· .~:-. Message from the Director, Office of Force Transformation Warfare is about human behavior in a context of organized violence directed toward political ends. So, network-centric warfare (NCW) is about human behavior within a networked environment. "The network" is a noun, the information technology,and can only be the enabler. "To network" is the verb, the human behavior, the action, and the main focus . So, implementation of NCW must look beyond the acquisition of the technical enablers to individual and organizational behavior, e.g., organizational structure, processes, tactics, and the way choices are made. In other words, all elements of the enterprise are in play. The U.S. Armed Forces ' progress in transforming from the Industrial Age to the Information Age, though far from complete, has been illustrated during Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom . These campaigns, mounted against determined, potent foes in Afghanistan and Iraq, were characterized by the conduct of highly effective, network-centric operations by coalitions organized and led by the U.S. Central Command. Our military is embracing NCW. All of the Service and Joint Transformation Roadmaps are based on a central principle. This is helping to create and maintain a decisive warfighting advantage for U.S. forces. In the Information Age, power is increasingly derived from information shari'lg, information access,and speed, all of which are facilitated by networked forces. NCW involves a new way of thinking about how we accomplish our missions and how we organize and interrelate within and among all echelons and at all levels of warfare-strategic, operational, and tactical. Modern technology and new operational concepts enable networked units and individual platforms to operate together in ways not possible just a fe w years ago. NCW is characterized by the ability of geographically dispersed forces to attain a high level of shared battlespace awareness that is exploited to achieve strategic, operational , and tactical objectives in accordance with the commander's intent. This linking of people, platforms, weapons, sensors, and decision aids into a single network creates a whole that is clearly greater than the sum of its parts. The results are networked forces that operate with increased T~e lrnplementatton of Network-Cet1trtc Warfare -- ---~ ;; = ~-•..E .• =~ .=.:;;. ~~~ • -,. .AII!!!l!llllil~1tl' ,Y~ ~ . ~ speed and synchronization and are capable of achieving massed effects, in many situations, without the physical massing of forces required in the past. This increased speed and synchronization directly impacts operations across the battlespace , from support areas through combat zones. In sum , NCW enhances the U.S. Armed Forces' ability to combine into a seamless, joint, coalition warfighting force. When implemented , it takes full advantage of the trust we place in our junior and noncommissioned officers. As information moves down echelon, so does decision making. Thus, smaller joint force packages can possess more flexibility and agility and are able to wield greater combat power than before . NCW generates new and extraordinary levels of operational effectiveness. It enables and leverages new military capabilities while allowing the United States and our multinational partners to use traditional capabilities with more speed and precision. Recent progress in developing network-centric capabilities throughout the U.S. Armed Forces, evident in Afghanistan , Iraq, and elsewhere, is most encouraging , but we must not rest on our laurels. Agreat deal of work remains to be done. If we are to retain our competitive advantage in the 21st century, the Department must continue to move ahead in this vital area of military transformation. How are the profound increases in capability and performance attributed to NCW implementation being attained from the perspective of force building and actual operations? This booklet will point to some of the answers. A. K. Cebrowski Director, Office of Force Transformation Office of the Secretary of Defense li ,--- The Implementation of Network Centric Warfare Contents Introduction • Purpose . . . .. ... .3 • What Is Network-Centric Warfare? 3 • Origins of Network-Centric Warfare .............. . . ................................... 5 • Central Role in Force Transformation . . ..............................5 • Tenets and Principles of Network-Centric Warfare ................................................... 7 • Strategy for Implementation .. . . . .. .. .............. .11 Theory and Practice of Network-Centric Warfare • An Emerging Theory of War . .. ....... .15 • Information Age Warfare .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ....................................................................17 • Network-Centric Warfare and the Oomains of Conflict . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. ... .. .... .... .. .19 • Benefits of Network-Centric Warfare ...21 • A Source of Warfighting Advantage .... .. ........................................... ...23 Network-Centric Operations • NCO and the Joint Operations Concepts ...................................................................................27 • NCO in Afghanistan and Iraq ................................................................................... .29 • NCO Conceptual Framework ............................................................................... ......31 • NCO Case Studies ....................................................................................................................33 _____} iii ,------------------The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare :.=;;. ':~~ ~ ~-~ ~ -It'-~:__~ _ ~~ - ~ ~ -, NCW Implementation • Joint NCW Implementation . 44 -FBCB2-Biue Force Tracking 44 -Horizontal Fusion-a Catalyst for Net-Centric Transformation 45 -Sense and Respond Logistics . .46 -Cultural Change and Education 48 -Other Joint NCW Initiatives 48 • Service NCW Implementation 49 -Army . . . ....... ...... ....................... 50 -Navy and Marine Corps .. . . ................................ 53 -Air Force .. 55 • Allies and Multinational Partners 58 Conclusions-Network-Centric Warfare in Perspective • Towards a Network-Enabled Force : the 1990s 65 • Building Transformational Capabilities in the 21st Century ............................................................ 67 • Implementing NCW-Three Cautions ........................................................................................6B Sources .............................................................................................................................. 69 Notes .......... .. ................... .................. .......................... ...................... ...... ................. ...............72 The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare ~~ ~~~~\~~-~---c4 ~-- -~ :=-_:::-~=..,;-~---':.~~--.:::--~- Introduction Purpose second chapter. The third chapter focuses onAs the world enters a new millennium, our military network-centric operations (NCO) , including thesimultaneously enters a new era in warfare-an relationship of NCO to the overarching Jointera in which warfare is affected by a changing Operations Concepts (JOpsC), the NCO experiencestrategic environment and rapid technological in Afghanistan and Iraq, the development of thechange . The United States and our multinational NCO Conceptual Framework, and the conduct ofpartners are experiencing a transition from NCO case studies. An overview of Joint andthe Industrial Age to the Information Age. Service plans and initiatives to develop and impleSimultaneously, we are fully engaged in a global ment network-centric capabilities and the growing war on terrorism set in a new period of globalizainvestment in these capabilities by our allies and tion. These changes, as well as the experiences multinational partners are provided in the fourth gained during recent and ongoing military operachapter. tions, have resulted in the current drive to trans form the force with network-centric warfare (NCW) What Is Network-Centric as the centerpiece of this effort. Warfare? To better understand why NCW is so important to Network-centric warfare is an emerging theory of the force transformation process underway in the war in the Information Age. It is also a concept U.S . Armed Forces ,1 this document provides that, at the highest level , constitutes the military's answers to some of the fundamental questions response to the Information Age .2 The term regarding NCW as an emerging theory of war in network-centric warfare broadly describes the the Information Age . It also describes how the combination of strategies, emerging tactics, techtenets and principles of NCW are providing the niques, and procedures, and organizations that afully or even apartially networked force can employ foundation for developing new warfighting con cepts , organizations, and processes that will allow to create adec sive warfighting advantagea our forces to maintain a competitive advantage The implementation of NCW is first of all aboutover potential adversaries,now and in the future. In human behavior as opposed to information techsum, the purpose of this brochure is to provide an nology. While "network" is a noun, "to network" isoverview of the ongoing implementation of NCW in a verb. Thus, when we examine the degree tothe Department of Defense (DoD) . which a particular military organization, or the Abrief description of NCW, including its origins , its Department as a whole , is exploiting the power of central role in force transformation, its tenets and NCW, our focus should be on human behavior in principles, and an implementation strategy, are the networked environment. How do military forces provided in this first chapter. An examination of behave, perform, and organize themselves whenthey are networked? As illustrated in the next NCW as an emerging theory of war, its relationship chapter, experience with networked forces to date to the four domains of Information Age warfare, the indicates that Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen , and growing evidence of its benefits, and the warfight ing advantages it can provide, are examined inthe 3 .-----------------------------The lmplementatton of Network-Centnc Warfare - .i3iE"-~~ --~ -- ~-- ~= - ~~ -""*'-~ Marines conducting military operations at the tac centric capabilities of their own to be able to tical and operational levels of war gain asignificant conduct EBO. When we conduct military operations advantage over adversaries because of shared sitwith our allies and multinational partners today and uational awareness. NCW theory has applicability in the future , we seek to obtain maximum advanat all three levels of warfare-strategic, operatage derived from the power of NCW. At the same tional, and tactical-and across the full range of time, it shouldnot surpri se us that ou r enemies and military operations from major combat operations potential adversaries around the world , including to stability and peacekeeping operations. international terrorist organizations like a\ Qaeda, may seek to acquire network-centric capabilitiesA networked force conducting network-centric on their own terms in order to use them against us operations (NCO) is an essential enabler for the when conducting surveillance, planning operations,conduct of effects-based operations by U.S. or actually carrying out attacks . It is reasonable toforces. Effects-based operations (EBO) are "sets of expect that terrorist organizations are also analyzactions directed at shaping the behavior of friends , ing the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of ourneutrals, and foes in peace , crisis, and war. "4 EBO networks and planning to exploit them in the future.is not a new form of warfighting , nor does it displace any of the currently recognized forms of warNCW generates increased combat power by netfare. Throughout history, decision makers have working sensors, decision makers, and shooters to sought to create conditions that would achieve achieve shared awareness, increased speed of their objectives and policy goals. Military com command, high tempo of operations, greater manders and planners have attempted to plan and lethality, increased survivability, and a degree of execute campaigns to create these conditionsself-synchronization (figure 1) . In essence, it an approach that would be considered "effects-based" Translates an Information Advantage into adecisive Warfighting Advantage in today's terminology. EBO Information Advantage-enabled by JFACC in the 21st century, enabled the robust networking of well informed geographically dispersed ~~·~~ by networked forces, is a ~;~~~~.~ forces characterized by: .,~ ~) .... methodology for planning , • Information sharing -.· 0.~~executing, and assessing • Shared situational awareness ~£!!::) (!:!1 • ~~ military operations designed • Knowledge of commander's intent to attain specific effects Warfighting Advantage-exploits behavioral that achieve desired national change and new doctrine to enable: security outcomes. • Self-synchronization • Speed of command The armed forces of many • Increased combat power of our allies and multina tional partners are moving rapidly into the NCW arena and developing network- Figure 1 Information Age Transformation: Network-Centric Warfare 4 ,--- ---The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare translates information advantage into combat These ideas have not only changed the nature ofpower by effectively linking friendly forces within American business today-they have changedthe battlespace , providing a much improved and will continue to change the way military opershared awareness of the situation , enabling more ations are conducted.rapid and effective decision making at all levels ofmilitary operations, and thereby allowing for The development of the intellectual foundation of increased speed of execution. This "network" is NCW within the DoD continued with the underpinned by information technology systems, Information Age Transformation Series of books but is exploited by the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen , published by the Department of Defense and Marines that use the network and, at the same Command and Control Research Program (CCRP) time, are part of it. under the auspices of the Assistant Secretary ofDefense for Networks and Information Integration Origins of Network-Centric (ASD [Nil]). The first book in this series, Network Warfare Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging One of the first clear, compelling descriptions of Information Superiority, provided the first detailed"network-centric warfare" was published in a 1998 articulation of the tenets that link a robustly net U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings article. The authors worked force to dramatically increased combatcompared the potential impact of NCW today with power.6 It also described how information, coupledthe transformational impact of the French concept with changes in command and control (C2} , couldof the levee en masse during the Napoleonic period. transform military organizations. Two additional"NCW and all of its associated revolutions in milivolumes completed the three-volume set,tary affairs (RMAs) grow out of and draw their Information Age Anthology: Understanding Informationpower from the fundamental changes in American Age Warfare and Information Age Transformation_? society. These changes have been dominated by Another important book published by the CCRP,the co-evolution of economics, information technolEffects Based Operations: Applying Network Centricogy,and business processes and organizations and Warfare in Peace, Crisis and War, explored thethey are linked by three themes : link between network-centric organizations andprocesses and mission outcomes8 • The shift in focus from the platform to the network; Central Role in ForceTransformation • The shift from viewing actors as independent The President and the Secretary of Defense have to viewing them as part of a continuously frequently emphasized that the transformation of the adapting ecosystem ; and Department of Defense lies at the heart of U.S. • The importance of making strategic choicdefense strategy. As one of the seven major interes to adapt or even survive in such chang connected tenets of our strategy, transformation ing ecosystems. "5 supports the fou r major defense policy goals: assuring allies and friends; dissuading future militarycompetition ; deterring threats and coercion against U.S. interests; and , if deterrence fails, decisivelydefeating any adversary. ~5 ,-----------------------------The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare ---- ~~ .... .._........,~ ··~ ..$:::::.--. -:~~ -=Jo. ....___ ~ .... .. p" ~ ... .,.. ..J Overall , DoD 's transformation addresses three The development of network-centric organizations major areas-how we do business inside th e and the growing capability of U.S. forces to conduct Department, how we work with our interagency NCO are not ends in themselves, but a means to and multinational partners, and how we fight. generate increased combat power by: While all three areas are vital in the Department's • Better synchronizing events and their conseongoing transformation to the Information Age, the quences in the battlespace; concepts of NCW and our steadily improving network-centric capabilities are transforming how • Achieving greater speed of command ; and we fight. Thus , NCW is at the very center of force • Increasing lethality, survivability, and respon transformation. siveness. Force transformation includes new technologies As already mentioned, the capability to conduct but also depends on the development of new operNCO is a key enabler of effects-based operations ational concepts, organizational structures, and relationships. The development of network-centric (EBO). Unless our forces are able to apply their network-centric capabilities to achieve the effects that capabilities depends on all of these. The ongoing result in attaining strategic, operational, or tactical shi ft from platform-centric to network-centric objectives, the full value of these capabilities will thinking and NCW is key to force transformation not be realized. In addition , without a robust net and an evolving approach to the conduct of joint work structure and the phenomena that result from warfare in the Information AgeH the application of network-centric capabilities, it will be far more difficult, if not impossible, for the U.S. and our multinational partners to conduct NCO and EBO against our adversaries. ---The lmplementat•on of Network-( ef'tnc Warfare 6 ,--- Tenets and Principles of 'Throughout history, warfare has assumed the Network-Centric Warfare charactenstics of its age and the technology of Four basic tenets of NCW and a set of governingprinciples for a network-centric force have been its age Today we see this trend continuing as identified. Together, these tenets and principles we move from the lndustnal Age warfare With comprise the core of NCW as an emerging theory its emphasis on mass to Information Age war of war in the Information Age. The four tenets of fare. which highlights the power of networked NCW help us understand the enhanced power of distributed forces and shared situational networked forces. At the same time, they constiawareness .. Wit/1in this wider context of mil tute a working hypothesis about NCW as a sourceitary transformation network-centnc warfare of warfighting advantage:is one of the key concepts for thinking abouthow we will operate in 'he t· ·t11rr " • Arobustly networked force improves information sharing. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, July 2001 . • Information sharing enhances the quality ofinformation and shared situational awareness. • Shared situational awareness enables collaboration and self-synchronization, and enhancessustainability and speed of command. • These, in turn , dramatically increase missioneffectiveness. 10 The governing principles for a network-centricforce are summarized in figure 2 and discussed inmore detail below. These principles, still evolvingand subject to further refinement, are guiding theapplication of NCW as an emerging theory of war. In effect, they constitute thenew rules by which anetwork-centric force organizes, trains, and operates. ~7 .-----------------------------Tile /mplementatiOil of Network-Centnc Warfare --- -~~ .....-. :.£!!? ~.:~~ ~ ~~--· .,... . Governing Principles • Fight first for information superiority • Access to information: shared awareness • Speed of command and decision making • Self-synchronization • Dispersed forces: non-contiguous operations • Demassification • Deep sensor reach • Alter initial conditions at higher rates of change • Compressed operations and levels of war Figure 2.· Governmg Principles of a Network-Centnc Force While it is not suggested that the governing princi ples for anetwork-centric force have supplanted or are going to replace the time-tested principles of war-mass, objective, offensive, security, economy of force, maneuver, unity of command , surprise, simplicity-they provide added direction for executing military operations in the Information Age .They are guiding the development and refine ment of the overarching JOpsC and the four subordinate Joint Operating Concepts (JOC): Homeland Security; Major Combat Operations; Stability Operations; and Strategic Deterrence. Fight First for Information Superiority: Generate an information advantage through better timeliness, accuracy, and rele vance of information. • Increase an enemy 's information needs , reduce his ability to access information, and raise his uncertainty. • Assure our own information access through a well networked and interoperable force and protection of our information systems, including sensor systems. • Decrease our own information needs, especially in volume, by increasing our ability to exploit all of our collectors. Shared Awareness: Routinely translate information and knowledge into the requisite level of common understanding and situational awareness across the spectrum of participants in joint and combined operations. • Build a collaborative network of networks, populated and refreshed with quality intelligence and non-intelligence data, both raw and processed , to enable forces to build a shared awareness relevant to their needs. • Information users must also become information suppliers, responsible for posting information without delay. Allow access to the data regardless of location. • High-quality shared awareness requires secure and assured networks and information that can be defended. The lmplementat•on of Netwc-rk-Certnc W~rtare --------------.....J B ,-- Speed of Command and Decision Making: Recognize an information advantage and convert it into a competitive advantage by creating processes and procedures otherwise impossible (within prudent risk). • Through battlefield innovation and adaptation , compress decision timelines to turn information advantage into decision superiority and decisive effects. • Progressively lock out an adversary's options and ultimately achieve option dominance. Self-Synchronization: Increase the opportunity for low-level forces to operate nearly autonomously and to re-task themselves through exploitation of shared awareness and the commander's intent. • In crease the value of subordinate initiative to produce a meaningful increase in operational tempo and responsiveness. • Assist in the execution of the "commander's intent. " Exploit the advantages of a highly trained, professional force. • Rapidly adapt when important developments occur in the battlespace and eliminate the step function character of traditional military operations. Dispersed Forces: Move combat power from the linear battlespace to non-contiguous operations. • Emphasize functional control vice physical occupation of the battlespace and generate effective combat power at the proper time and place. • Be non-linear in both time and space, but achieve the requisite density of power on demand. • Increase close coupling of intelligence, operations, and logistics to achieve precise effects and gain temporal advantage with dispersed forces. Demassitication: Move from an approach based on geographically contiguous massing of forces to one based upon achieving effects. • Use information to achieve desired effects, limiting the need to mass physical forces within a specific geographical location. • Increase the tempo and speed of movement th roughout the battlespace to complicate an opponent's targeting problem. The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare -- -=::-:~-~ ~-v .. ~,&..;,# r ~ =~-=-- ~ ,._ Deep Sensor Reach: Expand use of deployable , distributed, and networked sensors, both distant and proximate , that detect actionable information on items of interest at operationally relevant ranges to achieve decisive effects. • Leverage increasingly persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR). • Use sensors as a maneuver element to gain and maintain information superiority. • Exploit sensors as a deterrent when employed visibly as part of an overt display of intent. • Enable every weapon platform to be a sensor, from the individual soldier to a satellite. The Implementation of Network-Centric W~r'are Alter Initial Conditions at Higher Rates of Change: Exploit the principles of high-quality shared awareness , dynamic selfsynchronization , dispersed and de-massed forces, deep sensor reach , compressed operations and levels of war, and rapid speed of command to enable the joint force to swiftly identify, adapt to , and change an opponent's operating context to our advantage. Warfare is highly path-dependent; hence, the imperative to control the initial conditions. The close coupling in time of critical events has been shown historically to have profound impact both psychologically and in locking out potential responses. Compressed Operations and Levels of War: Eliminate procedural boundaries between Services and within processes so that joint operations are conducted at the lowest organizational levels possible to achieve rapid and decisive effects. • Increase the convergence in speed of deployment, speed of employment, and speed of sustainment. • Eliminate the compartmentalization of processes (e.g., organize, deploy, employ, and sustain) and functional areas (e.g. , operations, intelligence, and logistics). • Eliminate structural boundaries to merge capabilities at the lowest possible organizational leve ls , e.g ., joint operations at the company/sub-squadron/task unit level . 10 ,--- Strategy for Implementation The Department's overall strategy for NCW implementation is based upon: 1) Setting priorities to enable, develop, and implement network-centric concepts and capabilities; 2) Establishing specific goals and measuring progress toward these goals; and 3) Overcoming impediments to progress. Setting Priorities: A critical mass of the Joint Force must be robustly networked as the "entry fee " for NCW and transformation. This requires afocus on interoperability which must not be sacrificed for near-term considerations. Battlespace entities (platforms , units, sensors, shooters) must be designed "net-ready. " In addition, increased emphasis must be placed upon research in developing shared situational awareness and new organizational approaches to achieving synchronization. Research must continue to improve our ability to accurately represent NCW-related concepts and capabilities in models and simulations and to help us understand and manage complex networks. Establishing Goals and Measuring Progress: The Department recognizes the need to establish measurable NCW goals,to develop an investment and implementation plan to achieve these goals, and to measure progress. An immediate goal must be the availability of a robustly networked joint force that can experiment with network-centric concepts and capabilities accompanied by a campaign of experimentation focused on discovery. To measure progress, metrics are needed. Ongoing efforts to develop measures of key aspects of NCW, including the quality of information, collaboration, awareness, and shared situational awareness, have been given more emphasis and related to measures of command and control , synchronization , and , ultimately, to measures of mission effectiveness. ~ 11 r------ Overcoming Impediments to Progress: Technical, cultural , and organizational impediments to accelerating the Department's progress in fully implementing NCW remain. Each can be overcome through focused efforts in areas such as network security, network interoperability, an understanding of human and organizational behavior, and key NCW-enabling technologies. The creation of a DoD environment that supports innovation will enable us to reap the full potential of NCW, just as better understanding of individual, team, organizational, and cultural behaviors will significantly accelerate our progress in implementing NCW.11 Key Elements of Proposed NCW Implementation Strategy: The DoD strategy for the implementation of NCW includes seven key elements:12 • Get the Theory Right: The new rules of Information Age warfare and the theory of NCW must be continually refined through the process of experimentation and testing and from the real world experience of U.S. forces engaged in combat and other military operations worldwide, including ongoing stability operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, and Bosnia. • Apply the Theory Enterprise Wide: It will not be enough to implement network-centric capabilities, conduct network-centric operations (NCO) ,and test the theory of NCW only in a "critical mass of the joint force " or in certain high priority units. Instead, the capabilities must be developed and the theory applied enterprise wide, i.e., throughout the DoD. The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare -~--~~.., , ,.. 111' .. ~, =-. ~ ·; r , . • Accelerate Networking of the Joint Force: Understandably,much of the effort to network U.S. forces to date has been undertaken by the Services. In the future, however, joint forces must be networked not only at the strategic and operational levels, but also at the tactical level. • Accelerate Deployment of Network-Centric System s, Concepts, and Capabilities: As new network-centric systems, concepts , and capabilities are developed by the Services and Combatant Commands, they should be deployed to the units and geographical areas where they can be refined and employed when needed. • Experiment with NetworkCentric Concepts and Capa bilities: The role of experimentation in advancing the implementation of networkcentric concepts and capabilities is absolutely critical. The Department depends upon a rigorous program of Joint and Service experimentation to nurture new and better ways to conduct NCO. • Address Challenges of Allied and Coalition NCO: As discussed in the third chapter, U.S. allies and multinational partners are developing their own concepts and capabilities for the conduct of NCO. Some of the challenges of conducting NCO within the NATO alliance have already surfaced during operations in Bosnia and Kosovo and to some extent in Afghanistan and Iraq. These challenges should be addressed and overcome as soon as possible. Networking the Force Sensors Rogattlless o/ P1alfolm Decision Makers RB9BnlleSS oi LOCB//Ofl 1..~ ~ -~ ~ N-~~ --""""'"'-C""" ~ L__J__;______ Forces Applied Figure 3: Applying NCW Theory to Support Key Force Development and Investment Decisions • Develop Doctrine and Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP) for NCO: In order to maximize the potential for increased combat power from NCW,Joint and Service wartighting doctrines must evolve as network-centric capabilities are implemented in U.S. forces. Simultaneously, mature TIPs will be needed to facilitate the effective conduct of NCO by U.S. , allied, and multinational forces during combined military operations. The Department's strategy for implementing NCW, as outlined above, is having a major impact on key force development and investment decisions by the Department and the Services. Figure 3 illustrates how the application of NCW theory can support key DoD investment decisions. 12 ,--- The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare -----------------' Theory and Practice of Network-Centric Warfare An Emerging Theory of War Atheory is "a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation, an unproved assumption. "13 It is also "a formulation of apparent relationships or underlying principles of certain observed phenomena which has been verified to some degree. "14 The working hypothesis of network-centric warfare (NCW) as an emerging theory of war, simply stated, is that the behavior of forces, i.e. their choices of organizational relationships and processes, when in the networked condition , will outperform forces that are not. The four basic tenets of NCW, introduced in the preceding chapter, elaborate on this basic premise. The governing principles of a network-centric force guide the application of this emerging theory of war and help to explain its power. A theory of war must account for new sources of power, relations among them , and how they are brought to bear across the entire spectrum of military competition from peacekeeping , deterrence, and dissuasion to violent clashes and sustained, high-intensity conflict, and from force building and countering traditional threats to countering irregular, catastrophic, and disruptive threats. The basis of NCW as an emerging theory of war is that power flows from society and society's methods of creating power and wealth and that there • Sources of powerhas been afundamental shift • Relationships among power centers in sources of power from industry to information. This • Linkage to outcome is comparable to the earlier • Linkage to political objectives shift from the Agrarian Age to the Industrial Age. In the Industrial Age , land was still Figure 4: Network-Centric Warfare .. An Emerging Theory of War important, but it was no longer the primary source of power and wealth. In the Information Age, industrial power remains important, but it has been replaced by information as the most important source of power and wea th. NCW is in adifferent competitive space from Industrial Age warfare and, therefore, has some different competitive attributes. NCW is an emerging theory of war because it identifies new sources of power (information sharing, information access, speed), how those sources relate to each other, how they are brought to bear to gain the desired outcome , and how they link to political objectives (figure 4). It explains how one side uses violence to compel an opponent to do what it would not otherwise do and eliminate the opponent's ab lity to do the same to them . It speaks to the character of war, not to its nature, accepting that war by nature is a form of intense human competition and involves violence, profound risk, and mutual danger. The NCW emerging theory of war accepts the notion that it is the nature of war to be nasty, brutish , and very complex, however short a conflict, campaign, or battle may be. Some have said that NCW applies only to "high-end" traditional warfare. This says more 15 r---------------The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare -'t.ifjj--'!a._~ ' Jill'" ~a .. ~_....... , ... ~ -:;.._ --~= --~~. ~ -\ """I!. ......... about our preference for "high-end " traditional Where Industrial Age warfare revolved around warfare than it does about NCW, an emerging theefforts to obtain overwhelming force and attrition, ory of war that applies to all levels and modes of NCW revolves around information superiority16 and competition . precision violence to dismantle an opposing force. Many of the recent and ongoing efforts to enhance Assuming NCW gains wide acceptance as anew or the network-centric capabilities of U.S. forces have emerging theory of war, is it likely to render the focused on the tactical and operational levels of war. works of Carl von Clausewitz and other classical However, the relevance of NCW extends to the strategic thinkers obsolete? Michael Handel of the strategic leveL Strategy involves choices that control Naval War College, one of the foremost contempothe scope,pace, and intensity of aconflict As shown rary students of Clausewitz, Sun Tzu, Mao Tseduring the major combat operations phase of tung , Jomini, and others, concluded that while the Operation Iraqi Freedom, the capabilities of the classic strategic theories of war may require adapforces in the networked environment gave senior tation to a changing environment such as we are civilian leaders abroader array of options not otherexperiencing in the Information Age and in the wise possible. conduct of the global war on terror, they remain fundamentally intact The logic of waging war andAs with other,earlier theories of war15 , NCW has its of strategic thinking is as universal and timeless ascompetitive space , rule sets, and metrics. Where human nature itself.the competitive space of industrial warfare was the capacity to produce heavy weapons and get them Observing that for many students of war today, "the to where they could be most destructive, the comadvantages offered by advanced military technolopetitive space in NCW is the capability to obtain gy represent the realization of a long-awaited and integrate information into military operations. panacea for the complex political and strategic The metrics used to gauge the relative power of problems of waging war," Handel adds a useful military forces in the Industrial Age were generally note of caution for those involved in the implemeninput measures. We measured and compared tation of NCW "Many of the latest military theories military mass, expressed in terms of numbers of and doctrines assume tacitly or explicitly that the weapons, ton-miles per day, military manpower, wars of the future will be waged with perfect or and units. Our planning focused on achieving a nearly perfect information and intelligence (' infor superior advantage in each of these areas, mation dominance ') ... This vision is a chimera, whether in individual battles or larger campaigns. because it implies that friction in war will be greatBut the metrics of NCW seek to describe the relaly reduced if not eliminated."17 This will not be the tive ability to create an information advantage and case. Rather, the issue is how one creates and turn it into a military advantage. These metrics are exploits an information advantage within the generally output measures like speed, rates of context of the fog and friction of war. change, operational and tactical innovation, how fast one side can couple events together and act on the information,and achieve political outcomes. _______________) 16 ,---- The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare -":~ "7 -• ~-· - -.. _j'__;--' • -.... ~-...----~~~:_';-_- -.....~~·~-.;~~ ~-=~-~ --~ ---~:::-~-?' --~ :._ ----..::_= A survey of recent and emerging military theories and the future of war has led to the observation that, "In the 1990s, military theory reflected the rapid diffusion of conflict following the end of the bipolar Cold War world. " These theories ranged from John Mueller's "obsolescence of major war" theory and Martin van Creveld 's argument that Western military theory derived from classical warfare had become obsolescent to Alvin and Heidi Tattler's theory of "third wave " high-technology information warfare . According to the Tattlers and the Information Age theorists who followed them , the Gulf War of 1990-91 had provided a glimpse of postmodern war as the realm of high technology. On the other hand, military writers like Ralph Peters, Robert Kaplan , and Philip Cerny have offered visions of future war involving the "coming anarchy" of aworld of fa iled states or a struggle by the West against a world of warrior cultures and paramilitaries. The intellectual challenge facing military professionals in the early 21 st century is not, as some are suggesting, "to consign Carl von Clausewitz to the dustbin of history. Rather the task is to learn how to fight effectively across the spec trum of conflict. "18 The NCW theory of war, as it is implemented throughout the U.S. Armed Forces, addresses this formidable task. Information Age Warfare Network-centric warfare (NCW) offers a unique approach to the conduct of joint warfare in the Information Age . Constructed around the tenets of NCW and the governing principles of a networkcentric force and emphasizing high-quality shared awareness , di spersed forces, speed of command, and flexibility in planning and execution , the application of this emerging theory of war is giving U.S. forces the capability to conduct immensely powerful effects-based operations (EBO) to achieve strategic , operational , and tactical objectives across the full range of military operations. The recent performance of U.S. forces in the su ccessful conduct of Operations Enduring Freedom (OEF,Afghanistan, 2001-2002) and Iraqi Freedom (OIF, Iraq , 2003) has provided a glimpse of its potential. As General Tommy Franks, USA (Ret.), commander of coalition forces during OEF and OIF, observed recently, "I believe one of the lessons well identified as enduring is the power of a net-centric approach, which [lends itselfj to the effects of munition s, actions, and information rather than the old way of stove-piping activities. " When reflecting on OIF and his ability to see the accurate locations of his forces in near-real-time, thanks to the Blue Force Tracking (BFT) system ~17 .-----------------------------The ImplementatiOn of Network-Centnc Warfare _-~~ '---.. ~~ ..-~ ~ ~ . =- used by ground forces, General Franks described As mentioned previously, NCW provides the founhis feelings at the time: "... I've died and gone to dation for transforming the way U.S. forces will heaven and seen the first bit of net-centric organize and fight in the Information Age. While warfare at work!" 19 NCW is the theory, network-centric operations (NCO) is the theory put into action. In other words,Information technology advances in the areas of the conduct of NCO represents the implementationcommand and control (C2); intelligence, surveilof NCW. Military operations will emphasize gaining lance, and reconnaissance (ISR); and precision and maintaining information superiority to provide a weapons delivery are dramatically reshaping the competitive advantage based on the implementaconduct of warfare in the 21st century, as General tion of NCW and its principles. The objective of Franks and many others witnessed in Afghanistan decision superiority is to turn an information advanand Iraq. The principles of NCW provide a new tage into acompetitive advantage.foundation with which to examine and consider changes in military missions, operations, and organizations in the Information Age. The full application of these principles will accelerate the decision cycle by linking sensors, communications networks, and weapons systems via an interconnected grid, thereby enhancing our ability to achieve information and decision superiority over an adversary during the conduct of military operations. As a new source of power, NCW has a profound impact on the planning and conduct of war by allowing forces to increase the pace and quality of decision making, in effect changing the rules and pace of military operations. A warfighting force with networked capabilities allows acommander to more quickly develop situational awareness and understanding, rapidly communicate critical in for mation to friendly combat forces, and marshal the appropriate capabilities to exert massed effects against an adversary. _______________) 18 ,----- The lmptementat•on of Network-Centnc Warf ue This competitive advantage is readily apparent"Information Superiority is an imbalance in when comparing forces conducting NCO and thoseone's favor in the informatwn domam wtth operating under the old paradigm of platformrespect to an adversary The power of supericentric operations. Platform-centric forces lack the ority in the information domain mandates that ability to leverage the synergies created through anetworked force . A force implementing NCW is the United States fight for it as a first prionty more adaptive, ready to respond to uncertainty in even before hostilities begin . . . The quality of the very dynamic environment of the future at all the information position depends on the accu levels of warfare and across the range of military racy, timeliness, and relevance of information operations. When we consider the most recentfrom all sources ... The continuous sharing of combat experience of U.S. forces in Afghanistan mformation from a variety of sources enables and Iraq , it is apparent that platforms retained athe fully networked Joint Force to achieve the central focus, but the networking of those platshared situational awareness necessary for forms and organizations greatly enhanced theirdecisiOn superionty. " lethality and survivability. Department of Defense, Joint Operations Concepts, Network-Centric WarfareNovember 2003, p. 17. and the Domains of Conflict To successfully implement the emerging theory of war and the NCW capabilities now being devel oped by the U.S. and our multinational partners, the four domains of warfare-physical, information , cognitive , and social-must be under Tenets of NCW: A Hypothesis Regarding Sources of Power stood, as well as the • Arobustly networked force improves informationsharing. • Information sharing andcollaborationenhances the quality of information and sha red situational awareness. intersections, or areas • Shared situational awareness enablescollaboration and self synchronization, and enhances sustainability and speed of command . of overlap, between the / • These in tum dramatically increase missioneffectiveness. domains. As stated earExploring the NCW Hypothesis1-----+{1-lier,the four basic tenets of NCW constitute a hypothesis regarding NCW as a source of power. Figure 5 illus trates how this hypothesis may be explored at a high level across the domains of Information Information Doma in Cognitive and Social Domains Physical Domain Age warfare. Figure 5: Tenets of NCW . . the New Value Cham ___] 19 .----------------The Implementation of Network-Centnc W a rfa re -- "fijjJ ''"!'...~ '~ --, ~. ,..:;_·· ~~~ ~ . \ 4.. ...._,_ ·= . . The overarching Joint Operations Concepts domain that must be protected and defended to (JOpsC) and its subordinate Joint Operating enable a force to generate combat power in the Concepts (JOCs), Joint Functional Concepts face of offensive actions by an adversary. (JFCs) , Joint Integrating Concepts (JICs) , architec Cognitive Domain: The cognitive domain tures , requirements, and capabilities are based is in the mind of the warfighter.This is the realm ofupon the vision of a transforming network-centric EBO. Many, though not all , battles, campaigns, andjoint force and a capabilities-based defense stratwars are won in th is domain. The intangibles ofegy designed to attain the six operational goals leadership, morale, unit cohesion , level of trainingestablished by the Secretary of Defense in the and experience,and situational awareness are ele2001 Quadrennial Defense Review. ments of this domain. Th is is the domain where The required attributes and capabilities of a new commander's intent, doctrine, tactics, techniques, joint force capable of conducting NCO must be and procedures reside.This is also where decisive carefully co nsidered for each of these four battlespace concepts and tactics emerge . domains. Social Domain: The social domain Physical Domain: The physical domain is describes the necessary elements of any human the traditional domain of warfare where a force is enterprise. It is where humans interact, exchange moved through time and space. It spans the land, information, form shared awareness and undersea, air, and space environments where military standings, and make collaborative decisions. This forces execute the range of military operations and is also the domain of culture, the set of values, where the physical platforms and communications attitudes,and beliefs held and conveyed by leaders networks that connect them reside. Comparatively, to the society, whether military or civil. It overlaps the elements of this domain are the easiest to with the information and cognitive domains, but is measure and , consequently, combat power has distinct from both. Cognitive activities by their traditionally been measured in the physical nature are individuali stic; they occur in the minds domain. of individuals. However, shared sensemaking-the process of going from shared awareness toshared Information Domain: The information understanding to collaborative decision makingdomain is the domain where information is creatis asocio-cognitive activity because the individual 's ed , manipulated, and shared . It is the domain that cognitive activities are directly impacted by the facilitates the communication of information social nature of the exchange and vice versa. 20 among warfighters. This is the domain of sensors and the processes for sharing and accessing sensor products as well as "finished " intelligence. It is where C2 of military forces is communicated and the commander 's intent is conveyed. Consequently, it is increasingly the information The Jmplement~t10n ')f Netw')rk-Centr c Wa, f"lre --------------~20 ,-- Benefits ofNetwork-CentricWarfare Evidence accumulated from a wide range of U.S. military activities , including combat operations, training events, exercises, and demonstrations, has strongly supported the validity of NCW as an emerging theory of war and illustrated the power of networked forces. In general, the outcomes have consistently been decisive in favor of forces that are robustly networked. When both sides have similar network Speed and Access ing capabilities, competition shifts to other attributes. This Figure 6.· Information Age Warfare . Domams of Conflict is discussed further in thefinal chapter, "ConclusionsAs illustrated in figure 6, the domain intersections Network-Centric Warfare in Perspective ."represent important, dynamic areas within whichconcept-focused experimentation should be con In some tactical engagements , "superior" platducted. The precision force so vital to the conduct forms were decisively defeated by "less capable " of successful joint operations is created at the platforms that were able to leverage order-ofintersection of the information and physical magnitude improvements in information sharing domains. Shared awareness and tactical innovaenabled by networking. In other engagements , tion occur at the intersection between the informadigitized and networked ground forces with a tion and cognitive domains. Since many battles reduced number of "platforms" were able to "suband campaigns are actually won or lost in the cog stitute information for mass" and outperform units nitive domain, this intersection is enormously equipped with a larger number of "platforms" not important. The intersection between the physical similarly digitized and networked. Even more and cognitive domains is where the time compresimpressively, the combination of networked and sion and "lock-out" phenomenon occur, where digitized ground and air forces was able to decitactics achieve operational and even strategic sively defeat an opposition force (OPFOR) with effects, and where high rates of change are devel unprecedented lethality by creating and leveraging oped. NCW exists at the very center where all four an information advantage. domains intersect. ___J 21 ,------------------------------The Implement lt1on of Network-Centr,c Warfare --- '~~ -.. ~............ ..~ -~~ 'T ~ Air-to-Air Mission Area: Some of the counter-special operations forces (SOF) (Fleet most thoroughly documented and convincing Battle Experiment Delta); and multinational rapid examples of the power of NCW have been drawn reaction forces (Allied Command Europe Mobile from the air-to-air mission area. Increased situaForce-Land) (figure 7) . tional awareness and enhanced situational under Combined Arms Maneuver and standing are major contributors to enhanced sur Close Air Support: One of the mostvivability and lethality in this mission area. With powerful , wel l documented examples of increasedaudio-only communications, pilots and controllers warfighting advantage achieved through NCW wasmust share information on adversary forces generprovided by the U.S. Army's Division Capstoneated by onboard sensors, as well as their own posi Exercise-Phase I (DCX-1) , conducted in the tion and status, via voice. Communicating the minspring of 2001 at the National Training Center at Ft. imum essential information by voice takes time Irwin, California. During this exercise , the Blueand the resulting situational awareness often difForce, consisting of two brigade combat teamsfers significantly from reality. (BCT) of the 4th Infantry Division with close air sup In contrast, when datalinks are employed on fightport (CAS) provided by F-16 and AIOA-1 Os from er aircraft, digital information on blue and red the Arizona Air National Guard, was digitized and forces is shared instantaneously, enabling all parnetworked to a degree never before achieved in a ticipants to share a common tactical picture. This major joint exercise. improved information position constitutes a significant "information advantage " as compared to an adversary fighting with only Missions Enablers voice communications. This information advantage, in turn, enables a cognitive advantage, in the form of dramatically increased shared situational awareness and enhanced situational understanding. The result is that pilots flying datalinkequ ipped aircraft can translate these advantages into increased survivability and lethality. 21 The same sort of evidence of increased warfighting effectiveness enabled by net working during air-to-air combat has been demonstrated in other important mission areas including combined arms maneuver warfare and close air support (Division Figure 7: Understanding the Evidence for Capstone Exercise-Phase I) ; counter anti NCW Warfighting Advantage access (Fleet Battle Experiment Foxtrot); The Implementation of Network-Centr•c Warfare ---------------'22 ,-- During DCX-1 , digitized and networked forces FBCB 2 increased our situational awarenessdemonstrated significantly improved warfighting dramatically. We were able to conduct boldcapabilities and prevailed over the opposing force maneuvers at night that we would normally only(OPFOR) in multiple engagements. The Arizona Air do during daylight. "23 National Guard F-16s and NOA-1 Os providing CASto the ground forces were equipped with the A Source of WarfightingSituational Awareness Data Link (SADL) , enabling Advantage them to exchange real-time targeti ng information Over thousands of years of recorded history, theand receive a current forward trace of the Blue vast majority of innovations that created significantForces on the ground situation . The result of this warfighting advantages were concentrated in thenetworking was more than an order-of-magnitude physical domain as opposed to the informationimprovement in the ability of ground and air forces domain. These innovations translated primarily intoto work together through more effective sharing of advantages at the tactical level of warfare , but theyinformation. 22 As a direct result, the networked also had an impact on what are now generallyjoint force employing combined arms maneuver referred to as the operational and strategic levelsduring DCX-1 decisively defeated an experienced, of warfare. They resulted in such battlefield advanwell-trained OPFOR (figure 8) . tages as: increased range of engagement (composite bow, rifled musket, long-range artillery, In the words of a mechanized infantry company long-range bombers ,guided and ballistic missiles); commander whose unit participated in DCX-1 , increased lethality (gunpowder, musket, rifle , "When fighting at night, these systems are machine gun , rocket launcher, chemical warhead , unmatched. My Bradleys made direct fire kills rou nuclear weapon); increased speed of maneuvertinely at 3700 meters and beyond. Additionally,the (chariot, horse cavalry, steam propulsion for ships, railroads, combus tion engine, tanks, jet Networked Force Output Measure: engine, nuclear propul • A1r e Ground Oec•s•ve Defeat sion) ; and increased pro of OPFOR tection and survivability (body armor, fortifications, __.. .. ,.7 "·'' trench warfare, battle ships, submarines, tanks, ---. ~ ~~ armored personnel carriers, armored fighting ----l ~-- (' ----------~ t l ._, , '. ' --vehicles , low observable "stealthy" aircraft and Cognitive andSocial Doma ins Information Domain Physical Dom ain ships). Quahty of Information Enhanced Information Sharing While all of these exam • Blue Force Information ..Trace" of Blue Forces ples of innovation are con • Red Force lnfonnaiiOn ·Sensor Pomts of Interest" sidered platform-centric, Figure 8: Exploiting Order of Magmtude Change (DCX-1 J the past century has also ~23 ~---------------The 111lplementatron of Network Centnc Warlare -- "' ':<~--,..,. --~ ~........... .,....... ~:.-:.-~ -= . c -41. ......._ - need to be able to distinguish friend from foe on the battlefield , day and night and in all sorts of terrain and weather conditions. The introduction and widespread use of night vision equipment has provided our forces with a very important advantage. Similarly, the combination of digitization and networking can be employed to develop a common tactical picture that reduces the fog of war to clearly identify the positions of friendly forces and the known positions of the enemy. Figure 9. 0/F Screen Capture -Common Operational P1cture Th e ability to provide such a seen many innovations focused on creating advantage in the information domain. The ability to develop and exploit an information advantage has always been important in warfare, hence th etimelessness of security and surprise as important principles of war. Examples of innovations that created information advantages in warfare have included couriers on horseback, signal flags , encryption and code breaking, telegraph , wireless radio, aerial reconnaissance and photography, radar, electronic warfare, satellites (communica tions , reconnaissance), and advances in navigation (magnetic compass, Global Positioning System [GPS]). While the importance of innovation in the information domain in the past has been great, its importance has gained critical significance in warfare today. Today, the implementation of NCW through the conduct of NCO is creating a warfighting advantage for those who pursue it. At the most basic level of warfare , there has always been a critical picture provides an example of developing an information advantage through NCW. Combat power can be increased sharply by successfully exploiting this advantage. Across a broad spectrum of mission areas , evidence collected to date indicates that the development of a common operational picture (COP), such as that depicted in figure 9, can significantly increase the warfighter's awareness and understanding of tactical and operational situations. The sharing of information obviously contributes to shared situational awareness and understanding. Th e ability to develop a higher level of situational awareness , in less time than an adversary, combined with the ability to act on it, is a source of considerabl ewarfightingadvantage. This advantage is not intuitive, but its impact is profound. 24 ~ The lmplementatton of Network-Ce,-.tnc W~rfare --------------_J Network-Centric Operations NCO and the Joint Operations Concepts Network-centric operations (NCO) involve the application of the tenets and principles of NCW to military operations across the spectrum of conflict from peace, to crisis, to war. The development of network-centric forces by the U.S. Armed Forces and the increasing readiness of commanders at all levels to apply the principles of NCW to the planning and execution of military operations are resulting in new capabilities of our joint, land, naval , air, space, and special operations forces. Due in part to rapidly evolving concepts about how NCO will be conducted, perspectives are changing about how wars and other military operations will be conducted by the U.S. and our allies. As mentioned in the first chapter, NCW is central to the Department's force transformation efforts. The basic tenets and governing principles of NCW had a significant impact on the development of the Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsC) approved by the ~ 27 r----------------------------- Secretary of Defense in November 2003. 24 They have also influenced the development and refinement of the subordinate Joint Operating Concepts (JOC) , Joint Functional Concepts (JFC) , and Joint Integrating Concepts (JIC) . "Networked " is one of the seven attributes, identified by the JOpsC, that the future Joint Force must possess , the others being "fully integrated ," "expeditionary," "decentralized ," "adaptable, " "decision superiority," and "lethality. " Networked , according to the JOpsC, "describes aJoint Force that is linked and synchronized in time and purpose. The Joint Force capitalizes on information and near simultaneous dissemination to turn information into actions. Networked joint forces will increase operational effectiveness by allowing dispersed forces to more efficiently communicate , share a common operating picture, and achieve the desired endstate . A networked Joint Force expands its reach. Reachback is the ability of the Joint Force to extend beyond organic capabilities to include fire support, sustainment, and information. This network includes interagency, designated multinational partners, academic and industrial sources, and includes both technical linkages and personal relationships developed through training and habitual association. "25 As stated in the April 2003 Transformation Planning Guidance (TPG),the key to the Department's transformation strategy is the development of future JOCs. 26 These concepts must be specific enough to permit identification and prioritization of transformation requirements inside the defense program, yet flexible enough to absorb valuable new ideas as they emerge . The overarching JOpsC provides the operational context for military transformation by linking strategic guidance with the integrated application of Joint Force capabilities. The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare w·_..,.-., -'~ .... ..,~ -~ ~~::-; ~~4;;:__ ...... ......._ -;.--"':. JOCs are further developing key areas of the JOpsC. Focusing at the operational level and above, JOCs describe how a Joint Force Commander will plan, prepare , deploy, employ, and sustain a joint force given a specific operation or combination of operations. As shown in figure 10, four initial cornerstone JOCs have been developed: Homeland Security, Major Combat Operations, Stability Operations, and Strategic Deterrence. Like the JOpsC, the JOCs are expected to evolve over time to reflect insights gained from experimentation and actual operations. All are based , at least in part, on the availability of networked forces and the implementation of the NCW theory by joint forces. The Service transformation roadmaps have identified the desired operational capabilities needed to implement the JOCs and the preferred means of obtaining those capabilities , including the essential capabilities for conducting NCO. As an example of a JOC explicitly taking into account the avai labi lity of network-centric capabilities and the ongoing implementation of NCW theory, Version 1.1 0 of the Major Combat Operations (MCO) JOG identifies "seven core building blocks that form the foundation for U.S. success in future Joint Operations Concepts Dom1nance Through Jomt tntegrat1on Figure 10: Joint Operations Concepts The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare major combat operations." One of the seven is: "Use a coherent joint force that decides and acts based upon pervasive knowledge. " This particular core building block involves the employment "of a network-centric method to collect, fuse, analyze, then provide access to information supporting leader decision requirements " and "a joint military/interagency decision making process that uses a collaborative information environment and functions with coalition partners ... The network tools of the Information Age allow adegree of interdependence among Service forces that had always been desired but had never been achievable. Interdependence, to be sure, relies upon technical connectivity that maximizes machine-to-machine interface when and how that makes sense, but even more importantly it relies upon breaking down long-developed cultural positions and barriers..m Joint Functional Concepts articulate how the future Joint Force Commander will integrate a set of related military tasks to attain capabilities required across the range of military operations. They are broad , but derive specific context from the JOCs. Existing JFCs include: Battlespace Awareness , Command and Control, Force Application , Focused Logistics, and Protection. Joint Integrating Concepts are intended to be building blocks for JOCs or JFCs and will describe how a commander integrates functional means to achieve operational ends. Existing JICs include Forcible Entry Operations and Undersea Superiority; JICs for Global Strike Operations, Sea-Basing Operations, Integrated Missile Defense , Joint Logistics , and Joint C2 are being developed. ------------------'28 ,--- --~ ;_,~•-=-~:-SY;-~-~ = -"" j'_: -.. ~~~~~-=- NCO in Afghanistan and Iraq "You are looking at the implementation of network-centric warfare, which is a growing implementation and will go on for a very long time. We are looking at a shift in sources of power. . . when the lessons learned (from Operation Iraqi Freedom) come out, one of the thmgs we are probably going to see is a new air-land dynamic. . . we will have discovered anew 'sweet spot' in the relationship between land and air warfare, and a tighter integratiOn between those. The things that compel that are good sensors, networked wtth good intelligence. disseminated through a robust network of systems which then increases speed." Vice Admiral (Ret.) Arthur K. Cebrowski, Director, Force Transformation From remarks to the Defense Writers Group, April 23, 2003. The real-world experience of partially networked U.S. and coalition forces during recent combat operations in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom, 2001-2002) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2003) has provided preliminary, yet powerful, evidence about the value of NCW and the conduct of NCO. More extensive studies and assessments are expected to follow. ~29 ,----------------------------- Operation Enduring Freedom (2001-02): The network-centric capabilities of U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) elements during the conduct of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan proved vital to the defeat of Taliban and al Qaeda forces throughout the country. U.S. forces conducted operations in a mountainous, landlocked country the size of Texas that present· ed an extremely challenging environment The long-sought goal of networking weapons platforms with sensor platforms came to fruition in this austere environment where both the need and the advantages were readily apparent USCENTCOM employed Special Operations Forces (SOF) teams on the ground working directly with our Afghan allies. Th ese SOF elements were net· worked with other friendly forces on the ground and U.S. aircraft capable of delivering advanced precision-guided munitions. This combination proved extremely effective. Networking the sensors and the shooters in real time was only part of the requirement, however. Taliban and al Qaeda targets during Operation Enduring Freedom were often fleeting and weapons platforms had to be updated very q ickly while in the air. In the case of B-2 bombers flying from bases in Missouri and B-1 bombers flying from other bases far from the theater of operations, this required a capability to change mission-tasking enroute to the target area in Afghanistan. Carrier-based aircraft needed a similar capability to deal with the dynamic nature of their targets. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) were used to a greater degree than ever before. The ability to pass information gathered by Predator and Global Hawk UAVs to ground commanders in Afghanistan enabled near-real-time battlefield situational awareness. The geographic location of the combatant command headquarters presented some The ln1plementation of Network-Centric Warfare - lT-- ;, ...._,........,t' ~ ~--" ~~ ± -~ challenges for network-centric operations. Nevertheless, the USCENTCOM headquarters in Tampa was successfully networked with aforward headquarters in Kuwait and a subordinate forward headquarters in Uzbekistan. Satellite communica~ tions and related technologies enabled this networking capability to a degree not previously achievable. Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003): The impressive network-centric capabilities of U.S. forces on display during OEF in Afghanistan were clearly evident during the conduct of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Many significant improvements in these capabilities were apparent by the time OIF began in March 2003. Network-centric capabilities provided, without question, a major contribution to the decisive victory of U.S. and coalition forces over Saddam Hussein 's forces during major combat operations in Iraq during March and April 2003. Network-centric capabilities evident in U.S. forces during OIF included not only the technology and systems that enabled the effective conduct of NCO , but innovative new concepts for the employment of the technology and an enhanced understanding of the human side of the NCW equation as well-highly trained, motivated Soldiers , Sailors, Airmen, and Marines fighting as part of an integrated, networked joint force.The implementation of NCW is, after all , about human behavior, not just new technology. The effectiveness of NCO as conducted by U.S. and coalition forces during OIF has been strongly praised by senior commanders, including General (Ret.) Tommy Franks , Commander of the CENTCOM and coalition forces during OIF, and other commanders at all echelons of command down to battalion and company level. 28 Most of the groundwork for the information network and other network-centric capabilities that empowered our forces during OIF was actually completed during OEF. After the success of U.S. forces in Afghanistan in 2001-02, the gradual buildup to the war in Iraq allowed careful planning and positioning to provide the necessary technologies and systems that enabled commanders to conduct high speed , non-contiguous NCO and , when necessary, to change plans as rapidly as the situation required. According to Brigadier General Dennis Moran , then CENTCOM/J~6, "The rapid sharing of information at all levels of command was possible because of the technology we had in place. The ability to move intelligence rapidly from the sensor to either an analytical decision maker or directly to the shooter was the best that we have ever seen ... We validated the concept of networkcentric warfare and the need for communications, C2 , and ISR systems to be hooked up to, and inter~ operable with ,the Global Information Grid and to be adaptable to whatever circumstances are on the battlefield. " One of the biggest challenges during OIF, accord~ ing to General Moran, involved sharing information with coalition partners. "Our ability to take information drawn predominantly from systems on the U.S. -only network, and then being able to rapidly, seamlessly move those into a coalition network, was extremely challenging. We had some workarounds that were less than fulfilling , but one of the biggest challenges we faced was sharing timely information in a seamless manner with our coali tion partners. That's one of the key take-aways of this conflict. "29 r---The lmplementat•on of Network-Centnr Warfare ----------------------------~ 30 The Director, OFT, in referring to the emerging NCW capabilities that gave U.S. and coalition forces a warfighting advantage during OEF and OIF, observed that, "DoD (now) has experience in network-centric warfare ... people have put their hands on it, they have seen it in action. They realize that in western Iraq you couldn 't possibly have done the non-contiguous battlespace operation without being very well networked. The Department is , in fact, internalizing these lessons and making the appropriate adjustments. "30 Among the lessons learned from OIF is a realization of how NCW works operationally and the impacts this realization may have on materiel and force organization. The Office of the Secretary of Defense, JFCOM, the Services, and other DoD organizations are likely to study networked capabilities and their role during OIF "not as a template for future action but as a model of some capabilities that may be desirable to implement in the future. "31 ___J 31 ,----------------- NCO Conceptual Framework The Office of Force Transformation (OFT) and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (OASD [Nil]) have collaborated for several years on an effort to develop metrics to test the working hypothesis and tenets of NCW. The primary objective has been to develop a rich and comprehensive set of NCWrelated metrics that could be used in experimentation and other research endeavors to gather and evaluate evidence concerning NCW and NCO. Potentially, this evidence could then be used to inform DoD investment decisions across the doctrine, organization, training , materiel, leadership and education , personnel , and facilities (DOTMLPF) functional areas. Thus far, the results of this effort have included the development of the NCO Conceptual Framework (CF), the conduct of related case studies, and a variety of other NCO-relat 32 ed research, outreach efforts, and publications. The NCO CF identifies key concepts and linkages to output measures in the NCO value chain in the context of the four domains of Information Age warfare: physical, information, cognitive, and social. The NCO CF is intended to help guide and measure NCW implementation in the Department of Defense through its application to various mission sets or scenarios. The CF has been designed to help answer the "why" question. One of its main purposes is providing the means to explain the dramatic increases in effectiveness that are evident when network-centric capabilities are acquired and network-centric practices are adopted by military forces. Version 1.0 of the NCO CF was published in November 2003; Version 2.0 (Draft) followed in June 2004. An international team of government, The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare industry, and academic personnel organized by OFT and OASD (Ni l) continues to evaluate and refine the NCO CF and conduct a series of NCO case studies. Figure 11 shows the current version of the top-level NCO CF. 33 An earlier version of the CF was successfully applied and initially validated using an air-to-air case study. In order to refine and validate th e NCO CF, it is being applied to a broad range of mission areas in both combat and peace time training environments. Seven case studies of the CF have been completed, all involving its application to various mission areas: • Air-to-air operations ; • Ground maneuver operations (Stryker Brigade Combat Team); • US/UK coalition operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) ; • Air-to-ground operations (close air support); • Special operations (Naval Special Warfare Group One); • Multinational operations (NATO); and • Naval operations (Commander Task Force Fifty) during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). I Information Value Added C2 Effectors I Force Services Services Quality of NetworkinQ ~~~ofOrganic ~ III Degree of Networking I t INet Readiness of Nodes II nformation l t Quality of Individual Information ... ~ I Degree of Individual Sensemaktng lndtvtdual Awareness I I lndtvtdual Understanding I I+1 I IndiVIdual Dec1s1ons Phystcal Doma1n II 0 Information Domain 0 Cognitive Domain 0 Social Domain I Additional case studies are currently in the planning or early initiation stages including: ground maneuver operations 01 Corps and 3rd Infantry Division) during OIF; stability and restoration operations; and crisis management operations. Version 2.0 of the NCO CF will be finalized , using feedback from the case studies. OFT's effort, in partnership with OASD (Nil), to develop and refine the NCO CF is aimed at supporting two of the Director, OFT's "Top Five Goals ": • Implement NCW as an emerging theory of war for the Information Age and the organizing principle for national military planning and joint concepts, capabilities, and systems. • Get the decision rules and metrics right and cause them to be applied enterprise wide. ... Degree of Information "Share-ability' ... -f Degree of Shared Information + Degree of Shared Sensemaktng Oual1ty of Shared Awareness lnteract1ons -I I Shared Understanding I I I Collaborative Dec1s1ons I T t Degree of Dectston/Synchromzatton ~I Degree of Actions/Entities Synchronized ~ tnc Warfare ---------------~ The purpose of the case study was to document The results of this case study indicate that measand explain the exceptional performance of urable improvements in speed of decision makingNSWG-1 during OEF and especially OIF. It focused and synchronization at the unit and team levelon NCO technologies and practices-the people, were achieved with the evolution of the NSWG-1processes, and technologies used in the conduct mission capabil ties between the beginning of OEF of war planning and fighting. The basic hypothesis and the end of OIF.The improvements evident durexplored was that the innovative co-evolution of ing OIF were achieved as aresult of more leverag NSWG-1 's Mission Support Center (MSC), along ing of reachback support at the MSC. Measurablewith the development, adoption , and adaptation of improvements in NSWG-1's network-centric capanew information technologies, improved mission bilities resulted in enhancements in informationplanning and execution. sharing , collaboration , and the decision-makingprocess. Additionally, SEAL teams gained an The capabilities facilitated by NSWG-1 's MSC enhanced ability to conduct distributed, collaboraclearly provided additional support to the forward tive planning and were able to sustain a higherelements of NSWG-1 , both the warfighters and operational tempo during OIF compared to OEF. 37support staff. The MSC enabled enhanced collabo ration among and between forward and rear SEAL units. This collaboration was made possible by a dramatically improved physical networking infra structure and information management system. Ultimately, the MSC was responsible for shared situational awareness that enabled SEAL planners and warfighters to plan and execute successful missions. 39 ,-----------------------------Tho Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare - -~ :~~ ~ .,., n· ., ~-A..,;~ -~~-: ~3:--~ c _:~ . : NSWG-1 assessed the improvements achieved between the beginning of OEF and the end of OIF. They concluded that these improvements significantly increased NSWG-1 's combat power by increasing the number of combat missions that could be simultaneously conducted worldwide. Other highlights of their findings included: • Enhanced Command and Control (NSWG-1 ): -Increased mobility of the commander and his key battle staff; -Effective information management provided commander with rapid , tailored, decisionquality information; -Increased global situational awareness for the operational commander; -Increased consistency of global planning efforts; and -Increased survivability-reduced force protection concerns. The lmplementattor of Net.,.,ork CEntnc Warfar& • Increased mission effectiveness (Naval Special Warfare Task Unit [NSWTU]): -Increased quality of information; -Increased situational awareness at the unit level ; -Increased time available for mission planning and rehearsal; and -Reduced risk-increased probability of mission success. ---------------------------__} 40 r-- NCW Implementation Transformation, including the implementation of NCW capabilities to enable the joint force and the ongoing shift from platform-centric to network-centric thinking , is a continuing process with no discernible end point. Those involved in transformation and NCW implementation in the Department of Defense (DoD) must anticipate the future and wherever possible help create it. Transformation and NCW implementation deal with the co-evolution of the seven key functional areas of doctrine,organization, training, materiel (technology), leadership and education, personnel , and facilities (DOTMLPF) (figure 12). Consequently, progress in implementing network-centric warfare cannot be measured solely by focusing on one dimension , such as technology or doctrine. Rather, progress must be assessed in terms of the maturity of mission capabilities that integrate key elements of DOTMLPF. Doctrine Organization Training Personnel Faclllthii Figure 12: NCW Implementation-Co-Evolution of DOTMLPF Functional Areas A profound change in any one of these areas necessitates changes in all. Ultimately, military transformation and NCW implementation are about changing the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the U.S. Armed Forces concerning how combat power is developed and employed. At the Joint and Service levels, significant progress is being made in developing NCW capabilities that leverage the power of order-of-magnitude improvements in information sharing enabled by networking. The NCW-related initiatives described in the first two sections of this chapter, "Joint NCW Implementation" and "Service NCW Implementation ," provide a snapshot of the myriad of activities that are being pursued across DoD to help enable NCW. Therefore, the discussion of U.S. NCW-related initiatives that follows is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather representative . To varying degrees, the U.S. Joint and Service Initiatives described in this chapter are enabling the components of the NCW value chain described previously in this document by improving our forces ' capabilities to: • Improve information sharing; • Enhance the quality of information; • Increase shared situational awareness; • Enhance collaboration; • Enable self-synchronization ; • Enhance sustainability; • Increase speed of command; and • Improve mission effectiveness. 43.-----------------------------The Imp lem entation of N etwork-Centric Warfare =-j'~~ ·--.. ~ .,........ -~ ~ ~ ...... .........._ ~ -·. \ The third and final section of this chapter, "Allies and Multinational Partners," offers a brief look at the impressive efforts of U.S. allies and multination· al partners to develop or enhance their network· centric capabilities. These international developments, including the ongoing efforts of NATO to study aNATO Networked Enabled Capability (NNEC) and develop an overarching Strategic Framework and Concept for NNEC, are very promising for the conduct of combined network-centric operations (NCO) in the future. Joint NCW Implementation A number of new operational concepts, organizations, and systems are being developed to enable a networked Joint Force. Impressive new networkcentric capabilities such as the Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2/BF1)/Biue Force Tracking (BFl) system , so valuable to Army, Marine Corps, and Special Operations units during Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF), are providing 'When my TF seiZed a key highway mtersectJon south of Baghded. t could see the company commander icons at each blodung posdJon and I knew we had cootml of the oiJjectNe • -LTC John Charlton. CdtTasK Force 1-1S 11'11. 3rd lnlanuy DMs!on Figure 13. FBCB2-Biue Force Trackmg significant enhancements in shared situational awareness and other vital areas of NCW. FBCB2/BFT and the other initiatives described in this section are enabling U.S. forces to conduct increasingly effective network-centric operations (NCO) across the full range of military operations. In addition, significant efforts are underway within the Department to promote cultural change in the U.S. military through training and education. FBCB2-Biue Force Tracking: Joint network-centric capabilities gave U.S. forces unprecedented advantages during the conduct of OIF in March-April 2003. Aprime example was the Army's satellite-based FBCB2 system, also referred to as the Blue Force Tracker, successful ly employed by Army, Marine Corps, Special Operations Forces, and British ground forces (1st UK Armored Division) during OIF. The system uses Global Positioning System (GPS) transmitters mounted in military vehicles and aircraft to monitor their locations.The information is combined with terrain maps and intelligence on enemy positions to create a battlefield picture that can be shared over commercial satellite networks (figure 13). M2A2 General Tommy Franks, USA (Ret.), commander of U.S. Central Command and the M1A1 coalition forces during OIF, credited network-centric warfare, and the Blue Force Tracker in particular, with enabling the Army and Marine Corps' ability to work HMMWV together and track each other's progress throughout the operation. It was by all accounts a major factor in reducing incidents of friendly fire during OIF. According to General Franks, FBCB2 gave ground commanders a "precise sense of the location, capacity, and capability of the _________________j 44 The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare battlefield. What a powerful, powerful thing! " He added that he personally used the Blue Force Tracker to watch in "near-real-time" as leading elements of the Army's 3rd Infantry Division approached and entered Baghdad in early April. 38 While FBCB2 's performance during OIF has been widely praised,the Army is looking for ways to better collect data across the forces and feed it into the system. In the words of Colonel Nick Justice, USA, FBCB2 Program Manager prior to and during OIF, "What we need is common ,shared information that I might use in different ways to meet everyone's needs, whether they're a logistician, a com bat company commander, or a theater-level Army commander. "39 Horizontal Fusion-a Catalyst for Net-Centric Transformation: The Horizontal Fusion Portfolio of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration (ASD [Nil]) is one of DoD 's most comprehensive and promising efforts for advancing the implementation of net-centric40 capabilities in the U.S. Armed Forces. It was created in early 2003 to respond to Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's vision of force transformation and to achieve "power to the edge" in the new battlespace. Horizontal Fusion equips warfighters, or "Edge-Users," with the ability to access the information they need at the right time to make the right decisions. The initiative has integrated and demonstrated net-centric capabili ties that will transition directly into operational capabilities. 45 ~---------------------------- Horizontal Fusion is the catalyst for the net-centric transformation of the DoD . It will provide real-time situational awareness throughout the battlespace, sensemaking tools, multi-community-of-interest collaboration , and critical intelligence information sharing. The Horizontal Fusion Portfolio integrates advanced technologies to make the "Quantum Leap" to NCO, with an emphasis on support to the warfighter. Horizontal Fusion is one of the pillars of the Department's NCW/NCO transformation effort, which includes Global Information Grid Bandwidth Expansion (GIG-BE), Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS), Wideband Satellite Communications (SATCOM), Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES), and Information Assurance (lA). The term "horizontal" refers to the ability to reach across traditionally stove-piped organizations; and "fusion " refers to the process and applications that allow net-centric "melding ." Users will be able to seek the information they need across the battlespace through "smart-pull " and , in turn , information sharing. This process is described by the verbs task, post, process,and use (TPPU) .With TPPU, the user can smart-pull information in seconds rather than minutes. To be effective, the TPPU process requires interoperable infrastructures within the DoD and across external U.S. and coalition intelligence-gathering organizations. Real-time collaboration allows users, regardless of their respective communities of interest, to share insights and add value to posted information; it will also allow geographically separated commanders and units to act as acohesive team by sharing acommon operational picture (COP). The Jmplen1entation of Network-Centric Warfare ~-=.. _z. -:~stt::J!!!f -~ ~ _._,..~ ~-~ -_ The aim of Horizontal Fusion is to establish standards, policies, and procedures for future Webenabled capabilities. This represents a significant change in culture for security, acquisition, and fielding. As currently envisioned by the ASD (Nil) , the Horizontal Fusion initiative will "end" in 2008, leaving a new acquisition mindset among the Services and Defense Agencies. Horizontal Fusion has annual goals that touch all areas in net-centricity. Each year's portfolio of initiatives expands on the capabilities and standards of the previous year. Ongoing and new capabilities that are ready to be fielded are demonstrated through the annual Quantum Leap demonstration, a proof-of-concept demonstration of the operational Horizontal Fusion capabilities at multiple geographical locations. It is the graduation of the year's capabilities to operations. The 2003 Horizontal Fusion objectives included the following: searching capabilities through edge computing power; providing users with the ability to publish to the GIG; sharing intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaisance (ISR) data; improving operations within DoD and the intelligence community; and exploiting diverse data sources. The 2004 Portfolio expands the collateral space to more communities of interest by integrating operational NCES with organizations and programs that hone capabilities and services that can be readily adapted to the collateral space. Horizontal Fusion is working cross-domain and secure wireless security issues using architectures designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and other intelligence and security organizations. The Horizontal Fusion Portfolio membership includes DoD, industry, and multinational partner programs. The sponsors of current initiatives now in the Portfolio include the Army, Navy, and Air Force; U.S. Pacific Command; U.S. Strategic Command; Defense Intelligence Agency; National Geospatiallntelligence Agency; National Security Agency; Department of State ; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; and several DoD industry and education programs. Sense and Respond Logistics: An initiative sponsored by the Office of Force Transformation (OFT), Sense and Respond Logistics (SRL) is an emerging logistics concept tied closely to NCW theory and practice, as evidenced by some of its main characteristics: shared awareness, speed and coordination , dynamic synchronization , adaptability and flexibility, and networked organization. In general , SRL is an adaptive method for The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare ----------------------------~ 46 ,_- maintaining the operational availability of units by managing their end-to-end support network. Units operating under the SRL concept are networked and dynamically synchronized to satisfy demand in response to changes in the environment. Therefore, all units within that network are potential consumers and providers of supply to and from all other units in the network. The development of SRL involves not only the implementation of a new concept, but also the infusion of key technologies,the realignment of the logistics infrastructure, and the inclusion of new processes that fully exploit the concept. Figure 14 highlights three approaches to logistics-MassBased, Just-in-Time , and Sense and Respondand the ongoing transformation of the logistics function in military operations. As the SRL concept evolves, it is intended to parallel the changes underway in Joint Force operations. It relies on ITenhanced adaptation and learning; translating to a distributed, adaptive systems capability; and resulting in rapid planning, coherent execution, and sustainment of military operations in complex, uncertain environments. Mass-Based The SRL initiative has three goals. First, increase the robustness of logistics support to include the ability of sense and respond (S&R) networks to operate in an environment where communications and node connectivity may be restricted and secu· rity is chall enged. Second, provide more flexibility to the commander; this flexibility is required by the more dynamic future battlespace. And third , increase the adaptiveness of the logistics system in order to decrease the reaction time required responding to environmental changes or new operational missions. In its ongoing efforts to help DoD ach ieve these goals, the OFT is sponsoring several projects and initiatives to move SRL from the concept phase to a new capability for the warfighter. Prime Metric: Prime Metric: Prime Metric: Days of Supply Flow Time Speed/Quality of Effects Figure 14: Transforming Logistics 47 ,------------------------------The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare - ..._ ";::= -~~~ ' ~..-.. -~-~~ ~ ~ ': Cultural Change and Education: As mentioned at the outset of this chapter, military transformation and NCW implementation require changing the culture of the U.S. Armed Forces. Much of this vital cultural change can be accomplished by the implementation of educational reforms that wi ll influence the attitudes , values, and beliefs of future U.S. military leaders and instill in them a sense of urgency to transform and to be innovators. The education of our future leaders will be crucial to the success of NCW implementation and the overall force transformation process in the DoD . Accordingly, one of the highest priority objectives of the Office of Force Transformation since its establishment in late 2001 has been to act as a catalyst for cultural change wi thin the Department. OFT 's core initiative for facilitating cultural change is "Education for Transformation." This initiative is focused on developing and diffusing knowledge in areas that are key to transformation . Other Joint NCW Initiatives: • Common Relevant Operational Picture for Joint Forces: The Common Relevant Operational Picture (CROP) will present timely, fused, accurate, and relevant information that can be tailored to meet the requirements of the Joint Force Commander and the Joint Force .As the lead agent for this program and the systems engineer for the Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) in coordinating joint battle management C2 programs, the Air Force is working to achieve the CROP for joint forces through the Family of Interoperable Operational Pictures (FlOP) program. The FlOP is a multiService program with new funding provided by OSD that will close the seams between existing legacy C41SR systems and extend the capability of systems under development in order to exploit the full data collection and management abilities of current C41SR assets. In order to provide an all-source picture of the battlespace containing actionable, decision-quality information to the warfighter through a fusion of existing databases, this program will implement data-sharing and fusion among heterogeneous, stove-piped systems in support of users at the operational and tactical levels. It wi ll facilitate the establishment of interoperability standards and architectures to guide future acquisitions 41 • Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHQ): DoD is strengthening joint operations through the establishment of Standing Joint Force Headquarters (SJFHO) at the Combatant Commands (COCOM). When fielded, each SJFHO will provide astanding body of planners, who possess the full range of skills and training necessary to plan and conduct effects-based, joint operations, while employing the tenets of NCW. With an initial capability to be fielded at each of the COCOMs in FY05, the SJFHO will provide the manning, equipment, training , and procedural enhancements needed to become acore around which the staff of a regional COCOM or a JTF commander can operate across the spectrum of operations from daily routine , through precrisis, to crisis response. The Deployable Joint C2 (DJC2) system will provide the material component of the SJFHQ 42 The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare ----------------------------_1 48 ,_- • Collaborative Information Environment (CIE): The CIE is the aggregation of hardware, software , and procedures that leverages the Global Information Grid (GIG) to enable sharing of information and collaboration within and among staffs, including interfaces with both DoD and commercial communications pathways. USJFCOM will provide an interim CIE toolset in conjunction with the initial fielding of the SJFHQ in FY0543 In general, the CIE concept aims to provide common situational awareness and understanding to all decision makers by collaboratively linking the JTF staff and its components with the COCOM, interagency participants, and allied or coalition organizations. • Distributed Common Ground/Surface System: DCGS is the Department's intelligence, surveill ance, and reconnaissance (ISR) network-centric enterprise that provides TaskPost-Process-Use (TPPU) capabilities for the JTF and below. It is the key component for providing fused ISR-based decision-quality information for effective joint C2 44 • Dynamic Joint ISR Concept: The Dynamic JISR Concept applies a net-centric approach to the management of ISR capabilities to inte grate sensors and processing capabilities into a coherent whole and thus better support the knowledge demands of the Joint Force Commander and his staff, his components, and multinational coalition forces . This concept supports and relies on collaborative planning and execution across the full range of military operations among international agencies, the intelligence community, and the Joint Force Commander and his Service compo nents45 • Joint Interagency Coordination Group (JIACG): The JIACG will establish operational connections between civilian and military departments and agencies to improve planning and coordination within the government. The JIACG will be a multi-functional, advisory element providing perspective on civilian agency capabilities, approaches, and limitations in the development of a coordinated use of national power. This will ensure the best mix of capabilities is employed to achieve the desired effects that include the full range of diplomatic, information, and economic activities. The potential requirements for achieving a fully networked JIACG during future contingencies are formidable. Service NCW Implementation For some time , the Services have recognized the tremendous leverage available to their personnel, organizations, and platforms/systems from the exploitation of NCW as an emerging theory of war and the increasing implementation of joint and Service NCW capabilities , not only for warfighting , but also across all mission areas and throughout the battlespace.Their progress and future plans in The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare ---------~= ,.,. .. ...........~ _f......._ ~ -;:;:...,:__ '-'* ~ this regard were evident in the first editions of the Army Service Transformation Roadmaps, published in 2002 , and are even more apparent in the annual 'Transformmg our Nat1on s mtlitarv capabili Roadmap updates of 2003 and 2004 46 Whereas ties while at war requires a careful balance the authors of the 2002 Roadmaps were able to between sustammg and enhancmg the capa incorporate some of the NCW lessons learned from Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan , the bilities of current forces to f1ght wars and win 2003 and 2004 Roadmaps have benefited from the peace wh1le investmg mthe capabilities of the additional combat experience gained by U.S. future forces. Jomt concept development and forces during Operation Iraqi Freedom, the experimentation sc1ence and technology occupation of Iraq in the face of multiple threats, (S& TJ mvestment, and future force des1gn that continuing U.S. military operations in enaoles mterdependent network centnc warAfghanistan, and the completion of the Joint fare w111 ensure future capabilities meet tl?eOperating Concepts (JOC). 1 reqwremer 1 • " • - The Services are accelerating their efforts to netR. L. Brownlee,Acting Secretary of the Army work their forces, develop innovative new concepts General Peter J. Schoomaker, USA, Chief ofStaff Foreword, 2003 Army Transformation Roadmap,of operations tied to NCW in support of the JOpsC 1November 2003. and the JOCs, experiment with new concepts and technology, enhance the readiness of their personnel and organizations to participate in joint netThe Army, in coordination with the other Services, is worked operations, and, in general, to capitalize on developing transformational capabilities from an the power of NCW theory and network behavior. The inherently joint perspective. In the near term, the material in this section is drawn almost entirely Army wi ll maintain and improve capabilities to from the 2003 Army Transformation Roadmap, the enable the Current Force to conduct joint operations. Naval Transformation Roadmap 2003, and the Air At the same time, it will develop transformational Force Transformation Flight Plan (November 2003). capabilities for the Future Force .47 Although the Future Force will be a hybrid force, one of the key future elements of the hybrid mix will be the Future Combat Systems-equipped Unit of Action. The FCS-equipped Unit of Action encompasses more than a new set of capabilities; rather, it reflects a fundamentally transformed method of combat. 48 The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare ----------------------------~ 50 ,_- recent efforts to analyze the development of current network architecture and supporting systems,the Army is reprioritizing development of the network to focus on top-down fielding to the CurrentForce. It is also leveraging experiences and lessons learned from Operation Enduring Freedom(OEF) and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) toenhance joint battle command , including battlecommand on -the -move (BCOTM) and Blue ForceTracking (BFl) capabi litiesfor select Current Force Enabling Interdependent NCW: units. To ensure operating forces have the mostThe Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsC) identifies advanced netiNork capabilities, the Army is synseven Joint Force attributes that the future Joint Force chronizing the fielding of battle command capabilmust embody to achieve "full-spectrum dominance." ities with unit rotation schedules. Also , the Army The 2003 Army Transformation Roadmap (2003 ATR) continues to partner with Defense Agencies, otherdescribes how the Army is increasing its capabilities Services , the Joint Staff, and Joint Forcesto achieve these attributes and is implementing the Command (JFCOM) in all aspects of network JOpsC and the JOCs. development.51 As mentioned previously, "Networked " is one of the Future Combat System (FCS): Theseven Joint Force attributes identified in the FCS is the Army's "multifunctional, multimission,JOpsC. 49 In discussing its plans for networking its reconfigurable family of systems (FoS) designed toforce and enabling interdependent NCW during the maximize joint interoperability, strategic transconduct of joint operations, the Army Roadmap portability, and commonality of mission roles. "52 Itstates: "Information superiority and situational is the core of the Future Force's brigade-sized Unitunderstanding are critical enablers for future joint of Action (UA), comprised of 18 manned andoperations. Operating in the collaborative informa unmanned platforms centered around the Soldiertion environment, Army forces will harness the and integrated by abattle command network. FCSpower of the ongoing revolution in information wi ll provide Soldiers with significantly enhancedtechnology to aid in the fusion of data and infor situational awareness, enabling them "to see first,mation to develop actionable and predictive intelli understand first, act first, and finish decisively. "Angence and to link people and systems-horizontally and vertically-within the joint network toincrease situational understanding. Army battlecommand capabilities will enable interdependentnetwork-centric warfare within joint, interagency,and multinational full -spectrum operations. "50 The Army is planning to accelerate the Future Force network to enhance the joint battle com mand capabilities of the Current Force . Building on 51 ~----------------------------The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare - ~" -~"f!!II!T "i 7lfli"' ._ '!' ~~ -,~ -- 'E:--~ ~ ~ ....... ........._ . "" -. ~ \ FCS-equipped Army force will be capable of Warfighter Information Networkproviding mobile , networked command, control, Tactical (WIN-T): Together, FCS and communication and computer (C4) functionalities; WIN-T wi ll comprise the Army Future Force's netautonomous robotic systems; precision direct and work-centric architecture , under the umbrella of indirect fires; airborne and ground organic sensor the DoD 's Global Information Grid (G IG). WIN-T is the key enabler to execute the NCW capability of platforms; and adverse-weather reconnaissance, the Army's Future Force. It is the "tactical digital surveillance, targeting , and acquisition. communications system that will provide advanced The FCS program is developing network-centric commercial-based networking capabilities to concepts for a multi-mission combat FoS that will the warfighter," replacing the current Mobile be lethal, strategically deployable, self-sustaining Subscriber Equipment (MSE) and Tri-Services and highly survivable in combat. The FCSTactical Communications (TRI-TAC) systems. The equipped Army unit will be capable of adjusting to WIN-T network will provide enhanced C41SR capa a changing set of missions, ranging from humanibilities that are mobile, secure, survivable, seamtarian operations to peacekeeping to combat less, and capable of supporting multimedia tacti caloperations. Figure 15 illustrates how the netinformation systems. The network's capability to worked communications subsystem wi ll provide support unit task reorganization and real-time the connectivity for the brigade-sized UA to interretasking of battlefield support elements provides a acVinterface on the battlefield with in the FCS FoS vital enabler for the conduct of NCO.and from the Army's FCS platforms to the Unit of Employment (UE), the Joint Force,the Multinational As the Army's 3rd Infantry Division prepares for its Force , the Legacy Army, and Army Stryker units, upcoming deployment to Iraq , it is fielding the Joint as we ll as government and nongovernmental Network Transport Capability-Spiral (JNTC-S), a organizations. capability that will eventually evolve into WIN-T. In effect, JNTC-S, wh ich will also be ·Multinational Force I fielded to the 101 st Airborne Division , the 1Oth Mountain Division, and the 4th Infantry Division, is an interim system intended to bridge the gap between the legacy Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE) and WIN-T. 53 Figure 15.· FCS-Enabled Integrated Umt of Action (UA) External Interfaces The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare ----------------------------~ 52 ,- Navy and Marine Corps be an inherently maneuverable,scalable aggregation of distributed , networked platforms thatenable the global power projection of offensive "The transformation of naval forces is dedi and defensive forces from the sea ... Seabasing cated to greatly expanding the soveretgn unites our capabilities for projecting offensive options available worldwide to the President power, defensive power, command and control, across the full spectrum of warfare by exploit mobility, and sustainment around the world. "54 mg our control of the sea. The result of ourtransformation will be a Navy-Marine Corps Naval Capability Pillars: A series of Team providing sustainable, immediately Navy-Marine Corps capabilities to operationalizeSeabasing are being developed through four inter employable U.S. combat power as part of a dependent and synergistic Naval Capability Pillars transformed joint force ready to meet any (NCP): Sea Shield, Sea Strike, Sea Basing, and challenge. " FORCEnet. Each NCP represents a broad group of Gordon R. England, Secretary of the Navy, naval capabilities. They summarize the naval toolsAdmiral Vern Clark, USN, Chief of Naval Operations,General Michael WHagee, USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps that will help Joint Force Commanders produce Foreword, Naval Transformation Roadmap 2003, and exploit a discontinuous battlespace withinApril2004. which distributed and sustainable surface, subsurface, air, ground, and space elements form aunified force that assures access and projects both Seabasing is the overarching expression of theNavy-Marine Corps Team 'sshared vision , incorpooffensive power and defensive capability.FORCEnet wi ll enable these capabilities. rating the initiatives that will allow the Joint Force to fully exploit one of the United States' asymmet ric advantages-command of the sea. Seabasing is the "overarching transformational operating concept for projecting and sustaining naval power and joint forces which assures joint access by leveraging the operational maneuver of sovereign, distributed, and networked forces operating glob ally from the sea. The sea base of the future will 53 .-----------------------------The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare -- -·· -= Jll!f " ~,.,. .. ....-..~ j~ = --~~ < FORCEnet: FORCEnet (figure 16) is the operational construct and architectural framework that will provide the Navy-Marine Corps team "with the capability to deliver the persistent and comprehensive surveillance, rapid networked command, and common, accurate battlespace picture necessary to support decision making at a tempo that overwhelms an adversary's capability to react and respond ... FORCEnet is the enabling capability for a fully networked naval force , connecting it to the similarly networked joint force that will be linked together by the Internet Protocol (IP)enabled Global Information Grid." Navy and Marine Corps systems "will be conceived , developed, and implemented as truly joint, integrated capabilities-capable of generating improved coalition effectiveness." "Implementing the FORCEnet vision will link warfighters ashore, at sea, and in the air into aseries of highly integrated distributed services networks that are capable of providing critical operational and tactical information to specified users on arapid and continuous basis. The 'publish and subscribe' construct for moving data within the net Force Commander's evolving campaign plan/'intent,' and faster passing of information about the enemy from surveillance systems through controllers to ready forces with the right weapons for attacking key targets FORCEnet enhances naval capabilities to quickly make and execute decisions in the battlespace, to synchronize the activities of widely distributed forces to mass effects on the enemy, " and to reduce threats to friendly forces by providing broader situational awareness. "The distributed services and specialized mission applications carried on FORCEnet are as important to future naval combat capabilities as the platforms and weapons they link. Thus , FORCEnet is a critical enabler of naval force transformation. "55 work backplane will facilitate NCW is the theory. greatly improved, shared bat• NCO is the concept. tlespace awareness , rapid • FORCEnet is the architectural dissemination of the Joint framework to make the theory and concept a reality . Figure 16: FORCEnet-Enabling Capability for tl1e Fully Networked Naval Force L_ The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare ---------------~54 ,-- Air Force "Our legacy aircraft systems were built with specialized roles and they were very good. But we have limited networking. limited all-weather delivery and limited stand off, and our sensors are only partially mtegrated . . We w111 network these systems in ways that enable us to find, fix. track, target, engage, and assess m timelines ummagmable just a few years ago. It is our goal to have consistent, persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnatssance and. once a decision to attack is made we will attack instantaneously. " Dr. James Roche, Secretary of the Air Force, The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan, November 2003. The Secretary of the Air Force has identified networking and the enhancement of the Air Force's network-centric capabilities as a top priority in the development of the "transformational capabilities" needed to enable the Air Force's six new concepts of operations (CONOPS) and DoD 's transformation goals. In The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan, the Service's transformation roadmap for 2004 and beyond, the Air Force embraces the key Joint Force Attributes of the Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsCj, including fully integrated, networked, decentralized, and adaptable, and is developing concepts and capabilities to support thems6 The first five of 16 transformational capabilities identified by the Air Force that it "cannot achieve today or must be significantly improved to enable the new JOGs, DoD's transformation goals, and the Air Force Visionand CONOPS" are clearly aimed at enabling NCO: • Seamless joint machine-to-machine integration of all manned, unmanned, and space systems; • Real-time picture of the battlespace; • Predictive Battlespace Awareness; • Ensured use of the information domain via effective irformation assurance and information operations; and • Denial of effective C41SR to adversaries via effective information operations. 57 The Implementation of Network·Centnc Warfare ~55 ,------- -~--:·~--~ ~..... ~ JIII!!!!JtiJ!Ir..... 5.~ ....... _......._. -- In the context of air and space operations, the Air Force believes that the closely related concepts of parallel warfare and effects-based operations (EBO) are "the keys to threat avoidance and applying the right force to the right place at the right time .''58 Network-centric capabilities will enable both. Parallel Warfare: Parallel warfare refers to the simultaneous attack of carefully se lected targets to achieve specific effects , as opposed to attacking targets in a more sequential fashion with the goal of destroying everything on a target list. Until the 1990-91 Gulf War, parallel warfare was very difficult to execute because of the requirement for mass to compensate for a lack of precise weaponry, the large number of assets needed to suppress enemy air defenses, and a general lack of understanding of EBO. The development of low observable "stealthy" platforms , precision weapons, and information operations capabilities, along with a new concept of operations (i.e. , EBO) , overcame these obstacles and made parallel warfare possible. Effects-Based Operations: As explained in The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan, the main idea of effects-based operations is to design campaign actions based on desired national security outcomes, rather than merely attacking targets to destroy adversary forces. The goal is to understand the effect that is desired in the battlespace and then create that effect more efficiently and effective ly. EBO may enable striking fewer targets, using fewer weapons, avoiding enemy threats, mitigating the consequences of enemy action, and limiting the potential for collateral damage and civilian casualties that might occur from a more traditional air campaign. EBO also focuses on combining and coordinating all elements of national power, military and non-military,to achieve its goals by influencing the wil l and perception of the adversary's decision makers. It requires intelligence analysis that reveals what an adversary relies on to exert influence and conduct operations and the ability to get that intelligence and all other relevant information to the right place at the right time. It also requires the ability to precisely conduct operations in the right order, with a wide range of tools , to include non-lethal weapons and information operationss9 Command and Control (C2) Constellation: The centerpiece of the Air Force's NCW implementation efforts is the C2 Constellation initiative (figure 17).The Air Force is transitioning from collecting data through a myriad of independent systems (such as Rivet Joint, AWACS, JSTARS, and space-based assets) to a C2 Constellation capab le of providing the Joint Force Commander with real-time, enhanced battlespace awareness. It will provide Ground Moving Target Indicator capabilities along with focused Air Moving Target Indicator capabilities for Cruise Missile ________________) 56 r---- The Implementation of Network Gentnc Warfare Defense. Additionally, every platform will be a sensor on the integrated network. Regardless of mission function (C2, ISR, shooters, tankers, etc). any data collected by a sensor will be passed to all network recipients .This requires networking all air, space, ground , and sea-based ISR systems, command and control nodes, and strike platforms to achieve shared battlespace awareness and a synergy to maximize the ability to achieve the JFC's desired effects. 60 Network Centric Collaborative Targeting (NCCT): NCCT is an Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration (ACTO) that will demonstrate a network-centric operating system designed to horizontally integrate air, Figure 17: C2 Constellation lnteroperability with Maritime and Ground Battle Management Command and Control (BMC2) Systems to Provide Joint BMC2 space , and surface ISR assets at the digital level. By providing a seamless, machine-to -machine interface, this ACTO will improve geo-location accuracy, timeliness , and combat identification of time sensitive targets. With an enhanced wideband battle management C41SR network, it will ultimately enable a network-centric, distributed processing environment by leveraging existing sensors, communications , and processing systems to dramatically reduce the time required to detect, identify, locate, and designate fleeting targets. The long-range goal is to expand this capability to additional ISR sensor systems to create agreater network-centric approach to fi nd, fix , and track time-sensitive targets. 61 ___) 57 ..----------------The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare -= :~~~ ~~ -~ ~~ ~~ ~~-.:-:- ~ . _ ;:--.._ : Allies and Multinational Partners Around the world, the armed forces of many nations are developing their individual responses to the challenges and opportunities of the Information Age. A growing number of our allies and multinational partners are exploring new technologies and operational concepts in order to develop or enhance the network-centric capabilities of their forces. Some have conducted NCO while working together with U.S. forces in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, and elsewhere. The partial networking of coalition forces during recent combat (and other multinational military) operations , including OEF and OIF, has helped move NCW and NCO to a central role in the Information Age transformation of military forces around the world. Significantly, in November 2003 , nine NATO nations (Canada , France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States) agreed to fund a feasibility study on the NATO Networked Enabled Capability (NNEC) as an important step towards NATO's transformation. Subsequently, three others (Belgium , Denmark, and Turkey) joined this effort. This study, which began in January 2004, is to be completed by June 2005. It is being conducted by the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) "with the aim of examining issues raised by the network-centric approach ... NNEC is based on national and NATO capabilities (tactical and strategic) being networked together in a 'plug and play' fashion as required to support flexible force structures such as the NATO Response Force. 62 The Allied Command Transformation (ACT) has established an integrated product team for NNEC. It is also developing an NNEC Strategic Framework including an overarching NNEC Concept. By way of example, the network-centric plans and future capabilities of four U.S. allies are summarized below: Australia: For the Australian Defence Force (ADF), NCW is a means to achieving a more effective warfighting capacity and lies at the heart of the ADF's vision outlined in Force 2020. In the past, the Australian Department of Defence focused primarily on the delivery of engagement or sensor platforms, with minimal attention paid to an underlying networking infrastructure. Many platforms have thus been "stand alone" in their ability to network with other force elements. In embracing NCW,the ADF has established aconcept-led, long-range, capabilities-based planning view (in the context of achieving a joint system of systems). The initial step in regard to NCW is to enhance the ADF 's warfighting effectiveness through improved collaboration and ability to share situational awareness. The following initiatives are being explored: • Establish a network capability that will link engagement systems with sensor and command and control systems and provide the underlying information infrastructure upon which the networked force will be developed. This network will also provide information interoperability with Australia's allies and coalition partners. • Examine new sensor technologies for their ability to better cue engagement systems. Notable technology areas being examined include UAVs , high-frequency (HF) radar, space-based surveillance, and unattended ground sensors. 58 ,_-- The ImplementatiOn of Network ·Centnc Warfare --------------------------~ ~,. --;:. . " • ·.r:::r-·-.. .,., ~--~~-~-:·::-"o-<~=c - ~~~~:-~ -~~ . =~ -~:=::~ _..:..:::.~~ ---~ ~-~ • Examine the human dimensions of the networked force and how doctrine, education, and training may need to change . • Accelerate the process of change and innovation through alternative partnering arrangements with defense industry. It is the ADF 's aim that a well planned and implemented transition to an effective suite of NCW capabilities will enable the conduct of EffectsBased Operations (EBO) as a centerpiece of the Force of 2020. Canada: The Canadian Forces (CF) have followed international concept development with regards to NCW and EBO quite closely and undertaken a considerable amount of work in these two related fields , both within Canada and with likeminded allies. The CF seeks to maximize the positive utility and transformational benefit of networkrelated phenomena and an effects-based approach without overlooking their potential limits and adverse consequences. In order to do so, the CF seeks to maximize network-based interoperability both internally, with other government departments and with allies. In addition, it sees the full attainment of this potential as extending beyond simply the technical and communications challenges, to include all elements of capability, such as doctrine, organization , training and culture, and the widest possible integration of the elements of national power and influence. This commitment was made clear in the most recent annual report of the Chief of Defence Staff: "First, we must transform the way we perceive and think . . . We are moving from an industrial, hierarchical mode of thinking to a world powered by collaborative human networks. We must learn to think, behave, and act as anode in acollaborative network that includes our warfighters, all three military environments, our civilian colleagues in the department and broader public security portfolio, as well as our allies." Moreover,this commitment is reflected at all levels of command within the CF: NCW and EBO inform force development planning at the strategic and joint levels, and amongst the individual services. As is the case for many of Canada 's allies, the resource-related implications of military transformation compel a degree of pragmatism insofar as implementation within the CF is concerned. Nearterm opportunities will be exploited and risk will be tolerated ; however, transformation is seen as a journey rather than a destination, and evolutionary adaptation will be the norm. New Zealand: The four capability concepts upon which New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) force development is based require: • A knowledge edge force ; • Aforce tailored for integrated joint operations; • Amulti-mission force capable of tasks ranging from civil emergency response through peacekeeping to combat; and • A networked force . The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare ~59 ,---- '~'ffi/IT:~-- ,.,.,.... '!,~~ . ,y~ . - -:::;::::._ - =ill. ...... . _;· -. . There are likely to be few missions or tasks that the NZDF of the future will undertake where it will not be working at some level with other partners, either the military forces of allies and coalition partners or other national agencies in New Zealand. To be effective in its tasks, the future NZDF must be capable of flexible and versatile networking, with the ability to connect seamlessly internally and with a wide range of other forces and agencies. Networking activity is concentrated, therefore, on achieving interoperability and the identification of standards on which to base national initiatives. NCW in the NZDF is the concept that will drive programs of work aimed at enabling the warfighter. NCW programs are currently focused on projects to provide the significant enhancement of connectivity out to and between deployed force elements that are needed to support improved national and coalition networking extending from the strategic to tactical levels. Following on, new programs are underway to upgrade information exchange services and capabilities , culminating with the implementation of the NZDF Joint Command and Control System over the 2005-2007 timeframe. Participation in Joint Warrior lnteroperability Demonstration (JWID) and Combined Federated Battle Lab Network (CFBLNet) experimentation provides particular benefit in enabling the development of concepts and frameworks for NCW as well as enhancing the investigation and implementation of individual elements of NCW. United Kingdom: The most recent United Kingdom (UK) Strategic Defence Review underscored the importance of Network Enabled Capability (NEC) (figure 18) . It also lies at the heart of the UK's Joint High Level Operational Concept, which outlines how the UK expects its forces and methods of operation to develop. The UK is moving from platform-centric planning to a full NEC to exploit effects-based planning and operations, using more adaptable forces, capable of greater precision and rapid deployability. This will change the way the UK plans and executes operations and place different demands on people, equipment, infrastructure, and processes. This evolutionary process has three phases: • Interconnection: Based on current doctrine, organizations, processes, and equipment with minor organizational changes and equipment enhancements; • Integration: Drawing on current doctrine, organizations, processes, and equipment with improved capabilities from major organizational change and systems integration , giving greatly improved, shared understanding; and • Synchronization: Optimal information management and distribution, supporting developed doctrine, organizations, processes, and equipment with agile mission groups formed dynamically with collaborative working enabled by system flexibility. The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare ----------------------------~ 60 ,_- NEC is based on seven themes: • Shared Understanding: Covering situational awareness and command intent; • Full Information Accessibility: Users able to search, manipulate, and exchange relevant information ; • Effects Synchronization: Achieving desired effects through synchronizing activities; • Agile Mission Grouping: Enabling the dynamic creation/configuration of task-oriented Groups; • Dynamic Collaborative Working: Enabling agile C2 in a dynamic, continuous, and synchronized manner; • Resil ient Information Infrastructure: Managed coherent information across the battlespace with secure/assured connectivity; and • Inclusive Flexible Acquisition: Coordinated Government/Industry action to promote rapid technology insertion and an incremental approach to "net-ready platforms. " A vital NEC component is the UK's Network Integration, Test and Experimentation Capability (NITEworks), an experimentation environment to assess the benefits of NEC and the options for its effective and timely delivery, focused on coordinating joint effects and improved targeting. Figure 18: Network Enabled Capability (NEC}-Heart of the UK's Joint Vision 61 .----------------The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare - ~· -~illflll' ~ ~ -.. ~........ .Jj 'i: :. --~~7--~. - o, ~ ~ . - The ImplementatiOn of Network-Centnc Warfare 62 ,--- Conclusions-Network-Centric Warfare in Perspective Towards a Network-Enabled Force: The 1990s "Howcan the [U.S.] military not change?" This simple, yet extraordinarily important question was posed six years ago when discussions of networkcentric warfare were in their infancy. The answer is abundantly clear today. The U.S. military is changing at an increasingly rapid pace in response to the Information Age and changes in U.S. strategy, the international environment, and technology. Transformation is avital component of U.S. defense strategy and NCW occupies a central place within the DoD 's force transformation process. Many recognized , as the nation entered the Information Age, that this new age was also influencing change within the U.S. military. However, in the view of some, this change was not occurring fast enough. They observed that alogical model for implementing NCW was already emerging, but it wou ld require a high-performance information grid to provide abackplane for dynamic computing and communications. This information grid wou ld enable the operational architectures of sensor grids and engagement grids. In turn, sensor grids had the potential to generate high levels of battlespace awareness and synchronize awareness with military operations. Engagement grids could then exploit this awareness and translate it into increased combat power for U.S. forces. 63 Some very promising network-centric capabilities had been developed, experimented with, and tested by U.S. forces by the late 1990s. Many key elements of the information, sensor, and engagement grids were already in place or readily available by that time. At t e planning level , the elements of a DoD-wide intranet were emerging. Joint interoperability could be achieved in large measure when all elements of the three grids were compliant with the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) and the Defense Information Infrastructure Common Operating Environment (DII COE). The Navy began experimenting with network-centric operations (NCO) during exercises at sea in the late 1980s wflen the Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) system of systems was developed and initially tested. CEC, combining a high-performance sensor grid with a high-performance engagement grid, was "enabled by a shift to network-centric operations." In 1995, the Navy's Seventh Fleet, commanded by then Vice Admiral Archie Clemins, employed rudimentary NCO to 65 ,-----------------The lrnplemen tation of Net'vvork-Centnc Warfare _:c_;· ~~7fl!!l!f ' =-~-.. ..-.....~. ~ -- ~-~ ~ ~~"lf, . -'4. ~ excellent effect during the dangerous Taiwan Straits crisis. 64 CEC reached Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in 1996 after a series of tests and experiments during the early 1990s. Testing and operational evaluations continued in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Today CEC, combined with the Marine Corps' CEC-based Composite Tracking Network, is creating an effective , common network of sensors and weapons that extends the naval air defense capability over sea and shore. Thus, it is an important capability of the Navy-Marine Corps' overall C2 architecture, FORCEnet.65 Also in the 1990s, the Army was testing digitization and network-centric concepts and making very significant investments in the development of new warfighting capabilities as it fielded and began to experiment with the first digitized brigade in the 4th Infantry Division at Fort Hood ,Texas. Advanced Warfighting Experiments (AWE) were conducted at the National Training Center at Fort Irwin, California, as well as Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations (ACTO) to demonstrate and test new concepts and technologies. Eventually, the entire 4th Infantry Division became the Army's first digitized division, which presented for the first time an entire division that was truly networked with Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2) providing the core capability. It was deployed to Southwest Asia in 2003 for participation in Operation Iraqi Freedom and its aftermath. Similarly, the Air Force used a combination of Expeditionary Force Exercises (EBX) and ACTDs to explore the potential of networking and digitization. The power of information sharing to enable increased survivability and lethality in the air-to-air mission was substantiated by the Air Force in the mid-1990s during the Joint Tactical Information Distribution Systems (JTIDS) Operational Special Project. Air Force Pilots flying F-15Cs with and without data links clearly demonstrated the power of information sharing enabled by data links. Now the Air Force is developing a series of new CONOPS based on improving network-centric and other transformational capabilities while building the Command and Control (C2) Constellation as described in the previous chapter. _] 66 ,...-- The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare Building Transformational Capabilities in the 21st Century What about the present and the future of NCW and NCO? NCW as an emerging theory of war is becoming more and more an integral part of how the military is transforming and clearly impacted the development of the Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsC), the Joint Operating Concepts (JOC), and the current Transformation Roadmaps of the Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) and the Services. In short, NCW theory and the governing principles of a network-centric force are guiding, and will likely continue to guide, the development of future warfighting concepts and the development of transformational capabilities within the U.S.Armed Forces . As shown in this document, great strides have been made in refining NCW theory, documenting the benefits and warfighting advantages of NCW, developing network-centric capabilities , and gen erally implementing NCW throughout the U.S. Armed Forces in the first few years of the 21st century. Indeed, the most visible and convincing evidence of the validity of NCW theory and the tremendous potential of networked, joint forces (even partially networked joint forces) has been provided by our experience , together with our coalition partners, in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom from 2001 to the present. And yet so much remains to be done. Like the force transformation process itself, the development and implementation of NCW capabilities to enable the Join Force is likely to be a long-term , continuous process with no clear end in sight. ~ 67 ,----------------------------- The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare w ~'¥~- ± "'"!::t -· _.._____ ~l--~ .. -. -\ -,... --~'f?l!!!lll' ' Jill""' .... ., ~ ~-. -~~ - Implementing NCW-Three Cautions In implementing NCW, no matter how successfully, we must consider that it is nearly impossible to generate certainty on the battlefield with regard to outcomes and consequences. Effects-based operations cannot deliver inviolate cause-effect relations, but they can put the odds on our side. That may be as good as we can get. The multi-sided dynamics of combat defy prediction .NCW is meant to help with this reality, and it does. Second , the military competition is continuous and no military is as thoroughly studied as our own. As we have become more formidable on the tradition al battlefield , potential adversaries have moved to the extremes of terrorism and irregular warfare at one end and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and catastrophic warfare at the other. Just as the Department must shift its focus to these extremes , so must it work to exploit NCW principles and sources of power there. Third , over time information technology and networking will become commodities. Everyone will have them. At that point, the advantage will go to those best able to exploit those commodities with new organizations and the ability to rapidly change organizations , new doctrine, the ability to create and discard doctrine rapidly, and the ability to create and assimilate technologies within very short cycle times. 68 ,--- The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare ---------------~ Sources Ackerman , Robert K. "Iraq War Operations Validate Hotly Debated Theories," Signal, July 2003, pp. 31 -34. Alberts , David S. Information Age Transformation: Getting to a 21st Century Military (revised). Washington , DC: Department of Defense (DoD) Command and Control Research Program (CCRP), June 2002. Alberts, David S. , John J. Garstka, and Frederick Stein. Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, 2nd edition (revised). Washington , DC: DoD CCRP, 2000. Alberts, David S. , John J. Garstka, Richard E. Hayes, and David A. Signori. Understanding Information Age Warfare. 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"Impact of the Network on Operation Iraqi Freedom, " a special presentation at the Network-Centric Warfare 2004 conference, Washington, DC, 22 January 2004. Garstka, John J. "Network-Centric Warfare: An Overview of Emerging Theory," PHALANX The Bulletin of Military Operations Research, Volume 33 No. 4, December 2000. Garstka, John J. "Network-Centric Warfare Offers Warfighting Advantage ," Signal,May 2003, pp. 58-60. Graham , Janice M. "'Learning from Transforming the Commercial Sector," Joint Force Quarterly, Autumn 2002, pp. 88-92. Handel , Michael I. Masters of War: Classical Strategic Thought (3rd revised and expanded edition). London: Frank Cass, 2001 . Hsu, Emily. "Division Expects 'Quantum Leap ' in Communications Technologies in Iraq," Inside the Army, 23 August 2004. Kaufman, Paula. "Network-Centric Warfare-The Key to the Revolution in Military Affairs," IEEE Spectrum, July 2002. Keeter, Hunter C. "Network Centric Warfare Aims to Translate Information Superiority into Combat Advantage ," Sea Power, March 2004, pp. 12-14. ------------------' 70 ,- Kime , Patricia. "OFT Case Studies Aim to Codify Tenets of Networked Operations," Sea Power, March 2004, pp. 21-22. Myers, Richard B. "Understanding Transformation ," US. Naval Institute Proceedings, February 2003. NATO. "Signing Ceremony to Initiate aStudy on NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC), NATO HO , Brussels, 13 November 2003," NATO Press Release (2003), 12 November 2003. Office of Force Transformation , Office of the Secretary of Defense. Network Centric Operations Conceptual Framework, Version 1.0, November 2003. Office of Force Transformation , Office of the Secretary of Defense . Network Centric Operations Conceptual Framework, Version 2.0 (Draft), June 2004. Onley, Dawn S. "Net-Centric Approach Proven in Iraq," Government Computer News, Vol. 23, No . 10, May 2004. President of the United States. The National Security Strategy of the United States ofAmerica. Washington , DC, September 2002. Robinson, Jr. , Clarence A. "Military Marches Toward Agility," Signal, May 2003, pp. 17-20. Scott, William B. and David Hughes. "Nascent NetCentric War Gains Pentagon Toehold ," Aviation Week & Space Technology, 27 January 2003. Secretary of Defense. Annual Report to the President and the Congress.Washington, DC, 15 August 2002. Smith, Jr., Edward A. Effects Based Operations: Applying Network Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War. Washington , DC: DoD CCRP, November 2002. Smith, Jr., Edward A. "Network-Centric Warfare : What's the Point?" Naval War College Review, Winter 2001 . U.S. Air Force. The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan,Washington , DC, November 2003. U.S . Air Force. The US. Air Force Transformation Flight Plan 2004,Washington , DC , July 2004. U.S. Army United States Army 2003 Transformation Roadmap,Washington, DC , November 2003. U.S. Army. 2004 Army Transformation Roadmap, Washington , DC , 4 August 2004. U.S. Joint Forces Command. Joint Lessons Learned: Operation Iraqi Freedom Major Combat Operations, Coordinating Draft, Norfolk,Virginia, 1 March 2004. U.S. Joint Forces Command . Joint Transformation Roadmap, 3 November 2003 (Draft). U.S. Joint Forces Command. Joint Transformation Roadmap, Norfolk,Virginia, 30 July 2004. ___J ~ ,------------------------------The /1nplementation of Network-Centric Warfare -;.~ -'!~":!!~~!' ~ ::1lflll" ..... "!' ~..G...· l,j =-- =-- - - - ~ ~ Notes 1 For an understanding of the nature, purposes,and direction of defense transformation , including force transformation, see the Transformation Planning Guidance document approved by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in April 2003. See also Military Transformation: A Strategic Approach, a document approved by the Director, Office of Force Transformation , OSD , in November 2003. 2 Vice Admiral (Ret.) Arthur K. Cebrowski , Director, Office of Force Transformation , interview with Frank Swofford, Defense AT&L, March-April 2004. 3 John J. Garstka, "Network-Centric Warfare Offers Warfighting Advantage," Signal, May 2003, p. 58. 4 Edward A. Smith, Jr., Effects-Based Operations: Applying Network-Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War,Washington , DC: DoD CCRP, 2002, p. 108. 5 Vice Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski and John J. Garstka, "Network-Centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future," U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings. Annapolis, Maryland: January 1998. 6 David S. Alberts, John J. Garstka, and Frederick P Stein , Network Centric Warfare: Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, 2nd edition (revised). Washington , DC: DoD CCRP, 2000. 7 David S. Alberts , John J. Garstka, Richard E. Hayes , and David A. Signori , Understanding Information Age Warfare,Washington , DC: DoD CCRP, 2001. David S. Alberts, Information Age Transformation: Getting to a 21st Century Military (revised) , Washington , DC : DoD CCRP, June 2002. 8 Edward A. Smith , Jr. , Effects-Based Operations: Applying Network-Centric Warfare in Peace, Crisis, and War,Washington , DC : DoD CCRP, 2002. 9 See the final chapter, "The Emerging Way of War," in Military Transformation: A Strategic Approach, a document published by the Director, Office of Force Transformation , OSD in November 2003. 10 These four basic tenets of NCW were initially set forth in Network-Centric Warfare: Department of Defense Report to Congress, 27 July 2001 . 11 Department of Defense . Network-Centric Warfare Report to Congress. Washington, DC, 27 July 2001, pp. ii-iii. 12 The "Key Elements of Strategy" for implementing NCW in the Department were presented in a briefing, "Defense Transformation and Network-Centric Warfare," by Vice Admiral (Ret) Arthur K. Cebrowski at the Network Centric Warfare 2004 conference on 22 January 2004, Washington, DC. They have also been presented in numerous briefings by John Garstka, Office of Force Transformation, 2002-2004. See also the foldout brochure, "Network-Centric Warfare: Creating a Decisive Warfighting Advantage," published by the Director, Force Transformation , Spring 2004. 13 Frederick C. Mish, Editor in Chief, Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. New York: MerriamWebster, Inc. , 1990, p. 1223. 14 David B. Guralnik, Editor in Chief, Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language, Second College Edition. New York: Prentice Hall , 1986,p. 1475. 15 The Art of War by Sun Tzu and On War by Carl von Clausewitz are widely regarded as classic theoretical works on war. Other well known theorists of war include Niccolo Machiavelli (The Art of War), Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini (The Art of War), Mao Tse-tung (Selected Military Writings of Mao Tse-tung), and Alfred Thayer Mahan (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History). 72 ,--- The Implement Jt•on of Net.vork C entnc W-lrf Jre --------------~ 16 According to the DoD 's Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsC) document approved by the Secretary of Defense in November 2003, "Information Superiority is an imbalance in one's favor in the information domain with respect to an adversary. The power of superiority in the information domain mandates that the United States fight for it as a first priority even before hostilities begin ." See JOpsC, p. 17. For an indepth , scholarly examination of the term "information superiority," how information superiority can be achieved, and whether it can be measured by assessing the performance of C41SR systems during military operations, see Walter P. Fairbanks, Information Superiority: What Is It? How to Achieve It? Cambridge, Massachusetts: Center for Information Policy Research, Harvard University, June 1999. 17 Michael I. Handel, Masters of War: Classical Strategic Thought (3rd revised and expanded edition). London : Frank Cass, 2001 , pp . xx-xxiii. For a recent critique of "the new American way of war" and emerging NCW theory, see pp. 12-18 of Lieutenant Colonel Antulio J. Echevarria II, U.S. Army. Toward An American Way of War. Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania: Strategic Studies Institute, Army War College, March 2004. LTC Echevarria describes the underlying concepts of the current American way of war as "a polyglot of information-centric theories such as network-centric warfare, rapid decisive operations, and shock and awe. " These concepts focus "on 'taking down ' an opponent quickly rather than finding ways to apply military force in the pursuit of broader political aims. Moreover, the characteristics of the U.S. style of warfare-speed,jointness, knowledge, and precision-are better suited for strike operations than for translating such operations into strategic success. " 18 Michael Evans, "From Kadesh to Kandahar: Military Theory and the Future of War," The Naval War College Review,Summer 2003,Vol. LVI ,No.3, article 6. 73 r----------------------------- 19 "Impact of the Network on Operation Iraqi Freedom," a special presentation by General Tommy Franks, USA (Ret.) at the Network-Centric Warfare 2004 conference on 22 January 2004,Washington, DC. 20 Office of Force Transformation , OSD, Network Centric Operations Conceptual Framework, Version 1.0, November 2003, pp. 1 0-11 . See also Network Centric Operations Conceptual Framework, Version 2.0 (Draft}, June 2004, pp. 24-25. 21 John J. Garstka, "Network-Centric Warfare Offers Warfighting Advantage ," Signal, May 2003, p. 58-59. 22 Ibid. , pp. 59 -60. 23 Captain Dane Acord, Commander, B Company, 2nd Battalion ,8th Infantry,2nd Brigade CombatTeam, 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized) , DCX-1 . (The acronym , FBCB2 refers to the Army's Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below system.) 24 The Joint Operations Concepts is "an overarching definition of how the future Joint Force will operate across the entire range of military operations. It is the unifying framework for developing subordinate joint operating concepts, joint functional concepts , enabling concepts , and integrated capabilities. " Department of Defense, Joint Operations Concepts, Washington, DC, November 2003, p. 5. 25 Ibid. , pp. 15-18. 26 Department of Defense, Transformation Planning Guidance,Washington, DC,April 2003, p. 15. 27 Department of Defense. Major Combat Operations Joint Operating Concept, Version 1.10. Washington, DC, 8 June 2004, pp. 12, 14-15. 28 "Impact of the Network on Operation Iraqi Freedom ," keynote address by General Tommy Franks, USA (Ret.) at the Network-Centric Warfare 2004 conference on 22 January 2004, Washington, DC. The ltnplementation of Network-Centric Warfare ---- ~--?~~ ' ;Jfii/F-~-.. ~~· ~--~ -~ -~ 29 Robert K. Ackerman , "Iraq War Operations Validate Hotly Debated Theories," Signal, July 2003, p. 31-34. 30 Re marks by Vice Adm iral (Ret.) Arth ur K. Cebrowski , Director, OFT at the Network-Centric Warfare 2004 conference on 22 January 2004, Washington , DC. 31 Remarks by Vice Admiral (Ret) Arthur K. Cebrowski, Director, OFT, at the Defense Writers Group, 23 April 2003. 32 Office of Force Transformation, OSD , Network Centric Operations Conceptual Framework, Version 2.0 (Draft), June 2004, p 2. See also Network Centric Operations Conceptual Framework, Version 1. 0, November 2003. 33 Ibid. p. 4. 34 Ibid. pp. 78-80. See also Director, Office of Force Transformation, "Network Centric Operations Case Study: The Stryker Brigade Combat Team (Draft.)" May 2004. 35 Ibid. pp. 76-77. See also Director, OFT, "Network Centric Operations Case Study: US/UK Coalition Combat Operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom (Draft)." June 2004. 36 Ibid. pp . 74-76. See also Director. OFT, "Network Centric Operations Case Study: Air-to-Ground" (Draft). Vienna,VA, June 2004. 37 Ibid. pp. 83-88. See also Director, OFT, "Network Centric Operations Case Study: Naval Special Warfare Group One (NSWG -1), Draft." June 2004. 38 "Impact of the Network on Operation Iraqi Freedom," a special presentation by General Tommy Franks,USA (Ret.) at the Network-Centric Warfare 2004 conference on 22 January 2004,Washington , DC. -~.-..:-_: - 39 "Situational Awareness in OIF via FBCB2 -Blue Force Tracking: APreview of Future Battle Command," a briefing by Colonel Nick Justice,USA and Colonel Curtis McCoy, USA at the Network-Centric Warfare 2004 conference on 22 January 2004,Washington , DC. 40 "Net-Centric is an approach to exploitation of advancing technology that moves from an approach based on applications standards to one based on data standards-that is, providing users the ability to access appl ications and services that make sense to them through a Web-enabled space , while simultaneously moving toward a Web -enabled user com munity in which each members can provide and access data." "About Net-Centricity" page on the Horizontal Fusion website: http://www.horizontalfusion .dod. mil/vision. 41 U.S. Air Force , The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan,Washington , DC, November 2003, p. B-4 . 42 U.S. Joint Forces Command , Joint Transformation Roadmap, 21 January 2004, p. 10. 43 Ibid ., pp . 10-11 . 44 Ibid , p. 12. 45 Ibid. 46 The 2003 Service Transformation Roadmaps and the Joint Transformation Roadmap prepared by USJFCOM were submitted to the Director of Force Transformation in the fall of 2003 and forwarded to the Secretary of Defense in early 2004. (Subsequent Roadmaps will be approved by the Service Secretaries.) The 2004 Service and Joint Transformation Roadmaps were submitted to the Director of Force Transformation in July 2004, but have not yet been reviewed by the Secretary of Defense. 74 ,.......-- The Implementation of Network·Centnc Warfare ----------------' 47 U.S. Army, 2003 United States Army Transformation Roadmap,Washington , DC ,November 2003, pp. 1-5, 1-6. The 2004 Army Transformation Roadmap (ATR) "updates the 2003 ATR and describes the execution of Army transformation strategy in the context of evolving security challenges, continuing high demand for operational forces , and lessons learned from recent operations. " See 2004 ATR , 4 August 2004, p. ii. 48 U.S. Army, 2004 ATR, 4 August 2004, p. 56. 49 Department of Defense, Joint Operations Concepts, Washington , DC, November 2003, pp. 15-18. 50 2003 United States Army Transformation Roadmap, p. 1-7. 51 Ibid. pp. 1-12, 1-13. The 2004 ATR states that "the Future Force is founded on six main operational themes," one of which is "networked-enabled Battle Command ." See 2004 ATR, 4 August 2004, p. 55. 52 Ibid ., p. B-3. 53 Emily Hsu , "Division Expects 'Quantum Leap' in Communications Technologies in Iraq," Inside the Army, 23 August 2004. 54 Department of the Navy, Naval Transformation Roadmap 2003: Assured Access & Power Projection ... From the Sea, Washington, DC, April 2004, p. 2. For an updated discussion of the Joint Seabasing concept, see Chapter II , "Transformational Concepts ," of the Naval Transformation Roadmap 2004 (Draft), Washington, DC, July 2004, pp. 6-8. 55 Ibid . pp. 3-4, 63-64. For an updated discussion of the FORCEnet Naval Capability Pillar (NCP), see pp . 68-85 of the Naval Transformation Roadmap 2004 (Draft), Washington , DC , July 2004, pp . 6-8. 56 U.S. Air Force, The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan,Washington , DC,November 2003, pp.17-18, 45. 57 The U.S Air Force Transformation Flight Plan 2004, Washington, DC, July 2004, p. ES-6. See also The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan, Washington, DC, November 2003, p. 45. 58 Ibid, p. 6. See also The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan,Washington, DC , November 2003, p. 6. 59 Ibid. 60 The Air Force Transformation Flight Plan, Washington, DC. November 2003, p. B-6. 61 Ibid. , p. B-7. 62 NATO, "Signing Ceremony to Initiate a Study on NATO Network Enabled Capability (NNEC). NATO HO, Brussels, 13 November 2003," NATO Press Release (2003) 135, 12 November 2003. 63 Vice Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski and John J. Garstka, "Network-Centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future," U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings. Annapolis, Maryland : January 1998. 64 Ibid. By taking advantage of the capabilities of the Global Network Initiative (GNI) he had developed and implemented while commanding the Seventh Fleet, Admiral Clemins and his subordinates reduced their planning timelines from days to hours .This "order of magnitude change" suggested to Clemins and others who had witnessed it that "something very fundamental " was happening. 65 Department of the Navy, Naval Transformation Roadmap 2003·Assured Access &Power Projection ... From the Sea,Washington, DC,April 2004. The Implementation of Network-Centnc Warfare Director, Force Transformation, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1000 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1000 www.oft.osd.mil Date of Publication: January 5 , 2005 Cleared for public release by Department of Defense Office of Freedom of Information and Security Review, 05-S-0235 This publication is available through the Government Printing Office. 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