IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IM 32 IliM 1 2.2 1.8 U i 1.6 ^ w /a 7 .% °% 's fm,, ^e

. i0 • X .--.— ^ ifcj, RULES. 5 office, as shall be directed by the Committee. Tho Curator shall be allowed such sum as the Committee shall determine for an assistant in those duties, or for nppropriatiou as he shall see fit: this sum to include the pa.y of Doorkeepers of tJie Lecture Room. 13. The Curator may provide models or plans for Lectur- ers, which shall be paid for from the funds of the Institute ; such expenditure not to exceed one pound for any one Lec- ture, unless a greater sum be sanctioned by vote of the Committee. Articles so provided shall be the property of the Institute. MEETINGS. 14. The Institute shall meet one evening in each weel?, viurirtg; Ssssions, for ^h9- hearing of Lectures : the chair to be taSeu at p qv^artei pas^i eight o'clock. a5. At tliC conclusion of each Lecture, questions may be iisked, or additional inlbrraation imparted, by conversation or otherwise, respecting the subject of the evening. The conversations, in which strangers present shall be permitted to join, to be a means, not of introducing criticisms on Lec- tures, but of further developing subjects or topics in a fami- liar and ami^ able way. Persons delivering their view» or opinions U> the Institute, except while lecturing, shall address the cliairman. Lecture meetings shall terminate at, or about, ten o'clock. 16. At the conclusion of conversations on Lectures, other matters relatiye to the Institute may be introduced, by written proposition, — such matters not to be put to vote before the nei^t weekly or other general meeting of the Institute. I 17. A general meeting, for election of officebearers, shall be held one n^onth previous to tiie ocmclusion of each Ses- sion, — the office bearers then elected shall not enter on the duties of their offices until the concluding evening of the Session,— when they shall be announced by the chairman wmmm ■■■■i 6 RULES. of the evening, who shall then vacate tlie chaij in favor of the chairman elect, — except re-election prevent this arrange- ment 18. The General Committee shall meet onco in each month, or more frequently, if necessary, as a Committee of Management ; they shall have the superintendance of ail Institute luatters, which do not require reference to a gene- ral meeting of members. LECTURES, &C. i 19. The Committe*3 shall provide for tlile delivery of Lectures, weekly, during each Session,— -andi may establish Educational Classes, and offer prizes for Esub&ys, Models, •&c. I , 20. The Committee may provide for the payment of Lec- turers occasionc lly ; no Lecture lo be paid for, ejrcept a proposition to t'lat effect be made previously, at a regular Committee Meeting, and be there adopted. ^ 'i ORDER. j 21. Discussions on party or domestic pplitics, and on controverted religious topics, shall be prohibited. 22. The Chairman shall have authority to j()reserve order, by reproof, or reference to the Committee, or expulsion from the room ; — the Committee may exclude disc^rderly persons from membership and its privileges. | TICKETS. 23. Beside Tickets of Membership,— Session Tickets, for persons not members, shall be issued, at the following prices : Gentlemen's Seven Shillings and Six Pence, Ladies' Five Shillings,— Minor's Five Shillings. 26. The Committee shall have power to is^ue Tickets of Admission to Single Lectures, at One Shilling and Three RULES. 7 Pence each Ticket, when suitable lecture room, or other circunwtances warrant such ijsue. m.^- f*^\j^.^^V^^e'^^raay issue not more than twelve Tickets of Admission for the evening of his Lecture. LEGISLATURE. *k5?V ^^"»J^n to Lectures of the Institute shall be free to the Members of the Legislature. HULES. ..iS* ^^°® ^l ?® foregoing Rules shall be altered, set aside, or annulled, unless with the approbation of a majority forX pu^sT ^'^^''^ *^ * General Meeting, duly calleJ