Hew Dork State College of Agriculture At Cornell Gniversity Sthaca, M. VB. ontributions to plant physiology. THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE CONTRIBUTIONS TO. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY ; REPRINTED FROM Tax Jouns Hopxrs Universrry Crecu.ar, | Mancx, 1917" CONTENTS Puant PuyaioLosy: SF o Pace The Department of Plant Physiology. B. E. Livinaston...., iepais lg: bumechigtawa Siete 183 Publications from the Laboratory of. Plant ‘Physiology, 1909-1917...-..02 eee 154 Atmometrie Units. B, E. Livineston i ‘ _ 160 The Vapor Tension Deficit as an index: of the Moisture Condition of the Air, B. E. Lavineston........+ ced iahaveritchacinaibdncmmnversore aussi fenoxeycdaPovaeus muieee 170 Incipient Drying and Temporary and Permanent Wilting of Plants, as Related to External and Internal Conditions. B. E. LAVINGSTON....+.-- 176 The Effect of Deficient Soil Oxygen on’ the Roots of Higher . Plants. B. E. Livineston and E. E. FRee....... eitsece ae Ora Kiwis tectinn wenaine ys wes 182 The Experimental Determination of a Dynamic Soil-Moisture Minimum. B BE. PULLING ....e eee ee eee ciel apple 9 a vevanlera see aibacevaneiatedessisustavenapoansenseedt tie 186 Some Unusual Features of a Sub-Arctie Soil. H. E, PULLING......+-..0005 188 The Geographical Distribution of tlie Citrus Diseases, Melanose and Stem-end Rot. H. S. Fawcnrr......--..--- a eaeeete aistow ategeey je etter sya tia nenseeleN 190 Préliminary Note on the Relation of ‘Temperature to the Growth of Certain Parasitic Fungi in. Cultutes. . H., S.. Fawcerr. ney eae ses va eeeweeen » . 198 Symptoms of “Poisoning by Certain. Elements, in Pelargonium and Other Plants, ‘BE E. FREE.....- Best tee a died Scaikous ansavas Diayatis icwniat eva ean apa. ac areae eters 195 ' The Effect of ‘Aeration on the Growth of Buckwheat in Water-Cultures. E. E ERSE cu rane eewens se shea pivicie’s duinysiwiaaiate ne aeeraress fe eaceeene saeeeee : 198 The Effects of Certain Mineral Poisons on ‘Young Wheat Plants in Three-Salt Nutrieiit Solutions. BE. E. Free and S. F. TRELBASE............++0005 199 Leaf-Productas an Index of Growth in Soy-Bean. F.M. Hivpesranpr...... 202 A Method.for Approximating. Sunshine Intensity trom aes Observations of Cloudiness. F, M. HiLDERBANDT.......... ce wiscen cee Dialed x ebiniaindeser ap en 205 Moisture Equilibrium in Pots’ of Soil Equipped with Auto- tected FS. HouMes | aiohanat a