Gornell University Library Ithaca, New York BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE FISKE ENDOWMENT FUND THE BEQUEST OF WILLARD FISKE LIBRARIAN OF THE UNIVERSITY 18668-1883 1905 ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HUMAN ECOLOGY AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY iii & -_ | CONTRIBUTIONS | TO THE | Flora of Lowa; | ° 4 _# A CATALOGUE OF THE ‘ PHANOGAMOUS PLANTS. | 4 Avy OAR un, ft] CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE Flora of lowa: A CATALOGUE OF THE PHANOGAMOUS PLANTS. PREPARED BY J. ARTHUR. CHARLES CITY: cE | “INTELLIGENCER”? BOOK PRINT, Vert PRE 1876. BR AKKY QK IGO and A. GO OB&Ke PUBLISHED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, BY THE Towa CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. wads Cus Bhealheb 1.50 PREFACE. In offering this Catalogue to the public, it is proper to state that it has been prepared very hurriedly; the collection upon which it is based, with the exception of the part taken from the fine herbarium of the State Agricultural College, and from a few comparatively small collections made in previous years, having been made during the summer of 1875. Although Botany is taught quite generally in the various schools of the State, yet, with few exceptions, little or no attention is given to the systematic preparation and preservation of native plants, even in the higher Institutions; hence the difficulty of making a complete showing of the Iowa flora. In preparing the work, accuracy has been thought more de- sirable than a larger list of names. It is to be hoped that as soon as data can be secured, a more complete Catalogue, with the Cryptogams added, may be published before many of the rarer kinds of plants are exterminated by fires, cattle, cul- tivation, and other causes. The information is yet too’ meagre for a paper on the very interesting subject of geographical distribution, Though lying west of the Mississippi river, which would seem to indicate a western flora, the State in this respect is characteristically eastern. Vet the greater or less variation in the manner of growth, development of parts, and habitat, often show the effect upon the species of the western climatic and other influences. Collections have been received from various places in the eastern half of the State, and the middle through to the Mis- iv THE FLORA OF IOWA. souri river, but the large tracts of country lying in the north- west and southwest parts, with their rich and varied flora, could not be reached. T am’ under many obligations for valuable contributions and assistance to PRor. C. E. Bessry, of the Iowa Agricultural College, who published, in the ‘‘Fourth Biennial Report of the Agricultural College, 1871,’’ the first and only ‘* Contribu- tion to the Flora of Towa’ thus far made, and who has since been indefatigable in his labors in the Botanical field. I am also greatly indebted to J W. Concpon, of East Greenwich, R. I., and to Dr. Gro. ENGELMANN, of St. Louis, Mo., for the examination and determination of many speci- mens. Also to the following gentlemen of the State for con- tributions of specimens and lists of plants of their respective localities: J. G. Haupt, Davenport, list of plants from the advance sheets of the ‘‘Report of the Academy of Sciences’’ of that place; E. W. Ho.way, Decorah; Dr. T. D. KEL- LoGG, Doud’s Station, list of plants from Lee County; PROF. CaLvin, of the State University, Iowa City; Dr. Asa Horr, Dubuque; Dr. Gro. M. KeL_Ltoce, Carthage, Ill, list of Lee County plants; M. E. Jones, Grinnell; Rev. R. BurRGEss, late of Woodbine; Dr. Wm. Younc, Greene; I. R. S. Biren, Birmingham; also, to L. L. CapwerLi, conductor on the Mil- waukee & St. Paul Railroad, Iowa Division, for assistance in making collections. Gray’s Manual, 5th edition, has furnished the basis of the present work. Introduced plants are printed in zta/ics. Vari- eties are numbered the same as species for facility of reference and exchange. When plants have been reported but from one locality and without specimens, the locality has been generally placed at the foot of the page. The common names _ have beenj added for the use of those who prefer them. It has been thought advisable to append descriptions of species and revisions not included in Gray’s Manual, Charles City, March 1, 1876. J. C. ARTHUR. Catalogue. RANUNCULACE™. Clematis I. Viorna, L. 2. Pitcheri, T. & Gr. 3. Virginiana, L. Anemone 4. patens, L., var. Nuttalli- ana, Gray. . Caroliniana, Walt. . cylindrica, Gray. . Virginiana, L. . Pennsylvanica, L. . nemorosa, L. Oo CONT DUN Hepatica Io. triloba, Chaix. It. acutiloba, DC. Thalictrum 12. anemonoides, Michx. 13. dioicum, L. 14. purpurascens, L. 15. Cornuti, L. Ranunculus 16. aquatilis, L., var. tricho- phyllus, Chaix. 17. var. stagnatilis, DC. (See App.) 18. multifidus, Pursh. 19. Cymbalaria, Pursh. 20. rhomboideus, Goldie. 21. abortivus, L. 22. sceleratus, L. 23. recurvatus, Poir.* 24. Pennsylvanicus, L. 25. fascicularis, Muhl. 26. repens, L. 27. bulbosus, L. 25. eerie, Le Myosurus 29. minimus, L.* Isopyrum 30. biternatum, T. & Gr. CROWFOOT FAMILY. Virgin’s-Bower. 1. Leather-flower. 2. 3. Common Virgin’s-Bower. Anemone. 4. Pasque-flower. . Carolina Anemone. . Long-fruited A. . Virginian A. Pennsylvanian A. . Wood A. Wind-flower. Liver-leaf. Hepatica. to. Round-lobed Hepatica. 11. Sharp-lobed H. Meadow-Rue. 12. Rue-Anemone. 13. Early Meadow-Rue. 14. Purplish M. 15. Tall M. Crowfoot. Buttercup. 16. Common White Water- Crowfoot. 17. Stiff Water-C. © KONI 18. Yellow Water-C. 19. Sea-side C. 20. 21. Small-flowered C. 22. Cursed C. 23. Hooked C. 24. Bristly C. 25. Early C. 26. Creeping C. 27. Buttercups. 28. fe Mouse-tail. 29. Mouse-tail. Isopyrum. 30. Isopyrum. *Davenport. 6 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Caltha 31. palustris, L. Aquilegia 32, Canadensis, L. Delphinium 33. exaltatum, Ait.* 34. tricorne, Michx. 35. azureum, Michx. Hydrastis 36. Canadensis, L.t Acta 37. spicata, Michx. 38. alba, Bigel. ANONACEM, L., var. rubra, Asimina 39. triloba, Dunal. MENISPERMACE. Menispermum 40. Canadense, L. BERBERIDACE. Caulophylum 41. thalictroides, Michx. Podophyllum 42. peltatum, L. NYMPH AACE, Nelumbium 43. luteum, Willd. Nymphiea 44. tuberosa, Paine. Nuphar 45. advena, Ait. SARRACENIACE*, Sarracenia 46. purpurea, L.* PAPAVERACEM, Chelidonium 47. majus, L.F Sanguinaria 48. Canadensis, L. FUMARIACE®., Dicentra 49. Cucullaria, DC. Corydalis 50. aurea, Willd. 51. var. occidentalis, Engel. Marsh Marigold. 31. Marsh Marigold. Columbine. 32. Wild Columbine. Larkspur. 33. Tall Larkspur. 34. Dwarf L. 35. Azure L. Orange-root. Yellow Pueccoon. 36. Orange-root. Baneberry. 37. Red Baneberry. 38. White B. CUSTARD-APPLE FAMILY. North American Papaw. 39. Common Papaw. MOONSEED FAMILY. Moonseead. 40. Canadian Moonseed. BARBERRY FAMILY. Blue Cohosh. 41. Blue Cohosh. May-Apple. Mandraice. 42. May-Apple. WATER-LILY FAMILY. Nelumbo, Sacred Bian. 43. Yellow Nelumbo. Water-Lily. 44. Tuber-bearing W. Yellow Pond-Lil¥. Spatter-Doek, 45. Common Yellow P. PITCHER-PLANT FAMILY. Side-saddle Flower. 46. Pitcher-Plant. POPPY FAMILY. Celandine. 47. Celandine. Biocod-root, 48. Blood-root. Water-Nymph. FUMITORY FAMILY. Dutehinan's Breeches, 49. Dutchman’s Breeches. Corydalis. : 50. Golden Corydalis. 51. Western Golden C. *} avenport. tLee County. THE FLORA OF IOWA. CRUCIFERM. Nasturtium 52. sinuatum, Nutt. 53. obtusum, Nutt.* 54. palustre, DC. 55. var. hispidum, Gray.* Dentaria 56. diphylla, L. 57. laciniata, Muhl. Cardamine 58. rhomboidea, DC. 59. __var. purpurea, Torr. 60. hirsuta, L. Arabis 61. lyrata, L. 62. dentata, T. & Gr. 63. levigata, DC. 64. Canadensis, L. 65. hesperidoides, Gray. 66. Drummondii, Gray. Erysimum 67. cheiranthoides, L. 68. asperum, DC., var. pumi- lum (?), Watson. Sisymbrium 69. officinale, Scop. 70. canescens, Nutt. Brassica 71. Sinapistrum, Boissier. 72. alba, Boissier. 73. nigra, Boissier. Drahba 74. cuneifolia, Nutt. 75. Caroliniana, Walt. 76. var. micrantha, Gray. Alyssum 77. calycinum, L. Camelina 78. sativa, Crantz. Capsella 79. Bursa-pastoris, Mcench. Lepidium 80. Virginicum, L. 81. intermedium, Gray. CAPPARIDACE®, Polanisia 82. graveolens, Raf. Cleome 83. integrifolia, T & Gr. *Davenport. MUSTARD FAMILY. Water-Cress. 52. Water-Cress. 53- “cs 54. Marsh-Cress. 55: 7 Toothwort. Pepper-root. 56. Pepper-root. 57- oe Bitter Cress. 58. Spring Cress. 59. Purple Spring C. 60. Small Bitter C. Rock Cres.. 61. Rock Cress. 62. of 63. e 64. Sickle-pod. 65. Rock Cress. 66. Tower Mustard. Treacle Mu.tard. 67. Worm-seed Mustard. 68. Western Wall-flower. Hedge Mustard. 69. Hedge Mustard. 70. Tansy M. Mustard. 71. Charlock. 72. White Mustard. 73. Black M. Whitlow Grass. 74. Whitlow-Grass. 75- z 76. ce Alyssum, 77. Alyssum. Faise Flax. 78. False Flax. Shepherd’s Purse. 79. Shepherd’s Purse. Pepyperwort. Ey Wild Peppergrass. Ks o en CAPER FAMILY. Polanisia. 82, Polanisia. Cleome. 83. Cleome. Peppergrass. | 7 i a ze RESEDACE. Resedat 84. Luteola, L. VIOLACE, 85. blanda, Willd.* 86. cucullata, Ait. 87. var. palmata, Gray. 88. sagittata, Ait. 89. delphinifolia, Nutt. go. pedata, L. gt. Canadensis, L. (See Ap/.) g2. pubescens, Ait. 93. —-var. eriocarpa, Nutt.* 94. tricolor, 1... var. ariensis, “CISTACE-E. Helianthemwa 95- Canadense, Michx. Lechea 96. minor, Lam. HYPERICACE-E. Hypericum 97. pyramidatum, Ait. 98. perforatum, L. 99. corymbosum, Muhl. 1oo. mutilum, L.* tol. Canadense, L. 102. Drummondii, T. & Gr, Elodes 103. Virginica, Nutt. CARYOPHYLLACE/H. Saponaria 104. officinalis, 1. Vaccearia 105, vulgaris, Host. Silene 106, stellata, Ait. 107. nivea, DC. 108. ézflata, Smith. 10g. antirrhina, L. 110. zoctiflora, L. Lychnis 11. Grthago, Lam, Arenaria 112, serpyllifolia, L. 113. lateriflora, L. SteHaria 114. media, Smith. 115. longifolia, Muhl. THE FLORA OF IOWA. pecs ' MIGNONETTE FAMILY. Dyer’s Rocket, 84. Dyer’s Weed or Weld. VIOLET FAMILY. Violet, Heart’s-ease, 85. Sweet White Violet. 86. Common Blue V. 87. Hand-leaf V. 88. Arrow-leaved V. 89. Larkspur V. go. Bird-foot V. gt. Canada V. 92. Downy Yellow V. ae ce 94. Heart’s-ease. ROCK-ROSE FAMILY. Rock-rose, 95. Frost-weed. Pinwecd, 96. Pinweed. ST. JOHN’S-WORT FAMILY. St. Jotun’s-wort. 97. Great St. J. 98. Common St. J. 99. St. John’s-wort. 100. 101, “ 102. ae Marsh St. John's-wort. 103. Marsh St. J. PINK FAMILY. Soapwort, 104. Bouncing Bet. Common 3. Cow-Herb, 105. Cow-Herb. Catchily. 106. Starry Campion. 107. Campion. 108. Bladder Campion. 10g. Sleepy Catchfly. 110. Night-flowering Catchfly. Lychnis. Cockle. iru, Cor Cockle, Sandwort. 112. Thyme-leaved 5S. 113. Sandwort. Campion. Chickweed. Starwort. 114. Common Chickweed. 115. Long-leaved Stitchwort. *Davenport. 5 | fLee County, | THE FLORA OF IOWA. 9 Cerastium 116. viscosum, L. 117. nutans, Raf. 118. oblongifolium, Torr. Spergula 11g. arvensis, L. Anychia 120. dichotoma, Michx.var. cap- illacea, 121. var. dichotoma. Mollugo 122. verticillata, L. PORTULACACE*., Portulaca 123. oleracea, L. 124. retusa, Engel.* (See App.) Ciaytonia 125. Virginica, L. 126. Caroliniana, Michx. MALVACE®, Malva 127. rotundifolia, L. 128. sylvestris, L. 129. crispa, L. Callirrhoe 130. triangulata, Gr. 131. involucrata, Gr. (See App.) Napwea 132. dioica, L. . Malvastrum 133. angustum, Gray. Sida 134. spinosa, L. Abutilon 135. Avicennc, Geertn. Hibiscus 136. militaris, Cav. 137. Trionum, L. TILIACE®. Tilia 138. Americana, L. LINACE®., Linum 139. Virginianum, L. 140. sulcatum, Riddell. GERANIACE. Geranium 141. maculatum, L. 142. Carolinianum, L. Mouse-ear Chickweed. 116. Mouse-ear Chickweed. I 17. ce ee I 8. “cc “ec Spurrey. 11g. Corn Spurrey. Forked Chickweed,. 120. Forked C. 121. &s Indian-Chickweed. 122. Carpet-weed. PURSLANE FAMILY. Purslane. 123. Common Purslane. 124. Western P. Spring-Beauty. 125. Narrow-leaved 5. 126. Wide-leaved 5S. MALLOW FAMILY. Mallow. 127. Common M. 128. High M. 129. Curled M. Callirrhoe. 130. Callirrhoe. 131. ee Glade Mallow. 132. Glade M. False Mallow. 133. False M. Sida, 134. Sida. Indian Mallow. 135. Velvet-Leaf. Indian M. Rose-Mallow. 136. Halberd-leaved R. 137. Bladder Ketmia. LINDEN FAMILY. Basswood. Linden. 138. Basswood. Whitewood. FLAX FAMILY. Flax. 139. Wild Flax. 140. “ce “es GERANIUM FAMILY. Cranesbill. 141. Wild C. 142. Carolina C. *Fide Prof. Seldon, Davenport. 10 THE FLORA OF TOWA. Pleorkea 143. proserpinacoides, Willd. * Impatiens 144. pallida, Nutt. 145. fulva, Nutt. Oxalis 146. violacea, L. 147. stricta, I.. RUTACEAE, Zanthoxylum 148. Americanum, Mill. Ptelea 149. trifoliata, L. ANACARDIACEAY, Rhus 150. typhina, L.+ 151. glabra, L. 152. Toxicodendron, L. 1§3. var. radicans, Torr. 154. aromatica, Ait. VITACE.®, Vitis 155. cordifolia, Michx. (See 4p) 156. riparia, Michx. (See App) Ampelopsis 157. quinquefolia, Michx. RHAMNACE/E, Rhamnus 158. lanceolatus, Pursh. Ceanothus 159. Americanus, L. 160. ovalis, Bigel. CELASTRACE AK, Celastris 161. scandens, L. Enonymus 162. atropurpureus, Jacq. SAPINDACE.-S&, Slaphylea 163, trifolia, 1. -Kseuluas 164. glabra, Willd. 165. flava, .\it. Acer 166. saccharinum, Wang. 167. var. nigrum, Gr. 168, dasycarpum, Khrh. 169. rubrum, L.. False Mermaid. 143. False M. Balsam, 144. Pale Touch-me-not. 145. Spotted T. Wood-Sorret. 146. Violet W. 147. Yellow W. RUE FAMILY. Toothache-tree, Jewel-weed, Prickly-Ash, 148. Northern P. Shrubby Trefoil. Hop-tree. 149. Hop-tree. CASHEW FAMILY. Samach, 150. Staghorn Sumach. 151. Smooth S. 152. Poison Ivy. Poison Oak. 153. Climbing Ivy. Poison Ivy. 154. Fragrant Sumach. VINE FAMILY. Grape, 155. Winter or Frost Grape. 156. oe “ec “ac Virginian Creep, 157. American Ivy. Virginian C. BUCKTHORN CAMELY. Buekthorn. 158. Western B. New Jersey Tea. Red-root. 159. New Jersey Tea. 160. Red-root. STAFEF-TREE FAMILY, Stalt-tree, 161. Climbing B. Bitter-sweet. Spindte-tree, 162. Burning-Bush. Waahoo. SOAPBERRY FAMILY. Bladder-nut. 163. American B. Hors,e-chestnut. 164. Fetid or Ohio Buckeye. 165. Sweet B. Maple. 166. Sugar or Rock-Maple. 167. Black Sugar-M. 168. Silver M. 169. Red or Swamp M. Backeye. *Lee County. Davenport. THE FLORA OF IOWA. M1 Negundo 170, aceroides, Mcench,. POLYGALACE®, Polygala 171. incarnata, L. 172. sanguinea, L. 173. verticillata, 1. 174. Senega, L. LEGUMINOS-EK, Crotalaria 175. sagittalis, L. Trifolium 176. arvense, L. 177. pratense, L. 178. stoloniferum, Muhl. 179. repens, L. 180. procumbens, L. Melilotus 181. officinalis, Willd. 182. alba, Lam. Medicago 183. sativa, L. 184. dupulina, L. Psoralea 185. floribunda, Nutt. 186. argophylla, Pursh. 187. esculenta, Pursh. Dalea 188. alopecuroides, Willd. 189. laxiflora, Pursh. (See -lp/.) Petalostemon 190. violaceus, Michx. Ig. candidus, Michx. Amorpha 192. fruticosa, L. 193. canescens, Nutt. Robinia 194. Pseudacacia, L. Tephrosia 195. Virginiana, Pers. Astragalus 196. caryocarpus, Ker. 197. Canadensis, L. 198. Cooperi, Gray.* Igg. distortus, T. &. Gr. Oxytropis 200. Lamberti, Pursh. Glycyrrhiza 201. lepidota. Nutt. Ash-leaved Maple. 170. Box-Elder. MILKWORT FAMILY, Milkwort. 171. Milkwort. I 72 - ce 173. ee 174. Seneca Snakeroot. PULSE FAMILY. Rattle-box. 175. Rattle-box. Clover, Trefoil. 176. Rabbit-foot or Stone C. 177. Red C. 178. Running Buffalo-C. 179. White C. 180. Low Hop-C. Sweet-Clover. Melilot. 181. Yellow S. 182. White S. Medick. 183. Lucerne. 184. Black Medick. Psoralea 185. Psoralea. 186. Ke 187. Pomme de Prairie. Dalea 188. Dalea. 189. *f Prairie-Clover. 190. Purple P. 191. White P. False Indigo. Box-Elder. Nonesuch. 192. False I. ‘ 193. Lead-Plant. i Locust-tree. 194. False Acacia. Hoary Pea. 195. Goat’s Rue. Milk-Vetch. 196. Ground Plum. \ 197. Milk-Vetch. Common L. 198. ee I 99- ee Oxytropis. 200. Oxytropis. Liquorice. 201. Wild L. 5 *Lee County. 12 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Desmodium 202. acuminatum, DC. 203. canescens, DC.* 204. cuspidatum, T. & Gr. 205. paniculatum, DC. 206, Canadense, DC.+ 207. sessilifolium, T. & Gr. Lespedeza 208. capitata, Michx. 209. ~-var. angustifolia, Gray. Vicia 210. Cracea, L. 211. Caroliniana, Walt. 212. Americana, Muhl, Lathyrus 213. venosus, Muhl. 214. ochroleucus, Hook. 215. palustris, L. Apios 216. tuberosa, Moench. Phaseolus 217. perennis, Walt. 218. diversifolius, Pers. 219. pauciflorus, Benth. Amphicarpzwa 220. monoica, Nutt. Baptisia 221. leucantha, T. & Gr. 222. leucophzea, Nutt. Cercis 223. Canadensis, L. Cassia 224. Marilandica, L.{ 225. Chameecrista, L. Gymnocladus 226. Canadensis, Lam. Gleditschia 227. triacanthos, L. Desmanthus 228. brachylobus, Benth. ROSACEAE. Prunus 229. Americana, Marshall. 230. Pennsylvanica, L. 231. Virginiana, L. 232. serotina, Ehrh. *Lee County. fIndianola. Tick-Trefoil. 202. Tick-Trefoil. 203. ne 204. ae 205. 206. He 207. = Bush-Clover, 208. Bush-Clover. “ce 209. Vetch. Tare. 210. Vetch. 211. SE 212, Rs Vetchling. Everlasting Pea. 213. Vetchling. 214. et 215. Marsh V. Ground-nut. Wild Bean. 216. Ground-nut. Kidney Bean. 217. Wild Bean. 218. “c“ 6h 219. oe oe Hog Pea-nut. 220, Hog P. False-Indigo. 221. White F. 222. Yellow F. Red-bud. Judas-tree. 223. Red-bud. Senna. 224. Wild Senna. 225, Partridge Pea. Kentucky Coffee-trec,. 226. Kentucky C. Honcy-Locust. 227. Honey-L. Acacia. Three-thorned Desmanthus 128. Desmanthus. ROSE FAMILY. Plum, Cherry. 229. Wild Yellow or Red Plum. 230. Wild Red Cherry. 231. Choke-Cherry. 232. Wild Black C. {Davenport. THE FLORA OF IOWA. Spirzea 233. opulifolia, L. 234. salicifolia, L. 235. lobata, Murr. Agrimonia 236. Eupatoria, L. Geum 237. album, Gmelin. 238. strictum, Ait. 239. triflorum, Pursh. Potentilla 240. Norvegica, L. 241. rivalis, Nutt., var. pentan- dra, Watson. (See App.) 242. paradoxa, Nutt. 243. Canadensis, L. 244. arguta, Pursh. Fragaria 245. Virginiana, Ehrh. 246. var. Illinoensis, Gray. 247. vesca, L. Rubus 248. 249. 250. Rosa 251. blanda, Ait. Cratzegus 252. coccinea, L. 253. tomentosa, L. strigosus, Michx. occidentalis, L. villosus, Ait. 254. var. pyrifolia, Gray. 255- var. punctata, Gray. 256. var. mollis, Gray. Pyras 257. coronaria, L. Amelanchier 258. Canadensis, T. & Gr., var. Botryapium, T. & Gr. 259. var. oblongifolia, T. & Gr. 260. var. alnifolia, T. & Gr. SAXIFRAGACER. Ribes 261. Cynosbati, L. 262. rotundifolium, Michx. 263. floridum, L. Hydrangea 264. arborescens, L.* Parnassia 265. Caroliniana, Michx. Meadow-Sweet. 233. Nine-Bark. 234. Common M. 235. Queen of the Prairie. Agrimony. 236. Common A. Avens. 237. Avens. 238... ¢t 239. Three-flowered A. Cinque-foil. Five-finger- 240. Five-finger. 241. ee 242. * 243. Common F. 244. Five-finger. Strawherry. 245. Wild S. 246. ae 247. 6 Bramble. 248. Wild Red Raspberry. 249. Black Raspberry. 250. Com. or High Blackberry. Rose. 251. Early Wild R. Hawthorn. White Thorn. 252. Scarlet-fruited Thorn. 253. Black or Pear T. 254. ee “e 2 3 “e cc ae. cc ce Pear. Apple. 257. American Crab-Apple. June-berry. 258. Service-berry. Shad-bush. 259. oe “ec 260. ce ee SAXIFRAGE FAMILY. Gooseberry. Currant, 261. Prickly Gooseberry. 262. Smooth G. 263. Wild Black(Currant. Hydrangea. 264. Wild H. Grass of Parnassus. .265. Grass of P. *Lee County. 14 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Saxifraga 266. Pennsylvanica, L. Sullivantia 267. Ohionis, T. & Gr.* Heuchera 268. hispida, Pursh. Mitella 269. diphylla, L. CRASSULACE. Penthorum 270. sedoides, L. HALORAGE. Myriophyllum 271. spicatum, L. 272. verticillatum, L. 273. heterophyllum, Michx. Proserpinaca 274. palustris, L. ONAGRACE EB, Ciresea 275. Lutetiana, L. Gaura 276. biennis, L. 277. coccinea, Nutt. (See pf.) Epilobium 278. angustifolium, L. 279. palustre, L. var. lineare,Gr. 280. coloratum, Muhl. nothera 281. biennis, L. 282. rhombipetala, Nutt. 283. fruticosa, L. 284. serrulata, Nutt. Ludwigia 285. polycarpa, Short & Peter. LYTHRACEZ., Lythrum 286. alatum, Pursh. Cuphea 287. viscosissima, Jacq. CACTACE®, Opuntia 288. Rafinesquii, Engel. CUCURBITACE.X. Sicyos 28g. angulatus, L. * Fide Prof. C. E, Bessey, Ames. Saxifrage. 266. Swamp S. Sullivantia. 267. Sullivantia. Alum-root. 268. Alum-root. Mitre-wort. Bishop’s-Cap. 269. Mitre-wort. ORPINE FAMILY. Ditech Stone-crop. 270. Ditch S. WATER-MILFOIL FAMILY. Water-Milfoil. 271. Water- Milfoil. 2722. 48 af 273. oe oe Mermaid-weed, 274. Mermaid-weed. EVENING-PRIMROSE FAMILY Enckanter’s-Nightshads, 275. Common E. Gaura. 276. Gaura. 277+ oe Willow-herb. 278. Great W. 279. Willow-herb. 280. ee i Evening-Primrose. 281. Common E. 282. Evening-Primrose. 283. Sundrops. 284. Evening-primrose. False Loosestrife. 285. False L. LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY. Loosestrife, 286. Loosestrife. Cuphea. 287. Clammy C. CACTUS FAMILY. Prickly Pear. Indian Fig. 288. Prickly P. GOURD FAMILY. Star-Cucumber. 289. One-seeded S. THE FLORA OF IOWA. 15 Echinocystis 290. lobata, T. & Gr. UMBELLIFERAE, Sanicula 291. Canadensis, L. 292. Marilandica, L. Eryngium 293. yucczefolium, Michx, Daucus 294. Carota, L. Polytznia 295. Nuttallii, DC. Heracleum 296. lanatum, Michx. Peucedanum (?) 297. nudicaule, Nutt. (See App.) Pastinaca 298. sativa, L. Archemora 299. rigida, DC. Conioselinum 300. Canadense, T. & Gr.* Thaspium 301. barbinode, Nutt. 302. aureum, Nutt. 303. trifoliatum, Gray. Zizia 304. integerrima, DC. Cicuta 305. maculata, L. Sium 306. lineare, Michx. Cryptotznia 307. Canadensis, DC. Cherophyllum 308. procumbens, Lam. Osmorrhiza 309. longistylis, DC. 310. brevistylis, DC. Conium 311. maculatum, L.* ARALIACE®, Aralia 312. racemosa, L. 313. nudicaulis, L. 314. quinquefolia, Gray. Balsam-apple. 290. Wild B. PARSLEY FAMILY. Sanicle. Black Snakeroot. 291. Black Snakeroot. 292. ee “ce Eryngo. 293. Button Snakeroot. Carrot, 294. Common Carrot. Polytwenia. 295. Polytznia. Cow-Parsnip. 296. Common C. Peucedanum,. 297. Peucedanum. Parsnip. 298. Common P. Cowbane. 299. Cowbane. Hemlock-Parsley. 300. Hemlock-P Meadow-Parsnip. 301. Meadow-Parsnip. ‘ 02. ee & 304. ce “ce Zizia. 304. Zizia. Water-Hemlock. 305. Spotted Cowbane. Beaver- Poison. Water-Parsnip. 306. Water-Parsnip. Honewort, 307. Honewort. Chervil. 308. Wild C. Sweet Cicely. 309. Smoother Sweet C. 310. Hairy Sweet C. Poison Hemlock. 311. Poison H. GINSENG FAMILY. Ginseng. Sarsaparilla. 312. Spikenard. 313. Wild Sarsaparilla. 314. Ginseng. *Davenport. 16 THE FLORA OF IOWA. CORNACEE, Cornus 315. sericea, L. 316, asperifolia, Michx. 317. paniculata, L’ Her. 318. alternifolia, L. CAPRIFOLIACE, Symphoricarpus 319. occidentalis, R. Br. 320. vulgaris, Michx. Lonicera 321. flava, Sims. 322. parviflora, Lam. 323. var. Douglasii, Gray. Diervilia 324. trifida, Moench. Triosteum 325. perfoliatum, L. Adoxa 326. Moschatellina L. (See App.) Sambucus ‘ 327. Canadensis, L. 328. pubens, Michx. Viburnum 329. Lentago, L. 330. pubescens, Pursh. 331. Opulus, L. RUBIACE®, Galium 332. Aparine, L. 333. asprellum, Michx. 334. concinnum, T. & Gr. 335. trifidum, L. 336. var. tinctorium, Gray. 337. var. latifolium, Gray. 338. triflorum, Michx. 339. boreale, L. Cephalanthus 340. occidentalis, L Houstonia 341. angustifolia, Michx. 342. minima, Beck. VALERIANACE®, Valeriana 343. edulis, Nutt. Fedia 344. Fagopyrum, T. & Gr.* *Lee County. DOGWOOD FAMILY. Cornel. Dogwood. 315. Silky Cornel. Kinnikinnik. 316. Rough-leaved Dogwood. 317. White-fruited D. 318. Alternate-leaved D. HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY. Snowberry. 319. Wolf-berry. 320. Coral-berry. Honeysuckle. Woodbine. 321. Yellow H. 322. Small H. 323. Crimson H. Bush-Honeysuckle. 324. Bush-H. Fever-wort. 325. Fever-wort. Adoxa, 326. Adoxa. Elder. 327. Common E. 328. Red-berried E, Arrow-wood. 329. Sheep-berry. 330. Downy Arrow-wood. 331. Cranberry-tree. Horse-Gentian. Laurestinus. MADDER FAMILY. Bedstraw, 332. Cleavers. Goose-Grass. 333. Rough Bedstraw. 334. Small B. Cleavern. 335- 2 336. “ 337: . 338. Sweet-scented B. 339. Northern B. Button-bush. 340. Button-bush, Houstonia. 341. Houstonia. 342. . VALERIAN FAMILY. Valerian. 343. Valerian. Corn Salad. Lamb-Lettuce. 344. Corn Salad. THE FLORA OF IOWA. 17 COMPOSIT.A, Vernonia 345. Noveboracensis, Willd. 346. fasciculata, Michx. Liatris 347- squarrosa, Willd. 348. cylindracea, Michx. 349. punctata, Hook. (See App.) 350. scariosa, Willd. 351. pycnostachya, Michx. Kuhnia 352. eupatorioides, L. Eupatorium 353. purpureum, L. 354. perfoliatum, L. 355. serotinum, Michx. 356. ageratoides, L. Conoclinium 357- Aster 358. sericeus, Vent. 359. patens, Ait. 360. lzevis, L.,var. leevigatus,Gr. 361. var. cyaneus, Gray. 362. azureus, Lindl. 363. undulatus, L. 364. cordifolius, L. 365. sagittifolius, Willd., Drummondii, Gray. 366. multiflorus, Ait. 367. Tradescanti, L. 368. miser, L., Ait.f 369. simplex, Willd. 370. carneus, Nees. 371. Novi-Belgii, L. 372. puniceus, L. 373. prenanthoides, Muhl. 374. oblongifolius, Nutt. 375. Nove-Angliz, L. 376. var. roseus, Gray. 377. ptarmicoides, T. & Gr. Erigeron 378. Canadense, L. 379. divaricatum, Michx. 380. bellidifolium, Muhl. 381. Philadelphicum, L. 382. annuum, Pers. 383. strigosum, Muhl. Diplopappus 384. umbellatus, T. & Gr. Boltonia 385. glastifolia, L’ Her. ceelestinum, DC.* var. COMPOSITE FAMILY. Iron-weed. 345. Iron-weed. 346. ee Blazing-Star. Button Snakeroot. 347. Blazing-Star. 348. ce 349- e 350. “ 35 tT A ce Kuhnia. 352. Kuhnia. Thoroughwort. 353. Joe-Pye Weed. 354. Boneset. Thoroughwort. 355. Thoroughwort. 356. White Snakeroot. Mist-flower. 357. Mist-flower. Aster. 358. Aster. 359.“ 360. ce 2616. 362. st 363. oe 364. oe 365. ce 366.“ 367. ce 368. “ec 369. ee 370.“ Bite 372,“ 373. “ 374. *f 375.“ 376. < 377, Fleabane. 378. Horse-weed. Butter-weed. 379. Dwarf Fleabane. 380. Robin’s Plantain. 381. Common Fleabane. 382. Daisy F. Sweet Scabious. 383. Daisy F. Double-bristled Aster. 384. Double-bristled A. Boltonia. 385. Boltonia. *Lee County. fDubuque. 18 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Solidago 386. bicolor, L., var. concolor, Gray. 387. latifolia, L. 388. speciosa, Nutt. 389. var. angustata, Gray. 390. rigida, L. 391. Riddellii, Frank. 392. altissima, L. 393. ulmifolia, Muhl. 394. nemoralis, Ait. 395. Missouriensis, Nutt. 396. Canadensis, L. 397. serotina, Ait. 398. gigantea, Ait. 399. lanceolata, L. Aplopappus 400. spinulosus, DC. (See App) Grindelia 401. squarrosa, Dunal. (See App) Polymnia 402. Canadensis, L. Silphium 403. laciniatum, L. 404. terebinthinaceum, L. 405. integrifolium, Michx. 406. perfoliatum, L. Parthenium 407. integrifolium, L. Cyclachzena 408. xanthiifolia,Fres. (See App) Iva 409. xanthiifolia, Nutt. Ambrosia 410, trifida, L. 4lI. var. integrifolia, Gray. 412. artemisicefolia, L. 413. psilostachya, DC. Xanthium 414. strumarium, L. 415. var. echinatum, Gray. Eclipta 416. procumbens, Michx.* Heliopsis 417. levis, Pers., var. scabra, Gr. Echinacea 418. purpurea, Moench. 41g. angustifolia, DC. *Lee County. Golden-rod. 386. Golden-rod. 387. ce 388. ee 389. “a 390. oe 301. 392. oe 393- = 394. os 395: - - ce 397. . 398. “cc 399- a Aplopappus. 400. Aplopappus. Grindelia. 401. Grindelia. Leaf-Cup. 402. Leaf-Cup. Rosin-Plant. 403. Compass-Plant. 404. Prairie Dock. 405. Rosin-Plant. 406. Cup-Plant. Parthenium, 407. Parthenium. Cyclachwena. 408. Cyclachzena. Marsh Elder. 409. Ragweed. 410. Great R. 411. Smaller R. 412. Roman Wormwood. 413. Western Ragweed. Clotbur. Cocklebur. 414. Common Cocklebur. 415. ee es Eclipta, 416. Eclipta. Ox-eye. 417. Ox-eye. Purple Cone-flower. 418. Purple C. 419, THE FLORA OF IOWA. 19 Rudbeckia 420, laciniata, L. 421. subtomentosa, Pursh. 422. triloba, L. 423. hirta, L. Lepachys 424. pinnata, T. & Gr. Helianthus 425. annuus, L. 426. lenticularis, Dougl. (See App.) 427. rigidus, Desf. 428. leetiflorus, Pers. 429. mollis, Lam. 430. grosse-serratus, Mart. 431. strumosus, L. 432. hirsutus, Raf. 433. tracheliifolius, Willd. 434. doronicoides, Lam. Actinomeris 435. squarrosa, Nutt. Coreopsis 436. palmata, Nutt. 437. tripteris, L. 438. aristosa, Michx. Bidens 439. frondosa, L. 440. connata, Muhl. 441. var. petiolata. 442. var. comosa, Gray. 443. cernua, L. 444. chrysanthemoides, Michx. 445. Beckii, Torr. Dysodia 446. chrysanthemoides, Lag. Helenium 447. autumnale, L. Leptopoda 448. brachypoda, T. & Gr.* Maruta 449. Cotula, DC. Anthemis 450. arvensis, L. Achillea 451. Millefolium, L. Leucanthemum 452. vulgare, Lam. Tanacetum 453. vulgare, L. Cone-flower, 420. Cone-flower. 421. “cc 422. ee 423. = Cone-flower. 424. Cone-flower. Sunflower. 425. Common S. 426. Wild S. 427. Sunflower. 428. 429. “cc 439. es 431. eS 432. oe 433- x 434- ee Actinomeris. 435. Actinomeris. Tickseed. 436. Tickseed. 437- = 438. “ Bur-Marigold. 439. Common Beggar-ticks. 440. Swamp B. 441. “cc “ss 443. Smaller Bur-Marigold. 444. Larger B. 445. Water Marigold. Fetid Marigold. 446. Fetid M. Sneeze-weed. 447. Sneeze-weed. Leptopoda. 448. Leptopoda. May-weed, 449. Common M. Chamomile. 450. Corn C. Yarrow. 451. Milfoil. Ox-eye Daisy. 452. Ox-eye or White Daisy. Common Y. Tansy. 453. Common T. *Indianola. 20 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Artemisia 454. dracunculoides, Pursh. 455. caudata, Michx. 456. Ludoviciana, Nutt. 457. var. gnaphalodes, Gray. 458. biennis, Willd. 459. Absinthiwm, L. Gnaphalium 460. polycephalum, Michx. Antennaria 461. margaritacea, R. Br.* 462. plantaginifolia, Hook. Ercchthites 463. hieracifolia, Raf. Cacalia 464. suaveolens, L.* 465. reniformis, Muhl. 466. atriplicifolia, L.t 467. tuberosa, Nutt. Senccio 468. aureus, L. 469. var. Balsamitee, Gray. Centaurea 470. Cyanus, L. 471. Americana, Nutt. (Sec App) Cnicus (Cirsium, Gray’s Man, See Ap) 472. discolor, Muhl. 473. altissimus, Willd. 474. muticus, Pursh. 475. pumilus, Torr. 476. arvensis, Hoffm. Lappa 477. officinalis, All., var. major, Gray. Cichorium 478. Intybus, L. Cynthia 479. Virginica, Don. Troximon 480. cuspidatum, Pursh. Hieracium 481. Canadense, Michx. 482. scabrum, Michx. 483. longipilum, Torr. 484. venosum, L. Nabalus 485. albus, Hook. 486. racemosus, Hook. 487. asper, Torr. & Gr. *Davenport. Wormwood. 454. Wormwood. 455. . 450. Western Mugwort. 457. 458. Biennial Wormwood. 459. Common W. Cudweed, 460. Common Everlasting. Everlasting. 4601. Pearly Everlasting. 462. Plantain-leaved E. Fireweed, 463. Fireweed. Indian Plantain. 464. Indian Plantain. 465. Great Indian P. 466. Pale Indian P. 467. Tuberous Indian P. Groundse}. 468. Golden Ragwort. 469. “oe oe Star-Thistie. 470. Bluebottle. 471. Bachelor’s-Button. Thistle. 472. Common T. 473: 474. Swamp T. 475. Pasture T. 470. Canada T. Burdock. 477. Common B. Succory or Cichory, 475. Common C, Cynthia. 479. Cynthia. Troximon. 480. Troximon. Uawlhweed, 481. Canada H. 482. Rough H. 483. Long-bearded H. 484. Rattlesnake-weed. Rattlesnake-root, 485. White Lettuce. 486. Rattlesnake-root. 487. «ce +Dubuque. THE FLORA OF IOWA. 21. Lygodesinia 488. juncea, Don. Crepis 489. runcinata, T. & Gr. (See App.) Taraxacum 490. Dens-leonis, Desf. Lactuca 491. Canadensis, L. 492. ‘var. sanguinea, T. & Gr. 493. Ludoviciana, DC. (See App) Mulgedium 494. Floridanum, DC. 495. leucophzeum, DC. sonchu, 496. asper, Vill. LOBELIACE.2Z, Lobevia 497- 498. 499. 500. 501. cardinalis, L. syphilitica, L. puberula, Michx.* inflata, L. spicata, Lam. CAMPANTULACEHR, Campanula 502. rotundifolia, L. 503. var. linifolia, Gray. 504. aparinoides, Pursh. 505. Americana. L. “pecularia 506. perfoliata, A. DC. ERICACEA. Vaccinium 507. vacillans, Solander. Pyrola 508. elliptica, Nutt. Monotropa 509. uniflora, L. EBENACE-. Diospyros 310. Virginiana, L.t PLANTAGINACE F, Plantago S11. major, L. 512. lanceolata, 1.. *Davenport. Lygedesmia. 488. Lygodesmia. Crepis, 489. Crepis. Dandelion. 490. Common D. Lettuce. 491. Wild L. 492.“ 493. Vale or Blue Lettuce, 494. Blue Lettuce. 495. * «ec sow-Thisth. 496. spiny-leaved S. LOBELIA FAMILY. Lobelia. 497. Cardinal-flower. 498. Great Lobelia. 499. Lobelia. 500. Indian Tobacco. 501. Lobelia. BELLFLOWER FAMILY. Bell lower. 502. Harebell. 503: vg 504. \arsh Bellflower. 505. Tall B. Venus’s Looking-gias~. 506. Venus’s L. HEATH FAMILY. Cranberry. 507. Low Blueberry. Shin-leaf. Wintergreen. 508. Shin-leaf. Indian Pipe. 509. Indian P. Blueberry. EBONY FAMILY, Date-Plum. Persimmon. 510. Common Persimmon. PLANTAIN FAMILY. Plantain. Ribgrass. 511. Common Plantain. 512. Ribgrass. English P. {fide Prof, Bessey, Ames. iM) bo THE FLORA OF IOWA. PRIMULACE. Androsace 513. occidentalis, Pursh. Dodecatheon 514. Meadia, L. Lysimachia 515. thyrsiflora, L. 516. stricta, Ait. 517. ciliata, L. 518. lanceolata, Walt. 519. longifolia, Pursh, LENTIBULACE*®, Utricularia 520. vulgaris, L., var. America- na, Gray. cornuta, Michx, BIGNONIACE#, Martynia 522. proboscidea, Glox. OROBANCHACEA, Aphylion 523. fasciculatum, T. & Gr. SCROPHULARIACEH, Verbascum 524. Thapsus, L. 525. Blattaria, 1.. Linaria 526. welowris, Miller. Serophularia 527. nodosa, L. Chelone 528. glabra, L. Pentstemon 529. pubescens, Solander. 530. Digitalis, Nutt. 531. grandiflorus, Fraser. Mimulus 532. ringens, L. 533. Jamesii, Torr. Herpestis 534. rotundifolia, Pursh.* Gratiola 535. Virginiana, L. Ilysanthes 536. gratioloides, Benth. Synthyris 537. Houghtoniana, Benth. 521. *Davenport. PRIMROSE FAMILY. { 1 Androcace, | 513. Androsace. | American Cowslip. 514. Shooting-Star. Am. C. Loosestrife. 515. Tufted L. 516. Loosestrife. 517. oe 518. 46 519. “e BLADDERWORT FAMILY. Biadderwort, 520. Greater B. 521. Bladderwort. BIGNONIA FAMILY. Unicorn-plant. 522. Common Martynia. BROOM-RAPE FAMILY. Naked Brooin-rape. 523. Naked B. FIGWORT Mutllein, FAMILY. 524. Common M. 525. Moth M. Toad-Flax. 526. Butter-and-eggs. Toad-Flax Figwort. 527. Figwort. Turtle-head. Snake-head. 528. Turtle-head. Balmony. Beard-tongue. Pentstemon. 529. Pentstemon. 539. “ 531. - Monkey-hower, 532. Monkey-flower. 533+ Herpestis. 534. Herpestis. Hedge-Hyssop. 535. Hedge-H. False Pimpernel. 536. False P. Ssnthyris. 537. Synthyris. THE FLORA OF IOWA. ko O Veronica 538. Virginica, L. 539. Anagallis, L. 540. peregrina, L. Seymeria 541. macrophylla, Nutt. Gerardia 542. purpurea, L. 543. aspera, Dougl. 544. tenuifolia, Vahl. 545. setacea, Walt. 546. grandiflora, Benth. 547. auriculata, Michx. Castilieia 548. coccinea, Spreng. 549. sessiliflora, Pursh. Pedicularis 550. Canadensis, L. 551. lanceolata, Michx. Melampyrum 552. Americanum, Michx.* ACANTHACE ©, Ruellia 553- ciliosa, Pursh. 554. strepens, L. VERBENACE, Verbena 555. angustifolia, Michx. 556. hastata, L. 557- urticifolia, L. 558. stricta, Vent. 559. bracteosa, Michx. Lippia 560. lanceolata, Michx. Phryma 561. Leptostachya, L. LABIAT.2, Teucrium 562. Canadense, L. Trichostema 563. dichotomum, L. Isanthus 564. czeruleus, Michx. Mentha 565. viridis, L.* 766. piperita, L.* 567. Canadensis, L. 568. var. glabrata, Benth. Speedwell. 538. Culver’s Physic. 539. Water Speedwell. 540. Neckweed. Purslane 5. Seymeria. $41. Mullein-Foxglove. Gerardia. 542. Purple G. 543- 2 544. Slender G. 545- Seg 546. Gerardia. 547: e Painted-Cup. 548. Scarlet P. 549. Dwarf P. Lousewort. 550. Common L. 551. Lousewort. Cow-Wheat. 552. Cow-W. ACANTHUS FAMILY. Ruenlia. 553. Ruellia. 554 VERVAIN FAMILY. Vervain. Verbena, 555. Vervain. 556. Blue V. 657. Nettle-leaved or White V. 558. Hoary V. 559. Prostrate V. Lippia. 560. Fog-fruit. Lopseed. 561. Lopseed. MINT FAMILY. Germander, 562. American G. Wood Sage. lue Curis. 563. Bastard Pennyroyal. False Pennyroyal. 564. False P. Mint. 565. Spearmint. 566. Peppermint. 567. Wild Mint. 568.“ af *Lee County. THE FLORA OF JOWA. i Ly¢copus 569. Virginicus, L. 570. rubellus, Meench. (See App) 571. lucidus, Turez., var, Amer- icanus, Gray. (See App.) 572. sinuatus, Ell. (See 47.) Pyenanthemum 573. pilosum, Nutt. 574. lanceolatum, Pursh. 575. linifolium, Pursh. Hedeoma 576. pulegioides, Pers. 577. hispida, Pursh. salvia 578. lanceolata, Willd. (See 4p) Mouarda 579. fistulosa, L. Blephilia 580. hirsuta, Benth. Lophanthus 581. nepetoides, Benth.* 582. scrophularizefolius, Benth. 583. anisatus, Benth. Nepeta 584. Cataria, LL. 385. Glechoma, Benth.t Dracocephalaum 586. parviflorum, Nutt. Physostegia 587. Virginiana, Benth. Brunella 588. vulgaris, L.. Secutellaria 589. versicolor, Nutt. 590. parvula, Michs. 591. galericulata, L. 592. lateriflora, L. Galeopsis 593. Letrahit, I.. Stachys 594. palustris, L. var. aspera, Gr. 595. ~—-var. glabra, Gray. 596. var. cordata, Gray. Leonurus 597. Cardiaca, 1. BORRAGINACE BF, Kehiam 598. vulgare, L. *Davenport. Water Horehound. 569. Bugle-weed. 570. Water H. 571. we 572. oe fountain Mint, Basil. 573. Mountain Mint. 574. ce 6c 575. “ec on Mock Pennyroyal. 576. American Pennyroyal. 577. Mock P. Sage, 578. Wild Sage. Horse-sfint. 579. Wild Bergamot. Blephilia. 580. Blephilia. Giant obs 581. Giant H. 582. Hs 3. Cat-Mint. 584. Catnip. 585. Gill. Ground Ivy. Dragon-Head. 586. Dragon-H. Fatse Dragon-Head,. 587. False 1). Self-leat. 588. Com. Self-heal or Heal-all. Skulleap. sop. 589. Skullcap. 590. * 591+ . 592. Mad-dog S. Hemp-Nettle. 593. Common I, Hedge-Nettie. 594. Hedge-N. 595: #7 596- o Motheorwort, 597. Common M. BORAGE FAMILY. Vipers Bugloss, 598. Blue-weed, tIndianola. THE FLORA OF IOWA. i) a Onosmodium 599. Carolinianum, DC. 600. molle, Michx. Litlhospermum 601. angustifolium, Michx. 602. latifolium, Michx. 603. hirtum, Lehm. . canescens, Lehm. 605. longiflorum, Spreng. Mertensia 606. Virginica, DC. Echinospermum 607. Lappula, Lehm. Cynoglossum 608. officinale, L. 609. Morisoni, DC. HYDROPHYLLACEA, Hydrophyllum 610, Virginicum, L. 611. appendiculatum, Michx. Ellisia 612. Nyctelea, L. (See App.) POLEMONLACE &, Polemonium 613. reptans, L. Phiox 614. maculata, L. 615. pilosa, L. 616. divaricata, L., var. Lap- hamii, Wood. CONVOLVULACE®, Tpomoa 617. purpurea, Lam. Calystegia 618. sepium, R. Br. 619. spithamzea, Pursh. Cuseuta 620. Gronovii, Willd. 621. glomerata, Choisy. SOLANACEAE, Solanum 622. Dulcamara, L. 623. nigrum, L. 624. Carolinense, L. Physalis (See App) 625. Philadelphica, Lam. | 626. Virginica, Mill. (P. visco- sa Gray’s Man., not of L.) 627. lanceolata, Michx. (P.Penn- sylvanica Gray’s Man. in part, not of L.) False Gromwell. 599. False G. 600. oe Gromwell., Puccoon. 601. Gromwell. 602. ee 603. Hairy Puccoon. 604. Alkanet. Hoary P. 605. Puccoon. Simmooth Lungwort. 606. Virginian Cowslip or L. Stickseed, 607. Common S. Hound’s-Tongue, 608. Common H. 609. Beggar’s-Lice. WATERLEAF FAMILY. Waterleat, 610. Waterleaf. 611. ve Ellisia. 612. Ellisia. POLEMONIUM FAMILY. Greek Valerian. 613. Polemonium. Phiox. 614. Wild Sweet-William. 615. Wild Phlox. 616. “ CONVOLVULUS FAMILY. Morning-Glory. 617. Common M. Bracted Bindweea, 618. Hedge Bindweed. 619. Bracted B. Dodder, 620. Dodder. 621. ae NIGHTSHADE FAMILY. Nightshade, 622. Bittersweet. 623. Common Nightshade. 624. Horse-Nettle. Ground Cherry. 625. Ground C. 626. $e 627 es 26 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Datura 628. Stramonium, L. GENTIANACE. Grentiana 629. quinqueflora, Lam., var. occidentalis, Gray. 630. crinita, Freel, 631. detonsa, Fries. 632. alba, Muhl. 633. Andrewsii, Griseb. 634. Saponaria, L. 635. puberula, Michx. Menyanthes 636. trifoliata, L. APOCYNACE/“K. Apocynum 637. androsemifolium, L. 638. cannabinum, L., var. gla- berrimum, DC. 639. var. hypericifolium, Gr. ASCLEPIADACE/‘®, Asclepias 640. Cornuti, Decaisne. 641, Sullivantii, Engelm. 642. phytolaccoides, Pursh. 643. purpurascens, L. 644. ovalifolia, Decaisne. 645. incarnata, L. 646. obtusifolia, Michx. 647. Meadii, Torr. 648. tuberosa, L. 649. verticillata, L. Acerates 650. viridiflora, Ell. 651. longifolia, Ell. OLEACEA:, Fraxinus 652. Americana, L. 653. viridis, Michx. [. 654. sambucifolia, Lam. 655. quadrangulata, Michx. ARISTOLOC HITACE “ie, Asarcuiny 656. Canadense, L. NYCTAGINACE JE. Oxybaphus 657. nyctagineus, Sweet. 658. angustifolius, Sweet. (See App. 659. albidus, Sweet. (Sve Aff.) Jamestown-Weed, Thorn-Apple. 628. Common Stramonium, GENTIAN FAMILY, Gentian. 629. Five-flowered Gentian. 630. Fringed G. 631. Smaller Fringed G. 632. Whitish G. 633. Closed G. 634. Soapwort G. 635. Gentian. Buckbean. 636. Buckbean. DOGBANE FAMILY. Doghane. Indian Hemp. 637. Spreading Dogbane. 638. Indian Hemp. 639. ce oe MILKWEED FANILY. Milkweed. Silkweed. 640. Common Milkweed. 641. Milkweed. 642. Poke-M. 643. Purple M. 644. Dwarf M. 645. Swamp M. 646. Milkweed. 647. 66 648. Butterfly-weed. 649. Whorled Milkweed. Green Milkweed. 6so. Green NX. 651. ee OLIVE FAMILY. Ash, 652. White Ash. 653. Green A, 654. Black or Water A. 655. Blue A. BIRTHWORT F.AXLILY, Wild Ginger. 656. Wild G. FOUR-O'CLOCK FAMILY. Onxybaphus, Asarabacea. 657. Oxybaphus. 658. “ce 650. “é THE FLORA OF IOWA. bo | PHYTOLACCACE®X., Phytolacca 660. decandra, L. CHENOPODIACE. Chenopodium 661. aldum, L. 662. Boscianum, Mog. (See App) 663. Aybridum, L. 664. Botrys, L. 665. ambrosioides, L. AMARANTACEAE, Amarantus 666. retroflexus, L. 667. albus, L. 668. Blitum, L. (See App.) Montelia 669. tamariscina, Gray. 670. var. concatenata, Gray. POLYGONACEE., Poly genum 671. orientale, L. 672. Pennsylvanicum, L. 673. incarnatum, Ell. 674. Persicaria, L. 675. Hydropiper, L. 676, acre, H. B. K. 677. amphibium, L., var. aquat- icum, Willd. 678. var. terrestre, Willd. 679. Hartwrightii, Gr. (See App) 680. Virginianum, L. 681. aviculare, L. 682. var. erectum, Roth. 683. ramosissimum, Michx. 684. sagittatum, L. 685. Convolvulus, L. 686. dumetorum, L. Fagopyrum 687. esculentum, Mcench. Rumex 688. orbiculatus, Gray. 689. Britannica, L. 690. verticillatus, L. 691. crispus, L. 692. maritimus, L. 693. Acetosella, L. LAURACEX, Sassafras 694. officinale, Nees. THYMELEACE*®. Di rea 695. palustris, L. POKEWEED FAMILY. Pokeweed. 660. Com. Poke. Scoke. Garget. GOOSEFOOT FAMILY. Pigweed, 661. Lamb’s-Quarters. Pigweed. 662. Slender Pigweed. 663. Maple-leaved Goosefoot. 664. Jerusalem Oak. 665. Mexican Tea. AMARANTH FAMILY. Amaranth, 666. Pigweed. Green A. 667. Tumble-weed. 668. Amaranth. Montelia. 669. Montelia. 670. ae BUCKWHEAT FAMILY. Knotweed. 671. Prince’s Feather. 672. Smartweed. 673. 4s 674. Lady’s Thumb, 675. Common Smartweed. 676. Water Smartweed. 677. Water Persicaria. Goosefoot. 678. 66 6c 679. Persicaria. 680. - 681. Knotgrass. Door-weed. 682. “ “ 683. Knotweed. 684. Arrow-leaved Tear-thumb. 685. Black Bindweed. 686. Climbing False Buckwheat. Buckwheat, 687. Common B. Dock. Sorrel. 688. Great Water-Dock. 689. Pale Dock. 690. Swamp D. 691. Curled D. 692. Golden D. 693. Field or Sheep Sorrel. LAUREL FAMILY. sassafras, 694. Sassafras. MEZEREUM FAMILY. Leatherwood. Moosewood. 695. Leatherwood. 28 THE FLORA OF IOWA. SANTALACEA, SANDALWOOD FAMILY. Comandra Bastard Toad-ilax. : 696. umbellata, Nutt. 696. Bastard T. CALLITRICHACEA, WATER-STARWORT FAMILY. | Callitriche Water-Starwort, | 697. verna, L. 697. Water-S. EUPHORBIACK AS, SPURGE FAMILY. Euphorbia Spurge. 698. petaloidea, Engelm. 698. Spurge. 699. serpens, H. B. K. 699.“ 700. serpyllifolia, Pers. joo. 701. glyptosperma, Engelm. Foie 7oz. maculata, L. 702. = 703. hexagona, Nutt. (See Aff.) 793- - 704. hypericifolia, L. 704. is 705. marginata, Pursh. 705. = 706. corollata, L. 700. ee 707. dentata, Michx. 7°7- 708, heterophylla, L, jos. jog. dictyosperma, F. & M 799. 710. Cyparissias, L. 710. = Acalypha Tarcve-sveded Mereurs, 711. Virginica, L,. 711. Three-seeded M. Croton Croton, 712. glandulosus, LL 712. Croton, 713. capitatus, Michx, 713. URTICACE S. NETTLE FAMILY. Ulmus Elin. 714. fulva, Mich. 714. Slippery or Red Elm. 715. Americana, I.., Willd. 715. American or White Elm. Celtis Hackberry. 716, occidentalis, L. 716. Sugarberry. Hackberry. Morus Mulberry. 717. rubra, I, 717. Red M. Urtica Nettle. 718. gracilis, Ait. 718. Nettle. Laportea Wood-Nettle. 719. Canadensis, Gaudich. Jig. Wood-N. Pilea Riciweed, Clearweed. 720. pumila, Gray. 720. Richweed. Parietaria Pellitory. 721. Pennsylvanica, Muhl, 721. Pellitory, Cannabis Hemp. 722. sativa, L. 22, Common H, Humulus Hop. 723. Lupulus, L. 23, Common H, PLATANAC kU, PLANE-TREE FAMILY. Platanus Buttonwood, Plane-tree, 724. occidentalis, L. 724. American Plane.Sycamore. THE FLORA OF IOWA. 2) SUCLANDACE A, Juglans 725. cinerea, L. 720. nigra, L. Carya 727. oliveeformis, Nutt. 728. alba, Nutt. 729. tomentosa, Nutt. 730. amara, Nutt. CUPULIFERE. Puerens 731. alba, L. 732. obtusiloba, Michx. 733. Macrocarpa, Michx. 734. bicolor, Willd. 735. Prinus, L., var. acuminata, Michx. 736. var. humilis, Marshall.* 737- imbricaria, Michx, 738. nigra, L. 739. coccinea, Wang. 740. + -var. tinctoria, Gray. 741. rubra, L. 742. palustris, Du Roi. Corylus 743. Americana, Walt. Ostrya 744. Virginica, Willd. Carpinus 745. Americana, Michx. BETULACE.-E, Betula 746. papyracea, Ait. 747. nigra, L Alnus 748. incana, Willd., var. glauca, Gray. SALIC ACE JE, Salix 749. tristis, Ait. 750. humilis, Marshall. 751. discolor, Muhl. 752. petiolaris, Smith. 753- cordata, Muhl. 754. livida, Wahl., var. occiden- talis, Gray. 755. nigra, Marshall. 750. var. amygdaloides, And. (See App.) 757. longifolia, Muhl. WALNUT FASIILY,. Walnut. 725. Butternut. 726. Black Walnut. Hickory. 727. Pecan-nut. 728. Shell-bark or Shag-bark HI. 729. Mocker-nut. 730. Bitter-nut or Swamp H. OAK FAMILY. Oak. 731. White Oak. 732. Post Oak. 733. Bur Oak, 734. Swamp White-Oak. 735. Yellow Chestnut-Oak,. 736. Dwarf Chestnut-Oak. 737. Laurel or Shingle Oak. 738. Black-Jack or Barren Oak. 739. Scarlet Oak. 740. Yellow-barked Oak. 741. Red Oak. 742. Pin Oak. Hazel-nut. Filbert. 743. Wild Hazel-nut. Hop-Hornbeam. 744. American H. Wlornbeam. 745. Blue or Water Beech. Tron-wood, Iron-wood. BIRCH FAMILY. Bireh. 746. Paper or Canoe Birch. 747. River or Red B. Alder. 748. Speckled Alder. WILLOW FAMILY. Willow. Osier. 749. Dwarf Gray Willow. 750. Prairie W. 751. Glaucous W. 752. Petioled W. 753. Heart-leaved W. 754. Livid W. 755. Black W. 756. Almond-leaved W. 757. Long-leaved W. * Fide Dr. Vasey, vol. ii, Am. Ent. & Bot. 30 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Populus 758. tremuloides, Michx. 759. grandidentata, Michx. 760. monilifera, Ait. CONIFER®, Pinus 761. Strobus, L. Juniperus 762. communis, L. 763. Virginiana, L. Taxus 764. baccata, L., var, Canaden- sis, Gray. ARACE ®, Ariszeema 765. triphyllum, Torr. 766. Dracontium, Schott. Symplocarpus 767. fcetidus, Salish. Acorus 768. Calamus, L. LEMNACKE Lemna 769. trisulca, L. 770. minor, L. 771. polyrrhiza, L. TYPUACEA, Typha 772. latifolia, L. Sparganium 773. eurycarpum, Engelm. 774. simplex, Hudson, var. Nut- tallii, Engelm. 775. androcladum, Engelm.* NAIADACE®, Naias . 776. flexilis, Rostk. Zannichellia 777. palustris, L. Potamogeton 778. lonchites, Tucker. 779. amplifolius, Tucker, 780. gramineus, L.f 781. prolongus, Wulfen. 782. perfoliatus, L. 783. pauciflorus, Pursh. 784. pectinatus, L. Poplar. Aspen. 758. American Aspen. 759. Large-toothed A. 760. Cotton-wood. PINE FAMILY. Pine. 761. White P. Juniper. 762. Common J. 763. Red Cedar or Savin. Yew 764. Ground Hemlock. ARUM FAMILY. Indian Turnip. Dragon-Arum. 765. Indian Turnip. 766. Green Dragon. skunk Cabbage. 767. Skunk C,. Sweet Flag. 768. Sweet F. DUCKWEED PAMILY. Duckweed, 769. Duckweed. 770. ee 771. ty CAT-TAIL FAMILY. Cat-tail Plag. Calamus, Duek’s-ine at, 772. Common Cat-tail. sur-reed, 773. Bur-reed. 774- a 775. PONDWEED F.AMILY. Naiad. 776. Naiad. Horned Pondweed, 777. Horned P. Pondweead. 778. Vondweed 779. 780. ee 781. et 782. ns 783. o 784. 6 *Davenport. tLee County. THE FLORA OF IOWA. 31 ALISMACEZZ. Alisma 785. Plantago, L., var. Ameri- canum, Gray. Eehinodorus 786. parvulus, Engelm. Sagittaria 787. variabilis, Engelm. 788. graminea, Michx. HYDROCHARIDACE®, Anacharis 789. Canadensis, Planchon. Vallisneria 790. spiralis, L. ORCHIDACE®. Orchis 791. spectabilis, L. Habenaria 792. viridis, R. Br., var. bracte- ata, Reich. 793. leucophza, Gray. Spiranthes 794. cernua, Richard. Pogonia 795. pendula, Lindl. Calepogon 796. pulchellus, R. Br. Liparis 797. liliifolia, Richard. Apleetrum 798. hyemale, Nutt. Cypripedium 799. candidum, Muhl.- 800. pubescens, Willd. 801. spectabile, Swartz. AMARYLUIDACK A, HMypoxys 802. erecta, L. IRIDACE.E. Tris 803. versicolor, L. Sisyrinchium 804. Bermudiana, L., var. ceps, Gray. 805. var. mucronatum, Gray. 806. var. albidum, Gray.. DIOSCOREACES. Dioscorva 807. villosa, L. an- WATER-PLANTAIN FAMILY. Water-Plantain. 785. Water-P. Echinodorus, 786. Arrow-head. 787. Common A. 788. Arrow-head. FROG’S-BIT FAMILY. Water-weed. 789. Water-weed. Tape-grass. Eel-grass. 790. Eel-grass. ORCHIS FAMILY. Orchis. 791. Showy O. Rein-Orchis. 792. Rein-O. 793-0 Ladies’ Tresses. 794. Ladies’ T. Pogonia. 795. Pogonia. Calopogon, 796. Calopogon. Twayblade. 797. Twayblade. Putty-root. Adam-and-Eve. 798. Putty-root. Lady’s-Slipper. 799. Small White L. 800. Large Yellow L. 801. Showy L. AMARYLLIS FAMILY. Star-grass. 802. Star-grass. IRIS FAMILY. Flower-de-Luce. 803. Common Blue Flag. Blue-eyed Grass. 804. Blue-eyed G. 805. Bs 806. ee YAM FAMILY. Yam. 807. Wild Yam-root. 32 THE FLORA OF IOWA. SMILACEA, SMILAX FAMILY. Smilax Greenbrier. Catbricr. 808. hispida, Muhl. 809. herbacea, L., var. pulveru- lenta, Gray. LILIACKE™. Trillium 810. sessile, L. 811. recurvatum, Beck. 812. erectum, L., var. Pursh. var. declinatum, Gray. cernuum, L. nivale, Riddell. album, 813. 814. 815. Melanthivum 816. Virginicum, L. “ygadenus 817. glaucus, Nutt. Uvulavia 818. grandiflora, Smith. Silacina 819. racemosa, Desf. 820. stellata, Desf, 821. bifolia, Ker., var. Canaden- sis, Gray. Polygonatum $22. biflorum, Ell. $23. giganteum, Dietrich. Liliam 824. Philadelphicum, L. 825. Canadense, L. 826. superbum, L. Erythronium 827. albidum, Nutt. Scilla 828. Fraseri, Gray. Allium 829. tricoccum, Ait. 830. Canadense, Kalm. 831. striatum, Jacq. Yucca 832. angustifolia, Pursh. (See App.) JSUNCACE.EH., Luzuina 833. campestris, DC.* duncus 834. effusus, L. £35. tenuis, Willd. 808. Greenbrier. 809. Carrion-Flower. LILY FAMILY. Three-leaved Nightshade, 810. Trillium. 811. a 812. ot 813. es 814. Wake-Robin. 815. Dwarf White Trillium. Melanthium, 816. Bunch-flower. Zygadene. 817. Zygadene. Boliwort, 818. Bellwort. False Solomon’s Seal. 81g. Faise Spikenard. 820, False Solomon’s S. S821. ce oe Solomon’s Seal. 822. Smaller Solomon’s Seal. 823. Great 5. Lily. 824. Wild Orange-red Lily. 825. Wild Yellow L. 826. Turk’s-cap L. Dog’s-tooth Violet. 827. White Dog’s-tooth V. squild. 828. Wild Hyacinth. Quamash. Onion. Garlic. = 829. Wild Leek. 830. Wild Garlic. 831.“ ““ Bear-Grass. 832. Spanish Bayonet. Spanish B RUSH FAMILY. Wood-Rush, 833. Wood-Rush. Rush. 834. Common or Soft R. 835. Bog-Rush. Bog-Ruash. *Leo County. THE FLORA OF IOWA, 33 836. acuminatus, Michx, 837. nodosus, L. 838. var. megacephalus, Torr. 839. Canadensis, J. Gay. PONTEDERIACE. Pontederia 840. cordata, L. Schollera 841. graminea, Willd. COMAMELYNACEZE. Tradescantia 842. Virginica, L. CYPERACE-. | Cyperus 843. diandrus, Torr., var. casta- neus, Torr. phymatodes, Muhl. strigosus, L. Michauxianus, Schultes. Engelmanni, Steud. 848. Schweinitzii, Torr. 849. filiculmis, Vahl. Dulichium 850. spathaceum, Pers. Eleocharis 851. palustris, R. Br. 852. compressa, Sulliv. 853. intermedia, Schultes. 854. acicularis, R. Br. Seirpus 855. validus, Vahl. 856. atrovirens, Muhl. 857. Eriophorum, Michx. Eriophorum 844. 845. 8406. 847. 858. polystachyon, L. Seleria 859. Carex 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. triglomerata, Michx. bromoides, Schk. disticha, Huds. vulpinoidea, Michx. stipata, Muhl. sparganioides, Muhl. cephaloidea, Boott. cephalophora, Muhl. rosea, Schk. sterilis, Willd. stellulata, L., var. scirpoi- des, Gray. 870. arida, Schw. & Torr.* 871. scoparia, Schk. 872. var. minor, Boott. 836. Bog-Rush. 837. “cc 838. oe 839. 6 PICKEREL-WEED FAMILY. Pickerel-weed. 840. Pickerel-weed. Water Star-grass. 841, Water S. SPIDERWORT FAMILY. Spiderwort. 842. Common 8. SEDGE FAMILY. Galingale. 843. Galingale. 844. ce 845. “ 846. es 847. “ec 848. es 849. « Dulichium. 850. Duhchium. Spike-Rush. 851. Spike-R. 852. ee 853. «6 854. ee Buirush or Club-Rush. 855. Great Bulrush. 856. Bulrush. 857. Wool-Grass. Cotton-Grass. 858. Cotton-G. Nut-Rush. 859. Nut-R. Sedge. 860. Sedge. S61.“ 862.“ 863. “« 864. “« 865.“ 866.“ 867. «* 868. 869.“ 870. 871.“ S72, *Dubuque. 3B4 THE FLORA OF IOWA. 873. lagopodioides, Schk. 874. cristata, Schw. 875. var. mirabilis, Boott. 876. adusta, Boott. 877. foenea, (?) Willd. 878. var. (?) ferruginea, Boott. 879. straminea, Schk., var. typ- ica, Boott. 880. var. hyalina, Boott. 881. var. Meadii, Boott. 882. aperta, Boott. 883. stricta, Lam. 884. Buxbaumii, Wahl. 885. Meadii, Dew. 886. grisea, Wahl. 887. Davisii, Schw. & Torr. 888. plantaginea, Lam.* 889. laxiflora, Lam., var. blan- da, Boott. 890. var. latifolia, Boott. 891. eburnea, Boott. 892. Pennsylvanica, Lam. 893. lanuginosa, Michx. 894. hystricina, Willd. 895. intumescens, Rudge. 896. lupulina, Muhl. 897. folliculata, L. 898. longirostris, Torr. GRAMINE/E:, Lecrsia 899. Virginica, Willd. goo. oryzoides, Swartz. Zizania gol. aquatica, L. Alopecurus go2. aristulatus, Michx. Phicum 903. pratense, L. Vilfa 904. vagineeflora, Torr. 905. cuspidata, Torr. Sporobolus 906. heterolepis, Gray. 907. cryptandrus, Gray. Agrostis g08. perennans, Tuckerm. g0g. scabra, Willd. gto. vulgaris, With. git. alba, L. Cinna gi2, arundinacea, L. 873. Sedge. 874. 875. cc 876. ** 877. “cc 878.“ 879. ce 880.“ 881. & 882.“ 883.“ 884. “ 885.“ 886.“ 887. 888. ce 889. ce 890.“ 8g1. “* 892. “cc 93: “cc 94. ee $95: ee 9 is ce 807. “ce 898. “et GRASS FAMILY. White Grass. 899. White G. goo. Rice Cut-grass. Water or Indian Rice. gor. Indian Rice. Foxtail Grass. go2. Wild Foxtail. Cat’s-tail Grass. 903. Timothy. Herd’s-Grass. Rush-Grass. 904. Rush-G. 905. “e Drop-sced Grass. go6. Drop-seed G. 907. ce Bent-Grass. 908. Thin-Grass. 909. Hair-G. g10. Red-top. gti. Fiorin or White Bent-G. Wood Reed-grass. gtz. Wood R. Water Oats. *Lee County. THE FLORA OF IOWA. Muhlenbergia 913. sobolifera, Trin. 914. glomerata, Trin. 915. Mexicana, Trin. g16. sylvatica, Torr. & Gr. 917. Willdenovii, Trin. 918. diffusa, Schreber. Brachyelytrum gig. aristatum, Beauv. Calamagrostis g20. Canadensis, Beauv. g21. longifolia, Hook. Oryzopsis 922. melanocarpa, Muhl. Stipa 923. spartea, Trin. Aristida 924. gracilis, Ell. Spartina 925. cynosuroides, Willd. Bouteloua 926. hirsuta, Lagasca, 927. curtipendula, Gray. Diarriena 928. Americana, Beauv. Dactyl's 929. glomerata, L. Keleria 930. cristata, Pers. Eatonia 931. obtusata, Gray. Melica 932. mutica, Walt., var. glabra, Gray. 933- —-var. diffusa, Gray. Glyceria 934. nervata, Trin. Poa 935. compressa, L. 936. serotina, Ehrh. 937- pratensis, L. Eragrostis 938. reptans, Nees. 939. powoides, Beauv. 940. var. megastachya, Gray. 941. pilosa, Beauv. 942° Frankii, Meyer. Festuca 943. tenella, Willd. 944. nutans, Willd. Drop-sced Grass. 913. Drop-seed G. 914. ce 915. a g16. “ 917. ee 918. < Brachyelytrum. glo. Reed Bent-Grass, 920. Blue Joint-G. O21, #5 se Mountain Rice. 922. Mountain Rice. Feather-Grass. 923. Porcupine Grass. Triple-awned Grass, 924. Triple-awned Grass. Cord or Marsh Grass. 925. Fresh-water Cord-G. Muskit-Grass. 926. Muskit-G. 927- es Diarrhena. 928. Diarrhena. Orchard Grass. 929. Orchard G. Koeleria. 930. Keeleria. Eatonia. . 931. Eatonia. Melic-Grass. 932. Melic-G. 933- oe Manna-Grass, 934. Fowl Meadow-G., in part. Meadow-grass. 935- Wire-Grass. 930. False Red-top. 937. Kentucky Blue-Grass. Eragrostis. 938. Eragrostis. Spear-Grass. 939- : 940. ss 941. es 942. ce Fescue-Grass. 943. Fescue-G, 944. oc“ 36 THE FLORA OF IOWA. Bromus 945. secalinus, L. 946. racemosus, L. 947. Kalmii, Gray. 948. ciliatus, L. 949. —s-var. purgans, Gray. Phragmites 950. communis, Trin. Lolinimn 951. cemulentum, L. Tr-ticum 952. repens, L. Hordeum 953. jubatum, L. Ely mus 954. Virginicus, L. 955. Canadensis, L. 956. var. glaucifolius, Gray. 957. striatus, Willd. Gymnostichum 958. Hystrix, Schreber. Hicroehloa 959. borealis, Rcem. & Schul. Phalaris g60. arundinacea, L. Paspalum g61. lave, Michx. Panicum 962. glabrum, Gaudin. 963. sanguinale, L. 964. agrostoides, Spreng. 965. proliferum, Lam. 966. capillare, L. 967. virgatum, L. 968. latifolium, L. 969. xanthophysum, Gray. 970. pauciflorum, Ell. g71. dichotomum, L. 972. var. sphcerocarpon, L. 973. Crus-galli, L. Setaria 974. glauca, Beauy. 975. viridis, Beauv. Cenehrus 976. tribuloides, L. Andropogon 977. furcatus, Muhl. 978. scoparius, Michx. Sorghum 979. nutans, Gray. Brome-Gras.. 945. Cheat or Chess. 946. Upright Chess. 947. Wild C. 948. Brome-Grass. 949. “ Reea, 950. Common R. Darnel. 951. Bearded D. Whieat. 952. Couch-, or Quick- Grass. Barley. 953- Squirrel-tail Grass. Lyme-Grass. Wild Rye, 954. Wild Rye. 955. ““ “ 950. be 6 957- cc “c Bottle-brush Gras, 958. Bottle-brush G. Holy Grass. 959. Vanilla or Seneca G. Canary-Grass. g60. Reed Canary-G. Paspaluin. g61. Paspalum. Panic-Grass. 962. Panic-G. 963. Common Crab or Finger-G. 964. Panic-G. 965. 66 : 966. Old-witch Grass. 967. Panic-G, 968. oe 969. “cc g7o. 971. “ oy. 973- Barnyard-Grass. Bristly FPoxtail Grass, 974. Foxtail. 975. Green Foxtail. Botcde-G. Wedgehog- or Bur-Grirss. 976. Bur-G. Beard-Grass. 977. Beard-G,. 978. 6c Broom Corn. 979. Indian Grass. Wood-Grass. APPENDIX, 17, RANUNCULUS AQUATILIS, L., var. STAGNATILIS, DC. (A. di- vurtcatus, of Gray’s Manual.) ‘*Frequent forms occur connecting this with the variety ¢richo- piyllus. It can hardly be &. divaricatus, Schrank, as European and Asiatic specimens of that species show a well-defined lamina to the segments of the leaves, while in American specimens they are always filiform.’ [Vatson’s Rep. in King’s Exp. CLEOME, L. Sepals distinct or somewhat united. Stamens 6 or rarely 4. Torus minute. Pod linear or oblong, subsessile or stipitate.—Annual herbs or shrubs with digitate or simple leaves and racemed or solitary flowers. Benth. & Hook. 83. C. INTEGRIFOLIA, Torr. & Gr.—Annual, somewhat glaucous, 2%-3¥ high, widely branching; leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets lanceolate, (the lower-most oblong) entire, submucronate; racemes sometimes nearly 1° long; flowers large, showy, reddish purple, rarely white; sepals united to the middle, persistent, segments triangular-acumi- nate; petals with very short claws; stamens equal; pods oblong- linear, compressed, much longer than the stipe. Alor. Col., Port. & Coul. gt. VIOLA CANADENSIS, L.—As yet found only at Decorah. Our plant varies from the typical one in having much smaller pink flow- ers, whose lateral petals are not bearded; as well as in general as- pect, which is decidedly like 1” pudescens. 124. PORTULACA RETUSA, Engel.—Like P. oleracea, but greener, and the stem more ascending, sometimes covering a space several feet in diameter; leaves usually smaller than the common species; sepals obtuse, broadly carinate winged; petals yellow; stigmas 3 or 4; capsule 234’'-3’’ long, broader in proportion; seeds more strongly tuberculate than in P. oleracea. Flor. Cal. 131. CALLIRRHOE INVOLUCRATA, Gray. — Hirsute; stem branch- ing, procumbent; leaves deeply 3-5-parted, covered with stellate hairs, segments linear-lanceolate, laciniately 3~5-toothed; peduncles erect, I-flowered, longer than the leaves; flowers few in a loose pan- icle, about 1%’ in diameter, axillary, scarlet; bracteoles 3, linear-lan- ceolate, 24 the length of the deeply-parted calyx; carpels numerous, hairy, not wrinkled. Flor. Col., Port. & Coul. 3 THE FLORA OF JOWA. 155. VITIS CORDIFOLIA, Michx.— Tall (or more rarely low) climb- ing high, trunks not rarely 6’~9/ in diameter; leaves middle-sized or small (2%4'— 3’ or 4’ in diameter), heart-shaped, mostly entire or very slightly tri-lobed on the edges, with broad, shallow teeth, usually smooth and shining, more on the upper than on the lower side, the young ones sometimes, and very rarely the old ones, with short hair on the ribs below; berries small, in large, mostly loose bunches, black, without a bloom, maturing late in the fall, usually only with a single short and thick seed, marked by a prominent raphe. —This grows more especially in fertile soil, and is common in river and creek bottoms. Luge/m. tn 6th An, Rep. Lnsects Alo. 156. VITIS RIPARIA, Michx., (I. cordifolia, Michx., var. riparia, Gray.)— Mostly a smaller plant than the last, but with larger (3'-5’ in diameter) and more or less incisely 3-lobed, glabrous, shining (or rarely when young, slightly hairy) leaves, the lobes long and pointed, the teeth also more pointed than in /* cordifolia, berries usually larger than in the last, mostly with a bloom, in smaller and often more compact bunches, commonly 1~2-seeded; seeds with a less ‘prominent raphe. —This species prefers thickets or rocky soil on river banks, che northern form has fewer and larger berries in a bunch, and is easily distinguished from J. cord?folia. The fruit ripens ear- lier than the former and is pleasanter. Lugedm. in Jnsects Wo. 189. DALEA LAXIFLORA, Pursh.~Glabrous, 3°-4° high, erect, branched above; branches slender and spreading; leaflets 4-5 pairs, linear-oblong, 2’’- 3’ long, 12’ wide, strongly dotted; spikes pani- cled, few-flowered; flowers distant; bracts very broad, almost or- bicular, glandular, coriaceous, glabrous, slightly cuspidate, embrac- ing the flower; calyx deeply cleft, teeth long,setaceous, beautifully plumose; corolla white, keel twice as long as the wings, vexillum cordate, very small, sometimes with 4 approximated glands near the middle. Flor, Col., Port. & Coul. 241. POTENTILLA RIVALIS, Nutt. ~ More slender than P. .Vorve- gica, branched, villous or nearly glabrous; stipules lanceolate to ovate, entire or toothed; leaves pinnate, with two pairs of closely approximate leaflets, or a single pair and the terminal leaflet three- parted, the upper leaves ternate; leaflets ovate or oblong-cuneate or lanceolate, 1-2’ long, more or less incised-serrate; cymes loose, less leafy, with slender pedicels; bractlets and sepals equal, 114’- 3” long; petals minute; stamens 10-20; achenia usually smooth; re- ceptacle short... From the Missouri river to New Mexico. Not yet found within our limits. VAR. PENTANDRA, Watson.- Leaves ternate, the lateral leaflets of the lower leaves parted nearly to the base; stamens five, opposite to the sepals. (7. pentandra, Engel.) -Found only at Humboldt, Humboldt County, Matsen’s Rew. in Proc. Am. Acad. F/1/, 277. GAURA COCCINEA, Nutt.--Canescent, puberulent or glabrate; stems suffruticose and fastigiately branched from the base, 6’- 12/ high, very leafy, ascending; leaves lanceolate, linear-oblong or linear, repand-denticulate or entire, 6’’- 12’’ long, closely sessile; flowers in simple spikes terminating the leafy branches, rose-color, turning to scarlet; bracts linear, rather persistent, longer than the ovaries; calyx-segments linear-oblong, shorter than the narrow infundibuli- form tube, as long as the roundish, unguiculate petals; fruit ellipti- cal, sessile, short, terete, q-sided above. Fler. Col., Port. & Coul. 297. PEUCEDANUM (?) NUDICAULE, Nutt.-- Caulescent or some- times scarcely so, minutely pruinose-pubescent, 3/- 15’ high; leafy only at base; leaves bipinnate or ternate-bipinnate, the segments in- THE FLORA OF IOWA. 39 cisely lobed with usually rather broad and subacute divisions; umbel somewhat capitate in flower, with 8 —12 rays; involucre none; involu- cels unilateral, of 6-10 membranously margined, more or less united bracts; petals white, with attenuated apex and quasi-obcordate; ca- lyx-teeth short; fruit pubescent, broadly oval, 3/’-4’’ long and 3” broad, the thickish wing more than half as wide as the seed; vittee 3 in the intervals, 6 upon the commissure, conspicuous; seed flattened. March-June. Watson's Rep. in King’s Exp. of 40th Par. “*As observed by Dr. Gray, the plant does not accord with Nuttall’s description, nor in all respects with the characters of the genus.” ADONA, L. A genus belonging to the order Caprifoliacece, and composed of but a single species, widely distributed throughout the cooler parts of the globe. It is characterized as follows in Flor. N. A.: Flowers perfect. Tube of the calyx coherent with the lower part of the ovary, the limb slightly 2-3 cleft. Petals 4-5, inserted on the limb of the calyx, united at the base, spreading. Stamens 4-5, each hlament 2-parted; the divisions bearing each a single-celled peltate anther. Styles 4-5, subulate. Fruit an herbaceous and juicy berry, 4-5 celled; each cell with a single suspended seed. Seeds compressed, with a membranaceous margin. 326. A. MoSCHATELLINA, L.—A small perennial herb, with the odor of musk; root tuberous; radical leaves twice ternately com- pound, on long petioles, the cauline solitary, 1-2 ternate or incised; flowers 4-6 (greenish) in a terminal capitulum, the lateral ones mostly pentamerous, the terminal tetramerous. 349. Liarris PuNcrara, Hook. Stems 8’- 3% high, from a thick, knotted fusiform root, glabrate, leafy to the top; leaves linear, rigid, strongly punctate on both sides, glabrous or their margins some- times ciliate, lower ones 3’~ 5’ long, slightly 3-nerved, 1-3” wide, pungently acute; heads in a dense spike, 4’—10’ long, 4-6 flowered; flowers reddish-purple; scales of the cylindraceous involucre oblong, strongly punctate, imbricated, appressed, with mucronate, acumi- nate, rather spreading tips, margins woolly-ciliate; bristles of the pappus about 30, purplish or white, very plumose; achenia hairy. tier, Cal, Port, & Corl, APLOPAPPUS, Cass. Heads few-many-flowered; ray-flowers 3-many, pistillate, fertile; those of the disk tubular, perfect, generally fertile. Involucre cylin- drical, turbinate, campanulale, or hemispherical, the scales imbricated in few-several series, from linear-subulate varying to broadly oval. Receptacle flat, alveolate. Corolla of the disk funnel-shaped, or slight- ly dilated upward, 5-toothed. Style of the disk flowers with the branches flattened, the subulate hispid appendages much longer than the stigmatic portion. Achenia oblong or linear, mostly terete or tur- binate. Pappus simple, white or brownish, of copious, mostly une- qual bristles.-- Perennial herbs or suffruticose plants, with entire or pinnately-toothed or serrate leaves; flowers always yellow. Natives of Western North America and parts of South America. 400. A. SPINULOSUs, DC.— Herbaceous, canescent with a soft, mi- nute, woolly pubescence; stems many, 19-29 high, corymbosely branched above; leaves small, 9-12" long, rigid, pinnately or some- what bi-pinnately parted, segments short, linear-subulate, mucro- nate with a short bristle; heads small, subglobose, terminating the numerous branchlets; involucre shorter than the disk, scales subu- late-lanceolate, mucronulate, imbricated in 3-4 series, appressed, canescent; rays 20-30; corolla of the disk with very short teeth; 40 THE FLORA OF TOWA. pappus pale or tawny, short, very unequal; achenia turbinate, villous. Flor. Col., Port. & Coul. GRINDELIA, Willd. | Heads many-flowered, the ray flowers generally present, pistillate, the ligule elongated; disk-flowers perfect, the corolla tubular-funnel- shaped, 5-toothed. Involucre subglobose or hemispherical, the scales imbricated in many rows. Receptacle naked, flat, foveolate. Style with lanceolate, hispid appendages as long as the stigmatic portion. Achenium smooth, oblong, or ovate, somewhat angled. Pappus of 2-8 smooth, rigid, deciduous awns, shorter than the disk- corollas. —Biennial (?) perennial or suffruticose, often resiniferous, Mexican and North American plants. gor, G. SQUARROSA, Dunal. ~Glabrous and viscidly resinous; stems herbaceous from a perennial caudex, 1°- 2% high, corymbosely branch- f ed above; leaves somewhat rigid, glaucous and punctate, radical ones spatulate-lanceolate, narrowed into a petiole, dentate or incised, cauline mostly oblong, sessile and partly clasping, rather obtuse, finely toothed or spinulose-serrate ; heads numerous, subglobose, 6” broad ; the scales very rigid, close-appressed, but with very long re- flexed, squarrose, subulate points, resinous; rays numerous, rather narrow ; pappus of 2 4 very rigid, deciduous bristles or awns. Flor. Col., Port, & Coul. CYCLACH. ENA, Fres. Fertile and sterile flowers in the same head ; the former 5, in the axils of the inner scales of the involucre, with no corolla or a mere rudiment; the latter t0 - 15, with an obconical 5-toothed corolla (near- ly destitute of proper tube); the central ones abortive. Scales of the flattish hemispherical involucre usually 10, in 2 series: the exte- rior 5, ovate, somewhat acuminate, thickish, herbaceous; the interior dilated-obovate, truncate, membranaceous, at length loosely wrapped around the achenia. Receptacle small, flat: the chaff linear-spatu- late, usually wanting toward the center. Anthers slightly united, tipped with an inflexed mucronate appendage. Style of the fertile flowers deeply 2-cleft, linear, acutish; in the sterile flowers undi- ! vided, radiate-penicillate at the apex. Achenia obovate, obcom- pressed, somewhat turgid, not margined, glabrous, entirely destitute of pappus; the staminate flowers with no rudiments of ovaries. 408. C. XANTHIIFOLIA, Fres. -A tall and coarse annual; the stem simple, and more or less branched at the summit; leaves opposite, ovate or sub-cordate, acuminate, doubly or unequally serrate, 3- nerved, hirsute-canescent or pubescent beneath, somewhat scabrous, on long petioles; heads small greenish, ebracteate, sessile and often glomerate, disposed in compound terminal and axillary spikes, form- ing a pyramidal panicle. /Vor, AY A. 426. HELIANTHUS LENTICULARIS, Dougl. —Annnal, scabrous or hispid, branching, stout, 3--8~ high; leaves ovate, alternate, acu- minate, coarsely-serrate, 3'-6’ long, 2’- 4’ broad, 3-nerved-at the base and suddenly narrowed into a petiole nearly as long as the leaf, uppermost often lanceolate and entire; heads mostly panicled, pe- duncled, 2’~ 4’ broad; scales of the involucre ovate, ciliate, abruptly and conspicuously acuminate, in about 3 rows, spreading; rays 20-- 40, large; chaff of the flat receptacle nearly as long as the purplish disk-flowers, concave, carinate, tricuspidate, the middle point much the strongest and dark-colored; achenia finely appressed-pubescent: pappus of two lanceolate, chafly awns. “Vor. Col., Port, & Coutl. 471. CENTAUREA AMERICANA, Nutt. —~Stem erect, striate-grooved, | sparingly branched, thickened under the heads; leaves sessile, gla- THE FLORA OF IOWA. 41 brous, often scabrous, the lower oblong-ovate, repand-toothed, the upper lanceolate, acute; heads not bracteate; scales of the involucre all with pectinate appendages; rays elongated, the segments very long and slender. Flor. N. A. Common in cultivation, and native in Southern U.S. Plant 2- 37 high, with very large, showy heads. Flowers pale purple. CNICUs, L. (CrRsIUM, Tourn., of Gray’s Manual.) This change is the result of a more exhaustive study of the genus and leaves the synonymy as given in the body of the Catalogue. It does not otherwise effect the species enumerated. See Gray’s Rev. of Thistles in Proc. Am. Ac. 1X, & Xs CRKEPIS, L. Heads several-many-flowered,; flowers all ligulace. Involucre us- ually calyculate with a few small bracteoles, the proper scales nearly equal, in a single series. Receptacle naked or slightly hairy. Ache- nia terete or somewhat compressed, 8 - 30 striate, usually narrower above or even tapering into a short beak, the apex expanded into a minute disk. Pappus pure white, copious, of denticulate or scabrous delicate capillary bristles, or sometimes of more rigid bristles slightly dilated toward the base. 489. C. RUNCINATA, Torr. & Gr. ~ Perennial, slightly hirsute, be- coming smoother; radical leaves obovate or oblong lanceolate, run- cinate-lobed or only slightly toothed, tapering to the base, 2’- 7’ long; scape 1°. 2° high, branching, bearing a few linear, bract-like leaves; branches and involucres more or less hirsute with blackish, often glandular, hairs; involucres many-flowered, .calyculate; scales linear-lanceolate, with scarious margins; achenia striate, slightly ta- pering upwards. flor. Col., Port. & Coul. 493. Lactuca Lepovicrana, DC.—Very smooth (3--5~ high); leaves all runcinate, retrorsely and sharply toothed, the cauline partly clasping; panicle divaricate, the peduncles and involucre naked; pappus conspicuously stipitate; flowers yellow. flor. NV. +. It is doubtful if this be distinct from MWerlgedium pulchellum, Nutt. 570. LYCOPUS RUBELLUS, Mcench.- Nearly glabrous; stem weak, sub-erect (1% 2¢ high), obtusely angled; leaves petioled, ovate- oblong or oblong-lanceolate, much acuminate at both ends; calyx teeth triangular awl-shaped, notrigid. (ZL. Auropwus, L., var. integ- rifolius, Gray.) Gray's Rev. Lyc., Proc. Am. Ac., 1870. 571. Lycopus Lucipus, Turcz. Stem stout (2° 3° high), erect, acute-angled at top; leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate (2’- 4’ long), acute or acuminate, with large and very sharp serrations, the base obtuse, or occasionally acute, subsessile; calyx teeth alternate, subulate. Var. AMERICANUS, Gray. - Leaves barely shining on both sides, often hairy pubescent; stem generally hairy; calyx teeth small and rigid. Zdzd. 572. Lycopus sInuatus, Ell.-- Stem acutely 4-angled; leaves lanceolate or oblong, acute, irregularly incised and laciniate-pinna- tifid, sinuate, dentate at the point, attenuate at the base, on mode- rately long petioles; calyx teeth triangular, subulate, short cuspidate; rudimentary stamen filiform, capitate, or clavate at the summit. (Z. Europeus, L., var. stnuatus, Gray.) Lbid. 578. SALVIA LANCEOLATA, Willd.—Stem herbaceous, ascending and with the branches, glabrous; leaves petioled, lance-linear, ob- tuse or acuminate, base narrow; bracts lance-subulate, shorter than 42 THE FLORA OF IOWA. . the calyx; raceme simple; calyx tubular, striate, glabrous, teeth acute; corolla little longer than the calyx, blue. (.S. ¢réchostemoi- des, Pursh.) 612. ELLIs1A NycTELea, L.—£. ambigua, Nutt., is only a slender form of this species according to Dr. Gray in Proc. Am. Ac. X. Our plant is of this character. PHYSALIS, L. Gray’s Revision in Proc. Am. Ac. X. does not effect the species mentioned except to change the synonymy as shown in the Cata- logue. 658. OXYBAPHUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS, Sweet.--Stems glabrous, as- cending, slender, 19- 6° high; leaves glabrous, linear, usually elon- gated, 2’-4’ long, thick, glaucous; flowers loosely panicled; pedun- cles and involucre pubescent; involucre with 5 triangular, ovate, acuminate lobes, 3 -5-flowered, becoming 5” long in fruit; perianth short, sub-campanulate or rotate-funnel-form, scarcely exceeding the involucre, white or pink, the limb 144’’ long; stamens exserted; fruit hoary-pubescent, 214” long. lor. Col., Port, & Coul, 659. OXYBAPHUS ALBIDUS, Sweet. Nearly glabrous except the inflorescence; leaves all subsessile, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acute at base; fruit more hirsute, muriculate along or between the ribs. [Vatson in Atng’s Rep. 662. CHENOPoDIUM BosclANuM, Mogq. —Erect, slender, 2° high, loosely branched, nearly glabrous; leaves thin, oblong to linear-lan- ceolate, 1’- 2’ long, acute, attenuate into a long, slender petiole, the lower sinuate-dentate, or often all entire; flowers very small, solitary, or in small clusters upon the slender branchlets; calyx green, not strongly carinate, partly covering the at length naked seed, which is wy" broad. Watson's Rev. Chen, Proc. Am. Acad. 1X. This is the var. Bosctanum of C. album in Gray’s Manual. 668. AMARANTUS Biirum, L. -Annual, glabrous; stem decum- bent, branched, angular; leaves dark green, ovate or obovate, with rounded tip, 1’- 3’ long, long petioled; flower clusters axillary, and in interrupted cymes, flowers minute, tri-merous; sepals oblong, mu- cronate, exceeding the bracts, shorter than the utricle. oes. Flor. Brit. Lsl, 679. POLYGONUM HARTWRIGHTI, Gray. -Strigose hirsute or gla- brous; stem erect, striate, bearing at the top thickish leaves, which are broadly lanceolate, acute or somewhat obtuse; petioles short; sheathes long with a flat foliaceous limb, which is setose ciliate; pe- duncle erect, eglandulose, bearing a solitary dense cylindrical spike of rose-colored flowers; stamens 5; style deeply cleft, perigonium eglandulose. Proc. Am. Ac. 703. EUPHORBIA HEXAGONA, Nutt. —Appressed and _ sparsely hir- sute; stems slender, branches angulato-striate; leaves all opposite, short petioled, linear-lanceolate; floral ones attenuated linear; throat and exterior of the involucre appressed hirsute, lobes short, multifid; glands 5; style sub-bilobed,; capsule glabrous, seeds tuberculate. Plant i-14- high. DC. Prod. NT. 756. SALIX NIGRA, Marsh,, var. AMYGDALOIDES, Ands.—(S. amzyg- daloides, Ands.) Aments spreading; scales testaceous somewhat pi- lose; capsule ovate conic; style short; stigma short and thick; leaves broadly lanceolate, generally produced into a narrow cuspidate point, glaucous beneath, margins grandular serrate; stipules soon decidu- ous. Ands. Syn. Sal. THE FLORA OF IOWA, 43 832. YUCCA ANGUSTIFOLIA, Pursh.—Stems none or short; leaves narrowly linear, scarcely narrowed above the broad base, rigid, spiny- pointed, nearly flat above, convex below, with very slender margined fibres, 14%°-21%4° long; flowers spiked; petals broad-ovate, 114’-13{’ long; stigmas half as long as the ovary, sessile, erect; capsule cylin- dric-ovate, thick, obtuse, short-pointed, dry, erect; seeds very thin, smooth, large, 5’’-7’’ in diameter, with a wide margin; albu- men not ruminated. Flor. Col., Port. & Coul. Called by the Mexicans ‘Soap Weed.”’