IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe {./ A f/j % 1.0 I.I 2.2 IL25 III 1.4 2.0 m 1.6 -► 4V% o^^ Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 fV •^ \ :\ ^\ ^ '9> V ^X wks j^ ^ K ^v- :^ ^ 6 CIHM Microfiche Series (l\/lonographs) ICMH Collection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques '■»'«^ LONDOX, ONT. J{. A. Tam.or vn: Co., 1870. no. oo^^ 1^1 National Library Biblioth6que nationale of Canada du Canada Entered according to Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year of Our J-ord One 'J'housand Eight Hundred and Seventy, by i^Bi At lijiim;iL ill OuJBiAHi, in the Office of the Minister of Agri- culture. \ SUNDAY MOENING. Almighty God, who hast set apart one day in seven for the special good of our souls, enable us to keep this day holy. Thou hast bidden us to rest from our worldly labours and employments ; do thou also shut the world out of our hearts, and take full possession of them thyself. We confess, O Lord, that we have not rightly improved our past SabbaAs. Pardon us for our abuse of these holy seasons. Make this day, we beseech thee, more profitable to us than any that we have yet spent. Give us Sabbath feelings, and a Sabbath blessing. Lord, enable us to look upon this as a day consecrated to thy service. Prepare us especially for thy house. Make us to feel that a day in thy courts is better than a thousand spent elsewhere ; and that thy house is indeed the house of God, and the gate of Heaven. Give us, when there, the enjoyment of thy presence. Keep us from wandering and worldly thoughts ; and grant that we may approach thee in a devout and holy frame. Lord, we cannot pray to thee aright without the help of thy Holy Spirit. May He rest upon us abundandy this day, teaching us both what to ask, and how to ask it. And when thy gospel is preached, give us the hearing ear and the under- standing heart; and enable us to receive with 'ill ill ! i SUNDAY MORNING. meekness the engrafted word, M'hich is able to save our souls. Bless, gnicious God, ilic Chiircli to which we belong; make it the instrument in thy hands of leading many to heaven. Be with thy servants the bishops and pastors of thy flock. Raise np faithful and earnest men for the work of the ministry. Do thou thyself teacli them, that they may teach others. Especially be with the minister of this parish, who is set over us in the Lord. Strengthen him for his work. Enable him rightly to divide the word of truth, giving to each of us our portion as we need it. And wherever thy gospel is preached, wliether at home or abroad, O grant that its influence may be felt, and that thousands may be turned from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. Call many wanderers, Lord, into thy fold this day; soften many hard hearts ; and grant that numbers may be added to thy Church of »uch as shall l)e saved. O, Holy Spirit, let thy grace descend upon us in larger measure. Let thy power be felt among us, awakening those who are asleep, leading us all to greater earnestness, and making us more holy in our lives. Grant, Lord, that a special blessing may rest upon our Sunday-schools, and all who are called to teach in them. Be with each one of our fellow- worshippers. Help them, and us, and all who are dear to us, this day on our way to heaven. Hear these our prayers, we beseech thee, and grant our requests, through the intercession of thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. th^ do ou as k\i evi glc up us f SUNDAY MORNING. 5 Our Father, which art in lieaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be «lonc in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that tresi)ass against us. And lead us not into temjjtation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. The Lord bless us, and keep us ; the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us, and give us peace, now and forcvermore. Amen. ; ! I SUNDAY EVENING. O Heavenly Father, we desire to close this holy (lay by once more drawing near to thee in prayer. We bring to thee all the sins and failings of another Sabbath ; and we beseech thee of thy great mercy to pardon them. O Lord, when we look back on our best days, ^nd our holiest employ- ments, we see that sin has defiled them ; and we have need to come to the Saviour's cross with the publican's cry on our lips, " (lod be merciful to me a sinner." Forgive, Lord, for Christ's sake, all our sins, and especially those which we have committed on our knees. What coldness has there been in our prayers ! What wanderings of thought! What deadness and unbelief in our souls ! O Saviour, do thou graciously cleanse us from all our secret faults. But, O Lord, while we have reason to be humbled for our sins, we have also reason to be grateful for our many mercies. We praise thee that thy word has been set before us ; that the way of life has been pointed out to us ; that we have again heard of a Saviour's love. Blessed be thy name, if Christ has seemed in any degree more precious to us, and heaven more welcome. Blessed be thy name, if our faith has been this day strengthened, our hearts warmed, and our hopes confirmed. r A^ A^ > SUNDAY EVENING. « O God, we are living in the midst of a sinful world ; help us to avoid its snares, and to live a heavenly life here on earth. Oh that we may know more of thee, and love thee with a more perfect love. Quicken us in thy way, and enable us to run with i'ncreased earnestness the race that is set before us. * Our time is short ; grant, Lord, that we may spend it as those who feel that they must one day give an account. O heavenly Shepherd, we trust that many sheep have been called this day into thy fold. Draw them by thy love. Make them to hear thy voice, and to follow thee. Bless the lambs of thy flock (and especially the beloved ones of this family) ; leed them with the nourishment of thine own word, and take them under thy sheltering care. Pardon those who have been wilfully absent from thy ^vorship this day. Show them their exceeding sinfulness, and change their hearts by the power of thy grace. Visit with compassion those who are sick and afflicted. Draw near to them in their hour of trial ; give them the comfort of thy presence ; and pour largely of thy Holy Spirit upon them. Blessed T^ord, we confess with shame that we have brought too much of the week with us into thy Sabbath; grant thn we may carry much of the Sabbath into the com m,^ week. And give us grace that we may so spend each day, as we shall wish to have it spent when our term of life is ended. And now, O gracious (jod, we commend our- selves, and all who are near and dear to us, to thy special care and protection for the coming night. Watch over us, we beseech thee, during the hours of darkness ; give thine angels charge concerning 8 SUNDAY EVENING. us ; and guard us iVoui every evil, for the sake of Jesus Clirist our Lord. Aiiini. Our I'athcr, wliich art in heaven, luillowcd be lliy name. 'l"hy kingdom come. 'Thy will be done in eartli, as it is in heaven, (iive us this day [or, day h (iay'\ our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. vVnd lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil ; for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amm. The ])lessing of Ciod Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy (Ihost, be amongst us, and remain with us always. Amen. I ! * f IStOXDAY :\[()}iNI\G. - C) Almu;iity Fathkr, look clown from heaven upon us thy unworthy children, and hear us while we draw near to thee this morning in the Saviour's name. Lord, teach us how to ])ray. Awaken in us a deep feeling of our many wants, and encourage us to come boldly to thy tlirone of grace. And do thou, O blessed Spirit, intercede for us, helping our infirmities, and giving us earnest and devout hearts. We desire to thank thee, O (lod, for the blessings of the jjast night. Thou hast kept us safely during the hours of darkness ; thou hast watched over us, when we could not watch over ourselves ; and thou hast brought us in safety to the beginning of another day. As thou hast been about our bed during the night, be thou also about our path this day. We thank thee for the measure of health wiiich we enjoy, for our family comforts, and for our many spiritual mercies. We bless thee most of all for giving us a Saviour. Oh that he may be precious to our souls. May we know Him, and love Him, and serve Him. Alake each one now betore thee to be his true and faithful follower. Lord, we acknowledge that this world has but little in it to make us really happy ; but if thou givest us thy favour, we shall be happy indeed. O i. 10 MONDAY MORNING. then, lift up the light of thy countenance upon us and speak peace to our souls. Give us some token of thy love, a blessed assurance that thou numberest us among thy children. And now, O Lord, a? we are entering upon the business and employments of another week, be with us in our going out and coming in. Preserve us m body and in soul. Keep us not only from outward transgressions, but also from inward and secret sins. May we be watchful over our hearts and keep the door of our lips. When forbidden thoughts come into our minds, enable us to drive them out. Give ud grace to correct our evil tempers. Make us kind and gentle one towards another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another even as thou for Christ sake hast forgiven us. Let thy blessing rest upon every member of this our family. Enable us all to do the work allotted to us, with cheerfulness and singleness of heart, desiring in all things to glorify thee. May each of us bear in mind that we have a Master iii heaven, and that for every day as it passes by we must render an account. Bring to our remembrance, () God, all that we heard yesterday ; and enable us to practice, during the week, the holy lessons which were taught us on thy sacred daj'. Keep us constantly mindful how short our time is, and that we are drawin^^ day by day nearer to the close of life. Oh that each day may find us holier ; sitting looser to this world, and more ready to leave it ; growing in grace; more conformed to the image of Christ and more meet for heaven. And grant that when our days on earth are ended, we may be received mto thy presence, to dwell with thee for ever, throv Awt, Oi thy done day pass( us. us fr and Tl love be A\ ■ ' I i MOXDA.Y MORNING. 11 through the merits of Jesus Clu-ist our Saviour. Amen. Our Father, which art in lieaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our tres- passes, as we forgive them who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. f w » rt . ' j gm' m s mx. t s st. :\I0N1)AY EVENINCI. O Almighty and everlasting God, wlio art ever ready to hearken to the cry of the humble, and hast promised to refuse none who come to thee in the name of thy dear Son, look upon us in mercy for his sake, and grant our recjuests. We are now gathered before thee, under a deep feeling of our own helplessness, and knowing that thou art able to supply our many wants. We thank thee tliat we have a throne of grace to come to ; that thine ear is ever 0])en to the prayers of thy children ; and that the arms of thy mercy rre stretched out towards us. Lord, we come to thee as to a Father ; give us, we pray thee, a Father's blessing. Thou knowest liow we have, one and all, wandered from thee. Our sins are great ; but great also is thy forbearance. O may thy goodness lead us to repentance. May the love of Christ be shed abroad in our hearts, and constrain us to live no longer to ourselves, but to thee. Thou hast now brought us safely to the end of another day. We desire, before we close our eyes in sleep, to thank thee for all thy mercies to us. Lord, wc deserve not one of thy blessings. Praised be thy name for preserving us from dangers both seen and unseen, for giving us heaidi and strength, for spreading our table with plenty, and for all the I thy M.HDAY EYEXINrr. 13 kindness we receive from those around us. Grant tiiat, whilst we accept these and all ihy gifts, we may not forget thee, the gracious Ciiver. But, O Lord, we praise thee especially for those gifts which concern the welflu-e of our souis ; for thy holy word, for thy ministers, for thy house of prayer, for the means of grace which we now enjoy, and for the hope of future glory. O that we may not receive thy grace in vain. Have mercy on those who are deprived of the blessings which we enjoy. Visit with thy com- passion the fatherless and the widow. Comfort all those that mourn. Pity the ignorant, and those that are out of the v.-ay. Thou Saviour of the lost, bring lu me the wanderers to thy fold. Send forth the light' of thy gospel to those who are sitting in darkness. Enlighten the blinded Jews ; and may they now at length acknowledge Jesus as their lledeemer. May thy command be obeyed, and thy gospel preached in all the world. Bless those who are gone forth to proclaim thy truth in distant lands. Cheer and encourage their hearts ; strengthen their faith ; give them boldness and wisdom, and love; preserve them from every peril ; and cj-own their labours with success. And grant, blessed Lord, that we who have the light may walk in the light. Enable us to shine brightly for thee in the midst of a dark world. May we not only own thee with our lips, but may we follow thee with all our hearts. And do thou make us now and ever thine, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen. Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be . ! 14 MONDAY EVENINa. done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day [or, day by day] our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Ame/i. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep us. The Lord mercifully with his favour look upon us ; and fill us with all spiritual benediction and grace, that we may so live together in this life, that in the world to come we may have life everlasting. Amrn. , .1 \ \ < 1 TUESDAY MOENING. O MOST holy and blessed God, before whom the very angers veil their faces, fill us with awe and reverence as we draw near to thee. We are unworthy to enter into thy presence ; but thou invitest us to come^^.. We therefore thankfully approach thee in the name of thy dear Son, and beseech thee to hear us and accept us for his sake. Father, we ha\e siimed against heaven and before thee, and are no more worthy to be called thy children. When we look back on the past, we feel that oiir transgressions are more in number than the hairs of our head. We have sinned against light and knowledge. We have sinned against the workings of thy Spirit in our hearts. We have sinned in thought, word, and deed. For all this give us a true and godly sorrow. Make us to feel our sins deeply. May the remembrance of them be grievous to us. O God, we come to thee for pardon. In thy great mercy forgive us for Christ's sake. Wash us in his blood. Blot out our transgressions as a thick cloud, and as a cloud our sins. And POt only pardon ui, O Lord, for what is past, but cleanse and renew our hearts, and enable us to walk more closely widi thee day by day. Give us thy Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Purify •ur souls, and enable us to put away everything i ; i i 16 TUESDAY MORNING, that defiles us. Direct and control our wayward Avills. Warm our cold hearts, and fill us with thy love. Give us more life, and zeal and earnestness in running our Christian race. Our souls cleave unto the dust ; do thou (juicken us by thy grace. Make us less anxious about the perishing things of this world, and more eager in our pursuit of those things which are eternal. May we live this day as it it were our last, as those who desire to spend an eternity with thee. Lord, be thou our protector and shield every moment. Defend us against all accidents. Pre- serve us in health. Keep us in all our ways. Enable us to serve thee with a cheerful and hearty obedience. Show us what thou wouldst have us to do, and grant us grace to do it. May it be our aim to do sonie good in the world. May we try to make others happy. And above all may we seek to please thee. Bless, O heavenly Father, all our friends, especially those who are far away from us. Ciive them outward* prosperity, so far as thou seest it good for them ; but especially prosper them in their souls. O number them amongst thy own beloved children ; and may none of them be wanting in that day when thou makest up thy jewels. Be with the sick and dying around u;;. Grant them patience and submission under every trial; and that inward peace which thou alone canst bestow. Relie^^e the distressed. Be the Father of the fatherless, and the God of the widow. Be wnih us in our going out and coming in. And lead us through this world to tlie land of everlasting rest, for the sake of Him who hatli TUESDAY MORNING. 17 loved us nnd redeemed us, Jesus Christ our Lord Ameti. Our Father, which art In heaven, &:c. Atnefi. Now unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sms in his own blood, to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. M^*^« TUESDAY EVENING. O MOST blesssed and gracious God, enable us to draw near to thee this evening with humble and beheymg hearts. Thou art the fountain of happiness, and hast no need of our services. But without thee we are miserable. We are poor, and weak, and helpless ; and have need, day by day, and night by night, of thy almighty protection'. Shelter us this night beneath the covert of thy wings. Take us into thy keeping, and we shall be safe. We bless thee for having preserved us from numberless accidents, for having sheltered us from dangers both seen and unseen, and for having stood by us in the time of trial. And further, we would thank thee for having not only watched over our bodies, but over our souls also. If we have resisted temptation this day, or have been kept from sin, to thy grace we owe it all. O leave us not for one instant to ourselves, or we shall surely fall. Guide us step by step, and uphold our goings in thy paths. ! rr=d| 18 TUESDAY EVENING. , He thdnk thee, gracious God, that thou hast given us a Saviour. Make us to feel our need of Him. Convince us of our sinfulness by the teaching of thy Holy Spirit ; and may that precious blood which was shed upon the cross cleanse us from all our guilt. Wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. O our Father, we beseech thee not only to pardon our sins, but also to deliver us from th- power of them. Teach us to hate sin, even as thou hatest it. May we be careful not to offend thee, and anxious to please thee in all things May we feel that it is our greatest happiness to know thee, and our highest privilege to serve thee May It be our meat and drink to do thy will' Make prayer to be our delight. And whatever may befall us, may we always fly to thee, and cast all our care upon thee; for thou, Lord, carest lor us. Give us a more fervent love for thy holy word Grant that the study of it may be our continual comfort, and the daily nourishment of our souls. Do thou enlighten us by thy Holy Spirit, that its truths may be made clear to us, and may come home with power to our hearts. What we see not teach thou us ; so that we may daily grow in grace and in the knowledge and love of Christ. We desire, O Lord, to pray for others. Do thou bless our Country. Make us to be a Chnstun people, fearing thee, and working righteousness. Let thy favour rest upon our Sovereign. May she rule in the fear of God and be a blessing to our land. Give wisdom to our Counsellors, and grant that iii all tliey iw TU.-^SDAY EVENING. 19 do they may seek thy honor and glory, and the welfare of this nation. Hear us, O heavenly Father, we humbly beseech thee, in these our unworthy prayers ; and bless us, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amcfi. Our Father, which art in heaven, d-c. A»ie;i. The Lord bless us and keep us : the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us, and give us peace; the Lord be with us, in our going out and in our coming in, in our rising up and in our lying down, from this time forth, and for evermore. Ame?t. -♦-<■ WEDNESDAY MOENING. We kneel before thee, O our Father, to thank thee for having spared us to see the light of another morning, and to meet together as a Christian family. We praise thee for the measure of health, and peace, and comfort, which we of this household have been permitted to enjoy. Continue these blessings to us, little as we deserve them. Thou hast graciously watched over us during the hours of darkness ; and we now entreat thee to be with us during this day. We know not what a single day, or a single hour, may bring forth ; and therefore we commit ourselves, and all that belongs to us, into thy hands. Since we are living in a world of danger, may we ever be in a watchful spirit. Thou knowest, Lord, all our infirmities ; 20 WEDNESDAY MORNlNCr. keep us tlierefore by thy grace. Hold thou us up, and we shall be safe. May we feel tliat thou art always near us, and by our very side, to guard and protect us. Cleanse, O Lord, our hearts from sin, and keep our spirits free from guile, (iraiit us grace to exercise ourselves to have a conscience void of offence both towards thee and towards men. Make us more Jjke our blessed Master. May we be holy, harmless, and undefiled, as He was. Be pleased to guide us in all our doings, and especially in all our difficulties. In the time of trial, good Lord, deliver us. Lead us in the narrow path ; and may we never for one moment wander from it. Surrounded as we are by tempta- tions on all sides, be thou our refuge; and underneath us place thine everlasting arms. And what we ask for ourselves, we would ask also for others. May thy blessing rest upon the land in which thou hast cast our fot. Guide our Rulers. Teach them to act wisely, and to seek thy glory in all they do. And may we be a holy and happy people, loving and fearing thee. We commit also o thy care and keeping all our friends and relatives, our neighbours and acquaint- ance. May all who are dear to us be dear to thee. Bless the Church to which we belong. Be with the Bishop of this Diocese, and the clergy who minister before thee. Make them wise to win souls, and help them in their great and blessed work. Look in mercy upon the poor and afflicted. Relieve the destitute. Be the Father of the father- less; and make the widow's heart to sing for joy. Finally, O Lord, bless us, even us who are now kneeling before thee. Bless us as a family; and as ^Vi:DNESDAY MORNINO. 21 thou knowest our several cases and wants better even than we know them ourselves, suit thy blessing to the necessites of each of u?". (Irant, C) heavenly Father, that this household may be under thy special care and keeping. Cluide us all in our passage thr"Ugh this v.orld, and bring us at last to thy heavenly kingdom, for the sake of Jesus Christ ouri Saviour. Our Father, which art in hea'cn, tic. Amen. May the Lord direct our hearts this day and for ever in the love of God, and in the patient waiting for Christ. The Lord bless us, and preserve us from all evil, and bring us to everlastinglife, through Jesus Clirist our Lord. Anicn, --♦•♦- WEDNESDAY EVENING. O Almighty God, look down upon us from thy throne in heaven, whilst we draw near to thee with the voice of prayer and praise. Thou art full of kindness to us, thy unworthy servants. We desire to thank thee for all thy mercies to us during the past day. Thanks be unto thee for having preserved us in our going out and our coming in. When evil was near, thou didst shield us with thine arm. Let us never forget that in thee we live, and move, and^ have our being ; and that to thee we are indebted for all we have, and for all we are. If thou art pleasc>d to give us worldly blessings, v/e thank thee for them ; but if thou shouldest see fit to withhold them from us, make us content. 22 WEDNESDAY EVENING. ! i Thou knowest, Lord, what is really best for us. We vould leave all then in tby hands, only begging of tli-'-e that whaiever thou givest thy blessing may be given with it, and that whatever thou withholdcst thou wilt not take thy Holy Spirit from us. Be thou, O Lord, our never-failing portion, and may we find all our joy in thee ; for thou art the fountain of life and happiness to thy creatures, () heavenly Father, lead us in the path, the straight and narrow path of eternal life ; and let us never turn to the right hand, or to the left. Show us thy way, and give us grace to walk in it. Enable us to live very close to thee, to enjoy much of thy presence, and to feel that thou art ever with us. Make us, O (led, entirely thine. iMay we take thy word as our guide, thy people as our companions, and thine arm as our support, in our journey throUj^Ii this wilderness. Let no difficulties alarm us, and no temptations lead us aside. Make us willing to bear the cross, and to fight the good fight of faiih. And then, Lord, do thou at length receive us into those heavenly mansions, where Christ has gone to prepare a place for us. () that not one of this family may be wanting in that day when thou gatherest thy people into thy kingdom. And whilst we are here, make us useful. Point out to each of us the work thou h^.... .'United to us. Show us what thou wouV:-.: */f us to do, and give us willing hearts to do it. May it be our desire to serve thee, and our pleasure to do thy blessed will. Lord, we have" hitherto lived too much to ourselves ; help us henceforth to live t jIi H^li! f 1^ WEDNTISDAT ETENINQ. 23 „nto thee, who hast loved us, and given tLyself fur us. We are now about to lie down and take our rest. Give us, we b.^sccch thee, refreshu^g sleep. Watch over us, and oiir habitation, th:s n.ght. T ei no evil come near us; but raise us up ogam, if it be thv will, in health and safety. Make us always mindful that we shall soon sleep the sleep of death. Whenever that solemn hour arrives, may we -l)e ready to put off our eardily clothing, and to depart and be with Christ for ever. O Lord, give us all that we have asked, and all that we want, not for our own worthiness, bu for the sake of thy dear Son, Jesus Christ, oui Saviour. Anicii. Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. Ameti. The blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst us, and remain with us always. Amen. -♦-♦< *>■•- THURSDAY MORNING. THOU gracious God, who hearest and answerest prayer, make us to feel it our delight to draw near to thee. 1 ord, we have much to ask, and thou hast much to give. \\ e pray to thee for such worldly blessings as thou in thy wisdom seest to be good for us Give us health, and comfort, and prosperity, n it be my tooa pi^.»biii~ — II! 24 THURSDAY MORNING. them. But most of all, we ask thee to grant us spiritual blessings. Vouchsafe unto us those richer gifts which concern our soul«. Thou; hast so loved a guilty world as to send thy own Son to be our Redeemer. Make us to prize his great salvation. Show us our need of Him ; and lead us to his cross as our only hope. Make us to know Christ, and to love Him with all our hearts. And enable us day by day to serve Him not grudgingly or of necessity, but heartily and cheerfully. Thou knowest, Lord, that we are weak • do thou strengthen us by thy grace. W<» are ignorant • may thy Spirit teach us. We are poor and needy • fill us out of thy fulness. We desire, O heavenly Father, to put ourselves, under thy care and keeping this day. Do with us as it seemeth good in thy sight. If thou givest us what we desire, make us thankful. Or if not, may we bow with humble submission, and say. Father, not my will, but thine be done.' O Lord, enlighten our eyes more and more, soften our hearts, and draw us closer to thyself We heartily thank thee for all thy past dealin'^s with us. Surely goodness and mercy have followed us all the days of our lives. Fill our hearts with gratitude and our tongues with praise. Bless the Lord, O our souls, and all that is within us, bless his holy name. We thank thee especially for the mercies of the past night. Whilst many have had no roof to shelter them, we thank thee that we have laid ourselves down in comfort and safety. Whilst many have passed a night of pain and suffering, we have been refreshed with sleen. And whilst I i I*M*> T THURSDAY MORNING. 25 I i f many are now starving with hunger, we have bread enough and to spare. Oh that we may be truly thankful for these and all our other mercies ! May we show our thankfulness by living to thee day by day, and servmg thee with all our hearts. Lord, bless us as a Christian family. Make us to love thee, and to walk in tliy 'ways. Give us grace faithfully to follow Christ, and to be willing to deny ourselves for his sake. May we ever be doing acts of kindness towards one another. Make us unselfish, forbearing, and forgiving. Keep us from angry tempers and hasty words. May each of us in our several stations seek t(3 glorify thee. And may we be thine, not only in name, but in heart and life. Hear us, we beseech thee, and accept us, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our blessed and only Redeemer. Amr;;. Our Father, which art in heaven, .T^c. Am^ji. The grace of our Lord Tesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost be with us all evermore. yl//ie/i. ' ^ I -•-««>►• TIIUESDAY EV£x\ING. O ETERNAf, God, who dwellest in the hicrhest heavens, and yet humblest thyself to listen to the prayers of thy children here on earth, Ix-arken to us who now desire to present our eveninfr supplication unto thee. May we not only bow the knee, but also humble our souls, in ■MVi 26 THURSDAY ETENING. thy presence. May we not only lift up our voice to thee, but may we also raise our hearts heavenwards. Pardon, for Christ's sake, all our cold and unworthy prayers; and give us at this time an earnest spirit of devotion. O our Father, hear us; O Saviour, plead for us; O Holy Spirit solemnize our n»inds, and teach us how to pray' Lord, forgive us all that we have done .-imi^s this day. And not only pardon our sinful actions, but also all our sinful words and imaginations. Make us watchful over ourselves and cleanse thou the secret thoughts of our hearts We desire to be holy, even as thou art holy. O Lord Jesus Christ, we bear thy name • make- us Christians in heart and in life. May we daily be more and more conformed to thy hkeriess. May we, like thee, be meek, and gentle, and holy, and heavenly-minded. May we give ourselves to thee, and not be ashamed to follow thee in the midst of a wicked world AVe thank thee, O our God, that thou han not left us alone in this dark wilderness • but hast promised to be with us ; and hast given us thy word as a lamp to our feet and a li<^ht unto our path. Let that word be dearer to us than thousands of gold and silver. Fnable us to understand it. Give us thy Spirit to t<=ach us; and as we read it, do thou brin^ home thy own truth to our souls. Make u"s doers of thy word, and not readers and hearers only Lver keep us from that which is evil, and enable us to act in all things according to thy will. Thou hast promised, heavenlv Father tn , - --, — THURSDAY EVENING. 27 give us new hearts, and to put a new spirit within us ; graciously fulfil to us that promise. Root out of us everything that offends, and plant within us every Christian grace. Be with our friends and neighbours. Bless those who are rich in this world. Give them hearts to feel for others, and may they be ever doing good. Look upon the poor and friendless. Make the widow's heart to sing for joy ; and in thee may the fatherless find mercy. Grant that, as members of the same household, W'e may live together in peace, bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, as thou for Christ sake hast forgiven us. And do thou, the God of peace, dwell among us, and cheer us with thy presence. Thou knowest all our hearts. If any of us are fiir from thee, bring us home to thy fold j if any are in sorrow, comfort us ; if any are tempted, mercifully strengthen us. And grant, O God, that we who now live together on earth may dwell together in thy presence abov?. Hearken, () Lord, to this our evening prayer, for Jesus Chri'^t's sake. Amen. Our Father, uhich art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day [or, day by day] our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation ; but deliver us from evil : for thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory, for ever and ever. Am en. M 5r !i I 28 FRIDAY MORNING. I"" FRIDAY MOKNING. O THOU Giver of every good and perfect gift, from wliom cometh every blessing that we enjoy, we desire to spread our wants before thee this morning. O thou who hast an ear to hear, give us hearts to pray. We ask thee to take us under thy special care this day. Thon sparest us from hour to hour. It is of thy mercies that we are not consumed. Make us to feel the value of each day as it comes ; and may we endeavour to spend it in thy service, and to thy glory. Help us, O Lord, to do our duty in the various stations in which we are placed. As we perform each work which is allotted to us, may we remember that thine eye is upon us ; and may we do it cheerfully for thy sake. Make us strictly honest in all our dealings, and truthful in all we say. Give us a kind and forbearing spirit toward all around us. Keep us from all harshness of speech, and from every unchristian temi)er. Enable us to act in all things as becomes thy people, and as the followers of a meek and lowly Saviour. Make us contented with the portion which thy love allots to us. And grant that we may feel that peace, which belongs to those whose unrighteousness is forgiven, and whose sin is covered. When we are engaged in our worldly employ- ments, may we often hold communion with thee. May we serve thee in our various callings, re- membering that to thee we must one day give an account. Keep us from the fear of man. And oh that we may never be ashamed of Christ, / 1,.^.. FRIDAY MORNIXG. 29 and of his gospel ; but be willing cheerfully to be£>r all that may be laid upon iis, for our Saviour's sake. l.ook, gracious (iod, upon tlie world we are living in, and have mercy upon all men. Check the progress of sin, and may true religion flourish and abound among us. Hasten the time when all shall know thee from the least to the greatest. Be with thy ministers, especially those who are labouring under circumstances of trial and suffering; make them faithful, and crown their labours wrth success. Grant, Lord, that thy light may break forth m every land, and thy truth be proclaimed from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. Have mercy upon this country. We acknowledge that our blessings are great, far greater than we deserve : oh that we may accept them with thankfulness. We have the gospel sounding in our ears ; give us grace to receive it not in word only, but in power. May we love its precepts, believe its promises, and lay hold of that salvation which it sets before us. Let us not be Christians in name only; but may we shine as lights in a dark world. Heal otir divisions. Pour out upon us a spirit of forbearance and brotherly love. Make us to be a people bringing forth the fruits of righteousness. Hear these our prayers, O heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. Amen. Now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling, and to pres!;nt us laultless before the I i 80 FRIDAY MORNING. presence of his glory with exceeding jny; to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. FRIDAY EVENING. O Lord, who art the Father of mercies, and the God of all grace, we are gathered together in thy name; be thou in the midst of us. Do thon hear our prayers, and answer them, for Jesus Christ's sake. Teach us daily to feel our entire dependence on thee. Thou, O God, didst bring us into being ; thou hast preserved as from our earliest days unto this present hour. Thou knowest the wants of each one now before thee ; and to thee the very secrets of our hearts are all open. Give us largely out of thy fulness, and supply all our need. Give, Lord, not according to our deservings ; but give according to our need, and according to thy grace and goodness in Jesus Christ. We thank thee, heavenly Father, for all thy mercies, for those which concern our bodies, as well as those which concerii our souls. Thou hast graciously supplied us with food to nourish us, clothing to cover us, and friends to care for us. Thou hast granted us plenty, wh'.st many have been suffering from want ; and health, whilst many have been worn by sickness. But above all, thou hast given us a Saviour to die for us ; and ? r PJRIDAV EVEXl.YO. 31 hearts. Put a ew sen "in ^"'' "' "'™'''"' 'i-:;nl<.givin,„,no"o;.o^.'" °" '"°""'^. even and lusts. Mav w/l,\„ ,1 . "s affections here, lookin, ^fo? ott d "ir" f "' P^'S"-"^ Give us a last- f^^ =?", Te"'"a-l'''»ce above. "3 ne,vcreattrest S r! t r/"'""'!';"'-^' ■^'••"^e ■ love in our L'a", tt Givi"r,a„ht' '''°^" souls on Christ \fo,. u- "■^/^'t'^ to rest our be our orut hope and m 'i""f' °" ""^ "°= daily pattern S;;'ve be hot ', '"^'^''^ "" unde.01cd, as He was and ,S' ^^™'ess, and ever be doing good ' ' "™' '"^^ "e dread be^o offend^hee and ou7o °"f ^^^"^^^^ |.-, serve thee. Enable "s ^ Ih-TTr ^'i''^^^^ life as those whose trea.nrl ;= , '^'^^ ^^^°^t thou fit us for our ^eat chw ^ If""' ^"^ ^^ are asleep as regards our souf, rl.f,"^ '"'°"- "^ awaken us. If anv of n. ' ■ f ^^'^" "' "^^^^y incline us o ^ ve our h. .^'^^^^^^t Christians, Ereath/ n T ^Z • ^^'^^^^ altogether to Christ befot^h?e'"'(^;v'e"'ro.Tv?' '\" "'^ "S^"- and heavenly desles O^ ,^ '' '''T"'^ ^°P<=^ Spirit. -^ Quicken us by thy holy that all who are ni-v tte."' '" '''"''•■'>- Grant among thy peTpl^ LeUhere'LTtf '^^""'"bered wi^en thou La4t up^rit:r;L'tr;;;er4"f 32 FRIDAY EVENIxa. now dvvell together on earth, meet tocrether .f thy r,ght hand, and sit dou'n to'ether^ ti;' heavenly kingdom. Grain this oYnAf r ^ Christ's sake. Aum? ' ^ ^' ^°' -^''"'^ unto thy gracious mercy and protection n Lord, we commit ourselves O T orr? ? ' and kecT-) ii< n t , ''^'^' '-', -'-«rd, bless us upon uf ami l3 ' "'"''" ^'^>^ ^^^^^ ^o shine np the Lht of r'^°"' ""'^ "'• O ^^^^^'^ 'ift gu-e us feace hn^/ ^^""tenance upon us, and gue us peace, both now and evermore. A^;^en SATUEDAY MOEXIXG. t^i h'""""''^ •'"'^ ^^^^^"'-^^ God, we come before thee this morning under a deen sense of L W .e Cone amisV^orrA^ ^Z ro.s ;:^ sfnL/t t"^,etrr Trf ^ provicied a Saviour for „.s. We fl" e io St, !,' under the shelter of l,is cross we dJs^^rf t,^ ''Z Sin ot the world, take awav our sJhq p .u- agony and bloody sweat, bj\hy cro ;nd n. ^"'' do thou deliver us O f orri V ^ \ P'^-^-^'O" We wish to fi„d':^r Z^.^^ T,t'° pV'tf"' our truest joy, the glory ^of our briX;t dav Z comfort of our gloomiest night. ^' ^ SATURDAY MOIlNINt, Make Sin hateful to us, and create in us a desire after hohncss. Take away, O God, the heart of stone, and give us softened hearts to beheve in thee, and to love thee. Make each one of us to led that we must give an account of our steward- ship, and that for all our talents, our time, and our opportunities, we must answer before thee. Help us to look into our own hearts, and try our own ways. Whatever is wrong in us, enable us to see it, and give us grace to correct it. O let us never deceive ourselves, crying peace when there IS no peace. Keep us this day from sin. Control our passions. Subdue our self-will. Root out every- thing within us that is displeasing to thee O Lord, we would walk in that blessed path where thou hast led the way. Give us grace to follow thee ; and let not any enticement of the world tempt us to turn to the right hand or to the left. Arm us against our great spiritual enemy btrengthen us in the hour of temptation. May we never be ashamed of Christ or of his gospel May we never be turned aside by the fear of man Lord, we wish to be thy soldiers and servants Grant that we may be found faithful. And do thou at length enable us to gain the victory, and win the heavenly crown. Look in mercy upon our dear friends, both those who are with us, and those who are for away from lis. We ask the same blessings for ihem that we desire for ourselves. Prosper them in all their ways. Lift up the light of thy countenance upon them. ( irant them that inward peace, which the world cannot give. ! .ead them to Christ now I I 84 SATURDAY MORNING. 1 and to heaven hereafter. Bless also our enemies If we have any ; and soften their hearts towards us.' Be with every member of this family. May all who belong to us belong to thee, and^neet h^ere- after in that world where sorrow and separation shall be no more. ^ diauun And now, Lord, receive our prayers, and accent our praises Pardon us for all \hal we have asU amiss ; and those good things which through our Ignorance we have omitted to ask for, do thou in zzfr'J:'^!'' ''-' '""'^ '-''■ i-- '^^"- Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. Jm-^ 1 he Lord bless us, and keep us : the Lord make h^ face to shine upon us, and give us pe.ce novv and evermore. Jmc/i. \ i -♦•♦■ SATUEDAY EVENING. O Lord, we desire to close this day and this week with prayer to thee. Pardon, vve beseech thee forChrist's sake, the sins which w^e have commiued loZZT''^.''''^ ^''''- "^"^ -ft^^r hour our thoughts have dwelt on the things of this world Wen" "veT ''''\'!''' been^urned ^t^ards heaven We have not been thankful for thy bless- ings We have not been watchful over our own hearts. We have allowed manv hidden and secret sms to dwell within us. We hav^e loved thi pre 'en world too dearly, and we have loved thee O God too little. We have lived too much as if' this was our resting-place and our home. ■J;*eS.S(*»^*%*-^ . i \ \ i SATUIIDAY KVEXIXf.-. gr, separate us from thee " r. '', ' "?' °'" «ns for Lis sake loo mcrcifui f ' '" '" ^^'"'^- •-""' thee that there ;nl'"f,,'"" "'■ "■>•■ thank usupp,,au'v;,^;:ei;:i::.%-.;--':-"'^'ht,s. us our heseltin/s ns „ ' '''''^ '"'■'^^''"^'■- ^^ow come then, !•■; Im' '"''•' '" ?"''^"S"' '° °ver- ever dear to us they ma" c° ""' "'"" •"™>'' "°»- fore, may «e be ev^ " """^'' "'''i^'' are l.e^ for he .ri'eof our h'T'''''^'"'™* ""^ "'ark S"-"e,a^te-™t;;to't--;';?^- ara.:rthlSe i— ^^^^^^^^ day, and feel it to be tl,e bS' ^'Vll°'' ""X ercfes o our L^lrTl^' " '^^ morrow, not onlv fn .^^. r -tenable us to- Ploymemrbutl'o shm r; S S' ,7^""^ -"" and may it be a day given to thee °" '''""=' to":r;h;!rr-!:f-t^!->.o are dear HuiirJity care. When our eyes are ,♦ • 36 SATURDAY EVENING. closed in sleep, be thou our ever-watchful Guardian. O thou Keeper of Israel, who never slumbcrest nor sleepest, be thou our shield and defence. The darkness is no darkness with thee, but the night is as clear as the day. We desire, then, whether waking or sleeping, to put ourselves into thy hands fully assured that if thou art with us, no evil can happen to us. Order all that concerns u^ • and may w^ never take a single step without thy guidance and direction. ^ Thanks be unto thee, O God, for all thine un numbered mercies. Give us grateful hearts, now and may we hereafter praise thee in thy courts above, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. Apien. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, ;bless, preserve, and keep us. 'J'he Lord mercifully ^ylth his favour look upon us ; and fill us with all spiritual benediction and grace, that we may so live together in this life, that in the uorld to come we may have life everlasting. Amen f i\ \ •-- irt^jihtftssiiJttir* ■ Guardian, bcrest nor ^e. The le night is , whether hy hands, ' evil can us ; and hout thy hine un- its, now, ly courts Amen, Amen. be Holy he Lord id (ill us that we le world nen. V OCCASIONAL PRAYEKS. Oh bt introdmd into the ordinary Vrayers for the day.) 1. Foil Nkw Ykahs Da v. ( > I -OKI), wc desire to own thy cxccedincj love and mercy ni haying spared us to the beginning of a l^^vv year. )\ hen we look back on the past, there IS much nideed to fill us with shame and trembling. How poorly have wc served thee ! How often have we dishonoured thee ! ^Ve come to thee. O Saviour, with all our sins. To thy cross we look as w ^hlV.f"^'- ^ «'''"^ '^^' '^'y ^l««d which was sJied there may wash away all our guilt. . iMay we this day be reminded how quickly time lb passmg by, never to return. Oh that, while life IS spared to us, we may feel the preciousness of t\^ry moment, and spend it earnestly in thy scr- O heavenly Father, enable us to be more entirely thine during this new year, on which we are this day entering. We desire solemnly to surrender ourselves to thee. If we have hitherto lived to the world, may we now live to it no longer. If we have loved sin, may we now love it no more. Be thou our only portion ; and may this year be begun, con- tinued and ended in thee. Grant this for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. "^ 2. For Christmas Day. O Lord Jesus CnRrsT, who wast as on this dav born at Bethlehem, we thank thee that thou has^t J 38 OCCASIONAL PRAYERS. come into the woild to save us. We praise thee for that exceeding love which led thee to leave the glories of heaven, and to come and dwell among us. Though thou wast rich, yet for our sakes thou didst become poor, that we through thy poverty might be rich. Oh that a feeling of joy and gratitude may fill our hearts. What shall we render unto thee, O Saviour, for all that thou hast done for us ? Enable us to love thee ; and give us grace to become thy true and faithful followers. Warm our cold hearts, and tune them for thy happy service. Blessed Jesus, be thou our portion. Draw our hearts to thyself. Make us to enjoy that peace which belongs to thy people. May we daily endeavour to follow the bright example of thy spotless life ; and may we look to thy cross as the only refuge of our souls. Grant this for thine own name's sake. Amen. A 1 '■ « I* o For Good Friday. O MOST holy and blessed Saviour, who didst as on this day bleed upon the cross for our sins, teach us to mourn over our guilt with true sorrow, and to flee to thee as our only sacrifice. By thy cross and passion, by thy precious death and burial, good Lord, deliver us. O Lord, our iniquities are many and great. We have crucified thee afresh by our grievous sins. We have opened thy wounds anew by our transgressions. Pardon us, most loving Saviour, for thine own sake. Purge us, and we shall be cftan : wash us, and we shall be whiter than snow. And do thou enable us to live no longer to ourselves, but to thee who hast 1 ^.,w.:*«-'o«W¥i»''we»*'a^w^«&a»Bf5<''^i*^>»K^M>»»****i^i*S^^ lise thee leave the 11 among ikes thou ■ poverty joy and iour, for IS to love true and and tune esus, be ) thyself. gs to thy )llow the may we )ur souls. men. dst as on US, teach >w, and to cross and ial, good reat. ; sins. We We gressions. own sake. r>, and we enable us > who hast OCCASIONAL PRAYERS. 39 1 ' bought us with such an amazing price. Teach us to draw near to thee, from day to day, for the par- don of our daily sins. Speak peace, Lord, to our souls ; and let thy blood purge away all our guilt. Hear us, blessed Lord ; and to thee, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be honour and glory, now and for ever. Ame/i. 4. For Easter Day. O Saviour of the world, who didst as on this day burst the bonds of death, and rise triumphant from the grave, we thank thee that thou hast overcome death, and opened unto us the gate of everlasting O thou who art the resurrection and the life, raise us, we pray thee, from the death of sm to a life of righteousness. May we ever be lookmg up- ward to that heaven where thou dwellest ; and may •our hearts and affections be drawn away from the world, and set on things above. May we live upon thee day by day, and be united to thee more and more closely. O thou risen and exalted Redeemer, look upon thy suffering people here on earth. Give us ^ace patiently to endure unto the end : and as thou hast prepared a place for us in thy Father's house, O prepare us day by day for that glorious inheritance. And grant that when thou, who art our life, shalt appear, we may appear with thee m glory. Hear us, we beseech thee, for thine own name s sake. Amc;L 5. For. Whitsunday. O God, thou didst as on this day send down thy Holy Spirit upon thy Church, grant that He may i 1 40 OCCASIONAL rUAYERS, rest upon each one of us, to quicken us, to teach us, to guide us, to comfort us, and to make Christ known to us. May His blessed influence be felt in all our hearts ; and may He take up His abode within us. O thou blessed Spirit, open our eyes to under- stand the Scriptures, and open our hearts to feel the truths of thy word. Plelp us in our prayers ; teach us how to pray. Subdue every sinful inclina- tion within us ; and make us holy, as thou art holy. Create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. O God, we beseech thee to pour out abundantly of thy Holy Spirit upon the world at large. May thy gospel be spread far and wide. May thy power be felt in awakening and saving souls. And may there be 'added to thy Church daily such as shall be saved. O Lord, revive thy work ; and let thy life-giving power be felt among us. Grant this, gracious Lord, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. 6. For a Sick Member of the Family. O Lord, we desire to commend to thy special care thy servant who is sick in this house. Be with him (or her) in his sickness. Grant that it may be made a time of blessing to his soul. Lead him to the Saviour : and may he find comfort in the midst of trial, and that peace which the world cannot give. We beseech thee to raise him up again, if it be thy good pleasure. Nevertheless, let thy dealings with him be according to thy blessed will, and as thou scest best for his soul. Hear us, O Lord, for thy dear Son's sake. Amen. > Jj s, to teach lake Christ ice be felt His abode to iinder- Tts to feel ir prayers ; ful inch'na- )u art holy, right spirit ibundantly rge. May thy power And may h as shall nd let thy -Irant this, Amen. Family. oecial care Be with t it may be jad him to the midst Id cannot p again, if 3, let thy essed will, jar us, O ^ \ \ > i OCCASrONAL PRAYERS. 7. FoK One (Ioincj on a JouiiNiiv 41 T.ORD, be with us this day. And especially be with thy servant who is about to leave this roof. Prosper him on his journey. Protect him from all dangers. And be with him in ///> going out and in his coming in. Make us all to remember that this is not our rest. May wc be pressing onward with all earnestness, and at length reach our heavenly home, for the sake and through the merits of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. 8. Praise for a Blessing Received. Most gracious and loving Father, we thank thee for all thy mercies, and more particularly for that grcnt mercy, with which thou hast at this time visited ^us. Help us to show our gratitude, not only with our lips, but in our lives, by living more entirely to thee, and by loving thee with a more perfect love. Lord, tune our hearts for thy service, and accept this our offering of prayer and praise, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. 9. Before Eeceiving the Holy Communion. O Lord, thou hast invited us this day to thy holy table. Thbu hast prepared a Feast for us, even that precious feast of thine own body and blood. Give us grace to draw near to thee with lowly and contrite hearts ; and enable us to come to thee as the Bread of life, and the Saviour of souls. Whilst L 42 1 OCCASIOXAL PRAYERS. we eat the bread and drink the wine, help us to feed on^thy precious Body and Blood. May we remember thy exceeding love in giving thyself for us ; and may we hate the sins which nailed thee to he cross Make thyself known to us this day in he breakmg of bread ; and send us away from^thy table s rengthened and refreshed. Grant this we beseech thee, for thine own name's sake Ame;i 10. After Receiving the Holy Communion. m^-frSTv ^^r' ^ ^°'"^' '^^' '''^ ^'^''^ been per- mncf if i'y ^?- ^PP^o^ch thee, in thine own niost blessed ordmance. We have eaten bread and drunk wme m remembrance of thee. O that our souls may have been nourished and refreshed fn u.'' pfr^^ ^'''' ' ^"^eive all that was amiss in us. Pardon our want of faith, the coldness of our hearts, and the wanderings of our thouc^hts Make us more earnest, more decided, and more heavenly-mmded. May we ever remember whose we are and seek to glorify thee by a holy and de- voted life. Grant this for thine own sake, O blessed Saviour to whom, with the Father and the Holy Amm "' ^"'^ ^^'''^' ""^"^ """'^ ^^^ e^^r- 11. To BE USED IN ANY TiME OF Trouble. O Heavenly Father, we would draw near to thee at this time, when thou art visiting us with > 1 mm OCCASIONAL PRAYERS. help US to May we g thyself for -iled thee to this day in ay from thy ant this, we Holy been per- thine own Lten bread ^ O that refreshed was amiss ;oldness of thoughts, and more ber whose ly and de- O blessed the Holy for ever. [E OF near to g us with 43 t \ i ailliction. _ Now that they chastening hand is upon us, we desu-e to bow before thee, and to look up to tliee with humble self-abasement. Lord, we are in thy hands. Thou art the Potter, and we the clay. O do with us as thou seest best. Not our will, but thine, be done. May this affliction, hard as it is to bear, do us good. lAIay it wean us from this world, and lead us to the Saviour's cross. We have too often gone to earthly cisterns wiiich hold no water. We now come to thee, the Fountain of life ; and pray thee to fill us out of thy fulness, and to refresh our weary souls. O Lord, hear us ; O Lord, pity us ; and bestow on us an abundance of thy grace and mercy, for Jesus Christ's sake. Ameu. 12. For the Last Day ix the Year. O Lord, we thank thee that thou hast brought us to the closing day of another year. Thou hast been very gracious in thus lengthening out our ives. We bless thee for delivering us from num- berless accidents and dangers. Lord, it is of thy mercies that we are not consumed. When we think of the numberless sins and short- comings which this year has witnessed, we have much need to be humbled in the dust. Blessed be thy name, there is forgiveness with thee. Grant It to us, for Christ's sake. Lord, we desire with a new year to give our- selves afresh to thee. May we, each day that we live,^find more peace a. r1 happiness in thy service, for jcsus Christ's sake. Amen. A LITANY SERVICE. MORNING. Let us pray. those who are spSy dead ""^ '" ^"^ '""' '° .■?1^' ""■'■J' 'f"" »^ ««,„^,^ •J Thou who lovest us «,;n, '"^'- and hast shed thrb7o?d\:fav:"ur^"^^"-^ ^^^^' Have mercy upon ns mtserabie sinners That It may please th^^ f« r^^^^^- all that we have dTe amir .?d^ "' P^^^°" ^^^ sin no more. '^' """^ ^race to go and IVel^cseeck thee to hear us, good Lord. f ^ / \ MORNING. 45 belTetSi'r^lP^'^^e" "^^^ t° "^"^We us truly to ^^.' W/. //.r^ /^ kear us, good Lord. iiiat It may please thee to enable us all to tit^ up our cross daily; and to bear it after thee We besecclu thee to hear us, good Lord anJt'eL^^eSSnd^r .11'' '" ^'' ""^ ^^"^ ^^^^'^'V undere:e?;;yictt;'.^' provocations, and patienc^ m beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. IPe beseeeh thee to hear us, good Lord nil rh"!.! ;• "^T^^^"''^ ^^'^^ ^° bless and preserve e peciaUv'thv r°'' ?^.r^-^' ^"^ governors and especially thy servant VicTORfA, our Oueen and all who bear authority under he; ; ^ ' We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord J hat It may please thee to bless the bIshoD of th.s diocese, and all the ministers of thy hSyWoid and Sacraments, making them wise to win smils We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord ' P roTner ^hln^n^^'"'' i^'"" '^ ^^^^'^ ^^^'^ P^^^'^^ to prosper thine own work in it, and to increase fh^ number of thy faithful and true people ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord That It may please thee to bless thv Chnrrh throughout the world, and to prosper the^ labours We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord 46 A LlTAJsT SERVICE. A mm. O Christ, hear us. O Christy hear its. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord^ have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon its. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Our Father, which art in heaven, &c. Let us praise the name of the Lord ; And offer unto God thanksgiving. Unto thee we give thanks, O Lord ; Yea, unto thee, Lord, do we give thanks. O Heavenly Father, we bless and praise thee for thy mercies during the past night, and for thy fatherly care and r ;servation of us from day to day. But mdst of an we thank thee for that thou hast so loved the world as to give thy dear Son to die for us. For this and all thy benefits, give us thankful hearts. Put a new song even now into our mouths, and help us to praise "thee for ever in thy courts above, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Redeemer. Amen. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the HolyOhost, be with us all evermore. Amen. -♦-<< *¥-^ EVENING. "All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, be- lieving, ye shall receive." Matt. xxi. 22. Let us pray. O Almighty God, who art the Creator, the Re- deemer, and the Sanctifier of thy people, have mercy upon us miserable sinners, \l I mumfmmmmm^^tm EVENING. 47 i' M < \ { \ O Almighty God, who art the Creator- the Re dcemcr, and the '. nctijier of thy peoJ^k'L Jr^ upon us miserable sinners -^ ^ ^"' ''^^' "^^'^y From all the sins of our evil nature, from all un- belief, from impenitence, from pride, from spir tual sloth and carelessness, S'PJniual Good Lord, deii7>er ns. cJi^rus:" "" "'"' ''^' '""' "^"^ '^^^^' -" 6*^^?// Z^r^, de/iver us. In all time of grief and gladness : in all time and"?n ^h''f '"^ f!""^'^ '' '^ ^he day^s of our life and in the hour of death, ' Lord, be thou our Helper Cn^^^ '"?fu' ^^ ^''"""^ '^^'^^ to Lear us, O Lord God : and that it may please thee to giv^ us tme repeiucnce aiid godly sorrow for alf our trans- gressions m thought, word, and deed : We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. .'J A^^l P^^^^^ t^^e to pardon our many sms, and to give us grace henceforth to lead a holy We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord 1 hat It may please thee to look in mercy on the poor and needy, to give them a contented spirit and to support them under every trial • ^ ' We beseech thee to hear vs, good Lord ^JZ^ll'^^y^^^^^^^^^^ to look upon all who hear^ fT^T- "'?'' '"^ ^^" ' ^o turn their to thv'Cf '?u r'?^ ^^^"^ ^^"^^' ^^^s^ed Saviour, I Jif/ ; ^,^^^ ^^'^'' ^""''^^ "^^y be saved in the great day of thy coming ; We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord (hat It may please thee to bless the sick ..pd afflicted (especially ), giving them the'com- . , a 48 A LITANY SERVICr:. fort of thy presence, and making all things work together for their eternal good ;" IVc beseech thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to give us grace accord- ing tooiir ability, to visit the fatherless and widows in their aflliction, and to keep ourselves unspotted from the world ; We beseeeh thee to hear us, good Lord. That it may please thee to hear and answer our unworthy j^rayers, and to give us more and more the true spirit of prayer and praise ; JVe beseeeh thee to hear us, good Lord. Son of God, we beseech thee to hear us. Son of God, 7ve beseech thee to hear uf<. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world ; Grant us thy peace. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world ; IfaTc mercy upoti us. Our Father, which art in heaven, &:c. O Heavenly Father, we thank thee for all the mercies of the past day ; and we desire to commend ourselves to they care and keeping for the cominp- night. Preserve our bodies in health and safety, and our minds in peace. Let thy fatherly hand ever be over_ us. Let thy Holy Spirit ever be with us. And bring us, we beseech thee, at last to thy heavenly kingdom, for the .sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. The Lord bless us, and keep us : the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon us, and give us peace, now and for evermore. Amen.