ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HoME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY iii 3 1924 002 873 689 Univ ity Library ustralia; illu: a mann THE SNAKES OF AUSTRALIA; ILLUSTRATED AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF ALL THE KNOWN SPECIES, BY GERARD KREFFT, F.LS., C.M.Z.S., &c., &o., &., CURATOR AND SECRETARY OF THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM. Sydney : THOMAS RICHARDS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PHILLIP-STREET. 1869. 4 PREFACE. Tue present descriptive Catalogue contains a full account of nearly all the Australian Snakes discovered and recorded up to the year 1868, including the Sea Snakes observed on our coast. Original descriptions have been retained wherever it was possible, errors have been corrected, and the ranges of the various species defined. Much attention has been paid to the colors of living specimens, and to the changes ophidian reptiles undergo during the period of growth. Frequent experiments have enabled me to distinguish between venomous and dangerous ‘venomous snakes; and it must be a source of congratulation that, with the many new discoveries in this branch of Natural History during the last ten years, not one really dangerous serpent has been added to our fauna. In 1854, about twenty Australian Snakes were known; five years later, thirty were enumerated in Dr. Giinther’s Catalogue; and now, nearly seventy species are on record. Science owes much to the energy of the Trustees of the Australian Museum, who, with very limited means, have kept a most able and enthusiastic collector (Mr. George Masters) in the field; and I do not think I am far wrong in stating that two-thirds of these newly discovered species were first exhibited in Sydney. I am under deep obligations to Dr. Albert Giinther, F.R.S., of the British Museum, whose splendid work on “The Reptiles of British India” has enabled me to add a full account of the Australian Sea Snakes. The gifted daughters of A. W. Scott, Hsq., M.A.— Miss Scott, and Mrs. Edward Forde—have done everything in their power to give correct figures of the reptiles illustrated. This task (one of peculiar difficulty, as every naturalist knows) has been well carried out, and the different species will be easily recognized. I thank all the kind contributors to the Museum—in particular, the Messrs. M‘Intosh, of Lane Cove and Marsh Bank; Mr. Houghton Bradley, Mr. Arch. Boyd, Mr. Edward 8. Hill, Mr. Edward Beiisario, and others, who, during a period of nine years, have enriched our collection with numerous specimens, and through whose exertions the dangerous snakes of the neighbourhood of Sydney have been considerably reduced. I shall feel thankful if occasional mistakes are pointed out to me; and if sufficient encouragement is offered, I hope to continue publications of a similar character. G. K. Hyde Park, Woolloomooloo, March 20, 1869. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Te names of the authors are marked who first gave the specific denomination. The species which are desiderata to the Museum collection are marked with a * Fam. TYPHLOPIDZ.. Page. Tyrpuiors. Dum. and Bibr. 1. polygrammicus, Schley. ... is si is oe i 17 2. bituberculatus, Peters... Kish gos aint oe ee 17 3. giintheri,* Peters ... ae a 6 se se ais 17 4. nigrescens, Gray ... ia si ozs a oe v8 18 5. riippelli, Jan fe ani sh if a ‘i sk 18 6. preissi, Jan ath 1a 63 ane sive se sin 19 7. bicolor, Schmidt ... ee pas wa arse sie nee 19 8. australis, Gray... ans a id ee ai sh 18 9. wiedii, Peters Ad ee ek on wes a .. 100 10. unguirostris,* Peters... si = - eg ... 100 Fam. COLUBRID. CoroneLia. Laur. 1. australis,* Gthr. .., oe a hie ei Mad ny 20 Fam. NATRICIDE. Troriponotus. Kuhl. 1. picturatus, Schleg. 183 si aon Sie a a 20 Fam. HOMALOPSIDA. CERBERUS. Cuvier. 1. australis,* Gray ... Bee a sg ee on eg 22 Myron. Gray. 1. richardsonii*, Gray sa uu a ii us a 23 Fam. DENDROPHIDEE. Denproruis. Boie. i. punctulata, Gray ... oa te a Ss se ie 23 2. calligastra,* Guthr. a ais ae a at aH 25 yi SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Fam. DIPSADID. Dipsas. Auct. 1. fusca, Gray Fam. PYTHONIDZE. Morera. Gray. 1. spilotes, Gray 2. variegata, Gray Asprpiorss. Krefft. 1. melanocephalus, Krefft ... Liasts. Gray. 1. childrenii,* Gray ... 2. olivacea,* Gray... Narpoa. Gray. 1. gilbertii, Gray Fam. ELAPID. Diemenia. Gray. . psammophis, Schleg. . Olivacea, Gray... . reticulata, Gray . miilleri,* Schleg superciliosa, Fischer . torquata,* Gthr. ... > OUR 09 bo Psevponasa. Gthr. 1. nuchalis,* Gthr. Pseupecuis. Wagler. 1. porphyriacus, Shaw 2. australis, Gray. 3. scutellatus,* Peters Bracuysoma. Gthr. 1. diadema, Schleg. 2. triste,* Gthr. Furina. Dum. and Bibr. 1. calonotos,* D. and B. 2. bimaculata* BRACHYUROPHIS. Gthr. 1. australis, Krefft ... Page. 26 29 33 34 35 35 44 46 100 48 50 50 51 52 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. HopriocerHarus. Cuvier. . eurtus, Schlegl . Superbus, Gthr. . ater, Krefit , variegatus, Dum. and Bibr. . stephensii, Krefft ... 5 . ee Gthr. gouldii, Gr oe . spectabilis, Krefft . coronatus, Schleg. 10. coronoides, Gthr. ... 11. mastersii, Kreft ... 12. signatus, Jan sie 13. temporalis, Gthr. ... 14. ramsayi, Krefft 15. minor, Gthr. 16. nigriceps, Gthr. 17. nigrescens, Gthr. ... 18. nigrostriatus, Krefft bee 19. maculatus,* Steindachner... OOIHMAP We TRoPIpECHIS. Gthr. 1. carinata, Krefft Prerropymon. Krefft. 1. cucullatum, Gthr. Cacopuis. Gthr. 1. krefftii, Gthr. 2. fordei, Krefft is 8. harriettw, Krefft ... 4, blackmanii, Krefft ‘ VERMICELLA. Gray. 1. annulata, Gray... 2. lunulata, Krefft ... ACANTHOPHIS. Daud. 1. antarctica, Wagl. Denisonta. Krefft. 1. ornata, Krefft Fam. HYDROPHIDZ. Prarurus. Latr. 1. scutatus, Gthr. 2. fischeri, Jan 71 72 80 82 89 90 vi- Vili SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page. Arpysurus. Lacép. 1. anguilliformis,* Schmidt cs ae ses sia i 90 2. fuscus,* Fischer ... ee ah neg ‘nae bi wa 91 3. levis, Lacép i ta ane ait a a ss 91 Emypoceruatus. Krefft. 1. annulatus, Krefft ... ws 88 ae a8 cc or 92 2. tuberculatus, Krefft Sie tee ca wis aia wa 93 Disterra. Lacép. 1. doliata,* Lacép ... ea es wi one et ba 94 Acatyptus. Dum. and Bibr. 1. superciliosus,* Dum. and Bibr. ... as oi a be 94 Hypropuis. Daud. 1. stokesii, Gray... as a3 ve ue a9 ... 95, 100 2. belcheri,* Gray... ia ea ee ee ids ay 95 3. elegans, Gray... aie a a al ine let 96 4, ocellata, Gray... sit wan — wea aie ns 97 Evyuyprina. Gray. 1. bengalensis, Gray sie om a es ae a 98 Preramis. Daud. 1. bicolor, Daud nit see avd ech ane bd ee 98 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. NEW SOUTH WALES. INNOCUOUS SNAKES. ScHLEGEL’s Buryp Snake. Typhlops polygrammicus Gray’s Buovp Snake. Typhlops nigrescens Ruprety’s Burp Swake. Typhlops riippelli Preiss’ Buinp SNAKE. Typhlops preissi ... Scumipt’s Brinp Snake. Typhlops bicolor ... AUSTRALIAN TROPIDONOTUS. Tropidonotus picturatus... GREEN TREE SNAKE. Dendrophis punctulata ... Brown TREE SNAKE. Dipsas fusca Dismonp SNAKE. Morelia spilotes ... Carper SNAKE. Morelia variegata VENOMOUS SNAKES. Grey SNAKE. Diemenia reticulata Brown Swake. Diemenia superciliosa MULLER’s SNAKE. Diemenia miilleri (?) Page. 17 18 18 19 19 20 23 26 29 31 40 41 41 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Brack SNAKE. Pseudechis porphyriacus ScaRLer-spoTTeD SNAKE. Brachysoma diadema Avsteantan SHort-TarnEp SNAKE. Brachyurophis australis Brown-BaNDED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus curtus LarGe-scaLeD SNAKE. Hoplocephalus superbus... BrRoaD-HEADED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus variegatus SrepHens’ Banpep SNAKE. Hoplocephalus stephensii PaLkE-HEADED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus pallidiceps Goutp’s SNAKE, Hoplocephalus gouldii (?) Brack-BELLIED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus signatus ... Ramsay’s SNAKE. Hoplocephalus ramsayi ... Brack-naPep SNAKE. Hoplocephalus nigriceps... BuacK-BACKED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus nigrescens CuarEnce River Snake. Tropidechis carinata Rev-BELLIED SNAKE. Petrodymon cuculatum ... Krerrt’s Snake. Cacophis krefftii ... Buack and Wurre Ringep SNAKE. Vermicella annulata Death ADDER. Acanthophis antarctica ... Page. 46 48 52 53 54 56 58 59 60 66 68 68 71 72 74 78 80 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. VICTORIA. INNOCUOUS SNAKES. Preiss’ Burp Swaxe. Typhlops preissii ... Scumip?’s Brinp Snake. Typhlops bicolor ... Green Tree SNAKE. Dendrophis punctulata ... Carpet Snake. Morelia variegata... VENOMOUS SNAKES. Grey SNAKE. Diemenia reticulata Brown Snake. Y Diemenia superciliosa Buack Snake. Pseudechis porphyriacus... BrRown-BaANDED OR TIGER SNAKE. Hoplocephalus curtus Broapd-scaLED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus superbus... BLack-BELLIED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus signatus ... Brack anD WHITE RriveEep SNAKE. Vermicella annulata Death ADDER. Acanthophis antarctica ... SOUTH AUSTRALIA. INNOCUOUS SNAKES. Perers’ Buinp Sxaxke. Typhlops bituberculatus... Carpet Snake, Morelia variegata c Page. 19 19 23 31 40 AL 46 54 64 78 80 17 31 xii GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. VENOMOUS SNAKHES. Grey SNAKE. Diemenia reticulata Brown Sake. Diemenia superciliosa Brack SyAxE. Pseudechis porphyriacus BROWN-BANDED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus curtus LaARGE-SCALED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus superbus Frinpers’ SNAaKe. Hoplocephalus ater Govtn’s Snake. Hoplocephalus gouldii Port Lincoty SNaxke. Hoplocephalus spectabilis CRowNED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus coronatus Masters’ Snake. Hoplocephalus mastersii... Temporat Desert SNAKE. Hoplocephalus temporalis Desert SNAKE. Hoplocephalus minor Brack anp Warre Rincep SNAKE. Vermicella annulata WEST AUSTRALIA. INNOCUOUS SNAKES. West AUSTRALIAN Buinp SNAKE. Typhlops australis AUSTRALIAN CORONELLA. Coronella australis Ricnarpson’s WatTER SNAKE. Myron richardsonii Carper SNAKE, Morelia variegata Page. 40 41 46 53 54 55 60 61 62 63 65 67 78 18 20 23 31 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. VENOMOUS SNAKES. Brown Syaxkz.’ Diemenia superciliosa Norta Avstranian Banpep Syake. Pseudonaja nuchalis ScaRLET-sPOTTED SNAKE. Brachysoma diadema ‘VVERREAUX’S FURINA. Furina bimaculata BRowN-BaNDED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus curtus ... Large-scaLeD SNAKE. Hoplocephalus superbus... Gounp’s SNAKE. Hoplocephalus gouldii ... CrownEp SNAKE. Hoplocephalus coronatus Temporat Drsert SNAKE. Hoplocephalus temporalis Desert SNAKE. Hoplocephalus minor Rineep Snake. Vermicella annulata QUEENSLAND. INNOCUOUS SNAKES. Scutecen’s Brinp Snake. Typhlops polygrammicus Guyrer’s Brinp SNAKE, Typhlops giintheri Wien’s.Biinp Syake.. Typhlops wiedii ... QurEevsLanp Brinp Syake. Typhlops unguirostris AUSTRALIAN FResH-waTER SNAKE. Tropidonotus picturatus AUSTRALIAN BockaDAaM. Cerberus australis Page. AL 44 48 51 53 54 60 62 67 78 17 17 100 100 20° 22 xii xiv GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Green Tree SNAKE. Dendrophis punctulata ... NortHern Tree Syaxe. Dendrophis calligastra ... Brown Tree Snake. Dipsas fusca Carpet SNAKE. Morelia variegata Biack-HEADED SNAKE. Aspidiotes melanocephalus CHILDREN’s Rock Snake. Liasis childrenii ... OLIVE-GREEN Rock SNAKE. Liasis olivacea Giueert’s Rock SNAKE. Nardoa gilbertii ... VENOMOUS SNAKES. ScHLEGEL’s SNakE. Diemenia psammophis SPorTeD-HEADED SNAKE. Diemenia olivacea Grey Swakez. Diemenia reticulata Mutier’s SNAKE, Diemenia miilleri Brown Swake. Diemenia superciliosa Percy Istanp Snaku. Diemenia torquata Norrs Avstratian Banpep SNAKE. Pseudonaja nuchalis Brack Swake. Pseudechis porphyriacus ORANGE-BELLIED Brown SNAKE. Pseudechis australis NEw sPEcrEs. Pseudechis scutellatus ScARLET-SPOTTED SNAKE. Brachysoma diadema MacGiiitvray’s SNAKE, Brachysoma triste Page. 23 * 26 26 31 33 34 35 35 38 39 40 41 4d 43 44 46 47 100 48 50 GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX. Page. SHORT-TAILED SNAKE. Brachyurophis australis ... re i sa ai sit oe 52 BRown-BANDED SNAKE. ‘Hoplocephalus curtus... Ae te % ws at ee 53 PauE-HEADED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus pallidiceps ee oe oF oe me ot 59 BuacCK-BELLIED Snake. Hoplocephalus signatus ... i re ate 2 ses ae 64 Buack-BaCKED SNAKE. Hoplocephalus nigrescens ce es abe Bis Me se 68 Buack-stRipep SNAKE. Hoplocephalus nigro-striatus ... a8 Sh ie a ee 70 NEw sPECIEs. Hoplocephalus maculatus bet om i “isa ai ‘ve 100 RED-BELLIED SNAKE. Petrodymon cucullatum ... ths