Cornell University Library OF THE Mew Work State College of Agriculture Ay.1b.t0. Q 8101 ——— wii (sqooig ‘d “vy 4q poydeisojoyd) ‘A4yun0HD Jslqueely ‘suIeJUNOW, MOXA UO UOeS9A ‘TT WEST VIRGINIA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PART I. The Living Flora of West Virginia By C. F. MILLSPAUGH PART IL. The Fossil Flora of West Virginia By DAVID WHITE I. C. WHITE, State Geologist. WHEELING NEWS LITHO. CO. WHEELING, W. VA. 1913 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY COMMISSION. FLENRY 3D) SEAT BRD ts conied dana ah ads wea President Bes de ION Goes. os et ie Ba Saha Pn aR eee Vice President TREASURER OF WEST VIRGINIA. ARCHIBALD: MOORE, ativis gaigitoarinin ed apgaoys Secretary PRESIDENT, STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. THOMAS E. HODGES wc cece eee ee wees a Treasurer PRESIDENT, WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY. E, DWIGHT SANDERSON .............. Executive Officer DIRECTOR, STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION. STATE BOARD OF CONTROL. JANLES:-S, LAKIN: ic ce cccetpeeek ania dee te President By BST EPEE NSOWN a wceteewian eee okie ace eel aaa Treasurer JOHN A. SHEPPARD: 6 cc. se cccua asia sheen de Member SCIENTIFIC STAFF. ly ©. WHITE 2.ncchadeseenpsod beek veins oae *.State Geologist SUPERINTENDENT OF THE SURVEY. RAY V. HENNENG ocaueieowtaeeanen eae Assistant Geologist CHARLES EL KREBS <4 ia caddie Ge ke Assistant Geologist DAN ID: Be REGER ass cei Wuia ed eae i Assistant Geologist DVDs BEETS, ] Rose ewer aoe atee es Field Assistant BE ROE uth. HUGE 2 cegtase ti ti os eadet ene the fie eet Chief Chemist TAN Bu KRAK oe cee Veet ds era sowed Assistant Chemist EARL, Ms. HENNEN(: «cc... 220-00 eeme gi dG eae Ge Chief Clerk TENRIN Ta WILLIAMS sie: ccsaneiniatiasads Stenographer LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. To His Excellency, Hon. Henry D. Hatheld, Governor of West Virginia, and President of the West Virgina Geological Sur- vey Commission : Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith the very inter- esting work of Dr. C. F. Millspaugh, Curator of Botany in the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Il., on the Living Flora of West Virginia, and also the very complete work of Dr. David White, Associate Curator of Paleobotany in the Smithson- ian Institution, and Chief Geologist U. S. G. Survey, Washing- ton, D. C., on the Fossil Flora of West Virginia. The very exhaustive paper of Dr. Millspaugh which forms Part I. of this new Volume V(A) of the publications of the West Virginia Geological Survey, constitutes an entire revision of the “West Virginia Flora” prepared and published by Dr. Millspaugh in 1896, as a revision of his first publication of a ‘Preliminary Catalogue of the Flora of West Virginia,” 1891, published by the West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station when Dr. Mills- paugh was connected with that Institution as Botanist during the years 1889 to 1892. The present paper embodies the results of a much wider and later study not only by Dr. Millspaugh through the works and collections of other authors, but also the results of Dr. John L. Sheldon’s (Professor of Botany, W. Va. Uni- versity) recent studies communicated freely to Dr. Millspaugh for use in this publication, so that a very large addition to the West Virginia Flora is thus made known to the world by this “labor of love’ on the part of Dr. Millspaugh, for which all those interested in the botany of the State will be deeply grate- ful. Dr. David White’s paper on the Fossil Flora of West Vir- ginia which constitutes Part I]. of this volume is the first publi- cation of its kind made by the State giving a complete list of the known fossil plants, or the Flora that covered the land and peat swamps of West Virginia millions of years ago when the vege- table deposits which now form our coal beds were in process of LETTER OF TRANSMISSAL. vil accumulation. These plants are of course all extinct at the pres- ent time, and only a few of their diminutive relatives and de- scendants still survive in our ferns, rushes, and club-mosses, since the Carboniferous Flora herein described lived before the day of flowering plants, birds and mammals had dawned upon the earth. Dr. David White, one of tlfe most distinguished of paleobotanists, has listed these interesting fossil remains in the relation which they sustain to the well-known Coal beds of the State, and hence as the fossil plants of each great coal horizon contain in their en- tirety some types and facies not found in connection with any other geological horizon, the publication in question cannot fail to prove of great economic value as an aid in the correlation of our numerous important coal horizons. The preparation of each part of this volume by the authors of the same has required an im- mense amount of careful and painstaking labor, all of which has been generously donated to the State Geological Survey by the distinguished authors to whom not only the Survey but all the people of the State are under lasting obligations for their dis- interested and most valuable services. This volume together with Volume V on Forestry and Wood Industries of the State by A. B. Brooks, published under date of February Ist, 1911, will furnish a very fair account of the plant life of the State, and in due time it is hoped finally to add a vol- ume on the animal life of the State, as provided in the scheme of general publications contemplated by the Survey. Very respectfully, I. C. WHITE, State GEovoctst. Morgantown, W. Va., June Ist, 1913. CONTENTS, V Members of the Geological Survey Commission and State Board OF (GOmtrol tee tet recent tae cers a a a se Members of Scientific Staff Letter of Transmittal ~-_--__ Mable of Contents: ae aes ere Sn PART I. The Living Flora of West Virginia____-__-__-_____-_______-_ 1-389 Botanical Field Work of Previous Authors--_--_--____________ 2-13 Special Features of the West Virginia Flora-__-__.__--_--_--__ 14-18 The: Porest. Tréesor Sylvacs- 425224 es to see ee = 19-23 Systematic Catalogue 2302-2520 S~ sie ee os SOS 24-389 IGNGL 222seee- seca ssssees Phallaceae Niditlania@ea@ (2-3 ie eae ee 24 Ty CGperdaCeae® rose naeiel eae ig tee aye oe 24-25 MiWcOraceae: eee Sole ee ee is ee oe 25-26 PeROnOSPOrateae. 22 225 one ea i Se eee 26-27 Entomoplithoracede 2a. a ee re dee ale ee 27 Schizomycétacede ick ask oe sh oN aise Se th tn 27-28 DaAccharomy.cetacedes einen oa SL eee etooeoee 28 Diatomacede soe eine ee ee He pe ieee 28-29 Muyscomycetaceaes 22223... os be ee ee i a es 29-31 Hyphomycetaceae _.--------------- Soewoue stole ee Sete 31-34 Dematiaeede = 22 sees cee es ew et eectcie 34-42 SUINDACEAE: sek cele a a2 a a es tg ee es es SF 42-44 ‘uberculaniaceaé (222222225550 s2ss esse louse tanked a = Soe 44-48 Sphderioidateaé. > 225. 2 see seed ee elea sede esses 49-70 Niectrigidaceate: Aono ens ae a a tt a ee ot) nd 70 eept@stromiaceac.,s 2s seach 2555: Saat eas os ee Aska ene 70-71 Pxcipulac ede: 22s ae te ee eset eat ees Melanconiaceae Ustilaginaceae Wiredinacede:) 232222 2Sc es 2a Sse es oe eee ween Perisporiaceae Sphidetiacere. sos senses t hi coe sesso as iete ee Hypocreaceae Dethid@ac eae = xs as lateness as 106 Mucrothyriaeeae: -c2c4222s2220 cco o5s nt sees sci ee 106 L@phiostomacede 2232s a Se eee eee eee ed 106-107 CONTENTS. IX Eleluc liiceNe ees 2.52 oa ee Re oe 107-108 PO Z1ZACECAC cera cae hentai a AIA Park Pa na ec i See 108-114 ANSGobolaceae: {24.. 82a 2-2 kae we Oa ee Se ee ete tae a 114-115 Deérmatedeéae..22<2.2s0sssee ecgecee owen oceceee cece 115-116 Bulgariacede: fake ea a ee ey a tenleens ae n ei ce 116-117 GtiGhaCeae: S22 25 cna Se tale ine Red nua awe ee ee, 117 Phacidiacéae acces oe eee nea Sowa a eee eS 117 Patellaria@ede : eck i ea ee ee ee a 117-118 Gyinnoaseaceae (<2 25.5222 s-22- 522 pel sclseceeassccacccness 118 TeyStenla Cea Ca ee ae Ie a J 118-119 PAD ATICACCACS cise cies aie ot cath eet Speen ela a 119-133 Polyporaceae _ 133-142 Fliclita Ce aes Ss on oe ES es oy Veh eS es 142-144 Pele pho@race ae, xcs shee wes oer tee aa ae ee gh 144-148 GlavatiaCeae.cce2 32 t-te nes OP a soe Sate Secale 148-150 TMIGHENES «Jose 82 (2o eh tote eet he a 151-162 Wi sri ae ess og aS a en ae NN ead hl hn ee eld 151-152 PatiieHaceae. 2fc5.2525 Jo ee ese ass 2 these esssssnesetee see 152 Phi sCialeea Chest ae Das A A I i Oe 153 Umbilicariaceae 153 Peltiseracéde.\ <2 = ssc==25. 555 oo ose eb eee 153-154 PanhiatiaCeae: ceo so ee ee ee ee 154 Colleiiacéae: ts) we ee ee bees 154-155 WeCanonaceace censuses seser cso ek ese ee ee ee 155-157 Clad Gtiaéeae 22a ee es Se ASE sie 157-158 Wwecidaceae ss s22 tee se oe ee ee ee eee 158-160 Graphidaceder 2222.0 soo hoon en ee Se ee ot 160-161 @aliciaceae 255 = son ha soos tet thine en oe ice os Bae ole ek Oe 161 Verrucariaceae 162 Trypetheliaceae 162 Pyrenulaceae 162 IN BPATICAE 2s sseec nse ee esse ae Seca ees ec ecees 163-172 RieGlace@ae -ai22 22 sore oe eee ee Se 163 MatrcChantiacede: 2222249 -2s oe eae ss ee ee Sanh se 163-164 Jungermanniaceae- 2220222 occ cee es 164-171 (CR TACHOS VAN es Meee a ie Ss ots ore tee te ps 164-165 (Acrogynae) 165-171 Anthocerotaceae 171-172 Sphaeiacede 222 aaa 2 aes esas Se ai ieee oe 172 Amdtieaeaceae: (== <2 65 2 os ss Ses pe es 172 NIUSGM spessses 2b eee 2S See ee lS oe eee ees 173-190 Dicranacéde 22258 ere ee ee Sa es 173-176 eucobryacéae: 2652-55 esse cetenescedsesoee tesa eles 176 FPissidentacedew2nsaneusissece ee ee eee ee 176 Jenigalyptacede:, 242.32 63S See alm A es ot 176-177 CONTENTS. POttiaceae: 22552 so eon aa a 5 5 Bee CII See 177 (Grimmidced esse A eer ee ee nln te pan 177 Orthotnichacede:;-os2eSssuc 72 te a oe oe oe 177-178 Ma RIACEAe?. 2250025 See eo a ei ee eS 178-179 Bryacedé) x25 sense see ee eee te st eee ~--179-180 Minideedé: (2c ois nt ale le he na et oe tt 180 Auila@ominiacede: 22c- 0 oe a ee 180 Bartrainia@ea @ ces < <= ea beat pn ss hag yn a 180-181 WiehenaGéaes uohu se eon ee Boze eee oS ee 181 Buxbauinideeaes s2sc 2 ose oo oe cub Sewacweteus 181 Ge Or Place ae ax ee ee ee KU oe et 181 Polytrichiaceae 181-182 Hedwigiaceae 182 Hontinalaceaé? assess oe bee et eee een 182 (Chiat ede a2 2 8 ek ak Epes aoa ale Se no Bi ee pend 182 TeencodOntaceaen 22-2 Seas SG at lal 183 IN éckeraceae¢ 8 eee ne atte Se ere he 183 abroniatede: iao2 sof atte Ast te ee ae a eee Soe 183 Entodontacede. coe ose oe ee ates eee see 183-184 TEL @ lee tere Ce at Oy aca pn Fn acer fa ls rt alan Gn pn tt 184 IPeskeaceder<2= 5 Scere yee oe es oe ee ae eo 184-185 (iyp Wace esr Sea SR a eh Se oe 185-189 Sematophyllaceae-q.2-s2s2sene2 eo ene eee Sehesayayeasi nates esa 220 189 Brachytheciaceae 189-190 Ophioslossacede: 22550 2G.o os oe eee es 190 PRERED @ PIV TAs ates oe dan dren wg wh ee Pot Le tease Lene 191-198 Wali@esr evs oe foe SS on ee ee ee A ae a a he he ele 191-197 LUISE tAC ea Ct fa See ee a Se 197 Dycopodiaceie esee cen s eee ee a ee i ee de 197-198 peldsinellacéae a -sirts ee a se eo ee Neh an, 198 (GMIENOSPERIWAR 20205235 S220 5 5525 ok Sea eee ee 199-389 Pinaceae aecnn tee ee ei oe Se 199-201 Waxdceae- ose easiest oth eee ee Sek ot 201 DRY PM ACCA Sy 2 oe oe a Abe ee eo ee Geo aS 201 Spareaniacese | wsewr es see eters aces pees es 202 POtamosétonaceae: ons ee ee sa 202 ScCheuichzeridGeaéq => secs sean Shea a a 202 ATISmaCede vases Sessa eee sss eee eases eee = 2082808 Wallisneriaceaeys o-oo tee ene S ae tS 203 PIV GGOCHAlibACea Gt Ww aan0 Cfo de to Se ne eee ee REE Son EL, 203 Gramineae 203-216 Cyperaceae 217-223 WPACCAGs edad ese w oe see ee Ges Oe he en el 223-224 Jiemnaceaes eee pbs eens cheese Seeee a eees eae seee sees 224 Gommirieltnace ae: St a Fe a eather AE 224-225 WMINGACEACs, oie Sade eee dete 225-226 CONTENTS. xi Melaithatede: 2 soe iG ot ce ee et 226-227 Tea aG@eae.. oe a tp a 227-229 Convallaridcede. 2-2 ee eel a ee ~-229-232 Silaceade: (nees = As 2 ee eee oe 232 Ammatyllidaceaé, |... 22a se ese ee ss es see ee 232 Dioscoteacede: 222223. Sanh eats secs es cele e esas 232-233 Weidaeeae: 2525 252 SS ee ye ee ee ee Se 233 Orchidaceae: <2 4 wana le eae es it 233-236 Saururaceae ~--------------------------------------------- 237 Juolandaceae> 222220 oo oa a eS ee Bee ee 237 Salicacede: .o--42s- senor es See a eee 237-238 Myrica@ede: 225 aut seeded Sete es ee ee ee hed ee 239 Betnlaéede.o soo 22eso sen Oia 239-240 AS ACCA aici et arte ee Ses 240-241 WsihinaGeAe: Sh oe otek SO at ate oe eS oe i hd ---. 242 WI ORA CER Cs oe I NS a 242 MT et GAC Oa OE ie a an hs awd Nala we ahi ein mw in pen 243 Te@TamthaCeaes (2212 so 25S ase oe ne Re as ee ee a ee 244 Santalacea e225) ee eee, mode Aristolochiaceae ~~ 244-245 Poly g@onacea@: 22-32-22 sec bake etna tn ns oe une ee ae wl oe 245-247 Chenopodiaceaé: 22.2 -sesaaa 2 Sooo eee eee eS 247-248 Attra rattle ale apn iu to ye a a a haa ce fa eg ms Saeed 248 IPhytolaccacedeyc< 42 esos as Se eRe At see Oe ea 248 AizOaceae. se a ee Sa 248 POrttlacede: execs ee he Be ee eae eee! 248-249 Caryophyllaceae _- 249-251 INymphateacede: 22555 Sa 252 Macnoliacedé: 2 cece mes Se ese a eee 252-253 AMON Cede. 2 kee Nees 2 oe 8 ee bi a ete es NSE 253-254 Rantinewlacéae: cs2i.c2c2cce> ce Soest eee ees oes 254-259 Bet Cri aC Cae at an wi thr aE eh hh ee ae 260 Mienirspermacede:. f= so ee Ft a 5 ree i ea 260-261 Calycanthaceae -- esos. -26L edtitacede seems eee eee sewer ee eee see ese 261 Papaveraceae ---------------------------------------------261-263 Brassicacede -(Crucitérae)) 225-2 cs 2se- es ge ee 263-267 Gapparidaceaé; 222-2 se-veeeseesesssseseseetewsecsedeectetes 267 Drosénacede: ns siees. So Se et eee Sas 267 Podostemonacéde: tccese qe Sa be a2 ho i ee 267-268 Grassulaceae 2so-ses ee sss ecdke aes seen Sse cee eee 268 Penthonaceaé: sssen 026 ssh eh ee eo ee ee ee Gass 268 Pantiassiacedé, Sosea--en naan ot asse eases costae aoe 268 Saxifragacedé: anes 2 sees se rcceseae ses Set ee 269-270 Grossulariacede} so eo en 270-271 Famanielidacéae. o222- =e seses tte eee eee See aces, 27) Xil CONTENTS. Patria CC earth rash ahs ath dd wae Er te ew a ochre ya 272 INOSACEAG: Wie 2 SS ee ats Tee os sa ates 2 etn oe te 272-279 IP OiaACEa GSoC 279-282 DP UpaGe ae: sit een sea eee we tale pe atc a Gala ah om ne si ein 282 Gaesal pinaceae: 2sicsss sce cesses sso se eo or ese 282-283 Papiliomdcéae 6s 2S 284-296 GERIARIACO aE: acetal = at eee a a cael perso 290-291 Omalidacea@ a. as eee oe dels eee eet seen! 291 dimacede: “Ga sses eee ea ee ee 292 FRUTEUC CAS eet at lt cen at er see lh 292 pulllatuDaced G2 2's oan 8 Sess <2 be eeu sae l 293 Poly@alacene. a222esS22u Goce Se ee 2 Se ee 293-294 Euphorbiaceae 294-295 Callitrichaceae 296 Impetnaceae. S203 eS eo soe ea SawecRLSoS 296 Buxaceae 2<.5-2-s25= 296 Limnanthaceae 296 Mmacandideeae: So2eo2s 2s ose oa Se ee 296-297 INCIATEO ACE AS part seed Ae tern sch ade aces te eet A ere fan Sanh 298 @elastraceae: 210s seks eS Se evs ee te 298-299 SlaphVledeeae 28 5a Se ol oe ee ee 299 UNCORACE AC ends blr aS fetch elena meclenrepcdic we aan a el 299-300 Sapindaceae _____- MOT SIN oass IA LM ohn 2 Sa etn Ske a se a, 300-301 Balsaminaceéaé: o2233526 22252 oe soe Soo a eae cee 301 Rhaninacede. .-22 temas ee ee ae eta Sst 301-302 WitaGea eh os ree ee ae be eee ee 302-303 SACRA Gs Son en ee een 2 nS oan ease 303 Malvaceae) sie Hee eee tees eet leet 303-304 FIV PCrICACEAG: con ten. sink ek Mie a oe oo eee ee ve oen 304-306 (CIStACCAE: ou @