Attn: Security Office (SO) On-Site Inspection Agency 201 West Service Road Dulles lAP P.O. Box 17498 Washington, D.C. 20041-0498 1-800-419-2899 US D 1.6/2:C 42/2 BISON Guide for Initial and Systematic Inspections under the ' ChemicalWeqpons Convention i I' i I • I I I' I I I: I I II I. LOCKWOOD LIBRARY UNIVERSITY A.T BUFFALO '~"l 1 2 1998 DOC\JivlENTS DEPOSITORY LIBRARY 0433 October 14, 1997 Prepared for: On-Site Inspection Agency Security Office Washington, D.C. 20041-0498 By: DynMeridian, A DynCorp Company Alexandria, VA Under Contract No. OSIA01-94-D-0006 From the DTIRP Outreach series: Order No. 118X References The Convention on the Prohibition ofthe Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use ofChemical Weapons and on thdr Destruction M1jjtary Services Implementation and Compliance Plans Arms Control Security Outreach Materials Catalog 111\il~\\\\illi~liil~iil\ill\1\ 3 9072 02467522 9 ewe DFA DTIRP Email EPA ETA FA IT OPCW (I OSHA OSIA POC POE List of Acronyms Chemical Weapons Convention Draft Facility Agreement Defense Treaty Inspection Readiness Program Electronic Mail Environmental Protection Agency Estimated Time of Arrival Facility Agreement Inspection Team Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Occupational Safety and Health Administration On-Site Inspection Agency Point of Contact Point of Entry 16 Chemical Weapons Convention lnitial/Systematic Inspections The Chemical Weapons Con' c·ntion (CWC) prohibits the • development, production, stock pi Ii ng, and use of chemical weapons (CW), as well as the transfer of C\\ or CW-related technology and materials to any state not party to the CWC As a State Party to the Convention, the United Siates agtcGs to accept on-site verification measures. On-site verification measures C(lttsist of initial.irispections and subsequent, systematic inspecttons to verify declarations of Scheduled and non-Scheduled chc micals above certain reporting thresholds. An inspection team t'rom the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapon, (OPCW) will be dispatched to declared sites to conduct on-s1te lllspection. Within the U.S. government and the Department of Defense, declared sites have received planning and implementation guidance and assistance with their declarati"ns, Draft Facility Agreements, and inspection preparation. Thes,· plans assist a site commander or facility/activity manager upon receipt of a notification of an inspection to begin preparation tn a timely and efficient manner. An advance team with treaty, impcction, and escort expertise and a proven methodology will arrive at your location within hours of your receipt of notification prepared to work with you and your staff in accordance with your requirements. The purpose of this guide is to present a clear, brief, reference to guide a commander, program manager or site/facility manager through the inspection process. It is event/activity oriented, incorporating inspector and inspected party rights and obligations. Table of Contents Notification .......................................................... 4 Inspection Operations Center .......................... 4 Arrival of Advance Team ................................. 4 Arrival Of Inspection Team At POE .............. 6 Equipment Issues ................................................ 6 Inspection Workspaces ...................................... 6 Site Escorts .......................................................... 7 Site Preparation ................................................... 7 Review Data Declaration .................................. 8 Review Draft Facility Agreement ................... 8 Review Pre-inspection Briefing ...................... 9 Arrival of Inspection Team at Site ............... I 0 Conduct of Pre-inspection Briefing ............. I 0 c Review of IT Inspection Plan ........................ 11 Access .................................................................. 12 ·= ~ - Sampling & Analysis ....................................... 12 "'Q., Photography ....................................................... 13 "'c .... Record Reviews ................................................ 13 Personnel Interviews ........................................ 13 Written Preliminary Findings ........................ 14 Negotiation of Draft Facility Agreement .... 14 Site Recovery .................................................... 15 I Site Recovery Did our countermeasures work? Did we have any compromise of protected information? Can we reconstruct the inspection from our daily debriefings? What was the operational impact of the inspection? What was the cost of inspection for billing purposes? What are the lessons learned? What after-action reports are required? 15 Written Preliminary Findings Does report reflect our cooperation? Does the report reflect compliance? Does the report reflect what we want IT to carry away? Do we wish to make any comments, provide additional information? Do we have copies of all attachments? Have we asked for a copy for the site? Negotiation of the Draft Facility Agreement Have proposed modifications been drafted? Do we have copies of local safety rules attached? Have we reconciled confidentiality, equipment, access, records issues? Can we live with what has been negotiated? 14 How To Use This Guide To assist in tracking the chronology of the inspection process, a timeline is shown on each page, and the period on the timeline in which an event or activity occurs is darkened. Read the entire guide to ensure timely planning and preparation is initiated and completed for the event shown. Also provided are questions for consideration during the period portrayed. -= .~ (J Q.> Q., -"' = Notification Are inspection support personnel notified and ready? Are any staff changes necessary? When can we expect the IT to arrive? What is currently ongoing that will be impacted by the inspection? Has my chain of command been informed about the inspection? Inspection Operations Center Are there any problems with communications and staffing? Do we have a dialogue with the escort team chief or the host team? Have tenant commands/activities been informed? What is the estimated time of arrival of the advance team? Arrival of Advance Team What do we want to tell the advance team concerning our preparations? What help or information is needed from the advance team? Does advance team require any logistics coordination? 4 Can we offer alternatives to sampling? Have escorts been briefed? Photography What sight sensltJve areas exist that we do not want photographed? Can we support photography of these potential ambiguities? Have escorts been briefed? Record Reviews Have we identified the records that support our declaration? Is there any sensitive information in these records? What information can not leave the site? Can we support IT secure storage for such records on site? Personnel Interviews Are site-recommended personnel available? Have they been briefed on interview process? If inspectors request additional personnel, are we prepared to support request? How? Who should not be interviewed? Disgruntled employee? 13 Access Are we prepared to provide access outside the declared site if requested? If managed access is required, have we developed alternative means of resolution? Are there any areas in the declared site area where we will have to manage access? How will access be managed (security countermeasures)? Have escorts been briefed? Sampling & Analysis Have we designated recommended sampling points (N/A CW storage sites) in DFA/FA? If changes have occurred in our declarations, can we recommend sampling points? Where do we have sampling concerns because of content? Where do we have sampling concerns because of location? (special weapons areas, limited access areas, controlled environments, safety hazards, and environmental hazards)? 12 Have clearances, if necessary, beenI passed? Has coordination and conferencing been established between site personnel and host team at the POE? c 0 <= <.I ~ c. c -"' Arrival of Inspection Team at POE What are the individuals' names and how many inspectors will be coming to the site? What is the ETA of the inspectors at this location? Did the inspectors provide an inspection mandate? Can we get a copy? Equipment Issues Are there inspection equipment problems for site? Can we provide alternative equipment on site? Will IT have any hazardous materials to store with equipment? c 0 :;::: Inspection Workspaces <.J ... Are the workspaces prepared? Q, Does the telephone work? .... Are administrative amenities in place? Are locks or keys available for the IT? Is storage space adequate for equipment? "'c Have we asked IT if they have any comments or questions? Have we given enough information to IT to get an inspection plan? Have we provided all the CWC required information? Have we discussed DFA/FA? Review of the IT Inspection Plan Does team have a sequence preference? What operational considerations do we have with the plan? Does the plan take into consideration what we briefed on the DFA/FA? Do we need to modify the plan for operational or facility security concerns? Do we have any site preparation issues? Do we have access issues? II Arrival of the Inspection Team at Site Who will greet inspection team and where? How will site staff, advance team, escorts, and host team conduct initial coordination and exchange information? What do we do with the IT during host team, escort, and advance team coordination? What is the sequence of events upon arrival? to the site for a briefing? to hotel to drop bags? What amenities will the IT be offered? Has host team reviewed pre inspection briefing? Conduct of the Pre-inspection Briefing Are all site, escort, and other required personnel present? Who will brief or how will this function be shared? What questions do we have for the IT? What areas for inspection can we suggest? Is the site diagram unambiguous to the IT? 10 Do we have a joint-custody/dual key control box available? Has IT identified any particular requirements? Site Escorts Do site escorts need refresher briefings or training? How will site and OSIA escorts link up and coordinate their actions? Site Preparation What preparation issues do we have? Have we had movement of materials that we need to brief to the IT? Do we have any access issues? = Do we need any assistance from .~ the advance team? ~ - continue the tone we wish for "' Q.. 'L1 the inspection? .... c Can we live with everything we have in the agreement? II I ,J Review Pre-inspection Briefing Does briefing contain obligatory and the voluntary information we want to provide on declarations and the DFA/ FA? Has the advance team reviewed pre inspection briefing? Does the briefing reflect the tone we want for the inspection? Have we conducted a rehearsal? Has inspection support staff who might not attend briefing to IT received this presentation?