow cae | Howard ...... 300/39 16 |is 44 3 | 50} 8 3) 4 Great Falls 5* . Montgomery .! 150/39 0 j77 14 1 | 58} 7,8 Ot des BON iayaces te ehateel aie: cze2 Fallston School }*..)Harford.......| 450/39 31 |76 24 3 | 56) 7 38'2.50]... 6. 8} 15) 7 Darlington Acad’y.|Harfor' .| 800)89 389 |76 14 1,3 | 62) 8 4415.28) vs .0x| 21] 3) SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Jewell. s..%.:82 sus ‘Anne Arund’! THA S2.8)65.4, 99) 1) 51) 7 Dist: Hes. D088. secs esse, genes ie eee | 93]1,2,3) 56] 7 Rec. Res., D. C.5*... 1.202. 6. cee eee Fwd dees) isis 96. 1 bu 7 Washington, D.C...) 6. essere oes | Th USt.6 64.7 98) 8 | 5B 8 SE eee | prnearges. 130/38 58 '75 56 72.0 81.0 61.3 100 2 [438] 8 Gaurel os .gssce sean: Pr. George’s..| 160,39 5 |76 45 | 73.1'84.1,62.1, 97] 2,3 | 52)8. 17, 18 Upper Marlboro ...|Pr. George’s..| 60/38 47/76 45 74.0,85.0,63.1100) 3) | 52) 8 La, Plata. s+ cess Charles .....-. 77 0) T49.x6.9'62.9 100] 4 | 50) 6 Bel Alton .........- Charles. . i7 1 75.5/86.0:65.0; 97] 2,3) | 54) 6,7,17 Pope’s Creek. .... |Charles ....... 2 t 1 75.3)87.9)62.8) 94) 1,2 | 52) 6,7 Solomon’s ......-+:- Calvert ... .. G6 20 76.0)85.1/67.0, 991 1 | 56) 7 Charlotte Hall Sch’l|St. Mary’s ..-- 76 48 13.2 86.6/63.7) 97) 2,3 | 50) 18 Sem IG *Faxesoel Gin MY Ssnk BN) peeepReai a wah. eae |e EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown......-.|Kent ..... .-- 12: -1| 93) 1, 2,8] 54) 7 39]7 86] ...... 15} 11 4) SiS. W. DeMtON, escssciee gts Caroline 73. 5101) 3 | Syl 9 Tat aae.| 44 Ge et 6lcesecs Baston.....-. . -..-/Talbot .... 72. 395) 1,3 | all Is is} 8} 4) ool WW. Mardela Spr. ....-.., Wicomico 74. 4) 95) 2,3 | do} Is 2! ag) 6) oWN. BE. Princess Anne ...../Somerset ... 74. 3] 96} 3B | BO] OK s| 20] 2] TINUW. Pocomoke City...-. Worcester. 75. 5 99) 1,3 | 49, 18 Ie) 9) 65) 8S Wilmington, Del...,/Newcastle.... Fail -1/101) 38 | 55) 8 9g} 2 ow Newark. .-.-.-+++ Delaware College }|Newcastle....|. .. 72. -0, 95} 1 | 52) 7 14] 9) 7} 10) E Kirkwood, Del. '*e.|Newcastle....|.... WPeGlaccleama| LOO, A | BO) LE |ieen 2 oa |p seeie gaat cine ssisis|eonge | Nee Dover, Del... ---..|Kent.... 73.8 82.2164.6, 97] 1 | 54] 7 | 4313.88] 2... 15] 10} 5) 9) OK Milford, Del -|Kent ... 5. -9/64.3] 99 3 | 51) 18 48/2.11) ..... 2 4 6 ON. E Seaford, Del. .|Sussex .- 72. 4162.2} 95] 1,3 | 48} 18 ATOM liso: ral oowes) oieies | coven Ul siaceres Millsboro, Del....../Sussex_. .-+- Be -2'68.2] 98) 1 47) 18 DLN BS) isciccsoyes 18} 6) 6) ON. EL {PENNSYLVANIA. | Philadelphia ...--.1se+eeeeeee sees seul vaiax'ce)| aaa 74.183.4/64.8] 97] 1 | 54] 7 | 433.15]...... 10} 10} 10, 12/N. E. ¢ VIRGINIA. Norfolk ‘ 716.3 $4.7,67.9 4112.39]...... 21; 8} J) 15|N.E Warsaw a7 172 doacat 13} 13) 4) 6 eo I Western Maryland...|....| -..+./...+-- 70.5/83.1,58.7)..° 17.2] 7.9) 4.3] 8.4) W. [ Northern-Cent’] Md.]....] ...+-|...06. 73.7/83.8 63.6).. 44.33.80. |16.7| 8.1) 4.5) 7.8) 8. BE. AVERAGES{ Southern Maryland..]....]--+++ |... 74.7/85.3,63.8 45.3 4.45, -{15.6)10.1) 2.9) 8.5)N. B. | East. Md.and Del....}....) seess]eees .-| 73.9 84.1 63.0 ats 46.23.44! -|13.0| 9.8) 4.6) 7.9|N. E | Entire territory.. -.}.--eleecee bee 73.2184.1 62.0 .. 46.4 3.92 15.6! 9.0 4.1! 8.2IN. BE. ct * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained thus: 1Mean of 7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m +4. *?Meanof8a.m.+8p.m.+2. °Meanof7a.m.+2p.m.+2 The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. ¢ Omitted in computing averages. he name of a 78 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR JULY, 1895. TEMPERATURE, ; qd 6 & Max, Min. ; g ; g 3 a 2 d Ill & s a be 6| 8 3 Be te] o|a|.g) & SUATIONS. CouNtLES. [2 . o 3o| Bia] 2) 81g s . % a/s|a ™/3!| 5 +k] Oo; Bs lea & oe] #138 | |e la le x plZial#ioleaia% Se} 2|/2/a] 8] e\3 8 ai/™) 2 Alpe lel g s*| 2) &)e) a! elB s 16) $ /8)3) 2] ele] 2 lel & sal 3 q 8 Be | & e | wo] + ays 5 Sie AS| o oe! oS 5 SC] @} elo) se lol & |Slo}| o}8l ag] 8 ls} & < 4 4 = /a/42/A} A |A) A |al/a] & Ola) o la Ay WESTERN MARYLAND, Sunnoyside..........]Garrett.. ...... 2. 79°21] 63.4]75.0/51.9} 90} 19 | 389) 31 15) 4) 12/8. W. Osklandiic.scxcsws ve Garrctt......../23 7918 | 63.3/74.2/52.4] 88) 19 | 38) 3h 18} 4) 13/8. W Deer Park. ......45 Garrett......../24é 79 13 | 62.5/76.1/48.5| 89} 20 | 32) 31 as silly Grantsville...... ..;Garrett........ 2100] 7910 | 64.0/74.9)/53.2] 88) 19 | 41) 31 19} 5) 1JOINWSW Westernport.. ..... Allegany ‘ 78 2) 10.3)87.2/53.4]102} 20 | 41) 30 Bl sscie acces Bee eeele alte mm. ../Allegany . ...| 900/39 39 |78 48 | 70.1/81.4/61.5] 96) 21 | 48) 31 WD eevaisince ghiicoe Bizer, | |Allewany..-... 650|39 39 |78 46 | 74.8/85.0]64.6] 97] 21 | 55] 31 6|N.W. ee ee nen: (UBER ne 700/39 39 |73 45 | 70.3,79.3l61.3] 92] 21,22] 50] 31 10] 5] Glu... Oldtown ..... pyatsvaayace Allegany...-... 500/39 83 |78 37 1 63.6'65.2/62.0] 87) 2u 53] 12 5] es. 6|N.W, Hancock........ +++ .|Washington..} 500/39 40 |78 10 | 70.2/81.7/58.8] 95} 20 | 45) 14 10} 4) 8) W. Green Sp. Furnace| Washington ..| 500/39 39 |77 55 | 71.2)84.7/57.81100) 20 | 46) 31 14, 10) 6) W. Haverstown.....+-- Washington ..| 525/39 89 |77 43 71.0)83.8/58.3| 98} 20 | 49} 31 5] 13) 6]... Sharpsburg .. ....- Washington..| 420/89 25 |77 45 | 71.2/81.9/60.5] 96) 20 | 49] 3l 9} 65) 10)N.W. NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. Mt. St. Mary’s Coll.) Frederick ....] 720/89 43 |77 2 72.6181,8/63.4] 921 21 1) 51) 18 41)2.08]...... 10) 7 4) 6IN.W. Frederick. ......... Fredcrick.... | 280/89 24 /77 18 | 71.6,82.3/60.9) 96 20 | 50) 31 46/3.22]....4. | 19) BL OB)... Bachman’s Val.1*..|/Carroll........ «..- 189 37 [76 55 72.4] ...]....] 98) 20 | 58) 25 40)2. 77]. 17) 9) 65 6\ssw nw Glyndon ...........- Baltimore ....| 650/39 27 |76 45 71.6/83.5/59.8! 96) 21.22) 50) 31 46]1.73} . 17} 8} ) 66) 4/8. W Garrison...... ...6+ Baltimore ... |....|/39 23 176 49 | 69.8)80.5/59.1] 98} 21 47) 31 46)3.55} . 18) 9} 41 8) W. Mc Donogh School,b) Baltimore ....| 535/39 23 [76 44 | 71.6)79.5/63.7) 92) 20° | 56) 31 86)... |. eas [aae'i|lnmys:| aise, || were Baltimore. s.siecs | SS ee | a : Qa o| 3 © 4 oie] a Pe 5 & lal, ale| & ee al x o & & 1 . STATIONS. COUNTIES. 2 ; é S 3 3 é 5 E 3 8 be g # bo 3/0/88 | 2 lelels a S|e| 8 a8\o)/Siea| 2 ase} 8) |] sa Oil} eg Waar ase hes 2 b pn=| 3s sore) “ae on ~ q aia oO ua Oo ae | & H/o] s 4 5 See; ee |eials 2 ie a els] Slee eee) 2 dq} Ri) Al a |e /esal a jel aA Sle] ae |olsajola | aw WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside’* ....... Garrett ....... 2440/39°20’|79°21°] 66.9]... 90] 10 | 37] 20 | 581.29)...... 19]... | 12} 88. W. Oakland ...... Garrett...... 39 24 |79 18 | 64.4,77.5/51.3) 86 38 8'1.98)...... 12] 19) 0} 10|8. W. Deer Park . Garrett. 39 25 79 13 | 66.0'81.0'50.9] 90 10, 11,16} 31) 22 59)1.31 a -acbrasate [baseive' | esars il vata: [harass arash pst Grantsville... Garrett... 39 45 |79 10 | 67.479.7/55.2| 88] 10 | 40) 22 | 482.27])...... 16} 14) 1] TS. W. Westernport . -. « |Allegany ..... 39 28 |78 2| 99} 10 | 42) 1 5G 1208) ceca pis. | eed lene By seers roe ae edie aa *q.|Allegany ..... 39 39 |78 48 Ts hers «++ | 96) 10 | 46) 22 50,1.90)...... aise (ee Al ANS NV seceweoeng Shri be & Meich Allegany ..... 39 39 |78 46 Tana 65.2] 98] 10, 16] 54/1,2,22| 441.64)...... seg ls: Puldecaall, MU eces es Cumb ee ara er. ¢|Allegany .....| 700/39 39 |78 45 74.0,84.6)68.5| 94 10, 18) 60] 1,21 | 441.81) ...... 93] 5] 3) Ble... Oldtown a... ...... Allegany ..... 500/39 83 |78 37 | 73.8,86.2/61.4] 95] 11 | 48) 22 | 47)... J... sg oil cent a] vers Peslona fe sarc Hancock...... .... Washington ..| 500/39 40 |78 10 | 73.6:87.3/59.8| 96] 10 | 45) 22 51/3.02)...... 18) 13)... 7) OW. Green Sp. Furnace Washington -- | 500/39 89 |77 55 | 74.3/88.7/59.9| 96) 10, 11] 44) 22 5212.22] ...06. 17} 14 6) W. Hagerstown ........ Washington --| 550/389 39 |77 43 | 74.4)90.3/58.6/100} 10 | 48) 20 52:3.41].....- 17) 6 8 | cia sans Sharpsburg .. -:|Washington ..| 420/39 25 |77 45 | 75.1/87.8]62.4) 96) 10, 11) 49] 22 47/1.15}..... 25, 5} 1 8| 8. E. NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. Frederick........... Frederick . ..| 280/39 24 |77 18 | 75.2/88.0|62.3] 97/ 11 | 50] 1,22 | 47/1.g8}... .. 11) 20 S| sian Daebrmans Vals Carrol lessens vs «++ (89 387 |76 55 | 76.2). ..]....] 98 2 | 56) 1y 42/2.52)....- 23} 6) 2 8|S. W. Weatninster, | (CArPOM ss +0 as .... [89.25 [77 0 | 79.0/92.5]65.4/102] 11 | 54) 22 | 482.58]... gil) 8 GB Bleed Garrison........... Baltimore ... | .. |389 23 |76 49 | %4.0/86.2/61.7| 96] 11 | 49} 1, 20 47/8.15]... .. 24) 6) J 8|S. W. Mc Donogh School,a| Baltimore .... | 535/39 23 |76 44 | 75.1/83.9/67.1) 94] 11 | 54} 1 AOD sez, cysi| asst -iayaeee| eco ars frseusvl| severed] oo Fai id as Woodstock Coll ..-./ Baltimore ....] 392/39 20 |76 49 74.7/85.9/63.5) 96; 10 | 50} 20 46]1.1]]...... 23/8) .. 4|8. EB. Baltimore sester eel teen tee eeeees 179|39 17 |76 86 | 77.1)86.8/67.4) 96) 10 | 57/1, 22 39/2.48)..... Yt | sees arn 6jS. W. Johns Hopkins Hos}..........+. vse | 124/39 17 |'76 86 | 77.2187.9)66.4) 98} 1 | 50) 1 48)....].0. 5. 21) 5) Bl... | oe een oe iranieorauiate Howard...... |... 89 20 77 4u | 74.2)....]..../ 96) 11 | 53) 20,22) 48)....] 2...) 13) 18) 5) 6/N.W. a Maligote City. Howard....... 300139 16 \v6 44 | 7v.6l84.3/70.9] 93] 11 | ee) 4 | 33li.vef......] 20] a]... | 5)N ow. Great Falls 5* ...... Montgomery .| 150/39 0 |77 14 87)1.21].. big [letiiags| quvece! | 8's leas aco Fallston School 1*..|Harford ......] 450/39 31 |76 24 88}2.38]. .... 6] 25 Tw) 8. Darlington Acad’y.|Harford 300/39 39 |76 14 43]/1.49]...... 20; 9} 2] «T|S. W SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Jewell.......055 Anne Arund’]| 160/88 44 |76 36 94; 10 | 50) 1 ist. Res., D.C. 120/38 52 77 0 93] 11 | 60) 2 Rec. Res., D. C.5* 160/388 52 |i7 0 sees] oe | O1/11,24,29) 58) 1 Washington, D.C..|. 112/88 52 |77 0} 177.2/87.6)66.8] 96] 10 | 54 1 Md,Aaric't-Coll. ty [Pr. George’s..| 130(88 58 {76 56 | 176.2]89.2/63.1) 98] 11, 29] 41) 1 Lawtel ves cs. csts enn bewis Pr. George’s..| 160)89 5 |76 45 | 74.8)/87.2/62.3} 96 11 | 46) 1 Upper Marlboro ...|Pr. George’s..| 60/38 47 |76 45 | '76.0/88.9]68.2/ 97) 10 | 50) 1,20 La Plata . ........./Charles. ..... 190/88 32 |77 0 | '75.5/87.8]63.2} 98) 29 | 52] 19 Pope’s Creek. .|Charles ...... 100/38 22 [77 1] 79.1/90.7)67.5] 98) 11 | 51) 19 Solomon’s_.... ---. Calvert. .... 20/38 19 |76 2 80.2/90.0/70.5} 98) 10, 11) 60) 1 Charlotte Hall Sch’l|St. Mary’s ....| 167/38 28 |76 48 | 78.'7/90.1166.4) 99] 10, 11) 52) 1 Cherryfields * ...-. St. Mary’s ....} 20/38 11 |76 24 | 76.0)....]....].--].euee deal aaa Seed EASTERN MD. AND DELAWARE. Denton.... ..-. ... Caroline...... 42)38 47 |75 41 | 76.8)89.2,64.5) 97) 11,31} 55) 3 4213614). acs lea larson ‘ 4}... Faston......- . {Talbot ...... 35/88 42/76 6 76.0/86.7/65.2) 95 1 52} 20 423)3.35)...... 20; 9 2 T) WwW. Mardela Spr........| Wicomico ....] 25/388 30 /75 39 | 79.9}....]....] 95] 11, 29) 56 1,2 59/1.31 15) 13} 3 6] S. FE. Princess Anne..... Somerset .... 20/88 10 |75 35 | 76.7/86.7/66.7) 95) 11 | 51} 20 44/2.58]...... 9} 19) 8) BIS. W. Pocomoke City ...|Worcester ...| 37/88 5 |75 84) 79.4)$8.4/70.3) 97) 11 | GO; 1,2 | 387|/1.85)...... 20} 10) 1 Tl Se Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle. ..| 115/39 44 |75 33 | 78.8/90.5/67.0/100) 11 | 53) 23 4713.81) as tay 22) Of 8|S. W. Newark DelawareCollege, Newcastle....| .../89 40 /75 87 | '75.2/86.4/63.9] 97) 11 | 49] 22 48)1.56).. 23; 6) 2} BS. W Del. Kirkwood, Del.?d..|Newcastle ....|..../89 35 |75 41 | 75.3).. el loneeth alveaezanalis seas] oie we seats 20; 7% O|....|N. BE. Dover, Del ........- IONE: asics erey 40/39 10 |%5 30 | 76.0/84.7/67.21 94) 11 | 55) 1,20 | 89/1.78)......] 24] TT OO] 4) W Sw Milford, Del.......- Kent........../-..-(88 45 |75 25 | 80.7/91.8/69.6] 98] 11 | 53] 1 | 45/3.65]...... 27, 2) al 8) Ww. Seaford, Del,.... -- Sussex........|..- {88 40 |75 35 | 76.7186.8/66.6] 97) 11 | 54) 1 43/4.76] 0.6.4. sssecie'lletciaalfenescadll, Dil eeeccang Millsboro, Dél...... Sussex .......-|....[38 44 |75 15 | 76-9 87.2]66.6) 97] 11 | 53) 1,20 | 44]2.37]...... 19} 1] 1] 8] 8. tPENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia ......... scot eiuieaats ected Crmel lees .| 77.4]86.8]68.1] 98] 12 | 56] 1 | 42) .59).... 6S, W. { VIRGINIA, 78.7/87.0/70.4| 95] 11 | 63] 1 82|2.58].....- 17; 11) 3) 8)]S. Ww. 78.0/88.6/67.3] 98] 11 | 52) 1 46)1.27]...... 9) 22)... 8] 8. 79.4)... 93} 11 | 64) 1 29/1.70)...... 15) 13) 3) 3\8. W. Western Maryland ..|....]...++-Jeeeees 72.6/85.6)58.5).. 1.92 5.0] 7.2) SW Northern-Cent’l Md.|....}..+-. 2h ee a pd ae i ze oe be :. ye ns{ Southern Maryland. . -0|88.'7/65.6]..« 13 2.6] 5.9/8. W. ainere | Bast. Md. and Del. TT. 4|87.8/66.8). as 812.60 2.3] 6.5/8. W. | Entire territory..... socal OO 15.1 /87.2/64.0)...[ececs[esefeceses [44.8/1.95).. 3-0] 6.5/8. W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of astation indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature wus obtained, thus: 1Mean of 7a. m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9 p.m.+4. *Mean of 8a.m.+8p.m.+2. *Mean of 7a.m.+2p.m. + 2 rs The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers, Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. {Omitted in computing averages. 80 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR SEPTEMBER, 1895. TEMPERATURE. 3 g Max. Min. 8 zg el). 3 gig/a] [fl | 8 a $ 5 e |x| a|z|¢ Sla|.s| é g S/R] 6 a|=| 2 -| 3 | 2 ae STATIONS. Counties. |& é alesis elo) Fla] o|] Blea! wy os! SF] pn lalale oe »l/2} 8 )/2)/S/]a igo) & re) tS 2/aifeljs|s % giuia /Ajel|e ig] & so] 38 3 a o . | o .- |S qs br] a ee] £ ® | 8B lala eo lel) ge eS aileieig les & cel 8) 2) 2 18/3/8) 218] € | 8/2) 2 |e) | 2B les) g 4) 8/8]e8 ]/s/slal 4 fal aA |si8&l a joJelele- a WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside !*....... Garrett. 2440189°207]79°217| 63.5]....] ...] 91] 11 | 29) 28 62) .47]) To} 21) 5] 4) 3/s. w. Oakland.... -|Garrett 2380/39 24 [79 18 | 63.6)'76.4)50.9} 86} 20 | 80) 28 56) .24, T 15} 14) 1] 2iN.W, Deer Park. -|Garrett. 2457/39 25 |79 13 | 64.2/79.8)48.5] 90) 19 | 27] 28 63) .00'...... sea) saras-lsa.cz: emashingania Grantsville -|Garrett.. 2100/89 45 |79 10 | 65.2)77.5/52.8} 90} 19 | 384) 15 561.53! 7 13) 8 9 5) 8. Westernport : Allegany 1000/39 28 |78 2) 68.8/85.8/57.8] 98 19 | 28] 30 TO) diseases saves tanto | adnavdcces Boettcherville ™...]Allegany......] 900/39 39 |78 48 | 69.8]....}.-../100] 20 | 40) 15,28) AGO) 650 |'s3/ec5ccc'| siayazsdlheseas ‘| serosa Dmaisiee See pen land: ort {t|Allesany......| 650|39 39 [78 46 | 74.0(85.al6z.8] 97] 20, 21] 48| 15, 28) 40] .15]e..-e.[esse[ese-fesesfevsfessees oer Siviver, ¢/Allegany......| 700|39 39 '78 45 | 70.0/80.8(69.2| 93] 22, 23) 45] 14 | 48) .15)-.... mo, Bl BL Thea Hancock ..........5 Washington ..| 500/39 40 |Y8 10 | 10.4)84.1/56.7| 98] 19 | 88] 15 60)1.80)...... 19} Ij... 2| WwW. Green Sp. Furnace| Washington ..| 500/39 39 |77 55 | 71.2/84.7]57.8] 95]/% 19) 40] 30 | ssfz.o7|..... | 19] 9f 2] afm. Sharpsburg. . suwrary Washington ..| 420/39 25 |77 46 | '10.8/82.3)/59.4| 96) 28 | 40) 15 56/1.01]......] 22) 6) 2) 4/N.W. NORTHERN-CENTRAL Mp. Frederick @......... Frederick..... 280/39 24 |77 18 | '70.4/81.7/59.1] 96) 82 | 42) 15 54/4.87).... 10) T9]si3:j) Blin Bachman’s Val..... Carroll.. .....]..../89 37 }76 55 | 67.3/78.0/56.6| 90121,22,23] 88] 15 52/5.49)... 20; |) 8] BIS. W eae catmnilistenn, { [Carroll........[....[39 25 {77 0] 73.3[85.2\61.4) 98] 22 | 43| 30 | 50)5.c1]... .. 24) oa} 4 ol... McDonogh Scho’l,a@|Baltimore..... 535/39 23 |'76 44 | 69.6]77.8/61.3] 89)21,22,23) 44] 15 DTT aie argh eecasasesa hanpleg, | arena omnaye [eoie cece ace earany Woodstock Coll..../Baltimore. ...| 392/39 20 |76 49 | 68.6]79.2/57.9] 92] 21 | 40) 15 52|5.54). ....] 15) 14] 1) 5/8. B. Baltim Gre. scissioi25)) scaeie cesar «| 179189 17 |'76 86 72.2)/63.551/72.3} 96] 21, 22) 46) 30 50/5.90).....- 21 8} 1 4] N. . Johns Hopkins Hos]......... . 124139 17 |76 86 | 72.0181.9)62.1) 97) 22 | 45) 16,30] 52]....]...... 18} 8] 4}....] N. ee i ei Aine Howard . a sen a 20 |77 40 GB2 aes +++ | 03] 21, 28) 40} 30 58] . 80) .... 15} 13) 2) 4/8. W. - Charles Coll... i ns ‘i ‘ : s ‘ nr. Ellicott City. ; Howard ...... 300/39 16 76 44 | 73.6 80.2)67.1] 93) 23 | 50) 30 43.4.21!...... 24, 8] Bt 4IN LW, Great Falls &*...... Montgomery..| 15039 0 |77 14 TL.4) ce}... | 92/12,21,23] 38) 28 BAT 4] evisin ess sein! sivgsellineine:| tee leaiemees Fallston School**..|Harford.......| 450/39 31 |76 24 | 67.7|... ]....] 93] 21 | 43] 15,30) 50/8.89)...... 6] 21) 38) TS. Ww Darlingt’n Acad’y ¢}Harford.....-. 300,39 39 }76 14 | 69.9/79.6)60.2) 94) 21 | 42) 15 | 52]2.38)...... 15} 8) 2) B/S. W SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis..... ..../Anne Arund’l] 20/88 58 |76 30 | 73.0/81.4/64.7| 95} 23 0} 1] 6)... JEWEL. cceicc vs Anne Arund’l) 160/38 44 |76 86 | 72.5/82.2/62.8) 95) 11,21, 23 4) J 418. W Dist. Res., D.C. 5 120/88 52/77 O} Z.8)....]....] 92] 21 aioe Oy sesaiseaes Rec. Kes., D.C. 5*..).. 160/38 52 177 O| 72.4) .. ]....] 94] 28 aioeascdlkice Gl eseaieress Washington, D. C.. 112/38 52 |"7 O |} 72.4/83.0/61.9] 98] 22, 23 i 1 5) 8. bites ae 130|38 58 |76 56 | 72.4/85.5)59.3'101! 23 ai] BY ceaew Tair Gis ncianinswvacea in Pr. George’s. | 160/39 5 |76 45 | 69.4)81.4/57.4| 93 12,2122 S| Bl) -Bisnsees Upper Marlboro..../Pr. Georges ..| 60|38 47 |76 45 | 71.0/83.1/59.0] 96 ee a 6} 1) 3) Ss Li Plt: an ceeepaces: Charles: vi...55 190/38 32 |77 0 | %3.5/85.6161.4) 97] 21, 22 cilbavevocactes Solomon's .. ...|Calvert.. ..... 20/38 19 |76 27 | 75.6)85.1/66.2) 98) 19 ll) 3) 3S. 8. Charlotte H’L Sch.a/St. Mary’s. .. | 167/88 28 |'76 48 | '73.8/86.0/61.6/100| 19 10} J 3,08 Cherryficlds **...../St. Mary’s..---| 20/388 11/76 24 | 72.2)... |... fecefaeeeee dene 16).. 3.8, 8 EASTERN MD. AND DELAWARE Easton....... . .(Lalbot ...... 35/388 42 176 6 | 71.6/82.0/61.2) 93)12,21,22} 43] 16 50/2.49]...... 23) 4) 83) 8S. W. Mardela Spr }* Wicomico. ...} 25/88 30 |75 89 | 72.1)... |68.4] 94) 12 | 44| 16 OBB acdsee veo 16) 12) 2) 4/NE SE Princess Anne .|Somerset...... 20/38 J0 |75 85 | 71.6/83.4/59.7| 96)21,22,23) 89} 16 DT 102 | secret 12) 17) 1 5/S. W. Pocomoke City.-...|Worcester ...| 87/88 5 |74 34 | 73.6)/83.4/63.9] 96) 21, 22) 46] 16 503.17] ...+ 19} 10) J} 5) 8. Wilmington, Del. --|Neweastle ...] 115/89 44 |75 83 | 72.8/83.5]/62.2] 98) 22, 23] 41) 30 BY}, 98) sxees 16) 12) 2) 6/8. W. a ans Neweastle....]....|89 40 75 37 | 70.4]80.4/59.5) 97] 21, 22] 39, 15 | 58) .ss]..... 15] 13] 2] BI|SWE Kirkwood, Del?" «.|Neweastle....]....|89 35 |75 41 | 68.8) ...J... [eee feeeee de el aa aeee | ectinisl wma sfessiaple engl Rapaeasee Dover, Del. ..... ..|Kent..... 3 70.4/78.6/62.2] 91) 21 | 45) 15 23; 6) I 4| W. Milford, Del. Kent 73.7/84.5/62.9] 99) 22, 28) 41) 16 24; 4) 2) 3)8. W. Seaford, Del. Sussex .. 71.3/81.4/61.2) 93/12.21, 22) 44) 15 asc eis Bl sianeis Millsboro, Del...... Sussex 71.2/80.9/61.5] 95} 23 | 438) 16 19} 9 2 4) N } PENNSYLVANIA. PhHilAAESl PHS simeenrsaasres ses csunee ene lapis | spytoas 2.4/81.6/63.1] 97)21,22,23) 45) 15 52] .G1j......| 14) 12) 4) 7S. W. { Vira@rnta. : INORPONI A cam diecieciaciall leer ge Hasina: 76.6)84.6/68.5)100) 19, 23) 54) 16 46) .19]...... 23, Tee. 3, 8. EB Warsaw.... -|Richmond. siggtiales,_ [reat Satan laceashnarnatn eee lagioae Mhisten| ears: [awtape | erste peas lait tees emits Birdsnest }*. (5.2'.. .)....]100) 19 | 50} 16 50/1.70)..... 12) 14) 4 4/8. W. Western Maryland...|.... 67.8/81.4/55.4]...].-.6. 1.8| 2.8) 2.0 NW, Northern-Cent’l Md..}.... “i 70.4/78.5/62.0)...] 0... 10.2] 2.6) 4.4/8, W. AVERAGES, Southern Maryland..| .. |...... sooee | 72,5]83.7/61.6)...[....00}00e 8.2] 2.9] 4.4) 8. East. Md. and Del....|.... (1.:6)82 0/6168] oe) ces [caval w. 912. -6) 9.71 1.8) 4.2/8. W. Entire territory... ..l....)... 06/81 FIGO G21: a:sil wieiaecase Peseie lb scaveracnns ‘ sree 18.4! 9.0! 2.61 3.9'S. W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of astation indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Mean of 7u.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. ?Meanof8a.m.+8p.m.+2 %“Mcanofta.m.+2p.m. +2 The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record; for instance, ‘a’ denotes 1 day missing. An italic letter following the name of a station indicates that two or more observers, as the case may be, are reporting from the same station. {Omitted in computing averages. MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR OCTOBER, 1895. 81 TEMPERATURE. : 2 wn 8 Max. | Min. 8 z s| 3 ee ee S| og e a | & #\@ Blas S E 3 d Bel oe . 5 STATIONS. Countizs. | ; 3$ | g a é 8 Eig BI? Be bo o o x b cet A A blk q a} a || 3 .| ¥v 2 — O° 3 $ g =1A nD qa b Ag ca 5H] 3 a a So }o s jo - | 4 blag lho! s Pal to |} 8 | a] qa 6 /#i o |$/ia] a /8/S] sles] & sal 5 cd g oS 3 bb w bo] +2 a/3 yp s u 6 las oO Sal @l|o|] of] oO] do]/o] @ |o}] 8B |]Solo] o ]Sijalj/Sisu| «# <)}/H}A] Ss | al ela) A lA, A lala] ae |S]a;o me | a WESTERN MARYLAND. | | Sunnyside.......... Garrett ....... 2440|30°20"/79°21") 43.8 58.8)28.8] 70/95)°| 10] 30 | 60,1.61 Oakland ........... Garrett ....... 2380/39 24 |79 18 | 42.6/59.0/26.2] 72) 18 9] 30 63 1.51 Deer Park...... +... Garrett....... 2457/39 25 |79 13 | 41.2/57.1]25.1] 69) 8,5 | 4] 30 65| -99 Grantsville......... Garrett...... 2100/39 45 |79 10 | 44.8/56.2/32.4| 70 2, 3, 5| 17/29, 30) 53,1.22). Westernport ....... Allegany ..../1000/89 28 |78 2 | 45.6/60.7/30.5) 75) 22 | 16) 29 591.30). eee ere aes Allegany .... | 900/39 39 /78 48 | 47.7)....]....] 76) 11 | 18) 30 581.10 Cero la a dtizer. ¢|Allegany «.... 650/39 39 |78 46 | 52.6)64.4|40.9| 75] 19 | 28) 29 | 47/1.20 Ce eT DAs: er, | |AUCBRIY xin: 700|39 39 |78 45 | 48.8/59.8|37.8) 72] 19 | 22] 30 | 50/1.20 Hancock........ .+- Washington..| 500/39 40 |78 10 | 50.0/56.0/85.0| 79; 27 | 19) 29 60}1.32]. Green Sp. Furnace] Washington..| 500|39 39 |77 55 | 48.7'63.3|34.1/ 78) 19 | 2029, 30) 58)/1.49 Sharpsburg......... Washington. .| 430/39 25 |77 45 | 49.5/62.2)36.8) 4 19 | 22/29, 30) 54/1.32 NoRTHERN-CENTRAL Mb. Burkittsville, 0 ....|Frederick ...|---.|89 25 |77 35 | 49.8/61.3/38.3/ 73) 19 | 27) 29 46)1.68 Mt. St. Mary’s Coll. 1* @....|Frederick ....| 720/39 43 |77 20 | 50.6]... |....| 72] 19 | 82) 30 | 40/1.65)... Frederick........... Frederick ....| 280/39 24 |77 18 | 50.2/62.%/37.8] 74] 27 | 25) 10 49)1.54]... Woman's College..|Frederick ....| 280|39 24 |77 18 | 50.9/62.8'39.0| 72)28%) 98, 29 | 44)... 35.5] 71/19, 27) 20/ 380 | 51/2.28 1 Bachman’s Val.'*..|Carroll... 575/39 387 |76 55 | 47.5 59.5) 1 Western Md. Coll. | ICarroll....+++-|+++-|89 25 17 0] 54.8 65.9) 42.7) %8) 19 | B0)29, 90) 46)2.40] T | BA] 3) A)... MecDonogh School,c|Baltimore ....| 535/39 23 |76 44 | 51.4 eldest 73) 27 | 82/22, 29 43] eisiste wide | teers sie sl stacey Woodstock Coll....|Baltimore ....| 392/39 20 |76 49 | 48.2/60.6 35.9] 70 ee 23) 30 47 2.16 8 2] «4)W NW Baltimore ...... secfecces cevcsecece 141/39 17 )76 36 | 53.4 63.0143.8 74) 3, 19] 34) 29 40 2.20 6| 2) 4) N. Johns Hopkins Hos|........- 124/39 17 |76 86 | 52.0/63.0/41.1] 74) 3 | 31} 30 43h, 3. he Bie Ul gaaltesare = Lisbon ........+.+6+ Howard.......} «+ |89 20 )77 40 | 51.7/62.2:41.2) 73] 27 | 27| 29 40/2709 . 5} 3) 4iIN.W. Beene Ori, (| owaRMerness: 300/39 16 |76 44) 55.8)64.1]47.4/ 72/3,6,27| 36] 30 | 42,1.30 0} 3] 3|N.w. Great Falls®*...... Montgomery .| 150/39 0 |77 14 | 51.0] ...| ...] V1} 27 | 28/24, 30) 43) .44)...... ind | iediee| Seiecell ordinal || oeverevors Fallston School?*..|Harford ..... 450/39 31 |76 24] 49.8]....]... | 70] 38 | 30 , 29 40 2.04) T 22) 8 Il 4|IN.W. Darlington Acad’y.|Harford ...... 300/39 39 76 14) 49.2\59.9198.4) 73) 3 | 28|zc° Aa) 45 2.82)... et} 3 1] 3lN.w SouTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis... .... [Anne Arund’l) 20/39 58 /76 30 | 54.4'63.6/45. 0; 8 8 Jewell ....ceceeeevee Anne Arund’]| 165/38 44 |76 36 | 52.9/63.4!42. 4, 3) 4/N.W Dist. Res., D. C.5*.. 1 2 By assess fies cre asl awstats Rec. Res., D. C.5*..]. 51.3)....|....| 69] 2, 7] S1}10, 80) 38) .72)..-.-.feee fee eel eeee | vee] ee eee Washington, D. C..|.. cer ee eee eeee| 112/38 52 177 0} 52.1)68.4 4) 2) 4IN.W. Masai Pear Pr. George’s..| 130,38 58 /76 56 | 52.4 66.8 vefeceefenesfeceeee Laurel... sieve sec sae Pr. George’s..| 160/39 5 |76 45 | 49.4/62.3 5] 4} 4} eee Upper Marlboro ...|Pr. George’s.. 60/38 47 |76 45 | 50.8/64.6 4; 3) 4/S. W. La Plata.....--..-- Charles ....... 190/88 32 |77 0} 52.1/65.9 satiate ve Wiveare Ihe 0 Solomon’s ...-..-+++ Calvert ....... 20/88 19 |76 27 | 56.4/66.5/46. 7 7 4|N.Ww. Charlotte Hall Sch.|St. Mary’s ....| 167/38 28 /76 48 | 51.0\64.4|37.7) 76 8} 2] 3/Nw. Cherryfields ?.....- St. Mary’s ....| 20/38 11 |76 24] 58.4]....]....J.- 10) 1] 4|NcW. EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown .....-. Kent.......... 80/39 13 |76 4] 51.4/61.3/41.4 1) 1 3) W. Denton ......eseeeee Caroline...... 42/38 47 |75 41 | 53.9/70.2/37.6 oe. [ease] ae [eres Baston....-..ssee- Talbot... «+ 35/88 42 176 6] 51.8/63.5/40.1 4) 4) 4|N.W Cambridge .........|Dorchester.. |--+.|88 44 |76 7 | 54.3/62.2/46.4 9 2) 4\N.W Mardela Spr., é€....- Wicomico ....| 25/88 30 |75 39 | 52.2/62.9/41.6 10} 8] 4y)...... Princess Anne ..... Somerset ..... 20 38 10 |75 35 | 51.2/65.5)36.8 9) 6] =6| NW. Pocomoke City...-. Worcester....| 37/38 5 |75 34 | 55.5/66.8)44.2 T 4) 5) SS. Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle....| 115.39 44 |75 33 | 53.1/64.0/42.2 10} 1) 4)N.W. Newark, Dela) | |Newcastle ...|---.|89 40 [75 31 | 49.8161.7/37.9 al oa) dla Dover, Del vo... |Kent. .| 40.39 10 |75 80 | 51.0/60.8/41.3 4, 4| 4iN.W, Milford, Del .......;Kent. oe0e/88 45 |75 25 54.1/67.0/41.2 1, 2] 4) W. Seaford, Del........|/Sussex . --|88 40 175 85 | 52.1/63.6/40.6 satel sete iene teat Millsboro, Del....- Sussex ..----es --(B8 44 175 15 | 51.4/63.5|39.4 3} 4) 4)8. W. ¢ PENNSYLVANIA (Philadelphia)..|..-.| .-++-Jee. +: 52.6/61.3/44.0 5) 5) 4(N.W t VirGinra (Norfolk) ......-. ++. aallaiees|| wgigas lie. aiaine's 58.6/66.8/50.4 8} 4, 3/N E Western Maryland...|....|..:00[eecees 46.1|59.2/31.9|...| «ee st 58.01. 5.3] 3.1] 4.0/ Wy Northern-Cent’l Md.]....| sesee}eceees 51.1/62.2/40.2]... 144.212. 4.4] 2.5] 3.4(N.W. AVERAGES} Southern Maryland..| ...|-..+-- tie. | 52-3/64.5/40.3]...{ 66 . (46.612. 5.2] 3.8] 3.8|N.W. East. Md. and Del.. .J....|ssceee} eevee 51.4/64.1/40.8)... » [44.8 6.2| 3.5] 3.8|N.W. { Entire territory ......|.--|eereee liens 50.2/62.5)/38.3]... 48.4 5.8] 3.2] 3.8|N.W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of a station indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: 1Mean of 7 a. m.+2 p. m.+ 9p. m. + pee ?Mean of 8a.m.+8p.m.+2. °Mean of Ta.m.+2p.m.+2. The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record ; for instance, ‘‘a”’ denotes 1 day missing. + Omitted in computing averages. 82 MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR NOVEMBER, 1895. TEMPERATURE. ; ea - 4 ae & Max. Min. s z a Pa eal ee @ al. &| 2/3 pil, | SF 8 = S$ )Hig ale) 3 Z\/a)-¢8 E STATIONS. Countiss. |& ¢|=s /g/8 mis} Ele) 8] eles! w of) © | Boi os |e tela a PIE] 2 |Fl5]/A gol 2 33)2/2/2/2/2/8] 5 [8]. (i=) 2 |aleleleal a Be # bo e a/alé 3 iat © Sis a ales |S Be > Bel SB] es] 8 \elsia| s lB) 2 /elei & (Sle) 38s] @ q}A} A] Ss |e aia] o jal a sla] a8 |Sl/al/sS ia] a WESTERN MARYLAND. | Sunnyside..........|Garrett....... 2440/39°207|7992 1") 39.6 50.9/28.3) 73) 7 | 11; 22 5] 13) 81S. W. Oakland .........../Garrett. ......|2380/39 24 |79 18 | 37.8!48.3/27.2] 691 7 | 10) 22 13} 6) 14/8. W. Deer Park... -. |Garrett. .....- 2457/39 25 |79 13 37.8149.5 26.1) 70 7 0} 14 : Fi tell sexteneiets Grantsville... --|Garrett. ....../2100/39 45 |79 10 | 72] 7 | 14] 22 4; 31) 7 WwW. Westernport......./Allegany .....{1000/39 28 /78 2] 40.652.8/28.5| 78} 9 | 17] 29 * one aan Boettcherville +*...|Allegany .....] 900/39 39 /78 48 | 43.0]....]....] 78} 9 | 18] 28,29 aos | BSE emia siave era oye (MUERADR means 650|39 39 |78 46 | 49.5/62.6|36.4) 86] 8 | 24] 18 ‘ Ll crag caper AO ver. { [Allegany -....] 700/39 39 |78 45 | 42.8150.4135.2| 74] 9 | 22|13,28,20 i oe ree Hancock............|Washington..| 500/39 40 |78 10 | 46.0/58.4/83.6] 81} 9 | 18} 28 10} 6) 6 W. Green Sp. Furnace] Washington..| 500/39 39 |77 55 | 43.6/53.6/33.6] 79} 9 | 19} 29 8) 10; 5) W. Hagerstown .......|Washington..| 525/39 39 |77 48 | 45.0/54.2/35.9) 77/ 9 | 24] 21 2] 16) By... Sharpsburg... .-.|Washington..| 430/89 25 |77 45 | 43.9/51.8/36.0| 76] 9 | 28/22,28,29 6| 9 TIN UW. NORTHERN CENTRAL MD. Mt. St. Mary’s Coll!*| Frederick ....| 720/89 43 |77 20 | 44.7) . .J....] 74) 9 | 28] 22 46)1.50}...... 9) 12) 9 2) sawes Frederick .......... Frederick ...| 280/39 24 /77 18 | 44.8/53.5/36.1) 75) 9 | 24/21,22,24) 51/1.48/...... 11} 9 10) 9)..... Fs Woman’s Coll.,Fred| Frederick ....| 280/39 24 |77 18 | 46.0/54.6/37.5| 75] 9 | 21) 11 54) .46] T 21) 3) 6) SONLW, New Market..... .. Frederick ....| 500/39 23 |76 27 | 46.0/54.5/37.6] 83) 10 | 28/3, 21,28] 60/1.48] T 141 6] ill TN .W, Bachman’s Val..... Carroll........| ++»/89 87 176 55 | 48.4152.7/84.0] 75] 9 | 20] 22 551.80] T 14, 6) 10) 8S NW. Western Md Coll: | \Garroll...... | -+-[89 25 77 0| 49.0168.9/39.1| 74] 9, 10| 21] 21 | s3je.24)...... 20, 41 6 Blssas McDonogh School,d| Baltimore ...| 535/89 23 |76 44 | 46.6153.6/39.7] 74| 9 | 24] 22 BO b aiesiait’s« . 0.6, orasescare Woodstock Coll....|Baltimore ....| 892/89 20 |76 49 | 44.0/53.2/34.8) 75) 9 | 20) 22 55} .76| T 9} 10} 11} 6) &, Baltimore ..... wyeaieis = * 39 17 |76 86 | 47.2[54.2!40.0] 77] 9 | 26) 21 51/1.86 12) 8 10) 10) N. Johns Hopkins Hos 39.17 |76 86 | 45.8/54.4/87.1] 77] 9 | 25) 21,22] 52]....]...... sina a zener ste ees snes 39 20 |77 40 | 43.8/53.2/84.3] 75] 9° | 22) 21 53)1.35]...-.. 14; 6} 10) 10) N. St. Charles Coll. nr. Ellicott City. ¢ 39 16 |76 44 | 49.0/56.1/41 8) 76) 9 | 30) 21,22) 46) .82 23 [| SIN.W. Great Falls 5* ......;Montgomery .| 150/39 0 (7714 | 45.4/....]....| 76] 9 | 23] 29 53/2.82]....6. fe [ls waa] pecrerseeee Fallston School !*..|Harford ......| 450/89 81 |76 24 | 45.5]... |... | 75] 9 | 24] 21 61/1.70} T 9} 10; 11) 11) BE. Darlington Acad’y.|Harford ....-. 300|39 39 |76 14 | 45.2/53.4/37.0) 74] 9 | 29) 22 | 521.39] T | 18! 5] 7] GOIN. BL SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis....... ...)Anne Arund’l| 20/89 58 |76 30 | 46.2151.0/41.4] 67) 26 | 271 22 an 12],...| 18) 11 Jewell ....... 45 .../Anne Arund’]! 165/38 44 |76 36 | 47.6/55.6139.5] 78! 9 | 26) 21 . 16; 3) Il Dist. Res., D. O.5*..] .csecceeese cues | 120/88 52 77 0} 46.3)....]....] 75] 9 | 25) 29 ie descaall egtece:lcio Rec. Res., D. C.5*..}. -| 160/88 52 |77 O | 45.9)....]....| 75] 9 | 25) 28 ain ‘ Washington, D. C..|.cseeeseereeeees 112/38 52 |77 0} 46.4/54.6/38.3! 77] 9 | 24! 28 49/1.26| .....] 141 6} Jol 12 eee Pr. George’s..| 130/38 58 |"6 56 | 48.5/58.7/38.3| 78| 9 | 23| 29 | 55l1.96)..... sdlsaatnes ot Laurel... .... ....|Pr. George’s..| 16039 5 76 45 | 44.5/54.0/85.5] 75] 8 | 23) 28 52/1.55] .....[... pene Upper Marlboro .../Pr. George’s..| 6038 47 |76 45 | 45.9/56.1/35.7| 78) 9 29 58/1.00)..... 15} 5} 10) 4 La Plata..... seeeess [Charles .....-.| 180 88 32 |77 0 | 46.3)/57.4/35.2| 77] 9 | 24)20,21,30) 53) .90]......]....1.. Solomon’s ......... Calvert ...... 20,88 19 |76 27 | 49.6/56.9/42.2) 77! 9 | 28) 21 49/2.511 _ 9} 2) 19) 9 Charlotte Hall Sch.|St. Mary’s ....| 167.38 28 |76 48 | 46.0/55.9/36.2| 78] 9 | 22/29, 30) 56|2.20] T 12); 11) 6) 5SIN.W. Cherryfields 2 ...... St. Mary’s ....| 20,88 11 |76 24 | 46.9)....)... |.ccfeceess math so.8t. sas8 246) vasa 9} 15) 6) GIN. W. EASTERN MD. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown ....../Kent........6+ 80.39 13 |76 4 | 45.8/54.7/37.0) 75] 8 16} 4} 10} 5] S. Easton........: -./Talbot .-...... 35.38 42 |76 6 | 47.2'55.8/38.6] 77| 9 10) 9) 11) 4IN.W. Cambridge Dorchester... +++ 188 44 |76 7 |] 75) 9 10} 11] 9) 8IN.W. Mardela Spr........|Wicomico....] 25.48 30 |75 89 | 48.2/56.1140.2] 77| 9 11; 7 12) ON. EB Princess Anne...../Somerset. . .| 20/38 10 |75 35 | 48.4'58.6/38.1| 78] 7 11) 7 12) TN. BE, Pocomoke City ....|Worcester....| 37/88 5 |'75 84] 52.8 62.4)43.2) 77] 9, 26 11; 9 10} 10) N. Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle..-..| 115/389 44 /75 33 | 47.8/] 76] 9 15) 7] 8) JIN.W. Delaware Col sel. { [Newcastle....]....|39 40 |75 37 | 45.1/54.0186 2| 15] 9 13; 2) 15] WN Dover, Del ..... «.. -| 40/39 10 |75 80 | 47.2/54.3/40.0| 76] 9 12) 5] 13] QIN. Milford, Del........;Kent .... 88 45 |75 25 | 50.2/59.3/41.2| 78) 9 15) Wt 14] 4|N Seaford, Del......../Sussex .. -».{88 40 |75 35 |} 75) 7,9 wana | eet ear [ews 148 Millsboro, Del...... Sussex... ..... -++/B8 44 775 15 | 48.8 57.3/40.4] 77) 9 14; 6] 10) 8 + PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia... cccccceeecee seeeeeclese [ecvee foseeee| 47.0/53.8/40.1] 74] 9 | 26] 22 48/2.82)......] 11] 6] 13) 12IN.W. ¢ VIRGINIA. Birdstiest "4 nscacrescecnsnesnn 59.0]....] .. | 80} 9 | 82 21,22) 4812.45]... 7 #8) 15] 8... Norfolk os. rt | Cease 54.0/60.0/47.9 9 8] 21 3.41 1) % 12] 12iN. EB. WAYSAW ccccecseeseeeeceeeesece vee tas 47.4(55.3/39.4 9 108 1) 9} 10} 15] N. Western Maryland..|}....]/ .. .. 42.0)/52.1/31.5].. -6| 6.9} 9.5) 7.0|\SW W Northern-Cent’! Md.|....|... 45,8)54.4/33.8!.. -5] 7.1] 9.0) 7.0)/N.W. AVERAGES{ Southern Maryland.,.... 46.'7|55.6/38.0].. -4| 6.0/11.4] 7.41N.W. | East. Md. and Del...].... -| 48.9]57.2/89.6].. 5] 6.4/11.3] 8.6)/N.W. | Entire territory ..... sess[eeeccs[eceece| 45.8/54.8/33.21.. -2| 6.6/10.3] 7.5|/N.W. * Extremes of temperature from observed readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following the name of astation indicates the hours of observation from which the mean temperature was obtained, thus: * Mean of7a.m.+2p.m.+9p.m.+9p.m.+4. *Meanof 8a.m.+8p.m.+2. *Mean of7a.m.+2p.m. +2. The absence of a numeral indicates that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily readings of the maxi- mum and minimum thermometers. Letters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing from record ; for instance, ‘‘a” denotes 1 day missing. +Omitted in computing averages, MONTHLY SUMMARY OF REPORTS FOR DECEMBER, 1895. 83 TEMPERATURE. 3 Max. Min. € 5 -| 3 © P 6/3] a e| oa Ss 8 a alo a £ s be) og ral TATIONS. Countigs. |2 ‘ o |}a|s a|S| ¢ -|21ela8 B = é eS) a ls/s | E 2lo|s Be] eo 3/8) sa] 2 lelala a mle} eae /e/S)/RA igs] & Be] 2 2 a |S} e/e 2 sik] mo |All] mITS! 3 2 2 bp ® |lelala e | 8 ee | ee ee gg [pee | ae: Peary fs Bol 3 a a |a|a|&!| 3 e | 8 2 BS] 5 ee) B 5 = + ®) + a\s + SlE|SIES! & = 3 3 olo] we |/o| a lsijo}]| o}Sljal Slave s AR) es lelslala /ela leslie] a |o{/alolm |] a WESTERN MARYLAND. Sunnyside........... “179°217 Oaklaad. ‘|Garretés....../ ose0ig0 94 (to 18 | S0catioalene el os [sl 4 | eae avo ai] 8] dz eer Park .. ‘|@arrett........ 2457/39 25 |79 13 | 29.6141.1/18. = i : a Grantsville.. [Garrett - anes 2100)39 45 |719 10 B1sig0.423-4| 65 26 \os| ad alee] Bcol el 8 a7 Westernport ......./Allegany...... 31.1/41.4/20.8) 65} 24 | 3)13, 15} 621.91] 4.8]....{.. .| . Poon eherd nents Allegany.. ...| 900/39 39 |78 46 | 33.6]... |....| 66] 24 |—6) 14 | 72/3.70| 3.0). Shriver i Rizor. | Allegany...... 650/39 39 |78 48 | 39.2)/51.0/27.5/ 68| 24 | 2] 14 | 66)/2.49] 3.0). umberland, ps : i, Shriver. | Allosner sabe 700|39 39 |78 45 | 33.9/40.6 27.2] 64) 24 | 2] 14 | 6212.51] 8.0) 11} 8] 12] Ble-eeee ancock............ ashington ..| 500/39 40 |78 10 | 35.0/45.8/24. 5 — Green Sp. Furnace. Washington ..| 500/39 39 (77 § | 4.2 ie slotca] ceed ze 0] Lt | cece) 28 12] 6 1) 6 E seat ington .. 36.5|44.4|2 0] 5 Sharpsburg......... Washinston ..| 430139 25 (rr 4 | Sucaliter.8| 63) 24 | 1 it | sees) isl wl ul sl a) 8. NORTHERN-CENTRAL MD. ae Mores Coll.. prodene 36.4]....]..../ 62] 24 | 138) 14 | 49)3.24 ia” ......|Prederick. 36-4/44.3128.4| 65, 24 | 0] 14 | 65/3-61} 2.5|.- Woman’s Coll. .| Frederick. 37.3]44. oy New Market... Frederick 37.4 43.9130. 3 24 2p 3 1B eo 3.10 oe ae a |[Carroll...seece fers 34.7/42.7|26.7| 61) 24 | 5] 14 | 56/3.68] 2.0 Ee “Westminster: | on eet a 36.7/44.5128.9| 65] 20 | 9} 13 | 56/3.75]..... iat eel ansellavectall ems ¢Don’gh Sch'l,‘‘o”’} Baltimore 37. < 5 ceo | ea See 218 8 Meal la yaaa Baltimore... -1.0-[-s0e08 eee i 39.0/45.1/32.9| 61/20, 241 14, 13 | 47iz-84| 0-5) | 6 Wl as Se Johns Bopiitak Hos suitcases: bk 124/39 17 76 36 | 37.0/44.8129.9] 61/34 | 13) 13 | 48/.c..[ ccc [seefeces[ecee[eee[eeners mt Ellteott City. J alae .. «.| 300/89 16 176 44] 40.0/46.3/33.8) 64, 23 | 16) 13 | 48/2.84) 0.2) 22) 1) 8) 8|N.W. reat Falls 5*.. ....;Montgomery .| 150/39 0 |77 14 | 36.8)....|.... Fallston School ** .|Harford....... 150139 31 (ro 24 | arol.2-|-2"| goles 24] Ti] 13 | d9iaaa| “U7 8] “el “iol ""'s| S.. Van Bibber... ...../Harford...... |... | --..|.. ..| 35.3/42:2128-4] 68) 20 | 13]12, 13) 55/8-61| -.-. soa Darlington Acad’y.|Harford....... 300/30 38 |76 12°) 36.2/43.7128-7| 64 20 | 1} 13 | 5318.85] 0-5] 10) 8! 13] 6|N.W. SOUTHERN MARYLAND. Annapolis ..-. -.e.e+ Anne Arund’l} 20/39 58 |76 30 | 37.4/45.4/29.4) 6 Jewell ...:06.j-7:/Anne Arund’ 165/38 45 [76 317 15 32. Blog 96 ae | BB] “ool Jel cal ie] sinc is. Res., D. C. 5*... 24 oA Dis. Res., DG, i--)-00 sopaltniren!|| Age apoio Washington, D.C.. ay a3) e) oN a Pr. George’s..| 130/38 58 |76 56 | 40.6|49.2/32.0] 69/23, 26] 17| 432) 5el2.sa] 2.5) ....fe.-] .feseefeeeeee ee rib ee eceee 2 Bearer el Ee Z th ie : : i 4 AO | cases Iaye| ares ae pper Marlboro....|Pr. George’s.. 37.2|45.8/28.6 67] 26 | 12} 1 3.36] ils) “a9} 5] "7 s|N. Ww. Ta Plata.... -.-s0 Charles........ 190138 32 (77 0. | 40.0/50.7129.2) 68| 21 i 2B Bh neice Le oa ee a Solomon’s...- ...+..|Calvert. ..... 20/38 19 [76 27 | 40.1/46.9133.3] 62] 24 | eo] i4 | 42/1-74| 2-7/6} 6] 19] 9/N.W Charlotte Hall..... St. Mary’s..... 167/38 28 |76 48 | 38.0(48.7/27-4| 68] 20 | 13| 13 | 55/1.97/ 3.5] 17] 6| 8] 5|N.W. Cherryfields ?...... St. Mary’s. ...| 20|38 11 |76 24 | 38.3]....[....fe..[ cee pacliauene .... 1.93] 2:01 10) 13) 8) 8|N.W! EASTERN Mp. AND DELAWARE. Chestertown eats Kent. ae : 80,39 8 1s J 38.6/45.1/32.0) 65/20, 26] 15] 13 | 50|2.40/ 2.5, 9] 14] 9) 5/N.W. EDTOD coe ceveeceee roline ...... 2138 58 |75 50 |...... Diet| \aasp dy2e[buzand I wexsaennnase eeicsenr acet| Lea Ol ciaieie ones] a : Haston ...ce-s eee cees Talbot ......+. 35138 42 (76 6 | 39.6/47.3/32.0) 66|20, 26| 16} 13 | 50/1.72) 0.5] ii) Now. Cambridge caemouane Dorchester... vse 38 i i d 41.5 48.5)34.5 65 2024.2 18; 13 | 47|1.65 Oc ii ut 7 AINCW. ardela Spr ..-+-:- icomico..... 2 .0)47.2/32.9} 66/20, 21] 18) 4,18] 48/1. . Princess Anne. ....|Somerset...... 20/38 12 |75 41 | 40.5/50.5/30.5) 68/21, 24 is 4 5312.00 We 8 Lb i ae Ww Pocomoke City. .../Worcester....] 37/88 5 |75 34 | 44.6/53.6)35.5) 70) 21 | 22 4,13] 49]1.96} 0.2) 8) 13) 10) 9.-... Wilmington, Del...|Newcastle....| 115|39 44 |75 33 | 39.7[47-2|32.2| 66) 20 | 14) 13 | 52/2.16] 0.3] 91 14} 8] 7 N. Delavan uo lieer| Newcastle ....|....{39 40 |75 87 | 36.0/44.1]27.8) 63] 21 | 12] 18 5] 14) 12] 6|N.W. Dover, Del..... [Rent......ee. 40/39 10 |75 30 | 39.8/46.6|32.9| 65/20, 26 17] 13 Milford, Del. {Rent cteresess 20/38 55 |75 25 | 41.8)51-0/28.7| 69) 20 | 19] 4 it, 3] 1 als. W. Seaford, Del Sussex... ....|....{38 40 |75 35 | 40.6/49.5/31.8) 66/20,21,26) 17) 13 ia al sees beawiall Sadall area Millsboro, Del ...-- Sussex ......+ .... [88 44 (5 15 | 41.8)50.4/32.3) 66 bet a Je} 4 14) 5) 12) 19/N.W + PennSYLVANIA....Philadelphia.|....[......[-+++++ 39.0/45.9/31.9| 66] 21 | 13] 13 | 63/1.76] 0.5) 10) 7 14} 7S.E ¢ VIRGINIA. Norfolk. ccsee ceeeee eens seceee oeeee sieiare |-osleisiers 3 3.54]... 2 WATRAW isc aacsaieateatereantioeane Ser ei ; 2.80] 6.0 ib 3 13 q N. Western Maryland...}... |..+++ -5/2.52) 5.6) 9. Northern-Cent'l Md.|....|...... Boo L5lIa8 Falto.2 4 NW. AveRAGES/ Southern Maryland..|... ‘alz-e4| 2:0|13:4| 6.gl11.7| 7.6|N.W. East. Md. and Del....|.... -7/2.12| 0.5/10.8] 9 8/10.6| 7.0|N.W. .8/2.55] 2.4/1.6] 8.3/11.4| 7.3|N.W. Entire territory..... bserved readings of dry thermometer. A numeral following th i a the seein errr was Geral thus: ; daaadiniin sii coals m. p.m. + 4. ean of 8a.m. p.m.+2. SMeanof’ a.m.+2 p.m. +2 that the mean temperature has been obtained from daily meanings ot fie ae tters of the alphabet are used to denote the number of days that are missing y missing. + Omitted in computing averages. * Extremes of temperature fromo indicates the hours of observation from w: 1Mean of 74. m. +2 p. m. + 9 Pp. The absence of a numeral indicate mum and minimum thermometers. Le from record; for instance, ‘a.’ denotes 1 da, MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 84 *parnsvow 40U 4Nq ‘[[ex ULI YOIYA UO SOIT | “MOUS Poz[OW IO UIA JO 9B B SOYBOIPU! ,. L .— LON "BA ‘MBSIB A * BA ‘HIOJION ‘BA “SO1IBIO “DO ** BA ‘YSouspliIg “TeC ‘Or0qSTILAL Ted ‘p10yveg “19d ‘PAO og: |****/z0° : 08° \zor [rtf ttt oa ee ie d a ott espliqueg se) DOISET UA.0310)80q9 **+ § WOMOTOS sere: gary AOTIBA * T18H 9}30T1BYD sees qorpouag O°C‘U,}SuIqse A °O'd “804 *090y ‘O° “soy ‘3st “Por stTBa Peer uoysuTleq so TOTS TTR serees QIOTUTITEG “1 TTOD HOOFSPOO MAM crest oneness KQUOGT ‘|-TRA 8, UBMyoORBg “sa mogsOuBy, “JOHAVPL AON “S418 “9S “VA ‘(q) puetzequing ‘(D) pue[lequing * OTTLALOT99j}00— tees DUBTABO +++ opisduung 9 ee Te | 0€ | 68 | 8G | Le | 93 | SS} Fo | ES) GB) TS | OG | GE | SL | AL] OL | SE | FL | ST] SE) IU} OT; 6} 8} kh) 9) SPRL Sl] ey. “SNOILVLG ‘€6gr ‘YHANAOAC YOU NOILVLIIdIOaUd ATIVA 85 *poinsveul JOU 4Nq ‘[[9J ULel YOIYA UO s04eq | “MOUS PO}[OUI 10 UIVI JO 90BI} B SI}BOIPUL ., L..— ALON AED 109 OP ROG ARANARAANH AH AARAAAIAUAANAGAUAIAAAO SsSse2tees esto oo sae oreeestsS SLRRB & or CAD OD a ORS DH SDD O00 St rt HC He DAILY PRECIPITATION. OOom 02" fee see *1Bge [s 28s . . see “BA SMBSIB AM 10° ~ . ae gg: 0 oe . . afeaeele +19) BA SHTOJION £0" ‘ "180° Ha [ed ‘OL0gsTITW “e ++ -Taq ‘paozeag siete “Taq ‘DIOTTNT x tee Taq OAC Ssehare + adg Blaprleyy w]e os -@SplLIqmeg all steve tereee + TOUS ERT ci ++ TM07.109S0TD Allee + +g mOTIOTOg eee 207 ASTTIBA. “TIRH 999071809 sess OTpOOg sranais o'a‘u,asurgse a 5 “O'a “sexy ‘OOH ‘Od “soy “381 STIR WOT soes* TOV SUI[IRG Toasted tee) OUT eg “TLOD H90}BPOO MA ee ee nee “ £queg ‘IBA S. UBMIqORg “= *TMOTLOURT, "JO IVPT AONT ** 8 AaB “9S “TA ‘(Q) pury1equing (0) puByAsquing “eTTLAteqo}00q ‘ “+ DURTHEO vees[eeee|-eeees gprgdaung So" |8T' | G |* ge" jee: | aL + 80° 10 60° ‘lpr ++ |e» ZL leo tne: Te | 08 | 63 | 82 | 46 | 98 | Go| FB | Es | Go| Te | OS | BL | SL | AT | OL | ST | FL | SE | OE] Tr) Or; 6|8 |) 2)9)82) Fr) ee] ett “SNOILVIG ‘b6gr ‘AUVONVE YOA NOILVLIdIOgNd ATIVA BAG HH OD 05 08 HS 05 28.63 HOD HOD 08 00 68 Hd ORS HS OF HAS xt atta, MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE, BBRZALRGRASHBRASRSSRLSASASLSSSSEB mae 23 | as “peINssow JOU 4Nq ‘Tez UTBI YOIYA UO 8978 | -AOUS PO}[OU IO U[BI JO 9OVIY B SOYBOIPUL ,, .L .— ALON Ir oF go° jog" Jor‘ “| BA “HLOJION ie vee loge co: |gc- jee: “Tod *O10QS8TITWL eee [3 +++ /a9- 66° “Ts Jed ployeasg Sibiesi Se . apg Jl ere +|- “Tod ‘PAOTTIAL ae aa i trees Taq ‘eaog ects a L “Idg BlapaByy 00°L cts OSpLquey #¢° “UO SRY os: ++ moyuEg Or" UA.O}I0990NN Le° * +, WomOTOg ne “7 BT SOTTVA ee" “TleH 9990118G0, 9¢° Jor pouag 6e° Iv Iso[[0N ec: O'a'U,9SUTaSe A iss ‘Oa “Soy *O0y os ‘Od “Sey “381 sees STTBA FBOID 89° . ** TOISTTRA er seeres QIOUIIF1BG OL" “TOD H90FSPOO MM 02" trees ence AGo sr" ‘TRA 8, UBMUOBg OF “muMogs00By, ris oth *JOYIBYY MON han **s, AIBC “IS “WA ep (q) puey1equing sia (p) pusprequng oF fe peat) * OT[fA19q09700g bese] | aiesl | eantelllateea lied slog: free ene aE 90° [ote lep: ete | Db foe tee ‘-aprsduung TE | OF | 6s | 82 | Le | 96 | SB] Fo] SB | Ve) Ts | OS | GL | SL | AL] OT | SE] FL] er} sr} ir} or}e}slzi;9}s¢irig {elt “SNOLLVILG 86 ‘vOgr ‘XUVONUAAA AOA NOILVLIdIOaNd ATIVA 87 DAILY PRECIPITATION. *9}9[AUIOOU! PAOIIY x *porNsBow JOU yNq ‘[[eJ UlBI YOGA UO sazBq 4 ‘MOUS PO}[9UI 10 ULBI JO 9DBIY B 89} BOIPUT wil» SLON AOROoO TO'T F6°S SI's 09°T SIT Fl Lert S8'be SPT WORN “ ‘lea 8T AT or aT oo) BA TM BSIB AA "BA ‘H[OJION “BA “JSOUSPIIGL “Ted ‘O1OQSITIW 19 *paojeeg ‘19d ‘PIOSINAL sess 10q “oAOG “AID 9OULON0g ters Idg Blopleyy “Ts mOISsBA ‘+ moqueqd *s UOMOTOg “e"splegArayO “TBH 0770718 q 9 “soe goIpaueg O10q{1BW Jedd ‘* HIBd OS9][0D O'C'U,ISUrYySE AA "OC “soy ‘OOx ‘O “say “sig *O1OUII [BG “‘TIOD H90}Sp00 MA vee eee KQUOMT ‘IBA 8S. URmIyoRg ‘+ -TMOTAOURY, “JoHAVPT AON “SATB “99 “TAL “(q) pus[zequing *(D) pueyrsquing * O[[FA10q 999 00g, le DOBITBO seoss oprsAuung “SNOILVIG *v6gr ‘HOUVNW AOA NOILVLIdIOaNd ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 88 Horo OD. CD wh eH OI OOD RESSUHSRVISES AD 169 OL HO 3.69 69.69.69 WHId 6 1g “PeINsBaul JOU 4nq ‘T[eF Ure TOA ‘ler: 60" moO s9}8q + “MOUS PO}[OUl JO ULBI JO 9OBI} B SOJBOIPUI ,, TL ,,— ALON Té | 06 | 6T } 8ST | LE 91 ST &T or “/z0° BA SMBSIB A “"* BA ‘HLOJION BA ‘SOTIBYD edey “BA YSoUSpPlIg “Taq *OL0QSTLA 8 TO PAOT TAL Tod ‘u,93urmI MA “Taq ‘HABA N “AYN ayOULON0g ids Blepleypl +o TOISBEL **§ MOWLO[Og "+ spjagArzegg I[BH 97901849 +s -qoIpetog, o10q [Av teddy “HIB aSo[[0D O°d'U,4201 GSE A “Od “80x ‘OO O'd ‘sey “3st “" STTB WY BOLO * *H07SUITIVG * TOISTLBAL ‘d10TIT}[ BY ‘| 1109 H9.03sp00 M reretetenes KQUOUT ‘IBA SUBMIT OR ‘UMOPALOUBY, ‘qoyIV MON ‘t) HOMpoly "8 AIBA “IS “TAL *(q) puv{roquing *(p) puRfasquing * O[[[Areq01.00g treet ee DUOBTHBO ++ epissuung ‘SNOILVIg ‘v6gr “TIYdV YOA NOILVLIdIONNd ATIVG 89 DAILY PRECIPITATION. *poInsvet JOU yNq ‘[[aj UreI YOIGA TO sozeq |. ‘MOUS PO4[OUL IO ULVA JO 90VI} B SOJBOIPUL .. LZ ,,— ALON “TB -OL ell GOT Te | 06 | GT | 8E | LT] OT | S|] FL] SL] GE] IT] or} 6] 8 OF" BAM MN BSIB AL "BA SHTOJION BA ‘Sojavyg edgy "A ‘paojyReg “Ted “O10qs{ TW “TO [PAOT TAL [OC ‘USUAL “10d ‘IB MON “AJIQ OYOMODO dg vloparyy + -uoUsKAT reese S mOTIO[Og “spregdérs98gqp “7+ UM 09109890 “"*Jorpouog o10qTlRyy ledd Q “t+ Ydtd aso [lop O'C'U,PSUryst AL “Od soy “0% ‘O'd “soy “asi “STR YBa UoJSUITARG “) TO9STIRAL sees QTOTUIQT RG “TION 904SPOO AA reer eeeeen KUO ‘A.A SUBTUORE “TO MOILOURT, “ JOMIBPY ALON oo yoMoporg "S418 “1S “IW (q) puxyroquing (») puxjaequing * OT[[A1aT O90, “* puUuvlryREg eprsAuung *SNOILVG ‘v6gr ‘AVIN YOd NOILVLIdIOauNd ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 90 *peInsvsu JOU 4Nq ‘Taz ULB YOIGA UO s9zeq + ‘MOUS POJ[OUl IO UIBA JO O9VI} B SOPVOIPUT ,.. L ,,— "ALON OARAANAAA OR SBRSRBR HHS 19 O18 He Hag EY a Pam TG | 06 | 6T | 8T LT ST | FT| € T T T ‘BA ‘HTOJION ** BA “YSOUSPALY “19 ‘01098 THA ‘Jaq ‘paojyBeg [9d ‘PAOJ THA ‘Taq ‘4aAod [feels Taq “HIBAON [oq ‘a,7S0rmaI TA “APIO OYOWOIOd ‘idg BlopleW ** UOISBE + uojJued UA0710980q) ‘+ §,MO0THO]0g “splay Aa19q9 * see ; 18H 9990Tted ++)» qoIpauag FIV Issd9][09 O''U,}SUTYSBM “Od “89H *007 ‘Oa “Sou “381 vipers ss]Ted 8015 moySULTABd +s UOUsTTea ++ -Q1OUIIN [BQ ateee “Qua “TBA S UBUUOBE -uMoj,AouB, ++ -yOMepody *(q) puvy1equing *(D) puv[zsquing * sT[[A10999900 : “* puelqRO eprsAuung *SNOILVLG ‘bOgr ‘ANOf YOa NOILVLIdIOaud ATIVAG 91 DAILY PRECIPITATION. “A[MO skp ST 10Oq » *painsBaw jou yn ‘[[9J ULL YOITA UO SozBq |} ‘MOUS PO}[OU LO UIVA JO 90B1} B B9VVOIPUL ,, L »— ALON OF Qh" Te | 06 | GT | 8E | 20 or 0° or" slap So bees v/s Taq ‘oroqstTHAl “+ Tod ‘PAOs AL “stag ‘reaod ‘78d SAABMON 19d ‘*G,.3301 [TAL *AVIO BYOWOOOT “+|-quuy sso0uld vt dg BlepaBy see YOUSUET ees WOJUEd *UM09109S9q9 + g,uOTIO[Og ‘sprog Aatogg * TTB 9} 0TIVUO eee BIRT BT tes goTpoueg ‘yAB_d Is9T109 “‘U,9SUIGSB A ‘O'd “sey 997 ‘O'd “80H “98! sees sijodenuy “STR WweIy uo yFUTAVG * 04s BL OLOTTF VEL teres KQUOT “hTBA Ss UBMUyORg ss amopysouRlL qoyAR MON ths YOLMOpody 8 ATR “IS “UA *|:(Q) puvyrequing *()) puxylequing * oT [A109 909900g, Lessee DUBBO ‘+ aprsfuung *SNOILVLG ‘b6gr ‘AINE YOA NOILVLIdIOaNd ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 92 WD HO RSSSSSLSELSSNASA SSE SSBSESSSSRRESFRESHO ASSO SRGVESRSSSSBSERESNA Cruonma BNA ARASH HERAARAAIA HARV RMHAARAN HNO WM Hid HHMANHOere BONSEeMDHINBVBDOABMOSMAO ia bey é3 | ‘HOIFBAIOSQO 4XOU [IJUN painsvow jou ynq ‘[[oJ ULI YOLYA UO sozBq 4 av lee fesfoel x eo-tige: | wees grt 3 20° Te | 06 | GE | ST | LL | OT] SE] FL | St] er] Ir} or} 6} s]2i] 9 “MOUS POJ[OUI 10 ULBI JO BDI} B SOFBOIPUL ., L ,,—" ALON eq ‘Vryd, pera d “' BA SM BSIB AL +|es+ BA “HTOJAON BA‘S,[AByO odep “eC *O10gsTIHW “Ted ‘paojBeg Ted ‘PAOsT HAL se Taq Weaod ‘s+ Tod ‘HIBMON TO ‘U,3SU1WIT AL ‘£419 BYoMON0g * euUy ssoounlg sts adg B[opaByy sagvegeen “10SBaT §,WOMO[Og “- Spley Arroyo “yaea19 8,odog “TRH 9}, OTABYO ** JOT poudg o10qg [Ie edd q “YIB Vsd9T[0N OCU, TSUTYSe A “9 'q “soy ‘Ooty ‘}'O °d “80H “ASIC qe sljodvuuy “SIIB YBIID +0] SUr[Ieq DOU] TBL i asbeitls er0WILI TV “TLOD YOOFSPOO MA seetteeeee KQUOYL ‘IRA S,UBMIYyORg so sUuMOUAOURT, “ VOTIBA MON thos) MOLlapaay “*S, AIBW “IS “VAL “/°(q) puBysoqmung */(p) puvyzequing oT] [A10409900g, oe OTTTASIU BD ee DOBTTRO, * episfuung “SNOILVEG ‘v6gr ‘LSNONV YOU NOILVLIdIOaNd ATIVa 93 DAILY PRECIPITATION. ‘UOIBAIOSQO JXOU [IJUN poinsvoul Jou 4NqQ ‘{[9J GTea YOY UO soqRq 4 “ATWO SABP LT ISBl TOW x “MOUB POJ[OUl IO UIBI JO 9081) B SOJTOIPUT iL ss —‘sION Lb OL" eC'l &@ | 16 | 06 | BL | BE] AT} OL | SE] tr | er | et] IL] or} 6] 8] ak ‘v6gr ‘YAANALMAS YOA NOILVLIdIONUd ATV L 90° a vg ery doped “BA CMBSIB AL Se aN ‘My [OJON BA 8, {tBY,) VAR) peg ‘o1oq st HL “Tad ‘plopvosy “Tad SPLOT > od ‘1oA0d “+ Jaq ‘HAVMON Tod ‘U,}8ULTT TAL “AND OYOMUIOIO, -ouuYy sseoulId see tadg BVlopavyy + ot) UO PSBH hee TOqUa(] *UMOWOPSOTY ss + sppoy Aaa “TRH av OTIRgS) ts gs UOTUOLOS “yon s,adod s OUTW [tL RW Vl ss qorpouag? osoqyaeyy todd () oh YAIR OFI[TO) VOU ASULYSRAL *O°d “89U (99 “O'd “80y ISTIC - stpodRudy ch SypR quay > UOPSUILp ARC verse TOIRTied + OLOUULI] VET TOD JHOPSPOO AL saeene » CQudy TRA S UUUMIOVET uMmoyAOULT, + YOLIOPOAYT 48, AIBA “IS VT “(qQ) puxpaoquing “(D) puRpAoquing * OITLALayo} OOF] OTPLASIUTAY) tees PURPTRO hoes sopiscuung "SNOILVLG MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 94 "ATWO SABP GL JSB[ IO y “MOLZBAIISGO JX9U [TZUN painsvaul JOU 4Nq “[[OF ULBA POI UO SOIB | “MOUS POz[OUL 10 ULVI JO BOBIZ B BOPBOIPUL , LL .»— "ALON 99°F £0" To" L 9L°T areas" T 0 eq ‘erydopenad gg'e L3°T ween ee eel ewes oh) BA SMBSIB A 20°9 98°T “RA STLOFION og"g) 08° “RBA “QSOUSPITE so" IVT + Te ‘o10gsTUN OFF GL'T +++ Tag ‘ployeeg £9°¢ ard "|or Tod ‘PAO ar'y Itz trees pag ‘aAod 99°€ q9°T * + od ‘HARMON AL’? “\a0°S [oq ‘UFSUTM TAL STS iad “A4IQ VBYOWOD0g Lh : ‘euuy ssooulid ce'h 61 sts Idg Blapsv 036°) . 79° . ores TOUSRA oa Fl” tee . + -u0] UE 86° “++ 01M07.1018049 6a°& ‘++ spray £as0 gO Ste ““TTBH 0770L1 BUD Lo'¥ rere § TOMLOTOS 08°% ‘++ oom sodog OFS seers BRIG BT Irs “t+ YIV_ OF9T[0D FL'S o°a a, ..euryse Ay 88's Very ey Meany ‘0907] Bog ‘OE “Soy 381 02's} - . ste TOMO Lg} oT STTR YT FBITD, 06°S sos TOpsUTARd 16'F teereres COUSTTR 08°s ¢ OIOWLIA[VE €0°¢ *TLOD JOOISPOO AA, g9°s ‘Te, s,uRmgoRg ceg ss dUMogsouRy, 68°36 +°*(q) YOWSpAL iT SUF ++ (p) YOM poly 00°¢ +s Avy 9S “TW 66°T ++ OT [TASTING oS *(q)pusjasquing 18° *(p) puBpzoquing 09° + oTTA18 999900, G6°S “O]TTASJUBIy TES] “yaVg 193d 68°S ae **purRlyrvoO 68'S -apisséuung “1B a i. Te | og | 6¢ | 8a | £21 92] oe] Fe] G2 | Ss] Te] 06 | GE | SE] AL) OT | SE] FE | St | SE] IL]; OT) 6/8) 4) 9] a] Pr] e | alt “SNOILVIS ‘631 ‘YAAHOLIO YO NOILVLIdIOgud ATIVA 95 DAILY PRECIPITATION. ‘opRUl JUSMIOINSBOUI OU 4Nq ‘[[oJ UIVY » “MOTJBAIASQO YXOU [TUN PIINsvIT JOU YN ‘[[oJ ULBA YOIGA WO S9zVM + “AOUS Poz[OUL 10 UIVA Jo 9ORAZ B SOFVOIPUL «Ly, —"TLON vq‘ erqdepelud Lor BA SAM BSB AL a Be eee Oke sla [ees Vet les ene| Oe o' BA SHTOJAON ais “BA “YSOUSPALA ov Td *oL0QsU “190° “1 TOC [PlOFRES lio: so pad “plos TAL lore feeeelope feeee{ersdege [cg [ee cfeeelere feeeefeeeefoce ferrite fod feeee[eeedape [oo dogapo fore feres Jod ‘49A0 "180° ** [9d “HABMON 20° *\Jod ‘U,4sU1maTT A “| AQIQ BYOMIOD0d Iv ‘|; ouuy sso0ulldg le srr atdg BlOPABIAL op +e? GOISE BO Micccocettl eeeses hs sssec ark deal eee oll Sektsaallbete esall bxcca.ss | eee hater nance cdl seat dace. Iowan |arals, Inertia seo eves “Gain aia hem keg [tanaccioul! ye ators’ ++ doquoqT “ss +sppagda194 9 “Ts [TRH oy OTABYD t[rtets Ss MouOTOS *yoolg s.adog sees TOITW 13d oe el ivaje is'nd -BqBId VT T° -joroq{avy tedd gq lor *[ro aR 8897109 ar “10 CUA SULYsE AL ra ltetohens "O°" “Soy (99t ‘O°d “Soy "FSI [Seer Tramor sadinge lames sees srjodeuuy : tes STB gRaIH ‘T° tere 1OPSUT ALG ae veeeeees HOUSTIRA ‘\go° tees QLOWIITRE {90° 1109 WOOISPOO AL L [VA S UBULYORE, 60° free feefe “UM OTAOUBTL, ets “+(q) YoIIepad “1 *(9) YOLIOpaaT 10° 8 ALBA “IS “A res *OTTTASII DANG L oo -Sanqgsdavsyg ede bas ie **}(q) puxplequing “++ /*(9) puryrequing * eT] TA10 9999 90g “7° g.10dU.10989 4. * OTTTASJUBAID Yavg 190q 71) puRlyyVo cores oprsduuNng -og| 1 | 08 | 66 | 88 | Le | 98 | 96] Fe | Ge | Ge | Te | OG) GE | BL | AL) OL) ST | PL) &E | SE | TE} Or) 6) 8} kl a9) aye] el eltr “SNOILVIG ‘v6gr ‘YHANAAON YOA NOLLVLIdIOgUd ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 96 09'S “UOTFBAISQO 4XOU [FUN painsveur you ynq ‘[Toy UIe. “yqUOTL O43 Jo yIBd 10g 5 I WOIA UO soqeq } OT yes" ;40° |S0" |6F" |- Teee[eees lore Ole ed is PL's c0° “2 98°€ in: - SLs eel Nea lens ae ze"e suite mola sl ies FL'€ spinel 183% be: 08°s wa UG 88°F ge: £0°7 aes go's 0 oly eee Thr Pedios 49°T sss Pg ae Go"e seis ont LS°T etapais aaah pare ee 90° et 29-2]: 4 se ET G's a dif aa £9°% bascheaedliemee ron 68°% Listo| gilfasiee aa 0g'e van a 8r°2 ce ee 98°e tee nae 96°¢ Nice leans fae oe SL's scion [wee he L Te te TE | O€ | 6G | 8 | Le | 9% | Ge &@ | e | Te | 06 | 6L | ST | AL | 9 | SE | FL} St] et} imjorj] 6} sj 2 60° eae ‘MOUS PO}[OU IO UIBA JO OVA} BV SOVOIPUT 4 WL yy" TLON eq ‘erqdopelyd BA SM BSIB AL BA ‘MLOJION “BA ‘Fsouspalg “jad *0.10qSTITW ‘Taq ‘paoyeag “8 "19d ‘PLOT sees Taq OAC “Taq ‘JAB N TOG ‘U4 SUTONTL AY “AVIOD VYOULODOT *euuY ssooulig “+ sadg BloprRyy 7 TOISRaT ‘+ mo JE "+ T1A07.10489T.) “* sproyAaiayy “TRH 9970T1Bq9 te =*S UOTIO[OS “COUT L9 “BWI BT “olTVH T[BUSIB Ay o1oq [ey redd q. “** YAIR OSOT[OD OCT, FRUIGSE AL “2 “CE BOIy “OOH ‘O'd “S0y “981 eee Tomo SITRY TRIAD U0PSUILpAVG “TOUS [RL * AOWIY RE TLOD WOOISPOO A she > uOpuATO “TRA STURT RE “> UMO LAUR, 1(Q) YOMapoay Vp) WOLIapaagy 1190 8, 40eN Ig UN *sanqsdavygs *(q) puBLAIQquIND *(D) puvjleaquing “aTTA199 999904 ++ 4.10d 0.19989 A, * OTTTASIUBID Se tee yale 09d sees DUBTTRO, ss oprsduung “NOILVILG ‘bOgr ‘NAAN AOAG ao0d NOILVLIIdIddad ATIVG 97 DAILY PRECIPITATION. ‘94o[AMIOOU! plooey . ‘TOBA TOSGO 4XOU [IJUN PoANSvoUl 4OU IAQ ‘T[OF UTVA YOIYA TO SdyVq} “MOUS POz[OU IO UTICA JO 99LIY B S9ZVOTPUL «TL, »—"TLON nos a [pases [ess visa lege To: | cccj fea Brqdpepeygd ee a i oo wale meiieligeh Deve [eres Selage | BA ‘AESIE AL 0st Sp Fe: PL ee * BA [OJON 66° eer 10S °°" JOLT TH “Taq ‘O10qs{IH nee leq] ‘prozvaS “od ‘pAOITTW + stt9q ‘IaA0d “79d ‘HIBAMON [oq ‘U3SUTUN LAL “AUT VYOMUODOd “ouUY SSedULIg ss adg BlepalByy vere. Troqsea teteeeees Goquaq. “|oss UMOgTEysOyDO “+++ spray Aaeyq yD “TUBA 937 0T1BO +[orss* g uoTOTOg *|r+* Neorg s,adog sosees OAT 108 so Ret BY ologpleyy Tadd Q “MIR IS9]]0,) OCU ASTTASE AL ‘Dd “say 90H ‘Oca “sey “asiq. Poe TOM OL “Ts STTBA BATH 5 UOPSULABE, sree TOUS] RY “ILOTIL} [LG “TLOD WOOPSPOO Ay settee ss COpUAqsy ++ TOJSTITISS Ay “| TRA SURTIoRg “+9 (p) YOWopaaiq “tyog s AR Ig UA “ OTTLASIIE ANY cores Sanqgsdaeys trees QOOURAL “(q) PURLATOQTUN,) (v) purplaqunug BI [LAI Yo. a0g, * J1OdT.19489 AL sOTTLASTURDD “"pURTRO sess opre.daung Sa Sato -og,| Tf | 06 | 68 | 8% | 46 92 | Go| Fo) So | ss] le] OG] GE} BL) AL] OF | Gt) tL} er | ct] Tr} or}; 6] 8 ye} oy St ti} el elt “SNOILYIG *S6gr ‘AUVONVIE YOU NOILVLIdIOaYd ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 98 Rapin ein Ue DO 82 HOD 1 19 S 09 OD GIN SP HOO 1g tg LC 9 6, gg IS ig U 6 9 I () 6 10 gs L € € LP “MOTPBAIOSQO 1X9U [JUN poinsvam you 1Nq ‘Tey UTBA YOGA, WO sazVq + 66 26 10° él: UT" er" me o +9} 9[duLOoUr p1000y x “MOUS POYTOUL 10 UTBI JO GOVIZ B SOPBOIPUL ,, L .,— ALON oe: | eeaeaselllnve dia arsiall ste siai) le fi wa 89 Bie 2 a foe » |---- leg tergdpepsigd CAL te (ee be : ee pe ae 9 Bi ee ee eee js : z +]. : “BA ‘H[OJION L, To" e 10 $0 i “Taq “O10gst TAL vy. Taq ‘projyBeg bi * Tad ‘pros A OL ‘Taq ‘aaAod 4 “Taq “HABAIN O° + [oq Up SU LA Tg" *|*AIIQ axOULOD0d os: +}; ouay ssoouldd eg: : ‘adg BleprlvL ters + UOIseq “l0R" u0jyouxqd ‘109° UMOJIIISOYD iL + splay Aat98q9 og" UBH 9990T1BYD ge° ++* +g, TOULO[OG 00°L sfecee sees Raed BT OF ‘JoroqiaeW reddp) og [os 3[1B__ 2891109 Gr ‘lo C'U4SULGSe AM Ses Soa “seu “08H 10° ‘Fo -q “soy ‘4StC | Frees TTOMOL as “STB FBVOLD 08° |"" “WOZS UAV 16" “UO |B es° | LZ a10WT4 [VE “WOR. *TLOD H9OISPOO MA ‘et-t] a sees COpPUATO oot} + 19JSTTWIISS AA so” | aL “TBA S,URUTqORY Gh |S “yrr(g) HONWOpod 4+ (p) Youspoty cg: + OTTTASII DANY 00°T + Sanqgsdaeyg | sees Ses yQOOUR AT og |* “(q) puxAoquingy + 10 *(p) puByasaqmngy “100° “")* OTTTATIYOIIOT "10h" * |ee* g10du10989 4 09° 10. “tt OT]TAS}UBIN, oo ye ‘os yaeg 190q : eg" |s0° *puBl Avo #0 v fereefecee[eree[ire [og Jag. -apisduuing 66 | T6 | 06 | GE | ST | LT) 9T | SE | FT) ST | AT] IL} Or} 6} 8)4)9 6] T ‘SNOLLVILG “S6gr ‘AUVONUAAA AOA NOILVLIdIOaud ATIVA 99 DAILY PRECIPITATION. oe Te | 06 | 6 *9}9[A MODUL PLODIY » “MOMBAIOSQO 4XOU [1JUN porNsveul jou 4Nq ‘[[9J ULEA YOIYAL WO S9zV } “MOUS Poq[OUT AO UTVI JO 9OVA} 89}VOLPUT ,. LL 4>— TALON <0" aT &T ee cr OF* SOT 6" va ‘BIqdeprl gd Se BA SA BSIB AY "BA SHTOJION BA “WSoUSpalg, “Ted ‘owoqsilay “Taq ‘paojyvoy 12d *PAOFTON "Ted ‘A9A0G * [9d ‘HABAIN 19 ‘USUI A *AYLD VYOMODVT * euuy ssooullg sh dg BlOPIBAL +s TOUSBET ++ To qUEd UMOJIOISOYO -SpleyAateyD * TBH oF OT IVYD teh es) §S TOTILOTOS * UOULTV 194 7 Bye] BT o1og [ey redd “'yYdIVq Vs9T[0D OC" U,ISUTYSe AL "O° saty ‘98y ‘Od “say “ISIC trees TTOMOL “BTTRT PVAAL ser 8* TOLSUTTIRG “ UOISHBA * OAOTUNY RE, “T1OQ HOOYSPOO Ay rere TLOSLLIR YS) uopudayy ++ 19qSUITUISA AL STRA S.UBTUORg “"(q) MOLepad yy “'(p) yoLapoay “T1098, ATeN IS WN ‘OT HASIDTAN ‘ss Sainqgsdaryg Leese MQ00TIRHT “(q) puryrequing *(p) puvjsequing ‘OT [TA.10999490q **410dU.10980 AL -OT[LASJUBID YAV_ 199q “* puBlyzRO veees oprsduung “SNOILVILG *S6gr ‘HOUVW YOU NOILVLIdIOaUd ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 100 *e}0[dM109UI paoday x “GOTFBAIOSGO JXOU [UN PIInsvoul you 4Nq ‘[]9} ULBI BOI AL UO SOB | *ALOUS POJ[OW IO ULBA JO 90BI} B SO}BOIPUL «. .Ly— ALON Bide 0516 S18 Sided @° /98" |F9° +] 4+ (90° 16° OS TSI" slat: [ste [ILD jed ‘Brudpoperigd frre fare [Sena ON BsaE Ay 99° 18S" |ZO° [BA SNLOJION oF [S9° [0° |-"T9d *OL0qs] TL “les T/OL" |PE* | °° "19d | PAosves “16h 100° 108" |°"* TOM “POST ‘Joe | 4 | + foo ed “tea0q yo 16G" IT" °° Ted ‘ooTI09 Fre MeN “pe 160° [IT? Ted *O.9suraoyy Ay ss tlegr | 4 ee" | 4910 eHOMOD0g ‘++lye- ger |e—T> |ouuy ssaouldg srigatl £ 80° [ott adg Brepaeyy we PST age [eee trogsear * u0zuEGq *UM.0910989q0 “ splegAaraypH TOOuS TPH eoTreyg * s,uomO[Og *Y9o19 s,adog “““dOULV [9g Sree BABE OT o10q].Ley todd qQ serees Tganery ‘1100 “IS-V “DIT O'C'U,FSUIYSB AL “9 -d “soit ‘0ay ‘O° “sey 4sIq Se Tomar oe - s1Todeuu py + fuopeoy wo, surpreg ‘OOHOS TOYS] [By ct STPRuy Baas “TION SoTteqO 4S es AOU} UE, “T1909 HOOISPOO Ay Pe “UOSLIAR SY) “**: copuATy +++ 199SUITN489 Ay ‘TBA SURTIYOR “T]OQ SUBTIO AY "7 (D) YOMapeayy “er T109 SATE IS “TAL * * OTTTAS9 4 Dp An vss dainqgsdavys terest o00NRFT “(q) puRyzaquing *(D) puxjrequing * OT[TA10499900q 7+ 410d T9989 A tt OTTTASIUBID OV IVT JAC sh PURETRO, “''sepiscuung 8I°G| “180° asaneie HS Rroeas SS6SSRSRR55R5 elope [oy enbiaud er gor -og,| I | OF | be | 86 | Le | 96 | GS] FE | Gs | Bs] To] OS] GL | SE | AL] OL | SE] FE] Sr} er; ir}or} 6} s}2}o9)]¢)ri{e|e]t “SNOILVILG “S681 “TIMdV HOA NOILVLIdIOaud ATIVAG 101 DAILY PRECIPITATION. “TOPVATOSGO JXOU [[JUN PIINsSVoM JOU 4NQ ‘TIF ALVA YOM AA WO SOAR 4. “MOUS PO}[OU IO UIVI JO 90BI} B SOYVOIPUT ,, L, .,—"TLON eq‘erqdfapeligd BA SMBSIB AL “BA ‘H[OJION BA “SOUS pl “Jed ‘oroqs thw ‘Taq ‘plopeag “Ted *PAOSTLAL sts Taq ‘taaog “Jaq ‘adaqlog eremeyed TOC ‘U,.YSUTGNTT A “AVIO 9BHOWMLOI0g “guuy ssoodlid tidg BlapzeyL te ee COIsEg + osreees doqUaG “** 7 M0719989T9 ‘**spregAas0gqO * *Toous TRH eyopseq) ‘+ § mOmMO[Og #8 "**HO0ID 8,od0g Oar HANH Hid Ho SEO CU NO Ee cui ie ce Ge OD rat i= De +H O19 6. gor foo o10q {IB aisedd teeeeeees TQINBIT *T100 “A8-V “PAL oa “U4 SULqSe AA ‘OC “say ‘90y ‘OO “80q “9SIC Mee Tamar “** sIjodvuny ~-kuepeoy wo.ZuT reg *JOoyoY uOFST[RT “ STTRg Weary ‘TOD S9TABYO “31S +H QI OTN TRG “M00 {90FSPO0O AL “ TLOSTAIBY) “ss TOpuATy) “TI9D "PW U.989 MA ‘TRA S,UBUITORg tree oTIapad “jog 84787, 45 “TAL 3 “sanqsdaeyg “TT MOIS1OSB A “aN * 1dg ween ** UMOIPTO (Q) puelrequing (p) puelrequing * aTTTAeyo100g sine 910d 0.10989 Ay “OTTTASQUBID theese MIB 120 sere! DURTHTBO os eprsfuung *SNOILVLG 6 | 8} AT] OL | SE | FE} St) eq} TM j}or}e6|js}|rz2i}o}e}rl]el]elr ‘S6gr ‘AVI YO NOILVLI1dIOaud ATIVG MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 102 *MOUS Po}[OT1 IO ULBI JO OBI B SOJBVOIPUL ,, L.,.— ALON BA ‘MBSIB A “ts BA S3LOJION Ba ‘erqd[epelad ‘| 19d *O20qs LAL ‘|"** Tag *paojeeg "19 PLOSTIW * [vd “ea0g ; “jad ‘IBAA N “T89d “1190 “l8 TOG" U AS ULUOn LAY *AVIQ GYOuULOIOg *euUY ssvoulig ‘+ sadg BlepaByy + coseg ‘+ uoJuaqg *|os* UMOQIOISeqD ‘)oos spjegAuragqg “)*"Tooqas [eH eHopreqg | srs99*8 “OTUOTOg ‘l+ssse0I9 S,adog +|e eee TOTEY Lae teeeeeemRl BE 0.0q [1Bfq todd seeelere fore fere oer Ue Tgampep snag lke aed al cessegn | BED 4 unt “TLO0 “LFV "DW or ie ‘OU. YSULYyse Ay O° “say ‘00H ‘O° “89H “981 oe. TTaaor o's stodeaay ++ £mapeoy uoysurreg LYS Tos[[BL “STTeY VRaTD “1109 S9[IBYD “3S “ott OLOTIID Bg T109 1907S8poo A “* TOSTIIBy + eseees dOpasT TOOPTA U.989 4 [RA S,URTIyoORg +78 SOLTa pat “TI09 8 ATER Ig “AL oo gangsdieyg ‘* ‘UM0ISIOSe A orang Sutadg weet) * yooouvH ** UAOIPTIO *(Q) puBli1aquing *() puvfzequing “aT[1419997}00g ++ qg10dU.104389 A, * aTTTASUBID ‘yaeg 1990q “** puelTyeo ‘oprisfuung Hod HHO 6d oH Snr oop 19 DO Qim= id L ae -On) Te | og | 62 | 8a | Le | 92 | Go | Fo | SS] GS) TS | OC | GE | ST | AT] OT | SE] FL) SL | OE] TL} Or; 6} 8} 4;9] sy r)] es) ey "SNOILVIG ‘S6gt ‘ANOL YOHA NOILVLIdIOaNd ATIVA 103 DAILY PRECIPITATION. ‘MOUS POI[9UI IO UILA JO 99B1Y B SAJVOIPUL ,, TE ,— ALON Cg'F seclope feelers logger ee: on eg a 0 | deciniol armenia ir og T| 7 BA tAVesTe A 9e"7 TO* TO" for -]40° PES ft} ]10° JIL: GF BA “HLOJION £2" seeelTQ* |e Peeelerer tenes lope IT‘T/92" co: |ed eryud [apR[lqd ee vessleage |e seeelerecteoes late gue forte Ft lea *‘o10Qs[[HT 86°& : FFI" * Tod ‘psojyeosg Le eee 6g | Ted SPAOS TAL 76°T neaad sees 6r' |. Jed ‘toAod tars slaux sti : -+5|j 112d "“HaeMeN e's FL Ted “1100 ‘19d oneal: ae skis 0s: 19d ‘0, 3UITOT A 9g°Zi: on atranses L “AYID VYOULOIOg ap + ‘i ee i ‘euuy ssooullg eG-9|- anes eo" 0° ‘r-1dg Blepsleyl eeF a oT ese veeete eh = TOUSEE oer: iris ie eh: trate SO ROIUOCE GFre): Co og: “**7M09104S904) 39-2] te ce: “-spregsi1eyqO ag desks Fo" **TooTg TH 901-780) gerel: eee cL ste S MOTOTOS Oza)" tee Ge: “Maar s,odog ee oa ahi ee eee BIBI BT tees F0° osoq {rey tedd Q _— 18° teeeeeees TQANBTT ots or: | “ATV 9891100 T9D “10 ¥ “PIL sees 80° O G‘U.95UTyse A ash a live “O°d “sory ‘OO wpa sss ‘dq “say “asiG ype eins b 4 “ Toaor oes a ‘os gljodeuuy ere eg: ++ fmopeoy uoiSureq oe ee FO" | TOONSS UORST RA aa wets 09° [rts -STTBg Avery ime secceis “+1109 SOTTRYD “Ig a TE QT* [ort + LOTTA RG 3 Bagh L 8 Pere OF" “TBA S UBUIYOB fies regent ‘ - Yoruopoag se eae a8 “T1090 s, ArH 49 “IAL ol oF ST" |°**s8angsdavys oe so" O° | UA OJSTES BY atest) oe = wa 71° *govuMg Sug weeds) rea es ‘ ress] oeeenes MOOOMRET eae ¥ r sees TNOIDTIO ahs sai “(q) puejaaquing pen ae) St* *(b) puvyaoquing wi tees iis | owe Hawa af] TAIoqoI900q oe sees Ree [ies +++ 910d 010989 AL i asane Lanes lee ge + SOTTTAST IBID ae ching es ‘toeemaeg qa0q oa shee f +) pUBLTRO, wae 8 Pah ahaa by + apiscuang Te a Ig | 06 | 6@ | 86 | Le | 96) GB] Fe | es | @ | Te | Os | GE | SE | AL} or | ar) tt] erler}mlor}«6}eslalo9le¢ 1S 1B] *SNOILVILG ‘S6gr ‘xIN{ YOA NOILVLIdIOaud ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 104 HHwtNoNdA PASS A HMR RANGA 5 SSRESRARSBKS B LSEHSSRL AD LD AER CI OD KK A OT COORONG FRAN NOM MAAN ANAT Orit | NOD QV a 3 e -OL 96 “MOUS PO}[OUl IO ULI JO 3081} B S91 BOIPUL ,,.L,,— HLON 6@ | 12 | 0G | 6L | SE | LE | OL | SI] FL | SE] et | IT} or} 6] 8 “BA “Qsouspalg “BA ‘MBEIB AA “[OERA SHTOJLON eq ‘eiqdyoperigg ‘Ted ‘o10qgstT “[''* Taq ‘psoyeeg “Dp -T9d ‘PAOSTTW “+++ Taq eAog | ‘T9d ‘HavMoN T1990 ‘19T Toq‘U,45Urm TA ‘AVID OYOMIODOg ‘euuy ssooulg ** idg BlopIeyl ‘m0, u9q “ spregsarey ‘QoS T18H “eq +++ +8 COMLOTOS tees BRIG BT . oe “quien ‘da teereesees Tganery ish { FAIBGesoT [0p ‘100 “3 “PI ‘CU .8uryse A ‘lo-a@ “sey ‘ooyy ‘O'd “89H “ISIC A “ Tomar “-sljodsuay “A. BOY 0,3, [1eq ** [OOUOS UST BT “|e stpea yRary ‘109 “sBUD “Ig este aroun a reee “TLOD 400SP0O0 AL Son lgbeer eg "1°00 "PW "180M. ‘TRA S.UBIUQORg 1th HOTL@peLip “Pees Sanqsdaryg “UMO0}S10SB FL ‘Ing ‘dg aa ad 2 3 8 a 3 q ‘(Qpuesiequing *(b) puBjasquing bp’*Ar9y0}},90g “|o*"q20du10480 AA ‘OTTLASyUBIN) *yaeq 190q *"puBlyBo ‘‘epissuung “SNOILYLG ‘S631 ‘ISNONV YO NOILVLIdIOANd ATIVA 105 DAILY PRECIPITATION. e *poinsvsW JON 4 ‘AOUS PO}[OUl IO UIVA JO 00BI} B SO} BOIPUL ,, L,,— "ALON eiaie Peete [late “BA ‘soUspdIg. To BA UM BSIB AA “'" BA SHLOLION eq‘erydepeliqd ““Teq ‘O10Qst AL **+-Taq ‘ployee 19d ‘PLOTITTAL ‘ort Taq ‘teaaoq { ‘19d ‘YIBMON ‘T8d ‘TIOD ‘lea T2C‘U,4SULUOTT AA ‘AUD OMOMODOg *guUuy ssooullg ‘hIdg BlepaByq athees == HOUeBG “- splegsusteqg, **Poouas TeH eHolreqy ‘tees § cOTOTOg “** BYeld BT oLoq ey todd teste rere TQITLBIL { *HIq 9sa[0D “TIOD ASV “DAL O'a'U,4sT1YSB AA “O'( “BOY “OOH ‘O'd “SON 4SI Meee Tro ap ++ Lmepeoy woySuyreg ‘JOOS UOISTI BAT “STB PBeID ‘TOD 891189 “98 ee GOgsIry see9* QIOWIY[BE “TOD H904SPOOM Tl90 "PI W.989 4 ‘IBA S UBUUYORg + YOWopery ‘sanqsdaivyg *UMOISLOSB A seosumg Sutdg ue0ry stesso s HOOOUBET “(q) pue[toquing *(p) pusyloqmng * OT[TA199999900q “*+ J10d.10980 A *oTTASUBID ‘HiBg 100q + pURTHRO * episduung ‘Tage Jove O -oz| TE | 08 | 68 | 82 | 46 | 96 | Ge | Fe | &@ | eB | Te | 08 | GT | ST | AL | 9T | ST | FL] St} er} mlor}6}sjs4jole¢}]r]elelr “SNOILVIg ‘S6gr ‘YHANALMAS YOA NOILVLIdIOaNd ATIVA MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 106 ‘MOTPBAIOSQO FXOU []JUN PaINsBIUT JOU 4Nq ‘[[9F UTVA TOTYA WO $oyBVG | “MOUS Po}[IUI 10 ULBI JO 90VI4 B SOYBOIPU ., L,,— ALON AG'GISET] "treet pe rt tt 94° |Sb° ‘eq erqd oped 9078 /99'T 0g" [SF ‘L9G *o10qs8 1TH 9L°% : oe" |6L" "TOC *paopBag, oF S86 sg" j89° "7" TO “PLOT OAL FISEL' os: jes sets Tag ‘aoAOd Fs - i “TOC “MABAON sulin £9 ; “TLOMETVALRTOT ¥4°G,68°T gu Ted ‘0,9 SULUOTT AA 94°6,66°T|" 4 ‘| AID syouOI0g TL'G TL" J* it’ *|' pu Ssss0TlIg 63°E 16° seeedee we eeles “adg BlepaeyL 9u'e ‘ “lOFD [ene -oSpliqueyp Ons 91 eu odin “sts TOISBAL 8, “on? leorr seeeees GOpUE. 9L°6/96" a Wage: |e See eats 1g holes uMogiaqsaqo, 40°S TF: “leo° |¢9° cys sprog sa1ag9 99°3, 86° gg |06 *| +> yoomag [TBH e1opreq9 Fo" st" 2: JOLT “tes. S OmMOTOg Os" T,08" Liao creer Baetd BT GPG ST GF FS" oLoqr By 1edd 08°% og: [OF Newaseaide ce Joane'y 68° [Te see 19° *|++ Yaw esalfop F6'T)08" Lo" 68" ‘|O'O ‘UT, PaUTASR AA ah" Gee (be Pog ‘q "804 “08% Gu a FG" “0 °@ “"s9y “98tC Cee oF (ee Hf Pee et eee TOMOL aes Alt eeaalacies. a stjodeaay CBs + “| Ltuapeoy uo} Sarg FOS 9° “| Tooyos ToOAsG,RT FP" Go" ‘Pees STM qwary Os'T el" *PTLOD saTargg "1S 036°% Og" Bares ‘OLOTUL[B 9" 09° “| TOD YOYSPOO AA OFS F8 “100 “PIT 0.989 AL ga" 04° “TRY SUBUIQoRg *° 09° "}oteers SOLLepoag g9° G8" “| +eSertog s fren IS “IA 89° “\Er- Tyee OTTLAS} FEIN cs" os |" vort}seeeeSingsdaegg oF “PL |e *|-oovmmyg Sutdg uearg ce | oD tfeeee es HQOOURET eo" oo" “1(@ puvyzeaquing ae exp “|\(o) pusyrequing Olt ee “less ls orTratagoj.a0g OST iL . “|e+* 410du10489 AA Ga'T “O° hts OT[LASTUBIE) 66° : fee Sa “yaeg 190q wT vote i rt Trtits pUBTTeO 19'T seesloge [es ncaa al ieee velo ln gpisdunng [TR aE Tg | 0 | 6 | 83] Lo | 96 | SS | Fe | ES | Go| TS | OG | GE | 8ST} LT | OL | SE | FL] St |} er | ij} or}] 6) s}]4)9) 8)! ee] ej "SNOILYLG *S6gr ‘YAAOLIO YO NOILVLIdIOaNd ATIVA 107 ‘TOMBAIISGO JXOU [IJUN poinsvoew JON 4+ “ 18° Oe br seas 1 “MOUS POJ[OU! 10 ULB JO 9DVA B SOPBOIPUL Dy —"aLON Sess ‘H[OJAON JSOUspUlg, BA CABSAG AL neers BiydopRlyd {eq “o.ogs THA “Tad ‘plojyeasg * [Od *PAos UL DAILY PRECIPITATION. sot ttad WoaAod “Tod ‘MaBaveN { *][OHEe1BM BLY Tod ‘U,FSULOLL A “AYIQ VYOWOOUd ‘ouUuYy ssoouNd “tr dg Ble PAR]L “aS pPlaq MBO “UOTSBa * u0JUeY “+ UMOIIEISOYO ‘o SpleyAategg **"Tooms TeH yo[rey) “ S UOTUOTOg Seed BT o10q [AB yy todd ve fete eee Tamer vlog -as¥ DAL TO’ (OCU, .SUryse Ay IS'T|"O "soy 90y Ge TO °C “sey “481d Pee Tremor sss stjodeuuy ++ fmapeoy uojZuT eg “‘TOouoS UO UST BL T STR wBaay HOD Se[4BqD “9S seer COQsry sess QOUUTA [UE “T1OD H90ISPOO Ay “TLD “PI 0,489.4 ‘IVA S,UBMUILOBg **JOYIRBPY AON ‘TLOD S, URTIO Ay * YOMIOpOayT TO) 8 AreH IS “WL “Fangs aByg “UMOISI9ST BA amg ‘adg usaay “tts 900TRET “(q) puryzaoqung “(p) puxjzequing * Oo] [Ara y099004 “7+ 410d 0.10989 4 ooo) OTTLASJUBID, YAv_ 199 PpuUuBlyBO “+ episfuung E77 7]el: |g0 63 | 82} Le | 96] Go] Fe] Ge | oo} Ta] oa | OL] Sl] AT} OL | SE | FL] er) ot) IT] Or); 6] Bl} A] MO] a] FY eS | eT “SNOILVLG ‘S6gr ‘YHAWAAON YOA NOILVLIdIOdad ATIVG MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. 108 ‘aJaTdMIOOUI proddy y *MOTIBAIASQO 4XOU [1}UN PoINSveT JON | “MOUS PoJTOU IO UII JO OOBIY B SOYBOIPU ,, L .— ILON FO'SOL" es" sess leg: 9r° "tt) BA SHTOJION O8"S/ST° TOL” g cL 8 “BA ‘qsoUSPIIG O8°G/ST°T|""** or . ! BA SABSIBM QL LI6L" |€2° g Bq BiudlepRliqg 68°S|F6" |82° “Teq ‘O10gsSTINW FIs!" /16" “Taq ‘paojves PL" T]"""" 06" . “Jed ‘PAOITUW 68° Ligh’ | + aoa {eg ‘19A0q *eltg: ITe- seth aay * [9d ‘HIVMON Ogre|ta" (Te 09 i-jlodaaeanien SI° |FF st’ 19° 09° 10d 'U,93U1 UIE MA ‘AUD OHOMIOD0g * qUuUY ssooulig ses dg RTeplByy thee * OS plIquIBg MOUSE “ Togueg uUM041998909 “+ spfeydArzegg **Yoomos [TPH eyoTrey sets gS MOTIOTOg oy BIBI BT O10 TAB aaddq s *,[aINBT ““T1I00 TAS ¥ “PH O°", 1SUTGSe A "Od “sey (090y ‘Od “sey “3SIC Meester: Tromap sees Srodeuuy ++ LMepeoy uosarreqg ‘TOONS UOIsTIB “vs ceqqig UBA “"""BTTBY YBO1H TION se[reyD “49 ++ QLOTLTIT EG, “TION H9OISPOO M TOD "PW U.989 4 ‘TRA S,UBUIORg ors + QOMIBA MON T9°¢ cesses HOLIDAY FEE “09 8 AIH Ig TW £8's| so Saingsdaeyg 6L°S "Te" UMOIS10SB AL 20'S seoemmy Suds weary CR-z ssegsteili Taie. tara steers = HOOOURTT TS°s *(q) puRy1equing 6F°S *(M) pueftzequing Ons! 9] ]1A.10999900q Té'L| ** 410d 0.10189 AA 96°S "777 OTITASTUBID) OST “yaeg 1990q 9T°s theese: DUBTHRO 99° At ‘ees opisduung | | | | | = | | | | | *[e ae Tg | 0€ | 62 | 82 | Le | 9% | Gs] FB | SS] GB] 1S] Os | GT | ST | LL) 9T | SL | FL | St} sr] Ir} or; 6; s}4),a}al}ryeyeyt *SNOILVIG ‘S6gr ‘YAANAOAC AOA NOILVLIdIOgdd ATIVA REPORT OF THE TREASURER. Payments, Jan. 1, 1894, to Dec. 31, 1894. Prineing® Pag ch by PE POrtS ness sssataasas tor ddnens $550.20 Printing weekly crop bulletins................. 533.50 Meteorological imstruments .....-cse.00 10 -vsrees 244.75 Prey elitist Ge PONG GS sina dyawis kine nennen conden 86.51 Topographic work for hypsometric map of IVT AIA lease st teat pn ba ewes Saad nana ecco 60.87 Drawing isotherms and isobars on map.... 13.20 Reprints of articles in Meteorological Jour- nal for instruction of observers........... 22.57 AEG RT UL piece sper ance nape oemusaaua 2.25 $1513.85 Payments, Jan. 1, 1895, to Dec. 31, 1895. Printing morniihly reports, aces visveawenn ssid $601.66 Printing weékly crop bULLStING....1.ccee cases 574.00 Meteorological instruments ................00684 109.55 Clerical help—computing meteorological FUE aera iss aulinsebaieure sang erpeedew eaves 100.50 Praveline Gxmensee sax ccncsn da munaven waaesss 76.29 Speaking tubes and electrical bells con- HEGRE GIO Sy, caiverncendeniebonssrane ue 10.00 Paintin SIG 16 ies:. scores. cemaveecssasananr es cozmnen 9.00 Copy of Shale Gamenneet cs scccses coxeeensayte~pnae 5.00 Drawing isotherms and isobars on map.... 6.50 Pia ie pa DIONE sonia iodaenvwasnelriotioreens 1.00 Subscription for one year to American Meteorological Journal, with four extra OODLE vate eieeerevas wera nmenetacaereh Pees 4.20 = 1497.70 110 TREASURER’S REPORT. The sum of $2,000 per annum is appropriated for the support of the State Weather Service. The above state- ment shows the disbursements which have been made out of this fund for the two calendar years ending December 31, 1895. There remains of the appropriation for the current fiscal year $1097.27 available for use until October 1, 1896. Owing to the time at which the biennial report is presented to the Legislature it is impracticable to present the account of the Weather Service for the fiscal year, so the account is presented as it was in the last biennial report, according to the current calendar year. During the season the principal source of expense has been, as heretofore, the publication of the Monthly Crop Bulletin and the Weekly Crop Reports. A number of meteorological instruments were purchased to equip stations, so that the total number of stations in the State is considerably larger than the number the U. 8. Weather Bureau felt justified in equipping. The establishment of these new stations and the inspection of these and other stations already established has necessitated a consider- able amount of travel. Duplicate receipted vouchers for all expenditures are on file in my office and in the office of the Comptroller of the Treasury at Annapolis, as required by law. MILTON WHITNEY, Treasurer. INDEX. BaAVOMGtrIe: PRESSUME) goin SaaS etions Wis duet ne sOSRSER coe wou aan tiuatitieniaelanslny amnesia 29 BOardeOk GOy SEMIS Ps gee cucmccsipaedamsleedaasou muse ddegadeasdadedidgdesiel haus 7 Clima fieiinetcceveergssnis seicitexeanevws cocaine 2 sidepriteieoan eed aaa ea ses isaw are mp eee 21 Oro COTrres PON CON GB once crea cssenan sins aderemmemnagecnieas acebiyye Aaeianedes 12 Dathy: Prec pitaitl Oi waeseesaowremanenanne: Usemecdeennaaernemmaemaenauseueauns 84 Director, Report of ...........0... cece cee ecae reece ene Re dsatiaiaeneagaa eae 17 TUTE Gy Ra sccis Seen ceding. ee ice ean ceddn dagen a ipnai lie daraloast ah ta chiang 28 Monthly Summary of Reportsiscccsc cuscmin a. cerca cswasiavonss cbs tees sdean 59 Monthly Summary of the Weather ........ 00... ceeeeeeceeeee nese nett eee ee 31 QDSAE VETS TTS EOF cccnmhas cprueces sauuereuclaniawe anes cou tarmac ean creas 8 Observers of U. 8. Weather Bureau........... ccc cceceeeeneeeenenee eee ees 8 Observers, Voluntary, of U.S. Weather Bureau.................6:0cceceee es 8 Physieal dveatures on Moamy lait: sanuesscaeen nisms sieowue eneecmieen 21 BRS CIPLGA DION si cucts cad ion aigicnenentcactorcemaned nun auacdanadeta ante dee Gubbdeileetl 26 Summary of the Weather Crop Bulletins........0...0 eee 42 DENI PSVAL ULE rserameccnimode sodieaiagenmanamolmennnied dycmkeetnviosaneuibaiadbiaen Se 22 Treasurer; R@POr OL: orcas. ccartoteaddcnies ager een temeaee o Gace se 109 Weather Signal Displaymen............... cece een ene ee eed 10, 11 AVER&AGE SPRING TE — A __OFlintstone 8. — =o Ea saitebuts SS SES = 2S ——— : oe x : eS 1 Lingbo Fre t ea eS f,_ OSs ae erlang Sl ; = mipster | y OFF Aderiehk ‘Killsvi z eville ONewMa- r BALTIM: => Harpers Ferry. = Damanens Gilicott ity: 51 Chats Col. r we 9M Rockville S ¥ e - mah WASHING TRN 53° INCLUDING DELAWARE AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, SHOWING AVERAGE SPRING TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION. SCALE OF SHADES. PREPARED BY MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. WILLIAM B, CLARE, MILTON WHITNEY, C, P, CRONK, DIRECTOR. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. METEOROLOGIST IN CHARGE. AB.Torbert. THE FRIEDENWALD CO LITA BALTO 75 00' a wl Harpers Ferry. MARYLAN MAP OF WASHINGT INCLUDING DELAWARE AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 75° SHOWING AVERAGE SUMMER TEMPERATURE pres 76% d ~ - = ederickt PRECIPITATION. see SCALE OF SHADES. se = f memoy a 6 to 9 ot on : \ 9 to 12 O-/DrumPoint 12 to 15 eo ae 20 < = ; = ea 15 to 18 “A = eee Igoes PREPARED BY MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. a SS Hes WILLIAM B, CLARK, MILTON WHITNEY, ¢. P, CRONK, DIRECTOR. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. METEOROLOGIST IN CHARGE. CRE THE FRIEDENWALD CO. LiTH BALTD. { AB.Torbert. | ; 76°30 76°00" 75.30 75°'00}) Che stertewn-(—\— INCLUDING DELAWARE AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AVERAGE AUTUMN TEMPERATURE ya PRECIPITATION. : —- i ) aati SCALE OF SHADRS. SE ® A oe are anjemoy” 0 Z Z ° % 6 to 9 9to 12 12 te 15 PREPARED BY MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. WILLIAM B, CLARK, MILTON WHITNEY, C. P, ORONK, SECRETARY AND TREASURER. METEOROLOGIST IN GHARGE. SCALE DIRECTOR. 5 ° AB.Torbert._ 75 OO}! THE FRIEDENWALD CO. LITH BALTO. ae ao oe | x | *e s| 8 a, S— : Seto ft faye Ae ieee | = S| | ey poe A QYiabstone Boalt qa Pras eR Ta 9 =e =f | - : fF Boelt, ies : ww Lf x \Leete: oer hs Z a oe rs = Lingboro a = ic Y A | ‘ \ ji oe : = ae CMtSt Mary Collgge “go 2 "9 / \ Darling top & % i t a ~ 3 a. fle estmipster Ss > / \ 30 se EB T a ea, , vre ra ' > | : awe 38 aa 304) we ol cy j OB illeville y S = ame Sshelli | 0 junniysi a | a Z 4 Mt , | | — ey Harpers Fergy: ; ae a2 Ce 2S | a _7 Damarcus i | me RoE =| | oss avers : : | | x Gaither: yt) i = sl E ' e i é | | Roc i San Pa S = / ; Zi i | ZLAWAR 4 \ A Pp 2 =} é Cof}revinie ae fl ? ; RAY bg iets | Fe es Ns i eS ; mip fe e $ = ANNAPOD sof es Al { A eet eee = X lensbur \pay aegpriite < 5 ? can see a, | ord 2 Ql a a INCLUDING 4 A i = 38 ie St Midhaeks Y % : 8 i DELAWARE AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ‘aa Vi fy pe 1 Se SHOWING = OP = . | 7 & QGeorgetown AVERAGE WINTER TEMPERATURE ‘ i s CCN ¢ af AND Ay . ¥ * \ isb PRECIPITATION ry ee : - 7 e en ee ee ee ee a 2 SS 6 to 9 9 to 12 12 to 15 15 to 18 PREPARED BY MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. af = i 2c =p San a risfield 0 WILLIAM B, CLARK, MILTON WHITNEY, 0. P, ORONK, yeh SAS DIRECTOR. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. CEES IN CHARGE. SORUE p Ee y ee ee \) |i AB.Torbert. THE FRIEDENWALD CO. LITH BALTO. = = 7 on, S 76°30 76°00' 75 30 7500 AVERAGE DIRECTOR. : : = OHlintstone \Cumberlany | - =——= INCLUDING DELAWARE AND THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, SHOWING AVPRAGE ANNUAL TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION. SCALE OF SHADES. 43 to 48 PREPARED BY MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE. WILLIAM B. CLARK, MILTON WHITNEY, C, P. CRONK, SECRETARY AND TREASURER. METEOROLOGIST IN CHARGE. Harpers Ferry. AgAY ¢ Hie - WASHINGT ENTE gre deralsti R THE FRIEDENWALD CO LiTH BALTO- $35 AB.Torbert. |