-------·---- ~g_1 IDJ. ;;>.o: t,-oesert------------------------------------------- _ Mountain ________________________________________ Jungle___________________________________________ _ Psychological_____________________________________ _ River crossing_________________________ -------_____ _ Under special conditions_. __________________________ _ Organization for combat________________________________ _ _ Positions, alternate and supplementary___________________ _ Preparatory fires ______________________________________ Passage of lines _______________________________________ _ Psychological operations________________________________ _ _Rear guard ___________________________________________ Reinforcing mission (see fig. 1)-------------------------- _ Required supply rate___________________________________ Relief in combat_______________________________________ _ Retrograde-------------------------------------------- River crossing operations_______________________________ _ Rockets---------------------------------------------- SecuritY----------------------------------------------- Security forces, artillery with ___________________________ _ Self-propelled artillery______________________ -_____ --____ -Special ammunition load _______________________________ _ Supplementary positions________________________________ -Systems, field artillery ____________________________ -__ --- Tactical: Marches-------------------------------------------Missions (see fig. 1)-------------------------------- Paragraphs 82 42-43 68 38 101 72-74 73 73 52-56 41 90 89 81 85 88 77-78 84 83 82 91 86 79-80 20-22 71 58 54 91 44 18 47 100 64-71 86 5 49 44 6 26, 101 58 3 43 17-18 Page 44 24 36 22 54 37-39 38 38 3Q-32 23 49 48 43 46 47 4Q-41 46 45 44 49 46 42-43 11-13 37 32 31 49 25 9 26 53 35-37 46 5 28 25 6 16, 54 32 4 24 9-10 Target acquisition: Definition ______________________ -_________________ _ Collection of target information _____________________ _ G-O line__________________________________________ _ Target analysis_______________________________ ~ ____ _ Target intelligence_________________________________ _ Task force artillery commander_________________________ _ Theater army artillery officer ___________________________ _ Towed artillery________________________________________ _ Very heavy field artillery _______________________________ _ VVarning orders___ ------------------------------------- VVithdrawaL _________________________________________ _ Zone of fire (see fig. 1) _________________________________ _ Paragraphs 93 93-94 41 95 93 26 25 6 5 19 68-69 36 Page 50 5Q-51 23 51 50 16 15 6 5 11 36-37 22 0.. :0. A field artillery unit with a mission of- General support. General supportreinforcing. Answers calls for fire from- Force artillery headquarters. Own observers. Force artillery headquarters. Reinforced artillery unit. Own observers. Establishes liaison with- No inherent requirement. Reinforced artillery unit. Establishes communication with- No inherent requirement (internal communication only). Reinforce,d artillery unit. Has as its zone of fire- Zone of supported unit. Zone of supported unit to inelude zone of fire of reinforced artillery unit. Furnishes forward observer No inherent requirement. Upon request of reinforced artillery unit subject to prior approval of force artillery headquarters. Displaces when•- Ordere forcE quar OrdE high lery quar Ordere forcE lery quar upor: of re artill subj~ prior val c artill headq Has its fires planned by- Force artillery headquarters. Force artillery headquarters. Reinforcing____ -I Reinforced artillery Reinforced artillery Reinforced artillery Zone of fire of rein- Upon request of rein unit. Own unit. unit. forced forced observers. Force artil artillery unit. artillery unit. lery head quarters. Direct support_ -1 Supported Supported Supported Zone of sup- To each com unit. Own observers. unit (down to bat unit. ported unit. pany sized maneuver Force artil talion element of lery head level). supported quarters. unit. *Notlfles the force artillery headquarters of time, position, and fire capabilities. Figure 1. Field artillery tactical missions. (Inherent responsibilit~es) Requested by reinforced artillery unit, or ordered by force artillery headquarters. Unit commander deems necessary or ordered by force artillery headquarters. Reinforced artillery unit. Develops own fire plan. 0. Ul By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Official: J. C. LAl\ffiERT, llfajor General, United States Arrny, The Adjutant General. Distribution : Active Arrny: DCSPER (5) ACSI (5) DOSLOG (10) DCSOPS (10) ACSFOR (10) CORO (5) COA (5) CRD (5) OPO (10) CNGB (5) CINFO (5) TIG (5) TJAG (5) TPMG (3) TSG (3) OofEngrs (3) CofCh (3) USACDC Agcy (5) except USACDCCARMSA (30) USACDCARTYA (10) USCONARC (20) USAMC (15) USACDC (10) ARADCOM (10) ARADCOM Rgn (10) OS Muj Comd (20) LOGCOMD (5) HAROLD K. JOHNSON, General, United Statn Arrny, Chief of Staff. Armies (25) Corps (15) Corps Arty (10) Div (10) Div Arty (5) Bde (5) Regt (5) FA Gp (5) FABn (5) Co/Btry (1) except FA Btry (2) USMA (5) PMS Sr Div Units (1) PMS Mil Sch Div Units (1) USAAVNS (10) USACSS (5) USAES (15) USAOGMS (3) USASCS (5) USASWS (10) USACDCIAS (1) USACDCSWCAG (5) USACDCNG (1) USACDCOCISG (1) :\L-\AG (rl) Mil Msn (5) NO: State AG (3); Units-same as Active Army except allowance is two (2) copies to each unit. USAR: Units-same as Active Army except allowance is one copy toeach unit.· For explanation of abbreviations used, see AR 320-50. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, 1965 Q-78Q-556