Library OF THE Hew Work State Veterinary College AT Cornell University 2112 Cornell University Library Handbook of medical entomology Some early medicalentomology. Athanasius Kircher's illustration of the Italian tarantula and the music prescribed as an antidote for the poison of its bite. (1643). HANDBOOK OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY WM, A. RILEY, PH.D. Professor of Insect Morphology and Parasitology, Cornell University and O. A. JOHANNSEN, Pu.D. Professor of Biology, Cornell University Mm ITHACA, NEW YORK THE COMSTOCK PUBLISHING COMPANY 1915 NYS 674 COPYRIGHT, I9QI5 BY THE COMSTOCK PUBLISHING COMPANY, ITHACA, N. Y. RA bq R57 IAS Press of W. F. Humphrey Geneva, N. Y. PREFACE HE Handbook of Medical Entomology is the outgrowth of a course of lectures along the lines of insect transmission and dissemination of diseases of man given by the senior author in the Department of Entomology of Cornell University during the past six years. More specifically it is an illustrated revision and elaboration of his “‘Notes on the Relation of Insects to Disease’’ published January, 1912. Its object is to afford a general survey of the field, and primarily to put the student of medicine and entomology in touch with the discoveries and theories which underlie some of the most important modern work in preventive medicine. At the same time the older phases of the subject—the consideration of poisonous and parasitic forms—have not been ignored. Considering the rapid shifts in viewpoint, and the development of the subject within recent years, the authors do not indulge in any hopes that the present text will exactly meet the needs of every one specializing in the field,—still less do they regard it as complete or final. The fact that the enormous literature of isolated articles is to be found principally in foreign periodicals and is therefore difficult of access to many American workers, has led the authors to hope that a summary of the important advances, in the form of a reference book may not prove unwelcome to physicians, sanitarians and working entomologists, and to teachers as a text supplementing lecture work in the subject. Lengthy as is the bibliography, it covers but a very small fraction of the important contributions to the subject. It will serve only to put those interested in touch with original sources and to open up the field. Of the more general works, special acknowledgment should be made to those of Banks, Brumpt, Castellani and Chalmers, Comstock, Hewitt, Howard, Manson, Mense, Neveau-Lemaire, Nuttall, and Stiles. To the many who have aided the authors in the years past, by suggestions and by sending specimens and other materials, sincerest thanks is tendered. This is especially due to their colleagues in the Department of Entomology of Cornell University, and to Pro- fessor Charles W. Howard, Dr. John Uri Lloyd, Mr. A. H. Ritchie, Dr. I. M. Unger, and Dr. Luzerne Coville. VI Preface They wish to express indebtedness to the authors and publishers who have so willingly given permission to use certain illustrations. Especially is this acknowledgment due to Professor John Henry Comstock, Dr. L. O. Howard, Dr. Graham-Smith, and Professor G. H. T. Nuttall. Professor Comstock not only authorized the use of departmental negatives by the late Professor M. V Slingerland (credited as M. V. S.), but generously put at their disposal the illus- trations from the MaNuAL FOR THE StTupy oF INseEcts and from the SpipER Boox. Figures 5 and 111 are from Peter’s ‘Der Arzt und die Heilkunft in der deutschen Vergangenheit.” It should be noted that on examining the original, it is found that Gottfried’s figure relates to an event antedating the typical epidemic of dancing mania. Wm. A. RILEy. CORNELL UNIVERSITY, O. A. JOHANNSEN. January, 1915. 18 32 47 116 136 137 145 158 212 219 266 272 281 281 284 395 309 312 313 314 315 323 328 INTRODUCTION CONTENTS CHAPTER I ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS line 11, for Heilkunft read Heilkunst. line 2, for tarsi read tarsus. line 21, and legend under fig. 23, for C. (Conorhinus) abdominalis read Melanolestes abdominalis. legend under figure for 33c read 34. line 22 and 25, for sangiusugus read sanguisugus. legend under fig. 83, for Graham-Smith read Manson. line 10, from bottom, insert “ring’’ after ‘‘chitin’’. line 3, for meditatunda read meditabunda. line 7, from bottom, for Rs read R,. line 20, for have read has. after the chapter heading insert ‘‘continued’’. line 10, from bottom, for Cornohinus read Conorhinus, line 1, fig. 158j refers to the female. line 5, insert ‘‘palpus’’ before ‘‘and leg’’. line 6, for discodial read discoidal. last line, insert ‘‘from’’ before ‘‘the’’. line 5, for “‘tubercle of’’ read ‘tubercle or”’ lines 19, 28, 44, page 306 lines I, 9, 22, 27, 30, page 307 line 7, page 309 ‘ines 8, 11, for R,+, read ita: legend under fig. 168 ‘add Bureau of Entomology. line 36, for ‘‘near apex’’ read ‘‘of M,+,.”. running head, for Muscidez read Muscoidea. line 29, for ‘‘distal section”’ read ‘‘distally M,+,”’ legend under fig. 172, for Pseudopyrellia read Orthellia, for Lyperosia read Hematobia, for Umbana read urbana. and 325 legends under the figures, add ‘‘After Dr. J. H. Stokes”. line 7 from bottom for Apiocheta read Aphiocheta. PARASITIC ARTHROPODS AFFECTING MAN Acarina, or mites. CHAPTER III The Trombidiide, or harvest mites. ’ The Ixodoidea, or ticks. atrodectus. Other z or giant water- femiptera reported nisoning by nettling their blood plasma. Argaside. Ixodide. Treatment of tick bites. The mites. Dermanysside. Tarsonemide. Sarcoptide, the itch mites. cide, the follicle mites. Hexapoda, or true insects. Siphunculata, or sucking lice. Hemiptera. Demode- VII Contents The bed-bug. Other bed-bugs. Parasitic Diptera, or flies. Psychodide, or moth flies. Phlebotomine. Culicide, or mosquitoes. Simuliide, or black-flies. Chironomide, or midges. Tabanidz, or horse-flies. Leptide or snipe-flies. Oecestride, or bot-flies. Muscide, the stable-fly and others. Siphonaptera, or fleas. The fleas affecting man, the dog, cat, and rat. ‘The true chiggers, or chigoes. CHAPTER IV ACCIDENTAL OR FACULTATIVE PARASITES.................. 131-143 Acarina, or mites. Myriapoda, or centipedes and millipedes. Lepidopterous larve. Coleoptera, or beetles. Dipterous larve causing myiasis. Piophila casei, the cheese skipper. Chrysomyia macellaria, the screw- worm fly. Calliphorine, the blue-bottles. Muscine, the house or typhoid fly, and others. Anthomyiidz, the lesser house-fly and others. Sarcophagide, the flesh-flies. CHAPTER V ARTHROPODS AS SIMPLE CARRIERS OF DISEASE........... 144-163 The house or typhoid fly as a carrier of disease. Stomoxys calcitrans, the stable-fly. Other arthropods which may serve as simple carriers of pathogenic organisms. CHAPTER VI ARTHROPODS AS DIRECT INOCULATORS OF DISEASE GERMS 164-174 Some illustrations of direct inoculations of disease germs by arthropods. The rdle of fleas in the transmission of the plague. CHAPTER VII ARTHROPODS AS ESSENTIAL HOSTS OF PATHOGENIC ORGAN- TSM 'S nascn a cieced Wala SRA OAS oo ae eae GEE See adn eee 175-185 Insects as intermediate hosts of tape-worms. Arthropods as intermediate hosts of nematode worms. Filariasis and mosqui- toes. Other nematode parasites of man and animals. CHAPTER VIII ARTHROPODS AS ESSENTIAL HOSTS OF PATHOGENIC PRO- DOZOAKS 6 chad iilited Aaah Ae hep at ees aa ow aa an delves EOO-E Mosquitoes and malaria. Mosquitoes and yellow fever. Contents IX CHAPTER IX ARTHROPODS AS ESSENTIAL HOSTS OF PATHOGENIC PRO- TOZOR: vise da cteic hae eo ciils Apeblsed aaa hk ge gam inne Bed eek MRED 212-229 Insects and trypanosomiases. Fleas and lice as carriers of Trypanosoma lewisi. Tsetse-flies and nagana. Tsetse-flies and sleeping sickness in man. South American trypanosomiasis. Leishmanioses and insects. Ticks and diseases of man and animals. Cattle tick and Texas fever. Ticks and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever of man. CHAPTER X ARTHROPODS AS ESSENTIAL HOSTS OF PATHOGENIC PROTO- ZO, (Continued): 4325 ces ac kn toe sbeebs Han sada bake MESS 230-240 Arthropods and Spirochetoses of man and animals. African relapsing fever of man. European relapsing fever, North African relapsing fever of man. Other types of relapsing fever of man. Spirochztosis of fowls. Other spirochzte diseases of animals. Typhus fever and lice. CHAPTER XI SOME POSSIBLE, BUT IMPERFECTLY KNOWN CASES OF ARTHROPOD TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE............. 241-256 Infantile paralysis, or acute anterior poliomyelitis. Pellagra. Leprosy. Verruga peruviana. Cancer. CHAPTER XII KEYS TO THE ARTHROPODS NOXIOUS TO MAN.............. 257-317 . Crustacea. Myriapoda, or centipedes and millipedes, Arachnida (Orders of). Acarina or ticks. Hexapoda (Insecta). Siphunculata and Hemiptera (lice and true bugs). Diptera (mosquitoes, midges, and flies). Siphonaptera (fleas). APPENDIX Hydrocyanic acid gas against household insects.................0 005 318-320 Proportion of ingredients. A single room as an example. Fumigating a large house. Precautions. Lesions produced by the bite of the black-fly...................... 321-326 BIBLIOGRAPHY. jas od wees a alec wed eae Sa slag een Melee eas 327-340 INDE Xing orn 228 don aioe heh Rh WE Sg oR EO a eG as ae a 341-348 CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION * EARLY SUGGESTIONS REGARDING THE TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE BY INSECTS Until very recent years insects and their allies have been considered as of economic importance merely in so far as they are an annoyance or direct menace to man, or his flocks and herds, or are injurious to his crops. It is only within the past fifteen years that there has sprung into prominence the knowledge that in another and much more insiduous manner, they may be the enemy of mankind, that they may be among the most important of the disseminators of disease. In this brief period, such knowledge has completely revolutionized our methods of control of certain diseases, and has become an import- ant weapon in the fight for the conservation of health. Itis nowhere truer than in the case under consideration that how- ever abrupt may be their coming into prominence, great move- ments and great discoveries do not arise suddenly. Centuries ago there was suggested the possibility that insects were concerned with the spread of disease, and from time to time there have appeared keen suggestions and logical hypotheses along this line, that lead us to marvel that the establishment of the truths should have been so long delayed. One of the earliest of these references is by the Italian physician, Mercurialis, who lived from 1530 to 1607, during a period when Europe was being ravaged by the dread ‘“‘black death’, or plague. Concerning its transmission he wrote: ‘There can be no doubt that. flies feed on the internal secretions of the diseased and dying, then, flying away, they deposit their excretions on the food in neighboring dwellings, and persons who eat of it are thus infected.” It would be difficult to formulate more clearly this aspect of the facts as we know them to-day, though it must always be borne in mind that we are prone to interpret such statements in the light of present-day knowledge. Mercurialis had no conception of the animate nature of contagion, and his statement was little more than a lucky guess. Much more worthy of consideration is the approval which was given to his view by the German Jesuit, Athanasius Kircher in 1658. 2 Introduction One cannot read :carefully his works without believing that long before Leeuwenhook’s discovery, Kircher had seen the larger species of bacteria. Moreover, he attributed the production of disease to these organisms and formulated, vaguely, to be sure, a theory of the animate nature of contagion. It has taken two and a half centuries to accumulate the facts to prove his hypothesis. The theory of Mercurialis was not wholly lost sight of, for in the medical literature of the eighteenth century there are scattered references to flies as carriers of disease. Such a view seems even to have been more or less popularly accepted, in some cases. Gudger (1910), has pointed out that, as far back as 1769, Edward Bancroft, in ‘‘An Essay on the Natural History of Guiana in South America,” wrote concerning the contagious skin-disease known as ‘‘Yaws”’: “Tt is usually believed that this disorder is communicated by the flies who have been feasting on a diseased object, to those persons who have sores, or scratches, which are uncovered; and from many observa- tions, I think this is not improbable, as none ever receive this disorder whose skins are whole.” Approaching more closely the present epoch, we find that in 1848, Dr. Josiah Nott, of Mobile, Alabama, published a remarkable article on the cause of yellow fever, in which he presented “‘reasons for supposing its specific cause to exist in some form of insect life.”’ As a matter of fact, the bearing of Nott’s work on present day ideas of the insect transmission of disease has been very curiously overrated. The common interpretation of his theory has been deduced from a few isolated sentences, but his argument appears quite differently when the entire article is studied. It must be remembered that he wrote at a period before the epoch-making discoveries of Pasteur and before the recognition of micro-organisms as factors in the cause of disease. His article is a masterly refutation of the theory of ‘‘malarial” origin of ‘‘all the fevers of hot climates,” but he uses the term ‘‘insect’’ as applicable to the lower forms of life, and specific references to ‘“‘mos- quitoes,” ‘‘aphids,”’ ‘‘cotton-worms,’”’ and others, are merely in the way of similes. But, while Nott’s ideas regarding the relation of insects to yellow fever were vague and indefinite, it was almost contemporaneously that the French physician, Louis Daniel Beauperthuy argued in the most explicit possible manner, that yellow fever and various others are transmitted by mosquitoes. In the light of the data which were available when he wrote, in 1853, it is not surprising that he erred by 2966 Early Suggestions / 3 thinking that the source of the virus was decomposing matter which the mosquito took up and accidentally inoculated into man. Beau- perthuy not only discussed the réle of mosquitoes in the transmission of disease, but he taught, less clearly, that house-flies scatter patho- genic organisms. It seems that Boyce (1909) who quotes extensively from this pioneer work, does not go too far when he says ‘“‘It is Dr. Beauperthuy whom we must regard as the father of the doctrine of insect-borne disease.’”’ In this connection, mention must be made of the scholarly article by the American physician, A. F. A. King who, in 1883, brought together an all but conclusive mass of argument in support of his belief that malaria was caused by mosquitoes. At about the same time, Finley, of Havana, was forcefully presenting his view that the mosquito played the chief rdle in the spread of yellow fever. To enter more fully into the general historical discussion is beyond the scope of this book. We shall have occasion to make more explicit references in considering various insect-borne diseases. Enough has been said here to emphasize that the recognition of insects as factors in the spread of disease was long presaged, and that there were not wanting keen thinkers who, with a background of present-day conceptions of the nature of disease, might have been in the front rank of investigators along these lines. THE WAYS IN WHICH ARTHROPODS MAY AFFECT THE HEALTH OF MAN When we consider the ways in which insects and their allies may affect the health of man, we find that we may treat them under three main groups: A. They may be directly poisonous. Such, for example, are the scorpions, certain-epiders and mites, some of the predaceous bugs, and stinging insects. Even such forms as the mosquito deserve some consideration from this viewpoint. B. They may be parasitic, living more or less permanently on or in the body and deriving their sustenance from it. Of the parasitic arthropods we may distinguish, first, the true parasites, those which have adopted and become confirmed in the parasitic habit. Such are the itch mites, the lice, fleas, and the majority of the forms to be considered as parasitic. In addition to these, we may distinguish a group of accidental, or facultative parasites, species which are normally free-living, feeding on 4 Introduction decaying substances, but which when accidentally introduced into the alimentary canal or other cavities of man, may exist there for a greater or less period. For example, certain fly larve, or mag- gots, normally feeding in putrifying meat, have been known to occur as accidental or facultative parasites in the stomach of man. C. Finally, and most important, arthropods may be trans- mitters and disseminators of disease. In this capacity they may function in one of three ways; as simple carriers, as direct tnoculators, or as essential hosts of disease germs. As simple carriers, they may, in a wholly incidental manner, transport from the diseased to the healthy, or from filth to food, pathogenic germs which cling to their bodies or appendages. Such, for instance, is the relation of the house-fly to the dissemination of typhoid. As direct inoculators, biting or piercing species may take up from a diseased man or animal, germs which, clinging to the mouth parts, are inoculated directly into the blood of the insect’s next victim. It it thus that horse-flies may occasionally transmit anthrax. Similarly, species of spiders and other forms which are ordinarily perfectly harmless, may accidentally convey and inoculate pyogenic bacteria. It is as essential hosts of disease germs that arthropods play their most important réle. In such cases an essential part of the life cycle of the pathogenic organism is undergone in the insect. In other words, without the arthropod host the disease-producing organism cannot complete its development. As illustrations may be cited the relation of the Anopheles mosquito to the malarial parasite, and the relation of the cattle tick to Texas fever. A little consideration will show that this is the most important of the group. Typhoid fever is carried by water or by contaminated milk, and in various other ways, as well as by the house-fly. Kill all the house-flies and typhoid would still exist. On the other hand, malaria is carried only by the mosquito, because an essential part of the development of the malarial parasite is undergone in this insect. Exterminate all of the mosquitoes of certain species and the dis- semination of human malaria is absolutely prevented. Once an arthropod becomes an essential host for a given parasite it may disseminate infection in three different ways: 1. By infecting man or animals who ingest it. It is thus, for example, that man, dog, or cat, becomes infected with the double- pored dog tapeworm, Dipylidium caninum. The cysticercoid stage Arthropods and Man 5 occurs in the dog louse, or in the dog or cat fleas, and by accidentally ingesting the infested insect the vertebrate becomes infested. Simi- larly, Hymenolepis diminuta, a common tapeworm of rats and mice, and occasional in man, undergoes part of its life cycle in various meal- infesting insects, and is accidentally taken up by its definitive host. It is very probable that man becomes infested with Dracunculus (Filaria) medinensis through swallowing in drinking water, the crustacean, Cyclops, containing the larvee of this worm. 2. ‘By infecting man or animals on whose skin or mucous mem- branes the insect host may be crushed or may deposit its excrement. . The pathogenic organism may then actively penetrate, or may be inoculated by scratching. The causative organism of typhus fever is thus transmitted by the body louse. 3. By direct inoculation by its bite, the insect host may transfer the parasite which has undergone development within it. The malarial parasite is thus transferred by mosquitoes; the Texas fever parasite by cattle ticks. CHAPTER II. ARTHROPODS WHICH ARE DIRECTLY POISONOUS Of all the myriads of insects and related forms, a very few are of direct use to man, some few others have forced his approbation on account of their wonderful beauty, but the great hordes of them are loathed or regarded as directly dangerous. As a matter of fact, only a very small number are in the slightest degree poisonous to man or to the higher animals. The result is that entomologists and lovers of nature, intent upon dissipating the foolish dread of insects, are sometimes inclined to go to the extreme of discrediting all statements of serious injury from the bites or stings of any species. Nevertheless, it must not be overlooked that poisonous forms do exist, and they must receive attention in a consideration of the ways in which arthropods may affect the health of man. Moreover, it must be recognized that ‘‘what is one man’s meat, is another man’s poison,” and that in considering the possibilities of injury we must not ignore individual idiosyncrasies. Just as certain individuals may be poisoned by what, for others are common articles of food, so some persons may be abnormally susceptible to insect poison. Thus, the poison of a bee sting may be of varying severity, but there are individ- uals who are made seriously sick by a single sting, regardless of the point of entry. Some individuals scarcely notice a mosquito bite, others find it very painful, and so illustrations of this difference in individuals might be multiplied. In considering the poisonous arthropods, we shall take them up by groups. The reader who is unacquainted with the systematic rela- tionship of insects and their allies is referred to Chapter XII. No attempt will be made to make the lists under the various headings exhaustive, but typical forms will be discussed. ARANEIDA OR SPIDERS Of all the arthropods there are none which are more universally feared than are the spiders. It is commonly supposed that the majority, if not all the species are poisonous and that they are aggres- sive enemies of man and the higher animals, as well as of lower forms. That they really secrete a poison may be readily inferred from the effect of their bite upon insects and other small forms. Moreover, Araneida or Spiders 7 the presence of definite and well-developed poison glands can easily be shown. They occur as a pair of pouches (fig. 1) lying within the cephalothorax and connected by a delicate duct with a pore on the claw of the chelicera, or so-called ‘‘mandible”’ on the convex surface of the claw in such a position that it is not plugged and closed by the flesh of the victim. The glands may be demonstrated by slowly and carefully twisting off a chelicera and pushing aside the stumps of muscles at its 1. Head of a spider showing e038 ice poison gland (c)anditsre- base. By exercising care, the chitinous wall ‘ation to the chehicera (@)- GF the chelicera and its claw may be broken away and the duct traced from the gland to its outlet. The inner lining of the sac is constituted by a highly developed glandular epithelium, supported by a basement membrane of connective tissue and covered by a muscular layer, (fig. 2). The muscles, which are striated, are spirally arranged (fig. 1), and are doubtless under control of the spider, so that the amount of poison to be injected into a wound may be varied. The poison itself, according to Kobert (1901), is a clear, colorless fluid, of oily consistency, acid reaction, and very bitter taste. After the spider has bitten two or three times, its supply is exhausted and therefore, as in the case of snakes, the poison of the bite decreases quickly with use, until it is null. To what extent the content of the poison sacs may contain blood serum or, at least, active principles of serum, in addition to a specific poison formed by the poison glands themselves, Kobert regards as an open question. He believes that the acid part of the poison, if really present, is formed by the glands and that, in the case of some spiders, the ferment-like, or better, active toxine, comes from the blood. But there is a wide difference between a poison which may kill : bao . Section through an insect and one which is harm- * “ection,thre “Eatrodectus i 6 if -guttat ful to men. Certain it is that the peritoneal, muscu 8. Chelicera of there is no lack of popular belief ee a eee and newspaper records of fatal cases, but the evidence regarding the possibility of fatal or even very serious results for man is most contradictory. For some years, we have attempted to trace the more circumstantial newspaper 8 Poisonous Arthropods accounts, which have come to our notice, of injury by North American species. The results have served, mainly, to empha- size the straits to which reporters are sometimes driven when there is a dearth of news. The accounts are usually vague and lack- ing in any definite clue for locating the supposed victim. In the comparatively few cases where the patient, or his physician, could be located, there was either no claim that the injury was due to spider venom, or there was no evidence to support the belief. Rarely, there was evidence that a secondary blood poisoning, such as might be brought about by the prick of a pin, or by any mechani- cal injury, had followed the bite of a spider. Such instances have no bearing on the question of the venomous nature of these forms. The extreme to which unreason- able fear of the bites of spiders influenced the popular mind was evidenced by the accepted explana- tion of the remarkable dancing mania, or tarantism, of Italy during the Middle Ages. This was a ner- vous disorder, supposed to be due to the bite of a spider, the European tarantula (fig. 4), though it was also, at times, attributed to the 4. The Italign tarantula (Lycosa tarantula). bite of the scorpion. In its typical form, it was characterized by so great a sensibility to music that under its influence the victims indulged in the wildest and most frenzied dancing, until they sank to the ground utterly exhausted and almost lifeless. The profuse perspiring resulting from these exertions was supposed to be the only efficacious remedy for the disease. Certain forms of music were regarded as of especial value in treating this tarantism, and hence the name of ‘“‘tarantella’’ was applied to them. Our frontis- piece, taken from Athanasius Kircher’s Magnes sive de Arte Magnetica, 1643 ed., represents the most commonly implicated spider and illus- trates some of what Fabre has aptly designated as ‘medical choreography.” The disease was, in reality, a form of hysteria, spreading by sym- pathy until whole communities were involved, and was paralleled by the outbreaks of the so-called St. Vitus’s or St. John’s dance, which i Araneida or Spiders 9 swept Germany at about the same time (fig. 5). The evidence that the spider was the cause of the first is about as conclusive as is that of the demoniacal origin of the latter. The true explanation of the outbreaks is doubtless to be found in the depleted physical and mental condition of the people, resulting from the wars and the frightful plagues which devastated all Europe previous to, and during these times. An interesting discussion of these aspects of the question is to be found in Hecker. 5. Dancing mania. Illustration from Johann Ludwig Gottfried‘s Chronik. 1632. So gross has been the exaggeration and so baseless the popular fear regarding spiders that entomologists have been inclined to discredit all accounts of serious injury from their bites. Not only have the most circumstantial of newspaper accounts proved to be without foundation but there are on record a number of cases where the bite of many of the commoner species have been intentionally provoked and where the effect has been insignificant. Some years ago the senior author personally experimented with a number of the largest of our northern species, and with unexpected results. The first surprise was that the spiders were very unwilling to bite and that it required a considerable effort to get them to attempt to do so. In the second 10 Poisonous Arthropods place, most of those experimented with were unable to pierce the skin of the palm or the back of the hand, but had to be applied to the thin skin between the fingers before they were able to draw blood. Unfor- ' tunately, no special attempt was made to determine, at the time, the species experimented with, but among them were Theridion tepi- dariorum, Miranda aurantia (Argiopa), Metargiope trifasciata, Marxia stellata, Aranea trifolium, Misumena vatia, and Agelena nevia. In no case was the bite more severe than a pin prick and though in some cases the sensation seemed to last longer, it was probably due to the fact that the mind was intent upon the experiment. Similar experiments were carried out by Blackwell (1855), who believed that in the case of insects bitten, death did not result any 6. An American tarantula (Eurypelma hentzii). Natural size. After Comstock. more promptly than it would have from a purely mechanical injury of equal extent. He was inclined to regard all accounts of serious injury to man as baseless. The question cannot be so summarily dismissed, and we shall now consider some of the groups which have been more explicitly implicated. The Tarantulas.—In popular usage, the term ‘‘ tarantula’”’ is loosely applied to any one of a number of. large spiders. The famous tarantulas of southern Europe, whose bites were supposed to cause the dancing mania, were Lycoside, or wolf-spiders. Though various species of this group were doubtless so designated, the one which seems to have been most implicated was Lycosa tarantula (L.), (fig. 4). On the other hand, in this country, though there are many Lycosidz, the term “tarantula” has been applied to members of the superfamily Avicularoidea (fig. 6), including the bird-spiders. Of the Old World Lycoside there is no doubt that several species were implicated as the supposed cause of the tarantism. In fact, as we have already noted, the blame was sometimes attached to a scor- The Tarantulas II pion. However, there seems to be no doubt that most of the accounts refer to the spider known as Lycosa tarantula. There is no need to enter into further details here regarding the supposed virulence of these forms, popular and the older medical literature abound in circumstantial accounts of the terrible effects of the bite. Fortunately, there is direct experimental evidence which bears on the question. Fabre induced a common south European wolf-spider, Lycosa narbonensis, to bite the leg of a young sparrow, ready to leave the nest. The leg seemed paralyzed as a result of the bite, and though the bird seemed lively and clamored for food the next day, on the third dav it died. A mole, bitten on the nose, succumbed after thirty- six hours. From these experiments Fabre seemed justified in his conclusion that the bite of this spider is not an accident which man can afford to treat lightly. Unfortunately, there is nothing in the experiments, or in the symptoms detailed, to exclude the probability that the death of the animals was the result of secondary infection. As far back as 1693, as we learn from the valuable account of Kobert, (1901), the Italian physician, Sanguinetti allowed himself to be bitten on the arm by two tarantulas, in the presence of witnesses. The sensation was equivalent to that from an ant or a mosquito bite and there were no other phenomena the first dav. On the second day the wound was inflamed and there was slight ulceration. It is clear that these later symptoms were due to a secondary infection. These experiments have been repeated by various observers, among whom may be mentioned Leon Dufour, Josef Erker and Heinzel, and with the similar conclusion that the bite of the Italian tarantula ordinarily causes no severe symptoms. In this conclusion, Kobert, though firmly convinced of the poisonous nature of some spiders, coincides. He also believes that striking symptoms may be simulated or arti- ficially induced by patients in order to attract interest, or because they have been assured that the bite, under all circumstances, caused tarantism. The so-called Russian tarantula, Trochosa singoriensis (fig. 7), is much larger than the Italian species, and is much feared. Kobert carried out a series of careful experiments with this species and his results have such an important bearing on the question of the venom- ous nature of the tarantula that we quote his summary. Experi- menting first on nearly a hundred living specimens of Trochosa singoriensis from Crimea he says that: 12 Potsonous Arthropods “The tarantulas, no matter how often they were placed on the skin, handled, and irritated, could not be induced to bite either myself, the janitor, or the ordinary experimental animals. The objection that the tarantulas were weak and indifferent cannot stand, for as soon as I placed two of them on the shaved skin of a rabbit, instead of an attack on the animal, there began a furious battle between the two spiders, which did not cease until one of the two was killed.” “Since the spiders would not bite, I carefully ground up the fresh animals in physiological salt solution, preparing an extract which must have contained, in solution, all of the poisonous substance of their bodies. While in the case of Latrodectus, as we shall see, less than one specimen sufficed to yield an active extract, I have injected the filtered extract of six fresh Russian tarantulas, of which each one was much heavier than an average Lairo- dectus, subcutaneously and into the jugular vein of various cats 7. Trochosa singoriensis. After Kobert. without the animals dying or showing any special symptoms. On the basis of my experiments I can therefore only say that the quantity of the poison soluble in physiological salt solution, even when the spiders are perfectly fresh and well nourished, is very insignificant. That the poison of the Russian tarantula is not soluble in physiological salt solution, is exceedingly improbable. Moreover, I have prepared alcoholic extracts and was unable to find them active. Since the Russian spider exceeds the Italian in size and in intensity of the bite, it seems very improbable to me that the pharmacological test of the Italian tarantula would yield essentially other results than those from the Russian species.” To the Avicularoidea belong the largest and most formidable appearing of the spiders and it is not strange that in the New World they have fallen heir to the bad reputation, as well as to the name of the tarantula of Europe. In this country they occur only in the South or in the far West, but occasionally living specimens are brought The Tarantulas 13 to our northern ports in shipments of bananas and other tropical produce, and are the source of much alarm. It should be mentioned, however, that the large spider most frequently found under such cir- cumstances is not a tarantula at all, but one of the Heteropodide, or giant crab-spiders, (fig. 8). In spite of their prominence and the fear which they arouse there are few accurate data regarding these American tarantulas. It has 8. The giant crab-spider or banana spider (Heteropoda venatoria). Natural size. After Comstock. often been shown experimentally that they can kill small birds and mammals, though it is doubtful if these form the normal prey of any of the species, as has been claimed. There is no question but that the mere mechanical injury which they may inflict, and the consequent chances of secondary infection, justify, in part, their bad reputation. In addition to the injury from their bite, it is claimed that the body hairs of several of the South American species are readily detached and are urticating. Recently, Phisalix (1912) has made a study of the physiological effects of the venom of two Avicularoidea, Phormictopus carcerides Pocock, from Haiti and Cientza sauvaget Rossi; from Corsica. The glands were removed aseptically and ground up with fine, sterilized sand in distilled water. The resultant liquid was somewhat viscid, colorless, and feebly alkaline. Injected into sparrows and mice the 14 Poisonous Arthropods extract of Phormictopus proved very actively poisonous, that from a single spider being sufficient to kill ten sparrows or twenty mice. It manifested itself first and, above all, as a narcotic, slightly lowering the temperature and paralyzing the respiration. Muscular and cardiac weakening, loss of general sensibility, and the disappearance of reflexes did not occur until near the end. The extract from Cteniza was less active and, curiously enough, the comparative effect on sparrows and on mice was just reversed. Spiders of the Genus Latrodectus.—While most of the popular accounts of evil effects from the bites of spiders will not stand investi- gation, it is a significant fact that, the world over, the best authentica- ted records refer to a group of small and comparatively insignificant spiders belonging to the genus Latrodectus, of the family Theridiide. The dread ‘‘ Malmigniatte’”’ of Corsica and South Europe, the ‘‘ Kara- kurte” of southeastern Russia, the ‘‘Katipo” of New Zealand. the ““Mena-vodi” and ‘‘ Vancoho”’ of Madagascar, and our own Latrodectus mactans, all belong to this genus, and concerning all of these the most circumstantial accounts of their venomous nature are given. These accounts are not mere fantastic stories by uneducated natives but in many cases are reports from thoroughly trained medical men. The symptoms produced are general, rather than local. As summarized by Kobert (1901) from a study of twenty-two cases treated in 1888, in the Kherson (Russia) Government Hospital and Berislaw (Kherson) District Hospital the typical case, aside from complications, exhibits the following symptoms. The victim sud- denly feels the bite, like the sting of a bee. Swelling of the barely reddened spot seldom follows. The shooting pains, which quickly set in, are not manifested at the point of injury but localized at the joints of the lower limb and in the region of the hip. The severity of the pain forces the victim to the hospital, in spite of the fact that they otherwise have a great abhorrence of it. The patient is unable to reach the hospital afoot, or, at least, not without help, for there is usually inability to walk. The patient, even if he has ridden, reaches the hospital covered with cold sweat and continues to perspire for a considerable period. His expression indicates great suffering. The respiration may be somewhat dyspneeic, and a feeling of oppression in the region of the heart is common. There is great aversion to solid food, but increasing thirst for milk and tea. Retention of urine, and constipation occur. Cathartics and, at night, strong Spiders of the Genus Latrodectus 5 narcotics are desired. Warm baths give great relief. After three days, there is marked improvement and usually the patient is dis- missed after the fifth. This summary of symptoms agrees well with other trustworthy records. It would seem, then, that Riley and Howard (1889), who discussed a number of accounts in the entomological literature, were fully justified in their statement that “It must be admitted that certain spiders of the genus Latrodectus have the power to inflict poisonous bites, which may (probably exceptionally and depending upon excep- tional conditions) bring about the death of a human being.”’ And yet, until recently the evidence bearing on the question has been most conflicting. The eminent arachnologist, Lucas, (1843) states that he himself, had been repeatedly bitten by the Malmigniatte without any bad effects. Dr. Marx, in 1890, gave before the Ento- mological Society of Washington, anaccount of a series of experiments to determine whether the bite of Latrodectus mactans is poisonous or not. He described the poison glands as remarkably small* and stated that he had introduced the poison in various ways into guinea-pigs and rabbits without obtaining any satisfactory results. Obviously, carefully conducted experiments with the supposed venom were needed and fortunately they have been carried out in the greatest detail by Kobert (rgor). This investigator pointed out that there were two factors which might account for the discrepancies in the earlier experiments. In the first place, the poison of spiders, as of snakes, might be so ex- hausted after two or three bites that further bites, following directly, might be without visible effect. Secondly, the application of the poison by means of the bite, is exceedingly inexact, since even after the most careful selection of the point of application, the poison might in one instance enter a little vein or lymph vessel, and in another case fail to doso. Besides, there would always remain an incalculable and very large amount externally, in the nonabsorptive epithelium. While all of these factors enter into the question of the effect of the bite in specific instances, they must be as nearly as possible obviated in considering the question of whether the spiders really secrete a venom harmful to man. *This is diametrically opposed to the findings of Bordas (1905) in the case of the European Latrodectus 13-guttatus, whose glands are ‘‘much larger than those of other spiders.’ From a considerable comparative study, we should also unhesitatingly make this statement regarding the glands of our American species, L. mactans. 16 Poisonous Arthropods Kobert therefore sought to prepare extracts which would contain the active principles of the poison and which could be injected in definite quantities directly into the blood of the experimental animal. For this purpose various parts of the spiders were rubbed up in a mor- tar with distilled water, or physiological salt solution, allowed to stand for an hour, filtered, and then carefully washed, by adding water drop by drop for twenty-four hours. The filtrate and the wash- water were then united, well mixed and, if necessary, cleared by cen- trifuging or by exposure to cold. The mixture was again filtered, measured, and used, in part, for injection and, in part, for the deter- mination of the organic materials. Such an extract was prepared from the cephalothoraces of eight dried specimens of the Russian Latrodectus and three cubic centimeters of this, containing 4.29 mg. of organic material, were injected into the jugular vein of a cat weighing 2450 grams. The previously very active animal was paralyzed and lay in whatever position it was placed. The sensibility of the skin of the extremities and the rump was so reduced that there was no reaction from cutting or sticking. There quickly followed dyspnoea, convulsions, paralysis of the respiratory muscles and of the heart. In twenty-eight minutes the cat was dead, after having exhibited exactly the symptoms observed in severe cases of poisoning of man from the bite of this spider. These experiments were continued on cats, dogs, guinea pigs and various other animals. Not only extracts from the cephalothorax, but from other parts of the body, from newly hatched spiders, and from the eggs were used and all showed a similar virulence. Every effort was made to avoid sources of error and the experiments, con- ducted by such a recognized authority in the field of toxicology, must be accepted as conclusively showing that this spider and, presumably, other species of the genus Latrodectus against which the clinical evi- dence is quite parallel, possess a poison which paralyzes the heart and central nervous system, with or without preliminary stimulus of the motor center. If the quantity of the poison which comes into direct contact with the blood is large, there may occur hemolysis and thrombosis of the vessels. On the other hand, check experiments were carried out, using similar extracts of many common European spiders of the genera Tegenaria, Drassus, Agelena, Eucharia and Argyroneta, as well as the Russian tarantula, Lycosa singoriensis. Inno other case was the effect on experimental animals comparable to the Latrodectus extract. Spiders of the Genus Latrodectus 17 Kobert concludes that in its chemical nature the poison is neither an alkaloid, nor a glycoside, nor an acid, but a toxalbumen, or poison- ous enzyme which is very similar to certain other animal poisons, notably that of the scorpion. Berea OM i ee 9. Latrodectus mactans; (a) female, x 3; (b) venter of female; (c) dorsum of male. fter Comstock. The genus Latrodectus is represented in the United States by at least two species, L. mactans and L. geometricus. Concerning L. mactans there are very circumstantial accounts of serious injury and even deathin man*. Latrodectus mactans is coal black, marked with red or yellow or both. It has eight eyes, which are dissimilar in *Dr. E. H. Coleman (Kellogg, 1915) has demonstrated its virulence by a series of experiments comparable with those of Kobert. 18 Poisonous Arthropods color and are distinctly in front of the middle of the thorax, the lateral eyes of each side widely separate. The tarsi of the fourth pair of legs has a number of curved sete in a single series. It has on the ventral side of its abdomen an hour-glass shaped spot. The full- grown female is about half an inch-in length. Its globose abdomen is usually marked with one or more red spots dorsally along the middle line. The male is about half as long but has in addition to the dorsal spots, four pairs of stripes along the sides. Immature females resemble the male in coloring (fig. 9). Regarding the distribution of Latrodectus mactans, Comstock states that: “Although it is essentially a Southern species, it occurs in Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and doubtless other of the Northern States.” L. geometricus has been reported from California. Other Venomous Spiders—While conclusive evidence regarding the venomous nature of spiders is meager and relates almost wholly to that of the genus Latrodectus, the group is a large one and we are not justified in dismissing arbitrarily, all accounts of injury from their bites. Several species stand out as especially needing more detailed investigation. Chiracanthium nutrix is a common European species of the family Clubionidee, concerning which there is much conflicting testimony. Among the reports are two by distinguished scientists whose accounts of personal experiences cannot be ignored. A. Forel allowed a spider of this species to bite him and not only was the pain extreme, but the general symptoms were so severe that he had to be helped to his house. The distinguished arachnologist, Bertkau reports that he, himself, was bitten and that an extreme, burning pain spread almost instantaneously over the arm and into the breast. There were slight chills the same day and throbbing pain at the wound lasted for days. While this particular species is not found in the United States, there are two other representatives of the genus and it is possible that they possess the same properties. We are unaware of anv direct experi- mental work on the poison. Epetra diadema, of Europe, belongs to a wholly different group, that of the orb-weavers, but has long been reputed venomous. Kobert was able to prepare from it an extract whose effects were very similar to that prepared from Latrodectus, though feebler in its action. Under ordinary circumstances this spider is unable to pierce the skin of man Other Venomous Spiders 19 and though Kobert’s results seem conclusive, the spider is little to be feared. Phidippus audax (P. tripunctatus) is one of our largest Attids, or jumping spiders. The late Dr. O. Lugger describes a case of severe poisoning from the bite of this spider and though details are lacking, it is quite possible that this and other large species of the same group, which stalk their prey, may possess a more active poison than that of web-building species. Summary—It is clearly established that our common spiders are not to be feared and that the stories regarding their virulence are almost wholly without founda- tion. On the other hand, the chances of secondary infection from the bites of some of the more powerful species are not to be ignored. Probably all species possess a toxin secreted by the poison gland, virulent for insects and other normal prey of the spiders, but with little or no effect on man. There are a very few species, notably of the genus Latrodectus, and possibly including the Euro- pean Chiracanthium nutrix and Epetra diadema, which possess, in addition, a toxalbumen 10. A whip-scorpion (Mastigoproctus giganteus). derived from the general body Half natural size. After Comstock. tissue, which is of great virulence and may even cause death in man and the higher animals. TEE PEDIPALPIDA OR WHIP-SCORPIONS The tailed whip-scorpions, belonging to the family Thelyphonide, are represented in the United States by the giant whip-scorpion Mastigoproctus giganteus (fig. 10), which is common in Florida, Texas and some other parts of the South. In Florida, it is locally known as the ‘‘grampus”’ or ‘‘mule-killer’’ and is very greatly feared. There is no evidence that these fears have any foundation, and Dr. Marx states that there is neither a poison gland nor a pore in the claw of the chelicera. 20 Poisonous Arthropods THE SCORPIONIDA, OR TRUE SCORPIONS The true scorpions are widely distributed throughout warm coun- tries and everywhere bear an evil reputation. According to Comstock (1912), about a score of species occur in the Southern United States. These are comparatively small forms but in the tropics members of this group may reach a length of seven or eight inches. They are pre-eminently predaceous forms, which lie hidden during the day and seek their prey by night. The scorpions (fig. 11) possess large pedipalpi, terminated by strongly developed claws, or chelae. They may be distinguished from all other Arachnids by the fact that the dis- tinctly segmented abdomen is divided into a broad basal region of seven segments and a terminal, slender, tail-lke division of five distinct segments. The last segment of the abdomen, or telson, terminates in a ventrally-directed, sharp spine, and contains a pair of highly developed poison glands. These glands open by two small pores near the tip of the spine. Most of the species when running carry the tip of the abdomen bent upward over the back, and the prey, caught and held by the pedipalpi, is stung by inserting the spine of the telson and allowing it to remain for a time in the wound. ii, -A-4eue scorpion, “After The glands themselves have been studied Combtog’: in Prionurus citrinus by Wilson (1904). He found that each gland is covered by a sheet of muscle on its mesal and dorsal aspects, which may be described as the compressor muscle. The muscle of each side is inserted by its edge along the ventral inner surface of the chitinous wall of the telson, close to the middle line, and by a broader insertion laterally. A layer of fine connective tissue completely envelops each gland and forms the basis upon which the secreting cells rest. The secreting epithelium is columnar; and apparently of three different types of cells. 1. The most numerous have the appearance of mucous cells, resembling the goblet cells of columnar mucous membranes. The nucleus, surrounded by a small quantity of protoplasm staining with hematoxylin, lies close to the base of the cell. The True Scorpions 21 2. Cells present in considerable numbers, the peripheral por- tions of which are filled with very numerous fine granules, staining with acid dyes such as methyl orange. 3. Cells few in number, filled with very large granules, or ir- regular masses of a substance staining with hematoxylin. The poison, according to Kobert (1893), is a limpid, acid-reacting fluid, soluble in water but insoluble in absolute alcohol and ether. There are few data relative to its chemical nature. Wilson (1901) states that a common Egyptian species, Buthus quinquestriatus, has a specific gravity of 1.092, and contains 20.3% of solids and 8.4% ash. The venom of different species appears to differ not only quantita- tively but qualitatively. The effects of the bite of the smaller species of the Southern United States may be painful but there is no satis- factory evidence that it is ever fatal. On the other hand, certain tropical species are exceedingly virulent and cases of death of man from the bite are common. In the case of Buthus quinquestriatus, Wilson (1904) found the symptoms in animals to be hypersecretion, salivation and lachryma- tion, especially marked, convulsions followed by prolonged mus- cular spasm; death from asphyxia. The temperature shows a slight, rarely considerable, rise. Rapid and considerable increase of blood-pressure (observed in dogs) is followed by a gradual fall with slowing of the heart-beat. The coagulability of the blood is not affected. An interesting phase of Wilson’s work was the experiments on desert mammals. The condition under which these animals exist must frequently bring them in contact with scorpions, and he found that they possess a degree of immunity to the venom sufficient at least to protect them from the fatal effects of the sting. As far as concerns its effect on man, Wilson found that much depended upon the age. As high as 60 per cent of the cases of children under five, resulted fatally. Caroroz (1865), states that in a Mexican state of 15,000 inhabitants, the scorpions were so abundant and so much feared that the authorities offered a bounty for their destruction. A result was a large number of fatalities, over two hundred per year. Most of the victims were children who had attempted to collect the scorpions. The treatment usually employed in the case of bites by the more poisonous forms is similar to that for the bite of venomous snakes. First, a tight ligature is applied above the wound so as to stop the 22 Poisonous Arthropods 4 flow of blood and lymph from that region. The wound is then freely excised and treated with a strong solution of permanganate of potash, or with lead and opium lotion. In recent years there have been many attempts to prepare an antivenom, or antiserum comparable to what has been used so effectively in the case of snake bites. The most promising of these is that of Todd (1909), produced by the immunization of suitable animals. This antivenom proved capable of neutralizing the venom when mixed zu witro and also acts both prophylactically and cura- tively in animals. Employed curatively in man, it appears to have a very marked effect on the intense pain following the sting, and the evidence so far indicates that its“ prompt use greatly reduces the chance of fatal results. THE SOLPUGIDA, OR SOLPUGIDS The Solpugida are peculiar spider-like forms which are distin- guished from nearly all other i Y, arachnids by the fact that ee they possess no true cephalo- W thorax, the last two leg-bear- ing segments being distinct, resembling those of the abdo- men in this respect. The Ye first pair of legs is not used ~ yx im locomotion but seemingly WY functions as a second pair of See pedipalpi. Figure 12 illus- trates the striking peculiari- ties of the group. They are primarily desert forms and occur in the warm zones of all countries. Of the two hundred or more species, Comstock lists twelve as occurring in our fauna. These occur primarily in the 12. A Solptipie (Eremobates cinerea), After Com- southwest. The Solpugida have long borne a bad reputation and regarding virulence, have been classed with the scorpions. Among the effects of their bites have been Mites and Ticks 23 described painful swelling, gangrene, loss of speech, cramps, deliri- um, unconsciousness and even death. Opposed to the numerous loose accounts of poisoning, there are a number of careful records by physicians and zodlogists which indicate clearly that the effects are local and though they may be severe, they show not the slightest symptom of direct poisoning. More important in the consideration of the question is the fact that there are neither poison glands nor pores in the fangs for the exit of any poisonous secretion. This is the testimony of a number of prominent zodlogists, among whom is Dr. A. Walter, who wrote to Kobert at length on the subject and whose conclusions are pre- sented by him. However, it should be noted that the fangs are very powerful and are used in such a manner that they may inflict especially severe wounds. Thus, there may be more opportunity for secondary infection than is usual in the case of insect wounds. The treatment of the bite of the Solpugida is, therefore, a matter of preventing infection. The wound should be allowed to bleed freely and then washed out with a 1:3000 solution of corrosive sublimate, and, if severe, a wet dressing of this should be applied. If infection takes place, it should be treated in the usual man- ner, regardless of its origin. THE ACARINA, OR MITES AND TICKS A number of the parasitic Acarina evidently secrete a specific poison, presumably carried by the saliva, but in most cases its effect on man is insignificant. There is an abundant literature dealing with the poisonous effect of the bite of these forms, especially the ticks, but until recently it has been confused by failure to recog- nize that various species may transmit diseases of man, rather than produce injury through direct poisoning. We shall therefore discuss the Acarina more especially in subsequent chapters, dealing with parasitism and with disease transmission. Nevertheless, after the evidence is sifted, there can be no doubt that the bites of certain ticks may occasionally be followed by a direct poisoning, which may be either local or general in its effects. Nuttall (1908) was unable to determine the cause of the toxic effect, for, in Argas persicus, the species most often implicated, he failed to get the slightest local or general effect on experimental animals, from the injection of an emulsion prepared by crushing three of the ticks. 24 Poisonous Arthropods It seems clearly established that the bite of certain ticks may cause a temporary paralysis, or even complete paralysis, involving the organs of respiration or the heart, and causing death. In 1912, Dr. I. U. Temple, of Pendleton, Oregon, reported several cases of what he called ‘‘acute ascending paralysis” associated with the occur- rence of ticks on the head or the back of the neck. tion by trans- verse divisson Multiplication of Ucoccord hodres in cells of Argas ~\s formation of coccoid bodies in blood Formation of | coceora. bodies in cells of Argus £., 143. Spirochseta gallinarum, After Hindle. then elongate and redevelop into ordinary spirochetes in the blood of the fowl, and the cycle may be repeated. Hindle’s account is clear cut and circumstantial, and is quite in line with the work of Balfour, and of Leishman. Radically different is the interpretation of Marchoux and Couvy (1913). These investi- gators maintain that the granules localized in the Malpighian tubules in the larvee and, in the adult, also in the ovules and the genital ducts of the male and female, are not derived from spirochetes but that they exist normally in many acariens. They interpret the supposed Typhus Fever and Pediculide 237 disassociation of the spirochete into granules as simply the first phase, not of a process of multiplication, but of a degeneration ending in the death of the parasite. The fragmented chromatin has lost its affinity for stains, remaining always paler than that of the normal spirochetes. On the other hand, the granules of Leish- man stain energetically with all the basic stains. Further, according to Marchoux and Couvy, infection takes place without the emission of the coxal fluid and indeed, soiling of the host by the coxal fluid diluting the excrement is exceptional. All of the organs of the Argasid are invaded by the parasites, but they pass from the ccelom into the acini of the salivary glands and collect im its efferent canal. The saliva serves as the vehicle of infection. Thus, the question of the life cycle of Spirocheta gallinarum, and of spirocheetes in general, is an open one. It should be noted that Argas persicus, the carrier of Spirocheta gallinarum, is a common pest of poultry in the southwestern United States. Though the disease has not been reported from this country, conditions are such that if accidentally introduced, it might do great damage. Other Spirochete Diseases of Animals—About a score of other blood inhabiting spirochetes have been reported as occurring in mammals, but little is known concerning their life-histories. One of the most important is Sprrocheta theilert which produces a spiro- cheetosis of cattle in the Transvaal. Theiler has determined that it is transmitted by an Ixodid tick, Margaropus decoloratus. Tyenus Fever anp PEpDICULIDa Typhus is an acute, and continued fever, formerly epidemically prevalent in camps, hospitals, jails, and similar places where persons were crowded together under insanitary conditions. It is accom- panied by a characteristic rash, which gives the disease the common name of “spotted” or “lenticular” fever. The causative organism is unknown. Typhus fever has not generally been supposed to occur in the United States, but there have been a few outbreaks and sporadic cases recognized. According to Anderson and Goldberger (1912a), it has been a subject of speculation among health authorities why, in spite of the arrival of occasional cases in this country and of many persons from endemic foci of the disease, typhus fever apparently does not gain a foothold in the United States. These same workers 238 Arthropods as Essential Hosts of Pathogenic Protozoa showed that the so-called Brill’s disease, studied especially in New York City, is identical with the typhus fever of Mexico and of Europe. The conditions under which the disease occurs and under which it spreads most rapidly are such as to suggest that it is carried by some parasitic insect. On epidemiological grounds the insects most open to suspicion are the lice, bed-bugs and fleas. In 1909, Nicolle, Comte and Conseil, succeeded in transmitting typhus fever from infected to healthy monkeys by means of the body louse (Pediculus corporis). Independently of this work, Anderson and Goldberger had undertaken work along this line in Mexico, and in 1910 reported two attempts to transmit the disease to monkeys by means of body lice. The first experiment resulted negatively, but the second resulted in a slight rise in temperature, ard in view of later results it seems that this was due to infection with typhus. Shortly after, Ricketts and Wilder (1910) succeeded in transmitt- ing the disease to the monkey by the bite of body lice in two experi- ments, the lice in one instance deriving their infection from a man and in another from the monkey. Another monkey was infected by typhus through the introduction of the feces and abdominal contents of infested lice into small incisions. Experiments with fleas and bed-bugs resulted negatively. Subsequently, Goldberger and Anderson (1912b) indicated that the head louse (Pediculus humanus) as well, may become infected with typhus. In an attempt to transmit typhus fever (Mexican virus) from man to monkey by subcutaneous injection of a saline suspension of crushed head lice, the monkeys developed a typical febrile reaction with subsequent resistance to an inoculation of virulent typhus (Mexican) blood. In one of the three experiments to transmit the disease from man to monkey by means of the bite of the head louse, the animal bitten by the presumably infected head lice proved resistant to two successive immunity tests with viru- lent typhus blood. In 1910, Ricketts and Wilder reported an experiment undertaken with a view to determining whether the young of infected lice were themselves infected. Young lice were reared to maturity on the bodies of typhus patients, so that if the eggs were susceptible to infection at any stage of their development, they would have every opportunity of being infected within the ovary. The eggs of these infected lice were obtained, they were incubated, and the young lice Typhus Fever and Pediculide 239 of the second generation were placed on a normal rhesus monkey. The experimenters were unable to keep the monkey under very close observation during the following three or four weeks, but from the fact that he proved resistant to a subsequent immunity test they concluded that he probably owed this immunity to infection by these lice of the second generation. Anderson and Goldberger (1912b) object that due consideration was not given to the possibility of a variable susceptibility of the monkey to typhus. Their similar experiment was “frankly nega- tive.” Prophylaxis against typhus fever is, therefore, primarily a ques- tion of vermin extermination. A brief article by Dr. Goldberger (1914) so clearly shows the practical application of his work and that of the other investigators of the subject, that we abstract from it the following account: “In general terms it may be stated that association with a case of typhus fever in the absence of the transmitting insect is no more dangerous than is association with a case of yellow fever in the absence of the yellow fever mosquito. Danger threatens only when the insect appears on the scene.” ““We may say, therefore, that to prevent infection of the indi- vidual it is necessary for him only to avoid being bitten by the louse. In theory this may readily be done, for we know that the body louse infests and attaches itself almost entirely to the body linen, and that boiling kills this insect and its eggs. Individual prophylaxis is based essentially, therefore, on the avoidance of contact with indi- viduals likely to harbor lice. Practically, however, this is not always as easy as it may seem, especially under the conditions of such intimate association as is imposed by urban life. Particularly is this the case in places such as some of the large Mexican cities, where a large proportion of the population harbors this vermin. Under such circumstances it is well to avoid crowds or crowded places, such as public markets, crowded streets, or public assemblies at which the ‘peon’ gathers.” “Community prophylaxis efficiently and intelligently carried out is, from a certain point of view, probably easier and more effective in protecting the individual than is the individual’s own effort to guard himself. Typhus emphasizes, perhaps better than any other disease, the fact that fundamentally, sanitation and health are economic problems. In proportion as the economic condition of the masses has improved—that is, in proportion as they could afford 240 Arthropods as Essential Hosts of Pathogenic Protozoa to keep clean—the notorious filth disease has decreased or dis- appeared. In localities where it still prevails, its further reduction or complete eradication waits on a further improvement in, or exten- sion of, the improved economic status of those afflicted. Economic evolution is very slow process, and, while doing what we can to hasten it, we must take such precautions as existing conditions permit, looking to a reduction in or complete eradication of the disease.”’ “When possible, public bath houses and public wash houses, where the poor may bathe and do their washings at a minimum or without cost, should be provided. Similar provision should be made in military and construction camps. Troops in the field should be given the opportunity as frequently as possible to wash and scald or boil their body linen.” “Lodging houses, cheap boarding houses, night shelters, hospitals, jails and prisons, are important factors in the spread and frequently constitute foci of the disease. They should receive rigid sanitary supervision, including the enforcement of measures to free all inmates of such institutions of lice on admission.” “So far as individual foci of the disease are concerned these should be dealt with by segregating and keeping under observation all exposed individuals for 14 days—the period of incubation—from the last exposure, by disinfecting (boiling or steaming) the suspected bedding, body linen, and clothes, for the destruction of any possible vermin that they may harbor, and by fumigating (with sulphur) the quarters that they may have occupied.” “Tt will be neted that nothing has been said as to the disposition of the patient. So far as the patient is concerned, he should be removed to ‘clean’ surroundings, making sure that he does not take with him any vermin. This may be done by bathing, treating the hair with an insecticide (coal oil, tincture of larkspur), and a complete change of body linen. Aside from this, the patient may be treated or cared for in a general hospital ward or in a private house, provided the sanitary officer is satisfied that the new surroundings to which the patient has been removed are ‘clean,’ that is, free from vermin. Indeed, it is reasonably safe to permit a ‘clean’ patient to remain in his own home if this is ‘clean,’ for, as has al- ready been emphasized, there can be no spread in the absence of lice. This is a common experience in native families of the better class and of Europeans in Mexico City.” “Similarly the sulphur fumigation above prescribed may be dispensed with as unnecessary in this class of cases.” CHAPTER XI SOME POSSIBLE, BUT IMPERFECTLY ESTABLISHED CASES OF ARTHROPOD TRANSMISSION OF DISEASE INFANTILE PaRAuysis oR AcuTE ANTERIOR POLIOMYELITIS The disease usually known in this country as infantile paralysis or, more technically, as acute anterior poliomyelitis, is one which has aroused much attention in recent years. The causative organism of infantile paralysis is unknown, but it has been demonstrated that it belongs to the group of filterable viruses. It gives rise to a general infection, producing characteristic lesions in the central nervous system. The result of the injury to the motor nerves is a more or less complete paralysis of the corres- ponding muscle. This usually manifests itself in the legs and arms. The fatal cases are usually the result of paralysis of the muscles of respiration. Of the non-fatal cases about 60 per cent remain permanently crippled in varying degrees. Though long known, it was not until about 1890 that it was emphasized that the disease occurs in epidemic form. At this time Medin reported his observations on an epidemic of forty-three cases which occurred in and around Stockholm in 1887. Since then, according to Frost (1911), epidemics have been observed with increas- ing frequency in various parts of the world. The largest recorded epidemics have been those in Vermont, 1894, 126 cases; Norway and Sweden, 1905, about 1,500 cases; New York City, 1907, about 2,500 cases. Since 1907 many epidemics have been reported in the United States, and especially in the Northern States east of the Dakotas. In 1912 there were over 300 cases of the disease in Buffalo, N. Y., with a mortality of somewhat over 11 per cent. In view of the sudden prominence and the alarming spread of infantile paralysis, there have been many attempts to determine the cause, andthe manner in which the disease spreads and develops in epidemic form. In the course of these studies, the question of possible transmission by insects was naturally suggested. C. W. Howard and Clark (1912) presented the results of studies in this phase of the subject. They dealt especially with the house- fly, bedbug, head, and body lice, and mosquitoes. It was found that the house-fly (Musca domestica) can carry the virus of poliomye- litis in an active state for several days upon the surface of the body 241 242 Arthropod Transmission of Disease and for several hours within the gastro-intestinal tract. Mosquitoes and lice were found not to take up or maintain the virus. On the other hand, the bedbug (Cimex lectularius) was found to take the virus from the infected monkeys and to maintain it in a living state within the body for a period of seven days. This was demonstrated by grinding up in salt solution, insects which had fed on poliomyeletic animals and injecting the filtrate into a healthy monkey. The experi- menters doubted that the bedbug is a carrier of the virus in nature. Earlier in the same year, Brues and Sheppard published the results of an intensive epidemiological study of the outbreak of ro11z, in Massachusetts. Special attention had been paid to the possibility of insect transfer and the following conclusion was reached: “Field work during the past summer together with a consideration of the epidemiology of the disease so far as known, points strongly toward biting flies as possible carriers of the virus. It seems probable that the common stable-fly (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) may be responsi- ble to a certain extent for the spread of acute epidemic poliomyelitis, possibly aided by other biting flies, such as Tabanus lineola. No facts which disprove such a hypothesis have as yet been adduced, and experiments based upon it are now in progress.’’ As stated by Brues (1913), especial suspicion fell upon the stable- fly because: 1. The blood-sucking habits of the adult fly suit it for the transfer of virus present in the blood. 2. The seasonal abundance of the fly is very closely correlated with the incidence of the disease, rising rapidly during the summer and reaching a maximum in July and August, then slowly declining in September and October. 3. The geographical distribution of the fly is, so far as can be ascertained, wider, or at least co-extensive with that of poliomyelitis. 4. Stomoxys is distinctly more abundant under rural conditions, than in cities and thickly populated areas. 5. While the disease spreads over districts quickly and in a rather erratic way, it often appears to follow along lines of travel, and it is known that Stomoxys flies will often follow horses for long distances along highways. 6. Ina surprisingly large number of cases, it appeared probable that the children affected had been in the habit of frequenting places where Stomoxys is particularly abundant, i.e., about stables, barn- yards, etc. Infantile Paralysis or Acute Anterior Poliomyelites 243 The experiments referred to were carried on during the summer of zg12 and in September Dr. Rosenau announced that the disease was transferred by the bite of the stable-fly. A monkey infected by inoculation was exposed to the bites of upwards of a thousand of the Stomoxys flies daily, by stretching it at full length and rolling it in a piece of chicken wire, and then placing it on the floor of the cage in which the flies were confined. The flies fed freely from the first, as well as later, after paralysis had set in. Alternating with the inoculated monkey, healthy monkeys were similarly introduced into the cage at intervals. New monkeys were inoculated to keep a supply of such infectedanimals and additional healthy ones were exposed to the flies, which fed willingly and in considerable numbers on each occasion. ‘‘Thus the flies were given every opportunity to obtain infection from the monkeys, since the animals were bitten during practically every stage of the disease from the time of the inoculation of the virus till their death follow- ing the appearance of paralysis. By the same arrangement the healthy monkeys were likely to be bitten by flies that had previously fed during the various stages of the disease on the infected monkeys. The flies had meanwhile enjoyed the opportunity of incubating the virus for periods varying from the day or two which usually elapses between consecutive feedings, to the two or three-week period for which at least some (although a very small percentage) of the flies lived in the cage.” “In all, twelve apparently healthy monkeys of a small Japan species were exposed to the flies in the manner described for the in- fected monkeys. Some were placed in the cage only once or twice and others a number of times after varying intervals. These ex- posures usually lasted for about half an hour, but were sometimes more protracted. No results were apparent until two or three weeks after the experiment was well under way, and then in rather rapid succession six of the animals developed symptoms of poliomye- litis. In three, the disease appeared in a virulent form, resulting in death, while the other three experienced transient tremblings, diarrhoea, partial paralysis and recovery.’’—Brues, 1913. Very soon after the announcement of the results of experiments by Rosenau and Brues, they were apparently conclusively confirmed by Anderson and Frost (1912), who repeated the experiments, at Washington. They announced that through the bites of the Stomoxys flies that had previously fed on infected monkeys, they had succeeded in experimentally infecting three healthy monkeys. 244 Arthropod Transmission of Disease The results of these experiments gained much publicity and in spite of the conservative manner in which they had been announced, it was widely proclaimed that infantile paralysis was conveyed in nature by the stable-fly and by it alone. Serious doubt was cast on this theory by the results of further experiments by Anderson and Frost, reported in May of 1913. Contrary to the expectations justified by their first experience, the results of all the later, and more extended, experiments were wholly negative. Not once were these investigators again able to transmit the infection of poliomyelitis through Stomoxys. They concluded that it was extremely doubtful that the insect was an important factor in the natural transmission of the disease, not only because of their series of negative results, “‘but also because recent experiments have afforded additional evidence of the direct transmissibility or con- tagiousness of poliomyelitis, and because epidemiological studies appear to us to indicate that the disease is more likely transmitted largely through passive human virus carriers.” Soon after this, Kling and Levaditi (1913) published their detailed studies on acute anterior poliomyelitis. They considered that the experiments of Flexner and Clark (and Howard and Clark), who fed house-flies on emulsion of infected spinal cord, were under conditions so different from what could occur in nature that one could not draw precise conclusions from them regarding the epidemiology of the disease. They cited the experiments of Josefson (1912), as being under more reasonable conditions. He sought to determine whether the inoculation of monkeys with flies caught in the wards of the Hospital for Contagious Diseases at Stockholm, where they had been in contact with cases of poliomyelitis, would produce the disease. The results were completely negative. Kling and Lavaditi made four attempts of this kind. The flies were collected in places where poliomyelitics had dwelt, three, four and twenty-four after the beginning of the disease in the family and one, three, and fifteen days after the patient had left the house. These insects were for the greater part living and had certainly been in contact with the infected person. In addition, flies were used which had been caught in the wards of the Hospital for Contagious Diseases at Séderkoping, when numbers of poliomyelitics were con- fined there. Finally, to make the conditions as favorable as possible, the emulsions prepared from these flies were injected without previous filtering, since filtration often causes a weakening of the virus. In Infantile Paralysis or Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis 245 spite of these precautions, all their results were negative, none of the inoculated animals having contracted poliomyelitis. They also experimented with bedbugs which had fed upon infected patients at various stages of the disease, but the results in these cases also were wholly negative. Kiing and Levaditi considered at length the possibility of trans- mission of the disease by Stomoxys. Asa result of their epidemiologi- cal studies, they found that infantile paralysis continued to spread in epidemic form in the dead of winter, when these flies were very rare and torpid, or were even completely absent. Numerous cases developed in the northern part of Sweden late in October and November, long after snow had fallen. On account of the rarity of the Stomoxys flies during the period of their investigations they were unable to conduct satisfactory experiments. In one instance, during a severe epidemic, they found a number of the flies in a stable near a house inhabited by an infected family, though none was found in the house itself. These flies were used in preparing an emulsion which, after filtering, was injected into the peritoneal cavity of a monkey. The result was wholly negative. As for the earlier experiments, Kling and Levaditi believe if the flies were responsible for the transmission of the disease in the cases reported by Rosenau and Brues, and the first experiments of Ander- son and Frost, it was because the virus of infantile paralysis is elimi- nated with the nasal secretions of paralyzed monkeys and the flies, becoming contaminated, had merely acted as accidental carriers. Still further evidence against the hypothesis of the transmission of acute anterior poliomyelitis by Stomoxys calcitrans was brought forward by Sawyer and Herms (1913). Special precautions were used to prevent the transference of saliva or other possibly infectious material from the surface of one monkey to that of another, and to avoid the possibility of complicating the experiments by intro- ducing other pathogenic organisms from wild flies, only laboratory- bred flies were used. Ina series of seven carefully performed experi- ments, in which the conditions were varied, Sawyer and Herms were unable to transmit poliomyelitis from monkey to monkey through the agency of Stomoxys, or to obtain any indication that the fly is the usual agent for spreading the disease in nature. The evidence at hand to date indicates that acute anterior polio- myelitis, or infantile paralysis, is transmitted by contact with in- fected persons. Under certain conditions insects may be agents in spreading the disease, but their réle is a subordinate one. 246 Arthropod Transmission of Disease Pellagra Pellagra is an endemic and epidemic disease characterized by a peculiar eruption or erythema of the skin (figs 144 and 14 5), digestive disturbances and nervous trouble. Insanity is a common result, rather than a precursor of the disease. The manifestations of pellagra are periodic and its duration indeter- minate. The disease is one the very name of which was almost unknown in the United States until within the past decade. It hasusually been regarded as tropical, though it occurs commonly in Italy and in various parts of Europe. Now it is known that it not only occurs quite generally in the United States but that it isspreading. Lav- inder (1911) says that ‘‘There are certainly many thousard cases of the disease in this country, and the pres- 144. Pellagrous eruption on the face. =» ent situation must be looked upon with grave concern.” It is not within the scope of this book to undertake a general discussion of pellagra. The subject is of such importance to every medical man that we cannot do better than refer to Lavinder’s valuable précis. We can only touch briefly upon the entomological phases of the problems presented. The most commonly accepted theories regarding the etiology of the disease have attributed it to the use of Indian corn as an article of diet. This supposed relationship was explained either on the basis of, (a) insufficiency of nutriment and inappropriateness of corn as a prime article of food; (b) toxicity of corn or, (c) parasitism of, certain organisms—fungi or bacteria—ingested with either sound or deteriorated corn. In 1905, Sambon proposed the theory of the protozoal origin’ of pellagra and in 1910 he marshalled an imposing array of objections to the theory that there existed any relationship between corn and the disease. He presented clear evidence that pellagra existed in Europe before the introduction of Indian corn from America, as an Pellagra 247 article of diet, and that its spread wasnot part passu with that of the use of corn. Cases were found in which the patients had apparently never used corn, though that is obviously difficult to establish. He showed that preventive measures based on the theory had been a failure. Finally, he believed that the recurrence of symptoms of the disease for successive springs, in patients who abstained absolutely from the use of corn, militated against the theory. On the other hand, Sambon believed that the periodicity of the symptoms, peculiarities of distribution and seasonal incidence, and analogies of the symptoms to those of other parasitic diseases indi- 145. Pellagrous eruption on the hand. After Watson. cated that pellagra was of protozoal origin, and that it was insect- borne. The insect carriers, he believed to be one or more species of Simuliide, or black-flies. In support of this he stated that Simulium appears to effect the same topographical conditions as pellagra, that in its imago stage it seems to present the same seasonal incidence, that it has a wide geographical distribution which seems to cover that of pellagra, and that species of the genus are known to cause severe epizootics. Concluding from his studies in Italy, that pel- lagra was limited almost wholly to agricultural laborers, he pointed out that the Simulium flies are found only in rural districts, and as a rule do not enter towns, villages, or houses. When Sambon’s detailed report was published in 1910, his theory was seized upon everywhere by workers who were anxious to test it 248 Arthropod Transmission of Disease 146. A favorite breeding place of Simulium. Ithaca, N. Y. Pellagra 249 and who, in most cases, were favorably disposed towards it because of the wonderful progress which had been made in the understanding of other insect-borne diseases. In this country, the entomological aspects of the subject have been dealt with especially by Forbes (1912), and by King and Jennings, under the direction of W. D. Hunter, of the Bureau of Entomology, and in co-operation with the Thompson-McFadden Pellagra Commission of the Department of Tropical Medicine of the New York Post-Graduate Medical School. An important series of experiments with monkeys has been undertaken by S.J. Hunter, of Kansas, but unfortunately wehave as yet no satisfactory evidence that these animals are susceptible to the disease—a fact which renders the whole problem difficult. The accumulated evidence is increasingly opposed to Sambon’s hypothesis of the transmission of pellagra by Simulium. This has been so clearly manifested in the work of the Thompson-McFadden Commission that we quote here from the report by Jennings (1914): ‘‘Our studies in 1912 convinced us that there was little evidence to support the incrimination of any species of Simulium in South Carolina in the transmission of pellagra. Reviewing the group as a whole, we find that its species are essentially ‘‘wild’’ and lack those habits of intimate association with man which would be expected in the vector of such a disease as pellagra. Although these flies are excessively abundant in some parts of their range and are moderately so in Spartanburg County, man is merely an incidental host, and no disposition whatever to seek him out or to invade his domicile seems to be manifested. Critically considered, it is nearer the fact that usually man is attacked only when he invades their habitat.” “As our knowledge of pellagra accumulates, it is more and more evident that its origin is in some way closely associated with the domicile. The possibility that an insect whose association with man and his immediate environment is, at the best, casual and desultory, can be active in the causation of the disease becomes increasingly remote.” “Our knowledge of the biting habits of Simulium is not complete, but it is evident, as regards American species at least, that these are sometimes not constant for the same species in different localities. Certain species will bite man freely when opportunity offers, while others have never been known to attack him. To assume that the proximity of a Simulium-breeding stream necessarily implies that persons in its vicinity must be attacked and bitten is highly fal- 250 Arthropod Transmission of Disease lacious. In Spartanburg County attacks by Simulium seems to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the breeding-places. Our records and observations, exceedingly few in number, refer almost exclusively to such locations. Statements regarding such attacks, secured with much care and discrimination from a large number of persons, including many pellagrins, indicate conclusively that these insects are seldom a pest of man in this county. A certain number of the persons questioned were familiar with the gnats in other localities, but the majority were seemingly ignorant of the existence of such flies with biting habits. This is especially striking, in view of the fact that the average distance of streams from the homes of the pellagra cases studied was about 200 yards, many being at a distance of less than 100 yards, and that 78 per cent of these streams were found to be infested by larval Stmulium. Such ignorance in a large number of persons cannot be overlooked and indicates strongly that our belief in the negligible character of local attacks by Simulium is well founded.” “In localities infested by ‘sand-flies,’ mosquitoes, etc., these pests are always well known and the ignorance described above is very significant.” “Such positive reports as we received nearly always referred to bites received in the open, along streams, etc., and observations made of their attack were of those on field laborers in similar situations. Males engaged in agricultural pursuits are almost exempt from pellagra in Spartanburg County. During the season of 1913, in some two or three instances, observations were made of the biting of Simulium and some additional and entirely creditable reports were received. These observations and reports were under condi- tions identical with those referred to in the reports of 1912 and con- firm the conclusions based on the observations of that year. I would repeat with emphasis that it is inconceivable that a fly of the appearance and habits of the prevalent species of Simulium could be present in such a region, especially about the haunts of man and attack him with sufficient frequency and regularity to satisfactorily account for so active and prevalent a disease as pellagra without being a well-known and recognized pest.” “In connection with the conditions in the Piedmont region of South Carolina, it may be well to cite the results of a study of those in the arid region of western Texas.” Pellagra 251 “In May, 1913, in company with Capt. J. F. Siler of the Thomp- son-McFadden Pellagra Commission, I visited the region of which Midland in Midland County is the center. This region is very dry and totally devoid of running water for a long distance in every direction. The only natural source of water-supply, a few water holes and ponds, were visited and found to be of such a nature that the survival of Simulium, far less its propagation in them, is abso- lutely impossible. The nearest stream affording possibilities as a source of Szmulium is 60 miles away, while the average distance of such possibility is not less than 100 miles.” ‘‘Artificial sources of water-supply were also investigated care- fully and were found to offer no opportunity for the breeding of Simulium.” “At Midland the histories of five cases of pellagra were obtained, which gave clear evidence that this place or its immediate vicinity was the point of origin. Persons of long residence in the country were questioned as to the occurrence of such flies as Simulium and returned negative answers. These included a retired cattle owner, who is a man of education and a keen observer, an expert veterinarian stationed in the country who has the cattle of the country under constant observation, and a practical cattle man, manager of a ranch and of wide experience. The latter had had experience with ‘Buf- falo gnats’ in other localities (in the East) and is well acquainted with them. His close personal supervision of the cattle under his charge, makes it practically certain that he would have discovered these gnats had they been present in the country.” “At the time the study was made, Simulium was breeding and active in the adult state in the vicinity of Dallas, Texas, in the eastern part of the state. We have here a region in which cases of pellagra have originated, yet in which Simulium does not and cannot breed.”’ Other possible insect vectors of pellagra have been studied in great detail and the available evidence indicates that if any insect plays a réle in the spread of the disease, Stomoxys calcitrans most nearly fills the conditions. This conclusion was announced by Jennings and King in 1912, and has been supported by their subse- quent work. Yet, after all the studies of the past decade, the old belief that pellagra is essentially of dietary origin is gaining ground. Gold- berger, Waring and Willets (1914) of the United States Public Health 252 Arthropod Transmission of Disease Service summarize their conclusions in the statement, (1) that it is dependent on,some yet undetermined fault in a diet in which the animal or leguminous protein component is disproportionately large and (2) that no pellagra develops in those who consume a mixed, well-balanced, and varied diet, such, for example, as that furnished by the Government to the enlisted men of the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. Leprosy Leprosy is a specific, infectious disease due to Bacillus lepre, and characterized by the formation of tubercular nodules, ulcerations, and disturbances of sensation. In spite of the long time that the disease has been known and the dread with which it is regarded, little is known concerning the method of transfer of the causative organism or the means by which it gains access to the human body. It is known that the bacilli are to be found in the tubercles, the scurf of the skin, nasal secretions, the sputum and, in fact in prac- tically all the discharges of the leper. Under such conditions it is quite conceivable that they may be transferred in some instances from diseased to healthy individuals through the agency of insects and other arthropods. Many attempts have been made to demon- strate this method of spread of the disease, but with little success. Of the suggested insect carriers none seem to meet the conditions better than mosquitoes, and there are many suggestions in literature that these insects play an important réle in the transmission of leprosy. The literature has been reviewed and important experi- mental evidence presented by Currie (1910). He found that mosqui- toes feeding, under natural conditions, upon cases of nodular leprosy so rarely, if ever, imbibe the lepra bacillus that they cannot be regarded as one of the ordinary means of transference of this bacillus from lepers to the skin of healthy persons. He believes that the reason that mosquitoes that have fed on lepers do not contain the lepra bacillus is that when these insects feed they insert their probos- cis directly into a blood vessel and thus obtain bacilli-free blood, unmixed with lymph. The same worker undertook to determine whether flies are able to transmit leprosy. He experimented with five species found in Honolulu,p—Musca domestica, Sarcophaga pallinervis, Sarcophaga barbata, Volucella obesa and an undetermined species of Lucilia. The experiments with Musca domestica were the most detailed. Leprosy 253 From these experiments he concluded, first, that all of the above- named flies, when given an opportunity to feed upon leprous fluids, will contain the bacilli in their intestinal tracts and feces for several . days after such feeding. Second, that considering the habits of these flies, and especially those of Musca domestica, it is certain that, given an exposed leprous ulcer, these insects will frequently convey immense numbers of lepra bacilli, directly or indirectly, to the skins, nasal mucosa, and digestive tracts of healthy persons. Additional evidence along this line has recently been brought forward by Honeij and Parker (1914), who incriminate both Musca domestica and Stomoxys calcitrans. Whether or not such insect-borne bacilli are capable of infecting persons whose skin and mucosa are thus contaminated, Currie was unwilling to maintain, but he concludes that until we have more accurate knowledge on this point, we are justified in regarding these insects with grave suspicion of being one of the means of disseminating leprous infection. Various students of the subject have suggested that bed-bugs may be the carriers of leprosy and have determined the presence of acid-fast bacilli in the intestines of bed-bugs which had fed on leprous patients. Opposed to this, the careful experiments of Thompson (1913) and of Skelton and Parkham (1913) have been wholly nega- tive. Borrel has recently suggested that Demodex, may play a réle in spreading the infection in families. Many other insects and acariens have been suggested as possible vectors, but the experimental data are few and in no wise conclusive. The most that can be said is that it is quite possible that under favorable conditions the infection might be spread by any of the several blood-sucking forms or by house-flies. Verruga peruviana Verruga peruviana is defined by Castellani and Chalmers as “a chronic, endemic, specific, general disorder of unknown origin, not contagious, but apparently inoculable, and characterized by an ir- regular fever associated with rheumatoid pains, anemia, followed by granulomatous swellings in the skin, mucous membranes, and organs of the body.” It has been generally believed by medical men interested that the comparatively benign eruptive verruga is identical with the so-called Oroya, or Carrion’s fever, a malignant type. This view is not supported by the work of Strong, Tyzzer and Brues, (1913). . 254 Arthropod Transmission of Disease The disease is confined to South America and to definitely limited areas of those countries in which it does occur. It is especially prevalent in some parts of Peru. The causative organism and the method of transfer of verruga are unknown. Castellani and Chalmers pointed out in 1910 that the study of the distribution of the disease in Peru would impress one with the similarity to the distribution of the Rocky Mountain fever and would lead to the conclusion that the etiological cause must in some way be associated with some blood-sucking animal, perhaps an arachnid, and that this is supported by the fact that the persons most prone to the infection are those who work in the fields. More recently, Townsend (1913), in a series of papers, has main- tained that verruga and Carrion’s disease are identical, and that they are transmitted to man by the bites of the Psychodid fly, Phlebotomus verrucarum. He succeeded in producing the eruptive type of the disease in experimental animals by injecting a physiological salt trituration of wild Phlebotomus flies. A cebus monkey was exposed from October 10 to November 6, by chaining him to a tree in the verruga zone, next to a stone wall from which the flies emerged in large numbers every night. Miliar eruption began to appear on the orbits November 13 and by November 21, there were a number of typical eruptions, with exudation on various parts of the body exactly like miliar eruptive sores commonly seen on legs of human cases. An assistant in the verruga work, George E. Nicholson, contracted the eruptive type of the disease, apparently as a result of being bitten by the Phlebotomus flies. He had slept in a verruga zone, under a tight net. During the night he evidently put his hands in contact with the net, for in the morning there were fifty-five unmistakable Phlebotomus bites on the backs of his hands and wrists. Townsend believes that in nature, lizards constitute the reservoir of the disease and that it is from them that the Phlebotomus flies receive the infection. Cancer There are not wanting suggestions that this dread disease is carried, or even caused, by arthropods. Borrel (1909) stated that he had found mites of the genus Demodex in carcinoma of the face and of the mamme. He believed that they acted as carriers of the virus. Cancer 285 Saul (1910) and Dahl (1910) go much further, since they attribute the production of the malignant growth to the presence of mites which Saul had found incancers. These Dahl described as belonging to a new species, which he designated Tarsonemus hominis. These findings have since been confirmed by several workers. Neverthe- less, the presence of the mite is so rare that it cannot be regarded as an important factor in the causation of the disease. The theory that cancer is caused by an external parasite is given little credence by investigators in this field. In conclusion, it shouldbe noted that themedical and entomolog- ical literature of the past few years abounds in suggestions, and in unsupported direct statements that various other diseases are insect- borne. Knab (1912) has well said ‘‘Since the discovery that certain blood-sucking insects are the secondary hosts of pathogenic para- sites, nearly every insect that sucks blood, whether habitually or occasionally, has been suspected or considered a possible transmitter of disease. No thought seems to have been given to the conditions and the characteristics of the individual species of blood-sucking insects, which make disease transmission possible.”’ He points out that “in order to be a potential transmitter of human blood-parasites, an insect must be closely associated with man and normally have opportunity to suck his blood repeatedly. It is not sufficient that occasional specimens bite man, as, for example, is the case with forest mosquitoes. Although a person may be bitten by a large number of such mosquitoes, the chances that any of these mosquitoes survive to develop the parasites in question, (assuming such development to be possible), and then find opportunity to bite and infect another person, are altogether too remote. Applying this criterion, not only the majority of mosquitoes but many other blood-sucking insects, such as Tabanide and Simuliide, may be confidently eliminated. Moreover, these insects are mostly in evidence only during a brief season, so that we have an additional difficulty of avery long interval during which there could be no prop- agation of the disease in question.’””’ He makes an exception of tick-borne diseases, where the parasites are directly transmitted from the tick host to its offspring and where, for this reason, the insect remains a potential transmitter for a very long period. He also cites the trypanosome diseases as possible exceptions, since the causa- tive organisms apparently thrive in a number of different vertebrate hosts and may be transmitted from cattle, or wild animals, to man. 256 Arthropods Transmission of Disease Knab’s article should serve a valuable end in checking irrespon- sible theorizing on the subject of insect transmission of disease. Nevertheless, the principles which he laid down cannot be applied to the cases of accidental carriage of bacterial diseases, or to those of direct inoculation of pyogenic organisms, or of blood parasites such as the bacillus of anthrax, or of bubonic plague. Accumulated evidence has justified the conclusion that certain trypanosomes pathogenic to man are harbored by wild mammals, and so form an exception. Townsend believes that lizards constitute the natural reservoir of verruga; and it seems probable that field mice harbor the organism of tsutsugamushi disease. Such instances are likely to accumulate as our knowledge of the relation of arthropods to disease broadens. ‘CHAPTER XII HOMINOXIOUS ARTHROPODS The following synoptic tables are presented in the hope that they may be of service in giving the reader a perspective of the relation- ships of the Arthropoda in general and enabling him to identify the more important species which have been found noxious to man. Though applicable chiefly to the arthropods found in the United States, exotic genera and species which are concerned in the trans- mission of disease are also included. For this reason the keys to the genera of the Muscids of the world are given. As will be seen, the tables embrace a number of groups of species which are not injurious. This was found necessary in order that the student might not be lead to an erroneous determination which would result were he to attempt to identify a species which heretofore had not been considered noxious, by means of a key containing only the noxious forms. The names printed in bold faced type indicate the hominoxious arthropods which have been most commonly mentioned in literature. CRUSTACEA Arthropods having two pairs of antennz which are sometimes modified for grasping, and usually with more than five pairs of legs. With but few exceptions they are aquatic creatures. Representatives are: Crabs, lobsters, shrimps, crayfish, water-fleas, and woodlice. To this class belongs the Cyclops (fig. 122) a genus of minute aquatic crustaceans of which at least one species harbors Dracunculus medi- nensis, the Guinea worm (fig. 121). MYRIAPODA Elongate, usually vermiform, wingless, terrestrial creatures having one pair of antenne, legs attached to each of the many intermediate body segments. This group is divided into two sections, now usually given class rank: the Diplopoda or millipeds (fig. 13), commonly known as thousand legs, characterized by having two pairs of legs attached to each intermediate body segment, and the Chilopoda or centipeds (fig. 14) having only one pair of legs to each body seg- ment. 257 258 Hominoxious Arthropods ARACHNIDA In this class the antennz are apparently wanting, wings are never present, and the adults are usually provided with four pairs of legs. Scorpions, harvest-men, spiders, mites, etc. HEXAPODA (Insects) True insects have a single pair of antenne, which is rarely vestigial, and usually one or two pairs of wings in the adult stage. Familiar examples are cockroaches, crickets, grasshoppers, bugs, dragonflies, butterflies, moths, mosquitoes, flies, beetles, ants, bees and wasps. ORDERS OF THE ARACHNIDA a. Abdomen distinctly segmented. A group of orders including scorpions, (fig. 11), whip-scorpions (fig. 10), pseudo-scorpions, solpugids (fig. 12) harvest-men (daddy-long-legs or harvestmen), etc........ ARTHROGASTRA aa. Abdomen unsegmented, though sometimes with numerous annulations RS Rael eat lt aes gee cat pat haves oh toads le ul GEE LE Sok aaa eee te eA SPHZROGASTRA b. A constriction between cephalothorax and abdomen (fig. 7). True Spiders she oct A MN e A a Mn LR nae ty Manica tinue cess aes ARANEIDA bb. No deep constriction between these parts. c. Legs usually well developed, body more.or less depressed (fig. 49). Mites Fu sauabota paececinoisas ot BslantoB yooh ease Bio eebee a: aheg Ban ghedarat enduey shin aud sy Maesliah seis ends fex ACARINA cc. Legs stumpy or absent, body more or less elongate or vermiform, or if _ shorter, the species is aquatic or semi-aquatic in habit. d. Four pairs of short legs; species inhabiting moss or water. Water- BOATS: Wis nyata uiemis'a ay ais ehin gi owe ats ehh yam Saw c Pa NTN TARDIGRADA dd. Two pairs of clasping organs near the mouth, instead of legs, in the adult; worm-like creatures parasitic within the nasal passages, lungs, etc. of mammals and reptiles (fig. 148). Tongue worms. a sehr ah aay nate WBiper BA ARTS. AS LSA saa tLe Tg ae SN AOR GieHe GOREN RAS LINGUATULINA 148. Linguatula, (a) larva; (enlarged). (6) adult; (natural size). Acarina 259 ACARINA* a. Abdomen annulate, elongate; very minute forms, often with but four legs (88562) 35 sonhacire Ghee nea Cee Oe Cues eR wae: DEMODICOIDEA b. With but four legs of five segments each. Living on plants, often forming ANS sg ks te i Leo “ars ines Ortega aha er ink Heal wb aude dow a hab dies bk ERIOPHYIDE bb. With eight legs, of three segments each. Living in the skin of mammals eo sih Galehee he tik tee Sri dorset ve wy aah BOR HES RATES fesey te Re eV DEMODICIDE To this family belongs the genus Demodex found in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of various mammals, including man. D. phylloides Csokor has been found in Canada on swine, causing white tubercles on the skin. D. bovis Stiles has been reported from the United States on cattle, upon the skin of which they form swellings. D. folliculorum Simon is the species found on man. See page 78. aa. Abdomen not annulate nor prolonged behind; eight legs in the adult stage. b. With a distinct spiracle upon a stigmal plate on each side of the body (usu- ally ventral) above the third or fourth coxe or a little behind (fig. 50); palpi free; skin often coriaceous or leathery; tarsi often with a sucker. c. Hypostome large (fig. 50), furnished below with many recurved teeth; venter with furrows, skin leathery; large forms, usually parasitic iy Shy Senne Oe we auceh ob Ail AlareIR BBR ba oa vege se a RB IxopoIDEA d. Without scutum but covered by a more or less uniform leathery integu- ment; festoons absent; coxe unarmed, tarsi without ventral spurs; pulvilli absent or vestigial in the adults; palpi cylindrical; sexual dimorphisim: Slight 25.40 224 A344 ses ss Bo bs BESO S ways LE ARGASIDE e. Body flattened, oval or rounded, with a distinct flattened margin differing in structure from the general integument; this margin gives the body a sharp edge which is not entirely obliterated even when the tick is full fed. Capitulum (in adults and nymphs) entirely invisible dorsally, distant in the adult by about its own length from the anterior border. Eyes absent...... Argus Latr. f. Body oblong; margin with quadrangular cells; anterior tibie and metatarsi each about three times as long as broad. On poultry, southwest United States................ A. persicus miniatus A. brevipes Banks, a species with proportionately shorter legs has been recorded from Arizona. ff. With another combination of characters. About six other species of Argas from various parts of the world, parasitic on birds and mammals. ee. Body flattened when unfed, but usually becoming very convex on distention; anterior end more or less pointed and hoodlike; margin thick and not clearly defined, similar in structure to the rest of the integument and generally disappearing on distention; capitulum subterminal, its anterior portions often visible dorsally in the adult; eyes present in some species. f. Integument pitted, without rounded tubercles; body provided with many short stiff bristles; eyes absent. On horses, cattle Ani AMAT CAP AB) io sca US son gies eect thes dead Otiobius Banks. O. megnini, a widely distributed species, is the type of this genus. *Adapted from Banks, Nuttall, Warburton, Stiles, et. al. 260 Hominoxious Arthropods ff, Integument with rounded tubercles or granules; body without stiff PHISHIES!. codes hse SR RTA Ree Ea Ae eR ENs Ornithodoros Koch. g. Two pairs of eyes; tarsi IV with a prominent subterminal spur above; leg I strongly roughened. On cattle and man. 2 wiplabed ce cee aia aes a Sa a arate Aco hciya Saree ae See O. coriaceus gg. No eyes; no such spur on the hind tarsi. h. Tarsi I without humps above............+-+++- O. talaje. hh. Tarsi I with humps above. i. Tarsi IV without distinct humps above. On hogs, cattle ANGAMAN): We cand gus ioe eee Se AAs Fe eons see O. turicata ii. Tarsi IV with humps nearly equidistant (fig. 142). Africa. O. moubata — : Ay ys one bade frosl.anal praeve P 149. Hemaphysalis wellingtoni. Note short palpi. After Nuttall and Warburton. dd. With scutum or shield (fig. 50); festoons usually present; cox usually armed with spurs, tarsi generally with one or two ventral spurs; pulvilli present in the adults; sexual dimorphism pronounced SSS CRRA SED SES WE See Oe ecg epee hea es dea ae eee ae IXODIDZ e. With anal grooves surrounding anus in front; inornate; without eyes; no posterior marginal festoons; venter of the male with non- salient plates. Numerous species, 14 from the United States, among them I. ricinus (fig. 49 and 50), scapularis, cookei, hexa- gonus, bicornis. Ixodes Latr. (including Ceratixodes). ee. With anal groove contouring anus behind, or groove faint or obsolete. f. With short palpi (fig. 149). g. Without eyes, inornate, with posterior marginal festoons; male without ventral plates. Numerous species. H. chordeilis and leporis-palustris from the United States .............. ATiahoce Sai tensa atcaicen tipsy dened Steins ate si Hemaphysalis Koch. Acarina 261 150. Stigmal plate of Dermacentor andersoni; (@) of male, (b) of female. After Stiles. (c) Dermacentor variabilis, male- (d) Glyciphagus obesus; (e) Otodectes cynotis; (f) Tyroglyphus lintneri; (g) Tarsonemus pallidus; (kh) anal plate and mand ble of Liponyssus; (c) to (h) after Banks. 262 Hominoxious Arthropods gg. With eyes. h. Anal groove distinct; posterior marginal festoons present. i. Base of the capitulum (fig. 150c) rectangular dorsally; usually ornate............0-.0000- Dermacentor Koch. j. Adults with four longitudinal rows of large denticles on each half of hypostome; stigmal plate nearly circular, without dorso-lateral prolongation, goblets very large, attaining 43H to 115¢ in diameter; not over 40 per plate, each plate surrounded by an elevated row of regularly arranged supporting cells; white rust want- ing; base of capitulum distinctly broader than long, its postero-lateral angles prolonged slightly, if at all; coxe I with short spurs; trochanter I with small dorso-terminal blade. Texas, Arizona, etc. D.nitens 151. Rhipicephalus bursa, male. After Nuttall and Warburton. jj. Adults with three longitudinal rows of large denticles on each half of hypostome; goblet cells always more than 40 per plate; whitish rust usually present. k. Dorso-lateral prolongation of stigmal plate small or absent; plates of the adults distinctly longer than broad; goblet cells large, usually 30u to 85m in diameter, appearing as very coarse punctations on untreated specimens, but on specimens treated with caustic potash they appear very distinct in outline; base of capitulum distinctly (usually about twice) broader than long, the postero-lateral angles distinctly produced caudad; spurs of coxe I long, | lateral spur slightly longer than median; tro- chanter I with dorso-terminal spur. D. albipictus, = variegatus), salmont, nigrolineatus. Acarina 263 kk. Dorso-lateral prolongation of stigmal plate distinct. 1. Body of plate distinctly longer than broad; goblet cells of medium size, usually 17.54 to 354 or 40m in diameter, appearing as medium sized punctua- tions on untreated specimens, but on the speci- mens treated with caustic potash they appear very distinct in outline, which is not circular; base of capitulum usually less than twice as broad as long, the postero-lateral angles always dis- tinctly prolonged caudad. m. Trochanter I with distinct dorso-subterminal retrograde sharp, digitate spur; postero- lateral angles of capitulum pronouncedly prolonged caudal, 112% to 160 long; goblet cells attain 134 to 4ou in diameter; type locality California........... D. occidentalis mm. Trochanter I with dorso-terminal blade; postero- lateral angles of capitulum with rather short prolongations. n. Stigmal plate small, goblet cells not exceeding 45 inthe male or 100 in the female; scutum with little rust, coxa I with short spurs, the inner distinctly shorter than the outer teen och tne ee D. parumapertus-marginatus nn. Stigmal plate larger; goblet cells over 70 in the male and over 100 in the female; coxa I with longer spurs, inner slightly shorter than the outer; scutum with considerable TUS tia son yooh Seas eae ease D. venustus* tl. Goblet cells small, rarely exceeding 17.64, occasional- ly reaching 194 in diameter; on untreated speci- mens they appear as very fine granulations, and on specimens treated with caustic potash they may be difficult to see, but their large number can be determined from the prominent stems of the goblets; surface of outline of the goblets dis- tinctly circular; base of the capitulum usually less than twice as broad as long, the postero-lateral angle distinctly prolonged caudad; spurs of CORB LIONS soci w chavs nanos eae Manas aaeioaes sina oS D. reticulatus and electus (= partubais?) ii. Base of the capitulum (fig. 151) tisually hexagonal (except in the male of puchellus); and usually inornate. *Dr. C. W. Stiles considers the species which is responsible for spotted fever distinct from the venustus of Banks, separating it as follows: Goblet cells about 75 in the male or 105 in the female. Texas. D. venustus. Goblet cells 157 in the male, or 120 in the female; stigmal plate shaped as shown in the figure (figs. 150 a,b). Montana, etc. D. andersoni. 264 Hominoxious Arthropods j. No ventral plate or shield in either sex (fig. 153). R. bicornis from the United States ....Rhipicentor Nuttall jj. Males with a pair of adanal shields, and usually a pair of accessory adanal shields. Numerous species, among them R. sanguineus (fig. 154) and texanus, the latter from the United States...... Rhipicephalus Koch hh. Anal grooves faint or obsolete; no marginal festoons. i. Short palpi; highly chitinized; unfed adults of large size; coxee conical; male with a median plate prolonged in two long spines projecting caudad; segments of leg pair IV greatly swollen (fig. 155, 156). M. winthemi.......... Margaropus Karsch 152, Monieziella (Histiogaster) emtomophaga~spermatica, ventral aspect, male and female. After Trouessart, ii. Very short palpi, ridged dorsally and laterally; slightly chitinized; unfed adults of smaller size; coxe I bifid; male with adanal and accessory adanal shields (fig. 139). B. annulatus........................ Boophilus Curtis ff. Palpi longer than broad (fig. 157). g. Male with pair of adanal shields, and two posterior abdominal protrusions cappéd by chitinized points; festoons present or absent. Several species, among them H. egypticum (fig. 140) from the old world.................... Hyalomma Koch gg. Male without adanal shields but small ventral plaques are occassionally present close to the festoons. Many species, a few from the Unted States (fig. 157).... Amblyomma Koch h. Coxa I with but one spine; metatarsi (except I) with two thickened spurs at tips................ A. maculatum hh. Coxa I with two spines; metatarsi without stout spurs at tips, only slender hairs. Acarina 265 1, Projections of coxa I blunt and short. Large species on the gopher tortoise in Florida.......... A. tuberculatum ii. Projections of coxa I longer, and at least one of them sharp pointed; second segment of palpus twice as long as the third; coxa IV of the male with a long spine. j. Porose areas nearly circular; shield of both sexes pale yellowish, with some silvery streaks and marks, and some reddish spots; shield of female as broad as long. Jauiirerivsnemany some ee ts A. cayennense ( =mixtum). jj. Porose areas elongate, shield brown, in the female with an apical silvery mark, in the male with two small and two or four other silvery spots; shield of the fe- male longer than broad (fig 158 e)..A. americanum. Internal Spur External Sper Genclul Ovifree- Coxa In Coxe AT Coca zr. Coxa€ Spurs 2 Soiracle— JSestoo 2S 153. Rhipicentor bicornis, ventral aspect, male. After Nuttall and Warburton. ec. Hypostome small, without teeth, venter without furrows; body often with coriaceous shields, posterior margin of the body never crenulate (i.e. without festoons); no eyesS.............. GAMASOIDEA. d. Parasitic on vertebrates; mandibles fitted for piercing; body sometimes Constricted): wes soem ote cds eee tales DERMANYSSIDA. e, Anal plate presenti... gcscccne se csaneceins antes eames DERMANYSSINE. f. Body short; legs stout, hind pair reaching much beyond the tip of the body. On bats..............00 eens Pteroptus Dufour. ff. Body long; hind legs not reaching beyond the tip of the body. g. Peritreme on the dorsum, very short; body distinctly con- SETICTEG wi. - < as ascqe ned agers oes Carpoglyphus Robin. ll. The bristle on the penultimate segment of the legs arise from near the tip; a suture between cephalo- thorax and abdomen. m. Cephalothorax with four distinct and long bristles in a transverse row; tarsi I and II about twice as long as the preceding segment (fig. 150 f) sa ae cng salgnatagya NG nie aes $e peer Tyroglyphus Latr. n. Some bristles on tarsi I and II near middle, distinctly spine-like; the sense hair about its length from the base of the segment. Several species in the United States belong to this group. nn. No spine-like bristles near the middle of the tarsi; sense hair not its length from the base of the segment. o. Of the terminal abdominal bristles, only two are about as long as the abdomen; leg I of the male greatly thickened and with a spine at apex of the femur below. .T. farinz. oo. Of the terminal abdominal bristles at least six or more are very long, nearly as long as the body. p. Bristles of the body distinctly plumose or pectinate; tarsi very long..T. longior. pp. Bristles of the body not pectinate. q. In mills, stored foods, grains, etc. Third and fourth joints of hind legs scarcely twice as long as broad; abdominal bristles not unusually long; legs I Acarina 269 and II of the male not unusually SPOUT ig 5 anneal aastnetins T. americanus. qq. With other characters and habits. T. lintneri (fig. 150 f£) the mushroom mite, and several other species. mm. Cephalothorax with but two long distinct bristles (besides the frontal pair), but some- times a very minute intermediate pair; tarsi I and II unusually short and not twice as long as the preceding segment. n. Tarsi with some stout spines. Rhizoglyphus Clap. The species of this genus are vegetable feed- ers. Several occur in the United States. R. parsiticus and R. spinitarsus have been recorded from the old world, attacking human beings who handle affected plants. nn. Tarsi with only fine hairs. .Monieziella Berl. The species of this genus, as far as known, are predaceous or feed on recently killed animal matter. Several species occur in the United States. M. (=Histiogaster) entomophaga (fig. 152) from the old world has been recorded as injurious to man. ge. Genital suckers absent; integument with fine parallel lines. Parasitic on birds and mammals. h. Possessing a specially developed apparatus for clinging to hairs of mammals..................4. LISTROPHORIDE. hb. Without such apparatus. ji. Living on the plumage of birds........ ANALGESIDZ. ii. In the living tissues of birds and mammals. j. Vulva longitudinal. In the skin and cellular tissues of birds ....... repheesinse Beguis dyteenda inane CYTOLEICHIDE. This family contains two species, both occurring in the United States on the common fowl. Laminosioptes cysticola occurs on the skin and also bores into the subcutaneous tissue where it gives rise to a cal- careous cyst. Cytoleichus nudus is most commonly found in the air passages and air cells. jj. Vulva transverse. In the skin of mammals and birds Lah dada sabre needs Bakes Ree yee wae SARCOPTIDE k. Anal opening on the dorsum. 1. Third pair of legs in the male without apical suckers. On cats and rabbits.............. Noteedres Rail. The itch mite of the cat, N. cati (fig. 61) has been recorded on man. ll. Third leg in the male with suckers. On bats.... eile (aidan eas pie nuatetsel Miah adhe Prosopodectes Can. 270 Hominoxtous Arthropods kk. Anal opening below. 1. Pedicel of the suckers jointed; mandibles styliform and serrate near the tip........ Psoroptes Gerv. P. communis ovis is the cause of sheep scab. ll. Pedicel of the suckers not jointed; mandibles chelate. m. No suckers on the legs of the females; parasitic on birds, including chickens. C. mutans is itch mite of chickens. Cnemidocoptes Faurst. mm. Suckers at least on legs I and II; parasitic on mammals. n. Legs very short; in the male the hind pairs equal in size; body usually short.......... tA Ghied elon 4 Peal hn sui acateyreals oe Sarcoptes Latr. S. scabiei is the itch mite of man (fig. 56). “* Sfuare = claw bulithas fauna 157. Amblyomma, female. After Nuttall and Warburton. nn, Legs more slender; in the male the third pair is much larger than the fourth; body more elongate. o. Female with suckers on the fourth pair of legs. Species do not burrow in the skin, but produce a scab similar to sheep scab. They occur in the ox, horse, sheep and goat Hep aa Palle 24 HG Be eeu Chorioptes Gerv. C. symbiotes bovis of the ox has been recorded a few times on man. oo. Female without suckers to the fourth legs. p. Hind part of the male abdomen with two lobes. On a few wild animals........ Acarina 271 pp. Hind part of the male abdomen without lobes. Live in ears of dogs and cats eed eee Wa) te Kee a Otodectes Canestr. O. cynotis Hering (fig. 150 e) has been taken in the United States. ee. Palpi usually of four or five segments, free; rarely with ventral suckers near genital or anal openings; eyes often present; tarsi never end in suckers; body usually divided into cephalothorax and abdomen; rod-like epimera rarely visible; adults rarely parasitic. f. Last segment of the palpi never forms a thumb to the preceding segment; palpi simple, or rarely formed to hold prey; body with: ‘but: few -hairsy. . ecace ca ex oae exe oad ee EUPODOIDEA. g. Palpi often geniculate, or else fitted for grasping prey; mandi- bles large and snout like; cephalothorax with four long bristles above, two in front, two behind; last segment of leg I longer than the preceding segment, often twice as long..... ear Rees aed CDER AE aOR oe ea Des eee ee Me OTE BDELLID. gg. Palpi never geniculate (fig. 158a), nor fitted for grasping prey: beak small; cephalothorax with bristles in different arrange- ment; last segment of leg I shorter or but little longer than the preceding joint; eyes when present near posterior border a2 ere eened Gers ope eee eure ee edeNes EUPODIDZ Moniez has described a species from Belgium (Tydeus molestus) which attacks man. It is rose colored; eye- less; its legs are scarcely as long as its body, the hind femur is not thickened; the mandibles are small and the anal opening is on the venter. The female attains a length of about 0.3 mm. ff. Last segment of the palpus forms a thumb to the preceding, which ends in a claw (with few exceptions); body often with many Ihaits: (ig: 158: Myer. naccnesg awd iaeune caries TROMBIDOIDEA. g. Legs I and II with processes bearing spines; skin with several shields; coxe contiguous...............-..000-- CACULIDE. gg. Legs I and II without such processes; few if any shields. h. Palpi much thickened on the base, moving laterally, last joint often with two pectinate bristles; no eyes; legs I ending in several long hairs; adult sometimes parasitic i, Siti a KI spe way a SIGE S aie win eee Ne iene wate carat CHEYLETIDE Cheyletus eruditus, which frequents old books, has once been found in pus discharged from the ear of man. hh. Palpi less thickened, moving vertically; eyes usually present; leg I not ending in long hairs. i. Coxze contiguous, radiate; legs slender, bristly; body with few hairs; no dorsal groove; tarsi not swollen.......... sidassosicd deitesn, soabiutheva, sane tts ped RMA RE WRASSE ERYTHREIDA. ii. Coxe more or less in two groups; legs less bristly. 272 Hominoxious Arthropods yl 158. (a) Tydeus, beak and leg from below; (b) Cheyletus pyriformis, beak and palpus; (c) beak and claw of Pediculoides; (d) leg of Sarcoptes; (e) scutum of female of Amblyomma americana; (f) leg I and tip of mandible of Histio- stoma americana; (g) Histiogaster malus, mandible and venter; (hk) Aleuro- bius faring, and leg 1 of male; (4) Otodectes cynotis, tip of abdomen of male, (j) beak and anal plate of Dermanyssus galling; (Rk) palpus of Allothrom- bium. (a) to (7) after Banks. Acarina 273 j. Body with fewer, longer hairs; often spinning threads; no dorsal groove; tarsi never swollen; mandibles styliform (for piercing).............. TETRANYCHIDE The genus Tetranychus may be distinguished from the other genera occurring in the United States by the following characters: No scale-like projections on the front of the cephalothorax; legs I as long or longer than the body; palp ends in a distinct thumb; the body is about 1.5 times as long as broad. T. molestissimus Weyenb. from South America, and T. telarius from Europe and America ordinarily infesting plants, are said also to molest man. jj. Body with many fine hairs or short spines; not spinning threads; often with dorsal groove; tarsi often swollen. k. Mandibles styliform for piercing. ... RHyYCHOLOPHID. kk. Mandibles chelate, for biting.......... TROMBIDIDE The genus Trombidium has recently been sub- divided by Berlese into a number of smaller ones, of which some five or six occur in the United States. The mature mite is not para- sitic but the larvee which are very numerous in certain localities will cause intense itching, soreness, and even more serious complications. They burrow beneath the skin and produce inflammed spots. They have received the popular name of ‘‘red bug,’”” The names Leptus americanus and L. irritans have been applied to them, although they are now known to be im- mature stages. (Fig. 44.) HEXAPODA (Insecta) The Thysanura (springtails and bristletails), the Neuropteroids (may-flies, stone-flies, dragon-flies, caddis-flies, etc.), Mallophaga (bird lice), Physopoda (thrips), Orthoptera (grasshoppers, crickets, roaches), are of no special interest from our viewpoint. The remain- ing orders are briefly characterized below. SIPHUNCULATA (page 275) Mouth parts suctorial; parasitic upon mammals. beak fleshy, not jointed; insect wingless; Metamorphosis incomplete. Lice. HEMIPTERA (page 275) Mouth parts suctorial; beak or the sheath of the beak jointed; in the mature state usually with four wings. In external appearance 274 Hominoxious Arthropods the immature insect resembles the adult except that the immature form (i.e. nymph) never has wings, the successive instars during the process of growth, therefore, are quite similar; and the meta- morphosis is thus incomplete. To this order belong the true bugs, the plant lice, leaf hoppers, frog hoppers, cicadas, etc. LEPIDOPTERA The adult insect has the body covered with scales and (with the rare exception of the females of a few species) with four wings also covered with scales. Proboscis, when present, coiled, not seg- mented, adapted for sucking. Metamorphosis complete, i.e. the young which hatches from the egg is quite unlike the adult, and after undergoing several molts transforms into a quiescent pupa which is frequently enclosed in a cocoon from which the adult later emerges. The larve are known as caterpillars. Butterflies and moths. DIPTERA (page 285) The adult insect is provided with two, usually transparent, wings, the second pair of wings of other insects being replaced by a pair of halteres or balancers. In a few rare species the wings, or halteres, or both, are wanting. The mouth parts, which are not segmented, are adapted for sucking. The tarsi are five-segmented. Metamorphosis complete. The larve, which are never provided with jointed legs, are variously known as maggots, or grubs, or wrigglers. Flies, midges, mosquitoes. SIPHONAPTERA (page 316) Mouth parts adapted for sucking; body naked or with bristles and spines; prothorax well developed; body compressed; tarsi with five segments; wings absent. Metamorphosis complete. The larva is a wormlike creature. Fleas. COLEOPTERA Adult with four wings (rarely wanting), the first pair horny or leathery, veinless, forming wing covers which meet in a line along the middle of the back. Mouth parts of both immature stages and adults adapted for biting and chewing. Metamorphosis complete. The larve of many species are known as grubs. Beetles. Siphunculata and Hemiptera 275 HYMENOPTERA Adult insect with four, usually transparent, wings, wanting in some species. Mouth parts adapted for biting and sucking; palpi small; tarsi four or five-segmented. Metamorphosis complete. Parasitic four-winged flies, ants, bees, and wasps. SIPHUNCULATA AND HEMIPTERA a. Legs with claws fitted for clinging to hairs; wings wanting; spiracles of the abdomen on the dorsal surface. (=ANOPLURA=PARASITICA)..... Sidbts oases ca blalenbeake ditch Gale atch: ois nesneeheA voce oe ace Nastaaraone wate SIPHUNCULATA. b. Legs not modified into clinging hooks; tibia and tarsus very long and slender; tibia without thumb-like process; antenne five-segmented Ase Mal LONE St Rane HERE eo ee Mer Sa DEL RAE H#MATOMYZID& Endr. Hematomyzus elephantis on the elephant. bb. Legs modified into clinging hooks; tibia and tarsus usually short and stout; tibia with a thumb-like process; head not anteriorly pro- longed, tube-like. c. Body depressed; a pair of stigmata on the mesothorax, and abdominal segments three to eight; antennz three to five-segmented. d. Eyes large, projecting, distinctly pigmented; pharynx short and broad; fulture (inner skeleton of head) very strong and broad, with broad arms; proboscis short, scarcely attaining the thorax. ‘9 24 4O SS 4 OPER SS ERS OO EA See Red Ee HERO E BER es PEDICULIDA e. Antenne three-segmented. A few species occurring upon old WOrld MONKEYS... coe scecsse sn wile dn teslocdcs eemnws eiw ers Pedicinis Gerv. ee. Antenne five -segmented. f. All legs stout; thumb-like process of the tibia very long and slender, beset with strong spines, fore legs stouter than the others; abdomen elongate, segments without lateral pro- cesses; the divided telson with a conical process posteriorly upon the ventral side...................05. Pediculus L. g. Upon man, h. Each abdominal segment dorsally with from one to three more or less regular transverse rows of small sete; antenna about as long as the width of the head. Head 16TSE (ASS, G5) ciagicna screea eee eS P, humanus. hh. ‘‘No transverse rows of abdominal sete; antenna longer than the width of the head; species larger.’ Piaget. Body louse ‘of gi se cain vas nes P. corporis. gg. Upon apes and other mammals.......... P. pusitatus (?). ff. Fore legs delicate, with very long and slender claws; other legs very stout with short and stout claws; thumb-like process of the tibia short and stout; abdomen very short and broad; segment one to five closely crowded, thus the stigmata of seg- ments three to five apparently lying in one segment; segments five to eight with lateral processes; telson without lateral conical appendages (fig. 69). Crab louse of man............ Phthirus pubis. 276 Hominoxious Arthropods dd. Eyes indistinct or wanting; pharynx long and slender, fulture very slender and closely applied to the pharynx; proboscis very long. Several genera found upon various mammals.....HA#MATOPINIDA. cc. Body swollen; meso- and metathorax, and abdominal segments two to eight each with a pair of stigmata; eyes wanting; antenne four or five-segmented; body covered with stout spines. Three genera found upon marine mammals...................... EcHINOPHTHIRIIDA aa. Legs fitted for walking or jumping; spiracles of abdomen usually ventral; beak segmented. s b. Apex of head usually directed anteriorly; beak arising from its apex; sides of the face remote from the front cox; first pair of wings when present thickened at base, with thinner margins.......... HETEROPTERA aN JYwryr0Lu, aertguay 159. Taxonomic details of Hemiptera—Heteroptera. (@) Dorsal aspect; (b) seta from bedbug; (c) wing of Heteropteron; (d) leg; (e) wing of Sinea. c. Front tarsi of one segment, spade-form (paleformes); beak short, at most two-segmented; intermediate legs long, slender; posterior pair adapted for swimming. 2.6.60) ccc ce eee een deweee bus CorixID& cc. Front tarsi rarely one-segmented, never spade-form; beak free, at least three-segmented. d. Pulvilli wanting. e. Hemelytra usually with a distinct clavus (fig. 159), clavus always ends behind the apex of the scutellum, forming the commissure. (Species having the wings much reduced or wanting should be sought for in both sections.) f. Antenne very short; meso- and metasternum composite; eyes always present. Siphunculata and Hemiptera 277 g. Ocelli present; beak four-segmented. OcHTERID# and NERTHRIDA. gg. Ocelli wanting; antenne more or less hidden in a groove. h. Anterior coxe inserted at or near anterior margin of the prosternum; front legs raptorial; beak three-segmented. BELOSTOMID& (with swimming legs), NEpID#, NAUCORIDA. i, Metasternum without a median longitudinal keel; antennz always four -segmented. j. Beak short, robust, conical; the hairy fleck on the corium elongate, large, lying in the middle between the inner angle of the membrane and the outer vein parallel to the membrane margin; membrane margin S-shaped. k. The thick fore femur with a relatively deep longitudinal furrow to receive the tibia. Several American species (fig. 19f.). .. Belostoma (= Lethocerus Mayer) kk. The less thickened fore femur without such a furrow sudhidssushanslaanenipe mbar slarcen B. griseus. Benacus Stal. jj. Beak slender, cylindrical; the hairy spot on the corium rounded lying next to the inner angle of the membrane. k. Membrane large, furrow of the embolium broadened. Z. aurantiacum, fluminea, etc............ Zaitha kk. Membrane very short; furrow of embolium not broadened. Western genus.......... Pedinocoris ii. Metasternum with a long median longitudinal keel. South- western forms..... Abedus ovatus and Deniostoma dilatato hh. Anterior coxz inserted at the posterior margin of the prosternum; legs natatorial. Back swimmers (fig. 19 b.) Bs Od cs oh det lao eda (iecletees Ce toa \..... NOTONECTIDZ 1. Apices of the hemelytra entire; the three pairs of legs similar in shape; beak three-segmented; abdomen not keeled ‘or hairyins oovenes ch eeenesepaeee war 6 Plea Leach il. Apices of hemelytra notched; legs dissimilar; beak four- segmented; abdomen keeled and hairy. j. Hemelytra usually much longer than the abdomen; fourth segment of the antenna longer than the third segment; hind tarsi with claws......... Bueno Kirk. jj. Hemelytra but little longer than the abdomen; fourth segment of the antenna shorter than the third seg- ment; hind tarsi without claws (fig. 19b). . Notonecta L. ff. Antenne longer than the head; or if shorter, then the eyes and ocelli absent. g. Eyes, ocelli, and scutellum wanting; beak three-segmented; head short; hemelytra always short; membrane wanting. Insects parasitic on bats.................000. POLYCTENIDA gg. Eyes present. h. First two antennal segments very short, last two long, pilose, third thickened at the base; ocelli present, veins of the hemelytra forming cells. D1ipsocorip& (=CERATOCOMBI- D#) including ScHIZOPTERIDA. 278 Hominoxious Arthropods hh. Third segment of the antenna not thickened at the base, second as long or longer than the third, rarely shorter. i. Posterior coxe hinged (cardinate), if rarely rotating, the cuneus is severed, the membrane is one or two-celled, and the meso- and metasternum are composite. j. Ocelli absent, clypeus dilated toward the apex; hemelytra always short, membrane wanting. Species parasitic. Béd Bugs), 666. 6c s0c cca Sawa aeeek ewe wd CIMICIDZ k. Beak short, reaching to about the anterior coxe; scutellum acuminate at the apex; lateral margin of the elytra but little reflexed, apical margin more or less rounded; intermediate and posterior coxe very remote. 1. Body covered with short hairs, only the sides of the pronotum and the hemelytra fringed with longer hairs; antenne with the third and fourth seg- ments very much more slender than the first and second; pronotum with the anterior margin very deeply Sinuaee vo decane sco h veins oe E4 Cimex L. m. Sides of the pronotum widely dilated, broader than the breadth of one eye, and densely fringed with backward curved hairs; apical margin of the hemelytra nearly straight, rounded toward the interior or exterior angles. n. Body covered with very short hairs; second segment of the antenna shorter than the third; sides of the pronotum feebly reflexed, fringed with shorter hairs than the breadth of one eye; hemelytra with the commissural (inner) margin rounded and shorter than the scutel- lum, apical margin rounded towards the interior angle. The common bed bug (fig. TOM) salt A d.aateinraenat age came C. lectularius Linn nn. Body covered with longer hairs; second and third segments of the antenna of equal length; side of the pronotum narrowly, but distinctly, reflexed, fringed with longer hairs than the breadth of oneeye; hemelytra with the commissural margin straight and longer than the scutellum, apical margin rounded towards the exterior angle. Species found on bats in various parts of the United DlALES,< ntAk ce wlalecicmaamen C. pillosellus Hov. mm. Sides of the pronotum neither dilated, nor reflexed, fringed with less dense and nearly straight hairs; hemelytra with the apical margin distinctly rounded. Parasitic on man, birds and bats. Occurs in the old world, Brazil and the West Indies........ oti ees C. hemipterus Fabr. (=rotundatus) Siphunculata and Hemiptera 279 Il. Body clothed with rather longer silky hairs; third and fourth segments of the antenna somewhat more slender than the first and second; anterior margin of the pronotum very slightly sinuate or nearly straight in the middle, produced at the lateral angles. This is the species which in Ameri- can collections is known as C. hirundinis, the latter being an old world form. It is found in swallows nests. O. vicarius....Oeciacus Stal kk. Beak long, reaching to the posterior coxze; scutellum rounded at the apex; lateral margins of the elytra strongly reflexed, apical margin slightly sinuate toward the middle; intermediate and posterior cox sub-contiguous. This species infests poultry in southwest United States and in Mexico. H. inodorus................ Hematosiphon Champ. 160. Pselliopsis (Milyas) cinctus. (x2). After C. V. Riley. jj. Ocelli present, if rarely absent in the female, then the tarsus has two segments; or if with three tarsal seg- ments, the wing membrane with one or two cells. k. Beak four-segmented, or with two-segmented tarsi. . ISOMETOPIDZ, MICROPHYSID# and some CapsID&. kk. Beak three-segmented. 1. Hemelytra with embolium; head horizontal, more or less conical; membrane with one to four veins, fately wanting .o....3 05 ehand vee ANTHOCORIDZE Several species of this family affecting man have been noted, Anthocoris kingi and congolense, from Africa and Lyctocoris campestris from various parts of the world. Lyctocoris fitchii Reuter (fig. 19 j), later considered by Reuter as a variety of L. campestris, occurs in the United States: ll. Hemelytra without embolium. Superfamily Acan- THIOIDEA (=SALD#& Fieber and L&EpTOPODa Fieber) 280 Hominoxious Arthropods ii. Posterior coxe rotating. j. Claws preapical; aquatic forms. GERRID# and VELIADA jj. Claws apical. k. Prosternum without stridulatory sulcus (notch for beak). l. Tarsus with three segments; membrane with two or three longitudinal cells from which veins radiate; rarely with free longitudinal veins (Arachnocoris) or veins nearly obsolete (Arbela); clavus and corium coriaceous; ocelli rarely absent. .NABIDZE Reduviolus (=Coriscus) subcoleoptratus (fig. 19 g), a species belonging to this family, occurring in the United States, has been accused of biting man. This insect is flat, of a jet black color, bordered with yellow on the sides of the abdomen, and with yellowish legs. It is predaceous, feeding on other insects. ll. With other combinations of characters. Hypro- METRIDZ, HENICOCEPHALID, N2ZOGEIDZ, MEso- VELIAD&, JOPPEICIDE kk. Prosternum with stridulatory sulcus (notch for beak); with three segments, short, strong. 1. Antennz filiform or sometimes more slender apically, geniculate; wing membrane with two or three large basal cells; scutellum small or moderate For a key to the genera and species see next page. ll. Last antennal segment clavate or fusiform; wing membrane with the veins often forked and ana- stomosing; scutellum large; tarsi each with two segments; fore legs strong. (=PHYMATID#) ata Nee bia as opiates a aS ta Sahl MACROCEPHALIDA ee. Clavus noticeably narrowed towards the apex, never extending beyond the scutellum, the two not meeting to form a commissure; head horizontal, much prolonged between the antennz, on each side with an antennal tubercle, sometimes acute; ocelli absent; meso- and metasternum simple; tarsi each with two segments; body flattened (fig. 19c), ARADID#, including Dysopip#. dd. Pulvilli present (absent in one Australian family THAUMATOCORIDZ in which case there is a membranous appendage at the tip of the tibia). CAPSIDZ (=MIRIDZ&),* Eotrechus (in family GERRIDZ), N#ocaip#, TINGITID#, PIESMID#, MyopocHID#, CorIzID#, CorEIDA, ALYDID®, PENTATOMID#, SCUTELLERIDE, etc. bb. Apex of head directed ventrally, beak arising from the hinder part of the lower side of the head; sides of face contiguous to the front cox; first _ *Professor C. R, Crosby who has been working upon certain capsids states that he and his assistant have been bitten by Lygus pratensis, the tarnished plant bug, by Chlamydatus associatus and by Orthotylus flavosparsus, though without serious results. Reduviide of ‘the United States 281 pair of wings, when present, of uniform thickness, Cicadas, scale insects, plant lice (Aphids), spittle-insects, leaf hoppers, etc........... Aehiad SHEae Ane oak RU Se eee eee ae Ree dee te Bars HOMOPTERA REDUVIIDZ OF THE UNITED STATES (Adapted from a key given by Fracker). a. Ocelli none; wings and hemelytra always present in the adults; no discodial areole in the corium near the apex of the clavus. Orthometrops decorata, Oncerotrachelus acuminatus, etc., Pennsylvania and south...... Sarcine aa. Ocelli present in the winged individuals; anterior coxe not as long as the femora. b. Hemelytra without a quadrangular or discoidal areole in the corium near the apex of the clavus. c. Ocelli not farther cephalad than the caudal margins of the eyes; segment two of the antenna single. d. Thorax usually constricted caudad of the middle; anterior coxe ex- ternally flat or concavVes; outs deaveensstmnarenreeweads PIRATINE e. Middle tibiae without spongy fossa, head long, no lateral tubercle on neck. SS. stria, Carolina, Ill., Cal........ Sirthenia Spinola ee. Middle tibie with spongy fossa; fore tibie convex above; neck with a small tubercle on each side. f. Apical portion of anterior tibie angularly dilated beneath, the spongy fossa being preceded by a small prominence.......... ML ay ets earn te siner earn clu een ag tel fale cheeeaattita owed ea Na Melanolestes Stal g. Black, with piceous legs and antenne. N. E. States (fig. 19a) acai y Raa any ade RO Sph git st x Fe ere P tiake Nata ea ahi at M. picipes gg. Sides, and sometimes the whole dorsal surface of the abdomen red. Ill.,andsouthward.................. M. abdominalis ff. Tibize not dilated as in ‘‘f’’; spongy fossa elongate; metapleural sulci close to the margin. R. biguttatus (fig. 22). South de ivseiriguiale wiies Qainis angie Raw taro. idgwa ReR aL Rasahus A. and S. dd. Thorax constricted in the middle or cephalad of the middle; anterior tarsi each three-segmented. e. Apex of the scutellum narrow, without spines or with a single spine eB Airs s Ria Sanaa hE RANGA AR LI GEO iy Red ene DS aude dae ik REDUVONA f. Antennz inserted in the lateral or dorso-lateral margins of the head; antenniferous tubercles slightly projecting from the sides of the head; head produced strongly cephalad; ocelli at least as far apart as the eyes. g. Antenne inserted very near the apex of the head; segments one and three of the beak short, segment two nearly four times as long as segment one. R. prolixus. W.I......... gg. Antenne inserted remote from the vertex of the head. h. Body slightly hairy; pronotum distinctly constricted; angles distinct; anterior lobe four-tuberculate, with the middle tubercles large and conical. M. phyllosoma, large species the southwestxccv. ex vegaens gh tes wea kees ass Meccus Stal 282 Hominoxious Arthropods hh. Body smooth, margin of the pronotum sinuous, scarcely constricted; anterior lobe lined with little tubercles dir ips vielen ores aaah Saito puerta Conorhinus Lap. i. Surface of the pronotum and prosternum more or less grandular. j. Eyes small, head black; body very narrow, a fifth as wide as long; beak reaches the middle of the proster- num. Califormia. ioc... 66sec ves eae es C. protractus jj. Eyes large, head fuscous; body at least a fourth as wide as long. Southern species........ C. rubrofasciatus ii. Pronotum and prosternum destitute of granules. j. Border of abdomen entirely black except for a narrow yellowish spot at the apex of one segment. Texas rae ape Sucre GMA Ga ove BRD Aue el ecalteedel aed C. gerstaeckeri jj. Border of abdomen otherwise marked. k. Beak slender, joints one and two slightly pilose, two more than twice as long as one; tubercles at the apical angles of the pronotum slightly acute, conical. Md. to Ill. and south. The masked bed bug hunter EU ZT) 2 GH eRe Selaltnedg oar nnis: atm C. sanguisugus kk. Beak entirely pilose, joint two a third longer than joint one; joint one much longer than three; tubercles at the apical angles of pronotum slightly elevated, obtuse. Ga., Ill., Tex., Cal. .C. variegatus ff. Antenna inserted on top of the head between margins, close to the eyes; antenniferous tubercles not projecting from the side of the head. g. Anterior lobe of the pronotum with a bispinous or bituberculate disc; femora unarmed. SS. arizonica, S.° bicolor. South- WESTETNSPECIES n25 2 od ncwaae wou cad bee win ees Spiniger Burm. gg. Disc of pronotum unarmed; apex of scutellum produced into a spine; ocelli close to the eyes; eyes large and close to- POLED sn2taea 3 au day unserer vas dasy 9 RMS ES Reduvius Lamarck h. Color piceous. Widely distributed in the United States. (Bigs 20) thls on aie oa x toate Ves eee eels R. personatus hh. More or less testaceous in color. Southwestern states eats tail ag ta eA nctas Aemehaalae A ca elsaies a SONOMA. eH esey aie as R. senilis ee. Apex of scutellum broad, with two or three spines. . ECTRICHODIINE f. First segment of the antenna about as long asthe head. E. cruciata Pa. and south; E. cinctiventris, Tex. and Mex ................ ff. First segment of the antenne short. P. @neo-nitens. South ese ots a Sach Se Shas A Saat eee ee Gas ARs capa es LAC Ego Pothea A. et 8. ec. Ocelli cephalad of the hind margins of the eyes; first segment of the antenne stout, second segment divided into many smaller segments. South and west. Homalocoris maculicollis, and Hammatocerus PULCUS ph teed sare aindan aaNet a ea ences eta ree ae ssa e OR Sete HAMMATOCERINE Reduviide of the United States 283 bb. Hemelytra with a quadrangular or discoidal areole in the corium near the apex of the clavus (fig. 159e). c. Anal areole of the membrane not extending as far proximad as the costal areole; basal segment of the antenna thickened, porrect; the other segments slender, folding back beneath the head and the first segment ugpadlsata Ree ya Rs cee Paulas Raum he Mae} widlalds « wantbaananid STENOPODINE d. Head armed with a ramous or furcate spine below each side, caudad of the eyes. e. First segment of the antenna thickened, apex produced in a spine beyond the insertion of the second segment. Species from Va., Uiand: southis s sacieaaaheceuieed cinaiy main ad bucanilea es Pnirontis Stal. ee. First segment of the antenna not produced beyond the insertion of the second segment. Pygolampis, N. E. states and south; Gnathobleda, S. W. and Mex. dd. Head unarmed below or armed with a simple spine; rarely with a subfurcate spine at the side of the base. Carolina, Missouri and south. Stenopoda, Schumannia, Diaditus, Narvesus, Oncocephalus ce. Anal areole of membrane extending farther proximad than the costal areole. d. Ocelli farther apart than the eyes. A. crassipes, widely distributed in the United States; other species occur in the southwest...... pastiahitan eae ESA Casino ge rttcL ete A cece seeatineshs mash ea Apiomerus Hahn. dd. Ocelli not so far apart as the eyes................0.005. ZELINZ e. Sides of mesosternum without a tubercle or fold in front. f{. Fore femur as long as or longer than the hind femur; first segment of the beak much shorter than the second. Z. audax, in the north eastern states; other species south and west. .Zelus Fabr. ff. Fore femur shorter than the hind femur, rarely of equal length, in this case the first segment of the beak as long or longer than the second. g. First segment of the beak shorter than the second; fore femur a little shorter than the hind femur; the first segment of the beak distinctly longer than the head before the eyes. P. cinctus a widely distributed species (fig. 160). P. punctipes, P. spinicollis, Cal., Mex..... (= Milyas) Pselliopus Berg. gg. First segment of the beak as long or longer than the second. h. Pronotum armed with spines on the disc. i. Juga distinctly prominent at the apex and often acute or subacute; fore femur distinctly thickened; hemelytra usually not reaching the apex of the abdomen. Fitchia aptera, N. Y., south and west; F. spinosula, South; Rocconata annulicornis, Texas, etc. ii. Juga when prominent, obtuse at apex; eyes full width of the head; fore femur not thickened; pronotum with four spines on posterior lobe. R. taurus, Pa., south and west ip Suwieh datas POEMS De ORCA RAMA LS ES Repipia Stal. hh. Pronotum unarmed on the disc. 284 Hominoxious Arthropods i. Spines on each apical angle of the penultimate abdominal segment. A. cinereus, Pa., and south. .Atrachelus S. ii. Apical angle of the penultimate abdominal segment un- armed. Fitchia (in part); Castolus ferox, Arizona. ee. Sides of the mesosternum with a tubercle of fold in front at the hind angles of the prosternum; first segment of the beak longer than the part of the head cephalad of the eyes. f. Fore femur thickened, densely granulated; hind femur unarmed. Sy 161. Taxonomic details of Diptera. (a) Ventral aspect of abdomen of Cynomyia; (b) antenna of Tabanus; (c) ventral aspect of abdomen of Chortophila; (d) ventral aspect of abdomen of Stomoxys; (e) claw of Aedes (Culex) sylves- tris, male; (f) claw of Hippoboscid; (g) foot of dipterous insect showing empodimm developed pulvilliform; (h) hind tarsal segment of Simulium vittatum, female; (7) foot of dipterous insect showing bristle-like empodium. g. Fore tibie each with three long spines on the ventral side. S. diadema (fig. 159e), a widely distributed species; and several southwestern species................4: Sinea A. et S. gg. Fore tibize unarmed. A. multispinosa, widely distributed; Asctabida,? Cale vaivek ate de 4 needs ee aay en we hoy Acholla Stal. ff. Fore femur unarmed, rarely a little thickened, a little granulated. g. Pronotum produced caudad over the scutellum, with a high mesal tuberculate ridge (fig. t9e). A. cristatus. N. Y. to Cali atic SOuthiacs cack aon ees nace nen ates Arilus Hahn. gg. Caudal lobe of the pronotum six sided, neither elevated nor produced caudad. H. americanus, Southwest; also several W. I. and Mexican genera.............. Harpactor Lap. Diptera 285 DIPTERA (Mosquitoes, Midges, Flies) a. Integument leathery, abdominal segments indistinct; wings often wanting; PAFASICIS TOL UTS ists csee Aa adevactut-siad ator auehiries ee tie psaies Sindy we eeu te euewuet a PUPIPARA b. Head folding back on the dorsum of the thorax; wingless flies parasitic on bats. Genus Nycteribia....... 0000000 NYcCTERIBIIDE bb. Head not folding back upon the dorsum of the thorax; flies either winged or wingless; parasitic on birds and on bats and other mammals. c. Antenne reduced, wings when present, with distinct parallel veins and outer crossveins; claws simple; palpi leaf-like, projecting in front of the head. Flies chiefly found on bats. Several genera occur in North America STREBLIDA 162. Hippobosca equina. x4. After Osborn. cc. Antenne more elongate, segments more or less distinctly separated; head sunk into an emargination of the thorax; wings when present with the veins crowded toward the anterior margin; palpi not leaf- RE oth Heats coe Be cee a eche ERAT Se eee ERE SAEs HIPPOBOSCIDA d. Wings absent or reduced and not adapted for flight. e. Wings and halteres (balancers) absent. M. ovinus, the sheep tick riba tes ei tte eept Doms ibd estes Medal oh att DSA sSesecte drat angst Melophagus Latr. ee. Wing reduced (or cast off), halteres present. f. Claw bidentate; ocelli present. On deer after the wings are cast Of. “Be Gepressa@s «oi acsag sts saiee ta eee Lipoptena Nitsch ff. Claw tridentate (fig. 161 f). ....On Macropis. B. femorata a enea Ath ho ANG STR SHS Ge ENG San ARE sae ag Brachypteromyia , Will. dd. Wings present and adapted for flight. e. Claws bidentate. f. Ocelli present; head flat; wings frequently cast off. On birds before casting of the wing.............. Lipoptena Nitsch. ff. Ocelli absent; head round; wings present. The horse tick H. equina may attack man (fig. 162)........ Hippobosca L. ee. Claws tridentate (fig. 161 f.). f, Anal cell closed at apical margin by the anal crossvein. @. Océlli, absénitucs.cossameveaun sens eawee Stilbometopa Coq. gg. Ocelli present. : 286 Hominoxious Arthropods h. R4y+5 does not form an angle at the crossvein. On birds. There is a record of one species of this genus attacking man SGN ds ee YeA i tacbe Sted a colo attests sik cea hegnty state Be Ornithomyia Latr. hh. Ry+; makes an angle at the crossvein. O. confluens, iy aap lsten hn ane ae aiitaiians lea wicreyaas eae enemas Ornithoica Rdi. ff, Anal cell not closed by an anal crossvein. Lynchia, Pseudolfersia, and Olfersia are chiefly bird parasites. The first mentioned genus is said to be the intermediate host of Hemoproteus columbe. aa. Abdominal segments chitinous; not parasitic in the adult stage. b. Antennz with six or more segments and empodium not developed pulvilli- form; palpi often with four segments. c. Ocelli present. BLEPHAROCERIDZE, RHYPHID#, BIBIONID#, MyYcerTo- PHILIDA, besides some isolated genera of other families. cc. Ocelli absent. d. Dorsum of the thorax with a V-shpaed suture; wings usually with numerous veins; legs often very long and slender. Crane flies. Aah schon 58 Bocgeiine Ree an tdals ® iets d Wie eay tor, aaitand tos Resta ade du rem e TIPULIDZ dd. Dorsum of the thorax without a V-shaped suture. e. Not more than four longitudinal veins ending in the wing margin; wing usually hairy: antenne slender; coxe not long; tibie with- out spurs, legs long and slender. Small, delicate flies often called Gall Oma tS isin Kev casvanie adeamarcemat a Gsaieiaeeaye aud Sauaunneienses CECIDOMYIIDE ee. More than four longitudinal veins ending in the wing margin. f. The costal vein is not produced beyond the tip of the wing; radius with not more than three branches. g. Antenne short, composed of ten or eleven closely united seg- ments; legs stout; body stout; abdomen oval; anterior veins stout, posterior ones weak (fig. 163 b); eyes of the male contiguous over the antenne. Black flies, buffalo flies, turkey gnats. Many North American species, several of them notorious for their blood sucking propensities...... Ue eda wire ids attees iene hits Satine cae ata crs aA ee heed | SIMULODE h. Second joint of the hind tarsus with basal scale-like process and dorsal excision (fig. 161 h); radial sector not forked; no small cell at the base of the wing. S. forbesi, jenningsi, johannseni, meridionale, piscicidium, venustum, vittatum, etc. Widely distributed species..................0005. Si HAO gaeetieleies wiih dasy Senay (=Eusimulium) Simulium Latr. hh. No basal scale-like process on the second joint of the hind tarsus; radial sector usually forked (fig. 163 b). i, Face broad, small basal cell of the wing present. P. fuluum, hirtipes, mutatum, pecuarum, pleurale. .Prosimulium Roub. ii. Face linear; small basal cell of the wing absent. One species, P. furcatum, from California................ NOGA aie at daine nade a eee ee kel Parasimulium Malloch gg. Flies of a different structure. h, Antenne composed of apparently two segments and a terminal arista formed of a number of closely united segments. Rare flies with aquatic larve........ ORPHNEPHILIDE Diptera 287 hh. Antenne of six to fifteen segments, those of the male usually plumose; legs frequently slender and wings narrow figs ia a seh Sctonay vu ts ald Or eetda Bees ees SA CHIRONOMIDZ i, Media forked (except in the European genus Brachypogon); thorax without longitudinal fissure and not produced over the head (except in four exotic genera); antennz usually fourteen-jointed in both sexes; fore tibia with a simple comb of setule, hind tibia with two unequal combs, middle tibia without comb.......... CERATOPOGONINE j. Thorax produced cap-like over the head, wing narrow and very long. Jenkinsia, Macroptilum and Caly- ptopogon, eastern hemisphere; Paryphoconus, Brazil. jj. Thorax not produced over the head, k. Eyes pubescent, empodium well developed, or if short then R2+3 distinct and crossvein-like or the branches of R coalescent; r-m crossvein present; fore femora not thickened; wing either with ap- pressed hairs or with microscopic erect setule sositbudlve2Gua idee bachiy uae, isu Intoauatiis ADL GS Dasyhelea Kieff. kk. Eyes bare, or otherwise differing from the foregoing. 1. Empodium well developed, nearly as long as the claws and with long hairs at the base; femora and fifth tarsal segments unarmed, i.e. without spines or stout sete; fourth tarsal segment cylindrical. m. Wing with erect and microscopic setule. Widely GiStHibUted: crac Sonn aces oaaane at go penaetracdivaa ia etait ae (=Atrichopogon) Ceratopogon Meig. mm, Wing with long and depressed hairs. Widely distributed...........-..000005 Forcipomyia n. Hind metatarsus shorter or not longer than the & following (i. the second tarsal) segment erie torattl in thenalis aunts Subgenus Prohelea Kieft nn. Hind metatarsus longer than the following segment....Subgenus Forcipomyia Meig. ll. Empodium short, scarcely reaching the middle of the claws, or vestigial. m. R-m crossvein wanting. n. Palpi four segmented; inferior fork of the media obliterated at the base. Australia......... etfs yeva havent ibarba cag icionr Sateen Lepioconops Skuse nn. Palpi three-segmented. o. Legs spinulose, tarsal claws of the female with a basal tooth or strong bristle, those of the male unequal, the anterior with a long sinuous tooth, the posterior with a short arcuate tooth. Italy............ epee ai bh crane, AS Laer oaeaceci ts Mycterotypus Noé 288 Hominoxious Arthropods oo. Legs unarmed; no crossvein between the branches of the radius (fig. 163e). New MEXI1C6) o.5. sc eee cies Tersesthes Townsend mm. R-m crossvein present. n. Fore femora very much swollen, armed with spines below, fore tibia arcuate and applied closely to the inferior margin of the femur. o. Ra+3 present, therefore cell Ry and R2 both present; wing usually fasciate. United Stalesiciowa hovered reek Heteromyia Say. oo. R243 not distinct from R4+5, hence cell R3 obliterated. South America........ giiate Nido y oe Pachyleptus Arrib. (Walker) nn. Fore femur not distinctly swollen. o. Ra+3 present therefore cells Rr and R3 both present, or if not, then the branches of the radius more or less coalescent, obliterating the cells. p. At least the tip of the wing with erect setule; tip of Ry+5 scarcely attaining the middle of the wing, empodium rather indistinct, not reaching the middle of the claws, the claws not toothed, equal, with long basal bristle; legs without stout sete. Widely distributed............ Satlete gs be hae eee ea acs Culicoides Latr. Hematomyidium and Oecacta are prob- able synonyms of this. pp. Wings bare, if rarely with hair, then the radius reaches beyond two-thirds the length of the wing, or the femur or fifth tarsal segment with stout black spines. q. Media unbranched. Europe.......... sin pet TR aeghed nue ate Brachypogon Kieft qq. Media branched. r. Hind femur much swollen and spined. America and Europe. Serromyia Meg. tr. Hind femur not distinctly swollen. s. Cell Ry not longer than high; fork of the media distad of the cross- vein; wing with microscopic setu- LB etsawe eased Stilobezzia Kieff ss. Cell Ry elongate. t. Femora unarmed. Widely dis- tributed. (= Sphaeromias Kieff. 1913 not Curtis?)............ Rete Ricigea bes Johannseniella Will. Diptera 289 tt. Femora, at least in part, with strong black spines. Widely distributed . Palpomyia Megerle 00. Re+3 coalescent with Rais hence cell Rg is obliterated. p. In the female the lower branch of the media with an elbow near its base pro- jecting proximad, the petiole of the media coalescent with the basal section of the radius, wing long and narrow, radial sector ending near the tip of the wing; venation of the male as in Bezzia; front concave. United States........ pgs ilies ete tree tear pee cnn Stenoxenus Coq. pp. Venation otherwise, front not concave. q. Subcosta and R; more or less coalescent with the costa; wing pointed at the apex, much longer than the body; antenne fourteen segmented, not plu- mose. India........ Haasiella Kieft, qq. Subcosta and radius distinct from the costa. tr. Abdomen petiolate...Dibezzia Kieff. tr. Abdomen not petiolate. s. Head semi-globose; hind tarsi un- usually elongate in the female; antenne of the male not plumose. Europe...... Macropeza Meigen. ss. Head not globose, more or less flattened in front; antenne of the male plumose. Widely dis- tributediy on veseues Bezzia Kieff. t. Fore femora, at least, armed with stout spines below............ shied wine Subgenus Bezzia Kieff, tt. Femora unarmed.............. ....subgenus Probezzia Kieff. ii. Media of the wing simple, and otherwise not as in ‘1’. To this group belong numerous Chironomid genera, none of which are known to be noxious to man. ff. The costal vein apparently is continued around the hind margin of the wing; radius with at least four branches. g. Wing ovate pointed, with numerous veins; crossveins, if evi- dent, before the basal third of the wing; veins very hairy; very small moth-like flies.................... PsYCHODIDE h. With elongate biting proboscis; the petiole of the anterior forked cell of the wing (R2) arises at or beyond the middle of the: wing: (fig: 1630) e100 ge-sas eases sitas Phlebotomus Rdi. 290 Hominoxious Arthropods a 4 ! Rees Miss % Cur Cu A 163. Wings of Diptera. (@) Anopheles; (b) Prosimulium; (c) Johannseniella; (d) Phle- botomus (After Doerr and Russ); (e) Tersesthes (after Townsend); (f) Ta- banus; (g) Symphoromyia; (h) Aphiochaeta; @) Eristalis; (j) Gastrophilus; (k) Fannia; () Musca. Diptera 291 hh. With shorter proboscis; the petiole of the anterior forked cell arises near the base of the wing.................... ioc ste lent oa ene ae ea an Soh Beant pe Psychoda, Pericoma, etc. gg. The r-m crossvein placed at or beyond the center of the wing; wings not folded roof-like over the abdomen. h. Proboscis short, not adapted for piercing; wings bare (Drx1- D#); or wings scaled (CuLicip™, Subf. CoRETHRIN). hh. Proboscis elongate, adapted for piercing; wings scaled, fringed on the hind margin; antenne of the male bushy plumose. Mosquitoes....... 0.0... 0.0.02 cece eee eee Spi gvncoueiad wigan CULICIDZ (exclusive of CORETHRIN#&) i, Metanotum without sete. j. Proboscis strongly decurved; body with broad, ap- pressed, metalescent scales; cell Rz less than half as long as its petiole; claws of female simple, some of the claws of the male toothed. Several large southern species believed to feed only on nectar of flowers i weg lg alte Pal eg (etd psa ears aletgin a lbalahie # acter Megarhinus R. D. jj. Proboscis straight or nearly so, or otherwise different. k. Scutellum evenly rounded, not lobed; claws simple in BOE) SEXES) wisn cla aianes wee Anopheles Meig. 1. Abdomen with clusters of broad outstanding scales along the sides; outstanding scales on the veins of the wing rather narrow, lanceolate; upper side of the thorax and scutellum bearing many appressed lanceolate scales. Florida and southward (Cellia). m. Hind feet from the middle of the second segment largely or wholly snow white. n. With a black band at the base of the last seg- ment of each hind foot.................. ee A. albimanus* and tarsimaculata* nn. Without such a band....A. argyritarsis* mm. Hind feet black, mottled with whitish and with bands of the same color at the sutures of the segments. W. I.....:...... A. maculipes ll. Abdomen without such a cluster of scales; outstand- ing scales of the wing veins rather narrow, lanceo- late; tarsi wholly black. m. Deep black, thorax obscurely lined with violace- ous, especially posteriorly; head, abdomen and legs black; no markings on the pleura; ab- domen without trace of lighter bandings; wing scales outstanding, uniform, not forming spots, though little thicker at the usual points indicating the spottings. Florida..A. atropus *Species marked with an * are known to transmit malaria. Species found only in tropical North America and not known to carry malaria have been omitted from this table, but all found in the United States are included. 2092 Hominoxious Arthropods mm. Otherwise marked when the wings are unspotted. n. Wings unspotted. o. Petiole of the first forked cell (R2) more than a third the length of the cell. Mississippi VAM EY. joc. din dob eas ak oa a ee ee A. walkeri oo. Petiole of the first forked cell a third the length of the cell. Md...... A. barberi nn. Wings spotted. o. Front margin of the wings with a patch of whitish and yellow scales at a point about two-thirds or three-fourths of the way from base to apex of wing. p. Veins of the wing with many broad obovate outstanding scales; thorax with a black dot near the middle of each side. W. I. sth bth BONES as wee tor, 8 REE A. grabhami* pp. The outstanding scales of the wings rather narrow, lanceolate. q. Scales of the last vein of the wings white, those at each end black; Rais black scaled, the extreme apex white scaled. Widely distributed north and south (figs I3T)baseveacss A. punctipennis A dark variety from Pennsylvania has been named A. perplexens. qq. Scales of the last vein of the wing white, those at its apex black; R445 white scaled and with two patches of black scales. South and the tropics. A. franciscanus and pseudopunctipen- nis* oo. Front margin of the wings wholly black scaled. p- Last (anal) vein of the wings white scaled with three patches of black scales (fig. 132). New Jersey to Texas. . A. crucians* pp. Last vein of the wings wholly black scaled. q. Widely distributed north and south (fig. 130), (=maculipennis).......... 2 eeecer a a eee a A. quadrimaculatus* qq. Distributed from Rocky Mountains westward............ A. occidentalis kk. Scutellum distinctly trilobed. 1, Cell Rz less than half as long as its petiole; thorax with metallic blue scales; median lobe of the scutellum not tuberculate; few small species which are not COMMON... 25.4 ches vw: Uranotenia Arrib. Diptera 293 ll. Cell Rz nearly or quite as long as its petiole, or otherwise distinct. m. Femora with erect outstanding scales; occiput broad and exposed. Large species. P. ciliata. P.howardi................ Psorophora R. D. mm. Femora without erect scales. u. Clypeus bearing several scales or hairs, scutel- lum with broad scales only; back of head with broad scales; scales along the sides of the mesonotum narrow; some or the claws toothed; thorax marked with a pair of silvery scaled curved stripes; legs black with white bands at the bases of some of the segments (fig. 134). Yellow Fever mosquito eee te cated A soa Aedes (=Stegomyia) calopus. nn. With another combination of characters. Numerous species of mosquitoes belonging to several closely related genera, widely distributed over the country. (Culex, Aedes, Ochlerotatus, etc.). Culex in the wide sense. li. Metanotum with sete. Wyeomyia (found in the United States); and related tropic genera. bb. Antenne composed of three segments with a differentiated style or bristle; third segment sometimes complex or annulate, in which case the empo- dium is usually developed like the pulvilli, ie., pad-like (fig. 161 g). ce. Empodium developed pad-like (pulvilliform) i.e., three nearly equal membranous appendages on the underside of the claws (fig. 161g). d. Squamez, head, and eyes large; occiput flattened or concave; third segment of the antenne with four to eight annuli or segments, proboscis adapted for piercing; body with fine hairs, never with bristles; middle tibia with two spurs; wing venation as figured (fig. 163f); marginal vein encompasses the entire wing. Horse flies, greenheads, deer flies, gad flies.................. TABANIDE* e. Hind tibia with spurs at tip; ocelli usually present (PANGONINZ) f. Third joint of the antennze with seven or eight segments; probo- cis usually prolonged. g. Each section the the third antennal segment branched. Central American species, P. fest@..............05 Pityocera G. T. gg. Sections of the third antennal segment not branched. h. Upper corner of the eyes in the female terminating in an acute angle; wings of both sexes dark anteriorly. G. chrysocoma, a species from the eastern states.......... Goniops Ald. hh. Upper corner of the eye in the female not so terminating; wings nearly uniform in color, or hyaline. i. Proboscis scarcely extending beyond the palpi; front of the female wide; much wider below than above. S. W. SHALES sie cuss dais tice amresciuantl alte ae A patolestes Will. *This table to the North American genera of the Tabanide is adapted from one given by Miss Ricardo. 204 Hominoxious Arthropods ii. Proboscis extending beyond the palpi. j. Wing with cell M3 closed. Tropic America .......... sda nie Gt east Ek orn Bae ae tN Te ear (=Diclisa) Scione Wik. jj. Cell M3 open; ocelli present or absent. Two or three eastern species; many south and west. .Pangonia Rdi. ff. Third segment of the antenna with five divisions; ocelli present. g. First and second segments of the antenna short, the second only half as long as the first, three western species... .Silvius Rdi. gg. First and second segments of the antenna long, the second distinctly over half as long as the first. Deer flies. Many species, widely distributed.............. Chrysops Meig. ee. Hind tibia without spurs; ocelli absent. f. Third segment of antenna with four divisions, no tooth or angula- tion; wings marked with rings and circles of darker coloring; front of the female very wide. Widely distributed. H. ameri- cana, H. punctulata.............0005. Hematopota Meig. ff. Third segment of the antenna with five divisions (fig. 161b). g. Third segment of the antenna not furnished with a tooth or distinct angular projection. h. Body covered with metallic scales; front of female of normal width; front and middle tibie greatly dilated. L. VO DUOEE. se. icccsous Bi Soar nie sae AE BE BSS Lepidoselaga Macq. hh. Body without metallic scales; antenne not very long, the third segment not cylindrical, not situated on a projecting tubercle; front of the female narrow. South. D. ferrugaius, 1.06... eee eee (=Diabasis) Diachlorus O. 8. gg. Third segment of the antenna furnished with a tooth or a distinct angular projection. h. Hind tibie ciliate with long hairs. S. W. and tropics. as aiasiei ena Ueius AAO arch iy, wages eae aged Snowiella and Shbasoma. hh. Hind tibie not ciliate. i. Species of slender build, usually with a banded thorax and abdomen; third segment of the antenna slender, the basal prominence long; wings mostly with brownish markings. Tropic America........ Dichelacera Macq. li. Species of a stouter build; third segment of the antenna stout, its basal process short (fig. 161b). Many species, widely distributed...................--05. Tabanus L. dd. With another group of characters. e. Squamz small, antennz variable, thinly pilose or nearly bare species, without distinct bristles; wing veins not crowded anteriorly, R4 and Rs both present, basal cells large; middle tibiz at least with spurs SEE eed Svc Ae Say hee ihash SR eh AE ak GOMES OE Yen aah be eee ake ad LEPTIDE f. Flagellum of the antenna more or less elongated, composed of numerous more or less distinct divisions.................00005 miktcgge eee eens aoeget, ys XYLOPHAGINE and ARTHROCERATINE. ff. Antenne short, third segment simple, with arista or style; face small, proboscis short ............ 0c ccc eee eens LEPTINE Diptera 205 g. Front tibiz each with one or two spurs, or if absent, then no discal cell. Tviptotricha, Pheneus, Dialysis, Huilarimorpha. gg. Front tibe without terminal spurs, discal cell present. h. Hind tibe each with a single spur. i. Anal cell open (fig. 163g); third antennal segment kidney- shaped with dorsal or subdorsal arista; first antennal segment elongate and thickened. About a dozen species have been described from the United States, of which at least one (S. pachyceras) is known to be a vicious blood SUCKERS, eGo Rarer sommaae ined Hee Symphoromyia Frauenf. ii. Anal cell closed; third antennal segment not kidney- Shaped asexosr ga uege tes Chrysopila, Ptiolina, Spania. hh. Hind tibise each with two spurs. i. Third segment kidney-shaped, the arista subdorsal; anal CED CLOSE ae. eerste carin oe ise prandniva ts actiisnas anime ee Atherix Meig. ui. Third segment of the antenna short and with terminal arista; anal cell open. ..........-.00-005- Leptis Fabr. Two European species of this genus have been accused of blood sucking habits, but the record seems to have been based upon error in observation. ee. With another combination of characters..................0000. echt raee secant oer areas cre iy hopterstana STRATIOMYIIDZ, CYRTID&, etc. ec. Empodium bristlelike or absent. d. Antenne apparently two-segmented, with three-segmented arista, wings (rarely wanting) with several stout veins anteriorly, the weaker ones running obliquely across the wing (fig. 163h); small, quick running, bristly, humpbacked flies. Several genera; Aphio- cheeta, Phora, Trineura, etc............... 20.000 eee PHORIDE dd. Flies with other characters. e. No frontal lunule above the base of the antenne; both R4 and Rs often present; third segment of the antenna often with a terminal bristle. ASILIDZ, Mypaip#, APIOCERIDH, THEREVIDZ, SCENO- PINIDZ, BOMBYLIID#, Empipip&, DoLicHorpopip®, LONCcHOP- TERIDZ. ee. A frontal lunule above the base of the antenne; third segment of the antenna always simple, i.e., not ringed, usually with a dorsal arista; R4 and Rs coalesced into a simple vein. f. A spurious vein or fold between the radius and the media, rarely absent; the cell R445 closed at the apex by vein Mi; few or no bristles on the body, none on the head; flies frequently with yellow markings. Eristalis (fig. 163i), Helophilus, and many Other EMC abe gto ais sinp,.46, 5, aieaerstrenctin em NRA oaeueNee NS SYRPHIDE ff. No spurious vein present. g. Body without bristles; proboscis elongate and slender, often folding; front of both male and female broad... .CONOPIDE gg. Bristles almost always present on head, thorax, abdomen and legs. 296 Hominoxious Arthropods h. Arista terminal; hind metatarsus enlarged, sometimes orna- mented, hind tarsus more or less flattened beneath...... i aig eee Page He RES E SHALES TH SET Rah Tee ws PLATYPEZIDZ hh. Flies having a different combination of characters. i. Head large, eyes occupying nearly the entire head; cell R4+5 narrowed in the margin; small flies .. PIPUNCULIDZ ii. Head and eyes not unusually large. j. Squame (tegule, or calyptre, or alule) not large, often. quite small, the lower one lacking, or at most barely projecting from below the upper one (antisquama); front of both male and female broad, the eyes therefore widely separated; posthumeral and intraalar macro- cheta not simultaneously present; thorax usually without a complete transverse suture; postalar callus usually absent; the connectiva adjoining the ventral sclerites always visible; hypopleural macrochete absent; last section of Rais and Mi+2 with but few exceptions nearly parallel; subcostal vein often wanting or vestigial or closely approximated to Ri; the latter often short, basal cells small, the posterior ones often indistinct or wanting; vibrisse present or absent apices id ate ahah wae SR ee Rais dae 2 ACALYPTRATE MUSCOIDEA k. Subcosta present, distinctly separated from R; at the tip; Ri usually ends distad of the middle of the wing; the small basal cells of the wing distinct. 1. A bristle (vibrissa) on each side of the face near the margin of the mouth. CORDYLURIDZ, SEPSIDZ, PHYCODROMID2, HETERONEURID&, HELOMYZID&. ll. No vibrisse present. m. Head nearly spherical, cheeks broad and re- treating; proboscis short; the cell Rs closed or narrowed in the margin; legs very long; tarsi shorter than the tibie. Calobata and other PNET 4 ts vie das art db dukin wan ak OS MICROPEZIDE mm. Flies with another combination of characters. RHOPALOMERIDZ, TRYPETIDE, ORTALIDA, SCIOMYZID&. kk. Subcosta absent or vestigial, or if present, then apparently ending in the costa at the point where Rj joins it; Ry usually ends in the costa at or before the middle of the wing. 1, Arista long plumose, or pectinate above; oral vibris- se present; anal cell complete; costa broken at the apex of Ry. Drosophila, Phortica, and other EMO TAI i hie iic nel Sus altel tees sueess eda aa DROSOPHILIDE i. With another combination of characters. m. The cell M and first Me not separated by a cross- vein; anal cell absent; front bare or only Diptera 297 bristly above; usually light colored flies. Hippelates, Oscinus, and other genera. (See ALSO; MM MIs ice canes Hedge die vay OSCINIDE mm. Cell M and cell first Me often separated by a crossvein; anal cell present, complete, though frequently small; scutellum without spines or protuberances; oral vibrisse present; arista bare or short plumose; front bristly at vertex only; small dark flies. Piophila (fig. 99), Sepsis and other genera. . .SEPSIDE mmm. The Gromyzip#, AGRoMyzID#, PSsILID&, TRYPETIDZ, RHOPALOMERIDH, BORBORIDE and Driopsip# differ in various particulars from either the OSCINIDE and the SEPSIDE noted above. jj. Squamz well developed, usually large, the lower one frequently projecting from below the upper one; both posthumeral and intraalar macrochete present; thorax with a complete transverse suture; postalar callus present and separated by a distinct suture from the dorsum of the thorax; front of the female broad, of the male frequently narrow, the eyes then nearly or quite contiguous; the connectiva adjoining the ventral sclerites either visible or not; hypopleural macro- cheetz present or absent; subcosta always distinct in its whole course, Ri never short.................00. setdud-coma Hint a5 adele UA See ca CALYPTRATE MUSCOIDEA* k. Oral opening small, mouth parts usually much reduced or vestigial. This family is undoubtedly of poly- phyletic origin but for convenience it is here con- sidered as a single family.............. OESTRIDZ. l. The costal vein ends at the tip of Rats, Mi+se straight, not reaching the wing margin, hence cell Rs wide open (fig. 163}); squamz small; arista bare; ovipositor of the female elongate. Larve in the alimentary canal of horses, etc. PENG Sts Ahead BON hk OV len AIOE ra Deen ae Gastrophilus m. Posterior crossvein (m-cu) wanting; wings smoky or with clouds. Europe..G. pecorum mm. Posterior crossvein (m-cu) present, at least in part. *The classification of the Muscoidea as set forth by Schiner and other earlier writers has long been followed, although it is not satisfactory, being admittedly more or less artificial. With- in the last two or three decades several schemes have been advanced, that of Brauer and Bergen- stamm and of Girschner, with the modifications of Schnabl and Dziedzicki having obtained most favor in Europe. Townsend, in 1908, proposed a system which differs from Girschner’s in some respects, but unfortunately it has not yet been published in sufficient detail to permit us to adopt it. From considerations of expediency we use here the arrangement given in Aldrich’s Cata- logue of North American Diptera, though we have drawn very freely upon Girschner’s most excel- lent paper for taxonomic characters to separate the various groups. . t may sometimes be found that a species does not agree in all the characters with the synop- sis; in this case it must be placed in the group with which it has the most characters in common. 298 Hominoxious Arthropods n. Wing hyaline with smoky median cross band, and two or three spots; posterior trochanters with hook in the male and a prominence in thefemale. World wide distribution. G. equi. nn. Wings without spots. o. Posterior crossvein (m-cu) distad of the anterior crossvein (r-m); legs, particularly the femora, blackish brown. Europe and North America........ G. hemorrhoidalis oo. Posterior crossvein opposite or proximad of the anterior crossvein. Europe and North ll. The costal vein ends at the tip of M1 2, Mite witha bend, the cell Rs hence much narrowed in the margin, or closed. m. Proboscis geniculate, inserted in a deep slit; female without extricate ovipositor; arista either bare or plumose; squame large; facial grooves approximated below. n. Arista bare, short. Larve in rodents. Tropic America. B. princeps...... Bogeria Austen nn. Arista pectinate above. o. Tarsi broadened and flattened, hairy, anal lobe of the wing large. Larve in rodents. A number of American species. Cuterebra. oo. Tarsi slender, not hairy; anal lobe of the wing moderate. Larve in man and other mammals. TropicAmerica. D.cyaniven- TIS Sie ik caer etng ecs dd doe Dermatobia Br. mm. Mouth parts very small, vestigial; arista bare. n. Facial grooves approximated below, leaving a narrow median depression or groove. o. Cell Rs closed and petiolate, body nearly bare. Larve in the nasal cavities of the smaller Ungulates. The sheep bot fly. O. ovis. Widely distributed. .Oestrus L. oo. Cell Rs narrowly open, body hairy. Larve parasitic on deer. Europe and America ied ears ite ao Gti ergs Cephenomyia Latr. nn. Facial grooves far apart, enclosing between them a broad shield-shaped surface; squamz large; female with elongate ovipositor. Larve hypodermatic on Ungulates...... yey WER SAE NER sais Gaus ae Hypoderma Clark 9. Palpi wanting; tibie thickened in the middle. p. Hair at apex of the abdomen yellow; legs including femora yellowish brown... . selene ora Shep Sips isan aes hut aud ae H. diana Diptera 299 pp. Hair at the apex of the abdomen reddish yellow. Europe and America, q. Tibiz and tarsi yellow; femora black Rt AR gia chy sie Susy on ig dace Bee H. lineata qq. Legs black with black hair; tips of hind tibia and tarsi yellowish brown Mvubhws Swe MEY eMaRE WS H. bovis oo. Palpi small, globular; tibie cylindrical, straight. On reindeer. ....0. tarandi SeShaaAs ein Aik and se shay a lyre Oedemagena Latr. kk. Oral opening of the usual size; mouth parts not vestigial. 1. Hypopleurals wanting; if three sternopleurals are present the arrangement is 1:2; conjunctiva (fig. 161c) of the venter usually present; if the terminal section of Mi+2 is bent it has neither fold nor appendage (ANTHOMYIID of Girschner). m. Sternopleurals wanting; Mi+s straight toward the apex, costa ends at or slightly beyond the tip of Ra+s; mouth parts vestigial......... ce er ees GASTROPHILINE. See OESTRIDE mm. Sternopleurals present, if rarely absent then differing in other characters. n. Caudal margin of the fifth ventral abdominal sclerite of the male deeply notched on the median line usually to beyond the middle; abdomen often cylindrical or linear; abdomen often with four to eight spots; eyes of the male usually widely separated; sterno- pleurals three, arranged in an equilateral triangle; subapical seta of the hind tibia placed very low; My straight; anal vein abbreviated; wings not rilled. Cenosia, Caricea, Dexiopsis, Hoplogaster, Scheno- myia, etc. (CGNOSINA)*.............000. spoaavane Satoh nusbengu sen lemeek asueet ANTHOMYIID in part nn. Caudal margin of the fifth ventral abdominal sclerite of the male incurved, rarely deeply cleft, rarely entire, in a few genera deeply two or three notched; M142 straight *There are several genera of flies of the family Cordyluride (i.e. Acalypirate) which might be placed with the Anthomyiide@ (i.e. Calyptrate), owing to the relatively large size of their squamz. As there is no single character which will satisfactorily separate all doubtful genera of these two groups we must arbitrarily fix the limits. In general those forms on the border line having a costal spine, or lower squama larger than the upper, or the lower surface of the scutellum more or less pubescent, or the eyes of the male nearly or quite contiguous, or the eyes hairy, or the frontal sete decussate in the female; or any combination of these characters may at once be placed with the Anthomyiide. Those forms which lack these characteristics and have at least six abdominal segments (the first and second segments usually being more or less coalescent) are placed with the Acalyptrates. There are other acalyptrates with squame of moderate size which have either no vibrissz, or have- the subcosta either wholly lacking or coalescent in large part with R,, or have spotted wings; they, therefore will not be confused with the calyptrates. 300 Hominoxious Arthropods or curved; abdomen usually short or elongate oval; sternopleurals, if three are present, arranged in the order 1:2 in a right triangle. ....(Muscin@&-ANTHOMYIIN of Girschner) o. Mj+2 straight, hence cell Rs not narrowed in the margin........ ANTHOMYUDZ in part p. Underside of the scutellum more or less sparsely covered with fine hairs; anal vein nearly always reaches the hind margin of the wing; extensor surface of the hind tibize with a number of stout sete; squame often small and equal. Anthomyia, Chortophila, Eustalomyia, Hammomyia, Hylemyia, Prosalpia, Pego- myia, etc.... HYLEMYINZ-PEGOMYINE pp. Underside of the scutellum bare; anal vein does not reach the wing margin. q. First anal vein short, second anal sud- denly flexed upwards; hind tibie each with one or two strong sete on the extensor surface. Fannia (=Homalo- myia), Caelomyia, Choristoma, Eur- yomma, Azeliu, etc. FANNINE-AZELINE qq. Anal veins parallel or divergent. r. Setz on the exterior surface of the hind tibie wanting (except in Limnaricia and Cenosites), lower squama not broadened to the margin of the scutellum. Leucomelina, Limno- phora, Limnospila, Lispa, Mydaea, Spilogaster, ete. 2... eee eee eee Era stiiy a pia Myb1n&-LIMNOPHORINE tr. One (rarely more) seta on the extensor surface of the hind tibia; squame usually large and unequal. Hydro- taea, Aricia, Drymeta, Ophyra, Phaonia (=Hyetodesia), Pogono- myia, Trichophthicus, etc. ARICINE oo. Mi+e2 curved or bent, hence the cell Rs more or less narrowed in the margin. (MUSCINZ). MuUSCIDZ in part. See page 303 for generic synopsis. ll. Hypopleurals present; when three sternopleurals are present the arrangement is 2:1 or I:1:1. s Aes Sak deci a Set Aca nado bapa (TACHINID& of Girschner) m. Conjunctiva of the ventral sclerites of the ab- domen present, frequently well developed, surrounding the sclerites. Diptera 301 n. Mouth parts vestigial. OESTRIDZ, See page 297 for generic synopsis. nn. Mouth parts well developed. 0. Mite straight, hence cell Rs wide open in the margin; costa ending at the tip of R;; three sternopleurals present; antennal arista plumose. Syllegopiera. Europe. ....(SYLLEGOPTERINZ)..DEXIIDZ in part 00. Mi+2 bent, hence cell Rs narrowed in the margin; sternopleurals rarely wanting, usually 1:1 or 0:1; facial plate strongly produced below vibrissal angle like the bridge of the nose; antennal arista bare. Parasitic on Hemiptera and Coleoptera. Allophora, Cuistogaster, Clytia; Phasia, etc. (PHASIINH)..TACHINIDZ in part. mm. Conjunctiva of the ventral sclerites invisible (fig. 161a). n. Second ventral sclerite of the abdomen lying with its edges either upon or in contact with the ventral edges of the corresponding dorsal sclerite. o. Outermost posthumeral almost always lower (more ventrad) in position than the pre- sutural macrocheta; fifth ventral abdomi- nal sclerite of the male cleft beyond the middle, often strongly developed; body color very frequently metallic green or blue, or yellow; arista plumose. (CALLI- PHORINE) ............ MUSCID& in part. See page 303 for generic synopsis. oo. Outermost posthumeral macrocheta on level or higher (more dorsad) than the presutural macrocheta; arista bare, pube- scent, or plumose only on the basal two- thirds; body coloring usually grayish (fig. 106)...........,.. SARCOPHAGIDE p. Fifth ventral sclerite of the male either wanting or with the caudal margin straight; presutural intraalar rarely present............. (SARCOPHAGINZE) q. Fifth ventral abdominal sclerite of the male much reduced, the remaining segments with straight posterior mar- gin, overlapping scale-like; in the female only segment one and two scale- like, the others wholly or in part covered; sternopleurals usually three or more. Sarcophaga and _ related genera. 302 Hominoxious Arthropods qq. Fifth ventral sclerite of the male plainly visible; sternopleurals usually two. Sarcophila, Wohlfahrtia, Brachycoma, Hilarella, Miliogramma, Metopia, Macronychia,, Nyctia, Paramacrony- chia, Pachyphthalmus, etc. pp. Fifth ventral abdominal sclerite of the male cleft to beyond the middle; ventral sclerites usually visible, shield-like. Rhinophora, Phyto, Melanophora.... SS tert noah Gat Sania aes RHINOPHORINA 164. Glossina palpalis. (x4.) After Austen. nn. Second ventral abdominal sclerite as well as the others more or less covered, sometimes wholly, by the edges of the dorsal sclerite. o. The presutural intraalar wanting; ventral sclerites two to five nearly or quite covered by the edges of the corresponding dorsal sclerites; base of the antenne usually at or below the middle of the eye; arista usually plumose; legs usually elongate; abdomi- nal segments with marginal and often discal macrochete............. DEXIDZ oo. Presutural intraalar present, if absent, then the ventral sclerites broadly exposed or the fifth ventral sclerite vestigial; Muscide 303 base of the antenne usually above the middle of the eye; arista bare; at least two posthumerals and three posterior intraalars present. Parasitic on cater- Pillars, ClO re dnc siding «alec TACHINIDA SYNOPSIS OF THE PRINCIPAL GENERA OF THE MUSCIDZ OF THE WORLD a. Proboscis long, directed forward, adapted for piercing, or oral margin much produced, snout-like. b. Oral margin produced snout-like; vibrissa placed high above the oral margin; antennal arista either pectinate or more or less plumose. c. Antennal arista short or long-plumose; neither sex with distinct orbital bristles. d. No facial carina between the antenne ............ RHYNCHOMYIINE e. Arista short-plumose. R.speciosa. Europe....Rhynchomyia R.D. ee. Arista long-plumose. I. phasina. Europe and Egypt. Idiopsis. B.B. dd. With flattened carina, the bases of the antennz separated; no abdom- IMAL MA CTOCH PE 5 + einctaiialn a Aceiiey whedon 4 dudiees a eg eae a saus COSMININE C. fuscipennis. South Africa............. ih cms ean Cosmina ce. Antennal arista pectinate; bases of the antenne separated by a flat- tened! carina: ::.cseeeadeaceiiet Meee veomheeews Eee Ruinun# R. D. d. Cell Rs open, or closed at the margin. e. Third segment of the antenna twice as long as the second; claws of both sexes short; cell Rs open. J. /unata. Eastern Hemisphere. asa lvl ca teen een Ieee ens alin iE p aS roNn ai a Sisk ade Idia Meigen ee. Third segment of the antenna three times as long as the second; cell Rs open or closed; claws of the male long and slender, of the female shorter than the last tarsal joint. J. mandarina, China. seth tar daw nev etree Spe EAA Ne poses ape naeaD SEL Idiella B. B. dd. Cell Rs petiolate................0065 Rhinia; and Beccarimyia Rdi. bb. Proboscis long, directed forward, adapted for piercing....... STOMOXINE c. Arista flat, pectinate above with plumose rays; sternopleurals 1:2; bases of the veins R; and R445 without sete; base of the media bowed down; apical cell opens before the apex of the wing. African species seg sh de Set ein tah tac eco eset Soe aero ec ne isla eer aeee Glossina Wied. d. Species measuring over twelve mm. in length. G. longipennis and fusca. dd. Species less than twelve mm. in length. e. All segments of the hind tarsi black. f. The fourth and fifth segments of the fore tarsi black; antenne black (igs TOA) wacinunteaneca ani acmunid G. palpalis R. D. ff. Otherwise marked. ............ G. bocagei, tachinoides, pallicera. ee. First three segments of the hind tarsi are yellow, the fourth and fifth segments are black. f. Fourth and fifth segments of the first and second pair of tarsi are black. g. The yellow bands of the abdominal segments occupy a third of the segment (fig. 165)............ G. morsitans Westw. gg. The yellow band on each segment of the abdomen occupies a sixth of the segment...............66- G. longipalpis Wied. 304 Hominoxious Arthropods ff. Tarsi of the first and second pairs of legs wholly yellow.......... cialis bot Gia ARE Sead EM eeelee eS G. pallidipes Austen cc. Rays of the arista not plumose; only one or two sternopleurals; base of the media not strongly bowed down; apical cell opens at or very near the apex of the wing. d. Vein Rats without setz at the base; palpi about as long as the pro- boscis. e. Arista pectinate (i. e. rays on one side only), the rays often undulate; two yellow sternopleurals often difficult to detect; vein M i+ only slightly bent, the apical cell hence wide open. The horn fly, H. irritans (=Lyperosia serrata) and related species. Widely dis- tributed (figs. 167, 168) ............ Hematobia R. D. not B. B. 165. Glossina morsitans. (x4.) After Austen. ee. Arista also with rays below; vein Mj42 more strongly bent, the apical cell hence less widely open. f. Palpi strongly spatulate at the tips, lower rays of the arista about six in number, B. sanguinolentus. South Asia.............. Sie Mea Be nates S DRE ee ORR RE A eRe Seen Bdellolarynx Austen ff. Palpi feebly spatulate; apical cell of the wing narrowly open slightly before the tip; sternopleurals black, anterior bristle sometimes absent. H. atripalpis. Europe................ reailineaee Heatoees env quip izantel AE agaatin geet atin een meds Hematobosca Bezzi dd. Vein Rais with seta at the base.* *Pachymyia Maca. is closely related to Stomoxys. It differs in having the arista rayed both above and below. P. vexans, Brazil. Muscide 305 e. Veins Ri and Rais with sete at the base; two equally prominent sternopleural macrochete; arista with rays both above and be- low; palpi as long as the proboscis; apical cell of the wing wide open. L. tibialis. (Hematobia B. B. not R.D.)............... a dE OS GUS gute nro Gaara carla ehe Ge ATE EY Lyperosiops Town. ee. Only vein Rais with basal sete; anterior sternopleural macro- cheta wanting; arista pectinate. f. Palpi as long as the proboscis, the latter stout, with fleshy termi- nal labelle; apical cell narrowly open; sternopleural macro- chete black. S. maculosa from Africa and related species fromiy ASIA gan a yp ge hee Bm oe Bed ae ee Be Stygeromyia Austen ff. Palpi much shorter than the proboscis, the latter pointed at the apex, without fleshy labelle; apical cell of the wing wide open. S. calcitrans, the stable fly and related species. Widely dis- tributed in both hemispheres (fig. 110) ........ Stomoxys Geof. aa. Proboscis neither slender nor elongate, the labelle fleshy and not adapted for piercing. b. Hypopleure without a vertical row of macrochete............ MUSCINE ce. Arista bare; distal portion of Rg1s5 broadly curved at the end; hypop- pleurae with a sparse cluster of fine hairs. S. braziliana, Southern States:and southward ss. ciepcsvarsswadaamy sane Synthesiomyia B. B. ec. Arista pectinate or plumose. d. Arista pectinate. H. vittigera, with the posterior half of the abdomen metallic blue. Mexico..................4. Hemichlora V. d. W. dd. Arista plumose. e. Middle tibia with one or more prominent sete on the inner (flexor) surface beyond the middle, or inner surface very hairy. f. Ri ends distad of the m-cu crossvein; R445 with a broad curve near its apical end. (=Neomesembrina Schnabl, = Metamesem- brina Town). M. meridiana. Europe.... Mesembrina Meigen ff. Ry ends proximad of the m-cu crossvein. g. Eyes pilose, sometimes sparsely in the female. h. Female with two or three stout orbital sete; the hind metatar- sus of the male thickened below at the base and penicillate. D. pratorum. Europe............ Dasyphora R. D.* hh. Neither sex with orbital sete. i. Abdomen without macrochete; arista plumose. C. asiatica. Eastern Hemisphere... Cryptolucilia B. B. ii. Abdomen with strong macrochete; arista very short- plumose, nearly bare. 3B. tachinina. Brazil.......... ere re eee eT ee eee ee oe Reinwardtia B. B. gg. Eyes bare. h. Body densely pilose; thoracic macrochete wanting; middle tibize much elongate and bent; last section of Rats with a gentle curve. H. (Mesembrina) mystacea, et al., Europe and H. solitaria, N. America....Hypodermodes Town. hh. Body not densely pilose. *The genus Eudasyphora Town. has recently been erected to contain D. lasiophthalma. 306 Hominoxious Arthropods i. Dorsocentrals six; last section of Rats with a gentle curve. j. Inner dorsocentrals (‘‘acrostichals’’) wanting; sterno- .pleurals arranged 1:3. P. cyanicolor, cadaverina, etc. Europeand America................. , Pyrellia R. D. jj. Inner dorsocentrals (‘‘acrostichals”) present; sterno- pleurals arranged 1:2. E. Jatreillii. North America. inate fin ee asaeeta deca ete et aes Eumesembrina Town. ii. Dorsocentrals five; inner dorsocentrals present; last section of R445 with a rounded angle; sternopleurals arranged 1:2. P. cornicina Europe and America, (Pseudopyrellia Girsch.)..........00000+ Orthellia R. D. ee. Middle tibia without a prominent bristle on the inner surface beyond the middle. 166. Pycnosoma marginale. (x4.) After Graham—Smith. f Squamula thoracalis broadened mesad and caudad as far as the scutellum. g. Sternopleural macrochete arranged in an equilateral triangle; front of both sexes broad; gene bare; dorsocentrals six, small; wing not rilled. (To CoENosIN#). Atherigona Rdi. gg. Sternopleural macrochete when three are present, arranged in a right triangle. h, Last section of R4is with a more or less rounded angle (fig. 1631). i. Eyes of the male pilose or pubescent, of the female nearly bare; m-cu crossvein usually at or proximad of the mid- distance between the r-m crossvein and the bend of Rais. P. (= Placomyia R. D.) vitripennis............ eects Meh ka ieaueoni saya ice mathe y eats ae Bisere eas Plaxemyia R. D. li. Eyes bare; the m-cu crossvein always nearer to the bend of Rg+s than to the r-m crossvein. j. Apex of the proboscis when extended reveals a circlet of stout chitinous teeth. P. insignis Austen, of India, bites both man and animals. (= Pristirhynchomyia) pba ati aR LS wet dee We CS Sn Philematomyia Austen Muscide 307 jj. Apex of the proboscis without black teeth. k. Eyes of male separated by a distance equal to a fourth the width of the head. House or typhoid fly. M. domestica L. Widely distributed... Musca L. kk. Eyes of the male contiguous. E.corvina. Europe. Se HUNAN th ah astern de Gries Eumusca Town hh. Last section of R445 with a gentle curve (fig. 102). i. Eyes pilose. j. Claws in the male somewhat elongated; no orbitals in either sex; antenne separated at the base by a flat carina; abdomen marked with red or yellow. G. maculata. Europe and America....Graphomyia R. D. jj. Claws short and equal in the two sexes; two or three stout orbital macrochetz in the female; Ry scarcely produced beyond the r-m crossvein; eyes contiguous in the male. P. obsoleta. Brazil ..Phasiophana Br. ii. Eyes bare; fronto-orbital macrochete in a double row, antenne contiguous at the base. j. One or more pairs of well developed anterior inner dorso- central (acrostichal) macrochetze; seta on extensor surface of hind tibia. M. assimilis, stabulans, etc. Europe and America.............. Muscina R. D. jj. Anterior inner dorsocentrals and the setz on the ex- tensor surface of the hind tibia wanting. M. micans, etc. Europe and North America....Morellia R. D. ff. Squamula thoracalis not broadened mesad and caudad, not reaching the margin of the scutellum; macrochete on extensor surface of the hind tibia wanting. g. Eyes pubescent. M. meditabunda. Europe and America. Boe oe Baaaataehs sat ote WON LA Ah A ewier N Ae Myiospila Rdi. gg. Eyes bare; R, ends before the middle of the wing. A number of species from the tropics of both hemispheres. .......... pea gh aga dearshaese lee ae yee an yeshxyed Clinopera V. d. W. bb. Hypopleure with a vertical row of macrochete. c. Eyes pubescent. d. Ri ends about opposite the r-m crossvein; basal section of Rg+ts bristly nearly to the crossvein; S. enigmatica. Africa. Somalia Hough dd. Ry ends distad of the r-m crossvein. e. Eastern hemisphere. Australasia. N. ochracea, dasypthalma. s desat Wha duad Ht Seacb ase Gag ele chads d-auatcane hud. sh es ble eon oBionsl SEG Neocalliphora Br. ee. Western Hemisphere. T. muscinum. Mexico.. Tyreomma V.d. W. ce. Eyes bare. d. The vibrissal angle situated at a noticeable distance above the level of \ the margin of the mouth. e. Sternopleural macrochete arranged in the order 1:1. f. Gene with microchete. g. Body grayish, with depressed yellow woolly hair among the macrochetz; wings folded longitudinally over the body when 308 Hominoxious Arthropods at rest. Cluster flies. P. rudis and related species, widely GiStHBUtEd: ous eauelead Ba es SRR ea COR eS Pollenia R. D.* gg. Body metallic blue or green. Eastern Hemisphere. h. Vibrissal angle placed very high above the oral margin; a catina between the antenne; outer posthumeral wanting; anterior intraalar present. YT. viridaurea. Java ...... Thelycheta Br. Manda 167. Horn fly. (a) egg; (b) larva; (c) puparium; (d) adult. (x4). Bureau of Entomology hh. Vibrissal angle moderately high above the oral margin; carina small or wanting; no post humeral macrocheta; lower squame hairy above. (=Paracompsomyia Hough): Ge. 166) 2s odin ee pe ca es oe aw dS Pycnosoma Br. ff. Gene bare. S. terminaia. Eastern Hemisphere.............. Hath eA Catalase it fond aed het ray ent Slay Baa G Strongyloneura Bigot ee. Sternopleurals arranged 2:1. f. Body metallic green or blue, with gray stripes; gene hairy to the lower margin; post humerals often wanting; lower squame bare above. (=Compsomyia Rdi.) ............ Chrysomyia R. D. g. With one or two orbitals; height of bucca less than half the height of the eye. South and east U.S. (fig. 107)......... Seeeshitaria et dtehte are seated Sees fA tne NA shart ee. atl ster ots Ets C. marcellaria gg. No orbitals; height of bucca about a third less than height of eye. West Us Sinctcisccs goken ayeiede we C. wheelert Hough *Nitellia, usually included in this genus has the apical cell petiolate. A pollenia Bezzi, has recently been separated from Pollenia to contain the species P. nudiuscula. Both genera belong to the Eastern hemisphere. Muscide 309 ff. Body black or sordidly metallic greenish gray, usually yellow pol- linose or variegate; genz at most hairy above. WN. stygia. Eastern Hemisphere................020.000 Neopollenia Br. dd. Vibrissal angle situated nearly on a level of the oral margin. e. Species wholly blackish, bluish, or greenish metallic in color. f. First section of R445 with at most three or four small bristles at the immediate base. g. The bend of Ruts a gentle curve; costal spine present; cell Rs closed, ending before the apex of the wing. S. cuprina. JAVA Act ved eb eR are BONE ee Sa Selnd bane Synamphoneura Bigot gg. Bend of R445 angular; or the insect differs in other characters; dorsal surface of the squamula thoracalis hairy (except in Melinda); arista plumose only on the basal two-thirds (except usually in Calliphora and Eucalliphora). 168. Head of horn-fly (Lyperosia irritans); (@) female; (6) male; (c) lateral aspect of female. h. Arista plumose only on the basal two-thirds. ji. Base of the antennz ventrad of the middle of the eye; eyes of the male nearly contiguous; gene hairy; second abdominal segment with median marginal macrochate; two, rarely three, postsutural intraalar macrochete. j. Squamula thoracalis dorsally with long black hairs; male hypopgium two-segmented, large, projecting; claws and pullvilli of the male elongate; three strong sterno- pleural macrochetz; gene at least half the width of the eye; bucce (cheeks) half the height of the eyes; ovivi- parous. O. sepulcralis. Europe...... Onesia R. D. jj. Dorsal surface of the squamula thoracalis bare; male hypopygium small, scarcely projecting below; claws and pulvilli not elongate; two stout sternopleural macrochetz, sometimes with a delicate one below the anterior; genz nearly linear in the male; bucce about a third of the eye height; oviparous. M. cerulea. Euro p@tcss eicewies cae ean S89 SES Melinda. R. D. 310 Hominoxious Arthropods : ec Teansielee Sle Past alar callus Front coxa --> Ss , ade antertor dorsocentrals aide «inner ww fee a dea tec vsap ees aia « intraalar wbure Aumerals ;* yas ph post « . ps. presutural p.lde p-de posterior dorse centrals SOS ORES GaN SERS pide « inner « z fa. nlraalar pra prealarzanterior sa Ja supra alar lower sQuaria = : al { squeccrnyeda thoracalis upper Squama,= i Lepuenula alaris -Probisers 169. Lateral and dorsal aspects of the thorax, and frontal aspect of the head of a muscoidean fly, with designations of the parts commonly used in taxonomic work. Muscide 311 ii. Base of the antennz dorsad of the middle of the eye; eyes of both sexes distinctly separated; dorsal surface of the squamula thoracalis with black hairs; two post sutural intraalar macrochete. j. Hypopygium of the male large, with a pair of slightly curved forceps whose ends are concealed in a longi- tudinal slit in the fifth ventral sclerite; third posterior inner dorso-central (acrostichal) macrochete absent; anterior intraalar rarely present; abdomen usually not pollinose; the second segment without median marginal macrochete; face yellow. C. mortuorum, cadaverina, and related species. Both hemispheres. rat Batata mee gp anatase ae i hui uce a dp de deunwa barton Cynomyia R. D.* 170. Sepsis violacea; puparium and adult. (See page 297.) After Howard. jj. Three pairs of posterior inner dorsocentrals (acrostichals) present; second abdominal segment with a row of marginal macrochete; gene hairy, at least above. k. Hypopygium of the male with a projecting style. S. stylifera. Europe............ Steringomyia Pok. *The following three genera are not sufficiently well defined to place in this synopsis. In color and structural characters they are closely related to Cynomyia from which they may be distinguished as follows. Catapicephala Macq.. represented by the species C. splendens from Java, has the sete on the facial ridges rising to the base of the antennz and has median mar, nal macrochete on the abdominal segments two to four: Blepharicnema Macq., represented B. splendens from Venezuela has bare genz, oral sete not ascending; tibie villose; claws Hore. in both sexes; Sarconesia Bigot with the species S. chlorogaster from Chile, setose gene; legs slender, not villose; claws of the mae! elongate. 312 Hominoxious Arthropods kk. Hypopygium of the male without style. A. steluiana TB TB sedi etae a de sts bet a aud weet ¥ ow BE Acrophaga B. B. hh. Arista usually plumose nearly to the tip; posterior dorso- centrals and inner dorsocentrals (acrostichals) well developed; dorsal surface of the squamula thoracalis hairy; abdomen metallic and usually pollinose; gene hairy. i, With one pair of ocellar macrochete. C. vomitoria, erythrocephala, viridescens, and related species. Both hemispheres.............0 0000s eee Calliphora R. D. 2 ii. With two strong pairs of ocellar macrochete. .£. latifrons. Pacific slope of the U. S........ Eucalliphora Town. ff. First section of R445 bristly near or quite half way to the small crossvein; dorsal surface of the squamula thoracalis is bare; the hypopygium of the male is inconspicuous. g. Gene bare; posterior inner and outer dorsocentrals distinct and well developed. JL. cesar, sericata, syluarum, and related species. Widely distributed in both hemispheres igs 108 ek sSs, Meco e a erags Seite ae Uk Lucilia R. D. gg. Genz with microchete, at least down to the level of the base of the arista. h. Mesonotum flattened behind the transverse suture. i, Posterior dorsocentrals inconstant and unequally developed; one pair of posterior inner dorsocentrals. P. terraenove. North America..............+..- Protophormia Town. ii. Posterior dorsocentrals well developed, the inner dorso- centrals (acrostichals) unequally developed. P. azurea, chrysorrhea, etc. Europe and America.............. ay cisy acaba MBrecceS guitt guts ace Wade eee aa ale Protocalliphora Hough hh. Mesonotum not flattened behind the transverse suture; posterior inner and outer dorsocentrals inconstant and unequally developed. P. regina. Europe and Amienicn's asin oh Meee tag eden ths al ae Phormia R. D. ee. Species more or less rufous or yellow in color. f. Anterior dorsocentrals wanting; first section of the Ru+5 at most only bristly at the base, bend near apex rectangular, Ri ends over the crossvein; fronto-orbital macrocheta absent; eyes of the male contiguous. C. semiviridis. Mexico. .Chloroprocta V. d. W ff. With another combination of characters. g. Body robust, of large size, abdomen elongate, not round; gene with several ranges of microchetz; vibrissal ridges strongly convergent; abdomen with well developed macrochete; costal spine usually absent; eyes of the male widely separated. h. Peristome broad, pteropleural macrochetz distinct; one or two sternopleurals; in the female a single orbital macro- cheta; last abdominal segment without discal macro- chete; hypopygial processes of the male with a long stylet; second abdominal segment of the female sometimes 313 Muscide 171, Stigmata of the larve of Muscoidea. Thirdinstar, (a) Cynomyia cadavarina; (b) Phormia regina; (c) Chrysomyia macel- laria; (d) Musca domestica; (e) Sarcophaga SP; (f) Oestris ovis; (g) Gastrophilus equi; (hk) Sarcophaga sp; (4) Pegomyia e vicina; (j) Protocalliphora azurea; (k) Hypoderma lineata; (J) Muscina stabulans. Magnification for f, g, and k, x 25; all others, x 50. 314 Hominoxious Arthropods much elongate. A. luteola (fig. 86). Africa. The sub- genus Cheromyia Roub. is included here. Auchmeromyia B.B. hh. Peristome narrow; no pteropleurals, two sternopleurals; two orbitals in the female; second segment not elongate; the fourth with two well developed discal macrochete. B. depressa. Africa...............05. Bengalia R. D gg. With another combination of characters. h. Costal spine present; body in part black; antenne notice- ably shorter than the epistome, inserted above the middle of the eye and separated from each other by a carina; abdominal segments with marginal macrochete; sterno- PleGials 22h OF Ut cca ieee ees tee RE Paratricyclea Villen. hh. Costal spine not distinct, or if present, insect otherwise different. i. Genz with several ranges of microchete; vibrissal ridges strongly converging; peristome broad; arista moderately plumose; sternopleurals usually 1:1; color entirely testaceous. C. anthropophaga (fig. 87) and grunbergi. ATHCAe eia-¢y pee ees te Sea ees Cordylobia Griinb. ii. Genz bare or with but one range of sete; vibrissal ridges less converging; peristome narrow; arista long plumose. j. Genz with a single row of microchete. k. Sternopleurals 2:1; color entirely testaceous......... fit GAS PERLE Be Oey BARA ONS Ochromyia Macq.* kk. Sternopleurals 1:1. P. varia Hough. Africa....... Seng ko nah ya ae ctNn Rares iC ite Parochromyia Hough jj. Gene bare. k. Basal section of Rats bristly only at the immediate base, distal section with a broad curve; distal portion of the abdomen metallic; sternopleurals usually 1:1, rarely 2:1. M. eneiventris Wd. Tropic ATHOTICA ret a aiinn sess ogee Mesembrinella. G. T. kk. Rats bristly at least nearly half way to the small crossvein; sternopleurals 1:1. 1, Macrochetz of the abdomen marginal; neither sex with orbitals; no carina between the base of the antenne; three pairs of presutural inner dorso- centrals. Eastern hemisphere. T. ferruginea. Tricyclea V. d. W. (= Zonochroa B. B. according to Villeneuve I914). Il Abdomen without macrochete; wing usually with a marginal streak and gray markings. Brazil i fete tonto ots aah a Won Gna alu aes ae Hemilucilia B. B. *Plinthomyia Rdi. and Hemigymnochata Corti are related to Ochromyia, though too briefl described to place in the key. a . ee Muscoidea 315 eg OS oe oe age & Ni a3 $s) (© © Oo Median line Median line 7% a3 ot \oF 172, Left hand stigmata of the larvae of muscoidea. Third instar. (a) Lucilia cesar; (b) Calliphora vomitoria; (c) Stomoxys calcitrans; (d) Pseudopyrellia cornicina; (e) Pyrellia cadavarina; (f) Lyperosia irritans; (g) Mesembrina mystacea; (h) Mesembrina meridiana; (i) Myospila meditabunda; (7) Mydea umbana; (k) Polietes albolineata; (2) Polietes lardaria; (m) Morellia hortorum; (7) Hydrotea dentipes; 0) Hebecnema umbratica; (p) H. vespertina; (g) Limnophora sep- temnotata; (r) Muscina stabulans. (@ and b) after MacGregor; (d) after Banks; all others after Portchinsky. Magnification varies. The relative distance to the median line is indicated in each figure. 316 Hominoxitous Arthropods SIPHONAPTERA. Fleas Adapted from a table published by Oudemans. a. Elongated fleas, with jointed (articulated) head, with combs (ctenidia) on head and thorax; with long, oval, free-jointed flagellum of the antenna (GES O20) oars: seats es aussie wn Ree ioe one Suborder FRACTICIPATA b. With ctenidia in front of the antennz and on the genz (cheeks); maxille with acute apices; labial palpi five-segmented, symmetrical; eyes poorly developed or wanting. On rodents.............. HysTRICHOPSYLLID c. Abdominal segments without ctenidia. d. Post-tibial spines in pairs and not in a very close set row; head with Cteni dia ian ac caccs aeeet hea ee ete a oes Ctenophthalmus Kol. dd. Post-tibial spines mostly single and in a close set row. Ctenopsyllus and Leptopsyllus. The last genus has recently been erected for L. musculi, a widely distributed species occurring on rats and mice. ce. Abdominal segments with one or more ctenidia; post-tibial spines in numerous, short, close-set transverse rows on posterior border with about four spines in each row. H. americana. .Hystrichopsylla Taschenb. bb. With only two pairs of subfrontal ctenidia; labial palpi five-segmented, symmetrical; eyes vestigial or wanting. On bats. (=ISCHNOPSYL- DID) es eye eadin see cle du ee yes OH EE GE eRe aE ME NYCTERIDIPSYLLIDE With more or less blunt maxilla; all tibie with notch; a single antepygi- dial bristle; metepimeron without ctenidium. N. crosby: from Missouri was found on bats. Rothschild suggests that this is probably the same as N. insignis. i epeEL OVE eeeNeS (=Ischnopsyllus = Ceratopsyllus), Nycteridiphilus aa. Head not jointed, ie. the segments coalescent, traces of the segmentation still being visible in the presence of the vertex tubercle, the falx (sickle- shaped process), and a suture............ Suborder INTEGRICIPITA b. Flagellum of the antenne long and oval. c. Usually elongate fleas, with a free-segmented flagellum of the antenna; thorax not shorter than the head, longer than the first tergite. d. Gene of the head and the pronotum with ctenidia....NEOPSYLLIDZ e. Labial palpi four or five-segmented; symmetrical; hind coxe with patch of spines inside; row of six spatulate spines on each side in front of the antenne. C. ornata found on a California mole Grier a chabert ate tities ga nad genre ave taghs se Sede Sirens BE sheen ANE Corypsylla ee. Labial palpi two-segmented, transparent, membranous. On ATES ts se hie cath aetrpan inn ceion ase en oe ES Spilopsyllus Baker dd. No ctenidium on the head. e. Pronotum with ctenidium.................... DOLICHOPSYLLIDZ f. Labial palpi five-segmented, symmetrical. g. Antepygidial bristles one to three; eyes present. h. Inner side of hind coxe distally with a comb of minute teeth; falx present. On rodents and carnivores..............55 Aug seed Gh pe vant oe Ss x4 GPSS Chee eas Odontopsyllus Baker hh. Inner side of hind coxa without comb or teeth. Many North American species on rodents..............2+2.-. Stphonaptera 317 gg. Antepygidial bristles five on each side; eyes absent; suture white. D. stylosus on rodents........ Dolichopsyllus Baker ff. Labial palpi four or five-segmented; asymmetrical (membranous behind), apex acute. Hoplopsyllus anomalus found on Spermo- philes in Colorado.......... 00 HOPLOpPSYLLIDE ee. Pronotum without ctenidium. Anomiopsyllus californicus and nudatus on rodents..............00 0c e eee ANOMIOPSYLLID& cc. Very short fleas; flagellum of the antenna with pseudo-segments coales- cent; thorax much shorter than the head and than the first tergite BER Ge ita NS Rake cate ia Svaccensdonn ayachaarase dvs pcuyast Suis esau bd epdevbonsoonGaud Basal Gees HECTOPSYLLIDA Flagellum of the antenna with six coalescent pseudo-segments; maxilla blunt. The chigger on man (fig. 93). D. penetrans................ proton eeeiRunee (=Rhynchoprion = Sarcopsylla) Dermatophilus Guérin bb. Flagellum short, round, free portion of the first segment shaped like a mandolin. c. Thorax not shorter than the head, longer than the first tergite; flagellum either with free segments or in part with the segments coalescent. d. Head and pronotum with ctenidium; labial palpi asymmetrical... . Sioa eh Ca SOW See Bn ete ew ES Ener cae aid Gig aoe NS ARCHZOPSYLLIDE With four subfrontal, four genal, and one angular ctenidia. Widely GISTHIDUEER 3 i. atid ae eae eschamaday aeace eee Ctenocephalus Kol. e. Head rounded in front (fig. 92a). Dog flea.............. C. canis ee. Head long and flat (fig. 92b). Cat flea...............4.. C. felis dd. Neither head nor pronotum with ctenidium. Labial palpi asym- metrical, membranous behind.................. ssn ee PULICIDA e. Mesosternite narrow, without internal rod-like thickening from the insertion of the coxe upwards. Human flea, etc...... Pulex L. ee. Mesosternite broad with a rod-like internal thickening from the insertion of the coxe upwards (fig. 89). X. (Leemopsylla) cheopis, Plague Or. Tat Mes: 2 es id cesac aud Raed weahbat’y waded need ndeeo Xenopsylla cc. Thorax much shorter than the head and than the first tergite. Echi- dnophagide. E. gallinacea, the hen flea also attacks man (fig. 96). be di aeons dae i (=Argopsylla = Xestopsylla) Echidnophaga Olliff, APPENDIX HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS AGAINST HOUSEHOLD INSECTS The following directions for fumigating with hydrocyanic acid gas are taken from Professor Herrick’s circular published by the Cornell Reading Course: Hydrocyanic acid gas has been used successfully against house- hold insects and will probably be used more and more in the future. It is particularly effective against bed-bugs, and cockroaches, but because it is such a deadly poison 1t must be used very carefully. The gas is generated from the salt potassium cyanid, by treating it with sulfuric acid diluted with water. Potassium cyanid is a most poisonous substance and the gas emanating from it is also deadly to most, if not all, forms of animal life. The greatest care must always be exercised in fumigating houses or rooms in buildings that are occupied. Before fumigation a house should be vacated. It is not necessary to move furniture or belongings except brass or nickel objects, which may be somewhat tarnished, and butter, milk, and other larder supplies that arelikely to absorb gas. If the nickel and brass fixtures or objects are carefully covered with blankets they will usually be sufficiently protected. There may be danger in fumigating one house in a solid row of houses if there is a crack in the walls through which the gas may find its way. It also follows that the fumigation of one room in a house may endanger the occupants of an adjoining room if the walls be- tween the two rooms are not perfectly tight. It is necessary to keep all these points in mind and to do the work deliberately and thought- fully. The writer has fumigated a large college dormitory of 253 rooms, once a year for several years, without the slightest accident of any kind. In order to fumigate this building about 340 pounds of cyanid and the same amount of sulfuric acid were used each time. In addition to this, the writer has fumigated single rooms and smaller houses with the gas. In one instance the generating jars were too small; the liquid boiled over and injured the floors and the rugs. Such an accident should be avoided by the use of large jars and by placing old rugs or a quantity of newspapers beneath the jars. 318 The Proportions of Ingredients 319 Tue Proportions or INGREDIENTS Experiments and experience have shown that the potassium cyanid should be ninety-eight per cent pure in order to give satis- factory results. The purchaser should insist on the cyanid being of at least that purity, and it should be procurable at not more than forty cents per pound. The crude form of sulfuric acid may be used. It is a thickish, brown liquid and should not cost more than four or five cents a pound. Ifa room is made tight, one ounce of cyanid for every one hundred cubic feet of space has been shown to be sufficient. It is combined with the acid and water in the following proportions: Potassium cyanid..............0 00.0000. I ounce Commercial sulfuric acid .... 2... 002... 1 fluid ounce AMAL OR oct tnucniea lam pico ueMs bbvee Aten eee 3 fluid otinces A Srnete Room as an ExamMpiEe Suppose a room to be 12 by 15 by 8 feet. It will contain 12x 15x 8, or 1440 cubic feet. For convenience the writer always works on the basis of complete hundreds; in this case he would work on the basis of 1500 cubic feet, and thus be sure to have enough. The foregoing room, then, would require 15 ounces of cyanid, 15 ounces of sulfuric acid, and 45 ounces of water. The roomshould be made as tight as possible by stopping all the larger openings, such as fireplaces and chimney flues, with old rags or blankets. Cracks about windows or in other places should be sealed with narrow strips of newspaper well soaked in water. Strips of newspaper two or three inches wide that have been thoroughly soaked in water may be applied quickly and effectively over the cracks around the window sash and elsewhere. Such strips will stick closely for several hours and may be easily removed at the conclusion of the work. While the room is being made tight, the ingredients should be measured according to the formula already given. The water should be measured and poured first into a stone jar for holding at least two gallons. The jar should be placed in the middle of the room, with an old rug or several newspapers under it in order to protect the floor. The required amount of sulfuric acid should then be poured rather slowly into the water. This process must never be reversed; that is, the acid must never be poured into the jar first. The cyanid should be weighed and put into a paper bag beside the jar. All hats, coats, or other articles that will be needed before the work is over 320 Hydrocyanic Acid Gas Against Household Insects should be removed from the room. When everything is ready the operator should drop the bag of cyanid gently into the jar, holding his breath, and should walk quickly out of the room. The steam- like gas does not rise immediately under these conditions, and ample time is given for the operator to walk out and shut the door. If preferred, however, the paper bag may be suspended by a string passing through a screw eye in the ceiling and then through the key- hole of the door. In this case the bag may be lowered from the out- side after the operator has left the room and closed the door. The writer has most often started the fumigation toward evening and left it going all night, opening the doors in the morning. The work can be done, however, at any time during the day and should extend over a period of five or six hours at least. It is said that bet- ter results will be obtained in a temperature of 70° F., or above, than at a lower degree. At the close of the operation the windows and doors may be opened from the outside. In the course of two or three hours the gas should be dissipated enough to allow a person to enter the room without danger. The odor of the gas is like that of peach kernels and is easily recognized. The room should not be occupied until the odor has disappeared. Fumicating a Larce House The fumigation of a large house is merely a repetition, in each room and hall, of the operations already described for a single room. All the rooms should be made tight, and the proper quantities of water and sulfuric acid should be measured and poured into jars placed in each room with the cyanid in bags besides the jars. When all is ready, the operator should go to the top floor and work downward because the gas is lighter than air and tends to rise. PRECAUTIONS The cyanid should be broken up into small pieces not larger than small eggs. This can best be done on a cement or brick pavement. It would be advantageous to wear gloves in order to protect the hands, although the writer has broken many pounds of cyanid without any protection on the hands. Wash the hands thoroughly at frequent intervals in order to remove the cyanid. The operations ot the work must be carried out according to directions. Precautions 321 The work should be done by a calm, thoughtful and careful person—best by one who has had some experience. Conspicuous notices of what has been done should be placed on the doors, and the doors should be locked so that no one can stray into the rooms. The gas is lighter than air, therefore one should always begin in the rooms at the top of the house and work down. After fumigation is over the contents of the jar should be emptied into the sewer or some other safe place. The jars should be washed thoroughly before they are used again. It must be remembered that cyanid is a deadly poison; but it is very efficient against household insects, if carefully used, and is not particularly dangerous when properly handled. LESIONS PRODUCED BY THE BITE OF THE BLACK-FLY While this text was in press there came to hand an important paper presenting a phase of the subject of black fly injury so different from others heretofore given that we deem it expedient to reproduce here the author’s summary. The paper was published in The Journal of Cutaneous Diseases, for November and December, 1914, under the title of ‘‘A Clinical, Pathological and Experimental Study of the Lesions Produced by the Bite of the Black Fly’ (Simulium venus- tum),”’ by Dr. John Hinchman Stokes, of the University of Michigan. ResumME anp Discussion or EXPERIMENTAL FINDINGS The principal positive result of the work has been the experimental reproduction of the lesion produced by the black-fly in characteristic histological detail by the use of preserved flies. The experimental lesions not only reproduced the pathological pictures, but followed a clinical course, which in local symptomatology especially, tallied closely with that of the bite. This the writer interprets as satis- factory evidence that the lesion is not produced by any living infec- tive agent. The experiments performed do not identify the nature of the toxic agent. " Tentatively they seem to bring out, however, the following characteristics. 1. The product of alcoholic extraction of flies do not contain the toxic agent. 2. The toxic agent is not inactivated by alcohol. 3. The toxic agent is not destroyed by drying fixed flies. 4. The toxic agent is not affected by glycerin, but is, if anything, more active in pastes made from the ground fly and glycerin, than in the ground flies as such. 322 Lesions Produced by the Bite of the Black-fiy 5. The toxic agent is rendered inactive or destroyed by hydro- chloric acid in a concentration of 0.25%. 6. The toxic agent is most abundant in the region of the ana- tomical structures connected with the biting and salivary apparatus (head and thorax). 7. The toxic agent is not affected by a 0.5 % solution of sodium bicarbonate. 8. The toxic agent is not affected by exposure to dry heat at 100° C. for two hours. 9. The toxic agent is destroyed or rendered inactive in alkaline solution by a typical hydrolytic ferment, pancreatin. to. Incomplete experimental evidence suggests that the activity of the toxic agent may be heightened by a possible lytic action of the blood serum of a sensitive individual, and that the sensitive serum itself may contain the toxic agent in solution. These results, as far as they go (omitting No. ro), accord with Langer’s except on the point of alcoholic solubility and the effect of acids. The actual nature of the toxic agent in the black-fly is left a matter of speculation. The following working theories have suggested themselves to the writer. First, the toxin may be, as Langer believes in the case of the bee, an alkaloidal base, toxic as such, and neutralized after injection by antibodies produced for the occasion by the body. In such a case the view that a partial local fixation of the toxin occurs, which prevents its immediate diffusion, is acceptable. Through chemotactic action, special cells capable of breaking up the toxin into harmless elements are attracted to the scene. Their function may be, on the other hand, to neutralize directly, not by lysis. This would explain the réle of the eosinophiles in the black-fly lesion. If their activities be essential to the destruction or neutralization of the toxin, one would expect them to be most numerous where there was least reaction. This would be at the site of a bite in an immune individual. A point of special interest for further investiga- tion, would be the study of such a lesion. Second, it is conceivable that the injected saliva of the fly does not contain an agent toxic as such. It is possible, that like many foreign proteins, it only becomes toxic when broken down. The completeness and rapidity of the breaking down depends on the number of eosinophiles present. In such a case immunity should again be marked by intense eosinophilia. ‘ammjound ayy jo ] enjeur Aep yyy eZ 43 UT oyexy [Bur puv eurepeo Arvipidvd Suimoys Surmeip 1am0d tamoy ‘uoisa uoldal 3 a on ii Hi Ca ‘er Lesions Produced by the Bite of the Black-fly 323 \ -ayeayyi(uy yeauan ae ’ S Q 2 5 a oa Os a S30) A ees peer a za oO Bor = = we ee I \ of Pious: wes ee ia ZS 2 ae ls as 324 Lesions Produced by the Bite of the Black-fly Third, lytic agents in the blood serum may play the chief rédle in the liberation of the toxic agent from its non-toxic combination. An immune individual would then be one whose immunity was not the positive one of antibody formation, but the negative immunity of failure to metabolize. An immune lesion in such a case might be conceived as presenting no eosinophilia, since no toxin is liberated. If the liberation of the toxin is dependent upon lytic agents present in the serum rather than in any cellular elements, a rational explana- tion would be available for the apparent results (subject to con- firmation) of the experiment with sensitive and immune sera. In this experiment it will be recalled that the sensitive serum seemed to bring out the toxicity of the ground flies, and the serum itself seemed even to contain some of the dissolved or liberated toxin. The slowness with which a lesion develops in the case of the black-fly bite supports the view of the initial lack of toxicity of the injected material. The entire absence of early subjective symptoms, such as pain, burning, etc., is further evidence for this view. It would appear as if no reaction occurred until lysis of an originally non- toxic substance had begun. Regarding the toxin itself as the chemo- tactic agent which attracts eosinophiles, its liberation in the lytic process and diffusion through the blood stream attracts the cells in question to the point at which it is being liberated. Arriving upon the scene, these cells assist in its neutralization. The last view presented is the one to which the author inclines as the one which most adequately explains the phenomena. A fourth view is that the initial injection of a foreign protein by the fly (1.e., with the first bite) sensitizes the body to that protein. Its subsequent injection at any point in the skin gives rise to a local expression of systematic sensitization. Such local sensitization reactions have been described by Arthus and Breton, by Ham- burger and Pollack and by Cowie. The description of such a lesion given by the first named authors, in the rabbit, however, does not suggest, histopathologically at least, a strong resemblance to that of the black-fly. Such an explanation of many insect urticarie deserves further investigation, however, and may align them under cutaneous expressions of anaphylaxis to a foreign protein injected by the insect. Depending on the chemical nature of the protein injected, a specific chemotactic reaction like eosinophilia may or may not occur. Viewed in this light the development of immunity to insect bites assumes a place in the larger problem of anaphylaxis. Lesions Produced by the Bite of the Black-fly 325 174. Experimental lesion produced from alcohol-fixed flies, dried and ground into a paste with glycerin. 326 Lesions Produced by the Bite of the Black-fly SUMMARY In order to bring the results of the foregoing studies together, the author appends the following résumé of the clinical data pre- sented in the first paper. The black-fly, Simuléum venustum, inflicts a painless bite, with ecchymosis and hemorrhage at the site of puncture. A papulo- vesicular lesion upon an urticarial base slowly develops, the full course of the lesion occupying several days to several weeks. Marked differences in individual reaction occur, but the typical course in- volves four stages. These are, in chronological order, the papular stage, the vesicular or pseudovesicular, the mature vesico-papular or weeping papular stage and the stage of involution terminating in a scar. The papule develops in from 3 to 24 hours. The early pseudo- vesicle develops in 24 to 48 hours. The mature vesico-papular lesion develops by the third to fifth day and may last from a few days to three weeks. Involution is marked by cessation of oozing, subsidence of the papule and scar-like changes at the site of the lesion. The symptoms accompanying this cycle consist of severe localized or diffused pruritus, with some heat and burning in the earlier stages if the cedema is marked. The pruritus appears with the pseudo- vesicular stage and exhibits extraordinary persistence and a marked tendency to periodic spontaneous exacerbation. The flies tend to group their bites and confluence of the developing lesions in such cases may result in extensive oedema with the formation of oozing and crusted plaques. A special tendency on the part of the flies to attack the skin about the cheeks, eyes and the neck along the hair line and behind the ears, is noted. In these sites inflammation and oedema may be extreme. A distinctive satellite adeonpathy of the cervical glands develops in the majority of susceptible persons within 48 hours after being bitten in the typical sites. This adenopathy is marked, discrete and painful, the glands often exquisitely tender on pressure. It subsides without suppuration. Immunity may be developed to all except the earliest manifesta- tions, by repeated exposures. Such an immunity in natives of an infested locality is usually highly developed. There are also ap- parently seasonal variations in the virulence of the fly and variations in the reaction of the same individual to different bites. Constitutional effects were not observed but have been reported. BIBLIOGRAPHY Aldrich, J. M. 1905. A catalogue of North American Diptera. Washing- ton, D.C. 1-680. Alessandri, G. 1910. Studii ed esperienze sulle larve della Piophila casei. Arch. Parasit. xiii, p. 337-387. Anderson, J. F. and Toe, W. H. i912. Transmission of poliomyelitis by means of the stable-fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). Public Health Reports. Washington. xxvii, p. 1733-1735. 1913. Further attempts to transmit the disease through the agency of the stable-fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). Public Health Repts., Washington. Xxviil, p. 833-837. Anderson, J. B and Goldberger, J. 1910. On the infectivity of tabardillo or Mexican typhus for monkeys, and studies on its mode of transmission. Pub- lic Health Repts., Washington. xxv, p. 177. Annandale, N. 1910. 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Foe rake Packie A 194, 201, 293 Culex pipiens. ... 00.06 ce eee 35, 98 Culex quinquefasciatus.......... 180 Culex sollicitans................ 200 Culex territans................. 101 Culicides 2. gcse psoas sees asad 33, 97 Cats sieve das. d cet ees Chae aged 34 Culicoides scssi vase we cabs 109, 288 CYyClopsies bvaneseegegeusce 183, 257 Cynomyia.................. 136, 311 Dance, St. Vitus ............... 8 Dancing mania................ 8 Meer fies: aie aes sce Get cal ee en a 5 IIo Definitive host................. 192 Demodecide .................. 78 Demo ext 0.0 cis Se cr Reds Miles wren 259 Demodex folliculorum.......... 78 Dermacentor .................. 262 Dermacentor andersoni....... 67, 228 Dermacentor occidentalis........ 227 Dermacentor variabilis.......... 67 Dermacentor venustus........ 24, 228 Dermanysside ................ 68 Dermanyssus ................. 266 Dermanyssus galline........... 68 Dermatitis..........0.00.. 72, 77, 85 Dermatobia................ II5, 298 Dermatobia cyaniventris........ 163 Dermatophilus................. 317 Dermatophilus penetrans...... 60, 126 Index Diamphidia simplex............ 55 Dimorphismt a.0-¢0-6 sce avaces 65 Direct inoculators.............. 4 Diplopoda..............00.. 25, 257 Dipterancndi. emcee cusses 33, 94, 274 Dipterous Larve............... 135 Dipylidium................. 175, 221 Dipylidium canium........ 4, 175-176 DOS! NEB eidiccs caro watounssonots 172 Dracunculust ca vegeu.ecwaracenee ds 257 Dracunculus medinensis......... 182 Drosophila .................... 296 Dum-dum fever................ 220 TOV SOMCCEY secters arcercrve Seed criatient cian 154 Har-Mes! olives gusateueene eset 110 RAR WAGE ase ceicecciansisydce SceoanePareue recesses 177 Echidnophaga ................. 317 Echinorynchus................. 185 Elephantiasis .............. 178-179 Empoasca mali................ 33 FMIpretiay s jc.032-saceastaukes Mwaaeon 46 English Plague Commission...... 171 Epeira diadema................ 18 PUDIZOOUC® centre: gto mine agrann aA 170 Hristalis! . ois vecpadeyecdenc 137, 295 Essential hosts................ 4, 165 PUTTS Cal ss sac: a Susieucr i euateadeeedt busi 307 European Relapsing Fever....... 233 Euproctis chrysorrhoea.......... 48 BusimuUliwmM oagars ae Pana dene ee 286 Facultative parasites........... 131 Fannia............ 136, 138, 145, 300 Federal Health Service.......... 169 Fever, lenticular ............... 237 African Relapsing......... 230, 234 Carrion Sicc2ineceemr eased oes 253 tim Gu4 ae snes coe cpanacsacnawe 154 European Relapsing.......... 233 PAPPAliCl ee gerass eon doing 96 fed, Wateties sey nieiawddue eset 220 Rocky Mt. Spotted........... 226 three day 0 eee siisentccwiges acted 96 Tey PHUS oe ascaicuntina eter ngns 237 Bilaria®. eco vie aes em eta 178, 221 MWMMIS oo ned Reade Sa eeee tow 182 PUAMASIS: valiccadsaciainaia uae eens 178 343 Flannel-moth larve............. 44 TRL CA Sis os iectatyes dish davies us eutin 11g, 166, 213 | a er ee ee are ee ee 172 OP ice niacartinaenatden etme gee a 172 AumMan-sevanes dees ves ees 172, 176 TOGENE 6.5 diuse Yeieca Sakae ogs 123, 172 TAU cdc Aisha & pA eaeebaee Toil 171 HIGSOPC haa ny camiencucmgadeccn 125 Formaldehyde ................. 91 FOmitess« 2a saccrudenes axes 199, 204 Fulgoride ........-...00 0c cues 28 Fumigation ................... 320 Gaiiiasid: sew penance ananimnancninn 68 Gangrene vornvexnnayrsankes gens 129 Gastrophilus ............... 113, 297 Giant crab spiders.............. 13 Giant water bugs............... 30 Gigantorhynchus............... 185 Glossitiais sit cag-atintose atte 117, 297, 303 Glossina morsitans.......... 214, 217 Palpaliss .sne seis dia sie 215, 217, 218 Glyciphagus ...............00. 267 GPAID TIO seo seccs sea awe a wma 69 Grocer’sitch............0..00-5 72 Guinea-worm ................. 182 Habronema musce.......... 156, 183 Hematobia ................ 166, 304. JTTANS acne aciwaaeeer ne 146 Hematobosca ..............44.. 304. Hematomyidium .............. 288 Hematopinus spinulosus........ 213 Hematopota ...............0.. 2904 Hematosiphon ................ 279 Hemoglobinuria ............... 220 FA BMOZOM! soci aha bese earners Were 189 Harpactorescccss ha veseamrseoey 284 Harvest mites................. 60 ELC CHNON sci seseccetdatagt dudisnersenecnne’ 59 Head-louse ................... 173 Helminthiasis,..2ccscccseawerax ge 138 Helophilus..; 5:10 cence ws anres ees 205 Hemiptera........... 27, 86, 273-275 Heteropodide ................. 13 Heuchis sanguinea.............. 55 Hexapod larve...............4. 58 344 Hippelates: 2 cde th ieee dees 297 HippobOsean. io eaas cen eeares 285 FNStiOgaSter sac ccinge dere neee s 269 spermaticus ...secc.seaeeey or 132 Homalomyia........... 136, 138, 300 HIGH ey: DEC i ise igceratieivn cain Pca wun ee 36 POSOM OF a 3.03 css eee ee ee Sones By Hornets puns gic cine donee acing 43 Hornty vac csas eae hes 137, 304, 308 FROPseehly ys cc aah hed eve ae hie 110, 165 House-fly.......... 137-139, 144, 183 control of................ 156, 160 Human flea: eciong Aecawe'een Uhre 124 Host, definitive................ 175 intermediate................. 175 PRIMAL a 445 Sates apa panels 175 Hyalomma ................... 264 Sey pticuM < 24.448 vee shee 224-225 Hydrocyanic Acid Gas.......... 318 FAVA Ota cic Ses dis Galag Gk vende 300 Hymenolepis diminuta.......... 176 Hymenoptera................ 36, 275 Fy podérma. opus senna ences 113, 298 Giana: wseadin se sak ys wee ees 113 lineata. ey.c eases goeoue say ees 113 Hypopharynx ................. 80 Immunity from stings........... 39 Incomplete metamorphosis...... 80 Infantile paralysis........... 162,241 SPIGNIC. dagen nonetaaneuahea neved 220 Direct inoculation............ 164 THSCCUS! «ci: ocene ew gurpceaeien te 258 blood-sucking................ 170 Intermediate host........... 192, 203 Intestinal infestation........ 112, 133 AN ASS! C555, s0hoi Sakeeazoe Gull a79 cial Be 137 TSOSOIMa: Ga deys aes yee td tees 69 Tt@hin 22 bv Secebe cee tate coeds 73-74 MAGEE eens van ete ees eee 73 Norwegian <: 2445 vsceopacnsas 77 EROUES:. Stsel wut boc huh pankiea artes ae 260 HICHMUS es ada adewenerniren 66, 225 SCAPUUATIS os. 5. ccacccces wean eeues 66 Ixodidae s.. j.tuvenwivesa vax wes ey 64-65 TFxodoidea' s.cs see vey paw ve coed 62 Janthinosoma lutzi............. 116 Index Jigeer «sane hxteui ie sess eee ae 60 Johannseniella ............. 110, 288 Journal of Tropical Medicine and TAY S1ENG. oe creas eye 36 Julus terrestris ................ 25 June DUP so s62 os dese garer ene eA 185 Kalacazat ics anccacsienncianuns 220 Kara, kurtes..¢0.66c¢0u: epee: 14 Katipo’ sacpcesgece we eyed ewes: 14 Kong AVES Asda c ae vedun se eee 3 Kircher, Athanasius ........... 1, 8 Kissin g-bug ccc carcn Gace Somes 31 Labia 20.4 can Ge Scan vege Be 29, 80 Ta DROI 2 2 titan cts higdg ole Pees 28, 80 Lachnosterna ................. 185 LBLADS a sas. sicd days pict is Des ees Re 266 Loemopsylla, 2. se:2: e404 68 eats 172 Lagoa crispata................. 45 Lamblia intestinalis............ 154 Langer, Josef..-............... 37 Larder beetles... .2..c ces en oes 135 Latrodectus.............-. 12, 14, 17 MACTANS sesso saad die bacg dno 15 Leishmanioses ................. 220 Lenticular fever................ 237 Lepidoptera ................... 274 Lepidopterous larve............ 134 LeprOSyi2y eye dace ee hed Ree Se 252 Weep tides cc2 nt cnn sake seusieed punts 112 Opus a Noten or aetewiekonss ead ae 295 LEptSs. cr engcdnte aaaraeees 60, 273 DICE. lishiey Aces oe Bese Obs ews 80 Linguatulina .................. 258 LApOnySSts. ici ccs paced nen ada es 265 Lone star tick.................. 228 Louse, body...............005. 84 CLAD is Sincere nade bog Bs 4 ee 85 OR stem hse ay ves Ne area eces Bie 176 TGA 3 oor cee aieuse tetas whine 82 PUBIC pity seseu es keen gedhonsa 85 Loemopsylla................ 172, 317 Wuctliais «ostev as a dare Pe eed 136, 312 Lycosa tarantula............... 10 LY COSIVE oc ikea eaalageanes's 10 IL YCtOCOHS 106 29 ac Ged Beas ee e 279 Lygus pratensis................ 33 Index Lymphangitis........... ...... 67 Lymph scrotum................ 178 LAV PETOSIA sis 4c deasesi ace tease aosateer ar 304 Lyperosiops ................05. 305 Macloskie: jigccrgadeaislasonses 34 Maggots, rat-tail............... 137 Magnes sive de Arte Magnetica.. 8 INV ANA TTS «aca adotsascie deus tend grb iha connate’ 186 Malmigniatté: 2. c0sc0 cence wines I4 Man GIblES! . wnsotiarnrtiisa wat tacue a 28, 80 Mange nucss sxcccteeene sedans 73-75 Margaropus ................. 237, 264 ANNUAUS 5 advances paar eaaaees 223 Masked bed-bug hunter......... 32 Mastigoproctus giganteus...... 19, 80 Miaxillae:. inn rs eee aeins wierd Seas: 28 Meal infesting species........... 135 Melanin granules............... 189 Melanolestes .................. 280 PICIPES” wis cusigin cde gees eee 32 Meénazvodies win aurae tenn sayin 14 Mercurialis: 20... cece cae I Merozoites ............. 00.000 190 Metamorphosis ................ 80 MEARE DUe ies oncartbiannn cenonae 63 Microgametoblast ............. 192 Mad g6S ser cgchewencdea aks okee es 107 Migratory ookinete............. 192 MAlliped esi. ouicacninndeaardenae 25, 257 IMGCES ere pee are ganas hens 23, 58 Monteziellan cic cena, eeadeee ates 269 Mosquitoes....... 33,97, 178, 196, 250 treatment for bites of... .34, 36, 102 INGISCA 2.25 aia Ha dtuudandrane d msies 137, 307 domestica... .139, 145, 146, 157, 162 MS C1GES isch Si erciites Qurtee, tae same ears 117 Muscina wes canst waceiy nies 137, 146, 307 stabulans: x05. .qsaveerereawey « 140 Miuttralismy, ... gcd ak don na cea tiene 57 INIVASISS Jeicce sia cae AS eee 112, 135 intestinal ................ 135-140 Nasal oss ve wlainp rine media clindines 141 Mycterotypus ................. 287 Myospilay oo cais ancient 146, 307 Myriapoda ............. 25, 132, 257 INagand, socvuinrceernenene 165, 214 345 Nasal infestation............ 114, 133 IN GGHODIA: orci ekerdiahe semras Reyna eam 135 Nematode parasite............. 182 NCB Ee cstdwanecind ponies wieehee vi cceotacente 28 Nephrophages sanguinarius...... 132 Nettling insects................ 43 larve, poison of.............. 53 Neurasthenia: #2...cc00 ocj¢caved 89 INESS asacdisscaet: fein uae audhakaiue Seancarsen inane ns 86 North African Relapsing Fever.. 234 Norwegian itch................ 77 INO-S€e-UMS: xs Grek ewuleemnanes 109 Noteedres . 255 os. ccaasesenesees 269 CBU, satis capilde Bavavucbestitareiduebenlee Beee 78 Notonecta.. ccsinccaraccenes 28,277 NGtOneCtide v0 ccsdacai cedar ws 30 Nott; Dr. Josiah wiicnessve neuen 2 Nuttall. suaceyeraseestrewvawes 34 Occipital headaches............. 138 ORCACE: ccatynenaricamauagen ee 288 QeCiA CUS gnciy-seue rena ceokstie-aele 279 (Esophageal diverticula......... 35 Oestride .c.5 csc oeer tues 112, 136 OESCHIS! OVAS oso eece-avemtnsceos lod erded tobe 113 OESCROS 5c qcragertiernd sue aeulgneias 298 OOCYS bi je ari cicseeatie. cs ce eat ed vn pictns hein 192 OOKINEEE: ge aucaeetig sneer 192 Opsicoetes personatus........... 32 Opthalitia: os .ccseien a eke soos 155 TOM OSA as soil aescn sass dc doles Grareeh Ga ernetr’ 52 Orental ste .acarescnmeawiaaada 221 Ornithodoros .............06. 65, 260 MOUDAtAy acinus be uliekrome 220, 230 Orthotylus flavosparsus......... 33 OPEN ONIV IE. 5 secs} eies ue gow bose 286 OTOV Ey ccc gun hae demdunmicteatal ind 253 OSCIMUS!” 2¢d.i8-Gin dhe aeeietn hee aes 207 OuUodIUS: sory eedns ginee medians 259 MEPCNIN: si sewaneaee aeeee ders 65 Otodectes ...........02.00-0008 271 PATRON carci astrmie manner aabiaen ae 294 Pappatic fevers: camscianesiaawe 96 Parasimulium: sy2g,0ndareeed ews 286 Parasite .......... 3, 57, 131, 134, 182 ACCP EH BAL. cde cen mee 3, 131, 134 facultative.............. 3, 57, 131 346 Parasite, nematode............. 182 StalONALy cocina sander ness 57 temporary ..... ee cee eee eee 57 THUG s ind ak Qe Rad Reps Mesa BEE BA 3 Parasitism, accidental........... 134 Pathogenic bacteria............ 152 OTQANISMS 6 eee sae eres 144, 164 Pawlowsky eee 81 Pediculoides .............2000- 267 ventricosuS .2.........00005 69, 72 POdICUIOSIS! 05 4c sy piearece ees ed a are 81 Pediculus:». cine. der oresarn owes s 275 COPPOMS 2s aos ven irene se 84, 233, 238 humans: 4 vases seme wee eed 82,173 Pellaera: vay spor i saeds cat ea ea 162, 246 Pernicious fever................ 186 PGSE i Sc.adcnns wicca Paredes 2 166 Phidippus audax............... 19 Philematomyia ............... 306 PhisahixX! iiss diets agra sees 13, 43 Phlebotomus .................- 289 PAapatasi ascccccnoy hes seer. 94 verrucarum ..............004 254 VEXBtOL is ccs cide sue St Kenai eC 95 Phorat sss sevins vexog sa haee sey 295 Phormiar. ia. eue deca ah Sins Sita 136 Phormictopus carcerides........ 13 Phthirus pubis............... 85, 275 PROPtHCA sed costes ao oe Ae a eae 296 Pieris brassice................. 56 Piophila. vei sndeveaeeeee anes es 207 Piophila casei.............. 136, 137 Piroplasmosis ...............-. 222 PIAGUE: . acnic cine tmagegios ee woe 166 bubonic.......... ... 166, 169, 170 PNEWMONIC .chexeueesdas cannes 167 Plasmodium 5 oa: socades ann ih ses 186 Platymetopius acutus........... 33 Plica palonica...............04% 83 PHEUMONIG saan gewsaytenis aan 166 PlACUESs as anesidmie sn vende 167, 173 Poisoning by nettling larve...... 53 Poison of spiders............... 7 Pollehiacis\2. sah asaea re ae reese 308 TUCISs wide tea ae wae 146, 147 primary gland................. 28 Prionurus citrinus.............. 20 Prosimulium .................. 286 Index Protocalliphora ............ 136, 312 Protozoan blood parasite........ 165 Pseudo-tubercular ............. 52 PSOFOPHOTA paces e cede arene: waceos = 293. PSOrOpteS: siisiee ws cae awrres eae 270 Psychodidae. on aii siess 22 erie eee 94. Pulexs vocca sakes 120, 124, 126, 172, 317 CHEGPIS! Mac sd Medohes od Re en 172 TITANS 2a Shae onede wed baal 124. penetrans .............02 eee 126 SerraticepS ..i0cavaresedeseas 120 Pialvalls oo iaiiisrater gc.g ce a nae wee 150 PUK 6S 3g cceot. sh 4k SRS pede BEBE 109 PYCNOSOMA: cs wavid asain eaves 308 Rasahus cc eacd-nocee esse ese ae 280 THOPACICUS 26a eee ee es 32 Rat Meassis wcasae aeons 120, 124, 171 Rat. 1OUSC sai s2 gsc ia ony ee erece oe ge 213 Red bugs sicicsteeasereravas e 70-72 Reéduvitde: oc ance cu egasiames as 31 Reduviolus ..............0000. 280 RedUViUS << node ceeceeuneae ae 282 PETSONATUS 24.0 dds wren gwrnee es 32 Redwater fever................ 220 Relapsing fever............. 230, 233 Rhineestrus nasalis............. 115 Rhipicentor ..............000.. 264. Rhipicephalus ................. 264. Rhizoglyphus a. ossces se 2 oe eh e945 269 Rhodnius 244s cdaseaw ee ss « 280 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.. 226. spotted fever tick............ 67 Russian gad-fly................ 115, St. Vitus’s or St. John’s dance.... 8 Salivary syringe................ 28. Sand-flies «00.02 s06 94 ace x 109, 250: Sanguinetti........ Gry wales Seas) EE Sarcophaga............ 136, 142, 143. Sarcophila ...........0...00005 302 Sarcopsylla ................04, 317 PENETANS 622 esas civ oma deca 126 Sarcoptes ......... 0.0 cee eae 270: TIMOR srr wen oe een cody 33x oe eh 78 SCAbIE! e-nes Sh gauvien tsavaglon wah 73. Sarcoptide ............000000e 72 NCADIES ie. ¢ getcet aaah dots 72, 73: 74) 75 Index Scaurus striatus................ 177 Schatidinn 5s ciagee saat Saweawarund, Ud SCHIZONG oem scsercariw wna werent 189, 190 SCHOKCIASIS! i wcsiwis eure a waish's susenlis ¢ 134 Scolopendra morsitans.......... 26 Scorpions ...........00 02 ee eee 20 POISOHMOL 6 nc eannaiw nuke gore 21 Screw worm fly................ 140 DEPSIdAs oie years sale aautiee Bente 296 SOPSIS ne siaaeyeyeereeeeewk 136, 297 OHI EY cicada ssn eaten erated onus 34 DIDINE a annkag ca renad aeaese mes 46 Silvius: 2oecowanseksnhdw ce thaeed 294 Simple carriers............... 4, 144 Simuludees cuss sex es caaiseews 33, 104 Simulium.......... 247, 249, 286, 321 PICEIPES: aiinve auacsarssuveele a poree wumtlont 104 Siphonaptera........... 119, 274, 316 Siphunculata................ 80, 275 Sitotroga cerealella............... 69 SKIPPOES sere 5 ahaesd caase Seite ever 137 Sleeping sickness............ 166, 215 Snipe-flies ...............0000. 112 SOlpugida a: sieaes garage oesey gna’ 22 Spanish fly, c..0.sese22 Has yesios 54 SPETMAatozod was e..cavagweeesias 192 Spinose ear-tick................ 65 DSPIPOCh Eta: sus sieswaiay se ukae tildes 35 berbert: as axaae rus vane ve ese ® 234 UCEONE i scsste ew din cdiaiee tise: Swine 234 Spirochetosis ................. 235 Sporozoite ............. eee 189 Spotted fever................ 67, 226 Squirrel flea................... 123 Stable-fly.......... 137, 160, 163, 165 Stegomyia................. 182, 293 CAlOPUS win isossununalncvananascnels 206 fasciatay ons: as wkomieeaens “22. 206 StOMOKYV Suis is cides sinned se dined 137, 305 calcitrans 117, 146, 160, 161, 165, 242 Straw WORM) sym wanes Vea eesuas 69 SEY RETOMYIA. asin ce eed eee ewan © 305 Sucking stomach............... 35 Sulphur ointment.......... ewe, “FF Sutra: z..d.54 oseeeaeeepnie ees ed 2 165 SVIMDIOSIS® yicecnan may dew vcames 57 Symphoromyia............. 112, 295 347 Tabanide: v2eccewsavarsiwes ses 110 TRADARUS) op.cce ecscandsoe gains II0, 166, 294 STRAUS csc cna swiaetavinid os 165 ARGON iis serclan's evalu entiiers argh Sard 175 Tapeworm. :scciancaveuevcxues 4, 176 TAT ANCE A: yds sions given cilendy as Bs 8 PPATATUISID aciacra caida arden eaniie indus 8 Tarantula. saccades + naienwne sas 10 Tarsonemide ..............005 69 TarsOneMUS yeu cewrscren genes se 267 Tenebrionid beetles............. 127 Tersesthes .............-4--- 110, 288 REAUS! « oieaga an scaner names en 129 NetranyChus eeu. enue sass yee oe 273 Texas fevers: css¢aecaeas vax 220-223 Three-day fever............-... 96 TEACH ss cost exgieduest dgusstlavbusnaien aonb t 23, 226 bites, Treatment of........... 68 LEVER a cichicsount enon ate ape merece ah 230 Paralysis: vd ecwmomie sevilaee 67 Treatment, BG Sti gS aces aici s sie ns RAMS 36, 41 Bites of, Bed-bugs ................ 90, 93 Blackflies | 5 csaiineccis vematan 107 Buitalo: fies..s22¢% guseees we 107 Bugs: caecaceriactadrerdss S133 Centipedes............... 26, 27 CHIGB ETS, oo pies eodicien « mimaed aes 127 CHIGGES! ss incaeedaad ome ate 127 PICA viratsitis maecn ig quan gre venta 127 Harvest mites............. 61 JISBELS nse ae cena oe ea 129 TEGO. case tutcoses tance sto secure 83, 85 Mosquitoes........... 34, 36, 102 Phlebotomus flies...... Sane OF Sand flies........... 96, 107, 109 Scorpions .s6+6e0e¢sawees 22, 23 Spiders ig cia ios de eotaw eas 19 ATT GIES — pat ca icthrndBusrirdas ose 61, 68, 72 TICKS CAPs sedi cuaeta cain a suet 65 Blister beetle poison.......... 55 Brown-tail moth rash......... 45 Cantharidin poison........... 55 Caterpillar rash.............. 45 Har ticks sg. csnasa aed eden duaneudattaans 65 House fly control.......... 156, 160 Dt Che 2 wis sere veos ea pinaahs sya es 77 348 Itchy ‘grocer'si ws sa2% urs aurea 72 TICES 4 dss Gis ae barn ee cee 85 Nasal myasis................ 143 Rocky Mt. spotted fever. ..228, 229 Rash, caterpillar............. 45 SCABIES oda cee cd tea eeeeed aes 77: Sleeping sickness control...... 218 Spotted fever............. 228, 229 Stn GS; DEE) seine.) Slerigee en 36, 41 Typhus fever, prophylaxis. .... 239 Trichodectes canis.............. 176 MPIC Oma ics 4le fea dene 4 a Aor Gland 82 "EMMGUPa, \x.0.5 x9 aaa eaew ae Ee 295 Trochosa singoriensis............. II Trombidium), : 2544.50 iedes os 60, 273 True insects. 6.6. c.c cece bs ves 80 TIYPANOSOMA. 1. iocenedi na eesaens 35 Trypanosoma, brucei........... 165 Trypanosoma cruzi............. 219 Trypanosoma lewisi............ 213 Trypanosomiases............... 212 Trypanosomiasis ........... 165, 219 Testse flies......... 117, 166, 214, 219 Tsetse flies disease.............. 165 Tuberculosis... 0.000 60023 40.0 0es 155 EOMID URRY yc psser'e we ies dee kee aa 118 TYMSUS) os eee ge eadec gigs wba ac new ale 271 Index Typhoid fever................. 154 Typhus: 2 ccgez ive eos Sa eee oe 237 Typhus fever.................-- 237 Tyroglyphus............ 72, 131, 268 Drs TY 22ers acniy nook aeaieet ana 49 Uranotenia 2 ices asus sss sone 292 VanGoho + iad nci acer drgae eee ee 14 Varicose groin glands........... 178 Verruga peruviana............. 253 Vescicating insects............. 54 Wanzenspritze ................ 29 Warblé-fies:. cincguige-newee ered: 112 IWASDS) States ects Cickcsaneat Skene 43 Whip-scorpions ..............4. 19 Wohlfahrtia................ 143, 302 Wolf-spiders:. » 54 42+s4% 28 wees ees 10 Wyeomyia smithii......... IOI, 293 Xenopsylla ................ 172, 317 Xenopsylla cheopis......... 171, 124 Xestopsylla ............. 0000 ee 317 NAWS" 2 Sista euobhGt Gs cima tinanhnn an 2 Yellow fever .......... 196, 203, 205 reese pre eee pe oye ey Peery : : E a : : Siete EOE ar “ ee : = : persone ; : : gfe ¢ eee ee hares Ca 5 2 : 5 = : : ao = mrs chro retin paper a ert pee ie eat eae ; : : : : a: ake S Serre a erse ey. : ae : it re ens PER area ren cr Serta peas eed eats = Sor res y + ‘3 5 * . : : : : i . aes oe ee ne See oe a ‘ ere : Sy eee Feb stiteeatt ahs i Se Fs i 5 2 3 : . wate a MSs Ea 5 ee ee : : é 5 es ine ae ec aan a erate ee eer : a Races “is yee 2 res