aa eaGi aa eee aces) EO ese CH nthe Iga ney| Rew Dork Htate College of Agriculture At Cornell Gniversitp Dthaca, N. VD. Librarp Cornel QK 495.L52M9 Iconography i wn iii 3 1924 001 735 053 i ies of Aca mann ICONOGRAPHY: AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF AGACTA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, KCMG, M. & PHD, PRS, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA‘ IS CREABAT.”—Prophetia Isaiw, Ixv. 18. FIRST DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: 1887. - PRICE—THREE SHILLINGS. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACTA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD, VON MUELLER, K.G.MG, M. & PHD, FRS,, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. FIRST DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: JOHN FERRE S, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. t INTRODUCTION. Turoucu the liberality of the Victorian Government it became possible, to prepare in’ the Phytologic Department of Melbourne successively several volumes, illustrative of some portions of the Australian Flora. Thus in earlier years appeared a series of lithograms in elucidation mainly of orders and genera of Victorian plants; in later years an almost complete iconography of the Eucalypts of Australia became elaborated, and this was followed quite recently by an Atlas of Myoporinous plants. In a desire of continuing these pictorial issues it was deemed best, to devote the next volume to those native species of Acacia, of which hitherto no drawings had appeared anywhere. As the genus Acacia is by far the largest in the Flora of this part of the globe, numbering more than 300 well-marked specific forms, hardly one-third of them hitherto illustrated anywhere, much difficulty was experienced by horticulturists and artisans, | here as well as abroad, to identify with systematic accuracy any particular kinds of these plants, either cultivated for ornamental purposes or drawn into use for technic objects, so that a work like the present one seemed specially called for. Moreover it appeared likely, that by offering additional means for naming any of the numerous Acacias of ours now known, they might become restored in European Conservatories to that favor, which they enjoyed so much in the earlier part of this century, when they were largely reared as the first harbingers of the spring, and were the objects of much admiration and delight for the profuseness of their flowering or for the oddity of their fantastic foliage. Since then various of the arborescent Acacias of Australia have attracted forestral attention very widely also in countries with mild climes on account of the celerity of their growth, or the technic importance of their wood, or the great value of their bark for the tanning industry, or the copious yield of mimosa-gum, so that this vast genus of plants is now surrounded by a multifarious practical interest, alien to it when but comparatively few of the species were known and the significance of many for technology remained unascertained. Indeed it may be readily foreseen, that through a publication, such as the present one, various branches of applied workmanship, including that of the seeds-trade, will become promoted or benefited. The material for the drawings of these pages has here gradually accumulated through almost forty years, as partly resulting from my own travels and researches, as partly INTRODUCTION. gained through contributions of botanic amateurs mostly inspired by myself, and as partly obtained through departmental emissaries, many of whom have long since passed away from their earthly career. The original drawings for this work as well as their lithographic delineations emanated from the skilled talent of Mr. Robert Graff, and demonstrate patient perseverance as well as artistic accomplishment. In the selection of the specimens for the plates and in the revision of the latter I had the able aid of Mr. George Luehmann, Assistant in my Establishment. No plant has been admitted into these pages, of which the material for detail-analysis was not fully extant, a principle adhered to also in all the former illustrated publications of the author. Thus many a species, as yet incompletely known, can by these decades be brought under notice only in supplements, when—as time passes on—through facilitated traffic and extended settlements also the remoter homes of many of the rarer Acacias shall have come within easier reach. A work of this kind ought to have some bearing on our educational efforts likewise, as by its dispersion through the Australian. dominions, not merely as patterns for drawing or as text for some phytologic glossology, but also as easy means for directing pleasurably the attention of residents all over Australia to some of the leading features of the floral world near them, and this perhaps far through the next century, when our rich-blooming or curious or fragrant Acacias, while they have become widely naturalized elsewhere, will no longer extend in their gayness and loveliness over all the vast pristine spaces occupied by them now! Bentham 9; 10, Il, ACACIA STENOPTERA. in Hooker's London Journal of Botany i. 325 (1842). part of a branchlet. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. — front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of fruit-valve with stipes and seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. s All magnified, but to various extent. Office Melb. tnd ane amb itho.Gov.Printi lea BENTHAM. fan F.v.M direxit a Stenopter RGraffdelC.-TroedeleC® Lith, Q GC ING ACACIA SPINESCENS. Bentham in Hooker's London Journal of Botany i. 323 (1842). 9; 10, ri, 12 part of a branchlet with flowers. a flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. 3 4 5 & 9 10 UGomell DT VE: [baer aan | RGraffdel CTroedelsC° Lith. FivMdirexit. Uteam Litho Gov Printing (iffics Melt ACACIA SpiNnescens BENTHAM. ACACIA CONTINUA. Bentham, Flora Australiensis ii. 322 (1864). 1, part of a branchlet. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanding flower. 6, longitudinal section of a flower. 7, front- and back-view of a stamen. 8, pollen-grains. 9, pistil. 10, lower portion of fruit-valve with seeds. 11, a seed separated. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. aac RGraffdel.C TroedelaeC? Lith. Fy Mdirexit. Steam Litho GovPrinting Office Mets Agacia comtimua bENTHAM ACACIA COLLETIOIDES. Cunningham in Hooker’s London Journal of Botany i. 336 (1842). 1, phyllodia. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All magnified, but to various extent. R Graffdel C Troedel&C°Lith Fy M direxit Steam Litho Gov Printing Office Melo Agagia collletioides 40 unningham. ACACIA QUADRISULCATA. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographie Australiz iii. 127 (1863). bd ’ 9, 10, fi; part of a phyllodium. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. t i Skt | Cabra Steam Litho.Gov. Prir quacks leata [7)f Fiv.Mdirexit Hine OP Fica Mah a Mt R.Graff.del,C Troedel &C° Lith. 3 CACIA AN ACACIA GENISTOIDES. A. Cunningham in Bentham’s Flora Australiensis ii. 330 (1864). —_ 2 3, 4, 5, 9; IO, II, parts of phyllodia. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All magnified, but to various extent. | | R fraffdel.CTroedel 2C? Lith. PM direwst, ‘ team Litho Gov.Printme Office Melb. Agagia gyemistoudes A CUNNINGHIM. ACACIA TETRAGONOPHYLLA. F. v. Mueller in Journal of the Linnean Society iii. 121 (1858). 1, parts of phyllodia. 2, 3. 4, 5s 6, 7 8, 9, 10, TI, flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All magnified, but to various extent. RGraffdel CTroedel & 0? Lith. Fy.M.direxik. Steam Litho Gov. Printing Of ficeMelb Acacia tetragonopmy lla Fru ACACIA TENUIFOLIA. F. v. Mueller in the Transactions of the Philosophical Society of Victoria i. 37 (1854). I, part of a phyllodium. 2, a branchlet. 3, flower-head. 4, bracts. 5, unexpanded flower. 6, expanded flower. 7, front- and back-view of a stamen. 8, a pollen-grain. 9, pistil. 10, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. II, a seed separated. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All magnified, but to various extent. =a Steam Litho Gov Printing Office Melb ACNCID tonuiifolia /y/ R Graffdel. C Troedel &C° Lith Tvl Meissner 9, 10, II, ACACIA ULICINA. in Lehmann’s plante Preissianz ii. 202 (1846). part of a phyllodium. flower-head. bracts. bud. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pistil. lower portion of a Piteatus with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All magnified, but to various extent. } Seaeaneeaeieen HCraffdel CTroedel &C? Lith. TyMdirexit. Steam Litho. Gov-Priding titice Melh Aegaecia whictma Mzrssyer. ACACIA TERETIFOLIA. Bentham in Hooker's London Journal of Botany i. 326 (1842). , phyllodium with stipules. bt 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. | R.Graffdel CTroedel&C® Lith. Py. Mdirexit Agacia terentolbia SzNTAAM dteam Lithe.Gov-Printing Uf fice. Melb CONTENTS. ACACIA STENOPTERA. ACACIA GENISTOIDES. he SPINESCENS. TETRAGONOPHYLLA. CONTINUA. TENUIFOLIA. COLLETIOIDES. ULICINA. QUADRISULCATA. TERETIFOLIA. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACIA COGNATE GENERA, | BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.GMG, M. & PHD, FRS,, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. SECOND DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. . 1887. PRICE—THREE SHILLINGS. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACIA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD, VON MUELLER, K.CMG., M. & PH.D, F.RS., GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. SECOND DECADE. JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELB OURNE. 1887.4 ACACIA BAXTERI. Bentham in Hooker's London Journal of Botany i. 327 (1842). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Va ro ) VY A oy snes Se 3 Ne ( = SS ie we \ E : Titho Tm ohne htGoo Molb = Y 2.09 Lit 7M.direxdl Steam Litho.Gov-Printing Office Melb. .Graffdel CTroedel&C? Lith. FM direxit. ; \CACIA Baxttrerl SENTHAM. ACACIA PATENS. F. v. Mueller in the Journal of the Linnean Society iii, 120 (1858). 1, a phyllodium. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of fruit-valve with seeds. Io, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. x } SleamLitho.GovPrintingOfceMalb » RGraffdel. CTroedelee0? Lith. EM direxdb. Acacia patens vil ACACIA LARICINA. Meissner in Lehmann plante Preissiane i. 6 (1844). I, portion of a branchlet. 2, part of a phyllodium. 3, flower-head. 4, bracts. 5, unexpanded flower. 6, expanded flower. 7, front- and back-view of a stamen. 8, pollen-grains. 9, pistil. 10, lower portion of fruit-valve with seed. II, a seed separated. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. R Graff. del C Troedel &C2 Lith Ev. divexit team Lilho. oy. Printing Of fice. Melb. Agacia llarieiina Meissner ACACIA RIGENS. Cunningham in Loudon’s Hortus Britannicus ii. 406 (1830). I, portions of phyllodia. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. / 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. I1, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. aq Ce es oteam [Latha exit Ms Atumingham eh fae 2 al o a ( Q@ Gel Ag ACACIA SESSILICEPS. Mueller in Melbourne Chemist, July 1882. oortion of a phyllodium. lower-head. oracts. inexpanded flower. »xpanded flower. ront- and back-view of an anther. dollen-grains. vistil. dortion of fruit-valve with seeds. 1 seed separated. ‘ransverse section of a seed. nd 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Steam Litho. Gov, Printing Dffice Melb. FvM direxit. Keagia sess RGraff, del, C.Troedel «(Ce Lith. Q ieeps PyM Q ACACIA TRIPTYCHA. F. v. Mueller in Bentham’s Flora Australiensis ii. 337 (1864). J, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, 10, Il, portions of phyllodia. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seed. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. hy M direxi del & Se Lith R.Graff del. Troe: ACACIA SCIRPIFOLIA. Meissner in Botanische Zeitung 10 (1855). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, a flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Stearn Litho. Gov Printing OFFice, Melb. Fy M. direxit R.Graff, del. C Troedel « © Lith. Volia Messner PIP Q CAGIA € IK 3entham in I, 2, Bi 4, 5, 6, a 8, 9, IO, Il, ACACIA JUNCIFOLIA. Hooker’s London Journal of Botany i. 341 (184: portions of phyllodia. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. SSE (eure 7 a SSS EEE a. BENTHAM. ° . J tO. 9 o zy 2 e 4 J Awa ACACIA GONOPHYLLA. Bentham in Schlechtendal’s Linnea xxvi. 613 (1853). 1; 2, 3) 4, 5» 6, 7 8, 9; 10, II, portions of phyllodia. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. FPy.Mdirexar D } ice Mel tf &C° Lith del é Ce Tyner alr.del CTroe Dr R.Ur Steam Litho GovPrinting 9 ile BENTHAM vy a GoMoply Cu ACE ACACIA ERICIFOLIA. Bentham in Hooker’s London Journal of Botany i. 345 (1842).. 1, phyllodia. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. RGraff del C.Troedel &C9 Lith, Fx.M.direxit = Steam Litho. Gov Printing Office Melb 9 Aeaela erieitolia Bentham. CONTENTS.) Acacia Baxter. ACACIA TRIPTYCHA. PATENS. SCIRPIFOLIA, LARICINA. JUNCIFOLIA. RIGENS. GONOPHYLLA. . SESSILICEPS. ee re ERICIFOLIA. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACIA COGNATE GEN ERA, BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.MG., M. & PHD, ERS., GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. THIRD DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE.’ 18687. PRICE—THREE SHILLINGS. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECTES OF ACACIA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.MG, M. & PHD, FRS., GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. THIRD DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: ACACIA BYNOEANA. Bentham in Schlechtendal’s Linnzea xxvi. 614 (1853). 9, 10, portions of phyllodia. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 11 and 12, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. mung OP fice Melo “eae Litho Gov.P: a Bynoeana Senthan Steam o aCl A C.TreedelaCeLith d el RGraf? ACACIA GALIOIDES. e Hooker’s London Journal of Botany i. 344 (1842). portion of a phyllodium. portion of a branchlet. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. » pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Fv Mdirext © Troedel &: C9 Lith R. Graf? de! Steam Litho Gov Printing Office Melb éles Bentham iON So Ball Q GAGUSL AN ACACIA SUBTERNATA. n the Journal of the Linnean Society iti. 124 (1858). vortion of a phyllodium. iortion of a branchlet. ower-head. iracts. nexpanded flower. xpanded flower. ‘ont- and back-view of a stamen. ollen-grains. istil. ywer portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. seed separated. ‘ansverse section of a seed. id 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. MYL! v Pr Steam Litho Go Fv M direxit y R. Graff del. C. Troedela-C® Lith wp Office Melb an ivM io Htorma BACIA Sul Acacia BAUERI. Bentham in Hooker’s London Journal of Botany i. 344 (1842). , portion of a phyllodium. _ 2, portion of a branchlet. 3, flower-head. 4, bracts. 5 and 6, unexpanded flowers. 7, expanded flower. 8, front- and back-view of a stamen. 9, pollen-grains. 10, pistil. 11, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seed. 12, a seed separated. 13, transverse section of a seed. 14 and 15, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. ce Melb. Printing OFFI Steam Litho.G vMdiresnt CO Lith la R.Graffidel.CTroede BENTHAM. 9 D D ACACIA CEDROIDES. Bentham in Schlechtendal’s Linnza xxvi. 615 (1853). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. 2 ee ees a] Steam Litho.(o 3 BENTHAM ACACIA MINUTIFOLIA. F. v. Mueller, fragmenta phytographiz Australie viii. 243 (1874). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, portion of a branchlet. 3, flower-head. 4, bracts. 5, unexpanded flower. 6, expanded flower, 7, front- and back-view of a stamen. 8, pollen-grains. 9, pistil. 10, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. II, a seed separated. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Rare RE Os aot & 5 NR Kp x S Se Toy s RGraffdel CTroedel& 0° Lith Fo Mdirex2 Ageacia mbautitolt San. hithe.Gu ‘minting Office Melb. ACACIA SPONDYLOPHYLLA. jeller, fragmenta phytographiz Australie viii. 243 (1874). an y 9) 10, 11, portion of a phyllodium. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. = 12 LO Melb c minting Office = Stearn Litho Covi neville Fit a Fy. darexat C'Troedel &C° Lith. eM aacl Li.OS1 + i iD lo y x) t ( \ spom hp ACACIA CONFERTA. Cunningham in Hooker's London Journal of Botany i. 345 (1842). J, portion of a phyllodium. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. 11, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Stearn Litho.Gov. Print ng Office Melb cedel & 0? Lith. RGraf F. del. C.Tr A Cunningham apt: Bwte 5 ( a com ACACIA ANCEPS. indolle, Mémoire sur la famille des Légumineuses 446 (1825). i 9; 10, flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 1r and 12, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. »L tbrari | uo 5 RGraf?.del.C Troedel &C° Lith. Fy M.direxit Steam Litho Gov Printing OPfice Melb. Acaeia anceps Ve Candolle. ACACIA MONTANA. Bentham in Hooker’s London Journal of Botany i. 360 (1842). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of fruit-valve with seed. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. } 3 Steam Litho GovPrinting Iffice Melb RGraff.delCTroedel& 0° Lith. FvM dirext Acacia momitanma Bentham CONTENTS. ra Acacia ByNOEANA. /. ACACIA MINUTIFOLIA. GALIOIDES. e SPONDYLOPHYLLA.. SUBTERNATA. CONFERTA. Bavert. ANCEPS. CEDROIDES. MONTANA. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACIA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD, VON MUELLER, KGMG, M. & PH.D. ERS, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. FOURTH DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: JOHN FERRES, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. 1887. PRICE—THREE SHILLINGS. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACIA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.MG., M. & PHD. BRS, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. FOURTH DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: ACACIA TETRAGONOCARPA. Meissner in Lehmann’s Plante Preissiane i. 4 (1844). 9, 10, Il, portion of a branchlet with young flowerheads. bracts. flower-bud. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. tho Gov: Printing Office Melb. Steam Ia vu Meissner FVM divecal £ Nb el&C° Litt iA Graf Fdel CTroed oa ) D Soa a Letkrayomoe. 9 PENCIL a \ ACACIA ERINACEA. Bentham in Hooker’s London Journal of Botany i. 360 (1842). _ s 9, 10, Il, phyllodia. flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All, except 1, enlarged, but to various extent. R Graff del CTroedel & Cobia j eh cU° Lith, & = a Fy-M diresak. Steam Litho.Gov Printing Office Melb, Acacia erinacea Benfhan ACACIA ASPERA. Lindley in Mitchell’s Three Expeditions ii. 139 (1838). 1, portion of a phyllodium. 2, glandular hairs. 3, head of very young buds, showing the bracts. 4, head of unexpanded flowers. 5 and 6, separate unexpanded flowers. 7, expanded flower. 8, front- and back-view of a stamen. 9, pollen-grains. 10, pistil. 11, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 12, a seed separated. 13, transverse section of a seed. 14 and 15, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. fe nell? /Mnivers 8 Liorvs Me te a a RGraff.del CTroedelac? Lith. FyvM. direxat. Steam Latho GovPrinting OfFise Melb. NCAGIA AS/pera LINDLEY. ACACIA PILOSA. Bentham in Schlechtendal’s Linnza xxvi. 607 (1853). 9; 10, It, 12, portion of a phyllodium. head of very young buds, showing the bracts. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. RGrare, del ty Troedel & C9 Lith Fv M. direxit. ‘ oy Stearn Litho Gov Printi ng OfFiceMelh ANGACIA pilosa BENTHAM ACACIA PLAGIOPHYLLA. F. v. M. in the Journal of the Linnean Society iii. 131 (1858). I, portion of a branchlet with phyllodia. 2, flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. pe ax ae \ XY Ay TR iin oda = —— QR pr i = Steam Litho, Gov Priniing Offic FvM. direxit R Graff, del. C Troedel a C?Lath. A a ole V aes Ay ACACIA ACANTHOCLADA. F. v. M. fragmenta phytographiz Australia iii. 127 (1863). i 2 9 10, II, 12: portion of a branchlet with phyllodia. phyllodia separated. young flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. = ts — | 5 ie 4 a See ee PSs aE. a i§e me) M. darexit A iw if} d BF 21 °Lith. R Graff. del, C Troedel « C Lindley 3) 5 & 7 8, 9; 10, II, ACACIA ACINACEA. in Mitchell’s Three Expeditions ii. 267 (1838). phyllodia. young flower-head. bracts. , unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. no." Print aaa pteamuti Pv Mdirexit R Graff del CTroedeleCohith. acea Lindley. 2 2 cacla acin AN F. v. M. Second General Report 7 (1854). _I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, young flower-head. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. | 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. “ay ih - chet any “1s THIS peruse | | RGraffdel.C Troedel&C? Lith FvM dirext. Oteate baths AGACLa uniwrocaroa /TI ACACIA SENTIS. F. v. M. Second General Report 11 (1854). I, portions of phyllodia. 2, young flower-head. 3, bracts, 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains. 8, pistil. 9, fruit-valve with. seeds. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. * All enlarged, but to various extent. fs | Steam L tho. Gov Printing OF Ficelfelb a é —— \ ae eS > 5 : PVM. direxit = R.Graff del C.TroedelaC? Lith. F. v. 3 4 i. 6 7 8 9 10, Il ACACIA FASCICULIFERA. in Bentham’s Flora Australiensis ii. 361 (1864). young flower-head. bracts. unexpanded flower. , expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. , pistil. , lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. , a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. and 12, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. iT rinhns Offtee Melb RY J m4 om Oo 2 oO a) fa a i J — Acagia fa a iy ge 3 nN o ath ‘ of RGraffdel CTroedel act CONTENTS. Acacta TETRAGONOCARPA. ACACIA ACANTHOCLADA.” ERINACEA. ACINACEA. ASPERA. MICROCARPA. PILOSA. SENTIS. PLAGIOPHYLLA. FASCICULIFERA. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACIA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.MG, M. & PHD, F.RS,, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY. OF VICTORIA, “SED GAUDEBITIS ET EXULTABITIS USQUE AD SEMPITERNUM IN IIS, QU& Deus CREABAT.”-—Prophetia Isaiw, lxv. 18 FIFTH DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE 1887. PRICE—THREE SHILLINGS. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACTA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.MG., M. & PHD, FRS,, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA FIFTH DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: ACACIA SPATULATA. F. v. M. in Bentham’s Flora Australiensis ii. 356 (1864). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4, a unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grains, 8, pistil. 9, young fruits. 10, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. II, a seed separated. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. 2 Office Mell Printir nthe. Gow I FyM. dirextt. Agagia spavulata “vi! ACACIA WATTSIANA. F. v. M. in Bentham’s Flora Australiensis ii. 374 (1864). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4 and 5, unexpanded flowers. 6, expanded flower. 7, front- and back-view of a stamen. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Steam. Litho Gov Pris Fv M direxit Aeagia Warittsiana /vl/ RGraffdel.C Troede] &C° Lith. iting Office Meie ACACIA STRONGYLOPHYLLA. F, v. M. fragmenta phytographiz Australiz viii. 226 (1874). i y 9, 10, Il, a phyllodium. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. . front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All except 1 enlarged, but to various extent. edel#.6 ° Lith. ACACIA 8 Fw Mi direxit. SteamLitho Gov Drink ing Office Melb ong ylopmylla ‘ull ACACIA PYRIFOLIA. De Candolle, Mémoire sur la famille des Légumineuses 447 (1825). 1, head of unexpanded flowers. 2, bracts. 3, unexpanded flower. 4, expanded flower. 5, front- and back-view of a stamen. 6, pollen-grains. : 7, pistil. 8, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 9, a seed separated. 10, transverse section of a seed. 11 and 12, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. 6 HN A Nh —— Rgrafldel.C Troedel &0° Lith. Fiv.Mdirexit et Steambrho.GovP rinting Office Melo Acacia pyri ollia Je Candolle ACACIA NOTABILIS. F. v. M. fragmenta phytographie Australie i. 6 (1858). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanding flower. 6, fully expanded flower. 7, front- and back-view of a stamen. 8, pollen-grains. 9, pistil. 10,, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 11, a seed separated. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All except 1 enlarged, but to various extent. Fv.Mdirextt ulin OF Pice. Melb. F © ( Q ACI ACACIA LEPTOPETALA. Bentham in Schlechtendal’s Linnzea xxvi. 619 (1853). 9, 10, II, 12, 13 portion of a phyllodium. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanding flower. fully expanded flower. front- and fieeleatew of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. (eo R.GrePF del.C Troedel &€9 Lith Fiv.M.direxil Steam Litho. Gov. Printing OFFies, Meth Acacia lleptopetala Aenh2n ACACIA MACRADENIA. Bentham in Mitchell’s Tropical Australia 360 (184! I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, bracts. 3, expanded flower. 4, front- and back-view of a stamen. 5, pollen-grains. 6, pistil. 7, lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. 8, a seed separated. g, transverse section of a seed. 10 and 11, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Pr vM.direxil al .CTroedel %C° Lith. a, Bentham. Ss ¢ = ou 2 ek (D é D Gi A Io ees iN ACACIA HARVEYI. Bentham, Flora Australiensis ii. 368 (1864). 9, Io, portion of a phyllodium. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 11 and 12, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. | R.Graffdel CTroedel a0? Lith F.y.M.direxit Stearn Litho Gov Printing OfFize.Melb. Acagia llaryeyl Sentham. 9; 10, II, T2 ACACIA RETINODES. Schlechtendal, Linnza xx. 664 (1847). portion of a phyllodium. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grain. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. 10 Steam Litho. Gov Prmling Office Melb. Px M.direxit Agagia wetunodes Schlechlendal R Graff del.C-Troedel &C°Lith. A. Cunningham 9; 10, Il, 12, ACACIA HAKEOIDES. in Hooker's London Journal of Botany i. 354 (1842). portion of a phyllodium. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. emia flower. expanding flower. fully expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. RG are. del a A j ! CEL; edel so x i a Talia” 4 ens TN ay WET Joh TO d 12 Ws Lith. E vy M direxit Steam bLithe Gov. Printing OF lee Me h Acacia lnakeondes 4 Cunningham CONTENTS. ACACIA SPATULATA. ACACIA LEPTOPETAL, WatTSIANA. MACRADENIA STRONGYLOPHYLLA. HarVEYI. PYRIFOLIA: RETINODES. NOTABILIS. HAKEOIDES. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACIA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD, VON MUELLER; K.CMG, M. & PHD, ERS, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. “SED GAUDEBITIS ET EXULTABITIS USQUE AD SEMPITERNUM IN 118, QUZ DEUS CREABAT.”—Prophetia Isaiew, lxv. 18. SIXTH DECADE. BY AUTHORITY: ROBT. S. BRAIN, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. 1887. PRICE—THREE SHILLINGS. ICONOGRAPHY AUSTRALIAN SPECIES OF ACACLA COGNATE GENERA, BARON FERD. VON MUELLER, K.C.MG., M. & PH.D, FRS,, GOVERNMENT BOTANIST OF THE COLONY OF VICTORIA. SIXTH DECADE. } ACACIA ITEAPHYLLA. F. v. M. in Schlechtendal’s Linnaza xxvi. 617 (1853)- 9; 16, Il, is, upper portion of a phyllodium. , a young flower-head with its clasping bract. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grain. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. ————— UF. del. CTroede] & C¢] 1) a eS e ; = ere edel & C? Lith FvMdirexat steam Litho Gov Printing Office. Melb. Acacia iteaolmvilla /ri/ 9; 1; Il, ACACIA GRAFFIANA. in Melbourne Chemist, new series, ii. 118 (1887). upper portion of a phyllodium. young flower-head, enclosed by its bracts. head of unexpanded flowers. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grains. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. # a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. R,Graff del Steam Litho Ev. M.direxit Lith ( C.Troedel &C FvM elit i a Gieattt Agaei ACACIA DIETRICHIANA. F. v. M. in Melbourne Chemist, July 1882. I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4 and 5, unexpanded flowers. 6, expanded flower. 7, front- and back-view of stamens. 8, pollen-grain. 9, pistil. 10, lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. II, a seed separated. 12, transverse section of a seed. 13 and 14, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. xit Steam Litho. Gow Printing Office Melb 2 O° > a QVin) / J ‘| © ] ‘al elle ; WG, = Aly | i if “AD oO Dig ° cacia AN ACACIA PRAELONGATA. F. v. M. in Melbourne Chemist iti. (1883). 9; 10, II, 12 portions of phyllodia. head of unexpanded flowers with its bracteate stalk. floral bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of a stamen. pollen-grain. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. ‘ All enlarged,. but to various extent. g Office Gov Printin 1 7 Stearn litho Pv M.direxit. R Graff del. CTroedel &C° Lith. ( ) OY 1G alo WA pA 0 (VY (G eh \5e 2 KS <= 2 \ ACACIA STENOPHYLLA. A. Cunningham in Hooker's London Journal i. 366 (1842). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of stamens. 7, pollen-grain. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with 2 seed. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. ‘ 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. cn OFFice Melb Steam Litho. Gov P nn ACUNMNAM. Ev.M.direxit . RGraff del. CTroedel & C2 Lith, il y pla 1 steno ACI Ss BA ACACIA CORIACEA. De Candolle, Mémoire sur la famille des Légumineuses 446 (1825). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grain. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. od 50] ) oct A 5S) R.Graff del.C Troedel & C® Lith ACACIA HOMALOPHYLLA. A. Cunningham in Hooker's London Journal i. 365 (1842). I, 9, IO, LI; 12 portion of a phyllodium. head of unexpanded flowers. bracts. unexpanded flower. expanded flower. front- and back-view of stamens. pollen-grain. pistil. lower portion of a fruit-valve with seeds. a seed separated. transverse section of a seed. and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. C, Melb Sov Frintmg Othe Steam Litho, Fiv.M.direxit. Inomalopliyzlla A Cunmngnam R.Graff del, C Troedel «C° Lith. o NCACIA ACACIA PENDULA. A. Cunningham in Loudon, hortus Britannicus 490 (1830). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grain. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. Steam Litho.GovPrinting Office.Melb FvMdirexit. Lith, at ag. AY BL GL1Y lel. CO Troede R.Graff.. thulla A Cunnin gham ml ( @ 0 1 | J o- DD 6 INGE ACACIA HARPOPHYLLA. F, v. M. in Bentham’s Flora Australiensis ii. 389 (1864). 1, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grain. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. 10, a seed separated. II, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. 14, radicle, plumule and part of albumentum. All enlarged, but to various extent. S0ffice Melb ov-Prining ear Lithe.G & sl Fy. direxit. Agagia Inaveporplny lla LM RGrafE.del.C-Troedel &C° Lith. ACACIA OSSWALDI. F. v. M. plants of Victoria ii. 27 (1860). I, portion of a phyllodium. 2, head of unexpanded flowers. 3, bracts. 4, unexpanded flower. 5, expanded flower. 6, front- and back-view of a stamen. 7, pollen-grain. 8, pistil. 9, lower portion of a fruit-valve with a seed. 10, a seed separated. 11, transverse section of a seed. 12 and 13, longitudinal sections of seeds. All enlarged, but to various extent. R Graff. del. C. Troedel aC°Lith. E.vM. direxit. Steam Litho. Gov. Printing Office | Agagia Osswaldia fviM CONTENTS. ACACIA ITEAPHYLLA. ' ACACIA CORIACEA. GRAFFIANA. HOMALOPHYLLA. DIETRICHIANA. PENDULA. PRAELONGATA. HARPOPHYLLA. STENOPHYLLA. OSSWALDI.