Cornell University Library Ithaca, Nem York THE CHARLES EDWARD VAN CLEEF MEMORIAL LIBRARY From The Department..of..Ana= ornell University Library anual of the anatomy of vertebrated A MANUAL OF THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. BY THOMAS H. HUXLEY, LLD., F.RS., AUTHOR OF ‘“‘LAY SERMONS,” ‘‘MAN’S PLACE IN NATURE,” ‘‘ORIGIN OF SPECIES,” ETC., ETC. NEW YORE: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1898. PREFACE. Tue present work is intended to provide students of comparative anatomy with a condensed statement of the most important facts relating to the structure of verte- brated animals, which have hitherto been ascertained. Except in a very few cases, I have intentionally abstained from burdening the text with references ; and, therefore, the reader, while he is justly entitled to hold me respon- sible for any errors he may detect, will do well to give me no credit for what may seem original, unless his knowledge is sufficient to render him a competent judge on that head. About two-thirds of the illustrations are original, the rest * are copied from figures given by Agassiz, Bischoff, Burmeister, Busch, Carus, Dugés, Flower, Gegenbaur, Hyrtl, Von Meyer, Miiller, Pander and D’Alton, Parker, Quatrefages, and Traquair. A considerable portion of the book has been in type for some years; and this circumstance must be my excuse for appearing to ignore the views of several valued con- temporaries. J refer more especially to those contained in recently-published works of Professors Flower and Gegenbaur. Lonpoy, September, 1871. * Namely, Figures 1, 6, 10, 11, 12, 18, 15, 18, 28, 26, 28, 29, 80, 31, 86, 39, 41, 42, 46, 50, 51, 54, 55, 66, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 75, 79, 82, 101, 107, 108, 109, 110. CONTENTS. PAGR Cnap I.—A GENERAL VIEW oF THE ORGANTZATION OF THE VERTEBRATA— THE VERTEBRATE SKELETON, . = ‘ ei : » % II.—Tse Muscies anp THE Viscera—A GENERAL VIEW OF THE OrGANIZATION OF THE VERTEBRATA, . 5 5 . 44 TiI.—Tue Provinces or THE VERTEBRATA—TuE Crass Pisces, . 100 IV.—Tue Crass AMPHIBIA, . : . $ ‘ . 5 . 149 V.—TuHE CLASSIFICATION AND THE OSTEOLOGY OF THE ReEpTitia, . 167 VI.—Tue CLASSIFICATION AND THE OsTEOLOGY or Birps, . - 283 VII.—Tue Muscres anD THE VISCERA OF THE SavROPSsIDA, . . 206 VITI.—T ae CLassIFICATION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE MamMatia, . 278 THE ANATOMY oF VERTEBRATED ANIMATS. CHAPTER I. A GENERAL VIEW OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE VERTE- BRATA—THE VERTEBRATE SKELETON. The Distinctive Characters of the Vertebrata.—The Verte- brata are distinguished from all other animals by the circum: stance that a transverse and vertical section of the body exhibits two cavities, completely separated from one another by a partition. The dorsal cavity contains the cerebro-spinal nervous system; the ventral, the alimentary canal, the heart, and, usually, a double chain of ganglia, which passes under the name of the “sympathetic.” It is probable that this sympathetic nervous system represents, wholly or partially, the principal nervous system of the Annulosa and Mollusca. And, in any case, the central parts of the cerebro-spinal ner. vous system, viz., the brain and the spinal cord, would appear to be unrepresented among invertebrated animals. For these structures are the results of the metamorphosis of a part of the primitive epidermic covering of the germ, and only acquire their ultimate position, in the interior of the dorsal tube, by the development and union of outgrowths of the blastoderm, which are not formed in the Jnvertebrata.* Again, in the partition between the cerebro-spinal and vis- * It is possible that an exception to this rule may be found in the Ascid- ans. The tails of the larve of these animals exhibit an axial structure, which nasa certain resemblance to a vertebrate notochord; and the walls of the pharynx are perforated, auch as in Amphiorus, a 8 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS, ceral tubes, certain structures, which are not represented in invertebrated animals, are contained. During the embryonic condition of all vertebrates, the centre of the partition is occu- pied by an elongated, cellular, cylindroidal mass—the ”oto- chord, or chorda dorsalis. And this structure persists through- out life in some Vertebrata; but, in most, it is more or less completely replaced by a jointed, partly fibrous and cartilag- inous, and partly bony, vertebral column. In all Vertebrata, that part of the wall of the visceral tube which lies at the sides of, and immediately behind, the mouth, exhibits, at a certain stage of embryonic development, a series of thickenings, parallel with one another and trans- verse to the axis of the body, which may be five or more in number, and are termed the visceral arches. The intervals between these arches become clefts, which place the pharyn- geal cavity, temporarily or permanently, in communication with the exterior. Nothing corresponding with these arches and clefts is known in the Jnvertebrata. A vertebrated animal may be devoid of articulated limbs, and it never possesses more than two pairs. These are always provided with an internal skeleton, to which the muscles mov- ing the limbs are attached. The limbs of invertebrated ani- mals are commonly more numerous, and their skeleton is always external. When invertebrated animals are provided with masticatory organs, the latter are either hard productions of the alimentary mucous membrane, or are modified limbs. Vertebrated ani- mals also commonly possess hard productions of the alimen- tary mucous membrane in the form of teeth; but their jaws are always parts of the walls of the parietes of the head, and have nothing to do with limbs. All vertebrated animals have a complete vascular system. In the thorax and abdomen, in place of a single peri-visceral cavity in communication with the vascular system, and serving as a blood-sinus, there are one or more serous sacs. These invest the principal viscera, and may or may not communicate with the exterior—recalling, in the latter case, the ‘atrial cavi- ties of Mollusca. In all Vertebrata, except Amphioxus, there is a single valvular heart, and all possess an hepatic portal system ; the blood of the alimentary canal never being wholly returned di- rectly to the heart by the ordinary veins, but being more or less completely collected into a trunk—the portal vein, which ramifies through and supplies the liver. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VERTEBRATA. 9 The Development of the Vertebrata.—The ova of Verte- brata have the same primary composition as those of other animals, consisting of a germinal vesicle, containing one or many germinal spots, and included within a vitellus, upon the amount of which the very variable size of the vertebrate ovum chiefly depends. The vitellus is surrounded by a vitelline membrane, and this may receive additional investments in the form of layers of albumen, and of an outer, coriaceous, or cal- cified shell, The spermatozoa are always actively mobile, and, save in some rare and exceptional cases, are developed in distinct individuals from those which produce ova. Fig. 1.—Diagrammatic section of the pregnant uterus of a deciduate placental mammal ome) : u, uterus; J, Fallopian tube; c, neck of the uterus; dw, uterine decidua; da, ecidua serotina; dr, decidua refleca; 2,2,’ villi; ch, chorion; am amnion; nd, umbilical vesicle; «J, allantois. Impregnation may take place, either subsequently to the extrusion of the egg, when, of course, the whole development of the young goes on outside the body of the oviparous parent; or it may occur before the extrusion of the egg. In the latter case, the development of the egg in the interior of the body may go no further than the formation of a patch of primary tissue; as in birds, where the so-called cicatricula, ot “tread,” which is observable in the new-laid egg, is of this nature. Or, the development of the young may be completed 10 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. while the egg remains in the interior of the body of the parent, but quite free and unconnected with it; as in those vertebrates which are termed ovoviviparous. Or, the young may receive nourishment from its viviparous parent, before birth, by the close apposition of certain vascular appendages of its body to the walls of the cavity in which it undergoes its development. The vascular appendages in question constitute the chief part of what is called the placenta, and may be developed from the umbilical vesicle (as in Mustelus among Sharks), or from the allantois and chorion (as in most mammals). At birth, they may be either simply detached from the substance of the parental organism, or a part of the latter may be thrown off along with them and repiaced by a new growth, In the highest vertebrates, the dependence of the young upon the parent for nutrition does not cease even at birth; but certain cutaneous glands secrete a fluid called mk, upon which the young is fed for a longer or shorter time. When development takes place outside the body, it may be independent of parental aid, as in ordinary fishes; but, among some reptiles and in most birds, the parent supplies the amount of heat, in excess of the ordinary temperature of the air, which is required, from its own body, by the process of incubation. The first step in the development of the embryo is the division of the vitelline substance into cleavage-masses, of which there are at first two, then four, then eight, and so on. The germinal vesicle is no longer seen, but each cleavage- mass contains a nucleus. The cleavage-magses eventually be- come very small, and are called embryo-cells, as the body of the embryo is built up out of them. The process of yelk- division may be either complete or partial. In the former case, it, from the first, affects the whole yelk; in the latter, it commences in part of the yelk, and gradually extends to the rest. The blastoderm, or embryogenic tissue in which it results, very early exhibits two distinguishable strata—an iungr, the so-called mucous stratum (hypoblast), which gives rise to the epithelium of the alimentary tract; and an outer, the serous stratum (epiblast), from which the epidermis and the cerebro-spinal nervous centres are evolved. Between these appears the intermediate stratum (mesoblast), which gives rise to all the structures (save the brain and spinal mar- row) which, in the adult, are included between the epidermis 1] ? A, #); > and 2 tary tract toderm imen 1 f the al ive groove (F e of the blas t 1um 0. 4 wm the pr t appearance on the surfac 2 10n. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VERTEBRATA. pendages, tegument and the epithel ear depress ts ap of the in i A lin makes i and ‘wSun04 ony ueT sasaoy ere 1opjo aq] ‘amyvu TI yng ‘Ty FLal ayNosqe ores oT] JO WA\eAp are SOsIQIA OTT, ‘AQISLA ALU YOROLOA oMPasacuo;Lydiio ay] puv “Aequnu aL pasva.toa! cacy BAIQoWAsO OI ay], “Tj STE] gOyA Noy} Ajtwau InoTSno.y poyuu Suravy aunuyy yessop ayy ‘Cuonrqnourl jo Arp puoves 04) paouvape aay any oduquisd ‘ad- ‘dopser [uuds aojtozue ayy UL eTUN 0} SuUUseq ote pur ‘uopZaI ovYdoo amy go sua JOPVOIT oY} oYSnoaqy poyan aavg aayurry Testop ayy, “d1oyoq Sv $.19}}0] OY} ‘Q—ANGoWorojord oyy ‘a Sault epprur ogy aL poyun aymb you pue “uoLzoa oyRydaa ayy at Ajuo padojaaap yaa gv aural [Stop oO} "Pp +s otgjoq SB‘ ‘g ‘DS paouvApe Joy.ANY oALQUUa ay ‘Y—~ACOIS oarynnad oq ‘at pua ‘(epno sz1 Q ‘oyvydoo spi v $oAIquUa oY] Jo JuOUIIpNA ysay oly “V— Mo 8 Jo Apo oT] Jo usutdojeaap ay} Jo saseys Alva BY I—sZ ‘ONT {2 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. the substance of the mesoblast along each side of this groove grows up, carrying with it the superjacent epiblast. Thus are produced the two dorsal lamine, the free edges of which arch over toward one another, and eventually unite, so as to con- vert the primitive groove into the cerebro-spinal canal. The portion of the epiblast which lines this, cut off from the rest, becomes thickened, and takes on the structure of the brain, or Encephalon, in the region of the head; and of the spinal cord, or Myelon, in the region of the spine. The rest of the epiblast is converted into the epidermis. The part of the blastoderm which lies external to the dor- sal lamin: forms the ventral lamine ; and these bend down- ward and inward, at a short distance on either side of the dorsal tube, to become the walls of a ventral, or visceral, tube. The ventral laminze carry the epiblast on their outer surfaces, and the hypoblast on their inner surfaces, and thus, in most cases, tend to constrict off the central from the peripheral portions of the blastoderm. The latter, extending over the yelk, encloses it ina kind of bag. This bag is the first-formed and the most constant of the temporary, or foetal, appendages of the young vertebrate, the wmbilical vesicle. While these changes are occurring, the mesoblast splits, throughout the regions of the thorax and abdomen, from its ventral margin, nearly up to the notochord (which has been developed, in the mean while, by histological differentiation of the axial indifferent tissue, immediately under the floor of the primitive groove), into two lamella. One of these, the visceral lamella, remains closely adherent to the hypoblast, forming with it the splanchnopleure, and eventually becomes the proper wall of the enteric canal ; while the other, the parietal lamella, follows the epiblast, forming with it the somatopleure, which is converted into the parietes of the thorax and abdomen. The point of the middle line of the abdomen at which the somatopleures eventually unite, is the umbilicus. The walls of the cavity formed by the splitting of the ventral lamine acquire an epithelial lining, and become the great pleuroperitoneal serous membranes. The Foetal Appendages of the Vertebrata.—At its outer margin, that part of the somatopleure which is to be con- verted into the thoracic and abdominal wall of the embryo, grows up anteriorly, posteriony, and laterally, over the body of the embryo. The free margins of this fold gradually ap- roack one another, and, ultimately uniting, the inner layer of the fold becomes converted into a sac filled with a clear THE FETAL APPENDAGES. 13 fluid, the Amnion ; while the outer layer either disappears or coalesces with the vitelline membrane, to form the Chorion Fic. 8.—Later stages of the development of the body of a Fowl than those represented {a Fig. 2.—E, embryo at the third day of incubation; g, heart; 2, eye; ¢, ear; %, visceral arches and clefts; 2, m, anterior and posterior folds of the amnion which have not yet united over the body; 1, 2, 8, first, second, and third cerebral vesicles; 1a, vesicle of the third ventricle—F, embryo at the fifth day of incubation. The letters as before, except n, 0, rudiments of the anterior and posterior extremities; Am, amnion; A/? (the allan- tois, hanging down from its pedicle); Um, umbilical vesicle.—G, under-view of the head of the foregoing, the first visceral arch being cut away. Thus the amnion encloses the body of the embryo, but not the umbilical sac. At most, as the constricted neck, which unites the umbilical sac with the cavity of the future intestine, becomes narrowed and elongated into the vitelline duct, and as the sac itself diminishes in relative size, the amnion, in- creasing in absolute and relative dimensions, and becoming distended with fluid, is reflected over it (Fig. 1). A third foetal appendage, the Allantois, commences as a single or double outgrowth from the under surface of the meso- 14 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. blast, behind the alimentary tract; but soon takes the form of a vesicle, and receives the ducts of the primordial kidneys, or Wolffian bodies, It is supplied with blood by two arteries, called hypogastric, which spring from the aorta; and it varies very much in its development. It may become so large as to invest all the rest of the embryo, in the respiratory, or nutri- tive, processes of which it then takes an important share. The splitting of the ventral laminz, and the formation of a pleuroperitoneal cavity, appear to take place in all Vertebratu. Usually, there is a more or less distinct umbilical sac; but in fishes and Amphibia there is no amnion; and the allantois, if it is developed at all, remains very small in these two groups. Reptiles, birds, and mammals have all these foetal append- ages, At birth, or when the egg is hatched, the amnion bursts and is thrown off, and so much of the allantois as lies outside the walls of the body is similarly exuviated; but that part of it which is situated within the body is very generally converted, behind and below, into the urinary bladder, and, in front and above, into a ligamentous cord, the wrachus, which connects the bladder with the front wall of the abdomen. The umbilical vesicle may either be cast off, or taken into the in- terior of the body and gradually absorbed. The majority of the visceral clefts of fishes and of many Amphibia remain open throughout life; and the visceral arches of all fishes (except Amphiowus), and of all Amphibia, throw out filamentous or lamellar processes, which receive branches from the aortic arches, and, as branchia, subserve respiration. In other Vertebrata all the visceral clefts become closed and, with the frequent exception of the first, obliterated ; and no branchize are developed upon any of the visceral arches. In all vertebrated animals, a system of relatively or abso- lutely hard parts affords protection, or support, to the softer tissues of the body. These, according as they are situated upon the surface of the body, or are deeper seated, are called exoskeleton, or endoskeleton, The Vertebrate Endoskeleton—This consists of connective tissue, to which cartilage and bone may be added in various proportions ; together with the tissue of the notochord and its sheath, which cannot be classed under either of these heads. The endoskeleton is distinguishable into two independant por- tions—the one aaéal, or belonging to the head and trunk; the other, appendicular, to the limbs. The axial endoskeleton usually consists of two systems of THE VERTEBRATE ENDOSKELETON. 15 skeletal parts, the spinal system, and the cranial system, the distinction between which arises in the following way in the higher Vertebrata : The primitive groove is, at first, a simple straight depres- sion, of equal diameter throughout; but, as its sides rise and the dorsal laminz gradually close over (this process commen- cing in the anterior moiety of their length, in the future ce- phalic region), the one part becomes wider than the other, and indicates the cephalic region (Fig. 4, A). The notochord, which underlies the groove, terminates in a point ata little distance behind the anterior end of the cephalic enlargement, and indeed under the median of three dilatations which it presents. So much of the floor of the enlarg. ment as lies in front of the end of the notochord, bends down at right angles to the rest; so that the anterior enlargement, or anterior ccre- bral vesicle, as it is now called, lies in front of the end of the notochord; the median enlargement, or the middle cerebral vesicle, above its extremity; and the hinder enlargement, or the posterior cerebral vesicle, behind that extremity (Fig. 4, D and E). The under surface of the anterior vesicle lies in a kind of pit, in front of, and rather below, the apex of the noto- chord, and the pituitary gland is developed in connection with it. From the opposite upper surface of the same vesicle the pineal gland is evolved, and the part of the anterior cerebral vesicle in connection with which these remarkable bodies arise, is the future third ventricle. Behind, the posterior cerebral vesicle passes into the primi- tively tubular spinal cord (Fig. 4, A). Where it does so, the head ends, and the spinal column begins; but no line of de- marcation is at first visible between these two, the indifferent tissues which ensheath the notochord passing without inter- ruption from one region to the other, and retaining the same character throughout. The first essential differentiation between the skull and the vertebral column is effected by the appearance of the proto- vertebre. At regular intervals, commencing at the anterior part. of the cervical region, and gradually extending backward, the indifferent tissue on each side of the notochord undergoes a histological change, and gives rise to more opaque, quadrate masses, on opposite sides of the notochord (Fig. 2, B, C). Hach pair of these gradually unite above and below that struct: ure, and send arched prolongations into the walls of the spinal canal, so as to constitute a protovertebra, No protovertebrae appear in the floor of the skull, so thut, i6 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. even in this early stage, a clear distinction is drawn between the skull and the spinal column. it ‘ t Hie Fra 4.—Successive stages of the development of the Yead of a Chick. I, II, III, first, sec- ond, and third cerebral vesicles; Ja, vesicle of the cerebral hemisphere; Jb, vesicle of the third ventricle; @, rudiments of the eyes and optic nerves; 0, of the ears; g, of the olfactory organs; @, the infundibulum; e¢, the pineal gland; c, protovertebre; A. noto- chord ; 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, visceral arches; V, VII, VIII, the trigeminal portio dura, and ninth and tenth pairs of cranial nerves; %, the nasal process; /, the maxillary process; @, the first visceral cleft. A, B, upper and under views of the head of a Chick at the end of the second day. C, side-view at the third day. D. side-view at seventy-five hours, EK, side-view of the head of a Chick at the fifth day, which has been subjected to slight press- we. F, head of a Chick at the sixth day, viewed from below. OSSIFICATION OF THE VERTEBRZ. 17 The Spinal System.—The protovertebre consist at first of mere indifferent tissue; and it is by a process of histologi- cal differentiation within the protovertebral masses that, from its deeper parts, one of the spinal ganglia and a cartilaginous vertebral centrum—from its superficial layer, a segment of the dorsal muscles, are produced. Chondrification extends upward into the walls of the dorsal tube, to produce the neural arch and spine of each vertebra ; and, outward, into the wall of the thoracic and abdominal part of the ventral tube, to give rise to the transverse processes and ribs. In fishes, the latter remain distinct and separate from one another, at their distal ends; but, in most reptiles, in birds, and in mammals, the ends of some of the anterior ribs, on both sides, unite together, and then the united parts coa- lesce in the middle line to form a median subthoracic cartilage —the sternum. ‘When ossification sets in, the centra of the vertebre are usually ossified, in great measure, from ringlike deposits which closely invest the notochord; the arches, from two lateral de- posits, which may extend more or less into the centrum. The vertebral and the sternal portions of a rib may each have a separate ossific centre, and become distinct bones; or the sternal parts may remain always cartilaginous. The sternum itself is variously ossified. Between the completely-ossified condition of the vertebral column and its earliest state, there are a multitude of grada- tions, most of which are more or less completely realized in the adult condition of certain vertebrated animals, The verte- bral column may be represented by nothing but a notochord with a structureless, or more or less fibrous, or cartilaginous sheath, with or without rudiments of cartilaginous arches and ribs, Or there may be bony rings, or ensheathing ossifications, in its walls; or it may have ossified neural arches and ribs only, without cartilaginous or osseous centra. The vertebra may be completely ossified, with very deeply biconcave bodies, the notochord remaining persistent in the doubly-conical inter- vertebral substance ; or, ossification may extend, so as to ren- der the centrum concave on one surface and convex on the other, or even convex at each end. Vertebree which have centra concave at each end have been conveniently termed amphiccelus ; those with a cavity in front and a convexity behind, procalus ; where the pusition of the concavity and convexity is reversed, they are opistho- coelous, 18 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. In the Mammalia, the centra of the vertebre are usually flat at each end, the terminal faces being discoidal epiphyses, developed from centres of ossification distinct from that of the centrum itself, The centra of the vertebrae may be united together by synovial joints, or by ligamentous fibres—the intervertebral ligaments, The arches are connected by ligaments, and gen- erally, in addition, by overlapping articular processes called zygapophyses, or oblique processes. In a great many Vertebrata, the first and second cervical, or atlas and axis, vertebree undergo a singular change; the central ossification of the body of the atlas not coalescing with its lateral and inferior ossifications, but either persist- ing as a distinct os odontoidewm, or anchylosing with the body of the axis, and becoming the so-called odontoid process of this vertebra. In Vertebrata with well-developed hind-limbs, one or more vertebrae, situated at the posterior part of the trunk, usually become peculiarly modified, and give rise to a sacrum, with which the pelvic arch is connected by the intermediation of expanded and anchylosed ribs. In front of the sacrum the ver- tebre are artificially classed as cervical, dorsal, and lumbar. The first vertebra, the ribs of which are connected with the sternum, is dorsal, and all those which lie behind it, and have distinct ribs, are dorsal, Vertebrae without distinct ribs, between the last dorsal and the sacrum, are lwmbar, Ver- tebree, with or withcut ribs, in front of the first dorsal are cervical. The vertebrae which lie behind the sacrum are caudal or coccygeal, Very frequently, downward processes of these vertebrae enclose the backward continuation of the aorta, and may be separately ossified as subcaudal, or chevron, bones. A tolerably complete segment of the spinal skeleton may be studied in the anterior part of the thorax of a crocodile (Fig. 5). It presents a proccelous vertebral centrum (C), united with which by the neurocentral suture is the neural urch, which rises into the neural spine (NV. S.). Two pro- cesses, the prezygapophyses (Z), extend from the front part of the arch, and have flat articular surfaces turned dorsally. Two others of similar form, but having their articular surfaces turned ventrally, proceed from the posterior face of the neural arch, and are the postzygapophyses (Z'). By these, which are often called oblique, or articular, processes, the ver- tebra articulates with the corresponding processes ofits prede: A SEGMENT OF THE SKELETON. 19 tessor or successor in the series, The transverse processes are two on each side, one superior and one inferior. ‘I'he former (Z:t) articulates with the tuberculum of the rib, the latter (Cp.t) with its capitulwm. They may, therefore, be called ca- pitular and tubercular transverse processes respectively. Each St SET Fic. 5.—A segment of the endoskeleton in the anterior thoracic region of the body of a croc- odile.—C, the centrum or body of the vertebra; N.S. the neural spine 3 4, the prezy- gapophysis; Z, the postzygapophysis; 7.4, the transverse process which articulates with the tuberculum of the rib (4); Cp.t, that which articulates with the capitulum of the rib (Cp); V-r, the ossified vertebral rib; V.7’, the part of the vertebral rib which remains cartilaginous; Str, the sternal rib; St, an artificially-separated segment of the sternum; P.u, the uncinate process. rib is divided by an articulation into a vertebral (V-r) and a sternal (Sé.r) part. The former remains unossified for a con- siderable distance at its distal end ( V.r'); the latter is more or less converted into cartilage bone. The proximal end of the ver- tebral rib bifurcates into a tuberculwum (t) and acapitulum (Cp). The distal end of the sternal rib unites with the more or less os- sified but unsegmented cartilage, which forms the sternum (S¢). A cartilaginous, or partly ossified, uncinate process (P.u.) pro- jects from the posterior edge of the vertebral rib, over the in- tercostal space. The student will find it convenient to famil- iarize himself with the conception of such a spinal segment as this, as a type, and to consider the modifications hereafter described with reference to it. | In the majority of the Vertebrata, the caudal vertebra gradually diminish in size toward the extremity of the body, and become reduced, by the non-development of osseous pro- cesses or arches, to mere centra. But, in many fishes, which possess well-ossified trunk-vertebre, no distinct centra are developed at the extremity of the caudal region, and the notochord, invested in a more or less thickened, fibrous, or cartilaginous sheath, persists. Notwithstanding this embry- d inferior ly formed rection as the so as to form 1, the superior an pinous bones, may be complete 1 ition of the extreme end of the spine Ny retains the same di , but is far more generally bent up, f the axis of the ta £0n O THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. it. arches, and the inters mM Ca: rtilage or bone. Whatever the cond of a fish, it occasiona 20 onic con trunk part. ‘o pus g sojx[d snoasso 94} Aq potdsod PAotj99100 JNEIsIS100 & PIB ‘gouoq eet popuedxa aya {worsdo10}0q A[Saos sy ‘Away ‘owpng ‘oSvpywo Aq ADO Ur ead st PHOnsOLGn aan pus on -Jpour ta ihe sou0g [einddy 043 yng ‘Jeossd019}0y AjouIEAYXe SI DWP ‘dn quaq [[e 38 Afpavy SuI0q (72) PAoqooj0U ayy Jo A7t “Wax xe 04} Joorsodqdyp Ajsvou ey sruegd/iyog (Q) oujngy pus (q) Dewy (y) enuazdAjog jo sayyure.xxe [upnvo oy] —9 “OLq RY Ay eu i x} » NG WN THE CRANIAL SKELETON. 21 an obtuse angle with the latter. In the former case, the ex- tremity of the spine divides the caudal fin-rays into two nearly equal moieties, an upper and a lower, and the fish is said to be diphycercal (Fig. 6, A). In the latter case, the upper di- vision of the caudal fin-rays is much smaller than the lower, and the fish is Aeterocercat (Fig. 6, B, C). In most osseous fishes the hypural bones wnich support the fin-rays of the inferior division become much expanded, and either remain separate, or coalesce into a wedge-shaped, nearly symmetrical bone, which becomes anchylosed with the last ossified vertebral centrum. ‘The inferior fin-rays are now disposed in such a manner as to give the tail an appearance of symmetry with respect to the axis of the body, and such fishes have been called homocercal. Of these homocercal fish, some (as the Salmon, Fig. 6) have the notochord unossified, and protected only by bony plates developed at its sides. In others (as the Stickleback, Perch, etc.), the sheath of the no- tochord becomes completely ossified and united with the cen- trum of the last vertebra, which then appears to be prolonged into a bony wrostyle. Fig. 7.—The cartilaginous cranium of a Fow! at the sixth day of incubation, viewed from be- low.—P, the pituitary space; ur, the trabeculae, uniting in front, in the bifurcated eth- movomerine plate; Qu, the quadrate cartilage; Sc, the semicircular canals; Co, the cochlea; A, the notochord imbedded in the basilar plate. The Cranial System.—As has been stated, no protover- tebree appear on the floor of the skull; nor is there any cra- nium, nor any developmental stage of a cranium, in which sep- arate cartilaginous centres are known to occur in this region. On the contrary, when chondrification takes place, it ex- tends continuously forward, on each side of the notochord, 22 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. and usually invests the anterior termination of that body, more or less completely, as a basilar plate. The basilar plate does not extend under the floor of the pituitary fossa, but the cartilage is continued forward on each side of this, in the form of two bars, the ¢rabeculwe cranii. In front of the fossa, the trabeculae reunite and end in a broad plate, usually bifurcated in the middle line—the ethmovome rine plate. On each side of the posterior boundary of the skull, the basilar cartilage grows upward, and meets with its fellow in the middle line, thus circumscribing the occipital foramen, and furnishing the only cartilaginous part of the roof of the skull; for any cartilaginous upgrowths which may be devel- oped in the more anterior parts of the skull do not ordinarily reach its roof, but leave a wide, merely membranous space, or JSontanelle, over the greater part of the brain. Before the skull has attained this condition, the organs of the three higher senses have made their appearance in pairs at its sides; the olfactory being most anterior, the ocular next, the auditory posterior (Fig. 4). Hach of these organs is, primitively, an involution, or sac, of the integument; and each acquires a particular skeleton, which, in the case of the nose, is furnished by the ethmovo- merine part of the skull; while, in that of the eyes, it apper- tains to the organ, is fibrous, cartilaginous, or osseous, and remains distinct from the skull. In the case of the ear, it is cartilaginous, and eventually osseous: whether primitively dis- tinct or not, it early forms one mass with the skull, immedi- ately in front of the occipital arch, and often constitutes a very important part of the walls of the fully-formed cranium. The ethmovomerine cartilages spread over the nasal sacs, roof them in, cover them externally, and send down a parti- tion between them. The partition is the proper ethmoid, the lamina perpendicularis of human anatomy; the posterolat- eral parts of the ethmovomerine cartilages, on each side of the partition, occupy the situation of the prefrontals, or lateral masses of the ethmoid of human anatomy. The ingrowths of the lateral walls, by which the nasal mucous membrane ac: quires a larger surface, are the turbdinals. Riblike cartilaginous rods appear in the first, second, and, more or fewer, of the succeeding, visceral arches in all but the lowest Vertebrata. The upper ends of the first and second of these become connected with the auditory capsule, which lies immediately above them. THE CRANIAL SKELETON. 23 The first visceral arch bounds the cavity of the mouth be- hind, and marks the position of the mandible or lower jaw. The cartilage which it contains is termed Meckel’s cartilage. The cartilaginous rod contained in the second visceral arch of each side is the rudiment of the hyoidean apparatus. Like qi iii Fic. 8.—Under-v:ew of the head of a Fowl at the seventh day of incubation.—ZJa, the cere bral hemispheres causing the integument to bulge; a, the eyes; g, the olfactory saca &, the fronto-nasal process; J, the maxillary process; 1, 2, the first and second visceral arches; «, the remains of the first visceral cleft. the preceding, it unites with its fellow in the ventral median line, where the so-called “ body ” of the hyoid arises. A ridge, continued forward from the first visceral arch to the olfactory sac (Fig. 4, F; Fig. 8, 7), bounds the mouth on each side, and is called the mazillary process. A cartilaginous palato-pterygoid rod, developedin this process, becomes con- nected with Meckel’s cartilage behind, and with the prefrontal cartilage in front. The maxillary process is at first separated by a notch cor- responding with each nasal sac, from the boundary of the antero-median part of the mouth, which is formed by the free posterior edge of a fronto-nasal process (Fig. 4, F; Fig. 8, x). This separates the nasal sacs, and contains the cartilaginous, ethmovomerine, anterior termination of the skull. The notch is eventually obliterated by the union of the fronto-nasal and maxillary processes, externally ; but it may remain open in- ternally, and then gives rise to the posterior nasal aperture, by which the nasal cavity is placed in communication with that of the mouth, 24 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The General Modifications of the Vertebrate Skull—The lowest vertebrated animal, Amphiowus, has no skull. In a great many fishes, the development of the skull carries it no further than to a condition which is substantially similar to one of the embryonic stages now described ; that is to say, there is a cartilaginous primordial cranium, with or without superficial granular ossifications, but devoid of any proper cranial bones. The facial apparatus is either incompletely developed, as in the Lamprey; or, the upper jaw 1s repre- sented, on each side, by a cartilage answering to the palato- pterygoid and part of Meckel’s cartilage, while the larger, distal portion of that cartilage becomes articulated with the rest, and forms the lower jaw. This condition is observable in the Sharks and Rays. In other fishes, and in all the higher Vertebrata, the cartilaginous cranium and facial arches may persist to a greater or less extent; but bones are added to them, which may be almost wholly membrane bones, as in the Sturgeon ; or may be the result of the ossification of the car- tilaginous cranium itself, from definite centres, as well as of the development of superimposed membrane bones. The Osseous Brain-case.— When the skull undergoes com- plete ossification, osseous matter is thrown down at not fewer than three points in the middle of its cartilaginous floor. The ossific deposit, nearest the occipital foramen, becomes the basi- occipital bone ; that which takes place in the floor of the pitu- itary fossa becomes the basisphenotd ; that which appears in the reunited trabecule, in front of the fossa, gives rise to the presphenoid. Again, in front of, and outside, the cranial cav- ity, the ethmoid may be represcnted by one or more distinct ossifications. An ossific centre may appear in the cartilage on each side of the occipital foramen, and give rise to the ea-occipital » and above it, to form the swpra-occipital, The four occipital ele- ments, uniting together more or less closely, compose the oc- cipital segment of the skull. In front of the auditory capsules and of the exit of the third division of the fifth nerve, a centre of ossification may appear on each side and give rise to the alisphenoid ; which, normally, becomes united below with the basisphenoid. In front of, or above, the exits of the optic nerves, the erbitosphenoidal ossifications may appear and unite below with the presphenoid. In front of the occipital segment, the roof of the skull is formed by membrane; and the bones which complete the two THE TYPICAL BONY SKULL. 25 segments of which the basisphenoid and presphenoid form the basal parts, are membrane bones, and are disposed in twa pairs. The posterior are the parietals, the anterior the fron- tals ; and the segments which they complete are respectively ~ ( 5 ‘ : ¢ od ¢ g 5 g ae 8 3 Branchial apparatus, 4 vy 6} a ee bape g Fe“ yY a a3 a 4 5 Hyoidean apparatus, Bes p™¢ 4 oOo & a a 12 = ia é 4 8 Mandibular Suspensorium. g a ; a ? + . = ° 4 e 8 2 a 5, oo a : a 3 ° Ao ; a a | 8 E 4 g 4 4 I 3 a y s ae] 2 Hl a] 4 3 oS m be 3 a . 4 S| j Bo a @ 5 a q a 3 5 H be % 4 a 6 w & Pp 2 § o 3 : 3 4 2 ‘a p 3 g ‘ 5 f 4d § g 3 5 a 3S 5 tf a a fi ma a A ° 3 fa 4 a B a P| re 2 & a ; °o J i j a PREFRONTAL. : 4 a BO 4 i ” e)a 8s a 3 a 3 5 2 S gs a zi a) a zi Le) 26 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. called parietal and frontal. Thus the walls of the cranial ca¥ ity in the typical ossified skull are divisible into three segments —I. Occipital, I!. Parietal, III. Frontal—the parts of which are arranged with reference to one another, the sensory organs and the exits of the first, second, fifth, and tenth pairs of cranial nerves (t., 11, V., and x.), in the manner shown in the diagram * on the preceding page. ; The cartilaginous cases of the organs of hearing, or the periotic capsules, are, as has been said, incorporated with the skull between the ex-occipitals and the alisphenoids—or, in other words, between the occipital and the parietal segments of the skull. Each of them may have three principal ossifi- cations of its own. The one in front is the prodtic, the one behind and below, the opisthotic ; and the one which lies above, and externally, the epiotic. The last is in especial re- lation with the posterior vertical semicircular caval; the first with the anterior vertical semicircular canal, between which, and the exit of the third division of the fifth nerve, it lies. These three ossifications may coalesce into one, as when they constitute the petrosal and mastoid parts of the temporal bone of human anatomy; or the epiotic, or the opisthotic, or both, may coalesce with the adjacent supra-occipital and ex-occipi- tals, leaving the prodtic distinct. The prodtic is, in fact, one of the most constant bones of the skull in the lower Vertebra- ta, though it is commonly mistaken, on the one hand for the alisphenoid, and on the other for the entire petro-mastoid. Sometimes a fourth, pterotic ossification, is added to the three already mentioned. It lies on the upper and outer part of the ear-capsule between the prodtic and the epiotic (see the fig- ure of the cartilaginous cranium of the Pike, infra). In some Vertebrata the base of the skull exhibits a long and distinct splint-like membrane bone t—the parasphenoid, * The names of the purely membrane bones in this diagram are in large capitals, as PARIETAL; while those of the bones which are preformed in cartilage are in smaller type, as BASISPHENOID. + Bones may be formed in two ways. They may be preceded by cartilage. and the ossific fee in the place of the future bone may at first be deposited in the matrix of that cartilage, or the ossific deposit may take place, from the first, in indifferent, or rudimentary connective, tissue. ‘In this case the bone is not prefigured by cartilage. In the skulls of Elasmobranch fishes, and in the sternum and epicoracoid of Lizards, the bony matter is simply ossified ear- tilage, or cartilage bone. The parietal or frontal bones, on the other hand, - always devoid of cartilaginous rudiments, or, in other words, are membrane mes, In the higher Vertebrata the cartilage bones rarely, if ever, remain as such; but the primitive ossified cartilage becomes, in great measure, absorbed and replaced by membrane bone, derived from the perichondrium, ’ THE BONES OF THE FACE. 37 which underlies it from the basi-occipital to the pre-sphenoidal region. In ordinary fishes and Amphibia, this bone appears to replace the basisphenoid and presphenoid functionally, while in the higher Vertebrata it becomes confounded with the basisphenoid. The Vomer is a similar, splint-like, single or double, membrane bone, which, in like manner, underlies the ethmoid region of the skull. In addition to the bones already mentioned, a prefrontal hone may be developed in the prefrontal region of the nasal capsule, and bound the exit of the olfactory nerve externally. A postfrontal bone may appear behind the orbit above the alisphenoid. Sometimes it seems to be a mere dismember- ment of that bone; but, in most cases, the bone so named is a distinct membrane bone. Furthermore, on the outer and upper surface of the audi- tory capsule a membrane bone, the sguamosal, is very com- monly developed; and another pair of splint-bones, the nasals, cover the upper part of the ethmovomerine chambers, in which the olfactory organs are lodged. The Osseous Facial Apparatus.—The bones of the face, which constitute the inferior arches of the skull, appear with- in the various processes and visceral arches which have been enumerated. Thus, the premawille are two bones developed in the oral part of the naso-frontal process, one on each side of the middle line, between the external nasal apertures, or anterior nares, and the anterior boundary of the mouth, Ossification occurs in the palato-pterygoid cartilage at two chief points, one in front and one behind. The anterior gives rise to the palatine bone, the posterior to the pterygoid, Outside these, several membrane bones may make their ap- pearance in the same process. The chief of these is the maz- lla, which commonly unites, in front, with the premaxilla, Behind the maxilla there may be a second, the jugal ; and occasionally behind this lies a third, the guadratojugal. Between the maxilla, the prefrontal and the premaxilla, another membrane bone, called lachrymai, from its ordinary relation to the lachrymal canal, is very generally developed ; and one or more supra-orbital and post-orbital ossifications may be connected with the bony boundaries of the orbit. When these and the postfrontal membrane bone are si- multaneously developed, they form two series of bony splints attached to the lateral wall of the skull, one set above and one below the orbit, which converge to the lachrymal. The 28 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. upper series (lachrymal, supra-orbital, post-frontal, squamosal), terminates posteriorly over the proximal end of the gquadrate bone, or mandibular suspensorium. The lower series: (lachry- mal, maxillary, jugal, quadrato-jugal) ends over the distal end of that bone, with which the quadrato-jugal is connected. The two series are connected behind the orbit by the post- orbital (when it exists), but more commonly by the union of the jugal with the post-frontal and squamosal. The Lchthy- osauria, Chelonia, Crocodilia, and some Lacertilia, exhibit this double series of bones most completely. Each nasal passage, at first very short, passes between the premaxilla below, the ethmoid and vomer on the inner side, the prefrontal above and externally, and the palatine behind, to open into the forepart of the mouth. And, before the cleft between the outer posterior angle of the naso-frontal process and the maxillary process is closed, this passage communi- cates laterally, with the exterior, and, posteriorly, with the cavity of the orbit. When the maxillary and the naso-frontal processes unite, the direct external communication ceases; but the orbito-nasal passage, or ldachrymal canal, as it is called, in consequence of its function of conveying away the secretion of the lachrymal gland, may persist, and the dachry- mal bone may be developed in especial relation with it. In the higher Vertebrata, the nasal passages no longer communicate with the forepart of the cavity of the mouth; for the maxillaries and palatines, regularly, and the pterygoid bones, occasionally, send processes downward and inward, which meet in the middle line, and shut off from the mouth a canal which receives the nasal passages in front, while it opens, behind, into the pharynx, by what are now the poste- rior nares. Two ossifications commonly appear near the proximal end of Meckel’s cartilage, and become bones movably articulated together. The proximal of these is the guadrate bone found in most vertebrates, the malleus of mammals; the distal is the os articulare of the lower jaw in most vertebrates, but does not seem to be represented in mammals. The remainder of Meckel’s cartilage usually persists for a longer or shorter tiie, but does not ossify. It becomes surrounded by bone, arising from one or several centres, in the adjacent membrane, and the ramus of the mandible thas formed articulates with the squamosal bone in mammals, but in other Vertebrata is THE OSSEOUS MANDIBLE. 29 immovably united with the os articulare. Hence the complete ramus of the mandible articulates directly with the skull in mammals, but only indirectly, or through the intermediation of the quadrate, in other Vertebrata. In birds and reptiles, Fic. 9.—The head of a fetal Lamb dissected so as to show Meckel’s cartilage, J/; tha walleus, m, the incus, 7; the tympanic, ZJy,; the hyoid, //; the squamousal, Sg ; Bee #t; palatine, pl; lachrymal, Z; premaxilla, yma; nasalsac, V; Eustachiio tube, Lu. the proximal end of the quadrate bone articulates directly (with a merely apparent exception in Ophidia), and indepen- dently of the hyoidean apparatus, with the periotic capsule. In most, if not all fishes, the connection of the mandibular arch with the skull is effected indirectly, by its attachment to a single cartilage or bone, the hyomandibular, which repre- sents the proximal end of the hyoidean arch (see Fig. 24). The ossification of the hyoidean apparatus varies immense- ly in detail, but usually gives rise to bony lateral arches, and a median portion, bearing much the same relation to them as the sternum has to the ribs. When the lateral arches are com- piete, they are connected directly with the periotic capsule. The proximal end of the hyoidean arch is often united, more or less closely, with the outer extremity of the bone called columella auris, or stapes, the inner end of which, in the higner Vertebrata, is attached to the membrane of the fenestra ovalis. In ordinary fishes, a fold of the integument extends back ward from the second visceral arch over the persistent brar. 30 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. chial clefts; within this is developed a series of raylike mem- brane bones, termed epercular and branchiostegul, which be come closely connected with the hyoidean arch, A corre: sponding process of the skin is developed in the Batrachian Yadpole, and grows backward over the branchia. Its posterior edze, at first free, eventually unites with the integument of the body, behind the branchial clefts, the union being come pleted much earlier on the right side than on the left. ; In most mammals a similar fold of integument gives rise to the pinna, or external ear, The branchial skeleton bears the same relation to the posterior visceral arches that the hyoidean does to the second. When fully developed, it exhibits ossified lat- eral arches, connected by median picecs, and, frequently, provided with radiating appendages which give support to the branchial mu- cous membrane. It is only found in those Vertebrata which breathe by gills—the classes Pisces and Amphibia, In the higher Verte- brata, the posterior of the two pairs of cornua, with which the hy- oidean apparatus is generally pro- vided, are the only remains of the branchial skeleton. The skull and face are usually symmetrical in reference to a me- dian vertical plane. But, in some Cetacea, the bones about the re- gion of the nose are unequally developed, and the skull becomes asymmetrical. In the Flatfishes (Pleuronectide), the skull be Fin. 10.—Tho skull of a Phaice(Platessa COMES SO completely distorted, that rulqurix), viewed from above. The the two eyes lie on one side of faecal rncdlea liner (oe the the body, which is, in some cases, sition of the two eyes in their orbits; the left, and, in others, the right Bit donate Pe. ae thu ee side. In certain of these fishes, baricial; SO, supra-occipital; Hp.0, the rest of the skull and facial opens boues, the spine, and even the limbs, partake in this asymmetry. The base of the skull] and THE CARPUS AND THE TARSUS. 3) its occipital region are comparatively little affected ; but, in the interorbital region, the frontal bones and the subjacent carti- iaginous, or membranous, side-walls of the cranium are thrown over to one side; and, frequently, undergo a flexure, so that they become convex toward that side, and concave in the op= posite direction. The prefontal bone of the side from which the skull is twisted, sends back a great process above the eye of that side, which unites with the frontal bone, and thus en- closes this eye in a complete bony orbit. It is along this fronto-prefrontal bridge that the dorsal fin-rays are continued forward, just as if this bridge represented the morphological middle of the skull. (Fig. 10.) The embryonic Pleuronectide have the eyes in their nor- mal places, upon opposite sides of the head; and the cranial distortion commences only after the fish are hatched. The Appendicular Endoskeleton.—The limbs of all verte- brated animals make their appearance as buds on each side of the body. In all but fishes, these buds become divided by constrictions into three segments. Of these, the proximal is called brachium in the fore-limbs, femur in the hind; the middle is antebrachium, or crus; the distal is manus, or pes. Each of these divisions has its proper skeleton, composed of cartilage and bone. The proximal division, normally, con- tains only one bone, os humeri, or Aumerus, in the brachium, and os femoris, or femur, in the thigh; the middle, two bones, side by side, radius and ulna, or tibia and fibula ; the distal, many bones, so disposed as to form not more than five longi- tudinal series, except in the Ichthyosauria, where marginal bones are added, and some of the digits bifurcate. The skeletal elements of the manus and pes are divisible into a proximal set, constituting the carpus or tarsus; and a distal set, the digits, of which there are normally five, articu- lated with the distal bones of the carpus and tarsus. Each digit has a proximal basi-digital (metacarpal or metatarsal) bone, upon which follows a linear series of phalanges. It is convenient always to count the digits in the same way, com- mencing from the radial or tibial side. Thus, the thumb is the first digit of the hand in man; and the great-toe the first digit of the foot. Adopting this system, the digits may be represented by the numbers i, ii, iii, iv, v. There is reason to believe that, when least modified, the carpus and the tarsus are composed of skeletal elements which are alike in number and inarrangement. One of these, primitively situated in the centre of the carpus or tarsus, is 82 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. termed the centrale; on the distal side of this are five cam palia, or tarsalia, which articulate with the several metacar- pal or metatarsal bones; while, on its proximal side, are three bones—one radiale or tibiale, articulating with the radi- us or tibia; one ware or jfibulare, with the ulna or fibula ; and one intermedium, situated between the foregoing. Car- pal and tarsal bones, or cartilages, thus disposed are to be met with in some Amphibia and Chelonia (Fig. 11), but, Fic. 11.—The right fore-foot of the Chelonian Chelydra, and the right hind-foot of the Am- phibian Salmandra.—U, ulna; FR, radius; ¥, fibula; 7, tibia, Proximal carpa! bones: 7, radiale; <4, intermedium; w, ulnare; the centrale is the middle unlettered bone. Proximal tarsal bones; 4%, tibiale; 7, intermedium; f, fibulare; ¢, centrale; 1, 2, 8, 4,5, distal carpalia and tarsalia; 1, 11, WL, IV, V, digits. commonly, the typical arrangement is disturbed by the sup- pression of some of these elements, or their coalescence with one another. Thus, in the carpus of man, the radiale, inter- medium, and ulnare are represented by the scaphoides, lunare, and cuneiforme respectively. The pistforme is a sesamoid bone developed in the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaria, which has nothing to do with the primitive carpus. The centrale is not represented in a distinct shape, having proba bly coalesced with one of the other elements of the carpus. The fourth and fifth carpalia have coalesced, and form the single unciforme. In the tarsus of man, the astragalus repre- sents the coalesced tibiale and intermedium; the caleanewm, the fibulare. The navieulare is the centrale. Like the cor. THE POSITION OF THE LIMBS. 33 responding bones in the carpus, the fourth and fifth tarsalia have coalesced to form the cudoides. The Position of the Limbs.—In their primitive position, the limbs are straight, and are directed outward, at right angles to the axis of the body; but, as development proceeds, they become bent in sucha manner that, in the first place, the middle division of each limb is flexed downward and toward the middle line, upon the proximal division; while the distal division takes an opposite bend upon the middle division, Thus the ventral aspects of the antebrachium and erus come to look inwardly, and the dorsal aspects outwardly ; while the ventral aspects of the manus and pes look downward and their dorsal aspects look upward. When the position of the limbs has been no further altered than this, the radius in the antebrachium, and the tibia in the crus, are turned for- ward, or toward the head; the ulna and the fibula backward, or toward the caudal extremity. On looking at these parts with respect to the axis of the limb itself, the radius and the tibia are pre-axial, or in front of the axis; while the ulna and fibula are post-axial, or behind it. The same axis traverses the centre of the middle digit, and there are therefore twc pre-axial, or radial, or tibial digits; and two post-axial, or ulnar, or fibular digits, in each limb. The most anterior of the digits (i) is called pollea, in the manus; and haliux in the pes. The second digit (ii) is the index, the third (iii) the medius ; the fourth (iv) the annularis ; and the fifth (v) the minimus. In many Amphibia and Reptilia, the limbs of the adult do not greatly depart from this primitive position; but, in birds and in mammals, further changes occur. Thus, in all ordi- nary quadrupeds, the brachium is turned backward and the thigh forward, so that both elbow and knee lie close to the sides of the body. At the same time, the forearm is flexed upon the arm, and the leg upon the thigh. In Man a still greater change occurs. In the natural erect posture, the axes of both arm and leg are parallel with that of the body, in- stead of being perpendicular to it. The proper ventral sur face of the brachium looks forward, and that of the thigh backward, while the dorsal surface of the latter looks forward. The dorsal surface of the antebrachium looks outward and backward, that of the leg directly forward. The dorsal surface of the manus is external, that of the pes, superior. Thus, speaking broadly, the back of the arm corresponds with the front of the leg, and the outer side of the leg with the inner side of the arm, in the erect position. 84 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. In Bats, a line drawn from the acetabulum to the foot is also, in the natural position, nearly parallel with the long axis of the body. But, in attaining this position, the leg is bent at the knee and turned backward; the proper dorsal surface of the thigh looking upward and forward, while the corre- sponding surface of the leg looks backward and upward, and the ungual phalanges are turned backward. . The chief modifications of the manus and pes arise from the excess, or defect, in the development of particular digits, and from the manner in which the digits are connected wita one another, and with the carpus or tarsus. In the Jchthyo- sauria and Plesiosauria, the Turtles, the Cetacea and Sirenia, and, in a less degree, in the Seals, the digits are bound together and cased in a common sheath of integument, so as to form paddles, in which the several digits have little or no motion ou one another. The fourth digit of the manus in the Plerosauria, and the four ulnar digits in the Bats, are vastly elongated, to support the web which enables these animals to fly. In existing birds the two ulnar, or post-axial, digits are aborted, the metacarpals of the second and third are anchylosed together, and the digits themselves are enclosed in a common integu- mentary sheath; the third invariably, and the second usually, is devoid of aclaw. The metacarpal of the pollex is anchy- losed with the others, but the rest of that digit is free, and frequently provided with a claw. Among terrestrial mammals, the most striking changes of the manus and pes arise from the gradual reduction in the number of the perfect digits from the normal number of five to four (Sus), three (Adnoceros), two (most seuminantia), or one (Lyuida). The Pectoral and Pelvic Arches.—The proximal skeletal elements of each pair of limbs (humeri or femora) are sup- ported by a primitively cartilaginous, pectoral, or pelvic girdle, which lies external to the costal elements of the verte- bral skeleton. This girdle may consist of a simple cartilagi- nous arc (as in the Sharks and Rays), or it may be complicated by subdivisions and additions. The pectoral arch may be connected with the skull, or with the vertebral column, by muscles, ligaments, or dermal ossifications, though, primitively, it is perfectly free from, and independent of, both; but it is never united with the verte- bree by the intermediation of ribs, At first, it consists of one THE PECTORAL ARCH. 35 continuous cartilage, on each side of the body, distiuguish- able only into regions and processes, and affording an articular surface to the bones or cartilages of the limb. But ossifica- tion usually sets up in the cartilage, in such a way as to give tise to a dorsal bone, called the scapula, or shoulder-blade, which meets, in the articular, glenoidal cavity for the hu: merus, with a ventral ossification, termed the coracoid. By differences in the mode of ossification of the various parts, and by other changes, that region of the primitively wT — Mer SE Fic. 12.—Side-view of the pectoral arch and sternum of a Lizard ([guana tuberculata),— Se, scapula; 8.8c, supra-scapula; er, coracoid; gi, glenoidal cavity; St, sternum;, xiphisternum;, mesoscapula;, precoracoid;, mesocoracoid; ¢.cr', epi- coracoid ; e, clavicle; é.cd, interclavicle, cartilaginous pectoral arch which lies above the glenoidal cavity may be ultimately divided into a scapula and a supra- scapula ; while that which lies on the ventral side may pre- sent not only a coracoid, but a precoracoid and an epicora- coid, In the great majority of the Vertebrata above fishes, the coracoids are large, and articulate with the antero-external margins of the primitively cartilaginous stermwm, or breast- bone. But, in most mammals, they do not reach the sternum, and, becoming anchylosed with the scapula, they appear, in adult life, as mere processes of that bone. Numerous Vertebrates possess a clavicula, or collar-bone, which is connected with the pre-axial margin of the scapula and coracoid, but takes no part in the formation of the glenoid cavity, and is usually, if not always, a membrane bone. In many Vertebrata, the inner ends of the clavicles 36 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. are connected with, and supported by, a median ae bone which is closely connected with the ventral face of the sternum. This is the interclavicula, frequently called epister- num fie. 13.—Ventral view of the sternum and pectoral arches of Zguana tuberculata. The letters as in Fig. 12. The pelvic, like the pectoral, arch at first consists of a simple continuous cartilage on each side, which, in Vertebrata higher than fishes, is divided by the acetabulum, or articular cavity for the reception of the head of the femur, into a dorsal and a ventral moiety. Three separate ossifications usually take place in this car- tilage—one in the dorsal, and two in the ventral, moiety. Hence, the pelvic arch eventually consists of a dorsal portion, called the zm, and of two ventral elements, the pubis ante- riorly, and the ¢schiwm posteriorly, All these generally enter into the composition of the acetabulum. The ilium corresponds with the scapula. In the higher Vertebrata the outer surface of the latter bone becomes di- vided by a ridge into two fosse. The ridge, called the spine of the scapula, frequently ends in a prominent process termed the acromion, and with this, in Mammalia, the clavicle artic ulates, In like manner, the outer surface of the ilium be: THE PELVIC ARCH. 39 eomes divided by a ridge which grows out into a great crest in Man and other Mammalia, and gives attachment to mus- cles and ligaments. The ischium corresponds very nearly with the coracoid in the pectoral arch; the pubis with the precoracoid, and more or less of the epicoracoid. The pelvis possesses no osseous element corresponding with the clavicle, but a strong ligament, the so-called Pou- cone ligament, stretches from the ilium to the pubis in many ertebrata and takes its place, (Fig. 14, Pp.) Mia. 14 —Side-view of the left Os Innominatum of Man: 77, ilium; Js,ischium; Pp, pubis A, acetabulum; Pp, Poupart’s ligament, On the other hand, the marsupial bones of certain mam- mals, which are ossificationus of the tendons of the external oblique muscles, seem to be unrepresented in the pectoral . arch; while there appears to be nothing clearly corresponding with a sternum in the pelvic arch, though the precloacal car- tilage, or ossicle, of Lizards has much the same relation to the ischia as the sternum has to the coracoids, Very generally, though not universally, the ilia are closely articulated with the modified ribs of the sacrum. The pubes and ischia of opposite sides usually meet in a median ventral symphysis; but in all birds, except the Ostrich, this union does not take place. The Limbs of Fishes.—The limbs of Fishes have an endo- skeleton which only imperfectly corresponds with that of the higher Vertebrates. For while homologues of the cartilagi- 88 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. nous, and even of the bony, constituents of the pectoral and pelvic arches of the latter are traceable in Fishes, the cartila- ginous, or ossified, basal and radial supports of the fins them- selves cannot be identified, unless in the most general way, with the limb-bones, or cartilages, of the other Vertebrata, Tn its least modified form, as in Zepidostren, the endo- skeleton of the fish’s fin is a simple cartilaginous rod, divided into many joints; and articulated, by its proximal end, with the pectoral arch. The Hlasmobranchti possess three basal cartilages which articulate with the pectoral arch, and are called, respectively, from before backward—propterygial, me- sopterygial, and metapterygial basalia. With these are artic- ulated linear series of radial cartilages, upon which osseous, or horny, dermal fin-rays are superimposed. (Fig. 15.) Among the Ganoid fishes, the fins of Polypterus are, fun- damentally, like those of the Hlasmobranchit ; but the pro- pterygial, mesopterygial, and metapterygial basalia, are more or less ossified, and are succeeded by a series of elongated radialia, which are also, for the most part, ossified. Beyond fie 16.—The right pectoral member of the Monkfisn (Sqvatina): h F: mesopterygium; md, iietaptaryeium, : s PERETTI THE LIMBS OF FISHES. 39 these follow some small additional radéalia, which remain car- tilaginous, and are embraced by the bases of the fin-rays. In the other Ganoids the propterygial basale disappears, and some of the radialia, pushing themselves between the meso- pterygial and metapterygial basalia, articulate directly with the pectoral arch. The mesopterygial basale is embraced by, and becomes more or less incorporated with, the large ante. rior fin-ray. From these Ganoids the passage is easy to the Teleostei, in which, also, the mesopterygial basale always becomes fused with the anterior fin-ray, whence the latter seems to articulate directly with the shoulder-girdle. Four bones, of very similar general form, usually articulate with the pectoral arch, be- neath and hehind the mesopterygial basale and its fin-ray. At their distal ends small cartilaginous nodules may lie, and these are embraced by the fin-rays. Of these four bones, or partially-ossified cartilages, the lowermost and hindermost answers to the metapterygial basale of the Shark; the others seem to be radialia, (See the figure of the Pike’s pectoral fin, infra.) The ventral fins have basal and radial cartilages and fin- rays, more or less resembling those of the fore-limbs. In most Ganoids and Teleosteans the pectoral and pelvic arches are, in part, or completely, ossified; the former fre- quently presenting distinct scapular and coracoid bones. To these, in all Ganoids and Teleosteans, membrane bones, rep- resenting a clavicle, with supra-clavicular and post-clavicular ossifications, are added. In all Elasmobranchs and Ganoids, and in a large propor- tion of the Teleosteans, the pelvic fins are situated far back on the under side of the body, and are said to be “ ventral ” in position; but, in other Teleosteans, the ventral fins may move forward, so as to be placed immediately behind, or even in front of, the pectoral fins. In the former case they are said to be “thoracic,” in the latter “ jugular.” The Vertebrate Exoskeleton.—The zoskeleton never at- tains, in vertebrated animals, the functional importance which it so frequently possesses among the Invertebrata, and it va- ries very greatly in the degree of its development. The integument consists of two layers—a superficial, non- vascular substance, the epidermis, composed of cells, which are constantly growing and multiplying in the deeper, and being thrown off in the superficial, layers; and a deep vascu- lar tissue, the dermis, composed cf more or less completely- £0 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. formed connective tissue. An exoskeleton may be developed by the hardening of either the epidermis, or the dermis. | The epidermal exoskeleton results from the conversion into horny matter of the superficial cells of the epidermis. The horny plates thus formed are moulded upon, and follow the configuration of, arese, or processes, of the dermis. When the latter are overlapping folds, the horny epidermic investment is called a scale, sywama. When the dermic process is papilli- form, and sunk in a pit of the dermis, the conical cap of modi- fied epidermis which coats it is either a hair or a feather. To become w hair, the horny cone simply elongates by continual addition of new cells to its base; but, in a feather, the horny cone, which also elongates by addition to its base, splits up, for a greater or less distance along the middle line of its under surface, and then spreads out into a flat vane, subdivided into barbs, barbules, etc., by a further process of splitting of the primary horny cone. The epidermis remains soft and delicate in Fishes and Amphibia. In Reptilia it sometimes takes the form of plates, which attain a great size in many Chelonia ; sometimes, that of overlapping scales, as in Ophidia and many Lacertilia ; but, sometimes, it remains soft, as in some Chelonia and in the Chameleons. Epidermic plates in the form of nails appear upon the terminal phalanges of the limbs, All Aves possess feathers. In addition, the beak is partly or completely ensheathed in horn, as in some Reptilia. Corni- fied epidermic tubercles or plates are developed on the tarsi and toes, the terminal phalanges of which (and sometimes those of the wing) have nails. Besides these, some birds pos- sess spurs, which are ensheathed in horn, on the legs or wings. In Mammalia, the horny exoskeleton may take all the forms already mentioned, except that of feathers. In some Cetacea itis almost absent, being reduced to a few hairs, pres- ent only in the foetal state. The Pangolin (Manis), on the other hand, is almost completely covered with scales, the Armadillos with plates, and most terrestrial mammals with a thick coat of hair. The greater part of the mass of the horns of Oxen, Sheep, and Antelopes, is due to the epidermic sheath which covers the bony core. Where the horny epidermis be- comes very thick, as in the hoof of the Horse, and in the horn of the Rhinoceros, numerous long papillee of the dermis extend into it. These papille, however, are comparable to the ridgea of the bed of the nail, not to the papillee of the hairs, THE EXOSKELETON. 41 The dermal exoskeleton arises from the hardening of the dermis ; in the majority of cases by the deposit of bone-earth, in more or less compietely-formed connective tissue, though the resulting hard tissue has by no means always the struct- ure of bone. It may happen that cartilage is developed in the dermis; and, either in its primary state or ossified, gives rise to exoskeletal parts, Fia. 16.—A, outline of a Pike (Zsor), to show the fins: P, pectoral; V, ventral; A, anal; ©, caudal; D, dorsal, fins. Op., operculum; P.Op., DEPapSreULU Br, branvhiostegal rays.—, scales of the dermal exoskeleton of the same fish. No dermal exoskeleton (except that of the fin-rays) is found in the lowest fishes, Amp/iowus and the Marsipobranchii. In most Zeleostei, the integument is raised up into overlapping folds; and, in these, calcification takes place in lamina, of which the oldest is the most superficial, and lies immediately beneath the epidermis. As a general rule, the calcified tissue of the “ scale” thus formed, does not possess the structure of true bone in the Zeleostez. But, in other fishes, the dermal calcification may consist of true bone (as in the Sturgeon) ; or, as in the Sharks and Rays, may take on the structure of teeth, and consist mainly of a tissue exactly comparable to dentine, capped with enamel, and continuous by its base with a mass of true bone, which takes the place of the crusta petrosa, or cement of the teeth. A form of dermal exoskeleton, which is peculiar to and highly characteristic of fishes, is found in the fin-rays. These are developed in the integument either of the median line of the body, or in that of the limbs. In the former case, they usually enter into, or support, folds of the integument which are termed dorsal, caudal, or anal fms—according as they lie 42 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. in the dorsal region, or at the extremity of the body, or on the ventral aspect, behind the anus. Ordinary fin-rays are com- posed of a hornlike, or more or less calcitied, substance, and are simple at the base, but become jointed transversely, and split up longitudinally, toward their extremities (Fig. 6). Each fin-ray consists of two nearly equal and similar parts, which cohere by their applied faces for the greater part of their extent ; but, at the base of the rays, the halves commonly diverge, to embrace, or more or less completely coalesce with, cartilaginous or osseous elements of the exoskeleton. In the median fins, these are the interspinous cartilages, or bones, which lie between the fin-rays and the superior or inferior spines of the vertebree. In the paired fins, they are radial or basal, cartilaginous or osseous, elements of the endoskeleton. The Amphibia in general are devoid of dermal exoskeleton, but the Ceecilice have scales like those of fishes. Ceratophrys has plates of bone developed in the dorsal integument, which seem to foreshadow the plates of the carapace of the Chelonia; and the extinct Labyrinthodonts possessed a very remarkable ventral exoskeleton. The Ophidia have no dermal exoskeleton. Many Lizards have bony dermal plates corresponding in form and size with the epidermal scales. All Crocodilia have such bony plates in the dorsal region of the body and tail; and in some, such as the Jacares and Caimans, and the extinct Zeleosauria, they are also developed in the ventral region. In these animals there is a certain correspondence between the segments of the exoskeleton and those of the endoskeleton. But the dermal exoskeleton attains its greatest development in the Chelonia, and will be particularly described under the head of that order. In the Mammalia the development of a dermal exoskeleton is exceptional, and occurs only in the loricated Hdentata, in which the dorsal region of the head and body, and the whole of the tail, may be covered with shields of dermal bone. In connection with the dermis and epidermis, the glandu- lar and pigmentary organs of the integument may be men- tioned. Integumentary glands do not appear to exist in Fishes, but they attain an immense development in some of the Amphibia, as the Frog. Among Repiilia, Lizards fre- quently present such glands in the femoral and cloacal regions 5 and, in Crocodiles, integumentary glands, which secrete a musky substance, lie beneath the jaw. In Birds they attain a considerable size in the uropygial gland ; and, in Mamonalia, acquire a large development in connection with the sacs of the THE EXOSKELETON, 43 hairs, or as independent organs, in the form of sweat-glands, musk-glands, or mammary glands, The color of the integument may arise from pigment granules, deposited either in the epidermis or in the dermis ; and, in the latter case, it is sometimes contained in listinct chromatophores, as in the Chameleon. CHAPTER ff. THE MUSCLES AND THE VISCERA—-A GENERAL VIEW OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THE VERTEBRATA, Tur muscular system of the Vertebrata consists of muscles related partly to the exoskeleton, partly to the endoskeleton, and partly to the viscera, and formed both of striated and un- striated muscular fibre. The latter is confined to the vessels, the viscera, and the integument; the parts of the endoskele- ton being moved upon one another exclusively by striated mus- cular fibre. The muscles of the endoskeleton may be divided, like the endoskeleton itself, into one system appertaining to the trunk and head, and another belonging to the limbs. The Muscular System of the Trunk and Head.—This con- sists of two portions, which differ fundamentally in their origin, and in their relations to the endoskeleton. The one takes its origin in the protovertebra ; each protovertebra be- coming differentiated, as we have seen, into three parts; a spinal ganglion and a segment of the vertebral endoskeleton, in the same plane, and a more superficial sheet of muscular fibres. These muscular fibres are consequently situated above the endoskeleton, or are episkeletal. Other muscular fibres are developed below the endoskeleton, and may be termed Aypo- skeletal rouscles. The hyposkeletal muscles are separated from the episkeletal, not only by the endoskeleton of the trunk (or the vertebre and their prolongations, the ribs), but by the ventral branches of the spinal nerves. As the episkeletal muscles are developed out of the proto- vertebra, they necessarily, at first, present as many segments as there are vertebra, the interspaces between them appearing as intermuscular septa. The development of the hyposkeletal muscles has not been worked out, but it appears to take place much later than that of the episkeletal set. EPISKELETAL AND HYPOSKELETAL MUSCLES. 45 In the lowest Vertebrata—as, for example, in ordinary fishes—the chief muscular system of the trunk consists of the episkeletal muscles, which form thick lateral masses of longitu- dinal fibres, divided by transverse intermuscular septa into segments (or Myotomes) corresponding with the vertebrae. The lateral muscles meet in the middle line below, and divide, in front, into a dorso-lateral mass connected with the skull, and a ventro-lateral attached, in part, to the pectoral arch, and, in part, continued forward to the skull, to the hyoidean appa- ratus, and to the mandible. Posteriorly, the lateral muscles are continued to the extremity of the tail. The hyposkeletal muscular system appears to be undeveloped. In the higher Vertebrata, both the episkeletal and hypo- skeletal muscular systems are represented by considerable numbers of more or less distinct muscles. The dorso-lateral division of the lateral muscle of the fish is represented by the superior caudal muscles, and by the erector spinw ; which, as it splits up, anteriorly, and becomes attached to the vertebra, and to the ribs, and to the skull, acquires the names of sp? nalis, semispinalis, longissimus dorsi, sacrolumbalis, inter. transversalis, levatores costarum, complexus, splenius, recte postict, and recti laterules. The ventro-lateral division of the fish’s lateral muscle is represented, in the middle line of the trunk and head, by a series of longitudinal muscles; and, at the sides, by obliquely- directed muscles. The former are the recté abdominis, extend- ing from the pelvis to the sternum—the sterno-hyoidet, be- tween the sternum and the hyoidean apparatus—the genio- hyoidei, which pass from the hyoid to the symphysis of the mandible. The latter are the obliqui externt of the abdomen —the external intercostales of the thorax—the subclavius stretching from the first rib to the clavicle; the scalent from the anterior dorsal ribs to the cervical ribs and transverse processes, and the sterno- and cleido-mastoidei from the ster- num and clavicle to the skull. The fibres of all these oblique muscles take a direction, from parts which are dorsal and anterior, to others which are ventral and posterior. The trunk muscles of the lower Amphibia exhibit arrange- ments which are transitional between those observed in Fishes and that which has been described in Man, and which substan- tially obtains in all abranchiate Vertebrata. The muscles of the jaws and of the hyoidean apparatus appear to be, in part, episkeletal, and, in part, hyposkeletal, 46 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The mandible is depressed by a muscle, the digastric, arising from the skull, and supplied by a branch of the seventh nerve : it is raised by a muscular mass, which is separable into mas- seter, temporal, and pterygoid muscles, according to its con- nection with the maxillo-jugal bones, the sides of the skull, or the palato-pterygoid bones, and is supplied by the fifth nerve, The proper facial muscles belong to the system of cutane- ous muscles, and receive branches from the seventh nerve. The hyposkeletal system is formed, partly, of longitudinal muscles which underlie the vertebral column; and partly, of more or less oblique, or even transverse fibres, which form the innermost muscular walls of the thorax and of the abdomen. The former are the subcaudal intrinsic flexors of the tail ; the pyriformis, psoas, and other muscles proceeding from the inferior faces of the vertebrae to the hind-limb; the longus colli, or intrinsic flexor of the anterior part of the vertebral column; and the rect? capitis anticz, or flexors of the head upon the vertebral column. The latter are the obliquus in- ternus of the abdomen, the fibres of which take a direction crossing that of the external oblique muscle; and the trans- versalis, which lies innermost of the abdominal muscles, and has its fibres transverse. In the thorax, the intercostales internt continue the direction of the internal oblique, and the triangu- laris sterni that of the transversalis. The diaphragm and the levator ani must also be enumerated among the hyposkeletal muscles, The hyposkeletal muscles of the posterior moiety of the body attain a great development in those Vertebrata which have no hind-limbs, such as Ophidia and Cetacea. The Muscular System of the Limbs,—The muscles of the limbs of Fishes are very simple, consisting, on each face of the limb, of bundles of fibres, which proceed (usually in two layers) obliquely, from the clavicle and supraclavicle to the fin-rays. The pectoral.and pelvic arches themselves are im- bedded in the lateral muscles. In the Amphibia and all the higher Vertebrata, the muscles of the limbs are divisible into—inirinsic, or those which take their origin within the anatomical limits of the limb (including the pectoral or pelvic arch); and extrinsic, or those which arise outside the limb. Supposing the linb to be extended at right angles to the spine (its primitive position), it will present a dorsal aspect and a ventral aspect, with an anterior, or pre-avial, and a pos terior, or post-axial, side. THE MUSCLES OF THE LIMBS. 47 In the Vertebrata above fishes, the following muscles, which occur in Man, are very generally represented : ntrinsic muscles attached to the pectoral and pelvic arches, on the dorsal aspect.—In the fore-limb, the cleidomastoideus, from the posterolateral region of the skull to the clavicle ; the trapezius, from the skull and spines of many of the vertebrre to the scapula and clavicle; the rhombotdez, from the spines of vertebrz to the vertebral edge of the scapula, beneath the foregoing. Sometimes there is a tracheloacromialis, from the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae to the scapula. On the ventral aspect, the subclavius, which passes from the anterior rib to the clavicle, may be regarded as, in part, a mus- cle of the limb; the pectoralis minor, from the ribs to the coracoid. Between the dorsal and the ventral aspects muscular fibres arise from the cervical and dorsal ribs, and pass to the inner aspect of the vertebral end of the scapula: anteriorly, these are called levator anguli scapule ; posteriorly, serratus magnus. An omohyotd muscle frequently connects the scapula with the hyoidean arch. The posterior limb does not seem to offer any muscles ex- actly homologous with the foregoing. So far, however, as the rectt abdominis, the obliquus externus, and the fibres of the erector spinw, are attached to the pelvic girdle, they cor- respond in a general way with the pre-axial, or protractor, mus- cles of the pectoral arch; and the ischio-coccygeal muscles, when they are developed, are, in relation to the pelvic arch, retractors, though, owing to the relative fixity of the pelvis, they act in protracting, or flexing, the caudal region. The psoas minor, proceeding from the under surfaces of posterior dorsal (or lumbar) vertebree to the ilium, or pubis, is a protractor of the pelvis, but, as a hyposkeletal muscle, has no homologue in the fore-limb. Extrinsic muscles attached to the humerus or femur, on the dorsal aspect.—In the fore-limb there is the post-axial latis- simus dorsi passing from spines of dorsal vertebra to the humerus. On the ventral aspect, the pectoralis major extends from the sternum and ribs to the humerus. In the hind-lim», the gluteus maximus, so far as it arises from the sacral and coccygeal vertebrae, and is inserted int» the femur, repeats the relations of the latissimus dorsi, In the absence of any thing corresponding with the sternum, or the ribs, no exact homologue of the pectoralis major can be said to exist, though the pectineus comes near it. The psoas 48 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. major, passing from posterior dorsal or lumbar vertebree—the pyriformis from sacral vertebrae—the femoro-coccygeus (when it exists) from caudal vertebre—to the femur, are all hypo- skeletal muscles, without homologues in the anterior extrennty, All the otker muscles of the limbs are ?nériusic, taking their origins from the pectoral or petvic arches, or from some of the more proximal segments of the limb-skeleton, and hav- ing their insertion in the more distal segments. They are thus arranged in Man and the higher Mammalia: Intrinsic muscles proceeding from the pectoral or pelvic arches to the humerus or femur, on the dorsal aspect.—In the fore-limb, the dedto/des proceeds from the clavicle and scapula to the bumerus. This superficial shoulder-muscle continues the direction of the fibres of the trapezius ; and, when the clavicle is rudimentary, the adjacent portions of the two mus- cles coalesce into a cephalo-hwmeralis muscle. Beneath the deltoid the supra-sp/iatus, on the pre-axial side of the spine of the scapula; the injfra-spinatus, and the teres major and minor, on its post-axial side, run from the dorsal aspect of the scapula to that of the head of the humerus, In the hind-limb, the tensor vaginw femoris, which passes from that part of the ilium which corresponds with the spine and acromion of the scapula, to the femur, appears to answer better to the deltoid than does the gluteus maximus, which, at first sight, would seem to be the homologue of that muscie, The tdiacus, procecding from the inner surface of the crest of the ilium to the smaller trochanter, answers to the supra- spinatus ; the ghitcwus medius and minimus, which arise from the outer surface of the ilium, to the in/ra-spinatus and teres, In the fore-limb, a muscle, the subscapularis, is attached to the inner face of the scapula, and is inserted into the hu- merus. No muscle exactly corresponding with this appears to exist in the hind-limb. On the ventral aspect in the fore-limb, the coracobrachialis passes from the coracoid to the humerus. In the hind-limb, a number of muscles proceed from the corresponding (ischio- pubic) part of the pelvic arch to the femur. These are, from the outer surface of the pubis, the pectineus, and the great ab- ductors of the femur; with the odturator externus, from the outer side of the ischiopubic fontanelle, or obturator membrane. The gemelii and the quadratus femoris take their origin from the ischium. No muscle is attached to the proper inner surface of the ium, so that there is no homologue of the subscagnilaris in THE MUSCLES OF TIIE LIMBS. 49 the hind-limb. On the other hand, a muscle, the obturator internus, attached to the inner surface of the ischiopubiec fon- tanelle, and winding round to the femur, has no homologue in the upper extremity of the higher Vertebrata, unless it be the so-called corazobrachialis, which arises from the inner surface of the coracoid in many Sauropsida. Muscles of the Antebrachiun and Crus.—On the dorsal aspect of the fore-limb, as of the hind-limb, certain muscles arise in part from the arch, and, in part, from the bone of the proximal segment of the limb, and go to be inserted into the two bones of the second segment. These are, in the fore- limb, the triceps extensor and the supinator brevis ; in the hind-limb, the quadriceps extensor. There is this difference between these two homologous groups of muscles-—that in the fore-limb, the principal mass of the muscular fibres goes, as the ¢riceps, to be inserted into the post-axial bone (ulna), and the less portion, as swpinator brevis, into the pre-axial bone (radius); whereas, in the hind- limb, it is the other way, almost the whole of the muscular fibres passing, as the quadriceps, to the pre-axial bone (tibia), the tendon commonly developing a sesamoid patella ; while only a few fibres of that division of the quadriceps which is called the “vastus externus” pass to the post-axial bone (fibula). On the ventral aspect, the fore-limb presents three mus- cles, arising either from the pectoral arch, or from the hume- rus, and inserted into the two bones of the forearm. On the pre-axial side are two muscles; one double-headed, the biceps, arising from the scapula and the coracoid, and inserted into the radius. A second, the supinator longus, passes from the humerus to the radius. On the post-axial side, the brachialis anticus arises from the humerus, and is inserted into the ulna. The hind-limb has two muscles, the sartorius, arising from the ilium, and the gracilis, from the pubis, in place of the biceps brachii, and inserted into the pre-axial bone, the tibia, which corresponds with the radius. Two other muscles, the semi- membranosus and semi-tendinosus, pass from the ischium to the tibia, and replace, without exactly representing, the szu- pinator longus. Corresponding with the brachialis anticus is the short head of the biceps femoris, arising from the femur, and inserted into the post-axial bone of the leg, the fibula. The long head of the biceps femoris, which proceeds from the ischium, appears to have no representative in the fore-limb. In the fore-limb, a muscle, the pronator teres, passes ob- 3 50 TUE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. liquely from the post-axial condyle of the humerus to the radi us, In the hind-limb, a corresponding wuscle, the poplilers, proceeds from the post-axial condyle of the femur to the tibia. The pronator guwadratas, which passes from the ulna to the radius, has its analogue, in some Mursxpialia and Leptiliu, in muscles which extend from the fibula to the tibia. The Muscles of the Digits—The remaining muscles of the two limbs are, primarily, muscles of the digits, and are at- tached either to the basi-digital (metacarpal or metatarsal) bones, or to the phalanges, though they may acquire second- ary connections with bones of the tarsus or carpus. The plan upon which they are arranged, when they are most com- pletely developed, will be best understood by commencing with the study of their insertion in any one of those digits which possesses a complete set; such, for example, as the fifth digit of the manus, or little finger, in Man and the higher Primates. On the dorsal aspect this digit presents: first, attached to the base of its metacarpal bone, the tendon of a distinct mus- cle, the extensor carpi ulnaris, Secondly, spreading out over the phalanges into an aponeurosis, which is principally at- tached to the first and second, is a tendon belonging to another muscle, the eetensor minimi diyiti. Thirdly, entering the same expansion is one tendon of the extensor communis digitorum, On the ventral aspect there are: first, attached to the base of the metacarpal, the tendon of a distinct muscle, the flexor carpi wars ; secondly, arising from the sides and ventral face of the metacarpal, and inserted into either side of the base of the proximal phalanx, two muscles, the /nterossei ; thirdly, inserted into the sides of the middle phalanx by two slips, a tendon of the fleror perforatus ; and fourthly, passing be- tween these two slips, and inserted into the base of the distal phalanx, a tendon of the fleror perforans. Thus there are special depressors, or flexors, for each segment of the digit. There appear, at lirst, to be but three elevators, or extensors, but, practically, each segment has its elevator. For the ten dons of the extensor communis and extensor minime digit? are attached to the middle and the proximal phalanges; and the distal phalanx is specially elevated by the tendons of two lit tle muscles, which, in Man, are usually mere subdivisions of the interosse?, and pass upward, joining the extensor sheath, to be Gnally inserted into the distal phalanx. The fifth digit of the pes, or little toe, sometimes presents the same disposition of muscles, namely ; THE MUSCLES OF THE LIMBS. 51 On the dorsal aspect: first, the peroncus tertius for the metatarsal bone; secondly, one tendon from the extensor digi torum brevis, but this last is commonly absent in Man; third ly, one tendon from the extensor digitorum longus. Fia. 17.—Part of the middle digit of the manus of an Orang with the flexors and extensora of the phalanges: mcp., metacarpal bone; Pz. 1, Ph. 2, Ph. 8, the three phalanges; Ext. 1, the deep long extensor tendon from the eatensor indicis; Ext. 2, the superfi- cial long extensor tendon from the extensor communis ; I. e., the interosseous short ex- tensor; J.7:, the interosseous short flexor; . pzs., the deep long flexor (perforans); F. pts., the superficial long flexor (pezforatus). On the ventral aspect : first, the peronceus brevis, attached to the base of the metatarsal; secondly, two interossei ; thirdly, a perforated flexor; and fourthly, a perforating flexor, like those of the manus. The divisions of the interossei, which send tendons to the extensor sheath on the dorsum of the digits of the foot in Man, are hardly distinct from the ven- tral divisions of those muscles. In addition to the muscles which have been mentioned, the fifth digit has an abductor and an adductor, which may be regarded as subdivisions of the inderossei, arising within the manus or pes, and inserted into opposite sides of the proximal phalanx; and an opponens, a muscle attached to the ventral face of the carpus or the tarsus, and inserted into the post- axial edge of the shaft of the metacarpal or metatarsal. Finally, a lumbricalis muscle proceeds from the tendon of the perforating flexor, on the pre-axial side of the digit, to the extensor sheath. None of the other digits of the manus, or of the pes, has a greater number of muscles than this; in fact, all the others have fewer muscles, some of those enumerated being sup 52 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. pressed. What are often regarded as muscles special to inan, such as the extensor proprius indicis and extensor Miliuiine digiti, are only remains of muscles which are more fully de- veloped in lower mammals, and send tendons to all four of the ulnar digits. Only the pollex has an opponens.* Only the pollex and hallux have adductors and abductors. Some of the digits lack one or more of the ventral, or of the dorsal, muscles. The correspondence between the muscles which have heen mentioned, at their insertion in the digits, is clear enough, but some difficulties present themselves when the muscles are traced to their origins. In Man, the flexors and extensors of the digits (except the interosse’) of the fore-limb arise in part from the humerus, and in part from the bones of the forearm, but not within the manus. On the contrary, none of the flexors and extensors of the digits of the pes arise from the femur, while some of them arise within the pes itself. The origins of the muscles seem to be, as it were, higher up in the fore-limb than in the hind-limb. Nevertheless, several of the muscles correspond very closely. Thus, on the dorsal aspect, the extensor ossis metucarpi pollicis passes from the post-axial side of the proxi- mal region of the antebrachium obliquely to the trapeziurn and the metacarpal of the pollex, just as its homologue, the tibialis anticus, passes from the post-axial side of the upper part of the leg to the entocuneiform and the base of the me- tatarsal of the hallux; the two muscles correspond exactly. But the extensors of the phalanges of the pollex, and the deep extensors of the other digits of the manus, arise on the same side of the antebrachiuin, below the eatensor ossis metacarpt pollicis ; while, in the leg, one of the deep extensors of the hallux, and all those of the other digits, arise still lower down, viz., from the caleaneum., Not less remarkable is the contrast between the more superficial sets of extensors in the two limbs. In the fore limb, proceeding from the pre-axial to the post-axial side, the following extensor muscles arise from the external or pre- axial condyle of the humerus: the extensor curpi radialis lon- gus to the base of the second metacarpal; the extensor carpr radialis brevis to the base of the third metacarpal ; the exten- sor communis digitorum to the four ulnar digits; the exten- sor minimi digité to the fifth digit; the extensor carpi ul * 7 have seen an opponens in the hajlux cf an Orang. THE MUSCLES OF THE LIMBS. a3 naris to the base of the fifth metacarpal. In the hind-limb, there are no homologues of the first two of these muscles, The homologue of the extensor communis is the long extensor, which arises, not from the femur, but from the fibula. The peroncus tertius,* passing frum the dorsal face of the fibula to the fifth metatarsal, is the only representative of the exten- sor carpi ulnaris, On the ventral aspect of the human fore-limb, two deep flexors arise from the radius, ulna, and interosseous membrane, and run parallel with one another, though disconnected, to the digits. These are, on the pre-axial side—the flexor polli- cis longus, to the distal phalanx of the pollex; and the flexor digitorum perforans, to the distal phalanges of the other digits. In the hind-limb, two homologous muscles, the flexor hat- lucis longus and the flexor digitorum perforans, arise from the tibia and fibula and interosseous membrane, and their ten- dons are distributed to the distal phalanges of the digits. But, before they divide, the tendons become connected to- gether in such a way that many of the digits receive tendi- nous fibres from both sources. In the fore-limb, there are no other deep flexors, but the internal, or post-axial, condyle of the humerus gives origin to a number of muscles. These, proceeding from the pre-axial to the post-axial side, are the flexor carpi radialis to the base of the second metacarpal; the palmaris longus to the fascia of the palm; the flexor perforatus digitorum to the middle phalanges of the four ulnar digits; the flexor carpi ulnaris to the base of the fifth metacarpal. The sesamoid, pisiform bone is developed in the tendon of the last muscle. The only muscle which exactly corresponds with any of these, in the hind-limb, is the plantaris ; which, in Man, is a slender and insignificant muscle proceeding from the outer (post-axial) condyle of the femur to the plantar fascia—and answers to the palmaris longus. In many quadrupeds, as the Rabbit and Pig, the plantaris is a large muscle, the tendon of which passes over the end of the calcaneal process en- sheathed in the tendo achillis, and divides into slips, whicl become the perforated tendons of more or fewer of the digits, * This muscle, which lies altogether on the dorsal face of the hind-limb, and which ] have seen only in Man, should not be confounded, as it often is, with one or more muscles, the peronat 8ti, 4ti, et 5ti digitt, which are very often developed in other Mammadia, but arise on the ventral face of the fibula, and send their tendons below the external malleolus to the extensor sheaths of the fifili, Surth and even third digits. 54 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The flexor carpi radialis is also roughly represented hy the tibialis posticus—a muscle which passes from the tibia and interosseous membrane to the entocuneiform, and therefore differs in insertion, as well as in origin, from its analogue in the forelimb. The flewor perforatus digitorum of the foot takes its origin sometimes from the caleaneum ; sometimes, in part from the calcaneum, and in part from the perforating flexor; or it may be closely connected with the tendons of the plantaris, The peroneeus brevis represents the flewor carpi ulnaris by its insertion, but it arises no higher than the fibula, and has no sesamoid. Two most important muscles yet remain to be considered in the lee. The one of these is that which is inserted by the tendo achillis into the calcaneum, and arises by four heads, two from the condyles of the femur (called gastrocnemius), and two from the tibia and fibula (called soleus), The other muscle is the peronceus longus, arising from the fibula, pass- ing behind the external malleolus, and then crossing the foot to the base of the metatarsal of the hallux. The latter muscle does not appear to have any representa- tive in the forelimb. The gastrocnemius and soleus may pos- sibly represent the crural part of the perforated flexor, since, in many of the Vertebrata, the tendo achillis is but loosely connected with the calcaneum, and passes over it into the plantar fascia and the perforated tendons. A peculiar adduc- tor muscle of the hallux in Man and Apes is the érensversclis pedis, which is inserted into the basal phalanx of the hallux, and arises from the distal ends of the metatarsals of the other digits. The muscle sometimes has an analogue in the manus, Hilectrical Organs,—Certain fishes belonging to the gen- era Torpedo (among the Hlasmobranchii), Gymnotus, Ma- lapterurus, and Mormyrus (among the Teleostet), posses organs which convert nervous energy into electricity, just as muscles convert the same energy into ordinary motion, and therefore may well be mentioned in connection with the ner- vous system, The “ electrical organ” is always composed of nearly parallel lamell of connective tissue, enclosing small chambers, in which lie what are termed the electrical plates. These are cellular structures, in one face of which the final ramifications of the nerves, which are supplied to the organ by one or many trunks, are distributed. The face on which the nerves ramify is in all the plates the same, being inferior in Yorpedo, where the lamellae are disposed parallel to the THE ELECTRICAL ORGANS. 55 upper and under surfaves of the body; posterior in Gymno- tus, and anterior in Madapterurus, the lamelle being disposed perpendicularly to the axis in these two fishes. And this sur- face, when the discharge takes place, is always negative to the other. Fia 18—The Torpedo, with its electrical apparatus displayed.—b, branchiw: ¢. brain; 6 electric organ; g, cranium; me, spinai cord; n, nerves to the pectoral fins; nl, nernl laterules ; np, branches of the preumogastric nerves going to the electric organ; 0, eye. In Torpedo the nerves of the electrical organs procced from the fifth pair, and from the “electric lobe” of the medulla oblongata, which appears to be developed at the origin of the pneumogastrics. In the other electrical fishes the organs are supplied by spinal nerves; and, in Malapte- rurus, the nerve consists of a single gigantic primitive fibre, which subdivides in the electrical organ. The ordinary Rays possess organs of much the same structure as the electrical apparatus, at the sides of the tail. The Nervous System: the Encephalon.—In all verte- brated animals except Amphioxus, the brain exhibits that separation into a fore-brain, mid-brain, and hind-brain, which 56 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. results from its embryonic division, by two constrictions, into the three thin-walled vesicles—the anterior, middle, and pos- terior cerebral vesicles—already mentioned, The cavities of these vesicles—the primitive ventricles of the brain—freely communicate at first, but become gradually diminished by the thickening of their sides and floors. The cavity of the ante- rior vesicle is, in the adult human brain, represented by the so-called third ventricle ; that of the middle vesicle, bv the iter « tertio ad quurtum ventriculum ; that of the posterior vesicle, by the fourth ventricle, The floor and sides of the posterior vesicle, in fact, thicken and become the medulla oblongata; together with the pons varolii, in those animals which possess the latter structure. Fie 19.—Diagrammatic horizontal section of a Vertebrate brain. The following letters serve for both this figure and Fig. 20: f+, Mid-brain. What lies in front of this is the fore-brain, and what lies behind, the hind-brain. Z.¢. the lamina terminalis; O77. the olfactory lobes; Zip, the hemispheres; 7%. &, the thalamenecephaton; Pn, the pineal gland: Py, the pituitary body; “JZ the foramen of Manro: (C'S. the corpus striatum; 7h, the optic thalamus; ¢'? the corpora quadrigemina; (¢' the erura eerebri; Cb, the cerebellun; PV, the pons varolii; J/0, the medulla oblongata; J, olfactorii; 77, optici; ITT, point of exit from the brain of the motores oculorum ; TV, of the pathetici . VT, of the abducentes; V-AV/, origins of the other cerebral nerves. 1, olfactory ventricle* 2, lateral ventricle; 3, third ventricle; 4, fourth ventricle; +, iter a tertio ad qguartum wentriculum. tGK ENCEPUALON, 64 The posterior part of the roof is not converted into nervous matter, bu! remains thin and attenuated; the ependyma, or lining of the cerebral cavity, and the arachnoid, or serous membrane which covers the brain externally, coming nearly into contact, and forming, to all appearance, a single thin membrane, which tears with great readiness, and lays open the cavity of the fourth ventricle. Anteriorly, on the other hand, the roof becomes converted into nervous matter, and may enlarge into a complex mass, which overhangs the posterior division, and is called the cerebellum. The pons varolii, when it exists, is the expression of commissural fibres, which are developed in the sides and floor of the anterior part of the posterior cerebral vesicle, and connect one half of the verebellum with the other. Thus, the Aind-brain differs from the posterior cerebral vesicle in being differentiated into the medulla oblongata (or myelencephaton) behind, and the cerebellum with the pons varolii (which together constitute the metencephalon) in front. The floor of the middle cerebral vesicle thickens and becomes converted into two great bundles of longitudinal fibres, the crura cerebri. Its roof, divided into two, or four, convexities by a single longitudinal, or a crucial, depression, is converted into the “optic lobes,” corpora bigemina or quadrigemina. And these parts, the optic lobes, the crura cerebri, and the interposed cavity, which either retains the form of a ventricle, or is reduced to a mere canal (the iter a Pn. Mo. IV ee oe Fic. 20.—A longitudinal and vertical section of a Vertebrate brain.—The letters as befora The lamina terminaiis is represented by the strong black line between F'J/ and 3. tertio ad quartum ventriculum), are the components of the mid-brain or mesencephalon. The anterior cerebral vesicle undergoes much greater 58 THE ANATUIMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. changes than either of the foregoing; for, in the first place, it throws out from its anterior lateral parietes two hollow prolongations, the hemispheres (or prosencephala), and each of these again protrudes from its anterior end a smaller hollow process, the olfuctory lobe (or rhinencephalon). By the development of these processes the anterior vesicle becomes divided into five parts—one median and posterior, and four anterior and paired. The median and posterior, which remains as the representative of the greater part of the original anterior cerebral vesicle, is the vesicle of the third ventricle (or thalamencephalon). Its floor is produced into a conical process, the infundibulum, the blind end of which is connected with the pituitary body, or hypophysis cerebri. Its sides thicken greatly, acquire a ganglionic structure, and become the optic thalam. Its roof, on the other hand, resembles that of the fourth ventricle, in remaining very thin, and, indeed, a mere membrane. The pineal gland, or epiphy- sis cerebri, is developed in connection with the upper wall of the third ventricle; and, at the sides of its roof, are two ner- vous bands, which run to the pineal gland, and are called its peduncles, The front wall of the vesicle, in part, becomes the so-called lamina terminalis, which is the delicate anterior boundary of the third ventricle. In certain directions, however, it thickens and gives rise to three sets of fibres, one transverse and two vertical—the former lying in front of the latter. The trans- verse fibres pass on either side into the corpora striata, and constitute the anterior commissure which connects those bodies. The vertical fibres are the anterior pillars of the fornix, and they pass below into the floor of the third ventricle, and into the corpora mammillaria, when those structures are de- veloped. The outer and under wall of each cerebral hemisphere thickens and becomes the corpus striatum, a ganglionic struct- ure which, from its origin, necessarily abuts against the outer and interior part of the optie thalamus. The line of demar- cation between the two corresponds with the lower lip (tenia semicircularis) of the aperture of communication (called the foramen of Munro) between the third ventricle and the cavity of the cerebral hemisphere, which is now termed the lateral ventricle. In the higher Vertebrata, the upper lip of the foramen of Munro thickens, and becomes converted into a bundle of longitudinal fbres, which is continuous, anteriorly. with the anterior pillars ot the fornix before mentioned. Pcs. THE MODIFICATION OF THE BRAIN. 59 *eriorly, these longitudinal fibres are continued backward and downward along the inner wall of the cerebral hemisphere, following the junction of the corpora striata and optic thalami, and pass into a thickening of the wall of the hemisphere, which projects into the lateral ventricle, and is called the hippocampus major. ‘Thus a longitudinal commissural band of nervous. fibres, extending from the floor of the third ven- tricle to that of the lateral ventricle, and arching over the fora- men of Munro, is produced. The fibres of opposite sides unite over the roof of the third ventricle, and constitute what is called the body of the fornix. Behind this union the bands teceive the name of the posterior pillars of the fornix. The optic thalami may be connected by a gray soft com- missure ; and a posterior coninissure, consisting of transverse nerve-fibres, is generally developed between the posterior ends of the two thalami. In the Mammalia, a structure, which is absent in other Vertebrata, makes its appearance ; and, in the higher members of that class, this corpus callosum is the greatest and most im- portant mass of commissural fibres. It is a series of trans- verse fibres, which extends from the roof of one lateral ventr- cle to that of the other, across the interval which separates the inner wall of one hemisphere from that of the other. When the corpus callosum is largely developed, its ante- rior part crosses the interspace between the hemispheres con- siderably above the level of the fornix; so that between the fornix and it, a certain portion of the inner wall of each hemisphere, with the intervening space, is intercepted. The portion of the two inner walls and their interspace, thus isolated from the rest, constitutes the septum lucodum, with its contained fifth ventricle. The Modrfications of the Brain.—The chief modifications in the general form of the brain arise from the development of the hemispheres relatively to the other parts. In the lower vertebrates the hemispheres remain small, or of so moderate a size as not to hide, by overlapping, the other divisions of the brain. But, in the higher Afammalia, they extend forward over the olfactory lobes, and backward over the optic lobes ar 1 cerebellum, so as completely to cover these parts ; and, in addition, they are enlarged downward toward the base of the brain. The cerebral hemisphere is thus, as it were, bent round its carpus striatum, and it becomes distinguished into regions, or lobes, which are not separated by any very sharp lines of demarcation. These regions are named the frontal, parietal, 60 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. ocvipital, and temporal lobes—while, on the outer side of the corpus striatum, a central lobe (the insula of Reil) lies in the midst of these. The lateral ventricles are prolonged into the frontal, occipital, and temporal lobes, and acquire what are termed their anterior, posterior, and descending cornua. Furthermore, while, in the lower vertebrates, the surface of the cerebral hemispheres is smooth; in the higher, it be- comes complicated by ridges and furrows, the gyrt and sulci, which follow particular patterns. The superficial vascular lay- er of connective tissue which covers the brain, and is called pia mater, dips into these sulci: but the arachnotd, or delicate serous membrane, which, on tlie one hand, covers the brain, and, on the other, lines the cranium, passes from convolution to convolution without entering the sulci. The dense perios- teal membrane which lines the interior of the skull, and is itself lined by the parietal layer of the arachnoid, goes by the name of the dura mater. The general nature of the modifications observable in the brain as we pass from the lower to the higher mammatlia is very well shown by the accompanying figures of the brain of a Rabbit, a Pig, and a Chimpanzee (Figs. 21 and 22). In the Rabbit, the cerebral hemispheres leave the cerebel- lum completely exposed when the brain is viewed from above. There is but a mere rudiment of the Sylvian fissure at Sy, and the three principal lobes, frontal (A), occipital (B), and tem- poral (C’), are only indicated. The olfactory nerves are enor- mous, and pass by a broad smooth tract, which occupies a great space in the lateral aspect of the brain, into the natiform protuberance of the temporal lobe (C). In the Pig, the olfactory nerves and tract are hardly less conspicuous; but the natiform protuberance is more sharply notched off, and begins to resemble the unciform gyrus in the higher Mammalia, of which it is the homologue. The tem- poral gyri (C”), though still very small, begin to enlarge down- ward and forward over this. The upper part of the cerebral hemisphere is much enlarged, not only in the frontal, but also in the occipital region, and to a great extent hides the cere belluin when the brain is viewed from above. What in the Rabbit was a mere angulation at Sy, in the Pig has become a -ong sulcus—the Sylvian fissure, the lips of which are formed by a gyrus, the Sylvian, or angular, syrus. Two other sets of gyri, more or less parallel with this, are visible upon the outer surface of the hemispkere; and at the entrance of the THE MODIFICATION OF THE 4RAIN. 6! f:9, 21—Lateral views of the brains of a Rabbit, a Pig, and a Chimpanzee, drawn of nearly the same absolute size. The Rabbit's brain is at the top; the Pig’s, in the middle, the Chimpanzee’s, lowest.—O/, the olfactory lobe; A., the frontal lobe; B., the occipital lobe; C., the temporal lobe; Sy., the Sylvian fissure; Jn., the insula; S.Or., supra- orbital; SF, AL”, IF, superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri; A.P., antero-pari- etal; P.P., postero-parietal gyri; A, sulcus of Rolando; P./?, postero-parietal lobule ; O.Pf., external perpendicular or occipito-temporal sulcus; An, angular us; 2, 3, 4, annectent gyri; 4.7, JLT, 2.7, the three temporal, and 8.04 M.0c., 1,0c., the three occipital gyri. 62 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. Sylvian fissure, at Zn, there is an elevation which answers te the insula, or central lobe. In the Chimpanzee, the olfactory nerves, or rather lobes, are, relatively, very small, and the tracts which connect them with the uncinate gyri (substantce perforatie) are completely hidden by the temporal gyri(C’). The Sylvian fissure is very long and deep, and begins to hide the (sed, on which a few fan-shaped gyri are developed. The frontal lobes are very Jarge, and overlap the olfactory nerves for a long distance ; while the occipital lobes completely cover and extend beyond the cerebellum, so as to hide it completely from an eye placed above. The gyri and sulci have now attained an arrangement. which is characteristic of all the highest Mummalia. The fissure of Rolando (2) divides the antero-parietal gyrus (A. P) from the postero-parietal (P,P). These two gyi, with the postero-parietal lobule (P.P/.), and part of the angular gyrus (An), constitute the Parietal lobe. The frontal lobe, which lies anterior to this, the occipital lobe, which lies behind it, and the temporal lobe, which lies below it, each present three tiers of gyri, which, in the case of the frontal and occipital lobes, are called superior, middle, and inferior—in that of the temporal lobe, anterior, middle, and posterior. The inferior surface of the frontal lobe, which lies on the roof of the orbit (S. Or.), presents many small sulci and gyri. On the inner face of the cerebral hemisphere (Fig. 22) the oly sulcus presented by the Rabbit’s brain is that deep and broad depression (ZZ) which runs parallel with the posterior pillar of the fornix, and gives rise, in the interior of the de- scending cornu of the lateral ventricle, to the projection which is termed the Aippocampus major. In the Pig, this hippocam- ped sulcus (HZ) is much narrower and less conspicuous; and a marginal (Af) and a calossal (C) gyrus are separated by a well-marked calloso-marginal sulcus. As in the Rabbit, the uncinate gyrus forms the inferior boundary of the hemisphere. In the Chimpanzee, the marginal and callosal gyri are still better marked. There is a deep internal pe: pendicular, or occipito-parietal, sulcus (Lp). The calearine sulcus (Ca) eauses a projection into the floor of the posterior cornu, which is the hippocampus minor ; while the colliteral sulcus (Coll) zives rise to the eminence of that name in both the posterior and descer.ding cornua. The hippocampal sulcus (#2) is relatively insignificant, and the lower edge of the tem- poral lobe is formed by the posterior temporal wyrus. In the Rabbit, the corpus callosum is relatively small, much TUE MODIFICATION OF THE BRAIN. bd F13. 22—Inner views of the cerrbral hemispheres of the Rabbit, Pig, and Chimpazze, drawn as before, and placed in the same order. 2., olfactory lobe; C.c., corpus calle suni; A.c.. anterior commissure; //., hippocampal sulcus; Un., uncinate; Jf, mar- ginal; (., callosal gyri; Zp., internal perpenuicular; Ca., calearine; Colt., collateral sulci; £', fornix. inclined upward and backward; and its anterior extremity is but slightly bent downward, so that the so-called genw and rostrum are inconspicuous. The Pig’s corpus callosum is 64 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. larger, more horizontal, and possesses more of a rostrum In the Chimpanzee, it is still larger, somewhat deflexed, and very thick posteriorly ; and has a large rostrum. In proportion to the hemispheres, the anterior commissure is largest in the Rabbit and smallest in the Chimpanzee. The Rabbit and the Pig have a single corpus mummiliare, the Chimpanzee has two. The cerebellum of the Rabbit is very large in proportion to the hemispheres, and is left completely uncovered by them in the dorsal view. Its median division, or vernvis, is straight, symmetrical, and large in proportion to the lateral lobes. The jlocculi, or accessory lobules developed from the latter, are large, and project far beyond the margins of the lateral lobes. The ventral face of the metencephalon presents on each side, behind the posterior margin of the pons varolii, flattened rec- tangular ares, the so-called corpora trapezoiden. In the Pig, the cerebellum is relatively smaller, and is par- tially covered by the hemispheres ; the lateral lobes are larger in proportion to the vermis and the flocculi, and extend over the latter. The corpora trapezoidea are smaller. In the Chim- panzee, the relatively still smaller cerebellum is completely covered ; the vermis is very small in relation to the lateral lobes, which cover and hide the insignificant flocculi. There are no corpora trapezoidea. In all the characters now mentioned, the brain of Man differs far less from that of the Chimpanzee than that of the latter does from the Pig’s brain. The Myelon.—tThe spinal canal, and the cord which it con- tains, are lined by continuations of the three membranes which protect the encephalon. The cord is sub-cylindrical, and con- tains a median longitudinal canal, the eanalis centralis, the remains of the primitive groove. It is divided by anterior and posterior median fissures into two lateral halves, which are, usually, connected only by the comparatively narrow isthmus, which immediately surrounds the canalis centralis, The cord may, in the adult, extend through the whole spinal canal, or it Taay come to an end at any point between the caudal extrem- ity and the anterior thoracic region. The distribution of the two essential constituents of ner- vous tissue, ganglionic corpuscles and nerve-fibres, is very defi- nite in the spinal cord, ganglionic corpuscles being confined to the so-called “ gray matter” which constitutes the isthmus, and spreads out into two masses, each of which ends in an an terior (or ventral) and a posterior (or dorsal) horn. Nerve THE MYELON. 85 Fic 23.—A diagrammatic view of the Chief Trunks of the Cerebro-spinal and Sympathetia Nervous Systems of Rana esculenta ecen from below (twice the size of nature).—I. The olfactory nerves. N. ‘The olfactory sac. II. The optic nerve. 0. The eye. ZL. op. The optic lobes. 7a. Optic tracts passing from the optic lobes to the chiasma, behind which lies the pituitary body. 111. Oculomotorius. IV Patheticus. V The tri- geminal, with which the abducens (VI.), facialis (VIL). and the upper end of the sym- pathetic (VS), are closely connected. Branches of this nervous plexus are Vict, the nasal and ophthalmic branches of the fifth and the abducens. V, 0, ¢, @, the palatine, maxillary, and mandibular branches of the fifth. V, e, the tympanic branch into which the proper facial nerve (VII.) enters, and, with a branch of the vagus, forms the so- called facial nerve of the Frog, # VIII. The auditory nerve. X., with its branches <1, X%, ¥3, .¥4, represents the glossopharyngeal and the vagus. The medulla ob. longata (Ilyvelencephaton) ends, and the medulla spinalis (J/yelon) begins, about the region marked by the letter Jf, J/1-10, the spinal nerves. .1/ 2, the brachial nerves, IM 7, 8, 9, the ischiatic plexus, from which proceed the crural (N. ¢.) and ischiatie (N. 7.} nerves. S. The trunk of the sympathetic. S.J/. The communicating branches ‘7 ith the spinal ganglia, 8 1-10. The syinp.theti« ganglia, 65 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. fibres also abound in the gray matter; but the so-called “ white matter,” which constitutes the external substance of the cord, contains only the fibrous nervous matter, and has no gangli- onic corpuscles. The spinal nerves arise in opposite pairs from the two halves of the cord, and usually correspond in number with the vertebre through, or between, which they pass out (ig. 23). Hach nerve has two roots, one from the dorsal, and one from the ventral, region of its half of the cord. The former root has a ganglionic enlargement, and only contains sensory fibres; the latter has no ganglion, and exclusively contains motor fibres.* After leaving the vertebral canal, each spinal nerve usually divides into a dorsal and a ventral branch; but, in the Ganoid fishes, each of these branches is a distinct nerve, arising by its own proper roots. The Cerebral Nerves.—The greatest number of pairs of nerves ever given off from the vertebrate brain is twelve, in- cluding the so-called olfactory nerves, and the optic nerves, which, as has been seen, are more properly diverticula of the brain, than nerves in the proper sense of the word. The olfactory “nerves” (olfactorii) constitute the first pir of cerebral nerves. They always retain their primary connection with the cerebral hemispheres, and frequently con- tain, throughout life, a cavity, the olfactory ventricle, which communicates with the lateral ventricle. The optic “ nerves” (optict) are the second prii of cere- bral nerves. In the Lampreys and Hags (Marsipobranchi’) these nerves retain their embryonic origin from the thulan- encephalon, and each goes to the eye of its own side. In other Vertehrata, the nerves cross one another at the base of the brain (Zéleoste?), or are fused together into a chiusme Ganoidei, Elasmobrunchii, and all the higher Vertebrata), In the higher Vertebratv, again, the fibres of the optic nerves become connected chiefly with the mesencephalon. All the other cere}ral nerves differ from these in arising, not as diverticula of any of the cerebral vesicles, but by histo- logical differentiation of the primitive brain-case, or laiince dorsales of the skull. The third (motores oculorum) and fourth ( pathetic’) pairs of nerves are distributed to the museles of the cye; the third to the majority of these muscles, the fourth to the superior * Amphioxus appears to be an exception to this, as to most other, rules of Vertebrate anatomy, THE CEREBRAL NERVES. 67 oblique muscles. The third pair of nerves issues from the crura cerebri, or inferior division of the metencephalon, upon the base of the brain; the fourth pair, from the fore-part of the upper division of the metencephalon, immediately be- hind the optic lobes, upon the superior surface of the brain. This region is known as the Valve of Vieussens in the AMiunu- nrelic, All the other cerebral nerves originate in the posterior di- vision of the Aind-brain—the myelencephalon. The great Jifth pair (trigemini) passes out from the sides of the me‘en- cephalon, and supplies sensory nerves to the integument of the head, and motor nerves to most of the muscles of the jaws, by its three divisions—the ophthalmic, the superior maxillary, and the inferior maxillary, nerves. Of these divisions the two latter are, very generally, closely connected together, while the ophthalmic division remains distinct. The ophthalmic division passes to the cleft between the trabecula and the maxillary process (which nearly corre- sponds with the orbit, and might be termed the orbito-nasal cleft), and is distributed to the inner and the outer side of that cleft. Hence its main branches are nasal and lachrymal. The two maxillary nerves, on the other hand, are distributed to the inner and outer sides, or anterior and posterior boundaries, of the buccal cleft. Hence the superior maxillary belongs to the posterior, or outer, side of the maxillary process, while the in- ferior maxillary appertains to the anterior region of the first visceral arch. The superior maxillary commonly unites with the outer, or lachrymal, division of the ophthalmic; the in- ferior maxillary with the anterior division of the facial. In the higher Vertebrata, the trigeminal nerve usually has two very distinct roots, a dorsal sensory, provided with a gan glion (the Casserian ganglion), and a ventral motor, non-gan- glionated, The fibres of the latter pass almost exclusively into the inferior maxillary division. In addition, the ophthalmic division may have a ganglion (ciliary) ; the superior maxillary another (sphenopalatine or Meckelian), and the inferior maxil- lary a third (odie). The siath pair (abducentes) issues from the inferior surface of the brain, at the junction of the myelencepbalon with the metencephalon, It supplies the external straight muscles of the eye; with the muscles of the nictitating membrane, and the retractor bulbi, or musculus choanoides, when such mus: cles exist. : ; The seventh pair (faciales) supplies the superficial facial 68 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. muscles, and ultimately divides into two branches, one of which is in relation with the mandibular, and the other with the hyoidean arch. The five nerves which have just been mentioned are often intimately connected together. Thus, in the Lepidoszren, the three motor nerves of the eyeball are completely fused with the ophthalmic division of the fifth.* In the Myxinoid fishes there are no motor nerves of the eyeball; but, in the Lamprey, the rectus externus and inferior, and the obliquus inferior, are supplied by the ophthalmic, while the oculomotor and the pa- thetic unite into a common trunk, which gives branches to the rectus superior and internus, and obliquus superior. The ocu- lomotor, the pathetic, and the abducens, are more or less con- founded with the ophthalmic in the Amphibia; but in Tele- ostei, Ganoidei, Hlasmobranchi/, and in all the higher Verte- brut, the nerves of the muscles of the eye are distinct from the fifth pair, except where the oculomotor unites with the ophthalmic into the ciliary ganglion. The facial and the trigeminal nerves have common roots in fishes. In Amphibia, though the roots are distinct, the facial may be completely united with the ganglion of the tri- geminal, as in the Frog. In all abranchiate Vertebrata the two nerves are quite distinct. Whether the nerves are distinct or not, a palatine, or vidi an, nerve (which, in the higher Vertebrata, is especially con- nected with the facial), runs through, or beneath, the base of the skull, parallel with its long axis; and, after uniting with the superior maxillary, and usually contributing to form the sphenopalatine, or Meckelian, ganglion, is distributed to the mucous membrane of the roof of the mouth; and the mandib- ular division of the seventh, or chorda tympani, unites with the inferior maxillary division of the fifth nerve. The e/ghth pair (auditorii) is formed by the nerves of the organ of hearing. The ninth pair (glossopharyigei) is especially distributed to the pharyngeal and lingual regions of the alimentary canal, and, primarily, supplies the boundaries of the second visceral cleft. The tenth pair (pneumogastrici or vagi) consists of very *Tam greatly disposed to think that the motor nerves of the eye more nearly retain their primary relations in Lepidosiren than in any other verte- brated animal; and that they are reaily the motor portions of the nerves of the orbito-nasal cleft, the third and fourth appertaining to the inner division of the ophthalmic, the sixth to its outer division, THE EXITS OF THE CEREBRAL NERVES. 69 remarkable nerves, which pass to the gullet and stomach, the respiratory and vocal organs, to some parts of the integument ofthe body, and to the heart. In the LcAthyopsida they give off, in addition, long later nerves to the integuments of the sides of the body. In the higher Vertebrata, these lateral nerves are represented only by small branches distributed chiefly to the occipital region. The ninth and tenth pairs are both motor and sensory in function, and are often so inti- mately connected as to form almost one nerve. The eleventh pair (accessorii) are cerebral only by courtesy, as these nerves take their origin from the spinal cord, by roots which issue between the proper anterior and posterior roots of the spinal nerves, and, joining together, form, on each side, a nerve which passes out with the pneumogastric, partly joining it, and partly going to muscles which arise from the head and anterior vertebra, and are inserted into the pec- toral arch. The spinal accessory exists in no Ichthyopsid vertebrate, but is found in all Sauropsida, with the exception of the Ophidia, and in the Mammalia. The twelfth and last pair (hypoglosst) are the motor nerves of the tongue, and of some retractor muscles of the hyoidean apparatus, In the Lchthyopsida the first cervical nerve supplies the distributional area of the hypoglossal; but in all the abran- chiate Vertebrata there is a hypoglossal, which traverses a foramen in the ex-occipital, though it oftens remains closely connected with the first cervical, and may rather be regarded as a subdivision of that nerve, than as a proper cerebral nerve. Thus the nerves arising from the hind-brain, in all the higher Vertebrata, fall into three groups: 1st, a sensori-motor, pre-auditory, set (3d, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th); 2d, the purely sen- sory auditory nerve (8th); 3d, the sensori-motor, post-audi- tory, set (9th, 10th, 12th). The apertures by which several of these nerves leave the skull, retain a very constant relation to certain elements of the cranium on each side. Thus: a, The filaments of the olfactory nerve always leave the cranium between the lamina perpendicularis, or body of the ethmoid, and its lateral or prefrontal portion. ; b. The optic nerve constantly passes out behind the cen- tre of the orbitosphenoid and in front of that of the alisphe- noid. 70 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. ec. The third division of the trigeminal, or fifth nerve, al- ways leaves the skull behind the centre of the alisphenoid and in front of the probtic. . d, The glossopharyngeal and pneumogastric always make their exit behind the centre of the opisthotic, and in front of the centre of the ex-occipital. The apertures for the exit of the cranial nerves denoted in the paragraphs a, b, ¢, d, when surrounded by bone, and well defined, are called respectively : a, the olfactory foramen ; b, the optic foramen ; ¢, the foramen ovale ; /, the foramen lacerum posterius. The adjacent bones may take equal shares in bounding these foramina, or the foramina may be alto- gether in one bone; but their positions, as bere defined, never change. Another point to be especially considered respecting the general disposition of the cranial nerves, is the relation which some of them bear to the visceral arches and clefts, and which has already been incidentally mentioned. Thus, the seventh nerve is distributed to the posterior part of the first visceral arch, and to the anterior part of the second visceral arch, its two branches enclosing the first visceral cleft. In like man- ner, the ninth (glossopharyngeal) nerve is distributed to the hinder part of the second arch and to the front part of the third, its branches enclosing the second visceral cleft. The first branch of the pneumogastric has similar relations to the third and fourth arches and to the third cleft; and, in bran- chiate Vertebrata, the other anterior branches of the pneumo- gastric are similarly distributed to the successive branchial arches, the two divisions of each branch enclosing a branchiai cleft. The second and the third divisions of the trigeminal are distributed, in an analogous manner, to the anterior region of the first visceral arch, and to the posterior or outer region of the maxillo-palatine process—the gape of the mouth repre- senting a visceral cleft between the two. The inner and outer portions of the first division of the trigeminal are similarly related to the inner, or anterior, region of the maxillo-palatine process, and the outer side of the trabecula cranii—the orbito nasal fissure representing the cleft between the two. Considerations of this kind suggest that the trabecula and the maxillo-palatine processes may represent pre-oral visceral arches, which are bent forward; and, in the case of the ¢ra- becule, coalesce with one arother. Such an hypothesis would enable us to understand the signification of the naso-palatine THE SYMPATHETIC NERVES. v1 canal of the Myxinoid fishes, which would be simply the in- terspace, or passage, between the trabecul (which must have originally existed if ever they were distinct visceral arches) not yet. filled up; and the anomalous process of the roof of the oral cavity, which extends toward the pituitary body in the embryos of the Vertebrata in general, might be regarded as the remains of this passage. On this hypothesis, six pair of inferior arches belong to the skull—namely, the trabecular and maxillo-palatine, in front of the mouth; the mandibular, the hyoidean, and two others (first and second branchial), behind it. For, as there are three cranial nerves embracing the first three visceral clefts which lie behind the mouth, there must be four post-oral, cra- nial, visceral arches. Supposing that the occipital segment in the brain-case an- swers to the hindermost, or second branchial, cranial, visceral arch, the invariable attachment of the proximal ends of the mandibular and hyoidean arches to the auditory capsule leads me to assign the parietal and the frontal segmeuts to the max- illo-palatine and trabecular visceral arches. And thus the os- sifications of the auditory capsule, alone, are left as possible. representatives of the neural arches of the three anterior post- oral visceral arches. : But these speculations upon the primitive composition of the skull, however interesting, must not, as yet, be placed upon the same footing as the doctrine of its segmentation, which is simply a generalization of anatomical facts. The Sympathetic—A Sympathetic Nervous System has been observed in all the Vertcbrata except Amphiowus and the Marsipobranchii. It consists, essentially, of two longi- tudinal cords, placed one upon each side of the inferior face of the cranio-spinal axis. Each cord receives communicating fibres from the spinal nerves of its own side, and, when com- plete, from all the cranial nerves except those of the special senses of hearing, sight, and smell—the Vidian nerves consti- tuting the anterior terminations of the sympathetic cords. At the points of communication ganglia are developed, and the nerves which emerge from these ganglia are distributed to the muscles of the heart and vessels, and to those of the viscera. These peripheral nerves of the sympathetic system frequently present small ganglionic enlargements. ; In the Marsipolranchii, the place of the sympathetic ap- pears to be taken, to a great extent, by the pneumogastric; 42 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. and, in Afyxine, the two pneumogastrics unite upon the intes- tine, and follow it, as a single trunk, to the anus. The Sensory Organs.—The organs of the three higher senses—Smell, Sight, and Hearing—are situated, as has been already described, in pairs, upon each side of the skull, in all vertebrate animals except the lowest fishes ; and, in their earliest condition, they are alike involutions of the integu- ment, Ary The Olfactory .1pparatus acquires no higher complication than this, being either a single sac (clinphivxus (?) Marsipo- branchii), or, more commonly, two, the surfaces of which are increased by plaiting, or by the development of turbinal carti- lages, or bones, from the lateral portions of the ethmoid. Upon these, nervous filaments arising from the olfactory lobe of the brain are distributed. The cavities of the olfactory sacs may be placed in communication with that of the mouth by the nasal passages; or, as in the great majority of fishes, they may have only an external aperture, or apertures. In Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals, a peculiar nasal gland is frequently connected with, and pours its secretion into, each olfactory chamber. The foramina incisiva, left between the premaxillaries and the palatine plates of the maxillaries in Mammalia, are sometimes closed by the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavities, and sometimes not. In the latter case they are the canals of Stenson, and place these two cavities in com- munication, Glandular diverticula of the mucous membrane, supplied with nervous filaments from both the olfactory and the fifth pair, may open into these canals. They are called, after their discoverer, the “ organs of Jacobson.” The Hye is formed by the coalescence of two sets of struct- ures, one furnished by involution of the integuinent, the other by an outgrowth of the brain. The opening of the integumentary depression which is pri- marily formed on each sice of the head in the ocular region becomes closed, and a shut sac is the result. The outer wall of this sac becomes the transparent cornea of the eye; the epidermis of its floor thickens, and is metamorphosed into the crystalline lens ; the cavity fills with the agucous humor. A vascular and muscular ingrowth taking place round the cir- cumference of the sac, and, dividing its cavity into two seg: ments, gives rise to the 77/s. The integument around the cor THE EYE. 13 hea, growing out into a fold above and below, results in the formation of the eyelids, and the segregation of the integu- ment which they enclose, as the soft and vascular conjunctiva. The pouch of the conjunctiva very generally communicates, oy the lachrymal duct, with the cavity of the nose. It may be raised, on its inner side, into a broad fold, the nictéitating membrane, moved by a proper muscle or muscles. Special glands —the lachrymal externally, and the Harderian on the inner side of the eyeball—may be developed in connection with, and pour their secretion on to, the conjunctival mucous membrane. The posterior chamber of the eye has a totally distinct ori- gin, Very early, that part of the anterior cerebral vesicle which becomes the vesicle of the third ventricle, throws out a diverticulum, broad at its outer, and narrow at its inner end, which applies itself to the base of the integu- mentary sac. The posterior, or outer, wall of the diverticulum then becomes, as it were, thrust in, and forced toward the op- posite wall, by an ingrowth of the adjacent connective tissue ; so that the primitive cavity of the diverticulum, which, cf course, communicates freely with that of the anterior cerebral vesicle, is obliterated. The broad end of the diverticulum ac- quiring a spheroidal shape, while its pedicle narrows and elon- gates, the latter becomes the optic nerve, while the former, surrounding itself with a strong fibrous sclerotic coat, remains as the posterior chamber of the eye. The double envelope, resulting from the folding of the wall of the cerebral optic ves- izle upon itself, gives rise to the retina and the choroid coat: the plug, or ingrowth of connective tissue, gelatinizes aid passes into the vitreous humor, the cleft by which it entered becoming obliterated. Even in the higher Vertebrata the optic nerve is, at first, connected exclusively with the vesicle of the third ventricle, and makes no decussation with its fellow. But by degrees the roots of origin of each nerve extend over to the opposite side of the brain, and round the thalamus, to the mesencepba- lon on that side, and the trunks of the two nerves become in- termixed below the third ventricle, in a close and complicated manner, to form a chiasma. In Amphiozus and Myzine, the eyes are very imperfectly developed, appearing to consist of little more than a rudimen- tary lens imbedded in the pigment, which encloses the terini- nation of the optic nerve ; and, in Myzine, this rudimentary eye is hidden by muscles and integument. It appears doubttul 4 74 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. whether in these fishes, and in the Lampreys, the eye is de. veloped in the same way as in other Vertebruta. In all other Vertebrata, the eyes have the typical structure, though sometimes, as in the Blind-fish (Ambddyopsis) and the Mole, they have no functional importance. In the Jchthy- opsida and Sauropside, but not in Mummalia, the sclerotic is often partially ossified, the cssification usually forming a ring around its anterior moiety. It becomes enormously thickened in the Cetuced, Except in Amphioxus and the Myxinoid fishes, the eye- bail is moved by six muscles; of these, four, proceeding from the interior of the orbit to the periphery of the eyeball, and surrounding the optic nerve, are termed superior, inferior, in- ternal, and external recti. The other two are connected with the upper and the lower margins of the orbit respectively, and pass thence to the outer side of the bulb. These are the supe- rior and the inferior obligu’, In many Reptiles and Mam- mals a continuous funnel-shaped sheet of muscle, the musce- lus choanoides, lies within the four rect‘, and is attached to the circumference of the posterior moiety of the ball of the eye. It would appear, from the distribution of the nerves, which has already been described, that the musculus choanoides, the external rectus, and the nictitating muscle, constitute a group of eye-muscles morphologically distinct from the other three rect’, the obliqui, and the levator palpebre superioris, In many Reptiles, and in the higher Vertebrata, the eyelids are closed by circular muscular fibres, constituting an orbicu- laris palpebrarum, and are separated by straight fibres pro- ceeding from the back of the orbit, usually to the upper eye- lid only, as the levator palpel rc superioris ; but sometimes to both lids, when the lower muscle is a depressor palpebree infe- rioris, The Harderian and lachrymal glands are not found in fishes ; but the former is met with in the Butrachia, and both are of common occurrence in the Sauropsida and Mammalia. In Licertilia, Crocodilia, Aves, and many Fishes, a pecu- liar vascular membrane, covered with pigment, like the cho- roid, projects from near the entrance of the optic nerve, on the outer side of the globe of the eye, into the vitreous humor, and usually becomes connected with the capsule of the lens, This is the pecten, or marsupium, The Far.—The first rudiment of the internal ear is an in volution of the integument into a small sac, which is situated THE EAR. 15 on each side of the posterior cerebral vesicle, just above the end of the second visceral cleft. The mouth of the involution soon closes, and a shut sac results. The sac enlarges, and, by a remarkable series of changes, its upper part becomes (ordi- narily) converted into three semicircular canals—the anterior and posterior vertical, and the external or horizontal canals of the membranous labyrinth. The body of the sac remains, lor the most part, as the vestibule ; but a cecal process, which eventually becomes shut off from the vestibule, is given oft downward and inward, toward the base of the skull, and is the rudiment of the scala media of the cochlea. This may be called the membranous cochlea. In the anomalous vertebrate, Amphioxus, no ear has yet been discovered. The Hag (Mymine) has only one, and in the Lampreys (Petromyzon) there are only two, semicircular ca- nals; but, in fishes in general, all three are developed, and it is a question whether the cochlea is not also represented. In fishes, the periotic cartilage and its ossifications enclose this membranous labyrinth, externally, and present no merely membranous gaps, or fenestre@, toward the first visceral clett. or the space which represents it. But in higher Vertebrata (Amphibia, Sauropsida, Manv malia), in which the membranous labyrinth is always enclosed within a complete bony periotic capsule, the outer wall cf this capsule invariably remains unossified over one or two small oval areze, which consequently appear like windows with membranous panes, and are termed the fenestra ovalis and the JSenestra rotunda. The fenestra ovalis is situated in that part of the periotic mass which bounds the chamber containing the membranous vestibule externally ; and it is always found that, when both the proutic and the opisthotic bones exist, they contribute nearly equal shares to the formation of its boundaries. In fact, the fenestra ovalis is situated in the line of junction of these two bones. The fenestra rotunda, on the other hand, is below the fenestra ovalis, and lies altogether in the opisthotic. It forms part of the outer wall of the cavity in which the mem- branous cochlea is lodged. In the Sauropsida and Mammalia, this membranous coch- lea, become flattened and bandlike, and its communication with the vestibule obliterated, is lodged in a conical cavity, in such a manner as to divide that cavity into two portions, called scale, which only communicate at their apices. The base of the one scala, called scala vestibuli, opens into the 76 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS, ravity which contains the membranous vestibule: that of the other, seala tympani, abuts against, and is as it were stopped oy, the membrane of the fenestra rotunda. The cavity of the membranous cochlea stretched between, and helping to divide, these two scala, is called the scala media. In Reptiles, Birds, and Ornithodelphous Mammals, the cochlea is only slightly bent or twisted upon itself. But, in the higher Mammalia, it becomes coiled in a flat or conical spiral of one and a half (Cetacea, Erinaceus) to five (Celo- genys Paca) turns. The membranous labyrinth is filled with a clear fluid, the endolymph, and usually contains otolithes of various kinds, Between the membranous labyrinth and the walls of the cav- ity of the periotic mass in which it is contained, lies another clear fluid, the pertlymph, which extends thence into the scale vestibulé and tympani. In all animals which possess a fenestra ovalis, its mem- brane gives attachment to a disk, whence an ossified rod, or arch, proceeds. Where the former structure obtains, as in Birds, most Reptiles, and some Amphibia, the bone is com- monly called columella auris ; when the latter, as in most Mammals, stapes. But there is really no difference of impor- tance between stapes and columella, and it is advisable to use the former name for the bone under all its forms. In the majority of Vertebrata of higher organization than fishes, the first visceral cleft does not become wholly obliter- ated, but its upper part remains as a transversely elongated cavity, by means of which the pharynx would be placed in communication with the exterior, were it not that the oppo- site sides of the canal grow together into a membranous par- tition—the membrana tympant. So much of the canal as lies external to this is the external auditory meatus ; while what lies internal to it, is the tympanum, or drum of the ear, and the Hustachian tube, which places the tympanum in communi- cation with the pharynx. While the outer wall of the tym- panum is the tympanic membrane, its inner wall is the periotic mass with its fenestree ; and, in all Vertebrata below Mam- mals, the outer end of the stapes is eitner free, or, more com- monly, is fixed to the tympanic membrane, and thus the latter and the membrane of the fenestra ovalis become mechanically connected. In all these animals the mandible is connected with the skull by the intermediation of an os guadratum. But, in the Mammatia, the mandible is articulated directly with the squamosal, and the guadratum is converted into one THE EAR. "1 of the so-called ossicula auditis, and named the malleus. The malleus becomes attached to the membrana tympani, by a special process ; while its other extremity, which was continu- ous with Meckel’s cartilage in the embryo, is converted into the processus gracilis, or Folianus, and lies between the tym- panic, the squamosal, and the periotic bones. Ja the singular lizard Sphenodon (A, Fig. 24), the anterior cornu of the hyoid is continuous with the distal end of the stapes, and the latter sends a cartilaginous process upward, which passes into the wall of the periotic capsule, just behind the proximal end of the os guadratum. Thus the stapes stands out at right angles to the hyoid cornu, and the latter becomes divisible into a supra-stapedial part, and a part which lies below the stapes, and answers to the styloid process, or stylohyal, of the Mammalia. The supra-stapedial part is rep- resented by cartilage, or ligament, in other Sauropsida, but seems not to ossify. In the Mammalia (B, Fig. 24), the su- pra-stapedial part ossifies, becomes the incus, and its proximal end is usually articulated by a synovial joint with the malleus {= quadratum). A distinct ossification, the os orbiculare, usually arises at that part of the hyoidean cartilage in which the stapes and the incus unite. That part of the hyoidean cartilage which is converted into the styloid process is gen- erally connected with the orbiculare by muscular fibres, which constitute the stapedius muscle. On the other hand, the pos Pe, -Midlien. Fic. 24.—Diagram of the skeleton of the first and second visceral arches in a Lizard (A) Mamma! (3B), and an Osseous Fish (C). The skeletor of the first visceral arch is shaded, that of the second is left nearly unrhaded, J. First visceral arch. J/ck. Meckel’s cartilage. Art. Articulare. Qu. Quadratun, Df{pt. Metapterygoid ; J. Malleus; p.g., Processus gracilis. JJ. Second viscerrl arch. Hy. Wyoidean cornu. St. 7, Stylohyal. S. Stapedius. Stp. Stapes. S&. Stp. Supra- stanedial. Z/3£ Hyomandibular. The arrow indicates the first visceral cleft, £¢. Tha periotic capsule. J’tg. The pterygoid. terior, or short process of the tnczs, is connected by hgament with that part of the periotic mass into which the styloid pro 78 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. cess is directly continued, and it is hard to say whether the styloid part of the hyoid is continued into the incus by these ligaments or by the stapedius. But, however this may be, the malleus and the incus are the proximal ends of the mandibular and hyoidean arches respectively. In osseous fishes (C, Fig. 24), which have no fenestra ova- lis or stapes, the supra-stapedial part of the hyoid becomes a large bone—the hyomandibular. On the other hand, the proximal extremity of the quadrate cartilage atrophies, loses its direct connection with the periotic capsule, and becomes distinctly ossified, as the metapterygoid. In the Sharks, even the ascending, metapterygoid, part of the quadrate, is lost. The quadrate and supra-stapedial portions of the first and second visceral arches coalesce in the Chimera, Dipnot, and many Amphibia, into a single cartilaginous plate. In the Mammalia, and to some extent in Aves, osseous matter is deposited in the fibrous tissue which surrounds tlie sides and base of the tympanic membrane, and gives rise to a special tympanic bone. In most Marimailia, ossification ex- tends into the sides and floor of the tympanum and external meatus ; and a process of integument, chiefly derived from the second visceral arch, is converted into a concha, or external ear, The Organ of Taste is the mucous membrane which covers the tongue, especially its posterior region, and probably also a part of that lining the fauces. When the sense is well de- veloped, the mucous membrane is raised into numerous papille of various forms, and is well supplied with filaments from the glossopharyngeal nerve. The sense of Touch is diffused over the integument and over the mucous membrane of the buccal cavity, which is, strictly speaking, a part of the integument. As special organs of touch in the higher Vertebrata, the nervous papille, containing “ tactile corpuscles,” and the lony facial hairs, the papillee of which are well supplied with nerves, termed vibrissw, may be mentioned. In most, if not all Fishes, the integument of the body and cf the head contains a series of sacs, or canals, usually disposed symmetrically on each side of the middle line, and filled with a clear gelatinous substance. The walls of the sacs, or canals, are abundantly supplied with nerves, and the terminations of the latter enter rounded papillse, which project into the gelati- nous contents, These sensory organs are known as the “ on THE LIVER AND THE TEETH. 79 gans of the lateral line,” or “mucous canals ;” and they were formerly supposed to be the secretory glands of the slimy matter which coats the bodies of fishes, and which is really modified epidermis. The Alimentary Canal.—This part of vertebrate organi- zation always exhibits a differentiation into mouth, pharynx, cesophagus, stomach, and intestine; and the last has always a median, or nearly median, aperture on the ventral surface of the body. It may open by itself; or into a cloaca, or cham- ber common to it, the urinary and the genital organs. The intestine is generally distinguishable into smal/ and large ; and, at the junction of the two, one or two cwca are frequently developed trom the former. The stomach and intestine are invested by a peritoneal membrane, and connected, by mesogastric and mesenteric folds of that membrane, with the median dorsal wall of the abdomi- nal cavity. Glands appertaining to the lymphatic system frequently abound in the mesenteric folds, and a highly-vas- cular gland of this system, the spleen, is always (except in Amphioxus, Myxine, and the Leptocephalidew) developed in close proximity to the stomach. A pancreatic gland very generally pours its secretion into the anterior end of the intes- tine. Salivary glands very commonly open into the mouth; and, in the higher Vertebrata, anal glands are not unusually developed in connection with the termination of the rectum. The structures connected with the alimentary canal of ver- tebrate animals, which are most characteristic and peculiar, are the liver and the teeth. The Liver.—tIn invertebrate animals this organ is always ultimately resolvable into cecal tubes, the ends of the hepatic ducts, which are lined with an epithelium, and not reticulated; and it has no receptacle for the bile. In most Vertebrata the ends of the hepatic ducts have not been satisfactorily traced, nor is it certain that the immense proportional mass of hepatic corpuscles is contained in tubes continuous with them; if such be the case, the tubes must be reticulated. The ducts of the vertebrate liver very frequently pour the bile, directly or in- directly, into a receptacle, the gall-bladder. Amphiozus stands alone among vertebrated animals, in having a czcal diverticu- Jum of the intestine for a liver. The Teeth.—Veeth, in Mollusca and Annulosa, are always 80 TUE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. “ecderonic,” cuticular, or epithelial structures. In Vertebrata true teeth are invariably “ enderonic,” or developed, not from the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, but from a layer between this and the vascular deep substance of the enderon, which answers to the dermis in the integument. The horny “teeth” of the Lampreys, and of Ornithorhynchus, appear to be ecderonic structures, homolo- gous with the “baleen” of the Cetacea, with the palatal plates of the Sirenia, or the beaks of Birds and Reptiles, and not with true teeth. The dense calcified tissue called dentine, characterized by the close-set parallel tubuli which radiate through it, branch- ing as they go, constitutes the chief mass of true teeth; but the dentine may be coated with ordinary bony tissue, which then receives the name of cementum, and its crown may be capped with imperforate, prismatically fibrous, enamel. The teeth are moulded upon papille of the mucous mem- brane, which may be exposed, but are more usually sunk in a fold or pit, the roof of which may close in so as to form a dental sac. And there may be one set of teeth, or several; the sacs of the new teeth, in the latter case, being developed either as diverticula of the old ones, or independently of them. In the majority of the Mammalia the teeth are limited in number, as well as definite in their forms and their mode of succession. There are two sets of teeth, forming a first, decidu- ous, or milk dentition, and a second, or permanent dentition, The deciduous dentition, when most completely developed, con- sists of incisor, canine, and molar teeth. The incisors are distinguished from the rest by the lodgment of the upper set in the premaxillz, and the correspondence of the lower set with the upper. Their number and form vary. The distinc- tion between canines and molars is one of form and position in regard to the remaining teeth; the most anterior of the teeth behind the premaxillo-maxillary suture, if it is sharp and projecting, receiving the name of canine. There are never more than four canines, The other teeth are molars, and ordinarily do not exceed four upon each side, above and below. What is called a dental formula is a convenient combination of letters and figures for making the number and disposition of the teeth obvious. Thus, let dz, de, din, represent, respec- tively, the deciduous or milk set of incisors, canines, and molars. Then, by placing after each of these symbols figures arranged so as to show the number of the teeth of the kind symbolized, ou each side of each jaw, we shall have the dental DENTAL FORMULE. 81 furinula of a given animal. The dental formula of a child , . 22 , 1—1 2.2 over two years of age is thus—di. 23 de. i din, 23 = 20: which means that the child should have two incisors, one canine, and two molars on each side of each jaw. The neck of the sac of each deciduous tooth gives off a diverticulum, in which one of the permanent teeth is de veloped; as it grows, it causes the absorption of the fang of the corresponding deciduous tooth, which thus becomes shed, and is replaced from below by the permanent tooth. The same letters, but without the prefix d, are used for the permanent incisors and canines; but the permanent teeth, which replace the deciduous molars, are called premolars, and have the symbol pm. Furthermore, three or, it may be, four permanent grinding teeth, on each side of each jaw, are developed altogether behind the milk molars, and thus come into place without replacing any other tooth from below. These are called molars, and have the symbol m. Thus the formula of the permanent dentition in Man is written: . 2.2 1—1 2.2 = 3.3 oo 11 a ae one canine, two premolars, and three molars on each side above and below. It is a rule of very general application among the Mammalia, that the most anterior molar comes into place and use before the deciduous molars are shed. Hence, when the hindermost premolar, which immediately precedes the first molar, comes into use by the shedding of the last milk molar, the crown of the first molar is already a little ground down; and this excess of wear of the first molaz over the adjacent premolar long remains obvious. The fact that, in the permanent dentition, the last premolar is less worn than the first molar which immediately follows it, is often a valuable aid in distinguishing the premolar from the molar series, No vertebrate animal has teeth in any part of the alimen- tary canal save the mouth and pharynx—except a snake (Rachiodon), which has a series of what must be termed teeth, formed by the projection of* the inferior spinous pro- cesses of numerous anterior vertebre into the cesophagus. And, in the highest Vertebrata, teeth are confined to the pre maxilla, maxille, and mandible. =32; there being two incisors, The Circulatory Organs.—The heart of the vertebrate embryo is at first a simple tube, the anterior end of which 82 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. passes into a cardiac aortic trunk, while the posterior end is continuous with the great veins which bring back blood from the umbilical vesicle—the omphalomeserate veins. The cardiae aorta immediately divides into two branches, each of which ascends, in the first visceral arch, in the form of a forwardly convex aortic arch, to the under side of the rudimentary spinal column, and then runs, parallel with its fellow, to the hinder part of the body, as a primitive subverte- bral aorta. The two primitive aortz very soon coalesce throughout the greater part of their length into one trunk, the definitive subvertebral aorta ; but the aortic arches, sepa- rated by the alimentary tract, remain distinct. Additional arterial trunks, to the number of four in the higher Verte- brata, and more in the lower, are successively developed, behind the first, in the other visceral arches, and further con- nect the cardiac and subvertebral aorte. In the permanently branchiate Vertebrata, the majority of these aortic arches persist, giving off vessels to the branchial tufts, and becoming converted into afferent and efferent trunks, which carry the blood to and take it from these tufts, (Fig. 25, A, B, C, D, E.) in the higher Amphibia, which, though branchiate in the young state, become entirely air-breathers in the adult con- dition, such as the Batrachia (Fig. 25, F) and Cecilia, the permeable aortic arches are reduced to two (the middle pair of the three which supply the external gills, and the fourth pair of embryonic aortic arches) by the obliteration of the cavities of the dorsal ends of the others. Of the posterior arches, the remains of the fifth and sixth become the trunks which give off the pulmonary arteries, and, in the Batrachia, cutaneous branches. The anterior, or third, primitive aortic arch becomes the common carotid trunk, and ends in the carotid gland, whence the internal and external carotids arise. In those Vertebrata which never possess gills, the arches become reduced either to two pair, as in some ZLacer- tilia ; or to one pair, as in other Keptilia; or to a single arch, as in Aves and Mammalia. The aortic arches thus retained are, in the Lizards in question, the third and the fourth pairs in order from before backward; but the fourth pair only, in other Reptiles; in Birds, the right arch only of the fourth pair; and in Mammals, the left arch only of the fourth pair. The fifth pair of arches give off the pulmonary arteries, the so-called “ductus arteriosus” representing the remains of the primitive connection of these arches with the MODIFICATIONS OF THE AORTIC ARCHES. 83 fourth pair and the subvertebral aorta. The dorsal ends of the first, second, and third arches become obliterated; but their cardiac ends, and the branches which they give off, be- come the arteries of the head and upper extremities. Ah ie re ae ne Bes Bee eeBee net bee Bré ne BRT -ERRECOClE” I gf WM WV VIVWwi I D0 oul WV ev vw view wK Fie. 25.—A diagram intended to show the manner in which the aortic arches become modi- fied in the series of the Vertebrata. A. A hypothetically perfect series of aortic arches, corresponding with the nine postoral vis- ceral arches, of which evidence is to be found in some Sharks and Marsipobranchii. AC, Cardiac aorta; AJ). Dorsal or subvertebral aorta. 1-1x the aortic arches corre- sponding with Mn, the mandibular; Hy., the hyoidean, and Br.'—Br.7, the seven branchial visceral arches, I, Il, UL, TV, V, VI, Vu, the seven branchial clefts.” The first 34 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. eiscerai cleft is left unnumbered, and one must be added to the bumper of each bran- chial cleft to give its number in the series of visceral clefts. B. Hypothetical diagram of the aortic arches in the Shark Heptanchus, which has seven branchial clefts. Sp. The remains of the first visceral cleft as the spiracle. Branchia are developed on all the arches. C. Lepidosiren.—The first arch bas disappeared as such, and the first visceral cleft is ob- literated. Internal branchie are developed in connection with the second, fifth. sixth, and seventh aortic arches; external branchiw in connection with the fourth, fifth, and sixth. JA—The pulmonary artery. The posterior two visceral clefts are obliterated. £ A Tcleostean Fish.—The first aortic arch and first visceral cleft are obliterated as before. The second aortic arch bears the pseudo-branchia (/’s.B.), whence issues the ophthalmic artery, to terminate in the choroid gland cone: The next four arches bear gills. The seventh and eighth arches have been observed in the embryo, but not the ninth, and the included clefts are absent in the adult. E. The Axolotl (Siredon), a perennibranchiate amphibian. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth aortic arches, and the anterior four branchial clefts, persist. The first visceral cleft is obliterated. F The Frog.—The three anterior aortic arches are obliterated in the adult. The place of the third, which is connected with the anterior external gill in the Tadpole, is occupied by the common carotid and the rete mérabile (carotid gland, Cu. G.) which terminates it. The fourth pair of aortic arches persist. The fifth and sixth pair lose their connec- tions with the subvertebral aortic trunk, and become the roots of the cutaneous and pulmonary arteries. The first visceral cleft becomes the tympanum, but all the others are obliterated in the adult. The embryonic aorta gives off omphalomeseraic branches (Fig. 26, 0) to the umbilical vesicle ; and ends, at first, in the hypogastric arteries (which are distributed to the allantois in the abranchiate Vertebrata), and a median caudal continuation. The blood from the umbilical vesicle is brought back, as before mentioned, by the omphalomeseraic veins (Fig. 26, 0’), which unite in a dilatation close to the head; the dilatation (sinus venosus) receives, on each side, a short transverse venous trunk, the ductus Cuvieri (Fig. 26, DC), which is itself formed, upon each side, by the junction of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins, which run backward and forward, parallel with the spine, and bring back the blood of the head and of the trunk. The blood of the allantois is returned by the wmbélical vein, or veins (Fig. 26, w'), which are formed in the anterior wall of the abdomen, and open into the venous sinus before mentioned, The blood of the posterior extremities and kid- neys is, after a while, brought to the same point by a special median vein, the vena cava inferior (Fig. 26, cv). The development of the liver effects the first great change in the arrangements now described. It, as it were, interrupts the course of the omphalomeseraic vein, which is not only the vein of the umbilical sac but also that of the intestine, and converts it into a meshwork of canals, which communicate, on one side, with the cardiac part of the vein, and, on the other side, with its intestinal part. The latter is thus converted into the vena porte (Fig. 26, vp), distributing the blood of the stomach: and intestines to the liver; while the former becomes THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 85 the hepatic vein (vh), carrying the hepatic blood to the in- ferior cava, and thence to the heart. The umbilical vein further gives a branch to the liver; while, on the other hand, it communicates directly with the venous sinus (now almost merged in the vena cava inferior) by a trunk called ductus venosus (Fig. 26, Dv). Fro, 26.—Disgram of the arrangement of the principal vessels in a human fotus.—Z/7, the heart; 7’A, the aortic trunk or cardiac aorta; ¢, the common carotid; c’, the external earotid; ¢/’, the internal carotid; s, subclavian; v, vertebral artery; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the aortic arches—the persistent left aortic arch is hidden. A’, subvertebral aorta; 0, om- phalomeseraic artery, going to the umbilical vesicle v, with its vitelline duct dv; 0, om- phalomeseraic vein; vp, the vena porte; LZ, the liver; ww, the hypogastric or umbilical arteries, with their placental ramifications, w/’ u/’ ; w/, the umbilical vein ; Dv, the ductus venosus; vh, the hepatic vein; ¢v, the vena cava inferior; vé/, the iliac veins; @2,a vena azygos; ve’, a yena cardinalis posterior; DC, a ductus Cuvier; the anterior cardinal vein is seen commencing in the head and running down to the ductus Cuvieri on the under side of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4,5; P, the lungs. When the umbilical vesicle and allantois cease to have any further import, as at birth, or before, the omphalomeseraic ar- teries have become intestinal arteries, and the omphalomeseraic vein, the vena porte. The hypogastric arteries are obliter- ated, except so much of them as is converted into the common iliac arteries. The umbilical vein, or veins, also disappear, or are represented by mere ligaments. 86 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. Of the three veins which open into the venous sac—viz, the inferior cava, and the right and left ductus Cuvieri—all may persist, the latter receiving the title of right and left sw- perior cave. Or, as very often happens in the higher Verte- brata, the left ductus Cuvieri becomes more or less obliterated ; the veins which properly open into it acquiring a connection with the right ductus, which then remains as the sole superior cava. The posterior cardinal veins give off anastomosing branches, which are converted into the venw azygos ; the an- terior cardinal veins become metamorphosed into the external jugular veins and vene innominate. In Fishes, the sinus venosus and the cardinal veins persist throughout life; but the anterior cardinal veins, which bring back the blood from the head and from the anterior extremi- ties, are called vence jugulares. The caudal veins are either directly continued into the cardinal veins, as in Marsipobranchii and Elasmobranchii, or branch out into the kidneys, asin many Zéleostei. In either case the efferent renal veins open into the cardinal veins. The portal veins, conveying the blood of the chylopoietic viscera, and sometimes that of other organs and of the abdomi- nal walls, may be one or many. In Amphioxus and Myzxine the vein is rhythmically contractile, and forms a portal heart. In most Amphibia and Reptilia the sinus venosus persists, and is rhythmically contractile, valves being placed at its opening into the right auricle. The anterior cardinal veins are represented by jugular veins, the posterior cardinal by vertebral veins; these, and the veins of the anterior extremities, when they are present, pour their blood into the ductus Cuvieri, which are now termed an- terior ven cave. The vena cava inferior takes its origin chiefly by the coa- lescence of the efferent veins of the kidneys and reproductive organs, and does not always receive the whole of the hepatic veins—more or fewer of the latter opening independently into the sinus venosus. The blood which leaves the kidneys by its efferent veins is supplied, not only by the renal arteries, but by the veins of the caudal region, and of the hinder extremities, which branch out like a vena porte in the substance of the kidneys. This renal portal system is less developed in Reptilia than in Am- phibia. All the blood of the posterior extremities and caudal region does not traverse the kidneys, however, more or less of it being led away by great branches of the iliac veins, which THE MODIFICATIONS OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. 87 run along the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, either as two trunks, or united into one, These venw abdominales an- teriores are eventually distributed to the liver, along with the branches of the proper vene porte. In Birds, the sinus venosus is not distinct from the right auricle, and there. are two anterior ven cave. The vena cava inferior arises, as in Mammals, by the union of the two common iliac veins. It receives both the right and the left hepatic veins, and, in addition, the anterior abdominal vein no longer enters the portal system, but passes up the anterior wall of the abdomen and through the hepatic fissure to join the inferior cava, The caudal and pelvic veins unite into three principal trunks, of which one is median and two are lateral. The median enters into the portal system. The lateral branches pass along and through the kidney, receiving veins from it, but giving none to it; and eventually, after receiving the ischiatic veins, unite with the crural veins to form the common iliacs. Thus there is no rénal portal system in birds, In Mammalia, the sinus venosus is not distinct from the right auricle. The anterior cave are frequently reduced to one, the right. The vena cava inferior commences in the caudal region, and receives all the blood of the posterior moiety of the body, except so much as is carried away by the azygous veins. The anterior abdominal veins are represented only during foetal life, by the umbilical vein or veins. The efferent veins of the kidneys open directly into the trunk of the inferior vena cava, and the portal vein is composed exclusively of radicles proceeding from the chylopoietic viscera. Many of the veins of Amphioxus, the portal vein of Myz- ine, dilatations of the caudal vein in the Hel, the vene cave and the iliac and axillary veins of many AmpAibia, the veins of the wing of Bats, possess a rhythmical contractility, which, in combination with the disposition of their valves, assists the circulation of the blood. In Vertebrata of all classes, and in very diverse parts of the body, both veins and arteries occasionally break up into numerous branches of nearly equal size, which may or may not unite again into larger trunks. These are called retia mirabilia. Modifications of the Heart.—Great changes go on in the structure of the heart, pari passu with the modifications of the 38 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. rest of the circulatory system, in the development of the highest Vertebrata. The primitively simple tube becomes bent upon itself, and divided from before backward into an aortic, or ventricular, and a venous, or auricular, portion. A median septum then grows inward, dividing the auricular and ventricular chambers into two, so that a right auricle and right ventricle become separated from a left auricle and left ventricle. A similar longitudinal division is effected in the cardiac aorta. The septa are so disposed in the auriculo-ven- tricular chamber that the right auricle communicates with the venous sac and the trunks of the visceral and body veins, while only the veins from the lungs enter into the left auricle. And the cardiac aorta is so divided that the left ventricle com- municates with the chief aortic trunk, the right with the pul- monary artery. Valves are developed at the auriculo-ventric- ular apertures and at the origins of the aortic and pulmonary trunks, and thus the course of the circulation is determined, The septum between the auricles remains incomplete for a much longer period than that between the ventricles—and the aperture by which the auricles communicate is called the foramen ovale. In the adult state of Aves and Mammalia, the foramen ovale is closed; there is no direct communication between the arterial and venous cavities or trunks ; there is only one aortic arch; and the pulmonary artery alone arises from the right ventricle. In the Crocodilia, the auricles and ventricles of opposite sides are completely separate; but there are two aortic arches, and one of these, the left, arises from the right ventricle along with the pulmonary artery. In all Heptilia, except Crocodiles, there is but one ventricular cavity, though it may be divided more or less distinctly into a cavum veno- sum and a cavum arteriosum. The auricles are completely separated (except in some Chelonia), and the blood of the left auricle tlows directly into the cavum arteriosum, while that of the right passes immediately into the cavum venosum. The aortic arches and the pulmonary artery all arise from the cavum venosum (or a special subdivision of that cavity called the cavum pulmonale); the ostium of the pulmonary artery being farthest from, and that of the right aortic arch nearest to, the cavum arteriosum. In all Amphibia, the spongy interior of the ventricle is andivided, and the heart is trilocular, though the auricular zeptum is sometimes small and incomplete. In all Pisces, ex- cept Lepidosiren, there is no auricular septum. In Amphé THE MODIFICATIONS OF THE IEART. 89 o4us the heart remains in its primitive state of a simple, con tractile, undivided tube. In the Ganoidei, the Elasmobranchii, and the Amphibia, the walls of the enlarged commencement of the cardiac aorta, called the budbus aortw, contain striped muscular fibre, and are rhythmically contractile. The Ganoidei and Elasmobranchii possess, not merely the ordinary semilunar valves, at the junction between the ventri- cle and the cardiac aorta, but a variable number of additional valves, set, in transverse rows, upon the inner wall of the aortic bulb. The change of position which the heart and the great ves- sels of the highest Vertebrata undergo during embryonic life is exceedingly remarkable, and is repeated as we ascend in the series of adult vertebrates. At first, the heart of a mammal lies under the middle of the head, immediately behind the first visceral arches, in which the first pair of aortic arches ascends. As the other pairs of aortic arches are developed the heart moves backward; but the fourth pair of aortic arches, by the modification of one of which the persistent aorta is formed, lies, at first, no farther back than the occipital region of the skull, to which, as we have seen above, the fourth pair of visceral arches belongs. As the two pairs of cornua of the hyoid belong to the second and the third visceral arches, the larynx is probably developed within the region of the fourth and fifth visceral arches; hence, the branches of the pneumogastric, with which it is supplied, must, originally, pass directly to their destination. But, as development proceeds, the aortic arches and the heart become altogether detached from the visceral arches and move back, until, at length, they are lodged deep in the thorax. Hence the elongation of the carotid arteries; hence also, as the larynx remains relatively stationary, the singular course, in the adult, of that branch of the pneumogastric, the recurrent laryngeal, which primitively passed to the laryngeal region behind the fourth aortic arch, and consequently becomes drawn out into a long loop—the middle of it being, as it were, pulled back, by the retrogression of the aortic arch into the thorax. The Blood- Corpuscles.—Corpuscles are contained in the blood of all Vertebrata. In Amphiowus they are all of one kind, colorless and nucleated. The genus Leptocephalus, among the Teleoste, is said to possess the same peculiarity ; 90 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. but, in all other known Vertebrata, the blood contains corpus cles of two kinds. In Ichthyopsida and Sauropsida, both kinds are nucleated ; but one set are colorless, and exhibit amzeboid movements, while the others are red, and do not display contractility. Except in the Marsipobranchii, which have round blood-cor- puscles, the red corpuscles are oval. They attain a larger size in the perennibranchiate Amphilia than in any other Vertebrates. In Mammalia, the blood-corpuscles are also of two kinds, colorless and red, the colorless possessing, and the red being devoid of, nuclei. It is but very rarely that a nucleated cor- puscle, with a red color especially developed about the nu- cleus, is seen in Mammalian blood; but such cases do occur ; and, from this and other circumstances, it is probable that the Mammalian red corpuscle is a free-colored nucleus. The colorless corpuscles of Mammalia are spheroidal, and exhibit amzeboid movements; the red corpuscles are flattened, usually circular, but sometimes oval (Camelidc) disks, devoid of contractility. The Lymphatic System.—This system of vessels consists, chiefly, of one or two principal trunks, the thoracie duct, or ducts, which underlie the vertebral column, and communicate, anteriorly, with the superior ven cave, or with the veins which open into them. From these trunks, branches are given off, which ramify through all parts of the body, except the bulb of the eye, the cartilages, and the bones. In the higher Vertebrata, the larger branches are like small veins, provided with definite coats, and with valves opening toward the larger trunks, while their terminal ramifications form a capillary net-work ; but, in the lower Vertebrates, the lymphatic channels assume the form of large and irregular sinuses, which not unfrequently com- pletely surround the great vessels of the blood-system. The lymphatics open into other parts of the venous sys- tem besides the affluents of the superior cave. In Fishes there are, usually, two caudal lymphatic sinuses which open into the commencement of the caudal vein. In the Frog, foun such sinuses communicate with the veins, two in the ccccy- zeal, and two in the scapular, region. The walls of these si nuses are muscular, and contract rhythmically, so that they re- ceive the name of Lymphatic hearts, The posterior pair of these hearts, or non-pulsating sinuses corresponding with them, are met with in Reptilia and Aves, THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 91 Accumulations of indifferent tissue in the walls of some of the lymphatic sinuses are to be met with in Fishes; but it is only in the Crocodilia, among Reptilia, that an accumulation of such tissue, traversed by lymphatic canals and blood-vessels, is apparent, as a Lymphatic gland, in the mesentery. Birds possess a few glands in the cervical region; and, in JMain- malia, they are found, not only in the mesentery, but in many parts of the body. The Spleen is substantially a lymphatic gland. The Zhy- mus—a glandular mass with an internal cavity, but devoid of any duct—which is foundinall Vertebrata except Amphiozus, appears to belong to the same category.. It is developed in the neighborhood of the primitive aortic arches, and is double in most of the lower Vertebrata, but single in Mammalia. The nature of two other “ductless glands,” the Zhyroid gland and the Suprarenal capsules, which occur very widely among the Vertebrata, is by no means well understood, The thyroid gland is a single or multiple organ, formed of closed follicles, and is situated near the root of the aorta, or the great lingual, or cervical, vessels which issue from it. The suprarenal capsules are follicular organs, often abun- dantly supplied with nerves, which appear to occur in Fishes, and are very constant in the higher Vertebrata, at the anterior ends of the true kidneys. The Lymph Corpuscles, which float in the plasma of the lymphatic fuid, always resemble the colorless corpuscles of the blood. The Respiratory Organs.—Vertebrated animals may pos sess either branchiw for breathing the air contained in water, or lungs for atmospheric respiration; or they may possess both kinds of respiratory organs in combination. Except in Amphioxus, the branchie are always lamellar, or filamentous, appendages of more or fewer of the visceral arches; being sometimes developed only on the proper bran- chial arches, sometimes extending to the hyoidean arch, or (as would appear to be the case with the spiracular bran- chize of some fishes) even to the mandibular arch. The bran- chize are always supplied with blood by the divisions of the cardiac aorta; and the different trunks which carry the aérated blood away, unite to form the subvertebral aorta, so that all vertebrated animals with exclusively branchial respiration have the heart filled with venous blood. In the early life of many branchiated Vertebrata, the bran- 92 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. chi project freely from the visceral arches to which they are attached, on the exterior of the body; and in some Amphibia, such as the Axolotl (Siredon), they retain their form of exter- nal plume-like appendages of the neck throughout life. But in the adult life of most Fishes, and in the more advanced con- dition of the Tadpoles of the higher Amphibia, the branchie are internal, being composed of shorter processes, or ridges, which do not project beyond the outer edges of the branchial clefts ; and, generally, become covered by an operculum developed from the second visceral arch. The lungs of vertebrated animals are sacs, capable of being filled with air, and developed from the ventral wall of the pharynx, with which they remain connected by a shorter or longer tube, the trachea, the division of this for each luug being a bronchus. Venous blood is conveyed to them directly from the heart by the pulmonary arteries, and some * or all of the blood which they receive goes back, no less directly, to the same organ by the pulmonary veins. The vascular distribution thus described constitutes an es- sential part of the definition of a lung, as many fishes possess hollow sacs filled with air; and these sacs are developed, oc- casionally, from the ventral, though more commonly from the dorsal, wall of the pharynx, cesophagus, or stomach. But such air-sacs—even when they remain permanently connected with the exterior by an open passage or preumatec duct—are air-bladders, and not lungs, because they receive their blood from the adjacent arteries of the body, and not direct from the heart, while tleir efferent vessels are connected only with the veins of the general circulation. The wall of each pulmonic air-sac is at first quite simple, but it soon becomes cellular by the sacculation of its parietes, In the lower pulmonated Vertebrata, the sacculation is more marked near the entrance of the bronchus ; and when the lung- sac is long, as in many sLinphibia and in Snakes, the walls of the posterior end may retain the smooth condition of the em- bryonic lung. In Chelonia and Crocodilia, the lung is com- pletely cellular throughout, but the bronchi do not give off branches in the lungs. In Birds, branches are given off at right angles; and, from these, secondary branches, which lie parallel with one another, and eventually anastomose. In Mammalia, the bronchi divide dichotomously into finer and finer bronchial tubes, which end in sacculated air-cells. * Generally all. but in some Amphibia, such as Proteus, part of the blood supplied to the lungs enters the general circulation. THE ORGANS OF VOICE. 93 Blind air-sacs are given off from the surfaces of the lungs in the Chameleonide, and the principal bronchial tubes termi- nate in large air-sacs in clves. The Larynx and the Syrinex.—The trachea is commonly kept open by complete, or incomplete, rings of cartilage, and the uppermost of these undergo special modifications, whick convert them into a Larynx, an organ which, under certain circumstances, becomes an instrument of voice. When completely developed, the larynx presents a ring- like cartilage called ericoid, which lies at the summit of the trachea. - With the anterior and dorsal edge of this, two ary¢- enoid cartilages are movably articulated, and a thyroid car- tilage of a V-shape, open behind, is articulated movably with its sides. Folds of the mucous membrane, containing elastic tissue, termed the vocal cords, stretch from the arytenoid car- tilages to the reéntering angle of the thyroid cartilage, and between them lies a slit-like passage, the glottis. This is cov- ered by a cartilage, the epiglottis, attached to the reéntering angle of the thyroid, and to the base of the tongue. Folds of mucous membrane, extending from the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages, are the aryepiglottic ligaments. The in- ner surfaces of these end below in the false vocal cords, be- tween which and the true chorde vocales lie recesses of the mucous membrane, the ventricles of the larynx. The chief accessory cartilages are the cartilages of San- torini, attached to the summits of the arytenoid cartilages, and the cartilages of Wrisberg, which lie within the aryepi- glottic ligaments. Birds possess a larynx in the ordinary pcsition; but it is another apparatus, the lower larynx or syrinz, developed either at the end of the trachea, or at the commencement of each bronchus, which is their great vocal organ. The Mechanism of Respiration.—The mechanism by which the aérating medium is renewed in these different respiratory organs is very various. Among branchiated Vertebrata, Am- phioxus stands alone in having ciliated branchial organs, which form a net-work very similar to the perforated pharyngeal wall of the Ascidians. Most Fishes breathe by taking aérated wa- ter in at the mouth, and then shutting the oral aperture, and forcing the water through the branchial clefts, when it flows over the branchial filaments. Pulmonated Vertebrata, which have the thoracic skeleton incomplete (as the Amphibia), breathe by distending their pharyngeal cavity with air; and then, the mouth ard nostrils 94 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. being shut, pumping it, by the elevation of the hyoidean ap- paratus and floor of the pharynx, into the lungs. A Frog, there- fore, cannot breathe properly if its mouth is kept wide open. In most Reptilia, and in all Aves and Mammalia, the ster- num and ribs are capable of moving in such a way as alter- nately to increase and diminish the capacity of the thoracico- abdominal cavity, and thereby to give rise to an inspiratory and expiratory How of air. In the Reptilia, the elastic lungs dilate with the inspira- tory, and contract with the expiratory, act; but, in Aves, the air rushes through the principal bronchial passages of the fixed and little distensible lungs, into the very dilatable and com- pressible air-sacs. From these the act of expiration expels it back through the principal bronchial passages to the trachea, and so out of the body. Both in Reptilia (e. g., Chelonia) and in Aves, muscular fibres pass from the ribs to the surface of the lungs beneath the pleuroperitoneal membrane, and this rudimentary dia- phragm acquires a very considerable development in the Ra- titee, or struthious birds. So far as the contraction of these fibres tends to remove the ventral from the dorsal walls of the lungs, they must assist inspiration. But this diaphragmatic in- spiration remains far weaker than the sterno-costal inspiration. Finally, in the Mammalia, there are two equally-important respiratory pumps, the one sterno-costal, the other diaphrag- matic. The diaphragm, though it makes its appearance in Sauropsida, only becomes a complete partition between the thorax and the abdomen in mammals; and, as its form is such that, in a state of rest, it is concave toward the abdominal cavity, and convex toward the thorax, the result of its con- traction, and consequent flattening » necessarily i is to increase the capacity of the thorax, and this pump the air into the elastic lungs, which occupy a large part of the thoracic cavity. When the diaphragm ceases to contract, the elasticity of the lungs is sufficient to expel the air taken in. Thus, mammals have two kinds of respiratory mechanism, either of which is efficient by itself, and may be carried on ‘in- dependently of the other. The Renal Organs.—The higher Vertebrata are all pro- vided with two sets of renal organs, the one existing only dur- ing the early foetal state, the other persisting throughout life. The former are the "Wolffian bodies, the latter the true Kidneys. THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. 95 The Wolffian bodies make their appearance very early, on each side of the ventral aspect of the spinal region of the em- bryo, as small transversely-disposed tubuli, opening into a duct which lies upon their outer side, aud enters, posteriorly, into the base of the allantois, and thence into the primitive cloaca with which that structure is connected. The Wolffian duct is one of the first-formed structures in the embryo, and precedes the tubuli. The Kidneys appear behind the Wolffian bodies, and, ap: parently, independently of them; their ducts, the ureters, arc also distinct, but likewise terminate in the pelvic part of the allantois. Thus the urinary secretion passes into the allantois, and it is that portion of this organ which lies within the abdo- men, and becomes shut off from the rest by the constriction and obliteration of the cavity of an intermediate part, and its conversion into the urachus, that gives rise to the urinary bladder. The ultimate secreting tubuli of both the Wolffian body and the kidney, are alike remarkable for ending in dila- tations which embrace convoluted capillaries—the so-called Malpighian tufts. Neither Wolffian bodies nor kidneys have been observed in Amphioxus. It is doubtful whether true kidneys are developed in Jchthyopsida, or whether the so- called kidneys of these animals are not, rather, persistent Wolf- fian bodies. The Reproductive Organs.—These, in vertebrated animals, are primitively similar in both sexes, and arise on the inner side of the Wolffian bodies, and in front of the kidneys, in the abdominal cavity. In the female the organ becomes an ovari- um. This, in some few fishes, sheds its ova, as soon as they are ripened, into the peritoneal cavity, whence they escape by abdominal pores, which place that cavity in direct communi- cation with the exterior. In many fishes, the ovaries become tubular glands, provided with continuous ducts, which open externally, above and behind the anus. But, in all other Ver- tebrata, the ovaries are glands without continuous ducts, and which discharge their ova from sacs, the Graafian follicles, successively developed in their solid substance. Nevertheless these ova do not fall into the peritoneal cavity, but are con- veyed away by a special apparatus, consisting of the Fallopian tubes, which result from the modification of certain embryonic structures ‘called the Millerian ducts. The Millerian ducts are canals which make their appear- ance alongside the ducts of the Wolffian bodies, but, through- 96 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. out their whole extent, remain distinct from them. Their proximal ends lie close to the ovary, and become open and dilated to form the so-called ostia. Beyond these ostia they generally remain narrow for a space, but, toward their hinder openings into the genito-urinary part of the cloaca, they com- monly dilate again. In all animals but the didelphous and monodelphous Mammalia, the Millerian ducts undergo no further modification of any great morphological importance ; but, in the monodelphous Mammalia, they become united, at a short distance in front of their posterior ends; and then the segments between the latter and the point of union, or still farther forward, coalesce into one. By this process of conflu- ence the Miillerian ducts are primarily converted into a single vagina with two uteri opening into it; but, in most of the Monodelphia, the two uteri also more or less completely coa- lesce, until both Mullerian ducts are represented by a single vagina, a single uterus, and two Fallopian tubes. ‘The didel- phous Aammalia have two vaginze which may, or may not, coalesce anteriorly for a short extent; but the two uteri re- main perfectly distinct. So that what takes place in them is probably, a differentiation of each Miillerian duct into Fallo- pian tube, uterus, and vagina, with or without the union of the two latter, to the extent to which it is effected in the ear- lier stages of development in Monodelphia. The Wolffian ducts of the female either persist as canals, the so-called ca- nils of Gaertner, which open into the vagina, or disappear altogether. Remains of the Wolffian bodies constitute the parovaria, observable in certain female mammals. In the male vertebrate embryo, the testis, or essential re- productive organ, occupies the same position, in front of the Wolffian body, as the ovary ; and, like the latter, is composed of indifferent tissue. In Amphioxus and in the Marsipo- branchii, this tissue appears to pass directly into spermatozoa ; but, in most Vertebrata, it acquires a saccular or tubular struct- ure, and from the epithelium of the sacs, or tubuli, the sperma- tozoa are developed. At first, the testis is as completely de. void of any excretory canal as the ovary; but, in the higher vertebrates, this want is speedily supplied by the Wolffian body, certain of the tubuli of which become continuous with the tubult seminiferi, and constitute the vasa recta, while the rest abort. The Wolffian duct thus becomes the vas deferens, or excretory duct of the testis; and its anterior end, coiling on itself, gives rise to the epididynus. A vesicula seminalis is a THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. 97 diverticulum of the vas deferens, near its posterior end, which serves as a receptacle for the semen, W wa Fia. 27.—Diagram exhibiting the relations of the female (the left-hand figure, ¢) and of the male (the right-hand figure, 4) reproductive organs to the general plan (the middle fig- ure) of these orgaus in the higher Vertedrata. Ci, the cloaca; FR, the rectum; Bi, the urinary bladder; JU, the ureter; X, the kid- agy i Th, the urethra; G, the genital gland, ovary, or testis; W, the Wolffian body ; Wd, the Wolffian duct; Jf, the Miillerian duct; Ps¢, prostate gland; Cp, Cowper's gland; Csp, the corpus spongiosum; Cc, the corpus cavernosum. In the female, ? the vagina; Ut, uterus; Jp, the Fallopian tube; Gt, Gaertner'’s duct; P.v, the parovarium; A, the anus; Ce, C.sp, the clitoris. In the male, Cap, Ce, the penis; U7, the uterus masculinus; Va, vesicula seminalis; Fd, the vas deferens. If the Wolffian bodies, the genitalia, and the alimentary canal of a vertebrate embryo, communicated with the exterior by apertures having the same relative position as the organs themselves, the anus would be in front and lowest, the Wolf- lian apertures behind and highest, and the genital apertures would lie between the two, But' the anal, genital, and uri- nary apertures are found thus related only among certain groups of fishes, such as the Zeleostei. In all other Vertebrata there is either a cloaca, or common chamber, into which the rectum, genital, and urinary organs open; or, the anus isa 5 98 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS distinct posterior and superior aperture, and the opening of a genito-urinary sinus, common to the urinary and reproductive organs, lies in front of it, separated by a more or less consid. erable perinceune. These conditions of adult Vertebrate repeat the states through which the embryo of the highest vertebrates pass, At a very early stage, an involution of the external integu- ment gives rise to a cloaca, which receives the allantois, the ureters, the Wolffian and Mullerian ducis, in front, and the rectum behind. But, as development advances, the rectal di- vision of the cloaca becomes shut off from the other, and opens by a separate aperture—the definitive ames, which thus ap- pears to be distinct, morphologically, from the anus of an osse ous fish, For a time, the anterior, or genito-urinary part of the cloaca, is, to a certain extent, distinct from the rectal di- vision, though the two have a common termination; and this condition is repeated in Aves, and in ornithodelphous Mam- malia, where the bladder, the genital ducts, and the ureters, all open separately from the rectum into a genito-urinary sinus. In the male sex, as development advances, this genito- urinary sinus becomes elongated, muscular, and surrounded, where the bladder passes into it, by a peculiar gland, the pros- tate. It thus becomes converted into what are termed the JSundus, and neck of the bladder, with the prostatic and men- branous portions of the urethra. Concomitantly with these changes, a process of the ventral wall of the cloaca makes its appearance, and is the rudiment of the intromittent organ, or penis. Peculiar erectile vascular tissue, developed within this body, gives rise to the median corpus spongiosum and the lateral corpora cavernosa. The penis gradually protrudes from the cloaca; and, while the corpus spongiosum terminates the anterior end of it, as the glands, the corpora cavernosa at- tach themselves, posteriorly, to the ischia. The under, or pos- terior, surface of the penis is, at first, simply grooved; by de- zrees the two sides of the groove unite, and form a complete tube embraced by the corpus spongiosum, The penial urethra is the result. Into the posterior part of this penial urethra, which is frequently dilated into the so-called bilbus wrethre, glands, called Cowper’s glands, commonly pour their” secretion; and the penial, membranous, and prostatic portions of the urethra (genito-urinary sinus) uniting into one tube, the male definitive urethra is finally formed. In sundry birds and reptiles, the penis remains in the con MODIFICATIONS OF THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS. 99 dition of a process of the ventral wall of the cloaca, groéved on one face. In ornithodelphous mammals the penial urethra is complete, but open behind, and distinct from the genito- urinary sinus.- In the Didelphiu the penial urethra and gen- ito-urinary sinus are united into one tube, but the corpora cavernosa are not directly attached to the ischium, Certain Reptilia possess a pair of eversible copulatory or- gans situated in integumentary sacs, one on each side of the cloaca, but it does not appear in what manner these penes are morphologically related to those of the higher Vertebrata. In the female sex, the homologue of a penis frequently makes its appearance as a clitoris, but rarely passes beyond the stage of a grooved process with corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum—the former attached to the ischium, and the lat- ter developing a glans. But, in some few mammals (e. g., the Lemuride), the clitoris is traversed by a urethral canal. In no vertebrated anima! do the ovaries normally leave the abdominal cavity, though they commonly forsake. their primi- tive position, and may descend into the pelvis. But, in man mammals, the testes pass out of the abdomen through the inguinal canal, between the inner and outer tendons of the external oblique muscle, and, covered by a fold of peritonzeum, descend temporarily or permanently into a pouch of the integ- ument—the scrotum. In their course they become invested with looped muscular fibres, which constitute the cremaster. The cremaster retracts the testis into the abdominal cavity, or toward it, when, as in the higher mammals, the inguinal canal becomes very much narrowed or altogether obliterated. In most mammals the scrotal sacs lie at the sides of, or behind, the root of the penis, but in the Didelphia the scrotum is sus- pended by a narrow neck in front of the root of the penis. In most mammals the penis is enclosed in a sheath of in- tegument, the preputium ; and, in many, the septum of the corpora cavernosa is ossified, and gives rise to an 08 penis. In the female the so-called labia majora represent the scro- tal, the Jabia minora the preputial, part of the male organ of copulation. Organs not directly connected with reproduction, but in various modes accessory to it, are met with in many Verte- brata. Among these may be reckoned the integumentary pouches, in which the young are sheltered during their devel- opment in the male Pipefish (Syngnathus), in some female Amphibia (Notodelphys, Pipa), and Marsupialia ; together with the mammary glands of the Mammalia. CHAPTER UI THE FROVINCES OF THE VERTEBRATA—THE CLASS PISCES, Tue Vertebrata are divisible into three primary groups or provinces: the Ichthyopsida, the Sauropsida, and the Mam- malia. I.—The Ichthyopsida 1. Have the epidermic exoskeleton either absent, or very slightly represented. 2. The spinal column may persist as a notochord with a membranous sheath, or it may exhibit various degrees of chondrification or ossification. When the vertebre are dis- tinct, their centra have no epiphyses. 3. The skull may be incomplete and membranous, more or less cartilaginous, or osseous. When membrane bones are developed in connection with it, there is a large parasphenoid. The basisphenoid is always small, if it be not absent. 4, The occipital condyle may be absent, or single, or double. When there are two occipital condyles they belong to the ex-occipital region, and the basi-occipital region is un- ossified or very imperfectly ossified. 5. The mandible may be absent, or be represented only by cartilage. If membrane bones are developed in connection with it, there is usually more than one on each side. The articular element may be ossified or not, and may be con- nected with the skull by the intermediation of a quadrate and a hyomandibular element, or by a single fixed plate of carti lage representing both these and the pterygo-palatine arch, A stapes may be present or absent. 6. The alimentary canal may or may not terminate in a cloaca. When there is no cloaca, the rectum opens in front of the urinary organs. % The blood-corpuscles are always nucleated, and the heart may be tubular, bilocular, or trilocular. THE SAUROPSIDA. 101 ; - There are never fewer than two aortic arches in the adult. 9. Respiration takes place by branchie during part, or the whole, of life. 10. There is no thoracic diaphragm. 11. The urinary organs are permanent Wolffian bodies. 12. The cerebral hemispheres may be absent, and are never united by a corpus callosum. 13. The embryo has no amnion, and, at most, a rudimen- tary allantois. 14, There are no mammary glands. TI.—The Sauropsida 1. Almost always possess an epidermic exoskeleton in the form of scales or feathers. 2. The centra of the vertebrz are ossified, but have no terminal epiphyses. 3. The skull has a completely ossified occipital segment, and a large basisphenoid. No separate parasphenoid exists in the adult. The prodtic is always ossified, and either remains distinct from the epiotic and opisthotic throughout life, or unites with them only after they bave anchylosed with adjacent bones. 4, There is always a single, convex, occipital condyle, into which the ossified ex-occipitals and basi-occiptal enter in vari- ous proportions. 5. The ‘mandible is always present, and each ramus con- sists of an articular ossification, as well as of several mem- brane bones. The articular ossification is connected with the skull by a quadrate bone. The apparent “ ankle-joint” is situ- ated,not between the tibia and the astragalus, as in all Mam- malia, but between the proximal and the distal divisions of the tarsus. 6. The alimentary canal terminates in a cloaca. %. The heart is trilocular or quadrilocular. Some of the blood-corpuscles are always red, oval, and nucleated. 8. The aortic arches are usually two or more, but may be reduced to one, which then belongs to the right side. 9. Respiration is never effected by means of branchie, but, after birth, is performed by lungs. The bronchi do not branch dichotomously in the lungs. 10. A thoracic diaphragm may exist, but it never forms a complete partition between the thoracic and the abdominal viscera. 102 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. 11. The Wolffian bodies are replaced, functionally, by per- manent kidneys. 12. The cerebral hemispheres are never united by a corpus callosum. 13. The reproductive organs open into the cloaca, and the oviduct is a Fallopian tube, which presents a uterine dilata- tion in the lower part of its course. 14. All are oviparous, or ovoviviparous. 15. The embryo has an amnion, and a large respiratory allantois, and is developed at the expense of the massive vitellus of the egg. 16. There are no mammary glands. TI.—The Mammalia 1, Always possess an epidermic exoskeleton in the form of hairs. 2. The vertebre are ossified, and (except in the ornitho- delphia) their centra have terminal epiphyses. 3. All the segments of the brain-case are completely ossi- fied. No distinct parasphenoid exists in the adult. The prodtic ossifies, and unites with the epiotic and opisthotic before these coalesce with any other bone. 4. There are always two occipital condyles, and the basi- occipital is well ossified. 5. The mandible is always present, and each ramus con- sists (at any rate, in the adult) of a single membrane bone, which articulates with the squamosal. The quadrate bone, and the supra-stapedial element of the hyoidean arch, are con- verted into a malleus and an incus, so that, with the stapes, there are, at fewest, three ossicula auditis, 6. The alimentary canal may, or may not, terminate in a cloaca. When it does not, the rectum opens behind the genito-urinary organs. %. The heart is quadrilocular. Some of the blood-cor- puscles are always red and non-nucleated. 8. There is only one aortic arch which lies on the left side. 9, Respiration is never effected by means of branchis, but, after birth, is performed by lungs. 10. There is a complete diaphragm. 11. The Wolffian bodies are replaced by permanent kidneys. 12. The cerebral hemispheres are united by a corpus cal- losum. 13, The reproductive organs may, or may not, open into a cloaca. The oviduct is a Fallopian tube. THE CLASS PISCES. 103 14. The embryo has an amnion and allantois. 15. Mammary glands supply the young with nourishment. The Ichthyopsida.—Class I.-—Piscxs. The class of Fishes contains animals which vary so much in their grade of organization, and in their higher forms so closely approach the Amphibia, that it is difficult to draw up any definition which shall be at once characteristic and diag- nostic of them. But they are the only vertebrated anirmals which possess median fins supported by fin-rays; and in which the limbs, when present, do not exhibit that division into brachium, antebrachium, and manus, which is found in all other Vertebrata. The presence of the peculiar integmentary organs con- stituting what is known as the system of mucous canals and the organs of the lateral line (supra, p.79 ), is highly charac- teristic of Fishes, though these organs cannot be said to exist in the entire class, The class Pisces is divisible into the following primary groups: A. The notochord extends to the anterior end of the body. There are no skull, brain, auditory, or renal organs, such as exist in the higher Verte- brata. The heart is a simple tube, and the liver is saccular. (Lzpro- carpia. Haeckel.) I—Pharyngobranchii. B The notochord ends behind the pituitary fossa. A skull, brain, auditory, and renal organs are developed. The heart is divided into auricular and ventricular chambers. The liver has the ordinary structure. (Pacur- carpia. Hck.) a. The nasal sac is single, and has a median external aperture. Neither mandibles nor limb arches are developed. (Jfonorhina. Hck.) T.—Marsipobranchii. b. There are two nasal sacs with separate apertures. Mandibles and limb arches are developed. (Amphirhina. Hck.) a. The nasal passages do not communicate with the cavity of the mouth, There are no lungs, and the heart has but one auricle, a. The skull is devoid of membrane bones, TiL.—Hlasmobranchii. 8. Membrane bones are developed in relation with the skull. 1. The optic nerves form a chiasma, and there are several rows of valves in the aortic bulb. IV.— Ganoidei. 2. The optic nerves simply cross, and there is only one row of valves in the aortic bulb. V.— Teleostei. 6. The nasal passages communicate with the oral cavity. Thre are lungs, and the heart has two auricles. VI.—Dipnor 10£ THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. I. The Puarynuoprancat.—tThis order contains but one species of fish, the remarkable Lancelet, or Amphioxus lanceo- latus, which lives in sand, at moderate depths in the sea, in many parts of he world. It is a small, semitransparent crea- ture, pointed at both ends, as its name implies, and possessing no limbs, nor any hard epidermic or dermal covering. The dorsal and caudal regions of the body present a low median fold of integument, which is the sole representative of the system of the median fins of other fishes. The mouth (Fig. 28, A, a) is a proportionally large oval aperture, which lies behind, as well as below, the anterior termination of the body, and has its long axis directed longitudinally. Its mar- gins are produced into delicate ciliated tentacles, supported by semi-cartilaginous filaments, which are attached to a hoop of the same texture placed around the margins of the mouth (Fig. 29,4, g). These probably represent the labial cartilages of other fishes. The oral aperture leads into a large and dilated pharynx, the walls of which are perforated by numerous fc, 283—Amphiorus lanceolatus.—a, mouth; b, pharyngobranchial chamber; ¢, anus; d, liver; e, abdominal pore.—B, the head enlarged; a, the notochord; 0, the represent- atives of neural spines, or fin-rays; ¢, the jointed oral ring; d@,the filamentary append- ages of the mouth; ¢, the ciliated lobes of the pharynx; 7, g, part of the branchial sac A, the spinal cord. clefts, and richly ciliated, so that it resembles the pharynx of an Ascidian (Fig. 28, B, 7,9). This great pharynx is con nected with a simple gastric cavity which passes inte 4 THE PHARYNGOBRANCIII. 105 straight intestine, ending in the anal aperture, which is pitu- ated at the root of the tail at a little to the left of the me- dian line (Fig. 28, A, c). The mucous membrane of the in- testine is ciliated. An aperture called the abdominal pore (Fig. 28, A, e), placed in front of the anus, leads into a relatively spacious cavity, which is continued forward, on each side of the pharynx, to near the oral aperture. The water which is con- stantly propelled into the pharynx by its cilia, and those of the tentacles, is driven out through the branchial clefts, and makes its exit by the abdominal pore. The liver (Fig. 28, A, @) is a saccular diverticulum of the ntestine, the apex of which is turned forward. Wa. 29.—Anterior end of the body of Amphioane.—Ch, notochord; My, myelon, or apinal chord ; @, position of olfactory (?) sac; 0, optic nerve ; ¢, fifth (?) pair; d, spinal nerves ; é, representatives cf neural spines, or fin-rays; 7, g, oral skeleton. The lighter and darker shading represents the muscular segments and their interspaces. The existence of distinct kidneys is doubtful; and the re- pi ductive organs are simply quadrate glandular masses, attached in a row, on each side of the walls of the visceral cavity, into which, when ripe, they pour their contents. The heart retains the tubular condition which it possesses in the earliest embryonic stage only, in other Vertebrata, The blood brought back from the body and from the ali 106 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. mentary canal enters a pulsatile cardiac trunk, which runs along the middle of the base of the pharynx, and sends branches up on each side. The two most anterior of these pass directly to the dorsal aorta; the others enter into the ciliated bars which separate the branchial slits, and, therefore, are so many branchial arteries. Contractile dilatations are placed at the bases of these branchial arteries. On the dorsal side of the pharynx the blood is poured, by the two anterior trunks, and by the branchial veins which carry away the aérated blood from the branchial bars, into a great longi- tudinal trunk, or dorsal aorta, by which it is distributed throughout the body. Notwithstanding the extremely rudimentary condition of the liver, it is interesting to observe that a contractile trunk, which brings back the blood of the intestine, is distributed on the hepatic sac after the manner of a portal vein. The blood is collected again into another contractile trunk, which repre- sents the hepatic vein, and is continued into the cardiac trunk at the base of the branchial sac. The corpuscles of the blood are all colorless and nucleated. The skeleton is in an extremely rudimentary condition, the spinal column being represented by a notochord, which extends throughout the whole length of the body, and terminates, at each extremity, in a point (Fig. 28). The investment of the notochord is wholly membranous, as are the boundary-walls of the neural and visceral chambers, so that there is no appearance of vertebral centra, arches, or ribs. A longitudinal series of small semi-cartilaginous rod-like bodies, which lie above the neural canal, represent either neural spines or fin-rays (Fig. 28, B, 6). Neither is there a trace of any distinct skull, jaws, or hyoidean apparatus; and, indeed, the neural chamber, which occupies the place of the skull, has a somewhat smaller capacity than a segment of the spinal canal of equal length. There are no auditory organs, and it is doubtful if a ciliated sac, which exists in the middle line, at the front part of the cephalic region (Fig. 29, a), ought to be considered as an olfac- tory organ. The myelon traverses the whole length of the spinal canal, and ends anteriorly without enlarging into a brain. From its rounded termination nerves are given off to the oral region, and to the rudimentary eye or eyes (Fig. 26, 4, c). According to M. Nowalewsky,* who has recently studied *“Memoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St, Petersburg,” 1867 THE PHARYNGOBRANCHII, 107 the development of Amphioxus, the vitellus undergoes com- plete segmentation, and is converted into a hollow sphere, the walls of which are formed of a single layer of nucleated cells. The wall of the one moiety of the sphere is next pushed in, as it were, until it comes into contact with the other, thus re- ducing the primitive cavity to nothing, but giving rise to a secondary cavity, surrounded by a double membrane. The operation is, in substance, just the same as that by which a double nightcap is made fit to receive the head. The blasto- derm now acquires cilia, and becomes nearly spherical again, the opening into the secondary cavity being reduced to a small aperture at one pole, which eventually becomes the anus. M. Kowalewsky points out the resemblance, amounting almost to identity, of the embryo at this stage with that of many Invertebrata. One face of the spheroidal blastoderm becomes flattened, and gives rise to lamine dorsales, which unite in the charac- teristically vertebrate fashion; and the notochord appears between and below them, and very early extends forward be- yond the termination of the neural canal. The neural canal remains in communication with the exterior, for a long time, by a minute pore at its anterior extremity. The mouth arises as a circular aperture, developed upon the right side of the anterior end of the body, by the coalescence of the two layers of the blastoderm, and the subsequent perforation of the disk formed by this coalescence. The branchial apertures arise by a similar process which takes place behind the mouth; and they are, at first, completely exposed on the surface of the body. But, before long, a longitudinal fold is developed upon each side, and grows over the branchial apertures. The two folds eventually coalesce on the ventral side, leaving only the abdominal pore open. One cannot but be struck with the resemblance of these folds to the processes of integument which grow over the bran- chiz of the amphibian larva ; and, in like manner, enclose a cavi- ty which communicates with the exterior only by a single pore, In a great many of the characters which have been enu- merated—as, for example, in the entire absence of a distinct skull and brain, of auditory organs, of kidneys, of a cham- bered heart; in the presence of a saccular liver, of ciliated branchie and alimentary canal; and in the extension of the notochord forward to the anterior end of the body—Amphi- ovus differs from every other vertebrated animal. Hence Prof. Haeckel has proposed to divide the Vertebrata into two primary groups—the Leptocardia, containing Amphi- 108 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. ovus ; and the Pachycardia, comprising all other Vertesrata, The great peculiarities in the development of Amphiozus, and the many analogies with invertebrate animals, particu- larly the Ascidians, which it presents, lend much support to this proposition. No fossil form allied to Amphiocus is known. II, The Marsreosrancum.-—In this order of the class Pisces the integument is devoid of scales or bony plates. The spinal column consists of a thick persistent notochord enveloped in a sheath, but devoid of vertebral centra. The neural arches and the ribs may be represented by cartilages, and there is a distinct skull presenting cartilage at least in its base, and retaining many of the characters of the foetal cra- nium of the higher Vertebrata. The notochord terminates in a point in the base of this cartilaginous skull behind the pitui- tary body; and the skull is not movable upon the spinal col- fia. 80.—A, the skull of a Lamprey, viewed from the side; B, from above :—a, the ethmovo merine plate; b, the olfactory capsule; ¢, the auditory capsule; @, the neural arches ef the spinal column; e, the palatopterygoid portion; 7, probably, the metapterygoid. or superior quadrate, portion, and g. the inferior quadrate portion, of the subocular arcb ; stylohyal process; ¢, lingual cartilage; 4, inferior, Z lateral, prolongation of the cranis cartilage; 1, 2, 8, accessory labial cartilages; m, branchial skeleton. Thea spaces op either side of 1 are closec by membrane. THE MARSIPOBRANCHIL 109 umn. here are no jaws; but the palatopterygoid, the quad- rate, the hyomandibular, and the hyoidean apparatus of higher Vertebrata, are imperfectly represented (Fig. 30, 7, g, 2). In some genera a basket-like cartilaginous apparatus strengthens the walls of the oral cavity ; while, in others, such a framework supports the gill-sacs. The Marsipobranchii possess neither the pectoral nor the pelvic pair of limbs, nor their arches. Horny teeth may be developed upon the roof of the palate, or upon the tongue, or may be supported by peculiarly developed labial cartilages. The alimentary canal is simple and straight, and the liver is not sac-like, but resembles that organ in other Vertebrata. The heart has the usual piscine structure, consisting of a single auricle preceded by a venous sinus, a single ventricle, and an aortic bulb, all separated from one another by valves. This heart is contained in a pericardium, the cavity of which communicates with that of the peritonzeum. In Myzine the portal vein is rhythmically contractile. The cardiac aorta, which is continued from the bulb, dis- tributes its branches to the respiratory organs. These consist of antero-posteriorly flattened sacs, which communicate directly or indirectly, on the inner side, with the pharynx, and, exter- nally, with the surrounding medium. In the Lamprey there are seven sacs, upon each side, which open externally by as many distinct apertures. Internally, they communicate with a long canal, which lies beneath the cesophagus and is closed behind, while anteriorly it communi- cates freely with the cavity of the mouth (Fig. 32, Pr). The kidneys are well developed, and have the ordinary ver- tebrate structure, while the ureters open behind the rectum. The brain, though very small, is quite distinct from the myelon, and presents all the great divisions found in the high- er Vertebrata—that is to say, a fore-brain, mid-brain, and hind- brain. The fore-brain is further divided into rhinencephala, solid prosencephalic lobes, and a thalamencephalon; the hind- brain, into metencephalon and myelencephalon (Fig. 31). The auditory organ is simpler than in other fishes, possess- ing only two semicircular canals and a sacculated vestibule in the Lamprey. In Myzwine the whole organ is represented by a single circular membranous tube, without further distinction into canals and vestibule. The Marsipobranchit differ remarkably, not only from the fishes which lie above them, but from all other vertebrate ani- mals, in the characters of the olfactory organ, which consists of 110 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. a sac placed in the middle line of the head, and having a sin- gle, median, external aperture. In all other Vertebrata there are two nasalsacs. In the Lampreys, the nasal sac terminates fia. 81.—Side and upper views of the brain of Petromyzon flwciatilis, and an upper and inner view of the membranous labyrinth of P. marinus. The following letters refer to the figures of the brain: L, the olfactory nerves, narrow anterior prolongations of the rhinencephalon (A); _B, the prosencephalon; C, the thalamencephalon; D, the mesen- cephalon; E, the medulla oblongata; F, the fourth ventricle; ¢, the narrow band which is all that represents the cerebellum ; G, the spinal cord; II., the optic; IIL. the oculo- motorius ; IV., the patneucus ; V., the trigeminal; VI., the abducens; VIL., the facial, and the andlor VIII., the glosso-pharyngeal and pneumogastric; IX., the hypoglossal nerves; 1,1’, 2, 2/, sensory and motor roots of the first two spinal nerves. In the figure of the membranous labyrinth: x, the auditory nerve; a, the vestibule; ¢, the two seimi- circular canals, which correspond with the anterior and posterior vertical canals of other Vertebrata ; d, their union and common opening into the vestibule; 0, the ampulle. blindly below and behind, but in the Hags (Myzine), it opens into the pharynx. Inno other fishes, except Lepidosiren, does the olfactory apparatus communicate with the cavity of the mouth, The reproductive organs of the Marsipobranchii are solid plates suspended beneath the spinal column, and they have no THE ELASMOBRANCHII. 111 dusts, but shed their contents into the abdomen, whence they pass out by an abdominal pore. In the early stages of their development the Lampreys present some singular resemblances Wo 83. —Vertical and longitudinal section of the anterior part of the body of a Lamprey \Patromyzon marinus): A, the cranium with its contained brain; @, section of the edge of the cartiluge marked a, in ue. 30; OU7, entrance into the olfactory chamber, whivh is prolonged into the cxcal pouch, 0; Ph, the, pharynx; Pr, the branchial chan- nel, with the inner apertures of the branchial sacs; J/, the cavity of the mouth, with its horny teeth ; 2, the carvilage which supports the tongue; 8, the oral ring. to the Amphibia, They also undergo a metamorphosis, the young Petromyzon being so unlike the parent, that it was, un- til lately, regarded as a distinct genus—Ammoceetes. But the young Lampreys never possess external branchial filaments or spiracula. The Marsipobranchii are inhabitants of both fresh and salt water. The Myxinoids are remarkable for their parasitic hab- its—the Hag boring its way into the bodies of other fishes, such as the Cod. No fossil Marsipobranchit are known. This circumstance may, in part, be due to the perishableness of their bodies; though horny teeth, like those of the Lampreys, might have been preserved under favorable circumstances. III. The ELasmoprancuit.—This order contains the Sharks, the Rays, and the Chimera. The integument may be naked, and it never possesses scales like those of ordinary fishes; but, very commonly, it is devel- oped into papilla, which become calcified, and give rise to toothlike structures: these, when they are very small and close- set, constitute what is called shagreen. When larger and more scattered, they form dermal plates or tubercles; and when, as in many cases, they take the form of spines, these are called dermal defences, and, in a fossil state, ichthyodorulites. All these constitute what has been called a “ placoid exoskeleton ,” 112 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. and, 10 minute structure, they precisely resemble teeth, as has been already explained. The protruded surfaces of the dermal defences are frequently ornamented with an elegant sculptur- ing, which ceases upon that part of the defence which is im- bedded in the skin. The dermal defences are usually implanted in front of the dorsal fins, but may be attached to the tail, or, in rare cases, lie in front of the paired fins. The spinal column exhibits a great diversity of structure : from a persistent notochord exhibiting little advance upon that of the Marsipobranchii, or having mere osseous rings devel- oped in its walls, to complete vertebrae, with deep conical an- terior and posterior concavities in their centra, and having the primitive cartilage more or less completely replaced by concen- tric, or radiating, lamellae of bone. In the Rays, indeed, the ossification goes so far as to convert the anterior part of the vertebral column into one continuous bony mass. The neural arches are sometimes twice as numerous as the centra of the vertebra, in which case the added arches are termed intercrural cartilages. The terminal part of the notochord is never enclosed with- in a continuous bony sheath, or wrostyle. The extremity of the vertebral column is generally bent up, and the median fin- rays which lie below it are, usually, much longer than those which lie above it, causing the lower lobe of the tail to be much larger than the upper. Elasmobranchs with tails of this conformation are truly heterocercal, while those in which the fin-rays of the tail are equally divided by the spinal col umn, or nearly so, are diphycercal (p. 21). The Monkfish (Squatina) and many other Hlasmobranchii are more diphy- cercal than heterocercal. fhe ribs are always small, and may be quite rudimentary. The skull is composed of cartilage, in which superficial pavement-like deposits of osseous tissue may take place, but it is always devoid of membrane bone. When movable upon the spinal column, it articulates therewith by two con- dyles. In its general form and structure, the cartilaginous skull of an Hlasmobranch corresponds with the skull of the verte- brate foetus in its cartilaginous state, and there are usually more or less extensive membranous fontanelles in its upper walls. The ethmoidal region sends horizontal plates over the nasal sacs, the apertures of which retain their embryonic situ- ation upon the under-surface of the skull, Neither premaxille nor maxille are present, the “ jaws” THE ELASMOBRANCHII, 113 of an Elasmobranch consisting, exclusively, of cartilaginous representatives of the primary palato-quadrate arch and of Meckel’s cartilage. The former of these, the so-called upper jaw, may either be represented, as in the Chimera (Fig. 33), by the anterior portion (B, D) of a triangular cartilaginous lamella, whick stretches out from the sides of the base of the skull, and is continuous with the representative of the hyomandibular sus- pensorium ; or there may be, on each side, a cartilaginous bar movably articulated in front with the fore-part of the skull; and, posteriorly, furnishing a condyle, with which the ramus of the lower jaw, representing Meckel’s cartilage, articulates. In the latter case, which is that met with in the Sharks and Rays (Figs. 34 and 35), a single cartilaginous rod (g) is movably articulated with the skull, in the region of the peri- otic capsule, upon each side; and, by its opposite extremity, is connected by ligamentous fibres both with the palato- quadrate (f) and with the mandibular or Meckelian cartilage (Mn). This cartilaginous suspensorium represents the hyo F10. 83.—Vertical section of the skull of Chimera monstrosc, without the labial and nasal cartilages: A, the basi-occipital region; P, the pituitary fossa; Na, partition between the olfactory sacs; 2, alveolus for the anterior upper-jaw tooth; C, D, the region of the triangular cartilage which answers to the hyomandibular and quadrate ; D, B, that which answers to the quadrate, pterygoid, and palatine; Jn, the mandible; J Or, the interorbital septum; asc and psc, the anterior and posterior semicircular canals; I, IL., V., VIIL., exits of the olfactory, optic, fifth and eighth pairs of nerves. mandibular and the symplectic bones of the Teleostei, and gives attachment to the hyoidean apparatus (Hy). The lat- 114 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. ter consists of a lateral arch upon each side, united with its fellow, and with the branchial arches, by the intermediation of medial basal elements below; and it is succeeded by a variable number of similar arches, which support the branchial] apparatus. From the hyoidean and from the branchial arches carti- laginous filaments pass directly outward, and support the walls of the branchial sacs. Superficial cartilages, which lie par- allel with the branchial arches, are sometimes superimposed upon these. There are no opercular bones, though cartilagin- ous filaments which take their place (Fig. 34, Op) may be connected with the hyomandibular cartilage; and, in the great majority of the Alasmobranchti, the apertures of the gill-sacs are completely exposed. But in one group, the Chimera, a great fold of membrane extends back from the suspensorial apparatus, and hides the external gill-apertures. Large accessory cartilages, called labial, are developed at the sides of the gape in many Hlasmobranchtt. (Figs. 34 and 35, 2, &, d. The a arch consists of a single cartilage on each side. The two become closely united together in the ventral median line, and are not directly connected with the skull. The pelvis is also represented by a pair of cartilages, which may coalesce, and are invariably abdominal in position. There are always two pairs of lateral fis corresponding with the anterior and posterior limbs of the higher Vertebrata. The pectoral fins, the structure of which has already been de- scribed, are always the larger, and sometimes attain an enor- mous size relatively to the body. In these fishes, teeth are developed only upon the mucous membrane which covers the palato-quadrate cartilage and the mandible, They are never implanted in sockets, and they vary greatly in form and in number. In the Sharks they are always numerous, and their crowns are usually triangular and sharp, with or without serrations and lateral cusps, As arule, the anterior teeth on each side have more acute, the posterior more obtuse crowns. In the Port Jackson shark (C’estracion), however, the anterior teeth are not more acute than the most obtuse teeth of the others, while the middle teeth acquire broad, nearly flat, ridged crowns, and tLe hindermost teeth are similar but smaller. The Rays usually have somewhat obtusely-pointed teeth, but in Mylhobates, the middle teeth have transversely-elongated, 115 THE ELASMOBRANCHIL, “yore uveprosy ‘Azz t 8hvr feXeisorgouvsq ‘47 ° syMOUTETY snomsupyavo rgynosado ‘dQ tsequrvgo jpesvu £ qi ‘4g tzequreyo Ar0ypue ‘nF Seqipavm ‘uyg : sesuiQIO prqry ‘7 yy % S yous snoseSyuep seddu ‘y ‘ umnprosuedsns ‘6 $ uemmvsoy [eqdiI000 'f $ sajApuoo aap ‘a tsassaoo0ad ArojyIpneysod ‘p * [eyIqto -asod ‘o ‘yeyuogord ‘g | moses jepyougye ‘py : (gg ‘SLq) cAoge Woy pus ‘(Fg “BIq) ops oy} MOY pomola ‘ougondy Jo [AHS eyL—sSe PU FE ‘SOLT and the lateral ones hexagonal, flat crowns, and the various teeth are fitted closely by their edges into a pavement. In 116 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. Aetobatis only the middle transversely elongated teeth remain. In the Sharks and Rays the teeth are developed from papilla, or ridges, situated at the bottom of a deep fold within the mu- cous membrane of the jaw. The teeth come to the edge of the jaw, and, as they are torn away or worn down by use, they are replaced by others, developed, in successive rows, from the bottom of the groove. No such successive develop- ment takes place in the Chimera. As in other fishes, there are no salivary glands. The wide cesophagus leads into a stomach which is usually spacious and sac-like, but sometimes, as in Chimera, may be hardly distinct from the rest of the alimentary canal. No diverticulum filled with air, and constituting a swimming-bladder, as in Ganoid and many Teleostean fishes, is connected with either the cesoph- agus, or the stomach, though a rudiment of this structure has lately been discovered in some Elasmobranchs. The intestine is short, and usually commences by a dilatas tion separated from the stomach by a pyloric valve. This duodenal segment of the intestine is usually known as the Bursa Entiana. It receives the hepatic and pancreatic ducts, and, in the foetus, the vitelline duct. Beyond this part, the absorptive area of the mucous membrane of the small intes- tines is increased by the production of that membrane into a fold, the so-called spiral valve, the fixed edge of which usually runs spirally along the wall of the intestine. In some sharks (Carcharias, Galeocerdo) the fixed edge of the fold runs straight and parallel with the axis of the intestine, and the fold is rolled up upon itself into a cylindrical spiral. The short rectum terminates in the front part of a cloaca, which is common to it and the ducts of the renal and the re- productive organs. The peritoneal cavity communicates with that of the pericardium in front, and, behind, opens externally by two abdominal pores. The heart presents a single auricle, receiving the venous blood of the body from a sinus venosus. There is a single ventricle, and the walls of the aortic bulb con- tain striped muscular fibres, and are rhythmically contractile, pulsating as regularly as those of the auricle and ventricle. The interior of the bulb exhibits not merely a single row of valves at the ventriculo-bulbous aperture, but several other transverse rows of semilunar valves, which are attached to the walls of the bulb itself, and at its junction with the aorta. These valves must be of great importance in giving full effect to the propulsive force exerted by the muscular wall of the bulb. THE ELASMCBRANCHII. 117 In a good many Elasmobranchii there is a spiracle, or aperture leading into the cavity of the mouth, on the upper sile of the head, in front of the suspensorium, From this aperture (which, according to the observations of Prof. Wy- fi a Fig. 86.—The aortic bulb of a Shark (Zamna), laid open 1o show the three rows of valves, », ¥, v, and the thick muscular wall, m. man, is the remains of the first visceral cleft of the embryo), as well as from the proper branchial clefts, long branchial fila- ments protrude, in the foetal state. These disappear in the adult, the respiratory organs of which are flattened pouches, with traversely-plaited walls, from five to seven in number. They open by external clefts upon the sides (Sharks and CAi- mecera), or under-surface (Rays), of the neck, and, by internal apertures, into the pharynx. The anterior wall of the anterior sac is supported by the hyoidean arch. Between the posterior wall of the first, and the anterior wall of the second sac, and between the adjacent walls of the other sacs, a branchial arch with its radiating car- tilages is interposed. Hence the hyoidean arch supports one series of branchial plates or laminz; while the succeeding branchial arches, except the last, bear two series, separated by a septum, consisting of the adjacent walls of two sacs with the interposed branchial skeleton. The cardiac aorta, a trunk which is the continuation of the bulb of the aorta, distributes the blood to the vessels of these sacs; and it is there aérated by the water which is taken in at the mouth and forced through the pharyngeal apertures, out: ward. 118 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The kidneys of the Hlasmobranchii do not extend so far forward as those of most other fishes. The ureters generally become dilated near their terminations, and open by a common urinary canal into the cloaca behind the rectum. The brain is well developed. It usually presents a large cerebellum, overlying the fourth ventricle, the side-walls of which (corpora restiformia) are singularly folded (Fig. 37, 4., a); and moderate-sized optic lobes, which are quite distinct from the conspicuous thalamencephalon, or vesicle of the third Wie. 87.—The brain of the Skate (Raia batis). A. From above; B. A portion of the ven tral aspect enlarged : 8, the olfactory bulbs; a, the cerebral hemispheres which are nnited in the middle line; 2, the thalamencephalon; ¢, the mesencephalon; d, the cerebellum: aa, the plaited bands formed by the corpora restiformia; L. IL, IV.,'V., the cerebral nerves of the corresponding pairs; 7, the medulla oblongata: 2, a blood-vessel. In Bs ch, the chiasma of the optic nerves; /, the pituitary body; and v. vessels connected with it; %, the saceus vasculosus; B, the pyramids of the medalla oblongata. THE ELASMOBRANCHIL 119 ventricle. The third ventricle itself is a relatively wide and short cavity, which sends a prolongation forward, on each side, into a large, single, transversely-elongated mass (Fig. 3%, a), which is usually regarded as the result of the coalescence of the cerebral hemispheres, but is perhaps, more properly, to be considered as the thickened termination of the primitive en- cephalon, in which the lamina terminalis and the hemispheres are hardly differentiated. The large olfactory lobes are usually prolonged into pedicles, which dilate into great ganglionic masses where thev come into contact with the olfactory sacs (Fig. 37, A., s). The latter always open upon the under-sur- face of the head. A cleft, which extends from each nasal aper- ture to the margin of the gape, is the remains of the embryonic separation between the naso-frontal process and the maxillo- palatine process, and represents the naso-palatine passage of the higher Vertebrata. The opticnerves fuse into a complete chiasma (Fig. 37, B., ch), as in the higher Vertebrata. In some Sharks, the eye is provided with a third eyelid or nictitat- ing membrane, moved by a single muscle, or by two muscles, arranged in a manner somewhat similar to that observed in birds. In both Sharks and Rays, the posterior surface of the sclerotic presents an eminence which articulates with the ex- tremity of a cartilaginous stem proceeding from the bottom of the orbit. Except in Chimera, the labyrinth is completely enclosed in cartilage. In the Rays, the anterior and posterior “ semi- circular ” canals are circular, and open by distinct narrow ducts into the vestibular sac. In the other Hlasmobranchii they are arranged in the ordinary way. A passage, leading from the vestibular sac to the top of the skull, and opening there by a valvular aperture, represents the canal by which, in the verte- brate embryo, the auditory involution of the integument is at first connected with the exterior. The testes are oval, and are provided with an epididymis and vas deferens, as in the higher Vertebrata. The vas def: erens of each side opens into the dilated part of the ureter. Attached to the ventral fins of the male are peculiar append- ages, termed claspers, The ovaria are rounded, solid organs. There are usually two, but in some cases, as in the Dogfishes and nictitating Sharks, the ovary is single and symmetrical. The oviducts are true Fallopian tubes, which communicate freely with the abdominal cavity at their proximal ends. Distally, they dilate into uterine chambers, which unite and open into the cloaca. 120 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The eggs are very large, and comparatively few. The Dogfishes, the Rays, and the Chimera, are oviparous, and lay eggs, enclosed in hard, leathery cases; the others are viviparous, and, in certain species of Mustelus (levis) and Car- charias, a rudimentary placenta is formed, the vascular walls of the umbilical sac becoming plaited, and interdigitating with similar folds of the wall of the uterus. The embryos of most Elasmobranchs are, at first, provided with long external branchial filaments, which proceed from the periphery of the spiracle, as well as from most of the branchial arches. These disappear, and are functionally replaced by internal gills as development advances. The Hlasmobranchii are divided into two groups, the Holo- cephali and the Plagiostomi. In the Holocephali, the palato-quadrate and suspensorial cartilages are united with one another and with the skull into a continuous cartilaginous plate; the branchial clefts are cov- ered by an opercular membrane. The teeth are very few in number (not more than six, four of which are in the upper, and two in the lower jaw, in the living species), and differ in structure from those of the Plagiostomi. This sub-order con- tains the living Chimera and Callorhynchus, the extinct Mesozoic Edaphodon and Passalodon ; and, very probably, some of the more ancient Elasmobranchs, the teeth of which are so abundant in the Carboniferous limestones. In the Plagiostomi, the palato-quadrate and suspensorial cartilages are distinct from one another, and are movable upon the skull. The branchial clefts are not covered by any oper- cular membrane. The teeth are usually numerous. The Flagivstomi are again subdivided into the Sharks (Selachit or Squalt), with the branchial apertures at the sides of the body, the anterior ends of the pectoral fins not connected with the skull by cartilages, and the skull with a median facet for the first vertebra ; and the Rays (Raj), with the branchial clefts on the under-surface of the body, the pectoral fins united by cartilages to the skull, and no median articular facet upon the occiput for the first vertebra. The Llasmobranchii are essentially marine in their habits ; though Sharks are said to occur very high up in some of the great rivers of South America. Both divisions of the Plagiostomt occur in the Mesozoic rocks. In the Palseozoic epoch, dermal defences and teeth of Llasmobranchit abound in the Permian and Carboniferous THE GANOIDEI. 12) formations, and are met with in the Upper Silurian rocks. But, except in the case of Pleuracanthus (a Selachian), it is impossible to be certain to what special divisions they belong. IV. The Ganometr.—In former periods of the world’s his- tory, this was one of the largest and most important of the orders of fishes; but, at present, it comprises only the seven genera—Lepidosteus, Polypterus, Calamoichthys, Amia, Ac- cipenser, Scapirhynchus, and Spatularia, which are either par- tially or wholly confined to fresh water, and are found only in the northern hemisphere. These fishes differ very widely from one another in many points of their organization, but agree in the following characters, some of which they possess in com- mon with the Hlasmobranchit, and others with the TZéleoste?, Thus : a. The bulbus aorte is rhythmically contractile, and pro- vided with several rows of valves, as in the Elasmobranchit, 6. The optic nerves unite in a chiasma, as in the Hlasmo- branchii. e. There is a well-developed spiral valve in’ the intestine, as in the Hlasmobranchii, in all but Lepidosteus, which pos- sesses only a rudiment of such a valve. On the other hand: a. The branchial processes are not fixed throughout their extent to the wall of a branchial sac, which extends beyond them, as in the Hlasmobranchii ; but their extremities project freely beyond the edge of the septum which separates each pair of branchial clefts, as in the Zeleostei ; and, as in the Teleostei, they are covered by a bony operculum. 6. There is a large air-bladder connected by a permanently open pneumatic duct with the cesophagus, as in many TZeleostez. ce. As in the Teleoste?, there is no cloaca. The ventral fins are always abdominal in position, The tail is diphycereal, or heterocercal, and the terminal portion of the notochord is not ossified. The cavity of the abdomen is placed in communication with the exterior by abdominal pores. Finally, the ducts of the reproductive organs communi- cate with those of the permanent urinary apparatus, which is, in part, an Elasmobranch, in part, an Amphibian, character. The exoskeleton presents the most extreme variations in the Ganoidei. Spatularia is naked; Accipenser and Scapi- rhynchus develop numerous dermal plates composed of true bone; Amia is covered with overlapping cycloid scales ; Lepi- dosteus and Polypterus have solid, rnomboidal, enamelled scales, 6 [22 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. which not only overlap, but are fitted together by pegs and sockets, where their anterior and posterior edges come inta contact. Fic. 38.—The brain of Lepidosteus semiradiatus. A. From above; B. From below: f the medulla oblongata; @, the cerebellum; e, the optic lobes of the mesencephalon, y, the cerebral hemispheres; 2, the pituitary bcdy; ¢, the lobi inferiores. Ch, the chias- ma; I., olfactory ; I1., optic nerves. The endoskeleton is not less diversely modified; and it is worthy of remark that no sort of relation, either direct or inverse, is traceable between the completeness of the endo- skeleton and that of the exoskeleton. Thus Spatularia, Scapirhynchus, and Accipenser have a persistent notochord, in the sheath of which mere cartilaginous rudiments of the arches of vertebre appear. The ribs, when present, are par- tially ossified. Polypterus and Amia have fully ossified ver- tebrze, the centra of which are amphiccelous. Zepidosteus alsc has fully-ossified vertebre; but their centra are opisthocce- lous, having a convexity in front and a concavity behind, as in some Amphibia More or fewer of the anterior vertebra, or their cartilagi- nous representatives, are uvited with one another, and with the posterior part of the skull. And the cranium may consist principally of cartilage, membrane bones being superadded ; or the primordia] cartilage may be largely superseded by bone, as in the Zeleoste/. Spatularia, Scapirhynchus, and Accipenser, have skulls of the former description. The cranium is one mass of cartilage, continuous behind with the coalesced anterior spinal cartilages, s0 as to be immovably connected with the spinal column. The notochord enters its base, and terminates in a point behind the pituitary fossa. In front, the cartilage is produced into a THE GANOIDEL 193 beak, which, in Spatularia, is very long, flattened, and spatu- late. In the perichondium of the base of the skull, median bones, answering to the yomer and to the parasphenoid of Texeostean fishes, are developed ; and, in that of its roof, ossi- fications, which represent the parietals, frontals, and other membrane bones of the Zeleostei, appear. The framework of the jaws in Spatularia is very similar to that in the Hlasmobranchii. There is a partly cartilagi- nous, and partly ossified, suspensorial cartilage (A, B, Fig. 39), which gives attachment below, directly, to the hyoidean arch (Hy), and, indirectly, to the jaws. The latter consist of a Au jise fas * Fia. 89.—Side-view of the skull of Spatularia, with the beak cut away, and the antemor (asc), and posterior ( psc), semicircular canals pe ee Au, auditory chainber; O07, the orbit with the eye; N, the nasal sac; Hy, the hyoidean apparatus; Br, the repre- sentatives of the branchiostegal rays; Op, operculum; Mn, mandibk ; A, L, suspenso- rium; D, palato-quadrate cartilage; #, maxilla. palato-quadrate cartilage (D) united by ligament with its fel- low, and with the prefrontal region of the skull at # ; and presenting, at its posterior end, a convex articular head to the cartilage of the mandible, or Meckelian cartilage, Mn. It is obvious thai A,.B, corresponds with the hyomandibular, or suspensorial, cartilage in the Sharks and Rays; D, with the palato-quadrate cartilage, or so-called “upper jaw,” and the cartilage of the mandible with the lower jaw in these animals. But, in the Ganoid fish, an osseous operculum (Op) is attached to the hyomandibular; and a branchiostegal ray (Br) to the more strictly hyoidean part of the skeleton of the second vis- ceral arch; while a membrane bone (Z’) representing the maxilla, and another (Mn) the dentary, of the lower jaw in Teleostei, are developed in connection with the palato-ouadrate and mandibular cartilages. to¢ THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. In the Sturgeon (Fig. 40), the membrane bones of the rvof of the skull are more numerous and distinct than in Spatuluria, and large dermal bones (J H, Z) are united with them, to Fic. 40.—The eartilaginous skull of a Sturgeon, with the cranial bones. The former is shaded, and supposed to be seen through the latter, which are left unshadet: @ ridge formed by the spiiuus processes of the anterior vertebra; 0, 4, lateral winglike pru- cesses; c, rostrum; Aw, position of the auditory organ; Wa, position of the nas. sacs; Or, that of orbit. The membrane bones of the upper surface are: A, the analozue of the supra-occipital; B, B, of the epiotics; 2, of the ethmoid; G, G, of the postfroatals ; #f, #H, of the prefrontals; C, C, the parietals; D, D, are the frontals, and #, #, the squa- mosals; A’, the anterior dermal seute; J, J, and L, Z, dermal ossitications connecting the ractoral arch with the skull. form the great cephalic shield. The suspensorium (f, g, A, Fig. 41) is divided into two portions, to the lower of which {at A) the proper hyoid is attached; and the palato-quadrate Fig. 41.—Side-view of the cartilaginous cranium of Accipenser: a, rostrum; b, nasal ehumber; Or, orbit; ¢, auditory region; d, coalesced anterior vertebre; ¢, ribs; /, 9, A, suspensorium ; £, palato-maxillary apparatus; Jf, mandible. cartilages, with their subsidiary ossifications, are so loosely connected with the floor of the skull, that the jaws can be protruded and retracted to a considerable extent. In Lepidosteus, Polypterus, and Amia, the skull presents not only membrane bones, but, in addition, basi-occipital, ex- occipital, and probtic ossifications of the primordial cartilage, to which others may be added. The vomers are double, as in the Amphibia (? Polypterus). The apparatus of the jaws has become modified in accordance with the Teleostean type of THE GANOIDEL 125 structure. The suspensorium consists of two ossifications united by a cartilaginous intermediate portion. The upper— broad, and movably articulated with the periotic capsule—is the hyomandibular ; the lower answers to the symplectic of osseous fishes. The cartilaginous palato-quadrate arcade is, in part, replaced by a series of bones: the palatine lies in front, and is connected with the prefrontal region of the skull; be- hind it, lie representatives of the pterygoid, the metapterygoid, the ectopterygoid; and, most posteriorly, of the quadrate bone. The last furnishes a condyle to the articular element of the mandible. The symplectic is either loosely connected with the quadrate, as in Lepidosteus, or more closely united with it, as in the other genera. In Lepidosteus and Amica, a strong and long membrane bone, the preoperculum, is developed on the outer side of tle hyomandibular and quadrate bones, and connects them still more firmly together, The maxilla is represented by a series of smal] separate ossifications in Lepidosteus. The proximal end of the man- dibular cartilage ossifies, and becomes a distinct articulare. A dentary element is added on the outer, and a splenial one upon the inner side of the cartilage; and in Lepidosteus, an- gular, supra-anguiar, and coronary clements are added, so that the components of the mandible are as numerous as in reptiles. Lepidosteus and Amita have branchiostegal rays, but Polypterus has none—at any rate, of the ordinary kind. A single jugular plate is developed between the rami of the mandible in Ama, and there are two such plates in Polypterus, which may possibly represent branchiostegal rays. In Accipenser, Spatularia, and Amia, the pectoral arch presents two constituents: one, internal and cartilaginous, answers to the cartilaginous pectoral arch of the lasmo- branchii, and to the scapula and coracoid of the higher Ver- tebrata ; tke other, external, consists of membrane bones rep- resenting the clavicular, supra-clavicular, and post-clavicular bones of the Zeleostez. In Lepidosteus one centre of ossifica- tion appears in the cartilage ; in Polypterus,two. The upper represents the scapula, and the lower the coracoid. It has been already stated (p. 38) that Polypterus comes nearest to the Llasmobranchii in the structure of the rest of the limb. The numerous dermal fin-rays, all nearly equal in size, are connected with the rounded periphery of the broad and elongated disk formed by the skeleton of the fin; and the scaly integument is continued to the bases of the fin-rays, 126 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. which thus seem to fringe a lobe of the integument. Hence the fin is said to be Jobate. In the other genera, only two of the basal cartilages are present, and some of the radialia come into contact with the shoulder-girdle between them, In addition, the anterior dermal fin-ray is much larger than the others, and becomes directly connected with the auterior basal cartilage. Thus, in the structure of their fins, as in so many other characters, the Ganoidei are intermediate between the Hlasmobranchit and the Teleostei. In certain Ganoids, as Lepidosteus, Accipenser, and many fossil genera, the anterior margins of the anterior fin-rays of the dorsal fins bear a single or a double series of small scales, or spines, called fulcru. In Accipenser and Polypterus, spiracula, or openings which com- municate with the mouth, lie on the top of the head, in front of the sus- pensorium, as in many Elasmo- branchs. Lepidosteus, Accipenser, and Sca- pirhynchus, have branchiz attached to the hyoidean arch, as in the Hlus- mobranchii, They are now called opercular gills. In Polypterus the air-bladder is double and sacculated, and the pneu- matic duct opens upon the ventral aspect of the cesophagus. The air- bladder thus becomes exceedingly “like a lung; but its vessels are in communication with those of the ad- jacent parts of the body—not with the heart, as in a true lung. In Lepidosteus, the ducts of the Fic, 42—The female reproductive male and female reproductive organs fie open ends ef ike coca Te continuous with those bodies, duets; 0, 2, oviducts; ¢,d, the and each duct opens into the dilated Wau pdaee ao te ape ureter of its side. In the other Ga- ings of p eeripe Ar eec noids the proximal ends of the geni- dominal pores; A, the urogenital tal ducts, in both sexes, open widely Sperhures into the abdominal cavity. In Po- lypterus the united ureters open into the cavity of the confluent oviducts, while, in the other Ga noids, the oviducts open into the dilated ureters. (Fig. 42.) THE GANOIDEL 127 When the fossil, as well as the existing Ganoidet, are taken into account, they form a large order, divisible into the following sub-orders: 1 Amiadc, 2. Lepidosteida, 3. Crosso- pterygide, 4. Chondrosteide, all of which have living repre- sentatives; while the other three—viz., 5. Cephalaspide, 6. Placodermi, and %. Acanthodide—have been extinct since the Paleozoic epoch, and are only ranged among the Ganoids provisionally, inasmuch as we have no knowledge of their in- ternal anatomy. 1. The Amiade have a single living representative in the tivers of North America—Amia calva ; and it is not certain that any member of the group occurs in the fossil state. The cycloid scales, preoperculum, single median jugular plate, branchiostegal rays, non-lobate paired fins, and heterocercal tail, diagnose the sub-order. 2. The Lepidostetde have rhomboidal enamelled scales, a preoperculum, branchiostegal rays, non-lobate paired fins, and heterocercal tail. These are represented in the rivers of North America at the present day, and in tertiary formations, by Lepidosteus ; in the Mesozoic rocks, by a great variety of genera—Lepidotus, Gchmodus, Dapedius, etc.; and, in the Paleozoic epoch, by Paleoniscus in the Carboniferous, and probably by Cheirolepis, in the Devonian, formation. 3. In the Crossopterygide the scales vary in thickness and ornamentation, and may be thin and cycloid, or thick and Fie, 48.—Restoration of Holoptychius, rhomboid. The dorsal fins are either two in number, or, if single, very long, or multifid. The pectoral fins, and usually the ventrals, are lobate; they are sometimes rounded, as in Polyptervs—sometimes greatly elongated and almost filiform, as in Holoptychius (Fig. 43). There are no branchiostegal rays, bv’ two principal, and sometimes many smaller lateral, 128 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. jugular plates. The tail may be either diphycercal or hetero. cercal. The only living representatives of this sub-order are Polyp- terus and Culamoichthys, which inhabit the rivers of North Africa, Neither of these are known to occur in the fossil state. The only family of the sub-order at present known among Mesozoic fossils is that of the Celacanthini, a remarkable group of fishes with a persistent notochord, rudimentary ribs, an air-bladder with ossified walls, and a single interspinous bone for each of the two dorsal fins. The Celacanthini also occur in the Carboniferous formation; and the great majority of the Crossopteryyidw are found in this and the Devonian formations ( Osteoleis, Diplopterus, Glyptolemus, Megalich- thys, TToloptychius, Rhizodus, Dipterus, Phaneropleuron, etc.). Megalichthys, Dipterus, and probably a few other of these fishes, have partially ossified vertebral centra; the rest pos- sessed a persistent notochord. It is by the Crossopterygide that the Ganoids are especially connected with the Dipnoi, and, through them, with the Amphibia. 4, The Chondrosteide are either naked, or have dermal plates of bone in the place of scales. Neither the pectoral nor the ventral fins are lobate. The branchiostegal rays are few or absent, the tailis heterocercal. There are no cartilage-bones in the brain-case. The teeth are very small, or absent. The Sturgeons (Accipenser)—which inhabit the northern rivers of Europe, Asia, and America, occasionally migrating to the sea—Spatularia, and Seapirhynchus (found in the rivers of North America), are the recent members of this group, which is represented, in the older Mesozoic rocks, by Chon- drosteus. 5. The Cephalaspide are remarkable fishes, probably allied to the Chondrosteidie, which occur only in the Lower Devo- nian and the Upper Silurian rocks, and are some of the oldest fish at present known. The head is covered by a continuous shield, which has the structure of true bone, in Cephalaspis, but more resembles certain piscine scales, in Pterapsis. The shield is prolonged into two horns at its posterolateral angles, and a median dorsal backward prolongation usually bears a spine, in Cephalaspis ; the body is covered with flat bony scales or plates, and possesses two large pectoral fins. The characters of the body and fins of Pterapsis are unknown. Notwithstanding the excellent preservation of many of the specimens of these fishes, they have, as yet, yielded no evi- dence of jaws or teeth. Should jaws be absent, the Cephw THE GANOIDEI. 129 laspidce would approach the Marsipobranchii more nearly than any of the other amphirhine fishes do. 6. The Placodermi, comprising the genera Coccosteus, Prerichthys, Asterolepis, and some others, are known to occur only in the Devonian and Carboniferous formations, In these fishes the pectoral region of the body is encased in great bony plates, which, like those of the skull, are ornamented with dots of enamel. The caudal region was covered with small seales in Pterichthys, while in Coccosteus it appears to have been naked. The pectoral member of Pterichthys is exceed- ingly long, covered with suturally-united bony plates, and united with the thoracic plates by a regular joint. In Coccos- teus the pectoral member seems to have had the ordinary con- struction. The bones of the head and thorax of Coccosteus nearly resemble those of certain Siluroid fishes (e. g., Clarias) in their form and arrangement, and it seems probable that the Placodermi were annectent forms between the physostome Teleostei and the Ganoidei. %. The Acanthodide, on the other hand, seem to have con: nected the Ganoidei with the Hlasmobranchii. The scales of these fishes of the Devonian and Carboniferous formations are very small, and similar to shagreen; spines, resembling the dermal defences of the Hlasmobranchii, are placed in front of more, or fewer, of the median and of the paired fins. The skull appears to have been unossified, and the pectoral arch seems to have consisted of asingle bony hoop. The Pycnodontide, which are commonly grouped among the Ganoids, are fishes with much-compressed bodies, like the John Dory or the Filefishes, covered with large rhomboidal en- amelled scales, from which bony ridges projected internally, and were imbedded in the integument. The notochord is per- sistent, but the neural arches and the ribs are ossified. The proximal ends of the ribs, imbedded in the sheath of the noto- chord, are but little expanded in the more ancient members of the group, while, in the more modern species, they enlarge, and at length unite by serrated sutures, giving rise to spurious vertebre. The skull is high and narrow, as in Balistes ; the premaxille are small, and there are no teeth in the maxille, but several longitudinal series of crushing teeth (the vomer and parasphenoid?) are attached to the base of the skull, These bite between the rami of the mandible, which are also armed with several rows of similar teeth. The teeth of the Pycnodonts have no vertical successors. The pectoral fins are small, the ventral, obsolete. The Pycnodonts are all extinct, 130 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. but existed, formerly, for a very long period of time—thcir fossil remains occurring in rocks from the Carboniferous to the older Tertiary formations, inclusively. They present curious features of resemblance to the plectognath Zeleosted. The remains of Ganoid fishes began to appear in the Upper Silurian rocks at the same time as those of the Hlasmobranchit, with which they constitute the oldest Vertebrata Fauna; they abound in the Devonian formation, and constitute, with the Filasmobranchii, the whole of the Paleozoic Fish Fauna. We are in ignorance of the true affinities of Tharsis and Thrissops, and of the Hoplopleuride ; but unless some, or all, of these are ‘l'eleosteans, Ganoids and Elasmobranchs, alone, constitute the Fish Fauna of the Mesozoic formations, as far as the bottom of the Cretaceous series. V. The TELEosTE1.—The osseous fishes are occasionally de- void of any exoskeleton. Sometimes they present scattered dermal plates of true bone; or, as in the Trunkfishes ( Ostra- cion), the body may be encased in a complete cuirass, which is calcified, but has not the structure of bone. Again, as in the Filefishes (Balistes), the skin may be beset with innumerable small spines, somewhat like those which form the shagreen of the Elasmobranchs in appearance, though they differ from them in structure. But, usually, the exoskeleton of the Teleosteans takes the form of overlapping scales, which rarely exhibit the la- cunze characteristic of true bone. The free portions of the scales are sometimes smooth, and rounded at the edge, when they are termed cycloid ; or they are roughened with ridges and minute spines, when they are called ctenoid. The spinal column always presents ossified vertebral cen- tra, and the primordial cartilage of the skull is more or less replaced by bone. The centra of the vertebre are usually bi- concave, each face presenting a deep conical hollow. In cer- tain Eels (Symbranchus), the centra of most of the vertebrae are flat in front and concave behind, the most anterior pos- sessing a convexity in front. In many Siluroid fishes a cer tain number of the anterior vertebrae are anchylosed together, and with the skull, into one mass, as in the Ganoids. The vertebrae are distinguishable only into those of the trunk and those of the tail. The latter are provided with com. plete inferior arches traversed by the caudal artery and vein. The former usually possess ribs, but these do not unite with one another, nor with any sternum, in the ventral median line, and they enclose the thoracico-abdominal viscera. The ver THE TELEOSTEI. 131 tebrae are commonly united by zygapophyses, or oblique pro- cesses, placed above the centra; in addition to which, the lower margins of the centra are, not unfrequently, united by additional articular processes. Transverse processes common- ly exist, but the ribs are articulated with the bodies of the vertebree, or with the bases of the transverse processes, not with their extremities. When a dorsal fin exists in the trunk, its rays are articu- lated with, and supported by, elongated and pointed bones— the znterspinous bones, which are developed around preéxist- ing cartilages, and lie between, and are connected with, the spines of the vertebree, The fin-rays may be entire and com- pletely ossified, or they may be transversely jointed and lon- gitudinally subdivided at their extremities. Not unfrequently, the articulation between the fin-rays and the interspinous bone is effected by the interlocking of two rings—one belonging to the base of the fin-ray and its included dermal cartilage, and the other to the summit of the interspinous bone—like the adjacent links of a chain. In all Teleostean fishes the extremity of the spinal column bends up, and a far greater number of the caudal fin-rays lie below than above it. These fishes are, therefore, strictly speaking, heterocercal. Nevertheless, in the great majority of them (as has been already mentioned, page 19), the tail seems, upon a superficial view, to be symmetrical, the spinal column appearing to terminate in the centre of a wedge-shaped hypural bone, to the free edges of which the caudal fin-rays are attached, so as to form an upper and a lower lobe, which are equal, or subequal. This characteristically Teleostean structure of the tail-fin has been termed homocercal—a name which may be retained, though it originated in a misconcep- tion of the relation of this structure to the heterocercal con- dition. In no Teleostean fish is the bent-up termination of the notochord replaced by vertebrae. Sometimes, as in the Sal- mon (Fig. 6, page 20), it becomes ensheathed in cartilage, and persists throughout life. But, more usually, its sheath be- comes calcified, and the urostyle thus formed coalesces with ihe dorsal edge of the upper part of the wedge-shaped hypural hone, formed by the anchylosis of a series of ossicles, which are developed in connection with the ventral face of the sheath of the notochord. In the caudal region of the body, interspinous bones are developed between the spines of the inferior arches of the ver. 132 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. tebree, and bear the fin-rays of the anal, and, in part, of the caudal fin. The 7Zeleostet differ very much in the extent to which the primordial cranium persists throughout life. Sometimes, as in the Pike (Figs. 44 and 45), it grows with the growth of the Fig. 44.—The cartilaginous cranium of the Pike (Zso lucius), with its intrinsic «ssifica- tions; viewed, A, from above; B, from below; C, from the leftside: 2, V, nasa: fossa; T. Or, interorbital septum; @, groove for the median ridge of the parasphenoid; 0, canal for the orbital muscles. Sg., wrongly so marked, is the Pterotic. V.and VIII. mark the exits of the fifth and pneumogastric nerves; 8, 8, small ossifications of the rostrum. fish, and only becomes partially ossified; in other cases it al- most disappears. p.m. $5 m. Fy = 28. The lower, and the inner upper, incisors are very large and long; they grow continuously from persistent pulps, and they are coated with enamel only in front, so that wear keeps them constantly sharp. The second pair of small incisors exists only in the upper jaw. Avgreat diastema separates the inci- sors from the first premolar above and below. The grinding- teeth all grow from persistent pulps, and do not form fangs; they have transversely-ridged crowns, the patterns of which are very similar throughout, the first and the last only pre- senting some differences. The young Rabbit has three inci- sors and three milk-molars on each side, in the upper jaw. In the lower jaw, there are only two milk-molars on each side. The stomach is simple, and there is a large caecum. Spe cial glands pour their secretions at the side of the anus. The pancreas is very large, and its duct enters the intes THE INSECTIVORA. 3765 tine nearly a foot from the pylorus, and far distant from the biliary duct. There are two anterior cave; and the external jugular vein is very much larger than the internal. In the male, the inguinal canal remains permanently open, and there is a large uterus masculinus, In the female, the uteri are quite separate, and each opens by a distinct os tincw into the vagina, The distribution of the Rodentia is almost world-wide, Madagascar being the only considerable island in which indi- genous Rodents are unknown. The Austro-Columbian prov- ince may be regarded as the headquarters of the group. Remains of Rodents have been found, in the fossil state, as far back as the eocene formation. II. The Insuctivora.—lIt is exceedingly diffcult to give an absolute definition of this group of Mammals. But all the Insectivora possess more than two incisors in the mandible ; and their molar teeth, which are always coated with enamel, have tuberculated crowns, and form roots. The fore-limbs have the structure usual among ungui- culate Mammals; and, in both limbs, the digits are provided with claws. The hallux is not opposable, and, like the other digits, it is provided with a claw. In addition to these distinctive characters there are others which are met with in all members of the group. The Jnsectivora are, almost all, either plantigrade or semi- plantigrade. The clavicles are completely developed in all, except Potamogale. The stomach is simple. The testes of the male are either inguinal or abdominal, and do not descend into a scrotum. The female has a two-horned uterus. The cerebral hemispheres leave the cerebellum uncovered, in the upper view of the brain; and are almost, or wholly, devoid of sulci and gyri. The corpus callosum is sometimes exceedingly short. No Insectivore attains a large size, and some, such as the Shrew Mice, are the smallest of the Mammalia. The Insectivora present a great diversity of organization, the common Hedgehog being an almost central form. The Shrews tend toward the Rodentia, the Tupayce toward the Lemurs; while the Moles, on the one hand, and the Galeo- pithect on the other, are aberrant modifications. Relations of a more general character’ connect them with the Carnivora and the Ungulata. 376 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The Hedgehog (Hrinaceus Europwus) is pentadactyle and plantigrade. It has along flexible snout. The eyes are small; the pinne of the ears are rounded, and the integument lining the concha is produced into a transverse, shelf-like fold. The under surface of the body bears hairs of the ordinary kind; but, on the dorsal aspect of the head and trunk, the hairs are converted into strong fluted spines. There are twenty-one dorso-lumbar vertebra (of which fifteen are dor- sal, and six lumbar), three or four sacral, and twelve to four- teen caudal, Accessory processes, or metapophyses, are de- veloped on several of the dorso-lumbar vertebra. The sterne- bras are laterally compressed, except the manubrium, which is broad; and eight of the fifteen pair of ribs are connected with the sternum, The occipital foramen is placed completely at the hinder extremity of the skull, in the lower part of the perpendicular occipital face of the cranium, and looks backward. There are large paramastoid processes. The glenoidal surface for the mandible is flattened. The zygoma is stout, and the jugal bone is, as it were, applied upon the outer side of it. The orbit has no posterior osseous boundary. The lachrymal fora- men lies upon the face. There are unossified spaces in the bony palate, and the posterior margins of the palate are thick- ened, as in the Lemurs. The large and bullate tympanic bone does not anchylose with the squamosal, or the periotic, and is readily lost from the dry skull. The alisphenoid contributes largely to the formation of the front wall of the tympanum ; and a large portion of the inner wall of the tympanic cavity is formed by a broad process of the basisphenoid, the outer and lower edge of which joins, by a sort of harmonia, with the inner and lower edge of the tympanic. : The ascending portion of the ramus of the mandible is short, and the angle is slightly inflected. The two rami are not anchylosed at the symphysis. The supra-scapular fossa is wider than the infra-scapular. The spine is strong, and the acromion bifurcates, sending a prolongation backward. The clavicles are long and convex forward. The humerus has an intercondyloid foramen; but there is no foramen above the inner condyle, and this circumstance is unusual among the Mnsectivora. The bones of the antibrachium are fixed in the prone position. There is an os centrale in the carpus, so that it has nine bones. The scaphoid and lunare are anchylosed, as in the Carnivora, and the pisiform bone is much elongated, The pollex and the fifth digit are the shortest. THE MYOLOGY OF THE HEDGEHOG. 377 The pelvis is remarkably spacious. The symphysial union of the pubes is always small, and, sometimes, the bones remain separate. The subpubic arch is much rounded. The ilium is narrow, and a mere ridge separates the iliac fossa from the gluteal surface. The femur has a round ligament, and a prominent ridge represents a third trochanter. The distal ends of the tibia and fibula are anchylosed together. One of the most notable peculiarities of the Hedgehog is its power of rolling itself up into a ball, from all sides of which the spines protrude. This is effected, for the most part, by the contraction of the greatly-developed cutaneous muscle, the chief fibres of which are disposed as follows: A very broad band, the orbicularis pannicult, encircles the body lat- erally. In front, it partly arises from the nasal and frontal bones, and partly is the continuation of a thick mass of fibres which pass over the occiput. Posteriorly, each lateral division of the muscle spreads out into a very broad band, which is thick ventrally and thin dorsally, and adheres closely to the skin, from the line at which the hairy and spinigerous surfaces join, to near the median line of the back. Posteriorly, the two lateral halves of the orbicular muscle pass into one an- other upon the distal half of the short tail. The action of this muscle will depend upon the attitude of the animal when it contracts. If the head and tail are fully extended, the orbicularis can only diminish the dimensions of the spinigerous region of the skin and erect the spines. But if the head and tail be more or less flexed, as they always are in the ordinary attitude of the Hedgehog, the orbicudaris will play the part of a powerful sphincter, approximating the edges of the spinigerous area toward the centre of the ventral side of the body, and forcibly enfolding the trunk and limbs within the bag thus formed. It is, in fact, the chief agent in coiling the body up, and keeping it so eviled. Numerous muscular bundles take a 1adiating direction on the dorsal aspect of the body, and antagonize the orbicularis: 1. A pair of slender occipito-frontales arise from the occipital crest, and are inserted into the integument over the frontal and nasal bones. 2. A pair of occipito-orbiculares arise from the same crest, and pass into the anterior part of the orbicu- laris. 3. A pair of broader cervico-orbiculares arise from the fascia of the neck, and pass to the dorsal part of the an- terior fourth of the orbicularis, 4. Slender dorso-orbiculures arise close to the hinder ends of the trapezti and spread out above the foregoing. 5. Two stout muscles, coceygev-orbicu 378 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. lares, arise from the middle caudal vertebrae, and, after re ceiving fibres from the ventral region, end in the dorsal mar- gins of the orbicularis. 6. Two muscles attached to the pinne of the ears (wuriculo-orbiculares) puss backward to the orbicularis on each side. On the ventral aspect are certain muscles which assist the orbicularis: 1. Two broad muscles (sterno-faciales) arise in the middle line, over the anterior part of the sternum, and pass outward and forward to the sides of the lower jaw and the integument of the face and ears. Muscular slips from these are sent up over each shoulder to the orbicularis, 2. A Aumero-abdominalis arises from each humerus beneath the in- sertion of the pectoralis major, and, passing backward over the sides of the abdomen, these become connected with the ventral edges of the orbicularis. The external fibres of these muscles are continued round the ischial regions to the coccy- geo-orbicularis ; the internal fibres pass to the prepuce, and over the middle line of the abdomen, in front of it. 3. A hu- mero-dorsadis arises from the humerus close to the foregoing, and, passing upward and backward through the axilla, spreads out in the mid-dorsal integument and the orbicularis. The contraction of all these muscles must tend to bring togther the edges of the integumentary bag, and to tuck the head, tail, and limbs into it. In the myology of the limbs the following points are note- worthy: The supinator longus, pronator teres, and palmaris longus, are absent. The palmaris brevis is present. A single muscle takes the place of the extensor secundi internodit polli- cis and extensor indicis, and sends a third tendon to the mid- dle digit. The extensor minimi digiti supplies the other two digits. The flexor perforans and flecor pollicis longus are rep- resented by five distinct muscular heads, each with a tendon of its own; but all the tendons unite in the middle of the fore- arm, and the common tendon again subdivides into only four slips, the pollex receiving no tendon. There are no dumbrica- les. The pollex has only a rudimentary flexor brevis and an abductor. The other digits have each two interosset, or flea ores breves, inserted into the metacarpo-phalangeal sesamoids. In the leg, the soleus has only a fibular head, and the flexor brevis digitorum ariscs wholly from the caleaneum. The jlexor halliwis and flexor perforans have a common tendon, which, in the sole, divides into five tendons, one for each digit. There are no dumbricales, nor flexor accessorius, The tibialia posticus seems to be represented by twc small muscular bel- THE BRAIN OF THE HEDGEHOG. 379 ales, one of which arises from the prominent end of the tibia, and the other from that of the fibula. The tendons of both pass behind the inner malleolus, and that of the former mus- cle goes to the tibial and plantar surface of the hallucal meta- tarsal, while the latter is inserted into the ento-cuneiform bone. The interosset pedis are represented by a pair of flea- ores breves for each digit except the hallux. The adult Hedgehog has thirty-six teeth, of which twenty are in the upper, and sixteen in the lower jaw. The dental formula is 7. 5 e. S35 p.m. Sm. FS = 36. The grinding surface of the crowns of the first and second upper molars exhibits a pattern fundamentally similar to that of the corresponding teeth in Man, the Anthropomorpha, and the majority of the Lemurs; that is to say, there are four cusps, and the antero-internal is connected with the postero- external cusp by an oblique ridge. The cusps are remarkably sharp and pointed, and the outer surface of the postero-ex- ternal one alone is somewhat inflected. In the lower jaw, the corresponding molars are each marked, as in most Lemurs, by two transverse ridges. In front of the anterior ridge is a basal prolongation of the tooth, on to which a curved ridge is continued inward and forward from the an- terior principal ridge, giving rise to an imperfect crescent with its convexity outward. According to Rousseau there are twenty-four milk-teeth, 4.54 dm. ‘+, which fall out seven weeks after birth. The brain of the Hedgehog is remarkable for its low or- ganization, The olfactory lobes are singularly large, and are wholly uncovered by the cerebral hemispheres; which, on the other hand, do not extend back sufficiently far to hide any part of the cerebellum. Indeed, they hardly cover the corpora quadrigemina, Only a single shallow longitudinal sulcus marks the upper and outer surface of each hemisphere. On the under surface, a rounded elevation corresponds with the base of each corpus striatum. Behind this, another elevation represents the end of the uncinate gyrus and the termination of the hippocampus major; and therefore answers, in a man- ner, to the temporal lobe. The inner face of the hemisphere resents neither convolution nor sulcus, except behind and helcae where a very broad depression follows the contour of the fissure of Bichat and the fornix, and represents the dentate sulcus, Above, this sulcus ends behind the posterior margin 380 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. of the corpus callosum. The latter is remarkably short, and directed obliquely backward and upward. It has no genu, and the pre-commissural fibres of the ventricular wall spread out, beneath its anterior end, upon the face of the hemisphere. The part of the corpus callosum which answers to the lyra is very thick in proportion, and is inclined at an acute angle to the rest. In a transverse section, the corpus callosum is seen to be very thin, and to curve upward and outward into the roof of the ventricular cavity. The inner walls of the lateral ven- tricles, which answer to the septum lucidum, are thick, while the fornix is comparatively thin and slender. The anterior com- missure is very stout. In this circumstance, as in the small corpus callosum, the brain of the Hedgehog closely approaches that of the Didelphia and Ornithodelphia, There is no trace of a posterior cornu, or calcarine fissure, and the lateral ven- tricle extends forward into the olfactory lobe. The optic nerves are very slender; the corpora geniculata externa are large and prominent; the nates are smaller than the testes, and trans- versely elongated. The cerebellum has a large vermis and small lateral lobes; the flocculi are prominent and are lodged in fossee of the periotic bones. The pons Varolii is very small; the corpora trapezoidea proportionally large. The spinal cord is remarkable for its thickness, and, at the same time, for its brevity, as it ends in the middle of the dorsal region. As a consequence of this arrangement, the cauda equina is particularly large and long. The stomach is simple, but the mucous membrane of the considerable cardiac dilatation is thrown into numerous, and very strong, longitudinal ruge. The intestine is about six times as long as the body, and presents no distinction into small and large; nor is there any cecum, The liver is divided by deep fissures into six lobes; a cential one which bears the gall-bladder, a bifid spigelian lobe, and, on each side of these, two other lobes. The pancreas is a large and irregularly-ramified gland; and the spleen is elongated and trihedral. The pericardium is extremely thin. The arteries arise from the arch of the aorta, as in Man, by an anonyma, a left carotid and left subclavian. The course of the internal carotid is remarkable. When it reaches the base of the skull it enters the tympanum and there divides into two branches, of which one traverses the stapes, and, passing forward in a groove of the roof of the tympanum, enters the skulland gives THE SPLANCHNOLOGY OF THE UEDGEIIOG. 881 rise to the middle meningeal and ophthalmic arteries. The other branch passes over the cochlea, enters the skull by a narrow canal near the sella turcica, and unites with the circle of Willis, The external §ugular vein is very much more capacious than the internal, the latter being very small and hardly traceable to the internal jugular foramen. Itis by the external jugular vein, in fact, that the great mass of the blood within the skull is carried away, a foramen in the squamosal bone allowing of a free communication between the external jugular vein and the lateral sinus. There is a left superior vena cava, which winds round the base of the left auricle, receives the coronary vein, and opens into the right auricle. The vascular system thus retains many embryonic characters. The right lung is four-lobed; the left may possess from one to three lobes. Two ossifications, one on each side of the opening for the aorta, occur in the diaphragm. The testes of the male do not leave the cavity of the abdomen, but they descend as far as the inner side of the in- guinal ring, to which they are connected by a short guber- naculum and cremaster. The vasa deferentia descend to the base of the bladder and then enter a hollow muscular sheath on their way to a “chamber,” which is lodged in the distal end of that sheath. This “chamber” passes into the penial urethra; the cystic urethra opens into it by a narrow slit in its front wall; and it receives the ducts of three pair of appendages. The proximal pair consist of a multitude of ramified tubuli, which have been found to contain sperma- tozoa, and are usually regarded as vesicule seminales. The middle pair (the so-called “ prostatic glands”) have a similar structure and have also been observed to contain spermatozoa. The lowermost pair are Cowper’s glands. The “ chamber” appears to represent the urogenital sinus of the embryo, which has not become differentiated into prostatic and bulbous urethra, The ovaries are enclosed in wide-mouthed peritoneal sacs, and a ligamentous band, the diaphragmatic ligament, extends from the ovary to the posterior surface of the diaphragm. The cornua uteri are large and long. There are five pair of teats; the anterior pair being axillary and the posterior inguinal, The other three pair are equidistant, and lie along the ventral surface, internal to the edge of the orbicularis paw nicult, 382 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. Like the Rodentia, the Insectivora have a great diversity of habit; some Galeopitheci flitting through the air after the fashion of the flying Squirrels ; some arboreal, as the Tupaye ; some terrestrial and cursorial, like the ee of the order. A few are swimmers; and some, like the Mole, are the most completely fossorial of Mammals. The most aberrant form of the Insectivora is the genus Galeopithecus, essentially an Insectivore of arboreal and frugivorous habit, with very long and slender limbs. These are connected with one another, with the sides of the neck and body, and with the tail, by a great fold of the integument, which is called patagium ; and, unlike the web of the Bat’s wing, is hairy on both sides, and extends between the digits of the pes. By the help of this great parachute-like expan- sion, the @aleopithecus is enabled to make floating leaps, from tree to tree, through great distances. When at rest, the Galeopithect suspend themselves by their fore- and hind- feet, the body and the head hanging downward; a position which is sometimes assumed by the Marmosets among the Primates. The fore-limbs are slightly larger than the hind-limbs, There are four axillary teats. The male has a pendent penis and inguinal scrotal pouches. The pollex and the hallux are short, and capable of considerable movement in adduction and abduction, but they are not opposable; and their claws are like those of the other digits. The occipital foramen is in the posterior face of the skull. The orbit is nearly, but not quite, encircled by bone. The lachrymal foramen is in the orbit. The bony roof of the palate is wide and its posterior margin is thickened. There is a strong curved post-glenoidal process of the squamosal, which unites with the mastoid, beneath the auditory meatus, and restricts the movement of the mandible to the vertical plane. A longitudinal section of the skull shows a large olfactory chamber projecting beyond that for the cerebral lobes, and twe longitudinal ridges, upon the inner face of the latter, prove that shese lobes must have possessed corresponding sulci. The tentorial plane is nearly vertical and the floccular fosse are very deep. The ulna is very slender inferiorly, where it becomes anchy- losed to the distal end of the radius, which bears the carpus. When the ilia are horizontal, the acetabula look a little up- ward and backward as well as outward. The fibula is com: plete. As in the Sloths and most Primates, the navicular and GALEOPITUECUS. 383 cuboid readily rotate upon the astragalus and calcaneum, so that the planta pedis is habitually turned inward. The dental formula is #4. $5 ¢. 2} pm. m, == = 34. The outer incisor, in the upper jaw, has two roots, a peculiarity which is not known to occur elsewhere. The canines of both jaws also have two roots, as in some other Insectivora. The lower incisors are single-fanged ; and their crowns are broad, flat, and divided by numerous deep longitu- dinal fissures, or “ pectinated.” The length of the whole alimentary canal from mouth to anus is not more than six times that of the body. The sac- culated czecum is as long as the stomach, and its capacity must be greater than that of the latter organ. Galeopithecus has, at one time, been placed’ among the Lemurs, and at another, among the Bats. But the resem- blances with the former are general and superficial, and the differences in the form of the brain, the dentition, the structure of the limbs and of the skull, exclude it from the order of the Primates. Galeopithecus agrees with the Bats in the disposition of the tail, and in the existence of a patagium provided with special muscles. Further, in a slight obliquity of the acetab- ula, such as is seen in its extreme development in the Bats; in the imperfect condition of the ulne; and in the pectoral position of the teats and the pendent penis. Both of these last, however, it must be recollected, ure also Primatic charac- ters. Finally, the somewhat similarly pectinated lower incisor teeth are found in the Cheiropteran genera, Diphylia and Desmodus. But Galeopithecus differs from the Bats completely in the structure of the fore-limbs; in the position of the hind-limbs and the absence of a calcar ; in the two-fanged outer incisors and canines; and in the presence of a ceecum. : On the other hand, the peculiarities of the skull and brain are mainly insectivorous, as is the two-fanged canine; and 1 see no reason for dissenting from Prof. Peters’s view that Gal- eopithecus belongs neither to the Primates, nor to the Chei- roptera, but that it is an aberrant Insectivore. With respect to other Jnsectivora, it is worthy of note, that Macroscelides has the radius and _ the ulna anchylosed, The Tupaye possess a large caecum. Chrysochloris has pec toral mammary glands; Centetes and the Moles have the penis pendent. 384 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The Tupaye are soft-furred, long-tailed, tree-loving ani- mals, with complete bony orbits and a large caecum, and are those Insectivora which most nearly approach the Lemurs. The Shrews (Sorices) most nearly resemble Rodents out- wardly, being very like small mice. The zygoma is imperfect, the tibia and fibula are anchylosed, and the pubic bones do not meet in the symphysis. There are sixteen to twenty teeth in the upper jaw and twelve in the mandible. Canines are absent, and there are six incisors above and four below. The inner lower incisors are greatly elongated and proclivous, and some of the teeth not unfrequently become anchyiosed with the jaws. There is no cecum, and peculiar musk-glands are sometimes developed at the sides of the body. The Moles (Zalpince) have no external ears, and the eyes are rudimentary. The fore-limbs are much larger than the hind, and are inclosed within the integument up tu the carpus. The palmar surface of the broad manus is turned outward and backward. Fic. 199.—The skeleton of a Flying-Fox (Pteropys). The manubrium of the sternum is very broad, and its ven- tral surface gives rise to a strong median crest. The scapula is as long as the humerus and the radius together. It is tri- quetral and possesses an acromial process, but no distinct cor THE CHEIROPTERA. 385 racoid. The clavicle, which is very strong, is perforated by a great foramen, and at the middle of its posterior margin sends off a truncated reéntering process. Proximally, it furnishes an articular surface for the humerus. In the carpus there is a distinct centrale, and a large accessory C-shaped bone lies on its radial side. The pubes are separate at the symphysis, and an accessory styloid bone is connected with the naviculare of the foot. The distribution of the Jnsectivora is singular in this respect, that, although they are met with, under very various climatal conditions, throughout the Old World and North America, there are none in South America or Australia. In the fossil condition they are not certainly known to occur in strata older than the tertiary. III. The Carrroprera.—The Chetroptera may be regard- ed as exceedingly-modified Znsectivora, having their nearest ally in Galeopithecus, They possess one or two pair of pectoral teats; and the fore-limbs are very long, some of the digits particularly being immensely elongated. There is a patagium, or expansion of the integument, uniting the fore-limbs with the body, and ex- tended, as a membranous web, between the elongated fingers. Of these, the third, fourth ard fifth, and very frequently the second, are devoid of nails. The pollex always has a claw- like nail. When the animal is resting upon the ground, the thigh is twisted upward and backward, in such a manner that its extensor face looks forward, and its flexor face backward. In consequence of this the knee looks upward and backward, and the toes are turned backward and slightly outward. Un- der the same circumstances, all the digits of the manus are flexed upon their metacarpal bones; and the folded-up wing rests against the side of the body, while the pollex, with its claw, is extended forward. In this position the animal shuffles along, with considerable rapidity; hauling itself forward by the claws on the pollices, and shoving itself along, by extend- ing the hind-limbs. The favorite attitude of a Bat, when at rest, however, is that of suspension by the claws of one or both legs, with the head downward and the patagium folded over it like a cloak. The most active movement of the Bat is effected by flight, the fore-limbs being extended, and the patagium, which they sup- port, playing the part of the feathers of a bird’s wing. The cervical vertebre are remarkably large in proportion 17 886 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS, to the others, but, as in the rest of the vertebral column, the spinous processes are very short. The ribs are long and curved, so as to include 4 relatively capacious chest. The manubrium of the sternum is very wide, and the middle of its under surface raised into a crest. In the lumbar region, the vertebral column is bent, so as to be concave forward and to describe almost the quarter of a circle. As a consequence, the axis of the sacrum is at right angles to that of the anterior thoracic vertebre. In the skull, the orbit is not divided by bone from the temporal fossa, and the premaxille are relatively small, and sometimes altogether rudimentary. The clavicles are remarkably long and strong, and the broad scapula has a strong spine. The ulne are imperfect distally, the carpus being borne altogether by the radius, There is only a single bone in the proximal row of the carpus, the pisiform being absent. Those digits of the manus which are devoid of nails possess not more than two phalanges. The pelvis is very narrow and elongated, and the pubic bones are widely separated at the symphysis, as in some Jn- sectivora. The anterior caudal vertebrae and the ischia are frequently united. The axes of the acetabula are directed toward the dorsal side of the body as well as outward; whence, in part, arises the peculiar position of the thigh, which has already been described. The fibula is rudimentary, its upper part being represented only by ligament, and there is an elongated bone, or cartilage, attached to the inner side of the ankle-joint which lies in and supports the patagium, and is called the calcar. The distal moiety of the tarsus readily rotates upon the astragalus and calcaneum, permitting the sole to turn inward with much ease. All Cheiroptera possess three kinds of teeth, incisors, canines, and molars; and the intestine is devoid of a cecum. The heart is provided with two superior cave, a right and left; and the smooth cerebral hemispheres leave the cerebel- lum completely exposed. The testes are abdominal throughout life, or may descend into the perinzum, but there is no true scrotum. The penis is pendent. There are vesiculz seminales. The form of the uterus varies, being sometimes rounded and sometimes two- horned. The Bats are ordinarily divided into the Lrugivora and the Insectivora. a, The Irugivora live, as their name implies, exclusively THE CHEIROPTERA., 387 upon fruits. With the single exception of Hypoderma, all the genera embraced in this group have a nail on the second digit of the manus, and the crowns of the molar teeth, which soon wear down, are, when entire, divided by a longitudinal furrow. The incisors do not exceed >. The pyloric portion of the stomach is immensely elongated. The nose has no foliaceous appendages, and the well- developed pinna of the ear has the ordinary form, neither the tragus, nor any other part, being unusually developed. These Bats are confined to the hotter parts of the Old World and of Australia, where, from their dog-like heads and reddish color, they are known as “ Flying-Foxes ” (Pteropus, Harpyia, ete.). 6. The division of the Insectivora contains Bats which, for the most part, live upon insects, though some delight in fruits, and others suck the blood of larger animals. The second digit of the manus is devoid of a nail, and sometimes is without any bony phalanges. The stomach is usually pyriform, with a moderate cardiac enlargement. The molar teeth almost always have such a pattern as is observed in the typical Jnsectivora, and do not exceed six, or fall below four, on each side above and below. The incisors are ordinarily }) or 7“, be much reduced. The integument of the nose is developed into an append- age which is sometimes very large and leaf-like, and the tragus of the large ears is often similarly modified. The tail is often long, and sometimes prehensile. The genera Desmodus and Diphylia (of which the group Hematophilina has been formed) are the most completely blood-sucking of all the Bats in their habits. They have a pair of enormous, sharp-pointed, upper incisors, while the four lower incisors are small and pectinated. ‘he canines are very large and sharp, and the molars, which are reduced to two above and three below, on each side, have their crowns con- verted into sharp longitudinally disposed ridges, like the edges of scissors. In Desmodus, the very narrow cesophagus leads into a stomach which would be of extremely small di- mensions, were it not that its cardiac end is dilated into a great sac, which is longer than the body, and lies, folded up ou itself, within the cavity of the abdomen. Into this sac it but their number may 888 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. would appear that the blood swallowed by the animal at first passes, to be thence slowly drawn along the intestine. Mr. Darwin * thus speaks of the habits of Desmodus DP Orbignyi: “The Vampire Bat is often the cause of much trouble by biting the horses on their withers. The injury is generally not so much owing to the loss of blood as to the inflammation which the pressure of the saddle afterward produces. The whole circumstance has lately been doubted in England. I was therefore fortunate in being present when one was act- ually caught on a horse’s back. We were bivouacking late one evening near Coquimbo, in Chili, when my servant, noti- cing that the horses were very restless, went to see what was the matter, and, fancying he could distinguish something, sud- denly put his hand on the beast’s withers and secured the Vampire. In the morning the spot where the bite had been inflicted was easily distinguished, from being slightly swollen and bloody. The third day afterward we rode the horse with- out any ill effects.” IV. The Primares.—The Primates have two pectoral mamme, and, rarely, additional ones upon the abdomen. In- cisor and molar teeth are always present, and, with one excep- tion, canines. The incisors are never more than two, nor are there more than three premolars and three molars, on each side, above and below. Saving individual exceptions, which occur in one genus, and may be regarded as abnormal, the hallux possesses a flat nail, The hallux differs in form from the other digits of the foot, and is so disposed as to be capable of more or less exten- sive motion in adduction and abduction ; and, very generally, it is opposable to the other digits of the foot. The Primates are divisible into—a, the Lemuride, b, the Simiade, and ¢, the Anthropide. a. The first of these divisions, the Zemurida, is more widely separated, anatomically, from the other two, than these are from oue another,+ and it contains some forms which very closely approximate to the Jnsectivora, while others are nearly affined to the Rodentia. * “Voyage of the Beagle,” Mammalia, p. 2. + On the strength of these differences we Gratiolet relegated the Lemurs to the Jnsectivora ; and Mr. Mivart, in his valuable paper ‘* On the Axial Skele- ton in the Primates,” published in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society eee divides the /rimates into two sub-orders, Lemuroidea and Anthro poidea. THE LEMURIDA. 389 All the Zemuride are habitually quadripedal, have the integument furry, and are usually provided with long tails which are never prehensile. They are devoid of cheek pouches and of callous patches upon the integument covering the ischia. The fore-limbs are shorter than the hind-limbs. In the foot, the hallux is large and opposable, and the second digit differs from the rest in size, and in the claw-like torm of its nail, The fourth digit is usually longer than the others, the difference being especially marked in the pes. In the skull, the brain-case is small relatively to the face, and is contracted anteriorly. If a straight line drawn from a point midway between the occipital condyles, through the median plane of the skull, to the junction of the ethmoid and presphenoid, in the floor of the cerebral cavity, be termed the basi-cranial axis ; and if the planes of the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, of the tentorium cerebelli, and of the occipital foramen, be respectively termed the ethmoidal, tentorial, and occipital planes; then, the greatest length of the cerebral cavity hardly exceeds the length of the basi-cranial axis; and the ethmoidal, tentorial, and occipital planes are very much inclined to that axis, The upper aperture of the lachrymal foramen lies upon the face, outside the front margin of the or- bit. The frontal and the jugal bones are united behind the or- bit, but a mere bar of bone results from their union ; and it is so narrow that the orbit and the temporal fossa are in free communication. The bony palate is elongated, and, in many species, its posterior free edge is thickened. The lateral processes of the atlas are, usually, expanded. The lumbar region of the spine is elongated; the vertebrae composing it, in some cases, being as many as nine. There are nine bones in the carpus. The ilia are narrow and elon- gated, and the ischia are not everted. In most Lemurs, the tarsal bones resemble those of the other Primates ; but, in Otolicnus and Tarsius, they have undergone a modification, a parallel to‘which is not to be found amoung Mammals, but must be sought among the Batrachia. When the distance between the heel and the digits is great in other Mammalia, the elon- gation affects the matatarsal bones and not the tarsus; but, in these Lemurs, the calcaneum and the naviculare are prolonged, as they are in the Frogs. The sublingua, a process of the mucous membrane of the floor of the mouth, developed between the apex of the tongue and the symphysis of the mandible, acquires a considerable 390 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. size, and is often denticulated, or comblike, at its free end. The stomach is simple, with the cardiac and pyloric apertures approximated. The cecum is long, and has no vermiform appendage. ; as In many Lemurs (Stenops, Nycticebus, Perodicticus, Arcto- cebus, Tarsius) the great arteries and veins of the limbs break up into retia mirabilia formed of parallel branches. The ventricles of the larynx may be enlarged, but there are no great air-sacs, such as exist in many other Primates, In the brain, the cerebral hemispheres are relatively small and flattened, and have narrow and pointed frontal lobes. They are so short as to leave the cerebellum largely uncovered. The gyri and sulci are scanty, or absent, upon the outer sur- face ot the hemispheres, but the internal face exhibits the cal- carine sulcus. The large olfactory lobes project forward be- yond the cerebral hemispheres. The pendent penis of the male commonly contains a bone ; the testes are lodged in a more or less complete scrotum; and vesiculee seminales are generally present. In the female, the uterus has two long cornua, and the urethra traverses the clitoris. Sometimes there are one or two pairs of teats on the abdomen, in addition to the ordinary pectoral pair. The Lemuride are distinguishable into two families, the Lemurini and the Chetromyini. In the Lemurini, the pollex is large, opposable, and almost always has a broad, flat nail. Tbe usual dental formula is 7. $3 ¢ pq p.m. m. EF, or £8 The upper incisors are vertical, and the pairs of opposite sides are generally separated by an interval. The upper canines are large and pointed, and very different from the incisors. The lower incisors are close set, laterally compressed, long and proclivous, and the canines, which resemble them in form and direction, are closely applied to the outer incisors, When six grinders are present, the anterior three are premo- lars. The anterior premolars, and sometimes all of them, hare triangular and sharp-pointed crowns; the first premolar of the lower jaw, in fact, resembles a canine, but its true nature is shown by its biting behind the upper canine, not in front of it, Very generally the crowns of the upper molars are quad- ricuspidate, and an oblique ridge passes from the antero-ex- ternal to the postero-internal cusp, as in the highest Primates ; while, in the lower jaw, there are either two transverse ridges, THE SIMIADAs. 391 or longitudinal crescents. The cusps of the molars are usually much produced, as in the Jnsectivora. In the Cheiromyint, the pollex is not truly opposable, and its nail is claw-like and resembles that of the other digits. All the digits of the pes, except the hallux, have compressed, claw-like nails. The middle digit of the manus is much more slender than airy of the others, and is longer than the fourth. The long axis of the articular head of the mandible is antero- posterior. The dentition differs from that of all the other Lemurs (and indeed from that of all the other Primates), and resembles that of the Rodents. Thus there is only one pair of incisors in each jaw,* and these grow from persistent pulps and have a thick layer of enamel on their anterior faces, whence they wear to sharp chisel-edges, like the incisors of the Fodentia. No canines are developed, and there are four grinders with simple crowns on each side above and below. The formula of the milk dentition is dz, 73 d.c. = dim. <4, The Zemuride are confined to Eastern Asia, Madagascar, and South Africa; Madagascar presenting the greatest num- ber and diversity of genera and species. 6. In the great group of the Simiade, which contains the Apes and Monkeys, the attitude is sometimes habitually quad- rupedal, the axis of the body being horizontal; but, in a few species, the trunk is habitually held in a more inclined posi- tion, and the animals readily assume the erect attitude. The Simiade are sometimes terrestrial in habit, and good runners, but they are always excellent climbers, and, in some cases, they are necessitated by their organization to be almost as thoroughly arboreal as the Sloths. The hallux is always much shorter than the second digit of the foot, and capable of very free movement in adduction and abduction. The series of the teeth, in each jaw, is interrupted by a diastema in front of the canine in the upper jaw, and behind it, in the lower; and the canine teeth are longer than the oth- ers, the points of their crowns projecting for a greater or less distance beyond the rest. In the skull, the length of the basi-cranial axis equals more than half the extreme length of the cavity which contains the * Among the Lemuride, the outer and upper incisors of Mycticcbus and Farsius soon fall out. Lichanotus and Tarsius have only one pair of incisors in the mandible. 392 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMATS. brain. he absolute capacity of the cranium is less than forty cubic inches; and, if there is any difference in the length and abundance of the hair which covers the body, it is longest on the back. The uterus is undivided, and the clitoris is not perforated by the urethra. The teats are only two in number, and they are pectoral. The Siméade are divisible into three famities—the Arcto- pithecini, the Platyrrhini, and the Catarrhini. 1. The Arctopithecint, or Marmosets, are small, thickly furred, long-tailed, habitually quadrupedal, Squirrel-like ani- mals, which are found only in South America. None of them are provided with cheek-pouches, nor possess bare and callous patches of integument over the ischia. The ears are large and hairy, and the nose is flat and broad as in the Platyrrhini. Fre. 110.—Skeleton of a Catarrhine Monkey (Cercopithecus). THE ARCTOPITHECINI, 393 The fore-limhs are shorter than the hind-limbs. The pol- .ex is not opposable, nor susceptible of extensive abduction from the other digits, which it resembles in being provided with a sharp, curved claw. The manus, consequently, is a mere paw,and the term “hand” is not applicable to it. The hallux of the foot is very small, and is provided with a flat nail. The nails of all the other digits of the pes are fal- cate. The plantar surface is very long, and the digits are very short. It follows from these facts that the term “ quadruma- nous” is not applicable, in any sense, to the Marmosets. The skull is remarkable for the smooth and rounded sur- face and relatively large size of the brain-case. Although the orbits are large, the brow ridges are inconspicuous, and the occipital region of the skull projects so far backward that the occipital foramen may lie completely upon the under surface of the skull, toward the junction of its middle and posterior thirds; and have its plane almost horizontal, when the face looks forward. The orbit is almost completely shut off from the temporal fossa by bone. The hyoid resembles that of the Lemurs, its bedy being narrow and much arched from side to side, while the anterior cornua are strong. There are usually nineteen dorsc-lumbar vertebrae, and the transverse processes of the atlas are somewhat broad and flat- tened. The dental formula is ¢. 2-3 ¢. 1 p.m. 23 n. -5 = 32. Thus the number of the teeth is the same as in man and the Catar- rhint; but in the number of the premolars and molars the Arctopithecini differ from both the Catarrhini and the Platyr- rhini, having one premolar more than the former and one true molar fewer than the latter. In Hapale, the lower incisors are proclivous; and the canines are approximate to them, and similarly inclined, as in the Lemurs. Although the manus is a paw and the pollex is not oppos- able, this digit has its proper abductor, adductor, and long and short flexors. The existence of a proper opponens of the pollex is doubtful, but there is an opponens minimi digiti. The flecor longus is completely united with the flexor profun dus digitorum, but the tendon for the pollex comes off on the radial side instead of on the ulnar side, as it does in some of the higher Simiade. The extensor secundi internodii pollicis is united with the extensor indicts, and the extensor minimi digiti gives off slips to the third, fourth, and fifth digits, so that $94 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. there is a complete set of deep extensors. The four dorsal and three palmar znterossei are not distinctly subdivided, but they send slips to the extensor tendons. There are four peronmi: p. longus, p. brevis, p. quarti, and p. quints digiti. The flexor brevis digitorum of the pes has one division which arises from the calcaneum and goes to the second digit; the other three heads arise from the tendons of the flexor perforans. The flewor accessorius furnishes almost the whole of the long flexor tendons of the hallux, the flexor longus digitorum supplying the perforating tendons of the second and fifth digits; while the flexor hallucis longus gives off the corresponding tendons of the third and fourth digits, The interosse?, in the pes, appear to be represented only b the pairs of muscles which act as short flexors of the basal phalanges, and these lie altogether upon the plantar aspect of the five metatarsal bones. The hallux has no special adductor, nor is there any transversus pedis. In fact, the pes is almost as completely a “paw” as is the manus. The brain has long and relatively large cerebral hemi- spheres, the posterior lobes of which project far beyond the cerebellum, and thus completely hide it, in the upper view of the brain. The external surfaces of the hemispheres are al- most smooth, but the Sylvian fissure is well marked, and there is a trace of that of Rolando. On the inner face of each hemi- sphere, the calcarine fissure is deep and gives rise to a well- marked hippocampus minor within the posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle. The corpus callosum has about a third the length of the hemispheres. The septum lucidum is very thick, and the precommissural fibres abundant. The vermis projects beyond the lateral lobes of the cerebellum, and the flocculé are large. *. The Platyrrhini are essentially quadrupedal and planti- grade, though some, like the Spider Monkeys (Ateles), occa- sionally assume the erect posture. They all possess tails, and in some genera (e. g., Aéeles) this organ becomes very flexible and muscular, and the under surface of its extremity is devoid of hair and highly sensitive. The tail, thus modified, is a powerful prehensile organ, and serves as a fifth hand. The partition between the nostrils is broad and separates them widely, so that the nose is remarkably wide and flat, whence the name of the group. The ears are rounded and bare. There are no cheek-pouches, nor ischial callosities, in any Platyrrhine Monkey. In most, the fore-limbs are shorter than the hind-limbs, but the reverse is the case in the Spider Mon THE PLATYRRHINI. 395 xeys. The pollex differs less from the other digits than it does in the Catarrhini. It is more nearly parallel with, and in the same plane as, the other digits of the manus; and, though capable of extensive adduction and abduction, can hardly be said to be truly opposable. The hallux is large, and susceptible of extensive movements in abduction and adduc- tion. The number of the dorso-lumbar vertebra varies from seventeen to twenty-two, the greatest number being pos: sessed by Nyctipithecus, which has 22 (14+8 or 15+7). In those forms which have prehensile tails the terminal caudal vertebrze are flattened from above downward. The articular surface of the head of the humerus looks more backward than inward; and, not unfrequently, there is a foramen above the inner condyle. The carpus contains nine bones. The pollex is generally complete, but, in Ateles, it is reduced to a small metacarpal (to which, usually, a single minute nodular phalanx is articulated), and is completely hidden beneath the integu- ment. The pelvis is, generally, elongated, and the anterior ramus of the pubis lies at right angles with the long axis of the narrow ilium. The tuberosities of the ischia are everted, but not rugose. In Atedes, the pelvis is broader, and the pubis forms a more open angle with the ilium. The calcaneal pro- cess is always very short, and compressed from side to side. The brain-case is rounded and devoid of strong crests, There is no distinct mastoid process, and the styloid is not ossified. The coronal suture is generally V-shaped, the apex of the frontal bone extending far back on the vertex of the skull. The alisphenoid and the parietal bones unite upon the side-walls of the skull. The external auditory meatus is not ossified, the tympanic bone retaining its fcetal, hoop-like form. The frontal bones approach one another on the floor of the skull, but rarely unite over the junction of the presphenoid with the ethmoid. On the inner surface of the periotic bone there is a fossa overarched by the anterior vertical semicircular canal, in which the flocculus rests. In Ateles the greater part of the tentorium is ossified. In other respects, the skull pre- sents extraordinary variations among the Platyrrhini ; the two extremes being presented by the Howling Monkeys (Mycetes) and the Squirrel Monkeys (Chrysothriz). In the former, the face is very large and prominent, with a low facial angle. The roof of the brain-case is depressed; the plane of the occipital foramen is almost perpendicular to the basi-cra- nial axis; and that of the tentorium is very much inclined, 396 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The occipital condyles are, consequently, situated at the pos terior end of the 6asis cranii, and the basi-cranial axis is as long as the cerebral cavity. In CArysothrix, on the contrary, the face is relatively small, with a high facial angle; the brain- case is moderately arched; the plane of the tentorium is hori- zontal, like that of the occipital foramen, which lies but little behind the middle of the base of the skull. The basi-cranial axis is much shorter than the cerebral cavity. The pre- maxillo-maxillary suture disappears early in Cebus. The formula of the adult dentition is 73 ¢. Spm, U4 m. 2-2=36. The crowns of the molar teeth usually have two transverse ridges, ending in four cusps. In the upper molars of Ateles and Mycetes an oblique ridge crosses the crown from the antero-external to the postero-internal cusp. The pezma- nent canines usually make their appearance before the last molar. The stomach is simple, the cecum large, and devoid of any vermiform appendix; the liver is usually five-lobed; and the kidney has a single papilla. The ventricles of the larynx are not usually developed into air-sacs, In Ateles, however, a median air-sac is developed from the posterior wall of the windpipe between the cricoid cartilage and the first ring of the trachea. A very remarkable modification of the hyoid and larynx takes place in Afycetes, The cornua of the hyoid are rudimentary, but its body is con- verted into a large thin-walled bony drum, the cavity of which communicates, beneath the large epiglottis, with that of the larynx. The thyroid cartilage is very large, and the carti- lages of Wrisberg and Santorini are replaced by a fibrous mass, which is united posteriorly with its fellow of the opposite side, In addition to the hyoidean air-sac the ventricles of the larynx are dilated and prolonged upward, coming into contact above the larynx; two pharyngo-laryngeal pouches may be added to these. Aycetes is famous for the distance to which its howling voice can be heard in the South American forests. Although the pollex is rudimentary and apparently func tionless in -A¢eles, all its characteristic muscles (abductor, ad- ductor, flecor brevis, and opponens) are present, except the long flexor. In Nyctipithecus the pedal interosset are flexores breves, and lie on the plantar surfaces of the metatarsal bones, as in the Marmosets ; but both the adductor hallucis and the trans versus pedis are well developed. THE CYNOMORPHA. 397 The brain varies remarkably in different Platyrrhini. Yn Chrysothriz, the cerebral hemispheres project beyond the cerebellum to a greater relative extent than in any other Mam- mal, namely, by one-fifth of their total length. On the other hand, in Mycetes, the cerebral hemispheres hardly hide the cerebellum, when the brain is viewed from above. In Cebus, the outer surface of the brain is almost as much convoluted as in the Catarrhine Apes. -Ateles has the external perpendicular fissure almost obliterated by the annectent gyri, and, so far, exhibits a higher type of brain than the Catar- rhint ; but, in Pithecia, Chrysothria, and Nyctipithecus, the external sulci gradually disappear, until the brain is almost as smooth as in the Marmosets. On the inner faces of the hemi- spheres, however, the internal perpendicular, the calloso-mar- ginal, the calcarine, and the collateral sulci remain, while, in the interior of the hemispheres, the posterior cornu and the hippocampus minor are always present. The vermis of the cerebellum is large and projects beyond the level of the posterior margins of its hemispheres; the jloc- culus is large and lodged in a fossa of the periotic ossification, as in the Marmosets. The upper ends of the pyramids are separated by corpora trapezoidea from the pons Varolit. The penis is usually terminated by a large, button-shaped glans. The cavity of the tunica vaginalis is not shut off from the abdomen, and the testes lie at the sides of, rather than be- hind, the penis. The female Ateles has a long clitoris, which depends from the vagina. The Platyrrhini occur only in the Austro-Columbian prov- ince, and are known in the fossil state only in certain caves of that region. 3. The Catarrhini.—The Simiade of this division present a great range of variation in most respects, but they agree in naving the partition between the nostrils narrower than in the Platyrrhini ; in possessing a bony meatus auditorius; in the dental formula é. 73 ¢. a pm. => m. <3 and in being in- habitants of the Old World. They fall into two very distinct groups, the Cynomorpha and the Anthropomorpha. a. The Cynomorpha are distinguished from the other group by being essentially quadrupedal, and usually provided with a tail, which is never prehensile. The femur and tibia, taken together, are longer than the humerus and the radius. The outer inferior incisors are not larger than the inner ones, *but are often smaller. The crowns of the molar teeth present 398 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. two transverse ridges, a third being present, in some genera on the last inferior molar. All the Cynomorpha have ischial callosities, which some- times attain a very large size, and are brightly colored. The dorso-lumbar region of the spinal column is concave toward the ventral aspect, and the lumbo-sacral angle is very large. The atlas has narrow transverse processes. The or- dinary number of dorso.lumbar vertebree is nineteen, of which twelve, or thirteen, are dorsal; and seven, or six, lumbar. The middle cervical vertebre have short spines, which are not bifurcated at their extremities. In the posterior dorsal and anterior lumbar vertebra, the mammillary and accessory pro- cesses may be enlarged and interlock. The long transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae bend forward. The sacrum usually contains only three anchylosed vertebra. The caudal vertebree vary in number, from three in Jnwus (where they form little more than a coccyx), to as many as thirty-one. In the anterior part of the tail the vertebrae are provided with subvertebral, or chevron, bones. The thorax is laterally compressed, and the manubrium of the sternum is broad; but the six or seven sternebre which follow it are compressed and constricted. The skull presents a considerable range of variation. In the Semnopithect and Colobi, the frontal region is rounded, the facial angle is comparatively large, and the ascending por- tion of the ramus of the mandible is high, In the Macaci aud Cynocephali, on the other hand, the supra-orbital ridges be- come so much enlarged as to hide the forehead; and the hori- zontal portion of the ramus of the mandible is much larger than the ascending portion, in accordance with the great pro- duction of the upper jaw, and the consequent low facial angle. In many of the Cynocephali, longitudinal osseous ridges are developed upon the maxillz, and greatly increase the brutish- ness of their aspect. Sagittal and lambdoidal crests may ap- pear along the lines of the corresponding sutures. There is no distinct mastoid process; and the styloid process is not ossified. The parietal bones do not unite with the alisphe- noids, being separated from them by the union of the squamo- sals with the frontals. The brain-case is flattened and elon- gated, and the convex roofs of the orbits project into it, and greatly diminish the capacity of its frontal portion. The olfac- tory fosss are very deep, and sometimes almost tubular, The two frontal bones send thick processes across the base of the skull, which unite over the junction of the presphenoid and THE OSTEOLOGY OF TIE CYNOMORPHA. 399 the ethmoid, and thus narrow the entrance to the olfactory fosse. The basicranial axis is shorter than the cerebral cavity, but is still proportionally long. The occipital foramen lies in the posterior sixth of the base of the skull, and it looks ob- liquely backward and downward, The premaxillo-maxillary suture never disappears until long after the second dentition as complete, and may persist throughout life. The palate is long and narrow. The nasal bones are flat, and early anchy- lose into one bone. The scapula is relatively longer and narrower than that of Man; but the spine lies at right angles to the vertebral border, and the supra-spinous is much smaller than the infra- spinous fossa. The axis of the articular head of the humerus is not di- rected upward and inward, but upward and backward; the bicipital groove lies on the inner side; and the shaft of the bone is so bent that it is convex forward. In all these char- acters the fore-limb shows its relation to the function of sup- port. The radius exhibits modifications which have the same signification. Its proximal head is transversely elongated, and lies somewhat in advance of the ulna, articulating more largely with the humerus than in the higher Apes. The neck of the radius (between the head and the bicipital tuberosity) fits more closely to the ulna, and hence the movements of pro- nation and supination are restricted. There are nine bones in the carpus. The pisiforme is much elongated, making a sort of heel for the manus. To- gether with the cuneiforme, it furnishes an articular face for the ulna. The distal articular surface of the trapezium is saddle-shaped, and the pollex is usually complete, though short relatively to the other digits. In Colobus it is rudi- mentary. The pelvis is long and narrow. The ilia are narrow bones with much-excavated posterior and outer faces. Their crests generally lie opposite the transverse processes of the penulti- mate lumbar vertebra. The long axis of the ilium and that of the anterior ramus of the pubis cut one another nearly at a right angle; while the long axis of the ilium and that of the posterior ramus of the ischium lie nearly in one straight line. The symphysis pubis is very long, and the subpubic arch cor- respondingly reduced. The posterior ends of the ischia are everted, broad, and rough, for the attachment of the callous pads of integument, The femur has a round ligament. The tarsus has not more than one-third the length of the fcot 400 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The calcaneal process is flattened from side to side, and has a pulley-like excavation upon its posterior extremity, The tibial facet of the astragalus is inclined slightly inward, as well as upward, and its outer edge is raised. ‘The distal di- vision of the tarsus, consisting of the cuboid and navicular, with the cuneiform bones, is capable of a considerable amount of rotatory motion upon the astragalus and the calcaneum, The ento-cuneiform bone is large, and has a transversely-con- vex articular surface for the metatarsal of the hallux. (once: quently the latter (which is skort, reaching to only about the middle of the proximal phalanx of the second digit) is capable of free motion in abduction and adduction. In the Cynomorpha, and even in the so-called “tailless ” genus, Znuus, proper caudal muscles are present. In the limbs there is a devator clavicule which passes from the transverse process of the atlas to the acromion; a dorso-epitrochlearis, consisting of a muscular bundle detached from the latissimus dorsi near its insertion, and passing to the distal and inner end of the humerus, or even farther down; a scansorius, from the ventral edge of the ilium to the great trochanter, which sometimes becomes confounded with the gluteus minimus ; a special abductor ossis metacarpi quinti; and a peroncus quinti digiti, arising from the fibula, between the peronceus longus and brevis, passing behind the external malleolus, and sending its tendon to the extensor sheath of the fifth digit. The extensor primi internodii pollicis and the peronceus tertius are absent in this, as in the preceding group. The biceps femoris usually possesses only an ischial head, and the soleus arises only from the fibula. The flexor brevis digitorum arises partly from the tendon of the plantaris, where this passes over the pulley on the posterior surface of the calcaneal process to become continuous with the plantar fascia, and partly from the tendons of the long flexor. The transversus pedis is usually fully developed, but has only two heads of origin from the distal ends of the second and third metatarsals. The interossei pedis are just visible ou the dor- sal aspect of the foot, but none are, properly speaking, dorsal. None of them are penniform muscles arising from adjacent sides of the metatarsal bones; but they are attached, in pairs, to the plantar and lateral aspects of the metatarsal bones of the digits to which they appertain. They are inserted into the sesamoid bones, of which each digit has two, and into the bases of the proximal phalanges, and give off no distinct ten- ‘lons to the extensor sheaths. Additional muscles may arise THE DENTITION OF THE CYNOMORPHA. 401 over the proximal ends of the metatarsal bones, and pass to the three fibular digits, The interossei manus are very similar to those of Man, being divided into a dorsal and a palmar set, and sending slips to the extensor sheaths of the digits, without that complete subdivision which is seen in the Anthropomorpha, There is a complete double set of extensors in the four ulnar digits of the manus, the extensor minimt digitt giving a tendon to the fourth digit, and the extensor indicis one to the third digit. The extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis gives a distinct slip to the trapezium, and thus precisely corresponds with the tibialis anticus, which has two tendons, one for the ento-cuneiform, and one for the metatarsal of the hallux. The flecor digitorum profundus and flexor longus pollicis are rep- resented by one muscle, a slip from the ulnar side of the ten- don of which usually goes to the pollex, The tendons of the flexor perforans digitorum and flexor hallucis unite to form the deep flexor tendons of the pedal digits in very variable proportions. The flexor accessorius is very generally present. The anterior upper premolar has its outer cusp peculiarly modified and sharpened. The anterior lower premolar has the anterior margin of its crown prolonged and cutting, so that it works like as cissors-blade, against the posterior edge of the upper canine. In the upper jaw, the premolars have three roots; in the lower two. The molars in both jaws have four cusps connected by two transverse ridges. Sometimes there is “heel” behind the posterior ridge of the last lower molar. The formula of the milk dentition is di. 5 d.c. iG am i = 20; and the anterior milk molar resembles the perma- nent premolars, while the posterior is like a permanent molar. The permanent canines make their appearance before, or, at latest, contemporaneously with, the hindermost molar in both jaws. They are large and long, and are separated, by a well-marked diastema, from the outer incisor above, and {rom the first premolar below. The Cynomorpha very generally possess cheek-pouches, which serve as pockets for the temporary stowage of food. The stomach is usually simple, with a globular cardiac ex- tremity and an elongated pyloric portion; but, in Semnopithe- cus and Colobus, the stomach is divided into three compart- ments, the middle of which is sacculated. A groove with £02 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. raised edges leads from the cardiac end of the gullet to the middle compartment. The cecum, though distinct, is relatively small, and has no vermiform appendage. The liver varies much in the degree of its subdivision into lobes, being least divided in the Semnopitheci, and most in the Baboons. The innominate artery generally gives origin to both carotids, as well as to the right subclavian, the left subclavian arising directly from the arch of the aorta, ‘When laryngeal air-sacs are developed, they are not formed by dilatations of the lateral ventricles of the larynx, but a single sac, with a median aperture, is formed in the thyro-hyoidean space immediately beneath the epiglottis, This median air-sac is very large, extending down over the front of the neck, and sending processes into the axilla, in some Semnopithect and Cynocephali. The right lung is usu- ally four-lobed, the left two-lobed. The kidney has only a single papilla. The posterior lobes of the cerebrum project beyond the cerebellum in all the Cynomorpha, they are shortest in the Semnopithect, and longest in the Cynocephali. The principal sulci and gyri which are found in the human brain are always indicated; but the external perpendicular fissure is strongly marked. The posterior cornu of the lateral ventricle is large, and there is a strongly-marked Aippocampus minor. There is usually, if not always, a bone in the penis, which is provided with two special retractor muscles. The females are subject to a periodical turgescence of the sexual organs, sometimes accompanied by heemorrhage, and comparable to menstruation. The placenta is often bilobed. b. The Anthropomorpha differ from the Cynomorpha in the following characters: They are especially arboreal ani- mals, which habitually assume a semi-erect posture, support- ing the weight of the fore-part of the body upon the ends of the fingers, or, more usually, upon the knuckles. There is no tail. The thigh and the leg are, respectively, shorter than the arm and the fore-arm. The dorso-lumbar vertebre are seventeen or eightcen in number, and their spines are not in- clined toward a common point. They develop no interlocking mammillary and accessory processes. The sacrum contains more than three anchylosed vertebrae. The thorax is rather broad than laterally compressed, and the sternum is flattened ‘rom before backward, and wide. The axis of the head of the humerus is directed more inward than backward, and the un THE ANTHROPOMORPHA. 403 per part of the shaft is not bent asin the Cynomorpha, The radius is capable of complete pronation and supination. The relative proportions of the incisor teeth are the same as in Man; that is to say, the inner upper incisors and the outer lower incisors are larger than the others. The crowns of the upper and lower molars have the same patterns as those of Man. The caudal muscles are small or absent. When the pollex has a flexor tendon, that tendon is nota slip given off from one common to the flexor pollicis and flexor perforans, as in the Cynomorpha. The plantaris does not pass over a pulley furnished by the calcaneal process, as in the Cynomorphu ; and the flexor brevis has an origin from that process, The peroncus quinti digitt has not been observed. There are three well-marked genera of Anthropomorpha— Hylobates, Pithecus, and Troglodytes ; and perhaps a fourth, Gorilla, may be advantageously separated from the last- named. Pithecus, the Orang, has the smallest distributional area, being confined to the islands of Borneo and Sumatra; Hylo- bates, the Gibbons, of which there are several species, is found over a considerable area of Eastern Asia and the islands of the Malay Archipelago. The Chimpanzee and Gorilla are met with only in the intertropical parts of West Africa. The Gibbons are those Anthropomorpha which are most nearly allied to the Cynomorpha. They possess ischial cal- losities, and the nails of the pollux and hallux, only, are broad and flat. The arms are so long that the points of the fingers readily touch the ground when the animal stands upright, as it very readily and commonly does. The Gibbons also run with great swiftness, putting the sole of the foot flat on the ground and balancing themselves with their long arms. Nev- ertheless, they are essentially arboreal animals, leaping from bough to bough of the trees in the forests which they frequent with marvellous force and precision. The manus is longer than the pes, and the antibrachium considerably longer than the brachium. The Gibbons do not exceed three feet in height; their heads are small, and their bodies and limbs remarkably slender. None of the other Anthropomorpha have callosities, and the nails of all the digits are flattened. They are all heavier in make, with proportionally shorter limbs and larger heads than the Gibbons. In the Orangs, which rarely attain a stat- ure of more than four feet and a half, the arms are very long, 404 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. their span, when outstretched, being nearly double the height of the anima]. The brachium and the antibrachium are equal in length. The long and narrow pes is longer than the equal- ly narrow manus, aud the sole cannot be placed flat upon the ground, but the animal rests upon the outer edge of the foot when it assumes the erect posture. This posture, however, is quite unnatural, and the Orangs cannot run as the Gibbons do, but swing themselves along upon their long arms, as it were upon crutches. The pollex and the hallux are both short, the latter remark- ably so; and the hallux is not uncommonly devoid of a nail. The palmar and plantar aspects of the digits are naturally con- cave, and they cannot be completely straightened. The Chimpanzee attains a stature somewhat greater than that of the average Orang. The span of the arms is about half as much again as the height. The antibrachium is about as long as the brachium. The manus is equal to, or a little longer than, the pes; and these parts of the limbs are not so elongated, or so curved, as the corresponding parts of the Orang. The sole can be readily placed flat upon the ground, and the Chimpanzee easily stands or runs erect. But his fa- vorite attitude is leaning forward and supporting himself on the knuckles of the manus. Both the hallux and the pollex are well developed and possess nails. The Gorilla exceeds five feet in height and may reach five feet six inches. The span is to the height as about three to two. The brachium is much longer than the antibrachium. The pes is longer thin the manus, and both are much broader than in the other Anthropomorpha. In consequence of this circumstance and of the greater development of the heel, the erect posture is easily maintained, but the ordinary attitude is the same as that assumed by the Chimpanzee. The hallux and the pollex have well-developed nails. The basal phalanges of the three middle digits of the foot are bound together by the integument. With respect to the skeleton in the Anthropomorpha, the Gibbons have the spinal column nearly straight, with a very open vertebro-sacral angle. In the Orangs the dorso-lumbar vetebree form a curve, which is nearly as much concave for- ward as in a new-born child. In the Chimpanzee the spinal column begins to exhibit the curvatures which are character- istic of the adult human subject; and these are still more marked in the Gorilla. The spinous process of the second cervical vertebra is THE ANTHROPOMORPHA. 405 bifurcated in the Chimpanzee, but this human character does not appear in the others, In the Gibbons there are usually eighteen dorso-lumbar vertebree ; but in the other Anthropomorpha the number is ordinarily seventeen, as in Man, or may be reduced to sixteen, The Orang has the human number of twelve pairs of ribs, but the Chimpanzee and Gorilla have thirteen, and the Gib- bons may possess fourteen pairs of ribs. The thorax is wide, and the sternum broad and flat. In the Orang it may ossify fiom a double longitudinal series of centres, as sometimes hap- ens in Man. In the Gibbons the transverse processes of the last lumbar vertebra are not exceptionally broad, and do not unite with the ilia. But in both the Chimpanzee and Gorilla they are wide, and become more or less closely connected with the ilia, The last lumbar vertebra may become anchylosed with the sacrum in the Gorilla. All these conditions of the last lum- bar vertebra are occasionally met with in Man. The sacrum is broad, and contains not fewer than five anchylosed vertebra, but its length always exceeds its breadth (whereas its breadth is equal to, or exceeds, its length, in Man), and its anterior curvature is but slight. The short coccyx is made up of not more than four or five vertebrae. In the skull, the proper form of the brain-case is always more or less dis- guised in the adult males, by the development of crests for muscular attachment, or of the orbits and the supraorbital ridges. In the Gibbons and Chimpanzees, the latter are large, but the sagittal crest is absent, and the lambdoidal small. In the Orang, the brow-ridges are small, so that the true form of the forehead is seen better than in the othe Apes, but the sagittal and lambdoidal crests are strong. In the old male Gorilla the sagittal and lambdoidal crests, and the supraorbital ridges, are alike enormous. The frontal si- nuses are large, and extend into the brow-ridges both in the Gorilla and Chimpanzee. The jaws are largest in proportion to the brain-case in the Gorilla and the Orang; smallest in some varieties of Chimpanzee. In all the Anthropomorpha the transverse is much less than the longitudinal diameter of the cranial cavity. The roofs of the orbits project into the frontal portion of the brain- case, and diminish its capacity by causing its floor to slope from the middle line obliquely upward and outward. The oc- eipital foramen is situated in the posterior third of the base of the skull, and looks obliquely backward and downward, 406 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. The frontals meet in the base of the skull over the ethmo- presphenoidal suture in the Gibbons and in the Gorilla, as in the Baboons; but not in the Chimpanzee or the Orang. The alisphenoids unite suturally with the parietals, as is the rule in Man, in the Gibbons and (usually) in the Orangs; but, in the Chimpanzee, the squamosal unites with the frontal and separates the alisphenoid from the parietal, as happens, excep- tionally, in Man. The nasal bones are flat and early anchylosed together, in the Gibbons, Orangs, and Chimpanzees. In the Gorilla the nasal bones are distinctly convex from side to side, and rise above the level of the face. None of these Apes havea spina nasalis anterior ; and, only in the Siamang, is there a rudiment of the mental prominence in the mandible. The premaxillo-maxillary suture persists beyond the completion of the second dentition in all but the Chimpanzee, in which it disappears before that period. The epiotic region is never developed into a distinct mastoid process; and there is an os- sified styloid process only occasionally in the Orangs. The palate is long and narrow, the alveolar margins being nearly parallel, or even diverging anteriorly. The zygomatic arches are strong, wide, and curved in two directions, The proportion of the length of the basi-cranial axis to that of the cerebral cavity does not fall lower than the ratio of 10 to 17 in any of the Anthropomorpha. The body of the hyoid approaches the form of that of Man most nearly in the Orang. In the other genera it is more ex- cavated posteriorly. The scapula of the Orang is most like that of Man, espe- cially in the proportion of the supra- and infra-spinous fossz, in the proportional length of the anterior and the posterior borders, and in the angle made by the spine with the verte- bral margin. In the other genera the posterior border is longer in proportion than in Man, and the spine of the scapula cuts the vertebral margin more obliquely. After the Orang’s, the scapula of the Gorilla comes nearest to that of Man. On the other hand, the long and straight clavicle of the Orang is least like that of Man, The head of the humerus loses the backward inclination which it has in the lower Apes, and becomes directed up- ward and inward, asin Man. The radius and ulna are curved, and leave a wide interosseous space. There are nine bones in the carpus in both Hylobates and Pithecus, but only eight in the Chimpanzee and Gorilla. In Hylobates the articular surface presented by the trapezium for the pollex is almost THE FOOT IN TITE ANTHROPOMORPHA. 407 globular. It is evenly convex in the Chimpanzee ; but, in the Gorilla, it has the characteristically human saddle shape. The pollex is longest and strongest in proportion in Hylobates ; its length in proportion to that of the manus being in Z. syn- dactylus as three to seven. In the Gorilla, the pollex has rather more than one-third the length of the manus; in the Orang and Chimpanzee it has about one-third the length of the manus. The pelvis differs but little from that of the Cynomorpha in Hylobates. In the other genera the pelvis is still elongated. The antero-posterior diameter of the brim of the pelvis great- ly exceeds the transverse, the tuberosities of the ischia are strongly everted, and the pubic symphysis is very long, the arch being correspondingly reduced; but the ilia are wider and more concave forward in the Chimpanzee than in the Orang, and in the Gorilla than in either. In the female Chimpanzee, which is of about the same size as the male, the dimensions of the basin of the pelvis, and, of its outlets, are greater than in the male, though the general form and absolute length of the pelvis are the same in the two sexes, The female Gorilla is much smaller than the male, and the pelvis is shorter in proportion, but the intersciatic meas- urement of the outlet is absolutely as great as in the male, and the transverse diameter of the brim is nearly as great. As, at the same time, the antero-posterior diameter is much shorter, the brim of the pelvis of the female is much more round. The female Orangs, also, are smaller than the males. The basin of the pelvis is relatively, but not absolutely, larger in all its dimensions, and the brim rounder. The femur of the Orang has no round ligament, and differs in this respect from the same bone in the other Anthropomor- pha. The femur of the Gorilla resembles that of Man, most especially in the projection of the articular surface of the inner condyle beyond the outer. The length: of the whole foot to that of the tarsus is, in HAylobates, as thirty-five to ten, and the proportion is about the same in the Orang; in the Chimpanzee it is as twenty- four to ten; and, in the Gorilla, about the same (twenty-three to ten in the specimen measured). The hallux has not more than one-fourth of the length of the foot in the Orang; in the Gorilla less than five-twelfths in the Chimpanzee and in Hylobates a little more. In the second digit of the pes of the Orang and the Chim- panzee, the phalanges, taken together, are longer than the 408 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. metatarsal bone of the digit; in the Gorilla, they are about equal in length to the metatarsal. The calcaneal process is longest, strongest, and broadest, in the Gorilla. In the astrag- alus the articular surface for the tibia is broadest in the Goril- la; but, in this Ape, as in the others, it is inclined a little in- ward when the foot is in its natural position; and the surface for the external malleolus is oblique, and looks upward as well as outward. It is a mistake, however, to suppose that the disposition of these surfaces has any thing to do with the more or less marked tendency of the plantar surface to turn inward, and of the outer edge of the pes to be directed downward, which is observable in all the Anthropomorpha. This tendency is the result of the free articulation between the scaphoid and the cuboid, on the one hand, and the astragalus and the calca- neum on the other ; the consequence of which is, that the dis- tal portion of the pes, with the first-mentioned bone, being pulled by the ¢ibialis anticus, easily rotates round its own axis, upon the surface presented by the astragalus and calca- neum. This ready inversion of the sole must as much facili- tate climbing, as it must interfere with the steadiness of the foot in walking. The distal surface of the ento-cuneiform is much inclined inward in all the Anthropomorpha, and is convex from side to side, or subcylindrical. The metatarsal bone of the hallux pre- sents a corresponding articular concavity to this surface, and has a great range of motion in adduction and abduction. The inward inclination of the articular facet of the ento-cuneiform, and its consequent separation from the facet upon the meso- cuneiform for the second digit, is greatest in the Orang, in which the hallux is habitually directed at right angles to the long axis of the foot. The distal phalanx of the hallux is not unfrequently absent in the Orang. All the Anthropomorpha possess certain muscles which are not usually found in Man, though they may occur as vari- eties in the human subject. These are the levator clavicule, the dorso-epitrochlearis, the scansorius,* and the abductor ossis metacarpt quinti digiti. They are also devoid of two muscles which are usually present in Man—the extensor primi internodii pollicis + and the peronceus tertius. The former of * Not actually described in the Gorilla, and absent in some Chimpanzees. + The former muscle is said to be present by several anatomists in the Chimpanzee and other Apes; but what they have taken for it is the metacar- pal division of the extensor ossis metacarpt. THE MYOLOGY OF THE ANTHROPOMORPHA. 409 these is sometimes, and the latter frequently, wanting in the human subject. Che flexor accessorius appears to be regularly absent in Hylobates and Pithecus, and, in the majority of cases, in the Chimpanzee. The transversus pedis seems to be absent in the Orang, but it is present in the other Anthropomorpha. Many muscles which exist both in these Apes and in Man have different origins in the former. Thus, the soleus has only a fibular head, and takes no origin from the tibia. The Jlexor brevis digitorum pedis never arises altogether from the calcaneum, but a large proportion of its fibres spring from the tendons of the deep flexors. The calcaneal head furnishes the tendons for the second, or the second and third, digits. The interosseous muscle which lies on the tibial side of the middle digit of the pes, usually arises from the fibular side of the sec- ond metatarsal as well as from the tibial side of its own meta- tarsal, and its origin lies on the dorsal side of that of the fibu- lar interosseous muscle of the second digit. Hence, of the so- called dorsal interosseé (or interossei which are visible on the dorsal aspect of the pes) two belong to the middle digit, and one, to the second and fourth digits respectively ; which is the same arrangement as that which obtains in the manus. The flexor pollicis is more or less closely connected with the Flexor communis perforans, or with that part of the muscle which goes to the index digit. The connection is slightest in Hylobates, the origins of the two muscles, only, being united. It is most extensive in the Orang, in which no tendon goes to the pollex. The same complete loss of the flexor pollicis, as a thumb-muscle, occasionally takes place in the Gorilla; but in this animal, as in the Chimpanzee, the rule appears to be, that the flexor pollicis unites at its origin with part of the Jrexor perforans, and that the fleshy fibres converge to a com- mon tendon which divides into two, one for the pollex and the other for the index. In Aylobates, the short head of the biceps brachii arises from the pectoralis major, and the ad- ductor hailucis and transversus pedis form but one muscle. The flexor longus hallucis takes an origin from the ex- ternal condyle of the femur in the Orang; and the pectoralis major arises by three distinct slips. Some of the muscles in the Anthropomorpha differ in their insertion, or in the extent to which they are subdivided, from what is usual in the corresponding muscles of Man. Thus the extensor ossis metacarpt pollicis ends in two distinct tendons: one for the trapezium, and the other for the base of i8 410 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. the metacarpal bone of the pollex. That part of the tibialis anticus which goes to the metatarsal of the hallux is usually very distinct, and is sometimes reckoned as a separate muscle, the abductor longus hallucis, In the Gibbons and in the Orang, there is a complete set of deep extensors for the four ulnar digits, the tendons of the extensor indicis and extensor minimi digiti subdividing to supply the third and fourth digits. In the Gorilla and Chimpanzee each of these muscles have but a single tendon, as is the usual arrangement in Man. The interossei of the hand are each divided into two mus- cles with distinct tendons—a flexor brevis primi internodii and an extensor brevis tertii internodii, The division is less obvi- ous in the Orang than in the other Anthropomorpha. In Hylobates, the tendon of the flexor perforans pedis goes only to the fifth digit, and is not directly connected with that of the flewor longus hallucis, which supplies the other four digits. In the Orang, also, the tendons of the two muscles are separate ; but the flexor perforans supplies the second and the fifth digits, and the flexor hallucis the third and fourth. It gives no tendon to the hallux. In both the Chimpanzee and the Gorilla, a very large tendon is given to the hallux by the Jlexor hallucis, and it also supplies the third and fourth digits. The tendon of flexor longus digitorum is but slightly con- nected with that of the flecor hallucis, and its divisions go to the second and fifth toes. In both the manus and the pes of Hylobates a muscle occurs which is not, at present, known in any other Mammal. It arises from the second metacarpal or metatarsal bone, and is inserted by a long tendon into the pre- axial side of the ungual phalanx of the second digit ; it may be termed “ abductor tertti internodii secundi digiti.” The Orang, in like manner, stands alone in possessing a small but distinct opponens hallucis.* The volume of the brain, in the Orang and in the Chim- panzee, is about twenty-six or twenty-seven cubic inches; or about half the minimum size of a normal human brain. In the Gorilla, the volume rises to near thirty-five cubic inches. In the Gibbons the brain is very much smaller; and the Siamang, among these, is remarkable for the short posterior lobes of the * It must be borne in mind that these statements respecting the myology of the Anihropomorpha are based upon my own dissections (sometimes sup- plemented by those of Duvernoy and other anatomists) of particular speci« mens. Endless varieties will no doubt be met with by those who carry their inquivies further. THE BRAIN IN THE ANTHROPOMORPHA. 411 cerebrum, which, in this anthropomorphous Ape, do not over- lap the cerebellum as they do in all the others. The cerebral hemispheres are higher in proportion to their length in the Orang than in the other Anthropomorpha ; but, in all, they are elongated and depressed, as compared with those of Man. The frontal lobes taper off anteriorly, and their inferior surfaces are excavated from without downward and inward, in correspondence with the projection of the upwardly convex roofs of the orbits into the cranial cavity. The pos- terior cornu of the lateral ventricle is always well developed, and contains a prominent hippocampus minor and eminentia collateralis, An occipito-temporal or “external perpendicu- lar” sulcus is always present. It is most nearly obliterated in the Orangs. All the gyri of the human brain are represented in the cerebral hemispheres of the Chimpanzee ; but they are simpler and more symmetrical, and larger in proportion to the brain (see Figs. 21 and 22). The fissure of Sylvius is less in- clined backward, and that of Rolando is placed more forward than in Man. The insula has simpler and fewer radiating sulci, and is not completely hidden by the temporal lobe. Only the second, third, and fourth annectent gyri appear upon the sur- face. The first remains folded upon itself, and gives rise to the characteristically simian occipito-temporal or external per- pendicular sulcus. The occipito-parietal sulcus, on the inner face of the hemisphere, is much more nearly perpendicular than in the human brain. The corpus callosum is relatively smaller; the septum lucidum is very thick, and the precom- missural fibres are well developed. The vermis is small in proportion to the lateral lobes of the cerebellum, and the floc- culi are relatively small, and lie below the latter. The whole cerebellum is larger in proportion to the cere- bral hemispheres; the latter being to the former, as 8} to 1 in Man, but as 52 to 1 in the Chimpanzee.* The nerves are larger in proportion to the brain than in Man. There are no corpora trapezoidea, such as exist in the lower Mammals, and the corpora albicantia are double. In all the Anthropomorpha, the inner incisors are larger than the outer, in the upper jaw; smaller in the lower jaw. here is a diastema, though it is often but small in the female Chimpanzees. The canines are large and strong, and may be grooved longitudinally on their inner sides. The premolars «It must be recollected that the brains of young anthropomorphoug Apes, only, have been examined. Perhaps this has to do with the absence of muneral deposits in the pineal gland of the Apes. 412 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. have three roots in the upper jaw, two in the lower. The crowns of the middle molars, above, have four cusps, and an oblique ridge which extends from the antero-external to the postero-internal cusp; and those of the middle molar, below, have five cusps,-as in Man. The crown of the anterior premo- lar in the lower jaw is pointed, and has a long, sharp, ob- lique anterior edge as in the Cynomorpha. In the Gibbons, the permanent canine emerges contem- poraneously with, or before, the last molar; but, in the other Anthropomorpha, the last permanent canine is cut, ordinarily, only after the appearance of the last molar. In the Orang the circumvallate papilla of the tongue are arranged ina V,asin Man. In the Chimpanzee they are dis- posed like a T, with the top turned forward, The Chimpanzee and the Siamang have a uvula, but the Orang has none, The stomach of the Chimpanzee is very like that of Man; but in the Orang the organ is more elongated, with a round car- diac and more tubular pyloric portion. An appendix vermi- formis is found in the cecum of all four genera. In the Chimpanzee and Gorilla, the origin of the great arteries from the arch of the aorta takes place asin Man. In the Orang, they are sometimes disposed as in Man; while in other speci- mens the left carotid comes off from the innominata, and only the subclavian of the left side arises directly from the aorta, In Aylobates, the latter arrangement appears to obtain. The kidney has only a single papilla in Hylobates and Pithecus. Only one species of Hylobates, namely, the Siamang, is known to possess a laryngeal sac. This is globular, and com- municates by two apertures, situated in the thyro-hyoid mem- brane, with the larynx. In the Orang, Chimpanzee, and Go- rilla, enormous air-sacs result from the dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the larynx. These dilatations extend down, in front of the throat, on to the thorax and even into the axille, and sometimes open into one another in the middle line. In the adult male Chimpanzee the penis is small and slen- der, and terminates in a narrow and elongated glans. The testes are very large, and the communication between the tunica vaginalis and the peritoneum is completely closed. The glans penis of the Gorilla is button-shaped. In the Orang it is cylindrical, and the testes are situated close to the inguinal canal, which has been found open on one side, and close on the other. An os penis is developed in the males, The females have the clitoris large, and the uterus, which RELATIONS OF ANTHROPOMORPHA TO MAN. 413 is undivided into cornua, resembles that of the human subject. The placenta of a Chimpanzee foetus, 114 inches long, was sim- ple, rounded, 34 inches in diameter, and 0.6 inch thick in the centre. The umbilical cord was inserted near one of its edges. The proportions of the limbs to one another and to the body do not sensibly change after birth; but the body, limbs, and jaws, enlarge toa much greater extent than the brain-case. The amount of variation in the characters of the skull among the Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangs, is exceedingly remarkable, especially if taken in connection with their very limited areas of distribution. Of the four genera of the Anthropomorpha, the Gibbons are obviously most remote from Man, and nearest to the Cy- nopithecint. The Orangs come nearest to Man in the number of the ribs, the form of the cerebral hemispheres, the diminution of the occipito-temporal sulcus of the brain, and the ossified styloid process; but they differ from him much more widely in other respects, and especially in the limbs, than the Gorilla and the Chimpanzee do. The Chimpanzee approaches Man most closely in the char- acter of its cranium, its dentition, and the proportional size of the arms. The Gorilla, on the other hand, is more Man-like in the proportions of the leg to the body, and of the foot to the hand; further, in the size of the heel, the curvature of the spine, the form of the pelvis, and the absolute capacity of the cranium, c. The Anthropide are represented by the single genus and species, Man, and they are distinguished from the Simiade, and especially the Anthropomorpha, by the follow- ing characters: . In progression on the ground, the erect posture is the easiest, and no assistance is given by the arms, which are shorter than the legs. After birth, the proportions of the body alter in consequence of the legs growing faster than the rest of the body. In consequence, the middle point of the height of the body—which, at birth, is situated about the umbilicus —becomes gradually lower, until, in the adult male, it is as low as the symphysis pubis. In the manus, the pollex is strong and long, reaching to the middle of the basal phalanx of the index digit. In the pes, the tarsus takes up half the length of the foot; the cal- caneal process is long, and expanded posteriorly. The hallux 414 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. has half the length of the foot, and is néarly as long as the second digit; and its mobility in adduction and abduction is slight, compared with that of the hallux of the other Primates. Hair is more abundant upon the crown of the head; and, usually, in the axillz, the pubic region, and the front part of the thorax, than elsewhere. In the new-born infant the whole dorso-lumbar region of the spine is concave forward, and the vertebro-sacral angulae tion is slight; but, in the adult, the spinal column is concave forward in the thoracic, and convex forward in the lumbar region, mainly in consequence of the disposition of the elastic ligaments which connect the faces and the arches of the ver- tebra. There is a strongly-marked vertebro-sacral angulation. Normally, there are twelve dorsal, five lumbar, five sacral, and four coccygeal vertebre, and the transverse processes of the last lumbar vertebra are not expanded or directly connected with the ilia; but, in these respects, variations occur. The spinous processes of the middle cervical vertebra are much shorter than the seventh, and are usually bifurcated. The breadth of the sacrum is greater than its length. In the skull, the occipital condyles lie within the middle fifth of the base, and the occipital foramen looks downward, and either a little forward or but slightly backward. Neither sagittal nor lambdoidal crests are developed, but the mastoid processes are distinct, and generally conspicuous. The supraorbital ridges are never so largely developed as in some of the Av thropomorpha. The orbits and the jaws are relatively smaller, and situated less in front of, and more below, the fore-part of the brain-case. A spina nasalis anterior is almost always present ; * and, in the profile view of the face, the nasal bones project more beyond the level of the ascending process of the maxilla than they doin any Ape. The palate is broader and its contour more arched than in any of the Anthropomorpha. Its posterior margin is ordinarily produced in the middle line into a spina nasalis posterior, and the palato-maxillary suture is directed transversely. The distance between the zygomata is either less than the greatest transverse diameter of the calvaria, or exceeds it but little. The malar is deeper than the squamosal portion of the zygoma, and the upper edge of the zygoma is but little curved. * The only human skull in which I have been able to find no trace of the existence of the anterior nasal spine, is that of an Australian, which, some years ago, I presented to the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. THE ANTHROPIDA. 415 The post-glenoidal process of the squamosal is small, while the auditory foramen is vertically elongated, its anterior wall being more or less flattened. The interorbital space occupies about one-fourth of the interval between the outer walls of the orbits. The planes of the orbital surfaces of the ethmoid bones (ossa plana) are nearly parallel with one another, The symphysis of the lower jaw has a mental prominence, The length of the cerebral cavity is more than twice that of the basi-cranial axis, After birth, no trace of the premaxillo-maxillary suture remains upon the face, though it may persist in the palate. The nasal suture usually persists, and the direction of the fronto-nasal suture is nearly transverse. The cranio-facial angle * does not exceed 120°, and in the higher races of mankind does not go much beyond 90°. The supra-orbital plates of the frontal bones project but little into the frontal region of the brain-case, and they are almost horizontal, instead of being strongly inclined upward and outward, as they are in the Anthropomorpha, The cri- briform plate is long and wide, and the crista galli is usually prominent. The capacity of the brain-case of a healthy adult is invariably more than forty cubic inches, and may rise to more than a hundred cubic inches. The scapula is broad in proportion to its length, and its spine cuts its vertebral edge nearly at right angles. The ilia are very broad; their inner faces present a well-marked con- cavity, and their crests an S-shaped curvature, A line drawn from the centre of the articular surface of the sacrum to the centre of the acetabulum makes nearly a right angle with the chord of the arc offered by the anterior face of the sacrum. Tn all the Anthropomorpha this angle is much more open. The tuberosities of the ischia are hardly everted. The symphysis pubis is comparatively short, and the sub-pubic arch well marked. The width of the whole pelvis, from one iliac crest to the other, is greater than its height, which is the re- verse of what obtains in the Apes. The transverse diameter of the brim is usually not exceeded by the antero-posterior diameter, though the contrary proportion occasionally obtains. The female pelvis is more spacious, and has a wider sub-pubic arch than the male. The proximal articular surface of the astragalus looks almost directly upward, and hardly at all inward, when the * See p. 420 Sor the explanation of this term, 416 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. sole is flat upon the ground; and the lateral facets are more nearly at right angles to this surface than in any Ape. The inner and outer malleoli are stronger and more downwardly produced. The caleaneal process is thick, strong, enlarged at its hinder end, and not incurved inferiorly, but produced into two tuberosities on which the heel rests. The form and dis- position of the astragalar, navicular, and calcaneo-cuboid articulations are such that the distal moiety of the tarsus is capable of only a slight rotatory motion upon the proximal ortion, The distal articular surface of the ento-cuneiform bone is very nearly flat, though it has a slight convexity from side to side, and is irregularly concavo-convex, from above downward. The comparatively slight mobility of the metatarsal bone of the hallux arises partly from this circumstance, partly from the fact that the proximal articular surfaces of the four outer metatarsal bones are not perpendicular to the axis of those bones, but are obliquely truncated, from the tibial side, back- ward, to the fibular side. Hence the four outer metatarsal bones, instead of diverging widely from the hallux as they would do if their axis were perpendicular to the distal facets of the meso- and ento-cuneiform and cuboid bones, take a direc- tion more nearly parallel with the metatarsal of the hallux, and the base of the second metatarsal, as it were, blocks the latter, in adduction. The hallux thus loses most of its pre- hensile functions; but, in exchange, it plays an important part in supporting the weight of the body, which, in the erect position, falls on three parts of the pes; namely, the heel, the outer elge, and the integumentary pad which stretches be- neath the metatarso-phalangeal articulations, from the hallux to the fifth digit. In the infant, the sole naturally turns inward, and the digits (especially the hallux) retain much of their mobility. The only muscles which exist in Man, but have not yet been found in any Ape, are the extensor primi internodi pol- licis and the peronceus tertius, The only peculiarities in the origin of muscles which ordi- narily obtain in Man, and have not yet been found in the Apes, are—the complete separation of the flexor pollicis longus from the flecor digitorum perforans ; the presence of a tibial, as well as of a fibular, origin of the soleus ; the origin of all four heads of the flewor brevis digitorum pedis from the caleaneum; the origin of the fibula ¢nterosseus of the second digit of the pes from the middle metatarsal, on the dorsal side of the tibial THE BRAIN OF MAN. 417 interosseus of the middle digit. The result of the last-men- tioned arrangement is that the second digit of the pes has two “ dorsal ” interossei, like the third digitof the manus. In the Apes the interossei of the second digit are generally ar- ranged in the same way in both manus and pes. The tendons of the flexor hallucis longus and flexor digi- torum perforans are usually more closely connected in the sole of the foot in Man, than in the Anthropomorgha, But it is to be noted that all the apparently distinctive peculiari- ties of the myology of the Anthropomorpha are to be met with, occasionally, as varieties in Man. In the brain of Man, the only distinctive features, apart from its absolute size (55 to 115 cubic inches), are the filling up of the occipito-temporal fissure ; the greater complexity and less symmetry of the other sulci and gyri; the less exca- vation of the orbital face of the frontal lobe; and the larger size of the cerebral hemispheres, as compared with the cere- bellum and the cerebral nerves. There is no diastema, though the summits of the canines project, slightly, beyond the level of the other teeth. The premolars have not more than two roots, and the anterior edge of the crown of the anterior lower premolar is not prolonged and sharp. The permanent canine tooth emerges before the second molar. : The penis is devoid of a bone (though a prismatic carti- laginous body has occasionally been found in the centre of the glans), and its glans has a different shape from that of any of the Anthropomorpha. The vulva looks downward and for- ward, and the clitoris is comparatively small. The changes in the proportions of the different parts of the body, at different periods of intra- and extra-uterine life, are very remarkable. In a foetus an inch and a half long, from the vertex to the heel, the head takes up from one-third to one- fourth of the entire length. The arms and legs are of about the same length, and are shorter than the spine. The forearm is about as long as the upper arm, and the leg as the thigh. The manus and pes are very similar in size and form; and neither pollex, nor haliux, are so different from the other digits as at later periods. In a foetus rather more than five inches high, the head occupies a, fourth of the entire height; the arms are longer than the spine by one-sixth of their whole length, and are a little longer than the legs. The forearm is about as long as the upper arm, and the thigh is a little longer than the leg. The manus and pes are about equal in length 418 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. In a fcetus eight and a half inches high, the head measures less than a fourth of the whole height; the arms are longer than the spine by a fourth of their whole length, and they are longer than the legs. The extremities of the digits reach down to the knee when the body is erect. At full term, the height of the head of the human feetus is rather less than a fourth that of the whole body, and the legs are longer than the arms. The arm is longer than the forearm and the thigh than the leg. The hands and the feet are still about equal in length. Thus it would appear that, while the head grows more slowly than the rest of the body, throughout the period of ges- tation, after the embryo has attained more than two inches in length; the arms grow proportionally quicker than the body and legs, in the middle of gestation, when the proportions most nearly resemble those of the Anthropomorpha, In the latter part of the period of gestation the legs gain on the arms, and the proximal segments of the limbs on the distal ones. After birth these changes are continued. The adult has, on the average, three and a half times the height of the new-born child, and his arms are elongated in the same proportion. But the head is only twice as large, while the legs of the adult are five times as long as those of the child. At all ages after birth, the distance between the extremities of the digits of the outstretched arms is equal to the height in average Eu- ropeans. Sexual differences, independent of the genitalia, are per- ceptible at birth; and the female infant is, as a rule, slightly smaller than the male. These differences become more marked at, and subsequent to, puberty; and are seen in the smaller stature of the female, the larger size of the head in proportion to the stature, the shorter thorax, the longer abdomen, and the shorter legs ; so that the middle point of the stature of the fe- male is nearer the umbilicus than in the male. The hips are wider in proportion to the shoulders, whence the femora are more oblique. The ridges and muscular processes of all the bones are less marked, and the frontal contour of the skull is more sharply angulated. When the peculiarities of the female sex are not connected with reproduction, they may be said to be infantile. The different persistent modifications or “races” of man- kind present a very considerable amount of variation in their anatomical characteristics. The color of the skin varies from a very pale reddish brown—of the so-called “ white” races— THE RANGE OF VARIATION IN ANTHROPIDA. 419 through all shades of yellow and red browns, to olive and chocolate, which may be so dark as to look black. The hair differs much in its character, having sometimes a circular, sometimes an oval or flattened transverse section, and presenting all varieties, from extreme length and straightness to short, crisp wool. The hair on the scalp is longer than that elsewhere; and it is very often, but not always, longer in the female. Hair upon the face and body is scanty in most races, and almost absent, except in the eyebrows, in some; but in others it be- comes greatly developed over the lips, chin, and sides of the face, on the thorax, abdomen, and pubes, in the axilla, and sometimes, though more rarely, upon the rest of the body and limbs. When hair is developed upon the limbs the points of the hairs of the arm and forearm slope toward the elbow, and those of the leg and thigh away from the knee, as in the An- thropomorpha. Enormous accumulations of fat take place upon the but- tocks of the Bosjesmen, especially in the females; and the nymphee of these and some other Negroid tribes become great- ly elongated. It appears in some of the lower races, e. g., Negroes ard Australians, the forearm and hand, and the foot and leg, are often longer in proportion than in Europeans. From not wearing shoes, the hallux is much more movable in these races, and the foot is commonly employed for prehension. There is no proof of what is so commonly asserted, that the heel is longer, in proportion to the foot in Negroes. The spines of the middle cervical vertebrae sometimes cease, more or less completely, to be bifurcated in the lower races, Thirteen pair of ribs are sometimes present, and occa- sionally there is a sixth lumbar vertebra. There may be one more sacral yertebra than the normal number; and a moditi- cation of the last lumbar, so that it resembles a sacral verte- bra, and becomes connected with the ilia, seems to be more common in Australians and Bushmen than in other stocks. In the lower races, the male pelvis is less in many of its dimensions, and seems to differ more from the female, espe- cially in the tendency to equality of the transverse and antero- posterior diameters of the brim, and the narrowness of the in- tersciatic diameter, than in the higher races. This is particu- larly obvious among the Australians. The antero-posterior diameter of the brim of the pelvis is occasionally greater than the transverse, and this variety would seem to be com 420 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. moner among the Bushwomen of South Africa than else- where. But itis in the skull that the different races of mankind present the most striking osteological differences. The pro- vortions of the antero-posterior and_the transverse dimensions of the brain-case vary extremely. Taking the antero-posterior diameter as 100, the transverse diameter varies from 98, or 99, to 62. The number which thus expresses the proportion of the transverse to the longitudinal diameter of the brain-case is called the cephalic index. Those people who possess crania with a cephalic index of 80 and above are called brachy- cephali ; those with a lower index are dolichocephali, The brain-case also varies greatly in its relative height. The pro- portion of the length of the cerebral chamber to the basicranial axis (as 100) may rise to 270 in the higher, and sink to 230 in the lower races ; and there are great diversities in the extent to which the cerebral cavity is rotated backward or forward upon this axis. The position and the aspect of the occipi- tal foramen vary considerably, as does the plane of that part of the sguama occipitis which lies above the superior semicir- cular ridge. The supra-ciliary ridges vary greatly in their development, and in the extension of the frontal sinuses into them. They are nearly or quite solid in many Australian skulls. In the size, form, and disposition of the facial bones, the different races of mankind present great diversities. A line drawn from the anterior extremity of the premaxilla to the anterior extremity of the basicranial axis, may be taken to represent the facial axis, and the angle included between these two is the craniofacial angle. It varies with the extent to which the face lies in front of, or below, the anterior end of the cranium, from less than 90° to 120°. When it is great, the face is prognathous; when it is small, the face is orthog- nathous. This is the fundamental condition of prognathism or orthognathism. A secondary condition is the form of the alveolar portion of the upper jaw, which, so far as it is ver- tical, tends toward orthognathism ; but, so far as it is oblique and produced, tends to prognathism. The arch formed by the teeth is, in the most orthogna- thous races, wide and evenly rounded; while, in the most rognathous, it is prolonged, and its sides are nearly parallel. he teeth themselves are much larger, the roots of the pre- molars and molars more distinct, and the hindermost molar not so small relatively to the others, in some of the lower races, notably the Australians, TUE ULOTRIVHI AND THE LEIOTRICIII. 421 The mental’ prominence may project beyond the line of the vertical alveolar margin of the mandible, in the higher races, or it may be almost obsolete, and the alveolar margin may be greatly inclined forward, in the lower. The different races of mankind are divisible into two primary divisions; the Ulotrichi, with crisp or woolly hair, and the Ledotrichi, with smooth hair. a, The color of the Ulotrichi varies from yellow-brown to the darkest hue known among men. The hair and eyes are normaliy dark, and, with only a few exceptions (among the Andaman Islanders), they are dolichocephali. "The Negroes and Bushmen of ultra-Saharal Africa, and the Negritos of the Malay peninsula and archipelago, and of the Papuan Islands, are the members of this Vegroid stock. 6. The Letotrichi are divisible into— 1. The Australiotd group, with dark skin, hair, and eyes, wavy black hair, and eminently long, prognathous skulls, with well-developed brow-ridges, who are found in Australia and in the Dekhan. The ancient Egyptians appear to me to have been a modification of this race. 2. The Mongoloid group, with, for the most part, yellow- ish-brown, or reddish-brown, skins and dark eyes, the hair being long, black, and straight. Their skulls range between the extremes of dolichocephaly and those of brachycephaly. These are the Mongol, Tibetan, Chinese, Polynesian, Esqui- maux, and American races. 3. The Xanthochroic group, with pale skins, blue eyes, and abundant fair hair. Their skulls, like those of the Mongo- loid group, range between the extremes of dolichocephaly and brachycephaly. The Slavonians, Teutons, Scandinavians, and the fair Celtic-speaking people are the chief representatives of this division; but they extend into North Africa and West- ern Asia. 4, The dark whites, or Melanochroi; pale-complexioned people, with dark hair and eyes, and generally long, but sometimes broad skulls. These are the Iberians and “ black Celts” of Western Europe, and the dark-complexioned white people of the shores of the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and Persia. Iam disposed to think that the Melano- 422 THE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. chroi are not a distinct group, but result from the mixture of Australioids and Xanthochroi. Fossil remains of Men or implements of human manufac- ture have hitherto been found only in late Tertiary (Quater- nary) deposits, aud in caves, mingled with the remains of ani- toals which lived during the glacial epoch. INDEX. Ae AcorPEeNsER, cartilaginous cranium of, 124, Air-sacs in birds, 271. Alimentary canal, 79. Alligator terrapene, 171. Amia, caudal extremity of, 20. —— calva, reproductive organs of, 126. Amphibia, general characteristics, 149. —- development, 164, —— groups, 149, — heart, 159. —— limbs, 156. — muscles, 45. —— reproductive organs, 163. —— respiratory organs, 161. —— teeth, 158. mp bishens ies. 198. Ankle-joint of sloths, 288, Anoplotherida, 320. Antibrachium, muscles of, 49. Anthropide. See Man. Anthropomorpha, general characteristics of, 402. — comparison of, with man, 418. — divisions, 403. Aortic arches. See Arches, aortic. Apes. See Simiada, Arch, pectoral, 34. — pelvic, 36. ——— pectoral and pelvic, of chelonia, 178, —— pectoral and pelvic, of plesiosauria, 184, 185. Arches, aortic, 83, 84. — number of, belonging to skull, 71. — pectoral, and sternum, ofa frog, 157. Arches, visceral, skeletons of, 77. Arctopithecini (marmosets), general charac- teristics of, 892. 3. Armadillos, general characteristics of, 290. Artiodactyia, non-ruminantia, 313. —— ruminantia, 321. Ascalabota, 194.5 Australians, oa of, 495. Aves. See Birds. Axolotl (Siredon), 161. — aortic arch of, 84, B. Batznomsa, general characteristics of, 837 Baleen plates, or whalebone, 339. Bats. e Cheiroptera. Birds, general characteristics of, 168. — air-sacs of, 271. —— brain of Meleagris gallopavo. 259. — classification, 283, —— larynx and syrinx, 267, — limbs, 249, 252. —— lungs, 270. —— muscular system, 257. — organs of copulation, 272. —— pecteral arch, 247. — pelvis, 251. —— sacrum of a chick, 238. —— skull, 241, —— spur, 254, — sternum, 240, 241, —— vertebra, 236. See also Fowl. Bears, teeth of, 359. Blood, circulation of, in frog, 160 —— corpuscles, 89. Bloodsucking bats, 387. Bones of ees 335. —— cynomorpha, 398, —— delphinoidea, 340. —— elephant, 365. — the face, 27. —— fishes, 29, 79. —— galeopithecus, 382. —— hedgehog, 376. —— pig, 315, —— rhinoceros, 308, —— the skull, 25, 26. See also Os, Ossa. Bosjesmen, fat of, 419. Brain of anthropomorpha, 411, —— carnivora, 351. —_— aes oe —— cynomorp! 5 — divisions of, 55. —— horizontal scction, 56. —— lemurida, 390. —— longitudinal and vertical section § 424 Brain of man, 417. —— marmoset, 394. — modifications of, 59. — pig, 60-65. -— pike, 142. — platyrrhini, 897. — porpoises, 849. —— rabbit, 60-65, 374. Frain-case. See Skull. Bruta, or Edentata. See Edentata. Cc. Qa Sato, skull of, 841. Oainozoic formation, crocvdiles in, 221, Camelide or tyloporda, 828 Canal, alimentary, 79. —— spinal, and cord, 64. Canals of Stenson, 72. Carnivora, general characteristics of, 850. — classification, 358, — divisions, 351. Carpus, skeletal elements of, 31. Catarrhine monkey, skeleton of, 392. Catarrhini, characteristics of, 398. Cats, teeth of, 359, Caudal extremities of polypterus, amia, and salmo, 20. — vertebra, 21. Cerebral nerves, 66. Cetacea, general characteristics, 334. —— grovps, 336. Characters, distinctive, of vertebrata, 7. Chalk, ichthyosauria in, 214. — lizards found in, 196, 199. Chamelonida, 198. Cheiroptera, general characteristics of, 885. —— digits, 84. —— position of limbs of bats, 33. Chelone midas, carapace of, 173. -— section of skeleton of, 172. Chelonia, general characteristics, 170. — divisions, 179. ‘ —— heart, 264. — lungs, 270. —— muscular system, 257. —— organs of copulation, 273. —— pectoral and pelvic arches, 178. —— plastron, 174. —— skull, 176-178. Chelydra, fore-foot of, 88. Chimera monstrosa, section of skull, 112, 118. Chimpanzee, 404. —-— brain of, 60-66. Circulatory organs, 81. Cochlea, development of, 75, 77. Comparicon of man with anthropomorpha, Pompuscles blood, 89. —— lymph, 91. Corpus callosum in mammalia, 59. Cotylophora, 327. Cranial nerves, 69. —— system, 21. Cranio-facial angle, 415, 420. Crocodile, segment of endoskeleton in tho- racic region of, 19. Crocodilia, 214, — dermal armor, 214. — var, 262. INDEX. Crocodilia, groups, 221. —— heart, 266. —— lungs, 270. —— pelvis and hind-limb, 222. — reproductive organs, 272. — skull, 218. —— teeth, 221. — vertebra, 215, Crus, muscles of, 49. Cutaneous muscle of hedgehog, 877. — porpoise, 345, * D. Deer, horns of, 827. Delphinoidea, characteristics of, 340. Dental formule. See Teeth. Dentition. See Teeth. Development of amphibia, 168. — as T-TT. —-e —_— ieeh Sigses of, 11, 13, 16, 23. —— lamb. — skull’ a fishes, 24, —— vascular system, 83-87. ——— vertebrata, 9. Diacrans: Accipenser, skull, 124 Alligator terrapene, 171. Amia, caudal extremity, 20. Amia calva, reproductive organs, 126. Amphioxus Janceolatus, 104, 105. Aortic arches, 88 Axolotl, 161. Bird and lizard, brain, 258, 259. Cachalot, skull, 341. Catarrhine monkey, 392, Chelone, elctons shell, 172, 178. Chelydra, foot, 88. Chimera, skull, 118. Chimpanzee, brain, 61, 68. Crocodile, anterior thoracic region, 14 — pelvis and hind-limb, 223. —— skull, 218, Cyclodus (?acertélia), skull, 189, 190. tee bein an ‘hind- limb, 223. ugong, heart, 33 Elephant, en, 364. Fish, viscera} arch, 77. Fetus, human, principal vessels, 85. Fowl, development, 11, 18, 16, 23. — fore-limb, 250. — leg, 258, 254. pelvis, 251. sacrum of chick, 238. scapula and coracoid, 247. skull, 242. spur, 254. sternum, 241. Flying fox, skeleton, 385. Frog, nervous system, 65. —— skull and brain, 152, 158, 162. — sternum and pector. ‘al ar ch, 157. Holoptychus, 127. Homo, pregnant uterus, 9. Horse, carpus, 299. —— cervieal ver' tebrae, 295. —- femur, 301. — foot, 294, 29S. — ossa innominata, 300. LETT INDEX. Diacraus—continued. Horse, skeleton, 296. —— tarsus, 298. Ichthyosaurus, 208, 209. Iguanodon, pelvis and hind-limb, 228, Lamb, feetal, head, 29. Lamprey, skull and brain, 108, 110, 111. Lepidosteus, 122. Lion, skeletou, 852. 8, pectoral arch and sternum, 85, 86. — Visceral arch, 77. Mammal, visceral ' arch, 77. Monkfish ee ‘pectoral member, — skull, 11 Mudfish, skull 145, 146. Orang, digit, 51 Qs innominatum of man, 36, Ostrich, skull, 248. Ox, skeleton, ‘sar. Pig, brain, 61, 63. Pike, brain, 142. outline, 41. —— pectoral arch and fore-limb, 187. —— skull, 182-135. Plaice, skull, 80. Plesiosaurus, skeleton, 182. Polypterus, caudal extremity, 20. Pterodactylus, skeleton, 229. Python, dorsal vertebrae, 201. 08, 20: Rabbit, brain, 61, 63. Rattlesnake, skull, 206. Hee prodzcdixe organs in higher vertebra- Salamander, foot, 82. Salmo, caudal extremity, 20. Secretary-bird. skull, 245. Shark, aortic bulb, 108. Sheep, stomach, 328. Skate, brain, 118. Tadpoles, 165. Torpedo, 55. Trematosaurus, skull, 155. Turtle, heart, 265. — plastron, 175. —— skull. 175-177. Vertebrate brain sections, 56, 57. Whale, skull, 337, 888. Dicynodontia, 222. Didelphia, characteristics of, 276. —— peculiarities of, 277. — stomach of, 280. Digits of ae 406, 408. — bat, 34, 386, 387. — birds, 254, . — cynomorpha, 401. —— dog, 354. ~—— lacertilia, 196. — lemuride, 389. —— man, 81, 413. — marsupialia, 279. — muscles of, 50. —— rabbit, 371. --—— seal and turtle, 84, 862. Dinotherium, 366. Dipnoi, 145, Dog, anatomy of, 358, — digits, 354. 425 Dolichosauria, 196. Dromeus, pelvis and bind-limb, 228. Dugong, heart of, 382. E. Far, 74. —— bones of whale, 338. — in sauropsida, 262. See Hearing, organs of. Edentata entomophaga, groups and charac teristics of, 287. — extinct, 286. —— loricata, 289. —— wutica, 287. — phytophaga, characteristics of, 232. —— squamata, 288. — teeth of, 282, 286, = tubulidentata, 288. Egg, development of, 9. Elasmobranchii, 111. Electrical organs, 54, 55. Elephant, skeleton of, 864, See Proboscidea. Embryo of vertebrata, development of, 10. Encephalon, 55. Endoskeleton, segment of, in thoracic region of a crocodile, 1 — of vertebrata, i4, Entomophaga, 287. Eocene strata, dideiphide in, 280. — extinct mammals of, 820. — fossils of equide in, 805, 806. — fossil rodents of, 875. Episkeletal muscles, 44. Equide, fossil, 805. — (horses and asses) general characteris- ties of, 295. See Horse. Exoskeleton, 89. — in birds, fishes, reptiles, and mammals, 40-48, 168, 235. =e of reptilia, 167. Tye-muscles of sauropsida, 259, —— structure of, 72. ¥. Fog, bones of. 27. —— of man, 414. 420. Facial muscles. 67. Feathers, 285. Femur of the horse, 801. Fins of fishes. 39. 40. Fishes, electrical organs of, 54. one a in class, 108. —— museular system, 45. —— raylike bones, 29. —— skeleton of visceral arches of orseyue fish, 78. — skull, 24, 80. Pissipedia, general characteristics of, 381. Flatfishes ( »/ewronectide), 80. Flying-fox. skeleton of, 885. Fetal appendages of vertebrata, 12, Foetus, human, arrangement of principal vea sels in, 85. Foot of anthropomorpha, 407, 410. —— horse, 295, 29 —— man, 415. 426 Fossils in chalk, 197, 198, 214. — eocene strata, 280, 805, 806, 820, 375. — lias, 180, 214. — human, 421. -—— mesozoic formation, 185, 187, 195, 221, 227, 228, 280. — miocene formation, 806, 807, 809, 812, 820, 328, 829. — permian formation, 195. —— post-triassic formation, 15. —— triassic formation, 195, 214, 221, 222, 261. Fowl, stages of development of, 12, 17, 21, 23. —— pelvis, 250. -— scapula and coracoid, 247. —— skull, 242. — sternum, 241. — tibia and fibula, 252, 258. Frog, aortic arch of, 84. —— brain, 162. — cerebro-spinal and sympathetic nervous system, 65. — circulation of blood, 160. — larva, 165. -—— skull, 152, 153. —— sternum and pectoral arches, 156. G. GaLpormencns, general characteristics of, Ganoidei, existing and fossil, 127. —— genera of, 121, Gibbons, 403. Glyptodon, peculiar character of, 291. Gorilla, 404. Growth in man, laws of, 418. H. Haes(marsipobranchii), optic nerves of, 65. Hand of anthropomorpha, 403, 410. Head and trunk, muscular system of, 44, — of sperm-whale, 340. Hearing, organs of, cases, 26. — in cetacea, 349. Heart of amphibis, 158. —— bat, 386. —— birds, 267. —— crocodiles, 266. —— modifications of, 87. — porpoise, 346. —— sauropsida, 264. —— teleostei, 140. —— turtle, 265. Hedgehog, 375. Tppopotamldas, general characteristics of, ITomeeosanria, 195, lLorns of deer, etc., 827. Horse, general characteristics of, 298. — cervical vertebra, 295. — femur, 301. — fore-foot and hind-foot, 294, 298, —— limbs, 297. -— muscles, 301. —— ossa innominata, 800. — skeleton, 296. — skull, 297. — tecth, 295, 302. — viscera, 804. INDEX. Hyposkeletal muscles, 44. Hyracoidea, characteristics of, 367. I. Iontryorsipa, characteristics of, 100. Ichthyosauria, 208. —— pectoral arch, 212. —— pelvis, 214. — skeleton, 209. — skull, 210. —— vertebre, 210. Impregnation of vertebrata, 9. Insectivora, characteristics of, 875. J. JacoBson, organs of, 72. K. Kionoceanta, 196, L. Lacrrtizi1a, 186. —— groups, 193. —— organs of copulation, 272. —— skull, 188. Lamb, development of, 28. Lamprey, optic nerves of, 66, 67. — sections of skull, 103, 111. — skull, 24. —— teeth, 79. Larva of frog, 164. Larynx, 98. — platyrrhini, 396. —— sauropsida, 267. Leiotrichi, 421. ‘ Lemuride, general characteristics of, 88% — brain, 390. —— limbs, 389. —— organs of reproduction, 890. — skull, 389. —— teeth, 390, 391. Lepidosiren, aortic arch of, 84. Lepidosteus semiradiatus, brain of, 121. Lias, chelonia in, 180. —- ichthyosauria in, 214. Limbs of amphibia, 156, —— birds, 249. —— carnivora, 351. — fishes, 87. —- galeopithecus, 382. —— hedgehog, 879. — horse, 297. —— hyrax, 368. —— lemurida, 389. —— man, 413. —— marmoset, 893. —— muscular system of, 46. — pig, 315. —— porpoise, 365, —— position of, 33. -— seal, 361. —— vertebrated animals, 31. Lion, skeleton of, 352. Liver, 79. — in sauropsida, 264 Lizard, brain of, 259, 260. — pectoral arch and starnum, 83, 86, INDEX. Lizard, skeleton of visceral arches, 77. Lymphatic Bystem, 90. Lymph-corpuscles, 91. M. MacRAvOonENID &, 812. Mammalia, general characteristics of, 102. — classification, 278. — deciduate, 850. — dental formule, 81. ——. development of heart, 89. a skeleton of visceral arches of mammals, — teeth, 303. Man, arrangement of principal vessels in hu- man foetus, 85, — general characteristics of, 418. ie of anthropomorpha with, — digits of, 31. — divisions of— Leiotrichi, 421. Mlotrichi, 421. — fossil, 421. —— laws of growth in, 418. — muscles of digits, 50-54, — muscles of limbs, 46. — 08 innominatum, 36, —— position of limbs, 88. — “races” of, 418. —— section of pregnant uterus of a decidu- ate placental mammal, 10. —— sexual differences, 418. — teeth, 81. Marmosets. See ee ee Marsipobranchii, 108. Marsupialia, digits of, 279. Mastodon, 866. Mesozoic formation, crocodiles in, 221. —— didelphidie, etc., tu, 280. —— lizards in, 194. —— ornithoscelida in, 227. —— plesiosauria confined to, 186. —— pterosauria in, 228. Miocene epoch, cotylophora of, 328, xtinct mammals, 820. — fossil camelide, $29. — fossil equide, 306, 807. — fossil hi ppopotamide, 820. — fossil rhinoceros, 3: —— fossil tapirs, 312. —— genus of sirenia, 883. Modifications of the brain, 59. —- of the heart, 88. —— of reproductive re orgene, 98. Moles (ta/pina), 384, Monkeys. See Simiadea. se ae (sq ina), pectoral ber of, —- sections of skull, 114. Monodelphia, characteristics of, 281, Mosasauria, 197. Mudfish, 146. Muscles of amphibia, 46. —— antibrachium, 48 —— anthropomorpha, 408. — crus, — synomorpha, 400. e digits, 5 ~—— @ 427 Muscles of dog, 855. —— eye in sauropsida, 259. —— fishes, — hedgehog, 877-879. —— horse, 801. —— the limbs, 47. —— man, 416. — peep a ~-— ophidia, pig, 815. — platyrrbini, 896. — rabbit, 378, —— seal, 362. — system ‘of, in ophidia, chelonia, and aves, 256. -—— trunk and head, 44. Musk-deer, stomach of, 823. Myelon, 65. Myzxine, 109. N, Neegors, peculiarities of, 419. Nerves, cerebral, 66. — of the eye, 73-75. —— sauropsida, 258. —— sympathetic, Nervous system of frog, 66. Non-ruminating animals, 813. oO. OLFACTORY an 72. — nervy eee a roues of, 200. _ ste system, 256. —— organs of copulation, 272, -— skull, 202. —— teeth, 208. —— vertebra, 200. Optic nerves, 66, 78, 74. Orangs, 403. —— middle digit of, 50. Organs, circulatory, 81. —— of hearing, 74. — renal, 94, — reproductive, gans. ——respiratory, 91. —— of sight, 72. — of taste, 78. -—— of touch, 78. —— of voice, 93. Bee pecelnns characteristics of, 274. Ornith 228. ee character of skeleton xf Os innominatum of man, 86. Ossa innominata of the horse, 800. Ossification of facial apparatus, 27, — skull, 24. —— vertebre, 17. Ostrich, : Teprednietive organs of, 272, —s Otaride (eared-seals), 860. Ox, skeleton of, 821. See Reproductive Or See also Respiration. 428 PAL.EOTIERID.E, 812, Palate of cctucea, 836. Pectoral arch, 84. — in birds, 247. — chelonia, 178. —— crocodiles, 219. —— and fore-limb of pike, 138. of plesiosauria, 154. Pectoral fins, 89. —— member of monkfish (sqguatina), 38. Pelvic arch, 36. —— of chelonia, 178. -—— of plesiosauria, 185. Pelvis of anthropomorpha, 407. — bat, 836. -— birds, 251. — cvtacea, 835. = crocuiiles, 220, — eynomorpha, 400, —— hedgehog, 877. —— man, 415; lower races of man, 419, —— of platyrrhini, 395. —— porpoise, 345. —— pterosauria, 230. — sirenia, 331. Permian formation, lizards of, 195. Perissodactyla, 292. Pharyngobranchii, 104. Phocidie, general characteristies of, 361. Phovodontia, 349. Phytophaga, 252. Pig, anatomy of, 318. brain, 60, 65. —— digital muscles, 53, Pike, brain of, 142. —— fins, 41. —=— pectoral arch and foro-limb, 137. — skull, 132-135. Pinnipedia, characteristics of, 359. groups, 360. Pisces. See Fishes. “Tlacoid exoskeleton,” 111. Pluice, skull of, 80. Plastron of the chelonia, 174. Platyrrhini, eneral characteristics of, 304. Plesiosauria, 180, 185. —— pelvic arch of, 185. —— skeleton, 181. —— extinct, confined to Mesozoic rocks, 185. Pleuronectida (flattishes), 30. Polypterus, caudal extremity of. 20. Porpoise, general characteristics of, 842. —— heart, 846. — muscles, B46. — pelvis, i —— respiratory apparatus, 347. -— skull, 843, —— stomach, 346, -— teeth, 316. +-— vertebrae, 343. Post-Triassle group of plesiosauria, 185. Poupart’s ligament, 87. Primates, characteristics of, 888. — divisions of, 3st. Proboscidea, general characteristics of, 864. —— bones. 366. — fossil, 868. —— reproductive organs, 866, — skull, 864. INDEX. Proboseldea. stomach of, 365. teeth, 366. —— vertebra, 264. Protorosauria, 15, Protovertebrie, 16. Psalterium of ruminants, 821. Pterodactylus, skeleton of, 229 Pterosauria, 225. groups of, 231. — skull, 229. —_ vertebrr, 229. Python, dorsal vertebra of, 201, — skull, 203, 205. Rn. Rasoarr, anatomy of, 871. — brain, 60-65, 874, digital muscles, 58. limbs, 873, 374. tousel ess 373. ‘ia reproductive organs, 374. ema 372. teeth, svt. vertebrae, 871. —— visvern, 874. Races of man, 418, Rana esculenta, cerebro: epitiat and sympa thetic nervous system of, 65, Rattlesnake, skull of, 206. Rays, pectoral arch of, 34. —— skull, 24. Renal organs, 94. Reproductive organs, 95. of amia calva, 126, emp hilt, 168. anthropomorpha, 413. bat, 856, birds, 272. doy, 853. heeechog, 381. lemuridiv, 890. inan, 415, 47. modifications of, 97. ostrich, 272. porpoise, 349. suuropsida, 273. Reptilia, characteristics of, 165. —— groups, 169, Respiration, mechanism of, 93. —— organs of, 91. —— in amphibia, 161. -——— porpoises, 343. —— sauropsida, 269. —— tceleostei, 140. Khinoceros, general characteristics of, $07. —— bonvs, 308. fossil, 809. reproductive organs, 809, skin, 307. skull, 807, tecth, 807, 809, vertebrae, 807. viscora, 809. LTT T TI Lit LITT HLT Rhynchocephala, 194, Rodentia, gencral characteristics of, 869. 70 —— brain, —— digntts, 371. reproductive organs, 871. — leeth 369, 870. —— vertebra, 370, INDEX. Ruminating snimals. $29. — act of feeding, 234. — act of rumination, 325. — groups of, 826, Ss. SALAMANDRA, hind-foot of, 38. Salmo, caudal extremity of 20. Srcrum of birds, 238. S.uuropsida, general characteristics of, 101. -—— alimentary canal of, 262. — brain, 258, 259 ~—— var, 262. —— eye-musclea, 259. +-— heart, three forms of, 264 —— larynx, 267. -— liver, 264. —— muscles and viscera, 256. —— nerves, 253. —— reproductive organs, 272. —— respiratory organs, 269. —— stomach, 264. tongue of, 262. ee Otaride, Phocide, Pinnipedia. Secretary-bird. skull of, 246. Sensory organs, 72. Sexual differences in man 418, Sbrews Geopteas)3ot Simiadm, genera! characteristics of, 391. — divisions of, 392. —— teeth, 391. Sirenia, characteristics of, 330. Skate, brain of, 118. Skeleton, amphibian, 151, 152, of anthropomorpha, 404, eatarrhine monkey, 892. chelone miles section of, 172. etephant, 3 er Hlying-fox, fossil at > B05, 806. horse, 296. ~— icthyosauria, 209, — limbs. 31. —— lion, 352. —— onaituoscelida, transitional character of, ee — ox, 321. —— plesiosaurus, 182. -— porpoise, $43. eee ee 229. —— the skull, 22. ~—— visceral arches of lizard, mammal, and fish. 78. See also ee ae Exoskeleton. Skull Siaee pense 124. —— amphibian, 153. —— of anthro) omorpha, 405. —— arches 3 penging to, 71. —— of bat, 38! — birds. Pie — carnivora, 850. —— common fowl, 242. —— cetacea, 334. Skull of chelonia, 176, 177. —— cranial system, 22. — crocodile, 218. —— cynomorpha, 397. —— dog, 358. — elephant, 865. —— fishes, 81. —— foetal cachalot, 341. — frog, 152, 153. —_ hedgehog, 876. —— horse, 297. —— lacertilia, 189, 190, — lemuride, 899. man, 414, citierences in, 420, marmoset, 39: 393; modifications of, 24, mudfish, 145, 146, nerves of, 66-71. ophidia, 202. ornithoscelida, 227. ostrich, 243. osseous brain-case, 24, 25. pig, 814. pike, 182-135. plaice, 80. platyrrhini, 395. plesiosauria, 188. porpoise, 343. pterosauria, 230. rabbit, 872. rattlesnake (¢rotalus), 206. rhinoceros, 807. seal, 362. secretary-bird, 240. sirenia, 330. spatularia, 128. sturgeon, 124. tr eae ri bg typical s ent 0: Waits, 360. whale, ‘327, 328. Sloths, characteristics of, 28% —— ankle-joint, 283. —— limbs, 288. —— pelvis, 283. —— tongue, 236. — vertebra, 283. Snakes. See Ophidia. Sorices (shrews), 334, Spatularia, skull of, 128. Spinal canal and cord, 65. —— system, 17. Spleen, 91. Spouting, mechanism of, in cetacea, 848. Spur of birds, 254. Squatina (monkfish), Peston member of, 89 — sections of skull, 11 Stenson, canals of, 72. Sternum in birds, 240, 241. — of frog, 157. —— of lizard, 35, 36. Stomach, 79. —— of camels, etc., 828. —— carnivora, 351. — musk- cece 828. — porpoise, 346, —— ruminating animal, 322, 828. — sauropsida, 2 —— sheep, 323. —- teleostei, 199. Sturgeon, skull of, 24, 124. | ee 430 Buide, 812 — variations in, 818. Sympathetic nerves, 71. Syrinx, 98. — of' birds, 268. Tg., 165, 166. Tapirs, characteristics of, 310. Tarsus, skeletal elements of, 31. Taste, organ of, 78. Teeth, 79. —— of amphibia, 158. ~—— anthropomorpha, 411. —— bat, 386, 387. earnivora, 850. cats, 859. cetacea, 885. crocodiles, 221. cynomorpha, 401. delphinoidea, 340. didelphia, 278. dog, 856, 359. edentata, 282, 286. edentata tubulidentata, 288. elephant, 365. extinct mammals, 820. fishes, 114, 138. galeopithecus, 888. hedgehog, 879. hippopotamus, 819. horse, 295, 802. hyrax, 868. lacertilia, 198. lemuride, 390. macrauchenide, 812. man, 417, 420. marmoset, 392. ophidia, 208. ornithoscelida, 227. palwotherida, 312. ig, 816. platyrrhint, 896, porpoise, 846. rabbit, 874. rhinoceros, 807. rodentia, 869, seal, 863. sirenia, 332. suidee, 313, 818, tapirs, 310. toxodontia, 829 walrus, 360. whale, or whalebone, 339. Teleostei, 180. — aortic arch of, 84. Tertiary epoch, extinct cetaceans of, 850. —— late, fossil man in, 421 Thymus, 91, Tongue of amphibla, 158. —— sauropsida, 263. —— sloths, 237. Torpedo, electrical apparatus of, 55. Tortoises, 170. Touch, organs of, 78. Toxodontia, extinct, characteristics of, 829. Tragulide, 326. CT a aT Transition of skeleton of ornithoscelida, 224. Trematusacrus, skull of, 155. INDEX. Triassic formation, crocodiles of, 221. — extinct lizards, 195, — dicynodontia, 224 —— Ichthyosauria, 213. —— macropodidm, etc., 280. Triassic groups of plesiosauria, 185. Trichechide (walruses), 860. Trigeminal nerves, 68, 70. Trunk and head, muscular system of, @ Turkey, brain of, 259. Turtles, 170. -—— heart, 264, 265. —— plastron, 174, — skull, 176, 177. Tylopoda or camelide, 828. Uxorrion, 421. . Ungulata, characteristics of, 292, Vv. Vamrrre bat, 388. Vascular system, 83-87. eins, 83. Ventral fins, 89. ae of anthropomorpha, 405, seeoes. he birds, 236. caudal, 19. —— of carnivora, 850. — cetacean, 384, — ncaa leon —— cynomorpha, 898. —— dog, B53. —— hedgehog, 876, — horse, 295. hyrax, 867. ‘chthyosauria, 208. *‘wcertilia, 187. emuride, 389. man, 414; lower races of, 420, marmoset, 893. ornithoscelida, 227, ossification of, 17. of pig, 813. platyrrhine, 394. porpoise, 843. proboscidea, 864. pterosauria, 229, rabbit, 871. rhinoceros, 807. rodentia, 370, seal, 860. sirenia, 330, snakes, 201. tapire, 801. — whales, 886. Vertebrata, distinctive characters of 3 —— development, 9. ~— fetal appendages, 12. —— impregnetion, 9. —— limbs, 31 —— provinces or groups, 100. Vertebente endoskeleton, 14. —— exoskeleton, 39. Vesicles of the brain, 55. Viscera of anthropomorpha, 412, — camellia, 824. —— cynomorpha, 401. I 4 KITE INDEX. 431 Viscera of elephant, 866. Visceral arches, skeletons of, 77. — hedgehog, 380. Voice of birds, 268. —— horse, 804. —- organs of, 93. — hyrax, 368. —— lemuride, 889. — pig, 318. w. .-— platyrrhint, 896, 897. -— rabbit, 374. Waterson, 839 —— rodentia, 870. Whale, ear-bones of, 888. —— seal, 863. — skull of, 388. ——— tapirs, 311. —— skull of fotal, 887. Visceral arches and clefts, 14. —— sperm, head of, 840, THE END. \ Zs (Mbdddiida