Cornell Mniversity Litvarp BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME °* FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henry W. Saqe 1891 AW 243 ea a fea ¥/F/1700 6421 RETURN TO ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY ITHACA, N. Y. win THE ORIGIN OF THE BRITISH FLORA. THE ORIGIN OF THE BRITISH FLORA BY CLEMENT REID, FRG, PLS, FCS, OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF ENGLAND AND WALES. LONDON: DULAU & CO. 37 SOHO SQUARE, W. 1899. LONDON : Prin'ed by STRANGEWAYS AND Sons, Tower St., Cambridge Circus, W.C. PREPAGE. WHILE embodying in this book the results which I have accumulated during the past twenty years, I should like to take the opportunity of thanking the many friends who have assisted me. The first to do so were Mr. Carruthers and Professor A. G. Nathorst, whose work, in fact, led me to undertake these studies. In the troublesome work of determining the plants I have been greatly aided by the constant courtesy and assistance of the officers of the Botanical Department of the British Museum, especially of my friends Mr. E. G. Baker and Mr. A. B. Rendle. At Kew also I have received every facility for the work, and to Mr. J. G. Baker, the late keeper of the Herbarium, I owe much. Messrs. G. and H. Groves have also assisted me at various times with specimens of recent plants which I was unable to obtain for myself, and others have been received from ‘friends whose names are too numerous to mention. With regard to the geological material that I have obtained from others, specimens have been vi Preface. received from so many sources that I must leave the reference at the head of each locality to speak for itself, only acknowledging the special aid that has been given by Mr. James Bennie, in collecting the plants of the ancient silted-up lakes of the Scottish Lowlands. For the constant encourage- ment of Sir Archibald Geikie, Director-General of the Geological Survey, I am also very grateful. CONTENTS. CHAP. PAGE. I.—INTRODUCTION . ‘ ; ; ; f ; I I1.—THE PRESENT FLORA OF BRITAIN . . 10 III.—MEANS OF DISPERSAL ; ; ; 6 20 IV.—-CHANGES IN GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE 2. 638 V.— DEPOSITS CONTAINING FOSSIL PLANTS. . 48 VI.—FORMER DISTRIBUTION OF BRITISH PLANTS. 97 APPENDIX.—TABLE SHOWING THE RANGE IN TIME OF THE BRITISH FLORA . ‘ ‘ ‘ . 171 THE ORIGIN OF THE BRITISH FLORA. CHAPTER I. Introduction. In the year 1876, happening to be engaged on the Geological Survey of East Norfolk, I was led to commence observation on the plants of the Preglacial ‘Cromer Forest-bed.’ At first I confined my efforts to collecting the animals and plants, some of the latter being afterwards determined by Mr. Carruthers. But it soon became obvious that, in order to obtain any satisfactory knowledge of the subject, it was necessary to collect and study the ripe seeds and fruits of our British plants, and to devote much of my leisure to the work of comparison ; fossil seeds had seldom been collected in this country, and recent plants with perfectly ripe seeds were seldom to be found in our herbaria. From a study of the plants of the Cromer Forest-bed, the work gradually expanded into an examination of any Newer Tertiary plants that could be found in Britain, and as during the past twenty years my employment on the Geological Survey of England has necessitated a close scrutiny of our Newer Tertiary deposits, especially in the south and east of England, I have been brought continu- ally face to face with the problems of the origin of our B a Origin of the British Flora. fauna and flora, and the relations these bear to the climatic changes through which this country has passed. Moreover, this life spent principally in tield, and moor, and forest has forced me to observe how each changing season is marked by corresponding adaptations in the animals and plants, such as enable the species to preserve themselves, to multiply, and to spread; or, if adaptation fails at any point, through some climatic irregularity, how sweeping and rapid may be the extermination of all except some few accidentally favoured individuals. While col- lecting seeds and fruits for comparison with the fossils I was compelled particularly to observe their many adaptations for dispersal, and also their times of ripening, and the abundance or scarcity of ripe seeds. It was impossible under such circumstances to avoid seeing the close connexion which must exist between the present geographical distribution of plants and animals and bygone changes in climate and in physical geography. Edward Forbes’ * essay was read and read again ; but it soon became apparent that his brilliant generalisations, though far in advance of the date when they were written, were only partially true. Much of his reasoning was fallacious. To explain the presence of Arctic and of Iberian plants in Britain, he showed that outliers of the Arctic flora stranded on our mountain peaks could be accounted for by an appeal to the climatic conditions of former days, when a similar flora covered the whole of our Islands, and was not confined to isolated mountains. He did not see, apparently, that the use of this reasoning precluded the use of the * ‘On the Connexion between the Distribution of the existing Fauna and Flora of the British Isles, and the Geological Changes which have affected their area, especially during the epoch of the Northern Drift.’—dem. Geol. Survey, Vol. 1., pp. 336-432 (1846). Lnutroduction. 3 converse hypothesis of a warm climate continuous from Preglacial times to account for the Iberian plants in the west of Ireland and in Cornwall. Either might be true, but scarcely both ; for the Irish and Cornish plants are not such as could survive a colder climate like that postulated by Forbes to explain the migration of the Arctic species. We have obtained direct evidence, since Forbes wrote, that all Ireland was at one time strongly glaciated, and also that Arctic plants once occupied the lowlands of Devonshire. This problem of the origin of our flora is one which can be solved, I think, by the historical method, and that seems to be the proper mode of attacking it. No doubt the imperfection of the geological record is so great as to make the task an exceedingly difficult one; for nowhere have we yet discovered a continuous sequence of deposits, all fossiliferous, such as would give a connected history of our recent animals and plants from their first appearance in Britain to the present day. The exact order of succession of the deposits, of the physical changes, of the climatic alternations, and of the waves of migration, is still uncer- tain ; though a definite historical record is gradually being built up by the comparison and correlation of numerous overlapping chronicles, each recording at most some three or four of the subordinate stages or periods. This work of correlation, as already mentioned, has been greatly facilitated by a detailed examination of extensive areas, and a close study of the geology of the more recent deposits. In this way I have been enabled to trace the connexion between the strata, and often to speak with confidence as to the date of groups of fossils which otherwise would have had to remain as isolated finds. My own researches have been largely aided and supplemented by the examination of material obtained from friends working in districts which I 4 Origin of the British Flora. have had but slight opportunity of studying. This has especially been the case with regard to the lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, so minutely examined by Mr. James Bennie. The results of these investigations will be found summarised in Chapters IV. and V. of this work. In the examination of our recent flora I have looked at the plants mainly from the point of view of the field- naturalist. Their climatic and geographical distribution ; the periods of ripening, and the means of dispersal of their seeds; their competition with other plants; and their dependence on, or destruction by animals, were the circum- stances especially noted—more so than critical distinctions of varieties and sub-species. Not that these distinctions are considered unimportant, but mainly because of the difficulty of studying them without a complete herbarium, too heavy to transport during constant changes of station. Moreover, botanists have almost ignored the essential distinction between a varietal form due to local conditions, and a true sub-species or race; for many of our named sub-species have evidently no more claim to such rank than have luxuriant garden specimens. Forms, for instance, of the water-crowfoot (Ranunculus aguatilis) or of the lesser spearwort (2. Flammula) growing in a well-manured horse- pond or ditch have no claim to rank as sub-species, unless they can be found also under more natural conditions, and come true from seed. Again, the prostrate maritime form of broom found in Cornwall (Cytzsus scoparius, var. pro- stratus) has similarly no claim to varietal rank, for Mr. Mitten tells me that seeds gathered by him grew in his garden into the commonerect form of broom. A botanical visit to the Dingle Promontory, in Kerry, in company with Mr. Edmund Baker, produced several instances of this sort. We examined Saxrifraga umbrosa and its allied Introduction. 5 forms, of which we found several, each occupying well- defined small areas, and apparently possessing definite characters. But, as more and more of the patches were examined, these distinctions were found to melt away ; for each fresh patch yielded a slightly different form, so that finally we were able to obtain a nearly complete series of intermediates seeming to connect the extreme S. umbrosa with the extreme S. Gewzz, all of them living within a small area under similar conditions. Prnguicula vulgaris and P. grandifiora, on the other hand, we found growing together in abundance, and quite distinct except at one spot where, below a rock on which both grew, we found a number of hybrids. In this case the allied forms, some- times only ranked as sub-species, are both good species, and have different geographical distributions, though they over- lap at more than one point. Botanical books are full of similar anomalies, often due to a natural desire to announce the discovery of a form new to Britain ; but for the student of geographical distribution varietal names founded on such material are worse than useless. For they tend to confound sub-species, which, if found in isolated areas show, in all probability, a transportation of the seeds from one to another, with varieties or forms, which will reappear wherever the parent species is subject to particular con- ditions. A flora like that of the British Islands may be studied in so many different ways, that it will be well to define at once the standpoints from which it is viewed in the following pages. I do not propose, nor do I feel competent, to touch on the questions of the evolution of the species, or of their relationship to each other ; what will be attempted in Chapter IT. is, to give a sketch of the existing flora as a whole, to note its composition, and the distribution of the species. Chapter III. will deal with the means of 6 Origin of the British Flora. dispersal of the various species which constitute our flora, with special reference to the present and past distribution of the plants. Finally, I propose to give an historical account of each species as far back as geological evidence will yet allow it to be traced. It may be considered presumptuous to attempt such a task ; but, though the following Chapters are most imper- fect, yet they may do good by directing attention to lines and methods of research which are as yet little appreciated. The section on the geological history of our flora, being a record of the actual distribution in space and time of our plants from direct observation, will perhaps be the one to which botanists will most readily turn. It may be sug- gested, however, that the section on means of dispersal is equally important, and that the connexion between the different Chapters is so close that it is impossible properly to appreciate the relationship of the living plants to their fossil representatives without a study of the subject from various points. Though the present volume is professedly occupied with a discussion of the origin of the British flora, it should not be forgotten that in questions of geographical distribution it is impossible to separate animals from plants, for many plants are directly dependent on certain animals for means of dispersal. Moreover, certain animals are dispersed by the same means as flowering plants, have the same difficul- ties to contend with, are no less dependent on climatic conditions, and are almost equally tied to a single spot during the lifetime of the individual. The land mollusca in particular are in these respects so like the more sedentary species of flowering plants that I have not hesitated to speak of them where they help to illustrate the subject under consideration. Beetles, I believe, would also be of use ; but of this order I have unfortunately no knowledge, Lutroduction. 7 and at present few of the numerous fossil species occurring in our Pleistocene deposits have been determined. Fresh- water mollusca, freshwater fish, and amphibia seem to obey the same laws of geographical distribution as aquatic plants : the species are usually of wide range, provided the barriers are not excessively broad or high, and the climatic conditions are suitable. The geological sketch has been greatly condensed ; for it is obviously impossible to deal with so complicated a subject in a limited space, and all that can be done is to give some indication of the climatic conditions, local peculiarities, and character of the flora at each spot where plant-bearing deposits are found. The thorny subject of bygone alternations of climate is perforce discussed, for it lies at the root of our inquiry. I have also been obliged to deal with another equally vexed question, the submer- gence or elevation of the land in Pleistocene times; for this obviously has a most important bearing on the possible survival of plants within our Islands. In discussing the past climatic changes, while giving the preference to the evidence derived from remains of plants belonging to existing species, I have not hesitated to supplement this by an appeal to other groups of organisms, or to inorganic geology; for an assemblage of Arctic mammals, a group of Arctic or desert mollusca, a morainic deposit, or erratics brought by floating ice in an Arctic sea, are as good evidence of climate as a group of plants, and are often discoverable in strata in which no plants are preserved. Perhaps it will be asked why, if the British flora is to be treated from standpoints which involve a consideration of climatic and geographic changes such as cannot be merely local, a still wider view is not taken, and this flora dealt with as a mere outlier of the Palearctic one? To this I may reply, firstly, that the fossil plants of the periods 8 Origin of the British Flora. dealt with are at present almost unknown outside Britain, Sweden, and North Germany, and speculation would have to take the place of an appeal to direct evidence. Secondly, that Britain is not by any means simply an outlier of the continent of Europe. Its flora is an insular one of peculiar character, unlike that of any part of Europe, and unlike that of an oceanic Island. Few, if any, of the species are confined to Britain; but the Islands contain a selection of the continental species best adapted for dispersal, and best able to hold their own in a changing climate. Britain, within the lifetime of existing species, has been subjected to many fluctuations of climate, which have left their mark on the flora. On these fluctuations was superimposed a series of orographic changes, such as must have tended greatly to modify local conditions, and must sometimes have aided, sometimes have hindered, the dispersal of the seeds, The following pages deal, therefore, with an insular flora of exceptional type; in the building up of which selection and sweeping extermination have played so vigorous a part, that the flora now consists largely of an assemblage of the more readily dispersed of the Palearctic species. Time has not permitted any large amount of variation or formation of sub-species in these Islands ; and in this our flora is totally different from the more ancient floras of oceanic islands, which were beyond the reach of such violent climatic fluctuations as have affected Britain. There is one point which needs explanation before we proceed further. I have been obliged in the following pages to go back to the popular and original use of the term ‘seed,’ Of the two senses the popular one seems to be by far the most useful scientifically, for it refers to the thing that is sown, not to an embryo with or without Introduction. 9 certain appendages and coverings, which in function may be quite indistinguishable from others belonging to the fruit. A seed, therefore, for our present purposes is the one-seeded unit of dispersal. All our British fruits, with the single exception of that of the Cornel, divide into such one-seeded portions, which tend to be dispersed separately, so that the young plants do not interfere with each other, These units may be seeds in the strict botanical sense, or they may be complete one-seeded fruits ; sometimes they are stones or carpels, one-seeded, or at any rate with only one of the seeds properly developed; in other cases they include the dried calyx, or other parts of the flower or receptacle. Constant explanation would be needed if an attempt were made to define botanically what part of the— fruit is referred to in each case—it is more convenient to accept the perfectly understood popular usage. IO CHAPTER II. The Present Flora of Britain. WHEN the British Flora is carefully studied, it is found to be composed of numerous elements, and can be divided into several well-marked groups. The grouping of the species, however, varies according to the point from which they are viewed. Disregarding purely botanical affinities, which are not under consideration in this volume, the assemblages necessarily differ according as the flora is looked at from the standpoint of relationship of the plants to climatic conditions; or from the standpoint of habitat, including variations in soil, and shelter; or again, from that of local distribution. No one of these methods will enable the plants to be grouped into ‘provinces’ satisfactory for all purposes. Each set of conditions overlies and modifies the distribution which either of the others alone would tend to bring about. If we begin with the broadest classification, that based on climatic conditions, we find at once that this is not merely a question of average, or of extreme temperature. It is temperature plus amount of moisture, modified in various ways by the season at which the rain falls, the amount of sunshine, and the season at which the sun is felt. A flowering plant has varying needs at different seasons; and the satisfying of these is so essential to the existence of the species—not necessarily, I would remark, the same thing as essential to the existence of the in- dividual—that, if the conditions are unfavourable for any The Present Flora of Britain. Il one of them, the plant cannot maintain itself. The seed must have the right temperature, soil, and amount of moisture to enable it to germinate and grow. The young plant must have sufficient vigour to defend itself against parasites or aggressors—not like the wheat which cannot grow among our ordinary weeds, and depends on human protection. The climatic conditions at the time of flowering must be favourable, or the ovule may not be fertilised. For the ripening of the seed a certain critical temperature must be reached, and maintained for a sufficient time. The cold or wet in the winter must not be such as to destroy the seed before it has germinated. All these conditions must be favourable or the plant can- not establish itself. An annual plant must seed every year, and go through the whole round safely, or it will be destroyed. A perennial plant need seed and grow from seedlings only once in a generation. As instances of what is meant by these remarks I will take a few common plants. The horse-chestnut grows well even as far north as Bergen in Norway, and in Britain it produces abundance of ripe seeds every year; but even in the south of England, as far as I am aware, it never succeeds in establishing itself from self-sown seeds. The common elm (Ulmus campestris), on the other hand, in England only produces perfect seed about once in forty years. Forty years is far less than the lifetime of an elm, and if the tree seeds once in a lifetime, and the seed germinates, the species may establish itself. Perfect seeds have not come under my observation, and I cannot there- fore say whether this elm does grow from seedlings. It is generally said only to occur where planted. The butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) is an instance of a plant which just manages to hold its own. After watching its fruiting for twelve years in succession, I find that as a 12 Origin of the British Flora. rule only about one plant in fifty produces any fruit, and these are not only few in number, but, as they ripen in November, an early winter may prevent them ripening at all. The plant being perennial.and hardy can survive, but it has evidently reached its northern limit in Britain.* The sycamore, maritime pine, and common rhododendron (R. ponticum) are instances of plants undoubtedly intro- duced, which seed and grow freely from seedings in the South of England. That they were not till lately members of our flora is evidently due to geographic, not to climatic conditions. We cannot point to any British annuals which do not seed freely in some part of the Islands, for the sufficient reason that an annual which cannot seed well may be entirely exterminated by a single exceptional season. This points to a probable explanation of the curious tendency noticed in the floras of small oceanic islands, for genera ordinarily annual and herbaceous to be repre- sented by perennial species. This may be explained in the following way. In many annual plants a few in- dividuals become biennial; these in an island devastated by an exceptional gale at flowering time, by a swarm of locusts, or other adverse conditions, would be the only ones to survive, and natural selection would thus tend to perpetuate the biennial or perennial forms which so characterise these islands. This change of annual into perennial forms, however, in all probability has had little effect on the British plants ; for the Islands, besides being too large, are sufficiently close to the Continent to receive occasional seeds or pollen of the same species, which by intercrossing would tend to keep the species true. . * The exceptionally warm and dry summer and autumn of 1898, however, caused Rusczs to fruit so freely in Hampshire that I counted upwards of forty ripe berries on each of several plants. The Present Flora of Britain. 13 Climatic conditions cause two very distinct floras to be represented in Britain. The lowland flora is in the main the temperate flora of the neighbouring lowlands of Belgium and France. The upland flora, on the other hand, consists of numerous more or less isolated outliers of the flora which overspreads the lowlands of the Arctic Regions and occupies the mountains of Scandinavia. This latter assemblage is found at higher and higher elevations as it is traced southward, and is confined to hills sufficiently high to have an average temperature approaching that met with at the sea-level within the Arctic Circle. As the fall of temperature is about 1° Fahr. for every 300 feet of elevation, a sub-arctic climate is found over a considerable area in Scotland, and on a certain number of isolated hills in England, Wales, and Ireland. The seeds of the British Alpine plants are invariably small and usually very minute, a peculiarity that will be again alluded to. Local conditions govern the distribution of large groups of species. First, there are the sea-coast plants, which are all confined to a narrow belt near the sea. This flora is very uniform throughout Britain, though some of the species are found only on the south coast and a few only on the east. The seeds of maritime plants are of various descriptions, and often of large size. Many of them are scattered far and wide by the sea, though the plants only establish themselves where a suitable habitat occurs. Thus the sea-coast flora includes a good many plants like the sea- kale (Crambe maritima), which tend to appear sporadically wherever the habitat is suitable and to disappear again after a few years—as though dispersal were easy, and the range of the species was limited by climatic rather than by other considerations, Many of the sand-dune or shingle-beach 14 Origin of the British Flora. species are more properly desert plants, and are only confined to the coast because in Britain we have no other suitable regions. The aquatic flora consists largely of species of wide range, which have a remarkable power of reaching isolated rivers, lakes, or ponds. Though some of these species are confined to limited areas, most of them tend to re-appear wherever the local conditions are favourable. They are apparently more limited in their northerly range by un- favourable climate than by difficulty of crossing barriers. Several of the aquatic plants of limited range are almost confined to the East Anglian broads and rivers; but this limitation is evidently due to the more extensive and connected waterways of that district, rather than to other conditions. Not one of our aquatic plants is a member of the Alpine flora, or belongs to the Lusitanian group found in Cornwall and in the West of Ireland. Among the marsh and peat-moss plants are many of which the local distribution is evidently governed by climate and geographical position, and is not dependent on soil or amount of rainfall. A large group of these plants consists of upland forms, such as the Arctic willows andsedges. Anothersetis confined to the Eastern Counties; though these are few in number, notwithstanding the large area of swampy ground there found. A third group is confined to the South-west of England, or to the West of Ireland. The anomalies in the distribution of our peat-moss and marsh plants are very striking, especially as this flora probably has been less affected by human agency than any other, except the Alpine. Man may have drained a certain number of swamps, and thus exterminated some species, principally in the Fenland; but it is not probable that he has had much to do with the introduction of new The Present Flora of Britain. 15 species, or the transfer to other widely separated localities of species already in Britain. Marsh plants, of all the groups, are the least likely to be introduced accidentally or on purpose by man. Many of the heath or barren-land plants might be classed equally well as marsh species, for gravelly or sandy areas tend to become peaty and waterlogged in our climate. The most marked characteristic of this flora is the occurrence in it of certain gregarious plants, which occupy definite areas in enormous profusion, though entirely absent from others equally suitable. Several of our heaths, for instance, are very local, though all of them occur abundantly where found at all. The British plants which have a marked western geographical distribution within the Islands nearly all belong to the marsh and heath groups. Of the other open-land groups, that belonging to good soil and clayey meadows is surprisingly restricted, and many of the species are probably late introductions. It is not difficult to see the reason why we have so few species characteristic of our wide areas of clayey pasture. These, till recent times, were woodland, not open prairie, and since the destruction of the woods they have been under cultivation or closely grazed. We have therefore nothing equivalent to the prairie vegetation of North America or other drier climates. Several plants confined to the eastern counties belong, however, to this group; for there the dry cutting winds of winter probably always prevented the forest growth from extending to the sea, even where the soil was richest. The other meadow species have generally a wide range throughout Britain, wherever the climate is suitable. Our woodland plants are extremely difficult to deal with, partly on account of the wholesale destruction of the 16 Origin of the British Flora. ancient forests, partly because of the extensive planting, which has introduced trees belonging to other districts and has profoundly modified our woodland flora. To take one or two instances, the Hornbeam is one of the principal ancient trees of Essex and other south-eastern counties; but in the New Forest it only occurs sporadically, near houses and villages, and such would seem to be its ordinary mode of occurrence in most parts of Britain. We cannot, however, say positively that it can only be reckoned as indigenous over a certain limited area, though the evidence points in that direction. The Scotch Pine is equally doubtful, for it was abundant throughout Britain when our existing peat-mosses began to form; it afterwards disappeared throughout the south of England; but now that it has been re-introduced it seeds freely and is fast spreading, especially in Hampshire and Dorset. It is probable that as far back as Roman times trees were planted round the villas for shade and beauty, and Roman officers would probably have given preference to southern forms which reminded them of their native lands. Thus such trees as the Horse Chestnut, Spanish Chestnut, Sycamore, Lime, and probably the Vine and Fig-tree, would be introduced. Some of the trees died out, others established themselves from seedlings and still remain; but except through the negative evidence of the geological record there seems to be no satisfactory way of telling which of our rarer trees were thus introduced. Besides the forest-trees, we have a large number of plants which are confined to woods; we have also several species of land-snails, which are similarly restricted to ancient forest and are not found in modern plantations. The moisture and shelter of our woods make the general character of the undergrowth fairly uniform throughout Britain; though we possess a large number of woodland The Present Flora of Britain. 17 plants which are confined to a few widely separated localities. Some of the Litacee and Boraginee, for instance, though abundant where they occur, are curiously local, most of them being absent from extensive areas apparently as well suited for their growth as those in which they are found. In the altered state of our woods these anomalies are particularly difficult to understand, for the plants usually do not appear to group themselves into assemblages confined to special districts, and the distribution of each species has to be studied separately. Not one of our woodland mollusca or plants, unless the Arbutus be reckoned as a forest species, falls into the specia] groups confined to the eastern counties, to Cornwall, or tothe West of Ireland. It is a question whether the absence of Lusitanian woodland species may not be due merely to the destruction of forests in Cornwall and in the West of Ireland; but this cannot be determined till the sub-fossil plants of the forests buried under the recent peat in these districts have been collected and examined. It is possible that some of the difficulties may be cleared up when we have studied each patch of ancient woodland, however small; for by searching small isolated patches of old forest we can often find outliers of the sedentary wood- land mollusca and plants, such as probably once extended over wide areas now bare or under cultivation. A certain number of our plants are confined to lime- stone rocks or to calcareous soils; but it will be sufficient here to remark that none of them is characteristically eastern or western, and that scarcely anything is yet known of any of them in the fossil state. In addition to these classifications according to climate or habitat, there is yet another, certain species being eastern and others western. Though we have a con- Cc 18 Origin of the British Flora. siderable number of plants which are confined to the Eastern Counties, they, or at any rate the majority of them, have not a correspondingly eastern distribution on the Continent, and so many of them occur throughout the greater part of Europe, that the present local distribution in Britain may be, after all, climatic rather than geo- graphical. The Eastern Counties are considerably drier and more sunny than the others, in this agreeing more nearly with the mainland of the Continent. Our western plants, on the other hand, are very peculiar, for we find in Cornwall and Devon, and also in the West of Ireland, groups of plants characteristic of the Pyrenean region. These plants occur usually not as rarities but in profusion, so that in parts of the West of Ireland the common species which carpet the hill-sides are Iberian forms unknown elsewhere in Britain. There is also another peculiarity which must be taken into account when we discuss the origin of these outliers— though Pyrenean plants occur both in the south-west of England and in the West of Ireland, the species found in the two districts are not the same. Thus Cornwall pos- sesses two of the Pyrenean heath-plants, Erica ciliaris (another outlier of which occurs in Dorset) and Erica vagans; while the four found in the West of Ireland, Erica Mackayi, Erica mediterranea, Dabeocia poltfolia, and Arbutus Unedo, are all different from the Cornish ones. The only western plants common to the two regions are three spurges, two of which are sea-coast species. Nearly all the Pyrenean plants found in the British Islands, including the only tree belonging to this group, have minute seeds, the numerous large-seeded trees and plants which are associated with them in Spain not extending into Britain. Three American plants also occur in Ireland, but the The Present Flora of Britain. 19 distribution of these is too peculiar to permit of any attempt at explanation in the present state of our know- ledge as to the former range of these species. Spzranthes Romanzoviana occurs in Cork, and in North America and Kamtschatka ; Szsyrinchium angustifolium is found in bogs in Galway and Kerry, and also in Arctic and Temperate North America ; Eriocaulon septangulare is an aquatic plant occurring in Skye and the West of Ireland, and also in North America, From the above notes it will be seen that Britain shows signs of a geographical distribution of plants largely in- dependent of that due to climate; or, perhaps we should say, not governed by existing climatic conditions. The cause of these peculiarities will be best discussed when we have examined into the means of dispersal possessed by dif- ferent plants; but it will be as well at once to say that the subject is beset with difficulties, and at every turn we meet with instances of anomalous distribution, such as make a botanist inclined to suggest ‘accidental introduc- tion by man’ were it not that many of the species are marsh or woodland forms, long established and most un- likely to be brought by human agency in any form. Per- haps future research may show that many of the outliers were once less isolated, and that the present distribution is not so unaccountable as it seems. Such has already been shown to be the case with many mammals and mollusca, which geology proves had once a much wider distribution; but the flora of our Later Tertiary deposits tas not yet been collected and studied so thoroughly as has the fauna. 20 CHAPTER III. Means of Dispersal. WHEN the adaptation of plants for dispersal is spoken of, one thinks of winged seeds, or of clinging burrs, of floating nuts, of succulent fruits which tempt birds, or of other obvious adaptations. These, however, form only a few of the contrivances made use of by nature to aid plants to hold their own and to extend their range. On considering what is necessary to the existence of a species, it soon becomes evident that modes of dispersal that seem to be merely accidental really depend on some modifi- cation of the seed or plant. They are often alternative methods without which the very life of the species would be in danger. No plant of the Temperate Regions—I do not speak: of Tropical species—would be likely to hold its own for long periods if it were confined to a single station. The sweeping climatic waves which time and again have passed over our latitudes within the life-time of the exist- ing species must have compelled every one now found in Britain to move. When deep snow and ice smothered our uplands, the Alpine flora had to descend to the lowlands; when a warmer climate returned, the Arctic plants had to leave the low ground and again climb the heights. The lowland plants, on the other hand, with few exceptions, had to leave the country when the Reindeer, Arctic Fox, Means of Dispersat. 21 and Lemming inhabited Salisbury Plain, and the Arctic Birch and Bearberry grew in the lowlands of South Devon. The Temperate flora has returned again; but the fact that the whole, or nearly the whole, of our plants have been compelled at least twice, probably many more times, to migrate long distances, shows that the British flora as it now exists must be a flora highly specialised for dispersal. In this respect it is probably more specialised than any tropical flora, which has been developed in an unvarying climate, but under a struggle for existence more violent to the individual. We should expect to find, therefore, that the British flora consists of a selection of the more mobile plants of Europe, without the accompanying sedentary forms. As the best illustration of what is meant, we may take the proportions of plants with minute seeds and of plants with large seeds to the total number, in orders represented both in the flora of Britain and in that of Europe ; the numbers not including plants that have seeds, either large or small, modified in special ways for dispersal over long distances. The approximate percentages are as follows :— Percentage Percentage in Britain. in Europe. Large seeds ie a 24°5 31°3 Small seeds oy er 17°6 12°4 The composites, which at first sight appear to form an order particularly adapted for dispersal, constitute, how- ever, a much smaller proportion of the British than of the continental plants. This, I believe, is due to the general deficiency in our flora of prairie vegetation—the majority of the composites are prairie species, and until the last thousand years Britain, while possessing a temper- ate climate, was mainly woodland, so that there 22 Origin of the British Flora. was only comparatively small area suited to their needs. Before studying more minutely the means of dispersal available, it may be well to ask, in this connexion, what are the requirements that are usually essential to the life of the species. In the first place, it is necessary that the seed should be sown beyond the limit of the patch of soil exhausted by the parent plant. For this a very slight mobility is requisite. Secondly, in the case of British plants, some method is ordinarily needed by which they are enabled to cross barriers, such as rivers or straits, or tracts of desert in which the plant cannot flourish. I use the term ‘desert’ as implying areas unfavourable to any particular species. A desert from the human standpoint is a sandy waste without water, which is unsuitable for the plants and animals useful to man. Such an area may be gay with flowers, and is no desert to the Gorse or Horned Poppy—the desert to them is the luxuriant meadow or forest, which they cannot overpass unless their seeds are carried by some rapid messenger. To a water-plant the dry land is a desert ; to a mountain plant the lowlands are desert ; to the lowland plants the mountain is a desert ; and to go further, to certain plants everything but limestone rock is a desert. Consequently the British Isles consist not only of an Archipelago with numerous islands, but from the points of view of different plants the area forms quite different Archipelagos, of low- lands with scattered mountain tops, of non-calcareous country with isolated limestone, or of dry land with scat- tered lakes. In gregarious plants, such as heaths and rushes, the necessity for scattering the seeds beyond the shadow of, and beyond the soil exhausted by the parent species, may Means of Dispersal. 23 mean that only the outer individuals of each cluster, presumably on the average those that have already been selected by the dispersing agency, have much chance of propagating themselves. In the case of small-seeded gre- garious plants like the heaths, without highly specialised means of dispersal, this difficulty probably tends to keep the seeds small and chaffy, so as easily to be scattered by the wind. The berry-bearing heath-plants on the other hand, though equally gregarious, have seeds fewer, larger, heavier, and with thicker walls. These latter have been modified for dispersal by birds. The small-seeded heaths without special adaptation for dispersal are often singularly local; though occurring in profusion, they tend ‘to occupy widely separated areas, and are absent from other districts equally favourable. The berry-bear- ing species are of more general occurrence in suitable localities, though individually they may not be so abundant. Other species have special methods of throwing the seeds beyond the shadow of the parent plant. The Gorse, Wood-sorrel, Geranium, and Spurge forcibly eject their seeds from the ripe pod or capsule. The acorn is attached lightly for some time after it is ripe, and grows at the end of a thin branch which, lashed by the October gales, flings the acorn as boys throw clay-pellets from the end of a switch. Many umbelliferous plants have a similar mode of scattering their seed; for when ripe the carpophore splits and the seeds hang loosely by their upper ends to the two whip-like filaments. At the same period the withered plant hardens and becomes very elastic, so that any passing animal causes it to spring back and throw off the seeds, which unless thus scattered, tend to hang on till they decay. This process one can study in a patch of these withered umbellifers, part of which is accessible to 24 Origin of the British Flora. animals, and part of which is cut off by a fence so that it has remained undisturbed. Umbelliferous plants which possess burrs, however, behave quite differently. They are less tall and springy, and, like other plants with burrs, are so arranged as to scrape the burrs against any passing animal, but usually not to fling them. Many plants have capsules so arranged as to scatter the seeds when forcibly disturbed, but not otherwise to drop them. The Poppies, Wild Hyacinth, Henbane, and various caryophyllaceous plants, have capsules erect in fruit and opening above, and the stems become stiff and elastic when the seeds are ripe. In some plants such as Evodzum, the seed can actually crawl away from the parent. Certain trees, such as the Ash, Maple, Hornbeam, and Pine possess winged fruits which when detached by a breeze tend to be carried short distances, clear of the shadow of the parent, though the seed itself is of considerable weight. They com- bine in this way the advantages of a large embryo, which gives the young plant a copious store of nutriment to draw from while it is competing with the short herbage, with a seed sufficiently mobile to reach places where it can obtain sunshine and new soil. The majority of our plants, as already remarked, have other means of dispersal, which will enable the species occasionally to overleap barriers—a faculty very different and probably far more important than the slow spreading over short stages that has just been spoken of. Here it may be pointed out that this conquest of the land foot by foot or yard by yard is insufficient to account for the present distribution of our flora. It cannot surmount barriers, and will not account for the mode of occurrence of such a plant as £rca celiaris, which occupies in profusion two compact areas, one in Cornwall and one in Dorset, and has every appearance of spreading in each case from a Means of Dispersal. 25 single seed accidentally transported from some distant region. The British flora is full of anomalies of this sort. I may also point out as a geologist that sufficient time cannot be allowed for this method of spreading, even on the unwarrantable supposition that our plants could find a continuous belt of suitable country all the way from Central Europe, or whatever country they were obliged to take refuge in during the Glacial Epoch, to the furthest point they have now reached. Though the Postglacial period counts its thousands of years, it was not indefinitely long, and few plants that merely scatter their seed could advance more than a yard in a year; for, though the seed might be thrown further, it would be several seasons before an oak, for instance, would be sufficiently grown to form a fresh starting point. The oak, to gain its present most northerly position in North Britain after being driven out by the cold, probably had to travel fully six hundred miles, and this without external aid would take something like a million years. I doubt whether anything like this time has elapsed since the Arctic flora occupied the lowlands of the south of England and the reindeer inhabited Central France. Most of our plants have special adaptations for dispersal over long distances, and, as the different modes of trans- portation must necessarily lead to different geographical distributions in different orders, a classification of plants and animals founded solely on method of migration ought to throw much light on some obscure problem in geo- graphical distribution. I am afraid, however, that at present we have not sufficient direct evidence and can only speak in a general way of these facilities; though new observations are made from day to day, and Darwin collected a large body of evidence on this subject.* The * Origin of Species, 6th edition, pp. 323-330. 26 Origin of the British Flora. main directions in which British plants are specially adapted for dispersal are the following :— Modification. Abundance of minute seeds (Heaths, Rushes, Saxi- frages, Caryophyllacee, &c.). Abundance of large edible seeds (Oak, Pine, Horn- beam, Ivy, &c.). Edible fruits with hard stones (Blackberry, Haw- thorn, Holly, Arbutus, &c.). Winged seeds (many Com- posites, Willows, &c.). Winged seeds with lax hairs ( Willow - herbs, Willows, Bulrush, &c.). Burrs and hooked seeds. Floating seeds. Cut-leaved submerged water- plants ( Water - crowfoot, Water-milfoil, &c.). Mode of Dispersal. Readily moved by accidents of all sorts. Eaten or dropped by birds ; most are destroyed, but some are transported un- injured. Eaten by birds and mam- mals; seeds passed unin- jured. Transported by wind. Cling to feathers or fur. Transported by water. Collapse and cling when re- moved from the water; stems fragile, and broken pieces grow. Carried on legs of mammals or of wading birds. The first group, the minute-seeded plants, is a very large one, and it will readily be understood that the plants belonging to it include nearly all the British species which show strikingly anomalous distribution. Nearly all of our Alpine plants, of the Lusitanian species found in Ireland Means of Dispersal. 2 and Cornwall, and of the peculiar eastern-county plants belong to this group, the larger seeded species found associated with them on the Continent being absent. These plants seem therefore to possess in a pre-eminent degree the power of crossing seas like that which separates Ireland from the Pyrenees. They are probably trans- ported freely by migrating birds, either on their feet or in their feathers ; but the moist-soil species must also have been carried in profusion in the cakes of mud which adhere to the flanks of oxen that have rested in a moist meadow till the earth has dried on them. Before fences were made, the migrating horses, oxen, and bisons, in this way must have carried such seeds for long distances, and any adhering to the head of an animal would be carried across an arm of the sea uninjured. It must be remembered, however, that the autumn migration of mammals, which is the migration when nearly all the seeds are ripe, would have been southward in Britain,and consequently could only carry plants in that direction. The northward migration taking place in spring, few seeds would be carried, except such as had become entangled in the fur and were shed with it next summer. Wading and swimming birds, on the other hand, commonly come to Britain from the north and east in autumn, leaving the colder districts at a time when the seeds are ripe, thus bringing the smaller ones to this country. This is probably the reason why so large a pro- portion of the minute-seeded Arctic plants are found in Britain, though many of the species only occur in small numbers and at various scattered localities. The next group, that containing the plants with large edible unprotected seeds, is a small one in this country ; but it is of especial importance on account of the difficulty the species present when we try to account for their pre- sence in these Islands, except on the hypothesis of a former 28 Origin of the British Flora. greater continuity of the land. The difficulty is so real that I have devoted particular attention to the attempt to discover in what manner large soft seeds, which cannot ‘be carried in fur or feathers, and are killed by digestion, can be transported across deserts. It will be shown in Chapter IV. that since suitable climatic conditions came into existence there has been no sufficient change of land or sea to give a continuous land passage from the Continent for these plants—yet, here they are and their presence must be explained. The British plants to which these remarks particularly apply are the following :—the Oak, Beech, Ash, Maple, Privet, Spindle Tree, Ivy, Flags, Convolvulus, various Mallows, White and Yellow Waterlilies, and Apple. In each of these, except sometimes in the Waterlilies and Apple, the fruit is eaten for the nutriment contained in the seed itself, which is therefore generally destroyed. No doubt in many of these plants the seeds are occasionally dispersed by rivers ; but this will only scatter them along the lower part of the same river-basin or at most some distance along shore; it will not carry Waterlilies to isolated lakes or to other river basins, nor can dry-soil plants be carried thus to scattered islands. The largest edible seed we have is the acorn ; if it can be transported freely for considerable distances uninjured, the difficulty in the other cases must be more apparent than real. In peat-mosses, on open chalk downs, and in ploughed fields, often a mile or more from the nearest mature tree, one constantly finds seedling Oaks, which last a few months or, perhaps, a couple of years, and then die, the conditions being unfavourable. I have for several years noted the position of these seedling oaks, finding them in places where no mammal would take the acorns. For instance, they are common in any of the New Forest Means of Dispersal. 29 peat-bogs that are within a mile of an Oak-tree. They are common also in some places on the top of the escarp- ment of the South Downs, half a mile from Oaks, and 300 or 400 feet above them. They are always associated with empty acorn-husks, stabbed and torn in a peculiar way. In October and November rooks feed in the Oak-trees, and I have long felt convinced that they were mainly responsible for the dispersal of acorns. On October 29th of 1895, in the middle of an extensive field, bordered by an oak-copse and scattered trees, I saw a flock of rooks feeding and passing singly backwards and forwards to the Oaks. On ‘driving the birds away, and walking to the middle of the field, I found hundreds of empty acorn-husks, and a number of half-eaten pecked acorns. It was noticeable that many of them were not shed acorns, but were accom- panied by acorn-cups, the stalks of which had been bitten to tear them off the tree. The reason for the selection of acorns in cups is probably that they are easier to carry —a shed acorn must be an awkwardly large and slippery thing for a rook’s beak, one with a stalk will be more convenient. Several uninjured acorns were found, one, almost uninjured, had been driven by a single peck deep into the soft soil of a mole-hill. In this way oak-woods must spread rapidly ; but we still want observations as to the extreme distance to which acorns are thus carried. I have seen seedling Oaks at a distance of a mile from the nearest tree (not necessarily the tree from which the acorn came) and have found the characteristically torn husks somewhat further away.* Mr. J. J. Armistead, moreover, recordst that he once found a young Oak in a sheltered ravine among sea-cliffs on the northern coast of Hoy, Orkney. The tree was * Nature, No. 1358, vol. liii., p. 6 (1895). + Zoologist, p. 19 (1891). 30 Origin of the British Flora. over six feet high. A few Rock Doves bred near the place, and he concluded that an acorn had been brought by one of these birds, but where from? Unless it had been picked up on the sea-shore, it must have been carried a long way indeed. It could hardly have been brought by man, as the place was very remote, as well as difficult of access. Rooks occasionally cross the Pentland Firth, The distance of the north of Hoy from the nearest point where Oaks grow is fully as great as is the distance across the Strait of Dover; it is probably more than twice as great as was the gap between England and France at the period when the Oak was re-introduced after the Glacial Epoch. Not only have the cliffs of Dover and of Calais steadily receded through the inroads of the sea, but when the ‘submerged forests’ flourished both the English and the French Coasts seem to have been bordered by a wide belt of flat land covered with Oaks, the stumps of which are now found rooted in the ancient soil as much as forty feet below the present sea-level. The transportation of large edible seeds for such long distances uninjured is probably of exceptional occurrence, and is more probably due to rare accidents than to special adaptation. Some years ago I found, for instance, in an old chalk-pit the remains of a wood-pigeon which had met with some accident. Its crop was full of broad-beans, all of which were growing well, though under ordinary circum- stances they would have been digested and destroyed. As fully half at least of the birds that are hatched must die by various accidents before the following season, it is evident that this dispersal of the contents of their crops must be of daily occurrence, A pigeon would easily cross the Strait of Dover in half-an-hour, and in the days when raptorial birds and wild cats were plentiful, many must have been struck down with their last meal undigested. Means of Dispersal. 31 Accidents of this sort, however, are not absolutely necessary for the. dispersal of the seeds ; for a considerable number, even of such soft seeds as that of the Ivy, are passed with their vitality unimpaired. This is often the case when the bird or other animal has been feeding greedily ; and at such times the bird may throw up great part of its food undigested, especially if it is startled.* Birds, especially young birds, as Professor Lloyd Morgan has shown, learn by experience, and try various unsuitable foods. This must often lead to their eating indigestible, poisonous, or aperient fruits, which are not commonly taken. So many fruits have medicinal qualities that these in many cases may be special adaptations to aid the dispersal of the seeds. The migrating bird in its first year is constantly coming across plants new to it, and this at times when it is too tired and hungry to discriminate. Mammals also must have greatly aided the dispersal of seeds in former times, for an ox, a deer, or a horse falling over the cliffs of France would tend to drift with the prevalent south-west wind till it was thrown upon the English Coast, where wolves and foxes would pull it to pieces, dragging the remains beyond the reach of the sea, and perhaps burying parts, with the undigested vegetable food still contained in the stomach. It is needless to multiply instances, enough has been said to show that the special modes of transportation studied by Lyell and Darwin, added to the accumulated accidents of some thousands of years, are sufficient to account for the introduction of the whole of our native plants, without the necessity for any continuous land con- nexion between the different islands, or with the Continent. Indeed the constant rain of seeds over our Islands is probably on such a scale that were it not for the * E. M, Langley, ature, December 15th, 1898. 32 Origin of the British Flora. ? circumstance that most of them must fall on ground that is already occupied, we should continually have to record the introduction of new species. New plants are rarely intro- duced at the present day, merely because all the species occurring within a reasonable distance have already had their chance, and those that were suited to our climate established themselves long ago. The modern introduc- tions are mainly weeds of cultivation that cannot compete with the native plants on uncultivated ground, or are species from distant lands. As instances of how readily our native plants will occupy any tract newly made fit for them, I will mention two or three cases that have particularly struck my attention. When the new railway to Cromer was made, the turf and top soil were pared off for a long distance, but nothing more was done for several months. Next summer the route of the new line was marked by a scarlet ribbon, which could be seen stretching across the country, the newly bared sub-soil having been taken possession of by a profusion of poppies. A new embankment on the Bourne- mouth line near Brockenhurst, again, for several years was gay with corn-marigolds, which have since died down and mostly disappeared. A still more remarkable case is seen in the rapidity with which aquatic plants and animals spread to a newly dug pond. In fact, so continuous is this migration that we can get a fair idea how long a pond has been made, and has contained water, by the number of species of aquatic plants and mollusca that it yields. A medizeval fish-pond or moat contains a much more varied fauna and flora than is found in a newly dug dew-pond on the Chalk Downs, though it is surprising how many species find their way to these ponds.* * See Reid, ‘The Natural History of Isolated Ponds,’ Trams. Norfolk Nat. Soc., Vol. V., pp. 272-286 (1892). : 33 CHAPTER IV. Changes in Geography and Climate. WHEN we discuss the origin of the British flora or fauna it is impossible to assume, as we can in the case of certain oceanic islands, that the process has been no more than the gradual introduction of the plants, under unchanging climatic conditions, into an area of limited and almost unvarying extent, holding unchanging relations with the nearest land, and till that time unoccupied by any other flora. Both geographical and climatic changes have played an essential part in shaping our flora as we now see it. Moreover, except in part of our country immediately after the retreat of the ice, each plant intro- duced seems to have been brought into an area already clothed with vegetation, though, under a changing climate, the native plants may have become less adapted for the station than were the intruders. It will be necessary, therefore, to trace out the changes of land and sea which have affected our islands since the existing plants and animals first made their appearance here; though, as was suggested in the last chapter, I greatly doubt whether in islands so near a continent the actual junction or isolation is of such great importance as has been imagined. Plants can certainly overleap barriers more easily than is usually thought. In various indirect ways, however, former geo- graphical changes must greatly have facilitated the dis- D 54 Origin of the British Flora. persal of the species, and a short discussion of the principal changes that can be shown to have taken place may assist in explaining some of the anomalies in geographical distribution. It is useless for our present purpose to go back to any distant geological period, for in Britain there exists so vast a break in the series of Tertiary strata that we are unable to bridge it. Our Middle Tertiary flora, which can be studied in the Oligocene strata of Hampshire, is a sub- tropical one, not allied to that now occupying the country. The history of the succeeding Miocene Period in these islands is a complete blank, for we have no fossiliferous deposits of that age, and all we can say is, that the Miocene appears to have been a period of great earth- movement and folding, under which the surface con- figuration of Britain was completely changed. Whether Britain was then under water or was mainly dry land we do not know. Certain of the Miocene plants found on the Continent are living European species—probably none of them now British—and the flora as a whole begins to show a distinct affinity with that now occupying the southern parts of the Continent. Throughout the Pliocene Period there is evidence of the slow refrigeration which culminated in the Glacial Epoch; but unfortunately, as far as the botany is con- cerned, this climatic change cannot be followed, for plants only occur in the newest stage of the period. The whole of the strata of Older Pliocene age yet discovered in Britain are of marine origin, and were laid down at some distance from land in a warm sea. The Coralline Crag of Suffolk yields, however, a few drifted land-shells, and at its base contains bones of land animals, washed out of some older deposit; but there are in it no determinable plant-remains. A few pieces of much decayed worm-eaten drift-wood are Changes in Geography and Climate. 35 all that I have seen, and, as these might well have drifted across the Atlantic with the Gulf Stream, they are of no value for our present inquiry; the rolled fragments of phosphatised or silicified palm-wood in museums do not really belong to the period of the Crag, they are washed out of the underlying London Clay. During the earlier stages of the Newer Pliocene Period the climate was still somewhat warmer than at the present day, as is indicated by both the marine and the land mollusca. Britain then seems to have taken somewhat its present shape, for we find in our eastern counties traces of a shore-line, parallel to the existing one, and of an adjoining area of dry land, on which flourished various mammals and mollusca. Of the associated plants we as yet know nothing, mainly, I believe, because collectors who examine the Red Crag desire to obtain mollusca or mammals, and do not look for the fruits and seeds, which moreover in a marine deposit, even of littoral origin, are usually rare and badly preserved. The land and fresh- water mollusca of the lower part of the Red Crag are mainly south-European ; those of the Upper Red Crag and of later Crag Deposits are more northern—there is stilla slight admixture of extinct forms, even in the newest. Only in the latest deposits belonging to the Pliocene Period can we find a copious land fauna and flora, and, as far as the plants now inhabiting Britain are concerned, history begins with the Cromer Forest-bed; all before is prehistoric and speculative. The so-called Forest-bed consists of a series of estuarine and lacustrine strata, laid down apparently by the ancient Rhine, which at that period seems to have crossed a low area now occupied by the shallow southern half of the North Sea.* * ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer’ (1882); ‘ Pliocene Deposits of Britain’ (1890), Memoirs Geological Survey. 36 Origin of the British Flora. We cannot speak confidently on the point, but the evidence suggests that the general outline of the British Isles did not greatly differ from that which now holds, the principal difference probably being, that the Strait of Dover had not then been cut, and that England was connected with Belgium and Holland by a wide alluvial plain. The legible records of the period here referred to are confined to the eastern part of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, though deposits probably of the same age, but containing no fossils, occur in several other of the eastern and southern counties. At one spot only, outside East Anglia, are fossils apparently of this age to be found. Dewlish, in Dorset, has yielded a few bones of the characteristic elephant, Elephas meridionalis; but no other fossils could be discovered. If the deposit is of the same age of the Forest-bed, it certainly suggests that the main contours of the land were already shaped; though most of the valleys, in that region at any rate, are of later date. The climate indicated by the plants and animals of the Cromer Forest-bed is very like that which we now enjoy; the warmth of the Miocene and early Pliocene Periods had passed away, but the cold of the Glacial Epoch had not yet swept off the numerous large mammals, nor trans- formed the character of the vegetation. The Pliocene Period, with its temperate and gradually cooling climate, was separated from the present era by a period of which the exact history is still obscure. We know that this Pleistocene Period was characterised by more than one wave of intense cold, which, for a time must profoundly have modified the fauna and flora of Britain. It was also marked by milder intervals, suff- ciently long for the temperate plants to re-appear; and also by a period of drought, which brought the fauna of Central Asia into continental Europe, and in a minor Changes in Geography and Climate. 37 degree affected the climate of Britain. Man first appeared in Britain during the latter half of the Pleistocene Period; or rather we should perhaps say, that we have as yet no satisfactory evidence of his earlier incoming. The physical geography of Britain during the period which saw the formation of the Glacial and Paleolithic deposits is still uncertain in many points. I think, how- ever, that the evidence warrants us in saying that no very great changes affected the boundaries of land and sea. Submergence of part of the land took place; but in the South and East of England at any rate, only to a limited extent, perhaps 150 feet. There was also a time when the land stood at a greater elevation; though in England this elevation above the present level does not appear to have exceeded 70 feet. Coast-lines have also been cut back in the course of time by the incessant action of the waves, and in other places shingle-beaches or sand-dunes have slightly encroached on the sea. But all these changes can scarcely have been sufficient greatly to modify the outline of Britain; though in indirect ways their influence on the flora must have been considerable. The changes which modified the Pleistocene fauna and flora were of an exceptional character; for, besides the enormous fall and the great oscillations in the temperature, the accumulation of vast uninhabitable deserts of ice and snow must have blotted out all plant life over great part of Britain. These deserts must also have affected the migration of the Arctic plants in ways that even yet have been scarcely recognised. An attempt will be made to give an outline of the succession of events as far as the history can be traced ; but it may be necessary to warn readers that I have been led to interpret the records somewhat differently from other geologists. Approaching the subject from the point of 38 Origin of the British Flora. view of a naturalist, the comparative importance of the different stages and of the different agencies, and even the reading of the physical geography, will assume an aspect very unlike that ordinarily laid before the student. To the extreme glacialist the ‘ Pleistocene’ is equivalent to the ‘Glacial’ Period, and the scattered relics of Interglacial mild epochs are judged to be of small importance. It may be thought that the following notes go to the opposite extreme. I believe, however, that the accumulation of ice and snow merely marked two or more culminating epochs in a period when the climate was at least as commonly temperate as Arctic. The geological evidence for this I have already published (see also below ‘Hoxne, p. 77; ‘Selsey,’ p. 88; ‘West Wittering,’ p. 94.) The appearance of man in this country is sometimes thought to mark a new era; but, as far as our present information goes, it was long before he had much influence on the character of the fauna and flora. Paleolithic man was only one more carnivorous animal added to a fauna which already possessed several quite as dangerous, and apparently occurring in greater numbers. He did not cultivate the ground, and therefore would not introduce weeds of cultivation. Wedo not know whether he often crossed the narrow seas ; though it is doubtful whether an occasional canoe, not freighted with vegetable produce, would greatly aid in the dispersal of plants which could be carried by so many other messengers. It was not till Neolithic man appeared, with domesticated animals, culti- vated plants, and probably with more seaworthy canoes, that the human race took a leading part in the dispersal of seeds. It still remains to be seen how largea proportion of our plants were unrepresented in Britain before his days. We have now to trace in a few words the succession of Changes in Geography and Climate. 39 events during this somewhat obscure period. The unmis- takably Preglacial records cease, as already observed, with the temperate Cromer Forest-bed. Then succeeds a marine stratum showing a submergence of perhaps fifty feet, which cannot greatly have altered the outline of the country, though at present little is known about this epoch. Next follows a colder period, with Arctic plants ; and as these occur just above the present sea-level, and lie evenly on the strata below without deeply channelling them, the height of the land at the commencement of the Glacial Epoch, in Norfolk at any rate must have been almost the same as it is now. The freezing of the shallow land-locked North Sea, and the steady accumulation of snow, which could neither escape nor melt sufficiently fast, seems next to have resulted in the formation of an ice-sheet continuous with that pouring down from Norway and the Baltic, and this ice-sheet overspread the east of Britain as far south as the Thames. Whether the Arctic flora had sufficient time thoroughly to occupy Britain before this mantle over- whelmed the lowlands seems somewhat doubtful, for the only routes the plants could follow were across the North Sea, or the more southerly land-passage by the isthmus through which the Strait of Dover has now cut. The ‘absence of any comparatively large-seeded northern plants, such as the Larch, Scandinavian Alder, or Arctic Poppy, either in a recent or in a fossil state, suggests that the small-seeded species that we do find were brought by birds, either across the sea or across the desert of ice, and did not come by land. To this epoch, when the drainage of a large part of Europe was poured into the North Sea, but could not escape northward on account of the ice, belongs probably the severance of England from the Continent, for the water was forced to cut itself a new 40 Origin of the British Flora. channel across the low neck of land just beyond the southern limit of the ice-sheet. Other parts of Britain were hidden under ice-sheets whose gathering grounds had other centres, and the result seems to have been the total blotting out of the flora over the area north of the Thames and Severn, with the possible exception of certain high hills which rose above the ice. Even these were probably so smothered with snow that only the steeper crags were bare in summer. The condition of the greater part of Britain during the climax of the Glacial Epoch will not, therefore, greatly interest the botanist. The flora was so nearly extermin- ated that the interest is transferred to the non-glaciated strip between the Thames and Severn and the English Channel, and to a very small non-glaciated area in South Wales. In these parts only could the Arctic plants and mammals live, and the whole of Britain was so cold that the temperate species must have entirely disappeared. Many naturalists will disagree with the statement that has just been made ; for it has become almost an article of faith that there were certain warm corners in these Islands where the Temperate animals and plants could survive, and where the peculiar Lusitanian flora of Cornwall and of the West of Ireland lingered on till the renewed warmth enabled the plants again to spread. It will be necessary therefore briefly to summarise the evidence on which the opinion above expressed has been founded.* The temperature of the sea and of the air do not neces- sarily correspond in the same regions; we will, therefore, first discuss the evidence as to the lowest temperature of the seas round Britain. For this purpose the former southern limit of the formation of shore ice, or ‘ ice-foot,’ * See ‘The Climate of Europe during the Glacial Epoch,’ Watural Scdence, Vol. I., No. 6, pp. 427-433 (1892). Changes in Geography and Climate. 41 ought to give a fairly accurate idea as to the temperature of the water. No doubt a large iceberg may travel a long distance through comparatively warm water before it entirely melts away; but shore-ice, such as forms every winter in the Arctic Regions, once fringed our south coast, and beset the shores of Brittany and of the Channel Islands. When, in the spring, the ice became detached, it transported its burden of included rocks hither and thither, even across the Channel. We thus find on Selsea Bill erratics weighing several tons, but undoubtedly derived from Bognor or from the Isle of Wight. Others, equally large, have come from the Channel Islands and the coast of Brittany ; one block of granite is like that of Cornwall. The transportation of large erratic blocks for distances of at least a hundred miles, shows that the temperature of the water in the spring, though sufficiently high to dislodge the ice, was yet too low to melt it rapidly. Even witha strong wind a flat mass of shore-ice would take several days to cross the Channel. In order to compare this ice- laden English Channel with existing seas, it is necessary to travel northward, till we cross the isotherm of 32° F,, and are near the Arctic Circle. Thus far we have dealt solely with the temperature of the sea. We will now turn to the evidence as to the temperature of the air during the same period in the South of England ; and for this we can employ both physical and biological data. The country north of the Thames and Severn, buried under ice, must have been bordered by a wide strip of barren land, with dwarf birch and willow, but without trees. In this belt flourished also a mammalian fauna like that now inhabiting similar belts in the Arctic Regions, for in the area lying between the ice-sheet and the ice-cold English Channel it would be impossible to have a mean temperature much above the freezing point. 42 Origin of the British Flora. Remains of this boreal fauna and flora have now been found at several places in the south of England. A large assemblage of Arctic mammals has been discovered near Salisbury, and it includes such thoroughly boreal forms as the Musk Ox, Arctic Fox, and Lemmings. Even in what is now one of the warmest parts of our Islands, Arctic plants occur in the fossil state; for Bovey Tracey, in Devon, yields the Dwarf Birch, and the Bearberry. This leaves no place of retreat within these islands for the Temperate animals and plants. All Ireland was glaciated, so nothing could live there, except perhaps a few Arctic plants on the mountain-tops. All England was under ice, except the extreme south; and there the climate was too cold for temperate plants to live. It may be suggested that the Scilly Islands were warmer, and perhaps they were somewhat better than Devon and Cornwall. But this will not account for the preservation of the Lusitanian Species, for most of them are not found on the Scilly Islands, and plants like the Avdutus would be killed by a climate only slightly more severe than that now found in Ireland. After the passing away of the ice there was a return to genial conditions, which lasted so long that during this ‘Inter-glacial’ period a series of physical changes took place, and there was time for the Arctic species to die out and for a large Temperate fauna and flora to occupy the country. We do not yet know the history of some of the stages, as there are several gaps in the record ; the changes, however, were slow and gradual, allowing time for valleys to be deepened and again silted up, for sea-cliffs to be cut back, and for plants to spread far and wide over new districts. During the greatest intensity of the cold, as we have shown, there seems to have been a submergence of a few feet. Then comes a break for which the records have Changes in Geography and Climate. 43 not yet been discovered. The next stage known shows a submergence of about 140 feet, with a sea slightly warmer than that now washing the coast of Sussex. The marine mollusca are species living in the English Channel at the present day, mixed with a few that do not now range north of the Bay of Biscay. We know nothing of the plants of this stage, and it is probable that the warmth of the sea was mainly the result of its greater depth, which allowed ocean currents more freely to enter. After this submergence the land rose gradually, the climate apparently remaining unaltered, till we again find freshwater and estuarine deposits, laid down when sea-level must have been the same as at the present day, or slightly lower. These deposits contain a prolific fauna and flora, which includes several southern animals and plants, but no northern ones. Then succeeds another transition stage, about which we at present know very little, followed by a second glaciation, less severe than the former one, or perhaps characterised rather by a dry cold, which did not permit of so great an accumulation of snow and ice, though the northern parts of Britain were again glaciated. I may be permitted at this point to say a few words on the subject of the recurrence of Glacial Epochs, for it is a matter that closely concerns the student of the geographical distribution of animals and of plants, It will be unneces- sary to enter into theoretical questions as to the cause of these climatic oscillations, for they are evidently due to something entirely unconnected with changes in the physical geography of Britain or of Western Europe. These notes are merely a chronicle of the climatic and geographical changes for which we have direct evidence; a true connected history of Britain since it became a recog- nisable unit cannot yet be written. It will be observed that neither of the doctrines commonly taught seems to be 44 Origin of the British Flora. borne out by the evidence above mentioned. We have no indication in our Tertiary or later deposits of a number of alternating Glacial and Interglacial Epochs, such as are required on the theory of Croll* adopted by Professor James Geikie.f On the other hand, the evidence is perfectly clear that this country saw two cold Epochs, and certain indications make one suspect that there may have been a third, less rigorous. The exact succession of events is at present very difficult to follow; for it is unsafe to compare isolated records, which belong to different regions, and may not belong to the same period. We need more excavation and close examination of localities such as Hoxne and the Selsey Peninsula, where several stages can be studied in chronological order, with no possibility of mistakes in the succession. The wind-borne ‘loess’ of Central Europe, with its. desert or sand-dune mollusca and mammals, belongs apparently to the second cold period just alluded to. Only slight indications of this dry climate have been discovered in Britain, and, though it may have marked an important stage in the building up of our flora, we know little about its plants in the south, while nearer the glaciated area those found are common Arctic forms. It is always difficult to obtain botanical evidence of a bygone period of drought, for desert-plants seldom find their way into lacustrine deposits, and porous sub-aerial deposits like drift-sand or loess are the worst possible for the preserva- tion of plant-remains, though they may be full of calcareous fossils. The South of England during the second period of glaciation seems to have suffered from dry cold winters, which froze the ground unprotected by snow, and allowed the summer rains to fall on soils rendered impervious by * Climate and Time. t+ Great Ice Age. Changes in Geography and Climate. 45 deep freezing. This led to enormous and rapid denudation, over areas where the rain now sinks in and is slowly given out as springs. Masses of loose flint and chalk débris were swept off the South Downs and spread out in a wide sheet extending several miles over the lowlands, and over the Interglacial deposits already described. Even in Cornwall the rubbly drift known as ‘head’ seems to have marked a similar stage. It is difficult to believe that anything but a poor Arctic vegetation could have withstood these condi- tions, and the Arctic plants of Devon may belong to this cold epoch, rather than to the older one represented by the erratics of Sussex and the Boulder Clay near London. The Arctic mammals found near Salisbury may belong to the same stage, they are migratory or else Steppe species. The stage that follows—the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic —is unfortunately one of the most obscure, and I can only suggest that the break is more apparent than real, and that one follows the other in close succession. No doubt there is generally a marked difference between deposits of Paleolithic and those of Neolithic age, the older series occupying terraces far above the reach of any flood, while the more recent series lie in the bottoms, or below the bottoms, of existing valleys. It may prove, however, that the climatic change and the difference in the position of the deposits are related as cause and effect, little change having really occurred in the contours of the country. As soon as the climate amelio- rated, frozen soil would no longer cause erosion and deposition to act in the peculiar way above described. The older deposits would be left stranded at all elevations, and denudation and deposition would at once change to the ordinary types caused by river action in a Temperate climate. With the climate, the fauna and flora would also change; and at the same time the race of hunters would 46 Origin of the British Flora. give place to a higher race that tilled the ground and had domesticated animals. These, however, are merely sug- gestions; for a systematic study of the deposits of this stage also, at some point where they give a continuous record, will probably solve the riddle. The Neolithic and later periods do not call for any lengthy description. At first the land stood at an elevation some 60 or 70 feet above its present level, so that many of the river-valleys were cut to that depth below the sea, and much of the English Coast was fringed with a broad strip of alluvium, which probably almost connected our island with Belgium and France. The climate during this epoch was Temperate, for in the lowest ‘submerged forests’ the Oak is the most abundant tree. Then gradual and inter- mittent submergence flooded the lower parts of the valleys, and caused them to be silted up by the deposits of rivers that no longer had sufficient fall to scour their beds. In some of the peaty deposits or old vegetable soils that mark stages of rest in their process of submergence, we find polished stone weapons, and relics of cultivated plants and of domesticated animals. The flora of these deposits, however, is still very imperfectly known; but all the plants are species still found in Britain, though the occurrence in South Wales in a ‘submerged forest’ of Mayas marina, a plant now confined to Norfolk, shows that the local distribution may have been slightly different. Since the close of the Neolithic Period, changes in physical geography have been slight, and have consisted mainly in the continuous silting up of the flooded valleys, and in the cutting back of the coast-line by the waves. This latter process, it should be remembered, has been sufficiently marked to increase the width of the Strait of Dover, which in places is also being deepened by the scour of the tides. When our present flora entered the Changes in Geography and Climate. 47 country, at the close of the Glacial Epoch, it was far easier for animals and plants to cross from the Continent than it is now. The reader will probably rise from the perusal of this chapter with a confused idea of many small changes in the limits of sea and land; which, however, were of no very great importance as bearing on the past history of our flora. This impression is, I believe, the correct one; for, after twenty years’ work at deposits belonging to the periods here dealt with, I am greatly impressed with the smallness and multitude of the changes, and with the - gradual way in which they occurred, as is demonstrated wherever we can discover continuous records. The climatic changes, on the other hand, though perhaps equally gradual, were most thorough and sweeping; inevitably they must have been accompanied by corre- sponding changes in the flora. CHAPTER V. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. IF we desire to trace out the past history of our native plants, we must study such relics as are preserved in various stratified deposits, especially those of which the geological position can be proved by other evidence. The questions are often asked :—Where are these relics to be found, and what is the method of research adopted? These are questions the answers to which will not be found in any text-book, nor, apparently, are they known to most geologists. It will be useful, therefore, to give a short description of the sort of deposits which have proved most prolific, and of the methods that have usually been adopted to obtain the plant-remains. This will be followed by an account of the fossiliferous strata already examined, with the leading characteristics of each, such as date, nature, and origin of the deposits, general character of the included fauna and flora, notes of any local circumstances which must have affected the plants, and finally, a list of the plants. This will occupy a good deal of space; but it is all information needed by the local geologist or botanist, and will, I hope, aid in the study of past history of the floras of our different counties and districts. References have been added to published authorities, from which a fuller account of the geology and zoology can be obtained; but in every case, unless other- Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 49 wise stated, I have myself determined the plants included in the lists. Various points have to be taken into consideration if we desire to avoid failure or useless labour in our search for seeds or leaves in a determinable state. The deposits most likely to yield satisfactory results are not such as one would at first sight select as best for the purpose. On consideration, it will readily be understood that a wide-spread peat-moss will yield little but remains of bog- plants; an extensive lacustrine deposit will contain few but aquatic species; a broad alluvial flat may only pre- serve plants of the marsh and wet meadow. The work of collecting at best is very laborious, and, in order to obtain with the least amount of trouble an insight into the fossil botany of any particular period or district, it is best, where practicable, to select for examination the deposits of a small stream which flowed through a varied country. These will yield not only seeds of the aquatic and marsh plants that lived on the spot, but also of a variety of dry- soil plants and trees which grew on sandy or rocky banks overhanging the channel. They will also yield seeds of numerous species which grew somewhat further away, and were brought by birds and dropped from the overhanging boughs; and will contain winged seeds transported by the wind. It may be thought that plants of all these descrip- tions will be found in a lake or peat-bog, and no doubt it is so; but they will be so rare, and mixed with so large a proportion of seeds belonging to some few aquatic plants, that the time spent in searching for them will be largely increased. I speak of this from personal experience ; for, through an imperfect appreciation of this difficulty, much time was lost in my earlier work, and samples of clay, collected and washed with great labour, often yielded B 50 Origin of the British Flora. nothing but thousands of seeds belonging to half a dozen aquatic plants, which were already quite well known. As an example, we may take the flora of the Cromer Forest- bed, which is still a small one, for the deposits belonging to it are parts of a wide-spread alluvial plain, with shallow pools and broads. Yet the collection of the plants has given me ten times the trouble that was needed to obtain a much larger number of species at West Wittering. This latter deposit is of estuarine origin—it therefore contains mingled fresh-water, estuarine, and sea-coast plants; it is the deposit of a very small stream—the proportion of dry- soil species is therefore exceptionally large, and their seeds are unusually well preserved ; moreover, the stream within a mile crossed the edges of a most varied series of strata, including chalk, stiff clay, loose sand, marl, loam, and gravel—the flora is therefore as good an epitome of that of the surrounding district as could be obtained by the examination of several deposits, each of which only fulfils some of these conditions. It may be added that, while the best fossiliferous deposits in the Forest-bed are commonly stiff clays or peaty-beds, difficult to take to pieces without injury to the fossils, the strata at West Wittering are sandy loams, which, when dried and placed in a sieve in water, quickly fall to pieces and leave the seeds un- injured. Deposits like that just mentioned, though giving the best general view of the flora of a district, are unsatisfac- tory in certain respects; for they seldom yield well- preserved leaves, and many species having soft seeds can only be recognised by the leaves. In order to discover leaves of any plants, other than the small tough-leaved Arctic ones, it is commonly necessary to split up laminated lacustrine clays, or masses of bog-iron ore; but, unfortu- nately, Pleistocene clays are seldom sufficiently firm to é Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 51 allow of handling in this way. Or else we must search the masses of tufa deposited by calcareous springs; for these yield beautifully preserved casts of deciduous leaves, and may also contain impressions of the succulent leaves of non-deciduous plants; they are almost useless, however, for the study of seeds, which are generally too small to be recognisable in hollow impressions in a somewhat coarse- grained matrix. Want of time has prevented me from undertaking so thorough an examination of the plants of the newest deposits as they deserve, or as has been made in Sweden. by Professor A. G. Nathorst and Dr. Gunnar Andersson. We happen, however, to possess a large series of deposits of somewhat earlier date than any of those found in Scandinavia ; it seems best, therefore, to devote attention more particularly to the plants contained in them. Pre- glacial plants are extremely rare in Europe, and the Inter- glacial flora has only been studied at a few localities in North Germany, principally by Dr. Carl Weber and. Professor A. Nehring. It only remains to add a few words as to the position in time of the various deposits to be described. They are here divided into Preglacial, Early Glacial, Interglacial, Late Glacial, and Neolithic. The whole of the historic period, from the invasion of the Romans downwards, has purposely been omitted, not because it is of little import- ance in the history of the flora as we now see it, but because collecting has not yet been done with sufficient accuracy to fix the century to which the deposits belong. Without this, the identification of the included plants would be of little value. One exception only has been made. A certain number of plants from Silchester are mentioned, as these were found in carefully selected material obtained by Mr. A. H. Lyell during excavations 52 Origin of the British Flora. at the Roman town, and were certainly contemporaneous with the Roman occupation. It is quite possible that more than one Interglacial Period is represented in the deposits and plants that I have examined; but the classification has been kept pur- posely as simple as possible. It so happens, also, that the most prolific of the Interglacial deposits in the South and East of England all seem to fall into a single period— that immediately succeeding the greatest intensity of the cold. Those that remain have at present yielded so poor a flora, which consists so exclusively of species of wide range, that from a botanical point of view they are of little importance. The botanical characteristics of the different periods may be summarised thus :— PREGLACIAL (latest Pliocene). Found on the coasts of Norfolk and Suffolk. Plants are aquatic and wet-meadow species and forest trees. All yet known are now natives of Britain except Tvapa natans, Najas minor, and Picea excelsa. Associated with many large mammals, the majority of which are now extinct. EARLY GLACIAL. Found at a few localities on the Norfolk coast. Northern plants, including Salx polaris and Betula nana; no forest trees except Birch and Alder. INTERGLACIAL, Southern and Eastern Counties (Hoxne beds D and E, Hitchin, Grays, Selsey, Stone, West Wittering; also Deuben, Griinenthal, Klinge, Fahrenkrug, Lauenburg, Honerdingen),. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 53 Plants still living in the same district, mixed with a few southern forms, those already determined being Acer monspessulanum, Nagas graminea, and Najas minor, and in Germany Brasenia purpurea. No northern species, The associated mammals and mollusca suggest a climate somewhat drier and sunnier than that now possessed by the South of England. LATE GLACIAL. Throughout Scotland and England as far south as London and Devonshire. (Crianlarich, Hailes, Corstorphine, Bridlington, Hoxne bed C, London, Bovey Tracey, &c.) Numerous Arctic plants, all of which, except Salix polaris, are still to be found on the mountains of Scotland. NEOLITHIC. Including ‘submerged forests’ and early peat mosses. (Hailes upper bed, Redhall, Woolwich, Blashenwell, Barry Docks, &c.) Flora Temperate. Cultivated plants and weeds of cultivation occasionally appear. Extensive Oak forests. Pine common in the South of England. This flora is better known in Scandinavia than in Britain; it has been divided by Swedish and Danish botanists into several stages characterised by different trees (see p. 92). Space will not allow me to give in full the evidence on which the deposits are referred to different periods. Where possible, the stratigraphical position has been studied; but in certain cases where direct evidence of superposition is not available I have dated the deposits according to the affinities of the included fauna and flora. The animals are, for this purpose, of more value than the plants, for they change more rapidly; plants, however, yield the best 54 Origin of the British Flora. evidence of former climate. It will be seen that the date of certain of the deposits is unmistakable; and particular attention having been devoted to these and to their in- cluded plants, any doubt as to the age of the remainder is of comparatively little consequence botanically—nearly all their plants can be authenticated from specimens found in deposits of known age. The localities are placed in alphabetical order, partly as being most convenient, partly to avoid any appearance of forcing the correlation, as might be suggested if they were here grouped into periods, ‘The principal foreign localities are added for purposes of comparison ; but I have seen few of the plants from these. It will be noticed that in the German Interglacial deposits ‘Brasenia purpurea, a water-lily not now living in Europe, is a common fossil, though it has not yet been discovered in Britain. ADMIRALTY OFFICES, LONDON. (Abbott, ‘The Section exposed in the foundations of the New Admiralty Offices, Proc. Geol. Assoc., Vol. XIL, PP. 346-356. 1892.) Associated with or below remains of Mammoth, Hippo- »potamus, and Rhinoceros are found a few plants, the only determinable species being :— Betula nana. Ceratophyllum demersum. AIRDRIE, LANARK. (Dunlop, ‘ Note on a Section of Boulder-clay, containing a Bed of Peat, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. VIIL, Pp. 312-314. 1888.) The peat is classed as Interglacial on account of its occurrence between two beds of Boulder-clay. It contains beetle-remains and the following species of plants :— Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 55 Ranunculus aquatilis. Betula nana. Prunus Padus. Empetrum nigrum Potentilla Comarum. Potamogeton. Hippuris vulgaris. Carex dioica. Apium nodiflorum., — panicea. Carduus. — rostrata. Menyanthes trifoliata. Isoetes lacustris. ALBERT Dock, NORTH WOOLWICH, ESSEX. (Spurrell, ‘On the Estuary of the Thames and its Alluvium,’ Proc. Geol. Assoc. Vol. X1., pp. 210-230. 18809.) A ‘Submerged Forest’ and peat bed beneath the Roman layer yields the following plants:— Cornus sanguinea. Quercus Robur sessiliflora. Betula alba. Taxus baccata. Alnus glutinosa, Phragmites communis. Corylus Avellana. ALLENTON, NEAR DERBY. (Arnold-Bemrose, ‘ Discovery of Mammalian Remains in the Old River-gravels of the Derwent near Derby, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. LIL, pp. 497-500. 1896.) The plants were found associated with Hippopotamus (apparently a whole skeleton), Elephant and Rhinoceros. This fauna is probably Interglacial. Ranunculus aquatilis. Valeriana officinalis. ————— sceleratus. Eupatorium cannabinum. — Flammula. Leontodon autumnalis. —— repens. Taraxacum officinale. ———\—— bulbosus (?). Ajuga reptans. — Sardous. Atriplex. Viola palustris. Eleocharis palustris. Montia fontana, Scirpus pauciflorus. Rubus Idzus. Carex. Potentilla. Isoetes lacustris. Hydrocotyle vulgaris 56 Origin of the British Flora. BACTON, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain, Memozrs Geol. Survey, 1890; Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer, Memoirs Geol. Survey, 1882.) The Cromer Forest-bed at Bacton yields cones of Pinus sylvestris and Picea excelsa, and rhizomes of Osmunda, the principal fossiliferous localities are, how- ever, close to Ostend Gap, a short distance to the south- east, and are described under that heading. BALLAUGH, ISLE OF MAN. (‘Report of Committee on Irish Elk Remains in the Isle of Man,’ Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1897, p. 346. 1898.) The deposits examined were as follows, Bed-A being the most recent :— A. Peat, with caddis cases and eggs of insects. Ranunculus Flammula. Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Potentilla Tormentilla. Potamogeton. B. Sand without fossils. C. Sandy silt with Lepidurus (Apus) glacialis. Ranunculus aquatilis. Carex. Poterium officinale. Schoenus (?). Salix herbacea. D. Loamy Peat. Ranunculus aquatilis. Littorella lacustris. Flammula. Potamogeton crispus. repens, Carex. E. Gravel without fossils. F. Chara Marl with Megaceros hibernicus. Ranunculus aquatilis. Potamogeton natans. — Flammula. ——— sp. — repens. Carex. Littorella lacustris. Chara, 2 sp. Empetrum nigrum. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 57 A is Recent or Neolithic C, from the occurrence of Salix herbacea and Apus glacialis, is classed as Late Glacial. D and F are provisionally classed with C, but may belong to a milder, Interglacial, period. These deposits, and those found at Close y Garey, occupy silted-up hollows in the glacial gravel. It is not yet clear whether the poverty of the flora, and the entire absence thus far of remains of dry-soil plants, is due to the barren water-logged character of the gravel-flat, or is characteristic of the flora of the Isle of Man at these periods. BARRY DOCKS, GLAMORGAN. (Strahan, ‘On submerged Land-surfaces at Barry, Gla- morganshire. With Notes on the Fauna and Flora by Clement Reid, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. LIL, PP. 474-489. 1896.) The newest of these, about 4 feet below mean tide, yielded a polished Neolithic implement and also, according to Mr. Storrie, logs of Willow, Pine, and Oak. An associated shell-marl was full of freshwater shells and seeds of :— Rumex crispus. Potamogeton. Atriplex. Najas marina. Salix (leaves). Chara, 2 species. Najas marina is now confined to east Norfolk. The second peat, or land-surface, is composed mainly of sedges (Scirpus maritimus) and lies about g feet below mean-tide level. The third peat is composed of large timber and matted Sallow and Reed, with seeds of Valeriana officinalis and Carex. It lies 20 feet below Ordnance Datum, but shows no sign of the influence of salt water. The fourth peat is a true submerged land-surface, full 58 Origin of the British Flora. of Oak-roots in place, indicating a soil above the reach of the sea. It lies 35 feet below mean tide level, and points to a subsidence of fully 55 feet. The plants are:— Crategus Oxyacantha. Quercus Robur. Cornus sanguinea. Salix Caprea. Corylus Avellana. Sparganium. The whole of the deposits belong in all probability to the Neolithic Period. BEESTON, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Piocene Deposits of Britain, Mem. Geol. Survey, 1890; Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer,’ Mem. Geol. Survey. 1882.) Two distinct plant-bearing deposits are represented at Beeston. The lower is a peaty loam full of seeds of Temperate plants, and belongs to the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed. The upper, and newer, is an Early Glacial stratified loam with leaves of Arctic plants, at the base of the Boulder Clays. At one spot an intermediate deposit is perhaps represented ; this is here classed as the base of the Arctic bed. Plants from the Cromer Forest-bed :— Thalictrum flavum. Alnus glutinosa, Ranunculus aquatilis. Ceratophyllum demersum. repens. Stratiotes aloides. Nuphar luteum. Alisma Plantago. Stellaria aquatica. Potamogeton pectinatus. Poterium officinale. — trichoides. Hippuris vulgaris. ——————._ heterophyllus. QGEnanthe Phellandrium. Najas marina. Carduus. Scirpus pauciflorus (?). Stachys palustris. caespitosus. Atriplex patula. ——— fluitans (?). Rumex Acetosella. Carex (several sp.). maritimus. Isoetes lacustris. Betula alba. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 59 Plants from the base of the Arctic bed :-— Thalictrum minus (?), Rumex maritimus. Ranunculus aquatilis. Betula nana. Rubus Idzus. Alnus glutinosa. Poterium officinale. Ceratophyllum demersum. Hippuris vulgaris. Zannichellia palustris. Myriophyllum spicatum. Eleocharis palustris. Galium boreale (?). Scirpus lacustris. Tanacetum vulgare. Isoetes lacustris. Menyanthes trifoliata. Plants of the Arctic bed :-— Salix polaris. BLACK BURN, EAST TARBET. From the Clyde Beds at this place Mr. David Robertson obtained seeds of Rubus Ideus. The sub-Arctic character of the associated marine mollusca causes these deposits to be here classed as Late Glacial. BLASHENWELL, DORSET. (Reid, ‘An Early Neolithic Kitchen-midden and Tufa- ceous Deposit at Blashenwell, near Corfe Castle,’ Proc. Dorset Field Club, Vol. XVII, pp. 67-75. 1897.) The calcareous tufa contains only recent species of mammals and mollusca, with charcoal and unpolished flint implements of early Neolithic type. The plant-remains are impressions of leaves and twigs, with decayed wood and hazel-nuts. The only determinable plants found were :— Ulmus montana (?). Quercus Robur. Corylus Avellana. BOVEY TRACEY, DEVON. (Pengelly and Heer, ‘On the Lignite Formation of Bovey Tracey, Phil. Trans., Part II. 1862; Nathorst, ‘On the Distribution of Arctic Plants during the Post-glacial Epoch, Journ. Bot., n.s., Vol. IL, p. 225. 1873.) 60 Origin of the British Flora. Some clays overlying the Eocene lignite deposits have yielded a few Arctic plants. It is not clear whether these should be classed as Early or Late Glacial. They yield:— Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi. Salix cinerea. Betula alba. Pinus. ———- nana. BRIDLINGTON, YORKSHIRE. (Nathorst, ‘Ueber neue Funde von fossilen Glacial- pflanzen, Exgler’s Bot. Jahrb., 1881, p. 431.) A hollow in the boulder-clay, filled with peaty marl, is here classed as Late Glacial from its stratigraphical position and the occurrence in it of Betula nana. BROUGHTON, EDINBURGH. From a peaty deposit at this spot Mr. James Bennie has recently obtained a few plants, probably of the same date as those from the Neolithic deposits at Hailes and Redhall. There is nothing characteristic in the list:— Ranunculus aquatilis. Polygonum aviculare. — Flammula. ———-- Persicaria. — Lingua. Rumex. repens. Potamogeton. Stellaria media. Scirpus setaceus. Montia fontana. Eriophorum. Carduus. Carex. Atriplex (?). CAERWYS, FLINTSHIRE. (Maw, ‘On the occurrence of extensive Deposits of Tufa in Flintshire, Geol Mag., Vol. IIL, p. 253. 1866; Strahan, ‘Geology of Flint, Mold, and Ruthin,’ p. 150, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1890.) An extensive deposit of calcareous tufa at this place is full of leaves; but the date cannot be fixed, as the tufa Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 61 is still being formed. The part from which the leaves were collected is probably of Neolithic age. Pyrus Aucuparia. Salix cinera. Hedera Helix. Caprea. Betula alba. Populus tremula. CASEWICK, LINCOLNSHIRE. (Morris, ‘On some Sections in the Oolitic District of Lincolnshire, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. 1X., p.317. 1853; Reid, ‘Pleistocene Plants from Casewick ... .’ zzd. Vol. LIIL., pp. 463, 464. 1897.) An ancient alluvial deposit fills a channel in Oolite. The age is uncertain, as there is nothing peculiar among the fossils. Though here classed as Neolithic it may be of older date. Nuphar luteum. Rumex crispus. Galium Aparine. Ceratophyllum demersum. Atriplex patula. Scirpus lacustris. CLOSE Y GAREY, ISLE OF MAN. (‘Report of Committee on Irish Elk Remains in the Isle of Man,’ Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1898, p. 550. 1890.) The deposits occupy a silted-up hollow, like that at Ballaugh, in glacial gravel. The plants are :— B. Peat :— Ranunculus Flammula. Carduus crispus. Viola palustris. Menyanthes trifoliata. Rubus fruticosus. Empetrum nigrum. Potentilla Tormentilla. Potamogeton. Comarum. Carex, 4 sp. C. Megaceros-marl :— Ranunculus repens. Empetrum nigrum. Viola palustris. Potamogeton. Potentilla Comarum. Carex, 4 sp. Myriophyllum spicatum. Chara. Rumex obtusifolius. 62 Origin of the British Flora. E. Loam at the base of the marl :— Betula alba. Potamogeton. B is Recent or Neolithic. Carex. C and E correspond with the marl at Ballaugh (which see), and are classed pro- visionally as Late Glacial. CORSTORPHINE, NEAR EDINBURGH. (Bennie, ‘Arctic Plants in the old Lake Deposits of Scotland, Azxn. Scot. Nat. Hist, 1894, pp. 46-52.) In the lower part of the lacustrine deposits filling a silted-up lake are numerous seeds and leaves of Arctic plants. The deposit is probably Late Glacial, and con- temporaneous with those of Hailes and Dronachy. Ranunculus aquatilis. repens. Viola palustris. Stellaria media. Rubus. Dryas octopetala. Potentilla. Poterium officinale. Hippuris vulgaris. Myriophyllum spicatum. Taraxacum officinale. Andromeda Polifolia. Loiseleuria procumbens. Menyanthes trifoliata. Oxyria digyna. Betula nana. Salix repens. herbacea. — polaris. reticulata. Empetrum nigrum. Potamogeton. Eleocharis palustris. Scirpus pauciflorus. lacustris. Carex, 2 sp. CORTON, SUFFOLK. (Reid, ‘Notes on the Sections at Corton, seen during the recent visit of the members of the Geological Con- gress, Trans. Norfolk Nat. Soc. Vol. IV., pp. 606-609. 1889.) A bed of lignite and clay, belonging to the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed, here yields abundant seeds. Deposits containing Fossil Plants 63 Thalictrum flavum. Ranunculus. Nuphar luteum. Hydrocotyle vulgaris. QEnanthe. Solanum Dulcamara. Atriplex patula. Alnus glutinosa. Ceratophyllum demersum. Stratiotes aloides. Sparganium ramosum. Potamogeton lucens. trichoides. Zannichellia palustris. Scirpus pauciflorus. lacustris. Eriophorum angustifolium. Carex. COWDEN GLEN, RENFREWSHIRE. (Geikie, ‘Great Ice Age,’ 3rd edit., pp. 102-104. 1894; Bennie, ‘On Things New and Old from the Ancient Lake of Cowdenglen, Renfrewshire, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1891, pp. 213-225.) This deposit has given rise to much discussion, Pro- fessor James Geikie, Mr. Bennie, and others maintaining that the peat is Interglacial and interbedded between two masses of boulder-clay. Some writers, however, consider the upper boulder-clay to be merely a landslip. The plants have a recent appearance, and include the Opium Poppy, a species cultivated in Neolithic times. I think it safer, therefore, not to consider them older than the Neolithic period. Ranunculus aquatilis. Flammula. Papaver somniferum. Viola. Montia fontana. Rubus Idzus. Poterium officinale. Hippuris vulgaris. Myriophyllum spicatum. Galium palustre. Menyanthes trifoliata. Pedicularis palustris. Galeopsis Tetrahit. Ajuga reptans. Polygonum lapthifolium. Rumex crispus. Betula alba. Corylus Avellana. Salix repens. Pinus sylvestris. Alisma Plantago. Potamogeton perfoliatus. — pusillus. ———__-— pectinatus. Scirpus lacustris. pauciflorus. Carex rostrata. Isoetes lacustris. Chara. 64 Origin of the British Flora. CRIANLARICH, PERTHSHIRE. Peaty loam with leaves of Arctic plants was found in a railway cutting, and a sample given to me by Mr. J. R. Dakyns yielded the subjoined species. The exact relation of the deposit to the old moraines is not perfectly clear, though the plant-bed would seem to be the newer of the two, and therefore Late Glacial. Dryas octopetala. Salix herbacea. Betula alba. reticulata. — nana. Empetrum nigrum. Salix repens. CROMER, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain’ Mem. Geol. Survey. 1890; Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1882.) The Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed at Cromer itself is mainly of estuarine origin, and yields therefore only drift- wood and cones of Scotch and Spruce Firs. About three-quarters of a mile north-west of Cromer black mud belonging to the lower part of the Forest-bed is full of aquatic plants. The species are :— Ranunculus aquatilis, Potamogeton prelongus. Myriophyllum spicatum. Eriophorum angustifolium. Potamogeton lucens. A full list of plants from the Cromer Forest-bed of all localities will be found in the Table, p. 171. CROSSNESS, ESSEX. (Spurrell, ‘On the Estuary of the Thames and its Alluvium,’ Proc. Geol. Assoc. Vol. X1., pp. 210-230. 1889.) Two beds of peat or ‘ submerged forest’ are here met with beneath the estuarine deposits of the Thames and underlying the Roman layer. The deposits are synchronous with those at Tilbury and at the Albert Dock. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 65 (L.—Lower Peat. U.—Upper Peat.) Ranunculus sceleratus L. Sambucus nigra » LU. —— repens . L.U. Viburnum Opulus L.U, Oxalis Acetosella U. Fraxinus excelsior L.U. Ilex Aquifolium L.U. Polygonum Hydropiper L. Acer campestre L.U. Mercurialis perennis . L.U. Prunus communis L.U. Betula alba L. U. domestica u. Alnus glutinosa. Le Us Avium L.U. Corylus Avellana L.U. Rubus fruticosus L.U. Quercus Robur. L. U. Rosa : . LU. Salix ‘ . U. *Pyrus communis L.U. Taxus baccata . » HU: Crategus Oxyacantha L.U. Iris Pseudacorus U. Hippuris Vulgaris. U. Sparganium ramosum_ L. U. CEnanthePhellandrium vu. Scirpus lacustris » TL Hedera Helix L.U. Phragmitescommunis L.U. Cornus sanguinea L.U. DEUBEN, SAXONY. (Nathorst, ‘Die Entdeckung einer fossilen Glacialflora in Sachsen, am dussersten Rande des nordischen Dilu- viums, Kong. Vetenskaps-Akad. Forh., 1894, pp. 519-544.) Arctic plants are here found nearly as far south as Lat 50°. The species recorded are :— Batrachium confervoides (?). Polygonum viviparum. Stellaria graminea (?). Salix herbacea. Saxifraga oppostifolia. —— retusa. — Hirculus. —— myrtilloides. ——-— aizoides. arbuscula (?). DRONACHY, FIFE. (Bennie, ‘ Arctic Plant-beds in Scotland,’ Az. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1896, pp. 53-56.) Lacustrine deposits, like those of Hailes and Corstor- phine, were laid open during the construction of a new * Determined by Prof. Marshall Ward from wood. F 66 Origin of the British Flora. railway about half a mile from Auchtertool. The plants sent to me by Mr. Bennie were :— Thalictrum flavum (?). Salix polaris. Ranunculus aquatilis. reticulata. Viola palustris (?). Empetrum nigrum. Hippuris vulgaris. Potamogeton, 2 sp. CEnanthe. Eleocharis palustris. Menyanthes trifoliata. Scirpus pauciflorus. Betula nana. fluitans (?). Salix herbacea. Carex, 2 sp. DROPE, GLAMORGAN. My colleague Mr. Cantrill has obtained some seeds and freshwater shells from beds of peat and marl in a railway cutting near Cardiff. There is nothing character- istic among the fossils, though the assemblage and the relations of the deposits both suggest the Neolithic period. Viola palustris (?). Potamogeton hetero- Hippuris vulgaris. phyllus (?). Menyanthes trifoliata. Potamogeton natans. Betula alba. Carex. Juncus (?) Chara. DURSLEY, GLOUCESTER. The calcareous tufa used for building is full of Jeaves ; but, as the tufa is still forming, it, is difficult at present to date the different parts of the sheet. Leaves of Hazel, Elm, and Hartstongue were found by Miss M. A. Reid and myself. ELIE, FIFE. (Bennie and Scott,‘The Ancient Lake of Elie, Proc R. Phys. Soc, Edinburgh, Vol. XII, pp. 148-170. 1893.) The occurrence of bones of Sheep and Rabbit, with capsules of Flax and seeds of Fool’s Parsley, suggests that Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 67 the lacustrine deposit of Elie is not older than the Neolithic period. The flowering plants are :-— Ranunculus aquatilis. Valeriana officinalis, Flammula. Cnicus lanceolatus. repens. Menyanthes trifoliata. Viola (?). Ajuga reptans. Lychnis alba. Atriplex patula. diurna (?). Polygonum Persicaria. Stellaria media. Corylus Avellana. Linum. Iris Pseudacorus. Rubus Idzus. Potamogeton. Potentilla Tormentilla. Carex, several species, Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Phragmites (?). Ethusa Cynapium. Chara. ENDSLEIGH STREET, LONDON. (Hicks, ‘On the Discovery of Mammoth and other Remains in Endsleigh Street... Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, Vol. XLVIIL., pp. 453-468. 1892.) A clayey loam containing bones of Mammoth and numerous seeds, fills the lower part of a hollow eroded in the London Clay. From its position at the base of the Drift, and its resemblance to other deposits in the neighbourhood of London, it is most probably Interglacial, though newer than the boulder-clay of Middlesex. Ranunculus aquatilis. Rumex obtusifolius. sceleratus. Luzula (?) maxima (?). repens, Potamogeton obtusifolius. Stellaria media. — crispus. Geranium. Zannichellia palustris, Potentilla Tormentilla. Eleocharis palustris. Hippuris vulgaris. Carex dioica. Myriophyllum spicatum. — 2 Sp. Polygonum aviculare. Chara. Persicaria. FAHRENKRUG IN HOLSTEIN. (Weber, ‘ Ueber die diluviale Flora von Fahrenkrug in Holstein, Exgler’s Bot. Jahrb., Beiblatt 43. 1893.) 68 Origin of the British Flora. The deposits described are apparently of Interglacial date. Like those of Lauenburg and Klinge, they yield seeds of Brasenia purpurea, a plant which has not yet been found fossil in Britain. Its recent range is very wide, though it does not include any part of Europe. Nuphar luteum. Nymphea alba. Brasenia purpurea. Tilia platyphyllos. Acer campestre. Vaccinium uliginosum. Oxycoccus. Fraxinus. Menyanthes trifoliata. Myrica Gale. Betula. Alnus. Quercus sessiliflora. Corylus Avellana. Fagus sylvatica. Salix aurita. —— cinerea. Ceratophyllum submersum. demersum. Taxus baccata. Pinus sylvestris. Picea excelsa. Stratiotes aloides. Typha. Potamogeton natans. Najas major. Scirpus lacustris. sp. Eriophorum vaginatum. angustifolium (?). Carex echinata. — Goodenoughii (?). Phragmites communis. Aira cespitosa (?). FASKINE, LANARK. (Bennie, ‘On the occurrence of Peat with Arctic Plants in Boulder Clay at Faskine, near Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. X., pp. 148-152. 1895.) The Boulder Clay here contains masses of transported peat full of moss and leaves of Arctic willows. Though here provisionally classed as Interglacial, they may per- haps be of the same date as the Late Glacial deposits of Hailes and Corstorphine. Viola palustris. Stellaria. Potentilla (?). Hippuris vulgaris. Salix herbage, Sedges—3 or 4 species. Isoetes lacustris. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 69 FENLAND. _ (Skertchly, ‘Geology of the Fenland,’ p. 320, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1877; Miller and Skertchly, ‘The Fenland past and present,’ p. 341. 1878.) The peat and ‘submerged forests’ of the Fenland yield numerous remains of trees. The following list of the plants was compiled by Mr. A. Bell, but I have not seen the specimens, and cannot trace the authorities for some of the species. Betula nana is unrecorded elsewhere in deposits of so recent a date. Fraxinus. Salix Caprea. Ulmus. repens. Betula alba. Taxus baccata. —-—- nana. Pinus sylvestris. Quercus Robur. Juncus aquaticus. Fagus sylvatica. Lastrea. FILLYSIDE, NEAR EDINBURGH. (Bennie, ‘The Raised Sea-Bottom of Fillyside.’ Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. X1., pp. 215-237. 1892.) Some drifted seeds occur associated with the marine shells, The deposit is here classed provisionally as Neo- lithic, for the fauna and flora consists entirely of recent British forms, without the Arctic species found in the Clyde Beds. Ranunculus Flammula. Taraxacum officinale. repens. Stachys palustris. Viola. Ajuga reptans. Lychnis diurna (?). Atriplex patula. Stellaria media. Rumex. Montia fontana. Mercurialis perennis. Rubus Idzus. Alnus glutinosa. Sambucus nigra. Carex. 70 Origin of the British Flora. GARVEL PARK, GREENOCK. (Robertson, ‘On the Post-tertiary Beds of Garvel Park, Greenock.’ Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol VIL, pp. 1-37. 1881.) : Marine clays belonging to the Clyde Beds contain a ssub-Arctic fauna, and are therefore classed as Late Glacial; they ought, perhaps, to be included in the Neolithic series, for dug-out canoes are stated to have been found at some places in these clays. The plants from Garvel Park sent to me by Mr. Thomas Scott do not suggest an Arctic climate, such as is apparently indicated by the marine fauna. Ranunculus repens. Bartsia Odontites. Lychnis Flos-cuculi. Atriplex patula. Rubus Idzeus. Rumex crispus. CEnanthe Lachenaiii. Sparganium ramosum (?). Taraxacum officinale. Isoetes lacustris. GAYFIELD, EDINBURGH. From a peaty deposit Mr. James Bennie has recently obtained a number of leaves and seeds. At this locality, as at Hailes, two different plant-beds are apparently repre- sented. The three Arctic Willows suggest a climate like that of the North Cape; the Hawthorn and Wild-Cherry. point to a climate as mild as that now possessed by the Scottish Lowlands. Ranunculus aquatilis. Atriplex (?). repens. Polygonum Persicaria. Viola palustris. Salix polaris. Prunus Avium. herbacea. Rubus Ideus. reticulata. Crateegus Oxyacantha. Potamogeton crispus. Myriophyllum. sp. Carduus, Carex. Sonchus arvensis. Phragmites. | Menyanthes trifoliata. Isoetes. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 71 GRAYS, ESSEX. (Tylor, ‘On Quarternary Gravels, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. XXV., p. 83. 1869; Reid, ‘Pleistocene Plants from Casewick, Shacklewell, and Grays, 2¢d. Vol. LIIL., Pp. 464. 1897.) The plants collected by Prestwich occur associated with or below the remains of Mammoth and Corbicula fluminalis. They point distinctly to a temperate climate and mild winters, for the Ivy is extremely sensitive to winter cold. Both the character of the flora and the position of the deposit suggest correlation with the temperate plant-beds of Hoxne, which lie between the Boulder Clay and the deposit with Arctic species. Ranunculus repens. Populus canescens (?). Rubus fruticosus. Salix sp. Rosa. Potamogeton. Hedera Helix. Cyperus (?). Ulmus (?). Phragmites (?). Alnus glutinosa. Grass nodes. Quercus Robur, var. sessiliflora. Equisetum. Corylus Avellana. GREENOCK (ROXBURGH ST.). From the Clyde Beds (Late Glacial or Neolithic) Mr. Thomas Scott obtained the following species :— Potentilla Tormentilla (?). Carex. Taraxacum officinale. *Anthoxanthum odoratum. Thymus Serpyllum. *Poa trivialis. Atriplex patula. GRUNENTHAL, HOLSTEIN. Weber, Neues Jahrb. Mineralogie, Geologie .... 1891, Vol. IL, pp. 62-85, 228-230; and 1893, Vol. I. pp. 94-96.) * These I think are recent specimens; they are not in the same state of preservation as the others, and are therefore omitted in the summary. It is extremely difficult to prevent the adherence of light grass-seeds when removing lumps of clay. 92 Origin of the British Flora. The cuttings for the North Sea Canal showed silted-up channels with Pleistocene plants. One at Beldorf exposed a trough cut in the boulder-clay, filled with deposits yielding temperate plants, at the top of which occurred a layer with Betula nana, the whole being levelled up and hidden by recent peat. This intercalation of a temperate flora be- tween the boulder-clay and an Arctic plant-bed agrees with the succession found at Hoxne in Suffolk. Another channel at Grossen-Bornholt is apparently of the same date. The plants occur in several different beds, full details being given in Dr. Weber's papers. Ranunculus. Nuphar luteum. Nymphea alba. Brasenia purpurea. Tilia platyphyllos. Ilex aquifolium. Acer. Prunus Avium. Hippurus vulgaris. Myriophyllum spicatum. Trapa natans. Galium uliginosum. Vaccinium Vitis-Idza. — Myrtillus. Andromeda Polifolia. Fraxinus excelsior (?). Menyanthes trifoliata. Betula alba. nana. Alnus glutinosa. Carpinus Betulus. Corylus Avellana. Quercus Robur. Salix pentandra (?). Caprea. Ceratophyllum demersum. Juniperus communis. Picea excelsa. Pinus sylvestris. Stratiotes aloides. Typha. Potamogeton natans. Najas flexilis. Eriophorum. Carex panicea. Holcus. Phragmites. HAILES, NEAR EDINBURGH. (J. Geikie, ‘Great Ice Age, 3rd edit., p. 99. 1894; Bennie, ‘Arctic Plants in the old Lake Deposits of Scot- ‘land, Ann, Scottish Nat. Hist., 1894, pp. 46-52.) Two plant-bearing deposits are found at this spot. The lower one rests immediately on the Boulder Clay and Deposits containing Fossil Plants. Fee yields Arctic plants in the hollows between the boulders, the species sent to me by Mr. Bennie being :— Thalictrum minus (?). Ranunculus aquatilis, repens, Viola palustris. Lychnis diurna. Stellaria media. Oxalis Acetosella. Hippuris vulgaris. Taraxacum officinale. Andromeda Polifolia. Menyanthes trifoliata. Stachys palustris, Ajuga reptans. Polygonum aviculare. Alnus glutinosa. Salix herbacea. polaris. reticulata, Empetrum nigrum. Eleocharis palustris. Scirpus pauciflorus. Isoetes lacustris. The newer deposit, resting immediately upon this Arctic plant-bed, contains Temperate species, among which will be observed various plants usually considered to be only present in this country as weeds of cultivation. The species collected by Mr. Bennie are as follows :-— Ranunculus aquatilis. Flammula. —— Lingua (?). repens. Caltha palustris. Viola palustris. Lychnis diurna. — Flos-cuculi. Stellaria media. uliginosa. Montia fontana. Linum. Oxalis Acetosella. Prunus spinosa. Padus. Spireea Ulmaria. Rubus Idzus. fruticosus. Potentilla Tormentilla (?). Comarum. Crategus Oxyacantha. Hippuris vulgaris. Aéthusa Cynapium. Sambucus nigra. Valeriana officinalis. Chrysanthemum segetum. Matricaria inodora. Cnicus palustris. Lapsana communis. Menyanthes trifoliata. Pedicularis palustris. Lycopus europzeus. Stachys palustris. Galeopsis Tetrahit. Ajuga reptans. Atriplex patula. Polygonum Persicaria. Rumex crispus. Mercurialis perennis. Betula alba. Alnus glutinosa. Corylus Avellana. 74 Origin of the British Flora. Quercus Robur. Scirpus lacustris. Pinus sylvestris. Carex dioica. Potamogeton heterophyllus. echinata. perfoliatus. ——-— canescens. pusillus. — flava. Eleocharis palustris. Isoetes lacustris. Scirpus pauciflorus. Chara. setaceus. HAPPISBURGH, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Geology of Cromer,’ Mem. Geol. Survey, 1882; Reid, ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain,” Mem. Geol. Survey, 1890.) Slabs of clay-ironstone full of leaves and twigs are thrown up by storms at this spot. They belong to the lower part of the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed. This locality is the only one where determinable Preglacial Zeaves are found in any quantity. Cornus sanguinea. Fagus sylvatica. Ulmus. Salix, 2 sp. Betula alba. Pinus sylvestris. Alnus glutinosa. Picea excelsa (cone). Quercus Robur. HITCHIN, HERTFORDSHIRE. (Reid, ‘The Paleolithic Deposits at Hitchin and their Relation to-the Glacial Epoch,’ Proc. Royal Soc., Vol. LXI., Pp. 40-49. 1897.) The plant-bearing deposits rest in a hollow eroded in the Glacial beds, underlie brick-earth with Palzolithic implements, and apparently correspond with the Inter- glacial deposits at Hoxne, though the overlying stratum with Arctic plants has not been discovered at Hitchin. Ranunculus aquatilis. Montia fontana. sceleratus. Prunus spinosa. repens. Poterium officinale. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 75 Pyrus torminalis (?). Hippuris vulgaris. Myriophyllum. Cornus sanguinea. Sambucus nigra. Eupatorium cannabinum. Fraxinus excelsior. Menyanthes trifoliata. Lycopus europzus. Ajuga reptans. Alnus glutinosa. Quercus Robur. Ceratophyllum demersum. Sparganium. Potamogeton crispus. 2 sp. Najas marina. Scirpus lacustris. sp. Carex. HOLMPTON, YORKSHIRE. (Reid, ‘Geology of Holderness,’ p. 85, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1885.) A hollow in boulder-clay, filled with peaty loam, contains freshwater shells, and leaves of Betula nana, it is classed therefore as Late Glacial. HONERDINGEN, HANOVER. (Weber, ‘ Ueber die fossile Flora von Honerdingen und das nordwestdeutsche Bremen. Vol. X1III., pp. 413-468. Diluvium, Ads. Naturw. Ver. 1896.) The deposits are considered by Dr. Carl Weber to be of Interglacial date. He compares them with those of Fahrenkrug, Griinenthal, Klinge, and Lauenburg. The occurrence of Platanus, Juglans, and Najas flexiles is noticeable. Thalictrum flavum. Ranunculus Lingua. Nuphar luteum. Nymphea alba. Tilia platyphyllos. parvifolia. intermedia. Ilex Aquifolium. Rhamnus Frangula. Acer platanoides. Rubus Ideus. Hippuris vulgaris. Cornus sanguinea. Fraxinus excelsior. Menyanthes trifoliata. Myrica Gale. Betula pubescens. ——-~ alba (?). Alnus glutinosa. Carpinus Betulus. 76 Origin of the British Flora. Corylus Avellana. Potamogeton compressa. Quercus sessiliflora. ——- obtusifolia. Fagus sylvatica. —-———-- pusilla. Salix. ——_——- rutila. Populus tremula. —___—_-. cf. trichoides. Platanus (?). — marina. Najas major. — flexilis. Scirpus lacustris. Eriophorum vaginatum (?). Carex acuta (?). — cf. acutiformis. — rostrata. Phragmites communis. Taxus baccata. Juniperus communis. Pinus sylvestris. Abies pectinata. Juglans regia (?). Empetrum nigrum. Ceratophyllum submersum. demersum. Typha. Sparganium minimum. — simplex. Potamogeton natans. ———- cf. polygoni- folia. Potamogeton rufescens. — cf, colorata. ———_--—— _ graminea. Picea excelsa. ——_———- cf. prelonga. Equisetum palustre. — perfoliata. Polystichum cf. Thelypteris. ———_- ——- crispa. HORNSEA, YORKSHIRE. (Phillips, ‘Geology of Yorkshire, 3rd edit. Part I., pp. 75-79. 1875; Reid, ‘Geology of Holderness, Mem. Geol. Survey, pp. 79-83. 1885.) Peaty mud fills a valley cut through the Glacial deposits. It contains Mammoth (?), Irish Elk, Lion, and Bos primigenius (?). The mollusca and plants are all recent British forms. Prunus Padus. Alnus glutinosa. Quercus Robur. Pinus sylvestris. Potamogeton. Chara. Salix. The stratigraphical position of this deposit and its resem- blance to other ‘Submerged forests’ suggest a Neolithie or Late Glacial Age. The occurrence of the Mammoth, Lion, Deposits containing Fossil Plants. oe and Bos primigenius —if these were really obtained from it—point, on the other hand, to an earlier period. HOXNE, SUFFOLK. (‘Report of the Committee on the Relation of Palzo- lithic Man to the Glacial Epoch, Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1896, pp. 400-415, 1897.) Ancient Alluvial deposits fill a channel newer than, and eroded through, the chalky boulder-clay, but independent ofthe existing valley system. Several plant-bearing zones are seen in direct superposition, A being the most recent :— A, B.—Brick-earth and gravel with Paleolithic implements freshwater shells and bones of Elephant. Alnus (?). Potamogeton. Chara. C.—Black earth, with freshwater shells, leaves and seeds of Arctic plants. Ranunculus aquatilis. sceleratus. repens [deriv- : ative (?)]. Caltha palustris. Viola palustris. Stellaria media. Montia fontana. Rhamnus Frangula [worn and derivative]. Rubus Idzeus. Poterium officinale. Hippuris vulgaris. Myriophyllum spicatum. QEnanthe Phellandrium. Sambucus nigra [deriv- ative ]. Eupatorium cannabinum. Bidens tripartita. Taraxacum officinale. Menyanthes trifoliata. Lycopus europzeus. Ajuga reptans. Rumex maritimus. crispus (?). Urtica dioica (?) [one seed]. Betula nana. Alnus glutinosa [perhaps derivative ]. Carpinus Betulus [deriv- ative]. Salix myrsinites. herbacea. polaris. Ceratophyllum demersum. Taxus baccata [ deriv- ative]. Sparganium ramosum. Alisma Plantago. Potamogeton rufescens. -——— crispus. 78 Potamogeton pusillus. Origin of the British Flora. Scirpus lacustris. trichoides. Blysmus rufus. —— pectinatus. Carex incurva (?). Scirpus pauciflorus. Chara. setaceus. D.—Lignite with Temperate plants. Ranunculus aquatilis. Rumex Acetosella (?). sceleratus. Urtica dioica (?). ———— Lingua. Alnus glutinosa. — cf. repens. Carpinus Betulus. Montia fontana. Rhamnus Frangula. Rubus Idzeus. Rosa canina. Pyrus torminalis (?). Cénanthe Phellandrium. Sambucus nigra. Eupatorium cannabinum. Eleocharis acicularis. Bidens tripartita. Scirpus pauciflorus. -—————. var. with - setaceus four equal awns. lacustris Mentha aquatica. Blysmus rufus. Lycopus europeeus. Eriophorumangustifolium. Corylus Avellana. Ceratophyllum demersum.. Taxus baccata. Sparganium ramosum. Alisma Plantago. Potamogeton pusillus. -—— trichoides. Stachys (?). Carex distans (?). Rumex maritimus. ampullacea (?). crispus. E.—Clay with freshwater shells, fish-bones, and Temperate plants. Ranunculus Lingua. -—— repens. Rubus Idzus. Hippuris vulgaris. Rumex maritimus. Alnus glutinosa, Ceratophyllum demersum. Sparganium ramosum. Potamogeton trichoides. Zannichellia palustris. Scirpus lacustris. Carex. As beds D and E, containing a temperate flora, lie above the Glacial deposits and below loam with Arctic plants, they are classed as Interglacial. Bed C, containing Arctic plants, is newer than the boulder-clays of Suffolk, and is therefore called Late Glacial. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 79 IRELAND (120 miles west of Dublin). (Reid, ‘The Origin of Megaceros-marl, Jrisk Natu- valist, May, 1895.) A sample of the marl which yields the skeletons of the Irish elk was sent to me by Mr. W. Williams of Dublin. The exact locality was not stated. The deposit is a Chara-marl full of seeds of Pond-weeds, with a few other plants. Ranunculus aquatilis. Eleocharis palustris. Myriophyllum spicatum. Carex (?). Littorella lacustris. Scirpus (?). Potamogeton crispus. Chara (several species). prelongus. The exact date of these marls is still uncertain, for the associated deposits have not yet been properly examined. Above similar Megaceros-marls at Ballaugh in the Isle of. Man is found peat with Salix herbacea. No fossil Arctic plants have yet been found in Ireland, and the deposit is therefore provisionally classed with the Neolithic peat- mosses. KELSEY HILL, YORKSHIRE. (Reid, ‘Geology of Holderness, pp. 74, 75. Mem. Geol. Survey. 1885.) Peaty clay caps an isolated sand-hill rising about 40 feet above the Humber marsh. The plants are :— Ranunculus aquatilis. Phragmites. Potamogeton. The exact age of the deposit is doubtful; for, though provisionally classed as Neolithic, it may be Late Glacial. KILMAURS, AYRSHIRE. (Bennie, ‘Note on the Contents of Two Bits of Clay from the Elephant Bed at Kilmaurs in 1817, Proc. R. 80 Origin of the British Flora. Phys. Soc., Edinburgh, 1885, pp. 451-459; Craig, ‘On the Post-Pliocene Beds of the Irvine Valley, Kilmaurs, and Dreghorn Districts, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1887, pp. 213-226.) The deposits occur beneath Boulder Clay, they yield remains of Mammoth and of the following species of plants :— Ranunculus aquatilis. *Potamogeton Zizii or Potentilla (?). heterophyllus. Hippuris vulgaris. Zannichellia palustris. Myriophyllum spicatum. Chara. *Potamogeton rufescens (?). Isoetes lacustris. Kirk MICHAEL, ISLE OF MAN. (Lamplugh, Annual Rep. Geol. Survey for 1895, p. 13.) The plants occur in a peaty layer at a depth of 15 feet. They probably belong to the same period as the upper beds at Ballaugh, and the Arctic plant-beds near Edinburgh. Ranunculus aquatilis. Salix herbacea. Viola palustris. Potamogeton. Potentilla Comarum. Eleocharis palustris. Hippuris vulgaris. tCarex alpina. Menyanthes trifoliata. ——— sp. KIRMINGTON, NORTH LINCOLNSHIRE. (Reid, ‘Geology of Holderness, pp. 58, 59, 69, 70, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1885.) Estuarine warp, peat, and shingle occur at a height of about 80 feet above thé sea. The peat is a mass of the common Reed, among which I could find no other plants. The warp contained :-— Scirpus fluitans. Phragmites communis. * Determined by Mr. A. Bennett. t Determined by Mr. C. B. Clarke. Deposits contarning Fossil Plants. 81 Apparently a littoral deposit of the same date as the Interglacial marine gravels which occupy the lower grounds, and lie between two boulder-clays. KLINGE BEI COTTBUS, PRUSSIA. (Nehring, ‘ Ueber Wirbelthier-Reste von Klinge, Neues Jahrb. fiir Mineralogie, 1895, pp. 183-208 ; Nehring, ‘ Ueber Elephas-Molaren, aus dem diluvialen Torflager von Klinge bei Cottbus,’ Gesellsch. naturf. Freunde, 20th Oct., 1896.) The deposit is probably of Interglacial date. The plants are associated with remains of Mammoth, Rhinoceros, Horse, Reindeer, and a species of Megaceros closely allied to the Irish Elk. The determination of the plants is mainly due to Dr. C. Weber. Thalictrum flavum. Salix aurita. Nuphar luteum. — cinerea. Nymphea alba. —— repens. Brasenia ovulum. Caprea (?). Tilia platyphyllos (?). Populus tremula. Ilex aquifolium. Ceratophyllum submersum. Acer campestre. ~ demersum. Comarum palustre. Taxus baccata. Hippuris vulgaris. Pinus sylvestris. Myriophyllum. Picea excelsa. Galium palustre (?). Stratiotes aloides. Vaccinium Oxycoccos. Echinodorusranunculoides(?). Menyanthes trifoliata. Potamogeton natans. Betula verucosa. Najas marina. — odorata. Scirpus lacustris. Alnus. pauciflorus (?). Carpinus Betulus. Cladium Mariscus. Corylus Avellana. Carex, several sp. Quercus. Polysticum Thelypteris. LAUENBURG AN DER ELBE. (Keilhack, ‘Ueber ein interglaciales Torflager im Diluvium von Lauenburg an der Elbe,’ /akré. der k. preuss. geolog. Landesanstalt fir 1884. Berlin, 1885; Nathorst, G 82 Origin of the British Flora. «Eine Probe aus dem Torflager bei Lauenburg an der Elbe, Waturwissensch, Wochenschrift, 4th Nov., 1894.) The exact relation of this peat to the Glacial deposits is not clear, and Professor Nathorst suggests that more than one plant-bed is represented. The occurrence of Brasenia suggests an Interglacial date. Nymphea alba. Lycopus europeus. Brasenia purpurea. ~ Ulmus. Corydalis fabacea. Alnus glutinosa. Viola. Carpinus Betulus. Arenaria trinervia. Corylus Avellana. Tilia platyphyllos. Quercus Robur. Geranium columbinum. Salix aurita (?). Rhamnus Frangula. Salix repens. Acer platanoides. Pinus sylvestris. Trapa natans. Picea vulgaris. Cornus sanguinea. Larix europza. Viburnum Opulus (?). Iris Pseudacorus. Lysimachia Nummularia (?). Sparganium. Vaccinium Oxycoccos. Potamogeton. Fraxinus excelsior. Carex Pseudo-cyperus, Menanythes trifoliata. MUNDESLEY, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘ Geology of the Country around Cromer, pp. 36, 37, 83, 84, 118, 119, and folding plate, Wem. Geol. Survey, 1882; also ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain,’ pp. 166-169. 2bid@. 1890.) At this locality three different plant-bearing deposits are represented. The oldest is Preglacial, and belongs to the Cromer Forest-bed, which is here divisible into an upper and a lower freshwater deposit, between which is a mass of estuarine gravel. The lower freshwater bed consists of laminated peat, full of fruits of Zrapa natans, but containing little else. The middle or Estuarine divi- sion, contains bones of extinct mammals, much drift-wood,, and cones of Pinus sylvestris and Picea excelsa. The: Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 83 upper freshwater bed is a thin seam of lacustrine clay, full of seeds of aquatic and marsh plants. The flora of this deposit is so uniform at most of the localities, that it is needless to repeat the list. Above the Forest-bed lies an Early Glacial flood-loam or loess-like deposit containing bones of a Spermophilus and leaves and seeds of Arctic plants, the species being :— Hippuris vulgaris. Salix polaris. Still higher, and cutting through the boulder clay, is seen an old river channel, subsequently silted-up with Alluvial mud containing remains of the water-tortoise (Emys lutaria), shells of Hydrobia marginata, and plants, the species observed being Muphar luteum, Ceratophyllum demersum, and Salix. This deposit is probably equivalent to beds D and E at Hoxne, and is here provisionally classed as Interglacial. NORTHAMPTON. An Alluvial deposit of uncertain age yields the following plants, sent to me by Mr. H. N. Dixon:— Nuphar luteum. Polygonum. Stellaria media. Mercurialis perennis. Prunus spinosa. Alnus. Padus. Corylus Avellana. Sambucus nigra. Quercus Robur. OSTEND, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer,’ pp. 41-43, 62-65, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1882; ‘ Pliocene Deposits of Britain,’ pp. 171, 195, zdzd. 1890.) Two distinct plant-bearing deposits are here repre- sented. The older belongs to the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed, and contains cones of Picea excelsa and fruits of Tvrapa natans. The newer is Early Glacial, contains 84 Origin of the British Flora. Arctic plants, and corresponds to the similar deposit at Mundesley, Salix polaris being abundant. The older deposit yields :— Thalictrum flavum. Alnus glutinosa. Ranunculus aquatilis. Corylus Avellana. Hippuris vulgaris. Quercus Robur. Trapa natans. Taxus baccata. Cornus sanguinea. Pinus sylvestris. Menyanthes trifoliata. Picea excelsa. Rumex maritimus. The Early Glacial bed contains :— Hippuris vulgaris. Potamogeton. Betula nana. Carex. Salix polaris. OVERSTRAND, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer,’ and ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1882 and 1890.) At this locality the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed is full of drift-wood and fir-cones, and its upper, freshwater division contains seeds of Crvategus Oxyacantha—a plant unknown elsewhere in Preglacial deposits. The other plants are all common to several localities and the list need not be repeated. OVERTOUN, NEAR BEITH, AYRSHIRE. (Craig, Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, Vol. IV., p. 145.) Hazel nuts are here said to occur between two masses of till. OXFORD. (A. M. Bell, ‘On the Pleistocene Gravel at Wolvercote, near Oxford,’ Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1894, p. 663.) A Pleistocene alluvial deposit at Wolvercote, near Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 85 Oxford,.shown to me by the late Professor A. H. Green, yields the following species of plants :— Ranunculus aquatilis. Heracleum Sphondylium. sceleratus. Potamogeton. repens. Eleocharis palustris. Potentilla Tormentilla. Scirpus lacustris. Viola. Hippuris vulgaris. Carex rostrata. This plant-bed lies above a deposit with bones of Bison and Palzolithic implements, and is of uncertain age. PAKEFIELD, SUFFOLK. (Reid, ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain,” pp. 177-179. Mem. Geol. Survey. 1890.) A silted-up channel belonging to the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed occurs at about two huridred yards south of the Lighthouse Gap. It has yielded about fifty species of flowering plants, among which are a few dry-soil species unknown elsewhere in deposits of this date. The plants are :— Thalictrum flavum. Ranunculus aquatilis. sceleratus. repens, Nuphar luteum. Viola palustris. Hypericum quadrangulum. Acer campestre. Prunus spinosa. Spireea Ulmaria. Rubus fruticdsus. Potentilla. Pyrus Aria. Trapa natans. Myriophyllum spicatum. Hydrocotyle vulgaris. CEnanthe Lachenalii. Phellandrium. Heracleum Sphondylium. Cornus sanguinea. Bidens tripartita. Lapsana communis. Picris hieracioides. Mentha aquatica. Lycopus europeus. Atriplex patula. Polygonum Persicaria. Rumex maritimus. sp. Euphorbia amygdaloides. Betula alba. Alnus glutinosa. Carpinus Betulus. Corylus Avellana. Quercus Robur. Ceratophyllum demersum. 86 Origin of the British Flora. Taxus baccata. Najas minor. Sparganium ramosum. Eleocharis palustris (?). Alisma Plantago. Scirpus pauciflorus. -Potamogeton lucens. lacustris. ——_— trichoides. Carex remota. Zannichellia palustris. ——- paludosa (?). pedunculata. —--— riparia. Najas marina. Phragmites communis. PARKSTONE, DORSET. (Reid, ‘On Charred Pine-wood from Dorset Peat Mosses, Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. Field Club, Vol. XVI, p. 14. 1895.) The bottom layers of a peat-moss here contain trunks and cones of Pinus sylvestris. REDHALL, NEAR EDINBURGH. (Henderson, ‘On some Sections of Boulder Clay, Peat, and Stratified Beds exposed in a Quarry recently opened at Redhall, Slateford, near Edinburgh. TJyvans. Geol. Soc., Edinburgh, Vol. IL, p.391. 1874; Geikie, ‘Great Ice Age,’ 3rd Edit., pp. 100, 101. 1894; Bennie and Scott, ‘The Ancient Lakes of Edinburgh, Proc. R. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh, Vol. X., pp. 126-154. 1889.) The Deposit at Redhall, like that of Cowden Glen, has been generally accepted as of Interglacial age. The many weeds of cultivation, capsules of Flax, and pieces of charcoal, that it contains can scarcely belong to any earlier period than the Neolithic. The flora closely corresponds with that of the upper bed at Hailes. Ranunculus aquatilis. Lychnis Flos-cuculi. ——— Flammula. Stellaria media. ——__—— Lingua. ——— uliginosa. —— repens. Spergula arvensis. Caltha palustris. Montia fontana. Fumaria officinalis. Hypericum quadrangulum. elodes. Viola palustris. Lychnis diurna. Linum. Deposits contarning Fossit Plants. 87 Oxalis Acetosella. Prunus. Spirea Ulmaria. Rubus Idzus. - fruticosus. Potentilla Tormentilla. —— Comarum. Alchemilla arvensis. Poterium officinale. Rosa canina ‘?). Crategus Oxyacantha. Sambucus nigra. Valeriana officinalis. Eupatorium canabinum. Bidens cernua. Crysanthemum segetum. Matricaria inodora. Tussilago Farfara. Senecio sylvaticus. Cnicus lanceolatus. - palustris. Centaurea Cyanus, Lapsana communis. Crepis virens. Leontodon autumnalis. Taraxacum officinale. Sonchus arvensis. Menyanthes trifoliata. Pedicularis palustris. Lycopus europzeus. Prunella vulgaris. Stachys palustris, Galeopsis Tetrahit. Ajuga reptans. Littorella lacustris. Atriplex patula. Polygonum aviculare. Persicaria. Rumex obtusifolius. crispus. Euphorbia Helioscopia. Alnus glutinosa. Quercus Robur. Pinus. Juncus glaucus (?). Sparganium ramosum. Alisma Plantago. Potamogeton perfoliatus. ——— pusillus. Eleocharis palustris. Scirpus pauciflorus. setaceus. Carex dioica. — echinata. ——-— canescens. ——- panicea. —~—- flava. * Holcus lanatus. Agrostis. * Poa trivialis. * Dactylus glomerata. SAND LE MEER, YORKSHIRE. (Reid, ‘Geology of Holderness, p. 84, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1885.) In a ‘submerged forest’ of the ordinary type, opposite the mouth of a small valley, the plants observed were :— Prunus Padus. Alnus glutinosa. Corylus Avellana. Quercus Robur. Salix. Juncus. Potamogeton. Carex. * Probably recent specimens. 88 Origin of the British Flora. SELSEY, SUSSEX. (Reid, ‘The Pleistocene Deposits of the Sussex Coast, and their Equivalents in Other Districts, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. XLVIIL, pp. 344-366. 1892.) Carbonaceous river-mud here overlies Glacial erratics and underlies the Paleolithic deposits. The river-mud is apparently of Interglacial date, and corresponds closely in position and fossil contents with the strata found at West Wittering and Stone. The plant-remains consist of drifted seeds, Acer monspessulanum giving a southern aspect to the flora :— Acer monspessulanum. Atriplex patula. Prunus Avium. Polygonum aviculare. Padus. Quercus Robur. Rubus fruticosus. Zannichellia palustris. Rosa. Scirpus pauciflorus (?). Ajuga reptans. Carex distans (?). SHACKLEWELL, MIDDLESEX. (Prestwich, ‘On a Fossiliferous Deposit in the Gravel at West Hackney, Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. XI, p. 107. 1885; Reid, ‘Pleistocene Plants from Casewick, Shacklewell and Grays. Jo¢d. Vol LIIL., pp. 463, 464. 1897.) Peaty clay is found beneath 8 or Io feet of gravel. Though none but British species of Mollusca or plants have yet been discovered, the geology suggests a con- siderable antiquity. The plants are Temperate species :— Ranunculus repens. Lycopus europeus. Rubus Idzus. Alnus glutinosa. Rosa. Quercus Robur. Eupatorium cannabinum. SIDESTRAND, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer.’ 1882; and ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain, Mem. Geol. Survey. 1890.) Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 89 The upper part of Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed is here a bed of blue lacustrine clay, full of freshwater shells and seeds of aquatic and marsh plants. Dry-soil species and forest trees are absent. Among the plants are Tvapa natans and Stratiotes aloides. SILCHESTER ROMAN STATION, HAMPSHIRE. (Hope and Fox, ‘ Excavations on the site of the Roman City at Silchester, Hants, in 1890-1897, Archeologia, Vols. L-LVIIL 1891-1898.) Some material sent to me in April of the present year (1899) by Mr. A. H. Lyell, from one of the excavations made to explore this station, contained a number of seeds which belong to the date of the Roman occupation. They do not include cultivated plants of any sort, with the doubtful exception of a single capsule of flax ; but among them are several weeds of cultivation, the seeds of which are small and starved, as though growing on exhausted land that for some years had been out of cultivation or occupation. Thalictrum flavum. Conopodium denudatum. Ranunculus Flammula. Aithus aCynapium. Lingua. Sambucus nigra. —_— repens. Galium. Sardous. Chrysanthemum Leucan- Caltha palustris. themum. Papaver Argemone. Mentha aquatica. Thlaspi arvense. Prunella vulgaris. Lychnis Flos-cuculi. Stachys arvensis. Stellaria media. Galeopsis Tetrahit. graminea. Atriplex. Hypericum perforatum. Polygonum Aviculare. Linum usitatissimum (?). Rumex conglomeratus. Spireea Ulmaria. Eleocharis acicularis. Rubus fruticosus. —- palustris. Potentilla Tormentilla. Carex. Alchemilla arvensis. go Origin of the British Flora. SOUTHAMPTON DOCKS. (Shore and Elwes, ‘The New Dock Excavation at Southampton, Proc. Hants Field Club for 1889, pp. 43-56.) A bed of peat and shell-marl beneath the sea-level yields Neolithic implements, and is said to contain Oak, Beech, Hazel, Birch, and Pine, besides decomposed remains of Scirpus lacustris, Carex, Myrica Gale, heaths, Péteres aguilina. A small sample given me by Mr. Whitaker contained seeds of :— Rubus Idzus. Corylus Avellana. Sambucus nigra. Scirpus maritimus (?). SOUTHELMHAM, SUFFOLK. (Candler, ‘Observations on some Undescribed Lacus- trine Deposits at Saint Cross, South Elmham, in Suffolk,’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, Vol. XLV., pp. 504-510. 1889.) The plant-bearing stratum yields bones of Elephant,. and probably agrees with the Interglacial beds D and E at Hoxne. It overlies the Boulder Clay, but is not overlain by any newer deposit. Thalictrum flavum. Ceratophyllum demersum. Ranunculus aquatilis. Stratiotes aloides. - - sceleratus. Alisma Plantago. —— --- Flammula. Potamogeton heterophyllus. Crategus Oxyacantha. - — perfoliatus. Hippuris vulgaris. —- crispus. Myriophyllum spicatum. §£=————- obtusifolius. Hydrocotyle vulgaris. _ trichoides. CEnanthe Phellandrium. Zannichellia palustris. Cnicus palustris (?). Scirpus pauciflorus. Taraxacum officinale. ceespitosus. Menyanthes trifoliata. fluitans, Lycopus europzus. lacustris. Rumex maritimus. Carex riparia. Alnus glutinosa. ——- rostrata. Deposits containing Fossil Plants. QI STOKE NEWINGTON, LONDON. (W. G. Smith, ‘Man the Primeval Savage,’ pp. 288, 289. 8vo, London, 1894.) The Paleolithic deposits here have yielded various plants ; but the specimens deposited in the British Museum by Mr. Worthington Smith are not at present available. He mentions :-— Clematis Vitalba. (Leaves.) Vitis vinifera. (Wood ; perhaps a recent specimen.) Rubus (?). (Fragments of stems, with thorns.) Ulmus. Betula. (Bark and wood.) Alnus glutinosa. (Leaves and catkins.) Corylus. Taxus. Pinus. Rushes, Sedges. ) Impressions. Grass. Aspidium Filex-mas. (Impressions of pinne.) Osmunda regalis. (Fronds and rhizomes.) STONE, HAMPSHIRE. (Reid, ‘A fossiliferous Pleistocene Deposit at Stone, on the Hampshire Coast,’ Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, Vol. XLIX., Pp. 325-328. 1893.) Carbonaceous river-mud here underlies the Palzolithic gravels. It is evidently equivalent to the Interglacial deposits of West Wittering and Selsey, and contains remains of Elephant and of the following plants :— Ranunculus sceleratus. Myriophyllum. repens. Caucalis nodosa. Arenaria peploides. Valeriana officinale. Acer monspessulanum. Mentha aquatica. Rubus fruticosus. Lycopus europzeus. Potentilla. Atriplex patula. Rosa. Polygonum aviculare. 92 Origin of the British Flora. Rumex. Zannichellia palustris. Urtica. Eliocharis acicularis. Quercus Robur. Scirpus lacustris. Sparganium. Carex riparia (?). Alisma Plantago. — rostrata. Potamogeton heterophyllus. — muricata. — trichoides, Phragmites, Ruppia maritima. SWEDEN. (Gunnar Andersson, ‘Svenska Vaxtvarldens Historia,’ 8vo, Stockholm, 1896; and ‘Geschichte der Vegetation Schwedens, Exglers Bot. Jahrb. Bd. XXII, pp. 434-550. 1806.) The extensive literature relating to Swedish Quaternary fossil plants has been brought together by Dr. Gunnar Andersson, who refers the deposits to the following five zones, all corresponding, apparently, with our late Glacial and Neolithic, no plant-bearing strata of Interglacial or of Preglacial date being yet known in Sweden. 5 Spruce Zone. 4 Oak Zone. 3 Pine Zone. 2 Birch Zone. 1 Dryas Zone. No. 1 corresponds in all probability with the Arctic plant-beds of Hailes, Corstorphine, and Gayfield. As Dr. Gunnar Andersson records no fewer than 133 species of flowering plants, the table is too long here to be reproduced ; but the range in Sweden, where it supple- ments the British records, is mentioned in the next Chapter under the heading of each species. TILBURY, ESSEX. (Spurrell, ‘On the Estuary of the Thames and its Alluvium,’ Proc. Geol. Assoc, Vol. XI., pp. 210-230. 1889.) Deposits contarming Fossil Plants. —93 The ‘ Submerged Forests’ met with during the excava- tion of Tilbury Docks apparently belong to the same period as those seen at Crossness and at the Albert Dock; they underlie a layer with Roman remains, but the small list of plants includes nothing characteristic of any par- ticular date :— Sambucus nigra. Quercus Robur sessiliflora. Betula alba. Sparganium ramosum. Alnus glutinosa. Carex. Corylus Avellana. Phragmites communis. TRIMINGHAM, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer,’ 1882 ; and ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain,’ Jem. Geol. Survey. 1890.) Good sections of the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed can be seen at the foot of the cliffs and on the foreshore at Trimingham. The Early Glacial freshwater deposits may also be represented there ; but I have not yet been able to find any of the characteristic Arctic plants in them. TWICKENHAM, MIDDLESEX. (Leeson & Laffan, ‘On the Geology of the Pleistocene Deposits in the Valley of the Thames at Twickenham. .... Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, Vol. L., pp. 453-462. 1894.) A small silted-up channel is here found beneath the Thames gravel. It is of interest as yielding mammals which perhaps point to a transition between the Paleo- lithic and Neolithic periods. The species are the Bison, Reindeer, Horse, and Bos longifrons. The plants include Galeopsis Tetrahit, usually a weed of cultivation; but there are no definite signs of cultivated plants or domesticated 94 Origin of the British Flora. animals. From the presence of Reindeer the deposit is classed as Late Glacial. Stellaria media. Potamogeton rufescens. Montia fontana. Zannichellia palustris. Heracleum Sphondylium. — Eleocharis palustris. Galeopsis Tetrahit. Scirpus lacustris. Atriplex. Carex panicea. Polygonum Persicaria. Phragmites. Rumex crispus. WEST RUNTON, NORFOLK. (Reid, ‘Geology of the Country around Cromer, 1882 ; and ‘Pliocene Deposits of Britain, MMJem. Geol. Survey. 1890.) The upper part of the Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed is here represented by a mass of peat filling a shallow channel. It is full of remains of animals and plants, but the latter are not usually well preserved, and have not yet been properly collected. They seem to include a some- what larger proportion of dry-soil species than is usually found in deposits of this age. WEST WITTERING, SUSSEX. (Reid, ‘The Pleistocene Deposits of the Sussex Coast. .. +. Quart. Journ, Geol. Soc, Vol. XLVIIL, pp. 344- 361. 1892.) The plant-bearing strata yield a Temperate flora, but’ contain at their base far-travelled erratic blocks, derived from an earlier glacial deposit, and are overlaid by brick- earth of Late Glacial date. The plant-bed corresponds with those at Selsey and Stone, and contains remains of Elephant, Rhinoceros, with some freshwater shells no longer living in Britain. Local conditions being excep- tionally favourable, the flora is unusually varied, fresh- water, estuarine, sea-coast, marsh, dry-soil, woodland, and Deposits containing Fossil Plants. 95 limestone species all being represented by their seeds, Leaves, except badly preserved fragments, are not found. The 94 species in the subjoined list were obtained by Mrs. Reid and myself by washing about two hundred- weight of the loamy sand. Only two of those determined are now extinct in Britain, though among the undetermined seeds are several well-marked forms, which do not belong to any living British plants, but cannot yet be identified. Najas minor and N. graminea are both southern forms, Acer monspessulanum, so common at Selsey on the east, and at Stone on the west, has not yet been found at West Wittering. The exotic species probably number nearly IO per cent.; but in the absence of good collections of ripe seeds their determination is very difficult. Thalictrum flavum. Ranunculus aquatilis. hederaceus, sceleratus. ———_—— Lingua. repens. bulbosus. ————— Sardous. parviflorus. Caltha palustris. Nuphar luteum. Nymphea alba. Chelidonium mayjus. Silene maritima. Lychnis diurna. — Flos-cuculi. Stellaria aquatica. — media. Holostea. Montia fontana. Hypericum perforatum. Ilex aquifolium. Rhamnus Frangula. quadrangulum. Prunus spinosa. Avium. Spirea Ulmaria. Rubus fruticosus. Potentilla Tormentilla. Alchemilla arvensis. Poterium officinale. Rosa. Hippuris vulgaris. Myriophyllum spicatum. Hydrocotyle vulgaris. Apium graveolens. nodiflorum. Chzrophyllum temulum. Anthriscus sylvestris. (Enanthe fistulosa. Phellandrium. Angelica sylvestris. Cornus Sanguinea. Sambucus nigra. Viburnum Opulus. — Lantana. Valerianella olitoria. Scabiosa succisa. 96 Origin of the Eupatorium cannabinium. Aster Tripolium. Senecio aquaticus. Cnicus lanceolatus. palustris. Lapsana communis. Hieracium Pilosella. Taraxacum (?). Glaux maritima. Menyanthes trifoliata. Solanum Dulcamera. Verbascum Thaspus. Mentha aquatica. Lycopus europeus. Stachys palustris. Ajuga reptans. Atriplex patula. Polygonum Persicaria. Rumex conglomeratus. obtusifolius. crispus. Mercurialis perennis. Betula alba. British Flora. Corylus Avellana. Quercus Robur. Salix cinerea. Ceratophyllum demersum. Sparganium ramosum. Alisma Plantago. Sagittaria sagittifolia. Potamogeton natans. —_—_. heterophyllus. — lucens (?). —— densus. —__ trichoides. Ruppia maritima. Zannichellia pedunculata. Najas minor. — graminea. Eleocharis acicularis. palustris. Scirpus lacustris. Carex muricata. —-—— distans. ———— rostrata. — riparia. WEYMOUTH. (Gepp, ‘Fossil Plant-remains in Peat,’ Journ. Botany, Vol. XXXIIL, pp. 180-182. 1895.) Cakes of compressed peat thrown up near Weymouth have yielded a few plants, among which is the white water- lily. The peat is apparently derived from the seaward edge of Lodmoor, which lies to the north-east of Weymouth. Its age is not earlier than Neolithic, and at present it is impossible to say whether it may not be entirely Post- Roman. Nymphea alba. Prunus Padus. Myriophyllum spicatum. Sambucus nigra. Alnus glutinosa. Ceratophyllum demersum. Sparganium ramosum (?). Potamogeton natans. ——_———_ lucens. — perfoliatus. Scirpus maritimus (?). Carex. Phragmites communis. Osmunda regalis, 97 CHAPTER VI. Former Distribution of British Plants. I HAVE set down in this chapter what is known of the past history of our British Plants; but the species about which we have as yet been able to learn anything amount only to about one-sixth of the flora, though constant additions are being made to the number. Under these circumstances, and in face of the imperfection of the record in Pliocene times, I doubt whether it would be of much use to attempt any minute analysis of the list; all that can be done with advantage, is to draw attention to the leading changes in geographical distribution that have already been proved. Variations caused by climatic changes were spoken of in Chapter IV. In the course of time, however, there have been other changes in distribution; for it is obvious that a flora driven south by a cold wave, on its return when the climate has again become genial is not likely to consist of exactly the same species. The chances of dispersal cannot be twice alike. When the mammals and birds change, the relative power of spreading possessed by the different plants must change also; when England is con- nected with the Continent, and the Rhine flows to Norfolk, heavy seeds must have easier travelling than when Britain becomes an island. Other differences in geographical dis- tribution seem to be the result of accident—one plant has accidentally been introduced and has had time to spread, H 98 Origin of the British Flora. a later comer needing the same station finds the ground pre-occupied. All the proved cases will now be brought together; but, as this chapter is merely a record of facts, it does not seem advisable at present to deal with the converse side of the question, that is to say with the noticeable absence of many of our most common living species. This deficiency, also, may be apparent only, not real, and till we have a fuller knowledge of the fossil plants it is undesirable to throw out suggestions which to-morrow’s work may show to be founded on nothing more than the incompleteness of our search. The exotic plants which have as yet been recorded as British fossils are only six; but I may repeat, in a more general sense, the remarks already made, with regard to the plants of one locality, and say that in reality the pro- portion of exotic species must be considerably greater. These are the plants for the determination of which it is most difficult to obtain the necessary material. Botanists seldom collect plants in fruit, and, if they do, the ordinary method of preserving specimens is not suitable, as most of the seeds that are ripe, or nearly ripe, fall out and are lost in drying. My own collection of recent seeds and fruits includes only a small proportion of exotic forms; but I have examined various fossil seeds which certainly do not belong to any living British plant, and are quite determin- able, if only sufficiently complete continental collections were available. Papaver somniferum has only been found at Cowden Glen, and in face of the great uncertainty as to the age of the peaty deposit at that place I do not feel prepared to accept it as a true fossil, though the opium-poppy was apparently grown in Switzerland in Neolithic times. Acer monspessulanum occurs in Interglacial deposits at Selsey, in Sussex, and at Stone, in Hampshire. It now Former Distribution of British Plants. 99 flourishes throughout the Mediterranean region, and extends into Central Europe. This maple grows well in gardens in the South of England and seeds freely; though I have not heard of any case in which it has spread from self- sown seedlings. Mr. A. R. Wallace has undertaken some experiments in Dorset with a view to ascertain whether this plant can establish itself under natural conditions. Trapa natans is found in the Cromer Forest-bed, but does not seem to have re-entered this country after it had been driven out by the cold. It is an aquatic plant still living as near as the South of Sweden, and has large edible fruits known as water-chestnuts. Its absence in Britain seems to be unconnected with changed climatic conditions. Salix polaris occurs abundantly in Glacial deposits, both Early and Late; but it has now completely dis- appeared from Britain. It grows within the Arctic Regions, and on the highest mountains of Scandinavia. Picea excelsa was common in the East of England in Preglacial times. It is apparently another large-seeded plant that has been unable to re-establish itself here, now that Britain is separated from the Continent. There is nothing in the modern distribution of the spruce-fir to suggest that it is unsuited for our present climate, though this tree does not tend to spread from seedlings as do Pinus sylvestris and Pinus maritima. Najas graminea has only been found in the Interglacial deposit at West Wittering in Sussex. Its recent distri- bution is throughout the Tropics of the Old World, and also in the Mediterranean Region. In Britain it has been introduced at one spot, where it grows in a canal which receives waste hot water from a mill. Najas minor occurs in Preglacial deposits, and at West Wittering. It also belongs to warmer climates, 100 Origin of the British Flora. ranging throughout Europe except in the north and in Britain. It is living in the Rhine. A certain number of our fossil-plants, though still living in Britain, formerly had a range markedly different. The majority of these species are northern forms, which formerly occupied our lowlands, but on the passing away of the cold of the Glacial Epoch could only live on our mountain tops. They are Dryas octopetala, Arctostaphylos Uva-urst, Andromeda Polifolia, Loiseleuria procumbens, Oxyria digyna, Betula nana, Salix Myrsinites, Salix herbacea, Salix rete- culata, Carex alpina, The Temperate species of which the ancient distribution within Britain was markedly different from that now existing were only three or four. Quercus Robur appears at one time to have grown at higher elevation; for remains of well-grown oaks occur occasionally in peat mosses above the limit of any but stunted trees. Pinus sylvestris seems to have been abundant through- out Britain during part of the Neolithic Period, for its cones are abundant at the base of peat-mosses and in “submerged forests.’ It afterwards disappeared from the South of England and only recently has been re-introduced. Potamogeton trichoides occurred in Sussex and Hamp- shire in Interglacial times ; it is now confined in Britain to Norfolk, Suffolk, and the West of Ireland. Najas marina, now confined to a single locality in Norfolk, was formerly widely distributed. It has now been found fossil in Norfolk, Suffolk, Hertfordshire, and Glamorgan. CLEMATIS VITALBA, L. Interglacial (?) :— Stoke Newington, London. Mr. Worthington Smith has recorded leaves of this plant from a Paleolithic deposit at Stoke Newington. Former Distribution of British Plants. 101% THALICTRUM MINUS, L. Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh, associated with Salix polaris Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Freshwater bed). Two small sharp-ribbed fruits have been found at Hailes and are doubtfully referred to this species. Two small fruits from Beeston, the one oval the other elongated, sharp-ribbed and obscurely stalked, may also be referred to T. minus. In each case the fruits are considerably smaller than my recent specimens. . THALICTRUM FLAVUM, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex ; Southelmham, Suffolk. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Sidestrand, Mundesley, Ostend ( Norfolk) ; Corton, Pakefield (Suffolk). Also at Honerdingen in Hanover (Carl Weber) ; Klinge bei Cottbus, Prussia, where it is associated with Brasenza, Najas marina, &c.; and in the Pine Zone (Neolithic?) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, L. Neolithic:— Kelsey Hill, Yorkshire; lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands at Redhall, Hailes, Broughton, Elie, and Cowden Glen; Megaceros-marl of Ireland. 102 Origin of the British Flora. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (Bed C); Kirk Michael, Isle of Man; Ballaugh, Isle of Man; Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Dronachy, Fife; Gayfield, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Endsleigh Street, London ; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); South- elmham, Suffolk; Allenton, Derby; Airdrie, Lanark ; Kilmaurs, Ayrshire. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (at base of the Glacial deposits). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :-— Beeston, Cromer, Sidestrand, Trimingham, Mundesley, Ostend (Norfolk); Pakefield, Suffolk. Several varieties occur fossil ; but the characters of the fruit do not seem to be sufficiently constant in the recent state to allow of any determination of sub-species from fruit alone. RANUNCULUS HEDERACEUS, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Probably common elsewhere, but included among the forms of R. aquatilzs. RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS, L. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (lower peat). Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Former Distribution of British Plants. 103 Interglacial :— Stone, Hampshire; West Wittering, Sussex; Endsleigh Street, London; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (Bed D); Southelmham, Suffolk ; Allenton, near Derby. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. RANUNCULUS FLAMMULA, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic:— Ballaugh, Isle of Man (bed A); lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Redhall, Hailes, Broughton, Cowden Glen, Elie; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (in raised beach). Late Glacial :— Ballaugh, Isle of Man (bed D). Interglacial :— Southelmham, Suffolk ; Allenton, near Derby. RANUNCULUS LINGUA, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Broughton, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh (one doubtful specimen). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E). RANUNCULUS ACRIS, L. I can find no trace of this species in deposits as old as the Roman occupation. 104 Origin of the British Flora. RANUNCULUS REPENS, L. Roman Period :-— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats); Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach); Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Redhall, Hailes, Broughton, Elie. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Ballaugh, Isle of Man; Close y Garey, Isle of Man; Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Gayfield, near Edinburgh; Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Garvel Park (Clyde Beds). Interglacial :— Stone, Hampshire; West Wittering, Sussex; Grays, Essex ; Endsleigh Street, London; Shacklewell, London ; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne (beds D and E); Allenton, Derby. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed)— Beeston, West Runton, Sidestrand, Mundesley (Norfolk); Pakefield (Suffolk). RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Allenton, near Derby (a doubtful carpel). RANUNCULUS SARDOUS, CRANTZ. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Allenton, near Derby. Former Distribution of British Plants. 105 RANUNCULUS PARVIFLORUS, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. RANUNCULUS FICcCARIA, L. This has not yet been found in a fossil state; the carpels, however, are softer than in most of the other species of Ranunculus, and are less likely to be preserved. CALTHA PALUSTRIS, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :-— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Mundesley, Norfolk. NUPHAR LUTEUM, L. Neolithic and Postglacial :— Hampton Waterworks, Middlesex ; Casewick, Lincoln- shire; Northampton (old river bed). Interglacial :-— West Wittering, Sussex; Mundesley, Norfolk (old river deposit). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, West Runton, Cromer, Overstrand, Sidestrand, Mundesley (Norfolk); Corton, Pakefield (Suffolk). 106 Origin of the British Flora. NYMPHAEA ALBA, L. Recent Alluvium (?):— Happisburgh, Norfolk; Weymouth. Interglacial :— West Wittering. Also at Griinenthal and Fahrenkrug, in Holstein, and Klinge bei Cottbus, Prussia, associated with Brasenia, &c. (C. Weber); at Honerdingen in Hanover (C. Weber); and in Sweden in the Birch, Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones (Neolithic) (Gunnar Andersson). The exact date of the Alluvium at Happisburgh and at Lodmoor, near Weymouth, cannot be fixed. BRASENIA PURPUREA, Mich. This species, though found in Africa, Asia, Australia, and America, is unknown living in Europe. It occurs in the fossil state in Russia, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland (Gunnar Andersson); but has not yet been found in Britain. PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM, L. Neolithic (?)— Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. The Opium Poppy was cultivated in Neolithic times, and its seeds have been found in the Swiss Lake-dwellings. The deposit at Cowden Glen is considered by Professor James Geikie to be of Interglacial age; but the occurrence in it of Papaver somniferum suggests a more modern date. PAPAVER ARGEMONE, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. former Distribution of British Plants. 107 CHELIDONIUM Magus, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Five well-preserved and characteristic seeds have been found. basset FUMARIA OFFICINALIS, L. Neolithic :-— Redhall, near Edinburgh. This plant has only been found associated with flax and weeds of cultivation. THLASPI ARVENSE, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. CAKILE MARITIMA, Scop. Unknown fossil in Britain, but occurs in the Oak Zone (Neolithic) in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). VIOLA PALUSTRIS, L. Neolithic :— Drope, Glamorgan (?); Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach.) Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Hailes, Redhall, near Edinburgh; Elie, Fife (?). Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Kirk Michael, and Close y Garey, Isle of Man; Hailes (lower bed); Corstorphine, Gayfield, near Edinburgh ; Dronachy, Fife. Interglacial :— Allenton, near Derby; Faskine, Lanark. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Mundesley, Norfolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. 108 Origin of the British Flora. SILENE MARITIMA, With. Interglacial :-— West Wittering, Sussex. LYCHNIS ALBA, Mill. Neolithic :— Elie, Fife. LYCHNIS DIURNA, Sibth. Neolithic :— Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Hailes, Redhall, Elie(?); Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach) (?). Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex, LYCHNIS FLOS-CUCULI, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh (capsules and seeds); Hailes, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Garvel Park (Clyde Beds). Interglacial — West Wittering, Sussex. STELLARIA AQUATICA, Scopoli. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex, Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed):— Beeston, Norfolk. Former Distribution of British Plants. 109 STELLARIA MEDIA, Cyr. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach) ; lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Hailes, Redhall, Elie, Broughton. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Endsleigh Street, London. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed ):— Overstrand, Norfolk. STELLARIA HOLOosSTEA, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. STELLARIA GRAMINEA, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. STELLARIA ULIGINOSA, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh. ARENARIA TRINERVIA, L. Not yet found fossil in Britain; but recorded by Keilhack and Nathorst from Lauenburg an der Elbe, where it is associated with Brasenia purpurea. 110 Origin of the British Flora. ARENARIA PEPLOIDES, L. Interglacial:— Stone, Hampshire. SPERGULA ARVENSIS, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh. MONTIA FONTANA, L. Neolithic :— Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach); lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Redhall, Hailes Broughton, near Edinburgh; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :—- Twickenham, Middlesex; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :-— Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); Allen- ton, near Derby; West Wittering, Sussex. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM, L. Roman Period :-— Silchester, Hampshire. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. HYPERICUM QUADRANGULUM, L. Neolithic (?)— Redhall, near Edinburgh. Interglacial:— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. Former Distribution of British Plants. 111 HYPERICUM ELODES, L. Neolithic (?)— Redhall, near Edinburgh. TILIA PLATYPHYLLOS, Scop. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Griinenthal and Fahrenkrug, in Holstein (associated with Brasenza, &c.) (C. Weber); Lauenburg an der Elbe (with Brasenia, &c.) (Keilhack and Nathorst); Klinge bei Cottbus, Prussia (with Brasenia, Najas marina, &c.) (C. Weber); Honerdingen, in Hanover, associated with Tila parvifolia and T. intermedia (C. Weber). Tilia europea is recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones in South Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). LINUM, sp. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic:— Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Redhall, Hailes, Elie. Capsules and seeds of flax are so common at Redhall as to suggest that bundles of the plant were steeped there. Flax is known to have been cultivated in Neolithic times. GERANIUM COLUMBINUM, L. No species of Geranium has yet been found fossil in Britain, with the doubtful exception of a seed from Ends- leigh St., London. G. columbinium is recorded by Keilhack from Lauen- burg an der Elbe (associated with Brasenza). 112 Origin of the British Flora. OXALIS ACETOSELLA, L. Neolithic :-— Crossness, Essex (upper bed) ; Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed). ILEX AQUIFOLIUM, L. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Also recorded from Griinenthal, in Holstein ; Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia (associated with Brasenta, Najas marina, &c.); Honerdingen, in Hanover (C. Weber). RHAMNUS FRANGULA, L. Interglacial:— Hoxne (bed D); West Wittering, Sussex. Recorded from Honerdingen, in Hanover (C. Weber) ; Lauenburg an der Elbe (A. G. Nathorst); and from the Pine and Oak Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). VITIS VINIFERA, L. A portion of a stem discovered by Mr. Worthington Smith in the Palzolithic deposits of Stoke Newington was so determined by Mr. Carruthers. The specimen has unfortunately been mislaid, but Mr. Smith thinks that it is probably a recent stem accidentally introduced ; he has found several such in ground disturbed during the Roman occupation. Former Distribution of British Plants. 113 ; ACER CAMPESTRE, L. Neolithic:— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed)—: Pakefield, Suffolk. Also recorded from the Oak Zone in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); and from Fahrenkrug, in Holstein, and Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia (associated with Brasenza) (C. Weber). ACER MONSPESSULANUM, L. Interglacial :— Stone, Hampshire ; Selsey, Sussex. This maple lives throughout the Mediterranean region and extends into central Europe ; it grows well in gardens in the South of England and seeds freely. ACER PLATANOIDES, L. Recorded by Gunnar Andersson from the Oak Zone in South Sweden; and by Keilhack from Lauenburg an der Elbe, associated with Brasenia. It has not been found in Britain. PRUNUS SPINOSA, L. Neolithic:— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats); North- ampton ; Hailes, near Edinburgh, Interglacial :— Hitchin, Hertfordshire ; West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— West Runton, Overstrand, Happisburgh (Norfolk), Pakefield, Suffolk. rig Origin, of the British Flora. PRUNUS DOMESTICA, L. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (upper peat), In ‘Etudes d’Ethnographie Préhistorique. —II. Les Plantes cultivées de la Période de Mas-d’Azil, (Anthropologie, Vol. VIL, No. I., pp. 1-24), Monsieur Ed. Piette has given a good, account and figures of the early cultivated species of Prunus. We have not yet obtained in Britain sufficient material for a similar analysis. PRUNUS AVIUM, L. Neolithic :-— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats) ; Gayfield, Edinburgh. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex ; Selsey, Sussex. PRUNUS PADUS, L. Neolithic :— Northampton; Hornsea, Yorkshire; Sand le Meer, Yorkshire ; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— Selsey, Sussex ; Airdrie, Lanarkshire. Recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). SPIRZA ULMARIA, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— iJailes, near Edinburgh ; Redhall, near Edinburgh. Former’ Distribution of British Plants. 115 Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Recorded also from the Piné and Spruce Zorneés (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. RuBus IDAus, L. Neolithic :-— Southampton Docks (?); Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands at Hailes, Redhall, Elie, Cowden Glen ; Fillyside, near Edinburgh, (raised beach). Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C) ; Gayfield, near Edinburgh ; Garvel Park (Clyde Beds); Black Burn, East Tarbet (Clyde Beds). Interglacial :— Shacklewell, London ; Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E) ; Allenton, near Derby. Early Glacial: Beeston, Norfolk (at the base of the Arctic plant-bed). RUBUS FRUTICOSUS, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats). Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Redhall, near Edinburgh. 116 Origin of the British Flora. Taterglacial :— Stone, Hants; West Wittering, Sussex; Selsey, Sussex ; Grays, Essex, Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Overstrand ; Mundesley ; Pakefield. RUBUS CSIUS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded with doubt by Gunnar Andersson from the Oak Zone in South Sweden. RUBUS SAXATILIS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded by Gunnar Andersson from the Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden. DRYAS OCTOPETALA, L. Late Glacial :— Corstorphine, near Edinburgh ; Crianlarich, Perthshire. This species, though rare fossil in Britain, is very abundant in similar deposits in Scandinavia. POTENTILLA TORMENTILLA, Neck. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire, Neolithic :— Ballaugh, Isle of Man (bed A); Close y Garey, Isle of Man (bed B); Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh; Elie, Fife. — Former Distribution of British Plants. 117 Late Glacial :— Roxburgh Street, Greenock (?). Interglacial:— Endsleigh Street, London; West Wittering, Sussex. POTENTILLA COMARUM, Nestl. Neolithic :— Redhill, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Kirk Michael, Isle of Man; Close y Garey, Isle of Man. Interglacial :— Airdrie, Lanarkshire. ALCHEMILLA ARVENSIS, Lam. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. As only a single achene has been sent to me from Redhall, this may possibly be a recent specimen acci- dentally introduced. At West Wittering achenes are fairly common. POTERIUM OFFICINALE, Hook, Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. 118 Origin of the Britesh Flora. Late Glacial:— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Ballaugh, Isle of Man (bed C); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; South- elmham, Suffolk. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (at base of the Arctic Freshwater bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Sidestrand, Mundesley, in Norfolk. Rosa. Neolithic: — Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats); Redhall, near Edinburgh (?). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Selsey, Sussex; Stone, Hamp- shire; Grays, Essex; Shacklewell, London; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). Prickles and achenes are not uncommon at several localities. The achenes are always short in proportion to their breadth, and very small; the prickles are generally curved and small. I have seen nothing approaching to the common living forms of R. canina, L.; and the fossils more suggest a species with small globose fruits, PYRUS TORMINALIS, Ehrh. Interglacial :— Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). Former Distribution of British Plants. 119 Pyrkus ARIA, Sm. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk (leaves). Pyrus AUCUPARIA, Gaert. Neolithic :— Caerwys, Flintshire. Recorded from the Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). PYRUS COMMUNIS, L. Neolithic :-— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats), (wood de- termined by Professor Marshall Ward). CRATEGUS OXYACANTHA, L. Neolithic :-— Barry Docks, Glamorgan; Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats); Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh; Gayfield near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— Southelmham, Suffolk. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Overstrand, Norfolk. In the Swedish peat-mosses only the form Crategus monogyna occurs (Gunnar Andersson). SAXIFRAGA OPPOSITIFOLIA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Deuben, in Saxony (Nathorst), asso- ciated with Salix herbacea, &c. 120 Origin of the British Flora. SAXIFRAGA HIRCULUS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Deuben, in Saxony (Nathorst). SAXIFRAGA AIZOIDES, L. Unknown fossil in Britain, Recorded from Deuben, in Saxony (Nathorst). HIPPURIS VULGARIS, L. Neolithic :— Drope, Glamorgan; Crossness, Essex (upper peat) ; Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Kirk Michael, Isle of Man; Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Dronachy, Fife. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Endsleigh Street, London ; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed E); South- elmham, Suffolk; Faskine, Lanark; Airdrie, Lanark; Kilmaurs, Ayrshire. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (at base of Arctic Breshivater bed) ; Ostend, Norfolk. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— _* c2, nS, Beeston, Cromer, Sidestrand, Mundesley, Ostend (Nor- folk). former Distribution of British Plants. 121 MYRIOPHYLLUM SPICATUM, L. . Neolithic :— Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Gayfield, Cowden Glen ; Megaceros-marls of Ireland. Late Glacial :-— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Corstorphine; Dronachy, Fife; Close y Garey, Isle of Man (bed C). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex ; Endsleigh Street, London; Hitchin, Hertfordshire (?); Southelmham, Suffolk; Kil- maurs, Ayrshire. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (3 doubtful fruits). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Cromer, Overstrand, Sidestrand, Mundesley, in Norfolk; Pakefield, in Suffolk, MYRIOPHYLLUM ALTERNIFOLIUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Pine Zone (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). TRAPA NATANS, L. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Sidestrand, Mundesley, Ostend (Norfolk); Pakefield, in Suffolk, This plant does not occur in Britain in deposits later than the Cromer Forest-bed. In Scandinavia, however, it is common in Postglacial peaty deposits, extending also 122 Origin of the British Flora. into Finland, At Lauenburg an der Elbe it occurs asso- ciated with Brasenia (Keilhack); and at Griinenthal, in Holstein, under sirnilar conditions (Weber); both these deposits being apparently of Interglacial date. As a living species it still lingers in Southern Sweden, and is more common in Southern Europe, where the fruits are eaten. HYDROCOTYLE VULGARIS, L. Neolithic (?)— Ballaugh, Isle of Man (bed A); Elie, Fife. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Southelmham, Suffolk ; Allenton, near Derby. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Corton, Suffolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. APIUM GRAVEOLENS, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. APIUM NODIFLORUM, Reich. Interglacial:— Airdrie, Lanark ; West Wittering, Sussex. CICUTA V1ROSA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones (Neolithic) in Scandinavia (Gunnar Andersson). CARUM CaARUI, L. This plant is only represented by a single well-preserved fruit from Redhall. In the absence of corroborative Former Distribution of British Plants. 123 evidence, and considering how largely carraway-seeds are used for cakes, it does not seem advisable toinclude this species in the list of British fossil plants. SIUM LATIFOLIUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). CONOPODIUM DENUDATUM, Koch. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. CHAROPHYLLUM TEMULUY, L. Interglacial :-— West Wittering, Sussex. ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS, Hoffm. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. CENANTHE FISTULOSA, L. ~ Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. CENANTHE LACHENALU, Gmel. Late Glacial: Garvel Park (Clyde Beds). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Mundesley, Norfolk ; Pakefield, Suffolk. 124 Origin of the British Flora. CENANTHE PHELLANDRIUM, Lam. Neolithic:— Crossness, Essex (upper peat). Late Glacial:— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex ; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); Southelmham, Suffolk. . Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Sidestrand, Mundesley, Beeston, in Norfolk ; Pakefield, in Suffolk. AETHUSA CYNAPIUM, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic:— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Elie, Fife. In each case there is some doubt as to the age of the deposit. ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS, L. Interglacial:— West Wittering, Sussex. Also recorded from the Oak Zone (Neolithic) Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). PEUCEDANUM PALUSTRE, Mcench. Unknown Fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Oak Zone (Neolithic) in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). Former Distribution of British Plants. 125 HERACLEUM SPHONDYLIUM, L. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed):— Pakefield, Suffolk. CAUCALIS NODOSA, Scop. Interglacial:— Stone, Hampshire. HEDERA HELIX, L. Neolithic:— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats) (Spurrell); Caerwys, Flintshire. Interglacial:— Grays, Essex. Recorded also from the Oak Zone (Neolithic) in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). CORNUS SUECICA, L, Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Gotland, in South Sweden, associated with Arctic plants. CORNUS SANGUINEA, L. Neolithic :— Barry Docks, South Wales; Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats); Albert Dock, Essex. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex ; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (a single fruit, not found in place and perhaps recent). 126 Origin of the British Flora. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :—= Happisburgh, Norfolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. SAMBUCUS NIGRA, L Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Southampton Docks (peat below sea-level) ; Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats); Northampton (old river- bed) ; Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (in raised beach). Late Glacial :-— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C—perhaps derivative from bed D). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Hitchin, Hertfordshire ; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). VIBURNUM OPULUS, L. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. VIBURNUM LANTANA, Linn. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. GALIUM BOREALE, L. Early Glacial:— Beeston, Norfolk (one badly preserved fruit of Galiwm perhaps belongs to this species), Former Distribution of British Plants. 127 GALIUM PALUSTRE, L. Neolithic:— Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Recorded by C. Weber with doubt from Klinge bei . Cottbus, Prussia, associated with Brasenia, GALIUM ULIGINOSUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from an Interglacial deposit at Griinenthal in Holstein ( Weber). y GALIUM APARINE, L. Neolithic (?)— Casewick, Lincolnshire. VALERIANA OFFICINALIS, Ls Neolithic :— Barry Docks, South Wales; lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Hailes, Redhall, Elie. Interglacial:— Allenton,.near Derby; Stone, Hampshire. VALERIANELLA OLITORIA, Meench. Interglacial:— West Wittering, Sussex. SCABIOSA SUCCISA, L. Interglacial:— West Wittering, Sussex. EUPATORIUM CANNABINUM, L. Neolithic:— Tilbury Docks (peat below sea-level); Redhall, near Edinburgh. 128 - Origin of the British Flora. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial:— West Wittering, Sussex; Shacklewell, London; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); Allenton, near’ Derby. ASTER TRIPOLIUM, L. Interglacial:— West Wittering, Sussex. BIDENS CERNUA, L. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh. The fruit from Hoxne, referred in 1888 to this species, is a variety of B. tr¢partita with four equal awns. BIDENS TRIPARTITA, L. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C—a starved fruit). Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D), associated with a variety having four equal awns, Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed):— Mundesley, Norfolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. CHRYSANTHEMUM SEGETUM, L. Neolithic:— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh. CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. A single fruit of this species, sent to me as from the Former Distribution of British Plants. 129 Arctic bed at Hailes, near Edinburgh, is probably recent; it is not carbonised, and the ribs are light-brown. MATRICARIA INODORA, L. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Only found associated with weeds of cultivation. TANACETUM VULGARE, L. Early Glacial:-— Beeston, Norfolk (base of the Arctic Freshwater bed). TUSSILAGO FARFARA, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh (a single fruit). SENECIO SYLVATICUS, L. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh. SENECIO AQUATICUS, Huds. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. CARDUUS CRISPUS, L. Neolithic:— Close y Garey, Isle of Man (bed B). CNICUS LANCEOLATUS, L. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh (fruits rather small); Elie, Fife. Interglacial:— West Wittering, Sussex. 130 Origin of the British Flora. CNICUS PALUSTRIS, L. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh. Interglacial:— Southelmham, Suffolk (fruits small); West Wittering, Sussex. CENTAUREA CYANUS, L. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh. With weeds of cultivation and flax-seeds. LAPSANA COMMUNIS, L. Neolithic:— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh (fruit very small). Interglacia! :— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial Cromer Forest-bed):— Pakefield, Suffolk. PICRIS HIERACIOIDES, L. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. CREPIS VIRENS, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh. HIERACIUM PILOSELLA, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. No trace of any other species of AHzeracium has yet been found fossil in Britain. Former Distribution of British Plants. 131 LEONTODON AUTUMNALIS, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— Allenton, near Derby. TARAXACUM OFFICINALE, Web. Neolithic :-— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach). Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Garvel Park (Clyde Beds); Roxburgh Street, Greenock (in glacial clay). Interglacial :— Southelmham, Suffolk; Allenton, near Derby; West Wittering, Sussex. SONCHUS ARVENSIS, L. Neolithic :— Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Redhall, and Gayfield, near Edinburgh. VACCINIUM OXYCOCCOS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Fahrenkrug in Holstein (C. Weber) ; Lauenburg an der Elbe (Keilhack); Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia (C. Weber); at all three localities being asso- ciated with Brasenia purpurea. Also from the Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). Lah 132 Origin of the British Flora. VACCINIUM VITIS-IDAa, Linn. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); also in deposits apparently of Late Glacial date at Griinenthal, in Holstein (Weber). VACCINIUM ULIGINOSUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Fahrenkrug in Holstein (associated with Brasenia) (C. Weber); and in the Dryas, Birch, Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). VACCINIUM MYRTILLUS, L. Twigs are recorded from Cowden Glen by Dr. Craig. I can find no recognisable seeds or leaves of this species in the material sent me by Mr. Bennie, and doubt whether twigs alone would be sufficient for determination. Recorded from a deposit apparently of Late Glacial date at Griinenthal, in Holstein (C. Weber). ARCTOSTAPHYLOS ALPINA, Spreng. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Dryas Zone in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). ARCTOSTAPHYLOS Uva-URSI, Spreng. Late Glacial (?)— Bovey Tracey, Devon (A. G. Nathorst). Also recorded from the Dryas, Birch, Pine, and Oak Zones in Gotland, Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). Former Distribution of British Plants. 133 ANDROMEDA POLIFOLIA, L. Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh. LOISELEURIA PROCUMBENS, Desv. Late Glacial :— Corstorphine, near Edinburgh. GLAUX MARITIMA, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR, L. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats), wood de- termined by Prof. Marshall Ward. Interglacial :-— Hitchin, Hertfordshire. In Sweden confined to the Oak Zone (Gunnar Anders- son) ; recorded from Honerdingen in Hanover, associated with Platanus, Juglans, and Najas flexilis (C. Weber). MENYANTHES TRIFOLIATA, L, Neolithic :— Drope, Glamorgan; Redhall, near Edinburgh; Gay- field, near Edinburgh ; Hailes, near Edinburgh; Elie, Fife; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire ; Montrose (in peat below 20 feet of estuarine deposits). 134 Origin of the British Flora. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Kirk Michael, Isle of Man; Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Gayfield and Cor- storphine, near Edinburgh ; Dronachy, Fife. Interglacial :-— West Wittering, Sussex; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; South- elmham, Suffolk; Airdrie, Lanark. Early Glacial : — Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Freshwater bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Cromer, Mundesley, Happisburgh (in Norfolk). MYOSOTIS SYLVATICA, Hoffm. Recorded from Gotland, Sweden, by Dr. Gunnar Andersson. No species of A/yosotis has yet been found fossil in Britain, A7. éngulata being a wrong determination. SOLANUM DULCAMARA, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones in South Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Corton, Suffolk. VERBASCUM THASPUS, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Former Distribution of British Plants. 135 BARTSIA ODONTITES, Huds, Late Glacial :— Garvel Park (Clyde Beds), four seeds received from Mr. Thos. Scott. PEDICULARIS PALUSTRIS, L. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. MENTHA AQUATICA, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Interglacial :-— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D) ; West Wittering, Sussex ; Stone, Hampshire. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. This plant may be common at other localities, the small size of its nutlets having caused it to be overlooked till specially searched for. LYCOPUS EUROPAUS, L., Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex ; Stone, Hampshire ; Shackle- well, London; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D) ; Southelmham, Suffolk. 136 Origin of the British Flora. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Mundesley, Norfolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. THYMUS SERPYLLUM, L. Late Glacial :— Greenock (Roxburgh Street), in Clyde Beds. PRUNELLA VULGARIS, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :-— Redhall, near Edinburgh. STACHYS PALUSTRIS, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach). Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed). Interglacial :— Hoxne Suffolk (bed D), one badly preserved nutlet perhaps belongs to this species ; West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Norfolk. STACHYS SYLVATICA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Dryas and Pine Zones (Late Glacial and Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). STACHYS ARVENSIS, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Former Distribution of British Plants. 137 GALEOPSIS TETRAHIT, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. ee Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex. ; The occurrence of Gatleopses Tetrahit, often considered to be a weed of cultivation, at Twickenham associated with Reindeer, Bison, and Sos longifrons, but not with extinct mammals, suggests a transition period between Palzolithic and Neolithic. AJUGA REPTANS, L. Neolithic :-— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach); Elie, Fife ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed). Interglacial :— Selsey, Sussex; West Wittering, Sussex; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Allenton, near Derby. LITTORELLA LACUSTRIS, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Megaceros-marls of Central Ireland. Late Glacial :— Ballaugh, Isle of Man. 138 Origin of the British Flora. ATRIPLEX PATULA, L. Neolithic :— Casewick, Lincolnshire; Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Redhall, near Edinburgh; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach) ; Elie, Fife. Late Glacial :-— Garvel Park (Clyde Beds) ; Roxburgh Street, Greenock (Clyde Beds). Interglacial :— Stone, Hampshire; West Wittering, Sussex ; Selsey, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, West Runton, Sidestrand (in Norfolk) ; Corton, Pakefield (in Suffolk). POLYGONUM AVICULARE, L. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Broughton, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed). Interglacial :— Endsleigh Street, London ; Stone, Hampshire ; Selsey, Sussex. POLYGONUM HYDROPIPER, L. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (lower peat). - Former Distribution of British Plants. 139 POLYGONUM PERSICARIA, L. Neolithic :— Lacustrine deposits of the Scottish Lowlands, Hailes, Redhall, Gayfield, Broughton, Elie. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex. Interglacial :-— West Wittering, Sussex ; Endsleigh Street, London. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed ) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. POLYGONUM LAPATHIFOLIUM, L. Neolithic (?) :— Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. POLYGONUM AMPHIBIUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. « Recorded by Dr. Gunnar Andersson from South Sweden. POLYGONUM VIVIPARUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Dryas Zone of Gotland (Gunnar Andersson); and from Deuben, in Saxony (A. G, Nathorst). OXYRIA DIGYNA, Hill. Late Glacial :-— Corstorphine, near Edinburgh, RUMEX CONGLOMERATUS, Murr. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. 140 Origin. of the British Flora. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. RUMEX MARITIMUS, L. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :-— Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E); Southelmham, Suffolk. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Freshwater bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, West Runton, Overstrand, Sidestrand, Ostend (in Norfolk) ; Pakefield (in Suffolk). RUMEX OBTUSIFOLIUS, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Close y Garey, Isle of Man (in Megaceros-marl), Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex ; Endsleigh Street, London. RUMEX CRISPUS, L. Neolithic :— Barry Docks, Glamorgan; Casewick, Lincolnshire ; Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C) (?) ; Garvel Park (Clyde Beds). Former Distribution of British Plants. 141 Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D) ; West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Sidestrand, Norfolk (?). RUMEX HYDROLAPATHUM, Huds. Unknown fossil in Britain, Recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones (Neolithic) in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). RUMEX ACETOSELLA, L. Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D) (?). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Norfolk. It is noteworthy that our two aquatic docks, &. aquaticus and R. Hydrolapathum, are still missing in the fossil state in Brltain. HIPPOPHAE RHAMNOIDES, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Norrland in Sweden in calcareous tufa (Nathorst), and from Gotland (Gunnar Andersson), VISCUM ALBUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Oak Zone (Neolithic) in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). EUPHORBIA HELIOSCOPIA, L. Neolithic: — Redhall, near Edinburgh, with weeds of cultivation. 142 Origin of the British Flora. EUPHORBIA AMYGDALOIDES, L. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Mundesley, Norfolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. MERCURIALIS PERENNIS, L. Neolithic:— Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats) ; Hailes, near Edinburgh; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. ULMUS MONTANA, Sm. Blashenwell, Dorset; Dursley, Gloucester (in calcareous tufa of doubtful age); Digby Fen (elm-wood recorded by Skertchly from a depth of 10 feet). Interglacial :-— Grays, Essex (badly preserved leaves). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Happisburgh, Norfolk. In each case the leaves are small, and more like U. montana than like U. campestris. The difference in the leaves is very slight, and I have not yet been able to obtain the more characteristic fruit. URTIca DIoIca, L. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C) (one seed, perhaps derived from the bed below). Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). Former Distribution of British Plants. 143 MyRIcA GALE, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Oak Zone in Gotland, Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); from Fahrenkrug in Holstein asso- ciated with Brasenza (Carl Weber); and from Honerdingen, in Hanover, associated with Platanus, Juglans, and Najas flexilis (C. Weber). BETULA ALBA, L. Neolithic :— Drope, Glamorgan; Southampton Docks (recorded by Messrs. Shore & Elwes); Albert Dock, N. Woolwich; Crossness, Essex (in lower and upper peats), (Spurrell); Whittlesey Mere, Fenland (Skertchly); Caerwys, Flint- shire; Hailes, near Edinburgh; Cowden Glen, Renfrew- shire. Also common in peat-mosses nearly everywhere. Late Glacial :— Bovey Tracey, Devon (A. G. Nathorst); Close y Garey, Isle of Man; Crianlarich, Perthshire. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Common nearly everywhere. BETULA NANA, L. Late Glacial :— Bovey Tracey, Devon (Heer); Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Holmpton, East Yorkshire; Bridlington, Yorkshire (Na- thorst) ; Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Dronachy, Fife ; Crianlarich, Perthshire. 144 Origin of the British Flora. Interglacial:— Admiralty Offices, London; Airdrie, Lanark. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk; Ostend, Norfolk. ALNUS GLUTINOSA, Linn. Neolithic:— Submerged peats of the Thames Valley at Tilbury Docks, Albert Docks, and Crossness; Kings Lynn; Horn- sea, E. Yorkshire; Sand le Meer, E. Yorkshire; Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh; Fillyside, near Edinburgh (raised beach). Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed). Interglacial: — Grays, Essex; Shacklewell, London; Hitchin, Hert- fordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E); Southelmham, Suffolk. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Freshwater Bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— At most localities in Norfolk and Suffolk. CARPINUS BETULUS, L. Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. Former Dastribution of British Plants. 145 Also recorded from Lauenburg an der Elbe (Keilhack) ; from Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia (Carl Weber); and from Griinenthal in Holstein (Carl Weber), in each case associated with Brasenia, &c. CORYLUS AVELLANA, L. Neolithic :— Southampton Dock (submerged peat); Blashenwell, Dorset (in tufa); Barry Docks, Glamorgan; Albert Dock, Essex; Whittlesey Mere, Fenland (peat at 20 feet); Northampton; Sand le Meer, East Yorkshire; Hull; Hailes, near Edinburgh; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire ; and common in the ‘submerged forests’ nearly everywhere. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Grays, Essex (a doubtful fragment of a nut); Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); Overtown, near Beith, Ayrshire (between two tills) (Mr. C. Craig). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Ostend, Norfolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. The hazel, though so abundant in Postglacial deposits, is rare in the Interglacial and Preglacial strata. QUERCUS ROBUR, L. Neolithic :— Common in the ‘submerged forests’ everywhere ; Blashenwell, Dorset (in tufa); Northampton (old river bed); at base of peat mosses in Yorkshire up to a height of 1000 feet; Hailes and Redhall, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— Stone, Hampshire; West Wittering, Sussex; Selsey, Sussex; Grays, Essex; Shacklewell, London; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (Prestwich). L 146 Origin of the British Flora. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Ostend, Norfolk; Happisburgh, Norfolk; Pakefield, Suffolk. CASTANEA SATIVA, Mill. (Ridley, Journ. Bot., 1885, p. 253.) Charcoalof Chestnut was discovered by Mr.H.N. Ridley associated with Paleolithic implements between Crayford and Erith in Kent. The Chestnut is not usually considered to be a native of Britain; but Mr. Ridley suggests that owing to the value of the fruit any trees found would be enclosed and become private property at an early date. I have not yet discovered any corroborative evidence; but as the tree is a dry-soil species it can only be expected to occur rarely in the fossil state. .Large beams of Chestnut are not uncommon in old castles and abbeys; these may be of foreign origin, for they are associated with building-stone which has undoubtedly come by water. FAGUS SYLVATICA, L. Neolithic :— Southampton Docks (Shore and Elwes); Crossness, Essex (wood determined by Marshall Ward); Fenland (A. Bell). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) : — Happisburgh, Norfolk. Also recorded from Fahrenkrug, in Holstein, associated with Brasenia (Carl Weber); and from Honerdingen, in Hanover, associated. with /uglans and Platanus (Carl Weber). Former Distribution of British Plants. 147 SALIX PENTANDRA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Pine Zone (Neolithic) in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson); and doubtfully from Griinenthal, in Holstein (Carl Weber). SALIX CINEREA, L. Neolithic (?) :— Caerwys, Flintshire (in calcareous tufa). Late Glacial :-— Bovey Tracey (Heer and Nathorst). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Mundesley (Nathorst). Also recorded from Fahrenkrug in Holstein (C. Weber) : from Klinge bei Cottbus, Prussia (C. Weber); in the Birch, Pine and Oak Zones (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). SALIX AURITA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Fahrenkrug and Klinge, associated with Brasenia (C. Weber); from the Birch, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). SALIX CAPREA, L. Neolithic :-— Barry Docks, Glamorgan ; Fenland (A. Bell); Caerwys, Flintshire. 148 Origin of the British Flora. Also recorded from Sweden in the Birch, Pine, and Oak Zones (Gunnar Andersson); and from Grinenthal, in Holstein, associated with Brasenia (Carl Weber). SALIX PHYLICIFOLIA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Sweden in the Dryas (Late Glacial), and Birch and Spruce (Neolithic) Zones (Gunnar Andersson). SALIX NIGRICANS, Sm. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Sweden in the Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones (Gunnar Andersson). SALIX REPENS, L. Neolithic :— Fenland (A. Bell); Barnwell, Cambridge; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Corstorphine, near Edinburgh ; Crianlarich, Perthshire. Also recorded from Klinge bei Cottbus in Prussia (Carl Weber); and from Lauenburg an der Elbe (Keilhack). In each case it is associated with Brasenia. SALIX LANATA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain, Recorded from the Pine Zone in Norrland (Gunnar Andersson). SALIX ARBUSCULA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Sweden in the Birch and Spruce Zones Former Distribution of British Plants. 149 (Gunnar Andersson); and with doubt from Deuben, in Saxony (A. G, Nathorst). SALIX MYRSINITES, L. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). SALIX HERBACEA, L. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Ballaugh, Isle of Man; Kirk Michael, Isle of Man; Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Gayfield, Edinburgh; Dronachy, Fife; Crianlarich, Perthshire. Interglacial :— Faskine, Lanark. Also recorded from Deuben in Saxony (A.G. N athorst) and from various localities further north. SALIX POLARIS, Wahlb. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Gayfield, Edinburgh; Corstorphine, Edinburgh ; Dronachy, Fife. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Mundesley, Ostend (in Norfolk). SALIX RETICULATA, L.: Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Gayfield, Edin- burgh; Corstorphine, Edinburgh; Dronachy, Fife; Crian- larich, Perthshire. 150 Origin of the British Flora. POPULUS CANESCENS, Sm. Interglacial :— : Grays, Essex; some leaves collected by Prestwich suggest this species, though they may belong to P. tremula, The specimens have suffered from long keeping. POPULUS TREMULA, L. Neolithic :-— Caerwys, Flintshire, in calcareous tufa. Recorded from Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia (Carl Weber); from Honerdingen, in Hanover (Carl Weber); also from the Birch, Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). EMPETRUM NIGRUM, L. Neolithic :— Close y Garey, Isle of Man (beds B and C). Late Glacial :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Dronachy, Fife ; Corstorphine, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Crianlarich Perthshire ; Ballaugh, Isle of Man. Interglacial :— Airdrie, Lanark. Also recorded from Honerdingen, in Hanover, asso- ciated with Platanus, Juglans, Nagas, &c. (Carl Weber). CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM, L. Neolithic (?) :— Casewick, Lincolnshire. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). former Distribution of British Plants. 151 Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Admiralty Offices, London (Abbott); Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Southelmham, Suffolk; Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E); Mundesley, Norfolk (old valley deposit), Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Freshwater bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Common at nearly all localities. JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Dryas, Birch, Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); also from Honer- dingen, in Hanover, associated with Platanus, J/uglans, &c. (Carl Weber); and from Griinenthal, in Holstein, asso- ciated with Brasenia (Carl Weber). TAXUS BACCATA, L. Neolithic :— Common in peat below the sea-level in the Thames Valley and Fenland ; Portobello, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Mundesley, Bacton, Happisburgh (in Norfolk); Pake- field (in Suffolk). _ PICEA EXCELSA, Link. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Cromer, Mundesley, Bacton, Happisburgh, in Norfolk. 152 Origin of the Britesh Flora. Unknown in Britain in later deposits. Recorded from the Spruce Zone (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); and from Fahrenkrug, and Griinenthal in Holstein (Carl Weber); from Klinge bei Cottbus, Prussia (Carl Weber) ; and from Honerdingen, in Hanover, associated with Platanus, Juglans, &c. (Carl Weber). f PINUS MONTANA, Mill. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Determined by Heer and figured by Saporta from the Cromer Forest-bed, but I can find no specimens belonging to this species. Small cones of P. sylvestris may have been mistaken for P. montana. PINUS SYLVESTRIS, L. Neolithic :— In ‘submerged forests’ and at the base of peat-mosses nearly throughout Britain and in Ireland. Late Glacial :— Bovey Tracey, Devon (Heer); Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C) (?). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Common at various localities in Norfolk, especially Cromer and Happisburgh. The distribution in space and time of the Scotch Pine is very peculiar. Abundant in the Preglacial Strata of Norfolk, it has not been found in any of the Interglacial Deposits in Britain, though occurring at Fahrenkrug and Griinenthal in Holstein. In Late Glacial times it reap- pears at Bovey Tracey, in Devon, and perhaps at Hoxne, in Suffolk. During the Neolithic period it seems to have been one of our commonest trees; but afterwards disap- Former Distribution of British Plants. 153 peared from the southern half of England; though, when re-introduced, it flourishes and spreads rapidly from seedlings. STRATIOTES ALOIDES, L. Interglacial :— Southelmham, Suffolk. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Sidestrand (in Norfolk) ; Corton (in Suffolk). The fruits described by Nehring, Potonié, and myself as Paradoxocarpus (or Folliculites) carinatus have since been shown to belong to Stratiotes aloides. They occur abundantly at Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia, and at Fahrenkrug in Holstein. IRIS PSEUDACORUS, L. Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (upper peat); Elie, Fife. SPARGANIUM RAMOSUM, Curtis. Neolithic :— Barry Docks, Glamorgan ; Crossness, Essex (upper and lower peats); Tilbury, Essex; Redhall, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Garvel Park (Clyde Beds) (two very small and doubtful carpels). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Norfolk ; Pakefield, Suffolk ; Corton, Suffolk. £54 Origin of the British Flora. SPARGANIUM SIMPLEX, Huds. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Honerdingen, in Hanover (Carl Weber), . SPARGANIUM MINIMUM, Fr. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Honerdingen, in Hanover (Carl Weber). ALISMA PLANTAGO, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); Southelmham, Suffolk; West Wittering, Sussex ; Stone, Hampshire. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Overstrand, Sidestrand, Mundesley,in Norfolk; Pakefield, in Suffolk. SAGITTARIA SAGITTAFOLIA, L, Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Recorded from the Oak Zone in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). SCHEUCHZERIA PALUSTRIS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Dryas and Oak Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). Former Distribution of British Plants. 155 POTAMOGETON NATANS, L. Neolithic :— Drope, Glamorgan. Late Glacial :— Ballaugh, Isle of Man (bed F). Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Also recorded from Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia ; Fahrenkrug in Holstein; Honerdingen, in Hanover (Carl Weber); and from the Birch, Pine, and Oak Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). POTAMOGETON RUFESCENS, Schrad. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex ; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :-— Kilmaurs, Ayrshire (?) (Bennett). Also recorded from Honerdingen, in Hanover, asso- ciated with Platanus, Juglans, &c. (Carl Weber). POTAMOGETON HETEROPHYLLUS, Schreb. Neolithic :-— Drope, Glamorgan ; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Stone, Hampshire; South- elmham, Suffolk; Kilmaurs, Ayrshire (or P. Z2zi2) (Bennett). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Abundant at most localities. 156 Origin of the British Flora. POTAMOGETON LUCENS, L. Neolithic :— Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Between Cromer and Runton, in Norfolk; Corton, Pakefield, in Suffolk. POTAMOGETON PRALONGUS, Wulf. Neolithic :— Megaceros-marls of Central Ireland. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Between Cromer and Runton. Recorded from the Dryas, Birch, and Pine Zones (Late Glacial and Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); and with doubt from Honerdingen, in Hanover, with Juglans, Platanus, &c. (Carl Weber). POTAMOGETON PERFOLIATUS, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Interglacial :— Southelmham, Suffolk. Also recorded from Honerdingen, in Hanover, asso- ciated with /uglans, Platanus, &c. (Carl Weber), POTAMOGETON CRISPUS, L. Neolithic :— Gayfield, near Edinburgh; Megaceros-marls of Central Ireland. former Distribution of British Plants. 157 Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Ballaugh, Isle of Man (bed D), Interglacial :— Endsleigh Street, London; Hitchin, Hertfordshire ; Southelmham, Suffolk. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Sidestrand, Trimingham, Mundesley, in Norfolk. POTOMAGETON DENSUS, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. POTAMOGETON OBTUSIFOLIUS, Mert. & Koch. Interglacial :— Endsleigh Street, London; Southelmham, Suffolk. POTAMOGETON PUSILLUS, L. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :-— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). POTAMOGETON TRICHOIDES, Cham. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :-— West Wittering, Sussex; Stone, Hampshire; Southelm- ham, Suffolk; Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E). 158 Origin of the British Flora. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Sidestrand, Mundesley, in Norfolk ; Pakefield, Corton, in Suffolk. POTAMOGETON PECTINATUS, L. Neolithic :— Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Common at most localities—drupes often very large. POTAMOGETON FILIFORMIS, Nolte. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Gotland in the Dryas, Birch, and Pine Zones (Gunnar Andersson). RUPPIA MARITIMA, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Stone, Hampshire. Recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). ZANNICHELLIA PALUSTRIS, L. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex. Interglacial :— Stone, Hampshire; Selsey, Sussex ; Endsleigh Street, London; Southelmham, Suffolk; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed E); Kilmaurs, Ayrshire. former Distribution of British Plants. 159 Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Freshwater Bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Abundant nearly everywhere. ZANNICHELLIA PEDUNCULATA, Reichb. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Sidestrand, Norfolk ; Pakefield, Suffolk. At Pakefield a remarkable spinose form of drupelet occurs. ZOSTERA MARINA, L. Not certainly known fossil in Britain, though Zostera- like foliage occurs in estuarine deposits. Recorded with doubt by Gunnar Andersson from South Sweden and Gotland. NaJAS FLEXILIS, Rostkov. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Gotland, and from the Ancylus-formation (Pine Zone) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); also from Honerdingen, Hanover, and Griinenthal, Holstein, in Inter- glacial deposits (C. Weber). This plant in Europe is only known living in the West of Ireland, Scotland, South Sweden, and Gotland. NAJAS MARINA, L. Neolithic :— Barry Docks, Glamorgan. Interglacial :— Hitchin, Hertfordshire. 160 Origin of the British Flora. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, in Norfolk; Pakefield, in Suffolk. Also recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones of South Sweden and Gotland (Gunnar Andersson); from Klinge bei Cottbus in Prussia, Fahrenkrug in Holstein, and Honer- dingen in Hanover (Carl Weber). NAJAS GRAMINEA, Delile. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. A widely dispersed Tropical species, which extends into the Mediterranean region, and occurs as an accidental introduction into Britain in a canal which receives waste hot water from a mill. As a fossil it has only been recorded at West Wittering. NAJAS MINOR, Allione. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. i A plant of the Mediterranean region, and of central Europe as far north as the Rhine; it is unknown living in the north or in Britain. ELEOCHARIS ACICULARIS, Sm. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); West Wittering, Sussex ; Stone, Hampshire. Former Distribution of British Plants. 161 ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS, Br. Roman Period :— Silchester, Hampshire. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh (upper bed); Redhall, near Edinburgh; Megaceros-marls of Central Ireland. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex; Kirk Michael, Isle of Man; Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Dronachy, Fife. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Endsleigh Street, London ; Allenton, near Derby. Early Glacial :-— Beeston, Norfolk (base of the Arctic Freshwater Bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. SCIRPUS PAUCIFLORUS, Lightf. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Stair, Ayrshire; Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh; Dronachy, Fife. Interglacial :— Southelmham, Suffolk; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D); Allen- ton, near Derby. M 162 Origin of the British Flora. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston and Mundesley, in Norfolk; Corton and Pake- field, in Suffolk. : SCIRPUS CASPITOSUS, L. Interglacial :— Southelmham, Suffolk. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston and Mundesley, in Norfolk. SCIRPUS FLUITANS, L. Late Glacial :— Dronachy, Fife (?). Interglacial :-— Southelmham, Suffolk; Kirmington, Lincolnshire (?); Stone, Hampshire (?). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Norfolk. SCIRPUS SETACEUS, L. Neolithic :— Hailes, Redhall, and Broughton, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :-— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). SCIRPUS LACUSTRIS, L, Neolithic :— Crossness, Essex (lower peat); Casewick, Lincolnshire; Hailes, near Edinburgh ; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Former Distribution of British Plants. 163 Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C); Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower bed); Corstorphine, near Edinburgh. Interglacial :— Stone Hampshire; West Wittering, Sussex; Hitchin, Hertfordshire; Hoxne, Suffolk (beds D and E); Southelm- ham, Suffolk. Early Glacial :— Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Freshwater bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston and Mundesley, in Norfolk ; Corton and Pake- field, in Suffolk. SCIRPUS MARITIMUS, L. Neolithic :— Southampton Docks (?) (a single damaged nut); Barry Docks, Glamorgan. SCIRPUS SYLVATICUS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Vernitsa, St. Petersburg (Gunnar Andersson and Berghell); also from the Pine and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). BLYSMUS RUFUS, Wahlb. Late Glacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed C). Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). 164 Origin of the British Flora. ERIOPHORUM VAGINATUM, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Fahrenkrug, in Holstein (Carl Weber); and from the Pine (?) Oak (?) and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). ERIOPHORUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM, Roth. Interglacial :— Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Between Cromer and Runton, Norfolk ; Corton, Suffolk. Recorded also from the Pine and Oak (?) Zones (Neolithic) in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). CLADIUM MaRISCUS, Br. Unknown fossil in Britain, the fruits recorded from the Cromer Forest-bed not belonging to this plant. Recorded from Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia (Carl Weber); and from the Birch (?) Pine, and Oak Zones in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). CAREX DIOICA, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh; Hailes, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Roxburgh Street, Greenock (Clyde Beds). Interglacial :— Endsleigh Street, London; Airdrie, Lanark. former Distribution of British Plants. 165 CAREX MURICATA, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Stone, Hampshire. ; CAREX ECHINATA, Murr, Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh. Also recorded from Fahrenkrug, in Holstein (Carl Weber). CAREX REMOTA, L. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. CAREX ALPINA, Sw. Late Glacial :— Kirk Michael, Isle of Man (determined by C. B. Clarke). CAREX CANESCENS, L, Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh. CAREX PANICEA, L. Neolithic :— Redhall, near Edinburgh. Late Glacial :— Twickenham, Middlesex. Interglacial :— Airdrie, Lanark. CAREX DISTANS, L. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D) (?). 166 Origin of the British Flora. CAREX FLAVA, L. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Redhall, near Edinburgh. ’ CAREX FILIFORMIS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Vernitsa, St. Petersburg (Gunnar Andersson and Berghell); also from the Birch, Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). CAREX PSEUDO-CYPERUS, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Lauenberg an der Elbe (Carl Weber); and from the Pine, Oak, and Spruce Zones in Sweden Gunnar Andersson). CAREX PALUDOSA, Good. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Pakefield, Suffolk. CAREX RIPARIA, Curtis. Interglacial :— Stone, Hampshire; West Wittering, Sussex; Southelm- ham, Suffolk. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Overstrand, Mundesley (?) in Norfolk; Pakefield, in Suffolk. Also recorded from the Pine (?) and Oak Zones in South Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). former Distribution of British Plants. 167 CAREX ROSTRATA, Stokes. Neolithic :— Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Interglacial :— West Wittering, Sussex; Stone, Hampshire; Southelm- ham, Suffolk ; Hoxne, Suffolk (bed D) (?); Airdrie, Lanark. CAREX VESICARIA, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Pine and Oak Zones in Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). PHRAGMITES COMMUNIS, Trin. Neolithic :— Thames Valley (common); Barry Docks, Glamorgan ; Kelsey Hill, Yorkshire. Interglacial :— Stone, Hants; West Wittering, Sussex; Kirmington, Lincolnshire. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Common nearly everywhere. Stems, leaves, or nodes of grass are common at most localities; but the only species in a determinable state appears to be Phragmites communis. Anthroxanthum odoratum, Holus lanatus, Poa trivialis, and Hordeum aistichum have all been recorded ; but in each case I think that the specimens are recent and do not belong to the deposit in which they are said to occur. Extreme care is needed to prevent the introduction of grass-seeds, which are dispersed by the wind and adhere to the surface of the clays containing the fossil plants. 168 Origin of the British Flora. PTERIS AQUILINA, L. Though often stated to occur in a fossil state I have seen no undoubted specimens in Britain. Recorded from South Sweden (Gunnar Andersson). ATHYRIUM FILIX-FEEMINA, Roth. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Oak Zone in Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). SCOLOPENDRIUM VULGARE, Sm. Found in calcareous tufa of doubtful age at Dursley, in Gloucestershire. ‘ LASTR4&A THELYPTERIS, Presl. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Oak and Spruce Zones in South Sweden (Gunnar Andersson); and from Klinge bei Cottbus, in Prussia (Carl Weber). OSMUNDA REGALIS, L. Neolithic :— ‘Submerged forests’ near Liverpool. Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Common at Mundesley, Norfolk ; rare elsewhere. EQUISETUM PALUSTRE, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from Honerdingen, in Hanover (Carl Weber). former Distribution of British Plants. 169 EQUISETUM LIMOSUM, Sm. Though fragments possibly belonging to this species are not uncommon in peaty deposits in Britain, I have seen no determinable specimens. Recorded from Lauenburg an der Elbe (Keilhack). EQUISETUM HYEMALE, L. Unknown fossil in Britain. Recorded from the Pine Zone in Norrland, in Sweden, in calcareous tufa (Nathorst); and from Gotland (Gunnar Andersson). ISOETES LACUSTRIS, L. Neolithic :— Hailes, near Edinburgh; Cowden Glen, Renfrewshire. Late Glacial :— Garvel Park (Clyde Beds), (J. B. Balfour); Hailes, near Edinburgh (lower beds) ; Gayfield, Edinburgh. Interglacial :— Allenton, near Derby; Kilmaurs, Ayrshire ; Faskine, Lanark; Airdrie, Lanark. Early Glacial :-— Beeston, Norfolk (base of Arctic Fresh-water-bed). Preglacial (Cromer Forest-bed) :— Beeston, Norfolk (a single specimen, perhaps from the Early Glacial bed above, which here rests immediately on the Cromer Forest-bed). 171 APPENDIX. Table showing the Range in Time of the British Flora. E = England. D = Denmark. The foreign range is W = Wales. f = Finland. only reeerdéd where S = Scotland. G = North-Germany. ? the species is unknown M = Isle of Man. N = Norway. in the equivalent de- I = Ireland. S = Sweden. posits in Britain. a|o| 4 dlz|e/ 8 J pio lei a | 2 ie mele] 5 2 5 E u a a oS o ° ou Bie 4 a x Clematis Vitalba, Z. .......... sesuliagss Iban | Eee Thalictrum minus, Z. ...........506 aoe || Eh) ss S flavum, ZL. ou... Ei | sge!| SBS hy save S E Ranunculus aquatilis, Z............. E|E|ES|ESM| ESI —— hederaceus, Z. .:....| ? E ——— sceleratus, LZ. ......... E E| E E —__——. Flammula, Z.......... ae E| M SM E ———— Lingua, Z. ........... a Bl oe S E ———— repens, ZL. w.ereceeeers E E|JESM| ES E bulbosus, Z. ......... tai E ——_—— Sardous, Craniz. E E — parviflorus, Z....... ail ee E Caltha palustris, ZL. ......seeeeseeeeee E E E S E Nuphar luteum, Z. ........00-+0e | E E E Nymphea alba, Z. ...... devvawanaiys vita E E? Papaver somniferum, ZL. ......... ‘ S$? : Argemone, ZL. ....-+ses00 wee ‘ile E Chelidonium majus, ZL. ........0 ies E Fumaria officinalis, 2. ......see0e- ve S$? Thlaspi arvense, L. ......sseeeeeeeees aes i E Cakile maritima, Scop. .......++++ os eae aba S Viola palustris, ZL. sesesssseeeseerers E ESIESM| WS 172 Table showing the Range in (ala! 3 ms] 8/3 q g BPlel| se] g Cae: ale} 8) a Z x Silene maritima, With. ........066 : E Lychnis alba, M200. .....1..csceeeeees sa Son || aie S? diurna, S202h. ....c0.cccccees ase E S S — Flos-cuculi, Z. ............ Sas E S S E Stellaria aquatica, Scop. .......000- E — media, Cyr. ......0 valsdee E|ES S E Holostea, ZL. .....ceeceeeeee ve E graminea, Z. ............ sell se ae E — uliginosa, Ly w...eseceeeeees aa communis, L.....sceseeeeees sae-| pane Peta |) eee E Crateegus Oxyacantha, Z. ...... ww | El. | BE]. EWS Saxifraga oppositifolia, Dee wiesesesy tae] pew pees |G —— Hirculus, LZ. .......0. sat) asad aes | @ aizoides, Lis dcphictennateees ptt, '[ aden panes, HG Hippuris vulgaris, Z. ....... doabaees E| E|JES|ESM| EWS Myriophyllum spicatum, Z. ..... E|E?|ES|ESM| SI —_——— alternifolium, Z....} «| + |e | os Ss Trapa natans, L. occ econ] Efi | @ |e FS Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Z........+.++ Eo} ve || ane SM Apium graveolens, ZL. .......+.+++++ sie |, | [OE nodiflorum, Reich. ......0+ Se | sea AES Cicuta virosa, LZ. ..cee.sseseeeeeeeeees cenit! Bee | aaa) aes S Sium latifolium, L. ......sseeeeeerees heulidee Whoo Paes Ss Conopodium denudatum, Koch. | ++. Jose. | ve | oe ot E Cherophyllum temulum, Z. ...... we | ass | E Anthriscus sylvestris, om, ......| + E CEnanthe fistulosa, LZ. ......eeeeeeee pil, eases, Ae 174 Table showing the Range im alel2) 6] 2 /¢ aie} 8} a Z ~ (Enanthe Lachenalii, Gmel. ...... E aus S Phellandrium, Zam. ...| E E E E Ethusa Cynapium, Z............066 ar wit S? E Angelica sylvestris, Z.........:06604 ag E S Peucedanum palustre, M@nch. ...| ... eas S Heracleum Sphondylium, Z. ...... E ie E Caucalis nodosa, SCODs, esensweswexs wes E Hedera Helix, LZ. ...........ececeeeaes ce E fee EW Cornus suecica, ZL. ..cecessesereeeees aie ae S — sanguinea, ZL. ....ceeeeeeees E E| ... EW Sambucus nigra, L. .......seceeseeeee as E| E ES E Viburnum Opulus, Z. .............6. as E E Se Lantana, 2. Euonymus, 28. Eupatorium cannabinum, 127, 128, Euphorbia amygdaloides, 85, 142. Helioscopia, 141. , sea-coast, 18. Evolution, 5, 12. Exotic plants in Britain, 95, 98-roo. Extermination by climatic changes, 2, 8, 40. by drainage, 14. of non-seeding plants, Il, 12. Fagus sylvatica, 28, 69, 146. Fahrenkrug in Holstein, 52, 67, 75. Faskine, Lanark, 68, Fenland, 14, 69. / Fertilisation by wind-borne pollen from the Continent, 12, Fife, 65, 66, 67. Fig-tree, 16. Fillyside, near Edinburgh, 69. Finland, 7rapa natans in, 122. Fish, dispersal of freshwater, 7. Flag, 28, 153. Flax, 66, 86, 89, 11. Flintshire, 60. Floating seeds, 20, 26, 28. Folliculites, see Stratiotes. Fool's Parsley, 66, 89, 124, Lndex. Forbes, Edward, on distribution of the existing fauna and flora of Britain, 2; 3: Forest plants, 15-17, 19, 94. France, lowland flora of, 13. Fraxinus excelsior, 24, 28, 69, 82, 133. Fruits, deficient collections of recent, 1, 98. how dispersed, 2, 4, 6, 13, 14, 20-32, 97. poisonous, 31. succulent, 20, 26. tendency to divide into one- seeded portions, 9. Fruits, winged, 24, 26. Fumaria officinalis, 86, 107. Galeopsis Tetrahit, 93, :37. Gales, effects of, 12, 23. Galium Aparine, 127. -- boreale, 126. — palustre, 127. — uliginosum, 127. Galway, I9. Garvel Park, Greenock, 70. Gayfield, Edinburgh, 70, 92. Geikie, Prof. J., 44, 63, 72, 86, 106, Geographical distribution of British plants, 2-8, 10, 13-19, 25-30, 97- 100 Geological record, imperfection of the, 3,97, 98. Geological Survey, work of the, 1-4. Gepp, A., 96. Geranium, 23. columbinum, 82, 111. Germany, Pleistocene plants of, 8, 5, 52, 54, 65, 67, 71, 72, 75, 81, 82. Glacial Epochs, recurring, 43, 44. Glaciation of England, 3, 33, 36-45. Hampshire, 41. Treland, 3, 40, 42. Sussex, 7, 41, 45, 52, 88, 91, 94. Wales, 40. Glamorgan, 46, 57, 66, 100. Glaucium flavum, 22. Glaux maritima, 133. Gloucestershire, 66. Lndex. Gorse, 22, 23. Grass-seeds, dispersal of, 71, 87, 167. Grays, Essex, 52, 71. Green, Prof. A. H., 85. Greenock, 70, 71. Gregarious plants, 15, 22, 23. Grossen-Bornholt, Holstein, 72. Griinenthal, Holstein, 52, 71, 75. Habitat of plants, 4, 10, 13. Hackney, 88, Hailes, near Edinburgh, 52, 53, 60, 62, 65, 68, 70, 72-74, 80, 86, 92. Hampshire, 16, 32, 34, 41, 52, 88-92, 94, 95, 98, 100, Hanover, 52, 75. Happisburgh, 74, 106. Hartstongue, 66, 168, Hawthorn, 26, 58, 70, 84, 119. Hazel, 66, 84, 145. Heaths, 15, 18, 22-27, Hedera Helix, 26, 28, 31, 61, 65, 71, 125. Heer, Dr. O., 59, 147, 152. Henbane, 24. Henderson, J., 86. Heracleum Sphondylium, 125, Hertfordshire, 52, 74, 75. Hicks, Dr. H., 67. Hieracium Pilosella, 130. Hippophae rhamnoides, 141. Hippopotamus, 54, 55. Hippuris vulgaris, 120. Historical method in botany, 3, 6. Hitchin, 52. 74,75. Holderness, 53, 60, 75-77, 79-81, 87. Holly, 26, 72, 75, 112. Holmpton, 75. Holstein, 52, 67, 71, 72, 75+ Honerdingen, Hanover, 52, 75+ Hope and Fox, Messrs., 89. Hornbeam, 16, 24, 26, 75,,144: Horned poppy, 22. Hornsea, Yorks, 76, 77- Horse chestnut, 11, 16. Hoxne, 44, 52, 53: 71) 72:74) 77) 78: 90 Hoy, Orkney, 29, 30 Human agency, flora modified by, 11, 12, 14-17, 19. Hydrobia marginata, 83. Hydrocotyle vulgaris, 122. Alyoscyamus, 24. Hypericum elodes, 111. —— perforatum, 110. guadrangulum, 110. Iberian plants in Britain, 2-5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 27,40, 42. Ice, floating, in the English Channel, 7, 41, 43, 45, 52, 88, or. Ice-sheets, extermination by, 3, 40. flex Aquifolium, 26, 72, 75, 112. Imperfections of the geological record, 3, 97, 98. Insular floras, 8, 12, 33, 97. Intercrossing of British with continental plants, 12. Interglacial periods, 36, 38, 42-44, 52, 53, 63, 68, 72, 75. 77, 78, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, g1, 92, 94, 95, 98, 106, 171-179. Introduced plants, 11, 12, 14-16, 19, 31, 32, 38, 46, 53, 73, 86, 87, 89, 93, 98, 137, 141. Ireland, Alpine plants of, 13. — American plants in, 19. fossil plants of, 79. - Lusitanian flora in, 2-5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 26, 27, 40, 42. fris, 28, 82, 153. Isle of Man, 56, 57, 61, 62, 79, 80. Wight, 41. Tsoetes lacustris, 169. Isolated ponds, plants of, 14, 28, 32. ia Ivy, 26, 28; 31, 61, 65, 71, 125. Juglans, 75, 76. Juncus, 22, 26, 66, 69, 87. Juniperus communis, 76, 151. Kamtschatka, Spéranthes viana in, 19. Keilhack, Dr. K., 81, 109, III, 113, 122, 131, 145, 148, 169. Kelsey Hill, Yorks, 79. Kerry, Iberian plants of, 4, 5, 19. Romanzo- 186 Kessingland, 85, 86. Kilmaurs, 79. Kirk Michael, 80. Kirmington, 80, 81. Klinge bei Cottbus, 52, 68, 75, 81. ‘Lacustrine deposits, plants of, 49. Laffan, G. B., 93. Lakes, plants of, 14, 28, 32. Larmplugh, G. W., 80, Land-connection not necessary, 31. Lanark, 54, 68. Langley, E. M., on birds and seeds, 31. Lapsana communis, 130. Larch, 39, 82. Large-seeded plants, how dispersed, 18, 26-31, 99. Larix, 39, 82. Lastrea Thelypteris, 168. Late Glacial, 53, 92, 94, 171-179. Lauenburg an der Elbe, 52, 68, 75, 81, 82. Leeson, Dr. J. R., 93. Lemmings at Salisbury, 21, 42. Leontodon autumnalis, 131. Lepidurus glacialis, 56, 57. Lesser Spearwort, 4, 103. Ligustrum, 28, Liliacee, distribution of the, 17. Lime-tree, introduction of the, 16. Limestone plants, 17, 22, 95. Lincolnshire, 61, 80, 81. Linum, 66, 86, 89, 111. Littorella lacustris, 137. Local conditions, 4, 7, 10, 13-17. Locusts destroying plants, 12. Lodmoor, near Weymouth, 96, 106. Loess, 44. ; Loiseleuria procumbens, 100, 133. London, 53, 54, 67, 88, 91. Lowland flora, 13. Lowlands, fossil Arctic plants of the, 20, 21, 100, Lusitanian plants in Britain, 2-5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24-27, 40, 42. Lychnis alba, 108. — diurna, 108. Flos-cuculi, 108, Lycopus europeus, 135, 136. Lysimachia Nummularia, 82. Lndex. Lyell, A. H., 51, 89. Lyell, Sir C., on dispersal of seeds, 31. Malva, 28. Mammals carrying seeds, 97. Mammoth, 54, 67, 71, 76, 80, 81. Man, first appearance of, 37, 38. —— flora modified by, 11, 12, 14-17, Ig. Maple, Lesser, 24, 28, 68, 85, 113. South European, 98, 99, 113. Sycamore, 12, 16, 24, 28 Maritime Pine, 12, 99. ———— plants, 13, 14, 18, 50, 94. Marsh plants, 14, I5, 19, 22, 94. Matricaria inodora, 129. Maw, G., 60. Meadow plants, 15, 21. Mediterranean region, plants of the, 99, 113, 160. Megaceros-marl, 56, 61, 76, 79. Mentha aquatica, 135. Menyanthes trifoliata, 133, 134. Mercurialis perennis, 142. Middlesex, 53, 54, 67, 88, 91, 93. Migration of mammals, 27. Miller, S. H., 69. Miocene flora, 34, 36. Mitten, W., on Cytisus scoparius, 4. Moisture, relation to plant-life of, 10- 13. Mollusca, distribution of land and freshwater, 6, 7, 16, 17, 19. Montia fontana, 110. Montrose, 133. Morainic deposits as climate, 7. Morgan, Prof. C, Lloyd, on instincts of young birds, 31. Morris, Prof. J., 61. Mountain Ash, 61, 119. Mountain plants in Britain, 2, 3 13, 14, 25-27, 40, 53. Mundesley, 82, 83, 84. Musk Ox, 42. Myosotis sylvatica, 134. Myrica Gale, 143. Myriophyllum alternifolium, 121. Spicatum, 121. 26-28, 31, evidence of Index. Najas flexilés, 75, 76, 159. —— graminea, 53, 95, 99, 160. ——- marina, 46, 57, 76, 81, 86, 100, 159, 160. ——~ minor, 52, 53, 86, 95, 99, 100, 160. Nathorst, Prof. A. G., 51, 59, 60, 65, 8x, 82, 109, III, 112, 119, 120, 132, 139, 141, 143, 147, 149, 169. Natural selection in insular floras, 12, 21. Nehring, Prof. A., 51, 81, 153. Neolithic Period, 38, 45, 46, 53, 58- 71; 76, 79, 86, 90, 92, 93, 96, 98, 106, III, 171-179. New Forest, 16, 32. Norfolk, 1, 14, 15, 18, 27, 32, 35, 36, 39, 50-52, 56-59, 64, 74, 82-85, 88, 89, 93, 94, 97, 100. Northampton, 83. North Sea Canal, 72. North Sea, freezing of the, 39. Norway, horse-chestnut in, 11. Nuphar luteum, 28, 68, 72, 75, 81, 83, 10S. Nymphea alba, 28, 68, 72, 75, 81, 82, 96, 106, Oak, 23, 25, 26, 28-30, 46, 53, 57, 58, IOO, 145, 146, Oceanic islands, plants of, 8, 12, 33. Gnanthe fistulosa, 123. Lachenalii, 123. Phellandrium, 124. Opium Poppy, 63, 98, 106. Orkney, seedling oak in, 29, 30. Osmunda rgalis, 91, 96, 168. Ostend, Norfolk, 56, 83, 84. Outliers in botany, 19, 22, 23, 40. Overstrand, 84. Overtoun, Ayrshire, 84. Oxalis Acetosella, 23, 112. Oxford, 84, 85. Oxyria digyna, 100, 139. Pakefield, 85, 86. Paleearctic flora, 7. | Paleeolithic man, 38, 45, 74. 77) 78, 85, 88, 91, 93, 100. 187 Pupaver Argemone, 106. somniferum, 63, 98, 106. Paradoxocarpus, see Stratiotes. Parkstone, Dorset, 86. Pear, 65, 119. Peat-mosses, Oaks in, 100. Pine in, 16, 86, too. plants of, 14, 15, 22, 49, 79: Pedicularis palustris, 135. Pengelly, W., 59. Pentland Firth, acorns carried across, 30. Perennial plants, conditions needed by, II, 12. - - in oceanic islands, 12. Perthshire, 53, 64. Peucedanum palustre, 124. Phillips, Prof. J., 76. Phragmites communis, 57, 80, 167. Physical geography, past changes in, », 7, 8, 27, 28, 33-47- Picea excelsa, 52, 64, 82, 83, 99, 151, 152. Picris hieraciodes, 85, 130. Piette, Ed,, on cultivated forms of Prunus, 114. Pinguicula grandiflora, 5. vulgaris, 5. Pinus maritima, 12, 99. montana, 152. sylvestris, 16, 24, 26, 53, 57, 64, 82, 86, 99, 100, 152, 153- Plantations, influence of, 16. Pliocene flora, 34-36, 97- Platanus, 75, 79. Pods, ejection of seeds from, 23. Poisonous fruits, 31. Pollen, effects of wind-borne, on island plants, 12. Polygonum amphibium, 139. ——— Aviculare, 138. —_—_——. Hydropiper, 138. lapathifolium, 139. Persicaria, 139. viviparum, 139. Polystichum, 76, 81. Ponds, plants of isolated, 14, 28, 32. Poplar, 61, 76, 81, 150. Poppy, 24, 32, 63, 98. Populus canescens, 71, 150. 188 Populus tremula, 61, 76, 81, 150. Postglacial period, length of the, 25. Potamogeton crispus, 156, 157. densus, 157. ———__-—_ filiformis, 158. heterophyllus, 155. lucens, T 56. natans, 155, ——_-——— obtusifolius, 157. ——s — peclinaius, 158, perfoliatus, 156. ——_-—— prelongus, 156. pusillus, 157. ——-——_ rufescens, 155. trichoides, 100, 157, 158. —— Zizi, 155. Potentilla Comarum, 117 Tormentilla, 116, 117. Poterium officinale, 117, 118. Potonié, H., 153. Prairies, plants of, 15, 21, 22. Preglacial flora, 1, 2, 35, 36, 39, 50-52, 58, 62, 63, 64, 74, 82, 83, 84-86, 88, 89, 93, 99, I7I-179. Prestwich, Sir J., 71, 88, 145. Privet, 28, Provinces, botanical, ro. Prunella vulgaris, 136. Prunus Avium, 114. domestica, 114. Padus, 114, Spinosa, 113. Prussia, 52, 68, 75, 81. Pteris aquilina, 168, Pyrenean plants in Britain, 2-5, 14, 15, 17, 18, 24-27, 40, 22, Pyrus Aria, 85, 119. Aucuparia, 61, 119. communis, 65, 119, —— Malus, 28, torminalis, 75, 78, 118, Quercus Robur, 23, 26, 28-30, 46, 100, 145, 146. Rabbit, bones of, 66, Races and subspecies, 4, 5, 102. Rainfall, 10, 11, 14. Lndex. Ranunculus acris, 103. ——————- aguatilis, 4, 26, 101. ——_——- bulbosus, 104. Ficaria, 105. Flammutla, 4, 103. hederaceus, 102, Lingua, 103. parviflorus, 105. repens, 104. Sardous, 104. sceleratus, 102. Red Crag, 35. Redhall, near Edinburgh, 53, 60, 86, 87, II1. Reeds, 57, 80, 167. Reid, Miss M. A., 66. Reindeer, 20, 81, 93, 94. Renfrewshire, 63, 70, 86, 98, 106, 132. Rhamnus Frangula, 112. Rhine, old course of the, 35, 97. Rhinoceros, 54, 55, 81, 94. Rhododendron, 12. Ridley, H. N., 146. Ripening of seeds, period of, x, 4. Robertson, D., 59, 70. Rock Doves, acorns carried by, 30. Romans, plants introduced by the, 16, 51, 89, 103, 112. Roman Period, 51, 52, 89, 93, 96, 171- 179. Rooks carrying acorns, 29, 30. Rosa, 118. Rubus cesius, 116. Sruticosus, 26, 115, 116. Ideus, 59, 115. saxatilis, 116. Rumex Acetosella, 141. conglomeratus, 139, 140. Crispus, 140, 141. —— Aydrolapathum, 141. maritimus, 140. obtustfolius, 140. Ruppia maritima, 158. Ruscus aculeatus, 11, 12. Rushes, 22, 26, 66, 69, 87. Russia, 163, 166. Sagittaria sagittifolia, 154. Saint Cross, Suffolk, go. Salisbury, Arctic mammals of, 21, 42, 45. Index. Salix Arbuscula, 148, 149. aurita, 147. Caprea, 147, 148. cinerea, 147. herbacea, 100, 149. Janata, 148. —— Myrsinites, 100, 149. nigricans, 148. pentandra, 147. —— phylicifolia, 148. polaris, 52, 531 99, 149» repens, 148. reticulata, 100, 149. Sambucus nigra, 126. Sand-dune plants, 13, 14. Sand le Meer, 87. Sandy heaths, plants of, 15. Saporta, G. de, 152. Saxifraga aizoides, 120, Geum, 5. -————- Hirculus, 120. —- oppositifolia, 119. umbrosa, 4, 5» Saxony, 52, 65. Scabiosa succisa, 127. Scandinavia, alpine plants of, 13, 99. Scheuchzeria palustris, 154. Scilla nutans, 24. Scilly Islands, 42. Scirpus cespitosus, 162. SJluitans, 162, — lacustris, 162, 163. maritimus, 57, 163. paucifiorus, 161, 162, setaceus, 162. sylvaticus, 163. Scolopendrium vulgare, 168, Scotland, alpine plants of, 13. Scott, Thos., 66, 70, 71, 86, 135. Sea-coast plants, 13, 14, 18, 50, 94. Sea, dispersal of plants by the, 13. Sea-kale, 13. Sedentary plants, 21. Seeds, deficient collections of, 1, 98. definition of the term, 8, 9. how preserved in a fossil state, 49-SI. how transported, 2, 4, 6, 13, 14, 20-32, 97. period of ripening, 2, 4. ripe, essential to the plant, 11, 12. size of, 13, 18, 21, 24, 26, 27, 99. 189 Seeds, winged, 24, 26. Selsey, 52, 88, 91, 94, 95, 98. erratics, 7, 41, 45, 52, 88, 91. Senecio aquaticus, 129, sylvaticus, 129. Sheep, bones of, 66. Shacklewell, 88, Shingle-beaches, plants of, 13, 14. Shore, T. W., 90, 146. Shore-ice in the English Channel, 7, 41, 45, 52, 88, gt. Sidestrand, 88, 89. Silchester, 51, 89. Stlene maritima, 108. Sisyrinchium angustifolium, 19. Stum latifolium, 123. Skertchly, S. B. J., 69. Skye, 19. Slow spreading of plants, 24, 25. Small-seeded plants, 13, 18, 21, 26, 27. Smith, W. G, 91, 100, 112. Snails, distribution of, 6, 7, 16, 17, 19. Solanum Dulcamara, 134. Sonchus arvensis, 131. Southampton, go. South Downs, 29, 32, 45. Southelmham, go. South Wales, 40, 46, 53, 57, 58, 66. Spanish Chestnut, 16, 146. Sparganium minimum, 76, 154. ramosum, 153. simplex, 76, 154. Specialisation of the British flora, 20, BT, 25, 26. Spergula arvense, 10. Spermophilus with Arctic plants, 83. Spindle-tree, 28. Spirea Ulmaria, 114, 115. Spiranthes Romanzoviana, 19. Sporadic appearance of plants, 13, 16. Spurge, 18, 23, 85, 141, 142. Spurrell, F. C. J., 55, 64, 92. Stachys arvensis, 136, palustris, 136. syluaticus, 136. Stellaria aquatica, 108. graminea, 109. AHolostea, 109. media, 109. uliginosa, 109. Stoke Newington, 91. 190 Stone, Hants, 52, 88, 91, 92, 94, 95, 98. Storms, effects of, 12, 23. Storrie, J., 57- Strahan, A., 57, 60. Strait of Dover, 30, 36, 39, 46, 47, 97. 99- Stratigraphical evidence of age, 3, 48, 53+ Stratiotes aloides, 81, 89, 153- Struggle for existence, 21. Submerged forests, 30, 46, 57, 58, 69, 76, 93, 100, 145, 147, I51, 152. Submergence of the land, 7, 34, 37, 39, 43, 46. Subspecies and varieties, 4, 5, 8, 102. Succulent fruits, dispersal of, 20, 26. Suffolk, 14, 15, 18, 27, 36, 44, 52, 62, 72, 74, 77, 78, 85, 86, 90, Too, Sunshine, relation to plant-life of, 10-13, 18, 24, 53- Sussex, 29, 32, 41, 43-45, 88, 94-96, 98- To. Sweden, fossil plants of, 8, 51, 53, 92, 99, 121. Switzerland, Opium Poppy in, 98, 106. Sycamore, 12, 16, 24, 28. Tanacetum vulgare, 129. Taraxacum officinale, 131. Taxus baccata, 151, Temperature, relation to plant-life of, 10-13. Tertiary floras, 34-36, Thalictrum flavum, 101, minus, LOL, Thames, alluvial deposits of the, 53, 55, 92, 93 Lhlaspi arvense, 107. Thymus Serpyllum, 136. Tilbury, 92, 93. Tilia eurpea, 16, 75, 11%. intermedia, 75, 111. platyphyllos, 75, 81, 82, 111. Trapa natans, 52, 82, 83, 85, 89, 99, 121, 122, Tropical floras contrasted with Tem- perate floras, 20, 21. Index. Trimingham, 93. Tufa, plants in, 51, 59-61, 66, Tussilago Farfara, 129. Twickenham, 93, 137. Tylor, Dr. A., 71. Typha, 26, 76. Ulex, 22, 23. Ulmus campestris, 11, 142. montana, 66, 69, 74, 142. Umbelliferous plants, dispersal of, 23, 24. Upland flora, 13, 14. Urtica dioica, 142. Vaccinium Myrtillus, 132. Oxycoccos, 82, 131. —_——- uliginosum, 132, — Vitis-Idea, 132. Valeriana officinalis, 57, 127. Valerianella olitoria, 127. Varietal forms, 4, 5, 8, 102. Verbascum Thaspus, 134. Vernitsa, 163, 166. Viburnum Lantana, 126. —— Opulus, 82, 126. Vine, 16, 91, 112. Viola palustris, 107. Viscum album, 141. Vitis vinifera, 16, 91, 112. Wales, Alpine plants of, 13. fossil plants of, 46, 53, 57, 58, 60,. 61, 66. Wallace, A. R., 99. Walnut, 75, 76. . Ward, Prof. M., 65, 119, 133, 146. Warm and cold waves, 2, 3, 7; 8, 20, 21, 33-47, 97: Water-chestnut, 52, 82, 83, 85, 89, 99, I2I, 122. crowfoot, 4, 26. —— lily, 28. ° —— milfoil, 26. tortoise, 83. Waterlogged soils, 15. Index. Weber, Dr. Carl, 51, 67, 71, 72, 75, 81, IOI, 106, III, 112, 113, 122, 127, 131, 132, 133, 143, 145-148, 150- 152, 154-156, 159, 160, 164-166. Weeds of cultivation, 11, 31, 32, 38, 53, 73, 86, 87, 89, 93, 98, 137, 141. West Runton, 94 West Wittering, 50, 52, 88, 91, 94-96, 99. Weymouth, 96, 106, Wheat, 11. Whitaker, W., go. Wild hyacinth, 24. Williams, W., 79. Willow-herb, 26. Willows, Arctic, 14, 57, 58, 59, 62, 64, 65, 68, 70, 73, 77, 78, 84, 99, 100, 149. : ———— dispersal of seeds of, 26. Wiltshire, 21, 42, 45. Wind, dispersal of seeds by, 24, 26, Ig! Winged seeds, 24, 26. Wolvercote, 84, 85. Woodland plants, 15-17, 19, 94. Wood-pigcons, dispersal of acorns and beans by, 30. Woods, importance of examining an- cient, 17. Wood-sorrel, 23. Woolwich, 53, 93. Yew, 151. Yorkshire, 53, 60, 75, 76, 77, 79, 87. Zannichellia palustris, 158, 159. —— pedunculata, 159. Zostera marina, 159. London: STRANGEWAYS, Printers.. BOOKS AND PAPERS ON BRITISH BOTANY OFFERED FOR SALE AT NET PRICES BY DULAU & Co, : 37 SoHO SeuaRE, Lonpon, W. PN RRL LALA RAAARR ABBOT (C.) Flora Bedfordiensis. Bedford, 1798. 8vo, calf, 6d. ABLETT (W. H.) English Trees and Tree-planting. London, 1880. 8vo, cloth, 6s. ADAIR (J.) Observations on the Flowering Plants of West Cumberland. 1881. 8vo, Is. 3d. ADAMSON (S. A.) Recent Discoveries of Carboniferous Vegetation in Yorkshire. 1887. 8vo, 6a. AITON (W. T.) An Epitome of the Second Edition of Hortus Kewensis. London, 1814. 8vo, interleaved, bound, 35. 6d. Hortus Kewensis. Second edition. London, 1810-15. 5 vols. 8vo, calf (from the Aylesford Library), 4l. Another copy, half russia, 15s. Another copy, boards, 12s, ALLEN (G.) The Colours of Flowers as illustrated in the British Flora. London, 1882. 8vo, illustrated, cloth, 2s. 6d. ARCHER (W.) Desmidiaceae found in the neighbourhood of Dublin, 1857. 8vo, 9a. On Stephanosphaera pluvialis new to Ireland. 1864. 8vo, coloured plate, : Is. 6d. Supplementary Catalogue of Desmidiaceae found in the neighbourhood of Dublin. 8vo, plate, Is. 6d. BABINGTON (C.C.) The British Rubi. London, 1869, 12mo, cloth, 4s. Flora Bathoniensis ; or a Catalogue of the Plants Indigenous to the Vicinity of Bath. London and Bath, 1834. 12mo. map, cloth, 385 Flora of Cambridgeshire. London, 1860. 12mo, 55. Manual of British Botany. First edition. London, 1843. 12mo, cloth, 35. DULAU & Co., 37 Soio Square. 2 BABINGTON (C. C.) Manual of British Botany. Fourth edition. 1856, 12mo, cloth, 2s Monograph of the British Atripliceae. 1840, 2 plates, Is. 6d. New Yorkshire Carex. 1843. 8vo, plate, 6d, On the British Plumbaginaceae. 1849. 8vo, Is. On the British Species of Chara. 1850. 8vo, Is. On the British Species of Fumaria. 1840. 8vo, od. On the Fumaria capreolata of Britain. 1859. 8vo, Is. On Several new or imperfectly understood British and European Plants. London, 1835. 4to, Is. Primitiae Florae Sarnicae, or an Outline of the Flora of the Channel Islands. London, 1839. 12mo, cloth, 35. Remarks upon British Plants. 1853. 8vo, Is. A Synopsis of the British Rubi. 1846-8. 3 parts, 8vo, 2s. BADHAM (C. D.) A Treatise on the Esculent Fungusses of England. London, 1863. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 10S. BAGNALL (J. E.) Botany of Sutton Park. 1867. 8vo, I5e ——— The Flora of Warwickshire. London, 1891. 8vo, map, cloth, 155. Mosses and Hepatics of Staffordshire. 1896. 8vo, Is. Notes on the Flora of Warwickshire. 1892-3. 8vo, 25. BAILEY (C.) Arenaria gothica new to Britain. 1889. 8vo, 6d. On the Structure, the Occurrence in Lancashire, and the probable Source, of Naias graminea. 1884. 8vo, 4 plates, 2s. BAILLIE (E.) The City Flora, Chester, 1878. 8vo, IS. BAINES (H.) The Flora of Yorkshire. London, 1840. 8vo, 2 plates, cloth, 35. Od, Supplement by Baker and Nowell. London, 1854. 8vo, map, 45. 6d. BAKER (J. G.) Catalogue of Ferns cultivated at Kew. 1868. 8vo, Qa. Dispersion of Montane Plants over the Hills of the North of England. 1871. 8vo, Is. Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain. 1855. 8vo, 25. Monograph of the British Roses. 1869. 8vo, 35. 6d. North Yorkshire; Studies of its Geology, Botany, Climate, &c. 1888-92. PartsI to V. 8vo, maps, 7s. 6d. On Kew Gardens. 1886. 8vo, Is. Present state of our knowledge of the Geography of British Plants. 1883. 8vo, Is. Upland Botany of Derbyshire. 1884. 8vo, od. BALFOUR (J. H.) Botanical Excursion to Ailsa Crag in 1844. 8vo, Is. Botanical Excursion to the Mull of Cantyre in 1844. 8vo, Is. Description of Hieracium collinum, of Fries, a New British Plant. 8vo, plate, 6d. Excursions in the Highlands of Scotland in 1867. 8vo, 6d. On Plants at Cobham, Exeter. 8vo, plate, 6d. Open-air Vegetation in the Edinburgh Botanic Garden during December 1863. 8vo, 9d. DULAU & Co., 3 BALFOUR anp BABINGTON. Catalogue of the Plants of North Uist, Harris, and Lewis. 8vo, 6d. Vegetation of the Outer Hebrides. 1841. 8vo, Is. BALFOUR, BABINGTON, anp CAMPBELL. Catalogue of British Flowering Plants and Ferns. Edinburgh, 1841. 8vo, Is. BALFOUR anv SADLER. Flora of Edinburgh. _ Edinburgh, 1863. 12mo, map, cloth, 35. es AND BABINGTON. On some British SoA of Oenanthe. 1844. VO, 6d. BARCLAY (G.) Algoid Lake-Balls found in South Uist. 1886. 8vo, plate, Is, BARRINGTON (R.) Report on the Flora of the Shores of Lough Erne. 1883. 8vo, Is. BARRINGTON anD VOWELL. Flora of Ben Bulben and the adjoining Mountain Range in Sligo and Leitrim. 1885. 8vo, map, Is. 6a, BARRON (A. F.) British Apples. London, 1884. 8vo, 2s. 6d. BARTON anp CASTLE. The British Flora Medica. New edition, revised by Jackson. London, 1877. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 185. BATTERS (E. A.) List of the Marine Algae of Berwick-on-Tweed. 1889. 8vo, 5 plates, cloth, los. 6d. On some New British Marine Algae. 1895. 8vo, plate, 1s. 6d. BAXTER (W.) BRITISH PHAENOGAMOUS BOTANY. Oxford, 1834-43. 6 vols. 8vo, 509 coloured plates, cloth (published at £9), £2 Ios. BEAUMONT (J.) Plants from the Mendip Lead Mines. 1804. 4to, plate, od. BEEBY (W.) On the Flora of Shetland, 1892. 8vo, 6d. BELFAST Naturalists’ Field Club. Systematic Lists illustrative of the Flora, Fauna, Palaeontology, and Archaeology of the North of Ireland. Vol. I. Belfast, 1886. 8vo, plates, half roxburgh, 7s. 6d. BENNETT (A.) Additional Records of Scottish Plants for 1887, 1891, 1892. 8vo, each 9d. Arabis alpina in Scotland. 8vo, 6d. On the Flora of the Outer Hebrides. 1892. 8vo, Is. BENNETT (A. W.) Fresh-water Algae of the English Lake District. 1886-8. 2 parts, 8vo, 3 plates, 2s. 6d. —~— Fresh-water Algae of Hampshire and Devonshire. 1890. 8vo, plate, Is. Fresh-water Algae of North Cornwall. 1887. 8vo, 2 plates, _ 15. 6d. Fresh-water Algae of S.W. Survey. 1891. 8vo, plate, 15. 3d. BENTHAM (G.) Handbook of the British Flora. London, 1858 or 1866. 8vo, cloth, 35. 6d. BERKELEY (M. J.) Handbook of British Mosses. London, 1863. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 16s. Gleanings of British Algae. London, 1833. 8vo, 20 coloured ae, I. On Two New British Fungi. 1866. 4to, coloured plate, Is. — — A New British Fungus. 1864. 8vo, coloured plate, 9d. Outlines of British Fungology. London, 1860. 8vo, coloured plate s cloth, 411s 87 Soho Square. 4 BERKELEY anp BROOME. Notices of British Fungi. 438-501. Is — 1144-1181. 8vo, 3 plates, Is, 6a. BERKENHOUT (J.) Synopsis of the Natural History of Great Britain andi Ireland.’ London, 1789. 2 vols. 1z2mo, bound, 5s. BINNEY (E. W.) A Description of some Fossil Plants, showing Structure,. found in the Lower Coal-seams of Lancashire and Yorkshire. 1865, 4to, 6 plates, 2s. 6d. On some Fossil Plants from the Lower Coal-measures of Lancashire. 1862. 8vo, 3 plates, Is. 3a. BISSET (J. P.) List of Desmidieae found in the Neighbourhood of Lake- Windermere during 1883. 8vo, plate, Is, BLIGHT (J. T.) A Week at the Land’s End. London, 1861. 12mo, illustrated, cloth, 25. BOLTON (H.) Fossil Trees at Doulton’s Delf, Lancashire. 1894. 8vo, 6d.. Plant and Fish Remains from Kilkenny. Salford, 1894. 8vo, Is. BOLTON (J.) Filices Britannicae ; a History of the British Proper Ferns. Leeds, 1785. 4to, with coloured plates, bound in calf, Al 18s. A HISTORY OF FUNGUSSES GROWING ABOUT HALIFAX. Halifax, 1788-91. 3 vols. and Supplement. 4to, with 182 coloured plates, fine copy bound in half calf, 48 8s. —- Another copy, uncoloured, 43 35 Vols. I. and II., with 92 plates, uncoloured, Ale BORRER (W.) North of England Plants. 1846. 8vo. Is, BOSWELL (E, AnD M.) Catalogue of Indigenous Plants in their Herbarium. Nov. 1819. MSS. 4to. From Dr. Boswell Syme’s Library, 55. BOSWELL (H.) Bryology of Oxford. 1860. 8vo, 9d. BOTANICAL POCKET-BOOK, with Observations on some of the rarer plants of Tunbridge Wells. 1849. 12mo, coloured plate, cloth, 35 BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH. Catalogue of British Plants. I. Flowering Plants and ferns. 1841. 8vo, Is. Third edition. 1851. Cloth, Is. 6a. BOULT (J.) Further Observations on the Alleged Submarine Forests on. the Shores of Liverpool Bay and the River Mersey. 1865. 8vo, 15. 6a. BOWERBANK (J. S.) History of the Fossil Fruits and Seeds of the London: Clay. London, 1840. 8vo, 17 plates, 10s, BOYD (D.) Flora of West Kilbride and Ardrossan. 1882. 8vo, od. Plants of the Clyde District. 1884. 8vo, 6d. BRAITHWAITE (R.) BRITISH MOSS-FLORA. London, 1882-99. Parts I to 19, 8vo, with plates, H4 165.. BREWER (J. A.) A New Flora of Reigate. London, 1856. 12mo, cloth, 25. BRIGGS (T. R.) Flora of Plymouth. London, 1880. 8vo, map, cloth, with a letter from the author, 85. 6a, BRITTEN (J.) Contributions toa Flora of Berkshire. 1871. 8vo, map, 25. BRITTEN anpD HOLLAND. A Dictionary of English Plant-names. London, 1878-84. 8vo. Al Is. BROMFEILD (W.) An Account of the English Nighishades and their Effects. London, 1757. 12mo, plate, bound, 2s. 6a. DULAU & Co., DAiaees des. Reg Salbie 1hs.28 5 BROMFIELD (W. A.) Catalogue of the Plants growing wild in Hampshire. (From Phytologist, 1848-50), 8vo, 55. -Flora Vectensis. London, 1856-71. 8vo, with supplement by More with map, : 16s. without map, Ios. BROOKSHAW (G.) POMONA BRITANNICA. London, 1812. Atlas folio, with finely coloured plates, or'ginal copy, bound in green morocco, gilt edges, 412 125, BROWN (N. E.) Vaccinium Intermedium, a New British Plant. 1887. 8vo, plate, 6d. . BUCKMAN (J.) Botanical Guide to the Environs of Cheltenham. Chelten- ham, 1844. 8vo, cloth, 45. The British Oak. 1862. 8vo, 2 plates, Is. BUCKNALL (C.) The Fungi of the Bristol District. Parts IX., XI. ae each 6d. BUFFHAM (T.) Bonnemaisonia hamifera in Cornwall. 1895. 8vo, plate, 9d. BULL (H.) The Mistletoe in Herefordshire. 1864. 8vo, Is. BURKILL (J.) Fertilisation of Medicago in England. 1894. 8vo, od. On the Flora of Gloucestershire. 1893. 8vo, Is. BURKILL anp WILLIS. Botanical Notes from North Cambridgeshire. 1894. 8vo, od. BUSHMAN (J.) New Scottish Locality for Linnaea borealis. 1829. 8vo, 6a BUXTON (R.) Botanical Guide, etc., within Sixteen Miles of Manchester. London, 1849. 12mo, cloth, 35. 6d. ‘CARADOC (THE). Record of Bare Facts, 1891. Shrewsbury. 4to, Is. 1892, 1893, 1895. 8vo, each Is. CARLISLE. Contributions towards a List of the Fungi growing in the District around Carlisle. 8vo, a Is. ‘CARROLL (I.) Contributions to Irish Lichenology. 2 parts.—HaRvey (W.) On Bindera. 1859. 8vo, 5 plates, 2 coloured, 25. First paper only. 3 plates, Is. 3d. ‘CARRUTHERS (W.) Lycopodiaceous Plants from the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. 1873. 8vo, plate, 9d. On Araucarian Cones from Britain. 1866. 8vo, plate, 6a. On Caulopteris punctata from Dorsetshire. 1865. 8vo, plate, 6d. On Coniferous Fruits from the Secondary Rocks of Britain. 1869. 8vo, 2 plates, Is. On Fossil Cycadean Stems from the Secondary Rocks of Britain. London, 1868. 4to, with ro plates, 55. On Gymnospermatous Fruit from the Secondary Rocks of Britain. 1867. 8vo, 4 plates, 25. On the Structure of a Fern-stem from Herne Bay. 1870. 8vo, 2 plates, : 25. On some British Secondary Cycadean Fruits. 1867. 8vo, plate, 9d. On two undescribed Coniferous Fruits from the Secondary Rocks of Britain. 8vo, plate, Is. Undescribed Cone from Airdree. 1865. 8vo, plate, 6a. (CASH (W.) On the Fossil Fructifications of the Yorkshire Coal Measures, 1888. 8vo, 8 plates, 250 87 Soho Square. 6 CASH anp HICK. Flora of the Lower Coal Measures of Halifax. 1878. 8vo, Qa. Fossil Fungi from Halifax. 1879. 8vo, plate, Is. CATALOGUE of the Vasculares or Phaenogamous Plants of Great Britain. London. Royal 8vo, Is. CATALOGUS Plantarum circa Cantabrigiam nascentium. Index Plantarum Agri Cantabrigiensis. Cantabrigiae, Field, 1660. 12mo, half vellum, 5s. CATLOW (A.) Popular Field Botany. Third edition. London, 1852. 8vo, 20 coloured plates, cloth, 55. wee (R. M.) On the Species of the Genus Primula in Essex. 1884. VO, 25. CLARKE (L.) Common Seaweeds of the British Coast. London, I2mo, coloured plates, boards, Is. CLARKE (S.) Hortus Anglicus; or, the Modern English Garden. London,. 1822. 2 vols. 12mo, 5s. COMBER(T.) Diatomaceae of Liverpool. 1860. 8vo, Is. 6a. COOKE (M. C.) BRITISH FRESH-WATER ALGAE, exclusive of Desmidieae and Diatomaceae.—British Desmids, a Supplement to British Fresh-water Algae. London, 1882-7. 3 vols. 8vo, 196 coloured plates, fine copy, well bound in half green morocco, gilt tops, L6 I6s. 6d. Another copy in parts as issued, 45 10s. BRITISH DESMIDS, a Supplement to British Fresh-water Algae, with 66 coloured plates. London, 1887. Fine copy, bound in 2 vols. half morocco, gilt top, G2 55- Another copy, half calf, L2- British Edible Fungi. London, 1891. 8vo, cloth, coloured plates, 6s.. ; Desmids new to Britain in 1880. 8vo, 4 coloured plates, Is. 6a, FUNGI BRITANNICI EXSICCATI. London, 1865. 2 ae I 10s, HANDBOOK OF BRITISH FUNGI. London, 1871. 2 vols. 8vo, illustrated, cloth, G2 25. Second edition. 1883-7. Parts 1 and 2, all published, 65. Handbook of British Hepaticae. London, 1894. 8vo, 7 plates andi 200 woodcuts, cloth, 35. 6d. ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH FUNGI. London, 1881-90. 76 parts and index, 8vo, coloured plates, £20: Introduction to Fresh-water Algae. With an enumeration of all the British Species. With 13 plates illustrating all the Genera. London, 1890. 8vo, cloth, 35. 6a. The Myxomycetes of Great Britain. London, 1877. 8vo, 24. plates, © 75. ——— Plain and easy account of British Fungi. Fifth edition. London, 1884. 12mo, coloured plates, cloth, 35 Synopsis of the British Accidiacei. 1864. 8vo, coloured plate, Is. aa AND ENGLISH. Hymenomycetal Fungi of Epping Forest. 1881. VO, Is. COOPER (D.) Flora Metropolitana. London, 1836. 12mo, cloth, 25.- On the Advancement of Local Botany in the Environs of London. t 8vo, od. CORREA DE SERRA. Submarine Forest on the East Coast of England.. 1809. 4to, gd.. DULAU & Co., 7 COULTAS (H.) Plants of Dover. 1861. 8vo, Is. COWELL (W.H.) A Floral Guide for East Kent. Faversham, 1839. 8vo, 2 maps, 45. CROMBIE (J. M.) British Ramalinei, etc. 1879, 8vo, 6d. Conspectus of the Genera of British Lichens. 8vo, 6a. Enumeration of British Cladoniei. 8vo, 6a Geological Relations of the Alpine Flora of Great Britain. 8vo, 15. ———— Lichenes Britannici. 1870. 12mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. - A Monograph of Lichens found in Britain. Part I. London, 1894. 8vo, cloth, 165. New British Lichens. 1870. 8vo, 6d. On the Lichen-Flora of Epping Forest. 1885. 8vo, Is. Rarer Lichens of Blair Athole. 1873. 8vo, 6d. Revision of the British Collemacei. 1874. 8vo, 9a. CURREY (F.) Notes on British Fungi. London, 1863. 4to, coloured plate, Is. 6d. Notes on British Fungi. London, 1864. 4to, plate, Is. 6d. On British Fresh-water Algae. 1858. 8vo, od. CURTIS (W.) FLORA LONDINENSIS. London, 1777-98. 2 vols. in 6 parts. Folio, containing 435 hand - coloured plates, half morocco, £9 95. —-— Another copy, bound in calf, fine clean copy, 412 12s. FLORA LONDINENSIS, CONTAINING A HISTORY OF THE PLANTS INDIGENOUS TO GREAT BRITAIN. Illustrated by Figures of the natural size. New edition, enlarged by Graves and Hooker. London, 1817-28. 5 vols. folio, coloured plates, fine copy, bound in half-green morocco, gilt top, edges uncut, 431 10s. Practical Observations on the British Grasses. Third edition. London, 1798. 8vo, coloured plates, half calf, 6s. 1805. 8vo, half bound, 5s. 1824. 6th edition. 8vo, 55. DARLINGTON (R.) Wild Flowers, etc., of Bettws-y-Coed. 8vo, 6d. Wild Flowers of the Vale of Llangollen. 8vo, 6a. DAVIDSON (G.) Diatomaceae of Loch Kinnord Kieselguhr. 1887. 8vo, 6d. DAVIES (H.) Welsh Botanology. London, 1813. 2 partsin 1, 8vo, 6s. DAVIS anp LEES. West Yorkshire: its Geology, Physical Geography, Climatology, and Botany. London, 1878. 8vo, plates, cloth, 7s. 6d. DAWSON (J. W.) On some Scottish Devonian Plants. 1878. 8vo, plate, Is, DEAKIN (R.) On New Species of Verrucaria and Sagedia found about Torquay. 8vo, 2 plates, Is. DELAHARPE (P.) De la Flore tertiaire del’Angleterre. 1856. 8vo, Is. DE LA PRYME (A.) Trees found under the ground in Hatfield Chace. 1804. 4to, Is. DICKIE (G.) Botanist’s Guide to the Counties of Aberdeen, Banff and Kincardine. Aberdeen, 1860. 12mo, map, cloth, 35. 6d. Flora Abredonensis. Aberdeen, 1838. 8vo, cloth, 35. 6d. Flora of Ulster. Belfast, 1864. 12mo, cloth, with 3 autograph letters, 38. 87 Soho Square. 8 DICKIE (G.) On Aberdeen Mosses. 1846. 8vo, 6d. DICKINSON (J.) The Flora of Liverpool. London, 1851. 8vo, cloth, 3s. Supplement to the Flora of Liverpool. 1855. 8vo, Is. 6d. DICKSON (J.) Fasciculi Plantatum cryptogamicarum Britanniae. Londini, 1785-1801. 4to, 12 plates, fine copy, bound in calf, Ios. 6a. DILLENIUS (J.) Hortus Elthamensis. Londini, 1732. 2 vols. folio, plates, calf, 41 58. Lugduni Batavorum, 1774. Folio, half calf, 155. DILLWYN (L. W.) British Confervae. London, 1809. 4to, plates, £1 55. Grossbritanniens Conferven, fiir deutsche Botaniker bearbeitet von Weber und Mohr. Gédttingen, 1803-5. 8vo, plates, 2s. 6d. Hortus collinsonianus. Swansea, 1843. 8vo. ‘* Not published.” An account of the plants cultivated by P. Collinson, many of them then first introduced into this country, 55. DIXON anp JAMESON. The Student’s Handbook of British Mosses. Eastbourne, 1896. 8vo, 60 plates, cloth, 185. 6d. DON (D.) Remarks on Some British Ferns. 1834. 4to, 6d. DONKIN (A.) Marine Diatomaceae of Northumberland. 8vo, plate, 2s. DONN (J.) Hortus Cantabrigiensis. Sixth edition. Cambridge, 1811. 12mo, boards, 35. Eighth edition. 1815, 2s. 6d. ——— Twelfth edition, by G. Sinclair. London, 1831. 8vo, 6s. ——— ——— Thirteenth edition. London, 1845. 8vo, cloth, 10s. DRUCE (G.C.) Flora of Berkshire. Oxford, 1897. 8vo, cloth, 168. DRUMMOND (G.) Cultivation of French Pears in Scotland. 1835. 4to, Is. 6a. DUCKWORTH (W.) Wild Flowers around Carlisle. 1884. 2 parts, 8vo, Is. 6d. EASTBOURNE Natural History Society. Lists of the Local Fauna and Flora. 1873. 12mo, 5 od. EDINBURGH Botanic Garden. Report for 1873. 8vo, 6a. EDWARDS (S.) The New Flora Britannica, illustrated with 60 coloured plates. London, 1812. 2 vols. in 1, 4to, green morocco, gilt edges, fine copy, 4I 10s. ELLACOMBE (H.) In a Gloucestershire Garden. London, 1895. 8vo, cloth, illustrated, 5s. Place Names Derived from Plants (in the Neighbourhood of Bath). 1887. 8vo, Is. ELLIOT (G. F. S.) Flora of Dumfriesshire. Part I. to the end of Cruciferae. 1891. 8vo, Is. ELLIOT (W.) Address to Botanical Society of Edinburgh on Local Societies and Field Clubs. 1871. 8vo, Is. 6d. ETTINGSHAUSEN (C.) On the Fossil Flora of Alum Bay. 1880. 8vo, 6a. EWING (P.) The Glasgow Catalogue of Native and Established Plants. Second edition. Glasgow, 1899. 8vo, cloth, 2s. FERGUSSON (J.) On Mosses indigenous to Forfarshire. 8vo, 6d, FISHER (H. S.) Remarks upon the Flora of Liverpool. 1855. 8vo, Is. FLOWER (T. B.) Flora Thanetensis. Ramsgate, 1847. 12mo, cloth, 35. DULAU & Co., 9 FOOT (F.) Ferns of West Clare. 1860. 8vo, 6a. FORBES (J.) Hortus Woburnensis. London, 1833. Royal 8vo, plates, some coloured, half morocco, gilt top, 18s. London, 1833. 8vo, plate, cloth (medium copy), 6s. one (E.) On the Vicia angustifolia of the English Flora. 1829. 4to, 9d. FORSTER (T. F.) Flora Tonbrigensis. London, 1816. 12mo, 3 coloured plates, original boards, uncut, 45. 6d. On a new British Caltha. 1805. 4to, plate, 6d. FOSSIL Plants in the Vale of Tweed. 12mo, 4 plates, Is. FRANCIS (G. W.) An Analysis of the British Ferns and their Allies. With copper-plate engravings of every species and variety. London, 1837. 8vo, 7 plates, boards, 25. 6d. Fifth edition enlarged by Henfrey. 1855. 9 plates, cloth, 35. 6d. FRASER (J.) Ona New British Moss. 1868. 8vo, plate, 6d. ee (Rev. HI.) A Glossary of Devonshire Plant Names. 1882. VO, 25. On Some Devonshire Plant Names. 1881. 8vo, Is. GALPINE (J.) Synoptical Compend of British Botany. Salisbury, 1806. 12mo, rough calf, 35. London, 1829. 12mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. GARDINER (W.) Twenty Lessons on British Mosses. Fourth edition, London, 1852. 8vo, with 25 specimens, cloth, 35. 62. ‘GARDNER (J. S.) Alnus Richardsoni, a Fossil Fruit from the London Clay of Herne Bay. 1883. 8vo, plate, Is, Eocene Ferns from the Basalts of Ireland and Scotland. 1885. 8vo, plate, : Is, On the Lower Eocene Plant Beds of Ulster. 1884. 8vo, 6d. -GARDNER anv ETTINGSHAUSEN. Monograph of the British Eocene Flora. Part I. Filices. 1879. 4to, 5 plates, 55. Part II., Nos. 1, 2, Gymnospermae. 1883-4. 4to, 20 plates, 12s. -GARNER (R.) Natural History of the County of Stafford. London, 1844. 8vo, plates, cloth, 95. GATTY (A.) BRITISH SEA-WEEDS; drawn from Harvey’s Phycologia Britannica. London, 1872, 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 80 coloured plates, cloth, Al Is. 6d. GEIKIE (J.) Occurrence of Drifted Trees at Musselburgh, 1884. 8vo, 6d. -GIBSON (G.S.) Flora of Saffron Walden. 1842. 8vo, gd. GIFFORD (I.) The Marine Botanist ; an Introduction to British Seaweeds. Third edition. Brighton, 1853. 12mo, coloured plates, cloth, 35. 6d. -GISSING (T. W.) Materials for a Flora of Wakefield. London, 1867. 8vo, cloth, 2s. 6a. -GORRIE (A.) Account of Scotch Pears. 1827. 4to, illustrated, 25, 6d. GRAHAM (R.) Botanical Excursions from Edinburgh in Autumn. 1839. 8vo, od. in 1833. 8vo, od. GRANT (J.) The Flora of Caithness. 1885. 8vo, 9d. .GRAY (J. E.) Handbook of British Water-weeds or Algae. London, 1864. 12mo, cloth, 55. 87 Soho Square. 10 GRAY (S. F.) Natural Arrangement of British Plants. London, 1821. 2 vols, 8vo, 21 coloured plates, boards, 8s. 6a. GRAY (S. 0.) British Sea-weeds, London, 1867. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 75. 6d. GREVILLE (R. K.) Account of some of the cryptogamous Plants of Devon- shire. 1820. 8vo, 2 coloured plates, 35. Algae Britannicae, or Descriptions of the Marine and other Inarti- culated Plants of the British Islands belonging to the order Algae. Edinburgh, 1830. 8vo, 19 coloured plates, cloth, BI 55. Descriptions of the Esculent Fungi of Great Britain. 1822. 8vo, 3s. Flora Edinensis, with an Introduction to the Natural Orders of the Class Cryptogamia. Edinburgh, 1824. 8vo, plates, half russia, gilt edges, 75. Od. ~ On the Botanical Characters of British Oaks. 1841. 8vo, 2 plates, Is.. Report on the Progress and State of Botany in Britain, from March 1839 to February 1840. Edinburgh, 1841. 8vo, Is. 6d. SCOTTISH CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA. Edinburgh, 1823-9. 6- vols. 8vo, coloured plates, half morocco, gilt edges, £6. Seven new Scottish Fungi. 1821. 8vo, plate, Is. GRIFFITH (J. E.) The Flora of Anglesey and Carnarvonshire. 1896. 8vo, map, cloth, Ios. 6d. GRINDON (L. H.) Country Rambles and Manchester Walks and Wild Flowers. Manchester, 1882. 8vo, illustrated, cloth, 35. 6d. Manual of British and Foreign Plants. London, 1861. 8vo, cloth, Is. 6d. - The Shakspere Flora. Manchester, 1883. 12mo, cloth, new, 3s. 6d. The Trees of Old England. London, 1868. 8vo, illustrated, cloth, 2s. 6d. GROVES (H. AnD J.) On British Characeae. 1890-4. 8vo, plate, 9a. GRUFBERG (I. 0.) Flora Anglica. 1788. 8vo, Is. 6d. ey ee (G.) Raphides as Natural Characters in the British Flora. 1866. vO, Is. GUNN (JouN). On the Presence of the Forest Bed Series at Kessingland and Pakefield in Suffolk. London, 1876. 8vo, Is. oe (H. B.) The River Thames as an Agent in Plant Dispersal. 1892. VO, Is. HALL (T.B.) Flora of Liverpool. London, 1838. 8vo, map, cloth, 3s. 6d. HANBURY anp MARSHALL. Flora of Kent. London, 1899. 8vo, 2 maps, cloth, 125. 6d. HANCOCK anp ATTHEY. Fossil Fungi from the Northumberland Coal- field. 1869. 8vo, 2 plates, Is. 3d. HARDY (J.) Lichen Flora of the Eastern Borders. 8vo, Is. 6d. The Moss Flora of the Eastern Borders. Berwick, 1868. 8vo, Is. Plants new to Berwickshire. 8vo, gd. - HART (H.C.) Botanical Notes along the Rivers Nore and Blackwater. 1885. 8vo, 6d. Botanical Ramble along the Slaney. 1881. 8vo, 6d. . ——— The Botany of the Barrow. 1885. 8vo, 6d. Botany of the River Suir. 1883. 8vo, 6d. - DULAU & CO., 11 HART (H.C.) Flora of Lambay Island, Co. Dublin. 1883. 8vo, Is. 3d. Further Report on the Flora of Southern Donegal. 1866. 8vo, 15. List of Plants found in the Islands of Aran, Galway Bay. 1875. 8vo,. map, Is. Localities for Irish Hepatics and Mosses. 1886. 8vo, 3d. Mountain Plants in Kerry, &c. 1882. 8vo, 6d. Notes on the Flora of the Mayo and Galway Mountains. Dublin, 1883. 8vo, 25. Notes on Irish Plants. 1881. 8vo, 3d. On the Botany of the Macgillicuddy’s Reeks, Kerry. 1882. 8vo, 1. On the Flora of Innishowen, Co. Donegal. 1883. 8vo, Is. On the Flora of North-Western Donegal. 1880. 8vo, od. ——— On the Plants of some of the Mountain Ranges of Ireland. 1884. 8vo, Is. 3d. — Plants of North Arran Island, Donegal. 1881. 8vo, 6d. ——— Rare Plants in County Donegal. 1881. 8vo, 6d. ——— Rare Plants from Co. Tyrone. 1887. 8vo, 3d. Report on the Flora of South-West Donegal. 1885. 8vo, Is. 3a. Report on the Flora of the Wexford and Waterford Coasts. 1883. 8vo, Is. 6d. HARVEY (W.) A Manual of the British Marine Algae. London, 1849. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, ALIS. First edition, 1841. 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. New British Algae. 1857. 8vo, 2 plates, oa. PHYCOLOGIA BRITANNICA. London, 1846-51. 4 vols. 8vo, original edition, containing 360 hand-coloured plates, half calf, 46 6s. “Prof. Balfour’s copy; plates and text arranged in families.” ——— —— Newedition. 1871. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, 43 135. 6d. Parts II. to V. 8vo, with coloured plates, each 2s. The Sea-side Book, being an Introduction to the Natural History of the British Coasts. London, 1849. 12mo, illustrated, cloth gilt, 35. 6a. Synopsis of British Sea-weeds, compiled from the Phycologia Britannica. London, 1857. 12mo, cloth, 45. HASSALL (A. H.) A HISTORY OF THE BRITISH FRESH-WATER ALGAE. London, 1845. 2 vols. 8vo, 103 coloured plates, 44 10s. HAWKSHAW (J.) Description of the Fossil Trees found in the Excavations for the Manchester and Bolton Railway. 1839. 4to, plate, 2s. HAYDON (W. T.) Catalogue of the Flowering Plants of Dover. 1890. I2mo, Is. 6d. HEATH (F. Gzo.) Where to find Ferns, with a Special Chapter on the Ferns round London. London, 1881. 12mo, cloth, Is. 6d. HEER (O.) Fossil Flora of Bovey Tracey. London, 1862. 4to, 17 coloured plates, 6s. Fossil Plants from the Hempstead beds of the Isle of Wight. 1862. 8vo, plate, Is. HENNEDY (R.) The Clydesdale Flora. Second edition. Glasgow, 1869. 12mo, cloth, 35. HENSLOW (G.) Student’s Catalogue of British Plants. 1879. 8vo, Is. 3d. 87 Soho Square. IL 12 ‘HICK (T.) New Sporiferous Spike from the Lancashire Coal Measures. 1893. 8vo, 6d. Recent Advances in British Paleobotany. 1896. 8vo, I5e Volvox in Yorkshire. 1891. 8vo, 3a. HICK anp CASH. Fossil Flora of Halifax. III. 1881. 8vo, plate, 9d. HICKS (H.) Additional Notes on the Land Plants from the Pen-y-glog Slate-quarry, near Corwen, North Wales. 1881. 8vo, plate, Is. On the Remains of Plants from the Denbighshire Grits, near Corwen, North Wales. London, 1881. 8vo, plate, Is. HIGGINS (H.) Botanizing Stations near Liverpool. 1858. 8vo, Is, The Fungi of Liverpool. 1858. 2 parts, 8vo, 35. 6d. Synopsis and List of British Hymenomycetes. 1858. 8vo, 2s. 6d. HIND (W.) Flora of Harrow. 1860. 8vo, Is. aoe (C. P.) A Synopsis of British Mosses. London, 1873. 12mo, cloth, 25. Second edition. London, 1884. 8vo, cloth, 55. 6d, HODGSON (W.) Botany of the Caldew Valley. 1883. 8vo, Is. ——— Botany of the Solway Shore. Part II. and III. 8vo, Is. HOGG (J.) On Four British Plants. 1857. 8vo, 6d. HOLMES (E. M.) Algae Britannicae rariores exsiccatae. Londini, 1883-96. I-VII. 4to, each £1 Is. — Dicranum flagellare in Britain. 1874. 8vo, plate, 6d. Two new British Ectocarpi. 1887. 8vo, plate, 6a. HOOKER (Sir J. D.) Carpolithes ovulum from the Eocene beds of Lewisham. 1855. 8vo, plate, Is. The Student’s Flora of the British Islands. London, 1870. 12mo, cloth, 45. 6d, Second edition. 1878. 8vo, cloth, 55. HOOKER (Sir W. J.) The British Ferns; Coloured Figures and Des- criptions, with Analysis of the Fructification and Venation of the Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1861. 8vo, 66 coloured plates, cloth, Al 55. The British Flora, comprising the Phaenogamous, or Flowering Plants and the Ferns. First edition. London, 1830. 8vo, 45. Second edition. London, 1831. 8vo, cloth, 45. —— Third edition. London, 1835. 8vo, cloth, 55. —- Another copy, well bound in half russia, gilt edges, 6s. Fourth edition. London, 1838. Vol. I. Phanerogams and Ferns. 8vo, plates, cloth, 55. (with G. A. Walker-Arnott), Seventh edition. London, 1855. 8vo, with plates, cloth, 45. Eighth edition. 1860, 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 5S. BRITISH JUNGERMANNIAE. London, 1816. 4to, with 88 coloured plates, magnificent copy, bound in russia, £12. Another copy, half bound, 59 Flora Scotica, or a Description of Scottish Plants. London, 1821. 8vo, half calf, 6s. On the Genus Andraea, with descriptions of four British Species. 1810. 4to, plate, 2s. DULAU & Co., 13 HOOKER anp TAYLOR. Muscologia Britannica. London, 1818. 8vo,. plates (uncoloured), half bound, 85. 6d. with coloured plates, well bound in half morocco, gilt top, 155. Second edition. 1827. Uncoloured, cloth, Tos. HOWIE (C.) The Moss Flora of Fife and Kinross. Cupar, 1889. 12m0, cloth, 45. On New and Rare Scotch Mosses. 1867. 8vo, plate, 6d. HOWSE (R.) Catalogue of the Fossil Plants from the Hutton Collection. 1888. 8vo, plates ‘and illustrations. 55. HUDSON (G.) Flora Anglica. Editio altera. Londini, 1778. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, calf, 7s. 6d. HULL (J.) British Flora. Second edition. Vol. I. Manchester, 1808. vO, 25. eae (G. E.) Notes of the Rarer Mosses of Perthshire and Braemar. 1869. vO A On Mosses new to Britain. 1866. 8vo, ie HUSSEY (Mrs. T. J.) ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRITISH MYCOLOGY, containing figures and popular descriptions of the Funguses of interest and novelty indigenous to Britain. First Series. 90 beautiful coloured platés. 1847.—Second Series. 50 coloured plates. 1855. London. 2 vols. royal 4to, calf, 412 125. IBBOTSON (H.) The Ferns of York. 1884. 8vo, 9a. INMAN (T. F.) Collection of fifteen dried species of Menthae, from Corn- wall. 1885. In good condition and labelled, Ios. IRISH FLORA, comprising Phaenogamous Plants and Ferns. Dublin, 1833. or 1846. 12mo, cloth, 35. 6d. IRVINE (A.) Illustrated Handbook of British Plants. London, 1858, 8vo, cloth, 35. 6a. The London Flora. London, 1838. 12mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. ISLE OF MAN Flora (Phytologist, 1860). 8vo, 9d. JACK anp ETHERIDGE. On Plants in the Lower Red Sandstone at Callender. 1876. 8vo, 6d. JACOB (E.) Plantae Favershamienses. London, 1777. 12mo, calf, ee Ios. 6d. JENNER (E.) Flora of Tunbridge Wells. 12mo, cloth, 35. JOHNSON (T.) Pogotrichum Hibernicum. Dublin, 1893. 8vo, plate, 97. JOHNSON anv SOWERBY. The Useful Plants of Great Britain. London. Royal 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 12s. 6d. JOHNSTON (G.) A Flora of Berwick-upon-Tweed. Edinburgh, 1829. 2 vols. 12mo, cloth, 45. 6d. JOHNSTONE anp CROALL, THE NATURE-PRINTED BRITISH SEA-WEEDS, A HISTORY. London, 1859-60. 4 vols. 8vo, coloured plates, fine copy, bound in half red morocco, gilt edges, L3 35- Another copy, cloth, £2 105. JONES (T.) On the Irish Lichens. 1864. 8vo, Is. 3a. 1865. 8vo, od. KEDDIE (W.) Botanical Excursion to the Bass Rock in 1844. 8vo, 94. KEITH (J.) Second List of Fungi of Moray. 8vo, 6d. KENTISH BOTANY (Phytologist, 1861). 8vo, Is, 6a. KEW GARDENS REPORTS. 1878, 1879, 1881. London. 8vo, ae each 9d. 87 Soho Square. 14 KEYS (L.) Flora of Devon and Cornwall; Ranunculaceae to Geraniaceae. Plymouth, 1866. 8vo, 1s. 6d. KIDSTON (R.) Additional Notes on British Carboniferous Lycopods. 1889. 8vo, plate, Is. Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the Natural History Museum. London, 1886. 8vo, cloth, 45. 6d. Fossil Flora of the Staffordshire Coalfields. Edinburgh, 1888-91. 2 parts, 4to, 2 plates, 55. Fossil Plants of the Kilmarnock, Galston, and Kilwinning Coalfields, Ayrshire. 1893. 4to, 4 plates, 55. Fossil Plants from the Lancashire Coal Measures. 1892-4. 2 parts, 8vo, 2s. New Species of Lycopodites from Scotland. 1884. 8vo, plate. 9d. Occurrence of Arthrostigma gracile in Perthshire. 1893. 8vo, plate, 15. Occurrence of Lycopodites Vanuxemi in Britain. 1885. 8vo, plate, 6d. On the Fossil Flora of the Radstock series of the Somerset and Bristol Coalfield. Parts I. and II. Edinburgh, 1888. 4to, 11 plates, 10s. On the Fossil Flora of the South Wales Coalfield. Edinburgh, 1894. 4to, plate, 35. 6a. On the Fossil Flora of the Staffordshire Coalfields. 1888-90. 2 parts, 4to, 2 plates, 45. On Fossil Plants from the Lanarkshire Coalfield. 1885. 8vo, Is. On the Fossil Plants in the Ravenhead Collection, Liverpool. Edinburgh, 1889. 4to, 2 plates, 35. On Lepidophloios and the British Species of the Genus. Edinburgh, 1893. 4to, 2 plates, 35. On Palaeoxyris in British Carboniferous Rocks. 1885. 8vo, plate, Is. On some Fossil Plants from the Lanarkshire Coalfield. Glasgow, 1886. 8vo, plate, Is. 6a, On some Fossil Plants from Teilia Quarry, Flintshire. 1889. 4to, 2 plates, Is. 6a. Report on Fossil Plants, collected by the Geological Survey of Scot- land in Eskdale and Liddlesdale. 1882. 4to, 3 plates, 2s. 6d. The Yorkshire Carboniferous Flora. 1890-8. 6 parts, 8vo, 556 KINAHAN (G.) Distribution of Ferns in Ireland. 8vo, Is. KNAPP (F. H.) Botanical Chart of British Flowering Plants and Ferns. Bath, 1846. 8vo, cloth, 35. KNAPP (J. L.) GRAMINA BRITANNICA, or Representations of British Grasses. London, 1804. 4to, 119 coloured plates, fine copy, bound in russia, 42 12s. 6a. ‘A scarce book, most of the copies having been destroyed by fire.” KNIGHT anp PERRY. Synopsis of the Coniferous Plants grown in Great Britain. London. 8vo, 25. KYNOCH (J.) Wild Flowers of Barmouth. 1887. 8vo, 6d. LANDSBOROUGH (D.) British Sea-weeds. London, 1849. 12mo, 20 coloured plates, cloth, 5s. History of British Sea-weeds. London, 1857. 12mo, 20 coloured plates, cloth, 6s. 6d. aah ables (Mrs.) British Ferns, London. 12mo, coloured plates, cloth, 25. DULAU & Co., 15 LAWSON (P.) THE PINETUM BRITANNICUM, A DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF HARDY TREES OF THE PINE TRIBE CULTIVATED IN GREAT BRITAIN. Edinburgh, 1866-84. 3 vols. folio, illustrated with maos, photographs, 48 facsimiles of the original water-colour drawings, and 643 engravings on wood. Fine copy, newly bound in half-green morocco, gilt top, cloth sides, 421. Synopsis of the Vegetable Products of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1851. Small 4to, each Is. 6d. I. Plants cultivated for their Seeds and Straw. II. Herbage and Forage. III. Roots. VI. Timber. LECKENBY (J.) Oolitic Plants of Scarborough. 1863. 8vo, 4 plates, 2s. LEE (H. F.) The Flora of Dewsbury. 1887-8. 2 parts, 8vo, 2s. = (E.) Acceleration in the Frondescence of British Wild Plants in 1848. vO, Is. The Botanical Looker-out among the Wild Flowers of England and Wales. London, 1842. 8vo, cloth, 35. 6d. Second edition. 1851. 8vo, cloth, 55. Botany of the Malvern Hills. Second edition. London, 1852. 12mo, plate, cloth, 2s. 6a. The Forest and Chace of Malvern. Worcester, 1877. 8vo, illus- trated, Is. 6d, Growth of the British Fruticose Rubi. 1843. 8vo, plate, 6d. Pictures of Nature in the Silurian region around the Malvern Hills. Malvern, 1856. 12mo, cloth, . 2s. 6d. LEES (F. A.) The Flora of West Yorkshire. London, 1888. 8vo, with coloured map, cloth, 12s. 6d. A Summary of Comital Plant-distribution. 1878. 8vo, 2s. LEIGHTON (W. A.) The British Species of Angiocarpous Lichens, eluci- dated by their Sporidia. London, 1851. 8vo, with 30 coloured plates, cloth, scarce, BI 55. A Flora of Shropshire. London, 1841. 8vo, plates, cloth, 125. 6d. The Lichen Flora of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Channel Islands. First edition. 1871. 12mo, cloth, 5S. Second edition. Shrewsbury, 1872. 12mo, cloth, 7s. 6d. — Third edition. 1879. 8vo, cloth, 16s. Lichenes britannici exsiccati nach Massalongo’s System zusammenge- stellt von Arnold. 1861. 8vo, 2s. 6d, Monograph of the British Graphideae. London, 1854. 8vo, 4 coloured plates, Only roo printed. 6s. Monograph of the British Umbilicariae. 1856. 8vo,plate, 15. 6a, New British Arthoniae. 1856. 8vo, plate, Is. —— New British Lichens. 1857. 8vo, plate, Is. — London, 1876. 2 parts, 4to, with 2 coloured plates, 2s. ———— New Irish Lichens. London, 1877. 4to, coloured plate, Is. Notes on British Lichens. 1865. 8vo, plates, od. LETT (H. W.) The Fungi of the North of Ireland. Part I. 1885. a Is. 6a. Report on the Mosses, Hepatics, and Lichens of the Mourne Moun- tain District. 1889. 8vo, 2s. 87 Soho Square. 16 LEVINGE (H.) The Plants of Westmeath. Dublin, 1894. 8vo, Is. LIGHTFOOT (J.) Flora Scotica. London, 1777. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, fine copy, well bound in calf, 18s. Another copy, half bound, 12s. 6d. Second edition. London, 1792. 2 vols. 8vo, plates, calf, 18s. LINDBERG (S. O.) Contributions to British Bryology. 1870. 8vo, 9d. Hepaticae in Hibernia mense Julii, 1873, lectae. Helsingforsiae, 1875. 4to, 4s. 6d. LINDLEY (J.) Five Varieties of Pears from Jersey. 1826. 4to, 2 coloured plates, Is. 6d. POMOLOGIA BRITANNICA; or, Figures and Descriptions of the most important Varieties of Fruit cultivated in Great Britain. London, 1841. 3 vols. royal 8vo, 152 finely coloured plates, half morocco, gilt edges, 43 Ios. A Synopsis of the British Flora. London, 1829. 12mo, half bound, 25. - Third edition. London, 1841. 8vo, calf, 25. LINDLEY anp HUTTON. THE FOSSIL FLORA OF GREAT BRITAIN. London, 1831-7. 3 vols. 8vo, 230 plates, original edition, cloth, 43 35. Another copy, bound in half morocco, gilt top, £3 135. 6d. LINTON (E. AnD W.) British Hawkweeds. 1893. 8vo, Is. LISTER (A.) Guide to the British Mycetozoa in the British Museum. 1895. 8vo, illustrated, LONDON Catalogue of British Plants. 1844. 8vo, Is. LOUDON (J. C.) The Derby Arboretum. London, 1840. 8vo, illustrated, ; Is. 6d. Hortus Britannicus. Second edition ‘with Supplement to February 1832. London. 8vo, cloth, 35. 6d. = First additional Supplement to the Hortus Britannicus. 1832. vo, 25e Second additional Supplement. 1839. 8vo, 2s. 6d, LOWE (E. J.) A Natural History of British Grasses. London, 1871. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 125. 6d. OUR NATIVE FERNS. London, 1865-9. 2 vols. 8vo, with 79: coloured plates and 909 engravings, cloth, LI 10s, LUXFORD (G.) Flora of Reigate. London, 1838. 12mo, map, cloth, Is. 62, McARDLE (D.) Hepaticae of the Hill of Howth. Dublin, 1893. 8vo, 2 plates, Is. 3d. Additions to the Hepaticae of the Hill of Fiowth. 1897. 8vo, 9d. On some New or Rare Irish Hepaticae. 1882. 8vo, 2 plates, Is. MACGILLIVRAY (W.) Phenogamic Vegetation of the River Dee, in Aberdeenshire. 1831. 8vo, Is. MACKAY (J. T.) A Catalogue of the Plants found in Ireland. Part I. Dublin, 1825. 4to, . 5se Flora Hibernica. Dublir, 1836. 8vo, cloth, Qs. McLAREN (J.) Remarks on British Carices. 1851. 8vo, 6d. M‘NAB (W. R.) Selaginellas cultivated at Edinburgh. 8vo, plate, Is, DULAU & Cc,, 17 MACREIGHT (D. C.) Manual of British Botany. London, 1837. 12mo, cloth, 35. 6d, MACVICAR (S.) Notes on doubtfully Native and Introduced Plants in Westerness. 1896. 8vo, Is. MANSEL PLEYDELL (J. C.) Flora of Dorsetshire. London, 1874. 8vo, map, cloth, 55. The Flora of Dorsetshire. Second edition, with two maps. Dor- chester, 1895. 8vo, cloth, Ios. 6d. Lamprothamnus alopecuroides in Dorsetshire. 1892. 8vo, plate, 9d. Rarer Trees of Abbotsbury Castle. Dorchester, 1894. 8vo, Is. MANTELL (G. A.) Description of some Fossil Vegetables of the Tilgate Forest, Sussex. 1824. 4to, 3 plates, 25. Fossil Fruits from the Chalk of the South-East of England. 8vo, plate, Is. MARQUAND (E. D.) The Cryptogamic Flora of Kelvedon. 1891. 8vo, Is. —--—— Desmids and Diatoms of West Cornwall. 1883. 8vo, Is. — The Flora of Guernsey. 1891. 8vo, Is. 6d. Mosses, Hepaticae and Lichens of Guernsey. 1893. 8vo, Is. MARRAT (F. P.) Musci and Hepaticae found within 12 miles of Liverpool and Southport. 1855-8. Is. 62, MARTINDALE (J. A.) Notes on British Lichens. 1887. 8vo, 6a. MARTINS (C.) Les Jardins Botaniques de l’Angleterre comparés 4 ceux de la France. 1868. 8vo, Is 6d. es Vegetable Colonization of Shetland, Faroe, and Iceland. 1858. vo, Is. eee (J.) Preservation of our local Fauna and Flora. ane vO, 9a. MASSEE (G)_ British Fungi, Phycomycetes and Ustilaginae. London, 1891. 8vo, plates, cloth, 6s. 6d. British Fungus-Flora. London, 1892-5. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, £1 45. New British Micro-Fungi. 1885. 8vo, plate. od. MASTERS (M.T.) List of Conifers and Taxads in cultivation in Great britain and Ireland. 8vo, Is. 6d. MAUGHAN (R.) List of the rarer Plants found near Edinburgh. 1809. 8vo, Is. 6a, MELVILL (J. C.) Flora of Harrow. With Notes on the Birds, Butterflies, and Moths. London, 1864. 12mo, map, cloth, 35. 6d. Occurrence of Trachelium caeruleum in Guernsey. 1892. 8vo, 6d. MESSER (F. A.) A New and Easy Method of studying British Wild Flowers by Natural Analysis. London, 1880. 8vo, cloth, 6s. 6d. MILL (G.) List of the Flowering Plants of Great Marlow. 1844. 8vo, Is. MILLER ann SKERTCHLEY. The Fenland, Past and Present. Wisbech, 1878. Royal 8vo, maps and illustrations, cloth, Ll. MOORE (D.) The Mosses of Ireland. Dublin, 1873. 8vo, plates, 3s! MOORE (T.) THE FERNS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Edited by Lindley; nature-printed by Bradbury. London, 1855. Folio, fine copy, well bound in green morocco, full gilt back and sides, gilt edges, £5 55 British Ferns and their Allies. London. 12mo, plates, Is. 37 Soho Square. 18 MOORE (T.) Handbook of British Ferns. London, 1853. 18mo, cloth" Is. 6d. —- Third edition. 1857. Cloth, 39. 6d. Handbook for the Dublin Botanic Gardens. 1865. 12mo, 6a. History of British Ferns. London, 1851. 12mo, coloured plates, cloth, 55. History of the British Ferns. Third edition. London, 1859. 8vo, coloured plates, cloth, 6s. Lastrea remota, a new British Fern. 1860. 8vo, 6a. MOORE and MORE. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Dublin and Wicklow. List of Mosses and Hepaticae which are found in the Counties of Dublin and Wicklow. 8vo, 2s, Climate, Flora, and Crops of Ireland. 8vo, map, Is, Contribution towards a Cybele Hibernica. Dublin, 1866-72. 8vo, cloth, 6s. 6a. MORE (A.G.) Localities for some Plants observed in Ireland.—Mackay (J..T.) Additional Plants for Flora Hibernica. 1860. 8vo, Is. Recent additions to the Flora of Ireland. Dublin, 1872. 8vo, Is. 6d. MUNFORD (G.) List of the Botanical Productions of Norfolk. Sheffield, 1864. 8vo, : 25. MUNTING (A.) De vera antiquorum Herba Britannica, ejusdem efficacia contra Stomacacen seu Scelotyrben. Amstelodami, 1681. 4to, with 24 plates. — Albidarium sive Aloes macronato folio Americanae majoris aliarumque ejusdem speciei historia. Amstelodami, 1680. 4to, with 8 plates. The two works bound together in one volume, old vellum, 7s. 6d. MURRAY (A.) The Northern Flora, or a description of the Wild Plants belonging to the North and East of Scotland. Part I. Edinburgh, 1836. 8vo, 55. MURRAY (S.) Companion to the Glasgow Botanical Garden. Glasgow, I2mo, plan, as. NEW SPECIES of Phanerogamous Plants published in Great Britain during 1870. 8vo, od. NEWMAN (E.) County Lists of the British Ferns. 1843. 8vo, Is. -——— History of the British Equiseta. 1842. 8vo, illustrated, Is. 6a. — History of British Ferns. London, 1844. 8vo, illustrated, cloth, 8s. 6d. — 1854. 8vo, cloth, 10s. A History of British Ferns. Fifth edition. London. 12mo, plates, cloth, 12s. 6d. History of the British Lycopodia. 1841-2. 8vo, Is. 6d. - Notes on Irish Natural History, more especially Ferns. London, 1840. 8vo, boards, 55. On British Species of Polypodium, 1837. 8vo, od. ———- Synoptical Table of the British Ferns. London, 1851. 8vo, 1s. 6d. NIVEN (N.) Visitor’s Companion to the Botanic Garden, Glasnevin. Dublin, 1838. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, Is. 6a. NORMAN (G.) Diatomaceae of Hull. 1860. 2 parts, 8vo, 2s, NOTES on the Fauna and Flora of the West of Scotland. Glasgow, 1876. 8vo, cloth, 35. 6d. OKEDEN (F.) Diatomaceae of South Wales. 1858. 8vo, Is. DULAU & Co., 19 O’MEARA (E.) List of the Diatomaceae found in the Counties of Dublin and Wicklow.—The Lichens of the Counties of Dublin and Wicklow. By Pim. 1878. 8vo, 2s. First paper separately, Is. 3a. New Forms of Diatomaceae from the Arran Islands. 3 parts, 8vo, plates, 2s. On Diatomaceae from the West of Ireland. 2 parts, 8vo, 2 plates, 25. Report on the Irish Diatomaceae. Dublin, 1875. 8vo, 9 plates, half calf, Ios. PAINTER (W. H.) Contribution to the Flora of Derbyshire. London, 1889. 8vo, map, cloth, 55. 6d. PARNELL (Ricuarp). THE GRASSES OF BRITAIN, containing a scientific description of each species, remarks on their use in agriculture, etc., illustrated by figures drawn and engraved by the author. Edinburgh and London, 1842-5. 2 vols. 8vo, 142 plates, cloth, £2 25. PATERSON (J.) Scotch and English Elms. 8vo, plate, 6a. PEEBLES (A.) Arboriculture in Hampshire. 8vo, Is. PERCIVAL (J.) Flora of Wensleydale. 1888. 8vo, Is. PETIVER (J.) Works. Vol. II. containing Catalogue of Ray’s English Herball, with 72, plates. — Plants already engraved in Mr. Petiver’s Herball, 6 plates. — Directions for the Gathering of Plants. — Plantae Italiae, 5 plates, etc. London, 1764. Folio, calf, 15s. Plants already engraved in Mr. Petiver’s English Herbal. Folio, 1s. PETTY (L.) The Plants of Leck, Lancashire. 1893. 8vo, 9a. PHILLIPS (H.) Flora Historica; or, the Three Seasons of the British Parterre. Historically and botanically treated. Second edition. London, 1829. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth, 75. - First edition. 1824. 2 vols. 8vo, well bound in half calf, 75. Pomarium Britannicum. London, 1820. 8vo, half calf, 35. 6a. Third edition. London, 1823. 8vo, half calf, 35. 6d. PHILLIPS (R. A.) Flora of Co. Cork. 1894. 4to, od. PHILLIPS (W.) British Lichens; how to study them. 1880. 8vo, plate, 15. Manual of British Discomycetes. London, 1887. 8vo, illustrated, cloth, 35. 6a. PHILLIPS anp PLOWRIGHT. New and Rare British Fungi. 227-296. 8vo, Is. PIM (G.) The Fungi of the Counties of Dublin and Wicklow. 1878. aS Is. 6a. — Recent additions. 1884. 8vo, 6d. ——— Fungi of Glengariff and Killarney. 1885. 8vo, 1; PLATT (S.) Fossil Tree recently found at Sparth Bottoms, Rochdale.— Botton (H.) Fossil Trees at Doulton’s Delf, St. Helen’s, Lancashire. 1895. 8vo, plate, Is. PLOWRIGHIT (B. B.) Monograph of the British Uredineae and Ustilagineae. London, 1889. 8vo, plates, cloth, 9s. On certain British Heteroecius Uredines. 1887. 8vo, 6d. PLUES (M.) British Fungi. 8vo, plate, Is. POWELL (J. T.) Existing Flowering Plants of Epping Forest. 1892. ea map, S. POWER (TuH.) Contributions towards 4 Fauna and Flora of the County of Cork. London, 1845. 8vo, boards, 55. 37 Soho Square. . 20 PRAEGER (R. L.) Botanical Subdivision of Ircland. 1896. 8vo, map, Is. PRATT (A.) The Ferns of Great Britain. London. 8vo, with coloured plates, cloth, 125. PRESTON (T.) Flora of Marlborough. Second edition. Part I. 1870. 8vo, Is. 3d. PRIOR (R.C.) On the popular Names of British Plants. London, 1863. 8vo, cloth, 45. 6d. PRYOR (A. R.) Flora of Hertfordsh‘re; edited by B D. Jackson. London, 1887. 8vo, maps, cloth, or. PULTENEY (R.) Historical and Biographical Sketches of the Progress of Botany in England, from its Origin to the Introduction of the Linnaean System. London, 1799. Vol. II 8vo, calf, 2s, 6d. PURCHAS anv LEY. A Flora of Herefordshire. Hereford, 1889. 8vo, map, cloth, AI 4s. PURTON (T.) Botanical Description of British Plants in the Midland Counties. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1817-21. 3 vols. in 4, 8vo, coloured plates, well bound in russia, 18s, RALFS (J.) THE BRITISH DESMIDIEAE. London, 1848. 8vo, 35 coloured plates, cloth, very scarce, 43 135. 6a. The British Phrenogamous Plants and Ferns London, 1839. 12mo, cloth, 2s 6a. Kurzer Auszug aus John Ralfs British Desmidieae, mit Zeichnung: n. Fur einige Freunde. Privately printed, with 35 tinted plates, very rare, AUIs. _ On the British Desmidieae. On some British Diatomaceae. 1844. 8vo, 10 plates, 6s. On the British species of Meridion and Gomphonema 1843. 8vo, plate, 2s. Remarks on the Species of Desmidium. 1843-8 9 papers with 7 plates, 35. 6d. RAND (J.) Horti medici Chelseiani. Londini, 1739. 8vo, calf (title damaged), 2s. 6d. RAVENSHAW (T. F.) New List of the Flowering Plants and Ferns grow- ing wild in the County of Devon. London, 1860. 8vo, cloth, 25. RAY (J.) Synopsis Stirpium Britannicarum. Londini, 1696. 12mo, calf, 6s. 1724. 8vo, calf, 6s. —_— Shabby copy, title cut, 2s. 6d. REID (C.) Flora of the Cromer Forest-bed, 1886. 8vo, Is. Paradoxocarpus carinatus from Cromer. 1893. 8vo, 6d. RELHAN (R.) Flora Cantabrigiensis. Cantabrigiae, 1785-93. 8vo, with 3 supplements, calf, 5S. Editio altera. Cantabrigiae, 1802. 8vo, 2s. 6d. —— —— EW. Ill. 1820. 8vo, plates, bound, 35. Ed. ——— Well bound in half calf and interleaved, 6s. RIDLEY (M. S) Pocket Guide to British Ferns. London, 1881. 12mo, cloth, Is. 6a. ROBSON (S.) The British Flora. York, 1777. 8vo, half bound, 35. 6d. ROGERS (W. M.) Notes on Dorset Plants. 1884. 8vo, Is. On the Flora of Buxton. 1885. 8vo, 6d. DULAU & Co., 21 ROPER (F. C.) Additions to the Flora of Cuckmere since 1880. S8vo, 6d. Flora of Eastbourne. London, 1875. 12mo, cloth, 2s. 6d. Natural Tlistory of Hastings. 1878-88. With 2 supplements. Natural History of Eastbourne. With supplement. The Flora of Teesdale. 1883.—BoswELL(H.) Mosses and Hepaticae of Oxfordshire. Bound together, with several letters from Bloomfield, and MS. notes, half calf, 6s. On the Diatomaceae of the Thames. 1854. 8vo, plate, 2s. 6a. ROY (J.) Desmids of the Alford district. 8vo, Is. ROY AnD BISSET. On Scottish Desmidieae. 1894. 8vo, 4 plates, 35. 6d. SABINE (J.) Account and Description of the Varieties of Double Scotch Roses cultivated in the Gardens of England. 1820. 4to, 2s. 6d. Notice respecting a Native British Rose. London, 1836. 4to, 6d. On the Ayrshire Rose, 1820, 4to, Is. 6d. SALMON (J.) On the Flora of Godalming. 1846. 8vo, Is. SALMON (WILLIAM). BOTANOLOGIA; THE ENGLISH HERBAL OR HISTORY OF PLANTS. Their names, Greek, Latin, and English ; their species, or varivus kinds ; their descriptions ; their places of growth ; their times of flowering and seeding; qualities or properties ; their specifications, their preparations, their virtues and uses; a complete florilegium of all the choice flowers cultivated by our florists, etc. Adorned with icons or figures of the most considerable species. London : J. Davys, 1740. Folio, 1296 pages, with Latin and English Indices, old calf, 62 25. a ag (T.) List of the scarcer Lichens of Oswestry and Ludlow. 1845. vo, ; 1S. Stirpes Cryptogamae Sarnienses. 1848. 8vo, Is. SCOTT-ELLIOT (G. F. B) The Flora of Dumfriesshire. Dumfries, 1896. 8vo, map, cloth, 7s. 6d. SHENSTONE (J. C.) Flowering Plants growing in the neighbourhood of Colchester. 8vo, Is. SHRUBSOLE (W. H.) New Diatom in the Estuary of the Thames. 1890. 8vo, plate, éd. SHRUBSOLE anv KITTON. Diatoms of the London Clay. 1881. 8vo, plate, Is. 3d. SINCLAIR (G.) Hortus Ericaeus Woburnensis. London, 1825. qto, coloured plates, with autograph of the Duke of Bedford presenting the copy to Mrs. Russell, Al Is. Hortus Gramineus Woburmensis. Fourth edition. London. 8vo, 45 coloured plates, half calf, 185. SMITH (C. P.) Moss Flora of Sussex. 1870. 8vo, Is. 3a. SMITH (C. R.) On the Scarcity of Home-grown Fruits in Great Britain. 1863. 8vo, Is. SMITH (G. E.) A catalogue of rare or remarkable phaenogamous plants collected in South Kent; with descriptive notices and observations. London, 1829. 8vo, § coloured plates, boards, 55. SMITH (J.) Catalogue of Ferns cultivated in Briti-h Gardens. London, 1857. 12mo, cloth, Is. Catalogue of the Ferns in Kew Gardens. 8vo, 6s. SMITH (Joun). State and Prospects of Arboriculture in Ilampshire. 1885. 8vo, Is. 6d. 387 Soho Square. 22 SMITH (J. F.) Compendiuin Florae Britannicae. Editio II. Londini, 1816. 12mo, calf, Is. 6a, Compendium Florae Britannicae, in usum Florae Germanicae editum a Hoffmann. Erlangae, 1801. 18mo, Is. 6d. The English Flora. London, 1824-36. 5 vols. in 6 ae 8vo, 155. —. Vols. I.-V. Part I. I5s. —— Second Edition. London. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, 16s. — Flora Britannica. Londini, 1800. 3 vols. 8vo, Qs. —— Turici, 1803. 3 vols. 12mo, 2s. 6d. On the British Species of Mentha. 1799. 4to, 2s. 6d. SMITH (Ros.) Plant Association of the Tay Basin. 1898. 8vo, Is, SMITH (W.) A SYNOPSIS OF THE BRITISH DIATOMACEAE, London, 1853-5. 2 vols. 8vo, with 68 coloured plates, half calf, very scarce, £4 105. List of British Diatomaceae in the British Museum. 1859. 12m0, Is. SMITH (W.G.) Guide to Sowerby’s models of British Fungi in the British Museum. 1893. 8vo, 4d. —--— New and Rare British Hymenocetous Fungi. 1869. 8vo, coloured plate, 9d. SMITH (W. J.) Enumeration of Ferns cultivated at Kew in 1845. 8vo, Is. SOMERVILLE (A.) Additional Records for the Scilly Isles. 1893. 8vo, 6a. Cystopteris montana in Stirlingshire. 1895. 8vo, 6d. Flora of Barra, Hebrides. 1887. 8vo, 6a. —— Flora of Barra and South Uist. 1889. 8vo, 6d. SONNTAG (C. 0.) A Pocket Flora of Edinburgh. London, 1894. 18mo, map, cloth, 35. 6a. SOWERBY (J.) English Botany. Second edition. London, 1832. Vol. I. 8vo, coloured plates, half calf, 5S. Vol. VIII. Filices and Musci. 1841. 8vo, half calf, 7s. 6d. The Ferns of Great Britain. London, 1855. S8vo, with coloured plates, cloth, Al Is. The Ferns and Fern Allies of Great Britain. London, 1855-6. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, coloured plate, cloth,’ Allis General Index to the English Botany. London, 1814. 8vo, half calf, 35. 6d. Third edition. 1886. Royal 8vo, cloth, interleaved, 6s. SPOTTO NV (H.) List of Plants from Barrie. $8vo, 6a. SPRUCE (R.) The Musci and Hepaticae of Teesdale. 1844 8vo, 15. 6d. Musci and Hepaticae of Yorkshire. 1845. 8vo, Is. On several Mosses, new to the British Flora. 1845. 8vo, Is. 6d. STACKHOUSE (E.) List of Musci, Natives of Cornwall. 1865. 8vo, 6d. STACKHOUSE (J.) NEREIS BRITANNICA, continens species omnes Fucorum in insulis britannicis crescentium (descriptione latina et anglica, necnon) iconibus illustrata. Bathoniae, 1801. Folio, with 17 coloured plates, with appendix and 7 additional coloured plates, half bound, 41 Ios, Editio altera. Oxonii, 1816. 4to, 20 plates, half calf, 12s. 6a. DULAU & Co., 23 STANSFIELD (A.) Blechnum Spicaut from Todmorden, 1860. 4to, 6d. STARK (R. M.) Popular History of British Mosses. Second edition. London, 1860. 12mo, 20 coloured plates, cloth, 75. 6d. STEVENSON (J.) Mycologia Scotica. The Fungi of Scotland and their Geographical Distribution. London, 1879. 8vo, map, cloth, Ios. 6d. STEWART (R.) Handbook of the Torquay Flora. Torquay, 1860. 12mo, cloth, 2s. 6a. STEWART (S.) Botany of the Mountainous Portion of Co. Fermanagh to the West of Lough Erne. 1882. 8vo, Is. ——-- Report on the Botany of the Island of Rathlin, County of Antrim. 1884. 8vo, , Is. Report on the Botany of South Clare and the Shannon. 1889. 8vo, Is. 6d. STIRLING anp KIDSTON. Notes on the Elora of Stirlingshire. 1892. 12mo, Is. STOLTERFORTH (H.) List of Diatomaceae found in Chester and Cwm Bychan. 1874. 8vo. Is. STREET (J.) Acclimatising Plants at Biel, in East Lothian. 1826. 4to, Is. SWEET (R.) Hortus Suburbanus Londinensis, or a Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the neighbourhood of London. London, 1818. 8vo, half calf, 45. TABLEY (Lorp DE). Flora of Cheshire, edited by S. Moore. London, 1899. 8vo, cloth, Ios. 6d. TELLAM (R.)_ Lichens of East Cornwall. 1885. 8vo, od. THOMPSON (V.)