f sr aeednanae AAC a Pe Fa " Btn a Eee yh ene San ebanaesar'es oe PA sn Pret regs Demme a anes ane psc anh er HC Hn arta thy Mira lagal helt ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Library OL 536.H85 V. The mo: uitoes of Nor’ IN 3 1924 002 846 016 mm 0 THE MOSQUITOES OF NORTH AND CENTRAL AMERICA AND THE WEST INDIES BY LELAND O. HOWARD, HARRISON G. DYAR, AND FREDERICK KNAB VOLUME ONE _ A GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF MOSQUITOES, THEIR HABITS, AND THEIR RELATIONS TO THE HUMAN SPECIES WASHINGTON, D.C. PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1912 A.eny Uo CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON Pusrication No. 159, Vou. ONE Goseor of thig bak wore first issued JA& 21 1918 THe Lord Baltimore Press BALTIMORE, MD., U. 8. a. TABLE OF CONTENTS. TNCVODUCHION: ¢ 5 siyjes cs tusiele u sediale a Seman ea dose VR Rea Salwel o HABE on ab eee ARH eoE sais Early accounts of mosquitoes............. 0c. cece ec seecceuseecceueenueens 8 Mosquitoes a8 Pe8ts... 2 fas cs o2 eevee hues ea cau ee saacaeuuscaneeens vata 8 Early accounts of the biology and structure of mosquitoes............... 20 Structure of the adult mosquito.......... 0... ccc cece cece cece eececeeneeaees 25 PMG TOA oy otiid oak corti AS cher Mtons tn to Xs aod cme arash Gucalaaln atenea x cieekttn a a eymaonnern teu ae 25 PNG CY OG: 6 cS onsite yrabdern da mies oss Miers en kok sake ee eal eioW Gwe tes 25 The: antenne! eee sceey rangers c yeatesaaeid sana can wia eck geacsaueads 26 EWG: C1Y DOU) aise caisshariacesans avaunceich canis ocaia nied renee BG iohe gate Ndeks Wag Sere Gee 36 DDE PrODOSCIS ise sess ce-raiars aide swe Wickes sie Gua ioe Hee HEIs WS FAG RAS BA 37 ENG: Dall .s:. occa avisam ea wag cae ew Nis wee ds a Fates So SOLES need ee 50 PNG: (HORAN ast. Gate ecaa uve $4-Misis s 4 SMR A 4 MO oe A AERC ona lade oon GlomiES saon oa 55 The :prothorax: 2.0 ssid s-censeaiecue davediasw aveison 0:0 chided. ie « Wea wien. ¢ anaugie ds ar RWnraee 55 DHE MESOENOTAR: i. overaiev eis ayiua-e.n s ialana GAs Sen Gis deawere leg BCS RR ante’ 4 57 Me Metathorax .vciece oarsccsieasiee'y 05 dae at4 Rede ba whe 64 ea awe oa Ew EE 59 PNG WINGS: 307s opis Sas Oe ws haan asl Ginelh <6 Bing a2 4 MS POAT ARES ek RE ene 60 MOG MOBS oc aictans a's at octane Gael v's. aA S ew kone, See vamteioh Sad ude Pan ae BS SHS 62 MNS ADGOMEN. 5:5 sys s sivas 5% saces gis Savesey @asacereie ew drew view Shin 40.4: ¥eenweecd Widied ss 67 The abdomen of the female............. ccc cece cece eee c cee eeeeneees 67 The abdomen of the male.............c cece eeeec cee eeeceeceeceuees 69 PVG: SCAICS iach. issa Sages earns o< dads aren uate R 8 anes i aA Sask RAREST RPE TR Gl 71 The internal anatomy of mosquitoes.......... 0c. cc cece ence eee eee nnetenenes 15 GLOSS AMALOMY. 5 siicitis-s ssieraiin se acavanacavaiouecqusl ra wrnbaie P axaule Casas eae adeaions wededeatatetets 75 The alimentary canal......... 0... cece cece eee e eee ee eee eeeeeeeee 75 The TeproductivVe: SYStOM voi oe cen oa seus es see eeu eea ves cee eauRNRAS 79 Ne fat OGY sass gare yawign wae eos O42 8 GES £4 KE RR OE iad sve Fenced 79 The tracheal system ws sca scwec dss b 4 see oa dew 6 ioe wae wea cece o enerne ® 80 FR ISCOLO RY <> se stasis tee time: eyoaaia id dvsdar ote w.loneyh dh web upaub dsb. abeliook cs tustaen ask Gomeauereterd eaters 80 The alimentary canal and appendages...............ccee eevee ceee 80 The reproductive SySteM........... cc ccc cee nee tec cee ceererseccnces 83 The larva, cassis sess soe es Oe hs eee ee tte 62s abe eG Ape BANE Hy else Deve « 84 Head and mouthparts..............0c cece cect cus e ese eee eevee sneenes 84 ARNG: YES cscs iebesis. 6c o Gerd a ersalsla 8 Wee arr ahee Ns ae SHS eRe ENN yeh RGR EES 87 PENG CH OTAXS -.cigecg ie i pide eles segs cca latars wa Sayles Sea cae squnlnetn's Bai ¢ arene wd aries 88 The abdomen. s.0'ss-sycane a we a 38 4 nes vee ss ORE NEON CAA oe BMWS A Sa Oe 88 The respiratory organs................. Sh gtaee wast ah aed tbinadon ba (ootysae Peed eARMaE 89 Modifications of larval structures............ 0. cece eee cece eee ee eeas 91 Adaptations of the mouthparts of Culicid larve to the predaceous WA DUG says acer eg ahaa ss anes sa washes leans st aie Witte: ade aw ees 3 is se Es 95 Moulting and the number of larval stages.............. 0c cece cece eeeae 97 TENE DUD Ar sons 5. ,5: es nee ead pes Sees WRG ES aun eed he cages Bede Meade levied ala auondava'a acon 99 EXClOSION: OL CHE: TMA LO. asso s:5-inc cies base sunlig 3.4 stank # deg ealee. Gann Gk Cae aie wie areolar ee 103 Habits: of adult MmosquitOes ives. xcses save wid vice gages « & giete wisi cba Beach: woh lorie ane Aiwa s 106 The £000: Habits iiss seek cos Bee's a eagles Ase Few 4a TE ew RES a4 Say aHele es 106 Mosquito songs and their power of hearing............. cc cece eee eee 114 PLDI OL, ACCEL VAL Vesa: 50e.25 cos asge Se snnbicteercas Causes b iacdeuagcgs HUGS so isrg ap else Hd. faveag PUR. yerleut tS gvipltaueh aN allah 118 AsO MBO VACY 5s 4 sar aise ene weiecar ese ee aaaca secanaised tus ia ‘eas seeipeonsgoarcasig wirawer ane sacindcly ve hid lave de eae 118 Hibernation and estivation........ 0.0... cece ec cee eect rete tence 119 Mating habits «ss¢seesecees sd caw sss mpw aes ie bes GA Os rea Ee A HOw 494 eee 120 Abundance of MOSquitoes...... 6. ccc cece eee eee e teen eens 132 Mosquitoes in the far North....... 0... cece ce ccc eee ree cee renee scans 135 Eges and oviposition. « «cies is nce saws eee sa lee be saeigd ele nurs bed see oa bese 140 Habits: of the: larvets see is sxec4 i mw vs sree ce wenees sew aa wae ye asee eee ew eV a oe 146 Food of mosquito larv®.... 0... ccc eect t eee eee Seti aa tacos 150 Hibernation of MoOSquito 1aTVB... cee cee eee te eee eens 154 The pupal Periods css.s0 cee ssa pesea neg aca ge sea te Ran Gs Sedma’ Rea Ce eee RY 155 1V TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. Natural ienemiles: i vic gudteeculsag vey due oa dais 43 eae ee oe ea tneeede es 156 Plants «4.06 goiea ses poe 6555 WG oe eRe ees MER Shas swe ENG HET COE LTA ERO EES O 156 Fungi. and. bacteridiss sone sic dea scauiaias taeda dee Wees sess ESTAS 157 AMIS 55 5 seve 2 -ecgsnesacs dx: tie svania 404 dena Od satayaay od gio euciel ayailo Abe are REE DE DERE ESS 159 IPrOCOZOA.sisis.0 aud antan aed aatenes RaeaTs wa eb Authece a eueites Be avaveuas a 6 avon aerevaneits pe 159 Other lowet animals ss. oc ccssc oun aacce enn cv aeons te slaw S baieoe 6 161 WEFMES* succes beanie sain nd crm i seed oles alate bal signee estnes ad aacae ose 162 Insect, enemies +. sieds sexes vc ccees Fe Meee ceed Ea eed bee Hebee eee es 164 Mites: v2.04 start scadasd watameee aku tai Ree S64 Ta Oe ter Pe eR Yea MeR es 172 SDUGOTS) «55.5. sinssecg-tey ati. & Sach sone’ b anlgdor aaavs WT Apacortade re: Gravenstee ecaiausecsescauavece Wd esesuers 175 Other arthropods ..40.4 5: swede pwede cea nd beaded ta oe dea ew Go Rhdes 176 BatracWlans: a vex cciecce ih wiaiany atone asta ewig was wig wiles le levee ptadoin aa eymieasve wa ae 176 Reptiles: GevsG ete ces eee sins ye ais awe ee genean ous cateate cme 177 Birds jeg ieiss goes p30 Shas 8 eeOS a Oe BUS 8s AS ea Sees MEARE Eee TS HES 177 Bats) Seas sasintn in oar ial t n6 Sew y nie aie ee a sieie toe Sie eB tanec ee ee a Sued 179 Collecting, mounting, and rearing............... cece eee eens sol desusuh Seach 180 Collecting adults ........ 0... cece eee cence eee ariets Seta a reader cata i: aie cadalygrevateuen 180 Mounting adults sic oi sss ecna.s teuiens eae eee Fe aes Ppalie es aG cules 180 Sending by maill:or expresss.c.s