as Ak ba eae a teete Che Pueayemmbhin Likiat a tee eco eam aoe inet alee ah recy aoe . Stet tee Ru St a ee S er ) v3 eben i ae sat i akc is ES OUD amb ted Para SERCO Se ie SERS Moet i eg oD) aa Lap ey es Chae Sieve Ratt maths Be es eae ncaa err THE JOHN - CRAIG LIBRARY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE NEW YO°K STATE COLLEGE OF AG iISULTURE, EPARTAENT CF Lu TICULTURE, ‘ornell University Library anadian fruit, flower and kitchen garde ADVERTISEMENT, THE FRUIT GROWERS’ ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO. Rev. R. BURNET, Hamilton, - - - President. D. W. BEADLE, St. Catharines, - - Secretary. The Annual Report, illustrated with accurately executed en- gravings, and with one or more finely coloured fruit-plates, con- tains a large amount of very valuable information, and is sent, post-paid, to every member. A number of fruit trees are distributed every year to each member for trial. The entire expense of this distribution is borne by the Association, the members being required only to make report to the Association, through the Secretary, of the results of such trial. The Swayzie Pomme Grise Apple tree will be distributed in the Spring of 1875; the Downing Gooseberry in that of 1874; and the Tetofsky Apple in the Spring of 1876. Other selections will be made for distribution from time to time, as the Directors ascertain what varieties it is desirable to test. Prizes are given for Essays, Canadian Seedling Fruits, &c., of which a full announcement will be found in the Annual Report. Any person can become a member by sending the annual fee of one dollar to the Secretary. Any member who will take the trouble to send the names and fees of five new members, will re- ceive a double number of trees at the next distribution, CANADIAN FRUIT, FLOWER AND JKitcuen GARDENER, 1872. CANADIAN FRUIT, FLOWER, KITCHEN GARDENER. BY D. W. BEADLE, Esq., Secretary of the Fruit Growers’ Association of Ontario, Editor of the Horticultural Department of the Canada Farmer, &c., &¢. A GUIDE IN ALL MATTERS RELATING TO THE CULTIVATION OF FRUITS, FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES, AND THEIR VALUE FOR CULTIVATION IN THIS CLIMATE. TORONTO: PUBLISHED BY JAMES CAMPBELL & SON, 1872. Entered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-two, by Jamzs CamPBEut & Son, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture, HUNTER, ROSE & CO., PRINTERS, TORONTO, Delicated, (By Permission,) Eo the Presidvent and Members @f the fruit hres ssociation of {hai Bp their most devotes humble Servant, The Sl uthor, CONTENTS. SUBJECTS. FRUIT GARDEN. THE PROPAGATION OF Fruit TREES— PAGE Gretta Mg se scnis ia sigialggaiticeins a hd imigeiae decatua taste eaniaianeas ne Matas (1D How to Cleft Graft aver 6 How to Whip Gratt ic... cescvssrissvesessecsnsnasearynepaweasconagvensmens 9 How to make Grafting Wax ..2.....cceecccccsseneecceeecneaneeeceenanees 7 To prepare Waxed Cloth........ vax 11 To Select Scions................ wean 1 D Budding and when to Bud........... ccc eee cece eeennseeneneeenees 12 How: to; Select; Bids wig oc sescasisuscascinsmed eens soxceataeamormnar eaveceles 14 When to Remove the Ligature and Head Back the Stock......... 16 Tae Pronine or Fruir Trers— When to Prune and Why... ecceeceeeseestesenene ee cer error eaten 18 Wihere:to Brune: cenaicescavcnvendidgeivesasvies ue nacaieank sewsess nese Watwndond 20 Prining to Produée Ertliticsrs weencsacvanaviacmapecovenawnaas 21 TRANSPLANTING TREES— The best Time to Transplant. ........0....0..cccceeeeeeeeseeeeee ene teeees 23 Preparing the Grown ricssisaseusvoiisaries weaves svvewinieravmatedaiaae a woe 23 Plow bo: Plan ties i gectannenubbietd ent innsabiaherdideansitinipuseladeatceaaeie: 25 The best Trees for Transplanting teens 27 MvuLcHInc— What is Meant by Mulching..............0.cccceceeeseeee cet tetas 26 How to Mulch, and why itis done........cccsssee cee eceseeeeeeeeeeeane 26 TREATMENT OF YouNG OrcHARDS— Mo Protect Prom Mice: yc. scsc cease tia: atislrachajehdevenanivena shih yea nies 30 To Keep the Bark Clean and Healthy...........cccsecsecssseeeeee ers 31 LocaTIoN or OrncHaRD— Soiland Aspect: si ciscccssaasainmermanusnne, ates se sesaamumnuabadentananns 31 Hills and Valleys 32 JngvRious INSECTS, AND HOW TO GET RID OF THEM— The Tent Caterpillar............ccccccseseceeseeeees natieaabiadsdeexnavaeees 35 The Two-striped Borer .......::::cccc0e ccseevessreeenceeeeeertenee veneee 38 The Buprestis Apple Tree Borer...... 40 The Codling Worm 42, The Plum Corculio..:c.iccoiessae wioaiedsnecvarsacearwnessseareinves 45. vi CONTENTS. PAGE The Grape Vine Flea Beetle................cccssssceeeeseeeesceeevonae eee 49 The Green Grape Vine Sphinx. oa ve 50 The Gooseberry Saw-fly.............-ccsceeceeseeesenenae tescseceesenaees 52 Tue Propucrion or NEW VARIETIES OF FRUIT— How they are produced ... Phdsirdapiucasiuasaisageand ona 53 Cross-fertiliza tom: 2. .0ticcacosvatesanrnetsa Wade unidtmaustassceenaeccantes 58 How to: Crogs-fertilizesss....60s snesernieversedecsseinacopesesencd en sanisine 59 Tue AprLE— Soil best Suited to Apples ........::cccsssesessseeee cesseeeneaaeetoee 61 How Propagated wis... icc sscacsswsvanssp nese seaniers osivsenywesavenvanowinnte 62 Gathering and Sorting for Market ..............0cccceseee cee eeeeeeeees 62 Packing and Marketing the Fruit ... avi se. 68 Best Kinds for Market................... aby ve Ot Dwarf and Half-standard Trees dees’ seen 6B Varieties of Apples, with description of each...........0...000.04. 66 Tur APRICOT— Cliniate and Soil! Switable.......c..cssciceae ces cine nniecnsett daseavenaeen 84 How Propagated. .siieiissvicavscnsnee wencnnd axteedaae wteses ve 84 Varieties, with description 85 THe CHERRY— Classes of Varieties and Soil best Suited .........0...000. ceeeeeeeeeee 85 How Propagated and Stocks on which it is Grown ve 86 Varieties, with full description...............cccscsesssecseenenereree ees 87 Ture NecrariInE— Cultivation and Varletles wesssiniicstnaiasiwveccs s.avatedtneasmcens seacia 92 THE PEacH— 94 95 95 THE Pzar— Best: Soilsesvesessesisemescavinadeaswaaennsend ccenctinan heveeeleae waa deatawed Climate and Diseases: oa: ccseccssenseribvececccsteacecangaianecdecsonscces Manures and Propagation. Sbandard Trees, x cssccescascssaninanigiesss. asker wascseoss Dwarf Trees and how to Plant them.... : a 4, Tee te Pre C6 iieseisc occas co nseacdesvansdteusssincindeabaseimdocron Thinning Out and Gathering the Fruit....... 0.0.0... 108 Growing for Market ....... Sait gaisnamaenseitaakionde esate Wan staamadeeds 105 Varieties, with full description ..............:c:eccecseceeee eee eeeeeees 105 Tae Prum— Clinate aiid (Solis. eawanadivsce ad seetins cea aaiodduardaciaideated asenamtenain 118 CONTENTS. vii. Best Fertilizers and Diseases.............. ceececcsseseeescceseseeeeevees 118 How Propagated.........00...08 Varieties, with description THE QuIncE— Where it Can be Grown, and on What Soils..................0. . 122 Best Manures and How Far Apart to Plant ...........0.00. 0. 128 How Propagated and Varieties ...eeceecceeesseeeseeeee eens 123 Harpy Grares— , Proper Soils..............445 gstsinr erase ag Regeln teebaregaenet paameeeas 124 Preparing the Ground and Manuring —......... eee 125 Distance Apart and Time and Method of Planting ................ 125 Treatment of Young Vines and Pruning and Training........... 126 Trellis: anid! Ware ciseaescatasa dca sislasocs sivniaadensneieoncegnamesdaestenac 127 Varieties and description............0...ccsceeceeeeee ceeeeseeteeeeeereee 132 Mildewis SrGaxe wisiiien cere ole cc mee poactinteme ats deaesbaten anaes LosQuanees 1388 GRAPES UNDER GLASS— Shape and. Size of ViMeryisencsccisigeincennsteecnctiieeee. covese see net How to Build a Vinery ..... How to Heat it ........ How to Ventilate it... 5 ste Best: Forni of Boiler isiscciseinsnsorenentvserogeroerce weaken <3 tans eas Best Size of Pipes scsesngswere svevacswniancersenes soeasaerames Border for the Vines............ gebe sev as ecereinesed Soil for Border, Compost, and Drainage ...........0......ccseeeeeeees Planting the ‘Vines ces: .cscvecenavacecradernvssecewcenss evarpager wacdertens Variegated-Leaved Geraniums .. Ivy-Leaved Geraniums........ ....scccceceescsecaeeec cesses ceeeae see etenee Mignonette ... Ag oe Port laa scsises cease vissuiicncsinnide ute dee vanskSoweadauandaasanentiunmemineniues Rocket harks pursovc,c2ssnicverias sen Geadueead sad wewnagapontanadedun tes Scabiosa or Mourning Bride. arr Bal PLGlOSSS sce snercaasivannvavsmnndcemnssd wontwa nies vaunaeamanecedsvitinessens Stock, Den: Weeks szcicsecceeec.cueiswace si vcesd ide daaneeagueseaidcnauhaes ANNUALS—CLIMBING— Convolvulus or Morning Glory... Dolichos or Hyacinth Bean....... bee heat GROTIEAB ose bese Gaasnessapeaaaacens omdaosesis dives csaisir iaastuaseea res Due ce 352 Sweet: PCAs 5.5 2s205cdaccecueneasejidecaee ae yiideose mete nsenaanandseagcageneses 352 PrOpeOlUMs :.; .22cscarduisiuaiesasinaaoeracizey/adaydueddanpaineiesscmceocaven 352 ANNUALS—EVERLASTING FLOWERS— Gomphrena, Globe Amaranth... Helichrysum ... Helipterum ... ee Rodanthe... ..........:e:eeeeeeeees a caaisivaeseveatessiihanctwaieat baler’ sncigatee 354 Xeranthemum ............2++ as Sete abn o ckaonencatytut Pisennernaaeaes 354 xiv. CONTENTS. ORNAMENTAL GRaAssES— PAGE Agrostis Nebulosa........ccccsccerseens ekepeuss sid devegas eezeotisawncepy 355 Pennisetum ............. Stipa Pennaita. . Winpow-GaRDENING— Important Directions Plants suitable... 2uncesvins vavisenensesatiaciavaciiioveen seas ebweae sees Rosss— , Cultivation im the Garden. ..........ccccceeceeeenseeeseeeee sean ene een ees 361 Climbing Roses, Choice Varieties......... ....... : Summer Roses, the Best Kinds...... aledaid aspeaie Moss: ROg@8: tieesgcz2 sxcsnannisoseiasniaassoase saignane dae sinigg Autumnal Roses, Blooming a Second Time..............0.00. cee Monthly Roses, for Window Gardening ...........:c:0ccccceeeeeee ees CLIMATIC VARIATIONS— General Survey .........:cceeceeeeeee ee fasuatsoley aise tatswaa -iseeusenna ues 379 Harpy EVERGREENS— AmpericancArbor: Vite eiidesedsvss eset stenase eau gseasadcabscaweheiandens 383 American Yew Austrian Pine .... Common Juniper astern Spruce sicisiccs