a ee AM New York State Qollege of Agriculture At Gornell University . Ithaca, N. Y. Library ornell University Libra Tea STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF ANIMALS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND ACADEMIES BY JAMES A. MERRILL, S. B. (Harvard) DIRECTOR OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL SUPERIOR, WIS. NEW YORK - CINCINNATI - CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY CopyRIGHT, 1902, By James A. MERRILL. ENTERED At STATIONERS’ Haut, Lonpon. STUDIES IN ZOOLOGY. W. Pet PREFACE THIs volume is not intended to add anything to the science of Zodlogy. It is not for the investigator, it is for the be- ginner. The author has found that laboratory guides are as a rule too dry and conventional to accomplish the best results and he has accordingly attempted to make these directions simple and suggestive as well as comprehensive. The plan of these studies was worked out in the Manual Training High School, Kansas City, Mo., where it was thoroughly tested with students of all grades of the high school. The book has also been tested in two Normal Schools and in several high schools and has been found to warrant the claims made for it. Information about animals comes to the child from three sources, viz.: from a study of the animal itself, from a study of the environment, from reference books and lectures by the teacher. This book emphasizes the first and second of these sources and it is expected that the teacher will see that the third is not neglected. ~The author has gleaned from so many sources that it would be impossible to acknowledge them all, but he desires to make special mention of the assistance of his associate, Mr. A. N. Young, on the Branch Vermes and on various other parts of the book. All the tables of classification are 3 4 PREFACE credited to their proper authors. The attempt has been made to get classifications that can be understood by the students of the grade in which this book will be used, rather than those intricate tables which can be used only by a trained naturalist. For any errors in the classifications or in other parts of the book, the author alone is responsible; and the corres- pondence of his fellow teachers concerning any part of the book which may be improved, is earnestly solicited. J. A. MERRILL. State Normal School, West Superior, Wis. CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION. 4) ze a a ee wee w we ww Soe ® Laporatory EQUIPMENT . . . 2. ee ee es . 12 REFERENCE BOOKS 3 4 2 & «@ 3 » “we =e & & 2 e = TA Directions For Cottectinc INsects . . . . . . 2... IS JARTEFROPODS) a> ho ae Ae Ch hoe eh Re 20-105 The Grasshopper By $20) oh 9 Soe ve libs A Yoke a Rt ee 4 20 The Cricket . . . . . . gs ee oe ae The Meadow Locust , sere all ae ago ae Sg 35 Whe Mantis: Goo So ee me eg nalts fy oa: aeog5 The Butterfly . Br Bie Jae: Ai bo) Gee ke wet thes 40 The Moth . . . fe Oe 8 ee : 42 The Squash Bug. . .. . ee ae . . 49 The Beetle. . ‘ tata sks wom Ob on 4 The Honey Bee Ee eae Se oe Oe 65 The House Fly . . bo