us D 1-2~D 36/6 BISON DEFE~ISĀ£ Fl~IJ.\~ICE J.\ ID J.\CCOU~Ill~IG SERVICE LOCKWOOD LIBRARY UNIVERSilY AT BUFFALO NOV 181993 DOCUMENTS DEPOSITORY LIBRARY 0433 PROVIDE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES DURING TIMES OF PEACE AND CONFLICT VJ.\tUES SERVICE SUPPORT SAVINGS 1 DFAS CUSTOMERS ~ db """""" '"'c" I.IILITARY I.IEMBERS MILITARY FAMILIES SUPPORT FORCES RETIREES/ANNUITANTS THE TAXPAYER THE PRESIDENT CONGRESS OTHER GOVERN !.lENT AGENCIES FOREIGN COUNTRIES CIVILIAN WORKFORCE DOD MANAGERS PRIVATE AND PUBUC ORGANIZATIONS 2 VtStOl'l WE ARE COMMITTED TO PROVIDING OUR CUSTOMERS REAL-TIME QUALITY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION, ACCOUNTING, AND PAYMENT SERVICES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE COST. 3 '- SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS -Customer Satisfaction -Compliance with Congressional/OMS/GAO/ Treasury/DoD Direction -Commitment to Organizational Excellence -Advice, Guidance, and Recommendations -Internal Controls -Training -Team Work -Communication SUPPORT FOR OUR PEOPLE -Employee Satisfaction and Motivation -Cost Effective Training -Safe and Healthy Work Place -Work Related Tools -Reward and Recognition -Professionalism -Communication SAVINGS FOR OUR NATION -Unit Cost Reductions -Consolidation of Policy, Systems, and Operations -Standardization ofPolicy, Systems, and Operations -New Methods and Technology -System Improvements -Communication 4 GOJ.\tS 1. Measure and improve the quality of service to customers. 2. Consolidate DoD finance and accounting functions. 3. Reduce Department-wide finance and accounting operating costs by fifty percent within the decade through standardization and consolidation. 4. Provide an environment that maximizes the opportunities for growth and development of aft personnel. Manage change to ensure employees are treated fairly and with dignity. 5. Provide managers and authorized users with on-line access to financial information at aft organizational levels. 6. Develop and operate standardized systems in each finance and accounting business area within five years. 7. Aggressively apply new methods and technologies to improve customer service and reduce operating cost. 8. lead efforts to integrate financial services within and among other functional areas throughout the Department. 9. Ensure consistent implementation of finance and accounting policy throughout DoD. 10. Achieve national recognition for excellence in service and economy of operation. 5 0'1 DEFENSE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING SERVICE TARGET ORGANIZATIONAL ARCHITECTURE SERVICE/DEFENSE AGENCY FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING FUNCTIONS l DoD FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FUNCTIONS DAOs DAOs CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER CENTER ~ / REALIGN FUNCTIONS AND IMPLEMENT STANDARD SYSTEMS I I I -"" REALIGNED CENTERS 1 CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS DFAS Control of DoD Finance and Accounting Future Structure Dominance of Customer Service DFASWork Environment DFAS has assumed management responsibility for the finance and accounting functions of the Department of Defense. Through its Centers and a network of decentralized customer support facilities, DFAS provides all of DoD with finance and accounting services. Certain finance and accounting functions will be consolidated DoD-wide at a limited number of sites. Further savings will be achieved by standardizing procedures, systems, and operations; consolidating operations; expanding innovative use of technology; increasing work force productivity; and eliminating unnecessary procedures. DoD financial management is in the process of being transformed into a performancebased process that encourages managers and employees to provide quality products and services at the lowest cost. DFAS will lead the way toward achieving compliance with governmental accounting standards. DoD Component finance and accounting functions, except tactical and classified operations and some direct customer support and data input functions, will be realigned into a limited number of DFAS Centers. Where cost effective, realignments and consolidations will be accomplished in conjunction with the implementation of standard systems. Organization structures chosen for the DFAS Centers of the future will be designed to facilitate standardization and streamlining of operations, improve accountability, reduce reconciliation, complement the use of integrated systems, enhance flexibility, improve contingency capabilities, promote economy and efficiency, and focus on service to the customer. Service is much more than just part of the DFAS name. Improved customer service enjoys an emphasis equal to that for cost savings. DFAS is instituting a robust customer service training program for DFAS staff, and an Organizational Excellence philosophy is becoming our way of life. DFAS is providing an environment that will maximize the opportunities for growth and development of agency civilian employees and military members. Mission accomplishment is supported through flexible, simplified, and cost effective programs that are consistent with merit principles, based on sound business practices, and support customer expectations. Personnel affected by organizational changes will continue to be treated fairly and with dignity. DFAS management will continue to maintain an organizational climate that provides challenging work and career opportunities for the entire work force. 7 Standard Finance and Accounting Procedures Standard Migration Systems Integration with Other Functional Areas New Ideas New Technology National Recognition Finance and accounting policy articulated by the DoD Comptroller will be implemented consistently throughout the Department. Standard DoD-wide procedures are being developed, promulgated, and maintained by DFAS. The single DoD-wide financial management regulation will provide standard policy, requirements, and procedures. Changes in guidance will be effected rapidly and concurrently throughout DoD using modern technology. DFAS will modify, as necessary, and deploy standard finance and accounting systems for use throughout DoD. In an incremental manner, standard migration systems will evolve into a vision-driven financial management system which will be available for use by all DoD managers and operating activities. This system will be the primary source of financial information to support decision-making throughout the Department. As the executive agent for all finance and accounting, DFAS will lead efforts to integrate financial services with all aspects of DoD's operations. Like finance and accounting, related functional areas such as personnel and supply will also operate on standard systems, reducing the amount of required interfacing and increasing the opportunity to achieve cross functional integration. DFAS is committed to continuous improvement through Organizational Excellence. Our culture will be transformed to one which encourages and expects both employees and customers to express their ideas on how to achieve process improvement. There will be a climate throughout the organization which fosters creativity and team work through innovation and reward for responsible, informed risk taking. DFAS management will aggressively apply new methods and technologies to improve customer service and reduce future operating costs. Special attention will be devoted to training employees in the capabilities and use of new technology. Implementation of this strategic plan will result in national recognition for excellence in service and economy of operations. The DFAS work force sense of pride and professionalism will rise to such a level that customer service in finance and accounting becomes the standard for DoD that is recognized by other federal agencies and the private sector. As an acknowledged authority in pioneering management improvements, DFAS will market its finance and accounting services throughout the Federal sector. 8