LC355c^ Contributions towards a bibliography of the aroHuEOlooy of the dominion of canada and newfoundland. [The accompanying list and digest have been prepared by Mr. A. F. Chamberlain, B.A., Toronto, and are the first on this subject that have ever been made covering the ground in question. • ,, It requires only a glance to perceive the great labor involved in the preparation of such a statement as is here presented, and Mr. Chamberlain's sole reward must consist in the consciousness that he has performed a task which will, to a very considerable extent, facilitate reference by students, at the same time that it places on record the work that has been done in this field. There are, doubtless, other papers and works bearing on the subject — for Mr. Chamberlain modestly speaks of his work as " Contributions," — and he will be glad to hear from any one who may be able to assist him in making this bibliography as nearly complete as possible. Address, A. F. Chamberlain, B.A., Canadian Institute, Toronto.] Bailev, L. W., M. a.— Indian relics from New Brunswick. Science, Vol. I. (1883), pp. 245-246. Describes some specimens of pottery. Bailey, L. W., M. A. — On the relics of the stone age in New Brunswick. Bullet, of the Nat. Hist. Soc. of New Brunswick, No. 6 (1887), pp. 3-16. A somewhat exhaustive paper with three plates. Nature, distribution and mode of occurrence, pp. 4-7 ; implements of stone, 7-13 ; of shell and bone, 13 ; of clay, earthen- ware, 14-16. Bain, James, Jr. — The present condition of the old French Fort at Ste. Marie. Proc. Canad. Inst., 3rd Series, Vol, 3, 188G, pp. 278-279. Brief abstract of paper given. Baird, Spencer F. — Aboriginal Shell mounds of New Brunswick and New England. Proc. U.S. National Museum for 1881, Vol. 4 (1882), pp. 292-297. New Brunswick shell deposits treated on pages 292, 293, 294, 295. Bell, Ciiarlks N. — The Mound-builders in Canada. Proc. Canad. Inst., 3rd Series, Vol. 4 (188G), pp. 131-138. Describes the nature, situation and contents of mounds in the Province of Manitoba. . A summary and review of this paper is to be found in the Verhandl. der Berl. Cesellsch, fr. Anthrop.,*Ethnol., und Urgeschichte, Jabrgang, 1886, s. 192. Bell, (^iiarles N. — Aboriginal trade in the Canadian North-West. Canad. Record of Science, Vol. 2 (1886), pp. 102-105. Evidences of trade from contents of mounds. Boyle, David. — The Archreological Outlook. Proc. Canad. Inst., 3rd Series, Vol. 4 (1886), pp. 1-7. At pp. 4-5 describes a find of 70 tomahawks in the Township of Beverley ; at p. 5 an ossuary in the same district. Boyle, David. — Report of Curator for 1885-1886. Proc. Canad. Inst., 3rd Series, Vol. 4(1886-7), pp. 208-210. Enumerates specimens. Boyle, David. — Archajological Report. Annual report of the Canadian Institute, Session 1886-1887, being part of appendix to the report of the Minister of Education, Ontario, 1887, Toronto, 1888, pi>. 9-58. The most important contribution to the Archroology of Ontario. Describes, with 117 figures, part of the collection now in the Institute's Museum. Pottery, pp. 18-21 ; clay pipes, 22-24 ; stone pipwt, .?k.'i;3P ; ,brea8t-plat«f and gorgets, pendants, 30-33 ; oere- ;one pipwt, ,?k.'i;3P ; .breast-platfff and gorgets, J-36 J t(i.U^rtiS|.'ti'ib(B«yp)joJ|i< '^Sf^y J aiftie s] jnonial weapons, 33-36 ; tiiiU^ra8|''t4:ibiB. /)*£■. Ur*»i IJrit. juid:/