ti-nipple NO... -0+- 20 Oe 06 2F OOSOEO 098806 ODSdirE MULTI-NIPPLED SHEEP OF LIVING 1903, AND THEIR KNOWN ANCESTORS. eA COMPLIMENTS OF ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL. WASHINGTON, D. C. 1904. ® MULTI-NIPPLED SHEEP OF BEINN BHREAGH, LIVING 1903, AND THEIR ANCESTORS [Contractions employed: w, white; b, black; m, male; f, female; n, nipples ; s, single; tw, twin; x, unknown; M, Merino.] Name 8-84 IS88 sso enexss 16-88 2-89 10-89 13-89 14-89 16-89 wf 4n x wf 2n x wf 4n x wf 2n x wf 3n x wf 4n x wf dn x wm 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf4n x wf4nx wf4nx wf 4n x wf 3n tw wf 2ns wf 2n tw wm 4n x wf 6n x wm 4n tw wm 4n s wf 4n tw bf 4n x Mm 4n x wf 4ns wf4ns wm 4ns Mother 8-84 11-85 12-85 9-85 10-89 16-89 14 33 15-85 wf4nx wf 2nx wf 8nx wf4nx wf4nx wf 4n x (Ancestry known in Vt.) wf 3n tw wf2ns wf 4n x Father 6-87 6-87 73 6-87 174 wm 2n x wm 2n x wm 2nx wm 4nx wm 4n x wm 4n x wm 4n x wm 4ns 2 Multi-nippled Sheep of Beinn Bhreagh, Living 1903—Continued. Bory Name 234 417 508 517 518 522 523 526 528 529 601 602 604 606 610 619 620 622 626 627 629 630 703 711 wf 4ns wf4ns wf4ns bf 6n x wf4ns wf 4ns wm 4ng wf 4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns bm 4ns bf 5n s wf4ns wf4ns wf 4ns bf 4n tw bf4ns bf 4n x bf 5n x wm 4n tw wf 4n tw wf4ns wf4ns bf 6n tw bf 4n tw wf4ns wf4ns bm 5n tw bf 4n tw wf4n x bf 4n x wf4ns wf 4n tw Mother 10-87 13-89 16-89 3a 22-86 8-87 16-88 2-89 16-89 180 2-85 210 333 14-89 16-89 76 180 256 205 205 3G-93 316 333 248 353 178 256 256 606 234 wf 4n x wf4n x wf 4n x wf 2n tw wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf4n x bf 4n x wf 2nx wf 4ns wf6n x wf4ns wf 4n x wf4n x wf 6n x bf 4n x bf 6n x wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf 4n tw bf 6n x bf 6n x wf4ns wf4ns Father 118 174 6-87 118 73 73 73 73 73 212 M-405 335 212 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 417 118 417 417 417 417 417 417 601 626 wm 4n tw wm 4ns wm 4n x wm 4n tw wm 4n x wm 4n x wm 4n x wm 4n x wm 4n x wm 4ns Mm 4n x wm 4ns wm 4n s bm 4ns bm 4ns bm 4ns bm 4n sg bm 4n gs bm 4n 8 bm 4n s bm 4n 8 bm 4n s wm 4n tw bm 4ns bm 4n gs bm 4n s bm 4ns bm 4n 8 bm 4ns wm 4n tw bm 5n tw 3 Multi-nippled Sheep of Beinn Bhreagh, Living 1903—Continued Name 720 735 736 737 738 739 740 802 803 804 807 810 811 818 827 832 837 839 907 924 939 940 941 943 944 945 946 bf 5ns bf 6n x wf 4n x bf 4n x wf 4n x wf4nx wf 4nx bf dns bf 4n 8 wf4ns bf dns wm 6n tw wf 4n tw wf4ns wm 6n tw bf 6n s wf4n s wf 4n x wm 6n tw wf 6ns wf 4n tw bf 5ns wm 6n tw bf5ns wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 5n tw wf 5ns bf 5ns wf4ns _ wf 4ns bf 4ns wf 4n tw wf dns wf4ns wf 4ns Mother 517 604 405 606 610 234 234 346 252 523 526 606 619 357 256 627 526 (Granddaughter of M-405.) 606 703 342 346 248 517 518 620 522 627 wf 4n 8 wf4ns wf 4ns wf4ns bf 6n tw wf4ns wf 4n s wf4ns wf4ns bf 4n tw bf 4ns wf 4ns bf 4n tw wf 4ns bf 6n x bf 4n tw bf 4ns wf4ns wf 4ns wf 4ns wf 4ns wf 4ns wf4ns wf4ns wf 4ns wf4ns bf 4n tw Father 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 626 601 810 810 827 827 827 827 810 907 310 810 810 810 827 941 827 941 bm 5n tw bm 5n tw bm dn tw bm 5n tw bm 5n tw bm 5n tw bm 5n tw bm 5n tw bm dn tw bm 5n tw wm 4n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw 4 Multi-nippled Sheep of Beinn Bhreagh, Living 1903—Continued Born Name 1042 1045 1046 1047 1048 1050 1101 1102 1108 1130 1131 1201 1202 1204 1208 1211 1221 1223 1224 1226 1228 1235 1238 1240 1241 1243 1248 1249 1250 1252 1301 1303 1306 1316 1318 1319 1323 bf 4n tw bf 5n s wf 4nx wf 4n x wf 4n x bf 4n tw wf4ns wf4ns wf dn tw wf dns wf4ns wm 4ns wm 4ns wfdns wfidns wf4ns wm 6ns wf4ns wm 6ns wm 6n s wf 4ns wf dns wf4ns wf 4n tw wf 4n tw wf4ns wfins wf4ns wfd5ns bf ins wf6ns wfains wfdns wf 4n tw bf 4 ns wf dns wf4ns Mother 526 735 529 602 604 606 627 526 604 802 606 508 818 832 939 940 526 837 630 736 737 738 739 944 1046 1047 1050 602 604 803 711 1019 1023 924 bf4ns bf 6n x bf5n x wf 4n tw wf4ns wf4ns bf 4n tw bf 4n s wf4ns bf dns wf 4ns bf 5n 8 wf4ns bf 6ns wf 4n tw bf 5n 8 bf 4ns wf4ns bf 4n x wf 4n x bf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x bf 4n tw wf 4n tw wf4ns bf4ns wf 4n tw bf 5ns wf 4ns wf6ns Father 827 941 907 907 907 941 941 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 907 1202 1226 907 1224 1224 907 wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw win 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wim 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 4n s wm 6ns win 6n tw wm 6ns wm 6ns wm 6n tw 5 Multisnippled Sheep of Beinn Bhreagh, Living 1903—Continued. Born Name 1324 1326 1333 1337 1338 1339 1340 1344 1347 1353 1354 wf 4ns8 wf 6ns bf 6n s wm 6ns wf4ns wf 4ns bf 4n 8 wf 4n tw wf 4ns wf4ns wf4ns Mother 517 720 832 526 943 837 1045 630 740 945 946 wf 4ns bf dn 8 bf 6n s bf 4ns bf 5n s wf4ns bf 5n gs bf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x Father 1226 907 1224 1221 1224 1224 1221 907 907 1201 907 MULTI-NIPPLED SHEEP PURCHASED 1903 nRPOWNOo4Zaae wf4nx (Ancestry known in Ontario.) wf 4n tw (Ancestry known in Ontario.) bf 4n x bf 4n x wif 4n x wf 4nx wf4nx wf4nx wf 4n x ‘ wm 6n 8 wm 6n tw wm 6ns wm 6ns wm 6ns wm 6ns wm 6ns wm 6n tw wm 6n tw wm 4ns wm 6n tw 10349 I Sheep having 4n or more 528 529 629 630 740 839 944 945 946 1047 1050 nntowowzsaope Ewes bf 4n x bf 5n x wf4nx bf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x wf4nx wf 4nx wf4nx wf 4n x bf 4n tw wf 4n x wf 4n tw bf 4n x bf 4n x wf4nx wf4nx wf 4n x wf 4n x wf 4n x 6 BHREAGH, 1903 II Parents also 4n 4n more Ewes 517 518 526 622 940 1045 1235 1238 1240 1241 1243 1248 1249 1250 1252 1344 1347 1353 1354 wf4dns wf4ns bf 4ns wf4ns bf 5ns bf 5ns wfdns wf4ns wf 4n tw wf 4n tw wf4ns wf dns wf4ns wfdns bf 5ns wf 4n tw wf4ns wf 4ns wf4ns Il Grandparents and parents also 4nor more Ewes 602 wf 4n tw 604 wf4ns 606 wf4ns 619 bf 4ntw 711 wf 4ntw 720 =bfins 802. bfins 803 bf4ns 807 bfdns 811 wf4ntw 818 wf4ns 837 wf4ns 939 wf4ntw 943 bf 5ns 1009 ~wfintw 1019 bf 5ns 1023. wf4ns 1025 ~wf4dns 1027 =bf4ns 1030 wf 4ntw 10385 wf4ns 1041 wf4ns 1042s bf 4n tw 1101. wf4ns 1102s wf4ns 1108 =wf4ntw 1180 =wf4ns 1131 wf4ns 1204 wf4ns 1324 wf4ns 1340 bf4ns Rams 907 wm 6n tw 1224 wm 6ns8s 1226 wm 6ns 1337 wm 6ns SHEEP HAVING 4 NIPPLES OR MORE LIVING ON BEINN IV Great grandparents, grandparents, and parents also 4n or more Ewes 1011 wfins 1032. wfins 1208 wfins 1211 wf4ns 1223 wf4ns 1228 wf4ns 1301 wf6ns 1303 wf4ns 1306 =wfdns 1316 wf4ntw 1318 bf4ns 1319 wfodns 1823 ~wf4ns 1326 wf6ns 1333s bf 6ns 1338 wf4dns 1339 =wf4ng Rams 1221 wn 6ns SHEEP HAVING 5 NIPPLES OR MORE LIVING ON BEINN I Sheep having 5n 529 720 802 943 1009 1011 1019 1032 1235 1248 1250 1252 1301 1306 1319 907 1226 1337 or more Ewes bf 5n x bf ins bfins bf 5ns wf dn tw wfins bfins wfdns wf 5ns wf dns wf 5ns bf ins wf 6ns wf 5ns wfdns Rams wm 6n tw wm 6ns wm 6ns BHREAGH, 1903 II Ill IV Porents also 5n or ie st ri 0 or grenparens, mt more gn or more an Perr 5n Ewes 807 bf dns 940 bf dns 1045 bf fins 1208 wf dns 1326 wf6ns 1333 bf 6ns Rams 1221 wmé6ns 1224. wm 6ns SHEEP HAVING 6 NIPPLES OR MORE LIVING ON BEINN I Sheep having 6n 1301 1326 907 1224 1226 1337 or more Ewes wf 6ns wfé6ns Rams wm 6n tw wm 6n s wm 6ns wm 6n gs BHREAGH, 1903 ee III Iv Parents ateo 6m or gif gatbee tien —— pranparonta 6n or more eae 6n Ewes 1333 bf 6ns Rams 1221 wmé6ns