IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // b !.0 I.I 1.25 ^ ^ 12.2 •« uo 112.0 U 11.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14510 (716) 873-4303 ^^ [v ■ . t REPOKT i OF THK I: •Si VICTORIA MINE. MSJE isfa» ®„m --■"A ''•''■'"»*'*.'».>'»*fi,**«,*sl^*." DETROIT, MICH: (JKOIUJK E. I^OMKROV S: ('()., IMilNTKKS. a • « • .1 K T) r» . .j¥ ;V, I^"""^ 4' -^ I 1 VICTORIA MINE. This Mine is situated on the North Shore of Lake Huron, in Canada, about one hundred miles east oi the Bruce Mine, and about the same distance west of Owen Sound, on a long, high cape of land, north of Frazer Bay, according to Bayfield's map, to which or.^.y accu- rate map of tliia coast of the Georgian Bay, refei'ence is particularly made. It ia located on a Government Permit and contains 400 Jlres of mineral land, giving a length of vein of over a mile across the highest por- tion of the Cope. It will b(^ seen, by reference to the accompanying Report of William II. Palmer, Esq., who made a survey of the location in October last, — a gentleman well known for his thoi'ough explorations and able reports on the mineral districts of the north shores of this lake and of the St. Marv's River, — that the vein has the North JtVistfj-ly direction or course that characterizes the great copi)er lodes of this and other countries.- - At tli(? surface it liad a dip of 3" to 4° to the North, but by sinking down a few feet, by means of one or two bla.*it.«, next to the hknging wall, which is straight and well define(\ it became more perpendicular. With tlie triHing woi'k that has been done in opening the sur- face for spct'imens, the vein shows over six feet wide, richly di:Cseminated throughout with yellow and pea- cock ore, which becomes moi-e concentrated and rich, racli foot sunk. CV>mj>ajelying between CoUingwood and SautSte. Marie, Avliich steamers pa?s within two or tliree mile.\ and can come within a lew rods of the location. i « , Ef port mi tire Wnkm pining $'0cation, BY W. n fAIMV.n. Thif< location is situated on the v\ esteru extremity of the long Cape projecting into Lake Huron, north of Tiazer Bav. One hundred chains, meiusured east and I M'est on the Cape, and ti'avf?t'sed hy a line drawn north and south across the Cape, will give ahout 400 acres. The highest point of the location is over 300 feet aT»r»v(^ • the water level. 4,^. ■ This rock in place is "lurite,*' viz: a finegrained, white granito, in which felsj>ar predoiiii nates. This forms the principal foundation rock of the country for many miles around, and is traversed everywhere by narrow dyk(>s The dyke which cuntitins the vein in the Victoria Location runs alongthc crest of the mountain in a coui*se varying from 5 to 1 degrees north of east, being about parallel with the lidge. The lode, when first discov- ered, showed itself on thejiorth side of the dyke, about four {"tr-et wide, bul on working down a few feet, I found it to dip raj/idly toward the centre of the dyke, becom- ing more concentrated, and improving both in quality and quantify as if descends. ■''V.. ^^r- ^T i This dyke I hiiw traced tVoiu tlie western point of the Ciipe, where it projeels into the Lake, to fully liv(j miles eastward, and at tliat distance found a handsome vein of copper ore, wliich I liave every reason to ha- lieve is a continuation o^Uhe lode on the Victoria Lo- cation. A liitie to the "north of the copper bearm^^ dyke I found a mass ot trap rock similar in cjiaracter, but had not time to examine- it so as to ascertain wheth- er it were a true dyke or. not. The trap dykes in this resjiion are invariably of a%)ft texture, and easily drillerh The advantai^es for mining on this location are very great, the location bein^ washed on three sides by navigable water. All avifund the Cape there are nine fathoms within ten rods of the shore. Its proximity, too, to the great agricultural districts of Upper Canada, give it advantages not to be overlooked, being only about 100 miles d'stantfrora Owen Sound, the priii- cipal port on the Georgian Bay, three miles north of . the direct stoand)oat I'oute to Lake Superior, and pre- cisely on the winter mi«iS?'oute. A mine established on "Cape^ Victoria" will be tl'C frontier post of a number of othei-s, which will uiidoulit- edly be worked furtlierj^ack in the interior, as the mountains to the nortli and eiust abound in ores of cop- per and iron. On this point I can speak with certainty, having the testimony of my own eyes to the important fact. --^•^ Scmt Sfe, Manr, Oct. H ^^■'^- -^^, TP"fT^ ,-,. Cljaracter oiik §xt. Saut >Sfi. Marie, Oct. 25, 1854 J. Vka'EN Bkow n, Esq., Dom* Sir : — You mk invi^piiiion in relation to the Hi)eclmens of oojiper oro froflSLake Huron, which you have at your office; 1 woul^ say, that I Avorked for thirteen veal's ill the copper Jpii ires in Ireland, in the county of Kerry, .and I ani^iml acquainted with the character of coi)per ores in tliat country, and I have nowhere seen ;i Ijetter lookfDe' ore than the surface specimens you have. |pf Tlie vein stone is soft and \»ll be veiy easily worked, and is rich in copper. It w'lPnot cost hajf as much to work a vein of that characteikait would a quartz vein, and it will he crushed andi^saed with much less trouble and expense. If the vein is of good widt! and otherwise favoral>ly siti ophiiou that it Avill make a ble mine. Very Reipecttey,