Cornell University Library QK 47.B56 1884 The essentials of botany. 31924001792005PRIVATE LIBRARY,OF,.1.1/ERIC AN SCIENCE SERIES, BRIEFER COURSE THE ESSENTIALS OF BOTANY BY CHARLES E. BESSEY, Pii.D. Professor in the University of Nebraska* formerly Professor in the Iowa Agricultural College; Associate Editor of the "American Naturalist" THIRD EDITION, WITH AN INTRODUCTION ON THE GROSS ANATOMY OK FLOWERING PLANTS NEW YORK HENRY HOLT AND COMPANYBy HENRY HOLT AND CO.PREFACE. In preparing this Briefer Edition the attempt has been made to present the essentials of modern botany in con- siderably less difficult language than has hitherto been usual in books of this grade. Many of the terms now in general use in the larger works are here anglicized, while English names have very generally been given for plants and plant-groups. The sequence of topics and the general mode of treat- ment pursued in my larger work published in 1880 are here followed, with such changes and modifications as are demanded by the progress of the science since the original manuscript left my hands. In many cases the paragraphs have been carefully revised, while in others they have been entirely re-written. I have thought it advisable to use the terms Zygophyta, Oophyta, and Carpophyta, first proposed in the American Naturalist in 1882 (Vol. XYI. p. 46), for the second, third, and fourth Branches of the Vegetable Kingdom. This has been done for the sake of securing uniformity in nomenclature, as well as on account of the readiness with which the new terms take the English form: thus we may now speak of zygophytes, oophytes, and carpophytes, as well as of protophytes, bryophytes, etc. In its use I would beg the teacher to bear in mind thatIV PREFACE. the book is intended to be merely the guide, and that a sim- ple conning and recitation of its pages will give but a poor return indeed. Every effort should be made to have the pupil see things for himself. To aid him in this, numerous “practical studies” are introduced after the principal topics, and it is urged upon teacher and pupil that as much use be made of them as possible. Indeed, it would be an excellent plan to use the “ studies ” alone as a guide in a course of practical work. C. E. B. July 8, 1884. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. In this edition but few changes have been made, the most important being the additions to the “ Practical Studies” here and there, and the correction of typographi- cal errors. C. E. B. ■University of Nebraska, February 20, 1885. PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. In response to a demand a new chapter has been added, in this edition, on the Gross Anatomy of Flowering Plants. It will introduce the beginner to the study of the organs and members of the plant body, and enable him to begin the use of any ordinary botanical manual or flora for the identification of the species of floHering plants. C. E. B. University of Nebraska, March 1, 1886.TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Introductory Lessons................................. ix First Lessons in the Gross Anatomy of Flowering Plants, xi CHAPTER I. PROTOPLASM and plant-cells. Protoplasm. The Plant-Cell. How New Cells are formed. Chlorophyll. Starch. Aleurone. Crystals. The Cell-Sap.. 1 CHAPTER II. the tissues of plants. Definition. Soft Tissue. Thick angled Tissue. Stony Tissue. Fibrous Tissue. Milk-Tissue. Sieve-Tissue. Tracheary Tissue. The Primary Meristem................... 15 CHAPTER III. THE GROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE SYSTEMS. The Differentiation of Tissues into Systems. The Epidermal System of Tissues; Epidermis; Hairs; Breathing-Pores. The Fibro-vascuiar System. The Fundamental System of Tissues; Cork. Intercellular Spaces........................... 32 CHAPTER IY. THE PLANT-BODY. Generalized Forms. Thallome. Caulome. Phyllome. Trichome. Root. General Mode of Branching of Members.......... 59vi Contents. chapter v. THE CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. PAGE The Water in the Plant. Water in the Protoplasm. Water in the Cell-Walls. The Equilibrium of the Water in the Plant. Dis- turbance of Equilibrium. Evaporation of Water. The Amount of Evaporation. The Movement of Water in the Plant; Root-Pressure; the Flow of Water; No Circulation of Sap. Plant Food. The Compounds used. How the Food is obtained. How the Food is transported in the Plant. Starch-Making or Assimilation. Digestion and Use of Starch. The Storing of Reserve Material. The Use of Reserve Material. The Nutrition of Parasites and Saprophytes. Alka- loids and Acids. Results of Assimilation and Metastasis. Temperature as affecting Vegetation. Light as affecting Vegetation. Movements of Plants....................... 68 CHAPTER VI. CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION. General Laws of Classification. Principal Groups. General Relationship of the Branches. General Distribution of Plants. Botanical Regions. Distribution of Plants in Geological Time; Tabular View............................................ 97 CHAPTER VII. BRANCH I. FROTOI-HYTA: THE SEXLESS PLANTS. General Characters. Slitne-Moulds. Bacteria and Yeast-Plants. Green-Slimes.......................................... 105 CHAPTER VIII. BRANCH II. ZYGOniYTA: THE UNISEXUAL PLANTS. General Characters. Zobsporere; Pandorina; Water Net; Water-Flannel; Sea-Lettuce; Kelp and its Allies. Conjugataa; the Desmids; the Diatoms; the Pond-Scums; the Black- Moulds............................................. 115CONTENTS. vii CHAPTER IX. BRANCH ITT. OOPHYTA: THE EGG SPORE PLANTS. PAGE General Characters. ZoOspore®; Volvox. CEdogonie®. Coelo- blasti®; the Green-Felts; the Water-Moulds; the Fly-Fungus; the Mildews and White-Rusts. The Rockweeds.......... 130 CHAPTER X. BRANCH IV. CARPOPHYTA: THE SPORE-FRUIT PLANTS. General Characters. Coleochmte®. The Red Seaweeds. The Sac-Fungi; the Blights and their Allies; the Truffles; the Cup- Fungi and their Allies; the Black-Fungi; the Lichens; the Rusts; the Smuts. The Puff-Balls and Toadstools. The Stone- worts.............................................. 148 CHAPTER XI. BRANCH V. BRYOPHYTA: THE MOSS WORTS, General Characters. The Liverworts. The Mosses... 183 CHAPTER XII. BRANCH VI. PTBRIDOPHYTA: THE FERNWORTS. General Characters. The Horsetails. The Ferns; the True Ferns; the Ringless Ferns; the Adder-Tongues; the Pepper- worts. The Lycopods; the Club-Mosses; the Little Club Mosses; the Quill worts........................... 194 CHAPTER XIII. BRANCH VII. PHANEROGAMIA: THE FLOWERING PLANTS. General Characters. The Gymnosperms; the Cycads; the Conifers; the Joint-Firs. The Angiosperms; the Monocotyle- dons; the Dicotyledons................................. 212 Index.................................................... 279INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. These lessons fire designed to be used as a guide in the actual study of plants, and the teacher is implored not to require pupils to memorize them for recitation. Let it be borne in mind that Botany is the study of plants, not the study of books. Let the book be a guide, and nothing more. It is suggested that for his first work the pupil should be re- quired to make a complete examination of a plant, following the order given, and making a careful record of his observations. The descriptive terms commonly used in manuals of botany are introduced for the use of the pupil in making his record, and with these he should familiarize himself as soon as possible. The pupil may now be examined upon the structure of the plant he has studied, and may be required to define the descriptive terms he has used in his work. However, the teacher is again warned not to require a memorizing of these terms before the pupil has made their acquaintance by an actual examination. A dozen plants carefully examined throughout should make the pupil sufficiently familiar with the gross anatomy of flowering plants, and the common descriptive terms, so that any of the ordinary systematic manuals may be readily used. But it must be insisted that the work must be thoroughly done. A hasty and careless running through the pages, with plant in hand, will not help the pupil. The work must be slow, careful, and conscien- tious. And the pupil must bring to his work the determination to acquire as quickly as possible the power of close observation and accurate description. 'While he is forbidden to memorize descriptive terms while they are meaningless to him, yet he isX INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. expected never to forget a form once seen and its appropriate descriptive term. The following plants are recommended for study. Those in the first column bloom in the spring and early summer; those in the second column, in summer and autumn: Tulip, Rye, Buttercup, Lily, Hepatica, Bouncing Bet, Violet, Morning glory, Cherry, Petunia, Apple, Buckwheat, VVeigelia, Indian Corn, Lilac, Sunflower, Pea. Golden-rod, Gentian.FIRST LESSONS IN THE GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. Select a well-grown specimen of any plant, preferably in its flowering and fruiting stage, and make a study of all its parts in the following order: I" (1) Stem, which bears Axis, composed of 1 ' (3) Leaves ; (4) Buds; • (5) Flowers; (6) Fruits; _ (7) Seeds. [ (2) Root. Record your observations neatly and concisely, making drawings or outline sketches of the more important parts. § 1. The Stem. Form.—Most stems are cylindrical, or nearly so, in form, while others are flattened, square, triangular, etc. Size.—Measure the diameter and height of the stem, using pref- erably the metric scale. Surface.—Many stems are smooth, especially when young; but as they grow older they generally become more or less roughened. They may be irregularly roughened, as in many tree-trunks, or they may be somewhat regularly furrowed. Many stems are hairy, the degrees being noted as downy (when soft and not abundant); silky (when close and glossy); villous (when long and spreading); hispid (when short and stiff), etc. Other appendages of the sur- face are prickles, warts, scales, etc. Color.—Note the color of the surface of all parts of the stem, including the branches and twigs. Structure.—In some stems the softer tissues predominate; these are herbaceous, and the plants are herbs. In others the harder tis- sues predominate; these are woody or ligneous plants, and are either shrubs (which are never more than a couple of metres in height,SOTANt. and generally have more than one stem) or trees (which have a single stem, and often attain a height of many metres). It must be remembered that intermediate forms of all degrees occur be- tween herbs and shrubs, herbs and trees, and shrubs and trees. Duration.—Some stems live for but oneseason, and are known as annual; others live for two seasons (gathering food the first, and producing flowers and seeds the second), these are biennial; those which live for several or many years are perennial. Branching.—Most stems branch more or less, generally irregu- larly, rarely regularly; the latter may be alternate, opposite, or whorled (i.e., three or more in a circle around the stem). The Bark.—With a sharp knife dissect the bark of a twig, no- Fig. I.—Cross-section of the stem of an oak-tree thirty-seven years old, show- ing the annual rings, rm. the medullary rays; m, the pith (medulla). Fig. II.—Cross-section of the stem of a palm-tree, showing the irregularly- placed bundles. ticing—1st. The thin outer part, the epidermis. 2d. A soft layer beneath it, the soft bark (which is entirely green, or partly green and partly colored, or more or less corkj'). 3d. A layer of fibrous bark, often called bast. Dissect the bark of older parts of the stem and notice the disappearance of the epidermis and the soft bark. The fibrous bark has here become intermingled with more or less corky matter, and has been ruptured into scales, ridges, and furrows. The Wood.—I. With a sharp knife cut across the stem and ex- amine the portion inside of the bark. If of a stem several years Fig T. Fig. n.GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS, xiii old, it will probably shows everal more or less well-defined annual rings (Fig. I). Notice that the rings are marked and defined by belts of ducts (pores) which constitute the “ grain ” of the wood. In the centre is the pith, from which there extend towards or to the bark narrow radiating lines—the medullary rays (rm). II. In some plants there is no distinction of wood and bark, as in the canes. In such there are no annual rings, nor are there any medullary rays. The ducts and their surrounding wood occur in irregularly-scattered bundles which may be loosely or closely packed (Fig. II), producing a spongy stem (as in some palms, In- dian corn, etc.), ora dense one (as iti the canes, rattan, etc.). III. In many herbaceous plants the wood is in a narrow ring, or in a number of separate woody bundles which are ar- ranged more or less exactly in a circle (Fig. III). In soft plants the bundles are often very small and difficult to see. Plants whose wood is arranged in a cir- cle, or which have annual rings, are known as Exogens (Figs. I and III), while those whose woody bundles are irregu- larly placed, and which have no proper bark or pith, are known as Endogens (Fig. II). Underground Stems.—The student must not overlook the stems which grow under the surface of the ground. They may gener- ally be distinguished from roots by the scales or buds which they bear. A common form is the rootstock, common in many of the. grasses and sedges as well as in numerous other plants. Some underground stems are much thickened, and are called ttibers, as in the potato, where the “eyes” are in reality the buds of the thick stem. In the corm the short thickened stem stands vertically and is coated with thin scales, as in Gladiolus. In the bulb the short stem (usually not much thickened) is covered with thick- ened scales, as in the onion. Fig. III.—Cross-section of the herbaceous stem of a Candytuft (Iberis), show- ing the bundles arranged in a circle. § 2. Tue Root. Form.—Most roots are cylindrical, or nearly so, in form. When of this form and quite small they are thrccul-like (filiform or Jibrous).XIV BOTANY. Many fleshy roots are conical (Fig. IV); others are spindle-shaped (fusiform), as Fig. V; and still others are turnip-shaped (napi- form), Fig. VI. When a main root extends perpendicularly down- wards from the plant it is called a tap-root. Size.—Make measurements of the root as for the stem. Surface.—Examine the surface of the smallest roots: observe the very minute down-like root-hairs. The surface of the large root- lets is smooth; then as the roots grow older the surface becomes more or less roughened. Fig. IV.—Conical root. Fig. V.—Spindle-shaped root. Fig. VI.—Turnip-shaped root. Color.—While the youngest rootlets are usually white, as they grow older they generally become yellowish or brownish on the surface. Structure.—Roots may be soft in structure, or they may be woody; the former may be fleshy, as in the turnip, or thread-like, as in wheat and oats. The wood and bark resemble those of the stem, but the pith is wanting. Examine the tip of the root and notice the blunt end, which, under a lens, shows a root-cap. Duration.—Many annual-stemmed plants have annual roots;GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. XV others which have annual stems have biennial or perennial roots. In shrubs and trees the roots are of course perennial. Many root- lets, however, even in trees and shrubs die oil in the autumn, and new ones are produced in the spring. Branching.—The branching of roots is usually very irregular. Where roots are branched, the main root is called the primary rout, while its branches are secondary roots. In examining the branches of roots, notice that they spring from beneath the sur- face of the main root. In this they differ from the branches of stems. In stems the surface of the main stem is continuous with that of its branches, but in roots the surface is broken at the points where branches emerge. § 3. The Leaf. Position on the Stem.—Leaves grow upon the stem in several ways. In some cases they are scattered (or alternate) (Fig. VII); Fig. VII. —Scattered or alternate leaves. Fig. VIII.—Opposite leaves. in others they are opposite (Fig. VIII); in others again they are whorled (i.e., several occupy a circle around the stem). Parts.—Many leaves have three well-defined parts: 1. Abroad or flattened part, th eblade; 2. A leaf-stalk, upon which the bladeXVI BOTANY. is supported, the petiole; 3. Two little appendages or lobes at or near the base of the petiole, the stipules. (Fig. IX.) Fig. IX. Fig. IX.—Diagram showing parts of leaf. Fig. X.—Diagram of lobed leaf (pinuately lobed) showing lobes and sinuses. Blade,—The blade is always one piece when the leaf is very young (i.e., very early in its growth in the budj. In many cases it remains so in all its subsequent growth, and is said to be sim- ple. Very commonly, however, even in simple leaves the blade has branched more or less in its growth, giv- ing rise to lobes of various sizes and forms (the lobed leaf). The indentation between two lobes is termed a sinus (Fig. X). When the branching is so profound that the lobes have become separable leaflets, the blade is said to be compound. The branches of the blade may radiate from a common central point {radiately lobed, rtuliiitdh/ compound, or, more com- monly, /mlmulch/ lobed, Fig. XI, palmntely compound, Fig. XII); or they may grow out on opposite sides of an axial portion (piimntely tubed, Fig. X, Fig. XI.-- Radiately palmately lobecl leaf.GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOW Hill NO FLAMS. XVII pinnately compound, Fig. XIII). Leaf-branches may branch again; thus we may have twice palmately lobed and twice pahnately com- pound leaves, and likewise twice pinnately lobed, twice pinnately compound leaves, etc. etc. Forms of Blade.—The forms of the blade may be coucisely ar- ranged as follows (Fig. XIY): 1. Round (orbicular), with a circular outline, or nearly so. 2. Ovate, which is longer than broad, and has a broader base and a narrower apex (the reverse of this is the obmate). When the base is divided into two rounded lobes the leaf is heart shaped. Related to the ovate is the rhombic leaf with more or less angled sides. The triangular leaf is another modification in which the base is truncate (cut off). The very short and broad modification of the heart-shaped blade is the kidney-shaped leaf (reniform). The nar- row ovate is the lanceolate form, while its reverse is the oblanceo- late (spatulate). 3. Elliptical, which is longer than broad, has base aud apex equal, and sides rounded. 4. Oblony, which is two to three times longer than broad, with straight, parallel sides. Varieties of this are the linear, which is very narrow and lung: when this is rigid and sharp at the apex Fig. xn. Fig. XIII. Fig. XII.—Radiatelv or patmately compound leaf. Fig. XIII.—Pinnately compound leaf.xvm BOTANY. it is the needle-shaped leaf; when small and thread-like it is capil- lary. 5. Oblique: any of the foregoing forms in which one side has become broader than the other; thus, obliquely ovate, obliquely heart-shaped, etc. Fig. XIV.—Types of leaf-forms. The Base and Apex.—In most leaves two extremities may be dis- tinguished and described. There are three general forms, viz., the acute, obtuse, and notched. (Fig. XV.) The extremity is acute when the approaching sides form an acute angle with each other. When the acute extremity is lengthened out it is acuminate. When the apex ends in a bristle it is cuspi- date. The extremity is obtuse when blunt or rounded.- When so blunt as to seem as if cut off it is truncate, as in what is known as theGROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. XIX wedge-shaped (cuneiform) leaf. In some cases a point or bristle grows from the obtuse apex; such are said to be mucronate. The extremity when indented is notched or emargincite; when this is slight it is refuse; when so deep from the apex as to appear cleft the leaf is bifid. A common form of emarginate apex is seen in the obcordatc (i.e., inversely heart-shaped) leaf, while the emar- ginate base is found in the cordate (i.e., heart-shaped) leaf. The notch in the base of a leaf is also known as a sinus. Margin of the Blade.—When the growth of the leaf has been uniform throughout, its margin is an even and continuous line, and the blade is said to be entire. More commonly there are inequalities in the growth; when these are rounded and not great the margin may be wavy, or if somewhat more, sinuate, which Fig XVI.—Diagram showing the principal forms of margin, readily passes into the lohed form, with the projections (lobes) and the indentations (sinuses) both rounded. (Fig. XVI.) In some cases the projections alone are rounded, the sinuses being narrow as if cut. When such projections are small the blade is said to be crenate (scalloped); when they are large, cleft- lobed, or cleft. (Fig. XVI.) When the projections are pointed and small the blade is said to be serrated (saw-toothed); when larger and standing out from the margin, dentate (toothed); when still larger, incised. (Fig. XVI.) When the projections are hardened and sharp-pointed the leaf is spiny. Venation of the Blade.—The framework of fibro-vascular bundles (veins) running through the leaf always conforms to theXX BOTANY. general and particular outlines of the blade. There is commonly a mid-vein (midrib) running centrally from base to apex, and secondary ones which run centrally (or nearly so) through the lobes. We have thus a.pinnate venation, in pinnately-lobed leaves, and radiate venation, in radiately-lobed leaves. Moreover, a modified form of the pinnate or the radiate venation usually occurs in leaves which are not lobed. In grasses, sedges, and many other Monocotyledons the venation is longitudinal. (Fig. XVII.) The leaves of most Monocotyledons have their principal as well as subsidiary veins more or less parallel, while in Dicotyledons the subsidiary veins are mostly disposed in a net-like manner; the former are hence called parallel-reined, and the latter netted veined, leaves. Size of the Blade.—The length and width of a blade of average size should be measured, and when there is great diversity in size the extremes should also be noted. Surface of the Blade. -The principal varieties of surface are the following: 1. Smooth, when there are no sensible projections or depressions, as hairs, warts, pits, etc., upon the surface. Sometimes a smooth surface is shining; in some cases (e.g., the cabbage) it is covered with a fine whitish, lluury substance (bloom), and is then said to be glaucous.GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS, xxi 2. Rough, when covered witli raised dots or points. 3. Ilairy (pubescent), when the whole surface is more or less covered with hairs. The hairs are sometimes fine and soft, form- ing a white, glossy covering as in the silk// surface. When the hairs are long, soft, and spreading, the surface is villous; when short and stiff, it is hispid. In some cases the hairs are confined to the margin of the blade, when it is said to be ciliate. Color of the Blade.—This is usually green, the particular shade being indicated as green, light green, dark green, etc. Note carefully the difference iu color (often due to hairs, etc.) between the upper and under surfaces. Texture of the Blade.—Most leaves are thin and have a firm texture (membranaceous); when tough and leathery they are coria- ceous. Leaves of a considerable thickness arc Jieshy or succulent. The Petiole.—The length, shape, surface, and color of the petiole should be carefully noted. Make similar notes also upon the “partial petioles” (i.e., the petioles of the leaflets) of com- pound leaves. The Stipules.—These usually consist of small lobes which grow out from near the base of the petiole. Sometimes they are more or less attached to the stem, in some instances sheathing it as in the buckwheat, where they have united into a single sheath. In all cases note (as) position, (b) shape, (c) size, (d) surface, and (e) color of the stipules. § 4. The Bud. Position.—With respect to position upon a twig, buds are terminal or lateral; and from the fact that the latter grow con- spicuously in the axils of leaves (i.e., in the upper angle formed by the leaf with the twig) they are also known as axillary buds. Strictly speaking, every bud is terminal, for the so-called lateral buds are in reality terminal upon very short lateral branches of the twig. Form.—In form most buds are ovate; that is, egg-shaped. They are commonly blunt at the apex, but may be tapering. Less commonly buds are spherical, or nearly so, and occasionally they are cylindrical. If a cross-section be made of a bud it is usually rounded; butBOTANY. xxii it may be compressed (i.e., flattened parallel to its axis) or angu- lar (triangular, quadrangular, etc.). Size.—Measure the length from base to apex, and the diameter through the thickest part. Surface.—With respect to their surfaces buds are for the most part termed scaly, and this term is used especially when the scales are large or somewhat separated from one another. Fig. XVIII.—Scaly buds of various kinds. At 3 are shown buds clustered in the axils of the leaves. Many buds are covered externally with a more or less dense coat of hairs (hairy buds), or down (downy buds). Some buds are smooth, the scales themselves having a smooth surface, and the latter being arranged into an even surface. For protection against too great moisture from without, as well as against too great loss of moisture in a dry air, many buds are covered with a thin coat of varnish (varnished buds), or they may be waxy, or even glutinous (i.e., somewhat sticky). Color,—Burls when fully ripened are most commonly brown or brownish in color, but may be black, gray, red, rusty (ferrugi- nous), etc. etc. Structure.—Dissect several buds, carefully removing the scales one by one, and preserving them as a series. Notice that the outermost ones are usually the hardest, and that as we pass to the inner ones the texture is gradually softer and more like that of young leaves. Notice that the interior is composed of young leaves (or young flowers).GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. XX111 With a very sharp knife split a bud from base to apex, and notice the arrangement of the scales and young leaves (or young flowers) upon the little stem (axis). Cut a bud across (cross-section) and notice again the arrange- ment of the parts. Notice particularly the manner of folding (vernation.) of the young leaves in the bud. § 5. The Flower. INFLORESCENCE. Types of Inflorescence,—In the study of the flowers of a plant we must first consider their arrangement, i.e., Inflorescence. There are two principal kinds of inflorescence, the racemose and the cymose. In the first the flowers are always lateral as to the prin- cipal axis or axes of the flower-cluster; in the second, every axis, principal and secondary, terminates with a flower. In either arrangement each flower may be upon a flower-stalk {pedicel) of greater or less length, or the stalk may be wanting, when the flower is sessile. In some cases of compound inflorescence the branching is partly of one type and partly of the other ; such cases may be considered examples of mixed inflorescence. Kinds of Inflorescence.—The most important of the forms com- monly met are given in the foliowing table of inflorescences: A. RACEMOSE OR BOTRYOSE INFLORESCENCES. I. Flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves—e.g., Vinca .... Solitary Axillary. II. Flowers in simple groups. (Fig. XIX.) 1. Pedicellate. (a) On an elongated axis: pedicels about equal —e.g., Mignonette ..... Raceme. (5) On a shorter axis; lower pedicels longer— e.g., Hawthorn.........................Corymb. (c) On a very short axis: pedicels about equal —e.g., Cherry..........................Umbel.XXIV noTANY. 2. Sessile. («) On an elongated axis — e.g., Plantain . . Spike. Yai'. 2. Drooping—e.g., Poplar . CaOcin. Var. 3. Thick and fleshy—e.g., Indian Turnip . SpaAr. (b) On a very short axis—e.g., Clover . . . Head. Fig. XIX.—Diagrams of racemose inflorescences. III. Flowers in compound groups. 1. Regular. (a) Racemes in a raceme — e.g., Smilacina (5) Spikes in a spike—e.g., Wheat . (c) Umbels in an umbel—e.g., Par- snip .... (d) Heads in a raceme—e.g., Am- brosia . (e) Heads in a spike—e.g., Liatris . And so on. 2. Irregular. Racemosely or corymbosely com- pound—e.g., Catalpa . . Panicle. Compound forms of the panirleitself are common—e.g..panicled heads in many Composite, panicled spilees in many grasses. Compound Raceme. Compound Spike. Compound Umbel. Heads Racemose. Heads Spicate. B. CYMOSE INFLORESCENCES. I. Flowers solitary; terminal—e.g,, Anem- one nemorosa ..... Solitary Terminal.GROSS ANATOMY ON FLOWERING PLANTS. XXV II. Flowers in clusters (Cymes). (Fig. XX.) 1. Lateral branches in all parts of the flower-cluster developed—e.g., Ce- rastium ...... Forked Cyme. Fig. XX. -Diagrams of three forms of cymes. 3. Some of the lateral branches regularly suppressed. (a) The suppression all on one side— e.g., Hemerocallis . . . Helicoid Cyme. (1) The suppression alternately on one side and the other—e.g., Drosera ..... Scoupioid Cyme. (The last two are frequently called False Racemes.) C. MIXED INFLORESCENCES. 1. Cymo-Botryose, in which the primary inflorescence is botryose, while the secondary is cymose, as in Horse- chestnut ............................Cymo Botrys. (This is sometimes called a Thyrsus.) 3. Botryo-Cy mose, in which the primary inflorescence is cymose, while the secondary is botryose—e.g., in many Composite............................Botry Cyme. In addition to noting the kind of inflorescence, examine and describe the bracts (small leaves), pedicels, and larger branches of the flower-cluster, noting their shape, size, surface, and color. floral symmetry. Floral Whorls.—The parts of the flower are mostly arranged in whorls or cycles, distinctly separated from each other (cyclicXXVI Hot ANT. flowers); in some cases they are arranged in spirals, with, how- ever, a distinct separation of the different groups of organs (hemkyclic flowers); in still other cases the arrangement is spiral throughout, with no separation of the groups of organs {acyclic flowers). In cyclic flowers there are most frequently four or five whorls, viz. (Fig. XXI): 1. The Calyx, composed of (mostly) green sepals. 2. The Corolla, composed of (mostly) col- ored petals. The calyx and corolla may be spoken of collectively as the Perianth. This term is also used when but one whorl of floral leaves, or a portion of it only, is present. 3. (4.) The AnJrascium, composed of one _ „„T _. , or two whorls of stamens. Fig. XXI.—Diagram to show the four floral 4 or 5. The Gynaicima, composed of the whorls; the lowermost . ...____ . the sepals, composing the pistil OF pistils. calyx; the next the petals, These whorls usually contain definite composing the corolla; J the next the numbers of organs in each; in many cases posing the andrcecium; ,. . ., . ,, , . the uppermost the pistils, the numbers are the same for all the whorls composing the gyncecium. 0f t]ie fjuwer (isomerous flower); when the numbers are different the flower is said to be heterornerous. The terms which denote these numerical relations are: monocyclic, applied to a flower having only one cycle; l/icyclic, two cycles; tricyclic, three cycles; tetracyclic, four cycles\ pentacyclic, five cycles, etc.; monomerous, applied to flowers each cycle of which con- tains one member; dimerous, two members; trimerous, three members; tttramei-ous, four members; pentamerous, five mem- bers, etc. etc. Floral Formul®.—These relations can be briefly indicated by using symbols and constructing floral formulae, as follows: Ca6, Co5, Ans, Qn6 = a tetracyclic pentamerous flower; Ca3, Co3, An3 + 3, Gn3 = a pentacyclic trimerous flower. Most commonly the members of one whorl alternate with those of the whorls next above and below; in a few cases, however, they arc opposite (or superposed) to each other. Floral Diagrams.—These relations may be indicated by a modi-GROSS AX ATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. XXV11 flcation of tlie floral formula; given above, as follows, where the members are .alternate: Gn ------- ---------------------- An ------ ---------- ----------- An ------- ---------- ----------- Co ------ ---------- -------- Ca -------------------- --------- B ----- When they are opposite the arrangement is as follows: Gn---------------- ----—------------ An ------- ----- ---- -------- ----- Co---------------------------------- Ca---------------------------------- B ----- In both these diagrams the position of the parts of the flower with respect to the flowering axis is indicated by the position of Fro. XXII.—Actinomorphic flower of Marsh Marigold (Calthat. Fig. XXIII.—Zygomorphic flowers of Figwort (Scrophularia). 1. In front view; 2. Side view of a section from back to front.xxviii BOTANY. the bract B, which is always on the anterior side, while the axis is always posterior. Symmetrical Flowers,—When all the members on each whorl are equally developed, having the same size end form, the flower may be vertically bisected in any plane into two equal and similar halves; it is then actinomovphic (= regular and polysymmetrical, Fig. XXII). When the members in each whorl are unlike in size and form, and the flower is capable of bisection in only one plane, it is zygomorphic (= irregular and monosymmetrical, Fig. XXIII). In the latter there is generally more or less of an abor- tion of certain parts; i.e., one or more of the sepals, petals, stamens, or pistils are but partially developed, appearing in the flower as rudiments only. Sometimes this is so marked as to re- sult in the complete suppression of certain parts. Suppression of Parts.—It not infrequently happens in both actinomorphic and zygomorphic flowers that entire whorls are suppressed; this gives rise to a number of terms, as follows: When all the whorls are present (not necessarily, however, all members of all the whorls) the flower is said to be complete; when one or more of the whorls are suppressed, the flower is incomplete. As to its perianth, the flower is said to be Dichlamydeous, when both the whorls of the perianth are pres- ent; Monochlamydeous, when but one (usually the calyx) is present; Apetalous, when the corolla is wanting; Achlamydeous, or naked, when both calyx and corolla are wanting. As to its sexual organs, the flower is Bisexual (orhermaphrodite), when stamens and pistils are present; Unisexual, when, of the essential organs, only the stamens are present (then staminate), or only the pistils (then pistillate) •, Neutral, when both stamens and pistils are wanting. Collectively, bisexual flowers are said to be monoclinous; uni- sexual flowers, diclinous ; while in those cases where some flowers are bisexual and others unisexual they are, as a whole, said to be polygamous. Diclinous flowers are further distinguished into Monoecious, when the staminate and pistillate flowers occur on the same plant, and Dioecious, when they occur on different plants.GROSS ANATOMY OF FLO WKKING PLANTS. XXIX The Perianth, or Floral Envelopes____In a large number- of flow- ers the parts of the calyx and corolla (sepals and petals) are dis- tinct—i.e,, not at all united to one another; such are said to be chorisepalous as to the calyx, and clwnpetitloua as to the corolla. The terms polysepalous and polypelalous are the ones most com- monly used in English and American books on botany, although they manifestly ought to be used as numerical terms. Eleuthero- petalous and dialypetalous are also somewhat used, especially iu German works. Numerical Terms.—The numerical terms usually employed are mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-sepalous, etc., and mono-, di , tri-. tetra-, penta-petalous, etc., meaning of one, two, three, four, five sepals or petals respectively. Polysepalous and polypetalous are properly used to designate “ a considerable but unspecified num- ber” of sepals or petals. Union of Parts.—In some flowers the sepals or petals, or both, are united to one another, so that the calyx and corolla are each in the form of a single tube or cup. This union of similar parts is called coalescence. The terms gamosepaluus and cjtmopetnlous (or sympetalous) are used in such cases. Momsepnlovs and monopeta- lous, still used in this sense in many dc.-Criptive works, should be reserved for designating the number of sepals or petals in calyx and corolla respectively. Adnation.—Not infrequently the calyx and corolla are connately united to each other for a less or greater distance. This union of dissimilar whorls is termed ailuaUmi, and the calyx and corolla are said to be adnate to each other. In the description of the parts of the perianth their form, size, surface, color, and texture should be observed, using the same terms as are used in case of the leaf. THE ANDIiCECIUM, OK STAMEN-WHOHL. Numerical Terms.—The number of stamens in the flower or the androecium is indicated by such terms as Mtnmmh’aus, signifying of one stamen; Fimulrotis, of two stamens; Triimdrnm, of three stamens; Tctramlrocis, of four stamens—when two of the stamens areXXX BOTANY. longer than the other two, the androecium is said to bo didyna- mous (Fig. XXIV); Pentandrous, of five stamens; Hexandrous, of six stamens; when four are longer than the re- maining two, the andrcecium is said to be tetradynamous. (Fig. XXV.) Other terms of similar construction are used, as Tieptmul rovs, seven stamens; octandruus, eight; enneandrou*, nine; decandrous, ten; dodeeandrow, twelve; andpolyandrous, many or an indefinite number of stamens. Fie. XXVI. Fie. XXIV.—Tetrandrous flower; stamens didynamous. Fig. XXV.—Hexandrous flower; stamens tetradynamous. Fig. XXVI.—Bicyclic androecium. The stamens may be in a single whorl (mniioryclic), in which case, if agreeing in number with the rest of the flower, the an- drcecium is said to be isoslemonous; they are often in two whorls (Jiici/clic, Fig. XXVI), and when each whorl agrees with the numerical plan of the flower, the andrnecium is <1 iplostemonous. Union of Stamens.—The various kinds of union require the use of special terms. When there is a union of the filaments the an- droecium is Monadelplwus, when the stamens are united into one set (Fig. XXVII); Diadelphous, when united into two sets (Fig. XXVIII); Triadelphous, when united into three sets, etc. (Fig. XXIX) When there is a union of the anthers the andicecium is syngene- sious or synrmtlieroiist. Adnation of Stamens.—The stamens may be adnate to the petals, when they are epipetalous; in some cases they are adnate to theGROSS AAA TOM Y OF FLOWERING PLANTS, xxxi style of the pistil, as in the Orchids: such are said to be gynan- droi/s. Fig. XXVII —Andrcecium of monadelphous stamens. Fig. XXVIII.—Aiidroecium of diadeJplious stamens. Fig. XXIX.—Aiidroecium of triadelphous stamens. an anther, containing one or more pollen-sacs, borne upon a stalk known as thejihimait. (Fig. XXX.) The principal terms which designate the structural relation be- tween the anther and the filament are: Aihiate, applied to anthers which are adherent to the upper or lower surface (anterior or posterior) of the filament; when on the upper surface the anthers are introrse; when on the lower, e.vtrorse. Innate, applied to anthers which are attached lat- erally to the upper end of the filament, one lobe being on one side, the other on the opposite one. The part of the filament between the two anther- lobes is designated the connective; it is subject to many modifications of form, and often becomes sep- fig. xxx.— arable by a joint at the base of the anther from the a rest of the filament. ament; b, an- Versatite is applied to anthers which are lightly attached to the top of the filament, so as to swing easily; these may also be introrse or ertrorse. THE GYNCECIUM. Numerical Terms.—The gvncecium is made up of one or more carpels {carphls or carpophylla)—i.e., ovule-bearing phyllomes, and it is said to be mono-, di-,tri~, tetra-, penta-, etc., and poly-XXX11 BOTANY. cnrpeUiiry, according as it lias one, two, three, four, five, to many carpels. In old books the terms mnnmjywux, digynous, trigynous etc., meaning of one, two, three, etc., carpels, are used instead of the more desirable modern ones. When the carpels are more 12 3 4 5 Fig. XXXI.—Various forms of ttie gynceeium: 1, monocarpellary, 2, tricar- pellary; 3 and 4. pentacarpellary; 5, pol.ycarpellary. 4 and 5 are apocarpous; 2 and 3 are syncarpous. In 1, a is the ovary; c, the style; b, the stigma. than one they may be distinct, forming the apocarpous gynoecium ; or they may be coalescent into one com pound organ, the syncarpous gyncEcium. In the former case the term pistil is applied to each carpel, and in the latter to the compound organ. Pistils arc thus 12 3 4 Fig. XXXII —Simple pistils, l and 2 in longitudinal section; 3 and 4 in cross- section. of two kinds, simple and compound;, the simple pistil is synony- mous with carpel; the compound pistil with syncarpous gynoe- cium. (Fig. XXXI.)GHOSH ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. XXX1U Simple Pistil.—In the simple pistil the ovules actually grow out from the united margins (the ventral suture) of the carpophyll; the internal ridge or projection upon which they are borne is the placenta. Sometimes the ovules are erect—i.e., they grow upward from the bottom of the ovary—and when single appear to be di- rect continuations of the flower-axis. Suspended ovules—i.e., those growing from the apex of the ovary-cavity—are also com- mon. (Fig. XXXII.) Compound Pistil.—In compound pistils the coalescence may be, on the one hand, of closed carpels, and on the other of open car- pels. In the former case the pistil has generally as many loculi (cavities or cells) as there are carpels; this is expressed by the l 3 Fro. XXXIII.—Cross-sections of compound pistils: I, 2, 3, 4. unilocular; 5, bilocular; ti and 7, triiocular; 8. quadrilocular. 1, 2. 3. with parietal placentae; 4, with a free central placenta; 5 to 8, with axile placentae. terms hi-, tri-, quadri , and so ou to multi locular (5 to 8, Fig. XXXIII). Such pistils have axile placentae—i.e,, they are gathered about the axis of the ovary. In the case of compound pistils formed by the coalescence of open carpels, the margins only of the latter unite, forming a common ovary-cavity (unilocular, 1, 2, 3, Fig. XXXIII); here the placentae generally occur along the sutures, and are said to be parietal—i.e., on the walls. Between such unilocular pistils and the multilocular ones de- scribed above (here are all intermediate gradations. In one series of gradations the placent® project farther and farther into theXXXIV BOTANY. ovary-cavity, at last meeting in the centre, when the pistil be- comes multilocular with axile placentae. On the other hand, a multilocuiar pistil sometimes becomes unilocular by the breaking away of the partitions during growth. In such a case the pla- centae form a free central column, commonly called a free central placenta (4, Fig. XXXIII). In other cases a free placental column of an entirely different origin occupies the axis of a unilocular but evidently polycarpel- lary pistil. In Anagallis, for example, the placental column Fig. XXXIV.—Flower of Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella), with superior ovary, and hypogynous stamens and perianth. Fig. XXXV.—Flower of waterlemon, with inferior ovary, and epigynous perianth. grows from the base of the ovary-cavity, and there is at no time a trace of partitions. Adnation of the Gyncecium.—-The gyncecium may be free from all the other orgaus of the flower, which are then said to be hypogy- nous, and the gyncecium itself superior (Fig. XXXIV). Sometimes the growth of the broad flower-axis stops at its apex long before it does so in its marginal portions; a tubular ring is thus formed, carrying up calyx, corolla, and stamens, which are then said to be perigynous, and the gyncecium half inferior. These terms are used also in the cases where the gyncecium is similarly sur- Fig xxxrv. Fig XXXV.GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. XXXV rounded by the tubular sheath composed of adnate calyx, corolla, and andrcecium. In some nearly related cases, in addition to the structures described above as perigynous, there is a complete fusion of the calyx, corolla, and stamen bearing tube with the gynoecium, so that the ovule-bearing portion of the latter is below the rest of the flower. The perianth and the stamens are said to be epigynout in such flowers, and the ovary is inferior. (Fig. XXXV.) Some cases of epigyny are doubtless to be re- garded as due to the adnation of the calyx, corolla, stamens, and ovaries; in others the ovaries are adnate to the hollow axis which Fig. XXXVI.— Heterostyled flowers of Primrose, showing the long-styled form in the left-hand figure, and the short-styled form in the figure on the right. (From Darwin.) bears the perianth and stamens; in still others it seems probable that the hollow axis is itself ovule-bearing, and that the true carpels are borne on its summit. Certain terms descriptive of relations between the stamens and pistils which have recently come into use require explanation here. Relative Terms.—In many flowers the stamens and pistils do not mature at the same time—such are said to be dichogamous; when the stamens mature before the pistils the flower is proter- nndrnvx; and when the pistils mature before the stamens they are proterogynoue,XXXVI BOTANY. In some species of plants there are two or three kinds of flowers, differing as to the relative lengths of the stamens and styles; these Fig. XXXVII.— Heterostyled flowers of Buckwheat; the upper figure show- ing the long-styled form, the lower the short-styled. (From Muller.) are called heterogonom or heterostyled. When there are two forms, viz., one in which the stamens are long and the styles short, and Fig. XXXVIII.—Long-, mid-, and short-styled flowers of Oxalis speeiosa, after the removal of the floral envelopes. (From Darwin.) the other with short stamens and long styles, the flowers are said to be dimorphous, or more accurately heterogenous dimorphous, and the forms are distinguished as short-styled and long-styled.GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS. XXXVli Examples of dimorphous flowers are common in many genera of plants; e.g., in Bluets (Houstonia), Partridge Berry (Mitchella), Primrose (Primula), Puccoon (Lithospermum), Buckwheat (Fago- pyrum), etc. etc. (Figs. XXXVI and XXXVII). When, as in some species of Oxalis, there are three forms, viz., long-, mid-, and short-styled, the term trimorphous (or better heterogonous trimorphous) is used (Fig. XXXVIII). § G. The Fruit. Structure.—The fruit may include (1) only the ripened ovary (pericarp) with its contained seeds—e.g., the bean; or (2) these with an adnate calyx or receptacle—e.g., the apple. During the ripening, changes in structure may take place, as (1) the growth of wings or prickles; (2) the thickening of the wallsxxxvm &OTANY. and the formation of a soft, and juicy pulp; (3) the hardening of some portions of the ovary wall by the development of stony tis- sue; (4) the thickening and growth of the adnate calyx or recep- tacle, etc. etc. Where the ripening walls remain thin and become dry the fruits are said to be dry, e.g., in the bean; where they become thickened and more or less pulpy they are fleshy, e.g., the peach. These terms are used also when the fruit includes an adnate calyx or receptacle. In many fleshy fruils (developed from carpels) the inner part of the pericarp-wall is hardened; the two layers are then distinguished as exocarp and endocarp; when there are three layers the middle one is the mesocarp. Dehiscence.—The opening of the fruit in order to permit the escape of the seeds is called its dehiscence, and such fruits are said to be dehiscent; those which do not open are indehiscent. In fruits developed from single carpels dehiscence is generally through the ventral or dorsal suture, or both; in those developed from compound pistils the partitions may split, and thus resolve each fruit into its original carpels (septicidal dehiscence); or the dorsal sutures may become vertically ruptured, thus opening every cell (loculus) by a vertical sli), (loculicidal dehiscence. Fig. XXXIX, 2). Among the other forms of dehiscence only that called circumcis- sile, Fig. XXXIX, 3, and the irregular need be mentioned; in the former a transverse slit separates a lid or cap, exposing the seeds; in the latter an irregular slit forms at a certain place, and through this the seeds escape. Kinds of'Fruits.—The principal fruits may be distinguished by the brief characters given in the following table: A. IlONOGYNCECIAL FRUITS, formed by the gyncecium of one flower. I. Capsulary fruits.—The Capsules.—Dry, dehiscent, formed from one pistil (Fig. XXXIX.) 1. Monocarpcllary. (a) Opening by one suture—e.g., Caltha. Follicle. (h) Opening by both sutures—e.g., Pea . Legume.GROSS ANATOMY ON FLOWERING PLANTS, XXXIX 2. Bi- to polycarpellary—e.g., Viola Var. a. Dehiscence eircumcissile — Capsule. e.g., Anagallis. . Pyxis. Var.?/. Dehiscence by the fall- ing away of two lateral valves from the two per- sistent parietal placentae— e.g., Mustard . . . Silique. II. Schizocarpic fruits.—The Splitting Fruits.—Dry, breaking up into one-celled indehiscent portions (Fig. XL). 1. Monocarpellary,dividing trans- versely—e.g., Desmodium . Loment. 2. Bi- to polycarpellary. (a) Dividing into achene-like or nut-like parts (nutlets), no forked carpophore— e.g., Lithospermum . Carcerulus. (V) Dividing into two achene-like parts (meri- carps), a forked carpo- phore between them— e.g., Umbelliferoe . Cremocarp. III. Achenial fruits.—The Achenes.—Dry, indehiscent, one- celled, one or few seeded, not breaking up (Fig. XLI). 1. Pericarp hard and thick—e.g., Oak . . Nut. 2. Pericarp thin—e.g., Sunflower . . . Achene. Var. a. Pericarp loose and ;> bladder-like—e.g., Cheno- podium .... Utricle. Var. 1. Pericarp consolidated with the seed — e. g., Grasses .... Caryopsis. Var. c. Pericarp prolonged intoa wing—e.g., Ash . Samara. IV. Baccate fruits-—The Berries.—Fleshy, indehiscent; seed in pulp (Fig. XLII). 1. Kind firm and hard—e.g., Pumpkin . . Pepo. 2. Rind thin—e.g., Gooseberry . . . Berry. V. Drupaceous fruits.—The Drupes.—Fleshy, indehiscent; en- docarp hardened, usually stony. Fie. XL.—Split- ting Fruit (Cre- mocarp) of Fen- nel, showing the slender branching receptacle (car- pophore) which supports the two halves (mericarps).xl BOTANY. 1. One stone, usually one-eelled—e.g., Cherry . Drupe. 2. Stones or papery carpels, two or more— e.g., Apple.................................Pome. Buckwheat; 3, double samara of Maple. VI. Aggregate fruits.—Polycarpellary; carpels always distinct. The forms of these are not well distinguished. In many Ranun- culaceae there are numerous achenes on a pro- longed receptacle; in Magnolia numerous follicles are similarly arranged; in the raspberry many drupelets cohere slightly into a loose mass, which separates at maturity from the dry receptacle; in the blackberry similar drupelets remain closely attached to the fleshy receptacle; in the strawberry Berr^ofGrape, there are many small achenes on the surface of the fleshy recep- tacle; finally, in the rose several to many achenes are inclosed within the hollow and somewhat fleshy receptacle.GROSS ANATOMY OF FLOWERING PLANTS, xli B. POLYGYNCECIA.L FRUITS, formed by the gyncecia of several flowers. 1. A spike with fleshy bracts and perianths— e.g., Mulberry.........................Sorosis. 2. A spike with dry bracts and perianths— e.g., Birch ...........................Strobile. 3. A concave or hollow, fleshy receptacle, in- closing many dry gyncecia—e.g., Fig . Sycorus. § 7. The Seed. The seed is the ripened ovule, and as the ovule consists of a body, surrounded by one or two coats, or integuments, we may look for a like structure in the seed. However, the modifications which most seeds undergo render necessary some additional terms. Thus the outer integument is generally so thick- ened and hardened that it is commonly called the testa. The inner is sometimes called the tegmen. In some seeds the outer coat be- comes fleshy, in which case they are baccate (berry-like); in others the outer part of the testa is fleshy and the inner hardened, so that the seed is drupaceous (drupe-like). Occa- sionally an additional coat forms around the ovule after fertiliza- tion; it differs somewhat in nature in different plants, but all are commonly included under the name aril—e.g. in May- apple. The testa may be prolonged into one or more flat extensions; such a seed is winged—e.g., Catalpa. Its epidermal cells may be prolonged into trichomes, forming the comose seed—e.g., milk- weed (Fig. XLIII). Fig. XLIII.—Comose seed of Milkweed. Fig. XLTV.—Embryos dissected out from seeds: 1, showing; at a the “ radicle;” b b, the first leaves (cotyledons): o. the third and fourth leaves (plumule). 2, a straight embryo, 3 embryo folded upon itself (incumbent).xlii BOTANY. The embryo either occupies the whole of the seed-cavity, in exalbuminous seeds (Figs. XLVT and XLVII), or it lies in or in con- 1 2 3 Fig. XLV.—Albuminous seeds: 1, of Moonseed; 2, of Chenopodium, each with a curved embryo; 3, of Marsh Marigold (Caltha) with minute straight embryo. tact with the endosperm, in the albuminous seeds (Fig. XLV). It is straight—e.g , the pumpkin; or variously curved and folded —e.g., in Erysimum, where the cotyledons are incumbent, i.c., with the little stem folded up against the back of one of the cotyledons, and in Arabis (Fig. XLVI), where they are accumbent, i.e., with the little stem folded up so as to touch the edges of the cotyledons (Fig. XLV1I.) l 2 Fig. XLVI—Incumbent cotyledons of Erysimum: 1, longitudinal section of seed; 2, cross-section of seed. Fig. XLVII.— Accumbent cotyledons of Arabis: 1, longitudinal section of seed; 2, cross-section of seed.BOTANY. CHAPTER I. PROTOPLASM AND PLANT-CELLS. 1. Protoplasm.—The living part of every plant is a sott- ish, almost transparent substance called protoplasm. It may he seen in ordinary plants by making thin slices of the rapidly growing parts, and then magnifying them under a good microscope. Such a specimen is made up almost wholly of protoplasm. (Fig. 1.) 2. Although protoplasm is so abun- dant, its exact chemical composition is not known. It appears to he a mix- ture of several chemical compounds, and contains carbon, hydrogen, oxy- gen, nitrogen, sulphur, besides others of less importance. Nitrogen is al- ways present. 3. When protoplasm is examined under a high magnifying power it generally appears to be somewhat from the root of crown im- . . perial, showing protoplasm granular. JLhere may oiten be dis- Ip), vacuoles <*), and thin . cell-walls (h). Magnified 550 tinguished a clear transparent non- times. granular part making up the body of the protoplasm, and in this the granules are imbedded.2 BOTANY. 4. Living protoplasm possesses the power of imbibing food in the condition of watery solutions. The water with which plants are supplied in nature always contains a con- siderable amount of soluble matter, most of which is good food for protoplasm. The imbibition of watery food in- creases the size of the protoplasm, and this is one of the causes of growth in plants. Commonly there is a surplus of imbibed material, and this is stored in the protoplasm in the form of drops of greater or less size (the so-called vacuoles), thus adding still more to the distension of the protoplasm mass. (Fig. 1, s.) 5. The most remarkable property of protoplasm is its power of moving. Every mass of living protoplasm ap- pears from observation to have the power under favorable conditions of changing its form, shifting the positions of its several parts, and in many instances of moving bodily from place to place. That these movements are so generally overlooked is due to the fact that in most cases they require the aid of a good microscope, but with such an instrument the student may find evidences of motion in the protoplasm of every plant. 6. The imbibition of food, and the various movements, are affected by the temperature of the protoplasm. They take place best in temperatures ranging from that of an ordinary living-room to that of a hot summer day (20° to 35° C. = 68° to 95° Fahr.). A sudden change of tempera- ture of even a few degrees will at once check or stop both imbibition and movement; even a sudden jarring will for a time stop both kinds of activity. Practical Studies.—In the study of protoplasm it is necessary to he provided with a compound microscope. For convenience of working, as well as for economy, the small instruments with short tube, allowing easy use in a vertical position, are much to be pre-PROTOPLASM AND PLANT-CELLS. 3 ferred. The most serviceable objectives are the i and £ inch, giving magnifying powers of from about 100 to 500 diameters. Such a microscope may be purchased in this country for from $30 to $40, and in Europe for somewhat less. A scalpel or good razor is useful in making sections. For the beginner the only reagents necessary are, 1, a solution of iodine (that made by first dissolving a very little potassic iodide in pure water and then adding iodine is the best for common use); 2, a solution of caustic potash in pure water (potassic hydrate); 3, alcohol; 4, some staining fluid, as magenta or carmine (common carmine ink is often quite satisfactory); 5, glycerine. (а) Make very thin longitudinal sec- tions of the tips of the larger roots of Indian corn (Fig. 2); stain some with iodine, which will turn the protoplasm brown or yellowish brown; stain others with carmine; examine by the aid of the |-inch objective. Make similar sections of the tip of a young shoot of the asparagus. (б) Make successive cross-sections of the root of Indian corn, beginning with the tip and receding five to ten centi- metres. Note the vacuoles and use iodine and carmine. Make similar sec- tions of young asparagus-stem. (c) Make a longitudinal section of the young part of a verbena-stem in such a manner as to leave on each margin a fringe of uninjured hairs. Mount carefully in pure water. Ex- amine at a high temperature (about 30° C. = 86° Fahr.) for a streaming motion of the protoplasm in the hairs, irlace of a longitudinal section of the tip the specimen upon a block of ice, and of a young root of the Indian Corn. y . -rrr The part above s is the body of the note that the movement ceases. Warm r0ot, that below it is the root-cap; n v, thick outer wall of the epider- ’ u . mis; m, young pith-cells; /, young (d) With similar specimens observe wood-cells; g, a young vessel; s, ? inner younger part of root-cap; a, a, outer older part of root-cap. the effect of (1) iodine, which kills and stains the protoplasm; (2) alcohol, which kills and coagulates it; (3) glycerine, which withdraws water from it, and so collapses it.4 BOTANY. (e) Mount carefully in pure water a piece (2 to 4 centimetres) of one of the young “ silks" of Indian corn. The movement is well seen in the long cells. Repeat the foregoing experiments. (/) The following may be taken also, viz.: the stamen hairs of Spiderwort, the epidermis of Live-for-ever leaf, fresh specimens of the Stoneworts (Chara and Nitella), Eel-grass, etc. 1. The Plant-Cell.—In all common plants the protoplasm is found in little masses of definite shapes, each one en* closed in a little box (Fig. 1). The substance of these boxes was made by the protoplasm, somewhat as the snail makes its shell. Each mass of protoplasm with its box is called a Plant-cell, and the sides of the box are called the walls of the cell, or the cell-wall. 8. The cell-wall is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (CiaHao01(1), and has been named cellulose. At first Fig. 3.—Longitudinal section of a portion of the stem of Garden Balsam, v, annular vessel; va vessel with thickenings which are partly spiral and partly annular; v'\ v"\ v"'\ several varieties of spiral vessels; v""\ a reticulated vessel. it is very thin, but as the protoplasm grows older it thick- ens its wall by continually adding new material to it, so that at last it may be more than a hundred times as thick as at the beginning. 9. The cell-wall may be thickened uniformly, or, as more frequently happens, some portions may be much more thickened than others, When it is uniform fhe wall showsPROTOPLASM AND PLANT-CELLS. 5 no markings of any kind, but when otherwise it shows dots, pits, ringB, spirals, reticulations, etc. etc. (Fig. 3). This thickening gives strength to the cell-wall, and serves either to protect the protoplasm, as in many spores and pollen- grains, or to help in building up the framework of the plant. 10. In some part of the protoplasm of each cell (often in the centre) there may generally be seen a rounded body composed of denser protoplasm (Fig. 1). This has been named the nucleus. It has been shown not to differ in any essential particular except in density from ordinary proto- plasm. Its function is not certainly known. 11. Cells in plants are of various sizes and shapes. The largest (with a few exceptions) are scarcely visible to the naked eye, while the smallest tax the highest powers of the best microscopes. Cells which exist by themselves, as in many microscopic water-plants, are more or less spherical; so, too, are many spores and pollen-cells, and the cells of many ripe fruits where, in the process of ripening, the cells have separated from each other. Ordinarily, however, the cells are of irregular shapes, on account of their mutual pressure. Occasionally they are cubical, rarely they are regular twelve-sided figures (dodecahedra), but more com- monly they are irregular polyhedra. 12. In a few plants, as the Slime-Moulds, the protoplasm has no definite size or shape; it may be of microscopic size, or it may form irregular masses as large as one’s hand. Such plants are not composed of cells. They are nothing more than masses of shapeless protoplasm, and are among the lowest of all living organisms. In all other cases, how- ever, the cell is the unit out of which the plant is composed, apd in the study of different plants, no matter how much6 BOTANY. they may differ in external appearance, we shall always find that they are made up of cells alike in all essential fea- tures. Thus the simple Green Slime of the rocks is com- posed of a single cell, the homologue of which is repeated millions of times in the giant oak of the forests. Practical Studies.—(a) Mount a leaf of a moss for a good exam- ple of cells showing their walls. The sections of root-tips previously mentioned (p. 3) may be studied again with profit. (b) For thickened cell-walls make sections of the shell of the hickory-nut or cocoa-nut. (c) Make longitudinal and also cross sections of apple-twigs; some of the pith-cells show thickened walls marked by dots and pits. (d) Make longitudinal sections of a stem of Iudian corn, so as to obtain very thin slices of some of the threads which run lengthwise through it. Cell-walls showing rings, spirals, and reticulations may be readily found (Fig. 3). («) Mount spores of the “black rust ” of wheat or oats (by carefully scraping off one of the blackish spots on the stem or leaves) for ex- amples of thickened cell-wall for protection. (/) Mount pollen-grains of mallows or squashes for thickened wall which has developed projections externally. (g) Make longitudinal sections of the young part of a root or stem, stain with carmine, and after a little time note that the nucleus shows distinctly in each cell. (A) For large cells examine the parts (leaves and stems) of water- plants. In the Water-net (Hydrodictyon) they may be seen with the naked eye. (i) For very small cells mount a minute drop of putrid water and examine with the highest power of the microscope available. Myri- ads of minute cells, each a single plant, will be seen darting hither and thither in the water. These are the Bacteria, to be more fully noticed in Chapter YII. A tumbler in which leaves and twigs have been allowed to begin to decay will furnish good material. (J) Slime-Moulds may frequently be found on rotten logs, on de- caying planks of wooden walks, or on the “spent bark” of tan-yards. The common one is a yellowish mass, often ten to twenty centimetres long. (A) For Green Slime scrape off a little of the green slimy growth to be found on damp walls, rocks, etc. Under a high power many little green balls of protoplasm may be observed. Each has a cell- wall.PROTOPLASM AND PLANT-CELLS. 7 13. How New Cells are Formed.—Most plant-cells in some stage of their growth are capable of producing new cells. This power is mostly confined to their early thin- walled state, new cells being rarely formed after the walls have attained any considerable thickness. There are two general methods, viz., (l) by the Division of cells, (2) by the Union of cells. 14. In the Division of a cell it may simply constrict its sides so as to pinch itself into two parts. In other cases the protoplasm first divides itself through the middle, and the two halves then help to form a partition-wall of cellu- lose between them. Both of these modes of division are known as Fission. 15. In some cases of Division the protoplasm divides itself into two, foul-, or many parts, which then become spherical in shape. Each part then covers itself with a cell-wall of its own; and the old cell-wall of the original cell, not being of further use, soon decays or breaks away. This kind of Division is known as Internal Cell-formation. 16. Cell-division always results in an increase in the number of cells, and is the usual process by which plants are increased in size, and in the number of their cells. Growth may be very rapid, even where the cells simply divide successively into two. Thus a single cell may give rise in its first division to two cells, next to four, then eight, then sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, etc. etc. By the twen- tieth division the cells would exceed a million in number, 17. The process of cell-formation by Union is exactly opposite to that by Division. Two cells which were sepa- rate unite their protoplasm into one mass, which then forms a cell-wall around itself. Thus instead of doubling the number of cells at every step, there is here an actual8 BOTANY. decrease, and every time the process occurs there the result is but half as many cells as before. Practical Studies.—(a) Carefully scrape off (after moistening with a drop of alcohol) a little of the white, mouldy growth on lilac-leaves, known as Lilac Blight; mount it in water, adding a very little potas- sic hydrate. Some of the threads will show the formation of new ccdls (spores in this case) by fission. Other kinds of blights, as for example that on grass leaves or that common on the leaves of cherry- sprouts, furnish equally good examples. (See Fig. 79, p. 156) (b) Strip oil carefully a bit of the epidermis (skin) of a young Live- forever leaf, and mount it in water. By careful examination some of the cells may be observed with very thin partition-walls formed across them. The new walls can be distinguished from the older ones by their thinness. (c) Mount a very small drop of yeast in water and observe in the yeast-plants tllat modification of fission which is called budding. Each yeast-plant is a minute oval cell; it first pushes out a little pro- trusion which becomes larger and larger, finally equalling fhe first. In the mean time a partition forms be- tween the two, which then separate from one another. (Fig 4, a and b.) (d) Grow some yeast for a few days A /3tei under a bell-jar on a moist slab of plas- ter, a cut potato or carrot, or even a bit of moist brown paper. Upon ex- Fig. 4.—Yeast-plantsreproduc- amininS some such yeast il wil1 be ing by division: n and b by bud- found that some of the cells contain vS?i,CaH?ghlymagtmrfled0ell'd1' several little new cells, formed by in- ternal cell-division. (Fig. 4, c and d.) (e) Make very thin cross-sections of young flower-buds so as to cut through the stamens. If the specimen is of the proper age, cer- tain cells maybe seen to have divided internally into four parts, each of which subsequently becomes a pollen-grain having a thick cell- wall of its own. 18. Chlorophyll.—Protoplasm itself is colorless or nearly so, but it may make a staining substance, and stain all or a part of itself. Thus it is very common to find that certain parts of a cell are of a bright green color on account of a green substance—Chlorophyll—which stains those portionsPROTOPLASM AND PLANT-CELLS. 9 of the protoplasm. As a rule protoplasm does not form chlorophyll in darkness, and even that which is already formed disappears in prolonged darkness. 19. The protoplasm which is stained by chlorophyll is commonly in little rounded masses; in a few cases it is in bands or star-shaped masses. These masses are called chlorophyll-bodies, chlorophyll-grains, or chlorophyll-gran- ules. It must not be forgotten that chlorophyll is the staining substance, while the chlorophyll-grain is the stained protoplasm mass. The two may be separated by alcohol, which dissolves out the chlorophyll, leaving the grain of protoplasm. Practical Studies.—(a) Mount a leaf of a moss and examine for chlorophyll-grains. (£) Soak a few moss-leaves in alcohol for some time and note the decoloration of the chlorophyll-grains. Note the green color given to the alcohol. (c) Mount Green Slime (by scraping ofi the green coating of rocks, etc.) and note that the whole protoplasm is stained with the chloro-' pbyll. (d) Make sections of a potato-stem grown in darkness. Compare this with a stem of the same plant grown in light. (e) Make sections of blanched celery. Compare with unblanched. (/) Dissolve out the chlorophyll (by alcohol) from a specimen (any of the foregoing) and then treat with iodine. Note the brown color given to the bleached chlorophyll-grains, showing them to be proto- plasm. 20. Starch.—Many cells of common plants contain little grains of starch (Fig. 5). In some cases, as in the potato tuber, the cells are only partially filled, but in other cases, as in rice, wheat, Indian corn, etc., the starch is packed so closely in the cells as to leave very little unfilled space. 21. The starch of every plant is originally manufactured in a chlorophyll-body, that is, in a mass of stained proto- plasm. It moreover forms only in the light, so that plants10 BO TAN Y. which have no chlorophyll, or which grow in darkness, do not make starch. 22. Chemically, starch is much like sugar and cellulose, and like them it is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (C^H^O,,,). It contains water in its organization, Fig. 5.—A few cells of the seed of a Pea, showing large starch-grains (St) and the little granules of aleurone (a). At £, i, are shown intercellular spaces. Mag- nified 800 times. which may be driven off by heat, or by the application of reagents, when it loses its structure. 23. Starch is a plant-food. It is produced by the green protoplasm for the nourishment of the plant. As it forms only in light, -during the day it accumulates, hut at night by the continued growth of the plant it is mostly used up. Whenever there is more made than the plant requires, the surplus is stored in certain cells for future use. Practical Studies.—(a) Scrape off a little of the substance of the cut surface of a potato tuber. Mount in water and examine under the microscope, using the J- objective. Note the ovate starch-grains,PROTOPLASM AND PLANT-CELLS. 11 which are concentrically striated. Now add a small drop of iodine and note the blue coloration, which becomes purple or purple-black if much iodine is used. (A) Make an extremely thin slice of the potato-tuber and treat as before, so as to observe starch-grains in the cells. By staining such a section with carmine the protoplasm in the starch-bearing cell may be made evi- dent. (c) Study the starch of wheat, rice, Indian corn, oats, etc. (d) Mount carefully a few threads of Pond Scum (Spirogyra) which has been for some hours in the sunlight. Note the aggregations of minute starch-grains in the spiral chlorophyll-body (Fig. 6). Now add iodine and observe the color- ation of starch-grains. (e) Make thin sections of leaves which have been in the light for some hours, and observe minute starch-grains in the chlorophyll-bodies. Use iodine as above (/) Make longitudinal sections of ripened apple-twigs and note the starch stored' in certain cells of the pith for use when growth is resumed. 24. Aleurone.—In mature seeds and tubers there are commonly to be found small rounded granules - . ,, - . - , Fig. 6.—Two plants of Fond Ot albuminous matter to Which the Scum (Spirogyra), showing spiral « . , . , . chloropnyll-bodies, each with ag- name ot Aleurone has been given gregatlons of starch. At a and b , the cells are beginning to branch (Fig. 5). It IS, rn part at least, preparatory to uniting. Magni- fied 500 times. the protein matter of the older botanists. It is also identical with what has been called the gluten of the grains of wheat, rye, oats, etc. 25. Aleurone is poorly understood, but it appears to be a dry resting state of protoplasm. Some, if not all, of it12 JSOtANf. may become active again upon the access of water and the proper temperature. Possibly some of it serves as food for protoplasm in the germination of seeds. Practical Studies.—(a) Mount in alcohol a thin slice of a ripe pea. Note the small granules (along with large starch-grains) in the cells (Fig. 5). Apply iodine, which will stain the aleurone yellow or brownish-yellow. (b) Make a similar study of the aleurone of the bean. (c) Make sections of the foregoing and mount in water to observe the solution of the aleurone grains. The process may be hastened by adding a very little potassic hydrate. (d) Make thin cross-sections of a wheat-kernel and study the gluten (aleurone) cells of the inner bran. Add iodine. («) Make a similar study of the bran of rye, oats, and Indian corn. 26. Crystals.—Some cells of certain plants contain crys- Fig. 7.—Crystals of calcium oxalate. The right-hand portion of the figure shows two cells of the Rhubarb, with their contained crystals, and one en- larged. On the left is a crystal from the beet. Much magnified. tals (Fig. 7). These are of various shapes, one of the most common forms being needle-shaped, while others are cubical, prismatic, etc. They are frequently clus- tered into little masses. 27. Crystals are for the most part composed of cal- cium oxalate. That is, they are a combination of lime and oxalic acid. A few have a different chemical compo- sition—as the calcium carbonate crystals found in nettles, hops, hemp, etc., besides others of still more infrequent occurrence. 28. Crystals appear to be the residues from chemical re- actions which take place in the interior of plants, and they probably have no further use.PROTOPLASM AND PLANT-CELLS. 13 Practical Studies.—(a) Mount in water several thin longitudinal sections of the stem of the Spiderwort (Tradescantia) and note the bundles of needle-shaped crystals in enlarged, thin-walled cells. Many crystals will be found floating free in the water, having been separated in the preparation of the specimen. (6) Similar sections of the stem of the Evening Primrose, Fuchsia, Balsam or Touch-me-not (Impatieus), and Garden Rhubarb will also show needle-shaped crystals (c) Other crystal forms may be obtained from the beet, onion (the scales), Pigweed or Lamb’s Quarters (Chenopodium), etc. 29. The Cell-Sap.—All parts of a living cell are satura- ted with water. It enters into the structure of the cell- wall ; it makes up the greater part of the bulk of the pro- toplasm, and it fills the vacuoles. It holds in solution the food-materials absorbed from the air and soil, and the sur- plus soluble substances manufactured by the plant. 30. Among the many substances dissolved in the cell- sap the more important are Sugar and Inulin. Of the former there are two varieties, viz., sucrose, or cane-sugar (C.AA,). and glucose, or grape-sugar (C12H2(OJ, which differ in their sweetness as well as in other properties. 31. Cane-sugar exists in great abundance in the cell-sap of sugar-cane, sugar-maple, sugar-beet, Indian corn, and in greater or less quantity in nearly all higher plants. Grape- sugar is found in many fruits, sometimes mixed with cane- sugar; thus in grapes, cherries, gooseberries, and figs it is the only sugar present, while in apricots, peaches, pine- apples, plums, and strawberries it is mixed with cane-sugar. 32. Inulin (C12H20OJ0) is a soluble substance related to starch and sugar, which is found mainly in the cell-sap of certain Composites, as the sunflower, dahlia, elecampane (Inula), etc. Practical Studies.—(a) Make a thin section of the stem of any herbaceous plant, as a Geranium; examine at once without a cover-14 BOTANY. glass, noting the wateriness. Lay the specimen aside for half an honr or so, and then note its shrinkage by loss of water. (b) Mount a few plants of Pond Scum (Spirogyra) in a very little water. Examine under the high power of the microscope, and while doing this flow glycerine under the cover-glass. The glycerine im- bibing water with great avidity withdraws the water of the cell-sap from the cells, causing them to collapse. (c) The presence of sugar may be demonstrated in many cases by taste alone, as in the stems of cane and Indian corn. (d) Cane-sugar when abundant may be crystallized out (in small stellate crystals) from cell-sap by the use of strong alcohol or glyce- rine. («) Make thin slices of the root of the sunflower or dahlia, and soak for some days in alcohol: the inulin will appear in the shape of sphere-crystals of greater or less size, according as the crystallization has been slower or more rapid. (/) The presence of acids in the cell-sap of many plants may be shown by placing a moist cut surface in contact with blue litmus- paper. The latter will be distinctly reddened. Note.—In the study of minute objects it is now the general cus- tom to use metric measurements. The units used are the millimetre and the micromillimetre, the former for the larger measurements, the latter for the smaller. A millimetre equals .0394 of an inch, or nearly one twenty-fifth of an inch. For the measurement of objects requiring high powers of the microscope the micromillimetre is used. It is represented by the Greek letter n, or by mmm. It is one thousandth of a millimetre, and equals .0000394 of an inch, or nearly one twenty-five-thousandth of an inch. A spore is thus said to measure 15 n in diameter, 35 n in length, etc., or in the absence of the Greek letters we may record these measurements as 15 mmm. and 35 mmm. In reading the fore- going we may of course say 15 micromillimetres and 35 micromilli- metres, but more commonly the contraction micro is used, or even tlie name of the Greek letter: thus we may say 15 micros, or 15 mu.CHAPTER H. THE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 33. Some plant-cells live alone, and are not connected with any others; some which are at first separate afterward unite into a cell-colony. In most cases, however, the cells are united to each other from the beginning of their exist- ence into what are called tissues. 34. As understood in this hook a plant-tissue is an assem- blage of similar cells which have been united with each other from their beginning. The cells in a tissue may be arranged in rows, surfaces, or masses: in the first the growth has been by the fission of cells in one plane only, in the second from fission in two planes, and in the third from fission in three planes. 35. In the lower plants the cells are all alike, or so nearly so that they constitute hut one kind of tissue. As we ascend from these simple forms the cells begin to show differences, some being especially developed for one pur- pose, and some for another; and these differences become more numerous and more sharply marked as we approach the higher plants. This at last gives us many kinds of tissues, which may be distinguished from each other by characters of greater or less importance. However, they may all be brought within seven general kinds, each kind showing many varieties. 36. Soft Tissue (Parenchyma).—This is the most abun- dant tissue in the vegetable kingdom; it is at once the16 BOTANY. most important and the most variable. It is composed of cells whose walls are thin, colorless, or nearly so, and trans- parent; in outline they may be rounded, cubical, polyhe- dral, prismatic, cylindrical, tabular, stellate, and of many other forms. When the cells are bounded by plane sur- faces, generally, but not always, the end planes lie at right angles to the longer axis of the cells. 37. This tissue makes up the whole of the substance of many of the lower plants, while in the higher it composes retain the power of fission. Wet specimens show by trans- mitted light a characteristic bluish-white lustre, which is best seen in cross-sections. 39. Thick-angled tissue is found beneath the epidermis of most flowering plants (and some ferns), usually as a mass of considerable thickness, and is doubtless developed from soft tissue for the purpose of giving support and strength to the epidermis. the essential portions of the as- similative (green), vegetative (growing), and reproductive parts. 38. Thick - angled Tissue (Gollenchyma).—The cells of this tissue are elongated, usu- ally prismatic, and their trans- verse walls are most frequent- Fig. 8.—Cross-section of thick-angled tissue (cl) of Begonia petiole, showing the thickened angles, e, epidermis; chi, chlorophyll-bodies. Magnified 550 times. The walls are greatly thick- ened along their longitudinal angles, while the remaining parts are thin (Fig. 8). The cells contain chlorophyll, andTEE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 11 40. Stony Tissue (Sclerenchyma).—In many plants the hard parts are composed of cells whose walls are thickened, often to a very considerable extent (Fig. 9). The cells are usually short, hut in some cases they are greatly elongated; they are sometimes regular in outline, hut more frequently they are extremely irregular. They do not contain chloro- Fig. 9.—Stony tissue. A, from shell of Hickory-nut; B and C, from under- ground stem of the common Brake (Pteris). Magnified 400 to 500 times. phyll, hut in some cases (e.g., in the pith of apple-twigs) they contain starch. 41. Fibrous Tissue.—This is composed of elongated, thick-walled, and generally fusiform fibres (Fig. 10), whose walls are usually marked with simple or sometimes bordered pits. These fibres in cross-section are rarely square or round, but most generally three- to many-sided. They are found in, or in connection with, the woody bundles of ferns B18 botany. and flowering plants, and give strength and hardness to their stems and leaves. 42. Two varieties of fibrous tissue may be distinguished, viz., (l) Bast (Fig. 10, JB), and (2) Wood (Fig. 10, A). The fibres of the former are usually thicker walled, more flexi- ble, and of greater length than those of the latter. In both forms the fibres are sometimes observed to be partitioned. Fig. 10.—A, wood-fibres of Silver Maple isolated by Schulze’s maceration; B, bast-fibres; b, b, portions of fibres more highly magnified. 43. Milk Tissue (Laticiferous Tissue).—In many orders of flowering plants tissues are found which contain a milky or colored fluid—the latex. For the sake of simplicity two general forms may be distinguished: (1) that composed of simple or branching tubes (Fig. 11), which are scattered through the other tissues. As found in the Spurge family, they are somewhat simply branched and have very thickTHE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 19 Fig. 11.—Milk-tubes from a Spurge (Euphorbia). A, moderately magnified; B more highly magnified, and showing the bone-shaped starch-grains. Fig. 12.—Milk-vessels of a Composite (Scorzonera). A, a transverse section of the root; B, the same more highly magnified. walls (Fig. 11, S); in other plants they are thin-walled and are sometimes inclined to anastomose, From their20 BOTANY. position it is quite certain that the tubes of this form of milk-tissue frequently replace bast-fibres. In other cases, however, they appear not to be of this nature, but to arise from the soft tissue by the absorption of the horizontal partition-walls. 44. (2) The other form is that composed of reticulately anastomosing vessels. Here the tissue is the result of the fusion of great numbers of short cells. The walls are thin and often irregular in outline. In chicory, lettuce, etc., this form of milk-tissue is very perfectly developed as a constituent part of the outer portion of the woody bundles (Fig. 12, A and _B). 45. Sieve Tissue.—As found in the flowering plants this tissue is for the most part made up of sieve-ducts and the so-called latticed cells. The former (the sieve-ducts) con- sist of soft, not lignified, colorless tubes of rather wide diameter, having at long intervals horizontal or obliquely placed perforated septa. The lateral walls are also per- forated in restricted areas, called sieve-discs, and through these perforations and those in the horizontal walls the protoplasmic contents of the contiguous cells freely unite (Fig. 13). 46. The tissue composed of these ducts is generally loose, and more or less intermingled with soft tissue; in some cases even single ducts run longitudinally through the sub- stance of other tissues. In the form described above it is found only as one of the components of the outer or bark portion of the woody bundles of plants. 47. The so-called latticed cells are probably to. be re- garded as undeveloped sieve-ducts, and hence the tissue they form may be included under sieve-tissue. Latticed cells are thin-walled and elongated; they differ from trueTEE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 21 sieve-ducts principally in being of less diameter, and in having the markings but not the perforations of sieve-discs. Fig. 13.—Longitudinal section through the sieve-tissue of Pumpkin-stem. q. q, section of transverse sieve-plates; si, lateral sieve-plate; x. thin places in wall: l, the same seen in section; ps, protoplasmic contents contracted by the alcohol in which the specimens were soaked; sp, protoplasm lifted off from the sieve- plate by contraction; si, protoplasm still in contact with the sieve-plate. Mag- nified 550 times. Both of these differences are such as might be looked for in undeveloped sieve-tissue. In the corresponding parts of the woody bundles of conifers and ferus a sieve-tissue is found which differs somewhat from that de-22 BOTANY. scribed above. In Conifers the sieve-discs, which are of irregular outline, occur abundantly upon the oblique ends and radial faces of the broad tubes (Fig. 14). In the Horsetails (Equisetum) and Adder- tongues (Ophioglossum) they are prismatic, with numerous horizontal but not vertical sieve-discs; in Brakes (Pteris) and many other ferns they have pointed extremities, and are greatly elongated, bearing the sieve discs upon their sides. In the larger Club-mosses the sieve-tubes are prismatic and of great length; in the smaller species there are tissue elements destitute of sieve-discs, but which are otherwise, including position iu the stem, exactly like the sieve ducts of the larger species. 48. Tracheary Tissue.—Under this head are to be grouped those vessels which, while differing considerably in the details, agree in having thickened walls, which are generally perforated at the places where similar vessels touch each other. The thickening, and as a consequence the per- forations, are of various kinds, but gener- ally there is a tendency in the former to the production of spiral bands; this is more or less evident even when the bands form a network. The transverse parti- tions, which may be horizontal or oblique, are in some cases perforated with small openings, in others they are almost or en- The diameter of the vessels is usually Fig. 14.—Sieve-tube of Big-tree of Cali- fornia (Sequoia gi- gautea), taken from the bark of an old stem. Magnified 375 times. tirely absorbed, considerably greater than that of the surrounding cells and elements of other tissues, and this alone in many cases may serve to distinguish them. When young they contain pro- toplasm, but as they become older this disappears, and they then contain air.THE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 23 Tracheary tissue is found only in ferns and their rela- tives and the flowering plants. The principal varieties of vessels found in tracheary tissues are the following: 49. (1) Spiral Vessels, which are usually long, with fusi- form extremities; their walls are thickened in a spiral man- ner with one or more simple or branched bands or fibres (Fig. 15, v", v”', v""). This form may be regarded as the typical form of the vessels of tracheary tissue. Ringed and reticulated vessels are opposite modifications of tl' spiral form; the first are due to an under-development of vm v’m ■**"’ V" v’ ° Fig. 15.—Longitudinal section of a portion of the stem of Garden Balsam (Tm- patiens). v, a ringed vessel; v\ a vessel with rings and short spirals; v'\ a ves- sel with two spirals; v'" and v"", vessels with branching spirals; v"'"y a vessel with irregular thickenings, forming the reticulated vessel. the thickening in the young vessels, resulting in the pro- duction here and there of isolated rings (Fig. 15, v); reticu- lated vessels are due, on the contrary, to an over-develop- ment, which gives rise to a complex branching and anas- tomosing of the spirals (Fig. 15, v"'"). 50. (2) Scalariform Vessels.—These are prismatic ves- sels whose walls are thickened in such a way as to form transverse ridges. They are wide in transverse diameter, and their extremities are fusiform or truncate (Fig. 16). 51. (3) Pitted Vessels.—The walls of these vessels are thickened in such a way as to give rise to pits and dots.24 BOTANY. The vessels are usually of wide diameter; in some forms they are crossed at frequent intervals by perforated hori- zontal or inclined septa (Fig. 17); in other forms they have fusiform extremities. 52. (4) Tracheids.—These consist for the most part of single closed cells; other- wise they possess the characters of vessels. In one form (Fig. 18), as in the so-called wood-cells of Conifers, they are interme- diate in structure between the pitted ves- sels and the fibres of the wood of other Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 16.—Sea lari form vessels of the common Brake (Pferis). Fig. 17.—Pitted vessels of Dutchman’s Pipe (Aristolochia sipho), from a longi- tudinal section of the stem; the vessel on the right is seen in section, that on the left from without, a. o, rings, which are remnants of the original trans- verse partitions; b, 6, sections of the walls. flowering plants. Every gradation between these tracheids and the other forms of tracheary tissue occur. In another form, as in the wood of many common trees and shrubs, the tracheids are shorter than in the preceding, quiteTHE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 25 regular in their form, and with tapering extremities (Fig. 19). Their walls are but slightly thickened, and are marked with spirals and pits. When the wall between two contiguous cells breaks through or becomes absorbed, the Fig. 18.—Ends of several trachei'ds from the wood of a Pine, showing bordered pits Magnified 325 times. Fig. 19.—Tracheids from the stem of Laburnum, m, m, cells of a medullary- ray. At g, a partition is broken through. Magnified 375 times. close relation of such tracheids to spiral vessels is readily seen. Tracheids may be regarded as composing a less differen- tiated form of tissue, related on the one hand to true tra- cheary tissue and on the other to fibrous tissue.26 BOTANY. Practical Studies.—The student should here make a good many observations upon the tissues described above, so as to become tho: oughiy familiar with at least their typical forms. The following out- line may direct him in his first studies: I. Soft Tissue.—(a) Make very thin cross and longitudinal sections of a green stem of Indian corn. After excluding the woody bundles, the whole of the central part of the stem is soft tissue. (6) Make similar sections of the central part of the stem of the cul- tivated geranium. (c) Make a very thin cross-section of an apple-leaf: the green cells are of soft tissue. (dj Mount a whole moss-leaf: it is entirely composed of soft tissue, although in its rudimentary midrib the cells have elongated, as if foreshadowing the higher tissues. (e) Mount several threads of Pond Scum: the whole plant is here composed of soft tissue. II. Thick-angled Tissue.—(a) Examine a leaf-stalk of the squash or pumpkin, and note the whitish bands, one or two millimetres wide, which extend from end to end just beneath the epidermis. These are hands of thick-angled tissue. They may be readily torn out, when the stalk will be found to have lost much of its strength. (b) Make a very thin cross section of the preceding leaf-stalk, and note the appearance of the thick angled tissue first under alow power and then under a higher. The sections must be made exactly at right angles to the axis of the bands of tissue in order to show well. (c) Make a number of longitudinal sections of the same leaf-stalk, in each case cutting through a band of the thick-angled tissue. Some of these will show the thickened angles, although there is always some difficulty in making them out in this section. (d) The stems of squash, pumpkin, Pigweed or Lamb's Quarters (Chenopodium), beet, and many other plants may be taken up next, and their thick-angled tissue studied in cross and longitudinal sec- tions. III. Stony Tissue.—(a) Break the shell of a hickory-nut, and after smoothing the broken surface cut off a very small thin slice; mount in water and a little potassic hydrate: the cell walls are so greatly thickened as to almost obliterate the cell-cavity. (b) Study similarly the stony tissue of the cocoa-nut, walnut, peach, cherry, etc. (c) Make cross-sections of the seed-coat of tlie apple, squash, melot wild cucumber(Echinocystis), etc. It is instructive to make sections, also, parallel to the surface of the seeds. (d) Make longitudinal sections of the pith Of apple-twigs and noteTEE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 27 that some of the cells have thickened walls. These are very hard, and are to be regarded as a form of stony tissue. They contain starch. IV. Fibrous Tissue.—(a) Split a young maple-twig, then with the scalpel start a thiu longitudinal radial section, completing it by tear- ing it off. Mount in water. The torn end will show good wood- fibres. (A) Make a very thin cross-section of the wood of the same twig, using a very sharp scalpel. Note the angular shape of the wood- fibres in this section. (c) Make a cross-section of the bark of the same twig and note the white bundles of bast-fibres, each fibre having greatly thickened walls and a very narrow cell-cavity. (d) Now make several longitudinal sections of the same twig so as to cut through one of the bundles of bast-fibres. Note the great length of the bast-fibres. (e) Make cross-sections of the wood of various trees, as oak, hick- ory, elm, ash, poplar, willow, and basswood, and note the differences in the amount and compactness of their fibrous tissue. (/) To isolate the wood-fibres, make a number of sections as in (a) above, then heat for a minute or less in nitric acid and potassium chlorate. The fibres may now be separated under a dissecting micro- scope, or the specimens may be transferred to a glass slide and dis- sected by tapping gently upon tbe centre of the cover-glass. This is known as Schulze’s maceration. V. Milk-Tissue.—In studying milk-tissue it is necessary first to examine a drop of the milk (latex) under the microscope by trans- mitted light. When so examined it presents quite a different appear- ance from that by ordinary reflected light: thus white latex appears to be light granular brown. (а) Make thin longitudinal sections of the stem of a Milkweed (Asclepias). By careful searching, tubes containing latex (appearing light granular brown) may be seen. (б) Make a similar study of the stem of the large Spurge (Euphor- bia) of the greenhouses. Its milk-tissue is thick-walled and easily made out. (c) The more complex or reticulated forms of milk-tissue may be obtained from the stems of wild lettuce, garden-lettuce, poppy, and blood-root. (d) Collect a quantity of latex of a Spurge or Milkweed in a watch- glass and slowly evaporate it: the residue will be found to consist of a sticky, elastic material resembling india-rubber. VI. Sieve-Tissue.—As sieve-tissue is always found in the woody bundles which run lengthwise through the higher plants, it is neces-28 BOTANY. sary first to make a cross section of the stem to be studied in order to determine exactly the position of such bundles. It must be borne in mind that in most cases the sieve-tissue is confined to the outer side of the bundle, that is, to the side which faces the circumference of the stem. In the pumpkin, squash, melon, and related plants the bundles contain sieve-tissue on both outer and inner sides, that is on the side which faces the axis of the stem as well as on that which faces the circumference. This double nature of the bundles of these plants must be remembered in studying their sieve-tissue. (a) Make a longitudinal radial section through one of the larger bundles of the stem of the pumpkin. The sieve-tissue will be distin- guished by the thick-looking cross-partitions (this is mainly due to the adhesion of the protoplasm to the walls). By adding alcohol or glycerine the protoplasm of each cell may be contracted as in Fig. 13. In some cases where the partitions are oblique the perforations may be seen. (4) Make very thin cross-sections of pumpkin-stem and examine carefully for sieve-plates. Where the section is made close to a plate it may be easily seen in such a specimen. (c) Make similar studies of the stem of the Indian corn. VII. Tracheary Tissue.—Here, as in the preceding, it is necessary, especially in herbaceous plants, to first determine by a cross-section the position of the woody bundles, as tracheary tissue is always con- fined to them. (a) Make a thin longitudinal radial section through a bundle of the stem of the Garden Balsam or Touch me-nol (Impatiens). If success- fully made it will show successively, passing outward, ringed, spiral, reticulated, and sometimes scalariform and pitted vessels, with grada- tions from one to the other, as in Fig. 15. (4) Make a thin cross section of the same and study carefully in connection with the foregoing. (c) Make similar sections of the bundles of Indian corn. The large vessels which can be seen with the naked eye in cross section are pitted. (d) Study in like manner the tracheary tissue in the bundles of the pumpkin-stem. Here the large pitted vessels (which are very dis- tinctly visible to the naked eye) have their walls thrown into numer- ous folds. Note.—The large pores which are so distinctly visible in oak, chestnut, hick- ory, walnut, ash, and many other kinds of woods are pitted vessels like those of the Indian corn and pumpkin. (e) Excellent scalariform vessels may be obtained from the bundles of the leaf stalks of ferns, or better still from the underground stem.THE TISSUES OP PLANTS. 29 In the latter the bundles lie adjacent to the thick dark bands of fibrous tissue. (/) The trachei'ds of Conifers (pines, spruces, etc.) make up very nearly the whole bulk of the wood of these trees. Make a longi- tudinal radial section of a pine-twig by the method employed in studying fibrous tissue (IV. a, above). Note that the trachei'ds bear some resemblance to the wood-fibres of other wood. However, their large round bordered pits are characteristic. (g) Make longitudinal tangential sections of the same twig. Note that the bordered pits are not seen (except in section) in specimens so made. (/t) Make cross-sections of the same twig and note that the tissue is homogeneous. Compare with a similar section of an oak-twig, and note the absence in the pine of the large pitted vessels which are so well shown in the oak. (i) Make very thin longitudinal radial sections of the wood of hack- berry. By careful examination trachei'ds may be found resembling the wood-fibres, but marked with fine spirals. (j) Similar trachelds may be found intermingled with the wood- fibres of other trees, as the maple, box-elder, elm, etc. 53. The Primary Meristem. — Under this name are grouped the unformed and growing tissues found at the ends of young stems, leaves, and roots. In these parts the tissues described above (paragraphs 36 to 52) have not yet formed; they are, on the contrary, composed entirely of a mass of thin-walled, growing, and dividing cells contain- ing an abundance of protoplasm. In the lower plants the meristem-cells do not change much in their configuration or general structure as they develop into the ordinary plant-cells; but the higher the type of plant, the greater are the changes which take place during the development of meristem into permanent tissues. 54. In most plants aside from the flowering, plants the primary meristem is the result of the continually repeated division of a single mother-cell situated at the apex of the growing organ. In the sirrHest forms this apical cell30 BOTANY. is the terminal one of a row of cells, as in many seaweeds and fungi. The apical cell, in such cases, keeps on grow- ing in length, and at the same time horizontal partitions are forming in its basal portion. In this way long lines of cells may originate. 55. In the more complicated cases the segments cut off from the apical cell grow and subdivide in different planes, so as to give rise to masses of cells. The partitions which Fig. 20.—Longitudinal section of apex of stem of a Moss (Fontinalis antipy- retica). v, apical cell; z. apical cell of lateral leaf-forming shoot, arising below a leaf; c, first cell of leaf; 6, b, b, cells forming cortex. successively divide the apical cell are sometimes perpendic- ular to its axis, but more frequently they are oblique to it. In most mosses, for example (Fig. 20), the apical cell is a triangular, convex-based pyramid, whose apex is its proxi- mal portion. The successive segments are cut off from the apical cell by alternate partitions parallel to its sides, thus giving rise to three longitudinal rows of cells. Most ferns and their relatives have an apical cell not much differentTHE TISSUES OF PLANTS. 31 from that of the majority of mosses. In Horsetails, for example, it is an inverted triangular pyramid, having a convex base. The segments (daughter-cells) are cut off by alternating partitions parallel to the plane sides of the pyramid, as in the mosses. In some mosses and ferns, how- ever, the apical cell is wedge-shaped—i.e., with only two surfaces—and in such cases two instead of three rows of meristem-cells are formed. 56. In the flowering plants the primary meristem is de- veloped from a group of cells, instead of from a single one; they therefore have no apical cell. This group of cells occupies approximately the same position in the organs of flowering plants as the apical cell does in the mosses and ferns; it is composed of cells which have the power of indefinite division and subdivision. 57. The apical cell and its actively growing daughter- cells in its immediate.vicinity, or, in the case of the flower- ing plants, the apical group of cells with their daughter- cells, constitute the Growing Point or Vegetative Point (punctum vegetationis) of the organ. When this active portion is conical in shape it is also called the Vegetative Cone. Practical Studies.—(a) Make very thin longitudinal sections of a root of Indian corn. The large strong roots which first start out from the germinating grain, and the youngest states of those which appear just above the ground, upon the large plants, are best for these specimens. Stain some of the sections with carmine. (5) Make very thin longitudinal sections of the opening buds of the lilac or elder. (c) Make similar sections of the tips of the young shoots of aspara- gus. Stain with carmine. (d) Make cross and longitudinal sections of the youngest states of the stems of the pumpkin, squash, and asparagus, and compare with similar sections of older parts.CHAPTER HI. THE GROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 58. The Differentiation of Tissues into Systems.—It rarely happens that the tissues which compose the body of a plant are uniform. In the great majority of cases the cells of the primary meristem become differently modified, so as to give rise to several kinds of tissues. The outer cells of the plant become more or less modified into a boundary tissue, and the degree of modification has relation to its environ- ment. Certain inner cells, or lines of cells, become modi- fied into stony tissue, or some other supporting tissue (thick-angled, or fibrous tissue), and here again there is a manifest relation to the environment of the plant. 59. Certain other inner cells, or rows of cells, become modified into tubes affording a ready means for conduction, and appear to have a relation to the physical dissociation of the organs of the higher plants, in which only they occur. Thus, in physiological terms, there may be a boundary tis- sue, a supporting tissue, and a conducting tissue lying in the mass of less differentiated ground-tissue. 60. In different groups of plants the elementary tissues described in previous pages are aggregated in different ways, and are variously modified to form these bounding, supporting, and cpnducting parts of the plant. Several tissues, or varieties of tissue, are regularly united or aggre- gated in particular ways in each plant, constituting whatGROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 33 may be called Groups or Systems of Tissues. A Tissue- system may then be described as an aggregation of elemen- tary tissues, forming a definite portion of the internal structure of the plant. 61. From what has already been said, it is clear that sys- tems of tissues do not exist in the lowest plants, and that they reach their fullest development only in the highest orders. It is evident also that these systems have no ex- istence in the youngest parts of plants, but that they result from a subsequent development. 62. Many systems of tissues might be enumerated and described; but here again, as with the elementary tissues, while there are many variations, there are also many grada- tions, having on the one hand a tendency to give us a long list of special forms, and on the other to reduce them to one, or at most to two or three. 63. The three systems proposed by Sachs are instructive, and will be followed here; they are: (l) the Epidermal System, composed mainly of the boundary cells and their ap- pendages (hairs, scales, breathing-pores, etc.); (2) the Fun- damental System, which includes the mass of unmodified or slightly modified tissues found in greater or less abundance in all plants (excepting the lowest); (3) the Fibro-vascular System, comprising those varying aggregations of tissues which make up the string-like masses or woody bundles found in the organs of the higher plants. 64. The Epidermal System of Tissues.—This is the sim- plest tissue-system, as it is the earliest to make its appear- ance, in passing from the lower forms to the higher. It is also (in general) the first to appear in the individual devel- opment of the plant. It is sometimes scarcely to be sepa- rated from-the underlying mass, as in most lower plants;34 BOTANt. but in mo?t higher plants it frequently attains some degree of complexity, and is sharply separated from the underly- ing ground-tissues. 65. In the simpler epidermal structures of the lower plants the cells are generally darker colored, smaller, and * more closely approximated than they are in the subjacent mass; in some of the higher fungi a boundary tissue may be easily separated as a thickish sheet, but probably in such case a portion of the underlying mass is also removed. In many lower plants there is absolutely no differentiation of an epidermal portion. 66. The epidermal systems of ferns and flowering plants consist usually of three portions: (1) a layer of more or less modified parenchyma—the epidermis proper—bearing two other kinds of structures which develop from it, viz., (2) hairs, and (3) breathing-pores. 67. Epidermis.—The differentiation of parenchyma in the formation of epidermis, when carried to its utmost ex? tent, involves three modifications of the cells, viz., change of form, thickening of the walls, and disappearance of the protoplasmic contents. 68. These may occur in varying degrees of intensity; they may all be slight, as in many aquatic plants and in the young roots of ordinary plants; or the cells may change their form, while there may be little thickening of their walls, as in other aquatic plants and some land-plants which live in damp and shady places; or, on the other hand, the change of form of the cells may be but little, while their walls may have greatly thickened, resulting in a dis- appearance of their protoplasm, as may be seen in parts of some land-plants which grow slowly and uniformly. When the differentiation of epidermis is considerable, it can usu-GROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 35 ally be readily removed as a thin transparent sheet of col- orless cells. 69. The change in the form of the epidermal cells is due to the mode of growth of the organ of which they form a part; the lateral and longitudinal growth of an organ causes a corresponding extension and consequent flattening of the cells; if the growth has been mainly in one direction, as in the leaves of grasses, or if the growth in two directions has been regular and uniform, the cells are quite regular in outline; where, however, the growth is not uniform the cells become irregular, often extremely so (Fig. 24, page 38). 70. The thickening of the walls is greatest in those plants and parts of plants which are most exposed to the drying effects of the atmosphere. It consists of a thickening of the outer walls, and frequently of the lateral ones also. 71. The outer portion of the thickened walls sometimes separates as a continuous pellicle, the so-called cuticle, which extends uninterruptedly over the cells, and may be readily distinguished from the other portions of the outer epidermal walls. It is insoluble in concentrated sulphuric acid, but may be dissolved in boiling caustic potash. Treated with iodine it turns a yellow or yellowish-brown color. A waxy or resinous matter is frequently developed upon the surface of the cuticle, constituting what is called the bloom of some leaves and fruits. 72. The protoplasm of the epidermal cells generally dis- appears in those cases where there is much thickening of the walls; it is always present in young plants and parts of plants; it is also frequently present in older portions, which are not so much exposed to the drying action of the atmosphere, as in roots, and the leaves and shoots of aquatic plants and of those growing in humid places. In few36 BOTANY. cases, however, are granular protoplasmic bodies (e.g., chlorophyll) present in epidermal cells. 73. While the epidermis always consists at first of hut one layer of cells, it may become split into two or more Fig. 21. Fia. 22. Fig. 21.—Transverse section of epidermis and underlying tissue of ovary of a squash, a, hair of a row of cells; b and d. glandular hairs of different ages; e, /. c, hairs in the youngest stages of their development. Magnified 100 times. Fig. 22.—A seedling mustard-plant with its single root clothed with root-hairs; the newest (lowermost) portion of the root is not yet provided with root-hairs, layers by subsequent divisions parallel to its surface, as in the Oleander and Cactus. 74. The Hairs of the epidermis originate mostly from the growth of single epidermal cells, and on their first appear- ance consist of slightly enlarged and protruding cells (Fig. 21, e, f, c). These may elongate and form single-celledGROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 37 hairs, which may be simple or variously branched. The most important of these hairs are those which clothe so abundantly the young roots of most of the higher plants, and to which the name of Root-hairs has been applied (Fig. 22). These are composed of single cells, which have very thin and delicate walls, and are the active agents in the absorption of nutritive matters for the plant. Some- times the terminal cell of a hair becomes changed into a Fig. 23.—Glandular hairs of Chinese Primrose in several stages of develop- ment. Magnified 142 times. secreting cell and manufactures a gummy or resinous sub- stance. Such hairs are called Glandular Hairs and are com- mon on many plants (Fig. 23). 75. Breathing-Pores (stomata; singular, stoma) consist, in most eases, of two specially modified chlorophyll-bear- ing cells, called the guard-cells, which have between them a cleft or slit passing through the epidermis (Fig. 24). These openings are always placed directly over interior intercellular spaces.38 BOTANY. 76. They occur on aerial leaves and stems most abun- dantly, being sometimes exceedingly numerous, and are exceptionally found elsewhere, as on the parts of the flow- ers. On submerged or underground stems and leaves they are found in less numbers, and from true roots they are always absent. The breathing-pores on leaves are gener- ally confined to the lower surface, and when present on the Fig. 24.—A bit of the epidermis of Wild Cucumber (Echinocystis), showing breathing-pores at s, s, s. At g, g, the epidermal cells are irregular; at v, over a vein, they are more regular. Magnified 250 times. upper they are usually much fewer in number; there are, however, some exceptions to this. 77. In the light, under certain conditions of moisture and temperature, the guard-cells become curved away from each other in their cpnti’al portions, thus opening the slit and allowing free communication between the external air and that in the intercellular spaces and passages of the leaf.GROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 39 The number of breathing-pores has been determined for many leaves. The following table will give an idea of their abundance on some common leaves: In one square millimetre. In one square inch. Upj)er Under side. Under side. Olive (Olea europea) 0 625 0 403,125 Black Walnut (Juglaus nigra).... Red Clover (Trifolium prateuse). 0 461 0 298,345 207 335 133,515 216,075 Lilac (Syringa vulgaris) 0 330 0 212,850 Sunflower (Helianthus annuus).. 175 325 112,875 209,625 Cabbage (Brassica oleracca) 138 302 88,910 194,790 Sycamore (Platauus occidentalis). Lombardy Poplar (Populus dila 0 278 0 179,310 tata) 55 270 35,475 174,150 Hop (Humulus lupulus) 0 256 0 165,120 Plum (Prunus domestica) 0 253 0 163,185 Apple (Pirus malus) 0 246 0 158,670 Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) 0 229 0 147,705 Pea (Pisum sativum) 101 216 65,145 139,320 Box (Buxus sempervirens) 0 208 0 134,160 Cherry (Prunus malialeb) 0 204 0 131,580 Thorn-apple(Datura stramonium) 114 189 73.530 121,905 Indian Corn (Zea mais) 94 158 60,630 101,910 Cottonwood (Populus monilifera) Wind-flower (Anemone nemoro- 89 131 57,405 84,495 sa) 0 67 0 43,215 Lily (Lilium bulbiferum) 0 62 0 39,990 Iris (Iris germanica) 65 58 41,925 38,410 Oats (Avena sativa) 48 27 30,960 17,415 Practical Studies.—(a) Strip oil a bit of the epidermis of a Live- for-ever leaf. Mount it in alcohol to avoid air-bubbles, and after- wards add water and a little potassic hydrate. Epidermal cells and breathing-pores may be well seen. (b) Prepare in like manner the epidermis of both upper and under surfaces of a cabbage-leaf. Note the breathing-pores on both sur- faces; note also the bloom. (c) Make very thin cross-sections of a cabbage-leaf (by placing a piece of leaf between two pieces of elder-pith) so as to secure cross- sections of the epidermis. Note the thickened outer wall of the epi-40 BOTANY. dermal cells. In some cases tlie separable cuticle may be seen. Now and then a breathing-pore may be seen in cross-section. (d) Make similar sections of the leaf of the oleander, cactus, com- pass-plant, holly, or any others of a hard texture. Note in some cases (oleander and cactus) that there are several layers of epidermal cells. (e) Mount in alcohol a few hairs of tickle-grass (Panicum capillare) as examples of simple one-celled hairs. (/) Mount in like manner hairs of petunia, verbena, or walnut as examples of hairs made of a row of cells. Note that many of these are glandular. (g) Mount in like manner hairs of the mullein as examples of greatly branched hairs. 78. The Fibro-vascular System.—In most of the higher plants portions of the interior tissues early become greatly differentiated into firm elongated bundles, which run through the other tissues. They are composed for the most part of tracheary, sieve, and fibrous tissues, together with a varying amount of parenchyma, and have a general similarity of arrangement and aggregation. In a few cases milk-tissue is associated with those above mentioned. To these collections of tissues the name of Fibro-vascular Bundles has been given. They are also called Woody Bundles and Vascular Bundles, but the name first given is to be preferred. 79. In many plants the fibro-vascular bundles admit of easy separation from the surrounding tissues; thus in the Plantain (Plantago major) they may readily be pulled out upon breaking the leaf-stalk. In the leaves of plants, where they constitute the framework, they are, by macera- tion, readily separated from the other tissues as a delicate network. In the stems of Indian corn the bundles run through the internodes as separate threads of a considera- ble thickness. 80. In the fibro-vascular bundle of the stem of IndianGROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 41 corn the central portion is composed of tracheary tissue, consisting of pitted, spiral, ringed, and reticulated vessels Fig. 25.—Transverse section of fibro-vaseular bundle of Indian corn, a, side of bundle looking toward the circumference of the stem; i, side of bundle look- ing toward the centre of the stem; g, g, large pitted vessels; s, spiral vessel; r, ring of an annular vessel; l. air-cavity formed by the breaking apart of the sur- rounding cells; v, u, latticed cells, or soft bast, a form of sieve-tissue. Magnified 550 times. (Fig. 25, g, g, s, r, and the tissue between v—s, g—g). Lying by the side of the tracheary tissue (on its outer side42 BOTANY. as it is placed in the stem) is a mass of sieve-tissue, com- posed of latticed cells (v, v, Fig. 25). Surrounding the whole is a thick mass of fibrous tissue composed of elon- Fig. 26.—Fibro-vasoular bundle of Castor-oil Plant, t, t, g, g, tracheary tissue; y, y, sieve-tissue poorly developed; 6, b, bast-fibres; c, c, cambium-cells. High- ly magnified. gated, thick-walled cells (the shaded ones in the figure). 81. In the Castor-oil Plant the limits of the fibro-vascular bundles are so poorly marked that in places it is impossibleGROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 43 to tell whether the tissues belong to them or to the sur- rounding ground-tissues. The inner portion of the bundle (g, g, t, t, Fig. 26, and s to t, Fig. 27) is made up of trache- ary tissue of several varieties; on the inner edge of this tracheary portion lie several spiral vessels (s, s, Fig. 27); next to these, on their outer side, are scalariform and pitted Fig. 27.—A longitudinal radial section of the bundle in Fig. 26. vessels (t, t,g,g, Fig. 26; l,t, t', Fig. 27), intermingled with elongated cells, whose walls are pitted (h, h', h", h"', Fig. 27). The last-named are . clearly related to the vessels which surround them, and from which they differ only in their less diameter, and in having imperforate horizontal or oblique partitions. They are doubtless properly classed with the tracheids (see paragraph 52). 82. On the outer side of the tracheary portion just de- scribed lies a mass of narrow, somewhat elongated, thin-44 Botany. walled cells, which constitute a true meristem-tissue, tt> which the name of Cambium* has been given (c,c, Figs. 26 and 27). Next to the cambium lie, in order, sieve-tissue and soft tissue (parenchyma); these do not occupy separate zones, hut are more or less intermingled, forming a mass Fig. 28.—Fibro-vascular bundle of root of Sweet Flag (Acorus). pp. plates of tracheary tissue; g, g, pitted vessels; ph, sieve-tissue; s, bundle-sheath. called the Soft Bast (y, y, y, Fig. 26, andp, Fig. 27). The sieve-tissue includes sieve-tubes and cambiform or latticed cells. In the extreme outer border of the bundle is a mass of fibrous tissue (b, b). The layer of starch-bearing cells * Cambium, a low Latin word meaning a liquid which becomes glutinous. The term was introduced when the real structure of the part to which it was applied was not understood.GUO UPS OP TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 45 just outside of the last-named tissue is the so-called “bun- dle-sheath.” 83. In most higher flowering plants the fibro-vascular bundles of the stems have a structure essentially like that of the Castor-oil Plant just described. In them it is evi- dent at a glance that the bundle is divided into two some- what similar portions, an inner and an outer, by the cam- bium zone. Nageli, who first pointed out these divisions, named the inner one the Xylem portion, because from it the wood of the stem is formed; the outer he named the Phloem portion, for the reason that it develops into bark. If we wish to be less technical we may call the first the Wood portion, and the second the Bark portion. 84. In some cases the xylem and phloem are composed of corresponding tissues, (.1) Vessels, (2) Fibres, and (3) Soft Cells. The vessels are the tracheary tissue in the xylem and the sieve-tissue in the phloem. The fibrous tissue of the xylem is the variety with the shorter and harder fibres, known as wood-fibres; that of the phloem is composed of the longer and tougher bast-fibres. The soft tissue (parenchyma) of the two portions is much alike. 85. In the fibro-vascular bundle of the young roots of. Sweet Flag there are many radially placed plates of trache- ary tissue (pp, Fig. 28), which alternate with thick masses of sieve-tissue (pli). Between these alternating tissues, and within the circle formed by them, there is a mass of soft tissue. The whole bundle is separated from the large-celled soft tissue of the root by a well-marked bundle-sheath (s); the latter is bounded interiorly by a layer of active thin- walled cells (the pericambium), from which new roots origi- nate. In the older roots the central cell-mass is trans- formed into stony tissue.46 So TANY. 86. The bundle of the larger Club-mosses (Lycopodium) contains several parallel plates of tracheary tissue. Between the tracheary plates there is in each case a row of sieve- tubes imbedded in a lignified tissue composed of elongated cells (stony, or fibrous tissue?). Around this central fibro- vascular portion there is a layer of soft tissue (parenchy- ma), and outside of this a bundle-sheath, exterior to which Fig. 29.—Magnified cross-section of the stem of a larger Club-moss (Lyco- podium complanatum), showing a fibro-vascular bundle. lies a thick mass of fibrous tissue completely enveloping all the previously described tissues. 87. The bundle in the smaller Club-mosses (Selaginella) is much like a single plate of the preceding. There is in each bundle a central plate of tracheary tissue, consisting of a few narrow spiral vessels in its two edges and a re- maining mass of scalariform vessels (Fig. 30). The tra- cheary portion is surrounded by a tissue of elongated, thin- walled tissue which is, at least in part, a sieve-tissue. InGROUPS OP TISSUES, OR TISSUE-b. STEMS. 47 this and allied species the bundles are curiously isolated from the surrounding ground-tissues of the stem. 88. The fibro-vascular bundle of the underground stem of the common Brake-fern (Pteris) is composed of trache- Fig. 30.—Magnified cross-section of the stem of a smaller Club-moss (Selagi- nella inaeouifolia), showing three bundles. ary, sieve, and soft tissues and a small amount of poorly developed fibrous tissue. In transverse section the bundle has usually an elliptical outline. The great mass of the bundle is made up of large scalariform vessels, which occupy its interior (g,g,g, Fig. 31). Enclosed in the sea-48 Botany. lariform tissue are masses of soft tissue (parenchyma) and a few spiral vessels, the latter occurring near the foci of the elliptical cross-section of the bundle (s). Surrounding or partly surrounding the tracheary portion of the bundle is a layer of sieve-tubes (sp), separated from the large sea- Fig. 31.—Part of a transverse section of the fibro-vascular bundle of the under- ground stem of the common Brake-fern (Pteris aquilina). s, spiral vessel; <7, g, . scalariform vessels; sp, sieve-tissue; 6, fibrous tissue; sg, bunale-sheath. lariform vessels by a layer of parenchyma. Outside of the sieve-tissue is a mass of fibrous tissue (b), which is itself bounded externally by another layer of parenchyma. The whole bundle is surrounded by a bundle-sheath, 89. A noticeable feature in the structure of this bundleGROUPS OP TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 49 is that the tissues have a concentric arrangement: the tra- cheary tissue is encircled by a layer of parenchyma; this by one of sieve-tissue; this again by fibrous tissue; and so on. 90. De Bary’s classification of fibro-vascular bundles is useful in designating their general plan. He includes all forms under three kinds, viz., (1) the Collateral bundle, which has one mass of xylem by the side of a single mass of phloem; (2) the Concentric bundle, which has its tissues arranged concentrically around one another; (3) the Radial bundle, which has its tissues arranged radially about its axis. 91. The development of the fibro-vascular bundle takes place in this wise: in the previously uniform primary meristem there arises an elongated mass of cells, consti- tuting the Procambium of the bundle; as it grows older the cells, which were at first alike, become changed into the vessels, fibres, and other elements of the bundle-tissues. In most higher flowering plants this change begins on the two sides of the bundle—i.e., on the outer edge of the phloem and the inner edge of the xylem; from these points the change into permanent tissue advances from both sides toward the centre of the bundle. 92. In some cases all of the procambium is changed into permanent tissue, forming what is termed the closed bun- dle; in other cases there is left between the phloem and xylem a narrow zone of the procambium (now called the cambium), forming what is known as the open bundle. Closed bundles are thus incapable of further growth, while open bundles may continue to grow indefinitely. 93. The fibro-vascular bundles of leaves and the repro- ductive organs are quite generally reduced by the absence50 BOTANT. of one or more tissues; this reduction may be so great as to leave but a single tissue, which in many cases is com- posed of only a few spiral ves- sels or tracheids (Fig. 32). In other cases, instead of spiral vessels the bundle may consist of a few fibres of bast; or of elongated, thin - walled cells, which are doubtless to be re- garded as meristem-cells which failed to fully change into one of the ordinary permanent tis- sues: this last is a very com- mon accompaniment of reduced bundles. Practical Studies. — (a) Break a stem of the Indian corn and note with the naked eye the tough string- like fibro-vascular bundles which run through the soft tissues. Examine in like manner the fibro-vascular v^uirr^udtes^^atearreduced bundles of the common door-yard to tracheids and spiral vessels. Plantain. (4) Make a very thin cross-section of the stem of Indian corn and, using the microscope, study the bun- dles carefully by comparing with Fig. 25. In bundles from young stems the fibrous tissue will not show as good a development as in the figure. (c) Now make thin longitudinal sections of a bundle in such a man- ner as to have the sections pass through a and i in the figure. This may be done by slicing the stem in a longitudinal radial direction. Study again by comparison with the figure and with the previous specimen. (d) Make thin longitudinal sections of a bundle at right angles to the last (by longitudinal tangential sections of the stem). (e) Study in like manner the bundles of sugar-cane and asparagus. (/) Study by similar sections the bundles of the young stem ofGROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 51 the Castor-oil Plant anrl Red Clover. The latter is very convenient for study, as the uppermost joints will furnish as young bundles as are required, while lower down all older stages may be obtained. In these note the cambium-zone. (g) Make very thin cross-sections of a root of germinating Indian corn. The first section should be made within a few millimetres of the root-tip. Others should then be made at a greater distance. By staining the specimens with carmine the sieve-regions maybe demon- strated better. Note the bundle-sheath (/t) Study in like manner the bundle in the stem of the Club-mosses (some of the species are known as Ground-pines), and if possible make comparison with sections of the smaller Club-mosses (grown in green- houses often under the name of Lycopodium, although they are in reality species of Selaginella). (?) Dig up the underground stem of the common Brake-fern (Pteris); preserve what is not wanted immediately in alcohol. The bundles may be seen by the naked eye by making a clean cross-cut and examining carefully in the region immediately surrounding the two dark masses of fibrous tissue. Make thin cross-sections and study with the microscope, comparing with Pig. 31. Longitudinal sections in two planes should be made as in c and d above. (j) Make very thin longitudinal sections of some of the reduced bundles which constitute veins and veinlets of leaves, e.g., in gera- nium and primrose. (/<:) Make similar sections of the bundles of petals, e.g., fuchsia. (0 Soak petals of fuchsia for several days in potassic hydrate, then wash in water and carefully mount iu pure water. The reduced bundles may generally be well seen by this treatment. 94. The Fundamental System of Tissues.—This system includes all the tissues which in any part of a plant fre- quently make up the bulk of that part, but are not included in the epidermal or fibro-vascular systems. Thus if from any stem, for example, we should strip off the epidermis and then pull out the fibro-vascular bundles, that which remained would be the Fundamental System of Tissues. In those plants (of the lower orders) which have no fibro- vascular bundles everything inside of the epidermis belongs to the fundamental system. On the other hand, in the52 BOTANY. stems of our woody trees there is but very little of the fun- damental system present, making up the very small pith and the thin plates (medullary rays) running radially through wood and bark. 95. In its fullest development the fundamental system may contain soft tissue (parenchyma) of various forms, thick-angled tissue, stony tissue, fibrous tissue, and milk- tissue. Their arrangement, within certain limits, presents a considerable degree of similarity in nearly related groups of plants, but this is by no means as marked as in the case of the jibro-vascular system. 96. (l) Soft tissue (parenchyma) is the most constant of the fundamental tissues; it makes up the whole of the in- terior plant-body in those plants where there has been no differentiation into more than one tissue, and it is present in varying amounts in all plants up to and including the highest. 97. (2) Thick-angled tissue (collenchyma) when present, as it generally is in the stems and leaves of flowering plants, is always either in contact with or near to the epi- dermis. 98. (3) Stony tissue (sclerenchyma) is common beneath the epidermis of the stems and leaves of flowering plants and ferns, and the stems of mosses. It sometimes appears to replace thick-angled tissue. Some elongated forms of stony tissue are scarcely to be distinguished from fibrous tissue. 99. (4) Fibrous tissue occurs in some leaves and stems near to the epidermis. In ferns it forms thick band-like masses, giving strength to*the stems. 100. (5) Milk-tissue (laticiferous) may occur, apparently, in any portion of the fundamental system of flowering plants,GROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. 53 101. It is thus seen that in general the tissues of the fundamental system are so disposed that the periphery is harder and firmer than the usually soft interior, although there are many exceptions. This general structure has given rise to the term Hypoderma for those portions of the fundamental system which lie immediately beneath or near to the epidermis. Hypoderma is not a distinctly limited portion—in fact, it is often difficult to say how far it does extend; however, it usually includes several, or even many, layers of cells, or the whole of each of the tissue-masses (e.g., thick-angled, stony, and fibrous tissues, etc.) which immediately underlie the epidermis. 102. Cork.—Within the zone which the hypoderma in- cludes there frequently takes place a peculiar development of the young parenchyma, giving rise to layers of dead54 BOTANY. cells, whose cavities are filled with air only. The walls in some cases (e.g., the cork-oak) are thin and weak, while in others (e.g., the beech) they are much thickened, and in all cases they are nearly impermeable to water. True cork is destitute of intercellular spaces, its cells being of regular shape (generally cuboidal) and fitted closely to each other (Fig. 33). 103. Cork-substance is formed by the repeated subdi- vision of the cells of a meristem layer of the fundamental kT Fig. 34 —Cross-section through a lenticel of Birch, e, epidermis; a, a breath- ing-pore. Magnified 280 times. tissue (Fig. 33); these continue to grow and divide by par- titions parallel to the epidermis, forming layers of cork with its cells disposed in radial rows (Fig. 33, k). Shortly after their formation the cork-cells lose their protoplasmic contents, while beneath them new cells are constantly being cut off from the cells of the generating layer; in this way the mass of dead cork-tissue is formed and pushed out from its living base. 104. The generating tissue is called the Cork-cambium, or Phellogen; it occurs not only in the hypoderma, but in any other part of the fundamental system, and in the seq-GROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE-SYSTEMS. ondary fibro-vascular bundles. When a living portion of a plant is injured, as by cutting, the uninjured cells beneath the wound often change into a layer of cork-cambium, from which a protecting mass of cork is then developed. 105. A little cork-cambium sometimes forms immediately beneath a breathing-pore, and produces a little mass of cork which pushes out and finally ruptures the epidermis, form- ing what are called Lenticels (Fig. 34). Lenticels are of frequent occurrence on the young branches of birch, beech, cherry, elder, lilac, etc., and may be distinguished by the naked eye as slightly elevated roughish spots, usually of a different color from the epidermis. Practical Studies.—(a) Make cross-sections of the stem of the pumpkin. Note that the fundamental portion contains only soft and thick-angled tissues. (6) Make a similar section of milkweed (Asclepias) stem. Note that the fundamental portion contains soft, thick-angled, and milk tissue. (c) Make cross and longitudinal sections of the leaf of the Scotch or Austrian Pine. Note the fibrous tissue in the hypodermal portion. Id) The stone-cells in the pith of the apple-twig are good examples of this tissue in the fundamental system. (e) Examine the cells which make up the medullary rays of the old wood of the oak or beech. They will be found to be stony tissue. In young wood they are thin-walled and thus constitute soft tissue (parenchyma). (/) Make very thin sections (in different planes) of commercial cork (the product of the Cork-oak of Southern Europe) and mount in alco- hol to expel the air-bubbles. Note the thin walls and the approxi- mately cubical shape of the cells. (g) Make very thin cross-sections of a young twig of the apple, snowball, or birch, so as to cut through a young lenticel. Mount in alcohol as before. 106. Intercellular Spaces.—In addition to the cavities and passages which are formed in the plant from cells and their modifications, there are many important ones which56 BOTANY. are intercellular and which at no time were composed of cells. In some cases they so closely resemble the cavities derived from cells that it is with the greatest difficulty that their real nature can be made out. In their simplest form they are the small irregular spaces which appear during the rapid growth of parenchyma-cells (Fig. 35); from these to the large regular canals which are common in many water-plants there are all intermediate gradations. Fig. 35.—A bit of the soft tissue of the pith of the stem of Indian corn; trans- verse section, gvh simple plate of cellulose, forming the partition-wall between two cells; z, z, intercellular spaces caused by splitting of the walls during rapid growth. Magnified 550 times. 107. In leaves, especially in the soft tissue of the under portion, there are usually many large irregular spaces be- tween the cells; they are in communication with the exter- nal air through the breathing-pores, and contain only air and watery vapor. The leaf-stalks and stems of many aquatic plants contain exceedingly large air-conducting intercellular canals, which occupy even more space than the surrounding tissues (Fig. 36). In the rushes, water- lilies, and water-plantains they are so large as to be readily seen by the naked eye. These all are in communicationGROUPS OF TISSUES, OR TISSUE SYSTEMS. 57 with the external air through the breathing-pores and the intercellular spaces of the leaves. Fig. 36.—Intercellular spaces. A, in leaf-stalk of a Water-lily; s, star-shaped cells. By in stem of a Rush: the cells here all star-shaped. Both cross-sections. B 108. Some intercellular spaces serve as reservoirs of gum-58 BOTANY. my or resinous secretions. Such ones are surrounded by secreting cells which manufacture the gummy or resinous matter and then exude it into the cavity. The Turpentine- canals of the pines and spruces are of this nature, the well- known turpentine being secreted by one or more rows of cells which border the rather large canals. The function of these canals with their secretion has not yet been made out with certainty. The recent suggestion that the tur- pentine may be for the coating over of wounds is by no means satisfactory. Practical Studies.—(a) Make extremely thin cross-sections of the stem of Indian corn, using a very sharp scalpel (or razor). Note the small triangular intercellular spaces. (b) Make thin cross-sections of an apple-leaf and note the intercel- lular spaces of the lower half of the section. Remember that in this leaf there are nearly 250 breathing-pores to every square millimetre of lower surface, while there are none at all upon the upper. (c) Study in cross-section the intercellular spaces in the stem of the Rush (Juncus), and the leaf-stalks of water-lilies, water-plantains (Alisma), and arrowheads (Sagittaria). (d) Study turpentine-canals in very thin cross-sections of leaves of pines and spruces. The larger-leaved species, as Scotch, Austrian, or Scrub pine, and the Balsam-fir, are the most satisfactory. (e) Make cross-sections of the twigs of White pine and study tur- pentine canals in hark and wood. (/) Study the oil-receptacles in the fresh rind of the orange and lemon by thin cross-sections. These are not strictly intercellular, but are formed by the breaking away of the secreting cells, thus leav- ing a cavity. (g) The similarly formed oil-receptacles of the mints and the gar- den Fraxinella may be studied by making very thin cross-sections of the leaves,CHAPTER IV. THE PLANT-BODY. 109. Generalized Forms.—The cells, tissues, and tissue- systems described in the preceding pages are variously ar- ranged in the different groups of the vegetable kingdom to form the Plant-Body. The simplest plants are single cells or masses of similar cells; in those next higher the cells are aggregated into a few simple tissues; while still above these the tissues are grouped into tissue-systems. 110. With this internal differentiation there is a corre- sponding differentiation of the external plant-body. The lower plants are not only simpler as to their internal struc- ture, but they are so as to their external form as well. The higher plants are as much more complex than the lower ones as to their external parts as they are in regard to their tissues and tissue-systems. 111. In the lowest groups of plants the simple plant-body has no members; the single- or few-celled seaweed has no parts like root, stem, or leaf; it is a unit as to its external form. In the higher groups, on the contrary, the plant- body is composed of several or -many members which are less or more distinct. In those plants in which they first appear, the members are not clearly or certainly to be dis- tinguished from the general plant-body; but in the higher groups they become distinctly set off, and are eventually differentiated into a multitude of structural and functional forms.60 botany. 112. Every plant in its earliest (embryonic) stages is simple and memberless; and every member of any of the higher plants is at first indistinguishable from the rest of the plant-body; it is only in the later growth of any mem- ber that it becomes distinct; in other words, every member is a modification of, and development from, the general plant-body. 113. Likewise, where equivalent members have a differ- ent particular form or function, it is only in the later stages of growth that the differences appear. All equi- valent members are alike in their earlier stages, whether, for example, they eventually become broad green surfaces (foliage-leaves), bracts, scales, floral envelopes, or the essen- tial organs of the flower. 114. These facts make it necessary to have some general terms for the parts of the plant-body which are applicable to them in all their forms. We must have, for example, a term so generalized as to include foliage-leaves, bracts, scales, floral envelopes, and all the other forms of the so- called leaf-series. So, too, there is need of a term to in- clude stems, bulb-, bud- and flower-axes, root-stocks, corms, tubers, and the other forms of the so-called stem-series. 115. By a careful study of the members of the more per- fect plants we find that they may be reduced to four gen- eral forms, viz., (1) Caulome, which includes the stem and the many other members which are found to be its equiva- lent; (2) Phyllome, including the leaf and its equivalents; (3) Trichome, which includes all outgrowths or appendages of the surface of the plant, as hairs, bristles, root-hairs, etc.; (4) the Hoot, which includes, besides ordinary subterranean roots, those of epiphytes, parasites, etc. 116. As indicated above, in the lower plants the differ-TUB PLANT BODY. 61 entiation into members is not so marked as in the higher, and in passing downward in the vegetable kingdom groups are reached in which it is inappreciable, and finally in which it is entirely wanting: such an undifferentiated plant-body is called a Thallome, and may properly be re- garded as the original form, or prototype. 117. Thallome.—The simplest thallome is the single cell; this, though generally rounded, is in some cases irregu- larly extended into stem-like or leaf-like portions, which may be regarded as, to a certain extent, foreshadowings or anticipations of the members of the higher plants. Plants composed of rows of cells or cell-surfaces frequently show no indication whatever of a division into members; but in some cases there is a little differentiation, which, though not carried far enough to give rise to members, is the same in kind. 118. In the larger seaweeds there is sometimes so much of a differentiation that it becomes difficult to say why certain parts ought not to be called members. Structures of this kind are instructive, as showing that the passage from the thallome plant-body to that in which members are differentiated is by no means an abrupt or sudden one. 119. Caulome.—By this general name we designate all axial members of the plant. In the more obvious cases the caulome is the axis which bears leaves (foliage), and in this form it constitutes (1) The Stem ; branches are only stems which originate laterally upon other stems. The other caulome forms are: (2) Runners, which are bract-bearing, slender, weak, and trailing.62 BOTANY. (3) Hoot-stocks, which are bract- or scale-bearing, usually weak, and generally subterranean. (4) Tubers, which are bract- or scale-bearing, short and thickened, and subterranean. (5) Corms, which are leaf-bearing, short and thickened, and subterranean. (6) Bulb-axes, which are leaf-bearing, short and conical, and subterranean. (7) Flower-axes, which are bract-, perianth-, stamen-, and pistil-bearing, short and usually conical and aerial. (8) Tendrils, which are degraded, slender, aerial cau- lomes, nearly destitute of phyllomes. (9) Thorns, which are degraded, thick, conical, aerial caulomes, nearly destitute of phyllomes. 120. Phyllome.—The phyllome is always a lateral mem- ber upon a caulome. It is usually a flat expansion and ex- tension of some of the tissues of the caulome. Its most common form is (1) The Leaf (foliage), which is usually large, broad, and mainly made up of chlorophyll-bearing tissue. The other phyllome forms are: (2) Bracts, which are smaller than leaves, generally green. (3) Scales, which are usually smaller than leaves, want- ing in chlorophyll-bearing tissue, and generally with a firm texture. (4) Floral envelopes, which are variously modified, but generally wanting in chlorophyll-bearing tissue, and with generally a more delicate texture. (5) Stamens, in which a portion of the soft tissue devel- ops male reproductive cells (pollen). (6) Carpels, bearing or enclosing female reproductive organs (ovules).THE PLANT-BODY. 63 (7) Tendrils and (8) Spines, which are reduced or de- graded forms, composed of the modified fibro-vascular bun- dles and a very little soft tissue; in the first the structures are weak and pliable, in the latter stout and rigid. The altogether special modifications of the phyllome, as in pitchers and cups, will be noticed hereafter. 121. Trichome.—The trichome is a surface appendage consisting of one or more cells usually arranged in a row or a column, sometimes in a mass. Its most common forms are met with in (1) The Hairs of many plants. (See page 36.) The other trichome forms are: (2) Bristles, each consisting of a single pointed cell or a row of cells, whose walls are much thickened and hard- ened. (3) Prickles, like the last, hut stouter, and usually com- posed of a mass of cells below. (4) Scales, in which the terminal cell gives rise by fission to a flat scale, which soon becomes dry. (5) Glands, which are generally short, hearing one or more secreting cells. (6) Moot-hairs, which are long, thin, single-celled (in mosses a row of cells), and subterranean. (7) Sporangia of ferns and their relatives, some of whose interior cells develop into reproductive cells (spores). (8) Ovules of flowering plants one or more of whose cells develop into reproductive cells (embryo-sacs). 122. Boot.—The root is that portion of the plant-body which is clothed at its growing point with a root-cap. In ascending through the vegetable kingdom roots are the latest of the generalized forms to make their appearance, and in the embryo they appear to he formed later than64 BOTANY. canlome and phyllome. They present fewer variations than any of the other generalized forms. The ordinary (1) Subterranean roots of plants are typical. They differ Fig. 38. Fig. 39. Fig. 38.—Diagrams of dichotomous branching. A, normal dichotomy, in which each branch is again dichotomously branched; By helicoid dichotomy, in which the right-hand branch, r, does not develop further, while the left-hand one, Z, is in every case again branched; C, scorpioid dichotomy, in which the branches are alternately further developed. Fig. 39.—Diagram of botryose monopodial branching. The numerals indicate the “generations.” but little from one another in whatever plants they may be found. The other root-forms are: (2) Aerial roots, which project into the air, and often have their epidermis peculiarly thickened, as in the epi- phytic orchids. (3) Roots of Parasites, which are usually quite short,THE PLANT-BODY. 65 and in some cases provided with sucker-like organs, by means of which they absorb food from their hosts. 123. General Modes of Branching of Members.—All the members of the plant-body may branch. This branching always follows one of two general methods. In the one the apex of the growing member divides into two new growing points, from which branches proceed: this is the Dichotomous mode of branching (Fig. 38). In the other Fig. 40.—Diagrams of cymose monopodial branching. A and B, sCorpioid cymes; C, forked cymose monopodium, the compound or falsely dichotomous cj me (called also the dichasium): D, helicoid cyme. the new growing points arise laterally while the original apex still retains its place and often its growth: this is the Monopodial mode of branching (Fig. 39). Both modes are subject to many modifications, the most important of which are briefly indicated in the following table; and moreover a member may branch for a time dichotomously and then monopodially, or the reverse.66 BOTANY. A. DICHOTOMOUS. 1. Forked dichotomy, in which both branches of each bifurcation are equally developed (Fig. 38, A). 2. Sympodial dichotomy, in which one of the branches of each bifur- cation develops more than the other. a. Helicoid sympodial dichotomy, in which the greater develop- ment is always on one side (Fig. 38, B). b. Scorpioid sympodial dichotomy, in which the greater develop- ment is alternately on one side and the other (Fig. 38, C). B. MONOPODIAL. 1. Botryose monopodium, in which, as a rule, the axis continues to grow, and retains its ascendency over its lateral branches (Fig. 39). 2. Cymose monopodium, in which the axis soon ceases to grow, and is overtopped by one or more of its lateral branches. a. Forked cymose monopodium, in which the lateral branches are all developed (Fig. 40, C). b. Sympodial cymose monopodium, in which some of the lateral branches are suppressed; this may be— b'. Helicoid, when the suppression is all on one side (Fig. 40, B); or— b". Scorpioid, when the suppression is alternately on one side and the other (Fig. 40, A and B). Practical Studies.—(a) Mount and examine under a low power of the microscope or by the naked eye alone the following in order as examples of tliallomes: 1, Green Slime; 2, Pond Scum; 3, the first stage of a fern “seedling" (little flat green growths, 3-5 mm. across, which often appear on the earth near ferns in greenhouses); 4, Sea- lettuce (Ulva); 5, Irish moss (Chondrus), the latter showing a much- lobed form. (b) Study as examples of caulome forms the following in order 1, the stem of Lamb’s Quarters, or Indian corn; 2, runners of the strawberry; 3, root-stocks of blue grass; 4, tubers of the potato; 5, corms of Gladiolus, or Indian turnip; 6, bulb-axis of the onion; 7, flower-axis of anemone, buttercup, tulip, or lily; 8, tendrils of the grape, or Virginia creeper; 9, thorns of honey-locust, or plum. (c) Study as examples of phyllome forms; 1, leaf of apple, cherry, or Indian Corn, etc.; 2, bracts of flower-cluster of cress, sweet- william, golden-rod, or aster; 3, scales of buds of hickory or lilac; 4, floral’envelopes of anemone, buttercup, tulip, or lily; 5, stamens of any of the above; 6, carpels of anemone, buttercup, columbine, etc.; 7, tendrils of pea, or vetch; 8, spines of thistles.THE PLANT-BODY. 67 (d) Study as examples of phyllome forms: 1, hairs of petunia or verbena; 2, bristles of tickle-grass; 3, prickles of' tlie bop; 4, scales of the buffalo-berry, or elseagnus; 5, glands of the petunia or walnut; 6, root-hairs of seedling cabbages, radishes, etc.; 7, sporangia of com- mon polypody fern; 8, ovules of anemone, buttercup, columbine, bouncing bet, etc. (e) Study for root-forms: 1, roots of seedling cabbages, radishes, etc.; 2, aerial roots of greenhouse orchids ; 3, parasitic roots of dodder or mistletoe.CHAPTER V. THE CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 124. The Water in the Plant.—All living parts of plants are abundantly supplied with water. It is always present in living protoplasm, and the greater its activity the more watery is its composition. The cell-walls of living tis- sues also contain large quantities of water ; and in plants composed of many cells (as the larger flowering plants) even those cells and tissues which have lost their activity generally have their walls saturated with water. In ordi- nary herbaceous land-plants the amount of water is not far from 75 per cent of their whole weight. In aquatic plants the percentage is much higher, often exceeding 95 ; it is so abundant in many of the simpler forms that upon dry- ing nothing but an exceedingly thin and delicate film is left. 125. Water in the Protoplasm.—As explained in para- graph 4 (page 2), living protoplasm has the power of im- bibing water and thereby of increasing its fluidity. Even after it has imbibed all the water which it can retain it continues the process, and separates the surplus in drops in its interior—the so-called vacuoles. Now an examination of the cells of rapidly growing tissues showTs that their protoplasm is much more watery than that of living but dormant tissues—e.g., those of seeds—and one of the first signs of activity in the latter is the imbibition of water.CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 69 126. This avidity of protoplasm for water plays an im- portant part in the general economy of the plant. By it all the cells which contain protoplasm are kept turgid, and by the tension thus created the soft parts of plants are made rigid. It plays no small part also in keeping up the supply of moisture in living tissues when wasted by evapo- ration. 127. Water in the Cell-Walls.—According to Nageli’s the- ory, the wall of the cell is not a membrane which separates the water of one cell-cavity from that in the next, but rather a pervious stratum, composed of solid particles (molecules) which are not in contact, and between which the water freely passes. In a living tissue the water is continuous from cell to cell, and constantly tends to be in equilibrium —i.e., the turgidity of the cells is approximately equal throughout the tissue, and likewise the wateriness of both cell-walls and cell-contents. 128. In the simpler aquatic plants the water of the cells and their walls is continuous with that in which they grow. Likewise the water in the tissues of roots or other absorb- ing organs of the higher aquatic plants is continuous with that which surrounds them ; and even in ordinary terres- trial plants there is a perfect continuity of the water in the root-tissues with the moisture of the soil. 129. The Equilibrium of the Water in the Plant.—The water in the tissues of every plant tends constantly to be- come in equilibrium, and this state would soon be reached were it not for certain disturbing causes which are almost as constantly in action. In any cell an equilibrium may soon be reached between the two forces which reside re- spectively in the cell-wall and the protoplasm, viz., (1) the attraction of the surfaces of the molecules for the water,70 BOTANY. and (2) the “imbibition-power” of protoplasm. So, too, an equilibrium between cell and cell may soon be reached. This equilibrium once attained, all motion of the water must cease, and it must remain at rest until disturbed by some other force or forces. This condition, or one ap- proximating very closely to it, is reached by many of the perennial plants during the winter or period of rest. 130. Disturbance of Equilibrium.—During the growing stages of plants the equilibrium of the water is constantly disturbed in one or more ways, viz., (1) by the chemical processes within the cells ; (2) by the “ imbibition-power ” of the protoplasm and walls of newly formed cells ; (3) by the evaporation of a portion of the water. 131. The chemical processes within the cell include : (1) the actual use of water by breaking it up into hydro- gen and oxygen ; every molecule which is so broken up leaves a vacancy which, sooner or later, must be replaced; (2) the formation of substances which are more soluble than those from which they were formed; (3) the forma- tion of substances which are less soluble than those from which they were formed. These processes take place in all cells, even those of the simplest plants. 132. In plants composed of tissues, wherever new cells are forming and developing, the new protoplasm and cell- walls require considerable quantities of water to satisfy their molecular attraction; this supply is always made in part or entirely at the expense of the adjacent cells. In many aquatic plants there can be little doubt that the needed water in growing tissues is obtained partly by direct ab- sorption from the surrounding water, but this can only be the case with the external cells; the deep-lying ones must obtain their supply from the cells which surround them.CEE MIS TRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 71 In aerial parts of plants the newly formed cells obtain all their water from the adjacent cells. 133. Evaporation of Water.—In the aerial parts of plants the evaporation of water from their surfaces is a far more powerful disturbing cause than either of the two preceding. Whenever a cell is exposed to dry air at ordinary tempera- tures a portion of its water passes off by evaporation; this immediately disturbs the equilibrium of water throughout the tissue, and the more rapid or the longer continued the evaporation the -greater the disturbance. 134. Evaporation from living cells or tissues is depen- dent upon a number of conditions, some of which are en- tirely exterior, while others are connected with the struc- ture of the plant itself. Among the former, the most important is the condition of the air as to the amount of moisture which it contains. In air saturated with moisture no evaporation can take place; but whenever the amount of moisture falls below the point of saturation, if the other conditions are favorable, evaporation takes place. 135. The temperature of the air (and, as a consequence, that of the plant also) has some effect upon the rapidity of evaporation. It appears that there is an increase in the amount of water given off as the temperature rises; this may be due, however, to the fact that with such increase of the temperature of the air there is generally a considera- ble decrease in its moisture. The direct influence of light upon evaporation is also somewhat doubtful. While there can be no doubt that plants generally lose more water in the light than in darkness, it appears to be due to the in- creased heat and dryness which are common accompani- ments of the increase of light. 136. In enumerating the internal conditions, one general72 BOTAJNT. condition must not be forgotten, viz., that the water in plant-cells contains many substances in solution, and con- sequently evaporates less rapidly than pure water, in ac- cordance with well-known physical laws. Moreover, the attraction of the substance of the cell-walls for the water counteracts, to a considerable extent, the tendency to evapo- ration; and in the same manner, even to a greater extent, the water is prevented from passing off by the “ imbibition- power” of protoplasm. It is, in fact, impossible to deprive cellulose and protoplasm of all their water in dry air at ordinary temperatures. 137. In all the aerial parts of higher plants the epidermis offers more or less resistance to the escape of the water of the underlying tissues. This is mainly accomplished by the thick outer wall of the epidermal layer; in many cases, especially in plants growing naturally in very dry regions, the epidermis consists of several layers of cells, which offer still more resistance to evaporation by being themselves filled with moist air only. 138. Among the lower plants, the single reproductive cells (spores) are guarded against the loss of water by hav- ing their walls greatly thickened. Even in the lowest plants, the Slime Moulds, the naked masses of protoplasm, when placed in dry air, will contract into rounded masses, which then become covered with a somewhat impervious envelope. 139. The breathing-pores of the green and succulent parts of higher plants control to a great extent the amount and rapidity of their exhalation. Breathing-pores are placed over intercellular spaces, which are in communica- tion with the intercellular passages of the plant. These spaces and passages are filled with moist air and gases,CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 73 which, when the breathing-pores are open, expand and contract with every change of temperature or atmospheric pressure, and thus permit the escape of considerable amounts of water; when, on the other hand, the breathing- pores are closed, little or no escape of moisture is possible. 140. The opening and closing of the breathing-pores appear to depend upon the amount of light; they open more widely the greater the amount of light, and close almost completely in darkness. The amount of moisture on the surface of the epidermis appears also to affect some- what the opening and closing of the breathing-pores; when the epidermis is very dry they are generally closed, and vice versa. 141. The Amount of Evaporation.—The conditions con- trolling evaporation are thus seen to he many and various. They never, or but very rarely, act singly, two or more of them usually acting together with varying intensity, so that the problem of the amount of evaporation taking place at any particular time is a complex and difficult one. All the observations yet made, and which have necessarily been upon a very small scale, indicate that the rate of evap- oration is actually very slow. 142. A given area of leaf-surface will evaporate much less water than an equal area of water-surface. The amount of the former has been estimated at from one seventeenth to one third of the latter, varying of course in different plants. A grape-leaf has been found to evaporate in twelve hours of daylight an amount of water equal to a film covering the leaf only .13 mm. (.005 in.) deep; a cabbage-leaf for the same time .31 mm. (.012 in.); an apple-leaf .25 mm. (.01 in.). An oak-tree was found to have evaporated in one season, during the time it was covered with foliage, an74 t BOTANY. amount of water equal to a layer 33 mm. (about 1^ in.) deep over all its leaf-surface. When we remember that the usual evaporation from a water-surface for the same period is from 500 to 600 or more millimetres (20 to 25 in.) we must conclude that leaves, instead of being organs for increasing evaporation, are able to successfully resist evapo- ration. 143. The Movement of Water in the Plant.—It is clear, from what has been said, that in many-celled plants there must be a considerable movement of water in some parts, to supply the loss by evaporation. Thus in trees there must be a movement of water through the roots, stems, and branches to the leaves, to replace the loss in the latter. This is so evident that it scarcely needs demonstration; it can, however, be shown by cutting off a leafy shoot at a time when evaporation is rapid; in a short time the leaves wither and become dried up, unless the cut portion of the shoot be placed in a vessel of water; in the latter case the water will pass rapidly into the shoot, and the leaves will retain their normal condition. If in such an experiment a colored watery solution (as of the juice of Poke-berries) be used instead of pure water, it will be seen that the liquid has passed more abundantly through certain tracts than through others, indicating that the tissues are not equally good as conductors of watery solutions. 144. As would readily be surmised, the tissues in ordi- nary plants which appear to be the best conductors are those composed of elongated wood-cells, and it is doubt- less through them that the greater part of the water passes. Furthermore, it is probable that the movement of the water is through the substance of the cell-walls, and not, at least to any great extent, through the cell-cavities. Accordingchemistry and physics of plants. 75 to this view, the force which raises the water, in some cases to the height of a hundred metres or more, is the attraction of the surfaces of the cellulose molecules for the layers of water which surround them. 145. The rapidity of the upward movement of water varies greatly in different plants and under different con- ditions. In a silver-poplar a rate of 23 cm. (9 in.) an hour has been observed; in a cherry-laurel 101 cm. (40 in.); and in a sunflower 22 metres (72 feet). Additional Notes oh the movement of water in the plant. I. Root-Pressure.—If the root of a vigorously growing plant be cut off near the surface of the ground and a glass tube attached to its upper end, the water of the root will be forced out, often to a con- siderable height. Hales more than a hundred and fifty years ago observed a pressure upon a mercurial gauge equal to 11 metres (36.5 ft.) of water when attached to the root of a vine (Yitis). Clark (1873), in a similar manner, found the pressure from a root of a birch (Betula lutea) to be equal to 25.8 metres (84.7 ft.) of water. This root- pressure appears to be greatest when the evaporation from the leaves is least; in fact, if the experiment is made while evaporation is very active, there is always for a while a considerable absorption of water by the cut end of the root, due probably to the fact that the cell-walls had been to a certain extent robbed of their water by the evaporation from above. Root-pressure is probably a purely physical phenom- enon, due to a kind of endosmotic action taking place in the root- cells. II. The Flow of Water (sap) from the stems and branches of certain trees, notably from the sugar-maple, appears to be due to the quick alternate expansion and contraction of the air and other gases in the tissues from the quick changes of temperature. The water is forced out of openings in the stem when the temperature suddenly rises; when the temperature suddenly falls, as at night, there is a suction of water or air into the stem. When the temperature is nearly uni- form, whether in winter or summer, there is no flow of sap. III. No Circulation of Sap —While there is an upward movement of the water in plants because of the evaporation from the leaves, there is no downward movement as has been popularly supposed. The “circulation of the sap,” in the sense that there is an upward stream in one portion of the plant and a corresponding downward76 tiOTANf. stream in another, does not exist. Likewise, the belief still main- tained by some people that in the autumn or early winter “ the sap goes down into the roots,” and that ,;it rises” in the spring, is en- tirely erroneous. There is actually more water (sap) in an ordinary deciduous tree in the winter than there is in the spring or summer (excluding of course the new and very watery growths). Practical Studies.—A few physiological experiments may be easily made by the student. The following will serve as a beginning: (a) Collect a quantity of green grass in the middle of the day when it is not wet; weigh it accurately, then thoroughly dry it in an oven, being careful not to scorch it. Weigh again: the difference in the two weighings will be approximately the amount of water in the living plant, although some water will still be left in the plant by ordinary drying. (b) Weigh ahandful of beans; put them into warm water or moist earth for a day or two until they are beginning to sprout. Then gather them up carefully, wipe off all external dirt and moisture, and weigh again. Here the difference will be approximately the amount of water absorbed by the protoplasm. (c) Place some specimens of Green Slime or Pond Scum on a dry glass slip, using no cover-glass. Note with the microscope the rapid evaporation of water as shown by the collapsing of the cells. (d) Gather fresh leaves of clover; suspend some of them under a bell-jar or inverted tumbler which stands in a plate containing a little water. Put the other leaves into a dry plate with no protection from the dry air. Note that the evaporation is very much more rapid in the dry air than in the moist air under the bell-jar. («) Strip off the epidermis from a leaf (hyacinth, live-for-ever, etc., are good) and note that the evaporation is much greater (as shown by the more rapid wilting) than from the uninjured leaf. Tbisskow's that the epidermis and its breathing-pores retard evaporation. (/) Lilac-leaves have breathing-pores upon their lower surfaces alone. Provide two leaves: cover the lower surface of one with a thin coat of varnish, which will prevent evaporation through the breathing-pores; suspend both in a current of dry air, and note that the one not varnished withers sooner than the other. (ff) Cottonwood-leaves have breathing-pores upon both surfaces. Repeat experiment above (/). (h) Procure a well-grown geranium (20 to 25 cm. high) in a flower- pot. Cover the pot with a piece of thin sheet-rubber, tying it care- fully around the stem of the plant. Insert a short tube (provided with a cork) at the proper place, through which to introduce water,CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 77 Weigh the whole at intervals of a few hours. The loss will oe the amount of evaporation (approximately). By adding weighed quan- tities of water at intervals the experiment may be continued indefi- nitely. (i) Cut off a rapidly growing leafy shoot of the apple or geranium and place the lower end in a bottle of water. Close the bottle by pressing soft wax into the mouth of the bottle around the stem. On account of the upward movement of the water through the shoot its level in the bottle will be perceptibly lowered. This will be more evident the smaller the diameter of the bottle. (j) Cut off the stem of a rapidly growing sunflower a couple of inches above the ground; slip over it the end of a tightly fitting india-rubber tube 8 to 10 cm. long. Slip into the other end a small glass tube 5 to 10 mm. in diameter, being sure to make the joints water-tight. The “ root-pressure” will cause the water to rise into the vertical tube. Note the effect of a change of temperature of the soil. (k) Cut off a small branch of a maple tree on a cold winter day; bring it into a warm room. As soon as the temperature of the branch rises, the sap (water) will begin to flow from the cut surface. Lower the temperature and the flow will cease; raise it again and the flow will be resumed. 146. Plant-Food.—The most important elements which are used in the nutrition of plants, or which, in other words, enter into their food, are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxy- gen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Iron, and Potassium. These all appear to he necessary to the life and growth of the plant, and if any of them are wanting in the water, soil, or air from which the plant derives its nourishment, death from starvation will soon follow. 147. There are other elements which are made use of by plants, but, as life may be prolonged without them, they are regarded as of secondary importance. In this list are Phosphorus, Calcium, Sodium, Magnesium, Chlorine, and Silicon. 148. The Compounds Used.—With the single exception of.oxygen, the elementary constituents named above do not enter into the food of plants in an uncombined state; on78 B0TAN7. the contrary, they are always absorbed in the condition of compounds, as water, carbon dioxide, and the Nitrates Sulphates Carbonates Phosphates Silicates, or Chlorides 'Ammonia. Potash. Soda, or Magnesia. Of the last the nitrates of potash and ammonia, sulphate of lime, carbonates of ammonia and lime, are probably to be considered as the most important for ordinary plants. Water is necessary for all plants, and carbon dioxide for those which are green. 149. In addition to the foregoing many organic com- pounds are absorbed in particular cases, as in those plants which live in decaying animal or vegetable matter (sapro- phytes), as well as those which absorb the juices from liv- ing plants (parasites). 150. How the Food is Obtained.—In the case of aquatic plants these compounds are taken into the plant-body by a process of diffusion from the surrounding water; in terres- trial plants the gaseous compounds, as carbon dioxide and carbonate of ammonia, are absorbed—at least in part—by the leaves directly from the surrounding air, while the solutions of these and the other compounds in the water in the soil find their way into the plant by diffusion. The water of streams and ponds and that found in moist soil generally contains, in addition to decayed vegetable matter, greater or less quantities of sulphate, carbonate, and phos- phate of lime, nitrates of potash and ammonia, besides small amounts of iron, silica, and chlorine. Plants flourish best when these constitute (in the aggregate) one part in one thousand parts of water.CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 79 151. How the Food is Transported in the Plant.—Once within the plant-body, the food-materials diffuse to all watery parts, in the case of the larger terrestrial plants rising through the stem to the leaves. By diffusion there is a constant tendency toward an equal distribution through- out the plant of the solutions which enter it; and if there were no disturbing chemical reactions taking place, such a condition would in most plants be soon reached. It is quite probable, indeed, that this actually happens for certain substances which are found in solution in the soil or water, and which, entering plants, diffuse through them to all parts, but not being used they soon reach a state of equal diffusion, which is only slightly disturbed by the extension of the plant-body by growth. The diffusion of food-mate- rials throughout terrestrial plants is aided by the evapora- tion of water from the leaves, thus causing a strong upward movement of the water which contains the various solutions of food-matter; but it is not dependent upon evaporation, for diffusion takes place under conditions which preclude evaporation. 152. Starch-making, or Assimilation.—Most of the food- materials of plants can be directly used by the protoplasm. Thus the oxygen and water, and the nitrates, sulphates, etc., mentioned above may be at once made use of by the protoplasm for its own nourishment. It is not so, however, with the carbon dioxide. It cannot be used directly as food, but must first undergo a special preparation. It must be broken up and recombined along with the elements de- rived from water so as to form a new compound which the protoplasm can digest. This new compound is starch, or something much like it, and so we may call this prepara-80 BOTANY. tory process the Starch-making process, or, as it is known in botanical books, Assimilation. 153. We cannot yet give an exact account of the suc- cessive steps in the manufacture of starch. The principal facts, however, are as follows: Carbon dioxide contains Carbon (C) and Oxygen (O) in the proportion of one atom of the former to two of the latter—(COs). Water contains Hydrogen (H), two atoms, and Oxygen (O), one atom— (H20). Both water and carbon dioxide are decomposed in the chlorophyll-granules of leaves and other green parts of plants. After decomposition there is such a recombination as to produce Starch (Cl4HJ4O10). 154. The carbon dioxide is probably decomposed into carbon oxide (CO) and free oxygen (O): thus C02=C0 + O. At the same time water is decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen : thus II,O = 2H -)- O. The free oxygen-atoms are exhaled from the plant, and by the union of carbon oxide and hydrogen the starch is formed: this appears as minute granules imbedded in the chlorophyll-bodies. 155. These chemical changes may be shown as follows: ionn _ l 12CO............... ) starch = 240 set free. I = Ci,H2oO,0 + 2H30. Here twelve molecules of carbon dioxide and twelve mole- cules of water produce one molecule of starch and two molecules of water (water of organization), while twenty- four atoms of oxygen are set free and permitted to escape from the cells into the surrounding air or water. In some plants no starch is formed in the chlorophyll, but oily or sugary matters which have nearly the same chemical significance. 12H30 : 1120) j 120 ) ) 24H.,CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 81 156. This decomposition and subsequent combination take place only in the granules or masses of chlorophyll, and only in sunlight. Those parts of ordinary plants which are destitute of chlorophyll are entirely wanting in the power of starch-making (assimilation), and likewise the chlorophyll-bearing portions are unable to assimilate in darkness. 157. Digestion and Use of Starch.—In darkness the starch which had previously formed in the chlorophyll-bodies un- dergoes changes which render it soluble, allowing it to diffuse to other parts of the plant with great freedom. The nature of these changes appears to vary somewhat in dif- ferent plants, but they consist essentially in the change of the insoluble starch into a chemically similar but soluble substance. Glucose (CiaHalO,a), inulin (C12H20O10), and cane-sugar (C12H22On) are the more common of the soluble substances so formed, and one or other of these may fre- quently be detected in the adjacent cells after the disap- pearance of the starch from the chlorophyll. 158. These diffusing assimilated matters are imbibed by the protoplasm of the living tissues, and constitute its most important food. In connection with the nitrates and sul- phates, etc., also imbibed, it furnishes the materials for the increase of protoplasmic substance in growing cells. 159. The Storing of Eeserve Material.—In many plants the surplus starch is stored up in one or more organs as re- serve material; thus in the potato the starch formed in the leaves in sunlight is, in darkness, transformed into glucose, or a substance very nearly like it, and in this soluble form it is diffused throughout the plant, and in the underground stems (tubers) is again transformed into starch, "o in the case of many seeds a mass of reserve material i iored up,82 BOTANY. generally in the form of starch (e.g., the cerea_ grains), and sometimes in the form of oily matters (e.g., the seeds of mustard, flax, castor-hean, squash, etc.). 160. The Use of Reserve Material.—In the use of reserve material, as in the germination of starchy seeds, the starch appears to undergo a change exactly like that in its 'disap- pearance from chlorophyll. Here it is certain that oxygen is absorbed, and that carbon dioxide is evolved, while the starch is transformed into glucose. Similar transforma- tions doubtless take place in the use of the starch stored up in buds, twigs, stems, bulbs, etc. 161. In the germination of oily seeds, after the absorp- tion of oxygen, starch is (in many cases, at least) first pro- duced, and from this the soluble sugar is formed. In any case, after the solution is attained the subsequent changes are similar to those which follow the transformation of the starch of the chlorophyll. 162. The Nutrition of Parasites and Saprophytes is simi- lar to that of embryos, buds, bulbs, etc. Here assimilated materials are drawn from some other organism, and subse- quently undergo digestive changes. In some cases the parasitism is only partial, as in the mistletoe, where a part of the assimilated matter is formed in the parasite (which, therefore, contains chlorophyll), while a portion seems to he taken, along with the mineral salts, from the host-plant. So, too, there are plants which are partially saprophytic in habit, deriving a part of their nourishment as sapro- phytes, while the remainder is elaborated by their chloro- phyll. 163. Many cultivated plants, as we grow them, are par- tially saprophytic, deriving a portion of their nourishment from decaying organic matter in the soil. The so-calledCHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. «3 carnivorous plants, as the sundews (Drosera), fly-trap (Dionaea), pitcher-plants (Sarracenia), etc., are in reality partially saprophytic, obtaining a considerable part of their food-materials from decaying animal matter. 164. For convenience the various processes which take place'in the digestion of starch, the storing of reserve ma- terial, the use of other food-matters, etc., have all been in- cluded under one general term—Metastasis, or Metabolism. It has been made to include all chemical changes in the plant excepting assimilation (starch-making). Assimilation and metastasis thus include all chemical changes taking place in green plants. In all plants there is metastasis, while assimilation is present in those only which contain chlorophyll. 165. Alkaloids and Acids.—Among the most obscure of the metastatic changes are those which give rise to the alkaloids. These are compounds of carbon, hydrogen, ni- trogen, and generally oxygen, as follows: Nicotine (CioHhN2), found in tobacco. Cinckonia (C3oH21N20), found in Peruvian bark. Morphia (C17HiaN03 + HsO), found in the opium-poppy. Strychnia (CaiHtnN203), found in the seeds of Stryclinos. Caffeine (Cs HioNiOj -f- H20), found in coffee and tea. 166. These and many others occur in plants in combina- tion with organic acids, such as malic acid (C4H606); tartaric acid (C,II0O6); citric acid (C6H80,); oxalic acid (C2H„OJ; tannic acid (C^H^O,,); quinic acid (C,H1506); meconic acid (0,11,0,). These acids are probably formed by the oxidation of some of the sugary or starchy substances in the plant, while the alkaloids with which they are combined appear to have some relation to the nitrogenous constitu- ents of the protoplasm.84 BOTANT. 167. From the fact that the alkaloids are formed more abundantly in those tissues which have passed the period of their greatest activity, it may he surmised that they are either compounds of a lower grade than the ordinary albu- minoids, or the first results of the incipient decay of the cells. 168. Results of Assimilation and Metastasis.—In the pre- ceding paragraphs we have found that chlorophyll-hearing plants absorb carbon dioxide and exhale free oxygen, the former being decomposed in the chlorophyll-granules in sunlight, and the oxygen being set free as a consequence. In other words, the absorption of carbon dioxide and the exhalation of oxygen are connected with the process of assimilation. 169. Now, it may be shown that oxygen is absorbed and carbon dioxide evolved, as results of certain metastatic processes which take place in any tissues, whether possess- ing chlorophyll or not, and independently of the presence or absence of sunlight. In the sunlight the absorption of carbon dioxide to supply assimilation is so greatly in excess of its exhalation, as a result of metastatic action, that the latter is unnoticed. In darkness, however, when assimila- tion is stopped, the exhalation of carbon dioxide becomes quite evident. 170. So, too, with oxygen: in the sunlight the excess of its evolution from assimilation is so great over its absorp- tion for metastasis that the latter was long unknown; but in the absence of light its absorption becomes manifest. Parasites and saprophytes, as well as those parts of ordi- nary plants which are wanting in chlorophyll, as flowers and many fruits, deport themselves in this regard exactly as chlorophyll-bearing organs do in darkness,CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS 85 Practical Studies.—(«) Put a dry apple-twig into a gas-pipe, closing the ends, not very tightly, with clay; put it into a fire and heat to redness. The carbon left will he of the form, and about half the weight, of the dry twig. (b) Germinate several kernels of Indian corn in moist sand, and when the roots are two to four cen- timetres long transfer the plants to wide-mouthed bottles or jars, supporting them as in Fig. 41. Fill one of the jars with pure (distilled) water; fill asecond witli well-water (which always contains many, if not all, of the materials of plant-food); fill a third with water from a stream or pond (which also always contains all, or nearly all, the materials of plant-food). Notice that the plants will grow in all the jars, as all are supplied with carbon dioxide and water, the most important plant-food; but the best and longest-continued growth takes place in the second and third jars. (c) In case the materials can be obtained, fill a fourth jar (as in the previous experiment) with a solution of the following constitution: short piece of Fig. 41.— Showing meth- od of making water - culture experiments. Distilled water.............................. 1000 parts Phosphoric acid.............................. 0.13 “ Lime......................................... 0.16 “ Potash....................................... 0.14 “ Magnesia..................................... 0.02 “ Sulphuric acid............................... 0.03 “ Nitric acid.................................. 0.46 “ Chlorine............ ........................ 0.001 “ Sulphate of iron............................. 0.001 “ With this solution perfect plants may be grown, if care be taken to renew the solution from time to time. (id) Secure a quantity of Pond Scum (Spirogyra) in a dish of water; expose it to the sunlight for some hours, and then examine it for starch with the aid of the microscope, making use of the iodine test. When starch has certainly been found, put the dish in a dark (but not cool) chamber, and after some hours repeat the foregoing exami- nation. No starch will now be found. (e) Select two thrifty potato-plants of about equal size and about the period of flowering, when the tubers are beginning to grow; coyer one vyitli a tight box or barrel, so as to shut off all the light86 BOTANY. and prevent starch-making. At the expiration of a fortnight ex- amine and compare the tubers of the two plants. (/) Germinate a handful of Indian corn in moist clean sand, and, as the plants grow, taste the kernels from time to time. The sweet taste shows that the starch has changed into sugar for the nourish- ment of the growing plants. (g) Cut off a stem of geranium and apply the moist surface to a hit of blue litmus-paper. The latter will turn red on account of the presence of an acid in the water of the cells. 171. Temperature.—It may readily be seen that plants are active only between certain temperatures. There is for every plant a certain highest temperature (maximum) beyond which there is no activity. Likewise there is also a lowest temperature (minimum) below which activity ceases. Between these there is a best temperature (opti- mum) at which the plant is most active. We have thus three temperatures which should be studied for each plant, viz., lowest, best, highest, or, as they are commonly referred to in botanical works, the minimum, optimum, and maxi- mum. 172. The lowest temperature for plants ranges from near the freezing point of water to 10 or 15 degrees Cent, above it (32° to 50° or 60° Fahr.). It is not the same for differ- ent plants, some being active at much lower temperatures than others. Moreover, in each plant, the lowest tempera- ture varies for the different-parts; thus roots are active at much lower temperatures than leaves. As a rule, also, metastasis can take place at lower temperatures than as- similation. 173. The highest temperature for plant-activity ranges from about 35° to 50° Cent. (95° to 122° Fahr.), varying somewhat for different plants, and varying also for differ- ent parts or different functions of the same plant. 174. The best temperature varies still more than theCHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 87 lowest or the highest. There are plants whose whole lives are passed in temperatures hut little above the freezing point of water, the Red-snow plant being a good example. Many seaweeds flourish in waters which never rise above 5° to 10° Cent. (40° to 50° Fahr.), while others grow only where the temperature is 20° to 30° Cent, (about 70° to 85° Fahr.). 175. For ordinary land-plants the best temperature varies for the different parts and functions somewhat as in case of the lowest and highest. The best temperature for roots is generally somewhat lower than that for the parts above the ground, and likewise for the production of fruit and seeds it is higher than that for the simple growth of leaves and stems. 176. The minimum, optimum, and maximum tempera- tures for the germination of the seeds of some common plants have been determined to be about as follows: Minimum. Optimum. Maximum. Indian Corn. Scarlet Bean. Pumpkin ... 9° C. (= 48° F.) 9°C. (=48° F.) 14° C. (= 56° F.) 5° C. (= 41° F.) 5° C. (=41°F.) 34° (C. =92° F.) 34° (C. = 92° F.) 34° (C. = 92“ F.) 29° (C. = 83° F.) 29° (C. = 83° F.) 46° C. (= 115° F.) 46° C. (= 115° F.) 46° C. (= 115° F.) 42° C. (= 108° F.) 37° C. (= 99° F.) 177. When the temperature rises above a certain point the death of the plant takes place. Those plants, or parts of plants, which contain the least water are capable of enduring higher temperatures than those which are more watery. The immediate cause of death appears to be the coagulation of the albuminoids of the protoplasm. The protoplasm thus loses its power of imbibing water, and the cells consequently lose their turgidity. In watery88 BOTANY. tissues chemical changes at once begin, resulting in the rapid disintegration and decay of the substances in the cells. 178. In many respects the results of too great a reduc- tion of temperature are similar to those, produced by too great an elevation. There is observed the same coagula- tion of the albuminoids, resulting in.the destruction of the power of the protoplasm to imbibe water, and, as a conse- quence, in the loss of the turgidity of the cells. More- over, as in the case of injury from high temperature, those cells which are the most watery are the ones which, other things being equal, are injured most quickly by a reduc- tion of temperature. 179. Embryo plants in seeds, when dry, are able to endure almost any degree of low temperature; but after they have germinated, and the cells have become watery, they are generally killed by a reduction to, or a few degrees below, 0° Cent. (32° Fahr.). So, too, the comparatively dry tissues of the winter buds and ripened stems of the native trees and shrubs in cold countries are rarely injured even in the severest winters, while the young leaves and shoots in the spring are often killed by slight frosts. 180. Death from low temperature is always accompanied by the formation of ice-crystals in the succulent tissues; these are formed from the water of the plant, which is abstracted from it in the process of congelation. Much of the water thus frozen is that which fills the cavities (vacu- oles) of the cells, while some of it is that which moistens the protoplasm and cell-walls. 181. As the liquid in the vacuoles is not pure water, but a mixture of several solutions, it freezes at a lower tem- perature than water, and then, according to a well-knownCHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 89 law of physics, separates into pure ice-crystals and a denser unfrozen solution. By a greater reduction of temperature more ice-crystals may be separated out, and the remaining solution made denser still. This increasing density tends to retard the formation of ice-crystals, and it is probable that it is only in extremely low temperatures, if at all, that the liquids in the plant are completely solidified. 182. A plant which has been frozen may survive in many instances if thawed slowly, but if thawed quickly its vitality is generally destroyed. Thus many herbaceous plants will endure quite severe freezing if they are afterward covered so as to secure a slow rise of the temperature, and many bulbs, tubers, and roots will survive the severest winters if covered deeply enough to prevent sudden thawing. Like- wise turgid tissues, which are not living, as those of many succulent fruits, are injured or not by freezing, according as the thawing has been rapid or slow. 183. Light.—All green plants are directly dependent upon light, for it is only in the light that they can manu- facture starch. Without light they would starve just as surely as would animals if deprived of their proper food. 184. Light does not appear to be essential to plants in any other way than to enable them to make starch; so that those which get their starch from others can live in total darkness. Thus many saprophytes (i.e., plants which live upon dead or decaying vegetable matter) are found in dark cellars, caves, mines, etc., growing to full size and maturing their fruit perfectly. So, too, some parasites (i.e., plants living upon and getting their food from living plants) grow in darkness, feeding upon the inner tissues of their hosts (supporting plants) where little or no light penetrates. 185. The flowers and fruits of ordinary plants develop90 BOTANY. as well in darkness as in the light, behaving in this respect like parasites and saprophytes. Practical Studies.—(a) Plant a few seeds of radish, barley, wheat, and Indian corn in each of two flower-pots, and place one of the pots in a cool cellar and the other in a warm room. Note differences in growth in the plants in each pot, and also compare growth of similar plants in the two pots. (b) Observe the average daily temperature during the time that the hickory-trees are opening their buds in the spring. Compare this with the average temperature during the time of most vigorous de- velopment of the leaves and twigs, and also during the time of the development of the fruit. (c) With a thermometer measure the temperature of the water of ponds and ditches when the earliest vegetation appears in the spring. This consists for the most part of diatoms which form a brownish scum on the water, or a brown coat on sticks and stones. (id) Measure in like manner the temperature of cold springs in which vegetation is found. (e) When Indian corn is producing its flowers (tassels and silk), ob- serve the average temperature of the air and compare it with the temperature of the soil at the average depth of the roots. (/) Enclose a small plant of Coleus (a common “foliage-plant”) and a clover-plant in a tin pail, covering them loosely. Enclose also a thermometer. Set the pail in a tub of ice-water, allowing it to remain for an hour or two. Note the effect upon each plant. Or make the experiment by first growing little plants of wheat and pumpkin or squash, and using these. The wheat will survive; the pumpkin or squash will not. Now make an experiment substituting hot water, and using a spring plant (as liepatica or anemone) and a summer plant (as Indian corn). Raise the temperature to 40° Cent. (104 Falir.), and then in- crease the heat very slowly beyond this point. Notice effect upon each plant. (,g) In the autumn notice that some plants are killed by frosts which leave others unharmed. (h) Thaw out two frozen apples, one in warm water rapidly, and the other in ice-water slowly. The first will be more injured, the second less. (i) Look for moulds and other fungi in dark cellars, as examples of saprophytic plants which have grown without the direct aid of light.CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 91 (j) Cover the end (30 to 40 centimetres) of a cucumber-plant, bear- ing young flower-buds, with a tight box so as to exclude all light. Notice that the flowers develop perfectly as to size and color, although in total darkness, while the leaves are small and lacking in normal color. (*) Cover in like manner a portion of a cucumber-plant bearing very young fruit. Notice that the fruit develops in darkness as well (in size at least) as in the light. 186. Movements of Plants.—Every living plant is capable of moving. In some cases the movement is so small that it is not visible to the naked eye, while in others it is very evident. It is popularly supposed that animals alone have the power of movement, and that this power is one of the prominent distinctions between plants and animals. In fact, however, no plant is wanting in the power of move- ment, and there are many plants which are much more active than certain animals. Only an outline of this interesting subject can be given in this place, and the student who wishes to pursue the subject further should consult Mr. Darwin’s book, “The Power of Movement in Plants,” published in 1881. 187. Mr. Darwin has shown by‘a great number of obser- vations that as soon as a seed germinates every part of the embryo begins moving in various directions. Thus the little root at once begins a sort of revolving motion, its tip describing more or less curved figures. This revolving or bending in succession towards all points of a curved figure so as to describe an ellipse or circle is called circumnuta- tion, an inconveniently long word for what, is, as we shall see, a very common thing in plants. 188. By the circumnutation of a root it is enabled to find those places in the soil which offer the least resistance to its passage. Moreover, it has been shown that the tip92 botany. of the root is sensitive to pressure, and when it comes in contact with any object bends from it. In this way the root-tip guides the advancing root through the interstices of the soil, avoiding on every hand the pebbles and harder bits of earth. The root-tip appears, also, to be sensitive to moisture, bending towards that side which is most moist, and thus in a dry soil the roots are constantly guided into those parts where the moisture is most favorable. 189. Not only is the root-tip endowed with the power of circumnutation, but, in the words of Mr. Darwin, “ All the parts or organs in every plant whilst they continue to grow are continually circumnutating. If we look, for instance, at a great acacia-tree, we may feel assured that every one of the innumerable growing shoots is constantly describing small ellipses; as is each petiole, sub-petiole, and leaflet. The flower-peduncles are likewise continually circumnu- tating; and if we could look beneath the ground and our eyes had the power of a microscope, we should see the tip of each rootlet endeavoring to sweep small ellipses or cir- cles, as far as the pressure of the surrounding earth per- mitted. All this astonishing amount of movement has been going on year after year since the time when, as a seedling, the tree first emerged from the ground.” 190. This general power of movement is subject to modi- fication by various agencies. Thus we find that in most plants the change from daylight to the darkness of night is accompanied by changes of position in many parts, the nocturnal position being called the sleep of the plant. So, too, the influence of direct light produces a bending or turning of certain parts of plants toward the light, a kind of movement which has been called heliotropism. Gravi- tation has, also, been found to produce a special modifica-CHEMISTRY AND I’llYSICS OF PLANTS. 93 tion of movement, known as geotropism; and, lastly, we may regard the irritableness of certain plants, as, for example, the sensitive-plant, as a high specialization of the general power of movement possessed at some time or other by all plants and all parts of plants. 191. In regard to the sleep of plants, observation has shown that at night the cotyledons (first leaves of the seed- ling) of many plants take a different position from that which they have during the day. In the cabbage and radish, for example, the cotyledons stand during the day almost at right angles to the stem, but at night they rise and are parallel to one another. Seedlings of parsley, cel- ery, tomato, and four-o’clock behave in a similar manner. In some cases the cotyledons instead of rising, at night, bend abruptly downwards. This happens with seedlings of certain kinds of sorrel (Oxalis), although curiously in other species of the same genus the cotyledons rise. 192. The leaves of many (if not all) plants assume a po- sition at night more or less different from that which they have during the day. In the common purslane the leaves at night bend upwards in such a manner as to lie more nearly parallel with the stem. In wood-sorrel (Oxalis) the leaflets bend abruptly downward and closely surround the common leaf-stalk. In clover, on the contrary, the leaflets bend upwards, afterwards folding over to one side. In beans the leaflets sink down somewhat after the manner of the wood-sorrel. In some cassias and the sensitive-plants the nocturnal position differs remarkably from that of the day; not only are the leaflets folded, but the leaf-stalks change their position, in some cases rising and in others becoming sharply depressed. Even some conifers have been observed to show a well marked sleeping state at night-94 BOTANY. 193. The relatives of the beans (i.e., the leguminous plants, or Leguminosae) have been most frequently observed in a sleeping state; but it is very likely that when we study them attentively very few of the higher plants will be found which are wanting in this power. 194. The familiar closing of certain flowers at night and opening again in the morning, and the exactly reversed action, are to be regarded as of the same nature as the diurnal and nocturnal position of leaves. 195. The turning of leaves and stems toward the light, as is commonly seen in a plant grown in a window, is re- garded by Mr. Darwin as a modified circumnutation. Here the lateral light controls ordinary nutation, and modifies it so that, instead of describing ellipses, the leaf or stem moves in a zigzag course toward the light. The stronger the light the more nearly will the course approach to a straight line. Some plants or parts of plants when exposed in this way to the light bend away from it: this is well seen in the runners of the so-called strawberry-geranium (Saxifraga sarmentosa), a well-known pretty little basket-plant. This last kind of bending is known as negative heliotropism, while the bending toward the light is distinguished as posi- tive heliotropism. 196. Allied to the foregoing is the bending of roots and stems toward or away from the earth, i.e., with or in oppo- sition to the force of gravitation. It is a familiar fact that in the growth of most seedlings the roots grow downward while the stems take an upward direction. Experiments made long ago proved that this was due in some way to the action of gravitation, and Mr. Darwin now considers it to be the result of gravitation acting upon and modifying the circumnutation of root and stem. Geotropism (as thisCHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF PLANTS. 95 is called) and heliotropism have then this in common, that both have as their basis that continual movement of the plant which appears to be the constant accompaniment of life; in the one case this movement receives special direc- tion and impulse from the light, while in the other the im- pulse is given by tbe force of gravitation. 197. We may now also connect the movements due to ordinary mechanical stimuli with the foregoing. In the well-known sensitive-plant a slight touch or jar is sufficient to cause the leaves to close with considerable rapidity. This was for a long time referred to an obscure irritability, which was regarded as something peculiar to a few plants. If, however, we bear in mind that motion appears to be the normal state of growing parts, or parts whose tissues re- main thin-walled, we see that this “irritability” is not a peculiarity at all, but only an intensification of that which is possessed by plants in general. Practical Studies.—(a) Soak a few beans in water, and when the little roots begin to protrude pin the beans carefully to a weighted cork under a bell jar, and observe the movements of the radicles. (b) Germinate and study in like manner the seeds of cabbage, rad- ish, Indian corn. (c) Fix a slender filament of glass to the rapidly growing end of a shoot of fuchsia, geranium, or verbena (using a drop of thick shellac- glue), and observe the circumnutation. If a plate of glass be laid horizontally just above the tip of the glass pointer, the movements of the latter may be readily recorded by lines or dots on the glass. Or a microscope may be fixed in such a position that the tip of the pointer is iu focus, when the movement will be made visible to the eye. (id) Fix a glass pointer to the tip of a leaf of a suitable plant (as a fuchsia, geranium, primrose, etc., grown in a pot), and record the nutations on a glass plate fixed vertically or horizontally in such a way as to be approximately at right angles to the pointer. («) Germinate seeds of cabbage, radish, parsley, or tomato, and note carefully the position of the cotyledons during the day and night. (/) Observe the sleeping state of wood-sorrel (Oxalis), clover, and96 BOTANY. purslane. Then make careful notes of diurnal and nocturnal positions of the leaves of as many plants as possible. Where it is possible to do so. it is recommended that photographs be taken of the waking and sleeping states of plants. Careful sketches, at least, should be made. (g) Select a symmetrically grown fuchsia, place it in a window, and note the rapidity with which the leaves and stems turn toward the light. (h) Germinate various seeds in a window, and observe the helio- tropism of the seedlings. (i) Grow a strawberry-geranium (Saxifraga sarmentosa) in a hang- ing basket or pot in a window, and observe that the dependent runners bend away from the light. (j) Germinate beans, and after the radicles have protruded a centi- metre or two fasten the seeds in such a way (under a bell-jar) that the radicles point directly upwards. Observe that the roots soon begin bending towards the earth. (k) Grow a few sensitive-plants in pots for study of irritability. Seeds may be procured at any seed-store for a few cents, and are easily grown in a warm room.CHAPTER VI. CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION. 198. We may now proceed to take a hasty survey of the vegetable kingdom, studying here and there a selected ex- ample which must serve to illustrate the structure of a con- siderable group. In such a study of plants it is better to begin with the simpler and more easily understood forms, and to pass from these to those which are structurally more complex and whose functions are correspondingly compli- cated. 199. On account of the vast number of species of plants (probably exceeding 150,000) it is necessary for us to group them in such a way as to bring together those which resem- ble one another. In such grouping we take into considera- tion as many things as possible, and those plants which are alike or similar in the greatest number of particulars are considered to he more nearly related to each other than those with fewer points of resemblance. Moreover, it has been found that resemblances in structure are of far greater importance than resemblances in habits. Two plants, for example, may be parasitic in habit, and yet their structural differences may he so great as to warrant us in placing them in entirely different groups of the vegetable kingdom. 200. If we bring together all the plants of the vegetable kingdom, we may recognize pretty easily six or seven large groups, all the members of which show more or less of re-98 BOTANY. semblance to each other. These are called Branches, or Divisions. Likewise, if we consider the plants in each Branch, we may make several groups, each of which will include those with still greater resemblances. These groups are called Classes. 201. In like manner Classes are divisible into Orders; Orders into Families; Families into Genera; Genera into Species. Each Species is composed of individual plants, all of which bear a close resemblance to each other. In some Species there is such a variation in the individuals compos- ing it that they are grouped into Varieties. 202. Applying the foregoing, we have the following as the classification of the common Sunflower: Kingdom of Vegetables. Branch, Phanerogamia. Class, Angiosperms. Order, Composite. Genus, Helianthus. Species, annuus 203. There are needed now and then various sub-groups; thus Classes are often separated into two or more Sub- Classes, and these again into Series and Cohorts; so Orders are sometimes separated into Sub-Orders, or they are more frequently divided into Tribes and these again into Sub- Tribes. So, too, a Genus may be divided into Sub-Genera. On the other hand, it is very common for Family to be omitted, as in the case of the Sunflower given above. 204. The general relationship of the Branches of the Vegetable Kingdom is sometimes shown by constructing a tree or diagram, whose principal divisions represent the Branches. Such diagrams (as the one on the opposite page) are often quite helpful to the student.CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION. 99 VII. PnANF.1tOC.AMIA. Flowering plants—Monocotyledons and Dicotyledons and Conifers. VI. Pteridophyta. Fernworts—Horsetails, Ferns, and Club-mosses. V. Bryofhyta. Mossworts—Liverworts and Mosses. IV. Carpophyta. Spore-fruit plants—Red Seaweeds and (heir allies. III. O0PHYTA. Egg-spore plants. II. Zygophyta. Unisexual plants. I. Protophyta. Sexless and mostly single-celled plants.100 BOTANY. 205. Plants are distributed widely over the surface of the earth. They are most abundant in the hotter climates, and decrease in number toward the poles. Likewise, they are more abundant upon the lowlands than upon the tops of high mountains. The regularity and amount of rainfall has also a controlling influence upon land-vegetation, while for marine forms the direction and temperature of the ocean-currents largely determine their distribution. 206. In general, we may say that light, temperature, and moisture are the chief controlling agents. Where these are favorable, there vegetation is abundant; where they are unfavorable, vegetation is scanty or wanting. The cold and poorly lighted polar regions (VI and VI' of the map), the cold mountain-summits, the dry deserts of Africa and Australia (IX and IX'), and the dark depths of the oceans, are alike deficient in vegetation. 20V. In general, similar conditions have brought about similar vegetations. The North American Forest Region (I) of the Western Hemisphere has its counterpart in the Europseo-Siberian Forest Region (I') of the east, in which approximately similar conditions prevail. So, too, the Prairie Region of North America (II) is to be compared with the Steppe Region of Asia (II'), the Pampas Region of South America (II"), and the South African Region (II'"). The Californian Region (IV) is in many respects similar to the Mediterranean Region (IV') and the Chili-Andean Region of South America (IV"). 208. The accompanying map (Fig. 42) shows one of the ways of dividing the earth into botanical regions. Each region is capable of subdivision into districts. The plants of a region or district constitute a flora; thus we may speak of the Prairie Flora, or the flora of the Upper Mis- sissippi district, or the flora of Iowa.' Fig. 42.—I, North American Forest Region. I', Europaeo-Siberian Forest Region. II, Prairie Region. II', Steppe Region. II", Pampas Region. IP", South African Region. Ill, Rocky Mountain Region. IV, Californian Region. IV', Mediterranean Region. IV", Chili-Andean Region. IV'", South Australian Region. V, Central American or West Indian Region. V', East Indian Region. VI, Arctic Region. VII, Brazilian Region. VIII, Central African Region. IX, Sahara Region. IX', Austra- lian Desert Region. X, Chino-Japanese Region. CLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION.102 BOTANY. 209. Most plants are short-lived. By far the greater number perish in a year or two, as is the case with our annuals and biennials. Some shrubs and trees may live for a considerable number of years, but even the most en- during generally die in a few centuries. The plants of the world are thus constantly dying off, and are as constantly being renewed. Occasionally the dying off in a particular species was more rapid than the renewal, in which case the species eventually became extinct: many such cases are known to palaeontologists. On the other hand, it has fre- quently happened that new forms have appeared as the older ones have died off, so that the character of a particu- lar flora has thereby been gradually changed. 210. By a study of the fossil plants of any period in the world’s history we may learn that the flora of each region has undergone great changes. The flora of North America in the Tertiary period was very different from what it is now, while the Cretaceous flora was still more unlike that of the present. Plants that now are confined to the east- ern continent were then common in many parts of this continent, and tropical or sub-tropical species flourished abundantly in Nebraska and Dakota. 211. Moreover, we learn by sudh a study that many of the plants of the present were not yet in existence in cer- tain geological periods. As we go hack in geological time the vegetation is less and less like that of to-day. Thus, the higher flowering plants (Dicotyledons) were not in ex- istence earlier than the Cretaceous period, while the Lilies and their relatives date hack to the Triassic. The great Carboniferous vegetation, from which our coal was derived, contained no plants with true flowers. There were no grasses or sedges, no lilies or orchids, no roses or violets, noCLASSIFICATION AND DISTRIBUTION. 103104 BOTANY. oaks or maples. There were cone-bearing trees and tree- ferns, as well as gigantic club-mosses and horsetails; but even these were very different from any now living. 212. The foregoing table (Fig. 43) will show the main facts as to the distribution of the principal branches of the vegetable- kingdom in geological time. It must he remembered that the geological record is as yet only frag- mentary, and in all probability many of the lines will be carried down much further as our knowledge becomes more complete.CHAPTER VII. BRANCH I. PROTOPHTTA. TEE SEXLESS PLANTS. 213. The protophytes are the lowest and simplest plants, and they are often so minute as to require the highest pow- ers of the microscope for their study. For the most part the cells are poorly developed; the protoplasm is frequently destitute of granular contents; the nucleus is wanting in many cases; and not infrequently there is either no cell- wall or only a poorly developed one. 214. The cells in all cases cohere little, if at all; and even when they are united into loose masses each cell retains nearly as much independence as in the single-celled forms. 215. No sexual organs are known. The common mode of reproduction is by the fission of cells, although internal cell-division occurs also. 216. Most protophytes live in water and get their food from the solutions it contains. Some are green or greenish, and so are able to use carbon dioxide, while others are des- titute of a green color and are parasites or saprophytes. 217. Three classes of protophytes may be distinguished, as follows: 1. Naked shapeless protoplasm—Slime-moulds (Myxomycetes). 2. Minute cells, not green—Bacteria and Yeast (Schizomycetes). 3. Cells green, or greenish—Green Slimes (Cyanopliycew).106 BOTANY. Class I. Slime-Moulds (Myxomycetes). 218. The Slime-moulds are in many respects the most remarkable of all known plants. They bear so strong a resemblance to the lowest animals (Protozoa) that they have been, time and again, placed in the animal kingdom Fig. 44.—A part of a Slime-mould (Physarum leucopus) in its vegetative stage. Magnified 350 times. by various naturalists. When we compare them with any other plants, they are found to differ from them so widely that very little relationship can be detected. 219. A Slime-mould is a mass of naked, shapeless proto- plasm (Fig. 44) during all the growing part of its life. InPROTOPHTTA. 107 some species it is no larger than a pin-head, while in others it is as large as a man’s hand. This mass of protoplasm is often yellow or orange-red in color, and is never green. It possesses to an extraordinary degree the power of moving itself from place to place. Slime-moulds obtain their food by absorbing solutions of decaying matter, and are even Fig. 45.—Early stages of a Slime-mould (Fuligo varians). a, a spore; b. c, the same, bursting the cell-wall; d to l, various stages; m, young Slime-mould. said to engulf solid substances in the same manner as the Amoeba among animals. 220. When they have become full-grown they lose a good deal of their moisture, and the protoplasm then sepa- rates itself into a great number of minute rounded balls, each of which forms a cell-wall around itself. These little balls (spores) are thus nothing but bits of protoplasm secure- ly covered. They may now be blown hither and thither without harm, and when at last they fall into a moist warm place they imbibe water, burst their coats, and are free108 BOTANY. naked masses of protoplasm again, thus completing the round of life (Fig. 45). There are seven orders of Slime-moulds, which are distinguished mainly by their structure in the spore-bearing stage. Many species occur in all parts of the United States, and may be readily found on decaying logs, stumps, etc., and on the bark-covered ground in tan- yards. A fine large one—Puligo varians—is especially common in the last-named situation. Class II. Bacteria and Yeast-Plants (Schizomycetes). 221. The plants of this class are minute cells, each con- sisting of a mass of protoplasm surrounded by a thin wall. The cells cohere but little, and in some cases not at all. They contain no chlorophyll, and always live in solutions of nourishing matter. Two orders are generally recog- nized, the one containing the Bacteria, and the second the Yeast-plants. 222. Bacteria.—These are the smallest of living things. Their minute cells in some cases measure no more than .0005 mm. ^nc^) diameter. They are in some species rounded in shape, in others elongated like little rods, or in others more or less curved (Fig. 46). They are frequently provided with one or two cilia (i.e., whip-like projections of protoplasm), by means of which they move about with great activity. 223. Bacteria are found in great numbers in the watery parts of decaying organic matter, causing various kinds of fermentation. They reproduce by fission with such aston- ishing rapidity that in a short time they swarm in any ex- posed substance which is capable of furnishing them with food. Some of the species live in the watery juices of plants and animals, causing various diseases. 224. Some bacteria can endure high temperatures, andPROTOPETTA. 109 frequently appear in tightly closed Vessels whose contents have been boiled. Some people have been led to explain their appearance under such circumstances by “ spontane- ous generation;” but thus far the facts are capable of other explanation. 225. On account of their minuteness, bacteria may be Fig. 46.—Forms of Bacteria, a, Micrococcus prodigiosus; b, Bacterium termo (resting stage); c, Bacterium lineola; d, Bacillus ulna; e. Spirillum rugula; /, Spirochsete plicatilis; g. Spirillum volutans. Magnified 650 times. picked up by currents of air and borne long distances, and in this way they are doubtless often carried from place to place. When a pool of putrid water dries up, the bacteria with which it swarmed are blown away with the dust and dirt, dropping everywhere into pools, upon plants and ani- mals living and dead, and even entering our lungs with the air we breathe.110 BOTANY. Among the bacteria which are of especial interest to us are the fol- lowing: 1. The bacterium of small pox (Micrococcus vaccinse), composed of minute globular cells, is now accepted as the cause of small-pox. That found in vaccine virus is a cultivated state, while that in small- pox is its virulent state. 2. The bacterium of diphtheria (Micrococcus diphtheriticus), simi- lar to but smaller than the preceding, is present in the body when suf- fering from diphtheria. 3. The bacterium of ordinary putrefaction (Bacterium termo, Fig. 46, b) is composed of oblong cells. It is the cause or accompaniment of all ordinary decay of animal and vegetable substances. 4 The bacterium of anthrax or splenic fever (Bacillus anthracis) is composed of cylindrical cells, which are motionless. It occurs in the blood of animals suffering from the diseases named. 5. The bacterium of consumption (Bacillus tuberculosis), of very slender cylindrical, motionless cells, has recently been shown to occur in the lungs and air-passages of consumptive patients. 6. The bacterium of leprosy (Bacillus leprae), of cells similar to the preceding but larger, is found in the tissues of those afflicted with leprosy. Practical Studies.—(a) Put a pinch of cut hay or any other similar vegetable substance into a glass of water; keep in a warm room for a couple of days, or until it becomes turbid (from the abundance of bacteria); examine a minute drop with the highest powers of the microscope for active bacteria. (b) Put a bit of fresh meat into water, and study the bacteria which will appear in it. Spiial forms like g, Fig. 46, may often be found in such a preparation. (c) Examine the juices of decaying fruits. 226. Yeast-Plants.—If a bit of yeast be placed upon a glass slip and carefully examined under high powers of tbe microscope, there will be seen a great many small roundish or oval cells, of a pale or whitish color. They have a cell- wall, but generally the nucleus is wanting or indistinct. These little cells are Yeast-plants, and bear the name of Saccharomyces cerevisise. 227. They reproduce by a kind of fission, called budding. Each cell pushes out a little projection which grows largerPROTOPIIYTA. Ill and larger, and finally a cell-wall forms between the two, which sooner or later separate from one another (a and b, Fig. 47). Under certain circumstances new plants form internally, as in c and d, Fig. 47. 228. Yeast-plants are saprophytes, and live upon the starch of flour. They break up the starch, and in the process lib- erate considerable quantities of carbon dioxide, which appears as bubbles upon the surface of the yeast. Another result of the breaking up of the starch is the formation of alcohol; hence the growth of yeast-plants in a starchy substance is always ac- companied by what is known as alcoholic fermentation. The housewife and baker use yeast-plants for the carbon- dioxide gas which they evolve, to give lightness to the bread, while the brewer and distiller use the same plants for the alcohol produced by their activity. Practical Studies.—(a) Fill a strong bottle half full of active yeast, cork tightly, and keep for an hour or two in a warm room. Draw the cork and notice the violent escape of gas (carbon dioxide). (by Place a small drop of the yeast upon a glass slide, add a little water, cover with a cover-glass, tapping it down gently. After a little examination under a high power of the microscope, add iodine, which will stain the starch-grains blue or purple, and the yeast-plants yellowish. Many of the latter will be found in process of budding, as in a and b, Fig. 47. (c) Spread a half-teaspoonful of yeast on a fresh-cut slice of potato or carrot; cover with a tumbler or bell-jar to keep it moist; after a few days (4 to 8) examine for cells which are reproducing by internal cell-formation, as in c and d, Fig. 47. Fig. 47.—Yeast-plants in various stapes of growth, a and b. At c and d new cells have formed by internal cell-formation, a and b magnified 400, c and d magnified 750 times.112 Botany. Class HE. Green Slimes (Cyanophycece). 229. These are single cells, or chains of cells, usually of a blue-green or brownish-green color, and generally inhab- iting the water. They very commonly form slimy masses or films on the water, or the moist surfaces where they grow. In their decay they emit a putrid odor, and when abundant, as they sometimes are in city water-supplies, are quite troublesome and offensive. 230. The lower Green Slimes are single-celled, as in Fig. 48— Cells of Gloeocapsa in different stages of growth, showing division and the mode in which the daughter-cells are surrounded and enclosed by the felatinous walls of the mother-cells. A, youngest; E, oldest stage. Magnified 00 times. Fig. 49.— A, filament of Nostoc; B, end of filament of Oscillaria. Magnified 300 times. Chroococcus, Gloeocapsa (Fig. 48), and other genera. Each cell divides into two, and these soon divide again, and so on. In Gloeocapsa the cell-wall is much swollen into a jelly-like mass. 231. In the Nostocs and their near relatives (Oscillaria) there is a little coherence of the cells into chains or fila- ments. The cells form by fission, but after formation adhere somewhat to each other. The Nostocs (Fig. 49, A) occur in water or on moist ground as jelly-like masses ofPROTOPllYTA. 113 filaments. Some are amber-colored, some brownish, some bluish-green. The species of Oscillaria (Fig. 49, J3) are mostly dark-green filaments collected into felt-like masses floating on the surface of the water, or growing on wet earth or the wet sides of watering-troughs, etc. A pecu- liarity of these plants is their power of oscillating from side to side, while at the same time they move forward. In this manner they are enabled to travel considerable dis- tances. 232. In Rivularia the filaments are generally arranged radially in little rounded masses. One of these (Rivularia fluitans) is often very abundant in lakes and slow streams, the little floating greenish balls being a millimetre or less in diameter. Other species occur as green slimy masses, as large as pin-heads, on the stones and stems of water-plants in ponds and brooks. 233. Related to the foregoing, but probably not falling within this class, are the bright-green “ Green Slimes” which have been known under the name of Protococcus. They are invariably one-celled plants, and the cells are much larger than in any of the preceding. They occur com- monly on damp walls and rocks and the sides of flower- pots in greenhouses and conservatories, and in wet weather on wooden walks and the roofs and sides of houses. 234. One species of Protococcus (P. nivalis) is the noted Red-snow Plant which in the high north latitudes often covers the snow, giving it a reddish color. It also occurs on the mountain-tops in lower latitudes. Although really a green plant, its color is reddish in one of its stages. 235. In their modes of multiplication these species of114 BOTANY. Protococcus resemble other protophytes. By fission the cells are divided into two or four new ones, and this ap- pears to he the more common mode of increase. They also produce new cells by internal cell-formation similar to that in the yeast-plant. Practical Studies.—(a) Scrape off a little of the greenish slimy mat- ter from a damp wall, mounting it in water: examine under a high power. Some small blue-green or smoky-green cells will be found belonging to the lower Green Slimes (CliroOcoccus, etc.); of these some will probably be found in process of fission. Larger bright- green cells filled with granular protoplasm will also be found: these are a species of Protococcus. (i) In midsummer look along the water-line of fresli-water lakes and ponds for soft, amber-colored, rounded masses from the size of a pea to that of a hickory-nut. By mounting a small slice of one of these, it will be seen under the microscope to be composed of myri- ads of filaments of Nostoc similar to A, Fig. 49. Occasionally a fila- ment may be seen with a larger cell (a heterocyst), as in the figure. Its function is not known. (c) Secure a handful of the dark-green filamentous growth which is common on the wet sides of watering troughs, and place it in a dish of water. If it is an Oscillaria it will rapidly disperse itself, an hour being long enough to show quite a change in position. Now mount a few filaments in water and examine under a high power. They will be seen to sway from side to side, and to move quite rap- idly across tbe field of the microscope. (d) In midsummer scrape off one of the small jelly-like masses of Rivularia, so common on the submerged stems of water-plants, mount in water, crushing or cutting the mass so as to show the individual filaments. Each filament tapers from the centre of tbe mass out- ward, and at its larger end there is generally a larger cell (a hetero- cyst). (e) Some protophytes may be preserved as herbarium specimens for future study. The Slime Moulds should be kept dry in little pill- boxes. The filamentous Green Slimes may be floated out upon sheets of paper as described in (j) on page 129. (/) It is always desirable to preserve some of the aquatic proto- phytes in weak alcohol for future study. Reduce the alcohol to one fourth or one fifth strength.CHAPTER VHI. BRANCH II. ZYGOPHYTA. THE UNISEXUAL PLANTS. 236. This is an assemblage of quite diverse plants, rang- ing from minute unicellular species, on the one hand, to large seaweeds of considerable complexity, on the other. 237. In this branch we find the first examples of un- doubted sexuality. The sexual organs all have this in common, that between the male and the female there is no appreciable difference as to form, size (with a few excep- tions), color, origin, etc. The result of the union of the two sexual cells is the production of a new cell, the resting spore or zygospore, possessing very different characteristics from either. While the sexual cells have only ordinary walls, or none at all, the resting spores are covered with thick, firm walls. 238. The resting spore is so called because under certain circumstances it remains quiescent, while retaining its vi- tality, often for long periods of time. Thus at the close of the growing season, as upon the advent of the summer drought, or of winter, the resting spores fall to the bottom of the pools (in the fresh-water forms), and in the dried or frozen mud remain uninjured until the return of favorable conditions, when they germinate and give rise to a new generation of plants.116 BOTANY. 239. Nearly all the plants of this group contain chloro- phyll, only one order being destitute of it. The green forms are all aquatic, and inhabit either fresh or salt water. Those which have no chlorophyll are mostly saprophytes, and live upon dead organic matter. They are doubtless to he regarded as modified forms of some of the types of the chlorophyll-bearing portion of the group. 240. Two classes of Unisexual plants have been distin- guished, as follows: 1. Sexual cells locomotive—Zoosporece. 2. Sexual cells fixed—Conjugate. Class I. Zoospoee^e. 241. In this large class the protoplasm is quite in the habit of escaping from the plant and taking on a locomo- tive state, in which it is called a zoospore, a word which means an animal-like spore (from the Greek zoon, an ani- mal). Under the microscope a zoospore looks very much like a monad, and this resemblance is made still greater when we observe the cilia by which it darts rapidly through the water. All the plants of this class contain chlorophyll. 242. Pandorina is the pretty name given to a fresh-water plant of this class. It consists of a globular colony of green cells, each cell provided with two cilia, which project out- ward from the ball, and by rapid vibration give it a rotary motion (Fig. 50). At a certain stage of its development some of the cells of the colony escape and swim about in the water; finally two come in contact with one another and unite, forming a resting spore (F, F, G, H, Fig. 50). After a period of rest, the resting spore bursts its wall, the protoplasm escapes, swims about for a time by means of two ciliq with which it is provided; at last it comes to restZYGOPHYTA. 117 and divides itself into sixteen cells, which then constitute a new colony similar to that with which we started (A, Fig. 50). 243. The Water-Net (Hydrodictyon) is one of the most curious of the common plants of pools and slow streams in midsummer. Well-grown specimens are from 20 to 30 centimetres long (8-12 inches), and consist of an actual net made of cylindrical cells joined at their ends. The whole Fig. 50.—A, a colony of Pandorina morum; C, sexual cells escaping; E, F, G, union of sexual cells; H, resting spore. All highly magnified. net is a colony, and the general mode of reproduction re- sembles that of Pandorina. 244. New colonies are formed also directly by the proto- plasm of a cell first breaking up into a great number of small ones (by internal cell-formation), and then these soon arrange themselves into a miniature net inside of the old cell-wall. The old wall eventually decays and sets free the new colony. 245. In the common Water-Flannel (Cladophora) of our118 BOTANY. creeks and rivers we have an example of a filamentous plant of the class Zoosporeae. It is a large, dark-green, much- branched plant, which attaches itself to stones and timbers in the water. It grows so vigorously that it soon forms long matted masses, often several metres in length, which float and wave back and forth in the currents of water. It pro- duces myriads of zoospores. 246. The Sea-Lettuce (Ulva), which is common along the coast and in brackish waters, grow- ing upon stones, wharf-timbers, etc., and resembling small lettuce-leaves, reproduces by zoospores. The plant is composed of a couple of layers of cells, and in some of these, by internal cell-formation, zoospores are produced; these escape into the water, where they swim about by means of their two cilia. 247. Kelp and its Allies (Phseo- sporese) make up a large group of zoospore-bearing plants. They are all marine, often attain a great size, and are of an olive-brown color. They con- stitute the Kelp which is often so abundant on the sea- shore after a storm. 248. The large, flat, leaf-like kelp (Laminaria, commonly called Devil’s Apron) may be taken to illustrate the larger forms. The “ leaf ” portion is sometimes from one to six. metres long and nearly a metre in breadth, while its stalk sometimes attains a length of two to four metres. It is held to rocks and stones at or below low-water mark by means of root-like processes. 249, The zoospores, which have two cilia, are producedZYGOPHYTA. 119 in certain specialized cells. These occupy particular por- tions of the plant-body, and compose the “fruit,” so called. In Devil’s Apron these fruits occur as bands or spots in the central part of the leaf. The union of zoospores to form a resting-spore (zygospore) has been observed in but few cases, and not at all in the larger and more common species. Practical Studies.—(a) In midsummer search quiet pools for water- nets. With a fine scissors cut out a piece of one and mount care- fully in water. Study with a low power of the microscope. Some of the cells will be found producing zoOspores. Search for young nets forming within the old cells. (b) Collect a quantity of water-flannel, and put it in a large dish of water, leaving it over night. Next morning the side of the dish which is nearest the light will show a green band at the water’s edge, due to the myriads of zoOspores which escaped during the night. Mount a drop of water and search for zoOspores. Occasionally the escape of zoOspores may he seen by mounting a number of filaments and searching carefully, (c) Collect sea-lettuce and study in the same way. (d) Study the tissues of Devil’s Apron (Laminaria) in cross and longitudinal sections. Class II. Conjugates. 250. Here the sexual cells which unite are fixed; that is, they are not locomotive. The sexual act always takes place in the mature plant. No zoospores' are produced. This class includes many plants of great beauty and scien- tific interest. Of the four orders here noticed the first three are composed of chlorophyll-bearing plants, while in the fourth they are destitute of chlorophyll. 251. The Desmids (Desmidiacece) are minute unicellular fresh-water plants. The cells are of very various forms, usually more or less constricted in the middle, and divided into two symmetrical half-cells. The cell-wall is more or less firm, but never silicious.120 BOTANY. 252. The reproduction of desmids takes place by fission and by union; that is, asexually and sexually. In the first, the neck uniting the two halves of the cell elongates and becomes divided by a trans- verse partition, so that instead of the original symmetrical cell there are now two exceed- ingly unsymmetrieal ones (Fig. 52); these grow by the rapid enlargement of the new and small halves; eventually the two cells become sym- metrical, by which time they have separated. This pro- cess may be repeated again and again. 253. In the sexual process each of two cells which are Fig. 52.—A des- midin process of fission. Highly magnified. Fig. 53.—Sexual reproduction of a desmid (Cosmarium menenghinii). a, front; ft, end; c, side view of the adult plants; d. two cells conjugating; e, young rest- ing spore formed; /. ripe resting spore, with spiny wall—the four halves of the parent cells are empty; g, the resting spore germinating after a period of rest; n, the young cell escaped from resting spore; i, young cell dividing, showing two new plants, similar to a, placed crosswise in the interior of the cell. Magni- fied 475 times. near one another sends out from its centre a tube, which meets the corresponding one from the other (d, Fig. 53). Fig. 54.—A common desmid, Closlerium. Highly magnified. At the point of meeting the two tubes swell up hemispherically, and finally, by the disappearance of the separating wall, the contents unite and form a rounded resting spore (e), which soon becomes coated with a thick wall (f). After a longer or shorter time the resting spore may geminate,ZYGOPUYTA. 121 which it does by bursting its wall and dividing its con- tents into two parts, each of which finally becomes a new desmid (g, h, i). 254. The Diatoms (Diatomaceee) are microscopic uni- cellular water-plants, resembling the Desmids, but differ- ing from them in having walls which are silicified, and in the chlorophyll being hidden by the presence of a yellow coloring matter (phycoxanthine). Each cell is usually composed of two similar portions, called the valves. Each valve may be described as a disk whose edge is turned down all around, so as to stand at right angles to the remainder of the surface, making the valve have the general plan of a pill-box cover. The two valves are generally slightly different in size, so that one slips within the other (A, Fig. 55), thus forming a box with double sides. In other cases the valves are simply opposed and do not overlap. 255. The individuals may exist singly or in loose fami- lies; they are free, or attached to other objects by little stalks, and they are frequently imbedded in a mucous secretion. The free forms are loco- motive, and may be seen in constant motion under the microscope: the mechanism of the motion is not certainly known. Fig. 55.—A, front view of a diatom, showing the overlapping walls; B, same view of a diatom undergoing fis- sion ; C, side or top view of a diatom (Navicula viridis), showing markings. Highly magnified.122 BO VAST. 256. In their reproduction diatoms resemble the desmids, the only differences being those made necessary by their rigid walls. 257. Diatoms are .exceedingly abundant; they occur in both salt and fresh water, usually forming a yellowish layer at the bottom of the water, or they are attached to the submerged parts of other plants, and to sticks, stones, and other objects; they have been dredged from the ocean at great depths, and appear to exist there in enormous quantities. They are also found among mosses and other plants on moist ground. Great numbers occur as fossils, forming in many instances vast beds composed of their empty shells. The varied and frequently very beautiful markings of their valves have long made diatoms objects of much interest to the microscopist. The great regularity and the extreme fineness of the lines and points upon some have caused them to be used as microscopic tests. 258. The Pond Scums ( The plants of this order, which are all aquatic, are elongated unbranched fila- ments, composed of cylindrical cells arranged in single rows. The cells are all alike, and each one appears to be independent, or nearly so, of its associates. The filament is thus, in one sense, rather a composite body than an indi- vidual. The chlorophyll is generally arranged in bands or plates. 259. The vegetative increase of the number of cells takes place by the fission of the previously formed cells. The protoplasm in a cell divides, and a plate of cellulose forms in the plane of division. This is repeated again and again, and by it the filament becomes greatly elongated. It is interesting to note that this increase of cells, which here constitutes the growth of the plant-body, is that which inZYQOPEYTA. m simpler plants is called the asexual mode of reproduction. In the plants under consideration there is harely enough coherence of the cells to enable them to constitute a plant- body, and one can readily see that the same fission of the cells which here increases the size of the plant would, if the cells cohered less, sim- ply increase the number of individ- uals. 260. As might he expected, the filaments occasionally separate Fig. 56.—A, beginning of the sexual reproduction of a Pond Scum (Spirogyra longata): a, beginning of the formation of lateral tubes; 6, c, the tubes in con- tact B, the protoplasm passing from one cell to the other at a; b, the mass of protoplasm formed by the union of the protoplasmic contents of the two cells. C. two young resting spores (c), each with a cell-wall. They contain numerous oil-drops, and are still enclosed by the walls of the parent-cell. Magnified 550 times. spontaneously into several parts of a considerable length, and the parts floating away give rise to new filaments. The separation takes place'by the cells first rounding off slightly at the ends, so that their union is weakened at124 BOTANY. their comers; finally only the centres of the rounded ends are left in slight contact, which soon breaks. 261. The sexual reproduction is well illustrated in Spi- rogyra, one of the principal genera. At the close of their growth in the spring, the cells push out short tubes from their sides, which extend until they come in contact with similar tubes from parallel filaments (A, Fig. 56). Upon meeting, the ends of the tubes flatten upon each other, the walls fuse together and soon afterwards become absorbed, thus making a channel leading from one cell to the other (_B, Fig. 56). Through this channel the proto- plasm of one cell passes into the other, and the two unite into one mass, which becomes rounded and in a short time secretes a wall of cellulose around itself (Fig. 56, JB and C). The resting spore thus formed is set free by the decay of the dead cell-walls of the old filament surrounding it; it then falls to the bottom of the water, and remains there until the proper conditions for its growth appear. 262. The germination of the resting spore is a simple process. The inner mass enlarges and bursts the outer hard coat; it then extends into a columnar or club-shaped mass, gradually enlarging upward from its point of beginning; after a while a transverse partition forms in it, and this is fol- lowed by another and another, until an extended filament is formed. '263. The Black Moulds (Mucorini) are saprophytic and some times parasitic plants; they are composed of long branching filaments (hyphce), which always form a more or less felted mass, the mycelium; when first formed the hyphse are continuous, but afterwards septa are formed in them at irregular intervals. The protoplasmic contents of the hyphae are more or less granular, but they never de-ZYGOPUYTA. 125 velop chloropnyll. The cell-walls are colorless, except in the fruiting hyphse, which are usually dark-colored or smoky (fuliginous); hence the name of Black Moulds. 264. The mycelium sometimes develops exclusively in the interior of the nutrient medium; in other cases, it de- velops partly in the medium and partly in the air. In some species the mycelium may occasionally attach itself to the hyphse of other plants of the same order, and even Fig. 57.—Diagram showing the mode of growth of Mucor mucedo. to, the mycelium; s, single spore-case, borne on an aerial erect hypha. to nearly related species, and derive nourishment parasiti- cally from them. It is doubtful, however, whether any species are entirely parasitic, and so far as parasitism oc- curs it appears to he confined to narrow limits; none, so far as known, are parasitic upon higher plants. 265. The reproduction of Black Moulds is asexual and sexual. In the asexual reproduction the mycelium sends up erect hyphae (Fig. 57), which produce few or many sepa- rable reproductive cells—the spores. The method of for- mation of the spores in the Black Mould of decaying fruits,126 BOTANY. pastry, etc. (Mucor mucedo), is as follows: The vertical hyphse, which are filled with protoplasm, become enlarged at the top, and in each a transverse partition forms (A, a, Fig. 58), the portion above the partition (5) becomes larger, and, at the same time, the transverse partition arches up (B, a), finally appearing like an extension of the hypha, then called the columella (C, a). The protoplasm in the enlarged terminal cell (b) divides into a large number of minute masses, each of which surrounds itself with a cell- Fig. 58.—Diagrams showing mode of growth of the spore-ca6e of Mucor mu- cedo. A, very young stage; B, somewhat later; C, spore-case with ripe spores. a in all the figures represents the partition-wall between the last cell of the fila- ment and the spore-case, b. wall; these little cells are the spores, and the large mother- cell is now a spore-case, or sporangium. 266. The spores are set free in different ways: in some cases the wall of the spore-case is entirely absorbed by the time the spores are mature; in other cases only portions of the wall are absorbed, producing fissures of various kinds. The spores germinate readily when on or in a substance capable of nourishing them, by sending out one or two hyphse, which soon branch and give rise to a mycelium. Spores may, if kept dry, retain their vitality for months. 267. Sexual reproduction takes place after the produc- tion of asexual spores. Two hyphse, in the air or withinZYGOPHYTA. 127 ' the nutritive medium, come near each otner, and send out small branches, which come in contact with each other (a, Fig. 59); these elongate and become club-shaped, and at the same time they become more closely united to each other at their larger extremities (b); a little later a trans- verse partition forms in each at a little distance from their place of union (c); the wall separating the new terminal Fig. 59.—Conjugation of a Black Mould, a. two hyphae near each other, and sending out short lateral tubes or branches, which come in contact; 6, the branches grown larger; c, the formation of a partition near the end of each branch; d, absorption of the wall between the two branches, and the consequent union of the protoplasm of the end cells; e, resting spore fully formed, e mag- nified 90 times, the others nearly the same. cells is now absorbed, and their protoplasmic contents unite into one common mass (d); the last stage of the process is the secretion of a thick wall around the new mass, thus forming a zygospore (e). 268. The resting spore does not germinate until it has undergone desiccation, and has experienced a certain period of rest, when, if placed in a moist atmosphere, it sends out hyphae which bear spore-cases. Resting spores appear neverBOTANY. 128 to form a mycelium: that s always the result of the growth of the spores from the spore-cases. Practical Studies.—(a) Collect a quantity of Pond Scum and other aquatic vegetation, and preserve in a dish of water. Mount portions of this material and search for desmids, using a i-inch objective. Two-lobed or star-shaped desmids of a bright-green color may fre- quently be found. A large lunate desmid (Closlerium, Fig. 54) is often still more common. In the latter the clear protoplasm at each end is always streaming rapidly. (b) Collect a little of the brownish-yellow scum which in early spring gathers on the top of the water of brooks, ditches, and pools. Mount in water and examine with a high power. Hundreds of dia- toms may be seen moving rapidly across the field in every direction. In any such preparation many species of various shapes will be found. The prevailing form, however, is generally elongated and somewhat diamond-shaped. (c) Study in like manner the slimy coating upon dead leaves and twigs in water in the summer for diatoms. On some of these, very fine markings may be found. (d) Collect a quantity of bright-green Pond Scum which always abounds in shallow ponds and pools, and preserve in a dish of water. Collect, also, some of the same which has begun to turn yellow and brown. Upon mounting a bit of the first in water and examining with a high power, it will be found to consist of threads of cylindri- cal cells, each containing one or more spiral chlorophyll-bands (Spi- rogyra, Fig. 56) or star-shaped chloropliyll-budies (Zygnema). Upon mounting some of the second collecting, here and there the formation of resting spores may be observed. In all cases care must be taken not to mount loo great u, quantity of the material, nor to injure the plants by rough handling. (e) In the study of Black Moulds it is mostly necessary to make use of alcohol for freeing the specimens of air; afterwards they usu- ally require to be treated with a dilute alkali, as a weak solution of ammonia or potassic hydrate, which causes the hypbse to swell up to their original proportions. (/) Cut a lemon in two, and, squeezing out most of the juice, ex- pose the two halves to the air of an ordinary living-room or school- room for a few days, when various moulds will begin to develop. Under favorable circumstances Black Mould will predominate. It can be told by its dark color and the minute round black spore- cases on the ends of the erect hyphse. Mount a few hyphas (as di- rected in e above) and examine liyphse. spore-cases, and spores.Z7Q0PII7TA. 129 (g) Moisten a piece of perfectly fresh bread, and then sow here and there on its surface a few spores of Black Mould; cover with a tum- bler or bell-glass. In a few hours a new crop of Black Mould will begin developing. (/t) The most common Black Moulds are species of the genus Mucor. M mucedo and M. stolonifer are common on many decaying sub- stances. M. syzygites occurs on decaying toadstools and other large fungi. Pilobolus crystallinus, Piptocephalis freseniana, and Cbaeto- cladium jonesii occur on animal excrement Phycomyces nitens grows on oily or greasy substances, as old bones, oil-casks, etc. (i) Place several clean glass slides in conlact with a culture of Black Mould, as described in (g). By removing these at different times the various stages of growth of the mould may be easily studied. (j) Good specimens of Pond Scums may be made for preservation in the herbarium as follows: Place a tuft of the Pond Scum in a dish of clean water, and then by agitating the water for a few seconds the filaments may be made to spread out iu the water; now pass under the floating mass a sheet of heavy white paper, and slowly raise it in such a manner as to lift out the plants with the least disturbance of their filaments. Allow the surplus water to drain off, then press the paper and specimens between sheets of heavy blotting-paper, first, however, laying a moist cotton or linen cloth over the specimen. By care such specimens will be found to adhere quite lightly to the sheets of paper. (k) Black Moulds may be obtained for herbarium specimens by placing cards or slips of paper in contact with cultures, and then re- moving them when the proper amount of mould lias run over them; or portions of the mass as it grows upon a piece of bread—as in (g)— may be pressed lightly, and then glued to a sheet of paper. (il) For future study in the laboratory the aquatic zygophvtes should be preserved in bottles of water containing just enough alcohol, glycerine, or carbolic acid to prevent their decay. One fourth or fifth of the first and second, and enough of the last to give a decided odor, will usually do well enough.CHAPTER IX. BRANCH III. OOPHYTA. THE EGG-SPORE PLANTS. 269. The distinguishing feature of the plants belonging to this division is that they develop a large cell (the oogone, or oogonium), differing from those about it in size and general appearance, which contains one or more rounded masses of protoplasm (the germ-cells), which are subse- quently fertilized by the contents of a second kind of spe- cial cell of much smaller size (the antherid, or antheridium). The oogone is the female reproductive organ, and the am therid the male. The protoplasm of the latter is in some cases transferred by direct contact to the germ-cell; in other cases it first breaks up into motile bodies (the anther- ozoids), which then come to and unite with the germ-cell. 270. The germ-cell itself is never motile, and in most cases it remains within the parent-plant until long after it is fertilized. The result of fertilization is the production of a resting spore (here called an oospore) which differs from the germ-cell structurally in having a hard and gen- erally colored coating, and physiologically in having the power of germination and growth after a period of rest of greater or less duration. 271. The plants of this division vary greatly as to the development of the plant-body. In some cases it is a feebly united colony, while in its highest forms it is a well-devel- oped thallus, with even the beginning of a differentiation into Caulome, Phyllome, and Root. Most of them areO'dPHYTA. 131 chlorophyll-bearing, but a few are colorless saprophytes and parasites. 272. Four classes have been distinguished: 1. Zoosporece, analogous and related to the ZoSsporete of Branch II. 2. CEdogoniem; plant body a cellular filament. 3. Caloilastem ; plant-body a tubular filament. 4. Fucacece; plant-body large and complex; color olive-green. Class I. Zoospores. 273. The little spherical Volvox of the pools and ditches may be taken as an illustration of the first class. It resem- bles Pandorina in many respects, and without doubt is closely re- lated to. it. Volvox is a colony of very many little cells, each of which projects its two cilia out- ward, giving the ball a hairy ap- pearance. By the lashing of the cilia the ball rolls about in the water. 274. At a certain stage some of the cells enlarge and slip into the interior of the colony, becoming free oogones, each con- taining one germ-cell. At the same time other cells break up their protoplasm into motile antherozoids, which escape into the same cavity of the colony. At length the anthero- zoids unite with the germ-cell, when as a result the latter secretes a thick wall, and thus becomes a resting spore. Upon germination the resting spore divides its protoplasm into several hundred small cells, which then arrange them- selves into a new colony. 275. The asexual reproduction takes place by certain cells breaking into great numbers of little cells, which then Fig. 60.—A Volvox colony, magnified about 45 times, showing young colonies with- in.132 BOTANY. unite themselves directly into a new colony in the interior of the parent-colony (Fig. 60). Class II. CEdogonie^e. 276. The plants constituting this class are composed of articulated, simple, or branched filaments, which are attached to sticks, stones, earth, or other ob- jects by root-like projections of the basal cells. The chlorophyll in the cells is always dense and uniform. They inhabit ponds and slow streams, and form green or brownish masses which fringe the sticks and other objects in the water. 277. The asexual reproduction of (Edogoniete is very curious. During the early and active growth of the plants the proto- plasm of certain cells escapes as a large zoospore (Fig. 61, A and B); it is provided with a crown of cilia about its smaller hyaline end, by means of which it swims rapidly hither and thither in the water (C). After a time it comes Fig. 61. —Asexual reproduc- ..... tion of CEdogonium. A. fracture to rest, clothes itself With a Cell- of a filament; B, escape of pro- toplasm and formation of a zoo- wall, and sends out from its small- spore; C, swimming zoospore; 7 er end root-like prolongations (B), ptent comfmsed'o'f oa\y onecelt which attach it to Some object; CMr escapi"s- it now elongates, and at lengthO'dPHYTA. 133 forms partitions, taking on eventually the form of the adult filament. It sometimes happens that before the new plant resulting from the growth of a zoospore has formed its Fig. 62 —Showing the sexual state of an CEdogonium. A, part of a filament with three oogones. og\ m, m, small filaments (dwarf males) which produce an- therozoids in this species; B, an oogone at time of fertilization; D, part of fila- ment of another species, showing escape of antherozoids. Highly magnified. first partition, the protoplasm again abandons its cell, to be for a second time a zoospore (E). 278. In the sexual reproduction of the plants of this class134 BOTANY. the female organ consists of a rounded germ-cell situated within a cavity—the oogone; it is developed from one of the cells (sometimes two) of the filament by a condensing and rounding off of the protoplasmic contents; when the germ-cell is fully mature, an opening is formed in the oogone-wall for the ingress of the antherozoids (A and B, Fig. 62). One or more antherozoids are produced in cer- tain small cells of the same or another filament; in shape they resemble the zoospores mentioned above. Upon es- caping into the water they swim about vigorously, eventu- ally making their way through the opening in the oogone, and then burying themselves in the substance of the germ- cell (B, z, Fig. 62). After fertilization, the germ-cell be- comes covered with a thick and colored (brown or red) coat, and it then becomes a resting spore. 279. After a period of rest, the resting spore germinates by rupturing its thick coat and permitting the escape of the contents, enclosed in a thin envelope; by this time the protoplasm has divided into four portions, which take on an oval form and develop a crown of cilia. They soon escape from the investing membrane, and after a brief period of activity grow into an ordinary filament in exactly the same manner as the zoospores. Practical Studies.—(a) In midsummer collect a few quarts of the surface-water of weedy ponds, together with the Pond Scums grow- ing therein; put it into a shallow dish, and after an hour or so look carefully (with the naked eye) for Yolvox. It will be seen as a minute green ball (from .5 to 1 millimetre in diameter) rolling slowly through the water. Now carefully transfer it to a slide along with enough Pond Scum to prevent crushing. Under even a low power many of the details of structure may be made out, and one or more young colonies in the interior may almost invariably be seen. (4) Specimens of (Edogonium may be obtained by examining the small sticks and stems of aquatic plants from quiet waters. They may be recognized by the enlarged cells (obgones).OUPHTTA. 135 Class III. Cceloblaste^e. 280. The plant-body in this important and interesting class is a branched filament, in which the protoplasm is continuous. These plants are, however, not to be consid- ered single-celled, but rather rows of cells which have not become separated from one another by partitions. 281. The Green Felts (Vaucheriacece) are good repre- sentatives of the first order under this class. They are coarse, green, tubular plants which grow in abundance on the moist earth in the vicinity of springs, and in shallow running water, forming dense felted masses. 282. The asexual reproduction consists of a separation of a part of the plant-body, sometimes a swollen lateral branch, sometimes only the protoplasm of such a branch. In the latter case the protoplasm may escape as a zoospore (A, Fig. 63) which eventually forms a wall around itself, and then proceeds to elongate into a new plant-body. 283. Sexual reproduction takes place in lateral branches also. Both antherids and oogones develop as lateral pro- tuberances upon the main stem (og, og, h, Fig. 63). The male organ (antherid) is long and rather narrow, and soon much curved; its upper portion becomes cut off by a par- tition, and in it very small biciliate antherozoids are de- veloped in great numbers. The female organ (oogone) is short and ovoid in outline, and usually stands near the male organs. In it a partition forms near its point of union with the main stem; the upper portion becomes an oogone, and its protoplasm condenses into a rounded body, the germ-cell: at this time the wall of the oogone opens, and permits the entrance of the antherozoids which were set free by the rupture of the antherid-wall.136 BOTANT. 284. Upon coming into contact with the germ-cell the antherozoids mingle with it and disappear; the germ-cell immediately begins to secrete a wall of cellulose about itself, and it thus becomes a resting spore. After a period of rest the thick wall of the resting spore splits, and through Fig. 63.—Reproduction of Green Felt (Vaucheria sessilis). A. formation of a zoospore; B, zoospore come to rest; C. zoospore germinating; D, E, young plants; w, root-like holdfasts; F, plant with sexual organs. Magnified about 30 times. the opening a tube grows out which eventually assumes the form and dimensions of the full-grown plant. 285. The Water-Moulds (Saprolegniacece) are colorless saprophytes or parasites, more frequently the latter; they are generally to be found in the water, attached to the bodies of living or dead fishes, crayfishes, etc., or occasion- ally in the moist tissues of animals out of the water, TheOOPIIYTA. 137 plant-body is greatly elongated and branched, and all its vegetative portion is continuous; the reproductive portions only are separated from the rest of the plant-body by partitions. 286. The asexual reproduction is very much the same as in Green Felt. It may be briefly described as follows: The protoplasm in the end of a branch becomes somewhat condensed, a partition forms, cutting off this portion from the remainder of the filament, and the whole of its contents becomes converted by internal cell-division into zoospores provided with one or two cilia (Fig. 64, 1). These soon escape from a fissure in the wall and are active for a few minutes, after which they come to rest and their cilia dis- appear (2 and 3). In one or two hours they germinate by sending out a filament (4), from which a new plant is quickly produced. 287. The sexual organs also bear a close resemblance to those of Green Felt. The oogones are spherical, or nearly so (in most of the species), and contain from two to many germ-cells, which are fertilized by means of antherids, which usually develop as lateral branches just below the oogones. In some species the antherids and oogones are * upon the same plants, and in such cases the fertilization takes place by the direct contact of the antherid and the passage of its contents into the oogone by means of a tubu- lar process from the former; in other species the plants are dioecious, and in them the antherids produce motile an- therozoids, by means of which the fertilization is effected. After fertilization each germ-cell becomes covered with a wall of cellulose and is thus transformed into a resting spore. 388. What is given above may be taken to illustrate the138 BOTANY. general mode of reproduction in the order. It presents much variation in the different genera and species. The resting spores of the Water-moulds possess, when mature, Fig. 64.—Showing reproduction in Water-moulds. 1, 2, 3, 4, asexual reproduc- tion; 5 to 10, sexual reproduction. 6 to 9 show development of oogones and an* therids. Highly magnified,00P1IYTA. m a thick integument, which is double—that is, formed of an outer thicker coat (epispore) and an inner thinner one (en- dospore). After a considerable period of repose the rest- ing spores germinate by sending out a tube, as in Green Felt. 289. The Fly-Fungus (Entomophthora muscse), which in the autumn is so destructive to house-flies, is a member of a small order (Entomophthorece) apparently related to the Water-moulds. It consists of small cells which grow in the moist tissues of the fly, and at last pierce the skin, pro- ducing minute terminal spores, which give the fly a pow- dery appearance. These spores (called, also, conidia) may he seen as a whitish halo surrounding the spot to which the fly, now dead, has attached itself. Resting spores have been observed in some species. They are round and thick-walled. 290. The Mildews and White Rusts (Peronosporeoe) live parasiti- cally in the interior of higher plants. They are composed of long branch- ing tubes, whose cavities are con- tinuous throughout. They grow between the cells of their hosts,* and draw nourishment from them by means of little branches (haus- toria), which thrust themselves through the walls (Fig. 65). 291. 1 he asexual spores (conidia) into the ceils (z, z) of its hcwj Magnified 300 times. are produced upon branches of the * In speaking of a parasite, the plant or animal upon which it feeds is called its host.140 boTANY. fungus which protrude through the epidermis of the tost. In the Mildews (species of Peronospora) these branches Fig. 66.—Showing tips of two conidia-beaiing branches of Potato-mildew (Peronospora infestans). Highly magnified. find their way through the breathing-pores, and bear their spores singly upon lateral branchlets (-Fig. 66); in the White Rusts (species of Cystopus) the conidia-bearing branches collect under the epidermis and rupture it. Here the coni- dia are borne in chains or bead-like rows (Fig. 67). 292. In some species the conidia germi- nate by forming a tube; in others they divide internally and finally emit many zoospores. The latter eventually protrude a tube and bore their way into the cells of Fig. 67. — Showing the host (Fig. 68, a to i). d^a-b'ear?nK^ranc