tmm JMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) .J ■- < , BY ALFRED WADDINGTON". "Once lost, never regained." LONDON : LONGMANS, tlEEEN, READER, AND DYER. IbtfS, Ti^ tt ^ mm i H PREFACE. I A PORTION of the following pages was l^ead at tlie lij^.e meeting of the Britisli Association for the Advancement of Science, in Norwich. I also read a paper m connexion with the proposed route at the Eoyal Geographical Society, shortly after my arrival in England ; and in both cases the subject excited con.'iiderablo attention, and was reproduced in most of the leading papers. I have been led to embody the whole in the present hrochtire since my return from Norwich, at the request of several well-known gentlemen, who feel and understand the 'importance of the question at issue ; for it is by publicity alone that our Government and the nation can be aroused to its importance. The subject is a most serious one, and I recommend it to the ea/nest con- sideration of our bankers and merchants, to that of the different chambers of commerce, and of the mercantile community generally. ALFRED WAEDINGTON. Tavistock Hotd, Covent Garden, September 17t/i, 1368. TT- ,' X •i 'r • I .,, OVERLAND ROUTE THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMERICA; OB, THE SHOEIESI AND SPEEDIEST EOAD TO THE EAST. ErT-" ^ *' Once lost, never regained." 7 1 Such is the motto with wliich I head these pages, because it embodies a great truth, and an onuuous cue, as regards the subject about to bo discussed, namely, "The Shortest and Speediest Road to the East." The unprepared reader may feel surprised, but if he taico the trouble to go through these pages, he will soon admit the correctness of its application. The truth is, that England is, commercially speaking, on the brink of a precipice without being aware of it. Wrapped up in her own prosperity, she is apparently ignorant that a trans-conti- iiental railroad is rapidly progressing through the United States, for the professed purpose of transferring the trade of the Old to the New World, and that ere long it will bo completed. Or, it not entirely unaware of the fact, the few persons who have turned their attention to it are either heedless as to its general importance, or else foolishly incredulous, and therefore indifferent as to the results. And yet England has in her hands the means of rivalling that high road, as wo shall presently show, by one stil] more direct through British Noith America, and of thus averting the impending danger. But this is not generally known; or rather (as is almost always the case when a subject tliat is not over favourably looked upon, has been but impei'fectly studied, and that from a distant point of view), those who are more or loss aware of it are only acquainted with the objections that have been made to its practicability. And these have been so often repeated, that they are almost taken for truth. In the meanwhile the Americans are actively advancing towards the attainment of their object, and if England neglects this opportunity, she will awake, when too late to recover them, to regret the loss of her trade with the East and her commercial supremacy. But bef «re proceeding further, it may bo Avell to give a short de- scription 01 the way in which this great American enterprise, the most magnificent perhaps of modern times, is progressing, so that the reader may better realize the extent and imminence 'of the danger with wliich we are threatened, m^mm • OVEHLAND nOUTB ^ - * CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. Altliougli the Raihvay in progress from New York, or more correctly speaking, from the ^fiasouri to the Pacific, is in many places accompanied hy great engineering difficulties, and passes over a vast tract of country unfit for settlement, yet, in spite of these drawbacks, it is advancing with the most astonishing rapidity ; owing to the liberal assifstance afforded by the Federal Government to the two companies (the Union Pacific, and the Central Pacific), who have the concession, and to the profound pubb'c conviction of the immense results to be obtained. On the Eastern side, from Omaha, on the ^Missouri, to Cheyenne, at tlio foot of the l>lack Hills, 517 miles, of which only 40 were completed on the 9th of May, 18GG, had been laid down in December last. These 517 miles phss over the rich plain and valley of the Platte river, where rising villages, and towns containing some of tliem hotels and all the proofs of active business and ju'osperit}'', already show ;tho progress of the line ; and, amongst other ( onsiderable works, include a bridge 3,000 feet long over the Nortli j'latte, and a noble Howe Truss bridge, 1,500 feet long, at Loup Fork. T\vo thousand graders, accommodated in cars, 80 feet long, fitted up Avith berths, or as dining halls, kitchens, store-rooms, etc., •which follow the terminus, and are pushed on as it advances; and 1,600 wood-choppers and tie-getters in the woods formed the advanced guard at this end, besides all those employed in laying down the line. The rolling stock employed consisted of 793 freight cars, 20 passenger and mail cars, and 53 locomotives ; and on an average over one mile and one-third of track was laid per working day — a speed unparalleled in railroad building. After the season had closed, the rock cuttings and gradings were continued during the winter to the summit of tho lilack Hills (31^ miles further on, and 8,262 feet above the sea), and thence over tho Laramie Plains to Bridge's Pass (7,434 feet), in the Rocky Mountains, the difficulties over which extend about 150 miles. At this point the works were resumed early this spring, and are at this moment proceeding with still greater rapidity than ever ; whilst further west, the portion in the Desert, from Echo Pass to Salt Lake, has been lately contracted for by the well-known Mormon Elder, Brigham Young. ■ On the Pacific coast (where 10,000 Chinese were employed by tho Central Pacific Company at one dollar per day) tho road luid reached and crossed over the Sierra Nevada in December last, at a height of 7,042 feet, after surmounf'ng the greatest difficulties perhaps on tho whole line. Some idea of these may be formed from the fact, that besides fifteen tunnelsandnumerous heavy mountain side-cuttings, many miles of road have had to be covered in with sloping roofs, made of the strongest timbers (an entirely new idea in railway construction), in ordei' to protect tlie^e places from the danger of avalanches, which might otherwise bury t)ie trams and sweep everything before them. About 105 miles had been completed at this end last winter, from Sacramenfo to Mud Lake, on the eastern and more abrupt slope of tho mountains j 64 miles more had been added this year at the end of I •- ''- i K» mmmmmim THROUOa BRITISH NORTH AMERICA- a Juno, and it was confidently expected that tlio whole grand lino to the racific would ho completod iu 1870, so aa to connect with the Hplcmlid steamers already subsidized by the American Government, and running between kSan Francisco, Japan, China, and tho Sandwich Islands. So confident, indeed, are tho Union Pacilic Company that this lino will monopolise tho commerce of tho East, that closed cars are already built, as if tho service were secure, and tho closed pouches only want labelling for "China through," "India Official,'' "Sandwich Islands," " Alaska," *' Japan," (fee. (See tho Report cf the Company, New York, October 25th, 18G7). Making all reaKonable deductions from these exaggerations, no one yonder ex|)resses a doubt aa to the success ; and in San Francisco, such was tho inlluencc of the sarae conviction on the merchants and others, and their contidenc'i in the results, that when tho writer was there a few months ago, palaces were literally rising up as if by magic. But what must be tho feelings of every Englivshman, when trying to calculate the conserpicnces of such a commercial re- volution ! One which, unless counteracted, will at tho very onset throw the Chinese trade, and that of Japan, into tho hands of the Americans, Tiie pirccious mettils, tho transmission of which to tho Oriental ports has been hitherto by way of London, will in futnro bo sent at half cost by this more speedy and direct route ; thus making Now Yorl: and San Francisco, instead of London, the financial and banking centres of the trade of the world. Tho business of all those of our merchants who are at present engaged in direct trade with those countries, will bo disturbed — if it be not wrested from them ; our communications with New Zealand and tho Australian Colonies dis- placed and thrown into foreign hands, and the general inroad into our commerce with tho East will sound the lir&t knell of England'r decline. Having thus cast a hasty glance at what the Americans are doing, let us now examine seriatim, and more attentively, tho dilficultiea which aro supposed to render the construction of a rival railroad through British America problematical, if not almost chimerical. OBJECriONS TO A RAILROAD THROUGH BRITISH TERRITORY. These are numerous enough, if true, and may be classed as follows :— 1st. — The supposed geographical difticulties to the north and west of Lake Superior, and those much more real through tho Rocky Moun- tains and British Columbia. ^iKj; . . ; . ., . " 2nd. — The supposed severity of cllmato, and general unfitness of the country 'io be traversed for settlement. 3rd. — ^The greater distance across the Continent to the North, as camparea with tho South. 4th. — The difficulty, if not impossibility, of constructing a iailroad through a wild, unsettled country. 5th. — The opposing rights of the Hudson's Bay Company. 6th. — The possibility of difficulties at some future day with tho United States, combined with tho existence of a sparse population and a } f J «'.:. -,'»W; 8 OVERLAND ROUTE M : long lino of (lefencelosn Iruiitier; oiul coiiriequcutly, the little conHdeiice placed by English capitalists in anything appertaining to Canada. 7tli. — The enormous expense of the undertaking, supposing it practicable. 8th.— The cost of railroad transit across the Continent, and con- sequently the small amount of traftic to bo expected. yth. — And last, not least, the anti-colonial tlieories of tlio day, and the gi'owing divsliko to spend money on our foreign possessions. This is, however, not a Colonial, but a commercial and imperial (picstion wliich concerns the whole nation. That unimaginative Englishmen should not light for an idea, may so far show their good sense; but that they should bo so indifl'ereut and shortsighted as to give up that commercial supremacy which has been so slowly and dearly acquired, and on which tlio gr<;atness of this country depends, witliout a stniggle to retain it (and that not a struggle by arms, so as to expose the country to the uncertain risks of war, but one of commercial rivalry) ; or merely in order to avoid the temporary burden of an expenditure, the wisest England could ever make, is a thing not to be understood. Wo must, therefore, look into the matter more closely us the Lnportanco of the case requires, and weigh the above objections one by one, in order to show how groundlcv-s they .are ; beginning with llie geographical difi&culties, as an indispensable preliminary to the others. - . '-Si ><;?>;•, ,-■**» ,f,' . v " .:,...:■ \ GEOGll APHICAL DIFFICULTIES. '• '' It has hitherto been generally believed, for want of more ample in- formation, (hat the country north of Lake Superior was broken and barren in the extreme ; thus rendering it unfit for settlement, and con- sequently to serve for an Overland communication •with the west. So that the only fea.sible road to connect Canada with the North West Territory and the Pacitio, must unavoidably be through the State of Minneiota. Such a conclusion can only have been founded upon the forbidding aspect of the mountains which form Iho northern shores of Lakes Superior and Huron ; and which, as seen by travellers from the water, with their bold iiaked t^ides and peaks, treeless and bare of vegetation, present, it is true, a scene of thorough desolation. But the explorations which were made last year in that direction by the Canadian Govern- ment (the results of which were kindly communicated to the writer by Mr. Kussell, Crown land agent in Ottawa), prove that this apparently formidable range of juountaius has no breadth, and is as circumscribed in a northerly direction as its southern flanks are precipitous. So much so, that at one point the Avatershed towards Hudson's Bay comes within eight m" s of Lake Suponor; whiLst to the north lies a vast level country oi clayey formation, extending with little interruption to Hudson's Bay. Good crops of wlieat are raised at New Brunswick House, on Moose river, in lat. 49'35,and as the level tract of country south of this is (with the exception of some portions north of tho Montreal river, which are poor and sandy), of much the same quality I } 1 ■ ,■.'->, 'w •iv THROUail BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 9 /: 86 that of .110 Ottawa country, it may be safely inferred that the whole country is lit for sottloinent. But tbo facilities for a railroa.G of country between tho Nipegon river and Sturgeon Lake, whore the rock-formation is Lawrontiaii, and another nearer the Winipeg river, north of the Lake of the Woods, with numerous dome-shaped hills composed of intrusive granite and syenite, varying from 150 to 200 feet high, might offer some ciiiHculties, besides a considerable amount of sterile ground. But those immediately between Thunder Bay on Lake Superior (where a silver mine of sur- passing richness has lately been discovered), and the Lako of the Woods, are not by any means what has been said, or what is still very generally believed. The whole country in tl. direction was carefully explored in 1858-9 at the expense of the Cai idian Government, and a line of communication to Fort Garry laid down by !Mr. Dawson, tho • well-known engineer; by Dog Lake, Savanne river, the Lako of a thousand Jakrv^, the river Seine, Rainy Lake and River, and the Lake of the Woods ; inall 499 miles, of which 308 are navigable by steamers. The opening of this line and building of a dam at Dog Lake, were . commenced lost year, but suspended soon after the installation of the ' new Dominion. It would, by taking advantage of the lakes and rivers, ' cost (according to the plan which might be followed), from £50,000 A to £80,000, of which the Red River Settlement would contribute a part ; and Mr. Dawson calculates, that it would reduce the ccst of con- veying goods to Fort Garry, to less than 40 dols. per ton from Lake Superior, as against 100 dols. from York Factory, and 90 dols. from St. Paul, Minnesota ; besides a saving of 30 per cent, on the value of I: ffi 10 ^f> OVERLAND ROrTB the goods, by buying them iir Canada instoad of in the United Stotes. These pri'^es would again bo eventually reduced by the ccustructibu of the Huron and Ontario canal, for \Yhich a company has beer, organised and authorised by Act of the Canadian Parliament. These geographical .'acts, some of which arc laid before tlie public for the first time, settle the question as to tlic supposed preference to be given for any future road to a line through JMinnesota (where tho Eed River settlement at present gets its supplies) ; and which, instoad of being the " true and only pract'cabh route from the North Atlantic to tho Pacific," as some parties have maintained, would in all respects be by far the most roundabout. A railroad from Ottawa to Fort Garrj, passing north of Lake Superior, as above described, would not only form one single straig'tit line in the direction of tho Yellow Head. Pass through the Eoclcy Mountaina, but would pass entirely through British territory, and at a suitable distance from the frontier, i ' Further west, the prairie country and great plain of the Saskatche- wan (the best access to which is thus shown to be in our own hands), extends from the Lake of the A\''ojds to the foot of tho IJocky Mountains ', presenting one thousand miles of the easiest grounrl in tho world for the construction of a railroad, and of the most adiniiably suited in point of climate and fertility for settlement. Unlike ^ho arid American desert, inhabited by hostile Indians, the proposed lino would pass here over one of the richest, most beautiful, and fertile regions in the world, containing more than 60,000 square miles, or ever forty millions of acre.?, clear,- and ready for the plough, lying directly between the Canadian Dominion and British Columbia, and possessing every qualification for agiitultural purposes. A line of communication, where prairies covered with luxurious grasses aro mingled with stretches of woodland, and watered by numerous lakes and streams, and which would soon be followed up and fed by an agricultural population from one extremity to the other. Indeed for settlement there remains nothijig of the kind to be compared with it, either in the United Gtates or Britisli JN"ortli Araeric::. (fc'ee the Report to the !New York Chamber of Commerce, Appendix A.) Beyord this btautiful plain, and further west, we come to the Kocky Mountains, which -^.rni the limit of British Columbia, and to those which compose the greater part of tho interior* of that colony. But here the diiliculties to be sarmounted are far more serious than any we have yet had to deal with, and compared with them, those around Lake Superior are child's play. Indeed, for some years it was a matter of discussion, and even of doubt, whether any available communication for a railroad could be found through them. It was only by a series of lengthened and expensive explorations, that a practicable road through the Cascade, or Coast llange, was at last discovered by tho writer, so as to communicate by the valley of the Upper Frascr with the Leather or Yellow Head Pass, in lat. 52 54, through the Kocky Mountains. After which, a careful investigation of the explo- rations made by Pal User, Hector, Blakiston, Sullivan, and other,^, of the different passes to the south, and nearer the Boundary line, having convinced him of their general impracticability ; and the impossibility THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 11 of connecting them with any good harbour on the Pacific, having been, moreover, well established ; he camo to tha conclusion, tliatthe northern route by the Yellow Head Pass, and then over the Ohilcoaten Plain to Bute Inlet, Avas by far the host, and, indeed, the only feasible one for a railroad to the Pacific. His reasons for sacli an important decision may bo very properly inserted here, and summed up as follows : 1. — The arid nature of the country traversed by the Soutli Sfiskatchcwan, the greater part of which is unfit for settlement, its proximity to the Boundary Line, and tha hostile disposition of the Indians. 2. — The much greater altitude of the Passes, the sharpness of the grades and curves, and the greater amount of snow. 3. — The circuitous course the route would bo obliged to follow through the Avestern portion of the Rocky ^Mountains, after having crossed the main crest or Avatershed ; amounting to nearly 250 miles of most expensi\'c if not impossible railroad. 4, — Tiie orormous expense, if not impossibility, of carrying a rail- road in tills latitude througli the Cascade, or Coast Hangj, and doA^^n the Fraser to New Westmiuster. 5. — The utter Avorthlessness of the greater part of the mountainous country thus traversed, amounting to at least 450 miles out of the 600 by HoAvso Pass. 6. — The dilficulties of access to the port of Ncav Westminster, which render it totally unfit for the terminus of an overland railroad. (See foot-note to extract B, Appendix, page 32,) ■ ^j . r-'f' a-^jv .: PER CONTRA. ^ - ; vv ( ^ - 1. — The well-known fertility of the Avhole country drained by the North Saskatchewan, and commonly called the Fertile Belt. 2. — The greater navigability of the North Branch, and the jDresenco of large seams of coal on several points. 3. — The natural connection of both with the road by Jasper's House, and the Yellow Head Pass, and the facility of the latter, Avhich requires no tunnel. This pass, or rather valley, presents a natural break through the Rocky Mountains; its greatest altitude is only 3,7G0 feet above the s^ea ; the Indians cross over it in winter, nor docs the snoAV render it impassable at any time. 4. — The ready and easy communication offered for 280 miles by the Upper Fraser and its A^alley, through a comparatively open and iertilo tract of country. 6. — The opening up of the gold mines in and around Cariboo, which at present can only be reached by 380 mile ol Avoarisonio, mountain- ous waggon road; so that only the very richest claims have been hitherto Avorked. 6.— The opening up of cho Chilcoaten Plain, the only one of any extent m British Columbia, and Avhich contains millions of acres fit for settlement. 13 OVERLAND ROUTE 7. — The facilities offered by the Bute Inlet Valley, presenting a level break, 84 miles long, through the Cascade range, and the only one for constructing a railroad to the salt-water. 8. — The superiority of the harbour at the head of the Inlet, its proximity to the coal mines at Nanaimo, and its easy and safe con- nection with Victoria, Vancouver Island, and the ocean. The great difficulties which exist on this portion of route through British Columbia, and the way in which the writer succeeded in sur- mounting them,were explained for the first time in a paper read by him at the EoyalGeogi'aphical Society,in London, IMarch Oihlast, from which, as they form an important part of the preseiit subject, an abstract has been made, which the reader can consult, in the Appendix (B), so as to satisfy himself of the result. ^ It has thus been conclusively shown, that the geographical diffi- culties which have been so much talked of, through British America, either do not exist or can be avoided ; so that there no longer remains a doubt, as to the facility of constructing a railroad across the Qovi.- tinent in almost a straight lino from Ottawa to the Yellow Head Pass, and thence to the Pacitlc, Indeed the general facilitxcs for that pur- pose are as great through Briiish territory, as the difficulties on the American line are considerable. And here it may be observed, that whilst San Francisco possesses no coal for steamboat purposes, the termini of the English line, both at Halifax and Bute Inlet, would be abun- dantly provided with it. It is hardly necessary to add, that from Ottawa the proposed line would connect by the existing railroads Avith Montreal in summer, and when that port is closed, by the inter- colonial railroad with Halifax on the Atlaniic, or perhaps Shippegan in \\\Q Gulf of St. Lawrence. The most direct line however to the Atlantic in winter would be by Portland. ! SEVERITY OF CLIMATE. This has also been exaggerated, till at last one would suppose that Canada was fairly locked up and buried in snow and ice for seven or eight months in the year. But the Lechine Canal, near Montreal, remains open on an average for 226 days, or 7^ uMnths, whilst ihe St. Lawrence at Montreal is navigable ^^tiil longer. Aa far, however, as the present subject is concerned, the objection mainly embraces the running of trains in winter, and the fitness of the country io^' settle- ment. Now the amount of snow is the only serious obstacle to the running of trains in winter ; and because the winters in any country are severe, the fall of snow is not necessarily greater. In Canada the greatest depth of snow is to be found in the maruime provinces cast of Quebec, Avhero it is occasionally but rarely known to lie from four to five feet deep ; but south and west of Quebec this is no longer tho THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 13 [% case. As a general rule, the snow in Canada is easily removed by the snow-ploughs, which are used both there and in the Eastern States, and the trains run regularly all winter, with the exception of on occa- sional snow storm. But as we get farther into the interior, the tliick- ness of snow continues to diminish with the decrease of atmospheric moisture, till in the plain of the Saskatchewan it does not pack over fourteen inches thick in winter, and then evaporates quickly; and evenm the Yellow Head Pass in the Eocky Mountains, it barely attains from two to three feet. In addition to these facts, the isothermal lines, wliich run in a W.N.W. curve across the Continent, show an increase in the mean temperature on the Pacilic coast equal to fully 1 i dcg. of latitude as compared with the Atlantic ; whilst the range of the thermometer becomes less, and the winter and summer temperatures more equable. Thus, the mean annual temperature at Cumberland House in lat. 54, long. 101*40, is only one degree lower than that of Toronto, 10 deg. more to the south, but also 42 deg. more to the east ; and in Victoria, yancouver Island, where snow rarely falls, and the arbutus grows in the open air to the size of a tree, the climate closely resembles that of Nantes or La Eochelle in France. In short, if the trains run all winter in Canada, they could do it a fortiori across the western por- tion of the Continent. As to the general fitness 'of the country for settlement, that has already been shown as rogard.s the great plain and " clayey level," ex- tending together for 766 miles from Ottawa to Nipigon river. Beyond this, there is an interval of 285 miles, between the Nipigon and Winipeg rivers, a small portion of which, as ali'eady explained, is composed of silurian rocks, and comparatively sterile. But although the cultivable areas are limited, where they do occur, the soil is rich, and the country is intersected by many fertile spots and hollows suffi- ciently extensive for farms. Further west, the beauty of the Fertile Belt, which stretches in a north-westerly direction for one thousand miles, has at last been recognised, and is now becoming world-re- nowned ; it has truly been named a " Paradise of fertility," and its soil and climate require no further comment. Indeed, its climate is more suitable to the emigrant from Northern Europe than that south of the Missouri, where suinmer droughts are common, together with excessive winter colds and winter snows. In British Columbia there exists a large tract of fine country along the Upper Fr?.ser j and farther west the proposed line traverses the great Chilcoaten or Central plain of the colony ; a garden of itself, full of agricultural and pastoral wealth, and containing over twenty mil- lions of acres, the two-thirds of which are lit for cultivation. When we conipr "9 this succession of fertile lands with the sterile regions of the American desert (though traversed by the Central Pacific Kailroad in one of its narrowest and least aiid portions) and the facilities of the British line over the American in an engineering point of view, we may feel ashamed to think, that we have made so little use of the superior advantages at our disposal, and that the Americans, under far greater obstacles, have got so far ahead of us. (See Appendix C for a description of this desert.) p. OVERLAND llOUTB "lyMK- ■>! . COJMPARATIVE DISTANCES ACROSS THE CONTINENT. The following table shows that the distance across the Continent from Montreal would be less than that from Now York to San Eran- Cisco :— Distance from New York, by Chicago, to Omaha, on the Missouri From Omaha to San Francisco (of which the two-thirds comparatively sterile), about From Montreal to Prescott . , From Prescott to Ottawa , . . . But these two railroads form an acute tnglo at Prescott, which would be avoided by building a railroad in a direct lino from Montreal up the Valley of the Ottawa, at a greater interval from the frontier, and fthorteuing the distance From Ottawa to Bute Inlet, aa shown further on, about Difference in favour of Montreal .. .. V.- 133 54 Milea. 1631 1830 3361 187 72 115 2885 -.■n;.;. 3000 361 In winter the increased distance to Shippegan or Halifax would re- verse this difference, which would then be in favour of New York ; as against Shippegan, 228 miles, and against Halifax, 482 miles ; showing a marked advantage over Halifax in favour of Shippegan, where there is one of the finest harbours in the world, and only twenty-seven miles farther off from Liverpool. But on the Pacific, the harbour at Bute Inlet is open all the year round ; whilst, according to Professor Maury, " The trade winds place Vancouver Island on the wayside of the road from China and Japan to San Francisco so completely, that a vessel trading under canvas to the latter place, would take the same route as if she were bound for Vancouver Island. So that oil return cargoes would naturally come theie, in oixler to save two or three weeks, besid».8 risk and expense." This circumstance confirmsi what has been so often repeated within the last few years, of the necessity before long of more than one road across the American Continent ; at the same time that it favoiu's the construction of a British one, which, besides the above advantages, and having its terminus in summer at an equal distance from Liverpool with New York, and 550 miles nearer in winter, would possess that of a temperate zone. This is so true, that besides the Centi-al Pacific, the Americans, with their accustomed energy and activity, are preparing the construction of a North Pacific railroad. This line will run from Lake Superior, along the Upper Missouri and near Fort Benton, to Seattle on Puget Sound, a distance of 1,775 miles; and the total length across the Continent from New York, via Chicago and St. Paul, will be 3,124 miles, or 237 less than by the Central Pacific. Unless a counterlin'j bo built through British territory, this road will furnish the only out- let to the Eed River Settlement and Saskatchewan territory, and thus prepare the way for thcii* separation from the Mother country. I THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 15 DIFFICULTY OF CONSTRUCTING A RAILBOAD THROUGH AN UNSETTIED COUNTRY. yuch difficulties do not deter the Americans. With them, on the contrary (as they liavo leavnt from experience), settlement and the in- stitutions of civilization not only follow, but it may bo said actually accompany the cojistraction of a railroad. And such would un- doubtedly be the case in British America, provided wo set about it in good earnest, so that the fertility and beautiful character of the country to be settled were generally known. Let thai bo published in England, in Ireland, on the Continent, everywhere, and made known constantly, vigorously, and there will be no want of emigration. Let fair inducements for emigration be held out to our industrious poor, by liberal grants of land and other assistances, and you Avill have no want of respectable emigrants from this country ; to say nothing of the very considerable British emigration, which would set in from Canada and other points of the Ameiican Continent. But we were told in Parliament, " Canada is not yet fully settled, and lemains partially unoccupied, so that it is not likely that persons possessing the necessary resources to invest in land would push into regions far beyond." But this is a complete fallacy, for emigrants are doing it every day, and pushing on from Canaf^a, as wo unfortunately see, towards the back States of the Union. And tlie reason of this lies . not so much in the old objection about the severity of the climate and the expense of clearing, as in the notorious fact, that all tho good lands in Ccnada within reach of the present communications have been taken up ; so that those left in the market and for sale are of in- ferior quality, and those in private hands too dear. In the aame way in tho Eastern States, the da}s are passed when an emigrant with £100 could buy a farm which would enable him to become a pros- perous man ; and he has now to push further west. The Saskatchewan territory, liowever, could be easily opened to emigrants, and a sum- mer communication establislied from Lake Superior to Fort Garry, by the line laid down by Mr, Dawson, and already mentioned. Beyond that point, the North-West Territory has been gifted by nature with vrater communications of the very first order, which will not only become invaluable at a future day for colonial inter-communication, and transporting the farming produce of the settlers ; but, pending tho ■ construction of a railroad, would only require a i'inf connecting links to make them available, so as to offer an easy mode of con- veyance during seven to eight months in the year across tho whole Continent, and that at a moderate cost. The writer has carefully studied the details of such an Overland communication, and put them into a tabular form, with the exact distances, altitudes, and other general information. It will be found in the Appendix (D), and whatever may bo the result as regards the traffic for an Overland Route, it shows how greatly these natural channels must contribute to the future development and prosperity of tho country. Much has been eaid (though chiefly by interested or biassed parties) about the rapida w OVERLAND ROUTE . of the Upper Fraser and the shoals on the Saskatchewan, which would be such as to render their navigation impopsible for steamers. The former liave been much exaggerated, besides which, the two worst can be easily avoided, (as is shown in the Appendix, pages 43-4). As to ' the latter, it is admitted that the great Saskatchewan, from Lake Winipeg to the Forks, is perfectly navigable, a distance of 371 miles ; and if, in the course of the next 600 miles up the 2Corth Branch, there exist a few shoals, there are also navigable stretches between, of 60 to :' 100 and 150 miles. Besides there is every reason to believe that these V shoals could be easily deepened. Let the Americans get possession of ■_''-'' that magnificent river, and, as on the Fraser in 1858, which till then had been declared to be unnavigablo, the steam whistle would soon be heard along the banks of the Saskatchewan, from the confines of Lake "Winipeg to the foot of the Eocky Mountains. ■•*(lr- / • \ . RIGHTS OF THE HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY.: :, There can be no doubt that, in order to establish an effectual com- munication through British North America, the Saskatchewan Terri- tory must be thrown open to settlement ; a thing which would have been done long since, had it not been for the obstacles placed in the way by the claims of the Hudson's Bay Company. These are now so far modified, that the Company have at last made up their minds no longer to struggle with the march of events ; and are willing to cede the territory, provided they receive, as they say, a fair compensation. Latterly, the Home Government has requested them, and they have consented to make a written proposal to that effect to the Canadian Government. On the other hand, their title to the whole country under their rule has been contested on various grounds ; but more par- ticularly that to the Saskatchewan Territory, the waters of which fall, it is true, into Hudson's Bay, but which, it is asserted, may have belonged to France, but certainly did not belong to England at the date of their charter. Such is the view almost universally taken on the subject in Canada; whilst the Home Government, who are becoming anxious for a solution, but consider the matter as more directly concerning the Dominion (now that the latter has been established) have referred the Company to it for the cession of the Territory, or at least a part of it, and for subsequent compensation. These difficulties are again complicated by the question of sovereign rights and jurisdiction, which no private party can yield with pro- priety, and which are at present so ineffectually exercised by the Company at the Bed River Settlement ; by the uu willingness of the Canadians to acknowledge the title of the Company, still more to pay for it, and the large sum required ; and, finally, by the vast extent of territory proposed to be ceded, and which is far too great to be . annexed to Ontario. Besides, it would only, or nearly only, benefit that province, whilst New Brunswick and Nova Scotia would have to pay tlxeir share of the price. u i I, THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMERIOA» 17 / ». m hw How all these conflicting difficnltiea will be arranged, and a compro- mise speedily arrived at, it seems difficult to say. Since negotiations are pending, if a certain amount of money be all that is requisite iu settle the matter, it seems fair that the Canadian Government, who would be most benelited hj the cession, and who could dispose advantageously of tl"» lands made over to it, should also find the means ; especially if England agreed to contribute anything towards an Overland railroad. But one thing is certain, namely, that the Government must show a d'jtermination to remove this real difficulty, so that the question may be settled as ■speedily as possible, before a road of any kind can be opened across the Continent. V r 1 -■^i)- POSSIBILITY OF DIFFICULTIES WITH THE UNITED STATES. This in plain English means, that supposing a railroad to be built. Canada is so much at the mercy of the chapter of accidents, that England might not even retain tho use of it. And here we enter on a different phase of the question, and rather a delicate one ; for without wishing to attribute to the American people any positive feeling of enmity towards this country, which certainly does not exist among the more educated classes, or in the rural districts, it is impossible to deny that in the larger towns, where the poorer and labouring classes are for the most part of recent foreign origin, and where the Irish element more especially abounds, the feeling against England is strong. The latter hate us cordially, as we all know, and as they are tho greatest political intriguers in the country, their opinions are listened to and often made use of by those who do not entertain them. Add to this, that the Americans themselves are becoming yrrae and more ambitious as their power increases, until many of them have come to believe that the whole American continent, from the North Pole to the Isthmus of Panama, ought of right to belong to them ; and we shall be able to account for the aggressive tone which often displays itself in the public prints, but which is certainly much more exaggerated than real. That Canada presents a long line of defenceless frontier may be truCj but the invasion of a country is one thing, and its conquest another; and as long as the Canadians remain as loyal to England as they now are, and are likely to be, and have been for a century, there is little danger of any such event. The Americans have attempted once or twice to overrun the provinces, but they have always been beaten, and the struggles of 1812, 1813, and 1814, prove that the Canadians can defend every inch of their territory, and drive back their enemies when attacked in their homes. Besides, as regards the line of frontier, there are certain vital points in Canada, of which an enemy must acquire possession before ho could obtain any decided footing. These are few in number, and if the arrangements now under consideration are carried out for their defence, and the inter-colonial w OVERLAID ROUTE railroad about to be begun completed, so as to connect the different provinces vitli each other, and more especially >vith the Atlantic in winter time, the militia and volunteer forces of the country could re- sist any fittack on their own ground with the best possible chance of Buccess. The weakest points would, of course, be those where there are fewest settlers, or where the country in almost unoccupied, as in the case of the lied River Settlement and the Saskatchewan Territory. So that the settlement of the latter, far from " weakening our military position," as was asserted not long since in Parliament (as if an increase of population could become a source of weakness), would remove at once both the pretext and the facility for invasioi\. I say the pretext, for it is well-known how much the Americans envy us the possession of that Territory ; and justly enough, since avo do nothing with it. That such a beruitiful country should be made a preserve for wild beasts, and converted into a wilderness, when millions of our country- men, who are without a home of their own, would be too happy to have a few acres, and might have them with a little assistance ; whilst the settlers who occupy the sr^allest portion of it at the Eed River Settlement are so neglected and cut ofi' from the rest of the world, that they are obliged to burn their corn for Avant of a market, is truly a sin before God and man ; a stain upon our national character. That this standing reproach should apply more directly to the Home Government may be true ; but when a territory like that of the Saskatchewan is placed by Providence in the hands of an enlightened and powerful nation like tl ) English, such neglect on their part becomes a breach of trust, and a dereliction of duty ; and we deserve to bo deprived of it. As Mr. Howe of Nova Scotia remarked latterly, when, after contrast- ing the progress of the Western States with the unoccupied condition of that noble tract of country, ho asked, " What has England evei done with that territory 1 " But to return from this short (again to quote Mr. Howe's words) is, " mat a attachment to British institutions pervades every portion of Canada, including all races, religions, and parties j and that they are all animated with the conviction, that under the free institutions that, prevail in British America, there is a security for life, and property, and personal freedom, which is to be found neither under the despotic governments of Europe, nor the Republican institutions of America." And these feelings have been strengthened by the late Union, which has given the country a higher status than could ever have been enjoyed by any province separately, and has elevated the Canadians in their own opinion and in that of the world. Then, again, if we cast our eyes on the present condition of the United States, are they, or will they be for many years, in a position to become aggressive 1 or rather is not the time drawing on when separation and discord will again become inevitable 1 It is true they are still nominally united, if a re-union that has been achieved at the cost of the lives of half-a-mUlion and the tears of the vanquished, can deserve that nauie.^ And time,, it is true, will o^'adually calm the digression ; Canada's best defence "That a feeling of profound TIIROUOn BRITISU NORTH AMERICA. 19 tempest of angry passions, and possibly put an end to the internal convulsions which at present paralyzo the countiy. But toy the preserit, a Eopublic, one half or the better half of uhich, has after a protracted struggle, succeeded in conquering and subjugating the other, and now rules over it vith more than military despotism ; with the "West on her Hank discontented, the South in her roar ruined and prostrate, but desiring separation as uniteilly and more fervently than ever ; and a debt of three thousand millions of dollars, benring a heavy rate of interest (which will no doubt bo paid in the course of time, but which, in case of war, could, iicither, be repudiated nor allow of fresli loans), is not in a position, at least for the ])resent, to become aggressive ; unless from some very justiliable cause of provocation. But no such cause exists at present, nor is there any good reason v/hy on either side any such should aris.,. Canada, on tlio other hand, is strongly opposed to any union with the Republic. There is little sympathy in Canada with institutions, the defvicts in the workings of which, however ignored by superficial admirers at a distance, or slurred over here for political purposes, are far too apparent to .oUch near observers as the Canadians. On tho frontier men are in d'^'iy intercourse with their neighbours, and it is proverbial that the nearer the frontier, the greater the aversion to live under American rule. Free from the elements of discord and tlfe other sad consequences of a prolonged civil war, from the burden of heavy taxation, from the curse of political hacks and intiiguea, and the most glaring political corruption, the Canadian stands aloof; and proud of the real liberty he enjoys, compares the superior advantages of his position with that of his Republican neighbour's. As long, there- fore, as tho conduct of England towards Canada remains liberal and conciliating, it will be warmly reciprocated, and doubly repaid by tho friendly and increasing commercial intercourse of half a continent ; whilst any attempt at aggression on the part of the United States would instantly convert the Canadians into the bitterest of enemies ; and if persisted in, might bring on, in another form and under dilferent circumstances, a species of civil war, with a repetition of the scenes of mutual extermination which decimated the South. May we trust that nothing so fearful will ever come to pass. ii THE GREAT EXPENSE OF THE UNDERTAKING. Tlie cost of an overland railroad with 4ft. 8|in. gauge,* and a single line of rails, from Ottawa to the Pacific, would be, from what we have; seen of the nature of the country, and with no land or lumber to pay for, no fencing or parliamentary expenses, and provided the extrava-. « {be I und great distances between, it baa been found to work admirably, and' the writer would decidedly recommend its adoption. b2 i/ 20 OVERLAND ROUTE gance so common in tlio construction of English railways be carefully avoided, relatively small. Allowing ten percent, for side ways, and comprehending station accommodation, engineering expenses, rolling stock, reserve fund, and contingencies, it may be roughly cal- culated as follows : Milos. Dlrs. Dlrs. "From Ottawa to Fort Garry (nearly level)* . . 1165 at 60,000 = 58,250,000 From Fort Garry to Jasper's House, foot of llocky Mountains (level plain) .. .. 1100 at 40,000 = 44,000,000 From Jasper's House to tho Head of Buto Inlet (partly plain) . . . . . . 620 at 45,000 == 27,900,000 Total i, 2885 130,150,000 Or say twenty-seven millions sterling, exclusive of interest during the construction and until the lino be in activity ; of which twelve would be for the portion from Ottawa to Fort Garry, which would open an immediate communication through British North America all tho year round. We shall be told, of course, that such an outlay is far too great to be thought of. But what wo have to consider is not merely the amount, but the object to be attained, and whether that is commen- surate with the outlay. If the commercial supremacy of England is at stake, and that has been pretty clearly shown, what are seven and twenty millions, as compared with the sad downfall which must in- evitably follow such a loss, and the decay and ruin of our country ] Never was so large a sum of money more usefully, more wisely applied ; and in vain might we ransack the history of our national debt to find a parallel. In times past a single subsidy to some Continental poten- tate has often cost more. The nation, however, might be spared any such outlay if a company could be found to undertake the work ; a thing which could most likely be ficomplished by offering liberal grants of land which are at presant of no value, but which in the "Western States have in several instances paid the whole cost of the railroad ; by engaging to subsidize mail steamers in connexion with the line as soon as required, on the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, instead of as at present to New York ; by authorising the company to issue mortgage bonds to a certain amount ; and by paying the interest as a bonus, or encourage- ment (so as to diminish to some extent the risk, if any, and the large amount of capital required), until the road was completed and became self-paying ; which, as will be presently shown, would be the case before long. Four .per cent., on a gradual outlay of twenty' seven millions spread over six years, would amount to about four millions and a half, or less than the sum about to be advanced for tho acquisi- tion of our telegraphs, or that expended on the Abyssinian Expedition. And if the latter has added so much to the grandeur and prestige of the English name, there can be no reason why a similar amount should • The 116 miles of direct road from Montreal to Ottawa are not included in tho calculation, because this improvesieut can be deferred for the present. It ■;: THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMKRICA. u not he readily granti^d, when the object to he attained is pregnant with such infinitely greater consequences. But Canada, who would gain so immeasurably hy the undertaking, should also contribute hor share ; in which case, the sacrifice would bo as trifling for England, as it would be temporary for both countries. I leave these considerations to the statesman who may hold the reins of government when Parlia- ment again assembles. Without, perhaps, being aware of it, the commercial destinies of the country will then bo in his hands ; and I will merely add, that he may not only immortalize himself by bring- ing forward and accomplishing such a measure, but that he would have tho support of the whole nation, if once made to understand the issue of the case, and that the future of England depended on it. 1 18G3. 1867. 2,811,544 Dolls. . . 11,532,348 Dolls. 1,959,267 „ . 4,153,2vU „ 3,302,543 „ . 4,613,754 „ 1,439,798 „ . . 3,784,816 „ . SMALL PKOBABLE TRAFFIC AND CONSEQUENT . , EETUllNS. It has already been observed how quickly an American railroad in tho Western States is followed, or rather accompanied, by settlement and civilization. This will be better exemplified by the following figures, showing the astonishing increase in the earnings of some of the Western railroads in the course of the last four years : — Chicago and North "Western . • , Chicago, Eoclc Island, and Pacific . Michigan (Southern) Toledo, Wabash, and Westem The fact, however, of an intermediate, unsettled country, like that to be traversed by tho proposed line, and the consequently small amount of " way" traffic to be expected in the beginning, would be moie than counterbalanced by the " through " trafllic, and the daily increasing crowd of passengers, who, homeward and outward bound, would cross the continent. Tho following more or less authenticated facts, from the Report of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, with the corrections and modi- fications introduced by the writer, may give somo idea of what this traffic would most likely amount to. , MERCHANDISE. *• ' Tons. Ships from tho Atlantic round Cape Horn, 100 at 800 tons* of goods each 80,000 Steamers connecting at Panama with California and China, 65 at 2,200 tons, is&y 40 with 1,500 tons of goods each . . . . . . 60,000 Overland Trains, Stages, Horses, &c., 30,000 tons, say .,. . . 20,000 N.B.— Before the construction of the Panama railroad, 27,000 teams left two points on the Misaoun for their westward journey in one year. Return freight as much more, say only the half . . . . t . Instead of 460,000 tons , . . . .... . . . . • The ton is the American one of 2,000 lbs. 160,000 240,000 22 OVBULAND noUTB "'■■■■-■•-•■ - ■■• PASSENGERS. ' ; **; -^ " '" •^'- 110 Rteamers Loth ways, at 454 each, Bay 80 at 625 each ',,''' ,, 50,000 (Thoy often carry 1,000 pas-jengors and moro, Boldom loas than 000) 200 vtjitsfla lioth ways rourid tho Capo, at 20 pusacngors ; aay 15 . . 3,000 Ovorland both waj a, 100,000 ; flay . . . . . . . . 87,000 Instead of 151,000 140,000 i^ :* KECAriTULATION. ' , American Line from Omaha to San Francisco (1830 Miles). Dolls. 460,000 tona at 1 Doll, per cubic foot, or 34 Dolls. . . , , 15,640,000 (Tho present price from Now York to Han Francisco is, by Panama, 70 Dolls., or £14 Sa., and by Capo Horn about 12 Dolls., or £2 IOh.) 154,000 passengers at 100 Dolls. . , . . , , . , 15,400,000 - (Tho steerage price by Capo Horn is about the same, or £20, vhilflt the passagn by Panama costs from £30 to £50.) ' ' ' ■ ' " ' 31,040,000 This sum is tlien .swelled in the American calculation to 55,200,000 dollars (£11,381,443) on tho strength of tho expected increase in tho number of passengers, which it is supposed would ho doubled, and who would be charged a higher price (150 dols.); whilst the I'roight is reduced to 300,0.00 tons. Deducting o^o half for running expenses, there would remain net £5,690,700 for 1830 miles. ,; . British Line from Ottawa to Bute Inlet (2885 Miles). Supposing the " through " traihc on this line to amount only to one half of the present trafiic between the Eastern States and the Pacific, with the deductions made by the writer, and the prices to be, as on tho American line, 1^ cents per ton jw^r mile for goods— i;i I 33. (say ^•10) and 7^ cents per mile for passengers, making £44 12s., which will reduce to 5 cents, or £30 ; and we shall have : "lalf of 240,000 tona, at £10 ito of 140,000 paaaengers, at £30 .. £1,200.000 .. 2,100,000 £3,300,000 Deduct the half for running expenses (which are always comparatively smallest on the longest lines of road) and there will remain £1,650,000 -—against the American calculation of £5,690,700 for less than two-thirds of the same distance. The above figure would at once give a dividend of six per cent, on a capital of twenty seven million?. But nothing has been reckoned for tho sale of lands, which would alone form a most important item ; nor for the carriage of mails (laden with the correspondence of half the globe), ;jor for. that of the precious metals ; or for the " way" traffic (during and after the construction of k 1 THROuan BRrrrflU Nornii AMRmoA. SS ?'' « . 1 f > ■:.:^"''; :^: - . ;i:' ., V ■■ ■ ■-... f ''■,■ ' ?" f 1 . *' '', :.V ■ ""* , *- ' ■■■ ■ .s the road) -svitli Iho Cfiriboo gold mines, and the Kod liivor Sottlemant. This liittor would soon become important, woro it only by transporting the produce ot the plain, in return for himbor and fuel from the forests of tlio AVinipog Territory; to say nothing of the indirect trade that would imniodiuLely spring up with Lake Superior, and which would bo tapi)ed ))y the line. "When, therefore, wo take these addi- tional elements into consideration, together witli the very moderate estimate of tlie probable •' through " tradic, there can bo little doubt, not only that the lino would (piickly become self-paying, but that (without attempting to reach' the expectations of the Union Pacific Company, which suppose a return of lifteen million dollars on an outlay of eighty-live, or 17, y per cent), the dividend on the British lino would soon approach nearer t > eight or ten per cent, than six. Any calculation, however, as to the probable returns of this Overland Railroad must necessarily be of a vague character. It has even been questioned whether any goods, excepting the very lightest and costliest, can be carried across the continent at such rates as would produce any very great disturbance in the present channels of commerce. But in a large number of instances the rapidi'y of transit will counterbalance the higher rate of transportation. Speed is the great " desideratum " of the day, f nd the best proof is in the astonishing amount of freight pass- ing over the portion of tlie American railroad which is already finished, though it has then to cross the Desert. The shorter route through British territory would undoubtedly command the largest share of trade between Europe and Japan ; and there can bo no doubt, in a general point of view, of the vast development of trade and intercourse which must acco'upany ihe opening of these great public thorough- fares. "When, therefore, we tlink that the distance to Sydney from Vancouver Island is, as contrasted with Panama, as 7,200 tc 8,200, or one thousand miles less ; that the distance between Liverpool and Shanghai by this route will not exceed 10,4iD0 miles, being less by 4,000 than by the Cape, and 3,600 miles less than by the Isthmus of Panama ; that the time from London to Hong Kong would be reduced to about forty days ; and that the English trade to China alone amounts to thirty-eight millions sterling ; it is easy to foresee what amount of traffic would soon be running over this " great highway of nations," with seven hundred millions of consumers in Asia at the terminus — a traffic sufficient to occupy a fleet of first-class steamers on either ocean. !Nor have we made any mention of an Overland Telegraph. The correspondence by telegrajih between Victoria, Vancouver Island, and the gold mines in the north, and between Victoria and Sun Erancisco, in connection with New York and the East, is already considerable, and would of course be vastly increased by an Overland Telegraph. The telegraph which crosses the Desert, from the Missouri to San Erancisco on the Pacific, paid more than the cost of its erection the first year ; and though the circumstances are in some respects very different, telegrajihic communications are an necessary to our commer- cial relations as railroad^i ; and there can be little doubt, that the 34 OVERLAND ROUTE ' ^i-'i^'-vt ♦■"■ u proposed line would give large and increasing returns, the instant it could be connected with Canada, and consequently with England. This might be done in less than two years ; when an uninterrupted communication, under British control, would be established between England, Montreal, and British Columbia, by the telegraphic wire ; and thence later across th' Pacific to Japan and China. ^ • ?> 'I si ' ^ " ANTI-COLONIAL THEOEIES. ; ** These, one would think, should be banished from the discussion of such a national question, as being foreign to it. And yet lam told by certam apostles of this school, that if trying to bring about so great a national work (which they almost deny, for they seem to tliinlf, that if the Americans are outstripping us, we must let them do so rather than spend a halfpenny abroad), it is simply because the Colony of Britis}', v'Jolumbia, whose interests I happen to represent in a cer- tain measure, will be benefited by it. Of corrse it will, and so will Canada, and so will England ten times more. "But it is in the nature of tilings," they say, " that British Columbia, and the trade and control of the ]?acific, with all its consequences, should belong to the United States." More than that, " We might perhaps be taxed in oi'der to keep tiiem ; and, therefore (though rather annoying), we had better make up our minds to give them up at once." But if such conclusions are worth listening to, England is also in iJio nature of tkinr/s, and of itself, a small unimportant island. In which case, our forefathers ^>ave been working strangely against nature for the last two hundred years, and acting very foolishly in trying to add to it those foreign possessions which Lave made it what it is. We used formerly to be taught, that England owed her greatness and prosperity to these possessions ; but this doctrine has been abolished by these gciitlemen, and in tha face of the most convincing facts to the contrary, the fashion with them now is, to deny th'it we derive our present prosperity from any such source. Many of them even go further, ns is well known, and indig- nant at the thought of any new expense, maintain that England without colonies v.mild be more prosperous than with them. The conclusion is, to say the least, singular ; and shows how the reason- ing powers of over-clever men may become perverted, and their notions gradually contracted, by continually taking the same narrow view, and only reasoning on one side of u question Fortunately, Buch theories are not tliose of Lhe great majority of the ration. But whatever may be said about the cost of our colonies to the mother country, Vancouver Island never coat her one cent, unless it be an old bunting given or lent it in 1846, on the day when the island was proclaimed a Colony. On tlie contrary, she has been annoyed in every way by the claims of the Hudson's Bay Company, and was even held in pawn by her for some time I British Columbia yields over £B00,000 of gold yearly, and would yield the double or the quadruple if her mines were more accessible ; and of thia bum she takes back ';*■■.■ fHROUQH BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. as probaWy ono half in English goods, often of inferior quality. (]\fark this, yc anti-colonists ! ) And yet her existence as a Colony has been as good as ignored ; excepting to send out Governors, of whom the Colonists never hoards with exorbitant salaries, but without local knowledge or experience, who when there, ride over the feelings and wishes of the inhabitants, and whose solo occupation seems to bo to find out fresh sources of taxation. British Columbia has not even Postal communication with the rest of the world ; and however un- seemly it may appear, tliat a great nation like England should be in- debted to a foreign Power for the carriage of Iicr Govcrn^i-ont dispatches, their arrival in 13ritish Columbia, in the absence of any Postal agree- ment, depends on the good will of the United States Government, and their postage is paid for by the Colony. Now, if, as the anti- colonists will have it, the Colonies cost moro than they are worth, and England would do better to get rid of us, let us be told so at once, instead of neglecting and coquetting with us by turns. If England is blind to the vahie of British Columbia., both in a commercial point of view and as controlling the Pacific, the United States are wide awake on the subject; and whatever the loj'^alty of British Columbia, if the ties that bind her to the mother country are burdensome to both, let them be torn asunder. "But, if otherwise, such language as the above can only tend to indispose and alienate a .Colony, which has already too many just causes of complaint. The grievances of British Columbia were submitt'^d by the writer not long since to the House of ^Commons, in a petition, an abstract from which can be consulted in the Appendix (E). ■->*• - - .-•■ POLITICAL AND IMPERIAL SIDE OF THE QUESTION. "We have now exariiined the principal objections which have been made to this truly national undertaking; and we have answered, and, as we think, refuted them all ; with the exception of thai relative to the Hudson's Bay Company, which can only be solved by the Govern- ment. But besides the many reasons already given in I'avour of this scheme, which has been shown to be neither visionary nor hopeless, there are imperial reasons of the greatest weight. First among wiach may be placed that of connecting British CJolumbia with the Dominion, so as to retain both of them permanently under the British flag. We have just alluded to the way in which Britisli Columbia has been lu'glected, and the consequent state of disailectiou tlicre ; but in a military point of view, and to quote a letter of Professor Maury's, written nine years ago, on the commanding geographical position of Vancouver Island, in connection with the different routes at that time under discussion for an Overland Railroad, he says : — " Vancouver xsland commands the shores of Washington and Oregon ; and whether the terminus of the Northern (American) road be on Paget Sound or at the Mouth of the Columbia river, the inuni- 2G OVEBLAND ROUTE tions sent there could bo used for no other part of the coast, for Van- couver overlooks them. They could not, on account of Vancouver in its military aspects, bo sent from the Northern terminus to San Francisco and tho South ; nor could the Southern road — supposing only one, and that at the South — send supplies in ■war from its ter- minus, whether at San Diego or San Francisco, by sea pither to Oregon or Washington — ^Vancouver would prevent, for V«ricouver commands their coasts as completely as England commands those oi France on the Atlantic. So complete is this military curtain, that you nc/er heard of France on the Atlantic sending succours: by sea to France on the Mediterranean, or the reverse, in a war with England. The Straits of Fuca are as close as the St.'aits of Gibraltar." Here is the opinion of an American, and a most competent person, who judges the case from a far higher point of view than some of our English statesmen : — But what would become of the Dominion and of her loyal feelings towards the mother country, if after being elevated by England almost to tlie state of an independent nation, she were to be all at once deprived by our neglect bf this communication with the Pacific, as well as of the intervening Saskatchewan Territory, ' both s o essential,' as I wrote not long ago, ' to her develojinient, to her maritime prosperity, her independence, nay, to her very existence. The interests of Canada and British Columbia, however identical with those of the mother country (a thing which England will iind out one of these days), are generally overlooked or neglected in this country. And yet British America is one in interest, and together with the mother country, must be one in purpose, if the danger with which both are menaced is to be averted.' .'Vnd for that purpose, the different provincea of British l!forth America must not only be politically united, and that speedily, so as to form a whole ; but must at the same time, and in a commercial point of view, be more directly and intimately connected with each other and with the nuther country through regular steam communication. By these means British inlir.ences would ho naturally fostered and maintained, and immigration from the home country pro- moted ; until a friendly but independent power could be gradually developed in British America, which would not only be no longer at the mercy of the neighboua 'ng Kepublic, as some pretend, but would, on the contrary, form an important counterpoise to that of the United States, and an additional g\iarantee for the peace of tho world. Nor is there anything far-fetched in such a prevision, which is fairly justified by the astonishing progress which Canada has made within the last twelve years (see Statistics in Appendix F) ; a progress greater in proportion, both morally and materially, than that in the United States. In travelling through Canada one feels at every step that she must become a great nation, in spite of all obstacles ; and at the same time different in its origin, its associations, its feelings, and character, from that of the United States. Nobody can estimate tho value of such a political element, or what such a country may become. As long as that counterpoise on the American Continent existed, tho power of the Kepublic would be broken, whilst EngWd would be mistress ',i a I [ I THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 27 surer and more direct road to the East than tliat by the Isthmus of Suez, or any other she could possess. But let that weight be thrown into the opposite scale, and the rule of the United States extended over British America, and the balance of power is gone. With North America, England would lose the West Indies, and be stripped of every point on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ; her comi.ncrce and prestige would be destroyed ; her very security (with hostile armaments brouglit a thousand miles nearer to her coasts) endangered ; and the peace of the world made a problem, dependent on the good-will or the caprice of the popu'ar assemblies of the United States, "*j^>v;i conclusio:n'. -^% '^^ ^ It has now been convincingly shown that the best and easiest line of communication to the Pacific across the North Vmerican Continent i3 through British territory. In a late debati m the subject in the House of Commons, an'"" in reply to Sir Harry Yerney, who had insisted that the honour, interest, and duty of England alike required that she should take immediate action in the matter, the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, said : — " He entertained no doubt that ultimately it would become the great thoroughfare of the world to the West ; '' but (alluding to the opening of the Saskatchewan Terri- tory), " there was not yet sufticient appreciation of its value in the public mind, to cause the pressure, that he believed would yet be exerted, to bo put upon the Government to bring about a settlement of the question." In other words, it was tne duty of a Constitutional Ministry, though convinced themselves, to await the pressure of public ppinion, before bringing strong ibrward sucli an important measure. But if England had a strong Government-, instead of so many Heads o: departments ; with im enlightened statesman at the head, who not only understood the interests of the nation abroad, but had foresight and energy enough to take things iu time, instead of waiting for expressions of public opinion till it is too late, we should hear a veiy diJerent language. The fault then lies with the nation at large for having no such repre- sentative. The fact is, that EngUind, whilst slumbering under the lethargic effects of prosperity, seems not only to have forgotten that it is to our numerous colonies, our possession of the Indies, and the control of the trade between Europe and Asia, that she owes her wealth, and her existence as a great nation, but she seems to think that these must Ijxst for ever, without any further effort to retain them. In England every one is so much absorbed in his own affairs, and so habitually ignorant on colonial matters, that if ho has, perchance, heard of this Pacific Eaihoad, he neither thinks about it, nor cares about it ; still less has he reflected on its consequences ; nor, in the confusion of iiis ideas, does he believe that the construction of a rival road can be anything more than a colonial question, and, therefore, the 28 OVERLAND ROUTE eooncr got rid of the better. People abroad, as is often the case, take a more general, and, therefore, more correct view of the question ; and the following extract from an able periodical, the " Revue ties Deux Maudes,'* written nearly eight years ago (when we Englishmen were fast asleep, as we still are, on the subject), shows the importance attached to the question, even at that period, by a people little interested in it. " England and the United States are both of them fully sensible, that the time has arrived when the sceujtre of the commercial world must be grasped and held by the hand oi that power, which shall be able to maintain the most certain and rapid connnunication between Europe and Asia. It is not merely by the Isthmus of Suez and the Red Sea that henceforth the trade with the East is going to be carried on. The Eastern continent of Asia will be waked up to a new commercial activity from other ports, aud especially from the several ports of the Chinese Empire. Consequently, the empire of the world, in a com- - mercial point of view, will henceforth belong to that one of the two Powers of England or America, which shall be the first to find means to establish a direct road across the continent of America, whereby to communicate most rapidly with the great East on the Pacific side, and • with Europe on the Atlantic side. This will be the great highway by which the products of the Old World will have to be carried to the Eastern World. ... " Hence it is that the victory, which is to give the empire of the world, will be gained by that Power which shall be the first to establish the line of railroad across regions and countries which are yet unknown and unexplored. The struggle for the attainment of this great victory is well worth the trouble and expense wliich it will cost ; for the em- pire of the seas and the commercial dominion over the whole world are the great stake which are being played for." But the struggle which was thus predicted has now become immi- nent ; the little cloud, then no bigger than " a man's hand," has gra- dually grown larger, darker, and more menacing, and the day is fast approaching, when that envied trade with the East, " the diversion of which has markt^d the decline of empires " is about to be wrested from England, unless she hasten to parry the blow. In the meanwhile, the high road over which this race is to come off between the two greatest commercial nations of the world, with Europe for spectator and Asia to hold the stakes, is still open to the competing parties. The vantage ground is even in favour of England, as we have shown ; but while the latter has been in a state of somnolence, her active rival has been wide awake, and has laid so much of the race ground behind her and got so far aheod, that unless England strain every nerve to regain the lost distance, she will come in second best. And can it be that in presence of such a stake England will remain inactive ? that without contest, without even thinking of attempting n contest, and simply on the " laisez faire " principle, or what is worse, in order to avoid the possible outlay of a few paltry millions, England ■will prefer such a short-sighted, pusillanimous policy to action, and quietly consent to descend from the rank she holda among nations, THROUGH BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. 29 and become a second-rate Power ? "We think not ; we trust not ; and if she has hitherto neglected this vital question, we may console our- selves at least vith the hope, that ere long, whnn a new Parliament shall have infused fresh wisdom into the councils of the natioii, and our statesmen, instead of wrangling over the dry bones of worn-out party politics, have been compelled to consider the matter more seriously and bring before the nation the pressing exigencies of the case, England will meet them with her accustomed energy. I have done my best to warn her ; the above scheme has occupied the whole of my time and attention for some years, and is now the object of my journey to England ; and if crowned with success, I shall regret neither the tune nor the expense, nor the many annoy- ances I have had to encounter in trying to forward it. ALFEED WADDIK-QTOif, Tavistock Hotel, Covent Garden, September 17 th, 1868. . * -f ..-r ■-■« •,.■■' ■^y^v , . APPENDIX. .ii''.;. 4^'i ' A.— EEPOET TO THE NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COI^IMERCE. "There is in the hoart of North America a distinct subdivision, of which Lake Winipeg may be regarded as the centre. This subdivision, like the Talloy of the Mississippi, is distinguished for the fertility of its soil, and for tJfio extent and gentlo slope of its groat plains, watered by rivers of groat length, and admirably adapted for steam navigation. It haa a climate not exceeding in severity that of jnany portions of Canada and the Eastern States. It will in all respects compare favourably with somo of the most densely peopled portions of the continent of Europe. In other words, it is admirably atkipted to become the seat of a numerous, hardy, and prosperoiis community. It has an area equal to eight or ten first-class American States. Its great rivor, the Saskatchewan, carries a navigable water-line to the very base of the Rocky Mountains. It is not at all improbable that the valley of this river may yet offer the best route for a raihoad to the Pacific. The navigable waters of this great subdivision interlock with those of the Mississippi." B.— EXTRACT FROM A PAPER READ AT THE ROYAL ; ,., . GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, MARCH 9tii, 1868. Road tiirouqii British Columbia. Tho Colony of British Columbia is to a great extent occupied by two ranges of mountains, running N.N'.W, but gradually diverging from each other towards the north, where they enclose a vast plain, of which more will bo said hereafter. That on the oast side bears the name of tho Rocky ^fountains, and tho other that of tho Cascade or Coast range. They have one feature in common, which is, that their easteini edge rises in both cases abruptly from an elevated plain ; and in the Rocky Moun- tains the highest crest or ridge is also on that side ; whereas the descent on the western slope, though greater, is extended over a wider distance, and, therefore, in general more moderate. Tho Main crest of tho Rocky Mountains, several of the peaks of which rise to a height of 16,000 feet, forms tho eastern lin>it of the Colony, and runs from its S.E. corner at the Boundary line, in a N.N.W. direction, to beyond the Northern limit of tho Colony, in lat. 60". T say tho main crest, because what generally bears the name of the Rocky Mountains is composed in British Columbia of three distinct ranges, divided from each other by rivers and deep depressions, and having each its own crest or ridge. C'f these, the two western ones, though less elevated, are chiefly composed of motamorphic rocks, and, therefore, generally speaking, more distorted and abrupt than tho rounded granitic peaks and domes of the main crest. Tho whole forms a triple fence as it wore to the colony, or one vast sea oP mountains, averaging from 150 to 160 miles wide. The Middle range, which as before said, is somewhat lower than tho main one, and.which takes tho names of the Purcell, Selkirk, and Malton APPENDIX. 31 ranges successively, is separated from the main rido;e by the Kootanie River, the Upper Columbia, the Canoe l^ivor and the Upper Frasor ; and presents one uninterrupted line of mountains, some of them 12,000 feet nigh, parallel to the main range, for 240 miles from the boundary line to the Great Bend of the Columbia, in 52" N. lat. The Columbia Eivor hero runs towards the north, and after separating the above middle or Selkirk range from the Eocky Mountains proper, cuts through it at tho Big Bend, and turning south, again separates it in its downward course from the third or more westerly range. But tho travellers who havo discovered tho different passes [such as they are in this latitude] through the Rocky Mountains, were unablo to push their explorations further than this eastern or upper portion of the Columbia, excepting near the Boundary line ; so that neither tho middle range nor tho western one, which were, perhaps, supposed, as being less elevated, to present less difficulties, had been hitherto examined. In consequence, however, of the gold discoveries at Kootanie and tho Big Bend, or in connexion with them, they were carefully explored last year ; but no practicable pass could be discovered through the Selkirk range, which thus presents au impenetrable barrier for a railroad in that direction.* The Third or moro westerly range is the least elevated of tho three, though still ranging from 4.000 to 8000 foot high. South of Fort Shepherd and the Boundary line, whore it forms eleven sharp ridges running north and south, it bears tho name of the Kuispelm Mountains, and further north of the Snowy Mountains or Gold range. Tho Bald Mountains in Cariboo, GOOO to 8000 feet high, are also a continuation of this range, which after crossing the Eraser, below Fort George, lowers towards tho north, and takes the name of the Peak Mountains. The only good pass from the Columbia through this third range is to tho south end of Soushwap Lake, and was discovered last year by Mr. Moborly, the Government Engineer, at Eagle Creek, in lat. 50*50. An important feature in both tho middle and western ranges just described, is their gradual depression north of Cariboo to where the Uppei Eraser, after separating tho middle range from the Rocky Mountains, abandons its north-westerly course, and makes a circular sweep through the depres- sion from oast to west and then south to below Fort George. This depres- sion forms a largo tract of level, flat country on each, but moro par- ticularly on tho south side of the Eraser; and. as tho country and climate are both well adapted for settlement, offers every inducement and facility (if indeed it bo not the only pass), for a future railroad through those two ranges of the Rocky Mountains. The Cascade rang© forms the Coast line c2 the Colony, which it follows, from near tho mouth of the Eraser into tho Russian [now Amei'ican] Territory. Its average width is about 110 miles, and it may also bo considered as a sea of mountains, some of which attain, if they do not exceed, a height 4f 10,000 feet. Its crest, starting from Mount Baker, a ?'*' * A Boheme, it ia true, h&s been broached and even patronized in tho interest of New Westminster, for overcoming this difficulty, by making use of the Columbia for 150 milee, of which 90 North, from the Eagle Pass in tho next Range and in lat. 50*^ . 56, to the Boat Encampment and the Big Bend of the Columbia, in ;lat. SS**, and then 60 miles south to Blaeberry River ; from which point the road would pass north of Mount Forbes, 13,600 feet, and Mount Murohison, 15,789 feet, and by Howse Pass, 0347 feet high, over tho main crest of tbe Rocky Mountains. But forty miles above Eagle Pass the navigati 'U of he Columbia is interrupted by colty remains mtich the lame. . APPENDIX. ?3 and easy iuland communication by steam to Victoria, distant 185 nautical miles. Both those inlets terminate in a valloy of sorao extent ; and as attempts havo been made to open both of them, it becomes uecessaiy to explain why the writer gave a decided preference to Bute Inlet, for a wagon road and a fui'tiori for a raili'oad, over Bontinck Arm or any other line. ) SUPEIIIORITY OF THE BUTE InLET RoUTE. The advantages of the Bute Inlet Route consist : In its central position ; fine townsite and harbour ; or raihor two harbours, accessible at all seasons of the year ; its easy and safe connection with Victoria and tho ocean, and the proximity of tho coal mines at Nanaimo. The harbour at Bella Coola, on the Bentinck Ann trail [tho only other feasible route to the mines], is situated 43o mileA futhor to tho north, and has been pronounced totally unworthy ; presenting no shelter, no good anchorage, no good landing place ; but a vast mud flat, with a milo of swamp, intersected by a shallow river barely navigable for canoes. Or to quote tho words of Lieut, Palmer, of tho Eoyal Engineers, in his official report on the Bentinck Arm Trail : " A large flat shoal, extending across the Head of the Ann, composed of black fetid mud, supporting a rank vegetation ; bare at low sprmg tides for about 700 yards from high water mark, and covered at high tide with from 1 to 8 feet of water, and at a distance of 800 yards from shore, terminating abruptly in a steep shelving bank, on which soundings rapidly increase to 40, and soon 70 fathoms." The whole is, moreover, jubject to violent winds and powerful tides. On the Bute Inlet Eoute the snow, owing to the more moderate eleva- tion, and its more southern latitude and aspect, melts fully three weeks sooner than on the Bentinck Arm Trail ; and the road is dry, entirely exempt from snow-slides, and level the whole way through. Unlike the endless mountains on the Fraser route, or the steep, unavoidjido ascent from the sea, and numerous swamps by that of Bentinck Arm. Tuie Bute Inlet Trail cuU throtigh tho Cascade Mountains by a deep valley studded with rich bottoms, afi'ording plentiful pasture, and rising imperceptibly for 80 miles, when it nearly attains its greatest height (2,500 feet); from which point forward in the plain, it was free from snow for 25 miles in February, 1862. The Bentinck Arm Trail, on the contrary, is obliged to climb over the range, owing to the valley, when 35 miles from the Inlet, turning abrubtly to the S.S.E. and running longitudinally with the range, instead of cutting through it ; so that the trail attains, in the course of a very few miles from that point, a height of 3,840 feet, as will be bettor shown by the following table compiled from Lieutenant Palmer's report :— From the Inlet to Shtooiht, at the turn the valley of Cokelln, " by a narrow gorge, in by steep and continuous Thence to hemmed cliflffl." From Cokelin to the Great Slide . . From the Great Slide to the Precipice . . . Or supposing it possible to equalize these grades (a thing next to impracticable) we should have . . Gradients. Miles. Per Mile. One in llise. 35 Feet 436 35G-0 86-3 121-1 14-8 61'2 flay Feet 610 1780 950 14 5 11 30 111-3 47-4 3340 Feet. 500 1110 2890 3840 u APFENDUU "After which -ho trail continiioa to riso gradually, tho soil bocoming shallow and jnoagro, tho vogotation thinner and intbrior, for 60 miles moro, till it crosses the summit ridge at an altitude of 4,'KJO feet " (Tiiout. Palmer's report.) And it only enters on good soil som^ 20 miles beforo crossing the Bute Inlet Trail at Bonchce Lake ; whereas along tho latter lino tho bunch grass peculiar to tho countiy flourishes over thousands of acres. finally, the distance from P»uto Inlet to tho month of Quosnollc river is fully 25 miles less than that by the Bentinck Arm Trail, and not much moro than -half of that from Now Westminster (222 against 393) ; besides having no portages or mountains. Thus presenting an open communica- tion during tho whole winter, which exists on neither of the other routes ; and a dimmution of nearly one-half in the time and cost of conveyance, as compared with that by tho Fraser. Lieut. Palmer in his report admits " tho geographical advantages of the Bute Inlet *Iioute over tho others." Another item in favour of tho Bute Inlet Eouto is its great Strategical Security in caso of any difficulties with our American neighbours. The Eraser river, from Fort Hope downwards, runs for SOmileMpnrullol to tho boundary line, and at a distance varying from 6 to 12 miles from that frontier ; whilst tho only road from Now Wostminstor to IIopo and tho interior has been constructed between them. So that a detachment of a few hundred men could at almost any point intercept all oommunica-, tion, and literally starve out the whole colony. The Bute IidetHoute, on the contrary, would bo perfectly safe and its approaches impregnable. GEXEEAL FeATUKES of the GrOTJND over WlllOn the RAILROiVD WOUIJD PASS FROM BUTE InLET TO THE MOUTH OF QlJESNELLE ElVER. ; The valley of the Iloma chco river, which falls into Bute Inlet, presents a deep cut or fissure through tho Cascade mountains, varying from thre') miles to less than a quarter of a mile in width ; is 81 miles in length, and rises imperceptibly to a height of 2,400 feet or more above the sea, at the point where it enters on tho plain boyond tho mountains. For the first 31 miles, up to the canyon or defile, the bed of the valley is composed of diluvial soil, consisting of a sandy clay or loam, and forming a hard dry bottom. The canyon itself is exactly one mile and a quarter in length. Beyond the canyon the vaUey again forms and opens for about six miles, the soil partaking of the nature of tho rocks from which it is derived and becoming more gravelly and of a reddish cast. The river after this is again confined to a narrow bed, but the country is more open, and tho road passes for six other miles near the river along the foot of the moun- tains, until the valley once more opens and recovers its fiat; level aspect, which it maintains up to the plain. The rise in tho valley, tliough apparently uniform, presents consider- able variations. Thus the canyon presents a rise in 30| miles of only 860 feet above the sea. The river thon becomes much moro rapid, and gives for the next thirteen miles an ascent probably of 780 feet, after which for 40 miles and up to Fifth Lake, tho rise diminishes to 630 feet ; beyond which there is a sharp ascent for a couple of miles more, of say 150 feet, when the summit, or watershed, is attained. We shall thus have the following gradients :— Feet. Feet. Else 865 in 30J miles— 28-36 per mile, or „ 780 in 13 „ 60-00 „ or „ 630 in 40 „ 15-75 „ 150 in 2 „ 76-00 }> or or in 186.2 in 88 in 335-2 in 70-4 Total 2425 Tho above figures must of course bo considered as only approximate. APPENDIX. •9 The plain consists of a dcop sedimontarj' soil, watered by numorons lakes and small stroama, and varied by occasional oloyations I'urmod of sandstone, belonging probably to the lower series of the chalk'formation, and apparently owing their upheaval to plutonic action, which has hardened or calcined tho rock. Tliey form hero and there conical eleva- tions varying from uOO to 800 foot in height. .Such, for insf nco, are Mount Palmer to the north of Bonchee Lake, and several ouicrrf that figure on my map. These elevations, and tlio low spurs or ranges ol hills that accompany them, necessitate but few deviations from thtr straiglit line, and the plain in general offers every facility for tho es- tablishment of a railroad. Towards tho mouth of tho Quesii'dlo thoro is a gradual de8(;ont for some miles, but unattended by any dithculty ; and at tho terminus on tho bank of tho Eraser there exists a rich plateau of cultivable soil. AGRICTJLTURAIi EESOTJROES ON THE LiNE. The valley above described is in genernl heavily timbered, but studded, as aforesaid, with rich bottoms, capable of producing any kind of crops, and offering open spots for small farms. The plain itself (the only one iu British Columbia of any extent) has been admired by all who have seen it, on account of its vast pasturages and park-liko scenery. Its width, where it is crossed by the Bute Inlet trail, is about 120 miles. It begins in the neigbboui'hood of Lake Kamloops, is bounded further North by the S.W. end of the Great Quesnelle Lake, and crosses tlie Eraser, increasing all^the while in width, as it stretches in a N.N.W. direction, for more than 300 miles, from the Eraser to the Skeena ; beyond which river it bas not been much explored. It contains millions of acres of good ground, and some of the best along the proposed route, where large tracts of land are sure to be taken up as soon as the first communications are established. Some objeotions have been raised as to its elevation, which averages 2,500 feet above the sea in the southern part, though gradually lowering towards the Skeena, where the climate, m consequence, becomes considerably milder. But this makes it none the less valuable for grazing purposes, which will be by far the most profitable branch of farming in the country, when there are means of conveyance. At present, the cattle consumed in Cariboo are driven overland some 500 or 600 miles from Washington Territory. Cereals can also be cultivated with success, as is fully proved by the following list, showing some of the crops which were raised last season on the Eraser route, together with the coi'responding latitudes and altitudes ; Deep Creek . William's Lake Cut off Valley Mr. Cornwall . At Benchee Lake, on the Chilcoaten plain, in tho same latitude as William's Lake, and rather more elevated, but 2° more to the west, and therefore very probably identical in climate, I saw in the autumn of 1863 a small crop of oats, barley and turnips, which Mr. Manning had raised on trial, and which had perfectly succeeded ; whilst some potatoes, which had been planted in an exposed situation to the south, had been ' 2 Lat. N. Altitude Feet. ' ^ 52:17 2255 100 acres of oats 62:12 2135 2C0 acres of oat8, barley and wheat 61:10 2973 200 acres of oats, barley, potatoes, and a little wheat 51:00 1508 70 acres of oats, barley, and 300 bushels wheat 30 APPEN'DIX. ^ i!rost-bitton. Tho Indian horses pass the wintor out of doors without Jbddor or Htabling ; tho beat proof that tho winters aro not very sovuro. Different Passes. It remains to say a few word.s on tho diflbront passes which have boon explored through tho Rocky Mountains on British Territory ; loiiving out tho Athabasca Tass by Poaco Itiyor, in Lat. 66 River to tho Kootanie, [partly on American ground] Blakiston Dog. 52:64 61:67 61:1G 61:06 60:46 49:38 49:27 49:06 Dog. 118:32 117:07 116:32 116:16 1:1531 1:1448 114:67 114:14 Feet. 3760 6347 5420 4947 6985 6900 6030 ♦ "With the exception of the Yellow Head Pass in the above table, which is comparatively straight and short, and the throo last which aro toler- ably so, but too near the Boundary liuc to bo available, the four others describe the most circuitous routes, among a labjrrinth of glaciers, and movmtains covered with perpetual snow. Besides which, the approach to them over the plain by the South Saskatchewan, is for nearly one hymdrod miles through an arid, sandy, treeless district, forming the northern limit of the groat American Desert ; instead of the rich Fertile Belt drained by the North Branch, which is also the more considerable one of the two. And it is in the very latitude of this Belt, that the great barrier of the Eocky Mountains is cleft asunder, so that the road runs, along this fertile zone in a direct line up to the lowest and o. siiestPass, as to a natural gate- way leading to the Pacific. But we Irs /e already seen, that all the southern Passes [and Captain Palliser \% !-«hed it to be distinctly under- stood that he considered these as far fiom being the best that could be discovered] are intercepted further west by the Selkirk range, which presents an impenetrable barrier, and renders them so ft^r next to useless. When, therefore, we consider their relative altitude, their necessarily precipitous nature, and the great depths of snow [27 feet or more], under which they lie buried during eight months of the year, there can be no hesitation [and such indeed xs now the general opinion] in regarding the Yellow Head Pass through the Eocky Mountains, with its easy gradients aiid low elevation, as the only feasible one for a railroad. But the same hx been shown with respect to the Upper Fraser and the Bute Inlet valley, through the Cascade range. It is, therefore, clearly demonstrated, that these passes, which connect naturally with each other, offer the best and indeed tho only really practicable line for a railway to the Pacific through British Columbia, AI.FEED WADDINGTON. T .VTPENDIX. 37 C. — "Tho following extracts, taken Irora moat reliable sources, will bIiow the character of the tract of country commonly called ««TiiK Ameuican Deseut." "Tho proj>rGSs of eottlcmont, a few miles west of tho Upper Missouri Biver and west of the Mississippi, beyond tho 98th degree of longitude, is reiidorcd impossible by tho condition of climate and soil which prevail there. . . . The Rocky Mountain region, and tho sterile bolt oast of it, occupies an area about oqual to one-third of tho whole surface of tho United States, which, with our present knowledge of tho laws of nature, and their application to economical purposes, must ever remain of little valuoto tha husbandman " (Dr. Ilonry» Smithsonian Institution.) "The arid districts of tho Upper Missouri are baiTon tracts, wholly un- cultlvable from various causes. . .' '. Along thd n2nd parallel the breadth of this desert is least, and tho detached areas of fertile soil greatest in quajitity ; Jiut thp, aggregate number of square miles of cultivablo land amounts only to 2,300 in a distance of 1,210 miles." (Professor II. Y. Hind). *' Tho arid plains between the Platte and Canadian Rivers are in groat part 'sand d'esertrf.' The sago plains, or dry districts, with little vegetable growth except varieties of arteroosia, begin in tho western border of tho plains of tho eastern Rocky Mountain slope, and cover much the larger l)ortion of tho whole country westward." (Army Meteorological Register, U. S., page 684)^ . *' The sterile region on tho eastern slope of tho Rocky Mountains begins about 500 or GOO miles west of tho Mississippi, and its breadth vai-ies frniu 200 to 400 miles ; and it is then succeeded by the Rocky Mountain ran-^e, which rising from an altitude of 5,200 in hit., 32° reaches l(),0(iO feet in lat., 38e and 'declines to 7,490 feet in lat, ; 42" 24, and aljout 0,000 in lat., 47''. Along this range isolated peaks and ridges i-isc into the limits of perpetual snow, in some ii.itancos attaining an eloYati',■ .. . - ■ -.,. ;,•■ ''■ i ■ Rail- Navi- Bie. ■^ . road. gation. Sections. Miles. Milea. Miles. Feet. , 1 Railroad from Montreal to Toronto . . • • 34f ■ 1 • • Railroad from. Toronto to Collingwood, on Nol- lanoassaga Bay « , , , , , , . 97 « * ■- * Existing Railroad »< i, u *.' 442 •» 2 From Coilingwood across Georgian Bay to * " Cabot'8 Head 75 « • « t • t Past Cove Island Lighthouse and acrosB the entrance to Lake Huron : along the great Manitoulin Island to the Group of l3uck ^ Islands , 85 • t « t • • ,- Thence through the Misaissaga Channel, be- tween Cockbiirn Island and the Head of tlio Great Manitoulin, along Drummond and ^ Joseph's Islands to St. Mario River, and through the American Canal [1^ mile long] . . 94 • • • « • • ■. Thence across Lake Superior, to between isle Royale at its north-western extremity and ; Thunder Capo [1350 feet high] into Thun- der Bay and to Current River, with a good harbour, 6 miles N.E. of Fort William 280 « • « '• f • N.B. — Lake Superior is GOO feet nbovo the sea, according to Sir W. Logan and Ketfer. The '- -.■:.■■! • ice on Lakes Huron and Superior breaks up "¥ a little before the end of April , , 534 « • stage road. 534 • « 3 From Thundei Bay, near Fort William [situ- ! ated in a fertile valley on the north bank o' the Kaministaguia and one mile from iti? mouth] to Dog Lake, by a surveyed lino . . • 4 28 • « 7l8i N.B. — The Kukabuka Falls, on the river, ent-^r for 182 feet, and the Dog Portage 3 miles ■ * I.. below the lake for 347 feet in this ri;c. 4 Across Df g Lake with its gontly rising banks. 10 • • • • level Up Dog River, a sluggy circuitous stream, about 80 feet wide, with flat, SAvampy elopes, in a valley about 1 mile wide, to the Prairie Portage . . . •. . . . . • . . 25 «« n t 18 This last portion navigable for steamers by making a dam 16 feet high across the outkt of Dog Lake, at an estimated expense ol £2000 (this is now in execution) • t 35 30 t « 5 Prairie, or Superior Portage, over the Summit or Divide, between Lakes Supeiior and Winipeg, 893J feet above the former and 1493} feet above the eea , , , , 2^^ '• • • 15? 2| 28 ;)()U H!)3J- APPENDIX, 39 Section. Over ( Middle Portage, between the Dog and Savanne Rivers . , , . . . . . . . Savanne Portage, very Bwampy but easily drained ., .. •• Total through an easy country . • . . Down the Savanne Elver, a meandering stream from 40 to 70 yards wide, with muddy banks ' ' and much embarrassed by driftwood, to the Lac des Mille Lacs . . . . Through the Lake with its numerous islands and bold rocky scenery, many of them, how- ever, containing tracts of good soil . . Down the river Seine [increasing gradually from 100 feet wide and winding through a -, flat wooded valley] to the Little Falls at the • Junction of Fire Steel Eiver . . This last portion navigable for light steamers • by a dam about 36 feet high, above the Falls. 7 From the Little Falls [24J- feet high] down the valley of the Seine, now bounded by low hills, of the primitive formation, to the upper entrance of llainy Lake N.B. — A broken navigation for bateaux, with 5 portages, could be easily established on this portion of the river. 8 Down the upper and narrow portion of Rainy Lake, 20 miles; then through the main lake "with its rocky shores, and 2 miles beyond, down Rainy River [with 6 feet fall] to Fort Frances, at Rainy Falls, in all . . The islands in this lake [over 500 in number] are mainly composed of palo red granite and chloritic and greenstone slate, and though picturesque, present a barren and desolate appearance. The lake freezes over about the ] at of December. There is a population of 15,000 Indians here. Portage at Rainy Falls, 171 yards, requiring two locks . . , , , . . . From Fort Frances down Rainy River [from 250 yards to a quarter of a mile wide, and very winding], through a beautifully fertile alluvial country, studded with maple, birch, poplar, and oak, and containing at Jenst 260,000 acres of the very best soil, to the Lake of the Woods. There are two insig- nificant rapids 31 miles below the Fort, which a steamer of moderate power could stem with easv , . . . Across the Xiako of the Woods, 65 nules, and Sta^re rca>l. MilcB. 2| n 19 36 10 65 Miles. 28 (Steam Navi- (d feet wide, with {wo small bars of loose friable slato, in all 140 feet long, to the north . western extremity of Lac Plat or Shoal Lake, in aii II • • .1 • < .1 . . if.B.— The Indiana grow I'ar^e quf^'^tities of maize on the islands, and wild rieo grows in the greatest abundance in the whole district, forming the chief sustenance of the Indians. From Lac Plat to Fort Garry, near the con- fluence of the Efid lliverandthoAssiniboina, and 647 feet above the sea. This line has been surveyed, and a very good route can be obtained over a level and favourable country, ! of which the first 60 miles wooded . . .' , And the remninder level prairie "These 90 miles of road would replace 580 miles of carta-^e to Sfc. Paul, where the inhabi- tants of Tied River now got their supplies. The expense has been roughly cstimatod bv Mr. D.iwson at £22,500 ; and the total cost of opening the communication by land and water, as above described, from Lake Superior to Fort Garry, would probably amount to aboui_ £80,000. The Red River Settlement contains a population of from 12,000 to . 14,000, and begins 10 miles south of Wini- pcg Lake, extending GO miles up the lied . River and CO to 70 miles west np the Assini- \ boine. The laiid has been tvaiy named, "a MParadiso of fertility." Many" farms have been cultivated for 40 years without any appreciable falling off; and as to climate, maize never fails to lipen, and melons grow with the utmost luxiu-iance in the opon air, and ripen in August. The Red River, which is GOO or 700 miles long, is 200 to 3,50 feet ^ ^ wide,_ below ^Fort Garry, and navigabld' for Bteamera of lig-ht draft. It generally rfcozts' up about the middle of November, or a little liter, and ro-opeiis towards the middle of April. 10 From Fort Garry, through the Settlement, down Red Fiver, and then through 0{ miles of marsh, at the mouth of the river to Lake Winipeg, G28 feet, above the sea From the south end of Winipeg Lake to its nortb.'- western extremity and the Grand Rapid 124 84 208 60 311 9i; steam Stase Navi- lload. gation. Miles. Miles. 991 634 • • ■ • • • 208 • f > • f • , , 911 1 • Fall. Feet. 523 280 36.', 42 42 191 I \ 842 10 865J APBNDIX. 41 iJection. Over 2 miles beyond, on the Great' Saskatche- wan • « 1: Portage at the Grand Bapid, 3 miles, with 62 feet fall, and a small rapid above [in all 6 miles], along a steep barren ridge of mag- nesian [upper Silurian or perhaps Permian] limestone, on the north side of the Great Sas- katchewan . . . . • • t . N.B. — This Portago, and more especially another rapid further up, above Cross Lake, might be aA'^oided by passing from Lake Wi- nipeg up the little Saskatchewan, the Mani- tonba and Winipegous liakes, and across the Mossy Poriage, which separates the latter from Lac Bourbon, and which is 4^ miles wide; but the navigation would be most circuitous, and the distance lengthened 83 mil's to little purpose. 12 From the Grand Rapid up the Great Saskatche- Avan and through Lac Travers or Cross Lake to the Bapid immediately above, "^hich would I perhaps require a lock or a dam Thence 3 miles up the Great Saskatchewan and then tbrough Lac Bourbon, in all . . . . Thence up the Great Saskatchewan to' near Cumberland^Lake and House Thence to the' Forks of the Saskatchewan, where large beds of tertiary coal [lignite] crop out . . . . . . . . . . . . From the Forks up tho North Saskatchewan to Carlton House [south bank]. The river hero is a quarter of a mile wide, and at the lowest waters 12 feet deep. The ice sets in about the 20th of October and breaks up about the 10th of April . . From Carlton Tiouse, passing the limit of the true forests at the end of about 30 miles, and then entering on the Fertile Belt, through a I'icb and beautiful open country to the ■mouth of Battle Biver Thence to Fort r.iu [in the upper and middle cretaceous formation] Thence to Fort Edmonton, on tho north banlc of tho North Saskatchewan [300 miles below its numerous eources in the Bocky Moun- tains] . . . . . . . , , , The north branch of this noble river, which gathers its waters from a country greater in extent than that drained by tho St. Law- rence and all its tributaries, is here 2o0 yards wide at low water, and so far perfectly navig- MUes. 42 255 297 13 53 115 190 73 98 116 215 stage Koud. Miles. 191 tSUam Navi- gation. Miles. 842 297 872 196 Ilise. Feet. • • level Eise above Lake Wini- peg 70 18 10 208 405 162 220 S43 664 1139 I 2100 42 ArPENDi:?. Section. Oyer n . aUe for steamboats; for •which I havo Sir James* Douglas' authority. ' Indeed the-Hud- Bon Bay Company thought seriously of placing • ■ a steamer on' this part of the line during the excitement of 1858-9. Above Edmonton it is navigated by the bateaux of the Company, drawing 4 feet of -water, up to Rocky Moun- tain House, 140 miles higher ; and there can be no doubt that the lower half of this dis- tance up to the rapids, below Brazean river, is navigable for lightstoamers. Cumberland House and Fort Edmonton are two of the most northern points on the whole of this Overland Route. The latter is in lat. 65° 30. 2,100 feet abovo L -. Winipeg, and 2,728 feet above the sea. .' ■ I ^f coal. 10 feet thick, of the tertiary {?j ormation crops out here, and beds are a^'. found cropping out on Battle Rivor, the Pembina, the Atha- basca and elsewhere, dipping towards the east. The finest wheat is raised at Edmon- ton, and at Sb. Albans and St. Ann, two settlements in the neighbourhood. From Edmonton up the North Saskatchewan, as far as its bend towards the south, a little ,, below the Rapids and about 6 miles below the Junction of Brazean River , , . . 13 Thence across the plain, nearly due west, and over the Pembina and McLeod Rivera, two clear shallow streams flowing over pebbly bods, about 80 feet below the plain, to the swift turbid Athabasca, a little above the Roche h Miotte and Jasper's House opposite [3,372 feet abovo the sea]. A coach and six could be driven over a ^^^eat part of tliis plain . . ■ ■ . . . . , . 14 Thence south up the Athabasca to Henry's House, at the Head of Navigation and the foot of the " Tete Jatjne Pass " 16 Thence in a W.N.W. direction up the narrow, rocky valley of the Miette, a deep, tortuous, rapid stream, 30 yards wide, and along a small tributary called Pipe Stone Rivor, to the Summit or Watershed of the Tete Jaune Pass, 3,760 feet above the sea. This Pass is described in " Milton and Cheadle's North-west Passage by Land," 6th edition, p. 250, as follows:— "In the course of our morning's journey we were surprised by coming to a atream flowing from the west- ward. We had unconsciously passed the Miles. 872 stage Road. Miles. 196 80 952 140 336 steam Navi- gation. Miles. 1139 952 29 2120 Rise. Feet. 2100 250- 39-: 88 2832 APPENDIX. Section. Over . . • ' . . . . heigtt of land and gained the watershed of the Pacific. The ascent had been so gradual and hnperceptible, that, until we had the evidence of the water tiow, we had no sus- picion that we were even near the dividing ricige. «« , % tt •• •• •• Miles. 22 Total rise above Lake "Winipeg, , Thence across the summit, 3 miles, and along the north side of Cowdung Lake [about 7 miles long and 1 mile widej . . . . Then across Moose River, joining and follow- ing the Eraser for 8 miles . . . . Then along the north shore of Moose Lake [16 ' miles long] through an open country- Then along the Fraser, partly between cliflFs of elate rock, to the North Fork, and 10 miles beyond, in all 25 miles, to opposite the Tete Jauno Cach<> . . . . Thence along the Fraser north to Iho Rapide des Fourneaux, reputed Head of Navigation N.B. — Rich gold prospects are said to have been found about 36 miles below this Rapid. Total length of Tote Jaune Pass . , . . 16 From the Rapide des Fourneaux down the Fraser and past the Long Rapid to Fort George. The Long Rapid may be about 70 miles below the Rapide des Fourneaux, . Some of the boulders, it is said, might re- quire blasting when the waters are at the lowest, in order to clear the channel. . N.B. — The portion of the Fraser, between Bear River and Fort George, waters a rich, open country, fully 80 miles in lengtb, and extend- . ing many miles back on each side of tlie river : with a climate milder than that of Canada, and capable of raising wheat or any , . other kind of crops. The river itself is not less than 6 feet deep in the shallowest p?rt8, . and 600 feet wide where narrowest, anc^ the current is slow, more like a lake than a river. From Fort George, past the Isle des Pierres .or Stone Rapid, and the Grand Rapid, to the Mouth of Quesnelle River, 1,490 feet above the Bea . , . , . . . , . . Th'3 1.sle des Pierres Rapid is about 20 mileg below Fort George, and only awkward wbtn . the waters are very high. The Grand Rapid is 19 miles above the mouth of the Quesnelle, . and much more rapid, but straight, and it is believed, on good authority, can be sur-' 10 8 16 25 10 Stage Koad. Miles. 336 .steam Navi- gation. Miles. 2120 Bisc. Feet. 2832 90 187 90 fl t 93 280 300 3132 FaU. 50 300 10 900 90 • t 63o 426 286 2120 2270 44 APPENDIX, Staple Road. Steam Navi- (fation. Fall. Section. Oyer ., ,, . .. mounted by a steamer of tolerable power. If otherwise, the road would have to be exten- ded 19 Tniles up to this point . • * . ^Miles. . 280 Miles. 426 • » t r t • 222 Miles. 2120 280 t fl • » • t Feet. 2270 280 2270 17 From Quesnellemouth, a small rising town, S.W. across the fine Chilcoaten plain^ by Chisicut, Benchee and Tatla Lates, to the water-bed aqd gap.^t the entrance of the .. Cascade Mountains, on the Bute Inlet route [2is47 feet above the sea] Thence through the Cascade Range, by a level valley to Waddington Harbour, at the Head - of ButQ Inlet. . . , . . ......... 84| Rise. 857 Fall. 2347 • • . . . , . 222 .. » . 1 1 648 2400 »• N.B.— The foregoing figures represent the distances, with all the tortuositiefl of the route. SYKOPTICAL TABLE OF THE PRECEDING DISTANCES BETWEEN MONTREAL AND BUTE INLET, BRITISH COLUMBIA. stage. steam Navig'i) Kail, road. From Montreal to Collingwood, by Railroad From Collingwood to Current River, 6 miles, N.E. of Fort "William. Lake Sunerior . . . . . ■ . . Miles. • • Miles. t • 634 '35 • f 65 • • 208 • • 297 932 t » Miles. 442 From Lake Superior to Dog Lake Up Dog Lake and Rivet . . . . Portage to Savanne River, easy ground Down the Savanno River, the Lac des MiJle Lacs and the River Seine, to the Little Falls Thence along the Seine to Rainy Lake Through the Lake, down Rainy River, and across the Lake of the Woods, to the North-west end of Lac Plat or Shoal Lake Thence over the Plain to Fort Garry, Red Jliver Settle- ment [with 12,000 to 14,000 inhabitants] Down lied River, to the North-west end of Winipeg Lake, and the Grand Rapid, 2 miles beyond, on the Great Saskatchewan . . . . Portage along the North Bank Thence up the Great Saskatchewan and its North Branch to below the Junction of Brazean River, 80 miles above Fort Edmonton, and the neighbouring Settlements of St. Alban and St. Ann Thence to Jasper's House, Lat. 53°. 12, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains ,» .. -. *. 28 • • 5 r 1' 9U "5 « • 140 • • • « • r 836 2091 442 APPENDIX. 45 Over . . • • - • . • . il-aaca to the foot of the Yellow Thence south up the /. ""^Iflftd P&ss >• •• •• •• *• •• •• Through the Pas^ to the Upper Fraaer . . Down the Fraser to Queanellemouth [road to Cariboo] at the Junction of Quesnelle Eiver Aerois the Chilcoaten Plain, 137 J miles, and through the Cascade Kange, 84 i miles, by a level valley to Wad- dington .Harbour, Head of Bute Inlet ... .. Total 3490 miles, requiring from 20 to 23 days', travel EECAPITULATION. ExistinglRwlroadfl . . Bute Inlet Koad Other portions of jtage road Steam Navigation . . . • . • Total Distance from Montreal to Bute Inlet. stage. Steam ; Rail- Navig'n road. Miles. 336 90 222 648 222 426 Miles. 2091 29 • ■ 280 2400 442 648 Miles. 442 442 1090 2400 3490 L POSSIBLE FUTURE. SHORT CUT F.QR A. RAILROAD IN PLACE OF *^" THE NAVIGATION BY THE UPPER FRASER. Section. 1 From opposite the Tete Jaune Cache, South • • across the Fraser, then up the valley .of the Cache, over easy \indulating sandy ground, and across Cranberry River to the Water- shed of Canoe River . . Thence down to the bed of Canoe River, worn to a considerable depth in the sandy soil . . 'From the Canoe River, S.W., over rocky . ground to the Divide from the North Thomp- son, 2,900 feet above the sea Thence down to the North Thompson . . Thence in a W.S.W. direction over moun- tainoua ground to the Divide from Clear- water River .. ^ • Thence down to the river .. .. ' .» From Clearwater River to the Divide from the Great Quesnelle Lake . . . . •*„am Thence through a mountainous country S.S.W. to the south-eastern end of the lake [2040 feet above the sea] .« .* .. MUea. 14 2 10 £5 Bail- road. Miles. 66 65 Steam Navi- gation. Miles. Bite. Fall[Pl .[? Feet. FaU[f; m [?] 240 FaU 160 Rise 360 450 Rise 200 300 Rise 160 Fall 460 i-' I I I I k » i 46 APPENDIX. Section. Over 2 Thenco along (iuesnelle Lako to its aouth- \ weatern angle . . . 3 Frsm Quosnelle Lako across a slightly rolling fertile country to the mouth of Deep Creek on the Praser, and below Soda Creek, viz. : From Qnesnelle Lake W.S.W. to the Divide, .. near Round Tent Lake. . », ,, Thence to Deep Creek , , , Along Deep Creek west to the Frazor [1450 feet above the sea] v?ith bridge and appuoaches Thence W.S.W. across the Chilcoaten Plain to the old Fort on the Chilcoaten River Thenco in the same direction to the mouth of tho Gap at the entrance of the Cascade Mountains on the Bute Inlet route , , Miles. Railroad , , Steam Navigation . . 17 10 58 47 Rail- road. Miles. 55 steam Navi- gation. Miles. 45 Rise. 140J Fall im ff Total Miles .. AGAINST ■ 1 From opposite Tete Jaune Cache to the Rapide des Foumoaux, railroad . , . . . 2 Navigation on the Ugper Fraser S From Quesnellemouth to the Gap, as above . . Less distance 10 280 137^ 195i 45 240| 4271 Rise Rise Feet. level 160 125 625 7fiO 45 187 697 200 897 This road would pass for 40 miles over a wild, unknown, uninhabited, and very mountainous tract of country, betweeu Quesnelle Lake and Canoe River which would present fcxm" able difficulties and be vastly expensive. Very diflFeront from the fertile district on the Fraser and the facilities for immediate navigation. ALFRED WADDINGTON. E.--ABSTEACT PEOM A, PETITION TO THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. The humble, petition and memorial of the undersigned Alfred Waddington, Bheweth : &c., &c., " That for t^e purpose (that of an Overland Communication) British Columbia is the key of the Pacific, and 'that iihlesa a different policy be adopted towards that colony in futui^e, England might be prepared to lose it; owing partly to its distance from the homo country and the consequent cost of emigration, partly to its being hemmed in by the United States, but above all to tho deep disalfection occasioned by misrule and APPENDIX, m the arbitrary nature of its institutions, BO diflferont from thoso that surround it. '•That Vancouver Island and the Mainland ■were till lately separate colonies, with one and the same governor ; when unfortunately for both, two distinct governors were appointed, ovor a total population of ton ov twelve thousand souls. That from that moment a system of commercial aggression, if not hostility, towards Vancouver Island wa': adopted by the Government of the mainland, and thiiigs brought to such a state, that in a fit of despair the House of Assembly in Victoria petitioned tho Homo Government for the union of tho two colonies, and, fondly trusting to tho liberality of tho mother country, oiEfored (without askmg tho consent of tho people) to accept whatever institutions sho might think fit to grant. " That the Governor of the Mainland, who was then in England on leave of absonce, was consulted, his views embodied in a bill, and the two colonies shortly after united by Act of Parliament. The representative government of Vancouver Island was abolished without a dissenting voice in either House, tho free port of Victoria done away with, and the hostile governor of the Mainland re-appointed over tho united colonies, with a Legislative Council consisting of 22 members, ■ of whom fourteen wore appointed by himself, and the eight others elected subject to his approval. Tho capital was removed to Now Westminster, a village of 700 inhabitants, the oflBcials there alone maintaiaed, those of Vancouver Island discharged, and tho general welfare of the colony thenceforth sacrificed to local interests. " That although Vancouver Island commands the coasts of tho United states on the Pacific as completely as England does those of France on the Atlantic, tho Home Government had never spent anything on it ; tho colony, though yielding over half a million of gold yearly, is indebted to the United States for the carriage of every emigrant and every letter that reaches her shores ; and if a man-of-war require repairs she must go to San Prancisco ; thus depriving the colony of tho benefit of an oxpondituro which ought naturally to accrue to her. In short, the only ties that bind the colony to the mother country are the infliction On it of a despotic form of government ; an expenditure over which tho people have practically no contiujl, and which is out of all proportion with the means of the colony ; and a Governor with a salary of £4,000 a year, besides other allowances, who only consults the interests and wishes of the very smallest portion of the colony ; so that althdugh public improvements have been for some time suspended, the colony is sunk in debt, the trade of Victoria has been annihilated, the popuhition has dwindled to a shadow ; those who remain are, to say the least, disaflected ; and unless some more real interest is evinced for the colony, when the occasion offers she may be driven to vote for annexation to the United States. " Tint British Columbia is the key to the North Pacific. Without her and the Saskatchewan territory, tho very existence of Canada as a British dependency would be compromised, and before long at an end. Tho United States aro already knocking at the door, and if tho whole of British North America is not speedily connected by an overland commu- nication or by railroad, England may bid adieu for ever not only to Canada but to the greater portion of her trade with the East, and, as a conse- quence, to her commercial supremacy." " Your petitioner, therefore, humbly but most earnestly prays," &c, ** Tavistock Hotel, Covent Garden, May 25th, 18G8." " ALFEED WADUINGTON." r ■■■ I- I M' ' W' V 4B APPBNDIX. F.-CANADIAN STATISTICS. " A glance at the' statistics of Canada -will show that her material proCTOss has kept pace with her Legislation. The population of Canada rose from 1,842,265 in 1851, to 2,506,756 in 1861. (It is now with Nova Scotia and New Brunswick four millions). Montreal has a population of 110,000, and Cluobeo 65,000; in 1831 they each had but 27,000. The population of Toronto has risen since 1842 from 13,000 to 80,000 inhabitants. " The trade of Canada in exports and imports increased in twelve years, between 1852 and 1864, from 34,342,466 dols. to 91,105,512 dels. " The number of acres of land held in Canada by private owners in 1852 was 9,825,515, in 1861 it had risen to 13,354,907. " In 1852 Canada had 3,702,738 acres of land under cultivation ; in 1861 she had 6,051,619. "In 1852 Canada produced 12,802,550 bushels of wheat; in 1861, 24,640,425." (Letter from the Hon. Charles Tupper to the Earl of Carnarvon, October 19th, 1866). lit JVDB AUB 9Ui», raCBMIX JPWSIISa W01UK8, BOOXORS' COMMOKi. i9S Mi (^-'^•w-s^iTi— jiiSfcte^i J^t^Jc 2**ljM'*''''^i«»"'*'^XlT\^ ii..!*^ ^^^ f^^ ^^j£«F j^'. \ 1 i# ^^j!*/^^"'"^! iiL<*' uM S^^jtoi^^^ 3»f«y**,, .. juoo » su»s, rM«Nix iiiiimMe worm, L«il§i»«.