Cornell University DLibrary OF THE Mew Work State College of Agriculture Cornell University Libra! text-book of botany for colleges. A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY FOR COLLEGES THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK + BOSTON - CHICAGO - DALLAS ATLANTA + SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO., Limitep LONDON - BOMBAY + CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltp. TORONTO A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY FOR COLLEGES BY WILLIAM F. GANONG, Pu.D. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN SMITH COLLEGE New ork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1916 All rights reserved CopyrieHt, 1916, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published August, 1916. Norwood press J, 8. Cushing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co, Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. PREFACE Turis book is written in the knowledge that to nearly all college students an introductory course in Botany is part of a general education, and not a preparation for a professional botanical career. The distinction is important because our existent courses are largely adapted, albeit unconsciously on our part, to the latter end. The needs in the two cases are not the same, though the difference is less in matter and method than in proportion and emphasis. All students alike need that personal contact with specific realities, and that ex- ercise in verifiable reasoning, which laboratory courses render possible. Knowledge, however, is valuable to the specialist in the proportions of its objective importance, but to the gen- eral student in the proportions of its bearing on the actions and thoughts of mankind. In the one case the demands of the science are paramount and in the other the interests of the student. In conformity with its aim, the book gives more attention to the large and visible aspects of plant nature than to the minute and obscure. To the general student the things he can see in the world, and will meet with again, are more im- portant than those which lie remote from his path, though the specialist must know both near and remote, because both exist. Especially the book lays great emphasis upon interpreta- tion, or the explanation of the “ principle” of things, and the connections of botanical science with the general body of knowledge, and man’s direct relations with plants. Indeed the book may be described as an attempt to present and inter- pret the humanly important aspects of plant nature in the v vi PREFACE light of our modern scientitic knowledge. While these are not the matters the specialist needs most to know, I cannot but think that he also will find advantage in entering upon his work through this broader portal. The book is supposed, to be used in conjunction with organ- ized laboratory work, and to be read for the sake of connecting the discontinuous though invaluable knowledge won by expe- rience in the laboratory with the systematized content of the science, the two being welded thus into one intellectual unit. This assumption of contemporaneous laboratory work, sup- posed always to precede the reading, will explain a much greater generality or abstractness of treatment than would otherwise be suitable. Since, however, teachers differ much in their ideas as to desirable sequence and emphasis, I have treated the various topics in the form of semi-independent essays, intended to be separately understandable. The method involves repetition, but permits omission, by sections, where the material is found overabundant, as it will be for most students, though it should not prove so for the best. The fact that the book is prepared for the general student, whose psychology I have long been studying (when I might have been better employed, as I know my investigating col- leagues think), will explain some features not otherwise obyi- ous. Thus, structure is treated before function, because that is the more practicable way, even though the reverse is more logical. Again when the seemingly obvious is elaborated, it is because experience has shown how different is the aspect of those matters to the youthful beginner and the mature specialist. Further, if not all of the newest matters are in- cluded, it is not necessarily because I do not realize their scientific importance, but because, in most cases, they seem either not sufficiently established or not sufficiently prominent for inclusion in an introductory course. The test of the value of the book will be found not in whether my colleagues con- sider it a well-proportioned compendium of botanical fact, but in whether it leads students to pursue the subject in an inter- ested and spontaneous spirit. PREFACE vil The illustrations are taken from many sources, the best I could find. I deem it as legitimate to use a good published picture as a good published idea, of course with due credit; and, moreover, its use seems such a deserved tribute to its excellence as its author would desire. Many are taken from the well-known works of Sachs, Goebel, Kerner, and Stras- burger, and are so good that none better can be made; and we should not deprive the student of their use, or waste the labor of providing inferior new ones, only because through frequent repetition they have become wearisome to us. Kerner’s work is issued in translation in this country by Messrs. Henry Holt & Company, and this firm has given me full permission to use these pictures, as well as two from Sargent’s Plants and their Uses, and several from my own book The Living Plant, pub- lished by them. Also I have used many, by permission, from publications of The Macmillan Company, and especially from one of the greatest of botanical publications, the Cyclopedia of American Horticulture, edited by Professor L. H. Bailey, who has graciously granted me the privilege of drawing at will from that work. The Bausch & Lomb Optical Company have kindly loaned me several cuts from their catalogues illus- trating apparatus of my own invention made by them. The new illustrations, comprising about a third of those in the book, have been mostly drawn by my colleagues in the depart- ment of Botany at Smith College, —three by Professor Julia W. Snow, two of the most elaborate by Professor Grace Smith, several by Miss Helen Choate, and many by Miss Marion Pleasants. A few of the diagrammatic figures are my own. These skilled co-workers, with another, Miss Grace Clapp, have also given me the advantage of their expert knowledge in a critical reading of the proofs. I am under special obliga- tion, however, to Miss Choate and Miss Pleasants, who, not only through their drawings, but also through their constructive criticisms, have contributed greatly to the merit of the book, though I claim its faults as wholly my own. To all of these generous collaborators I express my grateful acknowledg- ment. viii PREFACE Part II, containing the description of the groups of plants, comprising about 125 pages, is delayed, but is expected to be ready within a year. It will be issued separately for a time, but the two parts will also be bound in one volume. W. F. GANONG. June 20, 1916. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CuapTeR I. Tue Score anp VALUE OF Botanical Stupy. Cuapter Il. Tue DistincrivE CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS THE STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OF PLANTS PART I CuapTerR II]. Toe Morpuorocy anp PursioLtocy or LEAVES CHAPTER 1. § 2. . The cellular anatomy of stems . . The development of stems and leaves Pen ‘jude § g CO? MP SP 2 “Or “1D Ove co . The distinctive characteristics of leaves . The structure of leaves The synthesis of food by light in nies . The cellular anatomy of leaves. The characteristics of protoplasm . The water-loss, or transpiration, from ene . The adjustments of green tissues to light . The various forms of foliage leaves . The forms and functions of leaves other than follape . The nutrition of plants which lack chlorophyll The autumnal and other coloration of leaves . The economics, and treatment in cultivation, of leaves The uses of the photosynthetic food . IV. Tue Morpuorocy anpD PayrsioLocy oF STEMS The distinctive characteristics of stems : The structure of stems and support of the foliage The arrangements of Jeaves on stems The transfer of water and food through abies. . The growth of stems and other plant parts ix PAGE CHAPTER mn oe MN Sp De ma pa HP OD OD 22 m@ CHAPTER Sil, mn oO Re Co LP @ NN RIN Tro so 1m “nr — So § 11. § 12. § 18. CHAPTER § 1. § 2. § 3. § 4. § 5. § 6. CONTENTS The respiration of plants . The geotropism of stems : : : The various forms of foliage-bearing stems The forms and functions of stems not aes. Ww ith support of foliage . The monstrosities of stems and leaves : The economics, and treatment in cultivation, of stems V. Tue MorrHoLtocy anD PuysrioLocy oF Roots The distinctive features of roots The structure of roots The cellular anatomy of roots The absorption of water, and other finenote of roots Osmotic processes in plants The composition and structure of dette The self-adjustments of roots to prevailing gendiqons The additional, and substitute, functions of roots The economics, and treatment in cultivation, of roots Summary of the functions and tissues of plants VI. Tue MorpHotoey anp PuysioLocy oF FLowers . The distinctive features of flowers The structure of flowers : The accomplishment of fertilization < flowets The nature and consequences of fertilization The methods and meaning of cross-pollination Methods of asexual reproduction The origin and significance of sex Heredity, variation, and evolution The methods used by man in breeding better inate The morphology of flowers The morphology and ecology of om er eistens Special forms, abnormalities, and monstrosities of ere The economics, and treatment in cultivation, of flowers VU. Tue Morrworocy anp PrysioLtocy or Fruits The distinctive characteristics of fruits The structure and morphology of fruits The dissemination and dispersal of plants Special forms and monstrosities of fruits . The nature and cure of plant diseases The economics and cultivation of fruits PAGE 162 174 179 wNowwnw bd wv Leet Nea So Se oa wow we bw Or or —) bo oO pay No Si 345 345 347 356 366 367 370 CONTENTS CHapter VIII. Tue Morpnotocy anp PuysioLocy oF SEEDS § 1. The distinctive characteristics of seeds : § 2. The structure, morphology, and functions of seeds . § 8. The suspension of vitality, resting period, and duration of life in seeds The germination of seeds . . The economics and cultivation of desis . The cycle of development from seed to seed oy i OM Qa a PART II THE KINDS AND RELATIONSHIPS OF PLANTS PAGE 372 872 373 377 381 385 386 ae A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY FOR COLLEGES INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I THE SCOPE AND VALUE OF BOTANICAL STUDY Tue word Botany came originally from the Greek, where it meant simply grass, or herbage, especially that of a pasture. Its meaning, however, has expanded step by step with the progress of knowledge, until now it embraces every kind of scientific inquiry about plants, Thus the scope of the word, as of the science, has indeed become great. In the first place, plants themselves are wonderfully diverse in appear- ance, structure, and habits, for they comprise not only the familiar trees, shrubs, and herbs, with ferns, mosses, and sea- weeds, but also the mushrooms, molds, yeasts, and germs of disease and decay. Furthermore, the number of distinct kinds, or species, is far greater than most people imagine. /Of plants having flowers, no less than some 133,000 separate species have already been described and named by botan- ists, while of the flowerless kinds, which reproduce by spores, some 100,000 species are likewise known, making 233,000 in all! It is believed, however, that a good many others re- main to be discovered, probably enough to bring up the number of the flowering kinds to 150,000 and of the flower- less to the same number, making at least 300,000 in all. As to the kinds of facts which botanists are trying to discover concerning this multitude of diversified plants, there are no limitations, because no bounds exist to the intellectual B Ht Z A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. I curiosity of scientific men, nor is there any way of deter- mining in advance which new facts will prove interesting to them or important to mankind. 'The study of Botany is pursued for three purposes, — pleasure, progress, and profit. First, as to pleasure, its pursuit in any intellectual field is one of the most rational and elevating of human activities. There are those who take as much delight in a close personal acquaintance with plants, or in a clear understanding of their construction and processes, as others find in a knowledge of literature, history, art, or the drama; and the one pursuit is entitled to the same sympathetic approbation as the others. Second, as to progress, all experience shows that an individual advances precisely as a race does, — through constant intellectual ef- fort; and for such exercise there exists no more natural field than the scientific investigation of the surrounding world, of which plants comprise the most conspicuous-part. Third, as to profit, that is clear when one recalls the intimacy of man’s dependence upon plants for the very essentials of civilized existence, — for food, shelter, raiment, and medicine, — in conjunction with the fact that they are readily capable of improvement under his hand, as attested by the magnificent flowers, luscious fruits, and nutritious vegetables which he has developed from insignificant wild ancestors. The fact that man can make plants serve still better his material uses would be reason enough, even were there no others, why he should study them thoroughly. Thus the science of Botany has a scope far too vast, and a body of knowledge much too great, for any one mind to grasp. Therefore it has become subdivided for purposes of exact investigation. From this point of view, all Botany falls into four divisions, and they into subdivisions, as follows. “Ty. Systematic Botany, the oldest and most fundamental of the divisions, now commonly called Taxonomy, is con- cerned chiefly with the Ciassirication of plants, that is, their arrangement in groups in accordance with their relation- Ca. I] THE VALUE OF BOTANICAL STUDY 3 ships to one another. It includes exact description of the species, and application of scientific names, which are taken from Latin, as the principal language of learning. It has been studied mostly by observation and comparison of the prominent external parts of plants, especially the flowers and fruits; and for the convenience of such study, the plants are preserved in a pressed and dried condition in collections each called an Herparium. For the use of students and other workers with plants, the classification, descriptions, and names of all the plants of a country are embodied synop- tically in handbooks, commonly called Manuats (or, if more elaborate, FLoras), so arranged as to enable a student to find for himself the correct name of a plant previously unknown to him. An important subdivision of Systematic Botany is PALEOBOTANY, or the study of the plants which existed in past ages, as represented in their petrified, or fossil, remains found in the rocks, — a subject which throws great light upon the evolution of our present plants from their remote and very different ancestors. II. Morpnouoey, second in age of the divisions, is the study of the parts, or structures, of plants, in comparison with one another. It therefore bears much the same rela- tion to the parts of plants that classification bears to plants as a whole; and it is studied by the same methods of ob- servation and comparison. When it leads from the large external to the small internal parts, thus requiring the aid of the microscope, it takes the name ANatomy, while if it goes deeper yet, into the minute construction of the ulti- mate smallest parts (called cells), it is termed CyroLocy, — the two latter terms together replacing the older term His- ToLocy. An important phase is Empryrooey, the study ot the stages in development of the individual before its birth or germination, all of its stages collectively constituting its “life-history.” III. Puystouoey, third in age of the divisions, is precisely the same study in connection with plants as it is with ani- 4 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cm mals, including mankind, viz., the study of the organic pro- cesses or functions. It is pursued by the exact experimental methods of physics and chemistry, and indeed may be de- scribed as the physics and chemistry of plant life. Dealing thus with matters of the most fundamental nature, its dis- coveries frequently prove not only of the highest scientific interest, but also, as will presently appear, of great economic importance. One of its phases, that which concerns the relations of structure and habit to the conditions under which plants live, has attained to a prominence requiring a name of its own, viz., EcoLoay, — a term which has largely absorbed the older word PLANT-GEOGRAPHY, meaning the distribution of plants in light of its causes. Still more re- cently another phase of physiology has become prominent, viz., GENETICS, the experimental study of the facts and methods of heredity. IV. Economic Botany, also known as PLant INDUSTRY, extremely old as an empirical study though very new as a scientific one, is the investigation of plants with reference to their improvement for the uses of mankind. It com- prises a number of well-known subdivisions, viz., scientific AGRICULTURE, HortTICULTURE, and ForgEstry, with others less familiar, viz., BacrrrioLocy, the study of disease germs, and other kinds; PuHarmacoLoey, dealing with drugs; PaTHot- ocy (PHYTOPATHOLOGY) concerned with the diseases of plants ; and PLANT-BREEDING, or the systematic attempt to produce new and superior kinds, — a subject closely inter- locked with Genetics. Economic Botany is the special field of Agricultural Experiment Stations maintained by civilized governments the world around, including the United States Department of Agriculture and the State Ex- periment Stations and Agricultural Colleges in this country, excepting that Bacteriology belongs primarily to the Medical Schools. The other three divisions, Systematic Botany, Morphology, and Physiology, are cultivated particularly in the Universities. ~ Cu. TJ THE VALUE OF BOTANICAL STUDY oO These divisions, and subdivisions, of Botany are pri- marily determined by convenience of study, especially with reference to the methods and instruments employed. Hav- ing really no natural boundaries, they intergrade and inter- lock very closely, on which account the progress of one depends upon progress of the others. Thus, most phases of Economic Botany are so dependent upon Physiology in particular, that the greater Experiment Stations, main- tained primarily for economic research, are well-nigh as active in Physiology as are the Universities. This case is typical of the relation which exists everywhere between economically useful and scientifically abstract knowledge. The history of civilization has shown that the greater ap- plications of science to human welfare, as exemplified in electricity, wireless telegraphy, or the control of germ diseases, have arisen not from researches directed to secure useful results, but incidentally as by-products of purely abstract investigations made in the pursuit of knowledge without thought of material returns. All experience shows that knowledge is a unit, of which economically useful knowledge is only an ill-defined and changing part ; and the surest way to gain new useful knowledge is first to win new general knowl- edge, which is possible only through scientific research. For this reason the student who aspires to become a leader in any economic pursuit must first make himself master of its general or abstract knowledge. Such is likewise the reason for the emphasis laid in education as a whole upon subjects having no apparent economic utility. The facts known about plants being so multitudinous, amounting it must be to millions, and far beyond com- prehension by any one person, the student may well ask how it is possible to acquire that general understanding of plants implied in an introductory course, and textbook, of Botany. It is simply thus. The diversity of plants, so extensive and obvious, is really superficial, and rests upon foundations of similarity, which, deep, obscure, and dis- 6 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. I coverable only by prolonged investigation, are relatively few in number. By utilizing these deep-lying resemblances, it is possible to link together great masses of facts in gen- eralized form, and thus bring the principles of botanical knowledge within the comprehension of one person, who may then pursue in detail any particular phase which his pleasure or business may dictate. CHAPTER II THE DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS Tue Universe, wrote the great Linnzus in the sonorous Latin of the ‘Systema Nature,” comprises everything which can come to our knowledge through the senses. Tue Srars are very distant luminous bodies which circle in perpetual motion, and are either Frxep Stars shining by their own light like the Sun... or Praners deriving their light from the Fixed Stars. Tue Eartru is a planetary globe, rotating in twenty- four hours, moving in an orbit around the sun once a year . and covered by an immense mantle of NaruraLt OBsEcTS the exterior of which we try to know... . Narvrat Opsects . are divided into three Krnepoms or Nature, MINERALS, Piants, and Antmats.... Pianrs are organized bodies which live but do not feel (or as we say, are not conscious). Such is the place in nature of plants, which the botanist is trying to know. Of these plants there are many distinct kinds or spEcIEs, probably some three hundred thousand, as noted already. Each species, however, consists of thousands, or millions, or perhaps billions, of InprvipuatL plants. Individual plants, of the familiar kinds, are each composed of six primary parts, — LEAVES, STEMS, ROOTS, FLOWERS, FRUITS, and SEEDS. Each part performs a particular pri- mary function to which it is fitted in structure. In the ex- panded thin green LEAVES food is made for the plant, under action of sunlight, from materials drawn from the air and the soil. The columnar elastic branching stEMs spread and support the leaves in the indispensable sunlight. The slender Roots, radiating and ramifying through the soil, ( 8 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. Il absorb the water and mineral salts needed by the plant, to which they give also a firm anchorage in the ground, The showy and complicated rLowers effect fertilization, which is requisite in all sexual reproduction. Fruits, whether dry like pods, or edible like berries, are concerned with the formation and dissemination of seeds. The compact hard- coated SEEDS, containing each an embryo plant and food supply, separating from the parent plant, and remaining for a time dormant, provide a transportable stage whereby plants are spread. Thus each of the six primary parts per- forms a definite function in the economy of the plant as a whole, and each part is therefore, from the physiological point of view, an orcan. In addition each of these organs performs functions connected with its own individual ex- istence, notably GROWTH, RESPIRATION, and SELF-ADJUST- MENT to the surroundings. The external form of these primary parts, visible to the unaided eye, is correlated with a definite internal anatomy, revealed by thin sections viewed through magnifying lenses. Thus studied, the parts are found composed of definite and symmetrically arranged differentiations of structure called TISSUES, having each its distinctive position, color, and texture, and each performing a definite part of the organ’s function. Thus the veins and green pulp are tissues of the leaf, as are bark, wood, and pith of the stem, though some of the latter are further divisible. These tissues in turn, when viewed by the compound microscope, are found wholly composed of very small structures called cELus, which ap- pear as compartments separated by firm walls and holding various contents. Of these contents the most important is the PROTOPLASM, a mobile, gelatinous material, the seeming simplicity of which is belied by its many remarkable prop- erties. It is really the protoplasm which performs the functions of the plant, and which builds the cells, and there- fore the tissues and organs, suited in structure to the work which is done by the respective parts. Cu. IT] CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS 9 While typical plants all have the same organs, they are not all alike, but differ greatly in habits, aspect, and details of structure. Some are TREBs, tall, long-lived, and single- trunked, forming the canopy of forests. Others are SHRUBS, shorter and less lasting, branching from the ground, and forming the typical undergrowth. Others are HERBS, smallest and shortest-lived of all, soft-bodied and mostly green throughout, forming the carpet vegetation of the earth. Then there are plants which grow supported upon others, the cLIMBERS and EPIPHYTES: and the plants of strange aspect found in the deserts: and the WATER-PLANTS, in- cluding the seaweeds: and all of the great number of the small and simple PARASITES, which occur everywhere amongst other plants. Some kinds possess organs other than those we have mentioned, such as TENDRILS, PITCHERS, and TUBERS, always associated with special habits ; but these parts prove on comparative study to be mostly transformed leaves, stems, or roots, though not all special structures have this origin. The organs develop in the individual plants in definite predetermined cycles. Every plant normally originates in a fertilized EGG CELL, as does the animal in an egg. The egg cell, lying within the ovule inside the flower, is a microscopic protoplasmic sphere, at first without organs; but in the course of development it forms a stem and a few leaves, in which stage it is an EMBRYO within a seed inside a fruit. When, after dissemination, the seed germinates, the embryo develops a root, and more stem and leaves, becom- ing a SEEDLING, and with further repetition of those parts, ultimately an ApuLT plant. Then it begins reproduction by developing FLowers, in which sexual cells, EGG CELLS and SPERM CELLS, are formed and brought together, making new fertilized egg cells, thus closing the cycle, which is re- peated in perfect regularity, generation after generation. Plants are not, however, merely aggregates of parts per- forming present functions, but include many relics of their 10 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. II lives in the past. The evidence seems to show beyond question that our present species of plants have descended by gradual evolution from simpler and fewer species which formerly existed, and which in turn were evolved from still simpler and fewer kinds, —back, it is possible, to a single kind which throve in remotest antiquity. In the course of this evolution, plants have diverged into the many groups, and groups within groups, expressed in our schemes of classi- fication. Thus also various features originally distinctive of one species came to prevail through whole families, and even persist to the present, often having lost completely their original significance. It is the aim of botanists to distinguish between those features which have merely a tem- porary functional significance and those which are deeply fixed in heredity. They use the former in the interpreta- tion of the phenomena of plant life, and the latter as guides to evolution and classification. Hence botanical study falls most fundamentally into the two phases represented by the two Parts of this book. While the groups and classification of plants will receive full treatment in Part II, some general knowledge of the more important of such facts is essential to an understanding of Part I. The main groups, with their essential character- istics, are the following. 1. THe Frowertne Pants, the most highly evolved and therefore often called the ‘higher plants,’ comprise the great majority of the trees, shrubs, and herbs constituting the familiar land vegetation. They are distinguished not only by the possession of flowers, which often are extremely inconspicuous, but also, and especially, by their seeds, on which account they are called sc entifically SpERMATOPHYTES, that is, “seed plants.” While mostly they dwell on the land with roots in the ground, and make their food in. their green leaves, some live in water, and some upon other plants. They are clearly descended from the following Cu. IT] CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS 11 group, which is much older, as shown by fossil remains in the rocks. 2. THE FERNS AND THEIR KIN, called scientifically Preri- DOPHYTES or “‘Fern plants,’’ comprise not only the familiar true Ferns, but also the less prominent Horsetails and Club Mosses. They have no flowers, but reproduce by small one- celled spores and a definite though not prominent sexual stage. They live chiefly on land, have green leaves, and make their own food. They are mostly undergrowth plants, though some in the tropics become trees. They have evolved (it is likely but not certain) from the following group, and were formerly more prominent than now, having once formed great forests, the earliest of such vegetation. 3. THE MossES AND THEIR KIN, called scientifically Bryopuytes or ‘Moss plants,’ comprise the true Mosses with the Liverworts. They reproduce like the Pteridophytes, by spores and a sexual stage. They have green leaves and make their own food, but they rise little from the ground, on which they grow densely together, thus forming the simplest carpet vegetation of the earth. They are de- scended from the Algw, and were probably the first plants to cover the land. 4. THe Mo.tps aND THEIR KIN, called scientifically FUNGI, comprise a great number of small or minute plants most of which are found associated with the disease and decay of plants or of animals, e.g., mushrooms, yeasts, molds, rots, rusts, mildews, and bacteria, — popularly known as microbes or germs. They occur in the most diverse situa- tions, but always in contact either with living tissues, upon which they live PARASITICALLY, or else with dead organic substances, upon which they live sapRopHYTICALLY. They are most diverse in forms, sizes, colors, and other features, in accordance with their particular habits, but never show the green color of the higher plants. They reproduce by minute spores, which are carried everywhere by the winds, thus explaining how those plants can occur in so many 12 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IL situations. They are undoubtedly descended, as shown by many resemblances in structure, from the Algze ; and so close are their relationships that, from the point of view of classi- fication, the two groups are properly included in one, called THALLOPHYTES, though in practice it is convenient to treat them separately. 5. Tur SEAWEEDS AND THEIR KIN, called scientifically ALG&, comprise not only the red and brown seaweeds and “sea mosses” (which are green underneath those colors), but likewise many green kinds both of salt and fresh water. They live mostly under water, make their own food in their fronds, have diverse shapes with different habits, and re- produce both by simple spores and sexual stages. They are the simplest and most ancient of the leading groups, and the one from which the others are descended. Alge, Fungi, Bryophytes, and Pteridophytes are often called collectively Cryprocams, because their reproduction was once thought obscure, while the Spermatophytes are called PHanERoGAMS, because their reproduction, through flowers, was considered evident. It is the primary aim of science to discover, analyze, de=, scribe, and classify the elemental facts of nature. It is a secondary aim to explain phenomena with which the facts are connected, though to all except specialists the explanations are hardly inferior in interest to the facts themselves. In this book, while the description of fact always comes first, explanations follow promptly after. The explanations of the phenomena exhibited by living plants fall under four categories. First, a great many features, especially those connected with the obvious fitness of form and structure to functions and habits, are best explained, in the opinion of a majority of biologists, as result of a process of gradual ADAPTATION of the modifiable plant to the unmodifiable physical surroundings during the course of evolution. Second, other features are clearly survivals, of no other present sig- Cx. II] CHARACTERISTICS OF PLANTS 13 nificance, from ancestral- forms, as noted already under HEREDITY. Third, plants are still in process of evolution, : and hence, for causes and by methods still unknown, are con- stantly developing new features called variations, or better, —mutTaTions. Fourth, the adaptations, the heredity, and the mutations of plants are all more or less affected, and even in some degree directed, by the chemical nature of the materials they are composed of, and the physical forces playing upon them from the world in which they live; and on this account many of their features have a purely incidental, or mechanical, or, as we may designate them collectively, sTRUC- TURAL significance. Thus the actual plant embodies the resultant of the simultaneous action upon it of adapta- tional, hereditary, mutational, and structural, with some other minor, factors. It is the task of the botanist to dis- tinguish and separate the various influences which make the plant what it is, for which purpose he needs above all an open mind, a willingness to weigh all forms of evidence, and freedom from the human but unscientific tendency to adopt some single favorite viewpoint and explain all phenomena therefrom. Many matters in science are interpreted dif- ferently by equally competent investigators, but discussion and further investigation always bring the truth, for the recognition of which we have only one test, —it is that upon which the great majority of competent investigators, after full and disinterested investigation, agree. The generalized statements of this chapter are intended to enable the student to approach his study with better understanding. We turn now to the concrete facts and phenomena of plant nature. PARE YL CHAPTER III THE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF LEAVES 1. Tur DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES LreAVES are the most abundant and conspicuous of plant parts, collectively constituting foliage, the most distinctive part of vegetation. Their essential features consist in their green color, flat form, and growth towards light. Their prominence is explained by their function, which consists in the exposure of green tissue to light, under action of which the plant forms its food out of water and mineral matters drawn from the soil, and a gas received from the air. This function is all the more important because the food thus formed serves not only for plants, but ultimately for all animals as well. Although uniform in their primary function, foliage leaves show much diversity in various features. In size, some are almost microscopic, most are a few square inches in area, and a few are measured in feet. In shape, some are nearly circular, others almost needle-form, and others of diverse intermediate gradations. In color, while typically green, some are gray, white, yellow, or red; and in autumn they often display a brilliant succession of colors. In tex- ture, some are flaccid, as in water plants, others almost leathery, as in evergreen trees, while most are intermediate, with a flexible-elastic consistency. In duration of life, they are typically temporary, lasting but one season, and even in evergreens for only a few years; but cases occur in which the leaves persist as long as the long-lived stem. In only one 15 16 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 1 feature do foliage leaves vary little and that is the thickness, or rather the thinness, of their green tissue, which is nearly the same no matter what their sizes and shapes. The thin flat expanse of green tissue, called the BLADE, is always the essential, and often the only, part of the leaf. In many kinds, however, the blade is provided with a slender, cylindrical stalk, called the PETIOLES, various in length even up to several feet ; and upon it the blade is adjusted to the light, and has free play in the wind. In addi- tion, some kinds possess a pair of small appendages, one on each side of the base of the petiole, called STIPULES, which, though usually green like the blade, are very diverse inform. Blade, petiole, and stipules are parts of a complete leaf, of which a typical example is pictured here- with (Fig. 1). In some kinds of leaves, es- pecially large ones, the blade is not all one piece, but is cleft more or less into divisions, as familiar in Fie. 1.—A leaf of the Quince, showing blade, petiole, Oak or Maple. The same process and stipules; reduced. (After Ga ee continued much farther results in the formation of separate LEAFLETS, each with a stalk of its own, as in Rose or Strawberry (Fig. 37), while the leaflets also may become themselves subdivided, even more than once, as in some kinds of Ferns. Such leaves are called compounpD, in distinction from SIMPLE, the two being distinguishable by the fact that the leaflets of a compound leaf always stand in one flat plane, while simple leaves are distributed around a stem, at least at their bases. JTurther, leaflets have no buds in their axils, but leaves, whether simple or compound, always do. While typical leaves, the kinds designated foliage, are Cu. III, 2] STRUCTURE OF LEAVES 17 thin, flat, and green, and perform the function of food forma- tion, other kinds exhibit different features and other func- tions, as familiar, for instance, in tendrils and _ pitchers. Likewise there are parts which seem to be leaves but are not, as in case of some flattened stems, and even roots; for leaves, while the principal, are not the only green parts of plants. 2. THE STRUCTURE OF LEAVES Typical, or foliage, leaves, despite their external multi- formity, possess an essentially uniform anatomical struc- ture, as shown by comparative observation. The most conspicuous and important part of the leaf, that in which the food is formed, is the green tissue, called cHLo- RENCHYMA, which is singularly uniform in thickness, texture, and color throughout the leaf blade. Its distinctive green color is not, however, an integral part of its structure, but a separate and easily removable substance. One has only to place a leaf in a glass dish, cover with alcohol, stand in a warm place, and leave for a time, when the green will come out in a beautiful clear solution, leaving the leaf a uniform white. This soluble green substance is called CHLOROPHYLL, and is one of the most important substances in nature, as will presently appear. Second in prominence is the system of vEINs, which ramify everywhere throughout the chlorenchyma. They are essentially bundles of tubes which conduct materials into and out of the chlorenchyma. Most commonly they taper and branch from the base of the blade towards the margin, simultaneously producing small veinlets which interlace to a network, as seen very clearly when held up against the light. In other kinds of leaves, such as Grasses, the main veins are uniform in size, and run parallel, or gently curving from base to tip, the veinlets in this case being minute or even wanting; and such leaves are called PARALLEL-VEINED in distinction from the former, or NETTED- VEINED kinds (compare Figs. t-and-2 with 34). If, further, Cc 18 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 2 some typical leaf, e.g. from one of our common trees, be held up against the light and examined with a hand lens, one can see very clearly that the ultimate meshes of xe, BRU EAAC ee .S 2 j ue Fic. 2.— The vein systems of English Ivy (above) and Silver Poplar; reduced. (From The Phantom Bouquet, by Edward Parrish, 1565.) The pictures were drawn from specimens “skeletonized’ by removal of the chloren- chyma. A magnifying lens should be used to render visible the ultimate veinlets. layer by which all leaves the network of vein- lets inclose little polygonal areas of pure chlorenchyma, into which — often, though not always, extend free tips of the tiniest veinlets (Fig. 2). This ulti- mate relation of veinlets and chlor- enchyma is impor- tant, as will later appear. Thesmall- est veinlets are buried within the leaf blade, but the larger ones and the veins which are pro- gressively thicker towards the leaf base, swell gradually out from the blade on its under side until they become many times thicker than the ever uni- form ehlorenchyma. Third is the Ept- DERMIS, 2 very thin and transparent s are covered, and which often displays a shining surface when viewed obliquely towards the light. Cu. III, 3] SYNTHESIS OF FOOD 19 It is practically waterproof, and thus prevents desiccation of the soft leaf tissues when exposed to the sun and dry air. While tightly adherent, as a rule, to the chlorenchyma and veins, it can sometimes be stripped away, if started with a knife, from leaves of the Lily-like kinds, while from some of the Houseleeks (or “Live for ever’’) it can be loosened by pressure of the fingers, and later blown out, as most children well know. Commonly the epidermis appears per- fectly continuous and homogeneous, but in exceptional cases (e.g. Wandering Jew), the hand lens will show, espe- cially on the under side of the leaves, tiny slit-like pores in- closedin greener ovals. These slits, called stomata, are always present, even though rarely visible to a hand lens. They are real openings, which connect with microscopical Ark PASSAGES extending everywhere through the leaf, and having great functional importance, as will soon appear. Also the epi- dermis, while typically smooth even to shining, often bears divers sorts of fine hairs or scales, called TRICHOMES, which give to the leaves a grayish, woolly, or sometimes scurfy appearance whereby often the clear green of the underlying chlorenchyma is obscured. The petioles of leaves, typically cylindrical in form, consist mostly of veins, with little overlying chlorenchyma; but they develop commonly some additional strengthening tissue. The stipules, when present in typical form, have simply the leaf structure in miniature. A 3. Tue SynTHESIS OF Foop By LIGHT IN LEAVES The prominence of leaves, in conjunction with their com- parative uniformity of structure, indicates for them a very fundamental function in plant life. This is well known to consist in the formation of food, which, as one of the most important of all processes in nature, will here be described somewhat fully. All leaves are found by chemical tests to contain sugar, mostly the kind called grape sugar, which occurs dissolved 20 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 3 in their sap. Under action of sunlight this sugar increases in quantity, but in darkness it lessens, because removed through the veins to the stem. Furthermore, in most leaves, when this sugar increases beyond a certain percentage the surplus becomes automatically transformed into starch, which returns again to grape sugar as the percentage thereof once more falls. Now it happens that starch (unlike sugar) is readily recognizable by a striking and easily applied test, viz., addition of iodine in solution, which turns starch dark blue; and thus we are provided with a convenient means of proving the increase of sugar, as manifest in its transformation to starch, under action of light. The experi- ment is well-nigh classic, and every student should see it. One has only to keep a thin-leaved potted plant for a day or two in the dark (to cause the disappear- Fic. 3.— A light sereen for experiments ance of its starch): in starch formation by leaves; x }. cover part of a leaf, The star is cut from tinfoil attached to : aetna s glass, and the box excludes light but admits air, 1 FA ay atop to pre vent its ordinary func- tions, with some kind of contrasting light-and-dark screen, such, for example, as shown in our picture (Fig. 3) : expose the plant to strong, but not intense, light for two or three hours : place the leaf in warm alcohol until the chlorophyll is re- moved: and cover the blanched leaf with a solution of iodine. Then a striking result appears, for the parts left in light by the screen all turn dark blue, and the parts which were shaded remain white, or at most a little browned by the iodine (Fig. 4). Thus it is clear that the starch, and there- Cu. III, 3] SYNTHESIS OF FOOD 21 fore the sugar, increases in quantity under action of light. Indeed so exactly quantitative is this relation of light to starch-formation that, with certain practical precautions, one may apply a photographic negative to a leaf, and after exposure to light develop a very fair positive ‘‘blue-print”’ of the picture with iodine. The increase of the grape sugar in light is found by ex- periment to add weight to the plant. Therefore the sugar must represent not a transformation of material already present, but a new construction out of materials drawn from outside the plant; and all research confirms this conclusion. Further, suitable tests always show that its formation takes place only in light and only in gréen tissues, which never occur away from the light. Its production indeed is the particular primary function of the chlorenchyma, wherever found, whether in leaves, stems, or other parts, —the leaves being organs adapted to spread chlorenchyma to Tian ge =A daar treated light. The formation of the sugar with iodine after exposure to 2 ; light under the screen of Fig. being thus a process of synthesis 3: x3. The black shading under action of light, is known as Tepresents dark blue in the actual leaf. PHOTOSYNTHESIS. What now are the materials from which the grape sugar is constructed ? The chemical formula of grape sugar is CsHi20., which means of course that its molecule is composed of six atoms of carbon, twelve of hydrogen, and six of oxygen. Now the proportions Hy»O, in this formula recall the familiar H.O, suggesting that water may be the source of that part of the sugar, at least of its hydrogen; and 22 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. HI, 3 this hypothesis is fully confirmed by research. The water is absorbed into the plant from the soil through the roots, conducted through the stem, and distributed through the veins to all parts of the chlorenchyma, from which its immediate evaporation is prevented by the waterproof epidermis. As to the carbon, that is known to come not from the soil (for plants can be grown to perfection in soils, or even in water, which lackit completely), but from the air, in which it exists in the form of carbon dioxide (COs), the heavy poisonous gas which is released by com- bustion and also by the respiration of animals. It is true, this gas is relatively scarce in the atmosphere, of which it comprises only about .03 per cent (3 parts in * —- 10,000) as compared with Fre. 5.— Leaves treated with iodine after exposure to light in air lacking and about 21 per cent of possessing, respectively, the usual carbon oxygen and 79 per cent dioxide; x}. The black shading represents - Bs - > dark blue in the actual leaf. of nitrogen ; but even this small amount suffices for the photosynthetic needs of plants, as can be proved in various ways. Thus, one has only to keep a thin-leaved plant for a day or two in the dark to free it of starch: remove two similar leaves and place them in water in two glass chambers exactly alike except that from one all carbon dioxide has been removed by a chemical absorbent: expose them thus a few hours to light: blanch them of chlorophyll: and immerse them in iodine, when there follows the result pictured here- with from an actual experiment (Fig. 5). Thus it is clear that a leaf can make starch, and therefore sugar, if the car- Ca. III, 3] SYNTHESIS OF FOOD 23 bon dioxide of the atmosphere is available, but otherwise not. Carbon dioxide cannot pass through the walls of the water- proof epidermis (at least not in appreciable quantity), but it enters the leaf through the slit-like openings, the stomata, the function of which is thus explained. From the stomata it moves along the air pas- sages to every part of the chlorenchyma. The formation of grape sugar from carbon dioxide and water is expressed by the following equation, which exhibits the extremes, though not the intermediate steps, of the process. 6 CO, +6 H,O = CeHO¢ +6 Oo_ Now this equation implies that in the formation of the sugar, free oxygen pro- duced in volume precisely equal to that of the carbon dioxide absorbed. This theo- retical deduction can Teadily be tested by experiment, by means of appliances pictured herewith (Figs. 6 and 7); and 1s Fic. 6.—A simple arrangement (seen in section) whereby it can be proved that oxygen is released by green tissues in light; x }. The gas released by the water plant is caught in the water-filled test-tube supported above, and sub- sequently tested. thus the actual production of oxygen, in the indicated vol- ume, is conclusively proved, and all parts of this photo- synthetic equation are found exactly true, It expresses concisely and accurately one of the greatest of all natural processes. The absorption of carbon dioxide and release of oxygen thus shown to occur in the photosynthetic formation of grape sugar in leaves explains the widely known fact that 24 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 3 plants (really only green plants in the light) ‘‘purify the atmosphere,”’ that is, remove from it the noxious carbon diox- ide released by ani- mals in their respira- tion (and by all com- bustion), and replace it by oxygen essential to animal respiration. Thus is a_ balance maintained between the two kingdoms. The oxygen released in photosynthesis represents merely an incidental by-product of the process. The amount of sugar made in a given time per unit area of leaf has been deter- mined for a number of plants, and shows, as would be expected, much diversity. The average of these fig- ures, however, ex- pressed in the nearest Fia. 7.—A photosynthometer, by which the gas exchange in photosynthesis is quantitatively tested; x 4. Into the chamber containing the leaves a known quantity of earbon dioxide is ad- mitted through the stop-cock from the graduated tube above. After exposure to light, analysis of the gas in the chamber is made by absorption in the graduated tube by aid of the tavo reagent tubes shown below on the left. The result can beread directly on the grad- uated tube, as shown on the left, where the approximate 28° indicates the oxygen present ‘at the closeof an experiment in which 10%% of carbon dioxide had been added to the tube. Cu. III, 3] SYNTHESIS OF FOOD 25 round number, gives us a useful conventional expression, or constant, for the process as a whole, even though it has no validity as applied to any particular plant. This coNVEN- TIONAL CONSTANT for photosynthesis, assuming the usual conditions of light, is 1 gram of grape sugar per square meter of leaf area per hour. This amounts to 10 grams per average working day, or 1500 grams per summer season, for that area. In the process 750 cubic centimeters of carbon dioxide are withdrawn from the atmosphere each hour, and the same volume of pure oxygen returned thereto; and this amounts to 7.5 liters per day, and 1124 liters per season for the same area. These figures are for plants out of doors in summer ; for greenhouse plants in winter they approximate to half this amount. It- will interest the student to convert these quantities into the more familiar terms of square yards, ounces, and quarts; and it will prove better yet if he see them all actually reproduced before him. Further, for the sake of those to whom statistics appeal, more figures may be added. In a season an average leaf produces enough grape sugar to cover itself with a solid crystalline layer a millimeter thick, which is 40 times thicker than the chloren- chyma which makes it; and in the process it absorbs enough carbon dioxide and releases enough oxygen to form a column of the same area as the leaf 1.125 meters high; and this is all of the carbon dioxide in a column of air 3750 meters or 2.4 miles high. To balance the oxygen absorbed and carbon dioxide released in the respiration of an average man for a year, there is needed 150 square meters of leaf area working through the summer; or in other words, to balance his respiration for a year a man needs all of the oxygen which would be released in a summer by the walls of a cubical room of leaf surface 5 meters on an edge. We have still to explain why both light and chlorophyll are essential to the photosynthetic formation of grape sugar. Before the elements contained in the carbon dioxide and water can be recombined into sugar, they must first be 26 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 3 separated, in part at least, from their existent unions in those substances. But both carbon dioxide and water are very stable compounds, and therefore’ their dissociation or separation into their constituent atoms requires the applica- tion of much power, the basis of which is energy. This energy is known to be supplied by the sunlight, of which the réle in photosynthesis is thus explained. Now the energy in the light cannot of itself effect this dissociation (else obviously no carbon dioxide or water vapor could re- main in the atmosphere), and accordingly there is also neces- sary some agency by which the energy in the light can be applied to the actual work of dissociating or splitting the molecules of carbon dioxide and water into their constituent atoms. That agency appears to be the chlorophyll, though it is not yet certain in precisely what way it accomplishes the result. Thus the sun supplies the energy for photosynthesis, and the chlorophyll applies it as power to the actual work. This is why both are essential. The study of chlorophyll by aid of the spectroscope shows that practically only certain red and the blue rays are ab- sorbed by chlorophyll from the many contained in the white sunlight; but these are known to be the rays effec- tive in photosynthesis. Since those rays are absorbed, they do not come to our eyes from the leaves; but the unabsorbed rays, those useless in photosynthesis, reach our eyes in a mixture which collectively gives the sensation of green. Thus the greenness of vegetation is due to the light rejected by the chlorophyll after removal of the rays useful in photo- synthesis. The photosynthetic formation of grape sugar is often compared with a process of manufacture carried on by man. The leaf is the factory constructed for the work: the epider- mis forms the external walls, giving shelter from weather, while the chlorenchyma cells are the working rooms, and the veins, with stomata and air spaces, the passages for access and removal of materials; the sunlight is the Cx Hit, 3] SYNTHESIS OF FOOD a7 source of power, and the chlorophyll the machinery by which it is applied to the work: carbon dioxide and water are the raw materials, sugar the desired manufactured prod- uct, and oxygen an incidental by-product. The comparison while fanciful in details, is correct in essentials. Grape sugar is, however, not the only food material formed in the leaves, for they are also the places of construction of PROTEINS. These are substances of the greatest importance in plant life, because they constitute the foundational ma- terial of the living protoplasm. They are composed of the elements of the grape sugar,—carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, — together with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus derived from mineral compounds absorbed from the soil and brought to the leaves with the water. Proteins, though many and diverse, are all constructed from grape sugar by chemical addition of the other constituents, — nitrogen first, and the others later. Unfortunately we know little as yet, despite many researches, as to their exact place of formation in the leaves,’ whether in the veins or the chlorenchyma. They occur abundantly in the veins, along which they are conducted into the stem. Nor is it certain whether light is essential to their formation, though the evidence seems to show not, in which case the energy needed in their synthesis must be supplied by chemical action. Probably their formation in the leaves is only a functional convenience based on the simultaneous presence there of the basal grape sugar and the needful mineral matters, brought with the water. These proteins, like the grape sugar, move continuously along the veins from the leaves to the stems. The réle of the grape sugar thus formed in leaves is very fundamental in plant life. First, from it, or from the pro- teins built upon it, plants build, by minor chemical trans- formations, their entire structure, and form all of the many organic materials in their bodies, as will later appear in detail in a separate section. Second, the energy of the sunlight, 28 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 4 used in forming grape sugar, does not become obliterated in the process, but is simply converted into the latent or po- tential form. Thus the grape sugar becomes a store of _ potential energy, which is retained through the later trans- formations, and which can be released and rendered again active by the process of respiration, as we shall later describe in full. Grape sugar, accordingly, and its derivatives are the source both of the materials and the energy used by plants in their growth and work, or, in other words, are their Foon. Furthermore, since all animals are dependent upon plants, either directly or indirectly, for their food, the photosynthetic grape sugar is the basal food for all animals also. This use of the term plant food may seem strange to those who know the common application of the word to the min- eral salts taken by plants from the soil. The latter usage, though well sanctioned by custom, especially in connection with agriculture, is physiologically erroneous. Food, in the physiology of both animals and plants, is that material from which the living body is constructed, and energy obtained forits work. It is because the mineral salts of the soil supply only an insignificant fraction of the substance of plants and none at all of their energy that they cannot be considered plant food, while the name belongs properly to grape sugar, which supplies both. The popular usage arose before these matters were understood, but is too firmly fixed to be changed. No confusion can arise if one takes note of the connection in which the word is employed. 4. THe CELLULAR ANATOMY oF LEAVES The actual process of photosynthetic food-formation is performed in the cells of the leaf, to which we now turn at- tention. For this study we use the compound microscope, which is the indispensable tool of the biologist, and one of the most powerful and perfect of all the exact instruments which scientific men have invented to extend the range and precision of our limited senses. Cu. III, 4] ANATOMY OF LEAVES 29 When the microscope is turned directly upon a leaf, it shows little, because the tissues as a whole are opaque. But if from a typical leaf a very thin slice or section be cut across from surface to surface, it will show under the microscope the general aspect presented in our picture (Fig. 8). Promi- é Ae Sex Fic. 8.— A cross section through a typical leaf, that of the European Beech; greatly magnified. The shaded round and oval grains are green in the living leaf. (Drawn, with slight changes, from a wall chart by L. Kny.) nent in the view are the three tissues of the leaf, — the abun- dant chlorenchyma, distinguished by the presence of chlo- rophyll (in the shaded discoid grains of our picture): the veins, compact and without color (of which a large one shows, on the left): and the transparent epidermis, which covers both surfaces. Also amongst the chlorenchyma can be seen the various irregular and interconnecting azr- passages. The cells composing these tissues are individually 30 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 4 visible, — each a compartment inclosed by a wall and con- taining various contents. The chlorenchyma cells are inclosed by thin walls, and contain three kinds of contents. Most prominent of all are the chlorophyll grains, or CHLOROPLASTIDS, discoid in form, and uniformly dyed by the chlorophyll, which does not occur outside them. These chloroplastids have this great importance, that they are the actual seats of the photo- synthetic process. Within the same cells occurs also an inconspicuous, shadowy-grayish, thin-gelatinous material (shown by a sparse dotting in our picture), the PROTOPLASM, the living material which builds all the rest. The proto- plasm, which contains the chlorophyll grains embedded within it, forms in these cells only a lining to the walls, against which it is held tightly pressed by the CELL sap. This sap is water containing sugar and other substances in solution ; and not only does it fill the whole cavity of the cell, but is ordinarily under tense pressure, sufficient not only to hold the lining of protoplasm against the wall, but also to keep the elastic wall itself somewhat stretched. The chlorenchyma cells are variously shaped, — spheroidal, ellipsoidal, ovoid, cylindrical,—as our picture shows. The cylindrical shape prevails towards the upper surface, where the ce ls occur tightly packed together, forming the so-called PALISADE (as distinct from the sPoney) tissue; and thus.the greater part of the chlorophyll grains are brought towards the best-lighted surface. This is the reason for the familiar fact that most leaves show a deeper green color on their upper than on their lower faces. When a vein is cut squarely across, as shown in our picture, its cells appear angular, compact, and colorless. Three kinds of cells appear in each vein. Firs’, is an outer or sheath layer forming the BUNDLE-SHBATH, large and thick-walled with thin protoplasmic lining. When seen in lengthwise section they are found to be several times longer than wide. They are most developed on the largest veins, thinner on Cu: TIT] ANATOMY OF LEAVES ol the smaller, and very thin on the ultimate veinlets; and their function appears to be mainly that of conducting sugar from the leaf into the stem. Second, within this sheath, towards the lower side, occur many small, angular, thin-walled cells with protoplasmic linings, which, seen lengthwise, are found greatly elongated and crossed here and there by distinctive perforated plates (Fig. 106), though in the veinlets they are much simpler in structure (Fig. 9). These are the stpve- TUBES and associated cells, and their function is principally that of conducting the proteins made in the leaves to thestem. i ee ee Fic. 9.—A leaf veinlet, in longitudinal section, of Fuchsia globosa ; greatly magnified. Above are the tracheids, and below are sieve tubes and associated cells, but the sheath cells do not show in the drawing. (From Haberlandt’s Physiological Plant Anatomy.) Third, just above the sieve-tubes lie a number of somewhat larger, angular, thick-walled cells, lacking a protoplasmic lining; they are found, when seen lengthwise, to run to- gether into tubes, which are distinguished by characteristic spiral and other markings (Fig. 101), though in the veinlets they are only spirally marked elongated cells (Fig. 9). The function of these tubes and cells, called respectively DUCTs and TRACHEIDS, is the conduction of water from the stem to all parts of the leaf. Ducts and sieve-tubes, the former always above and the latter below, in conjunction with the sheath cells, make up the veins, which when large contain many of all three kinds, but when smaller progres- sively fewer, until finally the ultimate veinlets may consist of no more than the equivalent of a single duct and a sieve- tube. Although every chlorenchyma cell performs photosyn- 32 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 4 thesis, and therefore must receive water from a duct and transmit its sugar and proteins to bundle-sheath and sieve- tube, many of them, as implied in Fig. 8, stand some distance removed from the nearest veinlet. It is known, however, that chlorenchyma cells can draw water, and like- wise pass soluble substances, from one to another, the physical methods whereof we shall presently consider. Now the distances through which this method is effective must of course be limited, and while no exact measurements appear to have been made, it seems highly probable that the size of the ultimate areas of chlorenchyma inclosed by the veinlets (as noted on page 18) is correlated Fic. 10.— Typical epidermal cells, with with the number of chlor- guard cells, in outline, seen from the sur- enchyma cells which can face; magnified to same scale. On the left - : e ae Allium, on the right Sunflower. thus effectively obtain their water, and remove their sugar or proteins, through one another. * The cells of the epidermis are rectangular in section, though when viewed from the surface, they are found vari- ously shaped, even to lobed and interlocked (Fig. 10). They contain protoplasm, but ordinarily no chlorophyll (in the higher plants); and their walls, as proved by chemical tests, are infiltrated with a special substance called curin, which renders them waterproof. Especially characteristic of epi- dermis is the fact that its continuity is unbroken except. for the stomata, of which a single example appears in our picture (Fig. 8, also 22). Stomata, however, which provide the entrance and exit for carbon dioxide and oxygen, are by no Cu. III, 4] ANATOMY OF LEAVES 33 means mere gaps in the epidermis, for each is flanked by two special cells called the GUARD CELLS, which close and open the stomatal slit in ways, and under conditions, later to be noted. The picture of our typical leaf (Fig. 8) shows that the stoma opens into a specially large air space. This space is continuous with others, and with passages in a con- tinuous but irregular system which ramifies everywhere through the chlorenchyma, extending even in thin vertical passages (not clear in our figure, though shown by suitable sections) amongst the densely packed cells of the upper, or palisade, chlorenchyma. Thus every cell of the chloren- chyma is reached by the air system, and therefore can re- ceive carbon dioxide from the air; and by the same route the waste product oxygen is returned to the atmosphere. The air system is not constructed of cells, but is INTER-CEL- LULAR, being formed by a splitting and separation of the cell walls in the course of their development. The leaf of our picture happens to possess a smooth epidermis, but where trichomes are present the epidermal cells can be seen to extend into one-celled, several-celled, or many-celled hairs, scales, or prickles. Sometimes the chlorenchyma also has part, as with many prickles, in which case the structures are called EMERGENCES. Some of the cells inside the leaf, as shown by a single example in our picture (Fig. 8), contain crystals, which are excretions, or matters useless to the leaf and thus disposed of; and such single specialized cells are called InIoBLasts. The mechanism of the leaf as a photosynthetic organ for the production of food sugar from carbon dioxide and water is sufficiently well known to permit its representation by a diagrammatic plan, as given herewith (Fig. 11). The student should now understand the process so well that with a good section of leaf before him, perhaps aided by our diagram, he can see it proceeding as clearly in imagination as he could with the- physical eye were he sufficiently small to wander D 34 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 4 at will through the intercellular passages, and view the opera- tions through the crystalline walls of the cells. Thus he would see the water streaming in continuous current through the ducts of the veins to the veinlets, and spreading thence from cell to cell through walls and protoplasm until it satu- rates every chlorophyll grain. Simultaneously the molecules of carbon dioxide are moving in through the stomata and Fie. 11.— Plan of the leaf as a photosynthetic mechanism. The chloro- phyll grains (darkest shaded) are embedded in protoplasm (lighter shaded) ; the water (horizontal lines) is brought by the duct (which lacks proto- plasm but has a spirally-thickened wall), and saturates every part of the leaf, sap-cavities, and walls, except the outer walls of the epidermis; the sugar (crosses) and proteins (crossed circles) are removed in the protoplasm-lined sheath and sieve cells; the air-passages ramify to every cell, and open through the stomata to the atmosphere. along the air passages, then through walls and protoplasm to the same chloroplastids. On these green plastids falls a flood of white sunlight, from which the chlorophyll Stops the effective red and blue rays, and turns their vibratory energy against the assembled molecules of carbon dioxide and water, which are thereby dissociated or shattered into their con- stituent atoms, with an immediate recombination thereof imto grape sugar and free oxygen. The molecules of the sugar, dissolved in the omnipresent water, diffuse from cell to cell through protoplasm, walls, and sap to the nearest Cu. III, 5] PROTOPLASM 35 veinlet, of which it enters the sheath cells and there passes along the veins to the stem, while the proteins in like manner pass into and along the sieve-tubes. Meantime the mole- cules of oxygen are moving out of the chloroplastids through protoplasm and wall to the nearest air passages, and along them to the stomata and the external air, passing the entering carbon dioxide en route. The movement of these materials in their paths is of course impelled by definite and adequate forces, and the mechanism is capable of continuous action, which proceeds without break so long as the conditions remain favorable. Meantime something similar, as to the details of which we are ignorant, must be happening in the synthesis of proteins. That is what every green leaf is doing every bright day through the summer. 5. Tur CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOPLASM All study of physiological processes leads directly to pro- toplasm, the living part of the organism. It is a perfectly definite material, with distinctive appearance and properties, and it alone, of all the innumerable materials or substances in nature, is alive. In Huxley’s famous phrase, protoplasm is the physical basis of life. Despite its importance, the protoplasm of plant cells has an appearance so inconspicuous as to make it most difficult either to describe or to represent in pictures. Therefore in order to understand it, one must see the material for himself in the laboratory. In most plant cells, as in those of the leaf lately studied (page 29), the living protoplasm is rendered almost in- visible by the thicker and denser walls which inclose it. However, many epidermal hairs have walls so transparent as to show the protoplasm clearly, in which case the mi- croscope reveals an aspect like that of the accompanying picture (Fig. 12). The protoplasm here extends not only as a lining around the walls of the cylindrical cell, but also in irregular threads across the sap cavity. Protoplasm in 36 A TEXTBOOK this state has an appearance servers agree in likening to a je Fic. 12. — The appearance of the protoplasm in a typical hair-cell of a Gourd, as seen projected against a black background; greatly mig- nified. (Reduced from Sachs, Lectures on the Physiology of Plants.) BOTANY (Cu. III, 5 OF and texture which most ob- lly, a rather thin and clouded jelly, which holds various small solid bodies, mostly food grains, in suspension. Scientifically, its constitution is described as colloidal. In the oldest cells it often be- comes even more thin and watery than here, though hardly ever a true fluid; and the clouded appearance often vanishes, leaving the protoplasm nearly transpar- ent, in which case it is almost completely invisible unless killed and dyed by special stains. In much _ younger cells, it is more viscous, be- coming a gelatinous solid; and in resting seeds and buds, which have given up most of their water, it be- comes even as firm in tex- ture as dry gelatine or horn. Since some of the food parti- cles have a yellowish tint, a large mass of such proto- plasm has a distinctly yellow color, as seen in the young growing tips of roots, or the central parts of young ovules. There is usually an obvious relation between the condi- tion of the protoplasm) in these respects and the function of the cell. Cx, IIT, 5] PROTOPLASM 37 A characteristic feature of the living protoplasm in plant cells is its STREAMING, manifest by a steady movement of the included particles which obviously are carried along passively by currents of the protoplasm itself. In some cells, especially the very large ones of certain Algz, the streaming is so active, even up to 10 millimeters per minute, that the protoplasm seems literally to rush across the field of a high-power objective, while in others, and especially in young cells completely filled by the protoplasm, special methods are required for its detection; and all intermediate degrees occur. The streaming is maintained by energy re- leased from food by the protoplasm, and apparently it serves to promote the commingling and transportation of substances throughout the cell. Thus it is evident that protoplasm possesses no visible mechanical constitution such as might be anticipated in so remarkable a material. But what is its real ultimate constitution or texture, which cannot be as simple as it looks? The exéeptional interest of this problem has stimulated the most profound researches, supported by the most refined methods, but as yet without satisfactory result. It was formerly thought, from the appearance of material which had been killed, stained, and sectioned, that the working protoplasm consists of a tangle of flexible fine fibers holding the food granules and various fluids in their meshwork. Later researches, however, seem to show that it has rather the nature of a foam or emulsion, commonly obscure but demonstrable by special methods, in which small globules of various dimensions and different materials are suspended and held apart by thin films of a certain continuous sub- stance; while variously intermingled are food granules, and other small bodies of uncertain significance (Fig. 13). Proba- bly the usual ground structure of most protoplasm is thus ALVEOLAR, though it develops fibrous elements on occasion. Thus the physical structure of protoplasm, in so far as known, gives little clew to the source of its remarkable 38 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cm. TTT. 5 powers. Its chemical composition, however, is more il- luminating, for research has shown that protoplasm is not a single substance, but a mixture of many, numbering dozens in even the simplest known organisms (Fig. 14). These substances are vari- ous in complexity, from the simplest inorganic salts, through the sugars and other carbohydrates, to the dis- tinctive proteins, which include the most highly elaborate and unstable of natural chemical compounds. The proteins, indeed, seem to represent the essential basis of the protoplasm, the other substances being more or less Fic. 13.—Protoplasm Secondary or incidental. These many from the hair cell of sybstances, some of which would react a Malva, showing with : ¥ ‘musual clearness the With one another, obviously cannot alveolar structure; very exjst heterogeneously intermingled highly magnified. (Re- Siece drawn from Bitschi, Within the same solvent, but must eo Foams and occur in some definite organization. one Herein, probably, is to be found the significance of the emulsion or alveolar structure of proto- plasm, wherein the different substances are kept apart in their own separate globular compartments by the neutral continuous substance, which permits, however, upon occa- sion, those regulated interminglings and reactions upon which depend the vital phenomena. At least it seems very clear that most of the physiological powers of protoplasm rest far more upon a chemical than a physical basis. This consideration of the chemical constitution of proto- plasm inevitably raises the question, —is there among its chemical substances some one which is the distinctive living substance and to which all the others are subordinate, or do the vital powers inhere in the organization of the mixture, no one constituent being itself alive? We do not yet know. Both views have their advocates. The former fits best w Cu. III, 5] PROTOPLASM 39 the vitalistic conception of organic nature held by some biologists, and the latter with the mechanistic conception held by others. Protoplasm is unique in possessing simultaneously two sets of properties, physical and physiological. Its physical properties, — color, den- sity, weight, hardness, etc., — are of course simply the aggregate of the proper- ties of its many con- stituent substances. Its physiological properties are those which are pecul- iar to itself as the living material. They are mani- fest most clearly in the physiological processes of plants which they make possible; and we need here but give, for the Fic. 14.— Portion of the body (plas- sake of completeness, and modium) of a Slime-mold; x 225. Such rather for future reference ©t2nisms, which are naked flat masses A of protoplasm often several square inches than present learning, the in area, provide ample material for chem- ical analysis of the substance. (From mere roll of their names, Biche eth Sachs, ures. viz. automatism, regula- tion, metabolism, mobility, division, growth, irritability, heredity, variability, morphological plasticity. All protoplasm originates, and therefore all organisms arise, in only one way, so far as known, and that is by growth and division (or reproduction) of preéxisting proto- plasm. SPONTANEOUS GENERATION, or the formation of protoplasm anew out of non-living materials, is not known to occur anywhere in nature; for all supposed cases thereof when investigated by scientific methods have been found to be only apparent and not real, as Pasteur was the first to prove. Thus we can trace back all existent living beings 40 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 5 in an unbroken protoplasmic succession to the very first living organism of the earth. As to the source of the pro- toplasm of that first being we know nothing, though we have two hypotheses, both of which may be groundless. One relies upon an original case of spontaneous genera- tion, even though perhaps never repeated. The other makes protoplasm itself an evolu- tion from earlier and simpler substances, suited to the dif- ferent earlier conditions of the earth, and thus carries it back to an origin contempo- raneous and equi-causal with the origin of non-living mat- ter. The former is rather the mechanistic, and the latter the vitalistic view of the subject. There remains one very important characteristic of protoplasm, and that is its Fie. 15.— A typical example, in Mistletoe, of the continuity of proto- plasm by threads through the cell walls. The walls have been made to swell in order to render the threads more clearly visible. (From Stras- burger, Jost, Schenck, and Karsten, Text-book.) organization within the indi- vidual plant or animal. In most organisms the proto- plasm is subdivided into the microscopically small masses constituting the cells. This subdivision, however, is not complete, for suitable methods always show that through the cell walls run protoplasmic threads, which, though extremely fine, suffice to keep the different cells in physiological continuity (Fig. 15); and such threads seem to unite all of the living cells of a plant into one protoplasmic system. Within each cell the protoplasm shows a definite organi- zation, clearly exhibited in typieal form in our Figure 12, and represented in principle in our generalized picture, Figure 16. Cu. III, 5] PROTOPLASM 41 Most abundant, though often not most prominent, is the gelatinous-mobile cyroruasM, which is clearly the working part of the cell,— that which transports materials, builds the wall, produces chemical reactions, and the like. Next in prominence is the NUCLEUS, a rounded body of denser but still gelatinous, or colloidal, consistency, lying in the cyto- plasm. It seems clearly the control organ of the cell, exert- ing upon the work of the cytoplasm an influence which guides the building of the organism along the general lines of its heredity. Inside the nucleus is often a smaller NUCLEOLUS, which con- sists of a store of nutritive matter used by the nu- cleus. Third in promi- nence in most plant cells come the PLASTIDS, em- bedded in the cytoplasm, also of denser gelatinous consistency, with rounded Fie. 16.— A generalized plant cell, show- or discoid forms. They ing the constituent parts, in optical sec- tion. serve as seats of food for- mation, the most prominent kind being the chloroplastids. In some cells also, a fourth protoplasmic structure has been ‘ newly recognized, viz., the very minute elongated bodies called CHONDRIOSOMES or MITOCHONDRIA, as to the nature of which, however, we as yet know little. Such are the protoplasmic parts of the typical plant cell. In addition, most cells possess a firm wall, built by the cytoplasm, and composed of a firm-elastic water-permeable substance called CELLULOSE. The wall has the obvious func- tion of a support to the protoplasm, which is far too soft to support itself; and the collective walls of all the cells con- stitute a firm skeleton for the plant. In young and small cells the protoplasm completely fills the space within the wall, but as they grow older and larger, rifts, filled with sap, 42 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 5 appear in the cytoplasm, and these rifts enlarge and run together until they form a single great central sap-filled cavity; and thus the cytoplasm is left as a thin lining inside the wall, against which it is held tightly pressed by the pres- sure of the sap. Obviously the arrangement is one which gives a maximal spread of surface with the minimal amount of protoplasm; but spread of much surface is an obvious functional need of an organism which has a mode of nutrition requiring extensive expos- ure to light, and a wide range in the air and the soil. Within the sap cav- ity occur also various cell- contents, —food grains, ae special secretions, crystals, ie O C and others, — according to the respective functions of the cells. The details of cell struc- ture, especially the shape, size, thickness, and compo- sition of the wall and the character of the contents, prtidoal asset tmmcutines tthe are most diverse in dif- They are all derivable, by more rapid ferent tissues, though ex- Foe arte ree thal hibiting usually an obvious center. With these shapes occur all relation to the particular degrees of eae of the walls: (Re- functions of the respective duced from Ganong, The Living Plant.) parts (Fig. 17). This rela- tion between structure and function becomes even clearer when the study is extended to animal cells, which also are protoplasmic ; for here the cell construction is dominated by the very different habits of animals, which are freely and actively locomotive instead of sedentary and passive. The protoplasm of animals and plants is, however, the same in all essentials, and the organisms are so different only because \ 2 Y Cu. III, 6] TRANSPIRATION FROM PLANTS 43 of their very different habits, centering especially in their different ways of acquiring their food. 6. THe Water Loss, on TRANSPIRATION, FROM PLANTS A special feature of the physiology of leaves, and other green tissues, is the constant loss of water therefrom to the air, —a matter which profoundly influences the forms and distribution of plants. It is called scientifically TRANSPIRA- TIon, and the student should not permit the resemblance between this word and respiration to confuse in his mind the two processes, which are wholly unrelated. The general fact that much water evaporates from plants is well known to all who grow them. The rapid wilting of shoots when cut but not placed in water, is visible evidence thereof. The water which gathers in drops on the glass covers of ferner- ies, or on windows in which house plants are kept, has mainly this origin, though of course it comes partly from wet soil. The reality of the transpiration from the green parts, as distinct from evaporation from the soil, can be shown very perfectly by the arrangement pictured herewith (Fig. 18); for only the leaves and stem are inside the closed chamber, the pot and soil being excluded by a special glass plate. Within a few minutes some water appears on the glass, at first as a faint vaporous cloud, and later in large drops which run down the sides. Thus we have a perfect demonstration of transpiration, or the removal of water as vapor from leaves and young stems. The precise amount of transpiration can be determined in several ways, but most accurately by weighing, which requires potted plants. To secure transpiration without evaporation from soil and pot, we use the arrangement shown in our picture (Fig. 19). When a plant thus prepared is weighed at intervals on a good balance, the transpiration is determined exactly, and since the cover may be raised and known quantities of water added at intervals, the experi- ment may be continued as long as desired. By this method it is found that living green parts in the light never wholly 44 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 6 cease transpiration, though its amount may be insignificant, while it ranges all the way up to above 250 grams per square meter of leaf area per hour. The conventional con- Fie. 18. — A conclusive demonstration of trans- piration; X 4. The bell jar was dry when placed over the plant. Its bottom is a plate split and perforated in such a way as to fit closely around the stem of the plant. stant (page 25) for greenhouse plants is 50 grams per square meter per hour by day, and 10 by night, or 30 night and day together, or 720 grams per 24 hours. This amounts to 108,000 grams per season, which equals a layer of liquid water all over the leaf some- what more than a decimeter deep; and presumably this figure will prove higher for plants out of doors in the summer. If one can see the 720 grams transpired in 24 hours stand- ing in a measuring glass in the center of a square meter of surface, he will realize better the most striking fact about transpiration, — its remarkably large amount. All of this water, it must be remembered, has to be absorbed by the roots from the soil, and lifted through the stem. Cu. III, 6] TRANSPIRATION FROM PLANTS 45 Little less surprising than the copiousness of transpiration is the variability in its amount. Much depends upon the character of the plant, for, in general, thick-leaved compact kinds transpire less than thin-leaved open sorts, and hairy less than smooth kinds, and slow-growing less than quick- growing, though occasional surprising exceptions to these rules occur. But it also varies greatly at different times in the same plant, as shows very clearly when a plant is weighed fre- quently, or still better, is made to write upon a drum of a transpiro- graph (Figs. 20, 21) a con- tinuous rec- Fic. 19.— A plant prepared for weight-determinations dof ats of the amount of transpiration; X 1}. ord oF 1s own A thin aluminum shell covers the pot, and the roof is transpiration tubber, which may be lifted at will for watering and : aérating the soil. day and night for a week or longer,—the proper arrangements of course being made to insure that all water loss shall take place from the plant alone (as in Fig. 19). If simultaneously, whether by personal observation or by use of recording meteorolog- ical instruments, records are taken of the conditions of weather, — temperature, humidity, light, winds, — the reason for the fluctuations in transpiration is found. For thus it becomes clear that the rate of transpiration is increased by light, heat, dryness (of the air), and winds, and is lessened by 46 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. ILI, 6 darkness, cold, humidity, and calm. This is assum- ing an ample supply of water in the soil, under conditions for easy ab- sorption, since otherwise, of course, transpiration is mechanically checked by lack of available water. Thus it is evident that transpiration is affected by external influences in precisely the same way as evaporation, thereby rais- Fic. 20.— The Transpiro- graph; x 4. The plant, pre- pared as shown by Fig. 19, is adjusted on a balance in such a way that when it has tran- spired one gram of water, that side of the balance rises and closes an electric circuit. The current acts on the electro-magnet (visi- ble in the picture), which pushes a pen against the revolving time drum (shown by the lines and letters), and simultaneously re- leases from the ver- tical tube a spherical gram weight, which runs through the outlet tube on the right and drops into the scale pan. The latter is thus depressed, breaking the circuit, which remains open until another gram of water has been lost. Compare the record in Fig. 21. Such a precise and continu- ously self-acting instrument. is typical of those which it is the aim of plant physiologists to pro- vide for all of the plant processes. Cu. III, 6] TRANSPIRATION FROM PLANTS 47 ing the question as to the relation between the two processes. While closely related, they are not iden- tical, as shown by the modern studies on RELA- TIVE TRANSPIRATION, that is, the ratio between tran- spiration and the contem- poraneous evaporation, as determined by suitable in- struments. In brief, tran- spiration is evaporation affected considerably by the structure and physi- ology of the leaf. The profound effect of external conditions upon transpiration has many important consequences. Thus, a conjunction in high degree of light, heat, dryness, and winds, as happens at times in our gardens, can cause wilting in some plants even when they have ample soil water, because the roots cannot absorb, or the stems conduct, water as fast as transpiration re- moves it. In such cases a check in the transpira- tion, by the coming of night or a spraying by the gardener, is promptly fol- 5 © 48 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 6 lowed by a revival of the leaves. It is apparently a similar excess of transpiration over absorption or conduction which, no matter how abundant the root water, limits the kinds of plants we can grow in the dry air of our houses; for house plants, as well known, are not so much those we want as those we can make grow. It is clearly the defective absorption by roots, which absorb slowly at low tempera- tures, in conjunction with excessive transpiration, which, on bright, dry, windy days in early spring, causes the drying, browning, and death in ornamental evergreens ; and likewise a wilting, browning (called wind-burn), and death, in the bud- ding foliage of deciduous plants. The winter-killing of shrubs, as we shall see later, is also largely identical in nature. But the effect of light, heat, dryness, and winds upon tran- spiration shows most clearly of all in the vegetation of those parts of the earth where such conditions prevail in conspicu- ous intensity, —the deserts. For there, as well known, and represented in pictures in Part II of this book, the thin- leaved, open types of plants cannot grow at all, and only those sorts can manage to exist which are compact and thick of texture, or have other transpiration-limiting fea- tures. The aggregate effect is the peculiar and even some- what bizarre appearance characteristic of desert vegetation. » What now is the physiological meaning of transpiration, this water-loss which cannot be wholly stopped even though at times it endangers the existence of plants, and greatly restricts their distribution? The cellular anatomy and physiology of leaves give the answer. All chlorenchyma tissues are continually saturated with water, the direct evap- oration of which is prevented by the waterproof epidermis. This epidermis is practically impermeable to the carbon dioxide required by the leaves in their food-forming function, and also to the oxygen released in that process ; but the access and exit, of those gases take place through the stomatal openings. When these stomata are open for such gas passage, however, there is nothing to prevent the water of Cu. III, 6] TRANSPIRATION FROM PLANTS 49 the chlorenchyma from evaporating through them, and it does so. The result is transpiration, which is thus primarily not a function in itself, but an incidental accompaniment of the food-forming process. The formation of a given amount of food requires a definite amount of carbon dioxide, and this means so much open stoma, and Bertone loss of Pa in definite mathematical BS proportions. The stomata are slit- like openings which de- 4 velop by separation of ~ the walls of the young & epidermal cells. In so | far as the passage of — gases is concerned, they might to advantage re- main permanently open; but in fact they open and close, with a proportion- ate effect upon transpir- ation. The opening and closing in each case is ; produced by action of 2x3 Ee two neighboring epider- — Fic. 22. — A typical stoma, with guard mal cells, specialized as cells, of Thymus, seen from the surface, ! : and in cross section. The operation of the GUARD CELLS (Fig. 22), guard cells is explained in the text. (After of which the walls are so 4 Wall-chart by L. Kny.) thickened as naturally to spring the cells together, thus clos- ing the stoma; but the absorption of more water into the sap-cavities rounds out the cells and draws them apart, thus opening the stoma to a slit, a spindle form, or even, at an extreme, to an almost circular opening. Thus the mechanism is such that when the cells of the leaf are collectively losing water faster than it is restored from the stem, the guard cells tend automatically to close the stoma, checking proportion- ally the transpiration, while the access of more water to the E 50 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 6 leaf, permitting renewed turgescence of the guard cells, pro- duces a reopening of the stoma. One other important con- dition, however, influences this result. The guard cells, alone of the epidermal cells, contain chlorophyll, and hence make grape sugar in light; and a solution of grape sugar, as will later be shown, draws water osmotically from neighboring cells, thus increasing the turgescence of the guard cells and opening the stoma. Accordingly, while the stomata tend to close with dryness, so to speak, they also tend to open in light, which is the time when carbon dioxide is needed in the work of the leaf. These two conditions, however, often oper- ate antagonistically, producing irregularities in the action of the guard cells. Thus, while their operation can be viewed | as adaptive in general, it is not so in detail. In this respect the stomatal mechanism resembles most other adaptations, which, because so many other factors are simultaneously affecting the part concerned, can never be perfect. Stomata oecur chiefly, and in most plants exclusively, on the under sides of leaves, in which position a stoppage of their openings, and therefore of gas passage, cannot be caused by rain. Against this detriment several adaptations have been described, though often misinterpreted as a sup- posed need for promoting transpiration. Stomata vary much in size, extent of opening, and number, ranging from 0 all the way up to near 500 per square millimeter. Their conventional constant (page 25) is 100 per square millimeter of surface, and their aren when extended the widest. possible would open 7d) of the leaf surface (Fig. 23). It is at first puzzling to the observer, as it long was to botanists, how, through so small a total area of opening, a sufficiency of earbon dioxide can enter and so much water vapor escape. The explanation has been found in a very curious physical fact, viz., that the smaller an opening becomes, the more rapid relatively (not absolutely) is the passage of a gas through it by diffusion, while such passage is also more rapid through slit-shaped than through round openings of the same area. Cu. III, 6] TRANSPIRATION FROM PLANTS dl Therefore the capacity of the small stomatal openings for gas passage is far in excess of that implied by their areas. The matter becomes clearer from another point of view when we note that an ordinary stoma when open presents to a molecule of carbon dioxide or water an entrance or exit as great as a passage seven miles wide appears to a man. While transpiration is thus primarily an incidental accom- paniment of photosynthesis, rather than a physiological pro- cess in itself, it does have functional value in one respect. Plants need in their leaves, and else- where, certain mineral S : e 2 matters which are ab- sorbed from the soil; 0 0 0 and these are lifted with the water, and left in the tissues by its evapora- tion. Indeed, the view has been held in the past a 2 e © 2 that this is the primary functional meaning of Fic. 23. — Diagram to show the num- ; : i : ber, and extrerme area of opening, of transpiration, its COpl- stomata, according to the conventional ousness being considered constant; drawn to scale, 100 times the true length and breadth. necessary because of the great dilution of the minerals in the soil water. Later evi- dence, however, shows that little relation exists between the amount of transpiration and the quantity of mineral matters found in the plant. Furthermore, an important réle has been assigned to transpiration in the dissipation of the exces- Sive energy poured into leaves at times by the strongest summer sun, — an amount sufficiently great to work damage in the leaf were it not for the cooling effect of evaporation; and this advantage must be real, even though incidental rather than adaptive. Thus it seems clear that transpira- tion is primarily an unavoidable though partially controlled oO ) 52 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cue TL 7 accompaniment of photosynthesis, while secondarily it per- forms the functions of lifting the mincrals into the leaves, and at times of neutralizing excessive solar action upon exposed surfaces. Connected indirectly with transpiration is GUTTATION, frequent in young herbaceous plants. It occurs at those times when roots are supplying water forcibly and abun- dantly, but transpiration is checked. The surplus water is then exuded through water pores (which are modified stomata), at the ends of the veins, where it collects in glisten- ing drops, commonly mistaken for dew. The drops can be made to appear by experiment, and are often seen in garden plants on cool mornings after hot nights, or even on warm humid dull days; while often in cool evenings after hot afternoons the water drops run down and wet the foliage, as familiar in Cannas. In some measure related to guttation is the formation of shell-like ice on the stems of certain herbaceous “frost plants” in early winter; for the water freezes as it is forced from cracks in the dying stems. 7. Tue ADJUSTMENTS OF GREEN TissuESs TO LIGHT Food formation is the first function of plants, and takes place only in chlorophyllous tissues under action of light. Accordingly it is natural that plants should exhibit special adjustments of their green tissues to the sun. Most prominent of such adjustments is the existence of the leaf itself ; for the leaf is simply a thin sheet of chlorenchyma provided with accessory veins, air spaces, and epidermis. In any typical foliage leaf, as observation indicates and micro- scopical measurement confirms, the chlorenchyma is_ re- markably uniform in thickness throughout all parts of the blade, in which respect it differs greatly from the veins. Furthermore, the chlorenchyma of all foliage leaves, no matter whether small, as in Mosses, or great, as in Palms, is not far from the same thickness. Exact measurements of the cross sections of many common leaves show that in different Cu. III, 7) ADJUSTMENTS TO LIGHT 53 kinds the chlorenchyma varies in thickness from .09 to .58 millimeter, with a mean at .179, and hence a conventional constant at .2 millimeter (Fig. 24). This variation, though considerable in itself, is yet wholly insignificant in comparison with the variation in the sizes and forms of leaves, with which indeed it bears no relation. Leaves of evergreen or leathery type which seem specially thick, as in Rubber Plant, have no thicker chlorenchyma, but only a thicker epidermis, while the swollen and succulent leaves of Century Plant or Houseleek really combine the func- tion of storage with that of food for- mation, and hence fall into another category. What then determines this singularly uniform thickness (or thin- Fic, 24.— The actual thickness of the chloren- chyma of leaves, as seen in cross section. The upper, one of the thinnest, is Abutilon: the lower, one of the thickest, is Pelargonium : the intermediate is the average of many kinds. (The lines were drawn accurately by measure- ment on a very large scale, and reduced pho- tographically.) ness) of all foliage leaves? The spec- troscope, the instrument by which light can be analyzed with great precision, shows that the red and _ blue-violet rays of the sunlight, effective in photo- synthesis, are wholly absorbed by a layer of chlorophyll, as dense as that in the chloroplastids, a fraction of a millimeter thick. Accordingly the ordinary chlorenchyma can perform its function only when spread out in layers much less than a millimeter thick. If the chlorophyll is less dense, 7.e. if there are fewer granules in the tissue, the effective light can go deeper, and the green tissue is thicker though paler, as in young stems. Furthermore, a stronger light can pene- trate deeper, and hence effectively illuminate a thicker layer, than a weak light; and it is a fact that the thicker foliage leaves are those which live exposed to the brightest sun, while the thinner kinds occur on shaded undergrowth plants. Second of the adjustments is the existence of the stem, of which the wide-branching structure carries the leaves aloft and spaces them out in the light; and this, as will later ap- 54 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 7 pear, is the primary function of the stem. It is true, not all leaves thus attain full individual exposure to light, and many are shaded more or less by others; but within certain limits this does not matter, for the reason, fully proved by experiment, that a bright diffused light is quite as effective in photosynthesis as direct sunlight, which contains in summer more energy than leaves can utilize. Third of the adjustments is the presence of chlorophyll in all practicable lighted parts. While leaves are preéminently the chlorophyll-exposing organs, this function is by no means restricted to them, but is shared in lesser degree by young stems, young fruits, and even parts of the flower, though the showy corolla and ripe fruits have other colors suited to their special functions. It looks as though the plant took ad- vantage of all its surfaces not needed in other functions to spread to the light such chlorophyll as it can, even though that be little. Fourth of the adjustments is the existence in plants of a remarkable property of turning their green parts to the light, no matter from what direction it comes. The fact is familiar in house plants, which turn leaves and stems away from the darker room towards the lighter window to a degree pro- foundly affecting their forms, while the same power can be proved in many striking ways by simple experiments (Fig. 25). The younger parts of stems bend over until they point towards the light, carrying with them the young leaves, which independently set their blades at right angles to the light. This bending is effected by growth, which becomes more active on the side necessary to swing the stems to the light, and in those parts of petioles necessary to swing the blades across the light. Obviously the light does not effect the bending, for that is accomplished by the plant through its own dif- ferential growth; but the growth is made in response to the greater intensity of the light, which therefore acts as the stimuLus to the bending. This process is called PHOTOTROPISM (formerly heliotropism), and it is typical of -- Cu. III, 7] ADJUSTMENTS TO LIGHT 00 a great many physiologically advantageous adjustments which individual leaves, stems, roots, flowers, and other organs of plants make not only toward light, but towards gravitation, moisture, chemical substances, and other ex- ternal influences. This very important property of respond- ing thus to external stimuli is called rrrrasmity (page 39). Fic. 25.— A Fuchsia grown for a week in a box open only on one side; seen in profile and face view; * }. Traced from photographs. Though it often simulates intelligent action, for which it is sometimes mistaken by the beginner in these studies, it has really no direct relation to the consciousness of animals. It does, however, correspond closely with the REFLEX ACTION of animal physiology, each irritable, like each reflex, reaction being perfectly specific and invariable in a given part to a given stimulus. Being thus, in any given case, automatic, these responses are properly describable as SELF-ADJUSTMENTS. ee 56 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Gr. ITT,.7 The phototropic response of leaves and stems to light, or of any other parts to a stimulus, involves the codperation of four factors. First, there exists in the plant an hereditary property by virtue whereof the plant makes the responses, which are usually adaptive and evidently acquired in evolu- tion in the same way as other plant-features. Second, there Fia. 26. — A leaf-mosaic in English Ivy. (After Kerner, Das Pflanzen- leben.) is some mode of perception of light by the plant, the quantity of light needed being extremely small, only enough, indeed, to make a physical impression upon the sensitive proto- plasm. Probably most of the protoplasm of leaf and stem is thus sensitive, though special regions are more so than others, and various adaptations for concentrating light in- side specialized perception cells have been described. Third, there is some method of transmission of an influence from the perceptive place to a motor mechanism where the actual response is produced. This influence apparently travels, as a rule, through the protoplasm of the cells and the inter- cellular threads (page 40), although special arrangements, supposed to facilitate its passage, have also been described. Fourth, there is a motor mechanism, resting usually upon a differential activity in a growth zone or other growing tissue, though in more active responses, as in the Sensitive Plant and Venus Fly-trap (page 76), a quick-acting hydraulic Cu. III, 7] ADJUSTMENTS TO LIGHT 57 mechanism is concerned. It is easy to recognize in the reflex actions of our own bodies the corresponding factors and mechanisms. Since stems and leaves turn usually towards the stronger light, one may well ask why the vegetation of the northern hemisphere does not all bend towards the south. The reason seems connected with a fact already mentioned, that leaves cannot use all of the energy in full summer sunlight, while a strong diffused light is enough for their needs. Apparently their full power of response is aroused by such diffused light, which comes about equally from all parts of the sky. Where many leaf blades grow closely together, they tend to move out from under one another’s shade, their petioles bending or elongating in ways which effect this result. Thus the blades on a horizontal branch of a tree are commonly brought into one flat plane. The efiect is particularly strik- ing in Ivies, where the leaf blades become often so evenly distributed as to suggest the name of LEAF-Mosatc (Fig. 26). A familiar light adjustment is involved in the so-called “sleep movements,’ where the leaflets of compound leaves, as of Clover, Oxalis, Beans, Acacias, Sensitive Plants, droop or close together in darkness and spread widely apart in light (Fig. 27). The response to the light stimulus is plain, but the significance of the movement in the plant’s economy is still uncertain. The leaflets of other plants exhibit an analogous move- ment under very intense Fic. 27.— Leaf of a Clover, in“ awake”’ Light: mc which, hey Oke Te mae Caney together or assume vertical positions, returning to the horizontal position when the light is less intense; and this movement has been interpreted as protective to the leaf tissues against too intense insolation. A permanent condition of this protective light adjustment, which, at its perfection, involves a setting of the leaf edges 58 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IIT, 8 toward the midday sun, produces the ‘“‘ Compass plants,” of which there are several kinds in addition to the more famous one of our western prairies. Many other light ad- justments are also known in nature, not only in leaves and stems, but also in roots, flowers, and other parts. They include movements towards, from, and variously across the line of incident light. In many cases, a distinct functional advantage to the organism can be clearly perceived, but in others this is not evident, though here the limitations of our knowledge may be at fault. 8. THe Varrous Forms or Fourace LEAVES Foliage leaves are remarkably diverse in their sizes and shapes, despite their singularly uniform thickness. They all perform the same function, and their differences correspond for the most part with differences in the habits of the plants which produce them. The sizes of foliage leaves range all the way from almost microscopic up to that of Palms and Bananas, several square feet in area (Fig. 28). Marshaling sizes against habits we find in general that the largest leaves occur upon plants which have the most abundant water and warmth, Poe sae and least exposure to bright 12 to 15 feet high, and bearing the SUN and winds, —in other largest known simple leaves. (From — words, upon plants exposed to Balfour, Class-book of Botany.) 5s z relatively least transpiration. These conditions are best realized in the shelter of tropical forests, and there we find the largest leaves, as all pictures of tropical undergrowth well show (Fig. 29), while the same Cx, ILL, 3} FORMS OF FOLIAGE LEAVES 09 Fic. 29.— Primeval tropical forest, in Ceylon. To illustrate the large size of leaves in the undergrowth. (Reduced from Kerner.) principle holds good in our temperate flora, as the student may recall. At the other extreme, very small leaves occur upon plants which are exposed to the greatest dryness, brightness, 60 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 8 cold, and strong winds, — conditions which make transpira- tion excessive. These conditions prevail in highest degree in arctic, alpine, and desert regions, and there we find the smallest leaves. In our native flora, the same principle is exemplified in the plants of bogs, which are open cold places, and in the evergreen trees, which have to withstand the rigors Fic. 30.— A view in Hawaii, showing the contrast between tall-growing compound-leaved and low-growing simple-leaved Palms. (From Bailey, Cyclopedia of Horticulture.) of winter. Under conditions intermediate between the ex- tremes, the leaves are intermediate in size, as our temperate vegetation as a whole well illustrates. Correlatively, leaves which grow exposed to similar general conditions approxi- mate to a similar size, as well shown in our common deciduous trees, where the leaves of Maples, Oaks, Chestnuts, Lindens, Poplars, and others are not far from one size, or at least be- long to the same order of magnitude. Leaves which are morphologically large sometimes. be- come physiologically small by compounding of their blades to separate leaflets (page 16; Figs. 82 and 37). The compound- Cu. III, 8) FORMS OF FOLIAGE LEAVES 61 ing is oftentimes associated with exposure to strong winds, as in Palms, where the compound-leaved forms tower high over the forests, or grow along wind-beaten strands, while the simple-leaved forms are confined perforce to shelter (Fig. 30); and it is probable that the compound leaves of the Tree Ferns (Fig. 31) originated in this way. Compounding, Fic. 31.— Alsophila oligocarpa, a tropical Tree Fern, showing the much- compounded leaves. (From Bailey.) however, has also other associations. Thus, in the Pulse Family, it seems clearly connected with the “sleep,” or drooping at night of the leaves. In submersed water plants, where it is common, the compounding, by its exposure of more surface, facilitates the absorption of the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water (Fig. 32). While leaf size seems thus largely adaptational, it is sometimes as clearly structural or hereditary. Thus the 62 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cz. III, 8 small size of the leaves of Mosses, despite their occurrence in protected places, seems structurally determined by the very imperfect water-conducting system of those plants. The com- pounding, with the consequent small leaflets, of our under- ae Fic. 32.— Bidens Beckii, which grows partly im- mersed in water and bears simple leaves above, and compound leaves below the surface. (After Goebel, Biologische Schilderungen.) growth Ferns seems probably an hereditary survival from tree-like ancestors. And other minor factors enter into these problems. In shapes, leaves are equally diverse, seeming to defy classifica- tion. Yet comparative study re- duces them to modifications and combinations of three primary forms, which are the orbicular, linear, and ovate. Orbicular leaves are well typified by the Garden Nasturtium (Fig. 33), with its nearly circular blade and central-standing vertical petiole from which the veins radiate to the mar- gin, giving off a network of veinlets. In this leaf the blade is unbroken, but in most others a gap or slit runs from margin to petiole, as illustrated by the Pelargonium (‘‘Geranium’’), the difference apparently represent- ing a different mode of evolution from ancestral forms which had mar- ginal petioles. Structurally the orbic- ular form serves best the leaf function, since it combines the most green surface with the least lateral spread, and pro- vides the shortest paths of conduction for water and food through the blade. Orbicular leaves are found oftenest upon low-growing or flat-growing plants, where each blade has room for exposure to light unshaded by its neighbors, as in “stemless’’ herbs, in creeping vines like Ground Ivy, and in Cu. III, 8} FORMS OF FOLIAGE LEAVES 63 leaves which float on the water, as with Water-lilies: while climbing Ivies show the same tendency, usually modified, however, by marked angularity of form. The full exposure of the round blades to light is aided by adjustments in the slender petioles, and it is in such p ants that leaf-mosaics, mentioned in the preceding section, become the most perfect. Linear leaves are typified by those of the Grasses, with their Fic. 33.— Leaves approximating to orbicular shape; x 4}. Garden Nas- turtium, Yellow Water-lily, Pelargonium, English Ivy, Ground Ivy. slender elongated blades merging imperceptibly into the pet- ioles, and their approximately equal-sized parallel veins joined by inconspicuous veinlets (Fig. 34). Such leaves occur chiefly in dense growths in the most brightly lighted places, either upright and parallel like the Grasses in meadows or the Cat-tails along lake sides, in dense radiating heads like the Bunch-grasses and Spanish Bayonets (Fig. 35), or else in mats and tufts, as along the branches of our evergreen trees. At first thought it would seem that such leaves, presenting their edges rather than their faces to the sun, must be badly illuminated. Yet their habitual occurrence in the sunniest 64 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. Ill, 8 places, in conjunction with the daily swing of the sun through the sky, must insure among them a sufficiency of that bright diffused light which, as earlier noted (page 54), is fully as effective in food formation as direct sunlight. Further- more, the crowded condition of such leaves tends greatly to restrict tran- spiration, without equivalent check to the access of carbon dioxide; and such an arrangement has obvious advantage to plants of limited water supply. Ovate leaves are typified by those of Lilac (Fig. 36). The petiole, at the wl =~ Z | larger end, merges i \ into astrong midrib Hh / from which spring \ "side veins, which in Fic. 34.— Linear and other parallel-veined turn give rise to a leaves; X 3. Hyacinth, Banana (small), Thri- yetwork of veinlets. nax (a Fan Palm), Hucharis, a Grass. This general shape is the commonest in nature, and associated with the com- monest condition of leaf existence, viz., that in which the blades, neither spread out in one plane nor densely crowded in full sun, are carried aloft and spaced apart on ascend- ing stems and branches, as occurs in our larger herbs, and especially in shrubs and trees. This mode of life is essen- tially intermediate between that associated with orbicular Cu. III, 8] FORMS OF FOLIAGE LEAVES 65 and that with linear leaves, and the ovate shape approxi- mates to orbicular at base and linear at tip. It is therefore quite consistent that when the leaves become more crowded on the branches, as in Chestnut and Beech, the ovate shape tends towards linear, resulting in a spindle form; but when on the con- trary the leaves are more fully spread out, the ovate tends towards orbicular, with the great veins coming to radiate from an _ elongated petiole, as in Red- bud. The tendency towards orbicular goes farther in heart- shaped leaves, like Linden and Violet, and ultimately leads back to the true or- bicular with central- Fic. 35.— Cordyline australis, the ‘‘Dra- : . cena Palm,” showing radiate heads of linear standing petiole. leaves. (From Bailey, Cyclopedia.) Between orbicular, linear, and ovate forms, there occur all gradations, giving a great diversity of forms. Many of these have been named from their resemblance to common objects (e.g. lanceolate, spatulate, reniform, peltate) ; and such designations find con- stant use in the descriptions of plants contained in floras and manuals. Closely connected with the shapes of leaves is their VENATION. Orbicular and ovate leaves are typically netted- F 66 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 8 veined, that is, have a few prominent veins and many inter- secting veinlets (Figs. 2, 33, 36). In the typical ovate forms there is commonly one midrib with a few veins running thence parallel-diagonal to the margin, and such venation is called Fic. 36. — Leaves approximating to ovate shape; X 3. Lilac, Maple, Beech, Redbud, Violet. PINNATE, While in orbicular forms several approxim: itely equal veins radiate from the petiole, and that is called PALMATRE. Linear leaves are typically parallel-verned, that 4 is, have many approximately equal veins running parallel, with the cross Cu. III, 8) FORMS OF FOLIAGE LEAVES 67 veinlets almost invisible. In some the veins gradually converge towards tip and base, as in Grasses and many Lilies ; in others they run out strictly parallel from a midrib, as in Banana (Fig. 28), while in still others they radiate from Fic. 37.— Typical lobed and compound leaves; x3. Oak, Locust, High Bush Cranberry, Virginia Creeper, Orange. The single leaflet of the latter is jointed to the petiole, which in related forms bears two additional leaflets. the base, producing a fan shape, as in the Fan Palms (Fig. 34). And of course there occur all gradations and com- binations. There is also close connection between the venation, and the lobing and compounding of leaves. Some kinds become deeply lobed between their main veins, and therefore PIN- NATELY LOBED, as in Oak (Fig. 37), or PALMATELY LOBED, as in Maple. The significance of this lobing is not yet under- 68 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. ILI, 8 stood, but it seems connected with a tendency of the chloren- chyma to collect more closely towards the main veins. The lobing carried farther leads to compounding, which therefore is either PINNATE, as in Acacia, or PALMATE, as in Virginia Creeper (Fig. 37); and often the leaflets are themselves compounded, even more than once, as in some Ferns. Parallel-veined leaves are rarely lobed or compounded, their mode of venation being obviously unfavorable thereto. The number of leaflets in a compound leaf can be very great, or no more than three, as in Poison Ivy, or even only one, as in Orange. Leaves differ also in the character of their margins, which in some, e.g. Rubber Plant, and most parallel-veined kinds, are unbroken or ENTIRE, but in others are sharp- toothed or SERRATE, €.g. Rose, and in others yet otherwise formed (Fig. 38). The differences seem to have no func- tional significance, but represent structural ex- Fig. 38. — Forms of leaf margins. pressions of the various ata ways in which the chlo- renchyma is arranged with respect to the vein endings. Leaves also display some peculiar forms of tips and bases (Fig. 39). The prolonged slender tip found in some leaves of tropical plants has been claimed to act as a ‘drip point,” effective in removing water from the leaf after rain, thus pre- venting a long closure of the stomata; but the evidence is not clear. Some leaves have the base of the blade prolonged into ear-shaped (AURICULATE) or pointed forms, occasionally making the leaf arrow-shaped. In some kinds these ex- tensions grow together around the stem, which accordingly seems to pierce the blade (PERFOLIATE), while in others two opposite leaves grow together in similar manner surrounding Cn TET, 3s] FORMS OF FOLIAGE LEAVES 69 the stem (CONNATE-PERFOLIATE). Such features, for the most part, seem to have a structural rather than adaptational origin. The leaves of plants which grow in places where water is scarce or hard to absorb exhibit several features obviously Fic. 39. — Special forms of tip and basein leaves; x 4. Ficus religiosus, with ‘‘drip’’ point; perfoliate Urularia; auriculate Magnolia Fraseri; con- nate-perfoliate Honeysuckle; Caladium. related to reduction of transpiration. Such are, — reduction in size, already mentioned; compact or rounded forms, often storing water, as in Cactus; a very thick epidermis, which prevents any loss by direct evaporation ; sunken stomata with an air chamber outside, or else inrolled leaves, with the stomata 70 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Ca. Ti, 8 in the concavity (Fig. 40), or coverings of hairs or scales (Fig. 41), all of which arrangements tend to delay the escape of water without materially affecting the en- trance of carbon dioxide: and a vertical position of the green tissues, which lessens the evaporative ef- fect of the noonday sun without any effect upon gas absorption. The collec- Fic. 40.— Leaf of Hrica, in cross tive result of these features section; X 280. (from Kerner.) is to give the characteristic grayish condensed aspect to the vegetation of dry places. The trichomes of plants are indeed remarkable in their variety, and often in their beauty when viewed through the Fie. 41.— Various forms of epidermal hairs and scales (trichomes) found upon leaves; much magnified. (From Kerner.) microscope. Diverse functions have been ascribed to them, in addition to their part in restricting transpiration, but without convincing evidence. Perhaps they represent a kind of play of growth forces rather than any adaptational devel- opment. Cu. III, 8] FORMS OF FOLIAGE LEAVES 71 A very remarkable form of leaf occurs in the Welwitschia mirabilis of Southwest Africa, a plant unique in a great many Fic. 42. — Wel chia (Tumboa) mirabilis, growing in the desert of Kala- hari, Africa. The woody trunk, though many years old, is but two feet in height. (From Kerner.) features (Fig. 42). The leaves, only two in number, grow at their bases as they die at their tips throughout the long life of the plant. Leaves are pro- duced in buds, but produce buds in very few cases. The leaves of some kinds of Be- gonia, however, if cut across the veins, de- velop buds which grow into normal new plants; and gardeners are accustomed to propagate those Be- gonias in that way. In Fic. 43.—The Life Plant (Bryophyllum dhe: yell incipe: Tite eer Papuan pg are Plant (Bryophyllum), the rather thick fleshy leaves regularly produce buds at the outer ends of the veins (Fig. 43); and these buds develop freely into young plants when the leaves fall on damp soil, 72 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY {(Cu. III, 9 or even when they are pinned up against a wall in the house, as often done for a curiosity. Apparently this leaf is quite genuine and not a stem in disguise, as one tends to infer. Finally, one often finds foliage leaves which exhibit ab- normal features, such as forked, laciniate, crested, or even pitcher-form blades, or eccentric coloration, or other unusual features. When extreme, such cases are popularly called freaks, and in science monstrosities. It happens that mon- strosities in leaves are closely connected with those in stems, and accordingly we can most conveniently discuss them to- gether in a later section. 9. Tot Forms anp Functions or LEAVES OTHER THAN FOouIaAGE While formation of food is the primary, and usually the exclusive, function of leaves some kinds perform addi- tional functions, and exhibit corresponding peculiarities of aspect and structure. Further, in some leaves the new function comes to overshadow the old, and even to replace it. In such case we have a new organ, though one which re- tains evidence of am its morphologi- 2 eS eal origin in its FERN I A mode of develop- Ths Fic. 44. — Mesembryanthemum obeconellum, a plant ment, and vari- which stores water in the pairs of thickened leaves. (From Goebel.) ous peculiarities of structure. The simplest case of an additional function in leaves con- sists in the storage of water or food, the presence of which swells the leaves greatly, as in Century Plant, and Houseleek Cu. III, 9] (Fig. 44). SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES 73 The chlorophyll, of course, is all near the surface, and wanting in the interior cells of the chlorenchyma, which increase in number and size, and present a translucent aspect if water is stored, but are opaque if much food is present. Sometimes the upper parts of the leaves become true foliage while the bases alone store food, in which case these storage parts, after the foliage has withered away, form collectively a typical BULB, as in Hyacinth (Fig. 45). In related plants the specialization has gone further, making a division between foliage and storage leaves, in which case the latter become exclu- sively food-storing organs, as in the bulb scales of Lilies (Fig. 46). Another form of food-storing leaves, serving also in some cases as foliage and in other cases not, are the coty- LEDONS or “‘seed leaves’? of embryo plants, later to be fully described. In many kinds of plants, some of the leaves deviate in minor features from the typical condition, in which case they are called collectively BRACTS. Commonest of all are the little pale scale-like bracts which stand Fic. 45.— A Hyacinth bulb, in section. The outer or storage leaves are the bases of last year’s foliage leaves, and will be replaced, as they wither, by the bases of the new leaves surround- ing the flower cluster. (From Figurier, Vegetable World.) under each flower in a cluster, where apparently they have no function, but represent foliage leaves in an arrested or rudimentary state of development ; for it is a constant struc- tural peculiarity of the higher plants that flowers originate in the axis of leaves, that is, in the upper angle between leaf and stem. Likewise little scale-like bracts occur just below the leaf-like branches of Asparagus and florists’ Smilax (page 195). In the Linden the bract is much larger (Fig. 47), and attached thereto is the flower cluster which 74 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 9 ” grows out of its axil; while later this bract serves as a “sail against which the wind acts in transporting the seeds. Very Fic. 46.— Various forms of common ‘‘bulbs.’’ Nos. 3, Easter Lily, 4, Jonquil, 6, Lilium pardalinum, and 7, Hyacinth, are true bulbs, 7.e. are composed mainly of storage leaves. Nos. 2, Colocasia antiquorum, and 5, Gladiolus, are corms, i.e. storage stems. No. 1, Tuberose, is a tuber, and 8, Lily of the Valley, a rootstock, called a ‘‘pip.’’ (From Bailey.) striking are the cases where the bracts become highly colored; thus forming the showy part of a‘‘ flower,” as in Poinsettia, the real flowers of which are small and inconspicu- ous. The sepals and petals of ordinary flowers are also morphologically leaves, as, in a slightly different way, are the stamens and pistils. Colored bracts and petals retain mostly the structure of foliage leaves, excepting that the chlorenchyma now holds other pigments in Fic. 47.—A leaf and Place of the chlorophyll. the specialized bract in American Another striking case of Linden. (From Bailey.) P the combination of a new function with the old is found in the pitchers and other leaf traps in which insects are caught and digested. They all retain Cu. III, 9) SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES NI ou Fic. 48. — The Pitcher Plant of Northeastern America, Sarracenia pur- purea; X }. The frontispiece, reduced, of Barton’s Elements of Botany (2d ed., 1804), the first great American botanical textbook. 76 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 9 their chlorenchyma, and the changes are chiefly in form. Thus our native Pitcher Plant, or Sarracenia (Fig. 48), seems to represent a leaf in which the margin has grown up around a central-standing petiole, forming as it were first a saucer, then a cup, and finally a pitcher. In the Nepenthes, most elaborate of Pitcher Plants (Fig. 49), there occurs a partial division of labor between the pitcher and foli- age functions, for a very perfect blade exists in addition to the pitcher. Doubt. still exists as to the precise morphology of the parts in this remarkable leaf, though it seems most probable that the pitcher represents a blade transformed as in Sarracenia, with the lid a special outgrowth and the seeming blade an expansion of the elongated petiole, which often serves also as a tendril. But we must guard against push- Fira. 49.— Nepenthes, an jing such homologies too far, be- East Indian Pitcher Plant; % xX}. The slender stalk be. Cause leaves and other parts, while tween blade and pitcher strongly influenced in development often serves as a tendril. ona (From Le Maout and by the characteristics of the part Decaisne, Traité Général de from which they have evolved, are Botanique.) Se by no means limited to the charac- teristics thereof, but. often break loose, as it were, and develop new features upon their own account. In another well-known insect-trapping leaf, that of the Venus Fly-trap (Fig. 50), the morphology is obvious, the petiole becoming expanded much like the blade. Another function performed by leaves is that of support to climbing plants, in which case they form TENDRILS, which are characteristic organs of most vines. Tendrils are very slender almost thread-like structures, fitted to twine around supports, to which they thus attach their plants. In the Cu. III, 9] SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES 77 simplest case, the petiole acts as the tendril, making a turn around the support, as in our common wild Clematis (Fig. 51). In other cases, as illustrated by our figures, the tendril is a trans- formed leaflet or leaflets, or else stipule-like struc- tures, or even the entire blade. The typical tendril moves about through the air until it touches some object ; then it bends towards the touched side, and, if the object be of suitableform, continues the pro- cess, and makes several turns around it (Fig. 52). Then the in- the tendril be- comes twisted to a double spiral, drawing the plant = (ose tthe SG peo eens Fly-trap, Dionega muscipula, a port, after which plant which catches insects by sudden closure of its leaf blades; x 3. (From Figurier.) it develops tough fibrous tissues, thus forming a strong but elastic bond be- tween plant and support. In this definite action of tendrils we have another instance of those automatic self-adjustments made possible by the irritability of protoplasm (pages 39, 55), this particular form being called THIGMOTROPISM. 78 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY iCu. LU, 9 Another special form and function of leaves is represented in the brown BuD SCALES which enwrap the winter buds of our trees. They mostly lack chlorophyll, their cell walls become thick and well cutinized, and often they develop fic. 51. — Forms of leaf tendrils; x 3. Pea, Smilax, Bignonia, Clematis, Lathyrus Aphaca. The apparent leaves of the latter are stipules. coatings of resin or hairs; and they fall away as the buds un- fold. In some kinds each seale is an entire leaf, in others it is a petiole with blade suppressed (Iie. 53), or it may be a stipule, as conspicuous in Tulip tree, where together the pair forms a close-fitting cap (Fig. 57). Cu. II, 9] SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES 79 Leaves are also often modified to sprnes, especially in plants of dry places. The significance of spines, however, is uncertain; for the older view that they represent a protection against animal enemies seems inadequate, while the newer idea that they result from a struc- tural degeneration of leaves rendered superfluous by changed habit has not won acceptance. In the trans- formation they lose their chlorophyll and flat form, and become slender, coni- cal, and hard. In some cases each spine represents a single transformed leat, as is believed true in the Cactuses (Fig. 54); in others they represent the midrib and two lateral ribs of a leaf, as in Barberry (Fig. 55); in Euphorbias, when paired, they clearly represent stipules (Fig. 57); while in some tropical climbers the stipular spines are very strong downward- Fic. 52. — Stages in the twining of a i _ tendril, of Bryonia; x4. This is a turned hooks which catch stem tendril, but the method is the ota er vegetg- same in leaf tendrils. (Drawn, with firmly upon other \ 8 slight alterations, from a wall-chart by tion. Errera and Laurent.) While the blade is the distinctive chlorenchyma-carrying part of the leaf, the foliage function is in some cases assumed by petioles or stipules, the blade being more or less suppressed. Thus, in 80 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 9 the Australian Acacias, the chlorenchyma is all in the petioles (called pHYLLOpIA), which are vertically flattened (Fig. 56), while the much compounded blades distinctive of Acacias are sup- pressed. In other eases the stipules become enlarged, aiding the blade in its function as in Violets (Fig. 57), reaching to a size and form identical Fic. 53. — Transition from. bud seales to leaf, with those of the showing the former to be petioles, in Box Elder ; x}. blades as in Gal- ium, or replacing the foliage altogether as in Lathyrus Aphaca (Fig. 51). The causes of these curious substitutions of functions are mostly not known, but they are presumably connected with pe- culiarities in the past history of the plants. For example, it seems likely that the abandon- ment of the leaf blade and transfer of the foliage func- tion to the petioles in Acacias represents a mode of adapta- tion to a climate increasing in dryness. Leaflets, which expose much horizontal sur- face, are out of place in dry climates, while a single petiole, flattened vertically, is better protected against — Pic. 54.— A cluster of spines from extreme transpiration (page ee emails >; xX # (After 70). One cannot but notice the diversity of form, and the variety of apparent function, in the stipules. In existent plants they seem to represent no distinctive organ, but Cu. III, 9] SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF LEAVES 81 rather a kind of morphological entity easily specialized in diverse directions. Recent investigations have shown that leaves containing stipules receive from the stem three sets of veins, from two of which the stipules are supplied, while leaves lacking stipules receive but one set, or vein. Since the original or primi- tive leaf of our modern trees was appar- ently three-lobed, the stipules may repre- sent the two lateral lobes, which became reduced as the middle lobe developed into the leaf blade of our existent plants. Not all paired structures at the bases of leaves are stipules. In Pereskia, a re climbing Cactus, the ae paired hooks whereby the plant clings to a support are the first two spines of an axillary cluster, and in some kinds like seeming stipules are °% simply the first leaf of an that, for reasons uncertain, Fig. 56.— A & Je of Aristolochia the leaf- g 55.— Leaf spines Barberry ; Ke: (After Gray.) axillary branch. In the Telegraph Plant (Fig. 58), they are leaflets, than the terminal leaflet; and in this plant they have further the remarkable property, much smaller they are con- stantly rising and falling, in short jerky phyllode of an motion suggestive of the arms of the old > ia: = Acacia; = 2 semaphore telegraph, — whence of course the Often a few leaf- lets of the com- plant’s name. pound leavesap- Typically, leaves are flat plates of tissue, pear at the tip. and in heir various transformations this plane character is mostly retained. In certain cases, how- ever, the face of the leaf develops an outgrowth of tissues, G 82 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Gm. TTT, 10 a kind of branching of the face of the leaf. Such seems the case in the lid of the Nepenthes — pitcher earlier mentioned, and in the corona, or crown, of the petals of some flowers, notably the Daffodil (Fig. 230). Thus we see that the leaf, though having a definite and typical primary function and struc- ture, is yet highly plastic in all of its features, and ean be led along many dif- ferent lines of de- velopment. Such Fig. 57. — Special forms of stipules; ™ }. morphological plas- Euphorbia, paired spines: Galium, with two ticity is character- opposite leaves simulating a 6-leaved whorl: , . * Tulip Tree, bud scales: Polygonum, united in a Stic of all parts of sheath (ochrea) around the stem: Violet, acces- living beings and is sory foliage. S Oo one of their cistine- tive properties (page 39). The tracing of such lines of development is the distinctive province of morphology. 10. Tue Nurrition or Puants Wuicu Lack CHLOROPHYLL While most plants possess chlorophyll and make their own food, there are some which do not. Tf, now, all plant food is based on grape sugar made in green tissues, how do these chlorophyll-less kinds secure their supply? The Cu. III, 10) PLANTS WITHOUT CHLOROPHYLL 83 matter is simple; they take it from green plants, or from animals which obtain it from green plants. When they take it from living plants or animals, they are called PARASITES, the one from which it is taken being known as the Host; and when they take it from dead plants or animals or decay- ing remains thereof, they are called sapRopHYTEs. The difference between parasites and sapro- phytes has no par- ticular physiological significance, but is rather a convenience in our description of those plants. The absorbing organs of such plants are called HAUSTORIA. Among the Flower- ing Plants, the most familiar parasite is Fic. 58. — The Telegraph Plant, Desmodium doubtless the Dodder 9¥’@"8: +. It is native to tropical Asia, but 7 . : is grown in greenhouses. (From Figurier.) (Fig. 59), a relative of the Morning Glory. Its slender, orange-colored, smooth stem twines around and among various green herbs in the fields; and wherever it touches their stems it sends forth aérial rootlets which penetrate the tissues until they reach the veins (Fig. 59). Here a connection is established with both ducts and sieve tubes, from which the parasite can now draw both water and food. The most familiar flowering saprophyte is doubtless the Indian Pipe or Ghost Plant (Fig. 60), the roots of which are believed to absorb the decaying material of green plants, not, however, directly, but by aid of a Fungus (Mycorhiza, page 244). Such para- sites and saprophytes, having no chlorophyll, need no leaves, which accordingly are reduced to mere scales; and these persist only as relics of an evolution from chlorophyll- 84 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 10 possessing ancestors. Without leaves, there is small need for stems, which accordingly are also much reduced in many of the flowering parasites. An extreme in these respects is reached in that remarkable flowering parasite, the Rafflesia of Java (Fig. 61), where the plant consists solely of asingle gigantic flower (some three feet across and the largest flower known), which, through a very short stem and some haus- torial roots, is parasitic upon overground roots of trees. The Fungi, including the Bacteria, comprise many thousands — of species of parasites and saprophytes, which ex- hibit structures having obvious relation to the conditions under which those plants live. Para- sitic Bacteria mostly inhabit the tissues of Fig. 59.— The Dodder, Cuscuta Europea; ; « 34. Itishere parasitic on Willow, on which living plants or animals, it twines. Note the scale-like minute leaves, ¢,, ee Bo and the flowers in clusters. On the left is a from which they absorb section showing the connection of the haus- the nutritive juices di- Sea ee veins of the host. rectly through the walls of their very simple bodies. The true Fungi possess no leaves, stems, or roots, but consist ordinarily of two parts, — first, a feeding body called a mycrELium (Tig. 62), composed of numerous fine white threads which ramify over and through their hosts, or the decaying materials on which they grow; and second, a SPOROPHORE which comes out from the surface, and develops Cu. III, 10] PLANTS WITHOUT CHLOROPHYLL 85 the minute reproductive spores in the air where the winds can scatter them. Indeed, were it not for the sporophore, often the presence of the hidden mycelium would never be suspected. The familiar mushrooms and molds have this structure. Parasites, whether flow- ering plants or fungi, enter and penetrate their hosts by use of digestive fer- ments, or enzymes, put forth by the tips of the entering haustoria. En- zymes are definite chemi- cal substances which have power to digest (7.e. con- vert into soluble forms) the cell walls, starches, and proteins; and these digested materials are absorbed into the roots or mycelium and form food for the parasite. It is precisely the same with saprophytes. Thedamage <& ) done by parasites to their LHe Tf! hosts is of three sorts,— Fic. 60. — The Indian Pipe, or Ghost Jirst, the removal of food, ee ae ee tee thus tending to starve the Bailey.) host plant; second, the excretion of injurious or poisonous substances apparently by-products of the parasite’s own metabolism ; and third, the disturbance of the growth-control mechanism, resulting in the production of various monstrosities. Parasites and saprophytes are relatively small plants, the majority being microscopic ; and they constitute an insig- 86 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. ET, 10 nificant and inconspicuous part of the earth’s vegetation. Thus it is clear that their mode of life is far less successful than that of green plants. There is, however, another group of organisms of similar habit which has been more successful in this respect, and that is the animals. They, too, are parasitic or saprophytic upon plants, but have Fic. 61. — Rafilesia Padma, of Java, parasitic on a root. (From Kerner.) this advantage, that possessing the power of free locomo- tion, they are not confined for their food to single hosts, but can take it from many. : It might be supposed that in absence of chlorophyll, the bright colors displayed by some Fungi, notably the brilliant reds and yellows of poisonous toadstools, perhaps have part in a food-making process. No evidence for such function exists, and the significance of those colors is not known. The student may recall that the Mistletoe, a reputed para- site, possesses chlorophyll. That plant, however, is only a half parasite, for while taking water and minerals from the host it makes its own food in its leaves. There are plants Cu. HI, 10) PLANTS WITHOUT CHLOROPHYLL 87 which are likewise half parasitic upon the roots of other plants, as in case of our wild Purple Gerardia. Insect-catching plants do not belong among parasites, because they all make their own food. The insectivorous Fic. 62.— The mycelium (threads ramifying in the ground) and sporophores (above the surface) of a small Puff-ball: x 5. habit is connected only with the acquisition of nitrogen compounds, as will later appear. Finally, there is one other very distinct method of plant nutrition. Certain Bacteria which live in the soil have power to make their own food from carbon dioxide and water entirely without sunlight, the necessary energy for the pro- cess being derived from chemical energy set free by the oxidation of substances in the soil. The process is thus naturally designated CHEMOSYNTHESIS in distinction from photosynthesis. While occurring at present, so far as known, in only one group of Bacteria, the method has great interest for the reason that it suggests a way in which plants may have made their food in the far-distant times before chloro- 88 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 11 phyll was developed. The existing chemosynthetic Bac- teria, indeed, may represent a survival from that ancient epoch, in which case they are doubtless the most ancient type of organisms now inhabiting the earth. 11. Tue AUTUMNAL AND OTHER COLORATION OF LEAVES The distinctive color of leaves is the chlorophyll green, which most of them exhibit. Other colors, however, occur, especially in ‘foliage’ and ‘‘variegated”’ plants, and in the autumnal foliage. The most prominent of the non-green colors of living leaves isred. Itis most intense in cultivated plants, such as Japanese Maples, Copper Beeches, Coleus, Beets, and Red Cabbages. In all cases, however, the color has been greatly intensified under cultivation, from a very moderate quantity in the ancestors of these plants. Little blotches or streaks of red color are indeed very common in wild plants, as in- tensive observation, centered on this point, soon reveals. The color is due to the presence of a red substance, called descriptively ERYTHROPHYLL but chemically (ANTHOCYAN or ANTHOCYANIN, which is dissolved in the sap of the cells. Being thus soluble in water, it is easily removed by hot water from red leaves, which thereby are left green, showing that chlorophyll is present in foliage plants, though masked by the more brilliant and abundant erythrophyll. As to the reason for its presence, that is greatly in doubt. Prob- ably it has no functional utility in itself, but represents simply an incidental product of the complicated metabolism of the plant. In some cases, however, a functional utility has been claimed for erythrophyll. Thus, a great many plants in our own flora show in the leaves in early spring a blush of red which later disappears. The claim has been made that here the red forms a protective screen to the young developing parts, by absorbing the blue and ultraviolet rays of the sunlight believed to injure unscreened living protoplasm, Cu. III, 11] COLORATION OF LEAVES 89 much as the photographer’s ruby light cuts off the same rays which would spoil his plate in development; and thus is tided over the time prior to the full formation of the chlorophyll, which incidentally acts as a sufficient protec- tion. It has also been supposed that the absorbed light is converted into heat, and used to warm the young parts and thus promote their development. The latter explana- tion would account for the prevalent red color in the mosses of open bogs, which are notoriously cold places. Various explanations have also been offered for the deep red of the under sides of leaves in some tropical plants, and for the brilliant hues of the toadstools. But the evidence in these cases does not stand our earlier-cited test for sci- entific truth (page 13), which shows how much we have still to learn about some of the commonest phenomena. The case is quite different, however, with the colors in flowers and fruits, for here the evidence demonstrates functional use, as will later appear. A functional use seems also reasonably clear in the beautiful rose-red Alge called ‘‘sea mosses,” where the red screen (here, however, not erythrophyll, but another red pigment) probably aids the underlying chloro- phyll in a better utilization of the sunlight as altered by its passage through the sea water. Second in prominence of the non-green colors of living leaves is yellow. Indeed, the normal green color of leaves is not a perfectly pure green, but tends a trifle towards yellow, which, however, is only rarely pronounced in healthy leaves. It occurs occasionally in small blotches and stripes in wild plants, from which it has been much developed under cul- tivation in some variegated leaves, notably in yellow vari- eties of Coleus. It is more commonly associated with waning vitality of the leaf, whether through old age, or insufficient light, or the action of parasites, or (and above all) the fall of the leaves in autumn. It is due to the presence along with the chlorophyll, of a mixture of yellow pigments, descriptively called xaNTHOPHYLL, and composed chiefly 90. A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Ca. III, 11 of two chemical substances, CAROTIN and XANTHOPHYLL PROPER, though sometimes additional yellow pigments are present. Carotin and xanthophyll have the property of relatively high stability in light, on which account they show forth in full intensity when the more unstable chloro- phyll, which is made only while the leaf is in full health, fades away in the light. The white colors of leaves represent simply the natural color of composition of the leaf structure when all colored pigments are absent. The white is translucent in cells which contain sap, but is silvery in those which are dead and filled with air, as in some variegated Begonias. White areas cannot, of course, form food, and are rare in wild plants; but they have been greatly intensified in cultiva- tion, in the striped and variegated foliage of Begonias, fancy- leaved Caladiums, and Ribbon Grasses. Sometimes the same leaves contain also areas or stripes of red, thus increas- ing the variegation, as occurs very prominently in the re- cently-developed Rainbow Corn. Various colors appear also in leaves as result of the action of parasites, either Fungi or Insects. In some cases the color belongs to the parasite itself, as in the Rust of Wheat leaves, where it resides in the rusty-red spore masses. More com- monly it results from damage done to the complicated metab- olism of the leaf by the parasite, followed by disappearance of chlorophyll,. and consequent exposure of the yellow xanthophyll; or the tissues may be killed altogether, and hence soon display their distinctive decay color, which is brown. Colors due to injury by parasites may usually be recognized by a certain abnormal or unhealthy aspect they give to the leaf, and especially by their wholly irregular or asymmetrical distribution in relation to the leaf structure.’ Most striking and interesting, however, of all the non- green leaf colors is the autumnal coloration of foliage, which constitutes one of the major phenomena of nature. Its foundation lies in the fact that with waning vitality, brought Cu. III, 11] COLORATION OF LEAVES 91 on by old age or the coming of autumn, a leaf makesno more chlorophyll, while that already present fades rapidly away, permitting other colors which are present to show, and likewise some new ones to form under the altered conditions. The rapidity with which chlorophyll can fade in the light is strikingly shown by the simple experiment of exposing a fresh alcoholic solution to strong light in contrast with a control kept in the dark (page 17). In an hour or two the green color is gone, leaving the solution colored yellow by the xanthophyll. This experiment shows why leaves turn yellow in autumn, for the fading of the chlorophyll exposes the xanthophyll, always present with chlorophyll but far more resistant to destruction by light. Thus all autumn leaves are yellow, though some acquire additional colors. The xanthophyll is easily extracted in a clear solution by simply warming yellow leaves in alcohol; and it is also ob- tainable by blanching an alcoholic extract from green leaves, as just mentioned. As to the function of this widely present xanthophyll (a mixture of carotin and xanthophyll proper), that is still unknown, though the constancy of the substances indicates some important functional utility. Herein lies another of the problems inviting the future investigator. Less abundant but more conspicuous than yellow, as an autumn color, is red, which is due to the erythrophyll (an- thocyanin) already described. Being soluble in the cell sap, it is easily removed, in a clear solution, by heating the red autumn leaves in water. It is indeed worth one’s while, for xsthetic as well as educational reasons, to extract the green, yellow, and red pigments in their beautiful clear solutions, and view them side by side in glass cylinders against the light; for these are the three which give almost the entire coloration to all foliage. The erythrophyll origi- nates in autumn leaves very differently from xanthophyll, for it is not previously present, but is made during the fading of the chlorophyll. There is much uncertainty about the details, but it seems reasonably certain that it results in- 92 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY _ [Cu. III, 11 cidentally, as a purely chemical reaction, when certain sub- stances, of which sugar is certainly one, and tannin is prob- ably another, happen to be present, and, under the conditions prevailing in the dying leaf cells, are struck by bright light. It is the fading away of the chlorophyll which admits into the leaf a sufficient intensity of light to produce the chemical reaction. That the light is essential to the process is suggested by the extra brilliance of the colors in specially bright climates and seasons, and is proven by the fact that any leaf which would ordinarily turn red does not do so if closely covered by another, as may be tested by experiment. Thus red in these leaves does not replace yellow, which is also present, but simply outshines it. The reason why some kinds of leaves turn red, and others only yellow, appears to be simply this, that some kinds contain the necessary substances and others do not. It is highly significant in this connection that the leaves which turn most brilliantly red, e.g. Maples, Oaks, and Sumachs, are noted either for their abundance of sugar, or of tannin, or of both. Next in importance of autumn colors is brown, which has several origins. In some leaves it is apparently an oxi- dized product of yellow sap substances called flavone deriva- tives; in others it results from an oxidation of tannins in cell- walls when exposed to the light and the air, — precisely the same kind of photochemical process which turns wood or bark brown with time. In these cases the color has obviously no functional utility, but represents a purely incidental result of the chemical and physical conditions which pre- vail in the dying or dead tissues. When the browning takes place not too rapidly, it sometimes combines with the yellow of xanthophyll into a beautiful golden bronze, as in some Oaks, though it may later become so intense as to mask the xanthophyll, which fades slowly, as in Beech. With the brown, as with other colors, the exact shade is often determined by the simultaneous presence of other substances, such as resins, or even by remnants of unfaded CH LIE ii] COLORATION OF LEAVES 93 chlorophyll, or by air-spaces, hairs, or other structural fea- tures. In a few cases no brown color appears, and by the slow fading of the xanthophyll the tissues are left nearly white, as happens to some extent in our Birches. All autumnal coloration of foliage rests upon these five colors, either singly or in combinations, modified somewhat by other substances, or by the leaf structure. The student will notice how different they are in their significance to the plant, for while chlorophyll has a well-known and vastly important function, and xanthophyll an unknown but prob- ably important function, erythrophyll and the browns are mere chemical resultants of the physical and chemical con- ditions prevailing in dying leaves, and white is the natural color of the unaltered leaf structure. In autumn leaves, obviously, none of the colors seem to have any functional utility to the plants, and autumnal coloration as a whole appears to represent simply a gigantic chemical incident, comparable with the blue of the sky and the red of a sunset. Though thus but an incident, it is a happy one for mankind, in whose elevated enjoyment of nature it forms a great factor. Everybody knows that autumnal coloration is far more brilliant in some climates and some seasons than others, thus showing a marked sensitiveness to external conditions. Something depends on the kinds of plants which constitute the flora, for plants differ in their susceptibility to the color changes. Again, the coloration is notable only in those regions where the transition from summer to autumn is rather abrupt, and the vitality of the leaves is suddenly checked while they are still full of sap; and it is relatively poor in places of gradual transition from summer to autumn where the leaves lose their sap before dying. It is through the abrupt check to the vitality of the leaves that early frosts help the coloring, though they do not cause it, as popularly believed. In fact, any cause which hastens the waning of leaf vitality brings on the coloration more quickly. 94 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Ca. II, 12 Thus with our Maples, the partial splitting away of a branch, an injury to the bark, or infection by disease, will often pro- duce the red coloration in the leaves of the injured branch while the remainder of the tree is still green. Further, a bright climate is essential to the best coloration, partly be- cause bright light produces a quicker and fuller fading of the chlorophyll, and therefore a better exposure of the xan- thophyll, and partly because the brilliancy of erythrophyll formation is directly proportional to the brightness of the light. It is because bright days and frost go together that the latter is commonly credited with more than its due in the process. The conditions of the preceding summer, whether dry or wet, play also some minor part, through influence on leaf vitality. In general, other conditions being equal, the brightness of autumn coloration in any given region is proportional to the clearness of its autumn climate, while its brightness in any given season is proportional to the clearness that year. This importance of light explains why the color is more vivid in climates like that of New England, where the autumnal skies are prevailingly bright, than it is in old England, where autumn is a season of mois- ture and cloud. Finest of all is the coloration in places where the summer ends abruptly, the autumn is bright, and the frosts come early, as occurs in Eastern Canada, where some of us think it is the best in the world. 12. Tur Economics, AND TREATMENT IN CULTIVATION, oF LEAVES All cultivation of plants depends for its success upon con- formity to their physiological peculiarities. It is true, gardeners and farmers have not had in the past any scien- tific knowledge of these matters, but through centuries of experience, consisting in observation and trial and the passing along of the results, they have reached conclusions nearly enough correct for all practical purposes. We consider now the practice of plant cultivation with respect to leaves. Ca DIT 12) ECONOMICS OF LEAVES 95 Few kinds of plants are cultivated for their leaves alone, aside from foliage plants, grown in gardens for ornament. Direct utility is confined to a few which happen to store food, as in Cabbage, or which contain some palatable relish, as in Lettuce, Spinach and other ‘“greens,’’ or yield some special product, like Tobacco, or serve as fodder for cattle, as in Grasses. Such uses, however, are insignificant in com- parison with the indirect importance of leaves as the source for the food and other useful substances which are formed or stored elsewhere in the plant. For this reason leaves, even though temporary organs of little direct economic value, must all be kept in health and good photosynthetic oper- ation; and thereto is much of our gardening and farming practice devoted. For best health, leaves need ample but not too much sun- light, all the carbon dioxide they can get, plenty of water, some mineral salts, and air. In winter, greenhouse plants receive little more than a fourth of the sunlight of summer, and not enough for their needs. Hence house plants must be given the very best light available; and good modern greenhouses are studies in light-efficiency, embodying the best experience and inves- tigation in direction of exposure (preferably south or south- east), pitch of roof, transparency of glass, and slenderness of frame. On the other hand, the full summer sun contains not only more energy than plants can make use of, but often much more than is good for them, particularly if in green- houses, where they lack the free circulation prevailing out- doors. On this account it is needful, even in spring, to shade such houses by curtains, slats, matting, or paint on the glass. Under light thus tempered greenhouse plants grow quite as well as in full sunlight, while keeping in better general health. Similarly, it has been found that some kinds of crops actually thrive better under some shade, though this is not wholly a matter of light, but also in part of protection from hail and strong winds. Thus it is found 96 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IIT, 12 profitable to grow Pineapples under slat shading in Florida and Tobacco under thin cotton tents in Massachusetts ; while some recent experiments indicate that several common crops, including Potatoes, Cotton, Lettuce, and Radish likewise do better under some shade. Corn is one plant which seems to thrive best without any shade, though it is to be noted that this plant exposes not the faces but only slanting surfaces of its leaves to the sun. The carbon dioxide indispensable to food formation comes from the air through the stomata; and therefore the leaf must be kept free from dirt which would clog them. Such a clogging of the stomata, with consequent starvation of the leaves, explains the damage now done to hedges along coun- try roads by the dust thrown by automobiles, and likewise the death of leaves growing near cement factories, from which a very fine dust continually radiates. In minor degree dust is a detriment to house plants, explaining the value of an occasional spraying or washing by rain, and also the following advice contained in a recent almanac, — ‘‘Cover your plants kept in the living rooms with a thin cloth when you sweep.”’ Not only dust, but the floating spores of plants, and also the excretions of some insects, close the stomata in greenhouse plants, and necessitate the frequent scrubbings which gardeners must give. Fortunately such damage is minimized by the fact that most leaves have the great ma- jority, or all, of their stomata upon their under surfaces. Water is needed by leaves for food-formation, to compensate transpiration, to hold the soft tissues tensely spread, and for other purposes; and every gardener and keeper of house plants knows how essential is an ample supply. In some cases, however, no amount of water supplied to the roots will compensate the transpiration from the leaves, because of slow absorption by roots or transmission by stems. Thus are explained several familiar phenomena (page 47), viz. the occasional wilting of garden plants when the soil is not dry, the limitation in the kinds of plants which can be grown in Cx. III, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 97 houses, the disastrous browning, wind-burn, and winter-kill- ing of shrubs. One might think it possible to compensate these difficulties by supplying water directly to leaves; but leaves cannot absorb any appreciable quantity of water, and such benefit as seems to follow spraying is due to the check in transpiration (page 47). The spraying of plants in the sun may even bring damage, because drops of water left on the foliage sometimes act as small burning glasses, which concentrate the sunlight, kill the protoplasm, and brown the foliage in spots. Transpiration from leaves has another connection with gardening in this way, that seedlings when transplanted con- tinue to lose water; and since the absorbing roots are destroyed, the plants always wilt; hence it is best when practicable to cover them with boxes, etc., to check tran- spiration until new roots areformed. For exactly this reason gardeners remove much of the foliage of cuttings before placing them in the ground to root. Leaves also need certain mineral matters for chemical uses, involving the application of fertilizers; and they must have sufficient oxygen, which means fresh air, for their respiration. These matters, however, can be considered more conveniently in later sections. 13. THe Uses oF THE PHOTOSYNTHETIC Foop It has been said more than once in the foregoing pages that the photosynthetic grape sugar made in green leaves in the light is the basal food of plants and animals alike. Here follows the evidence for this statement. The photosynthetic grape sugar and the associated pro- teins move continuously from their places of formation in the leaves, and pass along the veins into stems, roots, buds, flowers, fruits, and other parts, every cell of which receives a share thereof. Within the cells a part of the sugar and proteins are chemically transformed into other substances, having definite functions in the plant’s economy. These H 98 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. III, 13 chemical transformations are collectively designated as the plant’s METABOLISM. Functionally, the metabolic changes center chiefly in the provision of materials serving five ends, — the skeleton, reserve foods, living protoplasm, special se- cretions, and respiration. 1. THE PLANT SKELETON. In the great majority of plant cells, a part of the food sugar is used in building the cell walls (page 41), which collectively constitute the plant skeleton. The substance of the walls is primarily CELLULOSE, a transparent, elastic, water-absorbing material, of which the filter paper of laboratories is a good illustration, though cotton and linen are nearly as pure. Chemically its formula is (C6Hi005),, which means that its molecule is composed of the combination CsHi90; repeated an unknown number of times. The combination CsHio0; (not known to occur by itself) differs only slightly in proportions from the food sugar (CeHi20, — H2O = CeHiO;), and is clearly transformed therefrom. The ease with which cellulose absorbs and trans- fers water has high physiological importance in the interior of the plant, but would be fatal on the exterior in contact with dry air. In these outer walls, however, a part of the sugar (or cellulose) is converted into new substances called cuTIN and sUBERIN, which are waterproof, and have a faintly brownish color; and the epidermis which enwraps the soft parts of plants, and the cork which encloses their woody stems, have walls of such cutinized or suberized cellu- lose. Furthermore, this cellulose, while ample in strength for the construction of small plants, is too yielding for the building of large ones, which have to withstand great strains from their weight and the winds. Accordingly, in the trunks of trees and shrubs some of the sugar (or cellulose) is converted into a new substance called LIGNIN, which infil- trates and greatly stiffens the walls without loss of their power to transmit water; and such lignified walls constitute woop. The shells of nuts, and some coats of seeds, also owe their hardness to lignification. And other modifications Cu. III, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 99 of the walls occur, including the GELATINATION familiar in the Flax seed, while often the walls are also strongly infil- trated with mineral matters. The cell walls of a plant collectively form a continuous system, somewhat like the cement walls and floors in our modern buildings. In the compartments (the cells) lives the protoplasm which builds the whole structure. Thus the protoplasm, itself too soft and weak to rise from the ground, can, like man, construct lofty buildings, in the rooms of which it can dwell in the sun. It happens that the qualities which fit the cell walls for their functions in plants make them also useful to man for many of his needs. Hence he appropriates the elastic cel- lulose for paper, or, as it occurs in long fibers, for cotton and linen to make clothing. The waterproof cork serves to stop- per his bottles. The stiff wood provides a rigid but easily- worked material which he utilizes, as lumber, for his dwell- ings, and as cabinet woods, for his furniture, while it serves minor uses innumerable. Man makes one other use of cellulose and its derivatives not represented by any function in the plant, but dependent on an incidental feature of their chemical composition, viz. — they will oxidize, or burn, thus providing him with fuel. This use goes further than appears at first sight, for coal is nothing but the cell walls of plants which throve in swamps of the Carboniferous epoch, and in course of long ages, under pressure and warmth, lost the two gaseous constituents, hy- drogen and oxygen, retaining only the solid and oxidizable carbon, which is the substance of coal. A perfect sequence can be traced from the photosynthetic sugar made in the green leaves of the Carboniferous plants, first to cellulose, then in succession, with progressive loss of the gaseous con- stituents, to lignin, peat, soft coal, and anthracite. The same qualities which make cellulose burn, make it explode, in suitable combinations; and hence it is convertible into high explosives, useful in peace and deadly in war. 100 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 13 2. THE RESERVE FOODS. While much of the photo- synthetic sugar is used diréctly as food by the various living cells throughout the plant body, a large quantity is trans- formed into reserve materials, which accumulate in special parts, to be used later in growth, especially that of the next season. The places of such accumulation are buds, bulbs, tubers, and seeds; and it is to the presence of these accu- mulated foods that the swollen form of those parts is due. These reserve foods are of three general classes, — carbohy- drates, fatty oils, and proteins. The Carbohydrates are minor transformations of grape sugar into substances which retain the food value of the sugar, though with different physical properties. They in- clude the sugars, starches, and hemi-celluloses. Tue Sucars are of several kinds. The photosynthetic sugar itself is a mixture of two kinds, grape sugar or GLUCOSE (also called pExTRosE) and fruit sugar or FRUCTOSE, these two being the simplest and most stable of the sugars. They have an identical formula, CsH»Os, and differ only in the arrangement of the atoms within the molecules. Both are present, the former more abundantly, dissolved in the sap of practically all plants. The glucose, with some fructose, accumulates in stems, as in the Sugar Cane, where it con- stitutes most of the molasses, and in Corn, whence it is taken for use as the clear syrup called “glucose.’’ Both occur also in fruits, where, however, the fruit sugar is usually the more abundant ; and they form also the sugar of nectar, which is the basis of honey, chief food of many insects. Far better known, however, is Cane sugar, or SUCROSE (SACCHAROSE), which accumulates in Sugar Cane, Beets, and the Sugar Maple. Its formula is Cy2H201, implying a close relation to glucose and fructose (2 Cs>H120¢6 —H20 = CyH22011), to which it is read- ily converted back, into a molecule of each, in various ways. And several other sugars, differing little from these, occur also in plants, though none are especially prominent. Grape and fruit sugars can be made artificially in the chemical laboratory. Cu. III, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 101 The sugars are very nutritive substances, and thus con- stitute reserve food of the highest value to plants. Their qualities, however, make them also good food for animals, which draw freaky upon them. Thus, they form the chief food of insects, are an important constituent of the fodder of domestic animals, and give value to the vegetables and fruits used by man, who, however, goes much further in his utilization of them, since he not only systemati- cally cultivates and im- proves the plants which produce them most abundantly, but also ex- tracts, refines, and stores them for his own more convenient use. Press- ing out the sweet sap, he boils away the water, obtains the sugar in crystals, and refines them of impurities, a process much easier for cane than grape sugar, Fic. 62 a.— Starch grains (concentrically for which reason the for- striated) in the cells of Potato; highly : magnified. (From Figurier.) mer is common on our tables, while the latter is there unknown. Grape sugar, how- ever, has another economic importance, in that it is the sugar which is fermented to alcohol by the Yeast Plant, though that organism has the power first to convert other sugars to grape sugar. From this source comes our entire store of alcohol, including all of our wines and strong liquors, as we shall note more fully in the section on fermentation. THE STARCHES, also, originate in transformations of grape sugar. Their formula is the same as that for cellulose (CsHi005)n, with the , signifying a different number. They are insoluble in the sap, and exist in the plant as solid grains 102 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. II, 13 (Fig. 62 a), having very characteristic forms and markings, differing with the kind of plant (Fig. 63). Starch is formed from sugar only in the plastids of the cells, either the chloroplastids of the green cells, or the colorless leucoplastids Fic. 63.— Typical grains of various starches; highly magnified. Upper row, Potato, Maranta, Pea, Hyacinth; middle row, Wheat, Oats, Sago, Smilax; lower row, Canna, Corn, Bean, Oxalis. The characteristic forms and markings of the grains form invaluable identification marks in the recognition of adulterations of foods, etc. (Re- drawn from Ganong, The Living Plant.) of storage cells; and it cannot as yet be made artificially. Starch is particularly abundant in tubers (Potato), tuberous roots (Sweet Potato), bulbs (Lilies and Hyacinths), and es- pecially in large seeds, to all of which its presence imparts a dull, white, firm aspect, in marked contrast to the soft trans- Cu. III, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 103 lucency where sugar is the food, as, for example, in Beets. Being insoluble in water and therefore not removable in that form from storage cells, starch must be digested before use, in which process it is converted by the action of enzymes back into grape sugar, the change being marked, as familiar in germinating seeds and growing potatoes, by a transition from the dull white to a soft translucent appearance. Starch, stored by plants for their own uses, forms likewise the best of food for animals, which take what they need, and like plants digest it by enzymes back | to grape sugar, in which form it is transferred for use to all parts of their bodies. It is the principal constituent of the ordinary foods of all herbivo- rous and graminivorous animals. As for man, starch is by far the most im- portant of all the food substances taken by him from plants. This is sufficiently plain when we recall that S all of the grains, which constitute the Fi. \G4 = oThiekencd principal food of the human race, — ae es are Se Wheat, Corn, Rice, Barley, Millet, and ae (aanhady, oes others, — consist chiefly of starch. tends into pits persistent Tus Hemr-cettvLoses are much ™ Pe “ls less prominent than the sugars and starches. They are modified forms of cellulose, having the same chemical for- mula, but with the , indicating a different number. They oecur as extra layers of the cellulose walls (Fig. 64), espe- cially in some tropical seeds, which thereby are made heavy and hard, as well illustrated in the Date seed, or still better the Ivory Nut,—a large seed of a Palm, hard enough to serve as imitation of ivory. The hemi-celluloses are easily digested by plants but only in part by animals. They merge over gradually to the pectins, or fruit jellies (the ordinary gelatin being an animal product), which are dissolved out by hot water in making preserves, and these again merge over 104 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 13 into the gums, like gum arabic, all readily digestible by plants and animals. The Fatty Oils come ultimately from grape sugar, through intermediate stages, including fatty acids. They are really mixtures of true fats, which are not volatile, and thus differ from the essential oils, to be considered under secretions. They are found in a few fruits, such as Olive (yielding olive oil), but accumulate in quantity in a good many seeds, from which we obtain Castor oil, Cottonseed oil, Linseed oil, and some others. They occur usually in small round globules among other food substances, giving a characteristic oily luster to sections through such tissues, and, while commonly liquid, they form sometimes a butter-like solid, as in cocoa- butter. They are insoluble in water, and hence not movable through the plant until digested back to the soluble fatty acids. Chemically they are rather diverse in composition (a typical formula, that of tri-olein, being Cs37Hio4O¢), but are all marked by this peculiarity, — that their proportion of oxygen is very small to that of their carbon and hydrogen. As with sugars and starches, the fatty oils are also good food for animals. They are a valuable constituent of the seeds eaten by animals, including man, who also extracts and refines them for food and for diverse uses in medicine, arts, and manufactures. Like the animal fats to which they are so closely related, their paucity of oxygen makes neces- sary a large supply of fresh air for their assimilation; but they yield a great deal of heat, which explains why fats are so craved in cold climates. The Proteins are much more complicated substances, form- ing the most important, even if not the most abundant, of the reserve foods. While scattered throughout all living cells, they accumulate chiefly in seeds, where they occur mostly as solid grains, either scattered throughout the cells, as in Peas and Beans, or in a special layer just underneath the husk, as in Wheat and other grains (Fig. 65). There are hundreds of kinds of named proteins, grouped under Cx. II, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 105 certain chemical classes, the chief of which are the ALBUMINS, material like white of egg, GLUTELINS, in semi-crystalline grains (Fig. 66), GLOBULINS, fa- miliar in the gluten of flour which gives tenacity to dough, NUCLEO-PROTEINS, the chemical basis of the chromosomes (the most important part of the pro- toplasm), and a great many others, While ordinarily in solid grains, they are all digest- ible by enzymes into soluble and diffusible forms called PEpP- TONES and PROTEOSES, and thus can be moved through the plant. Chemically they are all very complex, for to the elements of — ee SS Eee ——— eae ray x Fic. 65.—Section across a grain of wheat, showing the layer of protein-holding cells under the husk and outside of the starch- holding cells; » 180. (From Strasburger.) grape sugar there are added small amounts of nitrogen, sul- phur, and phosphorus, taken with water through the roots; and it is for this reason that nitrates and phosphates in par- ticular are so essential to fertility in a soil. The stages in Fic. 66.— A cell from Castor Bean, showing the protein grains, of which the structure is rendered visible by treatment with reagents. their formation are complicated, and only partially known, but it seems clear that first the nitrogen is added chemi- cally to the elements of the sugar, forming amino-compounds or amides (containing C, H, O, N), with which later the other elements are combined. These amides are inconspicuous sub- stances though widely distributed in plants, the most common being Aspar- agin, C;Hs03;N2. There is good reason to believe that many of the proteins are built up from a simple combination in much the same way that we found the starches and cellu- lose are based on a CsHi.O; foundation (page 98). These 106 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 13 proteins, composed of the elements C, H, O, N, 5, [PJ], in diverse, but always complicated, proportions, form the basis of flesh in animals; and it is because the seeds of the Pulse Family (Peas and Beans) contain so much protein that they approach near to meat in their food value. Like the carbohydrates and fatty oils, but perhaps even more than they, the proteins are good food for animals, which take them in fodder, vegetables, fruits, and grains. To ani- mals, however, they have this special importance, that while muscles, nerve substance, and other essential tissues are composed chiefly of proteins; the higher animals at least have no power to construct them from simpler substances, but must take them ready-made from plants, or from ani- mals which have taken them from plants. It is for, its con- densed supply of such proteins that meat has such food value, and it is, of course, for their value as protein-accumulators from plants on his behalf that man keeps cattle and other domestic animals which he eats. Unlike the case of the sug- ars, starches, and fatty oils, however, man does not, because of practical difficulties, extract the plant proteins and re- fine them for use, though he can do so when he wishes; but he usually takes them with the other food materials which they happen to accompany. 3. THE LIVING PROTOPLASM. The living material, the most important in all organic nature, has already been described (page 35). It is chemically a mixture of a great many substances, but its greater and most essential part is composed of proteins. The proteins, indeed, have their great importance as reserve food because they are a step in the formation of living protoplasm. Some of these proteins are very complex (one, for example, has the formula CroHiissNoisOQ2i855, and much more complicated kinds are known); and they are consequently unstable and_ labile, changing into other forms with absorptions or releases of energy which are the foundation of various phenomena of life. But our knowledge of the chemistry of the living Cu. Il, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 107 protoplasm is wholly insignificant in comparison with the magnitude and importance of the phenomena it displays. 4. THE SECRETIONS. These are numerous and di- verse substances having each a special meaning in the plant’s economy. Chemically they are as different as well can be. Some are carbohydrates; others are hydrocarbons (con- taining carbon and hydrogen only); some contain nitrogen like the amides; while still others are obvious transfor- mations from proteins. Some secretions have a perfectly obvious function; others clearly have some function though it is not known; but in many cases the substances seem to represent simply by-products of functional changes, or, like autumn colors, the incidental result of conditions which happen to occur in certain parts. Some of them serve well certain needs of man, who takes them for his purposes, often extracting and refining them to this end. The principal classes of secretions are the following. Tue EssENTIAL Orns, or aromatic oils, best known in Clove oil, Cedar oil, oil of Lavender, and of ‘‘Lemon Ge- ranium,”’ and the oil of Orange rind, differ greatly from the fatty oils in being volatile, and hence giving odors. They occur in plants in special cells, or in special collections of cells called glands (Fig. 67). They are the basis of practically all the odors of plants, including the fragrance of flowers, to which they serve to guide insects in connection with . 3 Fic 67.— A gland, in section, cross-pollination, later to be containing ethereal oil, in Dic- In tamnus Frazinella; much magni- more fully considered. oe eee leaves they have been sup- posed to give protection, by their acrid taste, against insect enemies, or to have other uses, for all of which the evidence is still insufficient. Chemically they are in part hydrocar- 108 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. III, 13 bons, or else contain also some oxygen, being formed without doubt from carbohydrates. Their pleasant odors and tastes are utilized by man in perfumes and essences, though in recent times he has been able to dispense with the plants, and manufacture a great many in his own chemical labora- tory. But they will always continue to add charm to our gardens. Related to the essential oils are some other substances of considerable importance, of which the most important are resins, camphor, and caoutchouc. Resins, known to us in balsam, rosin, pitch, and spruce gum, are formed mostly in _ special passages, and are particularly abundant in the Coniferee or Pine Family; but we know little as to their significance, whether functional or incidental. Man utilizes their imperviousness to water in various ways. A fossil resin 1s amber. Camphor is a gum of a special tree, again of unknown significance, and having well-known uses by man. Caoutchouc, the basis of rubber, is formed by many plants, usually in their “milk” (or latex), though its meaning to the plant is uncertain; but the uses that man makes of its wonderful tenacity and elasticity need no description. Tue PicmeEnts are the substances which give the bright colors to the various parts of plants. They are very diverse in chemical composition (often including elements addi- tional to those of carbohydrates and proteins), and in significance to the plant. Thus chlorophyll (composition CuH»OeNyMg) has a function already familiar to the stu- dent, while the ever-associated xanthophyll (composition CyoH 5602) and carotin (CaoH55) have, no doubt, a function, though it is unknown. Anthocyanin, called descriptively erythrophyll (composition, in a typical case, the Cranberry, CoHe;OpCl) is the basis of the reds, purples, and blues in plants, yielding red with acid cell sap, and blue with alka- line. In flowers these and other pigments help to guide in- sects, and in fruits other animals, for functional reasons later to be noted; but in other cases they seem to represent Cu. III, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 109 simply incidental by-products of other processes, as in foliage plants (page 88), in autumn leaves, in the heart wood of trees, in the colored saps of roots and stems, and in the highly colored Fungi, though in some of these cases investigators have found suppositional explanations of their presence. These pigments are mostly too unstable in light to serve any useful purpose to man, unless we consider pleas- ure a utility, for he takes great delight in assembling them in gardens. Some pigments, however, are stable, including a few which lack color in the plant but acquire it on ex- posure to air (e.g. indigo and madder), making them useful dyes. But chemists can now make such dyes artificially, and more cheaply than we can obtain them from plants. THE ALKALOoIDs are best known to us in Morphine (from the Poppy), Nicotine (from Tobacco), Quinine (from a tree bark, Cinchona), Strychnine (from seeds of Nuzx vomica), Cocaine (from the leaves of a shrub, Erythrorylon Coca) ; while Caffein or Thein (from Coffee and Tea), and Theo- bromine (from the Cacao tree) are related, if not actually inthe same class. They occur mostly in special cells or tubes (often in the ‘‘milk” system, or latex), but their signifi- cance to the plant is very uncertain. Some investigators hold that they are semi-poisonous waste products which the plant thus isolates, while others have thought that their powerful bitter tastes form a protection to the plants against animal foes. Chemically they are composed of C, H, O, N, thus suggesting a derivation through the amides. They are all endowed with active properties, which are the source of their value to man, for, as the list above given will show, they include some of the most efficacious stimulants and powerful poisons which are contained in our materia medica. In fact, the principal plant poisons and our most important drugs belong in this class. The ptomaznes, those well-known poisons resulting from the action of Bacteria in animal tissues, are also alkaloids. Related to the alkaloids in their active properties are some 110 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY {Cu. III, 18 of the substances called GLUCOsIDES, a very large and het- erogeneous group, probably of diverse significance to the plant, characterized chiefly by the chemical fact that they consist of glucose (grape sugar) in union with another sub- stance. Certain ones give the bitter taste to nut kernels, and to the bark of many trees, and the peppery taste to Nasturtium, Water Cress, and some other plants. Tut ENzyMeEs are the most important of the plant secre- tions. They are formed in small quantities but large numbers of kinds in diverse parts of plants, where they are apparently dissolved in the protoplasm. Chemically they are supposed to be proteins, but this is not certain, for, while we know their effects, we hardly yet know the enzymes themselves. This is because of the great difficulty of extracting them in a pure state from the complicated protoplasm. Their importance depends upon the fact that, like the catalyzers of the chemist, they cause chemical changes in various substances (each en- zyme but one change in one substance, as a rule), without themselves entering into the reaction; and on this account very small quantities of enzymes can change great quantities of substance. It is apparently by the action of enzymes that the majority of chemical changes in plants are brought about. Thus an enzyme called diastase is active in diges- tion, changing the insoluble starch into soluble sugar both in germinating seeds and animal saliva; another, called zy- mase, secreted by the Yeast Plant, changes sugar into al- cohol and carbon dioxide, as will be described under fermen- tation ; pase converts fats to soluble fatty acids; pepsin changes insoluble proteins into soluble peptones both in seeds and the animal stomach; and so with many others. No phase of plant chemistry is now of such acute interest and active investigation as that concerned with the enzymes. Other secretions are the following. The fruit acids, malic and citric and others, give the tart taste to fruits, of funetional utility in connection with dissemination by animals, and pleas- ing toman. The tannins occur chiefly in the bark of plants, Ca. III, 13] USES OF THE PLANT’S FOOD 111 where their bitter, astringent taste has been supposed to protect the trees against rodents and insects, while a certain antiseptic quality prevents development of parasitic Fungi and hence decay of the bark. It is the oxidation changes in these tannins under weathering which give the dark brown color to old bark. Having incidentally the remarkable prop- erty of hardening the gelatine in skins, they are utilized by man for tanning leather, though here again the chemist is providing artificial substitutes. The plant wares occur as the ‘‘bloom”’ upon some fruits and leaves, and at times, as in the Bayberry of the coast, such a wax is abundant enough to be collected and used for candles, as our forefathers found; but the meaning of the wax to the plants is not certain. And-other secretions occur, of more special kind and mostly uncertain significance. Rather common in plants are crystals, frequently, though not always, in cells differing from their neighbors; and they often exhibit marked beauty of form (Fig. 68). They are composed chiefly of oxalate or carbonate of lime, and represent not secretions but excretions; for they seem to be either useless by-products of func- tional chemical reactions, or else substances brought into the plant from the soil Fic. 68. — Crystals of calcic oxalate, with the water, and not ina cell of Begonia; much magnified. needed in growth. The (“fer Bey) plant has no continuously-acting excretion system such as the higher animals possess, but instead accumulates waste matters in out-of-the-way cells, often in leaves and bark, the fall of which does incidentally provide an excreting system. 5. RESPIRATION. The photosynthetic sugar has one other use, not at all inferior in importance to any yet 112 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. ITI, 13 mentioned, namely, a considerable quantity is consumed in RESPIRATION, whereby energy is set free for the work of the plant. This important subject will find treatment in the next chapter, along with plant growth where its mani- festations are plainest. There, also, will be traced the final fate of all the plant substances after they have served their functions, or played their other respective parts, in the life of the plant. Thus all of the substances constituting the plant body, — the skeleton, foods, living protoplasm, and secretions, and also the materials from which is derived the energy by which plants do their work,—are built up from the photosynthetic sugar, either by direct transformations thereof, or with cer- tain small additions from a few mineral substances taken by the roots from the soil. Upon these materials made by plants all animals are dependent for their food, both that from which they construct their bodies, and that which yields the energy for their work. Thus the importance of the photosynthetic sugar, of the green leaves, and of the photosynthetic process becomes abundantly clear. CHAPTER IV THE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF STEMS 1. Tue DIsTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF STEMS Stems are second only to leaves in prominence and im- portance as a constituent of vegetation. They are dis- tinguished by their tapering-cylindrical, continuous-branch- ing, radiate-ascendant forms, so constructed as to support and spread the leaves in the light. This is their primary function, although, as with other plant parts, some kinds per- form additional and even substitute functions. Foliage-supporting stems, even when performing the same function, differ greatly in their external features. In shape, their differences center in diverse degrees and methods of branching, as will later be noted. In size, they range from minute in small herbs, all the way up to the gigantic stature of the famous California Redwoods (Sequoia gigantea), over 320 feet tall and nearly 30 feet through, or the Gum trees of Australia (Eucalyptus amygdalina), even taller though not so stout. In mere length, however, these stems are much surpassed by the Rattan Palm, which clambers as a vine for more than a thousund feet through the tropical woods. In texture, all herbaceous stems, including the new growth on trees, are soft-cellular like the leaves, being softest in water plants, which are supported by their buoyancy in the water. In trees, however, the stems become firm in various degrees through softwood and hardwood, even to “ironwood,” as familiar in lignum vite. In color herbaceous stems are green, from presence of chlorenchyma, which aids the leaves in food formation; but older stems, which develop a thick protective I 113 114 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. IV, 1 bark, are brown or gray, as the incidental result of the weathering-decay of the tissues. Stems differ much in duration, according to the habits of the plant. Some are ANNUALS, that is, they start from seed, develop an herbaceous shoot, use their food to make new seeds, and die, allin the same summer. They abound in our flower gardens and include most weeds. Others are BIENNIALS, that is, they start from seed, develop an herbaceous shoot, store food in some underground part, and die to the ground in one summer; then they use this food to form a new shoot which develops seeds and dies completely the second season. They are familiar in our vegetable gardens, in Beets and Carrots. Some are HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS, that is, they act like biennials except that they continue to form a food supply and develop new shoots and new seeds year after year. They include most of the favorites of our flower gardens. Others again are WOODY PERENNIALS, that is, they do not die back to the ground at all, unless accidentally, but persist and become woody, so that each season’s new growth is added upon that of the preceding year, thus de- veloping shrubs and trees. Then there are some which, like the annuals, flower and form seed only once in their lives (monocarpic plants), but take many years in prepara- tion. Thisis the case with the Century plant, which accumu- lates food for thirty years or more, then blossoms, forms seed profusely, and dies; but the same habit is found in other groups, including even some Palms. The mode of growth of the woody perennials, whereby each season’s growth is added upon the preceding, involves none of the internal limitations of size or age to which animals are subject. Hence trees continue to grow until stopped by causes incident to their very size, such as the difficulty. of transferring a sufficient water supply to great heights, and the leverage they come to present to the action of storms, whereby branches are broken, rot Fungi admitted, and decay begun. Trees fortunately constructed in relation to these Cu. IV, 2] STRUCTURE OF STEMS 115 conditions can attain to a great size and age. Thus the giant Redwood is known to exceed two thousand years in age, some trees now standing being probably older than the Christian era, while the Dragon Tree of the Canary Islands has been claimed to live even longer. If, however, mere age is in question, there are probably much older plants, for the Sphag- num mosses of peat bogs appear to have had a continuous growth from the inception of the bogs at the close of the glacial period, many thousands of years ago. Stems, like leaves, perform also special functions, when suitably modified in structure, — forming tendrils, storage organs, and even foliage, as will later appear. It is easily possible, for the most part, to distinguish such stems from leaves, —for stems usually grow from buds in the axils of leaves, while leaves have buds in their axils. 2. THE STRUCTURE OF STEMS AND SUPPORT OF THE FOLIAGE The primary function of stems, and their distinctive con- tribution to the plant’s mode of life, is the support and spread of the foliage. Therewith, however, are involved minor functions, notably conduction of water and food, with growth, respira- tion, and self-adjustment to prevailing conditions. Typical foliage-support- ing stems are herbaceous when young, but commonly become woody with age. Herbaceous stems, whether true herbs or the herbaceous tips of woody branches, are typically cylindrical and BEHEbt, nt pea ce Fic. 69.—A_ typical leaf-bearing leaves horizontally all stem, of Norway Maple; X }. (From around. At the tip is a Kerner.) 116 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. IV, 2 bud developing the leaves, which are there small and close, but which downward are progressively larger and more widely spaced apart (Fig. 69). The leaves stand usually upon slight annular swellings of the stem, sometimes ob- scure and sometimes well marked, called NopEs, which are separated by smooth cylindrical leafless INTERNODES. In the axil of each leaf occurs a small bud, the foundation of a branch, which later de- velops and bears leaves precisely in the manner of the main stem. In their tissues, herba- ceous stems are much like the leaves, as to chloren- chyma, epidermis, stomata, trichomes, and peculiari- ties of color. The veins, however, do not show to the eye, being buried within the cylindrical stem. In cross sections cut close to the bud one sees little more Fic. 70.— The tissues of a typical : herbaceous stem, of the Stock, in cross than the general growth section; * 55. The cambium is repre- tissue, but farther back ap- sented by the heavier double line through ; : d the fibro-vascular bundles, which are PCa&rs some such aspect as seven innumber. Thecollenchymaisnot that of our picture (Fig. marked. (From Scott, Structural Botany.) : 70). Beneath the thin epidermis lies the chlorenchyma, pale green but rather thick, obviously aiding the leaves in food formation. Centerward can be seen the cut ends of the veins, called also VASCULAR, or FIBRO-VASCULAR, BUNDLES, which run lengthwise of the stem, and have the same general structure, and the same function of conduction for water and food, as in the leaves. Commonly they are arranged in a ring, in which case they enclose a PITH, of loose open texture, often glistening-white from included air. The pith is especially the storage part of Cu. IV, 2] STRUCTURE OF STEMS 117 Fic. 71.— Generalized sectional drawings, based on the Maple, to show the tissues of a typical stem. Explanation in the text. Secondary growth begins in the lower of the longitudinal sections. The cambium is left white. Fic. 72.— Companion series to Fig. 71, based on a Palm as the other type of stem. (From Sargent, Plants and their Uses.) 118 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 2 young stems, though other tissues share in that function. All of these features are shown with particular clearness in Fig. 71. Fic. 73.— The fibro-vascular system, showing its nodal branch- ing, in the young stem of Clematis viticella. (After Nigeli, from Strasburger.) In sections taken well back of the tip, two other tissues appear. One is a mere line extending right through the fibro-vascular bundles, and from one to another (Figs. 70, 71), uniting them into one ring, or (since they run lengthwise) one sheath. This is the important CAMBIUM, or growth tissue, which later builds new tissues on both its outer and inner surfaces. The other is a band of whitish-glistening tissue just beneath the epidermis, called coLLENcCHYMA. It has a firm elastic texture, and aids the young stem to support the strains imposed by the presence of the leaves. Its position close to the outside is typical of the strengthening tissues of stems, which are developed upon the principle of the hollow column or tube. This principle is known to engineers as that which provides the greatest re- sistance to lateral strains with the least expenditure of ma- terial, on which account it is used by them in many construc- tions, — most familiar perhaps in architectural columns and bicycle frames. The fibro-vascular bundles (or veins) of the stem extend downward all the way to the tips of the roots, and upward Cu. IV, 2] STRUCTURE OF STEMS 119 into the buds. Just below the leaves some of the bundles fork, and each sends one branch, called a LEAF TRACE, into a leaf, and the second up the stem, as indicated in the typical example here pictured (Fig. 73), and as can be seen directly in a translucent stem like that of the Balsam. This branching and rejoining of the bundles produces the node, which is thus explained, while thereby the bundles are united into one great eylindrical network or system. In this cylinder the turning of bundles out into the leaves results in gaps just above them; and around these gaps the new developing fibro-vascular cylinders of the axillary buds establish their connec- tion with the main cylinder (Fig. 71). While in most herbaceous stems the bundles are so Fic. 74.—Stem of Corn, in cross arranged as to form a ring ee ee a ice when seen in cross section, in others they are scattered irregularly, as illustrated here- with (Fig. 74). In such cases the bundles anastomose in the stems and extend out into the leaves in a manner differing in details, but not in principle, from the methods just described (Fig. 72). Thus the bundles collectively constitute a con- tinuous conducting system for water and food throughout the plant. The tissues above considered are all formed in the buds, and belong to the PRIMARY GROWTH of the plant. Later the cambium, and other growth layers, add new tissues, which thus belong to the SECONDARY GROWTH. Woody stems develop from an herbaceous condition, through stages easily observed in the twigs of our common 120 Fig. 75.— Winter twig of Horse Chest- nut; x 1 t: TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 2 trees during the first winter (Fig. 75). The leaves are now gone, not to reappear on this part of the stem; but the LEAF- SCARS remain, marked by a lighter colored corky layer, in which can be seen the severed ends of the veins. Each scar of course stands at a node, sometimes plain, but often not, just above which is the now prominent axillary bud, while a_ larger terminal bud ends the twig. The thin epidermis has been replaced by a layer of gray-brown waterproof cork, scattered over which are the lighter colored warty ex- crescences called LENTICELS. The leaf-scars and lenticels need special comment. Leaves fall from trees because of the formation of a special ABSCISS-LAYER of tissue which develops across the base of the leaf in late summer (Fig. 76). Gradu- ally this layer closes the free communica- tion between stem and leaf, though mean- time the valuable materials of the leaf are mostly transferred to the stem. Then Iie. 76. — Vertical section through a twig and petiole of Poplar, showing the absciss-layer, a.l. (From TF. Darwin, Elements of Botany.) Cu. IV, 2] STRUCTURE OF STEMS 121 follows the waning vitality, cessation of chlorophyll forma- tion, appearance of autumn coloration, and finally, by a weakening of the walls of the absciss layer, the fall of the leaf itself, the absciss layer becoming the corky and waterproof leaf-scar. The lenti- cels are physiologi- cally important structures, for they replace the stomata (which disappear of course with the epidermis), as avenues of gas exchange between the interior of the stems and the external atmosphere. This exchange is no longer needed for photosynthesis, which ceases as cork develops, but is nec- essary for the respiration of the living tissues within, as will later be shown. | The lenti- cels are places where a loose tissue with inter-cellular spaces is formed instead of the impervious cork; and this tissue by its growth partially closes them in winter and forces them open the next spring (Fig. 77)! The tissues of these tran- sitional stems show very clearly in cross section (Fig. Fic. 78. — A cross section through 78). Their most striking a winter twig of Tulip Tree; 10. feature is the sharp division The lighter continuous line is the cam- bium, and the medullary rays are dis- between bark and wood at tinct. the cambium. The parts of the bundles inside the cambium have grown greatly, and show clearly the characteristic forms and texture, while the Fic. 77. — A typical lenticel, of Sambucus nigra, in section; magnified. (From Haberlandt.) 122 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 2 tissue between them is reduced to fine radiating lines, which henceforth are called the MEDULLARY RAYS. These woody parts of the bundles, called xyLeM, contain the ducts, and conduct water through the stems. Inside the cylinder of bundles is the very distinct pith. In the pith is much starch, which is food for the next season’s growth, though it occurs also in medullary rays and bark, often in strikingly symmetrical patterns when set forth in blue by the iodine test. Outside of the cambium can be seen, though only Fic. 79. — Stages in the healing of a pruned stem. cl indicates callus, a tissue which precedes the overgrowing bark. (After Curtis, from Duggar, Plant Physiology.) imperfectly by hand lenses, the outer, or PHLOEM, parts of the bundles, which contain the sieve tubes and conduct food through the stem. The remainder of the bark is composed mostly of the former chlorenchyma, now fast losing its chloro- phyll, and known henceforth by its morphological name of CORTEX, while the temporary collenchyma and epidermis are being replaced by layers of waterproof cork, made by a cork cambium, and pierced here and there by the lenticels. All of these features can be traced very easily in nearly all twigs. The tissues of plants have a remarkable power of healing injuries which befall them. Any break in the soft tissues is healed partially within a few hours, and completely within Cu. IV, 2] STRUCTURE OF STEMS 123 a few days, by formation of cork layers, often manifest by their brown color. Where an injury includes the wood, as in case of broken branches or the pruning of large trees, the wood itself does not heal, but the neighboring bark, and also the cambium, gradually overgrows it. In time the cambium reéstablishes itself over the injury and then continues to make wood as before (Fig. 79). This power of healing injuries has high value for plants, since their epidermis and cork form not only a protection against dryness, but serve also Fig. 80. — Cross section through bark and wood of an old Elm tree, showing abscission of the bark; x 3. as their first line of defense against the entrance of injurious parasites, which are ever ready to enter any break in the tissues of the stem. With increasing age several new features appear in woody stems. Sections then show that the outer part of the bark, which is dead, is cut off from the interior living part by layers of cork, which form anew each year, much as the absciss layers form in the bases of leaves (Fig. 80). Asin case of leaves, also, the valuable materials in the outer bark are previously removed to the stem. This dead bark becomes vertically cracked by the pressure of the expanding wood within, and the resultant fissures replace the lost lenticels as avenues of gas exchange between the interior of the stem 124 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Ore TV, 22 and the atmosphere. Further, the outer dead bark steadily weathers and falls away, either somewhat evenly as in Beech, or else in great flakes cut off by the cork layers as in Elm, Hickory, Oak, or in remarkably smooth layers as in Birch, The inner living part of the bark consists of soft, continuously growing tissue, together with the phloem parts of the bundles. In the older stems, both wood and bark are greatly in- creased in thickness as result of the activity of the cambium, the growth layer of the stem, which continuously forms new wood on its inner and new bark on its outer face. This process goes on indefinitely, making the woody trunk grow steadily in thickness. The bark, however, is simul- taneously weathering and peeling away on the outside, and there comes a time when the rate of this weathering just about keeps pace with the additions within, thus holding the bark thenceforth of nearly constant thickness, though in constant renewal. In the wood only a few outer layers forming the sap woop, distinguishable by the light color, are alive, while the HEART Woop, usually much darker colored, is all dead; and the heart may even decay and vanish com- pletely, leaving a mere shell of sap-wood, which, however, suffices, on the hollow column principle, to support the tree. The cambium forms the ANNUAL RINGS, one each year (Fig. 80). It is easy to see that the appearance of the rings is due simply to the contrast between the loose open texture of the wood formed in spring, when large quantities of water, carrying with it stored food, are needed for the new growth of the herbaceous parts, and the close compact growth of the autumn, when less water, and no such food, are re- quired.| It is these annual rings which, when cut lengthwise, give the distinctive, attractive “grain”? to cabinet woods. Not only do annual rings appear in the wood, but they also occur in the bark, though here they are difficult to see (compare Fig. 87), because the tissues are soft, and soon crushed, and later cut off by the cork layers. Since they are formed by the cambium, the older layers of bark Cu. IV, 2 STRUCTURE OF STEMS 125 are outside, in reverse of the condition in the wood, as shown in principle by our diagram (Fig. 81). The third new feature consists in the SECONDARY MEDULLARY RAYS (Fig. 82). They form in the ever-broadening fibro-vascular bundles, which thereby are kept divided to nearly their original width. It is hardly correct, however, to speak Fic. 81. — Diagram of a cross section of a generalized stem, to illustrate the interrelations of fibro-vascular bundles, pith, medullary rays, both primary and secondary, cambium (black), cortex, and cork. Annual rings in bark and wood of identical age are identically shaded. The extension of the rings across the medullary rays is not shown, though it is usually plain in the wood while obscure or absent in the bark. any longer of separate fibro-vascular bundles, since their identity has long since been lost in that of the general woody mass and the bark. . The medullary rays are an important, and sometimes a conspicuous feature of the wood. Beginning as plates of tissue between the originally separate bundles, they are later developed and multiplied in number as a persistent part of the wood, in which they serve as avenues of communica- 126 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. IV, 2 tion between the inner and outer layers. They do not run far, as a rule, up and down the stem (Fig. 82), no farther than the distance between the successive forkings of the fibro- vascular bundles in the original bundle cylinder (page 119). They are more prominent in some woods than others, and are especially striking in Oak, where they form the prominent radial lines so plain on cross sections, and the irregular shining plates for which Oak is ‘‘quartered”’, that is, cut longitudinally in a way to display them. The Oak has also ducts so large as to be clearly visible to the naked eye, — whence its conspicu- ous grain. Stems exhibiting clear distinction of bark, wood, and pith, having cam- Fic. 82. — A 4-year-old stem of Pinus sylves- 3 yea ¢ s tris, with bark partially removed at the cam- bium, annual ring bium ; magnified. It shows clearly the medullary and medullary Trays, rays, primary and secondary, and the annual and increasing in- rings, containing resin canals. (From Stras- burger.) definitely in. thick- ness by secondary growth, represent the most highly developed type, which in- cludes all of our common trees and shrubs. Since they grow by additions of layers to the wood, they are called EXOGENOUS. The other prominent type has none of the above-mentioned features, but remains permanently in a primary growth con- dition with the bundles scattered irregularly throughout the stem (Figs. 72,74). In the belief, since found erroneous, that such stems grow by addition of new bundles inside of the Cu. IV, 2 STRUCTURE OF STEMS 127 older, they were named ENDOGENOUS, and the name remains inuse. This type is characteristic of Grasses, Lilies, Palms, Fic. 83.— Typical exogenous and endogenous stems, in cross section, of Red Pine and a Palm; x +. (Drawn from photographs.) and in fact of all plants in the great natural group of the Monocotyledons, where it is associated with parallel-veined leaves, and sparse branching. The contrast between the two types appears very clearly in our picture (Fig. 83). The typical endogenous type does not permit an indefinite increase in diameter, for, after the fibro-vascular bundles first laid down have in- creased to their full size, the stem no longer enlarges in diameter, but only in height, whereby en- dogenous plants are rendered extremely slender and graceful, as Palms and Bamboos illustrate. The great heights maintained by such stems with slender diameters Dracena Draco, of the Islands, an endo plant which grows indefinitely in diam- eter. (From Balfour.) rest partly on the yielding elasticity permitted by the long curving courses of their separate fibro-vascular bundles 128 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. IV, 3 (Fig. 72), and partly on the perfection to which the hollow- column principle is carried in their construction, as witness the Bamboo. Upon the latter feature they depend far more than do exogenous plants, which find ample support in their massive solid trunks. ' Some Monocotyledons, however, do exhibit increase in diameter, for the outer layers of their stems develop a cambium-like tissue which continues to form new scattered bundles as long as the plant lives. It is thus that the great Dragon Tree, though endogenous, can attain to so great a diameter and age (Fig. 84). In all endog- enous plants, the seeming bark is nothing other than the compact outer tissues, darkened more or less by action of the weather, of which the effects penetrate to some depth. Striking though the difference appears between the exogenous and endogenous types of stems, they perform the same functions with apparently equal efficiency., The differences between them are therefore not functional, but depend rather upon their relationships within two dif- ferent and ancient lines of evolutionary descent. Did we not know this fact, we might seek long for a functional ex- planation of differences the significance of which lies only in heredity. 3. THe CELLULAR ANATOMY OF STEMS From the tissues of stems, which can readily be recognized by aid of a hand lens, we turn naturally to consider the constituent cells, making use of the microscope. One of the best stems for such study, because of its ex- ceptionally clear definition of the parts, is that of the Dutch- man’s Pipe (Aristolochia Sipho), a common vine. Sections through the terminal bud, or very close thereto, show only the closely packed, squarish, protoplasm-filled cells which one soon learns to associate with the embryonic stage of growth (compare Figs. 92, 162). Such embryonic tissue is always called MeRIsTeM, whether in buds, growing tips of roots, cambium, or elsewhere. The principle of resistance to Fria. 124. — The symmetry ofa Strain explains also the form lawn tree, the weeping Birch. of the main branches in the (From Bailey.) 7 ' deliquescent type, for com- monly they rise almost vertically from the trunk, and turn gradually outward, becoming vertical again at the foliage- bearing tip. Stems have not only to support the great mass of the foli- age and also their own considerable weight, but must like- wise resist lateral pressure from winds, which exert great power against the foliage and therefore strong leverage on the stems. Corresponding thereto is the tough-elastic texture of the stems, whereby they are enabled to yield to winds in a manner to shed off their force, as one can see in any great trees in a storm. Where strong winds prevail in one direction during the season of growth, a tree may be held Cu. IV, 10] FOLIAGE-BEARING STEMS 183 so much of the time in the leeward position that it acquires a permanent set that way (Fig. 125), though the result is complicated by the greater transpiration, and consequent less growth, on the windward side. The leverage of the winds is felt most at the base of the trunk, which explains the need for the buttresses above mentioned. There is evidence to show that these buttresses, like the brackets and excentric growth of the branches, develop in irritable self-adjustment to the stim- ulus of the strains there felt, in precisely the same way that leaves and stems turn phototropically to light, or stems hold themselves up- right in adjustment to grav- itation. Between stems and branches no structural dif- ferences exist, the word “branch,’’ as we use it, . Tic. 125.— A yellow Birch, ex- being merely an abbrevia- posed to winds from one direction Hoa for branches at the eee - ee season. (Drawn rom a photograph.) stem.” For the most part all of the branches of a given plant are structurally alike, but sometimes they are not. Thus in fruit trees, some branches make extremely little growth in length each year, while their buds form flowers and fruits with the least possible stem ; and such branches are the familiar FRUIT-sPpURS. Again, some of the branches on a plant may be limited in growth and assume flat forms, as in cladophylla elsewhere described (page 195), the remaining branches having the ordinary form. An even more familiar case of special branches is found in flowers, which are morphologically modified branches including sexual parts. In a few cases, trees form a certain absciss-layer across the bases of some of their young branches, producing the result of a natural pruning. 184 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 10 While the upright self-supporting condition is typical in foliage-supporting stems, modifications thereof occur in connection with special habits. Most prominent are CLIMB- ERS, which make use of trees, rocks, walls, and other supports to lift their foliage to the light. Being thus supported, they need no great thickness and remain slender, devoting their Fic. 126. — A typical epiphytic Orchid, showing aérial roots, and the pseudobulbs, or storage stems, from which spring true leaves. (Reduced from Kerner.) material to increase in length. Some simply clamber over other plants, as in case of the Rattan Palm already men- tioned (page P13) or the many great lianas of the tropics, or the Clematis of our woods. Such plants possess hooks (Rat- tal’ tavining petioles (Clematis, Fig. 51), or other arrange- ments preventive of slipping from the supporting vegetation. Others, forming our principal vines, cling to a support, either by tendrils, as in Grape and Passion Vine (Fig. 136), or by Cu. IV, 10] FOLIAGE-BEARING STEMS 185 adherent disks, as with Virginia Creeper, or by disks on the ends of aérial rootlets as in the Ivies which grow upon buildings (Fig. 180). Others are twiners, and wind their very slender stems around the support, as do Morning Glory and Dutchman’s-pipe. Some special forms of irritability are concerned in the climbing movements. Thus, vines which climb against walls have the stems negatively phototropic, and thus are kept against the surface to which their roots adhere. All climbing stems remain slender, form- ing new wood but slowly, and possess, as a rule, very large ducts. From the climbing to an epiphytic habit there is every gradation in tropical vege- tati E Fie. 127. — Aechmea miniata var. discolor, typical of atlon. PI- the funnel-form epiphytes. (From Bailey.) PHYTES are plants which have no connection of their own with the ground, but live supported ‘towards the light upon others, without being parasitic. Very few occur in the flora of temperate regions, aside from a few stray Mosses, Lichens, and other low forms, but most tropical Orchids, some Ferns, and many members of the Pineapple Family, including the “Long Moss”’ of the South, are typical epiphytes ; and they often cover the branches of tropical trees in great variety and profusion (Fig. 126). Their mode of life is peculiar, and many striking adaptations thereto have been described by those who have studied them in the tropics. Their attachment to 186 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 10 the supporting plant is precarious, and they remain compact with very short stems often concealed completely by crowded leaves. Their water supply comes from the rain which wets the bark on which their roots grow ; but a few possess methods of collecting the rain in funnel-shaped cups formed by their leaves (Fig. 127). All epiphytes, indeed, show marked water-conserving features, including thick- ened epidermis, sunken stomata, storage tissues, and other features associ- ated with plants which must stand frequent dry- ness (page 69). Their supply of mineral matters is such only as they can derive from the decaying vegetation amongst which they live, and much of it comes from the bark into which they send their Ny i roots. Some kinds, how- yy (i) X ever, collect among their } 5 \ : leaves the bark, twigs, ‘ : flowers, ete., which fall Fic. 128. — An epiphytic Fern, Platy- i : y cerium grande, possessing two kind of from above, while others fronds, — ordinary (drooping) and humus- possess leaves so adjusted collecting (upright); x 4. (From Goebel.) ‘ to the supporting trunks as to form half cups in which bark and other materials streaming down with the rain are caught and held, later decaying to a humus from which both water and mineral matters are readily absorbed (Fig. 128). And many other interesting features, some structural and some self-adjustive, are known to accompany the epiphytic habit. From the penetration of dead bark for rain water to a penetration of Cx. IV, 10] FOLIAGE-BEARING STEMS 187 living stems for their soil water, the step would seem easy for roots; and thus has probably originated the half-parasitic habit represented in the Mistletoe. Thence it is only a short step further to a connection with the food supply of the host plant, and a completely parasitic habit. It is prob- able that the parasitism of the flowering plants has mostly originated in this way. Like climbing stems in many respects are creeping or trailing stems, such as those of Partridge Berry and Ground Fic. 129. — The rhizome, or rootstock, with ascending shoots, of a Sedge; x }., (From Le Maout and Decaisne.) Pine. Since the ground supports them, they remain slen- der, and simple in structure. This habit merges over imper- ceptibly into that where the stems run, not on the surface but just beneath it, as in some Ferns and the Grasses; and remarkable self-adjustive adaptations have been described whereby the stems are kept at a constant depth. This habit is best developed in the Grasses and Sedges, where the slender underground stems branch and interlock so profusely as to form the familiar turf, from which rise short vertical stems bearing the foliage (Fig. 129). When thus underground, the stems lose their green color and acquire the aspect of roots, 188 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV,10 whence their botanical name of RooTstocKks; but they are always distinguished by the presence of nodes and rudi- Fic. 130. — Stolon of Black Raspberry. (From Bailey.) mentary scale-like leaves. Such rootstocks often accumu- late food, thus tending towards new organs, which we may best consider in the following section. There also occur a kind of traveling stems. The very slender woody stems of the Brambles bend over and touch ia. 131. — Sempervivum soboliferum, showing typical offsets. (rom Iserner.) the ground at their tips, where they take root; and thus the plants form dense and ever advancing thickets (Fig. 130). Cu. IV, 10] FOLIAGE-BEARING STEMS 189 Some plants develop both upright and reclined stems, the latter, called srotons, lying close to the ground, as in Hobble-bushes, descriptively named. Short leafy stolons, called orFsETs, are formed by some plants of compact growth like the Sempervivums, which thereby spread out- ward in a continuous growing mat (Fig. 131). Very long and slender stolons, evi- — dently adapted to spreading the plant, are called RUNNERS, as familiar in the Strawberry. The flowering plants are typically land dwellers, but in course of their evolu- tionsome kinds have returned to a life in the water, — e.g. Water-lilies and a great many of the Waterweeds. The stems of such plants are buoyed up by the water, which thus supplies the support for the foli- age, in correspond- ence wherewith the stems are weak and soft, serving rather as cords to retain the leaves than columns to lift them. Some flowering plants live also in deserts, into which they have been forced in the course of evolution. The scarcity of water entails on such plants great reduction of surface, leading in the most typical cases, like the Cactus, to aban- Fic. 132. — Fucus vesiculosus, the common brown Rockweed; * +. (From Figurier.) 190 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 10 donment of the leaves and the assumption of photosynthesis by the compact, rotund, water-storing, ribbed stems, which possess Inany structural features connected with restriction of transpiration (Fig. 141). The difference in aspect and structure between forest plants, desert plants, and water plants shows how profoundly plant form is affected by water supply. In accordance, indeed, with this relation to water, most plants fall under three well-recognized groups, the desert plants being called xpRopHyTES, the water plants _ Fic. 133.— The Giant Kelp, Mac- rocystis pyrifera, which grows up- wards of 200 feet long. (From Le Maout and Decaisne.) HYDROPHYTES, and the intermedi- ate or ordinary plants MESOPHYTES. The mesophytic is of course the best condition for plant life, and reaches its highest perfec- tion in the rank growths of the tropical forests and jungles, though it is nearly as well attained in the deciduous forests of temperate regions. The primitive water plants, the Alge, in their highest development are distinguished by a THALLUs, familiar in the fronds of brown Rockweeds (Fig. 132) and the red Sea- mosses. The thallus is neither leaf nor stem, but rather a more primitive structure from which leaf and stem have not yet differentiated. Some of the greater Alge, as for ex- ample the giant Kelp of the Pacific (Fig. 133), have de- veloped a distinct leaf and stem structure, though it by no means represents the evolutionary ancestor of the shoot of the higher plants. The term sHooT is used in connection with the flowering plants to designate stem and leaves collectively. Cu. IV, 11] SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF STEMS 191 11. THe Forms anp FUNCTIONS OF STEMS NOT CONNECTED WITH SUPPORT OF FOLIAGE As with — other plant parts, stems are not limited to the one primary function in adapta- tion to which they seem clearly to have been evolved, but perform also others, which sometimes re- Fig. 134.—Solomon’s Seal, Polygonatum multiflorum; X 4. Each “seal”? marks a fallen shoot, and a year’s growth of the rootstock. place the original (From Strasburger.) function. Thus are produced new organs, with distinctive aspect and structure. The most frequent additional function of stems is storage Fic. 135. — A typ- ical corm, composed mostly of stem, of Crocus. (From Figurier.) of food or water. All woody stems store food over winter, but since ample room therefor exists in the ordinary tissues, — in pith, bark, medullary rays, and parts of the fibro-vascular bundles, —such stems exhibit no external evidence of the storage function. Some stems, however, do show marked swellings resulting from storage of food and water, as especially clear in the pseudobulbs of epiphytic Orchids (Fig. 126). Storage of food is commonest in underground stems or rootstocks, which thereby are given a swollen aspect, as for example in Solomon’s Seal (Fig. 134), where a new piece of food-filled stem, producing a new shoot, is made each year. Similar arrangements are found in Iris, Trillium, and others, and reaches an ex- treme in the corm of Crocus (Fig. 135), 192 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 11 where the nearly globular storage stem is commonly mis- taken for, and called, a bulb (page 73). All of these stems produce roots, and also give rise to the foliage; but cases occur in which food-storage completely displaces f the foliage-supporting function, and also the production of roots. Then we have a new organ, ex- emplified in the common potato, the stem nature of which is attested by the eyes, which are axillary buds subtended by small scale leaves. Such an organ, rotund with accumulated food, and composed mostly of thin- walled rounded storage cells of the greatly developed pith and cortex, is called a TUBER, of which many forms occur among plants. Another important special func- tion of stems is represented in tendrils, which have the same Fic. 136. — Tendrils, from axillary buds, in a Mexican elongated slender forms, move- Passiflora. : : Compare also Fig. 52. The ments through the air, thigmo- tendrils of Grape Vine and all tropic twining about a support, of the Gourd family (Squash, , eee ; eas Wild Cucumber), represent the anc splra 5 1ortening, AUTeady main stem, the further growth cleseribed in leaf tendrils (page taking place from the axillary 5. Nee Es = ie Igdien Chl tere Cea} 77). Passion Vine, Wild Cu- cumber, and Grape Vines have stem tendrils (Fig. 136), which are more abundant and perfect in form than leaf tendrils, perhaps because support is a more natural function of stems than of leaves. Stems also become transformed into spines, which are sometimes very large, as in Honey Locust (Fig. 137). The Cu. IV, 11] SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF STEMS 193 single spine of the Cactus-like Euphorbias is a stem, really the persistent and hardened flower-bearing branch. As in case of leaves, however, the significance of these spines is uncertain (page 79). Support of the flowers, which mostly stand out in the light, is another of the special functions of stems. Flower © stalks are usually slender-cylin- drical, nodeless, and leaf- less, though sometimes they bear bracts (page 73). An elongated stem ending in a single flower or small cluster, espe- cially if starting directly Fic. 137.—Spine, a branch developed from an axillary bud, in Honey Locust; x h. from the ground, as with Adder’s-tongue or Violets, is called a scape; a flower stalk from the axil of a leaf is called a Fie. 138. — Rubus squarrosus, shrub in which the foliage function is assumed by the stems and _ petioles; much reduced. (From Wiesner.) oO PEDUNCLE, and in clusters each separate stalk is a PEDICEL. A typical flower stalk consists really of one internode, bearing at its top several nodes merged together in one enlarged RECEPTACLE which = sup- ports the floral parts (page 271). The most striking of the new functions assumed by stems is found in the re- placement of leaves as foliage. In the simplest 194 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cm IV, 11 case the stem acquires more chlorophyll, shown by a deeper green color, thus supplementing better the work of the 5 Fic. 139.—Muehlenheckia platy- clada; * %. (From Goebel.) nodes and the persistent small leaves. Still more striking are the cases in which flattened stems, in this case branches, be- come limited in growth, and assume characteristic leaves; but in others the leaves are reduced in size almost to dis- appearance, leaving the foliage function wholly to the slender- cylindrical stems and _ petioles. In others the stems become flattened, thin, and green like the leaves, as in the familiar greenhouse plant Muehlenbeckia (Fig. 139), the stem nature of which, despite its deep green color, is proven by the prominent Fic. 140. — Leaf-like cladophylla (branches) of Butcher’s-Broom, Ruscus Hypoglossum, in the axils of bracts, and bearing leaves and flowers: x 4. (After Kerner.) leaf shapes, to such a degree that their stem nature would hardly be suspected at all, were it not that they grow from Cu. IV, 11] SPECIAL FUNCTIONS OF STEMS 195 the axils of small scales which are morphologically leaves, os exemplified in the familiar “Smilax” of the florists. The utcher’s-Broom of Europe is similar in general, but has vis further interesting feature, that on the face of the CLADOPHYLL (as such leaf-like branches are called), occurs a small though genuine leaf, bearing in its axil a flower cluster (Fig. 140). The apparent leaves of the common “Asparagus Fern’ likewise are branches, of which several occur in the axil of each scale-like leaf. In clado- phylla the stems have be- come foliage without other function. Fia. 142. — Rhipsalis Houl- letii; x 4. The seeming leaves are flattened stems, morpho- logically equivalent to a form like the Echinocactus of Fig. Fic. 141. — Echinocactus, a 141, with the ribs reduced to typical globular ribbed Cactus. 2and flattened. (From Riimp- (Originally after Engelmann.) ler, Die Sukkulenten.) The functions of foliage and storage are combined in the succulent stems of Cactus and other plants of dry places. Such stems, which store principally water absorbed during the rainy season, become swollen to cylindrical, or even “almost globular forms, while the entire leafless surface bears ample chlorenchyma, with stomata through the thick epi- dermis (Fig. 141). Many of these plants possess vertical 196 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 12 ribs, which have the effect of increasing the spread of green surface without a proportional increase of transpiration, which, of course, is the ever-present danger to plants of dry places (page 69). These ribs vary much in number, from many to few, and even in some cases to two, when the struc- ture approximates closely in appearance and function to a single leaf (Fig. 142). Thus is presented still another exam- ple of the attainment of the same functional end by a dif- ferent morphological route. The explanation of such remarkable morphological-physi- ological overturnings as are presented by the cladophylla is probably to be found, as with similar anomalies in leaves, in a devious course of evolution through conditions and habits very different from, those now distinctive of these plants. 12. Tue MonstTrRosiITiIEs oF STEMS AND LEAVES It often happens that individual parts of plants grow so differently from their usual. method as to attract attention and be designated “freaks.” Scientifically such cases are called ABNORMALITIES, or if extreme, MONSTROSITIES. Aside from their interest as curious things needing explanation, they are scientifically important for the light they throw upon the methods of plant development. First, it must be noted that not all peculiar growths are properly monstrosities, for many result from purely mechani- cal causes. Thus, when a stem is encircled by a rigid ring (e.g. supporting iron band or wire attachment of a label), it becomes thereby constricted in its further growth, and swells greatly above the obstruction, because of the ac- cumulation of food stopped in its downward passage through the bark (Fig. 107). Precisely this cause produces great spiral ridges on trunks gripped by twining vines. Again, different parts of the same plant often become grown or grafted together, because crushed or rubbed against one an- other when young. In this way twin fruits are sometimes Cu. IV, 12] MONSTROSITIES OF STEMS 197 produced, though others are true monstrosities resulting from partial fission of one. Oranges sometimes exhibit a segment very different in color and texture of skin from the rest; but these are a special incident of grafting, as else- where explained (page 211). Strawberries which remain hard, shrunken, and green on one side are merely individuals which did not receive enough fertiliz- ing pollen (page 279). And other peculiarities of like sort, more or less obvious in origin, occur in various plant parts. Of true stem monstrosities perhaps the most common are FASCIATIONS. These are cases in which the usually cylindrical stem with its single ter- minal bud becomes a flattened stem with several imperfectly separated terminal buds, as occurs at times in Asparagus (Fig. 143), Hyacinths, and other herbs, and in Forsythia and Barberry among shrubs. A striking example, seemingly in a fruit, but really in a stem, occurs in the Pine- Ae eae aag een apple figured herewith (Fig. 144). shoot of Asparagus, which Fasciations are much more common is , 2°rmally cylindrical ; ‘ A ; . x4. (Drawn from a pho- in cultivated than in wild plants, and tograph.) sometimes can be propagated; as, for instance in the Crested (7.e. a fasciated) Cactus (Fig. 145), while a crested form of Celosia gives us the Cockscomb of our gardens, and a related condition in leaves produces the feathered fronds of the Pearson Fern, — a new variety of the plain Boston Fern. Fasciations are evidently caused by a partial fission of one meristematic growth center into several. In some cases the result follows an injury by insects, but in such cases it cannot be propagated ; in others it seems clearly due to internal causes of still unknown nature, affecting the 198 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 12 meristematic tissues or the reproductive cells, and these are the kinds which it is possible to propagate, and thus preserve Fic. 144.— A Pineapple, fasciated to an unusual degree. It is flattened in the plane that isvisible; x}. The Pineap- ple is mostly stem covered with coales- cent small ovaries and bracts. (Drawn from a photo- graph.) in our gardens. The first step towards a fasciation would be a bifurcation, sometimes seen in the fronds of Ferns, and in some double fruits, 7.e. in Orange (Fig. 146). Closely related to fasciations are cases of unregulated bud develop- ment, most familiar in the Bird’s- eye Maple. The eyes are knots, that is, buried branches, developed from a mass of adventitious buds which start on the side of a trunk of a Maple, presumably as a result of some injury (page 137), and in their growth about keep pace with the expansion of the trunk. An- other prominent case is found in “ Witches’ brooms” (Fig. 147), those dense masses of slender twigs Fic. 145. — Greatly fasci- ated, or crested, Echinocactus. (From Rimpler.) found on the upper branches of Cu. IV, 12] MONSTROSITIES OF STEMS 199 Spruces and some other trees. Here, instead of the usual development of a few buds with inhibition of others, many or all of the buds on the branches affected develop equally, and more or less independently of the others. It is known that this condition is produced by the pres- ence of a parasite, the Fria. 146. — A twin-fruit, of Mandarin obvious effect of which oe x}. (Drawn from a photo- is to paralyze the mech- ee anism of growth correlation by which the buds are ordinarily controlled. Closely analogous to these cases in buds is the unregulated growth of tissues. Thus, the large burls or gnarls which ap- Fig. 147. — A typical Witches’ Broom, caused by an cidium, a Fungus, on a branch of Fir. (From Kerner.) 200 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. IV, 12 pear on old Elms, especially near the bases of the lower great branches, are composed of complexly contorted and twisted masses of wood, often beautifully grained when sectioned and polished. They are formed by areas of cam- bium, which, instead of keeping their places and parts in the regular fibro-vascular cylinder, proceed to grow profusely, and thus are thrown out into irregular folds. A less extreme case is found in Curly Birch, and in some other irregularly grained hardwoods highly valued in fancy carpentry. In some cases such growths are apparently started by injurious strains, which would explain their fre- quency at the bases of great branches; and very likely they represent areas in which the growth-con- trol mechanism has been ruptured by the strain. It is interesting to note that a close analogy exists between these burls and the troublesome tumors Fic. 148.— A Wooden Flower, or Wooden Rose, on a leguminous plant; : : x4. The parasite which induced it was Which form in the human a flowering plant, Phoradendron. (From Engler and Prantl, Pflanzenfamilien.) body, for the latter also are formless growths re- sulting from continued operation of the growth energy of the tissues after the control stimuli have been inhibited, usually as result of some strain or other accident. Other burls, however, with various kinds of knotty growths, are started by presence of parasites, which also inhibit the usual control, presumably by chemical action. Of this nature is the remarkable ‘wooden flower,’ sold to tourists in tropical America (Fig. 148). It is nothing but 2 stem in which a parasite has inhibited the growth control over a limited area, leaving that part free to grow as it happens. Cu. IV, 12] MONSTROSITIES OF STEMS 201 Related to these peculiarities of tissue development are the TORSIONS, or close twistings sometimes found in plant tissues, either stems or fruits. They are often prominent on trees standing in burnt woods, or on fence rails, where the layers of wood form closely wound spirals. Rather striking, and not uncommon, are PROLIFERATIONS, well illustrated in the cases where a leafy shoot projects from the tip of the fruit in Pear or Straw- berry (Fig. 149). In Roses the stem occa- sionally grows up through the center of a flower and produces another, thus making a ‘‘two storied”’ flower (Fig. 150), while two-storied fruits, of similar origin, occur occasionally in Apples. An incomplete case is represented in the Navel Orange, where the stem grows up between the seg- ments of the fruit, and bears a smaller orange, not, it is true, on the top, but within the top of the main one. This case is also of interest as showing that such monstrosities can be propagated, for all Navel Oranges are reproduced by grafting. Stems, and therefore the stalks of flowers py¢. 149 — Pro- and fruits, can potentially elongate indefi- liferous Pear. (From : Siac iaore 5 Balfour.) nitely, and some special inhibitory influence must ordinarily check their growth in flowers and fruits. It is apparently the occasional failure, presumably by some acci- dent, of this inhibitory stimulus, which results in proliferations. Among the commoner monstrosities are SUBSTITUTIONS of one part or feature for another. Most people know that green Roses occur; and a variety is grown in Botanical Gardens on which the flowers are well-nigh as green as the leaves. Formerly such cases were considered ‘‘reversions,” the petals being supposed to have returned to the state of green leaves from which they were evolved. They seem rather, however, to result from a substitution of chlorophyll 202 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. 1V, 12 for the usual color substance, of which the formation is inhibited by some accident. We sometimes find the oppo- site phenomenon, where the floral color is thrown into leaves, as happens with some Tulips, in which the upper- most leaf of the flower-stalk takes the color of the flower. Genuine reversions no doubt do occur; and perhaps we have a case in the occasional appearance of leaves upon the smooth sides of Apples and Cucumbers, this part of the fruit being morphologically stem. Sometimes Potatoes appear above ground in the axils of the leaves, evidently because food material destined for the underground tubers Fie. 150. Proliferous — Rose. ‘ : (From Masters, Vegetable Tera- becomes diverted into axillary tology.) buds. There can be little doubt that with increasing knowledge we shall learn to control such substitutions, and various other stimuli which produce special growths upon plants. Thus the horticulture of the future will surely include some practice whereby palatable and nutritious growths, on the analogy of aerial tubers and galls, will be produced at will upon the leaves or stems of plants. Several forms of monstrosities are distinctive of leaves. Rather common is the formation of a cornucopia-like pitcher, instead of a flat blade, as happens in Pelargoniums, Cabbage, and others (Fig. 151). Here the bases of the leaf blade seem to unite or graft together over the petiole at an early stage, and remain united during the subsequent growth. The case has an interest in showing one way in which pitchers Cu. IV, 12) MONSTROSITIES OF STEMS 203 may have originated in the Pitcher Plants (page 76). Also distinctive of leaves is a peculiar monstrosity called PHYL- LOMANIA, propagated in a green-house variety of Begonia, where the stem or petioles produce a great number of very minute, but otherwise well-formed blades (Fig. 152). Here the form-factors which shape the blade, whatever they are, evidently have spread all over the plant. An extremely fine division of the leaf blade, closely following the veins, some- times occurs, and can be propa- gated: and such is the origin of the “laciniate”’ or finely cut leaves of some cultivated trees and shrubs. Not properly monstrosities, though usually associated and intergradient therewith, are GALLS. Typical examples occur in the bright red round swellings on Oak leaves, which, when opened, are found to contain the larva of an insect (Fig. 153). A common form upon stems is the familiar globular swelling of the stem in Golden Rods. They are o formed by the plant tissues BR Pee pepies after an insect has laid an egg therein, though we do not yet know the precise nature of the stimulation which controls their development. The growing insect feeds upon the leaf tissue, then makes its way out and escapes. The advantage of the arrangement to the insect is plain, but its meaning to the plant is still problematical. Hundreds or thousands of such galls are known, constant in form for the same kind of insect on the same kind of plant. Some are large, some small, some rough or hairy, some smooth, some on leaves and some on stems, and 204 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. IV, 12 / : ! i iy Fic. 152. — Begonia phyllomaniaca, which produces many small leaves over leaf and stem. (From Bailey.) some involve both, as in case of the Willow Roses, — those rose-like masses of shortened leaves often seen on the ends of Willow stems. Fic. 153. — Typical galls, with the Insects, of Oak; slightly reduced. On the left a leafy ‘Oak-apple,”’ and on the right the insect in cocoon and adult stages. In the center, an Oak gall, and on the right, lower, the same cut open, showing the larva of the insect. (From Thomé, Text-book of Botany.) Cu. IV, 13] ECONOMICS OF STEMS 205 A very close relation exists between monstrosities, and those extreme variations called in horticulture sports. In fact a sport, the foundation of some of our most valuable varieties of cultivated plants, as typified, for example, by the Navel Orange, is probably nothing other than a monstrosity which has originated from internal and not external causes, and which can be propagated. Monstrosities occur, of course, in the other plant parts, notably flowers and fruits, and along with our description thereof we shall consider still further their causes. 13. Tue Economics, AnD TREATMENT IN CULTIVATION, OF STEMS As with other plant parts, stems possess structures and contain substances suited to their functions and_ habits. These materials, however, happen to meet certain needs of man, who accordingly appropriates them for his purposes. The size, composition, and tough grain of the great trunks built by trees for support of their foliage fit them ad- mirably for innumerable domestic and manufacturing utili- ties. Nature has supplied lumber and cabinet woods in great abundance and variety, but not so great .as man’s increasing needs; and he is driven perforce to conserve, augment, and improve the supply through scientific forestry. Likewise from stems he obtains material for paper, not now as in old times from consolidated strips of herbaceous pith (papyrus), but from cellulose fibers (rag or linen papers), and from the lignified elements of the xylem. These he sep- arates by grinding, or else by use of chemicals which dissolve the middle lamelle (page 147), and then felts them together to a pulp which is compressed between rollers to the familiar thin sheets. Also he uses tough bast fibers for threads, notably in case of Flax, which he weaves to cloth, giving linen, though cotton has a very different origin, as will later appear. Both bast fibers and sclerenchyma strands 20 a A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. IV, 13 are utilized as hemp, or other cordage. Likewise the bark- cork has uses dependent on its waterproof qualities. From the stores laid down by plants in their stems man derives many foods, either directly through some vegetables or indirectly through fodder plants. Most of his sugar comes from the main stems of the Sugar Cane, and a little from Maple, and some starch from Sago Palm, while special storage stems, like potatoes, yield him specially rich harvest. And likewise from stems he draws drugs, dyestuffs, tanning substances, resins, rubber, and almost innumerable other materials, having in the plant distinctive meanings which involve properties happening to serve some human purpose. Man’s command over the resources of Nature rests not alone upon his direct appropriation and use of materials which plants happen to offer, but also upon his power to multiply their quantity and improve their quality by culti- vation. That part of cultivation which consists in conform- ity to the plant’s physiological peculiarities (page 94) is comparatively simple with stems, involving no special hor- ticultural or agricultural practice, doubtless because of the relatively simple and mechanical part taken by stems in the plant’s economy. But the other phase of cultivation, viz. improvement, which always depends on the wtil/zation of potentialities which the construction or composition of the plant happens to offer, has some important applications in stems, especially in connection with pruning and grafting. PRUNING consists in the removal of some parts of a plant for the benefit of the remainder. Its very possibility de- pends on two leading facts. First, branches are practi- cally all repetitions of one another, and hence are not in- terdependent ; and accordingly any particular ones may be removed without damage to the rest. Second, any injuries made in living tissues of plants not only heal quickly, but the bark gradually overgrows and permanently covers large areas of dead tissues, as already described (page 122, Fig. 79). Cu. IV, 13} ECONOMICS OF STEMS 207 If pruning is done in winter or early spring, the injuries heal largely before the first rush of the valuable sap. There are four principal uses of pruning. First, parts affected with disease which might spread to sound parts can be removed. Second, some desired shape can be given ornamental or fruit trees by removing growth in undesired directions. This practice merges over imperceptibly into the clipping of plants forcibly to desired shapes, as practiced with hedges or with evergreen plants in the Topiary work of formal gardens. Third, more space and light can be insured to a few branches, in place of a mediocre exposure to many, thus promoting the development of fine individual flowers or fruits. Trees and shrubs not only form many more buds than ever develop, but develop many more branches than is good for them all. By a form of pruning, viz. disbudding, it is possible to develop the wonderful great exhibition types of Chrysanthemum. The fourth use of pruning is the most important of all, especially in orchards, — viz. to produce more formation of fruit and less of leaf and stem. The possibility of gaining this end by pruning depends on the fact that in plants (as also in animals) a certain reciprocal balance exists between the reproductive and the vegetative parts, such that any check to either promotes the other, — and the fruit, of course, is a part of the plant’s reproductive mechanism. In a state of nature, all woody plants form only enough reproductive parts for their needs, and, as a phase of their competition with one another for light and space, throw the remainder of their energy into growth of stem and leaf. The human fruit-grower, however, does not so much wish his trees to become big as to bear plenty of fruit; and by pruning away much stem and leaf, he can turn the plant’s energy into more copious formation of fruit. Thus the cultivated Grape Vines, left to themselves, produce long leafy canes bearing few clusters of Grapes ; but when thoroughly pruned, they produce little cane but many fine clusters. Of course 208 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. 1V, 13 such pruning must be done with discretion, for in the last analysis the production of fruit depends upon the work of leaves and stems; but the aim of the pruner is that optimum balance at which only enough food is sent to stem and leaves to insure moderate growth for the next season, while all of the remainder goes into fruit. Naturally the best pruning requires judgment, skill, and technique, which are acquired only by a combination of natural aptitude with long and interested practice. There are other minor uses of pruning for special purposes, of which an example is the root-pruning said to underlie the production of the remarkable dwarf trees of the Japanese. By the consequent restriction of water and mineral matters, the entire development of the plant is restrained without other alteration of its characteristics. Even more important than pruning in the utilization of the natural potentialities of stems is GRAFTING, or, as the entire art comprehensively is now often called, GRAFTAGE. It consists essentially in this;—a piece of stem, called a CION, or SCION, of some valuable variety of plant is inserted into the stem of another, which is usually a less valuable but more hardy kind, called the srock, in such manner that the cambium tissues can unite. In these cases cion and stock grow together as one organism, which through life, no matter how large the plant becomes, retains below the union the hardy roots and other characters of the one, and above the union the special good qualities of the other. The possibility of grafting depends upon the capacity of the cambium of related plants thus to unite; and its value depends upon the permanent retention of the characters of the cion substantially unaltered, In practice only closely-related kinds can be grafted to- gether, presumably because of chemical incompatibility in the protoplasm of more distant relatives. Further, only exogenous kinds will unite, because the joining of the cam- bium is the central feature of the process; and much of the Cu. IV, 13] ECONOMICS OF STEMS 209 technique of grafting centers in making good contacts of cion and stock, and in holding the parts together until their permanent union is effected (Fig. 154). Grafting is mostly done in very early spring, when the tissues are resting, but are soon to become active. Later, as the tissues awaken, they knit together, the wound heals over, and thereafter they grow as one plant, without need of further attention, except that for a time care must be taken to remove any shoots which spring up from the stock, for these, with their greater vigor, may draw all sap from the cion and cause it to perish. Ideally the pro- cess is simplest when cion and stock are the same diameter ; but very small twigs can readily be grafted upon very large stumps. Naturally an elaborate technique and, e154 > Mstiation of the method great special knowledge prepared; next, two cions inserted in a appertain to the subject. ‘#04: on the Tish, the asing of the Grafting is practiced for trance of Fungi. (From Bailey.) three principal reasons : First, and most important, it permits both the preserva- tion and the multiplication of valuable kinds of plants which appear as BUD sports, but which neither transmit their good qualities through seed, nor strike root from cuttings, and hence, except for grafting, would be lost. Bud sports, which are related to monstrosities (page 205), are individual branches which show in their development some striking difference from others on the same plant. Most of our best varieties of Apples, Pears, Oranges, and other fruits, have originated in this way, and are perpetuated only by grafting. Indeed, P 210 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. IV, 13 grafting may be defined from this point of view as a process of fitting a set of ready-made roots upon kinds of plants unable to make any of their own. Second, grafting can be used to produce certain desirable changes in minor qualities of the cion, though no essential features can thus be altered. An earlier or later time of blossoming or fruiting of a tree, a better adjustment to a particular soil or climate, advantageous dwarfing or enlarg- ing, resistance to root parasites, even in some small degree an improvement in color or size may be wrought in the cion by grafting on a suitable stock. All such features, however, seem to depend upon the sap, which of course is supplied by the roots of the stock. The more essential characters are seated in the protoplasm, and remain unaltered by grafting, since the protoplasm, unlike the sap, does not pass from stock to cion, but remains separate in the two. Third, curious effects in plant form are obtainable by grafting, as when a dozen or more varieties of Cherries are made to grow on one tree, or bizarre constructions are pro- duced by the grafting upon one stock of many forms of Cacti, which happen to graft extraordinarily well. The older books upon horticulture frequently mention GRAFT-HYBRIDS, of which the most famous is Cytisws Adam, produced by grafting between yellow-flowered and purple- flowered shrubs, and itself preserved by grafting. It shows diverse comminglings of yellow and purple in the flowers, but not an intermediate color. In a true hybrid, produced by the crossing through fertilization of two parents of dif- ferent races or species, the color is that of one parent or the other, or else has an intermediate shade, but is never a mosaic of the two colors, as in this plant. However, modern research has shown that Cytisus Adami is no hybrid at all, but a mixture of the tissues of the two parents, such a com- bination being now called a cutma@ra. It has been found possible to produce these chimeras artificially by so manip- ulating the grafting that a part of a bud of the cion unites Cu. IV, 13] ECONOMICS OF STEMS 211 with a part of a bud of the stock, in which case the resultant bud has the tissues of the two parents intermingled in diverse ways. Such chimeras, accidentally produced, are not un- common in Oranges, or even in Apples, which sometimes have one segment of skin differing sharply in color or texture from the remainder. An important economic aspect of stem structure is in- volved in the new practice of tree surgery. In order to pre- serve valuable trees, it is now customary not only to prune away branches seriously affected by disease, but also to clean out cavities thus caused, and fill them with cement, in imitation of the methods successfully practiced by dentists with teeth. Experience, however, is hardly justifying earlier expectations, for such cement-filled cavities, though seem- ingly at first satisfactory, often decay next Fia. 155. — A the cement, which shrinks slightly in setting and allows sap to exude and Fungi to enter. Besides, the rigidity of the cement fits badly with the elasticity of trees which must sway in the wind, while its weight in some positions is a serious strain upon thin cylinders of wood. A promising, though good and a bad way to strengthen a weak crotch of a tree. Better yet, in many cases, is the use of a chain between two bolts instead of the single long bolt. (From Bailey.) rather expensive substitute, is a filling of wooden blocks set in an elastic, antiseptic material like tar. In other details tree surgery has made real progress, e.g. in the supporting of weak branches by chains and bolts, the former of which permit a free motion in the tree, while the latter prevents that choking of the bark which follows the use of encircling bands (Fig. 155). The subject is still in the developmental stage, on which account it offers a tempt- ing field to incompetent practitioners, and even impostors, against which type of ‘‘tree-surgeons”’ the owner of trees must be upon guard. CHAPTER V THE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ROOTS 1. THe Distinctive Features or Roots Roots are typically underground parts which spread through the soil and absorb therefrom the water and mineral matters needed by plants, while simultaneously providing a firm anchorage for the stems which rise in the air. Thus roots have a distinctive primary with a prominent secondary function. Though diverse in forms, and occasionally per- forming additional or substitute functions, they are less multiform in these features than leaves or stems, no doubt because of the more homogeneous environment under which they dwell. Typical soil roots extend from the base of the stem, and continuously radiate, branch, and taper down to a fibrous size. Taking all angles from vertical to horizontal, they form collectively a mass suggestive of some shoots, but inverted (Fig. 156). Unlike shoots, however, they are rarely sym- metrical, because mechanical irregularities in the ground, and self-adjustments to the uneven distribution of water, air, and mineral salts, greatly alter their shapes, making actual root systems extremely irregular. The radiate form, so distinctive of soil roots, enables them to reach a large volume of soil, while also providing the best anchorage against the all-sided strains to which stems are exposed; but there also occur cases in which a single main root continues the stem vertically downward, the lateral roots being very much smaller. Such a Tap roor (Fig. 157) is rare in trees but common in herbs, as familiar in Dandelion and others, 212 Ca. Vy 1 FEATURES OF ROOTS 213 where often it is used for storage of food. That the mass of roots keeps towards the surface, especially in the largest plants, is due in part to the need for aération, and in part to the increasing hardness of the soil with greater depth. In size, roots bear close relations to shoots, for it is clear that the shoot takes the lead, so to speak, in determining the form and habits of the plant, and _— secondarily produces a corresponding quantity of roots. No matter what the size at the trunk, all roots end in the delicate white tips de- voted to absorption and growth; and in correlation with this uniform function, performed under compara- tively uniform conditions, the tips of typical soil roots are not far from one size. In texture, roots vary from woody-hard in trees (the wood, indeed, of roots being often harder and more compact than that of the stems) down to the softness of meristem in eae aes. The fibrous Fie. 156. — A typical root system, of parts are tenaciously tough, Corn. (From Bailey.) —a quality which is evi- dently connected with the fact that the anchorage function of the roots falls largely on the fibers. In color, roots are white at their growing tips, that being the natural color of meristematic tissue. Farther back they are brown, from the development of protective cork; and in older parts they are very dark from the action of the 214 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 1 soil on the bark. Sometimes, when exposed to the light, young roots will turn red, apparently through formation of erythrophyll, which may have any of the meanings already explained for that substance (page 88). In duration, roots conform to the plants which produce them, being annual, biennial, or perennial, and either herba- ceous or woody. Unlike — shoots, however, roots drop no parts, for the growing tips develop without break into the older and thicker, and finally the woody parts. Roots are pro- duced from stems, most commonly and typically from the lower end of the first stem formed by the Fie. 157. — A typical tap root, of Dandelion. embryo plant; (From Bailey.) but sometimes they develop from other parts, particularly from the nodes where these happen to touch the ground. Further, many kinds of plants, like the common ‘Geraniums,’” which do not naturally produce roots from their stems, can be made to do so from slips or cuttings, though this is impossible with most kinds. Sometimes, though rarely, roots produce stems, as in Locusts and Apple trees, which send up sucKERs from their roots at a distance from the trunks. Cu. V, 2] STRUCTURE OF ROOTS 215 True soil roots are found only in the Flowering Plants and Ferns. The lower land plants (the Bryophytes, or Moss plants) have substitutes in large hair-like RHIzoIps. The Alge need no roots, since they absorb through their whole bodies, though the Rockweeds have attachment organs, somewhat like roots in aspect. In the Fungi no roots occur, although their slender absorbing mycelial threads (page 84) possess certain characteristics of root hairs. While soil roots are primarily organs of absorption and anchorage, they also perform other functions, becoming storage organs, spines, climbing organs, and even foliage, as will presently be noted. 2. THE Structure or Roots The principal features of root structure can be seen very well in the root system of some garden herb or house plant carefully lifted and washed free — of adherent soil. Observation of such material shows that the entire root system of a plant is continuous, without any trace of such nodes as occur in the stem. Each part is typically cylindrical, though often forced by the soil to other shapes. The branching is very irregular, in marked con- ie trast to the phyllotactic sym- — Frye. 158, — Cross section of metry of the shoot, but answering the fibrous part of a young root ae . of a Bean, Phaseolus multiflorus. to the composition of the soil; (From Sachs.) but in some seedlings the first side roots appear in vertical rows corresponding to the fibro- vascular bundles which enter the roots from the stem, — e.g. in Bean seedlings four such rows occur. AlF new branches of roots originate deep in the tissues, in contact with the fibro- vascular bundles, whence they make their way out through the overlying tissues, partly by the solvent action of diges- 216 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. V, 2 tive enzymes, and partly by mechanical rupture, as a later picture illustrates (Fig. 164). This method of origin contrasts greatly with that of leaves, which arise as surface swellings in the bud, while the origin of branches is intermediate in Fic. 159. — A typical root tip, of Radish ; magnified. nature. The vein, or fibro-vascular, system of roots is in perfect continuity with the systems in stems and leaves. The separate fibro-vascular bundles of young roots, clearly visible in sections by aid of a hand _ lens, differ little from those of the stem, although the fibro-vascular sys- tem of roots as a whole is more strongly con- densed towards the center, often obliterat- ing the pith (Fig. 158). Thus, while stems ap- proximate, as we have seen (page 118), to the hollow-column _ princi- ple of construction, roots are built rather on the plan of cords or cables. The difference is obviously correlated with the different kinds of strains the two parts have to bear; for, while stems are exposed to great lateral strains from the winds (and, on the non- vertical parts, from their weight), against which the hollow column is most effective, the roots are exposed only to pulling strains, in resistance to which the solid cable is best. Cu. V, 2] STRUCTURE OF ROOTS 217 The most highly developed roots, those of our exogenous trees, show three distinct though intergradient parts, — viz. the slender white tips, the elongated fibers, and the thick woody parts. The tips, best seen in material grown for the purpose in moist air or moss, show really four parts (Fig. 159). First, Fic. 160. — The root-hair zones and growth zones in some common roots ; x4. From the left, Pea, Radish, Corn, Lupine, and, below, Oats. The seeds were germinated in moss behind sloping glass plates. the actual end of the root consists of a RooT cap, formed from behind by the very delicate growth tissue, to which it acts as a protection in. the advance of the root through the soil. Second, just behind the root cap lies a yel- lowish spot, which marks the GrowINne point, the place 218 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (CH. Ve 2 of formation of all new cells by which the root increases in length, the color being that of the abundant living proto- plasm showing through the transparent walls. Third, just behind the growing point lies a short smooth zone, which, though little prominent, has yet this great importance, that it is the GROWTH ZONE, or place of enlargement to full size of the new cells formed in the growing point. The growth of the root in length is wholly confined to this zone (though new cells cause an increase in diameter farther back), in great contrast to the conditions in stems, where the growth occurs through several expanding internodes (Figs. 112, 114). Fourth, just behind the growth zone comes another, differing greatly in length in different plants and under different condi- tions, the ROOT HAIR ZONE (Fig. 160). The ROOT HAIRS thereon show remarkably well, especially through a lens, in roots germi- nated from seeds in moist air, though they have no such regularity of shape in the soil (Figs. 161-2). In the former material the hairs radiate very evenly outward, forming collectively a sort of nimbus along the root; and they are obviously forming anew in front, going each through its grand period, Fic. 161.—Rad- and dying behind. Thus the zone moves ae me along as a whole just behind the advancing soil. (FromSachs.) tip. The funetion of the hairs is well known; they provide the great surface necessary for the absorption of the water when it is scant in the soil. They pass this water through the cortex to the ducts, which extend all the way from this zone to the leaves. We can now see a reason why the entire growth of the root in length takes place in advance of this zone, for any growth behind the hairs would obviously tear them Fic. 162. — Longitudinal sections through a root of Corn, at the growing point, growth zone, and hair zone; highly magnified. The scale of the drawing is not large enough to permit the representation of all of the details mentioned in the text. 220 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 3 from the root. In cross sections one can see the fibro-vascular bundles lying so closely towards the center as greatly to re- strict the area of the pith, or even to obliterate it altogether, though there is always a relatively thick cortex (Fig. 163). The tips of the soil roots of different plants are far more uniform in size, and especially in diameter, than are the leaves and young stems,—of course because of the more uniform environment presented by the soil. Exact measure- ments show that in ordinary plants, the roots at the growth zone vary in diameter from .3 to 1.07 mm. with a mean at .67 mm., while the side roots vary from .19 to .79 with a mean at .53, giving a conventional constant of .6 mm. for the diam- eter of root tips in general. This size bears without doubt a relation to the conditions of water absorption by the roots, analogous to the relation of leaf-thickness to light (page 33), though the precise factors have not yet been deter- mined. Backwards the young white tips merge gradually into the familiar brown, fibrous roots. Cross sections thereof show the formation of a corky bark, the beginning of a secondary growth in thickness of the bundles (in exogenous kinds), and a general aspect of toughening of the tissues; for this is the part of the root which seems to take much of the strain of the anchorage function. In herbaceous plants, as a rule, the roots remain fibrous, but in shrubs and trees they grow continuously in thickness by the activity of the cambium, quite after the manner of the stem. Thus they develop a distinct bark and wood, with annual rings, medullary rays, and other features already familiar in stems. Indeed, except for their underground position, such roots are practically stems. 3. THE CELLULAR ANATOMY oF Roots As with other plant organs, the cellular anatomy of roots is linked so closely with their functions that the two recipro- cally throw light upon one another. Cu. V, 3] ANATOMY OF ROOTS 221 A very thin section cut longitudinally through the tip of an ordinary root, e.g. of Corn, presents under the micro- scope the aspect here pictured (Fig. 162). Close to the coni- cal end stands out the growing point, distinguished by its many small, densely-packed cells, which are squarish in section, thin-walled, and filled with the all-important protoplasm. This is the place of cell-formation for the en- tire tip of the root, the new cells being made by division from a small central group, after which they absorb nourish- ment and enlarge to the original size. In front these new cells are constantly forming the root cap, becoming larger and empty near the outside, where they are continuously abraded away by the forcible passage of the root through the soil. Backwards, in the growth zone, the cells hold the reg- ular ranking in which they are formed, but grow rapidly larger, especially in length, while keeping their thin walls, to which the protoplasm comes soon to form only a lining. Each individual cell, in fact, immediately after its formation, goes through a grand period of enlargement (page 156), soon reaching its maximum size; and this explains how the growth zone follows so closely behind the growing point. Here also can be seen the beginning of the cellular differentia- tion of the fibro-vascular bundles, while the intercellular aération system also is plain, though it does not appear in our drawing. Backward the growth zone merges impercep- tibly into the hair zone. The hairs originate as slight swellings from the outer walls, and grow rapidly longer until they attain the familiar tube form. In this zone appear also the striking fine spirals of the ducts, of which the mode of for- mation is clearly apparent in good sections. The end walls in a long line of superposed cylindrical cells break down, under action of digestive enzymes, while simultaneously the spirals begin to appear as local thickenings of the walls. These sections show further that the outermost layer of cells of the root possesses no breaks or openings of any 222 description, the walls being everywhere continuous. A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 3 This absence of stomata is perfectly explained by the habits of Fic. 163. — Cross section of a root of a Bean, Vicia Faba, just behind the hair zone; X SO. The four strands of xylem meet in the center, obliterating the pith, while the strands of phloem stand separately be- tween the arms of the cross thus formed. Between xylem and phloem can be seen the developing cambium, which presently begins to form néw xylem inside of the phloem, thus originating bundles of the ordinary stem type. Surrounding the fibro-vascular system is the endodermis, and outside thereof the very wide cortex. (Fibro-vasecular system after L. Kny, the remainder drawn from nature.) roots, which have no chlorophyll and need no cutinized epidermis. The oxygen used in the respira- tion of the roots passes in solution directly through these walls, which are uncutinized. Cross sections bring out several additional features (Fig. 163). Here can be seen more distinctly the innermost layer of the thick cortex, called the ENDODERMIS (Fig. 163), the exact morphological equivalent of the starch sheath of stems (page 130). In the roots, however, the walls of this layer are partially cutinized, espe- cially on the radial parts, for reasons not yet under- stood. Also there appears a notable difference in the arrangement of the young fibro-vascular bundles compared with the stem. The xylem, recognizable by the very large size of the ducts, and the phloem, distinguished by the smaller angular form of the sieve tubes, do not as Ca. V, 3] ANATOMY OF ROOTS 223 stand in-and-out from one another but alternately, or in different radii. This arrangement, found in all roots, has been viewed as adaptive, in removing the phloem out of the path of transfer of the water from root hairs to ducts; and support is given this supposition by the fact that immedi- ately behind the hair zone the arrangement is abandoned, for the new xylem and phloem made by the developing cam- bium stand in-and- out from one another as in stems. The method by which the cambium makes the transition from the one arrangement to the other is easily un- derstood by aid of the figure. Endog- enous roots do not, of course, form a cam- bium, but have sepa- rated closed bundles as in their stems. Just behind the hair Fic. 164. — Longitudinal section of a root 3 of Corn, showing the origin of a side root; zone the cambium highly magnified. begins the secondary ee ah root ae es in eunbant Bes : a : ro-vascular bundle, and ‘‘dissolves”’ its way increase in thickness, out, by action of enzymes, to the surface. by addition of xylem from its inner and phloem from its outer face, precisely as with stems. Farther, back along the root, one can see here and there in cross sections the mode of formation of the new side roots, which come from the fibro-vascular bundles, and make their way to the surface, as already described (Fig. 164). In the thick woody parts of the roots of shrubs and trees the cellular anatomy is nowise essentially different from 224 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cue Vy 4 stems. Indeed, except for the relics of their early root anatomy deeply buried within their tissues, and their some- what greater compactness of texture, such roots are stems, both structurally and physiologically, despite their under- ground position. 4. Tur ABSORPTION OF WATER, AND OTHER FUNCTIONS or Roots Typical roots perform one primary function, viz. absorp- tion of water and mineral matters; one secondary function, viz. anchorage for the stem; and one or two minor func- tions supplemen- tary to these. Water is the most necessary of all the materials absorbed by plants, in which it is used for six purposes. First, it forms an essential — constit- uent of the photo- synthetic food (page 21). Second, it constitutes a large proportion of the composition of Fie. 165. — Typical root hair, and cortical cells, plants amounting in a longitudinal section of Radish. (After a wall I pe 2 diagram by Frank and Tschirch.) (as, shown by com- parative weighings of fresh and dried material) to more than 90 per cent in most herbaceous parts. Third, it holds the soft parts tensely spread by igh sap pressure within the cells. Fourth, it is a necessary solvent for the many chemical reactions in Cu. V, 4] ABSORPTION BY ROOTS 225 progress in plants, such reactions rarely occurring except in solution. Fifth, it provides a medium of transport, in form of solution, for substances through the plant. Szzth, it is needed to compensate the incessant loss by transpira- tion. These are the reasons why plants must have plenty of water. The water used by ordinary plants is wholly absorbed through their roots, and none is taken through leaves or stems. Further, the actual absorption is known to take place in the young parts of roots, and mainly through the root hairs. The hairs are thus effective, not through any special power de- nied to other cells of «the young root, but simply through the great surface they spread. It is because these hairs, tightly adherent to the soil, are mostly torn away when roots are lifted from the soil, that plants commonly wilt on transplanting, and recover only after Q Fic. 166.— A plan of a root as an absorbing mechanism, arranged as in Figs. 11 and 105, with similar signs for water, protoplasm, and sugar. At the tip the growing point; at the left, pith; a duct; two rowsof cortex; the root hairs. Note that hairs and cortex contain protoplasm and sugar, but the duct contains neither. 226 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 4 new tips and hairs have again made connection with the Kia. 167. — A pressure gauge at- tached to a root for the measurement of sap-pressure; x } The rise of the mereury in the long tube above the levelin the reservoir bulb gives the sap-pressure in ‘‘atmospheres.”’ water supply. Each root hair is a cell, possessing a cellulose wall lined by living protoplasm (Fig. 165) and a sap con- taining various substances, especially sugar, in solution. The hairs are in close con- tact with particles of soil, and bathed in the surround- ing water (Fig. 169). In the root they are in con- tact with the cortical cells, which likewise have cellu- lose walls, protoplasmic linings, and sugar-contain- ing sap; and the cortical cells in turn are in contact with the ducts which have no protoplasmic linings. A typical example of this absorbing system is shown by an earlier picture (Fig. 159), while its mechanical construction is illustrated by our diagrammatic Fig- ure 166. The water in the ducts, while sometimes containing sugar and the like, is ordi- narily nothing other than soil water, with some min- eral matters in solution. Furthermore, this water is forced into the ducts by Cu. V, 4] ABSORPTION BY ROOTS 227 the cortical cells under considerable pressure, as manifest to the eye when a suitable pressure-gauge is attached to the cut stump of an active plant (Fig. 167). Thus tested, potted plants will often show a root pressure, 7.e. a pressure of water in the ducts, sufficient to raise water over thirty feet, while some trees show two or three times as much. This pressure is not enough to raise water to the tops of the tallest trees, but it does give the sap a good start up the stem, after which it is lifted to the leaves by the forces we have earlier considered (page 147). This root pressure, however, is the source of the “bleeding” of broken or pruned stems in the spring, and also of guttation. What then is the nature of the power by which the root hairs absorb water and give it so forcible a push up the stem? Evidently the water absorbed by the hairs and passed through the cortical cells must pass through walls and proto- plasm, which are membranes, and through the cell solutions, which, for simplicity, we can consider as solutions of sugar, their most prominent constituent. Such absorption is known in physics under the name osmosis, and so important a part does osmosis play, not only in absorption of water, but also in other physiological phenomena, that the student should not fail to make its acquaintance through experiment. Any simple device in which a membrane, e.g. a piece of parchment, separates a sugar solution from water, will serve the purpose; but a specially convenient arrangement is represented in the osMoscoPsE shown in Figure 168. When a solution (molasses is a very convenient solution of sugar) is placed in the parchment tube, which then is immersed in water, the solution will rise in the vertical tube at a distinctly visible rate. If instead of water a solution weaker than that in the parchment tube be used, the result is the same, though the rise is slower. If the water be placed inside and the solution outside, there is no rise, but the tube soon empties, shrinks, and collapses. These phenom- ena are typical, and the osmotic process may be generalized 228 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [(Cu. V. 4 thus, — whenever a solution and water, or two solutions of different strengths, are separated by a membrane which they [1 Fie. 168. — An osmo for the demonstration of osm Sede The larger jar contains water, the tube inside is parchment paper, and the dark liquid is molasses. When this liquid has risen to the top of the open tube, it can be dropped back to level by opening the stop- cock of the reservoir-funnel. can wet, there is always a movement from the weaker to the stronger at a rate propor- tional to the difference in strength. In the foregoing experiment, though the solution rises in the tube, some also escapes into the water, as shown by its color when molasses is used. From the root hairs, however, no sugar escapes to the soil. When we seek a structural reason for this dif- ference, we find that the root hair possesses a protoplasmic lining, which has no counter- part in the tube. It is, how- ever, entirely possible to make up from certain common chemicals, and supply to the parchment tube, a lining which in this respect acts like the protoplasm, viz. it permits water to enter, but no sugar to pass out; and such “artificial cells” are often constructed in botanical laboratories. Thus we see that membranes exist which permit both water and sugar to pass (PERMEABLE membranes), while others per- mit only water to pass (SEMI- PERMEABLE membranes). This Cu. V, 4] ABSORPTION BY ROOTS 229 difference is vastly important in both plant and animal physiology. It is perfectly clear that the water passes osmotically into the root hair cells, and thence to the cortical cells, which have solutions as strong as the hairs, or stronger. In small simple plants, especially the Moss plants, the water moves thus from cell to cell, throughout the plant. But where ducts are present, as in all of the Flowering Plants and Ferns, the water passes from the innermost cortical cells into those ducts, and does so as pure water, and not as a sugar solution. Why does water leave the cortical cells, when it enters the similarly constructed hair cells? In a physical machine it would not do so; the cortical cells would absorb water from the ducts, instead of giving it out to them, precisely as in case of the hairs and the soil. Herein we face a still unsolved problem of plant physiology. Several methods are imaginable, though none have been proven; but there is little doubt that the explanation will be found in some simple chemical or physical change controlled by the living protoplasm. Presumably the method is dependent on the relatively great thickness of the cortex in all ab- sorbing roots; and it may prove that each cortical cell contributes a little towards breaking the osmotic hold on the water, the codperation of many being therefore essential. In the experiment described a few pages earlier the solu- tion was free to rise. What happens when the tube is closed? In this case pressure always develops, first stretch- ing, and then bursting the cup, unless very strong; and if a suitable gauge be attached, the pressure can be measured. The results are surprising, for with cells specially built for great strength, and the use of strong sugar solutions, osmotic pressures have actually been measured in excess of 24 atmos- pheres, that is, 360 pounds to the square inch, which is more than the pressure in most steam boilers; and we know that greater pressures occur. In cells of the higher plants the 230 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cx Vand pressures are much lower than this, usually not more than 10 to 20 atmospheres, though in the lower plants, especially some Molds and Bacteria, there is reason to believe that the pressures rise often far above the 24 atmospheres just men- tioned. Such striking and important phenomena as osmotic ab- sorption and pressure demand explanation, which, however, cannot yet be given with certainty. A close quantitative relation exists between osmotic pressure and gas pressure, on which account some investigators have considered them identical, holding that a substance in solution is virtually in the state of a compressed gas, and exerts a gaseous pres- sure. Others, however, maintain that nothing moreis involved than the adhesive affinity of the sugar, or other dissolved substance, for the water, — the substance confined within the membrane drawing and holding the water which can pass the membrane freely. The most probable explana- tion makes it a result of the checked diffusive power of the dissolved substance, which cannot escape through the mem- brane, though the water can enter. As to the passage of water, and (in case of some membranes) dissolved substances, through membranes which seem perfectly solid, that clearly occurs between the ultimate structural units of the mem- brane, whether molecules or other units. But the subject is too recondite for further discussion at this place. The mineral matters needed by plants are compounds which contain the following seven elements, — viz. ni- trogen (which plants cannot absorb from its uncombined state in the air, and therefore must obtain from compounds in the soil); sulphur and phosphorus, integral constituents of proteins, and therefore of living protoplasm; potassiwm, needed for incidental processes in connection with the forma- tion of carbohydrates; calciwm, a neutralizer of injurious substances; magnesium, an integral constituent of chloro- phyll, with ron, incidentally necessary in some way to the formation thereof. These elements all occur in mineral Cu. V, 4] ABSORPTION BY ROOTS 231 salts dissolved in the soil water with which they are absorbed into the plant. Though other mineral matters are also absorbed, only those which contain these elements are invariably essential; and if we add the three elements, car- bon, hydrogen, and oxygen, we have a list of ten elements, indispensable to the life of the higher plants. Not all of the mineral salts dissolved in the soil water are absorbed equally by plants, or in the same proportions by different plants; but in how far this seeming ‘selective power”’ of roots is merely incidental to their physical and chemical constitution, and in how far it acts adaptively to the needs of the plant, is still uncertain. Probably, as in most such phenomena, something of both is involved. Such is the method of the primary function of roots, that of absorption. The second function, anchorage of the plant in the ground, is chiefly mechanical and comparatively simple. Against the lateral strains upon stems from the action of winds, a suitable resistance is provided in the radiating disposition of the roots, with their tough cord, or cable, type of construction. There is good reason to suppose that roots subjected to the greatest strains may become thicker and tougher in adaptive self-adjustment thereto, in the very same way that our own muscles grow stronger through exercise. In addition to the two functions which roots perform as their peculiar contribution to the economy of the plant as a whole, they have also certain others essential to their own individual well-being, — notably respiration and growth. Respiration in roots has precisely the same method and meaning as in other parts of the plant (page 165). Roots, accordingly, require air, and this need has a dominating in- fluence upon many features of their habits and structure. In plants which live in bogs, marshes, swamps, and other places of standing water, the air is usually transferred to the roots from the leaves along the intercellular air system, which in such cases is specially developed. By ordinary 232 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [CHE Vee 9 roots, however, air is absorbed from the supply contained in the porous soil. Roots have no stomata, or other openings in their equivalent for an epidermis; but the air in the soil becomes dissolved in the water, and goes in solution through the saturated walls into the cells of the root, from which it passes to the air spaces, where it re-collects in the gaseous form and thus reaches other parts of the root. The carbon dioxide produced in respiration diffuses out to the soil by exactly the reverse process. It is because of self-adjustment to a more abundant air supply (aérotropism) that most of the roots of great plants do not commonly penetrate far into the ground, but keep close to the surface. This is also the reason why trees commonly die when their roots are deeply buried, as sometimes happens in grading around new buildings. Protection of roots against desiccation, the ever present danger to leaves and stems, is effected incidentally by their position within the damp ground. Thus it is possible for the young tips to dispense with a cutinized epidermis, which would be inconsistent with their absorptive function. The older roots develop a bark, but it is thin as compared with that of the stems. 5. Osmotic PRocESSES IN PLANTS The absorption of water by roots is only one of several important plant processes in which osmosis has part. It is important to recall that osmosis is a physical process, though living protoplasm may regulate the conditions of its opera- tion: that it occurs wherever in Nature two solutions of different strengths are separated by a membrane they can wet: that in such case there is always a movement from the weaker to the stronger solution: that the movement in- volves both solvent and dissolved substance in case of per- meable membranes, but the solvent only in the semi-permeable land: that the stronger solution will swell and rise if free, but when confined will develop pressure which can become very great. Also its rate is directly proportional to temperature. Cu. V, 5] OSMOTIC PROCESSES 233 The most striking utilization of osmotic pressure by plants consists in the maintenance of the form and rigidity in leaves, young stems, flowers, and other soft herbaceous parts. So small is the percentage of solid matter in such tissues (not over 10 per cent, with 90 per cent of water), and so thin and flexible the cell walls, that they cannot alone sustain their own weight, as shown by their collapse in wilting. These herbaceous parts are held tensely stretched and outspread in their characteristic forms by the osmotic pressure of their sugar-containing sap inside the thin-walled cells, the needful water being supplied from the ducts. That herbaceous tissues owe their stiffness to osmotic turgescence may be proven conclusively by the simple experiment of immersing them in a solution having a greater osmotic strength than the sap, in which case of course an osmotic movement out of the cells will take place. The result is always a collapse of the tissues even more striking than wilting produces. It is true the experiment works badly with leaves and stems, because the waterproof epidermis almost prevents osmotic move- ment; but the effect is perfect in parts without epidermis, such as strips cut from Potatoes or Beets. These become soft and flexible after only a few minutes’ immersion in strong sugar or salt solution, although comparison strips are rendered stiffer and harder than ever by immersion in pure water. Not only do such tissues become flaccid by wilting or immersion in strong solutions, but they also shrink in area, thus proving that the tense cells are held actually stretched by the osmotic pressure within them. The stiffness which pressure of water can give is familiar also in fire-hose. Equally important is the réle of osmotic pressure in growth, for it supplies the mechanical power whereby the newly formed cells expand in size, often against much resistance of the overlying tissues. The young cells osmotically absorb water, and the resultant pressure stretches the wall, in which new cellulose is continuously laid down by the proto- 234 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 5 plasm until the cell is full-grown. By use of the same power roots force and enlarge for themselves passages through hard soil, even prying aside stones in the process; and by the same power they disrupt masonry and lift curbstones in streets. So essential is osmotic pressure to growth, and hence so indispensable is adequate water to growing plants, that any marked scarcity of water, or rapid removal thereof from the plant, always checks its growth. This is why the growth rate of a plant always falls, other things being equal, when transpiration becomes active, and vice versa: why plants tend to grow faster at night than in daytime: and why growth usually is checked with the sunrise. The question must now occur to the student, whether osmotic pressure can ever become so great as to strain if not burst the plant cells. This does in fact sometimes happen. Thus some fruits, notably Plums, in warm moist weather occasionally burst, from this cause, on the trees. In Tomato plants, watery blisters are sometimes formed osmotically, producing a kind of ‘‘physiological disease’”’ called Oedema. Most kinds of pollen (the small yellow grains producing the male cells in flowers), when placed in water, swell and burst, of course to their destruction. This result would be caused by the rain were it not that in most flowers the pollen is well protected therefrom by its position, or other arrangements, as will later be noted (page 295). A case of protective ad- justment against excessive osmotic pressure seems involved in the starch formation in leaves. In green leaves in the light, as the student will recall, the appearance of starch is always preceded by the formation of sugar, the starch being formed only after a certain concentration of the sugar has been reached. The starch, however, is always re-converted to grape sugar when the concentration again falls, and thus is translocated into the stem. Now this seemingly useless formation of starch finds an explanation in the fact that while grape sugar exerts osmotic pressure, starch exerts none. The conditions are all consistent with the supposition that Cu. V, 5] OSMOTIC PROCESSES 235 as the concentration of the photosynthetically-formed sugar approaches a quantity which might exert injurious action on the cell, the surplus is converted automatically into starch. The insoluble proteins found abundantly in sieve-tubes have presumably a like explanation, as has the cane sugar found in some leaves intermingled with grape sugar, for cane sugar, weight for weight, exerts only about half the osmotic pressure of grape sugar. In this latter fact, indeed, is probably found the reason why cane sugar is so much more common a storage form than grape sugar, as Sugar Cane, the Maple tree, and Sugar Beets illustrate. The fact that such changes, easily effected by plants, can produce so great a difference in osmotic properties may help to explain how the water is released from the cortical cells of the roots (page 229). A striking and important feature of osmotic phenomena in plants is this, — that the living protoplasm lining the cells can act either as a permeable membrane, permitting both water and dissolved substances to pass, or as a semi-perme- able membrane, permitting only water to pass, or can act at one time as one kind and at another as the other. These various movements, complicated by the nature of the many chemical substances present, and by special phenom- ena of diffusion, solution, imbibition, and like molecular processes, explain, on a purely physical basis, many of the most important phenomena in plant physiology. Aside from the living plant, many osmotic phenomena in plant tissues are familiar in our daily experience. When shrunken currants or raisins are immersed in water, es- pecially if heated in cooking, they swell tensely, — for there is sugar in their cells. Berries cooked with little sugar swell and burst (though expanding air confined in the tissues also plays a part) ; but cooked with much sugar, as in preserving, they collapse. Dry sugar placed on fresh strawberries soon becomes a sirup, while the berries soften and shrink. The osmotic explanations are all obvious. We place cucumbers and celery in cold water to crisp them, that is to make their 236 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 5 soft cells more tense and explosive; but warm water is not used because it tends to fill the air spaces and thus deaden the explosions. Sugar and salt are effective preservatives of fruits and meats, though not in themselves deadly to: the living organisms (germs) which cause decay; and the fact that those substances must be used in great strength sug- gests the explanation, that they inhibit the activity of the germs by osmotically robbing them of water. Beans or rice are cooked more quickly and perfectly if not salted until nearly done, and indeed if placed in water too strongly salted at the start may refuse to swell at all. The sensation of thirst which follows the eating of much sugar or salt has apparently this basis, that those substances withdraw water from the stomach, thus causing the thirst sensation. The student will be able to cite other examples of osmotic phe- nomena in daily experience. / Closely connected with osmosis, of which it is part, is DIFFUSION. When the molecules of a substance are re- moved beyond the range of one another’s cohesive attrac- tion, as in a gas or a solution, they acquire an active back-and-forth motion from the kinetic energy of the heat waves reaching them from the surroundings. Thereby they strike and rebound from one another, and hence are worked outward, exerting pressure if confined, but spreading indefinitely if not. Accordingly by diffusion any substance as a gas or a solution always tends to work away from places of greater to places of lesser concentration, and away from a place where it is being produced, and towards a place where it is being absorbed, each substance diffusing in general as though it alone were concerned. Familiar phenomena of gaseous dif- fusion occur in the spread of odors through a house, of floral fragrance through gardens, and of smoke through the air; while solution diffusion is illustrated by the spread of ink or sugar through water. This isthe way that carbon dioxide, in photosynthesis, passes from the great reservoir of that gas, the atmosphere, through the stomata and along the air- Cu. V, 6] STRUCTURE OF SOILS 237 passages to the places of use in the chlorenchyma; and the way in which the oxygen as released passes outward along the same passages and stomata. It is also the method by which sugar and proteins made in chlorenchyma cells pass from cell to cell until the veins are reached, and then along sieve tubes and sheath cells to places of storage or use in stems or roots. It is probably also the ultimate source of osmotic pressure, which is diffusion pressure (page 230). No matter, however, what the details may be, the energy of diffusion is in all cases the same, — heat from surroundings. Two other physical processes important in plant physi- ology must here receive mention. Cell walls, if of cellulose or lignified but not if cutinized, absorb water forcibly by IMBIBITION, which rests fundamentally upon adhesive affinity between wall and water. A familiar manifestation occurs in the warping of boards, which occurs as result of access of water from one side, or its removal from one side by heat. Likewise certain dry cell walls can absorb water as vapor from the air, even producing forcible swelling and move- ments of the structures concerned; and such HYGROSCOPIC phenomena occur in connection with the dissemination of seeds, and elsewhere, as will later be noted.. The other pro- cess 1S CAPILLARITY, that power by which water rises or sinks in small passages according to whether it wets them or not, the energy being furnished by forces of tension within the liquid itself. Capillarity, however, plays but minor part in the physiology of most plants, though it has an indirect importance through its influence on the movements of water through soils. 6. THE CoMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF SOILS Roots have most intimate connections with soils, which must therefore be considered in connection with root physiol- ogy. Besides, soils have high interest on their own account, and because of their importance in agriculture. Soils are far more complex than they look, having no less 238 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 6 than six primary constituents, viz. pulverized rock, water, air, humus, dissolved substances, and micro-organisms. These are by no means intermingled without order, but have relations to one another which result incidentally in a kind of crude structure. Putverizep Rock. This constitutes the great bulk, fully 90 per cent, of ordinary soils. It is derived from the solid crust of the earth either by chemical decay of the rock or else by mechanical attrition. Attrition occurs by force of moving ice, as In glaciers (which have ground the surfaces of most northern countries), or else of running water, as in rivers, which forever are grinding the bowlders in their beds to fine silt. Thus we find every gradation, from great bowlders down through gravel and sand to silt and the finest clay. Under the microscope any soil presents the aspect of rough-angular fragments of rock, variously colored, and more or less crystalline. The weight and mutual pressure of these rock particles provide the resistance needful in the anchorage function of roots, while their irregularity in size and shape, forbidding a tight packing together, insures the open irregular spaces through which water and air can circulate in the soil. These features are well shown in our generalized drawing (Fig. 169). Water. This comes second in abundance though first in importance of the soil constituents. It furnishes the en- tire supply to ordinary plants, which can take none through their leaves or stems. It comes into the soil either direct from the rain or else by way of capillary movement up from lower levels. It is sometimes so plentiful as to saturate a soil, that is, fill its spaces completely, as occurs temporarily in all soils after drenching rains and permanently in bogs and swamps. Such a standing, or HYDROSTATIC, condition of the water is not beneficial to ordinary plants, because, while supplying far more than they need, it displaces the air essen- tial to the respiration of the roots. As this too plentiful water drains or dries away, however, the larger spaces be- Cu. V, 6] STRUCTURE OF SOLLS 239 come emptied, and refill with air, though the water still lingers in the smaller passages and angles in the CAPILLARY condition. Such a soil is moist, and its combination of water and air provides the very best conditions for roots, though one that is nowhere constantly found. It is the condition represented in our drawing (Fig. 169). As the SSG Vv Fic. 169. — A generalized drawing of a section, highly magnified, through a good soil and a portion of a root with root hairs. The soil particles are cross-lined, the water is concentrically-lined, the humus is black, and the air spaces, in the soil, are left white. water is further removed, by evaporation and root absorp- tion, some moisture continues to cling tenaciously in thin films around the particles of soil, from which it is removed with greater and greater difficulty the thinner the films become. Upon these Hycroscopic films plants must depend for their supply during much of the time; and it is apparently for absorption from them that the root hairs, flattened tightly against the soil particles, are especially fitted (Fig. 170). The hygroscopic water films have an important relation with the soil particles. Not only do the films cling very 240 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. V, 6 closely to the particles, but they are themselves, through internal cohesion and surface tension, tenaciously strong ; and thus they are brought into a state comparable with stretched rubber. On the other hand, the water molecules are extremely mobile within the films, as if they were the best ball bearings. From this combined tenacity and mobility of the films, it results that when water is with- drawn from any part of the soil, whether by root hairs or ‘ by evaporation, the films directly affected draw upon the others with which they are connected, and these upon others, so that the draft is thus made over a considerable distance. Hence a plant is not dependent for its water supply upon the soil with which its roots are in actual contact, but can draw from a far wider area. This ex- plains why a house plant dries out the soil of the pot uniformly ; how Cactus and other desert plants draw from great areas, growing well spaced apart; and why deep homogene- xs ee ous soils, like those of the prairies, supply root hair in the Water so evenly to crops. Furthermore, since soil, showing its the water films have in general the «same intimate contact 5 : ‘ with soil par- thickness regardless of the size of the soil ticles; x 240 particles, a fine soil can retain more water (about). (After : ; Straspurser)) than a coarse one, which is why clay holds more water than sand. Arr. Thisforms the third in abundance of the constituents of ordinary soils, and is the source of the indispensible oxygen for the respiration of most roots. It fills the irregular spaces not occupied by water between the rock particles (Fig. 169) and is ordinarily continuous with the atmosphere above ground. In places of permanent hydrostatic water, ike swamps, the air is excluded, and only such plants can there live as have large air passages to the roots from the leaves, or are able to absorb dissolved oxygen directly into their submerged bodies Cu. V, 6] STRUCTURE OF SOILS 241 from the water. It is in order to introduce air into such soils that we drain them preparatory to growing crops. When air stands long in a soil, it loses part of its oxygen and accumulates carbon dioxide from root respiration. Ac- cordingly it is better for plants that this vitiated air should be expelled at intervals, and replaced by a fresh supply. Such a result accompanies soaking rains; and the keeper of house plants does well to imitate the method by giving the plants an occasional thorough soaking, and allowing them to dry out in large part between times. Such treatment is much better than a frequent addition of small amounts, for the latter method does not effect renewal of air. Humus. This comes fourth in abundance of ordinary soil constituents. It comprises the dark-colored vegetable matter, mostly the remains of decaying roots, which to the eye of an expert is so characteristic a mark of a good soil. A mixture of humus with sand and clay constitutes Loam, the best of garden soils. The proportion of humus in soils varies greatly, from almost none through an optimum amount (represented in our picture (Fig. 169), to a very great deal, as in MucK, which owes its black color thereto. Bogs consist almost wholly of a kind of humus, called Prat, which only partially decays, and therefore accumulates. The value of humus in a soil, from the plant point of view, is four-fold. It lightens, or opens, a soil, thus increasing its aération capacity; it helps to retain moisture, being very absorbent; it adds substances, by its decay, to the soil solution, some beneficial and some harmful, though our knowledge of these matters is scanty as yet; and most important of all, it supports numerous micro-organisms, which play a first réle in soil fertility. DIssoLvED Susstances. In the soil water occur many dissolved substances, and therefore it becomes a SOIL SOLU- TION. Though profoundly important to plant life, the actual quantity of such substances present is relatively small, even the richest soil possessing only a small fraction of 1 per cent al- R ’ 242 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 6 together. Most important are the mineral salts necessary in the nutrition of plants, and therefore commonly, though not quite correctly, called “plant foods” (page 28). They consist In compounds of nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium, having the uses in the plant already described (page 230). They come into the soil so- lution chiefly through chemical disintegration of the rocks which contain them, but to some extent through action of living organisms, as will be further described a page or two later. These natural sources of supply are sufficient in case of wild plants, which, by decay, return their substance to the ground; but under cultivation, where great quantities of mineral matters are annually removed with the crops, some are apt to run short and-must be replaced artificially, which is accomplished through fertilizers. The mineral salts which usually first become scarce are compounds con- taining nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash; and since all three are abundant in barnyard manures, we can see the agricultural value thereof. Nitrates, phosphates, and potash salts, obtained from other sources, are also used commonly as fertilizers. Such, at least, is the older and, among farmers, still prevalent belief as to the role of fertilizers in the fertility of land. But of late some leading investigators have advocated a different view, based on the claim that the soil solution supplies all of the mineral salts which plants ordi- narily need, even on much-cropped land, the fertilizers finding their use chiefly in the neutralization of other un- favorable conditions in the soil. The functional use of the different mineral salts to plants is inferred from various lines of evidenee, but chiefly from the results of WATER CULTURE (Fig. 171). Many herbaceous plants can be grown from seed to maturity with the roots in water, their well-developed aération systems providing suffi- cient oxygen to their roots. By using pure (distilled) water as a basis, it is possible to supply to a plant all of the neces- sary mineral salts except some given one, in which ease the Cu. V, 6) STRUCTURE OF SOILS 243 peculiarities of the resultant plant give a clew to the réle of that substance. In addition to the mineral matters the soil solution con- tains small amounts of diverse organic substances, partly beneficial to plants and partly injurious. They are mostly set free by the decay of humus, which was originally living tissue containing — pro- teins, carbohydrates, and other classes of sub- stances ; but some appear to be formed as excretions of living roots. It was an old belief, long aban- doned but now revived with new evidence, that roots excrete substances injurious to themselves, though commonly harm- less to other kinds; that the accumulation of such substances tends to poison a soil for the plants which produce them; and that soils rendered barren by long use of one crop are not exhausted of neces- sary mineral salts, commonly supposed, but are poisoned by the ac- cumulation of these excre- tions. as But these matters Fic. 171. — Typical illustration of the methods and results of water culture; x Tb. The plants are Buckwheat. To dis- tilled water in the middle jar were added all of the mineral salts needed by the plant; to that on the left, all except potassium ; to that on the right, all except iron. In the latter case the upper, less shaded, leaves are white, not green, in the plant. (Originally from works of Pfeffer.) are still in debate, and their deci- sion must await further evidence. MIcR0-ORGANISMS. Last in prominence, though not in 244 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. V, 6 importance, of the soil constituents are certain minute liv- ing organisms, viz. Fungi, Bacteria, and Protozoa. Fungi, of certain small kinds, develop in contact with the tips of the roots of many plants, particularly such as live in much humus, weaving around them a close cover of my- celial threads, which replace the root hairs (Fig. 172). This MYCORHIZA, as it is named, ab- sorbs water and mineral matters which it transmits to the roots; and there is some reason to be- lieve that it also absorbs solu- ble organic matters set free in decay of the humus but useful again to the plants. The associa- tion seems clearly beneficial both to fungus and flowering plant; and accordingly we have here one of the cases where two dif- ferent organisms derive benefit from their association, a condi- Bee ea ete tion called symprosis. Some on the root of European Beech ; kinds of soil Fungi seem also to Ae RS co Bs have thesame powers as Bacteria, e entire root tip, back to : beyond the hair zone, is com- next described, in relation to soil pletely and closely covered by a nitrogen. felted mass of mycelial threads, ; which extend also into the soil. Bacteria, already known to the Ce Pemiont Teepe) student as the smallest and simplest of living organisms, are abundant and of many kinds in all soils; but the most important are those which effect NITRIFICATION and NITROGEN FIXATION. Nitrogen, a con- stituent of the protoplasm, is one of the substances most indispensable to plants; but although it composes four fifths of the atmosphere, the higher plants are unable to take it from that source, and have to rely upon compounds ab- sorbed in solution through the roots. The presence of mineral salts containing combined nitrogen is therefore one Cu. V, 6] STRUCTURE OF SOILS 245 of the most important, perhaps the most important, factor underlying soil fertility. Moreover, the supply needs con- stant renewal to compensate for loss by drainage and removal from the land with the crops. Now it happens that some kinds of soil Bacteria have the power to change certain nitrog- enous substances, nota- bly ammonia, common in soils but not usable by the higher plants, into other nitrogenous sub- stances, notably nitrates, readily usable by -those plants; and such nitri- fication of soils, while it only transforms, and does not add nitrogen com- pounds, is yet an impor- tant element in soil fer- tility. Further, there are other kinds of soil Bac- teria which possess the power to take free nitro- gen from the air and incorporate it into com- pounds in their own bodies ; and such nitrogen fixation, on decay of their — Fie. 173.— Typical root nodules (or tu- bodies, adds nitrogen to ee ae x: (Drawn the soil, and is the chief source of supply in soils of that indispensable substance. Both kinds of Bacteria live in the humus, or at least are de- pendent thereon for most of their food, in which fact lies the principal reason for the association of humus with good soils. The nitrogen compounds formed by these Bacteria become ultimately dissolved in the soil solution, whence they are absorbed by the roots of higher plants. In a few families, 246 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. V, 6 however, and conspicuously the Pulse family, the relation is more direct, for the nitrogen-fixing Bacteria live in the tissues, in the nodules so familiar on the roots of Beans and Peas (Fig. 173), to which the compounds are thus sup- plied with minimal loss. There is obvious connection be- tween this economical arrangement and the fact that the seeds of Leguminose are richest of all plant products in nitrogenous substances, particularly proteins, thus coming nearest to meat in food value. The importance of nitrogen-fixing Bacteria in soil fertility has of course suggested the attempt to enrich poor soils by adding the suitable Bacteria thereto. Many attempts have been made to this end, but while successful as laboratory experiments, they have not as yet achieved importance in practice. To complete the subject of nitrogen acquisition by the higher plants, we should note that such has been held to explain the insectivorous habits of the pitcher plants and others which trap insects (page 76). The plants which capture insects digest the bodies thereof, and absorb into their own tissues the resultant substances, which of course are particularly rich in nitrogenous materials. In general, the insectivorous plants are found in places where the nitrifying Bacteria of soils are unlikely to be found, — our Sarracenias and Sundews in bogs, the Venus Fly-trap in sand, and the Nepenthes on the trunks of trees. Protozoa are minute one-celled animals, typified by the creeping Amoeba. They abound in rich soils, the fertility of which they are now claimed to influence. It is found that any methods of treatment, by heat or poisons, which kill these Protozoa but not the Bacteria, produce increased fertility; and since it is likely the Protozoa feed upon Bacteria, the inference is drawn that the destruction of the former permits increase in numbers of the latter, with pro- portionally better nitrification and nitrogen-fixation. Here again, however, we must await further evidence. Cu. V, 7] SELF-ADJUSTMENTS OF ROOTS 247 7. Tur SELF-ADJUSTMENTS OF Roots TO PREVAILING CONDITIONS Roots possess in remarkable degree that property of in- dividual adjustment to the peculiarities of their immediate surroundings, such as was earlier described in the photo- tropism of leaves and the geotropism of stems. Geotropism, indeed, is no less characteristic of roots than of stems. The first root which issues from the germinating seed always grows over to point directly downward, no matter in what position the seed happens to lie (Fig. 119). It is described as positively geotropic, or PROGEOTROPIC, the main stem being negatively geotropic, or APOGEOTROPIC. The secondary or side roots possess transverse geotropism, growing out horizontally, or nearly so, and are described “as DIAGEOTROPIC. The tertiary roots, however, those which grow from the side roots, are hardly geotropic at all, and therefore respond more freely to the other influences next to be mentioned. The adaptive explanation of such geotropic growth is obvious, for thus the main root is brought in the quickest way to the water supply, essential to the further growth of the young plant ; the side roots are spread at angles which take them into the widest area of soil, while giving them angles advantageous to their anchorage function; and the tertiary roots are left free to wander wheresoever the materials needed by the plant are most abundant. Especially characteristic of roots is their HYDROTROPISM, or sensitive adjustment to moisture in the soil. Roots not only grow towards soil moisture, but branch and grow more profusely in moist than in dry places. X-)} the single cells constitut- = “._.\——— ing the adults simply di- vide across and grow to full size (Fig. 210), pre- cisely as do meristematic cells already described in Fie. 215. — Gametes of the simple Alga Protosiphon, in process of fusion; highly magnified. On the right a complete “zygote.” the higher plants (page 299). Here is represented a stage of reproduction in which there is neither fertilization nor sex. II. There are several known Algie, of grade somewhat higher than those just mentioned, in which the plants are all alike, and produce small reproductive cells called GAMETES, likewise all alike, and provided with swimming appendages. These gametes are thrown out into the water, where, swim- ming freely about, they come together at haphazard and fuse, uniting their nuclei, quite in the manner of the fer- tilization of the higher plants (Fig. 215); and from the re- sulting cell a new plant develops. Here is evidently repre- sented a stage in which fertilization occurs, but without any difference between the sexes. 304 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 7 Ill. The Rockweeds, the common brown seaweeds so prominent on sea coasts at low tide, and some other Alge of higher grade than those mentioned under II, produce two kinds of reproductive cells, one relatively large, round, and without swimming appendages, the other small, elongated, and adapted to swim freely (Fig. 216). Both kinds when ripe are thrown into the water, where the large cells float passively about while the small cells swim to them and fuse with them, quite in the manner of fertilization in the higher plants; and this fertilized cell grows into a new plant. Wecall the larger the BGG CELL, or EGG, and recognize it as female, and the smaller the SPERM CELL or SPERMATOZOID, and recognize it as male; and herein we have a clear case of the existence of sex. Consid- ering, now, the nature of the differences between the two sex cells, it is evident that the egg cell owes its great size to the ne ee large supply of food it contains, cells, one of whichentersandeffects this food being used in the de- ana a S00: CHedragen velopment of the new plant un- til it can make its own supply ; and since it is thus large and clumsy, so to speak, its capacity for free locomotion is diminished, and even the attempt is abandoned. The sperm cell, on the other hand, consists of little more than a nucleus, with only enough cytoplasm to construct an efficient swimming apparatus. Here, as in the higher plants, the two nuclei appear to contribute through their chromosomes exactly alike to the offspring, and it seems clear that the difference between the two cells a division of labor with respect to two subsidiary features of reproduction, viz. the bringing of the sex cells together, and the provision of food for the resultant offspring, — one Cu. VI, 7] SIGNIFICANCE OF SEX cell assuming wholly the one function, and the other the other. No differences occur in the plants which produce these cells, excepting in the parts immediately con- nected with the formation of cells of such different sizes. Thus we have a stage in which there is a clear distinction of sex, but only in the sexual cells themselves, and it arises not from any fundamental matter of difference in contribution to the constitution of the offspring, but in a secondary matter of division of labor in connection with the mechanism of fertilization, and the nutrition of the resultant embryo. IV. The higher, or Red, Alge have a complicated reproduction under which we can recognize the essential fact that the egg cell, naked as in the lower kinds, remains permanently attached to the parent plant, upon which it is fertilized by a much smaller floating sperm cell, and from which the resultant growth is supplied with food (Fig. 217). Thus we have a stage, not, it is true, exactly represented in living forms, but presumably once occurring in kinds now extinct, wherein the egg cell remains at- tached to the parent plant, on which it is fertilized and by which the resultant equivalent of an em- bryo is supplied with food. V. The stage just described is the highest attained by the Alge. In the simplest land plants, the x Fic. 217.— The egg cell, attached to a fragment of frond, of Nemalion multi- fidum, a seaweed; xX 700. Extending from the egg cell is the long-projecting “ tri- chogyne,”’ adapted to receive the small floating sperm cells, of which two are attached. (After L. Kny.) Bryophytes and Ferns, 306 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VI, 7 the egg cell is no longer naked, but, in obvious correla- tion with the danger which would attend the exposure of its delicate, succulent substance to dry air, is inclosed within a protective cover, so constructed that when the egg cell is ready for fertilization and the surrounding conditions are favorable, the cover opens, and not only permits, but facilitates, the access of the free-swimming sperm cell, which Fic. 218. — Sexual reproduction of a Fern; x 240. The structures occur on the under side of the sexual or prothallus stage, close to the ground. On the left, a section of the prothallus in which the egg cell is buried and covered by the tubular ‘‘archegonium.’’ On the right, the free-swimming sperm cells escaping from the ‘‘antheridium. When the sex cells are ripe, the access of water causes both structures to open; the archegonium releases into the water a substance (malic acid) very attractive to the sperm cells, which swim towards it, and enter the tube, when the first to reach the egg cell fuses therewith and effects fertilization. (After L. Kny.) itself develops in a special structure (Fig. 218) ; and then the developing embryo is supplied with food by the parent plant. Here is evidently represented still another stage in the evolution of sex, in which have been developed, above the earlier differences, special and different structures, which protect the sex cells in ways to facilitate the access of the free sperm cell to the fixed egg cell. VI. The highest development of sex in plants is repre- sented in the construction of the flower, as described in an Cx. VI, 7] SIGNIFICANCE OF SEX 307 earlier section (page 269). Here fertilization is effected, not in water by a free-swimming sperm cell, as in all earlier stages, but in the air by wind- or insect-carried pollen grains from which the pollen tubes carry the sperm cells to the egg cells. In correspondence with the dry and exposed sur- roundings, the egg cell is deeply buried within the body of the parent plant, — within an embryo sac, inside an ovule, enclosed by an ovary, while the pollen occurs in closed an- thers. Now the mode of transport of the pollen, by external agencies, requires that the anthers, with some part of the ovary fitted to receive the pollen, be accessible to wind and insects; and such is the function of stamens and pistils. Accordingly these parts, specially fitted to bring the sex cells together, constitute physiologically the sexual organs of the plant, even though on morphological grounds this designa- tion has been denied them. Here is evidently represented still another stage in the evolution of sex, consisting in the presence of sexual organs, fitted to effect union of the sex cells. VII. In most plants the stamens and pistils are borne close together in the same flowers, which are said to be PERFECT (Or HERMAPHRODITE). In some cases, however, like Birches and Oaks, they are borne in separate flowers on the same plant, when they are said to be Monacious. In any case only the stamens and pistils show structural differences connected with the different sexes of the cells they produce, and the plant itself shows no trace of sex. In a few kinds of plants, however, the staminate and pistillate flowers are borne upon separate plants (are Diaciovs), in which case the plants are somewhat naturally, though not quite cor- rectly, described as male and female. Ordinarily there is no determinable difference, aside from the flowers, between such plants, but occasionally, as in Date Palm, some Wil- lows, and a few others, there is a marked difference in as- pect between staminate and pistillate individuals, thus giving a structural basis to the terms male and female as applied to plants. Here, however, is the limit reached by plants in 308 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VI, 8 their sexual differentiation, though the higher animals have gone a little farther, for in them the male and female sex cells are always borne by different individuals, which are distinguished, not only by their very different sexual organs, but also by correlated differences in habits, occupa- tions, dispositions, aspect, stature, and other visible features. Thus, in summary, there runs throughout all sexual dif- ferentiation the one constant thread of the fusion of the two sex cells, which brings together the parental chromo- somes in equal contribution to the constitution of the off- spring. It is only the mechanisms subsidiary thereto which vary. These mechanisms originate in a way to imply that the sexes were originally alike, and the differences between them arose through a division of labor, at first between the sex cells and later between the individuals which produce them, in connection with two subsidiary features of sexual reproduction, — viz. effecting the union of the sex cells, and nourishing (and later protecting) the embryonic offspring. Even in the highest plants and animals, sex seems to mean no more than this difference, developed to such a degree as to produce structures, organs, and even individuals, fitted to the respective parts taken by the sex cells. It is indeed possible that other factors are also involved in the result, but if so, they are obscure, while these are obvious. 8. Herepiry, VARIATION, AND EvoLuTIon The matters considered in the preceding sections lead naturally to others expressed in the title of this section. They are largely of theoretical, though very fundamental nature. Although in the past largely speculative in treat- ment they are now the subject of profound experimental researches, the conclusions of which apply equally to plants and animals. Heredity is the resemblance of an individual to its an- cestors. Variation is the difference between an individual and its ancestors. It is easy to see how, granting the chro- Cu. VI, 8] HEREDITY AND VARIATION 309 mosome mechanism earlier described, heredity should oc- cur. Indeed, on this basis, offspring should repeat. their ancestors exactly, and the scheme leaves no room for vari- ation at all. The student will note the phrase “like its ancestors,” not ‘“‘like its parents.”’ It is a matter of popular knowledge that family characteristics often skip a generation, or several for that matter; and children thus show features of their grandparents intermingled with those of their parents. Our knowledge of this subject is now firmly grounded, thanks to the labors of Mendel and his many modern successors in experimental biology. As a result it seems clear that the characters or features which make up an individual, and which are built by its cytoplasm under control of its chromo- somes, are not indefinite in number and kind, as popularly imagined, but are definite in both respects. In other words, an individual consists of a definite, though great, number of ultimate irresolvable unit characters, of which it forms a kind of mosaic. Furthermore, each such unit character is apparently represented in the chromosomes of all of the cells by some kind of determiner which controls the construction of that character by the cytoplasm, though whether this determiner be some material carrier, some kind of register, some form of model, some type of enzyme, or some other entity, is not known. Accordingly, the ferti- lized egg cell, and every body cell formed therefrom, having its two sets of chromosomes, must contain two sets of all the determiners necessary to construct that kind of organ- ism; or in other words every kind of character of an organism is represented in duplicate in every one of its body cells, one determiner being contributed by each parent (see the dia- grammatic Fig. 219). Now arises the question : How do these duplicates behave with respect to one another during the development of the cell, and what determines which one is to direct the cytoplasmic construction, and thus determine the character, in any particular case? On this matter Men- 310 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 8 ME fe" Cy \ » \\ Fic. 219.— A diagram to illustrate the principle of the chromosome mechanism of heredity. The triangular masses of cells are adult individual plants, or animals, male and female, developed from the parental germ cells shown below, and forming above their own germ cells, which are uniting in pairs into fertilized egg cells. In the nuclei of the individuals are the chromosomes, reduced for simplicity to two, and composed of determiners, reduced for simplicity to four, a black determiner being assumed to be always dominant to a white one. For example, we may take a triangle to mean height of stem, black meaning taller and white shorter; circle, color of corolla, black darker, white lighter; square, shape of leaf, black longer, white rounder; diamond, texture of stem, black rougher, white smoother. Thus the two individuals would be taller, longer-leaved, darker-flowered, rougher-stemmed, though having both the capacity to transmit the other qualities, as shown in their germ cells. Two such individuals as here pictured, being externally alike though differently constituted in their chromosomes, are described in the technical language of genetics as phenotypically identical but genotypically different ; and, having both dominant and recessive determiners, are heterozygous for all characters. They can, however, as the diagram shows, produce offspring which contain only the dominant or the recessive determiners for certain characters, that is, are homozygous for those characters. Cu. VI, 8] HEREDITY AND VARIATION 311 del was the first to obtain exact knowledge, which has been confirmed and greatly extended by others. Using different varieties as parents, he was able to trace the separate char- acters in their hybrid offspring, and thus he discovered that the rule in such cases is this, — the matter does not depend upon chance, but one of the two determiners regularly prevails over the other (is DOMINANT, in his phrase), and shows its in- fluence in the developing cell, while the other is latent (RE- CESSIVE, in his phrase), and without visible effect. This is the way in which parental characters can lie unseen and latent in the body, thus in our common but erroneous phrase “skipping a generation.” There is, however, much more in the subject than this. As already explained (page 285), when the adult individual forms its own new sex cells, the number of chromosomes, and therefore of determiners, is halved by the reduction division, but in such manner as to give to each new sperm or egg nucleus one complete set. This set is taken partly from the father set and partly from the mother set, the combination apparently being made wholly at random, as manifest by the fact that the different sexual cells of the same individual differ greatly in the make up of their com- binations (see Fig. 219). Thus it happens that every sexual or germ cell contains a determiner for each character from its father or its mother, but never from both, a fact called technically “‘the purity of the germ cells.” It is also true that, for any given character, about as many germ cells carry the father determiner as carry that of the mother. Now if two individuals of the same kind breed together, as imagined in our figure, and if the union of the germ cells is left simply to chance, as seems to be true, then there follows, so far as each single character is concerned, a very remarkable and important result, which can most simply be described by use of our diagram. Thus, if we center our attention upon color of corolla (the circles with black, dominant, and white, recessive), we find that four and only 312 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VI, 8 four modes of fertilization are possible ; a black from a male nucleus may unite with a black from a female, or a black from a male with a white from a female, or a white from a male with a black from a female, or a white from a male with a white from a female. Thus we can have four kinds and only four, of fertilized egg cells, one containing two black determiners, one containing two white determiners, and two containing a black and a white. In other words, the- oretically 1 of all the offspring of this couple will have the black character only, the white being eliminated entirely from their bodies and those of all their offspring if they breed only with their own kind; + likewise will have the white character only, the black being eliminated out of them and their off- spring if they breed with their own kind; and two }’s, that is 4, of the whole will have the black and white both in their own bodies, and can transmit either to their descendants, although, as black is dominant to white, they will themselves show only the black character, the white being latent or re- cessive. Thus of all the offspring ? will show the dominant black and { the recessive white, though of the 2, 2 have the white latent. The arrangement is represented for a single character in Fig. 220. This fact was discovered by Men- del in hybrids, but of course is equally true in principle for ordinary offspring from parents of the same variety. It has been found to hold true very widely, even though not uni- versally, in a great many kinds of plants and animals; and it is the central feature of MENDEL’s Law, now one of the most prominent matters in all Biology. For the sake of the study of the principle we have re- duced our subject to the utmost degree of theoretical sim- plicity. In fact, however, matters are never so simple, and commonly are vastly complex, in actual life. Thus, the law only holds true as an average of high numbers, its oper- ation being often obscured by chance with small numbers ; characters and determiners are not few in number, but many, even to hundreds and thousands; similar forms are Cu. VI, 8] HEREDITY AND VARIATION 313 not likely to breed together repeatedly unless compelled by experiment, though the same result is effected in some plants which pollinate themselves; characters are not passed along singly, but commonly a number together in loose aggregations; determiners seem to exert certain influences upon one another directly; and there are yet other compli- cations. Hence in Nature the law is not manifest to obser- vation, though discoverable by experiment; but it operates O x ® | [ | | | O o 0 ® ~ COCO 09008 00086 @0080 Fig. 220. — Diagram to illustrate Mendel’s Law of the segregation of characters in heredity, using a single character of Fig. 219. If germ cells having the dominant character (black circle) breed with others having the recessive character (white circle), then all of their off- spring show only the dominant character but carry the recessive character latent (black circle with white center). If these forms breed together, their offspring will show the distribution of characters represented in the diagram, — one-fourth will be pure dominants and one-fourth pure recessives, while the remainder are dominants carrying the recessive character latent. If those in this generation breed only with their own kind, the result in the next generation is as shown in the diagram; and thus indefinitely. as a steadily working principle which runs as a kind of guiding ‘thread through all heredity, while coming to view now and then in such phenomena as “skipping a genera- tion,” elimination of characters from a race, and other less obvious matters. Thus, on the basis of our knowledge of the performance of the chromosomes in reproduction, in conjunction with Mendel’s law, heredity must rest upon the transmission of determiners which, existing in each species in a certain number, are distributed in different combinations in the 314 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VI, 8 different individuals. Expressed otherwise, and somewhat fancifully, individuals are simply temporary kaleidoscopic combinations of the various determiners belonging to the species, the act of reproduction, especially the reduction di- vision and subsequent fusion, providing the new turn of the kaleidoscope. Thus much for heredity, which means the resemblances of individuals to their ancestors. What now of variation, which means the differences? The chromosome mechanism ex- plains heredity well, but not variation. Indeed the mechan- ism seems to leave no room for variation, since by its oper- ation all individuals are simply combinations of determiners which preéxist. Yet variation is as real a fact as heredity, for organisms do change with time, as proven by comparison of living plants and animals with their fossil ancestors. The conception of variation, however, needs definition, for some apparent variation is not at all important in evolu- tion. Thus, individuals are often strongly altered in their development by their conditions of life, — insufficient or peculiar food, ete., and also often become altered by self- adjustment to the conditions of their immediate surround- ings, as we have noted already under various phases of uritabiity. But such changes (called FLUCTUATIONS) are known not to be hereditary, that is, they affect the cyto- plasm but not the determiners in the chromosomes. The variations (called GENETIC VARIATIONS, or MUTATIONS), which produce hereditary alterations in organisms, must affect the determiners, either by interpolating new ones, or by altering the character or relations of those already present. Yet while such mutational variation undoubtedly exists, we have no knowledge as to how it arises or in what way it affects the determiners. Indeed the origin of varia- tion is the great crucial problem. of present-day Biology, though it will be settled, and before long, by the experi- ments now in progress. It is the watching understand- ingly for the answer to such deep questions which gives to Cu. VI, 8] HEREDITY AND VARIATION 315 the study of science its great charm, and it is the chance to find the answer one’s self which gives to scientific investiga- tion its matchless zest. That the organisms which now exist on the earth are different from those which formerly existed, and that these organisms are fitted to the conditions under which they live, are two facts which have long been known to scientific men, who have explained them in different ways. Thus Linnaeus, and most others of the earlier naturalists, be- lieved that the new kinds were each suddenly created, and in very exact fitness to the surrounding conditions, by an omnipotent Creator. This doctrine is known as SPECIAL CREATION. It did not, however, stand the test of advancing knowledge, for ample evidence seemed to show that existent kinds of organisms have developed out of earlier kinds; and it seemed reasonable to suppose that in course of this development the organisms and their parts became adapted to their environments. This is the meaning of EVOLUTION. All modern research has tended to confirm its correctness. The fact of evolution is one thing, and the method whereby it has come about is another; and the explanation of its method has been for a half century the foremost problem of philosophical biology. Two great leading solutions have been offered for the problem. Lamarck, a French zoologist who was active a century ago, argued that the changes which are known to occur in individuals, either directly by action of the environment or by self-adjustment thereto, are trans- mitted to the next generation and there re-appear; and that thus a character can be intensified generation after generation until a new kind or species results. This is the view of the TRANSMISSION OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERS. Trans- lated into terms of the chromosome mechanism, it would mean that any change in a character of an individual or- ganism, which of course affects the cytoplasm of the cells concerned, can become registered or represented in some way in the determiners in its germ cells. Now of such a result 316 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 8 there is not only no known evidence, but such evidence as we possess seems wholly against its occurrence, with possible rare exceptions which hardly affect the general principle. All evidence seems to show that while alterations in the deter- miners alter the organism, the reverse is not true. A second solution, and the most famous, is that of Darwin, who was active in his work somewhat over a half century ago. He argued that a spontaneous variation of all features of organisms is constantly in progress; that only a few of the many varying individuals can survive; that such variations as happen to lie in a direction which fits the organism to its environment will help that organism to survive in com- petition with those having a less favorable direction ; that the offspring of the surviving organism will inherit the variation; that some will vary in even higher degree; and that thus in time the variation can accumulate to a degree which makes its possessor not only a new kind but better adapted than its ancestors to those particular conditions. Thus Nature acts to select certain characters, and the view is known as NATURAL SELECTION. Translated into terms of the chromosome mechanism, this means that the determiners are not stable entities, but exist in a state of unstable equi- librium such that they can produce characters in greater or lesser degree of intensity. As a matter of fact most of the evidence we have accumulated upon this point seems op- posed to the idea that the determiners are thus unstable, and many investigators deny them all variability. More recently, however, some apparently incontrovertible evidence has been found which points to an inherent instability of the determiners or unit characters, and their modifiability by selection; and the Darwinian coneeption of evolution by selection of such variations will probably prove correct in the end. A modification of Darwin’s explanation of the method of evolution is that of De Vries, a Hollander still actively work- ing. He maintains, on the basis of observational and ex- Cu. VI, 9} METHODS OF PLANT BREEDING 317 perimental evidence, that some new kinds or species of or- ganisms originate not slowly and gradually from other kinds, but suddenly, —even so suddenly as in one step from parent to offspring. Such new steps are supposed to be not frequent, but occasional, long periods of stability alternating with short periods of change. Upon forms thus originating natural selection operates to preserve the best fitted kinds. The species which thus originate, called often ELEMENTARY species, differ really, though only slightly, from those which give rise to them; and several mutational steps are needed to make such markedly different species (LINNHZAN SPECIES), as the older naturalists associated with that word. This view is known as that of Muration. ‘Translated into terms of the chromosome mechanism, it means that the determiners, after long periods of transmission in stable form, suddenly alter, apparently not by the interpolation of new ones so much as by spontaneous sudden change in the old. But the evidence on this matter is still in debate. 9. THe Meruops usep BY Man IN BREEDING BETTER PLANTS Everybody knows that our most valued varieties of farm and garden plants— our grains, fruits, vegetables, and flowers —do not occur wild, but have been developed by man from inferior wild kinds. Our principal grains, Wheat and Corn, have been so far improved from their wild an- cestors that. we know only doubtfully what those were. Our best known fruits, Apples, Pears, and Oranges, are incomparably superior to the original kinds in size, flavor, and other qualities we value. Among vegetables, the Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, and others, most diverse in aspect, are all known to have been derived in gardens from a very simple little strand plant of western Europe. In flowers, a great many of our garden favorites have been improved from their wild states to a degree which would render the relationship unsuspected were it 318 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 9 not for our historical records. Most remarkable of all, and perhaps the acme of man’s developmental accomplishments, is the Chrysanthemum, in which, from two little simple wild plants, smaller than our common field Daisies, have been developed all of the great variety of distinct types, and all of the superb individual specimen plants seen in our horticultural exhibitions, culminating in single plants over sixteen feet across and bearing fifteen hundred blossoms, and in single blooms over twenty inches in diameter. We consider now the methods by which man has achieved these results. New varieties originate under cultivation, but not as a direct result thereof. High cultivation can supply the con- ditions for the best development of individual plants or a given crop, but the improvement is not hereditary, and therefore does not yield new kinds, which we acquire in only three ways, — by SELECTION OF VARIATIONS, PRESERVATION OF SPORTS, and HYBRIDIZATION. 1. Selection of variations. Both experience and experi- ment attest that plants of the same variety growing side by side, whether wild or in gardens, present many differences, or variations, from one another; further, that some of these variations are hereditary, though many are not; and still further, that by persistent selection generation after gen- eration of the plants displaying a given variation (e.g. size in a grain, red color in a flower), and the use of their seeds in growing the next crop, there results in time a variety in which the given feature is far more prominent and prevalent than in the original form, and moreover comes true to seed. It is true that much of such selection now practiced upon highly developed varieties of plants, whether grains or flowers, appears to consist simply in the assembling together of the plants which already possess the variation in high degree, and is not accompanied by any actual intensification thereof. In other words, selection may effect the zsolation rather than the development of a variety. But an intensifi- Cu. VI, 9] METHODS OF PLANT BREEDING 319 cation of variations must sometime and somehow occur, else we could never have obtained our multiform and multi- chrome Chrysanthemums from their comparatively uniform and simple wild ancestors ; and the variation once intensified, by whatever method, could be isolated to a variety by se- lection. This method of improvement by selection is slow, but is favored by use of great numbers of plants, and by the fact that plants vary more rapidly and extremely under cultivation than in the wild state. In this indirect way, indeed, cultivation does promote the development of new varieties. 2. The preservation of sports. Occasionally some one bud on a plant will produce a branch having leaves, flowers, or fruits strikingly different from those on the rest of the plant, such a feature being called a sport. If, now, that particular branch be propagated by cuttings or by grafting, the new feature holds true; and thus the plants which contain it can be multiplied indefinitely. The Red, or Copper, Beeches, familiar lawn trees, originated in a single red- leaved branch on an ordinary Green Beech, and have since been propagated and multiplied by grafting. The Navel Orange, which is seedless, and further distinguished by the small accessory Orange within its upper end (page 201), originated in a sport branch upon an ordinary Orange tree, and has been preserved and spread by bud- ding (a form of grafting). Indeed, most highly developed fruits have originated thus; somebody has found them as sports upon more ordinary kinds, and preserved them by grafting. If the sporting branch cannot be propagated by cuttings or by grafting, the sport cannot be preserved at all, for bud sports are not reproduced by their seeds, which produce only the original form. Sometimes, however, SEED SPORTS appear, in which case the sports come true to seed and can thus be propagated, as in case of some fruit trees and a few garden herbs. The mode and causes of origin of sports are unknown. 320 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 9 They occur in all degrees, from barely perceptible to very striking, from useless to valuable, and from ugly to attrac- tive, — only those which appeal in some way to man’s in- terests being noted and preserved. They are clearly in the nature of extreme variations, which merge over also to mon- strosities (page 205) ; and, whatever the case with bud sports, no distinction is apparent between seed sports and those mutations or hereditary variations upon which selection works. 3. Hybridization. When two parents belong to different varieties or species, their offspring are called HYBRIDS, and the process of making such crosses is called HYBRIDIZATION. Only closely related kinds of plants or of animals can be hybridized, presumably because the process requires a cer- tain degree of chemical similarity in the complicated pro- toplasm. To make the cross in plants, the pollen from a flower of one parent must of course be transferred to a stigma of a flower of the other parent, which process is usually effected by aid of a fine brush. It is also indispensable to prevent the access to that stigma of any other pollen, in- cluding the plant’s own. This end is accomplished by re- moving the anthers before they are ripe and covering the flower completely with a gauze bag which excludes cross- pollinating insects. Hybrids show four distinctive characteristics important in plant improvement. First, hybrids are apt to be larger and finer plants than their parents, although, owing to the operation of Mendelian segregation, this feature is not pre- served in the next generation. It may, however, be kept by use of cuttings or grafting. Second, entirely new fea- tures, not apparent in cither parental line, may appear, seemingly not simply as a result of mixing two ancestral strains, but through a kind of sporting induced by the dis- turbance incident to the wide crossing. Third, a given undesirable character may be bred completely out of a race and replaced by a better, on the principle of Mendelian Cu. VI, 9} METHODS OF PLANT BREEDING 321 segregation (page 312), which applies in full force to hybrids, where indeed it was discovered. Fourth, two, or more, de- sirable qualities belonging to different varieties may be brought together and permanently combined in a single variety. Theoretically this is the highest utility of hy- bridization, and its practice the highest form of plant breed- ing. Hybridization is, however, by no means so simple in practice as in principle. It is often very difficult to accom- plish mechanically; many plants which one desires to hybridize fail to set seed with one another’s pollen; new features are as likely to. be useless as desirable; hybrids designed to combine certain good qualities are as likely to combine others which are bad; the reproductive power of hybrids is usually poor; and many other difficulties make hybridization a slow and difficult method of effecting de- sired improvements in plants. Nevertheless, in the hands of skilled breeders, it is the most important of the three methods of plant improvement, and is actually yielding most valuable results, especially in the breeding of grains. It was earlier said that cultivation, though it makes better plants and crops, does not produce new varieties. Indi- rectly, however, it helps to that end; for under cultivation plants vary and sport far more profusely and widely than when wild, — apparently because of their better nutritive conditions, in conjunction with the stimulative effect of new surroundings, and perhaps the removal of old restraints. Further, it is possible, by devices of cultivation, to intensify the rapidity and degree of variation, though not to direct its character ; and skilled breeders can thus ‘‘ break the type,”’ in their phrase, as a foundation for new varieties. It is also of course true that the greater the number of plants grown, the greater the chance for the appearance of new and de- sirable variations ; and this method of growing plants in vast quantities is one of the “secrets of success’? of the best known of present-day plant breeders, Luther Burbank. ¥ 322 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VI, 10 By a combination of the methods here described, our cultivated plants have been developed from their wild ancestors. Obviously the process is a kind of evolution, in which man’s needs or fancies play the part of the selecting and preserving agency. The methods do not include any way of originating any desired feature; all we can do is to select, preserve, and intensify such features as nature offers. In earlier times most, or all, of man’s improvements in plants were without plan or forethought, his selection being made upon features which pleased him, or seemed profitable, at the moment; and it is only because in general he has continued to be pleased by the same things that our culti- vated plants have been brought to their present high de- velopment. In modern times, however, much of the im- provement is accomplished by expert workers who proceed with deliberate forethought and a definite aim in mind. This is typical plant breeding, to which we may confidently look for great triumphs in the future. 10. THe MorpHoLtocy or FLOWERS Although the flower is physiologically a distinct organ of the plant, having its own primary function of effecting fer- tilization, its structure shows obvious morphological relation to leaves and stem. The sepals of flowers are commonly green, and so leaf-like in origin and anatomy as to permit no doubt that they, at least, are morphologically identical with leaves. Besides, the most perfect gradations occur from sepals through bracts to the green leaves of the stem (e.g. Calycanthus). Petals, also, despite their difference in color, have a perfectly leaf- like development and anatomy, with an occasional complete gradation to sepals (e.g. Cactus flowers); so that they too are morphologically leaves. As to the stamens, the fila- ments correspond to leaves in all the morphological test points, including a transition to petals (e.g. in Water-lilies), Cs. VI, 10) MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERS 323 so that they likewise are leaves, of a linear or needle-like sort. The anther, however, answers to nothing in a leaf, and we hold it in reserve for a moment. In the pistil each carpel has the leaf origin and anatomy, its development being such that it infolds with the upper surface inward (Fig. 221). Where the edges of the infolded leaves grow to- gether, the tissues are enlarged, forming placente (Fig. 222), upon which stand the ovules, while the tips of these leaves become prolonged and modified to styles and stigmas. The ovules, however, do not answer to anything in a leaf, and we reserve them, like the anthers, for the present. The receptacle is very clearly a stem, enlarged at the tip to bear the other floral parts. Sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels all stand in whorls, which, as with whorls of green leaves on the stem, regularly alternate (page 140, and Fig. 94), while other relations of phyllotaxy occur in these parts. Furthermore, as with ordinary leaves and stems, flowers originate in buds, which are either terminal or axillary. Fic. 221.— Dia- grammatic repre- sentation of the mode of union of Thus the typical simple flower consists mor- phologically of a branch, of limited, or determinate, growth, containing whorls of modified leaves borne close together at the end of a stem, and surrounding two en- tirely different kinds of structures, anthers three carpellary leaves into a one- celled ovary. The united edges form the placente, on which the ovules are borne. (After Gray.) and ovules. We turn now to examine the morphological nature of anthers and ovules, which involves the relations of flowers to the reproductive structures of the lower kinds of plants. It happens, unfortunately, that not all of the stages which must have existed in the evolution of the flower are now represented in existent plants; but, as will be shown in detail in Part II of this book, enough of the stages survive 324 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 10 to indicate the general course of that evolution. Thus we can trace the anthers and pollen grains back without any serious break to SPORANGIA (or SPORE CASES) and SPORES (the kind called microsporangia and microspores) of the highest. flowerless plants, each anther being a composite microsporangium and each pollen grain a microspore. We can trace the ovules back in the same way to MEGA- SPORANGIA and MEGASPORES (Fig. 223), each nucellus being a megasporangium, and the embryo sac a megaspore, while the integuments are a special new outgrowth from the stalk of the sporangium. We can, however, trace these parts still farther back to an origin in a single kind of sporan- Fic. 222. — Diagrams to illustrate, in cross section, the various ways in which carpels, here five in number, unite to form compound pistils and placente. First, carpels all separate; second, united like Fig. 221, giving parietal placente; third, infolded to the center, like the first but grown together, giving central placentse; fourth, like the third, but with the partitions wanting, giving free central placenta. gium and spores, such as we find in the Ferns, where they occur in the brown sori, or ‘“‘fruit dots,” on the backs of the fronds (Fig. 224), and we can even trace them, if we choose, back into the Algze. Thus we see that pollen grains with the anthers, and embryo sacs with the ovules, are mor- phologically equivalent to the spores and spore cases of the lower plants, and are therefore far older than the other parts of the flower. Hence a flower consists morpholog- ically of stem, leaves, and sporangia with their spores. Or, since the spores are the more important as well as the older parts, we may say that morphologically a flower consists of spores together with stem and leaves specialized to aid in their reproductive function. Cu. VI, 10} MORPHOLOGY This identification of pollen and ovules with the spores of the lower plants at once throws light on two other features of floral structure. rst, the megasporangia and microsporangia of the flowerless plants occur in close asso- ciation with, or upon, certain leaves, somewhat modified accordingly, called SPOROPHYLLS (Fig. 223); and it seems clear that stamens and pistils are the lineal descendants of the sporophylls. As to petals and sepals, it is not yet certain whether they represent ancient sporophylls which have lost their spo- rangia, or green leaves independently specialized, though the latter seems most probable. Second, the pollen grains and embryo sacs (the ancient spores) are not themselves the sex cells, but develop the sperm cells and egg cells through intermediation of some cell divisions which have no apparent meaning under existent conditions (Figs. 188, 190, and full account in Part IT). Now in the lower plants the spores are not sex cells either, but they pro- duce special and often elaborate struc- tures (including the prothallus stage of the Ferns, the thallus of the Liver- worts, and the whole body of the Mosses), upon which the sex cells are developed; and it is the reduced pro- thallus, or equivalent, of the lower OF FLOWERS 325 Fie. 223. — The fruit- ing strobilus of Selagi- nella inequifolia, a Pteridophyte; x 12. On the left, micro- sporangia containing several microspores; on the right megasporangia containing four mega- spores. The sporangia stand upon sporophylls. (From Sachs.) plants which persists as the seemingly meaningless cell divi- sions within the pollen grain and embryo sac. Thus while ovule and embryo sac, with anther and pollen grain, are parts 326 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 10 of the flower, the prothallial cells of both embryo sac and_ pollen grain, together with egg cell and sperm cell belong to a new gen- eration. These morphological matters are certainly complicated and difficult at first to grasp in detail. Fig. 224.—Sorus of a fern, They can be made clearer, how- at Gloss “Secon, Somme tHE) rae by aid of a table or dia- stalked sporangia containing spores; magnified. From these gram which will exhibit their Scar Bes ess relations in light of their evolu- pollen grains of flowers. (From tionary origin, and of the con- 2 Dern? nections of the reproductive with the nutritive parts; and such a diagram is presented on the opposite page. We have now traced the flower back to its morphological eee a aro ye <3 fo ag Se iN Boy \ er F “ct x ‘ fe Leyes IN nie. 22 SP ak IOS a4 Se wk ‘ ' ‘ ne ees gs \ He See) (ays) we tot ( : iy te Ae ea pau Na) Del te ai 5 i) 4 Gavan ee jee Y ie, : 0 ’ ' Nei foes \ ) ‘ Fog a CaP es On altel eG o i bein Pevac akon Ke os go ne PS le a . 7 Bo Ree an a ea Pee eta Pam ee x “5 Se a Fig, 225, — Plans, or diagrams, of typical flowers, to illustrate presence and absence of the whorls. They represent cross sections supposed to be made through the widest parts of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil. Above, the first is a complete flower (Staphylea), and the second is apetalous (Beet). Below, the first is asepalous and apetalous (Saururus), the next is staminate only (Willow), and the last is pistillate only (Willow). aa 00 dode “B30 1 ' sozomus queTd ezaed oatzyoupoadea eyaed ootzzazou ° “II 2a¥qg UT pouTetdze eT meta aoqzoue qpnoqzTe ‘snTTe4, Boaz LT }OCATP posTASP O04 OA JVOT puv wozG yoou ‘4zr0TTduTB J0g equetd yo szavd Aaemtad of} Jo sucoTzBTOIa-az0zNT O44 mos 0} Rvaevid ant Buavdoda {t4qdoaoda antpuevaods| ont suvaoda eaodsoa0tw} eaodsuzon TtAydoaods|TTAGWdoaoda -speu -oa0Ta -3Jom -od0yu ove id Senos ofaqne ®t" 4° SON AAS Tedavo ueme4s Te od \ t SOE Pe SOROS ees Se i ' ' ------------!------14-—-j- Pie ai Shei ersten ier Rimes - ' pas a ea Be ey a aN th ye eh ee ee a maodsopuo } cS ee ee? 3207 "048 eoTTsas qo00a BaLRAFACES SSLLFFGOTTVES BAaLAHAQGCTAASd SRLXRAOLYNESGS 328 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 10 foundation, but have still to trace it upward through a remarkable morphological elaboration. Typically the flower has sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels (Fig. 225), but these may be absent in various degrees, making the flowers apetalous, asepalous, pistillate, or staminate, all of which terms are self-explanatory. Typically all of the whorls have the same number of parts, as in the phyllotaxy of leaf whorls on the stem (page 140, Fig. 94). That number is oftenest five (Fig. 226), no doubt beeause of the predominance of the 2? system of phyllotaxy (page 141); next most often it is three, connected with the 2 system; while less often it is four, presumably connected Fig. 226.— Diagrams of typical flowers, to illustrate the principal numerical plans. Constructed as in Fig. 225. 5-plan, Oxalis; 4-plan, Fuchsia; 3-plan, Lily. with the } system; and these are the only numbers which prevail through flowers. This relation to phyllotaxy, by the way, shows how purely structural and little adaptational is the numerical feature of floral structure. Any of the four ,Whorls may deviate from the number characteristic of the flower. Thus Poppies have but two sepals, Monkshood has but two petals, Orchids have but one or two stamens, and Peas have but one carpel. As to the stamens, they are some- times fewer, but often are more numerous than the typical number, especially in simple flowers pollinated by many insects, such as Roses and Buttercups. The carpels, onthe contrary, rarely exceed the typical number (though they do so in both of the plants last mentioned), but oftener than Cu. VI, 10] MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERS 329 not are less than the prevalent number, being commonly three in a 5-part flower, or even only one, as prevails through the great Pulse family (Fig. 227). In general a diminution in number accompanies increasing efficiency in function, and marks a higher grade in evolution. Thus the Composite family (that of the Sunflower and Chrysanthemum), the largest plant family, and the one which stands highest of all in plant evolution, has five sepals (when any), five petals, five stamens, and one carpel. fam \ Joe oS As the floral leaves, Ce 2 Cg \\ especially the sepals ‘ & : ic @ 8 and petals, develop S and broaden in the Ne yi X ce ay, bud, their edges be- i Sata we Seeeinnd come variously dis- posed with respect to one another. In some flowers these 0 mJ exactly matching to- gether without any overlapping, as in the sepals of Fuchsia Fic, 227.— Diagrams of typical flowers, to : é illustrate deviations from numerical symmetry. (Fig. 226), an ar Constructed as in Figs. 1225, 226. Above, rangement called Stellaria and Cassia; below, a Composite (Helenium) and Primrose. VALVATE. In others the edges regularly overlap spiralwise, as in the petals of Fuchsia, an arrangement called convoLuTE. Oftenest they overlap in such manner that some parts have both edges under, some both over, and some both ways, an arrangement called ImBricaTE (Primrose in Fig. 227). These arrange- ments, called collectively #sTIVATION, often persist in the open flowers, though sometimes so lightly as to be easily dis- arranged by a touch or the wind. They are apparently due to a combination of phyllotactic and developmental factors. 330 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 10 Typically, and usually, the floral whorls alternate, as in the case of leaves on the stem (page 140). Most of the exceptions are only apparent, as in the Lily family (Fig. 226), where a whorl of six stamens seems to stand opposite a whorl of six petals or sepals (e.g. Lily of the Valley); but in reality whorls of sepals and petals, here alike, and two whorls of stamens regularly alternate. In case of the Primrose, where five stamens stand opposite five petals (Fig. 227), it is likely that another set of five stamens, which would make the alternation perfect, has vanished in the course of evolution. Indeed, two whorls of stamens are more frequent, and perhaps more ‘‘typical’”’ than one. The usual lesser number of carpels, of course, destroys the alternation in their case. Typically the sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels all stand separate and distinct upon the receptacle, precisely as do leaves on the stem; but sometimes each whorl forms a single structure. Thus the calyx, as earlier noted (page 270), is often one structure at base, and even to near its top, while sometimes it forms a tube with only small teeth on its free margin, e.g. Phlox. It was formerly supposed that such a calyx is formed by a union of the lower parts of the sepals, the tips alone remaining free, on which account it was called GAMOSEPALOUS (united sepals) in distinction from POLYSEP- ALOUS applied to the separate condition. This view, how- ever, finds no support in the development of the indi- vidual flower, where no such union of parts takes place; for, in fact, the sepals originate and grow separately for a time, and then are lifted by the growth of a continuous ring of leaf-like tissue, which gradually elongates to the tubular part of the calyx. It is possible that in course of their evolution the sepals have become united, as the older view held; but it is equally possible, and much more in accord with the method of their present development, that only the free tips represent the original separate leaves, while the tubular part is a new development, just as we know the Y? f 4 y Fic. 228. — Diagrams of typical flowers in vertical section, showing the various relations of calyx, corolla, stamens, and carpels, as interpreted by their development from the buds. Receptacle is dotted; floral tube is lined lengthwise; carpels are lined crosswise. The parts in broken linerdo not fall in the median plane in a 3- plan flower. Upper based on Scilla; next on Hyacinth; next on Snowdrop; lower on Narcissus. 9 331 332 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 10 external tube, or corona, of the Daffodil to be. Precisely the same is true of the gamopetalous corolla, and also of the monadelphous stamens, although in cases where the stamens are united, as in the Composite, these anthers do actually grow together although they originate separately. As to the carpels, where two or more unite into a single pistil, Fic. 229. — Fuchsia speciosa, showing the raceme of morphologically specialized flowers, with inferior ovary, and both petals and stamens raised on the calyx tube. (From Bailey.) the case is quite clear, for they always originate separately in the bud, and later actually grow together as they develop. The mode of fusion of the carpels determines the place of the placentzee and the number of compartments (unfor- tunately called cells) in the ovary. Thus in the Pulse family, illustrated by the familiar green Pea, only one earpel is concerned, and it infolds with a single parietal placenta (Fig. 227). When two or more carpels unite to one pistil, Cu. VI, 10) MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERS 333 they may grow together in any of the ways shown in Figure 222, producing parietal, central, or free central pla- cente, with one or several compartments. Typically each of the four whorls stands directly on the receptacle independently of the other three; but remarkable interrelations of the whorls also occur in various flowers, as repre- sented diagrammatically in Fig- ure 228. In some cases the calyx and corolla together form one structure, called PERIANTH, upon which stand the stamens, as in the Hyacinth, while vari- ous other combinations occur. Formerly such cases were inter- preted on the supposition that the different whorls were united, or adnate, to one another from the receptacle upward; but here also the development of the flower favors another inter- pretation, viz. that the tube which the parts occupy in com- mon has developed in precisely the same way as the tube of the , Fig. 230. — The Daffodil, Nar- corolla or calyx, — not by &® cissus Pseudo-Narcissus, showing union of originally free parts, the large corona, an outgrowth j from the sepals and petals. (From but as a new growth inter- Bailey.) calated between the free struc- tures and the receptacle. Especially striking is the con- dition of inferior ovary (page 275), where sepals, petals, and stamens stand upon its top (third flower, Fig. 228). This arrangement was formerly interpreted on the sup- position that the calyx (and therefore also the corolla and stamens) was united or adnate to the ovary all the way up from the receptacle below; but here also the 334 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VI, 10 development of the flower favors a different interpretation, viz. that the receptacle grows up in cup-shaped form, carry- ing upon its top the four whorls, of which the carpels come simply to close in the roof of the ovary, as represented in the lower diagrams (Fig. 228). In case of the Apple, the up- growing receptacle appears to have inclosed the set of carpels, represented by the core. Yet these distinctions of floral parts have in reality no great weight, since as the flower becomes special- ized the former sharp distinction between stem and leaves, and even that. between receptacle and floral tube, tends to disappear. This consolidation of the parts of the flower goes still farther in cases like Fuchsia, where the floral tube stands upon the ovary, and upon the tube stand sepals, petals, and stamens (Fig. 229); and it reaches perhaps its perfection in the Orchids where even the stamens and pistil form one mass. Typically the sepals, petals, sta- mens, and carpels follow the method of leaves in their development, and, Y like leaves, branch readily in their see oe oe ome plane, but rarely out of it. Yet (From Bailey.) the floral parts do at times produce special outgrowths from their faces, as In case of some nectaries, the scales in the throats of some Pinks, and the remarkable ‘crown of thorns” in the Passion flower. Somewhat similar in origin is the corona of the Narcissus, a structure which in the Daffodil (Fig. 230) surpasses in size and prominence even the regular floral tube itself. In such features as these outgrowths, and in many of the Cu. VI, 111 MORPHOLOGY OF CLUSTERS 339 other facts of progressive consolidation and _ specialization of parts above described, we see that the flower is by no means closely bound by its former leaf and stem nature, but has acquired in large measure its own morphological inde- pendence. It is therefore in effect a morphological member as well as a physiological organ of the plant. 11. Tor MorPHotocy AND EcoLtocy oF FLOWER CLUSTERS The conspicuousness of flowers, especially of the smaller kinds, is greatly augmented by their aggre- gation into clusters. There is more, however, in the subject than this, for clusters often exhibit a specific individuality, with distinc- tive new characters of their own. In wind-pollinated kinds, where showiness has no functional value, the clusters have apparently no more than a structural significance, as a convenience of development. Each flower originates in a bud, representing morphologically a spore-bearing determinate branch (page 323); and flower buds, like leaf buds, are usually either termi- nal or axillary. Now every possible gradation is found between a con- dition in which solitary flowers are scattered along stems in the axils of green leaves and that in which numerous flowers are massed densely together with the leaves reduced to insignificant bracts or wanting al- together. Where the solitary con- dition ends and a cluster begins is Fie. 232. — Eremurus himalaicus, showing a rac- emose spike (From Bailey.) of flowers. 336 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY Fic. 233.— Button Bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis, showing the head of flowers. (From Bailey.) [Cu. VI, 11 largely an arbitrary mat- ter, determined in practice by whether leaves or flowers are more promi- nent in the mass. In many, perhaps most, cases, however, there is no difficulty in distinguishing a cluster, because it ex- hibits a sharp transition to the leafy stem; and this distinctness constitutes the first step in the indi- viduality of the cluster. The simplest clusters are those in which a con- tinuously growing stem produces a flower in the axil of each reduced leaf, the older blos- soms being thus below and the younger above, —and often the lower become fruits while the upper are still buds. Such a cluster, commonest of all kinds, is called a RACEME (Fig. 229). In marked mor- phological contrast therewith is the crme (Fig. 231), in which a terminal flower closes the growth of the stem, and the new flowers appear from buds progressively lower down. The two types, called respectively INDETERMINATE and DETERMINATE, spond exactly with the defi- indefinite annual corre- nite andl Fie, 234. — Corymb of Cherry. (From Figurier.) growth of stems, earlicr described (page 138). Cu. VI, 11] MORPHOLOGY OF CLUSTERS 337 Both racemes and cymes often become compound by the branching of the main flower stalks, and the two types occur intermingled in the more complicated clusters, such as the pyramidal tuyrsus of the Lilac and Horse-chestnut and the much looser PANICLE of the Meadow Rue, and most of the loose-topped Grasses. In the other direction, the clusters become very compact. Thus racemes sometimes have so many flowers on such short stalks as to form collectively aSPIKE (Fig. 232), as familiar in Mullein, while if bracts in a spike are more prominent than petals, as so commonly occurs in wind-pollinated trees, we have a CATKIN, familiar in Birches (Fig. 197) and “pussy willows.”’ If the main stem remains short, bringing the flowers all close together, the cluster is a HEAD, as familiar in Clover and Button Bush (Fig. 233). The clusters thus far noted are little more than aggrega- NE tions of similar flowers, but Fie. 235.— A typical umbel, of more highly developed kinds oe ee show a marked approach to the aspect of single large flowers. The tendency is first manifest in the production of flat-topped clusters. Thus, if the main stem and the stalks of the lower flowers of a raceme all elongate at about the same rate, there results a flat-topped corrmp (Fig. 234). When, further, the main stem remains still shorter, or undeveloped, and the flower stalks have all about equal lengths, there results a characteristic UMBEL (Fig. 235), a very common form of cluster, and one which prevails through, and has given name Z 338 to, a large family of plants, the A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 11 Umbellifere. Both corymbs and umbels also become branched or compounded. Still more advanced in evolutionary rank are those clusters “STERILE PORTION OF SPADIX RY STERILE FLORETS Fira. The spadix, with flowers, of an Arum; the large showy spathe is 236. — removed. (From Cavers.) in which there is found a division of labor with respect to the functions of reproduction and conspicuousness. In some clusters the conspicuousness which shows the flower to insects is given by bracts greatly developed, as with the Calla and Jack-in-the-pulpit, where the single showy bract or SPATHE acts functionally like a corolla, leaving only the function of pollination to the little incon- spicuous flowers arranged on a fleshy spike called a spaprIx (Fig. 236). Bracts also form the showy parts of the flat-topped clusters of comparatively inconspicuous flowers in Poinsettia and Flowering Dogwood. Still more highly developed are those clusters in which this division of function occurs be- tween the flowers themselves. Thus, in the wild Hydrangea and its relatives, the inner flowers of the flat-topped compound cyme remain inconspicuous, and the showiness of the cluster is due to the petals of the outer- most flowers which have developed very greatly (Fig. 237), losing entirely in the process their reproductive parts. It is these outer NEUTRAL flowers which have been de- veloped in cultivation to form the fine great showy pyramidal clusters (thyrsi) of our lawn Hydrangeas. This arrangement reaches its highest development in the family Com- positze, where, in forms like the Sunflower, the outer row of the flowers (the so-called RAY FLOWERS) in the dense, flat-topped cluster develop greatly their corollas which make the whole showy parts of the head, but lose their Cu. VI, 11] MORPHOLOGY OF CLUSTERS 339 stamens and often also their pistils in so doing ; while simul- taneously all of the interior flowers (the pisk FLOWERS) remain comparatively inconspicuous and devoted entirely to pollination. So far, indeed, does the resemblance to Fic. 237. — Flower cluster of Hydrangea Bretschneideri, a compound corymb with showy neutral flowers. Lower left; certain details of the fruit. (From Bailey.) large single flowers proceed that even a calyx-like structure (called INVOLUCRE) is developed from bracts, these collective features giving the clusters so much the aspect of smgle flowers that they are popularly thought to be so. The resem- blance, indeed, appeals even to insects, which visit and 340 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Gu: VE. 12 pollinate the clusters in precisely the same way as they do single flowers. These heads in the Composite represent the highest evolutionary development of ciusters. 12. SpecraL Forms, ABNORMALITIES, AND MONSTROSITIES oF FLOWERS Although leaves, stems, and roots often perform functions and have forms very different from those which are pri- mary and typical in those organs, flowers have hardly any additional or substitute functions, doubtless because of their high degree of specialization to their primary function. On the other hand, flowers far surpass all other organs in the abundance of their abnormalities and monstrosities, presumably because their much greater complication of structure allows more opportunity therefor. Abnormal or monstrous flowers, those which deviate in some unusual or eccentric way from the conditions usual in that kind, are apt to occur in any bed, especially in gardens, — for they are more frequent under cultivation. The monstrosities occur in all possible parts. Sepals are found, either singly or the whole whorl, entirely leaf-like in size and appearance, even to complete compounding in some Roses. Also they occur so petal-like in color and form as to resemble a seemingly two-storied flower, as in ‘‘ Hose in hose”? Primroses. Petals act in many strange ways, even turning leaf-green in some monstrous Roses. They are especially prone to multiply much in number, giving us double flowers, of which a great many kinds can be propagated, and occur in our gardens. Stamens are sometimes completely petal-like ; sometimes bear ovules in their anthers instead of pollen; sometimes are completely replaced by carpels. Carpels often fail to unite their edges, thus leaving the ovary open; and they become in various degrees leaf-like. Some- times the ovary contains anthers with pollen instead of ovules, and sometimes the ovules are replaced by tiny green leaves. The receptacle also acts diversely, its most Cu. VI, 12] MONSTROSITIES OF FLOWERS 341 frequent abnormality consisting in a continued growth right up through the center of the flower, above which it produces a second flower, or else a leafy branch, as already described in connection with stems (page 201). Sometimes two or more of these abnormalities are combined in a single flower, in which case we have a genuine, and often an extreme, monstrosity (Fig. 150). One or more of the whorls may be absent though normally present, or present when normally wanting; and any or all may become altered in color, multiplied in number, or converted entirely into a bunch of green leaves. Regular flowers become diversely irregular, and irregular kinds perfectly regular. Also flowers, especially their pistils, become malformed to galls under insect stimula- tion (page 203). It is surprising how many and diverse are the abnormalities which appear when one’s attention is directed to these matters, and how many are described and pictured in the special works devoted to the subject. Of the latter the most famous and instructive is the classic “ Vegetable Teratology” by Masters, which the student will do well to examine. Not only structural, but physiological abnormalities occur, as for example in cases where the “‘resting-period”’ (page 378) is wanting, and the flower opens in autumn instead of the next spring, as happens with exceptional Strawberry blossoms and flowers of shrubs. Of course such flowers are destroyed by frost without chance to form seed. Sometimes the ab- normality, especially in extreme monstrosities, occurs only in a single flower, in which case it is usually not hereditary and cannot be propagated, just as with fluctuating varia- tions (page 314). But sometimes all of the flowers on one branch or one plant exhibit the feature, in which case it can usually be propagated like a sport, which indeed it really is, — both bud sports and seed sports of this kind occurring. Hence we have in our collections the permanent strain of the “Hose in hose’ Primrose; in our greenhouses we have a green Rose propagated as a curiosity; and in 342 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VI, 12 our gardens we have double flowers in an extreme abundance, the doubling in some cases being due to the transformation of stamens to petals, and in others to a multiplication of petals. Thus it is plain that no line can be drawn between variations and abnormalities, sports and monstrosities. We should now note somewhat more fully the causes of monstrosities, as to which we have little exact knowledge, though some good circumstantial clews. It was once be- lieved that they are mostly reversions to a simpler ancestral condition, but further knowledge has shown that they are usually reversions to a simpler structural condition. They are chiefly due to disturbance in the growth control mecha- nism. The development of any organism and its parts depends upon three sets of factors: First, there is the supply of matter and energy contributed by the metabolism of the plant, and as these are supplied to every living cell, all parts have thus the power and the impulse to grow without dependence upon the others. Second, there is the guidance of the development of the particular parts, exercised in some way by the chromosomes through the cytoplasm, and partly determined by heredity and partly by responses to external stimuli. Third, there is correlation between the different parts of the plant such that the power and impulse of each part to grow far more than it does is kept in restraint and subordinate to the development of the organism as a whole, as witness the case of buds, sometimes forty times more numerous than are permitted normally to develop (page 138). As tothe mechanism of this correlation we have as yet no idea, though it is clear that the physical path of its operation lies through the protoplasm which is continuous from cell to cell. Now monstrosities can often be traced to a failure in operation of some one of these sets of factors, but they seem oftenest to result from a failure in the third, caused by mechanical damage to the path of conduction (as incase of burls, page 200) or by chemical paralysis through action of parasites (Witches’-brooms, page 198). When the Cu. VI, 13] ECONOMICS OF FLOWERS 343 control mechanism becomes inoperative while the growth energy is still forcing forward the growth of the part, then the part seems to be controlled by whatever structural con- dition happens to be strongest at the moment. 13. Economics, AND TREATMENT IN CULTIVATION, OF FLOWERS Flowers, unlike the five other primary plant parts, have few economic uses, aside from the beauty they give to our gardens. That, however, is surely a utility of civilization, and besides it maintains great business interests in seed firms and nurseries which supply ornamental flowers, trees, and shrubs. In a few cases perfumes are extracted from flowers, which also supply the nectar elaborated by bees into honey. But otherwise their direct uses are insignificant. Turning to the cultivation of flowers, we find some features of gardening practice dependent on their physiology. Since showy flowers are cross-pollinated by insects, those who grow seeds or fruits for market find it well to keep Bees, best of cross-pollinators, in their gardens, or even their greenhouses, where crops of Tomatoes or Cucumbers are forced for early market. It is true the pollination can be effected artificially by use of fine brushes, as often done for special purposes; but Bees are more economical. In another way this relation of insects to flowers affects practical interests, for if the blossoming time of our fruit trees, Apples, Pears, and others, falls cold and wet, the insects are not active and pollination is only partial, which is one cause of poor fruit years. The reciprocal balance, already described (page 207), between vegetation and reproduction, makes it possible for gardeners to promote flowering by checking the stem and leaf growth, either through withholding fertilizers, by root pruning, or by other devices known in the business. Pruning, in orchards, has chiefly this use, as earlier noted (page 207). These methods, however, have strict limitations, and are 344 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VI, 13 effective only in skilled hands. Theoretically the best results would be attained when a plant has been stimulated to vigorous vegetative growth until a large reserve of food has accumulated, and then is checked in its stem and leaf growth. Flowers are prone to wilt when cut, even if placed imme- diately in water, because they now lack the root pressure which helped their supply. Moreover, their evaporation current through the cut ducts draws into the latter various micro-organisms which here find such congenial conditions for growth that they fill the passages and stop the water. The devices for preserving the freshness of flowers are ad- justed to neutralize these conditions. Thus, everybody knows that flowers keep best in cool, moist, shaded places, — be- cause evaporation is there checked; and florists keep their Roses before sale in refrigerators for this reason. On the other hand, a frequent changing of the water, clipping away the lower and often discolored ends of the stems, the addi- tion of a little salt, dipping the cut ends for a moment in hot water, charring the ends in a flame, — all of them devices recommended by different people for preserving particular kinds of flowers, — have in one way or another the effect of antagonizing the organic growths in the ducts, thus keeping the passages open. It is said that white flowers last longer after cutting than colored kinds, which perhaps is connected with the fact that they absorb less sunlight than colored kinds, and hence suffer less evaporation from their tissues. Florists have still another device, useful in some cases, de- pending on the fact that since petals usually fall immediately after fertilization, flowers last longer if that is not effected. Fertilization can be prevented by removing the anthers from all flowers as soon as they open. This is commonly practiced with large Lilies. CHAPTER VII THE MORPHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF FRUITS 1. Tue DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF FRUITS THE word Fruit has far wider significance in scientific than in popular language, for to the botanist it includes any structure which has part in the development of seeds, no matter whether edible or not, or what the aspect it presents. Most fruits are the ripened ovaries of flowers, from which all other parts (excepting of course the receptacle) have fallen away, though occasionally some of the other floral parts persist, and become incorporated with the ripening ovary. There are fruits, however, which have no connection with ovaries, as in berries of Yews and cones of Pines, though in such cases other structures replace the ovaries in function. The ovary, as a rule, withers and falls with the other parts of the flower unless pollination occurs; but after pollination the ovary develops to a fruit, the ovule to a seed, and the fertilized egg cell to an embryo. Thus pollination acts as the stimulus to fruit formation, the arrangement being obviously advantageous in preventing the waste of good food material upon fruit and seed if no embryo is formed to be protected and disseminated, — and no embryo is formed without fertilization. Fruits display well-nigh as great a diversity in their visible features as do the other plant organs. They fall rather naturally, however, into two great classes, — dry fruits, like pods, and fleshy or edible fruits, like berries. In size, fruits are almost microscopic in some very small plants, and vary thence upward to the great double Coco- 345 346 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VII, 1 nut, a foot or two in diameter, and weighing some thirty pounds. The largest fleshy fruit is probably the Jack fruit or Durian of the tropics, often mentioned by travelers. In shape, fruits are diverse as possible, though tending to rounded forms like the ovaries from which they are developed. Sometimes they answer very closely to the shape and aspect of a single seed, to such a degree as to be commonly mis- taken therefor. In texture, the difference between dry and fleshy fruits becomes very manifest. In dry fruits the walls of the ovary are parchment-like or woody, as in most pods, or even al- most ivory hard, as in some nuts and fruit pits, while in fleshy fruits the ovary walls become soft, pulpy, nutritious, and palatable, as we, and other animals, know very well. In color, the two classes are likewise contrasted. The dry fruits are mostly brown or gray, like bark, indicating that their color has no bearing on their function, and is simply that which happens to be natural to ripening woody tissues. The fleshy fruits, on the other hand, are mostly bright colored, —red, yellow, purple, and sometimes white, — in marked contrast to their respective backgrounds. Such colors we naturally assume to indicate a functional connection with a seeing eye, — an assumption which proves to be true, as a later section will indicate. The fruits, of botanical terminology, include some struc- tures which are popularly rated as vegetables, notably Cu- cumbers, Pumpkins, and Squashes. These, however, are forms of fleshy fruits, as their whole structure attests. Fruits produce seeds in diverse numbers from one to many hundreds. Dry fruits which contain several seeds open or dehisce to allow their escape, but fleshy fruits, no matter how many their seeds, remain closed, the seeds being released in other ways which we shall presently consider. As in case of other organs, popular terminology is some- what uncritical. Thus the ‘‘fruit-dots’”’ of Ferns have no Cu. VII, 2 MORPHOLOGY OF FRUITS 347 connection with fruits; ‘Cedar apples’ are only a Fungus product; and the “fructification” of Fungi refers only to their spore masses. 2. Tur Structure and MorpHouocy oF FRUvITS The structure and morphology of fruits are largely de- termined in the ovaries from which they originate, — fruits being primarily ovaries further developed and specialized. The particular features of the fruit have usually an obvious connection with the method of dis- semination of the seeds, —the accom- plishment of such dissemination being commonly a function of the fruit. The structural features of the ovaries — walls, partitions, number of compartments and _ placentee — can usually be recognized clearly, and in the same relative connections, in the fruits, while the DEHISCENCE, or opening through which the seeds escape, likewise follows as a rule Fis. 238. — Pods of Col- | a : umbine. (From Bailey.) some morphological lines of the ovary. Deviations in these features, however, often occur, and can usually be traced to a connection with the method of dissemination. The fruit structure is clearest in dry fruits. Thus a typical fruit of the simplest sort is represented in the pod of Colum- bine (Fig. 238), which is developed from an ovary of one carpel, bearing one row of seeds; these are arranged along a parietal placenta, formed where the edges of the carpellary leaf unite, and the pod in dehiscence simply dis-unites those edges. In the Green Pea, however, of precisely the same con- struction, the pod dehisces both by disuniting the edges and also forming a new split along the back or midrib of the car- pellary leaf. Pods originating in two or more carpels like- 348 Fic. 239. — Pod of a Poppy; x t. It stands at the sum- mit of a long stiff stalk. A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VII, 2 wise usually dehisce by disuniting the joined edges, though sometimes they split also down the carpellary midribs. Frequently, however, the dehiscence follows no morphological line in the ovary, but occurs in new and independ- ent positions connected with a par- ticular method of dissemination. Thus, in the capsules of Poppies new openings arise around the tops of the fruits and in Purslane the capsule splits right across without any regard to morpho- logical lines (Fig. 239); in some of the Mustard family the carpels mostly split away as valves from the placentz, which persist for a time as a framework (Fig. 240); and other arrangements also occur, some of which prevail throughout families in ways to show that large structural and hereditary factors enter along with adapta- tion into the construction of fruits. structural the dry fruits aggregate tures, On the basis of their fea- are classified and named as FoL- LICLES, LEGUMES, SILICLES, etc., these distinctions hav- ing importance in connection with the taxonomy of plants. The only dry fruits which do not dehisce at all are those which contain but a single seed, as typified by the little AKENES of the Straw- berry and Buttercup, com- monly supposed to be seeds (Pig. 241). They are in fact functionally seeds, both in Fie. 240.—Honesty, Lunariaannua, in which the persistent partitions of the pods (From Bailey.) form shining plates; x} Cu. VII, 2] MORPHOLOGY OF FRUITS 349 dissemination and germination, the ovary wall serving simply as an additional pit-like coat. A very important form of single-seeded indehiscent fruit is the grain ai 242), dis- tinguished particularly by the fact that seed coat and ovary wall are grown completely together, thus making the structure so seed- like that only the botanist knows its true ; morphological nature. As its name implies, ae eee this fruit is characteristic of the grains, — (akenes) of Butter- Corn, Wheat, Oats, etc. Nuts also are ve poe ae commonly one-seeded, though here we meet with morphological complications, both as to the original number of the ovules and the nature of the shell. While in general the construction of the fruit answers closely to that of the ovary, some exceptions occur, indicating that the fruit has a certain morphological independence of its own. The development of new dehiscence lines is one instance thereof. The number of compartments, or cells, is usually the same in ovary and fruit, but sometimes partitions disappear, or new ones develop; while we find also such changes as the formation of four little nut- lets (prevailing throughout the Mint family) from a two-celled ovary. Not infrequently Fic. 242. — A_a several-celled ovary produces a one-celled eee aoe and one-seeded fruit, as in most of our com- the embryo, R, G, mon nuts (Fig. 243), in which an occasional ee a development of a second seed gives us the ovary coat, 7; x4. philopena variety. - oe an In many cases other parts of the flower persist and are incorporated with the ovary into the fruit, contributing to its functional effectiveness. Thus the style, usually deciduous with the petals and stamens, persists in Clematis, where it forms the very con- spicuous plume (Fig. 244). In the Composite family, the 350 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (On Vile 2 so-called pappus, a structure on the ovary usually interpreted as morphologically calyx, persists as hooks, plumes, and other analogous structures (ig. 256). Furthermore, wholly new structures also develop from the ovary wall, usually in obvious adaptation to dissemination. Thus many small weeds develop hooks or adhesive glands, making their ‘‘seeds”’ cling tight to the clothing of the stroller in autumn fields. Very ce aes Tien prominent are the flat wings which de- showing development velop on the Maple (Fig. 245), the Elm, Gis Gey end the Ash. Fleshy fruits also exhibit, though less clearly, the signs of their origin from ovaries. They possess two features not found in dry fruits, — viz. bright and con- trasting colors, and seeds which are usually protected in some way against injury by digestion when eaten; for, as will appear in the following section, fleshy fruits are eaten and their seeds thus disseminated by animals. The simplest fleshy fruit is the BERRY, in which the wall of the ovary, whether carpels or receptacular cup, develops into the pulp, while the seeds have stony coats, as well exemplified in the Grape, and also in Cranberry and Blueberry. Closely related is the stone fruit, or DRUPE, wherein the outer layers of the ovary wall ripen to the soft pulp, while the inner layers form the hard stone, which consti- tutes the most effective protection to the seed, as so typically illustrated in the Cherry, the Plum, or the Peach (Fig. 246). The fruits just mentioned, by the way, show on one side a depressed line which indicates the original joining of the edges of the Fic. 244.— Fruit of Clema- tis. (Irom Bailey.) Cu. VII, 2 MORPHOLOGY OF FRUITS Bol single carpel from which each fruit is developed. In the fleshy fruits of the Apple and Pear type, the receptacle grows up and incloses the carpels (the core), forming a type called the pomME, the receptacular nature of which is further attested by the obvious \ remnants of persistent sepals. In some of the largest Gourp fruits, like the Pumpkin and Squash, the outer wall is hard and only the inner part becomes edible, while in the related Watermelon it is chiefly the placentae which form the pulp, as is likewise true in Tomato and Cucumber. As to the method of protec- tion of the seeds in large fruits like the ee ae ae Apple, Watermelon, and Orange, that Bailey.) will presently be mentioned. In the fruits just described the pulp results from the spe- cialized ripening of carpel, or receptacular ovarian wall, or placente ; but it may develop from other parts also. Thus in the Strawberry the edible part of the fruit is wholly the receptacle, which bears the many seed-like akene fruits. In the Wintergreen berry the pulp is largely calyx; in the Yew berries it is an extra seed coat (for Yews have no ovaries), called an arty. In the Orange, which is a kind of huge berry with a separable skin, the pulp is con- stituted from hair-like structures developed from the inner walls of the carpels. Ria, 246. Drape In considering the various morphological of Cherry. Thestone origins of the pulp one cannot but ask why ear (From one plant forms it in one way and another so differently. As to this we have little exact knowledge; but circumstantial evidence indicates that here, as elsewhere, evolution moves along lines of least ‘resistance, the pulp in any given case being made from 302 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VII, 2 that part which was already most nearly pulp-like in its structure. The fleshy fruits thus far described are all stmpLe, that is, composed of a single pistil; but AGGREGATE and MULTIPLE Fic. 247, — The Mulberry, made up chiefly of the ripened calyxes of a cluster of flowers ; x kh (From Figu- Tier.) fruits also occur. Thus, while in Strawberry the pulp is the receptacle on which stand the many dry akenes, in the nearly related Raspberry the receptacle forms no part of the fruit, which is made up of the many separate aggregate carpels ripened to little drupes; while in Blackberry both drupelets and receptacle are included. Further, in- stead of a single flower a cluster may form a single large MULTIPLE FRUIT. This is the case in the Mulberry (Fig. 247), in which the pulp is chiefly calyx, and also in the Pineapple, where not only the ovaries, but also the bracts and main stem of a large cluster of flowers ripen to the single coales- cent fruit mass. pene oe ae ms plumule, now completely fills the space within the seed coats (EX-ALBUMINOUS seeds, Fig. 271). The endosperm originates in the embryo sac simultaneously with the embryo (page 354), and the two develop step by step together until they fill the embryo sac, and even (through the absorption Cu. VIL, 2] MORPHOLOGY OF SEEDS 375 of the nucellus by the endosperm) all of the space within the seed coats. nation of which the embryo absorbs the endosperm through its cotyledons. In the ex-albuminous seeds, however, this absorption of the endosperm occurs before germination, and this is the mean- ing of the difference between the two kinds. It is in correlation with this further stage of development that ex- albuminous seeds have so often a plumule, while albuminous kinds have only the undeveloped foundation of a bud. Third of the parts are the SEED COATS. Oftenest there is but one, which is thick, hard, and woody, and has the obvious function of protecting the embryo against injury during the period of dissemina- tion. Sometimes there is also an inner coat, then usually membranaceous, and less often an addi- tional outer coat, called an aRiL, which is generally loose Such are the albuminous seeds, in the germi- Fig. 269. — Grain of Corn, in longitudinal section; < 3. At the right is the embryo, showing plu- mule, primary root, and hypocotyl. In the latter can be seen the fibro-vascular system extending into the large SCUTELLUM, which forms a haustorial or- gan for absorbing the endosperm, —ew (looser texture) and eg (more compact texture). It is doubtful whether the cotyledonisrepresented by the scutellum, by the sheath leaf of the plumule, or by both to- gether. (From Goebel.) Fig. 270. — Albumi- nous seed, of Castor Bean, in section; X 2. The embryo lies em- bedded in endosperm ; below is a caruncle. from the others and has obvious con- nection with dissemination, as in cases earlier mentioned, 7.e. the Yew berries (page 351) and the Water-lily seeds (page 361). There is some structural connection, not yet fully understood, between these arils and the little insig- nificant and seemingly functionless swell- ing called the STROPHIOLE, occurring near the hilum in some seeds, and the much larger cARUNCLE (Fig. 270), an 376 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VIII, 2 appendage which contains nutritive substances apparently having a functional meaning in connection with dissemi- nation (page 356). Seeds show many structural relations with the ovules from which they develop, precisely as do fruits with their ovaries, though it must not be inferred that all such features in seeds and fruits are simple persistences of ovule or ovary characters. It is equally possible that some have originated in seeds or fruits and worked back in evolution into ovules and ovaries. Every seed shows on its coat a tiny Fie. 271. — Ex-albu- minous seed, of Apple; x 4. The embryo, show- ing clearly the coty- ledons and hypocotyl, fills completely the pit, sometimes differently colored, which a inside the seed js the persistent though now sealed MICROPYLE, or opening through which the pollen tube entered the ovule (page 278). This of course has no connection with the much larger scar, called the HiLum, left where the seed breaks away from its stalk (Fig. 272). Where ovules are turned over on their elongated stalks, which are grown to the coats (page 272), the arrangement persists, in the seeds, which show a marked ridge, or raphe. The position of the chalaza of the ovule often is manifest in a marked chalazal angle in the seed. : 2. — Seed 3 of a pansy; X 5. Appendages, when present, whether hairs, Below and facing plumes, hooks, or others, are direct out- 2 the ae is the ; a ulum ; at the point growths from the seed coat, and have (invisible) is. the obvious function in connection with dis- ™icropyle; — along semination, as already discussed (page 356). Outgrowths of the same kind occur often on ovaries which contain only a single seed, in which case one can tell only by dissection whether ovary wall is present or not. the side on the left is the raphe; and at the top is the chalazal angle. an Cu. VIII, 3] VITALITY OF SEEDS 377 Seeds apparently present no transformations into struc- tures of other function, and few abnormalities or monstros- ities. The principal peculiarity of this kind consists in POLYEMBRYONY (page 302), or the production of more than one embryo to a seed. The additional embryos have di- verse morphological origins, resulting oftenest from a budding of nucellus cells into the embryo sac the structure taking very perfectly the embryo form; but they grow also from other cells inside the embryo sacs, and from other embryo sacs contained in the same nucellus. The embryos them- selves often show a monstrosity in POLYCOTYLEDONY, the production of cotyledons in more than the normal number. 3. THE SUSPENSION oF VITALITY, RESTING PERIOD, AND Duration oF Lire IN SEEDS The primary seed function of serving as the disseminative stage of the plant involves a number of physiological features, of which the more prominent are indicated in the foregoing title. The value, or necessity, of a SUSPENSION OF VITALITY during dissemination is qu:te obvious, since the embryo plant while in transit, and hence for considerable periods of time, is perforce exposed to great dryness, intense light, destructive chemicals, etc.; and these conditions are in- consistent with that continuous interchange of oxygen, water, and food essential to the ordinary life of plants. As to the actual physical method by which the suspension of vitality is insured in seeds, that seems to rest primarily upon dryness, the greater part of the water being allowed to escape without replacement during the ripening of the seed. Since water is the indispensable solvent for chemical, and the vehicle for physical, operations underlying growth and other processes, its gradual withdrawal slows the processes down, apparently evenly and without injury, until finally a point is reached at which they are barely in action, — precisely as engines may be slowed, by withholding of power, 378 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VIII, 3 to a scarcely perceptible motion. Indeed, so slow are the life processes in ordinary dry seeds that, as tested by the most important and typical process of them all, viz. res- piration, they are not actually demonstrable by even the very refined methods of research which have been applied to the problem. Accordingly some investigators have main- tained that the processes are actually suspended, as an en- gine may be stopped, all ready to start again when suitable conditions are supplied. But the collective evidence, in- direct as well as direct, seems rather to indicate that the processes never stop completely so long as the seed remains capable of germination. The extent to which the conditions of life in seeds differ from those of ordinary active life is attested by the extremes of temperature they can endure without injury. Thus well- dried seeds can be kept some time above the boiling point of water (100° C.) without damage, though active embryos would be killed very quickly by an exposure to only 60° C. Again, seeds have been kept for days surrounded by liquid air, at a temperature of — 194° C., and then have germinated freely, though active embryos would perish at 0° C. And seeds can endure some other untoward agencies in like man- ner. It is the same with the thick-walled resting spores of Fungi and Bacteria. The RESTING PERIOD, also called DELAYED GERMINATION, of seeds, is less familiar, but equally important. Some seeds of wild plants will germinate as soon as mature, if given favorable conditions of moisture and warmth; most. kinds, however, first remain quiescent for days, weeks, months, or even years. [Hssentially the same phenomenon appears in the buds of trees and shrubs, for if twigs are brought into the warm greenhouse and placed in water, most buds will not start at all before February, though later, under precisely the same treatment, they will open and display their flowers to perfection. Bulbs and tubers (e.g. potatoes) act in a similar manner. It is true that some individual flower Cu. VIII, 3] VITALITY OF SEEDS 379 buds, like some individual seeds, will start in the fall; but such cases are clearly abnormalities or variations, due to failure of the control mechanism to operate (page 342) ; and the result is always fatal. It is thus evident that the resting period is not simply an incident of seed and bud life, but is obligatory, so to speak, under natural conditions, though it can be shortened artificially in a good many cases. The functional value, or necessity, of the resting period is obvious, since it tends to prevent the germination of seeds and open- ing of buds in warm times of late autumn or winter, when sub- sequent freezing must inevitably kill the new growth. As to the physical basis of the resting period (the method by which it is enforced on the seed), that seems to be diverse. In some cases it is known to depend upon the embryo, con- sisting in a slow ‘“‘after-ripening,” 7.e. formation of enzymes, acids, or other essential substances; but in other cases it has been proven to depend upon the character of the seed coats, which are so constructed as to prevent the admission of oxygen or of water, both indispensable to germination, — the inhibition continuing until the coats are ruptured by de- cay. It is of course a necessary corollary of this explanation that in such cases germination will be prompt if the seed coats are artificially broken ; and such is found by experiment to be true and has long been known to nurserymen and gardeners. Thus, they break Peach pits with a hammer, open Canna seeds with a file, and bruise or break the coats of others in diverse ways, thereby greatly hastening the germi- nation of those kinds. While the seeds of most plants have a resting period, cultivated plants seem mostly to lack it. Thus, we grow Corn, Beans, Peas, and other crop plants in our laboratories in autumn from seeds of that summer. This peculiarity, indeed, sometimes brings loss to the farmer, since in excep- tionally warm wet autumns, grain is apt to germinate in the ear in the standing crop, to its very great damage. The resting period has presumably been lost from cultivated 380 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cz. VIII, 3 plants through its complete disuse during the many cen- turies of their cultivation by man, who has attended to the safety of the crop himself and directed his selection to quite other qualities. The DURATION OF LIFE, or VIABILITY, in seeds is most various. Every one who works with a garden knows that some kinds keep good for only one season, while others last two or three; and methods exist for testing the viability in cases of doubt. There are kinds which must germinate the summer they are formed, or not at all; and this is true of Elm, Willow, and Poplar, — trees which form their seed early in spring. Most kinds, however, wild as well as cul- tivated, if kept dry and cool, remain viable for one, or two, perhaps three years, though beyond that period the number of kinds which survive steadily wanes with advancing years. Tests made on seeds taken from dated museum or herba- rium collections have shown indubitable germination in seeds eighty-seven years old, with a possible case over one hun- dred and twenty years. It is interesting to note, by the way, that these extreme longevities occur in seeds possessing thick hard coats. As to the reported germination of seeds taken from the wrapping of mummies, or from ancient tombs, hundreds or thousands of years old, it is not confirmed by the exact methods of science, while on the other hand there is ample evidence that seeds are often introduced fraudu- lently into such places. What then actually ends the viability of such seeds? If they can live so long in the inert state, why not indefinitely ? The very fact, by the way, that all die, and mostly within a few years, is presumptive evidence for the view that the life processes are not in suspension, but only slowed down. The death of the seed comes gradually, and without any visible external sign, in most cases at least; and it clearly is not due to exhaustion of food or like kind of cause. Here, how- ever, our knowledge ends. Possibly the loss of water can proceed to a fatal degree; perhaps the accumulation of waste Cu. VIII, 4] GERMINATION OF SEEDS 381 products of the slow metabolism within the tightly-sealed seed coats poisons the embryo; and it may be that the slow coagulation of the proteins destroys the essential constitu- tion of the protoplasm. Between these possibilities, and perhaps others, the future will decide. 4. Tur GERMINATION OF SEEDS The seed, its resting period completed, germinates on access of water, air, and warmth. The water it needs to expand its parts; the air is necessary for its respiration; which is very active in all growth; the warmth is required to accelerate the many physical and chemical processes in- volved. As to light, that has no influence, direct or indirect, in most cases, though special seeds are known which will not germinate in light, and others which will not germinate with- out it, doubtless for reasons incidental to some peculiarity of their metabolism. In germination we can distinguish some seven stages. First, most seeds, though not all, swell greatly throughout, often to more than double their dry size, by absorption of water, which enters partly by imbibition and partly by osmosis. As these words imply, the absorption is forcible, and thus seeds can lift considerable weights in the ground or break strong containers under experiment. Second, the seed coats are broken, no matter how thick and strong, by the pressure from within. In some the rupture is irregular; in others, it follows definite lines cor- responding with angles or depressions of the coats. Some very striking special arrangements to this end are known (Fig. 273). Third, the digestion of the food substances begins. The insoluble starches, oils, and proteins are converted by en- zymes into soluble sugars, fatty acids, and peptones, as manifest to the eye in the change from opacity to trans- lucency, and a softening of the seed. Then the digested food, absorbed by the cotyledons in albuminous seeds, though 382 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VIII, 4 already within them in ex-albuminous kinds, is ready for translocation, and use in the growing parts of the embryo. Fourth, the end of the hypocotyl of the embryo, lying next the micropyle, now pushes forth, and as soon as clear of the seed coats, grows geotropically over to point downward, developing meantime the root at its tip. This root is a new growth, and not a transformation of the hypocotyl, as students are prone to suppose. Then, if the seed, as is usual with wild plants, lies on the sur- face of the ground, the root begins to enter the earth. No sooner does the root start into the soil than (from small seeds at least) it sends out a radiating ring or collar of root hairs which take firm hold on the rock particles. Thus is provided a resistance, without which further growth might rather lift the seed from the ground than force the root into the ae ee soil. In some other seeds, such as Flax, nating seed of Pump- such resistance is provided by a muci- sy ee “pee” laginous coat which gums it, so to speak, opment of which the tothe ground. Practically all embryos, seed coat is forced open. gs the first act of their development, (From F. Darwin.) thus secure access to the water supply which is indispensable to their further development. Fifth, on the basis of the anchorage secured by the pene- tration of the root into the earth, the hypocotyl now begins to make such growth movements, too complex for easy de- scription but readily shown in our pictures (Fig. 27+), as cause the withdrawal of the cotyledons from the seed coats, and their subsequent elevation, when they open out to the light. In cases, however, like Peas and some Beans, where the cotyledons are apparently too thick to serve later as effective foliage leaves, they remain in the ground, while the plumule issues from between them, and grows geotropi- cally upward. Cu. VIII, 4] GERMINATION OF SEEDS 383 Successive stages in the germination of the Lima Bean, from the seed to the fully germinated embryo ; x 4. OU) Fic. 384 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VIII, 4 Sith, the parts which rise in the light, especially the cotyledons and plumule, as they issue from the seed coats, begin to turn green, and, by the time they are spread open at the top of the young stem, have their full quota of chloro- phyll, in obvious preparation for the manufacture of new food. Seventh, the enlargement of hypocotyl, cotyledons, and plumule proceeds by absorption of water until all of the cells laid down in the embryo are fully expanded, at which time, with the root firmly fixed in the ground, the young stem is erect with the cotyledons fully green and expanded. Germination is now complete, and the germinated embryo is ready to continue development, with formation of new parts, into a seedling. It is true, the formation of new leaves and buds does not always await the completion of the expansion of embryonic parts, but in principle at least there is this distinction between germination and the sub- sequent growth of the seedling. If a fully germinated embryo be compared point by point with one from a resting seed, as may best be done with some of the compact succulent kinds like Cactus, the fol- lowing differences appear. First, except for the root and the chlorophyll, the germinated embryo possesses nothing really new. Second, it has become many times larger, even to twenty or thirty times. Third, again excepting the root, it has usually few new cells, the enlargement having consisted chiefly in the increase in size of those already developed. Fourth, the cells are now all apparently empty (except for water) instead of densely packed with solid food, thus explaining the watery translucency of the germinated embryo as contrasted with the white opacity of its unger- minated condition. Fifth, its dry weight, determined by comparative weighings of oven-dried material, is actually less, showing that the far greater bulk consists chiefly of water. Thus it is clear that germination consists primarily in the great expansion through water absorption of the Cu. VIII, 5] ECONOMICS OF SEEDS 385 close-packed cells of the original embryo, the food being used partly in the formation of the root and partly in the enlargement of cell walls. Evidently the functional point of the process is found in the great spread of green surface thus quickly achieved by the use of a relatively small amount of solid material. The value of the spread of surface in this case is obvious, for the young plant has to begin as early as possible the acquisition of its own photosynthetic food supply. 5. Tur Economics AND CULTIVATION OF SEEDS Among all of the parts of plants, seeds stand preéminent in direct utility to man. This of course is because they include the grains, Corn, Wheat, Rice, Barley, Rye, and some others, together with the leguminous crops, Beans, Peas, Millet, which collectively make up the greater part of the food supply of mankind. These seeds contain rich stores of starches, oils, and proteins, originally laid down by plants for the use of their embryos, and now taken for his needs by man, who has been able through long centuries of cultivation and breeding to greatly increase their yield both in quantity and quality. Of a different kind is one other great economic use of seeds, viz., the fibrous hairs developed by the Cotton seed as its disseminative mechanism (by wind) yield the cotton of commerce (Fig. 254). The grains, as earlier noted (page 349), are fruits as well as seeds, the seed coat and ovary wall being grown together into one structure which constitutes the husk. The husks are removed in milling white flour, but retained in graham flour, which is the more nutritious because it includes the layer of protein-storing cells which form the outermost part of the food in the grain (Fig. 65). The agricultural and horticultural treatment of seeds appears to offer nothing peculiar, the various principles of cultivation and breeding being the same as with other parts. There is, however, one economic matter peculiar to seeds, in connection with their viability. Since nothing in the 2c 3386 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VIII, 6 aspect of a seed tells whether it is still alive or not, or what percentage of a given quantity is alive, the purchaser of seeds is at the mercy of a dealer unless he can himself make test of viability. For such tests various methods have been devised, the most simple and direct of which is that of placing a given number in folds of blotting paper kept wet, dark, and well aérated, and noting the percentage which germinates. 6. Tue Cycite or DEVELOPMENT FROM SEED TO SEED Having studied the six primary parts of plants with respect to their structures and functions, it remains to consider their successive appearance in that cycle of development through which every individual passes. It is possible to break the cycle for study at any desired point, but in prac- tice we may best start with the germinating seed. The facts having already been considered in detail, we can best review the subject in a way to bring out its general principles. The seed contains a well-formed embryo plant, provided with stem, rudiments of root and bud, and cotyledonary leaves, all enwrapped with a store of food substance inside protective coats. In germination the seed absorbs water, swells, and bursts the coats; the stem pushes forth its lower end, which grows over geotropically downward and enters the ground. Meantime its tip is developing a root, which, on contact with the soil, puts forth many root hairs, whereby it absorbs osmotically a sufficiency of water. No sooner is the root secure in the ground than the stem makes growth bendings which first withdraw the cotyledons from the seed coats, and then lift them geotropically upward until they open out to the light on the tip of the vertically straightened stem. Meantime the whole plant is swelling rapidly in size through absorption of water, and turning green over stem and leaves by formation of the chlorophyll so essential to its future welfare. Thus the fully GERMINATED EMBRYO how stands rooted in the ground and erect in the sun, to which it spreads a large surface of chlorophyll. In Cu. VIL, 6] CYCLE OF DEVELOPMENT 387 this process all of the food supplied by the parent plant has been used; and thenceforth the new plant must depend en- tirely upon its own physiological powers, for the exercise of which, however, it is now fully prepared. The successive stages in the developmental cycle of plants, while distinct in principle, largely overlap in practice, so that even before the completion of germination, the young plant has commenced the activities of its next, or seedling, stage. With the spread of its chlorophyll in light, it begins to acquire a new food supply of its own, which forms a basis for further development. The root now begins to send out branches, diageotropically guided either horizontally or at definite angles from the vertical main root, though these directions of growth are soon disarranged by obstructions in the soil. Meantime the plumule bud, between the cotyledons, is continuing its development, forming in symmetrical order new leaves, which, at first small and tightly appressed to the stem, later gradually open out until they present their full faces to the sun. Simultaneously there is continuous increase in size, and the formation of suitable firm support- ing and other needed tissues. Thus is attained the stage of the SEEDLING. Gradually the seedling passes into a stage which in case of trees is called the saptine. In the roots new branches spring from the secondary roots, not at definite places or angles, but guided hydrotropically and chemotropically towards the moistest and richest parts of the soil, where they develop more profusely, thus making the root system as asymmetrical as the soil is irregular in texture. Meantime, while the leaves are still in the embryonic stage, new buds develop in their axils, and later, after those leaves have passed their maturity and fallen, grow out into branches which bear new leaves in precisely the same manner as does the main stem. These branches, guided diageotropically, grow out at definite angles with the vertical main trunk, and, possessing also the same symmetrical phyllotactic ar- 388 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY (Cu. VIII, 6 rangement as the leaves, tend to build stem-and-leaf structures very symmetrical in plan. Meantime also the special tissues which give strength and meet other needs are continuing to develop in places required by stress or other demand. In this stage appears the striking seasonal cycle imposed on all plants outside of the tropics by the extreme alter- nation between summer and winter. The swmmer alone has the warmth to permit full vital activity in plants, and ac- cordingly is the season of green vegetation, accumulation of food, and development of new parts. In the autwmn prep- aration is made for the winter, and accordingly that is the season when fruits are ripened, buds are enwrapped in their scales, leaves are cut off and dropped, and tissues are par- tially dried; while the attractive colors of fruits and the varied hues of dying leaves make it a time of bright color in vegetation. The winter is the season of enforced dor- mance, when the dried tissues of plants, approaching the conditions in seeds, remain almost inactive within their nearly sealed wrappings, which display no colors other than their incidental grays or browns. The spring is the season of unfolding, when the ready-formed parts, amply supplied with stored food, absorb copious water, enlarge, burst their wrappings, and push forth green leaves to make new food, and bright flowers to effect fertilization; and all vegetation wears the soft colors of the new-forming tissues. This is the four-part seasonal cycle through which our perennial plants pass every year as long as they live. The next stage of the developmental cycle is the ADULT. It is not distinguished from the sapling by attainment of any fixed size, for plants (unlike animals) continue to grow, by formation of new parts, as long as they live. Nor is it marked by any change in the mode of formation of roots, buds, or leaves, which continue to be made in the same gen- eral way. It is true, a gradual loss of the youthful sym- metry accompanies advancing age in trees and_ shrubs, partly because of the interference of the over-plentiful Cu. VIII, 6} CYCLE OF DEVELOPMENT 389 branches with one another, partly because of accidents, and partly because of phototropic and other self-adjustments. The real mark of adult age is the beginning of sexual repro- duction. After the young plant has attained a considerable growth, presumably accumulating food in reserve, some of the axillary buds, precisely alike in position and mode of formation to those which have been producing leafy branches, begin to produce flowers,—that is, specialized determinate branches containing reproductive spores which develop the sexual cells. As to the nature of the stimulus which leads the plant thus suddenly to convert certain of its branch buds into flower buds, or more exactly, to develop reproduc- tive spores with the correlated floral structures, we have as yet no exact knowledge, although the influence of various external factors is clearly apparent. Having once begun to produce the flowers, the plant continues to make them, just as it makes leaves, branches, and roots, as long as it lives. The central parts of these flowers are pollen grains and em- bryo sacs, which in turn develop the two kinds of sex cells. The next stage in the cycle includes fertilization. The floral parts are essentially organs functionally fitted to effect union of the sex cells, — and a union usually between two different parental strains. By utilization of the motive power of winds, insects, etc., the pollen containing the sperm cell is transported from its place of formation to the vicinity of the deeply-buried egg cell, after which the growth of a pollen tube brings egg cell and sperm cell together into a single FERTILIZED EGG CELL. The next stage is that of the development of the fertilized egg cell into an embryo. The sngle cell, lying in the embryo sac, begins at once to divide and to grow, then divides again and grows farther, and thus, under guidance of influences partly hereditary and partly environmental, it gradually assumes the form of the many-celled embryo, with its stem and cotyledons. Meantime the endosperm or food substance is forming around the embryo, and the hard 390 A TEXTBOOK OF BOTANY [Cu. VIII, 6 seed coats are developing around both. Thus is reached the stage of the fully formed empBryo within the seed. The final stage is that of dissemination, performed by the sEED. A considerable time often elapsing either before transport or during that process, with simultaneous exposure to extreme conditions, the seed goes into a resting condition with all of its processes reduced to a minimum, and with provision against premature germination. Then, separating from the parent plant, it becomes transported by wind, animals, or other locomotive agency, acting upon suit- ably developed mechanisms, to a distance sufficient to per- mit the free development of its plant without interference with the parent. Having attained a suitable place, its resting period ended, and water, air, and warmth sup- plied, the seed germinates. But with germination the cycle is closed. If the term cycle seem inappropriate, since the return is not to the same seed, then the simile of the spiral, winding back to the same starting line, may better express the process, INDEX Figures in heavy type indicate pages on which illustrations occur. Abnormalities, 196. Abrus, 363. Absciss-layer, 120. Absorption, 262; by roots, 224, Adaptation, 12. Adhesive seeds, 362. Adult, 388. Aération system, 132, 266. Aérenchyma, 252, 266. Aérial roots, 254, 256. Aérotropism, 232, 248. Astivation, 329. After-ripening, 379. Agriculture, 4. Air, in soils, 240. Air-passages, 19, 29. Air system, 33. Akene, 348, 349. Alcohol, production, 101. Alge, 12; Red, 305. Alkaloids, 109. Alternation of generations, 301. Alveolar, 37. Anatomy, 3, 8. Anchorage by roots, 231. Animals, nutrition, 86; seed carriage, 361. Annual rings, 124. Annuals, 114. Anoxyscope, 167, 168. Anther, 272. Antheridium, 306. Anthocyanin, 88; composition, 108/ Antitoxin, 173. Ants, in dissemination, 363. Apogeotropic, 247. Appendages, 376. Archegonium, 306. Areas of chlorenchyma, 32. Aril, 351, 375. Aristolochia, anatomy, 129. Asexual spores, 301. 172; source, Asexual vs. sexual propagation, 302. Asparagus, fasciated, 197. Automatism, 39. Autumn coloration, 88; external conditions, 93. Auxograph, 155, 156; record, 156. effect of Bacteria, 84, 244, 368; nitrifying, 244; nutrition, 84; in soils, 244, Bacteriology, 4. Bailey, L. H., Cyclopedia, 60. Bald Cypress, 252. Balfour, Class Book, 58. Bamboo, 127, 179. Banana, 58. Banyan, 253, 254. Bark, abscission, 123. Barton, Botany, 75. Bast, 130; fibers, 131, 265; paren- chyma, 131. Beet rings, 256. Begonia phyllomaniaca, 204. Berry, 350. Biennials, 114. Bignonia seed, 358. Bird’s-eye Maple, 198. Birds, as cross-pollinators, 294; dissemination, 363. Black Knots, 367. Bleeding, 151, 227. Blights, 367. Blood heat, 169. Blotch diseases, 367. Bordeaux mixture, 369. Botany, definition, 1; subdivisions, 2. Bracket, on stems, 182. Bract, 73, 271, 276; colored, 74; of Linden, 74; in Poinsettia, 74. Branch, 183. Bryophyllum, 71; 299. Bryophytes, 11; low growth of, 144. Bud, accessory, 137; adventitious, in study, 2; 391 392 137; anatomy, 138; axillary, 137; defined, 135; on leaves, 71; of Palm, 136; scales, 78, 80; sepa- rable, 300; sizes, 136; sport, 209; terminal, 137; unregulated de- velopment, 198; winter, 135. Bulb, 73, 300; forms, 74. Bulblet, 373. Bundle-sheath, 30. Burbank, 321. Burdock head, 362. Burls, 199, 200. Bursting pods, 365. Bitschli, 38. Button Bush, 336. Cabinet woods, 205. Cactus, 189. Caffein, 109. Caloriscope, 170. Calyx, 269, 351. Cambium, 118; growth from, 124. Camphor, 108. Cankers, 367. Caoutchouc, 108. Capillarity, 148, 237. Carbohydrates, 100; value, 100. Carbon dioxide, absorption by plants, 22. Carotin, 90; composition, 108. Carpel, 273, 351. Caruncle, 363, 375. Cavers, Botany, 147. Cedar apples, 347. described, 132; Cell, contents, 42; definition, 8; division, 281, 283; initial, 355; sap, 30; shapes, 42; structure, 41; wall, thickened, 103. Cellulose, 41; composition, 98; uses, 99. Cement, in trees, 211. Central cylinder, 264. Chalaza, 274. Chalazal angle, 376. Chemosynthesis, 87. Chemotropism, 249. Chestnut disease, 356. Chimera, 210, 366. Chlorenchyma, 17, 29, 262; 32; thickness, 53. Chlorophyll, 17, 108, 386; composi- tion, 108 ; function, 25; spread, 387. areas, INDEX | Chloroplastids, 30. Chlorosis, 368. Chondriosomes, 41. Chromatin, 280. Chromosome mechanism of heredity, 310. Chromosomes, 280; significance, 282. Chrysanthemum, 318. Cion, 208. Cladophylla, 196. Clambering stems, 184. Classification, 2, 10. Cleistogamous flowers, 290. Cleistogamy, 292. Clematis fruit, 350. Climbers, 9, 184. Clinostat, 174, 176. Close-pollination, 287. Cluster, 268; of flowers, 335. Cocaine, 109. Cocklebur fruit, 363. Coconut, 345, 361, 362, 372. Collenchyma, 118, 265. Colors of leaves, 88, 90; brown, 92; green, 88; non-green, 88; red, 88; white, 90; yellow, 89. Columbine, 295; pods, 347. Companion cell, 131. Compass plants, 58. Conduction, 262; of carbohydrates, 152; of proteins, 152. Cone, 352; 353. Constriction of stems, 152. Conventional constant, 25. Convolute, 329. Copper Beech, 319. Cordage, 206. Cordyline, 65. diagram, 282; Cork, 261; cambium, 264; de- scribed, 133; uses, 99. Corm, 191. Corn bundle, 185; stem, 119. Corolla, 270. Corona, 82, 332, 333. Cortex, of roots, 220. Cortical system, 262. Corymb, 336, 337. Cotton, 205; seed, 359. Cotyledons, 73, 355, 374. Crested forms, 197. Cross-pollination, 286, 287; meaning, 298, INDEX Crown Galls, 367. Cryptogams, 12. Crystals, 33; in plants, 111. Curly Birch, 200. Curly Top, 369. Cutin, 32, 98. Cuttings, 259. Cyme, 334. Cypripedium, 292. Cytisus Adami, 210. Cytology, 3. Cytoplasm, 41. Daffodil, 333. Dandelion fruit, 360. Darwin, 316. Darwin, F., 120. Decay, nature, 172. Dehiscence, 346, 347. Dermal system, 262. Dermatogen, 264. Desert vegetation, 48. Determiner, 309. Development, 153; described, 154. De Vries, 316. Dextrose, 100. Diageotropic, 247. Dichogamous flower, 288. Dichogamy, 291. Differential thermostat, 157. Diffusion, 236; described, 236. Dimorphic flowers, 289. Dimorphism, 292. Dicecious plants, 307. Disbudding, 207. Diseases of plants, nature, 367. Dispersal, 356. Dissemination, 266, 356. Distillation, 172. Division, 39, 299. Dodder, 83, 84, 256. Dodel-Port, 277. Dominant, 311. Double fertilization, 354. Dragon tree, 115, 127, 128. Drainage, 167. Drip point, 68, 69. Drupe, 350, 351. Dry farming, 261. Duct, 31, 122, 130, 146, 262; length, 146. Duggar, Physiology, 123. cycle, 9, 386; 393 Durian, 346. Dust, on plants, 96. Ecology, 4. Economic botany, 4. EKeg, 280. Egg cell, 9, 273, 274, 278, 304; fer- tilized, 389. Elementary species, 317. Elements essential to plants, 230. Elm fruit, 358. Embryo, 9, 373, 374; development, 355; germinated, 384, 386; plant, 386; sac, 274. Embryology, 3. Emergences, 33. Endodermis, 222, 262. Endogenous, 127; growth, 128. Endosperm, 374. Energy, kinetic, 166; potential, 166. Enlargement, 153; described, 154. Enzyme, 85; description, 110. Epidermal cells, 32. Epidermis, 18, 29, 261; cells, 32. Epiphyte, 9, 185; funnel form, 185. Epiphytic, Fern, 186; Orchid, 184. Erica leaf, 70. Errera and Laurent, 160. Erythrophyll, 88; formation, functions, 88. Essences, 108. Essential oils, 107. Evolution, 13, 308, 315. Excretion, 266. Exogenous, 126. Extension through growth, 357. 9s: Fall plowing, 260. Fallow, 260. Fasciated Asparagus, 197; Echino- cactus, 198; Pineapple, 198. Fasciation, 197, 367. Fatty oil, 104; as food, 104; kinds, 104. Fermentation, 169; demonstration, 171; equation, 171. Fern, plants, 11; reproduction, 306 ; seed, 373. Fertilization, 277, 279; double, 354; significance, 286. Fertilizers, rédle, 242; use, 260. Fibonacci series, 142. - 394 Fibro-vascular, bundles, 116, 118; system, 118. Fig, 352. Figurier, Vegetable World, 73. Filament, 272. Films, of water, 239. Fir tree, 180. _ Fleshy fruits, dissemination, 362. Flora, 3. Floral diagrams, horizontal, 326, 328, 329; numerical plans, 328; verti- cal, 331; the whorls, 326. Flower, cleistogamous, 290; colors, 267; complete, 276; dichogamous, 288; dimorphic, 289, 292; dura- tion, 269; disk, 339; economics, 343; features, 267; function, 8; geotropism, 297; hermaphrodite, 307; insect pollinated, 290; ir- regular, 276, 293; monstrosities, 340; morphology, 183, 322; neu- tral, 338, 339; odors, 268; per- fect, 276, 307; phototropism, 296; pistillate, 276, 285; polli- nated by bee, 291; preservation, 344; ray, 338; regular, 276; staminate, 276, 285; structure, 269; typical, 270; wind-pollinated, 288. Flowering plants, 10. Fluctuations, 314. Fodder, constituents, 101; plants, 206. Foliage, autumnal coloration, 90; support, 265; variegated, 90. Follicle, 348. Food, 28, 374; of animals, 112; reserve, 100; synthesis, 19. Forestry, 4, 205. Freaks, 72, 196. Frost plant, 52. Fructification, 347. Fructose, 100. Fruit, acids, 110; aggregate, 352; defined, 345; dehiscence, 346; dots, 324, 373; dry, 345; econom- ics, 370; features, 345; forma- tion stimulus, 352; fleshy, 345; function, 8; monstrosities, 366; morphology, 347; multiple, 352; relation to ovary, 345; simple, 352; spurs, 183; twin, 196, 199; two- storied, 367. INDEX Fuchsia, 332. Fucus, 189. Fungi, 11, 84; colors, 86; damage by, 368; nutrition, 84; parasitic, 367; in soils, 244. Fusion nucleus, 353. Fusion of germ cells, 280. Galls, described, 203 ; typical, 204. Gamete, 287, 303. Gamopetalous, 271. Gamosepalous, 270, 330. Gelatination, 99. Gemme, 300. Generation, skipping a, 311. Genetic variations, 314. Genetics, 4. Genotypically, 310. Geotropism, 174, 175, 296; function of, 177; lateral, 255; of Mush- rooms, 178; of roots, 174; of stems, 175. Gerardia, Purple, 87. Germ cell, 280; fusion, 280; purity of, 311. Germination, 381; delayed, 378; of Lima Bean, 383; movements, 382; of mummy seeds, 380; of pollen, 275; stages, 381. Giant Kelp, 190. Gland, ethereal oil, 107. Globulin, 105. Glucose, 100. Glucoside, 110. Glutelin, 105. Gnarls, 199. Goebel, Schilderungen, 62. Gourd, 351. Graft-hybrids, 210. Graftage, 208. Grafting, 208, 209, 371; results, 210. Graham flour, 385. Grain, 317, 385; Corn, 375; portance, 385; structure, 349. Grand period, 156, 157; described, 156. Grape sugar, formula, plant, 27. Gravitation, effects on plants, 175. Gray, Botany, 16. Greenhouse construction, 95. Green-manuring, 260. Greenness of vegetation, 26, im- 21; réle in INDEX Growth, 39, 264; definite annual, 138; described, 153; control mechanism, 342 ; effect of humidity on, 158; effect of light on, 158, 159; effect of temperature on, 157, 158; of general tissue, 354; grand period in roots, 221; indefinite annual, 138; of leaves, 161; primary, 119; of roots, 161; secondary, 119; of stems, 160. Guard cells, 33, 49, 50, 262; oper- ation of, 49. Gum, 104. Gum tree, 113. Guttation, 52. Gymnosperm, 352. Haberlandt, Anatomy, 31. Hair-like structures, 351. Hairs, 70. Half parasite, 87. Haustorium, 83, 256. Head, 336, 337. Healing of injuries, 123, 206. Health in plants, 369. Heart wood, 124, 145. Heat of respiration, 168. Heliotropism, 54. Hemi-cellulose, 103. Herb, 9. Herbarium, 3. Heredity, 10, 13, 39, 128, 285, 308; defined, 308, 314. Heterozygous, 310. Hilum, 376. Histology, 3. Hollow column, 180. Homozygous, 310. Honesty, 348. Hooks, 361. Horse Chestnut twig, 120. Horticulture, 4. Host, 83. Hotbeds, 258. Houseleek, 142. House plants, 48, 241. Humus, described, 241, 243. Huxley, 35. Hybrid, 320. Hybridization, 318; inethod, 320. Hydrangea, 339. Hydrophyte, 190, 395 Hydrotropism, 177; described, 247. Hygroscopic phenomena, 237; tis- sues, 366, p Hypocotyl, 355, 374. Idioblasts, 33. Imbibition, 148, 237. Imbricate, 329. Immune varieties, 370. Improvement of plants, 2. Indian Pipe, 83, 85. Inhibitory influence, 202. Initial cell, 355. Injuries, healing, 122. Insect-pollinated flowers, 290; char- acteristics, 290. Insects as cross-pollinators, 290. Integuments, 274. Intercellular air system, 33, 266. Internode, 116. Involucre, 339. Iodine test, 20. Tris flower, 287. Ironwood, 113. Irritability, 39, 55. Ivory Palm, 373. Jack fruit, 346. Jussicea, 252. Kerner, Pflanzenleben, 57. Knees, 252. Knowledge, 5; useful, 5. Kny, L., 133. Laciniate, 203. Lamarck, 315. Latex, 108, 109; system, 134; sys- tem, described, 134. Lathyrus Aphaca, 78, 80; pod, 365. Le Maout and Decaisne, Traité, 76. Leaf, anatomy, 28, 29; arrange- ments, 139; auriculate, 68, 69; axil of, 73; of Bidens Beckii, 62; characteristics, 15; compound, 16, 67; connate-perfoliate, 69; eco- nomics, 94; entire, 68; as a factory, 26; functions, 7, 72; linear, 63, 63; lobed, 67; margins, 68; morphological plasticity, 82; mosaic, 56; netted-veined, 17, 66; orbicular, 62, 63; ovate, 64, 396 66; palmately compound, 68; parallel-veined, 17, 66; perfoliate, 68, 69; pinnately compound, 68; pitchered, 202, 203; plan, 34; scars, 120; serrate, 68; shapes, 62, 68; simple, 16; — storage function, 72; structure, 17; ten- drils, 76, 78; thickness, 16; trace, 119; typical, 16; venation, 18. Leaflet, 16. Leaves, arrangements, 139; alternate, 140, 141, 142 ; opposite, 139; varie- gated, 89; whorled, 140. Legume, 348. Leguminose, vs. Bacteria, 246. Lenticel, 120, 121; described, 121. Lettuce bud, 136. Life history, 3. Light, adjustment, justed, 57; rédle screen, 20. Lignin, 98. Linden, bract, 74; bundles, 133. Linen, 205. Linnean species, 317. Linneus, 7, 315. Lipase, 110. Liverworts, 11. Loam, 241. Locomotion, 357. Long Moss, 185. Lumber, 205. leaves ad- plant, 26; ook in Mangrove, 253. Manual, 3. Maple fruit, 351. Marcgravia, 294. Martynia, 362, 363. Masters, Teratology, 201. Maturation, 153. Mechanical, effects, 196; system, 265. Mechanistic. conception of nature, 39, 40. Medullary ray, 122, 265; descrip- tion, 125;-seeondary, 125. Megasporangium, 324. Megaspore, 324. Mendel, 309. Mendel’s Law, 312, 313. Meristem, 128, 264. Mesembryanthemum, 72. Mesophyte, 190. INDEX Metabolism, 39, 98, 266 Microorganisms, 243. Micropyle, 376. Microscope, 28. Microsporangium, 325. Middle lamella, 147. Mildews, 367. Milkweed seed, 359. Milky juice, 134. Mineral salts, 230, 242; use, 28. Mistletoe, 86, 187, 362. Mitochondria, 41. Mobility, 39. Molds, 11. Monadelphous, 272. Monocarpic plants, 114. Monocotyledons, 127. Moneecious plants, 307. Monstrosities, 72, 196; cause, 342; of flowers, 340 ; of stems and leaves, 196. Morphine, 109. Morphological, diagram, 353; ticity, 39. Morphology, 3; definition, 82. Mosaic disease, 369. Moss, flowers, 269; plants, 11. Muck, 241. Mulberry, 352. Multiple fruit, 352, 363. Mutation, 13, 314, 317. Mycelium, 84. Mychoriza, 83, 244. plas- Natural selection, 316. Navel Orange, 201, 205, 319, 367. Nectar, 343. Nectary, 275; forms, 273. Nelumbium, 361. Nematlion, 305. Nepenthes, 76, 246. Nicotine, 109. Nitrates, 242. Nitrogen fixation, 244, Node, 116. Nodules, 245. Nucellus, 274. Nucleolus, 41. Nucleo-protein, 105. Nucleus, 41. Nursery plants, 260. Nut, 349. Nutrition without chlorophyll, 82. INDEX Oak, quartered, 126. Oats, temperature effect on growth, 158. G£dema, 234, 368. Offsets, 188, 189. Oil, Castor, 104; Cottonseed, 104; Linseed, 104; Olive, 104. Orchid, pollination, 293; 372. Osmoscope, 227, 228. Osmosis, danger, 234; described, 227, 232; explanation, 230; uses in plants, 233. Osmotic, phenomena, common, 235; seeds, pressure in growth, 233; pres- sures, 229; processes, described, 232. Outgrowths from petals, 334. Ovarian wall, 351. Ovary, of Buckeye, 350; compart- ments, 349; compound, 273; described, 274; inferior, 275; simple, 273; superior, 275; union of carpels, 323. Ovule, 273, 323; described, 274; forms, 272; to seed, 354; struc- ture, 271, 277. Oxygen, release by plants, 23. Paleobotany, 3. Palisade tissue, 30. Palm, 60, 127, 136. Palmate venation, 66. Pandanus, 253. Panicle, 337. Pansy seed, 376. Paper, 205. Parasite, 9, 11, 83; damage, 85. Parasitic Fungi, 367. Parrish, 18. Parthenocarpy, 354. Parthenogenesis, 302. Pasteur, 39. Pathology, 4, 367. Peach Yellows, 369. Pearson Fern, 197. Peat, 241. Pectin, 103. Pedicel, 193. Peduncle, 193. Peg, of Pumpkin, 382. Pepsin, 110. Peptone, 105. 397 Perennials, 114; woody, 114. Perfumes, 108. Perianth, 333. Periblem, 264. Pericycle, 265. Permeable membrane, 228, 235. Petal, 270; outgrowths, 334. Petiole, 16. Phanerogams, 12. Pharmacology, 4. Phenotypically, 310. Phloem, 122, 130, 222, 262. Phosphates, 242. Photosynthesis, 262; amount, 25; definition, 21; vs. respiration, 169. Photosynthetic equation, 23. Photosynthometer, 24. Phototropic response, nature, 56. Phototropism, 54, 296; in Fuchsia, 55. Phyllodia, 80, 81. Phyllomania, 203. herbaceous, 114; Phyllotaxy, 328; described, 139; origin, 143. Physiological disturbances, 368. Physiology, 3, 5. Phytopathology, 4, 367. Pigments, 108. Pine, cross section, 147; radial sec- tion, 148; stem, 126; tangential section, 149. Pineapple, fasciated, 198. Pinnate venation, 66. Pistil, 273 ; generalized, 278. Pistillate flower, 276, 285. Pitcher Plant, 75, 76, 203. Pitchers, 9, 74. Pith, 116, 132, 265. Placenta, 275, 323, 347, 351; dia- gram, 324. Plant, adult, 9; breeding, 4, 371; breeding, methods, 317; definition, 7; diversity, 5; food, use of term, 28; foods, 242; geography, 4; Industry, 4; insect catching, 87; primary parts, 7; skeleton, 98; spraying, 97; transplanting, 97. Plants, numbers, 1. Plastid, 41. Platycerium, 186. Plerome, 264. Plowing, 260. 398 Plume, 358. Plumule, 374. Pollen, 272; germination, 275, 276; grains, 286; injured by water, 295, Pollination, 277, 370. Polyadelphous, 27: Polycotyledony, 377. Polyembryony, 302, 377. Polypetalous, 271. Polysepalous, 270, 330. Poppy, 348. Potentialities, utilization, * Preservation of sports, 318, 319. Pressure gauge on root, 226. Procambium, 265. Progeotropic, 247. Projection of seeds, 364. Proliferations, 201, 367. Proliferous Pear, 201; Rose, 202. Propulsion of water, 148. Protection, 261; of roots, 232. Protein, 104; composition, 27; as food for man, 106; grains, 105; kinds, 105; layers, 105; where made, 27. Proteose, 105. Prothallus, 306. Protoplasm, 30; alveolar structure, 38; appearance, 35, 36; char- acteristics, 35; chemical compo- sition, 38; composition, 106; constitution, 37; continuity, 40; definition, 8; organization, 40; properties, 39; streaming, 37; texture, 36. Protozoa, in soil fertility, 246; in soils, 244. Pruning, 122, 370; uses, 206. Pteridophytes, 11. Ptomaines, 109. Puffball, 87. Quinine, 109. Raceme, 336; determinate, 336; indeterminate, 336. Rafflesia, 84, 86; 268. Rainbow Corn, 90. Raphe, 274, 376. Rattan Palm, 113, 1S4. Receptacle, 193, 271, Recessive, 311, 275, 351. INDEX Reduction division, 285. Redwoods, 113, 115. Reflex action, 55. Regulation, 39. Relative transpiration, 47. Reproduction, 265; asexual, 298; in Fern, 306; sexual, 389. Resin, 108. Respiration, 111, 112, 266; amount, 164; described, 162; in roots, 231; vs, combustion, 165. Respiratory ratio, 162; equation, 165. Respiroscope, 162, 163. Resting period, 341, 377, 378; ture, 379. Reversions, 201. Rhizoid, 215, 250. Rhizome, of Sedge, 187. Rock, pulverized, 238. Rockweed, 189, 304 ; Root, aération, 2 256, 257; anatomy, anchorage function, 250; cap, 217, 221; crops, 258; cross section, 215; distinctive features, 212; distorted, 257; in drains 248 ; du- ration, 214; economies ex- eretions, 243; as foliag 254, 255; function, 7; growing point, 217, 221; growth zone, 218, 221; hair, 218, 224; hair in soil, 240; hair zone, 218, 221; hairs, use, 225; length, 250; longi- tudinal section, 219; need for air, 258; of Orchids, 254; origin, pressure, of, 232; prun- plan of, 225; protection 208; selective power, 231; , 247; shortening, special functions, 250; as 256; as storage organs, 216% structure, 215; system, typical, 213; tip, 218, 217; tip, diameter, 220; tip, of Radish, 216. Rootstock, 187, 188. Rose, green, 201, 341; 359, 360. Rotation of crops, 260. Rots, 367. Rubber, 108. Rubus squarrosus, 193, na- sex cells, 304. 8; aérial, 253, 254, 220, 222; ing, self-adjustments, 257 ; spines, 251; — strains, of Jericho, INDEX Russian Thistle, 359. Rust, 367 ; of Wheat, 90. Saccharose, 100. Sachs, Lectures, 36. Sand-box, 365. Sap, rise in trees, 147; theory of ascent, 149; wood, 124, 145. Sapling, 387. Saprophyte, 11, 83. Sargent, Plants, 117. Sarracenia, 75, 76, 246. Scabs, 367. Scape, 193. Science, aim, 12; applications, 5. Scion, 208. Sclereids, 265. - Sclerenchyma, 130, 265. Scott, Botany, 116. Seasonal cycle, 388. Seaweeds, 12. Secretion, 266. Secretions, 107. Seed, 390; albuminous, 374, 375; characteristics, 372; coat, 351, 375; condition of life, 378; du- ration of life, 377, 380; economics, 385; ex-albuminous, 374, 376; function, 8; plants, 10; pro- jection, 364; structure, 373. Seedling, 9, 387; of Radish, 218. Selection of variations, 318. Self-adjustments, 55, 266. Semi-permeable membrane, 228, 235. Sempervivum, 188. Sepals, 269. Sex, cells, fusion, 278, 279; estab- lished, 304; origin, 302; origin, summary, 308; in plants, 307; stages in development, 303. Sexual organs, 307. Shade, growth under, 95. Shoot, 190. Shrubs, 9. Side roots, origin, 223. Sieve, plate, 152; tube, 31, 131, 152, 262. Silicles, 348. Skeleton of plants, 98. Skunk Cabbage, 268. Sleep movements, 57, 61. Slime-mold, 39, 357. Slips, 259. 399 Smuts, 367. Snapdragon, 274. Soil, composition, 237; cultivation, 260; solution, 241; structure, 238, 239. Solomon’s Seal, 191. Sorus, 326. Spadix, 338. Spathe, 338. Special creation, 315. Species, 7. Spectroscope, 53. Sperm, 277; cell, 9. Spermatophytes, 10. Spermatozoid, 280, 304. Sphagnum, 115. Spike, 335, 337. Spines, 192, 193, 256; Barberry, 81; Echinocactus, 80; morphology, 79; significance, 79. Spongy tissue, 30. Spontaneous generation, 39, 40. Sporangium, 324, 325. Spore, 324, 373; asexual, 301; cases of Mold, 302; dissemination, 360. Sporophore, 84. Sporophyll, 325. Sports, 205, 319; preservation, 318, 319; seed, 319. Spot diseases, 367. Spraying, 371. Squirting Cucumber, 365. Stamen, 272; irritable, 297. Staminate flowers, 276, 285. Starch, as food for man, 103; for- mation under light screen, 21; formation vs. osmosis, 234; for- mation in presence of CQn:, 22; grains, 101; grains, typical forms, 102; kinds, 101; sheath, 130. Stele, 264. Stem, anatomy, 128, 129, 131; characteristics, 113; columnar, 179; as conducting mechanism, 150; creeping, 187; deliquescent, 181; economics, 205; endogenous, 127; excurrent, 179, 180; exog- enous, 127 ; function, 7, 53 ; general- ized diagram, 125; herbaceous, 115; special function, 191; stor- age, 191; structure, 115; sym- metry, 181, 182; tissues, 116; tissues, generalized, 117; tissues, 400 INDEX herbaceous stem, 116; trailing, | Topiary work, 207. 187; traveling, 188; typical leaf-] Torsions, 201. bearing, 115; various forms, 179; woody, 119. Stevens, 119. Stigma, 273. Stimulus, 54; perception, 178. Stipule, 16; morphology, 80; special forms, 82. Stock, 208. Stolon, 188, 189. Stoma, 19, 49, 262; clogging, 96; diagram of number and area of opening, 51; number, 50; position, 50. Storage, 266; battery, 167. Strasburger, Textbook, 40. Streaming of protoplasm, 37. Strophiole, 374. Structural features, 13. Strychnine, 109. Style, 273. Suberin, 98. Subsoil plowing, 260. Substitutions, 201. Sucker, 214. Sucrose, 100. Sugar, 100; cultivation, 101; kinds, 100; Maple, 181. Sun scalds, 368. Sundew, 246. Sunflower head, 143. Support of foliage, 265. Suspensor, 354. Symbiosis, 244. Systematic botany, 2. Teniophyllum, 255. Tannin, 110. Tap root, 212, 214, 250. Taxonomy, 2. Telegraph Plant, 81, 83. Tendrils, 9, 76, 192; mode of oper- ation, 79. Thallophytes, 12. Thallus, 190. Thein, 109. Theobromine, 109. Thigmotropism, 77. Thyrsus, 337. Tissue systems, diagram, 263. Tissues, definition, 8; healing, 122; summary, 261. Toxin, 173. Traches, 146. Tracheid, 31, 146. Traction, 149. Transfer, of water and food, 144. Translocation, of food, 151. Transmission of acquired characters, 315. Transpiration, 43, 262; amount, 43; constants, 44; demonstration, 43, 44; effect of external conditions, 47; effects, 96; fluctuations, 45; plant prepared for study, 45; record, 47; reduction, 69; rdle, 49; significance, 51. Transpirograph, 45, 46. Traumatropism, 249. Tree, 9; crotch, supported, 211; height, 150; lawn, 181; surgery, 211. Tree Fern, 61. Trichomes, 19, 70. Tropical undergrowth, 59. Truth, test for, 13. Tuber, 9, 192. Tubercles, 245. Tuberous roots, 251. Tulip Tree, cross section, 121. Tumbleweed, 359. Tumboa, 71. Tumors, 200. Twin fruit, 196, 199, 367. Twiners, 185. Umbel, 337. Unit character, 309. Vallisneria, 284, 287. Valvate, 329. Variability, 39. Variation, 308; selection, 318. Vascular bundles, 116, 264. Vegetables, 206; vs. fruits, 346. Vegetative, bodies, specialized, 299: parts, potential, 300. Veinlet, 31. defined, 308, 314; Veins, 29, 118; of leaf, 17; netted, 17; parallel, 17; use, 144. Venation, 65; netted, 65; palmate, 66; parallel, 66; pinnate, 66. INDEX Ventilation, 369, 371. Venus Fly-trap, 76, 77, 246. Vernation, 137. Viability, 380; tests, 386. Violet, seed pods, 364. Vitalistic conception of nature, 39, 40. Vitality, suspension, 377. Warming, 288. Water, capillary, in soils, 239; flotage by, 360; hydrostatic, 238 ; hygroscopic films, 239; in seeds, 377; in soils, 238; uses in plants, 224, Water culture, 243; described, 242. Water Lily seed, 361. Water plants, 9, 61, 252. Wax, 111. Weeping Birch, 182. Welwitschia, 71. Whorl, 140. Wiesner, 291. Wild Geranium, 334. 251; roots, 401 Wilting, 48. Wilts, 367. Wind, effects on trees, 183; pol- linated flowers, characteristics, 288 ; pollination, 288; waftage, 358. Windburn, 48, 97, 259. Wing, 358; on fruits, 350, 351. Winter-killing, 259. Witches’ brooms, 198, 199. Wood, 130; fibers, 265; grain, 124; parenchyma, 130. Wooden Flower, 200. Xanthophyll, 89, 90, 91; tion, 108. Xenia, 353. Xerophyte, 190. Xylem, 122, 130, 222, 262. composi- Yeast, 169. Yucca, pollination, 293. Zoospores, 301, 357. Zymase, 110. Printed in the United States of America. fee following pages contain advertisements of books by the same author or on kindred subjects The Teaching Botanist Second Edition A Manual of Information upon Botanical Instruction, together with Outlines and Directions for a Comprehensive Elementary Course By WILLIAM F. GANONG, Pu.D. Professor of Botany in Smith College 120, 439 pages, $1.25 This book is in large measure a companion volume to the present text-book, embodying the same methods and the same general materials. 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