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MEMBER DEUTSCHER FISCHEREI-VEREIN, AND OF THE AMERICAN FISHERIES SOCIETY, MEMBER OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF CALCUTTA AND OF THE COTSWOLD NATURALISTS’ FIELD CLUB, ETC., DEPUTY SURGEON- GENERAL MADRAS ARMY, (RETIRED, ) AND FORMERLY INSPECTOR- GENERAL OF FISHERIES IN INDIA, IN TWO VOLUMES. VOLUME I. WILLIA"S AND NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON; anp 20, SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, EDINBURGH. 1880—1884. A. Cea LONDON: G. NORMAN AND SON, PRINTERS, HART STREET, COVENT GARDEN. PREFACE, Twenty years having elapsed since the last editions of the elaborate treatises on “ British Fishes”? by Yarrell and Couch were published, I venture to offer to the public a new work on our fish-fauna, wherein I have attempted to incorporate many of the discoveries of recent times. For latterly investigations into our fish and fisheries have been pursued with increased zeal, and many facts ascertained materially modifying some of the conclusions formerly arrived at. My desire has been to produce a work useful to the zoological student, fish-culturist, fisherman, and the general public—all of whdm are more or less interested in the fish-fauna of the. ‘British Isles, whether as regards their geographical, zoological, sporting, or economic aspects. As the value of a work of this description is much increased by illustrations, I have personally delineated every species from nature. Why I was unable to retain the services of my professional artist the subjoined letter from the Secretary to the Trustees of the British Museum* will explain. s The number of zoologists who have made the fish-fauna of our isles the subject for their is very considerable, as will be seen by the following list. While in addition to those who are not specially alluded to others have also done good servive, either as compilers or investigators into the habits or other subjects pertaining to one or more of our indigenous species, recording their discoveries in articles sent to different scientific publications or in the pages of weekly and other journals, and which, so far as I have been able, I have referred to under the various species to which such remarks pertain. , In the year 1662, Sir Thomas Browne compiled a list of the Norfolk fishes, on which he made several interesting observations; in 1684, Sir Robert Sibbald, in “ Scotie Prod. Nat. Hist.,” describes the fishes of that country. Willughby and Ray appear to tag been the joint authors of *‘ Historia Piscium,” published at Oxford in 1686; while in 1713 a posthunmious work by the latter, entitled “Synopsis Methodica Piscium,” * “Dear Siz,—Having referred your letter of the 13th to Dr. Gtinther, I learn from him that as both you and he are engaged in preparing a publication on British Fishes, he thinks it inconvenient and against the interests of either work that the same artist should be emploved on both. He has, therefore, intimated to Mr. Mintern that if he is working cuts for you he will engage another artist for himself. This is a matter which cannot be considered to concern the Trustees.—Yours; &c.,; Ep. A. Bonn.” (August 20th, 1880.) a i PREFACE. was printed in London, and in it were added some descriptions and figures of raro Cornish fishes, made by the Reverend G. Jugo, the minister of Looe in that county, JVallace’s “Description of the Islands of Orkney ”’ was published in 1693, and contains an account of some of Dale, in a ° “ History of the Antiguities of Harwich and Doverscourt,” 1730, devotes a portion of the appendix (pp. 420-436) to the local fishes. The Reverend W. Borlase, ¥.x.8., in 1758, published a work on the “ Natural History of Cornwall,’ in which a portion of chapter xxii and three plates refer to fishes. Pennant, in his “ British Zoology,” 1776, devoted most of volume ii and sixty-six plates to fishes: a second edition of this work was published with additions after his death in 1812. Donovan, between the years 1802 and 1808, brought out his beautifully illustrated work on “ British Fishes,” in five volumes, containing 120 figures and descriptions. G. Shaw, in his “General Zoology,” 1800-1819, devotes volumes iv and v (1803-1801), with 182 plates, to fishes, and has likewise observations on the same subject in the “ Naturalist’s Miscellany,’ 1789-1813. Turton, in his ‘ British Fauna,” 1807, devotes from p. 82 to 117 to fish. Colunel Montagu, in the “ Wernerian Memoirs,” 1811 and 1818, has some observations and figures of new and little-known British fishes. Patrick Neill gives a “ List of the Fishes found in the Frith of Forth” (pp. 526-555), in the ‘“ Wernerian Memoirs,” for 1811. ©. and J. Paget, in their “ History of Yarmouth,” Hogg in the “Natural History of Stockton-on-Tees,” 1829, and Lubbock in tho “ Fauna of Norfolk,’ 1845, refer to the local fishes. In 1818, the « Fauna Orcadensis,” by the Dev. George Low, minister of Birsa and Harray, appeared ; it had been written between the years 1774 and 1795, and from page 167 to 230 are given to fish. Fleming, in 1828, in a “ History of British Animals,” devotes pp. 162-222 to descriptions of fishes. In 1828, Mrs. Bowdich published some plates of British fresh-water Fishes. Jenyns, ina “Mannal of British Vertebrate Animals,” 1835, describes the fishes (pp. 806-524). Yurrell, in 1835, commenced the first edition of his “ British Fishes,” completed the succeeding year in two volumes, and illustrated with nearly 400 wood engravings; the second edition was published in 18-41, and the third by Sir J. Richardson, r.r.s., in 1859. Parnell published his “ prize essay on the natural and cconomical history of the fishes, marine, fluviatile and lacustrine, of the river district of the Firth of Forth,” in the “ Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society,” vii, 1838, pp. 161-460, with plates xviii to xliv. Johnston, in 1888, at the annual meeting of the Berwickshire Naturalist’s Club, gave a list of the fishes of that county. Swainson describes “ Fishes in Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopzedia,” 1839, with figures. Sir W. Jardine, v.n.s., “ British Salmonide,” in 1839, with large folio plates. Meynell gave a paper on “the Fishes of York- shire” to the British Association in 1844, Dillwyn, on the “ Fauna and PREFACE. lil Flora of Swansea,” 1848, chapter iii, from page 11 to 17, being on the local fish-fauna. In 1851, Mr. Adam White and.Dr. John Edward Gray published “List of the specimens of British Animals in the British Museum,” fish oo 162 pages. Baker gave a paper on the “Fishes of. Somerset- shire,” in 1851, to the “ Somersetshire Archeological and Natural History Society,” ix the proceedings of which it is a. Harris, in 1851, published in volume ix of the “ Zoologist,” a “ List of the fishes of the Moray Firth ;? Gordon, in 1852, in the same ‘tiation also gave a list of those from te Moray Firth. In the same year Peach gave a paper to the British Association on “Some fishes found at Peterhead.” In 1853, W. Baikie gave a list of the “Fishes of the Orkneys and Shetlands,” in the “ Zoologist.” Dr. .1. Giinther, ¥.n.s., published between 1859 and 1870 a « Catalogue of the Fishes of .the British Museum,” in eight volumes. In the appendix to Ferguson’s “Natural History of Redcar,” is. an account of the fishes of that locality. In 1860, Mrs. Merrifield, in “A sketch of the Natural History of Brighton and its Vicinity,” gives a chapter on the “ Fishes.” In 1861, Mr. Iiggins published in the “ Zoologist ” “ Remarks on some of the fishes of Weston-super-Mare.” Couch commenced his “ Fishes of the British Isles ” in 1862, and completed them in 1865, in three volumes, with 252 coloured plates. In 1864, Gill published in the “ Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Science of a 1864 (p. 199), a paper “on the affinities of several doubtful British Fishes.” McIntosh, in the “ Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh,” volume v, 1862-65,* gave’a paper on “the Fishes of North Uist,” and in 1874, in a work on “the Marine Invertebrates and Fishes of St. Andrews,” describes the latter (pp. 171-185). Dr. Lowe, in the “Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist’s Society,” 1873-74, published an account of the “Fishes of Norfolk.” In 1875, Mr. H. Parfitt, in the “ Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science and Literature,” gave an account of the “Fishes of Devonshire.” In 1876, the investigations of Hdward in Banffshire were published in “ the Life of a Scotch Naturalist,” and a list in the appendix (pp. 417-429). Mr. G. Sim includes the observations made by the late Dr. Dyce, in a “ Catalogue of fish found in the vicinity of Aberdeen ” in the Transactions of the local Society in 1878. Mr. Dunn, in the “ Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall,’ no. xxii, gave “ Remarks upon some Cornish Fishes.” Mr. Frank Buckland, in 1878, published a “ Familiar History of British Fishes,” enlarged in 1880, and termed a “ Natural History * Subsequent to the publication of part viii of this work and the completion of the addenda, Dr. McIntosh kindly forwarded to me a specimen of Lumpenus lampetreformis, which Blennoid had been trawled fifteen miles off St. Abb’s head, and the first recorded British specimen (see, “ Proceedings of Zoological Society for June,” 1884, with a figure). 8 : a * iv PREFACE. of British Fishes,” with woodcuts. In 1879, F. Day, in the “ Proceedings of the Zoological Society” (p. 742), gave an acount of the “ Fishes of Weston-super-Mare.” In the same year, the Reverend Mr. Houghton published an account of the “British Freshwater Fishes,” with coloured illustrations. In 1881, Mr. Hagle Clarke and Mr. D. Roebuck brought out the “Yorkshire Vertebrata,” in which pp. 99-133 are devoted to fish. In 1882, Mr. F. Sawyer gave a paper to the “ Brighton and Sussex Natural History Society” on “ Sussex Fish and Fisheries ;” and Mr. Crellin has compiled a list of the “ Fishes of the Isle of Man.” In Ireland, Dr. Rutty (1772) published an “Essay towards a natural history of the county of Dublin,” and in volume. i, from page 345 to 369 is devoted to fish; also Harris, in the “History of County Down,” 1744 ;. Sampson’s “History of Londonderry,” 1802; MceSkimnin's “ History of Carrickfergus ;”” Dubordiew’s “ History of County Down,” 1802; all have local lists of fish. Templeton’s “ List of Fishes of Belfast”? was published in the “ Magazine of Natural History,” in 1837. In 1856, Thompson’s “ Natural History of Ireland” was brought out, and in volume iv, pp. 69-268, are collected the various ichthyological papers written by that author. More, who also published a list‘of “the Fishes of the Isle of Wight,” gave in the “Journal of the Royal Dublin Society,” volume v, 1866-70, a paper on the « Fishes of the South-Western Coast of Ireland.” In 1869, Andrews likewise published a paper on the same subject. It now becomes my pleasing duty to offer my sincere thanks to those who have assisted me by obtaining information and specimens, or have helped my work through the press. Among the former J must particularly allude to Mr. Matthias Dunn, of Mevagissey, whose intimate knowledge of fishes and unwearied search after information and specimens, which he has always been most ready to communicate, have proved of invaluable service. ‘The late Professor Peters, Director of the Berlin Museum ; Professor Hubrecht, of Utrecht ; and Professor Giglioli, Director of the Vertebrate Museum at Florence, have likewise given me much assistance. Mr. Sim, of Aberdeen ; Mr. Kermode, of the Isle of Man ; Mr. T. Carrington, ¥.1.8., late of the West- minster Royal Aquarium : Dr. Murie, v.u.s., and Mr. G. Brooks, ¥.L.S., have all assisted me with specimens of marine and fresh-water fishes. Sir J. Ramsay Gibson-Maitland, Bart., ¥.u.8., has also afforded me invaluable information and opportunities of investigation at his justly celebrated Howietoun Fisheries. I have also to offer my best thanks to A. C. Brisbane Neill, Esq., of the Madras Medical Service (retired) for his invaluable assistance in carrying ‘this work through the press, and ‘thus enabling me to bring out the various numbers at the periods specified in the original prospectus. INTRODUCTION. WHEN commencing to investigate fish and fisheries, it naturally first occurs to the tquirer to ask what is a fish ? at what geological epoch of time did it first leave a trace of its existence on the surface of the globe we inhabit ? ° how does it live, move, and continue its kind ? In a work like the present, a small space only can be given to some of these various questions, and I have deemed it best to abbreviate, remarks upon embryology, comparative, anatomy and physiology, as well as the numerous and diversified systems of classification (referring the reader to the various treatises on these subjects) in order to dwell more particularly upon facts that come especially to the notice of the field- pabareiels fish-culturist and fisherman, For practical purposes it is highly désirable to endeavour to ascertain what are the geographical limits within which the various forms of fish life are found, should the species be migratory, the causes of their migrations, and how such are dependent on ocean circulation, currents, seasons, temperature, food, or the necessity for the continuation of their kind. Why is it that some forms flourish and increase while others dwindle away and decrease ; what are the effects of light or darkness, depths or the varied physical con- ditions of the waters in which they reside? Likewise how fish are affected by storms and electrical disturbances, or in short what are their enemies or their friends, and conditions tending towards the perpetuation or extermina- tion of their race ? When inquiring into what is their favourite food, we have to remember that in selecting such they must be guided by the faculties of sight, taste, or smell, perhaps assisted by touch, and possibly by sound, and this leads on to the consideration of respiration and digestion. Fishes likewise possess emotions and instincts, sensibility to pain or the reverse, modifications of form sometimes due to age or sex, and alterations of colour consequent upon the nuptial season, external relationship or disease. Some residing at great depths or in dark caverns have théir eyes deficient, others in the abysses of the ocean possess them enormously developed in order to utilize every ray of light, while a few likewise living in apparently * vi EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. similar conditions cmit light. Again we find forms sceking refuge in other animals, or clse as commensals using them as vehicles for conveying them from one place to another, or fastening on their neighbours for their own carnivorous purposes. ‘Then there is the breeding of fishes whether natural or artificial, hybridism and its effects, sterility and its causes ; diseases and the mode of destruction of fish ; and lastly, fisheries, and how they are.worked. Fish are the lowest class of the vertebrate division of the animal kingdom, destined to pass their lives in a watery element, and having their bodies very diversely modified in order to accommodate them to varied con- ditions of existence. Some are fitted for salt waters, others for those that arc fresh, some for residing at great depths, others for shallows, some are mere, surface swimmers pursuing their finny food, while others, although similarly surface swimmers, live on minute organisms, and are themselves pursued by their more powerful neighbours. Some like clear water, others prefer that which is muddy, the rapid stream, the whirling eddy, the placid lake or pond, or the mountain torrent, cach possess their fish life, modified according to circumstances and frequently changing with the age of the animal. EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. Remarking generally on the external form of fishes we see,a comparatively large head attached directly to the trunk without the intervention of a neck, while the body tapers off towards the posterior extremity. The regions into which they are externally divided are those of the head, the body or » trunk, the tail and the jins.: In such forms as the perch or carp and the majority of species the head is separated from the’ body or trunk by the gill-openings ; while the body and the tail have the vent as a division between them. While external similarity in form is occasionally more symptomatic of an agreement in the diet on which they feed than on their zoological relationship. In this class of animals modifications of form from what are seen in the more typical perches or carps are exceedingly numcrous. The body may be laterally flattened, as in the sole (plate evi) strongly depressed as in the skate (plate clxvi), shortened as in the sun-fish (plate exlviii), elongated and rounded as in the eel (plate exlii), elongated and compressed as in the scabbard-fish (plate li), shortened and rounded as in the globe fish (plate exlvii), or encased in square armour as in the box-fish Ostracion, or the pipe fishes (plate cxliv). The hcad may, when compared with the size of the body, be cnormously developed as in the frog-fish (plate xxix), or produced laterally as in the hammer-headed shark (plate cliv), or the snout may be lengthened HEAD, MOUTH AND GILL-COVERS. vii into a weapon of offence as in the sword-fish (plate xlix), or the gar-fish (plate exxvi), while the tail-fin may bo elongated for a similar purpose as seen in the fox-shark (plate clvii), or the tail may be capable of prehension as in horse-fishes (plate exliv, fig. 7). Some are possessed of organs for attachment as seen on the top of the head in the sucking-fish (plate xxxix), on the chest as in the lump-sucker (plate lv) and Liparis (plate lvi), or the mouth may be formed for this purpose as in the lampreys (plate clxxviii). - In Asia we see a few carps have an adhesive organ behind the lower jaw, as in Discognathus, while some sheat-fishos as Pseudechencis have them on the chest, thus enabling them to reside in mountain torrents or rapid streams. Fig. 1. Rep Mutter. b, maxilla; c, mandible; 0, barbel; h, pectoral fin; 7, ventral fin; &, first dorsal fin ; 1, second dorsal fin ; m, anal fin ; », caudal fin ; q, lateral-line ; , lateral-transverse line. The head is as a rule divided from the body by the gill-openings, while the eye sub-divides it into two parts, that in front of this organ being known as the ante-orbital and that behind it as the post-orbital region: in the former is the snout wherein are placed the nostrils and generally the mouth. The space between the orbits is known as the inter-orbital region, while that below the orbit is the infra- or sub-orbital. The mouth is subject to great diversity in its external direction, being either horizontal, oblique, or almost vertical. In some it is semi-circular or even circular in the lampreys, and inferior in most of the sharks. It may be very or only slightly protractile, and possess or be deficient in lips: and sometimes provided with accessory tactile organs in the form of barbels , (fig. 1,0). The gill-covers or opercles in most bony fishes, consist of four pieces, the posterior and upper of which is the opercle or operculum (page xv, fig. 3, 0), in front of it the preopercle (fig. 8, p. 0), while of the two lower pieces the posterior is known as the sub-opercle (fig. 3, s. 0), and the anterior, situated below the preopercle (and sometimes rudimentary or absent), as the inter-opercle (fig. 3, v. 0). Although in teleosteans, ganoids and holocephala Vill EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. among the elasmobranchs we perceive as a rule a single external gill opening on either side, or even on the lower surface of the head, a different distribu- tion is generally seen in the plagiostomes which possess from five to seven, and among the cyclostomes, which usually have seven as in lampreys, although it may be single as in the hag ; in these latter, gill-covers as observed in teleosteans, are absent. The body or trank commences behind the head, and amongst most bony fishes is somewhat wedge-shaped, passing by imperceptible degrees into the tail or caudal portion, the vent generally dividing the two regions, but to this rule there are many exceptions, for in certain genera the intestine opens under the throat or near the caudal fin. In some slow-moving or bottom fishes, the head as in the frog-fish, is depressed, while the entire body may be compressed into a flattened disc as among the flat-fishes or pleuronectoids which progress swimming on their sides. Or there may be lateral compression conjoined to a short body and slow movements as in the dory or the sun-fish ; or there may be lateral compression with a lengthening of the body as in the band-fishes. The body is divisible into the back, the sides or lateral surfaces, and the abdomen or the belly. The tal or that portion which is continuous with the trunk, is similarly divisible into, the back, the sides and abdominal surfaces, while should a free finless portion exist between the hind fin of the back and the tail fin this is termed the peduncle or free portion of the tail. Among the Chondropterygii the tail of some rays and skates appears as a slender appendage from the body, while in some ground forms it seems to act mostly as a rudder. The skin may be scaled or scaleless, or enclosed in armoured plates, while should a row of pierced scales pass along the sides they are known as the lateral-line (fig. 1, 7), the number of scales on which are generally important as assisting in discriminating the species; while the lateral transverse-row (fig. 1, p) is of similar use. . , The number of fins, as well as their relative positions on the body, are subject to great diversity ; the presence or absence of some, their situation, and even their component parts furnishing characters often useful in classifi- cation. If we examine the composition of the fins, we perceive among the’bony or teleostean fishes that they consist of two distinct characters of rays, the first being spinate or having spines destitute of any tranverse articulations, and each ending ina hard or sharp point; the second being softer, more especially termed rays, and being simple or composed of numerous pieces articulated one to another by transverse joints, and which rays may have their outer extremities branched or else simple and undivided. But irrespective of the foregoing three forms, modifications are seen as in the outer ray of the pectoral of many siluroids, or in the anterior dorsal rays as in the barbel (plate cxxxi), where one or more may take on a bony character, but still FINS. 1x during some period of their existence may be found to have the outer end articulated. Long and‘ delicate filaments are sometimes developed in connection with fin-rays, and often indicate that the example is young, as in a horse mackerel, Caranz gallus, wherein their length diminishes with age, similarly in the.dory; still they are occasionally’ continued through life, as in an Indian barbel, Barbus filamentosus, and have likewise been found existing in fishes taken from the deep and nearly still abysses. of the ocean. Acanthopterygians are forms which, as a rule, possess in their fins some true spines, which are absent in the soft-rayed or malacopterygians. The fins are divisible into such as are single and unpaired, hence termed “‘azygous,” as those along the median line of the back or dorsal, which when present may be variously subdivided or modified ; ‘the tail or caudal fin as a rule is placed vertically at the posterior extremity of the caudal portion of the body, where it is seen in two very distinct types, in the-generality. of fishes the two lobes being. equal, when it is termed “‘homocercal,” as in the perch; whereas in the sharks and some other allied classes the vertebral colamn is prolonged into the.upper half of the caudal fin, rendering it unequally lobed or “heterocercal.”” The anal commonly commences behind the vent, and passes, along the median line of the lower surface; it may be as variously modified as the dorsal. These median or unpaired fins are. considered by some to be appendages to the skin, but believed by Balfour to be the specialized and highly-developed remnants of a once continuous lateral fin along either side: But most fishes likewise possess two pairs of horizontal or paired fins, one ov. the breast or pectorals corresponding with the anterior extremities of higher vertebrata; while the second or ventral pair, the homologues of the ‘ legs or hind pairs of limbs, when present are variously placed, as under the throat when they are termed jugular, as in the cod (plate Ixxviii), below the pectoral fins or thoracic, as in the perch (plate i), or abdomizial when near the hind end of the body, as in the carp (plate cxxix). Fins may likewise alter with age, thus their proportionate lengths and development in the-young of abyssal or deep-sea fishes, as well as in pelagic forms or those whose sphere of existence is usually restricted to the upper waters of the open sea, would .seem to be frequently very different to what obtains in the adult, having caused the immature to be classed in a separate genus from the same fish when it has attained to its full size. Thus the young. of the abyssal Luvarus Cuviert (plate xliii and vol. i, page 120), has been described as Diana semilunata. The pelagic sword-fishes (plate xlix and vol. i, page 148) have in their earlier stages single, elongated, many-rayed dorsal and _ anal fins, but the anterior portions of both become atrophied with age, while the central rays disappear, thus leaving two fins in either position. In the pilot x EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. fish (plate xlv) the anterior dorsal fin of the fry becomes converted into free spines in the adult. The black pomfret, Stromateus niyer, when young has ventral fins present, causing it to have been placed in a distinct genus, Apolectus stromateus. While in the paired fins we find in the pelagic tunny (plate xxxvi) that the pectorals become clongated with age, and Gill observes that in the apodal or forms without ventral fins the body is eel-like or elongated. I have remarked that a variety of form exists in our - ten-spined stickleback (vol. i, page 245, plate Ixviii, fig. 4), in which these latter fins are entirely wanting. Another mode in which fins change with age is owing to the spines, as of the dorsal fin, not augmenting in length so rapidly as the soft rays, conse- quently they may be comparatively shorter in the ‘adulé than in the young. Even the soft rays in mature fish-are commonly less in their proportionate height to. the entire length of the specimen than they are in the immature. The same thing occurs in respect to anal spines, the second being sometimes the longest in the immature, but becoming shorter than the third in the mature, which appears most frequently to take place when the second spine ig the strongest, augmenting in thickness while the third increases in length. Occasionally there is an excess of a spine and a deficiency of a ray in the dorsal fin, the anterior one of the latter having assumed a spinous character, a not infrequent occurrence among the Sparide : or several articulated rays may be similarly changed. In some forms the number of rays, as in the Cottide, would seem occasionally to decrease as the species is found further south. Spiny-rayed fish, preying upon ‘their weaker neighbours, appear to be more numerous in seas than in fresh waters, while in our inland waters members of the carp and salmon families usurp their place, these latter being provided with articulated fin rays. Fin rays when broken may again unite, if lost they may likewise be occasionally reproduced, but often in an incomplete manner. Injuries to the caudal portion of the body sometimes, cause remarkable changes in the form of the fin, thus in a sole (vol. ii, p. 40) will be found the description of a specimen in which the caudal fin in being reproduced has become continuous above and below with the vertical fins. In an elongated Cvilia of the Indian seas I have several times seen that a forked caudal fin has replaced the last fourth or fifth of the caudal portion of the body,-which probably had been lost by accident. Not only do the component portions of a fin become greatly altered, but the fin itself may be very dissimilar to what we find in a typical perch or carp.’ Thus the dorsal fin is entirely absent in the electric cel, Gymnotus, _of South America: it may be a long single fin, the front portion be spiny, as in the sca-perch (plate v), or with only soft rays, as in the sole (plate evi) ; or the fin may be ih two portions, the first being composed of spines, and FINS. Xi the second almost entirely of rays as in the red mullct (plate viii), or con- sisting of soft rays only as in the rock-ling (plate Ixxxix) ; or the fin may be divided into three parts as in the cod-fish (plato lxxviii) and many other gadoids. The anterior portion of the dorsal fin may be in the form of free spines as in some of the sticklebacks (plate Ixviii), or the free spines may be modified into tentacles as in the angler (plate xxix), or into an adhesive apparatus as in the sucking-fish (plate xxxix). Or the posterior portion of the dorsal fin may be present in the form of free rays as in the tunny (plate: xxxv), or it may be simply a fold of skin containing fat as. in the salmon (plate cx), which in some conditions of embryonic or early life may be observed to contain fin rays as in certain salmonoids and siluroids. When spines are present in the dorsal fin they are usually in its anterior, and rarely in its posterior portion; but in one British form, the viviparous blenny, a few are present with articulated rays anterior and posterior to them (plate Ixi). This fin may likewise unite with the caudal, the latter being continuous with the anal, as observed in eels (plate exlii), ‘The spines and rays of which fins are composed can be erected or depressed at will, while some ogseous and frequently posteriorly serrated rays or spines have a peculiar joint at their base, which prevents their being depressed in a direct ‘line, as in the trigger ‘fish (plate exlvi). The pectoral or breast fin may be absent as in some pipe-fishes, marinc- eels, &c., but when present is subject to many modifications and assists ini the performance of functions which at first sight would hardly appear to be among its duties. Its position is behind the gill-openings, but its form differs ; thus among the Pediculati, as the angler, it possesses a sort of arm due to prolongation of the carpal bones, enabling its possessor to employ the organ as a foot or arm, and thus adapting it for moving about at the bottom of the-sea; similarly some of the goby family in tropical countries are enabled to use this fin for progression over. the moist mud. ‘Or the pectoral fin may be considerably elongated as in the flying-fish (plate cxxviii), «by which it can be used as a parachute im order to pass through the air. Portions of the fin may likewise be modified, thus some free rays. may exist at or near the base of the pectoral fin, and subserve the function of feelers as in the mango-fish and other polynemi, or these free rays may be shorter and thicker as in the gurnards (plate xxii), when they become not only useful as a tactile organ but also for progression. In some forms this difference in the character of the rays also exists when forming an undivided fin, thus in ’ the pectorals of blennies, as in the common shanny (plate Ix, fig. 2), there are thirteen rays, the upper seven of which are shorter and more elastic than the lower six. Under certain circumstances these upper rays are useful in respiration, as in cases whercin a deficiency of air exists in the water, wheit they are constantly in motion, sending a current towards the gills. In very Xil EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. young fish, as salmonoids prior to the absorption of the umbilical vesicle, the gills remain more or less uncovered by the opercles, and these fins are constantly employed in assisting respiration. The six thicker lower rays of the shanny are thus enlarged and stiff, as they are constantly employed resting upon or against rocks during progression. ‘In rays and skates this fin is very largely developed. The ventral fins are those which are most frequently absent, not only are they wantig in the large eel-like or apodal class, but occasionally their absence may not even indicate the specimen being distinct from the form which possesses them, as remarked upon respecting the ten-spined stickleback, while their position when present is frequently found to be in widely different localities on the body (see page ix ante). It is usually a narrow fin consisting of but few rays, while these may be of most diverse appearance. It may be restricted to a single spine useful for protective or aggressive purposes as in the little sticklebacks (plate ]xviii), or in the more developed unicorn-fish, T'riacanthus, of the Eastern seas ; or it may be a simple bony ray having a broad extremity as in Bank’s oar-fish (plate lxiv). Or its first divided ray may be elongated into a tactile organ as in. the burbolt (plate lxxxvii), or the two fins may be conjoined forming an adhesive sucker as in the gobies (plate li), or reduced to stiff rays for progression as in the blennies (plate Ix). The anal fin may be absent, or if present subdivided as the dorsal, it likewise when possessing spinous rays has them in the anterior portion of the fin, while its last few rays may be in the form of finlets as observed of the dorsal fin. The caudal fin may be absent as in Bank’s oar-fish (plate lxiv), indistinct and: often wanting as in some pipe-fishes (plate cxliv), single and with a rounded posterior extremity, as in some gobies (plate lii), or with the central rays rather elongated, giving it a lanceolate form as in some tropical gobies, lunated or emarginate as in the grey mullet (plate Ixvii), cut square at its extremity as in the wrass (plate lxx). In most bony fishes the tail consists of an upper and lower portion which although rarely of exactly ‘the same size are still nearly so: it lobed as in the mackerel (plate xxxii), while one or more of its rays may be prolonged: in one form of visitor to our seas the fin is placed somewhat vertically at the end of the tail, as in the vaagmaer (plate xiii). In forms as Chondropterygians wherein the tail is heterocercal the spine is continued into the prolonged upper lobe. Locomotion is doubtless the main use to which the fins of fishes are put, but even in locomotion other forces are frequently or rather generally brought into play to assist the fins, whether such is for the purpose of swimming, a tn the generality of this class, walking as in the angler or frog-fish, ae as the salmon while ascending rapids when the muscles of the tail are of LOCOMOTION. ' xii great assistance, flying as in the flying-fish, floating as’in the globe-fish aided by. the air sac, creeping under nets as the bass, ‘springing over them as in the grey mullet, retrograde wriggling as in congers or in some of the pipe-fishes and which is carried out solely by means of the muscular system. ‘ Animals havymg such diverse forms of bodies and such variously con- structed fins as exist in fishes have as a consequence their powers of locomotion modified. In such as are enclosed in bony cases as the box-fish or Ostracion voluntary progress ¢an only be made, by means of the fins, whereas in almost finless forms, as in some eels, movements of the body itself must be the motive power. During rapid progression the paired fins are pressed closely against the body, as may be observed in a mullet when pursued, or a gurnard, but which latter widely expands its pectorals when swimming leisurely along. Swimming forwards is principally effected in fishes by means of lateral'or right and left strokes of the caudal portion of the body aided by the caudal fin, while gentle progression in the same direction may be effected by slight undulations of the caudal fin-rays. Flat fishes, as soles, produce a forward motion by vertical or up-and-down strokes of the caudal portion of the body. The flexible bodies of sharks may bend in more than one curve when moving rapidly, which is mainly effected by powerful lateral strokes. Among rays and skates the broad pectoral fins by means of an undulating movement effect this; while the angel-fish (plate clxiii), has a sort of mixed motion. In some forms, 4s the horse-fishes or hippo- campus, the dorsal fin rapidly undulated from end to end after the manner of an archimedean screw, is the chief motive power. In eels, wherein fins are very deficient, forward motion is’ effected by snake-like curves of the body. ‘The pectoral fins are largely employed in keeping the body properly balanced, or raising the head, and when one of these fins is removed, the body falls over to that side, or should both be thus treated, the head sinks : it being largely developed in most sharks and rays, often compensating for the absence of an air-bladder. It can assist in a forward movement by rapid strokes towards its body, and likewise in a backward movement by means of reversed or forward strokes. Also, as already observed, it may be enormously ‘developed as in the flying-fish and form a parachute enabling it’to pass through the air in order to escape from its enemies. The vertical fins likewise assist the pectorals in maintaining the proper balance of the body, and incline it to one side when only one fin acts, or they are able to depress it by their joint action. The dorsal and anal fins are mostly restricted in their functions to increase or diminish the extent of the-lateral surface of the fish by means of their. being elevated or depressed, and so prevent violent lateral oscillations, or the XIV EXTERNAL CHARACTERS. body being turned upside down. There is one exception however to this, as the sun-fish, whorcin the dorsal and anal fins by mcans of rapid undulations assist the fish in locomotion ; while a similar action has been observed upon as scen in the dorsal fin of pipe-fishes. Experiments made upon ordinary shaped osscous fishes have demonstrated that should the dorsal and anal fins be removed they roll from sidc to side ; if one pectoral is cut off they fall over to the side from which it has been removed; if both, the head sinks: should the pectoral and ventral of one side be gone, equilibrium is lost; while removal of the tail fin intcrferes with progression. SKELETON. The skeleton or endoskeleton of fishes differs widely im the various orders, the boncs being less dense in their structure than are those of the higher vertebrates. In some the skeleton is cartilaginous, in others fibrous or osscous, while two or more varietics of structure may co-cxist in one fish, Among those obtained from great depths in the occan some at least have their bony and muscular systems but feebly developed, and but loosely connected together by ligaments. Fig. 2. Common Percu. a, premaxillary ; 6, maxillary ; ¢, dentary ; d, orbit; e, cranium; f, interopercle ; 9g, 9," vertebral column ; h, pectoral fin; 4, ventral fin; 4%, first dorsal fin; 12, second dorsal fin; m, anal fin; n,7,' caudal fin, Tf we examine the skeleton of a teleostean fish, as a perch, we sce a framework consisting of a vertebral or spinal column, a skull and fins. Tho vertebral column consists of a varying number of ‘bones or vertebrae, the bodies of which are excavated at each end, rendering them biconcave or amphiccelous.* The cavity thus produced by the apposition of two * The vertebra of the exotic bony pike are “ opisthocelous,” or concave posteriorly and convex anteriorly. : SKELETON. : “XV concave bones is covered in by connecting ligaments, and filled with a gelatinous substance, the remains of tho notocord: consequently, clastic ‘ balls of semi-fluid consistence exist between each vertebra, enabling them to move very freely one upon another, The abdominal vertebra, or those belonging to the trunk, have two superior or dorsal processes, which pass upwards and coalesce, forming an arch, the neural arch, which contains the spinal cord. At the summit of this arch is a spinous elongation, the neural spine. T'wo transverse processes generally pass outwards from the body of each vertebra, and to them ribs are commonly articulated. The caudal vertebrae, or those of the tail, are furnished with neural arches, and spines as in the abdominal region, but well-developed transverse pro- cesses are deficient, while along the inferior surface of the bodies of each vertebra is an arch, similar to the neural arch.on its upper edge, and this Fig. 8. SKvuLu or THE Cop, Gadus morhua: 8,0, Supra occipital; f, Frontal; n, nasal; p,s, Para ‘sphenoid; p,m, pre-maxillary ; ™, max- illary; d, Dentary; 1, pre-orbital ; .q, Quadrate; h,m, Hyq-mandibular; p,o, Pre-opercle; 0, Opercle; 8,0, Sub-opercle; 4,0, Inter-opercle; c,h, Cerato-hyal; 6, Branchiostegous rays. lower or heemal arch ‘serves to convey blood-vessels, while from it springs inferiorly a heemal spine. . Between the neural spines and the hemal spines certain dagger-shaped bones are inserted along the median lines of the body, and which are externally for the purpose of attaching the bases of the dorsal and anal fins. The hindmost caudal vertebra, usually of small size, articulates posteriorly with a fan-shaped bone, the, hypural, which along with the last neural and hemal processes support tho caudal fin. Among the plagiostomes the xvl SKELETON. processes of the vertebra are more soldered to the bodies, and not so well developed. - The skull, or that portion of the skeleton which is situated at the front end of the body articulating posteriorly with the first vertebra, is destined to enclose the brain as well as form the face.. It varies much in form in different families of fish, and contains too many component parts to be fully discussed here, but a few remarks are necessary respecting such as more or less enter into the orbits, mouth and respiratory apparatus. The suborbital ring of bones, or those which pass round the lower edge of the eye, consist of several pieces, the anterior of which is generally the largest, and termed the pre-orbital or lachrymal (fig. 3, 2). The mouth is formed on several plans. At the front edge of the upper jaw in the middle line is a tooth-bearing bone, the premaxillary (fig. 3, p. m), also termed the intermaxillary, which is continued backwards in the form of a flat process, which in some forms even extends so far as the middle of the orbit. The premaxillary rests against the toothless maxillary (fig. 8, m), with which it is in opposition, and the two move together. There arc many modifications of this form of osseous structure of the upper jaw. Thus in the salmon the dental portion of the premaxillaries is comparatively decreased in size, and the maxillary likewise bears teeth. The lower jaw or mandible consists of two branches or rami, one on either side connected together anteriorly in the middle line by a ligament, this portion being termed the symphysis. Each ramus consists of several pieces, the largest which bears teeth being termed the dentary (fig. 8, d), while a small one at the hind end of each is termed the articular and articulates with the quadrate bone (fig. 3, q). The hyoid arch is attached to the temporal bones by two slender styliform ones termed stylo-hyoids; this hyoid arch being composed of a central and two lateral portions. The bones along the two branches commencing from behind forwards are the “ epihyal ”’ to which the stylo-hyoids are attached : the ceratohyal to which the branchiostegal rays are attached at their. inner end, then two small bones termed basihyals, between which the small glos- sohyal or os linguis extends forwards to the tongue, while a single bone, the urohyal, passes backwards. This last bone in some fishes extends some way even to the union of the coracoid bones, thus constituting an isthmus, separating the two branchial openings. The five branchial arches, four of which bear gills (see page xlvii) and ‘one is destitute of them, are externally bounded by the hyoid arch; while inferiorly and along the median line they are attached to a chain of bones, the basibranchials, which are situated above the urohyal and are anteriorly connected with the body of the hyoid. These branchial arches pass upwards, and are attached by hgaments to the under surface of the skull. SCAPULAR ARCH—VERTEBRE . . xvii The three anterior branchial arches are each composed of four pieces of bone, which commencing from their inferior attachment are known as the hypobranchial, ceratobranchial, the epibranchial. In the fourth arch the epibranchial is wanting, and superiorly the more expanded upper piece which generally bears teeth, is known as the superior pharyngeal bone: while the fifth arch is vomposed of the cerato-branchial only, and termed the inferior pharyngeal. The opercular pieces or gill-covers have already been referred to, the most anterior or innermost articulating with the tympano-mandibular arch ° of the. skull. In some fishés as sharks, rays, and cyclostomes, no. gill- covers are present, as will be subsequently remarked upon. ; The scapular arch which supports the pectoral fin is mostly joined to the occipital bone, and according to Owen and Kitchen Parker, contains the following bones commencing from above: the supra-scapular (post- temporal), articulating with which is the scapular (supra-clavicular), and attached to which is the coracoid (clavicular), while it is united below either by suture or by ligament to the same bone om the opposite side. To this last bone are attached two others,.the radius and ulna (coracoid and scapular), and two rows of small bones placed between the forearms and the fin, or the carpals and metacarpals. Attached to the clavicular is a two- jointed bone, the post- -clavicular (epicoracoid). The ventral fins are attached to a pair of triangular dagger-shaped boues, the pubic. Among the teleosteans there are numerous deviations from the percoid and gadoid forms to which I have principally adverted, many of which will be referred to in the following pages. Among the ‘elasmobranchs are to be found examples in which the noto- cord may be observed without any trace of transverse segmentation up to those in which there are distinctly ossified vertebrae. As examples of persistent-— notocords may be mentioned among the plagiostomes the six-gilled shark (vol. ii, page 308), and the spinous shark (vol. ii, page 323); while among the Holocephala the: arctic chimera (vol. ii, page 286) commences to develop rings in the sheath of the notocord. In the majority of sharks, as the blue shark (vol. ii, page 389), the vertebra have become completely divided one from another, the’ individual bones being amphiccelous, and a cavity existing through the centre of the body of each thus permitting an unbroken continuity of the remains of the notocord. In some forms many of the anterior vertebra coalesce together, while the. cranium is more or less in one piece. F Still further modifications occur in the cyclostomes (vol. ii, page 356), “wher rein the notocord is not segmentated, but neural arches are represented by cartilages along: either side of the spinal cord. In the lowest form or Leptocardii (vol. ii, page 366) the type is exceedingly primitive. . XVili MUSCULAR AND NERVOUS SYSTEMS. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. The chief masses of muscular structure in this class of animals are seen the great lateral muscles of the body, generally four in number in teleosteans, and which are arranged longitudinally, but divided by oblique tendinous bands (fig. 5) of a gelatinous character (and which dissolve on boiling) into Fig. 4. IxtTRrnaL OrGaAns oF Cane. br, branchiz or gills; cv, heart; f, liver; vn, vn’, swimming bladder; ci, intestinal tract ; v, ovaries ; u, urethra; «, vent{ uv, oviduct. numerous flakes or semi-conical masses termed myocommas. These four longitudinal layers of muscles have the tendinous bands directed much as follows : the upper series passing downwards and backwards, the succeeding layer downwards and forwards, the third downwards and backwards, and the lowest downwards and forwards. These flakes are arched backwards, bemg convex anteriorly. The number of tendinous intersecting ‘bands correspond with the vertebrae into which they, are inserted. The various modifications observed in these muscles, and the systems employed for the movement of the fins, the jaws, eyes, breathing, &c., it is unnecessary to enumerate in this place. NERVOUS’ SYSTEM. This is subject to very great variation, and the brain, which does not fill the cranial cavity in adults, is comparatively small in proportion to that of the general mass of the body. SLEEP. xix Does sleep or a periodical season of repose for the organs of the senses, ever visit fish, or can it be that balmy slumber is to them unknown, is a question we occasionally see broached. Hybernation during the winter months in cold latitudes, and «stivation during hot months in tropical climates, is generally admitted, but not so simple sleep. Some authors appear to hold to the view that, possessing no eyelids, fish are unable to sufficiently shut out external influences, and cannot’therefore be supposed to sleep. Mammals and birds, in short, are sometimes asserted to be the only animals which are periodically visited by refreshing slumbers, while such as are in a lower grade merely rest from time to time in their labours, and withdraw themselves to some quiet nook where they may remain undisturbed. If all fishes sleep it may be asked how do sharks, dolphins, black fishes and pilot fishes follow ships long distances during many days and nights? On the other.hand, if not sleeping, what are the basking sharks and sun-fishes about, which permit the fishermen to get so close as to drive harpoons into their bodies before they attempt to get away, or the pike in'fresh water that allows a noose to be slipped around its head? Some years since Mr. Hughes gave an interesting account of how he visited a rock pool at Tenby by candle-light, and noticed several small fishes at the bottom, among them being the active and artful blennies and rocklings. They lay perfectly still, not attempting to dart away to a quiet’ corner, and permitted the hand to be introduced, when one by one all were caught. These fish seemed either temporarily paralyzed by the light or so sound asleep that their capture was effected with ease. In rapid waters it has been suggested whether if fish sleep they use their fins in order to keep their position while in a state of somnolence. In the tanks of an aquarium I was able to observe a small “ golden tench” lying in a peculiar and apparently uncomfortable position ; its tail half was sup- ported by a piece of raised rockwork, while its head was resting on the floor of the tank, and the slightest amount possible of motion only conveyed to ‘the mind of an observer that he was gazing at anything but a dead specimen. The succeeding evening I revisited the tench, and perceived the little golden one as vigorous as its companions, all of which, with a single exception, appeared to be leisurely enjoying their existence, either by feeding or in the contemplation of the varied scenes which were constantly passing in front of their glass enclosure. The solitary exception was reclining on its back and scarcely moved, but on a closer scrutiny its mouth could be seen to open every now and then, and the fish gave a short gasp; the next evening it was swimming ‘about with its fellow-captives and busy wallowing in the soft sand, some of which it took into its mouth and then discharged again, and a third tench was now in a somnolent state. In another tank in the same Institution wrasses could be scen sleeping in b* xx NERVOUS AND TEGUMENTARY SYSTEMS. all sorts of curious positions, mostly at night-time, but likewise occasionally during the day, especially soon after they had taken a meal. These after- dinner naps, as well as such as were indulged in at night-time, appear to be often passed in the same portions of the tank day after day, while the ’ positions assumed by the three-spotted wrasse are by no means less uncom- fortable than such as are seen occurring among the tench. Blennies have been observed to occupy the same bed-rooms night after night, while I can only suppose that the little suckers, Liparis, sleep during the day-time when they hide themselves in order to be able to move about during the night, which appears to be their period of activity, as they then search for food. Among the fishes of India which inhabit the fresh waters perhaps the air- breathing snake-headed. species gives us the best example of sleeping fish. In the month of December a few years since, while investigating the fisheries of Assam, I was with a party engaged in exploring the Sissera River. We entered a canoe and cautiously ascended the stream. When about three miles from camp all of a sudden our boatmen ceased pulling, and pointed to an object lying in the water under the bank, whispering that it was a large fish fast asleep. We stealthily approached and got within two yards of the spot, when we easily saw a snake-headed morrul, Ophiocephalus, about four feet in length, lying perfectly still and apparently fast asleep, just on the surface of a deep pool in the stream. Our repeating carbine was silently passed to our crack shot, he steadily raised it to his shoulder, took a deliberate aim, fired, but we saw the fish no more. Since then I have frequently seen these fishes in an apparently sleeping condition. THIRST. Living as these animals do in a watery medium it would appear that the sense of thirst must be unknown, or else that it is quenched by means of endosmosis through the skin. Were this not the case it is difficult to conceive how the salt water forms could satisfy such a longing. TEGUMENTARY SYSTEM. The skin or tegumentary system may be entirely or partially scaleless, or should scales be present they may be partially imbedded in the skin, the posterior or external portions of one not overlapping its neighbour, and termed non-imbricated ; or they may overlap cach other like tiles, when they are termed imbricate. The powers of resistance against external violence is augmented when hard substances enter into its composition, consequently those fishes which are most lable to injury are defended by scales or plates, SCALFS. XX1 which latter may even constitute a dermal skeleton ; while it appears to be commonly the case that siluroids are provided with spines for offensive purposes, and fishes with electric organs are scaleless. Scales as a rule have their free edges directed backwards, to prevent their forming any impediment in the water when swimming, and the different forms have been divided. into cycloid, ctenoid, ganoid, and placoid. , Scales on their surface may have fine con- centric striations, passing parallel with their outer edge, and others more strongly marked radiate from near their centres towards their attached or front border. Cycloid scales (fig 5, no. 2) are those desti- tute of any coating of enamel, and with a smooth or non-denticulated free edge. Cte- noid scales (fig. 5, no. 1) differ in possessing denticulations or teeth, often covering a tri- Fig. 5. 1, Ctenoid scale from angular space at their free extremity or being Hage ae ee merely restricted to the edge of the scale; from amblypterus; 4, Placoid scales these last if spiny, have been termed sparoid from small-spotted dog-fish, 3 scales, while the foregoing forms pass more or less gradually one into the other; both forms may be present on one species of fish. Ganoid scales (fig. 5, no. 3) are furnished with a coating of enamel, mostly of a tessellated form, and often articulated one to another. While placoid scales (fig. 5, no. 4) can be considered as dermal growths or osseous scales, as seen in sturgeons, rays, and some other forms of fish. ; Scales of fishes increase in size or grow along with the body of the fish on which they are placed: thus in the salmon or trout the adult has the same number as the young, while they are imbricate to the same extent. The skin consists of the outer layer or epidermis, below which is the true skin, termed dermis or cutis. The epidermis is originally formed by cells, which increase in numbers and constitute an outer and a deeper layer. The cells in the outer layer gradually flatten, and become partially cornified; while the deeper or malpighian layer is in a more active state of existence, new cells are constantly being formed, which push the older ones ‘towards the surface. The cutis or true skin is well supplied with lymphatics and blood vessels, and has a more active vitality than the more superficial epidermis, and it gradually protrudes into slight elevations, which are the rudiments of scales ;- these increase in size, and passing backwards carry with them their covering of epidermis. At this time calcareous deposits are laid down in the dermis, while the superimposed malpighian stratum on its lower side secretes a hard enamel-like substance. Thus botha portion of the epidermis Xxil TEGUMENTARY SYSTEM—TOUCH. and likewise of the dermis enters into the primary elements in the formation of a scale. In some cases in which the-scales are large they push through the epidermal layer, becoming partly free, as seen in many ctenoid forms, as perches and sparoids. TOUCH. Special organs of touch are developed in fishes in several different manners. Some, as carps, have highly sensitive’ barbels arranged around their. mouths ; they are likewise well seen in siluroids or sheat-fishes, which as a rule live in muddy waters, and ‘have mostly to obtain food by means of the delicacy of their power of sensation, while their organs of vision are but little developed (page xxviii). Or these organs may possess more solid bases, but have still a similar function, as in the sub-mandibular or hyoid barbels of the red mullet (plate viii), or the modified maxilla of some sheat-fishes, or even the. fin- rays themselves, which for this purpose have occasionally long filamentous terminations, as seen in the John Doree (plate xlviii), or be modified into organs, not only for progression but likewise for sensation, as in the free pectoral rays of gurnards (plates xxii to xxvii). Or these tactile organs may be more essentially cutaneous, as the filaments on the snout of the sole (plate evi), or perhaps more distinctly visible on the lemon sole (plate cvil) ; while somewhat similar but larger filaments are found on the bodies of some fish, as the angler (plate xxix). Even papille as round the mouths or on the lips are highly sensitive, and as has been shown by Leydig and others they are abundantly supplied with nerves. The lateral-line* consists of a series of tubes along either side of the hodies of fish (page vii, fig. 1) and is often known as the muciferous system ; but although from it mucous is excreted, it is essentially an organ for sensation, and as such is variously modified. It is continued on to the head, where the tubes are largely developed in many families, as the scieonoid and cod-fishes ; or may form several canals, as seen in the Arctic chimera (plate cli). In osseous fishes the inside of the canal of the lateral-line is lined with epithelial cells, often differing in form in different families. Into this canal nerves rarhify, and either terminate in an expansion or anastomose with each other, as in Plagiostomes. The simple tubes of Lorenzini are restricted to Plagio- stomes, where their presence, due to their black colour, render them ‘so apparent in the skate (vol. ui, p. 337, pl. clxvi), they open at the surface of the skin, do not anastomose one with another, are supplied with nerves, and filled with a thick gelatinous substance, and may be tactile organs. - * Dercum proposes to term it ‘the lateral sensory apparatus. COLOURS. Xxill COLOURS. Intimately related to the tegumentary system and the composition of scales is the subject of colour, Among the finny tribes we may perceive external colours of the most varied description, some of which are permanent, many transient, and others again of periodical occurrence. Some of these colours are due to the influence of light, while they may vary in the same species, owing to the character of the water which they inhabit ; for should the latter be opaque and muddy, they as a rule are darker than those obtained from localities where it is clear, those in running streams are generally lighter and brighter than when from stagnant pools, or from shallow pieces of water, than from such as are deep, while fish captured in dark caverns are often destitute of both colour and vision. Age and season likewise exercise an influence in this respect, as do also the state of the health and temporary local emotions. In the very young one sees but few markings or colours, but these rapidly develop themselves, more or less distinctly, by the time, or even before, the first breeding season has been reached, when the brilliancy of the individual has often attained to its maximum. This nuptial adornment is generally acquired a short time prior to the breeding season, subsequent to which it usually disappears. Some see in the colours of these: creatures grounds for assuming the proba- bility of the descent of many forms from somé common ancestral progenitor ; thus vertical bands are almost invariable in the young of the various trout, salmon, and char. However, they are likewise present in many other families, as Scombresocidw, in which they are usually a diagnostic sign of the immaturity of the individual. Large spots or blotches, especially when surrounded by a light margin, are likewise a good reason for suspecting that the individual has not attaimed ‘its full size. We also see in some forms longitudinal bands modified, two narrow ones taking the place of a single wide one, or they may be broken up into blotches. Some fish which are of a silvery colour in one district are spotted in another, and others which have no marks on their bodies throughout their lives frequently have the colour of their fins varying with age. Pouchet and others have pointed out that the changeable tegumentary colours of fish depend. more especially upon two conditions. First, we have iridescence effected by an interference with the rays of light, owing to’ the presence in the scales of thin plates or ridges, and in these forms the tints change with great rapidity in accordance with the angle at which they are viewed :. such lamellar colouring is common among insects, crustacea, and some fishes—it is beautifully seen in the Dolphin, Coryphena, and the scale of a common herring furnishes a good example. Secondly, a distinct anato- mical element, as chromatophores or colour-sacs, which are often high] XXIV TEGUMENTARY SYSTEM. coloured, may be present and capable of changing their form under special influences, which are apparently directly connected with impressions of colour received by the eye and brought about by the reflex action of the nervous system. Under'the heading of Pleuronectide (vol. ii, p. 1) remarks will be found how these flat-fishes rapidly change their colour on differently coloured bottoms, a obtaining the protection of concealment by adaptation of colour. The chromatophores or pigment cells are seen in the early stages of the eggs of fishes, but as observed by Agassiz, in some we have even two colour elements in the older stages, immediately before the young fish is hatched, viz. the black and yellow ; still in the majority of cases the black alone is present, the yellow element appearing subsequently, and last of all the red. Pouchet considered the blue pigment merely a dimorphic condition of the red pigment; the same may also be said of the green. And with the. growth of the fish the capacity of the chromatophores for expansion rapidly augments. In addition to the chromatophores another set of bodies termed iridocytes, and more or less analogous to excessively thin lamine, have been observed situated near the surface. By simple combinations of the action of the red, yellow, and black chromatophores with the iridocytes are obtainable all the colours producible in fish. These result mainly from expansion near the surface, or retraction into an inferior layer of the chromatophores, which thus mixed with the yellow and red, or with the iridocytes at greater or less depth suffice to preduce the variations of colour. These pigment cells are likewise said to involuntarily expand owing to external irritation, as from the muscles of a fish convulsively contracting a short time prior to death, thus accounting for the rapidly changing tints in some which are shown subsequent to the period of capture; and the satiny- red skin of the red mullet is in some places thus produced by fishermen who scale their fish soon after their being captured. Its appears evident that the influence of light is mostly felt through the eye. Pouchet found that turbots if blinded did not change colour, but those not deprived of sight did: and young hybrid salmonide raised at Howietoun in which vision was more or less deficient, were observed to be generally lighter in colour than their fellows, and their fins to become red as they grew older. ‘Whether the degencration of the eye perceived in cave fishes and those of the deep sea is due to dimness of this organ or an effect of hereditary trans: mission has yet to be shown. A not infrequent change in some fresh-water forms is a yellow colour taking the place of the original tint: thug the normally dull greenish tench may be seen of a brilliant orange yellow, termed leucaathiopism or xanthochroism. So may likewise the gold carp, although this latter when in a wild state in China is of a-dull ereen. The LUMINOSITY. XKXV temperature of the water, and mixing iron, tan, or gall nuts has also been found to induce this change of colour (see vol. ii, p. 167). The yellow colour is due to incipient albinism, for the chromatophores which normally contain dark ingredients are here filled with yellow pigment, or the first step towards an entire loss of colouring matter when they become albinos. Dr. Stark observed that if fish are kept in glass vessels of various colours such occasions a tendency to their assuming the colour of the vessel in which they reside, which would aid them in concealment. Mr. Nesbit concluded that light merely modifies an existing pigment which is absent i in. pink or albino fish, but which it is powerless to manufacture. The colour of the flesh may be influenced, as in other groups of animals, by the food consumed, minute crustaceans, as gammari are reputed to colour that of the salmonids: while white flesh is occasionally the result of insufficient food. Ill-health similarly has an etiolating effect. ‘LUMINOSITY. Another subject closely connected with the tegumentary system is the existence of certain metameric organs. ‘There are some pelagic or deep-sea fishes, as Argyropelecus (plate cix, fig. 1), Sternoptyx, Ichthyococcus, Mauro- licus, Gonostoma, Chauliodus, Stomias, &c., which possess luminous organs of a circular form, some being as impressions, others as slight prominences of the skip. A British form exists in the “ pearl-sides’ ” of Yarrell, Maurolicus Pennantii (plate cix, fig. 2), which is Pennant’s Argentine. These brilliant spots may be present along the entire length of the abdominal surface or . even be seen on the head, but their uses have been subject to much speculation. ~ M’Culloch remarked that, considering at 800 or 1000 feet depth the light of the sun ceases to be transmitted in the ocean, can animal luminousress be a substitute for that light? May it not be the means of enabling its possessor to discover its prey or for its fellows to find one another? Perhaps a.partial confirmation of this view exists in the fact that fishes living at great depths or dark places, as,in the Mammoth Caves of Kentucky or the recently discovered caverns in Algeria, are found to be- destitute of eyes; but they have no luminous organs, while the deep-sea forms which possess them have large eyes. This ‘difference would seem to lend strength to the view that these organs may be for the use of “the individuals which are furnished with them, for where no eyes exist these organs are absent. A few years‘ago it was advanced that these spots were accessory eyes, possessing a species of lens posterior to the cornea, and a chamber behind the lens containing fluid. and having a dark lining, which may serve as a retina: the second form shows a simple glandular structure from which light XXVi TEGUMENTARY SYSTEM. may be emitted. In the second form it is evident that this organ could not be employed for vision, being simply glandular, and possibly used to give light, acting as a sort of lantern, the function being probably under the control of the will. Professor Reinhardt, in 1853, observed on the Astronethes fieldii, Val. common in the Atlantic Ocean, between 23 deg. and 6 deg. N. latitude —a fish which possess lenses in these organs. It was only after sunset that he discovered this fish in a drag-net. It is solely at that time that the surface of the ocean begins to be crowded by vast swarms of -Pteropoda and numerous crustacea, and possibly the fish searches for food among them, following them into greater depths during the day- time. ‘In two instances I was: so fortunate as to catch the fish alive, when I saw that it sent forth two strong and vivid greenish hghts, which inter- mitted momentarily and ceased altogether when the fish died. As the two individuals only lived a few minutes after being taken out of the net, and as the luminous appearance only showed itself distinctly in the dark, it was not until I procured a second spécimen, a number of days after the first was obtained, that I ascertained with certainty, that the light radiated from a spot in the forehead, a little before the eyes, starting, as it were, from thence along the back as far as the first dorsal fin: all the rest of the body remained -perfectly dark. On examining the whitish speck in the specimen preserved in spirits, from whence the Jight radiated, a cellular tissue is found underneath, or rather within the skin, consisting of longish cells or meshes, filled with an apparently fatty substance. No doubt this is the souree of the phosphoric light, although I have not been able to trace the substance, at least not in an aggregate form, beyond the eyes, so as to account for the extent back- wards of the phosphorescence.” , There is likewise connected with the question of sight in fishes the subject of the luminosity of other animals residing at great depths, and affording what is known as abyssal light. Along our coasts luminosity of the surface of the sea may be seen during our warm autumn months, among the exhibitors of which are numerous small jelly-like animals more especially the Noctiluca. “In the account of the voyage of the “ Porcupine,” Thompson states, that towards the north of Ireland in somo places nearly everything brought up seemed to emit ght, and the mud itself was full of luminous sparks (p. 98). © Star-fishes and the latger invertebrates all exhibited this marvellous property in the Faroes (p. 148). Nordenskidld found during the polar nights in Spitsbergen in the snow-sledge a number of almost microscopic crustacea giving evidence of their existence by an intense bluish-white light which was emitted as soon as the sledge was touched, causing at every step a bluish-white flame to burst forth. Few or none who have made voyages to the tropics but must have been LUMINOSITY. XXVIi struck with admiration at the luminous radiata and mollusca, while it has ‘been observed that an increase in brilliancy occurs when these animals are in ‘motion. Dr. Guppy has commented upon a small shrimp in the South Atlantic which constantly emits a light from its eyes, while long fila- mentous organs are likewise to be met with showing apparently a brilliant type of phosphorescence. Among the many curious forms of development of these tactile organs one is seen on a fish found at the depth of 2700 metres in the Mediterranean Hustomias obscwrus, Vaillant, in which the tactile organ takes the appearance of a long” filament, which is placed underneath the lower jaw, and ends in an inflated and rayed knob-like phosphorescent mass. Some marine invertebrates emit a mucous fluid possessing luminous properties which are not immediately lost when mixed with water or other fluids. It is not long since I heard of a gentleman having purchased a lobster, which he took with him wrapped in paper, when going by train from Southampton to his house, which was some hours distant. On arrival his lobster was found to have been kept quite long enough, and having been removed from its paper wrapper was consigned to the cook. Some hours after, on going into the dark room wherein the paper wrapper had been left, he was startled at seeing a dull blue light coming. from the table. Cautiously advancing, he gave the uncanny object a poke with a stick, and then found it was the piece of paper which had inclosed the lobster, and doubtless had become covered with its mucous secretion. . Irrespective - of this locally-circumscribed luminosity the luminosity of animal substances must be slightly touched upon. General. luminosity in fishes may be seen at tao distinct periods—(1) during life, (2) after death. The shark is one of the former which has the reputation of being luminous, the light being believed to come from its abdominal surface. Shoals of: fish are said to frequently emit flashes of light which.are visible even at great depths. The sand-launce in some locali- ties is said to be sought for by moonlight, as at night-time their silvery brilliancy is more’ striking than it is by day. ‘M’Culloch also enumerates mackerel, pollack, whiting, pilchards, sardines and gar-fish as being sometimes accompanied by these lights. Collett speaking of the ‘ Aphia pellucida remarks that in the males in full breeding almost every part of the body has a faint brownish light, although this is nowhere col- lected into larger dots, but is more distinct along the transverse impressions of the muscles. Secondly, we find this general luminosity often exists for some time in dead fish, commencing a short time subsequent to death and continuing until decomposition sets in. In the forms which most rapidly decompose luminosity is most quickly developed. This is well seen in the cod family, and the basket containing ‘these fish kept for feeding the XXVill : THE EYE. seals at the Westminster Aquarium might have been frequently observed in a dark corner of the building emitting a very suspicious-looking blue light. This luminous appearance emanates from every part of the animal, whether at the edges of the scales or on its internal surface when cut open, which, if closely examined, is found to emit a slight moisture that can be scraped off, diffused in water, and still remain luminous as observed among inver- tebrates. : VISION. Fishes, as a rule, possess two eyes, symmetrically placed one on either side of the head, while they are undoubtedly large as compared with what obtains in other vertebrates, or with the extent of surface in their own bodies. Their size, however, is modified in accordance with local surround- ings and their habits. Some frequent muddy waters, where vision would -be of less service than tactile organs; in such cases appendages for feeling, as barbels, are more developéd than eyes.. Others again are restricted to living in dark caves where rays of light can hardly enter. Irrespective of the foregoing cause of atrophy there are many forms residing in the-dismal abysses of the ocean where light is unable to penetrate, for solar rays are computed to be lost at a depth of 200 fathoms or less, while in the fresh waters of the Lake of Geneva, Professor Forel ascertained that at 30 fathoms photographic paper was entirely unacted upon. Another modifying influence is whether the habits of the fish are nocturnal or diurnal, the former, unless residing in dark places, requiring the larger orgatis of vision. Hyes likewise may be only rudimentally developed, as in the Amphivxus or the Myaine, wherein they appear as mere dark specks, but still lave a nerve distributed to them. Or they may have retrograded to so considerable an extent as to be entirely absent in some forms which have taken up their abodes in dark caverns, but even here the lens and other constituent portions of the eye may usually be detected, whereas: examples of the same species living outside are provided with fully-formed eyes. The optic nerve may degenerate, or disuse may occasion degeneration, but loss of. light does not necessarily end thus. The eyes of fishes are mostly situated in orbital cavities, where they rest upon a cushion of adipose or gelatinous substance. Their direction is subject to considerable variation, for although usually placed laterally, as in the ‘perch, salmon, or carp, they are not invariably so. The star-gazer, Uranoscopus, has them on the upper surface of its head, where they are situated somewhat close together. Many Hast Indian siluroids or sheat- fishes, as Pseudeutropius or Ailia, have them even placed almost under- neath and directed obliquely downwards and outwards. The sides of the head may be laterally elongated, having these organs situated at their outer VISION. . ExIX extremities, as in the’ hammer-headed shark, Zygena malleus. They. may be on elongated peduncles capable of retraction, as in some of the mud- hunting gobies, Periophthalmus, Boleophthalmus, and their allies, which in tropical countries pursue insects and other objects suitable for food over the soft mud, into which they themselves even disappear when chased by birds or other enemies. While we have instances on our own shores in the blennies, which appear to observe objects as well with their heads out of the water as when submerged in the sea, and they move their eyes independently one of the other. In the sunfishes (Orthagoriscus) there exists a circular palpebral fold provided with a sphincter, while some sharks have a nictitating membrane. Among the flat-fishes (Pleuronectide) aré remarkable modifications. In the very young as they emerge from the egg the fry swims on edge similarly to other fishes, but after a longer or shorter period the eyes are both found on the coloured side of the body. These two eyes, even in the adult, can be moved independently of each other. That the eyes in their earliest state are situated similarly to what obtains in the remainder of the class of fishes is very interesting, as tending to show how they have in course of time changed their position—a view still further confirmed when we observe how it is not invariable for the two eyes to be on the right and left side of all members.of the same species. (See vol. ii, page 1-4.) Among the most perfectly constructed eyes in bony fishes the eyeball is rarely quite spherical in shape, but presents the appearance of a flattened bulb and a short axis. Among the semi-osseous forms, as the elasmo- branchs, it is supported by, as well as moves upon, a cartilaginous peduncle passing from the walls of the orbit. The optic nerve may perforate the eyeball in its axis or obliquely to one side ; for, should the eye be protrusible to ever so small an extent, it neces- sarily follows that the optic nerve must either be situated in a position: where protrusion of the eyeball would not stretch its delicate structure, or it must be slightly bent or curved, in order to permit extension ; compressed as it penetrates the sclerotic and choroid coats, subsequently it expands, ending in the retina which lines about two-thirds of the inner chamber, leaving, however, a margin, where its free borders meet, and through which paases a fold of the choroid, sometimes having a dark pigmental layer. This portion -of the choroid, termed the falciform process, pushes before it a fold of the hyaloid membrane or tunic of the vitreous humour. The falciform process generally extends to the capsule of the lens, to which it is firmly attached by a substance termed campanula Halleri. The outermost covering of the eye, or sclerotic capsule, is of varying thickness, fibrous or bony in osseous, and cartilaginous in semi-osseous or chondropterygian forms, as well as in sturgeons. Owing to the considerable interspace existing between the sclerotic and choroid membranes, and which XxX THE EYE. is filled up with adipose or areolar tissue, the eye is, as already observed, . rarely quite spherical. The sclerotic may even be bony in some well-ossified forms of fishes, the bony portion usually consisting of two hollow half spheres, having a hole posteriorly in the centre, for the entrance of the vessels and nerves proceeding to the eye, while its anterior or outer emargi- nation supports the cornea. In the swordfish Xiphias, and in the Dipnoid Ceratodus, these two bony half spheres are confluent into one, having the central foramen patent for the entrance of the vessels and nerves. The cornea, which is as a rule nearly “flat, is a modified. portion of the corium, in some forms of fishes, at least in their earliest stage, as the shanny Blennius pholis, at 14 inches in length, the protrusion of the cornea equals one-fifth of its diameter, and in a little rock goby (Gobius paganellus) at 0:9 inches in length, the convexity to the diameter is as one to four. The choroid tunics are three—the outer, or membrana argentea, said to be occasionally absent, and which is composed of acicular crystals, reflecting a brilliant lustre, and often giving great brilliancy to the outer edge of the iris; the middle tunic, or membrana vasculosa, and also termed Haller’s membrane, is ramified with blood-vessels, while it supports the ciliary nerve; the inner tunic, or membrana picta, also termed uvea, is made up of hexagonal and usually dark-coloured pigment cells. The ciliary processes are rarely developed, but the ciliary ligament is always present. The iris is formed by a prolongation of the choroid membranes, having a ciliary ligament at its base which overlies the convex border of the sclerotic. It is a thin, contractile curtain,.situated behind the cornea, and suspended in the aqueous humour. Its muscular structure is but feebly developed in most fishes, consequently its capacity for dilating and contracting is not very great. Its centre is perforated by the pupil for transmission of light to the interior of the eye. This pupil is mostly large and circular, but in some forms is vertically or horizontally elliptical, as in the majority of sharks, or it may even be quadrangular, as in Galeus. Occasionally a veil or flap descends .from the edge of the iris at the upper portion of the pupil, as may be seen in some pleuronectoids as the turbot, the viper weever fish of our coast, or the more tropical crocodile fish, Platycephalus, or in a few rays as the Homelyn (vol. ii, page 324). All these forms live more or less in the sand, or at the bottom of the sea, and to them a large amount of light is evidently unsuited, consequently they are provided with an extensible and retractile veil, which can regulate or entirely obstruct rays entering from above. In the tropical Anableps the cornea, or window of the eye, is crossed, by an opaque horizontal band, and the iris appears to possess two pupils, a subject I shall again have to advert to. On dissection, however, it is found that. in reality the pupil has a lateral flap of the iris on either side, which, although they cross each other, are not conjoined. VISION. . XXX1 The retina is the delicate nerve structure upon which the image of external objects is received. Its posterior or external stratum consists of a cellular base supporting on its external or concave surface a layer of nerve cells, the filaments from which pierce the several superimposed granular layers, the innermost of which consists, as stated by Owen, of interblended twin-fusiform corpuscles . . . each of which is surrounded by a circle of cylindricules. Over this latter the nerve fibres radiate without anastomosing, and terminate in free ends at the base of the A well-defined raised rim or bead runs along the anterior margin of the retina, and also the edge of the falciform slit. The aqueous humour in the anterior chamber is very small in amount, owing to the constricted extent of the cavity occasioned by the projection into it of the crystalline lens. But little fluid is necessary to float the free border of the ‘iris, while, due to the watery localities fishes inhabit, no refractive aid is required to be placed anterior to the lens in the globe of the eye. The vitreous body which fills up the greater portion of the cavity of ° the ball of the eye is of firmer consistence than observed in other vertebrate animals. : The choroid gland is a vascular ganglion of a deep red colour, resembling in form a bent magnet ; it is placed between the outer and middle coats of the choroid, and close to the optic nerve where it pierces those structures. It is composed:of parallel and closely placed arteries and veins, the supply of arterial blood for which is received from the pseudobranchie, and it consequently is wanting in osseous fishes in which pseudobranchiz are absent, as sheat fish, carps, eels, &c. But in the chondropterygians and ganoids there is no choroid, whereas pseudobranchiz are present. , The crystaline lens is nearly or quite spherical, very firm, having a dense nucleus, and steadied in its position by the falciform process. It projects into the anterior chamber of the eye which it almost fills, while it nearly pressess against the flat cornea leaving but little room for any aqueous humour. The refractive power of the lens is. maximized by its spherical form, to compensate for the deviation from the spherical form of the eyeball produced by the flattening of its front portion. The fibres of the lens con- verge at its two opposite ends, each having marginal teeth like those seen in a cog-wheel, and by which they interlock with one another. In the Anableps previously referred to, a slight bulging or excrescence of the lens occurs opposite to what appears like the lower pupil of the eye. Inhabiting as fish do a watery medium, the need of a lachrymal gland is scarcely obvious ; stillan instance of its existence in one of these creatures has been recorded. Situated below the anterior corner of the eye is a foramen, through which is a communication with the rudiments of one in the form of a blind sac placed between the maxillary bone and the muscles of the check. XXX ; THE EYE. In most teleostean or bony fishes, and likewise in the sturgeon or Acipenser, a fibrous ligament attaches the sclerotic to the walls of the orbit. As a rule the external muscles of the eyeball are similar to what exist among the higher vertebrates, consisting of four straight and two oblique pairs. Fishes eyes present a great variety as well as extent of outer coverings, some portions of which are transparent while others are opaque. Skin, in accordance with where it is situated, may have different offices to fulfil, for which purpose it may be necessary to be either opaque or transparent, thick or of avery thin structure, and that which covers the eyes of fishes may be ina single or double layer, either or both of which may be extensively modified. The skinwhich covers the eye is commonly thin in substance and transparent in character, being modified in order to suit altered conditions as it passes across and covers the front of the ball of the eye, and its glass window known as the cornea, through which all rays of light must necessarily pass to obtain access through the pupil to the retina. This skin is essentially a continuation of that which covers the contiguous parts-of the head being reflected from off the walls of the orbit on to the front of the eye, where it is more or less firmly adherent to the cornea. But as it is necessary for the ball of the eye to be capable of being turned in various directions it is obvious that some means must be found to prevent the skin arresting its movements, which it would do were it to pass by the shortest cut from the bony orbital walls to the front of the eye to be there adherent to its surface. This is provided for by its being loose as it passes this gap on to the eye, and being so it does not impede any movements of the globe. This loose or baggy portion which surrounds the eye from the orbital edge to that of the transparent cornea is the portion which after death appears white and opaque, for it is modified skin that takes on this appearance, and often due to its being sodden. The foregoing descriptions briefly refer to such forms as we commonly meet with, and which possess but a single layer of skin across the front of the globe of eye, but in this skin during ‘life no sufficient amount of colouring matter exists to occasion opacity, neither are scales present. In the next class of fishes to which I shall refer, there still exists but a single layer of skin passing across the front of the globe of the eye, but this is modified, as shown in the mackerel, Scomber seomber, wherein what have been termed “adipose lids” are present on either side of the eye, and covering a portion of its ball. If these adipose lids are examined itis found that the one which covers the anterior portion of the eye is attached inferiorly to or is a continuation of the skin on the front of the preorbital bone, and is consequently situated. anterior to or oyerlapping the base of the posterior lid, which is attached to the posterior edge of the preorbital. The use of this will be readily understood, because in this manner any current of water would pass backwards over a smooth surface, which would not be . VISION. XXX1ii the case were the posterior lid overlapping the anterior one. These adipose lids are formed by a single layer of skin having been continued from the contiguous parts of the head, over the front of the eye, but bulging anteriorly and posteriorly ; these bulging or. loose portions become a double fold, . between the layers of which fat may be found. - Sars, who paid particular attention to the character of these lids, as seen in the living fish, remarked that in the earlier part of the year off N orway they are much more opaque than they are later on, due to the fish in these earlier months being fatter, and that it is not until after they have spawned that the fat becomes absorbed, and as a consequence the lids are transparent. There are also certain classes’ wherein a double layer of the dee may partially or entirely cross the front surface of the eye, among which I propose to allude to the well-known “ blind ” or “ bib,” Gadus luscus. In this fish, belonging to the cod family, the orbital layer of skin may be popularly described as splitting into two layers, the innermost passing on to the eye and becoming attached to its front surface, as I have already described ; but, due to the skin being in two layers, a sort of hollow bag is present, covering the front of the eye, and this the fish appears to be able to distend under certain conditions. One of these conditions is on its being drawn up from great depths in the sea, at which time (due to the decreased pressure of the water) its gases expand and this cavity becomes “ baloon-shaped,” or, should fluid be inside it, like a “ bleb ” or blister.. The same appearance now sets in as- described in the loose and baggy portion of the single layer around the globe of the eye, with this addition, that in the “bib” the entire structure of the bag in front of the eye becomes of an opaque or white sodden character, and this may be seen either in the living fish or after its death. The mangoe-fish and other Polynemi of the tropical seas have a thick layer of transparent skin passing entirely across the eye, while in the common mullet (Mugil) a vertical and elliptical opeing is present. Not only have we a transparent skin covering the eye as described, but also we may have it only partially thus modified, or largely covered with opaque substances. Thus in the snipe-fish, Centriscus, which has been captured on the British coast, some minute scales are present on the outer fourth of the skin covering the globe of the eye, except in its anterior portion ; here they would mostly serve for protection from direct injuries. Some forms have a species of almost fixed eyelid along the upper portion of the eye, consisting of thickened and coloured skin, which may or may not be furnished with rudimentary scales. This is commonly perceived in-such as reside on or near the sand, and are mostly bottom-feeders, and is very probably protective ; in these forms of fish the iris or pupil is sometimes unlike the round or oval shape whicn is generally seen. As an example, the ¢ XXXIV THE EYE. . weever or sting-fish, Trachinus, has this modification of the upper-eyelid, and so also has the tropical crocodile-fish, Plutycephalus, in the last of which, however, very rudimentary scales are also perceived, and the iris has two tongue-like excrescences. This opaque upper lid, evidently-used as a protection, is found in the, | flat-fishes, Plewronectid, while another modification may likewise be present. If the eye of a turbot, Rhombus maximus, is examined it. will be seen that not only does thick opaque and coloured skin cover its upper and lateral portions, but, being insufficient to protect the eye from the irritation of the sand wherewith it covers itself, it is able to raise a thick lower eyelid, or else to depress the transparent portion of the globe of the eye below this fold of the skin. In the sun-fish, Orthagoriscus, as previously observed, we find a circular palpebral fold, provided with a sphincter muscle. Passing on to the rays and skates, which are sand- loving forms, we still see immovable and opaque skin covering the upper portion of the eyeball ; but, irrespective of this protective modification, there are other means which can be used in order to prevent too much light obtaining entrance through the pupil. This is effected by certain veils or processes, gf different forms, which can be employed to cut off any excess of light. I have already alluded to the teleostean crocodile-fish, Platyceyhalus, which lives in the tropics, and resides at considerable depths, but often has to ascend to near the surface in order to obtain its food. Here we find two processes of the iris which can be employed as curtains—the upper and larger exists along the upper margin of the pupil, and the smailer along the lower. So far as I have observed, it is in these ground-feeders which occasionally ascend towards the surface, from a dull into a bright light, that the upper veil or flap of the iris is developed, while in some a lower veil may likewise co-exist. The same modification is perceived in many of the Elasmobranchs; thus in the homelyn-ray, Raia mactlata, we see on looking through the transparent cornea that the pupil is not circular, but possesses a veil that has been aptly compared to a vine-leaf (vol. ii, p. 334), provided with twelve digitations, that can be let down and thus cut off some or all the rays of light. Muscular fibres, which anastomose with each other, pass downwards along this flap, and into each of the digitations which descend from it. The lens itself may likewise be modified, as in the Anableps, the eye of which is divided externally into two unequal portions by a sort of band of opaque skin, which crosses its transparent cornea from one side to the other. This fish, which usually swims with its head partially out of the water, thus shows an anomaly that at first seems very puzzling, for why should it be furnished with an opaque band precluding any rays of light entering the orbit along a central horizontal line? On looking through the cornea it appears as if this opaque band divided two pupils, preventing any rays TASTE, . XXXV passing into the space between which these two pupils are impervious, and where they might stimulate the iris. But on removing the cornea it is seen that, as already described, two lateral flaps of the iris appear like two small tongues, which start one from. the anterior border of the circle of the pupil, * and the other from its posterior border; the two approach each other and touch or even overlap, and here the one lies over the other. These tongues overlapping, it follows that the circular pupil is subdivided into two openings, the upper of which is the larger. It is across where the-two tongues overlap one another that the opaque band of skin crosses the cornea. The’ crystalline lens is placed behind this singularly subdivided pupil, and is not perfectly round, as seen in the lenses of most fishes, but a little convex projection bulges out on its lower edge, which corresponds to the inferior orifice of the pupil. It would seem as if this fish, possessing a sort of double eye, has to keep a watch on the waters below through the lower pupil, and in the air above through the upper; while the band of skin which crosses the eye does so where the head of the fish is on a level with the upper edge of the water. Doubtless the foregoing account of fishes’ eyes might be largely increased, and many more illustrations given did space permit, but the fore- going are sufficient for the purpose of pointing out that the skin of fishes’ ‘eyes may be used as a protection, when it is scaled, coloured, or even transparent. TASTE. The sense of taste in fishes is generally considered to be but slightly developed, a conclusion to a, great extent arrived at because most fish bolt their food, and. but few have molar-formed teeth.capable of mastication. On the other hand, the angler, line-fisherman, and pisciculturist perceive that they will ravenously devour one kind of food, rejecting another, that they have their likes and dislikes, which must have some connection sla the density of the object or else with its taste. The glosso-hyal bone does not as a rule support a tongue or organiza- tion of soft parts specially devoted to the development of the special sense of taste; as, when present, it is not infrequently found to be furnished with teeth, and deficient of the muscles and soft part’ so conspicuous in the tongues of the higher vertebrates. In the sturgeon, irrespective of papillae for taste on the tongue, branches from the glosso-pharyngeal nerve have been traced to the branchial arches and palate where possibly the sense of taste resides. In carps on the roof of the palate is a thick, soft, vascular, and highly sensitive mass, which becomes thinner anteriorly while it is c* XXXV1 OLFACTORY ORGANS. supplied by branches from the glosso-pharyngeal nerves. Schulze (1862 and 1867) assigned to the cyathiform corpuscles of fishes, functions identical with those of the gustatory bodies of the mammalian tongue. Jourdan (Comptes Rendus, 1881, p. 748) confirmed the foregoing, and in gurnards found these bodies upon the tongue, and suggested they might be present in the buccal mucous membrane of most fishes. Also that among the nervous terminations, described by M. Joubert as organs of touch, we must distinguish those which possess cyathiform bodies*from those which are destitute of them, and that these bodies are gustatory papille. SMELL. That fishes possess the sense of smell has long been known, and in olden times anglers employed certain essential oils to add zest to their baits. Some years since when at Roorkee, in Upper India, I was told of some fine barbels, Mahaseer, attempts to tempt which with bait had proved ineffectual, when a native suggested adding a little camphor, subsequent to which no difficulty was experienced m obtaining a bite. A pike in clear water has been seen to approach and then turu away from a stale gudgeon, and this may have been due to smell. Eyeless forms or those blind must depend on the sense of smell as well as of that of touch. Some fish, due to accident, disease, hereditary malfor- mation or want of development, are found totally devoid of vision, yet to be in good condition and well-nourished, are daily taken by fishermen, and the question forces itself on us how did they obtain food if belonging to forms not furnished with barbels. Sir H. Davy considered it probable that trout might lave similar relations to the. water it breathes that an animal with. delicate nasal organs has to the air, and fancied, that there might be nerves in the gills, which afforded it this sense of the qualities of the surrounding fluid. Fish are provided with organs of smell to enable them to receive impres- sions from the surrounding medium, directing them to their food or warning them against Impurities in the water. These organs are situated much as. we perceive them in-the higher animals, but, exceping in Cyclostomata, with this essential difference, that they do not communicate with the mouth, nor are they related to the function of breathing, for were their delicate lining membrane subject to incessant contact with currents of water, such would doubtless have a deteriorating effect, owing to the density of the respired element. The nostrils are essentially depressions or cavities, lined with a large extent of a highly vascular pituitary membrane, packed into as small a compass as possible, while we generally. perceive one or two external openings situated on the anterior portion of the snout. The capsule which lines these SMELL. . ‘ XXXVii depressions is formed of a fibrous membrane, which in its turn lies upon a cartilaginous or more frequently an osseous basis, termed the turbinal bones. The appearance of these openings or nostrils in bony or teleostean fishes is various. There are generally two apertures on the upper.surface, side, or front edge of the snout leading to each olfactory sac, the one often tubular, the other oval and patulous, while between theni a bridge of integument or even a wide interspace exists, and attached to their edge is often a valve which protects one or both of the orifices. The anterior nostril is most frequently tubular and contractile, the posterior open, while internally the two com- municate one with the other. In afew forms only one opening is present - foreach sac. In some ‘eels and a few other bony fishes we-find a nasal orifice "on thie inner side of the upper lip. In the Plagiostomes the nasal depressions are very large, and a mem- branous or cartilaginous opercle is present, by which they may be closed: they open on the under surface of the face. The membrane lining them is exceedingly vascular, and provided with. crypts which secrete mucus; the membrane is sometimes’ folded, and on these folds are occasionally stellated ridges, in order to increase the extent of the surface. As the nasal cartilages have their proper muscles, it has been concluded “ that these fishes scent as well as smell, 4.e. actively search for odoriferous impressions by rapidly changing ‘the current of water through the olfactory sac”’ (Owen, i, p. 829). In the Cyclostomata we find an unpaired or single nasal aperture, situated on the upper surface of the head. In one species, ‘“ the Myxine,” a com- munication with the palate exists in the form of a naso-palatine canal, which opens backwards on the palate, where it is furnished with a valve; whereas in the Petromyzon the nasal duct terminates in:a blind pouch, without per- forating the palate. In Amphioxus the organ of smell is likewise single, in the form of a simple depression, placed rather on the left side, and which ends in a small, dilated, blind pouch, resting upon the central axis of the ’. nervous system, For the supply of these organs we have the olfactory nerve, which arises alone from the rudimentary hemisphere of the brain, and having dilated, perforates the anterior portion of the skull, where it corresponds with the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, and immediately divides and subdivides upon the radiating laminze’ here covered with the pituitary nasal membrane. A branch of the fifth pair or one for sensation likewise goes as an accessory nerve to the organs of smell. That odour may exist in water is evident, and I have been informed by a gentleman who kept tame otters in India, that he has seen them hunt along the bottom of a narrow and clear stream, following the trail of a fish as unerringly as a hound works on land. Whether this odour is from the fish itself or due to its excretions may be questioned. XXXViil HEARING, HEARING. Hearing is developed in all-fishes (except perhaps in the Amphioxus), and it is very remarkable how any diversity of opinion can exist as to their possessing this sense. Mr. Bradley instances how at Rotterdam, seeing some carps fed which were kept in a moat of considerable extent, and having kept quiet some time in order to be convinced that the fish would not come spontaneously, the owner called in the manner he usually did at feeding time, when they immediately g gathered from all parts of the moat in such" numbers that there was hardly room for them to lie by one another. The same gentleman alludes to a pond full of tame pike at Sir J. Bowyer’s, near Uxbridge, which could be called, together at pleasure. Lacépéde relates how some fish, which had been kept in the basin of the Tuileries for upwards of a ccntury, would come when they were called by their names ; while in many parts of Germany, trout, carp, and ‘tench were summoned to their food by the ringing of a bell. At many temples in India fishes are called to receive food by means of ringing bells or by musical sounds. Lieutenant Conolly remarks upon seeing numerous fishes coming to the ghaut at Sidhnath to be fed when called. Carew, in Cornwall, is said to have called his grey mullet together by making a noise like chopping with a cleaver, and Sir Joseph Banks collected his fish by means of sounding a -bell. Mr. Dunn remarks that he has known pilchards start out of the water by tens of thousands on the Plymouth nine o’clock gun being fired, fully thirty miles away. Irrespective of the fact of hearing comes the inquiry, why, if fish cannot hear, do they possess a complicated internal auditory apparatus? It is generally asserted that in this class of animals there exists no vestige of an external ear, but an auditory canal has been observed in some of the Chondropterygians, as rays, opening on the surface of the head, near the spiracle in dog-fishes, but in sharks it is generally covered by the skin. The internal auditory apparatus of fishes are, as a rule, placed outside the cavity which contains the brain, as seen in sharks, or more or less within the cranial cavity, as in teleosteans. Its chief constituent parts are the labyrinth, which is composed of three semi-circular canals and a vestibule, which latter expands into one or more sacs, where the ear-bones or otoliths are lodged. A tympanum and tympanic cavity are absent. Many teleostean fishes possess fontanelles between the bones forming the roof of the skull,‘and which, being closed by very thin bone or skin, sounds from the surrounding water may be readily transmitted to the contiguous internal ear. But the chicf mode in which hearing exists must be due to the surface of- the fish being affected by vibrations of the water, VOICE. XXXI1X caused by sounds transmitted directly to the internal ear, or else by means of the air-bladder acting as a sounding-board (see page xiii). Prior to observing upon the air-bladder arises the question, whether fish can or cannot communicate by means of sound one with another. Mr. Symonds tells us how, introducing a brass minnow as a bait he killed a large number of: perch in four days in a certain piece of water, but that subsequently they entirely refused this bait, although, on the pond being drained, thousands of these fish were found to be present. Also that he has seen thé same result follow in another. piece of water, whereas in neither could one in a hundred fish have been pricked by the hook. VOICE. | Voluntary and involuntary sounds, due to emotions, are emittdéd in different manners by many fishes, and in some rare instances solely at. certain seasons. Very dissimilar organs may originate somewhat similar sounds, while sounds apparently identical may not always be expressive of the same feeling. But as the human voice can be modified into tones of command, love, terror, ‘&c., so in fishes one sound may denote fear, danger, or anger, and perhaps even terms of conjugal endearment. M. Dufossé conducted with great care experiments on. these subjects upon some of the fishes of the Mediterranean, and reduced his results to a system, in which the various sounds and modes of their production are most elaborately classified. Thus some occur on their being removed from hooks and thrown into a bucket ; these may be temporary and mostly involuntary, and often. convulsive and unintentional: their production may be due to unusual movements of the jaws, opercles, or other bony elements; or else induced in, thick-lipped forms, as the tench and carp, when com- pelled to suddenly open their mouths; the tench repeats the noise from its lips so frequently that it has been compared to the-croaking of a frog. "There are voluntary sounds as constant ones always produced by the same organ which are evidently intentional, and can even serve to characterize a species. Thus we find expressive sounds as of a’ harsh grating nature, as stridulation caused by the friction of the dental organ, or of some bones as the pharyngeals which guard the entrance into the gullet, or the densely hard prominences of the jaws as observed in the sun-fish. Musical sounds may be occasioned by the contraction of muscles which are contiguous to the air-bladder, or are attached to the air-bladder ‘itself as in the “mailed gurnard.” , ‘ Many fishes when captured emit sounds which appear to be due to terror, as a scad or horse-mackerel (Carane hippos), a globe-fish (Tetrodon), and others grunt like a pig. A Siluroid found in the Rio Parana, and called the xl AIR-BLADDER. Armado, is remarkable for a harsh grating noise which it emits when caught by hook azid line: this can be distinctly heard while it is still beneath the water. The cuckoo-gurnard (Tirigla pint) and the maigre (Sciceena aquila) utter sounds, not only while being removed from the water, but the latter likewise, when swimming in shoals, emits grunting or purring noises that may be heard from a depth of 20 fathoms. The Corvina nigra, a fish in the Tagus, emits sounds resembling the vibrations of a deep-toned bell, gong, or pedal-pipe of an organ. Herrings (Clupea harengus), when the net has been drawn over them, have been observed to do the same. The fresh-water bullhead (Cottus gobio) emits similar sounds. At Madras I obtained several live sheat-fishes, Macrones vittatus, locally termed “ fiddler fish,’ and on touching one which was lying on some wet grass, it erected its armed spines, emitting a sound resembling the buzzing of a bee, and apparently in anger or fear. Canon Tristram when in Palestine obtained some amphibious siluroid fish, Clarias macracanthus, which on being taken in the hand “squealed and shrieked with a hissing sound like a cat at bay, and rapidly floundered back to the streamlet, working their way rapidly among grass and over gravel.” AIR-BLADDER. Prior to noticing the functions of respiration, some remarks will be necessary on the air-bladders of fishes, also termed the swim-bladder, and the air-sac or air-vessel (fig. 4, page xvili, vn, vn’). It is a single or variously sub-divided sac, or it may be two sacs, partially or completely separated one from the other. Situated above the centre of gravity,* it hes beneath the vertebral column or backbone, from which it is more or less divided by the kidneys, while inferiorly the peritoneum is between it and the intestines. As this organ is entirely absent, or ceases to be developed in many fishes, and may be present or wanting in species belonging to the same genus, it would appear that it is not indispensable to the existence of these animals, its functions being under certain conditions accessory or supplemental, to those of other organs of the body ; while itis generally observed that the urinary bladder is largest in those forms where the air-bladder is absent. In the embryo it originates as a bud or offshoot from the upper portion of the alimentary canal, or even from the stomach; this offshoot next elongates into a blind tube, which enlarges at its terminal extremity into what will eventually form the air-bladder. Consequently at some period of a fish’s existence there must of necessity’ be a tube connecting the air-bladder (should one exist) * Were the air-bladder, below the centre of gravity, or its contents evacuated into the abdominal cavity, the fish (unless its fins were very greatly developed) would roll over on its back, as we see occurs in Tetrodons and Diodons, when they inflate their esophageal sac. RESPIRATORY, HYDROSTATIO,, AND ACOUSTIC USES OF. xli with the alimentary canal, into which latter it opens usually on its superior or dorsal, rarely on its lateral, but occasionally on its mferior or ventral wall. The air-bladder is present in the sub-classes Drpnorps, all the members of which are fresh-water ; also in the Ganorps, which are entirely or partially fresh-water fishes. It is absent in the CHonpropreryau, except in a rudi- mentary form, as a diverticulum opening on the dorsal wall of the pharynx, and then only in some genera. While in the lowly developed Crciosromara (Marsipobranchii) and the Leprocarpi: (Pharyngobranchti) it is entirely wanting. : i In the large sub-class Teleostet it is present in the Orders Acanthopteryqii, Lophobranchii, and Plectognathi as a closed sac (Physoclisti), the majority of these fishes are.marine. Whereas in the Phasostomi it generally exists as a sac, having a connecting tube opening from it into the alimentary canal; the largest proportion of which fishes live in fresh water. Asa general rule the air-bladder‘exists more constantly in the fresh-water than in the marine classes. s Q Among thé Drevorns it is distinctly or indistinctly double, lung-like, and communicating throughout life, by means of a duct and glottis, with the cesophagus .or pharynx. It is thus in the Lepidosiren of the Brazils, in South America; Protopterus of tropical Africa; and Ceratodus of Queens- land, South Australia: All these fishes have been observed to ascend to the surface of the water for the purposes of respiration, and take in atmos- heric air direct; a mode of breathing, however, not confined solely to these forms.* The Acipenser or sturgeon is provided with an air-bladder, but not similarly cellular to those already remarked upon; it does not appear’ to-be employed in respiration, but its functions seem to be restricted to acting’ as a float. The opening from the air-bladder into the alimentary canal is that of a lower type, being on the dorsal surface, and it is not guarded by a glottis. Thus among the Dipnoids the air-bladder has a lung-like function, opening on the ventral wall of the pharynx, and protected by a glottis. But among the Ganoids there is a divergence from the Dipnoid organization. Although Amia has a respiratory air-sac, opening into the pharynx by a glottis, the communicating orifice is on the upper or dorsal, and not on the lower or ventral aspect, as occurring in the higher forms. Polypterus it is true opens on the ventral wall, but in Acipenser the respiratory function has not been developed, and the pneumatic opening is upon the dorsal wall of the pharynx. Air-bladders in fishes as might be expected in organs appearing in the lowest class of vertebrates, are of diverse forms and sizes, as well‘as differently protected. Existing in the abdominal cavity, as already described, * See Day, Cotteswold NaturalistsField Club, vol. vi, pp. 229-242, xii AIR-BLADDER. they have usually two coats—an external, fibrous, tough, and glistening, and an internal, vascular, and mucous one. Between these two coats is often seen (especially in the Physoclisti) a red glandular body, most frequently in its inferior region, and compared by some anatomists to the thymus. This gland seems to have the character of a rete mirabile, consisting of a double plexus of arteries and veins. It has long been known that the gas contained in the air-bladder is a mixture of oxygen, azote, and carbonic acid, in variable proportions, in accordance with "species, and even with individuals. M. Morzav has proved that among the fishes in which the air-bladder is closed (Physoclisti) this organ always contains a greater part of the oxygen whenever the animal is in a normal condition, that the oxygen disappears little by little if the animal’cannot any longer derive it from its surroundings, and that finally it perishes asphyxiated. . The air-bladder, excluding those forms which respire air, is generally found after’ death tightly distended with gas, and this consists chiefly of nitrogen in the fresh-water forms, and oxygen in marine genera, this | latter substance augmenting in sea fishes in accordance with the depth at which the fish is capturéd. It has formed a subject of considerable discussion as to how this gas is generated, but, as in those classes in which the air-bladder is a closed sac (Physoelistt), it is as well seen as in others possessing a pneumatic tube (Physostomi), one cannot resist believing that the gas must be eliminated. from the blood-vessels lining the interior of the organ. Probably the gland serves the special purpose of removing super- fluous gas or any deleterious substance, while the pneumatic tube is, not employed to admit the ingress of air, but acts as safety-valve when the organ is too tightly distended. The air-bladder is homologous with the lung in its position and function in some of the higher orders ; and asa gradation can be traced, it becomes no less clear that this homology (whatever its functions may be) exists throughout every variety and condition of air-bladder in the piscine tribes. The arteries which supply the air-bladder in teleosteans are offghoots direct from the abdominal aorta, coeliac artery, or last branchial vein ; the blood is returned to the portal, hepatic, or great cardiac vein. In the highest class of fishés we find this organ differently supplied, as it is not only the homologue but likewise the analogue of the lung, thus in Lepidosiren* venous blood is distributed to the organ and arterial conveyed away, the two efferent veins having coalesced, pierce the large post-caval, then pass forwards and through the sinus and auricle, and thus discharge the blood into the ventricle. Consequently we find that in this organ there are two distinct modes of * Quexerr, who injected a small portion of the air-bladder of this fish, found the arrangement of the vessels was precisely similar to that existing in the lungs of reptiles. HYDROSTATIC AND ACOUSTIC USES OF.* xliii sanguification, in the lower division artetial blood goes to it and venous is returned from it; whereas .in the higher forms venous is carried to it, oxygenated at it, and returned as arterial blood into the heart. In teleostean fishes the air-bladder exists in the form of a closed sac (Physoclisti), as in the spiny-rayed Acanthopterygians, the spineless Anacanthini, the tufted-gilled Lophobranchit, and the hard-jawed Plectog- nathi. While in the remaining orders a connecting duct remains pervious, as in the Physostomi, excluding the family Scombresocidee. The air-bladder, however, is not only absent in many families, but it may be present or deficient among species of the same genus. One’ form of British mackerel, Scomber colias, possesses this organ, while the S. scomber has none. This is by no means peculiar to European genera. Tn such forms as swim near the surface the air-bladder is generally of a comparatively small size; while in those which live near the bottom, as the flat fishes, Plewronectide, it is asa rule absent. In species possessing this . organ, should it become ruptured from any cause, permitting the contained gas to escape, the fish has bysome authors been observed to sink to the bottom, and to be unable to re-ascend, a conclusion some experiments have failed to establish. On the other hand.some forms which have been hooked or netted at great depths and suddenly brought to the surface, without having time to compress or partially empty their air-bladders, the contained ‘gas being no longer weighted down by a mass of. superimposed water, expands rapidly, causing the organ to burst, or else forcing the stomach and upper portion of the alimentary canal into the fishes mouth.* The chief use of this organ (excluding respiration and the production of sound) in teleostean fishes are two—(1) A hydrostatic, or for flotation, which serves by contracting or distending its capacity, to condense or rarify the contained gases, giving it the mechanical function of enabling its possessor to maintain a desired level in the water, and which is accompanied “with the power of renewing, expelling, and compressing, or dilating its gaseous contents, so that it can, rise or necessity occurs. (2) The second use is acoustic, it being partially or entirely employed for hearing, by means of various modes of connection with the internal ear, mostly by tubular prolongations of the air-bladder, or a connecting chain of auditory ossicles. Among the Physoclisti, the majority of which are marine, we find the air-bladder as a closed sac, having a single cavity, as observed in many of the Percids, wherein its greatest length is in its longitudinal axis. In some forms, as “ Holocentrum and Sargus ccecal processes of the air-bladder - diverge to attach themselves to the membrane, closing the part of the * « A fish may remain at the bottom of the water due to the very fact of the pressure of the column of water on the air contained in the bladder.” —MULuER. xliv g AIR-BLADDER octocrane containing the sac of the great otolite’” (Owxn). It has likewise been remarked that in the scad or horse-mackerel, Caranx truchurus, a canal passes from the air-bladder to the bronchial cavity; permitting the escape of air, although it does not serve to admit it.* Kyer + observed that in several fishes provided with pectoral pores, the thymus gland is absent, and the air-bladder communicates with the cesophagus by an open duct in some Acanthopterygians, as Holocentrum, Priacanthus, Cesio, &c. The air-bladder may have lateral attachments, as in Scicena, or blind appendages, as in Polynemus. The interior of the air-bladder of Physoclisti, as the cod, is lined with a thin membrane of silvery whiteness, composed of a series of fibres, covered with a basement membrane, provided with scales of epithelium ; beneath this is a layer of vessels, while inside is situated a highly vascular body, receiving blood diréct from the aorta: capillaries exist, and{here veins commence. In the perch the glandular body is not in one compact mass, but scattered about its interior.{ If we examine the Physostomi, or those families in which a pervious pneumatic duct exists throughout life, we find the majority of such are fresh-water forms,§ situated between the Physoclisti on one hand and the _Dipnoids and Ganoids on the other. This pneumatic tube possesses the same coats as the air-bladder, is of various lengths, and is said to be occasionally tortuous. As a rule it opens upon the dorsal surface of the alimentary canal, but in some of the herring family directly into the stomach. The glandular body observed upon as existing inside the air- bladders of. the Physoclisti, is not so well developed, as a rule || in the Physostomi. As this pneumatic tube has no miscular coat its diameter can hardly vary, except when acted upon by other forces, it would therefore be useless for inspiration.. If we examine a carp we find its air-bladder is generally a simple sac, with a constriction between its anterior third and posterior two-thirds, but not sufficient to close the communication. From the posterior portion of the air-bladder{[ springs the pneumatic tube, as already described; or else this organ may be in the form of two rounded portions placed side by side beneath the bodies of some of the anterior vertebrae, and not communicating with each other; but the two pneumatic * A. Moruau, Compt. Rend., Ixxx, pp. 1247-1250. + Sitz. Ak. Wiss. Wien. 1864, xlix, May, pp. 455-459, { Quexerr, Trans. Microp. Soc., i, 1844, p. 100. § The majority of marine Physostomi are littoral, or surface swimmers, often weak forms, which have to escape pursuit of enemies while rapidly rising to the surface. || In the eel there are two, placed one on each side of the duct communicating between its two portions: the distribution of its vessels in the upper compartment of its air-bladder QueKurT likened to the cellular lung of reptiles. 4 In carps the anterior portion of the air-bladder is very elastic, the posterior but slightly so. MULLER observed that “in proportion as the fish rises in the water the anterior bladder, which is the most, elastic, must considerably increase in volume, and thus keep the head of the animal up, while the contrary must be the case when the fish descends.”. ACCOUSTIC AND HYDROSTATIC USES OF. xlv tubes coalesce previous to entering the dorsal wall of the alimentary canal. Not only in the Oyprinidw but also in the Characinidw and Siluride a chain of auditory ossicles connects the air- -bladder with the internal ear, instead of a tube filled with gas, as remarked upon in the Physoclisti. Three ossicles .on either side pass forwards along the under surface of the _ body of the first vertebra, connecting the outer‘wall of the air-bladder with " the atria of the vestibule. These ossicles were first pointed out by Wzzer; and since his time it has been shown that they belong, like the capsules of the special organs of sense, to the splanchnoskeleton. In the same family, or that of carps, we.find a curious form of loach, Botia, in the East Indies, that can scarcely be said to be entirely a ground-feeder, but seems intermediate in habits between the true carps and the grovelling loaches. It has the anterior portion of its air- bladder, or what may be termed the acoustic part, more or less enclosed in bone, this being formed from the parapophyses of some of the anterior cervical vertebrae. All fish with the air-vessel enclosed in bone are bottom feeders, and-very few are destitute of barbels. In the true ground-feeding loaches, as the Nemachewlus and Oobitis, it almost appears as if the posterior two-thirds of the air-bladder, or its hydrostatic portion, were deficient ; the organ being in the form of two round lobes, placed side by side, below the bodies of some of the anterior vertebra, where they are almost entirely enclosed in bone. The pneumatic tube, however, is still found to exist. In another exclusively ground-feeding form of carp, Homaloptera, in the East Indies, and in which the lower surface of its body appears flat, and: its general conformation refers to its habit of clinging close to stones at the bottom of streams, we find the air-bladder entirely wanting. Another fresh-water family of Physostomi, the Characinide, residents of tr opical Africa and America, are exceedingly interesting, as regards how this organ is modified in respect to hearing ; @ chain ‘of auditory ossicles extending from it to the internal ear, as observed in the Cyprinide. While - in Erythrinus we perceive a most interesting link between the Physostomous Teleosteans on one hand and the air-breathing Ganoids on the other, for in this genus, although the air-bladder is above the alimentary canal, the pneumatic tube pierces the left side of the throat. The air-bladder is. likewise sub-divided by fibrous partitions, but whether such ate exceedingly vascular or not, whether this. organ is used for respiration or simply for flotation, there does not appear at present to be evidence upon which to decide. The extensive fresh-water Physostomous family (which has likewise some marine representatives) of Siluride, or sheat-fishes, is very abundant in the tropics. Among them the air-bladder is remarkably modified, in the , majority of instances being apparently more useful for auditory that for xlvi AIR-BLADDER. hydrostatic functions, and as a general rule being smaller in fresh-water than in marine species. The Stlwride of Asia live the life of ground-feeders, and the power of employing their air-bladder as a float appears to be subservient to that of hearing. In the marine forms it has thickened walls, and the parapophyses of the first vertebre (ex. Arius subrostratus) form expanded plates, to-the under surface of which this organ is attached. As we go inland, especially towards the Himalayas, this organ becomes more ~ and more enveloped in bone until it is as we find it in the loaches, while, like the Cyprinide, a chain of ossicles passes forwards to,the internal ear. In the marine forms the broad plate on its upper surface and bony stays to its partitions would appear to exist for the purpose of counteracting superincumbent pressure ; while in the fresh-water forms this bony covering, being greatly increased, would seem to be due to some fresh-water physical. cause, not to a tropical climate, as 1 .have observed the same phenomena is seen in European loaches. As all: are ground-feeders, one reason at least must be to prevent undue pressure on that organ when at great depths, and to preclude any abnormal interference with the function of hearing. Among the marine Physostomous forms all that have been examined, I believe, and in which communications exist between the air-bladder and internal ear, have such by means of coecal prolongations from the air-bladder, and not by a chain of auditory ossicles, which appear to be absent in marine fishes. This leads one to inquire whether there are any fresh-water fishes that have this connection, as observed in sea forms. The perch has no auditory ossicles, and I should think its origin may be given as marine; and the same conclusion may be come to of the trout and anadromous salmon. In short, the air-bladder in fishes is the homologue of the lungs of the superior vertebrate forms ; in some of the higher sub-classes it serves as a lung, depurating the blood; but in the majority of true or teleostean fishes it is employed for one or both of the following purposes : as a float, enabling its possessor, by compressing or dilating it, to sink or rise to any desired level in the water; or, secondly, that it assists hearing by communicating with the internal ear: that in those forms ‘in which it has an auditory function, we perceive two. very distinct modifications, for among marine Physoclisti a prolongation of the air-bladder passes‘ forwards to the interior of the skull, while in fresh-water Physostomi, although a similar connection exists, it is by means of a chain of auditory ossicles ; while in such fishes as live the life of ground-feeders a still further change may take place, in the air-bladder itself being more or less completely surrounded by osseous walls, formed by the growth of the parapophyses of some of the anterior vertebrae. RESPIRATION. xvii RESPIRATION. Respiration in fishes, excluding the.amphibious forms, is fundamentally the same as in the higher vertebrates, the blood being decarbonized at the gills, where any circulating carbon unites with the oxygen of the atmos- ‘pheric air (which is nominally contained in the water), and is thus excreted as carbonic acid gas. Some foetal sharks and rays have deciduous gills,* which are only present in the embryo (plate ‘elxv). The first circumstance which attracts attention is that generally the wider the gill-openings the sooner the fish expires after removal from its native element as observed in the mackerel or herring. On the other hand, those with narrow gill-openings frequently live some time after their removal from the water as: in the common eel. For as the delicate fringes of the gills become dry they adhere one to another, thus mechanically preventing them from acting, and consequently the blood cannot be decarbonized. Irrespective, however, of the foregoing cause a larger amount of oxygen is necessary for respiration in some fishes (as herrings) in comparison with their size than in others as the common carp, which has a much lower vitality. Suffocation may also be produced, due to the gills being choked with mud. Likewise consequent upon heat the air which should be in the water may become diminished or driven out, and when this occurs the fishes, to avoid suffocation, may be seen ascending to the surface to obtain that which they have not a sufficiency of lower down. For the purpose of breathing a fish takes or gulphs in water by its mouth, which passes backwards to the gills, and is then discharged outwards by the gill-openings, which are of varying size, while as to’numbers, there may be one on either side of or behind the head as generally seen in’ bony fishes, or a single opening below the throat as in the anguilliform Symbranchus, or: several as in most of the Chondropterygii, and likewise in the Cyclostomata. Among the bony fishes the gills supported by bony gill-arches are placed in a cavity behind and below the pharynx, while between these bony arches are clefts or slits permitting water to pass from the pharynx to the gills, subsequent to which it is discharged externally through the gill-openings. The branchial or gill-arches (see page xvi) are five in number, but are variously provided with gills on their outer surfaces, the majority having four complete gills, but occasionally the fourth has merely a single or uniserial gill, sometimes none at all, In our British frog-fish (vol. i, * In young teleosteans, as the alevin stage of the trout, the gill-covers do not extend to over the gills, which are consequently bathed, in the surrounding waters. Under certain conditions the pectoral fin assists in the breathing process (see page xi). xlvili RESPIRATION. page 72) there are three gills, in the curious tropical Malthe belonging to the same family the Pediculati, two and a half, while the eel-like and amphibious Cuchia of Asia has merely one small gill belonging to the second branchial arch. The pharyngeal or inner side of these gill-arches may be simply covered with integument or possess projections of varying forms which have been designated gill-rakers, and whose numbers sometimes assist in ascertaining the distinction, between two nearly allied species as in our two common shads (vol. ii, pp. 234, 236). These gill-rakers may be very fine, long, placed close together, and per- forming the function of a sieye by arresting the progress of anything but water from the pharynx to the gills. Or they may be placed somewhat wider asunder, be shorter in length, and then would be only efficacious in. stoppmg large particles. In some forms they may be teeth-bearing tubercles, or simply rough. Irrespective of this sieve-like apparatus pre- venting foreign bodies passing from the pharynx through the clefts or slits existing between the branchial or gill-arches to the gills, their inter- branchial slits may be decreased in size, or even obliterated ; for in some forms, as in Cottus, no opening or slit is to be found behind the fourth branchial arch, and when this is the case merely a single or uniserial gill is present on it. The gills or branchiz of fishes may be destitute of support as among the. Plagiostomata (vol. ii, page 287), or be supported by horny or cartilaginous processes placed along the outer convex edge of the branchial or gill- arches and fixed in the integment. Normally or in complete gills there are two rows of these rods, one along either edge, whereas in the uniserial or half-gills there only exists ‘one row. Although all gills are essentially the same as to their formation, their appearance differs, thus among the Lopho- branchiate forms (vol. u, page 256) each gill expands towards its free extremity, whereas they generally become attenuated and compressed, while . numerous varieties are observable. The pseudobranchiz, or false gills, which often exist, are situated more along the inner side of the gill-covers in teleosteans, or within the spiracles in Chondropterygians, or concéaled under the integument so as to appear like a glandalar body on the remains of an anterior gill which in the embryonic life of the fish performed respiratory functions, but which in the adult fish receives arterial blood. Accessory respiratory organs exist in some fishes, especially tropical forms, as in the climbing perch among the Labyrinthici, the walking fishes among the Ophiocephalidz, and the scorpion-fish Saccubranchus and the Clarias among siluroids or sheat-fishes. Joubert remarks that respiration * may be carricd on in Callichthys by air passing through the intestines; in Doras, Erythrinus, and Sardis gigas, the air-bladder performs this function. TEMPERATURE. CIRCULATION. xlix TEMPERATURE OF FISHES. The temperature of the blood of fishes is much the same as that of the fluid in which they reside, but in some forms wherein there is great muscular activity, as in the tunhies, the vespiratory process is so. energetic that it raises it to a much greater heat. Davy when making investigations upon the heat of a tunny fish, Thyniius (vol. i, page’ 100) , observed that the temperature would appear to be about 12 deg. above the medium in which - they swim, and at least 9 deg. above that of the surface of the water. . ORGANS OF CIRCULATION. Fishes are provided with an arterial and venous circulation similar to what obtains in the higher classes of vertebrates, and possess one for general nutrition, one for respiration, and also a portal system. But of these only the respiratory circulation “possesses any muscular contractile. system at its commencement, while it corresponds to the right-or venous side of the heart of birds and mammals. The heart, which is absent in the Amphioxus, in other fishes is small compared with the size of their bodies and lodged. in a cardiac chamber or pericardiac cavity which is closed in osseous fishes, but communicates with the peritoneal cavity in the sturgeon and among the plagiostomes, while in the myxine this cavity is simply a continuation of the peritoneum. Although the heart is usually placed a short distance behind .the lower jaw and between the branchial and abdominal cavities, variations in its position are found to exist. In the true Apodes it is placed far back and behind the scapular arch. It is mostly free in the cavity it occupies, but sometimes, as in the sfurgeon or eel, it has ligamentous attach- ments to the walls of the pericardium. Ié consists of an auriele or atrium, having thin walls, and into which a large venous sinus empties itself, having brought the blood from the veins of the body: a thick walled and muscular ventricle, and an arterial ‘bulb. The venous sinus is situated out- side the pericardiac cavity in teleosteans, but within it in plagiostomes. The arterial bulb or enlargement at, the base of the arterial system in teleos- teans, termed the bulbus arteriosus, is a pear-shaped dilatation of the artery, elastic, but destitute of any contractility, while internally it may contain many trabecule and irregular pouches but no valves, but has at its’ base one, two, or three valves, or even four in the’sunfish. Among the Chondrop- terygii this swelling differs in size, while internally its valvular system has been found useful in classification. Externally this bulb is but little developed among the Chimeras, is mostly conical among the sturgeons and ; d l CIRCULATION. TEETH. plagiostomes and a continuation of the ventricle having striated muscular fibres, internally it possesses no valves at its base, but is lined by several rows, while it regularly contracts, alternating with the contractions of the ventricle. Internally it is provided with transverse rows of longitudinally: shaped valves, varying in number with the forms to which they pertain: among the Chondropterygii it has been termed conus arteriosus to dis- tinguish it from what is seen in teleosteans and cyclostomes. From the arterial .bulb, or rather a continuation of it, is the branchial artery, which sends off branches from either side to the gills, where the blood having been purified, is returned to the dorsal vessel or aorta which distributes it throughout the body. It will be unnecessary in this place to remark any further on the arterial, venous, or lymphatic systems in fishes. If we except the aberrant form of Amphioxus, all fishes possess blood corpuscles, varying considerably in size, being largest in the lepidosiren, of tather less size im the plagiostomes, while among the bony fishes those of the Salmonide appear to be of the greatest diameter, but are inferior in size to those of the Chondropterygians. It contains red and colourless globules, the former being as a rule elliptical, but are round in lampreys; circular globules are-not unfrequently perceptible in the blood of fishes. TEETH. The teeth of fishes are more generally concerned in capturing than in masticating their prey, and are varied in their form, sometimes differing with the age or sex of the individual, and found in various situations inside the mouth and contiguous parts, thereby furnishing an important aid in classification, assisted likewise by their external characters. Some forms are destitute of teeth, or possess them solely in the pharyngeal bones, but from the lips to all the bones entering more or less into the composition of the buccal cavity, there is a. tendency of the mucous membrane in almost any of these parts to- develop teeth, especially among teleosteans. This is also seen in some plagiostomes. Among osseous fishes teeth are most commonly observed springing from or more or less attached to bone. Teeth as a rule are simple, and may be isolated one from another, as in the porbeagle shark (plate clvi), or they may be com- pound and form a large plate with pavement-like subdivisions, as seen in Myliobatis (plate clxxvi).- Among teleosteans they may appear as a bony , continuation of the jaws, as in Tetrodons (vol. ii, plate cxlvii). In some, as carps, teeth are absent from the jaws, or they may be isolated, as in the anterior portion of the jaws in the wolf. fish (plate lvin), or in a single row; as in the blennies, a double row, as in the holibut (plate xciv), a treble row, TEETH. INTESTINAL TRACT. : li as in some of the Pagelli, in many rows, as in the eel (plate cxlii), or be , deciduous with age, as in the body of the vomer among the Salmonidw. Some teeth have broad and rounded molariform crowns, as in Pagrus (plate xi), or they may be laterally compressed, as in blennies, or of a lancet-shaped form, as in Trichiurus; while their cutting edge may have one, two, or three cusps, and be smooth or serrated. In some’ fish the teeth are like bristles or setiform ; or arranged so close together as ‘to appear like pile upon velvet or villiform; or mixed with rather larger ones, cardiform ; recurved, barbed at their extremities; canine like; or compressed and cutting; of equal or unequal sizes; and more than one form may be present in a single fish. Some species have the teeth resting on a sort of basal joint or a hinge, which enables them on pressure being made to be reclined towards the inside of the mouth, but reverting to their original: direction upon the pressure being removed. The principle is not identical in all these hinged teeth, thus m the angler (plate xxix) and the hake (plate lxxxv) elasticity is present soleiy in the substances constituting the hinge ; whereas in the pike (plate cxxvi) this is not the case, but the bundles of fibres proceeding from the interior of the dentine cap are elastic (C. Tomes). Fishes’ teeth are constantly shed and generally as constantly renewed by a second appearing from beneath or else to one side. This renewal of teeth is well seen in the shark, wherein a row from behind constantly fills up the one which is in use. : The composition of the teeth shows many variations, but principally consists of vaso dentine, which may be said to be dentinal tissue, into which vascular medullary canals are. prolonged, sometimes externally covered by dentine which is not vascular. , THE INTESTINAL TRACT. The commencement of the intestinal canal or the mouth is the common receptacle of water passing to the gills for respiration, and of food transmitted to the stomach for nutrition, while, as might be anticipated, its capacity is large and variously formed. But it is not my purpose to enter at present on the several purposes for which the mouth is employed, or the means by which these are effected, except to remark on the absence of the salivary glands, which in some forms be represented by mucous follicles that open into the mouth below the side of the tongue, much saliva doubtless being unnecessary, owing to the moist condition of their food. Also that among the carp-like fish the palate is very sensitive, exceedingly vascular, while from numerous small’pores mucus of a solvent character exudes, apparently to assist the digestion of food which the pharyngeal teeth masticate. The gastric portion consists of an cesophagus and a stomach, d * li INTESTINAL TRACT. between which a cardiac constriction is not so frequently observable as a change in the structure of the lining mucous membrane. In some forms there hardly exists any definite line of demarcation between the lower end of the stomach and the commencement ‘of the small intestines, but in many a constriction occurs in this situation, termed the pylorus, although it must be observed that the orifices at the ends of the stomach are usually more or less approximated, in order that the food may be retained as in a coecum. Occasionally the stomach occurs not in the direct course of, but to one side as it were, of the intestinal canal. A second constriction, marked internally by a more or less well-defined internal valve, shows where the small intestines terminate and the large ones begin. Generally among teleosteans the various portions of the intestinal tract are sufficiently distinct to be distinguished simply by an external mspection : sometimes the differences between each part are so slight that the situation where the ducts enter give the best clue to the various parts. If the intestinal canal is slit up and its inner surface examined, the commencement of the stomach is generally observed to be defined by increased vascularity and a more delicate lining membrane than that existing in, the cesophagus. Its upper or cardiac orifice is usually larger than its lower or pyloric one, while the form of the entire organ is subject to ‘considerable modification, being usually found in one of the two following divisions: the siphonal, which somewhat resembles a bent tube, as seen in the lumpsucker, flounder, salmon, carp, sturgeon, and most of the plagios- tomes; and the eccal, in which it ends in a blind sac, and the pyloric portion is continued from its right side, as observed in the perch, gurnard, weevers, John Dory,.whiting, &c. An intermediate or transitional form sometimes exists, as in the sea scorpion or the turbot, irrespective of which certain deviations occur which it is not my purpose to enlarge upon. The Indian Sciena, erroneously termed “ whiting ” (Johnius), has the pyloric portion of its stomach niuscular, but this augmented thickness of the muscular coats may be best perceived in the mullets (Mugil), in which the cardiac portion is continued downwards into a blind sac, while the pyloric portion is thickened ‘like the gizzard of a bird, appearing as a rounded or conical projection - externally, and which when cut into is found to consist of thick muscular walls, the small cavity remaining internally being lined with a thick and horny ‘epithelium. This gizzard-like stomach is evidently employed for grinding up hard food, and it is curious to observe how, when some fresh-water forms select hard substances for their diet, the coats of their stomachs may likewise become thickened. Thus in the gillaroo trout we find the ascending or pyloric portion of the stomach thickened. In the cyclostomes and leptocardii the intestinal tract is straight, but in the lampreys longitudinal folds are present in the oesophagus, and a single one along the intestinal tube. STOMACH AND PYLORIG APPENDAGES. ‘ hii Through the pyloric orifice, partially digested food reaches the com- mencement of the small intestines, and as arule we observe that the distance from the pylorus to the vent is shorter in fishes than in most of the higher vertebrata. But of course the length of the intestinal tract differs in various classes, while its lining membrane is by no means of the same description in: all. In the salmon or herring we find the length of the intestines shorter than that of the body, but in the former the intestinal lining membrane is raised into transverse folds, thus increasing the extent of their secreting and absorbing surface, which is also further augmented by the secretions of numerous ccecal appendages.- In the herring, again, the ecocal appendages are numerous. In other forms we find the intestines themselves convoluted, thus increasing their length, and this is well seen among the carps. In the shad Cuvier’ observed that valvulz conniventes existed. in the intestines, while in the salmon the folds of the internal lining of the intestines increase in size, decrease in number, and become less oblique as they approach the rectum, or the commencement of the large intestine is marked by a large circular valve, which is succeeded by several others which are completely or incompletely transverse. This large intestine may be straight, as seen in the sturgeon or chimera, &c., where the transverse folds may become continuous, and there is formed an uninterrupted spiral valve, also present in the sharks, the rays, and their allies, but which may be modified into. transverse coils. It is thus that in fishes économy of space is effected by an increase of the secreting and absorbing surface of the vasculo-mucous membrane lining the intestinal tract, whether such be merely raised into puckers, or these puckers be continued into transverse folds, or even forming a circular uninterrupted spiral valve or coil to the large intestine. - An examination imto the ccecal appendages, also termed pyloric cceca, and pyloric appendages—what forms possess and what are deficient in them —under what circumstances they vary—and, lastly, what are their functions, show them to be questions respecting which much still remains to be ascertained. In different fishes they may be useful for different purposes— either as an absorbing or secreting surface, or both. Thus as observed by Krukenberg, in the perch they are lined by simply mucous glands, whereas in the herring they represent the pancreas, and contain a “ tryptic”’ ferment. In some species these appendages are a modified pancreas, in addition to the very ‘rudimentary form of this organ which has been detected as a minute glandular body, terminating in a duct, which opens by from one to three or ifices into the intestines, close to ‘the bile duct, but occasionally so closely attached to the latter as to be easily overlooked. The latter is seen both in fishes which possess pyloric appendages, as perch, cod, salmon, sturgeon; and in such as are deficient. in them, as brama, gar-pike, and pike, while the sharks and rays are liv INTESTINAL TRACT. furnished with a reddish-yellow and lobulated gland, which is more similar to what is perceived in the higher forms of vertebrate animals. As to the common appearances of ccecal appendages,* if we commence our investigations among the osseous fishes, we see in some one or more small ducts, each ending externally in a blind extremity ; these .either surround the commencement of the intestine just beyond the pyloric or lower end of the stomach, or else spring frown one of the sides of the first part of the small intestine, along which they may be continued for some little distance. We find in a single fish from one to upwards of a hundred of these ccecal appendages, each of which may open by a separate orifice into the intestinal canal, or two or more conjoining form a common duct,. and thus diminish the number of openings, while in the bogue-fish (Boups), two ccecal appendages are seen at the termination of the intestinal tract. In the sword-fish (Xiphias), all the various appendages conjoin with the common tubes which empty their contents into the intestines. Passing from the osseous upwards to the cartilaginous or semi-cartilaginous fishes of the ganoid sub-class, we still find this gland present. Thus in the sturgeon (Acipenser), a mass of areolar ‘tissue binds the various cceca together, forming it into a parenchymatous conglomerate gland. The general appearance of the ccecal appendages consists of ducts of varying length and numbers, attached externally to the small intestines, into which they empty themselves. If these cceca are opened, they are mostly seen to possess a glandular lining membrane, where a glairy fluid is secreted, similar in appearance to the secretion from the internal surface of the intestinal canal. Chyme has likewise been said to have been found inside them. It seems probable that in the interior of these tubes a large amount of nutritive substances are present, for the tape-worms (Bothriocephali) so common in some fishes, as the salmon, are almost constantly found with their heads up these cceca, and from which they must obtain their subsistence. For it is reasonable to suppose that in choosing this locality they have been influenced by one of the following considera- tions:—Absence from the main intestinal tract, which is constantly being employed im conveying nutriment and excreta; or else in selecting some situation where the nutriment is more abundant. If we take a general survey of these two classes, we observe that ccecal appendages are far more common among marine than fresh-water fishes ; * It may be as well before proceeding further to explain my plan for examining these appendages, for I employ, as a rule, one of the following processes. The easiest mode is to tie the esophagus and inflate the intestines, appendages, and stomach by means of a blowpipe, tube, or quill, from an opening made in the intestines, or to tie the intestines and inflate from the esophagus, while the use of a solution of chromic acid hardens the preparation. Should the fish not be sufficiently fresh for this purpose, it must be examined under water, when occasionally it can be injected with spirit. URINARY ORGANS. lv also that in the highly-organized sharks and rays, instead of these appendages we find a spiral valve existing in the intestines, as already described. URINARY ORGANS. The urinary organs are composed of the kidneys as a secreting or excreting apparatus, the. ureters, the bladder, and the urethra, the two last being absent in .some fishes. The kidneys, according to Vogt and some others, appear to be composed of the Wolfian bodies, structures persistent among fishes, but which are not permanent among other vertebrate animals, whereas other authors deny this. -Whatever they may be considered, still two kidneys, generally well-developed, are always present among’ fishes, except, perhaps, in the amphioxus. These organs, as a rule, are distinctly separated anteriorly one from the other, but sometimes more or less ° united posteriorly: they are placed close to the’ vertebral column, but separated from the abdominal cavity and the intestines by the peritoneum. ‘To this rule there are exceptions, as among teleosteans, which possess an air- bladder where it likewise is outside the peritoneum, and is often more or less adherent to the under surface of the kidneys. The size ag well as:the form of the kidneys is subject to great variation : in some teleosteans they are compact and restricted to the forepart of the abdominal cavity, but in others they extend far forward to the base of the skull and posteriorly, as seen in the eel, &c., to between the muscles of the caudal region, while their surface may be smooth or lobulated. - The ureters, which receive the urine from the urinary tubes, are generally two in number, rarely three, while as many as five from either kidney, each of which | separately opens into the urinary bladder, have been found in sticklebacks. “These ureters are usually placed along the inner edge of the kidneys, and may be continued to their outlet, or they may unite in an urinary bladder which opens behind thé vent by a short urethra sometimes confluent with, sometimes distinct from (and is then behind) the genital opening, while occasionally it is situated on a papilla. Among the Plagiostomes the ureters are short, and each forms a dilatation which anastomosing with its fellow, ends in a single urethra, and having received the vasa deferebtia in the male opens into, the cloaca, behind the end of the rectum. Variations in the positions of the various parts are seen among the Ganoids and Dipnoids. Among the Cyclostomes, as the lampreys, the kidneys are in the form of an elongated gland, with detached portions, the ureters coalescing prior -to terminating in the urogenital papilla. In the hag a long duct extends through the abdominal cavity, sending off short transverse branches, each of which ends in a blind sac, where a ganglion that- secretes the. urine is Ivi INTESTINAL TRACT. placed. In the amphioxus the isolated bodies which are seen near the abdominal pore have been considered as the kidneys. LARGE ABDOMINAL GLANDS. The liver generally occupies a large portion of the abdominal cavity, being separated from the cardiac chamber by a species of membranous diaphragm. It is most developed arnong the plagiostomes, and as a rule contains a large amount of oil. Its form is subject to considerable variation, but it is generally lobulated, the most simple being found in the amphioxus as a diverticulum from the stomachic dilatation of the intestinal tract. As a rule a gall-bladder exists, and although it is generally seen at its lower surface, it may be lodged inside the liver near its centre, attached to the right lobe, or even be.distinct from this organ, being merely connected to it by the cystic duct. Bile is removed from the liver by one or more ducts, which converge into and join the cystic duct, thus forming the ductus choledochus or common duct of the liver and gall-bladder, which empties itself into the intestinal, canal, posterior to the pyloric end of the stomach, while-in the plagiostomes it opens in the duodenum. A panereas, as already observed, is found in many teleosteans, in the sturgeon, and among the plagiostomes. The spleen, among fishes is found, except in the amphioxus, as a dull reddish body of a -rounded form, usually placed near, the stomach or commencement of the intestines. It is subject to considerable modifications. BREEDING. fishes are dicecious, and although hermaphrodites have been observed in a few teleostean forms,* the sexes are as a rule normally present in different individuals. Some are monogamous, as the snake-headed and tropical Ophiocephalus, perhaps also our common pike, and many others. The majority, however, are polygamous, or perhaps mixogamous, in which latter the males and females congregate for breeding purposes, those of the former sex being in excess, and several attending on one female, or even changing about to another. Among most of the cartilaginous fishes, Chondropterygii, of the order Elasmobranchs, as sharks, rays, and skates, a congress takes place between the two sexes, the arrangement of the sexual organs being somewhat similar to what obtains among the higher vertebrates. - The male organs are mostly * Hermaphrodites have been recorded among the following British fishes :—Perca fluviatilis, Serranus cabrilla, Scomber scomber, Labrus miatus, Solea tulgaris, Gadus morhua, G. merlangus, Lota vulgaris, Eeow lucius, Cyprinus carpio, Clupea harengus, Adipenser sturio. BREEDING. lvii compact, of a circumscribed form, and placed far forwards in the abdominal cavity. The vasa deferentia communicate with the ureters and terminate upon a cloacal generative organ, external to which on either side, and mostly attached to the anal fins, are the claspers. The female organs are (as in the male) situated far forwards, and remarkable by the modification of the two oviducts, which are not merely distinct from one another, but also from the .ureters, which latter terminate upon a prominent urethral clitoris between the outlet of the oviducts. The ova are few, and the ovaries are comparatively smaller than in osseous fishes. Different parts of the oviduct miay be functionally modificd, being divided by a circular valve, which separates the “upper or narrow portion where the gland is placed which secretes the egg purse, while the lower or uterine part is where the embryos are formed in the viviparous species. The ova are fertilized while still contained within the oviduct, where the ova are delayed, and the young may be either occluded in horny cases or even.produced alive. Among cartilaginous fishes of the ganoid order oviducts are present with small ova. During the breeding season certain additional developments may occur in some teleostean or bony forms: glands, as in some carps, may appear on the heads of fishes of either sex, while among the Salmonide a knob shows - itself in the male sex on the extremity .of the lower jaw in the salmon and some trout. Likewise in a carp, Rhodeus amarus, found on the continent of Europe, a long oviferous tube appears during the nuptial season, but as in the case of the knob on the jaw of the salmon is subsequently absorbed, while as a rule the female fish is larger than the male. Considerable differences in the form of the male generative organs are observable among the bony fishes, but at the breeding season, all that are not sterile have a great augmentation in size. This.organ, when arrived at seasonable maturity, is commonly known as the “soft roe” or “milt?? It is not, necessary for fishes to have attained adult size in order to .be. capable of the reproductive process or the milt to be fully developed, as this may be seen in the par or young of the salmon. Without detailing the different forms in which these organs exist, it will suffice to remark that when vasa deferentia are absent in the males, oviducts are similarly wanting in the females, the parallelism between these organs in the two sexes being, as-a rule, very close. When the testis is single so is the ovary. But im some cases, as in the Salmonide, although vasa. deferentia are present in the male there are no ducts in the female. In most osseous fishes the ovaries form two elongated sacs, closed anteriorly, but posteriorly continued into a short and wide oviduct, which terminates behind the vent and mostly before the urethra, The inside of these sacs is more or less lined with the stroma, or a peculiar tissue within which the ova are developed. In those forms in which the ova are hatched before extrusion, lviii BREEDING. the stroma does not extend to the hind portion of these sacs, for this locality serves as a sortof uterus, and is furnished with a large albuminous secretion, while internal incubation is going on. The products of the reproductive organs may be set free in the peritoneal cavity, finding their exit at the abdominal pore or pores: or these products may be taken up by the open mouths of the fallopian tubes, or distinct tubes conduct them all the way to their outlet. The various modifications of the generative organs in true fishes are a simple testis or ovary, but no excretory duct; a partial oviduct united to the ureter, but not continuous with the ovary; or a testis having a long and complex duct distinct from the ureter. Among teleostean fishes breeding occurs in one of the following ways :—1. The eggs are hatched within the female organs, as seen in the oviparous blenny, Zoarces viviparus (vol. i, p. 211). 2. As in the majority of these. fishes, the eggs having been excluded, are subsequently fertilized by the male, the milt or spermatozoa of the latter being brought into contact in the water with the ova or eggs of the female, when this microscopic body (the spermatozoon) obtains access by a minute orifice, termed the micropyle, into the interior of the ovum. In short, during the breeding of osseous fishes the generative organs perform the following functions :—“Semination,” “ovulation,” “ fecundation,” and “ exclusion,” to which in 8ome forms is added that of ‘ foetation.” Simple as this process would seem to be, there are many interesting questions about it which are still unsolved and require attention. If all fishes’ eggs were of one size, the micropyle and spermatozoids identical in all forms, the specific gravity of all ova without variation, and all kinds of fish propagated their species at the same period and took the same time in the incubating process, we should soon arrive at a state of inextricable confusion. There might be hybrids between salmon and minnows, perches and bullheads, sticklebacks and carps: and were these hybrids to prove fertile, in a comparatively very short space of time.all land-marks would be obliterated ; families, genera, and species would be things of the past. And if this did occur, the result could be readily foretold; now small forms obtain sustenance in little as well as in large pieces of water ; but were these small forms to merge into the larger, our brooks, our lesser streams and ponds would no longer be stocked with fish; for the size of the stream and the amount of the food would be insufficient to maintain them in health, even were it sufficient to sustain life. And could we hope fora hardy race from young raised under such conditions? Or even were our fishes entirely restricted to our larger rivers, what would occur? Predaceous forms of destroyers, perhaps man himself, would soon diminish, and possibly annihilate ‘them. Irrespective of which, deterioration in the size of parent fish may be equivalent to diminution in the size of the offspring, such being MIGRATIONS AND SEASONS. lix - one of Nature’s methods of preventing the extermination of the race. For decreasing their size will cause them to be less sought after, and it will only be when the larger fish are left for breeders. that larger offspring result. In ‘short, when man or other causes afford to fish sufficient protection, then Nature assists in improving the race; when man or other destructive factors greedily kill all they can, then the breed dwarfs, and so possibly prevents its extermination. To which ever division fish belong, they are generally perceived at the commencement of their breeding season migrating to localities most suitable for the reception of their eggs and the bringing forth of their young. The majority of marine forms seek banks, or are found nearer in shore or in shallower waters than such as they inhabit at other times. This arrival of gregarious kinds of mature. fish occurs when they are ready for breeding, while their eggs are deposited prior to their leaving, so whether they come to perpetuate their race or seek food for preventing death in each individual of the species, it eventuates that at these periods breeding usually occurs, as may be Observed in the herring or in.the mackerel. Anadromous forms pass -up rivers, sometimes for long distances, and then deposit their ova: among the most widely distributed of such .is the shad, of which we possess two species in the British Isles, both found in the Severn, but up which they now rarely ascend in numbers to any considerable extent, due to weirs across the.river, deficiency of water, or else its poisonous condition. The salmon ~ similarly ascends from the sea'to deposit its ova in rivers and streams, and this instinct of migration or necessity for exchanging its locality-to a suitable ‘breeding spot may be more or less observed among a large number of members of the family. The season at which: breeding occurs varies with the family of fish and the locality. This again is susceptible of further modification in accordance with the temperature and perhaps composition of the water, the amount of food.procurable, and many other local circumstances. Likewise there is some condition in the fish itself respecting which we know but little, but which plays its part. It is easy: to understand that during very cold winters breeding is usually late, which may be partly occasioned by the ova taking longer to hatch, as well as by the parent fish being later depositing its eggs. The period at which the Salmonide in these isles breed may be roughly’ estimated (unless under exceptional circumstances) at from the commence- ment of September until the middle of January or February. In 1866 some brook trout eggs were despatched from Hampshire and Buckingham- shire to Tasmania, and the first young reared in the Antipodes formed their redds in July, 1869, or during the coldest season of the year (see -vol. ii, p- 60). But easy as this theory would be in order to explain the different ‘months fishes select for breeding purposes, there exist many exceptions lx BREEDING. which are still open to discussion. Some rivers are stated to have early and others late breeds of salmon. The same thing occurs‘in marine fishes; thus there is not a month that herrings cannot be found breeding around the coasts of Great Britain and Ireland. In the United States the Fishery Department has ascertained that the codfish Gadus morhua breeds during nine months of the year, namely, from September until May. : Some fishes merely breed once a year, while others do so more frequently. During the breeding-season a few forms, as the salmon and the shad in our fresh waters, and the herrings of our seas, appear to decrease the amount of food they consume or even entirely cease feeding; this may be necessary in some grefvarious marine forms for the following reason: Unless they congregate together at this period there would be great danger in the deposited ‘ova not being fertilized by the milt, for we know that should such not take place in a short time in fresh water they do not become vivified. Should, therefore, fish in this c ndition have to be roving about of food there would be the possibility that large quantities of eggs would be spoiled, while the forms which produce the greatest number of ova are often those which live in large communities. Whether breeding occasions any deleterious effects upon fish is capable of more than one answer. Fresh-water forms that produce a moderate number of eggs, or do so. gradually, or at more than one period in the year, do not appear to be so much affected as those which deposit large numbers of ova, and complete this process in a short space. Asa rule, the result of breeding is that the parent fish goes out of condition, and continues so for a longer or shorter period of time. Herrings, as soon as they are “spent,” fall off in condition ; the salmon kelt becomes absolutely unwhalesome, or else so lean and flabby as to be unsuitable for the table. Fishes’ eggs are of various sizes, and this size-is not in relationship to the magnitude of the species—thus a. codfish has much smaller eggs than.a trout, and a common carp than a char. While some forms deposit their ova in the sea, others do so in fresh-water, which may be stagnant, semi-stagnant, or running. Some eggs are so lght that under certain conditions they may float, as of the cod in the sea, while those of the white-fish Coregonus are .semi-buoyant, and those of the herring sink; those of the gar-fish and its allies are attached by filaments or tendrils to foreign substances, while others are lkewise adherent, due to’ a secreted mucus, as in the lump sucker (Liparis), which deposits its ova on the inside of the valves of dead shells, as a butterfly does on a leaf; while the fresh-water bitterling, Rhodews amarus, of Continental Europe is furnished during the breeding season with a long oviferous tube. enabling it to insert its eggs within the valves of the fresh-water mussel. EGGS AND NESTS. lxi Among the curious pipe-fishes the eggs are transferred from the female to the male, and in most of the species the duty of hatching them devolves on the latter sex, for which purpose they are deposited up to the period of the evolution of the young in ovigerous sacs variously placed (vol. ii, page 256). In the horse-fishes (Hippocampus) in pouches under the tail ; in our ocean pipe-fishes (Nerophis) in rows along the breast and helly. Whether this phenomenon of carrying about the eggs is to protect them from danger or in order to change the water in which they are kept may be questionable, but as these fishes have several times been hatched in aquaria, it would seem to he for the. purpose of protection against foes. Similarly we perceive silurcids, Ariine, of the Hastern and other seas in which the males carry:about the ova in their mouths, either cohtinuously or temporarily, and the young may be observed emer ging from the ovum while it is still in the maw of the male fish. Teleosteans, which have no oviduct, as the Salmonide, deposit their eggs detached one from ‘the other; but such as possess oviducts often have them surrounded by a viscid secretion formed from the lining membrane of the oviduct and agglutinating them in lumps or cords. The sticklebacks or pricklebacks of this country (vol. i, page 286), whether marine or fresh-water species, form a nest for the reception of their eggs, which has an entrance on one: side and an exit on the other, so that either parent can readily pass through. When the eggs have been safely deposited in the nest, and the necessary fertilization accomplished, the male takes charge, driving his help-mate off to a safe distance in order to prevent her making a meal of the ova. Mr, Warrington ascertained that in a few ‘days in the fresh-water species the nest was more and more opened by the. male, evidently owing to the necessity for oxygenation, and he hovered over it, causing a current of water to be propelled across its surface by fanning it with his fins, and after about ten days the nest was destroyed and minute fry appeared, over which the male kept guard. Some of our marine wrasses of the genus Crenilabrus have been observed to construct nests, in which occupation both sexes assist. The river bullhead, Cottus gobio, forms a hole in the gravel at the bottom of a stream, and here it keeps guard over its eggs as well as over the infant progeny. While in tropical countries there exist many forms of nest-constructing fishes, and the parents,. more especially the male, protect the young until old enough to shift for themselves. In investigating single families of fish, or genera, it is interesting to see how even closely related forms differ in the places where they deposit their ova, or the period when they breed. Among the herrings we find that the common herring is breeding in some one or other spot around our coast almost every month in the year; that it deposits from ten to thirty lx BREEDING. thousand eggs, which are agglutinated together in a miass, and subsiding to the bottom, attach themselves to sea-weeds or other suitable substances ; _ let this nidus for the eggs be trawled away or otherwise destroyed, and the herrings may permanently, or at least for an indefinite number of years, migrate to a more suitable spot. The sprat gives eggs of about 0:04 in. in diameter, and these likewise sink to the bottom, but not in a mass or covered with adhering substance, as in the herring. The shad of our waters has ‘not yet had this question investigated, but in the United States the Fish Commission find that in the species which is most prized there, Clupea sapidissima, the eggs sink, but that they require to be kept in constant motion. Those eggs which normally float are more susceptible to atmospheric changes, and possibly this may occasion much loss. Thus in one genus are forms in which the eggs are agglutinated intoa mass, sink, and become attached to suitable fixed objects: in another they simply sink: whereas ina third, although they sink, they require to be kept in constant motion. If we take another family for investigation, as that of the salmon, trout, and their allies, we find interesting variations. The common smelt, Osmerus eperlanus, covers stones, planks, and suitable objects with its adherent ova, and which are placed near the level ‘of high water. These eggs are furnished with fine filaments on their outer surface, which filaments expand at their distal exfremities into the form of a sucker for attach- ment. The grayling deposits its ova about April’ or May, or even earlier, on the gravel at the bottom of a suitable stream; they are not placed in a nest and appear to be very delicate; their size is rather less than seen in the trout. But the salmon, trout, and char fan up the gravel, thus forming a trough wherein the ova are deposited, and subsequently the nest, redd or rid, is covered over with the gravel, and here the eggs are left to come to maturity. In all these forms the eggs are heavier than the water in which they are deposited, still they are treated either by being laid on the bed of the stream or below the gravel, but the fish culturist has ascertained that this placing them within a bed or nest is not essential to their hatching. Before passing on from the eggs and how deposited, I must draw atten- tion to a rather curious phenomenon, but too often seén, and which in its most fatal form is known as fish being é¢gg-bound—dying, in fact, unable to void their ova, similarly to fowls unable to lay their eggs, or higher ver- tebrates which cannot bring forth their young. Some fish, as the herrings, which exude their ova in the open sea, can scarcely be subjected to any extraneous force in order to assist this process, but that such does take place in some fishes has been ascertained. The gold carp, Carassius auratus, is one of these forms, and the male (or rather relays of them) have NUMBER OF EGGS AND IF PROTECTION IS NECESSARY. Ixiii been observed in an aquarium to roll the gravid female like a cask along the bottom of the tank, and. to continue this operation without relaxation for a day or two until the wearied female has extruded her ova. The female river lamprey is said to be assisted by the male twisting himself around her, and so expressing the ova and milt, the suctorial mouths of both parents being at this time attached to -a stone or other suitable stationary object. While it does not appear unlikely that the female salmon or trout when forming the redd*or nest by lateral strokes of the side and tail portion of the body is by such active exertion assisting in ridding herself of her eggs. It has been asserted that among: these latter fish when the eggs are ripe there power to prevent their escape, but at Howietoun it is found that if the parents are placed in a wooden tank, . having smooth sides and .bottom, and through which a stream Hovis ovula- tion’may be deferred days, and even weeks. ‘The number of eggs deposited by teleostean fish is, as already cammaaked) exceedingly varied ; thus, a perch of 14 lb. contained 280,000 ova, one of 3 lb. 2 oz., 155,620; a ruff, of 42-02z., 205,000; an angler, of 1 lb. 18 0z., 1,427,344; a mackerel, 18 ‘oz., 546,681; lump-sucker, 63 1b. weight, 207,700, at 9 lb. 8 oz., 155,000; cod, at 114-Ib., 1,800,000, but upwards of 3,000,000 have been taken from one; liaddock, 2} lb., 169,050, at 9 4% Ib., 1,839,581; coal-fish, at 21 -lb., 8,260,000; pollack, 12 lb., 4,200,000; hake, the roe of which weighed 154 oz., 1,500,000 ; ling, 20 lb., 19,985,400, one of 100 Ib., 160,000,000; burbolt, 128,000 ; halibut, 3,500,000 ; turbot, 5 lb, 9 oz, 14,311,200; plaice, 4 Ib. 15 0z., 144,600; flounder, 244 oz., 1,357,400, at 63 oz., 851,026, at 34 oz., 225,568, at 21 oz., 188,407; sole, 1 lb., 134,000; salmon, about 900 to every 1 lb. weight, but may exceed this, one of 20 Ib. contained 27,850; trout, about 800 to every 1 lb. weight; charr, 3 Ib., 1,230; pollan, 11%.0z., 6,156; smelt, 2 oz., 28,278, and in a second the same size, 86,652; pike, 35 Ib., 43,000, 82 Ib., 595,200, 28 Ib., 292,320, a second 700,000, 24 Ib., 224,640; carp, at 9 lb., 600,000, 164 lb., 2,059,750, 21} lb., 1,310,750; barbel, 7,000 to: 8,000 ova; roach, 28 On, 480; tench, 4 lb., 297,000; bream, 130,000; white bream, 108,000 ; herring, 10,000 to 80,000; pilchard, 60,000; conger, 15; lb., 6,336,512 ; the small numbers of the cartilaginous fishes have been already referred to. One reason adduced for sea fishes not requiring protection at any period of their lives is that they deposit so many eggs, and that these will suffice to meet all and every device man may employ to eff-ct their capture. Here the zoologist may well inquire whether breeding in fishes differs from what obtains in the remainder of the animal kingdom, wherein the powers of increase have been apportioned to the needs of the individual, for where man has interfered, as in birds, ground game, seals, &¢., protection has had to be afforded in order to prevent annihilation of the species. It would lxiv BREEDING AND STERILITY. seem that the various sizes, modes of deposit, and numbers of fish eggs, must’ be on some definite plan, not a chance medley, destitute of any order and deficient of any scheme. We observe, as in many other forms of life, that the more voracious class, as sharks and rays, have fewer young than the herring and the mackerel, that fish which give the most eggs take the least care of their offspring, and, until the contrary is proved, we are justified in assuming that where the most numerous eggs or young are produced by a species, there the greatest destruction occurs, and finally that fish have only sufficient ova for the purpose of compensating for normal loss.* But even when fishes’ eggs have been deposited in order that they should hatch it does not. follow that it is only necessary to place them in a. hatching box, and then turn salt-water over marine ones and fresh-water over those of our streams and lakes. The precautions fo be taken by the fish culturist I do not propose alluding to here, but certain physical phenomena are very important. Some fishes are sterile. from various causes. Thus the common eel, a catadromous form, or one which breeds in the sea but passes its life in fresh- waters, is believed only to deposit ova once during its lifetime,-and then either dies or returns to the rivers, and is sterile for the remainder of its life. It has been observed that among the Salmonide sterile forms are seen, but which are believed to be only temporarily so, as for one or two seasons. Fish may also be sterile consequent on disease. Thus I have seen ina mackerel the oviduct occluded due to disease having set up inflammation, and occlusion of the outlet of the -oviduct, and thus the preceding year’s eggs have been retained and formed a large tumour. Kegs themselves, of course, may fail-in hatching, due to sterility or deficiency of fecundation, injurious surroundin gs, as by being carried hy floods and currents into unsuitable places, or consequent upon the effects of disease, while shocks given to them during incubation produce monstrosities and if severe, death. While fishes’ egos are more or less circular or oval, and of * varying colours, being-pea-green in some sheat-fishes or siluroids, and among the Salmonide they may be coral-red, yellow, or pure white, the herrings usually have a slight pink tinge; those of the sprat are colourless. I have already remarked that fishes’ eggs:before they are fertilized have a small orifice or micropyle into which the spermatazoon enters, but it is evident in sea fishes that if the egg floats at the surface and the milt is beneath, the chances of fertilization must be diminished, unless some means are taken to obviate this. Also that there must exist some mechanical reason why fish eggs float in some forms, and sink in others. Of course, the * As a rule fish hatched from small ova are feebler than those from large ova, and Ryder remarks ‘‘some species leave the egg with the throat perforated and other forms do not.’ The shad cannot swallow at the time of hatching. | EGGS. Ixv principal cause which makes eggs subside to the bottom is that their specific gravity is greater than that of the fluid in which they are floating, unless due to some mechanical arrangement (as the presence of filaments) they are attached to foreign substances, when they would sink or swim in accord- ance with the condition of the body to which they were attached,.as the _ eggs of the marine gar (Belone) ; or 4 fish (as a perch) may have its ova in a band-like state, when it selects rushes, reeds, or grass growing in the water or a piece of wood or other hard substance, against which it (the female) presses itself until one end of the band’ has become.attached, then swim- ming slowly away the eggs are voided. But sometimes eggs, as of the cod, float in normally saline water, and questions have arisen as to the position of the micropyle. Dr. Ransom in 1854.found that in the trout, salmon, and grayling it corresponded to the centre of the germinal pole. Here the formative yelk or germ collects, and having attached to it some oil drops, always floats uppermost. In, the Spanish mackerel and some other American forms a single large oil sphere keeps them buoyant, situated at a point immediately opposite the germinal disk, which is constantly inverted or’ carried on the lower face of the vitellus, thus acting exactly the reverse to what is observed among the Salmonidw. In the cod no oil drop exists, but the egg is so light that it behaves like the foregoing. It is seen in the cod fisheries that at the period of breeding the egg floats with the micropyle directed downwards, and as a consequence the ‘milters are found to swim lower than the spawners, the milt must consequently ascend. ‘Tt will mow be necessary to briefly observe upon the physical changes which fishes’ eggs have to undergo prior to their being rendered in a suitable condition to continue the species. If we examine under the microscope the ova of an osseous fish, as a stickleback, as remarked upon by Dr. Ransom, we may perceive around the eggs before they are deposited and holding the mass together is a viscid layer or secretion from the oviduct of the female. This secretion will for some time resist the imbibition of water in the unim- pregnated ova, so that they have been observed to remain flaccid at least two and a half hours after immersion. Subsequently. it seems to set round the eggs, making them cohere firmly together. The egg itself may be said externally to have a double cortical layer, the two being divided by an interspace; the outer of these, which is rather thick, may be termed ‘the yelk sac, and is in immediate contact with the second internal or vitelline membrane which surrounds the yelk ball within the yelk sac. The outer membrane of the egg is distinguished in one spot by a number of cup-shaped or mushroom-like processes, which cover about one-fourth of its ‘surface and mark the germinal pole. In the centre of these small elevations is the micropyle, consisting of a funnel-shaped pit directed towards the centre of the egg, and continued inwards as a narrow tube with ° e Ixvi 5 BREEDING. the inner end opened. ‘This outer covering of the egg is a by the imbibition of water from an easily torn membrane into a firm clastic one. The yelk-ball, or that portion surrounded by the vitelline or inner membrane, contains those essential portions of the egg which are subsequently directly transformed into the germ, and into which the micropyle opens. Between the two layers is a space, small in the unimpregnated egg prior to the imbi-_ bition of water, but which becomes filled, forming what has been termed the breathing chamber, a space increased probably also in size by a contraction - of the yelk. In the stickleback this absorption of water from the outside commences near the micropyle, and gradually extends throughout the chamber ; but in most osseous fishes, Ransom observes, water enters freely through the yelk sac, and the breathing chamber may commence simul- taneously at all parts of the surface. It is only during this period when absorption is going on that fertilization can take place, and the sper- matozoon obtain access by the micropyle to the germinal spot. When the air-chamber has been filled with water the outer covering of the egg hardens and become elastic; it is no longer soft and adhesive, and it “ frees ”’ itself from what it is attached to. In this place it is unnecessary to go further into the enibryology of osseous fishes, neither will it be required to prove that the elements for respiration must be received through the outer coat from the surrounding water. Here, however, it becomes needful to point out that as oxygen has to be imbibed through the outer covering of the egg’certain mechanical influences may be at work to prevent this absorption, and so to decrease or altogether cut off the necessary aération. In some fishes the breathing chamber is very large, swelling the egg to as much as double its original size, and it is evident that were these eggs fixed close together prior to distension, one of two things must occur, either their due expan- sion would be checked by one pressing against another, or some must give way. I have already mentioned the eggs of the common smelt which possess filaments that adhere to contiguous objects: if these filaments are torn off the egg dies. Should many be placed together prior to imbibition they give the appearance under the microscope after the air chamber has become filled that they are honeycombed, which is due to the number of facets the eggs show owing to pressure one against another. Irrespective of injury « from pressure, it is obvious that due aération of the yelk will be stopped, and as a result death will most probably ensue. Fish ova, as of the Salmonidce and of some other forms, have been trans- ported long distances, as from Europe to the Australian Colonies, Canada, and the United States. The first experiment of employing ice for the purpose of conveying trout and salmon eggs through the tropics is recorded CARRIAGE AND-VIVIFICATION OF EGGS. lxvii in volume il (page 77). Davy ascertained many: years since that ova in moist air retain vitality several days, and they may: safely be sent in damp moss. ‘In 1880 Max von dem Borne experimented on whether salmon eggs which had been fertilized, by the dry process (or such as had not been brought in contact with water) could be transmitted long distances without the addition of any fluid.. This year 34,000 trout ova were despatched to New Zealand in a modified refrigerating chamber. Moistened air passing in a current through the chamber was kept down to a temperature never below 32 deg. or above 34 deg. fahr. The eggs were arranged in trays lightly covered with moss, and the dead ones were daily removed. Nearly the whole number reached their destination in perfect safety. It has been suggested that such fish ova as are deposited at the bottom of ponds might be transported long distances with safety enclosed in mud, a subject worthy of trial, but great care would have to be exercised as to «the character of the water in which the experiment is tried. Fish which deposit their.ova on bushes are placed in boxes thus lined, but with movable sides, so that they with the bushes and adherent ova can be transported in , carrying boxes to the desired localities. The milt of fish has been successfully employed some time after being taken from the parent ; thus Sir J. Gibson-Maitland on November 25, 1879, successfully fertilized some trout spawn with salmon milt obtained the night before and corked up in a bottle. Likewise, as was long since pointed out by Bloch, ova or milt may be used obtained from fish: which have been some time dead. On November 29, 18838, .1000 eggs of the common brook trout were thus treated at Howietoun with the milt of a par which had not been , dead many hours, but the result has been that there was insufficient vitality in the milt to fructify 4 single egg. It has been remarked at Howietoun that eggs from young mothers give a larger percentage of deaths than those ‘of older fish, this it appears probable affects the fertilizing property of the milt. . . The period which fish eggs take incubating is not only exceedingly varied among those of ‘closely. allied species, but it is likewise affected by many extraneous cause’. Those of sea fishes, as a rule, would appear to hatch in ashorter period than those of fresh water ones. The eggs of the herring normally incubate in about three or four weeks, but the escape of the young can be considerably delayed by keeping the water very cold, while its saltness or the reverse exercises no appreciable difference. In the Baltic the German Fish Commissioners found that with the water at 53 degrees the eggs hatched in a week, whereas with the temperature of the water at 38 degrees they took six weeks. In the eggs of the cod fish the American’ Fish Commissioners observed that hatching took place’ between the - thirteenth and fiftieth days, according to the temperature of the water, while e * ‘ Ixvill BREEDING. Sars in Norway found some to. hatch on the eighteenth day. ‘The eggs of . the haddock in the United States required an average of nine days, and the shortest period observed was eight days, while those of the coal fish, Gadus pollachins, hatch in four or five days in water of moderate temperature. But if we can find such a difference in the cod family as to the time required for incubation to be from four or five days to six weeks, still greater variations are perceptible among those of the salmon family. At Howietoun the eggs of the smelt, Osmerus eperlanus, kept in the trout hatching house, took about forty-two days, but on the water being a little warmer they came out -by the thirty-fourth day. In the same establishment, with the water kept at about 44-1 degrees, the brook and other tout took from seventy-one to seventy-two days; the American char, Salino fontinalis, seventy-three ; and the salmon seventy-seven. But the foregoing are subject to wide variations of time (by decreasing the temperature of the water), as of the treut up to 114 days, and the hatching of the salmon has been delayed to the 145th day, or even more, and acting upon this knowledge the eggs of members of the Salmonidee have been transmitted in safety to the Antipodes. Here I would draw attentiou to the various attempts which have been made to-prove that salmon can breed in salt water, a proposition advanced by some estuary and shore fishermen, apparently in order to show that, there is no necessity to have any restrictive. legislation, on salmon fisheries, but that everyone should be permitted to fish as he pleases, while the fish ought, to continue their species in the sea and their young to ascend rivers to be cap- tured—a view long since shown to be entirely erroneous, and which is referred . to in vol. i (p. 68). In fact, with the exception of catadromus forms, as the eel, we do not possess any fresh-water fishes that breed in salt water. At the Fisheries Exhibition of 18838, the Commissioner from: Canada, Mr. Wilmot, informed us that salmon can be detained in salt water. until ready to be stripped of their ova and. milt, which can then be raised in fresh water. But several experiments have all ended in one. result, the eggs having died in salt water, as have also all the young ; consequently, if salmon from any cause are prevented ascending rivers, and have to drop their eggs in saline or brackish water, no young will be hatched, while eggs or young placed in brackish or salt water will die. I remarked in 1882 .that at Sir James Gibson-Maitland’s fish-ponds at Howietoun, the Lochleven variety of treut produced eggs of different sizes in accordance with the parents’ age. Thus fish hatched in 1876, or six-year-olds, gave ova, thirty-two of which filled the length of a-glass grill, whereas those females which had been hatched’ in 1875, or seven-year-olds, furnished eggs twenty-seven or twenty-eight of which occupied the same space. Not only does this occur in the Lochleven variety, but also in the brook trout and the American char; and Dr: John Davy found among EGGS OF ONE SPECIES VARY IN SIZE. lxix those of-our common char which he examined a variation’ in diameter from 0°16 to 0:20 of an inch. Even in the common stickleback Ransom has observed that all the eggs of the same. batch have not exactly the same dimensions when ripe, and still less have -those of different individual parents. A similar variation in the size of. the eggs corresponding to that of the parent has likewise been noted from trout at Otago. The same phenomenon has been observed in the United States, where the Fish Commissioner on the M’Cloud River in 1878 remarked that. the parent salmon were unusually small, their average weight being under eight pounds. This small size was be undoubtedly caused in whole or in part by the fishing at the cannaries of the Sacramento, where the 8 in. meshes of the innumerable drift nets stopped all the larger salmon, but let all the small ones’ through. The eggs when taken proved to be at least a third smaller than those of most previous years, and. the average number of eggs to the fish was about 3,500, against 4,200 in the previous year. In this instance the smaller salmon produced the smaller eggs, but whether the decreased number was not due’ to the decreased size of the spawners is not evident. Livingston Stone adduces another instance, asserting that American trout or char living in spring water (which means deficient food) develop smaller eggs than such as reside in brooks. Or poverty in food has the same effect as younger and smaller fish in diminishing the size of ova. This of itself would lead one to suspect that small eggs which may be caused by deficient sustenance in the parent will not produce the largest fry. This difference in the size of fish eggs, which among Salmonide increase in bulk up to a certain age, must have very important bearings upon their artificial breeding. For the size of the micropyle must be in a certain ratio to the size of the eggs, consequently larger eggs of the same species will admit larger spermatozoa than smaller ones. It has-been maintained by some fish culturists that very great difficulties, sometimes even amounting to impossibilities, occur in crossing trout with salmon, or rather fecundating the eggs of trout with the milt of the salmon. As this was not found difficult at Howietoun when the eggs were taken from. fish that had been some years in the ponds, whose eggs were approaching in size those of the salmon, it appears to-me that the difficulty is merely a mechanical one, due to the size of.the micropyle.* This, I believe, is a cont- plete solution of how to obtain crosses between the salmon and thé trout. This brings us to the consideration of whether larger eggs, the produce of older or better fed fishes, will eventuate in an augmented size of the offspring, irrespective of the question of changing the locality they inhabit, or increasing the space or amount of water they reside in, Two sets of * Mr. Arthur tells us, that in 1880, one. trout at Otago yielded about thirty eggs double the size of all the other ova she passed, and they hatched out just the same as the rest. Ixx BREEDING. Lochleven trout were stripped on the same day in November, 1882, the parents of one being six-year-olds, and of the other seven-year-olds. The eggs were similarly treated, hatched in the same room during January and February, 1883, and turned into two ponds of similar size, each 100 feet long, and fed by the same stream. In the upper pond were the progeny of the six-year-old ; in the lower, which received the stream after passing through the upper pond, those from the seven-year-old. On November 29, 1883, the fry in the upper appeared to average about 24 in. in length, and in the lower about 34 in., showing that the offspring from: the older parents had developed the most satisfactory results. I selected three of the finest fish from each pond; those from the upper averaged a little over 3 in., while from the lower they were nearly 4 in., or at nine months of age those which were the progeny of seven-year-old parents were nearly a quarter longer than those which were descended from six-year-old parents. In March, 1884, I again visited these ponds, and found the foregoing results were being still continued. The ponds were subsequently cleaned out and restocked with young trout, the offspring .of parents of the same age, and in August, 1884, there was no perceptible difference in the size of those in the two ponds. If the eges of older fish (up to a certain age) give larger and quicker growing” offspring than do those from younger ones, it shows us that fisheries in which only small parents are left as stock may not improbably suffer a deterioration in the race, and this, irrespective of food, may be one cause of how fisheries fall off. Finally arises the consideration of what benefit to mankind in general are investigations into the breeding of fishes? Here I shall merely enter upon a few, some being now carried out successfully, some experimentally, and, lastly, some theoretically suggested. In a state of nature salmon and trout eggs are subject to destruction from many foes, and it has been computed that although each female is provided with many hundreds of ova, only about one in nineteen of such as are left in the natural redds ever hatches, and only four or five of these out of 30,000 eggs arrive at maturity and are fit for the table; whereas, taking Howietoun as an instance, it is found that from 90 to 95 per cent. hatch in a well-constructed _fish cultural establishment, while the loss among the fry is inconsiderable. Irrespective of this the young can be turned into the rivers at times when they would be more able to shift for themselves than if they resided there from their earliest days. Without entering into the reasons, still it is patent to the most casual observer that the interests of the upper riparian proprietors of salmon rivers are not always in agreement with those of the estuaries and lower waters. The former consider the fish are reared in their territory, but that the produce is almost exclusively captured at or SELECTION OF FORMS AND LAND-LOCKED SALMON. Ixxi near the mouths of the rivers. The lower "proprietors in some places believing that the upper proprietors are helpless do not always listen -to their complaints in an amicable manner, considering themselves masters of the, situation. But as a knowledge of fish culture extends it will be found that, did they know it, exactly the reverse is the case. The upper proprietors might obtain such splendid breeds’ of trout for their rivers that they would not care to continue preserving the salmon. Or they might introduce a land-locked salmen, or one which does not descend to the sea but passes all its life in fresh. water. Or hybrids between the salmon and trout might be sterile and not take on migratory propensities.- , , I have shown how by selection of parents larger and more rapidly growing trout can be raised, and these fish, provided they can obtain sufficient food, attain to a size now but seldom seen, but when observed being termed Salmo ferow. Thus eggs sent from small brook trout in Hampshire and Buckinghamshire to New Zealand have developed into 20 Ib. and 30 lb. fish. But to obtain these fine breeds great care must be taken in keeping ‘the parent fish in suitable ponds ; if breeders of different years can intermix then the benefits of age may be lost. Thus it is the finest forms come from seven or eight year old parents, as has been ascertained at Howietoun, where the young the progeny of such are now being kept to be. breeders in their turn, and it does not seem an unreasonable expectation to see in a few years such a semi-domesticated breed as these islands have never witnessed, and all this due to the enterprise of. a single energetic individual. . Then there are the so-termed land-locked-salmon, which might prove invaluable to’upper riparian proprietors, or those who possess large inland lakes, containing sufficient food for their sustenance, or where descent to the rendered impossible from any cause. In Maine, in the United States, there is found a variety. of the salmon which has taken on a lake-life and is: said never descends to the sea ; many of the eggs were sent over last year to this country, and the young reared from them were exhibited in the Fisheries - Exhibition. The Canadian Commissioner observed that in some of the rivers of the. Dominion of Canada the same variety obtains. From Lake Wenern, in Sweden, a few of these land-locked forms were received at the Fisheries Exhibition, some of which weighed as much as 15 lb. It has been asserted that no salmon in our country has ever developed’ ova without first descending to: the sea. Here, again, facts at Howietoun entirely disprove this assertion. Some young salmon were hatched in March, 1881, and in December, 1888, while still in the ponds some females were found with ova, and one on being removed in August, 1884, had numerous large eggs. These, being bred from, may form the nucleus, after one or two generations, of a land-locked race. XXil BREEDING. HYBRIDS. "It has been conclusively shown that hybrids are found both among marine and fresh-water fishes, whether raised artificially or existing in a wild condition, as might be anticipated when we remember that the wilt of amale might readily in water attain a proximity tothe egg of one of another species. or genus. This has been more especially recorded among the’ carps (vol. ii, page 157, &c.) and the Salmonide (vol. ii; page. 80, &c.) “In 1869,” says Livingston Stone, “ I crossed the yellow perch, Perea flavescens, with the glass-eyed pike, Lucioperca, both percoids, using perch eggs and perch-pike milt. The restilt was an embryo which continued to develop till the seventl day, when the development suddenly stopped entirely, although the embryo did not die. At this point-it resembled.the embryo of the same age of the yellow perch proper.” Fraisse asserts that he has been able to effect by artificial fecundation a hybrid offspring between the trout and the burbolt. Leuchart remarks upon having reared hybrids, between the female salmon and male trout, and from these he procured in due time milt and ova which were fertile. Other observers again have asserted that fertile hybrids are only of occasional occurrence, and that eggs produced from them may be incapable of fertilization. The hybrids between. the salmon and trout instituted at Howietoun in 1879, have, so far as has been examined, given sterile offspring. Some experiments were made by Sir James Gibson-Maitland, Bart., at his fish-hatching establishment at Howietoun. On December 24, 1881, 20,000 eggs of the Lochleven trout were fertilized’ by salmon wilt and hatched on’March 9, 1882. On March 13, 1884, there were 212 successfully transferred to Craigend.. Among these. were six above 10 in. in length, but some were as short as 23 in., showing the great range of variation as to size which may be found in a single batch of young from the same parents and kept under exactly similar conditions -of existence. Ohe examined in August, 1884, was found to be a sterile female. : On November 29, 1883, 4,500 eggs of the Lochleven variety of trout-(of the season of 1875) were milted from a par of .the salmon raised at Howietoun, and the mortality among the eggs was1in46. But although this was so, the curious fact remains that the milt of the par in this instance was’ insufficient to impregnate the trout eggs,.so’as to produce young in a strong and healthy condition, while weakly alevins either die or are next to useless for stocking purposes. Although some thousands of the young emerged from. the eggs, all were at once seen to be suffering from what has been‘termed dropsy or blue swelling of the yelk sac, which proved fatal before long to the majority, only about 100 remaining in August. HYBRIDS. xxiii On November 29, 1883, 3,695 eggs of the American char were milted from a par. The following is the monthly record of the number of dead eggs which were removed. In December 144, in January 1,527, and in February 401, or.a total of 3,372 dead’ eggs. On March 12, 1884, 7 were alive, but in an unsatisfactory condition. The amount of fertilization received by American char eggs from young pars is evidently less than that afforded to ova of the Lochleven trout, the relationship being perhaps more distant between a char and a salmon than between a salmon and a trout. On November 15, 1882, 2,000 ova from.a Lochleven trout were milted’ from an American char (Salmo fontinalis), and on November 29, 1883, about 250 were living. On March 18, 1884, 211 were alive. When first hatched these hybrids were much ‘malformed, monstrosities being numerous, while blindness ‘in one or both eyes and bull-dog deformities of the snout . were common. ‘Some sethi-albinos were nearly blind. In August, 1884, all were doing well, and a male having been examined was found to be full of milt. This experiment was repeated on November 29, 1883, when 3,000 ova were taken from a Lochleven trout and milted from an American char. The deaths were in about the proportion of 1 in 17 eggs. The young were looking healthy in August, 188-1. On November 15, 1882, 8,000’ ova of an American char were fertilized © from a Lochleven trout, and on November 29, 1883, only 16 “were alive, . and on March 12, 1884, 8. Their state was unsatisfactory, the ‘largest ‘being a little over two inches in length. In this experiment when first hatched the young fry were greatly deformed; many had crooked spinés, atrophy of the posterior portion of their bodies, with a general deficiency of fins, especially of the caudal. In August, 1884, the last 7 were doing well. November 15, 1882, about 9,000 eggs of an American char were milted from a Scotch variety of char, and no monstrosities (as seen in the other two crosses) resulted, and 91 lively young fry were present at Howietoun on March 13, 1884, while in August, on one being’ examined, it was found to be a.male nearly ready for breeding. On November 12, 1883, the experiment was repeated, and the eggs hatched on: January 26, 1884. On March 13, 1884, there were at least. 500'young alevins alive and doing well. On.December 1, 1883, a third experiment was carried out. These hatched February 22, 1884, and upwards of 100 young were present on March 13, 1884. Different species of Salmonide may be crossed, as the Lochleven trout and char, or various forms of char, and the young would seem to be fertile. If crosses between salmon and trouit are sterile, and no longer migratory in their instincts, the question arises; will they be in season all the year round ? _ Could the fish culturist raise a non-migratory. sterile form, what an addition. Ixxiv BREEDING.—INSTINCTS AND EMOTIONS, it would be to the lake fisheries, also to the upper waters of our rivers, with, of course, the drawback that the numbers would have to be occasionally replenished. INSTINCTS AND EMOTIONS.* The instincts of brutes have received more attention from biologists than those of fishes. Some naturalists have asserted that the lives of the finny tribes are destitute of the joys and gorrows generally appertaining to verte- bradte animals, attributing to them an almost vegetative existence. But fishermen are well aware that they are ag eager to escape from danger or avoid capture as are the inhabitants of the earth or the frequenters of the air, which compels us to question whether their lives aré as joyless as have been represented, if anger or affection are really unknown passions to them. Fishes have certain means of demonstrating their emotions, as they are capable of erecting their dermal appendages, as scales or fin-rays, under the influence of anger or terror, similarly as feathers or hairs are erected in birds and mammals. But special expressions, as of joy, pain, astonishment, &e., we can hardly expect to find so well-marked in fishes as in some of the higher grades of animals, in which the play of the features often affords an insight into their internal emotions. Eyes without movable eyelids, cheeks encased with bony plates or covered-with hard scales are scarcely suitable for smiling, while external ears are wanting. Still we perceive among fishes a distinct expression or change of colour, which is but slightly developed or even absent in many of the higher vertebrates. When one sickens its brilliant tints become less and less, or even entirely fade away, while the same result may follow being: vanquished by a foe. But when in good health and residing in- suitable localities, especially during the breeding season, their colours become vivid, and even a temporary accession of anger may cause’a similar result. When investigating, if fish are or are not destitute of affections, it is necessary to ascertain whether they show such to their companions or to human beings, irrespective of what they may exhibit to their partners or their offspring. ‘Mr. Arderon found that on separating two ruffs, Acerina cernua, the one he kept pined away, declining food until its companion was restored, when both became contented (vol. i, p. 12), and the same observer gave an account (Phil. Trans. Royal Society, 172 7) of how he tamed a dace, Leuciseus vulgaris, which would.lie close to the glass watching its master. Marital affection I have alluded to when referring to the eames of fishes (page Ixi). * See “Instincts and Emotions in Fish,’ by F. Day, Linn. Soc. Journal, xv, p. 31. AFFECTION AND ANGER. lxxy Manifestations of anger have been well described in the accounts we possess of the Fighting Fishes of Siam. After remarking on the cock- fights of that country, Sir J. Browning’ adds that there is a little. bellicose fish which attacks its fellows with- great ferocity, bristling its fins, and exhibiting the most intense excitement. One of these, seeing its reflection -in a glass, will violently advance head foremost against the shadow. Dr. Cantor observed that’ when this fish, Macropodus pugnaz, is in a quiescent state, with its fins at rest—the dull: colours present nothing remarkable. But should two be brought within sight. of each other, the little creatures become suddenly excited, the raised fins and the whole body shine with metallic colours of dazzling beauty, while the projecting gill-membranes, waving like a black frill round the throat, add something grotesque to the general appearance. In this state it makes repeated darts at its antagonist, but both when taken out of each. others’ sight instantly become quiet. Even the little sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus, of our own.fresh waters show great combative propensities (vol. i, p. 241), and after a fight between two examples a strange alteration takes place almost immediately in the defeated party ; his gallant bearing forsakes him; his gay colours fade away,, he becomes again speckled and ugly, and hides his disgrace among his peaceable companions, who occupy ‘together that part of the tub which °. their tyrants have not taken possession of.’ He is, moreover, for some time the constant object of his conqueror’s persecution. Here we perceive how the disgrace of defeat affects the spirit of the vanquished, which, reacting on ‘his health, causes his brilliant hues to fade away. The victor, on the other hand, exulting in his victory, becomes more resplendent; he does not forget his triumph, and considers it no disgrace to eae, it lord over.. his fallen foe. Everyone who possesses an aquarium is aware how spiny-rayed fishes on: being angry or frightened at once. elevate their fins. The globe-fish, Tetrodon (vol. ii, page 271), are able to inflate their bodies when the spinate dermal scutes become erected; also the file-fish, Balistes (vol. u, page 267), has been observed by Mr. Whitmee to. swim rapidly past its antago- rfist and graze its side with its file-like lateral spines. In the Ohio a sheat fish or siluroid is found in which its first dorsal ray is strong and bony, ‘and employed to kill others of a smaller size, for which purpose it swims beneath the fish it intends to attack, then suddenly ‘rises and wounds it repeatedly in the belly. I have personally observed an Indian siluroid, Macrones vittatus, lying on the wet grass, which on being touched erected its dorsal and pectoral spines, and-also emitted a sound resembling the buzzing of a bee, which was evidently a sign of anger or terror. Couch observed of our sticklebacks, Gasterosteus, that the bite of these little furies is so severe that he had frequently known it, when inflicted on the tail, to Ixxvi INSTINCTS AND. EMOTIONS. produce mortification and death. These fish also use-their lateral spines (ventral fins) with most fatal effect, and he had seen one during a battle absolutely rip his antagonist quite open, so that it sank to the bottom and died. Certain fishes are endowed with specific modes of showing their being affected with anger or terror, although these same means may also be, employed for the purpose of obtaining food; among these is the electric eel, Gymnotus electricans, of South America, which is furnished with electric organs of such power as to be capable of causing death even to large animals. Humbolt and others have recorded how the Indians, when they desire to capture this fish, drive horses and mules into waters which they inliabit, when, as soon as disturbed, these eels attack the intruders, They. first glide under the horses’ bellies and: prostrate them by repeated electric shocks, which by degrees diminish in intensity, for long rest and nourishment are required to repair the galvanic force which they have expended. It-has been held that the possession of this power affords them means of protection against alligators, while it is certainly employed’ against other fish which it requires as food, but its onslaught on intruding horses may be due to anger or terror. Even in British seas we find the torpedo, or cramp ray (vol.-ii, page 830) endowed with this electric power. The electric shock which it occasions is thus described by Kempfer. In some cases the nerves are so affected that the person struck imagines all the bones of his body, and particularly those of the limb that received the blow, are driven out of joint. This is accompanied with a universal tremor, a sickness at the stomach, a general convulsion, and a total suspension of the mind. Quick-swimming fish have been’ found inside these torpedoes, -and would appear to have been captured by means of electric shocks. Whether we are to consider the attacks made by sword-fishes, Xiphiide {see vol: 1, page 143), upon passing vessels are due to anger at being disturbed, or under the impression that they are attacking their enemies, the whales, is questionable ; but it isa well-ascertained fact that the planks of numerous ships, especially in the Indian seas, have been pierced by the strong rostral apparatus with which these fishes are provided either for offence or defence. Fear is frequently observable. ‘Thus some small forms were kept in an aquarium along with an Antennarius, and were evidently in great dread. of their carnivorous neighbour, whom they’ continually tormented. But when attacking it they always took care to strike at its posterior part, although this was protected by a sort of coral. .Many forms when hooked or netted will empty their stomachs, either through fear or else to facilitate their escape, by lightening their load. Along-the sides of the pools and some of the rivers of India, gulls and terns may occasionally’ be seen congregating and FEAR, NDETIAL SEASON, AND INHERITED INSTINCT. Ixxvit beating the water with their wings, .so as to scare the fish, when — fall an easy prey. Sars has observed how pollack succeed in alarming a school of sand-eels, Ammodytes (vol. i, p. 329), and driving them towards the surface, when they become a prey to gulls from above- and these fish from below. Similarly, porpoises have been observed to swim round masses of gregarious * fishes, and when they were alarmed, feasting on them with impunity: the gar-fish, Belone, of the British seas (vol. ii, p. 146) may then be observed to mount: to the surface and crowd on each other as they press forward. When still more closely pursued, they spring out of the water to the height of ‘several feet, leaping over one another in sitigular confusion, and again sink beneath. The flying: fish, Exocetis, similarly springs out of the water to escape its rapacious pursuers (vol. li, p. 155.) Members of the herring family, Clupeide, would seem to be those in which more predacious forms appear to induce terror. Thus the gar-pike, in the eastern seas, may. frequently be seen pursuing anchovies along the surface of the water: ‘ Every angler is aware of.the natural timidity of fishes, and keepers know how easily poachers are able to deter salmon from ascending fish-passes. During the nuptial season, teleostean fishes (page lvii) havé more resplendent tints than at any other period of the year, and this may be for the purpose of mutual. attraction, as seen in the salmon, stickleback, &c. While in the United States a male of the John Darters; Hiheostoma blennoides, kept in an aquarium, underwent, almost in an instant, an entire cHange of pattern in the colours 6n its body, upon the introduction of a female fish of the same species. Even after two weeks the novelty had not. worn off, though its body-colours varied much from hour to hour, but’ had ‘not reverted to its original dress. . ; Inherited instinct is a subject in fishes worth attention. Due to it the young of many sorts return from the sea to the localities where they were originally reared, and in their turn produce offspring inheriting the same tendency. Similarly, we may perceive inherited fear; a young fish just hatched will hide itself from the gaze of other animals. Some fishes have the curious instinct of obtaining assistance from other forms in their search after food or their migrations from place to place; this latter being done in order to profit by the greater powers of locomotion in their host, from whose body, however, they draw no sustenance, but are commensals, merely partaking of such food as comes within their reach. : Among these latter we have the sucking-fish, Hcheneis, as an occasional wanderer to our shores (vol. i, p. 106). The Flerasfer'(vol. i, p. 328), which is another rare visitant off our coast, is often known to seek its fortune inside the sea-cucumber or Holothuria, upon which it may be said to be a “free messmate.” Tt works its way into ‘its host tail foremost, while many. of the young of our commoner forms seek refuge in Meduse Ixxvill INSTINCTS AND EMOTIONS. and similar forms (vol. tl, pp. "281, 285, 297), phenomena very commonly , obsérved in the Hastern seas. ° Without entering more fully into details, it seems possible to claim for this’ class of animals the possession of attachments, whether as conjugal feelings, paternal or maternal affections, or.even platonic friendships. , Satamon Pass, ; CLASSIFICATION. Ixxix CLASSIFICATION. As to the system followed in this work I have simply accepted, so far as I possibly could, that employed in the British Museum Catalogue, as specimens are. arranged in the National Collection in accordance with it. At the present time Ichthyologists may be considered as engaged in storing-up- facts from which after a longer or shorter interval a general system will have | to be evolved. Whether therefore one commences with the spiny-rayed teleostean perches, or begins from the higher and more specialized groups of sharks and their allies, seems to be a matter of trivial importance. The following is the classification adopted :— Order 1. Acanthopterygu, vol. i, p. 1. » 2. Anacanthini, i, p: 271. » 98. Physostomi, ii, p. 46. » 4. Lophobranchii, ui, p. 256. 3D Plectognathi, ii, p. 267. Order 1. Ganoidei, ii, p. 278. Sub-class, T1—Cuonprorrenvan { oh Flaamnobronilat fp. OBE. Stcb-class, 11]—Cyctostomara, ii, p- 395. ‘Sub-class, [V—Leprocarni, ii, p. 366. Sub-class, [—Ts.Lnosrsr Although it is easy to refer to Families as groups of Genera and the latter as an assemblage of species, this merely brings us to the real question at issue, which is,. what is a species? For determining this two lines of _investigation may be followed: (1) the morphological.or that which relates to structure and development, or wherein individuals agree one with another but differ from other fishes ; and (2) the physiological or such as pertain to function, as whether the forms under consideration are normally capable of fertile union one with another (but not so with those of other groups), being all ’ descendants of a primitive race of ancestors. A variety is one which differs in some characters from the type of the species, but between which a distinct intermediate gradation has been observed. While a local race may be also a variety but wherein no such connecting chain has yet been discovered. What some consider a variety others would deem a local race or sub-species; thus a permanence of variation has been held to. constitute a species, but its instability a variety. Irrespective of the foregoing there are other forms of variation ; ‘thus larval fish as the Leptocephalus (vol. ii, page 239), or young of the conger and some other fishes, may have their development arrested, in which condition they may still liye for a longer or shorter period. Monstrosities are generally the result of some abnormal condition of the embryo, sometimes Ixxx CLASSIFICATION. occasioned by.shocks or injuries when fission may ensue occasioning double- headed monsters; or crossing two distinct species would seem to set up . various abnormal ‘structural results. Analogous variation, or where an animal varies towards some allied form, has not, I believe, been observed in fish.. There is also atavism, or the reversion towards the original type. Tn addition to zoological classification, fishes. are likewise divisible in - accordance with their distribution and habits; thus some may be termed sea or marine forms, while others are fresh-wuter residents. Also there are species which observe no such undeviating peculiarities, as they are observed to roam from one of these localities to the other, especially such as are generally found in brackish. water. ‘Marine forms are likewise subdivided in accordance with the areas they principally frequent; thus inhabitants of the open sea’are known as pelagic: such as enter fresh waters for breeding purposes as anadromous : while the along-shore forms which are. restricted within a tract up to 80 or 100 fathoms, rarely entering fresh waters or being found in mid-ocean, as littoral.* Fresh-water forms are those which pass their entire lives in fresh waters ; while such as live in fresh: waters, but descend to the salt water to breed, are. * termed catadromous, If we now attempt further divisions, commencing with marine forms, a difficulty meets us so soon as we try to classify the various sea-fishes into residents of certain zones of depth, the’ majority changing their feeding- ground at different periods of their existence. They may also be influenced directly by heat and cold,-sunshine and darkness, storms and calms ; or indirectly by how these influences affect the products on’which they feed. Thus occasionally pelagic forms are observed in vast numbers at the surface, wheré as a rule they are generally absent. The young also of many pelagic forms pass their infantile life in the littoral zone, but when adult retire into deeper waters. The Antennarius is some portions of the globe, living near the surface in its early age, revelling in the pleasures of light and warmth ; but as time creeps on, some have been observed to sink to the bottom; where they can indulge at their ease in asluggish existence, if it can be a pleasure to them to live where seasons are absent, and day and night unknown. The deep sea forms of animal life are observed to be anainly composed of more or less modern shallow-water genera, and their allies, which have extended their range into the deep sea zone. In spite of the foregoing difficulties further subdivisions of fish have been instituted, thus in marine forms we have such as inhabit regions through * A. Agassiz considers the littoral zone as up to 100 or 150 fathoms, or an extension of the coast- line to a depth at which the direct action of the sun’s rays is limited: that from it in a slope up to 450 or 500 fathoms is a continental zone where the diminution of temperature is rapid ; beyond this is the abyssal, where there is a low temperature varying little from freezing- -point. GEOLOGICAL APPEARANCE. . lxxxi which light penetrates more or less as in the littoral zone, where sea-weeds, corals and shells are found and which may be termed the fauna of light: whereas beyond this zone a region of darkness obtains. Pelagic species are normally observed to be more or less restricted to certain zones of depth or hathymetrical regions and are known as surface, median or abyssal forms. While fishes of the fresh-waters are found frequenting rivers or fleviatile ‘forms, or else passing their lives in lakes or ponds or lacustrine species : such as reside in large pieces of water may likewise select the shores and surface waters or the deeper portions of the lake. ” GEOLOGICAL APPEARANCE. Among the many interesting questions relating to fish, assuredly not the least:so is when did they first appear in the waters of the globe which we inhabit? And for an answer we have to ask the Geologists, who assert that the lowest type of vertebrate life first occurred near the close of the Silurian epochs at the base of the Ludlow rocks, where certain spines, jaws, teeth and a cephalic buckler of probably a Pteraspis, as well as coprolite bodies containing crinoids. and molluscs, have been obtained; but no other portions of true piscine skeleton. In the “ Devonian” or “Old Red Sandstone,” remains of fish in a more perfect state and in larger numbers are found, so much so that this strata has been termed the “age of fish.” Some of the Silurian:forms seem to have continued into the Devonian, and at this period ganoids and sharks became predominant but no trace of segmentation of the vertebra has been observed; ganoids and sharks are very abundant in the Carboniferous and Permian rocks which show the end of the Palzozoic epoch. Up to the Mesozoic epoch fishes possessing heterocercal tails (page ix) weré the ordinary type, but now they commenced to diminish, and the homocercal (page ix) form began to obtain predominance; in short, in the earliest times the posterior termination of the vertebral column was very similar to what we now find as an embryonic condition of teleosteans, persistent formerly, transitory now. The fishes in the Lias besides developing homocercal tails commence to show ossification and segmentation of the vertebre, and Leptolepis a teleostean form, has been supposed to have _ been discovered. Among the fishes of the Oolitic strata a further advance towards the fauna of this period occurs, while rays become more numerous, In the chalk or cretaceous era, although Chondropterygians are found, it-is the Teleosteans or bony forms, as already observed, that obtain predominance, and sa on through the Tertiary per riod to our times. It has been pointed out that had such fish as Cyclostomata, or Lepto- cardii existed in Silurian or Mesozoic epochs it would hardly be expected that an lxxxii ‘DIFFUSION OF FISHES. they would have left any trace unless it were their horny teeth. Indeed specimens of such teeth or those of molluscs or annelids have been discovered in the Lower Silurian and Devonian strata. , Considerable difficulty has arisen as to whether the ancestral forms* of. fish were: fresh-water or marine, and if the latter, whether they were first littoral, subsequently pelagic, or originally pelagic. At the present time, investigations tend to show that although marine species not infrequently’ enter, breed, and even take up their permanent abode in fresh waters, such is not the case with strictly fresh-water forms, which do not voluntarily enter the sea, or if there would succumb. ‘True, a flood from a river or inundation along a coast may temporarily so alter the composition of the sea-water that a fresh-water form may reside in it or travel by it for some distance along a coast-line, but they die when the water becomes normally ° saline. , M. Agassiz, when giving some interesting observations on this question, remarked that although at present it is not plain that fluviatile types on the whole are superior to the marine ones, still among the higher forms of Chondropterygii as in ganoids, the bony pike, Lepidosteus, of America, the Polypterus of tropical Africa, the Lepidosiren or Protopterus of the west coast of Africa, and the Ceratodus of Queensland, are restricted to fresh waters. While even in groups considered to be marine the fresh-water forms possess characters generally.denoting their superiority over their marine representatives. DIFFUSION OF FISHES. Fishes may have been dispersed oyer the surface of the globe in several ways, as marine ones through the ocean, and fresh-water species along rivers and, watersheds, and ‘in exceptional instances along coasts. For similarly to other forms of life they possess a natural tendency to increase as well as disperse when not checked by: climatic or physical difficulties, or other external causes. As assisting in this diffusion there are uncertain agencies which can only act occasiqnally, but by means of which fresh-water forms may be dispersed, such as floods carrying them from one watershed into another, which although contiguous at their sources may lead in entirely different directions. In some species it has been shown that if fecundated eggs, as of trout, are kept moist and cold they can be conveyed in safety for long distances (page lxvii), while salmonoid eggs removed from the maw of a trout have been hatched. This renders it not improbable that should a * In embryo-fish the developmental changes when correctly ascertained are a guide to the classification of the species. DISPERSION AND DISTRIBUTION. Ixxxiii hawk or eagle have secured such a fish and carried it away to the mountains in order to feed its young or consume it at its leisure, should the eggs fall into water they might similarly hatch and the hreed spread. Geese and ducks (or even flying insects, as some beetles) might likewise spread fishes or convey the ova partially frozen attached to their bills or feet, while it has ° been suggested that they might likewise be conveyed among the wet feathers of birds or the fur of otters.* Among such forms as the perch, wherein we see stringy ova, such might be carried long distances attached to sticks or grass or even to the feet of herons, grebes, &c. McCleay (Proc. Linn. Soe. N. 8. W., iii, p. 15) notiges how a marine fish, Therapon unicolor, had been found in a dam near Warialda, to which place the ova was supposed to have been conveyed by birds: Davy also suggests that glaciers may have assisted in the dissemination of ova. + DISPERSION AND DISTRIBUTION ‘OF FISHES That marine fishes may become temporary.‘or permanent occupants of fresh waters and so change their condition of life has been observed by fish culturists for centuries. Anadromous forms as the salmon ascend into fresh: waters to breed, there its eggs are hatched and the young reside until suffi- ciently mature to follow tlieir parents’ mode of life. Should the return of marine species to’the sea be prevented, this is not necessarily fatal, for the , form may take on a fresh-water life. In the tropics it is common to find true marine fishes in pieces of fresh water not far removed from tidal influence, due to their having entered these places while-the monsoon rains were at their height, the rivers and swamps full, when they had become carried, perhaps by a high spring- -tide, over a bank, but as the waters feli they became imprisoned in their new situation and unable to return to the sea. ‘Similarly sea-fishes rove into our fresh waters after food, conclusively proving that such change does not necessarily occasion their death, while here they may remain and continue their race as observed in the’ northern portion of the Baltic (i, page 54). In India, marine fishes are frequently observed ascending rivers for predaceous purposes as far as the tide extends or even further. Therapons are not uncommon in the Hooghly near Calcutta, while I have taken a sea- perch, the “cock-up,” Lates calearifer, as far inland as in the river at Pegu * Pontoppidan (Natural History of Norway, ii, p. 139) remarked that at the top of Varne-set and many other high plaees in Haranger, fish are taken in ponds which have no communication with other ponds or rivers. He suggests whether they have been there since the flood; or if birds of prey have carried the spawn or young fry up there. { Dr. Stolicazka found fishes living in Tibet in fresh’ water 16,000 feet above the level of the sea. t* lxxxiv DIFFUSION AND DISTRIBUTION. in’ Burma, and a species of saw-fish, Pristis Perrotteti, upwards of four feet long, in the Mahanuddi river in Orissa, in fresh water and at least forty miles from the sea. M. de La Gironniére found a saw-fish inhabiting fresh waters in the Laguna de Baij, Luzon, and which was identical with those. in the Gulf of Manilla. Gill has observed upon a saw-fish and a shark being taken in Lake Nicaragua. Advantage has been taken of the knowledge of how marine forms will live in fresh water, and the Romans turned it toa practical account by forming fresh-water vivaria wherein some marine fishes were kept. Mr. Arnold has been similarly successful in Guernsey (vol. i, page 229), and Colonel Meynell in Yorkshire (vol. ii, page 123). The intolerance of fresh-water fishes to sea-water* is greater than of marine ones to fresh. Such forms as perches or sticklebacks, whose ancestors were probably marine, are more tolerant of saline water than the more strictly fresh-water species as carps. This question, of course, is most important as regards the dispersion of these forms, for should they. not be able to live in anything but fresh water, for them to extend from one point to another practically requires a land connection. Lubbock tells us that on sea-floods occurring in the Norfolk Broads, the first fish to suffer are the tench, pike, bream, and roach; perch bear a strong admixture, but catadromous eels are unaffected. If, as is the case in Oceanic Islands, as the Andamans of the Indian seas, we find fresh-water fishes similar to those on the mainland and at Ceylon, it seems reasonable to suppose that although the two localities may be hundreds of miles distant, a land connection must have existed between them at some antecedent period of the world’s history. If volcanic islands are searched true fresh-water fishes are absent, unless they have obtained access by accident, or been placed there by man. | Respecting the northern limits of fresh-water fishes it hasbeen ascertained that they are absent from regions where ice is nearly or quite continuous. - Abyssal forms (see page lxxxi) are found in the deep abysses of the ocean, ‘where there is an entire absence of light obtained from the surface, but whether there are not present means for the production of luminosity I have already touched upon (page xxv). Deep-sea fishes have either very large eyes, similar to nocturnal land animals, or else they are quite blind, and as regards these organs they show a considerable resemblance to what is observed in such as inhabit waters in dark caverns. Recent investigations would seem to show that from eighty or a hundred fathoms in depth up to two hundred fathoms the size of this organ increases, in order to collect any rays of light, but beyond this last depth both large and small eyes are found ; the latter forms have also usually tentacles, for the purpose of feeling, * As bearing on this point, marine Meduse are very intolerant of fresh water, but a fresh-water form having been discovered, it was found to be even more intolerant of sea-water than the marine ones are of fresh (Nature, June 24th, 1880). ABYSSAL AND PELAGIC FORMS. Ixxxv whereas at the most profound ‘depths both eyes and tactile organs are absent. Deep-sea forms are either pale, colourless, or of a single tint; and as already remarked (page xiv), the tissues which connect their hard structures together ‘are weak; while such as are brought up from great depths have their bodies expanded, and even burst, due to the removal of the pressure of Supe meumaent water, as has heen observed (page xhiii). The temperature of the sea at 500 fathoms is as low as 40° F., even under the equator in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; below 2000 fathoms it is not more than a few degrees above oe ae except in peculiar instances of land-locked seas. Almost everywhere. at 500 fathoms, and everywhere ab 1000, there is nearly an absence of currents, and move- ments must be very slow and probably quite imperceptible to the resident animals; as a consequence of this similar condition of life the deep-sea fauna show no zones of distribution in depths below 500 fathoms. M. Regnard has made experiments with water respecting the amount of pressure a fish will sustain: one destitute of an air-bladder, or in which it: had been evacuated, he found might be submitted to a pressure of 100 atmospheres, equivalent to a depth of 650 fathoms, without injurious effects ; at 200 atmospheres it became torpid, but soon recovered on being removed; at 3800 atmospheres, equivalent to about 2000 fathoms, it died. But among other reasons for failure in this last experiment, the pressure was more rapidly induced than would occur ‘in nature, were a fish to ‘change its habitat. Some abyssal forms are dwarfed, perhaps from cold or deficiency of food ; others, perhaps due to absence of foes, are almost gigantic. Many deep-sea forms have an enormous development of the mouth and stomach, thus enabling them to swallow fishes even larger than themselves, probably in order to retain a stock of food sufficient for some time, all being * carnivorous, for at certain depths Pteropods dissolve, at greater distances the Globegerina: are similarly lost, possibly the sea-water itself assisting, as when alkaline it can absorb an additional amount of carbonate of lime. Doubtless oxygen decreases with depth of water, but some is present even in the deepest. The number of animals in the.sea decrease as the depth increases, and i in the deep abysses a varied repast sinks from the surface; while as no plants, unless parasitic, are found; all food must descend from above, assisted by shore debris and vegetable matter carried down by rivers and which reach the sea-bed. Pelagic fishes (see page _— are more numerous in tropical regions than in our own, and not a few are cosmopolitan, while they often follow their food into the littoral zone. Some are rapid swimmers and pursue their lxxxvi GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION prey, while others, as the Antennarius, drift about on sticks or seaweed in accordance with the action of winds and currents. Among them are some which ascend to the surface during the night-time, and may be possessed of luminous organs (page xxv), common to them, and likewise to some of the deeper abyssal species. Littoral forms (see page Ixxx), although constantly migrating within the limits of their own zone, or even extending their range to within the localities frequented by pelagic species, will often decline to pass deep-sea ravines to dpposite banks, or cross over ledges of rock. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF BRITISH FORMS. Among the nineteen genera of fresh-water fishes which inhabit the British Isles, the following are, (I) common to the Palearctic and Nearctic regions : 1. Gasterosteus, 2. Perca, 3. Cottus, 4. Lota, 5. Salmo, 6. Thymallus, 7. Coregonus, 8. Hsow, 9. Leuciseus, 10. Abramis, 11. Sturio; (I) forms restricted to the Palearctic region: 12. Aéerina, 13. Gobio, 14. Tinca, 15. Abramis, 16. Alburnus; (III) genera present in the Palearctic and Oriental regions: 17. Cypririus, 18. Carassius, 19. Nemacheilus ; (IV) found in the Palearctic, Oriental, and Aithiopian regions: 20, Barbus. Among the foregoing, eleven, or more than half of the British fresh-water genera of fishes, are common to both Arctic regions, while those numbered 1, 3,5, and 7 have marine representatives. Nos. 2 and 11 are frequently found in salt water, the former being closely connected with the marine perches, .and Lota, possibly the remnant of a glacial ocean, is closely related to marine forms; but Leuciscus, Abramis, and Hsox are distinctly restricted to fresh waters, yet are found in both regions, whereas the sea as at present existing would form an insuperable barrier against their normal extension from one point to the other. It has been advanced that all evidence points to a continued mild climate in the Arctic regions through Cretaceous, Eocene, and Miocene times, whereas had the North Atlantic between Europe and North America been closed, although such might have raised the temperature of these isles, it must have increased the cold in the Arctic regions by cutting off the gulf stream. Appearances, as regards the distribution of mammals, seem to point to there having been probably on more than one occasion, but for brief periods during the tertiary period, a land connection between N.W. Europe and N.E. America, and to this the distribution of the strictly fresh-water genera of fish would seem to lend countenance. Cyprinus and Carassius appear to have been forms introduced into our isles, while the little loach Nemacheilus is found in a continuous chain of many species throughout the Palaarctic and Oriental regions. OF BRITISH FORMS. ; Ixxxvii ‘ We have now to consider whether fresh-water fishes i in their distribution lend any countenance to the theory that Ireland was formerly ‘united to continental Europe; also that a great portion, of Great: Britain became submerged, but a re-elevation of land occurred ; ‘and finally that Ireland was “separated fron Great Britain, and subsequently the Straits of Doyer opened. Among the nineteen British genera thirteen are present in Ireland : Lota, Barbus; and Alburnus, local in England and unknown in Scotland, are absent from Ireland; so likewise are the local races of Thymallus, introduced north of the Tweed during recent years, while the only recorded Acerina in Scotland, is one specimen said to have beén.obtained off. Troup Head in Banff- shire, possibly an error. Leaving our common bull-head, Cotti:s, as anabsentee from Ireland, where, however, Yarrell believed it to be found: Wallace’s conténtion that the distribution of the species of our Salmonide confirms the view that the races of: fresh-water fish in Ireland differ from those in Britain, is founded on two mistakes: first, he considers varieties as species; secondly, even were they species, he mis-states where they are found. If, however, we turn to the Lewciset, we do find the roach, L. rutilus, the chub, - + DL. cephalus, and the dace, L. vulgaris, to be absent. from Ireland, and also more or less from Scotland unless introduced. Fresh-water fishes, while they ‘do not refute the disseverance of Ireland from Great Britain previous to the division of the latter from continental Europe, do not add any material confirmation to the statement. Respecting the geographical distribution* of our marine forms, I have alluded to it when ‘describing the families and genera, and consequently shall limit my remarks first as to whether similar species exist in distant regions of the globe, and. secondly, how they disperse. M. Valenciennes, in 1824 (“Mem. du Mus.,” xi, p. 265), ‘drew attention to the great resemblance that existed between the fishes inhabiting the Mediterranean and those of the seas of South Africa; while Dr. Keller has ascertained * Errors in the geographical distribution of species are not infrequently due to insufficient care having been exercised in testing the accuracy of statements as to from whence the specimen’ had been obtained. An example of sucking-fish (Echeneis) was sent me in a bottle of spirits as having - been trawled at the Nore in May, 1880, which was so far correct that it had been thus taken, bottle and all. It is easy to perceive how accidents might occur trawling such examples as the one I now record. Had ‘the bottle been broken and a sucking-fish found in a trawl at the mouth of the Thames, it might have obtained access into a local collection, and when the species became recognized it would most truly have béen asserted to have been captured at Southend. ‘Turton has assured us tespesting the North American bony pike (Lepidosteus osseus), that “it is rarely found ‘on the Sussex. coast," ” probably because Berkenhout, in his “ Outlines of Natural History,” records one two feet long.: also Stewart (“ Elements,” i, page 374) has remarked upon its occurrence in the Frith of Forth. If these specimens were received they may have come from a wreck, or were perhaps thrown overboard by a passenger or sailor, Even in 1880 the tropical Holacanthus tricolor was erroneously asserted by Dr. Giinther to have been obtained at the Island of Lewes (vol. i, p. 41). « Ixxxvili MIGRATIONS AND FOOD. that eleven species of fishes from the Mediterranean have penetrated vid the Suez Canal into the Red Sea, and twenty-five ‘have reached at least half-way from the Bed Sea through the same canal. The following species identical with British forms have been taken in the seas of Australia, but not in the intermediate intertropical region :—Caranz’ trachurus, Zeus faber, Sciena aquila, Argentina sphyrena, Engraulis encrasicholus (variety), Clupea sprattus, Conger vulgaris, Orthdgoriscus ‘mola, Galeus canis; Acanthias vulgaris (variety), Echinorhinus spinosus, Ehina squatina. It has been abundantly shown that fishes of colder climes do not unfre- quently migrate towards warmer regions, but when doing so keep further out from shore in deeper waters and colder, areas. Although it seems diffidult to admit that fishes with a physoclistous form of air-bladder could migrate in the cold water under the tropical sea, and thus, as it were, reappear in the southern temperate ocean, still in nature we do see identical forms in these two widely separated places. But in their younger stage all fishes with .air-bladders must have the connecting tube with the alimentary canal pervious, and it is not so difficult to consider that in some it might abnormally remain patent through life, giving them the same facility of evacuating it as seen in physostomous forms, while M. Regnard’s experi- ments already alluded to (p. Ixxxv) show what a large amount of pressure fishes will bear without fatal effect, while in nature they would gradually _ accommodate themselves to such clianges. MIGRATIONS AND FOOD. Most fishes are subject to migrations, which are either seasonal, which is consequent upon climatic changes, or for the purpose of .reaching a suitable spot for the continuation of their race (page lix), or diurnal or nocturnal, to obtain food for the nourishment, of each individual. This latter is mostly dependent on temperature, certain conditions of the water, and the supply of sustenance. An irregular appearance of migratory shoals of marine forms, as the ‘mackerel, anchovy, herring, pilchard, or sprat, may be consequent upon their pursuing some peculiarly abundant and desirable food, or else be caused by their having been alarmed by some undesirable enemy, for fear may cause shoals to vary their direction; while I have observed that in the Indian seas, when from any reason the sardines have remained away, voracious forms-which prey upon them were likewise absent. . Temperature evidently exercises a considerable influence, and Baird FOOD. lxxxix ‘observes of the anadromous salmon, herring, and shad, of the United States, of America, that their journeys are simply from the mouths of rivers by the nearest deep gully or trough to the outer sea, and that the appear- ance of the fish in the mouths of the rivers along the coast at successive intervals from early spring in the south to near midsummer i in the north, is mostly due to their taking up their line of march at successive epochs from the open sea to the rivers they had left during a previous season, induced by the stimulus of a definite temperature, which, of course, would be successively obtained at later and later dates, as the distance north- wards increased. . Having ascertained what minute forms or descriptions of life are sought out by migratory fish as food, it next becomes necessary to ascertain what it is that governs or controls their migrations, as currents, soils, temperature, atmospheric changes, or the existence of some still more minute food on ‘which they themselves subsist ; also what are their enemies or their friends, and the conditions which favour the presence or absence of either class. The surface of the ocean everywhere teems to a greater or less extent with animal life, but this cannot subsist without a vegetable basis, both being very susceptible to atmospheric vicissitudes. When desirous of investigating what constitutes the food of fishes,* it soon beeomes evident that the inquiry branches off in many directions as to whether the fishes are marine or fresh-water, and what districts (page Ixxx) they chiefly frequent: and as researches are extended, the nutriment consumed by the young in their different stages until maturity is attained. While the fish culturist+ and observer will have to find out and ascertain what are the influences which assist in developing the food or act injuriously upon its growth or distribution. Augmenting the numbers of fish in pieces of water is often undesirable without having previously ascertained whether a sufficient amount of food would be present for their wants. Among fishes, although we have predaceous, herbivorous, and omnivorous species, there are few which will not. prey upon any animal less powerful than themselves, while marine forms are said to be able to withstand hunger ‘ longer than those of the fresh waters. The majority of forms feed during the day-time, although some prefer the earlier morning or the evening hours ; others again, as the Liparis, would seem to forage about at night-time. The sucking-fish, Echeneis (page Ixxvii), uses its host as a means of conveyance from place to place, so that it can change its locality: while the myxine consumes its host; and the electric ray (lxxvi) takes its prey by means * See “ Food of Fishes,” Fishery Conference Papers, F. Day, 1883. { See “ Fish Culture,” F. Day, 1883. xc MIGRATION AND FOOD. of shocks. Under the head of each species I have endeavoured fo give an account of the food each is most partial to. While in captivity some fish eat . what they reject or are unaccustomed to when in a state of nature : some forms in aquaria will consume, if they can obtain’ it, more than is wholesome for them. If we look at,a newly-hatched fish we see a large sac or the yelke—or ‘umbilical-sic dependent from its throat, im it nourishment is contained on which it has to subsist for a longer or shorter period, and when absorbed it must seek food for itself, and this in the period when the fish culturist finds it so difficult to procure suitable diet for his small charges. Around our coasts are distributed various kinds of sea-weeds, thus where the bottom is rocky we find brown alge (Fuct), and further out the red form (Floridi). But, as already observed, with increasing depth vegetation becomes less, or should sea-weeds drift to sea, they subside and constitute soft black mud, wherein worms, molluscs, ‘crustaceans and other marine animals bave their home and find: their subsistence, while they in turn form food for fish. Professor Mobius-(Die Nahrung der Seetiere) at 90 to 95 fathoms in the Baltic, where the bottom consisted of plastic clay, found very few worms: in the Mediterranean, south-east of Sicily, at 1700 fathoms, where the bottom consists of yellowish clay, the British exploring expedition found no traces of animal life. But in the southern parts ofthe North Sea, at 20 to 25 fathoms, and with a muddy bottom, such is found to be alive with small crustaceans, worms, snails, molluscs, and echinoderms, and as a result with fish which live there and prey upon them. Irrespective of the foregoing vegetable substances, floating sea alo, which form food to marine animals, and sometimes micro- -scopic forms are so numerous as to render the surface almost turbid. . Diatoms live in every sea, and are consumed by pelagic animals, as Salpe and Pteropods. Likewise all rivers carry organic matter into the ocean, rendering the bottom rich and a resort for the invertebrate animals, as well as the fish which prey upon them; while currents which carry plants and small marine creatures from place to place must likewise influence the migration of fishes. In short, the temperature, saltness, purity of the water, currents and depth of the sea must each and all exercise a great influence upon animal and vegetable life, also the character of the neighbouring shore, as regards its geological formation and whether fertile or barren, rocky or sandy, and the amount of surface drainage which flows into it. The food consumed by fresh-water forms has been more closely inves- _tigated than among marine species, and it is only by knowledge of what is required, combined with care and constant attention in carrying such out, that private fish-pond culture can be made profitable. Leaving them GROWTH ‘AND SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS. xcl to nature and withdrawing gael is almost as ruinous as if arable lands were to be left to be self-sown: while want of food may be occasioned by too large a population of small and inferior sorts which starve the remainder. ; During cold months, also during fhe breeding” season, a cessation in taking food may: occur in some forms (page lx), but during such periods as they are on the feed they may obtain it from the bottom or soil’ over which " the water flows or is placed, from mid-water as substances which are washed down or'subside from the surface, &c., or from the surface itself as flies or vegetable food. Although the growth of fish is often irregular, as.a general rule they do not alter their form to any very great extent from what they are when. young to what obtains during mature life; still the comparative increase of certain parts to that of the entire animal may not continue the same. -Thus, the relative size of the.eye to that of the head decreases, the armature about the head may diminish or disappear, the form of the snout as seen in saw- fishes may change (plate lxix) as well as.the character of. the fins (page ix). While’ in . some pelagic forms Hemimetamorphosts may occur, or very considerable alterations in their growth and development which have not infrequently occasioned misunderstanding as to the genus or’ even family to which the young individual belongs. More complete metamorphosis is observable in the lampern (vol. ii, p. 362), while the deciduous external gills of foetal sharks, rays (plate clxv), and a few other fish, may almost be deemed to belong to this group. Secondary sexual characters likewise induce changes. Thus, although the male salmon has a knob-like tubercle on the -lower jaw, the young has “none, but is similar to the female (page |vii). The skin may change, becoming more rough in one sex, and spines appear most developed during -the breeding-season, as in the rays (vol. li, p. 329). The teeth likewise may be different in adults of the two sexes. Other instances are alluded to in the following pages. The size of some fish may increase more rapidly under certain conditions than it does in others; a few seem to bear confinement easily, and grow large when well fed in an aquarium. In the Southport Aquarium turbot réceived, 3 inches actuss in size, became in two years ‘10 Ib. each in weight, and after two years. more they further augmented to 20 lb. Many forms will live when in a contracted space of water without increasing in size. While degeneration in size may be owing to local causes, as want of sufficient nourishment, but be entirely distinct from degeneration in ’ structure or function. In short, growth may greatly depend on the food which is obtainable, and which fish have usually to disperse and follow after, \ ’ xcii MIGRATION AND FOOD. in their turn becoming a prey to the larger species. As the eggs of marine invertebrates are deposited at the same time as those of many fishes, the fry of the latter find minute food (the young of. the former) ready for: their wants, so fine, indeed, that they.are only obtained by straining the water through gill-rakers. EEL-TRAPS, BRITISH FISHERIES. xciil BRITISH FISHERIES.. Our fisheries afford employment to various manufacturers, traders,. and. fishermén, but their immediate uses aré variously regarded by different classes, the fishermen chiefly concerning themselves with what they can obtain at the present time, regardless of future years’ supply. The public mainly interest themselves in the cost of the article when brought to market, while the Economist bases his conclusions respecting their value in accordance with their reputed produce, or should the supply be unable to meet the demand, he unhesitatingly advocates the use of more. destructive agencies under the belief that the sea is inexhaustible, and augmented captures are equivalent to increased productiveness ! But it may be asked, is the sea, if the stock is not artificially replenished, inexhaustible ; is it a fact that what man removes from the ocean is but an infinitesimal quantity to what is consumed by birds and the numerous other enemies of the finny tribes ? In order to ascertain if ‘fish are increasing in numbers, decreasing, or whether the supply is stationary, investigations ought to be continuously, systematically and impartially made into the size of those captured (omitting -suchas pertain to migratory shoals), and if such is augmenting or lessening, also is their condition better or worse than it was? Should investigations lead to the belief that fisheries are being unduly depleted, it onght to be noted in what families of fish this is occurring, as well as the reputed cause, while in marine forms it is necessary to investigate whether the fishermen have to go further out to’ sea to obtain their captures than was formerly the case, if the killing power of the nets has been increased, and whether more men are now required to obtain the same amount of fish than was the case a few years previously. If we refer to former times, we find the inshore fisheries were very productive, similar to those of _every other country sparsely inhabited by man, but as years went on and the population augmented; an increased supply of fish became a necessity. Man brought into use more killing methods, and in every part of the globe this has been followed by a diminished inshore supply. Almost..everywhere we hear of the decline of our inshore fisheries, and the consequent imperative increase in size of our trawlers, and, although the price of fish has largely: advanced, they are compelled to go further out to sea to obtain remunerative captures. It appears, unless we disbelieve the evidence from most localities around our coast, that inshore fishing is becoming com- paratively unremunerative, and many assert that this commenced at the same period that trawling became more common, and the regulations for sea-fisheries were abolished. XCIV BRITISH FISHERIES. For the purpose of arriving at conclusions respecting the condition of the sea-fisheries, it would, be well to briefly consider of what do the more important classes of fish used as food consist? It must be evident that what would benefit sharks and dog-fishes might be inimical to herrings ; cod-fishes might be deleteriously affected by what would be harmless to sprats and mackerel: while our soles and flat-fishes might be entirely destroyed without such doing any damage to the wrasses. Although it seems improbable ‘that any species of sea-fish could be exterminated by man, it is certainly a fact that he is able to annihilate a fishery or drive the fish away from where he can capture them, which has the same effect on the cost of the article. Our markets are largely supplied with sea-fish from three principal classes: (1) such as come in large assemblages or shoals, as the mackerel, herring, pilchard, and. sprat, and which may be considered, as a rule, to be surface swimmers; (2) mid-water and bottom-feeders in the littoral zone, as the cod, haddock, and their allies, which are predaceous in their habits; (3) ground-fish, as soles; turbot, and other flat-fishes. One of these classes being in a satisfactory state does not necessarily prove that all the others are. If the cod-fishes were exterminated, this would remove one more of the enemies from the herrings, and might in fact be conducive to their increase. , Herrings may be scared away from a district by several’ éauses,* and have been known to absent themselves for years, perhaps the surface food which they consume may have been deficient in quantity, or even absent; or they may be driven further out to sea, and breed there, resulting in the young taking on deep-sea proclivities, and probably forming a deep-sea race. . If these shoals no longer frequent the shores, the amount of excrementitious deposit which would fall from them would be lost to the invertebrate forms which subsist in stich places. Irrespective of this, herrings off the east coast of Scotland being now further out to sea than was the case a few years since, larger boats have to be employed by fishermen, while there is no harbour accommodation for them ; consequently storms are more fatal than formerly. It is to be regretted that our Fishery Inspectors do not yearly collect general fishery statistics for the United Kingdom ; there are-no means of finding out whether coarser kinds are, or are ‘not, taking the place of the better sorts in our markets ; soles may be as abundant in regard to numbers in 1883 as in 1882, but it would be desirable to know if their. size has augmented or diminished, It has been said that doing away with fishery laws has been purposely effected in order that sea-fisheries should be left to man, to work them * Star-fishes have increased .enormously along the American shores, due to herrings and other fishes, which feed on their spawn, having deserted the inshore ground. : FISHERY LEGISLATION: xev according to his individual caprice, untrammelled by any restrictive enactments, as such only tend to upset the “balance of Nature.’’? While protection, it is asserted, is only necessary. when the habits of any fish compel it to live throughout the year in a confined area to which man has access, or. to pass once or more in any year into some narrow space commanded or capable of being commanded by man. But it seems to have been ‘overlooked that ‘man, left to fish as he likes, when he likes and where he likes, does not act impartially in fisheries. He does not destroy every form indiscriminately, thus maintaining “a balance,” but merely such classes as he desires for food. The mackerel and the herring are taken in millions, but the shark, the dog-fish and the porpoise are practically left-unmolested, and in this way any balance would not be “ maintained” but “upset.” The haddock and cod are being destroyed to an enormous extent, and appear as a consequence to be decreasing, both in size and quantity: this again may tend to-deprive gregarious fishes of one of their natural enemies. The mussels, crabs, and other invertebrates, which form the food of the inshore fish, being unprotected, are diminishing around our coasts, and this due to thé action of man, for when protection has been afforded, as off the coast of Norfolk, a great increase almost immediately took place. Our markets are supplied from two distinct economic divisions of fisheries ; the first, such as crabs, lobsters, and eels, wherein a foreign supply keeps the price down, and consequently the fishermen would have to preserve these fisheries in a tolerably. fair condition, or else, with prices restricted to a certain maximum amount, they would be unable to supply the markets. The second class, ‘or mainly fresh fish, cannot as a rule be furnished from abroad, consequently the price will rise or ‘fall with the supply. If the supply is small the fisherman receives a commensurate augmentation in money—he is no loser, it does not signify to him if the market has an insufficient amount. Or if quantity is required, still that the better class of fisheries are impoverished i is of as little concern—he can fill'up with inferior sorts, such as'a few years since were rarely seen in our markets. The importance of fresh-water fisheries is not solely in a ratio as regards the amount of their productiveness, but also in accordance with the character of the contiguous people, ‘as to whether they are fish-consumers or reject such an article of diet: the sparseness or the reverse of the population, and facilities for transport to distant places. Where no regulations exist for. the protection of inland fisheries, and should other circumstances be equal, that country or‘district which is most densely populated by man will be least so by fish. Individuals would rather live by fishing than by agriculture, because the trouble of capturing the finny tribes is less than that of tilling the soil. It becomes simply a matter of catching food without a thought of future. supply. As, however, ‘the human inhabitants augment, watery wastes xevi ‘MODES OF FISHING. (wherein fishes were previously protected by grass, reeds, or trees) become drained and cultivated, and predaceous man increases his modes of destruction. : : Respecting our present fresh-water fisheries, that of the salmon is the most valuable (vol. ii, page 70), but it almost seems as if our legislators are being misled, and therefore ignore the axiom that the good of the fish and fisheries should be of greater consideration than the interests of private individuals. A free passage for the fish* to their breeding-grounds and an unpolluted river are certainly necessities for an abundant supply, and although poaching does injury, such is a mere fraction in the element of destruction compared with the battle for life in the lower waters, which is a far more efficient reason for the paucity of fish, whether such is owing to legalized fixed engines, or an excess of netting in the lower reaches or along the tidal shores. MODES. OF FISHING. Possibly the most primitive mode of tidal fishing was the construction of pounds or enclosures into which fish entered with the flood, but were left impounded at the ebb. Here they would be removed by hand, spears, or by asmall net. In some places it may have been found necessary to erect a rough wall across the outlet which would permit water to escape but detain the large fish, or a trap might be inserted at this spot. Advancing still further are wicker-work labyrinths, and next stake-nets, made on various plans. In the late “‘ Great International Fisheries Exhibition,” these various modes of fishing from India were shown in a consecutive series: ¢ dip-nets ‘were seen in frames, or used as purse or lave-nets, so that they can be dragged or pushed up narrow pieces of water, or a row of fishermen can ~employ them along the coast. If these purse-nets are taken from their frames, and have their free extremities weighted by sinkers, we obtain the cast-net ; or connect several of these cast-nets together, when it is desired to drag a piece of water with them, and we have a sort of ground-seine. Then we have set-nets or trammels, seines employed in bays, and finally drift- nets for outside fishing in order to capture surfacé forms. It is not my purpose to follow out the various descriptions of nets, traps, and appliances that have been used for the capture of fish, but merely to briefly allude to the principal modes of fishing as now carried on in the British Isles for commercial purposes, and they may be classed under nets, fixed engines, and hooks-and-lines. * The abolition of night netting in rivers, a longer weekly close time, and the prohibition of all fishing within 150 yards of fish passes, would be highly desirable for the above object. + See “Catalogue of the Exhibits in the Indian Scction,” by Francis Day, page 6. BEAM-TRAWL. xevil The Beam-Trawl is in very considerable and still increasing use around the British coasts for the purpose of obtaining ground-fish of prime commercial importance, as turbot, soles, and brill, as well as for capturing inferior sorts, as gurnards, haddock, whiting, plaice, skates,. and rays. Sailing boats can be employed when a sufficiency of wind exists, for it is necessary to go rather faster than the tide, but steam-trawlers have the advantage of being independent of the necessity for wind in working their vessels. The rapid advance in beam-trawling during the last fifty years has been greatly assisted by the introduction of steam, ice, and railways, thus not only enabling more of the finny trikes to be captured, but likewise BEAM-TRAWLING. XCVili MODES OF FISHING. their being conveyed more rapidly to the shore, kept fresh for a long period, as well as being readily distributed through a wide expanse of country. We possess two classes of trawlers,* the beam-trawlers that fish the sea either singly or more commonly in fleets (at -least for the last 25 or 30° years); and the inshore-trawlers which are employed in bays and shallow waters where they rarely work in companies. The beam-trawlt is a purse-shaped net of a triangular shape, sometimes as much as 100 feet long, along the upper edge of the mouth of which is fastened a horizontal beam, from about 25 to 50 feet in length; this beam is kept off the ground by means of two iron heads, so that merely the under portion of the net and the ground rope touch the bottom of the sea when it is being towed along by the trawler: it is usually employed over a muddy or sandy bottom: but lately steam ones have used them over rough ground along our south coast. The under portion of the net which touches the ground is subject to friction, and so much so, that various kinds of chafing-pieces have to be added to prevent its giving way, while the amount of pressure inside the net when being towed is so great as to cause a resistance sufficient to reduce the speed of the trawlers from perhaps eight to one knot. The consequence is that fish inside this bag-net become more or less bruised from violence. We are told. by theorists that the trawl by pressure can do no injury to young fish, but one would imagine that a net that requires a hide along its under surface, and containing some ton or more of contents, must do injury if scraped along over young and delicate flat-fishes as well as tear up and destroy sea-weeds where the eggs of herrings and invertebrates are deposited (page xcii). Mr. Ansell asserts that when the “silver pits” in the North Sea were first worked (1878-79), a trawler got a ton to a ton and a half of soles in one night, of from £12 to £24 value. Now, although the wholesale price has increased, the take has so diminished that trawlers have to seek fresh ground. While Mr. Sim remarks that although in his opinion there are as many soles caught now as fifty years since, they are about one-fiftieth part of their weight. At Yarmouth beach you can see the men picking out small immature fish—soles half as long asa finger, and turbot, so to speak, not larger than a thumb-nail. It was no use throwing them overboard, because,’ after they once got into the net, they died. Our inshore bays and banks at sea are the ‘chief nurseries of our flat- fishes, and of many other forms which are taken by trawls ; in fact most, if not * I omit otter-trawls as they are not largely used by the fishing trade: also the complaints of line and drift fishermen that much damage is done to their industry by beam-trawlers. ‘{ The Scotch herring trawl is the English seine (see page c): the American trawl-is a long line with baited hooks. BEAM-TRAWL AND STOW-NET. xcix all, forms of sea-fishes pass a portion of their infantine existence where the waters are shallow. If the bays and tidal harbours of our south coast are searched in May and June, millions of these small fry may be found. Mr. Ansell considers that although by trawling much harm has been done by destroying young fry, greater damage has been effected by the small boats which trawl for shrimps in our bays and estuaries. The mesh of the nets of these trawls is so fine that nothing escapes, and thousands of bushels of fry are annually slaughtered by these craft. If, as we are assured is the case, fish, as the sole, has not augmented in ‘price more than other articles of consumption since the abolition of fishery regulations, surely market returns would form a good basis on which to argue. Her Majesty’s Commissioners ‘gave us the daily cost at Manchester of soles during ten years ending 1865, restricting their figures to the month of January, and showing the retail cost per pound. I have similarly treated figures from Birmingham, and find if these periods. are divided into five years each, that prior to the abrogation of sea-fishery regulations soles cost per lb. : 5 years ie 1860 lowest cost 3d, highest cost 8d, mean under 6d |b. i » 1865 55 6d, 5 10d, 8d lb. Subsequent to the abrogation of sea-fishery regulations soles per Ib. at Birmingham cost :— 5 years ending 1878 lowest cost 33d, highest cost 184d, mean under 13d Ib. 45 » 1883 3 63d, 7 30d re 18d lb. We are told that unless a close time for all fishes is imposed generally no good will ensue. This is an erroneous statement: certain well-known STOW-NET. > Cc MODES OF FISHING. breeding banks or bays might be selected by local authorities and closed during specified seasons from trawlers. Also it is very questionable if trawling within the three-miles limit might not be prohibited with advantage. The stow-net is employed in various places, as the mouth of the Thames, and is useful in taking sprats and whitebait (see vol. ii, p. 232). Moored in a suitable locality at the commencement of a tide, the shoals are carried in by the current, but as the tide slackens the net is lifted. The lave-net as used in the Severn and contiguous pieces of tidal water is very destructive to salmon. A line of boats is anchored across a certain spot, and a large lave-net resembling an enormous landing-net with a triangular mouth and a long handle is let over the side of each boat with “its entranice towards the incoming tide. The bag of the net is of sufficient length to be brought under the boat and is loosely held in this position by the fisherman on the up river-side. On a salmon striking this lave-net in his course, the bag end is at once let go, and the laye-net side facing the meoming tide is elevated, the gunnel of the boat acting as a rest for the handle to be worked like a lever. Seine or sean nets,* also known as “sweep- or draught-nets,” or in Scotland as “circle-nets” or “trawls,” are of varying length and meshes, but their essential use is to enclose a space by either their two ends being dragged on shore, or brought close together if fishing at sea. These nets are formed of two “wings” or “ sleeves,’ one on either side, while the centre portion, known as the “ bunt” or bag, is much the deepest part, and consequently forms a bag into which the fish are received. The upper edge or back of the net is kept in a perpendicular position by cork floats, while the foot rope is weighted with leads. The ground seine,. “foot-seine,” or ‘scringe-net”’ is employed where the sea-bottom is smooth, and an eligible place exists where it can be dragged on shore. Generally similar to the common seine, it has a pole fixed perpendicularly at the outer end of each wing, and to this a long drag- rope is attached by a short bridle. One rope being left on the beach, the net is taken in a boat and passed out round the space it is intended to encircle, and the second drag-rope being landed, the net is evenly hauled on shore by the fishermen. Common seines or stop-seinés are such as are lifted at once with the enclosed fishes into the boat, and should an inner or smaller boat not be employed for the purpose of removing the enclosed fish, it is termed a tuck- seine (vol. ii, page 227) ; while a modification of the seine is employed in the United States, and has been so off Cornwall, in which the materials used are * For modes of sea-fishing see “The Sea Fisherman,” by J. Wilcocks, and. “ Deep Sea Fishing,” by FE. Holdsworth. SEINE-NETS. ci SEINE-NET -BEING LANDED ON SHORE. light, and there are no leads along the foot-rope, but instead there is as an addition a draw-rope or purse-string along the whole length of the bottom of the seine, for closing the net below the fish, and, in place of: leads, the’ small iron blocks through which the rope is rove answer the purpose of sinkers. When the seine surrounds the fish, the bottom rope is at once tightened, so as to prevent the fish from escaping downwards, which gives the seine the appearance of a purse. In Cornwall a centre weight is used to slip along the draw-string, which quickly and effectually closes it. Peter-nets have floats along the upper rope and weights along the foot- line, one end is attached on shore, and the other anchored ont at sea ona right line with the coast. Drift-nets are mainly employed for the capture of gregarious fishes, or such as swim in shoals, as the mackerel, herring, pilchard, and in some places the sprat, while the Norwegians use them for taking cod. These drift-nets are the only way in which some forms that are found far from land can be netted. They may be likened to a wall of net suspended above any depth of water in the ocean, and permitted to drift with the tide in any direction, in the hope of meeting a shoal of fish. The size of the mesh must be in accordance with that of the fish which it is desired to capture, for the intention is to mesh the fish or permit them to push their heads and gill- cli * MODES OF FISHING. covers into the net, but being too small for the bedy to go through, while the gill-covers prevent their withdrawing themselves. These nets are generally set at night, and are asa rule more successful in dark weather. Drift-nets usually have no sinkers, but-are worked on a single line, often many hundred yards long, supported along their upper edge by corks or floats, and sunk to the desired distance below the surface. A number connected together are termed a train, drift, or fleet of nets;° the most important are those used for the herring (see vol. ii, page 221). SHOOTING A HERRING NET. Moored nets are employed in sheltered places for the capture of herrings (vol. ii, page 215), as along the coast of Devonshire and in some Scotch lochs. One form is termed a “ bratt-net’’ and is used in the north for the capture ef turbot, hake, skate, &e. ‘ The trammel is a set or fixed net which is said to derive its name from the Latin “ tres. macule,” or the French “ trots mailles,” “three meshes,” evidently thus named with reference to the three descriptions of meshes Or of which it is composed (vol i, page 25). It is shot with the tide generally WEIRS AND FIXED ENGINES. ciil of an evening, arid to prevent its captures being injured by crabs or other vermin it should be examined every threo or four hours (vol. i, page 23). Weirs* and fiaed engines were in 1861 declared by the Legislature to be a public nuisance, and abolished by law in England and Wales; but so many exemptions have been permitted, that it almost seéms as if they were again being introduced along our sea-coasts, or rendered more destructive by the shortening of weekly close times at the mouths of some of our larger KETTLE-NET. rivers. But few things do more injury to fisheries, as they destroy fishes of all sizes, and in many places irrespective of their condition. If the interests of the fisheries and fish, consumers alone were considered, not only every fixed engine should be utterly done away with, leaving the question of compensation to be settled by some competent court, but also semi-fixed engines as lave-nets, and likewise the immoderate use of seines should be jealously watched and regulated. Perhaps the most simple is the kettle-net for mackerel, used along the south coast, or the stop-nets and weirs of Swansea Bay; but they, and the various fixed engines employed in fresh waters, are so numerous and so diversified that space will not permit even their enumeration in this place. * The old Saxon word “weir,” says Seebohm (“English Village Life”), meant anything used for catching fish, whether fixed or movable. The word “ putcher” indicated a weir made of puts. { On the Thames the law enacted that no fish-weir was allowed to exist to the danger of the + broods of young swans, but it might be dismantled at the discretion of their guardians. civ DISEASES AND CAUSES OF DESTRUCTION. Line-fishing * in the sea, as employed for the capture of commercial fish, may be divided into two kinds, hand-lining and long-lining, while angling does not call for any remarks. It may be observed that fish are very insensible to pain (vol. i, p. 5). ‘DISEASES AND CAUSES OF DESTRUCTION. “The diseases and causes of the destruction of fish may be divided into (1), those due to the condition of the water in which they reside; (2), atmospheric disturbances and accidental causes; (8) diseases by which they are affected, including those of the ova and of infancy; (4) misplaced energy in fishermen and poachers ; (5), injuries occasioned by the lower animals. 1. Waters may be virulently and directly poisonous, at once affecting’ the life of the contained fish and even that of cattle or man; or else they may be rendered mechanically unfit for fish to live in, as when the presence of mud chokes their gills and prevents respiration. Or the water may be indirectly affected owing to some deleterious agency having destroyed the living food which was previously present, or occasioned disease in the resident fish. When a river in India becomes unduly full of mud the crabs retire to the banks, and even the eels leave the stream for the wet grass in the vicinity. This attempt to. escape from water loaded with ingredients inimical to life has likewise been observed’ among the invertebrate forms of Europe, as was some years since pointed out by M. Gerardin, in France. A series of experiments and investigations showed that colour, taste, odour, or chemical composition cannot invariably be accepted as criteria of whether water is wholesome or the reverse, but that such must be looked for in its effect upon the animals and plants which reside in it. When fish died from river pollution, it was observed that molluscs sometimes saved themselves by hiding under leaves and waiting there until the danger had passed away ; thus, in July, 1869, Limneea remained five days out of the water. : Among plants one of the most delicate was found to be the watercress, and it was remarked that when some deleterious substance from a starch factory obtained access to the Croult above the cress-beds of Gonesse, all these plants died within a few hours ; the pollution removed, the cress-beds again flourished. Pond weeds and veronicas only live in water of good quality; mints, rushes, and water-lilies, “accommodate themselves to mediocre water; Carex is still less sensitive; and lastly, the most robust of aquatic plants is a species of reed, the Arwndo phragmites, which resists the most infected water. Among molluscs, the Physa fontinalis lives only in very pure water, the Valvata piscinalis in that which is healthy, while others * The reader is referred, for a full account of the various modes and manners, to the “ Sea Fisherman,” by J. Wilcocks. ; WATERS AND ATMOSPHERIC DISTURBANCES, ev can reside in that which is of mediocre quality ; no mollusc will live in what is thoroughly polluted. The phanerogamous plants thus sketch in distinct traits, the characters of different streams; but infusoria and cryptogams, and particularly alga, may also enable one to judge in the matter by the modifications to which they are subject from alteration of the water. These lower organisms survive after the disappearance of fish, of molluscs, and of green herbs. As the alteration of the water progresses the river loses its limpidity, it becomes opaline, and this gray colour resists filtration. The surface is covered with froth, and the water deposits a dark, fetid slime, whence bubbles of gas are liberated. Presently there appear sulphurets, especially sulphuretted hydrogen, and the emanations of the river blacken silver and cooking utensils that may be exposed to them. M. Gerardin observed that when water contains the normal proportion of dissolved oxygen it may support the life of fish and herbs. As the oxygen diminishes ~ the animals having active respiration disappear first, then those whose respiration is lower. And he gives as an example the black leech, which will exist in water wherein the shrimp at once-dies. . Waters have been directly poisoned due to the refuse from a gas tank . having obtained access to the. river ; by mine water, chloride of lime, caustic potash, the refuse from manufactories, paper mills, bleaching grounds, tanneries, or sewers; artificial root manure, sheep dipping; beer unfit for consumption having been emptied into fish ponds; the overflow of peat _ bogs, and other destructive agencies. The more rapid the current the more quickly are.poisons entering the stream diluted, and the less chance of their being immediately destructive to the fish. Fish themselves appear to dread foul water, and some of our rivers which used to afford salmon, shad, &c., are no longer frequented by them. The wash occasioned by steam launches in a river may destroy or cast on the banks eggs or broods of young fish, as may likewise a very high. tide. Water which is sufficiently pure for some species, as members of the carp family and notably the gudgeon, to reside in, may not be sufficiently so for those of the salmon family. Widespread destruction is occasionally observed in the sea owing to some cause inimical to the lives of fish, and this has been attributed to deleterious agencies from the shore, poisons carried down by rivers, the eruption of. some noxious volcanic gases from the sea-bottom or sulphuretted hydrogen generated from animal or vegetable decomposition acting on the sulphates of soda and magnesia contained in the sea-water. 2. Atmospheric disturbances and accidental causes may also be oe tive: thus a frost or low temperature has been known to affect the sand smelt, ballan wrasses, pilchards, conger, eels and other fishes; but it is remarkable. how fish apparently frozen may occasionally be resuscitated. Electric disturbances may. be a caiise of the déath of fishes. Thus during cv DISEASES AND CAUSES OF DESTRUCTION. ~ 1879 the occupants of a small fish-pond at Seck, in the Duchy of Nassau, were destroyed by a flash of lightning. ‘he following morning the whole of the fish were discovered dead on the surface, having all the appearance of having been half-boiled, while they crumbled to pieces on being touched. No injury could be seen, but the water in the pond was still muddy and dull the morning after the storm. At 3 p.m. on July 7, 1865, a flash of lightning, observed Mr. Lloyd, struck a house in Hamburg, and about 200 feet away in a shady spot in the garden, and in the open air, was a large fresh-water aquarium containing forty-three fish, consisting of tench, carp, dace, roach, gold-fish, and eels, two species of loach, ete. At the moment of the flash of lightning every one of these fish became suspended perpendicularly downwards in the water, with their tails at the surface, feebly and vainly trying to swim towards the bottom of the tank, with all their fins strangely attenuated, as transparent as fine tissue- paper, and densely covered on both sides with myriads of fine air- bubbles; their heads and bodies were not so covered. In less than half- an-hour forty-one were dead, strongly curved, almost in the form of _semi-circles, and already fast decomposing ; but’ two gradually recovered by being plaeed in running water. Hail and thunderstorms united will sometimes depopulate rivers in tropical countries (Dobrizhoffer). On July 3, 1866; several salmon in Scotland were killed by lightning during the intensely hot weather that prevailed. Gales, likewise, are occasionally destructive to fish. Thus, on April 13, 1874, one at Scilly was so violent that large fish, as conger, hake, ling, &c., were ‘tossed about in their watery homes, and at last flung by hundreds on the rocks. Some had their scales knocked off, others their heads stove in, while even those which live at the rocky bottoms fared no better than their neighbours. It is well known that a high temperature is injurious to fishes: thus about June 10, 1882, a great destruction of trout occurred in Harry Loch, in Orkney. The weather reduced the water in the Loch, and the trout gathered in great shoals around the burn-mouths, where they were landed in hundred-weights by the neighbouring farwers, who are mostly small proprietors. One fisherman-farmer landed. a thousand trout in one haul; while on another occasion five cartloads were caught in a ‘single sweep. , Waterworks may suck in young fry by hundreds. The action of dynamite is very destructive, and when blowing up the ruins of the Tay bridge, fish as much as two miles away were destroyed: those killed sunk, those only stunned mostly floated. 3. Diseases by which they are directly affected, feoludiug those in ite ova state and infancy, as developmental or monstrosities, malformations or consequent upon accidents. Space will not permit me to enter upon the * DISEASES AND CAUSES OF DESTRUCTION. evil many affections from which fishes . suffer, from the fungus of the young to the numerous diseases of a contagious or non-contagious character. There are certain animal parasites which affect fish, and which may be briefly divided into such as are (a): internal or entozva,* and (b) external or epizoa, irrespective of which are infusoria and parasitic fungi. Entozoa are very common, and it has been computed that each. fish may probably have, as an average, not less than four distinct species of guests able to occupy its body. Tapeworms would seem to be very numerous, but most of their entozoa appear to undergo transformation after changing their abode, the final host being often a water-bird. Epizoa are seen as small crustaceans, many having the mouth modified ‘into a suctorial tube or beak, within which are lancet-shaped mandibles employed for piercing. Of these epizoa we have two large subdivisions : first, such as are essentially surface forms, as fish lice, which can move from place to place. by means of their hooked and prehensile antenna, or even leave the fish and swim freely in the water; secondly, the more sedentary forms, as Lernea, having their heads frequently embedded in the bodies of their victims, and without powers of locomotion. Often the whole of their external organs are rudimentary, and they may be found in fishes’ eyes, gills, mouth, vent, nostrils, and fins. Infusoria are everywhere, in fresh or saline water, and some forms are endoparasitic in the alimentary canals of fishes, as well as other parts of their bodies. Parasitic fungi may also occur: thus one of a highly contagious character has been of late years very destructive among fresh-water fishes. This fungus, Saprolegnia ferax (see vol. ii, page 81), has probably been always present, but requires a soil suitable for its germination .and.growth,, and although some of the following may be the predisposing cause to the disease, still it has been‘observed where none such could have existed. The fish, particularly salmon, may be rendered susceptible from many causes, as debility, and especially after injuries occasioning abrasions, as male kelts after the breeding season, and also unspent kelts, but young fish may ‘likewise be affected. Frosts, droughts, and polluted waters favour its development, and possibly were there fewer kelts preserved, and the waters of our rivers purer, we should find less of this disease, especially where the currents are rapid. Overfeeding appears to predispose to it in some pieces of water. The use of rock-salt is believed to be the best mode of treatment in our fish-ponds and aquaria, while migrating to the sea would seem to arrest the fungus, although it is not certain that it will not reappear’ on the fishes’ return to the river. * See Cobbold on the Entozoa: he most correctly observes that cooking fish infested with worms destroys their vitality, while these forms are not capable of existing in the human body. Cviil ARTIFICIAL CULTIVATION OF FISH. 4, The effects of misplaced energy in fishermen and poachers is a subject too vast to do more than allude to in this place, but the especial attention of legislators ought to be drawn to the fact that increased present productiveness may be carried on at the expense of future years’ supply, and multiplying modes of destruction does not invariably tend to the benefit of the fisherman or of the consumer. 5. Injuries occasioned by the lower animals are numerous, and differ somewhat in the adult stage from what they do among the ova and young. Adult fish suffer greatly from porpoises and their allies, otters, birds and various species of their own kind; whilst the ova and fry may be destroyed by rats, birds (even robins), watersnakes, newts, frogs, leeches, and a variety - of other agencies. . ARTIFICIAL CULTIVATION OF FISH. The cultivation of fish has for its chief object an increase in the number - or size, and likewise an improvement in the breed of those in fresh waters, or, even of the sea, not only by direct cultivation of the finny tribes, but also of the food on which they subsist, and an eradication of what may be detrimental to their prosperity. This would include whatever assists them in their ascent or descent of rivers, when doing so to continue their kind or maintain the life of each individual (see figure of fish-pass, page Ixxviii), When inland fisheries are impoverished the aid of legislation has generally to be invoked, in order to protect what is left, permit nature to play her part in their recovery, and, if necessary, to have desirable forms artificially propagated. Our inland waters consist of such as streams or rivers, broads, canals, lakes, and ponds: while some rivers are rapid and clear, others are sluggish and more or less muddy. Different classes of fish inhabit these various localities ; those most esteemed and generally looked upon as game-species are the Salmonide, while the coarse fish consist of perch, pike, and members of the carp family. As a general rule the first are found in running water and lakes, whereas the latter prefer more sluggish streams, broads, and ponds. The artificial cultivation of salmon and trout has been found necessary in these islands, for reasons already stated (page lxx), and a great gain would have accrued were it not for the over-fishing which is now permitted ~ in the lower reaches of the rivers (page ciii). The ova of the Salmonida can be obtained from fish captured in the waters they frequent, or their redds in the rivers and streams may be ae or the parents may be purposely kept in breeding-ponds. ARTIFICIAL CULTIVATION OF FISH. cix The mode of spawning or stripping fish, as salmon or trout, requires practice, and the experienced fish-culturist will obtain a larger supply of.. eggs from a ripe fish than will an inexperienced or careless manipulator. Having obtained what appears to bea fish in a suitable condition, gentle pressure along the abdomen must be exercised, when ova from the female or milt from the male should be forthcoming ; occasionally the former sex will require a little cdaxing, as she will not always yield at the first attempt. ‘If the eggs are not quite ready the distended abdomen feels hard and somewhat unyielding ; whereas in ripe fish it is soft, and the ova can be felt moving under pressure of the hand. It may be necessary to detain these fish in suitable Bpdoptacleg for a few days, either because the eggs or milt are not quite ripe, or else - congeyuent upor only fishes of one sex having been taken. " The necessary apparatus for spawning fish consists of a shallow tin or earthenware pan, for receiving the eggs and milt, and which is’ furnished with a spout for the purpose of pouring them into the tin carrying-can, this _ latter having a perforated lid;.also a jug for clean water, and a dry cloth is useful for assisting in fielding the fish. The fish is held with its body somewhat sideways, and its tail directed downwards, while the pan to receive the eggs is placed below its vent, when by means of simple pressure, commencing from the ventral fins and passing downwards along the belly towards the vent, the eggs or milt are extruded. .There are two processes which may be adopted, the moist or water plan, and the dry. In the first some water is first placed in the pan which receives the eggs as pressed from the fish. In the dry process, on the contrary, the eggs are directly received into a dry pan, over them the milt is distributed, and the pan is gently agitated from side to side; after giving the eggs and milt' time to mix, water is poured in to the depth of a few inches, stirred with the hand, and allowed to stand until they have hardened and freed (see page lxvi), a period of from one quarter to three quarters of an hour, according to the temperature, taking longest in cold water. The eggs must be properly cleansed by gently pouring clean water over them, and when this is no longer discoloured, the eggs may be transferred from the receiving to the carrying-can, which transference should not take place too soon. Any milt left on the eggs will cause injury in the hatching troughs, so should be thoroughly washed off. The most prolific milt seems to be of medium consistence. The eggs are now removed to the incubation house.* Irrespective of the foregoing, plans have been successfully adopted in some fish establishments in the United States to permit breeding-fish to * For directions as to hatching and rearing young fish, the carriage of eggs and young, and the stocking of pieces of water, the reader is referred to the various existing works on fish-culture. cx ARTIFICIAL CULTIVATION OF FISH. ascend the stream which feeds the pond, but having wire trays so fitted .that the eggs when deposited drop through into a receptacle for their collection. Some observers, however, appear to-think that, due to the rapidity of the current, the milt is often washed away before it has performed its function, and consequently a number of ova escape impregnation. Rough fish may likewise be artificially cultivated, as has been remarked upon (page Ixvii). In stocking pieces of water with eggs or young of Salmonide it would ' seem desirable that great attention should be paid to the age and condition of the parent fish, as I have observed (page lxix). I assume that care will be taken that the water is appropriate, for although new stock may tend to . improve local breeds in suitable places, such will not be the case should the food be insufficient or inappropriate. Perhaps the Lochleven race of trout grows as fast as any other in these islands, especially when the eggs are from seven or eight year old parents, while in the warmer south they increase more rapidly in size than in the colder north. The introduction of exotic forms of ‘fish into our fresh waters has been advocated, a proceeding which, although it may be beneficial, on the other hand may be the reverse. It should first be considered whether the stranger subsists upon a vegetable or animal diet, and secondly whether sufficient exists for his consumption where it is proposed to acclimatize him. Anadromous forms may be beneficial, due to the small amount of food they generally require when ascending the rivers to breed. Carnivorous forms may be useful, in order to diminish too large a number of coarse fish in a river, where they are in excess of its capabilities for supplying them with sufficient nourishment; but when they have thinned down the primitive stock they may continue to deplete the fishery to too eee an extent, and be a nuisance in their turn. It is not surprising that the cultivation of fish-ponds for coarse fish has decreased or almost disappeared from this country, because increased facilities of carriage of fish from the sea-coast has rendered their produce of but little value; and as such has become less and less esteemed.the care bestowed on ponds has been diminished until at last they may be said to produce fish of an earthy or muddy quality. If left unattended to they must deteriorate: they should not stand full more than two or three years unless the proprietor revels in the contemplation of miserable half-starved forms. The best treatment appears to be rotating crops of vegetables with crops of fish, for which purpose at least three ponds are requisite, although more are undoubtedly advantageous. The aspect of the ponds, nature of the soil and character of the water are all factors to be taken into account, hard clays and gravel being generally unfavourable, and a marly soil mostly to be preferred. In constructing a FISH-PONDS. , oxi pond it should not be too deep, shallows being necessary for the fry which rarely go into deep water, which being colder in the summer than the shallows is less frequented by insects. Trees in their vicinity are detrimental because. the leaves falling into the water occasion the formation of a black mud, and the escape of fcetid gases, which in winter, especially when the water is covered with ice, become very injurious to the fish, Rank vegetation along the banks is often injurious, although: some weeds when present afford shelter and assist in clearing the water. . There should always be facilities for running a fish-pond dry, and the ‘same depth of water should be maintained throughout the year. The inflow of water should never be direct from a brook but conducted from one side, and the sluices should be strong enough to render overflow impossible, while there should be a grating to keep out ‘strange fish. The centre of the pond should be deeper than the rest, while near the outlet should be a spot still deeper than any other part of the pond. ‘The number and sorts of fish suitable for stocking ponds depends on many circumstances, especially as regards the food which is present, whether the water comes from a stream or from springs, and many other conditions. Boccius recommends the following as suitable for an acre of water : 200 brood carp, 20 brood tench, and 20 brood pike. North cautions the fish- culturist against over-stocking and recommends that after the first year they ‘should be diminished because the food will decrease. When a pond is dried the contained ‘fish should be examined as to whether they are in good or bad condition, from which it must be judged whether the water has been under- or over-stocked. In 1754, Mr. Tull communicated a paper to the Royal Society respecting how he had castrated certain carps; and asserting that ‘their flavour had become much improved consequent upon the operation. Salt-water vivaria have been tried with varying success, and one would imagine that with care and attention they might be made suitable for the reception of some marine forms as bass, mullet, &c., so that a constant supply to the market would be available even at the periods when gales hinder the sea-fisherman’s occupation. These vivaria may be placed on the coast and either be entirely supplied with salt-water by means of tidal influence, or may be lakes wherein the lower portion consists of salt or brackish water and the upper of fresh, where it may be fed by a stream. The locality selected, irrespective of all advantage of situation, should be where the necessary food could be obtained at a cheap rate, whether such is the refuse of fish, meat offal, shell-fish, or manufactured substances. Also, should the local demand for fish be insufficient there ought to be the means of inexpensive and easy carriage toa suitable market. Several such vivaria have been formed at different places around these islands at various times; Parnell mentions exii ARTIFICIAL HATCHING, OF MARINE FISHES. one near Queensferry; Buckland one at Port ‘Logan in Wigtonshire, &c. Mr. Bland of Derriquin Castle, Kenmare Bay, had in an inlet of Sneem harbour, protected by reefs of rocks, a stroug barrier of stones formed across the entrance but through which every tide flowed and ebbed, but leaving a sufficiency of water within, Here mullet, whiting, sea bream, soles and plaice succeeded best, haddock also did well, but gurnards became pale in colour. Whiting became so tame as to feed out of the hand, and all assembled at the feedihg-time on the appearance of the tray. While marine fishes have been acclimatized to fresh water (page Ixxxiii, and vol. i, page 229, and vol. ii, page 128). | ARTIFICIAL HATCHING OF MARINE FISHES. I have already remarked how depeopled fresh-water fisheries have been: restocked by artificial means, and must now briefly record how in the United States this procedure has also been turned to practical account with salt-water fisheries. The Government Fishery Commissioners finding a difficulty in regulating the modes of capture in the sea, but observing that the fisheries were becoming impoverished from over-fishing, conceived the idea of propagating marine forms, as they considered that it would be useless to expect fishermen to stock public waters at their own expense, especially as everyone would subsequently be at liberty to catch the fish. Acting upon this principle the United States Fishery Department have wisely investigated their seas, repopulating their waters where the necessity exists, and thus counteracting the waste which is being occasioned wherever man has liberty or licence to capture the finny tribes however he pleases, irrespective of season and regardless of their condition. * FISHES OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Criass.—PISCES. Vertebrate animals which, as a rule, are exclusively adapted for an aquatic ‘life, and have their extremities modified into fins. Respiring, almost invariably, solely by means of gills:* possessing a heart with only two cavities, and being cold-blooded. They are scaleless, partially, or wholly scaled, the scales being sometimes in the form of osseous plates. Sus-cLass .—TELEOSTEI. Skeleton osseous. Brain distinct. Skull possessing cranial bones. Vertebree completely separated, and the posterior extremity of the vertebral column bony, or having bony plates. Branchis free, and the. water discharged through a single aperture, protected by a bony gill-cover, or opercle: branchiostegal rays present. A non-contractile bulbus arteriosus, having a pair of valves at its commencement. Optic nerves decussating. Intestines without any spiral valve. OrveR I.—ACANTHOPTERYGII. A portion of the dorsal, anal, and ventral fins unarticulated, forming spines.+ Air-bladder, when present, completely closed, not possessing a pneumatic duct. Geographical distribution.—T he spiny-rayed or Acanthopterygian order of fishes appear to be most numerous in the ocean, preying upon their weaker neighbours. Whereas, if we examine inland fresh waters, we observe the Malacopterygii as the Salmonide and Cyprinide usurping their place; these latter having solely articulated, but no spinous, rays. First group—Perciformes. Body elevated or oblong not elevated. No superbranchial organ. Spinous dorsal fin well developed: anal similar to soft dorsal; ventrals thoracic, usually 1/4 or 1/5. Vent remote from caudal fin and posterior to the ventral. Famity, I—~PERCID. Percoidei, pt., Scicenoidet, pt., et Menides, pt., Cuv.; Percide, pt., Theraponide, pt., Hemulonide, pt., Richardson; Percide, pt., et Pristipomatide, pt., Ginther ; Ambassoidet, pt., Bleeker. Branchiostegals from five to seven: pseudobranchie present. Form of body generally oblong. ‘Muciferous system of head rudimentary or but slightly developed. yes lateral. No superbranchial organ. Preopercle entire or serrated: cheeks not cuirassed. Mouth in front of snout, having a lateral cleft, occasionally on the lower side, moderately or rarely very protractile. Teeth in the jaws villiform, with or without canines, present or absent on the * Certain fishes, mostly residents within or near the tropics, asthe Labyrinthict and Ophiocepha- lide, even when a bandage 1s fastened round their gill-covers, entirely precluding their employment for respiratory purposes, are still able to live in water, provided they can obtain direct access to atmospheric air. In the majority of fishes such a proceeding would be rapidly fatal, + There are some genera in which the fins can hardly be said to have any true spines, as among the Trachinide, Aulostomatide, Ophiocephalide, §c. ‘ 2 ACANTHOPTERYGII. vomer and palatines. Anterior portion of the dorsal fin spinous: ventrals thoracic 1/5 or sometimes 1/4. Scales ctenoid or cycloid. Lateral line when prevent continuous (except in some species of Ambassis). Air-vessel usually present and more or less simple. Pyloric appendages in varying numbers. Genus I.—Perroa, Artedi. Branchiostegals seven: pseudobranchie present. Body oblong and somewhat compressed. Preopercle serrated, with denticulations on tts lower limb directed forwards. Opercle spinate. Teeth villiform in jaws, on vomer and palatine bones: tongue smooth. Two dorsal fins separated at their bases, the first with 13 or 14 spines: the anal with 2 spines. Scales rather small, ctenoid, not extended on to the upper surface of the head. Pyloric appendages few. Cuvier selected the Perch as an appropriate type for the first Genus into which he subdivided the Percoides. Geographical distribution.—Fresh waters of both the Arctic regions, rarely descending to salt water. 1. Perca flaviatilis, Plate I. Nepxn, Aristotle, Hist. Anim. lib. vi, c. 14; Adlian, xiv. c. 23, 26. Perca, Pliny, xxxii, c. 9,10; Ausonius, a.p. 400, v, 115; Jonston, De Pisce. 1649, lib. iii, tit. ili, c. i, p. 156, t. xxiv, f. 3. Une Perche de riviere, Belonius, 1553, p. 291. Perca major, Schonevelde, 1624, p.55; Artedi, Genera Piscium, 1738, Gen. 39, Syn. 66, species, 74. Perca fluviatilis major, Aldrovandus, 1638, v, cap. 53, . 622. : Perca fluviatilis, Rondeletius, 1554, ii, pp. 196, 197; Salviani, 1554, f£. 2440, 226; Gesner, 1558, p. 698, f. 168), and Edit. 1598, fol. 168 and 172, c¢. fig; Willughby, De Historia Piscium, 1686, iv, c. 14, p. 291, t. 8, 13. f. 1; Ray, Synopsis Methodica Avium et Piscium, 1713, Pisc. p. 97, No. 23; Gronovius, Zoophyl. 1763, p. 91, No. 30] and Mus. i, No. 36; Linneus, Syst. Nature, Hd. 12, 1766, p. 481; Rutty, Natural History of the County of Dublin, 1772, i, p. 368; Pennant, British Zoology (Edition 1), 1776, iii, p. 254, pl. xlviii, (Edition 2), 1812, iii, p. 345, pl. lix; O. F. Miller, Zoologie Danicee Prodomus, 1776, p. 46; Linneus, Systema Nature, Gmelin, 1788, p. 1306 ; Marsigli, iv, t. xxiii, f.1; Bloch, Fische Deutschlands, 1782-84, t. lii; Bonnaterre, Encyclopedia Ichthyologia, 1788, p. 126, pl. lui, f. 204; Lacépéde, Histoire des Poissons, 1798-1803, iv, p. 399; Donovan, Natural History of British Fishes, 1802-8, iii, pl. lii; Shaw, General Zoology, 1803, iv, p. 545, pl. lxxix; Turton, British Fauna, 1807, p. 100; Jurine, Poissons du Lac Leman, 1825, p. 1; Cuvier and Valenciennes, Histoire Naturelle des Poissons, 1828, ii, p. 20, t. i-viii; Flemming, History of British Animals, 1828, p. 213; Nilsson, Ichthyologia Scandinavice, 1832, p. 81; Bonaparte, Icones, Fauna Italica, 1832-41, iii, p. 79, f.1; Fries och Ekstrom, Skandinaviens Fiskar, 1836, pl. i; Jenyns, Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, 1835, p. 330; Yarrell, British Fishes (Ed. 1), 1836, i, p. 1, c. fig. (Ed. 2), 1841, i, p. 1 (Ed. 3), u, p. 112; Cuvier, Regne Animal, Poissons, pl. vi, f.1; Templeton, Magazine of Natural History (Series 2), 1837, i, p. 409; Parnell, Fishes of the Frith of Forth, 1838, p. 8; Swainson, Natural History of Fish, 1839, ii, p. 198; Demidoff, Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale, 1840-42, iii, p. 355; White, Catalogue of British Fish, 1851, p. 9; Thompson, Natural History of Ireland, 1856, iv, p. 69; Giinther, Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum, i, 1859, p. 58; Schlegel, De Dieren van Nederland, 1862, p. 32, pl. 3, f.2; Blanchard, Les Poissons des eaux douces de la France, 1866, p. 180, fig. 8; Collett, Norges Fiske, 1875, p. 15; Steindachner, Ak. Wien, SB, Ixxviii, Abth. i, 1878, p. 399; Houghton, British Fresh-water Fishes, 1879, p. 1, pl. i. Perca vulgaris and P. helvetica, Gronovius, Catalogue of Fish by Gray, 1854, pp. 118, 114. Perea Italica, Cuv. and Val. ii, p. 45 (variety destitute of bands.) Perch, Couch, History of the Fishes of the British Islands, 1862, i, p. 185, pl. XXXIV. FAMILY, I—PERCID A. 3 ; Synonymy of American examples.* Bodianus flavescens, Mitchill, Phil. Trans. New York, i, p. 421. Perca flavescens, Cuv. Régne Anim.; Cuv. and Val. ii, p. 46; Agassiz, Lake Superior, p. 291; Giinther, Catal. i, p. 59. Perca granulata and P. serrato-granulata, Cuv. and Val. ii, pp. 47, 48, pl. ix. a acuta and P. gracilis, Cuy. and Val. ii, pp. 49, 50; Giinther, Catal. i, p. 60. B. vii, D. 14-15 | ~273;, P. 14, V. 1/5, A. 325, C. 18, LiL 55-60, L. tr. 7-9/19; Cose. Pyl. 3, Vert. 21/20-21. Length of head 32 to 4, of caudal fin 52 to 64, height of body 32 to 4 in the total length. Hye—diameter 44 to 5} in the length of the head, according to the size of the specimen, 1 to 14 diameters from the end of the snout, and also apart. Interorbital space slightly convex. The maxilla reaches to beneath the middle of the eye. Opercle with a rather strong and flattened spine, the lower edge of which, also of sub- and inter-opercles and shoulder bones very finely ‘serrated, ‘sometimes the serrations on the opercle are more or less blunted. A few minute serrations sometimes present on the lower edge of preorbital. Preopercle serrated along its posterior border, most strongly so at the angle, while several denticulatious, pointing forward, exist along its lower edge. Teeth—villiform in the jaws, on the vomer and palatine bones, but absent from the tongue. Fins— dorsal spines rather strong, increasing in length to the third which slightly exceeds half that of the head, they decrease in height from the fifth to the last: second dorsal fin lower than the first. Pectoral two-fifths the length of the head, but not so long as the ventral. Second anal spine slightly longer than the first and rather above half the length of the rays. Caudal with rounded lobes. Scales— ctenoid, 15 or 16 rows between the lateral-line and base of the ventral fin: 75 rows descend from the back to the lateral-line. Cecal appendages—three: they are rather wide and of moderate extent. The length of the intestinal tract equals that of the entire fish excluding the tail or caudal fin.