at} na a ; ce aa at Cl mould [AT PeoN | Gy meet fou ste New Pork. HState College of Agriculture At Cornell Aniversitp Pthaca, N. YD. _ Librarp The henwife: inti mann, bale DATE DUE GAYLORD PRINTEDINU.S.A. THE HENWIFE. Ballantyne Dress BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND CoO EDINBURGH AND LONDON THE HENWIFE: Her Own Experience in Her Own Poultry-Yari. BY THE HON. MRS ARBUTHNOTT. “o TO WHICH IS ADDED THE HENWIFE’S LATER EXPERIENCE. LENTH EDITION. EDINBURGH : THOMAS C. JACK, GRANGE PUBLISHING WORKS. LONDON: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. 1879. ma: : 4f7 187 @C IIS LI Dedicated (BY PERMISSION) TO MISS BURDETT COUTTS. CONTENTS. IntTRoDUCTION Hovsss anp Yarps Foop 5% GENERAL TREATMENT HatcHine CHICKENS EXHIBITION DISEASES FatTrEeNInG BREEDS Dorkine Grey Dorgine . Sitver Grey Dorxine Waits Dorkine . BrauMa Pootra Matays Game. ScotcH Grey SPanIsH 5 ‘i Go Laicus, or ScotcH Dumetzs . CocHIN Waite CocHin PartripcE, &c. SILKIES PAGE xv 23 35 43 59 69 75 87 97 101 102 103 105 106 108 115 118 126 132 139 141 148 ab. 150 vili CONTENTS. BrEEDS—continued Poise BanTaM HaAMBURGHS FrencH BREEDS Créve Caur La FLEcHE Hovpbans TURKEYS . ‘ Witp AMERICAN TURKEY GEESE CHINESE GEESE EMBDEN GEESE Ducks My Own EXPERIENCE THE HENWIFE’S LATER EXPERIENCE, CHICKENS AND DucKLINGS DISEASES IN CHICKENS Youne Srock Summer MaNnaGEMENT PRESERVING AND SALE oF Eccs EXHIBITION . AUTUMN MANAGEMENT FEEDING Frenco Pouttry HovseEs PAGE 152 154 160 163 166 167 170 175 177 179 180 181 191 221 230 234 237 241 245 252 258 263 267 LIST OF PLATES, Game . : ‘ . ° FRONTISPIECE Silver Spangled Hamburgh . e PAGE 48 Buff Cochin ; : : 56 Grey Dorking ‘ : 104 Brahma Pootra. ‘ 112 Spanish ; . . 136 Golden Polish 3 ; 152 Golden Pencilled Hamburgh - 160 Wild American Turkey ss 172 Rouen Drake é a a » 180 LIST OF WOODCUTS. Ground Plan of Poultry-House Poultry-Houses Perch Sitting-House Egg Eggs in Basket Weighing Apparatus Diagram of a Fowl—Points for “Exhibition Iron Hopper 7 Inchmartine Cottage and Poultry-Yards . Laurel House Moveable Yard-House Moveable Glass Yard-House Coop with Wire Range Coop for Hens or Turkeys Wire Hen Coop. : Hamper for Packing Eggs Willow Sitting-House The Henwife’s Own Baskeu . . PAGE 26 27 30 32 64 65 78 86 183 189 193 194 195 197 198 199 203 207 220 PREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITION, ‘ I FEEL that, in issuing this seventh edition of “The Henwife,” some acknowledgment is more than due to those who have so kindly expressed themselves as pleased, and also benefited by the study of it. I thank them from my heart for their warm approval and encouragement. When, at the urgent request of friends, I consented to publish my notes and experience of poultry life, I little dreamt of the wide circulation they were to receive. With much fear and trembling I awaited the verdict of the public, and rejoiced xii PREFACE. indeed that it was favourable. Success cannot be foreseen or determined, but when it has been fairly and honestly striven for, and the utmost has been done to obtain it, it 2s gratifying. The pages I now send forth will, I hope, meet with approval. I have explained away some difficulties, and corrected mistakes; also added new chapters. The descriptions of the new foreign breeds will doubtless be acceptable, as these are rapidly making their way into public favour, and superior specimens may now be seen in almost every poultry-yard. The principal exhibitions encourage their introduction by grant- ing separate classes and prizes to them, just as in France the “Jardin d’Acclimatation,” at its annual concours, gives medals to our Dorkings, game, and other home breeds. The advantages of public competition are understood, and as the love of poultry rearing is extending every day, and they are found to be, even on farms, pro- fitable stock, I hope to see them objects of in- PREFACE. xiii terest to most colonial and continental agricul- turists, The antiquated idea that fowls on a farm did mischief to crops is now exploded. If the grain is deeply deposited (as it should be), they cannot, by scratching, get access to it; besides, they greatly prefer worms and insects, and may thus be considered good friends to the farmer. Poultry will more than repay any little outlay expended upon them; they will always command a mar- ket; and when we see the immense quantity of eggs that are imported into our large towns, we ought to consider if our own farms could not supply our own wants. If it pays to rear poul- try for market in France, it must surely pay at home. It is computed that a million of eggs are consumed daily in London and its suburbs, and the proportion of these contributed by home farms is very small, This is not as it should be. I shall now take leave of my readers, in wish- ing them as much enjoyment in their poultry- xiv PREFACE. yards as I have ever found in mine. With them are associated, in my mind, the happiest hours of my life. And although for a time I have deserted them, I still am, and must ever remain in heart, “THE HENWIFE.” Introduction. ‘‘How now, Dame Partlet, the hen?” SHAKESPEARE. I HAVE been often asked to publish a work on Poultry, and have complied, because I think I have no right to withhold any unit I may possess, from the sum of human knowledge. I also, naturally, desire to afford satisfaction to my friends; while any who are the reverse (if such there be) must admit that I fulfil for them the wish of the Patriarch of Uz: “O that mine enemy had written a book.” xvi INTRODUCTION. I think I am entitled, without egregious vanity, to deem my experience worthy of some claim to attention, as, during the last four years, I have gained upwards of 460 prizes, in Scotland and England, and personally super- intended the management of forty separate yards, in which have annually been hatched more than 1000 chickens. I began to breed poultry for amusement only, then for exhibition, and lastly, was glad to take the trouble to make it pay, and do not like my poultry yard less, because it is not a loss. All honour to the numerous writers on the subject. I pretend not to rival them. The field (like the world) is wide enough for all. A few portions of this work must necessarily treat of the same subjects as their’s, although a good deal that is new, I trust, will be found. I am not a plagiarist. I desire to copy no one. I make no pretence to be scientific, but only very prac- INTRODUCTION. xvii tical, and to tell what my experience has been; and this is just what this little book is: viz, What I did, and how I did it. It is impossible to imagine any occupation more suited to a lady, living in the country, than that of poultry rearing. If she has any superfluous affection to bestow, let it be on her chicken-kind, and it will be returned cent. per cent. The poultry yard supplies one of the most delicate descriptions of food with which man has provided himself. He accepts it from Nature’s munificent hand as a great boon ; but he is not contented to keep it as he gets it: he improves upon the gift. Whoever desires to realise the measure of success he has attained in this, has simply to walk into next Birmingham show-room, and compare what he sees there, with what he remembers in the old barn yards. xviii INTRODUCTION. Indeed, a modern prize-bird almost merits the character which a Parisian waiter gave of a melon, when asked to pronounce whether it was a fruit or a vegetable. “Gentlemen,” said he, “a melon is neither; it is a work of art.” The cost of poultry keeping is much overrated. To rear for the market only, would even give a profit. Exhibition is, doubtless, expensive ; but in some measure it pays itself, and the necessary outlay is much reduced by sales of eggs and fowls at high prices, when a reputation has been once established; and any intending exhibitor may take my word for it, that she (though per. haps of moderate means) may, without extra- vagance, snatch her harmless victories, invest herself with the blue riband of the poultry yard, and win her bloodless Solferinos. In these pages will be found figures as to the “Balance Sheet.” I am aware that these can be made to prove anything. I can say, how- INTRODUCTION. xix ever, with a clear conscience, that mine are in- tended to be honest. I have not shrunk from giving them, any more than from expressing my own opinions on all points. I take this opportunity, how- ever, to thank those eminent breeders who have kindly furnished me with their experience, and whose letters, in my opinion, so much en- hance the value of this book. I have striven not to be dogmatical, and in a matter in which “much may be said on both sides,” I wished to give all arguments fair play. To have done otherwise, would have been to forfeit the confidence of the reader, as well as to make a very daring infringe- ment on the prerogative of the “Editor of The Times.” All success, then, to the poultry yard! Are you a lover of nature? Come with me, and view with delighted gaze her chosen dyes. XX INTRODUCTION. Are you a utilitarian? Rejoice in such an increase of the people’s food. Are you a philanthropist? Be grateful that yours has been the privilege to afford a posstble pleasure to the poor man, to whom so many are impossible. Such we often find fond of poultry —no mean judges of it, and frequently success- ful in exhibition. A poor man’s pleasure in victory is at least as great as that of his richer brother. Let him, then, have the field whereon to fight for it. Encourage village poultry shows, not: only by your patronage, but also by your presence. A taste for such may save many from dissipation, and much evil; no man can win poultry honours and haunt the tap- room too. For myself, I can truly say that, during the time I have reared poultry, I have ever found the pursuit to be “a labour of love,” and (like virtue) “its own reward.” I feel that, though INTRODUCTION. xxi more tangible benefits had not fallen to my lot, I can still look back on the hours spent among my feathered pets with affectionate gratitude. Houses and Pards, — It is impossible to give special rules for poultry houses and yards, to suit all tastes and require- ments, without knowing the facility the ground possesses for such. My endeavour is to lay before the reader a few simple plans which may guide the intending poultry keeper, and be the means of insuring the comfort and well-being of the flock. I do not consider any one soil necessary for success in rearing poultry. Some think a chalk or gravel soil essential for Dorkings; but I have proved the fallacy of this opinion, by bringing up, during three years, many hundreds of these soi-disant delicate birds on the strong blue clay of the Carse of Gowrie—doubtless, 24 HOUSES AND YARDS. thoroughly drained, that system being well understood and universally practised by the farmers of the district. A coating of gravel and sand once a-year is all that is requisite to secure the necessary dryness in the runs. The houses and yards should have a south or south-west exposure, and (if possible) open into a grass park, to which the fowls can have daily access. The houses» may be built of stone and lime or brick; but I prefer wooden erections, as less close, and affording a freer circulation of air. The roof, however, in every case must be per- fectly waterproof, a pane of glass inserted in each door to admit light, and a few holes pierced to promote ventilation. Light, air, and sunshine are indispensable to the health of fowls—the floor of clay or gravel, well-beaten down, so as to be per- fectly hard and dry. For a cock and six hens, the house should not be less than from twelve to sixteen feet in height, and eight feet square; the yards the width of the house, and fifteen feet lung, enclosed by posts and wire fencing (two- HOUSES AND YARDS. 25 inch mesh), eight feet high, boarded up two feet from the ground between the yards, to prevent the cocks fighting through the wire. This is the most dangerous of all warfare, as the birds injure themselves in the meshes, and (Dorkings espe- cially) are apt to tear their combs and toes in them. In each yard there should be a water-vessel, and a small, low lean-to shed, under which is the dust- bath—viz., a box, filled with dry ashes, or sand and lime rubbish. This shed also serves for shelter from rain and sun, It should be placed against the front of the hen-house, sloping to the front. A trap, a foot and a half square, must be cut in the fencing round each yard, to admit of the fowls being let out to the grass park, and each house should open into its own yard, for the convenience of cleaning out, catching the fowls, &c. It is of advantage to poultry houses to be en suite, communicating with each other by doors, to allow them to be cleaned from end to end without the necessity of passing through the yards; and there must be a trap from the house into the yard for the egress and ingress of the fowls at pleasure. I would recommend that all. 26 HOUSES AND YARDS. these traps be made with sliding panels which close, to prevent the fowls having access to the houses while the process of cleaning out is going on, and at all times it is requisite to have the means of shutting out the fowls from house or yard, as may be wished. The doors which con- nect house with house should be made to fasten on either side, to guard against the possibility of the different varieties meeting, when the keeper's attention may be engaged in performing any necessary duties in the house, such as arranging straw in the nests, collecting eggs, &c., (fig. 2). Fig. L. 4aft aft 4. feet. Gronnd Plan of Poultry Houses, HOUSES AND YARDS. 29 To secure the safety of eggs, (which, in estab- lishments of mark, are apt to excite the cupidity of the covetous), each external door should be provided with a lock and key. Inferior ménages are, of course, not so liable to this drawback; but I would say to all poultry keepers, Guard your fowls during night; they are, perhaps, more easily “conveyed” than any other species of domestic animals. “Experto crede.” During the winter months close all the traps from sunset to sunrise. My Scotch experience, at least, has shown me the advantage of this precaution; and past seasons have proved the climate of England to be quite as severe as that north of the Tweed. For this daily routine you must have con- fidence in your poultry attendants, and feel assured that the birds are admitted to their yards at an early hour in the morning. The only admissible furniture in a poultry house is a moveable perch, not higher than two feet from the ground, made in the form of trestles, of split larch, the bark left on, and uppermost, (fig. 3). If the perch is high, heavy birds are 30 HOUSES AND YARDS. c& , “de iy OTE LS Br 4 apt wee very apt to be lamed in descending. The house being smali, they drop perpendicularly from the roost, and so injure their feet; hence the bumble foot of the Dorking. A small or smooth cylin- drical perch is not desirable. The fowls can- not take a firm hold of it; and it is certain to cause crooked breast-bones, a most grave defect. For the use of the hens, a few nests on the ground, divided from each other by strips of wood, are necessary; but these are understood to be merely for the benefit of laying fowls, a sitting-house being indispensable in even a moderate establishment. Where only one variety of fowl is kept, a very simple style of arrange- ment is required. A span-roofed house, covered with felt, or tarpauling coated with tar, a door to lock, moveable perch, a few nests, and trap, will HOUSES AND YARDS. 31 answer all needful purposes; this is supposing the fowls to have complete liberty; if shut up during any part of the day, they must have a yard such as I have already described. Where many kinds of poultry are desiderated, a much more extended system becomes imperative. Houses to suit their different peculiarities must be erected, in order to do justice to them all, and guarantee success in each. Take, for example, the classes of Brahma Pootra and Cochins. These require no perch, preferring the floor of the house to any more elevated position; but this must be well littered down with straw, as in a stable, and as regularly removed. A broad board covered with straw is sometimes substituted for a perch; this must be a little elevated from the ground. I find, how- ever, that if there are nests, there the Cochins will roost, in spite of all attempts to make them do otherwise. A wire fence three feet high is quite sufficient to restrain these birds within bounds; they never attempt to fly over the divi- sions, or poach on their neighbour’s grounds. If a tree can be enclosed in a poultry run, it forms 32 HOUSES AND YARDS. a very agreeable object, and affords shelter to the fowls. On a warm sunny day they will always be found under the protecting shade of its branches, and half-buried in the holes they have scraped out, in which to roll and dust themselves. I will now describe a sitting-house, which may be made on a greater or lesser scale, (fig. 4), Fig. 4. iM AA a Sitting-House, HOUSES AND YARDS. 33 Indeed, where a great number of fowls is kept, more than one will be necessary. The interior should be fitted up with a row of nests; in fact, a broad wooden shelf, divided into compartments a foot and a half square, covered over with a roof sloping to the front. The additional height at the back gives better ventilation to the sitting hens; and this has more to do with their health and comfort, and consequent good hatching, than most are aware of. Generally speaking, sitting places are too close and confined, showing a marked difference, indeed, to those selected by the hens themselves if allowed freedom of choice. A sitting-house being a necessary evil in a poultry establishment, let us make it as comfort- able as possible to the poor hen during her retrdéite. Each nest must have a folding flap in front, to secure the hen from any intrusion on the part of her neighbours, and to confine her if at all inclined to vagrancy. The flaps should be numbered, and a few air-holes pierced in each; the lower panels of the nests be made to slide out and in, as after each occupancy it is advisable to have them washed. The sitting-house yard c 34 HOUSES AND YARDS. differs in no respect from that described for non- incubating fowls; it must have a similar dust- bath and water-vessel. A flue (as seen in the woodcut) is desirable where chickens are wished during the winter months, to be used only in very cold weather, when the frost might be ex- pected to injure the eggs. Having now described the House of the hen, I shall proceed to its Food. 35 Ff 00d. —e— NEVER stint poultry in the variety or quality of their food; good food is a positive economy. The best and heaviest corn is the cheapest, if we except the small or tail-wheat, which, fortunately, is richer in flesh-forming properties than the full-grown and more marketable grain. I do not propose to write a lecture on chemistry ; for this read Liebig ; but we ought to make ourselves intimately acquainted with the different substances required for the for- mation and reparation of the system. The best food is that which gives the most of what Nature demands for the formation of muscle, bone, and fat. Fine bran, or middlings, (also termed sharps), is richer in two of these important ingredients 36 FOOD, than any other one kind of food, but being deficient in gluten, is not warmth-giving, and is better when combined with the whole grain, which, when bruised, or hashed, (as it is some- times provincially called), forms the most whole- some and nutritious food. Barley is more used than any other grain. It is cheaper, but unless in the form of meal, should not be the only grain in the poultry-yard. Fowls do not fatten upon it. Oats, also, are inferior in nutriment, unless in the form of meal. Indian corn is a good and economical food, too fattening, however, to be given without judgment. It can be bought at most sea-ports at a reason- able price, and fowls are very fond of it. I find light wheat, or tailings, the best grain for daily use, and next to that, barley. The subjoined table may interest my readers. I take it from a very useful publication, “The Poultry Diary, by an Essex Amateur :”— FOOD. 37 ep | £0 3 d /a/6.| e8 le Bs So) & a Every 100 Ibs. of 8 |S sigs 2g 4 |e = |e*|E=| 22 | |e qe If [ss nis mH oq Oats contain............ 6 |15| 47; 2 | 20} 10: Oatmeal .......... ..0e. 6 18 | 63 2 2) 9 Wheat .........ccceceeee 3 12 70 2 1 | 12 Middlings (fine bran)| 6 18 53 5 4/14 Barley s..osscsecactensness 2 1 | 60 2 14} 11 Indian Corn ...... asl 8 11 | 65 1 5 | 10 Rice vasssuseesscs A trace) 7 | 80 |Atrace] ... | 13 Beans and Peas ........) 2 | 25 | 48 2| 8 15 | IME ss cattaa ae beacon 3 43] 5 B) ... | 863) Rice forms a very agreeable change of diet; it can be procured, a little damaged, for a small price, and is cooling and alterative, when pro- perly prepared. The following is the method: Boil for half-an-hour, and then let it stand in the water till cold, when it will be found to have swelled amazingly, and the mass so firm as to admit of being taken out in lumps, and easily broken up. Buck-wheat and hemp-seed are greedily de- voured by poultry, and no grains are more 38 FOOD. likely to produce eggs, early, and in abundance. During moult, give hemp-seed freely ; it strength- ens greatly. Groats also form an item in the food of these omnivorous creatures, but are not to be consi- dered ordinary feeding. They should be reserved for the basket of the lady manager. Linseed steeped is occasionally given (chiefly to birds destined for exhibition), to increase the secretion of oil, and give lustre to their plumage. The best sort of soft food is composed as fol- lows:—Mix equal quantities of thirds (sharps) with Indian, oat, or barley-meal, into a paste with water. This should be worked up into balls, which, if of proper consistency, break when thrown on the ground, and are thus equally divided among the fowls; the size of the balls secures accuracy as regards quantity. Another advantage also is, that, if a lady per- sonally distributes the food, these balls are more agreeable to manipulate than the porridgy mass generally seen, and which fowls by no means relish: soft food should always be friable. FOOD. 3) The potato is the only cooked vegetable ad-. missible, and is very conducive to the health and growth of poultry. When mashed and sprinkled with meal, it is a pleasant variety in the poultry bill of fare. Time was when we were wont to indulge our favourites freely in its use, but, alas! that is matter of history now. The high price almost prohibits it to poultry, and I fear to many, too, who once depended mainly upon this fickle root for their support.* I do not approve of any feeding dish. Poultry prefer to pick their food off the ground, and the gravel and sand swallowed along with it are ne- cessary for digestion. Chopped cabbage, lettuce, spinage, or other green vegetables, should be given daily ; calcined oyster-shells are also to be used. Fowls are very fond of them, and they tend to produce perfect eggs. They are prepared by burning them in the fire until quite brittle, when they can be easily broken by the hand. The first meal, consisting of grain, should be given at six A.M. in summer, and at daylight in * This was written during the prevalence of the potato disease, therefore—although potatoes still command good prices—-they are quite within the reach of all. 40 FOOD. winter. That at mid-day should be the soft food balls already mentioned; and the last, grain again, that the fowls may have, during the night, the benefit of the warmth it imparts, In cold weather, feed liberally on toast soaked in ale. Fowls are by no means abstainers, but heartily enjoy their beer, nay, even wine, when suffering from debility. Cooked animal food is to be given daily during winter, taking the place of the insect life, which is absent. When the genial softness of spring again reigns over the scene, and the sleeping earth wakes once more, we may trust a good deal to the supply afforded by nature. The fowls, during their daily grass run, will pick wp much themselves, for which we endeavour to make our own superfluity a substitute. We ought to consider ourselves deeply in- debied to poultry for the saving from waste of broken victuals, scraps of fish, &., crumbs and larger fragments of bread, which last are too fre- quently collected, and appear again at table in the very objectionable form of puddings, and other unprincipled disguises, where a stern eco- FOOD. 43 nomy reigns, at the expense of all “reason, faith, and conscience.” Had I the honour of being a correspondent of a sporting periodical, I would, of course, here quote, “ Revenons a nos moutons.” Being, how- ever, only a simple “ Henwife,” I may, perhaps, be allowed the more humble expression of “ Let me revert to my subject;” and this brings me to drinking-vessels for poultry. Those I approve of, are the common tile flower-pot saucers. They do not hold much, so that the water is ever fresh, if frequently replen- ished, as they ought to be. This is a great desideratum, especially in summer. Fowls relish fresh cool water, as may be seen by the eagerness with which they fly to the vessels when refilled. These must always be kept clean, and occasionally scrubbed with sand, to remove the green slime which collects, and is so produc- tive of roup, gapes, and other diseases. In winter, care must be taken to empty them at nightfall, otherwise ice would form and cause breakage. In moulting time a little citrate of iron mixed in the water is beneficial ; about a 42 FOOD. teaspoonful to a common-sized water-can is sufficient. I am happy, in concluding my own experi- ences in poultry feeding, to be able to men- tion very favourably the food manufactured by Messrs Chamberlain & Co. Having now used it for some time, I can vouch for its excel- lence. My fowls are very fond of it, and thrive admirably upon it. I give it, mixed with minced boiled liver, and pounded pimento sprinkled over all. This, however, is to be considered quite a “bon bon,’ and used in limited quantities. Sometimes, I give the food plain, following their own directions for use, and have found the result very satisfactory. 43 General Creatment. —+—. THE best guide is Nature, and we should always follow her as closely as possible in the treatment of our stock. Fowls are almost grazing animals, and pick up grass, or any green food, in quan- tities. If, therefore, you cannot give them com- plete liberty, (and this is impossible where large numbers and several varieties are kept), you should, at all events, allow them a daily run in a grass park. One hour's liberty is sufficient to keep them in health, and their enjoyment of this boon is so great, that, even were there no other reason, that should be sufficient induce- ment for you to give them their little bit of happiness, even at the expense of trouble to yourself. It is astonishing how soon fowls accommodate 44 GENERAL TREATMENT. themselves to the regulations of the establish- ment. A day or two suffice to make them acquiesce in all our wishes, and enable them to recognise, without apparent difficulty, their re- spective yards. Fowls seem to understand the value of their hour’s play, and lose no time, (the trap once opened), in availing themselves of it; they rush to the grass, and never cease picking it, until driven home. Great care must be taken that one set is put in before another is let out; this demands hourly attention, as, by one moment’s carelessness in allowing breeds to mix, hopes, for a whole scason, may be destroyed. If there are several yards of the same breed, these, to save time, may be allowed to enjoy each other’s society during their run, but never let out different varieties together. One single mésalliance will ruin the purity of the breed for the whole hatch of eggs, and even a sccond hatch, At no season of the year should hens be allowed to associate with the male bird of a different variety, and if swpereminent excellence is desired, not even with an inferior one of the same, GENERAL TREATMENT. 45 While the fowls are enjoying their grass run, their yards may be dug over; twice a-week is not too often for this operation. Occasionally a little of the soil pared off, and fresh sand strewed in its place. At all times perfect cleanliness, in yards and houses, should greet the , eye of the lady visitor—it is the grand requisite. At the risk of appearing didactic, I must insist upon this sine gud non in a poultry establish- ment, (great or smali), be it that of the “laird,” or that of his “tenant.” I do not say with some writers, “Jf the floor of the fowl house can be cleansed every morning, so much the better ;” but I say, “It must be done,” and scrupulously so, too. If the floor is as hard as it ought to be, a birch broom is the best implement that can be used for this purpose. The supply of water must be copious and of the purest description, and the dust-bath always provided with ashes for the use of the fowls. They love to roll themselves in this, scattering the contents over their feathers, to the effectual discomfort and dislodgement of all parasites. A heap of lime rubbish, or old mortar, should be 46 GENERAL TREATMENT. placed in a corner of each yard—poultry are fond of it, and it is conducive to their health. Once a-year, the interior of the houses and nests should be limewashed, and the floor saturated with the same mixture; this keeps all perfectly pure and free from taint. It is good, during warm weather, occasion- ally to sprinkle water over the perch, and in its vicinity, scattering a little sulphur over the wetted parts. This ought to, and in a great measure does, prevent the appearance of any obnoxious animalcule,: which, too often, in even well-regulated establishments, make their way good, to the torment of the occupants and their attendants. Depend upor it, the more we attend to the comfort of our domestic animals, the more they will repay our care. To realise excellence, demands the most un- flagging zeal and energy on the part of the mistress and her servants. Every day must have its apportioned work, carried out systematically, with honest vigour, in cold or heat, in rain or sunshine. Poultry must not be capriciously GENERAL TREATMENT. 47 dealt with—a feast one day, a famine the next. Superiority cannot thus be obtained. Where a hearty goodwill is shown by those appointed to tend your flock, and a kind interest is taken by them in its welfare, you have the surest founda- tion for success. There may sometimes be a little difficulty in effecting reforms in manage- ment. Old prejudices and opinions, too deeply rooted to be easily eradicated, may be encoun- tered; but, if the lady fancier devotes some part of her leisure time to general supervision and direction, she will soon find that her presence acts like a charm upon even the most obdurate and old-fashioned bigot, who must, perforce, ac- knowledge the superiority of the new, over the ancien regime, as proved by the higher condi- tion, greater weight, and increased beauty of the birds. In cold or damp weather give nourishing food, and plenty of it; while in moult, the birds can scarcely be too highly fed. Amateurs; who themselves look after the wants of their stock, can best judge of their requirements, and wili 48 GENERAL TREATMENT. prefer making their own arrangements regarding a dietary table. Never feed in haste, but watch the peculiari- ties of taste in your flock, and minister to them. One fowl may starve, while the others revel in luxury. As with children, their likes and dis- likes must be studied, and no one kind of food forced upon them, to their disgust, and conse- quent loss of condition and beauty. Where young stock, for early market, or summer exhibition, is desired, the breeding yards should be made up not later than Novem- ber. If fowls are properly fed, and attended to, eggs for setting will be plentiful in December. Well-formed, healthy, spirited birds should alone be selected to breed from, and a certain vivacity of temperament, and proud mien, are essential characteristics of the Lord of the Harem. His sultanas, of whatever variety, should be good types of their respective classes. Polygamy is allowable, but only to the extent of six wives, and this number may, with advantage, be reduced to four. The male bird, if of the BUFF COCHIN Edmburgh Thomas © Jacke GENERAL TREATMENT. 49 previous season, should be mated with hens two years old, and vice versd. The strongest chickens are to be obtained from old hens, with a cockerel. Broods, however, from these will be deficient in pullets; such, at least, has been my experience. Avoid breeding from fowls related to each other. It is a baneful system, and results in small, delicate offspring, which easily falls a prey to roup, leg weakness, and all the ills that chickenhood is heir to. Tke cost of poultry keep may be considerably lessened by the proceeds of an annual sale by auc- tion, early in the year, before the breeding season, and also by the disposal of single birds or matched pens for exhibition at high prices. If the owner is known as a prize-winner, the fowls will pro- bably average L.1 apiece at the sale, and are, con- sequently, too valuable for the stock-can, which, otherwise, must be the destination of all that have passed chickenhood, and yet are unlikely to prove prize-takers, or desirable to breed from. Aspic de vollaile, and even cock’s combs, when judiciously combined with oysters, truffles, &c., D 50 GENERAL TREATMENT. are charming additions to the cuisine, but it is not every henwife, who, like Cleopatra, can afford to dissolve her jewels. Large sums have probably been required for the purchase of the parent birds, and we value their descendants accordingly. A good founda- tion was laid, regardless of cost, and the progeny must not be sacrificed. You may reduce your expenses by selling eges for setting, at a remunerative price. No one should be ashamed to own what he is not ashamed to do; therefore, boldly announce your superfluous eggs for sale, at such a price as you think the public will pay for them. Beware of sending such eggs to market. Every one would be set, and you might find yourself beaten by your own stock, very likely in your own local show, and at small cost to the exhibitor. Early chickens may be hatched and sold to Edinburgh and London dealers, who will gladly give L.2 per dozen, ay, and more, for well-grown, straight-breasted white-legged chickens, mode- rately fat. Poultry rearers must not suppose GENERAL TREATMENT. 51 such sums are given for any but early, well- grown, fat chickens. Leadenhall prices are said to be exaggerated, but residents in the Metropolis, during the season, know to their cost what they are, and I can verify them by my own books. Deem not, however, that all birds sold as spring chickens, are soin reality. Many are the produce of the previous autumn, stunted in growth by the hardships of winter. These the verdant housekeeper buys, and her master’s guests eat them, asking no questions. The chickens which realise such high prices are hatched early in January, and reared with the greatest care, and attention to feeding. Poultry keeping (though essentially a home pleasure) need not be limited to home. Indeed, it becomes a necessity to dispose, in one way or other, of your superfluous stock. If you breed for exhibition, you cannot too strictly limit your numbers. Out of 100 chickens, you may not be able to match more than two pens for Birmingham, and must therefore leave yourself ample room for choice. This will give an abun- 52 GENERAL TREATMENT. dance to your establishment, and for the poul- terer. Chickens and eggs should be plentiful all the year round; where poultry are kept on a large scale, the purchase of either should be unknown. By keeping pullets of those breeds that lay early, you command a supply of eggs for daily use all winter, and often have an overplus for market at its dearest season. I shall elsewhere detail the method I have found most effectual, for preserv- ing eggs for kitchen use, during the scarce season ; in summer, they are plentiful and cheap, and, as I said before, too good for market. I think I have now given all necessary instruc- tions for the treatment of poultry kept on a somewhat extended scale. Amateurs, who have limited accommodation, should keep only a few first-rate fowls, say a Dorking cock and two hens, two Cochin and two Brahma Pootra hens. These latter lay all winter, sit soon, and bring out Dorking chickens much earlier than the Dorking hens themselves, which are tardy sitters. The Cochin and Brahma eggs, being dark in colour, are easily distinguished from those of the GENERAL TREATMENT. 53 Dorkings, I would advise the Cochin eggs to be used in the household, and a few of the Brahmas to be set. A cross between it and the Dorking makes a large if somewhat coarse bird for the table. The pure Dorking chickens can be sold, at -good prices, to other fanciers. To the breeder they are useless, and are, perhaps, too valuable to be killed. The original stock will last two years, at the end of which I would recommend that the male bird be replaced by a younger one, of a different strain, and then your own pullets will come into use. A few choice birds can be kept, in this way, at very small cost; only one house is required, and that of moderate dimen- sions. If the fowls are to be confined during any part of the day, they must have a yard, similar to that already described. If they have absolute freedom, they find many means of suste- tenance for themselves in the open fields or sur- rounding shrubberies, and will be, in a great measure, independent of the provision commis- sariat. It is impossible to lay down exact rules as to feeding ; experience is the safest guide, 54 GENERAL TREATMENT. Poultry, if penned up, with only an occa- sional run, live in complete dependance on the food given, which must always be regu- lated by circumstances. It must be borne in mind that high feeding is conducive to lay- ing, and the eggs will always pay for the grain consumed, if the yearly average price is taken. I have thus attempted to show that it is pos- sible to keep poultry, even as an amusement, without loss. It pays best either on a very large or very small scale. In the latter case it must be viewed only as a “fancy,” and if the expense can be covered by the sale of extra stock, it is all that can be expected or desired. On a larger scale, the pursuit resolves itself into a system. The market must be studied for the purchase of grain, and for the sale of your produce. To show a good balance-sheet, your household must be supplied during the dearest as well as the cheapest seasons of the year. Your spring chickens must come from your own yards; your eggs, at two shillings a-dozen, from your own laying-houses. Thus you live in plenty—nay, GENERAL TREATMENT, 55 in extravagance, had you to purchase all you supply yourself with—and you enjoy the bless- ing of independence. . To the farmer (and I hope to number many among my readers), I would give the following advice :—In spring, purchase a Houdan cock and six hens, also six Brahma hens. Set every egg. From these keep all the pullets, and kill or sell the cockerels. In autumn, the yard will be fully stocked with fine young hens, which will lay freely all winter. If eggs alone is the object, the original male bird may remain, with the addition of a cockerel when twenty pullets are kept; but if pure bred chickens are wished, then T advise that the adult Houdans should be boarded out. A cottager, for a remuneration, will gladly take charge of them, and rear as many chickens as desired for carrying on the system. In this way, your original stock will supply your yard for several seasons. From thirty Brahma and Houdan pullets you will have above ten dozen eggs per week all winter; and the cross produces the finest possible chickens for market, but not to breed from. Pure Brahmas and Houdans alone must be kept 56 GENERAL TREATMENT. for that purpose; I have always found the second cross worthless. As Brahmas do not so constantly show a desire to incubate, their period of laying being much more extended than that of Cochins, a few of these hens, (not the leggy, tucked-up looking things, so often called such, but short-legged, compact, well-feathered birds), may with advantage be kept, to act as mothers; they sit early, and are capital nurses. Farm yards are seldom stocked with profitable poultry; in them, too often, is the pernicious adherence to the system of breeding in and in seen, in its worst aspect; the result is certain degeneracy. Farmers look upon poultry as a trifling and un- important item in the farm stock, only to be kept as layers of eggs during summer, and are quite satisfied if their chickens bring a fair market price. But why not rear fowls that will weigh eight instead of four pounds? and at the same cost of feeding. Surely, such weights will com- mand higher prices than merely those of the market, which is often supplied with birds, scarcely worthy of the name of fowls. Creatures of every conceivable form and colour, with long GENERAL TREATMENT. 57 black legs, narrow breasts, and twisted breast- bones, certainly possessing a superabundance of tail, but that adornment goes for little in the cook’s eye. These miserable results are by no means the consequence of want of food; a farm yard is the paradise of poultry, and nowhere can they live in greater comfort or plenty. It is just because the birds want frame, on which to put flesh and fat; bone is deficient; and all the lap’s full of oats, barley, and wheat, which the far- mer’s wife may filch for them from the gude- man’s barn, are wasted on a worthless crew. Let the farmer test the merits of my advice by his own practical experience, and I am not afraid of an adverse opinion. Poultry ought to pay him, if anybody; they have the advantage of the gleanings of the stack-yard, and at times are almost independent of any extra feeding. Should the farmer be an exhibitor, he must, of course, submit to some expense in carrying out his hobby. High feeding must then be the rule. Exhibition fowls require more than ordinary care and trouble. Money may have been in- vested in the purchase of prize pens, at enhanced 58 GENERAL TREATMENT. prices, but he may look for his return in the con- stant pleasure they afford him, and in being the envied winner of a “silver cup.” 59 Hatching. —+—. As “hatching” is often attended with great disappointments, my readers may like to know some of their causes, and the best means of guarding against them. The weather is often unjustly blamed; it ought not to have the influence so many hen- wives ascribe to it. You can, and should, always defend your poor sitters from its attacks. If my plan of “sitting-house” is adopted, you can expel John Frost by means of the flue, and, by damping the eggs regularly, set at nought the sharp drying wind, however penetrating. The mischances in hatching should really be few. If you set a hen under unnatural circum- stances, you must make it up to her by extra kindness, and endeavour to render the cloister- 60 HATCHING. like life she necessarily leads, as little irksome as possible. The house and yard must be tenanted by sitters alone, and kept scrupulously clean, the dust-bath full, and a daily supply of garden pro- duce, fresh water, and as much grain, and soft food, as the hen can eat, supplied during the half-hour allowed her for exercise. The birds should be taken off their nests simultaneously, and put into the yard, the atten- dant, (meanwhile), examining the eggs to see if any are broken. If any such there be, they must be removed, and the remaining eggs, when soiled, wiped with a damp cloth. The eggs in each nest should then be sprinkled with water, either by the hand or with a small flat brush, which answers the purpose admirably, as it does not distribute the water too freely. The floor of the house must be swept every day, and, in warm weather, have a little fluur of sulphur scattered over it. Hens usually return, quietly, and of their own accord, to their nests. If refractory, however, they must be lifted on, the panels closed, and AATCHING. 61 the inmates left in peace, till the return of another day calls for a similar routine of duty and pleasure. So on, until the 21st day, when the hen is released from her prison-house, and walks forth the proud and devoted mother of a brood of chickens. The necessity of damping eggs was not at all understood by the old school, and yet it must be done, if success in hatching is desired. Many complaints are made of eggs not hatching though there have been birds in each. This is entirely caused by the neglect of this precaution. Unless moistened, the inner membrane of the egg be- comes so hard and dry, that the poor little chick cannot break through, and so perishes miserably. Before dying, its cry, (like that of the starling of Sterne), probably has been, “I can’t get out, I can’t get out.” Has slavery a more bitter draught than this? When a hen steals her nest in a hedge or clump of evergreens, she sits on the damp ground. She goes in search of food early in the day before the dew is off the grass, and returns to her nest with saturated feathers. To this fact 62 HATCHING. is to be attributed the comparatively successful hatching of the eggs of wild birds. To follow this as closely as possible, put a thick fresh-cut turf in the nest you are about to prepare for the reception of the. sitting hen. Sprinkle a little sulphur over this, and spread over it straw in summer, hay in winter. I shall suppose that you have eggs ready for setting. They should be thirteen in number, or at most fifteen, if set dur- ing warm weather; in winter, nine eggs are sufficient for the very largest hen. Before hazarding your (it may be) valuable eggs, be certain that the hen is really broody. You may give her one or two worthless eggs as a trial, or, if you are anxious not to lose time, divide your setting between two or more hens, and if one proves truant at the end of a few days, give all to another. By setting several hens at the same time, you have the great advantage of being able to put all the chickens, as soon as they are hatched, under one, and of adding new comers to her flock. Eggs sometimes hatch irregularly, and unless some such system were established, HATCHING. 63 the earliest hatched chicken would die of starva- tion before the whole were brought out. I strongly deprecate the custom of removing chickens from the nest, and keeping them in baskets, before the fire; there is no warmth so suited for them as that of the hen’s body. After removing the empty shells from the nest, leave the little creatures with their mother, undisturbed for twelve hours. When that time has elapsed, you may offer them food and water. If the egg has been chipped for some hours, and the chick does not make its appearance, a slight assistance may be given, by enlarging the fracture with scissors, cutting up towards the large end of the egg, never down, or the loss of blood may prove fatal. When the chicken, at last, makes its way out, do not interfere with it, or attempt to feed it. Animal heat alone can restore it; if it survives the night, it may be considered safe. Weakness has caused the delay, and this has probably arisen from insufficient warmth ; the hen may have had too many eggs to sit upon, or they may have been stale when set. If the chickens come out in the morning 64 HATCHING. they may be taken from the nest in the evening, put on the ground, offered water, and a few crumbs of stale bread. Feed the hen well at the same time, and then restore them to their nest for the night. Next morning, remove them Egg. carefully to a coop which, in summer, is best placed on grass, in winter, on dry dusty soil. In selecting eggs for setting, choose the fresh- HATCHING. 65 est, of moderate size, well-shaped, and having the air-vessel distinctly marked either in the centre of the top of the ege, or slightly to the side, as shown in the woodcut, (fig. 5.) By holding the egg between the eye and a lighted taper, in a darkened room, this air-vessel will be distinctly visible. Some assert that the sex of the chickens can be ascertained. by the Fig 6. Fggs in Basket. position of the air-vessel. If on the top, you will have a cockerel; if on the side, a pullet; but this is a mere fable, and I have proved it to be so. Eggs intended to be set should be carefully collected and handled, and (to prevent them rolling about) placed, pointed end downwards, E 66 AATCHING. in bran; the date and description having been marked in pencil on each, (fig. 6.) One glance then suffices for selection, and the eggs are in nowise shaken. See that your hen be well fed, and has water, before putting her on the nest; if hungry, she will be restless. If you get sitting hens from a distance, they should be carried in a basket, covered over with a cloth, never with the head downwards, as is too often seen, at the risk of suffocation, and the certain dissipation of their maternal dreams. Brahmas and Cochins are excellent sitters, and have no objection to enter into your views of a fitting domicile for them, during their retrdite; but Dorkings occasionally rebel, and refuse to sit, unless in their own way. You must be very gentle with them, and try, by kindness, to induce them to take to the nest selected. You cannot allow one hen to sit where others can have access to her nest. If you really have no room for her elsewhere, put a wire coop over her in her usual house, with something hung round it, to keep her secluded from every eye. Want of ac- commodation may compel you to do this; but, if HATCHING. 67 possible, avoid it; a great objection being, that what is out of sight, is often out of mind, and the poor sitter may not be taken off her nest with the same regularity as the hens in the sitting- house. If you have a large bevy of brooding hens, it is advisable to number each nest, and register it in your diary, along with the date of setting and description of eggs; when hatched, the number of chickens should also be entered. Some hens are reluctant to give up sitting, and will hatch a second brood, with manifest pleasure, but it is cruel to overtax their strength and patience; more or less, they are sure to suffer. If altogether re- strained from sitting, however, a hen suffers much in moulting, and is restless and excited for the rest of the season. Pullets are less to be trusted, as sitters, than more mature hens, and (being rather erratic in their dispositions) are not very careful mothers. Artificial incubators are now extensively used, and where there is a command of gas they are easily managed. 1, however, pre- fer the natural mother, as should some prove faithless, others will be found to take their place. 68 HATCHING. The necessity of quiet, gentle handling, both of the hens and broods, must be urged upon the person in charge of the sitting-house. Be watchful, and ready to assist the well-meant efforts of the mother, whose instincts are not always sufficient for the performance of her duties in a civilized and highly artificial condi- tion. 69 Chickens. —— On the day following that on which the chicken is emancipated from the shell, the proper food for the little stranger becomes a matter for considera- tion. The most approved regimen—at least, the one I adopt—is grated bread, yolk of hard-boiled eggs, and oatmeal, made into a crumbly mass with water, for the first week; and afterwards, in addi- tion, groats, hemp-seed, and any srnall grain. Wheat-tailings are excellent food, more nutri- tious than any other. Feed often, giving little at a time, the first meal at daybreak, and every hour after that, till they are safely housed for the night. The water-vessels should be replenished at the same time; these should be shallow. A good plan is to invert a small flower-pot saucer 70 CHICKENS. in a larger; this leaves a narrow circle of water. in which the chicken cannot become immersed. Onion tops and leeks chopped small, are much relished by all young stock, as also cress, lettuce, and cabbage. If the weather is damp and cold, add a little pounded pimento to the food, give meat occasion- ally, fresh curd and hard-boiled eggs, yolk and white, mashed with sheil, in the proportion of one egg to four chickens every day. Spare not your food; the young chicken nas everything to make, and the mother being neces- sarily much confined to her coop, it is entirely dependent on extraneous aid. 5 At times the hens may be allowed free range, but never in the early morning, or until the ground is thoroughly dry; the coops should be changed to fresh ground every day, from sun- shine to shade, and from shade to sunshine, as required. The young broods become objects of intense interest, and a great deal of time may be spent among them; they are creatures to love, and that love us. CHICKENS. 71 How eager we are that they should all thrive! We examine their points anxiously, and can almost, in their early infancy, pronounce upon the future prize-winners. From that moment hey are marked birds, and receive special attention; all the tidbits fall to their share, and if there is a better coop, or a choicer spot of ground than another, it is theirs. . I often wish poor children were fed, and their comforts as well attended to, as those of our embryo Birmingham and Crystal Palace competi- tors. May should find us surrounded with well- grown chickens; it is the halcyon time of poultry. The weather is, or ought to be, warm, but whether or no, the chickens are growing apace, and for winter exhibition there is no doubt March and April birds are preferable to their earlier-hatched companions, which, however, you must have, for August showing, and early market. Chickens suffer much from bad feathering, which may be caused by the coldness of the season, or delicacy of constitution. In either case, high feeding is the cure. Bread soaked in ale should 72 CHICKENS. be daily given, with crushed bones and oyster shells. Many writers add vermin as another chicken disease, but I cannot allow it in my category. It should be unknown in a well-appointed poultry yard. As I before observed, a little sulphur dusted into the feathers of the hen mother occasionally, and daily access afforded to ashes and dry soil, will banish effectually all such intruders; let the hen out, and she will perform her toilet scrupulously. The chicken’s progress (like that of the Pil- grim) is beset with many dangers and difficulties. Roup, gapes, leg weakness—all are Sloughs of Despond; it is no¢ an easy matter to rear many chickens. Every poultry breeder can probably remember when he, or she, fancied it must be quite an A BC matter, because every cottager had one brood at least. Happy ignorance! The one brood was the secret: our’s being legion, the ground has become tainted, the chickens overcrowded, and disease established. The remedy for all this I touch upon elsewhere, CHICKENS. 73 but must here impress on my readers the necessity of the flock being scattered. Young stock cannot thrive if crowded. Think over the room you have for it, when the chick- ens approach adolescence. A good plan is to have a number of small houses erected in the woods and shrubberies, and in each of these establish a sufficient number of chickens, of one sex, old enough to forage for themselves. These detachments being drafted off, your coops will be ready for a fresh supply of young broods, and so on all the year round; in winter the coops must be under shelter, and covered up with matting at night-fall the chickens, getting their last meal by candle-light, about eight o’clock. Pullets continue to grow until they begin to lay. I therefore advise their being kept by themselves, (if a great size is desired), till they are required to be matched in pens for exhi- bition. Cockerels will not fight, if the female sex is absent, and unable to incite and witness their gallantry, and prowess in the lists:— 74 CHICKENS. *€ Love of ladies, splintering of lances; Bright eyes behold your deeds.”’ But as adolescence ceases with the year, (so the poultry parliament has enacted), they must then be separated from their brother knights, and dis- posed of as may be thought advisable. As soon as the chickens are taken from their mothers, and established in their own colonies, their feeding should be the same as that of adult fowls, the plumage of which they ought to assume at the age of six months. 75 Gebibition, To obtain a correct estimate of the real value of your poultry, you must exhibit them from time to time, at good shows, where the leading breeders compete, and by prizes (if you get any), and com- parison, determine their true merit. Comparisons may be odious, but they are quite indispensable ; in no other way can this know- ledge be obtained. No one, who has not tried it, can imagine how poor may be the appearance of a home prodigy, when brought side by side with the produce of other yards, Alas! what we fondly thought a “swan,” dwindles down to a very com- monplace, under-sized “ goose,” by the fiat of the judge, while we, unwillingly, admit its justice. The spirit of emulation, implanted for wise purposes in our nature, is afforded, in these ex- hibitions, a field for action, and public advantage is the result, 76 EXHIBITION. If successful, you contribute fresh recruits to the army of poultry champions; if the reverse, you probably purchase a better strain of blood, and retire, for a time, into obscurity, with the somewhat equivocal consolation that “ All partial evil” ds “ universal good,” determined that, on a future occasion, you will not play the philanthropist on such unsatisfac- tory terms. Philanthropy is, doubtless, a good thing, but it is more self-pleasing when practised through success than defeat. Yes, the cold shade of the show-room has dis- pelled many a bright aspiration. “So, when the beams of sober reason play, Lo, fancy’s fairy frost-work melts away !” Still, there is nothing like perseverance and patience. For attaining victory, I venture to give the no- vice a few hints, the results of my own perils and struggles in the troubled waters of exhibition. The pilot who has “ weathered the storm” can best conduct a stranger bark into its wished-for haven. I will presume that the chickens have been selected from infancy for exhibition, fed accord- EXHIBITION. 77 ingly, and marked. This is best done by sewing small stripes of different-coloured silks loosely round their legs, which you can verify by your poultry diary, in which everything of importance should be entered. I recommend the cockerels and pullets to be kept apart until a month before the show, during which time they must receive extra feeding and care. Nothing is too good for exhibition birds; give them daily exercise and an abundance of food. Linseed is calculated to give lustre to the plumage, and toast, soaked in ale, sprightliness, courage, and strength. High feeding is unquestionably the grand secret of bringing chickens up to the great weights now required in first-prize poultry. There should always be a few spare birds in reserve to fill up a pen in case of accidents, and such often beat their selected companions, under high feeding, and eventually take their places at the exhibition. ‘ Feather and points being equal, weight must be the criterion. It is astonishing what the steelyard discloses ; birds, to all appearance the 78 EX HIBITION. heaviest, are “found wanting when weighed in the balance.” No eye can be trusted to judge of weight. Seeming size is nothing—it may be all feather —-so the birds must go to scale, and the breeder will often be very much surprised at the result. Tig. 7. Weighing-Apparatus, The fairest weighing apparatus is the one I commonly use, (fig. 7.) EXHIBITION. 79 The weight of the basket being ascertained, must be deducted from the total, and, if possible, weigh your birds before their meal, as geese and turkeys will easily put on 13 lb., in a pen of three. All other birds should give way to those selected to do battle, in the show-room, for the honour of the yard. They must receive exclu- sive attention, and their supposed inferiors bide their time, ready to supply vacancies, which they are often called upon to do. There is nothing so certain as disappointment ; I, in common with every exhibitor, have met with it. My experience, however, has proved to me, that full confidence may be placed in the general justice of judges’ decisions. They have an arduous and most invidious duty to perform —arduous, because so extended—invidious, be- cause suspicions are often alleged by the losing parties. Such are, frequently, very virulent, and entertain a life-long grudge; and may even say to him in his last moments, (with Richard's ghostly visitors), “ Let me sit heavy on thy soul to-morrow ; you passed me by at Birmingham !” I believe poultry judges act honourably and 80 EXHIBITION. scientifically. I unhesitatingly leave my poultry to their verdict, and do not complain (if 1 think they have fulfilled their duty in accordance with such principles), though not awarded first or second honours. Theirs is a position I do not envy: all thanks to those who, so kindly, fill it. There being, however, no rule without an excep- tion, I must confess to more than one altercation with some who, I thought, had not studied the points of exhibition fowls, as distinctly laid down. I particularly allude to the decision of the ruling judge, English, at a recent show in the west of Scotland, (where there were separate classes for Grey and Silver-grey Dorkings, as at Birming- ham, Liverpool, and other leading shows), founded on the notion that the classes were synonymous, or (as he expressed it), “a distinction without a difference.” I can imagine one diffident in ex- pressing an opinion, though competent to form one; but no such scruple troubled this worthy*— “Thus fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” * A poultry club has now been established, by whose autho- rity a book of ‘rules for judging” has been issued. The club also appoints judges from its members, who are bound to adhere to the rules laid down, and it is to be hoped we shall hear fewer complaints of bad judging. EXHIBITION. 81 Let not the novice think his, or her, pen a cer- tain “ first.” There is much to be encountered ; size, colour, comb, tail, feet, hackles, al? must be perfect; and, in addition, a good constitution be apparent. Be careful how you enter your stock for exhi- bition. Describe the ages and varieties exactly, and see, yourself, that the labels are securely fas- tened to their respective hampers. Mistakes con- stantly occur in this : be equally watchful that the right birds are put in their right places. I have seen grey geese placed in the hamper intended for white, which most provoking occurrence cast the pen. Many such incidents take place at every show. On the day previous to exhibition, remove all private marks, and wash the feet and bodies of white fowls. This is best done with tepid water, and white soap, rubbed on flannel, care being taken to wash the feathers downwards, so as not to break or ruffle them. The fowls should be gently dried with soft towels, shut up in their houses with an abundance of clean straw, and there fed on soft food alone. Hard grain is apt F 82 EXHIBITION. to cause fever and inflammation while travelling, and in the exhibition pen; its use is now discon- tinued at all well-conducted shows. When the birds return home, they should be fed sparingly on bread, soaked in warm ale,— liquid is most hurtful if given in quantity ; admin- ister also a teaspoonful of castor oil to each. On the following day, allow soft food only in water, —after this they may resume their usual feeding. Hampers should always be circular in form, as fowls invariably creep into corners and destroy their plumage. They must be sufficiently high to admit of the birds standing upright, and supplied with a bed of hay to keep them warm. I consider a lining imperative: coarse pink calico, stitched round the inside of the basket-work, is what I use as the most useful and ornamental material. After each trip these linings are taken out, washed, and laid aside for future occasions. Sometimes padlocks are made available to fasten the lids of the hampers, but two pairs of strings, one on each side, (of rope), answer the purpose as well; they are easily untied, and, being fixtures on the hampers, are always ready for use. EXHIBITION. 83 | Some prefer canvas tops to wicker ones, think- ing they save the fowls injuring their combs. I use the latter, as being more secure, and admit- ting of one hamper being placed over the other. Geese and ducks require no lining to their ham- pers, unless in severe weather, during which their comfort is much increased by layers of pulled straw, stitched round the inside of their baskets. Guard against geese having a chance of reaching the direction label; they invariably eat it, and are so mischievously inclined, that they will even nib- ble off the rope fastenings, if they can get at them. Turkeys suffer more than any other birds in appearance from cold or wet; therefore, though hardy, they, for our own sake, demand a lined hamper. Never put strange birds together ; they fight with, and disfigure each other. They should be on friendly terms for some time previous to exhibition. Unless this is attended to, your hamper will be the arena of a savage combat; even hens evince such jealous feelings towards a new-comer, that, if the cock does not interfere and keep down the émeute, his seraglio suffers. 84 EXHIBITION. When the exhibition season closes, choose a fine day to have your hampers washed, dried, and put away. They should never be used but _for exhibition birds; disease is often spread by sick birds being put for a few days into com- fortable quarters (such as they afford), and the result is, the ceréain illness of the next occu- pants. Dear reader, the day, the eventful day, arrives, when your chosen champions must depart for the battle-field, and quit their comfortable home. Poor things! most of you have known no other, and all may not return to it. Farewell, my gallant cockerels! Farewell, my dainty pullets! “ Farewell,’— perchance—“ a long farewell, to ali my “—beauties. Should your experience prove like mine, the scene will be something in this wise. Through the morning mist the active hen- wives may be discerned flitting to and fro like mad women. But there is “method in their madness.” They are giving the last meal to their charges, and placing each carefully labelled hamper in its appointed place. EXHIBITION. 85 As noon approaches, all hands muster, for all dearly love the poultry. The cart arrives; the horse stands quietly, with nose in bag, eating his corn. Anticipated triumph, or timid doubt, is in every face: not one is listless) How busy they are! No castle of indolence here. Hamper after hamper is brought, with its living freight, and carefully secured. The pile rises like a pyramid : at length the last crowns the tier, magnificent in its gay lining, and graceful in its limber wicker work. The cordial glass goes round, to drink them success, and they move slowly away, under a shower of old shoes for luck, to the station, where a covered van awaits them. As the cart recedes through the apple-trees in the orchard, one and all follow it with wistful gaze; when it finally disappears behind the in- tervening hedge-row, each gives an anxious look on his neighbour, and they disperse to their sus- pended occupations. Great anxiety prevails to hear the sentence of the judge. This is known before the fowls return, when all are kindly cared for, but the prize-win- ' ners are handled with an almost pious reverence. 86 EXHIBITION. To serve as a yuide ‘to the uninitiated in the mysteries of poultry points, and their technical terms, I give a diagram of a fowl, (fig. 8), with a lettered reference. Fig 8. A Neck hackle. G i i B Saddle hackle, H Tg vie C Tail. I ~ a ieee D Breast, K . . . Comb. E. . Upper wing coverts. | L . Wattles. F. . Lower wing coverts. | M . . Ear-lobe. 87 Disenses, —_o— WHATEVER tends to alleviate the sufferings of domestic animals kept for our own gratification, it is our duty to study, for we must not allow them to pine and die unaided. We ought to know all that is worth knowing, and make ourselves eligible for the degree of M.D. (Poultry), equal to all emergencies of hen sickness. Take their diseases in time; your own prompt attention to their wants may ward off a serious malady, too often resulting in death; procrastina- tion is as pernicious in poultry keeping as in anything else. There should be attached to every poultry establishment, a hospital, viz., a warm, well- lighted house, littered down with straw. to which 88 DISEASES. the fowl can be removed, on the first symptom of illness. Sickly fowls are generally ill-used by their companions, pecked at, and evidently objects of dislike; therefore a sanatorium is indispen- sable. Poultry are subject to many diseases; the old (alderman-like) suffer from gout; moulting, with them, is often so severe and protracted that it carries them off. The young are victims of roup, gapes, lex weak- ness, and bad feathering. Roup is highly infec- tious, and a very deadly disease, but if taken in time, can be cured. The premonitory symptoms are a slight hoarseness and catching in the breath, as if from cold. Do not neglect this, but at once remove the sufferer to the hospital, and give a tablespoonful of castor oil. A few hours after, administer one of Baily’s “roup and condition pills,” and take the scale off the tongue, which can easily be done by holding the bill open with the left hand, and removing the excrescence with the thumb-nail of the right. Repeat the dose of physic every morning for a DISEASES. 89 week, and give soft food only, mixed with ale and chopped green vegetables. If the disease has made much progress before discovery, and rattling in the throat (with dis- charge from the eyes and nostrils) has com- menced, you must use stronger remedies. In addition to the castor oil, which should always be given before other medicine, and is perfectly safe, the following recipe by an amateur will be found beneficial :— “Take of dried sulphate of iron, in powder, half a drachm; capsicum, in powder, one drachm; extract of liquorice, a sufficient quantity, to make a mass which is to be divided into 30 pills. One to be given three times a-day, continued to the end of the third, and then followed by the second prescription :” which is “Half an ounce of sul- phate of iron, and one ounce of cayenne pepper in fine powder. Mix carefully a teaspoonful of these powders with butter, and divide into ten equal parts, one to be given twice a-day.” Each morning and evening, until the complete restoration of the patient to health, wash the eyes, and inside of the mouth and nostrils with vinegar. 90 DISEASES. This is very cleansing, and a few drops inter- nally are useful in removing the mucus which collects in the throat. The disease runs its course rapidly. If your bird is not better in a week, it will be dead. Whole yards are often depopulated by the ravages of this scourge; single cases occur which are over- looked, and then the disease becomes universal. Some think roup merely a neglected cold; but my opinion is, that it attacks the birds at once, and is contagious. The bill of the first sufferer has perhaps con- taminated the water-dish, and such is the virulence of the malady, that it quickly spreads through the whole stock, and is indeed the Poultry plague. Even when the fowl appears to have recovered, it must undergo a long and strict quarantine before it is restored to the bosom of its family. I do not advise all this care to be bestowed on any but valuable fowls; if the more worthless are attacked, the sooner they are put out of pain, and hidden from sight, the better, so wretched an appearance does a sickly fowl present. Gapes, or inflammation of the trachea, is a DISEASES. yl disease peculiar to chickenhood, and is occasioned by: small worms imbedded in the throat. They can be removed by introducing a feather, stripped to within an inch of the point, into the windpipe; if turned round quickly, the parasites will be drawn up with it. It is a difficult opera- tion, and often fails in effecting a cure. So, un- less in the case of very valuable birds, I do not advise the amateur to have recourse to it, If the chicken gapes, give it a few drops of castor oil, and occasionally a small piece of bread soaked in spirit of camphor; feed with boiled milk and bread or custard, given by hand until the bird recovers its usual appetite. I must repeat, however, that a constant supply of fresh water, and perfect cleanliness, ensure good health: prevention is better than cure. Sometimes fowls become crop-bound, when (to save the bird) you must make a small incision, remove the mass of undigested food, and sew up the wound with fine silk thread. Give a table- spoonful of castor oil, separate the invalid from its companions until the wound is perfectly healed, and during this time feed entirely with soft food. 92 DISEASES. Hens occasionally drop their eggs on the ground, repudiating nests altogether, without the slightest regard to les convenances. This must be treated medically, and the hen shown the impropriety of deviating from the usages of society; it may happen that they lay soft eggs, and this also demands treatment. A dose of oil, in both cases, should be administered, and a change of diet enforced; the hen is too fat, and must be brought down in condition. Moulting, though a natural process, at times assumes the form of disease. The birds look out of health, and suffer, even to death, unless nourishing food is freely given; if the weather is severe, many old fowls die. It is advisable to keep them warm, and feed well on hemp-seed, bread and ale, buck-wheat @ discretion, and ani- mal food. Loss of feather (or mange) must not be con- founded with moulting; it is a sign of debility and pining. Fresh air, good feeding, and free range are the best cures; in country poultry establishments mange should be almost unknown. Fowls, if too closely housed or restricted in DISEASES. 93 green food and lime, sometimes attack each other’s feathers under the influence of a morbid appetite, and effectually destroy the plumage till next moult. The remedies I have found best, are are- formation in the economy of their diet, removal of the pecked bird to private lodgings, and the wounded parts rubbed over with sulphur ointment. Diarrhcea is caused by the too abundant use of relaxing food: boiled rice, with a little chalk and cayenne pepper mixed, will check the complaint. To all my fowls and chickens I give, from time to time, jalap in their food, in the pro- portion of a teaspoonful to 20 birds. It sets them up wonderfully, and keeps them in health. I also give a restorative, recommended by Mr Douglas. He is a well-known and successful breeder, and I considerhis advice very valuable in- deed. He has kindly allowed me to publish it: “ Brrrer RiMevy. “Half a pound of sulphate of iron, one ounce of diluted sulphuric acid, dissolved together ; add two gallons of water, allowed to stand fourteen days. “Dose for chickens:—One teaspoonful to a pint of water, twice or thrice a-week. Good also for old birds in moult.” 94 DISEASES. “ WoLsELEY AVIARIES, “ RESTORATIVE TO PREVENT Roup AND GAPES IN CHICKENS AND OLD FowLs. “One pound of sulphate of iron, one ounce of sulphu- ric acid, dissolved in a jug with hot water, then let it stand twenty-four hours, and add one gallon of spring water ; when fit for use, one teaspoonful of the restora- tive to a pint of water, given every other day to chickens, and once a-week to old fowls, will make roup and gapes entirely a stranger to your yards.” “Pitus To Cure Roup in PouLtry AND PHEASANTS. “One grain of calomel, one grain of antimony, made into a pill; one to be given every evening; fowls kept dry, and fed on soft food; when getting better, add a teaspoonful of the restorative to the water every day until they have quite recovered, which will be in about a week.” I hope none of my readers will be so unlucky as to have a fowl poisoned; but if so, I give Mr Douglas’s method of cure :— “How To Treat A Poisonep Fow.. “There must be no delay. Give two or three spoon- fuls of castor oil, according to the size of the bird. “Tn half-an-hour administer a strong infusion of coffee -- with a little sugar, but no milk. “The strength is one ounce of coffee to a wine glass DISEASES. 95 of water, given warm, but not too hot, and the bird must be sheltered from cold. “ After six hours give one more dose, and the recovery will be found perfect. “Joan DouGcuas.” “ WoLsELEY AVIARIES,” Leg weakness is generally caused by the size and weight of the body'being more than the legs can bear; it is shown by the bird resting on the first joint. Being entirely the result of weak- ness, the best treatment is that which gives general strength and stamina to the sufferer. Citrate of iron must be given dissolved in ale, and added to the food, which may be more than usually nourishing, but not in greater quantity, as over-feeding has occasioned the disease. Frequent bathing in cold water is very bene- ficial. This is best effected by tying a towel round the fowl, and suspending it over a pail of water, with the legs only immersed, so as not to injure the plumage. Absence of lime in the poultry yard sometimes causes leg weakness, and old age invariably shows 96 DISEASES. itself in the “trembling limb.” Warmth and generous diet are the sole remedies for this. Fowls are apt to be afflicted with (dare I mention it?) corns. These are caused by injury to the foot in descending from high perches, Removal to a grass run is the best treatment. The calosity must first be carefully pared. Apoplexy is the result of high feeding; the comb becomes black, and the bird falls down in a state of stupor. Bleeding from the foot sometimes effects a cure, with the aid of medicine, and a continuation of low diet. It is well to know that fowls are no homeeopa- thists, and can hardly be overdosed by simple physic. However, a smaller quantity has the same effect as a larger. 97 Fattening, — I HOLD all artificial fattening and cramming of fowls to be an utter abomination, unless at the hands of the regular poultry salesman, who buys up country birds, and treats them on a system. In an amateur establishment, poultry should always be fat, and fit for table, the difficulty being to prevent them becoming too much so, It may not be amiss, however, to shut up fowls, and especially ducks, for a short time, and restrict them in diet to rice and milk or porridge. The Brahma, crossed with the Dorking, makes certainly the earliest spring chickens: the white leg and full straight breast will generally appear. The Sussex breed is large, and a cross between it and the Dorking will give increased bone to the progeny; but the chickens are not so early as those of the above-named cross, and I do not think the shape or flesh improved by it. Gc 98 FATTENING. Summer and autumn chickens are plentiful enough, and in these seasons the pure Dorking and French breeds are to be preferred; but Jan- uary Dorkings are scarce, and generally destined for early exhibition, so we gladly put up with a less delicate, but larger, style of chicken for table use. The Créve Coeur attains a remarkable weight, and is the Chapon and Poularde of the Continent, but is late. The Scotch Grey or Chick Merlin (the old name of this breed), also supplies a really good and desirable table fowl. Turkeys, geese, and ducks should always be in good flesh and condition. My own are so, inva- riably, and I should be very sorry to condemn any of my stock to the miserable confinement of a fattening coop, with its too common discom- forts—want of air and cleanliness. Aquatic birds fatten better when limited to a trough, in lieu of a running stream, and this seems no deprivation to them; they take their bath daily, and it seems all they require, if we may judge by their plumpness and good spirits. FATTENING. 99 The little black East Indian duck is a most delicious bird, when fed upon barley meal and celery, indeed almost equal to the famed Canvas- back of America; this mode of treatment first suggested itself to me from a knowledge of the habits and food of that bird, which latter con- sists of the sea-celery (valisneria), found in the mouth of the Delaware; they obtain it by diving to a great depth, beyond the powers of any other species of duck. I have always found that fowls can be induced to feed as you wish them. Science and observa- tion should guide that; Nature, their habits. I conclude this short chapter with some remarks kindly afforded me by Mr Muirhead, Queen Street, Edinburgh, Poulterer to Her Ma- jesty in Scotland :— “Capons are of very ancient origin, and are mentioned by authors of the middle ages as hav- ing been in use among the Greeks and Romans, and only seen among nations in the highest state of civilization. “The flesh of these birds is very delicate, they attain great weights, and command high prices 100 FATTENING. and a great advantage is, that they never quarrel with each other, nor interfere with the breeding hens. “ They can mix with these with impunity, and are available in winter and spring of the following year, when cockerels have become too old and coarse for the epicure’s table. “Practical instructions as to the process of caponizing can always be obtained from our establishment. “With regard to cramming, I may say that it is wholly unnecessary, provided the fowls have abundance of the best food at regular intervals, fresh air, and a free run; in confinement fowls may gain fat, but they lose flesh. “None but those who have had experience can form any idea how both qualities can be obtained in a natural way. “T have seen fowls reared at Inchmartine (which had never been shut up, or had food forced upon them), equal, if not superior, to the finest Surrey fowl, or those fattened by myself for the Royal table. “C. MUIRHEAD.” 101 DHreeds. — THERE is so much beauty in all the different breeds of fowls, each possessing so many good qualities, that it is quite impossible to state a preference for any one in particular. Perhaps my individual favourites may be sur- mised from a perusal of these pages, though in- tended to be impartial. Every breeder has his, or her, own fancy, doubt- less much influenced by the climate of the loca- lity, and facilities for rearing different varieties. I pretend not to wniversal poultry knowledge. When I had not an intimate acquaintance with any breed, I begged the assistance of those well qualified to give the desired information, and this request has been cordially met. 102 BREEDS. Dorking. This breed has now attained a size quite mar- vellous, and in point of rich colouring, is un- rivalled; it is a truly English bird, and follows up its resemblance to the character of a Briton in its love of liberty. The old coarse breed is now unseen in the ex- hibition room, and is indeed nearly extinct even in market, being replaced by more refined but equally heavy birds. Delicate white flesh (that sine gud non), sym- metrical shape, and equal distribution of fat, mark the Dorking, as it at present exists, to be the bird, par excellence, of our table poultry. There are several varieties, but only two dis- tinct classes—the white and the coloured. All Dorkings are delicate until full-feathered, when I consider them as hardy as any other kind of fowl. GREY DORKING. 103 The chickens must be kept on hard clay or gravel soil, never on wooden, stone, or brick floors; their coops, in winter, may be boarded, but the tenants must have earth to run upon during the day, or they will become cramped. Over-crowding these chickens is the most pro- lific source of disease; irregular feeding, and ex- posure to damp and cold, increase the mortality ; there is no such thing as luck in rearing broods; too often, want of care and knowledge occasion failures. Dorkings are, perhaps, more liable to roup than other fowls; it attacks them when three- parts grown; they also sometimes suffer from slight attacks of cold, and hoarseness. Their food should be mixed with ale or beer, and a small quantity of cayenne pepper. To intending exhibitors, I may now mention a few of the points essential to success in Grey Dorkings. Cock. Neck hackle—full light straw colour, or silvery grey. L 104 BREEDS. Saddle hackle—same, and abundant. Primary quills—black or grizzled. Secondary quills—light grey. Upper wing coverts—light grey. Lower wing coverts—slightly darker. Breast—black, or speckled with white. Tail—black, large and sweeping; a white feather will not cast an otherwise perfect bird. Side tail feathers abundant andlong. (This adds much to his beauty). Thighs—straight, strong, and black, or spotted. Legs and feei—white, and free from feathers. Toes—five in number, and quite distinct, the fifth pointing upwards, and not a mere branch of the fourth. Comb—straight and single, though a rose comb does not disqualify. Wattles—red, long, and pendulous, but firm. Lar-lobe—red. HEn. Neck hackle—light grey, or darker, Back—dark ash, or grizzled grey. GREY DORKING R@mburge. Yhamas Jack GREY DORKING. 105 Primary quills—black, or a mixture of black and brown. Secondary quills—dark brown, spotted. Upper wing coverts—grey. Lower wing coverts—grey, and as distinct as possible. Breast—ruddy, or grey, if the cock has a spotted breast. Tail—dark, inclining to grey. Thighs—mixture of brown and grey. Legs and feet—white. Comb—falling over on either side. Wattles—tred and firm. Ear-lobes—red. Silver-Grey Dorking. The following points are kindly supplied by an eminent English judge:— “To the best of my recollection the rule laid down for judging Silver-grey Dorkings at Liver- pool, where they were first admitted as a class, was as follows— 106 BREEDS. Cock. Breast and tatl—pure black, not the slightest stain of white allowed. Hackle and saddle—pure silver, without one spot of straw, red, or black. HEN. Breast—bright robin colour. Body—light grey, the shaft of each feather white. Hackle—pure silver. Any tendency to red in the plumage of the wing is a great defect. “This variety is best known as Lord Hill's breed, and has now obtained a class at most of the principal shows. “Tn point of weight it cannot compete on equal terms with the Grey Dorking, but for colour and shape stands unrivalled.” GHthite Dorking. The following opinion, from an extensive and successful breeder, may be relied on as perfectly correct, and affording a true guide to the ama- teur of these lovely birds:— WHITE DORKING. 107 “T find the white Dorkings hardy, quite as prolific as the coloured; they lay well, and are excellent sitters and mothers, “Their qualities as table fowls are too well known to require any notice from me. They are always in request by dealers for that purpose. I consider their exhibition points to be as follows :— Plumage—pure white in both cock and hen. Comb—double rose, bright scarlet, set straight on the head, pointed at the back, well serrated, and firm. Toes—the fifth well-defined. Bill and legs—perfectly white. Cock—tail, large, with full sweep. Ear-lobe—white. Neck and saddle hackles—white, free from all yellow tinge, too frequently seen in these birds, and always a blemish. “T. D. FINDLAY.” There are other varieties of Dorkings, such as the Blue or Cuckoo, the Speckled, &c., but it is unnecessary to give their points, as they are not in request, and little known. 108 BREEDS. Hrubma Pootra. I consider this a most valuable variety, so hardy, so beautiful, so excellent, in all the rela- tions of poultry life. ~~. Although it bears a close resemblance in form to the Cochin, I maintain it to be a distinct breed. Their habits are quite dissimilar, their eggs are larger, they roam farther from home, and have more spirit, and fiery elan. I think their expression indicative of good temper, and yet they are formidable foes when roused, their immense size and weight giving them great advantage over their rivals. The hens excel as mothers, and layers of fine large eggs during winter. Even when snow covers the ground, they lay regularly an average of five egos a-week, and, in fact, at all times, when not employed in the nursery, or renewing their plumage. The pullets attain full size at an early age, and are in their prime when eight months old. BRAHMA POOTRA. 109 Some judges seem to have a predetermination to give prizes only to the dark variety, entirely overlooking the beautiful light-coloured, which, I think, was, certainly, the original breed intro- duced into England. This is mere fancy, and I affirm them to be distinct varieties. They demand separate classes at shows, as much as the Buff and Partridge Cochins, Grey and Silver-grey Dorkings.* Purity of race is claimed for both single and pea-combed Brahmas. Precedence is generally given to the latter, and I withhold not my con- sent, provided it is allied to other good points. Comb is not an imperative point in this breed ; the single comb resembles that of the Cochin. The double or pea-comb is not so easy to describe, but I shall try to be as lucid as pos- sible; it is very singular in appearance, thick at the base, and is like three combs joined in one, the centre one higher than the other, but it must be (altogether) a low comb, rounded at the top, and the indentations must not be deep. * Separate classes are now given for dark and light Brahmas, and generally fill well. 110 BREEDS. This (rather negative) description will, I hope, be understood ; in the hope of obtaining separate classes for light and dark pencilled varieties, I shall describe the form and feathering of each. Dark Cock—square build, broad chest, digni- fied carriage ; tazl, small, and as black as possible ; breast, dark, spangled with white; ear-lobes and Face, red ; wattles, long; neck and saddle hackles, streaked black and white; general colour of plumage, grey ; thighs, ditto; feet and legs, yel- low, and abundantly feathered. The vulture hock controversy is very keen. It certainly seems hard that what was only a few years ago considered a beauty is now pronounced so great a defect, that birds possessing it (how- ever fine otherwise) are excluded from all chance of gaining the prize. The result is seen in many cases by the almost total absence of leg feather- ing, or recourse is had to the reprehensible action of pulling out the offending hock feathers. Hen—tregularly marked all over the back and breast ; wing quill feathers and tail, black ; wat- tles, short ; legs and feet, yellow, and feathered. Light Cock—broad across back, full chest; BRAHMA POOTRA. lll hackles, full, each feather laced with black ; tazl, black; breast, grey; thighs, light grey; wing quill feathers, black; coverts, white ; feet andlegs,yellow, and well-feathered ; wattles, red and pendulous. Hen—hackles, white, each feather tipped with black ; tail, white, edged with black; breast, white ; body, clear white ; legs, short and fluffy. The legs of all Brahmas should be short and wide apart. This is a great beauty, and, in both cock and hen, the outer toes should be shorter than the others, and feathered to the point; beaks, yellow. Miss Watts is too well known in the poultry world to require any introduction from me. I append her polite communication as to this variety :— “TI think all who keep Brahmas will agree with me in giving them a high place among our useful poultry. They are large, and put on flesh readily ; they are good layers, good sitters, and good mothers; they are also very hardy, apt at keeping themselves in good condition, and, under the unfavourable circumstances of dirty weather, or of living much among houses, they decidedly keep up a cleanly, tidy appearance better than any 112 BREEDS. other kind I know. The chickens are hardy and easy to rear; I very seldom lose any, and I have noticed that they are more clever in the treatment of themselves when they are ill than other fowls ; when they get out of order, they will generally fast until eating is no longer injurious. I should like to know if you have noticed this peculiarity in the Brahma.* I believe I am prejudiced in their favour, but it is from experience of their merits perhaps; so, not exactly prejudiced, but convinced. I was among the first to import them, rather largely, and after keeping them just over seven years, I would not give them up for any other variety that I have tried. “The worst accusation their enemies can ad- vance against them is, that no one knows their origin; but this is applicable to them only as it is when applied to Dorkings, Spanish, Polands, and all the other kinds which have been brought to perfection by careful breeding, working on good originals. All we have in England are descended from fowls imported from the United States, and the best account of them is, that a * Quite correct.—E. A. OTRA pe BRAHMA C Raraburgh Shanas BRAHMA POOTRA. 113 sailor (rather vague certainly) appeared in an American town, (Boston or New York, I forget which), with a new kind of fowl for sale, and that a pair bought from him were the parents of all the Brahmas. Uncertain as this appears, the accounts of those who pretend to trace their origin as cross-bred fowls is, at least, equally so, and I believe we may just act towards the Brahmas as we do with regard to Dorkings and other good fowls, and be satisfied to possess a first-rate useful kind, although we may be unable to trace its genealogical tree back to the root. “ Whatever may be their origin, I find them distinct in their characteristics. I have found them true to their points, generation after gener- ation, in all the years that I have kept them. The Pea-comb is very peculiar, and I have never had one chicken untrue in this, among all that I have bred. Their habits are very unlike the Cochins. Although docile, they are much less inert; they lay a larger number of eggs, and sit less frequently. Many of my hens only wish to sit once a-year; a few, oftener than that, perhaps twice or even three times in rare instances, but H 114 BREEDS. never at the end of each small batch of eggs, as I find (my almost equal favourites) the Cochins do. “The division of light and dark Brahmas is a fancy of the judges, which any one who keeps them can humour with a little care in breeding. My idea of their colour is, that it should be black and grey, (iron grey, with more or less of a blue tinge, and devoid of any brown) on a clear, white ground, and I do not care whether the white or the marking predominates. I believe breeders could bear me out, if they would, when I say many fowls which pass muster as Brahmas are the result of a cross employed to increase size and procure the heavy colour which some of the judges affect. “Tt gives me great pleasure to write these few remarks on the good qualities of the Brahma, but it is not needed, for I find they are making their way into very general favour by their useful properties. “E, Watts.” “ Marron Hovsz, Soutu Enp, HampstTEaD, Lonpon.” MALAYS. 115 Walays. These singular-looking fowls have their ad- mirers. They are of great size, and beautiful in plum- age, and their very rarity makes them always interesting objects in an exhibition; the hens lay eggs of average size, of a deep buff colour; they are acknowledged to be very rich in flavour, and for hatching purposes, very few will be found unproductive. As the chickens do not fully get their feathers till three-parts grown, they should be hatched early, so as to be quite fledged before cool weather sets in. Their native country is the southern point of Asia, and the breed has always been had recourse to, in Britain, where size was required, previous to the introduction of the Shanghaes. The cock is a magnificent bird, standing over two and a-half feet in height, of a proud and ee 116 BREEDS majestic carriage, and will weigh about eleven pounds. The colour of the pair first imported was a reddish yellow, but there are now many varieties, black, white, &c. The most esteemed, however, is Black-breasted Red, the exhibition points of which we shall notice. I do not think this fowl so useful as some others, but it is interesting to the amateur, as showing individual characteristics. Cock. Comb—small, and not extending the whole length of the head. Wattles—poor. Neck hackle—red, dark or bright. Saddle hackle—darker. Upper wing coverts—rich maroon. Lower wing coverts—green, or a bluish black. Breast—black, or spangled with a chestnut brown. Tatl—black, shaded with green. Thighs—same, Legs and feet—bright yellow. MALAYS. W7 Ear-lobe—scarlet. Eye—tred. Beak—yellow, sometimes tinged with black. Plumage—short and close, and very glossy. HEn. Wetght—about eight and a-half pounds. Comb—hardly any. Wattles—none. Ear-lobe and face—red. Legs and feet—yellow and long. Breast—brown. Thighs—same. Upper wing coverts—brown. Lower wing coverts—same. Tail—black. Saddle—same as body—maroon. Neck hackle—dark reddish brown. The general character of these birds is vindic- tive, cruel, and tyrannical. If in confined premises, they are in the habit of eating away each other’s plumage, though this is not peculiar to this variety; and are very quar- relsome, so that they sometimes appear at an ex- hibition in sorry plight. 118 BREEDS. ume. Although this fowl is so well described by Mr Douglas, in the letter which follows, I must append a few remarks :— The hen is a good layer, sits well, and is care- ful of her brood. She forages zealously for the chickens, and remains with them until they are independent of her superintendence. They are easily reared, require little food, and (in constitution) are far more robust than any other variety. The Game fowl continues to breed for many years, without showing any symptom of decay, and in this, is superior to the Cochin, Brahma, or even Dorking. If hatched in March, the cockerels must be dubbed in August, to fit them for exhibition. Why these poor birds are condemned to submit to this cruel operation, is a mystery, GAME. 119 unfathomable, I suspect, even by the judges themselves. Cock-fighting being forbidden by law, the cocks should, on principle, be left undubbed, as a protest against this brutal amusement. The comb of the Game male bird is as beauti- fully formed as that of the Dorking; why then rob it of this great ornament? It is asserted that it is necessary to remove the comb to prevent the cocks injuring each other fatally in fighting; but this is not true; a Dorking will fight for the championship as ardently as any Game bird, and yet his comb is spared. Cockerels will not quarrel if kept apart from hens, until the breeding season, when they should be separated, and put on their several walks. If pugnaciously inclined, I do not believe that the absence of the comb will save the weaker opponent from destruction; therefore, I raise my voice for pity, in favour of the beautiful Game cock. The rules for colour of legs are very undecided. 120 BREEDS. In my humble opinion, light legs match light-coloured birds best, but this is not im- perative, and every colour, except black, is ad- missible. Mr Douglas’s remarks will, doubtless, be thought valuable by the Game fancier :— “The Game fowl has so long been a favourite with the public, and is sw well and deservedly known, that I need not detain your readers with a lengthened description of its merits. There are two classes of admirers of this beautiful bird —the one, looking only to those points which are likely to be most telling in the pit, the other, admiring the bird for its great beauty. To the latter class of fanciers I am proud to belong; but I refrain from comment upon those whose tastes, perchance, may differ from my own. “We admire the Game cock for his bold, defiant carriage, his perfect symmetry and beauty of plumage. We cannot look upon him with any other feeling than that of admiration; his fearless eye, firm and stately step, and bold majestic watchfulness over his harem, seem to GAME. 121 convey at once to our mind the idea, ‘I’m mon- arch of all I survey.’ “ Although there are many varieties of Game fowls, one description will suffice for the whole, for the exhibition points are identically the same. I will, therefore, begin with the Black-breasted Red, believing, as I do, that it is the purest feathered Game that is bred; for, breed what variety we may, we have never found any come so true to colour as a brood of Black Reds. As more depends upon the Game hen, in the production of first-class chickens, than many are aware of, we will first describe her points: Head, long; mandible, very strong and firmly set in the head; eyes, very prominent; neck, long and graceful; shoulders, square ; chest, broad; points of wings almost meeting under the tail; the latter adornment must be close and compact, not carried too erect or loose over the back; thighs, short and muscular; legs, long, and free from feather; toes, well spread; feathers, short and hard. These are the points of a good Game hen. We now come to her mate, the Game cock. Some breeders fancy one weight and scme 122 BREEDS. another, but I prefer my stock-bird of about five or six pounds weight. Choose a bird of bold, defiant carriage, of good colour, head long and slender, mandible strong, curved, and well set in the head; very stout at the base, full breast, round body, broad between the shoulders, and tapering to the tail. In fact, he must resemble the hen in all his points, except in colour. Having given the exhibition and breeding points of one class of Game fowl, the same qualifications are necessary in all other varieties, however nume- rous they may be; names and colours we leave to the taste of the amateur himself. To give a separate description of each of the different coloured varieties would be more than your space will permit, for their name is legion; but I may mention a few of those we are best ac- quainted with, viz., Duckwings, Brown-breasted Reds, Brassy Wings, White, Black, Piles, Greys, Birchin Greys, Weedon Reds, &c., &c., all of which have their friends and admirers, and must all possess the different points we have enumerated, whether they are intended for the purposes of amusement and exhibition, or the pit. GAME. 123 “To breed fancy, streaky-breasted, brown-red cockerels, mate a streaky-breasted hen to a black- red cock; nine times out of ten the cockerels will resemble the hen in colour. To breed pul- lets to match, the cock must be streaky-breasted, and the hen black-breasted red; these will be the exhibition Brown-breasted Reds. “The principal points in the Duckwing Game cockerel are the clear, vivid wing, black breast and taz, and light straw-coloured hackle. To obtain these, breed from a light grey-backed and winged hen, with silver hackle and salmon breast, and a black-breasted red cock ; the hen should not have the slightest shade of red on the wing; this is fatal. “To obtain similar pullets, the cock must be Duckwing, and the hen Black-Red. * Piles (cockerels) are bred from a white cock and black-red hen. They will have the clear white feather, light salmon breast, and tinge of gold in hackle. The cockerels are the produce of a red-spangled cock and white hen, and should possess the beautiful white tazl, clean hackle, and red shoulder. These remarks are the result 124 BREEDS. of an experience of more than twenty years, in breeding the different varieties of Game. I wish (in common with many other exhibitors) there was more uniformity of opinion in judging this breed; only practical breeders should be em- ployed; the mistakes made are truly ludicrous. For exhibition chickens I prefer those hatched the last week in March or first in April. At that season nine eggs are sufficient for the sitting hen ; earlier, only seven. The mother with her brood must be cooped under a shed, with a dry bottom, composed of three parts road drift and chalk, and one part lime rubbish ; this must be renewed every season: at the end of nine days the coop should be placed on turf, choosing the middle of the day for the shift. Until the grass is thoroughly dry, keep the chickens confined to their coop, feeding them once or twice if neces- sary. Give plenty of fresh water, adding a little of the ‘restorative’ (previously mentioned) every morning before the coops are opened. When the hen leaves the chickens, select the cockerels and put them on a walk with an old cock without hens or pullets. ‘At six months we put them to GAME. 125 separate walks, unless a few intended for early exhibition, which are put to a walk at once, on leaving the hen. Pullets must be treated in the same manner. Before sending off birds to exhi- bition, feed them on boiled milk and bread; never on hard food. “JoHN Doucias.” “ WoLsELEY AVIARLES, ” 126 BREEDS. Scotch Grey. In Scotland, this breed is much valued. It is of great antiquity, and still to be found in the most remote districts, where other (and newer) varieties are unknown. Our poulterers consider it is excellent for the table, and it pos- sesses the great advantage of white legs and skin. The hens lay in due season, and perform their maternal duties creditably. For the points of this breed, I give the remarks of a friendly poultry fancier, and admirer of this fowl:— “J have no doubt that this is a distinct breed. It throws true chickens, and that is sufficient to prove it, although this may be the result of cross-breeding at a period more or less distant “Tn her foreign relations, Scotland has im- ported many breeds from Spain, Hamburgh, Holland, and France, and, as a matter of course, SCOTCH GREY. li tw aI these have impressed the stamp of their features on the Scotch Grey. “Some assert that it is a mere modification of the Dorking, fine specimens of which occur of similar colour, which I have heard styled the ‘Blue Mottle” and it cannot be denied that it is largely imbued with the blood of these. “Such a cross tends to produce a distinct and valuable species, while an infusion of Spanish, Hamburgh, and Cochin China blood interferes with the essential features of the breed. “The cock is rather a slim bird, and the more closely he resembles the Game, the better. He should stand erect, with a proud carriage, the thighs slightly exposed, though. less so than in the Spanish. “The thicker and more widely set his limbs are, the more perfect the fowl: they should be white, though black spots are not considered positive blemishes. “The comb is single, very large, and straight. The head should be small, and the eye bright 128 BREEDS. and quick. Much importance is attached to the redness of the ear-lobe. Birds, good in other respects, have often a whiteness in it, and this is, no doubt, owing to defective breed- ing. “ Although I myself have never seen a cock over two years with the lobe perfectly red, still it is a point to be aimed at, and is, I believe, quite attainable. “The colour of the plwmage must be particu- larly attended to. «The bluish-grey mottled appearance of these birds depends upon the pencilling of the feathers (otherwise white), by broad grey marks across them. Their beauty depends on the strength, without blackness, of these markings, especially at the feather tips, and the purity of the inter- vening white ground. These, together, give a mottled aspect like snow flakes, and this is best observed in the hens and half-grown chickens. “The greatest defect in colour is the indis- tinctness and muddling of the grey and the white. “The whiteness of the flight and sickle feathers SCOTCH GREY. 129 may be a disadvantage, but it is of secondary importance. Birds, (otherwise well coloured), have sometimes black feathers scattered over the surface, and this must be regarded as a defect. “Red and brassy marks across the back is a defect that occurs in cockerels, and a yellowness of hackle, in hens, “Some very handsome cocks have a rich brownish transparent greyness of the hackle and saddle feathers, which enhances the beauty of their plumage, and is not inconsistent with the requisite style and colour, but I have seen this excessive in some specimens. “The hen shows the markings better than the cock, Her figure should be long and tapering, without the bulk and breadth of the Dorking’s shoulder, and the comb should be small, and nearly erect. “The ear-lobes should be red, but this appears to be more rare than in the cock. “The principal points to be avoided in this breed are the bulky body and fifth toe of the Dorking, the white ear-lobes and small size of the Hamburgh, the drooping comb and whitish I 130 BREEDS. cheek of the Spanish, and the raised hind- quarters and feathered legs of the Cochin China. “The great advantage I have observed in the Scotch Grey is, that they are very hardy fowls, and easily fed. The chickens require less care and attention than those of other kinds; these are of presentable size at the age of six months, and may weigh six pounds. “The hens are average layers. Their only advantage over the Dorking and Spanish is their superior constitutional strength; I have seen them thrive, where these (under the same management) became affected with roup; and their chickens matured well, while the others died. “I cannot compare, however, the Scottish Grey with Dorking or Spanish, the former for chickens, the latter for eggs. “But for cottagers and others, whose fowls may not have the advantage of a roomy and well protected yard, they are possessed of valuable qualities. “There has always existed in Scotland, as SCOTCH GREY. 131 wide-spread preference for the ‘Old Scotch breed,’ or ‘Check Merlins,’ the distinctive colour of which has obtained for it many synonyms it different provinces,” 132 BREEDS. Spanish. The Spanish fowl is much admired, and de- servedly so, combining (as it does) so much that is beautiful, dignified, and useful; the hens, though only of a fair average size, lay immense egos, and are also more precocious, in this respect, than any other breed except the Brahma. They seldom condescend to sit, and are not to be desired as mothers, being careless, and flighty; their eggs should be set under Dorking hens, because these go with their chicks longer than any others. Spanish do not feather till almost three-parts grown, and therefore require a steady, domestic mother, who will remain with them till that critical period is safely past. Though, apparently, spirited, the cock is not SP.ANISH. 133 game to the back-bone. He is, fortunately, easily cowed. Probably his motto is— “« He that fights and runs away May live to fight another day.” He makes the best of unfortunate circum- stances, and calmly acquiesces in his fate, say- ing in the spirit of his native lord, the majestic and philosophic Don, “ My son, if thou seest thy house on fire, approach, and warm thy hands at it.” The following remarks will be appreciated by amateurs of this widely spread, and popular variety, kindly given to me by a well-known amateur :— “Let the bird have—Ist, a pure white face, deep in the lobes, and of good space above the eye, and neither too fat above nor below it, yet not so skinny-faced as to lose that angular oblong shape which imparts such reverence to the fowl in question; 2nd, erectness, or all but erectness, in comb; 3rd, length in body, and of leg; 4th, long clean neck; 5th, upright carriage ; 6th, plumage metallic green; and, 7th, good size. I have stated the points in the order of their 134 BREEDS. value. Nothing can compensate for the want of the first point, and the same may now be said of the second. Of course, if he be a pretty early chicken, he will show much better in autumn than an adult bird. “ JoHN RIDPATH.” “ P.S.—Unless a bird answer very nearly to all these marks, he has very little chance of gaining honours in a good show. Few breeders have more than one such young bird. «J. BR” Mr Muirhead has kindly given the following remarks :— “As the name implies, this breed has origi- nally been imported from Spain. The best-known variety is called White-faced, from that charac- teristic feature by which they are distinguished, go to it we will give precedence. “Ist Variety— White-Faced Black. Cocks. Bill — strong, slightly curved, and dark- coloured. SPANISH. 135 Eye—large, dark, and flashing, surrounded with a naked white skin,* extending from the base of the comb round the ears and cheeks, meeting like a cravat under the throat, and terminating in the ear-lobes, which are exceedingly long and pendu- lous. If this white face is very large and well developed, it proves high breeding; the texture of the skin cannot be too fine and smooth, and if it is blushed or spotted with red, it is considered faulty. Comb—single and large, beginning over the nostril, and extending backwards, should stand very erect, be regularly serrated, fine in the grain, and of a rich vermillion colour. Wattles—very large, hanging a good way down the neck, which is longer in this than in other breeds. The body should be as deep as possible, the shanks and legs being naturally long, and depth * It is the practice of exhibitors of Spanish to shave the down of the edges of the white face, thus to enlarge it and make it smooth. It is a disgraceful practice, and not allowed at Birmingham Show. 136 BREEDS. in body from the back to the breast-bone gives a better proportion to the shape, which would otherwise look scraggy. The legs are clean and of dark blue colour. Plumage—a brilliant jet black, hackles and saddle feathers long. Tail—full, rising perpendicularly from the back, and the numerous sickle feathers falling very gracefully. Carriage—bold and majestic; this is of great importance in rendering these fowls handsome and attractive. HEns. “White face not nearly so large as that of the cock. Comb, large, and hanging over one side; it lessens very much during the moulting or non- laying season, and is much affected by cold. Plumage, perfectly black. This breed is cele- brated for being egg-producers, a property which renders them very valuable. They surpass all other breeds in the size of their eggs, and they lay constantly, being non-sitters. They are, however, very unfit for table purposes, as they SPAN LSE. © Ediiburgh. thomas CJack SPANISH. 137 carry very little flesh, and consume a great deal of food without ever getting fat. The chickens are very delicate to rear; they are long of fledg- ing, and of showing their good points. 2nd Variety—White-Faced White. “This variety is seldom met with. Good specimens would certainly be valued if only for their rarity. Description, same as first variety, except the white plumage. 8rd Variety — Andalusian. “Fowls of a bluish-grey colour mixed with black, having white faces; white fowls with red faces have been shown under this name; so called, from having been imported from the Spanish province of Andalusia. Unless this variety is found to possess superior properties to the White-faced Black, as it has not such dis- tinctive points, it is doubtful if the fine name will bring it into repute. 138 BREEDS. 4th Variety— Minorca. “So called from having been brought from that island. This variety is also sometimes called Andalusian, as no doubt fowls of this de- scription may be found there also. Comb and wattles are similar to the first variety, but instead of a white, a red skin extends from the throat to the ear-lobes, which are of moderate size, and red, though, from mixture with the White-faced variety, the ear-lobes are very often found white. Body rounder, shanks and legs shorter than in the first variety. These fowls are hardy, and will thrive in a confined place, whereas the White- faced require a good run on a dry soil. Spanish fowls have been recommended for keeping in towns, as the smoke and dirt do not affect their plumage. The Minorca, or fourth variety, is best adapted for that purpose, and they possess capital laying properties. “(C, MUIRHEAD.” GO LAIGHS, OR SCOTCH DUMPIES, 139 Go Laighs, or Scotch Dumpies. This breed is now almost extinct, but as an attempt has been made to revive it, we may ex- pect to see this Dwarf in Poultry exhibited with good chance of favourable notice, and even with hopes of a special class. They can be bred true to feather, and this should be particularly aimed at, to the exclusion of the Mongrels so often pointed out as fair specimens. Shortness of leg alone should not constitute their claim to notice. They must have large heavy bodies, bright distinctive colouring, and other points of excellence. They are not merely fancy birds, but valu- able as table poultry, layers of large fine eggs, and cannot be excelled as sitters and mothers. Gamekeepers have a strong partiality for this breed, for hatching the eggs of ‘partridges and 140 BREEDS. pheasants, being so quiet in their movements, and attentive to their young. The exhibition points are as follows:— Oock—Tail, full and black; neck and saddle hackles, silvery-white; breast, black or spotted with white; thighs, black, or as nearly so as pos- sible; form, squarely built, and broad across the chest; legs, very short, not above one inch and a-half in length, free from feathers, and white in colour; comb, rose, double and pointed at the back, bright scarlet, as are also the wattles, which should be long and pendulous, almost touching the ground; ear-lobes, red. Hen — Ash-backed, salmon-breasted, silver- hackled; in other points similar to the cock. The general carriage is heavy, and gait waddling. The extreme shortness of leg gives them the appearance of swimming on dry land. COCHIN. 141 Cochin. All persons conversant with poultry matters are aware that this gigantic fowl was originally imported from China, and has added considerably to our stock of valuable birds, Cochins lay regularly, and if not too highly fed, are productive of very fine chickens, which I consider excellent for the table, if killed young; more than that, I cannot say. The hens are most exemplary in their ma- ternal duties, and, from their abundance of soft and downy feather, are peculiarly adapted for the purpose of hatching. This seems their vocation, which they accept with the most serene patience three or four times a-year. They enjoy the hon- ours of maternity; their love of this task seems their idiosyncrasy. For them a mother’s life is “blessed with those sweet cares, all other joys. so far above,” and they are often tempted to leave their chickens at too early an age to resume them, which is a great disadvantage in cold weather. 142 BREEDS. I have found that, if cooped up, the chickens having egress between the wires, the hens will both lay and tend them; and as they are chiefly de- pendent on her protection during the night, this is a more natural, and therefore preferable plan, to putting the little things by themselves, (even with the protection of a glass house), until turned out into free ranges. This variety is very hardy, and may be kept in a smaller space than almost any other; cockerels, however, must have ample range, if intended to become superior specimens. It is remarkably free from liability to any disease, if well provided with green food; this is indis- pensable. I consider the Cochin a most beautiful bird, and capable of comparison with the most grace- ful and high-coloured of our poultry; its ex- quisite feathering, and lovely tints, from the palest buff to deep orange, make this bird peculiarly the lady's own. All must appreciate its massive buzld, small head, rich, full hackle, and majestic carriage; true types of the high-caste Cochin. COCHIN. 143 It, perhaps, has a larger appetite than most fowls, and a good hearty meal must be given; but we are repaid in eggs and early chickens. These are the principal uses for which we should keep it. The male bird possesses a quiet and easy tem- per, and is peculiarly gifted with the art of calm- ing any violent spirit his hens may display. Lords of the creation! what an example do they set you of patience under much provoca- tion! To be perfectly truthful, a cross with the Cochin deteriorates the beauty of all other varieties, and adds nothing to the value of chickens so obtained. As an example of this, see the gaunt, long- legged, ill-conditioned birds so often the result of a Cochin cock having been introduced into a poultry yard to improve the breed!! Since writing the above, I have been gratified by receiving a perfect corroboration of my opi- nions, both as to this breed and the general treat- ment of stock, from Mr Stretch, the eminent Cochin fancier. 144 BREEDS. His communication is of much value; I there- fore give it verbatim :— “T have often been asked what aged birds are the best to breed from. My experience would lead me to say, health is of more consequence than age; but I by no means despise birds of the previous year. The chickens from pullets’ eggs are generally smaller than those from the eggs of old hens, when first out of the shell; but after the second month, they grow much faster, and generally show more constitution. Avoid birds with glaring defects, as they are more surely re- produced than good points. Moderate-sized birds, however, of good shape, often produce as fine chickens as the larger-sized birds. “This breed has a great disposition to accumu- late abdominal fat, and consequently their food should not be of too nourishing a quality. Those who give Indian meal or corn (which contain about 8 per cent. of oily matter), have frequent cases of apoplexy amongst their poultry. Boiled potatoes, mixed with a little barley meal or mid- dlings, should form at least a portion of their daily food. There is another reason why Cochins COCHIN. 145 should not be kept in too high condition: the egos of such seldom produce chickens, and in a short time barrenness ensues. “With respect to setting, the place chosen should be perfectly free from draughts, and if not on the ground, some sifted coal ashes should be placed under the straw. A little flour of sulphur dusted under the hen’s feathers will prevent the accumulation of vermin, thus freeing her from one of the greatest annoyances to which sitting hens are liable. “Although a Cochin hen can cover a large number of eggs, I believe more strong chickens can be reared from seven eggs than from an in- creased quantity; and I am sure that this num- ber of chickens is quite as many as the hen can keep sufficiently warm and find food for, to en- sure a rapid growth. For the first week, bread crumbs and hard-boiled eggs, chopped small, should form their food; afterwards groats; and, as they increase in size, wheat and slacked oat- meal will be found a valuable addition. Green food and clean water are essential to health. “ At three months old the sexes should be K 146 BREEDS. separated. The cockerels, to grow fast, should at least have soft food twice, and grain once a-day. The pullets should have a more sparing diet, as, if forced into laying at five or six months old, their growth is stopped; their eggs are small, and they lay only a few at a time If allowed time to develope their full form, they not only make much larger birds, but frequently lay thirty or forty eggs before showing any disposition to sit. This frequent desire to sit is a great an- noyance to some parties, and the cause of their services often being dispensed with altogether. It is, however, easily cured, not by the cruel method of ducking the hen in water, but by placing her in a pen where there is no nest, and feeding her well. The fever will generally leave her in about five days, and she will soon recom- mence laying. “The points aimed at by amateurs who desire success at the numerous exhibitions of poultry throughout the country, are as follows, viz., per- fectly straight fine combs, the serrations well-de- fined; the body well let down between the legs. the shanks of which should be of a yellow colour, COCHIN, 147 short, and well feathered to the end of the toes. Only about an inch of the thaghs should be visible above the hocks, and the upper part well surrounded with fluffy feathers. Great breadth of body, and large size, indispensable. The cocks vary in colour, from a dark red to a lemon colour. The clearer they are in colour the better, but a good bird in other respects is not to be despised for a little mealiness in the wing coverts. Neck and saddle hackle should be of a bright golden colour, and copper-coloured tadls are preferred to black. The latter should be small and compact, rising gracefully from the body. The hens vary in colour, from a dark yellow to a pale buff’ The lighter-coloured hens show to most advantage in an exhibition pen, and are generally preferred. Golden neck hackle, and clear if possible, but a slight necklace is by no means fatal. The car- riage should be rather drooping forward, rising from the back to the extremity of the tail, of which only about an inch should be visible be- yond the surrounding fluff. “T. STRETCH.” Marsu Lane, Boorte, LivERPoo.. 148 BREEDS. CHbite Cochin. This delicately-beautiful variety demands the same requisites in size and shape as the coloured ; the plumage alone differs—this must be of a brilliant white, without the slightest admixture of yellow; the contrast of the deep scarlet comb, wattles, pale yellow bill, legs, and snowy plumage, make this bird the champion of its class, if seen under a pure sky, and on a clean grass run. It is quite a mistake to suppose the white less robust than the coloured Cochin; they are vigor- ous and hardy; good layers, sitters,and mothers. Partridge, Xe. The Partridge, the Black, and other varieties, are almost identical with the Buffs in general characteristics. The plumage, of course, differs. In the Par- COCHIN. 149 tridge the hackles should be reddish-yellow, free from dark stains; tail and breast, black. The hens have dark pencillings on the hackles, and are generally richly coloured. The legs are rather of a deeper tint in the Yellow, than in the Buff variety, especially in the cocks. A “white feather” in any of these is as fatal to the Cochin, as it is to those that show it, in another school. The Black variety is seldom “as black as it is painted.” The cocks too often show the yellow hackle; good Blacks are decidedly scarce, in spite of Mrs Beecher Stowe. There are Cuckoo and Silky Cochins, but of these the “‘Henwife” knows little, and therefore must be held excused in not entering into their merits; the more, as she thinks them only a par- ticular fancy, and not likely to further the in- terests of poultry. 150 BREEDS. Silhies. These are very pretty, interesting little crea- tures, but altogether fancy fowls, utterly useless for table or market. Their bones and flesh are coal-black, while, strange to say, their plumage is snowy-white, soft and silky, resembling spun glass. Their eggs, though small, are said to be excellent, pinkish- white in colour, something like those of the Ban- tam, but I confess to a prejudice against the egg of a Darkie, not even overcome by its silvery locks. The cock is a pattern of fidelity and gentle- ness; he assists his partner in the care of her family, and even acts as nurse. The hen is the best of foster-mothers for Ham- burghs and Polish, their soft warm feathering tempting these delicate little fastidious beings to cotton kindly to them for protection. The points of a Silkie Cock are:—Plumage, white; crest, small, low, and set far back on the SILKETES. 15] head; comb, dark reddish purple; ear-lobes, turquoise blue; wattles, purple; legs, eyes, and beak, jet black; tazd, full, but not with many sickle feathers; body, low set, but large, and broad in the breast. Hen—precisely similar points, except the tail, which, in her, consists of a small bunch of feathers like marabouts. Her comb also is smaller, and crest (or tuft) larger. 152 BREEDS. Polish. A very elegant and pretty, though somewhat foppish and conceited-looking bird. It is not of sufficient size to be eligible for market purposes, but for private consumption is excellent, the flesh being white and tender. They are almost everlasting layers, but the egos are, certainly, below average size. They rarely sit, and the reputation of good mother, cannot, with fairness, be classed among their virtues. As a fancy variety, the Polish take high rank, and deservedly so, for they thrive under petting, and really require greater care than more robust varieties. A farm-yard would be the death of them; they like a grass run and aviary accommodation, and their plumage increases in beauty with the in- crease of comfort. GOLDEN POLISH Eduturgh Thomas 0. Jack ‘ POLISH. 153 Their greatest merit is, that, like the Game, they continue to improve in feather for several years, when other varieties of the same age have faded; they are the Perennials in poultry. In plumage they are of different colours. The Black should be uniformly of that hue, with a greenish sheen; crest, full and globular, and as white as possible; comb, should hardly be visible; it is merely two small fleshy points; wattles, small; tail, black, ample, and well sickled ; legs, lead-coloured. The Golden resemble nearly the gold spangled Hamburghs, except in having a top knot, which should be golden brown. The Silver differ only in the colours, which are white and black, instead of gold and dark brown. The White Polish is very delicate, and are more often obtained by chance than by special breeding. Buff and Grey Polish have been exhibited, which were very handsome and rare; a peculiarity in this variety is that the hen is web-footed. 154 BREEDS. Hantams, These gems of beauty and most treasured and prettiest of pets are, certainly, the most impu- dent, as well as diminutive, of our domestic poultry. They are ridiculously consequential, and seem as if they prided themselves on their captivating appearance. There are several varieties, all pos- sessing the same passionate temper, and, though such perfect pigmies, are most pugnacious, which clearly proves their Javanese origin. They resemble the natives when under the influence of bang, that intoxicating herb which destroys all sense and reason. The hens are very good layers, and many per- sons relish their eggs exceedingly; they contain a greater proportion of yolk than those of larger varieties. As mothers, Bantams are unrivalled, fulfilling BANTAMS. 155 their duties to a wish; the chickens should not be hatched till July or August, as it is an object to have them of the smallest possible size, a strange deviation from the utilitarian principle. For the first few weeks they are decidedly delicate ; they seem to feather more quickly than most fowls, and in that stage are apt to die off, the drain on the system being too severe. When fully feathered, they are quite hardy, and may be allowed free range, with the mother, in a garden, where they will do much good by devouring insects, (for they are industrious little labourers), and will not injure flowers or vegetables. They are a pretty fancy, and being miniatures themselves, are well suited to miniature poultry grounds ; not that they are at all limited to such, for they are prized by fanciers who rear all sorts and breeds of fowls on the most extended scale. They can be kept along with other breeds and fowls with impunity. There are many varieties of Bantams, exclusive of the feather-legged, which, like moustache in the pulpit, is a matter, (shall I say fortunately ?) 156 BREEDS. of rare occurrence, though the former may be considered more objectionable than the latter, as being more unnatural. The points of Gold-laced Sebright Bantams are :—Plumage, golden brownish-yellow, each feather bordered with a lacing of black; tail, without sickle feathers, carried well over the back, each feather tipped with black; comb, rose, pointed at the back; wings, drooping to the ground; saddle and neck hackles, totally absent, feet and legs, lead-colour and clean; ear-lobes, white. The Gold-laced hen corresponds exactly, in plumage, with the cock, but is considerably lighter in weight. The Silver-laced differ from the above only in the ground-feathering, which is silvery instead of golden. The more nearly the shade approaches to white, the more beautiful is the specimen; toa often a yellowish tinge is visible. Both classes are distinguished for their strut- ting braggadocio air, and puffed-out breasts, making, as it were, the most of themselves. BANTAMS. 157 The Black and White Bantams are perhaps the smallest of that tribe. One description will suf- fice for both, as they differ only in colour, which must be stainless in either. Cock—tail, sickled and flowing; comb, rose; wattles, scarlet; ear- lobes, white, and well developed ; legs, deep slate- colour. Hen—similar in plumage. In breed- ing the White Bantam, white legs and bill are to be aimed ‘at; these points greatly enhance the beauty of these little favourites. Game Bantams resemble the real game in form, colour, and high courage (only, in size, on a ridiculously reduced scale) ; this gives to the tiny breed a degree of interest superior to any other. Fanciers can keep these representatives of by- gone days, and “fight their battles o’er again,” in idea, “thrice rout all their foes,” and “thrice slay the slain.” Even these innocent little creatures are sub- jected to the cruel process of dubbing. It is indeed monstrous to rob these pretty fairies of any beauty with which nature has adorned them. Game Bantam fanciers! will you listen to the 158 BREEDS. cry of a “Sister of Mercy,” and abolish at once this barbarous remnant of antiquity? The Duckwing and Black-breasted Red are the two most esteemed varieties. The points of the former (small size being essential) are: Cock— Breast, black; tail, black and sickle-feathered; neck and saddle hackles, silvery white; face, red ; head, thin and long; beak, curved. ‘The lower wing coverts of the male bird, which is always the most marked and brilliant in plumage (giving, in fact, the name to the breed), should be marked with blue, forming a bar across the wing. Hen—Breast, robin colour; body, ash grey ; hackle, silvery; legs vary in colour, white are much coveted, but very rare. Black-breasted Red. Cock—Breast, black; neck and saddle hackles, bright orange-red ; back, brown-red ; tail, black. Hen—general colour, chestnut-brown; hackle, pale buff, edged with black ; breast, deep fawn; body and wing coverts, partridge colour. Each amateur has his own predilection as to BANTAMS. 169 the colour of legs and feet. Uniformity, how- ever, in a pen, is indispensable. There are other varieties of Game Bantams, as in their larger progenitors, but it is not pos- sible to give the descriptive characteristics cf each, Gapanese Bantams. These newly-imported birds are of various colours, but all have the same form—very short leg—well feathered—the tail almost touching the back of the head, as in the fan-tailed pigeon. I have found them delicate in chickenhood, but not so when full grown. The buff, white, and black varieties are all very beautiful. 160 BREEDS. Hamburghs. This breed is of elegant form, and graceful in its movements. It may be called “everlasting layer,” because, until in moult, the hen lays almost every day; they seldom show a desire to sit; it is the exception, and only indulged in (I have found) when the birds had a free woodland range, thereby clearly demonstrating the fact, that domestication has impaired their sitting powers, Originally, (of course), they must have hatched their eggs like other fowls. Ihave found both the Pencilled and Spangled varieties good mothers. If not interfered with, (like the phea- sant, in a fine season), she will rear all her brood, but, like her, is quite dependent on weather. If confined to a yard, I have never found the Ham- burghs sit; and their range, even if free, must be wild, to induce a desire to perpetuate her species. They are truly lovely and perfect creatures, and, if size of egg is not a desideratum, this breed GOLDEN PENCILLED HAMBURGH. Warmbench Therma. 0 Dante HAMBURGAHS. 161 will suit the mere fancier better than any other. It is robust in constitution, and has the knack of keeping itself in good looks eleven months out of the twelve. For the table, what is of it, is good. TI have found them safe birds to exhibit; for if the colour and points are good, condition and size are never considered. Mr Brown’s description of the necessary points is exactly in accordance with my own experience: he has kindly permitted me to make use of it. “The points of ‘Silver-spangled Hamburghs’ are: a white ground, with clear and distinct spangles (in the hens) all over the body; taul, white and spangled, or traced on the outer margin of the feathers; blue legs; good double combs, finely serrated and firmly set on the head, with an evenly-pointed spike at the back. The spangled cock must possess the same points as the hen; with this exception, that his wings are not spangled in all varieties of the Ham- burgh. The larger the white ear the more valu- able the bird, provided it has all the above points. “The points of the ‘Golden-spangled’ are L 162 BREEDS. exactly similar to the Silver, except the ground- colour, which is golden. The cocks in this variety differ very much. Some judges approve most of those which have a pure black breast—some desire them spangled, but this, so-called spangling, on the breast of a golden cock is seldom more than oblique patches of red, not corresponding at all with the upper parts of the bird’s plumage. Seeing the difficulty of getting a pure and well- defined spangled breast, I prefer a pure black. “In the pencilled varieties, the combs, legs, tail, and hackles, are the same as in the spangled birds; but the éazl in the hens is very frequently pencilled, as well as the body. The cock, in the Silver-pencilled variety, is often nearly white, with yellowish wing coverts, and a brown or chestnut patch on the flight feathers of his wing. The cock, in the Golden-pencilled, should be of one uniform colour all over his body—no pencilling whatever. Tail, copper colour, but many first-class birds have a pure black tail. It must be borne in mind that the hackles and head of the four varieties I have de- scribed should be entirely free from any black markings. “D. Brown.” 163 Hreuceh Breeds, —+— We have received many varieties of fowls from France, some of which I can from experience recommend. As a rule, they are non-sitters—lay large, white, de- licately flavoured eggs, and are excellent as table fowls—being white in flesh and well-shaped. Unlike the Dorking, they lay in winter, irrespective of age, and adult hens, if highly fed, will lay during nine months of the year. I can particu- larly call attention to the three following varieties :— Creve Ceur. This hobgoblin-looking fowl is really a good and useful one. 164 FRENCH BREEDS. Some think its name is derived from the re- semblance the comb presents to a split heart ; others (with whom I agree) do away with this romance, and attribute it to the preponderance of the breed in the village of Créve Coeur, in Normandy, whence we can distinctly trace its origin. I have bred these birds largely, and continue to do so, which is a sure proof that I consider this variety (so little known) worthy of consider- able attention in this country. Parisians are quite aware of its merits. The breed is scarce, and I have found much difficulty in procuring birds, of a different strain, to breed from—true to colour, The pure-bred Créve is of large size; the cock should weigh nine and a-half pounds, and the hen (which is heavy in proportion) about eight and a half pounds. The pullets come to maturity at an early age, and always outweigh the cockerels. Ciéves possess the great advantage of thriving in a confined space, are remarkably tame, and of great amiability ; but I have found the chickens CREVE C@UR., 165 delicate and liable to roup in damp seasons— they thrive best on dry light soil, and can scarcely have too much sun. The points to be aimed are as follows :— Cock—jet black body, and tail with the green- ish hue of the Spanish. Neck and saddle hackles—jet black, long and full. Top —must be jet black. Ear-lobes—red. Wattles—bright scarlet, long, and pendulous. Beak—black. Legs—black, and free from feathers. Comb—scarlet. In shape a cleft heart, or rather like the horns of the fallow-deer. Hen—identical in colour with the cock, as regards body, legs, and tail. The crest must be very full and globular, either black, or black and white; the comb is, of course, much smaller— mere spikes. The body must be square, breast full, and legs short. 166 FRENCH BREEDS. Ha Fleche. These are very handsome, large, showy birds, very lively, and more inclined to wander than the Créve Cceurs. When full grown, they are also hardier ; but as chickens, even more delicate in wet weather. They should not be hatched before May. Their points are :— Cock. Comb—shaped like horns—quite straight and more pointed than that of the Créve Coeur. Face—bright red, and nostrils wide and ele- vated. Ear-lobe—white. Hackles, neck, and saddle—metallic black. Plumage—jet black. Legs—very dark — almost black — strong, straight, and somewhat long, but concealed by the full, deep breast—a most important point. HOUDANS, 167 HEN. Comb—small, and spiked. Plumage—jet black. Legs—short and strong. Breast—broad and deep, Size is arrived at in this breed. Houdans, This is my favourite variety of all the Conti- nental fowls, and I hope to see it widely spread throughout our own land. It should be seen in every farm-yard, and I can guarantee that the earliest chickens sent to market will be from this breed. The chickens feather quickly, and are altogether more precocious than others, (unless the Hamburgh, that pretty, graceful bird, dimi- nutive in form, but of rare beauty). I have found them quite hardy, and in damp weather much more easily reared than Dorkings. In addition to their laying powers, as table fowls they are excellent—smaller than the Créve Coeur or La 168 FRENCH BREEDS. Fléche, but very white in flesh, plump, and well- shaped. Houdans, in their own country, have no particular points of colouring beyond the black and white plumage, as free from any tinge of yellow as possible. In our exhibitions we are more ambitious and exclusive, and I shall en- deavour to describe the points of merit aimed at by English fanciers and breeders. Size should have much influence in the decision of judges. Premising that the pens of Houdans will be matched in colour of leg, the other points are as follows :— Cock. Breast—black and white, regularly spotted— full and deep. Thighs—spotted, as short and fleshy as pos- sible. Neck hackles—white and black, streaked—ful] and long. Saddle hackles—white, and very long. Crest—scanty—streaked black and white. Comb—branched, and slightly cupped. Wattles—red and long as possible, but firm. HOUDANS. 169 Tail—white, carried well up, and abundant. Legs—as white as possible, or spotted with grey. Feet—do., with five claws. Carriage—bold and upright. HEN, Breast—black and white, regularly spotted, Body—do. Comb—small and spiked, or slightly cupped. Beard—full and long. Crest—very full and globular, mixed black and white. There is a variety of Houdan very dark in colour—the ground almost black, with very little white. The tail feathers must in the cock be almost black, and the hackles also be of dark hue, Either variety breeds true to colour. 170 BREEDS. Curhevs. The evidence seems in favour of our being indebted to our transatlantic cousins for this gigantic race of Poultry. There can be no doubt of the existence now, in America, of two distinct classes, the Domestic and the Wild, although they must originally have centred in one common stock. The former is famous for its immense size, the latter for its beauty. In our own country we have several varieties, distinguished by colowr only, for they are all identical in their habits and general form. I shall dilate on the peculiar characteristics of each, though I do not think the Turkey is a profit- able denizen of the farm-yard. Their chickenhood is so delicate, that many do not arrive at maturity, even after the greatest care has been bestowed upon them, and much food wasted. When suc- cessful, and fine birds are reared to grace the TURKEYS. 71 Christmas board, the price they command is not at all commensurate with their cost; they are defunct debtors. To pay, I consider they must be bred in numbers, and on a system of exclusive attention; but a single brood reared on a farm, fed up to great size and weight, and pampered to their heart’s content, will, at the period of sale, have cost double its price in food. I know many who will bear me out in this. Does any one, then, ask, “Is this species to be tabooed in private establishments?” I say, Most certainly not; it cannot be dispensed with, so elegant in life, so useful in death: who ever heard of a dinner without a Turkey? Where attendance is ample, the Turkey may be raised with ease, without any important extra expense in that respect, though its food must, of course, always be a heavy item. Adult birds are very hardy, and poults, when fully feathered, will have, in a great measure, survived their earlier delicacy. For breeding purposes, birds of mature age, even three or four years, are preferable to those 172 BREEDS. of only one year; the hens may be unlimited in number. Turkeys select their own laying places, and will return to them faithfully, though their eggs are removed daily, provided a nest-egg is left to mark the spot. When broody, the hens may be deposited in any corner, as they are persevering sitters, and will not desert their eggs wherever placed. If the nest, chosen by the hen, is in a sheltered and secluded spot, it is as well to return her eggs when she gives evidence of a wish to sit. I have always found the healthiest birds are obtained from this natural treatment. Turkeys roam far in search of privacy for laying, and steal off most cunningly to the selected retreat; they sometimes even defy de- tection, and are not seen till they appear with their brood, generally a small one, for, if the weather is wet or cold, the chicks die off, as do those of our wild birds — partridges and pheasants. Fifteen eggs are sufficient to place under a Turkey; they are hatched on the 31st day. WILD AMERICAN TURKFY Edmburg Tomas C awa TURKEYS. 173 A similar treatment should be adopted with the chicks, as with those of the common hen, Leave them for twenty-four hours with the mother ; then offer them the yolk of hard boiled eggs, bread crumbs, curd, minced green food, and confine the hen to her coop for a few days, and always till the grass is dry. She will, when at liberty, lead them into the unmown hay, and dry plantations, where they will pick up much food, in the shape of seeds and insects, but they must also be fed by hand, three or four times a day, and at regular intervals. Porridge and milk, chopped nettles, onions, docks, and cabbage, are all favourite items in their dietary ; some are nourishing, some stimu- lating ; they must also have their share of the soft balls described in my chapter on food, and grain of any or every sort. For some years I have made use of Durant & Co,’s* patent meal, for mixing with the other food, and I have found it very beneficial. The poults eat it greedily, and it keeps them in good health and spirits * Agent, Mr Daniel Brown, taxidermist, Perth. 174 BREEDS. even in damp weather, which all know is so trying to young birds. The curd I have mentioned is prepared accord- ing to a recipe kindly sent to me by a friend who is a great Turkey-breeder, and I have found it excellent, both as food and medicine, the astrin- gent qualities acting as tonics, and my game- keeper has found it a most valuable prepara- tion for young pheasants, reared under hens, It is made as follows :—Mix one teaspoonful of pounded alum, with four quarts of milk slightly warmed, separate the whey from the curd, and give only the latter in a soft state, If judiciously and fully fed, Turkey male poults should weigh at least twenty pounds at Christ- mas, and that with only their natural feeding. Any other I repudiate, along with all those who have any experience in this breed. The classes of our domestic Turkeys are the Norfolk, Cambridge, and White. There is also a pretty buff-feathered bird, more to be admired, however, for its singularity than usefulness ; also a grey variety, sometimes called Virginian, small but elegant. TURKEYS. 175 Wild American Turkey. Last, but not least, comes the Wild Ameri- can Turkey of the “forest primeval’”—in form, slender and erect, of stately proportion, and dignity of mien—resembling its native pursuers, the chiefs of the prairie. It is impossible to conceive any tints more glowing than those which light up the plumage of this beautiful bird; they are brilliant in the extreme; a ground of brown, burnished with gold, ruby, and green, which, in the sunbeam, has quite a dazzling aspect. Unless in the peacock, I know not of such exquisite hues, and in graceful bearing the Wild Turkey stands alone. Many of the so-called wild birds sent to this country are hatched from eggs laid in the bush by domesticated hens, which, in accordance with their habits previously mentioned, often lay at great distances from home. The really Wild Turkeys are seldom seen in Great Britain ; they never breed, if shut up, they 176 BREEDS. are so shy and restless, lose all brightness of colour, and pine away. Their large woman-like, gentle dark eyes seem to reproach their gaoler, and their plaintive cry to plead for liberty; I, for one, never resisted the appeal. They wander to incredible distances, if allowed free range. Hence the difficulty of keeping the pure breed. Their long slender red legs appear made for traversing the fallen pines, and their close firm plumage for resisting the tangled brushwood. The hens will cross with our ‘ domestic Cambridge,” improve the constitution of that bird, and impart some of their native characteristics and beauty. For exhibition, the Norfolk Turkey must be in plumage, jet black (not a blwe black), free from any admixture of colour; legs and feet the same. Cambridge may vary from pale grey to dark, with a deep metallic tint of brown ; legs, light in hue. Good matching is imperative ; a dark cock must have dark hens, and a light cock light hens, This being attended to, size and weight decide the victory. GEESE. 177 Geese. These domestic Goliahs are’ generally divided into two classes, the White, or Embden, and the Grey, or Toulouse, equally advantageous in size, and other good qualities, The goose lays early, if well fed, and is cer- tainly a most profitable denizen of our poultry yard, looking to the immense amount of food she contributes to the general use. The feathers and down, alone, make Geese valuable stock, even though we do not follow the barbarous practice of plucking the poor creatures alive, once a-year, for the sake of them. I find the Turkey an excellent. mother for goslings. The Goose wanders too far with them, and does not allow them to be familiar with their keeper, of whom, indeed, they soon can be quite independent, as. they feed on grass, and forage M 178 BREEDS. well for themselves. Treated thus, however, they will never arrive at the size and weight of exhi- bition birds, and I therefore recommend a Turkey mother, or even a large common hen; this latter will cover three eggs; a Turkey seven; the period of incubation is 30 days. ' Goslings cannot be too highly fed; meal, grain, bread, onions, cabbage, &e., all, in abund- ance, should be set before them. Rats are their natural enemies, and from these they must be protected; in addition, a dry bed under cover is all they require in the way of night housing. Geese are much less hydropathically inclined than people fancy, and do not require more than a large trough to bathe in; the breeding stock, 5 in number (1 male and 4 females), should be of mature years, My ideas as to weights and points correspond with those of the unconquered (though I trust not the unconquerable) Mr Fowler, our “Magnus Apollo.” His experience is: —“ Toulouse Geese should be tall and erect, with their bodies hanging on the ground; light grey breast and body. GEESE. 179 Back, dark grey; necks, darker grey; wings and belly should shade off to white, but there should be little actual white visible; bills, pale flesh-colour, hard and strong; legs and feet, deep orange, approaching to red. “The weight of these birds, by careful feeding and management, has become extraordinary; 74 lbs. for three birds has been attained. The cup gander at Birmingham in 1859 weighed 33 lbs., and in 1860, 30 lbs.; the three, 71 lbs. The weight of geese may be from 20 to 25 lbs. “Goslings, at Michaelmas, often weigh 20 to 22 Ibs. “J. K. FOWLER.” Chinese Geese. There are several semi-domesticated varieties of Geese. The only one I consider of any utility is the Chinese; it lays a great number of eggs, and a cross between it and the Toulouse gives a deli- cious bird for the table. Their time of incuba- tion is about 35 days. 189 BREEDS. The goose resembles the gander in form and colour, and both have a dark brown stripe down the back of the neck. They are graceful in form, but have that greatest of all defects, a discordant voice, and, being very loquacious, it is a serious evil to be constantly exposed to their whining, discontented, harsh cry. On a distant piece of water, they look well, as they are peculiarly ele- gant in movement; their colour is brown, shaded into white on the breast; bill, tuberculated and black; neck, long; feet and legs, black. Gmbden Geese. Blossom-white plumage; bills, flesh-colour; legs and feet, orange. These birds attain great weights, and are valu- able in the market, on account of the superior quality and colour of the down, but, to look well, they must have access to a pond, and are there- tore alone available to those who possess this advantage. ROUEN DRAKE Edinbuegh Thomes © Jack DUCKS. 181 Ducks. There is not a great variety in our domestic ducks; only three distinct exhibition breeds exist, viz., the Aylesbury, Rouen, and Buenos Ayres or East Indian. They are very hardy, sleeping out of doors in all weathers, from preference. Of course, as in all poultry establishments, there should be a duck-house—a mere shed suffices, without door; but a yard is indispensable, if they are shut up at nightfall. Where two or more varieties are kept, they must not be allowed to mix at any season; therefore separate apartments become necessary. Both house and yard should be littered down with straw, frequently renewed. A duck sits faithfully, but is the worst pos- sible mother for her own progeny, as she waddles 182 BREEDS. off with them as soon as hatched to her favourite element, generally leaving the half of her family immersed, unable to extricate themselves; hence the small broods of wild ducks generally seen— the delicate ones were, in all likelihood, drowned in their infancy. Ducks’ eggs are better set under a hen, who will rear her foster chicks most tenderly; it is even advisable to give a valu- able hen duck’s eggs to bring out, as she will have more liberty with them than with chickens, and (not being obliged to cover the young flock), will not have her plumage destroyed. Ducklings soon become independent of a mother’s care, and, if protected from rats, can be cooped in numbers together, at night. Their food should consist at first of meal made into a paste, and given frequently; later, groats thrown into water. I find a square, flat, tin dish, the best vessel for this purpose, as also an iron hopper, a cut of which is appended, (fig. 8.) It is filled from the top, and, being heavy, cannot be upset, or the food wasted. Ducklings are sometimes affected by cramp; DUCKS. 183 this must be attributed to the absence of dry straw, or the presence of too deep water. When fully grown, ducks should be fed only twice a-day, on soft food and any kind of grain, always in water; in their wanderings, they pick up a great deal very much to their taste; they begin to lay regularly in February, often at Christmas, and continue many months. The eggs of the Rouen are large, and of a greenish-blue tint; a drake should not be allowed more than four females, or many of the eggs will prove unfertile. The wild drake is monogamous, and there is no doubt, to it, our domestic Rouen breed owes 184 BREEDS. its origin, though it now differs from it essen- tially. With respect to exhibition points, colour, and weights, I can give no information that will be so acceptable to my readers as that of Mr Fowler, the well-known agriculturist, and the most successful breeder of ducks known. I subjoin his kind remarks on this variety :— “ PREBENDAL Farm, AYLESBURY. “ Rowen Drake should have a yellowish-green bill, without splash of black or any colour, ex- cept the black bean at the tip; it should be long, broad, and rather wider at the tip than the base, well set on to the front of the head. Head, rich, lustrous, green and purple; distinct white ring round the neck, not quite meeting at the back; rich brown or claret breast, reaching low down to the water line. Back, dark-green; body beautifully soft grey, almost coming to white near the tail; tad, darkish green, and curls firm and black; wings, brownish, with broad ribbon mark of purple and white; on no account white flight feathers, this defect is fatal; legs, orange, DUCKS. 185 or brown and orange; weight about 8 lbs., some- times 9 lbs.; when heavier, some defect of plumage or bill is always found, “ Rouen Duck—brown pencilling on a greyish body; the back beautifully marked with blackish green on light brown base; ribbon mark and other colour of wings nearly like the drake; towards the tail the feathers should be well pencilled, quite to the tip. The head should be marked with three dark longitudinal stripes from the bill past the eye, and the neck on no account should have the least appearance of a white ring ; this would be as heretical as a white flight feather in the wings. The bill should be broad, long, and somewhat flat, brownish orange, with a dark blotch on the upper part; a slate-coloured bill, or an absence of orange, is a sure disqualifica- tion ; legs, brown and orange. Weight of first- class birds, 7 Ibs. It should be remarked that _ Rouen drakes change colour in an extraordinary manner; they first resemble the ducks, then moult to their true colour, then back to the colour of ducks, and the fourth time moult to their original beauty. J. K. Fow ier.” 186 BREEDS. Aylesbury Ducks. The great beauty of this breed consists in its snowy plumage; the delicate rose-coloured bill must also be admired. To obtain it without stain or blemish, free from yellow tinge, is the great aim of all Aylesbury breeders, A ferruginous soil, as I have experienced, affects the colour of the bill very much. Al- though correct as to tint, when.brought to the fatal spot, in a few days the yellow shade makes its appearance, and can never be got rid of; true, old age produces this colour on any soil. The Aylesbury is admirable for its pure white downy feathers, and as it lays early, the duck- lings are always first in the market. The eggs are white, and excellent in flavour. Mr Fowler says:— «A ylesburys—purest white plumage all over ; bills, delicate flesh-colour, long and broad, and set on like the bill of a woodcock; any spots of black or yellow hue must disqualify ; legs, deep orange, necks, fine and long. “ Drake and duck quite alike, in form and colour. DUCKS. 187 “A first-rate drake weighs from 9 to 94 lbs.; ducks have weighed 9 lbs. “A good average pen of three, at a show, should weigh 23 or 24 lbs.; at Birmingham (where four are shown), 32 Ibs. is a great weight. “Tt should be noticed that Aylesbury and Rouen Ducks, as well as geese, suffer much in weight from travelling; quite as much as 1 to 14 lbs. each on a journey of fifty miles; geese, perhaps, even more. “Kast Indian Ducks should be all of a rich lustrous greenish black, with a perfect absence of white feathers; dark legs and bills. The bill of the drake, dark greenish yellow; a brown breast is inadmissible. They should be as light in weight as possible; as little as 2 Ibs. each would be desirable. “J. K. Fowuer.” “‘s}UBPUO}ZV Ioj o8eq409 pue parez-LIGMog ouyzemMyouy My Own Experience, “ Richard loves Richard; that is, I am I.’—SHaxsprare. “Port of all time,” gracing the closing chapter of even the struggling “ Henwife ;” yes, immortal Bard of Avon! little did you think, when you penned these words, that you might have owed fame to her page, had not the veneration of your posterity forestalled it |! To carry out my principle of practicality, I now treat of “my own experience ;” egotist, necessarily, I must be, in so doing; but without some measure of self-esteem, we could not be conscious of our own identity, and no such being could have shown forth as a Patriot, or a suc- cessful Poultry Exhibitor. I write, however, in no vainglorious spirit ; I have been beaten too often to boast; my wish only is to show what amount of success may be achieved by a novice, such as I was a few years ago, in exhibition, though not in table, Poultry. Feeling the utter hopelessness of winning any honours with my own stock, I commenced my 192 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. career by purchasing, in “ Merrie England,” a splendid pen of Dorkings, which carried all before it, at my first and second exhibition, in Scotland ; so I began well, and though, of course, I buy, every year, for change of blood, I now breed my own exhibition fowls,—ay, and sell to others for that purpose; and have even been beaten by my own birds shown against me. To breed successfully, one must part with the good as well as the indifferent, when too nearly allied, and, though loath to lose them, go they must, either privately or by public sale, which latter is always more satisfactory, both to feeling and purse; if good, the birds fetch high prices, and there can be no after-reproach; the public fixes its own rate, and relieves you from that responsibility, which is no small one. ' It is always extremely difficult to know how much an intending purchaser will give; you fear to lose a customer, and also to ask too little; it is inherent in human nature to love a good bargain. From year to year, I have added to my hen- houses and yards, till I have arrived at the grand total of forty-two separate runs; many of a very MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 193 rude and primitive construction. Some are on the plan given in page 29; others are erected at the edge of plantations and shrubberies, as shown in annexed cut (fig. 9.) These have no yards, as Fig. 9. Laurel House, the occupants enjoy complete liberty; there I place my choicest breeding pens, free from all restraint, thus giving them the best chance of retaining health and vigour. When the hens become broody, and are re- N 194 HUY OWN EXPERIENCE. moved to the sitting-houses, chickens take pos- session, and remain till the sale in the early year, which makes room for their successors. “ Wel- come the coming, speed the parting guest.” The parent cocks, meanwhile, are shut up in the yard-houses with a few hens of any variety, in order to keep up a succession of cross-bred chickens for the table. I have found the advantage of a number of small houses with covered-in wire runs, (move- able at pleasure to fresh ground), a drawing of which I give (fig. 10.) Fig. 10. ‘1 Se q xx ee es : aD OS : i= with wire, the houses in both cases being alike detached, but fitting closely to the runs (fig. 11.) MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 195 These “Crystal Palaces” answer admirably for a brood of early chickens, protecting them from rain, wind, frost, and snow, and affording the ad- vantage of their receiving every ray of sunshine =e attainable at the season, I never feel confidence in the weather till May is out; before that, it is often damp and chilly. The houses are 6 feet high and 4 square; the yards only 4 feet high, 6 long, and 4 wide. The roofs are wooden, covered with waterproof felt ; ventilation in the houses is secured by small holes pierced in the end, and, on fine days (when the hen is allowed to sally forth with her family), I leave the door open till her return. At all other times it is locked, and the only egress is by 196 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. a trap into the run, the end of which opens like a door, and can thus easily be cleaned out. The interior of these houses is fitted up with a row of nests; occasionally I set two hens in these, and when the broods are hatched, give all the chickens to one. Being protected from cold, they are not too many, the mother feels herself at home, and the chickens are comparatively in a natural condition ; they even winter very com- fortably in these houses and runs. JI find them very useful for a pen of fowls put up for exhibi- tion (in which case a moveable perch is required) ; and for chickens deserted by their mother at too tender an age, when they demand the greatest care ; also for many other exigencies, In.a sheltered spot, facing south, I have a large lean-to glass-house, divided into three com- partments, each large enough to contain twenty chickens, with a mother hen. This house is warmed by a stove, and ventilated by sliding boards — this enables me to rear chickens in January; but care must be taken to air the building well—leaving the doors open in fine weather-—to let the chickens run out at will. MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 197 In summer, all my small houses are placed on grass, in winter, on dry earth, against a beech hedge, facing the west; twice a-week they are moved to fresh ground: if done regularly, and in line, the ground has time to freshen during each remove. When not in use, I have the runs set aside so as to leave the pasture perfectly clear; the grass springs up luxuriantly, and should be mown at intervals. Lime is sprinkled over the portion of the park allotted to them, which keeps it free from taint. Fig. 12. Coop, with wire range, (fig. 12), is specially 198 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. useful for the night-housing of ducklings and goslings; indeed, these tempting morsels easily fall a prey to rats,—they seem their favourite dainties. Chickens they do not touch, unless pressed by hunger, which, perhaps fortunately, is impossible, where so much food can be had for the taking; yet I have had twenty-seven duck- lings and three goslings carried off in one night. Tig. 18. For hens and turkeys which must be confinea for a part of each day, (and many altogether, if they fight with and ill-use stranger chickens), coop, fig. 13, is essential. The bars of this should MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 199 be rounded, two inches apart; in the middle a flat spar, which, when taken out, permits the egress of the hen. If wooden floors and shutters are wished, they should be made to slide, and more than one for each coop will be requisite; (mine are washed, and put up to dry every second day); hence the necessity for duplicates. Fig. 14. Coop, fig. 14, is a mere frame of wire, which is employed to secure a refractory hen, while her proper abode is being cleaned, or as a safe- 200 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. guard for the food devoted to the chickens; they have access to it through the wire, and they only. Goslings and ducklings, alone of all young stock, should have food always before them; they eat little at a time, and (for exhibition), require to be pushed on and tempted. I have no special houses, coops, or troughs for Turkeys. They require none; but live in a semi- wild state after the first month, during which the young poults associate with the chickens —the mother being confined in the coop before- mentioned, except an hour or two each day. Sometimes, when all my little domiciles are full, I am obliged, bon gré, mal gré, to let my broods wander at large; the strong chickens take no harm, and, perhaps, this roving gipsy life makes them even less liable to disease. Many deaths, however, must occur among the weakly birds; doubtless a provision of nature, in order that the one may not hamper the other. The mother walks off with the utmost sang froid, leaving her helpless babes sprawling on the ground, uttering piteous little cries for help, MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 201 quite disregarded and neglected ;—they are left alone to die. When the time comes to draft off the chickens to their adolescent ranges, I carefully select the ’ most promising for the superior ones, putting all the best of one kind there, and mixing the worst indiscriminately together in inferior houses and situations; from these the table and market are supplied. The points of Dorkings, Brahmas, Spanish, &c., can be pretty well guessed when the hen leaves the brood. I put about twenty chickens into each hut, and from time to time, take away any that have fallen off in looks since their location there, to make room for those of a better stamp. I thus weed my runs to the best of my judgment, and a little experience soon makes it comparatively easy to pick out, and do away with, the worst. Even with the greatest care, some thrive better than others; these are the “lights and shadows” of poultry life. How often does a single bird represent a brood, if the season proves unfavour- able to delicate varieties: such I do not recom- 202 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. mend to be hatched early; they cost us too much in care and affection. Slight defects in comb or claw are not fatal to the chickens’ merits as table fowls; I, therefore, feed such as well as the very best, but do not crowd my intended prize-winners with them. I keep an exact (even fastidious) account of all dates and numbers in my Poultry Diary, for cor- rectly filling up schedules, arranging my sale catalogue, and for my own general satisfaction. Each day the number of eggs laid is noted down; the houses are all numbered, and the figure of that in which the egg is found, marked on it by the collector, who need not know one sort of fowl from another. I alone arrange the eggs in their different baskets, writing on the shell with pencil the date and speciailty. Chickens, as they are hatched, are entered in the Diary, as also the fowls killed for table and market, at their respective values. When my assistant henwife receives orders for settings of eggs, I mark them down in due order, that each purchaser may be supplied according to ALY OWN EXPERIENCE. 203 the date of application; on the day wished, I select the eggs myself, and superintend the pack- ing of them. This is the form of hamper used (fig. 15); they are made by my own gardeners, and answer the purpose admirably. I wish I could say, all the eggs sent in them hatched well, but this I cannot. Purchasers, however, should make themselves au fait in the treatment of travelled eggs, as the sender is often unjustly blamed. Thave sent eggs to the Bahamas (which hatched in the proportion of 8 to 13); also to Ireland and Shetland; these all did well, while others, not carried a mile, failed. 204 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. I buy eggs for setting every year, and have had varied fortune; I do not, however, take for granted, that the sender is to blame—when I am unlucky. Even wild birds’ eggs do not hatch well in some seasons, and every poultry fancier knows that high-bred prize stock is seldom pro- lific—the life is too artificial. If even two birds are hatched from a setting at L.1, 1s. these alone are worth the money; honest dealers (and such names as Watts, Holmesdale, Fowler, Fitz-William, &c., are ma- terial guarantees that they are to be met with) find that price too low for eggs from really prize stock, and put an almost prohibitory value on them, I myself among the number. It is nonsense to talk of eggs having been doctored; Quid nuncs may swallow such tales, but not the practical fancier or breeder. Our names are too valuable to us in the poultry world, and our honour is quite as unimpeachable as that of thieves! ! When my eggs have hatched badly, I have in some cases given a fresh supply, ungrudgingly, and, I may say, have also received it. MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 205 My method of packing is to put each egg upright (previously wrapped in strong paper) in a little nest, as it were, of hay, tightly com- pressed; they are placed as closely as possible in the hamper; on the top is a layer of hay, and paper over all; with a packing-needle and twine the lid is then fastened down. Some use wooden boxes, and pack the eggs in sawdust or bran; but I consider the nailing down of the lid causes a jar which is apt to frac- ture the eggs. I never received a setting, packed in this way, which reached me in perfect pre- servation. Railway officials, moreover, handle boxes much less carefully than the more fragile-looking hamper. As soon as eggs for setting are received, they should be put under the hen. I have had com- plaints of the failure of eggs from my yards, which; I have found, were actually allowed to lie in their hamper a fortnight unset; the wonder is that any hatched at all. Often, too, laying hens are allowed access to the sitting hen’s nest, and eggs are broken in the struggle which invariably ensues. 206 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. Hens often lay during incubation, and, if these eggs are not removed, the result will be the appearance of mongrels in a clutch of a supposed distinct breed. A little attention would have ensured the non- intrusion of such black sheep, and probably the better hatching of the travelled eggs, for such require abundant warmth, even more than those laid at home; a tutored eye at once detects the presence of these unbidden guests. On the ninth day I examine the eggs, by the aid of a candle, in a darkened room, in the same way as advised in my chapter on Hatching. If the egg is to prove productive, it will appear quite dark, except a small clear disc at the top; if clear throughout, I remove it as hopeless, and have all such boiled hard (to feed the young stock), which is a great economy. I have found that hens hatch well in small separate houses made something in the style of the annexed cut (fig. 16); they may be placed in the shrubberies, or anywhere, if secluded, and the door left open, or closed, as circumstances dic- tate; when the sitting-houses are full, these little MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 207 willow-retreats will be found useful and accept- able beyond expression, to the intended sitter. Fig. 16. Willow Sitting-house, Having before advised my readers to preserve all supernumerary eggs of summer, I now give them my own recipe for so doing. Once a-week I clear my baskets, selecting only perfectly formed eggs; the slightest fracture or imperfection in the shell would cause the failure of a whole batch. I place the eggs carefully in a jar, and pour over them lime-water, which is made by dissolving 208 MY OWN EXPERIENCE, quicklime, in the proportion of two pounds to four gallons of water; this must stand a day, at least, till the residue has scttled at the bottom of the vessel; the clearer portion is then poured over the eggs, so as to cover them. Should the jar not be full, fresh eggs are added from time to time, and as the lime water rises, it is poured into another jar, ready to be filled in like manner. Some use salt for preserving eggs; T have tried it, and found it worse than useless. It hardens the yolk, and renders the egg uneat- able. Be careful that the eggs are at least an inch below the surface of the water; place a plate, or lid of wood, over them, to prevent their floating; tie up the jar, and label it, stating the date, and number of dozens. These eggs are only worth, perhaps, sixpence a-dozen at the time, but when you use them (which will be in the scarce season, for they keep good many months), they will be worth Is. 4d. at least. For even culinary purposes foreign eggs,—the collection of months,—find ready purchasers at MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 209 that price; but, (were preserved eggs more in use), we would not be so dependent on our gallant allies for a winter pudding; the sun’s partiality makes us owe the juice of the grape to the “ Gallic cock,” but we have no occasion to be indebted to his hens. Our own poultry yards should furnish our tables; there need be no limit to our supply of eggs and poultry,—at present, not, by any means, equal to the demand; for a bountiful and “ all- the-year-round” stock, I ask only a fair trial of my advice, Every one has experienced the scarcity of poultry in the country; a dire necessity exists for reform,—let us have it, and we shall no longer be obliged to eat things—called chickens—too often to be classed only with Pharaoh’s “lean kine.” We have brighter hopes for the future, we will no longer give the “pas” to our continental’ dealers; we shall equal them, and then cry, Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Farmers say that “Poultry rearing is unprofit- able, won’t pay, that prices are small,” &c.,—so 0 210 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. are the chickens,—make them larger, and prices must rise. The importation of eggs and poultry from abroad is enormous; I do grudge to see our farmers throw away so great a source of profit. All keep poultry on a greater or lesser scale, thereby admitting the necessity of such stock,— now, if kept at all, let it be of remunerative kinds. My maxim is, “ Whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well,”’—and I would rather see our agricul- tural husbands “hen-pecked ” all their lives, than beaten by foreigners. Let us give our neighbours useful lessons in poultry, as in the management of the farm, and they must succumb, in spite of their more geniai climate. Perhaps my little book may assist in this laudable endeavour; a certain degree of know- ledge is necessary to organize a system. I assure my readers mine is not merely theory; they may judge of this by my facts. To back up this pretension, figures are requisite, and they are forthcoming. MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 21k “The farm-yard” is patronized by royalty, and dealings in stock—not despised; many ladies take an interest in the “Dairy;” I advise their turning their attention to the “Poultry-yard” as well,—thereby giving a stimulus to the breeders of fine poultry, and certainly benefiting their own ménages by the introduction of such. At the risk of even my word being doubted by the ignorant, I subjoin the weights of Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Dorkings, Cochins, &c., from my own yards. Only those who have real experience in modern poultry will credit the weights to which they have attained, by judicious breeding and feeding. A friend of mine, the other day, spoke (with a mixture of surprise and incredulity) of a Tarkey he knew of, which was sazd to weigh 20 lbs. His surprise was considerably increased when one was pointed out to him weighing 34 lbs., which was strutting about in my yard in all its pride, the consequential protector of twenty hens, the best of which would rival the weight of the cock that caused so much astonishment to the novice. 212 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. I had once a Turkey that weighed 40 lbs., but alas! he is no more, though he lives in his pos- terity. I consider the following good exhibition weights, where they are an element of success, which, in many merely fancy varieties, is not the case—colouring and condition being the deside- rata :— Turkey Cock, : : . 25 to 30 lbs » Hen,. ; F . 17 +, 20, Toulouse Gander, . ‘ . 25 , 30 . Goose, . : ~ 20. ,, 24 Grey Dorking Cock, . . 10 4, 12 ~, se » Hen, 3 » a8 gs RO Rouen Drake, ; : 3 ov » 8k, 9 Duck, . e . 64 ” 7 ” Aylesbury Drake, . ‘ eS By Ors Duck, . ‘ . 7, 84, Cochin Cock, , ; oe LO ge TP, » Hen, . ‘ ; 3). (BL HG a5 Brahma Pootra Cock, . ee LOi egy 12) 3: 35 » Hen, . ge Bhogye 9° ys I may mention that a pen of two goslings I sent to Birmingham, in December, 1860, weighed MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 215 42 Ibs., their age being five months. Three Dork- ing pullets (six months’ old) I sent to the same show weighed 234 lbs. My own expenses are, perhaps, greater than are required. Poultry is my “hobby,” and I ride it. My “staff” numbers three-—a man and two women; my own valuable services must not be lost sight of—a galaxy of talent—at least we think so, and that is the same thing. Fortunately there are full lists of our prizes and precedents, during past years, to refer to. I do not think they will show I have been a laggard in the fray; badinage apart, we have been given laurels, and gratefully wear them. Not the least pleasure of social life is that of making friends, and retaining them by the inter- change of ideas and experience on a subject of common interest. Such is the mysterious and cabalistic tie which binds poultry-fanciers together, that, without even an introduction, they look upon each other as friends, and are delighted to acknowledge the freemasonry that exists among them. From a simple question about poultry has 214 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. arisen a personal friendship, and the kindest pos- sible feeling; how pleasant a chat upon poultry can be, is only known to the initiated few. The cottager seeks for information from his wealthier (in poultry) neighbour, and it is for him I enjoy the small country shows, if conducted on an amiable and friendly footing; they are the annual exponents of poultry progress, and a true lover of poultry will take defeat in good part, provided he feels sure that he has been fairly dealt with; though disappointed, he will bear no malice; but justice there must be, to avoid grumb-: lings and heart-burnings. Now for my “ Balance Sheet,’—dreadful words to not a few! Bear in mind that the profits and expenses of exhibition about make an even balance in the debit and credit account, and are therefore excluded; if I buy at shows, I sell also, and in the long-run nothing is lost. I give my regular yearly expenses, and returns of private and market sales—including the value of poultry- yard produce used in my household. Had profit been my sole object in poultry- rearing, I could have shown a much larger credit MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 215 account, for I should not, in that ease, have put prohibitory prices on my exhibition pens, but sold them at a remunerative rate. I have refused sixteen guineas for two favourite goslings, and more than once ten for a Dorking cockerel— money could not buy them. I have always found my prizes pay expenses of exhibition in Scotland. It is different when a long journey has to be undertaken to London, Liverpool, and Birmingham. Fame, however, there acquired, sells eggs and stock. [BALANCE SHEET. Balance Pourtry on Hanp—BxreEepine Stock. 15th February, 1861. 14 Geese at Market value : . . L7 0 0 25 Turkeys at 10s. . ‘ ‘ . 1210 0 15 Rouen Ducks at 28. . ‘ ; 110 0 6 Buenos Ayres Ducks at 2s. . . : 012 0 55 Dorkings at 2s. ‘ - . : 510 0 86 Brahmas at 2s. a 4 812 0 15 Buff Cochins at 2s. $ : : 110 0 25 White Cochins at 2s. ; 3 , 210 0 12 Créve Coeurs at 2s. . . 5 140 30 Cross-bred Hens for Setting at 28s. . . 38 0 0 L.388 18 0 The manure from the poultry houses, which is very valuable, in fact the Recerrrrs, 1860. Eggs sold at Market . , f .- L.18 8 0 Poultry sold at market prices , 5 . 12 6 6 Eggs for household, do. ' . » 1140 Poultry for household, do. ‘ . » 84 5 0 Eggs sold for setting . , . » 38616 0 Poultry sold for breeding ‘ ’ » 53812 6 Feathers and Down 7 . ‘ . 511 3 Poultry sold by public aucticn . » 14815 6 ae oO BZG 7 L.320 18 9 Balance brought down . A -L.17 1 «0 Balance brought down . s 3 Z 916 0 Total profits, . L.26 17 0 Sheet. Pouttry on HanD—BR.%eEpDING Stock. 15th February, 1860. 5 Geese at Market value ‘ a - L210 0 10 Turkeys at 10s. < : 7 i 5 0 0 10 Ducks at 2s. < é ‘ . 100 36 Dorkings at 2s. . : - 312 0 36 Brahmas at 2s. - i ‘ i 312 0 10 Buff Cochins at 2s. . i > ‘ 100 10 White Cochins at 2s. . 5 100 6 Golden-Pencilled Hamburghs at 28. . A 012 0 8 Créve Cceurs at 2s. é 016 0 5 Bantams at 1s. * ‘ 05 0 25 Hens bought in for Setting at 28. 7 210 0 L.21 17 0 Balance carried down . . . » 17 10 L.38 18 0 richest Guano, I consider quite an equivalent for the straw and hay used. ExpEnsEs, 1860. Wages . < c 7 . L.80 0 0 Grain and Oatmeal 3 2 ° . 115 7 0 Paring Meal (or Thirds) i a . 23 5 0 Bran. 5 . 2 : 2 6 Indian Corn. . 38116 9 Hemp Seed : . 6 2 9 Baclivlieat and Linseed . 3 8 0 Eggs for Setting . . 617 0 Medicine : . ‘ 210 Ale and Beer . . - 5 510 0 Bread. ‘ . ‘ . 515 3 Meat. ;. : - . 314 3 Advertising and ‘Dairy . - . . 14 3 6 Carpenter-Work and Wire 7 . 7 1 38 Wicker-Work, Setting Coops . 113 0 Cutlery . 0 7 0 Feeding and Drinking Vessels . 018 6 Balance carried down . . 916 0 L.820 18 9 218 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. I must leave it to the reader to put a price on my own personal labour, time, &c.; do not set them down at too low a figure. All dainty food I distribute with my own hands, or give it in charge to one who is acquainted with the wants and circumstances of my favourites. Even as late as ten o’clock, on a summer night, I may be seen, basket in hand, containing vinegar, oil, and other “impedimentd,” making the round of the houses and coops, in which some of the occupants require the different medicines. Should roup unfortunately appear, a regular routine of washing is established ; a small basin for vinegar, and a sponge, are produced from my basket, and every night, and every morning, each sufferer is attended to. Such care is rewarded by the speedy rec >very of the patients, and then I gladly lay aside the physic for the food, and rejoice the hearts of the convalescents with some little additional treat. They all know me quite well, and, at the MY OWN EXPERIENCE. 219 usual hour of feeding, will come far on the way to meet me; I am proud to have them about me. * * * * ** He prayeth well that loveth well Both man, and bird, and beast; He prayeth best, who loveth best All things, both great and small ; For the dear God who loveth us, He made, and loves them all.” “No man can tether time or tide,” this is beyond the energies even of the “ Henwife,” and I must now make my congé, a book not being (as were Othello’s “ bloody thoughts”)— “ Like to the Pontic Sea, Whose icy current and compulsive course Ne’er feels retiring ebb, but keeps due on To the Propontic and the Hellespont.” I would not lag “superfluous on the stage:” sweet is the sailor’s rest when the voyage is over, and sweet the Author’s dreams when the toil is ended. Many, perhaps, have deemed me a fanatic, and have, long since, thrown away my book as the raving of a monomaniac. 220 MY OWN EXPERIENCE. But all have not the same tastes, and if any have been my unwearied companions through the pleasant fields of Poultry, I thank them with a warm and grateful heart. With such, “parting” is, indeed, “ sweet sorrow.” “Farewell,—a word that must be, and has been.” Farewell—kind reader. The Henwife's Own Basket. The Bentwife’s Rater Gxperience. —<— Since this volume was first published, “The Henwife” has contributed many valuable papers on the subject of poultry to the Farmer news- paper. With the exception of much that was nearly a repetition of what is contained in this work, these have been rearranged in their pre- sent form, and cannot fail to be acceptable to all lovers of poultry. They still retain their journalistic style, but that can readily be over- looked in the useful information they contain, Chickens and Ducklings. In the early spring it is quite necessary for all good henwives to look forward, and, with all the knowledge we possess or can acquire from the P 222 CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. experience of others, make every needful arrange- ment for the future. I gladly, therefore, contri- bute my mite in further aiding such endeavours with what I may know on the subject. Every well-regulated poultry-yard should be able early in April to display a sufficient number of late-hatched chickens to supply the table until those of this year’s hatching are ready for use ; and there should also be abundance of eggs for the use of the household and for setting. All superfluous stock should have been disposed of, either by private or public sale, during the month of January, and the different yards made up for the breeding season—say one cock and six hens in each, Already, there should be seen chickens of two months old—perhaps future prize-takers —if not, at all events birds valuable for table use. The work of setting must be proceeded with regularly and rapidly. Give only nine eggs to the hen; make the nest on a layer of ashes, with hay, under which put a fresh green turf; sprinkle the eggs slightly every day with tepid water ; keep the hen off the nest a quarter of an hour till she feeds, and during that time the CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. 223 different nests can be examined, cleaned, &c. In case of frost, it is desirable to have a flue in the sitting-house, so that a little heat may be given at night ; none is necessary during the day, nor at all for the laying-houses., The food sup- plied gives sufficient warmth. This should be of thirds—sometimes called sharps—slaked with water, made overnight, and given as early as possible in the morning ; at mid-day (for the second meal), a little minced liver or cooked meat of any kind, hemp-seed, and any green food procurable at this season; at four o’clock, for the last meal, give as much grain as they will pick up—light wheat or barley is the best, and, in addition, a little Indian corn, but this last sparingly, as it tends to fatten too much, and I need not say that all breeding birds should be in stock condition. Very heavy fowls seldom either lay or breed well. Setting-hens are not plentiful at this time. One is indebted to kind neighbours for all their spare setters. It is a good plan to place a number of early-hatched pullets of all kinds that sit well in a yard with any cocks reserved to fill up vacancies by casu- 224 CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. alties, These pullets lay soon, and from them early sitters are supplied. Chickens should hatch on the twenty-first day, or a few hours later at furthest. Save removing the empty shells, do not interfere with the nest for twenty-four hours ; then put the mother and her brood into a coop ; feed with oatmeal and paring- meal, ecual parts, mixed with water into a crumbling state, or bread soaked in milk and squeezed dry ; give the chicks twice daily a little water to drink, but do not leave it beside them. Some writers on poultry advise the removal of the little scale from the tip of the chickens’ bill, but this practice is as cruel as it is unnecessary. Where it is possible, the mother and her brood may with great advantage be placed under a shed in their coop for a few days until the chickens become strong on the leg, when they can be cooped out on dry earth or gravel. Chickens are liable to cramp, and although access to grass is advantageous, close confinement to it is not so at every time. A gravel walk near grass is the best possible site for a poultry coop until the chickens are old and strong enough to seek for shelter CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. 225 from damp or cold. They can then be removed to less-favoured quarters, and give place to newly- hatched broods. Following this practice system- atically, numbers may be reared in a small space. A little fresh gravel or sand must occasionally be strewed over the ground, and it must be swept daily. It is useful to leave little heaps of sand here and there as play-grounds for the chickens; they scrape and half bury themselves in the dust, thereby ridding their little bodies of troublesome insects. After the third day from hatching, chickens may have an increased dietary, such as eggs boiled hard, mixed up with the shell; bread soaked in beer; cooked meat minced; a few grains of hemp-seed, buckwheat, and groats —all in addition to their former food. The hen, of course, must be plentifully supplied with the usual food of the poultry-yard. After the first week chickens may be allowed free access to water. The best water dishes are made of tin, 14 inches deep, the middle filled up, leaving only a narrow channel for water ; or what is equally good, aud more easily obtained, flower-pot saucers inverted one into the other. 226 CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. All persons conversant with poultry matters allow that, in order to secure early-hatched chickens, it is a necessity to have Cochin hens to act as mothers. Dorkings, &c., may lay during winter, but they rarely sit until their usual time, which is spring. Cochins, on the contrary, sit three or four times a year, and as they are good winter layers, if young, they can be depended upon to hatch the eggs of all tardy sitters. For this purpose alone, therefore, Cochins would be valuable additions to our stock; but I consider them besides very beautiful birds. Their soft downy feathering, of such exquisite tints of yellow and maize, all ladies must admire, and the true types of the high-caste Cochins are of handsome, massive build, majestic carriage, large size, and (which is but little known) very short on the leg. They are hardy, docile, and very productive ; their eggs are not large, but by no means so small as those of the Hamburgs, They bear confinement well, and a fence three feet high is sufficient to keep them within bounds. They require no perch in their houses, preferring the floor, which must, however, be littered down CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. 227 with straw, as in a stable, and as regularly re- newed, for the feathering is so delicate in colour and texture that it is easily soiled and ruffled by damp. I do not consider Cochins good table fowls unless when quite young, and I conse- quently advise their being kept principally as ege-layers and sitters. Pure-bred birds com- mand high prices, and at all our principal shows the classes fill well. Hach fancier has her or his individual taste regarding colour, and, as the varieties are numerous, if the points and qualities are good, colouring only holds a secondary place. White Cochins, from the contrast of the scarlet comb, yellow bill, and snowy plumage, are pe- culiarly attractive, and they are quite as robust as the coloured birds, but they must have a clean grass run, and be seen only under a pure sky. They are apt to become yellow if exposed much to the sun; so require a shaded yard—if the birds are intended for exhibition—the yellow tinge being a great disqualification. To those who have the wish to breed early chickens for market, I confidently recommend crossing the Cochin hen with a Dorking cock. The chickens 228 CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. will feather more quickly than the pure-bred Cochins, which are backward in fledging ; and although there may be a shade of yellow in the skin at that early season, say in March, poul- terers cannot be fastidious, and I have known them thankful to pay high prices for chickens that would be almost worthless later. There is no doubt Cochins are very productive when properly managed ; and I strongly advise the introduction at once of a few hens into all poultry-yards, feeling sure they will give satisfaction on trial. Chickens hatched in January should have assumed the plumage of adult birds by the middle of June, and many will have begun to lay—thus keeping up the supply of eggs during the moulting season. These young fowls will sit in the autumn, and a continued succession of chickens will thus be secured. Fewer are re- quired during winter, as they are only for table use, The great bulk of hatching should be proceeded with during the six months from February to July. Ducklings should now be making their appear- ance, and, if well fed, will be fit for table use in ae CHICKENS AND DUCKLINGS. 229 the first week of June, when green peas may be confidently looked for as their natural accom- paniment, For a fortnight keep the hen cooped on grass, giving the ducklings access to a small enclosure—temporary, of course, as it must be moved daily. Feed with soft food—groats thrown into a shallow dish kept always full of water, in which may be a fresh turf; a little buckwheat, linseed, and hemp-seed, with crusts of bread—all, when well soaked, are greedily devoured by ducklings. I prefer a hen to a duck mother, as being more easily managed, and not requiring a daily bath. Goslings can also be reared successfully under hens, and the earliest egos (three to each hen) should be set as soon as laid, leaving the latest for the goose herself. The Toulouse breed lays freely, sometimes thirty eggs before showing any inclination to sit. They are fond of all green food—cabbage, lettuce, spinach, &c., in addition to soft food and grain. The goose mother is very exclusive, and is jealous of any interference with her young, and though careful, and seldom losing any by illness. or acci- dent, she cannot, owing to her wandering habits 230 DISEASES IN CHICKENS. and naturally frugal fare, build up prize goslings. To attain to the enormous weights required, high feeding is de rigueur. Diseases in Chichens, In spring the weather is generally very trying for young chickens. They have then much to strive against—and happy those breeders who can say they have not suffered in stock from the pre- valence of cold winds, showers of rain and sleet, with treacherous glimpses of sun, which, like a false friend, smiles upon us only to leave us in the hour of trial and weakness. It is then that roup and other diseases will probably appear, with the usual fatal results. Much, however, may be done, by care and experience, to ward off the malady, and I am glad to be able to come to the assistance of desponding fellow-henwives, and give them a recipe for the benefit of their valuable young birds. If roup, though a very deadly disease, has made its appearance, it can be cured. Put into each drinking vessel a piece of camphor, and as it dissolves replace it. If DISEASES IN CHICKENS. 231 the weather is damp, dust a little pounded pimento into the food, in the proportion of one teaspoon- ful to twenty-four chickens, For the first week do not allow the hen to leave her coop, unless you can put her under cover and confine her to a wired-in range. Roup generally attacks chick- ens when the feathers begin to appear. It will probably have owed its origin to the bad weather remarked upon; but breeders must also be care- ful that over-crowding has not had a share in producing the evil. Take care, therefure, not to overstock your ground ; if crowded, chickens cannot thrive. In wet weather it is necessary to put very young chickens under cover, and it is difficult to find space for all to be comfortably housed, and yet sufficiently apart. If possible, however, separate your coops, and on the first appearance of disease remove the brood to a distance, and make it your special care. Mere removal to fresh ground often effects a cure. Very young chickens cannot bear much hand- ling, and every other means should be tried before having recourse to the medicine bottle, The symptoms- of roup are gasping, hoarse. 232 DISEASES IN CHICKENS. ness, and loss of appetite. If the birds attacked are not valuable, I strongly urge their being put out of pain and of sight at once, thereby stamp- ing-out the disease in our poultry-yards. Put only your very best chickens under medicinal treatment, and administer to them the following remedies :—A piece of camphor the size of a pea, a few drops of castor-oil, and wash the nostrils and inside of mouth with vinegar. For this purpose, use a small sponge. Vinegar is very cleansing, removing the mucus which collects in the throat. Take the scale off the tongue ; this is done by holding the bill open with the left hand, and scraping off the hard point with the thumb-nail of the right. This operation can only be performed upon strong well-grown chickens. The more the tongue bleeds the better. Continue the washing with vinegar morning and evening until the gushing ceases, and the appetite returns, Every morning fill the drinking vessels with water, to which has been added the restorative, the recipe of which is as follows:—‘1 lb. of sulphate of iron and 2 oz. sulphuric acid, dis- solved in 1} gallons of boiling water. When cold DISEASES IN CHICKENS. 233 bottle it, and use in the proportion of one tea- spoonful to a pint of water.” At all times and to all poultry this tonic may be given with ad- vantage, particularly in the moulting season, or when the birds have been weakened by exhibition. Chickens, especially Brahmas, suffer much from slow feathering. In cold weather it is very trying, and some will sink under it. The cure is good housing and high feeding. Bread soaked in ale, given once a day, or oftener, if not grudged ; crushed bones, curd, eggs; in fact, everything that is conducive to strength and health, T have seen (fortunately not often) chickens suf- fering from noxious animalcule, which literally prey upon the bodies of the poor little things, It may be the mother has been too closely confined, or perhaps not allowed daily access to her dust bath, or the coop has not been cleansed sufficiently often. In any case, it shows bad management, for such a disease should be unknown in a well-appointed poultry-yard. The cure is simple enough—snuff or sulphur dusted into the feathers of the hen chickens ; but when the latter have suffered and severely from the attacks of their enemies, and 234 YOUNG STOCK. become ragged in feather, and almost naked, the snuff or sulphur should be mixed with lard, and rubbed in by the hand. During warm weather, the hen-houses, and especially the sitting- house, should be kept scrupulously clean. Occa- sionally sprinkle a little water over the floors and nests, and upon the wetted parts scatter sulphur mixed with ashes, The hen-house is so frequently visited by the lady or gentleman manager and their friends, that cleanliness be- comes a sine gud non, and perfect security from the inroads of all parasites must be guaranteed. Poung Stock. When May sets in, our poultry-yards teem with daily-increasing life, and we must be very busy with the care of our young stock, Pick out indifferent early chickens now, and kill them as required for the table. There are always some with faulty claws or combs, and upon such high feeding and special care are wasted; therefore slay and eat all doubtful chickens, and hatch more—the greater the i YOUNG STOCK. 235 number to choose from, of course, the better the chance of prize-birds. Remove the superior chickens to choice situations, separating the pullets from the cockerels, as in this way differ- ent breeds can be kept together at one range. From time to time weed out any that are de- ficient in points, and fill up their places with fresh recruits. The great work of setting is nearly over; but a few pens may still be set for the purpose of keeping up a regular supply of chickens throughout the year. The henwife’s time will be fully occupied with the many young broods now demanding constant care and watchfulness. Geese, ducks, chickens, and turkeys will all be abundant. Turkeys should be set so as to hatch about the same time, as they go together in large flocks; and being generally put as far as possible from the rest of the poultry, it would require too much labour to look after broods of different ages. Turkey eggs hatch on the thirty-first day, and for a week the chicks should be treated in a similar manner to those of the common hen, but after that they require more green food. Chopped onions, 236 YOUNG STOCK. nettles, docks, and cresses are much relished, mixed up with meal, A little fresh curd, hard- boiled eggs, bread, groats, and buckwheat, are also favourite items of their daily diet. Coop the hens on grass, and do not, for the first fortnight, allow them free range. After that, let them out during the day, when fine and the ground quite dry. Turkeys are careful, gentle mothers, but the chicks are delicate, and in damp seasons defy all care. They must have shelter from too hot sun, as well as occasional showers, for at least two months. When the weather is very warm and sunny at this season, this is a good time to dispose of adult birds of all kinds, thus making room for the young. I would advise poultry-rearers to exercise their discretion, and allow the mother hens to roam at large with her young brood for a few hours daily, care being taken that she does not wander too far; but if she seeks the shade and shelter of a hedge or plantation, and there takes her dust-bath, and scrapes up food for her young, the less she is interfered with the better. Place water near, and throw down the usual food for SUMMER MANAGEMENT. 237 the chickens; but never allow them to go out till the dew is off the ground, or leave them out after sunset. Summer Wanagement. When summer has fairly set in, poultry-keepers cannot be too seriously warned against exposing their young broods to the full force of the sun, Turn the coops so as partially to afford shade; but by far the best plan is to let the mother wander at large with her little flock, A few branches of evergreens stuck into the ground will afford a very simple and yet efficient shelter. Turkeys take refuge in the long grass, and it is a good plan to cut strips at regular distances throughout, on which place the coops, and the poults can roam at large, Shift the coops to fresh ground every day, and see that the poor imprisoned mothers are well fed, and supplied daily with green food, such as cabbage, or what- ever is not required as being too coarse for the food of the young, The adult fowls that are shut up in yards are much to be pitied in warm weather ; see, then, that their water dishes are Q 238 SUMMER MANAGEMENT. frequently refilled, and that they get as much green food as possible, In each yard there should be a low shed erected, under which they can shelter themselves and take their dust bath, Moulting has begun, and as this is a drain on the constitution of birds closely confined, high feeding is necessary. They have good appetites during this period, and, if properly attended to, and nourishing food freely administered to supply the waste, their poor denuded bodies will soon be again covered with smooth, firm plumage, which is the surest indication of good health in poultry. Old mortar or lime rubbish should be scattered over the yards, or placed in a heap in a corner. Fowls are very fond of it, and it is conducive to their health. A little citrate of iron may be given, dissolved in ale, and added to the soft food ; and at all times give the fowls a few burnt oyster shells. In April it is well to lay in a store, and burn them when required. This, if properly done, calcines the shell, when it can be easily broken with the fingers. Hens frequently eat their eggs ; if of little value, kill the offender at once, for she may infect the others; but I have SUMMER MANAGEMENT. 239 found that if the laying-house is kept quite dark, hens are not so apt to indulge in this evil pro- pensity: absence of lime frequently causes it, and once the habit is acquired, it is impossible to cure it effectually. Many recommend chalk nest-eggs, but I have tried them without any good result. As some of my readers may wish to diminish the expense of their poultry-keeping, I suggest their sending early chickens to market. If good enough—that is, with straight breast bones, white legs, are fat and plump, and of fair size for birds hatched in January and February—the highest prices for such are to be obtained in London ; but even in country towns the value of early chickens is very fairly estimated, and a remunerative price freely given. The importa- tions of eggs and poultry from the Continent are enormous, and if a pays to breed poultry abroad, surely it might be made equally profit- able in our own country. Establishments have been lately organised to try the effect of rearing poultry on a large scale. Time will, I hope, enable these philanthropists to show a fair 240 SUMMER MANAGEMENT. balance-sheet, and to encourage others to follow their good example. if poultry is kept for profit alone, or where the superfluous stock is only sold to reduce ex- penses, I advise the breeder to confine his fancy to the more valuable varieties, as commanding a sure market, either for table use or exhibition. The expenses of rearing and feeding valuable fowls will be all but the same as that of com- paratively worthless ones. The same attendance will be required, and the only additional outlay will be on the extra comfort and warmth neces- sary for early-hatched chickens. This, if pro- perly managed, willbe very trifling. It isa great mistake to build chicken palaces, or to fancy that such can ever be constructed on such elastic principles as to afford space for the rear- ing of poultry and supply of eggs, even for a moderate establishment, throughout the year. On however large a scale the attempt is made, chickens confined entirely to such would not thrive, and the result would only bring dis- appointment. Nowhere can poultry be reared better or at less outlay than at a farm-steading PRESERVING AND SALE OF EGGS, 241 —aye, and very fair pens for exhibition can be picked out from the farm-stock, When eggs for market is the object, I would recommend the best layers only to be kept, and all young pul- lets; but there may also be a pure unmixed breed of Dorkings, Brahmas, Spanish, or any kind most fancied, kept as well for exhibition and sale, in matched pens. From five to ten pounds can be got for such, and this repeated several times makes a pretty entry on the credit side of the balance-sheet. Preserbing and Sale of Eggs. When eggs are plentiful, 64d. or 7d. per dozen is their usual market-price in country places. Say this lasts during the months of May, June, and July; during that time I would advise all those who look forward to the rearing of pheasants, turkeys, and young poultry of all kinds, to preserve every egg not required for household use or for setting, During the three following months eggs become much less plentiful, as the hens are in moult, and many going with 242 PRESERVING AND SALE OF EGGS. broods. These sell at highest market-prices, and continue to do so as long as possible; but to the breeders of pure strains of poultry I would give this advice: never sell at market at all; the price is not sufficiently remunerative, and it is far better to preserve even your most valuable eggs, or eat them, than to run the risk of their being set and hatched to supplant your birds perhaps at your own county exhibition of poultry. Sell, of course, at setting price, but no other. November, December, and January are bad egg months generally with the common run of fowls, and setting for spring chickens com- mences ; so, except any small or malformed eggs (all which should go into the preserving jars), there are not many to spare for market, and we are very glad to have an abundant supply of well-preserved, I may even say fresh, eggs for kitchen use, reserving choice, new-laid eggs for the breakfast-table. I have, as a great favour, frequently supplied the table of royalty from my poultry-yard when all other sources failed in Scotland. With a system of poultry manage- ment there need never be a dearth; and I was PRESERVING AND SALE OF EGGS. 243 very pleased that I could supply eggs, capons, &e., really worthy of places on the royal tables. February, March, and April are the three busiest months in the “ Henwife’s” year. The demands for settings pour in from all quarters, and it is sometimes difficult to supply all the applicants and our own sitting-house too; and at this time we feel the full benefit of the forethought which made us fill jar upon jar of eggs, now called for on all hands to feed the young stock. In my own establishment thirty dozen are required for that purpose alone, and it can be understood how impossible such a claim could be met unless in the way I have described. I would sum up the directions thus :—February, March, and April—Set for stock, and sell for setting only. May, June, and July—Preserve every ege. August, September, and October—Sell at market, if you do not fear the risk, and con- tinue to preserve. November, December, and January—Set for spring chickens, or sell. At that cold season there is less chance of eggs being set. To preserve eggs, soak four pounds of quick- 2414 PRESERVING AND SALE OF EGGS. lime in two gallons of water, stir occasionally for two days, when, after allowing it to settle, the clear liquid can be poured off into jars, Select the eggs (as fresh as possible) very care- fully. The slightest crack or blemish in the shell would destroy the whole contents of a jar. Put in the eggs gently, and fill up to within three inches of the surface with the lime-water. Place a lid of wood or a plate upon the eggs to keep them down; tie up the jar, and label it, marking the date of preserving, and number of dozens. Eggs will soon become scarce, and consequently dear, but those preserved as I have directed will keep fresh and good for twelve months, and may be used in the kitchen with perfect confidence. JI repeat, however, that though the process is simple, like anything else, it requires to be effected with care. Where valuable poultry is kept, eggs cannot be sent to market ; and, indeed, the price is so low at this season, there is no inducement to sell, unless for hatching, when one or two guineas per dozen can be readily commanded, EXHIBITION. 245 Gxhibition, Those who are looking forward to summer (chicken) exhibitions, should, by the middle of May, be selecting matched (as far as possible at this early stage) birds, and putting them together in free runs, Many, when the time comes, will fall short of the necessary qualifications—for it is not easy to rear prize-fowls—but though not fit for an exhibition-pen, the rejected ones may be very good as single birds to sell or breed from. The extra feeding and exclusive attention they have received will also be well bestowed upon them if they are destined to grace the boards, and cause them to be appreciated by the good housewife when they make their appear- ance, “ beautiful in death,” on the dinner-table. It is often a matter of congratulation, that out of a flock of early chickens, ducks, geese, or tur- keys, some may be given over without a murmur or sigh of regret to the tender care of the cordon blew of the kitchen. If all has gone well with our early hatchings, 246 EXHIBITION. the spirit of emulation may lead us to wish for success in the “exhibition-yard,” and already many poultry-shows, principally (and wisely at this season) for chickens, are announced. It is to be presumed that all the pullets and cockerels have been living apart, and all consequently growing more rapidly, and with greater perfec- tion of plumage, than if kept together. The separating system has been strongly advocated, Premature laying stops the growth of the pullet; and while it is useful to keep up a supply of eggs, it can be done by devoting, say, the badly- feathered, and otherwise deficient birds to this purpose, and keeping your intended exhibition birds in greater seclusion, The chicken runs having been carefully weeded from time to time, it becomes comparatively easy to select from these a pair of pullets and cockerel to form a matched pen. These must now be cooped to- gether, and receive extra care andfeeding, Pro- vided you give them daily and abundant exercise, you may feed highly ; in fact, it is the grand secret of bringing up birds to the seemingly marvellous weighis now required in prize poultry. Give EXHIBITION. 242 bread soaked in ale, linseed soaked and mixed with their soft meal food, cooked meat, crushed bones, hemp-seed, custard made with milk and eges—nothing is too good for our intended prize- winners ; and though our fond hopes may not be realised as to seeing our names in the prize- list ;wwe have had a great and constant interest afforded us for months, The pleasure of anti- cipation is great; and one disappointment may be tempered with the thought that with persever- ance and patience we may attain perfection, and in time secure the coveted prize, justly withheld from us now. Many pens we noticed in the prize-list find purchasers at remunerative re- turns; and those who’ do not put prohibitory prices on their birds can generally count upon the sales covering their exhibition expenses. But even if they did not, it is still necessary to exhibit, in order to keep up the standard of their poultry-yards. A simple “commendation” at a high-class poultry-show is of value, as the fame justly acquired there sells both eggs and stock. 248 EXHIBITION, PREPARING FOR EXHIBITION. The season of poultry-shows begins in Sep- tember. A little advice to those who are about to make their début in poultry life may now be acceptable from one who has “trod the boards,” and experienced the anxiety, and frequently dis- appointment, which attend the footsteps of the exhibitor. I cannot do better than relate my own mode of procedure while preparing birds for show. About the middle of July I select from the free runs of pullets and cockerels a few of the best of each kind of fowls, and shut them up in the wired-in range of the poultry-yard, where they are well fed and have regular ex- ercise. Three weeks after, I choose and match a cockerel and three pullets of each kind, return- ing the rejected ones to their old homes, none the worse for their change of abode and extra feeding. The selected champions of the poultry- yard are then made the objects of peculiar care and attention. While at exercise they are watched to prevent fighting, which is certain destruction to the combs and toes of cocks, EXHIBITION. 249 Their food consists of meal mixed with ale or milk, scraps of meat from the table, linseed soaked and mixed with rice or meal, hempseed, groats, and wheat. Nothing is too good for exhibition-birds, the expected winners of first prizes and silver cups. Having put up three pullets with each cockerel, I have then to select from them the best pair, and return one to its plantation run. It is not an easy matter to match a pen of fowls, though only three in num- ber ; there are so many points to be considered ; and the matching of combs, hackles, breasts, shape, and colour, must be perfect, All other points being equal, I determine the final choice by weight, and I have just completed my entries by weighing my beautiful Rouen ducklings, which turn the scale at eighteen pounds, I am scrupulously careful in washing the white Cochins and light Brahmas. Old birds are yellow and shabby at this season, and require to be thoroughly cleansed to look at all well. I use a brush, white soap, and hot water, taking care to brush the feathers straight down, and always pouring tepid water over the bird to remove any 250 EXHIBITION. iraces of the soap. Immediately after washing, and drying with soft towels, put the birds into hampers with straw, and keep them under cover \ill quite dry. I always wash the feet of Dork- ings carefully before putting them into their exhibition-hampers, because the white leg and foot are “ points” of excellence; and it freshens up all birds to have their legs, combs, and faces washed and made tidy before leaving home, to be admired of hundreds, and to undergo the scrutiny of keen, quick-sighted judges. It is often so difficult to decide between two cocks of appar- ently equal merits, that I always pen them up in a row, and select the one that shows himself off to the best advantage. A drooping, dull bird is seldom successful; sprightliness is a sien of health, and boldness of mien indicative of vigour and courage, two essentials in male birds. When all is ready, with the help of many willing assist- ants (for a poultry-show is a great event, and speculation is rife upon the merits of the differ- ent birds), I put my beauties into their hampers, and despatch them to their destination. Their breakfast preparatory to their journey is entirely EXHIBITION. 251 of meal, with a little spice (pimento or pepper) in it, to give warmth ; and I always send along with the birds a bag containing food for at least one day. The hampers are best when circular in form, as fowls often creep into corners and destroy their feathers, They must be sufficiently high to enable the birds to stand upright, and in each should be a good bedding of hay. I consider a lining imperative for all birds but geese, ducks, and turkeys, and even for these, in cold weather, a little straw stitched inside the hampers adds very much to their comfort. Coarse canvas or calico fastened round the basket is what I use, and from time to time these linings are taken out, washed, and put aside for future occasions. The hampers should have wicker-work lids, to tie down with strings; and I always, if possible, superintend the putting the birds into their hampers, and tying on the labels. Mistakes are of frequent occurrence, and it is almost too much for one’s temper to have a fine pen of birds dis- qualified, from having been placed in a wrong hamper, I have known this sad event happen, and experienced the inevitable effect. I ought 252 AUTUMN MANAGEMENT. to explain that my reason for giving only soft food to exhibition-birds is, that hard grain is apt to cause fever and inflammation while travelling, and being so closely confined in the pens, the food should be of an easily-digested nature. During exhibition I strongly deprecate the use of grain. Much discomfort is consequent upon the liberal supply given on these occasions to poultry; and I have even seen sawdust put in the bottoms of the coops, which reprehensible plan is certain to cause illness of a very serious nature. Autumn Aanagement, At the approach of autumn, with its chilly evenings and mornings, while our young stock is still abundant, and much of it just hatching out of the shell, very careful treatment becomes imperative, and it is absolutely necessary that there should be an abundance of warmth-giving food. The last meal should be given at five o'clock, and the coops shut up soon after, to be opened again at six in the morning. Feed often and well. Keep the hen entirely confined to the AUTUMN MANAGEMENT. 253 coop, and choose sunny spots for the runs. There is much less fear now of overcrowding—our numbers are fewer; indeed, only those chickens intended for table use or market should now be hatched. Turkeys, if not fully fledged, suffer severely from cold and damp, and although much tempted by the abundance of eggs and evident desire of the hen to incubate, I do not advise any being set; far better give the turkey some hardy fowl’s or duck’s eggs to hatch. She will cover twenty-one with ease, and have a fair chance of rearing her flock, It is useful now to mix a little pepper in the soft food of the chickens— powdered pimento does as well, and is cheaper ; and Indian corn, both ground and whole, may safely be given to all the stock poultry. Young turkeys sometimes refuse it, but by degrees they begin to relish it, and at last prefer it to all other grain. It should also be thrown into the feeding vessels appropriated to geese and ducks, mixed with oats and other grain. In our variable climate the weather is often so exceptionally bad that it tries the constitution of even the hardiest of our birds. The heavy mists prevent the grass R 254 AUTUMN MANAGEMENT. from ever being dry, and unless there are covered runs for chickens, they have but a poor chance of living through a long track of wet weather and consequent confinement to coops or outhouses, Protection from rain (when the brood is composed of valuable chickens worthy of all care) may be given at but little cost. Wire netting, yard- wide, stretched on frames with a roof of felt or tarpaulin, affords perfect shelter ; and these runs can be easily moved to fresh ground—which point is too often neglected, as many others are which give extra trouble; but the neglect of this is more fatal to young birds than if they were left entirely to the mercy of the elements and the instinctive care of the hen, who, how- ever, only attends to the comfort of her healthy, strong chicks, and walks off with them, perfectly indifferent to the cries of her helpless weaklings, Under the covered runs a heap of sand or earth must be placed, and green food, lettuce, spinach, cress, with, of course, a constant supply of fresh water, always with a piece of camphor in it. Young birds should be fed often, but small quan- tities given at one time, and the food bruised ; AUTUMN MANAGEMENT. 255 for example, in the morning a little oatmeal and water mixed into a crumbly state; later, green food and a few groats ; then more meal and a little hempseed. In the afternoon, crusts of bread, soaked and squeezed dry, and any scraps of meat left from table; and so on till the last meal, which must always be of grain—light wheat and groats are the best for chickens. Thirds, or sharps (sometimes called paring-meal) is very good for all poultry, and particularly for young growing birds, as it is rich in bone and muscle- forming properties, but being deficient in gluten, it is not warmth-giving, and is therefore better when combined with meal. Full-grown pullets will now (end of September) be laying, and some will even show symptoms of wishing to sit; but, with Birmingham and other important shows in the distance, no fine specimen of poultry should be allowed to devote herself to maternal duties, These must be left to mongrels, and the picked fowls shut out from their nests, which very soon cools their ardour, and after a little they begin laying again. Dipping in water is often recom- mended to reduce hatching-fever, but it is not 256 AUTUMN MANAGEMENT. necessary. Nothing answers better than the shutting-out system, or confinement to a strange yard alone. Turkeys and geese should now be put on the stubble, and (except their last meal on their return home in the evening) be quite independent of any other feeding. We must often be indebted to the kindness of our neigh- bours for the privilege of pasturing our flockson their fields; it is one that can be repaid in part by the gift of a turkey or goose at Christmas! Even the second broods of turkeys should now be large and strong enough to be sent great dis- tances from home, water being carried to them. In extensive poultry establishments, where a regular debit and credit system is enforced, the earliest-hatched birds are reserved for exhibition and sale at high prices ; so the second hatchings are devoted to home consumption, and for that purpose are in no respect inferior to their older brethren, except in size. Egos may be safely sent to market by mid October, few caring to take the trouble of rearing chickens through a long, dreary winter; and at present prices both poultry and eggs should be AUTUMN MANAGEMENT. 257 repaying part of the expense of feeding. All inferior birds should be killed off. Grain will probably be daily rising in value, and, as insect life is scarce, fowls are more dependent upon the food given to them. A reduction in the stock, therefore, becomes advisable, and good birds can readily be sold at fair remunerative prices. Where the stock is known as_prize-takers, matched pens of chickens fetch from £3 to £6 each ; single birds for breeding, 30s. Turkeys (hatched in May)—which should now weigh, cocks, seventeen pounds; hens, twelve pounds— are considered cheap at £3 per pair; goslings and ducks, ditto. Pens for exhibition must of course be reserved, as only by success in the show-room can stock command high prices; and it isa pleasant thing to watch the progress of birds intended for Birmingham or Manchester, where, if a prize is taken, almost fabulous prices may be obtained, and a certain sale for eggs in spring secured. To breed for market only will pay ; but then a great source of interest is lost, and all individual tastes must be sacrificed in trying to keep the balance on the right side of 258 FEEDING. the account. Where exhibition (in moderation), home supply, and market are all combined, a daily, nay hourly, amusement is afforded, and profit may still exist; it will only be a matter of time, not of degree, for there are many well- known amateurs who gain considerably by their prize-poultry. Poultry-rearers must make up their minds to one or other plan, and adhere strictly to it. As a matter of business, and solely for profit, the great object is to increase the stock as fast as possible. Sell off when ready for market—the earlier in the season the better, when young poultry isin greatest demand. Feed economically, and give the birds entire liberty. Keep only young hens of the best kinds for laying and crossing, to obtain large chickens. Feeding. It is often asked “How much grain should I give daily to my fowls?” This is a question not easily answered, so different may be the treatment in poultry-yards. Where exhibition is the rule, a very high and varied course of FEEDING. 259 feeding is necessary—the birds must be forced into feather at the proper time at any expense ; but where one pure variety of fowl only is kept —however numerous the stock—from having full liberty during the day, when they pick up much food in farm-yards, fields, &c. (which makes them in a great measure independent of the provision commissariat), the cost of keep is obviously less, and the birds never do better, are in greater health, or feather more quickly, than when treated thus. But they will not be in exhibition condition—they will be merely in good buying and breeding order. It is im- possible to lay down exact rules as to feeding ; some varieties eat more than others, At all times feeding well is positive economy. Hens lay better and earlier when abundantly fed, and the eggs (on a yearly average) will always more than repay the extra cost. Now I shall give the details of the weekly diet of a cock and fourteen hens, set apart for the purpose of arriv- ing at the exact expense of their weekly food. For a cock and fourteen hens, confined en- tirely to their yards, the following description 260 FEEDING. and quantity of food, given daily, is abundant— 24 pounds paring and whole meal mixed, and 2 pounds cf wheat and Indian corn mixed. In the morning open the trap and give the fowls access to their yard, feed with one half of the soft food, and give fresh water. In the middle of the day throw down some lettuce or cabbage leaves, and calcined oyster shells broken small; also the remaining half of the soft food. At four o'clock give the grain, and again fresh water. The birds will retire shortly after this last meal to roost, when they must be shut up for the night. During the day let the flock out to graze, and pick up what they can in the shape of in- sects and seeds. At this season there is very little to be found, but the exercise is conducive to health, and it is astonishing how much grass some fowls will eat, especially Brahma-pootras. One hour’s liberty is sufficient, but the more they can have the better will they thrive. Much less food would be required if the fowls had complete liberty, but the quantities I have specified have been proved in my own establish- ment to be sufficient for the support of fourteen FEEDING. 261 early-hatched pullets (some pure Dorking and Cochin, others crosses between the Brahma- pootra and Dorking), all laying regularly. The cock is of the Dorking breed, aged eighteen months, and is in full health and vigour. It may be thought that one male bird is not suffi- cient for so large a flock of hens, but in the par- ticular case given, the object being merely the produce of eggs, and to ascertain the actual cost of the food consumed, the domestic arrange- ments are quite satisfactory. The yard should be frequently dug over, and the floor of the fowl- house swept every day, and sprinkled with ashes or sand, and occasionally a little lime. This keeps the house perfectly pure and free from taint. Cleanliness is indispensable; and there can be no doubt that the more we attend to the comforts of domestic animals, the more will they repay our care, One bird will not eat barley, another rejects Indian corn; so that a mixed diet in that case is necessary. No one kind of food can be forced upon fowls; their likes and dislikes must be studied. Feed at regular hours, and watch them 262 FEEDING. while they eat. It is at that time you can best judge of the state of health they are in. The fattening of fowls is carried on to a great extent in France. In some localities it is the staple occupation of the females. In three weeks after being penned up, the birds should be ready for market; but they must be in fair condition when cooped, and not more than six months old. Cockerels do not fatten so well as pullets, but if they have been kept apart, the young male birds of all the French breeds are very superior in flavour and delicacy to the Dorking, and must not be despised as table fowls. In France the food given is buckwheat ground into meal and mixed with milk. Barley and oatmeal, and also Indian-corn meal, are all good feeding stuffs. Great cleanliness is imperative, and to ensure this in the coop there should be no bottom, but merely rounded spars ; the coop being on legs, is raised above the droppings, which must be removed daily, and sawdust sprinkled underneath. The chickens should be fed twice in the twenty-four hours, early and late, the feeding-troughs taken away FRENCH POULTRY. 263 after each meal, washed and kept sweet, as fowls will not thrive if their food is sour and dirty. Milk may be given as drink; it is sup- posed to whiten the flesh, and certainly it assists in the fattening. Rice boiled in milk forms a very delicate food, but it is not so fat-forming as the meals before mentioned. Suet, molasses, &c., are often given to produce fat, but it is of too rank a nature to please those who are con- noisseurs in poultry. Pure natural food must be best, and no other can be recommended. The feeding-house must be kept warm and quiet, the fowls themselves being quietly and carefully treated. In my own establishment fattening is never required ; the fowls are fed up from the shell for exhibition, and therefore are always fit (after a fast of twelve hours) for the table, the only risk being of their becoming too fat for laying purposes and successful breeding. Hrench Poultry. I gladly repeat my testimony as to the superior qualities of some of the French breeds, especially 264 FRENCH POULTRY. the “ Houdan,” whether viewed as table or merely ornamental poultry. My experience has been acquired principally in Scotland; therefore, if any birds thrive in this cold and often damp climate, they ought to do even better in more favoured quarters, The “ Houdan,” “ La Fléche,” “Créve Coeur,” and ‘‘ La Bresse” breeds are all excellent as table poultry, and all lay large white egos with almost equal regularity,—perhaps the “Créve Cceur” less frequently than the others,— and they are also decidedly the most dependent upon a dry soil, good exposure, and comfortable housing. The “ Houdan” is very hardy, and can live anywhere. They eat little, moult with ease, and are precocious layers. Pullets hatched in May are laying by October, and if their eggs were set at once, the produce would bring large prices as spring chickens in March. I have it much at heart to introduce these “model hens” into our farm-yards, and make them, par excel- lence, the farm-yard bird. The “Houdans” are well known and sufficiently appreciated in France, where they rival, and many think excel, the better- known “ Créve Coeur,” and “ La Fléche ” breeds, FRENCH POULTRY. 265 I acknowledge the merits of these, but claim a higher place for the “Houdans,” as a hardier race and of faster growth than either of the others. They lay large, beautifully-formed white eggs, which, like the diminutive Hamburg, seldom fail in hatching. I have kept “Houdans” in great numbers, and never have had a badly-formed egg from them, The chickens grow and feather rapidly, and nothing can be better as table poultry—added to all which, they are very orna- mental. They sometimes show a desire to incu- bate, but their forte lies in laying—therefore I strongly recommend their being kept as the ege- suppliers of the establishment, and am not afraid, if once tried, of any adverse opinion. The “ La Bresse” breed is also hardy and precocious ; but I cannot advise any of my readers to set the eggs of either “Créve Coeurs” or “La Fléches ” till April at soonest, and only then if the frost has left the ground. A very interesting show of poultry was held in Paris in 1865, not for orna- mental fowls, but for fat ones killed and trussed for cooking. The “La Bresse” breed carried off the “ prix @honneur,” closely run by the “ Hou- 266 FRENCH POULTRY. ” dan. Both are remarkable for smallness of bone, plumpness, and whiteness of flesh. The latter reminds one of the once famous, but now all but extinct, old Scotch breed, the “Chick Marlin.” In colour they are very similar; but as ego-producers the French breeds must have the pas. I hope to see prizes offered at our agricultural shows for the best table-poultry of any distinct breed—not alive, as we have some- times seen, but ready for the spit, and prepared artistically. The French pay more attention to this than we do. No fowl can make a good appearance on the table if badly trussed. Seldom do we see this attended to. It is not difficult to learn the art, and yet how often are chickens that, in able hands, might be made to assume a respectable form, presented to us sprawl- ing on the dish as if in agony, their poor sharp breast bones sticking up to upbraid us for our want of attention and “good guiding.” In France the combs of cocks are considered a delicacy, and sold separately ; the giblets, too, are always set apart. The French, as a rule, con- sume far more poultry than we do; and even HOUSES. 267 after supplying their own great demand, the exportation of it to England forms one of the principal sources of wealth. Pouses, Before concluding, it may be necessary to state how those who are tempted to take up my hobby should proceed in erecting suitable and economi- cal habitations for their poultry. The simplest, and I think best, house is that made of wood, well secured from damp by felt covering on the roof. This house may be built against a wall— which will reduce the cost considerably—and if possible facing south or south-west, There must be a door with lock and key, and a trap a foot and a half square made with sliding panel for the egress and ingress of the fowls at plea- sure, and also for shutting them in at night; a few nests provided (either boxes or baskets), and a movable perch not higher than two feet from the ground. The great advantage of the mov- able perch over all others is, that it confines the fowls to any desired spot in the house, thereby 268 HOUSES. giving less trouble to the person in charge in the way of sweeping up, and it can be kept clean and fresh very easily by occasional washings of lime-water.. The trestle form I consider the best, and the roosting-board made of rough wood, and broad. If small and smooth, the fowls cannot take a firm hold, and it is apt to cause crooked breast-bones in chickens. A larch tree split, and the bark left on, makes an excel- lent perch. Fowls cannot thrive without plenty of air, but a few holes pierced in the door, at the top, will secure sufficient ventilation, and, if de- sired, a small pane of glass inserted in roof or door will admit light. For a cock and ten hens the house should not be less than twelve feet in height, and about eight feet square; the floor clay or gravel, beaten down so as to be quite hard. This very simple style of arrangement is all that is necessary in forming a poultry estab- lishment where only one variety of male bird is kept, and where the fowls have complete liberty ; but if required to be shut up at all, they must have a yard, with dust-box, &c., which I shall describe with all due regard to economy HOUSES. "269 and simplicity. To suit the size of the poultry- house, which forms one side of the yard, the ground enclosed should not be less than fifteen feet long, and the materials used wire-fencing stretched on larch posts. If covered over the top with netting, five feet high will be sufficient, but uncovered, the fencing must be at least eight feet in height, and the posts pointed sharp, to pre- vent the birds flying to them in their endeavour to escape from their prison. The door of the poultry-house should open into the yard; but there must also be a door cut in the fencing to admit of the fowls being let out to their run, and for the convenience of cleaning and digging up the ground. A small lean-to low shed (under which the dust-box is placed) affords the fowls shelter from sun and rain, and is a favourite resort at all times; it can be placed in a corner of the yard. Nothing more, I think, is required for the erection of a poultry-house, and arranging a yard suited to the wants of the finest varieties of poultry, It is a mistake to suppose that any out-house, pig-sty, or shed will do for fowls. How often do we see them with no other house : s 270 HOUSES. than the cart-shed; and although in summer the common stock hens may thrive well enough in these airy quarters, in winter they must suffer severely from frost, and many die from want of proper care and protection. Five pounds would cover the expense of putting up a house and roof such as I have described; and that sum would be more than repaid by the increased num- ber of eggs, and the general improvement of the birds: besides that, it will enable the proprietor to keep a superior class of poultry, which will command high prices, and not cost more in food than very inferior breeds. Where only one pure breed of fowl is kept, mixed with other varieties of pullets for laying, it is an easy matter to form a suitable habitation for them. At a very small cost, a sufficiently good, and in every respect fitting poultry-house can be erected. By those whom Providence has favoured with wealth, there need be no restriction to the extent and even elegance of the building ; but the very best breeds, and the same number of fowls, can be reared as successfully by a person of moderate means in a much more humble struc- HOUSES. 271 ture, A wooden shed, if perfectly waterproof, is even more advantageous to the health of poultry than a stone and lime house; it is less close, and affords a freer circulation of air. This, and scrupulous cleanliness, are essential to the well- being of all stock. The fowls having perfect liberty only require a sleeping habitation, and access to it for laying. By all means have a door with lock and key, and a trap for the egress and ingress of the fowls. The trap should have a sliding panel, which, in winter, can be shut from sunset to sunrise. The only inside fittings re- quired are a few nests raised off the ground, and a movable perch,’ not more than three feet high. This is best made of sput trees, the bark left on, to give the fowls a firm hold. The setting up of a poultry establishment is thus not a serious ex- pense or troublesome matter ; but in addition to the general living abode there should be a sitting- house, devoted entirely to the sitting hens. Here they will be secure from intrusion, and the greatly- increased return from the clutches set will soon pay the small outlay expended on the house. The saving of time to the poultry manager is also 272 HOUSES. a consideration. The hens are taken off their nests simultaneously, well fed, allowed access to sand or ashes, and in twenty minutes all should be replaced on their eggs, to sit in peace till the return of another day calls for a similar routine of action, The sitting-house may be fitted up with rows of nests, with folding flaps in front, to confine a careless, giddy hen if she shows any inclination to wander, and on the flap may be marked the date of setting, which will be found useful where there are many hens sitting at the same moment. The rearing of poultry is a very pleasant recreation, We know that our gracious sovereign, Queen Victoria, stands first on the now long and fashionable list of poultry- fanciers; and in humbler quarters we find the love of animals deeply implanted in the minds of children. To them the care of the hen- house forms a useful and instructive lesson—it teaches them regularity, tidiness, and persever- ance ; and while affording a harmless amuse- ment as well, it may be made a self-supporting, if not profitable one. It is essentially a home pleasure, and whatever tends to increase HOUSES. 273 our interest in, and love of home, must be worth cultivating. “ How grateful ’tis to wake While raves the midnight storm, and hear the sound Of busy grinders at the well-filled rack, Or flapping wing and crow of chanticleer, Long ere the ling’ring morn,” PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND Co, EDINBURGH AND LONDON A656 The Henwife erect es Mrs... Arbuthnott..00 oo... DATE i DATY LOANED BORROWER'S NAME RETU” : ee a is iG Dey agi a cet prea rst Sar eee Meares oa i UO DORR i i us etl a LM cieneeaT : V4 } ae, os Ber 2 SH