i aN Cae TUG an yoann *} ay .' So ei ie ¥ eee Bo Soe Sry sects os me se CORNELL UNIVERSITY THE Flower Veterinary Library FOUNDED BY ROSWELL P. FLOWER for the use of the N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE 1897 Cornell University Library The Wilder quarter-century book:a collec THE WILDER QUARTER-CENTURY BOOK A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAI, PAPERS DEDICATED TO PROFESSOR BURT GREEN WILDER AT THE CLOSE OF HIS TWENTY-FIFTH YEAR OF SERVICE IN CORNELL UNIVERSITY (1868-7893) BY SOME OF HIS FORMER STUDENTS ITHACA, N. Y. COMSTOCK PUBLISHING CO. 1893 4am e/ 14 37Y Entered, according to act of Congress, in the year 1893, by the COMSTOCK PUBLISHING COMPANY, - in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. 2 & WH fran ; OT LLL a L—+——— SS Fic. 9.—Ectoblattina much farther; and the narrowing lesquereuxit. of the subcostal area is also more marked. The step from the form of the subcosta in /céoblattina to that presented by many modern insects is not a great one, as for example, that of the fore wing of Corydalis. It is probable that correlated with the lengthening and nar- rowing of the subcostal area in these paleozoic insects a thickening of the costal edge of the wing took place, thus forming the costal vein. As I have been able to study only figures of these paleozoic remains, I am unable to decide at what point in the development of the wing a distinct costal vein was formed. It was probably very early ; for Mr. Scudder states that in the paleozoic insects the six principal veins 60 John Henry Comstock were always developed, the marginal [costa] simple and forming the costal border. From this brief study of the development of the subcostal area let us pass to the area lying next to the opposite margin of wing, the anal area, omitting for a time any discussion of the three veins (radius, media and cubitus) which occupy the central portion of the wing. A striking feature in the structure of the wings of many in- sects is the separation of the anal area from the remainder of the wing by a fold or furrow, along the bottom of which ex- tends a vein. Such a depressed vein has been termed, on ac- count of its position, a concave vein; and in contradistinction to such veins, those veins which extend along the summit of ridges, or which are more prominent on the upper surface of the wing than on the lower, are termed convex veins. This furrow separating the anal area from the preanal por- tion of the wing appeared very early. It is especially promi- nent in all cockroaches both fossil and living ; and can usu- ally be recognized in any insect wing in which the anal area is well developed. I have been unable to determine the sig- nificance of it. But have found it a very useful mark in de- fining the limits of the anal area. It is vein VIII of the nomemclature adopted in this paper. The primitive form of the anal area is probably well shown in Mylacris, (Fig. 7), where it closely resembles the primitive form of the subcostal area, as shown in the same genus. But the latter specialization of this area has been very different from that of the subcostal. This specialization has taken place in two opposite directions, 7. ¢., by reduction and by addition. In certain lines of development the tendency of natural selection has been to preserve the narrower winged forms. And the narrowing of the wings has taken place largely through a partial or complete reduction of the anal area. The dragon-flies, Odonata, and the ant-lions, MJyrmeleon, are examples of the extreme result of this tendency. And in the Lepidoptera there are several instances where a good series illustrating successive stages in this reduction can be Evolution and Taxonomy 61 found. Thus within a single family, or perhaps superfamily, the more generalized members have three anal veins in at least one pair of wings, (usually the hind wings), while as one passes to more and more specialized forms only two, or one anal veins are found. I believe that this selection of the nar- rower winged forms is the result of the sur- vival of those forms that are best fitted for rapid flight. A good illustration of the dif- ference in the powers ll, Wk Ill; Illy vin Vile Fic. 10.—7yriprocris. of flight between an insect with a wide anal area and one in which this area has been reduced, can be found within Fic. 11.—Syntomts. the limits of a single lepi- dopterous superfamily, the Zygeenina. Compare the power of flight of Z7zpro- cris (Fig. 10) in which there are two anal veins in the fore wings and three anal veins in the hind wings, with that of Syzéom7s (Fig. 11) in which there is only a single anal vein in both fore and hind wings. On the other hand, in other lines of development, natural selection has evi- dently tended to a preserva- tion of the wider winged forms ; and the widening of the wings has taken place largely by a specialization of the anal area by 62 John Henry Comstock addition. The extreme result of this method of specialization is presented by the Orthoptera and especially by the hind wings of the Acridide. Here we find a widely expanded anal area, with regularly alternating concave and convex veins. Such a wing is not fitted for striking vigorous and rapid blows upon the air as is required for rapid flight ; but is adapted to a sliding flight, a sliding up likea kite or down like a parachute. Such a method of flight would naturally reach its highest develop- ment in jumping insects, like the Acridide. A study of the illustrations just given shows that where the tendency of natural selection is towards the development of a rapid flight there is usually a cephalization of the function of flight, z. e., the hind wings are greatly reduced, and the fore wings become the chief organs of flight. This is well shown by the more specialized Zygzenids (Fig. 11) ; and the extreme of such a cephalization is presented by the Diptera. That such a cephalization is not absolutely necessary to rapid flight is shown by the dragon-flies (Odonata); but here the abdo- men is greatly elongated, which gives a similar result. On the other hand where an expansion of an anal area has taken place in order to provide for a sliding flight, it is the hind wings that are specialized by addition, z. e., the opposite of cephalization takes place. The Acridide have already been cited as an illustration of this. The region lying between the subcostal and anal areas is traversed by three principal veins and their branches. These veins as already indicated, are the radius, media and cubitus, the radius lying next to the subcosta, the cubitus next to the anal area, and the media, between the radius and cubitus. Very remarkable modifications take place in the structure of these veins and in their relation to each other. Some of the modifications will be discussed in detail later ; in this place I wish only to make some very general statements. If a large series of wings be exaniined it will be found that the area of each of these veins may be specialized either by addition or by reduction, 7. ¢., it may be either widened or narrowed. When the tendency of natural selection is to widen one of these areas, the points of origin of the branches Evolution and Taxonomy 63 of the principal vein will be nearer the base of the wing in the more specialized forms than in the more generalized members of the same group. On the other hand when the tendency of natural selection is to narrow one of these areas the branches become consolidated with the main stem to a greater and greater distance from the base in the more and more special- ized forms. This consolidation of a branch with the main stem or of two brauches with each other may extend to the margin of the wing, and thus the number of branches be re- duced. This migration of the point of origin of a branch of a VIlg x VI Fic. 12.—Prionoxystus ; f. frenulum and frenulum brace, enlarged. vein often affords an excellent clew to the degree of departure from a more generalized type. But the most remarkable of the changes which take place in this region of the wing is an abortion of the main trunk of media and a consequent uniting of the branches of this vein either with cubitus or with both cubitus and radius. Ex- cellent illustrations of this occur inthe Lepidoptera. In many of the more generalized moths the main trunk of media is well preserved (Fig. 12); while in more specialized forms it is en- 64 John Henry Comstock tirely wanting. Sometimes, as in Danazs, remnants of the basal part of the branches of media project back into the dis- cal cell from the discal vein (Fig. 13); while in many other butterflies the branches of media are so completely united with radius and cubitus that there is no indication of the fact that they do not belong to these systems of veins (Fig. 14). It is probable that in none of the Paleeodictyoptera were the wings plaited, as they are in many existing insects ; although ul Iz Ills 1 7 yn | MWh? yy, Fic. 13.—Fore wing of Danazts. in some, they were broadly folded. And if we except the anal furrow (vein VIII), already referred to, all of the veins were of the type that is termed convex; that is, they were more prominent on the upper surface of the wing than on the lower. We thus see that the evidence of the Palzeodictyoptera does not corroborate the theory of Adolph and Redtenbacher as to the primitive type of the wings of insects. Instead of the primitive wing consisting of regularly alternating concave and convex veins, as described by them, it is probable that the concave veins are a later development, either arising de ovo or being modified convex veins, excepting always the anal fur- row (vein VIII), regarding the origin of which we know nothing. Concave veins have evidently arisen to meet two distinct needs: first, in those insects in which the wings have become Evolution and Taxonomy 65 broadly expanded so as to provide for a sliding flight, there is a necessity for the plaiting of these wings when not in use so that they may be carried without impeding locomotion on foot ; second, we find in certain cases where the tendency of spec- ialization has been towards a narrowing of the wings in order to admit of vigorous flight, a corrugation of the wings has taken place in order to strengthen them. The hind wings of a grasshopper illustrate the first; and the wings of a dragon fly present the extreme of the second form of specialization. It is easy to see thata corrugated wing, like that of the dragon fly, is much stiffer than it would be if the membrane extended in asingle plane. If one will examine the cross veins ex- tending between the costa and the radius in a dragon fly, he will find that some of these are in the form of triangular braces which ef- fectually prevent any ten- dency on the part of the wing to become flattened. Evidently the corrugation is of extreme importance. The concave veins have arisen in two ways. The first of these is by a change in the position of a convex Fic. 14.—Paphia. vein. The subcosta in most of the orders of insects is an illustration of this. In the Lepidoptera the subcosta has retained its form as a convex vein, but in most orders of insectst he area be- tween the costa and the radius has been, depressed forming a furrow along the bottom of which the subcostaextends. This corrugation has resulted from the need of a stiffening of the costal edge of the wing. The second method of formation of 66 John Henry Comstock concave veins is illustrated by a vein that lies between radius and media (vein IV), and also by a vein that lies between media and cubitus (vein VI) in certain orders of insects. These veins (IV and VI) I do not believe existed in the Palz- odictyoptera ; at least, I have not been able to find any indi- cation of their presence in the figures of paleozoic insects. In the more modern orders of insects when a corrugation of the wings arose, and the areas traversed by these veins be- came depressed, veins IV and VI appeared. It is probable that they were developed by a straightening out of the zigzag line between two series of cells. Thiscan be readily seen by comparing the wing of one of the devonian may flies (Plate IIT, 3) with that of a modern may-fly (Plate III, 5). In the devoni- an may-fly the cells of the wing are polygonal, while in the modern may-fly they are quadrangular. In the latter case not only have longitudinal concave veins been formed from zigzag lines, but the cross veins extending between these con- cave veins and the adjacent convex veins have become strictly transverse. An arrangement which insures the preservation of the corrugations. In a similar way the concave veins in the anal area of the modern Orthoptera have probably arisen. I conclude, therefore, that in the more highly specialized wings of certain orders of insects, there exists a regular alter- nation of convex and concave veins, this alternation being the result of a corrugation ot the wings for the purpose of stiffen- ing them. This conclusion is quite different than that reached by Redtenbacher, who starts with the fan type of wing as the primitive one. In the Lepidoptera this corrugation has not taken place, the wings being stiffened by scales, consequently, the subcosta remains a convex vein, and veins IV and VI have not been developed. It is probable that these veins are also lacking in the wings of the Hymenoptera and the Coleoptera, but I have not studied carefully the wings of these insects. As to the nomenclature of the wing’ veins of insects, there is no longer any doubt regarding the desirability of a uniform system of naming the veins in the different orders of winged Evolution and Taxonomy 67 insects. Only by such a system can those comparisons be made which are necessary in any thorough study of the rela- tionship of the orders to each other. Heretofore the students of each order have had their peculiar nomenclature, and in many Cases writers treating of a single family have proposed a set of names to be used in that family alone. The matter has been further complicated by the fact that not only have different names been applied to the same vein, but the same name has been applied to different veins. Thus the terms costa and subcosta have been applied by Lepidopterists to different veins than those that bear these names in other orders. There have been several attempts to establish a uniform nomenclature. Of these that of Redtenbacher is the most im- portant, being based on a much more extended study of the subject than that made by any other author. Redtenbacher was the first one to work out a system and apply it to all of the orders of winged insects. And although his system was based on what I believe to be a false theory, and his interpretation of facts in some cases were faulty, I be- lieve that the more essential features of his system can be adopted. Although, as I have pointed out above, the fan-type of wing was not the primitive type, it seems desirable to base our nomenclature on this type ; for here we find the maximum number of veins ; and our nomenclature should include the secondarily developed veins of modern insects as well as the primitive veins. I have shown that in the preanal portion of the wing of paleozoic insects there were developed five principal veins. These may be designated, beginning with the one on the costal margin of the wings, as costa, subcosta, radius, media and cubztus. ‘The term media was proposed by Redtenbacher; the others were adopted by him as those sanctioned by the best usage.* I have also shown that in certain insects there * Redtenbacher was not the first to recognize media as a principal vein. This was done by Edward Doubleday nearly fifty years ago. See his Remarks on the Genus Argynnis, Trans. Linn. Soc. Vol. XIX, 1845. Ihave adopted the term medza in preference to discotdal vein proposed by Doubleday as the latter might be confused with discal vein, the term commonly applied to certain cross veins. 68 : John Henry Comstock is developed, secondarily, a longitudinal vein between radius and media, for this I propose the term premedia ; and also in the same insects there is developed a longitudinal vein be- tween media and cubitus, this I designate as postmedia. Following the system of Redtenbacher these veins may also be designated by Roman numerals. The equivalence of the numbers and names of the veins of the wing is indicated by the following table ; also the nature of the veins. Te Costa: ee ea convex. II.—Subcosta, usually concave, secondarily. III.—Radius.... . . convex. IV.—Premedia . . . . concave. V.—Media. . . . . . convex. VI.—Postmedia. . . . concave. VII.—Cubitus ..... convex. VIII.—First anal . . . . concave. IX.—Second anal. . . convex. X.—Third anal. . . . concave, ez al. It will be seen from this table that if we consider subcosta a concave vein, which it has come to be in the larger num- ber of the orders of insects, there is a regular alternation of convex and concave veins, when the maximum number of veins is present. And hence the convex veins are desig- nated by odd numerals and the concave veins by even numer- als ; this is one of the chief features of Redtenbacher’s system, and an exceedingly useful one. If this system be applied to the anal area, and I believe it is best that it should be, all convex anal veins must be desig- nated by odd numerals. In those orders where the anal area has been greatly specialized by addition, (e. g., Orthoptera), this would naturally follow ; for there we find a regular alter- nation of concave and convex veins. But in certain other cases it is not so obvious. In those Lepidoptera in which three anal veins are preserved, the first (vein VIII) is con- cave, and doubtless represents the primitive anal furrow ; the second is convex and is obviously vein IX ; but the third is also convex! Shall this be designated as vein X, or as vein XI? It seems to me better that we consider vein X absent, Evolution and Taxonomy 69 as are veins IV and VI in this order, and designate this one as vein XI. This view is strengthened by the fact that in many of the Microlepidoptera with broad hind wings there is a prominent fold between the two convex anal veins. This fold may be looked upon as the beginning of an anal vein, which is as yet undeveloped, but which if developed would be vein X. Another important feature of Redtenbacher’s system is the designating of the branches of a vein by Arabic indices ap- pended to the Roman numeral indicating this vein. Thus the branches or radius are designated as IIL, IIL,, IIL, etc., (Fig. 15). While I believe that we are able to trace out homologies between the principal veins of the wings of insects of the different orders, I do not think it prac- ticable, even if possi- ble, which I doubt, to homologize the dranch- es of the principal veins beyond the limits of a single order. I have not, therefore, adopted 1m in all cases Redten- Vi bacher’s plan of using ah odd indices only for convex branches and 2 even indices only for wes concave branches. Vila This plan will be found 1x very useful in those x1 orders (e. g., Ephemer- Fic. 15,—Casinia. ida) where the fan-type of wing has been developed ; butin other cases (e. g., Lepidop- tera) it would merely complicate the nomenclature without ad- 70 John Henry Comstock ding toits value. Thusin the Lepidoptera I designate the five brauches of radius as III,, III,, III,, II1,, and III, respectively, although all of these branches are convex. It should be noted that in numbering the branches of a principal vein, they are numbered in the order in which they reach the margin of the wing, not in the order in which they are given off from the main stem. The system adopted is not only the simpler but insures the same number being applied to homologous veins in different genera, which would not be the case were the other system adopted. Having indicated the more general features in the develop- ment of the wings of insects in order to define the nomen- clature of the wing veins that I have adopted, and having explained this nomenclature, I can now pass to the considera- tion of certain details exhibited by the wings of the Lepidop- tera. The more important of these are the changes which take place in media; for this vein in the Lepidoptera is of the high- est value for taxonomic purposes. The tendency to abortion of the main trunk of media has already been pointed out. The explanation of this tendency I have not fully determined satisfactorily to myself, I can only suggest the following: In the course of the narrowing of the wing and the strengthening of the main veins which has taken place as a result of a natural selection of the more active flying forms, the veins have become crowded together at the base of the wing. The more important veins, Zz. e., radius and cubitus, have held their place, while media has been crowded out. This crowding out has probably taken place in this way. The narrowing of the space occupied by media compressed the large trachea or tracheze which it con- tained. Such a compression tends to shut off the supply of air to that part of the wing supplied by the branches of media. To counteract this evil, communication is established between the branch of media and the veins lying on either side of it. When such a communication is well established there is no longer any need for the basal portion of media and it becomes atrophied. In this connection it should be stated that the mem- Evolution and Taxonomy 71 brane of the wing is supplied with an immense number of mi- nute tracheze extending from the main trunks contained in the veins. The lateral branches of the trachez are rarely seen even in carefully bleached wings, for in mounting the speci- men they become filled with the mounting medium and are thus rendered invisible. But occasionally air will remain in them rendering them distinctly visibly. It is by means of some of these lateral tracheze that the branches of media be- come connected with radius and with cubitus. When such a communication has been established it is im- portant that these tracheze should not be compressed by the 0 MM: 2 Ills Ills IX VII Fic. 16.—FPackardia. bending of the wing during flight, therefore any tendency to protect these trachez by a thickening of the membrane along their course would be beneficial and would result in the de- velopment of veins enclosing these tracheze. These veins at first extend in a transverse direction, and are thus obviously cross veins (Fig. 16, ¢. v.). But the result of 72 John Henry Comstock farther specialization is to round off the angles in the path of the trachez, as the angles in our roads are rounded off by carts. This process is continued until these cross veins become parts of longitudinal veins, and their true nature as cross veins is completely hidden. This is well shown by the connection ex- isting between the third branch of media (vein V,) and cubitus. A study of the venation of Casinéa@ (Fig. 15) shows conclu- sively that media is three-branched and cubitus only two- branched. Here the connection between vein V, and vein VII is obviously a cross vein. But in every American moth and butterfly known to me, except perhaps Hepialis and Aficropte- vyx, the union of these two veins is so complete that there is no hint of the fact that vein V, is not a branch of vein VII. And in several families vein V, has also become united with vein VII in a similar manner. ‘The result is that cubitus (the median vein of many authors) is described as three-branched in some families and four-branched in others. Two years after I had reached the conclusion that media is three-branched and cubitus only two-branched in the Lepi- doptera, Spuler published a paper* in which these facts are demonstrated in an entirely different way. As I did not pub- lish my conclusions, the credit of the discovery belongs of course to Spuler. I wish merely to state that my conclusions were reached independently of that author’s work, and by an entirely different method. I was led to the correct under- standing of the relation of these veins by a study of existing generalized forms (especially Hepialis and Castnia) ; while Spuler’s conclusions were based on a study of the ontogeny of certain butterflies. He found that in newly formed pupze the trachea which later becomes enclosed by media is three- branched, while that one which is the precursor of cubitus, is only two-branched. This is an interesting instance of the evidence of ontogeny confirming results obtained in an effort to determine the phylogeny of a group by the study of gener- alized forms. * A Spuler.—Zur Phylogenie und Ontogenie des Fligelgedders der Schmetterlinge. Zeit. fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie, LIII. Evolution and Taxonomy 73 Let us see how the facts regarding the changes of media can be used in taxonomic work. First, the presence of the main trunk of media is an indica- tion of a generalized condition. This at once throws light on the position of the Megalopygide, the Psychide, the Cossidee, the Limacodide, and certain of the Zygaenina. These fami- lies are evidently much nearer the stem form of the Lepidop- tera than are those families in which media has been lost. It does not follow that these families should be classed to- gether. For each one may represent a distinct line of devel- opment. The presence or the absence of the MW ua base of media is a char- acter that merely indi- cates the degree of di- vergence from a primi- tive type (see p. 43). The divergence in each case may be along a dis- tinct line. It may be worth while to state in = tk this connection that the families named above } mr are nearly all of those of Va the Macrofrenate in Va which three anal veins V5 are preserved in the hind XI Vis wings, another character Ix aay VU indicating a compara- tively slight degree of divergence from the primitive type. Correlated with the abortion of the base of media is the coalescence of its branches with the adjacent veins. It fol- lows from this that the extent to which this coalescence has gone is an indication of the degree of departure of a form from the primitive type. Compare, for example, the hind wings of Packardia (Fig. 16) with the hind wings of ddoneta (Fig. 17), two genera of the family Limacodide. In Packar- Fic. 17.—Adoneta. 74 John Henry Comstock dia, where a remnant of the base of media still persists, vein V,is merely connected with vein III by a cross vein. But in Adoneta, where the base of media of the hind wings is lost, vein V, has become consolidated with vein III for a consider- able distance. It is obvious that in these respects, the loss of the base of media and the extent of the coalescence of veins III and V,, Adonefa is the more highly specialized of the two genera. It often happens that after the abortion of the base of media the discal cell is traversed by a more or less distinct line or scar indicating the former position of this part of the vein. This scar is indicated in the accompanying figure of the wings of Zacles (Fig. 18) by dotted lines. It will be observed that the branches of media are not con- tinuous with the branches of this scar. There has been a migration of the proximal end of the remaining portion of each branch towards the vein from which it gets its supply of air. Frequently there remain short stumps, projecting into the discal cell from the discal cross vein, and continuous with the scar, at the points where the branches formerly emerged from the discal cell. These are indicated by the arrows in Figure 13, and are also shown in Figure 18. It will be readily seen that the extent to which this migration of the base of a branch has gone will serve as an indication of the degree of divergence of the forin from a primitive type.* In connection with this part of the discussion a few words regarding the nature of the so-called discal vein are appropri- ate. Itis evident that this is not a single cross vein extend- ing from radius to cubitus ; but it is made up of several distinct elements, and these elements may differ in different genera. There is a cross vein between radius and the first branch of media, and another between the third branch of media and cubitus (Figs. 16, 18, ¢. v., ¢c. v.). These extremes of the series forming the discal vein, however, have the appearance in many cases of being parts of longitudinal veins (Fig. 18) ; *I wish here to acknowledge the assistance of Miss Clelia D. Mosher, who, while a student in my laboratory at Palo Alto, first worked out the relation of these stumps to the branches of media. Evolution and Taxonomy 75 and in such cases have not been considered, heretofore, as parts of the discal vein. The intermediate portions of the discal vein may be merely the branches of media somewhat bent out of their primitive course. This condition is illus- Fic. 18.—Zacles. The hind wing is enlarged more than the fore wing. trated by the hind wings of Packardia (Fig. 16). Here the first branch of media has been drawn towards radius as a re- sult of the change in the source of its air supply ; and in a similar way the third branch of media, receiving a large part of its air from cubitus, is bent towards cubitus. In other 76 John Henry Comstock cases cross veins have been developed between the branches of media, and these form part of the discal vein ; this is the case where there is an interpolated cell in the discal cell (Fig. 12). Sometimes a part of the discal vein may be looked upon as a trail indicating the path along which the base of a branch of media has migrated. An instance of this kind can be seen in the fore wings of Zacles (Fig. 18). Here that part of the discal vein lying between the stump which is marked V, and radius is the path over which the base of vein V, has migrated. The union of vein V, with radius and of vein V, with cubitus after the abortion of the base of media is what would be expected. But in which direction would one expect the base of vein V, to migrate? Occupying an intermediate position between radius and cubitus it may go either way. It is like a stream in the middle of a level plain, a trifle may change its course. And thus we find that in some families it migrates towards cubitus, making this vein apparently four- branched, while in other families it goes towards radius, leaving cubitus apparently three-branched. This difference may be looked upon as a difference in kind of specialization, and is frequently of high value as indicating a dichotomous division of the line of descent. It is obvious that ina family, where vein V, has migrated far towards cu- bitus and has thus established its chief source of air supply in that direction, it is not probable that genera will arise in which vein V, is more closely wnited to radius than to cubitus. To resume the figure, the plain through which the stream is flowing is an elevated plateau; a pebble may determine which of two slopes it shall descend; but when well started down one, it cannot traverse the other. This character, however, must be used with care. In fami- lies where the direction of the migration of the base of vein V, has been firmly established, as in the Saturniide (Fig. 18), and in the Lasiocampide (Fig. 29), it is decisive. One need not hesitate a moment in determining to which of these two families a genus belongs. But there are other families in which the direction of this migration is not yet fixed; and here the character is of subordinate value. Evolution and Taxonomy. 77 Not only may the branches of one system of veins become joined to those of other systems as just described, but there are many forms in which two adjacent principal veins are coalesced to a greater or less extent. This occurs chiefly in the hind wings. I will discuss the veins in regular order, beginning with costa. This vein is apparently wanting in the hind wings of most Lepidoptera, and but little can be said regarding the manner of its disap- pearance. It seems probable that in most cases it has simply become atrophied, the overlapping of the wings rendering it unnecessary oreven undesirable. For when that stage in the development of the order was reached im which the two hind wings of each side FIG. 19.—Zigena. overlapped to a con- siderable extent, was it not better that the costal margin of the hind wing should be flexible? There was no longer any need of a stiff margin, this part of the wing being sup- ported during the downward stroke by the overlapping part of the fore wing; while a flexible margin would act as a valve to prevent the escape of the air between the two wings. The two wings in this way present a continuous surface. In many moths there is a thickening of the basal part of the costal margin ; this I believe to be the remnant of costa. But although it seems probable that in many cases the costa of the hind wings has simply faded out leaving cell I to function as this costal valve, there are cases in which this valve is a precostal development, the costa having moved 78 John Hlenry Comstock backwards and become consolidated with the subcosta. A good illustration of this is presented by the European genus Zygena (Fig. 19). Here the costa and subcosta are distinct for a considerable distance, but become united into a single vein, It will be observed that the basal portion of costa extends like a cross vein and forms a strong support for the frenulum. This part of costa is sometimes preserved when the remaining part is wanting. See figure of Castnia (Fig. 15). In most genera of the Geo- metridz there is a faint indica- tion of a remnant of costa ex- tending from the humeral angle, at the base of the frenulum, to the subcosta, which is strongly angulated. The same thing is shown in L£uphanessa, (Figs. 20, 21), which is probably a Geometrid genus. In many of the Psychide a remnant of costa is preserved (Figs. 22, 23). Here subcosta and radius are united for a considerable distance ; then they separate and subcosta soon becomes joined to costa for a short distance. In Figure 23 I have represented what I believe to be the course of these three veins, slightly separating them where they are coalesced. That part of subcosta that lies between its separation from radius and its union with costa appears like an oblique cross vein ; and had the short spur that represents the termi- nal part of costa been lacking, its true nature would not have been suspected. Does not Fic. 21. — Hu- this arrangement of the veins in the Psychide oe sah BS afford an explanation of the origin of the so- _Euphenessa. called intercostal vein which is characteristic of the Sphingidae? See Figure 24. In many butterflies the base Fic. 20.—ELuphanessa. it nem. pot va Evolution and Taxonomy 79 of costa of the hind wings is preserved. This is well shown in Papilo(P1.1I, 2). This vein has been observed and figured by many writers; but it has always been considered a precostal (z. e., humeral) vein. But I believe it is essentially different from the humeral vein or veins of the Lasiocampide. The hu- meral veins of this family of moths are secondary developments ; while the spur in the humeral angle of butterflies is a rem- nant of one of the primitive veins, the costa. In the hind wings of many moths a coalescence of subcosta and radius also takes place to a greater or less ex- tent. These two veins may be joined for a short distance, as in Packardia, (Fig. 16), or they may be merged in- to one for a consid- erable proportion of their length as in Megalopyge, (Fig. 25), and in the Sesi- ide. Every degree of coalescence be- tween these ex- tremes exist. It has been customary in cases like the last to consider the subcostal vein wanting ; but it is only necessary to count the branches of the principal veins to see that all are present ; moreover, in most cases the — two coalesced veins are separate for a short m distance near the base. Fic. 22.—Thyredopteryx. Fic.23.—Diagram There are, however, forms in which the of part of hind BU ae : : 7 wit of Thyre- basal part of radius is wanting. This con dopteryx. dition is brought about in this way. First, something interferes with the growth of the basal part of radius, and this vein becomes weaker than the oth- 80 John Henry Comstock ‘ er principal veins. This stage is exhibited by Prionoxystus, (Fig. 12), in which radius of the hind wings still persists but is much weaker than the other veins, except media. Correlated with this weakening of radius is the formation of a cross vein between it and subcosta (Fig. 12, ¢. v.). This is an estab- lishment of a new source of air supply for the distal portion of radius, and renders less necessary the basal portion of that vein. Sometimes the two veins are drawn together, and the m1, IIl2 u+II V3 VIL VIIz IX Fic. 24.—Protoparce. coalescence extends in both directions from the point of first union, resulting in the form presented by J/egalopyge (Fig. 25); but in other cases that portion of radius between the point of union and the base of the wing becomes atrophied. An approach to this condition is shown by Acoloithis (Fig. 26). In the fore wings where radius is branched, we often find an anastomosing of the branches. In this way are formed the accessory cells (Fig. 20). This anastomosing doubtless serves to strengthen the wing. Evolution and Taxonomy 81 In the hind wings of all Lepidoptera, except Hepzalis (Fig. 27) and Micropteryx (Fig. 28), all of the branches of radius are united into one. But the condition of radius in the two genera named shows that it is normally five-branched in the hind wings as well as in the fore wings. In the discussion of media, given on a previous page, atten- tion was ca}led, so far as concerns its coalescence with other veins, merely to its branches; but the principal stem of this vein may become joined either to radius, as in the fore wing of Castnia (Fig. 15), or to cubitus, as in the fore wing of Prionoxystus (Fig. 12). It will be observed that here is a character which is of value as indicating a dichotomous division of the line of descent. I do not recall any instance where cubitus is coalesced with an anal vein to a marked degree, except in the Papilionidez (Pl. II, Fig. 2) ; but the growing together of dif- ferent anal veins is a very common occur- rence. This condition is preceded phylogenet- ically by the formation of a cross vein. Such a vein exists between veins IX and XI of the fore wings of Castnia (Fig. 15), and between veins VIII and IX of | itl: Vi Thyridopteryx (Fig.22). f Following this stage the : two veins are drawn to- a gether, See veins IX 7 rn and XI of the fore wings IX vil of Thyridopteryx (Fig. 22), aud the same veins in Megalopyge (Fig. 25). Usually, however, when these veins are joined in this way, that part of vein XI beyond the point of union disappears, and vein IX presents the appearance of being forked towards the base. See Adoneta (Fig. 17). Fic. 25.—Megalopyge. 82 John Henry Comstock In the fore wings of the Psychide it frequently happens that the basal part of vein VIII disappears, and then vein IX appears to be forked outwardly (Fig. 22). A good illustration of the coalescence of principal veins in another order of insects is presented by the dragon-flies (Odo- nata). Here veins III, IV and V are united into one from the base of the wing to the arculus. This coalescence is from the base of the wing outward, as is the coalescence of the main stem of media with either radius or cubitus in the Lepi- doptera. But most instances of coalescence in the Lepidoptera begin on the disc of the Ti: Ts U3+4 wing and extend in either direction. In the Diptera a_ third mode of coalescence is common. In this order it frequently happens that two longitudinal veins come together at their tips and unite, the coalescence proceeding wu, Vue from the margin of the Ix VI wing towards the base. Fic: 66 A iihas. The result is that a cell which normally opens on the margin of the wing is closed at a greater or less distance before the margin ; and the extent of this distance will be an indication of the degree of divergence from the primitive type. The coalescence of two veins may be complete resulting in the reduction of the number of veins in the wing. This fre- quently happens especially with the branches of radius of the fore wings in the Lepidoptera. This vein is naturally five- branched ; when a less number of branches occurs it is because the coalescence of some of the branches has proceeded to the margin of the wing. The number of veins in the wing may be reduced, however, in another way: a vein may simply fade out. The most com- mon instances of this kindin the Lepidoptera occur in the Evolution and Taxonomy 83 anal areas of the wings. As these areas become narrowed (z. e., specialized by reduction) one or two veins disappear. The second branch of media is also a vein that is apt to disappear by atrophy ; this occurs frequently in the Geomet- ride. The usual result of specialization of the wings of Lepidop- tera is a reduction of the number of veins where any change in the number is made. But it is not always so; for new veins may appear. I have already described the formation of cross veins, where a new source of air supply is established, and preceding the coa- lescence of distinct Nom, veins. In a somewhat similar way veins are formed in the basal part of cell I of the hind wings in the Lasiocam- pide. In these cases the humeral angle has become greatly extend- ed (Fig. 29). This out- growth of the wing, like all other parts, is abun- dantly supplied with Fic. 27.—Hepialis. trachee; and about some of the tracheze have been developed veins which protect them by stiffening this area so that it will not bend and thus compress them. ‘This stiffening of the area doubtless serves another function to be described later. These veins, developed in the humeral angle of the wing, I designate as the humeral veins. ‘They have been termed the precostal veins ; but the determination of the fact that the so- called costa of Lepidoptera is really the subcosta, renders the name precostal inappropriate. The joining together of the two wings of each side in many moths by means of a frenulum and a frenulum hook, is a well known characteristic. But the real nature of the frenulum has not been understood, neither has its taxonomic value been appreciated. Viz VIL 84 John Henry Comstock I was led to make a careful study of this part of the wing by the discovery that in epzalis an entirely different method of uniting the two wings of each side has been developed. In this genus, and as I have since discovered in Micropteryx also, instead of the wings being joined by a frenulum, which is a bristle or a bunch of bristles borne by the hind wing, they are joined by a membranous lobe extending back from near the base of the inner margin of the fore wing (Fig. 27, 28, j). To this lobe I have applied the name jugum. When the wings of Hepzalis are extended, the jugum pro- jects back beneath the costal border of the hind wing, which, IIT. 3 ur, : Vv. vit vi,vu, V3? Fic. 28.—Micropteryx. being overlapped by the more distal portion of the inner mar- gin of the fore wing, is thus held between the two, as ina vice. The discovery of the fact that there are two distinct modes of uniting the wings during flight suggests the inference that in the primitive Lepidoptera the wings were united in neither way. For it is not easy to see how one mode could have been developed from the other. It is probable that in the primitive moths the mesothorax and metathorax were much more distinct than in the recent forms ; and consequently the two pairs of wings were farther Evolution and Taxonomy 85 apart than now. As the consolidation of the thoracic seg- ments advanced, the wings were brought nearer and nearer together, till finally the development of a connecting organ was rendered possible. Such an organ might be borne by the fore wings, or it might be borne by the hind wings. In some moths the spe- cialization took the former direction; in others, the latter ; and thus arose a division of the order. This division I consider of subordinal value ; and I have al- ready proposed the names Jugate.and Frenate for the suborders thus indicated.* Let us try to obtain an idea of the ways in which the jugum and the frenu- lum were developed. As to the jugum I have but little to offer beyond the suggestion that at first it may have been merely an adventitious lobe, or a slight sinuosity in the in- we ner margin of the fore Va wing. If such a lobe should project beneath the hind wing ever so little it VIls would tend to insure the Grits synchronous action of the Tt two wings, and thus offer a an opportunity for natural FIG. 29.—Clisiocampa. selection to act. The frenulum is a much more complicated organ. As a rule we find that in the female it consists of several bristles, while in the male it consists of a single, strong spine. If one of the bristles of the compound frenulum of the female be ex- amined it will be found to be hollow, containing a single cav- ity. But when the frenulum of a male is examined it is found V3 * Proc. Am. Ass, Adv. Sci., Vol. XLI (1892), p. 200, 86 John fTenry Comstock to contain several parallel cavities. Evidently the frenuium of the male is composed of several bristles as is that of the female, but these bristles are grown together, forming a single strong spine. This can be easily seen by examining a bleached wing that has been mounted in balsam. Usually the cavities in the bristles contain air which renders them easily visible. It is obvious, therefore, that the frenulum of the female ex- hibits a more generalized condition than does that of the male. In some females the frenulum is so slightly developed that the bristles composing it are little more than hairs. This fact sug- gests that the primitive frenu- lum was developed from a bunch of hairs, clothing the base of the wing. Sucha tuft of hairs pro- jecting under the fore wing would tend in a slight degree to insure the synchronous ac- tion of the two wings; and as soon as these hairs had assumed this function the tendency of natural selection would be to strengthen them. In the fe- male of Prionoxystus the frenu- lum consists of a series of bris- Fic. 30.—Anisota. tles which vary in size from a short hair to a comparatively long spine (Fig. 12, f). This throws much light on the de- velopment of this organ. The extent to which the specialization of the frenulum has been carried is remarkable. In the males of some of the Psy- chide it is a strong spine nearly half as long as the hind wing (Fig. 22). In the Cymatophoride it is furnished with a knob at the tip. But the most remarkable feature of this speciali- zation is the development of a membranous fold on the fore wings of males for receiving the end of the frenulum, and thus more securely fastening the two wings together. Evolution and Taxonomy 87 This fold, or frenulum hook, is so well known that it is un- necessary toenter upon a detailed discussion of it. I will, therefore, merely record a few observations that I have made upon it. In all families in which I have observed it, it arises trom the membrane of the wing near the base of cell I (Fig. 22), except that in Casinia it seems to have been pulled back so that it arises from the subcostal vein. The unifor- mity in the position of the frenulum hook indicates that it was developed be- fore those families in which it exists had become separ- ated phylogenetic- ally. For if it had been independently developed in the different families there would proba- bly have been a lack of uniformity in its position. Some light is Fic. 31.—Perophora. thrown upon the probable origin of the frenulum hook by the fact that in many females there is a tuft of curved scales projecting back from the base of cell I, and serving to hold the frenulum in place. In many moths there is also a tuft of scales projecting forward from the base of cell VII, which functions in a similar way. In certain families of moths (Saturniina, Lasiocampide, and Drepanidee) and in all butterflies there is neither a frenu- lum nor ajugum. But in other respects the wing characters of these moths and of butterflies agree quite closely with those 88 John Henry Comstock of the frenulum-bearing moths, and do not agree with the Jugatee in their distinctive characters (Z. e., in an equal reduc- tion of the two pairs of wings, and in having radius of the hind wings branched). If the wings of one of these moths or of a butterfly be ex- amined it will be seen that there is a large expansion of the Fic. 32.—Sericaria. humeral angle of the hind wings (Fig. 30, 14), which causes the two wings of each side to overlap to a much greater ex- tent than they do in other Lepidoptera. This extensive overlapping of the wings effectually insures their synchronous action without the aid of a frenulum, and I believe explains the loss of the frenulum. This theory is Evolution and Taxonomy 89 supported by the fact that in the more generalized genera of the Saturniina (Perophora and Sericaria) where the humeral angle is not expanded to so great a degree as it is in the more specialized forms, there remains a rudiment of the frenulum, (Figs. 31, 32). And in the Drepanide where the frenu- lum is usually wanting, it persists in one sex in certain genera. . It is important that this expanded humeral angle should have a certain degree of stiffness if it is to perform the func- tion of a frenulum. ‘This has been obtained in some cases by a more or less diffused thickening of the membrane of the wing. Sucha thickening is represented by the dotted por- tion in the figure of the hind wing of Aacles, (Fig. 18). In other cases the thickening takes place along a definite line and encloses a trachea ; thus are formed the humeral veins of the Lasiocampide, (Fig. 29). An interesting fact in connection with this abortion of the frenulum, is that in Pervophora the rudiment of the frenulum of the male consists of a bunch of bristles. This is an excel- lent illustration of an organ which, in the course of its abor- tion, retraces the steps by which it was formed. In Sevzcaria the bristles composing the rudimentary frenulum in the male are still consolidated. This modification of certain hairs on the costa of the hind wing into an organ whose function is to fasten the two wings together, is paralleled by the development of a row of hooks on the costa of the hind wings in the Hymenoptera and in the Aphididee, which has a similar function. And the develop- ment of a jugum hastaken place in the Trichoptera. In fact in several respects the Trichoptera and the Jugatee resemble each other more closely than do the Jugate and the Frenatz. When a careful study is made of the wings of the two sexes of a species it often happens that a marked difference is found in them; and so far as I have observed the difference indicates a higher degree of specialization on the part of the male. It seems asif the female lagged behind the male in the race for perfection of organs. This is often shown in the degree to which the branches of the veins are consoli- go John FHlenry Comstock dated. But it is shown most markedly in the structure of the frenulum as already pointed out. The explanation of this comparative lack of specialization of the wings in females is to be found largely, I believe, in the fact that the males seek their mates, while the females await the approach of the males. Many instances are well known (Orgyia, Antsopteryx, et al.) where the females have lost their wings through disuse while the males retain well developed wings. The only instance that I can call to mind where the reverse has occurred, is the case of Blastopha- ga. Here the male has no need of wings, as he finds his mate in the cavity of the fig in which he has been developed ; while the female must fly elsewhere to deposit her eggs in a suitable place. The great difference in the habits of flight of the two sexes in many moths is well illustrated by the results of a series of experiments with trap lanterns which I conducted several years ago. Six lanterns were kept burning from spring to fall, and each day’s catch was kept separate. The results have been partially tabulated by Mr. Slingerland, and I ex- tract the following table from his report.* TABLE SHOWING THE NUMBER OF SPECIMENS OF EACH SEX OF TWO SPECIES OF FELTIA, CAPTURED WITH TRAP LANTERNS AT CoRNELL UNIVERSITY IN 1889. F. subgothica. . jacult : me __& subgothica F. jaculifera Males. | Females.| Males. | Females. UY Ae: gt ees eae ete aa) aE anlig ag ae a | ee Gre ee I OO RD s Ag Be DY flee omens Galler connor hai aa WD RT Bas Sas pote Gh nee ee ee oe | tre Wie teal | eb oae uae Heller a8 SOA I er Bo Mes. sy carats ee lie ees Se Re nS ae ay ape pie De ascot tea yee ieee I alll ese seidee Bae ae | ad Sage ve DOS ns 0B aca Oe I z lp oc ete (ok aan 3) ee ent na RS Ba | Aiceeee ee | “ae. eo. aaah |e oe Et 2G he Ryne aaah ee Se) Higa das cr [ise ie og) ca ene Re 22QU5 cee ees atin G: “teh we ce Bin 4s | eae ROPER OLN ony in Mt heats 2 Be 1| Me thts de | ete ny ena cage 12 2 IOS ete es | toe ae ae BRU Gis Tye a) ep et is en 7. Qo wile SA eae, ee eee a Dyes eae ay eee EQ ie lee ake, aes Weceeret: 2 Evolution and Taxonomy gI Dwi: | £. subgothica. £, jaculifera, | Males. | Females.| Males. | Females. Aug. 3 9 I I oe Aus 17 3 Te bailttes re tetas ve cs 5 a ae 39 4 Boe | le steers al Gio ues 5 ple eee areata hoped ae Feasts 2 7 3 | Sree Sor ei] Rene Be ape ae Ne ca pee eee a Grade haa Pecan seek note 5 oe I os 9. 32 I BRERA see ae es 10. 7 I AS Nas ee Bo eve Rice Sele Anah bry Sgtted 9 Dol cone erd sas ST ake: Se NPA oe bine clan cateace: Gallien cesta ee I4. 30 3 I 2 Ae om Sg tc Au haat oun curs 59 I O- (Wane ee oo ARTO Te nites ine hehe ABs BIAS AEE oh I Ree Te 76 10 ae: 2 tag FEO Shy We maeat pata 124 3 re YU peel ee BSE. CQ) we a cae ey aa 161 9 5 SSE Obeid nr ences 198 6 ates asasgl Es waist OPO TA SU edn es OUP ue 160 19 I I Sie PU 2s renee peta Z 108 Gralla aed | see ed eae ial OX veer ae ee 63 2 Bee AOA es 8 cae ade aye 122 HON | Artetereeresic5 meee te NO ieee es eaten net chs 209 8 Soe ee Or Saree tas, iy 110 Be Niehety af ay derlt Sy east ee us rN DEAS? on setae go 2. |Reaneaiea ss Nee 2 OFiey ae ec eeaes 93 Be ds ee ee We ee fe DO nee er Sea eeres 97 4 ar airrey | uptcnmeiteds “30, 53 2 monte fe dNahsaaee Bera 31 108 6 ed Sept. 1. 60 8 an eect “ 2. 65 2 I ne 23 OO Nee et (Ge a el gee eg: “4. 87 AM Neos saree, Us aa ice Bion 23 Ne Gene aie cae brett of Bm View cae Se eed By, Pare epee “ec “ Z : 16 3 eS Maes ay rae as qT spel Hl age Cis eae ae pal ence Se Mec CeIn t hen av an hee oe I 2 Pk ce Doc ncesyll tae oy ee aceaee SEW ee TAgh. fu tyes Rice ukihees Te ilieecit may ten ese Ws a a cee Nee oy cacena ds oO 165, 2 I 7, Tey Wiehe ner teen red “s i. Tere IG ene ce wire | coe wore sew Total . 2240 | 142 22 9 feltia jaculifera is not a very common species at Ithaca and hence the results obtained with this species are not so import- ant as those obtained with Feltia subgothica. This is our most common Noctuid ; and of the specimens captured (2,382 92 John Henry Comstock in all) more than 94 per cent. were males. It isnot at all likely that this represents the difference in the numbers of in- dividuals of the two sexes ; it is much more probable tnat the difference is due to a greater activity on the part of the males. While I believe that the greater specialization of the wings of the male is due to the greater activity of that sex, I confess that I am greatly puzzled by the fact that in no female of the Macrofrenatz has a consolidated frenulum and a frenulum hook been developed.* In other respects the females, as a rule, lag behind the males in their specialization only a short distance. But while the possession of a consolidated frenulum and a frenulum hook is attained by the males in the most gen- eralized of living frenate moths, that stage is not reached by the females of the most specialized genera. Obviously there isa factor here that I have not discovered. A similar lagging behind of the females is shown in a marked way in the specialization of the antennee in the Satur- niidze. Here in the more generalized genera (Coloradia and flyperchiria) the antennze of the male alone are pectinate. In Colosaturnia the female has attained pectinate antennze but unlike those of the male each segment bears only a single pair of pectinations. In the remaining genera of our fauna both sexes have pectinate antennze and in each case each seg- ment of the antennze bears two pairs of pectinations ; but the antennze of the male are much more highly developed than are those of the female. If, as seems probable, the antennz are organs of smell, and if, which also seems probable from cer- tain well known experiments, the males in this family are guided to the females by the sense of smell, it is easy to under- stand the higher specialization of the antennee of the males in this family. In this discussion of the taxonomic value of the wings, I have confined myself chiefly to a study of the form of the wings, their venation, and the relation of the two pairs to eachother. But I believe that even the clothing of the wings is of great taxonomic value. *I have not studied the Microfrenate enough to be in a position to make generalizations regarding them. Evolution and Taxonomy 93 If the scales of any of the more generalized moths be ex- amined, they will be found to be long and narrow and scattered irregularly over the surface of the wing. On the other hand in the more specialized members of the order, as in most butterflies, the scales are much less hair-like, being short and broad ; and they are arranged in regular overlapping rows. Evidently both the form of the scales and their arrangement upon the wing offer indications as to the degree of divergence from a primitive type of the insect bearing them. More than this I am convinced that in some cases at least the form of the scales is characteristic of a particular line of development. One can determine, for example, without any doubt whether a moth belongs to the Lasiocampidz or not by merely examining the scales of the wings. I was impressed with the taxonomic value of the scales very soon after I began the systematic study of the Lepidoptera ac- cording to the method outlined in this essay. But the time at my disposal would not admit of my investigating this part of the problem in a satisfactory manner; and at my request the investigation has been undertaken by my colleague Pro- fessor V. L. Kellogg of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Professor Kellogg is preparing an elaborate paper on this subject, which will be published soon after the appearance of the volume containing this one. While the chief object which I have had before me is the indication of a method of taxonomic work, I hope this essay will be of value to entomologists in hastening the adoption of a uniform nomenclature of the parts of the wings of insects, and thus make easier the study of the relation of the different orders of insects to each other. In order that this nomencla- ture may be more complete I propose the following method of naming the cells of the wing; for we have as yet no system that is of general application. The method I propose is, briefly, to designate each cell by the name or number of the vein that forms its front margin when the wings are spread. The application of this system to the Lepidoptera is indi- cated by Figure 33. 94 John Henry Comstock In certain special cases special names may be desirable. Thus in the Lepidoptera the cells formed by the anastomosing of the branches of radius are commonly known as the accessory cells, which is a very convenient term. And cell III + Vis universally known as the discal cell. In some of the more generalized moths a cell is formed within the discal cell by a forking of media: this has been termed the zzterfolated cell (Figs. 12, 22, 27). In those orders where there are transverse veins, each of the cells between two longitudinal veins is divided into a series of m1 : I ca 2 Ill; Tei: 3 —— Fic. 33.—Fore wing of Dazais, illustrating the nomenclature of the veins and cells. The numbers placed opposite the ends of the veins refer to the veins ; the others, to the cells. cells, and can be so designated. ‘Thus the series of cells be- tween veins III, and III, may be termed the first series of radial cells ; and the members of such a series can be numbered. If one should speak of the peculiar form of the third cell in the second radial series, there need be no difficulty in determining the cell indicated, even by one who had not madea special study of the order to which the insect in question belongs. Heretofore it has been necessary for the student to learn a dis- tinct nomenclature for each order, and in some cases for each family, studied. In concluding this part of this essay I wish to refer to two curious methods of specialization that have interested me Evolution and Taxonomy 95 greatly. In certain cases where the body of the insect has be- come greatly reduced in size, a reduction of the area of the wing membrane has taken place and correlated with this there has been a great expansion of the fringe of the wing. ‘The best known examples of this are the narrow-winged Tineids, the Thysanoptera, and certain parasitic Hymenoptera. This kind of specialization seems possible only with minute in- sects, where the weight to be supported during flight is not great. In a Tineid which I have studied the hairs composing the fringes of the wing are inserted in the lower side of the wing- membrane a short distance back from the edge of the wing ; and the edge of the wing is stiffened above by strong over- lapping scales. This arrangement renders the fringes rigid during the downward stroke of the wing, but admits of their depression during the upward stroke; a combination well adapted to facilitate flight. The second method of specialization referred to above is the loss of the front wings in the Coleoptera and Euplexoptera. In these two orders the paraptera of the mesothorax have been developed into elytra, and have crowded out the front pair of wings. The function of flight has been relegated in this way to the hind wings. This homology of the elytra of beetles with the tezulae of Hymenoptera and with the patagia of Lepidoptera was point- ed out by F. Meinert long ago*; but Meinert’s paper seems to have escaped the attention of entomologists alinost entirely. It is referred to by C. Hoffbauer in his paper on the minute structure of the elytra.t But although Hoffbauer shows conclusively that the structure of the elytra resembles that of the pronotum and differs in every essential feature from that of the wings, strangely enough he does not accept the conclu- sion of Meinert. Meinert also pointed- out the fact that in many Coleoptera (e. g., Dytiscus) rudiments of the front wings exist beneath the elytra. * Entomologisk Tidskrift, 1880, 168. + Zeit. Wiss. Zool., LIV, (1892,) 579. 96 John Henry Comstock As to the cause of this strange specialization I can only con- jecture that in the primitive Coleoptera the habits of the insects were such that the protection of the wings by elytra was of more importance than that the first pair should be functional ; cephalization was sacrificed in order that the re- maining pair of wings might be protected. It may be that the primitive Coleoptera were wood borers, the only paleozoic remains supposed to be of beetles are borings ; or their habits may have been like those of the recent Carabide. In either case the wings would be in need of special protection. PART III. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE LEPIDOPTERA. In this place I purpose to state briefly the conclusions that I have reached regarding the phylogeny of the families of the Lepidoptera. These conclusions are the results of an effort to read the record of the action of natural selection as recorded in the wings of these insects. Owing to the limited time at my disposal, but little attention has been given to the evi- dence presented by other parts of the body ; and for the same reason I have been able to study the Tineids, Tortricids, and Pyralids hardly at all. The following classification is, there- fore, merely a provisional one; and is put forth chiefly as a record of the results that I have obtained up to this time in applying the method outlined in the preceding pages. I confidently expect, however, that the principal conclu- sions stated here will be confirmed by a study of other parts of the body ; for in Nature’s court the testimony of different witnesses if rightly understood will agree. If any of the con- clusions should prove to be incorrect, the fault will be found to lie with the translator and not in the record. The fullness of the discussion that has already been given of the ways in which wings are modified will warrant consid- erable condensation in the following outline. I will first in- dicate the relations of the proposed divisions to each other by means of a table; and will afterwards give fuller characteriza- tion of these divisions. Evolution and Taxonomy 97 TABLE OF PROPOSED DIVISIONS OF THE LEPIDOPTERA. A. Suborder JucGata. B. The Macrojugate. ..... . . Family Heprarips. BB. The Microjugate.. . . . Family MICROPTERYGID. AA. Suborder FRENATA. B. The Microfrenate. C. The Tineids. ..... . . . Superfamily Trnerna. CC. The Tortrictds. . . . . Superfamily TorTRICINA. CCC. The Pyralids. . . . . Superfamily PyRALIDINA. BB. The Macrofrenate. C. The Frenulum-conservers. D. Moths in which the reduction of the anal area of the hind wings precedes the reduction of the anal area of the fore wings. This group is not repre- sented in the North American fauna. Castnza (Fig. 15) will serve as an illustration. DD. Moths in which the reduction of the anal area of the fore wings precedes the reduction of the anal area of the hind wings. E. The Generalized Frenulum-conservers. F. Moths in which a great reduction of the sub- costal cell of the hind wings is taking place. G. Moths in which the anal veins of the fore wings anastomose so as to appear to be branched outwardly. (Fig. 25.) Family MEGALOPYGID#. GG. Moths in which the anal veins do not anastomose in such a way as to appear branched outwardly. Superfamily ZYGANINA (in part). FF. Moths in which the subcostal cell of the hind wings is not greatly reduced. G. Moths in which the anal veins of the fore wings anastomose so as to appear to be branched outwardly. (Fig. 22.) Family PsycHID&. 98 John Henry Comstock GCG. Moths in which the anal veins do not anastomose in such a way as to appear branched outwardly. H. Family Cossip&. HH. Family LIMACODID&. EE. The Specialized Frenulum-conservers. F. DIOPTID. FF. Zhe Geometro-Bombycids and the Geometrids. G. Family NOTODONTID& GG. Family BREPHID&. GGG. Family GEOMETRIDA. FFF. Zhe Noctuo-Bombycids and the Noctuids. G. Family CyMATOPHORID. GG. Family NocTuipé. Family LIPARIDA. Family AGARISTIDA. Family ARCTIIDA. FFFF. Jsolated Families of Specialized Frenulum- cOnservers. G. Family SESIID. GG. Family THYRIDID&. GGG. Family SPHINGID&. GGGG. Superfamily ZyGAiNINA. CC. The Frenulum-losers. D. The Frenulum-losing Moths. E. Moths in which cubitus is apparently three- branched. Superfamily SATURNIINA. EE. Moths in which cubitus is apparently four- branched. F Family DREPANID&. FF. Family LASIOCAMPID. DD. The Skippers.—‘‘ Butterflies’’ in which all of the branches of radius of the fore wings arise from the discal cell. Family HESPERID. DDD. The Butterflies.—Butterflies in which some of the branches of radius coalesce beyond the apex of the discal cell. E. Butterflies in which cubitus of the fore wings is apparently four-branched. Family PapiILIoNID&. Lvolution and Taxonomy 99 EE. Butterflies in which cubitus is apparently three- branched. F. Butterflies exhibiting no tendency to abortion of the fore legs. Family PIERIDA. FF. Butterflies exhibiting a marked tendency to abortion of the fore legs. G. Family Lyc#NnIp&. GG. Family NYMPHALID&. A. SUBORDER JUGATZ This suborder includes those moths in which the two wings of each side are united by a membranous lobe, the jugum, borne at the base of the inner margin of the fore wings (Fig. 27, J), and in which the anal area of the hind wings is reduced while the radial area is not. The most available recognition character is the similarity in venation of the two pairs of wings ; radius being five-branched in the hind wings as well as in the fore wings. B. THE MACROJUGAT#. Moths of medium or large size. The mouth-parts are aborted, and correlated with this there persists a comparatively generalized condition of the wings, which is shown by the absence of ajugum plate. The larve are wood-borers. This division is represented by a single family. Family HEPIALID. BB. THE MICROJUGATA. Moths of minute size. Mouth mandibulate, with both mandibles and maxille fitted for mastication. This is doubt- less the most generalized form of mouth-parts preserved in this order. Correlated with the presence of functional mouth- parts, these moths show a higher specialization of wing structure than exists in the Hepialide ; there being a plate- like organ at the base of the costa of the hind wings, the jugum plate, and a series of spines ; both of which act with the jugum in assuring the synchronous action of the two pairs of 100 John flenry Comstock wings. (Fig. 28). The larvee are leaf miners. This divi- sion is represented by a single family. Family MICROPTERYGID. AA. SUBORDER FRENATA. This suborder includes those moths and butterflies in which the two wings of each side are united by a frenulum, borne at the base of the costal margin of the hind wings, or by a sub- stitute tor a frenulum, a large humeral area of the hind wings (see p. 88) ; and in which radius of the hind wings is reduced to an unbranched condition, while in the more generalized forms the anal areais not reduced. The most available recog- nition character is the dissimilarity in venation of the two pairs of wings, due to the unbranched condition of radius of the hind wings, while this vein in the fore wings separates into several branches. (See Figs. 10-33, except Figs. 27, 28). B. THE MICROFRENATA. . Moths of small, often minute, size. The mouth-parts are usually functional. ‘The anal area of the hind wings is not reduced, having three anal veins except in certain minute forms where a broad fringe has been substituted for the mem- brane of this area. This division of the order is the Microlepidoptera of authors less the Micropterygide. But the statement made in many books that the presence of three anal veins in the hind wings distinguishes this group from the Macrolepidoptera is incor- rect, for many of the Macros. possess this characteristic. I believe, however, that the retention of the maximum number of anal veins in the hind wings by the Microfrenate is an index of an essential character of the group; while in the Macrofrenatze, when it occurs, it is merely an indication of a slight degree of divergence from a primitive type. In other words, I believe that in the Microfrenate the tendency of natural selection is to develop that mode of flight which re- quires broadly expanded hind wings. Whilein the Macro- frenatee the tendency has been at first in all groups and con- Evolution and Taxonomy IO1 stantly in some to develop a mode of flight requiring narrow wings. _This division of the order includes three superfamilies. I have nothing to add to their well known characteristics. Superfamily TINEINA. Superfamily ‘TORTRICINA. Superfamily PyRALIDINA. BB. THE MACROFRENATA. Moths usually of medium or large size; a few are small. The anal area of the hind wings contains less than three anal veins except in some generalized families where the maximum number persists ; but in these families this character is usually correlated with rudimentary or aborted mouth-parts (see p. 48); and merely indicates a slight degree of divergence from a primitive type. To this division of the order belong the most generalized of living Frenate; but this division also includes the most specialized of all Lepidoptera. I therefore place it after the Microfrenatee in an ascending series. Cc. THE FRENULUM-CONSERVERS. Under this head may be grouped those families of the Ma- crofrenate in which the two wings of each side are united by a frenulum. They are the families in which the tendency of natural selection is as a rule to conserve the frenulum, al- though in certain genera this organ may be greatly reduced. The first separation of this group into divisions is indicated I believe by a difference in the order of reduction of the anal areas of the two pairs of wings. In one division (D), repre- sented by Casi/nia (Fig. 15), the reduction of the anal area of the hind wings precedes the reduction of the anal area of the fore wings. In the other division (DD) the reverse is the case. As we have no representatives of the first divisionin the North American fauna, and as I have had but limited opportunity to study exotic forms, I will discuss only the second division, which includes those frenulum-conserving moths in which 102 John Henry Comstock the reduction of the anal area of the fore wings precedes the reduction of the anal area of the hind wings. £. The Generalized Frenulum-conservers. — Moths in which the anal area of the hind wings retains three veins, and in which the base of media of one or of both pairs of wings is preserved. In all of these moths the second branch of media (vein V,) tends to become united with cubitus, thus forming a four-branched cubitus. This is to acertain extent an artificial division, being based on characters that represent merely a degree of divergence from a primitive type. But it is really much more nearly a natural division than would seem at first sight. For if we omit those Zygzenids that are included in it, it consists of four families, each of which is comparatively little removed from the stem form of the Frenatee, and each represents a complete line of development. It is a grouping together of several short stems that arise near the base of the genealogical tree. In the case of the Zygzenids included here we have to do with generalized members of a line of development which has reached in its more specialized forms as great a degree of di- vergence from the primitive type as has been attained by any members of the order. I place but little weight upon the divisions of this group of families indicated below and in the table above. It is merely a convenient distribution based on recognition characters, and is not intended to represent affinities. For I believe each of these families represents a distinct line of descent, between which and any other line we at present know no connection except that of the common progenitor of all Frenate. F. Moths in which a great reduction of the subcostal cell of the hind wings is taking place, the subcosta and radius being grown together to near the end of the discal cell. (Figs. 10, 25.) G. Moths in which the anal veins of the fore wings anas- tomose so as to appear to be branched outwardly, (Fig. 25) The extremely generalized condition of these moths is shown by the slight reduction of the anal areas, there being three anal veins in both fore and hind wings, although veins IX and XI of the fore wings coalesce to a considerable Evolution and Taxonomy 103 extent. The clothing of the wings is also in an extremely generalized condition, (see p. 93), and the larve too represent a generalized condition, having ten pairs of feet, three thora- cic and seven abdominal. The coalescence of subcosta and radius of the hind wings reminds us of what occurs in several of the more specialized families. But these moths cannot be regarded as representing the stem form of any of those families, as this coalescence takes place here before there is any reduction of the anal areas, while in the more specialized families referred to the anal areas are reduced first. This group is represented by a single family.* There are two North American genera Megalopyge (Lagoa) and Carama. Family MEGALOPYGID&. GG. Moths in which the anal veins of the fore wings do not anastomose in such a way as to appear to be branched out- wardly. Three American genera, Acoloithus (Fig. 26), Trt- procris (Fig. 10), and Pyromorpha, fall under this head. They will be discussed later, when the superfamily Zygenina is reached. FF. Moths in which the subcostal cell of the hind wings is not greatly reduced. G. Moths in which the anal veins of the fore wings anasto- mose so as to appear to be branched outwardly (Fig. 22). These are the Bag-worm Moths. They too show a general- ized condition of the wings in the presence of three anal veins in both fore and hind wings ; although in certain forms it is difficult to make out all of the anal veins in the fore wings, as the base of vein VIII is often wanting. The females have lost their wings entirely. The peculiar type of venation of the wings of these insects can not be regarded as representing the precursor of any other known type. I therefore look upon these insects as representing a distinct line of development. The group is represented by a single family. Family PsycHID#. * This family has been monographed by C. Berge. See Farrago Le- pidopterogica. Contribuciones al estudio de la Fauna Argentina y paises limetropes. An. Soc. Arg. XIII. See also Zool. Jahresbericht, 7882, This monograph seems to have been overlooked by American writers. 104 John Henry Comstock GG. Moths in which the anal veins do not anastomose in such a way as to appear to be branched outwardly. This group includes two families, which so far as their wing-struc- ture is concerned are more closely allied to each other than is either of them to either of the preceding families. In each of the two families included here there is frequently exhibited a marked tendency towards the abortion of radius of the hind wings. H. Moths in which the branches of radius of the fore wings tend to anastomose, forming an accessory cell or cells (Fig. 12). The larvee are wood borers. Family Cossip&. HH. Moths in which the branches of radius of the fore wings do not anastomose (Fig. 16,17). The larve are ‘‘slug- caterpillars ’’ and feed on the leaves of plants. Family LIMACODID. EE. The Specialized Frenulum-conservers. — Moths in which the anal area of the hind wings is reduced, having less than three anal veins, and in which that part of media which traverses the discal cell is usually wanting. This division of the order is a very extensive one, including the greater number of the moths; it is represented in our fauna by thirteen groups, which are either of family or super- family rank. In several cases a family seems to be quite isolated ; while in other cases several families can be brought together into a single larger group. I recognize two such groups. But in neither case does the group seem to be sufficiently homoge- neous to be regarded as a superfamily ; it must be regarded in each case as a provisional arrangement, which will be of use until the affinities of the families are better understood. These two groups are defined under FF and FFF below. Under F and FFFF are grouped the isolated families. F. The family Dioptide represented by the genus Phry- ganidia, which occurs in California, seems to represent a distinct line of development. For it presents a com- bination of characters that sharply distinguishes it from all other known members of our fauna. The anal area of the fore wing is reduced, vein IX alone being retained (Pl. III, Evolution and Taxonomy 105 Fig. 6). In the hind wings veins IX and XI are well pre- served and the distal part of vein VIII is represented by a slight thickening of the membrane. ‘The second branch of media in both wings nearly retains its primitive position ; in fact it can not be said that a tendency to migrate in either di- rection has been established, although the base of media is lost. In the fore wings the third branch of media, and in the hind wings both the first and third branches of this vein, have become consolidated in each case with the adjacent vein to a remarkable extent. Here is a high degree of specialization in one direction correlated with a comparatively generalized condition of certain other characters. Although subcosta and radius of the hind wings are closely parallel, they are distinct. The clothing of the wings is extremely general- ized, consisting chiefly of narrow scales, with a single notch at the extremity, and scattered irregularly over the surface of the wing. The larve resemble those of some of the Notodontide. Family DiopTip4. FF. The Geometro-Bombycids and the Geometrids.—Under this head I group three families that have been quite widely separated heretofore. This group includes those families of the Specialized Frenulum-conservers in which the base of the second branch of media (vein V,) tends to migrate towards radius ; or in other words, those Specialized Frenulum-con- servers in which the tendency is to form a three branched cubitus. (See p. 76 for a discussion of the importance of this character.) G. Moths resembling Noctuids in their general appearance, having heavy, strong wings; but readily distinguished from that family by the direction of the migration of the base of vein V,. In this family there seems to be but little if any tendency to specialization of the humeral angle of the hind wings. (Compare with the Geometridze below.) Family NoTODONTIDA. GG. Of this group I know only a single species, Brephos infans. I therefore hesitate to characterize it. I believe, how- ever, that this represents its natural position. Family BREPHIDA. 106 John Henry Comstock GGG. Moths in which the wings are usually delicate and very finely scaled. ‘There seems to be a marked tendency in this family to a specialization of the humeral angle of the hind wings, and correlated with this a tendency towards the reduc- tion of the frenulum, especially in the females of certain gen- era. This tendency, however, is a much later development than the corresponding tendency with the Frenulum-losers. A marked indication of the specialization of the humeral angle of the hind wings which is exhibited by most genera of this family is a bending forward into it of the basal part of the subcosta and an elongation of the frenulum brace.* Both of these features are well shown by Euphenessa (Figs. 20, 21), which doubtless belongs to this group, although it is commonly placed elsewhere. Family GEOMETRID&. FFF. The Noctuo-Bombycids and the Noctuids.—The mem- bers of this group can be recognized by a tendency of the base of vein V, to migrate towards cubitus, and thus form a four- branched cubitus, and an absence of the peculiar character- istics distinctive of any of the families grouped under the next division (FFFF). G. Here belongs a small family, which, although apparent- ly closely allied to the Noctuidee, exhibits striking peculiari- ties of development. There is no tendency towards a uniting of the subcosta and radius of the hind wings (Pl. III, 4), a tendency shown in all other families of the Noctuo-Bombycid division. ‘The migration of the base of vein V, is more marked in the hind wings than in the fore wings, where it nearly or quite preserves its primitive position. And the union of vein V, of the hind wings with radius is by means of a compara- tively long cross vein, so that veins III and V, appear to sep arate before the apex of the discal cell. In the males the tip of the frenulum is knobbed. The genus Leptina commonly placed in this family belongs to the Noctuide. Family CyMATOPHORID. GG. The four families that follow I have not yet studied *By the term /frenulum brace I designate a sclerite situated on the costal margin of the wing between the base of the frenulum and the base of the wing. Evolution and Taxonomy 107 sufficiently to warrant my expressing any views as to their re- lationships to each other. In the Arctiidee we find the most marked tendency to the reduction of the subcostal cell of the hind wings, subcosta and radius being consolidated in some genera for the greater part of their length. (PI. III, 1). Family NocTuip&. Family LIPARID. Family AGARISTID#. Family ARCTIIDA. FFFF. /solated families of specialized Frenulum-conservers. —The families that are grouped together here agree with the Noctuids and the Noctuo Bombycids in the direction of the migration of vein V,, the tendency being to form a four- branched cubitus. But each of the following families exhibit striking peculiarities of specialization which isolate it from all of the others as well as from the preceding group of families. G. The clear-winged moths are placed here provisionally, although I believe that their true position is among the Mi- crofrenate. But as I have studied them and the Micro- frenatee only superficially, I will not presume to make so radical achange. In this family there is a high specializa- tion of the wings, although the anal area of the hind wings in many cases retains three anal veins. ‘This is a combina- tion of characters not found elsewhere in the Macrofrenate, but is quite characteristic of the Microfrenate. Family SESIIDA. GG. The Window-winged Moths exhibit a type of wing venation not seen elsewhere among moths. The most strik- ing feature of it is expressed by saying that all of the branches of radius of the fore wings are preserved, and all arise from the discal cell (Plate III, Fig. 2). A similar type of venation is exhibited by the Hesperidz (Plate III, Fig. 1). Whether this similarity has arisen independently, or whether it indi- cates a closer genetic relationship than has been assigned to these families heretofore I will not presume to say, with my present knowledge. The fact that in the Hesperide the frenulum brace is well preserved, may have some bearing on the settlement of the question. Family THYRIDID. 108 John Henry Comstock GGG. The Hawk-moths can be recognized by the well known form of their wings, and the presence of what has been termed an intercostal vein (Fig. 24). If I am correct in my interpretation of the homology of this vein, (see p. 78), the family can be characterized as those specialized Frenulum- conservers in which the base of costa of the hind wings is preserved and is remote from the costal border of the wing, and in which subcosta of the hind wings is consolidated with radius for a distance and then separates from radius and joins costa. This arrangement of the veins is quite different from that which exists in Zygena, (Fig. 19), where also costa of the hind wings is preserved. It more closely re- sembles that of the silk worm, Sevicaria! (Fig. 32.) Family SPHINGID&. GGGG. I place the Zygeenids last in this group of isolated families because it is among them that we find the most highly specialized representatives of the frenulum-conserving Lepidoptera, (Cosmosoma, Syntomis, Fig. 11). On the other hand certain genera, 77iprocris (Fig. 10) and Pyromorpha present a remarkably generalized condition of wing structure. The range of variation is greater than I have observed in any other family or superfamily. In the more specialized forms a greater degree of cephalization of the powers of flight has taken place than occurs elsewhere in the order. And with this cephalization there seems to be correlated a lengthening of the fore wings and a narrowing of the basal part of the area lying between radius and cubitus of these wings. This narrowing of this area appears even in our most generalized forms, in which the discal cell of the fore wings can be well described as petiolate. Another characteristic of the Zyge- nina is the extent of the coalescence of the subcosta and radius of the hind wings. A somewhat similar coalescence occurs in certain genera of the Arctiidee; but it takes place earlier (z. e., in more generalized forms) in the Zygzenina, and is carried farther than in the Arctiidee. The Zygeenids form a superfamily. The relationship of the families compos- ing this superfamily have not been worked out. The Ameri- can genera, so far as they are known to me, differ markedly from Evolution and Taxonomy 109 Zygeena in the structure of the humeral area of the hind wings. In none of them is costa preserved. The American genera included here are Acoloithus, Triprocris, Pyromorpha, Harrisina, Euchromia, Dahana, Didasys, Lycomorpha, An- atolmis, and Cosmosoma. Of Euchromia I have studied only exotic forms; Horama and Erruca are unknown to me, but probably belong here also. ‘The position of the Ctenuchidee I have not determined. Superfamily ZYGHNINA. cc. THE FRENULUM-LOSERS. This division of the order includes those families of Lepi- doptera in which the frenulum has been supplanted by a greatly extended humeral area of the hind wings, (see p. 88). In some of the more generalized forms a rudimentary frenu- lum persists, (Servicaria, Perophora) ; in others it has been re- tained by the male (Drepana). This division includes three groups of families ; the Frenulum-losing Moths, the Skippers (Hesperidz), and the Butterflies. D. The Frenulum-losing Moths. E. Moths in which cubitus is apparently three-branched. Superfamily SATURNIINA.* *The following expresses my views regarding the affinities of the members of this superfamily : A. Moths in which the base of costa of the hind wings is preserved remote from the costal border of the wing. This is shown by the presence of an ‘‘intercostal vein’’ (Sericaria, Fig. 32.) (See p. 78.) Frenulum preserved in a rudimentary state. Family BOMBYCID. AA. Moths lacking an ‘‘intercostal vein.’’ (These are the true Saturn- ians. ) B. Generalized Saturnians. In these vein V, retains its primitive position, midway between radius and cubitus; and there are three anal veins in the hind wings, the distal part of vein VIII being pre- served (Fig. 31.) Frenulum preserved in a rudimentary state. Family PEROPHORID. BB. More Specialized Saturnians. Vein V, of the zd wings appar- ently a branch of radius (Fig 30); anal area of hind wings with not more than two veins, vein VIII having been lost ; frenulum entire- ly superseded by a greatly extended humeral area. C. Antennz of both sexes with only a single pair of pectinations to each segment. ‘ Family HEMILEUCIDA. 110 John Henry Comstock EE. Moths in which cubitus is apparently four-branched. F. Humeral angle not strengthened by humeral veins. The frenulum is retained by the males in some genera. The North American forms represent three genera: Drepana, Prionia, and Dryopteris. Family DREPANIDA. FF. Humeral angle strengthened by the development of one or more humeral veins. There are eight North American genera: Quadrina, Gloveria, Thauma, Clisiocampa, Fletero- pacha, Artace, Tolype, Gastropacha. Family LASIOCAMPIDA. DD. Zhe Skippers.—These are day-flying Lepidoptera, which resemble butterflies in usually holding their wings erect when at rest. They can be recognized by the peculiar venation of the fore wings, in which all of the branches of radius are preserved, and all arise from the discal cell. Al- though the frenulum is lost, the frenulum brace (see p. 106) is well preserved in some genera. See discussion of the Thyri- didee (p. 107) and compare the figures Plate II, Fig. 1, and Pl. III, Fig. 2. Family HESPERIDA. CC. Antennz of at least the males with two pairs of pectinations to each segment, excepting the terminal segments in some. D. Antennz of males pectinate for a little more than half their length. Family CERATOCAMPIDZ. DD. Antenne of males pectinate throughout Family SATURNIIDE. BoMBYCIDA.—The superficial resemblance between this family and the next as shown by the single genus of each known to me (Sericaria and ferophora) is very striking. But a study of the structure of the wings shows marked differences (Figs. 31, 32). Note differences in the method of coalescence of the branches of radius of the fore wings, in the course of subcosta of the hind wings, and in the presence of an “intercostal vein.” Sericaria appears to represent a line of descent quite distinct from the true Saturnians as represented by the American forms. Do the ‘‘inter- costal vein”’ of Sericaria and the caudal horn of its Jarva have any gen- etic connection with the similar structures in the Sphingide? This question suggests the desirability of a study of other Asiatic forms allied to Sericaria. It should be remembered that although Sericarvza and the Sphingidee belong to widely separated divisions of the order, Sericarita stands near the foot of one of them, being very generalized in structure. PEROPHORIDA.—I propose the establishment of this family to receive the genus Ferophora, the most generalized of the American Saturnians. Evolution and Taxonomy III DDD. The Butterflies.—If we remove the Hesperide from this division of the order as indicated above, the butterflies form a well defined group. It contains, however, two distinct lines of descent which separated very early in the history of the group. In one, after the abortion of the base of media, vein V, migrated towards cubitus, forming a four-branched cubitus ; in the other, this vein migrated in the opposite di- rection. ‘There was also a difference in the order of the re- duction of the anal areas of the two pairs of wings. See page 44 for a discussion of the importance of this character. E. Butterflies in which cubitusis apparently four-branched; and in which the anal area of the hind wings is more reduced than the anal area of the fore wings. In the fore wings all three of the anal veins are at least partially preserved, while in the hind wings there is only a single anal vein. PI. IT, Fig. 2. Family PAPILIONID. EE. Butterflies in which cubitus is apparently three- branched; and in which the anal area of the fore wings is I infer from the figure and description of Lacosoma that it also belongs here. Perophora has been classed in the Psychidz merely because its larva is a case-bearer. But it presents no affinities to the Psychide, be- yond belonging to the same suborder, even in larval habits. The case of the larva of Perophora is of an entirely different type from that char- acteristic of the Psychide. HEMILEUCID&.—This family represents a distinct line of develop- ment within the Saturniina, which separated from the branch giving rise to the Ceratocampidz and Saturniidz before the origin of the pecu- liar form of antennz characteristic of these families. For although the Hemileucide lack this peculiar specialization, the extent of the migra- tion of vein V, that has taken place in this family, indicates a higher degree of specialization in another direction than exists in any of the Ceratocampide or in the lower genera (Coloradia and Hyperchiria) of the Saturniide. This family is represented in this country by two gen- era, Hemileuca and Pseudohazts. CERATOCAMPID.—I have nothing to add to the well known charac- teristics of this family. There are five North American genera: Cithe- ronia, Eacles, Sphingicampa, Anisota, and Dryocampa. SaTURNIIDH.—We have eight genera representing this family ; these are, beginning with the most generalized: Coloradia, Hyperchiria, Calosaturnia, Telia, Actias, Saturnia, Attacus, and Samia. Tre John Henry Comstock rhore reduced than the anal area of the hind wings, the former having a single anal vein, the latter two, Pl. II, Fig. 3. This group includes three families. F. Butterflies exhibiting no tendency to abortion of the fore legs. Family PIERIDA. FF. Butterflies exhibiting a marked tendency to abortion of the fore legs. G. Family LYC&NIDA. GG. Family NyMPHALIDA. The most important innovation in the classification of butter- flies proposed above, after the removal of the skippers, is the dismemberment of the Family Papilionidz of authors, and the raising of the Pierinze to family rank. I propose this change unhesitatingly ; for it seems to me that nowhere within the Frenate is a dichotomous division of a line of de- scent more clearly indicated than in this case. If I am right in my conclusions the much mooted question as to which is the more highly specialized, the Papilionidz or the Nymphalide, disappears. For we have to do, not with two elements of a single series, but with the tips of two dis- tinct lines of descent, each of which represents the highest degree of specialization of its line. It is difficult for one who has adopted the commonly ac- cepted classification of the butterflies to realize the great extent of the gap that separates the Papilionide (as limited here) from the other families of butterflies. The branching off of the Papilionide took place long before butterflies as- sumed their present form. At the time when it occurred there had been no reduction of the anal areas, and vein V, had not begun its migration towards either radius or cubitus. This is as generalized a condition of wing structure as exists in any of the living Frenate. The division between the Pieridz on the one hand and the Lyceenidz and Nymphalide on the other is also well marked. If we compare the Pieridze with the Lyceenide, the more gen- eralized of the last two families, we find that the Pieride ex- hibit a much greater specialization of wing structure (as shown by the extent of the consolidation of vein V, with Evolution and Taxonomy 113 radius) than do the Lycenide; but the Pieride do not exhibit that specialization by reduction of the fore legs which is characteristic of the Lyczenidzee and Nymphalide. In the Nymphalidz we find not merely the extreme of the reduction of the fore legs, but an even greater specialization of the wings than exists in the Pieride. Irwaca, N. Y., 27 July 1893. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. (Engraved from nature by Anna Botsford Comstock.) Fig. 1.—Smerinthus geminatus. Fig. 2.—Hepialis argenteomaculatus. Fig. 3.—Attacus promethea. In Figure 2 is represented one of the most generalized of living Lep- idoptera ; in Figure 1 is shown a form in which the wings are narrow, being fitted for rapid flight; and in Figure 3, one in which the wings are broad, being fitted for a different mode of flight. PLATE II. (Drawn by E. P. Felt.*) Fig. 1.—Ludamus tityrus. Fig. 2.—Fapilio polyxenes. Fig. 3.—Fieris protodice. PLATE III. (Drawn by E. P. Felt.) Fig. 1.—Halisidota tessellata. Fig. 2.—Thyris maculata. Fig. 3.—Platephemera antigua. Fig. 4.—Thyatira scripta. Fig. 5.—Hexagenia bilineata. Fig. 6.—Phryganidia californica. *The figures in the text in the preceding pages were also drawn by Mr. Felt. COMSTOCK. PLATE IIL. COMSTOCK. THE VITAL EQUATION OF THE COLORED RACE AND ITS FUTURE IN THE UNITED STATES. By EUGENE ROLLIN CORSON, B.S., M.D. In June, 1887, I delivered a lecture before the Georgia His- torical Society, entitled ‘‘ The Future of the Colored Race in the United States from an Ethnic and Medical Standpoint.’’ My object at the time was to refute certain writers who looked upon the colored race as a menace to our country, and whose sensational writings, prompted largely by political motives, were calculated to cause wrong impressions and unnecessary alarm. J attempted to show that a solution of the problem could be found outside the figures from the census, namely, in a study of the physical status of the race, their morbid ten- dencies, and their mortality compared with that of the whites. As a practicing physician in a typical southern city, in a community where the colored almost equalled the whites, I felt I was in a position to study the subject. Only they who are brought into immediate contact with a race can form any adequate ideas of that race in all its bearings. They must see how they live and they must see how they die before they are qualified to judge of the race in its entirety, or atttempt to answer such a vital question as its future. It is a significant fact that they who live in the South and who are brought into immediate relationship with the colored people are the last ones to look with fear on the future. They see but too plainly the many factors working against the race, inimical factors which come from within the race and not from outside. As the rise of a nation depends upon its own inherent powers, so its fall can be traced to causes within its ranks. Its enemies at home are more to be feared than its enemies abroad. , Since 1887, when I wrote my paper above mentioned, we have had another census. ‘(his last census, I am glad to say, 116 Eugene Rollin Corson has fulfilled almost in every way the predictions then made, and I trust that with a fuller treatment of the higher mortal- ity among the colored as compared with the whites, and the causes which have produced it, we can see with greater dis- tinctness the future of the race. In this present paper then I shall go over largely the ground treated in my first paper. I shall introduce the re- sults of our last census, so far as the mere enumeration goes, —for the volumes.on mortality and vital statistics are not yet out,—and finally elaborate certain pathological lines which were then but faintly drawn. ‘This, I hope, in con- junction with the mortuary tables of our own city, will give us a fairly clear idea of the vital equation of the race, and by vital equation I mean that quantum and power of vitality which maintains individual life, for it is upon individuation, I believe, that racial strength and progress depend. And with high individuation goes a comparatively low death rate, especially in infancy and early childhood, and a high general average of age. Though the birth rate may be comparatively low, more infants born become mature and perfected individ- uals; there is more vitality for growth and development ; racial traits and characteristics are stronger, with more power to hold the race together asarace. There is no better evidence of the great vitality of the Jewish race, for example, than their power to preserve their racial traits all over the world, and in spite of the many years of persecution and sep- aration which they have had to endure. After the tenth census of 1880, attempts were made to pre- dict the future of the colored race from a few figures and the multiplication table. Gaps were filled in to suit each indi- vidual case and figures marshalled to suit the thesis. It was surprising how some allowed themselves to be run away with by these figures. Professor E. W. Gilliam contributed an article to the Popu- lar Science Monthly for Feb. 1883, entitled ‘‘ The African in the United States ’’ in which he drew for us a lurid picture of the future of our country. Here are his figures : The Colored Race 117 Whites in United States in 1880 (in round numbers), 42,000,000 Whites in United States in 1985 (in round numbers), . 336,000,000 Northern Whitesin 1880, ............0.. 30,000,000 Northern Whites in 1985, ..........2...2084 240,000,000 Southern Whitesin 1880, ............0.. 12,000,000 Southern Whites in 1985, .. 2... 2... ee ee 96,000,000 Blacks in Southern Statesin 1880,. ......... 6,000,000 Blacks in Southern Statesin 1980,. ......... 192,000,000 This is figuring with a vengeance. We may well tremble for the future of our country if these figures are even approx- imately correct. Their menace, Professor Gilliam thinks, is intensified by the second factor in his arguments, namely the impossibility of fusion of whites and blacks. Mr. Albion W. Turgée attempted to reach the same con- clusions in a book entitled ‘‘An Appeal to Ceesar.’’ His book is a strange medley of figures, hypotheses, and circus- bill English. It is wholly unnecessary for us to quote from these writers or give any resumé of their arguments. It will not be amiss, however, to quote at some length from Mr. Henry Gannett’s refutation which appeared in an article in the Poputar Science Monthly for June 1885, entitled ‘‘ Are we to become Africanized ?’’ He gives here their arguments and refutes them by their own figures. In refutation of Professor Gilliam he writes :— ‘An analysis of the author’s curious method of deducing these results will, however, dispel this frightful vision of the future. The increase of white population between 1870 and 1880 was slightly less than ten millions. The number of immigrants during this period was a little in excess of two million eight hundred thousand. Subtracting the latter from the former, there is left a number which is 23 per cent. of the population in 1870, not 20 per cent., as Prof. Gilliam has it. But what does this 20 or 23 per cent. (it matters not which) represent? Certainly not the increase of native whites, as he interprets it. The census gives directly the numbers of native whites in 1870 and in 1880, and the proportional gain of this class during the decade was not less than 31 per cent. These are the figures he should have used in making his calculations. 118 Lugene Rollin Corson ‘*Now as to the increase of the colored element. Professor Gilliam at the outset, deducts from its rate of increase 5 per cent., representing about a quarter of a million persons, on ac- count of the imperfections of the census of 1870. Concerning the omissions of this census little is known, except that they were generally distributed through the cotton States, were largely, if not mainly, of the colored element, and of that element, approximated nearer three-fourths of a million than one-fourth, and certainly exceeded halfa million. Professor Gilliam’s subsequent addition of 5 percent. ‘as an obvious con- sideration points to the conclusion that the blacks will for the future develop in the South under conditions more and more favorable,’ certainly is not warranted by the facts or the proba- bilities, and, as we are reasoning from what has been and is, and not from what may be, it looks very much like begging the whole question. ‘Correcting Professor Gilliam’s statements, it appears that the ratios of gain during the past decade were, as nearly as can be known, as follows: For native whites, 31 per cent. ; for blacks, not above 25 per cent. ‘* But all such comparisons, based upon the results of the ninth census, are utterly worthless. No reliable conclusions regarding the increase of negroes can be drawn from a com- parison in which these statistics enter. The extent of the omissions can be a matter, within certain wide limits, of con- jecture only. The only comparisons which yield results of any value are those made between the statistics of the eighth and tenth censuses. That the former was, to a certain slight extent, incomplete, is doubtless true, especially in regard to the colored element, but the omissions were trifling as com- pared with those of the ninth census. A comparison between the results of the eighth and tenth censuses shows the ad- vantage to be clearly in favor of the native whites, who in- creased 61 per cent. in the twenty years, while the colored element increased but 48 per cent. This great increase of the native whites was effected in spite of the fact that the ranks of the adult males were depleted to the extent of over a million by the casualties of war, which the negroes scarcely felt.” The Colored Race II9 In reply to Mr. Tourgée he writes :— ‘‘In ‘An Appeal to Cesar,’ by Judge Tourgée, the ques- tion of the future of the colored element is discussed from a somewhat different point of view. Without committing him- self as to the increase or decrease of the colored element in the country at large, in proportion to the whites, the author finds, upon a somewhat superficial study of the statistics bear- ing upon the question, that in the South Atlantic and Gulf States the negroes have increased decidedly in proportion to the whites, while in those States which he classes as Border States they have relatively decreased.” This massing of the negroes in what may, for convenience, be denominated the cotton States, coupled with the steady sharpening of the line of separation between the two races—a line which, as the author claims, becomes more and more accentuated as the in- ferior race increases in numbers and advances in education— will lead to inevitable conflict between the two races. As the negro becomes numerically the stronger, and, through educa- tion, appreciates more fully his present position, he will com- mence astruggle for the mastery, and then the days of the Ku Klux will be eclipsed in blood and slaughter. Such is the condition to which these ill-fated States are hurrying. To ward off this impending evil Judge Tourgée urges upon the general government the work of educating the blacks. Such, in brief is the ‘ Appeal to Caesar.’ as es © = °k * * * * * * * ‘‘Tt may, in passing, be suggested that a careful revision of his figures will show many important arithmetical errors, which may modify very sensibly some of his conclusions. It is unnecessary to follow his methods of reasoning, as the truth regarding the questions at issue can be arrived at much more directly. The fact is, that the negro is not migrating south- ward. ‘There is no massing of the colored people in the cotton States. In 1860 the colored element of these States formed 66 per cent. of the colored element of the country. In 1880 it formed precisely the same proportion. Between 1860 and 1880 the colored element of the country increased 48 percent. The same element of the cotton States increased, in this interval, 120 Lugene Rollin Corson in precisely the same proportion, neither more nor less. These figures are conclusive upon this point, and from them there is no appeal. ‘‘But the fact remains that, in these cotton States, the colored element was in 1880, in comparison with the white element, slightly stronger than it was twenty years before. This, however, is due not toa southward movement of the colored people, but to a decrease in the rate of increase of the whites of those States. While the increase of the native white population in the country at large between 1860 and 1880 was 61 percent., that part of the same element resident in the cotton States increased but 39 per cent. This low rate of in- crease among the whites might seem to establish Judge Tourgée’s position, though not in the way he states it, were it not for the fact that three-fourths of this increase took place during the decade between 1870 and 1880. The increase of whites in the South received a most effectual check during the four years of war, in which every male capable of bearing arms was in the field, and in which fully half a million laid down their lives. Since the war the white race has taken up arate of increase equal to, if not greater than, that of the country at large, a greater rate than that of the colored people within its borders, and there is no apparent reason why they should not maintain it. It is not, then, a migration of the negroes southward which has caused their relative gain in these States, but it is the losses of the white race—losses which, however, are rapidly being repaired.’” It will be interesting now to look to the deductions of the Eleventh Census, and see to what extent it agrees and where it differs from this succinct resumé of Mr. Gannett. I have before me Census Bulletin No. 48, giving the white and the colored population of the South for 1890. As that section of our country denominated the South Atlantic and South Cen- tral States with Missouri and Kansas, contained fifteen-six- teenths of the entire colored population of the United States, a race count of these states was made in advance of the main work of tabulation. The total population in this count was found to be 23,875,259, of which 16,868,205 were whites, The Colored Race 121 6,996,166 were colored, and 10,888 were Chinese, Japanese, and Indians. The Bulletin goes on to state: ‘‘ The abnormal increase of the colored population in what is known as the black belt during the decade ending in 1880 led to the popular belief that the negroes were increasing at a much greater rate than the white population. This error was a natural one, and arose from the difficulty of ascertaining how much of the in- crease shown by the Tenth Census was real and how much was due to the omissions of the Census of 1870. This ques- tion has been fully discussed in Bulletin No. 16, and it is now merely necessary to add that the tabulations herewith given sustain the theory already advanced, that the high rate of increase in the growth of the colored population as shown in 1880 was apparent, not real, and was due to imperfect enu- meration in the Southern States in 1870. ‘‘ Attention is first called to Table I, on the following page, showing the white and the colored population of the states under discussion at each census since 1790, together with the num- ber of colored to each one hundred thousand white and the percentage of increase respectively, of white and colored for the several decades. ‘““The table summarizes the entire case. In 1890 there were in the States under discussion 6,996,166 colored inhabitants, and in 1880, 6,142,360. The colored element increased dur- ing the decade at the rate of 13.90 per cent. The white pop- ulation of these states in 1890 numbered 16,868,205, and in 1880, 13,530,408. They increased during the decade at the rate of 24.67 per cent. or nearly twice as rapidly asthe colored element. ‘‘In 1880 the proportion of white to persons of color in these states was in the relation of 100,000 to 45,397. In 1890 the proportion of the latter class had diminished, being then as 100,000 to 41,475. 122 Eugene Rollin Corson POPULATION. No. of Colored] Per Ct. of Increase. AR GE more per =a to ae White. | Colored. |100,000 White.} White. | Colored. 1790. .| 1,271,488 689,884 54,258 Pees os ages 1800. .| 1,702,980) 918,336 53,925 33-94 33-11 1810. .| 2,208,785] 1,272,119 57,594 29.70 38.52 1820. .| 2,831,560] 1,653,240 58,356 28.20 29.96 1830. .| 3,660,758) 2,187,545 59,757 29.28 32.32 1840. .| 4,632,530} 2,701,901 58,325 26.55 23.51 1850. .| 6,222,418] 3,442,238 55,320 34.32 27.40 | 1860. .| 8,203,852] 4,216,241 51,393 31.84 22.49 | 1870. .| 9,812,732 4,555,990 46,429 19.61 8.06 | 1880. . | 13,530,408] 6,142,360) 45,397 37.89 34.82 | 1890 . . | 16,868,205} 6,996,166) 41,475 24.67 13.90 ‘“ During the past decade the colored race has not held its own against the white in a region where the climate and con- ditions are, of all those which the country affords, the best suited to its development. ‘Referring again to this table, it is seen that in but three decades, that is, from 1800 to 1830, during a part of which time the slave trade was in progress, has the colored race in- creased more rapidly than the white. Since 1830 the white people have steadily increased at a more rapid rate than the colored. This increase has not been effected by the aid of immigration, for with the exception of Kansas and Missouri, these states have received comparatively few immigrants either from foreign Countries or from the Northern States. ‘Similarly the proportion of the colored inhabitants to the white increased somewhat between 1800 and 1830, but since that time it has steadily diminished. In 1830, when this proporticn was at its maximum, there were nearly 6 colored inhabitants to 10 whites, but this proportion has been reduced to a trifle more than 4 at the present date, or by nearly one- third of its amount.’’ And again on page 5: ‘The last two tables are of special interest as they illustrate the movements of the colored element during the past half century. An inspection of them makes it evident that there has been no extended northward movememt of this element since the time of the civil war. Indeed with the exception of The Colored Race 123 the District of Columbia, the border states appear to have lost rather than gained, and during the last decade there becomes perceptible a southward movement of the colored element from the border states into those bordering the Gulf, particularly into Mississippi and Arkansas, where they have increased proportionately to the whites. Let the states under consider- ation be divided into two groups, the first comprising Dela- ware, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Vir- ginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, and Kansas, and the second, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas. In the first of these groups the increase of the white population from 1880 to 1890 was at the rate of 22 per cent., while that of the colored element was but 5.50 per cent. In the second group the rate of increase of the white was 29.63 per cent., while that of the colored race was but 19.10 per cent. In the first group the number of colored to 100,000 white dimin- ished from 80,116 to 73,608, or only 8.12 percent. ‘There is, therefore, a perceptible tendency southward of the colored people, which, while by no means powerful, has resulted in drawing a notable proportion of that element from the border states, and in producing in two of the far Southern states a more rapid increase of the colored element than of the white. ‘““OF the states under discussion, three, namely, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana, contained in 1890 a larger number of colored people than of white. Of the pop- ulation of South Carolina more than three-fifths are colored. Five other states, namely, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia, contained a colored element ranging from one-third to one-half of the population.”’ So much for the Census. This southward movement of the colored from the border states into the gulf states, is what we might naturally expect. The climate and soil are more con- genial to the race, but more especially does it show an avoid- ance of contact and competition with the denser white popu- lation of the Northern, Middle, and Western States. The crowds of poor and alien whites which flock to us from Europe, throw themselves into the main streams of popula- 124 Eugene Rollin Corson tion fearlessly, and we may say successfully, for with surpris- ing rapidity they become an integral part of our white popu- lation. Though many fall by the wayside, many fight their way tothe front. ‘The struggle is not so great for them as in the older country. Of the same great race, brain and spine are equally pitted, and they run the same chances with the multitude. This southward migration then of the colored is a most significant fact. Though I, of course, put a high value upon the census enumeration, I have always regarded the question of relative mortality as the pith of the whole matter. In the census enu- meration there are many sources of error, and they have been most evident in several of the censuses. On the contrary, in a study of the relative mortality of the two races living to- gether under similar conditions of soil and climate, the mor- bific tendencies which produce these racial differences come directly before the observing physician, and they soon be- come so evident that he who runs may read. I feel quite sure that there is not a competent physician practicing in the south among the two races who will not assure you promptly, that the colored race has not the vitality of the white race, and he will immediately show you in how many ways this has been brought home to him. A southern city, then, with a large population of white and colored, becomes a great ““culture’’ ground where the many factors in the struggle for individual and racial life can be scientifically studied. I therefore purpose to show more plainly the sourees of this greater mortality among the colored, and draw more sharply the perspective lines which lead to but one goal, the decadence of the negro as arace. ‘To this end I have studied carefully the mortuary records of my own city, and I shall show that they tally fairly well with the mortality tables of the Tenth Census, prepared under the supervision of Dr. John S. Billings, in volumes XI and XII. The corresponding vol- umes to come of the Eleventh Census will show even more clearly, I believe, these great racial differences. Reviewing the general mortality one is struck with the ex- cessive mortality under the first year of life which in a meas- The Colored Race 125 ure is sustained up to the fifth year, when the vital forces having escaped Scylla at least, have gained sufficient head- way to give the individual hope of passing Charybdis and of reaching the alloted term of life. Then reviewing the speci- fied causes of death, we find consumption heads the list, followed by diseases of the nervous system, pneumonia, acci- dents and injuries, diarrhoeal diseases, diseases of digestive system, malarial fever, measles, other diseases of respiratory system, diseases of circulatory system, diphtheria, affections of pregnancy, enteric fever,scrofula and tabes, venereal diseases, cancer and tumors, scarlet fever, diseases of urinary system, bronchitis, and diseases of the female generative organs. The following table giving the age summary for the last nine years is of interest as showing the high mortality during the first year of life where the colored mortality more than doubles that of the whites. These figures must be viewedina population of about 25,000 whites and 20,000 colored, orin that proportion. The mortality rapidly falls then for both races, reaching its lowest point between 5 and 10 years, the colored, however, more than doubling the whites. The mortality rises again for both races, reaching its highest point in the decade between 30 and 4o, when it falls off again, and in the decade between 50 and 60 the mortality is about the same for both races. ‘There is but little change in the decade between 60 and 70. Between 70 and 80 the colored mortality is greater again, becoming greater still between 80 and go, and still greater between 90 and 100. This might lead one to think that the colored reach a greater age than the whites. But it must be remembered that the negro’s age is usually much over estimated, that few know their right age and they are inclined to add any number of years, so proud do they feel of their senility. And, further, many of these negroes now rap- idly passing away, are survivors of the old régime, when they were well cared for, and had reached at emancipation a safe age which kept them out of the struggle of life. They are relicts of better days for them, pure blooded negroes almost entirely, who passed their first fifty years in slavery, and un- der much better conditions for their physical well being than the new generation can boast of. Eugene Rollin Corson 126 659 veg | 9b | ofg | Seo 96 foL | 3. +o0€ | gob} tor | 626] bef | oof] ooh | zsh | €€£ | gor | Ww { AIO; | pees he ee Sa +1 z oO I v £ oO | o oO ° D { g I oO oO oO oO Oo |} oO oO M " " * * * OOF 1aAO +9 or v or v £ SP Al ee 9 zi D +1 oO ¢ z Oo I TG if 9S I I M OO! pue 06 naaMyog +61 zz cz Lz 8 61 61 | o@ zz gI D +2 £1 9 6 ¢ II 6 i ZL S M 06 pue og uaamjzag ze Sz ze 1S £¢ of gz be bz co aye laf 4+Sz ee ge Lz gz gz Li gi bz tz | mM /L og pue of naamyag ob 6¢ ss 9b 6z 6z vr br zp ze D +r gt LY oS gr vr Sv Iv Sz ty | Mw { o£ pue og usemyzaIg —zb Ly SY Ly se ee vs by se Le Wiad +¢Pr 6¢ zs zs 6z Iv bs 9S ze Lo 1M { 09 pue o$ naaMjag —og 69 ol 09 S9 Sp cs t9 6s 1S D +SP 1S vs vs s¢ 1g 6b cv bz Sp ITM of pue of naaMjyog 0g for | £g Ig 09 89 98 8s SZ LL 19 { +1 vs zs 19 gv cp 6r Lv 6b gS | Mw ob pue of naamjpog +6 66 for | 101 | z6 16 £6 101 | +g 4g | od gt 9S Iv oS 6¢ 6¢ gb ve £¢ th | Mm of pue oz NaaMjOg —Sv vs LY br 6r ve by 89 ve ov 3D { +81 oz oz Sz 11 6 1é SI 91 ie 1M O@ pue OI NaIaMpg --of 9z bz se gz Sz ov ce 91 ge 3D { +S1 bz gI zr Lr 6 gt LI 6 zz TM ol pueS wsemjog +26 br ob ci be ov l9 zo1 | SP GO hes. gf —Sz bz 61 Lz er gi of ge Iz 9f€ | MIL S puez usamzag +89 ZL Ls ve 89 6r gs +6 LS wis { —ot gz 9z ze ov 1z gz Se Sz bre 1M zt puel weeMmzg +61 Liz fg Sez gLt ZgI 661 Stz | ogI TLY ID { +18 62 06 98 SL gs z6 zor | £9 99 | MM * + avaK au0 apg aseiaay| coor | r6gr | o6gr | 6ggr | seer | LZegr | oger | Sosr | Fogr ‘AVaAR “ATAVL AUVAWAS FOV These figures are not large enough, neither do they extend over asufficient number of years, to draw entirely conclusive generalizations from, still they are suggestive, and show at least the high infant mortality which has such an important bearing It is the mortality of the early years of life on our subject. The Colored Race 127 which decides virtually the general mortality, and on the contrary, the reduction of this infant mortality points to a higher vital equation. I give here a table showing the rela- tion of the mortality up to the fifth year to the total mortality for the colored for the last nine vears. 1886 1887 1888 1885] 1890 1891 1892 Total. | | | — See et Pete | | | 703| 659| 9361 796 665) 685| 870 . 834] 6894 | YEAR. = 1885 Total mortality, . . Mortality up to 5th year, . eee | 278 ce ea | 338] 2825 | 278] 262) 431| 324) 282 | | These figures show that about 41 deaths out of 100 occur before the fifth year.* Here is a similar table showing the white mortality : INicoes'ijceis- ae ieee eer, YEAR 1884 18851886 1587 1885 18891890189 regatta, ee eee eee ee ee ey | | | Total mortality, .. 466 333] 452| 460 366 384 479 464] 468) 3872 | Mortality up to 5th | | | | | year,... i | 15? 109 173; 150 97 fl ee 135} 131| 1218 | * To quote to any extent from the Tenth Census in the relation of age to deaths would swell this paper beyond its proper limits. If the reader can refer to Section IV, p. xxiv, Vol. XI of this Census, he will find some interesting tables, not only comparing the cities with the rural districts, our own states with the countries of Europe, but also the two races in those parts of our country where the colored exist in any number. The two tables on p. xxxii give the proportion of deaths for each age or groups of ages for white and colored, and show the inuch greater mortality of the colored under one year, and under the fifth year. “Tn the southern groups, among the colored population, over half the deaths of males reported, or 507.16 per 1000, under 5 years of age, and for colored females, 438.47 deaths out of every 1000 reported are under 5 years.’’ The greatest mortality among infants under one month occurs in Charleston, where the deaths for white males are 571.4, and for the white females 647.7 of each 1000 deaths under one year. 128 Eugene Rollin Corson This shows for the whites during the last nine years that a little over 31 deaths out of 100 occur before the 5th year of life, almost 10 per cent. less than the colored. Of course it must constantly be borne in mind that these figures are for the city, and that the mortality in the country is much less for both races. But it is only from the cities that we get any accurate returns, and more important still, that this is the very point at issue, namely, the mortality of the two races when brought into direct contact and sharp competition. And it is this large source of error in the returns from the country which vitiates the general returns given in the census, and especially so in the returns of deaths among the country colored. Like a bird’s-eye view, it shows a large area but no distinct outlines or details. We have had recently some interesting figures from Japan bearing upon this question. It seems that Japan isa paradise for children ; they are well cared for, and the greatest atten- tion is given to their food. In 1872 the population was 33, 110,- ooo and in 1890 it had risen to 40,070,000. Mr. Ourakami attributes this great increase to the low death rate among in- fants. ‘‘It appears that next to France Japan has the lowest birth-rate of any known country, but this is counterbalanced by the conservation of infant life. In fact, in point of infant mortality, Japan at present stands next to England among the nations of the world. Thus while in Russia the death-rate per 1,000 among children under 5 years of age is 423, in Bavaria 405, in Austria 390, in France 341, in Prussia 335, in Japan it is 276, andin England 255.’’* Without having any proper birth-returns to show the mor- tality per 1,000 among colored infants, the figures in the above tables, if joined to the large number of still-births and premature births, show an exceptionally high mortality, higher than any figures given above. On this point I have no doubt. This is without question the pivotal point in the matter, and I shall go into some details to bring. into re- lief its main features. I shall indicate the causes of ante-natal *The Medical Record, March 18, 1893. p. 352. The Colored Race 129 mortality, of the death of the child at birth and during the lying-in-period, and finally of the dangers besetting it during its first years of life. Despite the prolificness of the negress, the child 2 utero has many chances against its coming to term. The temptations and irregularities of illegitimacy swell the list of premature and still-births, and the number reported is but a poor show- ing of the real number of cases. They are looked to by ‘“grannies’’ and ignorant midwives. The foetus before the viable age is gotten rid of and finds no record at the Health Office, while the viable child usually dies from neglect and carelessness, if not from criminal measures. ‘The mother practically receives no treatment, and she is soon up and about, with her uterus and adnexa ina diseased state. Although I have no figures to bear me out, I am persuaded that the prolificness is lowered, and that the liability to mis- carriage is increased, by miscegenation. This has certainly been my experience, and is in accord with the generally low- ered vitality resulting therefrom. It is of course well known that the poisons of syphilis and gonorrhea both favor a throwing off of the product of concep- tion. In the colored this is seen with redoubled force, due to the fact that both these diseases are apt to be virulent with them, and also that they do not realise their dangers or take the trouble to be properly treated. Again the very early age at which they become infected adds to the dangers from this source. ‘The high types of fever, vaguely styled bilious, gas- tric, malarial remittent, and conjestive, to which the colored are by their occupation more exposed, and to which they have become more and more susceptible, frequently result in mis- carriages. I have seenit follow tuberculosis pulmonum, gen- eral tuberculosis, pneumonia, and measles, to all of which diseases the colored are liable, and which prove very fatal to them. The usual causes which operate with the whites oper- ate with them, and, as all the returns show, with even greater effect. The following table I have made up from the mort- uary reports of the last nine years : 130 Lugene Rollin Corson | YEAR. 1884\1885| 1886 18871888 1889|1890\7897\1892|Total. | WY} 25} 29) 19 24 33 | 25) 34) 42) 21] 252 Cc 78 | 133 144) IOI) 97 | 122] 116] 116] 133] 1040 Still-births, . . WwW 14 10 7 20) 19 | 20] 21] 24] 32] 167 Premature do c \ 14 a 5| 16 33 34] 25 9 29 177 | | It will be seen here that the still-births are more than three times as numerous among the colored as among the whites, but that there is virtually no difference in the returns of pre- mature births. It must be remembered that with premature births they can more easily evade the law, and that they will avoid reporting their cases whenever they can. It is only ne- cessity which compels many to get a burial permit. Nat- urally, therefore, these figures must be far from the truth. According to the Tenth Census, vol. XII, p. LXXV, ‘“The proportion of deaths reported as due to infanticide is highest among the colored population, being 14 out of each 100,000 deaths from specified causes, while for the whites in ‘the same regions it is 5, and in the large cities 3, and in the rural districts 5 per 100,000.’’ The poor returns from the rural districts account for the last figure which, of course, is incorrect. And again: ‘‘It will beseen from table 75 that the proportion of infants reported as still-born is much greater in the cities than in the country, decidedly greater among those of German than among those of Irish parentage, and some- what greater among the colored race than among the whites. A certain number of cases reported as still-born are really cases of infanticide.’’ From the nature of the case the returns must be especially imperfect; the mortality from child-birth naturally calls for mention here. By far the largest portion of the colored employ midwives, only calling in a physician when there is dystocia, and even then they wait till the eleventh hour, en- dangering the life of both mother and child. These mid- wives are usually dirty, ignorant, and meddlesome, often changing a natural presentation into an unnatural one, im- The Colored Race 131 perilling both mother and child. It is not uncommon to find a midwife vigorously rubbing the abdomen of the poor puerpera, in view of helping the pains, and producing a more or less complete version of the child. The woman is delivered in a small room, all air and light shut out, and the atmosphere reeking with the emanations of the anility of the neighbor- hood, who have come in to view an event which has always the charm of a novelty. To these cases the physician is fre- quently called to meet all possible forms of dystocia, danger- ous to both mother and child. Puerperal convulsions are more common among them than among the whites, and the mortuary tables show twice the mortality among the colored. I have myself attended twenty-two cases of this disease, 8 whites and 14 colored, with two deaths among the whites and six deaths among the colored. Of the children, four died among the white and nine among thecolored. In many cases I was only called in after much precious time had been lost.* My case book will show all possible presentations and compli- cations. I may mention placenta previa, ruptured uterus, large uterine fibroids to which the negress is especially liable, puerperal septicaemia and peritonitis, neglected retained pla- centa and all its dangers. And I may mention lacerations of the cervix and perineum, and vesico-vaginal fistula. I men- tion these because there is a common belief among those who do not know, that the negress is like her African sister, who, living in a savage state, is free from these complications of the modern civilized woman. She is not only liable to them, but from neglect and improper treatment suffers more than the white. This must affect her prolificness with even greater force in the future. In going over the reports in the last nine years, I find the figures too meagre and the diagnoses often vague, so that it has but little value to us, except as showing that the mortality among the colored exceeds that of the whites, about in the proportion of 2 to 3. * See my paper in the Medical Record for Oct. 24, 1891. 132 Lugene Rollin Corson FI ont ss MH ARH ROMN RH OH OOR HEH OH HTOH MAH ° NHHH A a N > NMONNNDAOOHODDDDDADDDADAOOOHF OF ~~ N i HHHONDODONHODODOOOOH OOOH OOHOO N 8 > ODNMNOMHODOOODNANDDODDDODDDODDCAOOH OHO N\ N oe C90O0OFTNDOOHOODOODOOOOCOOOONDOHOO s a 8 ONMANNDODCODODDDD00000OKHOOOONO N N 3 OMHNDOIDOOHMODDODIDOADOHOOOOCOO00 ‘ | | iS | 38 AMAMODDOOHOCODODDOHOOO0000000 |! = | 2 6chhH MOD HOM OU MoO D Oem cee een ‘ | — = | 3 On +ON+O0N000000000000000000 | 5 | | | BUBUBUBUBUBUBUS BUBUBUBUBUBO | PRR OR RR RR RE | | a aN ar Re ica | a ws ier oa 4 5 | a -3e 3a 2g 3 | ed ee el ees qos i | < me o fo = OY ° > oS | ao op «Oo oe 4H OQ a | lol | o 8 foe oS a © .S tor alg 8 a ea . Se a hm 2 & . | a = t @ @ SS 8 8 ¢ Bae S&S BS ge | os u u 7 a MH u e § A h a 5 ee 0 0 wow 0 0 © © BF & YO FF 2B mo Be Bee Be Bt obs IBN Bo" 8 Seas ao m= @ @ *O ©@ © @ ww «8 6B tO fm oO Ss mp ts om os og Js Foo Sole |oOoMm & we wee ee es & eB Referring to the Tenth Census I find the following state- ment in regard to deaths from child-birth: ‘‘ The following table shows by grand groups the proportion of deaths from child-birth and from abortion per 1000 deaths from known causes, with distinction of rural and cities, and for certain The Colored Race 133 grand groups, for white and colored, and of Irish and Ger- man parentage. It will be seen from this table that the mor- tality in child-birth is about twice as great in relation to the deaths from known causes in the colored female as it is in the white, and that it is markedly greater in those of German than itis in those of Irish parentage. The same rule holds good as regards abortion although the difference is less marked. A large proportion of deaths due to criminal abortion are report- ed as deaths from peritonitis, which is the cause in part of the excess of deaths in females reported as due to that disease.*”’ The colored infant comes into the world under very ad- verse circumstances, and the many dangers besetting it. be- fore its fifth year make one wonder it ever reaches maturity. One ofits first dangers is trismus nascentium. The following 1857189585 1£890\ 7891 YEAR. 1884 18851886 1892'Total. | ee ee | | | | ie 36 4 | 4/3: <5) 2) 3 ie | W Trismus Nascentium| } c si fu ssa is 27: | 14] 17 | 22 figures make the colored mortality from this disease more than six times that of the white. Modern research has shown the cause of tetanus to be a bacillus common in garden mould. Here is a case of marked racial susceptibility. The filthy way in which the infant is dressed renders it still more liable. I have never seen a case recover ; and here in our city alone 232 colored infants have died from this disease in the last nine years ! I give here for comparison the cases of tetanus in the adult for white and colored for the last nine years. YEAR, 1884 ee gah 1887 1888 Grae eas rea Total. | | e = ay eet eee oe | WwW és hee eeu se a Tetanus ... cd | | | | | Cc 3/1 4 ea hale * Vol. Xu, p. tee 134 Eugene Rollin Corson Though the colored mortality exceeds that of the whites, the disparity is much less than in the case of trismus nascentium. According ,to the Tenth Census the proportion of deaths from tetanus and trismus nascentium are for the whites 33.5 and for the colored 29.3 per 1c00 deaths from known causes. I cannot think that these figures are reliable. The much greater susceptibility of the negro is generally recognized. Gastro-intestinal diseases, with their accompanying disor- dered digestion and malnutrition, carry off the largest pro- portion of white infants and young children. With all nations it is among the poor and overcrowded that we see the highest mortality, where ignorance and poverty swell so greatly the death list. These factors, of course, exist among the colored to a large extent, though I do not think they ever have to endure anything like the lethal influences of the tene- ment life of our great cities. Living in warmer climates they escape the sufferings of intense cold poorly provided for, and their homes which consist of one-story frame houses or huts, are infinitely better, with all the dirt, than the small rooms .and high stories of the city tenements. Ifthe colored had to live under such conditions the infant mortality would greatly exceed that of the tenement poor of the great cities as well as their own present death rate. Fresh air and proper, clean food, would probably reduce this death rate one half. This important factor of proper food never enters the head of the ordinary colored mother. Even when liberally provided with nature’s food, the breast is soon discarded for dirty feeding bottles and all sorts of abominations. You will frequently see a colored child, the canines not yet through the gums, sitting up at the table taking its regular dinner with the older members of the family, a dinner consisting of rice, greens, bacon and pot-liquor, and perhaps other abominations besides. This child may stand this better than the white child, but for all that it pays dearly for its smart- ness. As a result of this we find gastro-intestinal catarrhs in all their forms, with reflex congestions of brain and other organs. The data from the mortuary tables are unsatisfactory so far as The Colored Race 135 knowing the exact state of affairs, because the diagnoses sent in are from different standpoints, and symptoms put down instead of diseases or pathological states. For example, many cases are put down as “‘convulsions”’’ or ‘‘ teething’’ which give us no record of the real pathological condition present. Again, many appear as cholera infantum, which covers a multitude of sins. My own experience has been that real cholera infantum is rare among us, comparatively speaking. To try and clear up somewhat this unsatisfactory nomen- clature, I have picked out of the mortuary tables the diseases common during infancy and childhood and have arranged them in three main groups. I have in this table only put down those diagnoses which are recognized as children’s diseases, and which are of suf- ficient importance to be considered as factorsin the death-rate. Where there is doubt of the case being infant or adult, or, for example, under enteritis, which, morever, only includes a few cases, I have omitted them. This table will give usa fair idea of the relative mortality of the two races. They can be divided into three groups. ‘‘ Congestion of the brain,’’ ‘“convulsions,’’ ‘‘meningitis,’? and probably the most of ‘«dentition,’? and ‘‘ worms,’’ are but different expressions for closely allied pathological states of the brain and nerve centres. Again, ‘‘cholera infantum,’ ‘ entero-colitis,’’ ‘‘thrash,’’ ‘“‘inanition,’’ ‘‘intestinal catarrh,’’ and ‘‘ marasmus,’’ are all related to the gastro-intestinal tract. And there is a third group comprised under diphtheria, whooping-cough, mem- branous croup, measles, and scarlatina, diseases recognized as having a specific germ origin. Eugene Rollin Corson 136 Pog Kee SU | ° | ° 2 o | + oO oO | 9 | gt €1 o | o oO: || *o: oO I z o Jim: BUIZeLIBIG | ob oO | Be it ire Wee ahs S gz a. | fo oz o | z | ¥ per lie e 8 "lM: Sa[SPay | 61 Seed } 7 fOr | x I I I DMCS | VI £1) S00} 6 o | z z f. ° v UM snoueiqiuam doy © 1S © | 9 | -of oO 9 oO cI Li <6 3 Li z | eI o | 8 oO z Tl eor 4 5 * y8noo Suidoo 9 | A 1 idooy G1 Tasos [zo & Va ¢ ¢ ro} be if5 | £g gt | zz 0 Be pes v ¢ v1 fe. | CAR? ‘ euroyyqdiq | 6bz Lt || -8¢ ch | 1gt be if 6z tr of { 35 gS1 | eI oz be | Gt | 61 gI Sz zi er MN" SIMSEIE TAL LY oO | oO o | Oo ° II 9 ° oO 3 v ° ° o | 2 | fo) £ I | oO ° { < * ysreyeo yeunsayzuy | | M I [eu | SrI oO oO Oo | 41 | ° Le of | tr LI { 5 | ob I ° Or jhe ° Il ZI v 8 re ‘uorueny | eI £ S oO rt £ oO oO oO 3 | I oO ° ° o | oO I oO ° ° th ; * ysesyy, | gl SI ZI 1Z or | ¢ T II I v 3D 99 | IL 6 6 1z ae es a | S Sc 9 M* SIPIJOO-O19} 0 ocr | vr vr oz gt |; “Zt | gt | ° 91 gI 35 III cl cI LI re || 8 61 } Oo II 61 M* “UINJURJUL BIBIOYD | gl oO oO b Zo) Oo fe z v > | I ° oO ° Oo 4 10 o | I oO ° a ; “STLIOM | of a oe ae a ea ae | cL gI fr b v ¢ 9 fr 9 8 Lm: * sInSumey | gS Li ct oz LE | oz 6 | Lz Lr oz 5 | gl I I ° v £ oO £ iS £ re ; + nonnnegq | eee | at | oe | ge | te | we | ee | oh | ce toe PS v6 | 9 zI S$ eI | 9 LI Ty a ZI ea : suors[nauog 1zI| 6X1 8 oz or II IZ SI gI 3 I€I LI gI PI v1 | oT 61 | OI 8 oz ce * WreIq aq} JO uoTsasu0g | TRIOL | Z6gr | 16gr | obgr | Oger | 8881 | Lesr | oer | Seer | Peer | AVAA | But when we turn congestion of the brain,’’ we find «6 Examining this table a little more closely, we find under meningitis’? and ‘“‘convulsions,’’ a great disparity between the two races, at least three to one in favor of the whites. a3 to The Colored Race 137 larger figures for the whites in both cases. This shows, I think, that ‘‘convulsions,’’ ‘‘meningitis,’’ and ‘‘cerebral con- gestion,’’ represent nearly the same thing, and taken together we have 497 deaths among the colored against 300 among the whites. So under ‘‘worms,’’ death probably came through reflex cerebral trouble, or wasn’t ‘‘worms’’ at all. The diag- nosis, of course, has no weight and we can merely conjecture the cause of death. Put together we get a mortality about double that of the whites, the figures standing 844 for the whites against 1405 for the colored. In the second group we find a great disparity between the races under ‘‘inanition’’ and ‘‘marasmus,’’ while under ‘cholera infantum ’’ and ‘‘ entero-colitis’’ the figures almost correspond. Here, too, careless-diagnoses have been made, and with no proper understanding as to nomenclature. As I have already said, cholera infantum is not a common disease here, but is mistaken for intestinal catarrh and entero-colitis, two diseases which are common here and which carry off great numbers of colored children. Putting this group to- gether, we find a mortality among the colored fully double that among the whites. Diseases of the nervous system stand second, and diseases of the digestive system fifth and sixth in the order of frequency as causes of death in the general mortality, and we can see their influence here in the infant mortality. It is, however, especially in this latter group that the colored so far exceed the whites. To the practicing physician it is the first great factor which is brought home to him in a comparison of the vitality of the two races. In the third group we have diphtheria, membranous croup, scarlatina, measles, and whooping-cough. Diphtheria and membranous croup are now generally regarded as one and the same disease, and both are more common in whites than in colored, one of the few instances where the colored can boast of less susceptibility. And scarlatina which is so often accompanied with diphtheria, is also less common among the colored. But measles and whooping-cough are both very much more fatal anong them. Of measles the Census gives ” ‘ 138 Eugene Rollin Corson the proportion of 9.1 among the whites to 17.7 among the colored per 1,000 deaths from known causes, and our table tallies well with these figures. Cases of whooping-cough be- come broncho-pneumonia with brain complication and con- vulsions. As the mortuary tables do not give the proportion of infants and young children, I have had to limit myself in the above table to recognized infantile diseases, but from my own ex- perience I can state positively that bronchitis, broncho-pneu- monia, and pneumonia are common among the colored child- dren and very fatal. Broncho-pneumonia is the form most commonly met with, and many cases put down as pneumonia are, strictly speaking, this form of the disease. The great heat of the summer, especially the vztiated heat in the large cities, is a most potent factor in raising the death rate among the infant population. This factor holds with much less force in the southern cities from the fact that houses are built more open, of one or two stories only,—I speak of the homes of the poorer classes,—and the summers, while much longer than the northern summers, have not that in- tense heat, and most important still, the air is not so vitiated as it isin districts where high brick walls prevent a proper ventilation. Yet I see many cases of high fever among col- ored infants and young children, with symptoms of cerebral congestion and inflammation, and with a high mortality, due to a direct exposure to thesun’srays. This isa danger which is absolutely unheeded by the colored masses. It is a fre- quent cause of death. The whites are more careful in this re- spect and suffer less. What is known assunstroke, zctus sols, due to a hot vitzated air, is not so common in the south as in the close cities of the north and west. As I shall show later, tuberculosis in the form of pulmonary phthisis, carries off almost twice as many colored as whites. This affects chiefly the adult population. With our increas- ing knowledge of tuberculosis, we find its path of destruction becoming broader and broader. At the time of Koch’s dis- covery of the tubercle daczl/us, its field of operation seemed to be limited to the lungs. It was soon found, however, that The Colored Race 139 scrofulous glands, hiv-joint disease, Pott’s disease, and chronic bone and joint affections, were also caused by the same germ. The bacillus attacks the human body at all points, and while the respiratory tract seems to bear the brunt of attack, it is found that the percentage of infection here is by no means so greatly superior to that of other organs or mucous channels. In 1,000 autopsies, cited by Osler, there were 275 cases with tubercular lesions, or over one-fourth. In thesurgical clinic at Wurzburg, among 8,873 patients, 1,287, or about one-seventh were tuberculous, the bones and joints being involved in 1,037 cases. ‘The post-mortem statistics of Harris and others show that over one-third —perhaps over one-half—of the peo- ple who live to middle age have some form of tuberculous in- fection. * With these figures, and knowing how even with white chil- dren the large majority of cases of meningitis are tubucular, and how frequent it is in gastro-enteric lesions, how much greater effect must the bacillus have in the more susceptible col- ored child. Careful autopsies in the many cases of meningitis, gastro-intestinal catarrhs, in ‘‘marasmus,’’ ‘‘inanition, ’’ ““convulsions,’’ and ‘‘dentition,’? would undoubtedly reveal this malignant germ. We may almost define the term “‘ vital equation ’’ to be the sum total of those forces which resist the bacillus tuberculosis. From what I have here given, hardly more than in outline, the great influence of this high rate of infant mortality must be very apparent. And it cannot be explained solely by the fact that the colored population represents almost entirely the poor and ignorant class, with all the evil influences of poverty ignorance, dissipation, and general unhealthy living,—for it must be remembered that there is a fair contingent of whites in equal poverty, hunger and dirt,—but that the negro is more susceptible, has less powers of endurance, and succumbs more readily to the same diseases. Verily, the mills of God grind fast ! Even the high prolificness of the race under favorable conditions could not keep pace with this mortality. On the contrary, a lower birth rate as naturally follows a lesser vitality * The Medical Record, Marchi 18, ’93, p. 337- 140 Eugene Rollin Corson asa higher death rate. Man has no such compensatory proli- ficness to meet a higher death rate as exists perhaps in some lower forms of life. Consumption heads the list of the causes of death. Its im- portance becomes apparent when it is recognized that about one-sixth of all deaths are due to this disease. Of its greater fatality among the negroes there can be no question, and in our southern cities where the two elements come together in large numbers, the mortality among the colored about doubles that of the whites. The following table shows the mortality in our city from 1884 to 1892 inclusive : | l 1888\1889 1890 891|r89a Total. | YEAR. 1884] 1885| 1886 1887 | Ww be 52 A 56| s9| 42| 75| 63 | 45| 494 Tuberculosis nei | 109! 103 99 | | 125 128 114] 985 08 102) 107 | | I have not thought it necessary to estimate the deaths per 1000 of population, for the exact population is an uncertain element, and all figures must be only an approximation at the best. It will be amply sufficient for our purpose if these figures are viewed in a population where the whites are some- what in excess. A careful examination of the various board of health re- ports of our different southern cities and states will all show a remarkable uniformity on this point. To give anything like a full report on this subject from our different cities would swell this paper far beyond its proper limits, and I shall merely state that having examined the reports from Charleston, Richmond, New Orleans, Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Columbus, Atlanta, and Mobile, I find that they tally well with our own tables. The Tenth Census states : ‘‘ The total number of deaths reported as due to consump- tion during the census year was 91,270, being the greatest The Colored Race 141 number reported as due to any single cause of death.’’ (Vol. XII, p. viii.) And further : “It will be seen that the great majority of the deaths from consumption occur between the ages of 15 and 65, the greatest proportion in any decennium occurring between the ages of 20 and 30. The proportion of deaths between the ages of 15 and 35 is greater in the female than in the male. If we take the group of ages from 15 to 65 and compare the number of deaths reported as due to consumption with the total number of deaths from specified causes at the same group of ages, we find that the proportion is greatest in large cities, being, per 1,000,000 deaths, for males, 307,154, and for females, 338,571, while in the rural districts it is, for males, 218,455, and for females, 298,583. At the same group of ages in those regions where distinction of color and percentage are made, the pro- portions are, for whites, in each 1,000,000 deaths, males, 242,842, females, 302,046; for colored, males, 248,179, females, 326,973; for those of Irish parentage, males, 300,- 507, females, 375,636, and for those of German parentage, males, 249,498, females, 254,958. From these figures it would seem that the proportion of deaths from this cause in the colored race is but slightly greater than in the whites, and that it is greatest of allin the Irish. At ages under 15 a great excess of deaths from this cause is reported in the colored race.’’ (Vol. XII, p. lix.) These figures, I am sure, are very unreliable. The census admits the imperfect returns from the colored, and a review of Table III, p. xxi, Vol. XI, will show that the only returns from registration cities, which give a comparative mortality for the two races, are Louisville, Washington, Richmond, Baltimore, New Orleans, and Charleston, very inadequate returns to attempt anything like an accurate, comprehensive survey. Turn to the diagram on p. Xxxvill, showing for whites, colored, and Indians, the proportion of deaths from specified diseaseS in 1,000 deaths from known causes, and it will be found that the Indian mortality from consumption is almost 142 Eugene Rollin Corson one-third greater that the colored, which, with our present light on the subject, must be a great error. It simply shows that the Indian returns have been more complete. And the same applies to the excessive mortality among the Irish. The cities drawn from have had this element of their population especially large. All this but convinces me the more that we can draw more accurate conclusions from a small section with complete returns than a superficial survey of a large territory with incomplete returns. To the physician treating the disease among the colored, its great fatality is but too apparent. JI can hardly recall a case where I have stayed it, and they die without the slightest re- sponse to treatment, and ina very short time. I have on many occasions been able to trace its contagiousness, several members of the same family going down in succession, the same room and the same bed serving for all. No one can doubt its contagiousness from such experiences. Soon after Koch brought out his lymph, I tried it very prudently with a mulatto but with such terrible aggravation that I never dared attempt it again. So far as my experience goes, I have failed to find among the colored, many cases of local tubercular trouble, outside the lungs, brain, or elementary tract, and I explain it by this very great susceptibility. Local tubercular processes of skin, bone, or mucous membrane, of any duration, presuppose a certain amount of resistive power on the part of the body, preventing its becoming pulmonary or general. It is kept local. I do not believe the negro can long have a tuberculous focus in any part of the body without its rapidly becoming pulmonary or general. Further, my experience teaches me that the mulatto is more susceptible than the pure negro. It is with them that I have mostly seen those galloping cases which defy all efforts to restrain. I have never seen a case of lupus in the negro, of tubercu- lous lesions of the bones I have seen but few cases. I can recall but few cases of tubercular peritonitis upon the diag- nosis of which I felt any confidence. ‘Tuberculosis of the genito-urinary organs I believe is more common, as following in the wake of gonorrhceeal infections. The Colored Race 143 I have been assured by physicians who practiced among them before the war, and when their physical condition was so much better than it now is, that consumption was almost unknown. The finding of any tubucular lesion in the lungs at an autopsy was always a surprise. I shall, however, speak of this later. I have mentioned in my first paper the great susceptibility of monkeys to tuberculosis when brought to this country. The change of habitat and surroundings induce this predispo- sition. Perhaps we had better say that greater exposure to the germ coupled with impaired health from unnatural living brings about this mortality. Pneumonia stands third in the list of causes of death. It is rare that I save a case of pheumonia either in adult or child among the colored, and an inspection of the mortuary records brings out a great disparity between the two races. Here is a table of the deaths from pneumonia since 1884. ee ae YEAR. [7884 1885| 78861188) 1887 1888 1889 1890 789r| 7892\ Total. au aes | an oa Ee ae | | | | aa Sea eens : wi 16 | (15) 22 18 | 7 \ 223.190.) T4z Pneumonia... . | | | | C!) 33] 37 ae 46 ee | 52} 52] 430 | | | 74 | |e] a 48 Here in nine years we have had 147 cases of pneumonia among the whites and 430 among the colored, in other words one white dies to three colored. ‘The Census states, ‘‘ The comparative excess of mortality from pneumonia in the col- ored race in the South has been known for a long time.’’ The disease with them rapidly assumes a general infection ; there is a high temperature, typhoid symptoms, singultus, un- consciousness, and death. Cases which recover are apt to succumb later to tuberculosis. Here are the figures put down to bronchitis and capillary bronchitis : 144 Eugene Rollin Corson | | iy | | | | YEAR. 1884 188s 18861887 1888) 1889|1890\ 1891 i008) Total. eee a als ie], Fl aol eae ronchitis.. ... | | a| 1 6) 15| 4] x2 | ar | a7 | 13 | 20 108 WwW cdl ecg 2} 2{ 2) 3] 20 | Capillary Bronchitis} + | | | | | | eat sR ee a (eet Ue ae | ! 1 Bronchitis is not common with us, and the doubt in the di- agnosis is to be considered. The Tenth Census states it causes a greater proportion of deaths in the white (17.3) than in the colored (12.8). It is, however, a small factor in the general mortality here in the South. I give here a strange pathological table which shows the difficulty we sometimes labor under from improper diagnosis, or rather no diagnosis at all. ‘There is animmense return, for example, under ‘‘anasarca’’ which is simply a symptom, and may result from heart, liver, or kidney trouble, and even other troubles. Again, ‘“‘ascites’’ is usually a symptom of hepatic cirrhosis, but may occur from other abdominal condi- tions as well as heart and kidney troubles. ‘‘ Cardiac dropsy”’ gives us no idea of the real condition present. To offset this I have added the cases of Bright's disease, hepatic cirrhosis, and heart disease, including under the latter term all speci- fied diagnoses of heart trouble. Although the figures here reduce somewhat the great disparity from ‘‘ anasarca,’’ “‘ascites,’’ and ‘‘ cardiac dropsy,’’ it is very evident that the colored are still largely in excess of the whites in cardiac and renal diseases. According to this table hepatic cirrhosis is more frequent among the whites, yet if we combine the figures with those of ascites, the colored are in excess. Again it is the heart troubles which add mostly to the mortality, and while even here the negro mortality exceeds that of the whites, stillit is in Bright’s disease that we find the greatest disparity, and greater still if we include a certain proportion of the cases The Colored Race 145 under ‘‘ anasarca,’’ which we are justified in doing, I think. Whichever way we turn the pathological horizon remains the same, the colored looming up ever on the darker side of the picture. | | | YEAR. 1384 tees ED 1887| 1888 1889| 1890 es ee Total. WY 7| 2 aie 7 I 2 2 I Ts), 35 Anasarca . 4 « + + } | C|) 30) 28 | 28 | 36) 15 | 12 | 17 | 21 | 20 | 207 Wi). t| @ | 20°] 5 S ° O = 5 C 4% @ o 3 ® 3 ae ae a = fee gc = ee ay ot - 3 >= = a o B feast oF S cS. 2 im o tad oO oO 3 o B 2 a , ou ; ‘ S | < a a e s a a“ Oo 2 r |B ie an i | 0 Oo ; by ay aaa, a - a ° 4 g 8 nA Nw Kn WwW HD A Qu > nan BW ao wo 4 3° ° - ot * = s 5 Z fat B 3 o i ° Hon Bb Ba HA Pp Brag Es nv FH BD BAA wR 4 x oO > fal » 8 oa 8 3 5 DA Bun b BB A we 5 - B 9° FF EAA A O nia Ma 2 8 Dn am wo bo a £ ‘ ¢ " 5 ° | % Siete |) oe . a D 4 co oa) nb 0 a | f a 5. - e o ° oa E Soe el o i, a 5 Bey | c oO 4 O° << ~ — Qu ® y a ® ga n an I x. 2 3 2 & o |{3o}/a| & ”“ + nD ° f } Qo 5 x iN) zs las} Q DH pn FF FA Q 3 oS Dp Si H Bo 42 0 BD 0 8 9 ro > > FS SOS fe ad wot oO RN Coo WA B f wn co OH o oo oe ct fal So Oe ~~ 2 bee 6 ee Be |ces S me Seer es te} tm rs & oO wr wo - B& oo on Q 7 4 aS XN Oo 2 8 © a “N o ct it th be : i 4 eae a ‘ Dn a HD eo no wow o DN nity a na w ia nN ot of foam on the surface of the liquid in the closed branch after the CO, has been absorbed, all these factors enter as slightly disturbing elements and make the values quoted as only ap- proximately correct. As might be anticipated from the Theobald Smith 204 prompt precipitation of the casein in milk inoculated with BZ. coli, this organism acts upon lactose in the same way as upon ‘gsoonyS aposnut 0} paqiose aq snum snypioeq sity} Aq aa. yas sed oy} Jo yon + ‘III pue [I $21qe} UL seanz[No 94} Jo aso} 0} puodsaii0d soinsy eset, x S'tg | S°Se pre (tg) oS oS Ly | (aseastp asnoiy) 2 0g oz ‘3 (qI01) er . a oe PI ae ee: ate nS . . fea LL. fz ‘yexre | (mor) 61 “H(y9g)oz| 91 SI £1 ZL ‘ ‘to GLg | Sof oy (qjr1) €P oS LV 1e S gig | zgt pre | (mgt) ov | 9f ze lz gz IZ gi v ‘TeALE : arqanq| * * j s g £9 Le pre | (qjI0z) £9 cs gt gt Iz z CLS | Sep | -pexze | (yI6z) So layer) gs} TE Oeas |e le Casa SOL ah zg ge proe | (yyIT) 09 \(yqit)it]* 7 7} &9 9S of | vz x1 y ad | jo ad yo ad | 4 1d | yo ad | yo ad | yo ad | yo ad i ‘skep | ‘skep | ‘sSep | ‘sep | ‘shep | ‘she ‘qinqjo a) ae 6 Z L e 9 : b : Zz F “SLUNULULOI H “QD | Worse | Sz-,oz }e -ay «| sed [BO], jO pula aq} 3e payepnumooe sexy 10d *g (‘a78[d JO v ‘BlT) ‘NOTIINOG ASOUVHOOVS NI 7707 ‘gJ—‘AI glucose and the phenomena in the fermentation tube contain- lactose bouillon are precisely the same as those in glucose bouillon. The action of &. co/ion cane sugar in peptone bouillon dif- ing The Fermentation Tube 205 fers with rare exceptions, quite markedly from that upon glu- cose or lactose. The examination of cultures from different sources has revealed two distinct varieties, one of which pro- duces a considerable quantity of gas, the other little or none. With the former variety the type of gas production varies somewhat from culture to culture. In general the fluid is driven out very slowly and the gas production may last sev- eral weeks. These statements are well illustrated in table IV. When the gas production goes on very slowly the growth in the open bulb becomes exceedingly abundant. This is most probably due to the slow neutralization of the bacterial alkali, formed in the open bulb, by the acid resulting from the slow fermentation in the closed branch. ‘The gradual en- trance of this acid fluid into the bulb acts asa continuous stimulant to the multiplication of bacteria there. When the gas production is rapid the fluid in the bulb remains acid and the growth speedily subsides. What the true significance of the varying behavior of the B. coli group towards cane sugar is, can be determined only by more extended investigations. J venture to suggest however, that the saccharose fermentation may require in the slow fer- mentation the presence of an inverting ferment while that of lactose and glucose goes on without it. This ferment is ap- parently no longer formed by some bacteria otherwise not dis- tinguishable from &. cold. The whole subject is very interest- ing and seems to indicate either that this species may readily lose the capacity to act on cane sugar or else that it isina transition stage towards the more pathogenic species of this large group of bacteria. The peculiarity of the saccharose fermentation suggests the thought that the presumable ferment is formed only in the fluid in contact with oxygen and that it very slowly diffuses thence into the closed branch. A layer of sterile oil on the fluid of the bulb would perhaps answer this question. But I have had no opportunity to try this ex- pedient. We may summarize the facts concerning the gas- producing power of B. coli communis briefly as follows :— In feebly alkaline peptone bouillon containing 2 per cent. of glucose or lactose, about 50 to 60 per cent. of the closed branch of the fermentation tube will be occupied by gas in 3 or 4 206 Theobald Smith days and the fluid will be strongly acid. The gasis composed of about 2 volumes of H and 1 volume of CO,. In bouillon containing 2 per cent. cane sugar the gas production goes on in cultures of some varieties. It accumulates more or less slowly and the ratio of CO, to H varies.* The Hog-cholera Group of Bacilli.—While forms differing more or less in physiological and cultural features are thrown together as 2. coli communis, pathogenic forms having much closer affinities, in fact scarcely any points of difference, are carefully separated and named. This anomaly is due to the practical importance of pathogenic species. Of the hog cholera bacillus itself, an organism of considerable economic importance as well as of marked pathological interest, I have examined in the course of the past seven years a number of cultures from widely different regions of our country. Some of these possessed minor varietal characters, among which may be included a considerable variation of pathogenic power. With a few exceptions the gas producing phenomena are re- markably uniform. In case of these exceptions, one of them a culture now seven and a half years old, the gas production is somewhat reduced quantitatively. Whether this is an original peculiarity or a result of prolonged cultivation I am not prepared to state. They all possess the power of fermenting glucose in pre- cisely the same manner as BZ. colz, but they are incapable of producing gas in bouillon containing cane sugar and milk sugar. The absence of any action on milk sugar in this group is correlative with the absence of any power to coagulate milk. Even after weeks of sojourn in the thermostat and sub- sequent boiling, milk cultures remain fluid. In this group I also include astill unnamed bacillus from the genital passages of a mare, B&. enteriditis, Gartner’, and B. typhi murium, Loffler®’. These are the only ones which I have carefully ex- amined. There are probably others, found in different countries, which belong to this group of pathogenic bacteria. In the following table are included several distinct physio- logical varieties of the hog cholera bacillus :— * The products of the fermentation induced by ZB. co/i have been more or less exhaustively studied by Baginsky'*, Peré’? and Scruel 3. 207 Tube The Fermentation V.—Hoc CHOLERA GROUP OF BACILLI IN GLUCOSE BOUILLON. Gas present after SPECIES. 5 ie Be Co,. | H. REMARKS.* tday. 3 4 EBS days. | days. | days. pr ct. | pr ct. | pr ct. | pr ct. pr ct. pr ct. | pr ct. B. cholera suis,1 1... | 22 35 37 4o 3 34 66 | Culture 7% years old. CT es EATS foe ge Salt 35 51 56 58 ‘54 37 63 | Culture 3 years old. a ue eo MTD oe eel! AS 58 58 58 52 36 64 | Feebly pathogenic variety ; 4 years old. Ee fs Se OTN ity cae? a 8S 43 45 45 42 33 67 | Culture probably 6 years old. (Swine pest.) Bacillus from mare... .. .| 12 50 58 61 55 36.5 | 63.5 | Culture 2 years old. B. typhi murium (Loffler,). .|. . - 46 48 |... .| 50(8th) 35 65 | Culture probably 2 years old. B. enteriditis (Gartner,). . .|- . -} 49 52 | sae | S2(Sth) 30 70 | Culture probably 5-6 years old. * The age here indicated refers to the time which has elapsed since the species was obtained from a case of disease, or since it was discovered. 208 Theobald Smith I have omitted from the above record four additional cult- ures of B. cholere suzts, three of which are identical with II and III so far as the quantity of gas produced is concerned ; the fourth corresponds to IV in this respect. In all varieties of this sub-group the behavior in glucose bouillon is precisely the same. There is a rapid evolution of gas on the first and the second day ceasing promptly on the fourth or fifth. The growth subsides at the same time. Theculture fluid becomes strongly acid. The action of this entire group on saccharose and lactose in bouillon is negative and hence I omit any tabulation of the records. Unless the bouillon is free from muscle glucose there may have accumulated, after one or two weeks, a certain amount of gas corresponding to that developed in the same bouillon free from any additions. This may amount to 15 or 20 per cent. of the contents of the closed branch. s — 4 an 5 2 na a ° a : sh} 2 3 : 8 2S S S @ e = 3 £ ro e s 8 a | ge e 2 oe ee) | ee 3 | oO * YY 4 = 3 es 3 = n © q He 3 wo 0 = a ~ Bs fo) Oi GR io Tet is Oo “ on “9 9 n a Qu 2 2 D Sins ° = » =o 5 24 Oo 6 © Hx ge = © Bp 1 100; AD OAD <00 eo oO H Ay a. Vrs s © * n o.8 Hg in o a = = = o Eee = ad a3 a © A wo Bs Ho ” - H *x vo a ~ Proteus vulgaris. This species has certain points of con- tact as regards morphology with the B. cold group. It differs in possessing very active peptonizing properties as manifested in gelatin. Its power of gas production is peculiar in that a smaller quantity of gas is formed than in cultures of 2. colt. It likewise is peculiar in being unable to produce gas in lactose bouillon while its action in glucose and saccharose bouillon is the same. Repetition of the gas test at intervals and with 213 The Fermentation Tube subcultures which had lost almost completely the peptonizing power gave the same result. IX.—Proteus vulgaris. * Bouillon I of Table I containing no muscle glucose. containing a trace. Gas present after ; Sugar aa Reaction otal a f used. I 2 3 5 7 70° F Fore co, = day. | days. | days. | days.| days. |, : meee in 9 days pr. ct./pr. ct./pr. ct./pr. ct.| pr. ct. | pr. ct. pr. ct. pr. ct. Glucose. .| 4 20 28 _— 35 31 Acid 28 72 2 5 — 8 10 10 Alkaline Trace |Nearly 100 Lactose. . | | o* oO oO oO — a “ ms) as 6 20 30 34 36 33 Acid 39 61 Saccharose. im —*} 24 | 36 | 32 | 33 (6th)} 32 (6th) 334% 6624 The rest is bouillon H, 214 Theobald Smith The Bacillus-Cloace Type of Gas Production.—The types of gas production hitherto described present certain underlying characters which suggest a close relationship. These I group together as the &. coli type since it differs quite markedly from the type now to be described. The species known as 2. cloace was first described by E. O. Jordan” as coming from sewage. ‘The cultures which I have ranged under this name have been obtained, with one exception, from water both polluted and unpolluted. The exception was ‘reputed to have come fromcornstalks. It istherefore a widely diffused organism whose true habitat I do not know, although I am strongly of the opinion that it is an organism living on decaying vegetable matter. If so, its name is unfortunate as it could not be regarded as a sewage bacterium strictly speak- ing. It is a small bacillus closely resembling &. cold in form and size and is actively motile. On gelatin the surface colo- nies appear at first as thin expansions with slightly irregular outline. ‘Two or three days after the colonies have appeared, liquefaction sets in. This peculiar retardation of liquefaction is noteworthy and in general, it may be said, that the rapidity varies slightly from culture to culture and is gradually weak- ened during artificial cultivation. Milk I find coagulated only after seven or eight days. On potato a fleshy, pale yel- lowish, not characteristic growth appears after one or more days. I may state here that two varieties of this species have come under my observation which I designate provisionally aand 8. Fora, the bouillon becomes uniformly turbid, for 6 very feebly so with a tendency of the growth to form flakes somewhat like the flocculi of anthrax cultures. Evidently there is in Ba greater tendency towards cohesion of the bacilli. The gas production of B. cloace is very rapid in glucose and saccharose bouillon and slow in lactose bouillon. The Fermentation Tube 215 epee |e wo : 2 12. << eo gs > Bo Oe <0 OB 6.) SE A Ba) ae TOMER O, SEE ee as = eo Se me an a ©@ o dd © a a ~* ny g sO o c 5 a 7 ri sexe Gar N Cry Oy. ON 9 S fe) OS sa : iS) Z > |o| nb WwW ” bn won Sar esi es oO Ww oO A NY 0 > |e oe een . Boe oe > Fi 8 0 | RR os m~ AY © Ft Qa |} ms; & por A | 3 ie] & nas Cees |e linc = Sy : s | 8} 8 a o mee leet 08 Sere Is) On SS > | = wn ae an ON ie Nets heel) gy n sae Se Di Bar gS ~ eo | S| ie 6 Oo n © 0 35 = ee LS oO OY OD to o,3 | @ a HH aN Om SS a OU Boe a= =o ot OD vs 8B PB 6 | Se eh SF F ao oF & F | Ok ry SH &S SSS RS Q — a a ? ‘8S ba = > p yr o FB o 2 8 Bernas 2 2 mom @ oA ae Sp Pp 3 Dee ayes 5 a eo | ue) & w On wb + XR F ws. 3 6 q nn an > ct ao} wn a oo QO G gf & *% 8 o 3 an b a eS 2 This type of gas production differs from the 2. cold type: 1, in the much greater accumulation of gas which drives out all of the fluid from the closed branch in two or three days ; 2, in the much larger proportion of CO,, the fraction a varying from % to %; 3, the much feebler acid reaction of the fluid in the open bulb. The lactose fermentation goes on at a slow steady pace and after one or two weeks a considerable quan- tity of gas has accumulated in which the relative quantity of CO, and H varies considerably. 216 Theobald Smith The behavior of B. cloace in the fermentation tube reminds us of the action of ordinary yeast under the same conditions. There is in both the same rapid evacuation of fluid from the closed branch. The fundamental difference between the two processes, however, is the invariable presence of H in cultures of the bacterium. fas} . o 3 Uo a4 > a g Z~ £33 = h DO wav Y¥ ~~ YY se Gey Yo 3s 98 ae g o 8 ME = 4 m a GD — > o che ~~ Ce Fa a ee RO Aa ao] a Gat ° eit Ca 8 n lat Ge) , Blerl . * & ° bor | SS 7, Ses oe Bf og ;| ¥ OF il eee) SS? Be “ol X& 3 g || te “a © a 3 ao | & 8 % g a | 3 XS Bol eam 6 g 9 wo | ow a ° ra ley 8 a S n | a Be ® | 5 [ob] ge © © 8 a3 | 3 » = Be 8 it 4 A 4 < oO 4 Pp . n et bai a o 4 gy a @ Soa gS 9 + eee Onn The Fermentation Tube 217 Among the more important bacteria which have been tested in the fermentation tube and which fail to set free any gas may be mentioned the following : Staphylocci. Streptococci. Septicemia hemorrhagica (rabbit septicaemia, swine plague, fowl cholera, Wildseuche, etc.) B. typhi abdominalis. The various comma bacilli (Sperillum chol. Asiat.; Sp. Deneke, Finkler and Prior, Smith.) B. anthracis. Many aérobic spore-bearing bacilli. B. mallet. Concerning that strictly aérobic species, B. sudbtélis, Vande- velde’® finds, contrary to earlier deterntinations of Prazmowski”, CO, and H given off in varying quantities. Obviously the former worked with impure cultures. The absence of gas production in cultures of B anthracis was pointed out by Ar- loing* in 1886. SOME GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ON THE PRODUCTION OF GAS BY BACTERIA AND ITS RELATION TO THE FORMATION OF ACIDS IN THE CULTURE FLUID. A consideration of the results obtained with the fermenta- tion tube develops a number of interesting phases of bacterial life. Perhaps the most important fact to be gathered is the fundamental character of gas production not only in distin- guishing species but groups of species. The phenomenon of fermentation as expressed by gas production may in fact be called a group reaction. It is, for example a common charac- ter of a large group of motile bacteria which we may desig- nate the B. coli group. While it is absent in other equally large and important groups such as Sepiicemia hemorrhagica and the comma bacilli. I regard, therefore, the production of gas not as one of the large number of minor differential characters by which we arein the habit of fixing a species but as one of fundamental importance, associated with groups of bacteria having perhaps a common phylogenetic origin. 218 Theobald Smith In view of the presumable importance of gas production* the question may be asked as to the permanence of this func- tion. The permanent or temporary character, under cultiva- tion, must largely decide for or against the position taken above as to the fundamental importance of kinds of fermenta- tion in the grouping of bacteria. The facts which I have col- lected are necessarily meager since I have employed the fer- mentation tube only for four years, and no other person has thus far paid any attention to this subject. A few facts, how- ever, bear on this point. I have not yet encountered any bac- teria which have either gained or lost the gas-forming func- tion under cultivation. In the colon group it does not appear to vary at all from year to year. The same persistence was observed in Proteus vulgaris. Of two varieties originally de- scended from the same colony, one still actively liquefying gel- atin, the other having lost this power almost absolutely, both produce the same amount of gas in glucose and saccha- rose bouillon. Recently I have noticed in one of the cultures of B. cloace, over a year old, a slight diminuition in the total quantity of gas set free in saccharose bouillon. In glucose bouillon the function seems to be intact. While, therefore, the power of gas production may be slightly reduced quanti- tatively it does not disappear. It likewise is, at least for Proteus vulgaris, a much more permanent function than that of secreting a liquefying ferment.t More or less related to an enfeeblement of the fermenting power observed in the space of months and years in the same culture, is an incapacity probably the result of an adaptation to a parasitic existence. This is very well illustrated by the *I simply use this word as standing for types of fermentation which need more careful examination by chemists than they have hitherto received. {In opposition to my observations is one recorded by Arloing. A micrococcus septicus puerperalis (probably a streptococcus or a staphy- lococcus) produces no gas when fluids containing sugar are inoculated from old cultures. When, however, young cultures twenty-four to thirty-six hours old are used for inocculation, CO, and H are given off abundantly. Such a remarkable change of function must rest upon some experimental error of the author. The Fermentation Tube 219 colon group which may be divided into a saprophytic and a parasitic sub-group as follows: A. Saprophytic sub-group. 1a. Ferment all three sugars with same rapidity. Bacillus of grouse disease and some colon bacilli. 1b. Ferment glucose and lactose rapidly, saccharose slowly. . . . #&.coléa (1a and rb). 2. Ferment glucose and lactose rapidly, saccharose not atall. . . . B. coli B. B. Parasitic sub-group. 1. Ferment glucose rapidly, saccharose and lactose not atall. . . . all pathogenic forms. Iam inclined to associate this loss of functional activity in the pathogenic group B with an adaptation to a more para- sitic existence and the development of certain other powers— the formation of toxic substances perhaps—which enables them to live in competition with living tissues while they have largely forfeited their power to compete with the more sapro- phytic forms from which they may have originally sprung. It might be claimed that the phylogenetic loss of gas pro- duction is simply a change in the kind of fermentation, from the butyric to the lactic for example. That this is not true can be readily demonstrated, for in saccharose and lactose bouillon, when muscle glucose is absent and no gas appears in consequence, the reaction of the bouillon does not become acid. Among those bacteria which act upon sugars without the development of gas, a strongly acid reaction appears with- in twenty-four hours. The failure of the group B to act upon lactose is furthermore shown by their inability to produce coagulation of milk. We have, therefore, no ground for as- suming a change in the type of fermentation. It is an abso- lute loss of function and not a modification. In bringing together the more detailed observations on gas production a certain number of interesting facts claim our at- tention. We note that in the 2. coli type of gas production in glucose only acertain quantity of gas collects—45 to 60 per cent. of the capacity of the closed branch—while in the &. 220 Theobald Smith cloace type fully roo per cent. is formed. Again the fraction H* CO, or}. The reaction of the fluid in cultures of the latter is feebly acid while for the ZB. col¢ group it is always strongly acid. Grimbert” in his studies of an anaérobic organism ascribes the greater production of CO, to a greater formation of alcohol and the more abundant production of H to a greater formation of acid in accordance with the following formule : for B. coli is approximately ? while that for B. cloace is CH O=CHosst044n 2 aS “CO, 50 CH U=c robs oe 6 126 4 10 2 2 ° “CO, 100 This would agree well with the feebly acid reaction of cult- ures of B. cloace and the strongly acid condition of those of 2. colt. Another phenomenon constantly observed is the great pre- dominance of H over CO, in either type when only a little gas has been formed as in peptone bouillon containing traces of muscle sugar. ‘The same phenomenon is noticeable when the gas at different stages of the process is examined. This may be illustrated by the three following stages in the gas produc- tion by B. cloace. After 22 hours 37.5 per cent. gas has accumulated; CO,, 46.6 per cent. ; H, 53.4 per cent. After 22 hourst 73 per cent. gas has accumulated ; CO,,.61 per cent. ; H, 39 per cent. After 96 hours 95 per cent. gas has accumulated ; CO,, 70 per cent. ; H, 30 per cent. * We should not ascribe more than a comparative value to this frac- tion for the reason that Co, is much more soluble in water than H. Thus at 20° C. one volume of water takes up 0.9014 volumes of CO, and only .o193 volumes of H. If we bear in mind that at the beginning of fermentation a comparatively large quantity of CO, may become ab- sorbed in the bouillon the relation of CO, to H in the fermentation tube will be understood to be entirely different from the ratio obtained by exact analytical methods. t+ A second tube inoculated with the first but having produced gas more promptly. The Fermentation Tube 221 I have been inclined to ascribe this to the absorption of CO, by the bouillon but Grimbert” as well as Frankland" finds by exact quantitative determinations of the gases the same in- crease of CO, as the fermentation progresses. The former ex- plains it by assuming a greater production of alcohol in the later course of the process in accordance with the formule given above. According to this explanation the type of fer- mentation of B. cloace may differ from that of 2. col7 simply by an increased production of some alcohol at the expense of an acid. If we goa step farther and bring within the range of comparison another type of gas production, that of ordinary yeast by which only CO, and ethyl alcohol are produced (if we neglect traces of succinic acid) we have eliminatcd both the hydrogen and the acid element which seem to go to- gether. A farther point of interest is the constant presence in all cultures examined of an inflammable, explosive gas which I have assumed to be hydrogen. Most observers, including Ar- loing*, Escherich’, Frankland”, Peré’, Scruel”, Grimbert”, and others report only CO, and H. Baginsky” on the other hand claims the presence of CH, as well. It would be interest- ing to determine whether bacterial fermentation ever goes on without the evolution of both CO, and H at the same time. In examining the action of bacteria on the three sugars used, we note that the gas production in glucose bouillon is always rapid though it may be slow or absent in lactose and saccharose bouillon. Glucose is thus the sugar most easily acted upon. A curious preference is shown by certain species for certain sugars. Thus Z. col produces gas rapidly in lac- tose and slowly or not at allin saccharose bouillon. Fried- lander’s bacillus on the other hand, acts vigorously upon saccharose and very slightly upon lactose. The latter is not touched by Proteus vulgaris at all. By pushing such com- parative inquiries still farther and including other carbo-hy- drates, as has been done by most of the authorities cited above from a slightly different point of view, still finer lines of dis- tinction might be drawn. Owing to lack of time I have not 222 Theobald Smith gone beyond the three sugars noted excepting to test some species in potato starch suspensions several years ago.*° The source of the two gases CO, and H may be explained by the old formula of the text-books which splits one mole- cule of grape sugar into two of lactic acid and these into one of butyric acid and two each of CO, and H. This formula demands equal volumes of these gases. Scruel holds that the molecule of glucose breaks up into one of formic, of acetic, and of lactic acid with fixation of one atom of O. The gases he derives from the direct decomposition of the newly formed molecule of formic acid : CH,0,=CO, + H,. As has been recently emphasized by Grimbert and stated above, the process of fermentation varies from beginning to end so that no single equation can express more than what is going on at any one time. The same author ascribes this continual change to a modification of the vitality of the fer- ment organism brought about by the accumulation of harm- ful products in the fluid. The rapid evolution of gas in the presence of one kind of sugar and its slow accumulation in the presence of another brings up the question whether or not an inverting ferment comes into play in the slow fermentation. This question is not approachable by the simple methods I have employed. It is certainly a curious fact that one bacterium may produce gas with almost equal rapidity in three sugars, another in two and that these two may be, with one species, glucose and sac- charose, with another, glucose and lactose. Thus the bacillus of grouse disease produces gas in glucose, lactose and saccha- rose with equal rapidity. Bacillus coli produces gas in glucose and lactose with equal rapidity. Action on saccharose variable. *The action of bacteria on potato starch may be demonstrated by cutting potatoes so that they fit rather snugly into test tubes. The film of water between them and the glass imprisons any gas bubbles that may be set free. In this way I noted the evolution of gas in several species, among them Friedlander’s bacillus. The Fermentation Tube 223 The bacillus of Friedlander produces gas in glucose and sac- charose with equal rapidity. Very slight action on lactose. Proteus vulgaris produces gas in glucose and saccharose with equal rapidity. No action on lactose. Bacillus cloace produces gas in glucose and saccharose with equal rapidity. Action on lactose slow. The probability of the direct breaking up of the molocule of saccharose and lactose’ without inversion, has been affirmed by nearly all recent authorities and seems plausible when gas accumulates very rapidly as in cultures of &. cloace. Itis evident that the observatious made with the fermentation tube open some very interesting problems, the solution of which must be left to others. In connection with the selective action on sugars manifest- ed by different species seemingly related to each other the thought has occurred to me that a clue to the habitat of bac- teria might be obtained by an investigation of their predilec- tions. Inasmuch as there are certain products such as lactose peculiar to animals, and certain others, such as saccharose peculiar to plants an adaptation to one or the other carbo- hydrate would indicate a saprophytic existence on animal or vegetable products. This hypothesis however needs a larger array of facts than I ain able to put together, to prove or dis- prove its correctness. The production of CO, and H together with other gases during the decomposition of proteid substances has been af- firmed by Kerry” and Bovet”. The former used carefully prepared serum-albumin, the other serum-albumin and yolk of eggs. In the accurate determination of the source of gas production in putrefactive processes, it is evident that carbo- hydrates must be carefully eliminated since the fermentation of these substances with evolution of CO, and H seems to be such a wide spread function among bacteria. There is one other phase of the subject of fermentation which has an important bearing upon bacteriology. I refer to the formation of acids* which seems to be clearly traceable * Thus in milk cultures of &. coli, Baginsky’ found formic, acetic, aud lactic acids. The same were found by Scruel. Peré7 detected ace- tic and lactic acid. Frankland, Stanley and Frew” determined, in cul- 224 Theobald Smith to the presence of carbo-hydrates. Some years ago, Petru- schky* examined the acid and alkali-producing functions of bacteria by using as a culture medium specially pre- pared whey from milk. I called attention to the fact that such classification had only a limited value since it depended entirely on the composition of the culture fluid’. The whey, having as an important ingredient, lactose, would prove only such bacteria acid-producing which were able to cause fermen- tation of the milk sugar while those which could not do this would show themselves as alkali producers. Bearing on this subject are the statements made by bacteriologists in the early days of this branch of biology that cultures of many bacteria are at first slightly acid before becoming alkaline. I suggest- ed that this was probably due to traces of sugar in the culture fluid and I was able to prove this by causing an oscillation from an acid to an alkaline reaction and back again by adding at intervals small quantities of glucose to the bouillon. The alkali formed during the multiplication of bacteria was neu- tralized by the acid derived from the fermentation of the glu- cose. If this was small in quantity the acid or acids were formed in correspondingly small quantities and the alkaline reaction soon reappeared. I was able to show furthermore that the addition of small quantities of fermentescible sugar greatly favored the multiplication of bacteria by keeping down the alkaline reaction. After I began testing peptone bouillon for muscle glucose with gas-producing bacteria, I found that in bouillon free from sugar the multiplication of various acid producing bacteria such as streptococci, staphylo- cocci, B. typhosus, B. diphtheria, B. coli,and B. cholere sutsisnot attended with any acid reaction, either temporary or permanent. So far as my observations have gone they show that all bac- teria are alkali producers in bouillon free from carbo-hydrates, and that when one or the other of this group is present a very large number of the most easily cultivated bacteria are acid producers. This two-fold activity probably serves a useful purpose in keeping the medium in which they live more or tures of the bacillus of Friedlander ethyl alcohol, acetic acid and a little formic and succinic acid. Grimbert® detected among the products of B. orthobutylicus normal butyric alcohol, butyric and acetic acid. The Fermentation Tube 225 less neutral and therefore favorable to their continued multi- plication. A good illustration of this fact is afforded by the growth of &. colz in saccharose bouillon. ‘The gas production goes on (with most varieties) very slowly. ‘The fluid in the bulb in contact with the air becomes alkaline and very turbid with growth. The fluid in the closed branch becomes acid under the influence of the slow fermentation and remains so. As it is gradually pushed out into the bulb by the slow accu- mulation of gas it tends to reduce, by degrees, the alkalinity of the fluid therein contained and thus favors step by step, the growth which finally becomes very dense. The employment of sugar as a constituent of culture media is therefore, a matter of considerable importance. For certain species, like 2. cold for instance, the addition of 1 per cent. glucose or lactose would be a decided detriment to the culture and soon lead to its destruction. Cane sugar on the other hand, added in the same proportion, would favor the growth owing to its much slower decomposition. Again the addition of very small quantities of glucose from time to time is favor- able as stated above. In fact, bouillon, entirely free from muscle glucose, is less desirable than that containing traces, and in general it would be well to add glucose to bouillon. The limit may safely be put at o.1 per cent. These remarks apply equally well to the large group of bacteria which pro- duce acids in sugar solutions without the evolution of gas and in searching for the most favorable media for any species its behavior toward the more common carbo-hydrates should be carefully looked into. APPLICATION OF THE FERMENTATION TUBE TO PROBLEMS IN PRACTICAL SANITATION. THE GAS TEST IN THE DIF- FERENTIATION OF B. TYPHOSUS FROM THE B. COLI GROUP OF BACTERIA. The use of the fermentation tube as an important differen- tial test in bacteriology led me in 1889 to compare the fre- quently confounded species, B. typhosus and B. colt communis. A sharp distinction was at once detected between them which manifested itself by a total lack of gas production on the part 226 Theobald Smith of the typhoid bacillus. In a brief article on the uses of the fermentation tube published in 1890’, I incidentally called at- tention to this difference asa valuable means of diagnosis. The fact, however, remained unnoticed and in 1891 Chante- messe and Widal” brought forth the same test as new, using lactose in place of glucose in the bouillon. Their method consisted in observing gas bubbles rising and forming a light froth on the surface of the culture fluid in ordinary flasks. This publication induced me to defend my priority in a second article in which I quoted the original announcement of the test”. But even this has been largely overlooked by subse- quent writers. The publication of Chantemesse and Widal first called gen- eral attention tothe gas test as the older differential characters were melting away and something more definite was urgently needed in this very practical field. They were opposed at once by Dubief* who regarded the differences between these species as merely quantitative. Recently a number of writers (Tavel”, G. W. Fuller”, W. Dunbar’, Germano and Maurea”, Ferrati”, and Pane”,) have contributed long articles on this subject and all of them confirm the gas test and give it the most important place among the means of diagnosis between B. typhosus and the colon group. Dunbar in ignorance of my second article * naively recommends the bent tube, closed at one end, as the simplest means of determining gas production. The same thing had been suggested by G. W. Fuller in a prior publication as a substitute for the more expensive fer- mentation tube. Dunbar further recommends simple bouillon (Fleischwasser), a recommendation likely to lead astray as I have pointed out above. Since gas production in bouillon de- pends solely on the muscle glucose the test would fail when this is absent. The use of lactose, as suggested by Chante- messe and Widal is not so trustworthy as that of glucose, for we have a large group of pathogenic bacilli, the hog cholera group, easily confounded with 2. typhosus because neither act on lactose and hence do not coagulate milk. The use of glu- cose bouillon would clear up the difficulty at once. * This must have appeared before the conclusion of his work for he refers to a publication subsequent to mine. The Fermentation Tube 227 The fundamental differences between 2. typhosus and the colon group of bacteria need further elucidation by a thorough study of all the products of fermentation, as has been done by Dubief* and Peré,’ but without concordant results as yet. For the typhoid bacillus likewise has a definite action on glu- cose, as has been shown by Brieger and recently by Peré. The latter has shown that when glucose is added to milk, it subsequently coagulates when inoculated by this organism. The action on glucose is moreover readily revealed by the markedly acid reaction of cultures in glucose bouillon. All that the gas test tells us definitely is that the colon bacteria act on glucose with evolution of a certain volume of gas, and that the typhoid bacillus acts upon glucose without the evolu- tion of gas. There is one question called up by the fermentation test which will require some attention. The evolution of gas with the simultaneous appearance of acids in the culture fluid might lead us to assume that at least some gas may have been set free from the Na,CO, used to neutralize the bouillon. Yet by adding increasing quantities of sterile Na,CO, solution to a series of fermentation tubes, I was unable to evolve any gas with the typhoid bacillus. It is not unlikely, however, that bacteria capable of setting free much acid may lead to the ac- cumulation of a trifle of gas, not the product of fermentation, in strongly alkaline bouillon. In all cultures in which only small quantities of gas appear this possibility should be borne in mind. THE QUANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF FECAI, BACTERIA IN WATER.* The bacteriological examination of water in the interest of practical hygiene, has thus far suffered from the difficulty that the kinds of bacteria present are recognizable only when a disproportionate amount of labor is spent in isolating them. Occasionally bacteriological water analysis has taken a certain * See the forthcoming Annual Report of the State Board of Health of New York for 1892, for a more detailed statement of this method. 228 Theobald Smith definite direction, as in the search for typhoid bacilli and Asiatic cholera spirilla. For general purposes, however, the bacteriologist had to fall back upon the numerical estimation with no regard to any qualitative determination. The nu- merical estimate, taken by itself, is not satisfactory. It is true that in large surface waters, such as rivers, the number of bac- teria is a very good index of the organic matter present, yet here one remains in doubt whether the bacteria are in the main from sewage or from decaying vegetable matter. Hence in the few instances in which I have had occasion to determine the hygienic character of a given water, I have endeavored to get some idea of the fecal bacteria present, in other words, the large group of colon bacteria which are such regular inhabi- tants of the intestines of man and of the domesticated animals and which are as good an index of sewage pollution as we can desire. There are methods which enable us to isolate fecal bacteria from water, but they either do not give us any information concerning the number of such bacteria, or else this knoledge is obtainable only after much labor. Passing by these meth- ods as not bearing on our subject, I will briefly refer to one which is an outgrowth of the observations on gas production in the fermentation tube. If a series of such tubes containing glucose bouillon be in- oculated, each with an equal but very small quantity of water and placed at once in the thermostat at 37° C., it will be no- ticed after one or more days, if the water is much polluted, that some contain gas. If, for example, one ccm. of water is distributed equally among ten tubes and of these, four subse- quently contain gas, we may conclude that in one cem. of this water there were four gas-producing bacteria. All gas-produc- ing bacteria are not intestinal species, however. Hence we must try to eliminate those that are not fecal by the amount of gas present. Bringing together all the information obtained by cultivating a variety of bacteria in the fermentation tube, I have come to the conclusion that all tubes containing less than forty and more than seventy per cent. of gas are to be elimin- ated. The lowest limit drawn excludes Proteus vulgaris, The Fermentation Tube 229 probably a putrefactive organism, pure and simple. The up- per limit excludes 2. cloace, which, in spite of its name, I can- not range among fecal bacteria. Between the limits of forty and seventy per cent. of gas are included all varteties of 2. coli, the hog cholera group, &. lactis aérogenes and Friedland- er’s bacillus. There are several objections which may be urged against this as against any approximative method. In the first place it does not include a large number of pathogenic species, among them B. typhosus and Sp. cholere Asiatice. But, it may be answered, the object of the method is not to reveal all pos- sible disease germs but to use the colon group as an index of pollution because, as I maintain, they must come directly from the digestive tract. The presence of &. coli even in small numbers is amply sufficient to make any water sus- pected. In the second place it may be claimed that the evolution of gas may be either checked or augmented in the presence of a number of species in the same tube. This objection involves the rather broad subject of antagonism among bacteria, which cannot be discussed here. There are, however, a few facts which show the objection to be in the main pointless. In the thermostat only very few bacteria from water develop owing to the high temperature, so that rarely more than one species survive and multiply in the fermentation tube if the quantity of water added be not too great. Again, the presence of two gas-producing bacteria in the same tube is not likely to occur owing to their relative scarcity. To test their mutual behav- ior, however, I inoculated a number of tubes simultaneously with two different gas-producing species. In general B. coli produced the quantity of gas peculiar to it, unless B. cloace was inoculated with it. Inone out of three trials B. clo- ace triumphed and drove out all fluid from the closed branch, in the other two &. colz conquered. ‘There may, therefore, be an occasional masking of the presence of B. coli by B. cloace. This error will not occur if small quantities of water be used or if the experiment be repeated in the event that more than half the tubes inoculated show gas production. 230 Theobald Smith The concurrence of the many aérobic bacteria with the colon group in the fermentation tube even if they should be able to multiply at the temperature of the thermostat is made neg- ative by the fact that the former are unable to multiply at all in the closed branch. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 28, 1893. INDEX TO PUBLICATIONS REFERRED TO IN THE TEXT. i) M. Einhorn. Archiv f. pathol. Anatomie, CII. S. 263. 2. Theobald Smith. Das Gahrungskdlbchen in der Bakteriologie. Centralblatt f. Bakteriologie u. Parasitenkunde, VII, (1890). S. 502. 3. Th. Escherich. Die Darmbacterien des Sduglings. 1885. 4. S. Arloing. Propriétés zymotiques de certain virus. Compt. rendus des seances de l’Académie des Sciences, CI, (1885-ii). p. 819. 5. Wm. Dunbar. Untersuchungen iiber den Typhus bacillus and den B. colicommunis. Zeitschrift fur Hygiene, XII, (1892). S. 485. 6. Claudio Fermi. Weitere Mittheilungen tiber die tryptischen Enzyme der Mikroorganismen. Archiv f. Hygiene, XIV, (1892). p. I. . Peré. Contribution 4 la biologie du bactérium coli commune et du bacille typhique. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1892. p. 512. 8. N. Pane. Sulla diversa quantita di glucosio che si trova nel brodo in rapporto al diverso grado di fermentazione di alcuni batteri. Rivisti clin. e terapeut, 1892, (October). pp. 577-581. Theobald Smith. Einige Bermerkungen tiber Sadure- und Alkali- bildung bei Bakterien. Centralblatt fiir Bakteriologie, VIII, (1890). S. 389. 10. Gilbert et Leon. Contribution a 1’étude des bactéries intestinales (memoire). Compt. rend. hebd. de la Soc. de Biologie, 1893. No. II, p. 55. 11. E. Klein. Ueber sine akute infektidse Krankheit des schottischen Moorhubnes. Centralblatt f. Bakteriologie, VI. pp. 36, 593. 12. A. Baginsky. Zur Biologie der normalen Milchkothbacterien, II. Zeitschrift fir physiol. Chemie, XIII. S. 352. 13. Scruel. Contribution 4 l'étude de la fermentation du bacille com- mun de Vintestin. Archives méd. belges. 1892-ii, pp. 362-367; 1893-1, pp. 9-33, 83-96. 14. Gartner. Ueber die Fleischvergiftung in Frankenhausen am kyffh. u. den Erreger derselben. Correspondeuzblatt d. allg. arztl. Vereins von Thiiringen. 1888. 15. Fr. Loffler. Ueber Epidemien unter den im hygienischen Institute zu Greifswald gehaltenen Mausen und uber die Bekampfung der Feldmausplage. Centralblatt f. Bakteriologie, XI, (1892). S. 129. 232 Theobald Smith 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2I. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 32. 33: Theobald Smith. Kleine bakteriologische Mittheilungen. Central- blatt fur Bakteriologie, X, (1891). p. 180. Frankland, Stanley, and Frew. Fermentations induced by the pneumococcus of Friedlander. Journal of the Chemical Society of London, LIX. pp. 253-270. Theobald Smith. Special report on the cause and prevention of swine plague. Washington, 1891. p. 81. E. O. Jordan. Experimental Investigations by the State Board of Health of Massachusetts upon the Purification of Sewage, etc. Part II, p. 824. G. Vandevelde. Studien zur Chemie des Bacillus subtilis. Zeit- schrift fiir physiologische Chemie, VIII. S. 367. A. Prazmowski. Untersuchungen tiber die Entwicklungsgeschichte und Fermentwirkung einiger Bakterienarten. 1880. L. Grimbert. Fermentation anaérobie produite par le Bacillus orthobutylicus, ses variations sous certaines influences biologiques. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur, VII, (1893). pp. 353-402. Kerry. Ueber die Zersetzung des Eiweisses durch die Bacillen des malignen Oedems. Sitzungsber. d. Kaiserl. Akademie d. Wis- senschaften in Wien. 1889. Bovet. Des gaz produits par la fermentation ana€robienne. An- nales de Micrographie, II. p. 322. J. Petruschky. Bakterio-chemische Untersuchungen. Centralblatt f. Bakteriologie, VII, (1890). S. 49. Chantemesse et Widal. Differentiation du bacille typhique et du bact. colicommune. Compt. rend. Soc. Biologie, 1891. p. 747. Theobald Smith. Zur Unterscheidung zwischen Typhus und Kolonbacillen. Centralblatt f. Bakteriologie, XI, (1892). S. 367. H. Dubief. Sur la biologie comparée du bacille typhique (bacille d@’Eberth-Gaffky) et du Bacillus coli communis—Leur action sur les sucres. Compt. rend. Soc. Biologie, 1891. p. 675. E. Tavel. Caractéres differentiels du bacterium coli commune et du bacille typhique. La Semaine méd., 1892. p. 52. Geo. W. Fuller. The differentiation of the bacillus of typhoid fever. Boston Med. and Surg. Journal. 1892, Sept. I. . E. Germano u. Giorgio Maurea. Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber den Typhusbacillus und ahunliche Bacillen. Beitrage z. pathol. Anatomie, XII, (1893). S. 494. Ferrati. Zur Unterscheidung des Typhusbacillus vom Bakterium colicommune. Archiv f. Hygiene, XVI, (1893). S. 1. Nicola Pane. Sulla proprieta de dacillus coli communis di svilup- pare gas, et sua importanza diagnostica per distinguerlo dal bacillo del tifo in rapporto ad altri caratteri. Gazetta delle Cliniche, III, (1892). p. 369. FERMENTATION TUBES—TIITEOBALD SMITH. Es $M DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. (All figures reduced one-half.) Fig. 1. The fermentation tube as used in the foregoing investigations. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. a, The bulb freely exposed to the air filtering through the cotton wool plug; 4, the closed branch ; ¢, the connecting tube; d, the foot. The tube used in the foregoing investigations requires about 25 cc. of bouillon, 20 of which belong to the closed branch. The line xy divides the aérobic from the anaérobic portion of the tube. This line is very sharply drawn by aérobic bacteria. The turbidity on the one side bounds absolute clearness on the other. In facultative anaérobic cultures there exists at this line a sud- den marked change from turbidity to mere cloudiness. 2-8. Graphic representation of gas production by different bacteria in different sugar solutions. The short lines on the left margin of the tube show the rapidity with which gas accumulates and serve as a nieans of comparing different types. The volume of CO, and H found at the close of the period of gas production is indicated by brackets on the right margin of the tube. . B. coli communis in glucose bouillon. . The same bacillus in lactose bouillon. . The same bacillus in saccharose bouillon. . B. cloace in lactose bouillon. . Saccharomyces cerevisia (isolated from: compressed yeast) in glucose or saccharose bouillon. 2 3 4 5. B. cloace in glucose or saccharose bouillon. 6 7 Fig. 8. B. colt in peptone bouillon. The gas formed indicates the presence of considerable muscle glucose. MUSCULAR ATROPHY CONSIDERED AS A SYMPTOM. By WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER KRAUSS. Atrophy, or wasting of the muscular fibers, whether occur- ring insidiously or ez masse may or may not be indicative of disease of the nerve centers. Although not of such serious import that its recognition demands early therapeutic pro- cedures, nevertheless, it is necessary to detect the cause of this retrogression in order to render a correct prognosis and to plan the proper treatment. Diseases of the brain and spinal cord are, as arule, sub-acute or chronic, run a long course, manifest themselves by vague, indifferent symptoms and yield grudgingly to the resources at the neurologist’s com- mand. Wasting of the muscles is one of the most prominent of the objective symptoms of brain and cord disease, and if proper- ly considered and appreciated may give us important clues for the location and detection of the neural lesion with which we are confronted. It is by no means pathognomonic, but when associated with other groupings of subjective and objective symptoms, becomes at once characteristic of definite lesions in the brain, cord, peripheral nerves or muscle itself. The premise must not be inferred, however, that all muscle degeneration is pathological or dependent upon some initial le- sion in the nerve centers, for it is a fact that wasting of muscles occurs independently of any nerve or muscle lesion, but is due to purely physiological changes, or the active cell growth is no longer predominant, and has been succeeded by a period of involution or cell decay. This we call senile wasting or acute atrophy. Another form of atrophy, or lack of develop- ment, which must not beconfounded with either physiological or pathological wasting,is aplasia and hypoplasia of the extrem- ities, conditions arising in utero due to the arrested develop- ment of the embryo asa whole or in part. These developmental 236 William Christopher Krauss defects are the result probably of some constriction or pressure from folds or bands of the foetal membranes, or by loops of the umbilical cord. Cases of this kind are by no means rare but have been carefully studied by Foerster, Voight, Gruber and others. ‘The different classes are distinguished according to the degree of malformation as follows : (1) Amelus. Limbs entirely wanting or replaced by wart- like stumps. (2) Peromelus. All four extremities stunted. (3) Phocomelus. Limbs consisting merely of hands and feet sessile upon the shoulders and pelvis. (4) Micromelus. Limbs regular in form but abnormally small. (5) Abrachius and Apus. Absence of upper limbs, while the lower are well formed, and vice versa. (6) Perobrachius and Peropus. Arms and thighs normal ; forearms and hands, legs and feet malformed. (7) Monobrachius and Monopus. Absence of a single upper or lower limb. (8) Sympus apus and Sympus opus. Absence of feet; or they may be represented by single toes, or by one foot as in siren monsters. (9) Achirus and Perochirus. Absence or stunted growth of the entire hand or foot. (Ziegler.) It is not the purpose of this paper to invade the field of ter- atology, but. to study another morbid process which also ends in defect of structure, not, however, through interference of growth, but through the destruction and degeneration of muscles once able to perform work measured by their develop- ment and vitality. This process is more properly termed re- gression or retrogression, and the designation muscular atrophy as commonly employed has reference only to a retro- grade metamorphosis of a fully developed muscle. Inasmuch as there are atrophies due to physiological and also others due to pathological processes it is of the utmost importance to distinguish between them. Generally speak- ing, physiological atrophy occurs as the result of the decadence of the vital powers due to senile changes. It is not attribut- Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 237 able to any direct appreciable lesion and the atrophy is con- sidered as active. Another class, bordering closely upon physi- ological atrophies, is caused by derangements in whole or in part of the constructive organs, febrile processes, etc. These latter are considered as passive, and the atrophy is unlimited in its extent. Local atrophies, due to mechanical hindrances, injury to the tissues, through interference of the circulation, and overwork are also examples of passive atrophies. Pathological atrophies on the other hand, are the results of demonstrable organic lesions either in the brain, cord, peri- pheral nerves or muscles, follow certain laws in their distribu- tion, and are accompanied by subjective and objective symp- toms characteristic of the focal lesion. Subjective signs. —'The advent of progressive muscular atrophy in many cases, aud especially in those other forms of atrophy not dependent upon acute inflammatory processes, is ushered in by some localized, deep-seated, aching pain, to which little attention is paid. In others, some slight sensory disturbance, as a feeling of numbness, heaviness or sharp lan- cinating pains as in neuritis, may precede the atrophy, while in many no warning whatever is given of the enfeeblement which is soon tooccur. Generally, the first thing that attracts the patient’s attention is the inability to execute certain move- ments, which, but a short time ago, he was able to carry out with ease and dexterity. If he be an artisan, and the atrophy begins in the muscles of the hand, as it so often does, the weakness will soon incapacitate him for his work ; if a laborer and the atrophy first affects the shoulder muscles, or muscles of the back, or if a pedestrian and the peroneal muscles suc- cumb early, he is soon made cognizant of some loss of power, which to him remains for some time unaccountable. This weakness is often ascribed to overwork, exhaustion or fatigue, and the usual remedy—rest—fails to restore to the former con- dition. I have met patients in clinics, especially females, in whom atrophy of the muscles of the hand and arm had existed for years, and attention was first called to it by the physician while examining for some other ailment. Instruments have been devised for measuring approximately the strength of the 238 William Christopher Krauss arm and leg muscles, and although the figures may vary somewhat at each trial, still they are accurate enough to indi- cate the progress of the wasting. The dynamometer is per- haps the best instrument for estimating the power of the flexors of the fingers and hand muscles. It consists of an oval steel spring with a dial and index in the center. Com- pression of the spring is indicated on the dial in pounds and kilograms. This instrument is by no means accurate or per- fect as each succeeding trial may give a different reading ac- cording to the strength exerted by the patient. It is my prac- tice to take the average of two or three compressions and this result I consider approximately correct. For estimating the strength of the legs several appliances have been suggested by Dana, Birdsall, Feéré, and d’Onimus, but none have en- joyed universal adaptation among neurologists. An apparatus which I have recently described * approaches, in my opinion, the solution of this problem, and has received the appel- lation, Pedo-dynamometer. It con- sists of a wide, heavy belt (a), its inner surface padded so that its ad- justment around the waist will not be uncomfortable. A heavy web- bing (4), is looped through the belt passing over the shoulders, which helps to retain the belt in its proper position. A common Mathieu dyna- mometer (c), is ,connected with the belt (a), by means of a strong ad- justable strap, permitting it to be Fic. 1. lengthened or shortened according to the stature of the patient. Con- nected to the dynamometer (c), is a stirrup (d@), the base of which is padded for receiving the foot. Pressure exerted *Neurologisches Centralblatt, June 1, 1893. Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 239 upon the stirrup will be registered upon the dial of the dyna- mometer and the approximate strength of the extensors of the leg can be ascertained. By lengthening the strap which connects the dynamometer with the belt (@), and flex- ing the foot on the leg as much as possible then allowing the patient to push, the power of the extensors of the foot can be also determined. In applying the Pedo-dynamometer, the thigh should be flexed upon the pelvis to an angle of 135 degrees, the leg flexed upon the thigh to an angle of 90 degrees at the knee. It may be adjusted in the stand- ing or recumbent position. By using snaps the dynamometer can be quickly removed and used to measure the power of the hands. In advanced cases the patient is very susceptible to changes of temperature, particularly from warm to cold, and in win- ter the atrophied members must be heavily padded to insure comfort. In those cases where rheumatic pains have pre- ceded the atrophy, and also in those cases of neuritic and spinal origin, there is some loss of sensation and other dis- turbances, but in the great majority of cases the general sensibility is unimpaired. As a rule, pain is absent in muscular wasting except in cases of neuritic and spinal origin, and here the pain is a neural pain and not a muscle pain. Pressure over the course of the inflamed nerves or on the spine will call forth sharp, shooting pains, whereas pressure applied to the muscle will elicit no complaint. The objective signs offer the physician an important and interesting field for study and observation. His attention, as was that of his patient, is directed at once to the wasting or atrophy of the different muscles. The natural effect of this is to rob those portions of the body of their normal contour and beauty, and bring into prominence the underlying hard structures. This wasting may be limited to a single mus- cle, to a group or system of muscles, may be unilateral or bilateral, general or localized, according to the cause and seat of the primary lesion. In estimating the extent of the atrophy, some more definite means are necessary than merely the sight or touch—and the tape measure is called into service. 240 William Christopher Krauss A tape measure which seems to answer every purpose and which has been cordially received by many neurologists, was described by me in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, 1890, page 128. It consists of a tape (1) one meter long and one centimeter wide. The English scale is gradu- ated on one side and the metric scale on the other. The head is supplied with a swivel (3), through which passes the free end of the tape, permitting of uniform tension, greater accu- racy in reading, and of its being held with one hand. The second tape (2) is one-half meter long and one-half centimeter wide, and is provided with a sliding head, through which the first tape passes. This tape is, therefore, at right angles to, and movable upon, the first tape. It is also gradu- ated after the English and metric scales. The object of this tape is to ascertain at what distauce from a certain fixed, bony point the first tape has been applied, so that on succeeding occasions the measurement may be taken at the same point. To illustrate: If the tape (1) be applied to the arm at a dis- tance of seven and one-half centimeters from the internal condyle of the humerus (reckoned by means of tape 2), it is obvious that on succeeding occasions, or in comparison of the two extremities, the tape (1) must be applied at exactly the same point, thus excluding all possible chance of error. G.TIEMANN & CO, 3 Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 241 My manner of using the tape is as follows: For the upper arm, I select the internal condyle of the humerus as the fixed point. Then measure off seven and one-half centi- meters with tape No. 2. At this point the circumference of the arm is taken by means of tape No. 1. In like manner the circumference of the arm is noted at distances of fifteen, and twenty-two and one-half centimeters from the fixed point. For the lower arm exactly the same procedure is followed be- ginning at the proximal end and taking the circumference at seven and one-half, fifteen, and twenty-two and one-half centi- meters from the internal condyle. For the hand a distance of ten centimeters is measured from the tip of the middle finger and the circumference taken at this point. For measuring the circumference of the leg, I employ the internal condyle of the femur as the fixed point and take measurements at seven and one-half, fifteen, twenty-two and one-half, and thirty centimeters respectively from the internal condyle. In taking the circumference of the abdomen or thorax I choose the umbilicus as the fixed point. The atrophy of muscular fibers and the hyperplasia of the connective tissue lead to contraction of the latter, and perma- nent contractions and distortions of the body and extremities result ; the same is produced if a system of muscles becomes affected and the opponents, remaining intact, predominate. The peculiar shape of the hand in the Duchenne-Aran type, sometimes called ‘‘ main en griffe,’’ the ‘‘ turkey gait’’ in the myopathic forms, etc., are examples of this kind. The integument of the atrophied members has a shrivelled, purplish appearance, and the finger nails lose their pinkish tint. Other trophic disturbances, except in atrophies due to a neuritis, are wanting. In many cases a fibrillary contraction, wave-like in appear- ance, propogated in the direction of the fibers may be ob- served occurring either spontaneously or by gently tapping the muscle. This fibrillation, as it is termed, is of short duration, returns after an interval of a few seconds, may be limited to a muscle, or part of a muscle, or may extend over the whole of the affected part or member. It is not pathog- aq William Christopher Krauss nomonic of progressive muscular atrophy, as was formerly supposed, but has been observed in other affections of the muscular system, and even in the healthy muscle. Loss of Myotatic Irritability. Tapping a healthy muscle produces a slight contraction of the fibers, which calls forth the performance of its function. In the diseased muscle the reflex arc is broken, the centripetal-sensory path remaining undisturbed, while the centrifugal-motor path is broken. The loss of tendon reflexes, in some forms, occurs quite early, even before any serious damage has taken place in the mus- cular fibers. The patellar and elbow reflexes are the ones most generally tested.* Electrical Irritability.—To Duchenne (de Boulogne) must be given the credit of having first employed electricity as a diagnostic and therapeutic agent. His method of localizing the electrical current, published in 1850, has served as the foundation for all later electrical researches in medicine. The elder Remak appeared against him, disputing some of his conclusions, particularly as to whether the contraction of the muscle was produced by irritating the bulk of the muscle, or the entrance of the motor nerve into the muscle. Von Ziems- sen, taking advantage of this breach, made experiments upon dying patients, and, by careful dissection afterward, discov- ered that the motor points were those points where the motor nerve approached nearest the surface (1857). The natural law of muscular contraction under the influence of the gal- vanic or faradic current, shows the superiority of the cathode over the anode, the contractions being short, sharp and quick. The wasted muscle presents changes of electrical irri- tability dependent upon the degree and extent of the degener- ation. Erb and V. Ziemssen conducted a series of experi- ments upon diseased muscles, and arrived at practically the same conclusions at exactly the same time—1868. Their law, called the Extartungs Reaction, reaction of de- generation, is as follows: First degree, or partial reaction ; * See author’s paper on Tendon Reflexes, Buffalo Medical and Surgi- cal Journal, December, 1892. Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 243 faradic and galvanic nerve irritability preserved, but weak- ened ; faradic and galvanic muscle irritability preserved, but the contractions, instead of being short, sharp and quick, are slow and vermiform. In the second degree, or complete de- generative reaction, the galvanic and faradic nerve irritability and faradic muscle irritability are lost, but the galvanic muscle irritability is increased. The action of the poles is, however, reversed, the anode closure contraction being greater than the cathode closure, and thirdly, the contractions are slow and vermiform. In the third degree, or severe type, there is entire loss of galvanic and faradic nerve and muscle irritability. Any one of these three degrees may be present, according to the seat and character of the primary lesion. Of these symp- toms, the wasting and weakness are the only ones which are truly pathognomonic. The others, which are characteristic, are present in some forms of muscular atrophy, and absent in others. Diagnosts.—To diagnose a case correctly, two essentials are necessary: First, a thorough knowledge of the symptoms, and second, a good working classification in which each par- ticular variety has its only and proper place. One of the best lessons taught us by our esteemed teacher whom we delight to honor to-day, was to properly classify and arrange all facts so that they could be most readily consulted. If this is good practice in the scientific laboratory, it certainly must apply to the human laboratory with even greater force. The study of the tumors was vague and unscientific until Virchow proposed his peerless classification. Charcot’s classification of the dif- ferent forms and symptoms of hysteria has brought order out of chaos, and the study of hysterical affections is to-day more advanced and scientific than many of the longer recognized dis- eases. Therefore, I hold that to be able to diagnose correctly the different forms of muscular atrophy, symptomatically con- sidered, one must have at command a classification based upon the underlying pathology. A classification which has served me well, was described by mein the Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal for April, 1891, and is here appended, with but one or two slight changes. 244 William Christopher Krauss Aplasia. Developmental. { Hypoplasia. Active. 4 Senile Wasting. [ Dimin ished Nutrition. Physio- } Passive. eae Assimilation. logical. Febrile Processes. Direct Traumatism, etc. : Anchyloses. EUNCHO? Surgical Appliances. TLesio. Hysterical Contractures, etc. peeuiene) Secondary, Traumatic, etc, Neuropathic. dice Processes. Arthritic. : (Scapulo-Humeral. (Erb’s Juvenile Form.) thi J Facio-Scapulo-Humeral. (Landouzy- Myopathic. Dejerine. | paratysis Pseudo-Hypertrophic. MUSCULAR Poliomyelitis acuta Infantilis. 4 Acute. Poliomyelitis acuta Adultorum. ATROPHY. (Poe i (Du- : chenne-Aran. Patho- Protopathic. | Peroneal Type. logical. } i (Charcot-Tooth.) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Myelopathic., - : Syringomyelia. Chronic. 4 i Gliomatous Growths. Deuteropa- thic. Locomotor Ataxia. Multiple Sclerosis. Diffuse Myelitis. Myelo-Myelitis, etc. Monoplegia. ee eerogals Cerebral Palsies.~ Hemiplegia. : Diplegia. The different forms of developmental defects have been suf- ficiently considered in another part of this paper. Under the head of physiological atrophies are placed two forms, the active and the passive. With the active atrophy is classed senile wasting or the retrogression of old age. This form is more or less general, affects all organs and tissues and has but one termination, the result ofall decay—death. Belonging to the passive atrophies, or those processes which are the result of disorders of the constructive organs may be mentioned the wasting of the tissues following diminished nutrition, defective assimilation, febrile processes, constitu- tional diseases, malignant growths, etc. The atrophy is gen- eral, attacks no particular group of muscles, tissue waste is greater than tissue repair, and the atrophy continues until a reaction sets in when the primary affection either goes on to recovery or to a fatal termination. The diagnosis of this group is simply the diagnosis of the fundamental disease. No Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 245° attempt need be made to treat the functional atrophies ex se, as in the great majority of cases they are passive, dependent upon disorders of the system, which when relieved permit the atrophies to disappear. : Pathological atrophies are either atrophy of inaction, (functio lesio) or tropho-neurotic. The former can hardly be classed as pathological, less physiological. They result when the functional activity of the cells is interfered with, and the nutritive changes are therefore diminished or abolished. As a result the member grows smaller and weaker and continues so until the cells regain their normal activity. Under this head we meet atrophies due to anchyloses, surgical appliances, hysterical contractures, etc. I have seen the arm reduced to skin and bone in cases of hysterical contracture, and, although the rest of the body was well nourished and developed, still the unused extremity was ina state of extreme atrophy. It is a simple matter to diagnose such muscular wasting because it is local, the cause is so very apparent and symptoms pointing to complication are generally absent. No patho- logical lesion can be found except a diminution in the bulk of the muscle fibers. The treatment of these cases is very satis- factory. The tropho-neurotic atrophies are pathological and their causes may be sought for insome disturbance along the course of the peripheral nerves, spinal cord, brain or muscles. These atrophies have a distinct and clearly definable pathology, and are accompanied by symptoms indicative of an organic lesion permitting of accurate diagnosis. Neuropathic Atrophies. —Inflammatory conditions of the peripheral nerves are productive of muscular wasting along the course of the nerves. This class of atrophies may be termed neuritic or neuropathic. Ifthe atrophy follows a neu- ritis, asin acute simple neuritis, multiple neuritis, endemic neuritis, hemiatrophia-facialis, or a neuritis consequent to trauma, pressure, chemical or thermal irritation, or secondary to some inflammation of a neighboring organ, it is always accompanied by the general symptoms characteristic of nerve inflammation. 246 William Christopher Krauss Toxic Atrophies. Agents which have been instrumental in setting up a neuritic process and a consequent wasting of the muscles are—alcohol, lead, arsenic, mercury and bisul- phide of carbon. The atrophy is generally limited to the ex- tensor muscles, as seen in alcoholic paralysis, lead palsy, arsenical pseudo-tabes, and on eliminating the poison from the system, the atrophy sometimes disappears. After Infective Processes. Following upon an acute attack of diphtheria, variola, typhoid, typhus, cerebro-spinal menin- gitis, etc., atrophic changes may take place in some of the muscles of the body. The lesion is generally neuritic, the atrophy either the simple or hyaline degenerative, the latter especially in typhoid, variola and cerebro-spinal meningitis. In typhoid fever, typical hyaline degeneration of the rectus abdominis and adductors of the thigh may frequently be met with. Arthritic Atrophies. Following injury to joints, atrophy of the muscles moving that joint, but more especially the ex- tensors, is often observed. If the hip joint is the seat of in- jury, there is atrophy of the glutei; if the knee, the rectus femoris; if the ankle, the gastrocnemius and soleus. The wasting is quite often pronounced and persistent, with little, if any changein the electrical irritability, and increased tendon reflexes. The seat of the lesion is purely hypothetical. Vul- pian, Charcot and others believe that the articular centripetal nerves convey the irritation to the gray matter and particularly to the motor cells of the ventral cornua, thence to the mus- cles of the joint through the efferent nerves. The diagnosis of these neuritic atrophies is not difficult in- asmuch as they are always accompanied by pain over the course of the nerves, trophic and vasomotor disturbances. The wasting is local, limited, generally of a severe type with marked electrical reactions, and, being dependent upon a neuritic process, generally subsides upon cessation of the in- flammation. Of late there seems to bea disposition to classify another form of muscular atrophy under this head, namely, the pero- neal type, commonly called the Charcot-Tooth type. Erb and Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom ‘247 Hoffman have recently published cases in which neuritic symptoms were present, such as sensory disturbances, marked electrical reactions, local distribution, appearance after in- fectious diseases, etc. Hoffman believes that this neuritis is secondary to changes in the ventral cornua. If this is really the case I see no reason why this type of atrophy should not be considered under the myelopathic forms. Sachs who has studied this form of atrophy very thoroughly, is disinclined to accept Hoffman’s ideas as to its pathology and relegates it to the spinal form of muscular atrophy. The primary lesion in these neuropathic forms is to be sought for in the nerves supplying the affected muscles. The neuritis may be either interstitial, parenchymatous or degen- erative. In the interstitial form the medullary sheath is broken into fine granules of fat and debrisand absorbed. The axis cylinder is swollen, degenerated, and may be likewise absorbed. The nuclei of the sheath of Schwann become swollen and proliferate, leading to the formation of new con- nective tissue, which, after the period of regeneration, consti- 248 William Christopher Krauss tutes the bulk of the nerve fiber. The perineurium and en- doneurium also take part in this process and become converted into thick layers of connective tissue. The neuritic processes following the infectious diseases, especially diphtheria, afford good examples of the parenchy- matous form of neuritis. Fig. 3 shows the oculo-motorius nerve in a case of diphtheria, the seat of marked degenerative changes.* Many of the axis cylinders have disappeared, while others are smaller and have lost their sharpness of contour. The white substance of Schwann has absorbed the staining fluid indicating some changes in regard to chemical com- position. In discussing the various forms of muscular atrophy, we have only described diseases and conditions in which wasting of the muscles was a prominent symptom not by any means characteristic or pathognomonic. Other symptoms were always present which denoted more forcibly than the atrophy the seat of the disease or cause of the wasting. In the following types the atrophy of the muscles is the predominant sign, so much so that these affections have been designated pro- gressive muscular atrophy and progressive muscular dys- trophy. Myopathic Atrophies.—'The myopathic forms of muscular atrophy are universaliy designated as progressive muscular dystrophy, after the recommendation of Erb of Heidelberg. They include several analogous types clinically and perhaps pathologically, although the focal lesion has not been ulti- mately determined. They develop in the young, are relative- ly rare and as yet the exact pathology is undetermined. Erb is of the opinion, recently expressed, that there may be some slight changes in the ventral cornua as yet undiscovered, and that the myositis or lipomatosis is really secondary to organic changes in the nervous system. Erb’s juvenile form is the most prominent type of the * See Author’s paper on Diphtheritic Paralysis in Neurologisches Cen- tralblatt, No. 17, 1888. Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 249 myopathic forms of muscular atrophy. It usually begins in the muscles about the shoulder girdle, upper arm and back. The pectoralis major and minor, biceps, brachialis anticus, supinator longus, serratus magnus, rhomboidei, trapezius, sacrolumbalis, latissimus dorsi and longissimus dorsi are the muscles most often atrophied. The sterno-cleido mastoid, levator anguli scapulae, coracobrachialis, teres, deltoid, supra and infraspinati, rectus abdominis and the small muscles of the hand remain undisturbed. The muscles of the lower extremities which are at times affected are the glutei, the quadriceps, the adductors, the peronei and the tibialis anticus. The sartorius, gastrocnemius and soleus remain as a rule unaffected. Occasionally hypertrophy of some of the muscles is observed, notably the deltoid, in- fraspinati, triceps, tensor fascii and muscles of the calf. This type of atrophy affects several members of the same family, appears generally before the twentieth year, and has a decided preference for females. It is not accompanied by fibrillary twitchings, reaction of degeneration is not present, and the tendon reflexes are unimpaired. Analogous to this type is the facio-scapulo-humeral type, first described by Duchenne as the forme héréditaire; but later more fuller and minutely by Landouzy and Dejerine, in 1885. ‘The wasting of some of the muscles of the face and hypertrophy of the lips gives a peculiar tapir-mouth appear- ance to the patient, ‘‘facies myopathique.’’ With thisexcep- tion, this type of atrophy corresponds exactly with Erb’s form, and is regarded by many as one and the same. Another form is the pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis of Du- chenne. Although hinted at years before by Bell, Meryon, Oppenheimer and Partridge, it remained for Duchenne, in 1861, to interpret correctly its clinical importance and estab- lish it firmly in our nosology. It is no doubt hereditary, and occurs more frequently in boys than in girls. The important symptoms are weakness in the muscles of the leg and back, a waddling gait, an apparent increase in the size of the muscles of thecalf,and sometimes of the thigh and calf. Furthermore,there is lumbar lordosis brought about by wasting of the muscles of 250 William Christopher Krauss the back and extensors of the thigh, some contractures, and a peculiar difficulty in rising from the ground. Repeated ex- aminations of the nerves and cord have been unsuccessful, and hence the inference that the muscle itself is the seat of the lesion, although the notion is gaining ground that the real lesion may be located in the nerve centers, perhaps in the spinal cord. To understand better the pathological changes occurring in the muscles, it may be desirable to review briefly the histology of amuscular fiber. A striated muscle is composed of a num- ber of bundles, surrounded by a layer of areolar tissue, the external perimysium. Each bundle or fasiculus, enveloped by a thin, delicate membrane, the internal perimysium, is composed of bundles of fibres, separated from each other by a delicate connective tissue, the endomysium. ‘These fibers are arranged parallel to each other, are from two to four centi- meters in length, and are united either to the tendons or apo- neuroses, or else connected with the adjacent fibers. Fach fiber is composed of a number of filaments or fibrille, inclosed in a transparent homogenous membrane, designated by Bowman, the sarcolemma. In the mammalia, elongated nuclei are present on the internal surface of this membrane. The primitive fibers are cylindrical or prismatic in form, about sixty-five microus in breadth, and their length depends not so much on the length of the muscle, as upon the arrangement of the tendons. They are marked by transverse and longitudinal lines or striz, giving them a characteristic, striated or striped appearance. I will not take up the histo- logy of the primitive fibrille, but will limit myself to the primitive fiber. (See Plate, fig. 1). Each fiber has a vascular and nervous supply, the former being furnished by the ramifications of the capillaries, run- ning parallel between the fibers. The nervous supply is from the moter nerves, and their termination in the muscle has been the subject of much controversy. ‘The motorial end- plates of Ktthne or nerve hillocks of Doyére are generally recognized by most recent observers. The nerve terminates below the sarcolemma, where the medullary sheath becomes Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 251 blended with it, forming a plate or plaque which is raised somewhat from the fibers, but never encircles it. ‘The axis cylinder is distributed to this plaque, but does not penetrate the interior of the fiber. The origin of the efferent or senso- ry nerve fibers in the muscle is still a matter of uncertainty. Fatty infiltration and degeneration of the muscular fiber, as occurring in the myopathic form of atrophy has been desig- nated as myositis or lipomatosis. Here hyperplasia of the in- terstitial connective tissue and fatty infiltration follow closely upon the wasting of the muscle, and cause either no apparent change or else a slight increase in its volume. ‘The muscle appears pale, yellowish, has a greasy feel, and resembles closely, not only macroscopically, but also microscopically, a lipoma, or, better, a myo-lipoma. Under the microscope, the large, round, yellowish cells, with dark borders, make up the greater portion of the tissue. Here and there a muscular fiber, with its transverse and longitudinal striation still intact may be observed. (See Plate, fig. 3.) The interstitial connective tissue is much increased in vol- ume, with proliferation of its nuclei. The substitution of fat may be so pronounced as to give the muscle an hypertrophied appearance, and hence the denomination pseudo-hypertrophy, given this affection by Duchenne in 1861. In some forms of dystrophia, the muscular fiber may be even increased in vol- ume, giving rise to real hypertrophy, a condition sometimes met with in idiopathic muscular atrophy. Myelopathic Atrophies, or Atrophies dependent upon Lesions in the Spinal Cord.—They may be acute or chronic. The acute forms are poliomyelitis acuta infantilis (infantile para- lysis) and poliomyelitis acuta adultorum. Although not con- clusively proven, still it is generally supposed that the onset of this type of inflammation is due to some infection. Cases are very common, both in the infantile and adult forms, where an infectious disease preceded the attack. I have reported a case occurring in a man forty-three years of age where the poliomyelitis was undoubtedly the result of measles. The acute stage is ushered in by general malaise, headaches, pains in the back and limbs, fever, rapid pulse, somnolence, 252 William Christopher Krauss delirum, convulsions, and in a short space of time a general or partial paralysis sets in. After the decadence of the acute stage, the paralysis confines itself to one, rarely several, of the extremities. The muscles waste rapidly and show degen- erative electrical reactions, the tendon reflexes are absent, trophic changes are present, but no disorder of sensation. If one of the legs be affected, the gait becomes very characteris- tic owing to the atrophy and weakening of the peroneal muscles. The patient is obliged to throw the foot far for- ward, the toes striking the ground first. Charcot calls these patients ‘‘steppeurs.’’ In the adult form the disease is not so liable to recede and the affected members remain often permanently powerless. The chronic forms comprise most of the chronic affections of the cord. They are divided by Charcot, according to the seat of the lesion, into protopathic, where the lesions are solely and alone in the gray matter ; and deuteropathic, where the gray matter is only secondarily affected. Under the first head we have the Duchenne-Aran, or hand type, character- ized by wasting beginning in the small muscles of the hand, as the interossei, superficial and deep muscles of the thenar and hypothenar, then extending to the flexors and extensors of the fingers, biceps, brachialis anticus, supinator longus, pectoralis major, trapezius, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, rhomboid, serratus magnus, latissimus dorsi and sometimes, though rarely, the flexors and extensors of the hip. The ten- don reflexes are absent, fibrillary twitchings and altered elec- trical reactions are present. There are no symptoms indica- tive of trophic changes or disorders of sensation. This type of atrophy is the original form of progressive muscular atrophy described by Duchenne and Aran in 1848 and 1850. In 1886 there appeared simultaneously from Charcot and Marie in France, and Tooth in England, the description of an- other form of atrophy. Its mode of onset is by attacking the muscles of the lower extremities, the extensors of the toes and the small muscles of the feet. Asa result there develops a double club foot which is quite characteristic of this type. The peronei, the calf muscles and later on the muscles of the Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 253 thigh become affected. The muscles of the hand and fore- arm may become involved after a lapse of years, producing the peculiar ‘‘main en griffe’’ so characteristic of the Du- chenne-Aran type. This form of atrophy begins as a rule in early life, isafamily disease, attacks and progresses uniformly on both sides, produces a double club foot, is attended at times with slight disturbances of sensation and vasomotor changes, and retains the tendon reflexes to a late stage. The pathology of these forms has been the subject of long and earnest controversy. The peripheral or myopathic origin was stubbornly held by Friedreich and the German school, while Cruveilhier, Charcot, Lockhart Clarke and others clung to the central or spinal origin theory. The latter is now the one universally accepted. The ventral cornua of gray matter present the results of a subacute inflammatory process leading to complete or partial destruction of the ganglion cells, sclerotic changes in the neuroglia, blood-vessel changes, cell proliferation, etc. The contraction of the newly formed connective tissue may even lead to the formation of cavities in the gray matter. (See Plate, fig. 4.) The ventral spinal roots are affected second- arily, likewise some of the efferent nerve fibres. Charcot’s theory, then, is as follows: Atrophy of the muscular fibers is the direct result of irritation, which, beginning in the gang- lion cells of the ventral cornua, is propagated through the ventral spinal roots and efferent nerves to the muscular fiber. Friedreich’s theory was that the primary insult was a myositis with secondary changes as ascending neuritis of the peripheral nerve trunks, which terminated in a chronic myelitis. The pathology of the Charcot-Tooth or peroneal type is still sub judice. Hoffman of Heidelberg has studied this form very carefully and has declared it to be of neuritic origin. He, therefore, has proposed to designate it ‘‘ progressive neurotic muscular atrophy.’’ Other observers still cling to the spinal theory, and until definitely proven by careful microscopical examination that it is primarily a disease of the peripheral nerves it may be classed among the atrophies of spinal origin. I have under observation a case of this type of atrophy in 254 William Christopher Krauss which all the symptoms point to disease of the ventral cornua of the spinal cord. Sensory disturbances and vasomotor troub- les, symptonis of neuritic processes, are entirely wanting. The pathological changes found in the atrophied muscles in the myelopathic forms correspond to simple degenerative atrophy. ‘To the naked eye there is little to be seen save the diminution in size, and the pale, pinkish hue of the fibers ; to the touch, a soft, spongy feel, with occasional cord-like prominences, instead of a firm, resistant mass. The entire muscle, if carefully removed, will be found shorter than nor- mal owing to the contraction of the interstitial connective tissue. Under the microscope the condition is as follows: If the atrophy is not too far advanced, the fibers retain their normal appearance—transverse and longitudinal striation— but are somewhat narrower. As the process advances, the fibers split up into longitudinal fibrillze, or transversely into discoid masses and then gradually disappear. In other cases fatty and vitreous degeneration may occur, and the fiber then has the appearance of a sheath containing a clear material with some fat globules. The intensity of this process is not the same throughout the muscle, patches of healthy fibers may be found surrounded by others in different stages of atrophy. Proliferative changes occur in the nuclei of the muscular fibers, and may lead to a new cell growth within the sarcolemma, replacing the contractile substance. Prolif- eration of the interstitial tissue also occurs and to such an ex- tent as to separate the neighboring fibers. The entire muscle may, in fact, be converted into bands of connective tissue with some fat globules interposed between the separate layers. (See Plate, fig. 2.) The true designation of muscular atrophy considered asa morbid entity applies only to those affections in which pro- gressive wasting of the muscles is the reigning symptom. As such Erb’s juvenile form may be taken as a type of those atrophies in which no focal lesion has as yet been discovered in the nerve centers, but the muscle has been regarded as the seat of the disease. As varieties, or deviations, may be men- tioned the facio-scapulo-humeral type of Landouzy and De- jerine, and the pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis of Duchenne. Muscular Atrophy Considered as a Symptom 255 Secondly, those forms of myopathy due to a chronic anterior poliomyelitis such as the Duchenne-Aran or hand type and perhaps the Charcot-Tooth or peroneal type. The deuteropathic form comprises those affections in which the involvement of the gray matter of the cordissecondary. The atrophy following may be quite pronounced as in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, syringomyelia, and bulbar paralysis. A care- ful examination is necessary at times to distinguish between the atrophy of these affections and progressive muscular atro- phy ; especially is this true of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and syringomyelia. These affections stand in close relation to progressive muscular atrophy clinically and pathologically ; nevertheless they can be diagnosed by symptoms which are more or less pathognomonic. Inamyotrophic lateral sclerosis the atrophy affects the muscles of the hand, arm, shoulder and back simulating closely the Duchenne-Aran type of mus- cular atrophy. In exceptional cases the lower limbs become implicated. Contractures develop especially in the terminal stage. The tendon reflexes are markedly exaggerated, loco- motion is difficult and, what is very characteristic, the disease runs its course in two to three years. In regard to the dura- tion and course of progressive muscular atrophy and amyo- trophic lateral sclerosis there is difference enough to convince any observer that the two affections are distinct from each other. In regard to syringomyelia, although the atrophy re- sembles the distribution in the Duchenne-Aran type, still it is not so uniformly advanced on both sides, and the sensory and trophic disturbances which are always present enable one to make a differential diagnosis. In bulbar paralysis the focal lesion is of the same general character as in progressive mus- cular atrophy, but limited to the ganglion cells in the medulla and pons. Atrophy of the parts innervated by the cranial nerves will be the result ; in rare cases this process may ex- tend caudad affecting the ganglia of the spinal nerves. In locomotor ataxia, multiple sclerosis, neoplasms of the cord, diffuse myelitis and myelo-myelitis, the atrophy is less pronounced, inconstant, and variable in its seat and intensity. Lastly, cerebropathic atrophies, generally observed in the 256 William Christopher Krauss spastic paralysis of children and adults. The atrophy is lim- ited to the paralyzed members, as in monoplegia, hemiplegia and diplegia. In the majority of these cases the atrophy is slight, due more to the inactivity of the paralyzed member. The reaction formula is normal, sensory disturbances are ab- sent. In exceptional cases a high degree of atrophy may be present due in all probability, not to the functio lesio, but to the lesions in the trophic centers of the cortex, the exact seat of which is as yet undetermined. BUFFALO, N. Y. JULY 1893. ILLUSTRATION OF MUSCULAR ATROPHIES—KRAUSS. EXPLANATION OF PLATE.* Fic. I. Cross-section of a normal muscle. Zeiss’ E objective, No. 1 eyepiece. Fic. II. Simple degenerative atrophy of a muscular fiber. Zeiss E, No. I eyepiece. Fic. III. Fatty infiltration and degeneration of a muscular fiber. Zeiss E, No. I eyepiece. Fic. IV. Destruction of the antero-lateral group of ganglion cells, ventral-cornua gray matter, spinal cord. The ganglion cells to the left (antero-median) are intact, while the antero-lateral have been replaced by cicatricial tissue. Zeiss E, No. 1. * See author’s paper on Muscular Atrophies, Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal, April, 1891. PLATE | P. GAGE. S THE BRAIN OF DIEMYCTYLUS VIRIDESCENS, FROM LARVAL TO ADULT LIFE AND COMPARI- SONS WITH THE BRAIN OF AMIA AND PETRO- MYZON. SUSANNA PHELPS GAGE. The remarkable changes in habits, appearance, structure and physiology which occur at two distinct crises in the life history of Diemyctylus viridescens, Raf.,* suggest the ques- tion whether any corresponding changes in the brain occur at these periods. Part I is a partial answer to this question. In order better to understand and homologize certain parts and regions of the diemyctylus-brain comparisons were made with the brain of amia and of larval lampreys. The second part of this article deals with these comparisons and the gen- eral conclusions drawn from them. PART I. THE BRAIN OF DIEMYCTYLUS. In order to answer the question stated above the brain ot diemyctylus has been studied in its various stages of develop- ment (16).[ A few ova were prepared—effort was mainly di- rected, however, to the stages following hatching ;—the very young larve (Fig. 12); older gilled larvee which are half grown and ready to transform ; the gill-less red form in three stages of growth, and finally the adult viridescent form (Fig. 11), male and female of various sizes. The investigation has been confined almost exclusively to parts which in larger brains can be studied more or less per- fectly by macroscopic sections and dissections. The purely * Spotted triton or newt, vermilion spotted salamander (16). t The numbers in parenthesis refer to the bibliography. 260 Susanna Phelps Gage histological studies necessary for a complete investigation have not been made. METHODS. As the brain is small—6-7 mm. long in the adult—only a few general facts can be arrived at by its study as a whole. The skull is extremely hard, and the removal of a fresh brain is difficult, hence specimens in which bone was developed were decalcified and sectioned through the entire head (17). The specimens were killed by chloroform or strong alcohol, put immediately into picric alcohol, hardened in 67 and 82 per cent. alcohol, dehydrated and cut in collodion. Heemat- oxylin and a variety of carmine stains were used. The nerves and larger nerve tracts are well marked, and in some series _the deep origin of nerves can be traced with great distinctness, while the natural relation of parts to each other and to the membranes is left undisturbed. Only young larvee needed no decalcification. A few brains were removed and prepared by a modification of Golgi’s method. Embryos were hardened in Perenyi’s fluid after re- moval from the egg capsule. About 70 series of sections of the head were made. Groups of three specimens agreeing as nearly as possible in size and development, were cut in the three planes, transverse, sagittal and frontal, in order to correct errors due to loss of substance in cutting and to ensure the natural arrangement of parts in drawing. The photographic reproductions in Plate 1 show the char- acter of the material, the eye only, of the macroscopic parts, is imperfect, the lens being so hard that its removal was nec- essary. Cilia, when present, were perfectly preserved in the mouth and nasal cavities, but were not found within the brain cavities. Whether this is due to their absence or the re- tarded penetration of the hardening agents is not known; other details of structure are clear. HISTORY. The brain of diemyctylus has been little studied. Mason (32) shows by a photographic process a transection through The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 261 the geminums and a fragment of the cerebrum to illus- trate histological structure. Burckhardt (6) in compar- ing the brain of Ichthyophis with Triton, bases his main con- clusions upon the European forms of triton, but records a few observations upon the American form, diemyctylus. His adult material was hardened and decalcified in a mixture of chromic and nitric acids and cut through the entire head. His general conclusion with regard to the urodeles may be summarized as follows (p. 400): They are uniform in the non-existence of a neck-flexure, and in having a small pons- flexure. The mesencephal appears like the myel in section. The diencephal loses its connection with the epiphysis which becomes functionless. The olfactory lobes are not distinct from the cerebrum and the latter has no temporal lobe. The double root of the olfactory nerve he considers of small phy- logenetic moment. He considers that in this group a reci- procity exists between the size of the united rhinen- and pros- encephal and the united dien- and mesencephal. In the only specific references to diemyctylus (p. 372), he says that the two former equal in volume the two latter, that the mesence- phal swells out into two corpora bigemina, and that, as in all tritons, the mesencephal has a sulcus dorsalis (p. 377). With regard to the general statements given above the obser- vations in this article in the main agree. Neither of these authors have touched upon the problem stated above, and a number of matters are described and illustrated in this article which have hitherto not been recorded. A preliminary paper containing some of the points here given was presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (18). BRAIN OF THE ADULT. PL. II-V. In general outline and proportion of parts the brain of die- myctylus differs little from the other urodeles as shown by Osborn and others. The united hemicerebrums and olfac- tory lobes form the most conspicuous part of the brain and overlap the diencephal which with the mesencephal forms a rounded body. This in turn overlaps the metencephal, 262 Susanna Phelps Gage the cerebellum being nowhere visible from the surface. The metaplexus forms a conspicuous object on the dorsal side. The supraplexus is not very large and lies between the caudal angles of the hemicerebrums ; immediately behind it are the habenz and the small epiphysis. On the ventral side, the diencephal with its connected infundibulum and hypophysis, covers the floor of the mesencephal. In the mesal view, the cerebellum appears ; the thickness of the parietes, the relations of commissures, cavities and plex- uses are also seen. In the figures, interrupted lines indicate the extent of the cavities which are wide, especially in the dorso-ventral direc- tion, as seen in sections (Pl. III). The constrictions of the cavities are so great, that sections, which like those of Pl. I show them as continuous from cephalic to caudal extremity, are rare. Rhinencephal.—As in other urodeles the olfactory lobes are entirely separate from each other. From the ectal surface there is little appearance of constriction separating the olfac- tory lobes from the hemicerebrums. ‘The cavities show a slight dorso-lateral constriction (Fig. 5,) in frontal view seen in fig- ure 37. A decided angle exists at the caudal boundary of the rhinoccele (Fig. 35, 41), which corresponds almost precise- ly with the caudal boundary of the second olfactory nerve root. Hence it is seen that the rhinencephal is nearly equal in length to the prosencephal. The paraplexus intrudes slightly into the rhinoccele. The extensive area occupied by the external origin of the olfactory nerve roots is noticeable and the fact that a fold of pia in- trudes between the two roots. Cinerea covers nearly the entire surface of the olfactory lobes. But it is a remarkable fact that at certain points the ectal cinerea is continuous with the ental (Fig. 14-15, 35-37, 41) as though the embryonic condition were preserved. Prosencephal.—The hemicerebrums have a decided though short caudal projection (Fig. 19-22), beyond the portze, contain- ing a spur of cinerea (Fig. 36, 42) which corresponds in position with a similar spur which Edinger (11, p. 20) has found in rep- The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 263 tiles. This he calls Ammon’s horn as it connects with olfactory nerve fibers and represents the cortical olfactory cen- ter of higher forms. Whether a similar connection and func- tion can be demonstrated in diemyctylus is not known. The paracceles open by wide porte into the aula (Fig. 17, 36, 37). The cavity of the latter is nearly filled by a plexus, auliplexus (p. 265), so that the porte are not visible from the meson (Fig. 6). The caudal limit of the aula is defined by a band of alba or white matter rising from the floor of the brain, in the terma. Thisis formed by the cerebral commissures. ‘The more dorsal portion is the callosum (38, 42), which in the form of a horse- shoe sends lateral columns dorsad (Fig. 6, 18, 19, 42, 51) into the mesal walls of the hemicerebrums (Fig. 35-37). These mesal walls of the hemicerebrums as they bulge into the cavity of the paracceles have sometimes been called striatums, in amphibia. Osborn (38, Fig. 9) shows the fibers of the callosum distributed in this region of the frog to ‘‘ the upper median cell area,’’ while in reptiles and birds he found in this region a ‘‘sulcus”’ or fissure, the hippocampal. Nakagawa (35) considers the cells of this region in spelerpes to be a rudi- mentary cortex. In diemyctylus this region is clearly defined, contains numerous, but well separated cells in large peri- cellular spaces (Fig. 41, ce.), extends from the rhinoccele to the portze (Fig. 36) and caudad over the portze to near the tip of the cerebrum (Fig. 21, 35). The fibers of the callosum spread out between these cells. There is no indication of a fis- sure but it seems proper to use the term callosal eminence to in- dicate this ridge pushing into the paraccele, as it corresponds in position to that eminence as shown by Wilder (55, Fig. 4748) in a human foetus. In figures 17-19, 51, angles in the paracceles are seen asso- ciated with projections of cinerea which form two horns curving outward and toward each other. This enclosed, lateral region of the cerebrum, through which the fibers of the precommissure pass, may be considered as a very undeveloped form of s¢rzatem —inasmuch as in other forms this region has been so homol- ogized. 264 Susanna Phelps Gage The precommissure, as seen upon the meson (Fig. 6), is closely associated with the callosum, but a little distance on either side three bands of alba appear (Fig. 51), the dorsal, the callosum, the other two, parts of the precommissure (38). Diencephal.—Caudad of these cerebral commissures and partly underlying them is the preoptic recess (Fig. 18), aslight pocket in the endyma of the terma, which is continuous cau- dad with the small recesses extending slightly into the roots of the optic nerves. The cinerea about these processes is continuous in the center of the nerve to its entrance into the eye (Fig. 40), though no lumen is visible. The chiasma (Fig. 6) projects into the diaccele and does not project below the general level of the ventral surface. Whether the part marked chiasma also includes an inferior commissure is not certain, but seems probable, as it has been found in Triton alpestris and other urodeles. The zzfundibular region is large as in other low forms, and has wide lateral processes of the cavity which underlie the saccus. ‘The saccus is formed by an irregular tubular arrange- meut ofcells, corresponding in appearance to the endymal cells of the vicinity. The continuity with endymal cells is probable, and is so represented in figure 23, but is not an absolutely established fact. Among the tubules are capillaries. The saccus is small in comparison with other amphibia and fishes (cf. Fig. 93). In other series than those represented, no such tubular arrangement was found, the roof of the infundibulum being composed of a single, simple layer as though not thrown into folds to form a saccus. The hypophysis is distinctly tubular and appears to be en- closed by pia which separates it from the infundibulum, as Osborn (37, p. 264)found in Cryptobranchus. Pigment cells from the dura are also seen to intrude between them in frontal sections (Fig. 50). In one heavily pigmented specimen such cells completely separate the hypophysis from the infundi- bulum. The floor of the infundibulum dorsad of the hypo- physis is wide and composed of asingle layer of endymal cells. No indications of hypoaria as in fishes (Fig. 93) were found. The ¢halamus (Fig. 19-22, 37-38) is not sharply defined The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 265 from the striatum ; its endymal surface is marked by sulci, one of which extends from the porta to the infundibulum— another continues caudad as the widest part of the mesoccele, another lies ventrad of the enlargement of the habena (Fig. 20-22). The roof of the diencephal (Fig. 52) is separated caudad from the mesencephal by the postcommissure. Cephalad of this are, (1) the simple layer of endyma which underlies (2) the epiphysis, (3) the supracommissure connecting the habenz (Fig. 59-60), and (4) a layer of flattened cells passing ceph- alo-ventrad from the supracommissure and reflected over the diaplexus. This order agrees with that now usually accepted and not with that mentioned by Edinger (10, p. 37) in which he places the connection of the epiphysis with the roof cephalad of the supracommissure. The epiphysis is insignificant (see p. 285). The supracom- missure (Fig. 52) is traversed by processes of the endymal cells covering it. Plexuses.—The supraplexus is seen on the dorsal surface of the brain (Fig. 4). It isa complicated coil of blood vessels connected with the blood supply of most of the cephalic part of the brain. Vessels lying in the intercerebral pia (Fig. 6, 7), and vessels extending between the cerebrum and thalami unite with it (Fig. 21), and from it are supplied the two plex- uses entering the brain at this point. Within its coils lies the paraphysis (Fig. 6, 52, 59), (see p. 286). The opening of the paraphysis indicates the division between two plexuses which are here named from the place at which they enter the cavities the auliplexus and the diaplexus, in preference to the terms of Burckhardt (6). He calls the same things in Ich- thyophis, superior, inferior and medius, making three divis- ions instead of two. Figure 6 shows these two plexuses from the meson. The dia- plexus extends sometimes to the cerebellum or even farther, or sometimes is found with its tip pressed close to the post- commissure. Its blood supply is from the caudal side of the opening of the paraphysis, while the auliplexus receives its supply from the cephalic side (Fig. 7). The latter at its en- 266 Susanna Phelps Gage trance to the aula dips ventrad, separating the porte (Fig. 17), and gives off from its dorsal part the two paraplexuses (Fig. 42) which extend even into the rhinocceles. Dorsad of the callosum it is constricted but continues caudad into the diaccele (Fig 22) where it becomes much expanded and falls into the infundibulum. Mesencephal.—There is no marked stricture between the mesoccele and the diaccele though the postcommissure and the origin of the 3d nerve may be considered as Se eat determining the division. Ventrad of the postcommissure are seen cells differing in character from any others of the endyma, having a wide clear margin, and together forming in section, a lunular mass on either side (Fig. 59, 60, 9, 10). From these cells fibers appear to take origin which become incorporated in the postcom- missure. Sections prepared by the silver method were de- fective in this region and hence proof of the connection of the fibers with the cells is not positive. In lamprey (Fig. r1o), similar cells are found but the masses are farther separated by the postcommissure. To the cells similar in appearance, but underlying the habenz, Edinger (10, p. 20) ascribes asecretory function, while Rabl-Riickhard (41) homologizes such cells in some amphibia, reptiles and birds with the torus longitudinalis of bony fishes (see Fig. 100). In section, the mesencephal is oval with such a slight depression on the dorsimeson (Fig. 25) as hardly to justify call- ing it a sulcus, as does Burckhardt (see p. 261), and except for uniformity the term geminums does not seem applicable. The cavity is oval except at its caudal part (Fig. 26) where it be- comes a mere slit. There is no special lateral expansion at either cephalic or caudal part, and hence no indication, in the adult of lateral recesses. The dorsal union of the geminums is wide, the cinerea occupying the ventral half, with more scattered cells in the alba of the more dorsal portion. These cells extend to the extreme dorsal limit, but only upon a mesal plane (Fig. 25, 26), (see p. 293). From these cells the cinerea extends on either side in three somewhat illy de- fined concentric layers (Fig. 24-26) as Nakagawa (35) de- The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 267 scribes in Spelerpes, not in the clearly separated layers of cinerea found in the frog (Osborn). Lepencephal.—Projecting far cephalad under the mesencephal is seen the cerebellum, with bands of white matter crossing the meson (Fig. 6, 26, 36, 37). The origin of the 4th nerve at this point is the only indication of a valvula. Laterally the cere- bellum is larger than on the meson (Fig. 26) and projects into lateral recesses which are continuous with the metaccele. The origin of the 5th nerve from the floor of the recess indicates that its more cephalic portion at least may be counted as belonging to the epencephalic segment and perhaps it rep- resents the lateral recess (parepiccele) of the epencephal of higher forms. Metencephal.—All of the nerve roots belonging to this seg- ment from the 6th to the 12th, were found and their ectal origin is indicated on figure 5. For a further consideration see p. 273. The metaplexus forming the roof of the segment is large, and for convenience will be considered in two parts, as the appearance changes. The cephalic part is wide and has a mesal fold dipping into the metaccele. On either side of the fold is a series of pockets lined by endyma and connected with the metaccele (Fig. 27, 35). The pockets radiate from the mesal fold of this portion of the plexus. A blood vessel lies in the median fold, and connects with others between the pockets. The spongy portion of the plexus thus formed is bounded caudally by a spicule of bone which crosses the meson (Fig. 6, 28). Ventrad of the bone and in the region of the origin of the roth nerve, the dorsal walls of the meten- cephal become approximated and the plexus narrow and sim- ple (Fig. 28). This is a strong reminder of the fish-like con- dition where in a corresponding region the walls touch or act- ually unite across the meson (Fig. 93 of amia). The caudal portion of the metaplexus extending from this point again widens (Fig. 29), and retains its simple character. Just ceph- alad of the closure of the myel, the endyma and pia of the metaplexus are absent across the meson, thus forming a true metapore (see p. 279). 268 Susanna Phelps Gage Membranes.—The pia forms a complete investment for the brain, but does not in all places follow the outline closely, frequently lying nearer the dura than the brain (Fig. 16). Between the hemicerebrums the two folds unite to form a single membrane within which the blood vessels run (Fig. 19). The pia invests the hypophysis separating it from infundibulum (Fig. 6), and is continuous over the epiphysis (Fig. 22). The blood vessels in the pia are numerous, as are also the capil- laries penetrating the brain. The latter usually enter the brain and return by the same path (Fig. 51), thus forming a close loop, which extends deep into the alba, as at the cal- losum (Fig. 51). The capillaries extend to but not into the entocinerea, passing between cells of an incipient ectocinerea as in the olfactory lobes and the callosal eminence (Fig. 17). Plate III shows the number and extent of the loops accurately. Whenever the pia is separated from the brain, it is seen that upon the surface of the latter nuclei indicating cells occur at some little distance from one another, and that the surface is clothed with filaments extending toward the pia (Fig. 51). Stieda (47) found such filaments in the frog. Examination of sections stained by Golgi’s method, froin the mesencephal, where this condition is clearly defined, shows that cells lie at frequent intervals among the bases of these filaments (Fig. 61). The cells give off processes extending at least to the cinerea, while other cells scattered in the alba give off processes toward the endymal cells. In some sections the processes from two cells in these different situations unite or at least touch. In the larve (Fig. 62) similar filaments are seen bridging the space between the brain surface and the pia. The arachnoid is represented by connective tissue cells lin- ing the dura, and forming a spongework in the larger spaces existing between the dura and pia, notably in the triangular dorsal and ventral spaces existing between the pia of the two hemicerebrums (Fig. 6, 14) ; in the large spaces laterad of the mesencephal (Fig. 22), and in the region of the metapore (Fig. 29). The dura is a membrane, containing numerous large pig- ment cells (Fig. 52, 55), lining the cranial cavity ; sending The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 269 off an almost complete investment for the supraplexus (Fig. 51, 53), a somewhat partial one for the hypophysis (Fig. 50, 23); filling a large space (Fig. 28) caudad of the more spongy part of the metaplexus; surrounding the protrusion of the endolymphatic sacs into the cranial cavity (Fig. 8) ; following out the nerves from the cranial cavity (Fig. 4o, II) and sur- rounding their ganglia (Fig. 24, 39). The endolymphatic sacs (Fig. 8) unite by a tube with the ear, appearing as Norris (36) has shown in amblystoma. They extend cephalad each side of the mesencephal (Fig. 35-37, 23-27), with diverticulums passing caudad of the mesence- phal approaching each other over the metaplexus where the cavities of these sacs and of the brain are brought into very close contact (Fig. 37). In one specimen the sacs unite over the meson (Fig. 34) as they are said toin the frog. By injection methods Rex (43) has studied the grosser vascular supply of the brain of Zycton cristatus, and as far as the die- myctylus has been studied it agrees closely with his results. Lntermaxillary gland.—Cephalad of the brain, between the nostrils, with its tubules very close to the nasal epithelium is the intermaxillary gland with its duct opening into the mouth between the choane (Fig. 6, 35-40). Wiedersheim (49) at- tributes the discovery of this gland to Leydig, and gives a full account of it. In the urodeles it extends farther caudad than in the anura, but he shows nosuch close apposition to the brain as occurs in diemyctylus. Here the tubules ramify very close to the brain not being separated from it by a bony wall for some distance on either side of the meson. ‘The com- bined meninges in this situation are delicate. In fact its sepa- tion from the brain is only slightly more pronounced than that of the hypophysis. Its nervous supply is apparently from a branch of the 5th which crosses the olfactory nerve (Fig. 41). In young larvee the gland does not appear, but before the end of the gilled larval stage it is well developed. In the red forms it reaches its maximum development in correlation with the greatly exaggerated glandular growths in the skin. In this stage its greatest usefulness would be expected as the se- cretion in other species is said to aid in securing food by mak- 270 Susanna Phelps Gage ing the tongue viscid. In aquatic forms such a viscid secre- tion naturally would not seem of much use, at least the ap- pearance of the gland in the adult seems to justify this con- clusion for its tubules are more shrunken and its cells have less the appearance of activity. A further comparison of this gland in the different groups of amphibia seems desirable. BRAIN OF YOUNG LARV&. PL, I. VI, VII. The larve, the brains of which are figured, were about 1 cm. long—were only a few days from the egg, had lost the ‘‘balancers;’’ the eyes were large, the pectoral limbs formed; they were active and responded promptly to any jar of the water. Food was found in the stomach and a thoroughly in- dependent existence was established. The description of Plate I serves to compare the adult and larval brain as seen in frontal section. A comparison of fig- ures 4 and 64 shows the marked differences in external form. The olfactory lobes and cerebrum together are relatively short, and the cerebrum is overhung by the diencephal with the habene. ‘The united dien-and mesencephal form a more marked feature of the brain; the mesencephal still farther overlaps the metencephal ; large as the infundibular region is, it is almost enclosed by the cephalic extension of the lateral wings of the epencephal which project far laterad also (Fig. 64-65). In general the argreement of the larval diemyctylus with amphiuma as described by Kingsley (30) is very close. The cells composing the cinerea are much larger than in the adult, and in many places are distinctly arranged in rows radiating from the endyma (Pl. VII). This arrangement exists in the adult (Fig. 51) but does not show with low magnifica- tion. The alba of the larva is small in quantity relatively— being massed at the sides—with a small amount crossing the meson (Fig. 6, 67). Rhinencephal.—The olfactory lobes are less separated from the hemicerebrums than in the adult, though the caudal limit of the former may be determined by the position of the second olfactory nerve root which is present. Cinerea occupies a large portion of the lobes and the continuity of ectal with ental cinerea is extensive. The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 271 Prosencephal.—The cerebrum is markedly undeveloped, especially in the region of the callosal eminence (compare Fig. 35, 69; 36, 2; 37, 71; 16, 76). Owing to this the terma and hence the portee have their cephalic boundary at a level with the caudal portion of the olfactory lobes. The lack of development of the callosal eminence is correlated with the fact that barely a trace of the callosum is seen (Fig. 91), a few fibers appearing on each side and even fewer crossing the meson. The combined callosum and precommissure do not rise much from the general level of the floor of the cavity (Fig. 67). The precommissure is foreshadowed by the two small white areas crossing the meson, while the striatum (Fig. 16, 78) shows one lamina of cinerea instead of two as in the adult. Diencephal.—The chiasma and optic nerves are well de- veloped as would be expected from the condition of the eyes. The infundibulum is much compressed cephalo-caudad and no alba is developed in it (Fig. 81, 22). A saccus is not formed, and the hypophysis is minute (Fig. 82). The roof of the diencephal presents the same relations asin the adult, but the opening between the supra- and postcommissures into the epiphysis can be traced (Fig. 68). The ‘epiphysis is relatively larger than in the adult but its cavity is much depressed. The habene are relatively very large (Fig. 4, 64), they ex- tend far cephalad and partly overhang the paraphysis (Fig. 78, 91), and except for intervening pia they present a large area upon the meson (Fig. 67). Plexuses.--'The paraphysts is an almost straight tube with an enlarged end (Fig. 67, 78, 79), surrounded by a few cells and small vessels which constitute the rudimentary supraplex- us, and have the same relation to the other plexuses as in the adult (Fig. 66,67). The dia- and auliplexuses have the same relative position and extent as in the adult, but the endyma with which they are covered is undifferentiated from other endyma and the contained blood vessels are minute. The paraplexuses arising from the auliplexus are small (Fig. 78), and do not extend into the caudal part of the paracceles as in the adult (Fig. 21). 272 Susanna Phelps Gage Mesencephal.—This differs considerably from the adult. From the dorsal aspect (Fig. 64) a broad band of cinerea is visible, while in the adult only a very limited area at the cau- dal end is seen (Fig. 4). This is part of the ental cinerea which has not yet been covered by the growth of alba. The cavity also differs in form, since at the caudal end a very wide lateral expansion exists (Fig. 84) which later entirely disap- pears (Fig. 26). This early character resembles the post-optic expansion of the frog, reptiles and birds. The middle and cephalic portion of the cavity (Fig. 81- 83), shows a narrow extension to the roof. The extent of this narrow portion is shown by the more lightly shaded por- tion of the mesoccele in figure 67. The roof in this part con- sists of a single layer of endymal cells, but it is evident that the closely approximated sides are in process of union. This process is complete in the adult, a mere trace of the past his- tory being retained in the scattered cells which hold their place in the alba (Fig. 26). Lpencephal.—The cerebellum upon the meson is very small (Fig. 67) and shows only a trace of alba (Fig. 84), yet lat- erad it is larger (Fig. 83). The lateral recesses of the epiccele extend far cephalad. ‘The relations of the cavity and the 5th nerve shown in figure 82 seem to confirm the conclusion that this cavity with its lateral recesses must be assigned to this segment rather than to the metencephal, though the relations are more obscure in the adult. The lateral wing of cinerea seen (Fig. 25) in the adult apparently indicates the partial closure of the cephalic portion of the epiccele. Figures by Herrick (24) of the sturgeon’s brain in this region show clear- ly the relations which in amphibia are very obscure, and are confirmatory of the above conclusion. Metencephal.—From the dorsal side, this segment shows a broad band of cinerea (Fig. 64) upon either side of the plexus. This almost disappears in the adult (Fig. 4). The metaplexus is wholly undifferentiated being formed of a simple layer of cells not much different from the other endy- mal cells, and over it a few mesodermal cells which probably belong to the pia (Fig. 86-88). There is no indication of a metapore. The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 273 Membranes.—The pia is a very delicate membrane, in many places clinging closely tothe dura. Its relations are the same, as far as traced, as in the adult, it supplies comparatively very few blood vessels to the brain; a fewin the olfactory region (Fig. 75); in the region between the mesen- and epencephal (Fig. 82); and to the medulla (Fig. 85). Contrast the capil- laries of Plates III and IV with VII. The arachnoid is represented by a few connective tissue cells, and can be clearly seen only in the cephalic region in the triangular spaces between pia and dura (Fig. 75). The dura is thin, and in the dorsal part where the cartilage of the skull is not developed, lies in close contact with the epi- dermis. In this part a few pigment cells exist. The endolymphatic sacs are slightly developed and appear in only a few sections (Fig. 83, 84), they are closely applied to the lateral recesses of the epiccele but do not extend over the metaplexus. ‘The canal connects it with the ear more directly than in the adult. Nerves.—The methods, as stated, are not especially adapted to the study of nerve tracts, hence little beyond the external origin is mentioned. The relations in the larve are often clearer than in the adult. I. The olfactory nerve in both young and adult has two lateral roots; in the latter a whorl-like arrangement of cells is seen in the lobe and more proximal part of the roots, that is not present in the larva. The roots unite to form one trunk which divides, sending branches to surround the nasal epithelium and to Jacobson’s organ. These observations agree with Burckhardt (6) rather than with Kingsley (30), who found only one root in larval amphiuma. II. The optic nerve is similar in larva and adult; the central cells of the larva occupy a much larger proportion of the nerve. In both, at the exit from the brain there are no fibers on the dorsal side of the nerve (Fig. 20); the fibers twist dorsad and soon form a complete tubular investment for the cells. ‘The chiasma is well developed. III. As shown in figures 23, 44, 38, 81, this has the usual place of origin. Inthe larva the commissure across the meson is cut off from other alba by cinerea (Fig. 67). 274 Susanna Phelps Gage IV. Though small in the adult, this nerve is clearly seen (Fig. 26). Inthe larva a few cells (Fig. 84), probably indi- cate its rudiment, for in the next older stages it can be found. In the adult, the 3d and 4th nerves escape from the skull by separate foramens (Fig. 3). In the larva only one foramen through the cartilage is seen, and through this the 3d leaves the brain. Kingsley (30) did not find this nerve in larval am- phiuma. V. This has its origin at the usual place ventrad of the lateral recess of the epencephal (Fig. 39, 40, 25). Figure 44 shows fibers arising near the origin of the 3d, which extend to and unite with the fibers of the 5th. In the larva this nerve and the lateral recesses are far cephalad (Fig. 6, 82). VI. The origin of this nerve is caudad of the 8th and upon the ventral side (Fig. 63). It is very small even in the adult (Fig. 25), but can be traced latero-cephalad to its union with the gasserian ganglion. In the larva only a mere trace of it was distinguished (Fig. 85) at its origin. This nerve is in amphibia so small as to escape observation, or it is variable in position. Kingsley (30) says it is not found in larval am- phiuma; Reissner (42) shows it in the frog; Ecker (9, p. 149) figures it at the level of the 1oth in the frog ; Fischer (13) in siredon near the 7th; Osborn omits it entirely from some of his figures. VII, VIII. In the adult these two nerves are very closely connected, as are their ganglia. The 8th, however can be said to be cephalo-ventrad of the 7th at its origin (Fig. 3-5), and comprises fibers only (Fig. 26), some of which cross the meson. The 7th at its origin has a great dorso-ventral extent, the more dorsal part extends from the sulcus (p. 291) (Rautenlippe of His), existing between the solid and mem- branous portion of the metencephal, and is cellular in character. The more ventral part consists of fibers (Fig. 8). There is no space between the fibers of the 7th and 8th, which pass into the united ganglion. In the larva the origin of the 7th and 8th are quite separate; the cellular portion of the 7th is continuous with the cinerea about the sulcus on the one hand and’ the ganglion on the other; while the The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 275 ganglia of the 7th and 8th are distinct (Fig. 83, 84, 92), the latter being more ventrad. In the adult, from the 7th a branch extends to the gasserian ganglion (Fig. 3, 4), and from the united ganglion a branch, said to be a part of the 7th, extends through the cephalic part of the ear, and branches are distributed to the sensory epithelium of the ear (Fig. 40). The observations recorded seem to agree with Ayers’ studies (2). Strong (48) says that in amblystoma a branch of the 7th which innervates the lateral line, disappears when the animal adopts a terrestrial life. In diemyctylus, with the return to aquatic life, in the adult male, pockets are formed at the side of the head (Fig. qo, II) which receive branches of the 7th. There has not been time to study the changes of the nerve in- volved, but it is possible that here is a fruitful line of work upon the post-embryonic changes in a nerve. Gasserian ganglion. In the adult two branches of the 5th and a branch of the 7th can be traced into and through this ganglion which lies within the skull and close to the endolym- phatic sac (Fig. 3, 23, 39). In the larva the ganglion is deeply lobed (Fig. 63), the two cephalic portions are connected with branches of the 5th, the more caudal with the branch of the 7th. IX, X, XI, XII. (Fig. 5, 65). The ectal origins of these nerves form a series each arising at a more ventral level than the preceding. The gth is associated with a sulcus at the dorsal edge of the medulla, and the roth with a more ventrally placed extension of cells, which according to His (26) would represent another sulcus which has been obscured by growth. This is clearly seen in the larva (Fig. 86). In the adult the 11th is Seen to be an offshoot from a deep-lying bundle of fibers arising in ‘the myel, part of which pass to the 11th and part extend further cephalad as the solitary bundle (Fig. 43). The origin of the r2this far ventrad (Fig. 88). In the larva is an indication of a dorsal root (x in Fig. 65), such as is mentioned by Kingsley in amphiuma (30) and Froriep (14) in an embryo ruminant. 276 Susanna Phelps Gage THE BRAIN IN EMBRYOS. The incubation of ova in the laboratory lasted about one month. Within seven days, the optic and otic vesicles are formed. At twelve days the eyes, lens and rudiment of a nasal pit are formed and the brain in reconstructed mesal view agrees well with a figure of a newt shown by Misses Johnson and Sheldon (29). The partition between the prosen- and diencephal is formed and from this extends the dorsal division between the hemicerebrums. At fifteen days a protuberance of the diencephal (epiphysis) is formed and the infundibular re- gion is partially constricted. No alba has appeared, the walls being purely cellular. A mesal view is similar to one by His (27) of Ambhystoma punctatum. At or near the time of hatching the eyes are large; the muscular development is ex- cellent and suited to the quick darting motions. The yolk sac is large and the mouth not yet perforated. Balancers exist and the nasal pit is formed. The cephalic curvature still re- mains so that a transection in the cephalic region still shows the structures found in frontal sections of older forms. The united cerebrum and olfactory lobes are short, extend ventrad from the diencephal, which with the mesencephal forms the most cephalic and the most prominent portion of the brain. In the wall between the hemicerebrums, is the rudiment of the paraphysis (Fig. 73) and into the diaccele projects a rudiment of the diaplexus. In figure 74 the aula is seen to reach nearly to the tip of the rhinencephal. ‘The mesoccele is a wide cavity, the lateral recesses of the epiccele are formed, and the lateral masses of alba are considerable, while, except in the medulla, little alba is seen on the meson. Within two days after hatching the cranial flexure has nearly disappeared. BRAIN OF OLDER LARVA AND OF RED FORMS. Before the end of aquatic larval life the general longitudi- nal proportions of the adult brain are attained, but the parts are more depressed dorso-ventrally while the cavities are large. This appearance increases until the middle red stage and corresponds with the general appearance of loose struc- The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 297 ture and growing spaces of this period. With continued growth the structures become more compact. The growth of the mesal walls of the cerebrum is slow, the cells and alba forming the callosal eminence being gradu- ally added until, before the adult stage is reached, it is fully formed. The callosum and precommissure continue’to be sep- arated by cinerea up to adult life, and even in some small adults the condition persists. The compressed form of the infundibulum is lost by the middle red stage. The saccus is sometimes quite convoluted by the end of terrestrial life but this is apparently a variable condition. The hypophysis in the late red forms shows the tubules widely open, but the large relative size of the organ is not attained until adult life, though in the latter the tub- ules again are more compressed. The original close approxi- mation of the zotochord to the hypophysis (Fig. 67) is lost by the middle red stage. The paraphysis is nearly as convo- luted in the small red forms as in the adult owing to the ex- tensive development of blood vessels in the supraplexus which takes place at this stage. By the end of aquatic larval life the roof of the mecencephal has coalesced, the broad dorsal band of cinerea remains through this stage, and fully grown red forms show a line of cinerea on the dorsal side where the union took place. (See p- 293). In the middle red stage the layers of cinerea are forming while in late red forms the layers are more clearly separated than in the adult—especially is the endyma separate from the next cellular layer. Traces of the caudal expansion of the mesoccele remain until late red stages (Fig. 8). The cerebellum is as large proportionally by the middle red stage as in the adult, and at that time the extreme latero- cephalic projection of the lateral recesses of the epiccele has disappeared. The metaplexus shows a median fold in a 16 mm. larva while a mere trace of the metapore has appeared and consists in the abrogation of a few cells of endyma (Fig. 57). In the large aquatic larvee the metapore has not increased in size but the metaplexus is as complex as in the adult. By the middle 278 Susanna Phelps Gage red stage the metapore is larger and by the end of terrestrial life the condition is practically the same as in the adult. The pia and arachnoid are more clearly defined in the red stages than in others, as owing to the more rapid growth of the skull, the brain does not fill the cavity, and appears hung in sheets of pia and supported by a spongework of arachnoid. In early stages the dura has only a few pigment cells where it is in contact with the epidermis on the dorsal side, these in- crease gradually ventrad but even in the large red forms where the pigment is scattered throughout the dura, it is small in amount and of a browncolor. The great increase of pigment in the dura seems to be associated with large size in the adult, and in one very marked case, with a shrunken condition of the brain. The endolymphatic sacs in the larval forms are small, in the red forms the relations of the parts are clearer than in the adult (Fig. 8) because the sacs apparently are not so convo- luted. Between the brains of the adult male and female there ap- pears to be no difference other than occurs between individuals of the same sex. SUMMARY. From the above detailed description it is seen that the brain of Diemyctylus resembles, in its embryonic, young larval and adult stages, the brain in corresponding stages of other Uro- deles ; and that there are no marked changes in the mor- phology of the brain corresponding to the crises of develop- ment and change in structure and function of the animal. After the earliest stages of larval life, the parts of the brain develop gradually, one after the other acquiring its mature form, at periods which have no exact relation to those crises. There is, however, a marked general growth at about the time of final transformation so that the brain much more nearly fills the skull than in the late red forms. The grosser morphological plan was laid out before hatch- ing, the details are added by gradual growth. It is possible that in the finer structure of nerve cells, in the path of nerve The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 279 tracts, and their exact processes of growth, determined by finer methods, a more complete correlation of brain structure with these crises may be found. PART II. PLATE VIII. COMPARISONS WITH AMIA AND LAMPREY. MATERIAL, The brain in the skull of Ama calva was prepared, sectioned and drawn by methods described for diemyctylus. Twelve series of larval Petromyzon* were cut, some after hardening in picric alcohol, but the more successful preparations were hardened in mercuric chlorid. The sections made agree in most particulars with the fig- ures of Ahlborn (1) of lamprey and Goronowitsch (21) of the amia. The drawings presented add certain details, show somewhat different structure or are necessary to illustrate the comparisons heremade. ‘The reconstructed mesal views show certain features not before noted. A detailed account of the figures is given in the explanation of Plate VIII, hence a consideration of special points will be at once entered upon. METAPORE. Wilder (54) has demonstrated that in the adult man and certain apes, in the caudal region of the metaplexus, there is a lack of continuity in the endyma and pia, thus placing the cavities of the brain in communication with subarachnoid spaces. In lower forms such an opening has been considered, from an embryological standpoint, as highly improbable, no such break being found in early stages. In the amia (Fig. 93) a pocket of endyma extends caudad from the metaplexus *It is impossible to state whether these were larve of Petromyzon marinus or of Ammocztes (Petromyzon) branchialis, since both lay their eggs in the same streams and even the same nests, aS shown in an article by S. H. Gage in this volume. 280 Susanna Phelps Gage over the cephalic end of the myel. In transection it hasa considerable lateral extent. ‘The lamprey may be considered to have a very small sac in a corresponding position (Fig. 111) as, just cephalad of the closure of the myel, the walls ap- proximate closely, the endyma being in contact except at the dorsal limit where it swells out into a minute sac. In neither lamprey nor amia was any lack of continuity in the endyma seen. Rex (43) in this region of the elasmobranchs shows that the vessels leave a little space at this point, though all around they form a close meshwork, and Burckhardt (8) shows a sac similar to amia in protopterus. In diemyctylus such a pocket was not found nor, in the earliest stages, any lack of continuity of the endyma. Ina half grown aquatic larva the last section before the closure of the myel shows that the endyma of the plexus is not complete and the pia does not cross the meson, though in the section on either side these conditions do not exist. This same condi- tion was found in various series up to a full sized red form. In a large red form and all the adults examined which were perfect in this region the opening was inuch more pronounced, and was observed in sections cut in different planes (Fig. 54- 56). Here the pia with its vessels extends toward the open- ing but not across it, and the endyma is recurved at the lateral and caudal margins, but suddenly ceases, leaving a free com- munication of the cavity with a subarachnoid space. It may be objected that the cells lining the pigmented dura are en- dymal cells, but they do not have the size nor appearance of endymal cells and furthermore form a continuous layer lining the dura in its whole circumference and are united by con- nective-tissue like cells with the pia at frequent intervals as in figure 55, av. The recurved endyma may represent the remnant of a stage like the amia. After the most careful study of the sections, which show no indication of tearing, delicate connective tissue cells and pro- cesses retaining their position, the conclusion is unavoidable that a true metapore exists in the adult diemyctylus, and that its beginning or initial form arises in the larva. The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 281 INFUNDIBULUM. Since the investigations of Miiller in 1871, not much of fun- damental importance has been added to the knowledge of this region. It is thought desirable here to compare the extreme variation in position of homolgous parts and to contrast the simple and complex character of the region in different forms. It seems that to give these parts collectively the name of a lobe as has been done is misleading, but that the term, infun- dibulum, long employed, may be used, apart from its strict etymological significance, with reference to the whole region and its appendages. In the amia a cephalic projection of the cavity is associated with the hypophysis (Fig. 93, 98) as is also the case with lamprey (Fig. 103). In diemyctylus the whole infundibulum extends caudad but the hypophysis is associated with the part next the chiasma (Fig. 6). In amia from the caudal part are four projections of the cavity (Fig. 93, 100); the two dorsal are symmetrical, and extend into the hypoaria; next a mesal cavity, short in ex- tent ; ventrad a longer extension, the saccus, with walls of different structure, apparently non nervous. In lamprey only one caudal process exists (Fig. 103, 108), while in diemycty- lus the relations are obscure. ‘There is a small lobular process which in position corresponds with the saccus but the mem- branous wall dorsad of it more nearly in structure resembles the saccus (Fig. 6, 50). CEREBRAL COMMISSURES. The variations in position of these commisures both with re- lation to the brain masses and to each other seem to present one of the most puzzling problems to be solved in comparative neu- rology. The work of Reissner (42) and especially of Osborn (38) in determining the existence and relations of the callosum in im-mammalia clearly showed these variations, the position of the callosum and precommissure in urodeles being much more like that in fishes than in anura. In the latter the con- ditions are not dissimilar to those shown by Marchand (31) as 282 Susanna Phelps Gage existing in the early human embryo, and also found in the lower mammals. ‘Transitional forms must be looked for be- tween the urodele and anurous conditions probably in em- bryonic forms. In the larval diemyctylus the position of these commissures (Fig. 6, 91) even more than in the adult (Fig. 6) differs from the frog in relation to the terma. In this and other urodeles and in fishes (Fig. 93) the commissures are at the caudal boundary of the large aula, the terma not rising directly from them as in higher forms to the dorsal part of the porte, but again dipping ventrad and curving around the large porte. This is a modification of the embryonic condition in which the aula extends, as the common cavity of the cerebrum, to the cephalic extremity of the brain. It is as though the pro- gress of the caudal development of the mesal walls of the cere- brum, carrying the terma with them, were arrested in the urodeles. Evidence of such a history is found in the larva and the adult in the cinerea which reaches the mesal surface, cephalad of the terma. In the young larva this consists (Fig. 67, 76) of a single layer of endyma, which before the end of larval life becomes several layered and in the adult through a large part of its extent is a mass Of scattered cells (Fig. 6, 15) reaching to the mesal surface. In fishes the lateral and ventral curvature of the walls of the cerebrum (p. 295) introduces another element of differ- ence. In amia no commissure was found cephalad of the compound one (cm. Fig. 93, 97) representing the callosum and precommisure. Herrick (22, 24), however, in certain teleosts and possibly in lepidosteus has found such a cephalic commissure which he believes to be the callosum. Ahlborn (1) shows a commissure which connects the olfactory lobes directly, the precommissure (Fig. 103, 104). In the present study of the lamprey brain, another band of alba in a position easily overlooked, as it lies ventrad of a deep projection, was found (Fig. 103, 105, o.). This is more comparable in posi- tion with the commissures of amia and diemyctylus than is the precommissure, but it connects parts which seem homo- logous with the striatums rather than with the callosal emi- The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 283 nence. With regard to the position of these commissures ; the lamprey brain is in closer relationship with the anurous than the urodele or fish type of brain, though, as was sug- gested by Wilder (52) from other considerations, the brain of lamprey is much like that of urodeles. It is hoped that the facts now known with regard to these commissures may be brought into harmony by further embryological study. CRISTA. In diemyctylus an object which, in comparison to the size of the brain, is large, projects on the meson, freely into the cavity of the aula, as shown both in transections and in frontal sections. In the section cephalad of the porte (Fig. 16), it is seen that the endyma is reflected over a rounded surface, the crista, to form the last remnant of the partition be- tween the hemicerebrums. In frontal sections its base (Fig. 45) joins the floor of the aula, but then projects into the aula and toward the cerebral commissures. It contains white fibers, apparently non-nervous, with a herring-bone arrangement on either side of a loop of pia which extends far into it (Fig. 46). Its dorsal side (Fig. 47) showing endymal cells in face view, retreats to the general level of the terma, except that a slight ridge extends dorsad from it (Fig. 37), and this ridge (Fig. 36) is the point from which the endyma is reflected to form the auliplexus and (Fig. 35) the mesal walls of the cerebrum. In the larva (Fig. 71, 72) a trace of this structure is visi- ble. Here, owing to the large aula, it is relatively farther cephalad. In the twelve-day embryos it is far cephalad, be- ing the first indication of the restriction of the aula. In later embryos it still is far cephalad (Fig. 73, 74). In all these cases this projection bears the same relation to the rudi- mentary mesal walls of the cerebrum as in the adult, though, in the embryos, the auliplexus is not yet developed. Hence, morphologically it is the dorsal limit of the terma, a kind of fixed point beyond which the olfactory lobes and the cere- brum project in their growth and from which the auliplexus is reflected. In the amia a structure which agrees in position with the 284 Susanna Phelps Gage above is seen to rise between the hemicerebrums (Fig. 95, 96), and is the ridge over which the endyma: is reflected to form the partition between the hemicerebrums, this partition being in reality a plexus in the aula—auliplexus. Caudad of the reflection of the auliplexus it projects as a ridge into the aula, gradually becoming lower, and contains fibers probably of connective tissue, which are directed toward a mesal blood vessel (Fig 96), extending into it as in diemyctylus. Rabl- Ruckhard shows a ridge in this situation in a bony fish (40). No such structure was detected in the lamprey. The discussion of this apparently insignificant part of the brain has been introduced under the name crzsfa, since that term has been used by Wilder (53) to designate a small, rounded body, seen from the aula resting upon the fornix and dorsad of the precommissure, in the adult cat and sheep and human embryos. At his suggestion, sections of this region in the cat have been made. Figures 48, 49, are through the columns of the fornix. The only noticeable fea- ture in the structure is the fact that it contains rows of cells which are arranged at right angles to those of the fornix and that pia is found between the columns of the fornix extending almost to the crista. If, as in the fornix and other situations, these rows of cells indicate arrangement of fibers, it is not improbable that fibers may be present here which represent those seen in diemyctylus. The pia is cut off from actual entrance into the crista by the close union of the fornicolumns, but the appearance is very suggestive of that in diemyctylus, though there is no complete likeness of structure. In position it seems comparable to that body in diemyctylus, as it lies in the primitive terma which is dis- guised by the growth of the callosum and fornix, between the porte, near the point where the auliplexus is reflected, and in the same morphological relation to the precommissure ; hence the term crista is used to designate the part in diemyc- tylus and amia, and if found in other forms will be a valuable landmark in determining the relations of aula and commissures. The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 285 EPIPHYSIS AND PARAPHYSIS. In the roof of the brain two outgrowths from the cavities have been found in embryos of all groups, the epiphysis arising from the diencephal between the supra- and postcom- missures, the paraphysis farther cephalad and variously said to belong to the prosen- and diencephal. From a morpholog- ical standpoint the importance of these organs has been con- sidered great, hence many special articles have been devoted tothem. The history and present state of knowledge con- cerning them has recently been discussed by Béraneck (5) and His (27). In brief, the epiphysis is said to develop variously in different groups, becoming the pineal or parietal eye of lizards and lamprey, the conarium of mammals, while in am- phibia it is very degenerate and was first discovered by Gotte (20). The fate of the paraphysis in the adult has been very uncertain. Observations of Hoffmann (28) are very suggestive with reference to the possible relation of the neuropore with the paraphysis. Epiphysis.—As seen in the figures the epiphysis of diemyc- tylus like that of other urodeles is insignificant. In embryos it is prominent, in the early larval stages a remnant of its connection with the brain remains (Fig. 68) occuring as usual between the supra- and postcommissures. In the adult this connection has disappeared and its cavity is nearly obliterated. Figure 58 shows a few lacunze in it and the fact that it is in a region of numerous blood vessels. From its caudal enda few fibers pass toward the roof of the mesencephal forming a pic- ture (Fig. 52) which resembles the condition in the frog as shown by Osborn (37). From the degenerate condition it would probably be impossible to determine whether these are nervous or connective tissue elements. In the amia as in other ganoids, the epiphysis lies to the left of the meson, owing to the greater development of the right habena (Fig. 97-99). In this specimen figured, which is nearly adult, the stalk can be traced to its union with the brain. This union is by a tortuous path owing to the crowd- ing of the habene. 286 Susanna Phelps Gage Since the researches of Ahlborn (1) showed the nature of the pineal eye or epiphysis in lamprey, it has been settled that its stalk retains its connection with the brain at least through larval life. This connection is very clear in the spec- imens studied (Fig. 103), but the nerve which Béraneck (5) claims to have found connecting the epiphysis to the mesen- encephal, was not seen. The pigment of the organ agrees with the condition said to belong to this stage of develop- ment by ‘Beard (4), that is, it is white by reflected light. He says that in both earlier and later stages black pigment is found. The white pigment extends from the floor of the epiphysis into the hollow stalk for some little distance (Fig. 104, 105) then the stalk becomes inconspicuous and passes be- tween the two habenz, to its union with the brain at the left of the middle, but on a morphological meson (Fig. 103, 109). Paraphysis.—In diemyctylus before hatching, a cross parti- tion divides the prosen- from the diencephal and from this is another dividing the prosencephal into right and left hemicere- brums. This T’ shaped partition so formed is permanent. Into the space where the two bars join is developed from the brain cavity the first trace of the paraphysis (Fig. 73). This, from the curvature of the brain, is a cephalic structure. When the flexure is lost the paraphysis retains its relative po- sition but becomes a dorsal structure (Fig. 67), the stem of the T is represented by the mesal walls of the hemicerebrums with intervening pia, the cross bar is the fold cephalad of the di- encephal in which the supraplexus and paraphysis occur. In the larva the tube has an enlarged bulbous end (Fig. 66) and is composed of a single layer of cubical epithelium. Around this tube are a few small vessels and scattered cells, the begin- nings of the supraplexus. Eycleshymer (12) identified and has given an excellent account of the paraphysis in amblys- toma up to this point of development, but in 14 mm. larve he says its proximal cavity is obliterated. This is not the case in diemyctylus, for in the adult the connection with the brain cavity still exists though it is constricted. The cavity continues to increase in size but by the beginning red stage it is convoluted by the growth of blood vessels which press The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 287 upon it, and in the adult it isa very irregular sac lying in the midst of the supraplexus (Fig. 51, 53, 59, 60). The open- ing is upon the meson at a point between the blood vessels supplying the dia- and auliplexuses. (See p. 265). This opening cannot be said to be into either diaccele or aula but rather, anomolous as it may seem, to mark the boundary be- tween the two, for the cells next it on the caudal side belong to the diencephal, on the cephalic side, tothe aula. As Eycles- hymer noted, the paraphysis is separated from the epiphysis for some distance, the precommissure, habenz and a stretch of endyma and a plexus intervening between their openings (Fig. 6, 52). The dorsal sac of fishes is a well known structure, it is large and conspicuous, and the pallium, the membranous roof of the prosencephal, is beneath, and united with it. In the amia the pallium (Fig. 93) is a membrane overlying which are great numbers of blood vessels, with branches into the intercerebral plexus (auliplexus) and the intercerebral pia in a way perfectly comparable to the arrangement of vessels from the supraplexus of diemyctylus (p. 265). Partly thrust into this mass of blood vessles and convoluted by them—partly overlying them, is the dorsal sac, which-as seen from the meson has a narrow connection with the cavity (Fig. 93, fav.), but in transection has a wide orifice (Fig. 98). It is a pocket or sac of endyma reflected from the supracommissure with a diver- ticulum extending caudad over the supracommissure and habene (Fig. 99). The stalk of the epiphysis arising as it does caudad of the supracommissure is thus brought into con- tact with the dorsal sac and continues cephalad upon it or partly enclosed in it (Fig. 98) and from this arrangement the term second vesicle of the Epiphysis has been applied (Zzrbel- polster of German writers). As in amia and lamprey there is no partition dipping ven- trad, between the prosen- and diencephal in which the para- physis may be sought, the essential relations of the above parts must be considered. The pallium with regard to its vessels is comparable to the supraplexus, and its endyma to the mem- brane from which the paraphysis rises in the diemyctylus, (see 288 Susanna Phelps Gage p. 293 and compare Fig. 93, 6). The caudal diverticulum of the sac many be compared to the thin layer in diemyctylus forming the cephalic boundary of the diencephal (Fig. 6, 68, 52) then the remainder of the sac meets the requirements of homology with the paraphysis of amphibia,—a thin walled diverticulum from the caudal part of the pallium, partly surrounded by bloodvessels and having the same rela- tion to supracommissure and habene. Balfour and Parker (3, p. 377) described in lepidosteus a large sac which they say is homologous with Stannius’ sac in the sturgeon; a similar one was described by Wiedersheim in protopterus. Goronowitsch (21) has made the relations of this sac very clear in the ganoid, and Burckhardt (8) in the dipnoan brain. The conclusion with regard to the homology of this sac, above deduced in the amia, is confirmed by the figures and description of the former, while from Burckhardt’s results it may be concluded that the dipnoan brain agrees even more closely in this respect with the amphibian. He shows a dorsal sac divided into a part which is cephalad of the supracommissure, and may be compared with the caudal diverticulum in amia (Fig. 99), and the layer of epithelium cephalad of the diencephal in diemyctylus (Fig. 68); and a so-called conarium separated from the above by a velum, His conarium, the Adergeflectknoten of other Ger- man authors—the supraplexus—is a large sac with blood ves- sels aroundit. The velum, though small, exactly corresponds in position with the diaplexus of diemyctylus, while from its cephalic border are given off the paraplexuses. Whether a true auliplexus exists cannot be determined from his figures, but in its essential relations his conarium seems to be the paraphysis of amphibia. This second vesicle of the epiphysis as it is some- times called, is a marked feature of the lamprey’s brain, as of the reptile’s. Ahlborn (1) shows it in lamprey lying ventrad of the epiphysis or pineal eye. He considers that the cavity of the epiphysis opens into the cavity of the second vesicle ; that the left habena which extends as a white band far beyond the right to the second vesicle, forms the nervous The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 289 connection of the pineal eye with the brain. He says (p. 282) that some of his sections seem to indicate that an opening exists between the second vesicle and the brain cavity. Gas- kell (19, p. 433) considers that the left habena serves as the nerve for this sac and the right as a nerve for the epiphysis. From the present investigation no indication of the opening of the cavity of the epiphysis into the sac lying ventrad of it is found, in fact the two are separated by a connective tissue cushion and a blood vessel (Fig. 104, 105). Nor is there in- dication that the habenze serve as nerves for either the epi- physis or this sac, though there may be a correlation of their unequal size with the comparatively developed condition of the epiphysis. The left habena (Fig. 105) extends under the epiphysis. At the right is seen a small cavity opening into the general cavity. This is the second vesicle and probably the opening which Alhborn considered as possible. Figure 104 shows a more cephalic section in which the tip of the left habena, covered by endyma, extends into the same cavity but maintains its lateral position with regard toit. The re- construction of the cavity is shown in figure 103, where it is represented upon the meson though its opening is not exactly at the middle of the section. This is because an organ, the left habena, which is admitted to be morphologi- cally a lateral organ, has, from unequal growth, assumed a mesal position and pushed aside a small mesal structure. From the relation of this second vesicle to the habena, and the supracommissure, from its morphologically mesal position, and its relation to a blood vessel dorsad of it, I conclude that it is the paraphysis, even though no plexuses in the brain serve further to determine itsidentity. This is in consonance with the statement of Scott (46) that in the earlier stages of petro- myzon, the two dorsal vesicles are soon pushed to the left of the meson ; and of Goronowitsch (21) that in Actpenser ruth- enus the habenz and dorsal sac are asymmetrical. In the adult of mammals the remains of the second and more cephalic of the two mesal outgrowths observed in the embryo has not been identified. The caudal is the cona- rium. In man and very markedly in the sheep, as shown by 290 Susanna Phelps Gage Wilder (55, Fig. 4711, 57, Fig. 25) there is a mesal pocket of endyma which is reflected from the supracommissure over the cephalic aspect of the conarium. Cephalad it is contin- uous with the endyma covering the plexuses which lie in the elongated interval between this point and the porta. Whether this sac with its cephalic extension to the porta, and its intimate relation to the large vessels and plexuses which lie dorsad of it can be identified with the paraphysis of amphibia is not known but certainly a strong resemblance to the facts in diemyctylus can be seen. As the roof of the cavities in this region is a mere membrane it does not seem improbable that a structure, in lower forms closer to the porte, might be drawn, with the great vessels with which it is associated, to a distant point by the growth of the callosum, around the caudal end of which those great vessels effect their entrance to the brain plexuses. Burckhardt (7, p. 398) suggests that the caudal border of the supraplexus rather than the supracommissure be considered as the boundary between the prosen-and diencephal. From the preceding studies it would appear that the opening of the paraphysis would be a more exact demarcation in the groups in which it has been identified especially if the form found in amphibia be considered from its exact definiteness, the typical condition. The embryonic form (Fig. 73) with the open- ing of the paraphysis in a partition between the two segments would be the point of departure, on the one hand, toward those forms in which the segments are not divided by a parti- tion and which have no plexuses, on the other toward those in which the plexuses are well developed and the segments distinct. In fishes this would be a convenient landmark, as in am- phibia. In lamprey the part in which the left habena lies must be conceded to belong to the diencephal hence the ex- treme cephalic position ot the part here called paraphysis need not be a bar to considering its opening as the dorsal limit be- tween the prosen-and diencephal. Among the mammals, should the inference made above as to the paraphysis be cor- rect, the case is more difficult because much, or perhaps all of The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 291 the long plexus between the porte and conarium would be- long to the prosencephal. The relations of the plexuses in man as shown by Wilder (55, Figs. 4743, 4711) are very dif- ferent from those found in amphibia, unless some new light shall be thrown upon them by the study of sections by the microscope. Upon such a study must depend the determina- tion of the homologies of the plexuses and consequently the dorsal limit between the segments. The cells of the paraphysis of diemyctylus are cubical and not flattened as over the plexuses. Jeffries Wyman (59) ac- curately described and figured cells in the frog, which were taken from the midst of the vascular mass (supraplexus) and surmised that they were part of the brain wall proper. This is the earliest reference which I have found to this structure (the paraphysis) but it has been overlooked in the extensive bibliographies upon the epiphysis and paraphysis in which the discovery has been assigned to much later investigators. The original use of this organ has’been by some considered as an eye (19) by others (45) as an auditory organ. Another surmise may be ventured. From its origin in the embryo be- fore the plexuses are formed, in a region, which by later growth as shown by its extensive vascular supply, has need of a means of repairing waste; from the character of the one layered endyma in the amphibia, it is suggested that it is con- nected, at least in early stages, with the nourishment of the brain. SULCI. In the mentencephal of human embryos, His (26) has very carefully worked out the relation of the origin of nerve roots to certain folds in the brain wall which become the center of cell proliferation. These arise at a margin between the solid and membranous portion of the wall (see Fig. 86, 92, which show such folds at the origin of the 9th and 7th nerves), and may be gradually overgrown by a new fold; thus pushed together, they may coalesce and apparently disappear as true folds. (See wing of cinerea with which the roth is connected in Fig. 86). These folds he calls Rautenlippen. The relation of such folds with nerve roots is clearly shown by Goronowitsch (21) in 292 Susanna Phelps Gage acipenser and amia. In figure 93 is a representation of the position and length of these folds as seen from the meson. It is proposed to call these depressions, szdcz, in analogy with the term sulcus of Monro which is considered as a feature of great morphological significance, and to differentiate these endymal depressions from the fissures of the ectal surface. To a ridge between two sulci the term Jophius, Gr. do¢gos, ridge, is proposed. ‘‘ Rautenlippe’’ is ill adapted to English and French, while furrow and ridge are not capable of univer- sal application. In man, His has recognized that one sulcus, the sulcus of Monro, has a morphological significance, indicating the bound- ary in the cephalic region between the dorsal and ventral zones (34). In the present investigation it has become evi- dent that not only this and those of the metencephal but also other sulci in the cephalic parts of the brain may be looked upon as occurring at definite places with definite relations in the three forms studied. In the region of the metencephal the sulci are most clearly defined. In the larval diemyctylus the mesen-and diencephal show sulci clearly. Inthe adult some of these have become nearly obliterated on the endymal surface but can be clearly seen in section by the bulging of the cine- rea (p. 275). In lamprey the endymal surface is not much thrown into folds and the cinerea is not clearly defined as in the diemyctylus, but from definite points the cinerea is seen to be continuous with the endyma, the cells, so to speak, streaming off in definite channels. In the amia the sulci ap- pear, but the indefinite arrangement of the cells does not as yet help in the solution of the question. It is hoped soon to make a comparative study of these sulci in different forms and to bring them into correlation, but cer- tain of them are now definite enough to be used in the follow- ing discussion. MESENCEPHAL,. The lobes of the mesencephal in the urodeles unite by a broad band and form a slight depression, at least in diemycty- lus, upon the dorsimeson (Fig. 24). In fishes, reptiles, etc., The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 293 the parts unite and a distinct commissural band is present while there is a great depression on the dorsimeson separat- ing the parts into two lateral lobes (geminums Fig. 100). In larval diemyctylus, though the walls approximate each other, they unite across the meson merely by a layer of endymal cells (Fig. 81). In the lamprey the solid parietes show a bend, or sulcus, similar to that of the amia but the flexure is not as great, nor do the parts unite across the meson except by a wide membrane (Fig. 108). The membrane is plexiform with a mesal fold, while at the union of the membrane with the solid wall the endyma is reflected over a ridge or lophius comparable to those of the metencephal. These different forms arise from a common embryonic one where the walls are thin and uniform. This recapitulation and comparison of figures is introduced to recall the fact, that in parts which are homologized without hesitation, the mere condition of a more or less upright posi- tion and the closer or more remote union by a well organized commissural band or a mere membrane are not considered bars to such homologizing. PALLIUM. Since Rabl-Rtickhard’s (40) memorable work on the brain of fishes, the pallium has been known as a membrane which represents and takes the place morphologically of the dorsal and mesal walls of the cerebrum of other groups. about 60. Shows the rela- tion of the two roots to the olfactory nerve, a branch of the 5th cross- ing it on its way to the intermaxillary gland; the relation of pia to the nerve roots ; the continuity of ectal and ental cinerea from the tip of the rhinoccele ; the scattered cells of the callosal eminence. The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 309 Fic. 42. An enlargement of the next dorsal section from Fig. 36. x 60, The ventral curve of the callosum between the two pillars is sup- plied from a section from another series which was thicker. Shows the relation of the intercerebral pia; the vessels of the auli- and paraplexuses ; the portze and Ammon’s horn; two layers of cinerea in the thalamus. Fic. 43. An enlargement of Fig. 37. X about 32. The nerve tract is a composite from two sections and shows a bundle from the myel giving off a few fibers to the 11th nerve, the rest continuing cephalad as the ascending solitary bundle. The relations of the 7th and gth to the pia are shown. Fic. 44. An enlargement of Fig. 39. XX 32. Shows the origin of the 3d nerve and of fibers from the same region which unite with the 5th nerve, also the commissure of the 3d. FIG. 45, 46, 47. Frontal sections through the ventral, middle and dor- sal parts of the crista, show the fibres and loop of vessels which it con- tains. X 125. Near the level of figure 38. Fic. 48, 49. Frontal sections through the crista and part of the fornix of the cat. 49, is through the larger portion of it, and 48 through the more ventral part which continues as a slight ridge from it. The direc- tion of rows of cells is indicated by dots. A blood vessel penetrates nearly to the crista. X 6. Fic. 50. A frontal section more ventral than Fig. 4o, through the infundibulum, saccus and portion of the hypophysis to show the membranes. PLATE V. FIG. 51. Transection of the brain of an adult, male diemyctylus, 5.3 cm. long, stained in carmine. X 125. Near the level of 18, Fig. 6. Shows the callosum and two parts of the precommissure separated by cells; at /, fibers cut transversely which may represent a fornix as they can be traced cephalad of the portae; the paraphysis cephalad of its opening into the cavities ; loops of capillaries penetrating even so far as the callosum ; and processes from the brain substance toward the pia. Fic. 52. A nearly median, sagittal section, of the roof of the dien- cephal of an adult, female diemyctylus, 1o cm. long. X 125. Shows the paraphysis; the epiphysis with a few fibers from its caudal end ; the supracommissure with processes from the endymal cells extend- ing into it; and the transition of these cells, to those of the diaplexus. Fic. 53. An enlargement of the paraphysis and its union with the cavity as seen in Fig. 21. X 125. Shows the pigmented dura, the vessels of the supraplexus, and the endyma of the pallium. Fic. 54. A frontal section of a large (7 cm. long) red form. X 120. From the dorsal part of the metaplexus to show the lack of continuity in endymal cells at its caudal end (cf Fig. 55). Fic. 55. Part of atransection from an adult female, 7. 7 cm. long, corresponding in level with 30 Fig. 6, to showthe metapore. X 120, The endyma is recurved and covered by a granular matter at the opening. The pia with vessels ceases, the dura is lined throughout by arachnoid cells. (cf. Fig. 30). Fic. 56 A more caudal part of the same section as Fig. 52 to show the metapore near the meson. X 120. 310 Susanna Phelps Gage Fic. 57. Transection of the medulla of a larval diemyctylus, 16 mm. long, near the level of 88 Fig. 67. XX 27. Two or three cells from the endyma are lacking at the metapore (cf. Fig. 55). Fic. 58-60. Parts of frontal sections from the same series as Fig. 35. See 60 Fig. 6. X 125. Fig. 58 shows the epiphysis cephalad of which is the cinerea of the habenz, and caudad are blood vessels. Fig. 59 shows the paraphysis surrounded by vessels of the supraplexus, dura arach- noid and pia; the supracommissure connecting the habenz ; the post- commissure with fibers from the cells of the ‘‘torus.’’ Fig. 60 is ventrad of 59. Fic. 61. Part of a transection of the brain of an adult, female, die- myctylus 11.5 cm. long, from the dorsal part of the geminum (cf. Fig. 25), prepared by Golgi’s method. X 120. Shows the fine filaments x from the brain surface extending toward the pia; cells among the fila- ments with processes into the alba; processes connecting with endymal cells and cells scattered in the alba, and separating the cells of the cinerea in rows. These are a few selected fibers from the mass. In some cases fine processes apparently connect the ectal and ental set of fibers. Fic. 62. A part of a frontal section enlarged from x Fig. 69. X 500, Shows a blood vessel between the cerebrum and thalamus with fila- ments # extending to the vessel. PLATE VI. As in Plate II cinerea extending to the surface is shown by dots, upon cut edges, by cells; interrupted lines indicate extent of cavities. Fic. 63-65. Reconstructed views of the brain of a larval diemyctylus 10 mm. long (Fig. 12), and 2-3 days after hatching. X 56. Fic. 63. Ventral view (cf. Fig. 3), shows the great breadth of the brain in the region of the epencephal, completely hiding the mesence- phal; the small hypophysis; the deeply lobed gasserian ganglion, and the separation of the ganglia of the 7th, 8th, 9th, and roth nerves. The 6th is somewhat exaggerated in size, and a nerve is shown caudad of 12th, probably the Ist spinal. Fic. 64. Dorsal view (cf. Fig. 4) shows the short cerebrum overhung by the habenz ; the relatively large diencephal and mesencephal ; the extensive areas of cinerea; the cephalic projection of the epencephal with its membranous roof, ef; the caudal expansion of the mesoccele. Fic. 65. Lateral view (cf. Fig. 5). The origin of nerves is left white ; shows the comparatively ventral position of 5th and 8th, and the long axis of the porta extending cephalo-caudad with the paraphysis open- ing at the caudal margin. Fic. 66. Part of a sagittal section of the head near the meson of a larval diemyctylus, 12 mm. long. X 60. Shows the relation of the para- physis to the plexus and the commissures (cf. Fig 7); the small amount of tissue between the brain and the skin and mucosa. Fic. 67. Mesal view of same as Fig. 63. X 130. (cf. Fig. 6). Shows the large aula, the small cerebral commissures, ca/, poem ,; the unde- veloped supraplexus ; the paraphysis, pushed cephalad by the habene, the endymal character of the roof of the mesencephal with a more The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 311 lightly shaded portion of the geminum (gm.) which approaches the meson ; the small cerebellum ; the simple metaplexus ; and the ap- proximation of the hypophysis and notochord. The space between the medulla and pia may not be natural. The numbers refer to the cor- responding figures of other plates. Fic. 68. A more nearly mesal section of the same series as Fig. 66 to show the persistent opening of the epiphysis and its relation to the commissures. X 120. The habena is seen in face view. FIG. 69. Frontal section of the same series as Fig. 2 at the level shown in Fig. 67. Shows the two roots of the olfactory nerve; the undifferentiated form of the rhino- and paracceles; the caudal expan- sion of the mesoccele. Fic. 70. An enlargement of Fig. 69 to show the paraphysis and dia- plexus. X 120. Fic. 71. A section ventrad of Fig. 69. At ecthe mesal cells are at a more ventral level. Shows the cephalic extension of the aula. Fic. 72. An enlargement of the crista of Fig. 71. X 120. Fic. 73. A transection through the head of an embryo of 12 days, to show the cephalic flexure and the position of the paraphysis. x 4o. Fic. 74. A more caudal section than Fig. 73. Shows the crista, the cavities, and the small amount of alba. PLATE VII. Transections of the brain of a larval diemyctylus from which Fig. 63- 67 were reconstructed, at the level of the corresponding numbers of Fig. 67. X 65. Fic. 75. Through the olfactory nerves. Fic. 76. The section cephalad of the porte, shows the extent of the terma, (cf. the cinerea on the mesal view at this level, Fig. 67). Fic. 77. Shows the remnants of the double fold of terma, the more ventral of which is the crista. Fic. 78. Shows the porte, the plexuses, the cephalic part of the ha- bene, and the tube of the paraphysis. Fic. 79. A part of a section between Fig. 77, 78 to show the cephalic enlarged part of the paraphysis and its relation tothe membranes. The dura does not extend around it as in the adult. X I50. Fic. 80. Shows the dia- and auliplexuses and the sulcus opposite the latter which passes into the infundibulum. Fic. 81. Shows the close approximation of the geminumis at the dor- sal side and the infundibulum, composed of cinerea. Fic. 82. Shows the cephalic prolongations of the lateral recesses of the epiccele and the three parts of the gasserian ganglion. Fic. 83. Shows the cephalic parts of the cerebellum which do not unite at this level across the meson. Fic. 84. Shows the caudal expansion of the mesoccele, a trace of alba in the cerebellum and a few cells at the origin of the 4th nerve. 312 Susanna Phelps Gage Fic. 85. Shows the origin of the 6th nerve caudad of the 8th, and what is rare at this stage of growth, several capillaries entering the brain close together. Fic. 86. Through the roth nerve and ganglion and a part of the sul- cus from which the gth nerve passes off. Fic. 87. Shows the 11th nerve and y a bundle of fibers which can be traced for some distance in the medulla. Fic. 88. Shows the origin of the 12th nerve. Fic. 89. Shows the beginning of the myel and a nerve root. Fic. go. An enlargement of the dorsal part of Fig. 80. Shows the epiphysis and the dorsal enlargement of the diaccele ventrad of it. xX 150. Fic. 91. An enlarged section between Fig. 78 and 80, to show the supracommissure, the rudiment of the callosum, the opening of the paraphysis ventrad of the diaplexus. X 150. Fic. 92. An enlargement of the lateral part of Fig. 84, to show the origin of the 7th and 8th nerves, and part of their ganglia, the 7th is continuous at its dorsal part, with cells of cinerea which form a ‘‘ Rau- tenlippe’’ or sulcus. A blood vessel extends among the fibers of both the 7th and 8th. X IS5o. PLATE VIII. Mesal view of the brain of a small Amia calva, reconstructed from transections, of which Fig. 94-100 area few. X about 6%. Mesal views by Goronowitsch (21), of Acipenser ruthenus, by Herrick (24), and Wilder (50), of lepidosteus differ somewhat from .this though there is a general agreement. The pia is shown as extending from the auli- plexus between the olfactory lobes, and on the dorsal part of the gemi- nums. It is not shown on the ventral side at all. The opening into the rhinoccele is not calleda porta. Nounion except the terma between the hemicerebrums occurs until the commissure cm. From the infun- dibulum a cavity extends cephalad (Fig. 98), and four caudad (Fig. 100). The paraphysis and epiphysis open into the cavities (Fig. 98-99) and the latter at the usual place between supra- and postcommissures. The geminums unite by a commissure which is depressed below the dorsal limit (Fig. 100), and form a caudal recess over the valvula. The metaplexus extends as a pocket over the cephalic end of the myel, z, in a region comparable to the metapore. At + the dorsal walls of the medulla nearly meet. The endymal surface is shown marked by sulci. Fic. 94-100. Transections of same. X about 7%. The endyma is represented by a chain of cells, the cinerea by dots; the larger blood vessels penetrating the brain are shown. Fic. 94. At the right the rhinoccele is completely circumscribed, at the left is just closed off from the sulcus rc of Fig. 95. The pallium ex- tends to the extreme lateral border and by a fold on the meson forms two paracceles. Fic. 95. The mesal fold of Fig. 94 is separated into the auliplexus and crista. Fic. 96. An enlargement of the crista of Fig. 95. XX 22. There is no enlargement of the brain at this point except by endyma. The fibers in the crista are like those in the membranes. Fic. 97. Shows the union of hemicerebrums by the commissure cm. At the left are indicated the capillaries which extend as a network throughout the brain substance to the endyma. Contrast Fig. tor. At The Brain of Diemyctylus Viridescens 313 ee interrupted lines represent the cerebrum raised to an upright position and the pallium folded to form a paraplexus v. ee oe Shaws the infundibulum with the hypophysis surrounding oS 4 a ic Pee ; the pallium passing at the right from the sul- o aterad and giving off the paraphysis, or dorsal sac, in which is embedded the epiphysis at the left of the meson. ae 99. Shows the caudal projection from the paraphysis over the pracommissure and habenz, and hence the manner in which cinerea surrounds the habena; and the sulcus ventrad of the habena which is continnous with s/ of Fig. 98. FIG. 100. Shows the union of the geminums and the relation of the caudal extensions from the infundibulum. FIG. Ior. A transection of the brain of a large red diemyctylus, be- te to transform. X 22. Through the precommisure, near the evel of Fig. 17 but shows the hemicerebrums much divaricated as is usual with the red forms. At the right, interrupted lines indicate the position of the cerebral walls, as though raised and carrying the plexus with them (cf. Fig. 97). Fic. 102. The outline of a transection of the brain of a young lepi- dosteus, at a level corresponding with Fig. 97, copied from Wilder (50). This shows that in a young ganoid the cerebral walls occupy practically the same position as indicated by the interrupted lines of Fig. 97. Fig. 103. A view of the cephalic half of the brain of a larval lamprey, 12cm. long, from the morphological meson. X about 40. From the great development of the right habena (Fig. 107) the mesal parts are pushed to the left. The epiphysis and its stalk are shown as mesal structures. The pigment shown here as black is really a brilliant white by reflected light. The supra- and postcommissures are elongated structures, the mesoplexus sends a diverticulum cephalad over the lat- ter (Fig. 109). The rhinoccele extends cephalad, the paraccele caudad from the common opening shown as deeply shaded. The precommis- sure is dorsad of the porta (Fig. 104). Another band of alba at ci. corresponds in position (Fig. 105), with reference to the chiasma, to cm. of Fig. 93. The infundibulum has a cephalic and caudal prolonga- tion, with the former is associated the hypophysis. The optic nerve extends caudad to the eye. Fic. 104-111. Transections of the same. % 4o. Fic. 104. Through the epiphysis, its stalk, the paraphysis (p. 285) and the tip of the left habena which protrudes into it. Fic. 105. Through the porte, the pallium and the opening of the paraphysis. s¢ indicates a possible striatum. Fic. 106. Through the cerebrum and the habenz, to show the relation of the pallium to the latter. Fic. 107. Through the habenz and supracommissure near the point where the stalk of the epiphysis opens into the diaccele. Fic. 108. Shows the membranous roof of the mesencephal, the meso- plexus with a mesal fold and the sulcus s in the walls of the geminum. The large cell at 6 forms aridge. In this and similar ridges the large cells are arranged. FIG. Iog-110. Portions of enlarged sections through opening of the epiphysis and the postcommissure and cells of the torus. Fic. 111. The dorsal part of a section just cephalad of the closure of the myel to show a minute sac of endyma, in the position of a metapore. S. P. GAGE, PLATE III. 1/iomm. 1mm, ) UG ee PLATE II. F~ ~~ ep?. ~ pocm. i a 2 By 0 AYO; PO S. P. GAGE, PLATE III. 1/iomm. 1mm, ) UG ee S. P. GAGE. PLATE IV. Z 6 o COB: fe 2S: o os ° 2a O28 6588, 12, OC, a0; 255 O00 580 2020 og? ‘ { \ ¢ y mopeg gees er ve D0) n0,"9 BSPoae ovo 0° So SS SSeS SS P. GAGE. PLATE V. a C08 26? OF} 7 4; 0 0c mp. 00 00” OS0 6 ic Bae of St i Sal S| & NX) | Nii TO > Pao. P. GAGE. PLATE VI. & vi VI yy VII : Epen. a AS J 0) 209 Se080 BISSi Oo GOO. bose PLATE VII. ee Sos agate kee FR : op & ‘ uh} " so FOSS . PL WSESS SESS 2 ww 2 WSs) as SSsy | Za ieerons HOES i DAnKer AGEs LETHE In QA NE SS SESS | Ha W ee oN ESTO eS | agoorge” SABHA TY ero Roe ar DAVOrRAY vee : cote booozingonewe "eee, PooDvEMODDOQyy: =, Oo oot. 2 . i, a bys toe op tee oe Seee wore b, 08 3 $00: tis (ci mte. SE ee 0 0°. 9P3 *o Cio, oon 2D SO See BES, 28 boo aS 2 ete) CES ag eee, 2 5 im nth ‘Boke: a8 0 Sed OSs can a ¢ ‘\ Kec 00 % Fe Qpy ot SN 0 1/fiomm, Sa Ps GAGE. fe 93 cmt pe. | cer, PLATE VI Pie sel OBR ET par. I. | A BACTERIAL STUDY OF ACUTE CEREBRAL AND CEREBRO-SPINAL LEPTO-MENINGITIS. HERMANN /IICHAEL BIGGS. While the infectious nature of Cerebral and Cerebro-Spinal Lepto-Meningitis has been long recognized, the character of the micro-organism or micro-organisms producing these affec- tions has not been satisfactorily determined. The present bac- terial study undertaken at periods when these diseases were prevalent in New York may throw some additional light on this question. The facts at hand at least clearly demonstrate that a vari- ety of pathogenic bacteria may be found in the meningeal exudate of both cerebral and cerebro-spinal meningitis, and that these bacteria are probably the important etiological fac- tors in these diseases. The investigations thus far made do not confirm the assumption that epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis is caused by a specific organism. Most of the observations here detailed were made upon cases which occurred during the eight weeks ending May ist, 1892 and the same period in 1893. During this period for the past two years meningitis in adults has been relatively fre- quent in New York. The observations have almost without exception been made on adults. It is also during the same period (March and April), as the vital statistics show, that the mortality is highest from acute lobar pneumonia, and it is to this disease that lepto-meningitis both cerebral and cerebro- spinal seems most closely allied in its etiology. In this study only those cases will be considered which were characterized anatomically by an acute suppurative exuda- tion in the pia, not caused by the tubercle bacillus. The cases of acute cerebral and cerebro-spinal meningitis have been grouped together, because neither from an anatom- ical nor etiological standpoint are there sufficient grounds for separating them. A BACTERIAL STUDY OF ACUTE CEREBRAL AND CEREBRO-SPINAL LEPTO-MENINGITIS. HERMANN IIICHAEL BIGGS. While the infectious nature of Cerebral and Cerebro-Spinal Lepto-Meningitis has been long recognized, the character of the micro-organism or micro-organisms producing these affec- tions has not been satisfactorily determined. The present bac- terial study undertaken at periods when these diseases were prevalent in New York may throw some additional light on this question. The facts at hand at least clearly demonstrate that a vari- ety of pathogenic bacteria may be found in the meningeal exudate of both cerebral and cerebro-spinal meningitis, and that these bacteria are probably the important etiological fac- tors in these diseases. The investigations thus far made do not confirm the assumption that epidemic cerebro-spinal meningitis is caused by a specific organism. Most of the observations here detailed were made upon cases which occurred during the eight weeks ending May rst, 1892 and the same period in 1893. During this period for the past two years meningitis in adults has been relatively fre- quent in New York. The observations have almost without exception been made on adults. It is also during the same period (March and April), as the vital statistics show, that the mortality is highest from acute lobar pneumonia, and it is to this disease that lepto-meningitis both cerebral and cerebro- spinal seems most closely allied in its etiology. In this study only those cases will be considered which were characterized anatomically by an acute suppurative exuda- tion in the pia, not caused by the tubercle bacillus. The cases of acute cerebral and cerebro-spinal meningitis have been grouped together, because neither from an anatom- ical nor etiological standpoint are there sufficient grounds for separating them. 316 Hermann Michael Biggs It is further the opinion of the writer that many of the cases of cerebral meningitis would prove to be of the cerebro-spinal type at the autopsy, if the spinal cord were removed and ex- amined. In the usual routine of autopsy work, owing to the time and labor involved, the spinal cord is not removed, un- less there have been some symptoms pointing to disease in the spinal canal. The operator examines the portion of the cord accessible from the cranial cavity, and in the absence of gross evidences of disease here the remainder is not removed. As a matter of experience the writer can affirm that there is not infrequently an abundant exudation in the dorsal and lumbar portions of the spinal pia, when the cervical portion is free, and when the clinical history has given no indication of the involvement of the spinal meninges. In the present series there are eighteen cases, of which six were cases of cerebro-spinal and twelve of cerebral lepto-men- ingitis. In only three of the series was the meningitis secondary to traumatism or to disease of the cranial bones or soft parts about the head. Of the cerebral cases one was primary and eleven were secondary to some local or general acute infec- tious process. A more or less complete bacterial examination was made in seventeen of the cases. There has been a general feeling among medical writers that acute cerebral lepto-meningitis in adults is very common- ly secondary to otitis media or disease of the soft parts about the head or cranial bones. These cases do not wholly confirm thisview. In only two was the inflammation of the pia second- ary to an otitis media and in one probably to a scalp wound. In the other cases the disease occurred primarily or was sec- ondary to some general infectious disease. In the twelve cases of acute cerebral lepto-meningitis, the bacterial examination gave: In one case pure cultures of the anthrax bacillus ; In one case the Bacillus coli communis ,: In one case the LB. cold communis with Proteus vulgaris (the latter was probably due to a contamination). In four cases the Pxeumo bacillus of Fraenkel ; In two the Streptococcus pyogenes ; A Bacterial Study of Acute Meningitis 317 In one the Diplococcus intracellularis meningitidis ; In two cases a mixed infection. Some brief notes of the clinical histories and pathological findings in the more interesting cases follow. CASES OF CEREBRAL LEPTO-MENINGITIS. Case I.—Acute Lepto Meningitis due to the Diplococcus Intra- cellularis Meningitidis. H. T., male, aet. 28, was found in a lodging house, and no history could be obtained, excepting that he had been ill for several days. On admission, he was stupid, gave his name but would answer no other questions. There were twitchings of the muscles of the face, and rigidity of the muscles of arms and neck. ‘This rigidity of the muscles appeared as if it were partly voluntary, and the condition seemed cataleptic. When the arms were raised they remained in the position in which they were placed for some minutes. The reflexes were increased and the skin hyperaesthetic. He would not swallow any fluid, and spit it out when it was poured in his mouth. His condition did not seem to be very serious, but 36 hours after his admission his pulse began to grow rapid, his temperature rose to 103 F., the respiration increased in frequency, and 12 hours later he died. Autopsy :—There was hyperaemia of all the abdominal and thoracic organs, and the pia covering both the convexity and the base of the brain contained an abundant fibrino-purulent exudation. Cultures made from this exudate showed the diplo-coccus intra-cellularis meningitidis of Weichselbaum. Case Il.—A cute Lepto-Meningitis due to the Anthrax Bacillus. T. H., wool-sorter, aet. 36. The history shows that about three days before admission to the hospital he noticed a pimple on the left wrist ; this became vesicular, opened and a very dark areola formed around it. His arm began to swell rapidly, and became very dark in color and extremely pain- ful. He had no chill and complained of no fever. During this time he was treated at Bellevue Out Door Dept. with 318 Flermann Michael Biggs local applications. On admission the left arm was enormously swollen and showed extensive hemorrhages into the skin and subcutaneous tissue. There was a small elevated abraded point on the wrist with a hemorrhagic areola; temperature varied from ror to 104; pain was severe. Under treatment the swelling diminished, the pain almost disappeared ; he slept well and felt well and wanted to sit.up. On the third day af- ter his admission at about 3 p. m. he complained of pain and heat in his head. One hour later he became delirious, his temperature rose to 106 F. He grew rapidly worse, and died 18 hours after the appearance of the first cerebral symptoms. Autopsy :—Arm enormously swollen, with blebs over wrist and extensive hemorrhages into skin and subcutaneous tissue. The blood everywhere in the body was completely fluid and dark colored. ‘The spleen was very large and soft, and the other abdominal and the thoracic organs were congested. The pia mater of the brain over both the convexity and the base was studded with hemorrhages, and the meshes of the pia both in the fissures and over the convolutions were dis- tended with sero-pus. Cultures were made from the fluid in the subcutaneous tissue from various portions of the wrist and arm, from the heart blood, the spleen, and the pial exudate on both sides of the brain. In all of the tubes inoculated from the brain, a pure culture of the anthrax bacillus devel- oped. All of the other tubes remained sterile. The media em- ployed and the conditions under which the cultures were made and kept after inoculation were thesame. ‘The identity of the anthrax bacillus was established by microscopical examina- tion, by culture reaction and by inoculation of animals Cover-glass preparations were also made from the fluid in the subcutaneous tissue of the arm, from the spleen and the blood contained in the heart cavities. No organisms were found microscopically in these situations. It is hardly necessary to direct attention to the extraordi- nary character of the localization and the findings in this case, and there seems to be no satisfactory explanation to offer to account for them. The results are stated as obtained, and their accuracy vouched for. A Bacterial Study of Acute Meningitis 319 Cask III.—Acute Lepto-Meningitis following Typhoid Fever, due to the Bacillus Colt Communis. Male, laborer, aet, 27, admitted March 26, 1892. He had been feeling unwell for about three weeks previous to admis- sion. For the first week after admission temperature ranged from 100 in the morning to 105 in the evening, and April 1st dropped to normal in the morning with only a slight evening elevation. April goth it remained normal throughout the day. On April 12th it rose to 102,35, and remained somewhat above normal until the morning of the 18th, when it com- menced to rise gradually, and on April 20th reached 105. He then began to have a low muttering delirium. During the next week the temp. ranged between 102-105795. On April 27, 28, and 29 he had quite severe hemorrhages from the bowels and his pulse became rapid and feeble. During these and the following days the delirium continued ; neck became somewhat rigid, and he gradually grew weaker, and died on May 2d. Autopsy :—There were found at the autopsy extensive old but unhealed typhoid ulcerations in the lower part of the ileum and an acute lepto-meningitis with a moderately abundant sero-purulent exudation over both the base and convexity of the brain. The ventricles were distended with serum contain- ing a little fibrin and pus. On bacteriological examination this exudation was found to contain pure cultures of the Baczllus coli communis. In this case organisms (Bacillus coli communis) normally present in the intestinal contents had found entrance through the ulcers in the intestines into the blood or lymp currents, had made their way to the cerebral pia and set up there an acute inflammation. ‘This is the first case recorded of a meningitis caused by this organism. Case 1V.—Acute Lepto-meningitis, (Otitis Media, etc.) due to a Mixed Infection. G. B., aet. 55, laborer, was admitted April 11, 1892. The history given was that he became unconscious while return- ing home from work and was brought by an ambulance to the 320 flermann Michael Biggs hospital. Temp. at time of admission 102;%,, P. 76, R. 18. He soon regained consciousness, but seemed nervous and stupid. He complained of no headache nor pain in neck or extremities. There wasa foetid discharge from the left ear, and his tongue was dry, brown furred and tremulous. His temp. ranged from 102-103;7% during the next three days, pulse from 80-90, resp. 16-25. Rigidity of the neck developed on the day following his admission and gradually increased. On the second day he became stupid and difficult to arouse and seemed to have some loss of power on the left side. On April 14th he became comatose. On April 15th the temperature varied from 102-103, the respirations became rapid and superficial (30- 40) and the pulse 100 to 130. Operation was advised in hope of finding a cerebral abscess and relieving pressure by evac- uation of the pus. An operation was performed by Dr. J. D. Bryant. The skull was opened above and posterior to left external auditory meatus ; the dura was found free from inflammatory exudate but with only slight pulsation, and the convolutions under it seemed flattened and the brain substance rather soft. An aspirating needle was passed into the lateral ventricle and about 7 ounces of slightly blood stained fluid withdrawn. Pulsation of the dura became much more marked after removal of the fluid. A small drainage tube was then inserted into the lateral ventricle, and the external wound closed. He rallied very little from the operation and died about 7 hours afterward. Autopsy :—An abundant fibrino-purulent meningitis was found at the base. The pia of the convexity was not affected. The ventricles were much dilated with blood stained serum, and the ependyma was granular and thickened. There wasa miliary tuberculosis of both lungs. The prostate contained a large abscess which had ruptured into the peritoneum and then became encapsulated. There was also extensive tuber- cular ulceration in the ileum. The bacteriological examination in this case showed the presence of a mixed infection. The Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus was among the organisms found. Notwithstanding the extensive tuberculosis of other organs the meningitis was not of tubercular origin. A Bacterial Study of Acute Meningitis 321 CasE V.—Streptococcus Septicemia, (Acute Double-Pleuritis, Pericarditis and Meningitis, Rupture of the Spleen), due to the Streptococcus Pyogenes. J. M., aet. 4t, sailor, was admitted April 6, 1892. The his- tory given showed that he had been suffering from cough, ac- companied by an irregular type of fever with frequent chills for about two weeks previous to admission. He was markedly alcoholic when admitted; temperature 101, pulse 110, res- pirations 26. The following morning, T. 104;5, P. 108. Phy- sical examination showed the presence of abundant subcrepitant and small mucous rales to be heard over both lungs, most marked over the left upper lobe. The temperature gradually rose to 1058; at 11 p. m., P. 112, R. 30. He was delirious and unable to swallow, and his respirations were rapid and labored. Under stimulants and antipyritics the temperature dropped to 10375 at « p. m., on April 8th ; the rales had diminished, the respirations were easier and the delirium less marked. Ato9 a.m., April 9th, Temp. 102;% P. 102, R. 26, and nurse re- ported that he was much improved, the delirium had disap- peared and he was able to take nourishment by mouth. At 9.45 a. m. he was seized with an attack of vomiting and partly raised himself up in bed, when he became suddenly pale fell back unconscious and died a few minutes later. Autopsy :— A large amount of fluid and partly clotted blood was found in the peritoneal cavity. On careful search for the source of this hemorrhage, a rupture was found in the lower internal surface of the spleen about one inch and a half in length. ‘The spleen was large, soft and contained numer- ous hemorrhagic infarctions. There was also an acute inflam- mation of the pleura on both sides, of the pericardium and of the pia of the brain attended with an abundant sero-fibrino- purulent exudation. Bacteriological examination showed the presence of the Streptococcus pyogenes in pure form in the spleen and pial exu- date. In the blood from the heart there were some other or- ganisms associated with it. This was undoubtedly a case of streptococcus septicaemia, and was probably such from the be- ginning, although the diagnosis during the two weeks illness before admission to the hospital had been malarial fever. 322 flermann Michael Biggs The simultaneous involvement in an acute inflammation of so many of the serous membranes is of rare occurrence. Rup- ture of the spleen is described in most text-books as occurring in several diseases. In a rather large pathological experience, however, the writer has never seen any other instance of spon- taneous rupture of the spleen. CasEs VI To IX InciLusiveE.—Acute Lobar Pneumonia with Acute Cerebral Lepto-Meningitis due to the Pneumobacillus of Fraenkel. The cases of acute lobar pneumonia associated with second- ary meningitis were fourin number. The meningitis affected both the convexity and base in all the cases. In three of these, cultures made from the meningeal exudate showed the presence of the pneumo-bacillus of Fraenkel in pure form. In the fourth case, unfortunately, no bacteriological examina- tion was made, but there is no doubt that it was quite similar to the other cases. The clinical history of these cases differs from that of pneumonia uncomplicated by meningitis only in the more pronounced character of the cerebral symptoms after the third or fourth day, z. ¢., delirium, rigidity of the back of neck, muscular twitchings, contracted pupils, ctc., and the higher average range of temperature. Attention is also directed here to the occurrence of acute primary lepto-meningitis due to the pneumo-bacillus of Fraenkel, the lungs not being involved. This organism is more frequently found than any other, as the causative agent in cerebral and cerebro-spinal meningitis. CASES OF CEREBRO-SPINAL LEPTO-MENINGITIS. During the period referred to, 14 cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis occurred in the writer’s service in only 6 of which, however, were bacteriological examinations made. In three of these six cases, the cultures remained sterile; in one the pneumococcus of Fraenkel developed; in one the staphy- lococcus pyogenes ; and in one there was a mixed infection. The history in most of these cases was that commonly found in cerebro-spinal meningitis. The temperature range varied greatly ; in some of the cases running uniformly low, reaching 103 rarely or not at all, and in other cases running very high, varying between 104 and 107. The pulse rate was A Bacterial Study of Acute Meningitis 323 usually rapid before the end. Rigidity or stiffness in the back of the neck, retraction of the head, contracted pupils, de- lirium, coma, and incontinence of urine and faeces were uni- formly present. In a small proportion of cases there was a petechial eruption on the trunk or on both trunk and extremi- ties. Albuminuria was almost invariably present, and in one case there was also glycosuria and haematuria. ‘There was usually hyperaesthesia of the skin and muscles, and in two cases well marked opisthotonos. Paresis or paralysis, involv- ing small groups of muscles or those of one side, was common. The pupils were contracted, dilated, or irregular. Early there was increased sensitiveness to light, and later there was often loss of accommodation and loss of corneal reflex. There seemed to be no constant relation between the amount of exudation found after death and the severity or character of symptoms shown during life. The duration of the cases which terminated fatally varied between 36 hours and 10 or 12 days. In only one clearly defined case of cerebro-spinal meningitis did recovery take place. In this the temperature for several days ran between 104° and 106° F. It has been rare in the writer’s experience to see cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis at any other season of the year than during the spring months, and these cases are almost in- variably primary and develop suddenly without any ascer- tainable cause. In several of the cases in which no culture tubes were in- oculated or in which those inoculated remained sterile, cover- glass preparations made from the meningeal exudate showed the presence of diplo-cocci. Aside from the cases presented in this paper in which a bac- terial examination was made, during the same period there oc- curred in the writer’s service nearly 20 other cases of cere- bral and cerebro-spinal meningitis, including several of syphilitic or tubercular origin in which there was no bacterial examination, making a total of nearly 4o cases, most of which occurred in four months of hospital service. ‘This fact is noted to direct attention to the prevalence of meningitis at the pe- riods referred to and to justify the following observations which have been suggested by the study of this series of cases. 324 Hermann Michael Biggs 1. Purulent or sero-purulent meningitis is always microbic in origin. 2. Many cases of cerebro-spinal meningitis do not differ from cerebral meningitis except in the extent of pia affected. The etiological factor may be the same. 3. Cerebro-spinal meningitis is usually primary. 4. Cerebral meningitis is usually secondary to some in- fectious disease, and is only occasionally primary. 5. When the disease is secondary the cause of the secondary infection may be a different organisin from that producing the primary disease. 6. The following organisms have been previously found in the pial exudate in cerebral meningitis : a. The pneumo-bacillus of Fraenkel. b. The Streptococcus pyogenes. . The Bacillus Typhosus of Eberth. . The Staphylococcus pyogenes. The Pneumo-bacillus of Friedlander. - The Bacillus of “‘ La Grippe.”’ . The Gonococcus. My observations add two more organisms : i. The Bacillus anthracis. j. The Bacillus coli communis. 7. The pneumo-bacillus of Fraenkel is the most frequent cause of cerebral meningitis. 8. The latter organism is a not infrequent cause of primary cerebral and cerebro-spinal meningitis, the lungs not being involved. g. The cases of meningitis due to different organisms do not show such constant differences from each other in the symp- toms presented as to make possible the clinical differentiation as to cause. 10. The amount of the exudation bears no constant relation to the severity of the symptoms. 11. It isnot possible to distinguish with certainty during life, cases of acute cerebral hyperemia with or without oedema from cases of meningitis. 0g **O A 5 West 58th St., NEw York City, Aug. I1, 1893. OBSERVATIONS UPON THE EROSION IN THE HY- DROGRAPHIC BASIN OF THE ARKANSAS RIVER ABOVE LITTLE ROCK. By JOHN CASPER BRANNER. In October, 1887, I began and carried on for one year a series of observations upon the Arkansas River at Little Rock, for the purpose of determining the efficiency of that stream as an agent of erosion and transportation. These observations consisted of a series of thirty-two measurements of discharge, three hundred and sixty-five gage readings, one hundred and seventy-nine determinations of matter carried in suspension, and a similar number of determinations of matter carried in solution by the river water. These observations were so dis- tributed as to be as comprehensive as possible, embracing all the varying conditions of weather, temperature and rainfall ; when the river was rising, when it was falling, when at a standstill; when low, when high, and whenever there was any considerable change in the volume or character of the water.* Method of Observation.t{—A cross section was carefully meas- ured 1,200 feet above the upper bridge, a place in the river where there was least chance of any marked change occurring within the time occupied by the observations. At the place selected one bank is of rock and the other of tough clay. Floats were sent through this section at transverse intervals of twenty-five to fifty feet, and their positions as they crossed the section were located by a transit, and the time occupied in * This paper deals only with such conditions and changes as are pos- sible in a given section; it does not consider the effects of curves or varying depths of the channel. t The field observations were entrusted to Assistant Chas. E. Taft, an able civil engineer of wide experience. 326 John Casper Branner floating one hundred feet was noted. Wooden rods twelve feet in length were used as floats. ‘These rods were two inches square at one end, from which they tapered the whole length of the rod to a sharp point at the other. They were weighted so as to float upright and to leave the pointed end about two feet out of the water to serve asa signal. Where the rods could not be used on account of shallow water, a surface float with a weight attached by acord was substituted. From the data thus obtained the volume of the river was deduced. Sets of samples of the water were taken along the cross-section at the time of the velocity observation, each set being in three parts, one each from the surface, mid-depth, and three feet from the bottom. In collecting the sample from the bottom, in order to avoid taking it from the liquid mud usually present next to the bottom, the collecting apparatus was so arranged that the sample was taken three feet from the actual bed of the stream. In order to avoid the possible mingling of the water from low- er depths with that above, and to insure that the samples fairly represented the part of the stream from which it was taken, an open glass tube holding one liter was used for a collecting vessel. This was so arranged as to close securely by means of two rubber balls. When a sample was to be taken, the stoppers were caught back, leaving the ends of the tube en- tirely unobstructed ; the tube was then sunk by means of a rod, care being taken to keep its axis parallel with the current of the stream. By means of a gage the depth to which it was desired to sink it was determined. When the vessel reached the desired point, a jerk of the string released the rubber balls, which closed the ends of the tube and confined in it a representative of the part of the stream from which it was taken. The samples were always taken at the time the volume of the stream was being measured. They were placed in separate, clean bottles for examination. In order to determine the amount of matter carried in me- chanical suspension these samples were all taken to the labo- ratory and filtered until the water was perfectly clear ; the fil- ter containing the suspended matter was then dried, and weighed at the temperature at which it had previously been Erosion in the Basin of the Arkansas River 327 weighed. The amount of matter in solution was determined by evaporating the filtered water. ‘These determinations were made for every sample collected during the year—358 deter- minations.* A daily record was also kept of the stage of the river during the time covered by the investigation. These observations furnish data for the approximate deter- mination of the discharge of the Arkansas River, and of the amount of material carried by it, both in suspension and solu- tion, past Little Rock, during the year in which the observa- tions were made (1887-8). Suspended Matter.—The color of the water of the Arkansas River is due to mineral matter carried in mechanical suspen- sion. It is more or less muddy all the year round, and even at its lowest stages, when it carries least sediment, it is not quite clear. Its color is ordinarily a yellowish brown, but it sometimes becomes dark red, at which times it carries such a large amount of mechanical sediments as to render it opaque, even as Seen in an ordinary test tube. The laws of erosion and transportation naturally lead one to expect a large amount of mechanical sediments to be re- moved when the volume of water or discharge is greatest. If the conditions which supply sediments to the stream were constant, this would undoubtedly be true, but the conditions are not constant, and the amount of material moved depends upon the sediment-supplying conditions rather than upon the trans- porting power of the water. The matter in suspension is greatest during a sudden high rise; but after the water in the stream stands at any high mark for a few days, the decrease of the amount of suspended matter it carries is very marked. ‘This contrast is most no- ticeable during the winter, probably because the frosts loosen up the surface soil and leave it in a condition favorable for ready transportation. The amount of sediment carried by the river varies widely also with the same gage reading at any stage, being greater with a rising, and less with a falling river. * The laboratory determinations were made under my personal direc- tion by Dr. R. N. Brackett. All the care required by quantitative. chemical analyses was taken with this work. 328 John Casper Branner The lowest stages of the river are usually during the latter part of the summer and in the fall of the year. At such times the water becomes nearly but not quite clear. This clearnessis due partly to a decrease in the volume and consequently in the velocity and carrying power of the water, and also to the large amount of common salt, lime, etc., in solution in the water, which substances tend to flocculate and precipitate the mechanical sediments. The greatest amount of mechanical sediment found in the water during the year under consider- ation was 225 grains to the gallon ; this was on the second of May, 1888, when the river stood at seventeen feet on the gage, and shortly after protracted rains over the whole or nearly all the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas River above Little Rock. It should be added, however, that while this high water may be taken as a type of the ordinary rises, there are times when there is but little or no rise, no increase in the volume of water discharged, but a very marked increase in the amount of mechanically suspended matter. In Octo- ber, 1891, occurred one of these so-called ‘‘red rises’’ of the Arkansas River, and although the river was quite low—mark- ing only 3.9 feet on the gage—it carried out 761 grains of matter to the gallon, of which only 48 grains was matter in solution. Such a condition of the water is said to be due to rainfalls on the Canadian River, an affluent of the Arkansas, which runs through the ‘‘red beds’ of western Indian Terri- tory. This illustrates well the fact to which attention has al- ready been called* that the sediments removed bear no con- stant relation to the discharge. The total amount of suspended matter estimated by the above methods to have been carried down by the Arkansas in 1887-8 was 21,471,578 tons. ‘This estimate, however, must be regarded as far short of the truth, for the method of taking the water samples has left out of account that stream of al- most liquid mud and sand that is pushed along the bed of the * Annual Report, Chief of Engineers, U. S. A., 1874, I, p. 863 ; 1875, I, p. 966; 1877, I, p. 433; Physics and Hydraulics of the Miss. River, 1876, p. 417. Erosion in the Basin of the Arkansas River 329 river at all stages, but especially during high water, and which adds enormously to the amount of material daily and hourly carried out of the hydrographic basin of the Arkansas River above Little Rock.* Character of the Sediments.—The matter in mechanical sus- pension in the river water is both sand and clay. Samples taken from the thread of the stream are mainly of fine sand, but samples of sediments allowed to settle in the quiet eddies of the river show that the lighter and more flocculent sedi- ments sink to the bottom only in the quiet portions of the water. An analysis was made of the sediments collected in six samples of river water of the 11th of April, 1888, two each from top, middle, and bottom of the stream. ARKANSAS RIVER SEDIMENT FROM THE STREAM.T Sand and insoluble matter,........ 85.18 per cent. Soluble Miattery. 4c. Se ee 14.82 a The soluble portion contained : Iron oxide, (Fe,0,),.. . 2. 2 2 ee ee } Aliiitay Oni" Guyer areca 2 4.96 per cent. On this occasion the river was very high, standing at 17 feet on the gage, but it had been higher by half a foot two days before. A complete analysis was made of the sediment collected with six litres of water May 2d, 1888, when the river stood at 17 feet on the gage after a sudden rise, and while the rise was still in progress. It is as follows : * In the Annual Report of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. A., 1875, II, p. 478, Col. J. H. Simpson shows how sand-bars travel down-stream. See also Physics and Hydraulics of the Miss. River, by Humphreys and Abbot, 1876, p. 147. ¢ Analysis by Assistant Dr. Jas. Perrin Smith. 330 John Casper Branner ANALYSIS OF ARKANSAS RIVER SEDIMENT.* Fer cent. Silical (SiO!)0 aoa ee) a se, ee ae SS ewe be 69.53 Alumina (Al,0,).. 6. 6 6 6 ee ee es 11.65 Iron (ferric) oxide (Fe,O,). . - ..- ee ee ee 4.46 Carbonate of lime (CaCo,). . - -- - ee eee 6.62 Carbonate of magnesium (MgCo,).......-.- 3.52 Potash (KOs ies ae a aE ee ee .66 Soda (NaiO)e ics sees Hy os Pas ee 1.14 Organic and volatile matter... ......-.. 2.95 Ota kab sap nace aki at oe ean ames he aate 100.58 These analyses, together with a large number of washings of the sediment, show that its chief constituent is quartz sand. There is always more or less clay in the water. The Finer Sediments.—Experiments have already been made by other observers which show that extremely fine material held in suspension by water may be retained in suspension for an indefinite length of time.* The observations upon Ar- kansas River water point to the same conclusion. o|1 sl 415 7 918 Zs Preparation I. 5 3| 6| 2| 8 7] 1| 2 32 6.4 “ II. 4 2) 1 5) 7| 5| 2] 4) Tt) 2] 1) 30 7.5 = III. 6 I) 1} 2/10) 6| 1) 3) 1] 3) 1] 29 4.8 “ IV. 3 2) 2) 1) 8 1| 14 4.6 ae Vv. 8 2| 6) | 6) 5) 5 35 4.3 os VI. 7 2 3 2! 6 4/ 1 I 20 2.8 S VII. 3 1| 5 3] 7| 7) 3 I 27 9 - VIII. 2 2| 2 2| | 3) 3) 2) 1 15 7.5 12/23 30.47 ,39|22|12 8} 5] 2| 200 In comparing the specific characters of the flagella of the three species, it will be observed that while there are manifest 362 Veranus Alva Moore differences there are likewise striking resemblances. A few of the more important facts which have been brought out in this study to illustrate their differences and similarities are appended. Their difference is shown from the observation, (1) that the length of the greater number of the flagella is greatest on the hog cholera and least on the typhoid bacilli, while those of the colon bacteria are of intermediate length ; (2), that the average number of flagella on the colon bacteria is less than that on either of the other species ; and (3), that the terminal and free rings are much more numerous in the preparations of the typhoid bacillus than in those of the other bacteria. This is also true of the incurving flagella. Their similarity is illustrated by the fact (1), that the num- bers of flagella on the individual bacteria vary in the different fields in the preparations from the same species as much as in those from different species, excepting in the maximum num- bers ; this is also true of the length of the flagella ; (2), that the diameter of the flagella on the three species is identical ; (3), that the position of the flagella on the body of the germ is the same ; and (4), that fields could be selected in prepara- tions from the three species in which no difference could be detected in the character of the flagella. CONCLUSIONS. The foregoing examinations and the results of a careful comparative study of the flagella of these three species of bacteria appear to sustain the following conclusions : 1. These three species of bacteria belong to the Peritricha (Messea). 2. There are apparently slight differences in their flagella, but the differences are not marked enough to be deemed of differential value. This is evidenced by the fact that the flagella in different preparations from the same species exhibit quite as marked variations. 3. There is no difference in the flagella of modified forms of the same species to correspond with the difference in their physiological and etiological manifestations. The Character of the Flagella 363 4. Until further facts are determined, the character of the flagella will not furnish a means for specific differentia- tion. ‘The species and varieties must be determined by their physiological and pathogenic properties while the genera may be fixed by the character of the flagella. 5. The proposition that the Bacillus typhi abdominalis is a modified form of Bacillus coli communis caunot be justly refuted on their morphological characters. The similarity in the structure (as it is now understood) of these bacteria in- creases the importance, from a differential standpoint, of the differences found to exist in their biological and etiological manifestations. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 31, 1893. LITERATURE. 1. Cohn, F. Untersuchungen iiber Bacterien. Bettrage zur Bio- logie der Pflanzen, Ba. I (1872), S. 126. 2. Dallinger, W. H., and Drysdale, J.J. On the existence of fla- gella in Bacterium termo. Zhe Monthly Microscopical Journal, (Lon- don), vol. XIV (1875), p. 105. 3. Koch, Robert. Untersuchungen iiber Bacterien. Beitrage zur Biologie der Pflanzen, Bd. II (1877), S. 416. 4. Dallinger, W. H. On the measurement of the diameter of the flagella of Bacterium termo. Jour. of the Royal Mic. Society, vol. 1, (1878), p. 169. 5. Neuhauss, R. Ueber die Geisseln an den Bacillen der Asiati- schen Cholera. Centralblatt f. Bakteriologie u. Parasitenkunde, Bd. V, (1889), S. 81. 6. Loeffler, F. Ein neue Methode zum Farben der Mikroorganismen im besonderen ihren Wimperhare und Geisseln. Centralblatt f. Bak- tertologie u. Parasitenkunde, Bd. V1, (1889), S. 209. 7. Trenkmann, Dr. Die Farbung der Geisseln von Spirillen und Bacillen. Jbid., Bd., (1889), S. 433. 8. Messea, A. Contribuzione allo studio delle ciglia dei batteriie pro- posta di una classificazione. Rivista d’igiene e sanita publica, No. 14, (1889), p. 513. 9. Loeffler, F. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Beizung und Far- bung der Geisseln bei den Bakterien. Centralblatt f. Bakteriologte u. Parasitenkunde, Bd. VII, (1890), S. 625. 10, Trenkmann, Dr. Die Farbung der Geisseln von Spirillen und Bacillen. Jdid., Bd. VIII, (1890), S. 385. 11. Dowdeswell, G. F. Note surles flagella du microbe du choléra. Annales de Micrographie, T. II, (1890), p. 377. 12. Moore, V. A. A review of the methods of demonstrating the flagella on motile bacteria, with special reference to the staining pro- cesses. American Monthly Microscopical Journal, vol XII, (1891), p. 15. 13. Moore, V. A. Observations on staining the flagella on motile bacteria. Proceedings of the Am. Soc. of Microscopists, (1891), p. 86. 14. Zettnow, E. Ueber den Bauder Bakterien. Centralblatt f. Bak- teriologie u. Parasitenkunde, Bd. X, (1891), S. 6. 15. Luksch, L. Zur Differenzialdiagnose des Bacillus typhi abdomi- nalis (Eberth), und des Bacterium coli communis (Escherich). Cen- tralblatt f. Bakteriologie u. Parasitenkunde, Bd. X11, (1892) S. 427. The Character of the Flagella 365 16. Rodet, A., et Roux, G. Bacille d’Eberth et bacillus coli. Expéri- ences comparatives sur quelques effets pathogenes. Archives de méd. LExpérimentale, T. IV. No. 3, (1892), p. 317. 17. Straus, I. Sur un procédé de coloration, a l’état vivant des cils ou flagella de certaines bactéries mobiles. Comp. Rend. Société de Biologie, T. IV, (1892), No. 23. p. 542. 18. Tavel, E. Caractéres différentiels du bactérium coli commune et du bacille typhique. La Semaine Méd. T, No. 8, (1892), p. 52. 19. Brown, A. P. Staining bacteria to demonstrate their flagella. The Observer, vol. III, (1892), p. 298. 20. Sternberg, G.M. Manual of Bacteriology. (1892), p. 346. 21 Fraenkel, C., and Pfeiffer, R. Atlas der Bakterienkunde. Tafel LIV, (1891), No. 11. 22, Migula, W. Bacteriologisches Practicum, (1892). DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. The figures in the plate are to illustrate the flagella on these three species of bacteria as they appeared in stained cover-glass preparations. The drawings were made by the aid of a Zeiss apochromatic objective, 2 mm., 1.30 n. a. and the measurements were made with the com- pensating micrometer ocular No.6. Each germ and its flagella were carefully measured and in the drawings each micromillimetre is rep- resented by a millimeter, thus giving a magnification of a thousand di- ameters. The curves in the flagella were carefully counted and repro- duced as accurately as it was possible by freehand drawing. The posi- tion of the flagella was also carefully determined. In the preparation of the plate care has been taken to avoid extremes. Individual bacteria’ have been selected from different fields to represent the various number, lengths and position of the filaments on the body of the germs as they appeared in the preparations. A few free, or detached flagella are also indicated. The drawing of each germ is practically equivalent to a photo- graph. It is possible to find all of the structures represented in a few fields of the microscope in a well executed preparation. The germ in the center of each figure represents the maximum number of flagella on a single individual. Inthe left lower corner of each isa drawing of a clump of bacteria with their flagella. There are a few drawings of bac- teria (@) with only their periphery and flagella stained. Fig. 1. Bacillus cholere suis. Drawings made from preparations of the culture of hog cholera bacteria obtained in the State of Illinois. (0) A bunch or strand of flagella. Fig. 2. Bacillus coli communis. Drawings made from preparations from the culture obtained from the human intestine. Fig. 3. Bacillus typhi abdominalis. Drawings made from prepara- tions of the typhoid bacillus which was obtained from the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The upper right hand corner, enclosed in dotted lines, rep- resents all of the bacteria and flagella from a single microscopic field. THE LYMPHATICS AND ENTERIC EPITHELIUM OF AMIA CALVA. GRANT SHERMAN HOPKINS. The comparatively small number of investigations upon the lymphatic system of Fishes and Fish-like Vertebrates ap- pears the more remarkable when we consider the capacious- ness and the undoubted importance of this great vasiform system. A possible explanation for this lack of attention on the part of zoologists may be found in the difficulties attendant on any investigation of these vessels owing to the trans- parency and delicacy of their walls and the liability of con- fusing them with the veins. To whom is due the credit of having first discovered the lymphatic system in fishes, we will not attempt to decide. Hewson and Monro both claimed the honor, but it is pretty well established that the lacteals of a fish were observed more than a century before by Bartholin* (2) though his description was alloyed with the old error that they terminated in the liver. It is doubtless true, as remarked by Abernethy that ‘‘all our knowledge of the absorbing vessels has been obtained by fragments, and that our future acquisitions must be made in the same manner. ’’ It must be allowed, however, that the lymphatic system of the lower vertebrates, especially the osseous fishes, was more completely exhibited by Hewson (8) than by any of his predecessors or contemporaries. Hewson’s three papers on the lymphatic system in birds, amphibia and fishes, appeared in the Philosophical Transac- tion for 1768-69. In the paper on fishes he gives a description of the lymphatic vessels in the Haddock together with some of the more striking pecularities of this system in ® See References. 368 Grant Sherman Flopkins fishes, among which are the absence of lymphatic glands and the incomplete development or entire absence of valves within the lymphatic vessels. According to Robin (17) Monro was the first anatomist to investigate the lymphatic system of selachians. But many of his statements are incorrect as in several instances he mistook veins for lymphatics. It was a mistake of this kind that led him to believe that the lymphatic vessels commenced by free extremities provided with small orifices. He saw the injected material ooze out upon the surface of the skin and enteric mucosa without ex- travasation into the underlying connective tissue and con- cluded that they commenced by these free openings. The general arrangement of the large lymphatic vessels in fishes, as given by Milne-Edwards (12) corresponds with the state- ments of most anatomists who have written upon this subject. He divides the system into two portions, one belonging to the abdominal viscera, the other to the skin, muscles and neighboring parts. Concerning the latter he says, ‘‘the sub- cutaneous lymphatic system constitutes, in general, three principal trunks which, have a longitudinal direction, and which are situated, one on the ventri-meson, the two others on the sides, in the groove which separates the muscular masses of the dorsal and ventral portions of the body, and which can be recognized, externally, because it corresponds in position to the lateral line. This system of vessels receives a multitude of secondary branches which ramify under the skin, and it opens into the veins at its two extremities, 7. e., near the base of the cranium and at the base of the caudal fin.’’ At the caudal end each lateral lymph vessel terminates in a sinus; these sinuses communicate not only with the caudal vein but with each other as well. The investigations of Hyrtl (9) upon the cephalic and cau- dal sinuses of fishes, and the lateral vessels with which they are connected, led him to the conclusion that these vessels formed no part of the blood-vascular system but were lym- phatics. He examined the fluid of the caudal sinus and found it ‘“‘clear as water, having the same properties as the liquid contained in the lymphatic vessels of other parts of the body.”’ Lymphatics and Enteric Epithelium of Amita Calva 369 In contradistinction to the statements of the authors above mentioned, Robin says ‘‘I have satisfied myself by numerous observations and experiments, that the cutaneous and sub- cutaneous vessels described by Monro, Hewson, Hyrtl, etc., as lymphatics, are veins..... The division of the lym- phatics of fishes into superficial and deep or visceral, still adopted by some modern authors, must consequently be aban- doned. The first of these classes of vessels does not exist in this class of vertebrates.’’ As the conclusion to his article Robin turther says, ‘‘the general result of these researches has been to demonstrate that the subcutaneous vessels which I have described in the selachians....... as being lym- phatics, are veins and not lymphatics at all. This conclusion is found entirely confirmed by the descriptions contained in this memoir; they prove, indeed, that fishes have no other lymphatics than the chylous vessels, and those of the peri- toneum lining the genito-urinary organs and the pericardium.’’ So far as I have been able to ascertain, no other writer shares this opinion. Indeed from the statements of various authors and from my own observations, I think Robin was wrong in calling the subcutaneous vessels, veins rather than lymphatics. Ina specimen killed by pithing, the cephalic lymph sinus was exposed while the heart was still beating ; the veins were gorged with blood but the lymph sinus ap- peared perfectly clear and transparent, and at no time was blood found in the lateral vessels. In several instances a clear fluid was seen to run out of the lateral vessel, when cut, in a fresh specimen. The arrangement of the lymphatic vesels of Ama calva has been found to agree, in general, with that of various other fishes, as described by the several authors, but in some re- spects there is a marked difference. The system consists of the two parts, a peripheral or subcutaneous and an ental or visceral portion. To satisfactorily demonstrate these vessels they may be in- jected but the precaution must be taken to first inject the veins, otherwise the two sets of vessels can not be distin- guished with certainty. A convenient place for injecting the 370 Grant Sherman Hopkins veins is in the large caudal vein which extends along the ven- tral side of theaxon. ‘The tail may be cut off a little cephalad of the base of the caudal fin and the canula easily inserted into the vessel. But as the caudal vein sends off branches into the kidneys, which either break up completely or par- tially in this organ, the further precaution must be taken to use for injecting some mass that will pass through these small vessels into the cardinal veins beyond. Such a mass may be made by taking ro grams of gelatin and adding 50c. c. of water ; this is melted over a water-bath and 150 c. c. of water colored with Berlin-blue, is added. This mass becomes fluid at such a low temperature that there is little danger of the gelatinization of the connective tissue of the blood-vessels and their consequent rupture, when injected, as would be liable to occur if the injecting mass melted only at a comparatively high temperature. For injecting the lymphatics, the follow- ing mass serves very well. Gelatin, 20 grams; water, 200 ce. c.; potassium dichromate, sat. aq. sol. 75 c. c.; acetate of lead, sat. aq. sol. 75 c.c. The gelatin is melted over a water- bath ; the hot dichromate is then added after which the hot acetate of lead is added and the whole mass filtered through flannel or absorbent cotton. LATERAL LINE, LATERAL OR MUCOUS CANAL AND LATERAL LYMPHATIC VESSEL. In order to avoid any possibility of misapprehension in re- gard to these three terms it has been thought well to briefly describe them. The lateral line is a longitudinal line along each side of many fishes, marked by the structure or color of the skin, or both. It consists of a row of tubes or pores, mostly on scales, extending from the head to or toward the tail. The pores are the ducts of muciferous glands whose product is excreted on the sides of the fish. (Cent. Dict). Lateral or Mucous Canal.—In most, if not all, fishes the in- tegument of the body and of the head contains a series of sacs, or canals, usually disposed symmetrically on each side of the middle line, and filled with a clear gelatinous substance. ... These sensory organs are known as the ‘‘organs of the lateral Lymphatics and Enteric Epithelium of Amia Calva 371 ” line,’ or mucous canals. (Huxley, Anat. Vert. p. 79). The lateral lymph vessel is essentially different from the lateral canal, which has the same direction. If one raises the scales with the lateral canal situated under them, and if the skin be cut, there is found in the subcutaneous connective tissue a small vessel, with delicate walls, lying in the groove which separates the long lateral muscles of the vertebral column and so closely connected to the surrounding parts that it is im- possible to separate them. (Hyrtl, Annales des Sci. Nat. Vol. 20 (2° série), p. 222). This canal is the lateral lymph vessel. Unlike the preceding it has no openings upon the surface of the skin. The main subcutaneous lymphatic vessels of Ama calva are four in number and are situated, one on each side of the body, entad of the lateral line, one on the ventri-meson and one on the dorsi-meson. From the large lateral lymph vessels many small branches are given off ina penniform manner. At the base of each pectoral fin is a large lymph sinus. The branches joining these to the lateral lymph vessel extend dor- sad and join the latter at the caudal edge of the shoulder- girdle ; another branch extends from the pectoral to the peri- cardial sinus. After receiving the branch from the pectoral sinus, the lateral lymphatic passes under the pectoral arch and opens into a large lymph sinus (Fig. 10), extending from the dorsal end of the clavicle* along the dorso-lateral portion of the cephalic edge of the arch, to which it is closely joined, and into the base of the cranium. In the cranium the sinus could be traced readily only to about opposite the base of the orbit. The opening from this sinus into the veins is at a point about 1c. m. cephalad, and a very little ventrad, of the dor- sal end of the clavicle (Fig. 10). The orifice is guarded by a valve which opens toward the vein. Near the edge of the clavicle, a little ventrad of the level of the lateral lymph ves- sel, is another orifice opening from this sinus into the peri- * The clavicle is the large curved bone with a thick cephalic and thin caudal border. It extends ventrad and then cephalo-mesad so as nearly to meet its fellow of the opposite side at the ventri-meson of the throat. (Parker’s Zootomy, p. 100). 372 Grant Sherman Hopkins cardial sinus (Fig. 10). The action of the valve at this open- ing, as determined by insufflation, permits only the ingress of fluids and it is by this opening, doubtless, that the lymph of the pericardial sinus enters the lymph sinus of the lateral lymphatic vessel, and from thence enters the veins. At the caudal end of the body the lateral lymphatics terminate in the caudal vein. The correlation of the lymph and blood vessels at this point is somewhat complex. The lateral lymphatic extends caudad, nearly or quite as far asthe dorsal fin, when it suddenly bends at right angles and extends between the muscles directly towards the meson. Close to the sides of the vertebrae the vessel opens into a lymph sinus extending along the side of the axon (Fig. 11, s). Conse- quent on the dorsal inclination of the terminal portion of the axon, the lymph sinus lies at an angle to the general direction of the lateral lymph vessel. Ina specimen measuring 53 c. m., the sinus was about 1c. m., long and from 3 to 5 millimeters at its greatest width. At its cephalic end the sinus opens into the caudal vein. The orifice between the two vessels is closed by a valve which readily permits the flow of lymph into the veins but prevents any flow in the opposite direction as was repeatedly demonstrated by alternate insufflation and aspiration of the caudal vein. The sinus communicates with its fellow of the opposite side by at least two small connecting branches, passing directly from the mesal side of one sinus into the corresponding side of the other. Joining the lateral lymph vessel shortly after it turns toward the meson, is a large branch which extends dorso-caudad to near the dorsal edge of the caudal fin and then turns cephalad and is con- tinued along the body as the dorsal lymphatic (Fig. 11, r.). The correlation of the lateral lymph and blood vessels was found to be the same on either side of the body. The lymphatic vessel on the ventral side of the body begins as a large vessel along the base of the caudal fin, and extends directly cephalad till it reaches the level of the heart where it divides into two branches which lie between the pericardium and the tough fibrous partition separating the pericardial from the abdominal cavity. On its course, it receives the Lymphatics and Enteric Epithelium of Amia Calva 373 lymph from the anal and pelvic fins. The sinus at the base of each of these fins is smaller than the one at the base of the pectoral. As the vessel approaches the heart it increases in size measuring, in a large specimen, about a centimeter in diameter at the point of bifurcation. The two branches into which it divides merge into the large pericardial sinus which, as already stated, communicates with the sinuses of the lateral lymph vessels and thence with the veins. Possibly there are other openings from the pericardial sinus into the veins but none were observed. In one instance an anas- tomosing branch was found extending from the large vessel at the base of the caudal fin, to the lateral lymphatic, joining the latter just as it turns toward the meson (Fig. 11, t). The dorsal lymphatic vessel extends along the dorsimeson from the caudal end of the body to the base of the cranium. At the caudal end, as already indicated, it anastomoses with the lateral lymph vessel, joining it just after the latter turns at right angles to its longitudinal course, to enter the caudal sinus. Whether the dorsal vessel bifurcates into symmetrical branches at its caudal end, can not be positively stated. It is believed, however, that it does. In one specimen a branch was found on either side. At the cephalic end the vessel bi- furcates at the base of the cranium, each branch extending laterad to join the large lymph sinus, on either side, which has already been described as extending to near the base of the orbits and into which the lateral lymphatics open. Along the base of the dorsal fin the vessel is somewhat larger than it is farther cephalad. From the relative size of the two ex- tremities of this lymphatic, one might judge that the course of the lymph was caudad, 7. e., that this vessel emptied at its caudal rather than at its cephalicend. The fins are well sup- plied with lymphatics. According to Trois (22), there are two quite large vessels at the sides of each fin-ray. The vessels of adjoining rays are connected by innumerable small anasto- mosing branches. THE VISCERAL LYMPHATICS. The anastomosis of the visceral with the subcutaneous lymphatic system appears to be slight. Only a few of the 374 Grant Sherman Hopkins smaller branches of the former were filled, however well the latter might be injected. Doubtless by long continued injec- tion of the subcutaneous vessels all the visceral lymphatics could be filled, but a more expeditious method is to inject, by means of a rather coarse hypodermic needle, into one of the small vessels that extends along the intestine or directly into one of the large lymph spaces. It may be said, however, that nothing was found equal to the flexible blow-pipe as a means of demonstrating the course of the lymphatics and their connections with the various trunks. Indeed it is be- lieved that certain of the valves at the orifices could not have been satisfactorily demonstrated in any other manner. The lymphatic vessels which collect the lymph from the abdominal viscera and convey it to the veins, may, for con- venience of description, be divided into two portions of which one consists of three large sinuses and the other of the nu- merous small vessels emptying intothem. ‘Two of the sinuses are situated on either side of the cesophagus immediately cau- dad of the septum between the abdominal and pericardial cav- ities ; the other extends along the walls of the air-bladder, on the right side. The sinuses along the cesophagus are separated from each other and also covered on their ventral side by the liver and the pyloric end of the stomach. The left lobe of the liver is joined to the sinus by a broad fold of peritoneum which is at- tached to the latter along its middle portion. Of the two sinuses the left one is much the larger. In a specimen meas- uring 53c. m. in length, it was nearly 8c. m. long and at least 2c. m. wide. Its general form is cylindrical. It ex- tends as far caudad as the liver. In general, its attachment to the enteron is along the dorso-lateral portion of the cesopha- gus and stomach, but it does not extend as far caudad as the latter ; it is also closely joined to the adjacent walls of the air- bladder. From the caudal end of the sinus several lymphatic vessels ramify in a rich net-work over the adjacent walls of the stomach and air-bladder. The lymphatic sinus on the right of the cesophagus has the same general form as the one on the opposite side. It is about 5 c. m. in length and 1% c. m. Lymphatics and Enteric Epithelium of Amia Calva 375 in diameter at its widest point. It extends nearly as far cau- dad as the cholecyst. The cephalic half is covered by the left lobe of the liver ; the other half by the cholecyst, to which it is closely united. Several ducts open into the caudal end of the sinus. One duct passes obliquely across the dorsal side of the duodenum and pyloric end of the stomach, and joins the left lymphatic sinus at the apex of the interval between the cesophageal and pyloric portions of the stomach, z. e., near the caudal end of the sinus. This is the only communication that was found between the twosinuses. Another lymph duct, much larger than the preceding, passes ventro-caudad be- tween the pyloric portion of the stomach and the duodenum. Upon reaching the ventral side of the latter it extends directly caudad as far as the spleen where it divides into several small branches which accompany the blood-vessels along the sides of the intestines ; along some of the folds of the intestine as many as three lymphatic vessels were found. As the duct reaches the ventral side of the duodenum, it gives off a small branch to the ventral wall of the stomach; the diameter of the main duct itself, along its cephalic portion, is fully 1% c. m. The last to be mentioned of the three abdominal sinuses, is situated on the right side, along the walls of the air-bladder and stomach. It is fusiform, measuring in a specimen 42c. m. in length, a little over 7c. m. from end to end and about 1 c.m. in diameter at its widest point. It opens into the right lymph sinus, on the dorso-lateral side, near the base of the cornu of the air-bladder. There appears to be no valve at this orifice; the injecting material, as well as air, readily passed from the one sinus into the other. At its caudal end it anastomosis with one of the ducts extending along the duodenum ; many small branches enter it from the stomach and air-bladder. The lymph from the right and left lobes of the liver enters the corresponding sinus. In only one or two instances were trabecule seen in the lumen of these sinuses. Some of the vessels of the intestines anastomose with the peripheral lymphatic system at the caudal end of the abdo- men. As stated before, the large fusiform sinus lying along the 376 Grant Sherman Hopkins side of the air-bladder, opens into the large lymph sinus at the right side of the cesophagus. The termination of the en- tire visceral lymphatic system isin the great veins, or ducts of Cuvier, on either side of the heart. From each of the great lymph sinuses, along the cesopha- gus, there extend little bay-like prolongations which open into the venous trunks, as just mentioned. In one specimen three of these openings were seen on each side ; possibly there were still other smaller ones. The mechanism of the valve- like structures which close these orifices needs further study. The lymph sinuses were repeatedly filled with air, yet but little, sometimes none, was seen to escape into the veins; liquids seemed to pass somewhat more readily. It was found practically impossible to pass a beaded bristle from the lymph sinus into the veins, or the opposite, although the orifice is much larger than the bristle. When the sinuses are dis- tended with air, the thin walls around the openings form slight, rounded swellings, which project into the lumen of the blood-vessel. Immediately around the orifice the walls are somewhat thickened, and as nearly as could be made out these thickened portions over-lap each other, in somewhat the same way as would result if a slit were made in a hollow sphere and one edge drawn over the other. This over- lapping of the edges of the orifice would account for the diff- culty of passing a bristle through the opening. THE ENTERIC EPITHELIUM. The enteric epithelium of this most teleosteoid (in appear- ance) of Ganoids, as it has been called, exhibits certain mor- phological features peculiar, so farasat present known, to the group Ganoidei. The buccal cavity is covered by a stratified epithelium ; the superficial layers are flattened while the deeper lying cells are more nearly columnar ; the intermediate cells gradually merge from the one into the other as is com- mon with this kind of epithelium. At irregular intervals the epithelium is pierced by large conical or dome-shaped struct- ures which project to the free surface. ‘These doubtless cor- respond to those structures which according to Wiedersheim Lymphatics and Enteric Epithelium of Amia Calva 377 “function from the amphibia onwards as organs of taste, while in fishes they probably serve as tactile organs.”’ (Weidersheim, Comp. Anat. of Vertebrates, p. 167). Farther caudad the surface layer of cells gradually becomes columnar with many interspersed beaker-cells. Some distance cephalad of the pneumatic duct-opening the stratified is replaced by a columnarepithelium. The transition between the two is quite sudden there being scarcely any overlaping of the two epithe- liums. From this point to within about 2c. m. of the pylorus, the epithelium is ciliated. Incidentally, it may be mentioned here that ciliated epitheliums have been found in several other regions of the body. In the air-bladder, ciliated cells were found from one end of the organ to the other. The cells are columnar but the cilia are somewhat longer than in the ceso- phagus or stomach. The ciliary currents extend cephalad or toward the opening of the pneumatic duct. The epithelium of the nasal cavity is also ciliated ; the cells are of the same general form as those of the air-bladder and stomach but the cilia are much longer than in either of the last mentioned organs. It is stated in the Cyclopeedia of Anat. and Physiol. (Vol. I, p. 633), that according to Purkinje, Valentin and Steinbuch, the presence of bile arrests the motion of cilia. This is incorrect, in the present instance at least, for cilia were found moving vigorously immediately after emptying the chole- cyst of its contents. Ciliated cells were found throughout the whole length of the vesicle and its long convoluted duct. The cilia are quite long and easily seen in both fresh and hardened specimens. The currents induced by the cilia ex- tend toward the opening of the duct. To form some idea of the rapidity with which foreign bodies are carried along by cilia, a clot of blood was placed on the cesophagus at the level of the pneumatic duct opening ; at the end of five minutes the clot had been carried caudad a distance of 4% c.m. Farther caudad, the clot moved much more slowly. At the caudal end of the cesophagus isa short region occupied by rather short, broad follicles lined by columnar ciliated cells ; the true gland cells are first met with some dis- tance caudad of the pneumatic duct opening. 378 Grant Sherman Hopkins According to Schultze (20), the epithelial cells of the stomach in all vertebrates, are open, 7. ¢., the free ends of the cells are not covered by a cell-wall. He thinks that the mucus which these cells secrete is for the purpose of protecting the cells themselves from the digestive action of the secreted fluids. Brinton (3), also seems to hold the same view. Hesays, ‘The protection of the stomach from its own secretion is effected mainly by the salivary and other ,secretions which enter it from the cesophagus and the duodenum. . . . For units of mucous membrane, Fishes seem to have the most powerful gastric digestion.’’ These statements appear somewhat un- satisfactory from the fact that in the American Ganoids, at least, the ciliated character of the epithelium would tend strongly to preclude the formation of a distinct mucous coat over the surface of the stomach. But apart from this, it is believed that the vital properties of the cells are sufficiently potent to withstand any deleterious effects which the gastric secretions may possibly have upon them. Edinger (6), thinks that the functions of the mucus are to thin the chyme and to form a protective covering over the hard indigestible bodies, as sand, shells, etc., which find their way into the stomach. He says that such foreign bodies, surrounded by a tough mass of mucous, are frequently found in the intestine. Ebstein (5), found open as well as closed cells and is of the opinion that during digestion the membrane of the closed cells is ruptured. In all the specimens examined by the writer, both open and closed cells were found. The surface epithelial cells of Amia’s stomach are very slender and the attached ends are continued into long thread- like processes which intertwine with the subjacent mucosa. As already stated, ciliated cells were found uninterruptedly from the cesophagus to within about 2c. m., of the pylorus ; scattered among these were many open beaker-cells. From the open end of many of the latter a mucous mass of varying size was often seen projecting some distance beyond the free ends of the cells. At the cardiac end of the stomach, the gastric glands appear as short tubes, at the base of the follicles mentioned above ; they, however, rapidly increase in length, Lymphatics and Enteric Epithelium of Amia Calva 379 and over the middle portion of the stomach constitute the greater part of the tubule. As the pyloric region is approached the glandular part decreases in length and disappears about 2c. m, from the pylorus ; from this point to the pyloric valve the glands are lined with cells like those forming the surface epithelium of this region, only shorter. In the cardiac region the mouths of the glands are short and are lined by ciliated cells (Fig. 4). The cells of the body of the gland are, for the most part, cubical in longisection of the gland, but for a short distance below the mouth the cells are more nearly cylindrical in out- line. Several glands may open into a single mouth. In fig. 4 it will be noticed that the cells lining the mouth of the gland are placed obliquely to its long axis. Frequently cells were seen so bent that the angle formed equaled at least a right angle. In all cases the convexity of the cells pro- jected towards the exit of the gland; the attached ends of the cells reached a much lower level than the opposite ends. In the pyloric region the glands are more widely separated from each other; the lining cells of these are situated at nearly right angles to the long axis of the gland. ‘Towards the pyloric valve the glands become shorter and finally dis- appear near the free edge of the valve. Cilia were not found in the pyloric glands. Near the free edge of the valve-like structure between the stomach and intestine, the characteristic cells of the intestine appear (Fig. 9). They areslender and the basal end is continued into a long thread-like process. The striated border of the cells is very distinct. The varying levels at which the large oval nuclei are situated, give to the epithelium, when viewed in section, a stratified appearance (Fig. 7). The most remarkable feature of the intestinal epithelium, of Amia, is the presence of cilia in the rectum (Fig. 7). The epithelial cells of this portion of the intestine are of the same form as in other parts, but somewhat shorter. The beaker-cells are numerous and their theca are short and rounded. Ciliated cells were found only within a small area immediately caudad of the spiral valve. They may be demonstrated much more easily and satisfactorily in a per- fectly fresh condition than after hardening. 380 Grant Sherman Hopkins SUMMARY. 1. The subcutaneous lymphatic vessels terminate in lym- phatic sinuses at either end of the body. The lymph sinuses at the base of the cranium empty into the jugular veins. The pericardial lymph sinus opens into the preceding, the ori- fice between the two sinuses being guarded by a valve ; the flow of lymph is from the pericardial into the cephalic lymph sinus. At the caudal end of the body the lymph sinuses empty into the caudal vein. These sinuses are considerably smaller than the cephalic ones. 2. The visceral lymphatic system is more voluminous than the preceding. In addition to the small vessels extending along the intestines, etc., there are three large lymph sinuses situated, one along the right side of the air-bladder, and one on each side of the cesophagus. The termination of the ab- dominal lymphatics is in the ducts of Cuvier, there being sev- eral openings from each of the lymph sinuses, at the sides of the cesophagus, into the great venous trunks. 3. A ciliated epithelium was found over the greater extent of the stomach and in the rectum; over the whole extent of the cholecyst and its duct ; the air-bladder and the nasal cavity. Thanks are due Prof. Gage for suggesting the subject of this paper, and for kindly criticism of the same. IrHaca, N. Y. August 8, 1893, REFERENCES. I. AGASSIZ ET VoGT. Anatomie des Salmonés. Mémoires de la Soci- été des science naturelles de Neuchatel. 1845. 2. BARTHOLIN, THOM. De Lacteis Thoracicis in Homine Brutisque ee rertne Observatis, Historia Anatomica, p. 70, 12 mo. London, 1652. 3: BRINTON, W. Experiments and Observations on the structure and function of the Stomach in the Vertebrate Class. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond., 1860-62. xi, 357. 4- CUVIER. Anatomie Comparée. Tome VI. Paris. 1839. 5- EBsSTEIN, W. Beitrag zur Lehre von Bau und den physiologischen Funktionen der sogenannten Magenschleimdriisen. Arch. fur mikr. Anat. VI. 1870. ©. EDINGER, L. Ueber die Schleimhaut des Fischdarmes, nebst Be- merkungen zur Phylogenese der Driisen des Darmrohres. Arch. fir mikr. Anat. Bd. XIII, 1877. 7+ FOHMAN. Das Saugadersystem der Wirbelthiere. 15 Heft. 1827. 8. HEwson, W. Works. 1846. 9- HyRTL. Ueber die Caudal-und Kopf-Sinuse der Fische, und das damit zusammenhdngende Seitengefass-system. Miiller’s’Archiv fiir Anat. u. Physiol. 1843. Trad. dans les Annales des sciences nat. 2° serie, t. xx. 1O. KILBORNE, F. Ll. Preliminary Note on the Lymphatics of the Common Bull-head, Amiurus catus. Proceed. Amer. Asso. Adv. Sci. Thirty-third meeting. Philadelphia, Penn., 1884. 4X. LEYDIG. Anatomisch-histologische Untersuchungen iiber Fische und Reptilien. — Lehrbuch der Histologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Zur Anatomie und Histologie der Chimera monstrosa. Mil- ler’s Arch. fiir Anat. und Physiol. 1851. ( 12. MILNE-Epwarpbs. Lecous sur la Physiologie. TomeIV. 1859. Pp. 471-480. 13. Monro, A. The Structure and Physiology of Fishes, explained and compared with those of man and other animals. Lond. 1785, in folio. 14. MorEAU, E. Histoire Naturelle des Poissons de la France. 1881. 15. MULLER, J. Untersuchungen iiber die Eingeweide der Fische. Mém. de 1’Académie de Berlin pour 1843. 16. OWEN. Anatomy of Vertebrates. Vol. I. 1866. 17. ROBIN, C. Mémoire sur l’anatomie des lymphatiques des Torpilles comparée 4 celle des autres Plagiostomes. Jour. del’Anat. et Physiol., etc. Paris, 1867, IV, pp. 1-34, 3 plates. 18. Rosin. Sur les vaisseaux lymphatiqnes des Poissons. Arch. gén. de méd., partie anatomique, 1845. 382 Grant Sherman Hopkins —— Note sur le systéme sanguin et lymphatique des Raies et des Squales. Jour. de l’Institute, 1845, t. xiii. Ig. SappEy, Po. C. Etudes sur l’appareille mucipare et sur le systéme lymphatique des Poissons. Paris. 1880. 20. SCHULTZE, F.E. Epithel und Driisen-Zellen. Schultze’s Archiv. Bd. c11. 1867. 21. STANNIUS UND SIEBOLD. Handbuch der Zootomie, zweite Auflage, Teds 22. Trois, KE. F. Contribuzione allo studio del Sistema Linfatico dei Teleostei. Atti del-reale Istituto Veneto. 5 serie, Tomo, 6. Dis- pensa 1-5. pp. 401-418. Plate 3. 1879-80. Contribuzione allo studio del Sistema Linfatico dei Teleostei. Ricerche sul sistema Linfatico Dei Gadoidei. pp. 955-59. 1881-2. Nuovi Fatti risguardanti La Storia del Sistema Linfactico dei Teleostei. Atti del reale Istituto Veneto. 5 serie. Tome 4. Dis- peusa I-5. pp. 579-608. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE I. The outline of the figures, except 10 and 11 were drawn by aid of Abbe’s camera lucida. Details were put in free-hand. Objectives used were Leitz Nos. 2, 5, 7, aud ;; oil immersion. Oculars Nos. 1 and 3. All figures, except 1, 2, Io and 11 are drawn on the same scale. Fic. 1. Section of stomach showing the relative thickness of the different coats. a. mucosa. b. Submucosa and muscularis mucosa. c. Circular muscular layer. d. Longitudinal muscular layer. Fic. 2. Gastric gland. Fic. 3. Epithelial cells of stomach. a. Ciliated cells. b. Beaker- cells with mass of exuded mucus. Fic. 4. Mouth of gastric gland showing the ciliated epithelium with which it is lined; also two glands opening into a single mouth. a. Beaker cell. Fic. 5. Transection of gastric glands. Fic. 6. Longisection of gastric gland. PLATE II. Fic. 7. Ciliated epithelium of the rectum, showing ciliated and beaker-cells and the nuclei at various levels. Fic. 8. Cells of rectum as seen on end. b. Columnar cells. c. Beaker-cells. Fic. 9. Epithelial cells of intestine showing form of cells and striated border. d. Beaker-cell. Fic. to. Diagram of head of Amia showing the connection of the subcutaneous lymphatic system with the veins; the operculum has been removed. a. Pectoral arch. b. Cephalic lymph sinus. c. Jugu- lar vein. d. Duct of Cuvier. e. Laterallymphatic. i. gill. p. Pec- toral fin. s. Serrula. By looking closely at the diagram of the lymph sinus, the connection with the vein may be seen. Caudad of this is another opening into the pericardial sinus ; the pericardial sinus itself is not represented, only the orifice between the two being figured. Fic. 11. Diagram showing the relation of the subcutaneous lymphatic and venous system at the caudal end of the body. a. Dorsal fin. b. Caudal fin. d. Anal fin. e. Axon. i. Caudal vein (the caudal artery has been omitted). 1. Lateral lymphatic vessel; the one on the oppo- site side is indicated by broken lines. s. Caudal lymph sinus. The opposite one is indicated by dotted line. o. Lymph vessel at base of caudal fin. This is continuous with the lymphatic along the ventri- meson,as shown in diagram. t. Connecting branch between the lym- phatic vessel at the base of caudal fin and the lateral lymphatic vessel. r. Branch connecting the dorsal and lateral lymphatic vessels. n. Dor- sal lymphatic vessel. v. Lymph vessel along ventri-meson. PLATE: I. HOPKINS, PLATE I. | BRAIN PRESERVATION, WITH A RESUME OF SOME OLD AND NEW METHODS. By PIERRE A. FISH. The brain, the organ of thought, complex in structure, the great co-ordinator of bodily functions, the master and yet the servant of the animal economy, has been the last of the vis- cera to receive careful preservation. The ancient Egyptians in their most pexfectembalments ‘‘ drew the brain through the nostrils partly with a piece of crooked iron and partly with the infusion of drugs.’’ ‘The other viscera upon removal were carefully cleansed and after proper treatment were replaced in the body, the brain apparently being the only part rejected. The summary treatment of this important organ and the bad precedent thus established by the Egyptians retarded for along time the development of any progressive ideas in this direction. From the time of the Egyptians down to near the close of the seventeenth century no advance but actual retro- gression occurred in the art of preservation ; this being due to some extent to the indifference of the nations in power at that time, but chiefly to the great religious opposition toward any- thing pertaining to science. During this dark period of scientific stagnation much has been lost that may never be recovered. The crude and erroneous descriptions of the early anato- mists justifv the beliefthat their methods were but little superior to those that preceded, but the progress in those early years of embalming the body, marks also an advance, slight and inefficient perhaps, but nevertheless an advance, in the pres- ervation of the brain itself ; particularly so when the injection method came into use. Toa Hollander, Frederic Ruysch, Professor of Anatomy, at Amsterdam from 1655 to 1717, be- longs the honor of having originated and perfected this method to such an extent that his specimens are said to have been wonderfully life-like and to have aroused the admiration of the people of his age. The formula of his preservative was not divulged and the secret of its preparation died with him. 386 Pierre A. Fish William Hunter did much to extend the practice of injection by producing some very beautiful specimens and the impetus thus given by these early anatomists has brought the method down to us with but few if any radical changes. Admirable as these results were concerning the body asa whole, it became apparent that they were quite inadequate when a more thorough and accurate knowledge of brain mor- phology was demanded, thus it came about that greater care was used in the removal of the brain and special methods of treatment were devised, and the importance of technique be- came more and more emphasized, especially so within the last two or three decades. The consistence of the brain coupled with the difficulty of its removal renders it a difficult organ to preserve. History gives good evidence that the advance in the knowledge of brain structure has been largely dependent upon improved methods of manipulation. The purpose of hardening is to bring the brain into a proper condition for the continued study of either its fine or gross anatomy, the former usually requiring some special care in methods and after-treatment which may be dispensed with in the latter without apparent detriment. For the study of the gross anatomy either wet or dry prepar- ations may be available. The preference generally being given to the wet since they are more easily and quickly pre- pared and because they admit of further and careful dissection at any time after once being well hardened. A shrinkage in the tissues must necessarily occur during this process but it is not usually carried so far asin the case of the dry prepar- ations. Nor is there such an unnatural color unless some colored preservative is employed. But there is the disad- vantage of a possible ruination of the specimens by over-ex- posure to the air, evaporation or deterioration of the preserva- tive and a consequent expense in renewing the same. For the study of surface anatomy and of certain parts dis- sected out before the specimen is ‘‘dried,’’ there is no reason why, if successfully prepared, the dry method would not answer most needs and have the further advantage of re- maining permanent in the air. Brain Preservation 387 Reil’s method of preparing the brain : * ‘‘Of the methods which I have employed in preparing brains those contained in the following directions answer best: (1). Let the brain be hardened in alcohol and then placed in a so- lution of carbonated or pure alkali, in the latter two days, in the former for a longer period, and then again hardened in alcohol if thus rendered too soft. The advantage of this method is that the fasciculi of nervous matter are more readily separable and the brown matter more distinguishable from the white than after simple maceration in alcohol; the gray mat- ter is rendered by the alkali of a blacker gray and assumes the consistence of jelly. (2). Let the brain be macerated in al- cohol in which pure or carbonated potass. or ammonia, has been previously dissolved ; the contraction of the brain is lessened by this process. (3). Let the brain be macerated in alcohol from six to eight days and then its superficial dissec- tion commenced, and the separation of the deeper parts con- tinued, as the fluid in which the brain is kept immersed, pen- etrates its substance. This method appears to me better than the preceding, and would very likely be improved if the al- cohol were rendered alkaline. The fibers in a brain thus pre- pared are more tenacious than otherwise, and the deeper parts are sooner exposed to the influence of the alcohol.”’ These methods are applicable chiefly for the macroscopic study of commissural relations and the yeneral direction of fibers. J. Miller in 1834 recommended the use of creosote water for the preservation of the brain and myel. Alcohol is the oldest and most universal preservative em- ployed. Ithas good “‘fixing’’ properties but needs consider- able attention in order to produce the best results. For fixing, it is frequently used in conjunction with some of the various salts, or in case some non-alcoholic fixer is used, it supple- ments or completes the hardening thus begun. As a preserv- ative it is generally used at the ordinary commercial strength —ninety to ninety-five per cent., although for most tissues eighty or even seventy-five per cent. seems to suffice. On account of the continuous dehydration and the struct- * Mayo’s translation of Reil’s Eighth Essay. 388 Pierre A. Fish ural changes induced thereby, it is advisable to use not higher than ninety percent. The great and unequal attrac- tive power of alcohol for water, renders it necessary to begin with the lower grades. Otherwise the rapid withdrawal of the water before the alcohol can replace it, will cause shrink- age and the tearing or breaking down of the tissue. Immer- sion of a large specimen ina limited quantity of strong al- cohol is likely to induce a rapid hardening of the surface, forming a crust through which the alcohol may cease to pene- trate, causing a consequent maceration of the interior. For general utility, economy and certainty of result, no re- agent excels potassium bichromate in its action on nervous tissue. It is said that attention was called to this salt for hardening purposes by a Mr. Savory, some thirty or more years ago”. Itiscommonly used in a simple two or five per cent. solution or in the form of ‘‘ Mullers’”’ or ‘‘ Erlicki’s’’ liquids. The simple solution has of late come into greater prominence. It is inexpensive ; it hardens slowly but thoroughly, with a minimum of distortion and leaves the specimen in a state of good consistency even if its action is prolonged. Its applica- tion is general; it preserves the contours of large and irregular areas for the morphologist and maintains the proper relations of the structural elements for the histologist. A little chromic acid (one or two drops of a one per cent. solution) added to each thirty cubic centimeters of the bichromate will do no harm and will quicken the hardening. ™ All chromic salts impart a disagreeable and abnormal color to the specimens and for some purposes render them quite un- desirable. This” it is said may be obviated to some extent by harden- ing the tissue in the following mixture : Potassium bichromate.. ..... ... 6 grams Potassium nitrate... ....... #44 grams Waters. cs. ares fe Stats Hex Codes it OOO Ce After-treatment with absolute alcohol is recommended by W. C. Krauss for decolorization. Unna advises peroxide of hydrogen. Lee mentions chloral hydrate in a one per cent. Brain Preservation 389 solution, but this is declared by Gierke to be prejudical to the preservation of the tissues. Corrosive sublimate is useful as a fixative either in an aqueous or alcoholic solution ; it is more soluble in the latter. Chaussier at the beginning of the nineteenth century recog- nized the antiseptic properties of this salt and since that time it has been quite extensively used asa preservative. Pro- fessor Robert Garner® with regard to his method says: ‘‘ We let the brain fall from the skull into a hardening solution of bichloride of mercury, the strength about six ounces of the salt to the half gallon of water making a fluid of about 1.038 sp. gr. or the same as the brain itself, in which it consequently remains suspended in mid-fluid without pressure on any of its surfaces and becoming hard and solid without the contraction which takes place when spirit is used. ”’ Richardson” gives the following formula for the central nervous system : Mercuric chlorid. . ........ . 2 grams Alcohol (sp. gr. ae Says ee eee POOLE Hydrochloric acid... ... pL ae One: There are various inconveniences attendius the use of this reagent, not the least of which are its corrosive action on anything metallic making it very necessary that all traces of it be washed out before any dissection is undertaken ; its caustic action on the hands is very marked; precipitates often occur in the tissue and are a source of considerable annoyance to the histologist. Camphor renders the sublimate more soluble and if the tissue after its sublimate bath be brought into alcohol containing camphor the washing out of the salt is considerably expedited. Tincture of iodine is another agent useful in thisrespect. A little of it is added to the alcohol and as it dissolves out the sublimate, the color of the solution is weakened and the iodine is gradually renewed until the color no longer fades. The alcohol should be changed frequently. If the sublimate is not thoroughly re- moved from the tissues they become brittle. The origin of the use of Zinc chlorid for neurological pur- poses is enveloped in considerable uncertainty. Bischoff* in a *Die Grosshirnwindungen des Menschen. Miinchen. 1868. S. 11. 390 Pierve A. Fish note says: ‘‘Fromanote in Gratiolet (Mémoire sur le plis cérébraux del’homme. Paris. 1854, p. 11.) it is to beseen that a Parisian modeller, Stahl, likewise used the zinc chlorid for hardening brains, in order to make a cast of the same after- ward, but it does not appear that Gratiolet employed the same process in his anatomical researches.’’ Bischoff himself had used it for some years previous to 1868. It is a deliquescent salt and specimens should not be left too long in its solution lest they soften. The hardening is con- tinued in alcohol. Aqueous solutions are generally used since enough of the salt may be dissolved to support the brain. Broca® (1879), was perhaps the first to recommend it in an al- coholic solution (ten per cent.). It acts here as a very strong dehydrant, but its action is even if rapid, and with careful treatment no marked distortion results. It has also proven . eminently satisfactory for histological work, but for this a five per cent. solution is apparently just as efficacious as the strong- er. ‘The specific gravity of a saturated alcoholic solution is not great enough to buoy the brain, and a bed of cotton is therefore necessary. Glycerin makes a very efficient preservative. Itis, however, generally utilized as an adjunct in methods more or less com- plex or for the immersion of specimens that have already been hardened. Nitric acid in a ten or twelve per cent. solution has also been recommended ; the specimen is to be immersed from twelve to fifteen days and turned frequently as the liquid is too dense to admit of its being entirely covered. This reagent is said to give the /oughest of preparations. Experiments were made in May, 1892, to determine ap- proximately the relative loss of weight and girth of a number of sheep brains prepared in different ways. The girth was ascertained by measuring transversely around the brain at the level of the temporal lobes. This as well as the weight was determined at three stages during the course of hardening : first, when fresh ; second, the intermediate stage, or before the specimen was brought into alcohol ; third, after immersion in alcohol for a longer or shorter time. The accompanying table shows very concisely the results thus obtained. 391 Brain Preservation WEIGHT. GIRTH. FLUID. fresh. daternie- Alcohol. fresh. interme: Alcohol. diate. diate. 1. Zine chlorid,. . . . . 200grams, 7o per cent. Alcohol . 3000 ¢. c. II4 grams | 87 grams 78 grams Glycerin,.. . . . . . 1200¢. c., May 2, ’92. | May 9,’92.| May 12. tes nose orNs 1G:9/ Mts Sp. gr. 1.05. 2. IO per cent. aqueous solution of | 112 grams | 93 grams 67 grams Zine chlorid, Sp. gr. .14,.. ...| May 2. May 24. | June rt. 26Scin 19; Se a4 ems 3. Equal parts of a saturated aqueous E sol. of Potassium bichromate and a | 7 Ee ees egies 16.5 cm. 15.7 cm. 15.2cm. 1oprct. aqueous sol. of Zinc chlorid. ya ¥ 9- : 4. Saturated aqueous solution of Cor-| 112 grams | 118 grams | 76 grams rosive sublimate, Sp. gr. I.05,. . May 2. May 24. June Il. 16,9.cm, 16.9 em. 14:9 CMs 5. Equal parts of saturated solutions ‘ of Potassium bichromate and Cor- “Maes cee fee 15.9 cm. 16.5 cm. 15.3. cm. rosive sublimate, (aqueous) . . ‘ : ; 6. Saturated aqueous solution of Po-| IoI grams | 115 grams | 94 grams tassium bichromate, Sp. gr. 1.06, May 2. June II. Sept. I9. 15.9 cm. 16.6 cnl. 16. cm. 392 Pierre A. Fish The brain ‘‘fixed’”’ in fluid No. 1 did not sink to the bottom of the vessel until after six days. Within ten days it had lost 36 grams in weight, and 1.9 centimeters in girth, and had be- come slightly distorted. The specimen in fluid No. 2 floated for more than a week; it also became somewhat distorted. The loss of weight was 45 grams, of girth 2.3 centimeters, being greater than in any of the others. Fluid No. 3 was very rapid in its action and produced a very firm preparation. The color was considerably lighter than in the ordinary bi- chromate specimens. The loss of weight was 39 grams, of of girth 1.3 centimeters. It should be noted with regard to fluid No. 4, that the weight increased 6 grams at the interme- diate stage and that the girth was exactly the same as when fresh. At the third stage, however, there was a loss of 36 grams in weight, and of 2 centimeters in girth, due without doubt to the re-dissolving of the sublimate in the alcohol. Fluid No. 5 gave a better final test than did any of the pre- ceding. There was an increase of 8 grams in weight and of 0.6 centimeter in girth at the intermediate stage. The loss of weight was 25 grams and of girth 0.6 centimeter. ‘Treat- ment with fluid No. 6 left the brain nearest to its original weight and girth. There was a gain of 14 grams in weight and of 0.7 centimeter in girth at the intermediate stage. Af- ter more than four months from the date of its first treatment it had lost only 7 grams in weight and had gazed 0.1 centimeter in girth. The bichromate is nearly insoluble in alcohol, and once having penetrated the tissue thoroughly, it remains ; the replacement of the natural water of the tissues is so gradual that there is little or no chance for shrinkage, while the al- cohol afterward helps to keep the salt in place if kept in the dark (Virchow). The alba and cinerea are quite markedly differentiated ; and there always exists the abnormal but char- acteristic chromic color. An ideal preservative would be one of about the same specific gravity as the brain itself, replacing gradually the natural fluids of the tissue with a simple fluid, or with a solu- tion of some salt of equal density, and not markedly chang- ing the natural color or size of the specimen. Brain Preservation 393 There are two liquids which will cause the brain to retain approximately its normal size; one is glycerin which, after it has thoroughly infiltrated the hardened tissues, causes them to absorb moisture from the atmosphere and the natural fluid is thus artificially replaced by means of this hy- groscopic agent. There must, however, be some limit to the preservative action, and the time may eventually come when enough water will have been absorbed to cause considerable deterioration. The other liquid is potassium bi- chromate which, as noted in the table, caused an actual ‘‘bloating ’’ of the tissue, increasing both the weight and girth of the specimen, and imparting an undesirable as well as an unnatural color. The pia is a more or less inelastic and pervious membrane, and while on the one hand it may retard the penetration of the fluid, it serves a little later, in the case of the bichromate to restrain the ‘‘bloating’’ and keep the tissue within bounds. The pressure either from without or within, would tend to disturb the normal relations of the his- tological elements. Brains from animals of the same species react differently although subjected to exactly the same course of treatment. The density of the tissue, the age and condition of the sub- ject, the temperature and many other factors equally impor- tant, are causes which contribute to these varying results. After considerable study and experimenting a fluid was de- vised, which, though not ideal in its effects, seems to answer the requirements of economy, fixation of the structural ele- ments, differentiation of tissue, a minimum amount of distor- tion, firmness of texture, and rapidity of action. The formula is as follows : Wiatete: eck scone: fonda cs om Grucp She AOO*CE.Ce 95% Alcohol... Go a ie ce ae 40. Coe: Glycerin 26. ig 2k ok a ee 2G: Zine chlorid.......... . 20 grams. Sodium chlorid. ...... .. . 20grams. The specfic gravity of the mixture should be about 1.04, a little greater than that of the brain itself (1.038). The 394 Pierre A. Fish slightly greater density of the fluid is believed to be more ad- vantageous than otherwise, since it buoys the brain until the tissue has begun to harden and can partially support its own weight. The pressure is nearly enough equal on all sides to prevent any noticeable change of form. It is recommended that the cavities of the brain be filled with the mixture (ccelin- jected) and if practicable the blood-vessels also injected. After an immersion of about three days the specimen should be transferred to equal parts of the foregoing mixture and seventy per cent. alcohol for a week or more, where on account of the lesser specific gravity it should rest upon a bed of ab- sorbent cotton ; it is finally stored in 90% alcohol. The addition of the zinc chlorid to the solution is to expe- dite the hardening, to differentiate the tissue, and to insure a more equable and penetrating action. Osler attributes the differential effect to the glycerin or some impurity in it. Experiment has not confirmed his statement. Zinc chlorid coagulates the blood and renders it much darker than usual. The highly vascular condition of the cinerea would soon ren- der it susceptible to the action of this salt, and it would in general assume a shade relatively much darker than the alba. The sodium chlorid is supposed to render the zinc more solu- ble, and to some extent to lessen its causticity. The glycerin is also useful in this latter respect, but its chief use besides preservation is to bring the fluid up to the required specific gravity. A one-fifth per cent. solution of picric acid in fifty per cent. alcohol has been used by Professor S. H. Gage with very successful results upon a human brain. The specimen was carried up gradually to 95% through the intermediate grades of alcohol. He has also obtained excellent prepara- tions of fetal brains by injecting the preservative through a hypodermic needle into the brain cavities. ‘“Dry’’ preparations are those which may remain perman- ently exposed to the atmosphere at the ordinary temperature, without apparent detriment. There are essentially two methods of preparation, the one consisting of actual dessication or mummification, in which the specimens remain hard and Brain Preservation 395 inflexible ; the other involves the infiltration of the tissue by some hygroscopic substance like glycerin which replaces the natural fluid by abstracting the requisite amount of moisture from the air. Such specimens, of course, are not dehydrated and therefore are not dvy in the same sense as those of the former class. A temporary dry preparation of the brain for demonstrative purposes has been recommended by von Lenhossek”. After thorough hardening in alcohol, the specimen, when needed for demonstration, is carefully dried in soft linen and then coated with a thin layer of celloidin applied with a fine brush. After five or ten minutes the celloidin dries, and as a thin, transparent, tough membrane affords great protection and firm- ness to the preparation. If exposed to the air for more than two hours the specimen will begin to shrink and should be re- turned to the alcohol. Paraffin impregnation of brain tissue for dry preparations was first employed by Fredericq’. Schwalbe" in the same year (1876) adopted Fredericq’s method slightly modified. The brain is hardened in zinc chlorid or alcohol, the membranes are re- moved and the specimen cut into suitable pieces, impregna- tion zz toto does not seem to be advisable. After dehydrating in strong alcohol, immerse in turpentine until completely sat- urated, then infiltrate with soft paraffin at a temperature of 60° C. from five to eight days and let cool on a layer of cotton taking care to avoid deformation. W. C. Krauss” and others have employed a similar method and recommend it for friable specimens. Dr. J. W. Blackburn’s' method consists of allowing the specimen to harden for about five weeksin Muller’s fluid, the pia being removed after a few days immersion. After thorough dehydration in alcohol it is placed in a saturated solution of Japan wax (a concrete oil, the product of Rhus szc- cedenea) in chloroform. When the alcohol has been displaced the specimen is transferred to a bath of pure melted wax and kept there at the melting point (42° to 55° C.), until thoroughly infiltrated. Upon removal the wax drains from the surface leaving it perfectly smooth. A small proportion of paraffin will prevent cracking. 396 Pierre A. Fish Stieda” immerses the brain in an aqueous solution of zinc chlorid for twenty-four hours, as soon as it becomes firm enough the pia is removed and the specimen is transferred to ninety-six per cent. alcohol for two or three weeks, to de- hydrate, it is then transferred for an equal length of time to turpentine and finally immersed for two weeks or longer in the ordinary commercial oil-finish. It is laid on blotting paper to dry for about eight days, and acquires a dull brown color on its surface. A shrinkage occurs which he considers unimportant, about one fourth of the original volume being lost. Teichman” has pursued a similar course, the difference being that the brains were hardened in alcohol and finally impreg- nated with ‘‘ Damar-harz’’ or ‘‘ Damar-lack.”’ So far as Stieda knows Broca was the first to use nitric acid for hardening the central nervous system. His formula is as follows : The brain is left in this mixture for two days ; the quantity of the nitric acid is then doubled and after two days more the specimen is taken out and allowed to dry and harden. There is considerable shrinkage. A method of ‘‘galvanoplastie’’ de- vised by M. Oré’ is said to give good and durable specimens. Duval has proposed a modification of Broca’s method in that the specimen is finally to be infiltrated with paraffin. Hyrtl” (1860) saw no special advantage in using salts or nitric acid combinations, and gave the preference to alcohol ; the addition of sugar as recommended by Lobstein gives to the specimen a welcome degree of flexibility. His experi- ments on dry preparations were not wholly satisfactory ; the brains of a horse and calf were utilized and after hardening in sublimate were ‘‘cooked’’ in linseed oil and then allowed to dry. They kept their shape for a couple of weeks but after some months the horse brain shrunk to the size of a small apple and that of the calf to the size of a nut. Giacomini’ was the first to use glycerin for ‘‘ dry” prepara- tions ; his specimens have been highly commended for retain- Brain Preservation 397 ing their volume and color to a remarkable degree. All glycerin methods are essentially the same in principle and differ from Giacomini’s chiefly in the manner of hardening and manipulation. Giacomini prefers a saturated aqueous solution of zinc chlorid for hardening although potassium bichromate, nitric acid or alcohol will give good results. The pia is removed after an immersion of twenty-four hours in the zinc chlorid solution, the brain remains in the liquid for two or three days longer, until it tends toward the bottom of the vessel, when it should be removed, as a longer stay would cause it to absorb too much water, it is then transferred to 95 per cent. alcohol where it may remain indefinitely, ten or twelve days usually being sufficient. The specimen is finally put into pure glycerin or glycerin containing carbolic acid to the amount of one per cent., when it has sunk just below the surface it may be removed and exposed to the air. After a few days when the surface has become dry, it is varnished with india rubber or better yet with marine glue varnish di- luted with a little alcohol. This completes the process. Dissections should be made previous to the glycerin bath. Histological detail is also said to be preserved to aremarkable extent. Laskowsky’s” method consists of first washing the fresh specimen in water to remove the blood, it is then placed in the following mixture : WAG D a's een cee ce can tahoe ceaastiane . 100 parts. 05 Jo. AIlCOhO)-cenaecn cue ee eaens 20 parts. BOraci cra Cid) suis, Sate alaicke muon wine ats 5 parts. Kept in a cool place. The pia is removed and the brain then placed in a saturated alcoholic solution of zinc chlorid for five. or six days, the bottom of the vessel being covered with cotton. Transfer for fifteen or twenty days toa mixture consisting of : GIVCEPiNe ee ada ee meee eee 100 parts. Alcobolie. 2 3.4 ace seatenoe gn S2Ouparts, Carbolie-acid...3 ve.ussug aie ees 5 parts. BOraciGiacid: sissies tools ates tees 5 parts. Let the specimen dry in the air, protected from dust. 398 Pierre A, Fish Max Flesch® recommends the addition of one part of cor- rosive sublimate to three thousand parts of glycerin. A hu- man brain he leaves in water for two days in order to wash out the blood, it is then placed in alcohol for four weeks; then for two weeks in equal parts of glycerin and alcohol and finally four weeks in pure glycerin, to every three thousand parts of which is added one part of corrosive sublimate (the sublimate is dissolved in a small quantity of water and alcohol and then added to the glycerin). Wherever it is necessary the brain is supported upon a layer of cotton to avoid deformity. After the drainage of the superfluous glycerin the specimen is again placed for final storage upon a piece of blotting paper supported by a layer of cotton and the whole enclosed by a paste board box with a glass top, to protect from the dust. The expense is slight as the solutions can be used repeatedly. The alba and cinerea are said to remain well differentiated. Struthers” hardens the brain in alcohol after the removal of the membranes, for ten or fourteen days. It is then put into: Gly Cerin 24 Me Se Se Ae hein a cn ipakts: GarbolicrA Cid! ivi: Ge: he tne oee , parts for two or three days. When the superfluous glycerin drains off, the brain is put under a glass case in order that it may not take the dust. It is claimed that there is less shrinkage and more flexibility than in Giacomini’s method. Richardson” recommends the following formula : Glycerin: oP om. Ghee ee ais Se BOERS Methylated spirit. . ...... .600c.¢. AMMe@chlovids: ~ 2 444) owe A 2 grams. ‘‘ Dissolve the zinc chlorid in the spirit and gradually add the glycerin. In use immerse the structure in the solution and keep it in until it is fully saturated. Then remove and let harden,” [dry]. As a result of numerous experiments and a careful study of previous methods, the following process was devised: The preliminary treatment is as directed on page 393. After dehy- Brain Preservation 399 dration in repeated changes of ninety-five per cent. alcohol, immerse the brain in a mixture of: Lill Pentti meres 5 -g.-beee eiaen tee od A. oC Spats; Castor Ot 2s cig ae ele eee aed Apart, until it becomes tolerably translucent (one or two weeks) changing the solution if it becomes cloudy, then transfer to pure castor oil for a week or two. Allow it to drain on a layer of cotton covered with absorbent paper until the surface dries and then paint it over afew times with an alcoholic solution of bleached shellac. ‘The specimen soon becomes firm and re- quires no special attention when once it has become dry. This process differentiates alba and cinerea well. (See Plate). The brain sections or dissections should be made before im- mersing in the turpentine-oil mixture. It will be found that the alba becomes translucent first, the preparation at this par- ticular stage may then be put into the pure castor oil until thoroughly penetrated and subsequently drained and shellaced. The castor oil may be used repeatedly and costs only one-half as much as glycerin. Some shrinkage occurs, the dry specimen losing about one- fourth of its volume after it has left the liquid. It should be remembered that the brain consists of eighty-eight per cent of fluid and that the possibilities of evaporation and the re- placement of this natural liquid by an artificial one as in dehydration render some shrinkage inevitable. It is not feasible therefore to harden a brain rapidly without some con- densation of tissue, the main point is to harden the specimen without distortion or to have the shrinkage evenly distributed. Theoretically the shrinkage might be lessened or entirely obviated if each fluid or mixture into which the brain is immersed could be kept at the same specific gravity as the brain itself, and replace equally its normal fluid. This does not seem to be practicable where dehydration is necessary. The dry process has given good results on delicate fetal brains, it seems to strengthen them so that they may be readily handled, but great care must be taken in transferring them through the different fluids. If breakage should occur the 400 Pierre A, Fish parts may be stuck together with mucilage and after shellac- ing again the specimen will be as durable as ever. There are objections to both the dry and glycerin methods. The former renders the specimens too hard and there is per- haps a little more shinkage; with the latter there is more flexibility but there is a greasy and disagreeable feel to the preparations. Experiments are in progress with a view toward combining the more desirable features of each, by compounding an emulsion in the following proportions : Glycerin cies ete . .100¢c.¢c. @astor oils. he a ee ROOTES. Gumearabie 2. 24 a) 4 4: dens S a0 rams or, Gum tragacanth.. ........ .50grams If well made it does not ‘‘crack’’ and seems to penetrate the tissues quite well though somewhat slowly. The emulsion can be used repeatedly by rubbing it up again in a mortar be- fore putting a new specimen into it. The brain may be shell- aced as in the previous method. The writer wishes to acknowledge his obligations to Pro- fessor Wilder whose kindly interest in this line of work has rendered practicable many interesting experiments and whose indefatigable energy in scientific research has been an example as well as an incentive in the preparation of this paper. Acknowledgments are also due to Professor H. H. Donaldson of Chicago University and to Professor S. H. Gage of Cornell for valuable suggestions. ITHACA, N. Y. AUGUST, 1893. QA aawn # al ® XI. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 2X. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. REFERENCES. . BLACKBURN, J. W. British Medical Journal, May 18, 1889. p. 1131. . British Medical Journal, April, 1892. . Broca, P. Mémoires sur le cerveau de l’homme. 1888. . Cyclopzedia of Anatomy and Physiology, ITI, p. 669. . DonaLpson. H. H.and Boiron, T. lL. Amer. Jour. of Psychology, IV, pp. 224-229. . FLescH, Max. Anat. Anzeiger, II, p. 294. Abstr. in Jour. Roy. Micr. Soc., VIII, 1888, p. 507. . FREDERICQ. Bull. de l’Acad. roy. de Belg. 2 ser. XL. June, 1876. . GARNER, R. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., XV, p. 537. . GIACOMINI. Arch. per le Scienze Mediche. 1878. p. 11. . HyrTL, JosepH. Mandbuch der Praktischen Zergliederungs- kunst. Wien, 1860. Krauss, W. C. Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal. Nov. 1888. LaSskowsKI, S. L’Embauement et la conservation des sujets. 1886. — Neurol. Centralblatt. VI, pp. 341-342. LEE, A. B. The Microtomists Vade Mecum. 1890. MULLER, J. Arch. f. Anat. 1834. p. 95. RICHARDSON, B. W. Wood’s Medical and Surgical Monographs, III. 1889. ROSENBACH, O. Centralbl. f. Nervenheilkunde von Erlenmeyer. XII Jahrg. 1889. No. 6. ScHWALBE. Anat. Anzeiger. I, 1886, p. 322. StTizepDA, L. Anat. Anzeiger. WI, 1891, p. 450. Also Neurol. Cen- tralbl. No.5. 1892. STRUTHERS. Jour. Anat. and Physiol. KXII. Appendix. p. IX. UnNaA. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat. XXX, 1887, p. 47. VON LENHOSSEK, M. Anat. Anzeiger, II, 1887, pp. 3-17, Also abstr. in Amer. Nat., XXII, pp. 858-859. WHITMAN, C. O. Methods in Microscopical Anatomy and Embry- ology. 1885. WILDER, B.G. Article: Brain, Removal, Preservation and Dis section of. Ref. H’db’k of the Med. Sciences, VIII, 1889, pp. 195- 201, — Supplement. Ref. H’db’k of the Med. Sciences. 1893, pp. ITI-I21, WILDER AND GaGE. Anatomical Technology. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. All of the figures are at about the natural size of the dry specimens and were prepared according to the castor oil method. The transections show the differentiation of the alba and cinerea. Fig. 1 and 6 are from the sheep, Ovis aries. Fig. 2 and 5 are from the dog, Canis familiarts. Fig. 3 is the mesal view of the right hemi- cerebrum of Macacus rhesus. Fig. 4 is the lateral aspect of the right hemicerebrum of Macacus cynomolgus. DRY PREPARATIONS OF THE BRAIN—FISH. THE GENUS PHYLLOSPADIX. By WILLIAM RUSSEL DUDLEY. Phyllospadix belongs toa group of plants—the Sea Grasses, remarkable in their morphological characters, their habitat, and the probable antiquity of the types constituting them. The genera are few in number, variously reckoned from seven to ten, embracing less than thirty known species, and includ- ing all the flowering plants whose habitat is wholly marine. The pollen, moreover, in all but three species, has the extra- ordinary form of long, colorless, mycelioid filaments, a struct- ure suited no doubt to processes of fertilization which must be carried on usually under water. On the other hand, the or- dinary granular pollen, adapted for transference through the air, is practically universal among other Angiosperms. Two-thirds of the species mentioned form a section in the Natural Order Potamogetonacez, the other one-third are grouped with a related order. The five marine genera in the first-named order, all with filamentous pollen, are Zostera and Phyllospadix forming a distinct tribe, Posidonia and the two nearly related genera Cymodocea and Halodula. Zostera has two widely distributed and three Australian species, Phyllos- padix is peculiar to the Pacific coast of North America, known from San Diego to British Columbia and probably beyond these limits. Posidonia has one species in the Mediterranean and one on Australian and Tasmanian shores. Cymodocea has one species in the Mediterranean, one in the West Indies, and fivein the Indo-Pacific Oceans. Halodula has one species in the West Indies, and one in the Indo-Pacific region. All appear to be confined to a few fathoms below low-tide mark. The small number of forms and their often remarkable isola- tion suggest a long racial existence, marked by great vicissi- tudes; and the fact that fossil remains, referable only to above- named types, are found in the Tertiary and even in the upper 404 William Russel Dudley Cretaceous of Europe, indeed prove these forms to be of very ancient origin. Zostera is by far the best known genus and is apparently one of the oldest types. It is the only genus of the group which has species at all cosmopolitan in their dis- tribution. One of these, Zostera marina, frequent in the old world, extends to the shallow bays and tide-water coves of Atlantic North America, and is the only sea-grass found in its waters. The distinguished morphologist, in whose honor this paper was written, will recall the submarine meadows of Zos- tera along the New England coast as giving shelter to num- erous forms of animal life. The wide extension of this species and Zostera nana, an old-world form, so far as definitely known, shows Zostera to be the most flexible and the strongest of the old types believed to exist in the Tertiary seas. From this strain only one other subsidiary type of generic importance—Phyllospadix, appears to have sprung and per- sisted till recent times. This genus and Zostera are charac- terized by a flattened spadix, closely invested by the spathe, in which the flowers are entirely concealed until anthesis. The moncecious spadices and ovoid fruits of Zostera are re- placed in Phyllospadix by dicecious spathes and cordate- sagittate fruits. The retinacula, or appendages protecting the sexual organs, wanting in some Zosteras, small in others, are strongly developed in Phyllospadix. Some years ago, while in Berlin, my attention was partic- ularly called to the genus under consideration, while looking over with Professor Ascherson the drawings for his mono- graph of the order in the ‘‘ Pflanzenfamilien.’’ JI was then chiefly struck with the fact that the genus was a nearly mono- typic one and peculiar in its geographical restriction. When the plants were first seen growing along the bold shores of Santa Cruz county, one was most impressed by the remarkable departure from Zostera in habitat. Like many of the great Algee, it is either a surf plant living on exposed rocky points, or grows in coves of rocks and sand, where the strong move- ment of the waters keeps the long, supple leaves constantly doubling upon themselves. As this paper concerns itself with the morphology, anatomy The Genus Phyllospadix 405 and environment of the genus in relation to its probable ori- gin, I will dismiss, for the present, the question of the species with the following remarks : The two species of the California coast have been collected about Monterey Bay, and somewhat carefully examined together with dried material collected along the coast from Oregon to Santa Barbara. ‘They are closely allied forms, although it will be convenient to refer to them as distinct species. Phyllospadix Scouleri, described as early as 1840 by the elder Hooker from Scouler’s specimens from the Columbia River, inclines to bolder shores, has a flatter leaf, often but not always a much shorter stem, with one spathe (occasionally several), and usually larger fruits than Ph. Torreyi, Watson. The statement that the leaf is broader does not always hold, and three nerves are present in both, instead of only in Ph. Scouleri, as is usually stated. They are more obscure in Ph. Torreyi on account of the leathery texture of the latter, thrice as thick asin the sister species. The very doubtful Ph. serrulatus, Rup., I have not seen, and nothing seems to be known of it beyond the frag- ment on which Ruprecht based his description. What follows concerning the morphology and structure of the genus relates to Ph. Torreyi, reference being made to the second species by especial mention. Phyllospadix grows attached to rocks, or to a rocky substra- tum covered with a few inches of sand, in distinct turfs or flat tussocks usually, each being from one-fourth to one-half a meter in diameter, and composed of branched, rooting rhizomas giving rise to the long leaves among which are concealed the much shorter spathe-bearing stems. It is not often seen extend- ing more than one or two fathoms beyond low-tide. At very low water a fringe of plants along the upper margin of the belt is often left completely exposed, but ordinarily the plants are not left quite bare. They cling by means of short, firm roots and the under-surface of the somewhat interwoven rhizomas, to hard surfaces, somewhat after the manner of the larger Algze ; and although the stems and leafy branches break away, the rhizomas seldom loosen their hold except with age. The rhizoma and the arrangement of its dependent mem- 406 William Russel Dudley bers appear never to have been described. Benthain and Hooker, in the Genera Plantarum, describe the rhizoma as tuberous-lobed. Ascherson uses a similar expression, and Morong’s recent figure shows a tuberous body at the base of the stem. This error has come from the examination of her- barium specimens, where the rhizomas usually appear bro- ken into knotty masses. There is no suggestion of tuberous or bulbous formations about any living specimen. The growth is monopodial, and one can obtain specimens from ten to twenty-five centimeters in length, the usual thickness being about one centimeter. Referring to Plate I., B, a remarkable symmetry will be observed in the arrangement of the lateral members. Applying the terms ‘‘ node’’ and ‘‘ internode ’’ for convenience only, it will be noticed that the fourth leaf and branch (I* b‘,) through the growth of the internode next for- ward have been separated from the terminal bud, which has freed itself by pushing forward out of the sheath of the fourth leaf. The branch does not even in the bud occupy the axil of this leaf, and at present can be seen supra-axillary, much separated, and also about to free itself from the sheathing fourth leaf. The growth of the internode also exposes the epaulette of eight minute roots (r‘) in a double row on the shoulder of the rhizome, just below the next or fifth leaf, and on the opposite side from, but above the fourth branch, (b‘). The number of the roots is either eight or six in each epau- lette, in all the plants seen, and the older are furnished with branched rhizoids. Throughout, the protective precautions will be found remarkable. The earliest sheath (1') envelops all the younger members of the rootstock forward, 1’, 1° per- forming successively the same office. In addition to this cu- mulative sheathing, the thick midrib of each leaf.sheath will be found directly over the enclosed branch-bud it immedi- ately protects. As the rhizoma develops, every young lateral member in the manner above described frees itself from the mummy-like wrappings, one by one, and takes its place in the plant community. It will be observed that the arrangement of the roots, branch and leaf is alternately reversed in each succeeding internode, the cartilaginous roots alternating with The Genus Phyllospadix 407 the branch, affording at once an even support in the sand or on the rock, and balance in the water, very complete and ef- fective as a mechanical arrangement calculated to resist great strain. Zostera, accustomed for the most part to protected waters and more or less muddy bottom, has numerous weak roots in ir- regularly placed cushions, and the more fragile leaves exhibit no especially effective means of bud-protection. The fibro-vascular bundle-traces (C’) show that the leaf- trace, and the root-trace in the ‘‘internode’’ behind it arise from nearly the same plane and simultaneously, the leaf and roots themselves never being far separated when !mature. The bundle-trace to the branch has a very different origin, and at no time appears axillary. In the older parts of the rhizoma there are three fibro-vascular traces (the vascular system weakly developed), but the lateral ones are not in a plane with the branches and roots. At each branching of the central trace, however, toward the leaf or roots the lateral traces send in to its support tributary horizontal branches. The leaves, mostly from sterile branches, are numerous, slender, smooth, coriaceous, dark-green, from one to two and one-half millimeters in width, oval in cross-section, and usually from one to two and one-half meters long. They are provided with sheaths from ten to thirty centimeters or more in length, opening at the side and ending in short, rounded stipules. The numerous small nerves of the sheath are re- solved above into three, which continue through the length of the long lamina to near its two-lobed extremity. At intervals there are simple cross-veinlets. The extremities of the young and still enclosed leaves are beautiful objects, from the development of the ruffs of ‘‘fin-cells,’’ transparent, of various forms, and arising from the leaf a little within the margins (Fig. K). These persist after the leaf is free in the water. Similar structures are known in species of a few re- lated genera. The slender (one to two millimeters in width) flowering stems, are from lateral branches, and are concealed and pro- tected by the more distal leaves of the leaders. They are 408 William Russel Dudley quite leafy at the base, and rise from one-third to two-thirds of a meter, to the summit of the upper spathes, and by means of the extension of the leafy tips of leaves, spathes and spathe-sheathes, are continued to the height of a meter or more. In the stem are from three to five nodes with sheath- ing leaves, one or two of the lower leaf-sheaths usually empty. ‘The upper are occupied by the clusters or branches of spathes. The uppermost cluster, however, terminates the stem, and usually has no sheathing leaf corresponding to those of the nodes proper, its place being taken by the lower spathe-sheath. The stems of staminate plants are usually shorter than those of the pistillate; and instead of two or three spathes in a cluster, there are usually three or four shorter ones in the staminate plant. The pistillate inflor- escence is carefully shown in Plate I, A, and apparently this arrangement is repeated, in both sexes, in all cases. The ar- rangement of spathes and spathe-sheaths is the same as in Zostera, except there is no prolongation to the axis of the branch bearing them. From their beginnings the buds and the sexual organs are provided with a remarkable system of shields. Referring to figures A and C’ we shall find retina- cula, spathe, spathe-sheath, successively embracing the mem- bers within, and the whole, as well as the other branches above it, enclosed by the strong sheath of the nodal leaf. As the various sheaths burst because of the expansion of the growing parts within, the flat, broad, shredded remnant is seen, characteristic of the older leaves of Phyllospadix. The spathe proper and its spadix are sessile on a flattened, common peduncle, two to three centimeters long. Reference to the figures D and E will show the flattened staminate spadix, the oblique arrangement in two rows of the pairs of sessile, distinct anther-lobes, (each pair a single ‘‘ two- celled’’ anther), protected by the broadly ovate, somewhat falcate, obtuse retinacula or appendages; also the young pistils in two rows on the pistillate spadix, their retinacula oblong and obtuse. But we must here state at length several additional facts which appear never to have been recorded, and correct a few important errors. The Genus Phyllospadix 409 In anthesis the staminate retinacula, firm, chartaceous, over- lapping laminee, lift, then recurve one by one, only as the in- dividual anthers mature (Fig. D). They push off in this process the spathe, and neither ever returns to the original position, as their protective function of course ceases with the discharge of the pollen. The cells of the outer epidermis of an appendage at the line of flexure are longer and thinner than the adjacent ones, and those of the inner epidermis are shorter and thicker walled. Presumably an increase of cells takes place among the latter at anthesis. The stigmas, only, of the young pistils are extruded at ma- turity (Fig. A). The spathe and retinacula closely invest them, until by the growth of the fruit and the curvature of the old spadix (Fig. E) the whole is carried out of the spathe. But at no time is there a reflexing of the pistillate retinacula, although Ruprecht’s figures and some descriptive statements assert the contrary. An interesting fact developed is the presence on the pis- tillate spadix, alternating with the pistils, of pairs of rudi- mentary anther lobes whose lower part is sufficiently de- veloped to produce even a few pollens, the upper portion re- maining an undeveloped cellulose point (Fig. G). No pollen is apparently discharged, however. If these anthers had been fully developed we should have precisely the arrange- ment and appearance of the moncecious spadix of Zostera. In Zostera, apparently the older genus, there is a curved ridge connecting the twin anther-lobes in their younger stages. This is believed by Hofmeister and subsequent ob- servers to be a ‘‘connective,’’ and as each of the two lobes has the two pollen-sacs or loculi of the ordinary anther-lobe, ‘the two lobes together form one quadrilocular anther, which appears on the Zostera spadix alternating with the single pistil, The rudimentary anthers on the pistillate spadix of Phyllospadix are connected throughout their whole existence with exactly such a curved ridge, shown in figure G. On the staminate spadix, however, this connection is scarcely traceable, even when the anther is very young, and when it is mature the connective seems to have disappeared. 410 William Russel Dudley That these rudiments have a normal origin is seen in G, (left hand fig.), a drawing from sections of the young pistils and anthers where the latter appear to be as well-formed at this stage as the ovaries. The number of anthers on a well- developed staminate spadix is usually twenty or twenty-two, (forty to forty-four lobes), the number on the rudimentary ones on a similar pistillate spadix is about twenty, the pistils eighteen or twenty, showing that on the staminate spadix an- thers have not developed in place of pistils ; on the contrary, I have not been able to find the least trace of a rudimentary pistil either on the young or the mature staminate spadix. From this evidence, the derivation of one genus from the other seems undoubted ; also it would appear that the stami- nate spadix, and consequently the dicecious condition of the genus had taken on a very decided character, and had probably been brought about in recent geologic times, if we are to judge by the persistence and character of the rudi- mentary organs. In structure, the anthers have been described by Bentham and Hooker and others as ‘‘like Zostera.’’ The rudimentary organs with their connective enable us to prove this assertion, the pair, as in Zostera,* constituting but a single anther. Sections of Phyllospadix anthers (Fig. J) also show that each lobe has two pollen-sacs similar in appearance to those seen in sections of the anther-lobes of our Pacific coast Zos- tera. In one respect they differ, however. In Zostera the * A curious confusion in the description of Zostera anthers appears in all the standard systematic works in England and America, viz., in Bentham and Hooker, Gray’s Manual, and Watson’s Bot. of Cal. The anther is described as ‘* one’’ and ‘‘ one-celled ’’—a manifest. contradic- tion. If the anthers are single, between pistils, then they are not one- celled. If they are one-celled, then what we have termed anther-lobes must be considered as two anthers. Eickler in ‘‘ Bluthendiagramme,”’ and Ascherson in ‘‘ Die PAlanzenfamilien,”’ give a lucid and perfectly correct diagnosis of the anther. Bentham and Hooker say of Phyllo- spadix also, ‘‘anthera .... 1-locularis,’’ which may have led Mr. Morong, even so late as the current year (1893), into the statement, (Naiadacez of the U. S.), that Phyllospadix has ‘‘ numerous sessile stamens in two rows . . . I-celled.” The Genus Phyllospadix 411 wall between the sacs disappears at the dehiscence of the lobe, after the usual mode in anther-lobes in quadrilocular anthers, and leaves the lobe ‘‘1-celled,’’ as the phrase is. But in all the Phyllospadix examined, the dividing cellulose wall, after the discharge of the pollen, is left as a firm mem- brane (Fig. D, a). This gives somewhat greater protection to the pollen, no doubt, than the more fragile wall found in Zostera. While at the Hopkins Seaside Laboratory, I was enabled to investigate the anther dehiscence and the probable mode of pollination. ‘This was done by means of the sea-water tanks, as well as observations along the shores of Monterey Bay. The alternating low-tides on this coast are known as the “large’’ and “‘small’’. The ‘‘large’”’ tides at the change of the moon often leave Phyllospadix uncovered; but at such times these tides do not occur when the sun is much above the horizon, so there is little chance of leaves or flowers being destroyed, as they would be if exposed to the air and sunlight at the same time. The staminate plants are much less num- erous than the pistillate. In the localities most favorable for the Ph. Torreyi flowers, the proportion of staminate to pistil- late was about one to twelve. In more exposed situations staminate plants were much rarer, and on much exposed shores pistils of Ph. Scouleri* often fail to be fertilized, —per- haps not wholly on account of the scarcity of the staminate plant, for the violence of the surf no doubt disperses and de- stroys the pollen toa greater extent than in quieter places. The staminate plants, according to my experience, occur more inshore ; the pistillate plants are all about them, extending also into deeper water. After the anthers with partially reflexed retinacula have been exposed to the air for a time in the low early-morning tide, or have remained in the comparatively quiet shallow slack-water of the ebb, they will open more readily, with the *Hooker’s erroneous figure showing an ovoid pistil (Flora Bor. Amer. II, t. 186.) may have been based on a specimen with unfertilized withered ovaries. His ‘‘capitate stigma” is the tip of astyle from which the stigmas have fallen. . 412 William Russel Dudley accession and quickened movement of the earlier waves of the flood. The anther opens near its lower obtuse end, rips up- ward along the depressed median line with a quick movement, and exposes the numerous pollen filaments, lying parallel and obliquely placed in each pollen-sac. The masses are white, silky, and appear somewhat spirally twisted. The slow ad- vance and recession and the sudden lashing of the swell carry the long locks of sea-grass with them, throwing the spadices back and forth, and dragging them ‘roughly on one another and on the leaves. The pollens average 1 millimeter in length by .004 to .005 of a millimeter in breadth. They are slightly flattened and broadened at theextremity (Fig. D., pn.), andsome are enlarged toward the middle. Each pollen filament when first exposed is protected by alayer of air, andacluster of them loosened from the pollen sac springs immediately to the surface of the water, while the filaments repel one another sufficiently to form at once a silvery arachnoid film, perhaps a centimeter across. These are never abundant, but they float hither and thither with the water, and among the doubling and swinging pistillate plants. At the lowest stages of the tide the films of pollen could easily be thrown upon the half-exposed pistillate spadices, and would adhere to the protruded stigmas, as they were observed to do in the aquarium. Unquestionably this is one mode of pollin- ation. When the pollen has been exposed for hours in the open sac, it does not necessarily rise to the surface but floats in the water where it can be more readily carried to the usually submerged stigmas. Clavand, (Actes d. 1. S. Linn. d. Bor- deaux, T. II, 1878,) describes this as the mode of transference in Zostera marina, and mentions no others; but the young pollens of the Pacific coast Zostera spring to the surface, exactly as do those of Phyllospadix. I have examined imi- croscopically both the floating and the submerged pollens of Phyllospadix, taken in the conditions above described, and found in both the natural streaming of the protoplasm. Both would presumably be capable of effecting impregnation at the time. The protoplasm was observed streaming in a filament The Genus Phyllospadix 413 taken from an anther three days open, and they may possibly live a much longer time in the open sea. The stigmas are described as capillary by most authors ex- cepting Ascherson. They are ovate lanceolate, acuminate, thin, irregularly lobed and laciniate. The nucleus of the single, orthotropous, pendulous seed, enclosed in a strong double testa, is carinate dorsally, some- what compressed, and presents, like all the forms related to it, a largely developed hypocotyl with no surrounding endos- perm. ‘The hypocotyl has two lateral fleshy lobes folded toward the cotyledon (Fig. H). The narrow cotyledon, two millimeters long, is tubular and two-lipped, the posterior lip two-lobed and shorter. Enveloped by the cotyledon are two to four alternately shorter flat laminz, obcordate or roundish, the first leaves of the plumule (H, lower fig.). In various places we have referred to the bearing of peculiar morphological features upon the generic characters of Phyl- lospadix. We now turn to the anatomy of the vegetative organs. The rhizoma has marked provisions for clinging to a hard substratum, but in itself is brittle and weak. The leaves and stems are correspondingly strong and flexible, the root firm and resistant. The rhizoma is almost wholly a mass of parenchyma. Of the three bundle-traces the middle one only shows a few poorly developed annular, reticulated or dotted vessels, some weak libriform cells, and no strong wood-fibres. Sclerenchyma fibres are wholly wanting. Indeed, the only strengthening tissue in the rhizoma is collenchyma-like cells appearing in a few rows in the cortex. Turning to the figures of the root-sections (R), it will be seen that the firmness in the root is due to the broad sheath of epidermal and hypodermal cells with remarkably thickened walls, the parenchyma of the middle region remaining thin- walled. Figure L, shows a transection of the leaf of Ph. Torreyi near the epidermis; and M, (lower fig.) transections of a por- 414 William Russel Dudley tion of the stem of Ph. Scouleri. The stem and the leaf we have found bear the brunt of the surf; and underneath the thick chlorophylious epidermis, destitute of stomates, both members show large areas of strong sclerenchyma fibres (sc.), each fibre several millimeters long and of surprising strength. In the flat leaf of Ph. Scouleri, the entire margin of the leaf beneath the epidermis is a steely strand of sclerenchyma, and the remaining tissues are well armored with it. Schwenden- er’s demonstration in ‘‘ Das Mechanische Princip,’’ that the sclerenchyma is the prime factor in the strengthening appara- tus of a plant could find no better illustration. For after the old leaves are beaten to pieces by the tremendous surf these fibres long remain at the base. Bold shore specimens can be recognized in herbaria from the numerous bristle-like strands of sclerenchyma remaining at the base of the stems. The longi- and transections under M, of a stem fibro-vascular bundle, illustrates its simple and feeble structure. Zostera leaves, even those of our large coast species, show large lacune and no sclerenchyma fibres whatever, in the specimens examined. ‘The stems are relatively no stronger. These Monterey Bay Zosteras, although in open water are subjected to no such impact as the plants growing in the surf. It is only in the rhizoma, where there are scattered strands of sclerenchyma, that we find a member stronger than in Phyl- lospadix, the roots being without strengthening elements, as Sauvaugeau has demonstrated those of Zostera marina to be. Aside from correcting certain errors this structural study has brought out two salient facts: First, the genus Phyllospadix, not yet found fossil, so far as we know, is probably an off- shoot and apparently a recent one, from the much older genus. The presence of the now quite useless but still well marked rudimentary male organs on the pistillate spadix, which pre- sent us with an inflorescence identical in plan with that of Zostera, is offered as evidence of this; while the separation of the sexes, on male and female plants, indicates a differentia- tion in advance of the original moncecious arrangement still adhered to in the last-named genus, and shows the vigor of The Genus Phyllospadix 415 the later type. Second, the conditions in which the ancestors of Phyllospadix, on this coast, found themselves, have forced, in the growth of the genus, the development of an unusually strong stereome, or system of strengthening cells in stem and leaf, to which Zostera has no tissue which will bear any com- parison, and a symmetrically balanced rhizoma with a remark- able system of shields and sheathing members, designed to protect the buds and young reproductive organs. In the morphology and anatomy of a plant, I believe we may find at least a partial record of the influences of past environment in the struggle of the organism, not only for existence, but for upward development ;—z. e., for a mode of living which will make the best use of the resources at its command. In its present environment, if likely to have been long continued, we may find still further explanation and cor- roboration of the structural evidence. In looking for the causes which lead to the evolution of a new genus we may profitably consider a similar line of evidence, adding the testi- mony to be derived from geographical changes and geological records, We have already sufficiently explained the present habitat of Phyllospadix, on stony and rocky shores, and connected its peculiar structure with the supposed effort on the part of the organism to meet the conditions (for a plant) of an unusually stirring existence. But why a brauch of the shallow-water Zosteras should have ventured on this bold career, and what the conditions really were during its earlier years, cannot per- haps be more than imperfectly answered, in the present state of our knowledge. Referring again to the distribution of living sea-grasses, and leaving out of account the two Zosteras of wide distribu- tion, and the few doubtful species and stations, we find there are certain geographical centers of development. And we may suppose these regions to have preserved something in their conditions, at least not unfavorable to the continuance, and even favorable to the further develapment of the old ge- ologic types. They are grouped as follows : 416 William Russel Dudley Australian shores, (inc. 1 Malayan form), 15 species. [Eight of the above extend westwardly along the Indian Ocean shores to the Red Sea and down the E. African coast region, where appears one addi- tional species ] The Antilles, (including Key West),.. . 5 species. Pacific North America,.. . ore es ee "TheuMediterraneéan, 5. 4, 3 br aes 2) a 28 Not attempting here to account for the discontinuousness of these areas, we call attention to the fact that the principal cen- ter named,—Australia,—is a region where an unusually large number of the Eocene types of land plants are found living, preserved no doubt through absence of violent change in con- ditions. Similarly a conspicuous number of Miocene and Pleiocene forms are represented in the present Western North America Flora. These facts in a broad way may have their significance ; and, as bearing upon the question, we may be allowed to refer,—in connection with the present uniform aerial temperature of California, accompanied by a surface ma- rine temperature which does not vary 10° in the year at the Golden Gate, t—to the universally accepted belief that a uni- form sub-tropical or warm, temperate climate existed around the whole North Temperate and a portion of the Arctic zones through long periods of the Tertiary, especially of the Eocene and the Miocene, times contemporary with supposed geologic remains of the early Zostere. But while the old races have been continued on this coast, there have been causes at work which have brought about the vigorous and remarkable divergence seen in the varying forms of our genus and in the robust open-water Zostera of the Pa- cific coast. This coast is geologically new. Dana asserts that the Sierras were lifted in the middle ofthe Mesozoic, preceding the Cretaceous, experiencing great subsequent elevation ; also that the coast ranges date their eniergence from various peri- * This table is constructed from stations vouched for in Ascherson’s various papers, and slightly modified by later information. t According to Professor Davidson’s observations on marine tempera- tures, 1874 to 1883. The Genus Phyllospadix 417 ods in the Tertiary. Distinguished later authorities maintain that much of the coast range region is of recent appearance, and that it has undergone great vertical oscillations during re- cent times. The remarkably bold shore of California may be due to the above phase of its geological history. Ten miles off the coast the ocean shows an average depth of too fathoms. But from the brink of this narrow submarine terrace, the bot- tom rapidly descends to 2,000 fathoms or more, the 1,000 fath- oms line being on the average only 50 miles off shore. Sub- marine valleys and cafions of great depth, testifying to some great subsidence, often cut through the usual terrace: barriers, into the very shore line itself; such is the case at Monterey Bay. The bottom temperature 1,000 fathoms off the coast is 35° Fahr., or but little above freezing. The winter surface temperature at the Golden Gate is about 50°, the summer temperature less than 60°. In the most sheltered parts of Monterey Bay, near Monterey, the summer temperature is about 60°, while on the more exposed shores it has been found at times to be below 50°. There is no shallow, shelving sea, as along the old and long worn Atlantic slope of the United states, and few long bays or shallow estuaries and sounds, whose temperature is greatly elevated during hot summers or depressed during cold winters, and which easily mingle their waters with the open ocean. On the contrary, on a coast rapidly descending to great and cold depths washed by a current from the north, are flung with great force waters of an even but low tempera- ture, lower still, perhaps, in the vicinity of the submarine valleys. These beat upon the coast and upon the littoral plants with great force. Not alone in the furious storms of the rainy season is the whole coast-line subjected to their powerful action,—even during the long, stormless summers, the breakers are undoubtedly greater in size and the move- ment of the water everywhere stronger than on the Atlantic coast in similar weather. In these conditions the marine plants of the eastern Pacific seem to revel. Gigantic fucoids, robust red-algee, strong pliant Zosterze, all attain a completer physical development, 418 William Russel Dudley perhaps, than in any other waters. Possessing the favoring influence of annual uniformity, presumably for an enormous number of years, the apparent rigors of the sea not improba- bly have acted asa stimulus to the races strong enough to enter its theatre of action. Not improbably the plastic or- ganism of Phyllospadix, subject to forces long continued, inflexible, and dynamically great, has not only developed a structural system so resistant and perfect as to welcome these remarkable conditions, but, like the builders of the coral reef, it can no longer thrive except in the surf or within the influ- ence of the titanic movement of the open ocean. I am told that the marine deposits in the coast ranges have not been sufficiently studied to enable specialists to outline clearly the conditions prevailing on the east Pacific shores through the Tertiary and the Quaternary. No question like the present one can approach a settlement until the facts ob- tainable from geological sources are recorded. On the other hand, it can safely be said that the biological evidence is likely to favor the hypothesis of a very long period of uniformity in temperature and in the character of the ocean shores and currents, if not in the shore lines, along the whole California coast. It is impossible at present to indicate its duration, but it may well have existed from early in the Quaternary, perhaps even from the confines of the Tertiary, down to present times. PaLo ALTO, CAL., Sept., 1893. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PHYLLOSPADIX, PLATE I. A:—Stem from pistillate plant (Ph. Torreyi), X %. 4%—l, bases of radi- cal leaves ; /°, cauline leaf with empty sheath ; 7', /?, first and sec- ond leaves with axillary spadices; the old leaf-sheaths are spread open. I and II, the first and second flowering clusters, with inter- node and subtending leaf. III, third flowering cluster, terminating the stem, with no subtending leaf, its earliest spathe on the same side as the earliest in II, thereby securing in the bud, the protection of 2%. sh', spathe-sheath enclosing sf', the lower spathe and spa- dix. sh®, second spathe-sheath, enclosing spf”, the second spathe and spadix. B :—Rhizoma, (natural size). yr. 2. d., roots, leaf, and branch, numbered Cc! ce G through four successive ‘‘internodes.’’ The oldest set of roots has rhizoids with adhering sand. :—Diagram ; transection of a pistillate stem, in the bud; lettered as in A. sx, spadix. :—Diagram ; longisection of rhizoma, in the bud ; lettered as in B. :—(1) Staminate spadix, at anthesis, (natural size). rz, retinacula or appendages ; spf, spathe ; a, anther-lobes. (2) An open anther-lobe, X 3, showing the median membrane. (3) A few pollens, arranged as seen in pollen-sac. (4) Apices of three pollens (at right), X 700. :—(1) Pistillate spadix (Ph. Scouleri), mature, (natural size). sf, spathe ; sa, spadix ; Z, remains of spathe-sheath, remains of a leaf seen below. The retinacula, vz, partly conceal the mature fruits. (2) Above, /7, a single fruit (Ph. Scouleri), front view, X 2. (3) Same in section, (at the left), showing the point of attach- ment, and the pendulous seed. :—Young pistil (Ph. Torreyi), with stigmas, x 3. PHYLLOSPADIX, PLATE II. :—The rudimentary male organs (Ph. Torreyi). (1) On the right, spadix, sx, with one partly mature pistil, circu- lar scars where two have been removed, and above, several small ovaries, ov., each with retinaculum, vz. Pairs of rudimentary an- ther-lobes (joined by the curved connective), alternate with pistils, xX 3. (2) On the left, a section of very young pistillate spadix, x 120; ov., ovary; a, anther lobes; rz, retinacula. The elevation under the anther-lobes is the connective ridge. 420 William Russel Dudley H :—(1)Embryo of mature seed (Ph. Scouleri), X 5. (2) The same in longisection ; Ayp., winged hypocotyl ; coZ., cot- yledon, inside the first leaves of young plant. J :—Diagram ; transection of young anthers on staminate spadix (Ph. Torreyi), showing wall between pollen sacs. K :—“‘ Fin-cells” near the margin and tip of a very young leaf, X 120. L,:—Transection of leaf (Ph. Torreyi), showing epidermis; areas of sclerenchyma cells, sc, and parenchyma, X 600. M :—Stem (Ph. Torreyi), X 600. (1) f-v-6, fibro vascular bundle in transection, surrounded by an endodermis. (2) Longisection of same, showing annular spiral vessels, soft bast, and parenchyma. (3) Below, a transection of stem near the epidermis, the large areas of sclerenchyma, Sc. (4) Single sclerenchyma fibre, sc., surface view. R :—Transection of root (Ph. Torreyi), near epidermis, ef ; sheath of strong, thick-walled hypodermal cells below, X 600. PLATE I. DUDLEY. DUDLEY. PLATE II. ‘LSAN AWVS 3HL WOUS SASZUdWVT JWV1 JO UlVd | 3lW1d OVO 7S THE LAKE AND BROOK LAMPREYS OF NEW YORK, ESPECIALLY THOSE OF CAYUGA AND SENECA LAKES. By SIMON HENRY GAGE. If one glances at a topographical map of the State of New York, there will be seen in the western half a remarkable series of long narrow lakes, with a general north and south direction. These lakes occupy a basin between Lake Ontario on the north and a ridge that separates this basin from the Mohawk River on the south-east, and the Susquehanna River and its tributaries on the south. This elevation bor- dering the lake basin on the east, south and west, and forming nearly a semicircle, is drained to the north into the lakes, and into the Susquehanna and Mohawk Rivers onthesouth. The area of elevation draining into the Mohawk, and thence to the Hudson River is, however, comparatively slight. The central and largest of these lakes is Cayuga (Pl. 2), flanked on the west by Seneca, next in size, then come Keuka, or Crooked, and Canandaigua Lakes. On the east are, in order, Owasco, Skaneateles, Onondaga and Oneida Lakes. In ad- dition to these are numerous small lakes or ponds scattered among the large ones. A further study of the map will show that all of these lakes have important tributaries especially at the head. The outlet either flows into one of the larger lakes or directly into a common outlet. The final destination of all the superfluous water is ake Ontario, through the Oswego River ; and thence through the St. Lawrence River it reaches the Atlantic Ocean, 700 to 800 miles to the eastward. With the other great lakes the connection is by the Niagara River, the falls forming, at the present time, an impassible barrier against the passage of fishes from Lake Ontario to the other great lakes. 422 Simon Henry Gage From these, the present connections, and from the possible connections with the Susquehanna and Hudson rivers at an earlier date, it is to be expected that the aquatic fauna of Cayuga and the other inland lakes would be rich and varied. By assiduous personal study and observation and the wise direction of students, Professor Wilder has shown that in the Cayuga Lake basin there are 21 families, including 4o genera and 59 species representing the group of fishes. A further study of the outlets of these lakes, to Lake On- tario and thence to the ocean, reveals the fact that they are long and tortuous, and besides possess many rapids and shallows. ‘These conditions have probably obtained in recent geological time, a time sufficiently great to lead one to expect that the lake forms, especially those that had ceased to be migratory, would have received acertain stamp or impress from the special and somewhat isolatedenvironment. Further- more, migratory or anadromous forms, in bodies of water like these, where they are surrounded by plentiful food, might grad- ually become less migratory and as the difficulties of reaching the ocean were increased by changes in the character of the out- let or the gradual recession of the ocean, they might finally remain permanently in the fresh inland waters, and like the other permanent inhabitants be modified by the special en- vironment. The more this lake fauna is studied the clearer does the local coloring, so to speak, appear. Among the lampreys, the subject of this paper, there appears not only the local im- press but almost positive evidence that forms, at one time naturally passing their adult life in the ocean, have become accustomed to remain permanently in fresh water with corres- ponding changes in the more impressionable or less important parts. I say more impressionable, for it is one of the fruits of modern research, in the light of evolution, that the most fundamental organic structures, having to do with the mere existence of an organism without regard to its upward pro- gress, are more persistent and less changeable than less ancient and less important organs, that is, less important from the mere existence standpoint. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 423 Problems having a philosophical bearing have always been the most fascinating to the natural philosopher as well as to the metaphysician. In the study of living organisms this has been especially true since the doctrine of evolution has so profoundly influenced thinking men. Naturally therefore, Professor Wilder, who came to his professorship in Cornell University—which itself was making a leap in educational evolution—during the time when evolution and various ccl- lateral hypotheses were in the fiercest conflict with all previous doctrines, theological and otherwise—naturally Professor Wilder turned with especial interest to the study of the Cayuga Lake fauna which promised information concerning the effect of local environment, and change from preceding conditions. Naturally also he turned with especial interest to the lamprey, the lowest representative of the vertebrates found in the lake fauna. : This interest was transmitted to his pupils, and since 1875 the writer of this article has lost no opportunity of studying the lampreys at all stages of life, and this study has been devoted to the living animals rather than to the dead organisms, al- though the understanding of their activities and physiological functions has been constantly clarified by experiment and an- atomical study. Characterized zoologically the lampreys (Petromyzontidze) are fish like vertebrates, with an eel- or snake-like form and a metamorphosis, comparable to that of frogsandtoads. The skeleton is wholly cartilaginous and the notochord persistent. Neither pectoral nor pelvic limbs nor their arches are present although the dorsal and caudal fins are well developed. The branchize are extended, and open by seven independent openings on each side, and in the adult the gills are pouched (whence the name Marsipobranchii sometimes used). The nasal sac is single and blind and opens to the exterior by a raised papilla on the dorsimeson just cephalad of the median, or pineal, eye and of the paired eyes. Apparently no jaws are present and the mouth in the adult is suctorial and armed with horny teeth; but the rudiments of jaws have been shown by Huxley and others to exist. The tongue is a piston-like rasp in the adult, absent or rudimentary in the larva. 424 Simon Henry Gage According to all zoologists the lampreys (Petromyzontidee) are very low in the zoological scale, and according to many they are degraded forms. ‘They are found in the temperate regions of both the northern and southern hemispheres ; and all, so far as investigated, lay their eggs in fresh water and pass their larval life there. Some pass their entire life in fresh water while others go down to the sea, but all finally, on the attainment of sexual maturity, once more ascend the streams to their birth-place where the eggs for a new generation are deposited, thus completing the life cycle. Both the lake and the brook lamprey agree entirely with the designation for the Petromyzontidae as given above, and besides the lake lamprey agrees with the characters given for the genus Petromyzon, viz.: The supraoral lamina, or maxil- lary tooth-plate, is contracted and with two cusps placed close together ; infraoral lamina or maxillary tooth-plate with six to nine cusps. The discal teeth are in concentric series ; those on each side of the mouth are bicuspid. (Pl VI). With reference to the specific relationship of the large lake lamprey there has been considerable diversity of opinion. Up to the year 1875, the University had only secured small lampreys caught on fish, none of them exceeding 15 to 20 centimeters. The coloration of these lampreys was white on the ventral half and nearly uniformly black, or bluish black along the dorsal half of the body. In the spring of 1875, however, there was obtained from Cascadilla Creek, near the University, a specimen nearly twice as large as the ones usually obtained and with a strikingly different general ap- pearance, due in part to the greater size and more variegated coloration, but mostly to a large rope-like ridge extending along the back from the gills to the dorsal fin. The two dor- sal fins were continuous, simply having a depression between them. The specimen was photographed when fresh and is re- produced in Pl. III, fig. 5. The general appearance, so strikingly unlike either the small lake lampreys previously obtained or the specimens of true sea lampreys in the museum, seemed to indicate that, responding to its special lacustrine environment this lamprey had assumed characters which The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 425 might be considered generic or at least specific ; and Professor Wilder suggested to his special class,-before which the spect- men was brought for study and comparison, that if the peculi- arities noted in this first specimen were found constant and characteristic of the lake lamprey one might consider it a dis- tinct species at least and give it the specific designation of Petromyzon dorsatus, from the dorsal ridge. But: believing that the admonition to “‘ prove all things and hold fast that which is good’’ should be followed in science as well as in philosophy, publication was reserved until other specimens could be obtained to show whether the first was typical ora mere sport or transient variation from the truly typical form. It fell to the writer, then student assistant to Professor Wilder, to prosecute the search for other examples of the lake lamprey and to aid in the final solution of its life history and systematic relationship, the work being constantly forwarded by the advice and encouragement of Professor Wilder, as well as by the freest use of his personal notes and drawings. In prosecuting the investigation almost no aid was obtained from the lake fishermen. All they knew about the lampreys was that they were sometimes caught clinging to other fishes. One man, however, living near the inlet, brought to the labor- atory six larvez and stated how they were obtained. He also said that the large ones went up the inlet in the early spring. By diligent inquiry of people living near the inlet, information was obtained so that in the spring of 1876 the explorations of the inlet were successful and the adult ones were found spawn- ing, and the larvee were found in the sand banks along the edges of the stream. Of theseven large lake lampreys caught, five possessed the dorsal ridge so characteristic of the first one obtained. Upon dissection it was found that the ridged ones were males and those without the ridge females, so that from this time on it was exceedingly easy to determine the sexes in fresh specimens by this feature alone. Alcoholic specimens which had been caught in the breeding season were far less easily separated into the two sexes by this sign since the body was badly shrunken in alcohol, and the females so preserved often appeared to have nearly as large aridge asthe males. In 426 Simon Henry Gage 1878-1879 specimens were submitted to Prof. D. S. Jordan, who designated the lake lamprey as Petromyzon nigricans of Leseur in the synopsis of the fishes of North America (’82), remarking : ‘‘It is possibly only a variety of P. marinus.”’ During the college year, 1885-86, S. E. Meek, one of Pro- fessor Jordan’s students, as fellow in zoology in Cornell Uni- versity, made a special study of the fishes of the Cayuga Lake basin ; and from the interest already aroused in the lampreys of the lake, he joined the writer, during the spring of 1886, in a critical and extended examination of the lake lampreys. Nearly 800 specimens were studied, especially as to external sexual characters and specific relationships. In a joint com- munication before the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science (Gage and Meek, ’86) the following points were presented: (a), ‘‘ The determination of the specific identity of the large Cayuga Lake lamprey and the sea lam- prey ; (b), The determination of the constant presence of a dorsal fold or ridge in the males and of a ventral fin-like fold in the females of [the Cayuga Lake] Petromyzon marinus, at the breeding season.’’ Jordan and Fordice (’85), in ‘‘a review of the North Ameri- can species of Petromyzontide,’’ remark concerning the Cayuga Lake lamprey. ‘‘We have examined marine ex- amples of this species [P. marinus,] and also numerous speci- mens in all stages of growth from the larva to the adult form, collected by Dr. Burt G. Wilder, in Cayuga Lake, at Ithaca, N.Y. Among these are typesof Petromyzon dorsatus Wilder, which seems to be merely a land-locked form, not permanently distinct from P. marinus. The characters assumed to dis- tinguish this form from the true marinus are, however, more or less inconstant and not of specific value.’’ Even after the extended study of the 800 specimens men- tioned above, there still remained to be settled the question whether or not the external sexual characters of the dorsal ridge in the male and the anal fin-like structure in the female were constant throughout the year or merely seasonal char- acters comparable to so many others known in the animal world. ‘There was also the query whether the American, The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 427 true, anadromous sea lamprey developed the peculiarities found in the lake lampreys at the spawning season, and ac- cording to Seeley (’86) also present in the European marine lamprey during the breeding season.* Until these questions could be satisfactorily answered there would remain doubt as to the really constant peculiarities developed in the lake form. During the winters of 1875 and 1877 large lake lampreys were obtained of both sexes, and concerning them the notes either say ‘‘no ridge’ or ‘‘ ridge very low and broad,’’ so that addi- tional information must besought. In the autumn and winter of 1886-87 great inducements were offered to the lake fisher- men to obtain large lampreys. During that winter and since then throughout the year, large specimens were obtained and brought to the University. All of these large specimens looked alike. There was no dorsal ridge in any of them nor was there an anal fin or projecting urogenital papilla in any of them, and the two dorsals were well separated in all (Pl. III, fig. 6). It was only on dissection that the sexes could be distinguished. Thus it was definitely determined during the autumn and winter of 1886-87, that it was only during the spawning season that the special external sexual characters appeared in the lake lamprey. In answer to the second query concerning like seasonal pe- culiarities in the true marine lamprey: alcoholic specimens obtained at various seasons were examined, but as stated above, whether or not a ridge was present during life is not easy to determine from alcoholic specimens. So that while ridges appeared on some of them, it was found by dissection that the animals were in some cases males, but quite as often females. Uncertainty must therefore continue untila considerable num- ber of fresh specimens could be examined. ‘This was made possible by the intelligent aid given by Mr. Thomas S. Holmes, of Lawrence, Mass., who sent specimens of the marine lamprey which were running up the Merrimac River to spawn. The specimens were usually sent in the early or middle part * During the month of August, 1889, the writer saw in the aquarium of the Trocadaro in Paris several large marine lampreys, some of which pos- sessed very prominent dorsal ridges. 428 Simon Henry Gage of June, that is, in the height of the running season. Some males exhibited a ridge, but many none, so that it was not possible to distinguish the sexes with certainty by the external appearanice. In 1893 it was found that a fully mature lake lamprey ob- tained April ro, that is about fifty days before the time for spawning, showed none of the seasonal characters, and hence it seemed likely as the spawning grounds of the true marine lampreys were so far from the ocean, that some might set out on their journey to them before any special, external sexual characters appeared. To determine this, Mr. Holmes was asked to secure the first lampreys that should be found run- ring up the Merrimac, and also some at the very close of the season. This was done during the present year (1893). Those caught about May 20, were found without either ridge or anal fin, and the sexes could not be distinguished by any external feature. On dissection, the sexual products were found to be still firmly imbedded in the ovary and testis, or spermary, and in many of them the alimentary canal was large, showing little or no signs of atrophy, except at the ter- minal part. On July 8, there were received four specimens. Only two were seen by Mr. Holmes after these were caught so that those sent were among the last to ascend the stream. These showed in an unmistakable manner the external char- acters so striking in the two sexes of the spawning lake lamprey, viz., a ridge extending from the gills to the dor- sal fin in the male and an anal fin-like crest in the female. In both sexes the sexual products were partly shed into the abdominal cavity. Information from the spawning grounds at the head waters the Merrimac River in New Hampshire, shows that the dorsal ridge has been noticed by those familiar with the lampreys in that region. The dorsal fins in the male especially, are in some cases considerably approximated, but in only a few cases have the marine lampreys shown an appearance of continuity of the two dorsals. It thus appears that the peculiarities so striking in the first The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 429 lake lamprey obtained, are present in the males only, and are seasonal and very temporary. Furthermore, in addition to the characters mentioned above as common to the sea and the lake lamprey, the determination that in the true marine lam- preys similar sexual peculiarities occur at the breeding season, removes the last element of doubt as to the very close relation- ship of the lacustrine and marine forms. With reference to the specific identity of the lake and the marine lamprey, it seems impossible to doubt that they were originally identical, and that the lake lamprey in its somewhat isolated, inland home has become considerably modified. The most salient and important modifications relate almost wholly to the adult form so far as is known; for the larvee of the sea lamprey from the Susquehanna River agree so closely with those of the lake that if several living or similarly preserved specimens of about the same size from each locality were mingled, it would be difficult or quite impossible to again separate them. This argument may not be of great import- ance, however, for as it will be shown later, no definite dis- tinctions between the larve of the lake and of the brook lam- prey have yet been discovered. The modifications in the adult form are: (a), A very much smaller size for the lake lamprey ; the average length in the breeding season being fre- quently less than half that of the sea lamprey. The dorsal ridge is relatively much more prominent in the male lake lamprey in the breeding season than is that of the sea lamprey, and the two dorsal fins are more nearly fused; likewise the urogenital papilla of the male, the notched appearance at the vent and the anal, fin-like fold in the female are relatively greater in the lake than in the sea lamprey. There is more frequently a larger number (8 to g,) cusps or teeth to the infra- oral lamina, or the mandibular tooth-plate, in the lake lamprey than in the sea lamprey ; and finally there is a greater devel- opment of cutaneous pigment and it is more diffusely arranged so that the general coloration of the lake lamprey seems more uniform, and on the whole somewhat darker than with the sea lamprey. Indeed, the marine lamprey is designated by the fishermen as the large spotted lamprey. 430 Simon Henry Gage Whether these differences, which are mostly of degree, are sufficient to constitute two different species, has been decided in thenegative by Jordan, and also by Meek (’82, ’85, 88). If the criterion of natural and spontaneous interbreeding be taken to settle the question, it must receive a different answer ; for the lake lamprey, from its size alone would not form a mate to the marine lamprey. Of course they are not upon the same spawning grounds, but any one who has watched the spawn- ing of lampreys, (see below under spawning) would, I feel sure, agree with me that the difference in size is so great that even if on the same spawning grounds, they would be mut- ually incompatible. It is not asserted that it would be im- possible to fertilize the ova of a marine lamprey with the zoosperms of a lake lamprey and the reverse, but the criterion of modern systematists is, not possible inter-fertility under very artificial conditions or by the intervention of man, but the natural interbreeding under conditions to which both forms have been subjected for many generations.* Now while I firmly believe that within comparatively recent times, geologically speaking, the lake lamprey was a true anadromous marine form it seems to me that at present, judged by the physiological test of interbreeding, it would be better to consider the lake lamprey a distinct species, and to designate it either as Petromyzon unicolor DeKay, or P. dor- satus Wilder, should the Lake Champlain larvz, upon which ‘ * For possible readers of this article who have not followed closely the progress of views concerning classification and the nature of “a Species,” it may not be out of place to add that by biologists (this term including both morphologists and systematists) it is believed that ““ species’? as an entity in nature, has no existence as was formerly taught, but that the arrangement of closely allied forms into groups or “ species’ is largely for convenience. And as some criterion must be used, the physiological one mentioned above seems to have gained the greatest favor. . As is shown in another article in this volume (J. H. Comstock’s), while the practical aim of classification is to subserve convenience, its true purpose is to show the phylogenetic relationships of organisms, and the permanence of any system will depend directly upon the approxi- mation with which this purpose is attained. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 431 DeKay’s name was based, prove to be the larve of the marine lamprey, which is probable (see Jordan and Fordice, ’85, p. 284). Distribution of the Lake Lamprey.—It is known by personal observation and collecting, to be abundantly present in Cayuga and in Seneca Lakes ; and from information obtained concern- ing the other lakes and from Lake Ontario, it is believed to be presentinthemalso. Itis hoped that during the next five years all of these regionscan be visited and all the lakes and water- courses of the State investigated to determine the presence of lampreys and their correlation with those now under consider- ation. It is hoped also to extend the investigation to the Great Lakes and to bring any lampreys there living into the field of comparative observation. Comparison of the Sexes.—As stated above, except in the spawning season there are no definite external characters by which the sexes can be distinguished. The question then arises as to the necessary steps to make the determination, at any other time than in the spawning season. The only way, so far as is known to the writer, is to resort to dissection. This is the only way also for determining the sex in the lar- ve. Upon dissection, even in larve 100 milimeters in length, the sexes may be quite readily distinguished by examining the gonads, as the ovary and the ova are markedly larger than the spermary and sperm mother-cells (Pl. VII, fig. 37, 38). The determination of the sexes in large, adult forms is much more difficult. The ovary and spermary are alike single foli- ated or lobulated organs, and the sperm mother-cells project from the surface of the spermary as do the ova from the ovary, so that from the gross appearance alone, it is not easy to dis- tinguish the two generative glands. When examined as opaque objects, with a lens or with a compound microscope the same difficulty is experienced, but if treated by any of the approved histological methods the true nature of the elements in each case unmistakably appears (Pl. VII, fig. 27 A, 29 A and 28, 30). After one has become accustomed to distinguish the sexes by dissection, the differences observable by the eye or with a 432 Simon Henry Gage simple magnifier, are, in most cases, sufficient to make the diagnosis quite certain. In perfectly fresh specimens the spermary is semi-translucent and has a watery appearance, while the ovary is much more opaque owing to the food yolk in the ova. In hardened specimens this difference is lost, however, so that the determination must be made by compar- ing the size of the gonads, and the relative size of the ova and the sperm mother-cells. The ovary is always larger at the same stage of development than the spermary, and usually the ova are larger than the sperm mother-cells (Pl, VII, fig. 28, 30). If one has but a single specimen or is not accustomed to deter- mine the sexes, the safest way is to make a histological ex- amination. In plate I, it is seen that the proportions of the sexes are markedly different, apart from the greater slenderness of the female. It was hoped that by a careful comparison of certain definite and easily determined proportions some guide might be found by which the sexes could be distinguished at all seasons and independently of the transient sexual characters at the spawning season. Careful measurements were made of specimens that had been subjected to the same treatment, in fixing and hardening so that the variations due to different reagents should not complicate the problem. Except for the lake lampreys taken in the breeding season where the sexes could be distinguished easily, each specimen measured was sufficiently dissected to determine with absolute certainty the sex. The results of the measurements in all the different forms studied, adult and larval, are given in the following table : TABLE showing the total length of the lake, the brook, and the sea lamprey and the larva; also the distance in thousandths of the total length from the tip of the oral disc or dorsal lip to the base of the first dorsal fin, and to the vent; also from the vent to the tip of the tail. For the purpose of comparing the total length in the various forms and the proportions of like parts of the body. THE LAKE LAMPREY IN THE SPAWNING SEASON. MALES. FEMALES. Tip to | Tip to first | Tip to Venttp Vent to}/ Total | “pet Tip to Tip of Total length in Tip of ||/Length Millimeters. |Porsal) Vent. | “pair |lin mi.) Dorsal) Vent. | “rail, in, | Fin. 365 520 753 247 330 515 760 240 323 518 737 263 310 516 758 242 310 516 735 265 305 541 738 262 345 507 739 261 345 550 768 232 320 506 750 250 335 537 758 242 300 500 733 267 335 537 746 254 328 518 731 269 315 507 761 239 340 514 | 741 259 305 557 780 220 310 500 725 275 300 533 759 250 275 501 728 272 310 532 758 242 Av. 322 510 | 737 263 319 | 532.5 | 757.7 | 242.3 THE LAKE LAMPREY OUT OF THE SPAWNING SEASON. 250 540 | 760 240 350 514 757 243 395 524 747 253 410 512 749 241 405 518 740 260 420 547 750 250 365 548 780 220 281 509 730 270 375 546 746 254 310 500 726 274 378 579 740 260 240 512 730 270 270 500 722 278 285 526 736 264 305 S24. | 737 263 250 520 740 260 370 492 | 730 270 359 542 743 257 Av. 346 530 | 744.6 | 255.4||321.8| 520 740 | 260 JUST TRANSFORMED LAKE LAMPREYS.| LARVAL LAMPREYS. | | | | | I40 485 714 286 | 185 502 730 270 I4I 500 700 300 132 507 719 281 150 500 700 300 125 504 728 272 152 493 700 300 122 524 739 261 155 500 700 300 108 518 740 260 122 491 713 287 112 499 714 286 135 481 703 297 129 488 720 280 127 500 700 300 135 496 718 282 143 517 720 280 135 496 718 282 145 510 717 233 127 504 708 292 Av. 141 497.7 | 706.7 | 293.3 |; 131 | 503.8 | 723.4 | 276.6 434 Simon Henry Gage SEA LAMPREYS FROM LAWRENCE, MASS., IN THE SPAWNING SEASON. MALES. FEMALES. | 3 | | i Tip to | | Total length ee Tip to lvent to|| Total | eat Tip to Vent ty my Dorsal} Vent. | Tip of ||Length Dorsal| Vent Tip of | Millimeters. Vi *| Tail. jin MM. Fi ‘| Tail. | in. in. | | 575 525 747 253 | 645 527. | 752 248 | 670 507 731 269 680 519 735 265 | 670 507 731 269 755 516 728 272 | 630 523 738 262 680 514 | 735 265 | 700 521 728 272 790 508 | 734 266 | 6yo 514 739 261 660 539 | 742 258 | 690 524 731 269 667 539 | 749 251 | 740 500 736 264 675 518 | 733 267 | 630 523 746 254 715 503 | 741 259 725 538 | 744 | 256 755 529 | 754 | 246 Av. 672 518 737 263 702 520 740 260 | BROOK LAMPREYS IN THE SPAWNING SEASON. | _ | 170 470 | 718 | 282 150 | 533 733 267 | 167 491 718 282 150 502 720 280 | 152 513 737 263 160 512 725 275 «| 143 503 706 294 || 150 | 513 733 267 | 148 485 709 291 |! 150 520 733 267 | 156 512 795 295 145 504 724 276 150 500 720 280 150 500 733 267 167 480 731 269 163 521 724 276 | 150 486 700 300 I55 530 722 278 | 150 500 701 299 162 512 722 278 |} Av. 155.3 494 | 714.5 | 285.5 || 157.5 | 514.7 | 727 273 | In each case the specimefis were measured without selection, conse- quently the various sizes are represented as in nature. All the speci- mens measured had been hardened in Miiller’s fluid and alcohol, except a few of the lake lampreys out of the spawning season. Part of those were hardened in picric-alcohol and alcohol. Only nine of each sex of the non-spawning ones were in the collection, consequently only nine could be measured. In all the other cases ten were measured. The sexes of the just transformed and the larval lampreys were not separated. An examination of the table for the lake lampreys in the spawning season will show that the relative proportions of the male and the female shown in the frontispiece of this article The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 435 hold good for the lake lampreys generally in the spawning sea- son, and expressed in words the table shows that the differences are as follows: (1), That the average length of the male and the female lake lamprey is approximately the same, being a little greaterin themale. (2), The distance of the base of the first dorsal fin from the tip of the head is considerably greater in the female than in the male, or in other words the first dor- sal fin is nearer the head and farther from the tail in the male thanin the female. (3), In like manner the distance from the tip of the head to the vent is considerably greater in the female than in the male, that is, the abdominal cavity is con- siderably more extended in the female than the male, and, (4), the tail is consequently shorter. This table shows also, as do the others, the very great individual variation, so that any conclusion which might be drawn from the averages in the table might be invalidated in any individual case. It seems to the writer, therefore that for the determination of species of lampreys, the proportions of fixed parts of the body are not of great value. Upon comparing the averages in the table for the non- spawning lake lampreys there appears the remarkable fact that, apart from the average greater total length of the male, the proportions are exactly reversed from those obtaining in the spawning season and the dorsal fin in the female is some- what nearer the head than in the male, the abdomen shorter and the tail longer.* In order to increase the range of comparison, tables are added of the just transformed lake lamprey, larve, and the true sea lamprey. A glance at the averages for the just transformed lamprey will show that its tail is relatively longer than in the adult, the abdomen shorter, and the first dorsal fin nearer the head. The averages given for the larva are more nearly like those of the non-spawning adult than are those for the just transformed ones. * The results obtained in this table were so unexpected that all of the specimens were re-examined and remeasured to make sure that the females had not been put inadvertently in the column marked males. 436 Simon Henry Gage The table for the sea lamprey shows clearly not only aver- age greater length but also in each case the greater length of individuals as compared with the lake lamprey. If one compares the sexes it will be seen that the average female is longer than the average male, thus reversing the conditions obtaining with the lake lamprey. The proportions of the body in the male and the female are more nearly alike than in lake lampreys, but the variations are in the same direction as with the male and female of the lake lamprey. THE BROOK LAMPREY. Petromyzon branchialis Linneus, (1758) Ammocoetes branchialis. Cuvier, (1827). Plate IV. Until the spring of 1886 the brook lamprey was not known in North America outside the Mississippi Valley (Jordan ’85). The reason for its non-discovery here before, is due to the fact that so far as is known to the writer, it has never been taken on the fish of the lake, and so far has only been found during the spawning season and immediately after transforming in the autumn. Although the spawning grounds of the brook and the lake lamprey are the same, the time of spawning of the brook lamprey is earlier than that of the lake lamprey the two forms never appearing together. This added to the facts that at the earlier time the water is liable to be high and often tur- bid, and that the size issmall, the numbers comparatively few and the coloration inconspicuous, it will be readily seen why it might escape observation almost any where. In the spring of 1886, while trying to determine the earliest appearance of the lake lampreys on the spawning ground, three male brook lampreys were found by Prof. S. E. Meek and the writer. They were compared with specimens from the Mississippi Valley and found to agree, and in our prelim- inary paper at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (’86), one of the points made was ‘‘ The discovery of dmmocoetes branchialis, [the brook lamprey] east of the Mississippi Valley.’’ By comparing the mouths of the lampreys in plate VI, the character of the dentition will be seen to differ greatly from The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 437 that of the lake and of the marine lamprey. This difference in dentition, and perhaps also some other considerations, have led some zoologists to divide the genus Petromyzon into two, Petromyzon and Ammocoetes, and in this case the brook lam- prey is placed in the latter genus.* In size the brook lamprey varies from 140 to 200 millimeters. The color is nearly uniformly dark in the dorsal half and gradually changes almost to white on the ventral surface. The two dorsal fins are said to be continuous with only a sharp notch between them. As the description of this form in America has been based entirely on specimens taken at the spawning season (Jordan, ’85, p. 294), the two dorsals could not be described otherwise than as continuous. But, as with the male lake lamprey, this is a feature of the spawning sea- son. In just transformed ones taken in October, there is a considerable interval between the two dorsals, with only an exceedingly low ridge connecting them, a ridge which in the fresh specimen is very difficult tomakeout. The figure given is of a preserved specimen (Pl. IV, fig. 13). The brook lamprey of North America is believed by Jordan to be the same species as the brook lamprey of Europe (’85, * It seems unfortunate to the writer that, if the genus Petromyzon must be divided, some other name could not have been found for the brook lamprey. When larval lampreys were not known to be the tad- pole stage, so to speak of the lampreys, but supposed to be entirely dif- ferent forms, they were put into an independent genus and called Am- mocoetes. Upon the discovery, by A. Miller (’56), that the animals pre- viously placed in the genus Ammocoetes, were merely a larval stage of a lamprey he made the following suggestion, p. 332: ‘‘Somit ist nach- gewiesen, dass aus den Neunaugen die Querder entstehen, und dass die Querder zu Neunaugen werden. So sind denn auch die Querder, wo sie sich im Systeme bliken lassen, wegen Fuhrung des falschen Namens anzuhalten, und als Unmiindige ihren respectiven Eltern zu unterstellen. Der Name Ammocoetes kann fortan nur die Larven der Neunaugen be- zeichen, wie Gyrinus die der Frosche.’’ Milne-Edwards supports this suggestion and urges that the term be used for the larvae of the Petro- nyzontidae as the term ‘‘tad-pole, gyrinus,’’ is used for the frog’s young (Milne-Edwards, ’57, tome 2, p. 246). This suggestion has been adopted by nearly all morphologists, and the word is frequently used as an adjec- tive, thus ammocoetes stage, ammocoetes form, etc. 438 Simon Henry Gage p. 294). Of the European brook lamprey, Seeley (86, p. 427), says that the dorsal fins may or may not be continuous. He does not give the season when they are continuous and when not so, but it may be inferred that they would be con- tinuous in the spawning season and not in others, as with the American brook lamprey. If the European and North Amer- ican brook lampreys are really the same species, the distribu- tion is remarkably wide, something as with the marine lam- prey; it is also apparently less susceptible to environment than the marine lamprey, for it has apparently been practical- ly unaffected by the special environment of the inland lakes. Certainly also the conditions prevailing in the Mississippi Valley must differ greatly from those found in Europe. SPAWNING AND THE STRUCTURAL MODIFICATIONS PRECEDING IT. Structural Modifications.—Besides the change in the gonads (ovary and spermary) there occur marked external and internal changes. Among the most striking ot the internal modifica- tions is the gradual change of the liver from the characteris- tic hepatic color to a bright green. With some examples in which the ova had not yet been shed, there were patches of green intermingled with the ordinary liver color, but in all the green color appears throughout the entire organ before the spawning is completed. This green coloration of the liver appears to be due to the occlusion of the bile ducts and the retention of the katabolic products of the organ. In other than the breeding season, green spherules of liquid of exactly the same color may be found in great abundance in the termi- nal third of the intestine. To the unaided eye the change in the liver is simply one of color, but with the alimentary canal the striking change is the diminution in size. From a tube 15 to 20 millimeters in diame- ter in the lake lamprey, it atrophies to one of 4 or 5 millime- ters or even less (Pl. VII, fig. 27, 29, 31-32). The atrophy takes place within two weeks, and begins at the terminal ex- tremity, and extends gradually cephalad until the whole canal The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 439 appears like a thread. As no foodis taken during the spawn- ing season there is no necessity for digestion, and in the fe- male there is no room for the intestine when the ova are com- pletely matured. This is not the cause of the atrophy, how- ever, for in the male the increase in size of the spermary is less marked than of the ovary in the female, leaving plenty of room for the intestine, still it in many cases is as markedly atrophied as in the other sex. While the atrophy of the alimentary canal is going on there are certain hypertrophies taking place, differing somewhat in the two sexes, and in the two species. In the male of the lake lamprey there occurs a great increase of the connective tissue along the dorsimeson. ‘This begins about opposite the middle branchiopore and extends to the dorsal fins. This hypertrophy gives rise to a rounded ridge along the back, thus adding a very striking feature to the spawning male (Pl. III, fig. 5, Pl. VII, fig. 31). Asanextension of this hyper- trophy, the two dorsal fins are approximated to complete fusion in most cases, but apparently no new fin rays are de- veloped. The increase in the connective tissue along the dor- simeson in the female is not marked, except that perhaps the two dorsals appear somewhat approximated. With the female there is a marked hypertrophy in the tissue around the vent thus giving rise to a kind of notch, there is also developed a fin-like fold between the vent and the caudal fin making the caudal fin appear to extend to the vent as in the larve of 15 to 20 millimeters in length. In both sexes the urogenital pa- pilla is always present, but in the breeding season it is ex- tended in the male so as to project beyond the level of the body (Pl. III, fig. 6-8). The abdomen of the female increases markedly in diameter to accommodate the maturing ova; also as shown by the preced- ing tables, there seems to be an actual increase in the length of the abdomen, thus shortening the tail. With the male, on the other hand, the abdomen appears to become relatively shorter and the tail longer. The coloration of the lamprey is very modest out of the breeding season, but in the breeding season there is a great 440 Simon Henry Gage addition of pigment which appears in the cells of the epider- mis, the pigment of the corium remaining about the same. This pigment is yellowish and between the darks spots the color instead of the usual dull gray appears a bright yellow, in some almost golden, thus giving a very striking and hand- some appearance. As is common in the lower forms, this coloration is more marked in one sex than in the other, but it is acurious and so far inexplicable fact that some years it is the male that appears in the gorgeous dress while dur- ing other years it is the female. For example, during the present year the females of both Cayuga and Seneca lakes were brighter by far than the males, while in 1886 when special note was made of it, it was the males that were more brightly colored. So far as comparisons are possible the sea lamprey appears to undergo the same changes preparatory to spawning that the lake lamprey does. The specimens personally studied were on their way to the spawning ground and had not reached the same and the changes were not yet completed, but the ridge becomes so prominent during spawning that it has been noticed by fishermen. With the brook lamprey the changes in the liver are like those occurring in the lake lamprey. ‘The change in the ali- mentary canal may not be quite so striking as with the lake lamprey. Sufficient material out of the breeding season has not yet been secured to settle that question. In the male the only observed external modifications are the apparent fusion of the dorsal fins, and the considerable elongation of the uro- genital papilla. With the female there is the marked anal notch and an apparent anal fin but it is not connected with the caudal fin. The very striking appearance in the female is due to the swelling in the second dorsal fin thus filling the space between the two. At the first of the season this is merely an cedema, which appears light or semi-translucent, but later, in many cases, it becomes infiltrated with blood and is bright scarlet (Pl. IV, fig. 11-14). No dorsal ridge is developed in either sex, and apparently ‘the general coloration of the body is unchanged. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 441 Nest Building and Spawning.—As spring approaches the ovary in the mature lampreys increases greatly in size by the addition of food yolk to the multitudinous ova. With the male the actual increase in size of the spermary is not so great, but the ripening sexual products act asa stimulus in both sexes, urging them to complete the cycle of existence by seeking again the clear brooks, far from the lakes, where they themselves began an independent existence several years be- fore. Apparently they start out independently from the vari- ous parts of the lake, each one forsaking its prey, and swim- ming vigorously or stealing a ride by attaching itself to the bottom of some boat moving in the right direction. On they go until the current of the inlet gives them the clue, and they follow it. Frequently also ordinary fishes, bound on the same errand, throng the streams, and then the lampreys, with their inherent desire to be taken care of by the labor of others, fasten to the larger fishes and are carried along up the stream. It not infrequently occurs that from the natural inclination of the stream or from some of man’s obstructions, there are rapids or dams to be surmounted. Nothing daunted the lam- prey swims up just as far as possible by a tremenduous effort, grasping a stone or other solid so that he should not be carried down stream again, rests for a while and then by a powerful bending and straightening of the serpentine body, a leap is made in the right direction and what is gained is saved by again fastening the mouth toa solid object. This goes on until the obstacle is surmounted if it is not too great. Then without waiting to think of the victory gained the lamprey pushes on up the stream sometimes 8-10 kilometers until clear water and numerous ripples are found. Just above some ripple, the lamprey begins to make ready a secure place for the beginning of a new generation. From the numerous observations on the brook lampreys it appears that they are somewhat communistic or gregarious, and join in considerable numbers, sometimes 8 to 10, to make a common nest, but with the lake lamprey, while four or five are sometimes in a large nest it more frequently happens that but a single pair is present. If the situation is especially fav- 442 Simon Henry Gage orable one may see five to ten nests within a small radius ; and perhaps the explanation of the very large nests may be that several pairs commenced to build in such close proximity that before they had finished, the nests run together thus pro- ducing a single large nest with two or more pairs. Whenever the nest is especially large it has an appearance of a rounded ditch, across the stream not parallel with it. If one observes the nest building throughout the season it will be seen that those found earliest and those farthest up the stream, contain but‘one lamprey, and usually the single one isamale. It would thus appear that away down in the very stem form of the vertebrate series the male is the house-builder and takes the lead iu preparing for the offspring. The female is not by any means a sluggard, however, and when she joins the male, sets to work with all her might to help complete the nest. As stated above, the place most commonly selected fora nest is in moderately swift water just above ripples. Now to build the nest the animal has neither hands nor feet, only a mouth, but the mouth is perfectly adapted for grasping by suction and so the lamprey heads up stream, fastens to astone, the stone being frequently more than twice as heavy as the animal itself. Then with powerful backward or sidewise swimming movements the stone is loosened and dragged down the stream a distance a little greater than the length of the animal, here it is deposited and another grasped and carried down, andsoon. If the stone issmall it may be carried down by being lifted free from the bottom (Pl. VII, fig. 39). Some- times a stone will not yield to the most vigorous tugs. In such a case it would be very pleasant to say that two or more joined forces. Two may attach to the same stone if it is large but two have never been seen by the writer to actually join in moving a stone. On the other hand the smaller stones are removed from around the larger one, and from time to time the efforts to remove the large one are renewed until finally it yields to the combined force of the lamprey and the current. The nests are usually somewhat oval and the diameter parallel with the stream somewhat greater than the length of The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 443 the lampreys making them. The central part is usually 15 to 20 centimeters deeper than at the edges so that the whole is nest-like or dish-like in appearance. At the lower edge is always a pile of stones which were carried down in making the nest. As the stones from the upper edge and sides of the nest are loosened the sand is carried down by the stream and lodges in the deepest part of the nest. After the nest hasa considerable pile of stones at the lower edge and a good layer of sand in the bottom it is ready to receive the eggs. In ovulation the female secures herself firmly to a large stone at the side or upper edge of the nest so that the body can extend out into the nest, then the male fastens to the female, some- where near the head, he then winds himself half way around the female, whereupon the two bend their tails downward and stir up the sand by the most vigorous movements. Simul- taneously the ova and the milt are forced out in a stream and mingle in the water, and also mingle with the sand. The eggs are coated with an adhesive substance which enables them to adhere to any solid they come in contact with, con- sequently they stick to the particles of sand that have been stirred up in the water and, as the eggs are themselves heavier than water and made still more so by the particles of sand to which they adhere, they quickly sink to the bottom before the current can carry them below the nest ; they are also partly covered by the depositing sand. If many eggs have been ex- truded, all are not covered and the bottom of the nest may be quite thickly strewn with them. In nearly all cases some re- main uncovered. After the pair have ‘‘shaken together ’’ as the ovulation is called, they separate and commence at once to remove stones from the upper edge and sides of the nest and pull them down stream as if to enlarge the pile at the lower edge. This was at first puzzling, for the nest is apparently completed before the ovulation begins. The explanation soon became evident, for while immediately after ‘‘ shaking to- gether’ there might be many uncovered eggs, in a very short time they all disappeared, being covered by the sand that was loosened by the removal of the stones and carried down the stream by the current. 444 Simon Henry Gage The ovulation is repeated at intervals until the eggs are all extruded. If during the spawning the lampreys are disturbed so that one or both leave the nest they soon return. After the spawning is completed, however, they leave it for good and a newly arrived pair may utilize it and thus save them- selves much labor. This is proved by catching a pair ina nest and finding the nest occupied by another pair on return- ing some days later. It is also proved by the fact that from the same nest, during the middle and latter parts of the spawning season, one can obtain eggs apparently but just laid and in the earliest stages of development, and embryos 8 to 10 millimeters in length. The duration of the spawning season for the brook lamprey is about two weeks. They appear earlier than the lake lam- preys and all disappear before the lake lampreys arrive. Fre- quently the lake lampreys utilize the nests of the brook lam- preys as they do the nests of earlier pairs of their own species, as described above The time for the spawning of the brook lamprey usually begins about the 8th of May and lasts till about the 20th. The lake lamprey usually appears about the 25th of May and disappears about the first of July, the height of the spawning time being about the roth of June. The time varies from year to year and corresponds in general to the advance of the seasons. ’ As one watches these humble creatures with their pigmy brains and observes with what exactitude they recognize that ‘‘to rule nature one must obey her,’’ there comes to one the feeling that the germ, at least, of the highest achievement is present in these our lowly vertebrate allies and that the abyss separating us from them is not so wide after all. If it is urged that all this precision and the resulting efficiency is due to blind instinct then it may be answered that an instinct which guides its possessor to apply the appropriate means to accom- plish a desired end, to overcome difficulties not previously en- countered by the race and guides it to make the most of favor- ing circumstances whether they be common ones or those never before utilized, then it must be said that such a guide is a pretty good thing to have after all, and about as valuable The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New Vork 445 to its possessor as something else, although the something else may have been dignified by the name of reason. Fate of the Adult Lampreys after Spawning.—As to what becomes of the lampreys after spawning the opinion of authors is conflicting. A. Miller (’56) says concerning it that from the dead ones found at the close of the spawning season and from the fact that in the ovary were eggs of only one size, probably death followed the egg-laying asin case of many in- sects. Couch (’65), in his work on the fishes of the British Isles remarks concerning this point (Vol. IV, p. 391-392), ‘As this species of lamprey [the sea lamprey] enters rivers for the purpose of spawning in the spring, this is the season of highest perfection ; but immediately after the shedding of the roe so great a change takes place, that they are not only weakened and emaciated, but it has been believed that death is commonly the result. But this last supposition at least is not correct...... Soon after spawning the parent fish re- turns to the sea.’’ Seeley (’86), says concerning the sea lam- prey, ‘After spawning the fish isexhausted and goes down to the sea.’’ Of the river lamprey he says, ‘‘ After spawning the lampern usually dies ;’’ and of the brook lamprey, ‘‘After spawning theold fishes probably die.’’ Benecke, (’80-81), as quoted by Goode (’84), remarks upon this point, ‘‘ After the eggs have been deposited, the lampreys die.’’ The proof in each case is not proof, but probability, from each author’s standpoint, the strongest argument being that of A. Muller,— that the ova in the ovaries are all of the same size. Unfortunately the fate of the lampreys after spawning has not been determined by the writer, although special pains were taken to determine it. Several facts seemed to indicate that, with both species, most of them return to the lake after spawning, for in the middle and later part of the season many lampreys are found going down the stream or attached to stones below the nesting places. On examination such lam- preys were always with empty gonads. As to their death on the spawning grounds, especial care was taken to look for the dead, but in all the years of investigation not more than Io dead ones were seen. This does not indicate the number that 446 Simon Henry Gage might have actually died, however, for birds of prey hovering over the water would be very liable to catch any that were 7 extremis. Nature has so many ways to dispose of dead bodies that the number seen even on careful investigation is small, even though the actual mortality may be great. In the last part of the season many were affected by sapro- legnia, especially where the epithelium had been injured by the attachment of another lamprey. An additional argument in favor of the death of the lampreys after spawning, is the condition of the alimentary canal and the liver. There would need to be almost a new building of the alimentary canal. And then enforcing the argument from the absence of small ova in the ovary after spawning it is to be said that even in the larva the eggs are of considerable size (Pl. VII, fig. 38), so that if the lampreys that had spawned were to return to the lake and re-acquire ova a greater development in the ovary would be required than takes place between late larval life and sexual maturity ; a development requiring from two and one-half to three and one-half years in the lake lamprey. An effort was made to determine the matter experimentally by transferring lampreys that had spawned to water contain- ing cat-fish (Amdurus nebulosus), as the lampreys seem partic- ularly fond of cat-fish. The conditions were very unnatural as the only available place was a cold spring. The cat-fish soon died and the lampreys also, without attempting to feed on the live or dead fish. It seems to the writer that the experimental method is the only one promising satisfactorily to settle this vexed question, a question important alike from the scientific and from the economic stand-points. If a pond through which the water from the stream in which they spawn or one connected with the lake were stocked with cat-fish or suckers (Amzurus or Catostomus), fishes which are frequently attacked by lampreys, and then if lampreys were placed there after spawning one could determine the duration of life after spawning under natural conditions of water and plentiful food. There is no difficulty whatsoever in keeping lampreys alive and in good condition out of the spawning season even in a ‘large aquarium where there are other fishes. Indeed the lam- The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 447 preys are so vigorous and aggressive that, when hungry, they will attack the ganoid fish, Amdza calva, and rasp away the scales sufficiently to extract blood from the amia. If they naturally return to the lake and resume their ordinary mode of life there should not be the slightest difficulty in deter- mining it under the natural conditions just mentioned. It is hoped that suitable facilities may be afforded at some future time to settle definitely this important question and also sev- eral others that have arisen in the study of the various stages in the life history of these animals. DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVUM AND LARVAL LIFE. The ripe ova are about one millimeter in diameter and nearly spherical. They are very opaque from the abundance of opaque food yolk, and each is surrounded by a thin layer of material which is very adhesive upon exposure to either air or water, consequently the eggs adhere to whatever solid body they come in contact. The adhesion is not very permanent, however, as after a day or two they are easily detached. Some eggs of the brook lamprey were fertilized and kept until the larvee were hatched. The segmentation is total and unequal asin the amphibia, and the development proceeds with great rapidity ; after eleven days the heart beats are plainly visible. In 14 days the mouth is shark-like and on the ventral side, and the blood vessels extend around the gill slits. In 18 days the eyes are clearly shown, respiration and the movements of the velum are evident and the mouth has assumed the larval appearance with the hooded dorsal lip so characteristic of the older larvee. ‘The fins are represented by a continuous fold from a point about opposite the 4th branchiopore along the dorsimeson and around the tail on the ventrimeson to the vent. . In swimming the larva goes with a wriggling motion ; it holds itself dorsal side up as do the older larvee when swimming and like the older ones rests on the side when quiet. As was shown by Calberla (’77), the nervous system de- velops as a solid cord and becomes a hollow tube only later in the course of development. In this respect the lamprey 448 Simon flenry Gage agrees with the teleosts and the ganoids, so far as they have been investigated (Calberla, ’77, Balfour, ’81). Other refer- ences to the embryology of the lamprey will be found in the bibliography at the end. In nature the young larve live in the sand in the bottom of the nest where the eggs were deposited by the parents. Some- times the larger ones are found most abundantly in the sand and gravel under the pile of stones bordering the lower edge of the nest. This may have given rise to the prevalent notion that the pile of stones is the real nest. One can obtain the embryos very easily by shoveling up the sand from the bottom of anest. If water is then added to wash away the mud, and the sand is shaken lightly, the eggs or embryos or both appear on the surface, and are readily detected by the light color of the eggs or the greenish color of the food yolk in the embryo of 8 to 10 millimeters. After the larve are ro to 15 milli- meters in length it is far more difficult to secure them as they are less conspicuous and far more active. Then too, they ex- hibit already the habits of older larveze and very quickly dis- appear in the sand. The exact time the larvee remain in the nest and the stage of development reached by them before leaving it is not known with exactitude. Already on July 31st, larvee 30 mm. long were found while searching for large larvee. A few days later a thorough exploration was made by my assistant, G. S. Hopkins, D.Sc. both in the nests and in the sand banks at the concavity of the stream where the larger larve are found throughout the year (Pl. VII, fig. 40). None could be found in the nests at the bottom of the stream, but in the sand at the side of the stream many of all sizes were obtained, some of them being only 16 millimeters in length. Consequently it is believed that the larvae remain in the nests only about one month or until they attain a length of 12 to 15 milli- meters. Whether they voluntarily leave the nest or whether the rapid current of some sudden rise in the stream, as after a heavy storm, washes them out of the nest is not known. It is believed, however, that they leave the nest voluntarily, for, on account of the conformation of the nest, any moderate in- The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 449 crease in the stream would tend to cover the larve still deeper. Larval Life.—After the larve leave the nest they wander down the stream until some suitable place composed of sand and mud is found. This suitable place is most often in the concavity of the stream where the water flows slowly and there is not great danger of being washed away by every freshet. Judging from specimens in the laboratory that were placed in glass vessels with water, and sand from the native habitat, each larva has acanal or burrow of its own. This burrow usually opens on the surface of the sand. In this burrow the larva remains, changing its position at will and also making a new burrow with a new surface opening as in- clination or necessity demands. In those observed in a glass vessel where there could be no doubt, the canal was curved, the convexity of the curve being downward (Pl. VIII, fig. 49). The larva was curved correspondingly ; but the dorsal side was always up as shown in the drawing. Often in mov- ing to and fro in the canal the tail would be higher than the head. If disturbed the larva leaves the burrow and worms itself through the sand with great alacrity. They donot leave the protection of the sand if they can possibly avoid it. In their natural home beside the streams, they are usually only a few centimeters under the surface of the sand and frequently not more than 15 to 4o centimeters below the water level. In taking them the sand is shoveled up from the stream and car- ried out to the shore and placed on the bank or upon some- thing else so that the water may drain away. As soon as the sand is pretty well drained, any larvee present wriggle out to the surface where they can be seen. To obtain the smaller ones it is necessary to take somewhat more care and spread the sand out in a thin layer ; sometimes also it is advantageous to pour water over it. The way in which the larve enter the sand from the water and the way they move around in the sand was very easily and satisfactorily demonstrated by placing some of the sand from the native habitat in a glass dish and partly filling it with water. The sand was washed to avoid turbidity then a 450 Simon Henry Gage larva introduced. If the creature is vigorous it almost im- mediately commences to bury itself, and in the following manner: It stands almost vertically on its head and then makes most vigorous swimming movements. At the same time the head with its hood-like dorsal lip is twisted from side to side something as one turns the hand in trying to force an awl into wood or leather. Ina short time the animal will bury itself to about the extent of its branchial apparatus, that is until the sand affords a kind of hold for it. The animal then ceases to go directly downward, but with a serpentine movement, constantly twisting the head from side to side to open the sand, it goes more nearly horizontally till the body is entirely covered. Once in the sand the creature moves around with great ease, the head and hood-like dorsal lip serving by their stiffuessand mobility to part the sand. It soon makes a burrow and the opening to the surface of the sand. In this burrow it can move to and fro at will. The sand seems to be packed in some way so that it does not cavein and fill the canal. In discussing the habits of the larvee it is frequently stated that they havea great dislike to hght and swim around in the vessel in which they are placed until exhausted and they die. From my own experiments the larve do not seem to havea great dislike to light, but rather there is a sense of insecurity when not covered by the sand. Experiments were carried on for weeks with those in glass vessels to see if, when the bur- rows were next the glass, and that side turned to the light the larvee would move away from the light, as they could very easily do if desired. Sometimes they would make a new bur- row on the side from the light, but nearly as often the change would be made from the shaded to the light side. It thus ap- peared that if the animals were protected by being in a normal habitat in the sand the restlessness mentioned by authors as due to light would not be observed. Furthermore one was kept alive in a small globe, hanging, glass aquarium with other aquatic animals from Christmas till the following May. In it there was no sand present and the animal was thus constantly exposed to the light throughout the day. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 451 Whenever a larva swims it is always dorsal side up, but in resting on the top of the sand or on the bottom of a vessel of water it lies on the side. Apparently the side on which it rests is a matter of chance as it is sometimes the left and sometimes the right. Comparison of the Larva with the Adult.—As one watches the development of a lamprey’s ovum it is seen that in a very short time, 10 to 15 days, the embryo assumes characters markedly like its parent ; but a closer study will show very marked differences. Instead of acircular, sucking mouth armed with teeth, the mouth is hooded and the entrance guarded by a very perfect sieve (Pl. VI, fig. 22), and between the mouth and gills will be seen a reddish body that moves to and fro rhythmically and in unison with the movements of the branchial apparatus. If the branchial chamber is explored the seven branchial openings on each side will not be found to open, each into a separate sac or pouch, but into a large common chamber, a chamber serving also for an cesophagus. The eyes, too al- though visible do not reach the surface, but remain quite deeply imbedded. Many other structural differences occur, but a sufficient number have been named. In habits the dif- ference is as striking as the difference of structure ; the parent is a free-booter, the offspring lives an orderly and isolated life. It is no wonder that naturalists and fishermen should have agreed that they were different animals; that they were dif- ferent stages of the same animal probably did not enter their minds. So strikingly unlike are frogs and their young, the tad- poles, that it would be deemed almost incredible that one is the offspring and would assume the appearance of its parent if the facts were not forced upon every one that is at all ob- servant. The transformations in insect life, too, are even more marvelous, but from their frequency are taken as matters of course. Apparently, a fisherman and naturalist of Strass- burg Leonhart Boldner in 1666, knew of the metamorphosis of the lampreys, and that the larvee were larve and not dis- tinct animals. But this was lost sight of, and the knowledge 452 Simon Henry Gage of the scientific world dates from the discoveries and the pub- lication of A. Miiller, 1856. (See note on p. 437 above). Duration of the Larval Period.—The time required for the larva to prepare itself for adult lifeis not known. It has been estimated at three to four years. The reasons for assigning that time are: The larve that may be obtained from the natural habitat at any season of the year are of such varying sizes that it is believed that from three to four generations are represented. The first of September for example, one may obtain from the same bank or bed, as the fishermen call it, lampreys in various stages of transformation, larvee _about two-thirds as large as the transforming ones and so on down to the generation of that year, which are from 15 to 40 millimeters in length. This like the supposed death of the adults after spawning is one of the questions that must be de- termined experimentally. As the larvee are easily kept for six months to a year in an aquarium with sand, it would doubt- less be very easy to keep them from the egg until transfor- mation, by imitating closely the conditions obtaining in their native home. Transformation and Duration of Adult Life.—When the larvee attain a length of 120 to 160 millimeters for the lake lamprey or sometimes as great a length as 200 millimeters for the brook lamprey, they transform to the adult condition. The brook lamprey does not apparently increase in length after transformation, for many of the transformed ones at the spawning season are of less size than the just transformed ones. ‘There is, however, some increase in the bulk of the body, and a considerable increase in the gonads. As shown in plate vii, figures 35 and 36, the ova and the sperm mother- cells are in about the same stage of development as the lake lamprey six months beforespawning. It is believed from this that the brook lamprey attains nearly its full growth before transforming, and that the free life in the water is only about six months, that is from the transformation in the autumn, August and September and perhaps October, till the following May. The lake lamprey upon transforming is only about 4 to The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 453 ith the length and probably not one Zyth bulk of the spawn- ing ones. The gonads are small and the ovary and ova are minute but perfectly recognizable on transforming. The com- parative size is given on plate vii. The gonad of the male is very small indeed, and the sperm mother-cells not far ad- vanced. To attain the size and maturity of the spawning ones it is believed that two or three years are required. ‘This conclusion is reached by the size and development of indi- viduals caught in various months of the year. For example, while the lake lamprey is spawning, specimens have been taken from the lake with the intestine large and full of blood and with ova of about half or one-third the size of the mature ones. In others of about 200 or 225 millimeters length the ova are still smaller. The smallest ones are supposed to have transformed six to eight months previously and those next in sizea year and a half earlier. The absolute bulk of fishes de- pends so largely upon the food supply that size of body alone is not a good test of maturity. The size and stage of develop- ment of the sexual organs is a safer guide. Following this guide it seems very probable that it requires either one year and a half, two years and a half, or three years and a half for the small, just transformed larva of 150 millimeters to attain a length of 450 millimeters, or rather that ova of the size shown in plate vii, figure 34 A, require that time to reach the size and maturity of the egg shown in 32 A. ‘This question like those previously mentioned can be definitely settled only by rather expensive experimentation. That it has an important scien- tific interest all biologists will agree ; that it also has a very important economic bearing may beseen also when one reflects how many food fishes are either destroyed or greatly weak- ened by the parasitic adult lampreys. The transformation of the larva into the adult is usually described as taking place in a few days. In three or four (en trois ou quatre jours) according to Bujor (91), for the Euro- pean brook lamprey (P. planeri, or P. branchialis). The time given by Miller is longer, 10 to 26 days. My own observa- tions accord more with those of Miller. The first external signs of transformation is the appearance of the eyes upon the 454 Simon Henry Gage surface and the development of the sensory papillae in the characteristic curved line interrupted by the eye (Pl. VIII, fig. 50). Looked at ina strong light the eyes appear ina dorsal view like clear spaces ; looked at from the side the black pigment, especially in the dorsal half, is very evident. The mouth in this stage is precisely the same as the larva to all appearance and so is the general coloration of the body. In a somewhat later stage the eyes are still more evident, but appear dull and as if covered by only a semitranslucent mem- brane. The mouth has no longer the wide open appearance of the larva but has become greatly contracted ; the dorsal and ventral lips are becoming fused and the oral tentacles arrange themselves as shown in figure 23. The appearance is exactly as if the papillee or tentacles were to form the basis or found- ation for the future teeth. Several days (20) later the eyes are less turbid and the oral tentacles have lost their branched ends and have become blunt papille. In one kept in a large glass vessel with sand and stones, changing the water frequently, the changes just described were gone through in 25 days. But it is believed that nearly as many more days are needed to de- velop the large, clear eyes of the adult form and the enlarged sucking disc with horny teeth ; so that with those investigated by me the metamorphosis cannot be said to goon very rapidly, but rather, very slowly. One of the striking external changes also is the gradual darkening from a brownish gray to a blue black, which is so rich and soft that it appears like velvet. The pineal eye then appears like a snow white, rounded spot. Later it is partly overshadowed by the thickening epithelium and looks dull (Pl. VIII, fig. 50). A striking change in atti- tude also occurs. The animal rests dorsal side up and not on the left or the right side as with the larva. Corresponding with the external changes, there are profound internal changes. The intestine no longer opens into the bronchus, but a new cesophagus is developed along the dorsal wall of the bronchus and finally opens cephalad of it very near the mouth. ‘The gills cease to be in a common chamber and are divided, each one forming a pouch which opens to the exterior by the branchiopore as in the larva and into the The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 455 common bronchus by a small opening about the size of the external opening. The velum gradually atrophies and soon almost disappears. It is stated by Bujor that in the metamor- phosis, the tissues return to an embryonic condition and then are reformed into the tissues of the adult. ‘‘Les différ- ents tissus des organes larvaires se régénérent complétement pendant la métamorphose,’’ (Bujor, ’91, pp. 77, 88). Es- pecial care was taken in investigating the transformation to determine something of the activity of the animals and their mode of life. The first transforming ones were obtained the last of August. The last just transformed ones from the na- tive habitat were obtained the middle of October. Aquaria were prepared with sand and gravel, thus imitating as closely as possible the natural conditions. Into these aquaria the trans- forming animals were placed as they were received and each aquarium carefully labeled with the date and the stage of de- velopment. All ofthe animals that were in good condition very soon disappeared in the sand. ‘Those with a fully developed sucking mouth surrounded by the oral fringe of papille (Pl. VII, fig. 19-21), also buried themselves. Some of these were so far advanced that the horny tips to the teeth were already visible with a lens. It is therefore believed that the animals, in nature, remain under the protection of their early home until they are fully armed and ready to get their food in the usual adult fashion. The activity of the-animals seemed not at all lessened. In a vessel of water they swam with the same vigor as untrans- forming larvee and frequently like them made vertical leaps of 10 to 20 centimeters to escape from the dish. The respiration seemed in no way interfered with. So far as certain struct- ures are concerned, at least, there seemed no tendency to re- turn to anembryonic condition. Theova, for example, in 100 millimeter larvee have the unmistakable characters of the ova in young adults. None of these characters are lost dur- ing transformation. Certain profound changes take place, that is certain, but these changes appear to the writer rather the additions to or rearrangement of tissues common alike to the larva and the adult, new structures also appear and purely 456 Simon Henry Gage larval organs like the velum atrophy. So far as the liver and its duct are concerned it is almost universally stated that in the European brook lamprey the bile duct loses its connection with the intestine upon transformation. This is not the con- dition in the lake lamprey and in many examples, at least of the sea lamprey. It is only upon the atrophy of the intestine at the breeding season that the bile duct is occluded. Then the liver assumes an emerald green color as stated above (p. 438). From the numerous observations made by the writer on transforming lake lampreys and sea lampreys from the Susquehanna River, there is not a period of quiescence com- parable to the pupa stage of insects ; such a pericd would be expected with so great a histolysis and subsequent histo- genesis as described by Bujor (’91) for the European form of the brook lamprey. In collecting the transforming lampreys the same method is employed as described above for the untransforming larvee. It is well, however, to have a dip net with a long handle, for the transforming ones more readily leave the sand when it is disturbed by the shovel, and attempt to swim away in the stream. With the dip net these may frequently be caught. Up to the present time there has been no way discovered of distinguishing the larvee of the lake and of the brook lamprey. As the two species occupy the same spawning ground and sometimes spawn in the same nest great care is necessary in order not to confuse the two. After the larvz leave the nest they apparently go to the same sand bed. ‘There are certain peculiarities about the one figured in plate iv that might lead one to diagnose it as the larva of a brook lamprey. Here again, only a carefully conducted experiment would give definite and reliable information. If one can keep the transforming ones alive until the dental papillee appear on the oral disc the distinction is as clearly marked in the two species as in the adult, for there is the same definiteness of arrangement, and the same arrangement of dental papillz in the young as in the horny teeth of the adult. The general appearance of the brook and the lake lamprey is also as strikingly unlike at this stage asin any sub- sequent one. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 457 ECONOMICS. From the human stand-point, beneficial or injurious, as ap- plied to an animal or plant relates solely to the supposed ad- vantage or disadvantage to the human race that it subserves. No doubt from the economical stand-point of the animal or plant, judge and prisoner would change places. In this eco- nomical consideration two questions arise: First, in what way does this animal or plant subserve man in supplying food or clothing and secondly, does it destroy, for its own use, food or clothing that might otherwise be utilized by man. To answer these two simple questions it is only necessary to find out the food of an animal, and also the animals for which it in turn serves as food. Food and Uses of the Larva.—The food of the larva consists of microscopic organisms separated in some way from the constant stream of water drawn into the combined cesophageal and branchial chamber. It thus appears that in its larval life the lamprey is not injurious to man by destroving food that he wishes, directly or indirectly, to utilize for his own benefit. On the other hand, from the tenacity with which the larve retain life they have been found excellent bait for all kinds of ordinary carnivorous fishes. The fishermen along the Cayuga and Seneca Lake inlets make considerable use of the larvee for bait ; this form of bait has not up to the present been much used in the lake fisheries, as apparently its excellence is un- known. At Owego, on the Susquehanna River, however, quite a business is carried on in supplying larval lampreys to fishermen of all kinds, and many are shipped to distant points. As no distinction is yet known between the larve of the brook and of the lake or sea lamprey, all larvee may be classed as non-injurious and as positively beneficial by serving for bait, and thus in aiding man to obtain food fishes. Economics of the Adults—Unlike the larva the adult lam- prey is largely or wholly parasitic, and in obtaining its food destroys or injures the fishes used by man as food. It is stated by Giinther (’53, p. 133), that the food of the lamprey (P. marinus and P. fluviatilis) consists of worms and insects, 458 Simon Henry Gage and fishes to which it attaches itself. He is followed by nearly all authors, more especially in describing the food of the brook and river lampreys. From personal observations, the food of the brook lamprey of the lake region has not been determined, as none have been taken out of the breeding season except those which were transforming. From their small size (150-200 millimeters) and the probable shortness of adult life, the injury to the larger food fishes in any case must be considered slight. This is especially true of the region under consideration, for in addition to the smallness in size and probable shortness of life, they are fewin number. While it is not at all difficult to get 200 to 4oo lake lampreys from the Cayuga Lake inlet during one spawning season, one must work quite persistently to obtain 75 to 100 brook lampreys. With reference to the usefulness of the brook lamprey in New Vork, it may be put down as nil. In England, accord- ing to Couch (’65) and Seeley (’86), the adult river lamprey which is very closely allied to the brook lamprey, or speci- fically identical with it (Schneider, ’79, Shipley ’87), was formerly much used in the cod and turbot and other deep sea fisheries. It is stated by Seeley that the lamprey fishery be- ginsin August and continues till March, and that in that time as matly as 450,000 have been taken and used as bait in one year. With reference to the lake lamprey, the conditions are quite different from those described for the brook lamprey. In the first place the lake lamprey exists in large numbers, and lives a parasitic life from one and a half to three and a half years. Of all the specimens obtained out of the breeding season, either the digesting part of the alimentary canal was empty or it contained blood. No partly digested worms or insects or small fish or fish flesh were ever found, although diligent search was made; consequently it is believed that the lake lamprey is wholly parasitic during its adult life and lives on the blood sucked from other fishes. From the structure of the mouth and the opening to the cesophagus in the adult, one might also infer that liquid food was used and that this was obtained by suction as with a leech. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 459 From observations on the lampreys in flat sided, glass jars, and by experiments in allowing them to fasten to the hand, the pro- cess of attachment appears to be as follows: The oral disc is quite widely expanded and pressed suddenly against whatever the lamprey wishes to fasten to. Almost instantly the mouth is somewhat arched and any water that may be present drawn into the bronchus. The circum-oral fringe of papille with the continuous fold of mucosa bordering the fringe, serves to fill any irregularities and make the contact, air and water tight, so that upon lessening the pressure within the mouth the adhesion becomes very perfect. So perfect isit, that sucha hard scaled and vigorous fish as the ganoid, Amza calva, can rarely prevent the attachment and adhesion although the most - violent efforts are made. If they are attached to stones of moderate size, the stone is frequently brought out with the lamprey if the animal is jerked up suddenly. In letting go its hold all that is necessary for the lamprey is to fill the disc with water from the respiratory bronchus, whereupon suction ceases and the animal is free. In feeding, the sharp teeth pressed against the skin of the animal to which it is attached, naturally calls the blood to the place. This hyperemia is caused even more by the suction. At the same time the piston- like tongue with its powerful muscles and the saw-like teeth soon rasps a hole through the skin. The blood is then sucked from the fish and swallowed. ‘The whole operation is some- thing like the extraction of blood by a leech. The lamprey may remain upon a fish so long as it supplies sufficient nutri- ment. Sometimes the fish becomes exceedingly pale and weak so that it floats near the surface. In such a case, the fishermen know immediately that there is a lamprey attached to the fish, and, with a dip net, usually have no great trouble in catching both. The birds of prey also make this their op- portunity and frequently carry off the floating fish, the lamprey sometimes remaining attached until it has been carried a con- siderable distance into the air. According to one intelligent fisherman, who has spent near- ly fifty years by the lake, some of the fishes, when a lamprey attacks them, will rise to the surface and turn over on the 460 Simon Henry Gage side so that the lamprey’s head and branchial apparatus are out of water. By this means the lamprey is partly suffocated and lets go its hold, thus freeing the fish. That the injury to the food fishes is very great may be in- ferred from the fact that sometimes out of 15 cat fish caught on a set line in one night, 10-12 have great raw sores where a lamprey has attacked them. In the spring, too, when the suckers (Cafostomus) run up to spawn, very many of them carry a lamprey, and naturally by the great drain of blood that it causes, the fish must be weakened, so that obstacles on the way to the spawning ground are less liable to be sur- mounted than as if the fish were in full vigor. As stated above, during a single season over a thousand lampreys were caught in the Cayuga Lake inlet. If these had spent from two to three years infesting the fishes of the lake they probably did more to reduce the number of avail- able food fishes than the fishermen. In 1891, on account of the lack of rain and the clearness of the water in the streams at the spawning time, conditions were very favorable for determining the number of nests in the Cayuga Lake inlet. This was done for about 10 kilometers, and 4oo nests found. If each nest had been inhabited by a single pair, then 800 lampreys visited the inlet for spawing during that spring ; but in 1886 over 1000 were known to have been caught from the inlet, and furthermore by direct observation some of the nests are utilized by at least two pairs of lampreys, so that probably the 4oo nests represented a visit of 1rooo to 1200 lampreys and perhaps more. The males are usually somewhat in excess so that probably there were from four to six hundred females. The number of eggs in the ovary of a lamprey of moderate size was estimated in the usual way by weighing a small piece and counting theeggs in it and then weighing the whole ovary. The eggs present in the whole ovary is then estimated by a simple proportion. In the case mentioned, the ovary was found to contain 65,000 ova. (A sea lamprey from the Merrimac River was found, by the same method, to contain 236,000 ova). If each of the females that were on the spawning The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 461 grounds that year deposited 65,000 ova there would have been laid 65000 X 400=26,000,000. Many of the ova fail of fertilization and many also fail to develop even if fertilized so that of the possible twenty-six million young lampreys from the spawn of a season, possibly not over 4 or 5 thousand reach the sand beds; and from the further decimation of these the numbers in the lake remain approximately uniform as with other animals in nature. kidding the Lakes of Lampreys.—From the foregoing ac- count of the life history of the lamprey it will be seen that it has a single very weak point, viz., leaving the lake and running up the tributaries to spawn. This seems to be the only weak point at which the lamprey can be attacked with a hope of exterminating it. This point is rendered still weaker from the fact that in Cayuga Lake, and in Seneca Lake, so far as explored, the lampreys run up the inlet at the head of the lake only, and do not spawn in the tributaries entering the lake at intervals on each side. Some of the lateral tributaries seem well adapted for the lamprey’s spawning grounds ; these streams are used by other fishes, but the most careful ex- ploration under favorable circumstances gave no sign of the lampreys. Also, as will be seen by examining the map (PI. II), the large creek (Fall Creek) entering the head of Cayuga Lake by a separate entrance, has never been known to con- tain lampreys. Careful personal search was made for several seasons and inquiry made of those familiar with the creek, but none were ever found or heard of. This may be due to the nearness of the falls in the course of the stream. The creeks joining the inlet (Cascadilla and Six Mile creeks) con- tain them. Formerly they were very abundant in both, but the water is not now so plentiful and then both extend for a considerable distance through the city. At present it is the main stream that is most frequented and employed by the lampreys for spawning. The lampreys must be destroyed before spawning if they are to be exterminated. Nothing would be easier than to do this. A dam with a fish-way, the fish-way leading into an isolated enclosure where the lampreys could be easily removed and disposed of, or a weir 462 Simon Henry Gage of some kind could be constructed at slight expense. If this could be continued for three to four years in all the lakes and in the Oswego River, the race could be extinguished and the lake wholly freed from their devastations. So vulnerable is this point in the lampreys defenses, that even in great rivers, where dams exist, the fish-ways could be utilized to free the river of lampreys as well as to allow the more valuable food fishes to run up and spawn. To be sure, in the Merrimac and Connecticut rivers the lampreys have been largely utilized for food, but if one considers the damage these monstrous parasites must do to the ocean fishes it will be seen that too dear a price is paid for the food they furnish. It seems to the writer that from every economical standpoint it would be advantageous to rid the world entirely of the lampreys. It would certainly be greatly to the ad- vantage of the fisheries of the State of New York if all were destroyed. Naturally, however, the student of biology must mourn the loss of a form so interesting and so instructive. RESPIRATION AND THE RESPIRATORY MECHANISM IN THE LARVA AND IN THE ADULT. In the lampreys, the respiration is wholly aquatic. They do not come to the surface and take in air as do many fishes. As the dissolved oxygen is only 6 cubic centimeters in 1,000¢. ¢c. of water, while in the air there are 209 c.c. of oxygen in 1,000 c.c. of air, it follows that an animal like the lamprey with a purely aquatic respiration must either be very sluggish, or a very perfect respiratory mechanism must be present in order that it may obtain the needed oxygen from the meager supply in the water. Inthe lamprey there is a very perfect respira- tory mechanism. If one considers also the ease and com- pleteness with which the carbon dioxid is eliminated in aquatic respiration, and the fact that with the lamprey, from its habits, only occasionally are great exertion and rapid movement necessary, as in searching for prey and in spawn- ing, with the attendant nest building, it will be seen that the lamprey is very well off for an animal with aquatic respira- The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 463 tion. It may be further stated that when the lamprey has gorged itself with blood, the first marked change appearing in the blood taken as food is the reduction of the oxy-hemo- globin to hemoglobin. Without doubt the oxygen stored in the hemoglobin by the respiratory activity of its prey is used for respiratory purposes by the lamprey. As pointed out by Bert (’70) and others, any thin and highly vascular membrane may serve as a respiratory membrane. ‘The alimentary canal of the lamprey answers admirably these conditions, and on opening the gorged intestine of a lamprey just taken from a fish, one can trace with the eye alone the gradual transforma- tion of the oxygenated blood through gradually darkening shades until the blood is almost black. Examined with the micro-spectroscope, the transformation can be followed with great definiteness and by agitating the black blood with air it reddens and the two characteristic bands of oxy-hemoglobin reappear. No doubt this use of the oxygen obtained by another fish is of considerable importance to the lamprey, and there is realized by it very perfectly the obtaining of ordinary and gaseous food at the same time. With the larva, the motions are very energetic for a short time, then the animal lies on its side panting, as it were, the respirations are so rapid. In nature, however, only very rarely is great exertion necessary, as in burying itself in sand after voluntarily or accidentally becoming free in the water, also by moving through the sand fora more favorable locality. Almost the only other muscular activity consists, not in mov- ing the whole body, but in pumping water into and out of the broncho-cesophageal chamber for the combined purpose of respiration and obtaining food. Respiratory Mechanism and Movements in the Larva.—lf a larval lamprey is placed in a glass vessel with coarse sand and a plentiful supply of water it will very soon make a suitable burrow or canal in which to live. Very frequently the bur- row will be made in part next to the glass, in which case one may observe with great definiteness all the respiratory move- ments, especially if a magnifier is used. It is seen that in re- pose the respirations are not far from 100 per minute, sometimes 464 Simon Henry Gage less, often many more. If the head is exposed and there are any particles in the water a constant stream is seen to flow into the mouth. Only when the respirations are very slow is the stream into the mouth intermittent. As the burrow is ordinarily open, as shown in Pl. VIII, Fig. 49, some particles of corn starch dropped into it diffuse in.the water and one can then see the direction of the stream from the particles of starch. Starch is the most satisfactory sub- stance used with the larval lampreys as they are not irritated by it. In fact it is taken into the alimentary canal. In case the water contains minute filaments these will often be drawn by the stream to the mouth, but the sieve or net work formed by the oral tentacles catches them and prevents their entrance into the respiratory chamber. Whenever the oral sieve be- comes at all clogged by adhering particles, the current is re- versed and the offending débris washed off most energetically. If attention is directed to the branchiopores or gill openings, it is seen that, with every constriction, streams of water shoot out obliquely caudad. The valves over the branchiopores (Pl. VIII, Fig. 52, v/.) project outward, but as soon as the branchial apparatus expands for inspiration the valve closes the branchiopore so that water does not enter it, and thus all the water entering the gill cavities must enter through the mouth. It is seen also that while the stream into the mouth is practically continuous, its exit through the branchiopores is intermittent. If a larva is placed in a dish of water it swims around somewhat aimlessly but rapidly for a time, but finally rests on its side. ‘The side on which it lies seems to be a matter of indifference, and is therefore sometimes the right and some- times the left. If the water in the vessel is not too deep, the current made by the jets of water from the branchiopores is easily demonstrated by putting bits of wood or cork on the water over the gill-openings. They follow the current almost directly caudad along the whole length of the larva. If the position of the larva is noted, and then it is observed again after 15 or 20 minutes it is seen that it has moved cephalad or forward due to the recoil or reaction of the jets of water forced The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 465 from the gills. The forward movement is not so great, how- ever, as might be expected from the strength of the backward current, and the slight retardation due to the friction of the bottom of the vessel. While the animal is lying on its side, the current into the mouth is clearly seen by dropping a little starch into the water. The currents can also be very satisfac- torily studied by placing the animal in a test-tube or narrow jar with water and a little corn starch. Whenever the head of the larval lamprey can be seen in a good light, an arched, reddish, moving body is visible through the translucent body wall between the opening of the mouth and first gill. This is in rhythmical motion toward and away from the mouth. Itis the velum, composed of two symme- trically placed, arched curtains which perform the double function of valve to prevent the water from going out through the mouth when the branchial apparatus is constricted, and also‘of moving by its own musculature something as the dia- phragm of a mammal and thus alternately increasing and di- minishing the size of the branchial cavity. If the movement is carefully watched and compared with the alternate con- striction and expansion of the branchial apparatus, it is seen that the expansion of the branchial apparatus and the ce- phalic or forward movement of the velum coincide, both thus acting to increase the size of the branchial chamber and there- fore to draw water into the branchial cavity, that is, both are inspirators. On the other hand, in expiration the velum is drawn caudad at the same time that the branchial chamber is constricted and thus a double diminution of the capacity of the branchial chamber results and the expiration is complete. This caudal movement of the velum has also tended to draw water into the space between the velum and the sieve like tentacles. This water is drawn into the branchial chamber immediately upon the expansion of the branchial chamber and the forward movement of the velum. Owing to the valves over the branchiopores, the branchial chamber can only be filled through the mouth, and a current is drawn into the mouth both in expiration by the caudally moving velum, and in inspiration by the expanding branchial chamber, hence it 466 Simon Henry Gage follows that the current going in at the mouth must be con- stant, unless the respiratory muvements are exceedingly slow. The reason why the cephalically moving velum does not force the water out of the mouth in narrowing the space between the sieve and the velum is that, as the velum moves forward, it leaves an equal space behind it and thus aspiration is pro- duced in the branchial chamber, and as there is nothing to support the thin mesal edges of the velar folds, they move laterally and thus make a free passage for the water to the branchial chamber, so that the action of the velum alone tends constantly to aspirate the water into the mouth. When the velum is aided by the expanding branchial chamber in in- Spiration, an increased aspiration is insured and so much the more is there a constant inflowing current. By careful experiment on transforming larvee it was found that they continued to take a constant current into the mouth even after they were able to attach themselves to the sides of the vessel containing them by the almost completely devel- oped sucking disc. Those experimented upon buried them- selves in the sand and gravel whenever they were given op- portunity ; it is believed therefore, that until the young lamp- rey is entirely transformed and swims freely in the water or becomes attached to a fish, water is inspired through the mouth as wellas through the branchiopores, but, in expiration, it passes out only through the branchiopores, except when the branchial apparatus is being cleared of particles taken in with the respiratory currents. The action of the velum may be most perfectly shown by thoroughly etherizing a larva and then carefully removing the ventral body wall between the velum and tentacles so that the velum may be very clearly seen. If now the animal is set up endwise in water one can study very satisfactorily the action of the velar folds. By ad- ding ether occasionally one can control the rapidity of the re- spiratory movements so that they may be slow enough for careful study. For some purposes one may advantageously remove the entire head cephalad of the velum. On a frontal section at the level of the branchiopores like the one shown in Pl. VIII, fig. 52, one can very readily see The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 467 the course of the water in its passage through the branchial apparatus. With larve in confinement, whenever the water is in- sufficiently aerated, the head and sometimes the whole branchial apparatus is projected from the burrow into the water. If the water is changed they disappear in a short time. If the water is not changed or aerated in some way the larva will leave its burrow entirely and make violent efforts to escape from the vessel. If one watches the indications he soon learns about how often to change the water ; in any case he knows that the water must be aerated or changed when- ever the larvee give this sign of beginning suffocation. Respiratory Mechanism in the Adult, — On the change from the larval to the adult form, the food changes from minute organisms filtered from the water to. blood sucked from other fishes, and the mode of inspiration must necessarily change ; for when the lamprey is attached for the purpose of obtain- ing food or for any other object, there is no possibility of inspiring water through the mouth. When unattached, how- ever, water may still be taken into the branchial cavity through the mouth. For a considerable time during trans- formation and even when the tongue and the mouth have nearly assumed the mature condition, if one watches the particles in the water it is seen that there is still an almost constant stream flowing into the mouth. Later, however, although water may enter the mouth in respiration, it does so rarely, but on the contrary both inspiratory and expiratory streams must pass in and out of the branchial chamber through the branchiopores. As shown in figure 52 of Pl. VIII, the branchiz of the larva appear to project freely into a common branchial cham- ber, although there are seven openings on each side from this chamber. In the adult, on the other hand, there are seven gill pouches on each side, each pouch being independent ex- cept for a small opening into the greatly constricted bron- chus ; and, as stated above, the respiratory streams are both in and out of each branchiopore so that if the bronchus were entirely occluded and part of the gill pouches obliterated, 468 Simon Henry Gage as sometimes happens, the respiration of the animal could still be carried on. In other words having 14 practically in- dependent gill pouches renders the liability to suffocation far less than if a single entrance or exit served for the entire respiratory supply. Since in the adult, the inspiratory stream must enter the same opening from which the expiratory stream emerges, there must be a different arrangement of valves from that ob- taining in the larva, where the branchiopores serve only for the exit of the water. The single valve of the larva is present in the adult, but it is not wide enough to cover the entire branchiopore as in the larva; usually it covers only about the cephalic half (Pl. VIII, fig. 55). Inspiration is effected largely in both adult and larva by the elasticity of the cartilaginous branchial basket-work, and expiration through the constriction of the ‘branchial ap- paratus by muscular action, thus standing in marked con- trast to the respiratory actions of mammals where the thoracic cage must be expanded by active muscular contraction for in- spiration, while expiration is largely effected by the elasticity of the respiratory apparatus. In the case of the lamprey one might think at first that no valves are necessary in respiration, for if the branchial pouches are open to the surrounding medium through the branchio- pores any enlargement of the branchial space would cause the water to enter, and conversely, any constriction would empty the branchial sacs. This view is correct, but this mode of simply drawing water into a sac and expelling it has not ap- parently answered the requirements of the lamprey, and there is present the thin valve (the ectal valve) which covers the en- tire branchiopore in the larva (fig. 52-55), and in addition a double valve (ental valve) (fig. 55), which is formed by the growth and modification of the middle gill lamella of the caudal half of the branchial sac. This lamella, near the branchiopore, bifurcates and soon loses its secondary laminze and each part extends laterad as a firm but flexible membrane attached to the caudal wall of the branchial sac, one to the dorsal the other to the ventral edge of the branchiopore and The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 469 also somewhat to the dorsal and ventral parts of the ectal valve. The other or the cephalic edge of each valve is free. The action of the valves is as follows: In inspiration, the two parts of the inner or ental valve turn away from each other and are pressed toward the cephalic wall of the branchio- pore across the channel at the edge of the branchial sac, and the ectal or transverse valve folds over the ental one. By the expansion of the branchial apparatus, the entrance to the gill sac has been rendered more direct and the inflowing stream flows directly into the sac (Fig. 53). In expiration, the water flows through the branchial lamellz, while around the edges, z. ¢., at the dorso- and ventro-lateral edges of the gill sac there is formed a canal or gutter by the shortening of the gill lamellae. The free ends of the lamellze are also mem- branous and curved and aid in making a very complete and smooth canal. The ental valves at the entrance to the branchiopore cross this canal and serve as a guide to the in- spiratory stream, not allowing the water to get into the canal around the edges of the gill sac, but directing it into the gill sac itself (Fig. 53). In expiration, however, with the change in obliquity and the constriction of the gill sac, the water passes between the branchial lamellz into the canal and meet: ing the ental valve rotates the two folds of the valve toward each other and against the caudal wall of the branchiopore, thus removing the obstruction in the canal and really extend- ing it by means of the arched valves (Pl. VIII, Fig. 54, 55). From this arrangement it is seen that two distinct objects are attained, the water not only bathes the gills but passes be- tween the lamellez, it is then concentrated in a canal with smooth sides where the friction is at a minimum ; and in its exit from the branchial sac in expiration, the valves prevent the used water from making acircle in the gills, and more im- portant, they form a very oblique channel which directs the expiratory stream caudad, thus insuring the animal against using the same water over and over. In inspiration, on the other hand, from the direction of the opening, the water enters at nearly aright angle to the axis of the animal, and thus fresh or unrespired water is constantly supplied to the gills. (See figures 51-55, Pl. VIII). 470 Simon Henry Gage While the branchial pouches are, as stated above, practi- cally independent, nevertheless they do communicate through the common bronchus, and occasionally a particle entering the branchiopore of one side may be seen to emerge from the opposite branchiopore (Bert, 67). If one observes the respira- tion of a lamprey resting upon its side in very shallow water so that the branchiopores are near the surface, the oblique streams from the branchiopores are very readily seen. If the nostril is near the surface of the water a stream is seen to emerge from it at every expiration. Hence as the nasal sac is closed caudally, a stream must be drawn in at every inspi- ration and expelled at every expiration. This movement simply accompanies respiration and is not for respiratory, but rather for olfactory purposes. That there is no connection between the stream forced from the nostril and the respiratory water may be easily proved by raising the head slightly above the water. After the first expiration no further jets of water are sent from the nostril until the head is again submerged, thus showing that the water enters and emerges from the same opening. All the respiratory movements may be artificially imitated on a lamprey soon after death, if the branchial apparatus remains expanded. ‘To insure this the lamprey may be cura- rized ; the branchial apparatus being unconstricted by the paralyzed muscles, expands by its own elasticity, and the animal will die in the inspiratory phase. If now the branchial apparatus is grasped by the hand the expiration may be im- itated by constricting the apparatus and the streams from the branchiopores and from the nostril demonstrated. Upon re- laxing the grasp the branchial apparatus re-expands and re- fills the gill pouches. By proceeding slowly, one can see with the greatest accuracy the movement of the branchioporic valves, and what is obscure, from the rapidity of action in the living state, becomes clear and intelligible. THE BLOOD AND ITS FIBRIN, HEMAGLOBIN AND CORPUSCLES. Asin the higher vertebrates, the blood of the lamprey in all stages, except the very early embryonic ones is red in color The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 471 and contains both red and white corpuscles. This blood coag- ulates very quickly, and the fibrin is composed of exceedingly fine and also coarser filaments. If preparations of lamprey and human fibrin filaments are compared (PI. VIII, fig. 44, 45), it will be seen that in both there are centers from which these filaments seem to radiate, and that in the lamprey, while there are coarse filaments, the ultimate net-work is almost in- conceivably fine and that in order to define it well, homo- geneous immersion objectives are necessary. On the other hand the net work of filaments in human and other mamma- lian fibrin is coarse. This condition has been found in all the mammialian fibrin examined, while the fine network seems to be characteristic of the cold-blooded animals. The time required for coagulation in the lamprey is short, shorter than for mammalian blood but not nearly so short as for amphibian blood (Gage ’go). The hemaglobin of the lamprey is exceedingly difficult to obtain in crystalline form. The only successful efforts so far have been by using a considerable quantity of blood and add- ing at the edge of the cover a small amount of a 10 per cent. aqueous solution of pyrogallic acid. The cover is then sealed and put in the light inacool place. After several days, in suc- cessful preparations, crystals appear in beautiful rosettes with frond-like rays radiating from the center. The Red and White Blood Corpuscles.—It is to the solid constituents of the blood that the greatest interest attaches, and especially to the red-corpuscles ; for ‘‘as the red blood- corpuscles of the camelide form an exception in the great mammalian group in being oval instead of circular in outline, and, according to Gulliver in not forming distinct rouleaux, or rolls, so the red corpuscles of the lamprey eels form an ex- ception in the great non-mammalian group of vertebrates (birds, reptiles, and fishes) in being 42-concave and circular, instead of oval aud 6b7-convex, like those of all other animals in this great group. The corpuscles also agree with those of mammals in forming distinct rouleaux. This is most marked in the brook lamprey and the larva. In the 9 mm. embryo the corpuscles were often seen in rolls of three or four in the 472 Simon Henry Gage circulating blood (Pl. VIII, fig. 42, E. F.). Rouleaux have also been observed in the vessels of a living dog’s mesentery. A nucleus is present in all the corpuscles, but as it is small and placed in the thickest part of the corpuscle, it is not apparent in the perfectly fresh ones, except faintly in some of those of the 9 mm.embryo. The corpuscles when fresh appear, there- fore, almost exactly like those of man.’’ So complete is the resemblance, that skilled observers have frequently been con- fused, and pronounced fresh preparations of lamprey’s blood to be mammalian. As seen in the table, however, the num- ber of the white corpuscles is proportionally very much greater than in mammalian blood, and the white corpuscles are almost always smaller than the red ones, thus standing in these two particulars in marked contrast with mammalian blood. Fur- thermore ‘‘no element of uncertainty should arise with respect to them in legal medicine, for (a), the presence of a nucleus may be readily demonstrated, as it is made apparent by dry- ing, by acetic acid, and by the reagents most used in exam- ining blood for medico-legal purposes ; (4), except in the em- bryo 9-10 mm. long, the corpuscles are nearly twice as large as those of man. (Compare the accompanying table of meas- urements). Hence the red blood corpuscles of lamprey eels, in spite of their bi-concave form and circular outline, really offer no more difficulty in medical jurisprudence than do the cor- puscles of any other of the non-mammalian vertebrates.* ‘The circular outline of the red blood-corpuscles in both adult and larval lampreys was discovered by R. Wagner and the fact published in 1838 (’38). The bi-concave character is remarked upon by Wagner, Kolliker, and others, but I have seen no reference to the fact that the corpuscles form distinct rouleaux like those of mammals. This feature, as in mam- mals, is lost soon after death. ‘‘Although the bi-concave character of the corpuscles of lampreys is as easily demonstrated as in the corpuscles of * While it is true that the red corpuscles of mammalian embryos and the developing corpuscles in the adult are nucleated, the size and uni- formly nucleated condition of the corpuscles of the lamprey would sufficiently characterize them. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 473 mammals, it is stated by Gulliver and Giinther that they are flat or bi-convex, and Gegenbauer in his Comparative Anatomy, states that the red blood-corpuscles of birds, reptiles, amphibia, and fishes are bi-convex, no exception being made for the lam- preys. Parker in his translation of Wiedersheim’s Compara- tive Anatomy of the Vertebrates, says: ‘In case of the red corpuscles, the nucleus persists, and the whole cell is bi-con- vex in all vertebrates below mammals.’ In 1887 wide circula- tion was given to a statement by Shipley (’87), and Thomp- son (’87), that the red blood-corpuscles of larval lampreys were oval in outline, like the rest of the non-mammalian ver- tebrates.’’ And Thompson further adds: ‘‘ The noteworthy point now is, that myxine possesses red corpuscles similar to those, not of the adult, but of the larval lamprey, which in many ways it resembles otherwise.’’ On consulting the original article by Shipley (’87), the statement is found to be: ‘‘The blood corpuscles are of only one kind, large oval disc-like structures, with a well-marked nucleus.’’ The size of the embryo is not given, but it was in the stage before the white blood-cor- puscles appear. As all observers have noted the tendency of the red corpuscles to become deformed, one can readily under- stand that, if the form were observed in sections, from mutual compression the corpuscles would not remain of circular form. If Dr. Shipley examined these corpuscles in the serum of the larva and in the living condition, and they were found oval instead of circular, the fact would be exceedingly interesting and perhaps suggestive. One would hardly expect to find embryonic blood-corpuscles oval, for even in animals in which the red corpuscles of the adult possess an extreme elliptical form the embryonic ones are either circular or approximately so (Kolliker ’84. Milne-Edwards). ‘“'That the red blood-corpuscles of both the adult and larval lampreys are circular, bi-concave, nucleated discs, as here de- scribed and figured, was repeatedly demonstrated in larvee from g to 142 mm. long, and in numerous adults. In every specimen examined all the corpuscles not irregular were cir- cular in outline. To make sure that this appearance was not 474 Simon Henry Gage due to reagents, the corpuscles were examined in the serum of the blood, without the addition of any reagent whatever, and to avoid any possible error on account of the small amount of blood in the 9 mm. embryo, the circulating blood was exam- ined. All the examinations were made with a 2 mm. apo- chromatic objective and an ocular x 12’’ (Gage ’88). Table showing the diameter and thickness of the red and of the white blood-corpuscles of the lamprey in the adult and larval condition , also the relative number of red and white corpuscles, and the num- ber of red corpuscles in a cubic millimeter of blood. DIAMETER. wee | 4 3 : |No. of red cor a a ence to eal es Maxi- { Mini- | Aver- * | @.2:5 | corpuscles. millimeter. mum. | mum. age. me 3 | Lake lam- Male, 1:20 Male, 391,333 prey (June),|16.16|/10.1 “4|14.2 “| 5.05|1:2.8 |Fem.,1:15 Fem. 334,666 Lake lam- | prey (Oct.),|16.25/4/10.624/13.9 “| 5.0 4/1: 2.78|Male, 1:17 Male,513,280 Brook lam- | prey (May),/15.15M/10.I fj13. “| 5.02"/1:2.59] 1:95 | 500,c00 Larval lam- prey, 142 ala | mm. long, |15.65/4/12.124/13.4 “| 3.48/1:3.8 “(30 | 712,950 Embryolam- | prey, 9mm. Not deter- long, 8. fl 7. i7.448u} 1.96u]1:3.8 I:Io0 | mined. Larval lam- White. | prey, 5 8 | mm. long, 5-56 Lake lam- prey (Apr.), 7.8 uw | The blood for measurement and counting was taken from the heart of an animal just killed or from a pithing wound, and mounted without the addition of any liquid. The cover- glass was supported by a hair and sealed with castor oil. Only undistorted corpuscles were measured. The averages were obtained from twenty-five measurements in each case. All measurements were made with a 74 or 7; homogeneous objective, and a Jackson ocular micrometer, the valuation of which was determined by using a Rogers’ standard stage mi- crometer. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York — 475 In a larva 73 mm. long, the average diameter was 12.444— that is, 0.964 smaller than in the larva of 142 mm. given in the table. Gulliver (’62~’75, p. 845) states that there is little difference between the blood-corpuscles of Petromyzon planeri, P. fluviatilis, and Ammocetes branchialis [the larval form] ; that one description may serve for all three of them ; and gives the following measurements: Diameter of the red corpuscles, 11.9 #; thickness, 4.09 4; diameter of nucleus, 3.96 uw. K6l- liker gives 11.3 as the size, not mentioning the species or the age. Welcker (’63), gives 15 w as the average size of the red corpuscles of Petromyzon marinus, with a maximum of 16 and a minimum of 13.4 4. Thickness of the corpuscles, 34. For the larva the average is 11.7 », with a maximum of 12.4 # and a minimum of 10.9 u. Thompson (’87), gives the size of the red corpuscles of Petromyzon marinus as 13 » to 14 ¢. Welcker gives the number of red corpuscles in a cubic millimetre of the blood of P. marinus as 133,000. In my own studies, which have extended through several years and have considered specimens at various seasons, the statements of Gulliver are not wholly verified. On the other hand, as shown in the table, the red corpuscles increase in size with the increase in size of the whole animal. This is most marked in larval life. After nearly reaching their full growth as larvee the increase of the red corpuscles to the fully adult condi- tion is only about one micron (1 »), while between the 9 mm. and the 73 mm. larva there is a difference of 5 p. but only about 1 p. between the 73 mm. larva and the one 142 mm. long. This fact of the growth in size of the corpuscles with the growth in the size of the body is again in marked contrast with what is known of the mammalian red corpuscles, which in the new born and the fully matured differ very little in size. The relative number of red and white corpuscles has been determined at various seasons of the year, and while the num- ber of white ones is greater in some specimens than in others, the season does not seem to affect this ratio very markedly. In general, the lake lamprey has a greater relative number of white ones than the brook lamprey, and in the larva they are more numerous than in the adult. In no case was there seen 476 Simon Henry Gage the proportion given by Thompson, z. ¢., three or four white ones to one red one. In my own observations the red ones were always in excess of the white ones. (See table above). The amceboid movements of the white ones are striking and vigorous in both larva and adult, but as arule the motion does not begin immediately after the preparation is made. It is usually at its greatest about half an hour after the blood is obtained. SUMMARY AND GENERAL CONCLUSION. 1. Two species of lampreys inhabit the chain of lakes in western New York. 2. One, the brook lamprey (Petromyzon or Ammocetes branchialis) is small in size, few in numbers and short-lived, in the adult stage. It is not known in North America outside the Mississippi Valley except in the Cayuga Lake basin. It is probably widely distributed, but from its small numbers and inconspicuous coloring, it has been overlooked (Plate IV, pp. 436, 452). 3. The other, the lake lamprey Petromyzon untcolor or dor- satus), is of large size, is in great numbers and lives a para- sitic life in the lakes for a period of two to three and one-half years, and perhaps longer (Plate I, III, pp. 431, 445, 452). 4. The lake lamprey from the structure and arrangement of its teeth is hardly to be distinguished from the true anadro- mous sea lamprey, but judged by the physiological test of nat- ural interbreeding it must be considered as specifically dis- tinct (Plate VI, p. 426). 5. Both species have a larval stage and a metamorphosis at the end of from two to four years. Thus agreeing with the Petromyzontidee wherever thoroughly studied (Plate III, IV, VI, VIII, pp. 449, 452). 6. The proportions of parts of the body with the two sexes of the lake lamprey, are very unlike and mutually interchange between the ordinary non-breeding and the breeding season. (See Table and p. 431). 7. In both species there are striking atrophies and hyper- trophies at the spawuing season (Plate III, IV, VII, p. 438). 8. Both species construct similar nests for the deposit and The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 477 protection of the ova. The larve hatch in these nests, re- main there till they are about 12 to 15 millimeters in length, then they seek a sand bank in the concavity of the stream. In this bank they remain until fully transformed and supplied with horny teeth. They then leave the sandy covering and lead a roving, parasitic life in the open waters of the lake (Plate VII, VIII, pp. 441, 449). 9. In its larval life the lamprey is not injurious to man, but aids him by serving as bait for food fishes (p. 457). 10. During adult life the lamprey is highly injurious, as it preys upon food fishes. The lake lamprey is the more in- jurious from its larger size, greater numbers and longer para- sitic life (pp. 445, 457). 11. The lakes could be easily freed from lampreys, by catch- ing and destroying them when they are on their way to the spawning grounds up the lake inlets (p. 46r). 12. The respiratory mechanism of the lamprey is very per- fect at all stages. From the perfection and arrangement of the branchiai valves, the expired water is not re-inspired (Plate VIII, pp. 463, 467). 13. The blood-corpuscles are of two kinds, white and red as in most other vertebrates. 14. The white blood-corpuscles are relatively more numer- ous than in mammalian blood; they are mostly smaller than the red blood-corpuscles and exhibit active amceboid move- ments (Plate VIII. p. 471). 15. The red blood-corpuscles are bi-concave, circular discs as with mammalian blood-corpuscles, and like the mamma- lian red blood-corpuscles those of the lamprey arrange them- selves in rolls or rouleaux, (Plate VIII, p. 472). It is assumed throughout this paper that the lake lamprey is a land-locked species which is a recent offshoot from the true anadromous sealamprey. But forthe very striking similarity, a similarity amounting almost to specific identity with the sea lamprey, one might be strongly inclined to the belief that the lake lamprey is an original product of the lake waters and has only a remote relationship with the sea lamprey through some primitive and common ancestor. On the other hand it might be urged that as there is free communication between 478 Simou Henry Gage the lakes and the ocean through the St. Lawrence River, there is no occasion to consider the lake lamprey as a land- locked form at all.* While it is true that the natural obstacles are not such as to prevent the immature lampreys from passing to the ocean and then returning when mature to deposit their spawn, the distance inland is greater than undoubted sea lampreys have ever been known to pass; certainly none have ever been found in Cayuga and Seneca lakes by the writer, and from information obtainable from others none have been seen in any of the lakes or in Lake Ontario.f The final and definite proof that the lake lampreys remain permanently in the lakes and do not go to the ocean at any time, has been abundantly obtained during the past 18 years by the capture of examples of the adult form of all sizes in the waters of the Jake during every month of the year, while the true anadromous forms are found in the inland waters they are known to inhabit, only when very small and when spawning. As to a reasonable hypothesis for the presence of these ios- lated or land-locked lampreys : It is recognized by all modern geologists and physical geographers that the present contour of the country and the details of the topography of the greater and lesser lake basins with their water courses and ridges are, geologically speaking, only of recent date. By glancing again at the small topographical map (Pl. II) it can readily be seen that during the glacial epoch when the basins of the St. Lawrence and of the lakes were filled with ice, the water from the melting ice accumulated and finally passed the low elevation south of the lake basin and found its way to the Susquehanna River. Later, as the ice sheet receded, the out- let was through the Mohawk into the Hudson River. Finally * The common eel (Azguilla rostrata) is also abundant in the lakes. As it has been determined by recent investigations that the common eel goes to the ocean or to brackish water to spawn and the young re- turn to fresh water to mature, it will be seen that the passage to and from the ocean is not insuperable. t I wish to express my indebtedness to the State Game and Fish Pro- tectors who so fully and courteously answered the questions concerning the lampreys of their respective districts. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 479 as the ice melted the superfluous water of all the lakes gradu- ally found an exit through the St. Lawrence basin as it had done in pre-glacial times. The application of these geological or topographical changes would have the following bearing upon the special subject of this paper. At the present time in the Susquehan- na River, only a few miles to the south of Cayuga Lake, the large sea lampreys are found in the summer or spawning season and the transforming ones in the autumn, and larvee during the entire year, thus showing that even at the present day the large sea lamprey uses the Susquehanna for a spawn- ing ground. The same is true of the Hudson River. Now it is believed that while the lakes poured their super- fluous waters southward into the Susquehanna River that the large sea lampreys frequented the lake and its tributaries and found suitable spawning grounds. As the glacier receded and the streams draining the lake into the Susquehanna became shallower and more difficult to ascend and descend, the lakes were less and less and finally no more visited by the spawning lampreys; and some of the newly transformed ones, finding abundant food in the common fishes which swarmed in the waters, remained and matured in the lakes, and spawned in its tributaries thus completing the entire life- cycle in fresh water. It is also possible that as the water courses to the Susque- hanna decreased and those to the Mohawk and Hudson in- creased, the lampreys entered and left the lake through those streams, but ultimately the same result would follow and the forms become isolated in the lakes. If it is granted that the presence of the lake lampreys can be satisfactorily accounted for in the way described, it is not dif- ficult to conceive of the diminiution in size and perhaps also of the other modifications, as the great increase of the dorsal ridge in the male; for it is within human observation that sea animals that have been artificially or naturally isolated from the ocean gradually decrease in size, and that special features may become accentuated or intensified. IrHaca, N. Y. September, 1893. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The literature relating to the Marsipobranchii is so extensive that no attempt has been made to give a complete list; it includes some late papers bearing on the subject of this investigation, and a few important works in which the bibliography is especially complete. For references see also: Engelmann and Carus, Bibliotheca Zoologica III, (1860) pp. 1030-1031. i Papers and works are arranged alphabetically according to authors, and the last two figures of the year of publication are given at the left. *50. Acassiz, L. On the Petromyzontide and their embryonic de- velopment and place in the natural history system. Edinb. New Philos. Jour., XLIX, pp. 242-246. ’8I. BALFouR, F. M. A treatise on comparative embryology. 8°, two vols. London. ’88. BEARD, J. The teeth of myxinoid fishes. Nature XX XVII, p. 499. Also the nature of the teeth of the marsipobranch fishes, Zool. Jahrb. Spengel. Abth. f. Anat. III, 4 Heft, pp. 727-752. Also the parietal eye of the cyclostome fishes. Quart. Jour. Mlicr. Sci. XXIX, pp. 55-73. ’'93. —— Notes on lampreys and bags. Anat. Anz., VIII, pp. 59-60. Ova as well as sperm mother-cells in the testis of a brook lamprey. 80-81. BENECKE, B. Fische, Fischerei und Fischzucht in Ost- und West-preussen. Mit zahlreichen Abbildungen. 8°, pp. 514. Ko- nigsberg. ’@7. BERT, P. Note sur quelques points de la physiologie de la lamproie. Ann. des Sci. Nat., V Ser. t. vii, pp. 39-40. Notes on the respiration of the lamprey. ’*70. —— Legcons sur la physiologie comparée de la respiration, pro- fessées au muséum d’histoire naturelle. 8°, Paris. *88 Boum, A. A. Uber Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies von e- tromyzon planeri. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., XXXII, pp. 613-670. Gives a history of the development of the ovary and ova. *gi. Buyor, P. Contribution a l’étude de la métamorphose de 1’ 4m- mocetes branchialis en Petromyzon Planeri. Revue Biologique du Nord de la France, III, 97 pages. The main thesis of this paper is that during the metamorphosis from the larval to the adult condition the tissues return to an embryonic condition and that the adult tissues are re-formations from a practically embryonic state. 77. CALBERLA, E. Zur Entwicklung des Medullarrohres und der Chords dorsalis der Teleostier und der Petromyzonten. Morph. Jahrb. III, pp. 226-270. °@5. Coucn, J. A history of the fishes of the British Islands. Four volumes. Lampreys in Vol. IV, pp. 383-401. °86. CUNNINGHAM, J. T. Dr. Dolirn’s inquiries into the evolution of organs in the Chordata. Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci., XXVII, pp. 265- 284. Discusses the ten papers of Dohrn ‘‘Urgeschichte des Wirbel- thier-korpers’’ published from 1882 to 1885, in which the mor- phology of the Marsipobranchii is considered at considerable length. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 481 976. Ewart, J. C. Note on the abdominal pores and urogenital sinus of the lamprey. Jour. Anat. and Phys., X, pp. 488-493. On vascular peri branchial spacesin the lamprey. Same, XII, pp. 232-236. ’975. FURBRINGER, P. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Anatomie der Muskulatur des Kopfskelets der Cyclostomen. Jenaische Zeit- schrift, IX, 93 pages. ’84. GacE, S. H. On the application of photography to the produc- tion of natural history figures. Science, III, pp. 443-444. 86. — and S.E MEEK. The lampreys of Cayuga Lake. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., XXXV, p. 269. Abstract, giving findings up to that date. °88. — The form and size of the red blood corpuscles of the adult and larval lamprey eels of Cayuga Lake. Proc. Amer. Soc. Mic- roscopists, X, pp. 77-83. Also the red blood corpuscles of lamprey eels in relation to jurisprudence. N. Y. Med. Jour., XLVIII, pp. 149-150. In these papers it is shown that the red corpuscles form in rolls and that they increase in size with the growth of the animal. An annotated bibliography of tweuty papers and works accompanies the first. gO. Coniparison of the fibrin filaments of blood and lymph in mammalia and amphibia, with methods of preparation. Assoc. Amer. Anatomists, history, constitution, membership, and the titles and the abstracts of papers for the years 1888-1890, pp. 25-26. ’91I. — Notes on the physiology and structural changes in Cayuga Lake lampreys. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., XL, p. 322. 92. The comparative physiology of respiration. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., XLI, pp. 183-196; Amer. Naturalist, XXVI, pp. 817-832; Nature, XLVI, pp. 598-601. Comparison of cerial and aquatic respiration and special consideration of combined aquatic and eerial respiration. ’84. GooDE, G. BRown. The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States. Prepared through the co-operation of the commis- sioner of fisheries and the superintendent of the tenth census, by George Brown Goode, assistant director of the U. S. National Museum and a staff of 20 associates. Section I, Natural history of useful acquatic animals, Washington, Government printing office, pp. 677-681. An excellent account of the state of knowledge at that time. In the same volume, pp. 630-656, is a complete account of the natural history of the common eel (Anguilla). ’90. GOTTE, A. Entwickelungsgeschichte des Flussneunauges (Pe- tromyzon fluviatilis). Erster Theil. 4°,p.95. Hamburg u. Leipzig. 53. GUNTHER, A. Die Fische des Neckars untersucht und_be- schrieben. Pp. 133-136, on lampreys. It is stated that their food consists of ‘‘worms, insects, etc.’’ Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum, Vol. VIII. Pp. 499-509 devoted to the Petromyzontide. It is stated that the larvee are without teeth and “with a continuous vertical fin.”’ 80. The study of fishes; also, Ichthyology in the Encyc. Brit. Vol. XII. '@7. GRENACHER, H. Beitrage zur nahern Kentniss der Musculatur der Cyclostomen und Leptocardier. Zeit. wiss. Zool., XVII, pp. 577-597. 78. "70. 482 Simon Henry Gage ’6@2-~'75. GULLIVER, G. On the red blood-corpuscles of vertebrates. Proceedings Zoological Society, 1862, p. 99; 1870, p. 844; 1875, p. 474. Gives an excellent account of the blood-corpuscles in all groups of vertebrates (1870, p. 844). ’g2. Harta, S. On the formation of the germinal layers in Petromy- zon. The Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University of Japan. V, pp. 129-147. ’g2. HERTWIG-MARK. Text-book of the embryology of man and mammals. 8°, pp. 670. London and New York. ’46. HEwson, W. Works of, edited by Gulliver. pp. lvi+360. Lon- don, printed for the Sydenham society. ’g1I. Howes, G. B. On the affinities, interrelationships and systematic position of the Marispobranchii. Proc. and Trans. of the Liver- pool Biological Society, VI, pp. 122-147. An excellent summary of the latest views on the morphology and relationships of the marsipobranchs with table indicating structural and phylogenetic relationships. 76. HUXLEY, T. H. On the nature of the craniofacial apparatus of Petromyzon. Jour. Anat. and Phys., X, pp. 412-429. Howes (’91) says of this paper: ‘‘ All recent enquiry into the morpbology of the cranio-facial apparatus of the Marsipobranchs finds its focus in Huxley’s monograph in which the presence of true jaws was first demonstrated and the complex apparatus of the Petromyzontide was brought into harmony with that of the higher gnathostomata.”’ ’46. JonES, W. The blood corpuscle in its different phases of develop- ment in the animal series. Phil. Trans., 1846, pp. 63-101. On p. 66 he says the red corpuscles of the lamprey are circular at all stages of development. °82. JorDAN, D. S. and GILBERT, C. H. Synopsis of the fishes of North America. Bulletin of the U. S. National Museum, No. 16, pp. 1018. Good references to systematic literature. and ForDICE, M. W. A review of the North Ameri- can Species of Petromyzontide, with an additional note on the Lampreys of Cayuga Lake, by S. E. Meek. Reprint, pp. 279- 296. (Place and periodical in which putlished not indicated on reprint). On p. 284 the authors say of the lake lamprey: ‘‘ The characters assumed to distinguish this form from the true marinus are, however, more or less inconstant and not of specific value.’’ Very full references to systematic literature. ?87. Juin, C. Recherches sur l’anatomie de l’ammoccetes. Bulletin scientifique du department du nord. 2dser., X, 42 pp. ’9O. KANSCHE, C.C. Beitrage zur Kentniss der Metamorphose des Ammocetes branchialis in Petromyzon. Schneider’s Zoologische Beitrage. Band II, Heft II, pp. 219-250. The author believes that the oral tentacles disappear, except the ventral median one which is transformed into the adult tongue. °84. KOLLIKER, A. Grundriss der Entwickelungsgeschichte. 8°, pp. viiit454. Leipzig. On p. 63 it is stated that the red blood cor- puscles of the chick are, in the course of development, at first cir- cular. ’9O. KUPFFER, C. Die Entwickelung von Petromyzon Planeri. Arch. f. mikr Anat., XXXV, pp. 469-558. 85. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 483 *82. Lecouis, P.S. Recherches sur le pancréas des cyclostomes et sur le foie dénué de canal excréteur du Petromyzon marinus. Compt. Rend. Acad. des Sci. Paris, XCV, pp. 305-308. °73- LANGERHANS, P. Untersuchungen tiber Petromyzon planeri. 8°, 114 pages. Freiburg. The histology of many of the organs is given. °35. MAYER. Analecten fiir vergleichende Anatomie, I Theil, p. 60. This has not been seen, but it is referred to by Schneider and others for observations upon respiration and the respiratory organs. °88. MEEK, S. E. Notes on the fishes of Cayuga Lake basin. Annals of the New York Acad. of Sci., 1V, pp. 297-316. Seealso Gage and Meek above (’86). *89. —— Note on Ammocetes branchialis. Amer. Nat. XXIII, pp. 640-642. °57-'58. MILNE-Epwarps. Lecons sur la physiologie et l’anatomie de l’homme et des animaux. 8°, 14 vols., Paris 1857-1880. Very excellent bibliography in volume 2, (1857) pp. 246-247, 256-257 and in volume 3 (1858) p. 370. ‘71. MILNER, J. W. Report of the fisheries of the Great Lakes; the result of inquiries prosecuted in 1871-1872. In the report of the United States Fish Commissioner for 1872-1873. In discussing the sturgeon fishery Mr. Milner says they frequently have raw sores upon them due to the lampreys. He thinks the lampreys eat the slime of the sturgeon. ’92. Minot, C.S. Human Embryology. 8°, pp. 815. New York. 756. MULLER, A. Ueber die Entwickelung der Neunaugen; ein vorlau- figer Bericht. Archiv f. Anatomie, Physiologie und wissentschaft- liche Medicin (Miuiller’s Archiv)., 1856, pp. 323-339. First scienti- fic account of the transformation of larval lampreys into adult Pe- tromyzon. Up to this time the larve had been placed in a separate genus (dmmocetes branchialis). But little has been added to Muller’s account of the more obvious changes from the egg to the adult lamprey. He reported the presence of an 8th branchiopore in the embryo (‘‘ Am Halse befinden sich 8 Visceralspalten, deren vor- derste, schon durch ihre Richtung verschieden, sich bald wieder schliesst’’'’. The discovery of an 8th gill opening in the embryo is ascribed to Huxley by Shipley (’87, p. 349). 43. MULLER, J. Untersuchungen tber die Eingeweide der Fische. Abhi. d.kgl. Akad. der Wissensch. zu Berlin, 1843, pp. 109-170. Announces (p. 119) that the red blood corpuscles are elliptical in Myxine. ’gO. NESTLER, K. Beitrége zur Anatomie und Entwickelungsges- chichte von Petromyzon Planeri. Zool. Anz., XIII, pp. II-12; Arch, f. Naturgeschichte, 1890; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 6, Vol. v, pp. 262-263. He believes that the cesophagus of the adult develops from a solid cord along the ventral side of the dorsal aorta in the larva. Compare Schneider, (’79, p. 94). ’80. NussBAUM, M. Zur Differeuzirung des Geschlechts in Thierreich. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. XVIII, pp. 1-121. As eggs of Petromyzon are all at the same stage of development, the author thinks the lam- preys die after spawning (p. 47) thus agreeing with A. Muller (’56, P- 334): —— 484 Simon Henry Gage ’@I. OWEN, R. Coniparative Anatomy and Physiology of vertebrates. 8°, 3 vols., London, 1861-1868. Vol. I., 1861. ’$2-83. PARKER, W.K. Ontheskeleton of the marsipobranch fishes, part 2, Petromyzon. Proc. Roy. Soc., 1882, pp. 439-443; 1883, pp. 1-3; Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. part 2, 1883, pp. 373-457. ’84. PARKER, T.J. A course of instruction in Zootomy, Vertebrata. 8°, pp. 397 London and New York. Good account of the anatomy of the adult lamprey. ; ’88. RoLLEstTon, G. Forms of animal life, a manual of comparative anatomy with descriptions of selected types. Second edition, re- vised and enlarged by H. W. Jackson. pp. xxxii-+ 937. Oxford. ‘* At the metamorphosis the tubular structure [of the liver] is lost ; fat appears in the cells; the gall-bladder, and bile duct are ab- sorbed. .... The pancreas is perhaps represented in the lampreys by an acinous gland opening into the widened commencement of the mid-gut on the left side’”’ (p. 435). *7Q. SCHNEIDER, A. Beitragezur vergleichenden Anatomie und Ent- wicklungsgeschichte der Wirbelthiere. 4°, pp. 164. Berlin. Dis- cusses the habits, structure and transformations of lampreys. *8x. ScoTt, W.B. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Petromy- zonten. Morph. Jahrb., VII, pp. 1o1-172. 787. —— Development of Petromyzon. Jour. Morph., I. pp. 253- 310. The myel is rounded in the embryo, flattens before adult life. °86. SEELEY, H.G. The fresh water fishes of Europe ; history of their genera, species, structure, habits and distribution. 8°, pp. 444; Lon- don, Paris, New York and Melbourne. °87. SHIPLEY, A. E. On some points in the development of Petromy- zon fluviatilis. Quar. Jour. Micr. Sci., XXVII, pp. 325-370. On P. 343 hesays that in the embryo there is but one form of blood- corpuscle and that this is ‘‘ large, oval and disc like.”’ ’87. THOMPSON, D’Arcy, W. On the blood corpuscles of the Cyclos- tomata. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. V, Vol. XX, pp. 231-233; Anat. Anz., II, pp. 630-632. ’g8. Wacner, R. Beitrage zur vergleichenden Physiologie, Vol. II, 1838. Nachtrage zur vergleich. Physiol. des Blutes, p. 13. First announcement that the red blood corpuscles of larval and adult lampreys are circular and biconcave. "63. WELCKER, H. Grosse Zahl, Volum, Oberflache und Farbe der Blutkorperchen bei Menschen und bei Thiere. Zeit. f. ratl. Med., 3d Reihe, XX, pp. 257-307. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Plates I, III, IV, and V are from photographs of fresh or preserved specimens. The specimens in most cases were immersed in water or alcohol, and photographed with a vertical camera. Plates VI, VII, and VIII were drawn by Mrs. Gage from photographs or from the object by the aid of a camera lucida. PLATE I. FIG. I-2. A pair of lake lampreys about 33 centimeters long, from the same nest ; obtained June 9, 1893. At the head of the article. Fic. 1. Male lake lamprey showing dorsal ridge and the approxima- tion of the two dorsal fins. This specimen weighed Io1 grams. Fic. 2. Female lake lamprey. The dorsal fins are not connected, and no dorsal ridge is present, but the anal notch is marked. This female had almost completed spawning, and hence appears slender. Compare with the sea lamprey full of eggs (Fig. 17, Pl. V). The stone to which the specimen is attached weighed 199 grams, the specimen only 72 grams. While this pair were in the nest and under observation the female was seen to drag this stone down the stream for a considerable distance. PLATE II. FIG. 3-4. Map of the head of Cayuga Lake, showing the surrounding country and the streams flowing into the lake. (From W. R. Dudley’s Cayuga Flora.) The squares on the map are kilometers and the zero point 1s the University Signal Station (U. S. S.) point of reference, a point on the University campus, whose latitude and longitude have been deter- mined with great accuracy by the Department of Civil Engineering. Fig. 4, in the upper right hand corner, is a topographical map of the lake basin designed especially to show the lakes and their outlet through the Oswego River, the water-shed around the basin is indicated by in- terrupted lines, and also the water courses draining the elevation sur- rounding the lake basin. It is to be noted that the Susquehanna River with its tributaries is the most important of these. There is an important ridge between Lake Ontario and the interior lake basin, and this elevation is drained by numerous small streams flowing northward into Lake Ontario. It is to be especially noticed also that this elevation is broken through by the Oswego River. L. Wake; R. River; Cnd. Canandaigua Lake; Crkd. Crooked or Keuka Lake; Owsc. Owasco Lake; S#t/s. Skaneateles Lake; Ond. Onondaga Lake. Several small lakes have been omitted. PLATE III. FIG. 5~I0. Figures to represent the relations of the two dorsal fins in the male lake lamprey in and out of the spawning season, the female in the spawning season, and two larvee of very different sizes. 486 Simon Henry Gage Fic. 5. (About $d natural size). The first lake lamprey obtained. The branchial apparatus is in the inspiratory phase, and therefore wide- ly expanded. The dorsal ridge, so characteristic of the male lake lam- prey, is more than usually prominent in this specimen; the fusion of the two dorsal fins is also shown. Fic. 6. (¢ natural size). Part of a male lake lamprey caught in De- cember, to show the decided interval between the two dorsal fins; also to show the non-appearance of the genital papilla out of the breeding season. The myotomies are also very clearly indicated. Fic. 7. (¢ natural size). Segment of a male lake lamprey in the spawning season, to show that the two dorsal fins appear continuous or simply notched during this season. The genital papilla is also very prominent at this period. Fic. 8. (4 natural size). Caudal end of a female lake lamprey in the spawning season to show the separation of the dorsal fins even in the breeding season in the female ; the notched appearance of the vent and the fin-like fold extending to the caudal fin. Fic. 9. (Natural size). The caudal half of a larval lamprey 150 milli- meters in length, to show the separation of the two dorsal fins. The myotomies are also well shown in part of the length. Fic. 10. (Natural size). A small larval lamprey to show the separa- tion of the dorsal fins even in specimens of this size. In specimens only 40 mm. long, there is a notch in the fin showing plainly where the interval is to be. PLATE Iv. FIG. II-15. Brook Lampreys and a larva just before transformation. Fic. 11-12, (Natural size). A pair of brook lampreys taken at the spawaing season. Photographed under water with a vertical camera. The male (Fig. 11), has a somewhat prominent genital papilla. In the female (Fig. 12), there is present a marked anal fin-like fold, and the caudal part of the abdomen is full of eggs. In both male and female there is a notch, but no interval between the two dorsal fins, and in the female the cephalic part of the second dorsal is edematous. Compare figure 14. Fic. 13. (Natural size). The caudal part of a brook lamprey that had just transformed. The specimen was taken in October, and meas- ured 200 millimeters in length. The two dorsals are widely separated, but appear to be connected by a very low ridge. Fic. 14. (Natural size). An oblique view of the caudal part of a fe- male brook lamprey especially to show the edematous second dorsal fin, filling, almost completely, the notch between the two dorsals. Near the end of the spawning season this edema is frequently infiltrated with blood so that the females are marked by a bright scarlet spot. Fic. 15. (Reduced ,4th). Larval lamprey, 190 millimeters in length, to show the size the larvae may reach before transformation. This one is longer than the adult brook lampreys here figured, but not quite so long as the one from which figure 13 was taken. PLATE V. FIG. 16-18. A pair of sea lampreys, from Lawrence, Mass., running up the Merri- mac River to spawn. Photographed under water after preservation in Miuller’s fluid. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 487 Fic. 16. (About 4d natural size). A male sea lamprey 575 millime- ters long at the spawning season. The dorsal ridge is very low and the two dorsals are separated by a considerable interval. The eyes were sunken and obscured during the preservation. Fic. 17. (Somewhat less than 3d natural size.) A female sea lamprey 645 millimeters in length at the spawning season. The eggs had not yet been shed, hence the fullness of the abdomen. Opposite the first dorsal fin the roundish white mark indicates the place where another lamprey had attached itself to this one. The incompleteness of the tail on the ventral margin is due to some accident either before or after death. Fic. 18. (Natural size). Ventral view of the head of the male lam- prey shown entire in figure 16. To show the arrangement of the sen- sory or nerve papillae (see Fig. 20 and 51, Pl. VI and VIII). The cir- cumoral fringe or plaiting and the lateral closure of the mouth are also shown. The oblique direction of the branchiopores is shown, especially on one side. PLATE VI. FIG. 19-26. The mouth and its appendages in the adult, transforming and larval stages. The figures of the adult mouths are from photographs of the fresh specimens made during the spawning season. The other figures are from camera lucida drawings of preserved specimens. The magni- fication of each is given immediately after the number of the figure. Fic. 19. (X 2). The ventral aspect of the head of a lake lamprey es- pecially to show the arrangement and number of the teeth. By com- paring the teeth of the supra- and infra-oral laminae with those of the annular cartilage from another specimen (Fig. 24), it will be seen that there are 9 infra-oral teeth on the annular cartilage, and 8 in Fig. 19. The range is from 6 to 10, the most common number being 7 or 8. In rare cases the two supra-oral teeth are fused, thus giving the appear- ance of a single median tooth. £. Eye. S. O. Sense organs or nerve papillae. For those on the lateral and dorsal aspect of the body, compare figure 51 of plate viii. FIG. 20. (X 2). Ventral aspect of the head of a sea lamprey from Lawrence, Mass., to show the oral disc with its concentric rows of teeth, the supra- and infra-oral teeth and the teeth of the tongue. Com- pare figure 25. S. O. Sensory organs or nerve papillae. Fic 20, A-Z. (xX 5). Enlarged papillae from the circumoral fringe, to show their size and form at different parts of the circumference. In the lake lamprey the papillae are almost exactly like those here shown, not differing more than the papillae in different sea lampreys. A-B. From the fringe at the meson and the cephalic edge of the disc. C-D. Papillae from the side of the disc. £. Papillae from the meson at the caudal side of the disc. FIG. 21. (X 3%). Ventral aspect of the head of a brook lamprey to show the number and arrangement of the teeth. The body opposite the gills is enlarged, as the photograph was taken during the inspiratory phase. The whole dentition is seen to be weak as compared with the lake or sea lamprey. The lingual tooth plate is also markedly different. E. Eye. S. Oz etuaery organs or nerve papillae. 488 Simon Henry Gage A-C. (X 12.) At the left. Papillae from the circumoral fringe of the brook lamprey. 4 is from the meson at the cephalic edge, & from the side, and C from the meson at the caudal edge of the disc. Fic. 22. (Xx 16). Ventral view of the head of a larval lamprey 135 millimeters long to show the ventral lip, the upper or dorsal hood-like lip, and the branched tentacles forming a sieve over the entrance to the mouth. In this figure the tentacles are somewhat unn aturally separated. During life they are more closely approximated, thus making a fine strainer to prevent the entrance of coarse particles into the branchial cavity. By comparing with figure 41 of plate vii, the entire tentacle will be seen to resemble a cauliflower somewhat. , D.L. Dorsal lip or hood. It embraces the lateral extensions of the ventral lip. ; L. T. The ventral median tentacle which may be designated the lingual tentacle as it is supposed to be an important factor in the for- mation of the adult tongue. ‘ V.L. Ventral lip. Its lateral extensions are entad of the dorsal lip. Fic. 23. (X 16). Ventral view of the head of a transforming larva, to show the narrowing of the head and mouth at this stage, and also the arrangement of the tentacles around the oral disc, as if they were to be transformed into the future teeth. The union of the dorsal and ventral lips to form the circular, oral disc is also shown. : D. L.and V. ZL. The dorsal and ventral lips in the process of fusing. “L. T. The tongue which appears to be derived largely from the me- dian lingual tentacle. Compare figure 22. Fic. 24. (X 3). Annular cartilage of a lake lamprey, to show the form of the cartilage and the position of the supra- and infra-oral teeth. f. Foramen opening into the interior of the cartilage. There is something of an angle at the point of entrance of the foramina and the general appearance is strikingly like the jaws of a shark. Z. £. Infra-oral or mandibular teeth. There were nine in this speci- men, eight in the one represented in figure 19. S. Z. Supra-oral lamina or maxillary teeth. Fic. 25. (X 24). Annular cartilage and part of the tongue with the lingual teeth of asea lamprey. The tooth plates are removed from the annular cartilage, thus bringing into view the supporting eminences of cartilage for each tooth. f/f. Foramen near the middle of the annular cartilage. f. L. Infra-oral or mandibular tooth supports. £.T. Lateral lingual teeth. There are thirteen on the right and but ten on the left. Ordinarily the lateral variation is not so marked. S. £. Supra-oral or maxillary tooth supports. Z. Part of the tongue. V.£. Ventral lingual lamina. Compare the ventral lingual tooth- plate in figures 19-20, and 21. Fic. 26. ‘X 7). Annular cartilage of the brook lamprey. F. Foramen leading to the interior of the cartilage. Compare the same in figures 24, 25. f, £. Infra-oral lamina supported by the ventral half of the annular cartilage. S.£. Supra-oral lamina or maxillary tooth-plate supported by the dorsal half of the annular cartilage. This plate is in marked contrast to those of the lake and sea lamprey, where the maxillary teeth are very close together. Brook lamipreys are occasionally found with one or more intermediate teeth on the supra-oral lamina. (Jordan, ’82, ’85.) The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 489 PLATE VII. FIG. 27-41. A series of transections near the middle of the body to show the changes in the gonads (ovary and spermary) at various stages of growth ; atrophy of the intestine in the breeding season ; nest building, and the oral tentacles and velar fold of a larva. The scale is indicated after the number of each figure. Structures appearing in all the transections,all abbreviations on Fig.27. A. Aorta. C. V. Cardinal veins. G. Gonad. The reproductive gland (ovary in the female, spermary in the male.) G. On each section. The ovary and testis are single, foliated organs in the lamprey, and are supported by a fold of peritone- um, Mesogonad, frequently called mesorchium in the male, mesoarium in the female. Z. Intestine. J. On all sections. IM. L. Intermuscular ligaments between the myotomes. XK. Kidney and ureter. M. Y. Myel, or spinal cord. M. A. Mesenteric artery. M.G. Meso-Gonad. The duplicature of peritoneum supporting the ovary (mesoarium) or spermary (mesorchium). M. P. Muscle plates cut transversely. J/7. P. on Fig. 27, and 36. Each myotome is made up of a multitude of muscle-plates or lamellae, each in a delicate connective tissue-sac. Only the empty sacs are shown in the figures. M. T. Myotome or myomere. These overlap like tiles, so that in a transection of the body the cut ends of several appear. The over- lapping myotomes are connected by the intermuscular ligaments (///. ZL M. V. Mesenteric vein. The mesenteric vein and artery are in the typhlosole. N. Nucleus. On Fig. 29 A. NC. Notochord. T. Typhlosole, or spiral intestinal valve ; letter on Fig. 27 and 37. The tissue of the typhlosole appears to be largely lymphoid in charac- ter. In the figures of the larva, the typhlosole is shown clearly to be a linear invagination of the intestine, thus forming a ridge. Commenc- ing somewhat cephalad of the base of the left dorsal fin, the typhlosole or spiral valve extends cephalad as a right-spiral, and caudad as a left- spiral. Fic. 27. (X 24%). Transection of an adult male lake lamprey taken in December, to show the size and appearance of the spermary about six months before the spawning season. The intestine also shows the size and general structure in the feeding specimens. Fic. 27, 4. (X53 and 700). A. Sperm mother-cell showing the multi- tude of sperm-cells within it. &, C. Individual sperm-cells magnified 70) diameters, to show their structure and appearance. In JB, from an osmic acid preparation, two black spherules are shown in the darker part. D, A red blood-corpuscle with its eccentric nucleus, at the same magnification as B, C, to show the relative size of sperm-cells and red blood-corpuscles. Fic. 28. (X 20). Figure of the edge of a lamella or lobule of the spermary, from the same specimen as figure 27, to show the appearance of the sperm mother-cells by reflected light. By comparing with figure 490 Simon Henry Gage 30 one can readily see the difficulty in distinguishing spermary and ovary. When properly prepared and viewed as transparent objects, however, the difference between the sperm mother-cells and the ova is most striking. Fic. 29. (X 2%). Transection of a female lake lamprey taken in Deceniber, 2. é., about six months before spawning. To show the size of the ovary and of the intestine ; compare description of Fig. 27 and 28. Fic. 29 A. (X 53). A single ovum from the ovary of the same speci- men as figure 29. To show the comparative size and general character of the ovum, with its eccentric nucleus ; also to compare with a sperm mother-cell of the same stage of development. Compare Fig. 27 A. Fic. 30. (X 20). End of alobule of the ovary of the same speci- mien as figure 29. To show the general appearance of the ovary and ova about six months before spawning. Also the similarity in appearance of ovary and spermary at this stage of maturity. Compare Fig. 28 with its description. Fic. 31. (X 2%). Transection of a male lake lamprey in the breed- ing season, to show the relative size of spermary and intestine, and for comparison with the spawning female (Fig. 32), and the non-spawning male (Fig. 27), also the enormous dorsal ridge appearing in the male lake lamprey during the breeding season. D. Dorsal ridge. FIG. 32. (X 2%). Transection of a female lake lamprey in the spawning season. Some of the ova are free. Compare with the non- breeding female (Fig. 29), and the breeding male (Fig. 31). While in the male the spermary is considerably larger at the breeding season, the ovary has far more strikingly increased in size. Fic. 32 A. (X 53). Ovum of the spawning lake lamprey. The nu- cleus is obscured by the great amount of food-yolk. This figure is of the same magnification, and is introduced for comparison with figures 29 A, 34 A, 36 A, and 38 A, to show the difference in size of the ovum at various stages of maturity. It is also at the same magnification as the sperm-mother cells shown in fignres 27 A, and 35 A. Fic. 33. (X 6). Transection of a just transformed male lake lam- prey taken in October, and about 150 millimeters in length. To show the size of the spermary and of the intestine, and for comparison with a female at this stage (Fig. 34). FIG. 34. (X 6). Transection of a just transformed female lake lam- prey, about 150 millimeters long, taken in October. To show the ovary and intestine, and for comparison with the male at this stage (Fig. 33), also with the female brook lamprey (Fig. 36). Fic. 34 A. (X 53). Ovum from the same specimen as figure 34. To show the size of the ovum at the time of transformation, and for com- parison with the ovum of a brook lamprey at the same stage (Fig. 36 A), also with a larva (Fig. 38 A). FIG. 35. (X 6). Transection of a just transformed male brook lam- prey, about 190 millimeters long, caught in October. To show the in- testine and the spermary, and for comparison with the just transformed female brook lamprey and the lake lamprey at the same stage (Fig. 33, 34). It will be noticed that the intestine is relatively smaller than in the just transformed lake lamprey. Fic, 35 A. (X 53). Single sperm-mother cell of the just transformed brook lamprey, from the same specimen as figure 35. The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 491 Fic, 36. (X 6). Transection of a female brook lamprey, about 190 millimeters in length. Just transformed ; caughtin October. Forcom- parison with the male (Fig. 35), and with the female lake lamprey at the same stage (Fig. 34). It will be seen that the brook lamprey’s ovary is much nearer maturity than is that of the just transformed lake lamprey. Fic. 36 A. (X 53). Ovum from the ovary of the same specimen as figure 36. To show the size of the ovum in the just transformed brook lamprey, aud for comparison with the lake lamprey (Fig. 34 A). It will be seen that this ovum is even larger than the one from the ovary of a lake lamprey six months before spawning (Fig. 29 A). From the appearance of sexual maturity it is believed that the brook lamprey spawus the spring following its transformation.. Fic. 37. (X 6). Transection of a larval male lamprey, 140 millime- ters long; caught in November. To show the small spermary and the intestine with a crescent shaped lumen, due to the intruding typhlosole or valve ; no secondary folds are present as in the adult. Fic. 38. (X 6). Transection of a larval female lamprey, 150 millime- ters long ; taken in November. To show the ovary with the ova and the intestine. It was not cut at the same level as figure 37, hence the spiral valve or typhlosole occupies a different position. Fic. 38 A. (X 53). Ovum from the ovary of the same specimen as figure 38. Fic. 39. Section of a lake lamprey’s nest with a pair of lampreys. The nest is sectioned parallel with the stream ; it is represented in the usual place for a lamprey’s nest, just above ripples. The female lamprey is represented as moored to a large stone, while the male is backing down stream carrying a stone of considerable size. It will be readily seen that disturbance of the stones at the upper edge of the nest would loosen the sand, and that it would be washed down stream and thus tend to fill the bottom of the nest, asshown. Mingled with the sand at the bottom of the nest are seen numerous ova, indi- cated by white circles. Fic. 40. Face view of a creek with two lamprey nests just above rip- ples. In one nest two lamipreys are indicated and in the other but one. In the concavity of the stream, where the water flows somewhat slowly, there is shown a deposite of sand and mud. It is in such situations that the larvee live after leaving the nest. FIG. 41. (X 8). A medisection or median sagittal section of a larval lamprey, 135 millimeters long. To show the oral tentacles, one side of the velum, and the relation of the velum to the branchial chamber. To be compared with the frontal section shown in figure 52, Plate VIII. B. R. Branchie. They occupy acommonchamber. The B.R. is on the third gill. D.L. Dorsal lip orhood. Nearly its entire substance is muscular. NV. Single nasal opening. N.C. Notochord. V. LZ. Ventral lip. VELUM. The right half or fold of the velum. There is a similar one in the left half of the body. Compare with figure 52 of Plate VIII. PLATE VIII. Fic. 42. (X about 1000). Red Blood-Corpuscles of lake, brook and larval lampreys. (From the New York Medical Journal). 492 Simon Henry Gage A. Red blood-corpuscles of the lake lamprey. a, face view of a cor- puscle ; 4, optical section of a corpuscle on edge; c, face view of a cor- puscle, showing the nucleus after the action of one per cent. acetic acid ; d, cup-shaped corpuscle. B. Red blood-corpuscles of the brook lamprey. a, 6, c, the same as in 4, C. Red blood-corpuscles of a larval lamprey 142, mm. long. 4a, 4, ¢, as in 4. D. Red blood-corpuscles of a larval or embryo lamprey, 9 mm. long. a, 6, c, the same as in 4. ; £. Rouleaux of the corpuscles of the brook lamprey in optical sec- tion. In the lower corpuscle a nucleus is indicated to show that it is small and in the thickest part of the corpuscle. It is visible only after the hemoglobin is partly or wholly removed from the corpuscle. In the embryo, where the corpuscles are so small, the nucleus is faintly visi- ble in many corpuscles before the removal of the hemoglobin. f. Rouleaux of the 142 mm. larva focused on the upper surface. In both Z. and /. the corpuscles are shown of different sizes. Compare the maximum and minimum diameters in the table of measurements. Fic. 43. (X about 1000). A single white blood-corpuscle in various amceboid phases, drawn freehand within two minutes. Fic. 44. (X about 1000). Fibrin filaments of a larval lamprey. The filaments seem to radiate from centers, the centers appearing like white blood-corpuscles. Some of the filaments are moderately coarse, others exceedingly fine. c. a red blood-corpuscle with eccentric nucleus. FIG. 45. (X about 1ooo). Human blood fibrin, to show the coarse- ness of the filaments and also centers of radiation. c. A red corpuscle drawn at the same scale. Fic. 46. (X 700). Zoosperms of alake lamprey. Three are shown entire. On each is a bulbous termination of the tail, and in the one at the right is an enlargement of the tail near the tip. A. Two heads (X 2750). In the one at the right are shown two clear highly refractive bodies. Fic. 47. Zoosperms of the sea lamprey. A single zoosperm drawn entire and magnified 700 diameters. A. A head and the bulbous termination of the tail (X 2750.) Fic. 48. Zoosperms of the brook lamprey. Two entire ones are shown at a magnification of 700. The tail of the one at the right is nearly uniform and ends in a point. The one at the left ends by a little knob as with the lake and sea lamprey. A. Two heads magnified 2750 diameters. Fic. 49. (Natural size). A glass vessel containing sand and water with a larval lamprey in its burrow, to show the position naturally as- sumed by the larve. Fic. 50. (X 3). Head of a lake lamprey in the transforming stage to show the narrowed head and the snow white pineal eye. I, 2. The first two branchiopores. dc. Posterior dorsal cartilage. ept. Epiphysis or pineal eye surrounded by a light area. 2. Nostril with the opening directed obliquely cephalad FIG. 51. Oblique view of the head and branchial region of an adult lamprey showing the direction of the expiratory currents from the branchiae and from the nasal sac. bp. The branchiopores. 2. Nostril pointing obliquely cephalad. ~ wy Gr The Lake and Brook Lampreys of New York 493 so. Sensory organs, or nerve papille. Compare plates V and VI. Fic. 52. (X4%). Frontal section, looking dorsad, of a larval lam- prey, to show the velum and the course of the respired water. I, 2, 3. Branchiopores covered with valves extending from the ceph- alicedge. 6, 6, 6,6, Branchiae seen in section. hk. Hood or upper lip. z. Oraltentacle. v,v. Velum. The two independent velar folds are shown in section. vl. “Valve over the branchiopore. In this one it is open for the pas- sage of the expiratory stream, which is indicated as passing between the lamelle of two contiguous gills. The arrows show the stream entering the mouth through the straining tentacles, then between the two halves of the velum into the branchial chamber where it divides, part passing out between the gills of each side, and through the corresponding branchiopores. FIG. 53, 54,55. (X44). Three views of the valves at the opening of the branchiopores that serve to direct the streams of water in inspiration and in expiration in the adult. 6, 6. Branchize seen in section. cl. Clavus or peg. Asmall, stiff, pointed body about 2 mm. high, arising on the caudal margin, and opposite the middle of the branchi- opore. In expiration the two valves meet at this point, as shown in fig- ure 55. Fringe of papilla on the caudal margin of the branchiopore. Their relation to the clavus is well shown in fig. 55. vl. Valves. There are two, one extending dorso-ventrad as shown entire in fig. 55, and in section in fig. 53, 54. This one corre- sponds with the single valve of the larva. The second, is a double valve within the branchiopore. In inspiration the two parts move up against the cephalic side of the branchiopore and are covered with the ectal or transverse valve and thus serve to guide the water directly into the gill sac. In expiration, fig. 54, 55, they rest against the caudal wall of the branchiopore, and, with the ectal trans- verse valve, make a tube directed obliquely caudad, thus giving a cor- responding direction to the expiratory streams of water. See also fig. 51, 52. Il ALV Td BOWS! VES: PLATE IIT. H. GAGE. Ss. “AI ALWTd ‘ADVO CH'S peo eee Poa ee ell ‘A ALW1d “ADVS “H 'S ss S. H. GAGE. PLATE VI. eh iS Lally. JAAN YEA SSO KOR = < oF ‘ EEA XR \ Ae = Bat DIE pen eRe PLATE VII. PLATE VIII. H. GAGE. Ss.