: * t i ~ ‘ > ' } é dea bP a teyee Pe , x . r £54 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES INTHE ~ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Cornell University Libra descriptive directory of hydraulic lab ENGINEERING SOCIETIES BUILDING NEW YORK CITY JUNE, 192%” — Tis ENGINEERING FOUNDATION ADMINISTERED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF UNITED ENGINEERING SOCIETY AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MINING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS A DESCRIPTIVE DIRECTORY OF HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES IN U.S. A COMPILED FOR THE HYDRAULIC RESEARCH COMMITTEE J. WALDO SMITH SILAS H. WOODARD By ALFRED D. FLINN, SECRETARY PUBLICATION NUMBER 5 ENGINEERING SOCIETIES BUILDING NEW YORK CITY JUNE, 1922 TABLE OF CONTENTS ne PAGE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION: A DEFINITION..............- 4 POREWORD a2 gasigaesencaessuaesee ee ee ee ree 5 ALPHABETICAL LisT AND INDEX.............. ex neeeere 7 DESCRIPTIONS OF LABORATORIES:.......... sialattsess pave oA hee 9 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF BOARD FOR 1922.........+2005: 80 FoRMS FOR DEED OF GIFT AND BEQUEST.......... eee ea OE PUBLICATIONS .......0.. 000 eeeeee Nie aA ses ee 82 RESEARCH NARRATIVES............4. aw Gao ar sate a ener 8D ENGINEERING FOUNDATION—A DEFINITION Engineering Foundation is an instrumentality for the encouragement and support of research, created for the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers and American Institute of Electrical Engineers by United Engineering Society, incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, May 11, 1904, to hold and administer real estate, endowment funds and other properties for these four Founder Societies. It is a depart- ment of United Engineering Society. The purpose of Engineering Foundation is to exalt the profession of engineering, through increased capacity for service. Its scope is broad, since it was established “for the furtherance of research in science and in engineering, or for the advancement in any other manner of the profession of engineering and the good of mankind.” It was founded in 1914 by Ambrose Swasey, whose gifts were intended as the nucleus of a large endowment, to which there would in time be many other contributors. Engineering Foundation represents in the field of research the four Founder Societies with their 50,000 members. It is a liaison agency between engineers on one hand and scientists and technologists on the other hand, in activities concerned with research in all branches of the mathematical, physical and biological sciences, and their applications. Nor is the Foundation unmindful of the personnel element in engineer- ing and industry and the desirability of studying the problems in this field. Engineering Foundation seeks to serve the Profession and its allied industries, and through them, our country and the world. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES IN U.S. A. FOREWORD uity. Until very modern times, however, the experiments on which the science was based were, in most instances, con- ducted on a scale that can be characterized only as minute in compari- son with quantities and structures in practical use. In recent years, a number of laboratories have been established with much larger equip- ment—in some cases of full practical size. There is need for many additions to our experimental knowledge. One step of progress was believed to be the collection and publication of authoritative information concerning hydraulic laboratories in our country. Publication of this information in form for convenient reference, should promote the use of the facilities of the laboratories for research as well as for testing, instruction, and other routine work. Many of the laboratories are in engineering colleges and are intended primarily for instructional purposes, but there is much time when their equipment is not so used and might be employed for experimental research. In this directory descriptions have been given only of those labora- tories from which the information was supplied in response to the request of Engineering Foundation. Names, only, of a few other laboratories have been included in the list. Some organizations believed to have laboratories did not respond to the inquiry. There may also be a few laboratories of which, unfortunately, Engineering Founda- tion had no knowledge and to which consequently no inquiries were addressed. Therefore, the list probably is not complete. The letters of inquiry were in the following form: H ev vets as an art and a science, is of respectable antiq- Hydraulic Laboratories in U.S. 4. Gentlemen: No descriptive directory of the hydraulic laboratories in the U. S. is known to exist. Such a directory would be useful to many persons in a number of ways. Engineering Foundation’s Committee on Hydraulic Research has undertaken to compile the needed information so that it may be generally available. If you have a hydraulic laboratory, please assist by sending informa- 5 6 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION tion about your laboratory in any form most convenient for you. Kindly cover: . Name of laboratory; . Year established ; . Kinds of work for which the laboratory is especially fitted ; . Head and quantity of water available for tests; (a) By gravity (b) By pumping 5. Principal pieces of equipment, with brief notes on size, capacity, precision or other features of interest; 6. Very unusual equipment or facilities, if any; 7. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies, and terms therefor; 8. Distance from railroad station or siding; g. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory; 10. Number of persons on regular staff; 11. Brief general description of laboratory; 12, Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done. BWN H . A list of hydraulic laboratories is enclosed; please add to it if you can. Your help will be appreciated. A copy of the Directory will be sent you in due course. J. Waldo Smith Silas H. Woodward Hydraulic Research Committee. Each description has been written in a style accordant with the information supplied. Departure from the outline of the letter of inquiry has been found desirable in a number of cases. The descriptive statements about the laboratories are arranged in alphabetical order of the names of the companies, colleges or other institutions with which the laboratories are connected. The directory contains descriptions of 49 laboratories. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES a ALPHABETICAL LIST AND INDEX NAME AND PLACE PaGE Allis-Chalmers Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin..............0..0+: 9 Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois................005 9 Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, Boston, Massa- CSO UES se sd ss cSve sav lone soa ela Suld an ttca cus} oven scoy sv avy S1aDS med nieline Mbaaneselg II Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn, New York...............-- 13 -Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island..............0eeeeeeee 15 Bureau of Standards, Washington, District of Columbia............... 16 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California............... 17 ‘California, University of, Berkeley, California.............0cceceeeees 18 Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.............. 21 “Case School of Applied Science, Cleveland, Ohio.................2005 23 ‘Cochrane Meter Testing Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania........ 23 Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado.............ceeceeeeee 24 ‘Colorado Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado...........020005 25 -Columbia University, New York City....... 22.0.0... c eee e eee e eee 26 Cornell University (Sibley College of Mechanical Engineering), Ithaca, Neéw Workncessacecceaees tate ceased eae eeaR eens 29 Cramp, William & Sons, Ship and Engine Building Company, see I. P. Morris Hydraulic Laboratory.............002ee00: No information Dartmouth College (Thayer School of Engineering), Hanover, New FH aR DSTO: se sores ine cosarwere ang, scp aroreieraiate es uaectadaarerce 4 aningyyp Qodeaiagh avatoectere 31 Harrison Safety Boiler Works, see Cochrane Meter Testing Laboratory. .23 Harvard Engineering School, Cambridge, Massachusetts.............-. 31 Holyoke Water Power Company, Holyoke, Massachusetts............. 32 Horton Hydrological Laboratory, Voorheesville, New York............ 35 Illinois, University of, Urbana, Illinois............... 002 eee eee eee 36 Iowa State University, Iowa City, Iowa....... 2. cece eee ee eects 38 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland..................... 40 Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania..............0ceeeeeeee eee 41 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.................0000005 42 Leland, Stanford University, Stanford University, California............ 43 Lowell Locks and Canals, Lowell, Massachusetts.................---- 47 Mason Laboratory, see Yale University........... 0. cc cess eee eee eens 78 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts...... 47 Michigan, University of, Ann Arbor, Michigan...............00e00. 50 “Midwest Engine Company, Anderson, Indiana............. No information Minnesota, University of, Minneapolis, Minnesota.................4. 51 Morris, I. P. Hydraulic Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania....... et sent octet cic eatin tae ats dba atest ead area von gianeraae No information National Board of Fire Underwriters, Chicago, Illinois. ..... No information Naval Academy, see U. S. Naval Academy.............0ec cece eees 71 ‘North Carolina, University of, Chapel Hill, North Carolina........... 53 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio..............0. 0c cece ee eee 54 8 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION NAME AND PLACE PAGE Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pennsylvania.............- 57 Pennsylvania, University of, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania...........++-- 58 Pittsburgh, University of, Hydraulic Laboratory, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- VATA iil as ceeceier ocac ayes caus Ais oe sie aaeakcaake vol tla) des Sealer dia cia talusoas ramen Rea 60 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, see Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. ...13 Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey..........-0eceeeeeee eee 61 Proprietors of the Locks and Canals on Merrimac River, Lowell, Massa- chusetts, see Lowell Locks and Canals............. 00sec eee eens 47 Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.... 0.0... ccc cece eee cee eens 62 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York...........e.00eeee- 64 Rochester, University of, Rochester, New York..............0000 eee 65 YRose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Indiana.............022+005 66 Sheffield Scientific School, see Yale University. ..........0000000005 77, 78 Sibley College, see Cornell University. ....... 0.000. c cee ee cece ees 29 Smith, S. Morgan Company, York, Pennsylvania.............00000005 67 Stanford University, see Leland Stanford University...............05: 43 Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey............... 68 Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York..............c0eeeeeeeeees 70 Texas, University of, Austin, Texas ....... 00... cece cence nce eeeeees 71 ‘Thayer School of Engineering, see Dartmouth College................ 31 Throop College of Technology, see California Institute of Technology..... 17 U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland............. 0.00 eeeuee 71 University of California, Berkeley, California............. 0000 ee eeee 18 ‘University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois............. Uh torr hued arate olen 36 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan..............0.000000- 50 University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota..............0+-000 51 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina........... 53 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania............... 58 University of Pittsburgh, Hydraulic Laboratory, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.60 University of Rochester, Rochester, New York................0.--0. 65 University of Texas, Austin, Texas ...... ccc cece eee cence 71 ‘Wisconsin, University of, Madison, Wisconsin.............0.000eeee ee 74 Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.......... 0.000. e ee eee eee 73 Winchester Hall, see Yale University...........0 0.00. cee cee eee eee 77 Wisconsin, University of, Madison, Wisconsin..................-000- 74 Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts............ 76 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.............-...0000 00. 77, 78 10. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 9 ALLIS-CHALMERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, hydraulic turbine and centrif- ugal pump testing flume, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Established, 1914. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Testing centrifugal pumps and hydraulic turbines and impulse wheels. Head and quantity of water available for tests: For turbines— 12 cubic feet per second, 15 feet head. 20 cubic feet per second, 50 feet head. 4 cubic feet per second, 200 feet head. For pumps— 2500 gallons per minute, 600 feet head. Principal pieces of equipment: Concrete weir pits, suction pits, hook gages, turbine tanks, turbine tail race, testing switchboard and accessories, motor-driven pumps; capacities suitable for conditions covered in 4. Unusual equipment or facilities: 50-ton electric cranes to handle material direct from railroad cars to all parts of the testing flume. No outside work has been solicited or taken in. Railroad station or siding, Siding directly past test flume. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: W. M. White, Manager and Chief Engineer, Hydraulic Depart- ment. Number of persons on regular staff: Between two and ten. Information furnished by W. M. White. * * ARMOUR INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Armour Institute of Technology Hydraulic and Pneumatic Laboratory. Chicago, Illinois. Established, about 1903. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Tests of steam- or electric-driven contrifugal or reciprocating pumps of small and medium sizes: calibration of water meters, Venturi meters, Pitot tubes, small weir notches, gages, etc.; tests to deter- Io THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION mine coefficients of friction through pipes, elbows, nozzles, orifices, etc.; hydraulic pressure tests of pipes, boilers, radiators, etc., up to 10,000 founds per square inch. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Water supply from city main through 3-inch pipe. Pressure varies from 18 pounds to 25 pounds per square inch. 4000-gallon reservoir with head of 90 feet. Worthington pump capable of delivering 250 gallons per minute against a 300-foot head. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: 12 x 12-inch Marsh steam pump. Marsh steam pump for pressures up to 10,000 pounds per square inch. Dayton single-stage centrifugal pump. Worthington 3-stage pump direct-connected to 40-horse-power steam turbine. Chicago two-stage centrifugal pump direct-connected to 1¥2-horse- power variable-speed electric motor, capacity, 40 gallons per minute against 60-foot head. 10-horse-power variable-speed electric motor. 7¥o-horse-power Sprague dynamometer. Tank with 14-inch weir. Weir box to take various notches up to 12 inches in width. Various notches and hook gages for weir box. 12 weighing tanks of various shapes taking from 150 to 200 gallons each. Platform balances for each of tank as well as several smaller platform balances, spring scales and Krone scales. Pitot tubes of different forms. Venturi meter 3 inch x 1 inch. Two Venturi meters 1 inch x 3 inches. Venturi meter 114, x 3 inches. Water meters of several makes and sizes. Hydraulic ram—6 feet supply head and variable discharge head. 18-inch Pelton water wheel with variable opening, Doble nozzle and Woodward governor. Tachometers, ammeters, voltmeters, etc. 7. Test work for outside persons and firms is carried on regularly and is handled through Professor Gebhardt, head of the Mechanical Department. 8. Railroad station or siding: The Institute is located directly on the Rock Island Railway. 9. Name and title of person in charge: Lynn Eugene Davies, B. S., Instructor of Experimental Engineer- ing. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES II 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Mr. Davies is in direct charge of the hydraulics laboratory, but the entire experimental engineering department has six men_ besides Professor Gebhardt and several mechanics and helpers. Each of these men is a specialist in some particular phase of the subject, yet each is more or less familiar with the work of the others and each one is ready at all times to lend advice or assistance on any job. 11. Brief general description: Most of the equipment is situated around a sump in the basement of the main building so that waste and discharge water is readily disposed of. This sump has an overflow into the city sewers, but is usually kept filled to a depth of about 5 feet to serve as a con- venient source of supply for the various pumps. ‘There is a net- work of water and steam pipe lines several feet above the floor so that water or steam-driven machines can be connected at almost any point in the laboratory. Most of the water lines are con- nected with all three sources of supply thus making a large range of pressures available. The Worthington pump is located in the main engine room about 100 feet away, but also in the basement. Information furnished by Lynn E. Davies, Instructor of Experimental Engineering. x * # ASSOCIATED FACTORY MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES 1. Factory Mutual Laboratories, Boston, Massachusetts 2. Established, 1889. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: All matters relating to fire protection engineering,—divided into three main branches: a. Fire-extinguishing apparatus: detailed laboratory examinations and tests and operating performance of automatic sprinklers, fire pumps, hydrants, valves (gate, check, dry-pipe, etc.), fire hose, chemical extinguishers; calculation of designs of elevated tanks and field inspection of completed structures. b. Fire hazards: studies of manufacturing processes to reduce fire hazards, development of methods for safely storing, and for controlling fires in hazardous materials. c. Building construction: tests of building materials and types of construction from the fire standpoint. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity. At the Factory Mutual Laboratories testing station at Lowell, Massachusetts, about 1500 gallons per minute at 50 pounds pressure. I2 5. 10. It. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION By pump. No large capacity pumps are yet installed, although two 1500-gallon-per-minute centrifugal pumps are proposed. For the present, the pumping facilities at co-operating manufacturing plants are employed. From pressure tanks. Two 500-gallon pressure tanks are used for testing dry-pipe valves. Principal pieces of equipment: Calibrated meter nozzles: several sets ranging in diameter from 14 inch to 8 inches for accurately measuring the flow of water under pressure at a rate up to 10,000 gallons per minute. This equipment includes the necessary piezometers, mercury columns, U tubes, etc. Testing stands for operation of valves and hydrants. Complete apparatus for operating tests of automatic sprinklers, including hot air oven, test rack for subjecting fusible soldered joints to long time tests under various loads, and other specially designed measuring apparatus. General chemical laboratory with special equipment for testing cotton rubber-lined and unlined linen hose, including physical and chemical tests of the rubber. Unusual equipment or facilities: Certain specially designed pieces of equipment used in tests of au- tomatic sprinklers and an unusually large meter nozzle for measur- ing water under pressure with a high degree of accuracy. Possibility for work for or by outside persons, and charges: Any manufacturer of fire protective equipment can submit devices for examination and test. The Factory Mutual Laboratories, how- ever, reserve the right to decide what devices are of sufficient inter- est to warrant conducting the investigation, and for those which are selected no charges are. made other than the cost of furnishing the apparatus and setting it up for test. Railroad station and siding: About one-half mile distant. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: C. W. Mowry, director. Number of persons on regular staff: Eleven. Brief general description: The Factory Mutual Laboratories are located at 184 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts, and a hydraulic testing station is maintained at Lowell, Massachusetts, on the property of The Proprietors of the Locks and Canals on the Merrimack River. Both are a part of the Inspection Department of the Associated Factory Mutual Fire Insurance Companies, which were organized more than eighty- HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 13 five years ago by prominent manufacturers in New England for the purpose of lessening their fire losses and providing insurance at actual cost. They confine their business mostly to the larger man- ufacturing properties and seek to improve the construction of man- ufacturing buildings, safeguard hazardous processes and constantly to improve the standards of fire protection. 12. Research or other work of unusual importance which has beer done. The first conspicuous work of the Factory Mutual Laboratories were the experiments of John R. Freeman relating to the hydraulics of fire streams. The results of the tests made in 1889 are still used as a standard for the friction loss through fire hose and for the discharge and range of fire streams. Another important work was the development of specifications for hose, valves, hydrants, fire doors, elevated tanks and towers, and other devices used in fire protection work. Important work in recent years has been the design and adaptation of the double fire service check valve for use in safeguarding public water supplies when connected to manufacturing systems, conducting fire tests of build- ing columns in co-operation with the United States Bureau of Standards and the Underwriters Laboratories; and a continual spray system for the protection of large piles of pulp wood as a means of reducing the fire hazard, lessening the amount of rotting, and pos- sibly improving the quality of the pulp. Information furnished by C. W. Mowry, Director. * * * BROOKLYN POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE 1. Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Hydraulic Laboratory, 99 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, New York. 2. First small laboratory installed about 1900. Present laboratory installed 1918-1919. First used January, 1920. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Primarily, for undergraduate laboratory instruction with certain portions of the apparatus so installed as to be used in connection with lectures in the course in “Theoretical Hydraulics”; secondarily, the laboratory may be used for commercial testing or for research investigation. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, 650 gallons per minute against 60-foot head, 250 gallons per minute against 200-foot head. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Single-stage, motor-driven, centrifugal pump, rated at 650 gallons 14 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION per minute against total dynamic head of 70 feet. Two-stage, motor-driven turbine pump rated at 250 gallons per minute, against total dynamic head of 250 feet. 6 x 4x 6-inch duplex steam pump. 8 x 5 x 8-inch duplex steam pump. 12-inch Doble impulse wheel. 2-inch Foster hydraulic ram. 6-inch reaction turbine. 4-inch x 2-inch Venturi meter. 2-inch Worthington meter. Small water meters. Two steel weir tanks 4 x 3 x 24 feet with inter- changeable weir plates. Steel pressure tank 5 x 22 feet, equipped with orifice devices for testing nozzles, orifices tubes, etc. This tank is provided with ten overflow weirs for maintaining constant head on various pieces of apparatus. The overflow weirs are 10 feet in length. They have served their purpose quite well and it is possible to maintain constant head without hand- operation of valves. Two calibrated steel volumetric measuring tanks of 1600 gallons capacity each, provided with quick acting outlet gates and so ar- ranged as to make possible long continuous runs at the maximum pos- sible rate of pumping. Numerous pipe lines of various sizes for undergraduate experimental work on losses of head in friction, valves, hydraulic gradient, etc. Miscellaneous small equipment such as gages, manometers, Pitot tubes, and current meters. The principal piping of the laboratory is 6 inches, 4 inches and 8 inches in diameter and is arranged so that the various pumping units and water from the city mains may be applied to different experiments ‘by independent routes. Any portion of the apparatus can be connected to the pressure-regulating tank. Water may be measured either by means of the calibrated measuring tanks or over weirs or by means of Venturi meter. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities :—None. re Numerous outlets from the piping system have been provided for the attachment of apparatus other than that now installed. Pumps may be tested up to 15-horse-power-motor size, speeds, 825 to 1650 revolutions per minute. No definite schedule of terms, but can be arranged by the professor in charge of the laboratory. 8. Railroad station or siding: The laboratory is situated in the business district of Brooklyn, about one-half mile from Long Island Railroad freight station. 9. 10. TI. 12. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 15 Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: H. P. Hammond, Professor of Sanitary and Hydraulic Engineer- ing. Number of persons on regular staff: Two; also competent mechanics available for work in laboratory when needed. Brief general description of laboratory: Water is taken from the city mains through a 2-inch meter. It is stored in concrete reservoir below the laboratory floor level. The reservoir has a capacity of approximately 10,000 gallons and a sur- face area of approximately 240 square feet. Water is taken from the storage reservoir by any one of the pumps and delivered through the piping system to any desired piece of apparatus. The piping system is arranged in duplicate so that the water may be delivered to any portion of the laboratory from either of the two centrifugal pumps or from the steam pumps. The pressure-regulating tank may be connected into the system or cut out as desired. When con- nected into the system, it is possible to maintain constant head up to heads of approximately 25 feet. For higher head an air cushion may be formed in the top of the tank and pressure regulation pro- cured, though not quite so satisfactorily as for lower heads. An im- portant feature of the laboratory is the lecture demonstration apparatus located in the class-room on the floor above the labora- tory. Here are provided, or to be provided, equipment for illus- trating flow from orifices, tubes, nozzles, and pipes; the flow over weirs, the use of the Pitot tube, and other hydraulic phenomena. Research: None to date. Information furnished by H. P. Hammond, Professor of Sanitary and Hydraulic Engineering. x oO Ok BROWN UNIVERSITY Brown University, Division of Engineering, Providence, Rhode Island. Established, 1903. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Equipped to do miscellaneous demonstration and testing work. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity, 50 gallons per minute. By means of pumps, up to 1,000 gallons per minute, the head in the latter case being 150 pounds. Principal pieces of equipment: Standard forms of impulse and reaction wheels, weir box, standard nozzles, Venturi meters (6 inches, 3 inches, and 2 inches) and the usual auxiliary measuring apparatus. Unusual equipment or facilities: None. 16 I0.. Il. [2. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies and terms therefor: It is the practice to aid persons or companies outside the University ; to charge for the services of the assistants, but not for the use of apparatus. Railroad station or siding: About one-half mile from the railroad station. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: William H. Kenerson, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. Number of persons on regular staff : From three to five persons. Brief general description: Location of equipment is such that apparatus may easily be tempo- rarily installed in our laboratory where ample space is available. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: From time to time we have made commercial tests of various types of pumps, friction of the flow of oil and water through pipes and channels, special investigations for the Providence Water Supply Board to determine discharge of water over special weirs, and similar investigations. Information furnished by William H. Kenerson, Professor of Mechanical Engineering. * * * BUREAU OF STANDARDS Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce, Washington, District of Columbia. Established, 1915. Facilities for hydraulic work are limited to a laboratory, operated by the Division of Engineering Physics, for the calibration of water cur- rent meters by towing tests in still water. This laboratory was in- stalled on the Bureau grounds for this especial purpose. 5 and 11. ‘The laboratory is a housed-in re-inforced concrete flume 400 feet 7. long, 6 feet wide, with a water depth of 614 feet. The instruments are suspended from an electrically-driven car spanning the flume. The speed range is from about 0.2 foot to 15 feet per second. The speed regulation is within 2 per cent for velocities above three- quarters of a foot per second. Current meter calibrations and such other tests as the facilities of the laboratory permit are regularly made for individuals or companies outside the government service for nominal fees. Information furnished by Dr. L. J. Briggs, Chief, Engineering Physics Division. 10. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 17 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY California Institute of Technology, Hydraulic Laboratory, Pasadena, California. (Formerly Throop College of Technology) Established, about 1911. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Undergraduate instruction, though some research is possible in con- nection with turbines, pumps, and flow through devices of modest size. Head and quantity of water available for tests: No gravity flow is available, but a small flow at a pressure of about 150 feet can be had with either a steam pump, or a motor-driven reciprocating pump. A flow of about 3 cubic feet per second can be had at a head of about 30 feet from a motor-driven centrifugal pump. 15,000-gallon storage cistern. Principal pieces of equipment: No. 6 American centrifugal pump. Fairbanks-Morse duplex power pump, 5 x IO inches. Marsh steam pump, high pressure, 10 x 8 x 12 inches. Scales and weighing tanks. 6,000-gallon measuring cistern. 800-gallon roof tank. 600-gallon steel pressure tank for heads up to 300 feet. 400-gallon steel nozzle tank. Cement channel 50 feet long, for weirs, etc. Francis inward-flow turbine. Doble impulse wheel, glass casing. 2-stage centrifugal pump. Hydraulic ram. 8-inch Venturi meter. Unusual equipment or facilities: None. Glad to co-operate with others in any worth while investigations and would do so at near the actual cost. Railroad station or siding: About one mile from railroad. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: R. L. Daugherty, Professor of Mechanical and Hydraulic Engi- neering. Number of persons on regular staff: About three. 18 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION 11. Brief general description: Elaborate and flexible installation of pumps, tanks, piping, channels, gages, meters. Laboratory is crowded for space, but water from any one of the three pumps can be delivered to tanks or piping or open channel so that a number of combinations are possible. 12. Some Research is being done on centrifugal pumps and also upon turbine draft tubes. Information furnished by R. L. Daugherty, Professor of Mechanical and Hydraulic Engineering. * * * UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA 1. California, University of, Hydraulic Laboratory, Berkeley, California. 2. Established, 1902 by Professor J. N. Le Conte. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is best fitted: Teaching engineering students the practical applications of the laws of hydraulics; Testing of small units of hydraulic machinery, such as pumps of all kinds, and small water motors; Calibration of hydraulic instruments, except current meters. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity, About 150 gallons per minute at 40-foot head. By pumping, Up to 3600 gallons per minute under a 40-foot head. There are two 5-inch triple-stage centrifugal pumps which may be operated either in series or in parallel, giving a maximum head of 340 feet and delivering 150 gallons per minute. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Triplex plunger pump 4 x 6 inches, 100 gallons per minute, 500- foot head. Double-runner Pelton water wheel, pitch diameter 27 inches, head can be made from zero to 300 feet; used to test different styles of runners and buckets, to determine the most efficient nozzle for given buckets and the windage and friction losses. Two triple-stage pumps, 5-inch discharge, 300 gallons per minute, 300-foot head; used for all high-pressure work. Centrifugal pump, 5-inch discharge, 1000 gallons per minute, 40- foot head. Francis turbine, low head, 5-horsepower, 800 revolutions per min- ute, 3 second-feet, 30-foot head. 4-horsepower Francis turbine equipped with wicket gates and de- HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 19 signed to operate under 25-foot head, 1.8 second-feet and 425 revolutions per minute. 4-inch jet pump. 3-inch hydraulic ram. Collins pitometer. Two standard pitometers. Byron Jackson deep well turbine pump. Six meters of various sizes and types. Large Pelton water wheel, 30-inch pitch diameter, equipped with needle nozzle; used for efficiency tests. Two concrete weir boxes, 6 x 16 feet, crest 30 inches long. Clemens Herschel weir, crest 2 feet, 9 cubic feet per second; used for investigation. Four concrete tanks, below the floor level: 19 x 20 x 11 feet 4180 cubic feet 19x 10%xi11 “ 2200 “ “ Ix 7 xia “ 850 “ * 7x 7 x II “ 540 “ “ Standpipe 4 feet diameter, 40 feet high; so equipped with overflow valves that almost any head under 40 feet can be accurately main- tained constantly. Four low-lift centrifugal pumps; used for weir calibration, meter calibration, etc. 2-stage Pelton centrifugal pump, §-inch discharge, 500 gallons per minute, 250-foot head, 1650 revolutions per minute; equipped to be tested with and without Kingsbury thrust bearing. Single-stage DeLaval centrifugal pump, 8-inch discharge, 1800 gal- lons per minute, 40-foot head, 1720 revolutions per minute; of the most modern design. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: A Sprague electric dynamometer, which may be used as a generator up to 50 horsepower, and up to 30 horsepower as a motor, over ranges of speed 0 to 2000 revolutions per minute. 4. Possibilities for work for or by outside persons or companies and terms therefor: Normally work by outside companies is not permitted, and commer- cial testing is done under the supervision of the University instruc- tors only when it cannot be done elsewhere, and then the approval of the President of the University, as well as the Dean of the Department, must be secured. When such work is undertaken the company desiring the test pays for time of the men who are em- ployed to do the testing. 8. Railroad station or siding: About 114 miles from nearest freight station. 20 10. II. 12. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Blake R. Vanleer, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering. Number of persons on regular staff: One. Brief general description: The laboratory is situated in the Mechanical Engineering Build- ing, in a court 100 x 63 feet, covered with a glass roof. The west end of the court is excavated over an area of 40 x 20 feet to a depth of 12 feet, and divided by reinforced concrete walls into tanks of various sizes. These tanks are all floored over and a 5-inch centrifugal pump transfers water from any tank to another. A 12-inch main suction pipe line extends to the extreme eastern end of the laboratory and there supplies the main pressure pumps. One of these is a six-stage centrifugal direct-connected to a 50-horse- power, 4000-volt motor, by which there can be supplied about 34, second-foot under 350-foot head. This is distributed to a manifold, and feeds three impulse water wheels fitted with Prony brakes, a special nozzle-testing device for calibrating nozzles or orifices of small size, and any other apparatus needing such pressure. There is also a 6-inch connection to the standpipe. The six-stage pump is so arranged that three stages can be put in parallel with the other three, giving half the head and twice the quantity. The 4-foot diameter standpipe, 40 feet high, supplies water for low pressures. It is normally supplied by a 5-inch direct-connected centrifugal unit, and overflows at several levels, the excess being by-passed. A mercury column shows the location of the water level and overflow gates so that head can be held constant. A third manifold is fed by city water pressure. From these are fed various water meters, large and small, a 4-inch Venturi meter, a jet pump or hydraulic elevator, a 6-inch Victor turbine fitted with Prony brake. The discharge from these is measured by tanks, large platform scales, or calibrated weirs. Two main weir boxes are installed, each with a 30-inch rectangular, fully contracted weir, though any other smaller form can be bolted in place. The 10-inch pipes to these weir boxes are used for Pitot tubes and pitometer traverses. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: An investigation of the Herschel Type of Improved weir, by R. H. Morris and A. J. R. Houston. A study of the Phenomenon of Water Hammer, by Blake R. Vanleer. Relative comparison of Type E. Pelton Water Wheels, by E. P. Condon, A. H. Gale, T. L. Nudd, and A. J. Swank. Design, Construction and Calibration of a Proportional Flow Weir, by Howard T. Livingstone. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 21 An Investigation of the Measurement of the Flow of Water by the Cooling Effect on an Electrically Heated Wire, by L. M. K. Boelter and R. E. Meyer. Rating and Investigation of a Portable Weir, by G. E. Troxell. Determination of the Coefficients of Discharge for Small Circular Sharp Edged Orifices where the Contraction is not Complete, by K. K. Guha. Measurement of Water Discharged from a Short Horizontal Pipe, by Ejner Smith and C. A. Pollard. An Investigation of the Hydraulic Losses through Globe Valves, by L. P. Murray, and L. A. Ashley. Discharge from Horizontal Pipes, by H. K. Baisley and G. A. Atchison. An Advanced Study of the Herschel Weir, by L. A. Ashley, C. F. Madsen and L. P. Murray. Investigation of a Small Francis Turbine, by C. C. Ashley, and L. H. Parker. Information furnished by Blake R. Vanleer, Assistant Professtor of Mechanical Engineering. * oF Xx CARNEGIE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Carnegie Institute of Technology, Hydraulic Laboratory, College of Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Established, 1913. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: No unusual equipment or facilities; equipment designed for standard undergraduate course. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity, City water supply—1oo feet head. By pumping: 500 gallons per minute at 200 feet head 1500 gallons per minute at 40 feet head 750 gallons per minute at 40 feet head 500 gallons per minute at 100 feet head Principal pieces of equipment or facilities: Gould triplex pump, 500 gallons per minute at 100 feet head. Wilson-Snyder centrifugal pump, 500 gallons per minute at 200 feet head. Jeannesville centrifugal pump, 750 gallons per minute at 40 feet head. Allis-Chalmers centrifugal pump, 1500 gallons per minute at 40 feet head. 22 10. II. 12. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION 1-inch Venturi meter, 2-inch line. 1-inch fire nozzle. 12-inch Pelton-Doble water wheel. 6-inch Francis reaction turbine. Triangular, trapezoidal and rectangular weirs (12-inch width) Rife hydraulic ram. 15,000-gallon storage tank. Pressure tank with various types of 1-inch orifices. 1-inch, 2-inch, 3-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch pige lines, each about 30 feet long, for study of friction losses. Elis for study of friction losses. Cole pitotmeter. Motors to operate pumps. Weighing tanks, scales, gages and the usual accessory equipment. Unusual equipment or facilities——None. Commercial testing and research for and by outside companies en- couraged. Charges for use of equipment for commercial testing 14 of one per cent. of valuation per day. Charges for power 3 cents per kilowatt hour. For personal services, terms as arranged. Railroad station and siding: One mile from Shadyside Station, Pennsylvania Railroad and ad- joining U. S. Bureau of Mines siding, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. Name and title of person in charge: F. A. Simmons, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineer- ing. Number of persons on regular staff: Two in laboratory. Brief general description: Main laboratory is 35 feet x 60 feet; shed for storage tank is 20 feet x 20 feet. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: None. Information furnished by William E. Mott, Director, College of Engi- neering. 10. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 23 CASE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCE Case School of Applied Science, Hydraulic Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio. Established, 1892. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Principally for instruction. Calibration of small meters, automo- bile radiators, and other apparatus has been conducted. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, goo gallons per minute against 300 feet head. Principal pieces of equipment: Usual equipment of calibrated tanks, weirs and orifices. Orifices up to 2-inch diameter. Rectangular weirs up to 15 inches wide. Unusual equipment or facilities —None. Work within the capacity of the laboratory will be conducted for out- side persons by the staff. No charge is fixed; depends on time re- quired. Railroad station and siding: Three miles distant. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: R. H. Danforth, Professor in Charge of Materials Testing Labora- tory. Number of persons on regular staff: Four. Information furnished by R. H. Danforth, Professsor in Charge. x * x COCHRANE METER TESTING LABORATORY Cochrane Meter Testing Laboratory, Harrison Safety Boiler Works— Cochrane Corporation, 17th St. and Allegheny Ave., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Established, 1914. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Testing any type of flow meter with water, as for example, V-notch weirs, orifices, Venturi meters, Pitot tubes. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, 24 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Over 20 feet head, of which about 10 feet can be utilized in a metering device. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: 9. Sump tank, motor-driven centrifugal pump, constant-head tank, standardized V-notch tank and two calibrated measuring tanks mounted just above the sump tank, together with suitable valves, hook-gages, etc. The maximum rate of flow which can be handled is about 120 cubic feet per minute. The precision obtained with the standardized V-notch weir is about 1-3 of 1 per cent plus or minus, that is the rate of flow can be held indefinitely within these limits. Accuracy of calibrated measuring tank is within 1-10 of I per cent. Unusual equipment or facilities: The unusual nature of the equipment relates to the facilities offered for carrying out tests rapidly, through the use of the standardized V-notch meter, that is in order to rate a meter under test it is necessary only to establish steady flow conditions and then read the gages. This equipment has not been used by outside parties, but is available for such use provided the purpose of the work is not in competition with the business of the H. S. B. W.-Cochrane Corporation. Railroad station or siding: Close to a railroad siding. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Percy S. Lyon. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Four persons engaged on and off in meter testing and experiments. Information furnished by George H. Gibson. * * COLORADO COLLEGE Colorado College, Hydraulic Laboratory, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Established, 1915. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Weir calibration, flow through short tubes, calibration of service meters, flow through orifices, determination of coefficient of fric- tion in pipes, (this refers to pipes up to 114 inches in diameter) ; experimental work on the Venturimeter, the hydraulic ram, 2-inch centrifugal pump, and 12-inch Doble water wheel. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Supply pipe to laboratory is 3 inches in diameter, static pressure 60 to 65 pounds; no way of boosting the pressure by pumping. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 25 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Weir tank of about 500 gallons capacity, 3-inch Venturi meter, 2-inch centrifugal pump, 12-inch Doble laboratory impulse wheel, Hydraulic ram with a 2-inch lead pipe and a 1-inch discharge, Apparatus for testing flow through short tubes and orifices, Several types of small service water meters, Weighing tanks and scales. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities —None. No work has ever been done for persons or companies. Railroad station and siding: About a mile and a half distant. 9. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Frank M. Okey, Professor of Civil Engineering. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: No other individual on the staff. 11. Brief general description: Equipment is meager and quarters cramped. Floor space is only about 2500 square feet, but arrangement of apparatus makes it possible to carry on a relatively complete set of hydraulic experi- ments. 12. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: None. Information supplied by Frank M. Okey, Professor of Civil Engineering. * Ok Ok COLORADO EXPERIMENT STATION 1. Colorado Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. 2. Established, 1913. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Irrigation investigations, calibrations, especially testing practical low head meters, irrigation outlets and similar devices. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Limited quantity from city mains; storage reservoir on hill of 236,- 400 gallons capacity. Head available, on weirs 3 feet, on special devices, approximately 10 feet. Water is pumped from an auxiliary reservoir receiving waste to supply reservoir and is used repeatedly. i 26 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Weir box 20 feet long, 10 feet wide, 6 feet deep. Two calibration tanks 23.5 x 27 feet and one 27 x 55 feet, all 8.5 feet deep. Auxiliary reservoir for waste water, 26 x 26 x 8.5 feet. Large and small centrifugal pumps; Hook-gages, standard weirs, orifices and other devices. Fully equipped current-meter rating station, also circular station. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: Channel 314 x 5 feet, 210 feet long, carrying flow of 15 second- feet at level of station floor. 7. No set policy, as to work for outside persons. Testing and calibration has been done for private individuals. Assistance and encourage- ment has been given outside persons or companies who wished to develop principles or devices directly appurtenant to irrigation activities. Minor investigations done without charge. 8. Railroad station or siding: One-quarter mile from College Station on Colorado and Southern Railway. 9. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Ralph L. Parshall, Senior Irrigation Engineer, U. S. Department of Agriculture. 10. Number of Persons on Regular Staff: Three. 11. Brief general description: Brick building 40 x 70 feet, one story. 12. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: Detail investigations on weirs and orifices for standard calibration. Various devices of original design have been tested. Original investigations on the Venturi flume. Information furnished by R. L. Parshall, Irrigation Engineer. * * * COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY 1. Columbia University, Worthington Hydraulic Laboratory of the De- partment of Mechanical Engineering, New York City. 2. Established, 1899. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Experimental research work on and tests of pumps and small tur- bines; calibration of nozzle, orifices and various forms of water metering devices. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 27 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, 1 cubic foot per second at head of 25 feet, 500 gallons per minute at head of 300 feet, 1000 gallons per minute at head of 100 feet, 50 gallons per minute at head of 3000 feet. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Pumps Worthington triple-expansion duplex pump; 500 gallons per min- ute, 25 feet head. Worthington duplex boiler feed pump, 100 gallons per minute, 250 feet head. Goulds triplex motor-driven pump, 80 gallons per minute, 150 feet head. Worthington motor-driven centrifugal pump, single-stage, 500 gal- lons per minute, 100 feet head. Worthington motor-driven centrifugal pump, 3-stage, 500 gallons per minute, 300 feet head. Worthington high-pressure duplex pump, 50 gallons per minute, 2000 pounds per square inch head. Cameron motor-driven, single-stage centrifugal pump, 50 gallons per minute, 100 feet head. Measuring Devices Two 20,000-pound steel measuring tanks, arranged with quick opening discharge valves and swing bucket for directing water to other tank so as to take care of continuous flow. 8x4 -inch Venturi meter. 3 x 114-inch Venturi meter. Calibrated nozzles from ¥%4 inch to 2 inches in diameter. Large tank fitted with still well and hook gage and equipped with weirs of various widths. Numerous small tanks and scales; Pitot tubes and pitometers. Special Apparatus For measuring loss in head through straight pipes; for measuring loss in head due to change in pipe sizes; for calibrating orifices and nozzles. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: Sprague electric dynamometer suitably arranged to act as a brake for turbine tests, or as a driving unit for pump tests, by means of which the input may be accurately measured. Being situated in close proximity to the steam, air and gas power laboratories, the equipment of these becomes available for use in the hydraulic laboratory. In connection with the former is a fairly complete machine shop. 28 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION 7. Arrangements may be made for research work to be conducted by the laboratory staff, or use made of the equipment by outside parties. Charges are of two classes: those for use of equipment only and those for personal services, the latter including time spent on opinions rendered. No fixed terms can be given, due to the wide variety of the requirements, the rate depending upon the amount of equipment and time involved. 8. Railroad station and siding: One and one-half to five miles, depending upon the railroad. 9. Name and title of person in charge: Edward D. Thurston, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical En- gineering. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Two men are regularly assigned to the hydraulic laboratory, but the services of the entire mechanical engineering department are available. 11. Brief general description: The hydraulic laboratory covers a space of 80 x 35 feet and is 20 feet high. Beneath the two large measuring tanks is a pit from which the pumps normally take their suction and into which the water from all is discharged. If mecessary, suction can also be taken from a 3-inch city water main running the length of the laboratory, on which the pressure is around 50 pounds. The pumps are located on the main floor and the piping is so arranged that they may discharge independently or into a common header. ‘This latter is connected with an accumulator for steadying the flow. Over a portion of the laboratory is a second floor, on which are placed the weir tanks and most of the special apparatus. 12. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: Investigation on centrifugal and rotary pumps has been done for various individuals and upon hydraulic rams for the Power Specialty Company and the Rife Engine Company. Research on “Flow through weir notches with thin edges and full contractions,” by V. M. Cone, Irrigation Engineer, Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering. Information furnished by Edward D. Thurston, Jr., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 10. On HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 29 CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University, Hydraulic Laboratory of College of Engineering, Ithaca, New York. Established, 1898. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: For determining flow of water in pipes and over all forms of weirs; testing small turbines, water meters, Venturi meters, Pitot tubes, current meters, nozzles and orifices. Also well equipped for general investigations in hydraulics. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity, From Beebe Lake 80 feet head and up to 1000 cubic feet per second during spring and fall flow; 400 cubic feet per second for short periods any time of year; from University reservoir 200 feet head for small quantities. Principal pieces of equipment: Usual equipment for ordinary laboratory experiments. One g-inch Victor turbine, one 12-inch and one 24-inch Pelton- Doble water wheel, one multi-stage centrifugal pump, several hy- draulic rams, and special apparatus for testing water meters. Unusual equipment or facilities: Laboratory and canals supplied by gravity for all experimental work. Volumes up to 400 cubic feet per second, for short intervals of time, are available any time of year; double this quantity may be had during spring and fall flow. Commercial work falling within our facilities will be undertaken and carried to completion by experienced engineers; terms given upon application. Railroad station or siding: One-half mile from East Ithaca Station of Lehigh Valley Railroad. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Under the jurisdiction of the Dean of the College. Dr. E. W. Schoder, Professor of Theoretical and Experimental Hydraulics, has been in direct charge since September, 1904. Number of persons on regular staff : Two. Any commercial work requiring more than the regular staff can readily be handled. Brief general description: The unique location and construction of this laboratory render practicable investigations requiring a steady gravity water supply for long periods using relatively large flows of water. The water 30 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION supply is obtained from Fall Creek with a watershed of 126 square miles. Beebe Lake, a pond of about 20 acres, has been formed by, the construction of a concrete dam 26 feet high, with a spillway crest length of 130.5 feet. At one end of the dam there is an addi- tional flood spillway 141.5 feet long. A rectangular canal 420 feet long and 16 feet wide is supplied from Beebe Lake through six headgates for controlling the flow. ‘The upper portion of the canal is 17.7 feet deep and the lower portion is 10 feet deep. In this canal are two sharp-crested weirs 16 feet long, over which discharges as large as 400 cubic feet a second may be passed. The lower portion of the 16-foot canal, 350 feet long between weirs, is used for measurements with floats and current meters. Models of dams may be built in the canal and the flow over them investigated with precision. An electrically-operated car spans this canal and is used for rating current meters and Pitot tubes and for experiments that require means for towing floating or submerged objects through still or running water at various speeds. By means of a gear system the speed of the cable, which moves the car, may be varied through a range from 14, foot to 12 feet a second. Out-door work is usually suspended from December 1 to April 1 because of the freezing weather. The laboratory is built against the south cliff of Fall Creek gorge and extends vertically about 70 feet, from the pool below Trip- hammer Falls to the top of the gorge. A short branch canal 6 feet wide is housed by the upper portion of the laboratory building and may be supplied directly from Beebe Lake by means of a 48-inch cast iron pipe line with a short 30-inch branch at its lower end. A 30-inch valve controls the flow from the 48-inch pipe into the 6-foot canal. The 6-foot canal discharges either to waste into the pool below Triphammer Falls (a sheer drop of 60 feet), or into the upper end of a steel stand-pipe 6 feet in diameter and 60 feet high. A suitable mechanism causes an instantaneous diversion of discharges as large as 60 cubic feet a second from the waste flume into the standpipe or vice versa. ‘The 6-foot standpipe is provided at the bottom with a 36-inch discharge valve operated by hydraulic pressure. There is a float gage indicating accurately the height of the water surface in the standpipe, when used as a measuring tank, An independent 10-inch pipe line from the 30-inch pipe to the bottom of the laboratory supplies most of the pieces of apparatus used for class work and research. The 6-foot standpipe also may be used as a supply tank, water being supplied to it from either the 6-foot canal or the 10-inch pipe line. In the laboratory building there is also a concrete flume 2 feet wide, 4 feet deep and 25 feet long. Flows up to 11 cubic feet a second can be passed through this and measured volumetrically. The flume is arranged conveniently for experiments on small weirs, low- head orifices, and other apparatus. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 31 12. Research, or other work of unusual importance which has been done: Among these may be mentioned the results obtained for the Board of Engineers on Deep Waterways, the Michigan-Lake Superior Power Company, the City of New York in connection with its water supply, the U. S. Geological Survey, and the Bureau of Public Roads and Rural Engineering of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Information furnished by F. A. Barnes, Director, School of Civil Engi- neering, Cornell University. *k *k x DARTMOUTH COLLEGE 1. Dartmouth College, Thayer School of Civil Engineering, Hanover, New Hampshire. ; The hydraulic laboratory of the Thayer School is used to elucidate the theoretical course and is confined to class work. Information furnished by Charles A. Holden, Director, Professor of Civil Engineering. * ok OO HARVARD ENGINEERING SCHOOL 1. Harvard Engineering School, Gordon McKay Engineering Laboratory, 50 Oxford Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 2. Established, 1919. This was the date of the reestablishment of the Engineering School after the Technology cooperation terminated. There has been a hydraulic laboratory since 1890. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Testing centrifugal pumps, orifices, nozzles, meters and small weirs. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, 1100 gallons per minute at 230 feet head. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: A weir with channel 21 feet long, 6 feet wide, and 4 feet deep. A pressure tank 20 feet high and 5 feet in diameter. Two tanks which will weigh accurately 1200 gallons per minute, each of 5000 pounds capacity. A storage tank 6 feet deep, 5 feet wide, and 40 feet long, carefully constructed, which can be used for volumetric measurement with a high degree of accuracy. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: Three Sprague electric dynamometers for driving or absorbing power—o to 200 horsepower. Apparatus can be delivered by motor truck alongside the hydraulic testing plant. 32 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION 7. Members of the teaching staff may do work for outside persons or companies to such an amount as will not interfere with their other duties. ‘They make their own terms for services of helpers. 8. Railroad station and siding: About half a mile distant. 9. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Dean H. J. Hughes. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Usually four. 11. Brief general description: The hydraulic laboratory is a compact group of apparatus placed in the Gordon McKay Laboratory, a building 100 feet wide by 300 feet long, which contains steam, gas, electric, refrigerating and air-reduction machinery, and materials-testing apparatus. Information furnished by H. J. Hughes, Dean, Harvard Engineering School. x * x HOLYOKE WATER POWER COMPANY 1. Holyoke Testing Flume, Holyoke, Massachusetts. 2. Established, 1882. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Tests of hydraulic turbines. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Head 11 to 18 feet; capacity 230 cubic feet per second; supplied by gravity only. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Standard Francis weir, Prony brakes, electric signal clock, hook gages, etc. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: This whole laboratory is unique, as shown by the general descrip- tion. 7. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies and terms therefor: Information about conditions and charges should be obtained from the company. 8. Railroad station or siding: Siding at the building. Name and title of person in charge: Hydraulic Engineer of the Holyoke Water Power Company. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 33 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Hydraulic engineer and such assistants as are needed for any test undertaken. 11. Brief general description: Testing flume is equipped for the testing, on a vertical shaft, of hydraulic turbines of any of the usual diameters and of any power up to 300 horsepower; (the pit is twenty feet square). Also for testing wheels of small and medium sizes, singly or in pairs, on horizontal shaft, under certain conditions, details of which with the price will be sent on application. Small wheels on vertical shaft, may be tested under any head up to 18 feet, larger sizes, under a head ranging from 11 to 14 feet. The Holyoke Water Company controls the flow of the Cunnecti- cut River, at Holyoke, Massachusetts, on a fall of nearly 60 feet. Some of the developments are “permanent powers,” held by the companies using them under indentures, and subject to annual rental, and the balance are “surplus powers,” subject to withdrawal at short notice. Surplus powers are paid for from day to day, and according to the amount used. In time of drought, if used after prohibition, the parties so using, are liable to a heavy penalty. Observations are taken giving the opening of the speed-gate of each wheel and the head acting upon it, once a day, and once during each night. These are carefully preserved and from them are computed the amounts discharged by each wheel and by each establishment, during the quarter year, and the “surplus power” thus shown to have been used is paid for at the end of the quarter. This system results in economy in the use of water, where otherwise there would be great wastefulness. For the purpose of making the neces- sary experiments on the wheels of tenants, before they are set in the mills, the Holyoke Water Power Company built a permanent testing flume. Over this testing flume is a substantial brick build- ing containing repair shops, blacksmith shop, and oil room and offices. Wheels are tested here both for power and for quantity of water discharge. They are usually tested at five or six different openings of the speed-gate, ranging from wide open, to the opening at which the discharge is one-half that at full opening, and at six or eight different velocities of revolution at each gate-opening, mak- ing some 30 or 40 experiments in all on each wheel. The final result is, that for all practical purposes, the water-wheel has been converted into a water meter, and its discharge may be known under any of the conditions under which it is found in the mill. Besides this, its efficiency, or the value of the wheel as a water- motor, is also known. The testing flume is suitable moreover to the making of hydraulic experiments, other than the efficiency tests of wheels, and is used 34 12. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION for such, from time to time. The underground portion consists in the main of the trunk, or penstock, bringing the water; a sort of vestibule, an antechamber ; the wheel-pit ; and the tail-race. The trunk is of boiler iron, about 9 feet in diameter. The vestibule contains the two head-gates, besides which there is a head-gate at the entry of the trunk into the canal whence it takes the water. A small trunk about 3 feet in diameter, takes water from this ves- tibule, independently of the gates and leads it to a turbine wheel, set in an iron casing, in the chamber, or fit, so that this wheel can run, even when the chamber is empty. This wheel discharges through the floor and is used to operate the repair shops; also to lift and lower the gates. The chamber has stop-planks on two sides for use in regulating the height of the water. At the down- stream end of this tail-race is the measuring weir, the crest being formed of a piece of planed wrought iron. It can be used with or without end contractions. The depth of water on the weir is measured in cylinders set in recesses, fashioned into the sides of the tail-race. These recesses are water-tight, and the observer is thus enabled to stand with the water-level about breast-high, or at convenient hight for accurate observation. The methods of meas- uring water over this weir are those described in “Lowell Hy- draulic Experiments,” by James B. Francis. In a well hole is set up a glass tube which measures the head of water upon the wheel. It is connected with the pit or the chamber, by means of pipes running through a cast-iron pipe, built into the masonry dam which forms the down-stream end of the wheelpit. The power is weighed by a Prony brake. ‘To enable the observer at the brake wheel, the one at the head gage, and the one at the measuring weir to take simultaneous observations, an electric clock is set up in the testing flume, which rings three bells simultaneously at inter- vals of one minute, or of half a minute if desired. The front of the wall forming the downstream side of the pit is barely damp with 20 feet head of water upon it. The floor of the pit is built so tight that an exact measurement of the leakage of the wheel-gate could be made, if desired. An approximate estimate is readily made by filling the pit before the tail-race is allowed to fill, and apportioning the total measured leakage, be- tween the leakage of the wheel-gate, and that of the flume. Four waste-pipes from vestibule, ante-chamber, tail-race, and pit help regulate the hight of water in the ante-chamber and pit, during tests under -low heads, and enable the tail-race to be emptied to within 3 inches of the bottom. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: Experiments for development of the Venturi meter. The discharge of water through orifices. Experiments on the trapzoidal weir. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 35 Experiments on a fall increaser. Tests of motor driven deep well pumps. Experiments to establish a discharge chart for Holyoke Dam. Information furnished by A. F. Sickman, Hydraulic Engineer. kok * HORTON HYDROLOGICAL LABORATORY Horton Hydrological Laboratory, Voorheesville, New York. Established, 1915. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Evaporation from water surfaces. Evaporation from the soil and crop surfaces. Interception losses by vegetation of all kinds. Transpiration losses from vegetation, trees, etc. Rate of infiltration of rainfall or irrigation water. Problems of ground-water flow. Fluctuation of ground-water levels. Head and quantity of water available for tests: There is available a stream draining about 18 square miles area, 4 acres pondage, 72 feet gross fall, concentrated practically in a single drop, with dam, flume, penstock, etc., available for smaller hydraulic experiments. Principal pieces of equipment: Standard class “A”? United States Weather Bureau evaporation outfit, Friez recording hygrothermographs, Friez recording soil and water thermographs, tipping bucket and ordinary rain gages, full equipment of standard test maximum and minimum thermome- ters and psychrometers; three standard Robinson anemometers, tor- sion balances, silk scales weighing to 200 pounds by 14 ounce, numer- ous special evaporation and infiltration test jars, pans and other apparatus, micrometer hook gages, etc. Unusual equipment or facilities: Lysimeters, rotating’and weighing evaporometers, special rain and snow gages. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies, and terms therefor: . Will be arranged for on reasonable terms. Railroad station and siding: One mile distant. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Robert E. Horton, Consulting Hydraulic Engineer. \ 36 10. II. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Number of persons on regular staff : Three. Brief general description: Building, 28 x 60 feet, three stories; with 25 horse-power hydraulic turbine, oil engine and storage battery system for steady power. Complete mechanical tool facilities for ordinary shop and labora- tory work. The property includes an area of about 86 acres with an unusual diversity of topography and cultural conditions, with a forest area having a remarkably wide variety of trees,— deciduous and evergreen. Information furnished by Robert E. Horton. kK Ok UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Illinois, University of, Hydraulic Laboratory, Urbana, Illinois. Established, 1891. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Laboratory is used primarily for student work. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Discharge up to 6000 gallons per minute at heads up to 60 feet are available for testing purposes. A discharge of 275 gallons per minute at a head of 450 feet is available for tests where com- paratively high heads are required. Principal pieces of equipment: Pumping equipment consists of two duplex steam pumps of 800 and 2200 gallons per minute; 12-inch single-stage centrifugal pump with capacity of 3000 gallons per minute, connected to 100-horse-power steam engine. 4-inch single-stage centrifugal pump. 4-inch two-stage centrifugal pump. Two 6-inch single-stage centrifugal pumps (Centrifugal pumps can be driven with the 100-horse-power steam engine.) 50-kilowatt motor-generator set for supplying direct current to motors for pump tests. Sump 10 feet in diameter and 12 feet deep, to which water is re- turned for repeated use after passing through the test apparatus. The water is pumped into a standpipe 4 feet in diameter and 60 feet high, in which a constant water level is maintained by means of automatic steam regulators on the steam pumps. Seven concrete measuring pits and one steel measuring tank. Weirs up to 3 feet in length may be used. These are located in a channel 70 feet long and 3 x 3 feet in section through most 10. Il. 12. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 37 of its length, and 3 x 8 feet in section at its upper end. For meas- uring smaller discharges the equipment consists of orifices ranging in size from 1 inch to 6 inches in diameter, water meters ranging from 5 inch to 6 inches, pitometer apparatus, one 4 x 114-inch Venturi meter, one 8 x 314-inch Venturi meter, one set of cali- brated Freeman nozzles ranging in size from 14-inch to 6 inches in diameter, and several small tanks on platform scales. 12-inch and 18-inch tangential water wheels. 1114-inch Leffel turbine fitted with Prony brake. 114-inch two-stage centrifugal pump direct-connected to a cali- brated electric motor. 100 feet 24-inch fire hose, a large set of calibrated nozzles and piezometer couplings, pressure gages of various types. 1200 feet of piping for tests of friction, Water hammer and loss of head due to expansion and contraction of streams. Meter testing apparatus. Intermittently discharging siphons. Apparatus for determining friction of flow of water through sand. Unusual equipment or facilities: None. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies and terms therefor: Work for outside parties is not usually undertaken unless the work presents problems of an investigational nature. Railroad station or siding: About 400 feet from nearest railroad siding. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Professor Arthur N. Talbot, Professor of Municipal and Sanitary Engineering. Number of persons on regular staff: Twelve men of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Me- chanics are available for instructional work in the hydraulic labora- tory. Usually the work is handled by four or five of these men. Brief general description: The original laboratory was destroyed by fire in 1900. The laboratory was established in its present quarters in 1902, in the Laboratory of Applied Mechanics, occupying two floors, each 44 x 78 feet. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: Bulletin No. 48 of the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, “Resistance to Flow through Locomotive Water Columns,” by Arthur N. Talbot and Melvin L. Enger; 38 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Bulletin No. 96, “The Effect of Mouthpieces on the Flow of Water Through a Submerged Short Pipe,” by Fred B. Seely; Bulletin No. 105, “Hydraulic Experiments with Valves, Orifices, Hose, Nozzles, and Orifice Buckets,” by Arthur N. Talbot, Fred B. Seely, Virgil R. Fleming and Melvin L. Enger; Bulletin No. 110, “The Pipe Orifice as a Means of Measuring Flow of Water Through a Pipe.” Information furnished by Professor A. N. Talbot. x Ok Ox STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA 1. Iowa, State University of, Hydraulic Laboratory, Iowa City, Iowa. 2. Established, 1920. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Testing dam and spillway models; current meter rating; testing water wheels ug: to 51 inches in diameter; large-scale weir experi- ments; flow in open channels. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity, Maximum head, 10.3 feet. Minimum flow, 150 cubic feet per second and upward to 1000 cubic feet per second available for half the year. By pumping, 100 feet head; 1 cubic foot per second. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Testing flume in which water wheels up to 51 inches in diameter can be mounted. Hydraulic canal 130 feet long, 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep, with rails above for mounting car for current-meter rating. Measuring chamber of 10,000 cubic feet capacity. S 51-inch McCormick water wheel, installed; 300-gallon-per-minute centrifugal pump; weirs, gages, etc. Recording gages on Iowa River, and cable gaging station. University water power plant; 51-inch hydro-electric unit installed. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: The laboratory is especially adapted to large-scale weir experimenta- tion, and tests on large dam and water wheel models. 7. Work may be undertaken by outside persons in cooperation with the laboratory by special agreement. The terms have been usually a cost settlement for additional equipment involved in the work and ordinary labor. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 39 8. Railroad station or siding: Siding 400 feet distant. 9. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Professor Floyd A. Nagler. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Two research assistants (half time) ; one mechanic, full time. 11, Brief general description: The laboratory is situated on the Iowa River, in connection with a power development owned by the University. The laboratory building is 22 feet square inside, with a concrete sub-structure and brick superstructure having stone trimming. Its two floors are of planks made up in sections, supported on steel beams bolted together, so that any section or the whole floor can be removed. ‘The dam across the river is 300 feet long, built in 1906, of gravity spillway section throughout. A concrete canal 130 feet long and 10 feet wide leads from the dam straight to the laboratory; its bottom inside is 5.74 feet below the crest of the dam. During low water, the depth in the canal can be increased two feet by putting flash boards on the dam. A concrete tail-race 22 feet wide prolongs the sub-structure of the laboratory 30 feet down stream; through its terminal wall is an opening, from which a channel, after making a sharp curve, leads to the river. In the center of the laboratory sub-structure is a reinforced concrete column which makes possible the dividing of the sub-structure into four bays. In one compartment a concrete floor 6 feet above the bottom has a circular opening 6 feet 7 inches in diameter. This compartment is intended for water wheel testing. The difference of level of the floors of the sub-structure will permit experiments upon flow increasers. The claim for uniqueness of this laboratory rests upon the large quantities of water available. The drainage area of the river above the dam is 3140 square miles. The minimum recorded flow (De- cember 1903) is 150 cubic feet per second. The maximum flow on record is 39,000 cubic feet fer second on June 7, 1918. The aver- age low water flow is 300 to 500 cubic feet per second. The plant is especially suitable for problems requiring large quantities at low head, such as those relating to irrigation and drainage engineer- ing and certain water-power problems. There is opportunity also for studying flood protection and river control. The power plant generates current of 2300 volts at 60 cycles. 12. Research: Research upon an ogee dam model, the hydraulic jump, and flow over weirs. Information furnished by Professor Floyd A. Nagler, Hydraulic Labora- tory. 40 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY 1. Johns Hopkins University, Hydraulic Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, Baltimore, Maryland. 2. Established, 1917. 4. The laboratory is connected to the city mains by a 2-inch pipe, the pressure varying from 40 to 65 pounds per square inch. There are four interconnected storage wells in the laboratory whose combined dimensions are 18 x 35 x 8 feet deep. The pump ratings are given under the description of equipment. 3, 5, & 6. One single-stage, double-suction, closed-impeller pump directly connected to 2-horse-power, 220-volt, 74-ampere, type S K ad- justable-speed motor; rating: 150 gallons per minute against 150 feet head at 1650 revolutions per minute; 375 gallons per minute against 20 feet head at 1150 revolutions per minute. This pump is equipped with pressure and vacuum gages for running test and has switchboard with volt-meter and ammeter. One single-stage, double-suction, closed-impeller pump directly con- nected to 65-horse-power, 220-volt, 245-ampere, continuous-current, shunt-wound General Electric motor; rating: 10,000 gallons per minute against 12 feet head at 570 revolutions per minute. Rectangular, V-notch and proportional weirs with hook gages and weighing tanks. Venturi meter with several sizes of throat and weighing tanks, Cole portable test pitometer with traversing attachment. No. 6 Gould hydraulic ram with gages and weighing tanks. Twelve-inch Pelton water wheel with gages and Prony brake. Concrete flume 4 x 5 x 70 feet with track and car for rating current meter. Standpipe, 58 feet high, with glass gage, connected to standpipe 3 feet in diameter for performing orifice experiments. Wrought steel pipe 114, inches in diameter, with piezometers for determination of friction coefficient and elbow loss. 47. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies, and terms therefor: By special arrangement. 8. Railroad station or siding: Convenient access to Pennsylvania Railroad station, 15 minutes by trolley or bus. 9 & 10. John H. Gregory, Professor of Civil and Sanitary Engineering. F. W. Medaugh, Instructor in Civil Engineering. 11. Brief general description: The laboratory is new, well equipped and well lighted. It is in the Civil Engineering Building and is easy of access. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 4I 12. Research: Special research work has just been started. Investigation of the loss of head in bends and right-angle turns and in sudden expansion and contradiction have been made. Information furnished by John H. Gregory, Professor of Civil and Sani- tary Engineering. kk Ox LAFAYETTE COLLEGE 1. Lafayette College Hydraulic Laboratory, Easton, Pennsylvania. 2. Established, 1898. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Routine work for students on orifices, weirs, Venturi meters and house meters, also water motors, and a centrifugal pump. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity, 60 feet head. By pumping, 100 feet head. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Vertical pressure tank 5 feet diameter, 18 feet high, for heads up to 100 feet for orifices, nozzles, etc. Standpipe 60 feet high. Two weir tanks 30 feet long, 4 feet wide. Weighing tanks, scales, etc. Impulse wheel. Centrifugal pump. Venturi meter, water meters, gages, hydrants, weirs, hook-gage, etc. Haskell and Price velocity meters. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: All shapes of small orifices and types of house meters for routine instruction. 7. Outside persons or companies do testing on terms arranged, according to each individual case. 8. Railroad station and siding: About 2000 feet distant. 9. Name and title of person in charge: Lynn Perry, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: One. 11. Brief general description: The laboratory occupies two floors in the west end of Pardee Hall. It has equipment for rating house meters at various heads, 42 12. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION measuring the flow in streams by velocity meters and two weir tanks the weirs in which can be changed to any type. It also contains every type of small orifice and some motors and a centrifugal pump driven by electric motor. Research or other work of unusual importance which has been done: When A. Prescott Folwell was here, some investigations on orifices were made by him and Professor Merriman, but very little original work is now being attempted. Information furnished by Lynn Perry, Assistant Professor of Civil En- gineering. * * Ox LEHIGH UNIVERSITY 1. Lehigh University, Fritz Engineering Laboratory, Bethlehem, Pennsyl- Io. vania. Established, 1911. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Laboratory is equipped to handle all kinds of testing and research work in which large quantities of water are not needed. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Water is provided by two centrifugal pumps, one of which delivers 200 gallons per minute against a head of 250 feet and the other 2000 gallons per minute against a head of 60 feet. Principal pieces of equipment: A 3-foot-diameter Pelton impulse wheel; a small Trump turbine; Rife hydraulic ram; ultra-violet sterilizer type B, capacity 70 to 120 gallons per hour; four Hershey and Empire water meters; Venturi water meter; pressure tank; calibrating tanks; weirs; current me- ters; miscellaneous apparatus. Sizes and capacities of equip- ment here mentioned are those ordinarily used in student hydraulic laboratories. Unusual equipment or facilities: None. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies, and terms therefor: Excellent opportunity. Railroad station or siding: One-quarter mile distant. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: R. J. Fogg, Director, and M. O. Fuller in direct charge. Number of persons on regular staff: Three. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 43 11. Brief general description: The hydraulic laboratory occupies one portion of the Fritz En- gineering Laboratory and has two levels, each of which covers an area of 40 x 55 feet. The water is pumped into a pressure tank and standpipe, is then delivered to the test points, then to the canal, thence back to the pump pit and used over again. On the upper and lower level are weirs, nozzles, orifices, and other de- vices, so that a number of student tests can be carried on simul- taneously. The meters, test pipe lines, gages, etc. are placed on the upper level. On the lower level are the calibrating and weighing tanks, hydraulic ram, pumps and turbines. 12. Research: : Besides regular student experiments, tests have been made on 36- inch vitrified pipe with cement joints. Special weir tests have also been made. Information furnished by R. J. Fogg, Professor of Civil Engineering. a LELAND STANFORD UNIVERSITY 1. Stanford University, (a) Hydraulic Laboratory, (b) Hydraulic Ma- chinery Laboratory, Stanford University, California. 2. Established, 1913. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: (a) Calibration of instruments; measurement of pressure, velocity, and flow and friction loss of water under various conditions. (b) Testing of hydraulic machinery, including centrifugal, rotary, jet and steam pumps, pulsometers, hydraulic rams, water wheels and hydraulic turbines. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Hydraulic Laboratory: By pumping, 50-foot head, capacity 2400 gallons per minute, 100-foot head, capacity 1200 gallons per minute. Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory: By pumping, 30-foot head, 500 gallons per minute, 1330 revolutions per minute. 60-foot head, 700 gallons per minute, 1890 revolutions per minute. 100-foot head, 900 gallons per minute, 2440 revolutions per minute. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Two 7-inch, single-suction, class A, Buffalo centrifugal pumps, one direct-connected, 900 revolutions per minute; the other belt- connected to motor, 900 revolutions per minute; pump connected so as to be operated either in series or multiple. Mueller water meter tester complete with tanks, scales, etc. 44 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Ingersoll-Rand Type XII, 314 x 4-inch water-cooled, single-cyl- inder, vertical air-compressor for maintaining constant air pressure in regulating tanks in water supply system. Nine Venturi meters, with manometers, three different sizes of throats. 25-horsepower 90o-revolutions-per-minute General Electric induc- tion motor. 50-horsepower 900-revolutions-per-minute General Electric induc- tion motor. Four steel measuring tanks, divided into two compartments with tilting valves, etc. Eight steel weir tanks 5 feet 6 inches x 3 feet 6 inches x 3 feet deep, with interchangeable weir notch plates, orifice plates, blank plates, galvanized iron hoppers, etc. Eight orifice pressure tanks 24 inches in diameter x 6 feet long for measuring flow through orifices and nozzles of various designs and dimensions. Nine special 4-inch cast-iron pipe lengths for Pitot tube measure- ments. Two riveted steel pressure tanks 36 inches in diameter x 20 feet long for 125 pounds per square inch working pressure. Two large platform scales with steel tanks. Irrigation type Venturi meter. Hammond water meter. Wilcox water weigher, 125,000 pounds water per hour. Kennicott water weigher, 150,000 pounds water per hour. Four 2-inch water meters, Gem, Nash, Crown and Empire. 10-inch Leffel globe case, upright, right-hand turbine. No. 4 improved-pattern pulsometer steam pump. 8-inch x 514-inch x 12-inch heavy-pressure Davidson steam pump, suitable for working water pressure of 300 pounds per square inch. 8 x 12 x 7 x 10-inch Worthington duplex compound, outside cen- ter-packed, plunger steam pump, designed for 200 pounds per square inch working water pressure. C. H. Wheeler surface condenser 200 square feet to condense 4000 pounds steam per hour, without vacuum, from the pumps for pur- poses of measuring steam consumption. 2-inch Brooks centrifugal pump. 3-inch Byron Jackson centrifugal pump. Two 5-inch Platt double-suction, centrifugal pumps, connected so that they can be operated in series or multiple. Belt drive with three sizes of pulley on pump: shaft and coupling of shaft so ar- ranged that they may be driven separately or together. Westinghouse 3 x 4-inch belt driven air-compressor for maintaining constant air pressure upon pressure-regulating tanks of water sup- ply system. Two General Electric multi-speed electric motors, 12-horsepower 10. Il. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 45 at constant torque. 1800-1200-900-600-revolutions-per-minute in- duction motors. General Electric Type 1, 35-horsepower, 1200-revolutions-per-min- ute induction motor. Nine steel weir tanks, 6 feet x 3 feet 6 inches x 3 feet deep with stor- age compartment. Steel weir tank 12 feet, 6 inches long x 5 feet wide by 3 feet deep with storage compartment (for Leffel turbine). Riveted steel pressure tank 60 inches diameter x 22 feet long for 100 pounds per square inch working pressure, with flanges, saddle nozzles, etc. Riveted steel pressure tank 24 inches diameter x 20 feet long for 250 pounds per square inch working pressure. 12-inch Doble water wheel. 10-inch Pelton water wheel. 4-inch Root rotary pump. 2-inch Schulte & Koerting jet pump. No. 5 Gould hydraulic ram, 2-inch drive pipe, 1-inch discharge. Priestman ejector. Shone sewage ejector (located in hydraulic laboratory). 2-inch Venturi meter. Concrete sumps and measuring tanks. Steam hydraulic indicators, pressure gages, manometers and other measuring instruments. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies, and terms therefor: Work may be done by outside persons or companies of responsibility by paying all expenses connected with the investigation, provided the work is done at such times as do not interfere with routine class work. Railroad station or siding: Railroad tracks pass by buildings. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Hydraulic Laboratory, Professor Charles Moser. Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory, Professor W. R. Eckart. Number of persons on regular staff: One in each laboratory with student assistants as required. Brief general description: Hydraulic Laboratory. The Hydraulic Laboratory was designed for the instruction of a number of students during the same period and so the equipment was divided into nine main units 46 12. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION of somewhat similar design; provision being made however in each case for considerable flexibility, so that a wide variety of experiments could be performed on any one unit and with some range of capacity. The main pumping unit of 2400 gallons per minute capacity under 50-foot head discharges into the mains, of which a branch passes through two large pressure regulating cham- bers, thence to a 24-inch manifold running the length of the laboratory. Feed lines from this manifold lead to each of the nine units. Each feed line is provided with a Venturi meter and a pipe section for measuring the flow with Pitot tubes. The water then passes to a weir box where tests can be made with weirs and orifices of various sizes and shapes. ‘The orifice can be placed in either a horizontal or vertical plane. Instead of the water passing to the weir box, it can be delivered under pressure to a pressure chamber, from which it can be discharged through orifices and nozzles under pressure and various coefficients of contraction, ve- locity and discharge measured. From the orifices or weirs the water passes to calibrated tanks, or tanks on platform scales, or to special weighing equipment, as the Hammond, Kennicott, or Wilcox water weighers. From the measuring boxes it passes into canals, in which measurement of flow can be made by irrigation type Venturi meter, weirs, current meters, or other devices, and thence returns to the pump sump. Other equipment provides for the measurement of friction losses in pipes, and fittings, calibration of water meters, pressure gages, and manometers. Hydraulic Machinery Laboratory. The equipment provided con- sists of steam, centrifugal, rotary and jet pumps, ejectors operated by compressed air, impulse water wheels and turbines, hydraulic ram, etc. The piping is arranged so that all the pumps can pump into a common line and the water be delivered to any piece of equipment or weir box in the laboratory, although each piece of apparatus is provided with its own weir box. The water can also be delivered through a connecting line to the hydraulic labora- tory and can be returned through suitable channels from that laboratory to the machinery laboratory. The pipe line is made of two sections separated by valves provided for a high-pressure section and a low-pressure section, each with its own pressure-regu- lating tank. Sumps are provided at both ends of the laboratory connected with a channel near the top. Three large concrete measuring tanks, 17 feet deep with piezometers in an observa- tion pit are provided; one of these is connected by a channel with the Elementary laboratory. Research: Surge chamber experiments, Professor W. F. Durand. Information furnished by Charles D. Marx, Executive Head, Department of Civil Engineering. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 47 LOWELL LOCKS AND CANALS 1. Proprietors of the Locks and Canals on Merrimack River, Lowell, Massachusetts. 2. Established, 1792. 11. Brief general description: No hydraulic laboratory by name. There are, however, several large measuring flumes in the canal system, where measurements of water up to 4000 second-feet and velocities from 1 foot to 6 feet per second may be made with current meters and rod floats. A lock approximately 100 feet long x 12 feet wide x 10 feet deep can be used for bulk measurements of small weirs, Venturi meters, meter nozzles and for rating current meters in still water. This company from time to time has furnished engineers and manufacturers with experimental data covering the performance of different measuring devices, usually at much less than the cost of doing the work. Without the slightest publicity and covering perhaps fifteen years, the students of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Tufts College have used the property of this company for certain of their hydraulic exercises without expense to themselves, and have had the advice of the engineer and his assistants for these exercises. In addition, the Inspection Department of the Associated Factory Mutual In- surance Oompanies has carried out in one of the buildings and with the water and pressure furnished by the system, a great many experiments on valves, meters, etc., by cooperation with the com- pany. This company is at the present time (May, 1922) installing a water- wheel testing flume with a maximum capacity of 100 cubic feet per second under a head of about 8 feet. It is believed that wheels up to about 24-inch nominal diameter can be tested with extreme accuracy. Information furnished by Arthur T. Safford, Engineer. * * OX MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Hydraulic Laboratory, Cam- bridge, Massachusetts. 2. Established, 1915. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: General hydraulic instruction, tests and research. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: Water supply from Charles River nearby. Admitted through 14- inch pipe to 700 feet of canals 5 feet deep in basement. Quantities 48 5. 10. II. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION up to 50 cubic feet per second can be provided for tests using low heads, and water can be pumped in quantities up to 1500 gallons per minute under pressures up to 250 pounds per square inch. Principal pieces of equipment: 90-foot weir box with submerged and open weirs, hook-gages and other appurtenances ; 6 by 35-foot pressure tank, up to 200 pounds per square inch; for measuring flow from orifices, nozzles, etc., and furnishing water to tangential wheels. Two calibrated open tanks 10 by 10 feet for measuring quantities up to 8000 gallons per minute. Triplex power pumps, steam-driven centrifugals, engine-driven cen- trifugal, Underwriters’ fire pump and duplex pumps; 12-foot diameter steel flume with 135-foot head race, 5 x 5 feet. Two impulse wheels; 30-inch Venturi meter; 10-ton electric traveling crane. See general description (No. 11). Unusual equipment or facilities: Larger sizes of many kinds of equipment and greater completeness than in other laboratories and large quantity of water. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies, and terms therefor: By special arrangement upon correspondence. Railroad station and siding: Freight station about one mile distant. Siding adjacent to grounds. Name and title of person in charge: George Edmund Russell, Professor of Hydraulics. Number of persons on regular staff : About 8. Brief general description: The hydraulic laboratory has a floor space of about 24,700 square feet on three floors. Throughout the basement of the steam, hydraulic and refrigerat- ing laboratories canals have been constructed in the sub-basement. These canals which total about 700 feet in length vary in width from 2 to 8 feet and are 5 feet in depth. By means of stop logs different levels may be carried in different parts of the canals. Water from the river is supplied to these canals through two 14- inch valves and a 30-inch discharge pipe leads back to the river on the downstream side of the intake. The normal river level makes a depth of 14 inches of water in these canals. The largest piece of apparatus is a complete plant for testing water wheels. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 49 Wheels using up to 50 cubic feet per second can be tested under heads of 38 feet. A Worthington centrifugal pump, with 36- inch suction, driven by an angle compound engine of 350 horse- power draws water from the canals in the basement and discharges it through a 30-inch Venturi meter into a steel canal 5 feet wide, 5 feet deep and 135 feet long, located on the second floor. This steel canal discharges into a steel penstock 12 feet in diameter sup- ported on I beams spanning a tail-race 10 feet wide and go feet long, the bottom of this tail-race being about two feet below the basement floor. The water wheel to be tested is submerged in the penstock and attached to a casting bolted to the steel plate which forms the bottom of the penstock; this plate resting on the I beam which spans this end of the tail-race. A draft tube is attached to the bottom of this same casting. Present installation consists of an 18-inch type N, S. Morgan Smith wheel. The back end of the tail-race is built up 16 feet above the floor. A main hydraulic gate 10 feet wide and 10 feet deep, provided with grid openings controlled by a second grid gate sliding on the main gate may be operated from the first floor, so as to hold any level desired in the pit under the draft tube and thus vary the effective length of the draft tube. This gate with grid gate weighs 10 tons; its bearing surface is composition-covered, to prevent corro- sion. Water after passing the main gate flows through baffles and finally over a standard crest 10 feet wide. In order to test weirs of moderate size and to measure with ac- curacy quantities of water under 1000 cubic feet per minute a trough 3 feet square and 100 feet long has been constructed to discharge into four large tanks, two 10 feet in diameter and 10 feet tall and two 6 feet in diameter and 10 feet tall, supplied with gage glasses for measuring levels. ‘These tanks are filled and discharged alternately through large valves operated by hydraulic cylinders. Water under static heads up to 500 feet is obtained in quantities up to 1500 gallons per minute by pumping water into, and com- pressing the air in, a closed cylinder 5 feet diameter, 30 feet tall, made of 7/8-inch steel plate. This closed cylinder supplies two water wheels of the impulse type and also offers facilities for experiments on the flow through orifices. Water under pressures up to 250 pounds per square inch is supplied by a steam-driven, outside-packed Warren pot-valve pump of a capacity of 1500 gallons per minute or by a 100-horse-power Terry turbine driving a four-stage Janesville centrifugal, or by a rotary pump of large size. Water under pressures up to 150 pounds is supplied by two 16-inch-10%4-inch by 12-inch duplex pumps by a 150-horse-power DeLaval turbine with two-stage centrifugal, by a 50 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Gould or a Davis triplex pump, by a large Emerson pump and by two pulsometers, In order to test reciprocating pumps with varying suction lifts, two wells each 10 feet long and 5 feet wide extend 26 feet below the basement floor, water being supplied from the canal system to these wells by 16-inch valves operated from the floor; the level being maintained by the amount of opening given these valves, which have been designed in the form of a cone having a very small taper so as to make accurate regulation possible. A raised platform about 15 by 15 feet has been built up over these deep wells. This platform, which is about 42 feet above the bottom of the well and 16 feet above the basement floor, serves as the operating platform for a Luitweiler deep-well pump, for a 4-inch Pohle Air Lift pump, for a Weber subterranean pump, for an Emerson steam pump and for a pulsometer. A Rife hydraulic ram with 4-inch drive pipe and a Gould double ram with two 3-inch drive pipes have been installed on the second floor; the water discharged and the overflow being weighed in the basement. Information furnished by George E. Russell. ae UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Michigan, University of, Hydraulic Experimental Flume, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Established, 1916. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Salt-solution measurements of water; weir tests. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, 10-foot head, capacity 250 cubic feet per second. Principal pieces of equipment: Two sets of adjustable baffles (one set being vertical and one set horizontal). Five tanks connected to flume by 2-inch pipes, above which hook gages are placed, entire installation enclosed by a gage house; hook gages, plezometers, etc. Equipment for measuring water by the salt-solution method. Unusual equipment or facilities: See Number 11. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies, and terms therefor: Arrangements by correspondence. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 51 8. Railroad station and siding: Near Michigan Central Railroad; on Huron River. 9. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Horace W. King, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Not given. 11. Brief general description: The total length of the flume is 138 feet, the upstream portion being 8 feet, 6 inches wide and 9 feet deep, while the lower portion, 103 feet long, is exactly 2 meters (6.56 feet) wide and 8 feet deep. Above the flume at its upper end is a small frame building which contains a complete equipment for measuring water by the salt solution method and provides shelter for the men engaged in working up experimental data. The flume is so arranged that the models to be experimented upon may be easily erected or removed, and the arrangement within the flume may be modified to conform to the requirements of any particular experiments. The salt-solution equipment provides for the accurate calibration of standard weirs, which in turn may be used for measuring water for other experimental work. ‘The flume is especially adapted to the determination of empirical coefficients such as occur in formulas of discharge for weirs, gates, orifices and pipes under a wide range of conditions. The large supply of water makes it possible, in many cases, to conduct experiments on a larger scale than has hitherto been undertaken. 12. Research: “Verification of the Bazin Weir Formula by Hydro-Chemical Gag- ings,’ Floyd A. Nagler, ‘Transactions,’ American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LX XXIII, page 105, 1919-1920. Information furnished by H. W. King, Professor of Hydraulic Engineer- ing. *k * * UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 1. Minnesota, University of, Experimental Engineering Laboratories, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 2. Established, 1911. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: Laboratory experiments requiring a moderate supply of water. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, 2000 gallons per minute and a head of 30 feet. Heads up to 300 feet may be obtained with smaller quantities of water. 52 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION 5. Principal pieces of equipment: Two Worthington centrifugal pumps, class A, each having a capac- ity of 800 gallons per minute, direct-connected to 50 kilowatt slip- ring type, induction motors with variable speed control. Compound Buffalo steam pump, 8 x 12 x 7 x 12 inches. 12-inch Rumsey centrifugal pump. 3-cylinder, gear, triplex pump. 12-inch Pelton-Doble water wheel, 2-inch piping, with glass case for observing the action of the nozzle and propellers. Three small Pelton wheels with Prony brakes. Apparatus for testing water meters. Two hydraulic rams. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: A sump 24 x 24 x 10 feet deep is situated under the basement floor. Water may be pumped by two motor-driven Worthington pumps (using the pumps in series or parallel) from this sump into a steel standpipe 5 feet in diameter by 20 feet high, and discharged into two concrete weir channels 4 feet deep and 4 feet wide by 30 feet long. Water may be discharged from the weir channels alter- nately into either of two large weighing tanks mounted on large platform scales. Each tank has a capacity of 1600 gallons, and is equipped with a quick-opening valve at the center so that it can be drained into the sump in 30 seconds. A complete system of piping and valves permits the supply water to be pumped directly to the weir channels, through suitable Venturi meters, or through the standpipe. 7. Arrangements may be made for outside tests through members of the instructional staff. In such cases the tests are made directly by members of the staff as individuals and not as University tests. The individual obtains a permit for the work from the University comptroller, the terms and price being arranged by the individual doing the work and the outside firm concerned. 8. Railroad station and siding: About three blocks distant. 9. Name and title of person in charge: Frank B. Rowley, Director, Experimental Laboratories. 10. Number of persons on regular staff: Three. 12. Research: Research is now being undertaken to determine the characteristics of rotary pumps when pumping oil with different viscosities as com- pared with water. Information furnished by Frank B. Rowley, Director, Experimental Laboratories. ~ 10. 12. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 53 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina, University of, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Established, 1921. Kinds of work for which the laboratory is especially fitted: Student instruction. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By gravity, x pee 3000 gallons per minute. Principal pieces of equipment: Small constant-head tank, 114-inch to 6-inch piping and small weir box, fitted with piezometers, gages, Venturi meter, and rectangular, trapezoidal and triangular weir plates. Fire hose and nozzles, hy- draulic ram, orifices, pitometer, house meters. Unusual equipment or facilities: None. Possibilities for work, for or by outside persons or companies: Meter testing. Railroad station and siding: 500 feet distant. Name and title of person in charge of laboratory: Thorndike Saville, Associate Professor of Hydraulics and Sanitary Engineering. Number of persons on regular staff: One associate professor and one assistant. Research or other work of unusual importance: Laboratory is two miles from small stream (flow 150 to 5 cubic feet per second) where experiments are to be carried on with U. S. Geological Survey on gaging-station equipment. A specially de- signed concrete gage house is to be built, and a current meter gaging station installed. They will be used also for studies on silting and silt control. Information furnished by Professor Thorndike Saville. 54 THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 1. Ohio State University, Robinson Laboratory, Columbus, Ohio. 2. Established by the late Professor Stillman W. Robinson, in the Mechan- ical Engineering Laboratory, probably previous to 1885; removed to present location and enlarged in 1907. 3. Kinds of work for which laboratory is especially fitted: (1) Flow of liquids through orifices (in pipes up to 20 inches and submerged up to 24 inches diameter), nozzles and pipes; (2) Flow of water over weirs, in flumes of different cross-section, and over models of dams; (3) Velocity changes and distribution in a flowing stream; (4) Determination of loss of head due to friction; and (5) Comparative tests of pumps, water wheels, valves, and other hydraulic machinery. 4. Head and quantity of water available for tests: By pumping, ; 100 ; The heads of water available | ; | alons per minute at 200 E 5° pounds per square inch; 00 2000 gallons per minute at 70 pounds per square inch; 1000 gallons per minute at 150 pounds per square inch; 12,000 gallons per minute at 20 pounds per square inch; Also a limited supply of city water at 25 to 50 pounds per square inch. 5. Principal pieces of equipment: 2 cisterns 3.77 x 15.3 x 10.5 feet—1211 cubic feet a. 8.05 x 7.5 x 10.5 “ —1268 “ a 6 “ 8.05 x 15.3 x 10.5 ‘“ —7758 “ 1 7" 15.3 X 15.3 x 10.5 “ —2458 “ “ 8 15.3 x 26 x 10.5 “ —4177 “ es 1 flume 3.0 x 63.2x 46 “— 872 “ “ cc “ Total indoor storage capacity 17,744 Equal 132,725 gallons. One outdoor reservoir adjacent to laboratory, 400,000 gallons capac- ity. One runway 150 feet long, in this reservoir for gaging current meters. One centrally located observation well fitted with water level gages 10 feet high, and hook-gage wells, connected to cisterns by 2-inch pipes. Weir plates of various shapes and sizes are placed in dividing walls of cisterns. Submerged orifices, up to 24 inches diameter, are placed in some of the partition walls. HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES $5 Well, 5 feet diameter and 30 feet deep, is located in one cistern for direct pump-suction. Rectangular concrete flume 3 x 4.6 feet cross-section, 63.2 feet long. 24-inch closed standpipe, 24 feet high, for pressures up to 100 pounds for orifices and nozzles up to 6 inches diameter. 10 and 16 x 12 x 10-inch Worthington horizontal, tandem, com- pound, duplex, inside-packed plunger pump, capacity 1000 gallons per minute, at 70 and 150 pounds pressure. 12 x 7 x 12-inch Knowles horizontal, outside-packed, plunger pump, capacity 150 gallons per minute, at 100 pounds pressure. 5 x 6-inch Deane, single-acting, triplex power pump, capacity 75 gallons per minute at 100 pounds pressure. 3-inch Goulds single-stage, centrifugal pump, 250 gallons per min- ute at 50 feet head. 3-inch Buffalo, single-stage, centrifugal pump, 250 gallons per minute at 50 feet head. 5-inch Kerr-Dayton, single-stage, turbo-centrifugal pump, 1000 gallons per minute at 80 pounds pressure. 20-inch Worthington, single-stage, special volute centrifugal pump, 12,000 gallons per minute, 60 feet total head (fitted with special traversing Pitot tubes). 3-inch De Laval two-stage, turbo-centrifugal pump, 100 gallons per minute at 200 pounds pressure. No. 5 Humphreys hydraulic ram, with 11 feet drive head. 2-inch pulsometer. ‘ 3-inch Venturimeter* connected to 100 feet straight run of 3-inch water pipe. 6-inch Venturimeter* connected to circulating pipe of Wheeler con- denser. 3-inch Venturimeter* connected to special air pipe line for experi- mentation. 10-inch standard Leffel reaction water turbine, attached to 24-inch closed standpipe 15 feet high, for 50 feet head. 36-inch Leffel ‘‘Cascade” impulse wheel, under 150 feet head. 16-inch American impulse wheel, under 150 feet head. 12-inch Doble-Pelton impulse wheel, under 150 feet head. Two 2-inch air lifts, 30 feet submergence for 15 feet lift. 6. Unusual equipment or facilities: None. 7. During the college year, the laboratory is generally used for the regu- lar student instructional work. The equipment usually stands unused from about June 15 to September 15, and occasionally dur- ing other vacations. All arrangements for work for outside per- sons would have to be made through the Director of the Engineer- ing Experiment Station or the Department of Mechanical Engi- neering. *Preference of this laboratory is Venturimeter, as one word, like Wattmeter. 10. II. 12. THE ENGINEERING FOUNDATION Railroad station or siding: There is a university spur track from the Hocking Valley Rail- road 200 feet from the rear of the laboratory. Names and titles of persons in charge of laboratory: W. T. Magruder, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, is Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, of which the Hy- draulic Laboratory is a part. H. Judd, Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, is in direct charge of the Hydraulic Laboratory. Dean E. A. Hitchcock is Director of the Engineering Experiment Station. Number of persons on regular staff: Four professors and several instructors give time to hydraulic work, There is no regular staff devoted solely to hydraulic research. Brief general description: The hydraulic laboratory occupies one 30 x 112-foot bay of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory and parts of two adjacent bays. This is a mill-construction, brick building, 310 x 115 feet, with saw-tooth roof. Steam and electric power, both alternating cur- rent and direct current, are available as needed to drive hydraulic machinery which may be temporarily installed on the test floor. The sawtooth construction of the building gives ample daylight. Bottoms of trusses are 22 feet above floor, giving plenty of head room for large pieces of machinery and equipment. Adjoining the hydraulic section is a planed cast-iron test-plate 14 x 21.33 feet for the temporary installation of pumps, turbines, and other hy- draulic machinery. Adjacent to this test-plate are one 40-horse- power and one 75-horse-power, high-speed steam engines. A 30- horse-power motor and a high-speed line shaft are available, and also additional electric current as needed. A Reeves speed-chang- ing variator, a Flather transmission dynamometer, several surface condensers for creating a vacuum and permitting the weighing of the condensate from pumps, engines, and steam turbines are avail- able. The instrument room is supplied with pressure gages reading from I pound to 5000 pounds; manometers reading from 1/1000 inch to 36 inches; sets of Pitot tubes of various makes; a hydraulic caliper graduated to 1/1000 inch for measuring the three coordinates of jets; a dynamometer for determining the impulsive force of a jet; water columns and hook gages; and much other auxiliary equipment. The research work of chief importance has been along the line of the flow of fluids. Professor S. W. Robinson, in 1886, used the Pitot tube for the flow from gas wells and also studied the flow of gas through orifices. (Van Nostrand’s Engineering Magazine, Vol. 35, page 89). Since then the Pitot tube has had extensive appli- cation in this laboratory to the flow of water. The Pitot tube, as HYDRAULIC LABORATORIES 57 applied to water flow, was studied by James E. Boyd and Horace Judd in 1903 (Engineering News, Vol. 51, p. 318).