Ba peti Ses eiate] sere te rs Pare page aera Goruell University Library Ithaca, New York BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 DATE DUE RETURN TO ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY ITHACA, N. Y. Cornell University Library QL 122.M46 ATT ; 3 1924 003 394 347 SEA-SHORE LIFE. “MNASNY aINJUSUT UALYOOLG AYL ID pajigryx gy “spur “gq Woqiey Aq Suyjareg [IO ue uo SVNVHVEA TAL AO FAWN TVUOD V Kew Pork Aquarium ature Series SEA-SHORE LIFE THE INVERTEBRATES OF THE NEW YORK COAST BY ALFRED GOLDSBOROUGH MAYER Direcror or tHe Marrye Brotroctcat Lanorarory or THE ‘ 1 ‘ Carnecie Insvirurion ar TorvruGas, FLoripa NEW YORK AND CHICAGO THE A. 5. BARNES COMPANY 1916 COPYRIGHT 1905 NEW YORK ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY. EDITED AND ARRANGED BY E. R. SANBORN. PRINTED BY FRANK PRESBREY CO. ADVERTISEMENT The present work is the first of the New York Aquarium Nature Series. It is designed chiefly as an aid to the study of the marine invertebrate life of the region about New York. It will be found a valuable reference book for visitors studying the collections of the Aquarium, as the species herein considered are very largely those which may be seen there alive, from time to time. The book is a gift of the author to the New York Zoological Society, and the proceeds from all sales are devoted to the increase of the collections of the Aquarium. C. H. TOWNSEND, Director of the Aquarium. OFFICERS OF THE New york Zoological Socictp President HON. LEVI P. MORTON First Vice-President Second Viee-President HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN JOHN L. CADWALADER Executive Committee CHARLES T. BARNEY, Chairman HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN MADISON GRANT JOHN S. BARNES WILLIAM WHITE NILES PHILIP SCHUYLER SAMUEL THORNE LEVI P. MORTON, Bx-Oficio Secretary Treasurer MADISON GRANT PERCY R. PYNE J1 Wall St. 52 Wall St. Director of the Zoological Park Director of the Aquarium WILLIAM T. HORNADAY CHARLES H. TOWNSEND 183d St. and Southern Boulevard Battery Park Aquarium Committee CHARLES H. TOWNSEND, Chairman CHARLES L. BRISTOL, University of New York WILLIAM E. DAMON CHARLES B. DAVENPORT, Director Biological Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y. BASHFORD DEAN, Columbia University ALFRED G. MAYER, Tortugas Laboratory of Carnegie Institution THOMAS H. MORGAN, Columbia University ROSWELL MORSE SHURTLEFF EDMUND B, WILSON, Columbia University PREFACE Apes little work attempts to present in clear, untechnical lan- guage, a description, accompanied by photographs, of the larger and more conspicuous marine invertebrates of the coast of New York State. In order to increase the general usefulness of the work, however, accounts of the habits of a few creatures from other re- gions are introduced. Such are: Commercial sponges, crayfishes, the spiny lobster, the edible shrimp, the orchid land-crab, fresh- water mussels, the giant clam, the pearl oyster, the giant squid, and the chambered nautilus.