< Sse See eee re ae mes + ie as eee ae eras en RS ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New York STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY Nomenclature of North American birds chi “Tigi” Department of the Snferior: uU. 8S. NATIONAL MUSEUM. BULLETIN OF THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. No. 21. PUBLISHED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. _ WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1881. 492143 ADVERTISEMENT. This work is the twenty-fourth of a series of papers intended to illus- trate the collections of natural history and ethnology belonging to the United States, and constituting the National Museum, of which the Smithsonian Institution was placed in charge by the act of Congress of August 10, 1876. It has been prepared at the request of the Institution, and printed by authority of the honorable Secretary of the Interior. SPENCER F. BAIRD, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, December, 1880. NOMENCLATURE ipa aS?’ Cait . So NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS CHIEFLY CONTAINED IN THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. BY ROBERT RID GWAY. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1881. Qhow CONTENTS. Introduction .......-.-.- Saressaseeesnes Siew esis weme peepee ee iepelcleSinieie tsieieren a. Generic names changed ...----.----- ..2- -2---0 6 ee eee eee siieteleis silence b. Specific names changed - .. c. Corrections of authorities . 2.2... 22+ cece cee eee cee ee eee ene eee een eens d. English names changed......---2+ 2-0. cence cen ee cece ee cee eee ee en eeee Catalogue sccnses sacecnensews cesteeniceeninuenee se cease neesececcenag sti sce eere Appendix -.---2..-..---.--0. Subbaucieetin pe sess Sei etaaeeaceisesiemarecets a. Species eliminated from the catalogns OF 1 BADE casas suivene earsweee b. Species and races described or added to the North American fauna since ce. List of North American genera which have been described or added to the fauna since 1859, together with those whose names or orthography have been more or less changed since that date...........----------- ad, Species included in the catalogue which have not yet (according to the records) been actually taken within the prescribed limits ...-....-..- e. Species (chiefly Palearctic) which occur only as stragglers or visitants in eastern North America, or which occur regularly only in Greenland and adjacent portions of the continent, ...-...------.--------- +++ eee f. Palzarctic and oceanic species occurring only in Alaska and other parts Of Che Pacific) COASE:<..:.i. 20s oe jeaiewn oi cinciesniemaiarnina iene nineties MERERE ERS g. Palearctic species occurring both in Greenland and Alaska, but not yet recorded from any intermediate point in North America ..........---- h. Tropical species, occurring only insouthern portions of the United States- Eastern province, including Florida and coast of Texas. -..---..----- Southwestern border, Texas to California ......-..--.-.+.---------- Entire southern border <222 ses eeec scien wenieeasie ons ceee seen Sees sa i. Supposed valid species described by Audubon and Wilson which have not since been met with, and of which no specimens are known to exist in: collections .j.022ssneuesess oskaseeeed vests cose snes deaeisteredioneseseweis List of untenable species and races of North American birds described SIN CON 808 oats eres wctaricterees ack e aeee eee ta ecieeeeeeeeeen eetereaees k. List of exotic species which have been attributed to North America by various authors, but apparently without sufficient evidence of their OCCTETON C6 vieincic o wia'eie cen a 4 e:sisieie eisiniam en ateleew Waweeelseeseneeee dea eeeuais i. Partial list of foreign birds which have been introduced to the United States, and those which have been captured after escape from contine- ment A MAEDA s -nicc- sci sare mone ccna a Sicerlee erereliniiesindanp ae Pees aben edamame ccs, Table of families of North American birds, showing number of genera and species ....---. 2s. --ee eens abba Sos mameeiitmmceteee cis, Concordance S. we ee eee e wee wee wees 4 Moet, Page. = OOM ODO DWN 60 69 74 80 20 91 INTRODUCTION. Since the publication, in 1859, of the last Smithsonian catalogue of North American birds,* so many important changes have been made in *Three catalogues of North American birds have beerijissued by the Smithsonian Institution to date, as follows: (1) Catalogue of North American Birds, chiefly in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. By Spencer F. Baird, Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. October, 1858. 4to, paper. 1p. 1, pp. xvii- lvi. (Reissue, with new title-page, of pp. xvii-lvi of vol. ix, Pacific R. R, Reports (“Birds of North America”). Includes, besides the list of 738 species, with habitats, tables of the higher groups, and lists of extralimital species (23 in number) treated in the general report, and of others (31) claimed, on apparently insufficient grounds, as North American; also a summary of the number of species given in the works of Wilson, Bonaparte, and Audubon. | (2) Catalogue of North American Birds, ehiefly in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. By Spencer F. Baird. First octavo edition. Washington: Smithsonian jastitution. [Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, No. 108.] 1859. 8vo. 2p. Il., pp. 19-++ 2. [Based upon the quarto list of 1858, but without habitats, and the mat- ‘ terrelating to classification, etc. The two additional pages are an alphabetical index of the North American genera. As in the quarto list, there are, ostensibly, 738 species, but there are 22 interpolations, making a total of 760 names in the list. ] (3) A Catalogue of the Birds of North America. By Robert Ridgway. Black-capped Chickadee. [290.] PARUS ATRICAPILLUS SEPTENTRIONALIS (Harris) ALLEN. Long-tailed Chickadee. [289,2894a.] PARUS ATRICAPILLUS OCCIDENTALIS (Barrp) Covss. Oregon Chickadee. [291.] PARUS CAROLINENSIS Avp. Carolina Chickadee. [293.] PARUS MERIDIONALIS Sct. es Mexican Chickadee. [292.] PARUS CINCTUS Bopp. Siberian Chickadee. 46. 46a. 47, 48. 49. 50. 5Sla. 53. 54. 14 PARUS HUDSONICUS Forst. Hudsonian Chickadee. [296.] PARUS RUPESCENS Towns. Chestnut-backed Chickadee. [295.] PARUS RUFESCENS NEGLECTUS Rmew. Californian Chickadee. PSALTRIPARUS MINIMUS (Towns.) Bp. Least Tit. [298.] PSALTRIPARUS PLUMBEUS Bairp. Lead-colored Tit. [299.] PSALTRIPARUS MELANOTIS (Harrt.) Br. Black-eared Tit. [297.] AURIPARUS FLAVICEPS (SuNDEV.) BAIRD. Yellow-headed Tit. [300.] SITTA CAROLINENSIS GMEL. White-bellied Nuthatch. [277.] SITTA CAROLINENSIS ACULEATA (Cass.) ALLEN, Slender-billed Nuthatch. [278.]- SITTA CANADENSIS Linn. Red-bellied Nuthatch. [279.] SITTA PUSILLA Lartu. Brown-headed Nuthatch. [280.] SITTA PYGMAA Vie. Pigmy Nuthatch. [281.] CERTHIA FAMILIARIS RUFA (Bartr.) Ripew. Brown Creeper. [275.] . CERTHIA FAMILIARIS MEXICANA (GLOGER) RiIpew. Mexican Creeper. [276.] CAMPYLORHYNCHUS BRUNNEICAPILLUS (LarFr.) GRaY. Cactus Wren. [262.] CAMPYLORHYNCHUS AFFINIS Xanrus. Saint Lucas Cactus Wren. SALPINCTES OBSOLETUS (Say) CaBan. Rock Wren. [264.] . SALPINCTES OBSOLETUS GUADALUPENSIS Rivew. Guadalupe Rock Wren. CATHERPES MEXICANUS (Sw.) Barrp. Mexican White-throated Wren. [263.] CATHERPES MEXICANUS CONSPERSUS Ripew. White-throated Wren. 60 a. 60d. 61. + 61a. > 6Lb. 62, 63a. 64, 65a. 66. | 6GYa, [69.] [70.] 72.] THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS (Gm.) Bp. Carolina Wren. [265.] THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS BERLANDISRI (Couc#) Cougs. Berlandier's Wren. [266.] THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS MIAMENSIS Ruivew. Florida Wren. THRYOMANES BEWICKI (Aup.) Barrp. Bewick’s Wren. [267.] THRYOMANES BEWICKI SPILURUS (Via.) Barr. Californian Bewick's Wren. THRYOMANES BEWICKI LEUCOGASTER Barrp. Texan Bewick’s Wren. THRYOMANES BREVICAUDA Ripew. Guadalupe Wren. TROGLODYTES AEDON VIEILL. House Wren. [270, 272.]} TROGLODYTES AEDON PARKMANNI (Aup.) Covuss. Western House Wren. [271.] TROGLODYTES INSULARIS BairpD. Socorro Wren. ANORTHURA TROGLODYTES HYEMALIS (VIEILL.) Cougs, Winter Wren, [273.] , ANORTHURA TROGLODYTES PACIFICUS (Barirp) RIpGw. Western Winter Wren. , ANORTHURA ALASCENSIS (Barrp) Cougs. Alaskan Wren. — TELMATODYTES PALUSTRIS (W118s.) BaIRpD. Long-billed Marsh Wren. [268.] TELMATODYTES PALUSTRIS PALUDICOLA Barrp. Tule Wren. CISTOTHORUS STELLARIS (Licurt.) Caban. Short-billed Marsh Wren. [269.] MOTACILLA ALBA LINN. White Wagtail. BUDYTES FLAVA (LINN.) GRay. Yellow Wagtail. ANTHUS LUDOVICIANUS (Gm.) Licut. American Titlark. [165.] ANTHUS PRATENSIS (Linn.) Becust. European Titlark. @ 76. @ a @ ® ® sz @® 8 ‘ 2 @®® : \ ® ® 8 16 NEOCORYS SPRAGUEI (Aup.) Sct. Sprague’s Titlark. [166.] MNIOTILTA VARIA (Linn.) VIEILL. Black-and-white Creeper. [167 a.] MNIOTILTA VARIA BOREALIS (Nutr.) Rivew. Small-billed Creeper. [167.] PROTONOTARIA CITREA (Bopp.) Barrp. Prothonotary Warbler. [169.] HELONZA SWAINSONI Aub. Swainson'’s Warbler. [179.] HELMINTHOTHERUS VERMIVORUS (GMEL.) SaLy. & GopM. Worm-eating Warbler. [178.] HELMINTHOPHAGA BACHMANI (Aup.) Casan. Bachman’s Warbler. [182.] HELMINTHOPHAGA PINUS (Luyy.) Barb. Blue-winged Yellow Warbler. [180.] HELMINTHOPHAGA LAWRENCEI HERRICK. Lawrence’s Warbler. HELMINTHOPHAGA CHRYSOPTERA (Lryn.) Barrp. Golden-winged Warbler. [181.] HELMINTHOPHAGA LEUCOBRONCHIALIS BREWSTER. White-throated Warbler. HELMINTHOPHAGA LUCIZ Cooper. Lucy’s Warbler. HELMINTHOPHAGA VIRGINIZ Barrp. Virginia’s Warbler. [1834.] HELMINTHOPHAGA RUFICAPILLA (WILs.) Barr. Nashville Warbler. [183.] HELMINTHOPHAGA CBELATA (Say) Barb. Orange-crowned Warbler. [184.] . HELMINTHOPHAGA CELATA LUTESCENS Rmew. Lutescent Warbler. HELMINTHOPHAGA PEREGRINA (W11s.) BAIRD Tennessee Warbler. [185.] PARULA AMERICANA (Linn.) Bp. Blue Yellow-backed Warbler. [168.] PARULA PITIAYUMI INSULARIS (Lawr.) Ridgw. Socorro Warbler. PARULA PITIAYUMI NIGRILORA CovEs. Sennett’s Warbler. 2 ® lee @®@@®s®z@®@ ® sz ay i=] as) . 102. 103, -105, 106, 107. 108, 17 a PERISSOGLOSSA TIGRINA (GmEL.) Barr. Cape May Warbler. [206.] PERISSOGLOSSA CARBONATA (AuD.) BarrD. Carbonated Warbler. [207.] PEUCEDRAMUS OLIVACEUS (GiRauD) CovuEs. Olive-headed Warbler. DENDRGICA ZISTIVA (GMEL.) Barrp. Summer Yellow Bird. [203.] DENDRGCA CHIRULESCENS (Linn.) Barr. Black-throated Blue Warbler. [193.] DENDRGCA CORONATA (Linn.) GRAY. Yellow-rump Warbler. [194.] DENDRGICA AUDUBONI (Towns.) BarrD. Audubon's Warbler. [195.] DENDRG:CA MACULOSA (GMEL.) BaIRD. Black-and-yellow Warbler. [204.] DENDRG@ICA CHIRULEBA (WIts.) Barrp. Cerulean Warbler. [201.] DENDRCGECA PENNSYLVANICA (Linn.) Barnp. Chestnut-sided Warbler. [200.] DENDRGICA CASTANBA (WILS.) Barr. Bay-breasted Warbler. [197.] DENDRGICA STRIATA (Forst.) Barrp. Black-poll Warbler. [202.] DENDRGCA BLACKBURNIZ (Gm.) Barrp. Blackburmian Warbler. [196.] DENDRGCA DOMINICA (LINN.) BAIRD. Yellow-throated Warbler. [209.] . DENDRGOICA DOMINICA ALBILORA Barrp. White-browed Yellow-throated Warbler. DENDRGICA GRACIA: Covues. Grace's Warbler. e DENDRGICA NIGRESCENS (Towns.) Barrp. Black-throated Gray Warbler. [192.} DENDRGICA CHRYSOPARIA Sci. & SALV. Golden-cheeked Warbler. DENDRGICA VIRENS (GmMEL.) Barrp. Black-throated Green Warbler. [189.] DENDRGICA TOWNSENDI (Nott.) Barrp, Townsend's Warbler. [191.] » 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 1134. 114. 115. 116. 1164. i17. 118, ¥119. 120. 121. 122. 22a 123. » 1234. +124, 125, 18 DENDRG@&CA OCCIDENTALIS (Towns.) Barr. Hermit Warbler. [190.] DENDRGICA KIRTLANDI Barrp. Kirtland’s Warbler. [205.] DENDRGICA PINUS (WILS.) BarrD. Pine-creeping Warbler. [198.] DENDRGICA MONTANA (WILSs.) BarrD. Blue Mountain Warbler. [199.] DENDRG&CA PALMARUM (GmMEL.) BarrD. Red-poll Warbler. [208.] DENDRG@:ICA PALMARUM HYPOCHRYSEA Ripew. Yellow Red-poll Warbler. DENDRGICA DISCOLOR (VIEILL.) BaiRD. Prairie Warbler. [210.] SIURUS AURICAPILLUS (Linn.) Swaine. Golden-crowned Thrush. [186.] SIURUS NAIVIUS (Bopp.) Covzs. Small-billed Water Thrush. [187.} SIURUS NZ;VIUS NOTABILIS GRINNELL. Grinnell’s Water Thrush. SIURUS MOTACILLA (VIEILL.) CouEs. Large-billed Water Thrush, [188.} OPORORNIS AGILIS (WIts.) Barrp. Connecticut Warbler. [174.} OPORORNIS FORMOSA (Wits.) Bairp. Kentucky Warbler. [175.] GEOTHLYPIS PHILADELPHIA (WILS.) Barrb. Mourning Warbler. [172.] GEOTHLYPIS MACGILLIVRAYI (Avup.) Barrp. Macgillivray’s Warbler. [173.] GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS (Linn.) CaBan. Maryland Yellow-throat. [170.] e ICTERIA VIRENS (Linn.) Barrp. Yellow-breasted Chat. [176.] ICTERIA VIRENS LONGICAUDA (Lawn.) Covzs. Long-tailed Chat. [177.] MYIODIOCTES MITRATUS (Gmez.) AuD, Hooded Warbler. [211.] MYIODIOCTES PUSILLUS (Wi1s.) Br. Biack-capped Yellow Warbler. [213.] 19 s125a. MYIODIOCTES PUSILLUS PILEOLATUS (Pa...) Ripew. Pileolated Warbler. 126. MYIODIOCTES MINUTUS (Wus.) Barrp. Small-headed Flycatcher. [212.] 127. .MYIODIOCTES CANADENSIS (Liyn.) AvD. Canadian Plycatching Warbler. [214,215.} 128. SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA (Linn.) Swarns. American Redstart. [217.] ‘129. SETOPHAGA PICTA Swatns. Painted Redstart. [218.] 130. SETOPHAGA MINIATA Swatns. : Red-bellied Redstart. [219] 131. CARDELLINA RUBRIPRONS (Grraup) Sct, Red-faced Warbler. 132. EHRGATICUS RUBGER (Swatns.) Barrp. Red Warbler. ([216.] 133. BASILEUTERUS CULICIVORUS (Licut.) Bonap, Brasher’s Warbler. 134. BASILEUTERUS BELLI (Grravp) Sct. Bell's Warbler. 135. VIREOSYLVIA OLIVACEA (Linn.) Bonar. Red-eyed Vireo. [240.] 186. VIREOSYLVIA AGILIS FLAVO-VIRIDIS (Cass.) Ripew. Yellow-green Vireo. [241.] 137. VIREOSYLVIA CALIDRIS BARBATULA (CaBan.) Ripew. Black-whiskered Vireo. [243.] 4188. VIREOSYLVIA PHILADELPHICA Cass. Philadelphia Vireo. [244.] 139.. VIRHOSYLVIA GILVA (VIEILL.) Cass. Warbling Vireo. [245.] 139a. VIRBOSYLVIA GILVA SWAINSONI Barry, Western Warbling Vireo. 140. LANIVIREO FLAVIPRONS (VIEILL.) Barrp. Yellow-throated Vireo. [252.] 141, LANIVIREO SOLITARIUS (VIeILL.) Barrp. Blue-headed Vireo. [250.] 1414. LANIVIREO SOLITARIUS CASSINI (Xantus) Ripew. Cassin’s Vireo. [251.] 141). LANIVIREO SOLITARIUS PLUMBEHUS (Covuss) ALL. Plumbeous Vireo. 20 pai LY ow 142, VIREO-ATRICAPILLUS Woopu. Black-capped Vireo. [247.] ‘S143. VIREO NOVEBORACENSIS (GmeEL.) Br. White-eyed Vireo. [248.] 3 144. VIREO HUTTONT Cass. Hutton’s Vireo. [249.} “2 145, VIREO BELLI Avp. Bell’s Vireo. [246.] 146. VIREO PUSILLUS Covzs. Least Vireo. \ 147. VIREO VICINIOR Cougs. Gray Vireo. > 148, LANIUS BOREALIS Vint. Great Northern Shrike. [236.] ~ 149. LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS Linn. Loggerhead Shrike. [237.] Bs 149a. LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS EXCUBITORIDES (Sw.) Cours. White-rumped Shrike. [238.] 1496. LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS ROBUSTUS Bairp. ’ Large-billed Shrike. > 150. AMPELIS GARRULUS Lim. Northern Wax-wing. [232.] =151. AMPELIS CEDRORUM (VIEILL.) BarrD, Cedar Wax-wing. [233.] \. 152. PROGNE SUBIS (Lrxn.) Barro. Purple Martin. [231.] 13a. PROGNE SUBIS CRYPTOLEUCA Barrp. Cuban Martin. [2314.] ‘153. PETROCHELIDON LUNIFRONS (Say) Lawr. ; Cliff Swallow. [226.] -154. HIRUNDO ERYTHROGASTRA Bopp. Barn Swallow. [225.] °3155. TACHYCINETA BICOLOR (Viemu.) CaBan. White-bellied Swallow. [227.] ~ 16. TACHYCINETA THALASSINA (Swalns.) CaBAN, Violet-green Swallow. [228.] ~ 157. COTILE RIPARIA (Liyy.) Borz. Bank Swallow. [229.] ~ 18 STELGIDOPTERYX SERRIPENNIS (Aup.) Barrp, Rough-winged Swallow. [230.] . 159. 160. . 161. + 162, ~ 163. \ 164. 1644, - 165. > 166. [167.] - 168. . 1684, 169. 5 170. > 1704. 171. * 172. Fizeq. - 178, 174, 21 CERTHIOLA BAHAMENSIS REICHENB. Bahaman Honey Creeper. [301.] EUPHONIA ELEGANTISSIMA (Bpr.) GRaY. Blue-headed Huphonia. [224.] PYRANGA RUBRA (LINN.) VIEILL. Scarlet Tanager. [220.] PYRANGA LUDOVICIANA (Wits.) Bp. Western Tanager. [223.] PYRANGA HEPATICA Swains. Hepatic Tanager. [222.] PYRANGA ZOSTIVA (LINN.) VIEILL. Summer Redbird. [221.] PYRANGA ZISFIVA COOPERI Rinew. Cooper’s Tanager. HESPERIPHONA VESPERTINA (COOPER) BP. Evening Grosbeak. [303.] PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR (LINN.) VIEILL. Pine Grosbeak. [304.] PYRRHULA CASSINI Barrp. Alaskan Bullfinch. CARPODACUS PURPUREUS (Gm.) Barrp. Purple Finch. [305.] CARPODACUS PURPUREUS CALIFORNICUS Barrp. Californian Purple Finch. [306.] CARPODACUS CASSINI Barrp. Cassin’s Purple Finch. [307.] CARPODACUS FRONTALIS (Say) Gray. House Finch. [308.] CARPODACUS FRONTALIS RHODOCOLPUS (Cazan.) Ripew. Crimson House Finch. CARPODACUS AMPLUS Rivew. Guadalupe House Finch. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA AMERICANA (Wits.) Couzs. American Crossbill. [318.] LOXIA CURVIROSTRA MEXICANA (SrRIcKL.) BAIRD. . Mexican Crossbill. [318a.] LOXIA LEUCOPTERA Gm. White-winged Crossbill. [319.] LEUCOSTICTE GRISEINUCHA (BranpT) Barb. Aleutian Rosy Finch. [323.] + 1%. 1754. 176. 177. 178. 1784, 179. 179.4. 180. 181. 182, 1824. 182. 183. 184. 185, 186. 187. 188. 189, 22 LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS Swains. Gray-crowned Rosy Finch. [322.] ® LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS LITTORALIS (Barrp) CovEs, Hepburn’s Rosy Finch. LEUCOSTICTE ATRATA Rmwew. Black Rosy Finch. LEUCOSTICTE AUSTRALIS ALLEN, Brown-capped Rosy Finch. ZGIOTHUS CANESCENS Govuxp. Mealy Redpoll. [321.] 42GIOTHUS CANESCENS EXILIPES (Couzs) Riwcw. White-rumped Redpoll. 48GIOTHUS LINARIA (Linn.) CaBAn. Common Redpoll. [320.] 48GIOTHUS LINARIA HOLBOLLI (BreHM) Ripew. Greater Redpoll. 4Z2GIOTHUS BREWSTERI Ripew. Brewster's Linnet. ASTRAGALINUS TRISTIS (Linn.) Can. American Goldfinch. [313.] ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA (Say) Couss. Green-backed Goldfinch. [314.] ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA ARIZONZ! Couszs. Arizona Goldfinch. [315.] ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA MEXICANUS (Sw.) Cougs, Mexican Goldfinch. ASTRAGALINUS LAWRENCEI (Cass.) Covzs. Lawrence's Goldfinch. [316.] CHRYSOMITRIS NOTATA (Du Bus) Be. Black-headed Goldfinch. [310.] CHRYSOMITRIS PINUS (WIts.) Br. Pine Goldfinch. [317.] PLECTROPHANES NIVALIS (Linn.) MEYER. Snow Bunting. [325.} CENTROPHANES LAPPONICUS (LinN.) CaBaN, Lapland Longspur. [326.] CENTROPHANES PICTUS (Swarns.) CaBAN. Smith's Longspur. [327. | CENTROPHANES ORNATUS (Towns.) Canan. Chestnut-collared Longspur. [328, 329.] 190. 191. 192, 193. 1934. 193 8.. 194. 195. i196. 197, 197 a. » 198. 1984. 199. » 200. 201. 201a. 202. 203. 204, wi RHYNCHOPHANES MACCOWNI (Lawr.) BarrD McCown's Longspur. [330.] CENTRONYX BAIRDI (Aup.) Barrp. Baird’s Bunting. [331.] PASSERCULUS PRINCEPS Maynarp. Ipswich Sparrow. PASSERCULUS SANDWICHENSIS (GMEL.) Barrp. Sandwich Sound Sparrow. [333.] PASSERCULUS SANDWICHENSIS SAVANNA (W118.) Ripew. Savannah Sparrow. [332.] PASSERCULUS SANDWICHENSIS ALAUDINUS (Bp.) Ripew. Western Savannah Sparrow. [335.] PASSERCULUS ANTHINUS Bonar. Titlark Sparrow. [334.] PASSERCULUS GUTTATUS Lawr. Saint Lucas Sparrow. PASSERCULUS ROSTRATUS (Cass.) BarRD, Large-billed Sparrow. [336.] POGICETES GRAMINEUS (Gm.) Barrp. Grass Finch. ([337.] POCECETES GRAMINEUS CONFINIS Barrp. ‘Western Grass Finch. : COTURNICULUS PASSERINUS (Wits.) Bp. Yellow-winged Sparrow. [338.] COTURNICULUS PASSERINUS PERPALLIDUS Ripew. Western Yellow-winged Sparrow. COTURNICULUS HENSLOWI (Aup.) Bp. Henslow’s Sparrow. [339.] COTURNICULUS LECONTHI (Avup.) Bp. Leconte’s Sparrow. [340.] AMMODROMUS CAUDACUTUS (Gm.) Swarns. Sharp-tailed Finch. [341.] AMMODROMUS CAUDACUTUS NELSONI ALLEN. Nelson's Sharp-tailed Finch. AMMODROMUS MARITIMUS (Wi1s.) SwAINS. Sea-side Finch. [342.] AMMODROMUS NIGRESCENS Rivew. Black-and-white Sea-side Finch, CHONDESTES GRAMMICA (Say) Bp. Lark Finch, [344.] 2044, 205, * 206. 207. 207 a. * 208. 209, 210. 211. 2114, 212. 4013. 214, 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. "220, 221, 24 CHONDESTES GRAMMICA STRIGATA (Sw.) Ripew. Western Lark Finch. ZONOTRICHIA QUERULA (NUuT?T.) GAMB. Harris’s Sparrow. [348.] ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS (Forst.) SwArs. White-crowned Sparrow. [345.] ZONOTRICHIA GAMBELI (Noutr.) Gams. Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow. ZONOTRICHIA GAMBELI INTERMEDIA Ripew. Intermediate White-crowned Sparrow. [346.] ZONOTRICHIA CORONATA (Patu.) Barrp. Golden-crowned Sparrow. [347.] ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS (Gm.) Br. White-throated Sparrow. [349.} SPIZELLA MONTANA (Forsr.) Ripew. Tree Sparrow. [357.] SPIZELLA DOMESTICA (BartTr.) COUES. Chipping Sparrow. [359.] SPIZELLA DOMESTICA ARIZONZ (Cougs) Bipew. ‘Western Chipping Sparrow. SPIZELLA PALLIDA (Sw.) Br. Clay-colored Sparrow. [360.]; SPIZELLA BREWERI Cass. Brewer's Sparrow. [361.} SPIZELLA PUSILLA (Wits.) Bp. Field Sparrow. [358.] SPIZELLA ATRIGULARIS (CaxBan.) Bp. Black-chinned Sparrow. [362.] JUNCO AIKENI Rivew. White-winged Snowbird. JUNCO HYEMALIS (Linw.) Sc. Black Snowbird. [354.] JUNCO OREGONUS (Towns.) Sct. Oregon Snowbird. [352.] JUNCO ANNECTENS Barrp. Pink-sided Snowbird. JUNCO CANICEPS (Woopz.) Barrp. Gray-headed Snowbird. [353.}] JUNCO DORSALIS Henry. Red-backed Snowbird. [351.] 2254. 226. 2264. 4229, +230, 2304. 231. 2314. 231 5. 231 c. 231d. 231e. "233, 25 JUNCO CINEREUS (Swalns.) CaBAN. Mexican Snowbird. [350.] JUNCO INSULARIS Ripew. Guadalupe Snowbird. AMPHISPIZA BILINEATA (Cass.) CouvEs. Black-throated Sparrow. [355.] AMPHISPIZA BELLI (Cass.) Cougs. Bell’s Sparrow. [356.] AMPHISPIZA BELLI NEVADENSIS Ripew. Sagebrush Sparrow. PEUCAIA AISTIVALIS (Licut.) CaBan. Bachman's Finch. [370.] PEUCHIA ASTIVALIS ILLINOENSIS Rmew. Oak-woods Sparrow. PEUCZIA ARIZONZ Rivew. Arizona Sparrow. PEUCA CASSINI (Woopu.) BarIrD. Cassin’s Sparrow. [3871.] PEUCZIA CARPALIS Cougs. Rufous-winged Sparrow. PEUCZA RUFICEPS (Cass.) BAIRD. Rufous-crowned Sparrow. [3872.] PEUCAIA RUFICEPS BOUCARDI (Sct.) Rinew. Boucard’s Sparrow. MELOSPIZA FASCIATA (GMEL.) ScoTT. Song Sparrow. [363.] MELOSPIZA FPASCIATA FPALLAX Barrp. Mountain Song Sparrow. [367.] MELOSPIZA FASCIATA HEERMANNI Barrp, Heermann’s Song Sparrow. [364.] MBELOSPIZA FASCIATA SAMUBLIS Barrp. Californian Song Sparrow. [343, 365.] MELOSPIZA FASCIATA GUTTATA (NuiT.) Barr, Rusty Song Sparrow. [366.] MELOSPIZA FASCIATA RUFINA (BRANDT) BaIRD. Sooty Song Sparrow. MELOSPIZA CINEREA (Gm.) Rew. Aleutian Song Sparrow. MELOSPIZA PALUSTRIS (WIts.) Barrp. Swamp Sparrow. [369.] 234. 235. 2354. 235 b. 235 ¢. 236. 237. 237 a. 238. 2384, 238 6. 238 ¢. 238d. 239. » 240. 2404. 240 b. 241 242. » 242a, 26: MELOSPIZA LINCOLNI (Aup.) Barrp. Lincoln's Finch. [368.] PASSERELLA ILIACA (MerRREM) Sw. Fox-colored Sparrow. [374.] PASSERELLA ILIACA UNALASCENSIS (Gm.) Ripew. Townsend's Sparrow. [375.] PASSERELLA ILIACA MEGARHYNCHA (Barrp) Ripcw. Thick-billed Sparrow. [376a.] PASSERELLA ILIACA SCHISTACBA (Barrp) ALLEN. Slate-colored Sparrow. [376.] EMBERNAGRA RUFIVIRGATA Lawr. Texas Sparrow. [373.] PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (LINN.) VIEILL Chewink; Towhee. [391.] PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS ALLENI Covss. Florida Towhee. PIPILO MACULATUS ARCTICUS (Swains.) CoUEs. Northern Towhee. [393.] PIPILO MACULATUS MEGALONYX (BairD) CovES. Spurred Towhee. [394.] PIPILO MACULATUS OREGONUS (BELL) CovEs, Oregon Towhee. [392.] PIPILO MACULATUS CONSOBRINUS Ruwew. Guadalupe Towhee. PIPILO MACULATUS CARMANI Barrp. Socorro Towhee. PIPILO CHLORURUS (Towns.) Barb. Green-tailed Towhee. [398.] PIPILO FUSCUS MESOLEUCUS (BairD) Rivew. Cafion Towhee. [397.] PIPILO PUSCUS ALBIGULA (BarrD) CouEs, Saint Lucas Brown Towhee. PIPILO FUSCUS CRISSALIS (Vic.) CouEs. Californian Brown Towhee. [396.] PIPILO ABERTI Barrp. Abert’s Towhee. [395.] CARDINALIS VIRGINIANUS (Briss.) BP. Cardinal Grosbeak. [390.] CARDINALIS VIRGINIANUS IGNEUS (Barrp) Covuzs. Saint Lucas Cardinal. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248, 249. 4250. 201. 252. 253. .254, 255. 256. 257. 258. B58a. 261. 27 PYRRHULOXIA SINUATA Bonar. Texan Cardinal. ([389.] ZAMELODIA LUDOVICIANA (Linn.) CouEs. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. [380.] ZAMELODIA MBLANOCEPHALA (Swains.) COUES. Black-headed Grosbeak. [381.] GUIRACA CAIRULEA (Linn.) Swans. Blue Grosbeak. [382.] PASSERINA PARELLINA (Br.) Ripew. Blue Bunting. [383.] PASSERINA CYANEA (LINN.) GRAY. Indigo Bunting. [387.] PASSERINA AMCENA (Say) Gray. Lazuli Bunting. [386.] PASSERINA VERSICOLOR (Bonap.) GRAY. Varied Bunting. [385.] PASSERINA CIRIS (Liny.) Gray. Painted Bunting; Nonpareil. [384.] SPERMOPHILA MORELETI PucuERan. Morelet'’s Seedeater. [388.] PHONIPARA ZENA (LINN.) BRYANT. Black-faced Seedeater. SPIZA AMERICANA (Gm.) Bonar. Black-throated Bunting. [378.] SPIZA TOWNSENDI (Aup.) Ripew. Townsend's Bunting. [379.] CALAMOSPIZA BICOLOR (Towns.) BonaP. Lark Bunting. [377.] DOLICHONYX ORYZIVORUS (Linn.) Swans. Bobolink. [399.] MOLOTHRUS ATER (Bopp.) Gray. Cowbird. [400.] MOLOTHRUS ATER OBSCURUS (GmEL.) CouUEs. Dwarf Cowbird. MOLOTHRUS AiNEUS (WaGL.) CaBan. Bronzed Cowbird. XANTHOCEPHALUS ICTEROCHPHALUS (Bonap.) Bp. Yellow-headed Blackbird. [404.] AGELAIUS PHOSNICHUS (Linn.) VIEILL. Red-and-buff-shouldered Blackbird.. [401.] 2614, 262, 263, 263. 264, 265. 266. 267. 268. 269, 270. ‘271. 272. 273. 274, 275. 277. 278, 2784, 28 AGELZIUS PHCGINICEUS GUBERNATOR (WAGL.) CouEs.’ Red-and-black-shouldered Blackbird. [402.] AGELZUS TRICOLOR (NuvT.) Br. Red-and-white-shouldered Blackbird. [403.] STURNELLA MAGNA (LINN.) Swans. Meadow Lark. [406.] STURNELLA MAGNA MEXICANA (Sct.) Ripew. Mexican Meadow Lark. STURNELLA NEGLECTA Aub. Western Meadow Lark. [407.] ICTERUS VULGARIS Daun. Troupial. [408.] ICTERUS AUDUBONI Giravup. Audubon's Oriole. [409.] ICTERUS WAGLERI Sct. Wagler's Oriole. [412.] ICTERUS PARISORUM Bonap. Scott's Oriole. [411.] ICTERUS CUCULLATUS Swans. Hooded Oriole. [413.] ICTERUS SPURIUS (Liny.) Bp. Orchard Oriole. [414.] ICTERUS GALBULA (Linn.) Cougs. Baltimore Oriole. [415.] ICTERUS BULLOCKI (Swarns.) Br. Bullock's Oriole. [416.] SCOLECOPHAGUS FERRUGINEUS (Gm.) SwAINs. Rusty Blackbird. [417.] SCOLECOPHAGUS CYANOCEPHALUS (Wact.) CaBAN, Brewer's Blackbird. [418.] QUISCALUS MACRURUS Swans. Great-tailed Grackle. [419.] QUISCALUS PALUSTRIS Swans. Mexican Boat-tailed Grackle. QUISCALUS MAJOR VIEILL. Boat-tailed Grackle. [420.] QUISCALUS PURPUREUS (Bartr.) Lica. Purple Grackle. [421.] QUISCALUS PURPUREUS AGLZUS (Barrp) Cougs. Florida Grackle. [422.] 278 b. [279.] - 280. 281. 282, 2824. - 285. 286. 288, 289, - 290. 290 a. 290 b. 22900. +291. 29 QUISCALUS FPURPUREUS AINEUS Rivew. Bronzed Grackle. STURNUS VULGARIS Linn. Buropean Starling. CORVUS CORAX CARNIVORUS (Bartr.) RIpew. American Raven. [423, 424.] CORVUS CRYPTOLEUCUS Coucu. White-necked Raven. [425.] CORVUS FRUGIVORUS Bart. Common Crow. [426.] CORVUS FRUGIVORUS FLORIDANUS (Barrp) Rew. Florida Crow. [427.] . CORVUS PRUGIVORUS CAURINUS (Barrp) Rew. Northwestern Fish Crow. [428.] CORVUS OSSIFRAGUS Wus. Fish Crow. [429.] PICICORVUS COLUMBIANUS (WI118.) Bp. Clarke’s Nutcracker. [430.] GYMNOCITTA CYANOCEPHALA Max. Maximilian’s Nutcracker; Pifion Jay. [431.] PICA RUSTICA HUDSONICA (Scopr.) BarrD. Black-billed Magpie. [422.] PICA NUTTALLI Avp. : Yellow-billed Magpie. [433.] PSILORHINUS MORIO (Wact.) Gray. Brown Jay. [444.] CYANOCITTA CRISTATA (Linn.) STRICKL. Blue Jay. [434.] CYANOCITTA STELLERI (Gm.) CABAN. Steller’s Jay. [435.] CYANOCITTA STELLERI FRONTALIS Roocw. Blue-fronted Jay. CYANOCITTA STELLERI ANNECTENS (Barrp) Rew. Black-headed Jay. CYANOCITTA STELLERI MACROLOPHA (BarrD) Rinew. Long-crested Jay. [436.] APHELOCOMA FLORIDANA (BarTR.) CABAN, Florida Jay. [439.] APHELOCOMA WOODHOUSEI (Bairp) Ripcw. ‘Woodhouse's Jay, [438.] 293, 294, 295. 296. 297. 297 a. 297 b. 298, -299.] 300, 3004. 300 bd. 301. "302.] 303. 304, 0305. 306, 307. 308, 30 APHELOCOMA CALIFORNICA (Vic.) CaBAN. , California Jay. [437.] APHELOCOMA ULTRAMARINA COUCHI BaIrRD. Couch’s Jay. [441.] APHELOCOMA SORDIDA ARIZONZ Rivew. Arizona Jay. [440.] XANTHURA LUXUOSA (Lzss.) Bp. Green Jay. [442.] PERISOREUS CANADENSIS (Linn.) Bp. Canada Jay. [443.] PERISOREUS CANADENSIS CAPITALIS Barrp. White-headed Jay. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS PUMIFRONS Ripew. Smoky-fronted Jay. PERISOREUS OBSCURUS Rinew. Oregon Jay. ALAUDA ARVENSIS Linn. Sky Lark. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS (Forst.) Bor. Shore Lark. [302.] EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS LEUCOLAIMA Cougs. White-throated Shore Lark. EREMOPHILA ALPESTRIS CHRYSOLZAIMA (WaGL.) Couzs. Mexican Shore Lark. MILVULUS FORPICATUS (Gm.) Swalins. Scissor-tailed Plycatcher. [123.] MILVULUS TYRANNUS (Linn.) Bp. Fork-tailed Flycatcher. [122.] TYRANNUS DOMINICENSIS (Gm.) REICH, Gray Kingbird, [125.] TYRANNUS CAROLINENSIS (Linn.) TeMM. Kingbird; Bee Martin. [124.] TYRANNUS MELANCHOLICUS COUCHI Barrp. Couch's Kingbird. [128, 129.] TYRANNUS VERTICALIS Say. ‘Western Kingbird. [126.] TYRANNUS VOCIFERANS Swarns. Cassin’s Kingbird. [127.] PITANGUS DERBIANUS (Kaup) Sch Mexican Pitangus. 309, 310. 311, 312. 313, 314, 315. 316. : 317, 318, 319, 320. 321. ' 322. 323, 324, 325. 325 a, 326. 327, 31 MYIOZETETES TEXENSIS (GiravD) Sct. Giraud’'s Flycatcher. MYIODYNASTES LUTEIVENTRIS Bonap. Henshaw’s Flycatcher. MYIARCHUS MEXICANUS (Kaur) Lawr. Mexican Great Crested Flycatcher. [132.] MYIARCHUS CRINITUS (Linn.) CaBan. Great Crested Flycatcher. [130.] MYIARCHUS CINERASCENS Lawr. Ash-throated Flycatcher. [131.] MYIARCHUS LAWRENCEHI (Giravup) BalrpD. Lawrence's Flycatcher. [133.] SAYORNIS FUSCUS (GmEL.) Barrp. Phoebe Bird; Pewee. [135.] SAYORNIS SAYI (Bonap.) Barrp. Say’s Pewee. [136.] SAYORNIS NIGRICANS (Swanms.) Bp. Black Pewee. [134.] CONTOPUS BOREALIS (Swains.) BarrD. Olive-sided Plycatcher. [137.] CONTOPUS PERTINAX Cazan. Coues's Flycatcher. CONTOPUS VIRENS (LInN.) CaBAN. Wood Pewee. [139.] CONTOPUS RICHARDSONI (Sw.) BarrD. Western Wood Pewee. [138.] EMPIDONAX FLAVIVENTRIS Bairp. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. [144.] EMPIDONAX DIFFICILIS Barrp. Western Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. [144a.] EMPIDONAX ACADICUS (GMEL,) BaIrRpD. Acadian Flycatcher. [143.] EMPIDONAX PUSILLUS (Swains.) Bp. Little Flycatcher. [141.] BMPIDONAX PUSILLUS TRAILLI (Avp.) Barrp. Traill’s Flycatcher. [140.] EMPIDONAX MINIMUS Bairp. Least Flycatcher. [142.] EMPIDONAX HAMMONDI (Xantus) Bp. Hammond's Flycatcher. [145.] 1328, 329. 3294. ‘330. 331. 332, 333. 334, 335. 337, 338. 339, 340. 341, 342. 343, 344, 345. 346, 32 EMPIDONAX OBSCURUS (Swarns.) BairD. Wright's Flycatcher. [146.] EMPIDONAX FULVIFRONS (Grravup) ScL. Fulvous Flycatcher. BEMPIDONAX FULVIFRONS PALLESCENS Cougs. Buff-breasted Flycatcher. PYROCEPHALUS RUBINEUS MEXICANUS (ScL.) CouES. Vermilion Flycatcher. [147.] ORNITHION IMBERBEH (ScL.) Covzs. Small-billed Flycatcher. PACHYRHAMPHUS MAJOR (Bonap.) Scu. Thick-billed Flycatcher. [121.] HADROSTOMUS AGLAIZ (Larr.) CaB. Rose-throated Flycatcher. [120.] EUGENES FULGENS (Swains.) GOULD. Refulgent Hummingbird. TROCHILUS COLUBRIS Linn. Ruby-throated Hummingbird. [101.] TROCHILUS ALEXANDRI Bourc. & Muts. Black-chinned Hummingbird. [102.] CALYPTE COST (Bourc.) GouLp. Costa's Hummingbird. [106] CALYPTE ANNZ (LEss.) GouLp. Anna’s Hummingbird. [105.] SELASPHORUS PLATYCERCUS (Swans. ) BP. Broad-tailed Hummingbird. [104.] SELASPHORUS RUFUS (GMEL.) AUD. Rufous Hummingbird. [103.] SELASPHORUS ALLENI HeEnsa. Allen’s Hummingbird. ATTHIS HELOISZ (Luss.) Reicu. Heloise's Hummingbird. STELLULA CALLIOPE Govuxp. Calliope Hummingbird. CALOTHORAX LUCIFER (Swains.) GRAY. Lucifer Hummingbird. AMAZILIA FUSCICAUDATA (FRasER) RGW. Rieffer's Hummingbird. AMAZILIA CERVINIVENTRIS Govutp. Buff-bellied Hummingbird. 347, ' 348. 349, 350. ‘351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 357 a. 357 b. 358. 359. 360. 360 a. 360 b. 361. 3614, 33 BASILINNA XANTUSI (Lawre.) EL.rot. Xantus's Hummingbird. IACHE LATIROSTRIS (Swains.) ELLIoT. Broad-billéd Hummingbird. ‘CYPSELUS SAXATILIS Woopn. White-throated Swift. [107.] CYPSELOIDES NIGER BOREALIS (KENNERLY) RIpGw. Black Swift. [108.] CHZTURA PELASGICA (Linn.) Barrp. Chimney Swift. [109.] CHAITURA VAUXI (Towns.) Dr Kay. Vauzx’s Swift. [110.] ANTROSTOMUS CAROLINENSIS (Gm.) GouLp. Chuck-will’s-widow. [111.] CAPRIMULGUS VOCIFERUS Wus. Whip-poor-will. [112.] PHALZINOPTILUS NUTTALLI (Avup.) Ripew. Poor-will. [113.] NYCTIDROMUS ALBICOLLIS (Gm.) Burm. Parauque Goatsucker. [116a.] CHORDEILES POPETUE (Vreitt.) Bp. Nighthawk. [114.] CHORDEILES POPETUEH HENRYI (Cass.) ALLEN. Western Nighthawk. [115.] CHORDEILES POPETUE MINOR (Cazan.) Ripew. Cuban Nighthawk, CHORDEILES ACUTIPENNIS TEXENSIS (Lawr.) Rinaw. Texan Nighthawk. [116.] CAMPEPHILUS PRINCIPALIS (Linn.) Gray. Ivory-billed Woodpecker. [72.] PICUS VILLOSUS Linn. Hairy Woodpecker. [74.] PICUS VILLOSUS LEUCOMELAS (Bopp.) Ripew. Great White-backed Sapsucker. PICUS VILLOSUS HARRISI (Aup.) ALLEN. Harris's Woodpecker. [75.] PICUS PUBESCENS Linn. Downy Woodpecker. [76.] PICUS PUBESCENS GAIRDNERI (Aup.) Cougs. Gairdner’s Woodpecker. [77.] 362, 363. 363 a 364, 365. 366. 367. 368. 368 a. 369. 369 a. 369. 370. 371. 372. +373. 374, * 375. 376. 377, 34 PICUS QUERULUS Wus. Red-cockaded Woodpecker. [80.] PICUS SCALARIS WacGt. Texan Sapsucker. [79.]° PICUS SCALARIS LUCASANUS (Xanr.) Ripew. Saint Lucas Sapsucker. PICUS NUTTALLI Gams. Nuttall’s Woodpecker. [78.] PICUS STRICKLANDI Mau, Strickland’s Woodpecker. XENOPICUS ALBOLARVATUS (Cass.) BAIRD. White-headed Woodpecker. [81.] PICOIDES ARCTICUS (Swains.) GRay. Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker. [82.] PICOIDES TRIDACTYLUS AMERICANUS (BREHM) Rmpew. Banded-backed Three-toed Woodpecker. [83.] PICOIDES TRIDACTYLUS DORSALIS (Barrp) Ripew. Striped-backed Three-toed Woodpecker. [84.] SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS (Linn.) Barr. Yellow-bellied Woodpecker. [85.] SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS NUCHALIS Bairp. Red-naped Woodpecker. [86.] SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS RUBER (Gm.) Ripew. Red-breasted Woodpecker. [87.] SPHYRAPICUS THYROIDEUS (Cass.) Barrp. Black-breasted Woodpecker. [88, 89.] HYLOTOMUS PILEATUS (Liyy.) Barrp. Pileated Woodpecker; Logcock. [90.} CENTURUS CAROLINUS (L.) Bp. Red-bellied Woodpecker. [91.] CENTURUS AURIFRONS Wact. Golden-fronted Woodpecker. [92.] CENTURUS UROPYGIALIS Barrp. Gila Woodpecker. [93.] MELANERPES ERYTHROCEPHALUS (Linn.) Sw. Red-headed Woodpecker. [94.] MELANERPES TORQUATUS (Wits.) Bonap. Lewis's Woodpecker. [96.] MELANERPES FORMICIVORUS BAIRDI Ripvew. Californian Woodpecker. [95.] 3774, \ 378, > 3784. 5 378 Bb. \S 379. 380. 381, ‘si 382, 383, — 385, 386. \ 387, Ss sas, \ so, x 390. 391. 35 MELANERPES FORMICIVORUS ANGUSTIFRONS Balrp. Narrow-fronted Woodpecker. COLAPTES AURATUS (Linn.) Sw. Yellow-shafted Flicker. [97.] COLAPTES AURATUS HYBRIDUS (Baird) Ripew. “Hybrid” Plicker. [98 4.] COLAPTES AURATUS MEXICANUS (Sw.) Ripew. Red-shafted Plicker. [98.] COLAPTES CHRYSOIDES (MatuH.) BarrD. Malherbe's Flicker. [99.] COLAPTES RUFIPILEUS Ripvew. Guadalupe Flicker. MOMOTUS CZ:RULEICEPS GouLp. Blue-capped Motmot. [119.] CERYLE ALCYON (Linn.) Bore. Belted Kingfisher, [117.] CERYLE AMERICANA CABANISI (Tscuup!1) Cours, Texan Kingfisher. [118.] TROGON AMBIGUUS Gouxp. Coppery-tailed Trogon. [65.] GEOCOCCYX CALIFORNIANUS (Lzss.) BarrpD. Road-runner; Chaparral Cock. [68.] COCCYZUS SENICULUS (Laru.) VIEILL. Mangrove Cuckoo. [71.] COCCYZUS AMERICANUS (Liny.) Be. . Yellow-billed Cuckoo. [69.] COCCYZUS ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (WI1S.) BarrD. Black-billed Cuckoo. [70.] CROTOPHAGA ANT Linn. Savannah Blackbird. [66,67.] CROTOPHAGA SULCIROSTRIS Swains. Groove-billed Crotophaga. RHYNCHOPSITTA PACHYRHYNCHA (Swains.) BP. Thick-billed Parrot. [64.] 392, CONURUS CAROLINENSIS (Linn.) Kuau. Carolina Parakeet. [63.] 393. CONURUS HOLOCHLORUS BREVIPES Barrp. Socorro Parakeet. S Vg Tak < 394. ALUCO FLAMMEUS AMERICANUS (Aup.) Ripew. American Barn Owl. [47.] ¢ 36 395. ASIO AMERICANUS (Stepu.) SHARPE. American Long-eared Owl. [51.] 396. ASIO ACCIPITRINUS (PALL.) NEWTON. Short-eared Owl. [52.] 397. STRIX NEBULOSA Forst. Barred Owl. [54.] 397a. STRIX NEBULOSA ALLENI Rivew. Florida Barred Owl. 398.° STRIX OCCIDENTALIS (Xant.) Ripew. Spotted Owl. 399. ULULA CINEREA (GMEL.) Bp. Great Gray Owl. [53.] [399a.] ULULA CINBREA LAPPONICA (Rerrz.) Ripew. Lapland Owl. 400. NYCTALE TENGMALMI RICHARDSONI (Bp.) Ripew. Richardson’s Owl. [55.] 401. NYCTALE ACADICA (GMEL.) Bp. Saw-whet Owl. [56,57.} 402. SCOPS ASIO (Liny.) Br. Little Screech Owl. [49.] 402a. SCOPS ASIO FLORIDANUS Rivew. Florida Screech Owl. 4026. SCOPS ASIO MACCALLI (Cass.) Ripew. Texan Screech Owl [50.] 402c. SCOPS ASIO MAXWELLIZ4 Ripew. Rocky Mountain Screech Owl. 402d. SCOPS ASIO KENNICOTTYI (ELLioT) Ripaw. Northwestern Screech Owl. 403. SCOPS TRICHOPSIS Wact. Mexican Screech Owl. 404. SCOPS FLAMMBEOLUS (Licut.) Scr. Flammulated Screech Owl. 405. BUBO VIRGINIANUS (Gm.) Bp. Great Horned Owl. [48.} 405a. BUBO VIRGINIANUS SUBARCTICUS (Hor) Ripew. Western Horned Owl. 405b. BUBO VIRGINIANUS ARCTICUS (Swa1ns.) Cass, Arctic Horned Owl. 405c, BUBO VIRGINIANUS SATURATUS Ripew. Dusky Horned Owl. 37 406. NYCTEA SCANDIACA (Linn.) NEWT. Snowy Owl. [61.] 407. SURNIA FUNERBEBA (Linn.) Rich & Sw. * American Hawk Owl. [62.] [4074.] SURNIA FUNEREA ULULA (Linn.) Rivew. Huropean Hawk Owl, 408, SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA HYPOGZA (Bonapr.) RIpGw. Burrowing Owl. [58, 59.] 408a. SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA FLORIDANA Rivew. Florida Burrowing Owl. “ 409. GLAUCIDIUM GNOMA Wact. i California Pigmy Owl. [60.] + 410. GLAUCIDIUM PHALZINOIDES (Daup.) Sc. & Satv. Ferruginous Pigmy Owl. 411. MICRATHENE WHITNEYI (Cooper) Cougs. Whitney's Pigmy Owl. 412, HIEROFALCO GYRFALCO CANDICANS (Gm.) Ripcw. White Gyrfaleon. [11.] 412a. HIEBROFALCO GYRFALCO ISLANDUS (Gm.) Ripew. Iceland Gyrfalcon. [12.] 4120. HIEROFALCO GYRFALCO SACER (Forst.) Ripew. McFarlane’s Gyrfalcon. 412c. HIBROFALCO GYRFALCO OBSOLETUS (Gm.) Ripew. Labrador Gyrfalcon. 413. HIBROFALCO MEXICANUS POLYAGRUS (Cass.) Ripew. Prairie Falcon. [10.] 414. FALCO PEREGRINUS N2ZVIUS (Gm.) Rinew. American Peregrine Falcon; Duck Hawk. [5,6.] 414a. FALCO PEREGRINUS PHALHBI Rivew. Peale’s Falcon. 415. FALCO ALBIGULARIS Daun. Chestnut-thighed Falcon. [8.] [416.] SALON REGULUS (PaLL.) BLYTH. European Merlin. 417. ZESALON COLUMBARIUS (Linn.) Kaur. Pigeon Hawk. [7.]- 417a. SALON COLUMBARIUS SUCKLEYI Ripcw Black Merlin. 418. ZESALON RICHARDSONI Rivew. Richardson’s Merlin. 419, 420. 4204. 421. [422.] 423. 424, 425. 426. 427. 428. 429, 430. 431. 432. 433. 433.4. 434, [435.] 436, 38 RHYNCHOPALCO PUSCO-CHIRULESCENS (VirILL.) Ripew. Aplomado Falcon. [9.] TINNUNCULUS SPARVERIUS (Linn.) VIEILL. Sparrow Hawk. [13.] TINNUNCULUS SPARVERIUS ISABELLINUS (Swains.) RipGw. Isabelline Sparrow Hawk. TINNUNCULUS SPARVERIOIDES (Via.) Gray. Cuban Sparrow Hawk. TINNUNCULUS ALAUDARIUS (Gm.) Gray. European Kestril. POLYBORUS CHERIWAY (Jacq.) CaBaNn. Caracara Hagle. [45.] POLYBORUS LUTOSUS Ripew. Guadalupe Caracara. PANDION HALIAETUS CAROLINENSIS (Gm.) Ripcw. American Osprey; Fish Hawk. [44.] ELANOIDES FORFICATUS (Linn.) Ripew. Swallow-tailed Kite. [34.] ELANUS GLAUCUS (Bartr.) CoUEs. White-tailed Kite. [35.] ICTINIA SUBCZIRULEA (BaRtTR.) COUEs. Mississippi Kite. [36.] ROSTRHAMUS SOCIABILIS PLUMBBEUS Ripew. Everglade Kite. [37.] CIRCUS HUDSONIUS (Linn.) VIEILL. Marsh Hawk. [38.] ACCIPITER COOPERI Bonap. Cooper's Hawk. [15,16.] ACCIPITER FUSCUS (GmMEL.) BP. Sharp-shinned Hawk. [17.] ASTUR ATRICAPILLUS (WIts.) Bp. American Goshawk. [14.] ASTUR ATRICAPILLUS STRIATULUS Rivew. Western Goshawk, ANTENOR UNICINCTUS HARRISI (Aub.) Ripew. Harris's Hawk. [46.] BUTEO VULGARIS Lracu. European Buzzard. BUTEO BOREALIS (Ga.) VIEIL1. Red-tailed Hawk. [23.] 4364, 436 6. 436 0. 436d. 437. 438. 439, 4394. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444, 445. 446. 447. 448. 449, 450. 451, 39 BUTEO BOREALIS EKRIDERI Hoopes. Krider's Hawk. BUTEO BOREALIS CALURUS (Cass.) Ripew. Western Red-tail. [20,24.] BUTEO BOREALIS LUCASANUS Rinew. Saint Lucas Red-tail. BUTEO BOREALIS SOCORROENSIS Rinew. Socorro Red-tail BUTEO COOPERI Cass. Cooper’s Henhawk. [29.] BUTEO HARLANI Avp. Harlan’s Hawk. [22.] BUTEO LINEATUS (Gm.) Jarp. Red-shouldered Hawk. [25.] BUTEO LINEATUS ELEGANS (Cass.) Ripew. Red-bellied Hawk. [26.] BUTEO ABBREVIATUS Caan. Zone-tailed Hawk. BUTEO ALBICAUDATUS VIEILL. White-tailed Hawk. BUTEO SWAINSONI Bonar. Swainson’s Hawk. [18, 19, 21, 28.] BUTEO PENNSYLVANICUS (Wi1s.) Bp. Broad-winged Hawk. [27.] URUBITINGA ANTHRACINA (Licat.) LaFR. Mexican Black Hawk. ASTURINA NITIDA PLAGIATA (Licut.) Ripew. Mexican Goshawk. [33.] ONYCHOTES GRUBERI Rivew. Gruber’s Hawk. ARCHIBUTEO LAGOPUS SANCTI-JOHANNIS (Gmet.) Ripew. American Rough-legged Hawk. [30,31.] ARCHIBUTEO FERRUGINEUS (LicuT.) Gray. Ferruginous Rough-leg. [32.] AQUILA CHRYSABTUS CANADENSIS (Linn.) Ripew. Golden Eagle. [39.] THRASAETUS HARPYIA (LINN.) Gray. Harpy Eagle. HALIZIETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS (Linn.) Savia. Bald Bagle; Gray Eagle. [41,43.] 452. 453, 454, 455, 456. 457, 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464, 465. 466. 467. 468. 409, 470. 4704, 40 HALLZETUS ALBICILLA (Linn.) LEAcH. Gray Sea Hagle. [42.] PSEUDOGRYPHUS CALIFORNIANUS (SHaw) Ripew. Californian Condor. [2.} CATHARTES AURA (Liny.) IL11G. Turkey Buzzard. [1.] CATHARISTA ATRATA (Wits.) Luss. Black Vulture; Carrion Crow. [3.] COLUMBA FASCIATA Say. Band-tailed Pigeon. [445.] COLUMBA ERYTHRINA Licsxt. Red-billed Pigeon. [446.] COLUMBA LEUCOCEPHALA Linn. White-crowned Pigeon. [447.] ECTOPISTES MIGRATORIA (Liyn.) Sw. Passenger Pigeon. [448.] ZENAIDURA CAROLINENSIS (Lann.) Bp. Mourning Dove. [451.] ZENAIDURA GRAYSONI Barrp. Socorro Dove. ZENAIDA AMABIGIS Bp. Zenaida Dove. [449.] ENGYPTILA ALBIFRONS (Bp.) Couzs, White-fronted Dove. MELOPELIA LEUCOPTERA (L.) Br. White-winged Dove. [450.] CHAMZIPELIA PASSERINA (L.) Swans. Ground Dove. [453.] SCARDAFELLA INCA (Less.) Br. Scaled Dove. [452.] GEOTRYGON MARTINICA (Gm.) Br. Key West Dove. [454.] STARNGINAS CYANOCEPHALA (Linn.) BrP. Blue-headed Dove. [455.] ORTALIS VETULA MACCALLI (Bairp) Ripew. Chachalaca; Texan Guan. [456.] MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO Linn. Mexican Turkey. ([458.] MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO AMERICANA (BartTr.) Covxs, Wild Turkey. [457.] 471. 471 a. 4716. 472. 4724, 473. A73 a. 4730. 474. 475. 476. 477. AT7 a. 478. A784. 479. 480, 480a. 480 b. 481, 41 CANACE OBSCURA (Say) Bp. Dusky Grouse. [459.] CANACE OBSCURA FULIGINOSA Ripew. Sooty Grouse. CANACH OBSCURA RICHARDSONI (Dovet.) BarrD. Richardson's Grouse. CANACE CANADENSIS (Linn.) Bp. Canada Grouse; Spruce Partridge. [460.] CANACEH CANADENSIS FRANKLINI (DouGt.) Barrp. Franklin's Grouse. [461.] BONASA UMBELLUS (Liny.) STEPH. Ruffed Grouse. [465.] BONASA UMBELLUS UMBELLOIDES (Doueét.) Barrp. Gray Ruffed Grouse. [465a.] BONASA UMBELLUS SABINEI (Dovau.) Couzs, Oregon Ruffed Grouse. [466.] LAGOPUS ALBUS (Gm.) Aub. ‘Willow Ptarmigan. [467, 470.] LAGOPUS RUPESTRIS (GM.) Lracs. Rock Ptarmigan. [468.] LAGOPUS LEUCURUS 8w. White-tailed Ptarmigan. [469.] CUPIDONIA CUPIDO (Linn.) Barrp. f Prairie Hen. [464.] CUPIDONIA CUPIDO PALLIDICINCTA Ripew. Ihesser Prairie Hen. - PEDIGICETES PHASIANELLUS (L.) Extior. Worthern Sharp-tailed Grouse. PEDICGiCHTHS PHASIANELLUS COLUMBIANUS (Orb) Cougs. Common Sharp-tailed Grouse. [463.] CENTROCERCUS UROPHASIANUS (Bp. ) SwalIns. Sage Cock. [462.] ORTYX VIRGINIANA (L.) Br. Bob-white ; American Quail. [471.] ORTYX VIRGINIANA FLORIDANA Cours. Florida Quail. ORTYX VIRGINIANA TEXANA (Lawr.) Cours. Texan Quail. (472.] OREORTYX PICTA (DowuGt.) Barrp. Mountain Quail. [473.] 481 a. 482, 483, 484, 485. 486. 487. [488.] 489. 490. 491, 492. 493. 494, 495. 496, 497. 498, 499, 500. 42 OREORTYX PICTA PLUMIPERA (GouLbD) RipGw. Plumed Quail. LOPHORTYX CALIFORNICA (Suaw) Br. Californian Quail. [474.] LOPHORTYX GAMBBELI Nurt. Gambel’s Quail. [475.] CALLIPEPLA SQUAMATA (Vic.) GRAY, Scaled Quail. [476.] CYRTONYX MASSENA (LEss.) GouLpD. Massena Quail. [477.] ARDEA OCCIDENTALIS Aun. Great White Heron; Wiirdemann's Heron. [488, 489.] ARDEA HERODIAS Linn. Great Blue Heron. [487.] ARDEA CINEREA LInn. Common European Heron. HERODIAS ALBA EGRETTA (GMEL.) Ripew. American Beret. [486, 486a.] GARZETTA CANDIDISSIMA (GMEL.) BP. Snowy Heron. [485.] DICHROMANASSA RUFA (Bopp.) Rivew. Reddish Egret; Peale’s Egret. [482, 483.] HYDRANASSA TRICOLOR LUDOVICIANA (Wis.) Ripew. Louisiana Heron. [484.] FLORIDA, CZ3RULEBA (LINN.) Barrb. Little Blue Heron. [490.] BUTORIDES VIRESCENS (Linn.) Bp. Green Heron. [493.] NYCTIARDEA GRISEA NZVIA (Bopp.) ALLEN. Black-crowned Night Heron. (495.] NYCTHERODIUS VIOLACEUS (Linn.) Reicz. White-crowned Night Heron. [496.] BOTAURUS LENTIGINOSUS (Montaa.) STEPH. American Bittern. [492.] ARDETTA EXILIS (Gmut.) Gray. Least Bittern. [491.] MYCTERIA AMERICANA LINN. Jabiru. TANTALUS LOCULATOR Linn. Wood Ibis. [497.] 43 501. EUDOCIMUS ALBUS (Linn.) WacL. ‘White Ibis. [499.] 502. HUDOCIMUS RUBER (LINN.) WaGL. Scarlet Ibis. [498.] 503. PLEGADIS PALCINELLUS (Linn.) Kaup, Glossy Ibis. [500.] 504. PLEGADIS GUARAUNA (Linn.) Rivew. White-faced Glossy Ibis. [500a.] 505. AJAJA ROSEA (Briss.) Ripaw. Roseate Spoonbill. [501.] [506.] HZ2MATOPUS OSTRALEGUS Linn. Buropean Oystercatcher. 507. HZMATOPUS PALLIATUS Temm. American Oystercatcher. [512.] 508 HZMATOPUS NIGER Patt. Black Oystercatcher. [513.] 509. STREPSILAS INTERPRES (Linn.) ILLIc. Turnstone. [515.] 510. STREPSILAS MELANOCEPHALA VIG Black Turnstone. [516.] 511. APHRIZA VIRGATA (GMEL.) Gray. Surf Bird. [511.] [512.] VANELLUS CRISTATUS MEYER. Lapwing. : J 513. SQUATAROLA HELVETICA (LINN.) Cov, Qicllariog bheele Black-bellied Plover. [510.) [514.] CHARADRIUS PLUVIALIS Linn. Golden Plover. 515. CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS Mut. GA Meri ra American Golden Plover. [503.] [515a.] CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS FULVUS (GmMEL.) Ripcw. Pacific Golden Plover. 516. OXYECHUS VOCIFERUS (Linn.) ReicH, Clewiet erent Killdeer. [504.] 517. ZIGIALITES SEMIPALMATUS Bonar. Qe Very ota Lt, Semipalmated Plover. [507.] 518. JOGIALITES HIATICULA (Liny.) Born. Ringed Plover. [519.] ZGIALITES CURONICUS (GMEL.) Gray. Si Little Ringed Plover. 520a. 521. 522. [524.] 525. [526.] 5264. 527, 527 a. 528. 529. 530. 531. 532. [533.] 534. 535. 536. 44 ZBGIALITES MELODUS (OrpD) Bp. Piping Plover. [5038.] ZBGIALITES MELODUS CIRCUMCINCTUS Rivew. Belted Piping Plover. 4ZIGIALITES CANTIANUS NIVOSUS (Cass.) Ripew. Snowy Plover. [509.] OCHTHODROMUS WILSONIUS (Orb) Retcu. Wilson’s Plover. [506.] PODASOCYS MONTANUS (Towns.) Cougs. Mountain. Plover. [505.] SCOLOPAX RUSTICULA Linn. Buropean Woodcock. PHILOHELA MINOR (GMEL.) GRay. American Woodcock. [522.] GALLINAGO MEDIA Leacu. English Snipe. GALLINAGO MEDIA WILSONI (TEMM.) Ripew. ‘Wilson's Snipe. [523.] MACRORHAMPHUS GRISBUS (GMEL.) Lracu. Red-breasted Snipe; Gray Snipe. [524.] MACRORHAMPHUS GRISEUS SCOLOPACHUS (Say) Cougs. Red-bellied Snipe; Greater Gray-back. [525.] MICROPALAMA HIMANTOPUS (Bonap.) Baird. Stilt Sandpiper. [536.] TRINGA CANUTUS Linn. ‘ Knot; Robin Snipe. [526.] ARQUATELLA MARITIMA (BrUnn.) Barnp. Purple Sandpiper. [528.] ° ARQUATELLA COUESI Rivew. Aleutian Sandpiper. ARQUATELLA PTILOCNEMIS (Covss) Rew. Prybilov Sandpiper. ACTODROMAS ACUMINATA (Horsr.) Ripew. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. ACTODROMAS MACULATA (VIEILL.) Cours. Pectoral Sandpiper. [531.] ACTODROMAS COOPERI (Barrp) CovuEs. Cooper’s Sandpiper. [527.] ACTODROMAS FUSCICOLLIS (Vieity.) Ripew. Bonaparte’s Sandpiper. [533.] \ 537, 538. [539.] 5394. [540.] 541, 54la. 543. 544, 545. [546.] [547.] 548. $561.) 562. 5a. [554.] 45 ACTODROMAS BAIRDI Couvzs. cance Want fararneg Baird's Sandpiper. ACTODROMAS MINUTILLA (VIEILL.) Bp. So, Lit Aen pponts Least Sandpiper. [532.] PELIDNA ALPINA (Linn.) Bore. European Dunlin, PELIDNA ALPINA AMERICANA Cass, (@« 4-4 — ct-73 —_— Red-backed Sandpiper. [530.] ar se peti! PELIDNA SUBARQUATA (GULD.) Cuv. Curlew Sandpiper. [529.] ’ EREUNETES PUSILLUS (Linn.) Cass. Peers Benn p ane Semipalmated Sandpiper. [535.] EREUNETES PUSILLUS OCCIDENTALIS (Lawe.) Cours, Western Sandpiper. CALIDRIS ARENARIA (Liny.) Inuig, G27 @4tu AE. wteotn Sanderling. [534.] LIMOSA FCEDA (Liyy.) Orp. horpr Ver, Lrarrnet Fes Marbled Godwit. [547.] LIMOSA LAPPONICA NOVA/-ZBALANDIA Gray, Soe Ll a bat Pacific Godwit. LIMOSA HZBMASTICA (LiNN.) Couns, Jot tam Oy Hudsonian Godwit. [548.] LIMOSA ZiGOCEPHALA (Linn.) Lzaca. Black-tailed Godwit. TOTANUS GLOTTIS (Linn.) Becust. Green-shank. [538.] robe TOTANUS MELANOLEUCUS (GMEL.) VirILu. Kanpe Greater Yellow-legs; Tell-tale. [539.] TOTANUS FLAVIPES (GmMeL.) VIEILL. Urs, Yellow-legs. [540.] . RHYACOPHILUS SOLITARIUS (Wits.) Cass. dts WA Solitary Sandpiper. [541.] RHYACOPHILUS OCHROPUS (Linn.) Rivew. Green Sandpiper. SYMPHEMIA SEMIPALMATA (Gmet.) Hartt. Stre eae Willet. [537.] 7 HETEROSCELUS INCANUS (GmMEL.) CovEs, ‘Wandering Tattler. [542.] « MACHETES PUGNAX (Lin.) Cov. Rufe [544.] { 555. 556. 557. a 558, 559. 560. [561.] [562.] 563. 564. 565. 568. 569. 570. 571. 571la. 572. [573.] 46 BARTRAMIA LONGICAUDA (Becust.) Bp. Bartram's Sandpiper; Field Plover. [545.] TRYNGITES RUFESCENS (VIEILL.) CaBAN. Buff-breasted Sandpiper. [546.] TRINGOIDES MACULARIUS (Linn.) GRayY. Spotted Sandpiper. [543.] NUMENIUS LONGIROSTRIS WIts. hy. fay oF Long-billed Curlew. [549.] NUMENIUS HUDSONICUS Lara. “Liu 7- Y rwretiy Hudsonian Curlew. [550.] NUMENIUS BOREALIS (Forst.) Lara, “2+ +< Wear Saat, Eskimo Curlew. [551.] NUMENIUS PHAIOPUS (LInn.) Lat. Whimbrel. NUMENIUS TAHITIENSIS (GMEL.) Cass. Bristle-thighed Curlew. PHALAROPUS FULICARIUS (Linn.) Br. 7e2e eZ bm, Red Phalarope. [521.] sg lane ire LOBIPES HYPERBORBEUS (LINN.) Cuv. (lee ote ~ Uti, Northern Phalarope. [520.] Ommme STEGANOPUS WILSONI (Sas.) CovEs. Lange wm Whe Wilson’s Phalarope. [519.] Pre et see RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA GMEL.. American Avocet. [517.] HIMANTOPUS MEXICANUS (MULL.) ORD. Black-necked Stilt. [518.] PARRA GYMNOSTOMA Wact. Mexican Jacana. Coles 4 RALLUS ELEGANS Auvp. any = $ Red-breasted Rail. [542.] f RALLUS OBSOLETUS Rwew. seater ten pag Californian Clapper Rail. RALLUS LONGIROSTRIS CREPITANS (GMEL.) Ripcw. Clapper Rail. [553.] RALLUS LONGIROSTRIS SATURATUS HENsH. Louisiana Clapper Rail. RALLUS VIRGINIANUS Linn, 2.—n 4 16. Ampelide«.. scisicwsiewons veces seewiaenniewa saris 1; 2 17. Hirundinide 6; 7+ 1= 8 18, CAEREBIDE...--. 2-2-0 ee eee 1; 1 19, "TANAGRED 2 cc vscerincmegecctadea esis ocierainigiets 2| 5+ 1= 6 20. Fringillide .. 36 | 91 + 35 = 126 21. ICTERIDZ... 8} 22+ 5= 22, [Sturnide].. t) 1 DSS ‘OCOLVAGae: «co ccieane biaseotimees.saislansdceueemecinaams 9)}19-+-- 7= 26 24, [Alaudida] ....--.....- 3 2) 24+ 2= 4 25. TYRANNIDE ....---. Sinieigiwin digie’ be we at aleianstanyesiets 301-331 11 | 314+ 2=— 33 26. COTINGIDE ....20. see o ee eee ee ceee sieesiemse 332-333 2] 2 27, TROCHILIDE ..... siete! asians sive eeeeaineiteses 334-348 10 | 15 28. Cypselidw.....-.. sistereaisisteicterete: sicmcieteeesie aee-.| 349-352 3] 4 29. Caprimulgide..... JriaeOh oh Ses ee ew nesieiswais 353-358 5| 6+ 2= 8 B30; “Piet ie. ciosiare ioier tec ccrtinereni rca hice meseensierncie 359-380 10 | 22+-10= 32 Sis, MOMOTID 16 io so:c.cicie ie cinig seie-cieielwiemtec tu bemiedciosecias 1; 1 32. Alcedinidae .... 02 .nn. cace cnn eee cen n ceee eee 1\| 2 33. Trogonide ...... 1/ 1 34, Cuculide -.. 3| 6 35. Psittacide .. 2) 3 36. Strigide ......--.. Fi 12 | 18+11= 29 37, Falconide® -......... eniaiaiala eeinenevesanine' sees 23 | 414+12= 53 38. CATHARTIDES ....00 ceeeee scenes 3} 3 39. Columbide..... wie mbiaoleyteteciah wo aideewecemuteees 456-468 10 | 13 40, CRACIDH .........--- aispieeernceter ese oeee-| 469 1] 1 41. MELEAGRIDS ...... sien bse ereminen ee Ceci 1; 1+-1=> 2 42. Tetraonidw.......-...--...--- sidctenies Sewrsrs isis 6| 94+ 7= 16 AG. “ POLOIGIB 2c cia deueciis Somes aatis wee Semmes 5| 6+ 3= 9 44, Ardeidw .............. 11 | 13 45. Ciconiide ....... sions o Sicie Sites a sjaveinvetinseid avarice 2/ 2 46, Ibididw..... ..-...... 2] 4 47, Plataleidw -...... 1) 1 48. Hematopodida..- 1| 3 49. Strepsilidw........ 2)/ 3 50. Charadriidas ....0. 022. 00-2 ceeeee cnn e ances cnee| 512-523 7) 124+ 2=> 14 51. Scolopacida. ...... 20.0. cece coon se enee eee eee 524-562 21) 39+ 4= 43 52, Phalaropodids .......---.+-.---- Selsieveatinvecion 563-565 3] 3 53, Recurvirostrida ...-......--..2- sie seeretomiscie 566-567 2] 2 DA; ParTO ain are ceiwnin'cacines cine wien siccecievsiets o---.| 568 1) 1 55. Rallida .....0. sence cacce oe ee ee eee e canes ---| 569-580 6/124 2= 14 56. ARAMID ...-.. iedianei ee eearete seeped 581 1} 1 Os GEOG <.ceeoeeescaweue si emtescige sdiddwereeeisas 582-584 1| 3 * Families peculiar to America in small capitals; peculiar to North America in italics, Palzaretio families not represented by a peculiar species in America are placed in brackets. {'Yhe figures following the sign + denote the number of recognized races not distinguished by a sep- arate number in the catalogue; those in the last column the total of species and races. 87 Table of families of North American birds—Continued. sapoars| yb | sums toe logue. era, a , 58. Pheenicopteride -....-... 22-222. eeee-e eens. | 585 1; 2 59. Anatide .......-.. edie Selesiee vaneseew mec seus 586-638 30 | 53-+ 6= 59 60. Tachypetide -......... 2... 22-22. eee nee eee ee 639 1) 1 61. Pelecanida .......--..--. +--+ die enieleivineleisinietae 640-641 1| 2 32, 642-648 1; 7+ 3= 10 649 1; 1 650-653 1) 4 654-655 1) 2 656 1; 1 657-695 9) 39+ 2= 41 696-699 2| 4 700-728 15 | 29+ 2= 31 729-735 5| 7+1= 8 736-740 1} 5 741-764 14 | 24-4 3= 27 SUMMARY. Number of genera...-.-.---.-. asisisivie Gee po daic tephie Sew adicnastuia iste camer see cece 379 Number of species... -:..cc0s ccc cess crcdncnnc ecwoceseccscccewes coun vaccec cence - 764 Number of subspecies ..-.-.-.-. Sides orishas cache meme ee sees e.cdee-aacee alos eee 160 CONCORDANCE, No, of No. of || No, of No. of No, of No. of No, of No. of No. of No, of No, of No. of old cat- new cat- |} old cat- new cut- |} old cat- new cate || old cat- new cat-|/ old cat- mnewcat- || oldcat- new cat- alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. || -alogue. alogue. alugue. alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. 1 454 | 35 427 || 69 387 || 102 336 || 135 315 || 167 74 2 453 || 36 428 | 70 388 || 103 340 || 136 316 |, 1674 74a 3 455 37 429 || 71 386 || 104 339 || 187 318 || 168 88 4 —|| 38 430 || 72 359 || 105 338 || 138 321 || 169 vs) 5 414 39 449 || 73 — || 106 337 || 139 320 || 170 122 6 414 || 40 — | 74 360 || 107 349 || 140 325a)) 171 = 7 417 41 451. 75 360b|| 108 350 || 141 325 || 172 120 8 415 | 42 452 || 76 361 || 109 351 || 142 326 || 173 121 9 419 43 451 7 361a\| 110 352 || 143 324 || 174 118 10 413 | 44 425 || 78 364 || 111 353 |) 144 322 || 175 119 11 412 45 423 || 79 363 || 112 354 || 144¢ 323 || 176 123 12 412a] 46 434 80 362 || 113 355 || 145 327 || 177 1234 13 420 47 394 |) 81 366 ||.114 357 || 146 328 || 178 77 14 433 | 48 405 || 82 367 || 115 357a|| 147 330 || 179 76 15 431 49 402 || 83 368 || 116 358 || 148 1 || 180 79 16 431 50 402b) 84 368a|| 116a 356 || 149 5b|| 181 81 17 432 || 51 395 || 85 369 || 117 382 || 1494 5a|| 182 78 18 442 |} 52 396 || 86 369a|) 118 383 || 150 5 || 183 85 19 442 | 53 399 || 87 369b|) 119 381 || 151 2 || 1884 84 20 436b|| 54 397 || 88 370 || 120 333 || 152 4 || 184 86 21 442 | 55 400 || 89 370 || 121 332 |) 153 4a\| 185 87 22 438 || 56 401 |} 90 371 |) 122 302 || 154 3 || 186 115 23 436 | 57 401 91 372 || 123 301 || 155 7 || 187 116 24 436) 58 408 || 92 373 || 124 304 || 156 9 || 188 117 25 439 | 59 408 || 93 374 || 125 303 || 157 21 || 189 107 26 439a|| 60 409 || 94 375 || 126 306 || 158 22 || 190 109 27 443) 61 406 || 95 377 || 127 307 || 159 23 || 191 “108 28 442 | 62 407 96 376 || 128 305 || 160 24 || 192 105 29 437 || 63 392 || 97 378 || 129 — || 161 30 || 193 94 30 447 | 64 391 98 378b|| 130 312 |, 162 33 || 194 95 31 447 65 384 98a 3784) 131 313 || 163 32 || 195 96 32 448" |) 66 389 99 379 |) 132 311 || 164 19 || 196 102 33 445 | 67 389 || 100 — | 133 314 || 165 71 || 197 100 34 426 | 68 385 |] 101 335 11134 | 37 Il 166 73 || 198 111 Concordance—Continued. 88 No, of No. of No, of No. of No. of No, of No. of No. of || No. of No. of No. ot No, of old cat- new cat-|| old cat- new cat-|| old cat- mnewcat-|| oldcat- new cat-|| old cat- new cat- || old cat- new cate alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue, alague. alogue. alogue. alogue, alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. 199 112 || 259 15 || 318 172 || 378 254 || 440 295 || 500 503 200 99 || 259a 15 | 318@ = 172a)| 379 255 || 441 294 || 5000 504 201 98 |; 260 18a|| 319 173 || 380 244 || 442 296 || 501 505 202 101 || 261 13 || 320 179 |) 381 245 || 443 297 || 502 _— 203 93 || 261la 13 || 321 178 || 382 246 || 444 288 |; 503 515 204 97 || 262 56 || 322 175 |) 383 247 || 445 456 || 504 516 205 110 || 263 59a|| 323 174 || 384 251 || 446 457 || 505 523 206 90 || 264 58 || 324 — || 385 250 || 447 458 || 506 522 207 91 || 265 60 |) 325 186 || 386 249 || 448 459 |) 507 517 208 113 || 266 60a, 326 187 || 387 248 | 449 462 || 508 520 209 103 || 267 61 |) 327 188 || 388 252 || 450 464 || 509 521 210 114 || 268 67 |} 328 189 || 389 243 || 451 460 |) 510 513 211 124 || 269 68 || 329 189 | 390 244 |) 452 466 || 511 511 212 126 || 270 63 |} 330 190 || 391 237 || 453 465 || 512 507 213 125 || 271 63a); 331 191 || 392 238b|| 454 467 || 513 508 214 127 || 272 63 || 332 1934) 393 238 || 455 468 || 514 _ 215 127 || 273 65 | 333 193 || 394 238a!| 456 469 || 515 509 216 132 |} 274 35 |) 334 194 || 395 241 || 457 470a)| 516 510 217 128 || 275 55 |) 335 193b), 396 2400|| 458 470 || 517 566 218 129 || 276 55a)| 336 196 || 397 240 || 459 471 |) 518 567 219 130 || 277 51 || 337 197 || 398 239 || 460 472 || 519 565 220 161 |) 278 5la|) 338 198 || 399 257 || 461 472a\| 520 564 221 164 || 279 52 |} 339 199 || 400 258 |} 462 479 |) 521 563 222 163 || 280 53 || 340 200 || 401 26L | 463 478a)) 522 525 223 162 || 281 54 || 341 261 || 402 261a)| 464 A77 || 523 5260 224 160 || 282 27 || 342 202 || 403 262 || 465 473 || 524 527 225 154 || 283 28 || 343 231¢| 404 260 || 465a = 473al] 525 5274 226 153 || 284 29 ||.344 204 |; 405 — || 466 473b|| 526 529 227 155 || 285 36 q 345 206 |; 406 263 || 467 474 || 527 535 228 156 | 286 37 || 346 207a)| 407 264 || 468 475 || 528 530 229 157 || 2987 38 || 347 208 || 408 265 || 469 476 || 529 540 230 158 || 288 39 || 348 205 || 409 266 || 470 475 || 530 539a 231 152 |; 289 41a} 349 209 |) 410 — || 471 480 || 531 534 231la 1522]! 289a Alal| 350 222 || 411 268 || 472 480b)| 532 538 232 150 || 290 Al || 351 221 || 412 267 || 473 481 || 533 536 233 151 |} 291 41b]) 352 218 || 413 269 || 474 482 || 534 542 234 26 || 292 43 || 353 220 || 414 270 || 475 483 || 535 541 235 25 |; 293 42 || 354 217 || 415 271 || 476 484 || 536 528 236 148 |} 294 40 || 355 224 || 416 272 || 477 485 || 587 552 237 149 || 295 46 || 356 225 || 417 273 || 478 582 |) 538 547 238 149a)| 296 45 || 357 210 || 418 274 || 479 583 || 539 548 239 — || 297 49 || 358 214 || 419 275 || 480 584 || 540 549 240 135 || 298 AZ || 359 211 || 420 277 || 481 581 || 541 550 241 136 |) 299 48 || 360 212 || 421 278 || 482 491 |; 542 553 242 — || 300 50 || 361 213 || 422 278a)| 483 491 || 543 557 243 137 || 301 159 || 362 215 || 423 280 || 484 A492 || 544 554 244 138 || 302 300 || 363 331 |) 424 280 || 485 490 || 545 555 245 139 || 303 165 || 364 231b|) 425 281 |} 486 489 || 546 656 246 «145 || 304 166 || 365 = 231el| 426 «= 9082 |] 486g «= 489 | 5473 247 142 || 305 168 || 366 231d)} 427 282a|| 487 A487 || 548 545 248° = 143 || 306 = 168al| 367 Q31al| 428 = aseni| 488 «= 486 | 5490 249 144 | 307169 | 368) = 34 | 429 «= 9g3 || 489 «= 486 |] 550 B59 250 141 | 308 = 170 | 369° «933 || 430 = 984] 490 = 493 || 55160 251 = 141a) 209 — | 370 226 | 431 = 985] 491 «= 498 || 552 «= 69 22 140 | 301-184) 871 28 | 432 «= 986 | 492 497 | 553 B71 253 11 || 311 — || 372 230 | 483, 987 || 493 494 || 554 B79 2534 11 || 312 — |) 373 236 || 434 289 || 494 — || 555 574 254 12 || 313181 | 374 235] 435 = g90 || 495 = 495 | 556 Be 255 10 | 314182 || 375 935a 436 = 290c] 496 = 496 || 557 B75 256 16 || 315 182a)| 3876 2350) 437 293 | 497 500 || 558 577 257 16a 316 183 || 376a_ 2350 488 «= 292 |] 498 = 502 | 559 «Bx 258 17 || 317185 |, 877256 | 439 = 291 | 499 «= 501 | 560 By Concordance—Continued. 89 4 No. of No. of No, of No. of No. of No. of No, of No, of No, of No, of No, of No. of old cat- newcat-|] oldcat- neweat-|| oldcat- new cat- || old cat- new cat- || oldcat- newcat-|j oldcat- new cat- alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue- alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. alogue. 561 578 || 589 615 || 620. 642 || 651 706 || 681 679 || 710 741 561a 588 || 590 616 || 621 648 || 652 696 || 682 680 || 711 742 562 589 || 591 618 || 622 6436|| 653 697 || 683 681 || 712 745 563 591 || 592 617 || 623 643 |) 654 698 || 684 682 || 713 744 563a 591a/| 593 620 || 624 643a)| 655 699 || 685 683 |) 714 7434 564 590 || 594 619 || 625 644 || 656 660 || 686 685 || 715 743 565 593a), 595 621 || 626 645 || 657 662 || 687 684 || 716 745 566 593a)| 596 622 || 627 646 || 658 661 || 6288 681 || 717 746 567 594 || 597 623 || 628 649 || 659 662 || 689 686 || 718 746 5674 594c|| 598 625 || 629 654 |) 660 663 || 690 687 || 719 748 568 5945) 599 626 || 630 — || 661 664a|| 691 685 || 720 748 569 594a\| 600 624 || 631 701 || 662 664 || 692 688 || 721 749 570 595 |; 601 632 || 632 702 || 663 668 |) 693 687 || 722 750 571 596 || 602 633 || 633 703 || 664 669 || 694 690 || 723 750 572 597 || 603 633 || 634 704 || 664a 670 || 695 693 || 724 71 573 598 || 604 630 || 635 705 |} 665 670 || 696 695 || 725 747 574 599 || 605 632 || 636 705a\| 666 672 || 697 656 || 726 760 575 600 || 606 627a', 637 706 || 667 673 || 698 736 || 727 761 576 601 || 607 628 || 638 717 || 668 674 || 699 738 || 728 762 577 602 || 608 629 | 639 719 || 669 674 || 700 739 || 729 763 578 605 |; 609 634 || 640 726 | 670 675 || 701 740 || 730 763 579 612 || 610 635 || 641 727 || 671 — || 702 731 || 731 764 580 611 | 611 636 || 642 723 || 672 658 | 703 — || 732 75d 581 609 || 612 637 || 643 724 || 673 674 || 703a = 731 || 733 755 582 610 || 613 638 || 644 722 || 674 659 |) 704 729 || 734 759 583 608 || 614 — || 645 721 || 675 659 |) 705 730 || 735 756 584 604 || 615 640 || 646 728 || 676 657 || 706 732 || 736 53 585 607 || 616 641 || 647 709 || 677 657 || 707 7334a|| 737 754 586 606 || 617 650 || 648 714 || 678 676. || 708 733 || 738 752 587 613 || 618 652 || 649 711 || 679 678 ||,708a 734 588 614 |; 619 639 || 650 712 || 680 677 || +709 735 INDEX TO THE GENERA. [The figures refer to the number of the first species of each genus in the catalogue, and not to the page.) AGCIPiterccicscwessscccencecce ses vas Actodromas . ............--2. 2-2-0 ZEchmophorus ............----.--- é ABgialitis.........2-. 0000. a orga Sisters AMigiothusis on s.cscccwse cease icsesee salon FEUD Yiannis weccweweceeseeccesiecens Ageleus....... 220-20. 2-e- siateisies we AIR ccwssscieceeee sseeebeeseemsescs AMBFNIF oo cine seas oe ccd cs ceiciccice wns Ammodromus......-...... Soo e ater AMPelisycc ccececesuwlctomeccaseecs Amphispiza ADAS coce seal esciee pee seccaceeuess ATISOR oc: cizicis cigs cies wisseiciaigaceie.e SS ADUONO? 26 pocwas scene esees pecs cane Ardotta . 1... --20 200 ---- e222 eee eee Arquatella ...-.- dewelsicietewiene ceees . ASIO~ 00. cone cee ee ence ne cece ee eens Astragalinus .......-.-. ASUUP cccsciss cone seesciciovsse seeesi Basileuterus ..........0 e002 eee sieeis 431 533 729 517 178 416 617 261 613 505 299 TAL 752 394 345 201 150 224 601 65 695 593 434 71 353 291 511 449 581 447 486 498 530 395 181 433 445 342 50 555 133 Basilinnass seeeeescee vs cstcescieciccc 347 Bermicla:: cece seeeercesacie seccieeccae 594 BOnasaw< se sadwenccdeves ences deicicne 73 Botaurus ...0.0 cece cece eee ---- eee 497 Brachyrhamphus ...-..------------ 755 Bubo......---- oe equa eee eucane wes 405 Bud ytes ai. cice sciscizcoecewansceececae 70 Bute scswrcisiacticonsamumcnuces seh aee 435 Butorides - -... 222-2 ~--. e002 see eee 494 Cc. Calamospiza. .... 200-220. ene weve 256 CaHOTiS 2.3 scccsocccsscasecseaeies? 042 Callipepla . .-.. ..eee wees enn eee eee Calothorax .. 2... 2... --02 cece ee eee Caly pte’ n2ccc2ceteccce acceeeeeess Campephilus -......22.-20. e202 nee Camptolemus Campylorhynehus ... ..........---- 56 Canace......--...-- Seaed ceroeewers 471 Caprimulgus .. .. 2-22. .-.220s-e--e 354 Cardellinas sc ccic ccna sciie cvewieessee 131 Cardinglis:sccssce a sce ceewiescccses (242 Carpodacus...- 2... ..--cseeseccee ce 158 Catharista.........-..----+.-0. wees 455 Cath artes sere isscicierce sis :-: ody treicreremisianic 454 Catherpes ....---.-.---eece0------- 59D Centrocercus .-.. ....+.----------- . 479 Contron yX «ieee one) sosiace selcims sa'eie's 191 Centrophanes..... Sesser ccwle teisdec 187 Centurus ssssceseadeccccerese se occ 372 Ceratorhina ...... Jodie aig Gisinja vane wicks 746 (Cer blilal ste cies: se sineters ure eistecheeiersicictaioss 55 Certhiolaisciicc cveceeccccescics- cosets 159 ery le ccsin wsice pacientes onnresiensiene 382 Cheetura .... 1.2202 seeee sosneag eed 351 Chamea ...... gauieis eiewaia® apes thaiesbiciets: 35 Chamepelia ....--...---.---------+ » 465 Charadrius ......---..--. Sainevecine os 514 Chaulelasmus........--- aivieimers nese 604 Chen 2.5 22 ccce meugemreencemees ais 590 Chondestes ....-...---------2 eee 204 Chordeiles..... 2... 220-22 eee ee eeee 357 Chrysomitris ..-.2. ----0.--2- +2200 184 Ciceronia...-....-.- eucid Weta yaiciaunie eos Cinclus........- iooeucecws eee awaie te Clangula Coceyzus Colaptes Columba Colymbus <<< ssesescess cece sexes Contopus seisec ccccodueewawccee ove COnurTuS::2sceow cceaeavsetaceeeewece Crotophaga ......- rose Cupidonia.. ....------...2.-----20- Cy ane Clas nian nic seinen wate nimatainnsare Cyanocitta .....----2 2. ee eee ee Cymochored. .2..ccacccewosccccueu Cypseloidess ... 22 22...ceccnccccucce CY PSCLUS: cc eicine cinianiecuinuieseiseacese Dapiion 22 sie ssewsteneeinaeisciiciesiness Dendrocygna ....-.....----...----- Dendrweea).c ssi. caxenoacasbue eines Dichromanassa DiOMEdCBw. ie seceecida se eoceae cea DOHGHORY Kisco cosine aden eeenes DY Siac cece tecenscest duciouk aloe’ os E. Ectopistes ............ sipininiarietapeinfeders BUSY Pllasee dict cnccecas swe ceeecnns Elanoides......2--...0002. ceeeee ee Elan accesses tccicciecomactueaacca Embernagra....-. Empidonax.............2-...22...- Eremophila .......... .2.0.--.0.--- EYOUn C109 io sccissin.dei neni aeaie ce ces oe Ergaticus .o:cos0cscne sence veseoecnee EVisinatur a’ sie 'cchebcumsees senses Eudocimus .........2-. 02.0002. 000- BU BOH 68 oi..2 an oes ons seicieicentiwce x Euphonia.......... siDeininierss ieee ener Prepetta ...ccscccancons ese eisiseeens PUICA? icccceu can walieieciaraemis scare UUs coe Soeustisiee sartiaepce wee eecii dare UMAR ooo s 5:5 sengelacesiessciescas 92 750 430 68 619 386 378 456 736 318 392 280 157 198 678 577 389 477 20 289 723 350 349 485 605 719 599 93 491 700 257 732 459 463 426 427 236 324 300 541 132 634 501 334 160 414 493 743 728 580 614 705 G. Galeoscoptes......-.--2----0-----.- 12 Gallinago .....--- ..--2--------- 22-526 Gallinala oc i cccmcoce seaeee neck ess: OLY) GOT ZO hi sic aisccec wane newer caeceutis 490 GeOCotty kisses sacs aces. gomeasveneiee 385 Geothlypis.--.---..-.. 120 Geotrygon...--..---- o: Saiew eer site 467 Glaucidinm os52252)s225. 550 exes aces 409 GimSs sex wees semece Secceeeecessese: 582) Guiraea ects cece sceceses sees seeeaz's 246 Gymnocittaccexcwesexesasccncevesss 285 H. Heaematopus...-.. 2-22-22 22-222 eee 506 Hadrostomus .......--...-.-------- 333 Hahlwetus wocceess22-255 se-nce ceees 451 Halocyptena..-.-. 2.2.20 sneeee on ees 720 Harelda sesjen scssne cnchew smsiseecn 623 Harporhynchus .......---..-------- 13 Helminthophaga.......--...-.-..-. 78 Helminthotherus ...-.....-...----- 77 Helonwas sssessee saeaus sapessccccas 76 Herodias essex. scsens sccm ceciccceawe 489 Hesperiphona......---.-----.------ 165 Hesperocichla ............---.----- 9 Heteroscelus -.-.-....-..----..----- 553 Hicrofaleo: ee rg ay tet rsh A 83 peri sty oats an ACN aoe ta eae Wade LR Nee! PREP R AAV D MERD SO CED SE ai ae paren 3 Fe 9 pana 2 Fe vaca