Cornell Mniversity Library BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henry W. Sane 1891 AANUSIR _ er vf Of BF NG ET,. 7673-2 RETURN TO ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY ITHACA, N. Y. i Cornell University Libra _ QL 767.869 meen wi ™ 1924 002 996 662 mann STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS ‘The best that you can do is to write the book that it gives you the most pleasure to_ write, to put as much heart and soul as you have about you into it, and then hope as hard as you can to reach the heart and soul of the great multitude of your fellow-men.’ ane Man of Letters as a Man of Business, by W. D. HOWELLS, Serdbner’s Magazine, October 1893. “STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS BY al EY BONAVIA, M.D. BRIGADE SURGEON I.M.D. AUTHOR OF ‘THE CULTIVATED ORANGES AND LEMONS OF INDIA AND CEYLON,’ ‘PHILOSOPHICAL NOTES ON BOTANICAL SUBJECTS,’ ‘THE FLORA OF THE ASSYRIAN : MONUMENTS AND ITS OUTCOMES” WITH ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHT ILLUSTRATIONS Westminster ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE AND COMPANY PUBLISHERS TO THE INDIA OFFICE 14 PARLIAMENT STREET, S.W. MDCCCKCV (Al Rights reserved] cm BY d Edinburgh: T. and A. ConsTaBLk, Printers to Her Majesty CONTENTS PREFACE, INTRODUCTION, PART 1.—Spotted and Striped Mammals (Horses excepted), ” ” ” ” ” 11.—Dappled and Striped Horses, and some other Mammals, 111.—Meaning of the Jaguar and Leopard Rosettes, and of the markings of other Mammals, 1v.—Further evidence in support of the theory that existing Mam- mals descended from carapaced ancestors, v.—Researches and discussions to connect, more surely, Armour- plating with Skin-picturing, vi.—Probable meaning of some interesting features in Horses and other animals, vil.—Is Natural Selection the sole factor in the Coloration of Mammals ? », VIII.—Probable cause of the loss of the Calcareous Armour in ” Mammals, 1x.—Relationship between the Armadillo, the Rhinoceros, the Horse, the Giraffe, and the Zebu, PAGE vil xv 57 99 135 153 165 189 199 vi STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Part X—Explanation of the Callosities on the Legs of Equine Animals and others, » XI.—The One Big Digit of the Horse, .. XIl.—Monstrosities as probable factors in the creation of species, . GENERAL CONCLUSIONS, APPENDICES, PAGE 331 PREFACE Of what value would the objective facts a/ove have been, even if they were collected by millions, without a colligating theory which puts sov/ into the scattered facts? They would be as soulless as heaps of bricks and mortar are before they are built up into a Cathedral. Theory founded on facts, as it should be, is of the greatest importance in forming a right conception of Nature. Theories cannot flash out in all perfection. They require to be mended, and time is needed for that. PREFACE THE genesis of these studies was the following :— Having completed the Flora of the Assyrian Monuments and tts Outcomes, 1 was looking about for something to take up next as a subject of study. In the furriers’ windows I was attracted by the Leopard and Tiger skins, which by degrees became objects of interesting study and speculation. Thinking over the rosettes of the Leopards, and more especially those of the Jaguar, and seeing spotted Horses constantly in the streets of London, some new ideas flashed across my mind regarding the origin of all this spotting and rosetting in mammals. Keeping ‘my eyes open,’ so as to get some insight into the invisible, and making many researches for some tangible facts which would serve as a basis for my speculations, the subjects of the curious callosities on the legs of the Horse, its solitary big digit, its possible close relationship to the pair of digits in the ruminants, and various monstrosities, came under review, as well as several other collateral points, and so, each group, as it became interesting, was worked up into a separate study, followed up by that on the meaning of the rosettes on the Jaguar and allied animals, and of the dapples which are all but universal in Horses x STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS —whether as a completely dappled surface, or as vestiges of an extensively spotted skin, Spotting and striping in mammals, or vestiges of such markings, are to be met with so extensively among these animals, that I came to the conclusion they must have a deeper meaning than may have hitherto been attributed to them by evolutionists. The reader should understand that a book like this is not written as a poem might be written, by sitting down in some suggestive surrounding, gazing into space, and letting the thoughts come rambling after each other, as if by inspiration. Not a few perhaps may think that the author just sat down and wrote it off! Few would consider what interminable searching for authorities was needed; what hunting for facts and evidence to build upon; what hunting for suitable skins and animals to be photographed, and for photographs of animals to be used as illustrations, were required. Nowadays, one might as well speak to the wind as produce a book of this sort without numerous illustrations. The vaiue of an illustration is that it appeals to the mind at once, while a string of words used in a description, without an illustration, would only, in most cases, fatigue the reader’s mind, and leave little or no impression. Everything must be made as easy as possible for the student and general reader, otherwise he or she will turn to something else. There is too much to distract the attention from making a serious effort to comprehend even a small portion of the work of creation. Moreover, this is the age of maga- zines, which mean a conglomerate, and most people prefer that. The arrangement of notes taken at all sorts of odd times and places; the digesting and comparing of points, writing out PREFACE xl notions, tearing them up, and re-writing them, and a hundred other troubles, would all have been the most wearisome work had it not been backed by the stimulus and enthusiasm roused by the convic- tion that there was something interesting to be told. If the reader should feel a hundredth part of the interest, in reading these pages, that I felt in writing them, I am sure he ought to be a happy individual. In these pages there may be some things which scientists may have either overlooked as unimportant, or which they may not have cared to tackle, appearing to them as insoluble. I have also attempted to develop particular points in the sub- theories of the more general theory or doctrine of evolution. As Professor Huxley is stated to have declared at Oxford not long ago,' even if Darwinism were swept away it would leave evolution untouched. The doctrine of ‘creation by the method of evolution ’ has replaced all other doctrines, and it cannot be upset by mortals, for it is based on the every-day experience that a mother pro- creates children, and these other children, and these others, and so forth No one yet has even attempted to upset shat fact of nature. The study of the coloration of mammals is an intricate one ; and in the various .parts of this discussion repetitions could hardly be avoided; but although wearisome to the expert, the general reader, who may not be very conversant with the facts of evolution and natural selection—should he care to study this part of modern philosophy—may derive benefit from these 1 After the Inaugural Address of Lord Salisbury to the British Association, 8th August 1894. xii STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS unavoidable though wearisome repetitions. Moreover, I am not aware that there is any particular sin in a little repetition. The reader after all is not so sacred a thing as not to be subjected on any account to a little tedium. Some little allowance then, I suppose, may be made for the ‘personal equation’ of the writer ! I do not know a better method for fixing notions on the reader’s convolutions—more especially if he or she is not easily convinced—than by ‘hammering’ on the same subject in different ways, in order to make an impression. Few people who may be tempted to open a book do so with the spirit of the student who endeavours to master the meaning and points therein contained. The majority of persons who take up a book want to be amused, distracted, or somehow entertained, and few are the books on evolutionary studies which can satisfy either of these cravings. Inferences cannot be safely drawn from any particular speci- men ; the larger the number of specimens on which an inference is based, the more soundness will it be likely to possess. Where too much detail might seem tedious to the expert, I would note that it is intended for the general reader who may be tempted to dip into these subjects, and who may not have given much attention to such matters. If found tedious, whole pages may be skipped by the expert. I believe that this is the first time that any attempt has been made to study the markings of mammals in de¢az/, with the view of reaching what seems to be the real, or at all events the proximate, cause of their existence. Mr. Tylor and Mr. Poulton, PREFACE xiii Dr. Wallace and Mr. Darwin have studied the coloration of animals ; but, as far as I am aware, no attempt has been hitherto made to account for certain markings which occur, as one might say, in a sort of fam, and in so many different animals. In these pages I have made an attempt to account, not only for their derivation, but also for their genesis, as far as this can be known. I need hardly mention that the figures of Horses were not selected for their beauty of outline, but for their dappling. Most of the outline drawings are reduced in size. My thanks are due to Professor J. M‘Fadyean and Mr. P. D. Coghill of the Royal Veterinary College, for helping me with photographs of Horses; and to Mr. James Poynter of the Horse department of the Great Northern Railway, and Mr. William D. Duff, manager of the London Road Car Company, for their kind permission to photograph some of the horses in the stables of their companies. I have to thank also Messrs. Jeffs and Harris, and Messrs. Back and Co., of Regent Street, for allowing me to have some of the skins in their stores photographed. Finally, my thanks are due to Miss Butcher for numerous out- line drawings of mammals, etc., in the Natural History Museum. Some apology is, I think, due to her for asking her to make drawings of those archeological exhibitions of Taxidermy. As she remarked, it was difficult to know where their legs ought to be! The recent specimens in that museum are, however, splendidly got up. E. BONAVIA. INTRODUCTION ‘Evolution is the most striking feature of modern scientific thought, hence all that terms itself evolution must be scientific—such seems to be the logic of the average reviewer, and, we regret to say it, of some men of science who ought to know better. The fact is that the word ‘‘ evolution” has been so terribly abused, first by the biologists, then by pseudo-scientists, and lastly by the public, that it has become a cant term to cover any muddle-headed reasoning, which would utterly fail to justify itself had it condescended to apply the rule of three. A variety of ill-described and ill-appreciated factors of change have all been classed together and entitled the theory of evolution.’ Socialism and Natural Selection, by KARL PEARSON, Fortnightly Review, July 1894, p. I. INTRODUCTION ‘Ir is not enough that a scientific truth should be the possession of a privileged few; those who value the truth should try to spread it, and make it common intellectual property, and this can only be done when. they realise that simplicity of language, and correct style, and a good arrangement, are essential to its propagation.’ ‘The British Association,’ Mature, 16th August 1894. ANY one who may think of devoting his attention to the study of the philosophy of life, based, not only on the materials he has himself observed and discovered, but also on those worked up by others, is met, at the outset, with a huge mountain of words. ‘Words will govern us, if we do not govern them,’ said Professor Max Miiller. Any one who tries to get at the bottom of facts, and at the bottom of the inferences resulting from those facts, has to grope his way through this maze of often utterly useless, if not mis- chievous, terminology. The essential truth may be obscured by the novel and difficult-to-be-remembered wording ; so that we often ‘cannot see the wood for the trees.’ By way of introduction to the introduction, let us take a glance at what even leading scientists think of it all. If scientific men complain of the nuisance, what would you say the man in the street would think of it? M. L. Guinard in his Précts de Tératologie, p.xvi., gives expres- sion to the feeling of distress caused by hasty and reckless additions to modern scientific nomenclature. He says: ‘La multiplication des termes aurait fatalement la méme conséquence que la multi- b xviii STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS plication des langues; celui qui songera a jeter les bases d’un édifice taxonomique par trop nouveau aboutira a I’édification d’une tour de Babel. ‘Si j’insiste sur cette particularité, c'est que moi-méme j'ai été souvent embarrassé par la diversité de noms et des classifications, et parce que actuellement, on voit la tendence dont je parle persister encore dans quelques travaux fort remarquables d’ailleurs.’ Then Mr. Stebbing, in his interesting work on the Crustacea, p. 255, referring to Mr. Spence Bates’ ‘Report on the Challenger Macrura,; says, ‘But simplicity seems to be the very last thing considered in Spence Bates’ terminology, and though such words as phymacerite, psalistoma, and stylamblys, may help to curtail the length of descriptions, they are only too likely also to curtail the number of those that read them.’ And certainly this is one of the mischiefs wrought by unneces- sary coining of new terms to express ideas which might in many cases be conveyed in ordinary wording. Very recently another note of warning has been sounded in Natural Science of October 1893, under the heading of ‘ Scientific Linguistics’: ‘When a layman asks a naturalist why he invents and employs such a multitude of incomprehensible technical terms, the common reply is that exact ideas necessitate a precise and universally (!) understood nomenclature. We wonder how this explanation would apply to the terms of “ Auxology,” or “ Bioplast- ology,” just discussed by Professor A. Hyatt in the Zoologischer Anzeiger (concluded August 28, 1893). We should like to know how much scientific precision there is in the determination of the nepionic, metanepionic, gerontic, paragerontic, etc., stages of any organism, and what grain of solid fact,as compared with mere specu- lation, in the so-called definition of the phylonepionic, phyloneanic, phylogerontic, etc., phases of development in any group of animals. INTRODUCTION XIX We may be enslaved by some prejudice, and our patience may have been ruffled in the attempt to decipher some recent writings of American authors on fossil shells; but we cannot help uttering a protest against the clothing of a tissue of hypothetical fabrications in a garb of a precisely-defined scientific nomenclature.’ In a note to p. 1366, Nicholson and Lydekker! complain of the same trouble. Regarding the genera of Rhinoceroses of the American school, they say : ‘From the writers’ point of view the multiplication of generic terms, which, as our knowledge advances, must become less and less susceptible of exact definition, tends to drown the science in a sea of names, which form a great burden to the memory, and thus tend to destroy the very object of classification.’ Classification is not the exd of a science, but the means of facilitating the conception of creation by the method of evolution ; and if the whole conception be obscured under a heap of names, its object will be surely defeated. ‘La haute science’ would appear to consist now in the faculty of inventing such names as the following :—‘ids, ‘idants,’ ‘idio- plasm, ‘somatic idio-plasm, ‘morpho-plasm,’ ‘apical-plasm, as composing the ‘sphere’ of germ-plasm, and which the late Professor Romanes? compared to the nine circles of Dante’s L[nferno!' : I ask again, if scientists are groaning under the grip of this ‘demon’ of chaotic modern nomenclature, what should the poor beginner say, who would have to commit to memory such an amount of useless terms before he can understand what the professor is talking about. All this needless multiplication of terms is worrying and distressing to the ‘grey matter’ of the brain 1 Manual of Paleontology. 2 Examination of Weismannism, p. 118. XX STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS of both professor and student, and to all earnest investigators, who wish to get to the bottom of creation by the method of evolution. As to the general reader, he may probably say: ‘Non ragioniam di lor, guarda e passa.’ This troublesome multiplicity of useless words has certainly become a formidable difficulty to those who may wish to pursue scientific investigations, and an obstruction to the progress of Science ; for if, before attempting to devote one’s time to the study of the ‘ Philosophy of the Sciences, one has to learn a language as difficult as that of cuneiform inscriptions, it will deter many from embarking in such a pursuit. Is it any wonder that ordinary people do not think that scientific men are either so sensible and unselfish as they may think themselves to be? The curious part is that tyros may perhaps think that these strange and unpronounceable words are /He science, and may startle their friends with the extent of scientific knowledge they have acquired at the schools, colleges, or universities ! Are then the facts of the universe, and the discoveries made by scientific explorers, to remain the possession of the few, by being locked up in a language which only means ‘hieroglyphics’ to most ordinary men and women? It is truly touching to contemplate the helplessness of the human mind in face of the prodigious number of variations it has to deal with in studying organic forms. Mr. Stebbing, in the before-mentioned work, p. 43, says: ‘It may here be mentioned that the full number of joints for a malacostracean trunk leg is seven. The afflicted naturalist has for many years had to deal with these seven under the following names, coxa, basis, ischium, merus, carpus, propodus, dactylus, which respectively signify hip, foot, socket of thigh joint, wrist, forefoot, and finger or toe. INTRODUCTION Xxi ‘Originally the names were longer, all being podites, from coxopodite to dactylopodite ; to the use of these the philosophic French still adhere, though the time-saving Anglo-Saxon has for the most part rejected them! . . . The more reasonable plan is now to denote them by means.of figures from first joint to seventh joint.’ As the antennz of the Lobster are homologous with podzites, it is a wonder that a hundred names had not been invented to designate ' their hundred or more distinct joints. Why not have had also a separate name for each hair on a man’s head?! The followers of Galileo have had their revenge by pointing out the innumerable absurdities of the teachings of the Church ; but the turn of the Church may come, and it may have z¢s revenge! The mischief of all this is that the mass of mankind, even in the most civilised countries, both men and women, are wholly zgnorant of the simplest facts of creation, and all these unnecessary difficulties only increase their reluctance to have anything to do with the wonders of nature. The craving for coining new words at every turn has already landed us in a sort of mental chaos, and earnest thinkers see that no advantage can come from this bewildering multiplicity of terms towards a simplification of science. It only burdens the memory of those who may be courageous enough to follow scientific pursuits, without in the least making things clearer. Mr. James Geikie! says: ‘When I] attended school, the text- books used by my teachers were about as repellent as they could be,’ And at p. 12: ‘Great care, however, should be taken to avoid wearying the youthful student with strings of mere names.’ When we find professors making fun of this so-called scientific 1 Fragments of Earth Lore, p. 1. Xxli STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS terminology, we begin to hope that the tide may turn, and that we and future generations may yet be released from the mockery which some may think a good substitute for science. The pursuits of the specialists no doubt were a great induce- ment to coining new names for every cell, for every joint, for every limb of a Milliped, and so forth. This, however, is what Dr. Burdon Sanderson has said, in his inaugural address to the British ' Association in 1893: Specialism advances knowledge at the risk of deteriorating the man, and tends to exaggerate the importance of one set of phenomena, simply because the bearing of another set is not seen in the course of that division of labour. Taking a philosophical view of any set of phenomena does not mean that you have never attended to detail by close inspection ; but it means that you are able to withdraw your mind to a distance from the detail, and so take a broader view of the whole landscape, so as to include more of creation at one time, and thus obtain a comprehensive view of the relativity of the detail. John Hunter said—‘ Don’t think, try. He however not only tried, but also thought. The bane of modern life seems to be that there is too much trying, and very little thinking of what may happen! We should now say— Think, investigate, imagine, and also try. And when you get an idea into your head follow it up. If it is worth anything, and if it has any truth in it, and zf you get rid of your mental inertia, and keep your eyes and ears open, you will be sure sooner or later to come across evidence in support of your idea. You have also of course to read and ascertain, if you can, what others have thought and have written on the same set of subjects. These are all various ways of ascertaining the truth, and of making sure that it zs truth you are dealing with. We have been for centuries ‘hag ridden’ by monstrous fictions, and it is certainly a comfort to emerge from the pressure of this INTRODUCTION xxiii deep sea of unrealities, and take a look round upon the upper world of realities. At the back of the phenomenon we call a Horse, a Cat, or any other animal, there is a whole chain of phenomena—its evolution —which in ancient time was not suspected. All this chain of phenomena, leading up to what you actually see, has to be dis- covered by the aid of the imagination, which does not a/ways tell the truth. Without a free use of the imagination a dog is a dog, a cat is a cat, a cloud is a cloud, and nothing more. They are facts, like so many soldiers scattered on a field of battle without discipline or organisation. The function of the imagination is to group these scattered units into companies, regiments, and armies, and fight imaginary battles with them, all manceuvred by a general called ‘Logic,’ who has his eyes open, and insight to discover what is going on around him. What this general has to be particularly careful about is, not to let his imagination wander loosely, and see all sorts of things that are not justified by ascertained facts. Some persons pride themselves upon not possessing any power of imagination, as if it were so very meritorious a feature of their ‘grey matter. They say they deal exclusively with facts. They do not, however, see that through this deficiency they lose that insight which is the work of what we call the imagination, and so they fail to notice what is behind the facts. They may perhaps not be aware that a great deal of the charm of life consists in possessing a vivid imagination, provided the possessor of it is able to keep it under control. By this faculty we are enabled, in a way, to picture what would otherwise be a wholly invisible past world. To exercise the imaginative power is to cultivate a most useful implement of research. There is so much to learn in one’s short life. Every branch of Xxiv STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Science is being studied with such minuteness that the help of the imagination is largely needed, not only to understand the pheno- mena yourself, but to make them clear to the imagination of other people. But note this: the grey matter of the human brain is a very treacherous informer. It invents a lot of things which it preaches unhesitatingly as truths, and then, after-generations have the task of sifting the whole, and re-classifying the supposed phenomena into truths, sub-truths, and lies! In the course of these pages I have mentioned that the colora- tion of the skin of animals may have been greatly influenced by the electricity of the brain-cells. You might naturally ask—What has electricity to do with the colouring of animals? But just think of it, and tell me where electricity does zo¢ come in. The modern view of electricity is that you cannot touch anything, you cannot move anything, you yourself cannot move, or cannot think, or will, without the evolution of electricity. If I blow on my hand, the impression on my skin is electrical, and is conveyed through my nerves to my brain, and there either develops thought, or both thought and action. One should have heard Professor Oliver Lodge on the evening of the 1st June 1894,! at the Royal Institution, and have seen him make experiments to illustrate the Hertz waves, in order to realise how completely the nerve-centres of animals are in the grip of their surroundings, taking of course the visceral impressions as part of the surroundings. Just as one Leyden jar in action influ- ences another wholly disconnected with it, except through the means of the ether, but attuned to it, and sets it in motion ; just as one tuning fork in vibration sets another in action which is in unison with it; just as one magnet influences another near it, so everything—light, heat, magnetism, electricity, gravity, etc., act on } Lecture printed in Matere of 7th June 1894, p. 133. INTRODUCTION: ~ xxv the sensitive nerve-matter of the nervous system of animals, and influence thought and all other nerve-action. Several branches of animals evolved from other animals which were not stationary, but were changing. While changing, they in turn were evolving others in various ‘ grooves’ of evolution. This would account for the fact that although their descendants have several characters in common with the ancestral stock, they are nevertheless widely distinct in other characters ; and the characters they mostly differed in were exactly those which depended on the influences of surroundings for their development, and therefore were greatly modified by them. There is another point about which zoologists seem to have xo doubt. Mr. Herbert Spencer! says: ‘Zoologists are agreed that the Whale has been evolved from a mammal which took to aquatic habits, and that its disused hind-limbs have gradually disappeared,’ Many others have also the same belief; for Mr. Hutchinson ? says: ‘Take for example the case of Whales and fishes; the original land mammal from which Whales are descended has in course of time become so fish-like in appearance that even in these modern days there’ are some who yet speak of them as fishes! The shape of the Whale is fish-like; it has lost its hind-limbs through disuse: it has changed its fore-limbs into paddles, which have a certain fin-like aspect; and its cousin, the Porpoise, has developed a big triangular fin on the back.’ All this derivation of water mammals from /avd mammals alone may be true or wzntrue, In the words of Mr. Hutchinson: ‘What right has any one, however great his knowledge or his ability, to dictate to Nature, and to say this or that is impossible?’ 1 “Rejoinder to Professor Weismann,’ Contemporary Review, December 1893, p. 909. 2 Creatures of Other Days, p. 131. XXVi STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS I confess that this theory which considers the fish-like mammals as having descended from land mammals which took to aquatic habits does not seem to me satisfactory. Zoologists would appear to have conceived a roundabout way of evolving a Whale. The fish is made first to evolve a land mammal, and then this takes to the water again and gets rid of its hind-legs. It seems clear to me that if the fish proper could evolve a /and mammal, it could also evolve a water mammal, without the necessity of going through this roundabout performance. If a bird could lose its fore-limbs on land, it would appear that a Whale could lose its hind-limbs in the water. This notion presupposes the possibility of /azd mammals evolving from fishes, and the impossibility of water mammals evolving from the same fishes. And all this in face of all we know about the Ichthyosaurs and Plesiosaurs, with their dwindling hind- limbs ; in face of the shore and land fishes hopping about on their pectoral fins on land, so that they are difficult to catch; in face of the fact that certain fishes proper can breathe either by gills or by lungs, according to circumstances ; and in face of the fact, which every one knows, that the Tadpole is first fish-like, and then evolves arms and legs wethout getting out of the water. Are we so sure, in spite of ‘agreement among zoologists,’ that the Whales are degenerated /and animals, and that land animals are not further evolutions of fish-like animals which have taken to life on dry land, while the Whale, evolving from the same fish-plane, remained a water mammal ? In the amphibians alone we have ample evidence that a fish- like vertebrate can grow arms and legs w7thout leaving the water ; and in the Ichthyosaurs we have again ample evidence that the hind-limbs were already undergoing degradation, and that in the Plesiosaurs both the hand and foot had become degraded to INTRODUCTION xxvii five digits, instead of the many digits of the Ichthyosaur form. I think no one has ever credited these extinct animals with having been first land animals which took to a water life. There is, more- over, some evidence in favour of considering them mammals. Professors and authors would seem to have stereotyped on our brain the words ‘normality,’ ‘anomaly,’ ‘monstrosity, giving them certain arbitrary meanings. They perhaps may have thought that they. had settled all matters regarding creation, as far as such phenomena were concerned. But let us imagine that anomalies and monstrosities may possibly have been ‘factors in the origin of species. Then we begin to see that the method of creation will appear under a somewhat different aspect from what books and professors have taught us. Under the heading of ‘ Monstrosities,’ I have discussed these particular phenomena, and have endeavoured to show that what we call monstrosities may have been more frequent factors in modifying the structure of animals than has been supposed. As the whole arm can be suppressed in one birth, so, I imagine, could the Archeopteryx have had its long tail shortened to the little stump of the modern bird in ove birth. The objection to such a sudden transformation seems to rest only in the minds of those who have worked up into an wxalterable dogma the notion that modifications in organisms are brought about solely by slow degrees. This dogma may possess no unalterability owts¢de the brain of scientists. It might be said, if this were so, the long tail of the Archeo- pteryx would have revealed itself sometime by a sudden reversion. But reversions in some organisms either rarely happen, or do not happen at all, and if they do happen, sometimes they may escape notice. For instance, no botanist doubts that the leaf of the orange and XXViil STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS lemon trees is the middle leaflet of some ancestral form with ¢hree leaflets, like that of Citrus Trifoliata} yet the one leaflet persists through millions of generations without reversions. In India, in my researches on the oranges and lemons, I sowed seeds of all kinds of Citrus, and only a few seedlings gave any indication in their firs¢ leaves of having descended from a trifoliate ancestor.’ Evolutionists do not believe that modern birds evolved from the extinct Pterodactyle form. Yet what is more easy than for a pterodactyle wing-membrane to grow fair, like other parts of the body ; and for this to become exaggerated into feather-like hairs, and soon ; then for the wing-membrane to contract, perhaps even in one generation, so as to envelop the arm and finger-bones, while the feathers increased in size, and became the veal flying apparatus ? All this seems certainly preposterous and fanciful to a person who may have looked upon monstrosities as ungodly phenomena, but as they do occur now, there is no reason to suppose they did not occur in past ages. The animal congenitally is given a certain bodily structure whether normal or abnormal. He, that is, his nerve-centres, must make the best of it, if he is to live atall. He has, moreover, to regulate his actions and habits by the growing structure of which he is possessed, until they become established by the completion of that growth in adult age. He is the sport of inheritance and surroundings. Inheritance tends to keep him on certain more or less fixed lines, but it does not at all follow that circumstances may not change his structure to a /arge extent in one birth, so as to shunt his descendants on to a new line. We know that all mammals are allied, for if they were not, 1 See Gardeners’ Chronicle of 18th November 1893, p. 625. * See Oranges and Lemons of India and Ceylon, pl. 246. INTRODUCTION xxix they would not have the same plan of skeleton, and the same apparatus for nursing their young. Besides nervous, circulatory, and other structural features, which mammals have also in common, there are dermic features which, I think, have not been hitherto sufficiently recognised by biologists as indications of derivation. I mean the markings on the exterior of mammals. Of course every one knows that Leopards and Spotted Cats are allied, but probably few suspect that the spots on Leopards may indicate a distinct derivation from animals which have no spots. I don’t mean with Lions and Pumas and other individuals of the Cat tribe, but with animals wholly distinct from these, and even with certain extinct animals. In works of comparative anatomy, professors show that the internal structures of mammals—bone for bone, muscle for muscle —are identical. Then whence comes all this difference of ex- ternal surface? How comes it that the Leopard is rosetted, the Cheetah spotted, the Tiger and Zebra striped in one direction, while the Ocelot is striped in another direction, and so forth? Evolutionists declare that these external colours and markings have been brought about by adaptation to surroundings. In the following pages I have discussed what modification of this theory is, in my judgment, needed in order to make it conformable to all the facts that I shall place before the reader. When we first begin to study the spotting and striping of animals, they seem a chaos of markings, unregulated by any laws ; but by degrees we become aware that there is some method in the whole phenomenon, and the markings of one animal can be seen to be derived from those of another, just as in the skeleton we see’ each bone to be derived from that of an ancestor. If not all, most of the spotted and striped mammals, more especially the carnivora, are reducible more or less to one plan of origin. XXX STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS The bibliography of spots and stripes is not very abundant, and biologists may perhaps have depended a little too much on natural selection, as being sufficient to explain the creation of everything. ‘The scope of some of the following studies is to show that the spotting and striping of mammals, in their origin, are not purely the results of natural selection from beginning to end. I believe them to have been originally zzherited features, coming from very remote ancestors, and altered in many ways by transmission from species to species, from genus to genus. So many persons are interested in Horses that to understand in some way the origin of their curious markings would add to the interest of these animals. Similarly it would add to the interest we take in our domestic animals, if we could satisfactorily account for the spotting and striping of our Cats and Dogs, and other mammals. Our surroundings would again become peopled with the remote and extinct ancestors from which those we now see have descended. The evolutionist with his ‘eyes open, can find interest in Leopard skins, in the dapples of Horses, and in the markings of other animals; in the coloration of the legs of Horses, Dogs, Cats, and in a hundred other things which the non-evolutionist would pass by as ordinary insignificant phenomena, and _ totally void of interest. Fifty lives would not suffice for the evolutionist to exhaust the interest of things he may see around him. It is all a study of the real method of creation. It is usual for people to think of the Horse as an animal fit for draught, for riding, hunting, racing, etc., but the evolutionist sees both in his internal structure and in his external coloration, relation- ships to animals which ordinary people think have nothing to do with the Horse. We shall see that rosetted animals must have been Jegions INTRODUCTION XXXi in past ages, and of all kinds and descriptions. The coloration of the skin is not a thing that can be fossilised, and so one has to put ‘two and two together’ in order to discover an explanation for the varied markings of the mammals of our day. We not infrequently pass over the seemzng, and go a-hunting after the obscure and the unlikely. It seems to me that the organs of animals which receive and store up impressions, which we call nerve-centres, are as much engaged in influencing the form and coloration of the markings of the skin as they are in moulding and modifying the skeleton and other parts of the body. They are the controllers and regulators of the whole life, not only of the individual but also of the race. And the individuals forming a race were after all part and parcel of the ancestral stock, and were at one time or other organically con- nected with it. I do not, however, pretend in these pages to account for every speck and coloured hair, but to give my view of what seems to have been the genesis of spots and stripes in mammals, and of the contrasted coloration we see in so many animals, which would indicate some sort of dla of coloration. I do not enter into the microscopy of the subject—into how pigment cells behave in fishes, and other small animals which change their coloration and spotting according to surroundings.) We know that the Leopard, the Tiger, the Zebra, and others do not do so, and there- fore we have to account for the genesis of their more or less permanent spots or stripes. My suggestion would appear to be a ‘vera causa’ of the markings of the Jaguar, the markings of all other mammals, in cases where these exist, being only a modifica- tion of such rosettes as those of the Jaguar, and z¢s markings only a modification of vastly more ancient conditions. One of the problems to be solved is—-How came the rosettes on. XXXii STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS the Jaguar, the stripes on the Tiger and Zebra, the dapples on the Horse into being? Undoubtedly they must have some reference to ancestral features. What ancestor or ancestors have these existing features been inherited from, for assuredly they present evidence of inheritance as much as the bones of their skeletons ? We should make a distinction between the general coloration of an animal and its spot or stripe colouring ; both are liable to vary zxdependently. The Cheetah, the Dalmatian Dog, and certain Horses and other animals are black-spotted ; while certain Deer, Phalangers, and certain Horses are white spotted. Fossils certainly give us the structure of extinct animals, but I hope to show that they can also tell us something, if not so certainly, about the probable origin of certain markings we see on existing animals. But in order to see all this a good deal of the imaginative faculty will have to be brought into play. Probably zoologists may look upon the markings of animals as trivial and unimportant features, yet it would seem that markings, if not the general coloration, are important zoological features, and may tell a tale as interesting as that told by the teeth. Of course skin coloration and markings are more liable to change, because they have to adapt themselves perhaps more intimately to the surroundings in which the animals happen to move. Great importance among zoologists seems to be placed on the character of the teeth of animals in grouping them for the purposes of classification, as if these were absolutely the oz/y characters that are inherited, The reason why so much importance has been given to teeth as a character indicating descent is that fossil vertebrates have rarely anything but their simple skeleton to show what they may have been like, and certainly the teeth may indicate their habits. The skin characters have usually wholly disappeared, and we have INTRODUCTION XXxiil nothing to guide us, in that direction, but the skins of existing animals, There is, however, some evidence which would tend to make us suspect that teeth may be liable to sudden changes, owing to con- traction of the jaws. Teeth, like other bones, it would appear, are subject to fusion or to dissociation, as the case may be. And the writer on Seals in the Royal Natural History quotes an interesting example of dissociation in teeth, which I have quoted more fully in another place, as I think it very instructive, and the inference to to be drawn from it important. The doctrine of evolution has replaced every other doctrine of creation, owing to the undeniable support that existing facts give it. This being unstintedly admitted by all modern scientists, and by many modern theologians also, there remains only to account, in some way, for the appearance on this earth of the innumerable creatures we see, including man himself, by the method of evolution. Lower down in the scale of life, beyond a certain stage, we cannot go, in this investigation, because breaks occur which are at present in no way filled up. Whether the gaps may or may not be filled up at some future period no one living can say. The evolution of the structure of one kind of animal from another has been made clear enough, but the evolution of the coloration of one kind of animal from another has not been made sufficiently clear. Probably this feature in evolution has been neglected, because it offered difficulties which perhaps looked like puzzles. It is this feature of evolution which I have tried to make clear in some of the following pages. With regard to drawing conclusions, Professor Huxley! remarks :— ‘What in fact lay at the foundation of all Zadig’s arguments 1*On the method of Zadig,’ Sczence and Hebrew Tradition, pp. 7 and 8. ¢ XXXIV STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS but the coarse commonplace assumption, upon which every act of our daily lives is based, that we may conclude from an effect to the pre-existence of a cause competent to produce that effect. ‘Zadig was able to do this because he perceived endless minute differences (and likenesses) where untrained eyes discern nothing ; and because the unconscious logic of common sense compelled him to account for these effects by the causes he knew to be competent to produce them.’ SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS (HORSES EXCEPTED) “Yer, if he would be guided by the true spirit of scientific inquiry, he must maintain an unsettled opinion as long as the evidence is incomplete or contradictory ; he must adopt conclusions only where the evidence is complete and convincing ; he must ever hold his mind open to new evidence, even if it bring about the abandonment of accepted beliefs. He may, if desirable, quote the conclusions of others, and, if well read, he may thus become widely informed; but he will fail to gain the best benefit that comes from careful study, if he does not reach opinions and conclusions for himself, forming them only as fast as the evidence that may support them is clearly understood.’ Elementary Meteorology, by Prof. W. M. Davis. PART I SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS (HORSES EXCEPTED) A GLANCE at the living Mammals in the gardens of the Zoological Society, and at the mounted specimens in the Natural History Museum, will show us what a large number of Mammals of several orders and of many genera are either spotted or striped, or both spotted and striped. There is a large number of Mammals which may be said to have permanently lost their spots or stripes ; but there are not very many which, either in the childhood of the individual or in some of its species, either on the legs, on the tail, or on other parts, do not betray their descent by vestiges of either spots or stripes. In the Appendices I have given lists of various Mammals which show spotting or striping now, or show vestiges of descent from spotted and striped ancestors. Some of them have a plain body and spotted or striped legs; while others have only a ringed tail to show what they came from. These tail rings, even when they are the sole markings, are in my opinion dis- tinct vestiges of either a spotted or striped ancestry. If one had a fuller acquaintance with the childhood and adulthood of all Mammals, under different conditions of climate and other surroundings, the probability is that these lists might be much lengthened, and we might perhaps then come to the 4 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS conclusion that most Mammals, at least, had a spotted ancestry more or less remote, not even excluding the Marsupials of Australia. The earliest record that I have met with of a striped Mammal is that shown in Fig. 1. It is the bone handle of a poignard i of a prehistoric period. It \( Hippos, represents some kind of deer Se ee which had partial broad stripes oe on its flanks, evidently ves- tiges of something like the Fic. 1.—Cast of a handle of poignard found at 3 Bruniquel, on the river Aseyran, France. (Brit. zebra bands in the same Mus.: Mammoth and Reindeer period.) regions. It might perhaps be thought, as an alternative, that these marks were not intended by the carver to indicate skin-stripes, but merely the projections of the ribs. If, however, we consider that, if the prehistoric savage knew anything, he must have known a great deal about the ribs of the animals he was continually hunting, cutting up, and feeding upon, we shall see that he must have known that the ribs of the deer did not extend to its haunches, Therefore, the transverse stripings on this ancient model of a deer can hardly be taken to have been meant to indicate the projections of the ribs, but are more likely to have been meant for skin-stripes. Moreover, if the reader will turn to Appendix A, Fig. 22, he will see an antelope with striping not very unlike that of this prehistoric relic, I shall, however, leave this point to be decided by archeologists and paleontologists, and proceed with my story. What causes the changes in the markings of different animals, and at different ages, I do not know. Presumably atomic changes in the nerve centres, initiated by surroundings, heredity, or what SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 5 not, become reflected electrically on the skin, whether during the embryonic stage or afterwards, and cause aggregation or dissociation or other changes in pigment cells. Evolutionary biologists—and probably there are at present few or no biologists who have zof accepted the doctrine of Evolution—seem inclined to consider that these markings in animals are the result of natural selection, acting cumulatively on some fortuitous variations that may have occurred, and do occur, in an infinity of ways. By natural selection is meant the weeding-out, generation after generation, of all those varia- tions which are insufficiently protected by their surroundings for either offence or defence, or both, and by keeping alive those which are most fit. Reproduction and heredity then maintain and improve this selection. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace says! that ‘Professor William H. Bremer of Yale College has shown that the white marks or the spots of domesticated animals are rarely symmetrical, but have a tendency to appear more frequently on the left side. This is the case with Horses, Cattle, Dogs, and Swine... . Among wild animals, the Skunk varies considerably in the amount of white on the body; and this, too, was found to be usually greatest on the left side? A close examination of numerous striped or spotted species, as Tigers, Jaguars, Zebras, etc., showed that the bilateral symmetry was not exact, although the general effect of the two sides was the same. This is pre- cisely what we should expect if the symmetry is not the result of a general law of the organism, but has been, in part at least, produced and preserved for the useful purpose of recognition by 1 Note to p. 217, Darwinism. 2 I should say this is a sure indication that the difference does not depend on the shin, but on the znegual action of the two halves of the nerve centre. 6 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS the animal’s fellows of the same species, and especially by the sexes and the young.’! Then on p. 199, quoting from Major Walford, a Tiger-hunter, Dr. Wallace says: ‘There can be no doubt whatever that the colour of both the Tiger and the Panther renders them almost invisible, especially in a strong blaze of light, when among grass ; and one does not seem to notice stripes or spots till they are dead.’ I suspect the ‘strong blaze of light’ had something to do with the invisibility on the part of Major Walford, for he says that natives could see the Tiger, which. would seem to mean that their eyes are accustomed to strong light, and can adapt them- selves to it. There cannot, however, be any doubt that the two sides of a spotted or striped animal are unsymmetrical. A glance at the Tiger and Leopard skins in the London fur-shops would be enough to convince any one of this. And it is, I think, due to a want of zdentical nervous action in doth halves of the central nerve organ, to the atomic action of which I would attribute all skin colorations. One of the objects of these pages is to investigate how far the markings of animals are due to natural selection, and how far they are not. The innumerable variations in the markings of horses, which we see in the streets of London, will be made to contribute evidence in this interesting investigation. In many cases it will not be difficult to show that the striped animal is only a modification of the spotted animal. 1 The probability is that wild animals recognise their fellows more by scent than by sight : nevertheless, it is curious to note how dogs recognise dogs of any breed, at a distance ; they, however, complete their investigation by means of the nose. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 7 We shall first examine some of the most markedly spotted and best-known animals, viz., the Jaguar, the Leopard, the Cheetah, the Ocelot, and the Serval. For my purpose the Jaguar and Leopard, and also the Panther, may be considered as ove animal, the others being differently marked. Mr. G. P. Sanderson! says: ‘The distinction between the Panther and Leopard is practically small, and lies chiefly in the inferior size of the Leopard. The markings, habits, and general appearance (except size) of the two animals are almost identical. But neither can be confounded with the Cheetah, even by the most casual observer ... the spots of the Panther and Leopard are grouped in rosettes, enclosing a portion of the ground colour ;? whereas those of the Cheetah are solid, and are separate from each other.’ Mr. Blandford? declares that there is no difference whatever between the Panther and Leopard, and Mr. Blyth was of the same opinion. He also states that black and ordinary Leopard cubs are often found in the same litter, and that an albino Leopard is figured in Buchanan Hamilton’s drawings. Mr. Sanderson further states that the black Leopards from Java have all sorts of shades, from jet-black to light brown; and that the black Leopard seems to be confined, at least in India, to heavy forest tracts, while the common variety in Mysore frequents open country, and also rocky localities. It should be here noted that in black Leopards, as in certain black Cats, the markings are often plainly visible in certain lights. The marking is persistent, and quite independent of melanism, or that condition which produces the general blackness of the skin. 1 ‘Wild Beasts of India, p. 327. 2 Sometimes of a different shade from the ground colour. 3 Mammals of India, p. 68. 8 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS The Jaguar is only a South American Leopard, and black varia- tions of it are frequent also there. It may be interesting to note that the black Leopards of Africa differ somewhat from the black Leopards of Asia. The Royal Natural History, vol. i. p. 338, regarding the black African Leopards, states that in 1885 a black specimen, obtained near Grahamstown, was described by Dr. Giinther. Its ground colour was a rich tawny, with an orange tinge; but the spots, instead of being of the usual rosette-like form, were nearly all small and solid, like those on the head of an ordinary Leopard. In the black Leopards of Asia the rosettes are retained, while in those of Africa they appear to lose their ocellus and become solid. The jet-black Leopards, like the jet-black domestic Cats, usually lose all traces of markings. Leopards and Jaguars are tree-loving animals, and therefore it seems obvious to evolutionists that their markings were the result of natural selection, acting cumulatively on favourable variations so as ultimately to harmonise them with a surround- ing of speckled lights and shades produced by the leaves of trees. Unlike the Lion and the Tiger, the Leopard of India is ‘thor- oughly at home in trees, running up a straight-stemmed and smooth- barked trunk with the speed and agility of a Monkey’; and Mr. Hunter remarks that in Africa ‘the Leopard nearly always puts the remains of his “kill” up a tree” 2 Then the Jaguar ‘is one of the most expert climbers among the larger Cats’ ;* and during inun- dations it is said that it will sometimes take to an arboreal life, preying upon Monkeys. So we see there is ample evidence to show that the Leopards 1 Roy. Nat. Hist., vol. i. p. 390. * Lbid. p. 392. 3 /bid. p. 395. Pp P- 395 SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 9 have their markings in harmony with the surroundings of an arboreal life. FG. 2.—Jaguar, from a photograph by Gambier Bolton, F.Z.S. Fic. 3.—Leopard, from a photograph by Gambier Bolton, F.Z.S. # A glance ‘at the markings of the Jaguar and Leopard in Figs, 2 and 3 will show that a large number of their rosettes is made up of groups of small spots, each group forming an isolated and 10 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS irregular ring of small black spots with an enclosed space. This space may be either of the same colour as the general ground of the skin, or of a darker shade, and sometimes of a different hue. Moreover, on the Jaguar skin (Fig. 4) there are many rosettes which have one or more small black specks in the #zzddle of the enclosed space, which in Leopards proper seem to be obliterated, owing perhaps to a contraction of the entire rosette. In the Tring Museum there is a fine specimen of a Jaguar. On its flank are very large polygonal rosettes, with from one to sex specks in the enclosed space. If any one will take the trouble to look over the Leopard skins in the windows of the London furriers, he will be at once convinced that the rosettes even in the same skin vary immensely ;! and if different skins are compared it will be found that, although the general mapping may be similar, the detail shows that there are scarcely two skins alike. Indeed, the skins are as different as the faces one sees among the people in the crowded streets of London. It seems astonishing that, among the thousands of faces one sees, there should not be two alike. It is the same with the coloration of most animals. Then, if we examine the skins of Mammals which are sup- posed to be of different species, although of the same genus, we find astonishing modifications of what I consider the typical rosettes of the Jaguar. A very interesting monograph of the Felide by D. G. Elliot shows, by means of the beautifully coloured plates, not only the modifications of rosettes, but all manner of intermediate stages up to total obliteration of all markings. The transitions from rosettes to spots and stripes can there be readily seen. 1 A variety of Jaguar from Mexico is characterised by the distance at which the small spots which ordinarily constitute the rings are placed from one another, so that comrlete rings or rosettes of spots only occasionally occur. Roy. Mat. Hist., vol. i. p. 395. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 11 I can only give a small number of Cats in this superb mono- graph, to show the principal variations from the typical rosettes of the Jaguar. . In Elliot’s Jaguar (Fed?s onca), which presumably was copied from nature, there are on the flanks very distinct rosettes, made up of polygonal rings of black spots, more or less fused, and enclosing a space which is differently coloured from the inter- rosette ground ; and each rosette has a distinct black speck in the centre of the enclosed space. Then his Margay (F. tigrina) is of a Leopard-yellow colour, rosetted in various ways, the rosettes being made up of three, four, and five black spots, which enclose a brown space. It is, more: over, distinctly barred on the shoulder and back. (See another variant on p. 418 of Roy. Nat. Hist, vol. i.) Fontanier’s Spotted Cat (/% ¢ristzs) is something like a Jaguar, but its rosettes are distorted in various ways. From this we pass to his African Golden Cat (/. chrysostrix), which is either grey or brown trimmed with Leopard-yellow. Its spots are solid. The Serval (F. serval) is much the same ; only, in addition, it has fusions of spots into longitudinal streaks.1 The Rubiginous Cat (/. rudiginosa) is of a brownish-grey, with solid black spots arranged in longitudinal rows, preparatory to fusing in longitudinal stripes, like those on the back of the neck. We come then to the Pampas Cat (F. payeros), It has brown longitudinal bands on grey ground, in the manner of the Ocelots, and the legs are transversely banded. (See variant of this on p. 431, Roy. Nat. Hist.) The Clouded Tiger is very interesting (/ dard), It has a 1 The Serval is also subject to melanoid variations, and the spots are distinctly visible when viewed in certain lights. (oy. Mat. Hist., vol. i. p. 414.) 12 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS yellowish-brown general colour, with broad transverse patches of a yellowish-grey, margined with black blotchés or spots. The patches are evidently fusions of several rosettes of a similar colour. The haunches are rosetted, and the tail has its rings double, which is also a vestige of a rosetted body. There is another much like the foregoing, the little Marbled Tiger (4. marmorata)4 It is either Leopard-yellow or grey, with large clouded patches edged and spotted with black, while the general colour is paler. Its haunches and shoulders are spotted. The tail is either spotted or ringed. We come now to the Caffer Cat (& caffra), which is of a bluish-grey, striped with black, Tiger-fashion. (See variant on p. 421, Roy. Nat. Hist.) From this we pass to the Tigers, which every one knows. We pass, then, to total obliteration of spots and stripes in the self-coloured Cats, like the Puma (F. concolor), which is also called Cougar, Panther, and American Lion. In the adult stage it is all plain, and of a rich brownish-grey, but its kittens are spotted. How astonished the Puma must be when she has cubs for the first time! She looks at her husband’s coat and at her own, and sees them of a uniform rich isabelline colour, and then she finds her kittens are born spotted all over like young leopards. Are these really my children? Yes, your very own! You have succeeded in shaking off your rosettes, but your kittens still masquerade in that antiquated dress, and prove to you that after all your pedigree is identical with that of the Leopard ! There are innumerable transition markings between rosettes, solid spots, and stripes, and many Cats have only vestiges of spots or stripes. The tails of most of these elzde are ringed, and the 1 In the Roy. Nat. Hist. these are called Clouded Zeogard and Marbled Cat. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 13 under surfaces of most of them are paver than the back and flanks, and in some cases wholly zwézte. Elliot’s monograph of the Fe/de contains gradations, modifi- cations, and transformations of rosettes and spots, which can be studied with comfort within the compass of a book. It is like a museum of Cats. To facilitate the examination and comparison of Leopard and Jaguar rosettes, and to show both flanks at one glance, I have given in Figs. 4-7 some skins spread out; and Fig. 59 gives a number of variations of single rosettes taken from numerous Leopard skins. It will be seen that on the Jaguar skin there is a large number of rosettes consisting of an irregular or polygonal ring of small spots enclosing a space, in the middle of which, as I said, there are one or more specks. At times the ring-spots are dissociated, as on the shoulder, and they appear like an irregular group; at other times the ring-spots coalesce wholly or partially, and form a more or less continuous polygonal ring, as in those of Fig. 7, with or without the central specks. The rosettes of what are commonly called Leopards are usually wéthout the enclosed specks. This continuous ring can best be seen on the Leopard skin of Fig. 7, already alluded to. Again, we see that on the abdominal surface the rosettes tend to coalesce further, with obliteration of the enclosed space, and, in the Jaguar, to form a sort of trefoil, quadrifoil, pentafoil, etc. I would here note that on the tails of these Leopards the rosettes, at first isolated, tend to coalesce and form transverse rings towards the tips, with obliteration of the enclosed space ; and that along the spine the rosettes tend to coalesce longitudinally, and to form a continuous dorsal line or band. All variations of Leopard rosettes would seem to be modifica- Fic. 4.— Skin of Jaguar, fronia Photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son, Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris. Fic. 5.—Skin of Leopard—may be African; from a Photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris, Fic. 6.—Skin of Leopard—probably Chinese ; from a Photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son, Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris. pcan Doweay wk Fic. 7.—Skin of Chinese Leopard, from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. Skin lent by Messrs. Back and Co. B 18 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS tions of those on the fanz of the Jaguar; and Fig. 4 shows many intermediate forms between the Jaguar rosettes enclosing specks and the solid rosettes or spots of the abdominal region. In one particular Leopard skin! I noticed a very curious varia- tion, shown in Fig. 8. It appeared i. 3 oe as if the enclosed specks had been J a @ a * ¢xtruded from the rosette ring. (\ ae oy In some regions it is not always O easy to make out whether the Fic, 8,—Occasional variants of Jaguar rosettes are a coalescence or a dis- and Leopard rosettes. eine 2 sociation of spots. Fig. 9 shows rosettes from the scapular regions of a Jaguar skin. Some look like a consolidation and others like a dissocia- Be eee ; Clee i WE Co: Gee OS 7 < « o OD 4 oe oR Fic. 9.—Various forms of rosettes from the scapular regions of a Jaguar skin. tion of spots. The groups shown in Fig. 59 (Nos. 30-32) are obviously a dissociation of the ring-spots. The Jaguar in the Science and Art Museum, Edinburgh, has the spaces enclosed by the rosettes of the whole skin of a deeper shade of fawn than the general ground colour ; and on the hind-legs 1 Shown to me at Messrs. Back and Co.’s, 2 Two Leopards, described by M. A. Milne Edwards, ‘ were remarkable for the circumstance that the markings on the flanks were more like rings than rosettes’ (p. 390, Roy. Nat. Hist, vol. i.) SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 19 it has fusions of the ring-spots into bigger spots or blotches, with a deeper shade of fawn colour between them than the general fawn colour. I have endeavoured to show this in No. 9, Fig. 59. Moreover, some Leopards, such as that of Fig. 6, have large solid rosettes of irregular shape on their haunches, while those on their flanks are ocellated. This, I think, is clear evidence that, in these cases at least, the haunch rosettes are mere contractions of the larger typical rosettes on the flanks. A glance at the Jaguar skin of Fig. 2 also shows distinctly that the exclosed spaces of the rosettes are of a deeper shade than the general colour defween the rosettes. I mention these details because in these Mammals there appear to be three distinct colorations, viz., the colour of the inter-rosette spaces, of the rings, and of the enclosed space. All three may vary zxdependently of the others, not only in colour, but also in form. The different colours of the inter-rosette spaces, of the spots, and of the enclosed spaces, would seem to indicate that each has a separate’ and distinct nerve-centre, as much Jocalised as the centres of the different parts of the arm, the leg, the face, etc., and that each of these components of the whole surface may vary independently of the others. It seems curious that the spots of the Dalmatian Dog should be black on a white ground, and those of the Phalanger and Dasyure white on a black ground. The general coloration of Mammals seems of little importance, as it varies in almost every individual; what is tan in one may be either black or white in another. But the ‘markings’ and the colorations, which are seen to be like a sort of ‘ plan, are of much greater importance, as they more or less indicate, I think, something inherited from very vemote ancestors. Let us now take a look at a very differently spotted Mammal. 20 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Fig. 10 shows the picture of a living Cheetah, and Fig. 11 the skin of a similar animal (perhaps an older one) spread out to see both sides at once.. In the Cheetah we find numerous solid circular spots, with minute specks interspersed among them. The large spots are disposed in transverse rows on the flanks (Fig. 10). The minute specks, however, in the figure of the skin are inter- spersed among the larger spots, apparently without any order ; Fic. 10,—Picture of a living Cheetah, from a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz, Lissa (Posen). while in the figure of the living animal the minuter specks appear to be disposed in many places in rows also, alternating with the rows of the bigger spots. In the Cheetah it is not easy to make out whether the larger spots are consolidations of the extre Leopard rosettes, or dissocia- tions of the spots forming the rosette rings of the Jaguar. The 1 At the International Fur Stores, Regent Street, I was shown a Cheetah skin with some of the rows on the flank undergoing fusion, and forming beaded strings ; and several couples of spots were actually fused into one blotch. Fic. 11.—Skin of a Cheetah—perhaps of an old one; from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. Skin lent by Messrs. Back and Co. 22 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS spots on the Jaguar’s shoulder (Fig. 4) are evidently dzssociated rosettes, while the spots on its hind-quarters and abdomen are evidently fusions or consolidations of rosettes ; so that the Cheetah spotting may have had either the one or the other origin.’ Anyhow, it is evident that the transverse strings of spots on the fore-legs of the Cheetah (Fig. 10) are homologous with similar transverse marks on the fore-legs of the Jaguar and other Leopards. As to the minute specks, I have a suspicion that they may have possibly resulted from the specks enclosed within the Jaguar rosettes. In the modifications which these animals have under- gone, the specks may have been extruded, as we have almost seen them do in Fig. 8, and have become disseminated among the bigger spots. A close scrutiny of the Cheetah spots may lead one to detect something like dissociated rosettes, especially on the right shoulder and haunches of the skin figure ; but on the haunches and tail of the living-animal figure the spots look more like consolidations of whole rosettes. There is no good reason why the characteristic spotting of the Cheetah should not be a combination of both processes, viz., dis- sociation in some parts and consolidation in others; for in the same animal—the Jaguar—we find typical rosettes on the flanks, dissociated rosettes on the shoulders, and consolidated rosettes on the abdomen and legs. In certain Leopards the enclosed specks become entirely obliterated, while in the Cheetah these little specks may form one of its characteristic features. Fig. 59 (No. 35) shows four groups from the flank of a Cheetah ; and on the haunch of a Cheetah in the Natural History Museum, 1 Of two Cheetahs in the Tring Museum, one has isolated spots on half its tail, while the other has, in the same part, 7zgs wilh scolloped edges, indicating a fusion of spots. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 23 as shown in Fig. 12, there is a similar disposition of large round spots and minute specks, From this one might perhaps surmise that the circular spots in the Cheetah represent the modified enclosed space of the . Jaguar rosettes, while the specks represent @ 26 the dissociated ring of spotlets. The Oe : @ change of colour of the enclosed space from ae : brown to black is not wholly imaginary, Fic. 12.—Group of Spots for in horses we find that the white spots Tae He Mae. aces of dappled animals are changed to black spots in the roan and to brown spots in the strawberry roan.? I confess, however, that the Cheetah spotting is rather puzzling, for the individual spots are as round as a shilling, with a general equality of size,and they do not give any indication of a coalescence of minor spots like those on the abdomen of the Jaguar. Yet the consolidated rosettes on the paws of the latter animal are not unlike those of the Cheetah. They have, moreover, minute specks among them. As spots can be wholly obliterated, so, I suppose, they can diminish in size. In a Leopard skin there were here and there minute specks, like those of the Cheetah, interspersed among the usual rosettes. This is uncommon in Leopard skins ; but in the Natural History Museum (case 12) a Leopard among the consolidated rosettes of its fore-legs has a number of minute specks like those of the Cheetah ; and in the window of the International Fur Stores I saw a Leopard skin which had small and roundish spots on the back (shoulder region) which were not unlike the larger spots of the Cheetah. So that it is not improbable that the larger circular spots of the Cheetah may '@ « 1 We may have melanism or albinism or shades thereof on the evtdre surface, or changes of colour in certaix parts only, as I shall endeavour to show in another place. In another place I have also indicated that black, tan, and white are interchangeable colours. 24 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS be, after all, consolidated Leopard rosettes further modified into circular spots. On the other hand, Fig. 12 shows conditions which would suggest that it is the evclosed spaces of the Jaguar rosettes which become the large round spots of the Cheetah, while the specks are the dissociated rings of spotlets ; only the enclosed space in this case would be, as I said, changed from irregular brown to circular black. A very young Cheetah in the Natural History Museum (case 16 —Gueparda jubata), from the Cape of Good Hope, shows a very interesting variation. It is brown with faint spots, but what is still more curious is the fact that its o. gon ; : ' Fy oae ko back is grey like that of a badger ! o oF Peta Lae It may be of some interest to show Oo Bes eI SS how much variation the Jaguar rosettes Fic. 13.—Rosettes from a can undergo. Fig. 13 is taken from tue Griffith's a Jaguar pictured in Griffith’s Cuvier. They may, perhaps, be closely matched from groups on the Cheetah skin of Fig. 11. This much is clear to me, that the Cheetah and the Leopard are closely allied in habits and structure, and their spotting, how- ever modified it may have become, must have had oxe ancestral origin, not necessarily of course from the same ixdividual, but from the same sfecies of ancestor; and that the difference in the existing animals comes from microscopical changes in the nerve- centres, which would result in pronounced differences on the sézn. The student of animal markings would do well to study, as a previous training, the many-synonymed orchid—Odon/éoglossuim crispum, and others of the same genus. Nothing is more interest- ing than a review of the variations of blotches on the petals of this genus. There are blotches of various sizes and forms; there are cross-bars ; in some varieties there are simg/e little spots on each SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 25 petal ; and, finally, in others every trace of blotching or spotting disappears, and the whole flower is white, with a little lemon-colour on the lip. In the Déctionary of Gardening it is stated that ‘it is a plant which varies to an almost endless extent, no two of the many thousands imported being perhaps exactly alike.’ Fic, 14.—(a) Young and (4) Adult of Spotted Deer (47s maculatus, Nat. Hist. Mus.). Not impossibly, also, the stretching of the skin as the animal grows may, in some instances, tend to modify the grouping of the spots, and have something to do with dissociation. On the other hand, contraction of the skin in other regions may have something to do with consolidation of rosettes. Perhaps, in illustration of the former conditions, one might take the case of the Spotted Deer shown in outline in Fig. 14. The 26 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS young one (a) has its white spots close to each other, in some parts almost coalescing into blotches. Then as the animal grows the spots become more distinct, and in the adult they are separated by long intervals, as shown in (0). However this may be, we cannot ignore the fact that the whole physiology of the skin in Mammals, with its colourings and mark- ings, is under the control of the nerve-centres (perhaps as much as electro-plating is under the control of the battery or dynamo), and these again are under the various influences of heredity, age, varia- tions of temperature, climate, composition of the blood, and other surroundings, of which we know yet too little.? In the various kinds of Leopards we see that not only the rosettes differ, but also the spaces between them differ much. These inter-rosette spaces run into each other, and form a sort of broad reticulation which is the ground-colouring of the skin. The Leopard of Kismaya, British East Africa,? has its rosettes much closer than those of the Indian Leopard or of the American Jaguar, so that it seems much darker than they. The comparative smallness of this animal, supposing the number of rosettes to be equal, may, I think, sometimes account for the compactness of the rosettes, as well as for their elementary spotlets. At Mr. Rowland Ward’s establishment, Piccadilly, I was shown a very small fcetal Leopard, that is, in a stage defore birth. It was closely spotted all over, but none of the spots were ocellated. Another young Leopard, but older than the preceding, had a com- mencing faint ocellus in some of its spots. On the other hand, a very 1 Orchids seem to undergo similar alteration in the spotting of their flowers, without any nervous influence that can be detected. Yet there must be some means of com- munication in the Dvomea between the bristles and the hinges of the leaf-blades, analogous to nervous or electric communication. ? In the Zoological Society’s Gardens. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 27 young animal in the Natural History Museum (case 13), ticketed as a young Jaguar, has xo sfots at all, but is of a uniform brown. The variations in the disposition of the rosettes of Leopards are very considerable. In some specimens they are distributed irregu- larly, in others they occur in slanting rows, asin Fig. 15 (a). Where they are crowded, two or more fuse into an elongated ocellus, as in (6). The Fig. 59 shows how numerous are the variations in individual rosettes. We should make a distinction between the general colour and the spot or rosette colour ; both, as I said, are liable to vary znde- pendently. The Cheetah and the Dalmatian Dog are black-spotted, while the Deer is white- Fic. 15—(Diagrammatic disposition of leopard mark- ings, both taken roughly from skins in furriers’ windows. (a) Rows of rosettes, which might fuse into stripes. (4) Fusion of two or more rosettes. spotted. The ordinary Leopard has a general tan colour, the melanoid a general brown colour, and the Snow-leopard! a general white colour, although the rosettes remain black in all cases. 1 Of two Snow-leopards in the Tring Museum, one has ocellated rosettes, and the other has a large number of the rosettes so/éd, especially on the shoulders, haunches, and lower part of flanks. 28 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS In these variations we again find a parallel in Odontoglossum. Some species are pure wzte, with maroon blotches, or spots, or bars, while others are ye//ow, with maroon blotching. The spots on the legs and tail of the Lion of Fig. 16 (a) leave no doubt that the ancestors of the Lion and Leopard were one. In adult Lions the rosettes become more and more obliterated, but in the young they cannot be mistaken for other than Leopard-spotting. The same may be said of the spots on the fore-leg of the Puma shown in Fig. 16 (4). In the Science and Art Museum of Edin- burgh there is a largish Cat, ticketed Puma, which may be a young one. It is of a light reddish-fawn colour,’ with distinct spots all over it of a deeper fawn. Its present general colour is not unlike that of the red domestic Cat. The Encyclopedia Bretannica says: ‘The young of the Puma, as in the case with the other plain-coloured Heide, are, when born, spotted with dusky brown, and the tail ringed. These markings gradually fade, and quite disappear before the animal becomes full-grown,’ Some varieties of Lynx, although their backs are plain, have spots on their abdomen and legs. These may be seen in the Natural History Museum. Then there is a large number of widely different animals, such as Racoons, Lemurs, and many others,? which, although they have neither spots nor stripes on their bodies and legs, yet have distinct rings on their tails, like those of the Leopards and Tigers of our illustrations. Therefore, all these ring-tailed animals should, I think, be credited with either a spotted or a striped ancestry. In the Appendix I have given a list of animals, of very varied natures, which have ring-tails. They probably a// descended from spotted ancestors, and the marks on their tails are the only vestige which now indicates the history of their ancestry. 1 Skins become faded in time. 2 See Appendix E. —(a) Lion, and (4) Puma, from photographs by Ottomar Anechiitz. FIG, 16. 30 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS As to the markings of the Serval in Fig. 17, it is not likely that any one will take them for any other than consolidated Leopard rosettes placed widely apart, and in places arranged in longitudinal series.t Fic. 17.—-Serval, from a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz. In Fig. 18 is given a Marbled Cat, which, although ancestrally rosetted, has its spotting undergoing obliteration, like the adult Pumas and Lions. We now turn to the numerous variations in the markings of Ocelots. 1 Note the black mark from the heel to the toes of hind-legs. It is an interesting feature, to which I shall refer in another place, Fic. 18.—Marbled Cat : on the flank it has distinct rosettes, and on the legs transverse stripes. From a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz. 32 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Fig. 19 (a) shows one variety in which the typical Leopard rosettes are plainly recognisable, only they are arranged in longi- (2) Fic. 19.—Two distinct variations of Ocelots, from photographs by Ottomar Anechiitz. tudinal order, and on the flanks and shoulder the rosettes coalesce into parallel bands, with the enclosed spaces also continuous. It SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 33 should be noted that on the shoulder of this Ocelot there is a tendency to dissociation of the rosette-spots. Then in Fig. 19 (6) we have an Ocelot in which the same character is intensified and further modified, the enclosed spaces being of a different colour from either the rings or the general ground-colour. In the Natural History Museum there are some Ocelots which show a further coalescence of the rosettes into more perfect longi- ie ee Fic. 20.—Diagrammatic sketch showing transformation of Ocelot rosettes into longitudinal bands :— (2) Rosettes arranged in longitudinal rows. (4) Their upper and lower segments fusing. (c) The rows of rosettes completely fused into bands of a brownish colour, margined with black. (d) A row of rosettes from the flank of a Leopard skin ; these might readily fuse into ¢awiz stripes, as seen in Fig. 24. tudinal bands, in which the traces of the Leopard rosettes are almost wholly obliterated ; and it would not be easy to conceive how they originated, without knowledge of other varieties of Ocelots which indicate the steps leading to the longitudinally banded Ocelot. In Fig. 20 I have endeavoured to give a rough sketch of the passage from the Jaguar rosettes to the longitudinal parti-coloured bands of certain Ocelots. Cc 34 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS The shading of a, 4, ¢ is intended to show the brownish colour of the enclosed space, so different from the general ground- colour. In the same figure (d) I have given a row of rosettes taken from the flank of a Leopard skin, disposed diagonally. Like the Ocelot rosettes, they might readily coalesce into stripes. Indeed, there are many Tiger skins (Fig. 24) which have their stripes in pairs; and many brindled Dogs have similar markings. These may have resulted from such a disposition of rosettes as that here shown. I have seen several Leopard skins with their flank rosettes disposed in slanting rows (Fig. 15, a). To understand the transformation of the Ocelot rosettes, we should bear in mind that the Jaguar rosettes are made up typically of a polygonal ring of spots enclosing a space which is of a darker colour than the zzter-rosette spaces, and that the enclosed space contains some minute black specks. We find ‘all these elements in the Ocelot markings, only they are differently arranged.! Reference to the Ocelot figure on p. 417 of the Royal Nat. Hist. will make the transformation of the Jaguar rosettes into Ocelot bands quite clear. In this figure the lower row of flank marks is made up of distznct rosettes composed of distinct spots, like those of some variations of the Jaguar. The next row above it is largely made up of fused rosettes, and the row above that again is one long band of fused rosettes, the rings becoming the black border of the band, and the central spots becoming a row of small spots in the middle of the band. The rest of the body is covered with patches of fused rosettes. The Ocelot is essentially a South American species, and like its close relative, the Jaguar, is said to be an expert climber. From the markings of the ocelot the transition is easy to those See Stuffed Animals, Natural History Museum—case containing Ocelots. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 35 of the Marbled Cat (/. marmorata), and those of the Clouded Leopard (/. nebulosa), both of which can be seen on pp. 409 and 407 of the Roy. Nat. Hist. Besides the two variations of Ocelot which I have given, there are others which have longitudinal stripes that do not enclose any spaces, and are not unlike those on the shoulder of the light- coloured Ocelot in the foregoing figure (19). There is a large number of spotted animals, and in the Appen- dix I have given as many as I could. The point the reader should note is that the rosettes of these spotted animals become dark rings on the tail, alternating with rings of the general ground-colour. Having studied these rosetted Cats, we are now in a position to understand their relation to s¢rzped Cats. There are numbers of small Cats and Genets with their spots arranged in longitudinal order, and others, as may be seen in Fig. 27, with them arranged in transverse order. This happens frequently, not only in the Cat tribe, but in other animals also, as may be seen in Appendix A, Nos. 16, 17, 18, and others. I have said that it will not be difficult to show that the striped animal is only a modification of the spotted one. I have already shown that in the Ocelot spots run into longitu- dinal stripes and bands. Now I shall endeavour to show that the stripes of the Tiger are no other than the fusion of transverse strings of spots, so transformed as to have lost all semblance of their spot origin. The striped animals par excellence are the Zebras and Tigers, with the minor Tiger Cats. With the Zebras I shall deal in an- other place. 1In the Animal Kingdom of Baron Cuvier, Mr. Edw. Griffith, in vol. ii. p. 444, gives a pure white Tiger, with only a shading of stripes. 36 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Fig. 21 is the picture of a living Tiger, and Figs. 22 and 23 are the pictures of two very differently marked Tiger skins. It will be noted that on all three there are some spots which have not coalesced into stripes. A glance at the spots of the living Cheetah and of the Cheetah skin (Figs. to and 11) will show that in many places they are arranged in transverse rows, viz., on the flanks and on the fore-legs ; the Leopard spots on the fore-legs are also arranged in rows. A Fic. 21.—Picture of a living Tiger, from a photograph by Ottomar Anechiitz. very little change will make the spots closer, and a further change will first amalgamate them into beady strings? and then turn them into bands, as we have seen occur in the Ocelots ; only in the Tiger and certain Cats the bands are transverse and their margins are sharp, while in the Ocelot they are longitudinal and their margins are scolloped. It is very strange that spots in certain animals, and in certain 1 In a previous note I mentioned having seen Cheetah spots run into beaded strings. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 37 parts of the same animal, very frequently show a tendency to arrange themselves in either longitudinal or transverse orders, and often coalesce into stripes. When irregularly disposed rosettes Fic. 22.—Tiger skin, from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. Skin lent by Messrs. Jeffs and Harris. coalesce, they form the large patches of the Clouded Tiger /. diardi) of Elliot’s monograph. What is still stranger is that the black rings of the rosettes Fic. 23.—Tiger skin, from a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. Skin lent by Messrs, Jeffs and Harris. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 39 coalesce with other black rings, and form a larger ring-or band outstde the amalgamation, and the. brownish enclosed’ spaces FIG. 24.—Tiger skin showing twin stripes. Photograph obtained from Messrs. Russ and Winckler, of Edinburgh. coalesce and remain zuszde the patch or band, as in the Clouded Tiger and in the Ocelot. 40 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Fig. 25 shows various degrees of transformation of spots into stripes and blotches on the legs of certain carnivora. On the other hand, we should not forget to note that on the legs of striped Fic. 25.—a and 4, fore- and hind-feet of a tiger; c and d, fore-feet of two different leopards ; ¢ and /, fore-feet of two different lynxes. From Coloration of Animals and Plants, by Alfred Tylor. animals sometimes all markings disappear. In the window of a furrier I have seen a young tiger with plentiful stripes on its hind- quarters and almost none on its shoulders and fore-legs ; and we know also that the Quagga (Fig. 54) is plentifully striped on its front parts and has no stripes at all on its haunches and hind-legs. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 41 I have seen a Leopard skin with crowded rosettes, several of which were fused into one oblong ocellus, as shown in Fig. 15, 6. This fusion will afford some idea of how the parallel twin stripes of the Tiger skin of Fig. 24 may have originated. Fig. 26 gives a diagrammatic sketch of some spindle-shaped ocelli I saw on a Tiger skin. A row of Leopard rosettes, as shown in Fig. 20, d, may easily be transformed into a pair of twin and parallel transverse stripes. gy ae | = Fic. 26,—Spindle-shaped ocelli on a Tiger skin; a—é represents the spinal line, We have already seen that similar twin bands do actually occur in the Ocelots from rosettes disposed longitudinally. The reader should especially note that in the figure of the living Cheetah the spots on the tail have gradually coalesced, and formed continuous rings towards the tip. These ringed tails occur whether the animal be spotted or striped, and in the figure of the living Tiger the rings on the tail are doudle, indicating their origin from rosettes ; and indeed in Fig. 24 almost all the stripes on the body are double. This may be considered conclusive evidence that the stripes of all Tigers, however modified they may be, 42 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS originated from. rows of Leopard rosettes. We may note further that. in the Jaguar skin (Fig. 4) the spots on the chest have Fic. 27.—-Markings of different small Cats, from a photograph by Messis. Dixon and Co. Skins lent by Messrs. Back and Co. coalesced into beady stripes, and we know that the separate ring- spotlets of the Jaguar rosettes in other Leopards do coalesce into a continuous polygonal ring. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 43 Then in Fig. 27 we have a striking series of transitions if the smaller Cats from spots to stripes. Some specimens show only spots on the flanks; others, spots coalesced irito wavy or beady: stripes ; and others show more finished stripes, like those of Fig. 28. In the British Museum enclosure there is a Domestic. Cat which I often stop to look , at. The posterior half of its body is spotted ; the anterior half is striped transversely ; theneckand head are striped longitudinally ; the legs are striped transversely, and also spotted. Then along its spine it has a broad black band, and its tail js,ringed in its terminal half” Here Fic. 28.—Striped Cat, from a photograph by . ae Messrs. Dixon and Son. Near the root of the tail ised marking, combining a _ it has-a few rosettes. we have a sort of general- little of each of the special features of distinct races of animals, the black band along the spine in some animals being possibly the only vestige of ancestral spotting ; while the ringed tail in the Racoon is the only ay left to tell the tale of its ancestral markings. In the International Fur Stores I saw the skin of a Tiger which had-a large ocellus towards the ventral region. This same skin had a modification of stripes on the lumbar region, as if the pigment were undecided whether it would run into separate stripes or form an ocellus. Then in another Tiger skin I saw on one side a curious rosette, and on the other a pair of parallel stripes.. Both these abnormalities in the: Tiger markings are given in Fig. 29: (No. 1). They are not only curious, but very suggestive. 44 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS If one had the opportunity of examining hundreds of skins of Leopards, Cheetahs, Tigers, and Cats, I have no doubt whatever that a perfect series might be picked out which would easily prove the transition from spots to stripes. The examples which I have given, I think, are sufficient to convince any one of the relationship of stripes to spots and rosettes. A word about the tadpole-shaped ocelli on both sides of the No. 1. he c afoul LLL le bo 2 —— Life hh; "; TRE i My UT x iff y" “yy TiO oT Ly DIT aa LN Mle ED: No. z Fic. 29, No. 1.—(a) Large ocellus near ventral region of Tiger skin; (4) combination of a curious ocellus and a pair of stripes ; (c) the spinal line. No, 2.—(a, 6, and ¢) Transitions from simple stripes to ocellated stripes of the Tiger, as seen in Figs, 22 and 23. Tiger skin of Fig. 23. I do not think that these are enlarged and spindle-shaped Leopard rosettes, although in Fig. 59, No. 5, I have given one which has turned into a deaked ocellus. I think that the Tiger marks in question have a different origin. Tiger stripes are sometimes parallel throughout their whole length, as seen in Fig. 24; but at other times the stripes are shifted so as to make one commence about the middle of the other, as in the lumbar region of Fig. 21. By approximation and partial fusion, two stripes thus shifted would make a spindle- SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 45 shaped figure, with an ocellus in the middle; if the ocellus were closer to one end, the figure would become not unlike the outline of a tadpole, like those on the Tiger skin of Fig. 23. No. 2, Fig. 29, is a diagram intended to show the transforma- tion from simple stripes to spindle-shaped ocelli. I think I have said enough (and perhaps more than enough) regarding the striping of Tigers to show that it is simply an extreme modification of the Jaguar and Leopard rosettes. But if the reader should have any doubts about the descent of stripes from spots, a glance at the small Cat skins of Fig. 27 ought to convince him that the view I have taken of the genesis of stripes, in the Cat tribe at least, is in all probability the r¢ght one. We see separate spots passing into beady stripes and finally into Tiger stripes on the hind-legs, On the shoulders of the small Cats the striping is so fine that it is rather a brindling. Then in the Natural History Museum, among the Cat family, there are numerous specimens which show simple spots, mixtures of spots and stripes, and simple stripes either transverse or longitudinal, and also transitions from the one kind of marking to the other. I might have dispensed with such a multiplicity of facts in support of what I said; but to the general reader, who may not be in the habit of seeing at a glance the obviousness of a con- clusion, they may be useful in bringing home to him the truth that stripes are evolved from rosettes. If now we turn to other animals, such as the Deer and the Antelope, we shall find that spots and stripes are interchangeable and intermixable. Fig. 30 shows the spotted young one of a Deer in the Zoological Gardens; the adult showing no spots whatever. 1 In the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art there is a good specimen of a young spotted Wapiti (Cervus Canadensis). 46 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Then if the reader will:turn to the Review of Reviews of March 15, 1893, where a character-sketch of the great African hunter, Mr. F. C. Selous, is given, he will find on p. 258 a Kudu Bull beautifully striped, with no spots, and on p. 260 an allied Antelope, the Bushbuck of the river Chobe, which is striped and also spotted. Of the latter a fine illustration is given in Fic. 30.—Shows the young of a Deer covered with spots, while the adult has none; taken from a photograph, Zoological Society's Gardens. the Roy. Nat. Hist, vol. ti. p. 277. See also Appendix A, Nos, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 25, of this book. The changes from spotting to nothing in the same individual, and from spotting to striping, or a mixture of both, in the same genus of Antelopes, is very remarkable. For some reason the spotting of the adult of Axzs maculatus, shown in Fig. 14, is not obliterated, although in the Deer of Fig. 30 no sign of spotting remains in the adult. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 47 It will, however, be preferable to let Mr. F. C. Selous! speak upon the ‘question of spotting and striping in the Antelopes of Africa. It would appear that not only age, but’ the cliniate and food of a locality, may have a good deal to do with. me ene in the markings of the skin. Of the Bushbuck (7vagelaphus sylvaticus, Sadun.) he says: ‘In the Cape Colony, the adult male is deep dark brownish-black, with two or three small white spots on the haunch, and ‘one or two on the shoulder; the adult female is light’ reddish-brown, with white spots on the haunches, and sometimes a few between the shoulders and flank ; the young males are reddish- prow and more or less spotted. ° ‘On the Limpopo, however, the adult males are brownish-grey, ‘often wethout a sign of any spots; and thé young females are more spotted than old ones. The adult females are of a dark red, with a few white spots; the young males are a good deal ‘spotted, with a few transverse stripes. ‘On the tributaries of the Zambesi, east of the Victoria’ Falls, -the male Bushbucks are of the same colour as the young males ‘found on the Limpopo, being dark red thickly spotted on the haunches, shoulders, and sides, with ssa// white spots, and with ‘three or four faint white stripes down each side. ‘The adult female is pale yellowish red, beautifully spotted, and with a few white stripes.’ Then of the Bushbucks on the Chobe Mr. Selous says: ‘The -adult males are of a very dark red colour, most beautifully spotted with darge white spots, as many as fifty on each side in some individuals, and in some cases as many as eight well-defined -stripes. In addition, they have a mane of white hair three inches long, from shoulder to tail, which can be erected. Young 1 4 Hunter's Wanderings in Africa, p. 209. 48 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS males are of a pale red-yellow, with spots and stripes much more faintly marked than in the adult animal, The adult female is of a rich dark red, beautifully spotted with white, and with three or four faint white stripes on each side, and a dark spinal line. The young female is of a lighter red, and not so much spotted. In Cape Colony and on the Limpopo, young Bushbucks are more spotted than adults; they gradually lose their markings as they become older; while on the Chobe and on the tributaries of the Zambesi this order of things is reversed. Adult animals are far more beautifully marked than young ones.’ Then of 7ragelaphus Spekit (Sclater) he says: ‘A foetus had the skin striped and spotted yellowish-white, as in the adult Bushbuck of the Chobe. Another recently born had a lighter colour, and fainter spots and stripes; the adult is of a uniform greyish-brown without either spots or stripes.’ From all this it would appear that the spotting and striping of the Bushbucks does not depend on either age or sex, and that the individuals of this genus differ much in marking and colouring ; but, although differing so much as to become almost distinct species, physiologically they remained ome species; and, living together in the African bush, they must have crossed and have become mixed up, so that the life-history of oze individual seems somehow to give successive photographs, as it were, of the life- history of the race. Anything more bewildering than the facts placed before the reader by this hunter-naturalist of Africa cannot well be imagined. It is impossible to read Mr. Selous’ book and not feel convinced that these Antelopes, when living for months in waterless tracts, are at the mercy of their surroundings, not only for their life, but also for the physiology of their skins. For at p. 207 he says that in some parts of the country, for several months in the year, SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 49 there is absolutely no water, and Elands, in common with Gems- buck and Giraffe, live and thrive there, and appear to do better than in well-watered parts of the country. He thinks that in the dry seasons these desert animals get the necessary amount of water by eating a watery melon, which is plentiful, and a white watery bulb, looking much like a turnip. ‘Among Antelopes, we have the head of a Kudu with three white Spots on its cheek. Then in Appendix A, No. 27, is shown one solitary broad stripe on the hind-quarters of the Waterbuck. These, like the ring-tails of many animals, I take to be simply vestiges of more extensive ancestral spotting and striping. Indeed, climate, food, and age may have a great deal to do with the retention or disappearance of spots and stripes. We see that in the Deer of Fig. 30 the spots wholly disappear with age, while in these two Antelopes all spots and stripes disappear, excepting, maybe, three cheek spots in the one and one haunch stripe in the other. “Mr, Selous says: ‘In the Mashura country every Eland cow is plainly striped. One had nine broad white? stripes on each side. Elands that are much striped have a whitish mark across the nose, like the Kudu. Old bulls have no stripes. Great variations occur in this: respect.’ Again turning to Dogs, we find that spotting and striping are found among them also. Fig. 31 shows a distinctly spotted Dog? Whether the Dog got 1 Shown in Mr. Selous’ book, in vol. ii. figs. 1 and 2. ’ It should be noted that in certain mammals, such as the Tiger and Zebra, the stripes are Jack: while in these Antelopes the stripes are whz’e. Both spots and stripes are liable to change from black to white, or vice versd ; that is, white becomes melanoid, and black becomes albzno7d. 3 In the Natural History Museum there is a Phalanger—a marsupial—spotted much in a similar manner. In the Zucyclop. Brit. the picture of a flying Phalanger is given with transverse stripes on its back. In Somerset I saw a sucking Pig which was spotted almost like some Dalmatian Dogs, but the spots were larger. D 50 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS this spotting from some mammal allied to the Cheetah, or not, I do not know. Canine and feline animals are rather closely allied. Moreover, both the Cheetah and the Dog want the retractile claws of the Cats proper.} Fic. 31.—Dalmatian Dog, from a photograph by C. R., 54. Fig. 32 shows the Dog-spots fused into blotches not unlike the consolidated rosettes on the abdomen of Leopards. In the Science and Art Museum of Edinburgh there is a large Boarhound with the Dalmatian spotting agglomerated into even larger blotches. ' Among Hyzenas there are species which are distinctly spotted, and others distinctly striped ; although in Hyzenas the claws are well developed, they are non-retractile. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 51 Probably this is only a preliminary step to piebalding, which is so common in Dogs. It is conceivable that if this attraction of black spots for each other increased, we should soon get the piebald colouring of the Fox-terrier and other breeds. At Worthing I saw a curious hybrid between a Bloodhound and a Dalmatian Dog—at least, its owner so stated. Its legs were white with well-defined tan spots; its back and flanks were white and thickly spotted with black ; and those on the flanks were grouped in threes and fours, not unlike the consoli- dated rosettes on the abdomen of the Jaguar and Leopard ; while its head was white, spotted with tan. It showed a curious persistence of spot- . FIG. 32.—Blotched Danish Boarhound, from ting ; but where the tan colour a photograph by Messrs. Dixon and Son. of the Bloodhound came in, the spotting of this Dalmatian hybrid became tan-coloured ! Then in the streets of London I saw another Dog of the Dalmatian breed. A large number of the dorsal spots amalgamated into a large black patch; half its face was spotted as usual, and the other half wholly black. On another occasion I met two Dogs of this same breed, pro- bably brothers. One was almost wholly black, with some re- maining white inter-spots, and half its tail was spotted with black ; 52 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS while its companion had the black spots quite close to each other, though much more distinct. Then in Hyde Park one day I saw a curious Toy-terrier. It was of the black-and-tan, short-haired breed ; but the parts that are usually wholly black, in this case were gvey, blotched and striped Fic. 33.—Brindled Dog, from a photograph by C. R., 847. with black. It was not unlike the black-backed Jackal of the Zoological Gardens. Fig. 33 is that of a Brindled Dog. Here the stripes are unlike those of the Tiger—that is, not so decided, but more like the brindling on the shoulders of the small Cats in Fig. 27. The stripes of the Dog are much finer and dissociated ; but in the streets I have SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 53 3 seen brindled Bull-terriers which had closer and broader stripes, with some which were broken up into fine lines ; and in some cases many of the stripes were distinctly in pairs, suggesting some origin similar to those on the Tiger skin of Fig. 24, and presumably there- fore the twin stripes in the Dog must have been caused by a similar modification of rosettes. Mr. Rawdon B. Lee, in his book on Modern (Sporting) Dogs, gives a good figure of a Danish Boarhound with conspicuous stripes. In brindled Dogs we have to note that the stripes on the limbs follow the direction of the limbs, and are not transverse to them, as in Cats, Zebras, and striped Hyenas. In some Tigers I have seen a tendency to a similar disposition of the limb stripes. This, how- ever, need not embarrass us, as we have already seen that, in the Cats, spots may group themselves into stripes either longitudinally, or transversely, or diagonally. Brindled Dogs are to be found in various races—in Greyhounds, Boarhounds, Bulldogs, etc. In the Viverrzde@ there is presented a similar study. We see large spots breaking up into numerous small ones, or perhaps the reverse |—that is, small ones agglomerating into large ones ; also spots stringing themselves into stripes, longitudinally on the body, and transversely on the legs. In several species of the Mungoose a complete intermixture of pigments seems to have occurred, so as to produce a sort of grizzly- grey coat; while in the Zebra-Mungoose and in the banded Mun- goose, both of East Africa, the spots have arranged themselves in stripes and bands transversely (see App. A, No. 15). In Galdea, however, we see a wholly brown surface, with a few black rings on the tail, as a vestige of ancestral striping or spotting. What we have to note very particularly is that the Indian Civet 1 See Appendix A, Nos. 9 to 12. 54 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS (Viverra zibetha) in the Science and Art Museum of Edinburgh has Leopard rosettes on its haunches, simple spots on its shoulders, and marblings on its flanks! and that the Spanish Lynx (Fe/ss pardina, Oken) has Leopard rosettes on its haunches, and simple spots over the rest of its body. After having passed in review so many spotted and striped mammals, we may perhaps be in a position to divide their markings into— (a) Spots and groups of spots forming rosettes, or solid blotches. (6) Stripes or bands of various breadth, either transverse, diagonal, or longitudinal. (¢) Marbled or clouded markings, like those of some Cats. (2) Piebald markings, like those of Dogs, Cattle, Horses, etc. And finally we have (e) Self-coloured animals, which present a total obliteration of spotting and striping. These may be subdivided into pure selfs, without a speck of any other colour; selfs with vestiges of spotting ; selfs with ringed tails; and selfs with points of other colours, such as we see in Horses, Dogs, etc. The dun-coloured Cat, with black points, is a very interesting variation. It is seen in exhibitions. From the study of all the foregoing, I have come to the con- clusion that each ancestral rosette, originally composed of a ring of isolated spots, has in time undergone the following marked modifications, some of which are found in the same animal, and others in distinct individuals :— (a) The isolated spots have fused into continuous rings, or segments of rings, as in many Leopards. (6) The ring has contracted into a large spot, with obliteration of the enclosed space, as in the Serval and others. SPOTTED AND STRIPED MAMMALS 55 (c) The rosettes, sometimes many of them, have fused either into large bands or patches, as in the Ocelot and marbled Cat. (2) The consolidated spots, after arranging themselves into rows, either transversely, diagonally, or longitudinally, have fused themselves further into stripes, as in the Tiger, the ‘Tabby Cat,’ the Pampas Cat, and certain Civets. (e) The rings on the tail have followed the same course of modification ; the consolidated spots have fused into rings, or the rosettes have fused into twin rings, as in the Margay; these, in some descendants, have then amalgamated into broad bands. (f) Finally, the rosetting, spotting, or striping has been entirely obliterated from the adults of certain species, such as the Lion, the Puma, the Caracal, jet-black and albino Cats, and others, while in the young of some the spotting remains distinct! The rusty- spotted Cat ‘is quite peculiar among spotted Cats in having the tail without either spots or rings ;’ while in some mammals, as in the Racoon and the cunning Bassaris, the only vestiges of ancestral spotting or striping are the ‘ rings on the tail.’ * Young Lion cubs are usually spotted; but Mr. Edward Griffith, in he Animal Kingdom of Baron Cuvier, vol. ii. p. 447, gives two Lion-Tiger cubs, three months old, striped like Tigers. DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES AND SOME OTHER MAMMALS ‘The first master strikes out a luminous idea, and writes a great book which promises speedy results ; but after his own generation has been dazzled by it, comes the criticism of the next : exceptions, and violations of his laws, are discovered ; the large views which he stated with convincing clearness become misty and obscure; and men set themselves to rediscover, in some new way, generally with poor and shabby minuteness, and with many modifications, what was once an accepted theory.’ The Present Position of Egyptology, by Professor MAHAFFY, Nineteenth Century, Aug. 1894, p. 269. PART II DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES AND SOME OTHER MAMMALS FOR my purpose, under the term Horse I include all animals that come under the denomination of the genus Eguus. In the Leopards and Tigers it was easy to show the derivation of stripes from spots or rosettes. There is, however, a domestic animal which is differently marked from Leopards. I mean the dappled grey Horse shown in Fig. 34. He has a congener—the Zebra—in which the stripes are quite phenomenal. In these animals it is not so easy to trace the striping from spotting, although, I think, it can be done. There are three distinct varieties of fu/ly dappled Horses like that shown in Fig. 34, viz., the white Horse reticulated with grey, the dun Horse reticulated with black, and the brown Horse also reticulated with black The markings of the dun or sponge- coloured Horse are very striking. They are all called dappled Horses in the trade—grey, dun, brown. I have called the darker pigment reticulation, because it appears as if a net were thrown over the fully dappled Horse, leaving the meshes filled with either white, dun, or brown. The dappling or spotting of the domestic Horse is so persistent, 1 Not improbably the dun and the brown dappled Horses are me/anozd variations of the grey dappled Horse. ‘(0d eg proy uopuocyT ‘asvuew ‘yng ‘qd IN jo uorssiuied pury fq vexe3) ypuqesy) “yA hq ydesSoioyd v Woy ‘asioZy snqrumo AaiZ_ patddeq—'té ‘org DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 61 that we see it, more or less, going through all the changing colours of Horses ; and it would be almost as hopeless to give distinct names to all the variations of colour in Horses, as it would be to name all the shades of colour in domestic Pigeons. The very fact that the dappling is so persistently inherited, either wholly or vestigially, would indicate that it comes from the very foundations : Fa of Horse evolution. ee oe I have not been able to dis- ee) »? EN cover that any existing species of DY cigs 2) ») ) \ the genus Equus, in the weld state, Gh ee. ) a 2D is dappled. 2 D+ c mg Se The earliest record ofadappled ~~~ ee ee | ee Horse, in a state of domestication, a eel Suge / tN a ae iad that I can find is taken from a Spanish MS. of the eleventh cen- tury. The quaintness of its mark- ing is shown in Fig. 35, and the author thinks it was of the Arabian breed. The markings are most ie oe ae ae Hapeles Fic. 35.—Spanish Horse, from Horses Horse, because the colours are y¢ 4nriguity, by Ph. Ch. Berjean (p. 23, in black and white; but the ™S. xi. Cent.). dappling is traceable in the bay, the chestnut, the brown, the black, the roan, the cream, the dun, etc. etc. The pure white, the pure black, and other pure self- coloured Horses may be free from traces of dappling ; but the vast majority of Horses are either fully dappled, or have ¢races of dappling, and these are most persistent on the hind-quarters, round the root of the tail. The Horses of the 2nd Life Guards are either black or nearly so. I noticed that those which took 62 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS part in the escort at the opening of the Imperial Institute were almost all dappled on the hind-quarters, round the root of the tail. In dun?! or sponge-coloured Horses, the dappling in this par- ticular region is often amalgamated into a sooty-black patch on Fic. 36.—Dappled grey Cart-horse, from a photograph by Mr. Stanborough, of Bexhill- on-the-Sea, each side of the tail-root; a similar sootiness results from the fusion of dappling along the upper ridge of the neck. Some grey Horses are very distinctly and strongly dappled, such as those given in Figs. 34 and 36, I think it very beautiful 1 Mr. Darwin defines dun as ranging from ‘between brown and black to « close approach to cream-colour’ (Origtz of Spectes, 1888, p. 200). DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 63 to see a pair of finely shaped grey carriage-Horses prettily spotted. Should any of them die, their skins would make pretty rugs. Unfortunately, for some reason, spotted Horses are not fashionable, and do not appear to be kept for breeding purposes. In some instances the dark reticulations are all over the body, but more conspicuous on the flanks, the dappling on other parts being often modified. The white dapples of the grey Horse can be seen to vary from irregular patches to small spots. In some regions, such as on the fore- and hind-legs of Fig. 36, the smaller dapples seem to have amalgamated into large fern-like patches. In other cases, such as those on the fore-leg of Fig. 34, the dapples have degenerated into star-shaped marks, which often dwindle into minute specks like those on the flank of Fig. 39, all the rest of the ground being of a dark grey, and in some cases almost black. Indeed, we might say that the two extremes of the grey dappled Horse series were—(a) a white Horse with traces of grey reticulations, and (0) a Jdlackish horse with traces of white spots. In other words, the grey reticulations that isolate the white dapples of the grey Horse can be obliterated, either wholly or partially, and the Horse made either wholly wh7¢e, or white with vestiges of dappling. On the contrary, the white dappling may be obliterated, and the Horse made either wholly dark grey or dark grey with vestiges of white spotting. The star-marks on the fore-legs of Fig. 34 should be compared with those of Fig. 36. The invasion of the white dapplings by the grey reticulations is partially seen in Fig. 37. Few, I venture to say, have any notion how much may be learnt from Horses of all sorts which are to be seen by thousands in the streets of the Metropolis. They are ready-made experiments for scientists to take up and theorise about. Unless pure white, 64 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS chestnut, or flea-bitten, there is scarcely a Horse which does not bear vestiges, more or less pronounced, of dappling. In Fig. 38 is given a spotted Horse, which shows the dappling on the flank disposed in slanting rows; and Fig. 34 shows that on the neck the dark colour tends to form dands. Fic. 37.—Grey dappled Pony, from a photograph by C. R., g22. Note that on the groin of both Horses of Fig. 38 the dapples are being broken up into szznute specks. When this occurs all over the surface, it probably gives rise to what is called a ‘flea-bitten’ Horse, with either black or brown specks. DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 65 I would ask the reader to note particularly the rows of slanting dapples on the flank of the upper Horse of Fig. 38. I have already referred to similar slanting rows of rosettes in certain Leopard skins (Fig. 15, 2), and shall have to refer to them again. No one, I think, will doubt that these spots in this Horse are vestiges of the larger dapples, like those of Fig. 34. Ifa full-blown dapple or rosette can be reduced to a mere point, as we see it in certain Horses and other animals, it stands to reason that it can be much modified otherwise. We do not know what atomic conditions of the nerve-centres are requisite to produce this minute specking, but it is evident that a more complete intermingling of the pigmented hairs with the white ones would give rise to a roan or a strawberry roan. On the other hand, when the pigments agglomerate in separate large patches, we get the same piebald conditions seen in Cattle, Dogs, Pigs, etc. I am not here going to enter into the intricate question of how the dappling of the young Horse commences—whether by minute spotting becoming larger, or by large patching dwindling eventually into minute spotting. It is a difficult question to unravel, and there does not seem to be any accurate information on this point. As to how the dappled Horse originally came into being at all, there would not seem at first any means of finding out. Fossils in no way record the coloration and markings of the skins of extinct animals. Nevertheless, I hope to throw some light on this point of evolution later on. The existing wild congeners of the Horse are either striped, like the Zebra, or self-coloured, like the Azang or wild Ass. The coloration of the latter is a sort of tan or fawn colour, while in the domestic Ass mouse-grey is a common colour. The person who originally invented the names for the colours of Horses must have been colour-blind, for how could he have called E Fic. 38.—Two Cart-horses, from photographs by Mr. P. D. Coghill of the Royal Veterinary College, taken by kind permission of Mr. J. Poynter, Horse Department, Great Northern Railway Company. DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 67 ‘chestnut’ the colour of a Horse, which, if it were a Cow, would be ‘red. And to call a Horse ¢an-coloured would be simple heresy. Nevertheless, what is called a golden-bay is nothing but a rich tan- colour, which in other individuals shades off into the dun, the sponge- colour, the cream, and the white ; while in another direction this tan shades off into the chestnut, the bay, the brown, and the black. All the experts whom I have consulted agree in saying that the Horse, when recently foaled, is never dappled, but is of a uniform dark colour, excepting albinos, I asked a farmer who is a great hunter, and who has also bred Horses, and has had ample opportunities of seeing young foals, whether he had ever seen a recently born foal which was dappled. He replied—not one. I am informed that the dappling, when it does come, begins to appear when the foal is a few years old. This is rather curious, for in the case of some Deer, as shown in Fig. 30, the young one is plentifully spotted, while the adult has no sign of spotting. No one seems to have made any accurate observations on the dappling of the Horse—when it commences, how it commences, and how it proceeds, although there are many records of Zebra-striping in the Horse. Among the thousands of Horses in the streets of London, one sees all possible variations of dappling—from a few spots to the whole body covered with maculations. Does the same individual go through all these phases of dappling, or are certain variations permanent? Does dappling commence gradually and go on to its maximum extent, and then gradually disappear, or how? A veterinary surgeon told me that the dappling varies with every change of coat of the Horse ; and all seem to agree that as the Horse grows.older the white colour increases and the dark colour 1 In the Natural History Museum there is a very young Jaguar which is wholly dows without any spotting. 68 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS diminishes. The chafing of the collar seems to have the same effect; but in Fig. 39 and many others the reverse seems to have occurred. Does sex make any difference in the dappling? A Fic. 39.—Omnibus Horse with the spots becoming obliterated, leaving a dark-grey surface ; from a photograph by Gabrielli, taken by permission of Mr. Duff, manager of the London Road Car Company. great deal is known about the powers of running of the Horse, about his powers of draught, about his anatomy, his physiology, his pedigree, and perhaps about his descent and relation to extinct and living animals ; but very little seems to be known about the origin and course of his dappling. DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 69 What is wanted is that some amateur with leisure and means should undertake to photograph the dappling of the same Horse as soon as this feature commences, and to photograph the same Fforse on both sides every year, after the Horse’s change of coat. So many leisured persons possess cameras, that this bit of work ought to be an easy amusement. If many were to undertake this work, so much the better. And if the Horse were closely clipped after being photographed, and then re-photographed, we might be able to discover how far the pigmentation of the skin coincides with the dappling of the hair.? We would then have some accurate data to build theories upon ; and by comparing the dappling year by year, we might have the revelation of some interesting facts. All these seem trivial things, but from an evolutionary point of view they may be important. However trivial a fact may appear at one time, it may one day turn out of value. This any one can see for himself, viz., that the colour of the clipped Horse is much lighter than it is before clipping. Part of the darkness of the old coat may perhaps be put down to dirt, and part to the action of light and weathering. In some cases, after clipping, the surface shows traces of dappling which it did not show before ; and in roan Horses the clipped surface is often darker, or lighter. We seem to have more definite information about crustaceans, fished out of the ocean from a depth of 3000 fathoms, than we have of the changes in the colouring and marking of the Horse, an animal which has been in daily use, in various ways, for thousands of years ! 1 I saw a pink-white Horse in an omnibus. It had very little hair—indeed, it was almost hairless; and on its shoulder it had dark pigment-marks in the sfzz, like those of the hair-marks on a grey dappled Horse. Moreover, it had dark circular spots in many parts of the skin, like those of the Dalmatian Dog, the rest of the skin being of a blush-rose colour. 70 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS Considering the millions of Horses that are bred everywhere, both in a domesticated and also in a semi-wild state, it is astonish- ing how little reliable information there is on this particular subject. As TI said, from an evolutionary point of view this study would be important, as the history of dappling in any individual ought to tell some tale regarding descent. In absence of any recorded accurate information, I have had to explore the Horses in the streets of London and elsewhere, in the immense stables of carrying companies, in Horse-shows, etc. Wherever I could see any deviation which I considered of some importance, I made a note of it on the spot. Have you ever observed a‘ dappled sky’? The maculations of some dappled Horses, such as those of Fig. 37, are not unlike the patches of cumulus clouds with jagged edges, as they are often seen close to each other in a ‘dappled’ sky, the intervening blue sky corresponding with the network of dark grey between the Horse-dapplings. Just as clouds are unstable, break up, and run into each other, forming a uniform dense haze, so do the jag-margined Horse-dapplings seem to change with age and from other causes. The cloud-patches of the Horse often break up and deliquesce—to continue the simile—as seen on the hind-quarters of Figs. 34 and 39. This I found, and have confirmed it hundreds of times in omnibus Horses. After severe exertion in drawing a loaded omnibus, the superficial veins of the flanks, shoulders, and legs start out. On the flanks they form reticulations which, in dappled or partially dappled Horses, cozwcede with the dark reticulations. In self-coloured Horses, such as pure whites, pure bays, etc., only the venous reticulations are seen. But whenever there is a fine pig- mentary reticulation of a different colour from the general colour, the two reticulations cozzczde—the venous and the pigmentary. In freshly clipped Horses all this can be seen very plainly. DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 71 In another place I have endeavoured to account for this coincidence. In Fig. 40 (No. 1) I have given a diagram of what might be a portion of the flank veins of a Horse; and in No. 2 I have shown the same pigmentary reticulations dvoadened by invasion of the dark pigment, or, what comes to the same thing, by contraction of the white patches. The broad reticulations still correspond with the venous network, shown by dotted lines, which lies in the No. z. Fic. 40.—Diagrams of reticulations of flanks of Horses. No. 1. (a) white patches; (4) dark reticulations, coinciding with veins. No. z. (a) contracted white patches; (4) superficial veins. middle of the channels between the dapples, and therefore are not so conspicuously coincident with the network. When, however, the pigmentary network is fine, it lies over and perfectly coincides with the venous network on the Horse’s flank. If you observe a dark-grey Horse and a white-grey Horse, you will see that in the former the white spots are disappearing, and mingling more and more with the dark-grey of the ground-colour, to form a uniform grizzly-grey colour, as in the upper Horse of Fig. 38; while in the latter the dark reticulations are lessening more and more, and restricted to mere vestiges, mainly on the 72 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS shoulder and haunch, as in the lower Horse of the same figure. In many cases the white-grey Horse has nothing but the reticulations of the superficial veins to mark the places of former pigment reticulations, these having wholly disappeared, and having been replaced by a wnzform white colour. \ f \f Se ae ae? =< K b fy, NES Ch ae fi Se S I oe eC \ Ls Cc Fic. 41.—(a) and (4) are from the right hind-legs of two different Horses; (c) is from a light-bay Cart-horse (Whit Monday Show); (d) is a fern-like dappling over the superficial vein of the fore-leg of a dark-brown Horse (Whit Monday Show). Certain well-dappled grey Horses have a very peculiar mark, like a fern-frond, which is pretty constant on the hind-legs, on the fleshy part between the heel and &zee which is plainly visible in Fig. 36. This also coincides with a similarly disposed venous ramification on that particular part of the Horse’s hind-leg. In the accompanying diagram (Fig. 41) are given three branching veins 1 Anatomical heel and knee are here meant, and not the veterinary terms. DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 73 which correspond with this curious fern-like mark, and also a bay- coloured fern mark from the fore-leg of a brown Horse. The latter would perhaps correspond to those interesting marks on the fore- leg of Fig. 36. The fern-like mark on the hind-leg of the grey Horse, when present, is always situated in the same place, viz., on the fleshy part of the hind-leg, in front of and a little above the hock. On the legs of Horses the larger superficial veins have usually a somewhat transverse disposition, while on the flanks they are reticulate. That the superficial venous distribution of the Horse has some- thing to do with the pigmentation of its skin, I have not much doubt; but what that ‘something’ exactly is I am unable to say. Perhaps I ought to say the zerves of the veins have something to do with the pigmentation of the skin. I have ransacked all kinds of works on the Horse in search of its general superficial venation, but have not found such a thing. Indeed, Professor M‘Fadyean has told me that there has been yet no such publication. The following, however, may be interesting to the student of the physiology of animal markings. Nine months after I had written out my ideas on the origin of the markings of animals, and after I had received the photographs of a dappled Horse from Mr. Stanborough, of Bexhill-on-the-Sea, I read an article in the Wzneteenth Century of April 1893, by Prince Krapotkin, on ‘ Recent Science.’ On p. 687 he writes thus :— ‘Franz Werner’s researches upon the colouring of Snakes, recently embodied in a separate work, show that the temporary and irregular spots which appear in Fishes and Frogs under the influence of artificial irritations are of the same character, and have 74 STUDIES IN THE EVOLUTION OF ANIMALS the same origin, as the also temporary and irregular spots which appear in other Fishes, as well as in several Tritons and many Gekonides, without the interference of man. Some of the pro- voked changes of colour do not entirely vanish after the irritation is over, and they belong to the same category as the spots which appear in many animals in youth and disappear with growing age. Moreover, it is maintained that a series of slow gradations may be established between the irregular spots, the spots arranged in rays, and finally the stripes such as we see them in higher mammals like the Zebra or the Tiger; and if these generalisations prove to be correct, we shall thus have an unbroken series from the tem- porary spots provoked by light or electricity to the permanent markings of animals.’ I do not doubt that the pigments on the skins of animals are at one end of the telegraphic wires (the nerves) which connect them with the nerve-centres. Minute atomic changes, which, through age and other causes, occur in the nerve-centres, influence electrically the pigmentation of the skin ; but what we have to search for is why all this is so. This investigation I have left for another place. Let us now study a little in detail the dapplings of the grey Horse. In Fig. 36, at the joining of the shoulder and trunk, may be seen several groups, consisting of a small roundish spot surrounded by larger polygonal jag-edged spots, something like the enlarged outlines shown in Fig. 42 (a). In Fig. 38 (lower Horse) similar groups of maculations can be made out on the Horse’s flank just behind the shoulder. Then in Fig. 34 there are three well-marked similar groups placed in a line slanting towards the abdomen, as well as several others. In Fig. 42 (4) I have given two Jaguar rosettes for comparison. Those of (2) and of (4) are very similar ; but I shall show in another DAPPLED AND STRIPED HORSES 75 place that the components of these Horse dapplings are themselves only a fusion of minor rosettes—which I take to be the true homo- logues of the Jaguar rosettes. Making allowance for the evolutionary deviations which have certainly occurred during the descents of the Horse and the Jaguar from their remote ancestral common stock, I hope to show that their skin-markings also result from common ancestral markings, although those of the Horse are now much altered. But so is his skeleton altered; and his legs, by a superficial observer, would ‘