GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ALABAMA, EUGENE ALLEN SMITH, Ph. D., State Geologist. BULLETIN No. 6. PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE CLAYS OF ALABAMA, HEINRICH RIES, Ph. D. i SONVILLE, 1900. To His Excellency, JOSEPH F. JOHNSTON, Governor of Alabama. Dear Sir:—I have the honor to submit herewith, as part of my biennial report, 1898-9, a report upon the clays of Alabama by Dr. Heinrich Ries, While the investigations of Dr. Ries here recorded have been confined to the northern half of the State, and mainly to one or two formations, they yet embrace the most important and most accessible of our clay deposits. The kaolins of the granite re- gion lie at a distance from railroad lines, and the discussion of these and of the clays of the more recent formations, in the lower half of the State, will be taken up in a second bulletin. The present report shows that our clay resources include every variety, ranging from the best of china clays downward, and there seems to be no good reason why all these materials should not be turned into the manufactured products, chinaware, stoneware, fire brick, ornamental brick, paving brick, tiles, drain pipes, etc., within our own borders and upon our own ground. Very Respectfully, EvucGene A, SMITH. University of Alabama, March 15, 1900. I. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page. Letter of Transmittal. Preface scisacessccseiaaauass acteeneemearmeneamenot MERTON eseaaneownes eo 7 GENERAL DIscussion OF CLAYS, BY HEINRICH RIES, PH. D........:.0:c0eseeeeees 3 Ofigiti Of; Clay sais cisiinstoscoussteainioneadisdise deceacausinees vesuuniawindsaniayeturenevanwensnyebarssioneas 3 Geological Structure and Distribution of Clay Deposits... aie, 6 Residual Clays. isiscsysaucosucssnatenanes eer ssvaensenwarveraners 6 Sedimentary Clays..............:::cc. ceceeeeeeees eer 7 WISH UEION fhe sasigesduavinanedexpesiicics Ladvechcat Cae seed ettedaniuduiwinebarpemaneaneenss | 8. Properties Gf Clays: vis.ccsasujics cvesdssaas oe vacensiedeauorsanadedescunatonaaneguess tes’ seers 8 ~ Chemical Properties........0..0.c00cc008 ve OF Albalies ti Clays. on ccccisaseesacaicd eo nnada cicnaninrencenassimcaemilndvadte aaeseaegunr’ 11 Soluble Alkaline Coinpaniads bibeey oa aise UL Insoluble Alkaline Compounds.............0....:0:ccseeseeesccseseeeseeressseeeseeens 12 Iron Compounds in Clays................ wagitogis (aa optee tnasealanndz aljonangarayls se eseegieyan 13 Lime in Clays................. wxe 16 Magnesia in Clays.... sexy 19 Silica in Clays............... se 20 Titanic Acid in Clays.......ccccccsescscseceeeseseeeensereneesees asian eeeineenaneeenbiaae 21 Organic: Mattern (Clays oi ciesismacissanendecebaesnsegy Bante Relay cess aphativebaceniiens 22 Water in Clays.............cceeceeeee ones wae 122 Moisture............. aa Fe vee 28 Combined Water ‘ 24 Physical Properties:of Clay :cscsssicssinasceanvieass vacinanonsisnietvacnnnaden buna tveaevanrdetsiv’ 24 Plastigh tyiascsecesisass osorctatinmancaansian emmue aisroninaine semaieanatecanemenenedlxmeemante auton 25 Tensile strength.. ves vee 26 Shrinkage............... et awe 326 Fusibility of Clays sms 29) The Thermo-Electric Pyrometer. ..............:::cesseeeeeceeceeseeces cree eeseeossees 31 Segat? Pyraitiids 3: + s5se.seserion tote. ance onicenureanut eeranene eet yaieetiv ee eemeante ey 32 Chemical Effects of Heating Ss . 38 Slaking............... ae 2a won 98 Absorption...........:0.::cccseeeeeee vee 89 Color of Unburned Clays... iciicissssccsedeoessissevearsssnsisiaveent sosetssedsvaaes icine 39 Mineralogy of Clays..............:6006 Sugirounnanenanininina selasimnmmanaaidlensve Ricans vaesesidey 40 Kaolinite ssccsn: sesicasvonaineiaacecseesteuavcarvneneeewiesuetinns ig srneeaapaaetienvamanonsens sts 40 QUALEZ: sisi cnuas sions guicas’son yesiceaitennauannens nema eae toma ENT Medes, MieRsRaAamEREN 41 Calcite...... 42 Gypsum.... 42 Mica........... 43 Tron Oxide......... sjeddles tig tepeaainelteemdecdde scan dee aisviegisl saint Sldachve aie tinucdatietaaleiautnias 43 vi Methods employed in Making Clay Analyses................... . Rational Analysis of Clay.........0.cccccccccecssseeecceeseceaeacesereeseeasneceseuneeasons sees 50 Classification of Clays...........ccccceseeeeeeseesceseceeeanaeneneasnereseeceeeegaenareeseeeaiane 57 Mining and Preparation of Clays...........66 sccesssseceeseceeeeeenceeseneeeenaannnetsennenes 59 Prospecting for Clays..........cscsesecssssseeesessececeeeteeeeseeeeeerecceneseeteneneenags 59 Mining of Clays............. ce eee eeeeeeeceeea ese ecaeenennerteneeneneneeeteesee eee 60 Mining of Kaolin...... sidhsue cadthjaals Voheestined eae Beagneaenenleeas gaatenaiest 61 Washing Of KaOlintecicccccsacacsssinaves eoomecoroudenearnece’ doouedeennesie cna ctitiday teatpauurys 62 II. GrEoLtocicAL RELATIONS OF THE CLAYS OF ALABAMA, BY EUGENE A, SMITH, “PH.D soos spssevavacasecorymestincnoersdssennsains savant nopencabiyatgnae seeohecnsenes cans 69 Archean and Algonkian:. ..:.5..00: avsdevsantearctaganberseaavaceunesteentelsveonsinens secy TO. Cambrian and Silurian Formations.. 73 Subcarboniferous Formation...........:000::0:eeeeeeeeeeeeees re i Coal Measures...................- 80 Cretaceous: Formations. seizzawcsnacwaiesseeigss seis bce dec saguenorenuentayee evee weeds 81 Russell and, Macon ‘Counties: sscisssseccwiens sus sustestogersemnnysetoueaneeebaossneeaenars 87 Elmore and Autauga Counties.........0...00..0..s0ec0eee a vatieiuis BaAdousetivea sista darecints 88 Bibb: County ....23..cescnstenwavinddncsnavcdundvsuberoupestaneadidanndevidaahwavvecdecsvesvy 90 Tuscaloosa County... seve 92 Pickens County..... suena enieaaiusaninw ave ated ves Nadine eed od natalie seneionaea Rema 97 Lamar County...... weve (98 Bayette’ County i sicsde co suaiaes ddasnesiies vues Saves caachaandatehuadiuncamesesasaes Walmauess 101 Marion County..................ccccccesees ugininglisvsecdmacdadamecmemnmistedea abate koutiens 104 Franklin County 107 Colbert: Coit ys iaciciiesanans apaaige teeaermabiu urna negastlewionmonssonmrdanena ae . 109 Lauderdale County 111 SP Ottlary ss usicu. san yhevi “ETS +25 2.88 Meg Owssnc Beatie palew aes | ERS tt: « 1.10 AMKANOS! ces veces eB tr. 3.40 BeGiss ageesd saecias wees 18.35 6.70 6.90 Moisture ...... ...... atk -50 3.40 3.17 Total AUXES! 0.6. see, eae 2.56 6.65 13.41 DEG. F. DEG. F. DEG. F. Viscosity or fusion point. Above 2700 2300 1900 1. Chalk Bluff, Marion Co., Ala., U. S. Geol. Surv. 18th Ann. Rep., Part V- (continued), p. 1128. 2. Fernbank, Lamar Co., Ala. Ibid. 3. Norborne, Mo. Mo. Geol. Surv., XI. Ann. Rep. This is practically the full extent to which the ulti- mate analysis can be used; and there still remain to be explained a number of physical facts concerning any clay which happens to be under consideration. It frequently happens that two clays approach each other quite closely in their ultimate composition, and still exhibit an entirely different behavior when burn- ed. The explanation which most quickly suggests it- self is, that the elements present in the two clays are differently combined. Some method of resolving the clay into its mineral components, so as to indicate the condition in which the elements are present is there- fore practically needed. As kaolinite results from the decomposition of feld- spar, the kaolin is quite sure to contain some unde- composed feldspar, and also some quartz, and (in smaller amounts) mica, since the two latter minerals are common associates of the feldspar. If, now, we know the amount of feldspar, quartz and kaolinite or clay-substance in the kaolin, and: the effect of these individual minerals, we can form a far RATIONAL ANALYSIS OF CLAY. 53 better opinion of the probable behavior of the clay in burning. When mica is present, it ‘s dissolved out with the kaolinite and reckoned in as clay-substance, but it is rarely present in large amounts, and may perhaps alter the character of the clay-substance but little, for finely ground white mica possesses plasticity, and can be formed and dried without cracking. It is more re- fractory than feldspar, and holds its form up to 1400° C.* In the following table are given the ultimate and rational analyses of a number of kaolins, which show how a constancy of ultimate composition may be ac- companied by variations in the rational analysis: *@. Vogi, Chem. News, 1890, p. 315. GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CLAYS. 54 ‘og ‘d “prqr ‘Auoxes ‘uqoy ‘urpoey ‘Zr | “Las d'wyog! ‘879 8,.W7bag’ ‘suoxeg ‘areqyory ‘Kero OIVMUITIAIVI OFA ‘9 og “d‘“piqy ‘erweyog ‘241107 ‘ITO’ “IT “pry ‘orInyxtul Avpo-urejeo1og = ‘¢ ‘eousag ‘sasowry ‘aIlOey ‘OT ‘gat ‘amiqzuonr ‘Auoxeyg ‘zyIMmoTUEg WOY uloey “gag 'd “xyrg sap) S,tadog t ‘Aweulspy ‘nexyos’ y woy Aepo-dyg ‘g ‘epg d ‘pest “pigs ‘Auvuirey ‘uezyneg ‘Avpo-o11g “6 “pwr “goed ‘1801 “d ‘26ST “S68 “neg-pur~uoyy ‘AwemryH ‘nesorA ‘Avlo o1vATATIAVO OYTM ‘8 “pag-pur-“uoyy, ‘Auoxeg ‘ueryyoT ‘ouyur s,eryny woul kvpo-dig ‘z «BUTTOIBD TION Jo sfeiO,, « BUT[OIBD T}ION Jo she[O,, WO “ang to “ang 02H ‘O'N ‘27mg ‘ON ‘SITIW 180M ‘“payseMun) UORy -, +199N ‘Oo ‘N VINT ‘O ‘N ‘tosqeM ‘oulME rosary ‘uTOBR epnsy “T 00°00T | 00'OOT | 00°OOT | OO'OOT | ZO°OOT | 96°66 | O°ODT 00001 | OO'OOT | OO OOT | 86°66 | 98°00T ous | QTT | zt | 66T | SLs | LgT | 88" 9g'1s | $2" Got | OL Test [eda It | 0¢% |ge¢ |s6T | 868 | 66'FE | 8e9r | sees | OG'Gs | SBOE | 84238 | T9ST | zren 60'FL | 49°96 | 88°gg | 80°96 | FE'88 | 6E'S8 | FOSS | BEF LL°89 | 8'L9 | G0'SL | 88°99 aourysqns- Av) ‘SISAIVNY IVNOLLVY - 63°00T | 99°00T | 89°66 | 16°01 | 00°00T | 6°66 | 66°66 | 86°66 | 84°66 TO'OOT | 20°00T | TF°O0T 18°6 98°3T 6T'L 08°ST 09°&T BS'IT LE°SL 00°2 98°8 04°6 166 08°8 “UOnMIUst 4q sso] 92% | OPT | 6e> | PFT | 00S | EB ag" Gob | GET | 08" FO'T | 86° ee SOTTRATV 6r° "AL tr’ eee eneees og 80° SP OF’ og’ 9° ol’ TO. ee eae weee oO TAL een eee eee eee SGT FI- tL 8&° v0" eee eee eeeees Ge" gg" L eo eee eee tenes ss oro 99° 60°T 9¢° T8°S o8'T 8T't 89° 6g" €8° $9" 36° FIL pein ay oo $6'6G | GF'SE | SQLS | LP-9E 00°F 90°E6 THTS | 19°F €8°SS | 60°93 LOGS TOG ie a eee OIV 80°LE | Z8'9r | 6e'8e | T9'9F | ONLF | OTS | Ta'Fe _| 40°89 L8°F9 | LT'S9 cG°o9 oF's9 yO srreennseeees ZOTS ‘SISAIVNY DLVWLLTQ) or | Il | or 6 8 4 9 g ¥ 8 z T ‘shinjip fo soshjvup jouoyoy pun o,0WI1Q—'T ATVL RATIONAL ANALYSIS OF CLAY. 55 From this table a number of interesting conclusions may be drawn. Columns 1 and 2 represent iwo clays which agree very closely in their ultimate composi- tion; but in the rational analysis there is a difference of 6 per cent. in the clay-substance, 12 per cent. in quartz, and nearly 19 per cent. in the feldspar. Nos. 3 and 5 and 10 and 12 also illustrate this point. In Nos. 6 and 7, one a German, and the other a North Carolina kaolin, the ultimate analyses are very closely alike, and the rational analyses also agree very well. This is frequently the case when the clay-sub- stance is very high, between 96 and 100 per cent., as in Nos. 9 and 11. A third case would be presented if the rational an- alyses agreed, but the ultimates did not. Such in- stances, however, seem to be much less common. The practical value of the rational analysis: bears chiefly upon those branches of the clay-working in- dustry, such as manufacture of porcelain, white earth- enware, fire-brick and glasspots, which use materials with comparatively few fusible impurities (iron, lime, magnesia). There is much concerning clays which sitll remains unexplained, but it seems probable that, other things being equal, two clays having the same rational com- position will behave alike. We can illustrate this point by the follownig tests made on washed kaolins from the vicinity of Senne- witz, near Halle, Germany. [*rom the figures given below, it will be noticed that in the case of Nos. 1 and 2 there is a close agreement in the shrinkage, which amounted to about 10 per cent. when the clay was heated up to the temperature of a hard-porceclain kiln. In Nos. 3 and 4 the shrinkage is very nearly the same, but greater than in Nos. 1 and 2, because the 56 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CLAYS. rational composition has changed, there being a mark- ed increase in the amount of feldspar. If there hed been much difference in the size of the clay-particles of Nos. 3 and 4 or Nos. 1 and 2, the shrinkage in each case would probably have been dif- ferent. : TABLE II.—Rational Analysis and Shrinkage of Clays. Shrinkage in Hard Porcelain Feldspar. Quartz. Clay-Substance. Fe.O3 Fire Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent "1.59 33.86 64.55 0.75 10.20 1.21 338.39 65.40 0.73 10.10 8.64 31.69 59.68 0.30 12.90 8.25 35.15 56.60 0.30 12.00 The degree of fineness of the clay-particles, and per- haps their shape also, probably exert more influence on the shrinkage than has been imagined, but just how far this makes itself felt is still undetermined. As an illustration of the practical use of the rational analysis we may take the following: Suppose that we are using for the manufacture of porcelain or fire-brick a kaolin which has 67.82 per cent. of clay-substance, 30.93 of quartz, and 1.25 of feldspar, and that to 100 parts of this is added 50 parts of feldspar. This would give us a mixture of 45.21 per cent. of clay substance, 20.62 of quartz, and 34.17 of feldspar. If now for the clay we had been using, we substitu- ted one with 66.33 per cent. of clay-substance, 15.61 of quartz, and 18.91 of feldspar, and made no other changes, the mixture would then contain 44.22 per cent. of clay-substance, 10.41 of quartz and 45. 98 of feldspar. This last mixture shows such an increase in feldspar that it must give much greater shrinkage and fusibil- CLASSIFICATION OF CLAYS. 57 ity; but knowing the rational analysis of the new clay, it would be easy to add quartz or feldspar so as to bring the mixture its normal composition. The application of the method of rational analysis te impure clays is not quite as satisfactory, but at the same time not as necessary. In the treatment, the iron, if present as oxide, and lime cr magnesia, if car- banotes, are dissolved out with the clay-substauce. The silicate minerals are grouped with the feldspar, and the clay thus becomes divided into clay-substance (kaolinite, ferric oxide, lime and magnesia carbon- ates), feldspar or feldspathic detritus; and quartz. If the percentage of ferric oxide and carbonates is high, it is necessary to determine them separately in the ultimate analysis. In making a rational analysis, the clay is treated with strong sulphuric acid, which decomposes the kao- lin into sulphate of alumina and hydrous silica. The former is soluble in water, while the latter is removed with caustic soda, and we get an insoluble residue con- sisting of quartz and feldspar. In this residue the alumina is determined and the feldspar calculated. Another way of conducting the rational analysis, and one which is chiefly applicable when the clay con- tains other minerals besides the kaolin, quartz and feldspar, such as carbonate of lime, ferric oxide, or mica, consists in analysing the insoluble residue and calculating the mineral percentages from this. THE CLASSIFICATION OF CLAYS. As it is possible to find every gradation from the purest to the most impure clays any classification that is attempted, will necessarily be more or less unsatis- factory. It is of course possible primarily to make 58 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CLAYS. two great divisons i. e. residual and sedimentary, and to these might perhaps be added a third class of clays, namely, those formed by chemical precipitation. Un- der each of the first two classes, it would be possible again to find every gradation from pure to impure. It is not possible to make any classification based upon the practical applications of the materials, for some clays are used for as many as four to five dif- ferent purposes, and it is probable that some classi- fication which simply recognizes four or five important groups is probably the most satisfactory and the least confusing. Hill makes the following divisions :* China clays. Plastic, ball, pottery clays. Brick clays. Refractory or fire clays. He furthermore makes aupiher table based on the origin of the clay as found in the United States: I—WHITE BURNING CLAYS. Rock or residual kaolin. Indianite or Indiana kaolin. Florida or sedimentary kaolins. White burning plastic clays. Ho Np II—COLOR BURNING CLAYS. Mixed clavs— Brick clays, (Siliceous). Marly clays, (Calcareous). Pink clays, (Ferruginous). Cement clays, (Silico-calcareous). Alum clays. Altered clays (shale and slate). Gr bom pom *U.S. Geol. Survey, Mineral Resources, 1893. ‘MINING AND PREPARATION OF CLAYS. 59 A classification which has been made by Seger, the great German Ceramic Chemist, gives: 1. Yellow burning, containing lime and iron. 2. Red burning, non-aluminous, ferruginous clays, which are free from lime. 3. White and yellow burning. These clays are low both in lime and iron. 4. White burning, low in iron and high in alumina. THE MINING AND PREPARATION OF CLAYS. RPOSPECTING FOR CLAYS. Clay deposits are best seen in those regions where rivers and brooks have cut gullies and ravines, the clay showing on the sides of the cut. In such locations the thickness of the deposit and variation in its character vertically are well shown. Similar sections are to be loooked for along railroads. As the beds are apt to wash down it is necessary to clean the surface of the cut before taking any sample for testing, and even then great care must be observed to insure the sample being an average one. Apart from cuts the presence of clay can often be determined by the character of the vegetation, the na- ture of the soil, or upturned tree roots. The outcropping of clay in a ravine should not be depended on alone, but in addition borings should be made to determined the depth and extetnt-of the de- posit, and persistance of the different layers if there is a variation in them. Shale often forms cliffs or steep slopes, at the base of which there may be a talus of partly weathered fragments and soft clay; in fact the outcrop of a shale deposit may be covered by the clay into which it has 60 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CLAYS. slaked under the influence of weathering. In some localities this mellowed outcrop may be only a few feet thick, but in many it is of sufficient volume to sup- ply a small brick yard, without the necessity of at- tacking the fresh shale beneath. MINING OF CLAYS?*: Clays, when soft and plastic, are mostly dug with pick and shovel, loaded on wheel-barrows, carts or cars and hauled to the works. If the deposit is broad and shallow the clay is usually dug at any convenient point; often any overlying sand or other useless ma- terial has been first removed and used for filling in or. some other purpose. If the bank is located on the hillside, and has con- siderable height, it is worked out in broad steps, the object of this being to prevent the bank from sliding in wet weather. When the bank is near the works, wheel-barrows or carts can be used to haul the clay, but far distances, over 600 feet, it pays to lay tracks and use cars, haul-- ed either by horse or steam power. Underground methods of mining are only used in case the amount of overlying material is very great. It is chiefly used for shale deposits. Steam shovels are employed for sandy clays or soft shales at some localities in the Uuited States, but most shales are mined by blasting, and the fragments thus ioosened are sent to the works. Where the clay is rough, and the face of the bank 12 or 15 feet high, a plan often followed is to under- mine it by picking at the base, and then inserting large wooden wedges at the top. This brings down 1 *This does not include the mining of kaolin, which is treated separately. MINING AND PREPARATION OF CLAYS. 61 a large mass at once, the fall serving to break it up. While effective, this method is often attended with danger. MINING OF KAOLIN. Kaolin is usually sufficiently soft in nature. to be mined by means of the pick and shovel. In some por- tions of the beds near Valley Head streaks of halloy- site are found in the clay, which are quite hard, but they are of such a limited extent as not to cause much ' extra trouble. If the deposit is deep, narrow, or in- terbedded with other formations which are too thick to be removed by stripping, or if again the kaolin does not run regular in its composition, it is often advisable to follow the better portions of the bed, or the narrow vein if it is such, by means of shaft, levels, or slopes. These sometimes have to be timbered, at other times, as at Valley Head, they do not. In the case of deposits which are large and broad, it is most economical to operate them as quarry work- ings or open pits, digging out the material and loading it on the cars or wheel-barrows which convey it to the washing plant. If a pit is large and broad the sides, instead of being dug out vertically, should be left in benches to prevent the washing down of the bank. In North Carolina, where most of the kaolin depo- sits are vein formations whose depth is comparatively great as compared with their width, the method ad- opted is to sink a circular pit in the kaolin about 25 feet in diameter. As the pit proceeds in depth it is lined with crib work of wood, and this lining is ex- tended to the full depth of the pit, which varies from 50 to 100 or even 120 feet. When the bottom of the 62 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CLAYS. kaolin has been reached the filling in of the pit is begun, the crib work removed from the bottom up- ward as the filling proceeds. If there is any overbur- den this is used for filling in the pit, and as soon as pit is worked out a new one can be sunk in the same manner right next to it. In this way the whole vein is worked out, and if the deposit is large, several pits may be sunk at the same time to increase the output of the mine.* Hydraulic mining has been tried with some success in some very sandy loose-grained kaolins, but it would not work in any of the deposits in Alabama, which the writer has thus far examined. The method to state it briefly, consists in washing the clay down into the bottom of the pit whence it is sucked up by means of a pump and discharged into washing trough from the conveying pipe, it being sometimes necessary to have a scraper to stir or loosen up the clay in order to per- mit its being drawn up more easily. This is a cheap and: rapid methed where it can be employed, but most kaolins are too dense and not sandy enough to allow of its being used. THE WASHING OF KAOLINS. As has already been stated, most kaolins have to be washed before shipment, and one of two methods may be employed, i. e. washing in tanks or troughing. With the first method or that of washing in tanks, the kaolin is thrown into large circular tubs filled with water, in which it is stirred up by means of revolving arms and the clay lumps thereby disintegrated. By this treatment the fine kaolinite particles as well as very fine grains of mica, feldspar, and quartz remain *H. Riese, Clay Denosits and Clay Industry in North Carol'na Bulletfn No. 13, N. C. Geol. Surv., p. 54. MINING AND PREPARATION OF CLAYS. 63 suspended in the liquid while the coarser grains set- tle on the bottom of the tank. The water with the suspended clay is then drawn off to the settling tanks. A modification of this consists in the use of a large cylinder closed at both ends and set in a horizontal position; through this cylinder passes an axis with iron arms, the revolution of the latter serving to break up the clay, which is discharged through a hopper at the top. A current of water passes through the cylinder and carries the fine clay particles with it while the coarse ones are left behind in the machine. The speed of the current has to be regulated by experiment, for if too much water is used coarse material will be washed out of the cylinger, and conversely, if the current is too slow the clay will not yield a _ sufficient percentage of washed product. One objection to this apparatus is that it has to be stopped from time to time to remove the coarse sand from the machine. The method most commonly used at the present day for washing kaolin, is by troughing and its gen- eral detail is as follows: As the kaolin comes from the mine it is generally discharged into a log washer, which consists of a semi- cylindrical trough in which there revolves a horizont- al axis, bearing short arms. The action of these arms breaks up the kaolin more or less thoroughly, depend- ing on its density, and facilitates the subse%uent wash- ing. The stream of water directed into the log washer sweeps the kaolin and most of the sand into the wash- ing trough, which is about 15 inches wide and 12 inches deep. It may be wider and deeper if the kaolin is very sandy; in fact it should be. The troughing is about 700 feet long, and to utilize the space thorough- ly, it is broken up into sections, 50 feet to each is a 64 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CLAYS. good length, these being arranged paralleled, and connected at the ends, so that the water, with sus- pended clay, follows a zigzag course. This troughing has a slight pitch which is common- ly about one inch in twenty feet, but the amount of pitch depends upon the kaolin, and whether the sand which it contains is fine or coarse. If the kaolin is very fine, and settles slowly, the pitch need not be so great and vice versa. A large quantity of very coarse sand in the kaolin is a nuisance as it clogs up the log washer, and upper end of the trough more quickly and causes so much more labor to keep them clean. As it is, considerable sand settles there, and, to keep the trough clear, sand wheels are used. These are wooden wheels bearing a number of iron scoops on their peri- phery, as the wheels revolve these scoops catch up a portion of the sand which has settled in the trough, and as each scoop reaches the upper limit of its turn on the wheel, it, by its inverted position, drops the sand: outside of the trough. These sand wheels are an aid, but it is often necessary, in addition, to keep a man shoveling the sand from the trough. If the sand is finer it is not dropped so quickly, but is distributed more evenly along the trough, and does not clog it up so fast. The zigzag arrangement of the troughing has been objected to by some, as it produces irregularities in the current causing the sand to bank up in the corners at the bends, and also at certain points along the sides of the troughing.* ; The effect of this is to narrow the channel, and con- sequently to increase the velocity of the current, there- by causing the fine sand to be carried still further to- *E. Hotop, Thonindustrie Zeitung, 1833. MINING AND PREPARATION OF CLAYS. 65 ward the settling tank. This difficulty, which is not often a serious one, has been obviated either by havy- ing the troughing longer or by allowing the water and suspended. clay, as they come from the log washer, to pass through a section of straight trough, and from this into another one, of the same depth but five or six times the width, and divided by several longitu- dinal partitions. The water and the clay then pass into a third section, twice as wide as the second, and divided by twice the number of longitudinal divisions. By this means the water moves only in a straight course, but as it is being continually spread out over a wider space it flows with an ever decreasing velocity. By the time the water has reached the end of the troughing, nearly all of the coarse grains have been dropped and the water is ready to be led into the set- tling vats, but as a further and necessary precaution it is discharged on to a screen of one hundred meshes to the linear inch, the object of this being to remove any coarse particles that might possibly remain, and also to eliminate sticks and other bits of floating dirt that are sure to find their way in. Two kinds of screens can be used, (1) stationary, and (2) revolving. The stationary screen is simply a frame with a cop: per cloth and set at a slight angle. The water and sus- pended kaolin fall on the screen, and pass through. A slight improvement is to have two or three screens which overlap each other so that whatever does not get through the first will fall on the second. If the vegetable matter and sticks are allowed to accumu- late, they stop up the screen, and prevent the kaolin from running through, consequently the stationary screens have to be closely watched. The revolving screens are far better for they are 66 GENERAL DISCUSSION OF CLAYS. self cleaning. Such screens are barrel shaped, and the water, with the kaolin in suspension, is discharged into the interior and passes outward through the screen cloth. As the screen revolves, the dirt caught is car- ried upwards and finally drops; but instead of falling down upon the other side of the screen, it falls upon a board, which diverts it out upon the ground. The settling tanks, into which the kaolin and the water are discharged, may. be and often are about eight feet wide by four feet deep, and fifty or more feet long. As soon as one is filled the water is diverted into another. The larger a tank, the toes will it take to fill it, and allow the kaolin to settle, and delays due to this cause them to be expensive, especially when the market takesthe output of washed kaolin as soon as it is ready. Small tanks have the advantage of permitting the slip to dry more quickly, especially when the layer of clay is not very thick, and furthermore a small pit also takes less time to fill and empty, but one dis- advantage urged against a number of small tanks is that a thorougly average product is not obtained ow- ing to the thin layer of settlings and the small amount in each. In addition to this a series of small tanks requires considerable room. The advantages claimed for large tanks are that the clay can be discharged into any one for a considrable period, and, if the clay deposit varies in character, the different grades get into one tank and a better average is thereby obtained. If the kaolin settles too slowly, alum is sometimes added to the water to hasten the deposition. When the kaolin is settled, most of the clear water is drawn off, and the cream like mass of kaolin and water in the MINING AND PREPARATION OF CLAYS. 67 bottom of the vat is drawn off by slip pumps and for- ced by these into the presses. ; The presses consist simply of flat iron or wooden frames between which are fiat canvas bags. These bags are connected by nipples with a supply tube from the slip pumps, and by means of the pressure from the pumps nearly all of the water is forced out of the kaolin and through the canvass. When all of the water possible, is squeezed out the press is opened and the sheets of semi-dry kaolin are taken out. It is then dried either on racks in the open . air or in a heated room. As for every ton of crude kaolin usually only about two-fitths o1 oue-fourth of a ton of washed kaolin is obtained, it is desirable to have the washing plant at the mines, for it avoids the hauling of 60 to 70 per cent. of useless sand which has to be washed out before the kaolin can be used or even placed on. the market. II. GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF THE | CLAYS OF ALABAMA, By EUGENE A. SMITH, PH. D. The basis of all clays is kaolinite, the hydrated silicate of alumina resulting from the chemical decom- position of alumina bearing minerals which occur as essential constituents of igneous rocks. In this de- composition, as Dr. Ries has shown, the soluble con- stituents are leached out while the kaolinite remains behind as an insoluble residuum, more or less mixed with the other -nsoluble matters of the original minerals. In this form the clay might be called a chemical clay, since it is the direct result of a chemical decom- position, having undergone no further modification by being taken up, transported and redeposited. There is another form of residual clay which may be distinguished from the above, and that is the clay resulting from the decomposition of impure limestone. Naturally this variety is usually less free from foreign matters than the-otker. These residual clays taken up and redeposited by running waters are incorporated in the stratified de- posits of any later age. The clay deposits of the different geological form- nations of Alabama have each its well marked pecu- liarities, and the geological formations are clearly de- 70 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. fined, so that an account of the geological relations of these clays becomes a guide at once to the several va- rieties, and to their geographical distribution. ARCHAEAN AND ALGONKIAN. These two formations include in Alabama all the crystalline rocks of both igneous and sedimentary origin. It is generally acknowledged that kaolinite, which is the basis of all clays, has its origin in the de- composition of the minerals composing the igneous rocks, the chief kaolinite producing mineral being feldspar. It is. therefore, in the area of our crystalline or metamorphic rocks that we are to look for the origi- nal deposits of kaolinite. More especially, it is the granites, the pegmatites or graphic granites, that occur the largest proportion of feldspar, and consequently yield the largest proportion of kaolinite, and of the granites, thepegmatites or graphic granites, occurring in veins which traverse the other crystalline rock, are by far the most important in this respect. The clays occurring in this form have been spoken of by Dr. Ries as vein clays, and they are, as a rule, very slightly plastic, for the reason that they have not been subjected to the comminuting processes neces- sary to develop the highest degree of plasticity. A belt of mica schists with frequent veins of peg- matite, extends from Cleburne county and adjacent parts of Randolph, through Clay and Coosa into Chilton county, and in numerous places, the decay of the granite veins has given rise to the formation of deposits olf kaolinite. The other two constituents of these granites, viz., quartz and mica, occur like the feldspars in large masses, and thus the places which produce mica in large sheets are at the same time the ARCHAEAN AND ALGONKIAN. 71 places where the kaolinite is to be found. Below a certain depth from the surface the feldspar of these granitic veins has escaped the action of the atmos- phere, and is in its original form, while nearer the surface it has generally been converted into kaolinite. It is evident that in all these primary or original de- posits the ‘kaolinites mixed with the other and less destructible constituents of tthe granite, viz., the quartz and the mica, and by consequence all ‘the kaolinite from such original deposits must be washed to free it from these substances. When ithe granite or granitic rock contains comparatively little of iron- bearing minerals the resulting kaolinite will be cor- respondingly free from iron stain and of pure white color, and thus suitable for the manufacture of the finer grades of stone ware or china. All the important deposits of this kind are, at the present time, at a distance from any railroad, and none of them have been developed in a commercial way. We have at hand very few analyses and itests made of these kaolinites. A material of this kind from near Louina in Randolph county was analyzed many years ago by Dr. Mallett for Prof. Tuomey, with the followine result: Analysis of Kaolinite from Louina, Randolph Co. GiICA ooo... cs ce eecesvssceensecccosesesccescomeensnenscossennes cesesssns uemmanensseeeneer seseseeeeees 37, 29 ALUMINDA ..... ccs ceeceteteseencnenn econ eee idudda slides iuevenvadrcnssngansauads si vaestetoeeee DUDS Ferric Oxide. * axes 5 ..trace Potash, Lime and Magnesia... 0.42 Water... ; ..15, 09 Undecomposed “Mineral .. dea 14, 28 Prof. Tuomey remarks upon the absence of iron in this kaolinite as most favorable to its use in making fine porcelain ware, and he predicts that when Ran- dolph county has communication by railroad with the 72 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. outside world, the occurrence of porcelain clay in the county will become a matter of economic importance. These pegmatite veins with their mica and kaoli- nite, are very numerous in the upper half of Randolph county, and also in the adjacent parts of Cleburne and Clay, and test pits have been sunk in hundreds of places to show up both the kaolinite and the mica. Dr. Caldwell of the Elyton Land Company, had this kao- linite- thoroughly tested both as to its suitability for the manufacture of porcelain ware and as to its re- fractory character. The pottery ware made from it came in competition with the best pottery wares in America and took a prize at the Art Institute Fair in Philadelphia, in December, 1890. Brick made from it also was subjected to the highest temperature of the furance and was declared practically infusible. These deposits lie near Milne1, Pinetucky, Micaville, in Randolph, and near Stone Hill, Mr. Jas. Denman’s and other places in Cleburne. The same belt extends southwestward through Clay and Coosa into Chilton, and has been tested at various places along this line. In this region of the crystalline rocks, one may everywhere observe the gradual transition from the solid rock through decayed schists into complete soil, which is generally a clayey loam, more or less stain- ed wih iron. A reddish clay is thus seen to be a part of the residual matters left by the general decay of the rocks of this section, but this clay is, as a rule, so much mixed with quartz, mica, fragments of un- decomposed rock, that it can serve very seldom for anything more than material for the manufacture of building brick. Residual clays of this character are of universal occurrence throughout |the region of our crystalline rocks. It is not difficult to understand how under certain CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN FORMATIONS. 73 conditions, the finer portions of these residual clays may be taken in suspension ‘in running waters and redeposited at greater or less distances from their place of origin in depressions, or along slopes. In this way are often formed secondary deposits of pretty fair plastic clays, sometimes mixed with sand in proportion to serve well as material for good build- ing brick. An illustration of this may be cited near Wedowee in Randolph county, and there are many instances where the residual clays of the country as well as these redeposited masses are utilized both for the manufacture of buildings brick of excellent quality, and for pottery purposes. CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN FORMATIONS. ‘In these formations, the clay deposits are either the residual clays left from the decomposition gen- erally of the grea't limestone formations of the Cam- brian and Silurian, or concentrations of these resi- dual clays by redeposition in sink ‘holes, ponds, and depressions; or the accumulation through sediment- ary action ,in the depressions of these later forma- tions, of tthe chemical or vein clays of the Archaean. The two great limestones, above mentioned, are rarely pure but are mixed with chert or other form of siliceous matters, with iron, and with clay. Upon their decay under the action of tthe atmospheric agencies, these insoluble matters are left in the form generally of reddish loam or clay capped with cherty fragments, and impregnated with iron. Such residual clays are extensively used in all our valley regions for the manufacture of ordinary build- ing brick, for which they are very well adapited, the 74 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. brick being very durable, but not very sightly, since they are likely to be spotted where the clay contains more iron than the average. Occasionally, however, we find as result of subsequent rearrangement by leaching, concretionary action, or the like, these resi-’ dual matters differentiated from each other in a most remarkable way, so that beds of nearly pure white clay lie alongside of beds of brown iron ore, itself remarkably free from either clay or chert. The most notable of such instances is at Rock Run where the bed of white kaolin, analysis of which is given in the body of this report, No. A. S., forms one of the walls of a bank of limonite which has for years furnished ore to the furance. In close juxtaposition to the ore - and kaolin, here mentioned, is one of the beds of bauxite for which this region is well known. Kaolin beds of this residual nature are known in many other parts of the State, resting upon the Cambrian and Silurian limestones. Near Jacksonville, in Calhoun county, at Tampa in the same county, and in numer- ous other localities of similar nature, are limited beds of kaolin, none of which, however, have as yet been developed or worked. The following clays described below may be assign- ed to these formations; the china clays, No. 190, from near Gadsen and No. 205 from Kymulga; the fire clays, No. 191 from Peaceburg in Calhoun county and No. 127 from Oxanna in the same county; the stone- ware clays, No. 204 from Blount county and No. 192 from near Rock Run. In most of ‘tthe large limonite banks of the valley regions, these deposits of pure clay occur, usually known as clay horses, some of them are undoubtedly of sufficient extent to be of commercial value. Many « CAMBRIAN AND SILURIAN FORMATIONS. 75 references to these may be found in the Report on the Valley Regions. | While none of these clay deposits have as yet found a market, it may be well for the sake of completeness to give a few details:concerning such. as have been recorded. The references to the pages of the report on the Valley Regions, Part II, are also added. In connection with beds of limonite in 8. 31, T. 24, R. 11 E., in Bibb county, mention is made of the fact that the ore lies imbedded in clay of red or yellowish red color, with streaks of a white clay (p. 495.) In Talladega county, in the flatwoods, lying along the line of the Columbus & Western Railroad, in the southeast corner of 8. 2, T. 21, R. 3 E., a white plastic clay which is said to have been penetrated to a depth of 35 feet, is reported te have been struck in a well. (p. 606.) In the same county in 8. 19, T. 19, R.5 E., in the Charlton limonite bank there is a large “horse” of white clay, extensive deposits of white clay are noticed in connection with other limonite banks in the immediate vicinity. (p. 616.) In Calhoun county, in T. 15, R. 8 E., and in Sec- tions 21 and 23, there are many diggings in beds of limonite, and in most of them are “horses” of white clay, (p. 702). Again in T. 14, R. 8 E., in the same county, near Tampa, on land belonging to A. H. Tullis, Section 6, in the red residual clays derived from the disintegration of the limestones of the county, along with barite and limonite in pockets, are found some deposits of kaolin of white color and considerable thickness, up to 10 _ feet. In Section 5 of same township and range, the kaolin is exposedd in a cut of the East and West Alabama Railroad where it is 10 feet thick. (p. 715.) 2 76 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. In Cherokee county, to tthe northward of the line of the Southern Railroad in Sections 1 and 2 of T. 12, R. 11, E., there are many banks of limonite which have been extensively worked, and in some of them beds or “horses” of white clay have been exposed. One of these in the Clay limonite bank, in Section 2, Ithe clay deposit is of great extent and several car loads have been taken from it and shipped to Chattanooga for manufacturing into fire brick. A similar white clay occurs in the Hickory Tree bank in Section 1, (p. 759.) The occurrence of the clay in the Dyke limonite bank, near Rock Run, is described on page 777. This is ithe kaolin whose analysis is given below under the number A. 8. In tbe Washer bauxite band in 8. 35, T. 12, R. 11 E., near Rock Run, and in the Warwhoop and other bauxite banks of the same vicinity, white clay and halloysite are of common occurrence. Some of these clays should be utilized. Some details concerning ithem are to be found in the Valley Regions report, pages 780 to 789. In the limonite banks to the eastward of Tecumseh furance in the same county, in T. 12, R. 12, E., clay “horses” are everywhere found separating the pock- ets of limonite, pages 792 and 793. Accumulations of good plastic clay, which have evidently been deposited in the depressions of the limestone or in ponds, are not uncommon in the area of the great limestone formations. One such near Oxford in Calhoun county, is utilized by the Dixie Tile and Pottery Company. Analysis and physical tests of this clay are given in the body of this report. Of less purity on account of mixtures of sand, etc., similar deposits are numerous, and utilized in places, as, for example, the brick clay at DeArman- ville in the Choccolocco valley. SUBCARBONIFEROUS FORMATIONS. 77 SUB-CARBONIFEROUS FORMATION. In the Sub-carboniferous formation of Wills’ Val- ley is found the best known deposit of pure white clay of this section. This clay occurs chiefly in the lower strata of the formation, generally very close above the Devonian Black Shale. The deposits which have, up to the pre- sent time, been pretty well proven, are to be found in the upper or northeastern end of Wills’ Valley, near the Georgia line, and on both sides of the valley. The most important of them, however, occur on the east- ern side of the valley. They have been described somewhat in detail by McCalley in Part II of his Val- ley Regions report, pages 175 to 182, from which the following details are compiled: The Red Mountain ridges, made up of the strata of the Clinton, Devonian (Black Shale), and Sub- carboniferous formations, occur here as elsewhere in the State, on both sides of the valley. The ridge on the western side is, in general, lower and less con- tinuous than thalt on the eastern side. The clay occurs in-the lower strata of the Sub-carboniferous, not far above the Black Shale, and it has been “pro- spected” and found to be present in the ridges on both sides of the valley for some ten or twelve miles from the State line southward. In the northwest corner of 8. 3, T. 6, R. 9 E., on the west side of the valley, a test pit exposes the following section : Section on west side of Wil’s' Valley, DeKalb Co. Chert ledge weathered into a sandy rock of yellow color 8 to 12 inches. Strata hidden by GeDTIS........ 20. ceeseeeeeeeetteet seseesreeeennaenees 2to 3 feet. White clay, without es in places like halloysite........... 3 feet Bluish colored Clay .....c.cccceseeeeeseeeeeeees 3 feet, Strata not exposed .. sddeecien Devonian Black Shale................- 78 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. 4 The white clay occurrs in many places in this vicinity, and is called chalk by the pedple. On the eastern side of the valley, the Red Mourtain ridge, as stated above, is more prominent and con- tinuous than on the west. Near the State line, about Eureka station and thence southwestward for a couple of miles, the clays have been tested and in many places worked. They have a thickness aggre- gating about 40 feet, but are said to thicken up oc- casionally to 180 to 200 feet, of which as much as 60 feet is a fine white clay suitable for the manufactory of stone ware. Some of the clay is shipped from here to the potteries at Trenton N. J., and some of it goes to Chattanooga, Tenn. The Franklin (Ohio) Com- pany Mines are situated in the northern corner of 8. 34, T. 4, R.10 E. The clay is won by surface dig- gings, slopes, and tunnels, according to locality. The following section is obtained along the wagon road through the surface: diggings and will give a fairly correct idea of the occurrence. Section at Franklixn Company’s Mines, DeKalb Co. Alternations of chert layers, 4 to 18 inches thick, with fine sharp siliceous powder of white and yellow color............... 12 feet. Chert of light yellow color, interlaminated with thin streaks of clay .... 4... oes ..12 feet. Clay, mostly of yellow ‘color, ‘but with s seams of white lays; ..10 feet. Alternations of chert in layers of 2 to 8 inches thickness with clay seams 18 inches in thickness... ndee a « 4 feet. Alternations of chert in layers 2 to 6 inches thick with white clay in irregular seams 6 to 12 inches thick... 0 w..... weee Clay, very gritty, of white color and chalky appearance. . a Clay and shale, the ade white and eens the shale green ......... Devonian Black Shae .. ide gegpabenlcisiaumlecigasiere re Revsed Soule In these mines in the upper twenty feet the clay is more siliceous than in the lower twenty feet. The siliceous clay is better suited for making fire brick, while the plastic clay is a potter’s clay, command- ing a good price. The chert which is interstratified SUBCARBONIFEROUS FORMATIONS. 79 with the clay is also of value in the manufacture of stoneware. : In the N. E. 4 of the S. E. 4 of 8. 4, T. 5, R. 10 E. are the Montague Clay Mines, worked by a tunnel on the southeastern side of the ridge. The clay is about thirty feet in thickness, some of it having a brown col- oration, due to organic matter. It is quite uniform in composition for a distance for at least a mile in a northeast and southwest direction, is quite free from stains of iron but perhaps less plastic than the clay from some of the other localities. near by. Most of the clay here mined goes to Chattanooga for the man- ufacture of fire brick. Two analyses of the clay from these mines are given by Dr. Ries under the numbers 116 and 117 and they are classed by him as fire clays. ' Further southwest, along the ridge, we find other occurrences of the clay as in the S. W. # of the N. W.4 of S. 12, T. 6, R. 9 E., where there is an old open- ing on a clay bed, which shows some four feet of clay. Still further southwestward in the N. W. } of the S. E. 4 of S. 15, T. 6. R. 9 E., there are numerous sur- face diggings, and tunnels in a clay bed thirty feet or more in thickness. Some of the clay of this deposit is of most beautiful quality, and especially well ‘suited to the manufacture of the finest stone ware. A -set of china ware, 700 pieces, made from this clay took a premium at the New Orleans Cotton Exposi- tion. In places the clay has streaks and stains, due to iron, and in other places it has a dark gray color, due to the presence of organic matter, which does not pre- vent its burning to a white color. Much of ithe clay is adapted to the manufacture of fire brick as shown by the analyses of a sample collected by Dr. Ries, 80 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. number 119. Analysis, number 214,shows the quality of the purer and whiter variety. The clay deposits extend to within two or three feet of the Devonian Black Shale, thus fixing the occur- rence at the base of the Subcarboniferous formation. Beds of potter’s clay of this formation have also been noted at other localities, among them one in the railroad cut just north of Stevens’ switch on the A. G. S. R. R., and another in Calhoun county in 8. 19, T. 15, R. 6 E.* Hard white clay; like halloysite in appearance, has also been noticed at points in ithe Tennesseee valley, near Stevenson, and it is quite probable that search in that valley would be rewarded by the finding of deposits of the clay of commercial importance. COAL MEASURES. In some parts of the coal fields, the under clays of the seams of coal have been utilized in the manufac- tory of pottery, as at Jugtown, near Sterritt, in St. Clair county; -t Fort Payne and Rodentown, in De- Kalb; at Vance’s Station, in Tuscaloosa county; at Summit, in Blount county, and at Arab, in Marshall county. In all these places the clay is manufactured into jugs, flower pots and similar articles, while at Fort Payne it is also used in the manufacture of fire brick. The shales of this formation are also utilized in some parts of the State, notably at Coaldale, where they are made into vitrified brick for paving purposes. At the Graves Coal Mine, near Birmingham, occur two bodies of shale, which have been analyzed and *Valley Regions, Part II., pages 441 and 741. CRETACEOUS FORMATION. 81 otherwise tested for this report, and, the results of these tests are to be found below, numbers 170 and 171. Dr. Ries has tested also the Carboniferous shales from near Pearce’s. Mill, in Marion county, and finds them admirably suited for the manufacture of pressed brick and with a mixture of a more plastic clay suit- able for the manufacture of terra-cotta (No. 3.) Up to the present time none of the clays from the Coal Measures have been found suitable for use in the manufacture of high grades of fire brick, but this may be due to the circumstance that very few of these clays have beeen examined. Of shales suitable for making vitrified brick, there is the greatest abund- ance. CRETACEOUS FORMATION. In many respects the most important formation of Alabama in respect of its clays, is the lowermost division of the Cretaceous, which we have called the Tuscaloosa. The strata composing this formation are prevalently yellowish and grayish sands, but subordinated to ithese are pink and light purple sands, thinly laminated, dark gray clays holding many well preserved leaf impressions, and great lenses of massive clays varying in quality from al- most pure white burning clays to dark purple and mottled clays high in iron. This formation occupies a belt of country extending from the northwestern corner of the State, around the edges of the Paleozoic formations to the Georgia state line at Columbus. Its greatest width is at the north-western boundary of the State, where it covers 82 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS Of ALABAMA CLAYS. an area in Alabama thirty or forty miles wide and about the same width in Mississippi. From here towards the southeast the breadth of the belt gradually diminishes, till at Wetumpka and thence eastward to the State line, it forms the surface along a belt of only a few miles width. To the eastward of the Alabama river, the propor- tion of clay to the rest of the strata is less than in the other direction, and at the came time the clays themselves are as a rule more sandy. But from the Alabama river northwestward, in the gullies, ravines, and railroad cuts, there are many exposures of these beds, exhibiting sections of clay beds from six to for- ty or fifty feet in thickness, and of varying degrees of purity. Ina general way we may say that the purer clays, resmbling kaolin in composition, have as yet been found only in the northern part of this area in Fayette, Marion, Franklin and Colbert counties, and the adjoining parts of Mississippi. In my Coastal] Plain Report, published in 1894,* I have brought together many details concerning the Tuscaloosa formation in the counties of Lee, Rus- sell, Macon, Elmore, Autauga, Chilton, Perry, Bibb, Tuscaloosa, Pickens, Lamar, Fayette, Marion, Franklin and Colbert, and the reader is referred to that book for full discussion of the formation. In order, however, to present the clay occurrences: as completely as possible I shall give extracts from the Coastal Plain Report in so far as they may be descriptive of the deposits of clay. To these extracts are added a number of details received from a report made by Dr. George Little, who in 1891, spent several months making for the Geological Survey ,some examinations of the clays. *Pages 307-349, 531-2, 536, 541, 545, 549 554, 556, 559. CRETACEOUS FORMATION. 83 of this formation. Dr. Little brought together a large collection of the chief varieties of these clays and from these specimens, many of the analyses found in the report below have been made. Use is also made of manuscript notes of my own on examinations made since 1894 and of descriptions of clay occurrences in the report on the Valley Regions, Part I, by McCalley. Inasmuch as the remarks of Dr. Eugene W. Hil- gard on the clays of Mississipppi apply in general to the clays of this State which lie immediately ad- jacent to them on the east, a short extract from his Report on the Geology and Agriculture of Missis- sippi will not be out of place. These notes relate to the clays occurring in Townships 4, 5 and 6 in Tish- omingo county, Mississippi, and were published in Dr: Hilgard’s Report on the Geology and Agriculture of Mississippi, 1860. “A large deposit of white clay of great purity, how- ever, occurs in Tishomingo county, chiefly in the southern portion of the territory of the Carboni- ferous formation, following very nearly its western outline. It there forms a regular stratum of con- siderable extent, which .in one locality at least, was found to be more than 30 feet in thickness. The bed attains its best development, so far as the quality of the material is concerned, in the northern portion of Township 5 and in Township 4, Range 11 east, where it is about 30 feet underground in the uplands, though at times appearing in limited outcrops on ithe banks of the streams. Northeastward and south- westward from the regions mentioned, the bed also occurs but changed in character, at least near the surface, to a white gritty hardpan, or clays of various colors and of much less purity. It forms the lowest 84 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. visible portion of the Orange Sand formation, and ix almost invariably overlaid by strata of pebbles and pudding stone, which in their turn are sometimes overlaid by common orange-colored sand. The most southerly exposure of these beds, known to me, occurs on a small branch of McDouglas’ Mill creek, in Sections 5, 4, and 9, Township 6, Range 10, east, near Mr. Pannel’s place. For more than a mile along this branch there are exposures in which about 20 feet of a’ whitish mass, varying from a fine clayey sand to a white plastic clay, appears overlaid by thick beds (20 to 40 feet) of ferruginous pebble conglomerate; the latter in its turn being overlaid by the common ferruginous sand and brown sandstone on the hilltops. Similar outcrops appear in the neighborhood of Mr. Aleck Peden’s place on Sections 3 and 27 ,Township 5, Range 10 east, northeast of Pannel’s Here also a white stratum of which only a few feet are exhibited is overlaid by pebble conglo- merate, and this by the common Orange Sand. The white mass varies from white plastic clay to fine. grained aluminous sandstone; its upper layers are sometimes composed of a singular conglomerated mass, consisting of small, white quartz pebbles im- bedded *‘n pure white pipeclay. In both localities, copious springs of pure water are shed by the im- pervious clay strata. At Mr. Peden’s, ithere is a fine bold chalybeate spring which seems, however, to derive its mineral ingredients (sulphates of iron and magnesia and common salt) from the adjacent Carboniferous strata rather than from those of the Orange Sand. In either of the localities mentioned, materials suited for fine pottery, or queenware, might be obtained. Thence northwest, the stratum is not often found CRETACEOUS FORMATION. 85 outcropping, but, as had been stated, 20 to 30 feet below the surface of the uplands; the country being but slightly undulating. At Dr. Clingscale’s, Sec tion 8, Township 5, Range 11 cast, the clay stratum was struck at the depth of about 30 feet beneath sand and pebbles; it was dug into, without being passed through, for nearly 30 feet more, no water being obtained from below, but dripping in above from the base of the pervious strata. The whiteness and plasticity of the material seems to increase with the depth. The portion of what was dug out of the well in question, had already been removed at the time of my visit, having been used for various economical purposes as, chalk, whitewash, and “Lily White’. The specimens examined were, therefore, rather below the average quality, and on long exposure to the air, their surface shows some yellowish spots. I found nevertheless, that in baking at a high heat they yielded a biscuit of greater whiteness than their natural color when fresh; and that fine splinters, exposed for ten minu- tes to the highest heat of the mouth blowpipe, retain- ed their shape perfectly while reduced to a semi-trans- parent frit. A quantitative analysis of the clay from Clingscale’s well gave the following results: White Pipe Clay from Clingscale's. Insoluble matter... | ..essssecesescssscscsee coseeceepeeseaseasseesescenssenveceteee eee SOLE77 TPG ereece ei scesacnerieaciaueveceavevines 3 bet wale SSenvinas'ssacseaveneesedenabaednasatenve 0.140 Mae titel seas scisuentsaeciens anteriores 3 weve tTAace Peroxide of iron se vee « 0,126 ALOUIING iy sccteacctaceesodeeiinexezeiaenereeeseeeeerteee ees Biesiestaacvaesioesteela Old: WlGE ccecnceianieenittnniee Meee Ganens samen OOO 99.864 This analysis (which was made solely for the pur- pose of ascertaining the ingredients foreign to the 86 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. clay proper) proves the singular fact that this clay, though occurring in a formation characterized by the large amount of iron it commonly bears, contains a remarkably small amount of that substance, which, together with minute porportions of lime and mag- nesia, explains its infusibility. The two most important practical purposes which the materials occurring in the deposits just describ- ed will serve, are the manufacture of fine queenware and that of fire proof brick. (Not porcelain. Kaolin or porcelain earth contains, besides the white clay, a certain amount of undecomposed feldspar, which imparts to it its property of being semi-fused at the temperature of the porcelain kiln. The same prop- erty might be imparted to the white clay in ques- tion, by the artificial admixture of ground feldspar, but it could not thus compete with the naturel kao- lin of Alabama). As for the queenware, the plasticity of the mate- rial leaves nothing to be desired ; and since the amount of siliceous matter varies greatly in different lay- ers, there could be no difficulty about givng to the mass the precise degree of meagerness which may be found most advantageous, by mixing the several successive layers. The same may be said with reference to the manufacture of fire brick (to which these ma- terials are admirably adapted), which would proba- bly, at the present time, be the most feasible and most profitable manner in which the beds could be made available. The manufacture of fire brick differs from that of ordinary brick in this, that it requires more care, both in working the clay and in moulding the brick. Beyond their fireproof quality, it is demanded of fire brick that their shape be perfect, their mass uniform and without flaws in the interior; also that CRETACEOUS FORMATION. 87 they shall be liable to the least possible shrinkage in a high heat. The latter quality is imparted to them by a considerable mixture of either sand or ground fire brick to the fireproof clay, which itself ought to be thoroughly seasoned before, and then well worked up with such additions of the above materials as may be required. In judging of the amount of sand or ground brick to be added, it is to be observed, as a rule, to add as much as may be consistent with the proper firmness of the burnt brick and with conve- nient moulding. The latter process ought to be per- formed, as in the manufacture of pressed brick, when- ever a first-class article is aimed at, for it is only thus that external and internal flaws are entirely avoided. In some localities materials may be probably found which reduire no further admixture—the strongly sili- ceous varieties of the clay; but whenever sand or burnt clay is added to the mass, care should be had that it be free from iron, which would seriously im- pair the fireproof qualities of the clay. None but white sand should be used. For the rest, they may be burnt in kilns like common brick.” RUSSELL AND MACON COUNTIES. Within the limits of Girard and Phoenix City, op- posite Columbus, and in the hills to the west of Gi- rard, are many exposures of the Tuscaloosa strata, aggregating some 200 feet in thickness. These are composed mainly of sands, but there are numerous beds of white, gray and purple or mottled clays inter- stratified with the sands. The small stream which flows through Girard exposes a number of these clay beds, and others are to be seen in the hills to the west of the town. The materials for the manufacture of 88 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. drain pipe, vitrified brick, pressed brick etc., are here in abundance. These clays are to be seen at intervals along the road leading toward Montgomery, e. g., near Marvyn, Crawford and Society Hill, the prevailing variety be- ing the mottled red or purple clay. Northwest of So- ciety Hill these clays occur as far as Farrell’s Mill, in Macon county. Near Cowles’ Station, at the ferry across the Talla- poosa river, purple clays, three feet in thickness, show in the river bank, and a short distance further down the river at the site of Old Fort Decatur, a fine sec- tion of the Tuscaloosa beds, including many beds of clay from one foot thickness and upwards is ex- posed.* ELMORE AND AUTAUGA COUNTIES. In the vicinity of Old Coosada town, along the banks of the river, about Robinson Springs and Edge- wood, there are many occurrences of the clays of this formation, analyses of which have been made by Dr. Ries, and the results given below in the body of the re- port. About Edgewood there are several potteries and one ochre mine using the materials of the Tusca- ‘loosa formation. McLean, Vaughn and Boggs have potteries here, and Pressley has one further ‘west. At Chalk Bluff, near Edgewood, there is a very characteristic section exposed in an ancient bluff of the river, now at a distance of more than a mile from that stream. The section is as follows: *Coastal Plain Report, p. 554, 556. CRETACEOUS FORMATION. 89 Section at Chalk Bluff, Elmore County. 1. Layette red loam and pebbles... ........... 15 feet 2. Gray and yellow sandy clays, in distinct but Trregular ayers) ssesicc, wisersahdene 0-4 aveveieneia 6 “ 8. White clay, 3 feet graduating downwards into yellow ochreous clay, 3 feet ...........055 6. “ 4. Gray plastic clay blue when wet, and exceed- ingly tough and sticky; full of vegetable remains, flattened and bituminized ........ 10 “ Two samples of this clay (Nos. 101 and 122) have been tested and analyzed by Dr. Ries (see below un- der the head of Pottery Clays and Brick Clays), where a section of this bluff is given, differing slightly from the above. This is not to be wondered at, since ‘the stratification is very irregular, and no two sections, twenty feet apart, are idential. Along the line of the Mobile and Ohio Ry., in Auta- gua, and on most of the pubilc roads leading from Prattville north and northwest, there are exposures of Tuscaloosa strata, consisting of sands and clays, the former predominating. In the western or northwest- ern part of the county, near Vineton, many instruc: tive sections of the Tuscaloosa beds are to be’ seen. Some of these sections include beds of clay, which are of interest in our present work. Section, near Col. J. W. Lapsiey’s place, Vineton. 1. Stratified clays of white, pink, and purple colors, interlaminated with thin sheets of yellow sands; the lower part of this bed has a larger proportion of sand .......-+-eeees 10% feet 2. Gray laminated clay with partings of purple sands .......05 essence Ag sebauiabewine tense erm aie 5 3. Yellowish white laminated clays, with purple and other ‘bright colors on the dividing planes, 5 feet showing, but the same beds appear to continue down the hill for at least ten feet further ........ cece eeee teeeeee 15 90 GEOLOGICAL RELATIONS OF ALABAMA CLAYS. Section No. 2, near the preceding. 1. Yellowish sands, beautifully cross-bedded.... 4 feet 2. White and pink clays, interbedded with yellow SANS: sic isaivee. eee Gee SSS TE VE QRS 10 “ Section No. 8, same locality. 1. Purple clays interbedded with reddish sands. . 6 feet 2. Mottled (red and yellow) sandy clays, partly obscured by overl.ying pebbles and sands...... 12: 8. Red sands with small lenticular bits of yellow CDs ccsoycae ea wah dt SER Ree bsieaa ye bee iB. 4, White and yellow laminated clays ......... 6to8 * At the bridge over Mulberry, near Vineton, the fol- lowing strata are shown in the banks of the creek: Section on Mulberry Creek, near Vineton.~ 1. Mottled purple clays, similar to those at Steele’s Bluff on Warrior River ........... 5 feet 2. Yellow cross sandy beds ............eeeeeee Die oes 8. Mottled clays sandy below .......,.-.++--- 5 4. Grayish white m caceous sands, with irregular patches of red and yellow colors; to water's COE seit e Arata $a Ie Ey Raa SAG eee As tt BIBB COUNTY. From ‘Vineton, up to Randolph very little of the strata of the Tuscaloosa formation can be seen until within three miles of the latter place, where dark pur- plish gray clays are to be encountered. Between Ran- dolph and Centerville, along the public road, and at many points along the railroad fom Mapleville to Centerville, there are occurrences of the massive clays of this formation. These clays have given much trouble and caused much expense to the railroad, from the fact that when softened by the winter rains they squeeze out into the railroad cuts, filling them up and overflowing the track. Where the clays from the cuts are used to make embankments, they are equally troublesome, as they are continually giving way. We CRETACEOUS FORMATION. 91 have no accurate notes of the sections exposed in the railroad cuts but the public road from Randolph to Centerville has been: somewhat closely examined. At Soap Hill there is a typical section as follows: Soap Hill, 7 miles East of Centerville. 1. Purple and mottled clays at summit of hill... 5 feet 2. Clayey sands in several ledges .............. LO: + 3. Cross bedded yellowish and whitish sands, traversed at intervals by ledges of sandstone formed by the induration of the cross-bedded sands 22.6665 64 iba eine ENN k ee) aRnalahadnarns 30 “ 4. Laminated gray clays with partings of sand.. 10 “ 5. Alternations of laminated gray clays with cross-bedded sands in beds of 12 to 18 inches thicknéss- .:caaccas Gsacaeteds Baer ee eetane: 60 Magnesia wists sesame ee a oS ee ew Dk Site wn 86 Alkaliesie gis wists Ge ee tele Wake ete Fea. aS A Res tr. MOMBtUIGs haa KaGeekee aes eee @ulswuet 1.44 99.62 Mires: silica. (SAD) ssiescers, csceieioctde grew hed eeblee . nveneceeese 39.25 MGA GUE ae kane SoSH EKGNSET Bee Gann h SX Rew s 418 Specific Pravity socasaswe ced avaeeas kee rqag vs 2.34 Another analysis of this white clay from the Cribbs bed was made by Dr. Wm. B. Phillips and is as follows. Analysis of White Plastic Olay, Cribbs Place, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Pete DEINE Anisewey Sade Gee ean ios s deeas eaux Loss at red heat Total fluxes If coarse grained this clay would probably work for a low grade of fire brick, as its fusibility would probably be” less. It would probably work for potters clay, although it would no doubt be desirable to add a clay possessing greater plasticity and tensile strength to it. The comparative purposes there are given herewith the POTTERY OR STONEWARE OLAYS. 169 tests of two Missouri clays quoted in Vol. XI of Missouri Geological Survey. The one has a much higher tensile strength however: Analyses of Missouri Clays. SUM Cai tei: Gaggia 6 RL aGkS RR Stee w Alumina + Cs WALD Sie cys anatase hisen wis eer: . viele beasts Magnesia ........... SOR 0 atic ately te Ae te Alkalies... ...... wide bs Gatiumicasr: Ghstenesiste "POEAL DMCS? 5.3.6-4.046-64.48 Gignneuinace’ Aioeed Incip. fusion ...... bite PEMA. RMR WiCVIRCATION: disuse spseend: Ser aparwinnetd @~aseciered VISCOSITY: gecesi seneaeae aw agen < Average tensile str., lbs. per sq. in...... Maximum tensile strength...... ...... 66.26 20.32 7.80 2.30 63 48 2.04 5.45 2000°F 2200°F 2400°F 122 135 No. 1 is from Waltman’s, Barton Co., used for stoneware. No. 2 is from Lanigan shaft, Moberly, Randolph Co. In composition it also resembles somewhat two clays from Ohio.* Analysis of Ohio Clays. Ferric: Oxides: gicmewnse op acden gonad EAMG cia meskes Rasee GaGa AAAS Magnesia isis «Heiees aeiaicinwa wake ALKA CS art wou nang anya eee Moisture. esse. Sevedyecee vegasts TOtal; URES: asdcisinec ices; ode aye Sieve ave No. 1. Cooking ware clay, Laresville, Muskingum Co. No. 2. Stoneware clay, Akron, Summit Co. In all of these analyses it will be noticed that the per- centage of alkalies is higher, but the total fluxes are nearly the same, except in the last one. *O. Geol. Surv. VII, 1893. 170 DETAILED REPORT ON ALABAMA CLAYS. In the case of the Ohio samples no physical tests have been made. (No. 115.) STONEWARE CLAY. J. ©. BEAN, TUSCALOOSA CO, This is from the property of J. C. Bean, near Tusca- looso, in 8. 31, T, 20, R. 11. The bed of clay is 6 feet thick and overlain by 4 feet of white sand. It is a rather fine grained dense clay, which slakes very slowly. On mixing with 36 per cent. of water, it gave a very plastic mass, whose air shrinkage was 11 per cent., at 2200° F. the clay burned a pinkish brown andshowed a total shrinkage of 16 per cent., while at 2250° F. it burned a grayish brown with a total shrinkage of 18 per cent. Incipient fusion occurs at 2100° F., vitrification at ° 2300° F. and viscosity at cone 27 in the Deville furnace. Owing to the extreme plastice nature of the clay it was very hard to make briquettes which did not show evidence of flaws so that the tensile strength ranged from only 90 to 100 pounds per square inch, which is probably low. Specific gravity 2.40. . (No. 100.) POTTERY CLAY. J. C. BEAN, TUCALOOSA CO. This is a rather fine grained clay, and at the same time a dense one. It contains an appreciable quantity of or- ganic matter which not only increases the plasticity but also necessitates slow drying and burning of the material. The addition of 31.5 per cent. of water to the clay con- verts it into a very plastic mass, whose shrinkage in air drying amounted to 9 per cent. In burning incipient fusion occurs at 2100° F., at which point the total shrink- POTTERY OR STONEWARE CLAYS. 171 age was 14 per cent. and the bricklet buff in color. At 2200° F. the shrinkage was 16 per cent and the bricklet grayish buff, while vitrification occurred at 2200° F. ac- companied by a total shrinkage of 17 per cent. Viscosity took place at 2500° F. The tensile strength was only moderate, being 84 to 85 pounds. The chemical composition is : Analysis of Pottery Clay, J. O. Bean, Tuscaloosa Co. (No. 100). SUNG seine deestees avues LAs: Aeabamited aie aches 60.03 RMON sc Scale hock NEES EERES POSE RESS MARR SS 24.66 POPe OF10G . cidacserteee 1454s hee 8eeeaw OER RR 3.69 LUDO i ends. i.bioes ive suseve aeRererecks « Sraxncamavatene Guas Seeunmaecalc 43 AIK ANOS: cssesesccsceneas x eesecier eae: Ad aveavereina ene oa) 95 TONPG OTs caretacccear Ghebweiive Nee iesieee'e eistakes Gealenisiieneas vos 7.60 99.98 TOtal: MUXES: sissy Sitieestie cg oa: sce Bae Ree RGM er Se Be 3.92 This clay should make a good butf colored ware if burned at a comparatively low temperature, but if burned to vitrification the color would of course be much darker as indicated by the test, and owing to the high shrinkage in burning it would be necessary to conduct the latter slowly and with care to prevent cracking of the clay.* (No. 110.) PRESSED BRICK CLAY. SHIRLEY’S MILL, FAYETTE CO. The clay from this locality is a very fine grained dense one, but at the same time breaks up very easily. It took 33 per cent. of water to work it up, and the air shrinkage of the bricklets was 6 per cent. Incipient fusion occurs at 2100° F. Vitrification took place at 2200° F. and at this point, the bricklet showed a total shrinkage of 16 per cent., and a deep cream color. In the Deville furnace, at cone 27, the clay became viscous. *These bricks are well known in Alabama, and deserve to be even more generally usd than they are. E. A S. BRICK CLAYS. 191 While this clay is not to be looked upon as a refractory one, it would seem that owing to the beautiful color, to which it burns, it would be highly desirable for the manu- facture of pressed brick. The composition of the clay is: Analysis of Pressed Brick Clay, Shirley’s Mill, Fayette Co. (No. 110.) LCA. canis o Wmielentvicde caeisreduhianndual oe eadnGieunee. 26 71.32 AVUMING: tek arenes ocala! eeeckieenen ieee) Waa SN se 20.10 MONG BMG: cacaciey Ketsabeees 6oeaeteeedanas a 1.05 ? DG ceena pak THe RP Oe WaT san SHR e Mees tr. MagneBi®: «s/sia 5 tide die ecia a 5 Ab Gataresdianaieace feo Sb 2's saad -316 AUKANOS ks pmnisipacia lag ince ebien area a ataimis ER eee tr. IZMIVION: wsciCiwie Gi ausieuessd aweher .eeane aes 7.505 100.291 Total HUSE8 sseane aeeve «eawee oowaevee s4504% 1.366 SPCCiNG Sra VEY: ise Mecsas weir Cikvspeics Beereeas Maeve 1.90 (No. 122.) BRICK CLAY. CHALK BLUFF, ELMORE CoO. The upper half of the clay bed at this locality is com- posed of a dark, dense, grayish brown clay which contains a large amount of organic matter, either in a finely divided condition or iz the form of leaves. Although not sandy, at the same time it is rather lean when mixed up with water, and owing to the presence of so much organic ma- terial absorbed 40 per cent. of water when it was being worked up to a plastic mass. The air shrinkage was however only 6 per cent. At 1900° F. it had reached a total of 14 per cent., but the bricklet was still very ab- sorbent ; at 2100° F. incipient fusion had been reached and the total shrinkage was 18.7 per cent., while the color was brownish red; and at about 2200° F. the total shrinkage was 20 per cent. and the color brown, and this color had deepened considerably at 2250° F. with the ap-. 192 DETAILED REPORT ON ALABAMA CLAYS. appearance of vitrification ,while the maximum shrinkage amounted to 21 per cent. Viscosity was obtained in the Deville furnace at cone 27. This clay therefore shows an appreciable and safe dis- tance between vitrification and viscosity. The tensile - strength is however low, averaging 75 pounds per square inch, with a maximum of 97 pounds per square incb, and a minimum of 68 pounds. Specific gravity, 2.41. (No. 26 A. Stevens.) BRICK CLAY. WOOKSTOCK, BIBB CO. This is quite a plastic clay, which requires 29 per cent. of water to produce its maximum plasticity. The air shrinkage was 6 per cent., and the average tensile strength was 101 pounds per square inch, with the max - mum of 104 pounds. The fire test gave the following results : At 2250° F., theshrinkage 10 per cent, clay incipiently fused, color buff. At 2400° F., shrinkage 11 per cent., color a dark buff. At 2500° F., clay vitrified, color reddish. Viscosity occurs at cone 27 in the Deville furnace. The composition of the clay is: Analysis of Brick Olay, Woodstock, Bibb Oo. (No. 186 A. Stevens.) SULCS.. os asa Cee aensiee SaKaend eaaeeie woe sews 74.20 AN UMING ask A-snecnier Gat selection cee SGnerspeieie: vores wardens 17.25 WOLTlCOXIGE: said i ssvaunion seiaadedeaw ton “anoateverSea a. carne 1.22 MUTI’: ecccies cet toe vo aac “ay avaensialgcie,. “iaeiveierenaietet,> ecsverecasetess 30 MAgneBIA. \ dicisiie se: wiaukirees: Wiis pele bed esa ave 40 ATKANCS! cstascia shantiewed sestuebaie etveve sss tr. TSQION Veeevar dees SOXE UREA E BOWERS G8 adds 7.35 100.72 Total AuUK6S) 6 awieisiscsie a ie SSO Ra? Hwee, Yarvied eae 1.92 BRIOK CLAYS. 193 (No. 129, Stevens.) BRICK CLAY. BIRMINGHAM. This isa very dense hard clay, which required con- siderable grinding to break itup. The difterent lots were mixed up, and the one, A, being composed of two-fifths of the clay which was passed through 20 mesh sieve, and thee-fifths of particles greater than 20 mesh. The second lot, B, was made up entirely of that which had passed through the 20 mesh sieve. Both lots gave a rather lean mass, but A required 19 per cent. of water and B 16 per cent. to work up. The average tensile strength of A is 12 pounds, and that of B 35 pounds. The air shrinkage of both was 4 per cent. In burning to 2300° F. the shrinkage of A was 3 per cent, the color of the bricklet a full yellow, and the body very absorbent. At 2400° F. incipient fusion occurred in both cases, and the color of the bricklet was a brownish gray, and the total shrinkage 10 per cent. At 2500° F. the clay was vitrified, of a dull brownish gray color, and showed a very homogeneous fracture. Viscosity occurred at 2700° F. The chemical composition of the clay is: Analysis of Brick Clay, Birmingham. (No. 129 Stevens.) SUGd os didiec cna GEKA Gate Geese ses th: Sane ALUMING 2c eee Bes Oe eSR OCS Ferric oxide r TSENG sscokeue fe, B. < ee Gutedenay . <2 Bydca ce Fone |W PR Rlo cen: 9 Sppaustiendaerle MAgMeSIA ainaieece airaiewmeiew eee de 6 6 Selec o ence AVR AN OSS a siexiisraserays: “re accdeeidiecbitece. jeveccneuciialiay (te toueeveaaennt Venlthone: acne! cucagapianeges 4 ieee Nien, Beate MDOta le DWEOS: caraicinsiejasesers aio; (sb eceearinanier late bia ela gi sett gunsdere 100.42 194 DETAILED REPORT ON ALABAMA OLAYS. (No. 128, Stevens.) BRICK CLAY. ARGO, JEFFERSON CO. This was a very plastic smooth clay, which took 22.20 per cent. of water to work it up. The tensile strength varied from 120 to 136 pounds per square inch. Theair- shrinkage was 7} per cent. The behavior of the clay at. other temperatures was as follows: At 2250°|F. the shrinkage was 12 per cent., color yel-- lowish gray. At 2300°.F. the shrinkage and the color the same, but. incipient fusion had begun. At 2500° F. the clay was vitrified, and the total shrink-.- age was 14 per cent. In the Deville furnace, at cone 27, the clay became thoroughly viscous. It could not therefore be called a very refractory clay,. but would work no doubt very well for pressed brick or- for other purposes. The composition of the clay is as follows: Analysis of Brick Clay, Argo, Jefferson Oo. (No. 128 Stevens.) SULCS. ciccgsiianiete: aeasleduleie BUS s24e4e) WasteeN 8 72.87 AIQMIMS o4400eueede S890 e HRAGAG WEG RRe ERODE 18.03 FOrvlé OFIGE suscaixsy enastnte aoe 8eSd Gthowdawe _ 2.00 TAG gee eae ei: Vaeks Che RER GE ENORA ER ee 61 ME SMOBI Ao sic secpusiiar austivanepenaesd te. Gndenenoive ey Clalmduhiager’ 42 BUNGE cae AAR RIAGW AEEAO AIR RA RROLH RES 58 FENG: acini) 9 ane epetsen GiNeo een ide Beuaae s 6.62 101.08 Total QUk68 vssenesw Cov aueaen HCP RURaAe GEE ROR 3.56 MISCELLANEOUS CLAYS. These are all derived from the Tuscaloosa formation of” the lower Cretaceous. : MISCELLANEOUS OLAYS. 195 (No. 67 8.) CLAY FROM W. D. BAGWELL’s, SEVEN MILES NORTH OF FAVETTE COURT HOUSE, FAYETTE CO. A gritty clay, that slakes slowly but completely to fine grains. The clay required 28 per cent. of water to make a washable mass, which was slightly plastic and gritty. This paste shrunk 6 per cent. in drying and 3 per cent. in burning, giving a total shrinkage of 9 per cent. The average tensile strength of the air dried briquettes was 45 pounds per square inch, with a maximum of 53 pounds. Incipient fusion occurred at 2100° F., vitrification at 2250° F., and viscosity at 2409° F. The clay burns to a deep buff color. Its composition is as follows : Analysis of Clay from W. D. Bagwell, Fayette Co. (No. 67.8.) Sili¢a. (total) 2. acccsecs Bavewee wseee 75.70 AlUMiNa 1... cee cece eee cect canens oe 14.36 WAtEE: scciitiesy tei eines. Syvengetide: Sree 8 4.45 Ferric ‘Ox1d@: ea ceaeeiestetaewes Setawaes 4.64 TAMING! os seayetier akecane Qe aioe aed. bess PE Geen ele merareed tr. Magnesia .......2 seccnne secnccee sevaceceres tr. MOistUre: aseeveck Sepsis Heveiinenweee aimee 1.24 100.39 Free silica (sand) ........655 sceeeee coneneeenee 58.60 PUR AUKER cvacisswa Bavaesarere seweceene were 4.64 Specific gravity .....6- se eeee cece rene ceneeees 2.26 (No. 40 8.) CLAY FROM H. PALMER, BEXAR, MARION CO. A gritty, fine grained clay, containing scales of mica,. which slakes easily and quickly. to irregular grains. It required 26 per cent of water to make a workable: 196 DETAILED REPORT ON ALABAMA CLAYS. paste, which to the feel was very slightly plastic and it tasted gritty. In shrinkage in drying was 6 per cent. and 3 per cent. in burning, making a total shrinkage of 9 per cent. Air dried briquettes of the mud had an average tensile strength of 66 pounds per square inch, and a maximum tensile strength of 68 pounds per square inch. Incipient fusion occurred at 2000° F-; vitrification at 2160° F. and viscosity at 2300° F.; at 2000° F. it burns to a buff, but on retrifying it becomes red in color. The composition of the clay is as follows: Analysis of Clay, H. Palmer, Bexar, Marion Co. (No. 40 8.) Silica (total) ..... His: eis fausweiah! tate a atreng ist ethan sane 71.33 AINMING..cseiey cakes bv desea ne been ss near» 6 21.88 Water aiincerads 264-586 see cigs siee ase AS ERB 5.54 HEPriC OXidG adic aed ose acacia Seiad Votes ys .82 TAMING, oi ecsicsusiiioadl oe. Yorhad iideghecatgarel cee ghucduauane eee Baas ane «234 MASTICSI Gis i0:¢.d:ec0> Vere suabvidis” ayadiena is SAMO Rae alaeuavee tee .3805 MOISHUTE! teas canbe ita ee) Aalede dare dulecaneen ss 1.05 100.659 Frée: silica. (8a) ais aasrawey Gas vse al Sidineennes 46.45 EIUXKOS vekaadad Hetewest- eeeheas, Bure ee ely ea ee -859 Specifie eravity saccnssece ssecioan vis nudiowexnes 2.305 (No. 12.) CLAY FROM H. PALMER, BEXAR, MARION CO. A fine grained clay, with sandy laminae and mica scales between the layers. It slakes slowly to fine particles and grains of sand. The clay required the addition of 31 percent. of water and gave a moderately plastic mass, that shrank 5 per cent. in drying and 3 per cent. in burning, making a total shrinkage of 8 per cent. The briquettes made from this paste had, when air dried, an average tensile strength MISCELLANEOUS OLAYS. 197 of 85 pounds p-r square inch, with a maximum of 89 pounds per square inch. Incipient fusion occurs at 1950° F., complete vitrifica- tioh at 2150° F., and viscosity at 2350° F. The clay burns toa yellowish red body. Its composition is as follows: Analysis of Olay, H. Palmer, Bewar, Marion Co. (No. 12) Total GUiGaiy.a oie Acces Udiwasieiee atrae ee: aavenoy 69.93 AIUMING acess ek Gansencee we Qtrewnwee x aeanaave 20.15 Watertores cfc casagwaaat. cocieniidls Manes eemannnens 5.90 MerricOXide: savin. sacginnis! eavauals ewkyrs wears « 1.38 LATHE sestmisuaveceten “6:5 eidiote wteraeal alata: Bx we Aecsovecens 42 Magnestth as cicorvad. Giiraweaie . Aeneas ace osc tr. Alka leit cgioee, Ra eaedea Mer eGeAiule doxier cabs tr. MOIstUICs scisies a4 da oie Yeldicndd Sar secnacs sysaeaene 1.20 98.98 TOL URES) visi e oie Csioeie avec acatmaraee a eenls 1.80 SHOCiie STaAVIEV i. pe ccG. vanes Gra tree coer colviave 2.28 (No 41 8.) MOTTLED CLAY. BEXAR, MARION CO. ‘A very open grained, sandy clay, with scattered scales of mica and occasional iron stains. It slakes very quickly to its component mineral grains. It required 39 per cent. of water to work it up. It is slightly plastic, and shrunk 6 per cent. in drying with an additional 11 per cent. in burning, making a total shrinkage of 17 per cent. Air dried briquettes of the mud had an average ten- ‘sile strength of 15 lbs. per square inch, and a maximum of 80 lbs. per square inch. Incipient fusion occurs of 2000° F., vitrification at 2150° F., aud viscosity at 2300. The clay burns to a red, but not very smooth body. The clay analyzed as follows: 198 DETAILED REPORT ON ALABAMA OLAYS. Analysis of Mottled Clay, Bexar, Marion Co. (No. 41 S.) Silics. CLOtal) cereecck Gp etiwkee Seance Reaaeend 72.40 PAUMMING, sccscciensicic Sdcereiarsiere es eesestaerveretieneiw” éosheueverw 14.86 Waterss cctcrersiens; “vie Siecgpcarsteis: a aistenereverne ceareterevapecess 5.05 Ferric oxide ......... see, oe nee eee ne eeeee 7.64 TAME) saicisassew sierccesccepeiaieieiers seuesstdvsyesenas er sei sre-sitesie -20 Magnesia .......00 cen evee ceeeterresees saneee -40 Moisture .....0508 cccccevs sanvccene soesecree -65 101.2u Free silica (sand) ....... cseceeee weenee coves 55.20 FU ZCGs5: cesesverscce ares ew: aiera ae sliee awe ogee wee 8.24 Specific gravity ...... ccccoe sccecsee eesereece 2.445 (No. 18 8.) BLUE CLAY. THIRD CUT NEAR GLEN ALLEN, MARION CO. A very fine-grained soft clay with little grit, which slakes very readily on being thrown into water. }.. It required 28 per cent. of water to make a workable mass which was slightly plastic. The shrinkage of this paste in drying was 8.3 per cent., and in burning 7 per cent., giving a total shrinkage of 15.3 per cent. The tensile strength of the air dried briquettes was 56 lbs. per square inch on the average, with a maximum of 65 lbs. per square inch. Incipient fusion occurs at 1950° F., vitrification at 2150° F., and viscosity at 2350° F. The clay burns to a light bluff. The composition on analysis was fuund to be as follows: Analysis of Blue Olay, R. R. Cut, near Glen Allen, Marion Co. (No. 18 8.) Silica (total): +--+ ecee ese eee cee ee cee censenanees 68.10 AMUMING. ccewesee duane. Wicetee ey: Setew Re 21.89 WR itnGa KbSE eee and k oes SENSE REM eaedaee 5.05 MOITiC. OXIDE: scpaissancic copes. aserevarerese aids dusverearaudueree o-e 2.01 Lime ...... Sire iehiartbpabeveWerisrahiey | oneytaxebieh evanist. Loleheb ebay geanatev'shy -80 MASNOSIA: sisi oi cane Avge S SS eee aR ORES Ow 28 Alkalles .cscccccs covescsese svvvccccs 40 Moisture: ..0% onqsees: ee ucnd Seas Eh eee Rees :70 i 99.230 Free silfea (sand) .... ..2cceee ceececeee erence 41.60 Total’ sicvean 25530486540 See HRESS GeeWEEe Sess 4,19 Specific gravity +++ +++ eee e eee e eect eee e eee eee 2.44 MISCELLANEOUS CLAYS. 199 The fineness of grain is probably accountable for the low tensile strength and comparatively low temperature of vitrification and fusion. As far as the composition is concerned it is not unlike some of the potters clays used it the United States, but its low tensile strength would probably act against its utility for this purpose, unless mixed with a more plastic clay. For building materials it would no doubt work allright. Being of fine uniform grain permits the production of a very smooth surface on the ware. (No. X. 8.) CLAY FROM W. J. BECK WITH’S. COLBERT CO. A moderately fine-grained, homogeneous, brittle, porous clay, with a semi-couchoidal fracture. In water it slakes slowly to particles mostly under one-sixteenth inch in size. When mixed with. 28 per. cent. of water it gave a lean mass of somewhat gritty feel, which shrunk 5 per cent. in drying and 6 per cent. in burning, or a total shrink- age of 1] per cent. Theclay had to be dried and burned slowly to prevent cracking. Air dried briquettes made of the mud had an average tensile strength of 22 lbs. per square inch, and a maxi- mum strength of 38 lbs. Incipient fusion occurs at 2050° F., vitrification at 2250° F., and viscosity at 2450° F. The clay burns to a deep buff body, and requires care- ful heating to avoid cracking. An analysis of the material gave the following results: 200 DETAILED REPORT ON ALABAMA CLAYS. Analysis of Clay, W. J. Beckwith, Colbert Oo. (No. X 8.) Bilicd. (t0tal)sacy veeees Bo seaew Seeeeeis aoewee 58.20 AMMING. sc. .a08 wietes misene ae Secsyeuee. SeeieS 29.86 WIR EOR? occ seasstues geaaliel sie d ioe, evista veueh eb onaelven’ ca seie ace Scedcos BEES 9.12 MAZES Bi. oeesersvaisiaie: avbctioialales sakaviseue sade eds “eae een area ees: EES TAME sip ccceieu wm awareeeaie mecieide aaa wis oe Gunadnave .20 Plerric: 9x10) io s2 noes vergchsiesiewcecoar “ataniebisiansesy attain 2.22 AVEANES? ja siie verre Gudea pe eles rege sy peels, tr. Moisture ........ a heaviest oon. oeaues/evekatta~ cis We es). Aas 100.78 FEVOG SUCBeiecsa: ese Scie Bene SAS TAsae Veer » 22.59 Motall Maxes! coca dese duvade Geuguniecesn cdpauselann pdaraxt Lees 2.44 Specific Srav ity cccicaseerere aveee eer aelsaeedie «cane 2.18 THE UTILIZATION OF CLAY FOR PORTLAND CEMENT. Aside from being used for the manufacture of clay pro- ducts, there remains the possibility of using some of the Alabama clays for the manufacture of Portland cement. The three essential elements of this material are lime, silica and alumina. The first of these is supplied by limestone, marl or chalk, while the other two are contain- ed in clay. * In the manufacture of Portland cement the two mate- rials are ground and intimantely mixed after which they are burned to vitrification. During the burning certain compounds are formed, especially calcic aluminates and silicates, whose union with water and subesquent crystal- lization causes the cement to set. The mixture of clay and limestone is manipulated so that in the finished product, the per centage of lime shall be equal to 2.8 times the silica plus 1.1 times the alumina and to main- tain this constancy requires that the composition of the materials used must be constantly watched. While it is possible to get a proper cement mixture from materials showing an appreciable range in composi- tion, at the same time care must be exercised. Highly UTILIZATION OF CLAYS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT. 201 siliceous clays or limestones are undesirable, the materi- als used often contain ferric oxide, magnesia or alkalies. Their affect according to Skewberry is as follows: Ferric oxide combines with lime at a high heat and acts like alumina in promoting combinations of silica and lime. For practical purposes the presence of ferric oxide in a clay need not be considered in calculating the amount of lime required. Alkalies so far as indicated by the bebavior of soda, are of no value in promoting the combination of silica and lime, and probably play no part in the formation of cement. Magnesia though possessing marked hydraulic pro- perties when igniled alone, yields no hydraulic products when heated with clay, and probably plays no part in the formation of cement, and it is incapable of replacing lime in cement mixtures. The following analyses taken from the 1897 Mineral Industry will give an idea of the composition of clays used in portland cement, while following them are several Alabama occurence that could no doubt be used in ce- ment manufacture. DETAILED REPORT ON ALABAMA OLAYS. 202 OT'sT St'9 gig 80 GT 06°L 06°TT 0g"8 us] 91 "el OF g 02 ‘ST 09 "Fg ENR eee oie sere ew enes © Aueaitep) ‘anes sTT ry) Gg"8T og@g Avjo ossoog ‘mnisjog eL'T a) 9T'9t | 99°89 “Sug ‘AeA poy Te" 99° go'6t | 3r'99 “yy oon 6h T oa'6 63'S3 | ogee “HIV ‘BIO CFM €8°T LQ’ 92°81 | 86°L9 “ *§ ‘woe x o8° Tate ig es a eee eee WON, ‘wostosg OL: ear Ge Vl cgieea. (ieieeasoiece cence © ‘spenpueg UY ORC ceecenennes 66° hiaPeeeRiNe es 08°&z 60% SF '0F sien seen ee neste 'N ‘9 JOTI MA GZS Savine Sema aeR 78'¢ wa slewaineme eee CL'8Z 1B°S¢ iy eisieitorae ieee reiere Kk Nl ‘STIBa suelh) — = O8NW | ‘9 3m} OO -00%0 | Oa “*O “IV 7019 “ALITVOOT SAVIO NOIGXIOL UTILIZATION OF CLAYS FOR PORTLAND CEMENT. 203 ‘jeqeaos Jo uoTyeaedo pue que qeq] U1E8es P[nos Wt ‘YINOg oY} Ul SeLToyoRy Ate Jo eoUESgE OT} WYSI[GeISS OU} 1OJ Ploy JUoTIEOxXe ue S190 eweqery pue ‘[el1oyeM SIyy JO osn SulsveroU! OY} TIM ‘O[QUIIVAR o1e quomeo pueyyiog 10j pesn S[eIAOyVUA OY} GIO FVUY OS ‘qBIG O4Y UIYIIA SoIqT(e0O] Aueus 72 punoj Oq 0} ST FLVYO IO AVU PUL OUOPSOUULT ‘goSed Surpooeid oy} Ul UeAIS SUIEq £O8EO [BUOT}IPpB ‘moy @ WeYY eL0UI AIS 07 Alesse00U 4OU SI 4] 9F SI “ay “14 “4 89°. I 86'°8T 06°09 Gere ro) th er 09 rewey ‘paoypog ores eg ‘ay a aa Aree So eog.__[resseceersesssesseesennnanenessastter TUN 8008b2q 316 “ay “4 02" 45'S 98°6Z 03°89 "0D HeqIoN “YIM “LM og"L 08°T 08" ors 00% 00°S% 08°29 “OULA SeAwaD “Weg suru 09'8 9° 9g" OF GL" 869% Coico: Ape ee ae eyAyedd gh ek he ae ee 98° 09° ELS 021s @s's9 CERO we Swe esooleosn, ‘gs .qquo ‘H ‘A us] “AIV 0 3 or fo*eg | ‘OV | 7018 *“ALITVOOT SAVIO VAVEVIV Page. | Absorption of clays.......... 39 Air. shrinkage of clays ‘Alabama as a clay producing state ae clay physical and chemical properties............0......000.c08 114 BNALVSES Of vccessarsrorweneetansdeewndcceesenes jy celia esate ahaa 52, 201 ue “ combined water of.................. sa Becapitea Sanita Aewtahebasetrs 24 us “composition of..............00 c. gneaiiiaeavataceeatnctaatise 5 " ‘¢ geological relations of............... aight oitvercades oases 8, 69 aS SE SMNOTSEUPE! Tits o..c..5i2a nse sacasnsocnsaina tie acnies sein dtcensieineteeutaphteecgm 23 “ce ce bc “6 bc 66 .e “suitable for making Portland cement...................... 202 Alabama Tres lay. isccsscpcvase uiciodsuaconsnemlantes aaatenda Gene nsivioaiimnmnasimaiessnss 131 f¢ fire brick works.......... oh osesleabNetiminwe Cana Rabe aAoa ts eclaesncamtee 109 S Metamorphic rocks — 70 Alum in settling of kaolin 66 Alumina determination............. A Be 47 <¢ in excess in clays 16 Archaean clays 70 Algonkian clays 70 Alkalies in clays 11 s& 6 (Ghinaand ball clays).....0.s...cccseseentabieessnnmnenaenens 115 & «6 determination of. ’ 45 ' Analyses of bauxite, Rock Run, Cherokee Co........0......00. 148, 144, 145, 146 Analyses of clays, ultimate. ..............:cccccecceeesceeeepeesceeeettertecsesaateaees 45, 54, 57 MEE SE” pa tional ccoscniaec xoanerarue Ee 5 re 49, 50, 57 «6 Alabama clays 52 oe te “suitable for Portland cement 201 Analyses of clays, Bagwell’s, W. D., Fayette Co 194 « «© Beckwith’s, W. J., Colbert Co 199 ‘¢ «& blue, from near Glen Allen 197 es «66 prick, Argo, Jefferson Co........ccccccceeeeerneeeereeeeeeeee 193 “ be “Birmingham, Jefferson Co. .........0.0-.0 ee 193 & sete ‘¢ Woodstock, Bibb Co 191 “ Ge et ching, Anderson, F. Y., DeKalb Co..............00.... 125 “ se 66 Chalk Bluff, Marion CO wesssatintstinaesessnerenin “6 Sw EO ‘* Eureka Mines, DeKalb Co re L “« Frederick Briggs, Marion Co 128 “ so 6 ‘© Hughes, J. R., Gadsden.............. 120 “ be ‘¢ near Kymulga, Talladega Co....... 122 “ “6 ‘¢ Pearce’s Mill, Marion Co.......... cee 129 206 CLAYS OF ALABAMA. Page- Analyses » clays, china, Pegram, Colbert Co.........00.0..ccccccesececereeeeee 120, 130 “4 ou «Rock Run, Cherokee 00...............:00 seneect 118 ae 66 SE DF Clin G61 68: oe sgseccnmom rd asieecentestvers av ernnerces oe 85 “ f & flint, Choctaw Co ‘ 158. es fire, ultimate and rational.............0..c sine 54 - oe eS Bean, J. C., Tuscaloosa Co.......0.....6. eects 154 “ «& « %& Bipbville, Bibb Co 151 a a OES ‘‘ Hull’s Station, Tuscaloosa Co................s:000 153: aS “« near Fort Payne. DeKalb Co...............00:..65 150 e se us ‘* near Valley Head, DeKalb Co..................... 147, 148 fh Be = ciet ‘© Oxanna, Calhoun Co.............06cceeens 136 6 ee ‘¢ Peaceburg, Calhoun Co................-.:00: renee 135 “«« « Pearce's Mill, Marion Co 156. 6 Gera ee “ Pegram, Colbert CO oscar casas tanacbaeareadanadeatete 157 “ 6s ‘““ Rock Run. Cherokee Co....................+ 137, 139, 140, 141 we ‘© Woodstock, Bibb Co 152: ee BE NES POT CIO goddess. Sib us aaeaniess wl eaiubeaderdiatecnosacecoe san ees 201 6 SE "BASS POD it aete any ua atereciotucsnnee cael mectenmsn wines tuegnteeaies 154, 155. Analyses of clays, Missouri 168, 176, 177 “ AE SE mottled. da. sasiisceweedesereccad shctistiaadane ehaebeeteteansabioconenes 197 “ tc Palmer, H., Marion Co.........c:ccscececcccceeereieenerneenee 175, 196. “« « «paving brick, Tuscaloosa Co 188 “© «porcelain, ultimate and rational......... BEY rt NSE pottery; J. C. Bean, Tuscaloosa Co... “ $08 5t8 H. H. Cribbs, Tuscaloosa Co... “ eke “ Oribbs P.ace, Lamar Co......... ue ‘« W. Doty, Fayette Oo.............. gs ee See ‘ McLean’s, Elmore Co.............. “ be ‘« Rock Run, Cherokee Co............ CES Ne 88 “Thos. Rollins, Franklin Co........ “ Cote ‘© Pegram, Colbert Co... “pressed brick, Oxford, Calhoun Co.................0055 6h ae ee ‘« Shirley’s Mill, Fayette Co............. 190. Ge Tan-yard Spring, Lauderdale Co...............sssseceee 111 sh (¢ +6 white earthen Ware............cccccccceeceeceeresseeeeeeeteeenes 54 “white plastic, Tuscaloosa...............00000:csescesessees 167 7 «© slip, ultimate and rational............00..00cccesceeeeee 54 “ ee ee Bloneware, Blount Coss vse vss setoaserisnree eects 161 fo hone Chalk Bluff, Elmore Co...........0000.00 163 be be ae ve Coosada, Elmore ©o...........:cccccceseeees 166 “ bie es Fernbank, Lamar Co................:00:008 173 ee e Robert’s Mill, Pickens............. 171 cr “ H. Wiggins, Fayette Co............s0..06 178 “ « “refractory pottery, Shirley’s Mill, Fayette Co....... 176 ae 8 ME | ODO sccensassusnmeninnctnwn scdlasiis eonereny Gea udnaneekaut eda ca teee’ 168, 171 Analyses of kaolins, rational and ultimate.................cccccccs cecceeeeeens 54 be 8G Ran Golph Oo. i.ssescecscovniusin dtatiensnanassinbhuaeanawnnsenes 71 Analyses of shales, Jefferson Co.............06 ce eee teeta ee eeee 185 Analysis of ochre, Elmore Co...............::cceeeeeseeccre een et eeeer ented 164 Anderson, F. Y., DeKalb Co., clays Of...............:::cccececeecceceeeeeeenanons 125, 149 LIVDIGA, 207 Page. Ammonia in Clays... ie ceccceee ceevecnese seneeensssersseenseseesees seen 11 Appling’s, Sam, well, clay in...:............. Si iaseraesousen iste aarearteaiemaentets 102 Arab, Marshall Co., clay and pottery 80 Archaean and Algonkian Clays...............cccssssesccesscesecscesssecesssessseeens 70 Argo clay, Jefferson Co 193 Audtange’ County Cla YB savory stercsivctes wad atetcawesite 88, 89 HO SAMALY BIS Of ss ciscesacsan noe vectuu ture iaritomtse Roun teaucesnke 201 Auxtord fire clay, Tuscaloosa C0.............cccceecccsscececetsesseeeceseeeceeees 152 Bagwell, W. D., Fayette Co., clays of................0005 ci jeaninpwniceaaaeaaiess 194 Ball Clays. sss. suede artnet oer w.... 115, 116, 117, 120 Barite with clays, Calhoun Co..................00..00. 76 Barkerville, Dr Chas., quoted.........0...cccseceeeeeeees ase 45 Barnes, Edmund, Lamar Co., clay 101 Bauxite Bal y G66). .3ccg:.sesseasanintteoues neirencartan see eoepeavaunguvtusiteardecueiey 1438, 144, 145, 146 Bauxite banks, clay in................:::cssueseeeeee 76, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 Bauxite in Cla yess: ssuieevuesecienctwaceswsnas ccs ash eveeveouk fevanterais doteesaacmeeley 4 Bauxite, refractory......... p vied vebwekaeaMWaesaapintdesevecwsbaiad sinese nav bdeaesineniauasees 142 BRU XILIG CLA YB sisc sccee cc thsstertcson cesstiprsninalecalieas isuieohaenevenees eseeeeits ideas aed 139, 141 Bean’s J. ©., clay, Tuscaloosa Co........... ccc ceceeeeeeseceeseecceeereneereeees 27, 28, 97 “ 6 fire clay, Tuscaloosa C0... cece tceteeecereeeaeeeeeees 153 sf ‘¢ pottery clay, ‘ BO Sea obi Salam adaneniysaes E dnaimatapaseboutansie’ 169 es “stoneware clay, Tuscaloosa Oo................066 169 Beckwith; W. J., Lauderdale Co. Send of, 111, 198 woe analyses of clay of... 201 Bedford élay, Lamar Co., analyses of... Leduanage saa ee tan atte 116 Colbert County clays . 82, 109, 129, 157, 180, 198, 202 Color bUFDING CLAYS: yscs:i02, soncaavesneseaanwecunregaugee cata mee nie cheanaesavesaniey 58 Coloring of clays by iron 13 Color of clays....,.............. assay 15, 39 Combined waters sc cccsssicssasssisciswascsedect vavsmnesnesesseddeaay sucaiacecsuencs seedicos 28, 45 210 CLAYS OF ALABAMA, Page. Common brick Clay...........ccccccecccececsesessecccccssccseceseeceecsauaueseneeeccuaes 181 . ‘in the U. S in 1897, valuation of 1 Composition of clays, see amalySis................ccccceccceecccesscuesseceseueccaues Concord Church, Fayette Co., clay near......... 103 Conecuh County flint Clays.............. cc cceeeceeeeteeeeeceeseeeeseeeneeeeres 12, 131, 158 Cones, Seger and Cramev...............:000::cseeeeee 32 Coosa County Clays. ......ccc cece eee econ eeenes 72 f So = | AMIGA BON ISU 5,515.5 pc5s co scend saa ve csanaelavduergnessaaecneeeasebievancneats 70 88, 165 Coos. Valley Region, fire clay Of,.................c:ccceceeeeccreeseneaeeveenseeesonee 133 OOOK; Quote ssi cscs caecisisy ieteasied) auspingedsldnsnguewaeneaciedevmesnees 25 Cottondale, Tuscaloosa Co., clays near 93, 94 Cowles’ Station, clays at.......... eee eeee ee eeee oe 88 Cracking’ OF: ClAY Sis: cisinevcuictos depsiiesitin sais sseauacienebedednbedeneiaaasecnderedneaevee 27, 132 Cramer pyramids (CONES)... bce cect eee ee sa seeeeeeeenanannees 82 Crawford, Russell Co., clays Orela, COWS CLAYS) ses ccess- cecwis gia gaicsanytsonatneneeatpeseasenneds Cribbs, Colored, Capt., quoted...........0.0. 00: eceececceeeeeeereeeeseeneneens 98 Cribbs, Dan., pioneer in making Alabama clay ware..................00..66 92 Sete Fleming W. Lamar Co., Clay................ccccsccenseeeeeceeeeeeeeeenees 100 ee se fe 66 POTOLY... ce eceteeesesesstersteeteeerees 92, 100 Cribbs , H. H., Tuscaloosa Co., clay....... [ecwbldacdaheacaudndavesuantocys ees 92, 93, 166,202 Cet ES o HS POULERY 3. sissies cassie sasresrebocenedisse 92, 93 Cribbs, Peter, Lamar Co., potteries............cccccecessesesseesseseseseceees 92, 98, 99 Cribbs’. Place, Lamar Co., clay Of.............cccccseecceecceeeccseeeeeseeesceeeeesus 172 Crystalline rocks in Alabama...... gr Lieto acre gi Ie cueans aunedetinvs egaamevaciednnss 70 Davenport, C. C., Cherokee County., clay from.................eceeeeeees 161 Davidson Bros. pottery............ccccceescceccseeseccssesecenae conseecaeeeeceanereeees 101 Davidson’s Store, clay at oo... ee ccee ceceeecsseee eeeneeee seseeesseas 107 DeArmanville, Calhoun Co., clays Of.............cccccccccececeeeeceeeeccusceneeene 76 Denman, Jas. Cleburne Co., Clays Of...........cccccccscecccseeceeccuccueeceuees 72 Dekalb County clays..........0.:cccsessesesecens 77, 78, 79, 123, 123, 146, 148, 149 Detroit P. O., potteries Near... ce ceccsseccccetssececeeeeereueeeercueseeass 101 Distribution of clays..................:::csceeeeeeee eee fh didanhtand seamnareeinlone'e a 6, 8 Dixie Tile and Pottery Co.,Oxford, clay of...... 76, 184, 188 DOVOMIIGG tes ssssactascaaian dssossie sale soci veuieges dee Hawa ga ddemaimeceacinesamemacennseameneinste 44 Dolomite imi Clays :ise.vese sence ssxepuciassae dagpiea aie ceen en beieeioemmelaweem bias. .... 16, 19, 44 Doty's, W., Fayette Co., clay 1038, 174,175 Drain pipe Clays esecccitecesscnesaiseseavasecved var tees evden; susan, «ad adpnnveawendeoes 88 Drain tile in U. S. in 1897, valuation Of................cscsecccuencceeeescecsecees 1 Drying of washed kaolin......... on wae eeteteass 67 Dry process of moulding bricks 183 Dyke’s bauxite bank, Cherokee Co. , clays OF es sesiaezess 136, 137, 138.139, 140, 141 Dykes limonite bank, Cherokee Co., clays of.. 76, 118, 136, 137, 188, 139, 140, 141 Barthen ware: Clay cisccswoucusesavessiossesasteacndstacaveredvaaianidecssseies 122 Eastport, Colbert Co., fine silica white at 112 Edgewood, Elmore Co., ClAYS NCAL........ ccc, ceeessenectteeneees 88, 163 ss §8 OCDVO NGAP .icsscoiesssicdesveiesnnanieen uaveekes 164 Efflorescence on clay wares 17 Eldridge, clay near...........cccseceeseassssseessae coseseeeceeee eee iesVace hi oseg duaceenice 104 INDEX, 211 Elgin property, Bibb Co., clays OD ee aerate eee a sad rh Elmore County clays es 88, 162, 163, 165, 190° England bone china... ccccceeescscscaccsescecseeecessceceececeesccc 18 English and Mining Journal, quoted... cccccccccscssseseescsseee ev eee 31 Epsom salts in clays... cece ccccsccscscesese ccceees. 20 Eureka Clay Mines, Dekalb Co.,........006. ccccccccesceess coches evant 122 European clays, silicia im... el eccccccccceeees 20 Pat CY 8 asccsacet sign aceonntire esonccducaaavniy aikeyeoleroes 23, 25, 133 Farrell’s Mill, Macon Co . dave near. 88 Fayette County Clay... eee 82, 96, 101, 102, 103, 174, 175, 176, 178, 189, 194 Fayette C. H., clays at and near 25, 102, 103 Welds par. 2 2 acct ccsaseceicivesderttecscsaccins stores seavseweiiea cv clscaieein aoe 70 Feldspar clays................. eis casey : 12 BES ATU GIA YB specie siaraaemeten utd a tele inttcelcetge antennae sn 16, 18. 28 es PSMA ONIN vi sisvos ausies seein abinsoeacoasistengaiccs Feldspar of granite veins...... Feldspar veins, clays from....... Feldspathic detritus................... Fernbank clays, Lamar Co.,....... “s Pottery 88 ck 1, a seatsnacaaSeesnasanidh pen yan aalunlomeuecaeaedenes ie Merric Salts:in: Clays sisisnctouenscisenanusscaniianydyeocensoruecagucdarsad waeeeesen, Recode Ferrous oxide determimation.......0....ccccecececcccseccccccecssensesecsenaeatceeeeens SE BAUS AW CLAYS vice wesveunstdsvi cuvamnuanues Sie neiirebmedbamentiennan leat Sats Sas 14, 40 Fire DriCK i. scsceaseossceetswss van 86, 87, 94, 132, 133 a6 a 78, 79, 80, 86;-91, 117 “ ® mamufacture ......... ccc e eee ees Eesha unsiemuntashamnetsgenslyenl obs Megraari 92, 109, 150 Fire brick in U. S. in 1897, valuation OP eisai si niauingiemarceactasanntonts “1 Eire: Clay 8. cicScisincssccivernntavaericnsesdeconnnes 92, 94, 97, 105, 110, 112, 130, 131, 182, 133 Fire shrinkage. in: Clays. .s2.6.c5-.cnesteiesysamanadneaseuneacosacesiageoeansundanievecaven 26, 27, 28 - PEL rit cssiaesarua ca cose iac iste Ga os eats ecw ov stoen A ceae enn ee: 41, 42 Flint clays...... sie zai ae 8, 112. 130, 131, 158 Florida clays sec tncreviala eM Acetate cotenttat 6, Flower vases, manufacture Of.............ccccseeccseeee o ceeneeeteeeeseegeeeneeceens 93 PWR OS IN: CLAYS ec ccsenisnwersnesearsnerrerguaseveeqsamrewebeasqadeiane weer eneiaercsneatt 10 ,29 Foreign clays for Portland cement. : a 201 Fort Payne, Dekalb Co., clays near...............00000 schiticessyacteedvrsraas 80, 149 Fort: Decatur, clays at Od vics.ccccssaccestsoeseeaiiagtiienee cacnnstactereasenapesedee’ 88 France, kaolin from..............00..00+ sSudiacuserouie eee aves 54 Frankfort, Colbert Co., clays near 110 Franklin (Ohio) Company mines, Dekalb Co............ccccclecseeseeeeceeeeees 78 Franklin County cClays.............sccsesseseeesseencceres ae sssseee 82, 107, 180 ‘Friedrick, Briggs, Marion Co., clays of..... j be ws «» 106, 127 Free silica in Clays............ ccc esseeeeeeees eons feeiueneets 20 Friendship Church, Lamar Co., clays near......... 06. cccccccsssceeccenereeeee ; 99 Front brick clays............ 182 Fu. ibility in clays 29, 31 Fusing point of Seger cones 33 Fusion of clays............00. Sanne teen eeenee ee cene nate reer cee eenrenseneeaeennaneeees 38 Gadsden, Clay NEAr.............cscssseensrnsenererssseecceeeseesseneesessaaners sheaves 74, 117, 119 Galtman, Marion Co., clays mear................ 0c cscssssecssesecesecccsscensescess 101 212 CLAYS OF ALABAMA, Page- Garnet in Clay Sicesivessscicassvinstebsneet evens vessshen g Seen d aeunnierscerenaestee cages 14 Gassett, M. E. Marion ©o., clays Of... ...secccccceeeeeeeeeeeee 106- General discussion of clays ..... ............ 3 Geological relations of clays 69- Geological structure and distribution of aus 6 Geological Survey of U.8., quoted 58 Germany Clays.................2.:ccceceecseeeneeseenees sadsness 54 ee Kea OMIM spedes sec asstuatusiies dgaies! sxbngaaiine aicansisene dedweseaweseendenitoonanesuyelat 55, 56 Gilley’s branch, Franklin Co., clays Off............ccccccseseseccceeeeeeeereeseeees 108 Girard, Russell Co., clays mMear................::ececcececeeeneeeeeseeeneeecseeeeaeees Gaza ng Clb iscsi nice sande inictadasanidiucrteaieevoseseiaeadencnnecstaseuedssoussSésuoasstenss Gl aas- Poti Clay’ cseriasssesehcaiuetesesaaiocnadececdans be x6 sabe usheinag oes comeanetatauaune ecu Glen Allen, Marion Co., clays near Granite veins in Ala Dam Bes i ecceinneca conic Faiscis yess ls caucy seas euiateaec dette 70 ee $6 5 Clays fr OM occ ysic torsade cid iain ssiea eine dulce ee aadesgeveh eee Wares 6. Graphic granites (pegmatites)... postu ccuseumeebeneuausaveeens 70 Graves, W. H., Birmingnam, shales Es sdentbahis'dvetauctilainin Seeiaeeatecnaeeetts 80, 184. Green’s, J. B., ‘Lamor Co., clay 173 ot 6k 6c & a 98 : 100 123 ...27, 132, 133, 158. on iepiaw sittin na stea Ube aualse se e@ansie saaaueeduesw ans covacienity 101, 104, 105- Gary SUN 5s stiesisccsis dts etecsast alta Heise dtedhtn sated Seeaaw eva etapa ta euaty netiedane cclecsizase 18, 42 a TE GAYS se viacass icine camara iaoauiclianiotienineicuat optaeea vashanaavatauesssecten se 16, 18, 42 Halloysite. 5 61 Hamilton, Marion Co., clays near 106, 179: Hickory tree limonite bank, Cherokee Co., clay in..... 76 Hilgard, Dr. Eugene W., quoted 83 Hopkins, T. C., quoted 155 Hornblende in clays ............. sta 14, 19 ‘Horses,’ Clay........sscceee vee aounivadents Miveeaes 74, '75, 76 Hotop, E., quoted 64 Hughes, J. R., Gadsden, clay of 119 Hull's Station, Tuscaloosa Co., clay near..................cecceseeee scenes 1.94, 133, 159 Hungarian porcelain, lime in......t.......ecceeceseseeeeeeccceeeceteseeceneenetecs 18: Hydraulic mining of kaolin.......0.00..00. 0c cccseeeseeessenececeeceeeeceeeetesseeeeens : 62 Hygroscopic water (moisture) in ee eceeeee ee ceeceeens 22. Igneous rocks in Alabama 70: Impervious clays.................. pvacdihinasdecieaedsessesyes 30 Impurities in kaolin 9 Incipient fusion of Clays... 0.00... cece eeeetee eee eeeeeeeeeseesesen mageucanbs 29: Insoluble alkaline compounds in eee neces 12 Insoluble residue determination in ce ceeeeeeeeens 48 TPO 10 CLAYS. sssissses aise cersetearreamceasiennsenitenvancioveed 12, 13, 14, 43, 47, 51, 115, 116, 159: Iron in beds with clays, purifiication of 14. Jacksonville, Calhoun Co., kaolin from 74. Jefferson County Clays............cccccecceceneeeeeeen ees 192, 193 a ‘¢ shale for brick and cement manufacture......... 1% 186, 202: John’s Mill, Tuscaloosa Co., clay ate..........:cccseesecee ceeessseeeeeteeeeenete 96 INDEX. 213 Page. Jones, Lewis J., clay in well of....0.0.0ccccccccscccsecessesscssescececsurseascsess 99 Jugs, manufacture Of oo. occ cccccsvscsessseusececcecuaveceseececvivaece 93 Jugtown, St Clair Co., pottery and clay at..c.e.cceee cesses: 83 HAOUM ssssenonseonnn oeiieasinasnaieasiniseneseseiiae »..8, 5, 9, 41, 55, 56, 82 86, 106, 115, 116 ; OB YANG sclera dusacnatisede duastecy neasumciedgsrs sudda dare esaeakiassaelonsigatias 67 See, MN PUTIGI OB sc aves et teat ss as auvea ce tea igad iszedion syiteneive itemise 9 Kaolinite satgidise Sclipbinaslene Wetaschang 3, 4, 9, 10, 40, 69, 70, 71, 123 #6 composition. 4, 10 i from granite Viens............ceccee cccccccccecccsscesseeseees 71 " in clays 40 a OB BIN ceca anectanesgneantuces iaeaionvesies 3 se VEILING wesciccattccstiarmne saneeta ak uit’ Sth gcanaiah wa oneetan 72 Kaolin mining... 000... ates 61 Be: ATOSBEB: Loa iaas'ses: eeamanucennegatens 67 ‘¢ residual beds 74 SE SVEANB dauhmmritin is 7, 61 ‘¢ washining 62 Kilgore’s Mill, Dr., Franklin Co., clay near 108 Kymulga, Talladega Co., clays near.......00..00.ccccccece be asesetececseeeens 74, 117, 121 Lafayette formation in Lamar Co ..............ccsseseccceccece ee ctesenssteees 98 Lamar County ClayS............ccc00.cc00cccccsececcccceusntauaeaee seseeceeceeess 98, 172, 173, 202 Lapsley, Judge J. W.. (Vineton), Autauga Co., clays near........... = 80, 90 Landerdale County clays ........0.00 cesses ee ee eeecnneneeeceseeeeeeereeres “111 DOaChin p OF Clays sesssticnssgies Sar eheuntener semeiawccclnatagsbatauwonazuasyiawe dentine Mes 74 TiOOM CUAY dvseevceusanede meee asters eridan adieu sciinya daineigalhiinbis de using ideniee vonsauatiatseanidatsdind 23 25 LeChatelier’s thermo-electric pyrometer 31 Mot CO TM CLAYS sia cies wis di dawn sina sans anadasneccaew eaenmmnites aaeosencmeeiu’ ete comen wantec 22 Lilly white, clay used for......0........ccccceecccceceeeeeceeneeeeeeeeeeeseeen es eeeees 85 Lime determination........... sad 47 TAM 1D CYB 2s: sesccssncwsscccesdeved dvecvcpeveanwerves ..16, 29, 51 159, 160 “carbonate iu clays .............. eee 17 ‘* silicate in clays 5 17 TAMER SON Cites sels sense daticbnansd timeki ean seh oued juices age sae aae ERS, ealtimisd oes 201 se , clays from ; 78, 75 Limonite banks with ‘‘clay horses’..................cesseeeeeeseceeeeneeeeceeeeeees 74, 75, 76 TAMMY CLAY Sisisacs deseiricnssucjassecasied Gectneaccanne canna dem enveweis eee Minntn idee 18 Lindsay), JOC. QUOtCI si. cccsciccecsnscungeciasing gowsne “aor HS vaaiimanmasinnmentatiaaeaioes 102 Little, Dr. G., quoted... 82, 83, 93, 96, 97, 98, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111 Lloyd’s potteries, Marion Co 92, 101, 107 Limoniteiivcisies sedurerscnunavetoes 44 “Loess C)ays, Silica in . 2... cece ccc ence ce eeeeseeeneen etn eees 20 Loss in weight of clays after shrinkage has ceased.......... 27 Louina, Randolph Co., kKaolinlte,..........cccccseeeeeeecnte cece ee eeeee teen eeeen ees 71 Macon County clays.............cccsseececseece cece cece ec eeteeeeeeeeeeeeeenannetesectre 87 Magnesia determination,................cccceccccceeeeccceuesesecsessacesessaeeseceunens 46, 47 s€ YD CLAYS este. a acne Weisz aka becte Cosi deesise cha tioaina dectysnenidet jemien 19 Mallett, Dr. J. W., quoted......... eae hee ee 71 Manufacture of fire brick............. suciehiers 92 Mapleville, Bibb Co., clays near.....: Marion Co. clays, 82, 104, 126, 127, 128, 155, 156, 179, 186, 194, 195, 196, 197, 202 214 CLAYS OF ALABAMA. Marion County shale Marly Clay 8 visnciencunssien civiwcya hints dodetanenncnovecdpapanedicmeimcgimenter aedennenentes Marvyn, Russell Co., clays near MeCalley,, Henry:,, quoted ..30:ss se ssnecesissereinrascatmorienacaanvinaueseanweratin McDougalas’ Mill, Miss., clay near.................. McLean’s, Elmore Co., clays and pottery Metamorphic rocks...............::ccsseeceeeceeeeseeeees Metamorphism Method iof Clay Anal VSE8; 2 .cocscige soesgade secur nyeevsceecasnccwenenbenonainecieiivneae MGC. jects: spa neasccapanmencuaneadcbemassstisesseess 43, 70 “in clays 12, 14, 25, 29, 43, 53 ** schists........ 70 *8 ON OUIS! cc pisuniaie cuadted mhanabaecelsaanemnngen sade seeeenen eee eeeeeee eee ettetteeeteeers 72 Micaville, Randolph Co., clays D@ar............ccccccccecceceeeeeeceesseesnaeenaees 72 Milldale, potteries near 101 MAP O BUCA i sessce astties 22sec dan chag eam aaatctmep sua areae Gudenane usp aceite. ounmsuinnten 98 Milner, Randolph Co., clays near...........c:ceeseseceeeeee ceeeeneeceeeeeseesens 72 Mine, ochre, Elmore Co............ cee death arcian buttons weedy vosenbomeMRae EES 88. Mineral Industry, quoted...............:::eeeceecceeeeeee ceecee cee ceseeeettetereenena 201 Mineralogy of Clays............ccsseccccccseeceececeeeeteesennteeeeeseseneene 40 Mineral Paint and Tripoli Co., Florence............00.:00:ccssseceeeeceeees 112. GMELIN 65 6k Ys otc edit eto duce sie 78, 79, 116, 146 Mining of clays 59, 60 & * Kaolin 61 MisGella neous Cla ySic uns ssercesscwvseeseeecieysseatuomictiees deen ote yma aaoentade 193. Mississi ppl CLAYS i sc..icciccrsccatncrcadncnaacanecededadesessdogawaue cadasteetauseddedeaseas 83 Mitchell’s, J. J., Marion ©o., Clay......-.cccccccccccscecessecsseeeessseecensteetees 106, 126 Missouri Clay S.vicicc2s.accssaacnncnensies sanaeticreeiasvestundvesvadiconannventies 20, 52, 131, 155, 168. BS HinG Clays, SLIGA Wiis, acsoecdscieveepaaiogeodsaunlerlnasmansnenanameeate 20. 3-4 Geological Survey, quoted............c00006 1, 155, 168, 175, 177, 179, 181 Moisture determination 45 22, 45: 182: 105 Monroe County clays..............scceeeeceeeeeee: 131, 158 Montague Clay Mines,, DeKalb Co........0...ccccccccccecceeccceessstevateeeeenee 79, 133, 146 Mottled clay, Bexar, Marion Co........0....000cccccccccceece seeesstereseseeesseeees 196. Musavitee inn). clays ses rssessecmminsnedersnutncinedtivas wcncchndeuatlactn’y iewigdanaannersees 43 Natural glaze Clay.........0.ccccceeeseeceseeeeeeetaee canned iicaugang ame ansanneenion sey 162 Nelson's, Mrs. Susan, Marion Co., clay 106, 127 ING Ww derse ye Cla Ye shy sinas capes se duaciciseaay mautses dc oes Soscteuaatie cada vaush vas seiganes 20, 78, 131 INiGhOli8; As. "Weg CLAY vsi0c8— cxcice sectunzed oadseusl sncdntseneneubouna-sandexssiaavasiasesed 98 Non-volatile and non-fluxing constitutuents of clays... 10 Orth Carolina Clays scaycssseacdeceteeiaot oe se sve vonae eas oeayeeanreemes Inenaasioee 20 ne aS Geological Survey, quoted ............::00:ce cece 45. 62 i “ FEA OBI ct cece basis oniaiccierec an tecoaaye soda sinks bes mmiiaumsGian wea tDne belehisaiaie’ 54 es s A> ATI sss ceaeniateratancewernat one andascdonadanabalbanationw se’ 61 Ochre Qed: Chalke). dss seessidaeseceneeaaudy eats ain vie satin denediensnocteandeacumnaden 108, 164 te smin’, Hlmore Oss savenuriievsaigeaeraucetavines cnetasiwawene dhoratheneeeeaninns 188. ANDA 215 Odoriof clay iis sik. guise pecsaiibevevaceavuereesGeae casa steustll databace Ohio Clays 2.0.0... ec ccesccssessesessecsestaecesssevtcusecses Ohio Geological Survey, quoted... eh Salat Oliver, OC. K., Tuscaloosa Co., pottery of... siuone7 si vigalda aagingeteeaueial aga Tele Orange Sand formation................... wie Organic matter determination ef ‘¢ in clays Origin Of Cla yisees csi... sssssu ibaa sepsis 35 c3h Guatu evwemsvaberasteansteudneesseucsoeeeeaye Ornamintal bricks in U. 8. in 1897, valuation of... ai 1 Oxanna, Calhoun Co., clays.............ccecccsesceseeeenscesestecsseesecesseeses 74, 133, 135 Oxford, Calhoun Co., clays caiaadeinledaiiaad rediwetesianzis heamiumaarnnontateoneuneadteia 76, 188 Paint clay, Landerdale Co.... 112 Paleozoic clays...............ccccceee ee 6, 160 Palmer's, H., Marion Co., Clays........cc000ccccecsececessecseceeeecsecevevsees 107, 194, 195 Pannel’s place, Miss., clay O1.............0...0cccceccccececccccceeevee suste seeaeaees 84 Paving brick clays 187, 183 is ‘© shales 185 Peaceburg, Calhoun Co., clay from.......0........cccceeeeccsese ceseeeneeceraeeees 74, 133, 134 Pearce’s Mill, Marion Co., clays.......... Pearce’s Mills, Marion Co., shale 105, 107, 128, 138, 134, 155, 156 81, 105, 117, 184, 186, 201 Peden, Aleck, Miss., Clay OF...........0....ccccccee eee ceeecesecseueeetetseeeeesenenes 84 Pegmatites (graphic granites)... cece cee cceventeeeeeseeeeeeeetes 70, 72 Pegram, Colbert Co., c'ays near....... ...40, 109. 110, 117, 129, 134, 157, 180 Pennsylvania glass pot Clay. ......0.0.00. ccc ceeee cee ceeereeeeeeveeeeeseeenneenees 155 PHUNIPS, We Bi, Quoted ssccssececasncdennaneoiinescinaweanenewencs magaweneaemagniea ses 106, 127, 167 Phoenix City, Russell Co., clay near..........0...... ec enieee : 87 Pholerite 4 Physicial properties of clays sale onder. dauaidarbnjouaasawieaniee hr aedasigeltedyumstavescatesel 24, 114 Piekel) Dis; Quobtedsss ys :scsvsteweseseneieveden send aaeds sniieadesseansceieeseeeianaevamsdel Pickens County clays Pikeville, Marion Co., clays near...... 1.0... .ccccceeeeeeeetteeneeneeeeteetiteeeees Pinetucky, Randolph Co., Clays............sccccecceceeeee ee ceeeeeeeeeeesaeeeetenees Pipe clays Pipe, sewer, in U. S. in 1897, valuation of Plastic: Clays sycce seieezes yedetaeswnstiien wedioasrastaled, cena Plastic ball clays of Florida DI AGbI CUT isc ccsscsisli in Seana eager tees ardaliortesepeetda earcekes 933, 24, 25 Plasticity in clays si “ SO RA OMIM. ccckdcanahoscanauieg ooteactesudhonss Saemtatanee Mins Madneden erage 116 PlistOCSn 6: Cla VS sioscceasecctinsaavvveadeunats cemsdaseaeaneadons eeebwen aka MameaRMeads as 112 Pond Cla Yicsiscaciiica ciadedasiimamancanmanenteauhonenon ee 73 Porcelain clays ssegericindae 11, 71, 72, 86 116 117 Porcelain earth 86 Porcelain ware from Alabama 72 Potash determination. ..................ccecceneceeneeceereceee 46 OSU CLAY B ose tet est ciate wha iene acaasininescinc emer ies 11 Portland cement, clays for...............ccccccceececeee ee een tteeeteer eet nnnne 199, 201 se “¢ , materials for Sgt BORIS entrees nde yskaad( ka tac eandoneis 80, 88, 92, 93, 98, 99, 100, 101, 107, 108 216 CLAYS OF ALABAMA. Page- Pottery clay....73, 78 80, 93, 97, 129, 129, 159, 163, 165, 166, 169, 172, 174, 175, 176 179, 180 Pottery ware in U. S. in 1897, valuation Of.....0 0.0.00. ST oad Pottery ware from Alabama.............00:cec: Beccodsasemre Sada teveceerenes 72 Post Tertiary loams for building bricks. ................ 112 Powell's, Reuben, clay 99 Porosity Of ClAY-cacs.. sisesaeenacviaeedoreeoes dense dnsammeaarenawsicrotamcvew gasameetenciens 39 Prattville clays................ 25, 28, 201 Preparation of clay8.................:0e Sexsgehsiibagiees apdteawaruasessOwe ds ciate 59 Pressed brick, clays for...............cccccccceneneeeceeeeeee ersten reese eee 88, 177, 182 188, 189 Pressed brick, shale for....................0055 gangs 187 PLESSIS DPICKS «2.055005 seaijeee csasen su csineissaivaxenesametes 86 a ‘in U. 8. in 1897, valuation of... : 1 Presses for washed kaolin..............cccece cece c cere e cece tees eter ere eeeneneeenes 67 Pressley’s pottery, Elmore Co.............0...cccccee cece ee ecee cette ee nee tent ties 88 Preston's, W. D., pottery, Autauga Co.............-:: cei ees 92 Properties of clays TAY TITO INCAS 22 ois. cn ins ceotacdesa seipdtn sieeweadcnndsys Seepeaesae a ecareta usa eaaecmers Pyrometer, thermo-electric................ccccee cee cee eens teens seectereeeea ee eeenes 37 Pyrometers.................00060, Pyrometer, Seger.... Pyroxene in clays... 86 QUEUE ies snes giaks ea recnsce ait Quartz a8 a grog..............0. Quartz determination Quartz in clays Quartz in kaolin 116 Queenware clay 86 Radiolarian: Cla yeeicceunesuryscomciecinets stueiavkwe damee ahaue vp Ft 3bSeete HAE 158 Railroad cuts, clays sliding in.......0..... elec nettee eee nee cree 90, 94, 96 Randolph, Bibb Co., clays near.......... 0.60 ccc eee eee ec ee ee een eee 90, 91 Randolph County clayd..........ccsccsscessssesscceeseceveecetsenescaetensee seesaeeeenes 72, 73 fe «¢ kaolinite 71, 72 ne ‘« mica veins 72 ee ‘¢ mica schists 70 ‘pegmatite veins 72 RatlOnal Anal SOs eo :.ccs fasts ovsdnacs snian son vubeatammuenysaweninbadeadeeabeetnytronensds 56, 57 “ BOP CLAYS ssc sicsinsiscpensinsnnasinains mennnen vite sf BE OP RAO NM cae. cscauiee ieiuccn vi davdee unten Suuns aetueuar nee renters A « , uses of. Red burning clays.................... Ioehavoaeeveved aaa Gintnees an darcgute serena Red clay, Lauderdale Co Red Mountain, Wills’ Valley, clays Red shale, Marion Co..............:ccccseeeeeeeeeeee eterna eeeeeeees Refractory articles................0055 ee bauxite “ce INDEX. 217 Page. Refractoriness in clays... cece cece esses eeeneeseees Pooneoeoamn 51 “Refractory quotient? o.oo co ccccccccccccsccceccececececstecesesusvevetecesesees , 31 Residual clays 00.0000... clic cceccscsccscetsusece vececcececee seseececeees 5, 6, 13, 69, 73, 74 Rhea, Mrs. C., Colbert Co., clays from..................... subodal Mantaantationite 110 Ries, Dr. Heinrich, general discussion of Clays DY scdivicscsnerecccrieeds s 8 Picts ““, physical and chemical properties of clay by ........ 14 Boge oe “, quoted......69, 70, 79, 81, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 109, 110, 126 Roberts’ Mill, Pickens Co., clay near.....0...60. ccccccscce. cose toh 97, 170 Robinson Springs, Elmore Co., clay near...........ccccc00-.. 88 Rock Run, Cherokee Co., bauxite, refactory 142 ‘Rock Run, Cherokee Co., clays near........ 74, 117, 118, 133. 136, 160 a