A GENERAL REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND ee A DISSERTATION i PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT AND FACULTY OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY CLEVELAND ABBE, Jr. BALTIMORE, MD. MAY, 1808. UTH. BY A HO EH A CO BALTO MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE. VOLUME 1, PLATE IIIA GENERAL REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT AND FACULTY OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY CLEVELAND ABBE, Jr. BALTIMORE, MD. MAY, 1898. oy PRINTED BY The Friedenwafd Company BALTIMORE, MD., vu. >. a. REPRINTED FROM REPORT OF MARYLAND STATE WEATHER SERVICE, Vol. 1, 1899, pp. 41-216. A GENERAL REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND Puystocraruic Processes. INTRODUCTION. From the earliest times men have observed more or less closely the various phenomena which nature presents, and have sought to find an explanation for them. Among the most interesting of these phe- nomena have been those which bear on the development of the sur- face features of the earth or its topography. Impressed by the size and grandeur of the mountains, their jagged crests and scarred sides, early students of geographical features were prone to ascribe their origin to great convulsions of the earth’s crust, earthquakes and vol- canic eruptions. One generation after another comes and goes, yet the mountains continue to rear their heads to the same heights, the rivers to run down the mountain sides in the same courses and follow the same valleys to the sea. So men came to look upon the mountains as per- manent after they were upheaved, and adopted them as symbols of eternity and unchangeableness. How often to-day, even, do we hear expressions such as “the everlasting hills,” and “firm as a rock.” With such conceptions concerning the origin of mountains and their duration went the related ideas that the rivers found valleys ready made for them in the shape of cracks and chasms in the earth, formed during the birth of the mountain ranges. Those who held these views thus saw no relations whatever between the mountains and the rains which fell upon them, between the rivers and the shap- ing of the valleys which held them. They believed the mountains 42 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND existed first and that the rains, snows, glaciers and rivers came after- wards. Other men recognized in the waters flowing through the valleys a powerful agent by means of which the gorges, canyons, and broader valleys had been carved out. This carving, however, they believed to have been done in some long past period, when a great volume of water swept down the river courses, tearing away rocks and trees and fashioning the valley; or they held that all the lands of the earth were at one time submerged by the ocean, and that great currents, flowing in the seas of that period, carved out the river valleys which we see to-day. Those who held such views are now called the Catas- trophists, because they appealed to great convulsions, catastrophes and cataclysms to explain the various geological and geographical phenomena which they saw about them. Upholders of the cataclysmic theories concerning the origin of the earth’s features were numerous and even in the majority as late as the beginning of the present century, yet a few individual thinkers had centuries before held different and what are now believed to be truer ideas concerning geological phenomena. Among the early forerunners of the present school were Aristotle and Strabo. Aris- totle opposed the catastrophic teachings, saying that “ the changes of the earth are so slow in comparison to the duration of our lives, that they are overlooked.” * Strabo also maintained that the features of the land and sea were to be explained by the operation of natural processes during past ages. Thus early were foreshadowed the conclusions which Hutton pro- nounced as the result of his studies in the fields and on the shores of Great Britain. These conclusions are briefly summarized in the following statement given by Playfair:* “ Amid all the revolutions of the globe the economy of Nature has been uniform, and her laws are the only things that have resisted the general movement. The rivers and the rocks, the seas and the continents, have been changed in all their parts; but the laws which direct those changes, and the rules to which they are subject, have remained invariably the same.” *See Lyell, “ Principles,” 1873. p. 21, quoted from “ De Die Natura.” * Playfair, “Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory.” p. 374. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 43 In this passage is the key to the principles which have guided the modern study of geology and geography. Since the year 1785, in which Hutton published his “ Preliminary Sketch of the Theory of the Earth,” the student of the Earth Sciences has been guided more and more by the principle that the Past is to be interpreted in the light of the Present. To-day we recognize that the greater number of the valleys have been carved in the landmasses by the everlasting and continuous action of the weather in breaking up the rocks and of the rivers in carrying these broken rocks away. We do not regard the earth’s features as the products of convulsions or catastrophes such as deluges or holocausts, but as resulting from the interaction of two sets of agencies, slow in performance but powerful and all-pervading. One set of agents continually strive to build up the land above the seas, and these we call agents of construction; the other set of agents as constantly and persistently strive to tear down or destroy the work performed by the first class, and to this set we give the name of destructional agents or agents of denudation. We have, then, to consider two great classes, the agents and processes of construction and the agents and processes of destruction or denudation. PROCESSES OF DENUDATION. The agents of denudation are all the time actively carrying on their work about us. Indeed, most of them are perfectly familiar to us and frequently attract our attention, but we rarely or never stop to think what they mean, what relation they bear to the surface forms of the earth, or even what influences they exert upon us. It will be profitable then to consider briefly these agents and their methods of work. For convenience of treatment, the different agents and their proper processes may be grouped into three general classes, viz. Atmospheric, or those agents and processes which are peculiar to the atmosphere as we commonly regard it; Aqueous or hydrous, or the action of 1The main facts and principles of rock-weathering as explained in the sequel, are taken from G. P. Merrill’s “ Rocks, Rock-Weathering and Soils.” 1897. pp. 172, et seq. 44 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND moisture and water after it has left the atmosphere; Organic agents and processes, whose effectiveness is due to the direct or indirect inter- vention of members of the Animal or Vegetable kingdoms. Atmospheric Processes. The direct chemical activity of the atmosphere in breaking down the rocks is not very great. The atmosphere contains, in addition to its essential constituents nitrogen (4/5) and oxygen (1/5), very ‘appreciable quantities of a number of gases such as carbonic acid gas, nitric acid gas, and ammonia, which, when in combination or aided by moisture, are very effective agents of rock disintegration and decay, but when in the dry state as parts of the atmosphere, possess but little chemical power. It is therefore the water vapor in the atmosphere which plays the most important part in the atmospheric processes. This will be treated of separately and need not be further noticed here since it becomes most effective after collecting as rain. The mechanical processes of the atmosphere are of more direct influence. Districts which are subject to an extreme daily range in temperature, as the peaks of high mountain ranges, most tropical countries and many continental interiors, present many striking illus- trations of the way in which rapid alternations of expansion and con- traction cause rocks to break up. After a long day, during which the sun pours down its heat upon the exposed ledges and raises them at times to temperatures far exceeding 100° F., there succeeds a clear night during which rapid radiation and cooling takes place. Thus the rocks may undergo variations in temperature amounting oftentimes to a range of more than 75° F. within twenty-four hours. Such rapid and considerable expansion and contraction as this change in temperature involves cause the exposed rocks to crack or “ scale.” In this way large fragments of slight thickness may be broken off. Livingstone reports that in parts of Africa angular masses of rocks weighing 200 pounds and more are thus split from the parent ledge. Many instances of this method of rock breaking are reported from the high mountains of western America, and throughout the northern tier of states where the conditions are favorable. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 45 Another mode of rock disintegration results from the different amounts of expansion exhibited by the various mineralogical con- stituents of a rock. When a piece of granite, for example, is raised to a moderate temperature, say summer heat or 78° F., the feldspar, hornblende, mica and other minerals composing it expand. The amount of expansion differs so greatly in different minerals that an uneven distribution of strains is produced throughout the mass which tends to loosen the interlocking grains. The continued annual and daily expansion and contraction of the rocks may cause them in time to break down into sand and gravel. An effective agent of denudation at certain points in Maryland is found in the atmosphere in motion or the wind. As the wind blows over the surface of the ground or across bare exposed mountain peaks it catches up the lighter particles of soil and rock debris and whirling them up into the air, may project them with considerable force against opposing cliffs or other immovable objects. The effect upon both the rock particles and the objects hit is similar to that of a sand blast. Various cliffs in California, Arizona and other portions of the West have been carved into fantastic shapes by this natural sand blast. In South America the upper portions of certain cliffs have been so undercut that the remnants appear as huge boulders perched upon the ledges by some mighty transporting agent. On sandy shores, such as Cape Cod, or, in the wastes of the Sahara, the flying sands have been found to polish and plane down pebbles too large to be moved by the wind. Sometimes, as in the deserts of South Africa, the pebbles show longitudinal scratches and grooves worn in them by the flying sands. Besides thus aiding in wearing down the resistant rocks, the wind. also modifies the earth’s surface by transporting sand and soil from one point to another. In this respect the destructional and the construc- tional effects of the wind merge into each other. The destructional process was illustrated in an interesting manner last year when the Loch Raven reservoir was being cleaned out. The cleaning neces- sitated the drawing off of a considerable portion of the water, as the result of which a broad shoal of mud and sand which had collected 46 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND near the upper end of the Loch Raven gorge was laid bare. This flat being exposed to the hot September sun and brisk winds became thoroughly dried, until the grains of sand no longer cohered. The prevailing west wind “drawing” into the narrow chasm caught up the dry sand, and, driving it out of the channel, drifted it upon the road at the curve, covering it to a depth of nearly a foot. In a somewhat similar manner great quantities of sand are annually car- ried from the long sandy beaches of our Atlantic coast line and either driven out to the sea or into the lagoons between the beaches and the mainland. In arid regions the wind may become a very impor- tant agent in the removal of rock debris. Thus the atmosphere is seen to furnish chemical agents for rock solution and decay, to aid in the mechanical disintegration of the rocks through its changes in temperature and to carve or transport the finely ground products of their disintegration. Aqueous Processes. Pure water falling upon the bare rocks of mountains or wind-swept ledges on the lowlands would have but slight effect chemically in breaking down the rocks into rock debris and into the finer particles which make up the soils of the earth’s surface. Atmospheric water commonly contains in solution in small quan- tities nitric acid, ammonia, and carbonic acid as well as other less important substances, so that the rain upon reaching the earth is a powerful chemical agent, which can produce important changes in the rocks of the earth’s crust. Rocks containing iron-bearing min- erals, such as iron-pyrites, the amphiboles, pyroxenes, etc., also suffer considerable disintegration as a result of oxidation or rusting out of those minerals. The oxidation also involves at times an increased size or swelling of the altered mineral, so that physical strains and dissociations may also be effected. Of great importance is the process of hydration or the chemical combination of water in certain minerals. This change generally accompanies the oxidation of the rocks and causes even greater in- erease in volume than does the latter process. Some of the hills of Brazil are believed to have been increased in height by this means, MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE AT which may be readily understood when it is learned that the trans- forming of granitic rocks into soil by hydration entails an increase in volume of 88 per cent.’ The rocks of the Piedmont Plateau region of the eastern United States have been deeply affected by this alteration in their physical condition. For many feet below the surface there extends a zone of rock which has suffered hydration and consequent swelling of the altered minerals. When a block of this hydrated rock is brought to the surface it keeps its shape and compactness only a short time; soon it crumbles away like a piece of air-slaked lime. Besides the chemical agents which the rain washes and absorbs from the atmosphere there are powerful organic acids which the decaying vegetable and animal remains lying on and in the soil fur- nish to the waters percolating through it. These substances added to the water make the moisture which pervades all rocks and soils a very powerful and active agent in their disintegration. Clearly a district whose rock foundations are thus weakened by chemical and physical changes will offer but slight resistance to the attacks of rain, rivers and waves. The rich soil and the even-floored valleys which characterize lime- stone and marble areas have resulted from the rapid and uniform removal of the carbonate of lime in solution in the soil-water and by the streams. It has been estimated that 275 tons of lime or calcium carbonate are annually dissolved from every square mile of the Cal- ciferous limestone of the Appalachian region, and this limestone is but one of several different beds which occur in that region. But these solvent waters attack not alone the yielding limestones. Granite, gneiss, sandstones, shales, quartzites, all yield more or less readily to its attacks, and none escape without some loss. Striking illustrations of the great solvent power of the waters of the earth’s surface are furnished by the corroded surfaces of quartzites, metamorphosed siliceous conglomerates and other siliceous rocks. One need but to go on an excursion to the rocks of Deer creek in Har- ford county, and, climbing to the summit of the ridge, stand on the projecting ledge which overlooks the gorge from the south in order ‘Merrill, op. cit. p. 188. 48 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND to have under his very feet a striking illustration of the inability of the resistant silica or quartz to withstand the great solvent. The rocks at this point are a fine-grained siliceous sandstone and a quartz conglomerate which have been much metamorphosed or mineralogi- cally altered under great pressure, and have, in consequence, been thoroughly impregnated with a secondary deposit of silica. Such rocks form one of the most resistant combinations which the earth presents to the elements, yet the surface of this ledge is pitted with shallow basins from three inches to one and a half feet in diameter and one to three inches in depth, which have been gradually dissolved out by the standing rain water. Little runways or channels generally connect one basin with another or lead out to the edge of the cliff. No lichens of corresponding sizes grow on these rocks, and the slight undercutting of the walls of the basins at a line corre- sponding to the average level of the water indicate that they are the product of aqueous solution. Similar basins and channels may also be seen developed on the exposed crests and ledges of quartzitic sandstones which form Dan’s mountain, Backbone mountain and a number of other localities in this state and elsewhere. With exam- ples of such intensity of action it is less surprising to learn that T. Mellard Reade * finds data according to which he estimates that Eng- land and Wales annually lose through solution an average of 143.5 tons of material per square mile, and this does not apply only in limestone areas but is an average for all the different rocks. Powerful and important as are the chemical ways in which water aids in denuding the land, the mechanjcal action of this agent is of equal importance and generally much more striking. One of the important processes of denudation is the splitting of rocks by frost action. All rocks are more or less porous and contain water, while most rock masses are traversed by numerous sets of cracks called joints, and by finer partings, rifts, seams or the like, all of which permit water to penetrate below the surface of the ledges. The elevated and exposed peaks of all zones and the ordinary ledges of the Temperate and Arctic zones are all subject to frosts and thaws intermittently during the winter months. These sharp, sudden frosts ‘Merrill, op. cit. p. 194. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 49 Seize on the water imprisoned in the pores, joints and cracks of the tocks and by the expansion, which results in the formation of ice, cause a tremendous pressure to be exerted against the sides of the confining crevices. The great power exerted by this expansion of freezing water may be Judged from the calculation that the walls of a crevice which thus confines frozen water are subject to a pressure per square foot equal to the weight of a column of ice one mile high or about 150 tons. Successive frosts and thaws are thus able to split off innumerable small chips and to gradually work out huge blocks which later are by the same process reduced to sand. Pike’s Peak in Colorado, a granitic mass, has large talus slopes wholly composed of angular fragments which have been thus split from its crest and sides. All the mountains and ridges of western or Appalachian Maryland show the results of the same action. Along the roadway to High Rock and Mt. Quirauk in the Blue Ridge may be seen fine examples of talus slopes composed of huge frost-riven fragments of the enduring quartzite which makes the ridge. Steep slopes of such fragments line either side of “The Narrows,” as the gorge of Will’s creek at Cumberland is called, and there furnish, already quarried, inexhaustible materials for constructive purposes and for railroad ballast. Frost action does not stop with the breaking down of lofty moun- tains or scarred precipices, but continues to work over the coarse material thus furnished, converting it finally, with the help of the agents already noticed, into the rich soils which support the crops of the country; thus, although frequently damaging to a few crops, it is of the greatest help to the farmer, since it readily reduces almost to powder the stones of his fields and continually enriches the soil by bringing to it new material from the original sources. A striking illustration of the splitting action of freezing waters is found ready at hand in the unsightly sealing which disfigures houses and trimmings of sandstone. The sandstone commonly used in Mary- land is very porous and readily absorbs water during a rain or snow- storm. If a frost comes while the stone is thus soaked the freezing of the imprisoned water causes it to split or scale off, particularly in 4 50 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND a direction parallel with the original bedding. Grace Episcopal Church, Baltimore, gives the best illustration possible of this pro- cess and its results. Most of the processes which have been discussed so far have resulted in the disintegration or solution of the rocks of the earth’s crust, thus preparing them for transportation. We have also to consider water as an agent of denudation and transportation com- bined. There are two forms of water which act in this double capacity, namely, ice in the shape of glaciers and floating ice and liquid water in the rills, brooks, rivers, lakes and oceans. A portion of the water which falls as rain sinks into the soil and rocks as has been shown; a very fair proportion is evaporated and goes back into the air again; and a comparatively small proportion runs off on the surface. The latter portion is familiar to most of us, as the formation and growth of rills during a shower is easily ob- served. No rill, however small, runs down even a sodded slope with- out catching up at some point a fragment or two of soil. Soon the rills unite to form a small run which rushes downward still faster, carrying the fragments which loaded the rills and acquiring more soil and pebbles by its own strength. In this way the stream carves for itself a gully or channel. The waters gather into brooks and creeks and rivers, each increase in size and volume being accom- panied by an increase in the amount of soil and rock debris which the streams bear onward. As has been shown, the streams thus trans- port and carry away from the surface of the land not only what has been broken off mechanically by frost, wind, temperature-changes, ete., but also what the waters succeed in dissolving away by chem- ical means. The streams not only carry away the soils and dislodged fragments of rock, but also do some breaking themselves. The small rill or rivulet carries fine grains of sand which it knocks and pushes against the soil and rocks over which it flows; the brook, with the larger volume, rolls pebbles along its course; and the mountain tor- rent transports large boulders. These rock-fragments the streams use as tools which they continually hurl against the bottom and sides of their channels, thus wearing away the rocks and cutting their MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 51 valleys deeper and deeper. In the course of down-cutting untold numbers of boulders are reduced to powder, but eventually the chan- nel is cut almost to the level of the sea. Thus the rains are working to wear away the general surface of the land by washing down the soils and to deepen the streams by giving means of transportation and movement to their tools. The snow collects on lofty mountain tops, and gradually sliding down under the force of gravity, begins to solidify into the ice of glaciers. The glaciers moving slowly, perhaps not more than one inch in a day, push on irresistibly until they melt away. Rocks roll down the slopes of mountains, and lodging on the glacier gradually melt their way down to the bottom of the ice-river, and there, with other fragments which the moving ice has plucked from its bed, serve as cutting tools whereby the glacier deepens and widens its channel. When glaciers combine and grow to such a size that they cover the half of a continent, as was recently the case in North America and Europe, they scrape off the loose rock and soil and grind and polish the rocky ledges below until they gradually wear away the surface. On the seashore the waves of the ocean are continually beating against the land. The great breakers of storms hurl many tons of water against the projecting rocks of the coast, and the water pene- trating every crack and crevice subjects these rocks to enormous hy- drostatic pressure. In this way great and small blocks are gradually split from the cliffs and reefs and fall to the foot of the beach. Here the waves seize the fragments which they have broken off above, and hurl them against the rocks below. Thus the ramparts of the land are gradually battered down and undermined, and broad sub- marine shelves appear. On sandy coasts the weak cliffs give way rapidly before the waves and are driven back until the sands which they have furnished form a broad shallow shelf on which the waves must break until they have removed it and can again reach the cliffs. Organic Processes. Organisms aid the general reduction of the land in various ways which, although often of small moment individually, are very pow- 52 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND erful taken as a whole. The fine frost- or heat-riven fragments of the rock suffice to support at first a few simple plants and lichens. These send out their roots in search of food and penetrate the fine crevices of the rocks. The roots, continuing to grow, split the rock-pieces apart as they increase in size and thus furnish more material for the soil in which they grow. When the trees strike root in the soil collected in rock-crevices their roots often exert power enough during their growth to split off large boulders. Every plant clinging to the face of a cliff, every clump of moss or lichen fastened to a rock, is aiding in the breaking down of the rock by its growing roots and -by the various acids which it produces. Even the minute organisms known as bacteria, by reason of the nitric acid which they liberate in the course of their growth and their presence in countless myriads throughout the cracks of the rocks, exert a not inconsiderable disintegrating influence upon the rocks in which they lodge. Merrill says (p. 203), “ The organisms act even upon the most minute fragments, reducing them continually to smaller and smaller sizes.” To the accumulated soil are added, in the course of time, the remains of plants and animals, which yield in the process of decay various acids, that are taken up by percolating waters and further distributed through the rocks, where they aid in their chemical and mechanical disintegration. The evacuations of various animals, such as ants, also afford supplies of disintegrating acids. Burrowing animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, prairie-dogs, earth- worms and the like give important aid to the denuding and trans- porting agents by keeping the soil loosened and pervious to rain and moisture. Darwin found that earthworms, by continually trans- porting earth to the surface from their burrows beneath the large stones in the pastures, have been largely instrumental in the gradual burial of these rocks, thus materially aiding in the disintegration of such masses. Considerable quantities of decaying organic matter, such as litters of dead leaves, scraps of food, excrement and so on are also generally to be found in animal burrows and thus another very fruitful source of organic acids is afforded. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 53 Summary. From the foregoing it appears that a multitude of agents and processes are incessantly at work all about us, tending to break down the rocks and to wash the debris thus produced into the valleys and thence to the sea. The gases of the air, the wind, the temperature changes accompanying the days and seasons, combined with the chemical and mechanical actions of the waters on the earth’s surface and the organisms which live thereon, are all striving to reduce the lands that stand above the sea. Clearly, if these forces, unmodified and undiminished, continued to act indefinitely, the con- tinents and islands would not long remain above sea-level. Since the subaérial agencies would work much more rapidly than the waves they would first be reduced to smooth, featureless tracts, whose inclination seaward would be just sufficient to carry off the water which falls as rain. Then they would gradually yield to the attacks of the waves, and in the end would be planed off to more or less even surfaces some feet below low tide, forming wave-cut submarine benches and platforms. Geikie* estimates that the continent of Europe would be reduced to sea-level in about four million years if exposed for that length of time to the attack of atmosphere, rain, and rivers, and supposing these to work at the same rate that they do to-day. In the same period of time the sea-waves would cut away a strip of land along the shore less than one hundred miles wide, considering them to advance at the rapid rate of ten feet per cen- tury. Another authority’ estimates that the waves remove annually one cubic kilometer of material from the land, while the subaérial agencies are carrying away not less than fifteen times as much. When all the above considerations are kept in view, together with the fact that the surface of the land is well supplied not only with high hills and minor elevations, but also with many lofty mountain chains and plateaus, it is patent that there must be constructional processes at work counteracting the destructional ones which have been described. They will be discussed in the following pages. 1Geikie, A. ‘“ Textbook,” 3rd ed. p. 467. +de Lapparent, quoted in Scott, W. B. “An introduction to Geology.” pp. 303-4. 54 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND PROCESSES OF CONSTRUCTION. Crustal Movements. The most important of the processes which are at work counteract- ing the destructive effects of denudation are those movements of the earth’s crust which are tending to elevate it above the level of the sea. These movements are of two general kinds or classes. One class includes those movements of the earth’s crust which extend over areas of continental extent and do not result in the appreciable dislocation of the strata through folding or tilting. ‘These movements are some- times called epeirogente. The second class of movements and dislocations affect restricted portions of the continental plateau and are expressed as foldings, tilt- ings and faultings of the different crustal elements. They are the fundamental movements whereby mountains attain their elevation above sea-level. Such movements are therefore called orogenic or mountain-making. Many familiar examples of such movements and dislocations might be cited. The best known to Marylanders are the long ridges and mountains of the Appalachian province of the state formed by the folding and faulting of the Paleozoic strata of that district. The Blue Ridge also is the result of the pushing of a big block of hard sandstone and volcanic rocks over the easily eroded limestone of the Cumberland or Hagerstown valley. In the west the Sierra Nevada and the Great Basin ranges are formed of huge blocks which have been broken or faulted and then tipped up so that one edge of the block forms the crest of the mountain range. All such mountains have had their present physiognomies carved out during and since their elevation by the various denuding agencies above described. Volcanic Eruptions. The ejection of lava, voleanic ashes, scoriae and the like from volcanic vents are very effective and important agents of construction in some localities, but they have not recently affected the surface con- figuration of Maryland. The sheets of diabase which characterize the sandstones of the Newark formation, and the acid and basic voleanies of the Blue Ridge district show, however, that volcanic activities were present in Maryland in past geological ages. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 55 Subaérial Processes of Construction. In discussing the denudation of the land, several references were made that indicate the constructional activities of agents and processes mainly and ultimately destructive. Thus the wind-whirled sand which carves out the standing rocks of the shores is spread over the surface or formed into dunes so com- mon and characteristic of the whole Atlantic coast of America. The sand blown from the beaches is also often dropped in great quanti- ties into the lagoons behind them and thus becomes an important factor in bringing about their conversion into dry land. Aqueous agents are also active builders. Deposits from evapor- ating waters about mineral hot springs often build important topo- graphic features such as the great terraces. and basins of the Yellow- stone National Park. The mechanical deposits from running or standing waters are the most numerous and important of the con- structional forms built by water. Among these are the talus-cones and flood-plains and deltas of rivers, and the beaches, spits and bars produced by wave action in lakes and seas. The great ice-sheet of the Glacial Period, and the smaller glaciers of lofty mountain areas have left very striking constructional topography in the form of terminal moraines, eskers, drumlins and kames. From these examples it may be seen that water in its various forms has constructive as well as destructive effects. Organic Processes. Small plants living in the waters of various thermal springs are now known to be very effective in promoting chemical deposits. On the slopes of dunes and on other sandy areas are coarse grasses and shrubs and sometimes even trees that, on account of the binding power of their roots, protect the sands from further removal. Sim- ilarly, the grasses and sedges of the mud-flats and marshes, by retarding the currents flowing over them, cause the deposition of silt, while their long roots, matting together, convert the mud thus de- posited into a more or less resistant mass. 56 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND Summary. Constructional processes thus fall into two great divisions: first, those which originate in movements of the earth’s crust resulting in uplift, and second, those which accompany the progressive denudation of the land. The essential process which must precede all degrada- tion is uplift, and this may either be continental (epeirogenic) or mountain-forming (orogenic). These movements, gradually pro- gressing, permit the agents of denudation to become effective, and thus minor constructional features, such as dunes, flood-plains, deltas and the like are produced by agents which are on the whole destruc- tional in their results. These minor features, however, are not as permanent as the hills and mountains which are carved out of the uplifted areas. It is apparent, then, that there are upward movements which coun- terbalance the wearing away of the land’s surface, and that these uplifts are at present somewhat in excess of the downward tendency. This is more clearly seen by the study of geographical boundaries as they existed in former geological periods. In the course of ages America has grown to its present size from being comparatively small in area and confined to islands over what is now Canada, northern cen- tral New York and the Piedmont Plateau of the Atlantic Slope. The very last emergence added a strip of land one hundred to two hundred miles wide to the eastern coast of North America from Long Island south to Mexico and Yucatan. Although the study of ancient geographical boundaries or paleo- geography is very interesting, and there is much material within the state of Maryland for such investigations, this will be left for a future paper. At present the development of certain typical river systems and the topography which they have carved out are to be considered. DRAINAGE DEVELOPMENT. A Topographic Cycle. It seems possible in the light of the more recent investigations in physiography to deduce certain general laws concerning the develop- MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 57 ment of the relief of the earth’s features. Those districts which can be shown by geological evidence to have been long above sea-level are generally found to have mild forms of relief, while the recent eleva- tions commonly have strongly marked topographic characters. Such regions, for example, as the Piedmont Plateau of the Atlantic Slope of North America, the Scandinavian peninsula, portions of central Ger- many and northern France, have stood at relatively the same elevation above sea-level for long periods and are found to have a mild and rounded topography, while the Alps, the Himalayas, the Coast Ranges and the Grand Canyon of the Colorado have been carved out during geologically recent times and are regions of strong relief. Among the various cases just cited different grades or degrees of topographic relief may be shown to exist. Thus, for example, the geological date of uplift of the Himalayas is known to be earlier than that of the Coast Range, and an examination of the drainage reveals the fact that the streams of the former district are somewhat more intricate on account of the longer time which they have had to extend their branches. Again, in the recent Red River basin of the North, the streams are still less minutely branched than are those of the Coast Range. If now the drainage of a newly emerged or recently elevated dis- trict be followed through the several periods of its development, it is possible to find all these various types of drainage occurring in a natural and appropriate sequence. As the rains fall upon the slightly uneven surface of the old sea-floor the waters gather in the inequali- ties of the surface, forming lakes or, combining as streams, run down the steepest slopes they can find to the sea. The directions taken by these newly-formed streams are wholly consequent upon the original inequalities of the surface and its slope. It will appear later that such streams whose courses are determined by, or coincident with, courses which would result from, original configurations of the sur- face are common enough to be classed together as a type. They are, for convenience, called consequent streams. At first these consequent streams are small in volume, but repeated rains gradually increase the size of the streams and they begin to 58 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND carry away the debris which the elements and their own powers loosen from the surface. Thus efficient tools are provided, and the streams begin to sink their channels rapidly, since along those lines are con- centrated the greatest activities of the running waters. The first result is the excavation of a deep canyon or gorge, this work begin- ning at the mouths of the streams and progressing rapidly headwards. While the narrow canyon is being pushed towards the head of the stream, along the lower course the gorge is beginning to widen as the result of the action of frost and rains. Widening is greatest at the top of the canyon, which is the portion first and longest exposed to the weather, and, except at the extreme upper end, where the gorge is youngest, its cross-section will reveal a flaring top. The stream will continue to cut down its channel until it has pro- duced a slope whose inclination seaward is the minimum required to carry down the water. When such a slope is reached, then the stream begins to lose its downward cutting powers and works more and more against the sides of the canyon, and we thus have a second reason for finding the canyon wider at the mouth of the stream. The deepening of the main channel goes on faster than does that of the side streams, but as the accomplished grade progresses up stream the tributaries, heretofore unable to keep up with the rapid down-cutting, now begin to adjust their slopes also. Until the lower portions of main and side streams are thus adjusted, however, the as yet unaf- fected headwaters do not feel the effect of the uplift and can accom- plish but little in the way of erosion. There is not, then, at this stage in development, a large number of side streams, and the divides are broad, flat, poorly drained, and sometimes even marshy. The whole district has an appearance somewhat like that shown in Fig. 1. As this general stage in the drainage development is the one passed through immediately succeeding the birth of the new land it may be appropriately termed Infancy. It is by no means an imaginary topographic phase. Many illustrations of ‘such topogra- phy could be brought forward. The drainage and topography of the Coastal Plain, particularly that portion lying in Maryland, still car- MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 59 ries the ear-marks of this period in its development. The wandering courses of the Chester, the Choptank, the Patuxent, the lower Po- tomac, etc.; the deep gorges now half filled by the waters of the sea and the bay, which have been cut by the streams of southern Mary- land; and the level remnants of the original Lafayette surface, which are still to be found at points remote from the attacks of the largest x -—Copyright. 1894, b: From Harper’s Weekly.—Copyright, 1894, b: ee eee Pe Harper é Brothers Fig. 1.—View of model illustrating Fie. 2.—View of model illustrating topographic youth. revived topography. streams, all indicate that the Coastal Plain is not long past its in- fancy. The classic example of infantile drainage and topography is that great gorge already referred to, the Grand Canyon of the Colo- rado, but it is not wholly typical on account of the desert conditions. The rapidly increasing number of small streams along the sides of the canyons, the continued beating of the rains and the winds, in fact, all the active processes of denudation, since they never cease in their activity, do not permit the newly started streams to retain 60 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND such infantile characters long. The steep walls are gradually worn back, and the few original consequent tributary streams, having cut down their lower channels to the grade of the main stream, begin to push back their headwaters. New side streams spring up along the walls and slopes of the gorge, cutting deep scars and seams in them, and thus hasten their recession. As the number of tributaries in- creases the broad flat divides are narrowed and even begin to lose their flatness. The lakes which formed at first have their outlets cut down and are drained, while the channels of the older streams, which were rough and broken by falls and rapids, gradually lose their inequalities. The volume of the main stream is somewhat increased by the growing number of side branches, but as each one of these comes down laden with the debris which its active little headwaters and its steep banks furnish, a great load is soon added to it. All of this load the larger stream cannot manage to trans- port, and so some portion is dropped at the mouths of the several tributaries, forming cone-like alluvial deposits that project into the main valley, while part is taken by the master stream and is used by it to steepen its slope, thus enabling it to carry off a greater load. Many streams in this stage may be found among the high lands of the Sierras, the Himalayas and other regions of plentiful rainfall and recent elevation. Excellent examples may be found in certain por- tions of Southern Maryland. In St. Mary’s county numbers of the southwestward flowing streams show these adolescent features, with the over-loading of the main stream and consequent flood-plain building. The constant increase of the catchment area by reason of the ever growing number of streams and the pushing back of the headwaters, continues until the divides between opposing streams, whether of the same or of different drainage systems, are sharp and steep. The rami- fying branches have sought out every square mile of territory, so that the whole region is completely drained. The small headstreams thus having no new territory to conquer by linear development begin to reduce the steepness of their own slopes, to soften their valley sides, and to reduce and round off a little the tops of the hills. Thus MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 61 the amount of mechanical sediment brought to the larger streams decreases while the volume of water still remains about the same. The main channels smoothed out still more are so far reduced that they describe smooth regular curves from source to mouth. Up to this time the slope of the river channels has been slowly changing, but it now reaches a period of comparative stability, since the changes in load and in volume, which are the factors determining the curve, are very much slower hereafter. The channel slopes are now more per- manently suited to the needs of the streams and the latter may be said to “have established graded channels. The accompanying figure shows the slope to be steepest at the source, but to rapidly decrease to a midway point whence it is of constantly but very gently de- creasing fall to the mouth. As all the streams gradually approach such a graded condition, the inter-stream areas forming the divides also gradually wear down. Such an area is included within the me 1" a ashm Fic. 8.—A normal stream profile (after Penck). boundaries of the Piedmont Plateau on Plate ITI. Similar top- ography characterizes most of Northern Virginia and large portions of Eastern New England. The country and its drainage may be said to have reached its Maturity. The gradual change in topography and in drainage which have just been briefly sketched presupposes, first of all, that the land and sea have remained constant to each other long enough to permit such development to occur. This supposition is not always justifiable, since multitudes of cases can be cited to show that after a period of rest long enough to permit of the topography developing to some stage earlier even than Maturity, earth movements have closed what may be called the current cycle and have inaugurated a new one. In order to make the series of topographic forms complete, however, some students have carried the scheme beyond the stage of Maturity and described yet another and final stage which has been likened to Old Age. 62 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND Suppose that after Maturity is reached, the same conditions endure for an indefinite period. The streams would still continue to deepen their channels although at an ever decreasing rate. The hills and mountains would gradually sink lower and yet lower, yielding now more to the solvent action of the waters charged as they would be with acids from the mantle of soil and vegetation which covers every- thing. Finally all slopes would be reduced to the lowest possible angles and the divides also would be very insignificant, except at points far from the mouths of the streams. The lowest zone would be along the sea-coast, where the land would be reduced quite to sea- level. From here inland there would be the slightest possible rise in order to permit the rains to really drain away and not gather into stagnant pools. The whole district would be nearly featureless and so closely approach a plain in appearance and contour that it might appropriately be called an almost-plain or peneplain, just as an almost-island is a peninsula. It is obvious that the lowest level to which a land can be worn down by stream action is sea-level, and even this can never be reached except at the very shores, since some slope is needed to carry off the water. Therefore the ocean is called the great base- level, or the base down to whose level all the forces of Erosion or Denudation are working to reduce the land. Local base-levels may exist for a time, such as the level of a lake, which is the base-level for streams entering it, or the level of a stream where it crosses an unusually resistant stratum, which may be the base-level for its tribu- taries above this point. But eventually all the streams are con- trolled by the level of the sea. Such an enormous duration of time, throughout which the position of the land would have to remain fixed with reference to the sea-level, would be required, however, to permit of the production of such a complete peneplain, that there is scarcely any warrant for supposing that such a condition has often existed. Nowhere to-day can an example of such a topographic fea- ture be found. On the contrary, everywhere there is evidence to show that the land and sea do not long continue constant to each other. Young as MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 63 are the Coast Ranges of California, they had, since their elevation, attained very nearly to ripe Maturity, when great subsidences took place, drowning part of them. ‘These accidents again were recently followed by successive lesser re-elevations. The eastern coast of North America has suffered repeated elevations and subsidences since the period of the last great elevations of the Sierra Nevada, and is still undergoing slight oscillatory movements. Other instances might be cited to show that the chances are probably small for a locality to reach even to the perfection of well-matured topography.° Although the topographic cycle has perhaps never had an oppor- tunity to run its full course, yet it is convenient for the purposes of understanding and explaining topographic forms to retain the con- ception of a complete cycle, which might be renewed, if, after attain- ing to the stage of a peneplain, the land were again elevated and the streams commenced their tasks anew. As we have seen, how- ever, the rule is that at some stage in the ideal cycle the march of development will be interrupted. Such interruption may result from one or several causes. The most common interruptions come from re-elevation of the land, whereby the streams receive increased energy, or from depression, which allows the sea to invade a portion of what was dry land and reduce the energy of the streams by decreas- ing the height from which they have to fall to reach sea-level. When by reason of the rise of the land the streams renew the vigor of their own cutting, and begin to cut canyons below the general surface which they have before produced, they are said to be revived. The same phenomenon would be produced if, after long delay, the master stream of some system should succeed in cutting through a stubborn ledge and begin to work rapidly down through a more yielding understratum. It will appear farther on that most of Mary- land’s streams show the reviving effects of re-elevation. The illus- tration forming Fig. 2 shows a district of revived drainage. De- pression whereby the lower courses of most of the rivers are sub- merged beneath the sea hastens the reduction of what is left above sea-level, and by decreasing the slope of the lower courses often 1See R. S. Tarr, “ The Peneplain.” Amer. Geol., vol. xxi, 1898. pp. 351, et seq. 64 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND causes the building of flood-plains at these points. The coasts of Maine, of Norway, and of Maryland afford excellent examples of such topography, which is called drowned. Migration of Dwides. The progressive development of a piece of country through the stages of a Topographic Cycle is accompanied by many interesting processes, some of which will be considered in this and the following section. When the broad flat divide which characterizes the infancy of stream growth is converted to the sharp serrated crests and ridges of earliest maturity, the streams, which before were battling against a common enemy, viz. the unreduced land mass lying between them, are then brought into closer rivalry. Each stream heading against a divide is endeavoring to wear it away and to gain more drainage area. If the streams are pretty evenly matched, then the divide must grad- ually sink down, until it becomes a low ridge almost exactly beneath the line along which the headwaters of the opposing streams first met on the surface of the plateau. Should it happen, however, that the streams on one side of the crest had an advantage over the opposing set then the rocks would be worn away unevenly on the two slopes; the stronger streams would wear away their side faster and the divide would move towards the weaker set of streams. There are many ways in which one set of streams may come to have more power than an opposing set. The favored streams may have a shorter course to the sea, thus giving them a steeper slope, or what may amount to the same thing, the course may lie on softer rocks which, being more nearly reduced to the sea-level or base-level along the lower course, concentrate the greatest possible amount of steep slope at the headwaters. This is excellently illustrated in Maryland by the contrast in slope which exists between the tributaries of the Monocacy, a stream situated on easily eroded slates, sandstones and limestones, and the main streams of the Patapsco, the Patuxent and other rivers which have to cross the resistant gneisses and other crystalline rocks of central Maryland. Again, greater rainfall will give to one side larger volume and greater cutting powers. Excel- MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 65 lent illustrations of the advantage gained in the latter way are fur- nished by the streams on the western slopes of the Cascade, and the Sierra Nevada, and on eastern slopes of the Andes in equatorial America. Also a tilting of the land in the direction of the favored stream, by increasing the slope of the one and decreasing that of the other, may give advantage sufficient to cause a shifting of the divide. This particular method has been appealed to farther on in explaining certain anomalies in the drainage of the Maryland Coastal Plain. Another way by which divides are caused to shift or change their positions arises from the attitude of the rocks. In districts underlain Level or Base Level Fic. 4.—Diagram illustrating a simple shifting of divides. by layers of alternating hard and soft rocks, which are inclined at an angle to the horizontal, the divides first tend to become located upon the hard rocks. For example if, as may easily be the case at birth, certain streams, such as a in Fig. 4, are so located that they cross the hard layers, then, because of the hindrance which they thus meet with, they can reduce their channels but slowly. This gives an advantage to streams located like b, which, being on yielding rocks, can cut down more rapidly. Therefore a must slowly retreat and b advance step by step until the divide d-d is located upon the hard band H-H. Once thus located, the divide will not tend to move one 5 66 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND side or the other, unless the hard layer be inclined, as represented in Fig. 5. In such an event it is evident that, as the land is denuded, the divide will follow down the dip of the strata, assuming the posi- tions D, D’, D’ successively. The tendency in all cases is to main- tain divides upon the most resistant strata. Many instances of such a cataclinal or down-the-dip shifting of divides are furnished by the Fie. 6.—Diagram illustrating shifting of divides through stream capture. Appalachian Province of Maryland. Shriver’s Ridge, Big Savage mountain, Winding Ridge, Catoctin mountain and many smaller mountains are examples of such divides. The manner in which divides or watersheds migrate has been brought about generally by a slow, gradual shifting. Divides be: tween two river systems or two parts of the same system may at MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 67 times shift suddenly. Thus, as shown in Fig. 6, one stream J, perhaps the larger, has to cross a very refractory band R on its way to the sea, while the other stream JJ traverses yielding rocks along its whole course. In the course of time the second stream II, by reason of its easier path, will reduce its channel to a much lower level than it is possible for the first stream I to do along that portion of its course above . Thus more power is gained for the side streams of JJ, and they are enabled to push back the divides until I has been intercepted at c. Owing to the low level of the channel of IJ and its tributary 2, J is turned into the valley of 2, leaving its lower course to flow on as a shriveled, beheaded stream. This change in river courses shifts the divide gradually at first, then with a bound from d-d to R, again illustrating the law that hard rocks tend to form divides, soft rocks to form valleys. When the arrangement of the streams is not in accord with this the conditions may be regarded as anomalous and disturbing, or modifying factors may be looked for. Many illustrations of such cases of river piracy and capture can be found in the Appalachian region of eastern North America. A single example found in the neighborhood of Harper’s Ferry may be cited here. Others will be considered when the Appalachian Prov- ince of Maryland is described. In Fig. 7 is represented a bit of drainage along what is now the Shenandoah Valley and the Blue Ridge. At the period represented the whole Atlantic slope probably appeared as a broad, gently rolling plain. This plain was but slightly interrupted by the low crest of the Blue Ridge which the Potomac river and Beaver Dam creek crossed through low shallow water-gaps. Beyond the eastern limits of the figure Beaver Dam creek joined the Potomac. The young Shenandoah had begun to develop along the broad band of limestones which lie just west of the hard quartzites and voleanic rocks forming the Blue Ridge. Shortly after the time represented in Fig. 7 the whole eastern slope of North America was tilted and raised. This elevation revived the streams and they began first to deepen their channels and then to push back their headwaters and sidestreams. The Potomac, with 68 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND its large volume, rapidly sank its channel through both the limestone and the hard rocks of the Blue Ridge. Thus the mouth of the Shen- andoah was lowered and this stream began to push back its drainage basin. Beaver Dam creek also felt the effects of the revival, and would have done battle with the growing Shenandoah for the mastery of the area west of the Blue Ridge; but the creek was seriously handi- capped, for it could not work back faster than its small volume could cut down its gap in the Blue Ridge while the Shenandoah had the © 8 THE. KITTATINNY SHENANDOAH From National Geographic Monographs, American Book Co. Fie. 7. Fie, 8. Examples of river piracy (after Willis).! aid of the powerful Potomac. So it resulted that the Shenandoah worked faster than Beaver Dam creek was able to do, and finally cap- turing the headwaters of the latter stream led them off to the north- east, leaving the beheaded stream to continue with the Blue Ridge for its future western boundary. As the Shenandoah grew in vol- The Kittatinny Plain is referred to elsewhere in the text under the name of the Schooley Peneplain, a term earlier employed by Davis. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 69 ume, by further captures of a like character, its valley deepened and widened up to the foot of the mountains; the’ gap in the Blue Ridge where Beaver Dam creek formerly crossed was left high and dry as a wind-gap, forming a deep notch in the crest of the Blue Ridge; and a small stream flowed westward from the edge of the gap down into the Shenandoah, taking a slope and direction exactly the reverse of the one formerly held by the creek. Thus was developed the later drainage shown in Fig. 8. Relations of Streams to Structure. In studying the location and migration of divides, it has been seen how much the streams are influenced by the relative positions of the yielding and the resistant rocks; how divides may change their posi- “tions and finally come to coincide with the bands of resistant rocks or with those rocks most favorably situated for resisting erosion. In the processes of divide-shifting, the streams which have the most favor- able locations either as regards rocks or in relation to base level or both, have been found to be the most successful in extending and developing their courses. From these considerations it is to be ex- pected that wherever the various strata are of varying degrees of resistance and are arranged in an orderly manner, as is the case in the Appalachian districts, there the streams are to be found express- ing the arrangement of the strata as they come to the surface. The valleys would be located on the more yielding rocks, while the inter- stream areas and divides would be formed by the resistant strata. The manner in which such arrangements are perfected is simple. As the newly exposed land rises higher and higher and the youthful streams born upon it cut deeper and deeper, they discover the vari- ous strata which form it. If the beds are horizontal and undis- turbed, as is the case in the Coastal Plain, and approximately so in the Alleghany Plateau, then the surface of the land does not pre- sent long belts of various rocks but is largely covered by one stratum. In such a case a peculiarly irregular branching of streams which is uncontrolled by variations in rock character is developed. This class of streams, called autogenous, is specially described in the chapter on the Coastal Plain. It is also characteristic of West Virginia plateau districts. 70 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND When the new land emerges from the sea and is folded into long troughs and ridges, as was the case in the Appalachian district, the streams find very different conditions of development. They at first take courses consequent upon the folds of the strata and thus collect in the lowest troughs, passing from one trough to the next by the lowest sags in the dividing, arched ridges. As the streams cut deeper, the small consequent streams flowing down the sides of the long ridges, and the larger streams, where they flow through sags in the crests of the ridges, saw through the various strata and reveal the hard and soft, the resistant and the yielding layers. After these first cuts are made streams rapidly develop along the yielding bands, and, by the shifting of divides through capture, the rivers one by one come to be located on these strata. At various points the larger, streams, able to cut down rapidly, maintain the consequent positions which they assumed at birth and cross from one belt of soft rocks to another in spite of the hard intervening ridge. The valleys on the soft rocks which are opened up after the birth of the streams are called subsequent valleys, and their streams subsequent streams, be- cause their origin is subsequent to that of the consequent streams. As the streams progress towards Maturity, further adjustments serve to bring nearly all of the earlier subsequent streams and each of the younger ones into close accord with the arrangement and structure of the strata. The resulting stream-pattern will thus clearly show the direction of the underlying rocks. In the Appalachians, where the strata lie in long parallel folds, the streams have developed into a peculiar pattern like that made by the branches of a grapevine on a trellis, which is sometimes spoken of as a trellis or grapevine system. Its characteristics are shown in the arrangement of Bluestone river in Fig. 9. The same illustration also shows, in its upper left-hand corner, the irregularly arranged drainage which has developed on the horizontal beds of the Cumberland Plateau lying northwest of Alleghany Front and beyond the Bluestone river. Where the rocks are faulted and tilted instead of being regularly arched and folded, the streams also arrange themselves along subse- quent courses, but as the relations of the various beds are not as reg- MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 71 ular as in the case of simply folded strata, the stream pattern is not usually as regular in its development. In areas of crystalline and metamorphosed rocks which have lost all traces of stratigraphic relations but still retain their relative powers Fic, 9, Streams adjusted to Appalachian structure (after Willis). of resistance and some sort of banded arrangement, it is to be ex- pected that the streams would still show certain adjustments to the rocks which they encounter. The particular features of such ad- justed drainage will be treated of further on, but, in general, it may be said that the smaller streams and many of the larger ones would 72 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND normally be found arranged in accordance with the directions of least resistance. Although streams are normally affected by the rocks with which they come in contact in accordance with their degrees of resistance, these laws are not always operative. For example, the Potomac river ' cuts across the hard ledges of the Appalachian district fully as often as it turns and flows parallel with the direction of these ridges, in the valleys located on yielding strata. The points where this river cuts through the high ridges of hard conglomerate or sandstone are rarely points where it would have located if it had developed its posi- tion normally as many of its small tributaries have done. Various other features of the Potomac are anomalous, and to explain them it is necessary to go back to a time when, as will be explained in another place, the river was a large stream meandering from its source across a broad peneplain to the Atlantic. It has already been remarked above that when a land is reduced to a peneplain its streams are bor- dered by broad flood-plains in which they wander almost at random. Tt is not to be wondered at then that the Potomac, when it reached this stage, wandered from the well-adjusted course it had secured to itself during its maturity. A subsequent uplift set all the streams to cutting down and again caused the river to trench itself in its random, unadjusted course, thus preserving its senile wanderings for us to study. One way in which lack of harmony between streams and structure may be brought about is thus seen to be the wandering of streams during Old Age or under peneplain conditions. When an area is wholly buried beneath a blanket of younger rocks or sediments, the streams which arise upon the new series of deposits take their courses quite independently of the structure of the rocks buried beneath them. Continued erosion may carry these streams down through the overlying strata upon the lower series and the stream courses will then be at variance with the arrangement of the latter rocks until sufficient time has elapsed to permit of a readjust- ment of the courses to the newly discovered conditions. Such a state of affairs will result when the streams at present draining the Coastal Plain blanket of sediments described in the next chapter, shall have MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 73 cut through these and reached the underlying Piedmont rocks. This will be more quickly understood by referring to Figs. 11 and 12. Another type of superposition is seen when a stream cuts down through a yielding stratum and comes in contact with a hard bed which it would have avoided had not the overlying softer bed tempted it. Tllustrations of this are not infrequent in the Appalachians. It appears that Braddock’s Run, near Cumberland, was for a short time thus superposed across Wills Mountain. There are other ways in which a region formerly characterized by well-adjusted drainage may have its streams thrown out of adjust- ment. The country may be buried beneath extensive flows of lava, such as characterize the Deccan plateau of southwestern India or the great lava plains of the Snake river in Idaho. A great ice sheet, with its attendant deposits of till, sands, gravels and boulder clay, may so alter the face of the country, as has been the case in northern North America and Europe, that scarcely a single mile of any stream’s course can now be pointed to with certainty as having been established before the advent of the ice. To this disturbing agency New England owes all its picturesque lakes and ponds and the many waterfalls along the altered courses of its rivers, which by their great resources of power for driving mills have made the Northern States the leading ones in manufacturing. Maryland can furnish, however, no examples of stream discordances resulting from either volcanic or glacial agencies. Several other causes of poorly adjusted streams might be mentioned, such as volcanic ash blankets, extensive loess and other alluvial deposits. Having thus briefly reviewed the processes which control the topo- graphic development of any area, we will now proceed to take up in particular the development of Maryland topography. The state, as remarked in a previous volume, may be divided into three general physiographic provinces, namely, the Coastal Plain, the Piedmont Plateau and the Appalachian Region. The boundaries of these prov- inces are represented on the map forming Plate III. To the con- sideration of each of these with their subdivisions separate chapters will be devoted, followed by a chapter in which specia] attention will be given to the Piedmont Plateau. 74 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND Tue Coastat Piain Province. INTRODUCTION. General Structure. The eastern portion of the Atlantic Slope of North America, from Cape Cod to Florida and around the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, is bordered by a broad fringe of horizontally bedded deposits, extend- ing from the Fall Line to the edge of the continental shelf, whose topographic characters and geological origin have won for it the name of the Coastal Plain. The researches of the stratigrapher and the paleontologist have unraveled the intricacies of the numerous beds which compose the Maryland area, and an account of their results is found in another place.” Here will be given only a brief sketch of those events in the history of the Coastal Plain which are most impor- tant from the geographical standpoint. The Coastal Plain series begins with a group of formations, the Potomac Group, whose lithologic characters clearly indicate the con- ditions of the lands which they bordered. The lowest strata, Pa- tuxent formation, composed of arkosic sands and clays, clearly show that the materials were derived from a deep mantle of disintegrated gneissic and phyllitic rocks such as that which now characterizes the surface of the Piedmont Plateau from Maryland southward. These beds everywhere rest upon the uneven surface of crystalline rocks which belong to the same series as those which constitute the Pied- mont. This surface may, in fact, be traced as it passes out from beneath the sedimentary deposits and, bared of that covering, forms the rolling surface of the Piedmont Plateau of to-day. Detached portions of the sedimentary beds, as well as their general lithologic characters, indicate that they formerly extended farther westward than they do to-day. Their presence shows that hills now three or four hundred feet above sea-level once formed the ocean floor and were swept by waves, tides and currents. Above the clays and arkose follow beds of clean white sands, and these again are overlain by lenses of iron-ore-bearing clays, Arundel formation, which were deposited in bogs that formed in depressions 1 Maryland Geol. Survey, 1897, vol. i, p. 188 et seq. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 75 of the older deposits. These depressions have the characters of old water-courses, and are interpreted as indicating a period of elevation above sea-level when the rains had opportunity to erode the surface of the earlier deposits. Interesting fossils in the shape of Dino- saurian skeletons found in these deposits show that great lizard-like creatures frequented the shores of the period. Higher members of the Potomac group consist of variegated clays and coarse, irregularly bedded sands, Patapseco and Raritan forma- tions. They are succeeded by sands and clays in alternating sequence, with slight variations in characters and progressing towards deposits of an argillaceous and finally glauconitie and marly character, Matawan, Monmouth, Rancocas and Pamunkey formations, which show that for some time true marine conditions prevailed in place of the shore conditions which produced the earliest formations. The transition from shore to deep-water conditions was preceded by a period of elevation during which a very considerable amount of erosion and valley-making went on. Smaller variations of level also took place from time to time and are recorded rather by the physical breaks and interruptions to deposition than by the lithological changes in the deposits. Following the last period, the Pamunkey, which was characterized by deposits formed in moderately deep and quiet seas, came a period when the seas abounded in the microscopic plants called diatoms, and the deposits of this time are characterized by heavy accumulations of the siliceous skeletons of these small organisms. Following these came extensive deposits of clays and sands, crowded with infra-littoral organic remains, in which molluscan shells largely predominated. All of these deposits, representing several more or less clearly defined formations, are embraced in what is known as the Chesapeake Group. With the close of this period the deep-water history of this portion of the Coastal Plain ends. Elevation with landward depression suc- ceeded the Chesapeake, during which the rocks of Maryland were subjected to a period of decay. These land conditions again gave way to littoral conditions. As the coastal border gradually sank, the transgressing line of ocean breakers rapidly worked over the materials 76 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND already at hand in the older deposits and the decayed crystallines of the present eastern Piedmont belt. Thus was produced a sheet of gravels, sands and clays which spread out over the whole of the Coastal Plain province from Maryland southward to the Gulf. The constituents of this formation, the Lafayette, change in char- acter from one locality to another, and in many ways indicate that they were arranged by the restless waters of an ocean beach, thus distinguishing them from most of the earlier members of the series which, as already shown, have deep-water or estuarine characters. Lafayette deposition was closed by an elevation which gradually elevated the Coastal Plain above the ocean, and enabled the Pied- mont streams, not only to extend their courses eastward across the slowly emerging land surface, but also to cut deep gorges in the un- derlying strata. Besides the topographic record of the post-Lafayette emergence, evidence of the weathering influences of the atmosphere is not lacking in the general state of disintegration of the materials composing the formation. Following the elevation and dissection of the Lafayette formation came a succession of depressions and elevations, accompanied in turn by deposition and denudation, that has produced a complicated history down to the present time. The deposits of this period have been described hitherto, so far as they have been recognized, as the Colum- bia formation, and appear at various elevations along the rivers, estua- ries and inter-fluviatile districts of the Coastal Plain. Professor R. D. Salisbury has published many interesting facts regarding the Coastal Plain gravels of New Jersey, and the investiga- tions of the Maryland Geological Survey now in progress point to an early solution of the problems connected with the later history of the Coastal Plain in this state. It appears, therefore, from what has been stated that the Coastal Plain is built up of a series of strata, for the most part composed of still unconsolidated materials arranged almost horizontally. Each successive sheet bears a portion of the geological and topographic record of the province, the whole showing that the land in this region has undergone many variations in altitude. Careful detailed MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 7 study and mapping of the individual earlier members of this series will in the future yield interesting results and give many additional facts concerning the past topographic history of the old land area lying beneath and west of the province, but at present no attempt will be made to consider more than the comparatively recent history and topographic changes which have taken place within the area. Therefore, confining ourselves to that portion of the Coastal Plain which lies within the boundaries of Maryland, the next section will set forth the limits and subdivisions of the province. Boundaries and Subdivisions. Before the post-Lafayette emergence, the Coastal Shelf or Coastal submarine Plain stretched from the unknown shore of those times eastward almost if not quite as far as the present edge of the con- tinental shelf. We need not go back farther, however, for our present needs than to the middle of the Neocene, when the last exten- sive submergence took place. The exact extent of this submergence, during which the Lafayette formation was accumulated, is at present somewhat in doubt. Mr. A. Keith* has reported that remnants of this formation occur along the eastern foot of Catoctin mountain in Maryland and Virginia; but as the determination of the age of the deposit in those districts is based partly on lithologic characters and partly on the possibility of correlating certain topographic features of the western Piedmont Plateau with post-Lafayette formations in the Coastal Plain series, the date cannot be regarded as being defi- nitely determined. Outliers of the Lafayette situated nearer the western boundary of the continuous strata, and of whose age there is no doubt, clearly show, however, that the submergence was very considerable in amount and in extent, and that it was terminated by an uplift which raised the western portion of the coastal shelf higher above the sea-level than it stands to-day. After the emergence, and as the result of it, the heretofore wholly 1A, Keith, “Geology of the Catoctin Belt,” U. S. Geol, Surv., Fourteenth Ann. Rept., 1892-3, ii, p. 285. ?McGee, W J, ‘The Lafayette Formation,” U. S. Geol. Surv., Twelfth Ann. Rept., 1890-1, i, pp. 508-511. 78 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND submerged Coastal Plain became divided into two great sections, which continue to the present time. These two sections were an eastern submerged portion, which will be referred to as the sub- merged or submarine section, and a western emergent portion, here- after designated the emerged or subaérial section. The common boundary between these was the new shore line. The term Coastal Plain as heretofore used by students of Ameri- can geology has generally referred to that portion of the Coastal Plain which is called in this paper the subaérial section. Since the subaérial plain admits of comparatively easy investigation, because of the deep dissection it has undergone, and because it is habitable by Man, while the eastern submerged portion is wholly beyond our reach save through the revelations of the sections obtained from arte- sian well borings, very naturally our conception of the Coastal Plain has been bounded on the east by the Atlantic shore line. It is believed, however, that the proposed extension in the scope of the term Coastal Plain and its subdivision into a submarine and a sub- aérial portion is fully justified by the stratigraphy of the province and by the fundamental topographic form of the two divisions. To these two divisions of the Coastal Plain J. W. Powell’ has added a third one, which is designated the marsh portion, recognizing as a “which is covered more separate subprovince that part of the plain or less intermittently with water by tides and storms.” The limits of the Coastal Plain, as thus newly defined, are on the east, the boundary of the coastal shelf, and on the west the intri- eately crenulate line which marks the boundary between the uncon- solidated sands and clays of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic and the erys- talline rocks of the Piedmont Plateau. West of this continuous boundary are scattered small detached areas, whose lithologic and stratigraphic characters show that they belong genetically to the Coastal Plain series, but have been separated from the main body by the activity of denuding processes since the province was raised above the sea-level. 7“ The Physiography of the United States,” 1896, p. 75. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 79 SUBMARINE DIVISION. Boundaries. The submarine portion of the Coastal Plain may be considered as extending from the western shores of Sinepuxent and Chinco- teague Bays eastward to the one hundred fathom line, which is very closely coincident with the eastern boundary of the continental shelf, and lies on the average about one hundred miles off shore. The Sea Floor. Viewed as a whole, the surface of the submarine division of the coastal plain is a broad, even surface, gently sloping seaward and swarming with animal life. It is the feeding ground of most of our valuable sea fish and, therefore, the chief cruising ground for fisher- men. Upon closer examination the shelf is seen to be very mildly and irregularly undulating, the swells and troughs becoming fewer LAGOON SEA LEVEL Fie. 10.—Section across off-shore beach and lagoon. and milder seaward. These features are admirably shown on the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey charts. Off-shore Beaches. Shoreward the even surface of the submarine plain is broken by the narrow bank of sands, which forms the long barren stretch of Sinepuxent Beach. This beach, and the long shallow bay behind it, see Fig. 10, are of particular interest, because they furnish excellent home examples of a type of coast line which characterizes North America from Long Island to Southern Mexico. This type is found wherever there is strong on-shore wave action across a shallow coastal shelf. As the great swells come in from the Atlantic the depth to which their vibrations disturb the ocean waters approaches more and more closely the actual depth of the water over the shelf. Ulti- mately, the disturbances begin to act on the bottom. The waves thus meet with considerable resistance in their lower sections, due to 80 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND friction between the water particles and the sea floor, The result is that sand and mud are stirred up by the onward moving waves, and are carried shoreward with them until they break upon the beach. The breakers stir up still more sand by the impact of the mass of falling water. Many an unhappy bather who has had his mouth filled with the gritty water, as a wave, thus ladened, broke over him, will testify to its truth. The sand stirred up by the waves and breakers is disposed of in several ways. Some of the material is carried along the shore by currents, much of it is thrown into a long heap or windrow landward, where the surf is breaking, and a portion is carried back to the deeper water by the undertow. The greatest advance in building beaches by such wave action is made by storm waves, whose greater power enables them to accomplish much in a short time. The great changes produced by storms are well recorded, because of their sud- den appearance and often disastrous consequences to human interests, but although they are among the prime factors in producing coastal changes, they do not so strongly overbalance the less striking but long-continued activity of other agents. Important among the latter is the wind, which heaps the dry sands of the beach into dunes, thus insuring the stability of the beach as such above the water. A very considerable amount of sand is also blown into the lagoons which lie behind the off-shore beaches, thus materially aiding in the slow pro- cess of filling up those water bodies. Outside the beaches and along the coast various marine currents are constantly at work distributing the sands which the waves and the undertow bring out from the beach or stir up from the bottom. These currents may be of tidal origin, set in motion by the daily ebb and flow of the great tidal wave, and would have their directions deter- mined by the obliquity which the crest of the tidal wave’ makes with the general direction of the coast line. Other tidal currents 1 By tidal wave is here meant the broad wave of water which the attrac- tion of the moon and other forces maintains upon the open ocean and draws after it as the earth turns upon its axis. The term should not be confused with the phenomenon popularly called a “tidal wave” which results from some voleanic explosion or seismic disturbance beneath the ocean and has nothing whatever to do with ordinary tidal phenomena. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 81 with general off- and on-shore directions occur at the tidal inlets to the lagoons and sounds behind the beaches, where the inflowing and outflowing waters of the sounds have built bars and extensive shoals or tidal deltas. The waves themselves, aided by the winds which drive them, set up the most important currents. As the waves run obliquely against a coast they set up a steady drifting of the water in the direction resultant from the direction of the coast and the direction in which the surges are moving. Tor example, if, as is the case on Maryland coasts, the heavy surges set up by a storm come rolling in from the east or northeast against a shore line whose general direction is south- west, the energy of those waves is partly expended in beating directly against the beaches, although a very considerable component turns along the shore in a southwesterly direction. In this way a south- west drift along shore is set up. Again, storms from the southeast, in a similar manner, set up a northeasterly drift or coast current. These currents are well known to the fishermen and members of the Life Saving Service along our coasts. Their direction of flow may be detected by the drifting of wreckage during and after storms, and the average direction of drift during series of months and years is expressed in the general configurations of the beaches, capes, inlets and shoals. Along the Maryland and Virginia coast there seems to be an almost even balance between the two sets of currents. To the north, i. e. on the Maryland shores, the smooth beach shows but little by which to judge. The closing of an inlet into Sinepuxent Bay (see below, p. 83), and the recent opening of a shallow one to the south, across the beach into Chincoteague Bay, are in favor of a southerly current. So also is the general configuration of Assa- teague Island and its apex at Fishing Point, while the general direc- tion of the shoals and bars off Cape Charles indicate that a decided current from the north brings down the sands which are drifting around the Cape into the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. On the other hand, the position and direction of the banks and bars of the Chincoteague, Black Fish, Winter Quarter, Isle of Wight and Fenwick Shoals and the forms of the beaches on the east side 6 82 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND of the Eastern Shore of Virginia point very decidedly towards the presence of a current setting from the south or the southwest. Coastal Lagoons. Behind the low sandy beaches along the Atlantic coast of Mary- land are imprisoned shallow lagoons somewhat similar to those of the New Jersey coast. These bays, though having different names in different parts, Sinepuxent, Isle of Wight and Chincoteague Bays, are nevertheless all one body of water. The width is very variable, ranging between half a mile at Ocean City to four or five miles at the wider portions. The shores of the lagoon are formed on the east by shallow marshes along the western edges of the outside sandy beaches, and on the west by the low, half-submerged topography of the mainland, somewhat modified by the salt marshes, which have attained considerable size at some points. The floor of the lagoon is very shallow and flat, and largely com- posed of sand, which blows over from the dunes along the beaches, of mud and, near the western shore, of matted roots, which really form the foundation for the overlying sands. The deepest portions of the bays are found along the western side, next to the mainland, and even in these spots the depth does not exceed seven or eight feet. Over most of the bay the depth is from one to three feet, so that the waters can be navigated only by boats of very shallow draught. The reason that the channel, as the zone of deepest water is called, is uniformly located so far towards one side, and that the western one, is, that the easterly storms, and indeed every brisk wind, blow quantities of sand from the dry dunes of the beach across into the bay. Thus a sandy shoal, now only one or two feet below the level of high water, has been built just in the lee of the barrier beach. Tight or ten rods in the width of this shoal have been so far built up, that it is now a brackish marsh overgrown with coarse salt grass, and much of it is firm enough to tread on with- out sinking. Beyond this naturally reclaimed portion the shallow sandy bottom is steadily encroaching year by year wpon the formerly deeper waters of the bay. At the same time the marshy western shores of the lagoon are being slowly consumed by the attacks a MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 83 the waves which arise in the shoal waters of the bay, although no accurate estimate of the rate of recession can be given. The currents and the position of the water level in Sinepuxent and Isle of Wight bays are not influenced at all by the tides, and very little, if at all, in Chincoteague Bay, except in the immediate vicinity of Chincoteague Inlet. All the important currents are con- trolled entirely, both as to their directions and force, by the winds and configuration of the bay shores. When a brisk north or north- east breeze is blowing the waters are driven southward, thus setting up a current in that direction and tending to cause low water in the upper end of the bay, while a southerly wind may at another hour of the same day wholly change matters and heap up the waters at the north end of the bay. The waters of these shallow lagoons do not communicate with the ocean except through Chincoteague Inlet and a small break in the long cordon of sandy beach that was recently made a few miles south of Ocean City during a severe storm. Up and down the whole length of the Maryland shore there are but these two inlets to the land-bound waters, one being very small and unimportant. This condition is not typical for such bays or lagoons as are found on the coasts of New Jersey and the Carolinas. It is more usual to find inlets interrupting the even stretches of sandy beach at several points, forming gates to the sounds similar to Barnegat Inlet of the New Jersey coast or Topsail Inlet of the Carolina coast. Such inlets, however, are of uncertain duration, and several along the Carolina shores are known to have been closed completely, as the result of the washing in of sand during great storms. Other inlets, formerly deep enough to admit sea-going vessels at low tide, are now so shallow that entrance is completely barred. It appears that one or two such inlets at one time cut across the long sandy reaches of Sinepuxent beach. J. T. Ducatel * states in his Annual Report for 1835, that: ‘ It is an interesting fact connected with the past and present condition of Sinepuxent sound that, since the closing up of some inlets admitting 1 Ducatel, J. T., and Alexander, J. H., Rept. on the New Map of Maryland, 1835, p. 52. 84 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND the ocean into it, its waters having thus become comparatively fresh, the oysters and clams, by which they were formerly thickly inhab- ited, have died, leaving extensive beds of their exuvie.” The former abundance of these shell-fish in the sound is also evidenced by the Indian shell heaps found on Sinepuxent neck, proving that the Indians of the vicinity resorted to the sound for their supply of oysters. This change in the saltness of the water of the sound is an interesting illustration of the control exerted by geological condi- tions in changing the lives and habits of men. Prior to the storm, or series of storms, which closed the inlets, the thriving oyster beds attracted the aborigines and furnished them with a much prized article of food; now the nearly fresh waters of the same sound no longer support the finer grade of salt water oysters, and to obtain them we must search farther south in the vicinity of Chincoteague Island where the ocean waters still reach. SUBAERIAL DIVISION. Boundaries. The subaérial division of the Maryland Coastal Plain extends from the western shores of Chincoteague and Sinepuxent Bays to the western boundary of the province. It will be regarded as embracing the so-called “ tidewater ” section of the state with its many navigable streams and that old river valley, the Chesapeake Bay, which, from earliest times, has been the leading highway of traffic in Maryland. General Topography. Passing from the submarine to the subaérial division of the Coastal Plain, there is no sudden change in general topographic features. The surface of an area newly arisen above the sea, where it had long been the seat of deposition, would naturally possess the predominant characteristics of the sea floor. One prominent feature is the broad, even plain, once the smooth or gently undulating sea bottom. The relatively new land surface of this division possesses this character in a very marked degree, and is typically illustrated by Plate VII, Fig. 2. Many portions of the Eastern Shore of Maryland are char- acterized by long interstream stretches of considerable breadth that MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 85 are almost plane surfaces, and the same is true of several areas on the Western Shore in the peninsula of Southern Maryland. Taken as a whole, the Subaérial Division is quite as flat as the Submarine Division, although considerable depressions, particularly in its west- ern portions, due to stream erosion, cause many interruptions in the continuity of the plain. oN present EON Fig. 11.—Piedmont Plateau partially submerged. Another feature generally belonging to emerged marine plains, and characteristic of that portion of Maryland’s Coastal Plain which falls under this class of land forms, is the gentle and uniform seaward inclination of the general surface. This is admirably shown by the hypsometric map forming Plate VI of Volume I, 1897, of the reports of the State Geological Survey. As may be seen from this map, the general slope of the Eastern and Western Shores of Mary- land is towards the southeast, the rate of decline being about three 86 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND feet per mile for the counties of Southern Maryland and rarely more than one and a half feet per mile over the eastern counties of Kent, Queen Anne’s, Caroline and Talbot. Drainage Pattern. Besides the general features of the province and the gentle sea- ward slope of its surface, the drainage pattern, which is the direct product of these two factors combined with the general homogeneity of the strata, is characteristic and typical for the area. This stream pattern is irregularly branching or dendritic. The smaller streams in most cases make approximately a right angle with the general course of the larger streams, where they join the latter, but the larger waterways do not obey the laws which govern drainage devel- opment under the simple conditions of a Coastal Plain, although the courses of the main stream, it is true, are approximately parallel with one another and enter the bay or ocean at right angles to the shore line which they intersect. Most of the streams, however, de- part from the type in that they do not traverse the width of the Coastal Plain’s subaérial portion from the old land to the Atlantic, but generally flow from either side down into Chesapeake Bay. This abnormality of the streams will perhaps be more easily understood if the stages in the development of drainage on an emerging Coastal Plain are briefly reviewed. General Drainage Development. Starting with the epoch when the western portion of the Coastal Plain began to appear above the sea, it is evident that, as the land rose and the waters receded eastward from their old bounds, the rivers flowing from the older land area or the Piedmont Plateau would gradually extend their courses across the new land, keeping their mouths at the new shore line. This advance of the lower courses of the old streams would keep pace with the retreat of the coast line, and the direction of the new lower courses would be determined both by the slope and the inequalities of the new surface over which they passed. In the normal course of events, therefore, these extended streams should enter the ocean by courses approximately at right MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 87 angles to the general direction of the coast line, as shown in Fig. 12. This is to be more confidently looked for in the case of those streams whose volume and size would enable them to easily overcome the slight obstacles which the generally smooth surface of an emerged marine plain might offer to such a course. Such is the case with the Chattahoochee, the Tombigbee, the Savannah, the Santee, and num- Fig. 12.—Piedmont Plateau and Coastal Plain elevated. bers of others which cross the southern Coastal Plain from the old land to the sea. It is therefore surprising to find that large, pow- erful rivers, such as the Potomac, the Susquehanna and the Dela- ware, which have successfully crossed many resistant strata in the Appalachian district, turn aside on reaching the incoherent beds of the Coastal Plain and pursue such roundabout routes before they finally reach the Atlantic. 88 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND While the streams of the old land are thus actively extending their courses and reducing their channels to a suitable grade, another class of streams have come into existence. The rain which falls upon the surface of the newly-born land is partly drained into the extended lower courses of the preéxisting rivers, but it also happens that a large share of the drainage is effected by streams which originate upon the Coastal Plain itself independently of the extended rivers. These streams, which arise independently of former drainage lines of any sort, are guided in their development only by the character of the strata and the initial inequalities, large or small, which they find on the surface of the new land. As the general inclination of the surface is seaward, and they are acting almost wholly under the influence of gravity, their courses are taken as nearly as possible along the lines of steepest slope, generally at right angles to the coast line. If the land continues to rise these new streams also will extend their lower courses to keep pace with the receding shore line. At the same time their headwaters are being extended by the gnawing back of the ravines which characterize stream heads and by the development of new ravines. These new ravines start upon the side slopes of the old ones, and as there is no important variation in the amount of resistance offered by the various strata, whereby any control could be exerted upon the direction of growth of the new ravines from which they start, all have equal chances for develop- ment. A ravine once started tends to keep on in the same direction, as may be observed in the case of the small ravines and gullies devel- oping along bare hillsides. The result of this mode of development is the growth of a more or less intricately and irregularly but syste- matically ramified drainage system of dendritic pattern, which has come to be recognized as typical for the drainage developed upon newly exposed plains of subaqueous origin. Smaller streams of the same type may also develop in regions whose main drainage lines are under control of other factors, such as tilting or folding. In these cases the subordinate or tributary streams only will belong to the type under consideration. This is an important fact, as it will appear that to MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 89 this second category belong the majority of the streams of the Coastal Plain in Maryland. This general stream pattern has been designated by McGee * as autogenous. During the earliest stages in the drainage development of an emergent coastal plain, small lakes and swamps may dot the surface of the new land in greater or lesser numbers. They would arise from the accumulation of rain-water in the original inequalities of the surface. Such inequalities on the sea bottom are produced by the actions of waves and currents which do not always distribute sedi- ments in a perfectly even manner. This is very well shown by the character of the sea floor along the present Maryland coast. The lakes or swamps, due to accumulation of water in such hollows, should disappear early in the course of drainage development. Their outlets generally admit of rapid cutting down, so that the waters are soon drained off. Thus lakes of this origin, characterizing only the earliest or Infantile to Adolescent stages in topographic development, when present, give a clue to the topographic age of the area. The ideal scheme of Coastal Plain drainage as outlined above is interrupted by the southwestward prolongation of the Susquehanna river in the expanse of Chesapeake Bay, which divides the Subaérial Section into the Eastern Shore and the Western Shore of Southern Maryland. THE EASTERN SHORE, The Eastern Shore of Maryland occupies a large part of the penin- sular Coastal Plain between Delaware Bay, the Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay. This topographic subprovince also includes most of Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Relief. The peninsula has but slight altitude, rarely reaching a maxi- mum elevation of one hundred feet even in the higher northern counties, and declining gradually southwards to a mean elevation of about twenty-five feet in Somerset and Worcester counties. Besides the broad open valleys of the larger streams and the flat interstream 1MeGee, W J, U. S. Geol. Surv., Eighth Ann. Rept., 1885-86, pp. 561 et seq. 90 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND areas, the only topographic feature of prime importance is the broad height of land which forms the divide between the eastward and west- ward flowing streams. At this point it is enough to indicate that its dis- tance from the Atlantic or from Delaware Bay rarely exceeds fifteen or twenty miles, while it generally lies from thirty to forty miles east of the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and just north of Berlin, Maryland, is sixty miles distant. The high land extends south-south- east from Elk river, keeping approximately parallel to the eastern shore of the peninsula as far as the headwaters of the Pocomoke river. Tt then turns to the south-southwest, following the Atlantic coast line in a sympathetic curve down the lower portion of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, gradually decreasing in elevation until it merges into the low-lying lands north of Cape Charles. Stream Characteristics. The Eastern Shore is on the average fairly well supplied with streams, the majority of which drain southwestward into the Chesa- peake. All the large streams, following more or less tortuous courses, flow into the Bay, and most of the smaller streams have courses roughly parallel to the larger ones. Only small streams, generally insignificant in size and comparatively few in number, drain east- ward into the lagoons lying behind the off-shore beaches and bars of the Atlantic coast. All the streams fall into one or the other of two classes. They either lie wholly upon the general surface of the country, are small in volume, not navigable, except where dammed, and do not reach directly to tidewater, or they reach tidewater and the larger ones are navigable at least by small boats for some portion of their length. The streams belonging to the first class are characterized by broad, shallow valleys, with very gentle side slopes, which are not seamed by rill-channels, but present smooth, rounded or even plane contours. Generally there is some alluvium collected along the stream chan- nels, but as a topographic feature these flood-plains are usually diffi- cult to distinguish from the mild side slopes of the valleys. In the northern portion of the Eastern Shore peninsula, where the general altitude is highest, the streams have more sharply defined valleys, MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 91 and are, in general, more actively engaged in working over the ma- terials of their flood-plains. Contrasted with this section, are the ~ streams of the inter-estuarine areas in the southern counties. There one may travel for miles and never cross a well-marked channel. Where the forests have been allowed to remain, they have so far pre- vented evaporation that the swamps which formed in original surface inequalities retain a considerable amount of moisture, even through the hot summer months, and sometimes little rivulets may be found in close proximity to these forested areas. As a rule, however, the configuration of the surface betrays no sign of stream sculpture, but seems to have received its outlines wholly from the waves and cur- rents of the ocean during its last period of submergence. It is in the middle counties—Talbot, Caroline and Dorchester—that the streams approach more nearly the typical inland drainage of a recently emerged marine plain. In these counties the stream charac- ters correspond closely to the general description given above. The streams whose lower courses merge into tidal estuaries belong to the second class of Eastern Shore Coastal Plain streams. The headwaters of nearly all the members of this class belong to the first class of streams, and present the characters which have been de- scribed. The transition in these streams from the shallow alluvium- lined valleys of the above-tide district to the free and open estuarine division is not a sudden one. Between the two extremes lies a stretch of river whose waters ebb and flow with the tide, but whose steep banks are deeply fringed by reed-covered marshes. This tran- sition is most clearly and beautifully illustrated by the Choptank river, which may be taken as the type. The same features are shown almost equally well by the Nanticoke, the Wicomico, and the Chester rivers. The lower course of the Choptank is an open bay about six miles wide in its broadest part, so that in spite of the comparatively shallow waters (off Cook’s Point there is a maximum depth of ten and one- quarter fathoms) strong winds or sudden storms in summer always set a heavy sea running. The shores are low, rarely rising twenty feet above tide, and intricately dissected by small tidewater creeks, par- 92 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND ticularly along the peninsular area between the Choptank and Eastern Bay. The banks facing the channel do not slope down gently to the shore, except in those cases where the land stands lowest and is in a protected bay. Usually they form sharply-cut cliffs of varying height. These cliffs, fashioned by the waves which often arise on the river, are best developed along the exposed stretches of shore, and are in every instance accompanied by some form of spit or bar stretching to leeward, and built of the waste cut away by the waves. Already in this lower course of the river, the small creeks emptying into it are found to be shoaling and silting up their channels, as a result of the sand-bars and beaches which obstruct their mouths. Proceeding up the river, however, the marshlands, which have been confined to creeks and lagoons below, begin to encroach on the open waters of the channel. The sharp points, unlike their congeners downstream, do not have off-shore extensions in the shape of sandy shoals or spits, but have developed marshy accumulations of sand and alluvium firmly woven together and held by a mass of matted grass roots. For a short distance these marshes are confined to the stream mouths, and the points, while having intermediate stretches along the shore, are undercut, forming cliffs. These cliffs can often be traced along behind the marsh-formed outlines of the points and bays. Above Secretary creek the marshes increase in area so greatly that the bounds of the channel are formed almost wholly of those accumulations. The tortuous stream grows narrower as the marshes widen, and swings in broad meanders, sometimes cutting directly against the steep banks of the stream, when a strong bend carries the current sharply to one side or the other. Back of the marshy ground the banks of the river appear as steep cliffs, which are now well wooded, and thus protect the banks from the attacks of the rain and the wind. These steep wooded banks pre- sent a decided contrast to the generally less precipitous slopes which border the small tidewater confluents of the Choptank, and they clearly form sudden interruptions in the broad, gently rolling surface of the interstream areas. The boundaries between the firm land of the Coastal Plain and the tidal marshes, as expressed topographically MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 93 by these low bluffs, are clearly designated on the U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey Chart No. 135. This chart conveniently sums up for general study the tidewater details of the river system, and shows even better than one can see the facts on the ground, the gradual encroachment of the marshes and the line of low bluffs behind them. It is very clear from this map that the original banks of the river, up to the head of navigation and beyond, are represented by these marsh-bound cliffs. Apparently the earlier channel, which the river followed before it had built the marshy flood-plains, was much more direct than it is to-day. Some allowance, however, must be made for the straightening of the banks under the action of the waves in earlier times, such as is now going on farther down-stream. At the present time, also, there is some straightening done by the cutting of the stream where its channel is turned against the higher bluffs at the apex of some meander. Above tidewater a marked change comes over the valley. Instead of strong tidal currents, which by their scour keep open a narrow pathway, the channel is occupied by a small stream, which is unable to carry away all the waste washed into it from the valley slopes. These slopes, also, while maintaining their steep faces for a short distance, rapidly give way to the milder slopes and open valleys of the interior. The flood-plain, which characterizes the stream in its non-tidal portion, is clearly continuous with the growing marshes of the tidewater district. On comparing the other large streams of the Eastern Shore with the Choptank, they are found to depart but slightly from the charac- teristics of that stream. What variations occur, relate chiefly to the shores of the estuarine portion, and are discussed below under the head of Shore Features. The streams flowing eastward into the coastal lagoons of the Atlan- tic shore have already been briefly touched upon. They are, in Mary- land, small and insignificant runs, flowing over marshy bottomlands. The largest is St. Martin’s river, emptying into Isle of Wight Bay, and next in size is Trappe creek, which flows southeastward from Trappe, near Berlin. Although so insignificant in Maryland, this At- 94 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND lantic drainage attains a somewhat greater, although still very mod- erate, development in Delaware, where it numbers among its principal streams Indian river, Broad Kill, Mispillion creek, Motherkill or Murderkill creek, Appoquinimink creek and Christiania creek. The topography along the lagoons of Maryland and behind the off-shore beaches on Delaware Bay clearly shows that these creeks, even the smaller ones, belong to the class of streams known as “ drowned.” That is to say, after having established themselves upon’ the new land surface, and cut out characteristic valleys, a slight subsidence has allowed the sea waters to penetrate inland, overflowing and drowning the lowest portions of their valleys. The larger streams of St. Mar- tin’s river and Indian river have, with the Pocomoke and Nanticoke rivers, common sources in the Great Cypress Swamp which covers such a large area in Sussex county, Delaware and Wicomico county, Maryland. This swamp is particularly interesting because of its position on the great Atlantic-Chesapeake divide discussed below. It has been pointed out that one of the characteristic features of the ideal drain- age of a newly emerged Coastal Plain is the formation of lakes, swamps, morasses, etc., in the original inequalities of the new surface. There are along the Atlantic seaboard several examples of such swamps, and particularly are they found in Florida, Virginia, Mary- land and New Jersey, including the Everglades, the Great Dismal Swamp of Carolina-Virginia, the Great Cypress Swamp of Maryland- Delaware, and numerous small swampy districts along the Atlantic- Delaware river divide of the Coastal Plain in New Jersey. In all these cases there are two reasons why the swampy districts have not been drained. First, they are formed in inequalities produced by a submergence which took place in very recent geologic time, namely, the Pleistocene epoch. These districts seem to have been the last to come above the sea, even at that late date, so that there has been but little time for streams to do much active cutting. Moreover, it is to be noted that these swamps are located chiefly along main divides, suggesting that the streams which sprang up during the first period of post-Pleistocene emergence were able to drain swamps which were MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 95 located nearer the shore line, but have not as yet found time or strength to draw off the waters confined by the inequalities of the main divides. Allantic-Chesapeake Divide. The peculiarly swampy character of this divide and its unsym- metrical location on the peninsula between the Atlantic and Chesa- peake Bay are facts which distinguish it, when compared with the more usual characters of stream divides, and the laws which control their development. It has been pointed out, in discussing the origin of the Coastal Plain province, that streams whose courses were extended across its subaérial portion or originated thereon would normally flow eastward and southeastward into the Atlantic. Thus the divides crossing the Coastal Plain would have been parallel to the streams and approxi- mately at right angles to the shore line. How then can the present arrangement of drainage lines on the Eastern Shore be accounted for? In studying the development of stream divides it has been found to be a general rule that when the streams on one side of a watershed have a greater development than their opponents on the other side, their superiority may be traced to one of two causes. Either some original characters of the country gave to one system long courses and to the other short ones, or some features in the district subsequently revealed in the course of continued development have combined to aid one set of streams, while not offering equal advantages to the others. There is no apparent reason for the unsymmetrical location of the divide in question, when the normal development of the Coastal Plain is examined for an original cause. The whole history of the Coastal Plain, so far as it is recorded in its earlier sedimentary de- posits, would go to show that the streams ought not to be abnormal in any particular. Neither can there be found any traces of factors which, appearing after the streams had begun to develop, would be able to influence them in such a marked manner. A common factor of this latter class which in many parts of the country has played an important réle is a heavy or very resistant stratum of rock. Such a stratum, by retarding the development of the streams compelled to 96 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND flow over it, gives the other streams, not so hindered, an opportunity to advance their headwaters and to reduce their channels more rap- idly to a gentle slope. But no stratum of sufficiently contrasted resistance to produce such an effect can be found in the series of Coastal Plain strata within the boundaries of Maryland. If the indu- rated clays and sands of the Lafayette Formation be appealed to as sufficiently resistant to have such an effect on the streams the results produced would be just the opposite of those observed. The west- ward-flowing streams would first have encountered the opposition of the eastward dipping beds of the Lafayette, while the eastward-flowing streams of the Atlantic, having their courses down the dip, would have been last influenced by such opposition. The result then would have been that the Atlantic drainage would have developed at the expense of the Chesapeake streams, and the divide would now stand nearer the bay than the ocean. Again, in a district of comparatively uniform and homogeneous lithologic structure such as the Coastal Plain, it might easily happen that one portion, receiving a heavier average rainfall, should there- fore develop a stronger drainage system. The maps of average An- nual Precipitation in Maryland and Delaware, published in the report of the Maryland State Weather Service for 1892-3, show the heavier rainfall to have occurred within the catchment basins of the Choptank streams, while the maps for 1894-5 show a slightly greater fall for the Atlantic streams in the same latitude. There are no strongly marked topographic features of the Eastern Shore which exert any control over the distribution of rain, and it is probably fair to conclude that the average of a number of years would show that there is a pretty even and equable distribution of rain to either district. Shore Lines. The most striking feature of the Eastern Shore, next to its ex- treme flatness, is the very intricate character of its western shore line. At first sight the meandering outlines appear to be a maze of creeks and coves without plan or system, and certainly the stranger, who tries to find his way about the multitude of creeks along Kent Island and Eastern Bay at the mouth of St. Michael’s river or in Bay Hun- MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 97 dred at the entrance to the Choptank, would soon become confused by the great number of closely similar creeks and minor estuaries which are found there. These intricacies all work out very simply, however, by tracing out certain lines which may be found more or less clearly marked in nearly every cove and bay. If, on one of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Charts of Ches- apeake Bay, lines be drawn along the channels of the principal streamways, a pattern will be produced resembling so many bare trees, very crooked as to their trunks, and stripped of all except the largest limbs. The roots of these river trees lie in Chesapeake Bay, and their tops, merging into the surface streams of the province, lie against the great divide." Tracing out the channels of all the little tide-creeks and bays, it will be found that many of the channel lines join or branch from the main stem and major branches, thus forming the subordinate branches and twigs of the “trees.” Several smaller independent systems, such as the Little Choptank, Eastern Bay and St. Michael’s rivers, which spring directly from Chesapeake Bay, will also develop. If now these “trees”? be compared with the branching patterns of most streams, for example, of such a river as the Patapsco of the Piedmont Plateau or the Patuxent of the Piedmont and western Coastal Plain, a striking similarity in the systematic irregularity of the branching at once appears. From such a comparison it is but a step to the conclusion that running streams of fresh water once carved out the channels which are now filled with the brackish waters of Chesapeake or Isle of Wight Bays. An elevation of one hundred feet would be sufficient to convert all these irregularities of coast line into a corresponding multitude of larger and smaller creeks which would empty into a great tidal river along the main channel of Chesapeake Bay. A depression of less than half this amount would convert all the rivers of Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties into such tidal creeks as are now found along their shores, and to a less extent would affect in a similar way the present streams of the more northern counties. Chesapeake Bay and its 1See Russell, I. C., ‘‘ Rivers of North America,” Fig. 22, p. 219. 7 \ j { L 98 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND tributary bays and rivers thus belong to that great class of streams called drowned rivers, and the coastal topography of the whole Coastal Plain of Maryland is for a similar reason to be classed as drowned topography. Drowned topography and drowned rivers are not peculiar to Mary- land, however, nor even to the Coastal Plain, although they are excellently illustrated in these districts. The numerous islands and deeply land-locked harbors along the New England coast, particu- larly in the state of Maine, afford beautiful examples of the same kind of coastal features, while the beautiful friths of Scotland and the famous fjords of Scandinavia and Finland are world-renowned exam- ples of this class of land forms. Since the drowning of the streams, the resultant expansion of the water areas in the valleys thus affected, and the introduction of tidal currents, have brought new forces into action which influence the development of shore topography along the streams. In describing the lower course of the Choptank, mention has been made of the wave-cut cliffs and wave- and tide-built bars and spits, which now distinguish the estuarine portions of that stream. «All these features are developed to a greater or lesser extent in the other rivers. The best development of wave-cut cliffs is found along the Sassafras and Chester rivers, where wide expanse of water is combined with high banks. The waves generated by the severe southeast and southwest storms, although raised in comparatively shallow waters, are forceful enough to undereut and bring down great masses of the indurated fossiliferous sands and marls. These blocks he quietly on the shoal beaches during the numerous small storms of summer, but in winter are rapidly broken up and distributed along the shores. As a result of this continual supply of new material from neighboring cliffs, waves are building sand bars across the mouths of the smaller creeks, and as a result of this damming they are gradually filling up. The tide flowing in and out of the rivers twice a day is also a factor and an important one in fashioning the outline of the river’s shores. Several shore forms in the Choptank have been described MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 99 and attributed mainly to wave work. The side-currents or eddies set up between the shore and the main tidal current in the channel generally play an important and sometimes a controlling part in the building of the spits and bars which characterize the shores. The manner in which these tidal eddies work has been recently worked out by Dr. F. P. Gulliver’ for a much larger estuary on the coast of the state of Washington, and Fig. 13 is designed to illustrate the arrange- ment of such eddies during flood tide. No special studies have vet been made of the many admirable shore features which the rivers of the Coastal Plain exhibit, but while working on the areal geology of the Eastern Shore I was able to note that in at least one case eddies Fic. 13.—Scheme of Flood-tide Eddies in an Estuary (after Gulliver). set up by the tide had influenced the growth of a cusp on the Sassa- fras, and it is very probable that tidal currents have also been influ- ential in determining the growth of two sandy points on the Chop- tank. The example in the Sassafras river is found at a point on the south bank of the river a short distance below Ordinary Point, which is itself probably, in part at least, the result of similar eddies. One day while endeavoring to tack down stream my companion and I found that we could make very little headway as we approached the south shore at this point, although when out in midchannel the strong ebb tide helped us along very nicely. On looking over the 1 Gulliver, F. P., Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. vii, pp. 411-41, Fig. 7. 100 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND side of the boat I saw that the waving eel-grass which grew in the shallow water near the shore was turned up-stream by a steady cur- rent of some strength. Evidently here there was a back-set eddy given off by the channel current, and conforming in its course to the smooth curve of the sand and gravel beach whose outline it had been instrumental in determining. On the same river the long sandy spit known as Ordinary Point has been built up by the combined forces of tidal currents and the southwest winds, which set up strong waves, particularly in the broader portions of the lower river. The waves beating against the sandy cliffs on the northern bank of the river have washed out great quantities of sand, which the shore currents have carried up-stream, until, being deflected out towards the channel by a low point of land, they were there opposed by the tidal currents and forced to drop the sand which they carried. The tide acting regularly twice a day overbalances the less regular action. of the strong waves, and has now stopped the further growth of the bar across the channel, by turning the tip down-stream, so that its further growth is opposed by the very waves which serve to build the bar outwards. Besides these constructive and destructive changes which-are tak- ing place within the smaller estuaries, the islands at the mouths of the rivers seem to be gradually wearing away. The low swampy islands which characterize the Chesapeake border of the Eastern Shore are reported to have been firm, dry lands twenty-five years ago. Certainly now many fine trees which once flourished on them are being killed by the salt water penetrating to their roots. In many places, for example along the exposed portion of Kent Island, it is found that marshes formerly protected by and formed behind sandy beaches are now exposed directly to the beat of the waves and are being rapidly cut away, leaving a bench of soggy and matted roots about two feet below the mean tide level. Many years ago Ducatel ’ reported that the mouth of the estuarine portion of Pocomoke river and sound were filling so steadily with detritus and fine mud that it was not practicable to keep a ship-channe! open there as an approach 1Dueatel, J. T., and Alexander, J. H., Report on the New Map of Mary- land, 1835, p. 49. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE. VOLUME 1, PLATE V. MAP SHOWING COASTAL PLAIN TOPOGRAPHY OF ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY. FROM RELAY SHEET, U. S. G. S.MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 101 to a ship canal. It is also significant that the upper portion of the Wicomico river must be annually dredged out and the banks held back by posts and planking for the distance of a mile or so below Salisbury in order that the ship-channel may be kept free from the considerable amount of sand and mud which washes down from the surrounding banks. These phenomena of washing away in certain portions seem to be contradictory, for the filling up of the streams does not occur at points where it can be related to the washing and wasting of the banks and cliffs before the attack of the waves. The washing away of the cliffs is chiefly confined to the districts in the vicinity and along the shores of Chesapeake Bay, except for the great flats which are growing in Pocomoke sound, while the filling is going on near the heads of navigation of the tidal streams. The rapid cutting which is going on along the western shore of the Chesapeake is inter- preted by McGee’ as an indication that the Coastal Plain is now subsiding, since only by steady subsidence can such continued wast- ing of the cliffs without contemporaneous shoaling of the adjacent shallow waters be accounted for. The steady filling in of the Eastern Shore streams of the tidewater province must either indicate a tilting, whereby the eastern portion of the Coastal Plain is being slowly raised and the bay portion depressed, or else the phenomenon directly contradicts the above conclusion, and the fact that Chesapeake Bay does not shallow more rapidly is to be explained by supposing that the original depth of the bay was greater than has heretofore been considered as probable. A ‘consideration of the estuaries on the peninsula of Southern Maryland may offer a solution to this problem. THE WESTERN SHORE. The streams of that portion of the subaérial Coastal Plain which forms the peninsula of Southern Maryland or the Western Shore all belong to Chesapeake Bay drainage. There are but two or three large rivers which can be properly regarded as coming within the boundaries of this section, namely, the Potomac, the Patuxent and *McGee, W. J., U. S. Geol. Survey, Seventh Ann. Rept., p. 618. 102 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND possibly the Susquehanna. All three of these streams have very con- siderable portions of their courses located upon the crystalline and the non-metamorphiec formations of Western and Central Maryland or Pennsylvania, while only the lower portions of their courses cross the western portion of the Coastal Plain. All the other streams of the area rise within the boundaries of the Coastal Plain, so that their courses lie wholly within the province, and their origin upon the sur- face of the plain is obvious. The history of the three streams first mentioned is less evident. The Potomac and the Susquehanna which head far back in the Alleghanies and assumed the upper portion of their courses long before the Lafayette (Pliocene) submergence, un- doubtedly belong to that class of streams already described which extended their lower courses seaward from the old land across the emerging plain. The Patuxent, judging from the present geological map of Maryland, would also seem to belong to this class of ex- tended rivers. It is believed, however, from studies of the neighbor- ing and related streams of the Piedmont Plateau, as well the fea- tures of its headwaters, that this stream, together with the Gun- powder and several others, originated on a former western extension of the Coastal Plain, all sedimentary records of which have been removed by subsequent erosion. The streams of the Western Shore when compared with those of the Eastern Shore present considerable similarity in general features such as the drainage pattern, drowning and terracing. In several respects these features are more sharply accentuated than in the Eastern Shore streams. The reason for this seems to be the greater amount of elevation which this section underwent at the time of the post-Lafayette emergence whereby the streams were able to cut deeper valleys which now give high-banked estuaries with more marked terraces. Stream Characters. As soon as the “extended” streams of the Western Shore cross the western boundary of the Coastal Plain, i. e. the Fall Line, their valleys undergo a sudden change in character. From the narrow, steep-sided gorges which characterize the streams of the Piedmont, MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 103 the valleys change to open meadows bounded first by one or two broad terraces thirty or forty feet above the meandering channel and farther off by low, mild hill-slopes. These terraces can sometimes be traced up the streams westward from the Fall Line and are then found to merge into probably contemporaneous terraces, described later, which characterize a number of the Piedmont streams. Of the streams which present good illustrations of these confluent terraces may be particularly mentioned the extended Potomac, Anacostia river or the Eastern Branch and the Patuxent. Proceeding down-stream from the vicinity of the Fall Line the stream banks become higher and slightly steeper, the flood-plains do not increase much in size, and the terraces appear to stand higher above the streams. At the same time the small side-streams trench somewhat into the terraces and their own upper courses cut deep narrow ravine-like valleys whose lower portions are somewhat leveled by an extension into them of a terrace plain. The characters of the down-stream terraces and side ravines are very well illustrated along the Patuxent to the east of Upper Marlboro’ and near Princess Anne in Prince George’s county. At these points, however, the river already begins to be influenced by the tides and thus comes almost within the estuarine zone. Along this lower fluviatile portion the terraces stand generally in two series, as they do in the upper portions. The lower series has an average elevation of five feet above the present flood-plain, and its width varies from one hundred yards to half a mile. It is composed of fine gravels, quartz sands and a small amount of clay and loam. The upper series stands forty or fifty feet above the lower and is built of coarser gravels and cobbles. Near Princess Anne a gully in this upper terrace clearly shows that it is in part the result of cutting, in part formed by the deposition of gravels. Both sets of terraces have been trenched by the small side-streams as they cut their way down to the present channel-grade of the main drainage. These streams pursue direct courses across the upper terrace, however, while their steep-sided trenches meander through the lower terrace in a manner which indicates that previous to cutting 104 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND of the present trenches they flowed for a time under flood-plain con- ditions. Such facts aid in picturing the conditions under which the streams have worked and give a clue to the relative variations in the rapidity of rise of the land after its Pleistocene depression, for these terraces represent stages in the fluviatile phase of Pleistocene depo- sition. The somewhat direct courses of the side-streams across the upper terrace indicate a rapid rise to some height which did not permit flood-plain conditions to arise. Having thus obtained an ele- vation of perhaps forty feet, the land remained quiet while the lower and broader terraces slowly formed. Finally, the land again rose, very slowly at first, so that the streams for a short time crossed ex- tensive sand-flats just above the level of the water; then more rapidly, so that the runs trenched the meandering courses which they had been forced to assume during the short delay just preceding. Drainage Plan. On comparing the drainage patterns of the Eastern Shore and the Western Shore no fundamental differences are to be observed. The streams of the Western are generally shorter than those of the Fast- ern Shore and are of steeper slope, but the method of branching is the same and the streams belong to the same class, that is, thev are autogenous. Indeed, these streams, though smaller, have, on account of their sharper cutting into the higher land of the Western Shore, developed even more typical autogenetic drainage than the low-lying and weaker streams of the east. Thus the branching of the head- waters of the Wicomico river in Charles county or of the Piscataway creek in Prince George’s county present admirable examples of auto- genous development. This type of drainage is also represented in Fig. 14. Divides. The most striking feature of the drainage of Southern Maryland is the location of the second-order stream divides. The Hypsometric Map of Maryland* expresses very well the unsymmetrical location of these divides, which always stand nearer the northern than the southern member of any two of the larger streams. Thus the streams of St. 1Md. Geol. Survey Reports, vol. i, plate vi, p. 142. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 105— Nv EZ LZ YY LZ Yi; f= Fic. 14.—Unsymmetrical Divide between Potomac and Patuxent Drainage, near Leonard- town, St. Mary’s County. (From Nomini Sheet, U.S. G. 8.) 106 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND Mary’s county, which flow southward into the Potomac are about three times as long as those which empty into the Patuxent. Simi- larly it is to be observed of the Calvert county streams that those flowing southwestward to the Patuxent predominate over those which drain eastward into the bay. This characteristic has already been recognized as a typical feature of the location of the divides of the eastern division of the subaérial Coastal Plain. It is a very interest- ing and remarkable coincidence that here in a region of more strongly marked relief and of more active streams is found a drainage system possessing the same unsymmetrically located divides which mark the sluggish drainage of the Eastern Shore. What makes the coincidence even more striking is the fact that the short steep streams lie to the east of the divides in both cases, while the longer, flatter streams are on the west slopes. These facts suggest very strongly that there may be some intimate and causal relation between the location of the divides on the Eastern and Western Shores. If the divides and streams are studied on the small-scale Hypso- metric map of Maryland a number of instances may be found which seem to suggest a simple explanation for the locations of the divides of Southern Maryland. In one case, that of Lyon’s creek in Calvert county, the headwaters of the stream start with a southeastward course, but after flowing for two or three miles in this direction, make a sharp turn at right angles and flow off southwestward to the Pa- tuxent. At the point where the creek makes the sharp bend a small stream heads and flows eastward into Herring Bay on the Chesapeake. Again in Charles county, southeast of Bryantown, the headwaters of a stream which empties into the Wicomico river start with a north- eastward course, after a mile, sharply turn southeastward and again soon turn sharply southwestward. Near where this stream bends heads a small stream which joins the Patuxent just above Benedict, having taken a northeast course seemingly in direct continuation of the upper part of the preceding stream. These cases suggest that there has been some capturing by southeastward flowing streams and corresponding decapitation of westward and northeastward flowing streams. The large scale maps of the U. 8. Geological Survey (see MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE. VOLUME I, PLATE VI. Fic. 1—TRIBUTARY OF THE CHOPTANK,. NEAR QUEENSTOWN. Fic. 2.—SEVERN RIVER, NEAR ROUND BAY. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 107 Fig. 14) do not support this conclusion by detailed evidence. They do show, however, that the intricately branching headwaters of the southwestward flowing streams have pushed their weaker opponents very far to the northeast and have developed more intricate and ex- tensive drainage systems than the latter. Another factor which must be considered in any attempt to ex- plain the unsymmetrical divides in Calvert county is the retreat of the cliffs along the western shore of the Bay. On comparing Plate VI, Fig. 2, with Plate VI, Fig. 1, there is seen to bc a marked difference between the relief of the eastern and the western shores of Chesapeake Bay. The eastern shores are low and flat, while the west- ern banks present picturesque cliffs such as those near Cove Point, shown in Plate IJ. This decided contrast is due chiefly to the fact that the Western Shore was originally elevated to a greater height than was the Eastern Shore. This initial difference, however, has been accentuated by more recent developments. The great storm winds on the Bay come from the northeast or the southeast, while the storms from the west are less severe and of shorter duration. Con- sequently the western shores are exposed to the severer storms and must withstand long-continued attacks of the larger storm waves. The result is that the bay shore of Calvert county, which from the con- figuration of the Bay is the coast exposed to the longest sweep of easterly winds, has been steadily undercut and worn back by the waves until the cliffs thus produced occupy a position several hun- dred yards west of the shore line which bounded the Bay in earlier times. The rate at which this recession has been going on is not known at present, but the members of the Coastal Plain Division of the Maryland Geological Survey have instituted a series of observa- tions and measurements which in the future will yield some inter- esting results on this subject. The fact of the recession of the cliffs is well established. In the course of the retreat the plane of the cliff face cuts across the topography of districts which formerly lay some distance back from the shore. The lower courses of many streams have been entirely removed, and their valleys which once descended to the bay level 108 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND in the usual fashion now appear as notches in the crest line of the cliff. These notches are very beautifully shown in the view repre- sented by Plate II. Again, a shallow bench of clay is found to extend out under the water from the present foot of the cliffs to a distance of one-third or half of a mile beyond which the water rap- idly deepens. This bench is undoubtedly the planed-off stump left ly the waves as they cut their way landward, pushing the cliffs before them. The result of this westward migration of the Cove Point cliffs has been to shorten very materially the length of the streams flowing down the present eastern slope of the Calvert county divide, and the appearance is thus produced of an encroachment upon the headwaters of these curtailed streams by the longer streams of the western slope. The unsymmetrical location of the divide in Cal- vert county is, therefore, in part at least, only apparent. Even if shore recession were an adequate explanation for the lack of sym- metry of the Calvert county streams the same would not apply to the streams lying between the Potomac and the Patuxent. In this case the shorter streams which flow into the Patuxent have not lost as much of their lower courses by wave erosion as have the Calvert county streams, yet the lack of symmetry is just as marked as in the latter case. Estuaries. As the streams come more and more under the influence of the tides their banks gradually recede and the waves are found to have destroyed considerable portions of the Columbia terraces... Thus pass- ing to the estuarine portion proper, high, steep wave-cut cliffs replace the sloping banks, and sandy beaches or wave-fashioned contours ap- pear in the stead of sandy terraces. The broader valleys which the streams of this subdivision carved out, produced broader estuaries than those of the Eastern Shore when the subsidence took place whereby the streams were drowned. Hence the shore features along the Potomac and the Patuxent are those of stronger waves and tides and the variety of forms is greater. Besides spits and barrier-bars or beaches, such as have been de- seribed from the Eastern Shore streams, there have also been formed MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 109 along these shores V-bars, cusps, hooks, ete., which in many cases are worth studying because of the economic importance which they bear. For example, on the Potomac a lighthouse has been erected on the apex of the sawtooth-shaped V-bar which forms Piney Point. The sharper, shorter curve of the tooth is formed by the wide beach on the southeast or down-stream side, while the gentler back slope of the tooth consists of a long, gently curving, narrow beach which appears to be sometimes breached by the greater storm waves. The down-stream curve of the point, as well as the greater thickness of the down-stream beach, suggests that the growth of the point has been chiefly directed down-stream. For some miles above Piney Point there are long, smoothly curving beaches which bridge over the mouths of Flood and Herring creeks by means of low sandy bars, and thus give continuous and even sweeps of shore contours. These features are indicative of moderate and steady currents which sweep along the foot of the low cliffs and the barrier bars carrying sands southeastward to drop them off the point of the cusp. The shorter and more sharply-curving beach forming the southeast side of the point has been built by a weaker or less constant current which, flowing at right angles to the course of the first current, has carried the ma- terial brought by the latter around the point and down the short beach. These currents are the joint products of winds and tides, but the latter being regular and periodic in their action, are the con- trolling factors and have given the major characters to the estu- arine shores. . Of a different type from the Piney Point bar is the formation of Point Lookout at the mouth of the Potomac. Piney Point was built by tidal currents which, for some reason perhaps resulting from in- itial inequalities in the shore line, set up ~ddies in whose triangle of confluence deadwater permitted bar-building. At Point Lookout the southerly drift along the bay shore set up by the prevailing northeast storm winds of the Chesapeake has built sand bars and beaches across Deep Creek into its neighbor, Tanner creek, and continued to grow southeastward until opposed by a current which sets along the curved beach and bar of Cornfield Harbor. This Cornfield Harbor current 110 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND has built bars and beaches across Point Lookout and Potter creeks, and the growth of these northwestward indicates that the current here runs in the same direction for the longer period, although it is possible that reversals in its direction sometimes occur. A very brief examination of the eastern beach of Point Lookout reveals the fact that its method of growth has been at times gradual and again more rapid. During most of the time the minor sterms and waves bring sands along the shore to be deposited as a long, evenly-sloping beach such as is forming to-day. Sometimes, however, great storms have arisen and their strong winds have raised waves so large that they broke some distance out from the beach then existing. Thus a second beach was built up by the waves although several rods out from shore, and when the storm subsided the every-day waves in- creased the newly built beach. A record of these changes is left in the abandoned beaches and the marshy stretches between them which now lie within the present beach line. Many examples of similar shore features can be found along the Patuxent and the Potomac. The Magothy and the Severn, in the sandy and clayey cliffs along their shores, also furnish favorable op- portunities for such features; but the estuaries of the Patapsco, Gun- powder and Bush rivers generally have such low and marshy banks that there is no ready source for the sand necessary for the construc- tion of beach topography. Recent Stream Changes. Mention has already been made in the appropriate place of the changes which have taken place in the streams and coast lines of the Eastern Shore during historic times. The same may be found on the Western Shore. When the country about Baltimore was first settled the many small creeks and the larger rivers offered, in their drowned lower courses, convenient harbors and landing places which were more or less accessible from the interior. At that time schooners of good size and moderate draft could lie alongside the wharf at Elk- ridge Landing loading with the iron obtained from the neighboring deposits in the Potomac group of formations. To-day the river is so choked with the sands, mud and gravels which wash down from the MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 111 Patapsco gorge and from neighboring hills, that large vessels can no longer sail so far up the river. Every year the floods and freshets bring down more waste from the land and add it to what has already been deposited, so that the channel grows steadily shallower and the landing grows less and less accessible. The Anacostia river has had a similar history. Down to the early days of the city of Washington this stream was navigable for several miles from its mouth. To-day the channel and valley are so choked by the silt which the stream brings down that during high tide there is scarcely a foot of water on the broad flats which fill the stream- way, and at low tide acres of marsh are laid bare. Thus within a hundred years this stream is seen to have effected great changes in its channel by deep accumulations of detritus derived from the sur- rounding hills. One other instance of similar filling-in of a stream channel during historic times may be cited. Somewhere about 1785 Piscataway creek in Prince George’s county was a navigable stream as far up as the town of Piscataway, which is now about two miles from tide water of any depth. ‘At that date,” says Alexander, “it certainly afforded a channel for vessels of good draft up to and a little beyond the Tobacco Warehouse.” In 1835, however, the tortuous channel had so far filled up with mud and alluvium that the depth of water “at quarter ebb” was only 1 foot 104 inches, and at high tide was only three feet. Moreover, at that time the processes of shoaling seem to have been active. J. H. Alexander says: “The progressive changes attributable to these causes [%. e. those causing deposition of sediment by checking the flow of the current], if they are to be judged from the effects of the last two years, are going on with con- siderable rapidity. Shoals of soft mud and shells, which were passed over at that period [1785 circ. ], are now islands, covered with marine grasses and aquatic plants, and submerged only at high tide; and the public landing, once at the warehouse and afterwards nearly half a mile below it, is now difficult of access and appears to be fast receding down the river.” Since 1835 no record is found of further changes +J. T. Ducatel and Alexander, J. H., Report on the New Map, etc, 1835, pp. 11 and 12. 112 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND in this region, but there is no apparent reason for doubting that the filling-in then in progress has continued to the present time. These instances could be multiplied, but they leave no room for doubt that the strong tendency of all the smaller and most of the larger tidewater streams of Southern Maryland, as well as those of the Eastern Shore, is to fill up their channels with the detritus which they carry. ECONOMIC PHYSIOGRAPHY OF THE COASTAL PLAIN. Soils. The various geological stages through which the Coastal Plain has passed have had considerable influence upon the soils, and through them upon the crops of the province. The early strata, those of Cretaceous and Eocene age, which are best developed in parallel belts along the northwestern boundary of the Coastal Plain, are sandy loams which yield good returns of fruit and garden truck. In this belt the most prosperous peach- and other fruit-farms have been located, and large quantities of fine peaches are still shipped from the . northern counties of the Eastern Shore. The same belt extends northeastwards into Delaware and New Jersey where similar erops are raised. These strata carry with them a natural storehouse of valuable fertilizer in the form of greensand or glauconitic shell marl. In the early days of Eastern Shore farming this marl was much used as a fertilizer, particularly in Cecil, Kent and Queen Anne’s counties. In the central and southern counties the clayey loams which come from the Miocene or Chesapeake deposits afford extensive areas of good wheat, grass and tobacco lands, which formerly were of great importance to the state. Since the rapid development of the wheat fields of the West, however, the yield of these lands has grown com- paratively insignificant, so that at present the farmers are not able to make wheat crops pay even by the aid of expensive fertilizers. Among the best-paying crops of the Coastal Plain are the products of the lighter sandy loams of the Pliocene (Lafayette) and Pleistocene de- posits. These soils cover the whole Eastern Shore south of the Chop- tank and are also of importance on the more dissected Western Shore. Large and early crops of berries and melons are annually shipped MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE. VOLUME |, PLATE VII. Fic, 2.—FARM-LANDS OF THE COASTAL PLAIN, IN TALBOT COUNTY. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 113 from the cultivated areas of these soils, and the canning of tomatoes, corn and other products constitutes one of the important industries of the province. Waterways. The post-Lafayette and the post-Pleistocene submergences of the Coastal Plain have been of immense benefit to the inhabitants of Maryland. As a result of the drowning of the Chesapeake river ocean-going vessels are admitted as far inland as Georgetown, D. C., Baltimore, Havre-de-Grace and Chesapeake City. Valuable harbors also are provided, so that a large share of commerce has been attracted to Maryland shores. Besides interstate and international trade which is thus favored by the configuration of Chesapeake Bay with its deep exit to the high seas, trade within the state is greatly benefited by these waterways. That geologically recent submergence whereby the river valleys carved in post-Pleistocene times were drowned for more than half their length gave to the inhabitants of the Coastal Plain the most favorable facilities for easy and cheap transportation of their crops. The estuaries then formed are the entrances to tidal streams that penetrate into the very heart of the rich lands. They are gen- erally of sufficient depth to admit the light-draught steamers plying on the waters of Chesapeake Bay and the numerous wharves which are encountered on ascending any one of the navigable creeks testify to the readiness with which the people have availed themselves of their natural opportunities. In the proper seasons these wharves may be seen piled high with the crates of fruit and other products which are being sent to Baltimore for distribution among the neighboring states. Besides thus affording easy paths of intercourse with other impor- tant sections of the state the estuaries yield peculiar and characteristic products of their own. The same streams which, during the sum- mer, are the arteries and highways of a commerce based on the pro- ducts of the soil, become in winter the fields of one of Maryland’s greatest industries—the oyster fisheries. Great quantities of these oysters are annually sent to Baltimore, and their gathering has given rise to a race of hardy fishermen and expert sailors only excelled by 8 114 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND the codfishers who sail every year to the Great Banks of Newfound- land. The oyster-canning industry, whereby the interior of the continent is supplied with canned oysters, has also arisen as an indi- rect result of the post-Pleistocene drowning. The diamond-backed terrapin, the duck and the other wild fowl of the littoral marshes also deserve a place among the list of resources which the geographic his- tory of the province has bestowed upon this state. Railroads. While the many waterways which intersect the Coastal Plain have given boat traffic the best start among transportation facilities, rail- roads have been built to a number of points, thus connecting them more directly with the vigor and energy of the great commercial cen- ters of Philadelphia and New York. Generally the railroad, seeking as it does that course which requires the least modifications from the natural topography in order to make an easy grade, has to pursue a more or less tortuous route. On the Eastern Shore the low and almost insignificant character of the divides and the shallow stream valleys permit the roads to run in very direct routes from one objec- tive point to the next. A glance at the map of the state shows these routes and the indifference which they display towards the divides. It is also noteworthy that, although touching at several waterside towns, the railroads are confined on the whole to those wider portions of the small peninsulas where the hauling distance to the boat lines becomes something of a factor in the cost of transportation. By reaching these remoter points they are thus able to maintain a foot- hold in spite of the lower rates offered by the boat lines. On the peninsula of Southern Maryland the one railroad and its branch are compelled to hold pretty closely to the divide, as a short distance on either side the country becomes so cut up that it would be wholly impracticable to build a line. This is particularly true of the south- eastern portion of the peninsula in Calvert and St. Mary’s counties. Liffect of Topography upon the Inhabitants. When the early settlers came to Maryland they found the tracts of the Coastal Plain oceupied by peaceful tribes of Indians who lived MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 115 by fishing in the deeply indented rivers and hunting through the pine and hard wood forests which covered the interstream areas. The settlers themselves took to farming, encouraged by the rich soils, and also obtained plenty of fresh fish and oysters from the neighboring waters. Soon large and prosperous plantations grew up, which afforded by their products good incomes to their owners. The earlier inhabitants were thus mainly agriculturists. As the value of the oyster beds increased and the demands for the oyster grew the race of oystermen sprang up. These men naturally settled along the shores near their work. At present the two classes, which originally must have been somewhat mixed, can be clearly distinguished, the regular farmer keeping to the higher interfluviatile areas, while along the shores and in the vicinity of the large towns are the houses of the oystermen. On the Western Shore the dissection of the interior lands near the Bay has handicapped the farmer very decidedly, while the deep rivers and estuaries give good opportunity for the fishermen to ply their trade. Thus the geological and physical features of the Coastal Plain, which are the direct results of its geological history, are seen to have almost wholly determined the pursuits and the habits of its settlers and inhabitants. Tue Pizpmonr Pratreau Province. BOUNDARIES. The Piedmont Plateau province is so called from its position along the eastern foot of the Appalachian ranges. It includes the broadly rolling upland of moderate elevation which extends from the eastern slope of the Blue Ridge and Catoctin mountain eastward to a line which runs approximately parallel to the coast, and marks the west- ern limits of tidewater. This line extends from New York past Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Raleigh, and Au- gusta to Macon, Georgia, ‘and along a comparatively narrow zone, is characterized by turbulent channels with waterfalls, cascades and rapids. To the west the streams may have long quiet stretches, while eastward all the streams open out into placid tidal estuaries. This 116 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND eastern boundary of the Piedmont Plateau is so noticeable a feature that it was early recognized and named the Fall Line from the man- ner in which it affects the streams. The Fall Line is really a zone several miles in width and probably marks a simple monoclinal flexure or a series of slight faults whose downthrows are towards the east. The western boundary of the province, formed by the eastern base of Catoctin mountain, is a clearly defined topographic feature, the cause of which will be later explained. As would be expected when topographic boundaries are so well defined, the geologic and structural boundaries are almost equally dis- tinct. On the east along a crenulate line which often coincides with the zone of falls or the Fall Line, lie the extreme western limits of the Coastal Plain sediments. These horizontally bedded and poorly consolidated deposits lie across the bevelled edges of the folded and crumpled crystalline rocks of the Piedmont Plateau, and present such a marked stratigraphic and lithologic contrast to them that the geo- logic boundary between the two provinces is sharply defined. The lack of completely consolidated layers in the Coastal Plain deposits has prevented the development of marked escarpments which, by their steep inland-facing front-slopes and long, gentle seaward-dipping back-slopes, would more clearly define the limits between the two provinces. On the west the transition from the highly altered crun- pled schists of the eastern part of the province to the usually unal- tered and less severely folded and faulted strata of the Appalachian region is not as sudden and well marked as the change from the Coastal Plain. From the crumpled gneiss of the eastern portion the Plateau extends across the highly plicated, but less profoundly metamorphosed, phyllites which form most of Parr’s Ridge and its western slope. Farther west, along Catoctin mountain, in the up- arching and great overthrust faultings of the limestone and quartzite upon the igneous rocks of the Blue Ridge, the structure approaches that of the Appalachians. Although the change in structure is thus gradual, yet the topographic change is more marked. The reason for this is that the great overthrust faults along the flanks of the moun- tains have elevated the hard quartzite which forms the crest; and sub- MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 117 sequent denudation has worn away the softer rocks on either side. A similar explanation applies to Sugar Loaf mountain, south of Fred- erick. The Piedmont Plateau, as it has thus been bounded on the east and west, extends from Alabama to New York, and an homologous district can be traced farther northward, where it embraces Rhode Island, Connecticut, Eastern Massachusetts and the coastal portions of Maine and New Hampshire. Maryland, therefore, embraces only the small trapezoidal-shaped portion which is included by the Fall Line and Catoctin mountain, the Potomac and the southern boun- dary of Pennsylvania. TOPOGRAPHIC ELEMENTS OF THE PROVINCE. Viewed from any of the higher points of the Piedmont, such as the granite knoll just east of Cockeysville or, better, the divide between the Big and the Little Gunpowder Falls northeast of Glencoe, the topography resolves itself into three different classes of features. The first in importance is the broad rolling surface which extends in every direction as far as the eye can reach. Over this general surface are low knobs and ridges which seem to rise a little above the general level of the plateau. Finally, below the general level, numerous streams have sunk channels and valleys which at first escape notice, since all except the nearer valleys are masked by the rolling hills of the plateau upland. The following discussion is divided into three corresponding sections, namely, the Upland, the Valleys in the Upland, and the Residual Masses above the Upland. The Upland. As has been remarked, the most striking feature in the topography of the Piedmont Plateau is the very even sky-line given by its many hills, whose rounded tops rise very nearly to the same plane. Could the valleys which have been cut out in the plateau be filled again, it is easy to see what the surface thus restored would look like. Between the present streams, and at the points farthest from the channels, the divides have low, flat, convex curves, but as the present streams are approached the gentle arches of the divides change to 118 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND equally gentle concavities, which are sharply interrupted by gorges. The restored surface then, would not be a perfectly even one, but would reveal a country of low, well-defined divides whose streams flowed through broad, open valleys bounded by gently sloping hills. This former surface, now a dissected upland, may be easily traced across Cecil, Harford, Baltimore, Howard and Montgomery counties, and through portions of Carroll and Frederick. Extensive areas of the earlier surface that have escaped dissection may sometimes be found where the land is drained only by very small streams at some distance from the larger and more active rivers. Such remnants are especially well preserved in the district along Parr’s Ridge, on the two circumscribed patches of granite and gneiss, one of which lies north of Green Spring Valley and the other across the marble belt to the northwest of Towson, and on the upland between Big and Little Gunpowder Falls. This old surface, which seems to approach very closely to the con- ception of a peneplain, is shown by the Hypsometrie Map of Mary- land not to be perfectly horizontal but to rise gently westward. Starting with an average elevation of about four hundred and fifty feet in the vicinity of the Fall Line, a steady rise of about twenty feet to the mile brings it to an average elevation of eight hundred and fifty or nine hundred feet along Parr’s Ridge. This ridge forms the divide between the streams flowing eastward across the Piedmont Plateau into the Chesapeake Bay direct, and those which flow first westward to the Monocacy and thence through the Potomac to the Bay. Beyond Parr’s Ridge the general surface of the Plateau at first descends somewhat rapidly, and then, after reaching the Triassic (Newark) deposits, very gently to the Monocacy. From the valley of this river the general surface ascends by stages to a bench along Catoctin mountain, on which Mt. St. Mary’s College and Thurmont are located, at an elevation of about six hundred feet. The Upland may thus be considered as divided into two portions by Parr’s Ridge, and each part will be found to have its own peculiar characters. It appears, then, that the Piedmont region is much like a gently rolling plateau, whose surface, traversed from southwest to north- MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE. VOLUME 1, PLATE VIII. MAP SHOWING PIEDMONT TOPOGRAPHY OF CARROLL COUNTY. FROM ELLICOTT SHEET, U. S. G. S.MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 119 east by the dividing line of Parr’s Ridge, slopes gently eastward and somewhat more sharply westward. ‘This plateau surface differs from that of the most widely recognized types of plateaus, since it does not appear to be in any way dependent upon or the result of the structural features of the land-mass which it characterizes. In this respect it stands in strong contrast with the high plateaus of Arizona which owe their level, even surfaces to the horizontal position of the strata. Nor can it belong to the class of almost featureless plains, which appear where seas or lakes have left heavy deposits of sedi- ments, as is the case of our own Coastal Plain. On the contrary, the highly inclined and folded ervstalline rocks which compose the eastern portion of the plateau, as well as the more yielding faulted blocks of the Monocacy valley, are indifferently bevelled off, and the folds truncated by the surface of the upland. The intricate foldings, as well as the great chemical and miner- alogical changes which the rocks of the Piedmont Plateau have undergone, indicate that they once formed the deep-seated roots of more loftv mountain ranges. The sediments of the Appalachian Province also point to the same conclusion. In order to reach the surface of the land where they are now exposed to view, these rocks must have been subjected to long-continued and active erosion. The reduction of that lofty range could have been accomplished either slowly by the waves of the ocean, or more rapidly by the steady at- tacks of the elements. The probabilities are largely in favor of the second explanation. As one traces the level of the Piedmont upland beyond the bounds of the province itself, several interesting facts are learned, which are important to one who would know the complete history of the Plateau. Within the Piedmont Province this general surface is found to cut across the tilted and now deeply dissected beds of the Newark formation; where these have been removed, the Silurian lime- stone beneath is seen to be below the general level of the upland. Trac- ing this surface farther westward the even crests of the Blue Ridge, North mountain, Warrior’s Ridge, Dan’s mountain, Savage mountain, and many others seem to properly form elements of this almost plane 120 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND surface. Northward and southward similar elements may be found such as the crests of Kittatinny and Schooley’s mountaine in New Jersey, and Massanutten mountain in Virginia. In fact, the Pied- mont Plateau upland is generally regarded as being but the seaward remnant of a broad, gently rolling surface, which once extended westward beyond Alleghany Front, northward along the Appa- lachians into New York and New England and southward across the Cumberland Plateau of Tennessee to an unknown distance. This broad plain was cut indifferently across crystallines and folded sedi- mentary strata and was produced during the final stages of that long- continued denudation which has resulted in exposing the roots of the Piedmont mountain chain. Since the days of its formation, the surface of this old lowland has been elevated and much dissected by erosion, but there is every reason to believe that the high mountain crests are remnants of the once extensive peneplain. This peneplain was first described and studied in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and was named by Professor William M. Davis of Harvard University the Schooley Peneplain,’ after the mountain of that name whose crest line is one of the striking remnants of its surface. The geological periods during which the peneplain was produced may be determined quite definitely by at least two lines of evidence. First its surface is found to bevel strata of all ages from the Archean to the Triassic. This fact fixes its maximum age; it cannot be older than the youngest rocks upon which it has been carved. The pene- plain, therefore, must be younger than the Triassic or Newark beds which it traverses in the valley of the Monocacy, in the New Jersey area and in the broad valley of the Connecticut. In the second place, any strata found deposited upon the peneplain must be younger than that surface, and vice versa the peneplain must be older than those deposits. Now it is possible to trace the general surface of the Schooley peneplain to the very edge of the continuous boundary of the oldest Coastal Plain sediments, and, outside this boundary, scat- tered outliers of those strata are found resting upon the uneven sur- * Davis, W. M., “The Rivers of Northern New Jersey,” Nat. Geog. Mag., 1890, vol. ii, pp. 81-110. MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 121 face of the plain. The geological map of Maryland shows very clearly how the Maryland portion of the peneplain passes beneath the Coastal Plain strata, and, indeed, everywhere along the boundary between the two provinces this relation may be clearly made out. The diagrammatic sketches forming Figs. 11 and 12 give some idea of the relations which the topographic features of the two provinces bear to each other. The new geologic map of Alabama also shows very clearly how the folded, faulted and planed-off paleozoic rocks of the southern Appalachians gradually pass beneath the nearly hori- zontal strata of the Gulf Series of the Coastal Plain. When Davis’ recognized the significance of this burial of the peneplain surface beneath the Coastal Plain sediments it was believed that the Potomac group, the oldest and the lowest strata found there, was of Lower Cretaceous age. As these strata were found to be made up, in their lowest beds, of materials scarcely removed from their parent ledges, the surface of erosion on which they rested, 7. ¢. the surface of the Schooley peneplain, was regarded as the topographic product of erosion during early Cretaceous times. The peneplain has been often called the Cretaceous Peneplain for this reason, and consequently the Piedmont upland was understood to have been produced during Cre- taceous times. More extended stratigraphic work in the lower hori- zons of the Coastal Plain, together with careful studies of the verte- brate fauna and the flora of the Potomac Group, have finally led Clark, Marsh and others to refer the lower beds of this series to the Jurassic. A corresponding change must therefore be made concern- ing the age of the Schooley peneplain and of the Piedmont upland. Since on the one hand it must be younger than the Triassic beds across which it is cut, and on the other is at least as old as the late Jurassic formations which overlie it, the period of denudation during which it was produced would seem to embrace late Triassic and early Jurassic times. Valleys in the Upland. The valleys which have been incised in the plateau are character- istic of the province, but they are not all of the same type. One 1 Davis, W. M., ‘“ The Geological Dates of Origin of certain Topographic Features, etc.,” Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., ii, 1891, pp. 545-548. 122 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND set of valleys is distinguished by their steep sides and narrow chan- nels, another class has broader valleys with milder bounding slopes and is not as extensive as the first class. Yet a third class has but one representative, namely, the Monocacy with its tributaries, which is distinguished by broad benches at several levels, wandering stream- courses with steep but low side slopes, and channels in which long stretches of smooth water alternate with zones of low rapids and rougher water. All three classes of valleys are of considerable importance to the inhabitants of the province. By sinking their channels below the general surface of the plateau the streams have cut up or dissected that surface to such an extent that it has become rough and hilly, making the travelling across country quite arduous. This discom- fort, however, the streams have themselves partly remedied by mak- ing their gorge-like valleys just the least bit wider than was needed for their own use, so that the early settlers found room for wagon- roads by the sides of the channels, and later comers have taken advan- tage of the same features in building their steel road-ways. Further- more, the steep channels, full of little falls and cascades, which are confined by narrow gorges, offer many sites favorable for the build- ing of mills and dams. be : Mean Seabee! Jones Falle F : i mile 5 3 3 3 fat a 4 4 eee é 3 2 see batts Spry Veet ‘ Mean Sea Lect] Gwynns Falls : + mile parrgre ty : , tee re 3 joes Hepes Ran a sar j Neth Branch - ee Mean Seu local : id $ miles, Patahseo River and Tributaries MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 209 The fan-shaped area which is drained by this stream is characterized by an intricately developed drainage scheme whose broad, shallow valleys are bounded by gently sloping hills and floored by medium- sized flood-plains. The valley increases gradually in depth until about a mile from its mouth, when it begins to deepen and narrow rapidly. The stream channel itself in this lower gorge is filled with fragments from the sides of the valley and is comparatively steep, averaging forty-five feet to the mile. There is a narrow flood-plain even in this portion of the course, but its deposits of loam and allu- vium are very thin, and it is largely formed of angular fragments of the gneiss, as is the channel. The broad, open heads of the valleys, combined with the deep, narrow lower courses, are clear indications that relatively recent uplift has taken place along the zone covered by streams thus char- acterized. The Patapsco has since this uplift been able to cut its channel down almost to grade again, and this in a comparatively short time, because of its relatively greater volume. The sidestreams hav- ing less volume and consequently less power have not been able to work as rapidly as the large stream, so that their upper courses still remain unaffected by the uplift, while their lower courses show the trenching which resulted from the change in level. CuayneL Prorirr.—The accompanying drawing, Plate XIX, shows the vertical elevation above mean tide of the Patapsco, of its two branches and of the streams which head against them on the western slope of the divide of Parr’s Ridge. The drawing includes the whole of the South Branch, the course of the main stream, and a part of the North Branch with its main tributary, Morgan’s Run. As the data for completing the grades of Linganore Creek and Bush Creek were lacking they were carried only to the Monocacy. The drawing shows that the Patapsco and its branches agree in general with the other streams of the eastern Piedmont district. The channel grade is on the whole very mild as compared with that of the western Piedmont streams. The South Branch, which is of less volume than the North Branch, is shown to have the steeper grade of the two. This is in accord with the general law that, other 14 210 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND things being equal, the stream having the largest volume of water will reduce its channel to the lowest grade. In comparing the grades of these two streams it is well, however, to bear in mind that the North Branch has a considerable portion of its lower course arranged parallel with the strike of the foliation of the gneiss. The relation of volume to grade is brought out very clearly on comparing the grade of the Patapsco with those of the smaller Piedmont streams. Streams like Jones’ Falls and Gwynn’s Falls show a decided convexity upwards along that portion of their grades which just precedes their passage out into the Coastal Plain province. This feature is by no means so pronounced in the profile of the Patapsco, although the vertical exaggeration of the latter is twice as great as that of the two former streams. The milder grade of the Patapsco is due to the fact that with its larger volume it has been able to reduce its channel to a much lower level and a smoother course than it was possible for the smaller streams to do in the same length of time. That a per- fectly graded course has not been attained, as yet, even by the large streams, is shown by the low falls which still characterize their chan- nels and by the slight upward convexity of the profile. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PIEDMONT SfREAMS. Stream Patterns. The general system of division and subdivision followed by the streams of the Piedmont Plateau has been likened to the manner in which the trunk of a tree divides and subdivides. From this resem- blance the system is known as dendritic. In the particular case of the streams which have been considered in the preceding sections the general alignment of the main streams, or the trunks of the trees, is southeastward towards Chesapeake Bay. The streams flowing into the Monocacy follow a general westward direction. Since the drain- age of any district normally tends, from the very first, to arrange itself along lines determined by the distribution of the rocks encoun- tered, it is evident that the history of many of the streams of the Pied- mont are somewhat abnormal, as they very rarely follow courses which are in accord with the structure. The most striking cases of divergence are furnished by the larger streams, such as the Big Gunpowder, the MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 211 Patapsco and the Monocacy. Equally significant examples, however, are found among some of the tributary and smaller streams. For example, the dendritic headwaters of Western Run are strikingly out of adjustment with the long, narrow bands cf gneiss and marble lying across their paths. The whole course of Deer Creek is at variance with the relative resistances of the quartzite, the gneiss and the serpentine bands across which it flows. About the small head-streams of the Patuxent there are ample opportunities for adjustment in the presence of several bands of soluble marble, but only the very smallest rivulets have assumed subsequent courses. The small streams at the very head of the West Branch of the Gun- powder, the corresponding streams of the North Branch of the Patapseo, Little Deer Creek, and several small streams on various marble areas include most of the noteworthy instances. There is, however, a rather numerous class of streams, like Jones’ Falls, West- ern Run, and the westward flowing tributaries of the Monocacy, which show a partial adjustment to the rocks of their drainage basins. Valleys. From the facts just given it follows that the vallevs of the streams naturally fall into two main groups, viz.: (1) valleys which are entirely at variance with the general structure and, (2) valleys which conform more or less completely to the variations in the rocks. The two sets of valleys have rather different characters in certain portions of their courses. All those streams whose headwaters do not lie in subsequent valleys are characterized in this portion of their course by comparatively broad, open and shallow basins lying comparatively close to, if not actually on, the upland surface. As these streams descend their valley-walls gradually close in, their side-slopes steepen and within eight or nine miles of their mouth they enter narrow, steep-sided gorges which continue until the streams reach sea-level. Those valleys which are determined in their location by the pres- ence of yielding rocks, and therefore belong to the class of subsequent valleys, may be again subdivided into two classes. One class includes the valleys made by the streams which now oceupy them. These are 212 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND represented by Little Deer Creek, and Broad Creek above Pylesville, and Long Green Valley. They are peculiarly distinguished by the very commonplace fact that the streams traverse them from end to end, longitudinally. The second class consists of those valleys which apparently were not fashioned by the streams now traversing them. These are peculiarly distinguished by containing the remnants of an earlier filling and by the fact that the streams draining them usually cross them transversely. The class is represented almost solely by the irregularly outlined depression embracing Green Spring, Dula- ney’s, Mine Bank Run and Cockeysville valleys. Channel Profiles. Comparative studies of the channel profiles show that the Piedmont streams possess several peculiarities. In the first place, their channels do not possess the normal profile curve throughout as this is typically represented in Fig. 3; secondly, the divergences from the normal profile occur altogether along the lower courses of the streams; and, finally, the profiles of the westward flowing streams are found to be both steeper and more nearly normal than those flowing eastward. The fact that these stream profiles do not show the normal channel curve throughout their extent is a clear indication that there has been at least one interruption in the uniform development of the streams, and this interruption has been of the nature of a general uplift, or series of uplifts, since only that could cause the lower courses of the numer- ous eastern streams to show the convex-upward profile which is char- acteristic of immature streams, while the upper courses of the streams retain the mature concave profiles developed before the uplift. More- over, there is an obvious and close connection between the steep, narrow gorges, which belong to the lower courses of all the Chesa- peake streams of the Piedmont, and this convexity of the lower por- tions of their channel-grades. Even more interesting, however, is the comparison of the profiles of the streams on either side of Parr’s Ridge. It has already been remarked that the Monocacy tributaries have much steeper grades just at the divides. They also are of much milder grade in the middle and lower sections of their courses, and reach a lower elevation MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 213 more rapidly than their eastern opponents. This marked contrast in the grades of the two sets of streams is evidently due to a common cause. The Monocacy flows, throughout most of its course, either on limestone or on the yielding Newark formation, while the eastern Piedmont streams have by no means such an easy path. Thus the Monocacy and its tributaries have always kept their lower courses close to the mild, low grade of the powerful Potomac, and have been able to push back their headwaters vigorously against those of the other streams. These present conditions suggest a new explanation for the forma- tion of Parr’s Ridge involving the relations between the rocks of the eastern and the western Piedmont during the production of the Schooley peneplain. Then, as now, the Potomac river was the great master stream of the whole Province and was able to maintain a comparatively low grade. The present distribution of the Newark and of its remnants, taken in connection with various discordant drain- age features among the eastern tributaries of the Monocacv, indicate that the Newark formation formerly extended farther east towards what is now Parr’s Ridge. Granting that the Newark formation had an even greater extent in Jurassic time than it has to-day, and understanding from present profiles what advantages the Potomac tributaries possess, it must be conceded that the Monocacy river, or a closely similar stream, occu- pied a subsequent valley on the Newark. Such being the case, the eastern tributaries of that stream must have had advantages over the eastern Piedmont streams in those times just as they do to-day. It therefore seems probable that Parr’s Ridge remained as a low divide during the formation of the Schooley peneplain. HISTORY OF THE PIEDMONT STREAMS. Origin. Any account of the origin of the streams of the Piedmont Plateau must, in order to be satisfactory, explain the several seemingly anom- alous characteristics which they present. The chief of these anoma- lies is the fact that although the streams are well developed yet they show an almost total disregard for the underlying rock structure. 214 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND Lesser peculiarities are the minor discordances and adjustments, and the peculiar location of a number of streams against the southern or southeastern limit of their valleys. The discordance between the streams and the structure of the Plateau is so widespread that some wide-spread cause is necessarily required to explain it. Such wide-spread discordances can only re- sult from the streams cutting down through a broad blanket of some sort which hid, at the time of the origin of the streams or early in their history, the structure and topography later discovered. Thus the broad loess deposits of China and of the central United States serve as such covers through which the streams of to-day have already cut or are cutting their way down to the underlying rocks. The broad sheets of glacial till of the north, or the less extensive lacustrine clays of Lake Agassiz or Lake Bonneville, serve the same purpose for their respective regions. The deep mantle of disintegrated material which forms the soil and subsoil in more southern districts might also serve as an agent of superposition. It is of a comparatively uniform degree of resistance, thus resembling the glacial and lacustrine deposits and producing similar drainage patterns for the streams which originate on it. In the partially removed cover of Coastal Plain sediments there is ample evidence of a past ability to produce such a phenomenon, provided there is enough evidence to warrant the conclusion that the Coastal Plain has thus served the drainage of the Plateau. To prove this it must be shown— 1. That the Coastal Plain has covered those portions of the Plateau which now show discordant drainage. 2. That the superimposed drainage, if it came from the Coastal Plain, ought to have its general direction in accord with the drainage lines of the latter and its general pattern of the same type. There is some evidence favoring the first condition in the oceur- rence of several outlying remnants of the Coastal Plain deposits. To this may be added the just conclusions, based on considerations of the lithological characters of these sediments that they once ex- tended farther west, and that they do not now occupy exactly their MARYLAND WEATHER SERVICE 915 old shore-lines. Both of the features required by the second condi- tion have already been shown to be characteristic of the major portion of the drainage under consideration. It therefore seems a true con- clusion that the streams of the eastern portion of the Piedmont Plateau originally took their courses on the surface of the Coastal Plain; that the streams cut down through this cover and laid bare the old surface of the Piedmont region, at the same time establishing themselves thereon in courses out of harmony with the varying lithologic char- acter of the region. Minor Discordances. The Pleistocene subsidence of the lower courses of the streams per- mitted the contemporaneous accumulation of broad, gravelly and sandy flood-plains, occupying the valleys of Western Run, Dulaney’s Creek, Mine Bank Run and Beaver Dam Creek, as well as Green Spring Valley. It is a well-understood fact that when a river has reached the flood-plain building stage, it is in a state of delicate balance, so that a very slight disturbing element can cause the stream to shift its course very decidedly. With this in mind, the unsymme- trical location of the streams in the valleys mentioned, and the some- times discordant positions which they have taken, may be explained as follows. The Pleistocene period of flood-plain building was brought to an end by a general elevation which was of the nature of a tilting towards the southeast. This tilt caused all the east-and-west and north- east-southwest streams to slide over their flood-plains southward or southeastward. Thus Dulaney’s Creek and its companion became located upon the ledge of gneiss which they had reduced; the streams in the northeastern portion of ' ine Bank Run valley shifted over upon the pegmatite dike; and Western Run, Piney Run and J ones’ Falls took their present positions along the southern limits of their valleys. The elevation which accompanied the tilt revived the streams and caused them to trench their channels below the Pleistocene flood- plains, thus initiating the period of active erosion which caused the convexity of all the eastern stream profiles. 216 A REPORT ON THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF MARYLAND Recent Changes. Since the Pleistocene deposition and post-Pleistocene elevation, further adjustments have probably gone on, the streams have incised themselves more deeply in the positions which they inherited from the tilted flood-plains, and there is a general tendency to reduce the stream-grades as rapidly as possible. CONCLUSION. The results of the study of the Piedmont Plateau drainage may be summarized as follows: 1. The streams of the eastern division of the Piedmont Plateau have been superimposed from the formerly more extensive Coastal Plain cover. 2. The date of this superimposition is probably post-Lafayette, although there are some facts that point to its initiation in post- Potomac time. 3. Secondary superimposition from Pleistocene flood-plain deposits in subsequent valleys show that recent elevation has been accompanied by a tilting toward the southeast. 4. The westward extension of the Coastal Plain, as evidenced by the discordant drainage which it produced and by sedimentary records, cannot be traced with certainty west of Parr’s Ridge. 5. The minor cases of discordance which occur in the drainage of the Monoeacy are the result of superimposition from the Newark formation. 6. Parr’s Ridge has been, as it is now, the divide between Monocacy and Chesapeake Bay streams since late Jura-Trias times; it is being gradually shifted eastward because of the greater activity of the Monocacy drainage; and it represents, not a part of the plain-surface, but a low, minor divide on the Schooley peneplain. VITA. Cleveland Abbe, Jr., was born in Washington, D. C., March 25, 1872. He is the son of Cleveland Abbe, of New York City, and Frances M. Neal, of Cincinnati, Ohio. His early education was received at home and later from the public schools of Washington. After graduating from the High School of that city in 1890, he en- tered Harvard College in September of the same year, becoming a member of the Class of 1894. While pursuing a general course, in college, he became particularly interested in the study of Geology and Physical Geography under Professors N. 8. Shaler and W. M. Davis. On graduating in June, 1894, he returned to spend another year under Prof. Davis and others, devoting his time to Physical Geography, Glacial Geology and Pedagogy. During this year, 1894- 95, he held a University Scholarship. In the fall of 1895 the candidate came to Baltimore and entered the Geological Department of Johns Hopkins University as a graduate student. Here he pursued a special course in Geology for three years, accompanied by three summers of active field-work in the employ of the Maryland Geological Survey. In 1896 he was awarded one of the University Scholarships in Johns Hopkins University, and in 1897 was appointed Fellow in Geology in the same university. The degree of Master of Arts was conferred upon him in 1896 by Harvard Uni- versity, as the result of the work done there in 1894-95 and of special work done about Baltimore in 1896. In conclusion, the candidate wishes to express his regard for and obligations to Prof. Wm. B. Clark of this University, whose continued kindly encouragement has brought him through many difficult places and without whose very material assistance the field-work required for the present study would not have been so thoroughly carried out. To Prof. E. B. Mathews of Johns Hopkins University, Prof. R. E. Dodge of Teachers’ College, Columbia University, and to many friends in the U. 8. Geological Survey are due thanks for helpful comments, suggestions and discussion. From Prof. W. M. Davis of Harvard University has come the initial and enduring enthusiasm for the work presented.