ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY EVERETT FRANKLIN PHILLIPS BEEKEEPING LIBRARY Opportunity Monograph Vocational Rehabilitation Series No. 37 Bee Keeping | April [99 a Co the | Disabled Soldiers, _ Sailors, and Marines ie 5 . : to aid them in choosing a vocation eeed by the FEDERAL BOARD FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION issued in cooperation with the Office of the Surgeon General, War partment, and Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department Note to the Disabled Soldier, Sailor, or Marine. As a disabled soldier, sailor, or marine you should remember always that the Office of the Surgeon General, War Department, and all of its employees, the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, and all its employees, and the Federal Board for Vocational Education, and all its employees, are mutually interested in your welfare solely. They have arranged a definite plan of cooperation to help you in every possible way. You can not afford to leave the hospital until the medical officers have done everything that they can for you to restore you to physical health and strength. Any other course will interfere with your vocational success later. Fur- thermore, you should by all means take advantage of the educational opportunities which the hospital has provided for you. While you are making up your mind what line of work you want to follow you should take advantage of the opportunities to try yourself out in the different lines of activi- ties which are provided at the hospital. When once you have made up your mind as to the employment you want to enter or the kind of training you want the Federal Board to give you after you leave the hospital, you should ask the vocational olficers at the hospital to provide for you the kind of training which will advance youin the direction of the occupation which you expect to follow or for which you expect to he trained after you leave the hospital. You will find the educational officers at the hos- pital eager to render this service for you, and you should consult them early in vour hospital career. All disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines in hospitals who want information about reeducation should ask any instructor of the Hospital Educational Service or the representative of the Federal Board for Vocational Education. Men discharged from the military or naval service who want information should write to or call at the office of the Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washing- ‘ton, D. C., or the District Office of the Federal Board of the district in which they are located. The district offices of the Board are located at the following points: Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans, Dallas, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Chicago, Minneapolis, Denver, San Francisco, and Seattle. For ad- dresses, see page 31. F 7 Prepared under the direction of Cartes H. WInsLow, Chief of the Division of Research, Federal Board for Vocational Education. By Water J. Quick, M.S8., Ph. D., Special Agent Agricultural Research. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Acknowledgment is due Dr. E. F. Phillips, Apiculturist of the Bureau of Ento- mology, United States Department of Agriculture; to F. C. Pellett and C. P. Dadant, editors of the American Bee Journal, Hamilton, Ill., and A. I. Root Co., Medina, Ohio, for suggestions, data, and illustrations; also to Dr. John Cummings, of the Research Division, for editorial assistance. t (3) *(doq oy} WIOTJ AOI PITT) OY] UT ITH MOA woIy YIXTS) WLTOTUN OT] OFON (cS0IN4O9T YONS p97} 07 SOTTUT Jo SporpUNT OF 07 042 {Sat 07 JOU Surdaayear, UT WoT TULIOFUT o}Cp-o}-dn FuyUBn ao Awe 07 PUTT -mooer A[STIOT}S PThom JIM oy, “Pemmoos WoTeULoyUT OT} todn oenyea Seto & 9ou]d 07 ere940U pmMoar | “JORJ UT “diy AUT 10] OU PTTdal [Ja YOTAL $9.NJOe] JO OSM0d uodn —parqumys ‘saS—porqumnys J,, aM yD eag UT sFUTULITY JO ONSST “ATGT ‘Tad y- ou] UT esMO Sty} Jo So}TIA (doy oy} WOT] AOI ptOdaS OTT} UT IAN MOK WOIJYIXIS) TUVUTIEYOT] “WT “WT “TT *9SIM09 OY} IO} WAOP OTB OAL “qpeue,) roy ysetd y WoTUTMOG ‘Mepe[g "TAL “A St aror do} oy} UT {StI NOK Tos] Pues OTT, “Iedsaxea eTMOg *SeTTOTOS NO UITA\ VUTTOIVD UNION UE poq1e4s 3014303 AOU ST PUR OOTY 0}10,] WT Sooq JO SOTMOTOO QOO'T SVY OA ‘TOME A\ VOUS “IW ST amnqord ey] JO IUSH oWoI7Xo OY} WO WLUT oY} ‘VOUEPTE}]e JO SSCIO OY] BOYS OF ISN “moryeToossy ,s19d903 eog{ HIOX MON OG} JO WWaplsoid ‘FastyssF] T “O “AW SE (WeUL 4Ly OY}) AOI EMIS OT] JO PUD aT OUT 01 IXON “OSINOD SIT} UIE paystsse WoTyAr Jo TOG ‘