tes Canaan LER YAR BN a ba Cornell University Libra’ SF 968.C64d Sa CORNELL UNIVERSITY. 966 - cb64_, THE Roswell PP. Flower Library THE GIFT OF ROSWELL P. FLOWER FOR THE USE OF THE N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE. 1897 THE DR. JOHN BUSTEED COLLECTION. ‘seqen® ‘uoyduiog jo ‘euviyo09 "H ‘W jo Aytodoig OU ‘SHMA NMOG GYOdxXO AO dhouy SS aaa eae THE DISEASES OF SHEEP EXPLAINED “AND DESCRIBED, WITH THE PROPER REMEDIES TO PREVENT AND CURE THE SAME. WITH AN ESSAY ON CATTLE EPIDEMICS. ESPECIALLY DEDICATED TO THE USE OF FARMERS, . SHEEP-OWNERS, ETC. By HENRY CLOK, V.&S., GRADUATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE AT BERLIN, PRUSSIA, AND LATE VETERINARY SuRGEON-IN-CAIEF OF THE U. S, A. PHILADELPHIA: CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Nos. 819 & 821 MARKET STREET. 1868. PON NNO PNP aN of Nao P Oa! foe EN, Wm ONO NN NN EN al ND Entered according to Act of Vinge cae: in the year 1868, by CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Ne ee te ocr 642% Westcott & THomson, STEREOTYPERS, PHILADA. CONTENTS. DISEASES OF SHEEP. PRERA GR sc carscisyas si as iaustts Mvse cea sesocncadues dad yuute sage gbasaunaatoaedeed NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SHEEP .i.scccs cccscaee ceeeeteee coseeeuee INFLAMMATION IN GENERAL essccessscstscsscescecsevee snneeston coenee Diffusion—Su ppuration—Ulceration — Exudation—Callos- ity —Gangrene—Cure of Inflammation—Remedies. ANTHONY'S FIRB iiiccitececeacteeacacnnecateres toresuns waeemnneananecaaNs SHEED POM: cic ecicassivescscadnasngs: vous sabentasteserthuncaaviapannaed ses Period of iiegnsseail of Eruption—Period of Ma- turity—Period of Healing—Vaccination of Sheep Pox— Mechanical System of Vaccination—Vaccination of the Ear—Process of the Vaccinated Pox. VERTIGO OR STAGGERS IN SHERPA... cesesssenee veeeceerbese coseeeoes Trout OR SCAB IN SHEEP ...cssssscscccecccceg cocseeeceneeeces stenceseetees INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS.....ccssccssssssee secesuaceeeseeeee epee MALIGNANT FOOT Rov.issssccscccessceee ceeeeeets ceseseees seavas seateenans Malignant Foot Rot—The Mild Form. THE FLUKE oo .scscesss ceseeccsveeose opeseecanese ceceen eneses seasea esses sieaee Gyaw Disease (Hydrocephalus hydatidesis) 1.0114. ssssseee seen Page 7 ll 15 27 35 64 69 77 78 90 91 4 CONTENTS, PAGE 94 95 97 97 PORWR YSTIPRD AS crisis ciocnsesaci oatsyauadseona bea cuealisiccaguties ovttedituaess wince LOO INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN... DraRRHa@a AND DYSENTERY...... COUGH visi sasaiisiincd suave. dsavenaoswaaieine avevaiens * GUNG WORMS isincds thee Masa oreaeassdedccssndti eardedanee testes INFLAMMATION OF THE THROAT wssssccsessscsetsstesestes ceseteceeeee 102 Sore Movura...... salou cals tepaeuananteaint deine daniidaus es cubes chee Aetdals 102 EPIDe PSY sais svvsninnieaas saiaarssscadertovina se aionuiseerse que eiainy 10S STAGGERS vie vessesasuasiacennan salieasesanvanead onde annininds veasecwnueeders eaves LOB FLEMATURIA wees cee sco aeeaneacsiennee aeetaneReNaNiNS divarerenaaee reais w. 104 INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS.0....ccsssccsesssesssesssesscreees LOS THE ROP set cecaeaseeate, etatenss vetoes sasanen cuednatoaradsiecsnamniress: 106 WIND DROPS Yiccsicpniciniiacrcotincinaniinanrmenncne: 108 PALSY: OF LAMBS sce sta oe citsiguied saresedadean covaetaae wadeeeassaesendt sas: 110 MAG GO TR trax. p.sctits sNncagosnencncdcs cauwarguctacs adi suebupeo da cehacs verseesenee 115 THE LARVE OF THE GADFLY .ccssees ccseseceseeetesesescstersersseceee L1G MADNESS .......56 seeecceee veeens amend Gath ae Deunduoa Uvaenedsuonuenneautos se 118 To TELL THE AGE OF SHEEP woe... eects cessssceeeeeestste sessevees 120 CANCER OF THE AVG ana ath teen 8 Ge 122 INTERNAL DISEASES...0......664 ie diuaiousaevaneeondiasceisewetmiveres 12k With Regard to the Surface of the Body—With Regard to 88 the Circulation of the Blood and the Respiration—With 88 Regard to the Digestion, Excretions and Secretions— 88 With Regard to the Senses—With Regard to the Organs of Locomotion. CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES.......cssssseessssseeteesssceassessces ceceae 127 CONTENTS. 5 DISEASES OF CATTLE. PAGE Tie CAPR: POM sleigh avis auiead es taglseiasenad es aioncesaeeeetseeyes 131 SPUBEN: DISH ASB yoces5socis sade dina taassnaciaoasds te ondues edie da cne toate 186 Spleen Disease in Cattle—Spleen Fever—Spleen Car- buncle—Remark. PLEvRo-PNEUMONIA, CATTLE EPIDEMIC oR RINDERPEST...... 141° Symptoms of the Acute “ Lungenseuche’—Cattle Epi- demic—Dissection. 1* PREFACE. THE chief and only object of this work consists in a description of the internal and external Diseases of Sheep, as well as of their treatment and prevention. The author believes that he has omitted no disease of any considerable importance. The sys- tematic arrangement of a book like the present necessitates dili- gent research and the experience of many years. In order not .to make their works appear too incomplete, authors frequently resort to lengthy dissertations, which may not be entirely with- out benefit to the general reader, but which had better be dis- pensed with, because they render the study of the subject tedi- ous and diminish the usefulness of the book. In the interest of the reader I have left unimproved this opportunity of acquir- ing an easy reputation for erudition by adorning this book with numerous quotations, being of the opinion that it matters very little to him when, by whom and under what circumstancés certain useful results have been obtained, if he is only made ‘ Be tes acquainted with their existence. The reader is therefore re- quested to grant me his confidence if I do not, except in a few instances, produce authorities for my assertions. I believe my- self justly entitled to his confidence, since I am thoroughly con- versant with the foreign and home literature on the subject, and 7 ¢ 8 PREFACE, have acquired an extensive experience by long-continued, assidu- ous study and the practice of many years. Everything related by me in the present work is the result of my own experience and observation. Hardly a single disease is mentioned which I have not observed and treated. The descrip- tions of the diseases, and the directions for their prevention and cure, are therefore based substantially on my own observation. In the few instances where I have departed from this rule, I have availed myself of the experience of others, after subjecting it to a thorough criticism. As I have often been disappointed in life as well as in science, I have become very suspicious and skeptical; and this accounts for the fact that I have admitted nothing except after a careful investigation and examination. Nothing in this book is the mere product of philosophical reasoning or hypothetigal theories, and it contains solely the results of my own observation and experience, and therefore facts. As, however, nothing is perfect, and man is liable to err, I may nevertheless have committed mistakes—it would be absurd to assert the contrary—and for these I ask the indulgence of the public. Tt is unnecessary to dwell long on the object of this book. Let it be understood that it is not my aim to make veterinarians of my readers, for that would be not only a useless and foolish undertaking, but might also be attended with dangerous con- sequences. I wish, however, to furnish the reader the necessary information to enable him to form an opinion of his own, and to burst the shackles of prejudice, which exists especially in this country, where veterinary science is still in its infancy.