ites ieee Pee cont re eimelcect ele Reais ecte ete : Shalacareed Meat ees ica deatet es Lis wee Coe reine Se Sateen posh de ovat, Cornell University Library TJ 1160.K71 The mechanician anekeenstaneisrter-engi iis 192 engr THE MECHANICIAN, A TREATISE ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND MANIPULATION OF TOOLS, FOR THE USE AND INSTRUCTION OF YOUNG ENGINEERS AND ' SCIENTIFIC AMATEURS; COMPRISING THE ARTS OF BLACKSMITHING AND FORGING: THE CONSTRUCTION AND MANUFACTURE OF HAND TOOLS, AND THE VARIOUS METHODS OF USING AND GRINDING THEM; THE CONSTRUCTION OF MACHINE TOOLS AND HOW TO WORK THEM; MACHINE FITTING AND ERECTION ; DESCRIPTION OF HAND AND MACHINE PROCESSES: TURNING AND SCREW CUTTING ; PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTING AND DETAILS OF MAKING AND ERECTING STEAM ENGINES; AND THE VARIOUS DETAILS OF SETTING OUT WORK INCIDENTAL TO THE MECHANICAL ENGINEER’S AND MACHINIST’S ART. ILLUSTRATED BY 1147 ENGRAVINGS. By CAMERON KNIGHT, ENGINEER. SECOND EDITION.. BEPRINTED FROM THE FIRST. SIBLEY Lies 558 APR 27 1931 LONDON: E. & F. N. SPON, 46, CHARING CROSS. NEW YORK: 446, BROOME STREET. 1879. PREFACE. Tue Mechanician is essentially a book of processes, including all operations by which the principal portions of engines are forged, planed, lined, turned, and otherwise treated. The author endeavours to perform two things—to explain to uninitiated students how engines are really made, together with the fundamental principles involved in making them, and also to produce a book which shall be useful to practical mechanics for reference in the difficult details of their business. Of the six chapters constituting the work, the first is devoted to forging; in which the fundamental principles to be observed in making forged articles of every class are stated, giving the proper relative positions for the constituent fibres of each article, the modes of selecting proper quantities of material, the steam-hammer operations, the shaping-moulds, and the manipu- lations resorted to for shaping the component masses to the intended forms. Engineers’ tools and their construction are next treated, because they must be used during all subsequent operations described in the remaining chapters; the author thinking that the student should first acquire a knowledge of the apparatus which he is supposed to be using in the course of the processes given in Chapters 4, 5, and 6. In the fourth chapter, planing and lining are treated, because these are the elements of machine-making in general. The processes described in this chapter, are those on which all accuracy of fitting and finishing depend. The next chapter, which treats of shaping and slotting, the author endeavours to render compre- hensive by giving the hand-shaping processes in addition to the machine-shaping. In many cases, hand-shaping is indispensable, such as, sudden breakage, operations abroad, and on board ship, also for constructors having a limited number of machines. Turning and screw-cutting occupy the last chapter. In this, the operations for lining, centring, turning, and screw-forming are detailed, and their principles elucidated. The Mechanician is the result of the author’s experience in engine-making during twenty years; and he has concluded that, however retentive the memory of a machinist might be, it would be convenient for him to have a book of primary principles and processes to which he could refer with confidence. It is hoped that the descriptions given of the author's lining-tables, pillar-tables, gap straight-edges, slottil, valin, monto, and other instruments, may cause them to be more generally used by engineers, the author having proved them highly efficient during many years. The Tables of dimensions relating to sizes of iron for forging, cylindrical gauges, screw-taps, and hobs, are also exactly in accordance with his practice ; also his method of shaping tap-screws, hob-screws, dies, bolt-screws, and selecting screwing-whecls. Frith, London, 1869. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. FORGING . . . CHAPTER IL. IOOLS . . . . CHAPTER III. TOOL-MAKING i & ho we a & we aw CHAPTER IV. PLANING AND LINING i ee SF Se a we Sw es CHAPTER V. SHAPING, SLOTTING, AND LINING . . . . . . CHAPTER VI. TURNING, SCREW-CUTTING, AND LINING PAGE 1 ro 101 102 to 1387 188 To 204 205 To 242 243 To 308 309 e DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. Plates to be placetl in consecutive order at the end of the Work. INTRODUCTION. An attempt is now made to illustrate and explain the details of engine-making. The author knows by experience that there is no work in any language which enumerates a sufficient number of details concerning engine-construction. We have written instructions about everything con- nected with the subject, except concerning the actual manipulation of the tools and appliances employed for the purpose. The subject, as considered in the Mecuanictay, is rather extensive, and, in order to give satisfaction both to mechanics and learners, it is necessary to treat each individual piece of ma- chinery distinctly, to consider it as something that must be forged, previously to being shaped and put into its place. The forging of the article is often of much more importance and expense than any after-operation ; and although all acknowledge that some practical instructions on the sub- ject are needed, it is also acknowledged that none exist. The only one among us who has written anything reliable on forging is Holtzapffel. And even this industrious writer makes no mention of engine-work in its details. He commences his chapter on smith’s work with a five- ton paddle-shaft ; a subject which is rather sublime and overpowering, if not very comprehensible toa learner. The more rational and easy method of teaching forging, so that the instruction may be useful, is by first explaining the construction of those portions of a steam-engine which have simple forms only. When these are made tolerably familiar, is the time to introduce the compound ones. This mode of dealing with the subject is adopted throughout the whole of the Mzcuanician to the end: consequently the plan of the work is quite original. Probably it is impossible for any single writer to exhaust such a tedious and intricate matter ; for this reason, the author considered it prudent, in order to admit a large amount of information on the subjects treated, to make the number of those subjects limited. And to make such a literary work new, in the proper sense of the term, we should endeavour to write about those branches of engine-making on which the least. is written. These are forging, lining, planing, slotting, turning, and screw-cutting; a sufficient number for any one individual to manage properly. The work comprehends three principal parts. The first part is devoted to forging, and a detailed description of engineers’ tools and appliances. And, in addition to descriptions, sketches and detailed instructions are given in the several methods of making the tools that are mentioned. The second part includes the application of the tools to the practice of engine-making. B 2 INTRODUCTION. The third part consists of details of mechanical processes which are not usually included in engine-making. This arrangement is convenient to learners; because the names of tools and appliances must necessarily be frequently made use of in the second and third parts, and those who do not happen to know the particular form and method of making a certain tool, will refer to the first part for the desired information. The details of the work commence with forging such simple articles as bolts and nuts, keys, straps, screw-keys, and similar articles. Several methods of making each article are mentioned, so that individual makers of small work may select the plan most suited to their requirements. The next treated are joint-pins, slide-valve rods, weigh-shafts, excentric-rods, piston-rods, con- necting-rods, links, cross-heads, reversing-gear, paddle-shafts, crank-shafts, screw-shafts, propeller- shafts, and other shafts, small and large; the small being first introduced in order to make the work progressive and instructive to learners and to those who may not have previously studied engineering. After the forging, the various modes of shaping and fitting are introduced. These include drilling, slotting, planing, turning, and screw-cutting; also drill-making, cutter-making, boring- tools, screwing-tools, lathe-tools, planing-tools, slotters, shapers, excavators, and other assistants in the necessary process of adapting pieces of machinery to each other, such as dies, screw-plates, die-nuts, and taps. Skilful mechanics must kindly bear with details which may be particularly valuable to those who require them, and may be highly interesting to students and others who are com- mencing the business. And it will be acknowledged that details are absolutely necessary to make he work more or less useful to inechanics generally. THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. PART I. CHAPTER I. FORGING. Tue importance of good forgings in engine-machinery cannot be properly estimated except by those who have been intimately connected with engine-making. All the working portions of an engine that are intended to sustain the greatest strain must be forged. A few years since, engineers used cast iron for such purposes, and, in order to obtain sufficient strength, made use of large masses of metal; thus ensuring a certain, or rather uncertain, amount of safety. However large a lever or shaft may be, there is always attending it some disagreeable apprehension of danger, if it is made of cast iron, and the suddenness of the break is almost certain ; but, with forged iron, an instan- taneous break, without some previous sign of approaching rupture, is extremely rare. Such a division may possibly occur if the shaft, lever, or rod is made too small; and there is also a small liability to such an occurrence with shafts that are too large. A well-proportioned forged shaft or lever may be so much injured by improper hammering as to render it liable to break with less than the ordinary wear and strain allotted to it. Good soft iron, of well-defined fibrous character, may, by hammering, be made crystalline, and will. become as untrustworthy as the cast iron from which it was originally made. The outside dimensions of a forging often convey an incorrect idea of its internal strength; and no engineer, however penetrating, can, by measuring a certain shaft or lever, ascertain whether it is strong enough for the engine of which it is a part; neither can he point out its weakest spot. The smith who made it should know much more about the strength of his forging than any other inspector ; but smiths generally do not know. A good smith is a rare individual. He knows that the fibres of the iron must be so arranged as to be in proper position for sustaining the strain; and having succeeded in obtaining a proper arrangement of the fibres, he will not change them into crystals by improper hammering. A smith is a much more important individual than a member of any other branch of engine-making. Planers, fitters, and turners are more dependent upon mechanical contrivances than smiths. An intelligent turner can very soon learn all that is needful for his business; but a good smith is more original and prescient than a member of any other branch. Much more time is required to make a good smith than to make a good planer or turner. It is, however, proper to admit that the engine-smith of the present day is not generally so original or ingenious as the smith of olden time. An inferior smith can now produce good work in large quantities, in consequence of the great aid afforded him by various inventions for reducing the amount of labour, these inventions being the productions of studious mechanical men who are B2 & THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. not necessarily smiths in the usual meaning of the term; but by placing a modern smith upon an equality with one of old, without recent inventions, we discover the amount of ingenuity in each. . Probably in a few years the forging process will become quite as mechanical as planing, slotting, or turning, at which time the present foresight, skill, and labour accompanying forging will be almost dispensed with ; but, until forging machinery becomes general, the smith must continue to exercise his present amount of care, discretion, and skill. The number of forging-machines is at the present moment very considerable, and some of them produce better work than can be made by any kind of mere hand-labour, unless an intolerably large amount of time is consumed during the process. We now have a variety of machines for producing forgings by compression, bolt-machines, nut-machines, a great number of rolling-machines, a variety of steam hammers, including the new patent steam striker and what is named the rotary hammer. All these are daily becoming more intimately associated with smith’s work of all kinds, large and small. Even at the present time, all those forging machines that act by compression and cutting dies, can be adapted to produce all the necessary forgings for small engine-work, and we may reasonably expect to obtain machines each more and more varied in application than the preceding ; and the works produced will be more and more the result of machinery, till the smith’s hand-labour and intellectual energy now required for his work be reduced to a minimum. Probably, at the time the minimum of labour is reached, we shall reach. the maximum of good quality. By referring to other branches of engine-making, such as turning or planing, we discover that every mechanical contrivance introduced to diminish labour, at the same time increases the good quality of the work produced. We may thus infer that similar things will occur in the noble art of forging. The advantage of a tolerable knowledge of smith’s work to engineers is hereby made apparent to readers generally ; some remarks may therefore be submitted to students who wish to acquire some knowledge of the internal structure of the various pieces of machinery, and not merely how to shape their outsides. Although we know that mechanical contrivances will become more and more extensively applied to forgings of all kinds, we do not anticipate any change in the circumstances that determine or control the production of good, sound work. With relation to a good piece of smith’s work, three principal circumstances require consideration. These are, the outside dimensions of the article when finished, the arrangement of its component fibres, and the amount of wear and tear to which the article will be subjected when in ordinary use. The outside dimensions of a forging are ascertained by ordinary calculation, after it is decided to what purpose the engine, machine, or lathe is to be applied. The position of the constituent fibres of separate forgings, and the several duties to be expected from them, shall now be considered. This work is designed to be useful to those who are now actually working at the business, and also to those who intend to become practically acquainted with it. It is therefore proposed that all our younger readers first devote some careful attention to the forms and names of the forgings that are used in engine-making. A correct knowledge of names is very important to all beginners in engineering; consequently a number of outlines of forms are introduced immediately connected with their corresponding names. See Plates 1, 2, 3. After examining a few of the figures of Plate 1, the student is directed to the technical phrases here introduced. SIGNIFICATIONS OF TECHNICAL PHRASES, To MAKE UP A StocK.—The stock is that mass of coal or coke which is situated between the fire and the cast-iron plate through the opening in which the wind or blast is forced. The size and shape of the stock depend upon the dimensions and shape of the work to be produced. To make up a stock is to place the coal in proper position around the taper-ended rod, which is named a plug. The taper end of the plug is pushed into the opening from which comes the blast ; FORGING. the other end of the plug is then laid across the hearth or fireplace, after which the wet small coal is thoroughly battered over the plug while it remains in the opening, and the coal piled up till the required height and width of the stock is reached ; after which the plug is taken out and te made, the blast in the mean time freely traversing the opening made in the stock by the plug. Frre-rrons.—These consist of a poker with small hook at one end, a:slice, and rake. The poker with small hook is used for clearing away the clinker from the blast-hole, also for holding small pieces of work in the fire. The slice is a small flat shovel or spade, and is used for battering the coal while making up a stock. The slice is also used for adding coal to the fire when only a small quantity is required at one time. The rake consists of a rod of iron or steel with a handle at one end, and at the other a right-angle bend of flat iron, and is used to adjust the coal or coke into proper position while the piece to be forged is in the fire. A Rop.—This term is usually applied to a long slender piece of iron, whose section is circular. A Bar.—Bar signifies a rod or length of iron whose section is square, or otherwise angular, instead of circular. Puatr.—This term is applied to any piece of iron whose length and breadth very much exceed its thickness. Thin plates of iron are termed sheets. To Taxe a Heat.—This signifies to allow the iron to remain in the fire until the required heat is obtained. To take a welding heat is to allow the iron to remain in the fire till hot enough to melt or partially melt. To FINISH AT ONE HEAT is to do all the required forging to the piece of work in hand by heating once only. To pRaw bown.—Drawing down signifies reducing a thick bar or rod of iron to any required diameter. There are several methods of drawing down: by a single hammer in the hand of one man; by a pair of hammers in the hands of two men; five or six hammers may be also used by five or six men. Drawing down is also effected by steam-hammers, air-hammers, and rolling-mills. To praw away.—This term signifies the same as to draw down. To ursetT.—This operation is the reverse of drawing down, and consists in making a thin bar or rod into.a thick one; or it may consist in thickening a portion only, such as the middle or end, or both ends. The operation is performed by heating the iron to a yellow heat, or what is named a white heat, and placing one end upon the anvil, or upon the ground, and striking the other end with three or four hammers, as required. Iron may be also upset while in the horizontal position, by pendulum hammers and by the new patent steam-striker, which will deliver blows at any angle from horizontal to vertical. ScarFinc.—This operation includes two processes—upsetting and bevelling. Scarfing is resorted to for the purpose of properly welding or joining two pieces of iron together. When the two pieces are rods or bars, it is necessary to upset the two ends to be welded, so that the hammering which unites the pieces shall not reduce the iron below the required dimensions. After being upset, the two ends are bevelled by a fuller or by the hammer. Butr-weLpD.—When a rod or bar is welded to another bar or plate, so that the joint shall be at right angles to the bar, it is termed a butt-weld. A Toncusr-somnt.—This joint is made by cutting open the end of a bar to be welded to another, whose end is tapered to fit the opening, and then welding the two bars together. To puncn is to make a hole, either square or round, into a piece of iron by means of square or round taper tools, named punches, which are driven through the iron by hand-hammers or by steam-hammers. To priFrr out is to enlarge a hole by means of a taper round or square tool, named a drift. Tue Hammerman is the assistant to the smith, and uses the heavy hammer, named the sledge, when heavy blows are required. ; ; Tue Tuyerz, on Taz TwEER.—This is a pipe through which the blast of air proceeds to the 6 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. stock, and thence to the fire. The nozzle of the tweer is the extreme end or portion of the tweer, which is inserted into the opening of the plate against which the stock is built. SEPARATE FORGINGS. By perusing the foregoing definitions, the learner will be enabled to understand the details given concerning individual forgings. Rounp Kays witnour Heaps.—Fig. 1, Plate 1, represents a simple kind of round key ; and this, with other keys shown in a line with it, are proper objects for learners to attempt during their first essays at forging. A round key is so simple that no forging is necessary to make it, unless the key is required to be about half or three-quarters of an inch in diameter. Small round keys are made immediately from the wire, which can be bought of iron or steel, of a suitable diameter, to avoid unnecessary labour. All small keys should be made of steel, whether they be round or square. _ If the steel is obtained small enough to obviate the necessity of forging, it should be cut to a convenient length for holding while being filed to fit its place, which is named the key-bed or key-way. Steel wire is easily divided by an'edge of a file. After being cut to convenient lengths, the pieces should be made not more than red-hot, and allowed to cool gradually to soften them, remembering that such keys as we are considering should not be hardened. The advantage in making them of steel consists in two principal good qualities—their closeness of texture and their durability. A small pin or key of steel will sustain much more hammering in and out of the key-bed than an iron key of the same diameter and length. Small iron keys are liable to split while in use, through the number and shape of the fissures that steel does not possess. But if the steel requires forging, it must be considered whether the pin or key is to be filed to fit the key-bed, or whether it is to be turned. A round key to be turned should be forged with a small portion drawn down from the largest end (Fig. 58), for the convenience of holding it while being turned in the lathe. Round keys are sometimes an inch and a half in diameter, and con- siderably taper ; hence the convenience of the smaller portion at the larger end, allowing the key to be turned throughout its whole length without interruption. If the key is to be filed to fit, instead of being turned, the smith must be careful to ascertain the proper angle or amount of taper required in the key, and also the finished dimensions. Attention to these particulars avoids unnecessary waste of time while fitting the key. Taper keys should be tried into their key-beds, before the forging of the key is finished. But when a great number of large ones are to be forged, a double-gap gauge (Fig. 57) should be made, one gap being for measuring the large end of the pin, and the other gap for measuring the small end, and both openings of the proper width to allow only a small amount of filing to the pins while being fitted. “Phe proportionate lengths and diameters of round keys depend upon whether they are intended for wheels, for levers and weigh-shafts, or for cranks. Fig. 1 shows the proportion suitable for the middle of a wheel, which is named the wheel-boss. Fig. 3 indicates a round key, of proportions suitable for a weigh-shaft or crank-lever, when the pin or key is inserted through the middle of the lever and spindle by means of a hole bored through the two (Fig. 59), instead of merely cutting a key-bed into the shaft, parallel to its length (Fig 60). Fig. 3, being comparatively small in diameter, admits of a small hole in the shaft or spindle, instead of a large hole, which would needlessly weaken both lever and spindle. The round pin or key is superior to the angular key for many kinds of work, such as wheels and crank-levers. This circular pin might be used oftener than it now is, because it can be quickly fitted by turning, and also because the curved key-bed is not so liable to break the wheel. The manipulation of a round key upon the anvil consists in drawing down the end of a lon rod, care being taken that the steel is never hammered too near the small end of the key. It is proper to commence the drawing or reducing at the large part of the key nearest the hand, and deliver each successive blow more and more towards the further end, and never contrariwise. For forging a small round key, no tools are required except the ordinary fire-irons and the hand- FORGING. 7 hammer, tongs, and anvil-chisel, in the anvil; shown by Figs. 61, 62, and 63. The forging a round pin is good and instructive practice for a beginner, to enable him to see the effect of his blows upon the piece of work. Sometimes he will strike the anvil instead of the key, and there is then a probability of the hammer bouncing up into his face. This will teach him to strike the key gently until he has acquired the method of holding his work upon the anvil, and also of striking upon the top of the key, instead of the side, which puts an ugly dent into the key that he intended to be round, and drives it sideways along the top of the anvil and down to the ground in a very unworkmanlike manner. But all such small difficulties are soon overcome by patient practice. He will soon discover that, if he holds his left hand too high, he will experience an indescribable tingling and jarring in the hand; and if he holds his left hand too low, he will feel a curious jerking of the left arm all the way to his shoulder. One remark concerning holding his work may be useful, and is, that if he is careful to keep two points of the key bearing upon the anvil at one time, and is careful to strike always between these two points, he will not undergo the tingling and jerking just referred to. The pin should be forged to the proper diameter, and also the ragged piece cut off the small end, by means of the anvil-chisel, shown by Fig. 63, while the work is still attached to the rod of steel from which it is made. After having cut and rounded the small end, it is proper to cut the key from the rod of steel, allowing a short piece to be drawn down to make the holder, by which to hold it in the lathe. This holder is drawn down by the fuller, and afterwards by the hammer. The fuller is first applied to the spot that marks the required length of key; the fuller is then driven in by the hammerman to the required diameter of the holder, the bottom fuller being in the square hole of the anvil during the hammering process, and the work between the top and bottom fullers. During the hammering, the forger rotates the key, in order to make the gap of equal or uniform depth ; the lump which remains is then drawn down by the hammers, or by the hand-hammer only, if a small pin is being made. If the pin is very small, it is more convenient to draw down the small lump by means of the set-hammer and the hammerman. The set-hammer is shown in Fig. 66; and the top and bottom fullers by Fig. 67. The double or alternate hammering by forger and hammerman should at first be gently done, to avoid danger to the arm through not holding the work level on the anvil. The hammer- man should first begin, and strike at the rate of one blow per second; after a few blows the smith, or intended smith, begins, and both hammer the work at times, and other times the anvil. The first attempt continues about a minute, after which the work receives a severe dent on one side, and is knocked off the anvil, and sometimes out of the tongs. After a short time occupied in collecting the various instruments, the operators begin again with renewed vigour. Fig. 64 shows the top and bottom rounding-tools, for rounding large keys. These tools are necessary for large keys, but it is proper for the learner to make a small key without them. This he can do by rounding the work with his hand-hammer, and cutting off the pin by the anvil-chisel instead of the rod-chisel (Fig. 65). The rod-chisel is so named because the handle by which the chisel is held, is an ash-rod or stick (see Fig. 64). A rod-chisel is thin for cutting hot iron, and thick for cutting cold iron. Fig. 63 represents the anvil-chisel in the square hole of the anvil. By placing the steel while at a yellow heat upon the edge of the chisel, he can easily cut off a small key by a few blows of his hammer upon the top of the work. Rounp Keys wira Heaps.—Fig. 4 represents this kind of key; the thickest part of it is termed the head, and the portion of the head at right angles to the small or thin part is named the shoulder; the thin part from the shoulder is the stem. Such keys are used for wheels or levers for spindles whose key-beds are parallel to the longitudinal axes of the shafts or spindles. In all cases where no objection exists to a key-head projecting beyond the wheel or lever, the head is admissible, because of its utility while driving out the key. When the stem of it is hidden by the wheel, the shoulder of the head receives the blows while driving out. The tools for unfixing keys are numerous, and will be treated in another place. To forge a key with a head involves rather more labour than making a straight one. There are three principal modes of proceeding, which include drawing down with the fuller and 8 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. hae also upsetting one end of the iron or steel; and doubling one end. of a bar to form the head. For proceeding by drawing down, a rod or bar of steel is required, whose diameter is equal to the thickness of the head required; consequently, large keys should not be made by drawing down unless steam-hammers can be used. Small keys should be drawn to size while attached to the bar from which they are made; the drawing is commenced by the fuller and set-hammer. Instead of placing the work upon the bottom fuller in the anvil, as shown for forging a key without a head, the steel is placed upon the face of the anvil, and the top fuller only is used, if the key required is large enough to need much hammering; but a very small key can be drawn down by dispensing with the top fuller and placing the bottom fuller in the hole, and placing the work upon the top, and then striking on one side only, instead of rotating the bar or rod by the hand. By holding the bar or rod in one position, the head is formed upon the under side of the bar; and by turning the work upside down, and drawing down the lump, the stem is produced. A learner should make a small key in this manner by his own hand-hammer only ; and, having drawn the stem, he should cut off any unsound part at the end, and then cut off the key from the bar by the anvil-chisel ; after which take out the anvil-chisel, and put in the bottom fuller, and draw down another key. When he has thus drawn and cut off a sufficient number, he can heat them again, and shape the heads. The set-hammer is useful to square the corner near the shoulders, and also to draw down the stems of very small keys, for which the drawing by the hand-hammer is not convenient, through the shortness of the stems. But large round keys with heads require the top and bottom rounding-tools for adjusting the stems to their proper diameters. A double gap-gauge is also required, if a number of keys are required to be of similar diameters. This gauge is shown in Fig. 57; but this is not necessary for a few only. Instead of the gauge, two pairs of callipers are used, which may be opened or closed to any required width. Callipers are made of all sizes to suit the ordinary work. One pair of them is shown by Fig. 57. A pair of these callipers is adjusted to the required diameter of the small end of the forging, and another pair is adjusted to the required diameter of the large end, the callipers being riveted together sufficiently tight to prevent shifting of the two legs with relation to each other, while in fair use, but not tight enough to prevent them opening with the application of about twenty pounds of muscular force. The method of adjusting callipers is by closing the two legs by the two hands of the operator until the distance between the legs is about a sixteenth of an inch greater than the distance required ; this sixteenth of space is then traversed by gently striking the edge of one leg against a soft piece of iron until the opening is of the distance required. Adjusting callipers by other machinery will be treated in another portion of this work. If the work in progress is more than eight or ten inches in length, a straight-edge of iron or steel is required, to ascertain if the work is too much bent. Large keys need a little management and attention, if being made of steel, to prevent overheating ; it is also necessary to consider the proper amount of bar to be drawn down, to avoid waste by cutting off a large piece of the key after being drawn to the required diameter. Two important considerations belong to this subject, which are, the unnecessary consumption of time in drawing down more of the bar than is required, and the shape of the piece that is cut off, which is often in such a condition as to be only fit for the scrap-heap. Previous to driving in the fuller at the commencement of the drawing down of the stem, it is necessary to determine the distance from the extremity of the bar or rod at which the shoulder of the key is to be formed, and the stem of the key to begin. The author's plan of determining this distance consists in comparing the amount of area of the key-stem required, with the amount of area of the rod of steel from which the key is to be forged. And in the process he uses this rule :— As the mean sectional area of that portion of the bar to be reduced is to the mean sectional area of the key-stem required, so is the length of the key-stem required to the length of that portion of the bar which is to be reduced. FORGING. 9 To apply this rule to the forging of a round key with head, such as we are now considering, it is only necessary to know distinctly the dimensions of the key-stem required, and the dimensions of the rod or bar from which the key is to be made. Both these things being determined, we will consider it stated that the key shall be made from a rod of steel whose diameter is three inches, and that the key-stem shall be eleven inches in length, and the shape of it conical, the largest diameter near the head to be two and one-eighth inches, and the diameter at the small end one and seven-eighths inches. The mean sectional diameter is therefore to be two inches. And the mean sectional area of the stem required is, consequently, three, and one hundred and forty-one thousandths of square inches. The diameter of the rod being three inches, its sectional area is seven, and sixty-eight thousandths of square inches. On paper the complete proposition is, therefore, thus indicated :— 7-068 : 3:141 :: 11: 4°889 The first of these terms represents the mean sectional area, in inches, of that portion of the rod which is to be forged into a key-stem. The second term denotes the mean sectional area of the required stem. The third term indicates the length, in inches, of the key-stem to be forged. And the fourth term points out the length of bar or rod required, to produce eleven inches of stem without requiring any portion to be cut off the stem when finished. The proportions indicated by the symbols are not true; they are merely arithmetically correct to the extent of the fractions employed. But, practically, we find them valuable, because they inform us that four and nine-tenths inches of steel is sufficient for eleven inches of key-stem. This being known to the smith, he should put a small dent into the steel by means of the chisel for cold steel, at five and one-eighth inches from the end of the steel. This distance is more than that which is indicated by the symbols, because a small portion will be taken from the steel by heating, and the end of the stem will be unsound and may require welding or cutting off. To ensure the necessary soundness at the end, it is curved, either by welding or by cutting off any ragged or hollow portions; and this must be done previous to any attempt to draw down by the fuller or steam-hammer ; because, if the steel is hollow at the end, at the time of com- mencing to reduce it by the steam-hammer, and the steel too brittle to be welded, it will become worse under the hammer, which will in a short time break it to pieces. This curving just mentioned is also important for iron keys, either large or small, and is always necessary in proportion to the amount of drawing the metal is to undergo, when it cannot be welded again after being made unsound. The end being curved, or what is termed rounded, and the dent put into the steel at the proper place, by means of what is named the cold chisel, it is proper to commence drawing down by driving in the fuller, to produce the shoulder. When the fuller is driven to about half the . depth that will be reached when finished, draw the lump which is to form the stem to a square; after which, drive in the fuller again at the shoulder, and make the gap deeper to admit of the stem being again drawn upon the anvil—remembering to make the key four-sided, and to com- mence the drawing down at the shoulder of the key, and draw the work towards you a short distance, after each blow from the hammer, until the extremity is reached; then commence the drawing again at the shoulder. The key-stem will, by such treatment, become compact, and, if the steel is good, rather improved, but not if hammered while it is much below the red heat. If the key is being made of iron, the openness of the grain is partly closed by hammering at a proper heat; and keys require a very close texture to prevent splitting when the strain of tae lever or shaft is applied to the side. Ifthe key should be made of layers of iron, welded together, . instead of steel, the layers should be placed parallel to the side of the key-stem; in this position the strain upon the key-side will tend to close the key together; but if the layers of iron are parallel to the shaft, and the iron bad, there is a danger of the key being split into two, and one piece being carried round by the lever, while the other piece remains in the key-bed. The four-sided shape of the key is now to be altered to eight-sided, by placing one corner upwards to receive the hammering, and afterwards the others, until a tolerable approach to eight-sided is attained; after which, round the key-stem by the $ top and bottom tools (Fig. 64), Cc 10 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. and adjust the key to its proper diameters at each end, by the half-round top and bottom tools, at which time the double-gap gauge or the two pairs of callipers will be required to ascertain the size; and the straight-edge will be useful to ascertain if the stem requires straightening. These remarks equally apply to small keys. The four-sided and octagonal forms are easily attained by the hand-hammer, and the learner will be pleased at the mechanical method just indicated. The particular uses, and pieces of work, to which round keys should be applied shall be treated in another place. It is now necessary to mention the methods of upsetting to form the head ; and the doubling of the iron to form the head. Instead of commencing by making the stem, as in the drawing down, the head is first formed at the end of the bar by battering it, either in the horizontal position while lying on the anvil, or in the vertical position while standing on the anvil, or on a heavy cast-iron block, the top of which is level with the ground, if the work is too long to be stood upon the anvil. Till the present time, all the laborious upsetting, both of small work and large, has been done by manual labour of a tiresome character. Although our wonderful and valuable assistant, the steam-hammer, will upset a short piece of iron or steel, if it be only one or two feet in length, we cannot use our powerful friend to upset a long rod or bar without some means of making the steam-hammer strike the iron while in a horizontal position. This object is now conveniently accomplished by what is called Davies’s patent steam-striker, which is an appropriate term, because the machine will deliver blows at any angle from horizontal to vertical, thus avoiding much of the troublesome upsetting by the hammerman. But if without such a contrivance, it is necessary to use the pendulum-hammer, if the bar is very long, or to cut off the piece to form the key, and upset it upon its end. The upsetting of iron generally should be done at the welding heat; the upsetting of steel, at the yellow heat, except in some kinds of good steel, that will allow the welding heat. And both iron and steel require cooling at the extremity, to prevent the hammer spreading the end without upsetting the portion next to it. If the head of the key is to be large, several heats and coolings must take place, which renders the process only applicable to small work. A small bar can be easily upset by heating to a white heat or welding heat, and cooling a quarter of an inch of the end; then immediately put the bar to the ground with the hot portion upwards, the bar leaning against the anvil, and held by the tongs (see Fig. 68). The end is then upset, and the extremity cooled again after being heated for another upsetting, and thus till the required diameter is attained. When a number of bars are to be upset in this manner, it is necessary to provide an iron box, into which to place the ends of the bars, instead of upon the soft ground or wood flooring, injury to the floor being thereby prevented. When the key-head is sufficiently upset, the fuller and set hammer are necessary to make a proper shoulder, the stem is then drawn four-sided and rounded by the { top and bottom tools. If the bar from which the key is being made is not large enough to allow being made four-sided, eight sides should be formed, which wil tend to close the grain and make a good key. The third method of making keys with heads is the quickest of the three, particularly for making keys by the steam-hammer. By its powerful aid, we are able to use a bar of iron an inch larger than the required stem, because it is necessary to have sufficient metal in order to allow hammering enough to make it close and hard, and also welding, if seamy. If the bar from which it is to be made is too large to be easily handled without the crane, the piece is cut from the bar at the first heat ; and the length of the piece to be cut off is determined by aid of the rule given in page 8. But if the bar is small, it can be held up at any required height by the prop, "shown in Fig. 69. While thus supported, the piece to be doubled to make the head is cut three-quarters of the distance through the iron, at a proper distance from the extremity. The piece is then bent in the direction tending to break it off; the uncut portion being of sufficient thickness to prevent it breaking, will allow the two to be placed together and welded in that relation. A hole may also be punched through the two, while at a welding heat, as shown by Fig. 70. The hole admits a pin or rivet of iron, which is driven into the opening, and the three welded together. This plan is resorted to for producing a strong head to the key FORGING. 11 without much welding; but for ordinary purposes it is much safer to weld the iron when doubled, without any rivet, if a sufficient number of heavy blows can be administered. At the time the head is welded, the shoulder should be tolerably squared by the set-hammer ; and the part next to the shoulder is then fullered to about three-quarters of the distance to the diameter of stem required. In large work the fuller used for this purpose should be broad, as in Fig. 71. After the head is welded, and the portion next to it drawn down by the fuller, the piece of work is cut from the bar or rod, and the head is fixed in a pair of tongs similar to Fig. 72. Such tongs are useful for very small work, and are made of large size for heavy work. Tongs of this character are suited to both angular work and circular. They will grip either the head or the stem, as shown in the Figure. While held by the tongs, the thick lump of the stem that remains is welded, if necessary. Next draw the stem to its proper shape, and trim the head to whatever shape is required. Tue Learner’s Duties.—To give a large number of instructions to a learner before he begins to work involves a waste of time; because he cannot appreciate or understand everythin that is told him until he has performed something. If he has tried to make an article and failed, he will probably perceive the cause of failure when pointed out to him. But these causes of failure are very little heeded by some individuals until they have really experienced the things mentioned to them. Hence arises the necessity of giving as many instructions to a learner as he can comprehend or make use of at the moment he receives them, but no more than the proper number, if that number can be ascertained. When a learner has knocked about a few pieces of iron or steel upon the anvil, possibly made a few articles, and discovers that if he possessed a little more machinery he could make a few more, he is in a condition to attend to a few remarks about his tools. It is scarcely possible for him to begin forging by making his own tools, except to a very limited extent; but, as he pro- gresses, he will become gradually able to make all he requires. At his present stage of progress he should consider his hammer and tongs, to ascertain if his hammer-handle is tightly fixed in the opening, or whether he has knocked out the wedge through striking the anvil too often instead of the work ; also whether the rivets of his tongs are injured or broken by his own ill- treatment of them. He should not attempt any work that requires the sledge-hammer until he is provided with good tongs and rings to hold them tightly together ; these will prevent the sledge- hammer driving out the work from the tongs into contact with some person’s limbs. There are three kinds of tools that he can now make in a tolerable manner for his own use; these are straight-edges, squares, and callipers. Before commencing to make these necessary articles, he can make his handle tight, if it requires it, by making a wedge with ragged edges, either of ash or iron, remembering that the wedge must be of very gradual taper, as it is termed, signifying that the angle subtended by the two sides of the wedge should be five or six degrees. When the angle of the wedge is too great, there is danger of it soon tumbling out, and the hammer flying off to the injury of life or limb. As he advances in knowledge, he will learn how to make the opening of his hammer, so that the handle shall properly fit, and also how to make the hammer itself; but at present he must be content by making the wedge only. Having made his hammer safe, he can make a rivet for his tongs by fitting a pin to the two holes and allowing sufficient length of iron each side to form the two heads, at which time, while the tongs are apart, he can notice their form, which will probably teach him how to make a new pair. No tongs is required to hold the rivet or pin while he is making it, because he can provide a piece of iron or steel of sufficient length to hold in his hand. He should now make, firstly, his callipers, two or three pairs; secondly, straight-edges, one or two; and, thirdly, a square, one or two. The form of the callipers shown by Fig. 57 is merely of a simple character, easily con- structed, and suitable for smiths, because a tolerable approach to precision in measuring is quite sufficient. The more scientifically made and valuable kinds of callipers.suitable for fitters and turners, will be mentioned in due order. The smith can make his callipers in his own ordinary mode of punching small holes. It is c2 12 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. proper to punch the two holes for the joint-pin P, previous to filing or otherwise finishing the edges of the callipers. When the holes are punched, he can fix in a pin in a temporary manner, in order to hold them together a short time, while he grinds the edges to any required shape by the grindstone. But by careful shaping upon the beak of the anvil, he can avoid grinding the edges ; and it will be only necessary to grind the ragged portions from the two sides that are to be put together while riveting in the joint-pin. When the callipers are made, the operator can proceed to the straight-edge. This he can also make without proceeding to the erectory or turnery to borrow a straight-edge by which to make his own; and he can make an edge sufficiently near to a straight one, without resorting to two or three others, which is the custom if a near approach to precision is required. The mode, among others, resorted to by the author for producing in a remarkably short time a useful instru- ment, is thus indicated :— If the tool required is to be twenty inches in length, procure a strip of thick white paper twenty-two inches by four inches wide, and drive two round pins through the ends of the strip of paper on the wall at about nineteen inches between the two pins, so that the line of distance between the two is nearly vertical; but a little to the left of the lower pin is the proper place of the upper one. Smooth the pins with a piece of emery cloth, and fasten a thread of black silk or black smooth cotton to the lower pin, and place the other portion of the thread over the upper pin, and allow the thread to hang with a weight attached, which will be on the left side of the apparatus, if the pin which is uppermost is to the left of the lower one. It is now necessary to drive into the wall, or board, if such is being used, a third smooth pin; the place of this pin is about half an inch above the lowest one, and half an inch to the right side of it. If all the pins are tight in the wall and the thread stretched tightly on the right-hand sides of the two upper pins, the affair is fit for use by applying an edge or side of any tool that requires some lumps to be taken off. This simple apparatus is capable of being adapted to straight-edges of any length less than twenty inches by driving in another pin at various distances from the upper pin, being careful to push the thread to the right hand while driving in the pin. By a little more con- trivance, the thread could be made to subtend a near approach to an angle of ninety degrees to the plane of the horizon: the longitudinal axis of the thread would then be something like a geometer’s idea of a straight-edge. When the smith has ground or filed one edge of the straight-edge to the thread, he can make the opposite edge parallel by using his callipers. In order to make a square, it is necessary for the smith to procure a piece of sheet iron, or some kind of flat smooth surface, about twelve or eighteen inches across. Describe a circle whose circumference shall reach nearly to the edges of the plate; and then, without any proper knowledge of how to form or construct a right angle, he can divide the circumference into four by his com- passes; he can then mark lines across the middle of the circle to the four points, and the angles thus shown will enable him to adjust his square, which will be much nearer to correctness than his forging will at any time require. Fitters’ squares are very different instruments, and require quite different treatment, which will be fully demonstrated at the proper time. Probably, the adjusting of a square is of little importance to the smith who is but a learner, when compared to the forging of a square, which is performed in several ways. The simplest method is that b which he should commence, and consists in welding the ends of two thin bars together, so that the one bar shall be at right angles to the other. The next method consists in cutting a slit into the ena of a bar to form the thick part of the square, and then welding a thinner bar into the slit in order to form the blade or thin portion of the square. The squares for fitters are forged of steel, and the blades are fullered down, processes that are included in the portion of this work concerning tool-making. After the learner has actually forged a few tools, he is also in a condition to understand some remarks concerning the various qualities of iron; and he will, by experience, be enabled to select the particular kind of iron suitable to his particular piece of work in hand. Probably he will have noticed that some pieces of iron are very tough, and require more cutting than other FORGING. 13 pieces, in order to divide one piece into two, while cold. If this tough kind of iron is also tough while red hot, it is termed the very best kind of iron that can be produced. This kind is that with which the learner should make his tools that do not require to be made of steel. Another variety of iron will bear much twisting and hammering while hot, but very little while cold without breaking. This sort is not suitable for tools or machinery that require much moving or rough usage; but if, after being forged, such iron is to remain fixed, it is a very hard and durable metal. There is another class of iron which is the most troublesome variety with which the forger has to work. It is rather compact and tenacious while cold, but while hot it will split while being punched ; it will break under the hammer; it will crack while being bent; and it is almost useless for welding. But even this kind of iron is useful in the hands of an experienced man who knows to what purposes it should be applied. The varieties of iron may be thus noticed in a general manner; but the only true method of ascertaining whether an individual piece of iron is suitable for an individual piece of work is b forging a piece of the iron, and applying it to use. Then it is necessary to remember that the qualities of iron become altered during a course of time; the new or the foreign qualities and properties which the iron thus receives are the results of the agencies which have affected it. These agencies are conveniently termed mechanical, chemical, and improper. The mechanical agencies include a large number, such as those to which all pieces of moving machinery are subjected. The chemical agencies include the action of the atmosphere, water, and heat and cold. The improper agencies include ill-usage, such as hammering by careless workmen, improper hardening, and several others. The quality of the coal influences the quality of the forging. The learner will be much dis- couraged by the unclean appearance of his work, and the trouble of welding, if he happens to be working with bad coals. He will be enabled to distinguish good from bad, by the ashes and coke which are found. Good coal produces a large quantity of coke, and but little white ashes. Bad coal produce but little coke or cinders, and a large amount of white ashes, which consist of lime and alumina and a few other earthy matters. Bad coal often contains much sulphur, which makes the iron brittle while hot, and preventsit from welding; and there is always a large quantity of clinkers formed by the fusion of the earthy matters which good coal does not contain. The manufacturer, whether large or small, may thus perceive that bad coal is much dearer than good, although the price is greater of the superior article. The name of the coal proper for forging is Tanfield Moor: this coal is remarkably friable, and may be broken by the hands. It is also proper for the learner to keep his work well covered while in the fire. The work will thus become heated much sooner than if he allowed the heat to be blown up the chimney by the blast. Iron becomes oxidised by long exposure to the fire and air at the same time; consequently, by covering the work properly, coal, time, and metal will be economised. -AncuLaR Kurys.—Details of forging are now resumed. Angular keys are much more valuable, and more extensively used, than round ones, because, by proper forging, they may be made to fit their respective key-beds, so that, by a small amount of filing, the key may be reduced to enter the key-bed the whole distance required. The thinnest kind of angular keys is named flat, because the width of it is greater than its thickness, and not because it is very flat or true in any way, great numbers of them being used as they are forged, without any filing. Flat keys are made with heads, when the head will be required for unfixing the key. But when the head is not required, the keys can be made from a bar at a much quicker rate. Flat keys may be short and thick, or long and slender. They may have screws at the ends, or small pin-holes instead, as shown by No. 5, Plate 1. A flat key of this kind can be easily forged by a learner who has had a little practice ; but the handling and forging of the round key is more instructive, because it compels the learner to strike carefully to prevent the disfigurement of his work. The smallest kind of flat keys are used for small joint-pins or ends of small bolts. A key-way is cut through, near the end of the joint-pin or bolt; and the small flat key is placed in the key-way so that the thin part of the key-stem is at right angles to the stem of the joint-pin or bolt. This allows great strength to the flat key, without making a large key-way to weaken the bolt. The 14 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTUCTOR. key is fitted tight against the washer, or against the outside of the nut, as represented by Figs. 73 and 74. To forge a key suitable for a joint shown by Fig. 73 or 74 but little labour is necessary, unless the steel or iron from which the key is made happens to be much larger at the commence- ment of the forging. This will often be the case with makers of small work, and private indi- viduals, who are bound to make use of remnants of various dimensions, in an economical manner. In such circumstances, when a number of keys are required at one time of several sizes, it is usual to first draw down the steel to the largest size required, and make that number of keys required of the largest diameter, next draw down the steel to the second size, and afterwards draw to other dimensions required. Sprit Kuys.—Split keys are either flat or round, and are used to promote a feeling of confidence concerning the safety of a certain joint-pin or bolt and nut. After the split key is put into its key-way, the split part that protrudes beyond the side of the joint-pin or bolt is opened, and a safe fastening is effected; and ordinary wear or proper usage of the key will not have the effect of unfastening, which must be accomplished by straightening the key in order to draw it from its key-way. Round split pins are extensively used, and for several years the wire for making such has been made by the manufacturers into a semicircular shape, so that by doubling the wire the split pin is formed. The split key is shown in Fig. 75; the split pin, by Fig. 76. x split pin is also a split key, because both are used to lock or fasten pieces of machinery together. But the term split pin is properly applied to the circular variety, in order to make some approach to a distinction of technical terms and names. To make names definite, it is necessary that one name should not be used for more than one form. The method of making the half-round wire into a split pin, fit for use, belongs to the portion of this work devoted to fitting; because no forging is required. But the split keys are sometimes made of large sizes, and, being forged in large numbers, demand some attention. Small split keys are easily made by doubling the iron, and welding the two together at one end. After being welded, the solid part, which is to be formed into the head, may be held by the tongs while the stem is reduced to its dimensions. Although the stem is split, at the time of being drawn down, it will bear a large amount of hammering without breaking, if the heat of the key while on the anvil is not allowed to fall much below dull red. If the key is to have a head, and the amount of iron used not very important, the piece may be cut from the stem, in order to avoid drawing down. Split keys, eight or ten inches in length, should be made from one bar, instead of welding together two bars. A solid bar can be easily divided at one end to form the split, by means of the rod-chisel or trimming-chisel. The chisel is driven half way through that part of the bar which is to be the edge, or small side of the key-stem; when it is cut half through, turn the key upside down, and drive the chisel through the uncut portion. When the opening is first made, it is ragged; and it is necessary to cut off all the ragged pieces previous to smoothing the two insides; because if the loose or semi-detached pieces are flattened with the key, it will be far from solid ; and if the key should be afterwards very much drawn down, some part of it would break. The method of smoothing the two insides is by a thick wedge being placed in the opening, and the key being drawn while the wedge is in. After being smoothed, the wedge is taken out and the key drawn without the wedge. The operation is shown by Fig. 77. It is proper to make the wedge of steel, because it will be useful for split keys of various sizes. In addition to machinery for making half-round pin-wire, we have machinery for making split keys and other kinds of keys, at a quick rate, both of steel and iron. Large firms, who may require large numbers of the articles, can avail themselves of the opportunity, when the ma- chinery shall have become adapted to produce the kind and size required by different individuals. And even at the present time, if those who require them will be careful to order the keys, so that, when received, they will be a little too large, instead of a little too small, the small amount of fitting necessary will not be of great consideration. FORGING. 15 But these considerations have bat little relation to the private learner's advancement in the art of forging. He will discover the great value of practice in key-making, because of his experience in the several different processes. And it is necessary for him to commence forging simple articles, that he may become skilful when forging compound ones. When it is necessary to forge a number of flat keys with heads, and the keys are required to be of similar length, breadth, and thickness, the method consists in making a long bar of the required thickness of the keys, the width of the bar being a little greater than the required width of the key-heads. The bar must be thoroughly welded and drawn down by the steam-hammer, being careful not to injure the bar by unnecessary hammering, or by making it too thin. Next to cutting off the ragged part that may be produced at the end of the bar, the end of it must be carefully squared, and then properly mark the size and shape of the keys upon the bar by means of a pencil. The marking thus produced is shown by Fig. 78. This method is only available with proper care to make the bar the proper width and thickness, previously to commencing to cut. If each key is cut a little larger than it is required to be when finished, the process will economise time and metal. The correct way of marking consists in making a thin piece of sheet iron to the shape of the key-side. This piece of iron, when properly filed to the dimensions, is termed a gauge: the size of it should always be a little larger than the side of the key required. The gauge is placed upon the bar, and a slate-pencil with a small end is used to mark the shape; after which drive the chisel for cold iron into the middles of the pencil-marks. Both sides of the bar are to be marked, the operator being careful to make the marks opposite to each other, that he may avoid the danger of spoiling the keys. This disaster he can prevent by marking and cutting out a few, and then marking and cutting out afew more. To mark a great number before cutting out one is allowable, if the bar is marked upon one side only. The length and width of a gauge for keys ten inches long and four inches wide should not be more than one-sixteenth greater than the required keys. Square Kuys.—These are very much used for engine-making, and require to be made very compact by proper steam-hammering. If the iron should be too small to admit of being welded and hammered sufficient to destroy the appearances of any plates or layers that may be in it, these plates should always be parallel to the two sides of the key that sustain the strain while in use. The term, square key, is applied to any four-sided key whose width is nearly the same dimension as its thickness: the geometer’s idea of a square is not signified; but the idea of something resembling a rectangle is that which is implied when speaking of a square key. While drawing a rectangular key upon the anvil, it is necessary to watch the form that is produced by presenting each side to the hammer. If the key is improperly placed, the form of a rhombus will be produced ; and if the width of the iron or key greatly exceeds:its thickness, a rhomboid will result. Both these forms result from the blows being delivered at the wrong angle to the side of the work, either by the hand-hammer or steam-hammer. To produce again the proper form is always easy, by presenting the longest diameter of the rhomboid or rhombus to the direction of the hammer’s blow, which may be either vertical or horizontal; consequently, under the vertical steam-hammer, the proper position in which to place the longest diameter of the piece of work in hand is vertical, as shown by Fig. 81. By placing the work in this position, the two prominent corners or projections are battered in by the hammer, after which the work is drawn down by hammering the four sides that are required. All kinds of rectangular keys are flattened by a flatter, shown by Fig. 79, or by a short thick set-hammer (Fig. 80). By careful flattening, keys may be nicely reduced to the finished width and thickness, when it may be necessary to avoid the planing process. The amount of time saved by a careful use of the flatter and several pairs of callipers is very great. Previous to adjusting the callipers, the finished width and thickness of the keys required are ascertained by measuring the key-beds or key-ways, and not by referring to any kind of sketch or drawing, which would be 16 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. useless in such cases. The callipers are adjusted to allow only sufficient to fit the key to its place by filing; and when convenient, the key is also put into its key-way a few times, previous to being finished by the flatter. During the final reducing by the flatter, the square is used to ascertain if the work is rectangular and straight. Giss.—A gib is also a kind of angular key, because it is used to prevent the two arms of the strap (Fig. 25) from opening while in use. The simplest method of making gibs is by cutting out a piece from a bar which is the width and thickness of the gib required. The bar is supported by a screw-prop, while the shape of the piece to be cut out is marked upon both sides of the bar by means of a pencil and straight-edge, and the chisel for cold iron is driven into the middles of the pencil-marks, after which the piece is cut out, while at a yellow heat. It is necessary to cut the piece small enough to allow the gib to be afterwards flattened by the flatter to the required dimensions. This mode of making gibs is available is cases of emergency or break-down ; but the econo- mical method is by the fuller, and the application of the rule given in page 8. When the length of iron or steel required is ascertained by this means, two dents are put into the edge of the bar while cold; the distance between these two marks is the length of bar required to produce the required length of the opening or gap in the gib. After being marked, it is heated and fullered at the two marks by driving in a fuller, as shown by Fig. 82. The top fuller only is required ; after which, reduce the middle portion to the required width and thickness by ham- mering, and the gap in the gib will then be of proper length. Strap Krys.—A key for a strap is termed a cotter; and if the name were not used for any other kind of key, the term would be significant; but it is also used for piston-rod keys, crank- pin keys, and keys in the ends of bolts; by such usage the name cotter is more confusing than definite. The better plan would be to apply the term only to those keys which have rows of small holes bored in the small ends for the admission of split-pins. The name cotter would be suited to such keys, because they are neither split-keys nor gibs. A key intended for a strap is thoroughly welded to allow the pin-holes to be bored into solid metal; and strap-keys that require frequent fixing and unfixing may be made of soft steel. Small strap-keys, being without heads, are quickly and conveniently made by tapering the end of a long bar, and cutting off each key, when reduced to its dimensions, by means of the anvil-chisel and stop, which is placed upon the anvil-measure, as in Fig. 85. When a large number of taper keys are required, the author’s rule mentioned in page 8 is useful, in order to ascertain the precise quantity of iron or steel necessary to produce the required length of key. Screw Kuys.—Some kinds of taper keys have screwed ends, for the convenience of having a nut to prevent the key slipping back from its place while in use. The longitudinal axis of the portion intended for the screw is sometimes in the same line with the longitudinal axis of the taper part of the key; it is always necessary for the smith to know the required position, that he may not leave a larger quantity of iron for turning than is sufficient when the part to be screwed is in its proper position. . After the extremity is carefully welded and curved, the reducing to form the stem is com- menced by top and bottom fullers. These are driven in at the spot intended to be the termina- tion of the taper portion, and the commencement of the screw part. This screw part or stem is first made eight-sided by reducing with the hammer, and then rounded by means of angular gap tools, which thoroughly close together the fibres of the iron; if this is not done, a good screw cannot be produced on the key-stem. If the extremity of this stem is hollow or concave, instead of being properly curved, there is a liability of the stem becoming split in some part, although the outside may appear solid. The split could be remedied by welding, but in some cases the stem would then be too small. One kind of split-stem is shown by Fig. 83. Bours.—Bolts are made in such immense numbers, that a variety of machinery exists for producing small bolts by compression of the iron while hot into dies. But the machinery is not yet adapted to forge good bolts of large size, such as are daily required for general engine-making. Good bolts of large diameters can now be made by steam-hammers at a quick rate; and small FORGING. 17 bolts of good quality are made in an economical and expeditious manner by means of instruments named bolt-headers. There is a variety of these tools in use, and some are valuable to small manufacturers because of being easily made, and incurring but little expense. The use of a bolt- header consists in upsetting a portion of a straight piece of iron to form the bolt-head, instead of drawing down or reducing a larger piece to form the bolt-stem, which is a much longer process ; consequently, the bolt-header is valuable in proportion to its capability of upsetting bolt-heads of various sizes for bolts of different diameters and lengths. The simplest kind of heading-tool is held upon the anvil by the left hand of the smith, while the piece to be formed into a head is hammered into a recess in the tool, the shape of the intended head. Three or four recesses may be drilled into the same tool, to admit three or four sizes of bolt-heads. Such a tool is represented by Fig. 86; and is made either entirely of steel, or with a steel face, in which are bored the recesses of different shapes and sizes. The pieces of iron to be formed into bolts are named bolt-pieces. When these pieces are of small diameter or thickness, they are cut to a proper length while cold by means of a concave anvil-chisel and stop, shown by Fig. 87, or by a large shearing-machine, if one be on the premises. One end of each piece is then slightly tapered while cold by the hand-hammer or a top-tool. This short bevel or taper portion allows the bolt to be driven in and out of the heading-tool several times without making sufficient ragged edge to stop the bolt in the hole while being driven out. Those ends that are not bevelled are then heated to about welding heat, and upset upon the anvil or upon a cast-iron block, on, or level with the ground. This upsetting is con- tinued until the smaller parts or stems will remain at a proper distance through the tool; after which, each head is shaped by being hammered into the recess. During the shaping process, the stem of the bolt protrudes through the square hole in the anvil, as indicated by the Figure (86). This method is the cheapest that can be adopted by a maker of small numbers of bolts, be- cause no expensive machinery is necessary. Bolts with conical heads, represented by Fig. 6, when of small size, are easily made by means of the heading-tool just referred to. The recesses in the tool are carefully and smoothly bored to the depths and diameters of the bolt-heads. And if a stop is to be forged solid with the bolt-head, such as Fig. 6 indicates, a straight groove is filed into one side of the recess with a small round file, the shape of the groove being the shape of the intended stop. This method of forging a stop in one piece with the bolt-head is very simple; the stop being formed by the same hammering and at the same time as the head itself. For several kinds of work such conical heads do not require to be fitted by being turned in a lathe; in such cases a large amount of time is economised that would be occupied in fitting separate stops to the heads. But when a large number of small bolts are required in a short time, a larger kind of heading-tool is made use of, which is named bolt-header. One of these, indicated by Fig. 89, is a jointed bolt-header. Another, of simpler character, is shown by Fig. 90. The actual height of these headers depends upon the length of bolts to be made, because the pieces of which the bolts are formed are cut of a suitable length to make the bolts the proper length after the heads are upset; consequently, bolt-headers are made two or three feet in height, that they may be generally useful. The header represented by Fig. 89 contains a movable block B, upon which rests one end of a bolt-piece to be upset; it is therefore necessary to raise or lower the block to suit various lengths of bolts. In the header shown by Fig. 90 the movable block is not needed; the bolt- pieces being supported by various lengths of iron, differing in length according to the different lengths of the intended bolts. The pieces that are below the bolt are prop-pieces ; two or three of them are sometimes necessary to maintain the bolt-pieces at the exact height. In the top of the header is a circular steel die, D, through the opening in which the bolt-piece is put, in order to be upset. The dies are of various sizes, and each die is tightly fixed into a die-block. The outside of every block, being of the same size and shape, each one fits the opening in the top of the header, which may be six-sided or circular. All the die-blocks are taper, to admit of being easily placed in or taken out of the header. The dies are smoothly bored, and the upper edges of the holes are D 18 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. carefully curved previous to hardening. This smooth curve prevents the die cutting the iron while being driven down to form the bolt-head. In the figure the bolt is shown on the die after the head is upset. Under the head are dots to indicate the bolt-stem and the prop-pieces below, which maintain the bolt-pieces at the height desired ; consequently, if the pieces were pre- viously cut to a suitable length, the bolts when forged are of correct length, and their heads of the proper thickness. After the head is upset, the bolt is driven out of the die. This is effected by the ham- merman striking the short lever L, at the bottom of the apparatus. The outside end of this lever being struck by the sledge-hammer, the inside end is raised, and the prop-pieces also; which drive out the bolt, while the smith holds the bolt-head with the tongs. To prevent the die-block being driven out at the same time, a key is ‘fitted across the side of the block, pointed out in the figure by K. But in the jointed bolt-header two half-dies are used, which are opened sideways by a treadle, to allow the bolt to be taken out, instead of being driven out by a sledge-hammer.. Small bolts sometimes require square holders, by which the bolts are held while being turned in a lathe, or while being ground after being hardened. The holder is similar to that shown in Fig. 59. In small bolts the holder is drawn down from the head; for larger bolts the holder is reduced from the stems, to avoid the longer process of reducing from the heads. The ordinary vertical steam-hammer is very efficient for bolt-making. By its powerful aid, bolts are quickly made by reducing the iron to form the stems, instead of upsetting iron of smaller diameter to form the heads. Large bolts for engines of all kinds demand extra care, because of their important uses; and also because much time is needlessly consumed in the lathe process with bolts that are badly made or forged too large. The tough Low Moor iron is exceedingly good, and should be used for all bolts of importance, such as connecting-rod bolts, main-shaft bolts, and coupling bolts. Large numbers of small bolts are forged to a gauge, that they may be screwed easily by dies, the bolt being neither too large nor too small. A bolt to be screwed by dies need not be forged larger than the finished diameter of the screw ; but frequently it is necessary to forge it smaller. The precise amount smaller depends upon the kind of screwing-dies used at the time, which will be demonstrated in its place. ‘The safe method of proceeding is by carefully rounding one or two bolts and screwing them, previous to forging the total number necessary. These are rounded to the diameter of the one that was found to be correct, a gauge being made thereto. If all dies were so constructed as to cut equally and similar to each other, it would be convenient to make standard gauges by which to round the bolt-ends, and the result would be good screws without the bolts being too large. All bolts, large and small, that are to be turned in a lathe require the two extremities to be at right angles to the length of the bolt, to avoid waste of time in centring previous to the turning process; and connecting-rod bolts, and main-shaft bolts require softening, which makes them less liable to break in a sudden manner ; and it is important to remember that hammering a bolt while cold will make it brittle and unsafe, although the bolt may contain more iron than would be sufficient if the bolt were soft. Great solidity in a bolt is only necessary in that portion of it which is to be formed into a screw. The bolt is less liable to break if all the other parts are fibrous, and the lengths of the fibres are parallel to the bolt’s length. But in the screw, more solidity is necessary, to prevent breaking off while the bolt is being screwed, or while in use. _ However good the iron may be, the bolt is useless if the screw is unsound; and it is well to apply a pair of angular-gap tools (Fig. 64) to the bolt-end while at welding heat. hen Bessemer iron or steel is selected for bolts, it is particularly necessary to reject all the brittle varieties, of which there is a large number. It is much safer to reject Bessemer product altogether for bolt-making, until the process shall have become more capable of producing a tough, reliable metal, sufficiently tenacious to resist the vibration and straining to which all bolts are subjected. Although Bessemer product will sustain a greater tensile strain than Low Moor iron, it would be highly improper to use such product for bolts unless it would bear the same amount of bending, twisting, or vibration as Low Moor iron. We know by experience that this iron, FORGING. 19 generally, is far superior to any kind of Bessemer product for bolts ; consequently, we must continue to use Low Moor iron until the Bessemer process can supply our requirements at a cheap rate. Small connecting-bolts, not more than two or three inches in diameter, are made in an economical manner by drawing down the stems by asteam-hammer. Those who have not a steam- hammer will find it convenient to make a collar (Fig. 91) to be welded on a stem, in order to form a head, as shown by Fig. 92. After being welded, the head may be made circular or hexagonal, as required. The tools for shaping hexagonal heads are indicated by Fig. 93, and also by Fig. 94, which is the more convenient of the two. Such an apparatus may be adapted to a number of different sizes by fixing the sliding part of the tool at any required place along the top of the block, in order to shape heads of several different diameters. The movable or sliding block is denoted in the figure by S. Fig. 8 represents a bolt with circular head and stop. This kind of bolt is used principally for piston-rods and connecting-rods, and requires proper fitting by being turned in lathes, and the stops are not forged solid with the heads, but are tightly fitted in the holes or slots, which are made for the purpose after the bolts are turned ; consequently, the smith forges the bolts as if no stops were intended. Small bolts with six-sided heads (Fig. 9) may be quickly made by means of a small heading- tool similar to Fig. 86, if the recess for shaping the heads is slightly tapered to allow the bolts to be driven out easily from the tool. Large bolts with six-sided heads are made of two pieces; one to be formed into the head, and the other piece the stem. The piece for the head, previous to being welded to the stem, is named a collar. By referring to Fig. 92, it may be observed that the collar is short enough to form a gap or opening between the two ends, after being wrapped tightly round the bolt-stem. By this means the collar, when welded by a pair of angular- gap tools, is both closed together and united to the bolt-stem at the same hammering; and if the collar is of a suitable thickness previous to welding, the bolt-head, when produced, will be of the desired dimensions. To make a bolt-head by such means, it is not necessary that the bolt should be at welding heat to the centre; it is sufficient if the outside of the bolt-stem is at welding heat at the time the collar is in similar condition. To promote an easy weld, the iron of which the collar is formed should be of the same tendency to fusibility as the iron for the stem, both pieces being of tough Low Moor iron. The collar will thus arrive at welding heat about the same moment as the out- side of the bolt-stem. Low Moor iron requires a very great heat for welding; and if attempt should be made to weld a collar of impure fusible iron to a bolt of fibrous Low Moor iron, the collar would fuse and burn to clinker before a welding heat could be obtained in the superior metal. But there exists no absolute necessity for welding a head to the bolt; for many kinds of work it is sufficient if the two ends of the collar are welded to each other. The bolt-head is per- manently fixed by upsetting about an eighth of an inch of the bolt-stem at the outside end of the collar. Previous to welding, the bolt-stem is allowed to protrude only an eighth of an inch beyond the collar; and during the welding, the eighth of an inch is upset or riveted, and the shape of that part of the bolt within the head becorhes conical, and the larger diameter of the cone is outwards, so that the strain upon the bolt-head while in use tends to tighten instead of loosen it, the head being hindered from slipping off by the conical shape of the bolt-stem, al- though the one may not be, and frequently is not, welded to the other. Kzy-Hrap Botts.—Fig. 10 represents a key-head bolt, with a slot for a key, which is driven into the slot or key-way after the bolt is put into its place; such bolts being used in circumstances that do not allow room for an ordinary bolt-head. In many cases a careful smith can cut the key-ways by punching, thus avoiding the drilling process. The punching is performed by thin oblong punches instead of round ones. If a key-way of considerable length is required, the bolt is placed into a half-round bottom tool, and a small hole or slit is first punched at each end of the place of the intended key-way; the middle portion is next punched out in small pieces by the D2 20 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. same punch. By driving the punch half way through the bolt from both sides of it, instead of from one side only, the key-wav is made tolerably central. Ifa short key-way only is desired, the punching is performed with a punch whose end fits the intended key-way. After being punched, a steel taper drift is driven into the opening, which becomes gradually smoother and larger, till the required dimensions are attained. The angle subtended by any two sides of these drifts should not exceed one degree; for this reason the lengths of the drifts require to be three or four times the thickness of the bolt to be punched or drifted. The extre- mities of the drifts are curved, to avoid trouble in driving them into and out of the key-ways. During the use of the drifts and punches, a slot-bolster is between the work and the anvil, to permit the small end of the punch or drift to project into the slot. The dimensions of the slot are greater than of the required key-way in the bolt; and the height or width of the bolster from the anvil is sufficient to prevent the point or extremity of the drift touching the anvil while being driven into the key-way. The drift being of taper character, renders the key-way also taper. By driving the drift to an equal distance from both sides of the bolt, the key-way becomes larger at the two mouths than at the centre of the bolt. Parallelism of the key-way is attained by means of a parallel filler. This filler is made of steel, and to the exact dimensions of the intended key-way. While the filler is in, the bolt is rounded by rounding-tools, which produces the required cylindrical form for the bolt, and at the same time the desired parallelism in the key-way. If the bolt becomes nearly cold while the filler remains in the key-way, it is necessary to re-heat the part, that the filler may be easily driven out by a soft iron punch or drift. Fiance Bouts.—Fig. 11 represents a collar bolt or flange bolt. Such bolts are much used in engine-making, large and small. The quickest method of forging small bolts of this character is by drawing down or reducing the two stems from a rod or bar which is rather larger in diameter than the collar required. In the Figure the two stems are indicated by A and B. The reducing by fullers and ordinary hammers is a quicker process for small and short work than the method of making separate collars and afterwards welding them to their places. Collar bolts of great length are made by welding on separate collars, to avoid the lengthy process of reducing a piece of iron of large diameter. In a collar bolt, the strain upon the bolt while in use affects the collar in a small degree only; the principal strain is that of the nut below at the moment the bolt is fixed to its place, after which the working strain upon the upper stem of the bolt removes the strain exerted upon the collar by the nut below. Consequently, if the flange is not thoroughly welded, no great harm will result from that circumstance. But in all cases that require a clean, solid appearance to the bolts after the lathe process, great care in welding is necessary to promote the desired result. If the smith who makes them receives proper instructions, he will observe that a screw is to be formed at each end of the bolt, and he will be careful to weld each end to ensure the necessary solidity in the screw. After the collar is welded, a square is needed to ascertain whether the sides of the collar are at right angles to the two stems, or whether too thick or irregular in one or more places ; if so, a set-hammer is used to rectify the irregularities; and if the collar is too thick, a trimming or paring chisel is preferable to cut off the ragged projections while hot ; much time is thereby saved from the lathe process. The larger the bolt, the greater is the importance of the collar being at right angles and of suitable dimensions previous to the bolt being turned and screwed by a lathe. Instead of bolts with circular flanges, bolts with four-sided flanges are sometimes used. The methods of making these consist either in drawing down the stems from a square bar, or in welding a collar to a circular bolt in the ordinary manner, and squaring the collar while at a welding heat by applying large angular gap-tools. Nout-neap Bours.—These are indicated by Fig. 12. Small bolts of this character are termed studs, when one end of the bolt is to be permanently fixed by being screwed tight into a hole, instead of a separate nut being used. When a nut is required for each end, the bolt is named a nut-head bolt. These are made use of when it is necessary to put the bolt into its place without FORGING. : 21 disarrangement of machinery. Such bolts are also frequently used as holdfast bolts for framing, also for securing or holding down cylinders and condensers. Small studs or bolts of this kind are sometimes forged to a diameter suitable for screwing by dies, instead of being turned and screwed in a lathe by change-wheels. During the rounding and reducing of the bolts to the precise diameter required, gap-gauges or callipers are necessary to measure the bolts in a convenient and correct manner. Bolts of all kinds, large and small, are injured by the iron being overheated, which makes it rotten and hard, and renders it necessary to cut off the burnt portion, if the bolt is large enough; if not, a new one should be made in place of the burnt one. Long bolts that require the lathe process are carefully straightened. This is conveniently effected by means of a strong lathe, which is placed in the smithy for the purpose. Long bolts are also straightened in the smithy by means of a long straight-edge, which is applied to the bolt-stem to indicate the hollow or concave side of the stem. This concave side is that which is placed next to the anvil-top, and the upper side of the bolt is then driven down by applying a curved top-tool and striking with a sledge-hammer.’ This mode is only available with bolts not exceeding two or three inches diameter and of length convenient for the anvil, because in some cases bolts require straightening or rectifying in two or more places along the stems. If a bolt six feet in length is bent one foot from one end, the bent portion is placed upon an anvil, while the longer portion is supported by’a crane, and a top-tool is applied to the convex part. The raising of the bolt-end to any required height is effected by rotating a screw which raises a pulley, upon which is an endless chain ; the work being supported by the chain, both chain and work are raised at one time. It is necessary to adjust the work to the proper height while being straightened ; if not, the hammering will produce but little good effect. The amount of straightening necessary depends upon the diameters to which the bolts are forged, and also upon their near approach to parallelism. A small bolt not exceeding one and a half inches in diameter need not be forged more than a tenth of an inch larger than the finished diameter; a bolt about two inches diameter, only an eighth larger; and for bolts four or five inches in diameter and four or five feet in length, a quarter of an inch for turning is sufficient, if the bolts are pro- perly straightened and in tolerable shape. This straightening and shaping of an ordinary bolt is easily accomplished while hot, by the method just mentioned ; other straightening processes, for work of more complicated character, will be given as we proceed. After the bolts are made sufficiently near to straightness by a top-tool, the softening is effected by a treatment similar to that adopted for softening steel, which consists in heating the bolts to redness and burying them in coke or cinders till cold. A little care is necessary while heating the bolts to prevent them being bent by the blast. To avoid this result, the blast is gently administered and the bolt frequently rotated and moved about in the fire. Neots.—The simplest method of making small nuts is by punching with a small punch “that is held in the left hand; this punch is driven through a bar near one end of it, which is placed upon a bolster on the anvil, while the other end of the bar is supported by a screw- prop. This mode is adapted to a small maker whose means may be very limited. By supporting the bar or nuts in this manner, it is possible for a smith to work without a ham- merman. A bar of soft Low Moor iron is provided, and the quantity of iron that is required for each nut is marked along the bar by means of a pencil, and a chisel is driven into the bar at the pencil-marks while the bar is cold. A punch is then driven through while the iron is at a white heat. Each nut is then cut from the bar by an anvil-chisel, and after- wards finished separately while on a nut-mandril. The bar on the bolster is shown by Fig. 95, and a nut-mandril for finishing is indicated by Fig. 96. . . A more economical method, suitable for a smith who has a hammerman, is by punching with a rod-punch, which is driven through by a sledge-hammer. By this means several nuts are punched at one heating of the bar, and also cut from the bar at the same heat. A good durable nut is that in which the hole is made at right angles to the layers or plates of which the nut is composed. Some kinds of good nut iron are condemned because of 22 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. these plates, which separate when a punch is driven between them instead of through them. By punching through the plates at right angles to the faces of the intended nuts, the iron is not opened or separated, and scarfing is avoided. Nuts that have a scarf-end in the hole require boring, that the hole may be rendered fit for screwing ; but nuts that are properly punched may be finished upon a nut-mandril to a suitable diameter for the screw required. Nuts for bolts not exceeding two and a half or three inches diameter can be forged with the openings or holes of proper diameter for screwing by a tap. The precise diameter is necessary in such cases, and is attained by the smith finishing each nut upon a nut-mandril of steel, which is carefully turned to its shape and diameter by a lathe. The mandril is taper and curved at the end, to allow the nut to fall easily from the mandril while being driven off. Such nut-mandrils become smaller by use, and it is well to keep a standard gauge of some kind by which to measure the nuts after being forged. The best kind of nut-mandril is made of one piece of steel, instead of welding a collar of steel to a bar of iron, which is sometimes done. One punch and one nut-mandril are sufficient for nuts of small dimensions, but large ones require drifting after being punched and previous to being placed upon a nut-mandril. The drifting is continued until the hole is of the same diameter as the mandril upon which the nut is to be finished. The nut is then placed on, and the hole is adjusted to the mandril without driving the mandril into the nut, which would involve a small amount of wear and tear that may be avoided. A good steel nut-mandril, with careful usage, will continue serviceable, without repair, for several thousands of nuts. . The holes of all nuts require to be at right angles to the two sides named faces; one of these faces is brought into contact and bears upon the work while the nut is being fixed; consequently, it is necessary to devote considerable attention to the forging, that the turning and shaping pro- cesses may be as much as possible facilitated. If the two faces of the nut are tolerably near to a right angle with the hole, and the other sides of the nut parallel to the hole, the nut may be forged much nearer to the finished dimensions than if it were roughly made or malformed. To rectify a nut whose faces are not perpendicular to the opening, the two prominent corners or angles are placed upon an anvil to receive the hammer, as indicated in Fig. 97. By placing a nut while at a yellow heat in this position, the two corners are changed to two flats, and the faces become at the same time perpendicular to the opening; the nut is then reduced to the dimensions desired. If the nut is too long, and the sides of it are parallel to the opening, the better plan is to cut the prominences from the two faces by means of a trimming-chisel (Fig. 84), instead of recti- fying the nut by hammering. Cutting off scrap-pieces while hot with a properly-shaped chisel of this kind, is a much quicker process than cutting off in a lathe. Hexaconat Nuts.—The most useful kind of nut at the present time is of hexagonal form, and is indicated by Fig. 13. Such nuts, if small, are made at a quick rate by being compressed and punched in steel dies, which are fitted to machinery specially made for the purpose. But we have no machinery for making large nuts so efficient as the steam-hammer. Large nuts are easily punched and drifted by a steam-hammer while the nuts are attached to the bars from which they are made. The drifts for steam-hammers are short and comparatively thick, and the bolsters underneath the nuts are of similar proportions. When a sufficient number of nuts are punched, drifted, and cut from the bars, the shaping of the six sides is effected by placing and hammering each nut in a three-sided tool, or anvil block. The nut is held in this shaping-tool by means of a drift or mandril, having a long handle. This handle enables the smith to rotate the nut during the hammering, in order to produce the hexagonal form desired. The nuts are placed in a large forge fire or furnace, and heated to welding heat; one nut is taken out when sufficiently heated, and the slag that may be in the opening is quickly scraped out, and the mandril or drift is then put in; the hammering upon the outside will then form the six sides without affecting the cylindrical form of the opening in the nut. Fiance Nuts.—Fig. 14 indicates a six-sided flange nut. These are useful to obtain a large bearing for the nut’s face, without using a heavy nut. And if contact with angles or corners is FORGING. 23 to be avoided, the flange is curved as in Fig. 17, which denotes a handsome nut, well adapted to bear upon brass or gun metal, or other soft metal, without wearing or tearing the surfaces in contact. The forging of flange nuts is performed by forcing the iron while at a welding heat into top and bottom tools, which are made to the required shape. Each nut is punched and cut from the bar and afterwards heated to welding, and then compressed to shape by striking the top-tool while the nut is on a mandril held by the workman. The mandrils for welding and shaping the outsides of nuts need not to be turned by a lathe, because the opening in each nut is after-. wards shaped and finished by a finishing mandril specially made for the purpose (Fig. 96). Stor-Rine Nuts.—Fig. 15 points out an ordinary hexagonal nut for a stop-ring, which is indicated by Fig. 16. This kind of nut is much used by engineers, who consider it a sort of safety nut, by reason of the set-screw in the ring having some tendency to prevent the nut un- screwing through straining or vibration of the machinery while at work. Nuts of this character are made by cutting partly through a bar and doubling or trebling the bar, and thoroughly welding the layers while in that relation. While the lump is still attached to the bar, the opening is made by a punch driven through at right angles to the layers, and the opening is then drifted to any required diameter; after which the nut is cut from the bar, and an- other doubling-and welding is effected to produce another nut. When the desired number is ob- tained, the outside of each nut is shaped while at a welding heat. The short cylindrical portion named the stem is formed sometimes by cutting off the six corners or apices by turning-tools, and at other times by cutting off the pieces while hot upon the anvil, which is a much quicker process. The nuts are marked while cold by means of a chisel, which is driven in at the spot which marks the required forged length of the stem; they are then heated to a light yellow heat, and the pieces are cut from the stems with a trimming-chisel and light hammer. Each nut is placed upon a mandril, and while supported by an angular-gap tool in the square opening of an old-fashioned anvil, the chisel is driven in at the marks to the distance required ; after which the nut is taken from the mandril and placed with the face-side upwards upon the anvil; while the nut is in this position and gripped by a tongs with large jaws, the chisel is driven down to meet the extremities of the six incisions previously made, and the scrap-pieces are thus cut from the stem in an easy manner. Nout Rives.—These are indicated by Fig. 16, and are forged by two methods. One mode consists in marking the lengths required for the rings along a bar of iron or steel, and piercing the bar midway between every two marks that denote the amount of iron required for one ring. The openings are made by circular punches, or by circular punches which are both circular and elliptical. Above the elliptical portion the punch gradually increases in diameter, and the shape becomes circular; consequently, it is a circulo-elliptic punch. This kind of punch cuts out but a small piece of metal, and at the same time makes a comparatively large hole, the precise diameter _ of which depends upon the amount of the punch that is driven through the iron. The circular form for the outside circumference of the ring is partly developed by cutting off the corners while the ring is still attached to the bar; after being thus trimmed with a chisel, the ring is cut from the bar and shaped while on a mandril. Each ring is heated to welding, and the rounding is performed with top and bottom tools. If it is necessary to enlarge the opening, a taper mandril is used, and the ring is drawn or stretched by hammering the edge of it while tight on the mandril. During this stretching, the mandril and ring are rotated by the smith to produce an equal thickness throughout. The economical mode of making large rings consists in forming them from a straight bar which is of a suitable width and thickness. The bar is cut into pieces, each being of the length required for one ring. The pieces are thickened at each end, scarfed on opposite sides, then bent to a circular form, and the scarfs welded together. Previous to cutting off the pieces, the bar is reduced to that thickness which will allow not more than sufficient iron for boring and turning the rings to their finished width and thickness. If the opening of the ring is to be bored in a lathe to 53 inches diameter, and the thickness of the ring’s face-side to be § of an inch when finished, the forged thickness of 24 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. the ring should not exceed % of an inch; and this is the thickness to which the bar is to be reduced previous to cutting off the piece or pieces. If the bar is reduced to the required thickness, the length of each piece should equal the length of the middle circumference of the ring’s face. The face-side of a ring is the side which is placed next to the plummer-block cap, or to the connecting-rod cap; and if the required forged thickness of the ring is +, and the required diameter of the opening or hole when forged 54 inches, the outer diameter is 71 inches. The length of the mid-circumference is therefore 20 inches, because its diameter is 63 inches. The length of bar required for one ring is conse- quently 20 inches: nothing being allowed for scarfing, because, during the scarfing, nothing is cut off, the scarf being drawn by a fuller while the piece is straight. After 20 inches of the bar + thick is scarfed, formed to a circle, welded and flattened; the diameter of the opening is 54 inches, and the outer diameter is 71 inches; which will allow rather more metal than an ordinary turner requires, to produce a ring 4 thick, and whose opening is to be finished to 53 inches as desired. The precise amount required for boring and turning depends upon the smoothness or roughness of the work; and also upon its form being, or not being, nearly circular. This is attained by rectifying each ring after measuring it with callipers, both inside and outside. After discovering by the callipers which is the longest diameter of the ring’s opening, it is rectified by placing the ring upon the anvil with the longest diameter vertical, and striking it by hammer apd top-tool. It is always advantageous to make the bar or piece the proper thickness previous to making the ring; although it is not absolutely necessary, because the ring may be stretched by ham- mering, after being welded. Previous to welding, the piece may be thicker than the finished forged thickness, but not in any case thinner. Whatever may be the precise thickness of the bar previous to making the rings, the author’s rule here given is always applicable : As the thickness of the bar from which the ring is to be made is to the required forged thickness of the ring, so is the length of the middle circumference of the ring’s face-side to the length of bar required for the ring. The length of the middle circumference is discovered by referring to ordinary tables, or by multiplying the diameter by 3:1416. The diameter of the opening of the ring when forged being 54 inches, and the forged thickness to be 4; the outer diameter must be 74, and the mean between 54 and 74 must be 6%, which is the diameter of the middle circumference required. Multiplying 63 by 371416 produces 20 and a fraction, too small for us to notice in this case, consequently 20 inches of bar is sufficient to make one ring, if the bar is 4 thick. But if it should be necessary to use iron which is an inch thick, a shorter length of bar would be sufficient. This is demonstrated by applying the rule and making a ring of a piece of bar which is the length indicated. For example: 1 = “87S 3: 2002 = Lesa: the first term denoting the thickness in inches of bar used, the second indicating the required forged thickness of the ring desired, the third term representing the length of its mid-circum- ference, and the fourth term pointing to the length of inch bar required. This length is 21 inches shorter than the proper length of bar, which is 4 thick. If bar + thick is used, the complete proposition is thus represented : ‘875 : ‘875 :: 20°02 : 20-02; twenty inches of 5 bar being used will obviate the necessity of drawing or stretching the ring, either before or after being welded together. French symbols of dimensions also are given, because of their great utility and simplicity. Seven-eighths of an inch equals 22-2 millimetres, and 20 inches equal 508 millimetres, con- sequently the proposition appears thus: 22°2 : 22-2 :: 508 : 508. In forging a ring we do not require to measure the two-tenths of a millimetre, and the FORGING. 25 result would meet the requirement if 22 were stated instead of 22:2. But in the case of bar an inch thick being used it would be necessary to state 25:4 instead of 25 ; twenty-five millimetres being about half a millimetre less than one inch. In millimetres, the proposition relating to bar one inch thick is thus written : 254 : 22:2 :: 508 : 444, To ascertain the number of millimetres contained in any mentioned number of inches or parts of inches, it is only necessary to divide the mentioned number by ‘03937, always indicating the ie ian by decimal symbols; and the quotient or result will indicate the number of millimetres and parts. And to ascertain the number of inches and parts of inches contained in any mentioned number of millimetres, it is only necessary to multiply the mentioned number by ‘03937, and the product or result will indicate the number required. For example, 500 millimetres equal half a metre; and 500 x (03937 of an inch= 19-685 inches. And twice this amount of inches is a complete metre of 39°37 inches. A nearer approach to precision is attained by using the fraction indicated by 0393708, instead of 03937. A few dimensions of rings are indicated by the Tables, as examples of lengths of iron required for the different diameters. Table 1 contains only the diameters and circumferences of the mean or middle circles of the face-sides, the lengths of bar required being the same as the lengths of the circumferences. These dimensions are only available when the thickness of the bar is the same as that of the ring when forged, whatever the required thickness may be. It a ring is to be 11-5 centimetres in diameter at the mean or mid-circle of the face, the necessary length of bar is 36°12 centimetres, which is pointed to in the Table at line 14. The thickness of the bar may be 1, 2, or 3 centi- metres, being the same as that of the ring itself. But if it is necessary to use remnants of bar which are thicker than the rings intended, the necessary length of bar for making a ring of the mentioned diameter may be seen in Table 2; if not in this Table, the length may at any time be ascertained by applying the rule just given. By reference to line 109 of Table 2 it will be perceived that 94 inches of bar + thick is sufficient for a ring whose mid-circle diameter is to be 44 inches, and forged thickness to be 4. And if remnants of + bar are to be used, it may be known what lengths of remnants are required for drawing down to 4 thick. Also by referring to line 135 in the same Table, it will be perceived that 49+ inches of bar one inch thick may be drawn down or reduced in order to make a ring which is required to be = thick, and whose mid-circle diameter is to be 21 inches. When cutting the lengths of bar, it is not necessary to add any for scarfing, because whatever amount of iron may be upset will be afterwards drawn down in welding; but if the iron is to be heated a number of times, an eighth of an inch should be added for that which may be burnt or taken from the iron by the fire. The width of a ring is sometimes named its height. No mention is here made of the widths or heights of rings, because their widths are the same as the widths of the bars of which the rings are made; consequently, the widths of rings are independent of the dimensions here given and referred to. 26 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. TABLE 1. Diameters of | Lengths of cir- Diameters of | Lengths of cir- Diameters of Lengths of cir- mean-circles of | cumferences of mean-circles of | cumferences of mean-circles of | cumferences of Line. face-sides of | mean-circles of Line. face-sides of | mean-circles of Line. face-sides of mean-circles of rings, in centi- |face-sides of rings, rings, in centi- |face-sides of rings, . rings, in centi- /face-sides of rings, metres. in centimetres. metres. in centimetres. metres. in centimetres. 1 x 5 15:7 Qh as 15 47-12 41... 25 78°54 2% 5-5 17:27 22 155 48°69 42... 25°5 80-1 3. 6 18-84 23... 16 50:26 43... 26 81°68 4. 6°5 20°42 Dan. gis 16°5 51:83 44... 26°5 83:25 Be 7 21:99 25... 17 53:4 45... 27 84°82 6. 75 23°56 26... 175 54:97 46...) 275 86°39 a~% 8 25°13 Bho ns 18 56°54 47... 28 87:96 8. 85 26:7 28... 18:5 58-11 48... 28°5 89°53 9 s%s 9 28:27 Does 19 59°69 49... 29 911 10 ee 9-5 29°84 30... 19°5 61:26 50... 29°5 92°67 Vl sa 10 31:41 31... 20 62:83 51... 380 94:24 12 i ws 10:5 82°98 B2... 20:5 64:4 52... 30:5 95°81 18.4% 11 84°55 383... 21 65:97 53... 31 97:38 14... 11:5 86°12 4... 21:5 67:54 54... 31:5 98:96 15. s 12 87°69 35... 22 69°11 DOs Se 32 100:53 16: 6 is 12°5 39°27 36... 225 70°68 56... 32°5 102°1 lf s&s 13 40°84 87... 23 72°25 57... 33 103-67 a ia 7 42°41 88... 23°5 73°82 58... 33°5 105-24 sox. 1 43°98 89... 24 75°39 20) 5% 145 45:55 40... 24:5 76°96 TABLE 2. ~2f2 | 22 [tga] = | a3 sfff | ef | de | = | 93 Bae & $m | £82 4 a3 ee 3% | 4&3 a ea 2323 | ae | Sue 4 Ae asa As | 4%e 4 Be Line. Inches Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Line. Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches, | Inches. Le og 2 1 32 32 2 23. 3 33 10,4; 10,2, 3 2 3 1 35 35 ze || 24. $ = 11 11 s ee 2 13 sis | 833 | 2 | 25. 3 an eee 11g 3 4. t 18 45. 48. = 26. 3 33 11s 113 & 5 i s | 4 | 44 | 2 far. : # | 12 | 125 | 3 6 + s | 52 5s | F || 28. 3 4 122, | 128 | 3 He 2 + 55 3 z 29. 8 42 1215 1218 & ae 3 t bE z z || 80. & 43 13%. 138 8 9. + 2 635 63; 2 81. 3 43 183 133 £ 10. z 22 642 645 ? 32. 3 42 142 142 3 Mr « 3 + 7 7 $ || 33. a 45 | 144 144 3 12 « = 23 Ids Tae 2 34. $ 2 14is 14is 38 13. 2 2 7% 7% # |) 85. a 4 ibs, | Ibe | 4 14. 2 28 83 82 z || 36. 2 5 15is | 1532 | 8 1B. + 4 83 83 z || 37. 3 By | 162, | Ia | & 16. z Qf 9 9 : 388 3 52 164 163 3 17 + 3 95 9 # 39. 3 58 162 162 3 18. 3 BL 918 gig | 2 || 40. 3 5a | «(17k 174 a 19, 2 83 102 102 2 | 41 3 58 Wie | 17un 8 20 a 3 9. Ge | a | 4, 3 53 18 1 3 21 8 32 gis gas | 3 | 43. 3 52 | 183 184 3 22 8 32 10: | 103 a 44. 3 6 1833 | 1819 | 3 FO seu TA BL BE I conti ‘inued, aE o 28 3 §23 4 mS 5 n & 3 8 & a 3a ef a8 s 8 ny ‘ 3 a In = 3% Be 3 é 3 chi ao 3° . A’ sed 5 a Z I = ae = a8 3 nehes gS $ i oe s n ; : at | | sf ga: 3 6 In Rm gs a 4 chi 8 33 2 5 . : 4 193 4 Ee gen : 2 3 198 I 33 3 ea é g i : é nel 22 gi 28 g 3 3 a cis, | ; Bee i * 1 4 S Go 2 ‘ 32 1 18 8 oe g ee a as 3 3 0. 9.2 3 Li age 58 Eg 2 33 10.2. gis 3 97 mS 5s ‘4 rd Ee Ee] ; 38 1 re 23 8 Be 2° cee & 3 £ 1 6 102 1 98 2% I 3 a & ie 3 g 4 3s 1g 103 : bes aches ze sy s Eq 0. 3 5 et $3 ue 2 4a ish 1 - 3 a : : ; : 25% 3 Pr 3 4a 193° ze 2 3 rl, c uche: ae $ ‘6 om 3 3 rH oe Li tay es : se “2 3 44 eae oie 3 a os, 3 2 Inch 2 a2 : fe 3 fe i Hf ie e | 8 : 43 ie 1243 3 ae oe 2 2 113 Inc Ze 2 € a 35° 1 6 : = 4 1 € he: Ee 3 AL 1 3 3. 3 1 1 90. 11 S. = a 8 4L 132 1 07 . tot 1 3 3 5 1 q 3 3 1 ‘ 8 3 35" 11 In 1 4as 142 1 08 Ns $ z 1 3 & che 3 51 1 t3 2 1 5 5 42 12 5 2 4 = 5-3 144 + 09 . s 143 x 8 : bt 1512 141 i 110. 8 52 4is 133" & 3 53 ee 18 3 1 Woy : BL 15it 143 5 4 s 62 15 2 if. = a 1 te + 8 z 5h 163° 1 aoe 2 11. : 5 5s i 141 5 3 3 3 pL 3 5. 5 6. 171 1 Te : 5 1 ee 1 5 au 5 6 5 LZ 3 6z 16. 6 1 13 : 5 1 4 21 & i 5} 174 16° : 4. $ : io 164" 3 3 Bg 1734 16% i 115 . 3 - Be us s ; 6 ey 18 bin al Gt a} 122 i : i 62 183 173 i 117. £ 2 1 = 813 5 ? 62 1 2 HH a 1 , . 8 64 41 gis 5 1 < 818 8 6 a. 18 ‘. e 4 141 28 B 1 63 19. 18 1 119 . £ 65 1 18 1° $ ; 61 195 1 F a 12 : . 5 62 95" 10. z 4 4 3 8 a ae 3 : 20° a 3 3 65 20° i9t° 2 121 : 6 7 nen 10.2. = a 63 20.2. 198 2 122 | ; 3 8 215 193° $ = 6g 2018 20° 2 123 $ a 25 ; 20; z 2 7 7 21.3. 20 z 124. a i: 9 e ie £ a 72 9 is a x 1 . > 3 1 ga 92° ce eS 1B 20 6 a 95 < 1 3 4 8 t 74 gr 2 ce : 196 : 3 2 1 25 & 2 2 ce 4 26 |. = it 9 + 8 2 73 923 ore = 127. 3 2 3 2. gt $ 3 7 998 “ a Pas $ : zis 31. 5 Zz + 23 92°" 2 128 : + Py 9 is 12 8 i 3 23.8, 998 ; 129 £ at 255 Ste $ : 3 93.0) aoe i 130 - i ~~ 2644 Tit é 3 74 2818 93.2 i 131 . |g ae 295° 23.5, $ 2 8 248" oan i 132. ; 2 oe 3 2611 3 2 a 243 o3it : 138 - 3 os oC 295° z L = 252 out z 134 i . S eS 4 2 zs 3 : 3 25% 243 7 135 . = ie tne 6s i : 8s 2515 25} i 136 i iby 45%, 394 : : 88 26.5. 254 ; 137 | 4 a sete 21. 4 2 & sare 2 = 2 ea. : £ ga 1138 45.2 & : 1 bas 3 2... > 194 55 agit 3 8s 27 6 26.5. 1 13 . z 9 2 5 812 = 9 972 9 —_ 2 ai : 3 0 82 Bite 3 2 a 644 3 1 0 3 21 612 eate 3 a | Be bigs i |e a a : ie ie i 23 66 elk 3 oat 3 7 ao 3 24 693 47a 4 8¢ ee hg ‘ 25 724 49% i 2 4 8 £ 7 rs L = : He i 26 58 514 1-0 3 ae 7 1 27 78.8, mie 1.0 ie * z 28 g1it 562 1:0 8. . . 29 8418 veut 1-0 : z Bp 7H ea 1-0 z 1 Ol eae 4 32 ot B78 3 eee Ll 73 OL $ 34 1004 oat” 3 103%) ott 2 648 1 05 % 10844 i 0618 6 Z 8 z 28 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. To prevent burning of the rings, and to promote an easy welding, sand, loam, or powdered glass is applied to the iron at the time it commences to melt. The sand is placed upon the iron, while it is in the fire, by means of a ladle or spoon having a long handle; the blast being gently administered at the moment. Large rings require a fire which is open in front, but closely built on the opposite side, and having a strong, thick arch, to cause the flame to whirl around the joint instead of being blown upon one side only. While the rings are being curved upon the beak of the anvil, or while being welded, stretched, flattened, or smoothed, a tongs, represented by Fig. 98, is required, by which to grip the rings in a convenient and safe manner. When it is necessary to weld together the two scarfs of a ring so that the joint may be almost as solid and strong as any other part of the ring, great care must be exercised in selecting a tough, fibrous iron, and in having a weld free from burnt iron, slag, or other foreign matter. To prevent the slag adhering to the joint, a large supply of sand is given, and, by the sand becoming liquid while upon the surface of the iron, whatever slag may be formed upon the joint is washed off. This slag is produced by the fusion of the impurities in the coal or iron, and constitutes part of the clinker which accumulates at the bottom of the fire. Crrcutar Nurs.—When it is necessary to insert a nut into a circular recess, and to fill, or partly fill it, a circular nut is used, having holes bored into the outside face of the nut for fixing or unfixing it. Circular nuts are also used for ornament, and to prevent contact with corners. Fig. 18 represents one of this class, having a flange, and holes bored around in which to place the end of a steel lever, named a tommy, by which the nut is fixed or unfixed. The forging of circular nuts with flanges consists in drawing down or reducing a bar or rod which is of the same diameter as the intended flange of the nut. After being partly reduced to the finished diameter, the smaller part is made as solid as possible, by welding and hammering, to give the necessary strength to the nut while being punched. After it is welded, the proper quantity of iron to make the nut is cut from the bar and punched, and the hole then drifted to the required diameter. The rounding of the outsides is accomplished by rounding-tools, while the nut is upon a nut-mandril. This method is economical if the proper length of iron is reduced, to avoid cutting off large scrap-pieces; and is always available with good, soft, fibrous metal, that will bear punching without splitting. The tongs for gripping the nuts while being punched is shown by Fig. 99. SrzeL Nurs.—Several classes of nuts require to be frequently fixed and unfixed, involving much wear and tear. All such are forged, either of steel, or of iron sufficiently solid and welded to allow the nuts to be hardened after being screwed, turned, and shaped. A soft steel nut is the most durable and efficient of all varieties with which we are acquainted. Several obstacles, which have prevented the free use of such nuts, are now removed by the manufacture of Bessemer steel. Soft Bessemer steel, being only half the price of charcoal-steel is preferable for nuts, because Bessemer nuts are about as durable as those made of the costly variety. The screwing or tapping and the turning and shaping processes are troublesome and lengthy with the superior sorts of charcoal steel; consequently, the soft Bessemer steel is emi- nently useful and applicable to nut-making. Such nuts are, in all cases, thoroughly softened. and all slag or scale thoroughly cleaned off by chisels and old files previous to being screwed as avoid injury to the taps, and also to facilitate the whole of the shaping processes to which all nuts are subjected. ; Disconnectinc Levers.—Such levers are used to lift the excentric-rod from the gap-pin; by this disconnexion, motion of the slide-valve and engine is immediately arrested. The forging of one, which is shown by Fig. 19, is performed with a straight bar of soft steel that is drawn to its width and thickness, and then partly curved by bending, and partly by a trimming chisel. By careful trimming, the precise dimensions of the gothic arch, and the necessary distance between the two intended joint-pin-holes, can be easily attained,—these holes being, in all cases, bored by careful drilling. Excenrric-Rop Guarps.—When the excentric-rod is disconnected from the gap-pin, the FORGING. 29 guard, which is fixed by screws to the underside of the excentric-rod, forms a parallel path, in which is the gap-pin, instead of being in the excentric-rod gap. Very little abrasion attaches to the guard, consequently, it is forged either of iron or of steel that is very fibrous. The guard, with the two screws for fixing, are shown by Fig. 20. The guards are made of thin bars of suitable width and thickness, which are then bent to the shape desired. This bending is named cranking. There are several ingenious modes of cranking adopted by smiths; of these methods it is necessary, in this place, to mention only one, which is suitable for a thin, flat bar, and consists in first forming the two outside bends which are nearest to the two ends of the guard, and afterwards making the two inner bends or curves. The two outer bends are effected by heating the iron or steel to a bright yellow, and cooling to an equal distance on each side of the spot intended to be the centre or middle of the intended curve, named the corner; the cool end is then placed into a slot in a heavy block, and the work bent while therein. The length of iron placed into the slot is the length of the end required ; and while one end is in the slot, the opposite end is in a tongs, shown by Fig. 100. The tongs, and the work to be bent, together constitute the lever by which the smith bends the iron to a right angle; after which, the corner is shaped by applying a flatter or a set-hammer. If a long curve is desired, instead of a sharp angular corner, the end of the piece to be bent is put into a slot having curved edges, instead of into a slot with angular edges, which is necessary to produce a sharp or square corner. There is also a difference in the length of iron which remains heated after being cooled to the proper distance. For a small corner, the length of the heated part is only sufficient to allow the bar to be bent without the risk of cracking. For a longer curve, or curve of longer radius, the length of the heated portion is about the same as the length of the curve required; if not, the iron will require to be re-heated, and cooled to proper distances from the corner, in order to make the curve to the correct length. When one end of the work is thus bent to a right angle, the bent part is fixed in tongs resembling Fig. 101, and the opposite-end of the piece is bent in a similar manner, so that the two bent portions, or arms, will be on the same side of the work. The two inner bends are next effected by placing the work, while heated, between two studs or pins loosely situated in two slots or holes in the heavy cast-iron block. In some cases, the two studs constitute one solid tool, having a square stem to fit the square hole in the anvil. The two inner bends are produced by similar careful heating and cooling, to make the curves of the correct length; and by bending in the opposite direction to that of the two previous operations, the two cranks in the work are made. Stups.—A stud is a permanently fixed bolt without a head, and is fixed either by a conical portion in the middle or at one end. Studs intended for joint-pins or pivots are screwed at one end; and screwed at both ends if intended for connexions for cylinder lids, slide-jackets, and similar work. Pivot-studs are made of tough, fibrous iron or steel, to resist the side strains continually imposed during use. A pivot-stud is shown by Fig. 21. That part of a stud intended for a joint- pin or pivot of any kind requires good welding and closing by the angular-gap rounding-tools, which facilitates the production of a smooth surface for friction. A close texture is necessar for those parts of studs or pins intended for wear, whether soft, hard, or case-hardened. The conical part of a stud may be more fibrous than the parallel portion, which will be subjected to continual abrasion while in use. The screw part, also, must be welded to a depth which is rather greater than the depth of the intended screw-thread. Studs, which are represented by Fig. 21, frequently need drilling and screwing at the centre to admit a small bolt for fixing a washer. The place of the washer is indicated in the Figure by W. Much trouble will arise in drilling and screwing the hole if the metal is not welded in that part; consequently, the smith obtains the requisite solidity by upsetting and rounding the work while at a welding heat. The screw-pin or screw-pivot, shown by Fig. 22, is quickly forged by reducing, with a fuller and steam-hammer, a bar or rod which is the diameter of the intended pin-head. A portion of the 30 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. stem of the pin is parallel, and a part is conical. This conical part is that which holds the pin in its place while in use, and should be soft and fibrous. Tron and steel studs, of all classes, are in condition to wear properly, with but little friction, if hardened. For this reason, attention to the forging and quality of the iron or steel from which they are made is necessary to ensure a good friction surface. The careful labour of the turners and grinders will be of little service if the metal contains cracks, small openings, or other defects arising from careless forging. Such blemishes seldom appear till the work is turned by the lathe nearly to the desired diameters, so that much time is consumed in the turning of articles that are discovered to be unfit for their uses. Such errors in forging arise from the smith considering merely the simple appearance of the article he is about to make, and not, at the same time, reflecting or inquiring concerning the particular uses to which his work will be applied. Many forgings of importance are entrusted to unskilful men, because the outside appearance of the forging is of simple character, and the result, in many cases, involves a consumption of twice the amount. of time that should be employed. A good smith is also a man of experience in general mechanical affairs; without such experience he cannot produce good work, however skilful he may be, except he happens to be working under a man who is able to tell him what to do, and also able to tell him how to do it. The smith must know, at the time of commencing to forge the article, the amount and character of the wear and strain to which his work will be subjected, and whether tthe work will be exposed to destructive chemical action in addition to friction, side strains, and abrasion. It is only by such foreknowledge that a smith becomes a really valuable man—one who is able to produce solid work, and to select the class of metal adapted to the requirements. Such a man will not cut a piece from a straight bar of iron or steel and name it a forging, merely because the outside shape of the piece cut off corresponds to the outside shape of the forging desired. The internal structure may be different to the structure necessary; and is often dis- covered after several hours of lining, centring, planing, turning, and screw-cutting. Every operation may progress favourably till the screw is being made, which is often the last process ; and if the portion intended to be formed into a screw is not welded, it will tumble off while being screwed, and the elegant piece of turning and screw-cutting becomes fit for the scrap-heap. Rops.—When speaking of engine-making, the name rod signifies a transmitter of motion or force from an active agent to a passive object. And in all cases where practicable, the sectional area of the rod is greatest midway between the two ends; because, when the rod is parallel, the centre or mid-portion of it is weakest. ; The variety of rod indicated by Fig. 23 is sometimes made by upsetting each end to form. the circular portions termed bosses. This mode is tedious, and requires much welding if the iron should not be very soft and tenacious ; consequently, upsetting is seldom adopted except for small work, or for work which is short and thick. A very efficient mode for general work consists in preparing a bar to the suitable diameter for producing the bosses by a small amount of upsetting, and a small amount of reducing to form the intermediate portion. If the boss portions are upset, curved, and welded, a circular arrangement of the fibres is obtained, which ensures the necessary solidity for the boss after the holes are bored. After the boss is upset, while at welding heat, and the extremity put into a circular form b hammering, and by large curved rounding-tools, top and bottom fullers are driven in to form the inner extremity of the boss, shown in the figure by A. By this means the whole of the fibres in the boss are put into a circular arrangement, which is a desideratum. The interme- diate portion of the rod is then reduced to its proper diameter and shape, and the length increased to the length desired. This method of making such rods is very economical, and produces a solid kind of work without waste of metal, if the piece was originally cut to a suitable length, ascertained by appli- cation of the rule in page 8. FORGING. 31 Another mode of proceeding is by making separately each boss with a short stem; these stems are then scarfed, and welded to the intermediate portion, which may be of the diameter required, to avoid reducing. When this plan is adopted for long heavy rods, a tongue-joint is made, instead of a scarf-joint. To produce a good tongue-joint, the two ends to be welded are upset, either by Davies's patent striker or by a pendulum-hammer. The length of the upset part is about equal to the length of the rod’s diameter previous to upsetting; after being upset, the diameter is one-third longer than previous. After the two ends are upset, the taper part, named the tongue, is drawn down from one of the pieces, by first driving in a broad fuller, at a short distance from the _ extremity, and from two opposite sides of the rod or bar. The fuller is driven to a short distance only, and the lump that remains is conveniently tapered by the patent striker, which is adjusted to deliver its blows at an angle of 45° or 60°, as desired. During the tapering, the work may be placed along the top of an anvil, or the anvil may be shifted to suit the position of the striker, and the work laid across the anvil. The opening, or orifice in which the taper end is fitted, is named the mouth ; and is produced by cutting open the end with a chisel, and afterwards enlarging by driving in a wedge. The use of the wedge produces a large mouth without the necessity of cutting out a large piece of the iron, which may be needed during the heavy blows when welding and rounding is being per- formed. The depth or length of the mouth from the extremity of the rod should not be more than twice the length of the rod’s diameter, to prevent the joint-edges becoming too thin while being reduced or rounded after being welded. The next operation is shaping those portions of the mouthpiece which will receive the hammering during the welding. These portions are curved, either by hammering or by a trimming-chisel; this curving prevents the hammer from spreading out the outside of the mouth- piece and making a series of thin ragged edges. And if the hammers or rounding-tools are thus made to strike a curved lump, instead of an angular projection, the iron is closed in towards the centre of the rod, instead of being spread out at the circumference. After the mouth and tongue are properly prepared, the stock near the tweer is mended, or made anew if necessary, and the two pieces are laid together in their proper positions in the fire or fireplace. And if the work is long and heavy, each piece is supported by a crane at each side of the forge; the endless chains around the work allowing it to be rotated to expose the entire circumference to the action of the blast, that one portion may not become heated previous to another. In order further to promote a proper distribution of the heat, the fire is of the two- stock character: one stock being opposite the other stock near the tweer. Both stocks as built gradually taper upwards to four or five inches above the work. The stocks are well hammered and battered together ; and a thick arch is built, which is supported by each stock, and prevents the heat escaping. A good arch is made after the work is laid in the fire, by laying sticks of wood around the top of the work, and piling to five or six inches thick. Pieces of coke and coal are then placed upon the wood, and among it; and wet small coal is then put into all the cracks and piled up, and battered closely together. After the wood is consumed, the arch remains, and the only escape for the flame is by the two openings at the sides of the fire. These two openings are also partially closed, when necessary, by placing pieces of coke that are heavy enough to withstand the force of the blast. When the welding heat is nearly attained, the blast is moderated, and while gently blowing, a large supply of sand is administered through the two openings or outlets for the flame. The ladle having a long handle is used for applying the sand, which causes much of the slag which is formed around the joint to slip off the work into the fire, instead of being welded into. the joint. | When the welding heat is reached, the joint is welded while in the fire, by striking the end or.ends of the work with a pendulum-hammer. These blows are very effectual for welding the joint to the extreme depth of the mouth, ifthe iron is properly heated to the centre, which cannot be done by hasty urging of the blast. The outside will in all cases become a few degrees hotter 32 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. than the middle; but, with ordinary care, the difference is not sufficient to prevent a good weld and a good joint. After being welded by a pendulum-hammer, or as it is sometimes termed, an oscillating-hammer, the work is taken from the fire by swinging out the two cranes to place the oint upon an anvil; or the work is conveyed by a truck and railroad, if necessary. The welding of the joint is then completed by hammering, or by large angular-gap tools, which are effectual for closing the iron and welding a greater part of the circumference at one blow than could be welded by one blow of the hammer only. For steam-hammer work, the angular-gap tools are very thick and strong, to avoid liability to break while in use. Large tools of this character are not used for ordinary sledge-hammers, because the blow given by such a hammer would have no visible effect upon the work beneath, the force of the blow being absorbed by the metal which constitutes the tool. Whether it is more economical to punch and drift the eyes or holes in the bosses, or to leave them solid to be entirely bored by a boring or drilling machine, cannot be decided in any general manner. If a man possesses a number of good boring machines, he may prefer to cut out the lumps by boring-bars and cutters, because he may not have much forging machinery. In most cases, it is both quicker and cheaper to drift the eyes to a proper diameter, leaving only sufficient metal to bore out to the dimension required. If, by punching and drifting, a large hole is made, a large boring-bar can be immediately inserted ; but if a little hole only is made, it is almost as useful as none, because an extra boring-tool must be used to admit a large boring-bar of suitable diameter. And in addition to an economy of time and metal by drifting, there is the advantage of securing an approach to a concentric disposition of the fibres in the boss. This disposition is attained by the metal being swelled out by the drift, and by being well hammered and stretched while the drift is in the opening. The making of large holes or eyes will be again treated in the portion devoted to crank- lever forging. Luvers.—A lever which is represented by Fig. 24, if small, is easily made by drawing down the two ends from a bar which is large enough to be formed into the fulcrum boss of the lever, which is situated near the middle, or, in some cases, near one extremity. Short levers are quickly made by this method, and the work produced is of close, solid character; but for long levers the bosses are separately forged with short stems, and afterwards welded to the smaller portions which are termed the arms. A considerable amount of drawing down is thus avoided, which is often of great importance to a maker with only a small amount of machinery. In levers of all classes, the fulcrum boss is that which sustains the largest share of the whole strain that is applied to the lever while in use; consequently, this boss is the strongest part. And the lengths of the fibres of the iron or steel in the boss should constitute a series of concentric rings, whose centre is the centre of the boss. This form is produced by two or three methods; one of which is by selecting a soft fibrous bar, and punching a small hole into that part intended to be the boss, and then drifting the hole to any required diameter while the iron is at a bright yellow heat, or, if the iron is large enough, at a welding heat. The fibres are thus curved, and will have some resemblance to the arrange- ment desired. The next method of making a boss consists in using a large bar and placing it between a pair of top and bottom fullers, to reduce the metal on each side of the intended boss. This mode of drawing down produces the required circular arrangement of the fibres without punching and drifting, if the metal at the commencement were large enough, but is a more lengthy mode of proceeding because of the greater quantity of metal to reduce. One other plan of making a lever boss consists in laying and welding three pieces together, the middle piece constituting the lever itself, and the other two the boss. The two pieces for the boss are of sufficient length to be welded a considerable distance into the arm of the lever. : Upsetting also will produce a lever boss, and is sometimes resorted to in small work. To FORGING. 33 ee a good boss by upsetting, an excellent tenacious iron or steel is necessary, to avoid risk of splitting. . Those two parts of a boss which project from the two sides of a lever are named the boss- ends. The producing and forming of these ends is effected by driving in fullers and set-hammer ; and afterwards by top and bottom die-tools of the required shape, and also by trimming with a trimming-chisel. The shaping by these die-tools or bossing-tools is the cheapest in cases of large numbers of bosses being required. If large bosses are needed, these tools are made in pairs, jointed together, and strong enough for a steam-hammer. For small work the bottom tool fits the square hole of an old-fashioned anvil, the top tool being supported by an ordinary ash or hazel handle in the hand of the smith. Such bossing-tools are not difficult or expensive to make; the simplest variety are not made with guides and jointed together, but are distinct, and are easily bored by a lathe or boring-machine to any desired diameter and depth, according to the length of the intended boss. While making these tools, it is important to smoothly bore the holes, and to make each hole larger in diameter at the entrance than at the innermost end; the hole, being made of regular conic form, will allow the bosses to be driven in and out of the tools with rapidity. The metal around the holes of these tools must be thick, to prevent the tendency to split during a severe hammering. The use of bossing-tools greatly facilitates the processes of turning and shaping by the boring- ‘machine; and in many classes of small levers the entire shaping can be done upon an anvil. In those cases that require levers to be finished without turning or boring, the joint-pin holes or connecting-pin holes are punched and drifted to the finished diameter ; and a square is used to ascertain if the hole is at right angles to the length of the lever. A drift is driven tight into the hole, and, while in, a square is applied to both sides of the two arms of the lever; or to both sides of one arm, if the boss under treatment is at the extremity of the lever. And if the drift is not parallel to the blade of the square, the hole is not at right angles to the lever, and must therefore be altered, until a near approach to the desired position is attained. The adjusting consists in bending one arm, or both arms; and sometimes a twist is needed. Twisting is effected in small work by tightening one arm of the lever in a vice, and twisting the other arm by applying a twisting-lever (Fig. 102). If a vice is not near, two of these twisting-levers are used, one upon each arm of the lever that is to be adjusted ; while the smith holds one twister, the hammerman holds the other, and each man pulls in opposite directions, by which the adjust- ment is easily effected if the work is sufficiently heated. To twist a large lever it is only necessary to place the boss or one arm upon a steam-hammer anvil, and to gently let down the hammer to the arm or boss, and there to fix it by the steam. While thus fixed, twisting-levers are applied to one arm, or to both arms if necessary. Another kind of adjustment is needed when the two faces of the boss or bosses are not parallel to each other, or not parallel to the lever-arms, or not at right angles to the sides of the lever boss. In such cases the hole is first adjusted to a right angle with the arms, the boss is then pared by a chisel to produce the necessary parallelism with the hole; after which, the two pro- minent projections are trimmed off the two faces. The lengths of the fibres in the lever-arms require to be parallel to the length of the lever itself, to avoid sudden breaks. For many varieties of small levers Bessemer steel is used, and, if of soft fibrous character, is very advantageous for the production of smooth friction surfaces for the joint-pin holes. Levers that are made of steel are drawn down from a piece which is sufficiently large to produce the fulcrum boss of the lever ; and by applying the author's rule, no steel need be wasted, through not knowing the length of metal necessary, previous to drawing down. Srraps.—The variety of strap denoted by Fig. 25 is used for connecting crank-pins with connecting-rods; also beam gudgeons with side-rods and connecting-rods. The proper arrangement of the constituent fibres is obtained by bending the straps from straight bars which were previously welded and reduced to a suitable width and thickness. F 34 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. Those portions of the arms which are indicated in the Figure by A are thicker than the adjoin- ing portions, because the key and gib-way detracts from the strength of the arms. ; The thicker portions of the arms are made by doubling the piece at each end, and welding by good steam-hammering; after being welded, and while being reduced to the thickness, the part intended for the semicircular portion is allowed to remain a little thicker, to compensate for waste while being heated several times for bending, and also for stretching. ee The bending or curving is effected by heating the intermediate portion to a length which is equal to the entire length of the curve required in the strap. It is then bent by placing one end into a slot in a heavy block, and pulling down the opposite end; after which, the two arms of the strap are flattened and smoothed by placing a filler into the mouth or opening, and hammering the outsides. Straps of great weight and dimensions are bent by long and strong levers, which have gaps or openings at the ends, one end of the strap being gripped by the lever while the bending is effected. Several heatings are necessary, the precise number of which depends upon the thickness of the work, the quality of the implements employed, and the promptness with which the power is applied. ce fillers for shaping the curved parts are made of cast iron, and of various dimensions to suit various sizes of straps. Each filler has a wrought-iron handle, which is fixed by the iron being poured around one end of the handle, at the time of casting the filler. Another class of filler also is used for shaping, and consists of a piece of cylindrical iron or steel, which is sup- ported at each end by two heavy cast-iron blocks. On the upper side of the blocks are two angular gaps, into which the two ends of the cylindrical filler are placed. The distance between the two blocks is only sufficient to allow the two arms of the strap to hang freely while the curved part is supported by the piece of round iron, the ends of which are in the two angular gaps (Fig. 142). Round iron of any suitable diameter may be selected as a bearing for the strap; and, while thus supported, either of the two arms may be gripped by tongs, and any part of the bent portion may be stretched, flattened, smoothed, or adjusted. WeicH-Suarrs.—Fig. 26 indicates a weigh-shaft with the three levers, that are usually con- nected, by which motion is transmitted from one to the other. The levers are distinct from the shaft, and are keyed to it, sometimes near each other, and at other times near the two extremities of the shaft ; the whole arrangement depending upon the length of the shaft or spindle, and the width and class of engines for which the levers are designed. That lever which is indicated by L B in the Figure, transmits all its moving power to the shaft and the other two levers; consequently, the lever L B is one class of prime mover of the weigh-shaft. | When this lever is fixed midway between the other two levers, instead of being at one end of the shaft, the arrangement is suitable for some classes of land engines, and tends to an equal distribution of the friction, and consequent equal wear of the bearing surfaces. Soft steel is suitable for weigh-shafts, by reason of the closeness of its texture, which facili- tates the production of good friction surfaces, and because of the superior strength of steel as manifested in its resistance to torsion. Weicu-Suarr Levers.—Weigh-shaft levers are usually forged of tenacious iron to facilitate the fitting of them to their shafts. In some cases the levers are tightly fixed by making them hot and shrinking them while in their precise situations on the shaft. In such cases, the con- traction of the boss would have a greater tendency to tear it asunder, if made of steel, than if made of iron. ‘ The necessary strength of the boss is obtained either by adopting a long boss of short diameter, or by a short boss of long diameter; these bosses are made by doubling or trebling a bar at one end, and thoroughly welding the layers together, and then punching and drifting the opening or orifice to the required diameter, which produces the desired circular disposition of the fibres in the boss. After which a welding heat is again given to the boss, and it is shaped by a sledge-hammering equally administered around the boss, while it is upon a cylindrical filler, FORGING. 35 similar to that mentioned for strap-shaping. This hammering is needed to produce a tough fibrous boss. After the boss is thus made at the end of the work, broad fullers are driven in to reduce that portion next to the boss; the adjoining part is then reduced to the shape of the lever arm, and a piece is allowed to remain, which is of sufficient dimensions to be formed into the smaller boss at the other end of the lever. The next operation is cutting the work from the bar, and making the smaller boss, either by doubling or trebling if necessary. When both the holes are made and drifted, and the outsides of the bosses well hammered, they may still be too large; if so, a trimming-chisel is used to trim the bosses to their respective dimensions. The bosses a ee flattened, and also smoothed with curved rounding-tools, whose gaps are of suitable width. Weigh-shaft levers are also made by reducing the ends of two bars, and welding the reduced portions together. By this method, all doubling or trebling to make the bosses is avoided. But, after being punched, they require the same welding, drifting, and hammering as other bosses, for producing the circular arrangement of the fibres. This mode of drawing down to produce half the lever arm from each boss is economical for all kinds of short levers, because only a small amount of reducing is necessary to attain to the length desired; but for long levers, whether large or small, the plan is not adopted without making two joints for each lever. By this means, a piece which is of the finished forged width and thickness is welded into the two stems which were reduced from the bosses. Supz-Vatve Rops.—Several varieties of slide-rods are used ; a few of which are represented by the Figures in Plates 1 and 2. Steel is useful for slide-rods, because it is less liable to wear by the friction of the packing in the packing-box. When slide-rods are of iron, they require the fibres of the metal to be well closed by angular-gap rounding tools; when this is well done, the durability of the rod is much greater than with iron of open texture, which collects grit and other foreign matters. Iron of close texture is also necessary to ensure a smooth surface to the rod after being hardened, which is sometimes done. When steel is used for slide-rods, it must be of very fibrous character, and be thoroughly softened by heating and gradual cooling in coke or charcoal. Such treatment will tend to pre- vent sudden breaks down, which will occur with hard steel of all kinds. When the old-fashioned D slide-valve is employed, a rod similar to that shown by Fig. 27 is made use of to connect the two D portions; and two valves are thus formed, connected by one rod. The intermediate portion of this rod is therefore in the steam space of the slide-box ; and, to protect the iron from the ravages of the steam, the rod is coated with gun-metal throughout the length of the intermediate part, including the two flanges or collars denoted by CC. The diameter of the iron hidden by the gun-metal should not exceed the diameter of the screw at each end of the rod; and, being of this dimension, the cheapest method. of forging the rod is by welding a collar to each end, at a proper distance from the extremity. By this plan, the two portions intended for the screws require upsetting or thickening to admit of a good weld, and also hammering to obtain the requisite solidity for the screws. The lower D valve is fastened to the rod by one or two nuts; the upper D valve is secured by a joint-nut, which is denoted by Figs. 28 and 29. Into the joint-gap of the nut is placed the square boss of the upper or gland slide-rod shown by Fig. 30. The connexion is effected by a square pin or bolt being fastened in the joint-nut after the boss of the upper slide-rod is put into the gap. The forging of the joint-nut consists in thoroughly welding and hammering a square bar of iron, and cutting off a solid piece which is long enough to make the nut; the gap in which is afterwards made by drilling and slotting. The upper slide-rod may be made of soft fibrous steel, for the advantage of having a good sliding surface for contact with the packing in the packing-box. If the rod is made of steel that cannot be welded, it is sometimes necessary to make the whole of the sliding part and screw por- tion by reducing it from a bar whose width and thickness are about two-thirds the width and thickness of the intended square boss. The sliding part may be produced at the end of the bar ; F2 36 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. or may be reduced while a lump is allowed to remain at the extremity, for the convenience, if necessary, of upsetting to form the boss. By upsetting, a part of the drawing may be avoided. In either case, the length of bar required is ascertained by applying the rule in p. 8, and sub- stituting slide-rod stem for key stem. These upper slide-rods are also made of iron which is well hammered by a steam-hammer, and also well closed by a pair of angular-gap tools. Very little reducing is sufficient when iron is employed. The square boss is formed by doubling and welding a lump at the end of a bar or rod, which is equal in diameter to the diameter of the required sliding part. The diameter of the iron made use of is only sufficient to admit a good welding and closing, to reduce it to the desired diameter of the slide-rod when forged. Rive Sumez-Rops.—The class of slide-rods shown by Fig. 32 is forged of three pieces. One of the three constitutes the intermediate part of the rod, indicated in the Figure by BB; the second piece is formed into the circular portion, denoted by C C; and the third piece becomes the friction portion and the screw part, represented by A. The intermediate piece is first made, by punching a hole into and cutting open the end of a bar whose diameter is about 14 times the diameter of the intended sliding part. The two ends thus produced are carefully separated while at a bright yellow heat, and shaped into the form of aT. The length of the three arms of the T-piece are sufficient to allow the other two pieces to be conveniently welded to it. The proper length and thickness of the two smaller arms are attained by driving in a fuller at the two curved parts, BB, and afterwards reducing the remaining lumps to the dimensions desired ; a thick portion being allowed to remain at the ends of the two thin arms, for being formed into a scarf. The larger arm is next reduced by a fuller to the forged diameter required ; a lump remaining for a scarf, as for the two thin arms. By this mode, all up- setting of the T-piece is avoided. After the T-piece is made, the length of bar necessary for the circular portion may be ascer- tained by subtracting the lengths of the two thin arms of the T-piece from the entire length of the ring’s mid-circle circumference, and that which remains indicates the length of the ring-piece required, if the thickness of the bar previous to being welded is equal to the thickness of the ring after being finished to the forged dimension. It is always convenient to use a rather shorter length of bar than the symbols indicate ; and also to select bar which is rather thicker than the finished forged thickness, because the ring can be stretched or lengthened after being welded, but it cannot be upset or shortened without trouble. Previous to joining the ring-piece to the T-piece, the two thin arms are curved to their proper form; and the bending or curving of the ring-piece is also partly effected previous to welding it to the T-piece. After being scarfed while straight, the ring is formed across the anvil beak until nearly circular, to avoid contact with that arm of the T-piece which is not to become part of the joint first made; and after the first joint is made, the ring is properly curved to its circular form, and to fit the scarf of the other thin arm; and while in this relation, the second joint is made by welding; after which the ring is stretched, if necessary, while on a piece of large round iron which is placed upon the blocks having angular gaps. Another mode of lengthening is performed by aid of a long cast-iron conical filler, slightly tapered to suit rings of various diameters. After the two ring-joints are effectually made by using a large supply of sand and a rapid hammering, the lump at the end of the thick arm of the T-piece is scarfed, and a piece of iron is prepared for the parallel portions of the slide-rod. The diameter of this piece is only equal to the forged diameter of the sliding or friction part of the rod ; and the length of the piece is sufficient for the sliding portions and the screw part. A slide-rod which is indicated by Fig. 33 requires but little more forging than welding and closing the fibres of a bar of good iron or fibrous steel, and then cutting the rod to a proper length, and squaring or curving the extremities to facilitate the centring process, previous to turning. In that part of the rod’s parallel portion which is to be outside the packing-gland, two flats are made for the convenience of rotating the rod while in its place. A spanner which fits the FORGING. 37 two flats is employed to rotate the rod, whereby the position of the slide-valve is altered at plea- sure. These flats being very shallow, no attention need be given them by the smith, who makes the rod sufficiently solid throughout its whole length. Fig. 34 represents a slide-rod whose small end is fixed in the slide-valve by nuts on each screw, the valve being between. An opening, which is four-sided instead of circular, contains the block and pin by which motion is given to the valve-rod. In the figure this opening is indicated by F; and when of small size, the whole of the rod may be forged of one piece which is large enough to produce the boss by being flattened and spread out by a steam-hammer, the four-sided opening being afterwards made by drilling and slotting. more convenient mode of making large rods of this character consists in using a shorter piece of iron, which is only sufficient to make the boss and two short stems. These stems are reduced from the lump by fullers and hammering, and produced to a convenient length for welding to two other pieces, which are to be formed into the friction parts, indicated by Aand B. These two pieces are of a suitable diameter, to admit only a small amount of Ae and hammering to attain to the forged diameter, and to ensure sufficient solidity for the screws. Rods that are to have large frames in the middles, to fit the outsides of slide-valves, require a different method of forging. Instead of forging a solid boss and leaving it to be drilled and slotted, the square frame itself is forged upon the anvil. In such cases, six pieces are necessary to make onerod. Of these six, two are formed into T-pieces, whose thin arms constitute portions of the intended square frame, and whose thick arms are scarfed for welding to the two cylindrical friction parts of the intended rod. After the T-pieces are made, two thin bars are bent to the forms of crotchets or brackets, thus (_), and the thin arms of the two T-pieces are welded to the two crotchet-pieces. When the square or rectangular frame is thus complete, it is welded to the two cylindrical ends of the rod, by which the forging is finished. In many cases the friction portions of the slide-rod are keyed or screwed into the bosses of the valve-frame; such a frame may be made of four pieces only, as indicated in Fig. 134. Connectine-Rops wit Insipz Screws.— Fig. 31 indicates a rod having an inside screw, which is occasionally used to connect the upper end, or what is sometimes the outer end, of a slide-rod. Six or eight sides are formed upon the boss for the convenience of rotating the rod with a spanner. It is not necessary to forge any opening or orifice whatever in the rod, because drilling or boring such small holes is a preferable process. It is generally most convenient to forge such rods of one piece, which is welded and made solid with hammering, to produce the larger boss in which a screw is to be made. The intermediate portion is next reduced by fullers and hammering, and a lump is allowed to remain for the smaller boss, in which is placed the joint-pin. Rods of this character must be welded to a proper distance from the outside; if not, the screw will be unsolid and liable to break. . Rods with inside screws are also used, which are of great length. In such cases, the larger boss is forged with a short stem only, which is afterwards welded to the intermediate portion of the rod that is of a suitable diameter to avoid reducing. Another smaller boss, or sometimes a joint-piece, is also made, and welded to the intermediate piece to complete the rod. Linxs.—Links are of two principal varieties—slotted and solid. The forging of that which is termed a solid link is about equal to the forging of a slotted one, because both are forged without the slot. The simplest class of links, and the easiest to forge, is that named solid, and having no bosses whatever in any part of the link. Such a link is almost as easy to make as a straight bar, until the curving commences, which may be carefully managed to leave only a small amount of iron or steel for finishing the link, or may be so carelessly done as to require a greater amount of shaping than should be administered. Consequently, at the time of reducing the bar, the smith leaves more or less metal for shaping, according to the amount of care he intends to bestow upon the curving. Soft fibrous steel is exceedingly good for links of all varieties, and especially for those of 38 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR the solid class. Such links may be produced by flattening a bar of steel until the required width and thickness is attained, after which the curving is effected by a series of heatings and hammerings while across a cylindrical shaper, which is supported by the blocks having angular gaps. Two arcs are necessary for adjusting the link, and to ascertain if any needs cutting off with a trimming-chisel. These two arcs are marked upon a flat surface-table of large dimensions, which will allow the links to be laid conveniently to the arcs to detect any irregularity in the forging. A light radius-rod is used to construct the arcs, which are marked upon the surface- table through a layer of soft chalk or whiting that is spread evenly on the surface. The distance between the two arcs is an eighth of an inch greater than that distance across the link which is ' the width of it when forged; and when the link is placed midway between the two arcs, each one will be a sixteenth of an inch distant from the link, which will enable the smith to see clearly which part of it needs rectifying. Heating the link for bending commences by heating a few inches at one end, and a small amount only of hammering will effect the small curve desired in that part. After a few blows are administered, the link is put between the two ares to ascertain if more hammering is needed. As soon as the first few inches of the link-end is bent to a corresponding number of inches of the arcs, the adjoining portions are successively heated and bent in a similar manner. A succession of heatings are thus conducted until the curving is completed. Linxs witH Bosszs.—Links are also forged with bosses—either one, two, or three—as represented by Fig. 35. The slot of such a’ link is easily made while cold, and properly shaped by a machine for the purpose; consequently, it is not necessary to forge any slot in the link, except the maker is compelled to do so through want of slotting machinery. When a link is to have one, two, or three bosses, the mode of procedure consists in making a link which is equal in width to the total width of the link, the bosses included. After such a link is reduced to the necessary width and thickness, and also curved, the bosses are produced by cutting off the superfluous iron or steel that surrounds the intended bosses. The link is marked upon both sides of it while cold, and a chisel for cold metal is driven into the marks, and the superfluous metal is afterwards cut off while at a yellow heat, and thus the bosses are produced. Another mode of making link-bosses consists in forging each boss separately, and after- wards welding them to the link. The boss-pieces are made by driving in fullers at each end of a thick piece, thus forming a boss between two stems that are welded to the link. A boss thus formed possesses a concentric arrangement of the layers and fibres, and, consequently, is very durable. But the strongest sort of link results from forging it of one piece, and producing the bosses by driving in a fuller at the extremities of each intended boss, and afterwards reducing the intermediate portions of the link to its proper width. This mode requires a little arithmetic, to ascertain the precise length of metal necessary previous to drawing down or reducing by a fuller to form the bosses. . Previous to driving in a fuller, the link is reduced to its total forged width and thickness : the length of metal required is then discovered by applying the author’s rule in this form: As the mean width of the link previous to forming the bosses is to the required mean width afterwards, so is the required mean length of the link to the mean length previous to forming the bosses. The mean width of the link is ascertained by adding the width across the link at one of the bosses to the width across the link at that part which is without a boss. The sum of both dimensions is then divided by 2, and the quotient is the mean width required. For forging purposes, it is sufficient to consider the link’s mean or mid-curve to be an arc of. a circle’s circumference, and the length of this arc is the required mean length of the link when forged, supposing that no bosses were necessary. In such cases, the length of straight iron required would equal the length of the mean or mid-curve. But, bosses being intended, it is FORGING. 39 necessary to add the lengths of the semicircular parts of the bosses, and subtract the lengths of those parts of the link which will be occupied by the bases of the bosses. The length of the link’s mid-arc is ascertained by multiplying the number of its degrees by 017453, and multiplying the product by the length of the arc’s radius. The rule applies especially to small work, of iron. Steel links require the same length of metal as the mean length of the link after forging. Driving a fuller into the edge of a steel one produces a burr instead of lengthening the work, and a trimming-chisel is needed to cut off the burr to prevent it being hammered into the link. Thick links are lengthened by fullers and ordinary hammering on an anvil, but thin ones require to be placed edge upwards in a groove, for the convenience of holding or maintaining the work in an upright position during the hammering upon the edges. Linx-Stots.—Cutting a link-slot while on the anvil is managed by first carefully marking the two arcs which determine the width of the slot. To mark properly, the link is laid upon a table, and a radius-rod having a steel scriber is made use of. This steel scriber is that which marks the two arcs upon the link, while the other end of the radius-rod is fixed in a centre-punch cavity in the surface-table upon which the link rests. After the two arcs are delineated, and the two ends of the slot also indicated, a chisel is driven in at the marks, and the link is then turned upside-down, and a similar pair of arcs are made upon the other side. Cutting out is then com- menced while at a bright yellow heat by punching holes at each end of the intended slot. The unch for making these holes is a circular one, the diameter of which is only one-third the forged width of the slot. With this punch two holes are made at each end of the slot, leaving between each two holes a piece of metal which is one-third the width of the slot. After the ends are thus treated, a row of holes is made along the middle of the slot, and the portions which still remain around the holes are then easily cut out with a trimming-chisel. Excentric-Rops. —In an excentric-rod, represented by Fig. 36, the mouth or orifice indicated by O is usually cut while cold by slotting, the rod being forged solid at both ends, although a gap is shown in the Figure, which should be the case with any sketch or drawing by which the smith may be working. He will then exercise sufficient care to arrange the fibres, that they may be in a suitable shape and position after the mouth or gap is cut. The two ends of such a rod are first forged separately, each piece having a stem with a good scarf for welding to the intermediate portion of the rod. To form the gap end or fork end, a thick bar is doubled at one end and welded together. The length of the doubled part is sufficient to extend a considerable distance into the stem that is to be scarfed, to prevent cracks being formed at the inner curves of the boss. Another method of making a good fork-end consists in welding and reducing a bar to the outer dimensions of the fork or fork-piece, and then driving in a fuller at the inner extremity of the solid or boss part of the intended fork. After the boss is thus produced by a fuller, the adjoining stem is reduced to its width and thickness and increased to a convenient length for welding to the intermediate piece, a lump being allowed to remain to avoid upsetting for scarfing. In a fork-piece thus made, the orifice may, if necessary, be formed by first punching a round hole at the inner extremity of the intended opening, and afterwards cutting out with a chisel. The chisel is driven from both sides half way through the work, and every semi-detached piece is cut out previously to smoothing the inside, which is performed by placing a filler into the opening and hammering the outside. The filler is made of soft steel and to the shape of the opening desired. While this kind of filler is in use, the outer end is in a gap-stop, to avoid being shaken out by the hammering. A gap-stop in the square hole of an anvil is shown by Fig. 77. After the fork-piece is made, the T-piece is formed for the opposite end of the rod, which is similar to that indicated by A in Fig. 37. A good arrangement of the fibres in the T-piece is obtained by punching a large hole into a bar of good soft iron or steel, and afterwards splitting open the end by cutting a slit to meet the round hole, the hole being at a proper distance from the extremity. When the two ends thus produced are separated and properly bent to a right angle 40 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. with the bar, the lengths of the fibres will be at right angles to the bar, and, consequently, at right angles to the stem, which is to be welded to the intermediate portion of the intended rod; and this disposition of the layers and fibres is that which is necessary for strength in the T-piece. - After the T-piece is tolerably shaped, it is cut from the bar with sufficient length to be formed into a stem and scarf; and when cut off, the stem is produced and the scarf formed for welding. The intermediate part is then made of a suitable width and length to complete the forging of the rod. The width and thickness of the intermediate piece is rather greater than the required forged width and thickness, for the convenience of stretching or drawing the rod to its exact length at the conclusion of the forging; consequently, the length of the piece is shorter than the finished length. After the three pieces are welded together, the rod is hammered to the precise length, which is measured from the centre of the fork-eye, or hole, to the centre of the T-piece, or its extremity. While lengthening the rod to its exact length, a simple variety of gauge is made use of to ascertain the precise amount of stretching which is necessary. Such a gauge is made of a thin bar of 4-inch iron, the width of which is at least 1 or 14 inches. Ten or twelve inches at each end of the bar are tapered, and afterwards bent edgeways to the bar and at right angles to it, which produces the form of a bracket, thus: ————; the distance between the two extremities being the length of the excentric rod. These two pointed ends are filed to a circular form, and to half a millimetre in diameter, which is much too large for other work, but small enough for forging an excentric-rod. The mode of adjusting the gauge to its exact length consists in opening or closing the two legs of the gauge until the distance between the centres of the two circular extremities is the distance desired. Fig. 38 represents an excentric-rod for oscillating and other classes of paddle-engines. In the Figure, the gap is indicated by G, which is intended for the gap-pin. In one particular, the forging of such a rod is similar to the forging of other excentric-rods ; the rod being forged of three pieces, which are welded together at the first forging, or afterwards, when the engines are in the ship, as circumstances may require. The forging of the T-piece is similar to that mentioned for Figs. 36 and 37. The forging of the gap-piece is performed with a piece whose width and thickness are sufficient to make a solid lump for the gap-boss. A fuller is driven in at each extremity of the intended boss, and the two straight stems are then reduced to a suitable width and thickness for the intermediate portion; a larger piece remaining at the extremity of the boss-piece for scarfing. If the stem of the gap-piece is to be turned in a lathe, a lump is allowed to remain at the taper end, instead of reducing the whole of it to the thickness when finished. Both of the extremities of the gap-piece stems are made square and solid, to conveniently admit the centring process previous to turning. No cutting or punching of the gap-piece is necessary, because it is afterwards bored while cold. StgEL Gap-Livers.—These are indicated by Fig. 40, and are dovetailed in the gap of Fig. 38. After these liners are worn too thin, or the openings too wide, a new steel liner is put into the rod, without interfering with its gap. Forging a small liner of this class requires two principal tools—a bottom fuller, to place in the anvil for shaping the inside, and a top-tool for shaping the outside of the liner while it is supported by the bottom fuller in the anvil. The only part of such a liner which is subject to wear, is the curved or half-round portion, consequently this should be the thickest. If the liner is not required to have sharp corners at the entrance to the gap, the forging of it is performed with a bar of flat steel which is the thickness of the thickest part of the intended liner. After this bar is reduced on both sides of the thickest part of the intended liner, one of the two outside arms is bent, by heating to a bright yellow heat, and placing the end into a slot in the heavy block, or by placing the end a proper distance beyond the anvil edge, and driving down FORGING. 41 the projecting end with a hammer, while another much heavier hammer is held on the part that remains on the anvil. When one arm is thus produced, the entire work is cut from the bar; the piece cut off being of sufficient length for the entire liner. To ascertain the length necessary, the lengths of the parallel sides of the gap are added to the length of the semicircumference which constitutes the bottom, or, as it may be termed, the top, of the gap. These lengths, added to the length of the other arm, denote the length of bar necessary After the piece is cut off, the length of the gap boundary is properly marked upon the work to indicate the commencement of the other arm. Marking the place for bending is performed by a céntre-punch, having a broad conical end instead of a narrow one. A punch with a broad end will make a hole that can be seen, without making it too deep, which would injure the work. The situation of the mark also is of consequence. When a large hole is made in a careless manner with a sharp punch, into the side of a thin bar, and the bar is bent where that deep cavity is situated, the cavity becomes a long rent, of dimensions too great to be obliterated without spoiling the work; but if the cavity is made into an edge, or both edges of the bar, and with a blunt punch instead of a sharp one, the work when bent will not be disfigured, and, if necessary, the dot or cavity can be easily erased. After two dots are thus made into the two edges of the work, the other arm is produced from the same side of the bar as at the first bending. The two arms will then be extended from the same side of the bar, and parallel to each other. The gap-curve is next formed by placing the work upon a bottom fuller, which is of a suitable height to prevent the work touching the anvil, and of sufficient thickness to form the gap desired. At the first heating for this curve, the liner is placed upon the fuller with the two arms of the work upwards, and while the fuller is precisely midway between the two arms, a broad half-round top-tool is employed to force down the gap sides; and when the top-tool will not force the metal further without thinning the top of the work, a smaller top-tool is applied, and the curving is completed by hammering, and also stretching, to lengthen the gap to the proper dimensions. Another method of making these liners consists in forging them from a bar of steel which is three or four times the thickness of the intended work. A boss is formed upon one side of the bar by driving in a fuller at two places, the boss being between. ‘T'wo small or thin ends are then made, which extend from both sides of the boss to a short distance. A hole is next punched into the boss with a punch of elliptic section ; or, as a substitute, an ordinary circular punch. The hole is made at a short distance from the edge of the work; after which, the thin piece is cut out bya chisel, and the gap is thus partly formed. The gap-sides are next lengthened by hammering, while on a narrow bottom fuller, on the anvil, and also while on a fuller having a long handle, which is held by the smith. Lengthening the gap is also performed by driving a top fuller into the gap while it is in a half-round bottom-tool in the anvil. By this method, all upsetting, to produce what are named square corners, is avoided. Assoon as the hole is punched, and the thin piece adjoining cut out with a chisel, the angular corners or entrances to the gaps are produced, and so continue till the forging is complete. Stup Rivuts.—These are occasionally used for beams or other work when it is necessary to penetrate entirely through and effect a fastening at the other side. The shortest method of forg- ing one, which is denoted by Fig. 39, consists in making a collar or flange, and welding it to the stud, at a proper distance from the extremity. Such studs must be made of soft iron, for the con- venience of riveting; and if it is necessary to frequently fix or unfix them, a screw and nut are used instead of a rivet. Piuneer Jomnts.—Such joints are applied to what are named hollow plungers, or trunk- plungers, and consist of two principal parts—the connecting-rod and the joint-head bolt. At the end of this bolt is a screw for a gun-metal nut, by which the bolt is secured to the plunger. By referring to Fig. 42, it will be observed that the boss B of the connecting-rod is about equal in dimensions to the rectangular portion or boss at the other end; and the smith will thus perceive that the shortest and most economical method of forging is by steam-hammering a bar G 42 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. to the dimensions of the two ends of the connecting-rod, and then by reducing the intermediate part till the desired length is attained. And to do this in a scientific manner instead of by a series of random hammerings and cutting pieces off, he will learn precisely how much metal is necessary to produce the rod to the proper length by applying the rule stated in page 8. When the bar is reduced by sufficient welding and hammering to the dimensions of the two larger portions of the rod, the sectional area may be stated, the rule applied, and the length of bar necessary will be ascertained. If the sectional area of the lump which is being forged is 123 inches, and the required sectional area of the intermediate to be 7 inches, and the required length of the intermediate between the two bosses to be 20 inches, the proposition appears thus : 124 : 7 :: 20 : 11,3, nearly: 11:2 is the true amount. And although this is but little more than half the length of 20 inches, the smith may drive in a fuller at each extremity of the indicated distance, allowing only an eighth or a quarter of an inch for heating and burning the iron, and also for the metal being closed into a smaller space by hammering. The forging of the joint-head bolt which is attached to the connecting-rod consists in making a bolt with a large solid head, the fibres in which are circularly arranged. This arrangement is obtained by heating a thick end to welding heat and placing it into a large half-round bottom- tool, which is on the floor if the work is too long to be stood lengthways upon an anvil. The cold end of the work is then struck by hammers until sufficiently upset, after which, the stem or screw end of the bolt is produced, either while the bolt is attached to the bar, or after being cut from the bar and held by the bolt-head. The amount of iron necessary to produce the stem to its proper length is ascertained by the same method as for the connecting-rod, and the length of bar may then be cut off; but it is generally more convenient to reduce the bolt-stem to the diameter desired previous to cutting it from the bar. _ Smatu Cranx-Suarrs.—While speaking of crank-shafts, the three names, shaft, spindle, and aXe, are synonymous, of which three “axle” is correct. The arm of a crank is a lever, and if a crank has two arms, it is a two-lever or double-lever crank. That part of the lever at which the power is applied is a handle, and in a crank is named acrank-pin. The two arms, together with the crank-pin, are termed the crank, and also the throw. Fig. 43 represents a two-arm crank, and Fig. 44 indicates a one-arm crank. In both these Figures the letters L signify lever, and the letters P signify crank-pin. §S denotes the portion named the axle or spindle, and B shows the bearing surfaces. Small crank-axles are sometimes forged with cranks of circular section, which are named round-throw cranks. These are used for small machinery, such as foot-lathes, small pumping- engines, steam-cranes, and similar work. Small round crank-axles are made by two principal methods. The one consists in bending a straight rod of iron or steel on an anvil, or anvil-beak, until the cranks are produced; and the other method is by forcing the work into cast-iron shapers or dies, which are of suitable dimensions to produce the throws to the necessary length, width, and shape. To forge a small two-arm crank-shaft of round iron or steel, and without dies, it is usual to proceed by selecting a soft, tenacious metal which may be upset without opening or splitting. The diameter of the iron selected is that which is required when the crank is forged. If the entire crank-axle is to be of great length, the crank part is forged separately, and afterwards welded to the other part of the spindle; but if only a short axle is wanted, the entire length of metal necessary is ascertained, when the length is cut from a bar or rod, and the crank- axle made of one piece. The first requisite is to determine the position of the intended crank-pin. This is done by adding the length of the intended arm to the length of one end of the axle. These two lengths added together indicate the commencement of the crank-pin, and from this spot to a short distance beyond the other end of the crank-pin is the part of the work which is to be first upset. This portion is heated to a welding heat and upset till the rod’s diameter is about a fourth greater than its previous diameter. The next step is to upset two FORGING. 43 other portions of the work, and the situations of these two portions are equidistant from the portion that was upset for the crank-pin. A dot is put into the work at an equal distance from either end of the crank-pin to indicate the length of the lever, because both levers must be of the same length. The work is then heated and upset at the place indicated by one of the dots, and the diameter increased to about the same as that of the crank-pin. Another upsetting is next performed at the place marked by the dot showing the length of the other lever. (See Fig. 135.) After the three portions are upset, the first bending is effected at one end of the intended crank-pin. The next bend will be at the other end of the pin, but if the crank-pin is to be very short, instead of two bendings, one is sufficient. When this portion of the crank is made, the two ends of the intended shaft are parallel to each other, and the distance between the two centres should be the same as the length of the crank-pin, if measured from the centres of the lever ends. If the length of the heated part previous to bending were too short or too near the centre of the crank-pin, the bent part must be re-heated and adjusted, or stretched and lengthened by fullers of proper thickness ; and if the heated part were too long, the crank-pin is also too long; in such cases it is oe by re-heating and cooling to the right place and closing the two ends of the work together. During forging, the diameter of the crank-pin is not so important a consideration as the length of it. Ifthe pin is upset beyond the finished diameter, and the pin too long to admit of being stretched, it is afterwards reduced to the right diameter by the lathe process. When the crank-pin is formed, the throw is then produced by bending back the two ends of the shaft while the pin is cool enough to prevent any alteration of it during the bending which produces the levers. The cooling is effected by placing the bent portion already made into the water until a proper amount of the intended two arms is cooled, while the remainder is still hot enough for bending. It is then placed between two studs of a suitable length and width on a heavy block, and bent by forcing the end back with levers or tongs which are fixed at the end of the work. The length of the heated portion at the time of bending should be the length of the curve desired ; consequently, the iron is cooled until the punch-mark is exactly midway between the two extremities of the curve intended. If the curve is not made in the right place, the throw will be either too long or too short; the work is then re-heated and cooled to lengthen or shorten the throw to its proper length. During this lengthening or shortening, top and bottom tools and fullers are also needed to produce the necessary curved outline of the work. Adjusting the crank and shaft is next performed by making the two levers parallel to each other, and in the same plane with the crank-pin and crank-axle. Another sort of adjustment also is performed by the aid of a long straight-edge. This is applied to the axle of the work to indicate whether the longitudinal axis of one end is nearly in line with the longitudinal axis of the other end. Ifthe work is not properly adjusted at the first forging, it must be adjusted at some other time previous to being turned, and also at a needless expense. . Cutting the extremities to a suitable length is next performed. The precise length will depend upon whether or not the axle-ends are to be steeled. Steel ends may or may not be necessary, according to the intended use of the axle. Such ends are often used for lathe crank- axles when each end is to be supported by a screw whose end fits the end of the axle. If steel ends are needed, their attachment is effected by driving in a small punch and making hole in line with the axis of the axle, and then welding in a piece of steel, the length of which 1s according to whether the end of the axle is to be tapered or whether the parallel portion is to be continued to the extremity. If an inch or two of steel is necessary, the pieces are scarfed, or a tongue-joint made in the usual manner. rank-shafts of round iron are also made by first forming the two outer curves of the crank instead of first making the two curves at the end of the crank-pin. A long crank-pin is easier formed after the two outer curves are made, and a short crank-pin may be produced at one bending, which is conveniently done at the commencement of the forging. G2 44 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. Those who make small crank-shafts in large numbers require the dies or moulds, into which the iron is pressed and hammered to the shape desired. These moulds consist of cast or wrought-iron blocks, which are sufficiently thick and heavy to bear much hammering without breaking. They may be so shaped as to produce crank-axles of either round iron or square, and effect a large economy of time and labour. The lower die or block is that which receives the piece of straight iron that is to be cranked, and the upper block is that by which the work is forced into the die; and both blocks, when together without the work between, form a cavity which is the shape, or, in some cases, nearly the shape, of the crank required. Lach pair of shapers is jointed together, or guided together with guide-rods, that both dies may be in their exact relations to each other when brought together by hammering. But to make a small crank with square corners a different method is adopted. Cranks with angular corners are used for small land-engines, or small pumping-engines, and are of different forms, according to their intended destinations and positions. They are made with but one arm, having the crank-pin outside, as in Fig. 44, or, as in Fig. 43, with two-arm cranks having the axle-bearings at a distance, depending upon the amount of room desired between the main framing. The crank-pin represented in Fig. 44 is distinct from the crank-arm, being secured to the arm by a nut, to avoid weakening the pin by cutting a key-way into it. The lever and axle constitute one piece, and the forging of this piece consists in either upsetting the axle and bending it to a right angle, or in cutting a slit into the end of the shaft and welding in the end of the lever. The strongest work is produced by bending, and the upsetting previous to this bending must be well done; or a larger bar is selected and reduced on each side of the intended apex or corner until the dimensions of the intended lever and axle are attained. This reducing of a bar which is too large is as effectual as upsetting a bar which is about the diameter of the shaft. But whichever plan is adopted, it is necessary to form a thick lump at the place of the intended corner. The inner side of this thick part is then reduced by a broad fuller and hammering, which makes the bending comparatively easy, prevents the inner edges being squeezed up during the bending, and renders the bending process altogether less difficult, while the thick portion. outside remains to be formed into the sharp or square corner desired. The bending or angling is commenced by driving a fuller, which is held on the axle while it is lying across an opening in a large heavy bottom-tool, or some other convenient gap. After being thus partly formed, the angling is continued on an anvil edge, while heavy hammers are held on the work; or the work is put upon a steam-hammer anvil, the hammer of which is fixed upon the work by the steam. While thus fixed, the sledge-hammering is administered sideways to the work. The final squaring of the corner is accomplished by upsetting it while ata bright yellow heat. During this upsetting, the blows are given both to the cold end of the lever, and to the cold end of the axle. By such treatment, if necessary, a well-defined corner will be produced, without cutting a gap into the corner, and welding in a piece which is named, for some funny reason, a sticking-piece. The mode now to be mentioned, of making a small one-arm crank-axle, obviates much upsetting, or large amount of reducing; and is also a quicker method of proceeding than by angling, but care is necessary to ensure good work. The plan consists in welding the lever to the axle; and requires a large opening or gap to be made in the end, into which is fitted a stem that is tapered down from the lever. The depth to which this gap should extend from the extremity is 14 times the finished diameter of the axle. Such a depth of gap admits a stem of great strength ; and to allow as much strength as possible to the axle, the bottom of the gap isin the shape either of a long curve or of an angular > form. If the end of the lever is then spread out and tapered or fullered down to fit the gap, a tolerable joint may be effected with about three welding heats; consequently, every provision FORGING. 45 must be made to secure sufficient iron for a large amount of welding and hammering. If such a joint happens to be thoroughly welded in all its parts, the work is equal to a shaft made of one piece ; and for many classes of small work such a joint can be made. The forging of a small two-arm crank-shaft, represented by Fig. 43, includes two or three methods; the particular plan selected depending upon the dimensions of the work and upon the resources of the maker. A simple mode consists in welding and preparing a bar whose width equals the total width of the crank, measured from the outer extremity of the crank-axle to the outer extremity of the crank-lever. When such a bar is made, the crank is formed by cutting out three large pieces: the cutting out of one piece produces the gap which adjoins the crank- pin, and the cutting out of the other two pieces forms the spaces at the outsides of the two levers. After carefully marking upon both sides of the work while cold, the cutting out is commenced at a yellow heat by punching a round hole at each spot which marks the forged width of the lever, and also marks the forged thickness of the crank-axle. Two chisel-cuts are then made at right angles to each other, and whose vertex is the inner extremity of one of the holes. By these two cuts, one of the larger sunerfluous pieces is cut out; and the other similar piece is then cut out by similar means. The gap-piece is next cut out by first punching a row of holes which is parallel to the length of the crank-pin, and at the bottom of the intended gap. Two other rows of holes are then made at right angles to the first row, and to meet it; the gap-piece is then separated by a chisel which is driven half way through from both sides. A crank-piece of this character is shown by Fig. 136. Crank-axles made by this mode require the iron to be very close and welded in the lever portion ; if not, the crank will certainly break while in use, although it may be of twice the ordinary necessary dimensions of a good crank for the same engine. And the rupture will occur because the lengths of the fibres in the levers are at right angles to the proper position. This position is parallel to the length of the lever, and not at right angles to it. One other method to be mentioned of making a small two-arm crank-shaft consists in making a solid crank, or solid throw, and leaving the superfluous gap-piece to be cut out by drilling and slotting. The forging of such a crank commences by welding and reducing a bar until the width of it equals the total length of the crank-lever, and then drawing down a portion of the bar each side of the intended crank. ; The length necessary for each end of the axle is discovered by applying the appropriate rule in the ordinary manner; after which a fuller is driven in at the intended commencement of each axle-piece, and the ends are lengthened by ordinary hammering. If the axle-pieces are too short to be reduced while attached to the bar, it is necessary to cut off the work, and grip it with angular-gap tongs of suitable dimensions. The making of large crank-axles will be mentioned in due order. Hoop Excentric-Rops.—These are also named band excentric-rods, and are indicated by Figs. 45 and 115. The forked or hoop portion is of one piece with the remainder of the rod; al- though it is first forged distinct from the straight part, the two being afterwards welded together. The hoop portion is formed by spreading out the end of a thick piece which is of sufficient length to be conveniently handled by means of tongs, or by a bar named a porter, which is welded to the work at the commencement of the forging. A round hole is made at the inner extremity of the intended gap, or concave portion of the hoop, and a slit is cut from the hole to the extremity of the work. After being thus divided, the two ends are reduced to a proper width and thickness, and increased to a suitable length, care being exercised to leave a thick piece at each end to be formed into bosses for the connecting-bolts. After the semicircular portion is formed, a stem is made of the thick part of the work, which is produced to a convenient length for welding to the straight part of the excentric-rod. This straight part is then made of proper length, width, and thickness, and welded to the hoop-piece for completing the rod. 46 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. Large hoop excentric-rods for marine engines are made of several pieces, which are then welded together. One piece constitutes the boss part which is bolted to the link; another piece is made into the intermediate parts of the rod; the next piece is formed into the fork junction, being that which connects the intermediate piece with the fork-ends; and these two fork-ends are the portions required for completing the rod. After the whole number are welded together, such large rods need careful adjusting to place the band portion at right angles to the straight part of the rod. To effect this adjustment, a straight line is marked upon a large surface-table, the length of the line being a few inches ereater than the total length of the rod. At one extremity of the line another is made at right angles to the first, and across it, the length of the second line being equal to the total breadth across the gap and the bosses included. From the centre of this line two concentric circles are described, the distance between their two circumferences being an eighth of an inch greater than the distance between the two curves of the hoop-forks. Next mark the shape of the intermediate part of the rod, by drawing a line on each side of the first one made, and making the distance between the two outer lines an eighth of an inch greater than the width across the rod. By placing the rod between these lines on a surface-table, any irregularity in the band or straight part of the work will be easily observed, and corrected accordingly. Semi-Hoors.—The forging of the separate semicircular bands of excentric rods consists in preparing and curving a straight bar which is of proper length, width, and thickness. (See Fig. 140.) If the bar is first well hammered and reduced while straight, after the band is curved to its form, the fibres will be in a suitable position for sustaining the strain while in ordinary use. After the piece is reduced to its width and thickness, the length of bar necessary for the band is equal to the lengths of the two bosses added to the length of the band’s mid-semicircumference ; and the length of the semicircumference is known by being half the length of the entire circumference of the band’s mid-circle. The bending or curving of the straight piece to a semicircle is accomplished by first heating a few inches of one end, and bending it to a few inches of the curves that are marked on the surface-table. The adjoining portions are afterwards successively heated and bent to the same lines, until a near approach to circularity is obtained. For large bands it is necessary to provide thick cast-iron rings, to hang on the cylindrical pieces in the angular gaps. The bands are heated to a suitable heat, and then placed upon rings of suitable diameter, and bent by large top-tools, or by hammering. . A substitute for these rings consists of the conical filler that was mentioned for stretching slide-rod rings. While the filler is lying in a horizontal position, in a convenient place, the band or bands are held on that portion which is nearest to the diameter desired. While on the filler, the bands may be curved, and lengthened by hammering if necessary. Connectinc-Rops wit Screw-Enps.—A rod of this class is shown by Fig. 46. When such rods are to be short, the forging is accomplished with two pieces, which are welded together at the conclusion of the forging, the joint being in the middle of the rod. The fork-piece or boss-piece may be forged either solid or with a gap. If forged solid, the gap or opening may be afterwards formed by drilling and slotting. To forge a solid fork-piece for a small rod, the smith commences by selecting or making a bar whose width and thickness are about twice that of the intended piece. The work is welded and reduced by a steam-hammer to the outer forged dimensions of the boss. After which, top and bottom fullers are driven into the work at the inner extremity of the boss, which is denoted in the Figure by C. The fullers reduce the metal in order to produce the inner curves by which the boss-piece is terminated and the in- termediate part of the rod commenced. After two hollows or concave recesses which are parallel to each other are thus formed by the fullers, the work is placed at right angles to its former position, and two new hollows are formed. By such reducing with fullers, the fibres are curved and arranged into a graceful position and relation to the boss, and to the intermediate part of the rod; and the required shape of the boss-piece is obtained. The outer extremity of the work is then curved by a half-round top-tool, or by holding the work with the hot end in a half-round FORGING. 47 bottom-tool, and upsetting by sledge-hammering the upper cold end. When the boss is tolerably shaped by fullers, top-tools, or upsetting, the boss-stem is reduced to its proper diameter, and increased to its desired length to become the intermediate part of the rod. For making the screw-end of the rod but little forging is needed, if the iron which is selected were properly prepared by rolling; if not, it is thoroughly welded and steam-hammered, for two reasons—to obtain a tenacious iron in which the lengths of the fibres are parallel to the length of the rod, and to obtain sufficient solidity in that part which is to be formed into the screw. When rendered sufficiently hard and close by hammering, the two pieces are united by a tongue-joint, or by a scarf-joint, if the rod is not more than 14 inches in diameter. Small connecting-rods of this class are sometimes used for imparting motion to the slide- valves of land-engines, and are attached to slide-rods similar to Fig. 47. Piston-Rops wits T-enps.—The brittle character of steel generally, does not prevent piston- rods, small and large, being made of it, for several reasons; among which are their comparative lightness and favourable arrangement of the constituent particles, and their greater capability of resisting the destructive abrasion resulting from the friction of the packing in the packing-box ; also because the amount of power absorbed and wasted by friction is small, the area of the rod’s friction surface being comparatively small; and because manufacturers are now commencing to make a strong tenacious steel that meets the requirements. Small piston-rods may be forged with T-ends large enough to constitute guide-blocks, so that the rod, crosshead, and guide-blocks together constitute one forging only. ‘To make a small rod of this character, a bar of iron or steel is selected, or drawn down until its width is about the same dimension as the length of the intended crosshead or T-part. A pair of fullers is then driven in at the junction of the crosshead and cylindrical part of the intended rod. The thick lump that remains is then reduced by hammering until the forged diameter is attained; or two pieces may be cut off, leaving the rod between, if the economy of metal is not at that time being considered. Large piston-rods with T-ends need a more economical method. To avoid the lengthy process of reducing, or the wasteful method of cutting off, the T-part is formed by splitting open the end of a bar and upsetting it until the necessary right-angular form is obtained. At the place intended to be the outer extremity of the T-piece a round hole is punched. A slit is next made from the hole to the extremity of the bar by driving chisels half way through from both sides, the length of the slit being equal to the distance of the hole from the extremity. A thick wedge in a handle is next driven into the slit to partly open it, and the two ends thus produced are afterwards opened to the necessary distance by sledge-hammering sideways while the work is across the anvil. ' Upsetting is next performed to produce the flat bottom or bearing of the T-piece. For small work this upsetting is done by two methods, one of which consists in putting the work into a heading- tool and flattening the head by hammering; and the other plan is to place the T-part upon the anvil and shape the work by striking the upper cold end. When the rod is too long for the anvil, the upsetting-block, whose top is level with the ground, is preferable to the anvil. Upsetting the T-piece of a large rod is performed by striking or battering the end with a pendulum-hammer. During these upsetting processes the iron is at welding heat; if steel is being used, the heat is as great as the character of the particular piece of metal will allow. After the head or T-part is sufficiently upset, and its proper length, width, and thickness attained, the part of the rod next adjoining is reduced by fullers to the desired forged diameter ; tongs are then fixed to the T-part, and the lump for the cylindrical portion is welded, reduced to proper dimensions, and well closed by angular-gap tools, the smoothing of the work being effected by half-round tools. The final process is straightening the round part with half-round top-tool and sledge- hammer, or steam-hammer, and adjusting the T-end to a right angle with the length of the rod. For this purpose a long straight-edge and a square are needed. ‘he straight-edge is applied to several sides of the round part of the rod to discover the hollow places; these places are put next 48 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. the anvil-top while the upper sides of the rod are driven down by hammering. After the round or cylindrical portion is sufficiently near to straightness, the T-part is adjusted to a right angle by being struck with a pendulum-hammer, or by a sledge-hammer if the work is not too large. CrossHEADS FoR ONE Piston-Rop.—In crossheads of this character the lengths of the constituent fibres should be at right angles to the length of the corresponding piston-rod, and therefore parallel to the length of the crosshead itself. To obtain this arrangement it is necessary to draw down a bar of tenacious iron until its width and thickness equal the thickness and width of the largest part of the intended crosshead, which is the boss or mid-portion. A small crosshead is easily forged at the end of a long bar, and may be completed previous to cutting off. A pair of fullers are driven in at two places in the mid-portion of the piece intended for the crosshead; the boss is then produced in the middle as required. After the boss is thus formed, the lumps adjoining are reduced by sledge-hammering to the suitable width and thickness. A crosshead-piece is shown by Fig. 143. By this treatment the fibres are properly arranged throughout the length of the crosshead, the fibres of the boss being circularly disposed by driving in the fullers; and the fibres of the adjoining portions are retained in a position which is parallel to the length of the work, being the arrangement desired. For a large crosshead a similar arrangement is necessary; but a difference of manipulation is resorted to, by reason of the greater weight of iron requiring to be handled. For portability, it is advantageous for the workman to know what length of metal is necessary to be drawn down to any length of crosshead that may be desired, if the forging is to be of one piece only. The engine-smith can then select a bar from a shingler who is appointed to build up the bars from pieces, or from any other forgeman whose duty it is to prepare the bars. If the smith has thus a suitable bar at command, he can commence forging by driving in the steam-hammer fullers to produce the boss; but if the bar is too long, the necessary length may be ascertained by the appropriate rule (page 8), and that which is not needed is cut from the bar at the first heat. The fullers are then applied, and the adjoining parts reduced by steam-hammering, the work being supported by endless chain and a crane during the whole of the forging. It is not usual to forge any hole whatever in a crosshead-boss, the entire boring being done in suitable boring-machines. S1pE-Rops.—These, like crossheads, are used of all lengths and diameters, and for engines of all classes. When used for small high-pressure land-engines, side-rods are at the same time connecting-rods, being connected at one end to the main crank-shaft, and the other end of the rod being attached to one end of the piston-rod crosshead. However small the side-rod may be, it is advantageous to punch a hole into the eye or boss- part. The punching is not needed to avoid drilling, but to produce the necessary circular disposition of the fibres in the boss. For this purpose the punching is very effectual, if performed at about welding heat; after which a six-sided or eight-sided drift may be driven into the eye to shape it for the brasses when it is desirable to avoid shaping by other machinery. After the boss and eye-part is forged, the adjoining portion of the rod is reduced by thorough hammering while at about welding heat, to produce a tough intermediate portion for the rod. The whole of a small side-rod may be forged at one end of a bar of convenient length to hold without tongs, the work being cut off at the conclusion. Large side-rods need a more careful management to ascertain the length of metal necessary for the rod. By first distinctly stating the respective sectional areas of the iron to be used, and the rod to be made, only a sufficient length of metal need be handled, which is advantageous both for convenience of portability and economy of metal. Side-rods are also made by another method, which consists in making two separate pieces and afterwards welding them together, the joint being in the middle of the rod. The length of iron required may be discovered in the appropriate manner, after which the eye is punched and drifted, at nearly welding heat, to any desired diameter and shape; the proper shape of the eyes in large side-rods being circular. When the two pieces are reduced to their proper FORGING. 49 ae 1 Sa increased to a correct length, the two are strongly united by a tongue-joint ig. 133). . ‘ Tur Learver.—A learner who is commencing the business, and has attended to the foregoing Se may now be able to make a few more tools, and to understand a few remarks on welding. The easiest joint for a learner to make is that of two small flat bars united by a scarf-joint, shown by Fig. 132. To weld such a joint either of two methods may be adopted, according to circumstances. The first-mentioned plan is suitable for a smith who may be without a hammer- man. In such cases the workman places a screw-prop at that side of the anvil which is usually occupied by the hammerman. The distance of the prop from the anvil depends upon the length of the work; the prop, being portable, may be in any desired situation for supporting one of the bars to be welded; the fork is then screwed up or down to suit the thickness of the work, and to make the scarf touch the anvil while the remainder of the bar is an eighth or a quarter of an inch above the anvil. After the prop is put into its proper situation and position, the two scarfs are placed into the fire side by side, with the two extremities of the scarfs upwards, that they may not be burnt off, and that the heat may be driven upon the entire surfaces that are to be welded together, instead of upon the edges only. When the welding heat is attained, a supply of sand is given to the two scarfs to cleanse the slag or other impurities from the iron. When the scarfs are thoroughly cleansed, the workman brings out both pieces at one time, one in each hand. The piece in his right hand he puts upon the prop with the scarf end a quarter of an inch beyond that edge of the anvil which is nearest to him. The piece in his left hand he then places upon the top of the other piece, and with the scarf end of the upper piece a quarter of an inch nearer to the further end of the work than the joint will be when welded. He then delivers a few blows with his hammer, which drive the upper bar down to its proper position, which is in line with the other bar. These few blows also stick the scarfs together ; and while the scarfs are still at welding heat the whole work is turned upside down by the operator carefully twisting the part on the prop with his right hand at the same moment that he twists the other part with his left hand. After being reversed, the scarf end that was underneath is still at welding heat, because it was a short distance beyond the anvil-edge. The welding is then completed by hammering the sides and edges of the work until sufficiently solid for the purpose intended. The second mode of making a scarf-joint, is managed by instructing the hammerman to take out one of the pieces from the fire, and cansing him to supersede the screw-prop. It may be also necessary to advise the learner not to draw down his work with a steam- hammer until he has acquired the method of holding his work in a correct position on an old- fashioned anvil. Serious effects to the arms will result if the work is held too high or too low, the danger being in proportion to the force that may be imparted to the hammer at the moment. If the learner should be making any rings according to the instructions that were given on the subject, he may refer to Fig. 139, in which he will see the mid-circle of the ring’s face marked by M. And if he should meet any difficulty in finding any Figure that may be referred to, he can avoid trouble by remembering that if the greatest number at the bottom of any Plate he may be looking at, is one or two less than the number of the Figure he desires, he will know that the required Figure is in the next Plate following, although the number of the Plate may not be mentioned. Also, if the smallest number at the top of any Plate he may be examining is one or two greater than the number he desires, he will know that the required Figure is in the next Plate previous. The terms “Plate 10,” “ Plate 12,” and similar phrases, are often omitted for brevity and to avoid repetition; the simple sentence, “‘ Fig. 122,” being more isolated and easily remembered. Connectinc-Rops with T-ENDs AND ForK-enps.—Connecting-rods are of three principal varieties, the simplest form of these being the rod with two T-ends; the next class having hollow H 50 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. or curved ends for circular brasses; and the third variety having a T at one end, and at the other a fork. Plate 13 represents the several classes of rods in their respective shapes during forging. In this Plate, Fig. 144 represents a small connecting-rod in process of forging from one straight bar. Fig. 145 indicates a connecting-rod with two T-ends, also in one bar. Fig. 146 shows a similar sort of rod, but made of two pieces. Fig. 147 points out a connecting-rod intended to have hollow ends for circular brasses. Fig. 148 denotes a rod having a fork at one end, and at the other a T-end, which is at right angles to the fork; or, in lengthy language, at right angles to a line through the centres of the two fork-eyes that are intended to contain the connecting-pin, gudgeon, or gudgeon-crosshead. Small connecting-rods with fork-ends are sometimes made without a T-portion at the other end. Instead of a T-end, a screw is used, or key inserted. For such a rod the bar of which the work is to be made requires to be split open at one end only, to produce the fork. To make a rod with both fork-end and T-end, the bar is split at both ends; then opened and shaped to the desired form. By these considerations it may be inferred that a tough tenacious iron is necessary, if only the forging of the rod be considered. If brittle Bessemer iron be selected, it is troublesome to make either a T or a fork, without great risk of cracking and spoiling the work during its forging. The smith will therefore select the iron with due regard to its capability of being forged, and to its durability afterwards. The convenient mode of forging a small rod, shown by Fig. 144, consists in making the T-end first, because of the upsetting which is needed. Ifa very small rod, a slit is cut at one end of a bar whose length is convenient for handling, and the two ends thus formed are opened until the T-piece is produced. A welding heat and upsetting is then necessary to thoroughly flatten the extremity, and to erase the appearance of the split. Larger rods may need a hole to be punched, previous to cutting the slit; the hole allowing the ends to be easily spread out and flat- tened to a right angle. After the T-end is thus shaped, the necessary length of iron is ascertained, when the work is cut from the bar and the fork-end produced. The manner of splitting the bar for the fork depends upon the thickness. A small bar is divided by a chisel-cut only ; a larger bar needs a hole to be punched, and a slit cut from the hole to the extremity ; a still larger bar may require two chisel-slits from the hole, so that a piece may be cut entirely out, to shorten the after process of thinning the fork-ends, after the slit or opening is made. After the opening is made, the curving and shaping of the intended fork is effected by first hammering the work while on a round filler of suitable diameter, which is across a pair of blocks as shown by Fig. 142. The fork being very small, a piece of round iron half an inch in diameter may be large enough. A pair of small fullers are next driven in to form the hollows that adjoin the circular por- tions, in the middle of which are the holes or eyes for the gudgeon, or gudgeon crosshead. The final flattening of the fork-gap is effected by hammering the fork-ends while on the edge of a flat bar, which is in the gaps of the blocks that previously supported a round bar. In those cases that require a large number of such small fork-ends to be finished on the anvil, it is necessary to make a steel filler which is just the thickness of the intended gap; one side of the filler, or what is named one edge of it, being curved to shape the bottom of the gap. This filler is held in the fork-gap by a gap-stop, while the outsides are hammered to make the insides of correct dimensions. A gap-stop in the square hole of an anvil is shown by Fig. 77. When the fork-end and T-end are made, the intermediate part of the rod is drawn down and the length increased to the length desired. Figure 145 indicates a connecting-rod bar which is split at each end, and also fullered at the inner sides of the intended T-portions. To make a T-end rod in such a manner of one piece, the bar at the commencement of the forging may be equal in diameter to about two-thirds of the entire length of the intended T-end. A shortslit, S, is first cut to allow the ends of the bar to be FORGING. 51 spread to the desired length of the T-part. Fullers are next driven in to produce the hollows or recesses indicated by H. The thick lump in the middle is then reduced by steam-hammering to the desired diameter and length. Rods with two T-ends are also made of two pieces, as shown by Figure 146; this mode being adopted for portability, or for the purpose of using two short pieces of iron when one piece of sufficient length is not comatable. Reference to the Figure (146) will show that each piece has a slit at one end, corresponding to the two slits in Fig. 145. The utility of these openings is rendered apparent, by considering the economy of iron resulting from opening the end, instead of reducing the rod from a bar which is as thick as the length of the intended T or head; also by considering the proper disposition or arrangement of the fibres in the T-pieces. At all times when circumstances permit, the forging should be so managed as to place the lengths of the fibres in the two heads at right angles to the length of the rod itself. To obtain this arrangement, it is only necessary to cut open the ends and upset the work as indicated by the Figures—the ordinary method of upsetting heavy work being by the pendulum- hammer ; and, in a few cases, with a steam-hammer. Although it is not convenient to upset work of great length by a steam-hammer, it may be conveniently used for a short piece which has a base or bottom of sufficient dimension to maintain the work in an upright position during the hammering. Pieces not exceeding two or three feet in height may be managed with an ordinary steam-hammer by driving a fuller into the middle of a short piece, as shown by Fig. 14¥, after which the two prominent portions are driven down by the hammer and at the same time spread out to form the head, or what is named the T. For this purpose, a hammer should be used whose face is concave, and not flat. __ A short piece of this character may also have a slit cut into one end, instead of a hollow made with a fuller. Ifa slit is made, it is necessary to drive a thick wedge into the opening to make it several inches in width, previous to upsetting; if the gap is not well opened with a wedge, or by sledge-hammering while across an anvil, the blows of the hammer will shorten the work, without producing the head or T-form that is desired. . Another method of making a large T-end consists in laying and welding two bars together as in Fig. 150. The bars are thoroughly welded in the intermediate portion, but not at the two ends; these are opened, and one pair formed into a T, and the other two ends are shaped for becoming part of a tongue-joint, by which the T-portion is welded to the remainder of the rod. Either of these methods for making T-ends may be adopted, according to the resources of the maker; whether he has small iron or large at command, and whether he has a number of small remnants he may desire to forge. When it is intended to forge the entire rod of one bar or piece, the necessary length of iron is discovered at the commencement of the forging, by applying, in a modified manner, the rule in page 8. Whether the original piece be four-sided or circular is of no consequence, if it is of good quality and of sufficient sectional area. When the intermediate part of the intended rod is to be of circular section, or what is commonly named round, a square bar is a very convenient one to commence with. If we consider it stated that the intermediate part is to be circular, and its forged diameter to be 150 millimetres, the first step is to select a bar whose sectional area is about double or treble that of the intended mid-portion. The dimensions of the bar selected depends upon the intended length of the work. If the length of the intermediate is to be 1524 millimetres, the original piece selected may be 230 millimetres square. The next step is to ascertain the length of iron required for the circular intermediate part ; then discover the length required for the two T-portions, and add all together to indicate the total length requisite. The bar selected being 230 millimetres square, its sectional area, 52900 millimetres, consti- tutes the first term of the proposition. And if the mean diameter of the intermediate part is to be H 2 ‘ 52 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. 150 millimetres, its sectional area, 17671 millimetres, constitutes the second term of the proposi- tion. The length of this part, 1524 millimetres, is the third term. The three terms, with the result, appear thus: 52900 : 17671 :: 1524 : 510, the fourth term denoting the length, in millimetres, of iron necessary; this result being obtained by multiplying the second and third terms together, and dividing by the first term, in the usual manner, avoiding minute fractions as of no use in this affair. The proper length of metal for the intermediate is thus found to be 510 millimetres, if the bar is 230 millimetres square, and therefore contains 52900 square millimetres in a sectional area. The two T-parts next demand attention. These portions are sometimes short and thick; in such cases the amount of upsetting required is but small; but, whether little or much is needed, the requisite length of metal may be known by a little measurement. If it should be necessary to make the length of the T-part three times the length of the rod’s diameter, the end may be either opened, spread out, and upset to 450 millimetres, or it may be spread out in an easier manner to the desired length, without upsetting; in which case the fibres of the head will be parallel to the rod’s length, instead of at right angles to it, which is the preferable position. To ascertain the length of bar that will be needed for the head or T-part, the rule is applied in a similar manner to that for the intermediate. If it is decided that the length of one head shall be 450 millimetres, and its sectional area 2 1000 millimetres, the necessary length of the original bar appears in the fourth term of the complete proposition, thus: 52900 : 20000 :: 450 : 171. 171 millimetres of the bar being sufficient for one head or T-piece, 342 millimetres are sufficient for both; this length is therefore added to 510 millimetres for the intermediate, which result determines the total length of bar needed for one connecting-rod, to be 852 millimetres, if its sectional area previous to forging contains 52900 square millimetres. Through the necessity of heating the iron a number of times, a portion will be taken from the lump by the fire, for which a few millimetres should be allowed, so that the length of bar actually required and used is about 900 millimetres. After a lump of these dimensions is selected, the first step is to either spread out or upset both the T-parts; and when the desired shape of these ends is attained, the intermediate lump is reduced to its intended diameter. This reducing is facilitated by the two hollows at the inner extremity of each head. The forged thickness of the head indicates the places for these hollows, shown in the Figure by H. Steam-hammer fullers are driven in to an equal distance from both sides, after which the work is lengthened and drawn down to its proper diameter. To forge a connecting-rod in the manner indicated by Fig. 146, the proper quantity of iron necessary for each of the two pieces may be ascertained, and each piece separately forged to the required dimensions, and welded together at the conclusion. Each of the pieces shown in the Figure is handled by a porter, marked P. These porters are round at that part which is supported by the endless chains, for the convenience of being easily rotated by the workmen. Fastened to a porter is seen a rotator, R, which is gripped by the men for the purpose of reversing or rotating the work. The two pieces represented by Fig. 147 are nearly the shape of those in Fig. 146. The dif- ference consists in the heads or T-parts being of greater relative dimensions because of more iron being required to surround the brasses. These brasses being circular, their recesses in the rods’ ends may be formed by boring holes into the ends of the rods that are forged solid with the cap C, without any hole whatever. To make a small rod of this class, it is not necessary to produce a solid head; the semi- circular recess for the brass may be easily formed in the ends of the rod by broad fullers; and the rod-cap also, may be conveniently and separately forged with its recess for the other brass. When it is needful to forge the rod in one piece solid with the two caps, a lump of iron is FORGING. 53 required for each head or end, and another piece for the intermediate, three pieces in all; two welds are therefore made in the mid-portion. By selecting a piece for the middle, and welding it to the two heads in this manner, the drawing down of a large mass of metal is avoided; an important consideration with makers who may have small steam-hammers instead of large ones. But if the rod is to be short, two pieces, instead of three, are sufficient; the drawing down for a short rod being comparatively small. The width and thickness of the lumps or bars selected for a short rod being about the same as the thickness and width of the intended heads, upsetting a SS avoided ; and by this method only one joint is required, which will be near the middle of the rod. In Fig. 148 a connecting-rod is represented having a solid fork-piece, which is intended to be bored to produce the fork-gap, instead of forging it upon the anvil. To make the fork-end, one piece of iron is used that is equal in width and thickness to the greatest thickness and width of the fork-end when forged. A porter is welded to the end intended for the intermediate part of the rod; and the forging commences by forming the two hollows or recesses shown by R. These are made by broad top and bottom steam-hammer fullers being driven from two opposite sides. The next reduction consists in drawing down a portion of the intermediate until its thickness is about the same as the thickness of the work at the bottom of the two hollows first made. After a part of the mid-portion is thus reduced, the work is placed at right angles to its former position, and fullers are again driven in, to form two other hollows shown in the Figure by J J, which indicate the junction of the fork-end with the intermediate. The fullers, being thus repeatedly driven into the work while in two positions at right angles to each other, produce the desired shape of the fork-end, and also the two curves J J. The thick lump remaining for the intermediate is then reduced to its intended thickness. Another mode of making a solid fork-end consists in placing and welding two bars together as in Fig. 152, a convenient method for using small bars. Each of these pieces is first attached to a porter, then separately heated to welding, and welded by a steam-hammer or by angular-gap tools. During the welding, care is necessary to thoroughly weld the work at the part intended to be the junction with the fork; to weld the whole of the fork-end is not needful, because of the intention to cut out the piece from the middle. After being thus welded, one of the two porters is cut off, one being sufficient. By this one the work is handled during the shaping, which is effected by fullers being driven into the work while in two positions, at right angles to each other, as previously described. A very strong sort of fork-end is made also by bending a straight bar and welding the two ends together ; the two ends, after being welded, constituting a part of the intermediate. Such a fork-end is represented by Fig. 151. To forge the T-piece of the rod shown by Fig. 148, two bars may be welded together, as for the fork-end; or the T-end may be made of one piece, either by drawing down a part of a large bar or by upsetting a portion of a smaller bar, as in Fig. 176. When both T-end and fork-end are forged, the two are united by means of a tongue-joint. During the preparation of the joint for welding, the tongue-piece is flattened or tapered on the two proper sides to cause the T-end to be nearly at right angles to the fork-end, when the work is welded together. The rod being thus completed by welding, it is adjusted on a surface-table. The adjusting consists in twisting the mid-portion of the rod in order to make the T-end at right angles to the fork. The rod may be heated to redness, then fastened at one end to the table with bolts and plates, while the opposite end of the work receives a few sledge-hammer blows that drive down the end to its proper position. The convenient method is by fastening the fork-end tight to the table, and supporting the T-end by placing a few blocks under the intermediate part next the T. This T-part is then struck a few blows to make it parallel to the table. A rod of this character may be adjusted also by fixing with the steam on a steam-hammer anvil, and twisting the work with levers or hammering until adjustment is effected. dd THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. Turust-Saarts.—All thrust-shafts are forged without the grooves in the thrust portion, so that the smith makes it equal in diameter to the outer forged diameter of the intended thrust. A small thrust crank-shaft may be forged of one piece solid with the crank-pin, as shown in Fig. 106. When it is not intended to place the constituent fibres in their proper positions, the crank-shaft may be made of a bar whose width equals the entire length of the intended crank-arm or lever. At one end of the bar a piece is cut out adjoining the crank-pin. Another piece is cut from the opposite side, leaving the lever between. Welding heats are next given to reduce the intended shaft or axle and also the crank-pin to their circular form, and to obtain solid metal for the thrust part. A lump is also allowed to remain at the end, to be made into the disc D, or, in some cases the disc is produced by upsetting. A preferable mode of making a small thrust crank-shaft consists in forging it of two or ae pieces; one piece being for the disc and part of the axle, and the other pieces for the thrust and crank. By this method, the iron for the disc-end at the beginning of the forging is about the diameter of the intended disc; and the short axle-piece adjoining is produced by driving in fullers at a place which is the same distance from the extremity as the thickness of the intended disc. The adjoining lump is next drawn down by hammering to the desired diameter of the axle. To form the crank and thrust-piece so that it shall be without a joint, and also to place the fibres in their proper positions, it is necessary to provide a piece of iron whose sectional area is about twice that of the intended shaft. 2 When the iron is selected, it is first necessary to ascertain the place of the intended corner or junction of the crank-arm with the shaft. Fullers are driven in at each side of this corner, to about the thickness of the crank-arm at one side and to the diameter of the axle at the other side, leaving the thick lump between to be afterwards made into a sharp corner. The corner is next produced by bending, upsetting, and welding; after which, the mid-portion of the lever is drawn down to its forged dimensions, leaving a lump at the end to be made into the crank-pin. The crank-pin is then drawn from the lump at the side of the lever by driving in a fuller, or, if the work is very small, a set-hammer. Large crank-shafts of this class are made of several pieces. To make one of four pieces, the disc-end and part of the axle constitute one piece; the remaining axle part and the thrust portion are the second piece; the lever becomes the third piece; and the crank-pin the fourth iece. ' Both the disc-end and the thrust-piece may be made of the same bar, or of two pieces of the same sectional area, the area being about that of the disc when forged; or if upsetting of the disc is to be entirely avoided, the area of the iron at the beginning is rather greater, to admit of welding and rounding. The short axle-piece attached to the disc is produced by fullers and drawing down to the desired diameter; after which the thrust-piece is prepared by careful welding and reducing, that there may not be any unsolid parts in the thrust after being turned. To one end of this thrust-piece the lever is to be welded; a gap is therefore cut, in which to place one end of the lever. At the other end of the lever, another gap or opening is made, in which to weld the crank-pin. Shafts of great length require one or two other pieces, in addition to those four that become the principal components. A very ordinary sort of thrust-shaft, without any crank, is shown by Fig. 107, and is made of three pieces by reducing the axle-parts adjoining the two discs, from two pieces whose area is equal to that of the discs, and welding a piece into the middle to the two ends. The diameter of the middle piece is of the intended forged diameter, that no reducing may be needed after the welding together. In all thrust-shafts, the strain while in use principally affects the bottoms or junctions of the circular ridges with the shaft. The smith, therefore, thoroughly welds and closes the iron in the thrust part with angular-gap tools. This thrust portion needs also a sufficient hammering and FORGING. 55 rounding to make it rather harder and more crystalline than the remainder of the shaft, the wearing qualities being thereby improved ; and if the thrust is reduced from a larger straight bar or rod, the fibres are in their proper position to resist the strains on the sides while in use. InreRMEDIATE Suarrs.—The length of these shafts is sometimes twenty-five times the length of their diameters, so that it is convenient to make them of several pieces. Two or three pieces may constitute the intermediate, and be of the finished forged diameter, thus avoiding drawing down ; but the two disc-ends should be made of lumps that are large enough to become the discs without upsetting. Such shafts may be made, also, by welding the two discs to the shaft-ends. In these cases, the discs are made of flat cakes, having holes punched in their middles and drifted to the diameter of the shaft. From the hole to one edge a piece is cut out previous to placing the disc upon the ‘shaft, that the opening may be closed at the time of welding. The holes in the discs are conical, and the larger part of the hole is outwards when on the shaft; and during the welding the shaft- end is sufficiently upset to fill the hole, by which the disc is riveted to the shaft. The straight piece of iron selected for the shaft itself is of the required forged diameter; all drawing down of this portion is therefore avoided. But it is frequently advisable to make such an intermediate shaft of only one piece; the sectional area of the piece selected being equal to, or greater than, the sectional area of the intended disc. Ifthe lump is greater in diameter than the disc required, the proper amount of reducing is given until the diameter of the disc is attained. After which, the necessary length of iron selected to produce the required length of intermediate, is ascertained by applying the appropriate rule in this form: As the mean sectional area of the lump, is to the mean sectional area of the intermediate part of the shaft; so is the length of the intermediate required, to the necessary length of the lump to be reduced. If the smith desires to make a shaft whose length of intermediate is 4500 millimetres, and whose forged diameter is 180 millimetres, he may select a lump whose diameter is 450 milli- metres. Omitting small fractions, the sectional area of the lump to be operated upon is therefore 159048 square millimetres, and the first term of the proposition. The second term is represented by 25447, being the number of square millimetres in a sectional area of the intended interme- diate. The length of this portion, 4500 millimetres, becomes the third term; and the fourth term that indicates the requisite length of iron is seen in the complete proposition thus: 159043 : 25447 :: 4500 : 720. To this length of 720 millimetres for the intermediate, the thickness of the two discs is to be added. If the thickness of each intended disc is 90 millimetres, 180 millimetres are added to 720; and their sum denotes the total length of bar or lump to make one complete shaft, to be 900 milli- metres. To this length 100 millimetres should be added for that which will be burnt or wasted during the several heatings. The precise amount requisite for the burnt portion principally depends upon the number of times the work is heated; and this again depends upon the length of iron heated at one heat, and also upon the capability and power of the particular steam- hammer employed at the time. Intermediate shafts and other screw-shafts of great length need considerable care in straight- ening. For this purpose, a large surface-table should be provided in the smithy, that the shaft may be laid upon it and straightened with a half-round top tool. In addition to the table, a thick, smooth cord should be used. The mode of applying the cord consists in making a straight- edge of it by stretching it along the shaft-sides. A man may stand at each end of the shaft and stretch the cord while it is at an equal distance from the shaft at both ends; the cord being as near to the work as the heat will allow, but always applied to the sides of the work, and never above or beneath it. Another man may then observe any irregularities along the shaft by com- paring them with the cord straight-edge, after which the work is rectified with hammer and top- tool. Such straightening processes as these may be resorted to when it is not convenient to put the work into a lathe. 56 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. PRopeLier-Suarts.—An ordinary sort of propeller-shaft for a small screw steamer is shown by Fig. 109. The number of pieces made use of in forging the shaft is about three ; but if the shaft is small, two are sufficient. One of these two becomes the shaft proper, and the other piece the disc, which is welded to one end in the manner described for an intermediate screw-shaft. The diameter of the piece selected may be only equal to the forged diameter, if the iron is soft and fibrous; if not, the piece should be larger, that it may admit a welding and steam- hammering to produce a tenacious metal. The smith will observe whether a screw is to be formed at the propeller end; if so, he will be careful to make that part sufficiently solid. Propeller-shafts may be made also by the drawing down of a lump whose sectional area is the same as that of the disc; the stem thus produced being intended for part of the shaft or axle. To this short portion two or three other pieces are welded to complete the work. The two parts represented by G are linings of gun-metal, placed upon the shaft to receive the friction. When these linings are made by the metal being poured around in a liquid state, the shaft at those places needs no lathe-turning, being roughly forged to the finished diameter by the smith. After the gun-metal is poured, the shaft becomes bent, and is afterwards straightened in a lathe, either in the smithy or elsewhere. The smith effects the straightening by heating the shaft and afterwards rotating it in a lathe, and marking the prominent sides at those places which rotated truly previous to the casting. These projecting sides are then put downwards, a few blocks are put upon the lathe-bed and beneath the bent portion of the shaft; wedges are then driven in between the blocks and the shaft, by which it is forced up and straightened while a few blows are given to the ‘upper side. The amount of hammering needed is but small, if the shaft were heated to redness. During the whole of such straightening the work should be well supported with chains; it is also necessary that the centre recesses be large, and that the lathe poppet-screw be frequently screwed in, to fill the gap made by the continual shortening of the work while in the lathe. Pistoy-Rops wit ContcaL Enps.—These are of various lengths and diameters, according to the lengths of cylinders and class of engines for which the rods are made. A few are indicated by the Figures, No. 111 representing one for an engine having two piston-rods attached to the crosshead, No. 112. Such rods may be made of fibrous steel, when metal of that quality is accessible. Previous to forging the rod, a piece of the steel should be subjected to a severe steam-hammering and reducing while at a bright red heat, and be drawn down to a four-sided bar about half or a quarter of an inch square. This small piece may then be further thinned on the anvil-beak, and made round instead of square. The stretching on the anvil-beak should be performed at about a foot from one end. If this thin part can be drawn to about a sixteenth without cracking, the steel is good enough for a piston-rod. Another mode of discovering the quality is by subjecting a piece of the cold steel to a gradual tensile strain. If the steel breaks suddenly without stretching, it is not fit for a piston- rod, or any other engine-work of consequence, however great the strain may be that breaks it; but if, previous to breaking, it will stretch to a diameter which is about three-quarters of its original diameter, the metal is about as tenacious as can be expected, and may be used with confidence and advantage if it possesses the hardening properties, If such steel is to be used for a piston-rod having a conical end, the cone may be formed by upsetting a rod whose sectional area is equal to that of the rod when forged. Steel rods should be forged so that not more than three-sixteenths is allowed for lathe-turning ; they should, therefore, be carefully smoothed and straightened with rounding tools while on a surface-table, or by means of a lathe, as previously described. Fig. 113 denotes a piston-rod having a holder at the conical end, for the convenience of holding the work while in a lathe. The holder may be made in the lathe by turning a short portion of the rod to the desired diameter, or the holder may be forged on the anvil by fullers and reducing, this being the shorter method. Piston-rods of this character, also, may be made of fibrous steel, for the benefit of its superior FORGING. 57 wearing qualities or non-wearing qualities. The conical end is commenced by first tapering down a short portion of the end to about a fourth of its diameter. This part, being intended for the holder, is cooled after the rod is again heated for the upsetting of the cone; and after repeated coolings and upsettings, and when the cone is increased to its proper dimensions, a few pieces are cut from around the intended holder, so that drawing or stretching it may be commenced. The holder is next reduced, by fullers and hammering, till its desired form is produced. The work is next cut to its length, and finally smoothed and straightened, the proper quantity of metal being allowed for the lathe process. Cranx-Pins.—A crank-pin, haying a screw for a nut, is shown by Fig. 114, and another class of pins, for use without nuts, is indicated in Plate 4. The forging of a crank-pin principally consists in well closing the metal in those places intended for the friction part and the screw, if a screw is to be used. All the other parts of a crank-pin should be fibrous. The angle subtended by the two sides of a crank-pin cone should be less than that of a piston-rod cone; so that a crank-pin requires no upsetting, the iron or steel selected being large enough for the largest end of the cone. For a pin whose largest end of the cone is to be outwards, a holder is sometimes made resembling that in Fig. 113, for the convenience of holding while being turned. CrossHEADS FOR TWO Piston-Rops.—The forging of a two-piston-rod crosshead is performed by several methods, the plan selected depending upon the resources of the maker. A convenient mode to avoid bending consists in making it of three pieces. The thickest or mid-portion of the crosshead is made of one piece; and the other two constitute the two ends for the piston-rods. These three portions are shown in Fig. 163. To make the middle part, a lump is selected whose sectional area is rather greater than that of the largest part of the intended piece. A porter is attached to one end, and the circular part is shaped to its intended form. The length of this part is next marked by a chisel being driven in at two places, and the work is reduced from the larger mid-portion to form the two square or four-sided ends. The two ends or stems thus produced, are next prepared for a tongue-joint, by making a gap in each end, to which the other two pieces will be welded ; and, by allowing thick lumps to reinain at the ends during the drawing down of the stems, upsetting for the joint will be avoided. The other two pieces are next prepared, or may have been in progress at another furnace during the forging of the middle part. Straight pieces are used for these two parts, with porters attached, as for the middle part. After the bosses of these two pieces are formed, the projecting stems are cut to a proper length and shaped to fit the openings in the stems of the middle piece, and when the suitable length to admit a stretching after welding is attained, the three are welded together. : After being welded together, the four-sided parts, or arms, of the work are drawn until the proper distances between the centre of the crosshead and the centres of the intended holes are attained. The superfluous iron that then remains must be either cut off with chisels or allowed to remain for planing and shaping. During the hammering for welding, and also during the trimming with chisels, two protuberances should be allowed to remain for centring purposes. In these projections the recesses are made, by means of which the circular portion in the middle is turned. These centre-pieces are shown in Fig. 112 by dots and the two letters C C. Two piston-rod crossheads are made also of one piece; the troublesome joint-making being thereby avoided. By this mode a lump of rather greater sectional area than the middle of the crosshead is made use of; and the length of the iron required for one of the four-sided ends is ascertained with proper measurement, and by the rule. This length is marked upon one end of the piece, at a proper distance from the extremity ; fullers are next driven in, and the work reduced on both sides of the intended mid-portion ; or, for portability, the entire length necessary for the crosshead may be cut from the lump, if it is desirable to handle only the smallest quantity of metal that is I 58 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. sufficient. During the drawing down, a lump is allowed to remain at each end of the work, which is amply sufficient for the circular boss that is to contain the end of the piston-rod. Two small projections also, are allowed to remain for the centre-pieces, C C. When the work is lengthened nearly to its intended length, the bending or curving is accomplished. A short length of the four-sided part on both sides of the circular portion is in line with its centre, so that it is necessary to prevent these two parts being bent or put out of position during the angling or bending of the adjoining ends. Consequently, whether the work is to be angled or curved, as in the Figure (112), the iron, after being heated to nearly welding, is cooled to the intended commencement of the bent part. The bending is then effected either by a steam- hammer or by affixing a lever and bending the work while on a surface-table. A crosshead of only a few inches thick can be bent by a few men at one end of a strong lever whose other end is attached to the work. The crosshead is fixed to the table by bolts, plates, and studs being fixed to that end of the work not in course of bending. A strong lever is then bolted to the outer end, and the work gradually bent by means of several heats and sledge- hammerings at the time the power by the lever is applied. When the crosshead is being forged with a porter attached, the diameter of this porter at the end which is welded to the work should be nearly equal to the diameter of the crosshead end. The porter will then be strong enough to be more eonveniently used as a lever than a separate one that needs to be attached. The bending of a large crosshead is readily effected without a porter. To commence the bend, the work is placed beneath a steam-hammer and across a bottom tool or hollow anvil- block. The upper side of the crosshead is that intended to be the hollow side after the work is bent. While in this position, a few blows are administered to the work, by which it is partly curved or angled, according to the shape of the top and bottom tools, or hammer and anvil- block. After being thus slightly bent, the work is again heated and cooled to the proper distance, and a tongs is attached to the middle of the crosshead, which is then placed end upwards under a steam-hammer of sufficient height, the lower end being tightly fixed in a recessed tool or anvil- block. A few blows are then struck to complete the necessary angling; or if a great length of metal were heated at the time of bending, it will be curved instead of angled. One end of the work being thus managed, the other end is treated in a similar manner. The bosses for the piston-rods are next shaped, the centre-pieces put into position, and the arms lengthened and trimmed to the form desired, which is either curved or angular. A substitute for these processes of shaping the arms consists in making a straight crosshead whose thickness or sectional area is about a sixth greater than that of the circular mid-portion when forged. The angular form is then produced by partly cutting and trimming on the anvil, and afterwards by the planing process. Linx Conyextoys.—A simple and also an old mode of connecting a link to its lifting or reversing rod consists in fastening the eye-part or boss of the rod to the link stud-plate, the stud-plate itself being bolted with small bolts to the link-side. The forging of such a stud-plate is effected by drawing down the stud at one end of a bar or rod, and then cutting off the stud with a slice of metal attached to it, which is to be spread out and welded to two other thin ends, in order to complete the stud-plate. The stud with the two plate-pieces are shown in Fig. 153. A stud-piate of this class may be also made of one piece. By cutting open one end of a bar and spreading out the ends, as indicated in Fig. 137, sufficient iron can be obtained for spreading out to the entire distance across the link-side, which is the length of the stud-plate. - A stud-plate shown in Fig. 116 requires rather more iron than the stud-plate last mentioned through the connexion being effected with bolts in the edge of the link, instead of its side. The forging is therefore managed with three pieces, as shown in Fig. 154; except the stud-plate is very small, in which case it is easily made of one piece, in the manner described. The eye part FORGING. 59 or boss of the reversing rod, R, is fastened to the link-stud with a screw-bolt and washer, or with a split pin and washer. The connexion represented in link 117 has the disadvantage of not affording any stay to the mid-portion of the link, which is its weakest part. In other respects the rod with fork-end is very efficient. Link No. 120 is made of two separate pieces or sides, and connected together partly with the two bolts at the ends, and partly with the bolts of the excentric-rods. The circular and sliding block, B, is made either of gun-metal, iron, or steel; and is sometimes in one piece and at other times of several pieces, having wearing strips, that may be rejected when too much worn, and new ones put into their places. Suipinc Sxcrors.—These sectors for oscillating engines need not be forged in one piece, as indicated in the sketch No. 119; for the convenience of the turning and shaping processes, the Seria may be keyed or screwed into the stud-boss of the sector, instead of being solid with it. When the rod is a distinct piece, it is often circular throughout its whole length, so that but little forging is needed if the metal of which it is to be made is not too large in diameter. Either steel or iron is suitable, by reason of the very small strain imparted to such rods. The sector with its boss for containing the lower end of the guide-rod is shown in Fig. 155. Such a piece is easily drawn down from a bar whose width equals the total width of the intended sector, boss included. The ends shown by B (Fig. 119) are then thinned to their dimensions for receiving the bearing brasses, and the boss is shaped to a circular form. When a sector is thus made of one piece, the slot is drilled and shaped by a suitable machine, instead of making any slot while on the anvil. Such a sector without a rod may be made also of two straight pieces, as shown in Fig. 156. These pieces are scarfed, or a tongue- joint made at the place indicated in the Figure. To forge a sector entirely of one piece solid with the guide-rod, it is necessary to weld the rod to the boss part of the sector, which is made either of one piece or two. The boss, or that projecting part which is to be welded to the rod, should be midway between the two ends of the intended sector-slot; and any alteration of situation that may be needed should be done previous to welding it to the rod. To discover the proper place for the boss, the length and place of the slot is marked upon the work; a pair of compasses is then used to ascer- tain the middle or centre of the slot. This centre is also the centre of the intended boss or lower part of the rod; so that if the boss-portion is not in its proper place, it can be put right. When the boss is large enough, a piece or pieces may be cut from one side to make the boss central ; but if not large enough to admit cutting, it is heated to nearly welding, and driven to its proper situation by a few blows with a set-hammer To avoid trouble with the boss, it is preferable to shape it before trimming the ends of the sector to the finished length. For this purpose one foot of the compasses is placed at the centre of the boss, or centre of intended slot, and the other foot is used to mark the half-length of the work ; the two ends are then shaped, and finally cut to an equal length. After all the joints are welded, the work needs adjustment, to produce the required curve in the sector proper, and to place the rod at a right angle with the remainder of the work. This adjustment is readily effected by making a few lines on a surface-table to indicate a full- dimensioned outline of one side of the sector with its rod. The sector is then placed between the lines, and any irregularity in the curve, or in the situation and position of the rod, is detected and corrected accordingly. Templates also, are much used in the adjustment of heavy work. These templates, being made of thin sheet iron, are very portable ; also easily constructed, and applicable to either links, band excentric-rods, or sectors. A sheet-iron template is used also in those cases in which the sector is forged, slotted, and shaped while distinct from its rod; the rod also being turned previous to welding it to the sector- boss. 12 60 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. To make a sector template, a sheet of thin iron is provided and flattened. A straight line is marked with a steel scriber along the length of the sheet. This line represents the centre of the: guide-rod of the intended sector; and if one sheet of iron is not of sufficient length, part of another sheet or a whole sheet is riveted to the first one. While the sheet is lying on.a table or block, the two arcs that denote the extreme forged width of the sector are marked upon the iron with compasses, and to an equal distance from both sides of the centre line; one foot or leg being in some part of the centre line, while the other leg is sufficiently extended to mark the arcs desired. When the template is large, it may be necessary to put one point of the compasses in some part of the table, instead of the sheet; in these cases, the iron is fixed to the table or block with a few weights around the edges, while the centre line is continued to any desired distance along the table. Any point in this line may then be selected as a centre from which to mark the arcs. The width or diameter of the guide-rod is also denoted by two other straight lines, one at each side of the centre line. When the shape of the sector ends also are marked, cutting out the template is next effected with a chisel and hand-hammer ; or if the work is too large for a hand chisel, with a rod-chisel and small sledge-hammer. Any additional corner pieces that may be required are then riveted to the Toe and the shape completed by careful filing to the lines, and flattening on the table or ock. The use of such a template or gauge to the smith, results from the extreme lightness and portability allowing it to be put upon the top of the work at any moment during the forging ; also the convenience of referring to the gauge at any future time when a new sector is to be made, or an old one mended. Crankep Levers.—Fig. 118 represents a lever for an ordinary oscillating engine having two slide-valves. The making of such a lever is conveniently managed, and good work produced, by forging it of one piece. The thickness of the lump selected is rather greater than the length of the gudgeon-boss, G. Fullers are first driven in at each side of the intended boss; the adjoining lumps are next reduced to a proper width and thickness, allowing a thick lump at each end, which is amply sufficient to be formed into the two smaller bosses without upsetting. During the thinning of the two arms or ends the work remains straight; so that it is needful to know the necessary length of straight iron to be formed into the required cranked arm. The readiest mode of ascertaining the length of this arm is by making use of the full- dimensioned outline of the bent or cranked side of the lever, this outline being that to which the smith is working. A wheel measure is held in one hand, and driven along the middle of the arm or arms on the table; and the distance thus indicated by the instrument is the length of the required cranked arm, and also the length of straight iron necessary, if the straight arm at the time is reduced to its finished forged width and thickness. But the proper mode is to bend the arm while it is rather thicker and shorter than required to be when forged; so that, after being bent, it can be thinned and stretched to its proper length. Bending or cranking commences by first making that bend which is to be nearest to the gudgeon-boss. During the first bending the lever is laid a few times to the sketch on the table, to discover if sufficiently bent or angled, or if the work were heated in the proper place. After being heated and bent a sufficient number of times to place the angle or curve into its desired shape and situation, the work is cooled, or allowed to cool, and heated at the place for the next curve, being careful to keep the whole of the lever cold except the part in course of bending. When all the cranking is completed, the three bosses are shaped by welding and trimming, until the three lines passing through the centres of the bosses are parallel to each other. This parallelism is known by the sides of the bosses being parallel to the boss lines when the lever is put to the sketch on the table. Cranked levers of this class are made also by welding together three pieces. By this mode FORGING. 61 the middle boss is separately prepared with the short arms or ends for welding to two other pieces intended to complete the lever. By adopting this method, little or no bending is incurred after the work is welded together. The necessary angling is easier accomplished previous to making the joints. A cranked lever in three pieces is shown by Fig. 157. The bosses of all such cranked levers as we are now considering are forged solid, so that no punching by the smith is necessary. Crank-Suart Levers (L, Fig. 122).—The precise mode of forging one of these depends upon the weight of the intended lever, also upon the relative proportions of any one lever; whether the ie aia is to be long or short, and whether the bosses are to be comparatively large or sma. All crank-shaft levers should be made of soft, tenacious, new, puddled bar-iron, without any mixture with old scrap ; although new, puddled scraps may be admitted, if they be first made into the form of bars. Whether the lever is to be a very small one, or one of great weight, it is desirable to forge it so that the lengths of the fibres in the arm shall be parallel to the length of it; and that the lengths of the fibres in the boss shall constitute a number of rings, whose centre is the centre of the hole in the boss, and named the eye. This arrangement is easily produced in the forging of a lever whose weight is a few pounds by doubling two straight bars, and welding the four ends together, the weld being made in the middle of the lever or arm. The width of one of these two bars is equal to the length of one of the bosses, and the width of the other bar is equal to the length of the other boss. The thickness of both bars may be about 14 times the thickness of the intended metal around the shaft or crank-pin. When two such bars are curved to the forged diameter of the required bosses, the holes in the bosses thus formed will be small enough to admit of boring to the finished diameters. In some cases it is more convenient for boring to fill up this hole that remains, which is done by roughly welding in a plug to make the boss appear as if solid. In other cases the small hole which is formed by bending is useful for fixing, and is therefore allowed to remain. The first welding, after the boss is roughly formed, is performed at the boss itself, and is managed by placing the work between a pair of fullers and thoroughly closing the metal while at welding heat. This welding ‘being very near the extremity of the work in progress, the small hole may become so flattened as not to be seen; if so, the work is probably sound at the weld, and the hole may be again punched and drifted if necessary. Another good weld is then given to the adjoining part intended for the arm, and the straight ends may then be made into part of a tongue-joint or scarf-joint. By thus making the two bosses with half the lever to each boss, both pieces may be easily welded together while the thickness is rather greater than the required forged thickness; and, after being united, the lever can be lengthened to its desired length. A lever made by this method is shown by Fig. 158. Another mode of making a small crank-lever is commenced by selecting a piece whose sectional area is about 14 times the mean sectional area of the lever arm required. One end of this piece is first tapered or curved on two opposite sides, and next upset, while at welding heat, by striking the work while in an upright position. This produces the desired shape for the outer extremity of the boss. The inner curved extremity or boundary of the boss, is next formed by top and bottom fullers while the work is between. When one boss is thus roughly shaped, the work is cut to a proper length, and the other boss is produced in a similar manner: the lump in the middle for the arm is then reduced to the requisite width, thickness, and length. (See Fig. 159.) Small crank-levers are also made of two pieces without resorting to curving or upsetting, as in Fig. 160. According to this mode, the upsetting of the bosses is avoided by using iron of the requisite sectional area to make a solid boss, and from the boss half the lever is produced by drawing with fullers and hammering while the boss is being formed at the end of the bar. The 62 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. boss and part of the arm being thus formed, the work is cut from the bar, and another boss-piece is formed of the same bar, if necessary. This plan is the shortest that can be adopted for making a crank-lever of two pieces. The only existing objection to the method is that the constituent fibres at the outer extremity of the boss are parallel to the length of the lever, because they were parallel to the bar previous to forging, and no alteration of relative position has since been effected. A partial remedy for this consists in punching a hole into the boss, and giving a few welding heats and hammerings to it while a drift or mandril of some sort is in the hole. When it is intended to adopt the welding for this purpose, sufficient iron is allowed for the boss being burnt by the several heatings. Small levers having bosses of great length are made also by bending and piling. For this purpose three or four bars are selected whose thickness is about equal to the intended thickness of the metal around the boss-eye or hole. The bars are bent to a circular form which is smaller in diameter than the desired boss, and a sufficient number are employed and piled together to produce a boss about 13 times the length of the finished boss. This pile is then heated to welding, and upset, by which the boss is shortened in length and increased in diameter to that which is necessary. Such piles are represented in Fig. 161. The loose straight ends of the bars are next welded together for producing the arm of the lever. To this another boss-piece is welded to complete the lever. Fig. 162 represents a crank made by closing together a ring, and welding the middle to be- come the arm. _ For large crank-levers several pieces are needed, both for portability and to produce the desired arrangement of fibres without a difficult bending of thick bars. Lever-bosses for large crank-levers may be conveniently made of several thin bars, which are separately curved and then welded together. The thinner the bars for this purpose, the easier will be the bending, and the greater is the number that will be required. The width of the bars is about the length of the intended boss, and their length should be only sufficient to extend round the work and allow the ends of the bars to be welded together, or to a straight bar that may be between. The manner of bending consists in heating a bar to about welding heat in the mid-part, or in that part which is to be bent. The bar is then put between a set of bending-rolls, or under a steam-hammer, and across a bottom-tool or anvil-block having a deep curved gap. A cylindrical filler or piece of round iron is next put upon the bar and driven down by a few blows with the hammer, the hammer being of sufficient length to reach and strike the filler without coming into contact with the two ends of the bar which are being forced up by the filler being driven down. When partly curved, the next bar is treated in a similar manner; or if only one bar is in progress, the filler is taken off and the bending continued at the next heat by striking the ends of the bar until both are near enough together to fit the middle bar, and a small hole remains representing the boss-eye. A welding heat is next given, and a pair of fullers are applied to thoroughly weld that part of the work immediately adjoining the hole, being careful not to close or flatten the curved part at the extremity. The straight ends are next soundly welded to the middle bar, and the work becomes a sort of nucleus for the reception of other bars. Fig. 165.) (ig One bar being thus bent and welded to the primary or middle bar, another is bent in a similar manner, but with a larger filler, which is about equal in diameter to the diameter of the boss in its present condition. This second bar is next welded to the work, and fullers again employed to thoroughly weld that part near the hole. (Fig. 166.) If the second boss-piece is not sufficient to increase the boss to its desired diameter, a third piece is bent and welded to the work in a similar manner. When all the welding that may be required by the fullers is completed, but not till then, FORGING. 63 that end of the primary bar that protrudes into the boss-eye may be punched out; and the welding of the boss may then be completed while on a filler or mandril in the boss-eye. To conveniently weld the boss, a short porter is attached to the arm or lever portion of the work, and the boss is heated to welding in a furnace which is large enough to heat the entire boss at one heat. During the time of heating, the filler or mandril is put beneath the hammer and supported at each end, allowing sufficient space for the lever-boss to be raised or lowered by the chain which is attached to the porter, so that the boss may be partly rotated on the filler during the hammering for welding. The work is next put beneath the hammer while the mandril is being put into the hole, and the welding of the boss is effected with two or three heats. The next operation, after welding the boss, is to determine which is to be the centre line of the lever, also what point in this line is to be the centre of the boss-face, or, as it may be termed, the boss-end. A piece of wood is fixed for a short time in the hole at that end of the boss which is to be the end projecting from the lever-side when finished. The centre of the boss- face is then determined, and a circle marked with compasses; the diameter of this circle being the diameter of the boss when forged. A chisel with thick cutting edge is then driven in at the circle, and the work heated to produce the required boss-end that is to extend from one side of the lever. This projection is formed by driving a top-fuller into the lever at the circular chisel mark. When a gap is thus made , the remaining thick lump of the arm is reduced by hammering to the necessary width and thickness. Bosses thus made with half the lever are welded together by means of a tongue-joint about the middle, so that if the ends attached to the bosses are too long, they are cut to length and trimmed to shape while preparing the joint-ends for welding. By reference to the Figure 168 it may be observed that the joint is of great length in order to secure a sound weld and thereby a good lever. The welding of the joint is effected by placing the two pieces together in one fire or furnace that is open at two opposite sides, and welding while in the fire with a pendulum-hammer. If a convenient furnace of this character is not accessible, the two pieces of work are separately heated in two fires, and put together, end upwards, under a steam-hammer, and welded by upsetting. Another welding-heat or two is after: wards given to complete the welding of the sides and edges, and to drive in the prominent scarf-ends. Shaping and trimming the lever is next performed; after which the two bosses are trimmed with chisels and smoothed to their forged dimensions. The lever is finally made red-hot from one end to the other, all scale and clinker scraped off, and the work allowed to gradually cool. Crank-levers made by this mode have a hole in each boss, so that a great amount of boring is avoided, in addition to the advantage of securing a strong lever. To avoid the bending processes, crank-levers having bosses of great length are made by piling and welding several bars together until the desired length of boss is attained; the bosses thus made being without any hole to the end of the forging. A pile of this character is repre- sented by Fig. 169. After a few short bars are thus soundly welded together with several heats, the extremity is tapered on two sides; this taper or curved part being on those two sides of the work that are in- tended to be the boss-sides, and not the boss-ends. The taper part is next heated to welding and put beneath a hammer with the cool end of the work upwards, and the end at welding heat in a bottom tool having a sharp curved gap. While in this tool, the work is upset with a few hea blows, to produce an approach to the desired circular arrangement for the boss-fibres. Two or three such upsettings are administered, after which the fullers are driven in at the place intended for the junction of the boss with the lever; and thus the circular form for the boss is obtained. The boss-piece then appears as in Fig. 170. The bosses made by this process have stems or arms that may be of sufficient length to be 64 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. made into the lever, and also the boss at the other end of the work; or another solid boss may be made, and the two stems or arms welded together to complete the lever. (Fig. 171.) Pappie-Axtrs.—To produce a good paddle-axle, the smith commences by referring to the sketch by which he is to work, and discovers the places of the bearings in the shaft he is about to make. If no information is given in the sketch about the bearings, he should apply, or take a walk to the individual who ought to have put it in; and when the smith has learnt something about the intended use of the work, he can commence. A paddle-shaft has two bearings, one in the paddle-box and the other near the crank-lever by which the shaft is driven. Both these bearings being near the ends of the work, the smith will measure the iron he selects, or the iron he is compelled to use, and endeavour to manage so that what joints may be necessary shall be in some part of the mid-portion. The whole of the bars selected should be of new puddled iron; and the first pile made use of, a sufficient length to extend beyond one of the intended bearings of the shaft. Consequently this first pile may be three feet in length and bound together with soft iron binders at both ends, and having a porter or porter-tongs attached to one end. A sufficient length of the pile is then heated to welding so that about two-thirds of the length may be welded at one heat ; or if the furnace is large enough, the whole pile may be welded. If the shaft is to be twelve feet in length, three such piles will be sufficient for the work, and the two necessary joints will be in the intermediate part, and not in any portion of a bearing. The convenient sort of joint for such a shaft is a tongue-joint. All such joints require upsetting at the commencement of the welding, that the pieces may be firmly united previous to the second welding or hammering, which closes the iron at the outside of the shaft, but does nothing towards welding the inner parts of the joint. After the preliminary upsetting with a pendulum-hammer, this second welding is administered to the shaft while in the ordinary horizontal position on an anvil. The best sort of paddle-shafts are made of one thick lump, that is drawn down to the diameter and increased to the length of the desired shaft; the work being handled or rotated with a porter during the forging. If the original piece is soundly made of good iron previous to the forging of the shaft, the work will be as good as iron can make it; having no tongue-joint in any part; neither requiring upsetting in any place, so that the mode is also economical, if the good piece to commence with can be obtained. A component piece of this character with a porter attached, is shown by Fig. 172. The particular shape of the piece is of no consequence. If it should be a two or three feet cube, the smith proceeds by making it into a bar of four sides, and increasing the length to about double. He next places one of the corners to the hammer and makes the work six-sided, and by afterwards half rotating the bar it is made eight-sided. The length of bar that can be drawn at one heat depends upon the capacity of the furnace for heating, and upon the sort of crane in use. The better the crane, and the greater its capability of moving the work forwards and backwards, the greater is the economy of time in working the several heats. However large the furnace or the hammer, however great the length of iron that is heated, the metal must become too cool to work, if a greater length of iron is heated than can be managed at one heat with the crane. Drawing down is facilitated by first heating that portion which is nearest to the porter; this part is reduced until the metal requires another heating, which is given to the adjoining lump to reduce it to the dimension of the part already drawn. The largest part is again heated and drawn down, to make the whole length of the bar about the same diameter; by such a series of heatings and drawings, the unreduced lump is always at that end of the work furthest from the smith or smiths, which is its proper place, both for convenience of reducing, and to prevent cracks or unsolid parts being formed at the shaft-end, which often happens when the end is much drawn previous to thinning the middle. By thus drawing the shaft so that the unreduced lump is always at that end which is furthest FORGING. 65 from the porter, the work is made sound, and the fibres are put into the desired condition of parallelism with the length of the axle. Towards the conclusion of the drawing or stretching, angular gap-tools of suitable dimensions should be applied to the metal at welding heat, and with especial care to well close the parts intended for bearings. The only portions of a shaft that require a granular or crystalline form for the constituent particles are the bearings. For this reason the smith may give an extra hammering with angular-gap tools, and also with curved gap tools, to these parts, and while the iron is below redness, about 600° Fahrenheit. When the shaft is reduced to its dimensions, smoothed, and also straightened by means of a long straight-edge or cord, as previously described, the work is cut out from the two ragged lumps at. the ends of the shaft, one being the porter-lump and the other the unreduced lump. This piece is that which is first cut off; and the work is next heated at the porter-end, and a tongs fixed to the finished end of the shaft. The ragged porter-piece is then cut off, and a sound shaft is the result. A straight shaft of this sort is represented by Fig. 175; which is an ordinary shape at the conclusion of forging. Large paddle-shafts are sometimes taper, and are forged taper ; the shoulders of the bearings also are formed during forging, by either reducing the adjoining parts, or welding collars to the shaft at the ends of each bearing. Such collars for bearings are welded to the shaft, after the cylindrical or taper character is produced; the making of the original piece is therefore nearly the same for shafts of all sizes, whether taper or cylindrical. A taper paddle-shaft is shown in Fig. 177. To avoid the upsetting that was stated to be necessary for welding tongue-joints, another kind of joint-making is adopted, by means of which welding is accomplished by ordinary draw- ing with a hammer. With this intention, all the necessary components of the shaft are united during the original iling together of the constituent bars; and the shapes of the joint ends are those of long forks. Rich a fork is obtained by welding together two bars at the middle only; and when the loose portions not welded are opened, a piece having two fork-prongs at each end is the result. Any required number of these original constituents may be employed, according to their thickness and the desired dimensions of the shaft to be produced. When only two or three such forked pieces are to be used, and welded together end to end, they may be fixed in position by closing the four ends with hammering, previous to placing them in a furnace for a welding heat. But when five, six, eight, ten, or any greater number of such pieces require piling and welding upon top of each other, or side by side, instead of being united at their ends only, the pieces are bound together with binders, which are attached whenever fresh piles are added. Fork-joint piles are shown by Figs. 179 and 180. . This method of interlaying and piling is applicable to paddle-axles, or any other axles of similar shape, and also to the cylindrical portions of crank-axles, whether small or large. By thus uniting the forked constituents, welding them together and forming a square bar, a cylin- drical shaft of good quality can be afterwards produced, without any upsetting of tongue- joints. Mipviz Saarts (Fig. 178).—A middle shaft, or middle axle, is that which is between the two paddle-shafts, and also in the middle of the ship. The simplest class have no crank forged solid with the shaft, but are of cylindrical forms resembling paddle-shafts. Two crank-levers are keyed to a middle shaft, one at each extremity ; instead of only one at one extremity, as on a paddle-shaft. At each end is a bearing, adjoining or a few inches from each crank-lever; the forging of such a shaft is therefore similar to that for a paddle-shaft, the smith exercising the necessary care to make the joints in their proper places, and to well close the bearing parts, although it is not necessary to hammer the work sufficient to harden the metal at the centre ; this portion may be fibrous throughout the total length of the work. The mode of procedure resembles that for a paddle-shaft, and much depends upon the K 66 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. shape of the iron at the disposal of the workmen. The quality of the metal is the same as that of all other engine-axles, where iron is employed, and should consist of new puddled bars. When convenient, these bars are made into a pile and welded by steam-hammering the mass into a shape of a short thick bar, or into the form of a cubic lump. In these cases, the porter which is used for reversing or rotating the work is welded to the middle bar of the pile ; and thus remains solid with the work until the shaft is forged. But when a cubic lump is selected from a piler or shingler, the engine-smith welds one of his own porters to the piece selected. A convenient and safe mode of attaching the porter consists in making a gap with a steam- hammer fuller into one end of the piece, and placing into the gap a porter whose extremity is rather thicker than the part next adjoining; the gap is next closed, and becomes what is termed a dovetail joint. This class of porter attachments is shown in Fig. 172; when thus prepared, a welding heat is given to the joint, and the work is fit for drawing down to the required dimensions of any cylindrical shaft that is desired. While finally reducing a middle shaft or any other shaft of similar character, gauge-blocks may be conveniently used. These blocks are on the anvil, and packed up to a height from the anvil which is equal to the required diameter of the work. The shaft is then slid along between the blocks, and reduced until the hammer strikes the gauge-blocks at the same moment as the work ; by which the proper diameter is attained without making any part of the shaft too small, the rotator being used for reversing the work in the ordinary manner. By this mode of finishing, the amount of smoothing required with halfround tools is very small, the circular shape of the shaft resulting from its rotation by the workmen. The larger the shaft, the greater is the necessity for clean orderly cuts at the conclusion of the forging, to make the extremities of the work at right angles to its length. A few of the methods for attaining this end shall be described. One mode for producing a right-angular cut consists in using a straight chisel which fits a steam-hammer, and also a broad arched anvil-chisel which fits an anvil-block, so fixed that, when the two chisels are put together, both cutting-edges are opposite each other. By then placing the shaft into the horizontal position upon the anvil-chisel, and striking with the hammer- chisel; two cuts are commenced around the work; and if both the cutters are properly fitted, the incisions will be opposite each other, and, by slowly rotating the work during the cutting, each cut will be continued until both meet, forming a cavity or incision around the shaft which is at right angles to its length, as desired. After this, the cutting off is completed by the hammer- chisel only, the bottom anvil-chisel being taken away. A right-angular cut is produced also by fixing a pair of half-round bands or clips to the shaft, so that the distance between the extremities or faces of the bands and the intended cut shall be equal to the breadth of the half-round anvil-block on which the work is to rest while cutting off is effected. While putting the shaft into the horizontal position for cutting, the chain that suspends the work is wound out, or what is called payed out, towards the centre of the hammer, so that the clips shall bear tight against the anvil-block while the shaft is being rotated by the men, and also while the hammer-chisel is being driven through the work. The shaft being thus prevented from moving forwards or backwards, and the chisel being fixed in the hammer-head, causes a square cut to result, however thick the shaft may be, and however quickly the chisel may be driven through, or the work rotated. A third method of cutting off is managed with a chisel having a long handle held by a workman, or two or three workmen; so that one part is kept close to the side of the bottom tool, while the other part of the chisel is driven through the work with the hammer, the shaft being rotated by the men in the usual way. While measuring for the final cutting to length of any large shaft, it is proper that the work be as nearly cold from one end to the other as circumstances permit. The work may then be cut much nearer to the finished length than by allowing a large quantity for lathe-turning, or for shortening of the work while cooling. FORGING. 67 Beam Gupcrons.—The shorter the projecting end or ends of any gudgeon, the greater is its capability of resisting the strains imposed during use; these are always at right angles to the length of the gudgeon; wrought iron or tough fibrous steel is therefore the suitable material for making the gudgeon. To make a gudgeon shown by Fig. 123, the smith provides, if possible, one thick lump similar to that for a paddle or middle shaft; but if two pieces are to be used, the joint is made in the middle. To make a gudgeon shown by Fig. 124, a little more care is requisite to make each extremity of the work of solid close metal, by reason of the intention to bore and screw a hole at the centre of each end. Much trouble of plugging up cracks is avoided by proper attention at the first forging. The thickest parts of the gudgeon are fixed tight in the sides of the condenser, and should be fibrous ; but the bearings adjoining may be hardened with a final hammering, similar to that given to other bearings. Bram Suass.—These slabs are rolled to any required thickness, according to the desired width across the middle of the intended beam; the thinner the slab, the wider or higher is the beam. For small slabs, a bar may be rolled to a sufficient length to make several slabs, the bar being afterwards cut with shears into the desired number of pieces. Large slabs are conveniently made singly, the width of each one being the width of the widest part of the slab when finished. After the component piece is rolled to a proper thickness, the desired shape is next marked upon the side, and the superfluous pieces cut off with a broad steam-hammer chisel. During the trimming of a beam slab, or other similar piece of work, a thick plate of copper or soft iron is fixed to the anvil face, to prevent the chisel edge touching the anvil. The mode of fixing or shaping the fender-plate to a small anvil or anvil-block consists in heating the plate to redness and fixing it between the hammer and anvil; and, while fixed, the portions that extend from the anvil are driven down with sledge-hammers. For such fender- plates, a thick iron plate is preferable to copper, although copper is much used. Cotumns.—The simplest class of columns are made cylindrical, and of three pieces. Of these, one is the column itself, and the two other pieces are the collars or bearings. Each of these two is separately forged, and afterwards fixed to the straight piece which may be called the column proper. Such a method obviates the necessity for the drawing down of a thick piece which is the diameter of the required collars. Cylindrical columns of this simple form are much used for oscillating engines and some classes of land engines; and when short columns are required, they may be forged also by making the collars solid with the remainder of the work. With this object, two pieces, whose diameters are equal to those of the collars, are drawn down to the desired diameter and length, and so welded together that the joint may be about the middle of the column when finished. The class of columns represented by Fig. 130 are used also as stays, and in the horizontal position ; they are in such cases named stretchers, and should be forged as nearly as possible to the intended form, by which a large amount of reducing during the lathe process will be avoided. Small stays of this shape are easily forged to the required form, and the two collars welded to the work at the conclusion. Large ones, also, are made of three pieces ; the screw end and the adjoining collar are one piece, and the opposite end and collar constitute another piece. These two are the pieces first made, when a large column is required, and are produced by draw- ing down the ends of thick pieces whose diameters are about equal to those of the collars required. After the proper length and shape of these two portions are attained, the third com- ponent piece is forged to its shape and dimensions, and welded between the other two, to become the middle or intermediate part of the stay or column. ' Large columns may be made also by forging the collars separately, and afterwards fixing them to the column by either welding, or shrinking the collars to the column during the lathe process. K 2 68 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. CRANK-SHAFTS.—The bearings of axles of all classes demand much attention from the smith during forging, and the greater the dimensions of the work in progress, the greater is the responsibility of the workman who happens to be managing the particular forging being made. No one but himself knows the quality of the metal employed, the relative position of the com- ponents, or the treatment the work receives during the several processes. Crank-axles involve an additional consideration to that of the bearings. The levers are equally important, many of them being improperly made, either of unsuitable metal or of good metal whose component plates or fibres are at right angles to the proper position. It is an almost unknown occurrence for a smith to receive any instructions concerning these matters ; he therefore depends upon what ingenuity or practical knowledge he may possess, and proceeds accordingly. A good smith will therefore be careful to ascertain the quality of the bars he is to use; and, when circumstances permit, he will superintend the shingling, and thus become intimately acquainted with the metal with which he is supplied. The material selected for crank- shafts should be of hard, close-grained, tenacious character; and the suitable degree of hardness for the axle portions is attained with hammering, as previously described for other shafts. A class of simply formed crank-axles is that having one-arm cranks; such axles have their crank-pins extended or produced from the outer sides of the arms or levers. Of this class of cranks, those that are made of two pieces are first described. CRraANK-SHAFTS IN Two Pieces.—To forge one of this variety intended to have a separate crank-pin, only two components are necessary, one for the lever and the other for the axle proper. The forging of the axle-piece commences by either drawing down a piece whose sectional area is greater than that of the axle desired, or upsetting a smaller piece at that end which is to be welded to the lever, the object being to form a thick lump at the intended joint, to admit two or three welding heats. The preparation of the shaft end for welding to the lever consists in either punching a hole into the upset part, or cutting a slit and forming a gap of the slit, for the purpose of fitting in the end of the lever. When a hole is punched, it is drifted with an oval or oblong drift, thus making the greatest width of the hole to be in line with the length of the shaft. The greatest width of the hole should be about 14 times the diameter of the shaft, and the shortest width about equal to the shaft’s diameter. The shaft end being thus prepared, the lever is selected or drawn down of a straight bar, until the sectional area and shape is that of the lever required. One end is next shaped to fit the hole or gap in the shaft; this shaping consists in drawing down and spreading out a stem at the lever end, the shape and dimensions of the stem being the same as those of the hole. At the junction of the stem with the thick part of the lever, a concave shoulder is formed, instead of a flat one. The hollow shoulder or bearing is made by driving in a fuller at each side of the stem; to do this conveniently, the thick end of the lever is put to the ground, and the fuller driven in at the two corners while the stem is upwards. By thus hollowing the shoulder, it is made to partly resemble the circular form of the shaft ; and when the two are welded together, a firm bearing and joint will be the result. When the ae and axle are fitted sufficiently near to each other for welding, the two components appear as in Fig, 181. The method of welding consists in placing the two together in the furnace with the lever end upwards ; and when welding heat is obtained, the work is carefully swung out from the fire to the hammer, and, while still in the same relative position, the work is placed with the lower heated portion in an anvil-block having a half-round gap of suitable width. A few blows are then given to the upper end of the lever, which firmly weld the shoulder to the shaft. The work is next partly rotated by the rotator, and a few blows given to one side of the joint; after which it is partly rotated back again to present the opposite side of the joint to the hammer, and the welding is then continued. When thus partly united, another welding heat is given, and the joint finished by upsetting the shaft end with a pendulum-hammer, and with another upsetting of the lever and hammering of the joint sides, if necessary. FORGING. 69 After the joint is made sufficiently solid and the boss part reduced to a suitable thickness and width, the superfluous metal is cut off, and the lever-boss is shaped with fullers and hammering to the desired form. CRANK-SHAFTS OF THREE Precus.—One-arm crank-shafts are sometimes made solid with the crank-pin ; in these cases, three principal components are required, instead of only two. To make a shaft of this sort, an opening may be made into the shaft end by punching; or, instead of this, the lever end may be split open and the two ends bent together around the shaft ; and the other end of the lever requires similar treatment for being welded to the crank-pin. By this method the pin is first fitted to the lever. and the other end of the lever is next adapted to the shaft. When both joints are prepared, the first joint welded is that of the pin with the small end of the lever, after which the other end of the lever is welded to the shaft. The three components together are represented by Fig. 182. Of the three components, the first prepared is the crank-pin. This is reduced to its finished forged diameter, and a thick part allowed to remain at one end for the joint, and is shaped for either a tongue-joint, or for an oblong hole in the lever, or for a gap similar to that shown in the Figure (182). The small end of the lever is next prepared, and the crank-pin joint then welded and finished, after which the shaft end of the lever can be cut and prepared so that the lever shall be about the proper length when welded to the shaft. The welding of the lever to the shaft is next performed, and the lever adjusted to its required length. From the centre of the shaft to the centre of the crank-pin is the length of the lever’s throw ; and, after deciding which shall be the centre of pin and which the centre of the shaft, the smith lengthens or shortens the lever to that which is desired. Adjusting to length is effected by heating the lever to a yellow heat in the mid-portion and upsetting it, if too long; or by laying it upon one side and drawing it, if too short. When the proper length is attained, the superfluous metal is cut from the lever and from the bosses, and the work is shaped with fullers and rounding-tools until the necessary curves for the bosses are produced. Two-arM CRANKS OF ONE Bar.—A class of simply formed two-arm crank-axles is represented by the intermediate axle in Fig. 122. Short axles of this sort, having the bearings at a great distance from the keyed crank-levers, are best when made of one piece; and an intermediate axle of great length, whose bearings are to be close to the keyed levers, is conveniently made of three pieces, the axle-pieces being made of proper length to cause the two joints to be made between the middle crank and the bearings at the axle ends. To make a short axle in one piece, the lump is selected, or a sufficient number of bars are piled and welded together until a lump of the required dimensions is obtained, the amount of metal in the piece being amply sufficient for the whole of the intended two-arm crank and the two axle ends included. The shape of this component piece should be that of a bar having a thick lump-.on one side and midway between each extremity, similar to that indicated in Fig. 183. The thickness of the two axle parts is nearly double that of the finished thickness, and are, therefore, much shorter than the finished length; and the thickness and width of the thick lump in the middle are about equal to the thickness and width of the crank required. This thick portion may be formed upon one side, as desired, by piling and welding short bars upon only one side of the primary axle-piece; or by another process the lump can be made, which consists in reducing a thick short bar at each end of the intended lump, allowing it to remain between. When drawing down is adopted, the thick portion is made to project from one side of the bar by means of drawing down, without turning the work upside down, the lump, by such treatment, being produced from the upper side. Cranxinc.—After the work is suitably shaped, the thick pazt is formed into the crank, partly with bending and partly with chisels. The first heating for bending is given to the lump, and also to portions of the axle ends; the work is then put beneath a hammer and across a gap which is a few inches wider than the width of the intended crank measured from one axle end across the crank to the other axle end. 70 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. The two upper corners or entrances to the gap are curved, to promote an easy bending; and, while the work is lying across the opening, with the thick lump downwards, a fuller-hammer 1s driven into the place of the intended crank-gap. At the commencement of cranking, the length of the protruding fuller portion of the hammer employed need not exceed four or five inches; consequently, when the fuller has been driven in to the distance of four or five inches, the broad shoulder of the hammer will strike the two axle ends at the same time that the thin fuller portion strikes the bottom of the newly made gap, at which time the hammer will tend to straighten the work, which has become bent with driving in the fuller. The fuller is next taken out, the axle ends further straightened, if necessary, and another fuller put in, which is about eight inches in length. The fullering is resumed, the axle ends straightened as before, and another longer fuller is driven in, if necessary. ; During these gap-making processes, that part of the lump intended for the crank-pin should be as nearly cold as the adjoining heated portions of the crank will allow, because it is ne- cessary that the two arms and their junctions with the axle ends should be at nearly welding heat. It is also necessary to remember that each successive heating should be further and further from the crank-pin, and nearer and nearer to the ends of the axles, for the purpose of lengthening the throw of the crank without injuriously stretching the two lever-arms. . By such a series of fullerings, a crank of short throw, suitable for an intermediate axle, is formed in a few heats, if the thickness of axle does not exceed seven or eight inches; and for throws of any length, or metal of any thickness, the same method may be adopted, if the hammers and anvil-blocks are of sufficient dimensions. When a crank is thus roughly formed, the crank-pin portion may be lengthened by drawing, or, if necessary, shortened by upsetting with a pendulum; any superfluous metal may be also cut off, and the two crank-arms shaped to the proper form. The crank being finished, the drawing down of the axle ends to their diameters is next completed, the bearing parts well closed, the work cut to length, and allowed to cool slowly. Of a crank forged in this manner two uses can be made. It may remain in its condition of a two-arm crank, or it may be divided and become a one-arm crank, having the crank-pin outside and solid with the lever. A crank made in this manner is shown in Fig. 185. When it is intended to divide the work, the cut is made through that arm which is not required to be part of the crank. The place of the cut is in line with the edge of the thick crank- pin portion; and when the superfluous lever is cut off, the crank-pin remains already produced from the lever as intended. The place of the cut is indicated in the Figure (185) by C. The making of an intermediate crank-axle of three pieces consists in forming, by the method described, a crank having two short axle ends, and welding them to two other pieces of any required length and shape. Several other processes are resorted to for producing two-arm cranks; of these methods the principal shall be described. So~ip Cranxs.—An easy mode of making a crank consists in piling and welding a number of bars until the width and thickness of the mass is equal to or rather greater than the thickness and width of the intended crank. When such a piece is closely welded and finished to suitable dimensions, the two extremities of the crank are marked upon the work to indicate the junctions of the crank with the two intended axle portions. At these two marks the drawing down is commenced by driving in fullers, and afterwards continued with hammering in the usual manner. All further forging of the work is performed upon the two thick portions remaining for the axle ends, the solid crank part having been finished previous to driving in fullers at the two axle junctions. The length of the component bar, and therefore the length of the two axle ends, depends upon the length of the shaft required. To make a crank by this plan of piling, and without cranking, the work may be of any required convenient length, because no bending is intended, for producing the crank part; conse- quently, no inconvenience will result through the irregular form that is produced during cranking. And if, for portability, a crank having two short axle ends be first made, any FORGING. 71 additional length of axle may be welded to the primary crank-piece, that the axle ends may be a to the length required. A bar fullered in two places to produce a solid crank is shown by Fig. 188. CRANK-AXLES wiTH Discs.—To make an axle represented in Fig. 121, having a disc at each end, it is necessary to use about three principal components, if the shaft is to be only three or four ae in diameter; but for axles of larger dimensions five, six, or eight components are required. When only three pieces are to be used, one becomes the crank, which may be either solid or having a short fullered gap, as indicated in Fig. 189. The two other components become the discs, having a portion of the axle solid with each disc. These two are first forged together of one rod, as denoted by Fig. 190; after which the work is divided into two at the middle, and the required disc ends produced. If the lump selected for the discs is cylindrical, its diameter is equal to the forged diameter of the required discs; but if the shape is four-sided, eight-sided, or any other shape except cylindrical, the shortest diameter of the lump must be equal to or greater than the disc’s diameter. This shortest diameter is the distance between those two opposite sides of the lump that are nearest to each other; and the only proper mode of measuring this distance is by means of callipers of suitable dimensions. Ifthe shortest diameter is thus found to be equal to the disc’s diameter, no upsetting is needed ; but, on the contrary, a small amount of reducing and rounding is admissible, by which the work is made circular and to the diameter of either of the intended discs. When the piece is thus reduced to proper shape and diameter, the thicknesses of each disc are added together and marked upon the mid part of the work. If the forged thickness of each dise is to be four inches, the marking is effected by putting two indentations into the work with a fuller, the distance between the two dents being eight inches, the length required for both discs. Being thus marked, the work is heated to nearly welding, and a pair of fullers fixed, one into the hammer-head and the other into the anvil-block, the fuller ends or extremities being, as nearly as possible, opposite each other; a pair of side guides also are fixed at the sides; and when the work is sufficiently heated, it is put as nearly as convenient into the horizontal position, and upon the bottom fuller. While thus lying, the chain is adjusted until one of the two dents is brought exactly beneath the hammer fuller, which is then driven in three or four inches, and the worked turned downside up; after which, the fuller is again driven in a few inches, and the work is next adjusted to be fullered while at right angles to its former position. This is effected by placing the two newly made gaps opposite the pair of side guides, and, when adjusted, the fuller is again driven in, and the work put upside down, as at the first fullering. After the four recesses are thus made into the work from opposite sides, the four corners produced in the gap are next driven down with the fullers, and a circular gap or recess around the work is the result ; and when the gap is once regularly made, it may be further deepened without trouble. After one gap is thus made, the other gap is formed in a similar manner, and eight inches distant, as required, being made at the other dent, which indicates the extremity of the other disc. When both the circular recesses are formed, the work appears as in the Figure (190). Well-formed gaps of this character may be made also by means of semicircular concave fullers, both top and bottom; side guides not being necessary in such cases. Drawing down the two ends to the diameter of the axle is next performed ; after which, the work is cut into two pieces, the division being made in the middle of the lump. This cutting is effected with the concave bottom chisel, as used for other similar work, when a clean right- angular cut is necessary. During such cutting off of large work the chisels are prevented becoming too hot, through cooling the hammer-chisel by means of a ladleful of water, and cooling the anvil-chisel by applying a mopful of water. When the two components are thus made by cutting the work into two, each disc is trimmed, flattened, and finished to its forged dimensions. The axle ends projecting from the discs are next cut to a suitable length, and shaped for welding to the two short axle ends of the . 72 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. crank-piece. And after the three components are united, and either stretched or upset to the precise length required, the forging is complete. A two-disc crank-axle, of ten or twelve inches diameter, may, in some cases, be conveniently made of six or seven pieces, as shown in Fig. 191. The seven components include the middle piece for the solid crank, the two axle-pieces to be welded to the crank-piece, also two other axle-pieces to lengthen the axle ends to the desired lengths, and the two portions for the discs. The forging of all the components may be conducted at one time, at different furnaces and hammers; by which the work is completed in about a quarter of the time that would be required for forging at one furnace only. To make the crank part, a pile of bars are welded and cranked, or allowed to remain solid in the ordinary manner. The straight axle-pieces, also, are produced by either piling or drawing down a thick lump, and the two discs are made of flat cakes or circular slices. The mode of making and attaching discs is described in the section on intermediate screw-shafts. When a crank-shaft is being made in this manner of several pieces, the attachment of the discs should be the joints last made. Crank-Bars.—An easy and common mode of crank-making is that by which the entire crank, with its two axle ends, is cut from a straight flat bar. The length of this bar is equal to the total length of the crank-axle when forged. The width of the bar is equal to the total length of the crank-arm; and the thickness is equal to the distance through the crank-gap, or through the solid metal at the place of the intended gap. After the piece is piled, welded, drawn down, and flattened to these dimensions, the crank is formed by one of four methods—by either cutting with steam-hammer chisels, punching rows of holes, sawing with saws, or drilling rows of holes with a drilling-machine. The bar reduced to its dimensions, and ready for cutting, is denoted by Fig. 192. After the crank part is produced by either of these cutting processes, the axle portions are reduced to the circular form, and the superfluous metal cut off to complete the forging. Crank- axles made by this plan are objectionable, because the lengths of all the fibres are parallel to the axis of the axle. Crank-suarts or Four Preces.—To place the fibres into their proper positions, a method may be adopted by which the two levers may be separately made, the axle and crank-pin also separately made, and the four pieces welded together. All the pieces may be separately forged at different fires, as for other large forgings, each component being trimmed to shape and cut to length while adapting them to each other. The two parts for the levers are made by reducing them of one straight bar of sufficient length for both levers; or of two shorter bars, each of sufficient length for one lever. When both levers are drawn down until their thickness and width are about equal to the required forged thickness and width, the ends are cut open by first punching a hole, and next cutting a slit, as described for other work. The gaps thus made are further enlarged and shaped to fit the two ends of the crank-pin, and also to fit the axle-piece ; so that each lever has one of its forked parts shaped to fit one end of the crank-pin, and the other forked part shaped to fit some part of the axle. The length of this axle-piece may, therefore, be about three times the width of the crank between the two axle junctions. For short axles, the length of the axle-piece may be equal to the entire forged length, to avoid lengthening by welding pieces to it. The length of the crank-pin piece is only a few inches longer than the finished length, to allow the crank-pin ends to be riveted with upsetting, if considered necessary, during the welding of the pin to the levers. The four components appear in Fig. 193. The joints first made are those of the levers with the axle. By referring to the Figure, it may be observed that the ends of the levers are of sufficient length to project beyond the axle, and allow them to be closed towards each other previous to welding, by which the components are retained in position until welding is effected. The hammering for welding commences by first placing the work with the axle upwards ; FORGING. 73 the axle is then driven down with a narrow hammer to thoroughly weld the bottoms of the lever- gaps ; after which, the work is put down with one side next the anvil-face, and the lever ends closed towards each other. After this the welding is completed at one or two other heatings, with additional upsetting and welding of the lever sides, if necessary. If it is intended to weld both levers to the axle at one welding, the thickness of the two levers together should equal the total width of the crank, which is the distance between the two axle junctions. The levers may then be put close together on the axle, having the lever ends closed together sufficiently to maintain them in proper position until welded. By thus welding the levers close together, the crank is made as if solid, although a slit remains which is the centre of the gap intended ; and the same amount of boring and slotting will result as if the crank were a single solid piece. But when it is necessary to avoid this boring, each of the levers may be forged nearer to its desired dimensions, and welded to the axle, so that the distance between the pe levers shall be equal to the forged width of the required gap. This arrangement is denoted in Fig. 196. After the levers are united to the axle, the opposite forked ends are adapted to contain the crank-pin ; and the joint parts of the pin are trimmed or thinned at one side to fit the gaps in the levers. The pin is next put in and tightened sufficiently to allow the work to be carried about ; and, after heating, the welding is performed in a manner similar to that for the axle. The crank is afterwards completed by cutting off the superfluous metal at the projecting fork ends, and joining other axle-pieces to the primary one, if not already of sufficient length. Crank forging by means of forked levers is specially applicable to all crank-axles intended to have levers of comparatively great length, or whose levers are long when compared with the axles. For short levers the next mentioned methods are more suitable. Cranks oF Two Bars.—Cranks are made also of two bars welded together, so that the width and thickness, when welded, shall be about equal to the thickness and. width of the crank required. By this mode, the primary axle-piece may be of any convenient length, and is fitted to the intended crank in a manner similar to that described for forked levers. The difference consists in not making a separate crank-pin; this pin being part of the two bars of which the crank is made. It is necessary that the bars be soundly welded in the parts intended for the levers and crank-pin; but the opposite ends may remain open, and will require cutting open, if the two become united during the welding. After a thorough welding, the quantity required for the crank is cut off, and the ends not welded are heated and placed upwards beneath a hammer. A narrow fuller is next driven in between the two ends, and afterwards a broader fuller is driven in, also a wedge or thick chisel, until a gap is produced similar to that in Fig. 194. The axle is then fitted to its place, and there welded to complete the crank-shaft. The axle and crank are represented by Fig. 198. Instead of thus making a crank of two bars, one may be used, if circumstances permit. When a piece of metal large enough to be formed into the entire crank, and a steam-hammer chisel big enough to make the opening, are accessible, it is advisable to use one solid piece for the crank, because in such a piece the metal for the crank-pin will be compact, and not so likely to show any joint. The shape of the axle gap in a single piece is similar to the gap in a crank made of two pieces; the crank and axle are therefore united together in a similar manner. A solid crank-piece without a joint is shown by Fig. 195 Whether one bar or two be used for such a crank, the lengths of the crank-pin fibres are at right angles to the proper position ; there- fore this is an objection to the method, which should be partly remedied by making the crank-pin part as solid as possible. By a method similar to the one last described, two cranks may be made of one bar, or of two bars welded together in the middle. In such cases, a lump is selected or reduced to proper width and thickness, and a sufficient length to make two cranks. The work is next cut into two at about midway between the ends, and the axle gaps are made with chisels and fullers, as for other cranks. When two bars are welded together for the purpose of obtaining one bar of suffi- L 74 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR cient thickness, the axle gaps may be formed by omitting to weld the work at the ends, The bar for making two cranks then appears as in Fig. 197. Gap-makinc.—To avoid drilling and a part of the slotting, crank-gaps should be formed while on the anvil. For this purpose three lines may be marked upon the solid crank part to indicate the place of the gap when forged; and a chisel or small fuller is driven in at the marks to a sufficient depth to allow the indents to be plainly seen when the work is heated. The crank is next heated to about a yellow heat, and two cuts are made into the work at the two marks that are parallel to the length of the levers. These cuts are conveniently made by driving a chisel to an equal distance from both sides, but only a few inches into the place of the gap from the entrance of it. After two short cuts are thus made, a gouge chisel, whose cutting end is the width of the gap, is driven from both sides, and a portion of the superfluous gap-piece is cut out. The straight chisel is afterwards again driven in, to extend the side cuts, and the gouge again employed to deepen the gap. Two-crank AxLes.—Two-throw crank-shafts are made by first forging two separate cranks, either with gaps or without, and afterwards welding two of the axle ends together; the joint being between the two cranks. Whether the cranks are to have curved extremities or angular, the desired shape is produced previous to the final joint-making. One of the two cranks is placed at right angles to the other by means of the joint; this is made to fit and coincide while the two cranks are at right angles to each other, and welded in that relation. The particular relative position of the joint ends with the cranks is of no conse- quence, because the joint is thoroughly welded by upsetting while in the furnace; but the situation of the joint may be at any convenient distance from either crank. To make a good joint a large mass of metal is provided, to admit two or three welding heats; after which the joint part is reduced to the forged diameter of the axle. By this treatment the extreme ends of the original joint become extended to a great distance along the axle, and are so amalgamated with each other that the men who made the joint cannot tell either its situation or position. Two-throw crank-shafts are made also by piling up the cranks on the sides of a primary axle-piece. This piling is of sufficient height and in the required. places to form the cranks to the length desired, and also at the required distance from each other. Each of the piles being at right angles to the other, the cranks are produced in the required relative positions, and with- out much twisting of the axle or making a joint between the two cranks. At the conclusion of forging, a small amount only of twisting is necessary, to adjust the cranks to a right angle with each other. Cranks thus forged are shown in Fig. 199. Two-crank Axuirs or Ont Bar.—A two-throw crank-shaft may be made also of one flat bar. The length of this bar is equal to the total length of the axle; the width equals the total length of one lever or arm; and the thickness equals the distance through the crank-gap when tormed. When reduced to thickness, the work is carefully trimmed and flattened throughout one small side, usually termed one edge. The work is then ready for marking. The bar being thus prepared, it is laid upon some convenient table, and the thickness of the intended axle is marked along the bar and at a proper distance from the flattened side, this distance being equal to the forged diameter of the axle. The middles of the two intended cranks are next marked by making two lines across the bar at right angles to the length of the axle. From these two centre lines the forged dimensions of the two cranks are marked, after which a chisel is driven in at each line. When thus marked, the bar is ready to be formed into a two-crank axle, which is effected by either drilling or sawing. When sawing is adopted, two rows of holes must be drilled at the bottoms of the crank-gaps, each row being parallel to the length of the adjoining crank-pin part ; the formation of the cranks is completed when the five superfluous pieces are cut out, at which time the two cranks are extended on the same side of the axle instead of at right angles to each other, as required. AXLE-TWISTING.—Twisting the axle is resorted to for placing the cranks into their proper positions. For small axles, this operation is conveniently performed at a bright yellow heat FORGING. | 75. while the work is in a furnace or other fire. The portion of the axle heated is that between the two cranks. The first heat is given to that part which adjoins one of the cranks, and the length of axle heated should be about two feet, if the fire will permit. By heating a great length of axle, ‘the twist will be equally distributed along the work; but, if the fire is not large enough for this purpose, a greater number of heatings and twistings should take place. The extent of twist first given may be about thirty degrees ; the adjoining portion of the axle is next heated, and the angular distance between the two cranks is increased with twisting to about sixty degrees ; after which another portion of the axle is heated, and the distance increased to ninety degrees as required. The modes of applying the power for twisting are various; and the method selected is that most suitable to the dimensions of the work. An axle of only four or five inches diameter can be twisted while in the fire, by bolting one of the cranks to a table or to a pedestal fixed in the ground. When one crank is thus tightly fixed, the other crank is conveniently made use of for attachment. A lever is fastened to this crank, and the axle is twisted by a few men at the end of the lever. When a bearing or pedestal is specially made for such purposes, it is preferable to fix the work by means of caps or clamp-plates across the axle, instead of attaching the plates to one of the cranks. Ifthe axle is thus gripped, instead of a crank, the fixing-bolts and plates may be quickly unfastened and refastened during the process. To facilitate the twisting, a few sledge- hammer blows are struck at the moment the power by the lever is applied. Screws also are used to gradually bring the cranks into proper position, instead of applying the power by the lever only; but a few men at the end of a lever which is fastened to a crank or some part of the axle is the quickest mode of twisting all kinds of small axles. Large axles are twisted under a steam-hammer, instead of in a furnace, and, if convenient, the twist is equally distributed along all that portion of the axle between the two cranks. The axle requires supporting at two places, one bearing being placed to each of the axle ends. One of the bearing-blocks is therefore near the anvil, or, if a large anvil, the bearing may be on the anvil; the other bearing-block is at any convenient place along the axle end. For convenience of handling the work during twisting, the axle ends are rounded previous to attaching the fastenings to the bearing-blocks. After two or three feet of the axle is heated to a bright yellow, the work is put upon the bearings, and, with one crank beneath the hammer, the work is so adjusted that the crank-pin portion shall receive the blows for twisting ; and during the twisting a space is allowed beneath the crank ; all superfluous anvil-blocks are therefore removed from the anvil. Fixing the opposite end of the axle during twisting is effected by attaching a lever to the crank, or to some part of the axle, and fastening the power end of the lever to a pair of blocks and tackle of sufficient strength. By this means the lever can be shifted during the successive hammerings, that the work may be retained in position to receive the blows. A substitute for a lever of great weight and dimensions consists of a pair of grips having angular gaps for attachment to one end of the axle, the axle end being made four-sided to fit the gaps in the grips. Around the rim of the grip are several holes large enough to contain the end of a strong fixing-pin ; and, during the hammering for twisting, the work is retained in position through the fixing-pin being tight in one of the pin-holes in the grip, at the time the pin is also tight in a block or iron post fixed for the purpose. Another means of facilitating the holding of the work in position may be briefly mentioned, which consists in hooking a number of weights to the lever and crank. The greater the weight thus applied, the more effectual will be the blows of the hammer. Whatever particular method may be adopted for fixing, it is advisable to make the cap or clamp-plates for gripping the work, of thick wrought iron, and with great gripping or bearing surfaces, that the work may be easily tightened in any desired position at any moment while on the anvil. Gap-BLocks.—Two-crank-axles made of straight bars, or made by any other mode, may be twisted also by a method which obviates the use of levers and all their necessary attachments. L2 76 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. This plan is applicable to an axle of one inch diameter, or to another of twenty inches, and is accomplished by supporting one crank in a gap-block or pedestal, while the other crank is on an anvil and beneath a hammer of any size to suit the dimensions of the work. The gap- block may consist of any desired number of tons of metal, and be of the needful dimensions for the usual work. In the upper part of the block, and in the vertical position, is the gap or opening for containing the cranks; and across the gap, at the top of the block, is a cap-plate to prevent the work being much shaken with hammering. The precise width of the gap is of no consequence, but it is necessary to make the opening a few inches wider than the thickness of the thickest crank to be put within, in order to allow the crank to be inclined about ten or fifteen degrees while adjusting it for twisting. When a small crank is in the gap, any required number of packing-plates can be inserted to fill the openings that remain. After a great length of the axle is heated, the work is put upon the anvil and into the gap, and, while suspended with the crane, the shaft is adjusted until the crank-pin part is beneath the hammer, at which time the fixing-cap is tightened and the hammering for twisting commenced. When a sufficient length of axle is heated at the first heat, the entire twisting can be performed at one heat; but if only a short length is heated, the process of reheating should be adopted. A two-crank axle supported by a gap-block is shown in Fig. 201. After the cranks are thus put nearly at right angles to each other by some of the methods described, and the outsides of the cranks tapered, or sometimes smoothed, by being hammered into moulds, the work is cut to length and adjusted. Crank Apsustments.—The final adjustment of all sorts of crank-shafts includes straight- ening the axles, and placing the centres of the two crank-pins at right angles to each other. The entire adjustment can be effected while the shaft is either entirely supported by the anvil, or partly supported by the anvil at one end, while the other end is in the gap that was used for twisting. To ascertain the amount of adjustment necessary, an iron template is made, having two arms at right angles to each other, representing the two cranks. This template or gauge fits the intermediate portion of the axle, and, being portable, is easily applied. To rectify a shaft without such a gauge, it is necessary to put the shaft upon a table, of sufficient length; and in many cases such a table is not accessible; hence the convenience of a portable gauge. To straighten the axle, the anvil having the largest face that the framing will admit should be put into position ; and the face of the anvil should be concave to the extent of about half an inch or an inch at the middle. To indicate the part of the work which needs a blow, a wooden iron gap-straight-edge, or straight-edge of wood only, is supported at different sides of the axle by three or four men while the smith walks along and observes the distances between the straight- edge and shaft at several places throughout its length. He then measures the distances with inside callipers having a long handle, if the work is hot enough to require it. And when the differences of the distances between the straight-edge and shaft are thus discovered, the concave parts or hollow parts of the axle are also discovered; these parts are then put next the anvil-face and a few blows given; after which the straight-edge is again supported and applied to the work by the men, to ascertain if the axle has been improved with the hammering, and which part is next to receive a few blows. By means of a long gap-straight-edge thus handled, or by means of a large surface-table, the crank-shaft can be adjusted while it is still hot at the conclusion of forging, and previous to putting it intoa lathe. The gaps in thestraight-edge are to admit the fulcrum ends of the cranks that extend beyond the axle sides; the gaps should therefore be five or six inches deep ; by this means the straight-edge can be put close to, or near to, the axle throughout its total length. When it is considered inconvenient to make a long gap-straight-edge, the axle must be put into a lathe to ascertain the places of the bent portions, because short straight-edges are of little use for work of great length. During the application of the straight-edge to a shaft of great FORGING. 77 ane the work requires supporting at several places to prevent it bending through its own weight. STEEL Crank-sHarts.—All crank-shafts are best when made of a hard metal that will admit beautifully polished surfaces for the crank-pins and axle-bearings. For this reason, a hard, highly tenacious steel, which will resist strains of vibration without being very liable to break, is pre-eminently the very best material of which crank-shafts can be made. And the reason why large crank-axles are not made of it is because it is an exceedingly rare product ; and, when it is comatable, great difficulty is encountered in forging it into a large crank-shaft without spoiling it, or placing the lengths of the fibres into the wrong positions. But the great advance lately made in steel-making by the Bessemer process enables us to hope that a steel which will be tough, hard, and also easily forged, may be produced at a not very distant time. Summary.—From the foregoing remarks and details of processes given in the previous sections of this chapter, an attentive student will learn that, however good the iron or steel may be which is used for forging, it is always desirable to devote some attention to the relative posi- tions in which the several forging components are to be welded to each other, and the positions of the fibres in the work after being forged. From the details of processes already given, these six general rules may be deduced : 1, That all piston-rods should be so made, as to place the longitudinal axes of the constituent fibres parallel to the lengths of the piston-rods. 2. That the straight portions of all levers should be so forged, as to arrange the longitu- dinal axes of the fibres into a position of parallelism with the lengths of the levers. 3. That the lengths of the fibres in any curved junction of a fork-end or T-head with its respective rod should be parallel to or concentric with the curve itself. 4, Also that the lengths of the fibres in all lever bosses and fork-end bosses should con- stitute portions of rings whose centres are the centres of the holes in the bosses. 5. Also that the fibres in the arms of all crossheads should be disposed into a position of parallelism with the lengths of the crossheads. 6. And that all axles should be so made, as to put the lengths of the fibres into a position of parallelism with the lengths of the axles. These general deductions relate to the principal portions of engine work, and may be reduced to this comprehensive general statement : That the lengths of the fibres in all piston-rods, connecting-rods, and other rods generally, should be parallel to the line or direction of the motive force applied while in use; and that the lengths of the fibres in all levers, crank-pins, and axles generally should be at right angles to the direction of the force applied while in use. To enable a beginner to appreciate these deductions and statements, it will be necessary for him to refer to the opening sections of this chapter, and to devote some attention to the sketches in Plates 1, 2, 8, and 4, that he may obtain a general idea of the shapes of the forgings he is considering. The character, formation, and uniting together of forging components having been thus for the first time generally described, a description of the appliances and implements for facili- tating the various processes is now added. SHAPING IMPLEMENTS. During the making or using of these implements, the fundamental principles of forging stated in the first sections of this chapter should be remembered in all cases that require good work; by no other means can good forgings be produced when ordinary bars or rods are used, whether they be Lowmoor, Bessemer, or any other product; therefore every tool, shaper, mould, or other implement that can be used or made to facilitate the forging by the first principles should be eagerly employed ; but all those implements or machines that put the metal into the outside shape without properly arranging the fibres should be avoided when circumstances permit. 78 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. Shaping moulds for forging purposes are more applicable to Bessemer ingots than to laminous bars, and especially when a Bessemer product nearly free from phosphorus and sulphur is accessible. The principle involved in forging with moulds consists in shaping the metal to the required form by adopting the shortest method, entirely disregarding the internal arrangement of fibres ; for this reason, tenacious Bessemer metal is very suitable for forging in moulds of all classes, small and large. Such metal can be upset without splitting; and, when newly cast, Bessemer product is devoid of an orderly side-by-side arrangement of fibres. While in this condition, it may be shaped, pressed, bent, or upset in any direction, if the metal itself is good. It may be stated generally, that bending and pressing are the two principal operations in these shaping processes, and that the tools and shapers employed are of cast iron or of Bes- semer metal; also that the great economy of time resulting from the use of shaping moulds requires that they should be employed by every manufacturer who has regularly to perform or conduct any kind of smiths’ work, whether it be very small or, on the contrary, very large. Such shaping tools are equally applicable to work of all dimensions, whenever many articles are required to be of the same or similar shape. The bending and shaping tools, and appliances for smal work, shall be first described. Tor Toous.—Plate 20 contains a number of sketches of shapers for small work; in this Plate, Fig. 202 denotes a top rounding tool that may be used in the usual manner with another bottom rounding tool, for rounding small work to a cylindrical form; or the top tool may be separately used for producing work of semicircular section, usually named half-round. When such a form is required, the work is put upon an anvil or some other convenient flat surface, instead of into an ordinary bottom rounding tool ; the top tool is then applied with hammering, to produce the required half-round shape. Top tools are used also for curving those two sides of a flat key which are named the edges, when keys of this form are required. Such top tools are very durable when made of Bessemer steel, and can be easily formed by splitting open one end of a piece, with punching a small hole at a short distance from the extremity, in the usual manner, and afterwards shaping the two ends thus produced, until the desired concave form is obtained. The required curve is effected with hammering the work while it is on a piece of round iron or steel, whose diameter is suitable for producing the desired curve in the tools being made. During the shaping of the curve, the round iron or steel is supported in any convenient gap, or in a pair of angular gaps similar to those in the two blocks shown in Fig. 142. Another mode of making top rounding tools consists in forming the curved or fork portion of steel, and welding a piece of iron of any desired length to the steel fork part. The straight soft iron portion is therefore that which receives the hammer; and when any of the thin pieces become detached from the top of the tool during the usual hammering, the mischief resulting through the pieces being driven about is not so likely to be as extensive as when the entire tool is made of one piece of brittle steel. But now that a soft Bessemer steel is attainable, the complete tool can be made without any joint. , The upper extremities of all top rounding tools should be curved; and, in all other tools rods, or bolts that are intended to sustain a severe hammering, the extremities that receive the hammer should be also curved, by which the desired shape is retained a greater length of time The curved outlines of such extremities are clearly shown in the larger sketches of this class of tools in Plate 7. The smoothing of the gaps of rounding tools is done with half-round or round files: the tool is next hardened and tempered to that degree which the particular piece of steel requires to prevent it breaking with the ordinary hammering. The upper ends of such tools do not require any hardening process. q Fuiers.—Fullers are used in all cases that require recesses with curved bottoms to be made into any piece of work during its forging; and according to the width of the recess required, so FORGING. 79 is the width of the particular fuller employed. Fullers are used also for scarfing, in which case the end to be scarfed is put upon an anvil, or a bottom rounding tool, and the fuller is driven into that side of the work which is intended to be bevelled. Fullers are useful also for the drawing down or otherwise thinning of work that is too small for the ordinary set-hammer. The forging of a fuller is properly done when the entire tool is made of one piece of steel, ie ‘ easily tapered, or upset at one end, until the required curve and thickness of fuller is obtained. The mode of holding a fuller, or other similar top tool, during its use, is by means of either a straight ash handle or a tough rod, which is twisted around the outside of the tool, and tightly fixed with two iron clips. The straight handle allows the tool to be kept firmly upright, and should be used when good hammermen are comatable, who are not so liable to hit the handle instead of the tool-head; but the twisted handle is preferable when it is likely to receive a severe blow, which would break the handle without injuring the arm of the man who holds it. . Those tools that are intended to have straight handles should have the handle-holes punched and drifted, instead of being drilled, because the drifting spreads out the metal around the hole and strengthens the tool, the eye part being the weakest portion. The final shaping of a fuller end is effected by hammering the tool while its lower end is heated and in a gap of a bottom rounding tool, the curve of the gap being that which is required for the fuller. Such shaping drives out a few ragged edges, named burrs, which are produced at the angular extremities of the fuller; these burrs are not hammered in, but filed off, and the curve of the fuller itself is also smoothed with filing; after which the fuller part of the tool is hardened, and is then ready for its handle. Carriers.—These are of various shapes and dimensions, to suit both small work and large; and are used to grip the various pieces of work while being carried about from a fire to a hammer or to a shaping implement. Carriers are represented by Figs. 204, 205, and 206. The cranked carrier shown by Fig. 204 is a very safe instrument to prevent the hot piece of metal slipping away from the middle of the carrier while being carried about. A carrier of this class is made of a straight piece of round iron or steel; and the cranking is effected on an anvil- beak, or on a block in which are studs or pins to hold the work while being cranked. Such studs for bending purposes may be placed also in some of the slots in a table shown at the bottom of the Plate (20). The hook carrier, denoted by Fig. 205, is useful to a hammerman for carrying about small rods or bars of great length. While the smith carries one end of the work, the other hot end is suspended with the hook, and carried by the hammerman. Such carriers are useful also for twisting and bending small work. Fig. 206 indicates a class of carriers for carrying long bars or plates, the work being gripped by one of the gaps in the cranked part. Hither one, two, or three such carriers are employed by one or more hammermen, according to the dimensions of the work to be moved about. To make such a carrier, two components are necessary; one of these is a straight bar for the cranked portion, and the other piece is a rod of iron of sufficient length to make any length of handle that is required. The bending of the bar to the shape of the crank is effected in a manner similar to that for making other cranks, which is by means of studs on some con- venient block or table. After the gaps are made to the width desired, the crank part is welded . to its handle, and the carrier is complete. Bousters.—Bolsters are used to support a piece of work at a proper distance above an anvil, while being punched or drifted ; consequently the greater the length of drift that protrudes beyond the work being drifted, the greater is the height or thickness of the bolster. Some sorts of bolsters consist of thick circular rings having holes of various diameters; other bolsters are slotted, or may have a long narrow gap, as in Fig. 207. The forging of one of this class consists in bending one end of a long bar and closing the work together until the gap is of the proper width. After the bolster is finished, it is cut from the bar which was used as a handle during the forging. 80 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. AncGuLar Suaprrs.—To shape angular extremities, it is often convenient to hammer the work while at yellow heat, or sometimes at welding heat, while the heated portion is in an angular gap. The angle of the gap-sides is that of the work required to be shaped. An angular shaper is shown by Fig. 208; and when the gap-sides subtend an angle of sixty degrees, the tool is sometimes used for shaping the outsides of six-sided nuts of several sizes. The material used for making such blocks should be Bessemer steel, cast into sand moulds that were shaped by wood patterns whose shapes resemble the shapes of the required blocks. _ When it may be necessary to forge such a block, instead of casting it, the square stem is first produced at one end of a bar, fullers being used to commence the drawing down, in the usual way; and when the stem is reduced to nearly its finished dimensions, it is placed in some convenient hole or slot, with the thick part of the work upwards; while thus fixed, chisels and wedges are driven in at the place of the intended gap, until its required dimensions are attained. Cortar SHApers.—Several classes of small bolts and studs have collars or flanges near one end, or near the middle. For such studs, a shaping-block denoted by Fig. 209 is employed, together with another top tool having a recess similar to that in the bottom block. The use of such blocks obviates the necessity of welding separate collars to the bolts, because the stud or bolt may be made of one single piece, which, in diameter, is equal to the diameter of the collar desired. When such a piece is used, it is first fullered in two places to produce the required collar between the two fullered recesses. After being thus roughly formed, it is again heated to about welding, and put between the top and bottom collar shapers; and, while between, a rapid hammering produces the shape required. These collar shapers are used also for welding and shaping flange bolts when made of two pieces instead of only one, the collar being bent around the bolt as previously shown (Plate 8). In such cases, the collar is welded to the bolt by means of the usual hammering, while the work is between the shaping tools. Cast iron or steel being used for these shapers, it is easy to shape the gaps to any form of flange that is required. If needful, the gaps may be made to produce four-sided flanges, and also four-sided bolts, instead of circular ones; but, whatever form of bolt is required, it is desirable to make the bottoms of the recesses smaller than the mouths or entrances, to prevent the bolt sticking in the block after being hammered into it. If the bottom of any such gap should be larger than the entrance, instead of smaller, or if any irregular hollows or holes in the block should exist, when newly cast, at the sides of the gap, the work after being hammered into it will remain in, securely dovetailed, until drilled out piece by piece. Drirts.—It is often necessary to punch small keyways, or other slots of similar shape, into small pins and bolts, to.avoid drilling; and, after punching, thin drifts of various lengths and thicknesses are driven into the slots to enlarge them to the required dimensions. A thin drift, having curved extremities to resist the hammering, is shown by Fig. 210. Drifts are made also of circular, oval, rectangular, hexagonal, and octagonal transverse sections; and are used for drifting nuts, joint-pin holes, small connecting-rod eyes, lever-bosses, fork-joints, spanners, machine-handles, and several other articles, when the object is to economise the time that would be occupied in shaping with more expensive machinery. Whatever may be the particular shape of the drift, it should be of excellent steel, very smooth, and as near to straightness as can be made. For general work, it may be stated that the angle subtended by any two opposite sides of a finishing drift should not exceed one or two degrees, which is termed very slightly taper. Drifts for enlarging the holes in large work during forging should be very taper, the angle subtended by the sides being about. fifteen degrees. StorreD Borrom Toots.—A slotted bottom tool having a half-round gap is very convenient for supporting a bolt or pin, or other cylindrical piece, while being punched or drifted. The tool may be of sufficient length to extend beyond the anvil-edge, to allow the end of the drift to clear the anvil while in the slot or key-way. In other cases a shorter bottom tool may be used, having FORGING. 81 the slot directly above the anvil-face; in either case the slot in the tool is formed entirely through it, to allow the punched pieces to be easily cleared away. When such tools are made of cast iron or cast steel, the slots can be formed at the time of casting, and are afterwards finished with filing. If the tool should be made of wrought iron or wrought steel, the slot may be punched, or, if too small for punching, it may be drilled and afterwards finished with filing. A slotted bottom tool is indicated by Fig. 211. Puncues.—The usual shapes of all punches are conical, and the angle subtended by two opposite sides should be about six or seven degrees. The outlines of the transverse sections of punches do not differ so much from each other as the sections of drifts, the only two general forms for punches being circular and rectangular, termed round and square. Round ones are used for piercing holes into nuts, joint-bosses, rings that are to be forged without a joint, spanners, and many other classes of ordinary work; also for making flat-bottomed recesses into iron or steel previous to punching smaller holes at the centres of the flat-bottomed recesses, the shapes of the smaller holes being either round or square. Square punches are required for square bolt- holes, key-ways, also rectangular gaps in the ends of rods or bars. In this case, the square hole is first punched at a proper distance from the extremity, and the superfluous piece afterwards cut out with chiselling. Square punches are useful also for making many other rectangular openings in thin bars and plates. Four-sided punches for making small holes are made ten or twelve inches long, for the con- venience of holding the punch with one hand while the other hand is employed to drive the punch through or partly through the work. Large punches that require a sledge or steam- hammer are made of the shortest possible length that is sufficient, that: the hammering may not bend the punch to any considerable extent. A short square punch is represented in Fig. 212. Whether the punch is round or square, a short one requires an iron-wire handle, twisted around the punch, instead of a wood handle; an iron handle, being thin, will allow a great length of the punch to be driven into the hole during the hammering for punching. . Punches small or large, long or short, require to be made of the best tough, hard, cast steel. When such metal is accessible, the only hardening that the tool requires is given when it has been driven into the work and become nearly or quite red-hot; at such times, the punch is put into water in a bucket provided for the purpose. . Key-sHarers.—To facilitate the forging of keys of various shapes and dimensions, a number of blocks are cast having recesses and grooves of different shapes corresponding to the shapes of the keys required. For round keys, half-round taper recesses are formed; for square and other kinds of rectangular keys, the recesses are about the same depth as the thickness or width of the intended keys, some of the gaps being used for shaping the keys while their small sides are upwards, and other recesses being used for shaping the keys while their broad sides. are upwards. The bottoms of the gaps may be either flat or curved, according to the required shapes of the key-sides. Keys having heads are shaped by hammering them into gaps that are shaped to receive the heads in addition to the stems of the keys. The gaps for the heads may be open at the front end of the shaping-block near the workman, or the recess for the head may be made nearer to the middle of the block-face; the recess will then be surrounded with metal, except at the place for containing the key-stem. This situation for the heading recess is necessary for shaping’ great numbers of headed keys, that they may be firmly retained in their respective recesses instead of being pushed out with the hammering. The tools that are required while hammering the metal into the shapers are half-round top tools and flatters, or, in some cases, the hammer only. The half-round top tools are used for round keys and the small sides of taper flat keys, also one of the small sides of a gib. Flatters are necessary for all sorts of rectangular keys; and when considerable numbers are wanted of similar width and thickness, the required dimensions are obtained by hammering each key into two gaps, one gap being just the width of the required keys, and the other gap being just the thickness. When two such gaps are provided, they are termed gauge-gaps ; M 82 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. and while the key is in either of these openings, it is flattened with a flatter until the flatter strikes the face of the block at the same time that it strikes the key, at which time the work is of the required dimensions, measuring with callipers not being necessary in such cases. Many classes of keys can be shaped and reduced to the finished dimensions at only one heating and hammering ; for such keys only one gauge-gap is requisite for each size of keys. The material used for such shapers should be cast Bessemer steel, the proper care being exercised to slightly taper the gaps that the work may be easily separated from the shapers. A key-shaper is shown by Fig. 213. Rounpine Brocxs.—Instead of a separate bottom rounding tool being used for each different diameter of bolts or pins, a block having three or four gaps is often used, all the gaps being of different sizes, to suit various diameters of bolts and rods. The making of such a block consists in either casting it of Bessemer steel or forging it of wrought iron; sometimes adding a steel face for the gap part, in other cases making the block entirely of iron. The forging is commenced by producing the square stem by drawing down one end of a bar or other component piece, and, when the stem is squared, a sufficient quantity of metal is allowed for the block, and the entire work cut from the bar or lump. The intended face side is next flattened or welded, if not solid, and the half-round gaps are formed with fullers. For this pur- pose, the places of the gaps are marked with a chisel, and the work is heated to nearly welding and put across a convenient opening to permit the square stem to hang between; or, if the steel is sufficiently reduced, it can be put into the square hole of an anvil. While thus situated, fullers of proper width are driven in at the marks, and with two or three heatings the gaps are roughly formed. The shaping of the gaps is next continued by hammering cold pieces of round iron or steel into the gaps, first at near welding heat, and afterwards at a dull red heat; each of the pieces used for shaping being of a proper diameter to form the opening desired. After all the shaping with fullers and pieces of round iron is completed, the burrs spread out at the angular extremities are filed off, and the smoothing of the gaps is effected with half-round or round files. When the blocks are cast instead of being forged, the needful shaping and smoothing is effected with files only, because the gaps are cast nearly to the finished dimensions. A rounding- block is represented by Fig. 214. Bort-HEAD SHAPERS.—When great packing numbers of bolts having cylindrical heads are wanted, it is advisable to use an implement which will reduce the bolt-head to its proper diameter, also reduce the bolt-stem to its diameter, and make the bolt-head concentric with the bolt-stem, the three objects being effected at only one hammering. The lower block of such an apparatus is shown by Fig. 215. The upper shaper consists of a top tool having a recess, which is of the same shape as that in the bottom tool. After a bolt is drawn down and roughly shaped, it is put between the two tools and adjusted to the desired shape and dimensions at one or two heats. Shapers of this sort will not adjust a bolt-head to any particular length; it is therefore necessary to make the recesses for the heads longer than the length of the longest bolt-head to be put within. The easiest method of making such shapers is by casting, the recesses being formed at that time. Another plan consists in casting or forging the top and bottom blocks separately and without any recess. The next step is to carefully flatten the two faces that are to come together ; after this the two tools are firmly bolted together in their intended relative positions during use. While thus fixed, the bolt-holes and head-recesses are bored with suitable apparatus. Tones Suarers.—The principal parts of a pair of tongs are the joint portions; and all the joints of tongs for small work are made about the same shape, consequently it is convenient to make recesses for forming such pieces without trouble. Any additional portions for the grips may be afterwards welded to the joint pieces, if the work in progress is large enough; but for small tongs, the joint portion may be shaped at a proper distance from one extremity of a bar, FORGING. 83 and a thick lump be allowed to remain at the end, beyond the joint part. This thick portion may then be shaped or cut to any desired form, to become the grip, instead of welding an addi- tional piece to the joint part, as for larger tongs. The only top tools that are required for use with tongs shapers are ordinary hammers, flatters, and set-hammers. The shaping recesses in the block may be formed of a sufficient depth to contain the whole of the piece being shaped, or may be shallow, so that a portion of the metal may project above the face of the block when thick joint pieces are being made. Through the irregular forms of the recesses in tongs shapers, it is necessary to carefully form and polish the wood patterns to the proper shape, that no further shaping may be necessary, after the blocks are cast. A tongs shaper is indicated by Fig. 216. ; Tasius.—A great number of small tools and shaping implements are used on some sort of block or surface-table. Every smithy should contain one or more of these tables; and the greater the dimensions of the usual work of the shop, the greater should be the table or tables. The length of large blocks or tables of this class should be about five or six times the width, that the men may make use of nearly the whole surface, instead of working at the edges only. For the convenience of fixing various pieces of work to the table, it should be cast with a large recess for the under side; and also contain a number of slots in various parts of the upper side or surface, and also around the other sides next the workmen. These slots are useful to contain the ends of studs, pins, hooks, poppets, bolt-heads, and other instruments employed for fixing and shaping various classes of forgings. In addition to slots, the table may have several straight lines marked along the surface, and a few other shorter lines marked across at right angles to the long ones. While the table is in use, it is in any convenient part of the shop, and sup- ported with a few wood blocks to raise it to any particular height that may be desired. When the table is required at some other unusual place, a few wood or iron rollers are put beneath, and it is rolled to its intended destination. If an instrument of this character is accessible, the straightening, flattening, and adjusting of rods and shafts of all sorts will be greatly facilitated. The lines, being of great length, will admit several men to work at one time in several places along the table; the lines being also at right angles to each other, will allow work of all sizes, and in all stages of forging, to be put to the lines for adjustment; and when a curve of any particular radius, or diagram of other variety is desired, it may be delineated on the surface with chalk or compass point, and becomes for a time the workman's gauge or standard. Any of the places of intersections of the lines with each other may be selected for centres from which to excribe the necessary arcs or other curves that may be needed, for the adjustment of links, sectors, connecting-rods, eccentric-rods, slide-rods, rings, cranked levers, straight levers, and other varieties of work that are in pro- ess. = One or two of the lines near the edges of the table should be divided into métres, decimétres, centimétres, and millimétres; such an arrangement would tend to abolish the old mode of measuring by inches and parts. A thick heavy table of this class may also be adapted to a steam-hammer, instead of using it as a portable table in various places. The steam-hammer thus supplied may then be specially reserved for straightening, flattening, adjusting, and cutting to length a variety of rods, axles, and other forgings. The material of which such tables should be made, is Bessemer metal, or a hard cast iron which is not too hard to admit the planing process; such metal will be durable, and if the intended top or face of the table is downwards at the time of casting, a good surface will be the result. The preparation of the table for use commences with reducing the upper side to a plane by means of a planing machine; after planing, the same machine is the means of marking the long lines on the table, and also the short lines, if the machine is suitable ; if not, a steel scriber and straight-edge are employed to mark the short oe when the planing-machine is not capable of M 84 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. being adapted to the purpose. The method of correctly marking the cross lines consists in bisecting the long lines, or portions of them, in all those places intended for the inter- sections of the short lines with the long ones. By this means, the marking tool may be afterwards used to enlarge the marks, and the desired right angular positions of the lines are obtained. This class of tables, having a few lines marked on the surfaces, is represented in Fig. 217. Diss Buocxs.—The slots and square holes in a portable table may often be conveniently used for holding the square stems of rounding tools, bending tools, and other shaping imple- ments represented in Plates 20 and 21; instead of placing the stems into the square holes of ordinary anvils. In Plate 21, two bending tools for bending ends of bars, as shown by Figs. 218 and 219. The number of slits or narrow gaps in each tool may be three or four, if the tools are large enough ; and the angles of the gaps with the faces of the tools differ according to the desired angle of the work when angled. For the convenience of shaping curved work, the entrances of the gaps may be curved, as in Fig. 219. When such a tool is in use, it is fixed by its stem in some convenient hole, and the bar to be angled is heated to a proper softness and upset, if necessary, to obtain a thick portion at the intended corner; after this, the iron or steel is again heated and angled by placing the end of the bar into the gap, to such a distance that the middle of the heated portion shall be in contact with the bearing or projecting edge at the mouth of the gap. When the work is thus fixed, it is ready for angling, which is effected by one or two men pulling down the end of the bar until it is brought to the desired position. After being thus roughly bent, the work is properly shaped by hammering and flattening that part of the iron which is on the angling block. The angling block shown by Fig. 219 is useful for shaping work which is to be very strong at the corner, having a curve inside and an angle outside. To make such a corner, the iron is heated to welding and driven into the gap with flatters or set hammers. Gap-blocks for angling and corner-making are made by first preparing a solid block havmg a square stem, but no gap. The material used may be either Bessemer metal or inferior homogeneous iron ; and the cutting of the gap is performed while cold. For this purpose, the place of the required gap or gaps is marked upon the face and two sides of the block, by means of a scriber and straight-edge; after which the opening is made with drilling about half way through from two opposite sides of the block, and not with drilling from the face of the block. After being drilled with drills of proper sizes, the gap is completed with chiselling and filing. aie gaps, two or three inches wide, and six or eight inches in length or depth, are formed at the time of casting; the wood patterns being shaped to draw easily from the sand in a direction which is parallel to the length of the gap, and not in a direction which is at right angles to the block face; consequently the block is cast with one side at the bottom of the mould, instead of the block-face being in that situation. Gap blocks or other implements of similar character, having wide gaps, are made to suit thin Pay putting packing plates of various thicknesses into the gaps by the side of the work to be angled. Screw-Ciamps (Fig. 220).—Screw-clamps are used to fix two or more bars or plates together, or to a block or table ; the object being to tightly fasten the pieces in any required relative position during a short time while marking with a scriber or other instrument. Clamps are used also for lifting heavy plates, and for attaching various pieces of work to each other. Screw-clamps are made of all sizes from half a pound weight to fifty pounds; and the form is nearly the same for all dimensions, being similar to that shown in Fig. 220. When clamps are used for fixing a long straight-edge upon a piece of work, two or three clamps are necessary, and are placed in two or three places along the sides of the straight-edge and the work while in their required positions ; pieces of soft iron are then put upon the straight- edge to receive the points of the clamp-screws, and all the screws are tightened with a tommy, by which the straight-edge is securely fixed. During the final fixing, the work is adjusted to its FORGING. 85 exact intended relative position by giving a few knocks to either the straight-edge or the work to which the straight-edge is fastened, using a tin hammer for this purpose, or, for some work, a copper drift. For lifting purposes one clamp is often dangerously used, the clamp being suspended with the chain-hook, and the bar or plate which is being lifted being wholly dependent on the bite of the screw-point to prevent the work falling and doing mischief; consequently, for safety, the clamp-screw point should be screwed into the metal sufficient to make an indentation about a sixteenth deep. A good clamp is that which presents a large bearing surface to the work after being fixed, thus preventing the clamp and work from altering their relative positions. With this object a clamp should be made so that its two arms are nearer to each other at the extremities than at a few inches towards the bottom of the gap, or mouth, as it is termed. Such a clamp, when in ordinary use with the work between, should be screwed tight until both arms are parallel to each other ; any further screwing after this will further separate the arms and tead to make the work less secure. During a long usage, the arms of clamps become too wide apart by the frequent screwing; a clamp in this condition should be rectified by heating the thick curved part, and closing the arms to a proper distance. The metal for clamps should be Bessemer iron or steel; the screw-points also must be of steel, that they may be forced into the work or packing which is being fixed, when such a bite is necessary. These packing-pieces should be hollow at those sides that are to be next the work to be fixed; and the bearing of the clamp also, shown in the Figure by B, should be hollowed by filing a shallow narrow groove along the middle. The forging of a clamp, when small, consists in making it of one straight piece, which is reduced to a suitable thinness at each end, and the boss for the screw also made at one end, both operations being completed previous to bending the clamp at the middle. Large clamps are conveniently made of two pieces when bending tools are not accessible ; in this case, the joint is made at the thick curved part. Cur Toots.—A cup tool consists of a top tool which is held on the work by means of a handle in a hole punched into the tool for the purpose, or held by an iron wire or wood handle twisted around the outside. The outline of the lower extremity of a cup tool is circular, and in the midst is a plano-convex recess whose plane coincides with the flat bottom of the tool, also named the tool-face. The straight part of the tool is often much smaller in diameter than the cup-portion, for the purpose of making the tool as light as possible; one of this character is shown in Fig. 221. The tools may be of several sizes, some having recesses of half an inch diameter, and others having recesses three inches diameter ; the tools are thus adapted for chamfering nuts, shaping plano-convex bolt-heads, convexing extremities of pins and bolt stems, and also for general riveting purposes. If the object is to chamfer nuts, the cup tool is applied to the nut and struck with a sledge hammer, after the work is reduced to proper dimensions and shaped to the desired form, whether square or hexagonal. For bolt-heading, the cup tool is applied after the bolt is put into the header and roughly upset with hammering. Ifa cup tool is required for convexing extremities of long bolts or pins, the tool is held to the work and struck with a sledge hammer while the bolt is in the horizontal position on an anvil. A short bolt is stood upright upon the anvil, or upon an upsetting block, and the cup tool applied in a vertical position. For riveting purposes, cup tools are very small, having recesses only three-quarters of an inch, and for some work only three-eighths in diameter. Such tools are parallel, having their straight parts about as large in diameter as their cup-portions. . Cup tools are often forged of two pieces, one piece of iron for the stem, and the other piece being of steel for the cup part; the two being welded together. A preferable mode consists in forging the tool entirely of Bessemer steel, and the implement used for shaping the recess is a punch shown by Fig. 222. This punch is partly shaped with hammering, .and afterwards filed and smoothed with emery cloth until the convex part 1s of the desired shape ; it is next hardened 86 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. and fixed to a handle, and becomes fit for use. The mode of applying the punch consists in driving it into the solid metal at the place of the intended recess, the intended cup part being heated to about the softness of cold lead. The blows first given are with a sledge hammer, which is used till the recess is about the depth desired; and after one or two heatings, the finishing of the hollow is effected with a few blows of a light hammer, the work being a little cooler than red heat. In addition to this smoothing of the hollow with the punch, the cup may be further hollowed by lathe-turning; but in most cases such a troublesome process should be avoided, and the entire smoothing done with a properly shaped punch. A cup tool may be also made in the form of a steam-hammer shaping block, in which case the recess may be formed by either casting or by punching with punches of proper sizes. Tuse-Mzasurns.—Such measures are made of pieces of plate iron that are bent to a tubular form, to fit loosely on the bolt, pin, or rod to be measured. They are made also of thin iron pipe which is sawn into pieces of the required lengths. If necessary, two or three tube-measures may be used at one time on one bolt or pin, the measures being placed end to end, and extending along the bolt to the length desired. Measures of this sort are used to indicate the commencements of keyways in the ends of bolts that require punching instead of drilling. After a measure of proper length is selected or made, it is put upon a bolt or pin while at a proper heat for punching; the portion of the bolt projecting beyond the measure is next put into the gap of a bottom tool, and the punch is held on the bolt- end and tight against the measure; while the punch is thus situated, it is driven half way through the work from both sides, the tube is next taken off, and the keyway finished with further punching and drifting. These measures are useful also for indicating the intended junctions of bolt-screws with the adjoining portions of the bolts, when it is necessary to reduce the end for the screw to a diameter which is shorter than the diameter of the adjoining part. A tube-measure may be also used for a pin, bolt, or rod when screwing is not intended. For such purposes the tube is put upon the work, and the rounding tool, set hammer, fuller, or other tool to be used is put close to the measure, and the drawing down commenced while the set hammer is tight against the measure, so described for key-way punching. Another use for such measures consists in applying one to a great number of bolts that require to be forged to one length; in these cases the cutting-off chisel is put close to the end of a measure while it is on a bolt, and a correct length is thus ensured. A measure for this purpose on a bolt is represented by Fig. 223. A usual mode of measuring lengths in bolts or other work without a tube, consists in marking the length with chalk upon a straight-edge of convenient length, to be held to the work by the hammerman ; and while he holds one end of the straight-edge tight against the shoulder of the bolt-head, the smith puts the reducing tool or chisel to the bolt and also opposite the chalk mark on the measure ; while the smith thus holds the tool, the hammerman takes away the measure and drives in the tool with his hammer. The mode of making tube-measures, and also other work of similar shape, consists in bending the pieces of plate while at a suitable heat. If several are to be made at one performance, all the pieces may be first cut and prepared previous to bending, and all may be cut small enough to form spaces between the extremities after being bent to a tubular form. Such a space is shown in the tube on the bolt shown by the Figure (223), and the advantage of such an opening consists in its allowing the plate to be bent in an easy manner. The length of the tube is the distance along the bolt to which the tube will extend when finished, and the piece of plate is cut a trifle longer to admit a little filing or adjusting to a proper length. After a sufficient number of pieces are prepared, they are curved while heated by driving a piece of round iron or steel on to the plates while lying across some convenient gap. For such bending, the gaps of half-round bottom tools are suitable, and after the round iron shaper is driven in to a proper distance, the curving of the tube is completed with a couple of top and bottom tools of a suitable size, while the round iron is in the hole and held by the workman as an ordinary nut mandril. After the FORGING. 87 tubes are made, the two bearing extremities of each one are adjusted to a precise length, and made parallel to each other; this is effected by placing the tube with one end upwards on an anvil and flattening with a flatter, and afterwards with filing, if necessary. AxcuED Funiers.—Fullers whose shaping parts are arched or concave, resembling Fig. 224, may be used in pairs or singly ; when used in pairs, they become both fullers and gauges, because the work which is being reduced between the two fullers cannot be reduced after the two tools are brought together by hammering, without applying other tools having smaller gaps. Such fullers are made by first preparing the shaping parts with thin ends that are about the same thickness as when finished, but having straight bottoms instead of curved ones. The forming of the arches is commenced by cutting out the superfluous pieces with a punch, or with a gouge- chisel, indicated by Fig. 226; after being thus hollowed, the shaping is completed by driving each fuller while heated into a grooved shaper, the groove being the shape of the required fuller-end. For this purpose a groove is made around a piece of round steel by means of a lathe, until the groove is of proper depth and width. If necessary, several grooves may be made into one shaper, ae each groove formed for one particular work. A grooved shaper of this class is shown by ig. 225. After the intended fullers are cut with punching or gouging, the grooved shaper may be held with tongs between a pair of the fullers at a suitable heat, and the two tools shaped by sledge- hammering the top tool; or, the fullers may be shaped separately, by putting them into the groove, and hammering the square stems which are upwards. During such hammering, the grooved shaper is held in some convenient gap or gaps to keep it in position. The finishing of the arches consists in filing off the burrs that were produced by the shaping processes, and after- wards filing the extremities to the required dimensions. Hanpie Saapers.—Shapers for machine handles are in pairs when intended for handles of circular transverse section, so that when both top and bottom shapers are put together in their proper positions, a hole is formed which is the shape of the handle required. Handles of rect- angular section require but the bottom tool, which is used as other bottom tools—the handle being pressed into the shaping implement by means of an ordinary hammering, or by means of a flatter. Fig. 227 represents the bottom tool of a couple of shapers for circular handles ; the top tool may be attached to the bottom one by means of guides to guide the top tool to its required. rela- tive position; or the top-tool may consist of a light shaper, not too heavy to be held by means of a wood handle, similar to that for other top tools. The convenient mode of making handle shapers is by casting, at which time the gaps must be formed so that little or no smoothing after casting shall be necessary. The small amount of finishing which is required is performed with small chisels, gouges, punches, and scrapers; the cutting parts of the scrapers being semicircular, rectangular, and triangular. Bosstne Toors—Bossing tools are adapted to shape bosses of levers or rods that are either round or flat. A bottom bossing tool for round rods is shown by Fig. 228; a tool of this class is useful for shaping several varieties of joint bosses. Fig. 229 denotes a bottom shaper for eccentric- rod bosses that are forged without gaps; also for shaping a large class of lever bosses, including weigh-shaft-levers, lifting-levers, reversing-levers, crank-levers, and others of similar shape. A flat rod or lever having one or more bosses extending from only one side of the lever, instead of from two opposite sides, may be shaped by being hammered into the bottom tool, a top bossing tool not being required. Such a bottom tool will shape also lever bosses that extend from two opposite sides of the lever, if both bosses are to be of one diameter, and are to extend to an equal distance on both sides. But to shape a boss which is larger in diameter at one end than at the other, or is not of the same length at one side of the lever as at the other, two tools are required, top and bottom; and when a number of bosses are wanted at one time, the tools should be guided or jointed together. The diameter of the metal selected for making a lever boss may be sufficient to allow the boss to be formed without any previous upsetting. Such a piece will need therefore a reducing, to produce the arm or lever which is to extend from the boss. This reducing is effected at the 88 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. beginning of the forging ; after which the boss part is roughly formed with fullers and chisels, and the work finished with the bossing tools. Such shaping implements will also form bosses that are made by piling; being piled up on one side or on two sides of a lever; this lever portion being of the forged dimensions previous to attaching the bosses, that the bossing tools may not be required to shape anything more than the bosses. To make a boss at one end of the lever, the iron may be cut partly through in several places and doubled and welded together until a lump of sufficient thickness is obtained. When enough metal is accumulated by this method, the boss lump is heated to welding and shaped by the tools at one or two heatings. When these methods of piling and doubling are adopted for making bosses in large numbers, it may be necessary to cut the component pieces to a proper length, previous to commencing the formation of the bosses. For this purpose, the smith can ascertain the sectional area of the boss required, and also its length; and having also discovered the sectional area of the bar or rod which he is to make into the boss, he may know the length of bar necessary to be piled or doubled for one boss, by applying the appropriate rule (page 8). This rule is equally applicable whether the original piece is larger than the intended work, or whether iron of smaller diameter is to be used, and upset or doubled to the needful dimensions. After thus discovering the exact amount required for one boss, the proper amount may be added for welding and burning during the several heatings. Cranginc Toots.—Gap-liners of steel or iron, or any other forgings of similar shape, are easily cranked by means of a couple of appropriate tools. Both the shaping tools may be used together as top and bottom tools, or the bottom tool may be the only one employed ; in this case the bar to be cranked is driven into the shaping gap with ordinary fullers. A cranking implement of this class is shown by Fig. 230; such a tool may be used for small work that is to be cranked with hand fullers; or for large work, the tool may be fitted to a steam-hammer, and a steam- hammer fuller employed, instead of a hand fuller. In this class of shaping implements, a broad gap is made across the shaper, for the conve- nience of using pieces of round iron for the purpose of cranking, when fullers of proper shape are not accessible. This gap for containing such pieces of round iron is shown in the Figure by I. The piece of bar which is to be cranked with such an implement requires the intended cranked part to be equally heated, and that part of the work intended for the centre of the crank should be placed exactly opposite the centre of the gap in the cranking tool, that the straight ends of the work may be of proper length after being cranked; but when the bar to be cranked is several inches longer than necessary, the precise situation of the bar on the cranking tool is not important, the straight ends being cut to length after cranking. These implements may be made having cranking gaps or grooves of various shapes, to suit many classes of work; and to avoid casting a number of blocks, several cranking gaps may be made in one tool. T-Heap Snarers.—After a short slit is cut at one end of a small bar or rod, for the purpose of forming a T-piece, the workman puts one of the two branches thus produced into a hole in a block, or into some convenient slot, and while the branch is thus fixed, he pulls down the other end of the work until the branch in the hole is at about right angles to the bar; after one branch is thus bent, the work is again heated and the other branch is put into the hole, and bent by the same sort of pulling by the workman. T-pieces of small bars or rods are easily commenced by such means, and the further shaping required is effected with welding heats and upsetting while the T-piece is still attached to the bar, if the work is very small; but if two or three inches thick, it is better to cut the T-piece from the bar after being slit and the branches roughly separated. The T-piece thus partly made is next attached to a porter of some kind and heated to welding, and put into a T-head or T-piece shaper, shown by Fig. 231. This implement has a hole in the middle for containing the rod part of the T-piece, and the upper edges at the entrance of the hole are curved, to shape the required curved junction of the head with its rod part. This short rod por- FORGING. 89 tion of the T-piece may be of any convenient length for handling while forming the work, and also of sufficient length for welding to the other component piece which is to be the intermediate portion of the connecting-rod, eccentric-rod, or whatever rod is being made. The T-end shaping tool may be fixed across any convenient opening when in use, the opening being deep enough to allow the rod part of the T-end to project below, while the T-head is being hammered into the shaping gap with sledge hammers. When a T-end shaper is fitted across a gap in a steam-hammer anvil, the lump which is intended for the T-end requires no slit to be made with cutting, but merely a sufficient reducing to allow the rod part to pass easily through the hole in the shaping tool, and a tapering of the head. After the rod part is thus prepared, and the intended head spread out with hammering, it is heated to nearly welding and put into the shaper. The thin part, which was previously spread out with hammering, will then stand up considerably above the shaper, and this part is imme- diately battered into the shaper, by which the head and also the curved junction is formed, almost at one heating and hammering. To complete the T-piece, it is only necessary to cut off all the superfluous metal, which will be in only two places; these are at the two ends of the head that was lying in the shaping gap. Short T-ends may thus be conveniently made with such an imple- ment, and afterwards welded to rods of any length, by which the handling of long pieces is avoided. T-pieces may be made also without shaping-moulds, by drawing down. This mode is indi- cated by Fig. 200. By this method, a lump is employed which is thick enough to spread out to the length of the head required, or the piece may be thick enough to form the head without spreading out; consequently, the rod part of the T-piece is produced by drawing down the thick mass of metal, which is large enough for the T-head. Although this mode involves a large quan- tity of reducing to make the rod portion, the plan is applicable to the forging of T-ends of various dimensions, when only one T-piece is to be of one size; therefore gap-gauges or callipers must be carefully used, as indicated in the Figure, to adjust each T-end to the length, width, and thickness. Joint Wetpers.—The scarf joints of bolts, rods, and bars of two or three inches thickness can be easily welded together with steam-hammering; the only manual labour involved in the process being that of placing the two scarfs into a proper situation beneath the steam hammer, and into a bottom tool resembling either Fig. 232 or Fig. 233. One of these tools is fixed to the anvil either by means of a key at the side of the bottom tool, or by means of a square stem which con- stitutes part of the tool; bottom tools having square stems being employed, if the anvil contains a suitable hole to receive them. A bottom tool for welding round iron is shown by Fig. 232, and another for welding bars is denoted by Fig. 233. In the one for round iron, the gap is wider and deeper at the middle than at either end, this form being that which is suitable for producing rods that are to be thicker at the joint; and also highly advantageous for welding, reducing, and smoothing a joint at only one hammering. The corresponding top tool has a gap of similar shape, and should be so guided to the bottom tool that when both are together the widest part of one gap shall be opposite the widest part of the other gap. For this purpose, the guide-rods may be two or four in number ; the tool shown by the Figure having four. Around each guide-rod is a coiled spring to raise the top tool. ; While preparing the scarfs for welding by this method, it is advisable to so shape the ends as to obtain an oblong section, making the greatest length of the oblong to be in a vertical position while the scarfs are under the hammer ready to be welded. After the scarfs are shaped and heated to welding, the two pieces are conveyed to the hammer, and put into the shaping or welding tools from opposite sides, each piece being held or guided by one or two men at opposite sides of the welding tools ; consequently, the two scarfs are pushed towards each -other in opposite directions, until one is on the other in the required position, at which time the man who works the hammer drives down the top tool and the welding is commenced, the springs between the two tools pushing up the top tool at each blow, to permit the work to be rotated or partly rotated when necessary. N 90 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. To weld a bar joint in a tool shown by Fig. 233, the two pieces are put together in a similar manner, but no top tool is required except an ordinary flat-faced hammer, the desired shape of the joint part being obtained by making the gap in the tool of a suitable width and depth. Sprincy SHapers.—Fig. 234 indicates a couple of tools in their relative positions during use, having guide studs with springs around and between the two faces of the tools. The recesses or gaps in such shapers may be, in some cases, specially made for merely finishing a great number of bolts, rods, or bars to one diameter or thickness; and each pair of shapers may contain several gaps of different sizes. In other cases, the blocks are strong and thick enough to press a rude lump at welding heat into the form of a smoothly finished headed bolt, handle, boss, or lever. The guides of such shapers may be studs,- whose lower ends are screwed tight into the bot- tom block ; or, instead of studs, bolts having heads at the under side of the shaper may be employed if it contains sufficient metal. In order that the gaps or recesses in any pair of shapers may properly correspond and be opposite each other, it is necessary, during the making of the wood patterns, to carefully mark the face sides of the blocks to indicate the places of the intended gaps, and also recesses, when required. To obtain a correct delineation of the outlines of each recess, the two face sides of the blocks that are to be close to each other should be made rectangular, and of exactly the same length and width. When the edges of the two faces are thus squared and the surfaces smoothly planed, the place of one recess is determined, and the centre of it also ascertained in one of the block-faces. The distance of this centre or point from any one edge of the block-face is next ascertained by means of compasses, callipers, or scribing-gauge; and while the gauge is adjusted to the distance of the centre from the selected edge of the face, the gauge is held close to the corresponding edge of the other block-face which is not yet marked; while thus held, the marking-point of the gauge is drawn along the surface, and a short scratch made. The next step is to select one of the two edges or boundaries that are at right angles to the edge first used for marking; and the gauge point is then adjusted to the distance of the centre from the edge, and the gauge again drawn along the corresponding edge of the block that needs marking, and another short scratch is made across the first one, and the two will be at right angles to each other. The point of intersection of these two short lines is the centre of the desired gap or recess which is being marked, and from this centre the outline can be exscribed to indicate the form of the intended recess; consequently, if the outline is to be curved, compasses are used, and if rectangular, a square and straight-edge are needed. A pair of outlines delineated by such means will coincide with each other when both faces are put together; and any other pairs of outlines may be marked, by similar means, upon any other part of the block-faces ; after which, the carving, to form the recesses or gaps, is effected with proper tools, a chisel being first driven in at each line to prevent the wood being split in wrong directions. After the patterns are made and the shapers cast, each recess will require a little trimming with files, and, in some cases, with chisels and scrapers, to make each pair of recesses fit a pattern rod, lever, or boss, which is being used for placing into the recess several times, until the pattern or gauge will slip easily to the bottom. The coiled springs for raising the top tool are made of round steel wire or of small bar steel, and the coiling is effected by making a loop at one end of the wire, fixing the loop to an upright post, and coiling the steel around the post. The post for the purpose, and also for making other coiled springs for larger work, may consist of a piece of round iron of any suitable diameter, which is fixed with a small pedestal of some kind into the ground. In the post, and at about four feet from the ground, is fixed a pin or hook for holding the loop or hook which is at the end of the wire to be coiled. After the wire is looped and ten or twelve inches of the steel heated, the loop is attached to the pin in the post, and the other end in the man’s hand, or, in a tongs, is stretched out as tightly as possible, and at the same time coiled around the post by the man walking around until the heated portion of the steel is coiled; after which, the adjoining part is heated and the coiling continued until a sufficient length FORGING. 91 is coiled. When the coiling is completed, the spring is made red hot throughout its total length, and pulled out until a sufficient travel of the spring is obtained. The work is next cut to length, fitted, and hardened in oil, or, in some cases, in watery and afterwards tempered to a proper soft- ness, When hardened in oil, no tempering is necessary for some sorts of steel ; but whether or not oil or water should be selected for the hardening, must be decided by considering the quality of the particular piece of steel to be hardened. Small springs can be made also while cold, and the coiling effected in a lathe. For this purpose, a proper spindle with apparatus is put into the lathe, and after attaching one end of the steel, the lathe is put to work and coiling performed. Another class of springy shapers is represented by Fig. 235, for use on steam-hammer anvils. The spring of these shapers is bolted at one end to the top shaper, and the other end of the spring is loosely fitted in a recess in the bottom tool. Two or four guide studs may be used, the number depending on the dimensions and shape of the blocks. A pair of shapers having such a spring are more troublesome to use than the shapers shown by Fig. 234, although the ae spring being bolted to the top tool allows the same spring to be attached to different tools, necessary. ForK-END SHAPERS.—NSolid fork-ends, small and large, are easily shaped by means of a mould, like Fig. 236. An implement of this shape may be used as a bottom tool without a corresponding top tool ; or a pair of tools may be made having recesses of the same shape in each tool; and both tools may be adapted to a steam hammer and anvil, the top shaper being keyed in the dovetail gap of the hammer, and the bottom shaper being keyed in the dovetail gap in the anvil. When the bottom tool only is employed, the lump to be shaped is driven into the recess with ordinary fullers and rounding tools; and when one half is thus shaped, the work is put up- side down, and the rounding tools again employed to drive the fork-end into the shaper. Fullers and rounding tools are thus employed as substitutes for a top shaper ; but when the shaper is in two pieces, the fork-end may be entirely formed at one or two heatings, while between the shapers, no other tools being required. If a great number of fork-ends are to be formed in such implements, it is necessary to ascertain the exact quantity of metal required for each fork-end, to avoid the necessity of taking the work from the shapers during forging and cutting off the superfluous pieces with chisels. The proper quantity of metal for each one, and also for burning and welding, is known by entirely finishing one or two, previous to preparing or drawing down the metal for the total number of fork-ends required. The making of fork-ends, and all other forgings that are pressed into moulds, is greatly facilitated by forcing into the shapers only that quantity of metal which is sufficient, by which the danger of injuring the moulds is also avoided. STRIKERS.—Striker is a name given to a hammerman ; also to substitutes and superseders of hammermen, such as air-hammers and steam-hammers, whether vertical or horizontal. A class of patent strikers invented by Mr. Davies, of Crumlin, is represented by Fig. 237. These strikers are of different arrangements to suit individual requirements, but the principle involved in them all is the same, and consists in the strikers being capable of delivering blows at any angle between vertical and horizontal, and also in being easily swung around their main pivots, in the same manner as cranes are swung, so that one striker may be made to work on three or four anvils. Such strikers are made to work by either steam power or water power ; and may be actuated with one foot of the smith, who treads upon a pedal near the anvil at which he is working. This pedal is attached to a rod that is connected with the valves, by which the motive power is controlled and the hammer made to strike. Strikers of this class are well adapted to the making of all sorts of small forgings that are shaped in moulds and springy shapers denoted by Fig. 234; and when the striker is made to strike in or near the horizontal position, it is useful for angling ends of bars, rods, and plates, and for upsetting forgings that cannot be upset in the A position. N 92 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. Bar Gaucrs.—Bar gauges are used while adjusting several classes of smiths’ work to a stated length or width; for this purpose, two dots are put into two places of a rod or bar, and the work is afterwards lengthened or shortened until the distance between the centres of the two dots is the length required. This desired length is the distance between the two centres of the two pointed extremities of the gauge represented by Fig. 238. Such a gauge is quickly made, in cases of emergency, by bending any piece of wire or small rod which is near; but the suitable material is a broad thin bar, that the gauge may be easily carried about, and not liable to bend in the mid portion, which renders it an uncertain measure. A bar gauge which is made by bending the iron or steel edgeways is good enough for many purposes ; and if the ends are thinned to a taper form, the gauge is much lightened without impairing its efficiency. A gauge of this shape is tapered, and the ends bent, also the small points made and smoothly filed, previous to adjusting the gauge points to that distance from each other which is required. This adjustment is effected by means of a hammer, and one of the divided lines on the surface of a table similar to that described in the section on Tables. After applying the two gauge points to the stated length on the measure, the gauge points are separated from each other, if too near; and put nearer to each other, if too far apart. When discovered to be too far apart, the curved junctions of the arms with the remainder of the gauge are heated, and the arms are driven towards each other with a few blows; but if only a small amount of alteration is needed, it is given while cold, by placing the gauge on some hollow place, with the inner edge of the gauge upwards, and giving a few light,blows with a hammer. When the gauge points are found to be too near each other, they are separated by hammering the outside edge of the gauge, instead of the inner edge; but if much lengthening is required, the gauge is heated in the mid part and stretched with hammering. Gar GaucEs.—Gap gauges are used for measuring diameters or thicknesses; and are made of thin plate iron or steel. One gauge may contain several gaps, if all the gaps are to greatly differ from each other in width, that no mistake may occur through measuring with the wrong gap; but when the gaps are very nearly alike, only two or three should be made in one auge. a “Fig. 239 indicates a gauge whose handle is smaller than the remainder, to admit an easy handling ; and whatever may be the widths of the gaps required, the handles of all such gauges should be made large enough to be comfortably used ; therefore, in many gauges the handles are larger than the end which contains the gaps; and in other gauges the gap-ends are of the same widths as the handle-ends. When a number of gaps are necessary, some of them should be at each end of the gauge, as denoted by Fig. 240, instead of all the gaps being at one end. If gauges of this class are to be used for heavy work which is being reduced or flattened to a precise dimension with a steam hammer, it is necessary to make the gauges of sufficient length to prevent the workman who holds them being scorched with the heat from the work; and each gauge may have a hole, that it may be hung in a place secure from injury ; also around each gap should be written the name of the particular work for which the gap was made. During a long usage, the gaps in such gauges become worn too wide; the remedy for this is to heat the gap-sides and hammer them to make the openings of less width; after which, the gaps are enlarged to the exact width required, with a little filing. : Rapius Gauces.—A light radius gauge, denoted by Fig. 242, is used for measuring distances between any two places on a measure, and also for adjusting a forging to the desired length or width ; a radius gauge is therefore a substitute for the bar gauge shown by Fig. 238; a radius gauge is also a superseder of a simple bar gauge, because the points or scribers are capable of adjustment at any distance between each other within the limits of the instrument. Another important use for such a gauge is that of exscribing arcs or circumferences of various radii; the required length of radius being obtained by shifting the scriber-holders to the proper places on the bar, and fixing the scriber-holders with the fixing screws, F, and F. To produce a good gauge of this class, the radius bar itself should be of steel, and carefully smoothed throughout its length ; and the scriber-holders also, denoted by H, and H, should be of FORGING. 93 steel or of close-grained iron. The slots in the holders are carefully fitted to the bar, after the bar is smoothed to the proper width and thickness. Whether the holders fit tightly or loosely on the bar is of little consequence ; but it is necessary that the whole of the slot surfaces be smoothed and polished, that the holders may be easily moved along the bar without being liable to stick. The scribers are of hardened steel wire, and fixed to the holders by making a screw upon one end of each scriber and screwing it into a screwed hole in the bottom of each scriber- holder. Another mode of attaching the scriber consists in making a taper hole into the bottom of the holder, instead of making a screwed hole ; and into the taper hole the scriber end is smoothly fitted, so that it will admit of being gently driven in, to properly fix it, and also easily pulled out when it requires hardening and grinding. Catiirers.—Callipers for large forgings possess handles, and are denoted by Figs. 243, 244, and 245. The tool shown by Fig. 243 has a hole at one end to allow the tool to be hung in a safe place, after being adjusted, and when not required for immediate use. The handle may consist of iron, and be distinct from the callipers, that are of steel; or the handle may be an extension or continuation of one of the calliper legs, in which case the entire tool is of steel. Fig. 244 indicates a couple of outside callipers attached to one connecting-rod. This rod is long enough to allow the workman to measure the work without being scorched; and one of the callipers should be smaller than the other, because when both callipers are adjusted to two different dimensions, the smaller callipers should be for the smaller dimension ; consequently, the workman will not be so liable to put the small callipers to the work when he ought to put the large one; such a mistake causes him to reduce the work more than necessary, and obliges him to afterwards upset it to the proper size. By thus adjusting two pairs of callipers, or, properly speaking, two callipers, two dimensions of a forging are easily reserved by keeping the callipers adjusted until the forging is reduced to the two dimensions. Such callipers are useful for measuring the large and small ends of cones, the large and small parts of bolts and rods, also the lengths and widths of T-ends. A connecting- rod callipers in use for T-ends is represented by Fig. 200. Fig. 245 denotes two callipers of another class, named inside callipers, which are for measuring two holes of different diameters, or for measuring one hole of two different diameters. Inside callipers measure also the large end and the small end of a conical hole; also all such openings as slots, gaps, grooves, and keyways. The joint-pins of all such callipers should be tightly riveted until the legs cannot be shifted without a considerable strain being applied; this tightness being necessary to prevent the legs shifting when not desired. During the adjustment of such callipers, it is proper to separate or close the legs until the points are about an eighth of an inch further from each other than required to be when adjusted. After this, the feet or points are closed to the proper distance with a few blows of a hammer. To do this conveniently, the callipers are put upon some convenient piece of soft iron or other metal, with the edges of the legs upwards, and one edge resting on the iron; while in this position, the point or toe of the upper foot is gently hammered with a smooth-faced hammer, or a copper hammer, until the feet or points are at a proper distance from each other. After one callipers are thus adjusted, the other callipers at the opposite end of the rod are adjusted by similar means. This mode of adjusting, by hammering the callipers, instead of using the callipers as a hammer, prevents the adjusted callipers being shifted while the other callipers are being adjusted. CutseLs.—In a rod chisel for cutting hot metal, the angle of the long taper portion should be ten or twelve degrees, and the angle of the short bevelled part for cutting about forty or fifty degrees. Chisels for cold iron require the angle of the long taper part to be about thirty degrees, and the short bevel for cutting about eighty degrees. All rod chisels are best when made entirely of a tough hard steel, without any iron being added to make the head. Such a chisel will sustain a severe hammering without much injury to the head and cutting part, if only about half an inch is hardened, and the head made as soft as possible. After the cutting end is become too thick with hammering during ordinary use, or is 94 THE MECHANICIAN AND CONSTRUCTOR. become otherways damaged, the lower part of the taper portion is thinned to a proper shape, and only a short length of the chisel hardened as at the first making. Every time a chisel is ee by such thinning, it is advisable to cut off about a quarter of an inch of the thin ragged end, because this portion becomes burnt during heating, and also contains several cracks that are not visible to an unassisted eye. An ordinary method of preventing a rod chisel being driven through its handle during the hammering consists in making a few ragged notches into that part of the chisel which is to be encircled by the handle; the sharp projections thus made stick into the wood handle at the time it is twisted around the tool, and it is thus firmly gripped until the wood is broken with repeated hammering. Another mode of fastening the tool consists in making around the chisel a groove having a half-round bottom, the width of the groove being about equal to the diameter of the chisel-rod, or wire handle, which is to be twisted around. Such grooves are made with a couple of top and bottom fullers, that may be narrow to suit a wire handle, or broad to fit a wood handle. In chisels for steam hammers, the angles of the taper parts are about the same as those of small chisels; but the cutting parts are thicker, and of greater length. A very useful class of chisels is that named trimmers; these are represented by Fig. 246. A trimmer is used for cutting all sorts of thin bars, rods, and plates; also for cutting off all superfluous metal that may be attached to any forging which is being shaped to the finished dimensions. To permit the free use of a trimming chisel, its cutting edge is convex, because this form enables the smith to slide the chisel easily along a cut which may be of great length, although not very deep.