IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k A l< ^ "H 1.0 I.I 11.25 m. Ill IK m m ■ 40 ^ 13.6 Win 112 u 1^ UWU U 11.6 ^ '/] z^,^ y Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREet WEBSTER, N.Y. 145S0 (716) 872-4503 l\ ^V •^ <^ [V ^1%. o^ '^ ^<^^''- ■i^m'' m.i^M %wi erne wWch ^efe i j now i^jr tii^ 1^^ ^sfced for on th9 WWf> jtB juedalbusinesi^ and its Bondsat^i^^yaee^»^^g» J>oi^o; w/Jpofl GQv^nm|»ts»#a.the ^nk8,TfoiIwam Bbards of Tlfide. and Cof^tisM tnsti^pns igewearally throughcwt th. 33tominiii ^ i ji J I | I H I * | 1 ,1 H f ii ni/ t (i ^ < I ' ii rV''i[i i r * iti ii i i l . ^ uuj ii n r n n r f ^1 1 I I I i »>^4«WS»it ' Tfji' i ^Hi- III HOI l> *»-* , H> ii 'nn »~ . .J I ' SI G ai « I ii ( 1 ■" « < I I ll ADVERTISEMENT. CITIZENS or c^jraoji. FIRE, GUARANTEE, LIFE, ACCIDENT. ^ CAPITAL, (My subscribed) $1,200,000 '.J f^09 St. James Strei ► '.J I:; f SIR HUGH ALLAN, N. B. CORSE, ANDREW ALLAN, ROBE . J. B. ROLLAND. GERALD E. HART, ARCHD. McGOUN, General Manoffer* Secy, 'Treat. The Life Branch and its funds are entirely distinct from the other departments. The most rigid economy is practised, to give the assured the greatest possible amount of profits. Seud tor Table of Kates. ^ •■' Insure against Gen*eral Accidents, Railway Accidents, Personal Injuries, Death by Accident.— 85 will secure $1000 and a weekly indemnity. Short Term Accident Policies issued. A small premium will guarantee the fidelity of employees. Combined Life and Guarantee Policies at very low figures. Fire risks taken on every class of property. Aseucies in all the principal Towns. ^ole^ale ^ Mercantile STATIONER. BOOKS READY MADE OB TO ORDER, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. RAILWAY, SANE, INSVEAXTCE, Am) GENEBAL OFFICE BEQUISITES ALWAYS ON HAND. MMES SUTHERLAND Stationer & Bookbinder 256 & 258 ST. JAMES STHEET. STARKE'S < f'-^ POCKET ALMANAC ADVERTISER i AND GENERAL REGISTER FOR 1879 gcing "nriiivb niitx Jenp JJeat. ?>.;••. '■>.''<."w**./'>./"«.'">,''<,''><">/'S. Thirty-Eighth Jear of J^ubt.ication. .f i4 .'*. t. ^ « J. St/RKE & Co.,yPRINTERS AND PUBLISHER^, 54 St. Francois Xavier Street, MONTREAL. IV ADVERTISEMENT. BOYAL CAIAfiI4H FIRE and ^S^^^^t^ President : ANDREW ROBERTSON, Esq. Vice-President: HON. J. R. THIBAUDEAU. Sect etary- Treasurer ARTHUR GAGNON. ^tai ©ffue: 160 ST. JAMES STREET, JAMES DAVISON Manager, Canada Fire Department. EE1TR7 STEWART, Manager, Marine Department. CONTENTS. T. Card.—Ihe publishers of Starke's Almanac having for a series of years issued an edition of 10,000 oopies wholly for gratuitous oiroulation, and relied for a return solely on its advantages as an advertising medium, find this source of remu- neration inade^iuate to the expenses of the work, and* in now reourring to their former usage of oflfering it for sale, they trust the small charge affixed to it will not be a means of preventing it from reaching all those who have been accustomed to value its usefulness. January, 1879. h CONTENTS. 1 « • •( 1 I PAGE Almanao,&o 1-27 British Ambassadors abroad, and Foreign Ambassadors in England. 241 Canada Government Departments at Ottawa :— (Governor Qeneral of Gannda, &c 242 Governor's Secretary's Office. 2^S Department of Justice *26S *' Militia and Defence 258 " Customs 254 " Finance 253 »♦ Public Works 259 " Inland Revenue 256 *' Secretary of State 258 *' Marine and Fisheries 260-261 *' Postmaster General 261-262 '' Agriculture 262 ** Auditor General 258 " Minister of Interior 256-258 ** Library of Parliament 253 Canadian Pacific Railway 259 Collectors of Customs for the Dominion 254-256 Dominion Public Buildings-Engineer's Office 259-260 Emigration Agents for the Dominion in Europe 262 Emigration Agents in tho Dominion 262 Fish and Game Laws of Canada 284-287 Geological Survey 262-263 Her Majesty's Household 238-239 Imperial Government and Chief Officers of State 2b9-240 Inspectors of Inland Revenue, District 256 Inspectors of Ports and Collectors of Customs 254-256 Intercolonial Railway 259 yi. CONTENTS. MemberB of the Privy Council and Oflicorft. 41 Senate of Canada and Officers Hou8e of Commons and Officers Legislature of Ontario and Ottioert Legislature of Quebec and Officerp Legislature of Nova Scotia and Officers. Legislature of New Brunswick and Officers Legislature of Manitoba and Officers.. . North West Territory Legislature of Prince Edward Island and Officers Legislature of British Columbia Legislature of Newfoundland Official Arbitrators Patent Branch Prince of Wales' Household Superintendents, &c., of Indians The Queen and Royal Family i» M «t •« •f tt PAOK 243-244 244-247 247-253 2rt3-267 267-273 273-275 27G-278 279-280 281 278-279 280-281 281-283 259 202 239 257 236-2.37 I MONTRKAL. ' " ^ Adulteration of Food 78-80 Apothecaries and Chemists. 143-144 Agricultural and Horticultural Societies 177 Assignees, Official 133 Banks, Local Officers, and British and Foreign Agents. 149-164 Bank Stock List, Canadian 158 Bar, members of. 129-133 Benevolent Institutions 178-120 Boards of Trade, Dominion and Montreal 168 Building Societies 174-176 Carriages, Cartage, &c., Rates cf 98-100 Cemetery Company, Mount Royal 177 Churches, Chapels, &c 189-194 City Passenger Railway 171 Clubs 197-198 Colleges and Schools 184-189 Coroner for the District of Montreal 137 Commissioners for receiving Affidavits for Sup. Court. . 135 Commissioners for taking Affidavits in Que. for Ont. ... 135 Commissioners for taking Affidavits in London, Eng., for Ontario and Quebec 136 Commissioners to Administer Oaths to Public Officers.. 136 Commissioner to grant Passports 127 Consulates 148 Corn Exchange Association.. 168 Corporation of Montreal and Officers 94-96 Courts of Justice 118-127 Customs Department... 47 PAOE Customs Taiiff of Duties 47-76 Dentist* 142 Dental Board of ExatniDors 14.'i Dispensary 147 Duties Puyable on Lioonses 78 Kxoiie duties 77 Export Duties 76 Express Companies 177 Fares for Co»oho8, Cabs, &.0 98-100 Fire Department 115-117 Fire Alarm Telegraph Signal Hoxes 1)0-117 Food Inspectors 80 Foresters, Ancient Order of 205 Gas Company, New City 174 Gas Innpector's Oflioe 170 Grand Trunk Railway 171 Harbour Commissioners and OfHcbrs 9;{ Hersohell's Weather Table 8 Hospital, Montreal General 14() '* University Lying-in 147 *• Women's 147 •* Hotel Dieu 147 Inland Revenue 77 Insurance Companies and Agents 1()5-1G8 Immigration Agents 148 Institutions, Literary and Scientific 106-107 Inspectors of Produce, Ac 109-170 International Protestant League 204 Investments, Canadian 157-100 Jewish Festivals 2 Justices of the Peace 136-137 Loan and Mortgage Companies 174-175 Marriage Licenses 136 Masonic Lodges 108-202 Medical Colleges and Schools 144-146 Militia 138-141 Mining Companies 173-174 Montreal Stock Exchange 170 Montreal Open Stuck Exchange 171 National Societies 181-182 Notarie»' Association, Notarial Board for the Province of Quebec, &c 133-134 Odd Fellows 204-205 OrangeOrder 202-203 Pharmaceutical Association for Province of Quebec . . 144 Physicians and Surgeons , 141-142 Physicians, Homoeopathic 142 Police Magistrates 126 Police Force, City and River 127 Post Office 18-43 " Money Order 43* '*1 I 'I vm. CONTENTS. PAGE Post Office Savings Bank 44 Protestant B'd of School Uoinmiss'rs & B'd of Bxam'rs. . 186-187 Public Companies 171-177 Kecorder's Court 127 Registrars, Province of Quebec 128-129 Religious Societies 195-196 R.C. Board of School Examiners 187 Stamp Duties 45 Steamship and Steamboat Companies 171-173 TariflF of Pilotage 80 Tariff of Rates and Dues, Harbour of Montreal 90-93 Taxes, Municipal 96-98 Telegraph Companies 173 Temperance Societies 182-1 84 Water Works, Regulations and Tariff 100-115 Weights and Measures Insp'n Office, City Weigher, ER AND Of every quality and description constantly on hand* J- L. CARSON & CO. i. LOVELL CARSON. ROBERT MILLER. ^t J, xu ADVERTISEMENT. OF LONDON. 3EST^BIjISS:EiiID Iisr 1782. /'' The Company has no tiominal Capital, the liability of the Shareholders being unlimited, but keeps on hand a custonriary balance exceed- ing £600,000 Sterling, for the payment of Fire Losses only. - . v Gillespie, Moffatt & Co. FOR TUB DOMINION OF CANADA. PHIEF JDfPICB, NO. 12 ST. sacrament' STREET. H. W. TYRE,- Uanager. MHIRTS HADE TO OBDER AT CtEO.^BOirD A CO.% 415 WOTSE DAHE STREET. If! . A.LMANAC, 8^C • ^•» EPOCHS. Of the Mundane Era 5882 Of the vulgar Christian Era 1879 Since the discovery of Amerioa 387 Since the discovery of Quebec 271 Since the Treaty which confirmed the possession of Canada tothe British 113 Of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria 42 THE SEASONS. d. h. Vernal Equinox begins March 20 6 Summer Solstice *^ June 21 2 Autumnal Equinox " September 23 5 Winter Solstice * * Decembor 21 11 Tropical Year is 365 days, 5 hours, 45 minutes. m. 26 ev. 35 ev. 9 mo* 18 ev. ECLIPSES DURING THE YEAR 1879. ! L During this year there will be throe eclipses — two of the sun and one of the moon. I. — On the 22nd of January there will be an annular eolipse of the sun, visible in South America, but not observable in Canada. II.— On the 19th of July there will be an annular eclipse of the sun, but not visible in these parts. III.— On the 28th of December there will be a partial eclipse of the moon* but not visible in Canada. i^ MORNING AND EVENING STARS. Venus is an Evening Star until September 23rd, after that a Morning Star to the year's end. Mars is a Morning Star until November 12th^ after that an Evening Star to the end of the year. Jupiter is a Morning Star from the 8th of February to the Slst of August, and may be considered an Evening Star until FebruaiT 8th and from the 9th of June to the year's end. Saturn is a Morning Star from the 26th March to the 5th of October, and is an Evening Star from the 3rd of July to the end of the year. CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICLES t#F TIBTU, "WM, SE^nniELIIAACK, 303 NOTRE BAME ST. 1 f i I: WHITE DREftS 0HIRTS Sl^O, WORTH l|:a.99, AT OEO. BOWn A ro/M. QQ ALMANAC. CHRONOLOGICAL CYCLES. Dominical Letter J& Golden Number 18 Jewish Lunar Cycle 15 Epaot or Moon's Age 7 SolarCyele 12 Julian Period 6592 Jewish Year, commencing 18th September 5640 Roman Indiotions 7 Mohammedan Year 1396 MOVABLE FESTIVALS. Septuagesima Sunday, Feb. 9 Saxagesima *' '^ 16 Quinquagesima " *' 23 Ash- Wednesday " 26 First Sunday in Lent . Mar. 2 Mid-Lent Sunday .... "23 Palm Sunday April 6 Good Friday ♦' 11 Easter Sunday April 13 Low Sunday ** Rogation Sunday .... May Ascension Day ....*. ** WhitsunJay June Trinity Sunday " Corpus Christi " Advent Sunday Nov. 20 18 22 1 8 12 30 n JEWISH FESTIVALS.-1879-5639.5640. March 6, Fast of Esther. 9 4& 10 Pureem. 8, First day of Passover. 28&29 Sebuot-Feast of First Fruits. 18, New Year, Anno Mundi 5640. 27, , ^ • • • • Kipur— Day of Atonement. 2 to 10 Tabernacles, 10, Hanuoa— Feast of Dedication. April May Sept. »t Oct. Deo. HOLIDAYS OBSERVED IN PUBLIC OFFICES. Circumcision Jan. 1 Epiphany " Annunciationof V.M. Mar. 25 Good Friday April 11 Ascension Day May Queen's Birthday .... it 22 24 Corpus Christi June St. Peter and St. Paul. ♦* All-Saints' Day Nov. Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary Dec. Christmas Day ♦♦ 12 29 1 8 25 BANK HOLIDAYS IN ONTARIO. Sundays, Christmas Day. New Year's Day, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, the Queen's Birthday, and each day apijomted by royal proclamation as a general fast or thanksgiving day. mnj your cooKiive- hai.1., parlor 4c doi7Bi.e 9TOTES at JODOI]¥ dc CO»S. S09 St. Paul Street. Bin TOVB SHIRTS AT QfiO* BOHD 0t CO«% 419 XOTRi: PAIHE STREET, WEATHER TABLE. Kw QB ^^ ^ft BB •PIS **o 2 O o O O 8S ^ g: &. 2r* i^» M« St !-*•.-• M lO s cr: I a GO 5- *< 09 I I S? s 3 •?* &• JL s o o OB o c • 59, 3 3" 9 s- a 1 -^ Mt Si s 1 8- s «. SI. o St CD « ? 3 8^ • S cr o .^ CO •-»• s. i "^ ^ a I ^ 2 I 00 & ,0 I 1, ^ {0 D * 00 p o ■ V w M as ^« w p< a* CD GO * 11- GC o >— • A »-t AHlBTi^C M H 00 E2« I 5 P< O ^ - cr S ^ H B* 1 (ft n3< W O w < O ?! § gi s, ^ e^ 00 s § O 0* 00 w pel C/3 o . < •' •0 § > § H I <^ t?j > tr" TERRA COTTA A BRONZE ORJTAHENTS, Jewenevy, WM. SEM1IIEI.HAACK, 303 BTOTRE BAME ST. *^i i1 . .. . -J. I ' '■* ■ ■ ADVERTISEMENT. CANADA PAPER COMPANY, {LIMITED) PAPER-MAKERS AND . WHOLESALE STATIONERS, 374, 376 & 378 St. Paid Street, HILLS AT SHERBROOKE, WINDSOR, AND PORT NEUF, P. 0. TAYLOR & DUFF, Metal W0nw8 and Mountant^, for taking Affidavits to be tised in QUEBEC AND ONTAKIO, ISSUERS OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. 353 Notre Dame Street, - MONTREAL, JohnTaylob. John M. M. Duff. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 .23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 31 — ^*^ 410 HOTBE DASIE STREET. CALENDAR. JAZTVABY. Named after the two-faced Roman Deity Janus. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASRB. D. Full Moon . . 8 Last Quar'.]5 New Moon -22 First Quar.. 30 Quebec, H. M. 7 00 m. 6 14 m. 7 3 m. 6 56 m. Montreal, 6 54 m. 6 8 m. 6 57 m. 6 50 m. Kingaton, Toronto, London. 6 42 5 56 6 45 m. 6 58 m. m. m. H. M. 6 30 m. 5 44 m. 6 33 m. 6 26 m. H. M. 6 22 m. 5 36 m. 6 25 m. 6 18 m. DATS. M. w. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 80. 31 F EVENTS, Ac. W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th New Year's Day. Circumciaion il) Steamb't exour. on St. Lawrence '78 >ouKlas Jerrold born, 1803 Sir J. Johnson died at Montreal, . . 1830 2nd Sunday after Chriatmaa Epiphany, 12th, or Old Chriatmaa Day Waghorn disc'd ov'land route Ind.. '50 Miss Herschell, astron., died 1848 King Victor Emmanuel died 1878 Colors p. to 100th Regt. by P. of W. '59 Removal of Temple Bar, London, • 1878 let Sunday after Epiphany Vancouver's Is. ceded to H. B. Co. 1849 52" bei. zero. Port Perry, Manitoba, '77 Queen Elizabeth crowned, 1559 Battle of Corunna, Moore killed. . 1809 Qerman Empire restored, 1873 Weekly Mail est. bet. Can. & U.S. 1797 2nd Sunday after Epiphany Lt.-Qov. opened 1st Pari, P. Quebec,'69 Lord Bacon born 1561 Duke of Kent (Queen's father) d. 1820 William Pitt, Statesman, died .... 1806 Fox, statesman, born 1749 Bums, Poet, born 1759 ^d Sunday of ter Epiphany Ottawa named Seat of Govern't.. . 1858 Paris capitulated 1871 George ill. died 1820 Battle of Amoaful, Ashantee, .... 1874 Benjamin Johnson bom 1574 THE SUN rises sets MOON r.&B, 58 morn. 25 I morn. 48 1 51 JTAPAHESB WARE, J£W£l4l«£RT, FANCT €»OO0|f] in. WXf rauiUHAACK, 809 ZfOXRH P4VS UTt ^ ,Sr.O'> J, s • t .T ^Tmn^ "»'■ j^f EB/4^ ■«»'• \' FXREE Iiiiiiidi! 0®ii|iij OF ■'-• k XjOHTlDCiliT. « / .r KSTiLBLISHED 1803. Subscribed Capital, - - - £1,600,000 Stg. Paid-up Capital, - - . 700,000 " Rest, 31st December, 1876, - 647,849 *' Invested in Canadian Securities, 83,000 " This beinff a FZEE Office only, tlie whole of its Assets and Uncalled Capital, amoimt- inff to ^2,419,000 Stgr., is avaUable for the payment of FIBE LOSSES. THREE YEARS' POLICIES ISSUED ON PRIVATE DWELLINGS, dtc. GENERAL AGENTS, 102 St, Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. '■-■ -,* r J ■ • s *«• r trniTK DRESS sniRTs, Vfonrn $2.95, Ai OEO. BOSTD A CO.«ft. ( ■ ; CALENDAR. FEBBUABT. From the Latin Fcbruo, to purify. Formerljr, on the 15th of this month, the Romans held their great Feast of Expiation and Purification. PHASES OF THB MOON. PHASES. D. Full Moon.. 6 La8tQuar...l3 New Moon. 20 Quebec. 8 54 ev. 2 06 ey. 11 15 ev. Montreal. 8 48 ey. 2 00 ev. 11 09 ey. Kingston. 8 36 ey. 1 48 ey. 10 57ey. Toronto. H. M. 8 24 ey. 1 36 ey. 10 45 ey. London. U* Ma 8 16 ey. 1 28 ey. 10 37 ey. DATS. M. W. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 S Su M Tu W Th F 8 Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F EVENTS, &C. First Presidential Election, U. S. .1789 ith Sunday after Epiphany Gen. Sir C. Windham, K-CB., d. 1870 Gess'n hostil. bet. Q B and U.S.. 1783 Baron Rothschild died 1874 Halifax founded 1750 Pope Pio Nono died 1878 Earl Mayo assassinated 1872 Septuaoesima Alex. Duff, D.D.. died 1878 Union of Upper ••••>.•...• Roof of drill shed, Montreai,* fell in 1869 Sexagetima D'Israeli Ministry ; 1874 Copernicus, astronomer, bom .... 1473 Sir William Napier died 1860 Pope Leo XIII . elected 1878 Cleopatra's Needle arr. at London 1878 George Washington bom 1732 QuinQuageaima Pope Leo XIII. crowned 1878 Sir Christopher Wren died 1723 Ash Wednbsdat Sir John Colborne, Administrator 1S38 Indian Mutiny commenced 1857 THE rises 27 27 i6 25 23 22 20 19 18 17 16 14 13 11 10 9 8 6 4 3 1 59 6 67 6 56 6 54 6 62 6 49 6 48 BUN sets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 27 28 30 32 34 35 37 38 MOON r. &B. 2 3 4 5 6 54 53 48 35 15 rises. 6 25 7 40 8 56 10 13 11 30 morn. 44 2 3 4 4 5 6 3 5 52 30 00 sets. 6 28 7 30 8 .S2 9 33 10 36 11 38 mom* 40 JAPADTESB WARE, JEWEJL1.ERY, FADTCY «OODl9« irat. SEaiaiEiiHAACK, ao3 notbs daxb uTi^^ 8 SAVORY & MOORE ) Chemists to iht Qunn, H,R.H. tht Prince of Wales, the King of the Belgiant, and H,H. the Khedive of Egypt, 6fc. SPECIAL MEDICINaTTrEPARATIONS, 4c. PANCREATIC EMULSION.— MEDICINAL FoOD for GONflUMP- TiVES.— For persons suffering from Contumption and wattina dieeaaeg* it takes precedence of God Liver Oil« and Oily Emul- sions. It is not only the necessary food for the Gonsumptive, but also the most reliable form of nutriment for counteracting the tendency to Phthisis, and other wasting; diseases. It is agreeable to the taste, improTes the appetite, and increases strength and weight. PANCREATINE contributes essentially to the digestion and assimilation of food, while its peculiar agency in the digestion of fats and oils renders it specially valuable as an adjunct to God Liver Oil in preventing nausea, t&c. Pancreatine Wine.— An excellent vehicle for taking God Liver Oil and promoting its digestion. PEPTODYN— For Indigestion— a oombiniUion of the whole of the digestive secretions— jPejmne, Pancrealinet Diaataae^&e., and is an invaluable remedy in all forms of dyspepsia, and all diseases arising; from imperfect nutrition. Taken alter eating it prevents the discomfort which often follows the partaking of a full meal, even in persons in good health. THE BEST FOOD FOR INFAN I S.— The ROYAL NURSERIES of England and Russia are supplied with this Food, which has received the approval of the Medical Profession in all parts of the world, who reconnmend it for Its highly nutritive and diges- tive qualities. DATURA TATULA.— In Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, and other diseases of the respiratory organs, the use of *' Datura Tatula" gives iostant relief. " The smoke causes no nausea. I have never known an instance in which relief was not obtained." General Alexander. — India. Prepared as Gigars, Gigarettes, Pastiles for inhalation, and in tins for use by means of a pipe. JEREMIE'S SEDATIVE AND ANTI-SPASMODIC.— This Cele- brated preparation has been for many years largely employed in India as a remedy for Gholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, &o., 4&c. Originated by Gaptain Jeremie, Opium Department, India, &.Q. Sold in bottles. MEDICINE CHESTS.-Prizc Medal 1862, and Silver Medal, Paris, 1867, " For Excellence of Manufacture of Medicine Ghosts, and for an ingenious method of fitting Panniers for Military Service. 143 NEW BOliP STREET, LONDON. The above Preparations are Sold by all Ohemists, Druggists and Storekeepers throngbont the Worldi M. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 toUY YOVMk SlllHTS AT GEO. BOND A CO.'Hf 415 NOTRE DA9IE STREET. CALENDAR. 9 ICABOS. Namcil after Mars, tlit repuleil fatlier of Romulus. PHASES OF THfi MOOM. PHASES. FiratQuar.. 1 Full Aloon . . 8 Last Quar* . .14 New Moon.. 22 First Quar. -30 Quebec, Montreal. Kingston. Toronto. ■ H. M. 3 10 m. 8 21 m. 10 53 ev. 4 16 ev. 8 17 ev. H. M. 3 4 m. 8 15 m. 10 47 ev. 4 10 ev. 8 11 ev. H. M. 2 52 m. 8 3 m. 10 35 ev. 3 58 ev. 7 59 ev. H. M. 2 40 m. 7 51 m. 10 23 ev. 3 46 ev. 7 47 ev. London* H. If. 2 32 m. 7 43 m. 10 15 ev. 3 38ev. 7 39 ev. DAYS. M. W. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S Su M Tu W Th P S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th P S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M EVENTS, ^c. St. David Ut Sunday in Lent Peace of San Stephano siKned • • • • 1878 Soott murdered at Fort Garry .... 1870 N apoleon Bonaparte died 1821 Admiral Sir 0. Napier born 1786 8ueen op. new wing Lond. Hosp. . 1876 ount Andrassy, Austrian am., bom '23 2nd Sunday in Lent P. of Wales & p. Alexandra mar. 1863 Sir James Osborn died 1863 Empress Austria visits Q.Victoria 1876 P. of Wales leaves Bombay for £ng. '76 Admiral Byngshot 1757 1st Manitoban Parliament met . . 1871 3rd Sunday in Lent St. Patrick Princess Louise born 1848 Peel's Income Tax introduced . . . 1842 Ex-Emp. Napoleon at Chiselhurstl871 Princess Louise mar. to Mqs- Lome 1871 Rosa Bonheur, cattle painter, born 1822 ith Sunday in Lent H.M.S* Eurydice capsized, 300 lost, '78 Annunciation— ^ai/ Day Duke of Cambridge b. '19. Com. in C.'56 Q. Victoria left Eng. for Germany, 1876 Dr. W. H. Russell born 1821 First River steamboat, Montreal. . 1878 bth Sunday in Lent Haydn born 1732 ; Beethoven died 1827 THE SUN rises sets 645 5 42 6 44 5 42 6 42 544 640 5 45 638 6 47 6 36 5 48 634 5 49 6 31 6 51 629 563 6 27 5 64 625 555 624 556 6 22 558 6 20 6 59 6 18 6 1 6 16 6 2 6 14 6 3 6 12 6 4 6 10 6 5 6 9 6 7 6 7 6 8 6 6 6 9 6 3 6 11 6 1 6 13 5 69 6 15 5 57 6 16 5 55 6 17 553 6 18 5 52 6 19 550 622 548 6 21 MOON r. A a. 1 40 2 35 3 25 4 7 4 5 43 14 rises. 6 32 7 60 9 10 10 30 11 48 morn. 59 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 1 51 31 3 30 63 14 sets. 7 23 8 25 9 27 10 28 11 29 morn. 26 1 17 2 1 ■I FANCY OOODS, CHINESE AND JAPAITESJE: WABBt lira, sEaiaiBi'HAACKi sos Nonus hamb ut. ♦^•,*'V> -.*» «* ■>.* 'J «. mife TiiH g^X tiiimtl^Mi I I i « ,) 10 AI>VERTISEMENT. KSTiSLBXilSHKD 1803, LYMM'S Pll m. In Dyspepsia, General Debility, Intermittent Diseases, and as a remedy in Fever and Ague, this Preparation is invaluable. AGENTS FOR THE DOMINION FOB Cod Lifer Oil rase rao» au Dt$AaaKKA&u zmii a»d ta$ts« PREPARED AT TRONDHJEMI, NORWAY. \?:JN BOTTLES AND BULK, i^i Has obtained numerous Medals, including a Silver Medal at > V f i - the Paris Exhibition, 1878. LYMANS, CLARE & CO. Wholesale Druggists ^ Manufacturers, 882, 381 ft 386 ST. PAUL STSEET, MONTBEAL. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SHIBTS MABfi to 6ftl>£il AT C^EO. BOND A CO.^ll, 415 NOTRE BAME STREET. ' '" " CALENDAR. 11 AFBXL. Derived from Aperire, to open, because in this month the whole business of Creation seems to be resumed, PHASES OP THE MOON". PHASES. D. Full Moon . . 6 LastQuar.>'13 New Moon . .21 First Quar. 30 Quebec. Montreal. • Kingston. Toronto. H. H. 5 36 ev. 9 21 m. 9 7 m. 9 28 m. H. M. 5 30 ev. 9 15 m. 9 1m. 9 22 m. H. M. 5 18 ev. 9 3 m. 8 49 m. 9 10 m. H. M. 5 6ev. 8 51 m. 8 37 m. 8 58 m. London* H. M. 4 68 ev. 8 43 m. 8 29 m. 8 50 m. DATS. M. 1 Tu 2 W 3 Th 4 F 5 S 6 Su 7 M 8 Tu 9 W 10 Th 11 F 12 S 13 Su 14 M 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 F 19 S 20 Su 21 M 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 25 F 26 S 27 Su 28 M 29 Tu 30 W EVENTS, Ac. All Fool's Day. Bismarck bom 1814 Earl Leitrim murdered, Ireland- • 1878 Bishop He ber died ' 1826 Oliver Goldsmith died 1774 Canada discovered 1499 Sunday before Easter Lautoh of iron-clad Alexandra . . 1875 Hudson Bay Go. established 1692 Lord Bacon died 1626 Boynton swims across Eng.Chan'l, 1875 (jooD Friday America discovered 1493 Easter Sunday Princess Beatrice born ; . . 1857 Great inundntion at Montrr»al . . . . 1861 Battle of CuUoden 1746 Brock's Monument destroyed • . • • 1840 First newspaper pub. in America 1704 Lord Byron died 1824 ]«< Sunday after Easter Chiefs Six Nation Indus at Ottawa, '74 Spanish Fleet destroyed 1657 St. George's Day. Shakspeare b. 1664 Bank of England founded 1694 Princess Alice born 1843 Parliam't House, Montreal, burnt 1849 2nd Sunday after Easter Lacrosse Team left for England . ■ 1876 Emperor of Russia born 1818 James Montgomery, Poet, died . . 1854 THB sun rises sets 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 i 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 46 44 42 41 39 37 35 33 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 17 15 13 11 10 8 6 5 3 2 58 56 55 MOON r.<&s. 2 3 3 4 4 39 11 40 6 31 rises. 8 3 9 24 10 42 11 50 morn. 46 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 31 6 34 58 20 40 21 sets. 8 22 9 22 10 20 11 12 11 57 mom. 37 1 10 1 38 CHINESE AND JAPANESE ABTICIiES OF YIRTV, . Wai. SESIIIEIiHAACK, 303 NOTBE DASIE ST, I ,r. -.^i Ji'i'V ^*;^:^:.;;C s*. . ,■■ =■ -H^t" 12 f ! 1 ADVERTISEMENT. r il l in ! ■ mmt ■n DATG M. TV 1 T 2 F 3 S 4 Si 6 M 6 T 7 Vi 8 T 9 F 10 S U Si 12 M 13 T\ 14 W 15 Tl 16 F 17 S 18 SB 19 M 20 Tl 21 W 22 Tl 23 F 24 S 25 Su 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 F 31 S ii' WHITE DRESS SHinm 91.50. WOBTH 99.95, AT GEO. BONB A €0.90^ CALENDAR, 13 Named in honour of the Goddess Maia, mother of Mercury by Jupiter, and daughter of Atlas. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASES. Quebec. Montreal. Kingaton. Toronto. D. Full Mood.. 6 LastQuar.. 12 New Mood. -21 First Quar.. 28 H. M. 1 24 m. 9 48 ev. 1 2 m. 6 48 ev. H. M. 1 18 m. 9 42 ev. 56 m. 6 42 ev. H. M. 16 m. 9 30 ev. 44 m. 6 3Uev. H. M. 54 m. 9 18 ev. 32 m. 6 18 ev. London, H. H. 46 m. 9 10 ev. 24 m. 6 10 ev. DATS. M. W. 1 Th 2 F 3 S 4 Su 5 M 6 Tu 7 W 8 Th 9 P 10 S 11 Su 12 M 13 Tu 14 W 15 Th 16 F 17 S 18 Su 19 M 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 F 24 S 25 Su 26 M 27 Tu 28 W 29 Th 30 F 31 S EVENTS, Ac. Paris Exhibition opened 1878 Meyerbeer died 1864 Empress of Russia at Berlin 1874 Srof Sunday after Eaiter Napoleon Bonaparte died 1821 Com'n for Revision of Bible meet. 1870 Jamaica taken by the British .... 1655 78th Highlanders left Montreal . . 1869 Stonewall Jackson died 1863 Eastlndian Mutiny broke out ... 1857 4f.\ .•r M m ^ '. ! li, - ^iS^.-C'^ ff , ^„__, ^, ._^.^-_v.^ u ADVERTISEMENT. WILLIAM DRYSDALE & CO. if ,''? Stationers & Periodical Agents, ^S^ St. James Street, ^^ ^JM ^j^ ^2;. James i::>ireev, *^^^^ Next Door West of Savage, Lyman & Co.'s, Bill and Postage Stamps. MONTREAL, *« ■ J- W. C: MOUNTAIN, It I -I ttti^ IMPORTER OF tfi oM ,8^ ■■' J"^ )» »(!., 10 ADVERTISEMENT. ®4@1® l@lir®]l¥ GEORGE BRUSH, King and Queen Streets, lontreal MAK£R OF Steam Boilers, Boistixiflr Enffizies, Steam Pumjps, Circular Sav 2Cills, Sarlb ^ imis, 'QT'ater T^eels, Hill Qearinsr, Sancrers ft PnUeys, Zand and PoT^rer Eoistd for ^arehoxises^ ftc. ftc, ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURER OF ^'Warrick's" UniTersal Engiaes, for Taekts, *e. and "AskwUk's" Patent Hydranlie Lift, -OfD AOK>'T FOR iKi "siAiJ k sixes " csirrsirrsAL pticts. 1 2 3 4 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28i&| 29 30| 31 T *^!.? SHIltTS MABE TO ORDfill AT GEO. AOXD A €0.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. - CALENDAR* 17 JULY. From Julius, in memory of Julius Cixsar. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASES. Quehec. Montreal. Kingston, Toronto. D. Full Moon . . 3 Last Quar.. 11 New Moon.. 19 First Quar. .26 H. M. 4 50 ev. « 6 m. 4 18 m. 5 48 m. H. M. 4 44 ev. 4 m. 4 12 m. 5 42 m. H. M. 4 32 ev. 3 48 m. 4 m. 5 30 m. H. M. 4 20 ev. 3 32 m. 3 48 m. 5 18 m. London, H. 4 3 3 5 M. 12ev. 24 m. 40 m. 10 m. DATS. M. w. 1 Tu 2 W 3 Th 4 F 6 S 6 Su 7 M 8 Tu 9 W 10 Th 11 F 12 S 13 8u 14 M 15 Tu 16 W 17 Th 18 F 19 S 20 Su 21 M 22 Tu 23 W 24 Th 2d F 26 S 27 Su 28 M 29 Tu 30 W 31 Th EVENTS, (tc. Dominion Day War between Servia and Turkey. 1876 Presbyterian GounciU Edinburgh, op. 77 6th Fupiliers atcelebra'n, St. Albans *1H Princess Helena married 1866 ith Sunday after Trinity (6) Fr. evacu. treaty signed, Paris 1872 1200 houses burnt at Montreal. . . . 1852 Lacrosse teams ret. fr. Eng. to Can. 76 Columbus bom 1447 Vol. troops to preserve peace on 12th, '78 Orangemen arrested, Montreal — 1878 5th Sunday after Trinity Bastile destroyed 1789 War dec. by France against Prussia 70 Beaconsfield arr. London fr. Berlin. 78 Judge Sanborn died at Montreal. . 1877 Great Railway strike, U. S 1877 British take Quebec 1629 6th Sunday after Trinity Battle of Bull's Run, U. S 1861 S.8. Megantic wrecked on Anticosti 78 Upper and Lower Canada united- 1840 Intallibility of the Pope proclaimed 70 Princess Louise, of Prussia, bom. 1860 Irish Prot. Chnrch disestablished. 1869 7th Sunday after Trinity Austrian troops enter Bosnia 1878 French Revolution commenced-. 1839 Battie of Plevna 1877 Hanlan-Rc88 race, Kennebaceaflis 1878 THE SUN rises 420 sets 746 4 21 7 46 4 22 7 46 423 745 423 745 424 7 44 425 744 4 26 744 427 744 428 7 43 428 743 430 742 430 7 41 4 31 7 41 4 32 7 41 433 740 4 33 7 39 434 7.38 435 7 37 436 736 4 37 735 438 734 4 39 783 440 732 4 41 731 4 42 730 443 730 443 728 4 44 727 446! 726 4 47) 725i MOON r.As. 1 44 2 42 rises. 8 29 9 1 9 28 9 51 10 13 10 37 10 55 11 18 11 45 mora. 17 56 1 43 2 38 sets. 7 47 8 16 8 41 9 6 9 29 9 54 10 23 10 58 11 39 morn. 31 1 33 2 i^ ill » FANCY €KN>DI«, CH1N£»£ AJiU JAi*AJ(ri:;iiA:: WAKi&. m WX. SEXHEIiHAACKf 808 JTOTKB DAME 8T« tt»>u 18 ADVERTISEMENT. i) I #. \ - f ESTABLISHED 1827. \\ CRACKER, BISCUIT, t —r'. ■ Ar H ▲ N D M 745 INSPECTOR STREET, MOITTREAL. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, OF ALL DESCEIPTIONS. ilrltltE DllESS SHIRTS $1.50, VfOUtU. $9.85, Af^ OFO. BOND A CO/S. r ' CALENDAR. 19 ,ditmm -2 ^'- ^.M^. ATT&TJST. tfanied in honour of Augustus Caesar. PHASES OF THE MOONs PHASES. Quebec. Montreal. Kingston. Toronto* 1>» Full Moon . . 2 LastQuar... 9 New Moon.. 17 First Quar.. 24 Full Moon . .31 n, M. 2 24 m. 9 21 ev. 3 22 m. 10 24 m. 2 10 ev. H. M. 2 18 m. 9 16 ev. 3 16 ev. 10 18 m. 2 4ev. H. u. 2 6 m. 9 3ev. 3 5ev. 10 6 m. 1 52 ev. H. M. 1 54 m. 8 61 ev. 2 52ev. 9 54 m. 1 40 ev. London. H. M. 146 m. 8 43 eV. 44 ey. 46 m. 32 ev. 2 9 1 DAYS. H. w. 1 F 2 S 3 Su 4 M 6 Tu 6 W 7 Th 8 F 9 S 10 Su 11 M 12 Tu 13 W 14 Th 15 F 16 S 17 Su 18 M 19 Tu 20 W 21 Th 22 F 23 S 24 Su 25 M 26 Tu 27 W 28 Th 29 F 30 S 31 Su ''* EVENTS, &o. Royal Insurance Oo. Annual Mtg. 1879 (1) Postal Union Treaty takes effect '78 8m Sunday after Trinity Mgr. Oonroy, Papal Ablegate, died 1878 Recept'n to Oarsman Hanlan, Mont.'78 Oapt. Bogardus wins, Int. Shtng. M.'78 Atlantic Telegraph Gable laid. . . . 1867 Madame Vestris died 1856 Gapt. Marryatt died ... 1848 9th Sunday after Trinity Battle of Lake Ghamplain 1814 Hanlan wins at Barrie (0.) Regatta '78 Naval Rev. at Portsmouth, by H.M.'78 Piinting invented 1437 Sir Walter Scott bom 1771 Emil Uoedel beh. ass. Emp. Ger. 1878 10th Sunday after Trinity Royal George sunk 1782 Ist Steamboat ran Laohine Rapids 1840 PrinoeofWales arrived at Quebec 1860 Dr. Adam Glarke died 1832 Treaty of Peace, Ghina 1842 H.R.H. Prince Arthur arr., Halifax '69 l\th Sunday after Trinity .... Michael Faraday died 1867 Old St. Paul's Oh., Mont'l, opened 1834 John Henry Foley, sculp., died. . . 1874 Montreal Bible Society formed. . . .1820 Famine, India. Death of Millions 1877 Q., M., 0. <& 0. Ry. seized by Govt. 1878 12t^ Sunday after Trinity THB SUN rues sets 4 48 724 4 50 7 22 4 51 7 21 4 52 720 4 53 7 19 455 7 17 4 56 7 16 4 67 7 14 458 7 12 4 69 7 11 6 1 7 9 6 2 7 8 6 3 7 7 6 4 7 6 6 6 7 3 6 6 7 2 6 7 7 1 5 8 6 59 5 9 6 57 5 11 6 66 5 12 654 6 13 6 62 5 14 660 5 16 648 6 18 6 46 6 19 6 45 520 643 5 21 6 41 6 22 640 623 638 524 636 MOON r.&8. rises. 7 7 8 28 63 15 8 36 8 58 9 22 9 46 10 16 10 52 11 36 morn. 26 1 26 2 31 3 40 sets. 7 9 7 7 34 59 8 27 9 9 39 10 27 11 26 morn. 31 1 41 2 63 4 4 rises* |ii! i'N i CHINESE AJiU JAPAN£fi)£ AR'HCA.liS OF Yi»TIJ« 17M. ramiisi^HAACH;, aoa nqtws dams iVt ■-w \ *)' 1 1 ..., , ^ 20 ADVERTISEMENT. W^^ DOW & CO if4«t^f $ mii mMm HOHTREAI.. India Pale and other Ales. Extra, Double and Single ,(.5^,' Stout in Wood & Bottle. Families Supplied, ■MHMartMM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 „ 30 : 91JT XOVH SHIKTft AT OEO. Ik> HO* il CO.*S, 415 NOTRE BAME ATREFT. OAI^OlfDAR, ( SBFTBICBEB. From the L«tiQ Beptem, yevon. the seventh month gf the 014 iCom9^ Yeari the ninth month of the Modern Calendar. ' PHABBS OF THB MOON. PHA8RS. LaitQuai'... 8 New Moon . .16 First Quar.. 22 Full Moon.. 30 Quehee, Montreal. Kinff»ton. Toronto, H. M. 3]6eT. 1 9-m. 4 32ey. 4 29 m. H. M. 3 10 ey. 13 m. 4 26ey. 4 2Sm. H. u, 2 58 ey. 51 m. 4 14ey. 4 11m. H. M. 2 46 ey. 39 m. 4 2ey. 3 59 m* London, H. ¥. 2 88 ey. 31 m. 3 54 ey. 3 51 m. DATS. If. w. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F 8 Su M 30 Tu EVENTS, do. f Battle of Sedan 1870 Fenian Riot in Dublin 1865 Stt,Prinoea9\Aliee run down, 500 d. 1878 French Republio proclaimed 1870 Lord Metcalfe died 1846 French Pr. Imperial arr. at Doyer 1870 13^A Sunday after Trinity Montreal surrendered to Britain. . 1760 Alabama Claims paid 1873 Fall of Sebastopol 1855 Battle of Delhi 1858 Colliery exp'sn, Abercome, 280 killed.'78 Quebec taken. Wolfe killed 1759 \Wi Sunday aft^r Trinity Boat race at Lachine. Tyne wins 1870 Siege of Paris by Prussians 1870 81-ton Gun successfully tried(Eng.) 75 Joseph Locke, engineer, died 1860 Lord Sydenham died 1841 Jesuit's College, Montreal, opened 1848 15th Sunday after Trinity George III. crowned 1761 Orangemen committed for trial. . . 1878 Vis. Hardinge, Goy.-Gen. India, d. '56 Luoknow relieyed by Hayelock. 1857 Rebels leaye Mont'l for N.8. Wales' 39 Capitulation of Strasbourg 1870 16m Sunday after Trinity « . . • • Nelson born 1758 Figi Islands ceded to Gt. Britain. 1874 THB rises 26 28 29 5 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 39 540 5 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 54 56 56 57 59 00 1 2 BUN sets 6 34 6 32 6 30 6 28 6 26 6 24 6 23 6 21 6 19 6 17 6 16 6 14 6 12 6 10 7 6 4 2 1 58 56 57 56 53 52 50 47 44 42 40 MOON r,AB, 6 40 7 2 7 27 7 49 8 17 8 50 9 29 10 16 11 11 morn. 0*^13 1 20 2 29 3 41 sets. 6 6 29 7 7 38 8 24 9 20 10 24 11 33 morn. 44 1 53 3 1 4 6 rises. 5 28 TERRA COTTA A BROJ^tZlS ORNAMii^NTS, Jewellery, . Yfn, SEJVSIEI^HAACK, 30^ NOTRE DAMI^ ST; MOITRElt URD & PIPER CO. .pFFIOa AND FACTORY : 616 LAaATrcaSTZSSB STBEST, '■ MANUFAOTUBIRS OF CARD BOARD, GLAZED PAPERS, CrW CARDS, MOUNTING BOARDS, Ac, Ac. G. MONTREUIL,^ la.- IRmlrviUAjsi mi WmutiU MANUFAOTUEEE AND BEPATBEB OF TEUUZS, J\ro. 473 CRAIG STREET, (Opposite the Champ-de-to.) !QI®B!I'ir[&[Ei\[Lo J|®*Birds, Animals, &c., stuffed and well mounted at lowest possible prices. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 •HIBTS MADE TO ORDEll AT OEO. BOH D A CO.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. !J CALENDAK, . 28 OOTOSSB, Named from the Latin Octo. eight, and Imber, a shower. It is the tent)) month of the Gregorian Calendar. PHASES OF THE MOON. PHASES. LastQuar... 8 New Moon ..15 First Quar.. 22 Full Moon. 29 Qiubeo, Montreal. Kingiton. Toronto. H. M. 8 55 m. 10 21 m. 1 31 m. 9 21 ev. H. M. 8 49 m. 10 15 ra. 1 25 m. 9 16 ev. H. 11. 8 37 m. 10 3 m. 1 13 m. 9 2ev. H. M. 8 25 m. 9 51 m. 11 1 m. 8 51 ey. London* H. V. 8 17 m. 9 43 m. 53 m. 8 43 ev. DATS. M. w. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F EVENTS, AC. Sir E. Landseer, artist, diod 1873 Hanlan-Gourtney boat race, Laohine.78 St Patrick's Hall, Mont'l, burnt. 1872 Bishop Heber died 1833 Vlih Sunday after Trinity Jenny Lind born 1821 Peace with United States 1783 Prince Arthur arrived at Montreal 1869 Rome declared part of Italy 1870 Father M atthew born 1790 Prince of Wales leaves for India. 1875 \%th Sunday after Trinity Battle Queenston, Brock killed . . . 1812 Muratshot 1815 Rowing, Toronto, Hanlanbeat Ross '77 British House of Parliament burnt '34 Sebastopol bombarded by 126 guns '54 Oramremen acquitted.Queen's Benoh'78 \9th Sunday after Trinity 230 Houses burnt, Portland, N.B. 1877 Battle of Trafalgar. Nelson killed 1805 First Brith^h Parliament 1707 Sir John Colborne leaves Canada, 1839 St. Andrew's Church, Mont'l, burnt '69 First snow, Montreal 1877 20th Sunday after Trinity G. T.Ry. opened, Mont'l to Toronto '56 St. SmoN and St. Judb London Times printed by steam.. 1814 Sheridan, dramatist, born 1751 All Hallow's Eye THB SUN rises sets 6 S 538 6 4 6 36 6 5 534 6 7 5 32 6 8 680 6 9 627 6 11 626 6 12 624 6 13 6 21 6 14 520 6 15 5 19 6 16 5 17 6 18 6 14 620 5 12 6 21 5 9 623 5 7 624 5 5 625 5 4 6 26 5 2 628 5 1 629 459 6 31 4 57 6 32 455 633 4 53 635 4 52 6 36 4 50 6,S8 4 49 6 39 4 47 6 41 4 46 642 446 6 43 445 MOON r.As. 6 62 6 19 6 61 7 28 8 11 9 2 10 11 3 mom. 9 1 2 3 4 18 29 42 58 sets. 6 33 6 17 7 11 8 14 9 24 10 35 11 46 mom. 53 1 3 4 5 6^ 2 6 7 rises. 4 52 5 27 JAPANESE WARE, JEWEL.I.ERY, FANCY OOODS, ym* |S£ai9[EI.UAA€K, 303 NOTRE DASIE |S^T« 24 ADVERTISEMENT. '•S'^; ^ (Late of Leonard & Webster,) Merchant Tailor, No. 388 NOTRE DAME ST. (Opposite Chas, Alexander ^ Souj) ~ ■> PRINTING. ■» ^ Law Forms and Brokers' Stock Books ON HAND. » ♦• 64 St. Francois Xavier Street. ( WHITE DltEftS SHIRTA HLM, W0BT9 |9«95t 4t OALEyDAB, &5 ITOYEICBSIR. From the Latin, novem, nine, ivhicli indicated its position in the days of Romulus. PHASES OF THB MOON, PHASES. LastQuar... 7 New Moon . .13 First Quar . .20 Full Moon . .28 Quebec, H. 1 7 2 4 If. 7 m» 51 ev. lev. 9ev. Montreal, H. 1 7 1 4 M. 1 m. 46 ev. v5e7. 3 6V. Kingston. H. If. 49 m. 7 33ev. 1 43 ev. 3 61 ev. Toronto, H. 37 m. 21 ev. 31 ev. 29 ev. London, H. If. 29 m. 7 13 ev. 1 28 ev. 3 21 ev. DAYS If. w. 1 S 2 Su 3 M 4 Tu 5 W 6 Th 7 F 8 S 9 Su 10 M 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 F 15 S 16 Su 17 M 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 21 F 22 S 23 Su 24 M 25 Tu 26 W 27 Th 28 F 29 S 30 Su EVENTS, &0. All Saints Day 21«f Sunday after Trinitj/ Mendelssohn died 1847 Shookof Earthquake, Montreal.. 1874 Battle of Inkermann 1857 First Steamboat arr. at Quebec . . 1809 First Newspaper published 1663 Street lamps first used in Montreal 1815 22nd Sundayafter Trinity Centennial Exhibition closed 1876 Dr. Abercrombie bom 1781 Richard Baxter bom 1605 Montgomery entered Montreal • . . 1775 Sir Charles Lyell, geologist, bom. 1727 St. Andrew's Ch., Mont'l* re-opened 70 23rd Sunday after Trinity Accession of Queen Elizabeth .... 1558 Duke of Wellington's Funeral. . . . 1852 British Museum established 1753 Suez Canal opened 1869 Princess Koyal born 1840 S.S. Ville de Havre wrecked 1873 2ith Sunday after Trinity • U.S. Steamship Huron lost 1877 General Havelock died 1857 P'chase Suez Canal shares, B. Govt. '75 Rev. Dr. Bancroft, Mont'l, died . . 1877 Oliver Goldsmith bom 1713 Polish Revolution 1830 AdverU Sunday, St, Andrew's Day. TBI SUN rises sets 6 44 6 46 6 48 6 49 6 60 6 52 6 54 6 55 6 56 6 67 6 68 7 1 8 6 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 26 44 42 40 39 37 86 34 32 31 29 28 27 26 26 24 28 22 21 20 19 18 18 17 16 15 15 15 14 13 13 MOON 6 10 6 67 7 47 8 63 9 56 11 2 morn. 10 1 2 8 6 19 31 46 4 sets. 4 6 7 55 56 4 4 6 6 1 3 4 rises. , 4 54 I 6 47 a 8 19 9 33 10 44 11 51 mora. 56 1 58 8 ; FANCT C^OODS, CHtNESi: AND JAPANESE WARE. YfM, SESraELHAACKy 8QS NOTRE DAHI} 9T| ■^ ,%*■»> . . If ; '^X'd^i.": :'!* j^KT^ %. * 26 ADVERTISEMENT. TKl* Tpr ALl FOR TABLE S FAMILY VSB. » ^♦•> ^ SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. ROBT. MITCHELL & GO. Jlonfreal l||rass |||orltSt IBASS FOUHBIBS AND Coppersraiths, &c, MONTREAL. T^ I BVT.TOUB SHIBT0 AT GEO. \ BOHTB^ 4^ €H>«*6| 415 NOTBi; PAmi; iitiii:i;t«" CALENDAR. 27 DECEICBEB. From Decern, tea, according to the position of tlie month in the Old Roman Calendar. PHASBS OF TMB MOON. PHASES. LastQuar... 6 NewMooQ..13 First Quar.. 20 Fall Moon • .28 Quehety, Montreal. Kingston. Toronto, H. H. 2 55ev. 16 m. 6 27 m. 1127 m. H. If. 2 49 ev. 6 10 m. 6 21m. 11 21 m. 0. M. 2 37 ev. 5 58 m. 6 9 m. 11 9 m. H. M. 2 25ev. 5 47 m. 5 57 m, 10 57 m. m9m»^m^^Hm London* H. M. 2 17 ev. 5 39 m. 5 49 m. 10 49 m. DATS. If. w. EVENTS, (fee. 1 M 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 P 6 S 7 Sn 8 M 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 P 13 S 14 Su 15 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 F 20 S 21 Su 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 25 Th 26 F 27 S 28 Su 29 M 80 Tu 31 W THE SUN rises sets Prinoess of Wales bom 1844 Napoleon's eoup d*4tattVB,Ti9 .... 1852 John Brown executed, Harper's Py. '59 Thomas Oarlyle, historian, born.. 1795 Rome made Italian capital 1870 Canadian Rebellion 1837 2nd Sunday in Advent OONOEPTION OF THE VlSGIN MaRT . . . Father Matthew died 1856 Plevna captured by Russians 1877 Auti-Papal council at Naples .... 1869 Cromwell declared Protector 1653 New Zealand discovered 1642 Srd Sunday in Advent Mntl. Curling Rk. op. by Pr. Arthur. '69 Sir W. Petty, political econ., died 1687 Strike of workmen, Lachine Canal 1877 Slavery abolished in United States '67 Victoria Bridge, Montreal, opened 1859 First patent for steam vessels 1736 ith Sunday in Advent Pilgrims landed at Plymouth . . • • 1620 Sir Isaac Newton bom 1642 Hugh Miller died 1056 Christmas Day (25) Lacrosse Match, Montreal. . . 1877 St. John the Evangelist lat Sunday^ after Christmas Str. Caroline burned at Niagara F. '37 Jesuit Society founded 1534 Earl Beaoonsfield hern 1805 26 26 28 29 30 31 32 32 35 'il35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 17 46 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 MOON r.<&8. 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 6 46 7 49 8 53 9 59 11 5 mom. 14 1 24 2 38 3 55 5 14 sets. 8 24 9 36 10 43 11 48 morn. 51 CHINESE ANB JAPANESE ARTICIiES OF TIRTIT, If 9|. |»ESPfELHAA€K, 303 HQTRE pAHG STf . ■ SHIRTS MADE "TO ORDER AT OEO. BOND A CO.*tt| 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. ' " 28 POST OFFICE. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, OTTAWA. PBINOIPAL OFFICERS. Pottmaaier- General Hon. Heotob L. Lanoeyin. Deputy Foatma9ter-Gener(d..>Wu. HjCNBY Gbiffjn. Secretary Lt-Ool. William WHITB. AocourUant H. A. Wiokstebd. Superintendent M. Order OJHce.W, F. Forsyth. ** Savings Bank-C, J. Stewart. John Ashwobth. MONTREAL. G. LAifOTHS... ....•...• Postmaster. M. Emery Assistant Postmaster, Clerks.— Ist Class : H. A. Bourret. H. Haddell. J. McKeon« V. Baillargeon, J. L. Palmer, T, P. Larseneur. 2nd Class: U. Benoit, L. Malard, F. Pridham, S. Johnston, 'A. D'Amour, E. Mayer. T. Forsyth, J. 0. Sims, 0. Clement, A. Loftus, J. Senez, A. de Rostaing, and L. Asselin. Zrd Class : D. O'Connor, F. X. Beauregard, T. Desnoyers, H. Goyette. J. B. A. D'Aoust, J. E. Barcelo, R. J. Arless, A. E. Auger, R. Duncan, D. A. Mac- Pherson, J. Filiatrault, A. A. Doray. ith Class : G. Beaudoin, J. E. Renaud. Thos. Harding, L. Lefebvre, E. Chagnon, A. J. Hamelin, G. Lefebvre, G. H. Cherrier. A. Larose, J. Chase. U. Rondeau, W. Hayden, C. A. T. Leduc, J. Thompson, G .Goutl^e, H. D. Gaudry, R. White, J. A. Madore, A. Lord, J. Gillies, D. Cameron, R. T. Daniels, D. J. Harrington, and W. Johnson. Temporary Clerka : E. d'Orsonnens, and J. Cochrane. ^S'tomper.— J. Collins. ^ Bag Tender: P. Patterson. Messen- 5er : Jas. Maher. Engineer in charge of Heating Apparatus : . Watson. ^tVewian ; A. Trudel. iS'toW; R.Talbot. Letter Carriers— F. O'Reilly. 0. Filiatrault, E. C. Dowd, P. Lapointe, A. Dufresne, C. Lefebvre, J. B. Plante, P. D. Rottot, D. V. V. de Grand Pr^, A. P. Giroux, J. Callary, J. Kelly, P. Callary, L. Dub6, J. Thibodeau, Ig. St Amour, W. Rozon, P. Clark, W. Bergin, L. N. Barrette, A. C. St. Amour, G. Plante, P. Lagac^, B. Conlon, J. Thimens, F. A. McDonald, J. Bathurst, H. Giroux, N. Bissonnette, A. J. Bissonnotte, H. Cousineau, S. S. Laramee, G. Lefebvre, C. A. E. Terrouz, Jas. Longmore, M. Kearney, Jos. Giroux. F. 0. Baulnes, E. Grenier, S. S. Demers, N. Cusson. and J. B. Moreau, H. Chevalier, P. Jacques. Temporary Letter Carrier : J. F. MoShane. Letter Carriers at Point St. Charles : W. Murphy, and S. Gorman. Carpenter and Joiner : W. Lamontagne. ^OOD DOCJBIiE STOVES AT JODOIN A CO^S. 90Q ST« PAUI, ST^ECTfl V > 'iJf F ^ .% %HITE DRESS SHIBTg ||1.50, ^ORTH #d.d8. At u I J. I- OEO. BOND CO/S. P. 0. Inspector's OfPicb. JUbnfrco^ 2?t«t«ton.— B. P. King, inspector; David Nelligan, assistant inspector; P. J. Logie, J. P. Chillas, U. Beauregard, J. Tucker, clerks ; P. Nelligan, messenger. The Railway Mail Clerks, thirty in number, serving on the following sections of Railway :— Grand Trunk Railway, Mont- real and Kingston, Montreal and Island Pond, Vermont Junc- tion Railway, Shefibrd Railway, the South Eastern Railway, the Massawippi Railway, and the English Mail Train Service between Montreal, Rimouski and Portland, are attached to the office of the Post Office Inspector, Montreal. City Postal Delivery. The following are the arrangements in connection with Free Postal Delivery in the City of Montreal :— 1. There are no fees chargeable on the delivery of Letters or Papers. 2. There are six deliveries daily, Sundays excepted, in the central portions of the city, commencing respectively at 8.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m., 12.00 noon, 1.00 p.m., 2.00 p.m. and 3.30 p.m., and four deliveries in the other portions of the city, commencing at 8.30 a.m., 11.00 a.m.« 1.30 p.m., and 3.30 p.m., excepting, however, in the more distant divisions in the northern and eastern portions of the city, in which there are only two deliveries, commencing at 8.30 a.m., and 1.30 p.m. 3. Letters and papers addressed to particular streets and numbers are delivered without delay by letter carrier. 4. Letters and papers addressed to box and drawer holders are, until otherwise ordered, delivered through the boxes and drawers as usual. Should, however, such letters and papers be addressed to streets and numbers, they will be delivered by letter carrier, unless the sorting clerk should distinctly and promptly remember that the parties for whom intended are box and drawer holders. No letters or papers are placed in the boxes or drawers unless addressed either to the number of the box or drawer, or to the holder, or to the care of the holder thereof. 5. Letters and papers addressed simply "Montreal,'' to parties who have neither boxes nor drawers, are delivered as expeditiously as circumstances will permit, either through the general delivery or by letter carrier. If papers and periodicals published in the city are addressed to box or drawer holders in the Montreal Post Office, they will be delivered if pre-paid by postage stamp, 1 ct. each package of 4 oz. Papers or periodicals published in the city are not delivered by letter earners. 6. Persons desirous of receiving their letters and papers promptly by letter carrier, should request their corresi>ondent8 to place on the addresses the street and number at which they are to be delivered, as otherwise they will be subject to delays, which it is impossible to avoid. 7. They should also provide themselves with small change for the payment of unpaid postage, as the carriers (who are not ! r ■ L' : 5 ' i I i I 'I j::rra €otta a itR02(rzi!: ornajhents. Jewellery, wail ft|BaiJISI.9IAA€|C, 80g KOTRS I^^MM »T« Hirr YovR shihts at oeo. bomd a cO.^ 415 NOTRE DAME STBEET. g i 30 POST OFFICE. allowed to give credit) cannot be detained for its collection. In the event of an unpaid letter or paper not being delivered in consequence of the party to Whom addressed having no change, it will be taken back to the office and sent out again for delivery as soon thereafter as practicable. If, on its being tendered a second time, the party to whom address . 8 cts. each letter. To Newfoundland 2 cts- each letter. To the United Kingdom 6 cts. each letter. These registration fees are, of course, in addition to the post- age, Mid must be pre*^paid *^y registration stamp. N.B.*— Registration stamps cannot be accepted in payment of postage. CH>OJD HALIi STOVES AT JOBOIlf Sc 0O»S| $M «T« PAUIi SVMBT, -'«i BUIWIH HIADE TO ORDER AT G£0. BOND A C6.% I 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. POST OFFICE. 31 DISPOSAL OF UNPAID OR INSUFFIOIENTLT PAID LBTTER8 MAILED m CANADA. f/for places icithin the Dominion.— A letter trhoUy unpaid is not forwarded, but is sent to the dead letter office, Ottawa. If pre-paid* at least one rate, that is 3 cents, the letter is forwarded to destination, but is rated with double the deficient postage. This rule applies also to city or " drop " letters, the postage on which is 1 cent per ^ ounce. J[ffor the United States,— A letter, whether wholly unpaid, or insufficiently paid, is not forwarded from Canada, but is sent to the dead letter office, Ottawa, in order to be there opened and returned to its writer. If for the United Kingdom or for any country in the General Postal Union.— A letter wholly unpaid is forwarded, but is rated with double postage, that is 5d. sterling per ^ oz. If it is insufficiently paid it is charged at the same rate, deducting what may have been pre-paid. If for British Colonies or foreign countries not in the General Postal Union.— A letter, whether wholly unpaid, or only insuf- ficiently paid, is sent to the dead letter office, Ottawa. , . ...^ ? LOCAL OR "DBOp" LETTERS. One cent per i oz., to be pre-paid by postage stamp. POSTAL CARDS. Canadian postal cards of 1 cent each circulate within the Dominion, and are transmissible, without further charge, to the United States and Newfoundland. Special ^ost cards, at 2 cents each, are issued for transmission to the United Kingdom, and other countries in the General Postal Union. Newspapers— Between places in the Dominion, to the United States, to Newfoundland, publishers pre-^pay their edition in bulk, at the rate of 1 cent for each pound weight ; no furthei charge on delivery. Transient newspapers within the Dominion, to the United States and Newfoundland, 1 cent per 4 oz., to be pre-paid by stamp. Transient papers for the United Kingdom 2 cents per 4 oz. — each paper being liable to a separate rate of postage. Periodicftls.-VvihWshed in Canada not less frequently than onoe a month, sent from office of publication, or from news Menoies, for places in the Dominion, to the United States or to Newfoundland, the postage rate is the same as for newspapers, i.e.y 1 cent per lb., when paid by the bulk weight. Transient periodicals 1 cent per 4 oz. Newspapers and periodicals for the Dominion, the United States and Newfoundland, weighing less than 1 oz. each, may be posted singly ; if prepaid by stamp, i cent each. Periodicals and Books for United Kingdomt by Canadian Line, are subject to the British Book Post Rate, viz. : *« 2 cents rANCT OOODSy CHINESE AXD JAPANESfi WABBt ^SL SEMatBI^HAACKt tl09 itOTU^ HAMS BT« . \n I ti^ttlTfi l>llEftS SillRTS 91.50, WOATH ^2.M^ AT OEO. BOND A CO/S. 1 82 POST OFFICE. i jr 2 oz., or fraction thereof, whether by Canadian Line or via ew York ; the limit of weight for a single packet is 2 lbs. 3 oz. Periodical and Books for France— The rate is the same as to the United Kingdom. Newspapers to France and samples are sent at the above ** French Book Post '* rates. A " book packet " may contain any number of separate books, publications, works of literature and art, maps or prints, photo- graphs, daguerreotypes, when not in glass or in frames contain- ing glass ; any quantity of paper, vellum, or parchment (to the exclusion of letters), and the books, maps, papers, &c., may be either written, printed or plain, or any mixtures of the three, and may be either British, Colonial or Foreign. Book packages must be open at both ende or both aides- Pattertu.—RAtes between Canada and United Kingdom and foreign countries generally, same as for Book Post. Patterns or samples must be bona fide trade patterns or «am- ples of merchandise for sale^ and must not be of any intrinsic value I and this rule excludes all articles of a saleable nature, and whatever may have a value of its own, apart from its mere use as a pattern ; nor must the quantity of any material or arti- cle sent as a pattern or sample be so great that it could have on this ground an intrinsic value. Patterns, <&c., must be sent in covers open at the ends, so as to be easy of escamination. Samples, however, of seeds, drugs, and such like, which cannot be sent in open covers, may be enclosed in bags of linen or other material, simply tied at the neck, or^ provided that bags be transparent they may be entirely closed, if they are for delivery within the United Kingdom. Bags, however^ entirely closisd, even though they be transpar- ent, must not bo used for the transmission of seeds to foreign parts. Patterns and samples of merchandise, not exceeding the weight of 8 oz., addressed to the United States, may be sent at the rate of 10 cents for each package. A packet of patterns or samples sent to the United Kingdom ^or any foreign country must not exceed 24 inches in length and 12 inches in width or depth. The limit of weight is %\ oz. in all cases. Pared Post.'-The following rates are for the transmission of parcels in Canada : — Not exceeding 3 IbF . . . $0. 75 •• 3Hbs... 87i •• 4 lbs... 1.00 «• 4ilbs... 1124 •• 6 lbs... 1.25. Registration fee, 5 cents. Parcels can only be sent by Post to places in Canada. Postages and registration fee must be pre- paid. The limit of Weight to pareels is 5 lbs. There is no Parcel Post to any place beyond the limits of the Dominion of Canada. Parcels to Manitoba and British Col- umbia must not exceed 2 lbs. 3 oi. in weight. Not exceeding ilb. ..$012^ •• 1 lb. .. 0.25 " lilb. .. 0.37i «* 2 lbs... 0.60 ** 2ilb8... 0.62i 1 GOOD COOKING filTOVES AT JOJDOIN ^ 0O>9^ 999 n, rAVh urmBWK* c ■'fl f 11 . F ( 'f,p i ADVERTISEMENT. 33 Confederation Life Issociation >. OF CANADA, O^IPXX^X.^ ®@^00«OQiO, HEAD OFFICE for PROVINCE of QUEBEC: 110 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. B. J. JOHNSTOIT, Pfovlhcial Manager. • Scottish Commercial Fire Insurance Company OF GLASGOW. Capital, ^£2,000,000 Sterling. .a '^ ..r r' \ » MONTREAL OFFICE; 110 ST. FKANOOIS XAYIEE STREET. THOMAS IffACEA?, .. 34 ADVERTISEMENT. DAfSON BBOTHEBS, • • AND j||Hntt)!ai:tnrin0 ^tationers^ 159 to 161 St James Street ! Cor. S^\ Francois Xavier Street and Fortification Lane^ MONTREAL. ADVERTISEMENT. 35 W. S. WALKER, IMPORTER OF DIAMONDS FINE COLD JEWELLERY, MGLISH and FRENCH CLOCKS, lltltll-llltti till AND A FINE ASSORTMENT OF OT^X 0>000@ »■ •♦ 321 NOTRE DAME STREET Opposite the Seminuy Clock, ■M:o3 -V ,* MONTREAL. UJU ■.tU-,JWXI NO MORE SLEEPLESS NIGHTS I MAWKES' MYPNOTIC » ♦ » HYPNOTIC calms the nervous system after excess of stimu- lants. HYPNOTIC is invaluable for mental fatigue after laborious office work. HYPNOTIC soothes Neuralgic and Rheumatic Pains. HYPNOTIC is harmless, and does not produce unpleasant after effects. To be had of all Druggists, Wholesale and Betaili Price SOcts. per Bottle. Samples IScts. each. *i ADVERTISEMENT. 37 Stoves, Iron Bedsteads, Eailings, Heavy and Light Castings, &e, &(i, <&o. Works, Cor. of Inspector aud Wllllnui .Streets, Cit7 Sample and Sale Booms, 19 and 21 Victoria Square, and 532 Craig Street, and 586 St. Catherine Street, Montreal, F.^. 7s (0 (/) :-.•'' .' » ^•» « ■, , HEAD OFFICE IN CANADA: Standard ISampauij^s Building 151 ST. JAMES STREET, <••> g0arb xrf 5irect0r$: SIR ALEXANDER T. GALT, K.C.M.G., Chairman. GEORGE STEPHEN, Esq., Merchant, Vice-Chairman, AND. ROBERTSON, Esq.,Q.C. | FERD. McCULLOCH, Esq. A. C. HOOPER, Esq., of Messrs. William Dow & Co. GEO. W. CAMPBELL, M.D. | WM. MILLAR RAMSAY. Aoonmulated Fund, over $25,000,000 Eevenue, over 3,750,000 Claims paid in Canada, over - - - . 1,000,000 Investments in Canada, over - - - - 800,000 Liberal Fixed Surrender Values allowed for Policies. All business transaotdons concluded in Canada without reference to the Parent Boardi Agencies in all the principal Towns and Villages of Canada. c --^ ^■• ADVERTISEMENT. 39 SESSP ATI'S oit^erfttl iitters FOR All Diseases of the Lungrs and Stomach, < m9m > I, the undersigned, certify that I have been for several years suffering from dyspepsia. My digestion was very diffi- cult, and I was continually indisposed. Last spring I was attending to my busi- ness with much difficulty on account of my sufferings. Having read in the papers the advertisement of Despati's Bitters, I resolved to try .them, and after having taken seven bottles, I am {)erfectly well, my digestion quite regu- ar, and I do not suffer. I cannot do otherwise than recom- mend the use of Despati's Bitters to all persons suffering from Dyspepsia. F. X. MONTMARQUET, Baker. Montreal, 15th July, 1878. I cannot recommend with too much praise your Bitters, which are truly extraordinary. All persons suffering from Dyspepsia will find in Despati's Bitters a quick and infallible remedy. With me it has produced a greater effect than any other I had tried till then. It is with the greatest assurance of its efficacy and of its excellence, that I recommend it to all persons suffering from general debility. I am happy. Sir, to be in a position to give the present certificate. J. T. DORAIS, St. Urbain Street. Montreal, 28th March, 1878. » ^ P. S.— Thousands of other certificates from well known parties can be seen on application to MR. P. DESPATI, 275 St. Dominique Street) IMontreal. r^"- d 7 y / I f:Hi S M m -•►-•-^•►-•- OFFIOE AND MAUUFAOI IL.^ I 577 01EL^XC3r STIoEET. ' h — — - »►■ #-^»»-#.^4« u^^-- pmhii |lsii mi |i^ |lllgif , ^' E^&ZITEEES, MAGSZITZSTS, Brass and Iron Finishers, BRASS FOUNDERS, &c. ■-' - ^ . -. — . - - ■■"• '-- MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF COPPERSMITH'S WORK, FOR |-| BreTTeries, Tanneries and Steamlsoats. STEAM CAUCES REPAIRED AND TESTED. Rl nniM I i & CO, James Mattinson. Andrew Young. James Mahinson. Ja BUT TOm SHIRTS AT GEO. BOND A CO.'S« 4u NOTBC t^Anv^ stbi:et. TRANSMISSION OP PATTERNS AND SAMPLES WITHIN THE PROVINCE OP CANADA. Patterns or samples of merchandise or of eoods for sale, not exceeding 24 oz. in weight, may be posted in Canada, to be for- warded to any place within the Dominion, on pre-payment by postage stamp of a rate of 1 cent per 4 oz., under the following regulations : — I.— Patterns or samples must be sent in covers open at the ends, so as to be easy of examination. Samples, however, of seeds, drugs, and so forth, which cannot be sent in open covers, may be enclosed in bags of linen or other material, fa. ::ened in such a manner that they may be readily opened, or in bags entirely dosed, provided that they be transparent, so that the officers of the Post Office may be able to satisfy themselves as to the nature of the contents. 11.— The packet may bear on the outside the address of the sender in addition to the address of the person for whom it may be intended, also a trade mark and numbers, and the price of the articles enclosed; inside there must be no enclosure but the $)amples or patterns themselves; the particulars, however, of t e trade marks, numbers and price, may be marked on the n tides themselves instead of on the outside of the packet, at the option of the sender. Til. — Any sample or pattern packet containing a letter, or otherwise violating the conditions of the preceding rules, is to be rated and treated as a letter. IV.— The rate of 1 cent per 4 oz. is to be pre-paid by postage stamp, and if such rate be not fully pre-paid by the stamps affixed, the package is to be rated with the deficient postage, and a fine of 5 cents in addition. v.— Packets of samples or patterns may be registered on pro- payment by postage stamp of a registration fee of 5 cents in addition to the postage rate, and provided such packets be duly handed into the Post Office for registration. A registration receipt or certificate should always be obtained for such pack- ages when presented for registration. VI.— No packet of sample of patterns must exceed 24 oz in weight; any packet exceeding that weight is to bo sent to the Postmaster-General. Goods sent for sale or in execution of an order, however small the quantity may be, or any articles sent by one private individual to another, which are not actually patterns or samples, are not admissible. Penal Clause,— Tho Act contains the following penal clause : To enclose a letter or letters, or any writing intended to serve the purpose of a letter, in a parcel posted for the Parcel Post, or to enclose a letter, or any writing* or make any written marks to serve the purpose of a letter, or to enclose any other thing in a newspaper, posted to pass as a newspaper, at the rate of postage applicable to newspapers, (except in the case of accounts and receipts of newspaper publishers, which are permitted to pass folded within the newspapers sent by them to their subscribers), is an offence punishable by a penalty of not less than 10 and not exceeding 40 dollars. Hi JAPANfiSB WARE, JEWEEiLiKRY, FANCY OOODSt WH. AEMMEIiHAACK, 30a NOTRE OA9IE HT. ; BRESS SHIRTS $1.50, WORTH 99.98, AT GEO. RONI> «f: rO.^S. m I 3 ' >l! U^i o o -a 42 POST OFFICE. Postage Rates on Letters and Papers. Pre'payment compulsory. Country. Letters per i oz. Australia {except New South Wales., Victoria and (Queensland.) .... Argentine Confederat'n Austria Bahamas Belgium Bermuda Brazil Cape of Good Hope ... Ceylon Chili Chxniiiexcept Shanghai) Cuba Denmark Egypt France Germany Gibraltar- .. Great Britain Sl Ireland Hayti Holland Hong Kong India Italy Jamaica Japan Malta and Cyprus Mexico New South W ales New Zealand Norway Porto Kico Russia iSan Domingo Shanghai Spain Sweden Switzerland United States West Indies (except"! where otherwise ( stated by British }- Mail via Colon, Ha- j vana or St. Thomas J #•••••< cents. 8 10 5 . 6 5 5 10 5 10 20 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 5 10 10 5 5 5 5 13 15 15 5 5 5 8 8 5 5 5 3 10 News- papers cents. 3 4 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 5 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 2 o 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 4 <> ij o 2 1 Route. Via San Francisco " England (i (i it {( 4i <( (I (( 3 CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICL.ES OF TIRTU, WM. SEMBtEIiHAACK, 303 NOTRE DAME ST. ik I 1 .('*'■' BUT YOVB SHIRTS AT OEO. BOHTD A CO.*SS« M 415 NOTRE OAIHE STREET. 44 POST OFFICE. .. ■ n ji ; , ■• -r 1 ' ■ . tfni i Island, Manitoba, and British Columbia. The Orders upon Newfoundland, like those of the United Kingdom, are made payable in sterling money. Orders up to £5 25 cts. Orders from £10 to £15, $0 . 75 " from 5 to £10, 50 " " " 15 to 100, 1.00 All the Money Order Offices in the Dominion are also author- ized to grant Money Orders on the United States, the maximum amount of which, however, upon a single order, is limited to $40 Canadian Currency. The rates are :— For Orders under and up to $20 25 cts. " ** over $20 up to 40 50 " In all clas es of Orders, as many of the maximum amount may be obtained as will be needed to make up the sum the applicant desires to remit. By the amended Post Office Act, which came in force on the 1st October, any Postmaster issuing Money Orders on credit, and any person aiding and abetting or procuring the issue of such orders, will be guilty of misdemeanor. The Money Order Post Offices in the Dominion are furnished with lists of all the Money Onier Offices in Cana.da, the United Kingdom, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia, iind Newfoundland; and the Post- masters are instructed to afford every information in their power, in respect of the places upon which they draw, together with any other information relating to the issues as the intending remitters may desire. „ . Post Office Savings Bank. 1. The Post Office Savings Bank commenced operations in Ontario and Quebec, on the 1st April, 1863. 2. The direct security of the Dominion is given by the Statute for all deposits made. 3. At each Savings Bank Post Office the Savings Bank regu- lations may be read by the public, giving full information with respect to the mode of depositing and withdrawing money, Jind these regulations are printed upon the cover of the Pass Book supplied to each depositor. 4. Any person may have a deposit account, and deposits are received daily during the ordinary hours of Post Office business, of any number of dollars, from $1 up to $300— the total amount which can be received from a depositor in any one year, except in cases to be specially authorised by the Postmaster-General. 5. The Postmasters of the Savings Bank Offices will act as agents for the receipt of the money deposited for transmission to the Postmaster-General, and for the payment by the Post- master-General of money withdrawn by depositors. «OOD 1>0(JBLE STOVES AT JODOIN 9c CO'S, 809 ST. PAUIi STReET. IVjUlTI^ BitESil^ SHIRTS «I1.50, WOltTH $2.2S, At OEO. BONI> A €0/S. POST OFFICE. 45 6. Each depositor is supplied with a Pass Book, and the sums paid in, or withdrawn, are entered therein by the Postmaster receiving or paying the same. In addition, a direct receipt tor each amount paid in is sent to the depositor from the Postmas- ter-General, and the Postmaster- General will issue a cheque payable at any Post Office Sayings Bank desired, for any sum withdrawn. 7. Every depositor's account is thus kenf with the Postmaster- General, and a depositor may pay int » :. or her account with the Post Office Savings Bank, at any ol the Savings Bank Post Offices, which at the time may best suit his convenience* and exercise the same choice in drawing out money, subject only to the obligation of producing the Pass Book, in proof of identity, whenever paying in or drawing out deposits. 8. Interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum is allowed on deposits. 9. Postmasters are forbidden by law to disclose the name of any depositor, or the amount of any sum deposited or with- drawn. 10. No charge will be made to depositors on paying in, or drawing out money, nor for postage or communications with the Postmaster-General in relation thereto. 11. The Postmaster-General will always be ready to receive and attend to all applications, complaints, or other communica- tions addressed to him by depositors or others, relative to Post Office Savings Bank matters. CANADIAN STAMP DUTIES. On Bills of Exchange^ Drafts^ and Promiaaory Notes. (In computing the duty it must be borne in mind that any interest payable at maturity, with the principal, is to be counted part of the amount.) AMOUNT. $25 and under Over 25 and not exceeding. . $ 50 if « 4i «t 60 100 200 300 400 500 n It ti (( it 100 200 300 400 500 600 Singly. Duplicate each part. $0.01 $0.01 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.09 0.06 0.12 0.08 0.15 0.10 0.]^ 0.12 Triplicate each part. &0.01 001 001 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 TERRA COTTA A BROlVZfi ORBTAJHEUrT S, Jewellerj, Witt. ISEAUKEIiHAACK, 808 NOTRE DAME OT. !J ittih^ II ■ I 1 I •Mttaa^HMiAdMaa :■ I e^'* i ; 46 ADVERTISEMENT. DRAIN PIPES, Cement, Vases, AND ALL HE OlAY &009 FOR SALE BY Cor. Wellington & Orey Nun St^. 1 1, HlftlltTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. liOHTD A €d.'ft« 413'XOTRE DA!IIE STREET. x: TARIFF. 47 CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. W. B. Simpson, Collector. John Lewis, Surveyor. Lonff Room.—¥, Crispo, chief clerk ; C. Selby, cashier : R. H. P. Ti estler, asst. cashier ; J. P. Purcell, W. Bleakley, J. Cox, F. Lavoie, J. Dunn, A.Laurin, J. A. Jordan, A. Malboeuf, T. Burrowes, Q. Smith, J. C!ampbell, J. F. Campbell, clerks ; W. J. O'Hara, corresponding clerk; P. Donoyan, supernumerary. Surveyor and Warehousekeeper'a OMce.—T. Watkins, clerk ; J. Nelson, landing waiter : J. R. Thompson, E. Blomley, A. A. Lantier,T.Chambers, and R.MoBratney, supernumerary clerks. Water Side.—E. Meyer, chief landing waiter ; T. Barry, L. Globensky, S. Tidmarsh, H. Lacroix, J, O'Meara, A. Dufresne, J. E. Lamer, E- Brosseau, M. Charland, and E. H. Mercier, landing waiters ; W.P.Weir, tide surveyor ; Remi Boyer, asst. tide surveyor: R. Stuart, chief locker; D> Tuff, asst. locker; S. Corner, weigher and gauger; Louis St. Jean, aast- weigher and gauger^ ; R. Powney, clerk. Examining WarcAoMse.— R. Thomas, examining warehouse keeper; A. Bryson, A. Moir, and J. EVilleneuve, appraisers ; P.G Fauteux, T.Gabler, P. A. Mercier, G- Faulkner, E. Mercier, assistant appraisers; J- Mailloux, A. Lanthier, L- Contant, G. Labelle, J. Hannan, and P. O'Brien, packers; C Boyer, ticket clerk; W. Burrell, chief warehouseman ; J. Meharg, engineer; P.P.Montanari, RBurrell, J.Morrison, P.Lapierre, A-Gallet, J. Prendergast, T. W* Nicholson, F. Bennett, L. Tessier, A. Fineglio, J. A- Grose, L. Sanguinette, J. Johnson, J. W* Guy, H. MuUins, and J . Lambert, tide waiters. DOMINION OF CANADA otjsto:m:s ta.e.if:p. * {All Goods not hereinafter enumerated are subject to 17i per cent, duty.) -A. ^ c. Acids of every description, except acetic acid, vinegar, and sulphuric acid Free Acetic Acid and Vinegar 12 cts. per Imp. gal. ; bottles 17^ Advertising Pamphlets 5 Agricultural Societies — Farming Utensils and Implements — when imported by, for the encouragement of Agriculture . . Free Alabaster ■ 17^ Alcohol per Imp. gal. $1.20 Ale, Beer and Porter ... in casks, 12 eta* per Imp. gal.: pkgs. 17^ FAUCY OOODS, CUIlir£»K AND JAPANCSIC WAR^E. WSI* SE]»i:ipELHAA€K» 809 NOTBS 1>A9IE ST, I I Pi I! Buy Ifotlt fliHllttN AT UMK liONl> A CO.% 415 yOT^BE BAME STREET. tn 48 DOMINION Ale, Beer and Porter, in bottles, 18 cts. per Imp. gal.; 6 quart or 12 pint bottles to be held to contain an Imperial gallon. Almonds and Nuts Alum Aluminous Cake • • Aniline Salt, for dyeing *' when prepared for domestic use Anatomical Preparations Anchors • Anp;ola Hair, unmanufactured Animals of all kinds, except such as are imported for the improvement of stock ad val. Animals imported for the improvement of stock Animals of all kinds from the B. N. A. Provinces Antimony Antiquities, Cabinets of Annato, liquid or otherwise •• Apparel (wearing) of British subjects dying abroad, but domi- ciled in Canada Argentine, Albata and German Silver and Plated Ware (all kinds) manufactured Argol Army and Navy, for use of — Arms Clothing Musical Instruments for Bands .. Military Stores Articles for the use of the Dominion • •' by and for use of Governor- General ** for use of Foreign Consuls-General . Ash — Pot, Pearl, and Soda Asphaltum, a mineral pitch Atlases Axles, for railroad cars r C. m Free Free Free V^ Free Free Free 10 Free Free Free Free Free Free m Free Eree Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Bagatelle Boards and Billiard Tables, and Furnishings 171 Baggage, Travellers' .^« Free Bark, Tanners* Free Bark, Nuts, Vegetables, Wood and Drugs """d chiefly in dying Free Barley Free Barilla or Kelp Free Beans and Peas , . Free Beer in Wood ? g » ., „ Beer m Bottles S Berries, used chiefly in dyeing Free Bitters, containing spirits $1. 80 per Imp. gal. Blacking 17^ *' for military Free Bleaching Powders , , Free GOOD lIALiIi 6TOV£S AX JODOIM Sc CO'S* 800 ST. PAUL STRBET* ^^. WHITI^. I>RESS SHIRTS $1.50, tTOll'rit $2.1^5, At OEO. BOND A CO.^S. TARIFF. 40 '. . .., ^ c. 5 Free m Blocks and Patent Bushes, for ships' use ,,,,*, ad val. Botany, specimens of Books, being reprint of British Copyright Works Books — Blank Account and Copy Books, and Books to be written or drawn upon • • Books, (printed) Periodicals and Pamphlets, not being Foreign Reprints of British Copyright Works, nor Blank Account Books; nor Copy Books; nor Books to be written in or drawn upon ; nor Reprints of Books printed in Canada ; nor printed Sheet Music advaU 5 Bookbinders' Tools, Implements, Mill Boards and Cloth .... Free Boots and Shoes (Leather) 17^ Boot Felt hdval. 10 Book, Map and News Printing Paper Yl\ Bone, manufactured Yl\ Bonnets, Hats and Caps 17] Bibles, Testaments and Devotional Books ad val. 5 Binnacle Lamps, Ships' ad val. 5 Biscuit and Bread from Great Britain and B.N. A. Provinces. Free Boiler Plate, Iron 5 Bolting-Cloths Free Borax Free Box Wood, unmanufactured Free Bracelets, Braids, <&c., made of hair 17^ Bran and Cearaline as Bran ad val. 10 Bran, from B.N. A. Provinces Free Brandy $1.20 per Imp. gal. Brass and Copper, manufactured 17^ Brass, in bars, rods, sheets, scraps and strips • Free Brass Tubes and Piping, when drawn 17^ Brass or Copper Wire Cloth Free Brass and Tin Clasps, Slides and Spangles, for the manufac- ture of hoop skirts Free Brimstone, roll. or flour Free Bristles and Hogs' Hair, unmanufactured Free Britannia and Metal Ware 17^ Bronze Ornaments 17^ Brooms and Brushes, all kinds 17^ Broom Corn Free Buckwheat , Free Buffalo Hair for the manufacture of felt Free Bulbs y. Free Bullion and Coin, except 17 . S . silve/^oin Free Burr Stones Free Busts, natural size, not being cast, nor produced by any mere mechanical process Free^^ Butter 4cts. perlb. " from B.N. A. Provinces Free Butterick's thick paper Patterns Free Bunting, Ships' * ad val. 5 JAPAJVESB WAR£, JJi:W£JLI.£RY, FANCY OOORH, w III! H iif ;ii 01tIBTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BONO A €0.% 415 UrOTBE DANE STREET. A 60 DOMINION O Cabinets of Coini, Antiquities, Gems and Medals Cables, Iron Chain, for ships, over half inch, shackled or swivelled, or not * . Cables, H^emp, j ^j^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^„jy Cabinetware or Furniture • Carbolic or Heavy Oil, used in the manufacture of wood block pavement, and of wood for buildings and railroad ties Cards, Playing Candles and Tapen, of Tallow, Wax, or any other material . . Canada Plates, Tinned Plates, Sheet Iron Caoutchouc, or India Rubber and Gutta Percha, unmanufac- tured Caoutchouc, or India Rubber, manufactured Canvas (Nos. 1 to 6) for ships' use Canvas, for the manufacture of floor oil cloth, not less than 18 feet wide, and not pressed or calendered Canvas, when otherwise used •••• •••• Caps, Hats and Bonnets Carriages Carriages of Travellers, and Carriages laden with Merchandise (Hawkers and Circus Troupes excepted) Carpets and Hearth Rugs Cashmere Cassia, ground ** unground # Castile Soap Casts, as models for use of schools of design Castings (all others) Iron Cearahne, as Bran Cement, Marine or Hydraulic, unground Cement, Hydraulic, ground and calcined Chairs, Wrought Iron or Steel, imported for railway purposes Cheese 3cts. per lb. '* from B. N . A. Provinces Chandeliers and Gas Fittings Chinaware, Earthenware and Crockery Charts, Maps and Atlases Charitable institutions, Donations for Church Bells Chicory, or other root or vegetable used as coffee-- RaworGreen 3cts.perlb. '* kiln-dried, roasted or |tround 4 cts. per lb. Cider r\ Cigars and Cigarettes 60 cts. per lb. and ad val. ^ Cinnamon, ground * ad val. *' unground Citrons " imported in brine for the purpose of being candied . . . Clay, Pipe; Clays, Earth and Sand Clocks .......;..... iP- c. Free Free 5 17i Free 26 'I' Free Free 17* 17| Free % 25 174 m Free 174 10 Free 17i Free Free 17i 17J 17| Free Free 17J 20 25 174 10 Free Free m OOOD COOKING STOVES AT JOOOIN 4b GO'Sf „ 809 ST. IPAVIi STnSfiT* . ^ ^8 ►»«* 6tf Torn SHIRTS at €(eo. bohtd a co.% 415 NOTRi: BAMR STREET. TARIFF. 61 r c. Clothing, or Wearing Apparel| made by hand or sewing machine 17^ Clothing for Army and Navy, or Donations of, for Charitable Institutions Free Clothing, Plain, imported for Officers of the Army and Navy serving in Canada Free Clothing and Arms, for the Army and Military Forces in the Dominion Free Coach and Harness Furniture 17^ CoalandCoke Free Cocoa, bean, shell and nibs • • • • Free Cocoa Nut, dessicated and sweetened 1 ct per lb., and 25 Cocoa Paste, from Great Britain and B.N. A. Provinces Free Cologne Water and Perfumed Spirits ... $1.81 per Iin >- gal. ** in flasks or bottles weighing not more .; m 4 oz. each ad val. 25 Coffee, Green ? cts. per lb. " from U.S., Ground or Roasted . - cts. per lb. Collar Cloth Paper Free Colors, &c., viz. : Lakes in Pulp, Scarlet and Morone ; Ultra- marine and Chinese Blue; Umber, Raw; Blue- Black, Paris and Permanent Greens, Satin and fine-washed White, Bi- Coramissariat Stores Free Communion Plate Free Composition, spikes and nails Free Compasses, >hips' ad val. 5 chromate of Potash, Sugar of Lead and British Gum Frae Copperas Free Copper Tubes and Piping, when drawn 17i " in pigs, bars, rods, bolts or sheets and sheathing Free " or Brass, manufactured 17^ Confectionery 1 ct. per lb. and 25 JI! Corkwood, or the bark of the Corkwood Tree Free Cordage, when used for ships and vessels only ad val. 5 *' when not for ships' use 17^ Cordials $1 80 per Imp. gal. Cottons \1\ Cotton Warp 17} " Yarn and Cotton Twist 17] ** Thread, in hanks, colored and unfinished, Nos. 3 and 4 ply (white) not under 20 yarn 17^ Cotton Thread, on spools 17^ " in hanks, colored and unfinished. No. 6 ply (white) not under 20 yarn ad val. 10 Corn, Indian Free Cotton Waste Free " Wool Free " Candlewick Free '* Netting and Woollen Netting for I. R. shoes and gloves adval. 10 Corks 17i ii CHIBrES£ ASTB JAPAAlEftll!: ARTICJLES OF YIRTV, IW lVillT£ DllES^&t SHIATS #1.50, l¥OttTIt $^,25, AT OEO. BOUD 41; €0/S. m 52 DOMINION IT %tt Cranks, for steamboats, forged in the rough Free ** formills, " " Free Cream of Tartar, in crystals Free Coin and Bullion, except U.S. silver coin Free Currants 17^ Curled Hair, used in the manufacture of sofas, matresses, &c. Free Cutlery, Polished (all sorts) 17^ Dead Eyes, Ships' ad val. DeadLights, " " DeckPlugs, •' " Diamonds and Precious Stones, not set Dried Fruits Drugs, not otherwise specified '* used chiefly for dyeing Dye Stuffs, viz. : Berries, Bark, Drugs, Nuts, Vegetables, and Woods, unmanufactured, used chiefly in dyeing Drain Tiles '' Pipes Drawings, not in oil Donations of Clothing, for distribution by Charitable Institu- tions Duck, for belting and hose Earth, Clays and Sand Free Earthenware and Crockery 17^ 5 5 5 Free m m Free Free Free m Free Free Free Eggs Free Electrotype Blocks, for printing purposes Free Emery Free Emery Paper and Cloth 17i Engravings and Prints • ••... 17^ Essences not containing any spirits 17j '* containing spirits $1-80 per Imp. gal. Essential Oils of all kinds 17^ Extract of Logwood Free Extracts, mixed with spirits or strong water. $1.80 per Factory and Mill Machinery 17^ Fancy Goods and Millinery, viz. : articles embroidered with Gold, Silver or other metals 17i Fan and Fire Screens 17^ Farming Iniplements and Utensils, when imported by Agricul- tural Societies, for encouragement of agriculture Free Feathers and Flowers \1^ Felt, for gloves ad val, 10 ** for hats and boots " 10 I Bur your COOKINO, RALL^ PARLOR Sc JDOUBLE 6|pVE8 »t JOOOIN 4s CO'S, 808 SI. Paul Street* SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOXD A CO.% .415 BTOTBE BAME STREET. TARIFF. 53 re. Fibrilla, Mexican Fibre, orTampico, white or black, and other vegetable fibres, for manufacture ... Free Fire Brick Free Firewood Free Figs, dried fruit 17* Filberts, *' 17| Fireclay Free Fireworks 17^ Fish (fresh) the produce of the United States Fisheries, including Oysters and Lobsters, in tins or kegs Free Fish Baits Free Fish Oil and Fish of all kinds, the produce of the Fisheries of the United States, except Fish of the Inland Lakes and of the Rivers falling into them, and except Fish preserved in oil. Free Fish, salted or smoked, except as provided by the Washington Treaty 1 ct. per lb. Fish, preserved, from United States, not in oil Free *' ** from other countries .. 17^ " " inoil 17i " products of, and of all other creatures living in the water, from B.N. A. Provinces Free Fish, of all kinds, from B.N. A. Provinces Free Fish Oil, from B. N. A. Provinces Free Fishing N ets and Seines Free Fish H ooks, Lines, and Fish Twines Free Fish Plates, wrought iron or steel Free Flat Wire, or Crinoline, uncovered (see Hoop Skirt) Free Flax Seed, Waste, Hemp, and Tow, undressed B'ree Flour of Wheat and Rye i Free Flour and Meal of any other Grain Free Foreign Newspapers, sent otherwise than through Post Office. 5 Fruits, green and dried, from B . N . A. Provinces Free " " of all kinds adval. 10 " preserved in brandy or other spirits. $1.80 per Imp. gal. Fuel, Patent Free Furs, Skins, Pelts, or Tails, undressed Free Fur, or of which fur is the principal part 17^ Galvanized and Sheet Iron 5 Gambler, for dyeing Free Gems and Medals, Cabinets of Free German-plated and Gilded Ware, manufactured, all kinds . . . 17i German Silver, &>heet Free Gin, including Geneva and Old Tom .... $1 . 20 per Imp . gal . Ginger, ground ad val. 25 ** unground 17^ Glass and Glassware, plate and silvered, stained, painted, or colored , 17i Glass Paper and Glass Cloth adval, 10 xn I CD P TERRA €OTTA A BROXKE ORNAMENTS, Jewellery* ViHL, SEilI]!IEI.HAA€;£, 303 NOTRE BAME ST. \ \^ V, I ; S ■ •■V "1 1 «5!l! W mVY YOrit SHIRTS AT GEO. BOITD ^ CO.*Sr. 415. UrOTRF BAME STREET. 54 DOMINION iP" c. Glassware 17^ Globes, when imported by and for the use of Colleges, Scientific and Literary Societies and Schools Free Glucose, not Grape Sugar 17^ ** Grape Sugar 1 ct. per lb., and 25 Goat Hair, unmanufactured Free Gold, Silver, and Electro-plate, manufactured 17^ Gold and Silver Leaf 17| Goldbeaters' Brim Moulds and Skins Free Grain of all kinds Free Grass, Osier, Palf Leaf, Straw, Whalebone, or Willow, except Plait, elsewhere mentioned 17^ Gravels Free Grease and Grease Sciaps Free Grindstones 17^ Gums, British ■ Free Gum, Copal, Damar, Mastic, Sandaric, and Shellac Free Gunpowder 17^ Guns, Rifles, and Arms of all kinds '. 17^ Gutta Percha, unmanufactured « Free " manufactured 17^ Gypsum, or Piaster of Paris, neither ground nor calcined . > . . Free '* ground, when imported expressly as Manure Free Heavy or Carbolic Oil, used in the manufacture of wood block pavement, &c Free Hardware, viz. : Cutlery, polished, all sorts, Japanned, Plan- ished Tin and Britannia Metal Ware ; Spades, Shovels, Axes, Hoes, Rakes, Forks and Edged Tools ; Scythes and Ibnaths ; Spikes, Nails, Tacks, Brads and Sprigs ; Stoves and all other Iron Castings. Other Hardware — Horn, Pearl, and Ivory manufactured 17^ Harness and Saddlery, of leather manufacture 17l Hair or Mohair, manufactured 17^ Hair, Human, Angola, Goat, Thibet, Horse, Hog, or Mohair, unmanufactured Free Hair, Curled, used in manufacture of Sofas, Mattresses, &c. . . Free Hair. Buffalo, for manufacture of Felt Free Hat Plush, for Hatters 10 Hats, Caps and Bonnets 17^ Hay .^ ad val. 10 Hay, from B.N. A. Provinces Free Hemp, undressed Free Hides, Horns and Pelts Free Hominy Free Hosiery.. 17^ Horse Hair, unmanufactured Free Hops 5 cts. per lb. Hopsftom B.N. A. Provinces Free V, CIOOD BOCJBLE STOVES AT XODOIN 4c CO^S, 3a0 8T« PAUIi STREET. WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Sl.SO, VfORTWi <|3.25» At GEO. RO:^n A CO/S. m TARIFF. 55 HP* c. Hoop Skirt Manufacture— the following articles for Crinoline: Thread for covering Crinoline Wire, Clasps, — tin and brass —Slides, Spangles, and Slotted Tapes, and Flat or Round Wire, uncovered Free Indian Com, and Grain of all kinds I ndian Meal Indian Rubber (see Caoutchouc) . • . Indigo Ink of all kinds, except printing '' Printing < Iron— Pig ' Rod, Bar. Hoop, or Sheet. ad vaU Canada Plates and Tinned Plates " Scrap and Galvanized Bars, puddled '* Giriers In Blooms and Billets, puddled or not puddled. Bolts and Spikes, Galvanized " Nail and Spike Rod, round, flat or square ** Hoop Iron or Steel, for tires of wheels, bent and welded Boiler Plates » ^ad val. Railroad Bars, Wrought Iron or Steel Chairs, Fish Plates, and Car Axles ^ • . Rolled Plates *.ad vai. Tubes and Piping, when drawn ** Knees and Riders. Ships' ** Ivory, Bone, Pearl and Horn— manufactured ** " Nuts " unmanufactured • .•• ^* Veneer Free Free Free m Free Free 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 10 5 Free 5 'I' m Free Free Free Japanned Tin, Planished Tin and Britannia Metal Ware .... 17^ Jewellery and Watches 17| Junkand Oakum ••• Free Kelp Free Kryolite Free Knees and Iron Riders • ad val. 5 Lard and Tallow 1 ct. per lb. Lard, from B.N. A. Provinces Free Lead, Pig Free Lead, in sheet Free Lead, white dry Free it! ifi FABrCY OOOOS, CHllrBSE jtiri> JAPANESE WARB. W9I. SEMatEIiHAACK, SOS HOTRE DAME ST. ISilliaTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOND A CO.!S^. 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. : ( o o o ^1, Leather, viz, : Sheep, Calf, Goat and Chamois Skins, dressed, varnished or enamelled Leather, or Imitation of Leather, manufactured *' Sole and Upper adval. " manufactured, viz. : Boots and Shoes, Harness and Saddlery Lemons and Oranges .****:* ** " and Citrons, imported in brine for the purpose of being candied ; also the rinds of these fruits imported in brine for the same purpose Lobsters, in tins or kegs, from U S ... Locomotive Engines and Railroad Cars *' *' Frames, Cranks, Crank Axles, Axles, Piston Rods, Guide or Slide Bars, Crank Pins, Connecting Rods, Hoop Iron or Steel for Tires of Wheels, bent and welded ad vaL Locomotive and Railway, Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars, funning upon roads crossing the frontier, so long as Canadian Locomotives and Cars are admitted free, under similar circumstances, into the United States Logwoodj Extract of Linen F c. m m 10 10 " Machine Thread Litharge Lithographic Stones Lumber (see Plank and Timber) , 1^ Machinery for Mills and Factories of kinds which are not then manufactured in the Dominion ad val. Maccaroni and Vermicelli Machinery.. Machine Twist and Silk Twists Mace ad val. Madder Malt •< 2^ cts. per lb. Manilla Grass, Sea Grass, and Mosses for upholstery purposes, Manures Manufactured Marble Manufactures, viz. : — Marble, or Imitation Caoutchouc, Indian Rubber, or Gutta Percha Furs, or of which Fur is the principal part Hair or Mohair Papier Mach^ Grass, Osier, Palm Leaf, Straw, Whalebone or Willow, except Plaits elsewhere mentioned Hone, Shell, Horn, Pearl and Ivory Gold, Silver, E'ectro-plate, Argentine, Albota and German Silver, and Plated and Gilded Ware of all kinds Free Free 17i 10 Free Free 17^ 17} Free Free Free 10 17} 17} 17} 25 Free Free Free 17} 17i- 17} 17} 17} 17} 17} 17} 17} GOOD HAL li STOVES AT JODOIN dc CO'S, 309 ST. PAUI4 STREET. ADVERTISEMENT. 59 V® ^S®€ LUNAN'S "ORIGINAL" TRADE MARK. Aims f OWB ■ » ♦ This original, genuine and reliable article is now offered to the trade, greatly improved and perfect in every respect. For purity and excellence of quality it stands unrivalled. Style of package, original and attractive. Warranted to keep in any climate and to give uni- versal satis&ction. WM. LUNAN & SON, Proprietors. FA0T0E7, 27 ft 29 SZHa STEBST, Sold by all First Class Grocers throughout the Dominion. 60 ADVERTISEMENT. OWEN McGARVEY & SON Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in fhh aid f asiej f imltii9, 7, 9&11 St Joseph Street, Montreal. Chairs and Purnitare made in the Knock-Down for Shipping. li^="All aoods deliverod on board Cars or Boats, or at tha residence of persons who reside inside the Toll Qates, Free of Charge. TERMS) ;— Under $100, Cash ; from $100 to $1.000, 3 to 4 months, by furnishing satisfactory notes. f 'i t r ADVERTISEMENT. 61 DOXailTXOXT HILLS AT EZNaSSY FALLS, Q. » ^•» « A full assortment of re^lax sizes and weights of the following grades of paper is kept constantly in stock, and any special sizes and weights can be made if required. 2Tos, 1 and 2 Frinting^, Uo. 3 ICews and Printing, Bleacliod Manilla Wrapping, Bleached Manilla Envelope, TTnUeaclied Manilla Wrapping, White Manilla Tea Wrapping, White Manilla Wrapping, Fine Qx&y Tea Wrapping, Fine Gteey Wrapping, Brown Wrapping, Paper will be put up in rolls or bundles, at the option of purchasers. Samples and full information can be had by addressing DOMINION PAPER COMPANY, MONTREAL. H ADVERTISEMBNT. BITIIS, WILKES MlNFfi CO. (LmiTJBD) Colored Paints, Dry Colors, MACHINERY OILSIAXLEGREASE AND DEALERS IN Painters' and Printers' Materials Generally. PRINTING INK For Newspaper and Job Printing, of which this Book is a Specimen, MANUFACTURED BY THE BAYLIS, WILKES MANUFACTURING CO. MONXKKAi:.. ADVERTI8EMENT. 68 RikZ AKB mmvMU BMUmmfi MORTON, PHILLIPS & DULMER (Suooeiiors to BOBIST OBAIAM. lilaUIib«« 1819.) STATIONERS A>'D Aeeouat Book VaQufaetwoss 375 NOTRE DAME STREET, 3rd Door East of St. John Street, MoNTREAL. PABKS* COTTON Awa-ded the only Medal given for COTTON YARNS, Canadian Manufacture, at the CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION. f Warranted Aill length and weight, etronger and better, in every respect, than any other English or American Warp. Beware rf ImitatWHS ! Nome is Genuine withoiti our Name 0h the Label, COTTOH CABPIT WABP, Made of No. 10 Tam, Fonr-Fly Twisted, IN ALL FAST COLORS. BM f ABFS FOB WOOLLEN ILLS Any Width and Number of Yarn, WARRANTED TO WEAVE WELL. All our Goods have our Name upon them, and are warranted to be all that we claim for them. They are sold by us only to the Wholb- SALB Tkadb, from whom Country Merchants can always obtain them by asking specially for them. WILLIAM PARKS & SON, New Brun^wiok Cotton Mills, St John, N.B. ALEXANDER SPENCE, Hc(HU Street, Mo&treal, Sole Agent fbr Qiiobeo and Ontario. Hut your shirts at geo. bond a co.% 415 notre dame street. ( f I' TARIFF. 65 Manufactures— C(»»//>f«r » Free T Sheathing , Free Newspapers, Foreign, sent otherwise than through the Post Office 5 Nitre or Saltpetre Free Nitrate of Soda Free Nuts, unless otherwise specified 17i " Ivoxy , , Free Nuts, used chiefly in dyeing > . • Free Nutmegs adval. 25 Natural History, Specimens of Free Naphtha 6 cts per wine gal. Navy and Military Stores Free lAPAHrESU WARE, JEWE£.L.EKY, FANCY <]}OODS, WMt SEKMEI^HAACK, 803 NOTllIi t>A9IE !»T« 1 . WlfflTF. DRESS SHtRtS ^1.50, WOftTli $2Mf Ail J 66 DOMINION I ^P- c. Oatmeal and Flour, or Meal of any uther Gi-ain . * Oats Oakum Ochres, ground and calcined ** or Metallic Oxides, ground or unground^ and washed or unwashed— dry, not calcined • • . Officers' Mess : — [NoTB. — All articles for Officers' Messes and Canteens, formerly free, now pay the duties imposed upon similar goods imported for ordinary uses.] Oils, V12 ;— Coal and Kerosene, distilled, purified and refined, Naphtha, Benzole and Petroleum, j)roducts of Petroleum, Coal, Shale and Lignite, not otherwise specified, and Crude . Petroleum 6 cts. per wine gal. Oils— Cocoa Nut, Pine and Palm, in their natural state Whale, in the cavks, from on shipboard, and in the con- dition in which it was first landed Essential Oil Cake Oils, in any way rectified, pumped, racked) bleached, or pre- pared, not elsewhere specified •• Oilcloths Old Tom Gin $1. 20 per Imp. gal . Opium Oranges .....•.• Ordnance Stores Oranges, imported in brine for the purpose of being candied . . Orea of all kinds of metals Ornaments of Bronze, Alabaster, Terra Cotta, or Composition. Osiers, or Willow, for basket makers' use Oysters, in tins or kegs, from United States .............•#«# Free Free Free m Free Free Free m Free 17i 17} m 10 Free Free Free m Free Free Packages of Goods Se^ Note at end of Tariff. Paints and Colors, not elsewhere specified Paintings in Oil, by Artists of well known merit, or copies of the Old Masters by such Artists Paper .< It CollarCloth Paper, " Union Collar Cloth " Waste, for manufacturing purposes only .........*•••• Hangings .....< Mach^ «.. . Parasols and Umbrellas Patent Medicines, not mixed with Spirits or Strong Waters • . " when mixed *' " $.180 per Imp. gal. Peas and Beans Pearl, Horn, Bone and Ivory, manufactured 17i Free 17i Free Free Free 17* 17} 17* 25 Free 17i si Buy your COOKIIVO, BEiiLL, PARLOR dc DOVBiLE I^TOVES at JODOIX A CO'S^ 3Q9 St. Paul Strf et# -!.L-UJL-1L>,. j^HIRTS MAIIE TO ORDER AT CIEO. BOHTH A i^O.'S, 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. Pelts, Hides and Horns , Pepper, ground «...# < ^,,adval, *' unground Perfumed Spirits $l.SO per Imp. gal. '* when in flasks or bottles not weighing more than 4 oz ad vol. Perfumery, not elsewhere specified ... Pine or Palm Oils, in their natural state Phosphorus , Pickles and Sauces Pimento, ground ad tfal. " unground *.......... i Pipe Clay Pipes, Tobacco >. Pitch and Tar ^ Plaster of Paris, not ground or calcined ** ground and calcined Plush, for Hatters' use and for Gloves ad val. Playing Cards " Pop Corn Portable Hand Printing Presses Potatoes " growth B.N. A. Provinces Preserved Meats Printed, Lithographed, or Copper-plate Bills and Bill-heads . Potash, Bichromate of Poultry *^ from B. N . A . Provinces Porter, in bottles ^ c. . Free 25 17i - in casks \ S«« " ^le. i> Pig Iron, Pig Lead, and Pig Copper Philosophical Instruments and Apparatus, including Globes, when imported by and for the use of Colleges, Scientific and Literary Societies, and Schools . Plants ad val. ** from B.N. A. Provinces Plank and Sawed Lumber, of mahogany, rosewood, walnut, chesnut, cherry, pitch pine, and boxwood Plaok and Sawed Lumber of other kinds Platero' Leaf Precipitate of Copper Precious Stones, unset Priming Ink and Printing Presses, except portable hand printing presses , , Proprietary Medicines, mixed with \ *, of^ ^ ,_„„ „,, Spirits or Strong Waters \ ^^'^^ ^ Imp. gal. Patent Medicines .... ad val. Prunella • ' Puddled Iron Bars, Blooms and Billets Pumps and Pumo Gear, ships' Prohibited Articles See end of Tariff. 25 25 Free Free 17i 25 17i Free 17i Free Free 17i 10 25 25 17i 10 Free 17i Free 10 Free Free Free 10 Free Free m Free Free Free 25 10 5 5 CO > CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICLES OF YIRTU, 1¥^, SEMSKKLHAACK, 303 ^KOTRE DAI«E ST, sr I 5 o s ftlJT TOFR SHIRTIS AT OEO. AOND A C0.^9« 415 NOTRE DAME (STREET. 68 DOMINION Quartz, crushed Q le Rags, including paper shavings Railroad Bars and Frogs Ratan, for Chairmakers Red Lead, dry Rennet • Rosin Rice • let. per lb. Riders and Knees, Iron, (ships') ■ Rigging, Wire, (ships') Rinds of Oranges, C itrons, and Lemons, imported in bnne for the purpose of being candied Roots, Medicinal, in their natural state '' other Rifles, Guns and Firearms of all kinds Rum $1.20 per Imp. gal. " Shrub $1.80 ** Rye Sails, ready made Sail-cloth or Canvas, for ships' use Sal Ammoniac, Sal Soda, Caustic Soda, Silicate of Soda, Soda Ash, Nitrate of Soda, and Saltpetre Salt Sand ** Paper and Sand Cloth Santonine Satin and fine washed white Sausage Casings Scheidam Schnapps $1.80 per Imp. gal. Sea Grass, Manilla Grass, and Moss, for upholstery purposes. Seeds, not classed as Cereals aa val. " from B.N. A. Provinces Settlers' Effects of every description in actual use, not being merchandise, brought by persons making oath that they intend becoming permanent stUiers within the Dominion . . Free Scrap Iron 5 '* brasiS , Bree Sciilptu' «i, Specimens of , Free Shatts lor Mills and Steamboats, in the rough Free Shawls , VI i Sheet Music, printed Yij^ Ships' Blocks and Patent Bushes for Blocks 5 Binnacle Lamps and Bunting 5 Sail-cloih or Canvas 6 Cables, Hemp ur Grass 5 ^ c. Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 5 Free Free Free 10 m Free m 5 Free Fvee Free m tree 17^ Free 10 Free Bnjr your 4 OOJKIJXU, HAI^l., ft'AUii^.c Ar l>OUnL.£: ftTOVES Rt JODOIIV A CO'j}, 300 St, Paul Street, •> fc I ^-HITE BRESS SHIRTS $1.50, WORTH #3.S5, AT OEO. BOND 4; CO/S. TARIFF, Ships' Comptises Dead Eyes " Lights D eck Plugs Pumps and Pump Gear Shackles, Sheaves « Signal Lamps Travelling Trucks Steering Apparatus Iron Knees and Riders Wire Rigging Cordage Varnish, black and bright Wedges Iron Mas:3, or part of Iron Masts Shell, manufactured Sheet Iron Shrubs, Trees and Plants ad val. ," *' " from B.N. A. Provinces Silks, Satins and Velvets raw or reeled from the Cocoon it " Woollen, Worsted, and Cotton Tambour Work Silk Twist, and Silk and Mohair Twist, specified, for tailors' use, in hanks Silk Vwists, for hats, boots and shoes • '* Machine Silver Coin, United States " German sheet *' Leaf , «' and Gold Cloth* *.'.*.'.!!!!.'!!!!.!!!!*.'.*.! " PlatedWare Skins, undressed * Slatt Embroideries, and not elsewhere " prepared for slating purposes Slotted Tapes, for the manufacture of hoop skirts Small Wares Snuff 25 cts. per lb-, and advaL Soda Ash Soap, common $1.00 per 100 lbs. '* perfumed and fancy ad val. Spades, Shovels, Stoves, and all other iron castings Spelter or Zinc, in sheets, blocks, or pigs Specimens of Natural History, Mineralogy, Botany, or Sculpture • Spices, ground, including Ginger, Pimento, and Pepper, ad val. " unground, " . /* " Spikes and Nails, composition '* Scythes and Snaths < .« m s. TERRA COTTA 6c BRONZE OR^AI^ENTS, Jewellery, SEM»IEI.HAACK, 308 y< f iiBIRTfi MADi: TO ORDEB AT OEO. BOND A €0«% 415 NOTRE DAME STBEET. 1^ 70 DOMINION ^P' c. Spirits and Strong Waters, not having been sweetened or mixed with any article, so that the degree of strength thereof cannot be ascertained by Sykes' hydrometer, for every gallon of the strength of proof by such hydrometer, and so in proportion for any greater or less strength than the strength of proof, and for every greater or less quantity than a gallon, viz ; — Brandy, Geneva, Alcohol, Rum, Gin— including Old Tom— Whiskey, and unenumerated articles of all kinds . . $1-20 per Imp gal. Other Spirits, being sweetened or mixed, so that the degree of strength cannot be ascertained, as aforesaid, viz : — Rum Shrub, Cardials, Schiedam Schnapps, Tafia, Bitters, and the like $1.80 per Imp. gal. Cologne Water and Perfumed Spirits, not in flasks, $1.80 per Imp. gal. '* ** when in flasks or bottles. For each flask or bottle not weighing more than 4 oz.adval. Unenumerated Spirits and StrongWaters. ,$1-80 per Spirits and Strong Waters, imported into Canada, mixed with any ingredient or ingredients, and although thereby coming under the denomination of proprietary medicines, tinctures, essences, extrac**!, or any other denomination, shall be, nev- ertheless, deemed " Spirits or Strong Waters." and subject to duty as such $l.oO per Spirits of Turpentine Starch 2 cts, per lb. Statues of Marble, Bronze, and Alabaster, natural size Stationery Steel, wrought or cast, in bars or rods " Plates, cut to any form, but not moulded '^ Chairs, Railway Steering Appiratus, ships' Stereotype Blocks, for printing purposes Steamboat and Mill Shafts and Cranks, forged in the rough . . Steam Fire Engines Stone, unwrought, and Lithographers' Stones Stores for the use of Army and Navy Straw ad va^. " from B.N. A. Provinces Straw, Tuscan, Grass, and Fancy Plaits . . . r Sulphur or Brimstone, in roll or flour Sulphuric Acid ^ ct. per lb. Sugar Candy, brown or white 1 ct. per lb. and adval. equal to No. 9 and not above is.,. «« a No. 13. Dutch Standard P "* above No. 13 let. *' ♦' " below No. 9 let. per lb. and Syrup of Sugar, or of Sugar Cane, Syrup of Molasses, or of Sorghum, Cane Juice g ct. per lb. and ad val. Melado, Concentrated Melado, or Concentrated Molasses, ^ ct. per lb. and 25 i( (f Free m Free Free Free 5 Free Free m Free Fiee 10 Free Free Free 25 25 25 25 25 1 aOOD JDOCJBLE »t6V£S AT JTODOIN A: CO'S. 9AQ sir IJ>JHT- JUinr TOUB SHIBTS AT GEO. BOHTB db €0.*i, 415 STOTRE DAIfilE STHEETt TARIFF. 71 W c. Tafia SI . 80 per Imp . gal . Tails, undressed Free Tallow let. per lb. " from B. N. A. Provinces , Free Tampico. white and black i Free Tapes (slotted) for the manufacture of hoop skirts Free Tar Free Tea, Green or Japan 6 cts. per lb. " Black 5cts. " Teasels Free Thibet Hair, unmanufactured Free Thread and other articles embroidered with gold or for \ t»i embroidery T'" ^'^ Thread Lace and Insertions 17^ Tiles, Drain , Free Timber and Lumber, round and hewed, but not otherwise, from B. N. A. Provinces, manufactured in whole or in part Free '"'in, in bar, blocks, pigs, or granulated Free " and Zinc, or Spelter, in block or pig Free " Clasps, Slides & Spangles, for manufacturing hoop skirts. Free Tinned Plates 5 Tinctures, containing spirits Sl-80 per Imp. gal. " other 17i Tissue Paper 17^ Tobacco, manufact'd, except cigars, Yl\ p c.a(ival,&2^c. p. lb. Snuff and Snuff Flour, dry, 12| " 25c. " " damp, moist, pickled, 12| " 25c. " Tobacco, unmanufactured (out must bs bonded on importation) under conditions of Act 31 Vic, chup, 51 . Free Tobacco Pipes 17^ i ow, undressed > Free Toys 17i Trees, Shrubs, Roots and Plants ad val. 10 *' " '* " from B.N. A. Provinces ... Free Travellers' Baggage Free *' Carriages < Free Travelling Trucks, ships' 5 Treenails . ^ Free Tubes and Piping, of Copper, Brass, or Iron, when drawn .... 17^ Turpentine, Spirits of 17^ " other than Spirits of Free Twist, Silk, for Hats, Boots and Shoes ad val. 17i Typo Metal, in blocks or pigs Free Type . . < ad val 5 XT Union Collar Cloth Paper, used in the manufacture of Paper Collars, Cuffs, &c # > • f • • • • • • Free GO 60 1 &- O CD O CO ct- (D B ¥^* CD OB O GO t Pi n LIS N FANCY OOOBS, CHINESiE AND J APANESJE WARE* Jf. (SjciMMEIilf AA€K, 303 ^^OTRE I>AME ST, f 1 WHITE DRESS SHIRTS (11.50, TTORTH <|3.«S, AT ORO. BOND A rO/». I 3 o o i F^ 72 DOMINION Varnish, bright and black, for ships' use % *' other than bright and black Veneering of wood or ivory Vegetables, including Potatoes and other Roots advzl. *' from B . N . A. Provinces " Fibres *' used chiefly in dyeing " and Meats, preserved Velvets, Silks and Satins Vinegar 12 cts. per Imp. gal* Vitriol, blue ■* Walnuts, dri'^d fruit Wearing Apparel and Clothing, made by hand or sewing machines ^ Weaving or tram silk, and weaving or tram cotton for making elastic webbing, and crino!ine thread for covering crinoline wire Wedges, ships' Whale Oil, in the casks, from on shipboard and in the condition In which it was first landed Wheat Whiting or Whitening White Zinc, dry *' Lead, dry Whiskey ... ,. $1.20 per Imp gal. Willow, for basket-makers Wines, concaining less than 20 per cent, of alcohol, and not worth more than 48 cts. per gal., of all kinds, ircluding Ginger, Orange, Lemon, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Elder anfj Currant Wine, (6 quarts or 12 pint bottles to a gallon,) por Imp. gal Wmes— all others wKe i in >'<: od, excev)t sparkling, per Imp, gal. (Worth of Wine to be computed by including all expenses, except bottles and packages, iiKuired prior to shipment.) Wines— all other except Sparkling Wines m bottles, (6 quarts or 12 pints to Imp. gal • per doz. Wines. Sparkling *' Wire Cloth, of Brass or Copper (Brass or Copper,) round or ll«t . . . Steel or Iron , . . i( i4 (( uncovered flat or round, for crinoline ; Rigging, ships' woods of all kinds, wholly unni.anufactured , " unmanufactured, when c'. eflyused in dyeing " manufactured, not elsewnere specified Wool ,. 5 Free 10 Free Free Free 17* 17} Free 17i m Free 5 Free Free Free Free Free Free 72c. .^1.50 3.00 Free Free 5 Free Free Free Free m Free 309 ST. PAI3L SXKl£*:i* & €^>S, HOTBTS mADE TO ORI>i;il AT OEO. SONO 4^ C0«% 415 UrOTRE BAME STREET. ^P' c. Wool waste • .•••,. Free Woollens 17* *| Netting for India Rubber Shoes and G\ove». ad vai. 10 Writing Desks, fancy and ornamental cases and boxes, and oth§r fancy goods • 17* Yarn, for the manufacture of rope .....«,..•.. Free Yellow Metal, in bars, bolts, or for sheathing . , , , . . . Free Zinc or Spelter, in blocks or pigs * « * • i * Free *' '* in sheets < Free Zinc, white dry Free All Liauids in the following list are reckoned at Imperial gallon, unless otherwise expressed : — Schedule D.— The following goods, when the growth and produce ofanyof the British North American Provinces, may be imported free of duty, subject to alteration or regulation by proclamation of the Governoi -General in Council, viz : — " Animals of all kinds ; fresh, smoked and salted meats ; green and dried fruits ; fish of all kinds, products of fish, and of all other crea- tures living in water ; poultry, butter, cheese, lard, tallow ; timber and lumber of all kinds, round, hewed, but not otherwise manufactured, in whole or in part ; fish oil, gypsum, ground or unground ; hay, hops, straw, bran, seeds of all kinds, vegetables, including potatoes and other roots ; plants, trees and shrubs; coal and coke,* salt; wheat, peas and beans ; barley, rye, oats, Indian corn, buckwheat, and all other grain ; flour of wheat, rye, I»dian meal and oatmeal, and fiour or meal of any other grain. " Fish, salted or fresh, or other articles alleged to be the product of Canada, or of Newfoundland or Prince Edward Island, imported from the United States, shall be liable to the duty of Customs imposed on goods of the class to which they respectively belong, unless accom- panied by a copy of outwarcV report, stating quantity and describing the packages, duly a collector of Her Majesty's Customs." Packages and non-enumerated. " The value of all bottles, flasks, jars, demijohns, carboys, casks, hogsheads, pipes, barrels, and all other vessels or packages; manufactured of tin, iron, lead, zinc, glass, or any other material, and capable of holding liquids ; crates containing glass, china, crockery or earthenware, and all packages in which goods are commonly placed for home consumption, including cases in which bottled spirits, wines or malt liquors are contained, and every package, being the first receptacle or covering enclosing goods for purposes of sale, shall B CD •1 P o 5 O CD CD •-J w O B Q JAFAKE$»R WARE, JEWEI.I.ERY, FANCY GOODS* WM^ H^AWEVUA.X€U, 303 XOTRE DAME 9T* ti» I 3 I < CO BUT TOUK SHIRTS AT OCO. BONIT'^ €0.*S/ 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. 1-4 '*; 74 NOTES ON TARIFF, in all oases in which they contain goods subject to an ad valorem duty, be taken and held to be a part of the fair market value of such goods for duty ; and when they contain goods subject to specific duty only, such packages shall be charged with a duty of Customs of 17^ per centum ad valorem, to be computed upon their original cost or value, and all goods not enumerated in this Act, or any other Act. as charged with any duty of Customs, and not declnred free of duty by gome unrepealed Act or pro- vision,— shall bo charged with a duty of Customs of 17i per centum ad valorem, when imported into Canada, or taken out of warehouses for consumption therein; but all packages not herein before specified, and not specially charged with duty by any unrepealed enactment, and being the usual and ordinary packages in which goods are packed for exportation, according to the general usage and custom of trade, shall be free of duty." "Bnt all packages not hereinbefore specified, (and not speci- ally charffod with duty under Section 4 of the Act 31 Victoria, Chapter 44, or any other unrepealed enactment,) and being the ordinary or usual packages in which goods are packed for ex- portation, according to the general custom and usage of trade, shall be free of duty." " The fair market value for duty of all goods upon which an ad valorem duty of Customs is chargeable under this Act or any other Act, shall be ascertained and determined, except as hereinafter provided, in accordance with the provisions of the sections twenty-nine to forty-six, both inclusive, of the Act passed in the thirty-first year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled ' An Act respecting the Customs,* so much of any Act inoon- sistent with this section being hereby repealed." *• Whereas difficulties have frequently arisen in determining the fair market value of goods imported into Canada, being the manufacture or production of foreign countries, or of Great Britain, such as musical instruments, sewing machines, agri- cultural machines or implements, medical preparations, (com- monly called patent medicines), or other similar goods, the prices of which are published by the manufacturers or producers, or persons acting on their behalf, it is hereby enacted, that the Governor in Council may, from time to time, fix and determine a certain rate of discount which may be deducted from such published prices of any such manufactures or productions, and the remainder of such published price, after deducting such rate of discount, shall be deemed and taken to be the fair market values for duty of any such manufactures or productions as may or shall be specified in such Order in Council, anything in this or any other Act to the contrary thereof notwithstanding.'' " If the importer swears that no invoice has been, or can be received, then the collector or officer shall fix the amount of duty to be paid. In all other cases, invoices are to be produced, verified upon oath of importer, and fyled at Custom House " C(OOD COOKING STOVES AT JODOIN dc €0»S, 309 ST. PAUI4 STR£KT. k WHITK BRESft SHIRTS 91.50, WORTH iatSSi Af OF.O. BOXD A €0/S. NOTES ON TARIFF, 76 " No person making or authorizing a false invoice of any goods shall recover any part of the price thereof." "Any importer dissatisfied with appraisement, may appeal atrainst it. Two merchants then to appraise the Roods, and their judgment on the matter to be final. Appraised value to be never less than invoice value." Package delivered he/ore ExamtnaHon.-— AW the packages mentioned in any one entry, although most of such packages may have been delivered to the importer, shall be subject to the control of the Customs authorities of the port at which they are entered, until such of the packages as have been sent for examination to the Examining Warehouse, shall have been duly examined and approved, provided such examination take place within three days after the delivery of the package or packages into the Examining Warehouse, and after twenty- four hours' notice by the importer to the collector : and a'bond shall be given by the importer, conditioned that the packages so delivered shall not be opened or unpacked before the pack- age or packages sent to the Examining Warehouse shall have been examined and passed, as aforesaid, provided they are examined within the delay aforesaid; and the packages so delivered, or the goods, if lawfully unpacked, shall, if required by the Collector of Customs, be returned to the Custom House, within such delay'as may be mentioned in the bond, under a forfeiture of the penalty of such bond : provided that the col- lector shall use due diligence in causing such examination to be made, and may, if he sees no objection, permit the remaining packages to be opened and unpacked, as soon as those sent to the Warehouse have been examined and approved.'* Collectors to fyle Invoiceft.—*^ The Collectors of Customs at all the ports of Canada, shall retain and put on fyle, after duly stamping same, all invoices of goods imported at such ports respectively, of which invoices they shall give certified copies or extracts whenever called upon so to do by the importer, and such copies or extracts, so duly certified by the Collector or other proper officer, and bearing stamp of the Custom House at which they are fyled, shall be considered and leceived as authentic, and the ICoHector shall be entitled to demand for each certificate a fee of fifty cents, before delivering the same." Materials used in Canadian Manufactures.— Bi Vic , cap. 10., Sec. 3.— "Governor in Council may, from time to time, transfer to the free lief, any or all articles (whether natural product or products of manufactures,) used^as materials in Canadian manufactures." Machinery.— Sqo. 4.—'* Governor in Council may authcrize the admission, free of duty, of all machinery to be used in any Canadian manufactory, on satisfactory evidence that like machinery is not then manufactured in Canada. Under the authority of this section, certain rules for the freo admission of CD § o » O fa 11 li CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICI.ES OF TIRTV, IIJBA A€K, 303 NOTRE PAIHE ST, ;>»v II ftBIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT OLO, DOBTD A'CO.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET, ^ ^ .a 76 NOTES ON TARIFF. maohinery havo been adopted by Order in Council of 7th Junet 1871." North-West Terrttorv.Seo. 5.— Customs dudes in North- West Territory to be same as in Manitoba.— 32 and 33 Yic.| cap. 2. The following articles shall be prohibited to be imported under a penalty of two hundred dollars^ together with the forfeiture of the parcel or package of goods in which the same may be found f viz. : — BookFi, printed papers, drawings, paintings, prints and photo- graphs of a treasonable or seditious, or of an immoral or indecent character. Coin, base or counterfeit. The importation of arms and munitions of war, otherwise than from Great Britain or the British Possessions, is not allowed} unless by special permission from the Minister of Customs. EXPORT DUTIES. Shingle Bolts per cord of 128 cubic feet, $1.00 Spruce Logs perM. 100 Pine Logs. " 1.00 OCEAN EXPRESS CO. OF LONDON London ■ M ^ 5 Agar Street, Strand, W. C. ) iO Regent Circus, W. 0, Liverpool : 8 Castle Street. Dublin : 32 Eden Quay. Montreal : 32 St Francois Xauier 8t. T. MAXWELL BRYSON & CO., Agents. And with Agencies in all parts of Great Britain, Ireland and throughout Europe, Asia, Capk Colonies, Australia, and tlie United States of America. IH^Custom House Business Transacted."^ ^QOD DQC^BLk STOVJES A7 TODOIN Sc CO^Bf 300 ST, PAUI4 S'i -liBT. ON nay. jBtrr YorR shirts at oeo. boxd a co/ii 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. INLAND REVENUE. 77 " INLAND EEVEJrUE. Offices— Custom House Square. Montreal Inspkction District.— Revenue Divisions of Montreal, St. Uyaointho, Terrebonne, BeauharnoiS) bt. Juhnst Uherbrooke, Three Kivers. District Inspector.— R. Bellemare. Montreal Revenue Division.— City of Montreal, Counties of Hocheiaga, Jacques Cartie^ Laval, Vaudreuil, fc3oulanges, Laprairie, Chauoly, Veroh i, Berthier, Joliette, L'Assomp- tion, Montcalm, Kioheliou, ^ aiuaska, Drumoiond, and Artha- baska. Collector— Dunbar Browne, M.A., D.C.L. Deputy Collectors.— L. J. Vincent, Montreal ; J. L. Brien, dit DesKoches, Joliette ; Aim6 Koy, iSorel. Accountant.- J. Dodd ; assistant do., J. P. Beauohamp. Excise Officers.— A. Iludon, W. Hastie, L. Blanchard, R. Richard, J. Vilieneuve, C. Barker, D. Maodonald, W. Bulmer, J. ^. Camyr^, J. Manning, L. 0. A. Ste. Marie. T. Male, D. Oaron, I. P. Beauchainp, A. bt. Louis, J. Fox, J. B.^E. L. Ste. Marie. Probationary Officers.— G. L. Perry, J. C. Ste. Marie and L. Trudeau. Messenger and Housekeeper.— G. Norris. EXCISE DUTIES. On every gallon of Spirits of the strength of proof by tiyke's hydrometer On every pound ot Malt Ou every gallon of any fermented beverage made in imitation ot Beer, or Malt Liquor, and brewed in whole or in part from any other substance than Malt On Cavendish Tobacco, on any lb. or less quantity On Canada Twist ( Tabac blanc en tourquette) do. . OuiSnulf, per lb. or less quantity On all other descriptions of manufactured Tobacco per lb-, or less quantity Cigars, subject to an abatement or allowance for moisture in calculating the weight for duty, to be tixed by Order in Council 40 ots. iP lb. Vinegar 3 6-lOc. p. gal. All goods manufactured in bond shall, if taken out of bond for cousumption in Canada, be subject to duties of excise equal to the duties of Customs to which they would be subject if im- ported from Great Britain and entered lor consumption in ^0.90 0.02 0.08 0.20 010 0.2Q 0.20 \ H Ui TERRA €OTTA «& liRO:%Zi<: OKx\ AMi!<^Ti!i, Jewellery, . WM, |»£JIE]!tEI License for manufacturing in Bond 50 00 ADULTERATION OF FOOD. Extracta from 31«« Vie chap. 8. *' An Act to impose License duties on compounders of Spirits i to amend the * Act respecting the Inland Kevenue.' and to pre- vent the Adulteration of Food, Drink, and Drugs. 2t3th May, 1874." 3. "A license to carry on business and to act as a com pounder, and to sell by wholesale the articles compounded under such license, may be granted to any party who had complied with the provisions of this Act; provided that the granting of the license has been approved by the District Inspector of Inland Kevenue, and that the party has, jointly and severally, with two good and suilicient sureties, entered into a bond with Uer Majesty, her heirs and successors, in the sum of one thousand dollars, and such bond shall be taken before the Collector of In- land Kevenue, who ehall cause such sureties to justify as to their sulticiency before him, by alhdavit endorsed upon such bond, and shall be conditioned for the rendering of ail accounts and the payment of all duties and penalties which the party to whom the license is granted will become liable to render or pay under the provisions of this Act, and that such party will faithfully comply with the requirements thereof, according to their true intent and meaning, as well with regard to such accounts and penalties, as to all other matters and things whatsoever." 4. *'The party in whose name a license is granted to act as a compounder, shall, upon receiving such license, pay to the Col- lector of Inland Kevenue, the sum of tifty dollars." GOOD II ALL bTOV£l» AT JODOI!^ Ac CO'». ■'■■"■"'■'■•■■■■"IHHSHHHBmi d.fs. t > Kt BrT TOUR fiiHIRTS At OEO. BO^TD A CO.'S, 415 XOTRE BA9IE STREET. ADULTERATION OF FOOD, Ac. 79 14. Qiyes authority to appoint analysts of food, drink, and drugs. 15. Empowers Revenue Officers to sei^e and destroy adulter- ated articles, when so reported by the analyst. 22. " Every person who shall wilfully admix, and every person who shall order any other person to admix with any article of food or drink, any deleterious or poisonous ingredient or material to adulterate the same for sale, and every person who shall wil- fully admix, and every person who shall order any other person to admix any ingredient or material with any drug to adulterate the same for sale, shall, for the first offence, forfeit and pay a penalty of one hundred dollars, together with the costs attend- mp; the conviction, and for the same offence shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be imprisoned for a period not exceeding six calendar months, with hard labor." 23. The penalty under this clause, for selling or offering for sale any adulterated article of food or drink is one hundred dol- lars for a first offence ; for a subsequent offence, two hundred dollars ; and, in either case, the adulterated goods are to be seized and forfeited to the Crown.— See Clause 15. 24. " Any person who shall sell any article of food or drink, or any drug, knowing the same to have4)een mixed with any other substance, with intent fraudulently to increase its weight or bulk, and who shall not declare such admixture to any pur- chaser thereof, before delivering the same, and no other, shall be deemed to have sold an adulterated article of food or drink, or drugs, as t'ae case may be, under this Act; *'Every person who mixes, or causes to be mixed with any intoxicating liquors sold or exposed for sale by him, any delete- rious ingredient, that is to say, any of the ingredient specified in the second schedule to this Act, or added to such schedule by any Order in Council made under this Act, or any ingredient deleterious to health ; " Every person who sells, or keeps, or exposes for sale, any intoxicating liquors mixed with any deleterious ingredient ; and " Every compounder, or dealer in, and every manufacturer of intoxicating liquors, who has in his possession, or in any part of the premises occupied by him as such, any adulterated liquor, knowing it to be adulterated, or any deleterious ingredient spe- cified in the second schedule hereto, or added to such schedule by Order of the Governor in Council, for the possession of which he is unable to account to the satisfaction of the Court before which the case is tried, shall be deemed knowingly to have exposed for sale adulterated liquor, and shall be liable for the first offence, to a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month, with or without hard labour ; and for the second or any succeeding offence, to a penalty not exceeding four hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for a time not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour.— gee 28 Vic, chap. 36. H I I ^i| ij i!£ FABiCir OOOD»» CHINESE AX1> SA»>AiiHHkl WARU. m Wn. SESIffEliHAACKt 808 XOTII^ DASIE ST, (SHIRTS 1IIA1>£ fO onbEft AT OEO. BO^'D &. CO/fil, 415 yOTRE PAME STREET. 80 TARIFF OF PILOTAGE. Eegitlationa goDerntng Food Analyata, a. On receipt of sample from the Revenue OfBcer authorised, as provided in the Act above cited, to take such samples^ the Analyst shall open sample, and, in tbe presence of that Officer, shall carefully mix equally and divide sample into two parcels, one of which he shall keep for analysis, the other he shall seal up with his own seal, and deposit with Inland Revenue Officer. b. The Analyst shall preserve a portion of his own sample for future examination. But, if the substance be of such a nature as to undergo alteration by keeping a short time, such as milk, the first analysis shall be final ; and in such case, no analysis shall be held valid, unless report be sent in within twelve hours of the taking of the sample, and in such case duplicate samples shall be unnecessary. c. The Analyst shall impartially perform the duties of his office, and shall not give the result ot his analysis, or the names or addresses of parties whose sample may be submitted to him. to any one, except when called upon to do so in his report to the Department, or before a Court of Law, in conformity with his duties under this Act. F0015 INSPECTORS. Dunbar Browne, L. J.Vincent, J.N. Camyrd, R. Richard, >h P. Beauohamp, and L. C. A. Ste. Marie. Analyst, Dr. J. Baker Edwards. TARIFF OF PILOTAGE Between the Harbours of Quebec and Montreal^ and between the several places therein mentioned. Duly made and passed by the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal^ on the Ibth February, 1877, and approved by Uis Excellency the Governor- General in Council^ on bth March, 1877. From the Harbour of Quebec to Portneuf and the opposite side of the River St. Lawrence, or below Portneuf and above the Harbour of Quebec :— For the pilotage of any vessel in tow, or propelled by steam, (except as hereinatter mentioned,) for each foot of draught of water— Upwards $0 .^0 Downwards 60 For the pilotage of any seagoing; vessel, propelled by steam, lor eaeh foot of draught ot water— Upwards G2i Downwards b2j For the pilotage of any vessel) under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 1 05 Downwards 70 From the Harbour of Quebec to Three Rivers and the opposite side of the River St. Lawrence, or any place abeve Portneuf and below Three Rivers :— GOOD COOKINC} STOVES AT JODOIX ^ CO'S, BOO ST. PAUL STREET, ADVERTISEMENf. 81 CO'ai, _^^I.TT Txro^ ESTABLISHED 1830. '^. ^ # ilE ^ S'SMs MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN EVERY DESGRIPTION OF MACHINERY, STEAM ENGINES, Mill 1r@ A tkattimg^ Pul/eys, Hangers, Lathes, Biscuit H/lachinery. SSALESS IN. ,— AGENTSL FOK First Quality i Brass Goods, Iron and lIFood Working Machiii«ry> Babber aad Leather Belting, Rubber, Hemp and Flax Packing,' Wheels and Emery Cloth. JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNORS Steam and Water Ganges, Rabber, Leather, and Linen Hose, Cotton Waste, Babbit Metal, Saw Gammers, Emery Machines and Grinders. BISCUIT AND CRACKER MACHINERY A SPECIALITY. Nazaretli, Brennan and Dalhousie Streets, I 82 ADVERTISEMENT. THE GUARDIAN FIRE AND LIFE mwmm iiiiipii^ 11 Lombard St., London, Eng. — <^ — •vO^- Subscribed Capital £2,000,000 stg. Total Invested Funds, t//?.o/ £3,000,000 " Funds Invested in Canada $100,000 tjO"* — — jjrENERAL ^GENTS FOI\^ pANADA, BoM Sliffls & Co. anl 6eo. talioIiD, ^0. 2 Merchants^ Exchange Buildings 18 ST. SACRAMEJiT STREET, FOB WTl^'E, aA& X.IP'S. Incorporated by Royal Charter of HIm Ilnjrsfy King: George the First, 17^0. OUef Office, 7 Eoyal SzchanGre, London, Ensr. CAPITAL $1,482,760 PAID UP 2,241,375 FUNDB IN HAND 15,000,000 , Invented in Dominion Government Securities, $150,000, in conformity with Act of Parliament. STEPHENS & FOSTER, GENERAL lACENTSlFOR CANADA, No. 56 St Francois Xauier Street, Montreal. FZEE DEFAETSffSKT. Assurances may be effected on almost all kinds of Property. Short Period Policies will be issued on Grain and Country Produce. All losses satisfactorily established, will be paid without reference to the Board in London. LZFS DEFAETMEITT. This Corporation has granted Assurances on Lives /or a period e-^eeding One Hundred and Fifty Vearst having issued its first Policy on the 7th June, 1721. Two-thirds of the entire profits, without any Deduction for Expenses of Management^ are allotted to the Assured. Tbis arrangement will be found to be more advantageous to the Policy- holders than an apparently larger proportion of the Profits, subject to the expenses of management. The Profits are declared at the end of every five jrears, and the share of the Policy-holders may be appropriated either in increase of the Sum Assured, or as an imme- diate Cash Payment. 88 ADVERTISEMENT. iilIlEiE€IMi Mlil ASSURANCE COMPANY, . Head Office, 29 ^ 20 Cornhill, London. CAPITAL $12,500,000. Funds in hand and Invested, over . . $7,750,000 Uncalled Capital •• ^ $11,250,000 Sranch Office for Sastern Oaaala : UNION BUILDINGS, 43 ST. FRANCOIS XAVlEft STREET, MO N TRE A L. ^ ■ ■ ■ - — M ■ I II ■.— ■ Fire Department. Insurance granted upon Dwelling Houses and Mercantile Risks, including Mills and Manufactories and their contents, at Reasonable Rates. ^ Life Department. Terms Liberal — Rates Moderate — Security Perfect — . Bonuses large, having heretofore averaged over 25 per cent. 0/ the Premiums paid.^ FBED. COLE, General Agent for Eastern Canad4Z, % i^'HITE DREAS SHIRTft 91*50, WORTIl <|2.»5, AT OEO. B09rn A €0/S. TARIFF OF riLOTAGK. 89 For the pilotage of any vessel in tow, or propelled by steam, (except as nereinafter mentioned,) or each foot of drauKht of water— Upwards ,^l fiO 1 50 75 75 Downwards For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel , propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards Downwards For the pilotage of any vessel, under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 2 60 Downwards 1 90 From the Harbour of Quebco to Sorel and the opposite side of the River St. Lawrence, or any place above Three Kivers and below Sorel :— For the pilotage of any vessel in tow, or propelled by steam, (except as hereinafter mentioned,) lor each foot ot draught of water— Upwards $1 50 Downwards 1 50 For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel, propelled by steam, tor each foot of draught of water— Uiwa ds 1 87i Downwards — 1 87 J For the pilotage of any vessel, under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 3 15 Downwards 2 10 From the Harbour of Quebec to the Harbour of Montreal. or to any place above iSorel, and below the Haibour of Montreal :— For the pilotage of any vessel in tow, or propelled by steam, (except as hereinafter mentioned.) for each foot of draught of water- Upwards $2 00 Downwards 2 00 For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel, propelled by steai- ,> for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 2 50 Downwards 2 50 For the pilotage of any vessel, under sail, for each foot of draught of water— U pwards 4 20 Downwards - 2 80 From the Harbour of Montreal to Sorel, or to any place above Sorel and below Hochelaga, and from Sorel, or any place above Sorel and below Hochelaga, to the Harbour of Montreal, for each toot of draught of water, for each such pilotage— Upwards 1 00 Downwards 1 00 For the removal of any vessel from one wharf to another, within the limi^^s of the Harbour ; or from any of the wharves into the Lachine Canal ; or out of the said ' > Canal to any of the wharves in the Harbour ; or from the foot of the current ; or from Longueuil into the Harbour; or from the Harbour to the foot of the current ; or to Longueuil ; for each such service .... 5 00 I CD JAPANESE WARE, J£%V£L.I.ERY, FANCY OOODS. WM. SEMMEIiHAACK, 303 NOTRE DAME ST. n i» t li BUT TOUR SHIRTS AT GEO. BOND 4; CO«'S| 415 NOTRE PAKE STREET. I. 1*0 HAUBOUll TARIFF. TARIFF OF RATES AND DUES J)u€8 to be levied on all Vessels in the Harbour* cts* On Steamboat! measuring 50 tons and upwards, per ton register, for each day of 24 hours they remain in the Harbour, reckoned from the hour of their arrival to that of their departure 1^ On all other Vessels measuring 50 tons and upwards, per ton register, and per day, as aforesaid | On Steamboats measuring under 50 tons register, for each day reckoned as aforesaid, each _. 40 On all other Vessels, measuring from 25 to 50 tons register, per day, reckoned as aforesaid, each 25 On all Vessels of less than 25 tons register each, per day as aforesaid, each 10 Bates to be levied on all Merchandise, Ani^nah and things whatsoever^ Landed or Shipped in the Harbour. ARTICLES. Per Rate cts ARTICLES. Per Ashes, Pot or Pearl barrel 7 Axes dozen 2 Animals, unde- scribed each 2 Apples Alum barrel 2 ton weight 25 Anchors »> 25 Anvils (( 25 Arrowroot .... (( 30 Ale, Beer, and Porter, inbtl. ton meas'mt. 25 Beef barrel Bark cord dozen Baskets 2 Brooms, Corn . »» Art Buckets »( Batteaux each 10 Boats, undscb'd «. 4 Burrstones .... i( •1 Bottles, empty. ton meas'mt. ]5 Ballast ton weight 10 Bones tt 2.5 Kr.Tii ......... 1(X) 25 I'arrels, empty. 20 Billets ICKI 15 Boxes, empty . . 100 20 Bricks 1000 10 (( tt t( i( ii Rate cts. Barley, Pot or Pearl ton weight Batting ton meas'mt. Biscuit ton weieht Blue Bread Brimstone .... Butter Bleaching P'der Cinders Coal Coke Canoes Carriages on wheels Carts Casks, empty, undescribed . Cattle, Neat . . . Cement ton weight Chains . . " V'tldlK ■ • • • * • • Chinaware, in packages .... ton meas'mt. Copperas ton weight Clay, in natural state " Corks ton meas'mt. each it <( head 30 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 10 10 '> 10 2 1 4 25 25 25 20 25 10 15 Buy your COOKIXG, KALL, PARL.OIt d: DOCJBIiE STOVES at JODOirV A CO'S, 309 St. Paul Street. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOND A €0.% 415 NOTRF DA:VIB STREET. HARBOUR TARIFF. 91 ARTICLBS. Per Rate cts. Crockery, in crates ton meas*mt. 15 Com, Indian . . 100 bushels 25 Candies ton weight 30 Cheese *' 30 Chocolate ..... *' 30 Cocoa *» 30 Coffee ♦» 30 Cordage " 30 Cork, unmanu- factured •» 30 Cotton, ton wt..SO ton meas'mt. 20 Crackers, »* 30 " 30 Cider " 30 ♦' 25 Currants ton weight 30 CottonWaste, tn.wt. 80 tn. mt. 15 Dusters, Corn . dozen 1 Drugs, not oth- erwise enume- rated, ton wt. 40 ton meas't. 30 Dry Goods, do. 50 *' 50 Earthenware, in crates ton meas'mt. 15 Ditto, loose, ton wt. 25 ton mt. 15 Eggs 1000 4 Earth ton weight 30 Fish barrel 2 Flour " 2 Fish, Shell .... " 3 Fruit, Green . . bushel 1 Fluids, unenu- merated, ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Feathers ton weight 50 Flax " 30 Fruits, dried .. " 30 Fish, dry or green " 25 Fish, in oil, ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Furniture, ** 40 ** 30 Game dozen 2 Gear, Raft .... ton weight 25 Gypsum *» 25 Grindstones ... ** 25 Gass, Window 100 feet 2 Glassware, in packages .... ton meas'mt. 20 Grain (Oats ex- cepted) 100 bushels 25 Ginger ton weight SO Glue " 30 _ ARTICLES. Per Rate cts. Grease ton weight 30 Gunpowder ... •* 30 Gold or Bullion .... .... Free Groceries, not otherwise en- umerated, ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Hides dozen 5 Horses each 4 Horns . . .... ton weight 2.'> Hoofs ♦• 26 Hay •* 20 Handspikes • . . 100 pieces 15 Hemp ton weight 30 Honey " 80 Hops ^ 30 Hard ware, man- ufactured, ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Hollow Ware . ton meas'mt. 20 Iron ton weight 25 Iron Pipe •• 30 Junk ♦• 30 Lemons ton meas'mt. 20 Lime ton weight 10 Luggage »• 25 Liquors ton wt. 40 ton mt, 30 Laths 1000 4 Lumber (board measure) .... 1000 feet 10 Lampblack ton weight SO Lard " 30 Leather ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Lead (ground) White or Red ton weight 30 Liquorice Paste ** 30 Meal barrel 2 Meats *» 2 Metals of all > . > kinds, in pig, i bar, bolts, rods or sheets .... ton weight 30 (When in lots of 5 tons and over, 25 cts.) Millstones .... ton weight 25 Moulds, Plough »' 25 Matches 12 gross 2 Malt 100 bushels 25 Marble, unman- ufactured ... 100 cubic ft. 20 Do.manufact'd Granite, &c. . ton weight 30 11 •i li I CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICL.ES OF YIRTU* WiH. SEmMEMIAACK, 303 NOTRE DAME ST. sr WHITE DREftA SHIRTS 91.50, WORTH •9.S9, AT 92 llAHHOim TARIFF. ARTiCLBS. Per Rate cts. M e a tt , dry salted . . tonwt. 20 ton mt. 16 Meats, preicrv'd, ton weight 25 Molasses " 80 Machinery, ton wt. 30tonmt. 30 Nails ton weight 25 Nuts of all kinds '' 30 Oars 100 15 Oranges ton meas'mt. 20 Onions bushel 1 Oysters ....... '* 1 Ores of all kinds ton weight 25 Oil " 30 Oakum " 30 Ochres •* 30 Oilcake *• 30 Oats 100 bushels 15 Pitch barrel 2 Pork •' 2 Plates, Canada box 2 Plates, Tin .... ♦• 2 Pails dozen 2 Poultry •* 2 Puncheon packs each 2 Pipes, empty . . *' 2 Puncheons, empty *' 2 Pipes, Clay .... ton meas'mt. 20 Potatoes bushel 1 Plaster of Paris ton weight 25 Poles, Hop .... 100 6 Pulse 100 bushels 25 Paint .... ton wt 30 ton mt. 25 Pdper, (wrap'g) " 30 '• 25 Putty ♦• 30 " 26 Phosphate of Lime, unman- utactured . . . ton weight 10 Plaster of Paris unmanufact'd ** 10 Petroleum (four barrels to the '^' ton ** 20 Pickles and Sauces . ton wt. cOton mt. 25 Rosin barrel 2 Rags ton wt. 30 ton mt. 25 Rice " 30 " 25 Rope '« 30 *' 25 ARTICLES. Per Rate eta. Shovels dozen 2 Skins, Buffalo . *' 10 Skins, untann'd <& uncured, ton wt.40 ton mt. 30 Spades dozen 2 Snooks, punch- each 2 Staves, barrel.. roille 15 Do. punch.. '* 20 Do. siand'id " 60 .Sand ton weight 10 Shorts ♦• 25 Shot " 25 Soda Ash, Caus- tic Soda. Sal Soda, Silicate Soda •* 25 Spikes " 25 Stoves " 26 Straw ** 20 Stone (except ballast) 100 cubic ft. 20 Salt 100 bushels 25 Seed ** 25 Sleepers, R.R. 100 25 Shingles lUOO 4 Slates for roofi'g 1000 lO Sago ton weight 30 Saleratus '» 30 Sulphur " 30 Saltpetre " .^0 Snuff »* 30 Soap " 3U Spices •• 30 Starch ** 30 Stoneware, in crates ton meas'mt. 15 Sugar ton weight 30 Sewing Ma- chines . . ton wt. 30 ton mt. 30 Steel *' 40 " 30 Tar barrel 2 Tiles for roofi'g 1000 10 Timber 100 cubic ft. 10 Tallow ton weight 30 Teas ton wt. 40 ton mt. 30 Tobacco ton weight 30 Tow ♦♦ '60 ^Vehicles, unde- scribed each 4 CK>OD DOUBLE STOVES AT JODOIN & CO'Si^ 30Q ST, VAVIa STRE^'C* !? nirt Touli shiIIts At «eo. bohd a co.% 415 NOTBE DAME STREET. HARBOrn TARIFF, 98 ARTICLnS. Vegctabl es green Do preserved . Vinegar . • • ton Wood, fire . . . . Do. laih . . . Whiting . . . . . Wine ..... ton Wadding Per Rate cts. bushel 1 . ton weight 25 wt. 40 ton mt. 30 cord 6 30 . ton weight 25 wt. 40 ton mt. 30 . ton meas'mt. 15 AKTICLES. Wax Wire Wool Whetstones . . . Whisks, corn . . Wood, manu- ■ factured Waters, aerated and mineral. . Per Kate cts. ton weight 80 80 ton meas'mt. 25 ton weight 30 dozen 1 ton meas'mt. 20 " 20 On all Goods, Wares and Merchandise whatsoever, the quantity of which by wei{|;ht, measurement, or other mode of estimate provided for in the Tariff, cannot be conveniently ascertained, it shall be lawful for the Harbour Commissioners to levy a rate of i of 1 per cent on the value thereof. Goods not coming under any class enumerated in the Tariff, shall be charged the same rate as the class to which they are most nearly assimilated. Each entry shall pay not less than 5 cents. All property landed on the wharves for re-shipment, shall only pay one wharfage. The Ton Weight mentioned in the Tariff shall be 2000 lbs. m Commissioners and Officers, Habkour ov Montreal.— Thos. Cramp, chairman ; P. Donovan, A. Hoy, Hon. J. R. Thibaudeau, Edw. Mackay, H. McLennan, C. H. Gould. Hon. J. L. Beaudry, (Mayor), and A. Allan: .secretary,: H. D. Whitney, assistant secretary ; J.Kennedy, harbour engi- neer ; J. Howden, mechanical engineer ; , assistant engineer; A- M- Rudolf, harbourmaster; L. St.Louis, assistant harbour master; J. Ferns, wharfinger; J. iSmail, assistant wharfinger: J. Leveille, supeiintendent of pilots : A. L. Wil- liams, F. Young, and F. P. Armstrong, clerks; M. Brennan, water baili£f ; R. Gahan, caretaker. Insurance, Law and Mercantile l^RX XT X X ir Q> HEATLY EXECUTED BY ■:. !i TEBRA. COTTA « BBONZE OBNAMlSIirTS, Jewelleiy, ^ M ISUlftTSt SffADS to ORl>i:R AT OEO. BOI^TD A CO.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. 3 H eS I I I 3 o o O S3 CQ i I 94 CORPORATION. CITY COUNCIL, &c. H. A. Nelson, Jacques Grenier, S. Rivard, P. Donovan, Richard Holland, B. A. Q6n^rcux, D. R. McCord, Robert Taylor, Wm. Clendinneng, Hon. Jean-Louis BKAtDRY, Mayor. Aldermen i Henri Gauthier, Nathan Mercer, Thomas Wilson, T. D. Hood, J. E. Mullin, 0. Robert, Patrick Kennedy, Michel Laurent, Charles Thibault, G. Mel an Con, George GhildSr E. K. Greene, P. P. Martin, James McShase, Charles Hagar, H. Jeannotte, Chas. D. Proctor, E. Lavigne. Committees. . Finance.— Alderman Nelson, chairman ; Aldermen Grenier, G^n^reux, Clendinneng, Mullin, Melan^on, and Childs. Roads.— Alderman Laurent, chairman ; Aldermen Taylor, Gauthior, Hood, Robert. Kennedy, and Proctor. Police.— Alderman Grenier, chairman ; Aldermen Rivard, Taylor, Wilson, Hood, Kennedy, and Hagar. Fire— Alderman Rivard, chairman ; Aldermen Mercer, Ken- nedy, Melan^on, Greene, Martin, and Lavigne. Water.— Alderman Donovan, chairman ; Aldermen Holland, Clendinneng, Hood, Robert, Laurent, and Thibault. Markets.— Alderman Holland, chairman; Aldermen Gau- thier, Mercer. Mullin, Robert, Thibault, and Hagar. Light.— Alderman G^n^reux. chairman ; Aldermen McCord, Mercer, Thibault, Greene, McShane, and Jeannotte. CiTT Hall.— Alderman Taylor, chairman ; Aldermen Hol- land, Wilson, Childs, McShane, Jeannotte, and Lavigne. Special Committees. • Parks and Ferries.— Alderman Wilson, chairman ; Alder- men Clendinneng, Laurent, Thibault, Greene, McShane, and Lavigne. New Citt Hall.— -Alderman Hood, chairman ; Aldermen Rivard, Holland, G^ndreux, Clendinneng, Wilson, and Martin. Board op Health. Alderman Childsj'chairman. Doctor Hingston, vice-chairman ** Greene. " William Mount, « ^^harged at pro "'*^^ ^^^'^ ^*^« tTmiexVeeSth^^^^^^^^^^ l2£S&Til^^! "''^^ *^*^« ^'^"ff rates for rides. thf Sfti^lSatfe^^i!.^^^^^^^^^^ extending beyond i boxes or parcels, wM^p'LX'^//- ar^f »Jy"ttj#'^«^«^ 4 » At mtt YOLH fi^HlKTS AT GEO. BOND' d; CO/S, 415 NOTRE BAME STREET. CORPORATION. 99 TARIFF OF CARTAGE. From any place to any other in the first Division, or froto any place (exclusive of the Harbor Wharves) to any other place in the Oity, and vice veraa, provided the distance does not exceed three-quarters of a mile :— Articles not herein enumerated (of a convenient bulk), not over 1,500 lbs. weight, 15 cts-; Ashes, Pot or Pearl, two barrels, 15 cts.; Beef, Pork or Fish, fiVe barrels or three tierces, 15 ots.; Coals or Coke, half a chaldron or half a ton, 15 cts.; Crockery, one crate or one hogshead, 15 cts.; Floiir or Fruit, seven bar- rels, 15 cts.; Grain, not over 1,500 lbs. weight, 15 cts.; Lumber, sawn, from yard or boat, 500 feet, board measure, 15 cts ; Salt or Rice, six bags or six barrels, 15 cts. ; Firewoodj .dry, from boat or yard, half a cord, three feet long, 15 cts.; Firewood, green or from rafts, half a cord, three feet long, 20 otis.; Furni- ture or Luggage, per load, 20 cts.; Lumher> green or hard, from rafts, 500 feet, board measure, 20 cts.; Molasses, Sugar or Oil, one puncheon, hogshead or load. 20 cts-; Pig Iron, Lead, Cop- per or Tin, one ton, 25 cts.; Bar Iron or Steel, one ton, 30 cts. From any of the Harbor Wharves to any place into the second or third Division, within half a mile distance from the boundary line of the first Division, and vice versa, or from any place (ex- clusive of the wharves), to any other in the City, and vice versa^ Erovided the distance does not exceed H miles, the rates shall e 10 cents extra. For every additional half mile, 10 cents. >. 1 1 From any place in the Western Section of the First Division, and vice versa, for one load : To the stores and wharves below Wellington bridge, north side of Lachine Canal, 20 ots.; the stores and wharves below Wellington bridge, south side of Lachine Canal, 25 cts.; the basins above Wellington bridge, north side of Lachine Canal, 25 cts.; the basins above Welling- ton bridge, south side of Lachine Canal, and the stores, stations, factories, (&c., at Point St. Charles, 35 cts.; the stores, factories <&c., at and above St. Gabriel Locks, north of Lachine CanaU 30 cts ; the St. Bonaventure street Railway Station, 20 cts.; the St. Bonaventure street Railway Station, from the lower wharves of the Harbour, 25 cts. From any place in the Eastern Section of the First Division^ and vice veraaj for one load, 5 cents additional. For any excess over the quantity or weight fixed for a load additional pro rata rates shall be paid. If delay is caused to the carter, by the employer, beyond the time usually required tor loading, the carter shall be paid extra for such delay, at the rate of five cents for every quarter of an hour. If a carter is called and there be no load ready for him, or if he be tmabU to load the goods or articles for want of assistance, he shall be paid as if he carried a load the distance thus unnecessarily travelled. Q» CHINESE ANB JAPANESE ABTICI.ES OF VIRTU« i sit I * ! M I ittlRtS mADE TO ORDEll A'f OCO.^ONO A €0.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. 100 WATER TARIFF. Dii)%8ion8 of the City.— The First Division comprises the East, Centre and West Wards, (including the soutn-west side of McGill street and the north- west side of Craig street), and shall be sub-divided into two sections, (Eastern and Western), the line of demarcation between them being the centre of St. Lam- bert and St. Joan-Baptiste streets. The Second Division comprises the St. Ann, St. Antoine and St. Lawrence Wards (exclusive of McGfill and Craig streets.) The Third Division comprises the St. Louis Ward (exclusive of Craig street), the St. James and St. Mary's Wards. vi^ t i MONTREAL WATER WORKS. Extracts from By-Laws Nos. 65, 66, 82, enacted April 20, 1873. Sec. 5. It is expressly forbidden to any occupant of a house or building, or any part thereof, supplied with water from the said water works, to furnish water to others, or to use it other- wise than for his own use, or to increase the supply of water agreed for, or to waste it, or to practice any fraud upon the said Corporation with regard to the water so supplied. Sec. 6. All persons taking the water shall keep the distribution pipes within their premises in good repair, and protected from frost, at their own expense ; and they shall be held liable to the Corporatiou for all damages that may result from their failure to do so. Sec. 7. No person shall fraudulently connect any pipe with the water pipes of the Corporation, or with any pipe, cistern or apparatus coQuected therewith, or to or into which the water from the said water works shall flow or proceed ; or shall fraud- ulently use or otherwise misappropriate the water supplied by the city, or knowingly permit the same to be fraudulently used or misappropriated. Sec. 8. If any person supplied with water by the Corporation do, or permit to be done, anything in contravention of this by- law, or fail to do anything prescribed by this by-law, the super- intendent, or his deputy, may cut off the water supply, and cease to supply such person with water so long as the cause of complaint remains, or is not remedied. Sec, 9. No person shall wrongfully cause or suffer any pipe, valve, cock, oistern, bath, soil-pan, water-closet, or other appa- ratus or receptacle to be out of repair, or to be so used or con- trived as that the water supplied to him is, or is likely to be wasted, misused, or unduly consumed. Sec. 10. No alteration shall be made in any of the pipes or fixtures inserted by the city, except by its agents or officers. GOOD JDOCJBLE ^XOVJES AT JOOOIN & CO'»» 809 ST> PAUli STBEEXi WHITE DRESS RHIRTS 81.50, WORTH $2.95, AT or WATER TAIUFF. 101 See 11. No person supplied with water from the said water works by meter, shall be allowed to connect, or cause to be con- nected, any pipe or other fixture between the Corporation's ser- vice pipe and the meter. Sec 12. No person, unless duly authorised by the water com- mittee, shall open any hydrant in the said city, or lift or remove the cover of, or draw water from the same. iSeo. 13. No person shall turn on or turn off the water in any manner, or interfere with any of the water pipes or valves be- longing to the city, without the license of the water committee, or of the said superintendent. See. 14. No person shall pass the railing enclosing the reser- voirs of the said city, or shall defile or deposit any filth or offensive matter in the said reservoirs, or on the bank or ground adjacent thereto, belonging to the said city, or shall allow any dog or other animal to jump into the said reservoirs, or upon the said bank or ground, or shall pass or remain upon the said bank or ground after 10 o'clock in the evening ; or snail do or cause anything to bo done tending to defile or corrupt, to disturb or agitate, the waters of the said reservoirs. Sec. 15. No person shall draw or use water from the River St. Lawrence, or elsewhere, for the purpose ot selling the same in any part of the city. Sec. 16. No person shall draw or use water from the water works in the said city for private fountains, or for hand-hose fur watering purposes, or for building or manufacturing purposes, unless such person shall have previously obtained from the superintendent of the said works a written permission to that effect, and paid the respective rates charged in the subjoined tariff, for the supply of water in such cases ; and in no cases shall the said hose be used for sprinkling or watering the streets be- tween 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Stc. 17. No person shall use any hand-hose of a larger size or nozzle than one-fourth of an inch orifice, or use any hand- hose for the purpose of washing horses, coaches, omnibuses or other vehicles. Sec. 18. No meter shall be used for determining the quantity of water supplied by the said works, unless the same shall have been previously submitted to and approved by the said superintendent. Sec. 19. The several rates enumerated and specified in the tariff contained in the subjoined schedule, shall be, and the same are hereby imposed for water to be supplied from the water works of the said city. Sec. 20. The said rates shall be due and payable to the city treasurer, in advance, on the 15th day of August, every year, by the occupant or lessee, or occupants or lessees, of all build- ings, part of buildings or tenements in the said city, supplied with water from the said works, as well by those who shall CD CD O 00 et- CD B S Cd fERRil COTTA d^ BRONZE ORIVASEEXTS, Jewellery, WM. SEMIIIEI.HAACK, 303 NOTRE DAHE (ST. w 1 CD !l 1 * ^ : i ■': I'i A BUT TOVR SHIRTS AT OEO. BOND A CO.% 415 NOTRE DA9IE STREET. consent as by those who shall refuse to receive the water pipe to supply the said water, or to use the same. Sec. 21. All charges for specific supplies or for fractional parts of the year, shall be payable in advance, and before the water is let on. Sec. 22. In buildings, occupied as offices, where there are water closets in the building, each tenant of an office or ttuite of offices, will be charged, in addition to the tariff rate, a water closet tax. Sec. 23. A discount of five per cent, shall be allowed to all water tenants who shall pay the said rates on or before the fifteenth day of August in each year. Sec. 24. In all oases of non-payment of the rates imposed by the present by-law, for thirty days after the same are due, the said council, or any duly authorized officer charged with the management of the said works, may out oif the supply of water from any building upon which the said rates shall be due, or from any one in default to pay the said rates, which shall not prevent the said rates from running as before, and the water shall not be let on, for the %se of any such defaulter, except upon payment of all arrears due. Sec. 25. Any person offending against any of the provisions of this by-law, or of the said tariff, shall for each and every such infraction, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, and costs of prosecution, and, in default of immediate payment of the said fine and costs, to an imprisonment in the common gaol tor a period not to exceed two months, the said imprisonment to cease upon payment of the said fine and costs. WATEK TAEIFF. DWELLING HOUSES. For every tenement or dwelling house occupied by one family only : Per Annum. 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $30 per annum $5.00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $30, but not over $40, 5 . 75 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $40, but not over $50 6 50 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that is to say, adding for every additional sum of $10, or any part thereof 1 00 For every additional family lodging in or occupying any part of such tenement or dwelling house, an additional rate shall be enacted, equal to one- third of the rate imposed for a single family. OOOD COOKINO STOVES AT JODOIN Se OO^S, 309 ST. PAVI. STREET. as: co.% SHIRTS MADS TO OBD£R AT «EO. BOIVD A CO.*0^ 415 NOTRi: DAME STREET. WATER TARIFF, 103 STORES. SHOPS, OFFICES. &o. For each house, part of a house or tenement, occupied as a store, shop, office, warehouse, manufactory, or other place of business : Per Annum. 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $50 per annum $4.00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $50, but not over$75 5.00 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $75, but not over $100 ».... 6.00 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, that IS to say, adding for every additional sum of $25, or any part thereof 1 .00 r Stores, shops, offices, and other places of business, when attached to a dwelling occupied by the same party, to be charged at dwelling house rates on the full rental of the whole tenement, when such rental does not exceed one hundred dollars per annum. SCHOOLS, CHURCHES. HOSPITALS, &o. Every building used as a college, academy, seminary of learning or school, all churches, poorer alms houses, nunneries, houses of industry, and generally all religious or charitable institutions, hospitals and reformatories, shall be charged at sliop rates, to be based and determined upon the interest, at four per cent., of the actual value of the property in such case, the said value as set forth and established in and by the assessment roll last made and revised. Provided that all such iustitutions, with the exception of churches, may, if they see fit, use water by meter, and pay therefor at the same rate as distilleries, breweries, and other establishments hereinafter mentioned. Charitable institutions, wholly supported by means of public subscriptions, shall be charged at the rate of one and a half Cents per hundred gallons. HOTELS AND TAVERNS. For every hotel or tavern : Per Annum. 1 . When assessed at an amount not exceeding $100 per annum $12.00 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $100, but not over $150 17.00 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $150, but not over $200 22.00 And so on, continuing according to the same scale that is to say, adding fur every adaitional sum of $50, or any part thereof 5 00 Hotels, whose assessed rental per annum will be $400 and over, and containing at least twenty furnished bed-rooms for "^o's, m |~- FANCY GOODS, CmHTESE AND JAPANESE WARE. 1¥M. SEMMEI^HAACK, 303 NOTRE DAME ST. I § m o B iiiMh. ■Mil. WRITE DRESS SHIRTS 91.(10, WORTH M.9S, AT GEO. BOND A CO.'S. I I I S CO I ■s I •9 I I 104 WATEU TARIFF. the aooommodation of travellers, shall take the water by meter, and be charged therefur at the same rate as distilleries, brew- eries, &.Q. HAND HOSE. Per Annum. For the right to attach and use a hose of not more than une-fourth of an inch orifice, for watering purposes $2.00 • BUILDING MATERIALS. Fur every thousand bricks used, the water therefor to bo charged (payable in advance) 0-06 Fur every toi^e of masonry, the water therefor to bo charged (payable in advance) 0-05 For every thousand yards of plastering (payable in advance) 4.00 FOUNTAINS. Fountains shall only be supplied with water at the discretion of the water committee, and when »o supplied shall be charged as follows:— For every 100 gallons of water $0.03 The quantity used to be determined in all cases by the estimate uf the water cummittee, ur by meter. BATHS. Per Annum. Public Baths, or Baths for the use of which a charge is made by the occupants— for each tub $6-00 —with power to the water committee to charge by meter if they see lit. HORSES AND COWS. A uniform rate shall be charged for horses and cows, as tol- lows :— Ti , , Per Ai'inum. £ or each horse $2.00 For each cow 1.00 Livery Stable Keepers shall pay— for each single stall, whether occupied or unoccupied 2.00 Hotel and Tavern Keepers shall be charged— for each single stall, whether occupied or unoccupied. ... 1.00 GOOD HALIi STOVES AT JODOIN & €0's7 309 ST. PAUIi STREET. ADVERTISEMENT. 105 ROYAL INSURANCEjCOMPANY. FIRE and LIFE, OFFICES : ^ Corner St Francois Xauier& Hospital Streets. CAPITAL - - - , . - 810,000,000 ANNUAL INOOME . . - 6,000,000 FUNDS IN HAND - - - 20,000,000 This Company has the largest surplus of Assets over lidbilUy of any Fire Insurance Company in the world, »■ >♦ ■■ FIRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions cf Property insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderate rates. ^ Insurances on Dwellings and their contents effected on favorable terms. Losses promptly settled without reference to the Home Office. . LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unqu€;stion- able security is offered to Policy-holders. Besides the large Sub- scribed and Paid-Up Capital of the Companv« Assurers have Addi- tional Security Im the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. - ".p. Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms, and full information can be j^ obtained on application to the undersigned. ^ ", M. H. QAULT, M.iP,., J. KENNEDY, W. TATLEY. Ins^ctor. Chief A gents /or Canada- W. E. SCOTT, M.D., Medical Examiner. L., loe ADVERTISEMENT. i EGYPTIAN TJtUa ORS-^'T NEEYO SVOMACHIC VOIIC, SO HIGHLY RECX}MMENDED BT Ministers of the Gospel, Physicians, Chemists and others, IS SOLD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS IN THE DOMINIOH. TESTIMONIALS. Thomas H. McLean, Esq., Montreal. Dear S'/r,— I have much pleasure in testifying to the value of your Egyptian Bittbes, the Nervo-Stoinachic Tonic. I consider, from having personally used it, that it is all you claim for it— and have Hot the least doubt whatever that when it is thoroughly placed before the public, it will command very extensive sales. I can therefore conscien- tiously recommend the Eoyptian Bitters to my custom- ers, and to the public generally. Yours truly, Montreal, 1st Aug. 1878. J. A. HARTE, Chemist and Druggist, Glasgow Dnig Hall, -4«^ Soldlby all Chemists iand Druggists. V »faih<*<«i'. M>^itm»iiiM.M I I h ! I i I s i 108 ADVERTISEMENT. - R. MILLARD & CO. MANUFACTURERS Bailiay Glairs and Sniies SHIP AND BOAT SPIKES, BOILER RIVETS, AND ALL KINDS or MACHINERY, 147 PRINCE STREET. ' taammmammmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmamHm^mma^mmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmm/mmmmmmmmm ■ ■ - MILLER BROS. & MITCHELL, Hydraulic ANO Steam Elevam Builders, 114 AND 116 KING STREET, MONTREAL. E^^Improved Hydraulic, Steam and Hand Elevators, for Ware- houses, Hotels, &c ; Engines ; Wheels for Transmission of Power by Wire Rope ; Derricks for Stone and Slate Quarries ard for Builders' use ; Bangor and Keystone Bark Mills, Shafting, Hangers, Pulleys, Gearing, &c., &c. INGERSOKL IMPROVED ROCK DRILL. ADVERTISEMENT. m DOMINIOH UNE of STUMiiRIPS RUNNING IN CONNECTION WITH THE Grand Tru/ih Railujay of Canada. ONTARIO .. MEMPHIS .. MISSISSIPPI TEUTONIA ST. LOUIS .. 3,200 tons. 2,500 " 2,250 2,150 2,000 DOMINION TEXAS .. QUEBEC .. BORASSIA BROOKLYN 3,200 tons. 2,350 2,250 2,150 3. 500 (< WeeUlyfrom Quebec in Sammer. Fortnlfflitly , from Portland in Winter* RATES OF PASSAGE FOR THE WIMTER MONTHS: Cabin, Montreal to IJTerpool, ^30.00 A ^00.00 Return do 90.00^ 110.00 JVO STEEJiAGE TAKEN. Through Tickets can be had at all the principal Grand Trunk Railway Ticket Offices in Canada, and Through Bills of Lading are granted to and from all parts of Canada. For Freight or Passage, apply in London to Bowring, Jamikson & Co., 17 East India Avenue; in Liverpool, to Flinn* Main & Montgomery, 24 James Street ; in Quebec, to W. M. Macphbrson ; at all Grand Trunk Railway Offices, or to DAVID TORRANCE & CO., / Exchange Court, J ■ w t ] 1 j V -L. it» iJil lil jU» I Hi> i rt X.IJFJffi CAPITAL, TWO MmiONS STERMNO. FORBES & MUDQE, 191 & 193 ST- JAMES STREET, DAWES & CO. ESTABLISHED 1820. / India Pale Ale and XX Mild Ale. No. 1 Strong Ale & Extra Stout Porter. Brewery, Lachine, P. Q. OFFZCS, 216 ST. JAMES STBSST, MONTREAL. « / ADVERTISEMENT. Ill FAIB, WALKER & FAIR, ], 15 St, Francois Xavier Streeti ^ . MONTREAL. JOHN FAIR, Official Assignee, JOHN WALKER. JOHN FAIR, Jr. 4 ^^P' ^^^H ^ « s 7? dik T z o nr B i^ AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER 94 St. Francois ZaTier Street, lontreal. (JV>jr/ /Ae Offices of the Canadian Express Co.) P08XAQE AND BILL STAMPS. ' t, iiiiriiii 1 1 liiiutiia^ai^j ■ I [ r ' i 112 ADVERTISE MENT. gJaladtimao: Wftt^i^s » i«»* » mm MemwMJL Jl Elsra-IITEEK/, Ji, ffi|i|i,f§imsif isi4||i@%bii|l, MANUFACTURER OF ■• . ■ r ■ Engines AND Boilers, Irinch bubb mill stones, Bark Md Barkj ICUs, ST. MBBIEL LOCKS, - MONTREAL S1IIKT8 MADli: TO ORDER AT GEO. BOND A CO.^S, 413 NOTRE DAME StTREET. WATER CLOSETS. fcr Annum For each Pan Closet supplied from a cistern, with a service box and valve ,'?;4 00 For each Pan Closet with Undorhayes, or any other regulator approved of by the Water Department 3 00 For each Hopper Closet with Underhayes, or any other regulator approved of by the Water Department 3 00 For each Closet of any kind, with cistern, service box, and double valve 4 00 Trough Closets, for each seat, or for every two lineal feet 3 00 For any other kind of Closet, each 15 00 One additional Water Closet will be charged at half-rates for each dwelling where there is more than one water closet. URINALS. For each Urinal with self-acting valve, or cock, running only when being used :— Per Annum. In a Dwelling House or Store $1.00 In a Bank or Public Building 1.60 In a Hotel, Restaurant, Saloon, or Tavern 3.00 For any other kind of Urinals 15 00 CO STEAM ENGINES. For stationary high pressure engines, working not over twelve hours per day :— Per Annum. For each horse power * $7.00 Or for every hundred gallons of water (the supply to be determined by meter) 03 For stationary low-pressure Engines : for every 100 gallons of water, (the supply to be determined, as above, by meter) 0.03 All rates herein imposed for Steam Engines shall be separate from and over and above any other rate for water imposed on the premises. - n. ■ ' r DISTILLERIES, BREWERIES, &c. Distilleries, Breweries, Dye Houses, Railway, Printing or Photographic establishments, and all manufacturing establish- JAPANESE WARE, jrm4VJb:i.L.Elt¥, FAJKCV OOOTO« m^WSH* I^SSISISJLHAACK, 303 NOTBIi DABIi: |9T» ^. % I! SHIRTS MABi: rO ORDfill At GEO. BOND A COM 415 NOTRE ]>AI«E STREET. •♦2 I 4:4 pi O S g 1/2 P O O 114 >VATER TARIFF. ments, Colleges, Seminaries, Nunneriesr and Hospitals, may be supplied by meter, and charged as follows :— When the quantity used averages 1,000 gallons per day or less, at the rate of 30 cents per 1,000 gallons ; when the quantity used averages from 1,000 to 2,000 gallons per day, at the rate of 29 cents per 1,000 gallons. 28 cents. From 6,000 to 7,000 .. 21 cents. 27 " " 7,000 to 8,000.. 19 ' 25 " « 8,000 to 9,000.. 17 23 " *• 9,000 to 10,000 .. 15 When the quantity averages over 10,000 gallons per day, 15 cents per 1,000 gallons. From 2,000 to 3,000 " 3,000 to 4,000 »• 4,000 to 5,000 " 5,000 to 0,000 (I (( METERS. The meters shall be furnished by the city and placed within the premises of the consumers, whose duty it shall be to see that the same are protected from frost or injury, the whole under the direction of the V\ ater Department ; such meters shall at all times be accessible to the Corporation Meter Inspector. An annual rent shall be paid by the consumers for the cost and care of such meters, as follows :— ' : Per Annum, For a << (I (( it ti «( i' inch meter it 1 3 4 6 it (I $3 00 3 75 4 76 8 00 14 00 25 00 45 00 100 00 The rent to be paid semi-annually, that is to say : One-half on the 1st day of May, and the other half on the 1st of November in each year. If the meter gets out of order, and fails to register, the con- sumer will be charged at the average daily consumption pre- viously registered by such meter ; and for the purpose of average the year shall be deemed to be 300 days. The provisions hereinbefore made in regard to the spyply by meter, shall not come into force until public noticv; is given that the Water Committee are prepared to supply meters to con- sumers. When the Committee are thus prepared, they shall give two months' notice to that effect, in the newspaper^ in which the Corporation advertisements usually appear. Pending this notice the Water Committee may fix special rates for unenumerated property or properties, manufactories, or other establishments amtma^a Bny yoar COOKING, UALI^, PARLOR & DOUBliE ^lyVES a< JODOIPT A CO% 809 St. Paul 8tre«t^ BtJlr irouB SHiltts At OEO. Bosrb a co.% 41S NOTRE DAME STREET. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 116 requiring an unusual supply, and no person shall be allowed to use water for any other purpose but for domestic purposes without haying previously obtained a permit from the Wateif Department to do soi Persons desirous of supplying their own meter may do so with the previous dahotion and written permit of the Superintendent of the Water Works. When Water is required for purposes not specified in the fore- going tariff, the rate shall be fixed by the Water Committee. The Water Committee shall have power to ascertain, by meten the quantity of water used in any of the above cases, and charge accordingly. , FIEE DEPARTMENT. it if (i Chief W.Patton. Assistant Chiefs J. Naud and F. MoCulloch. District No. 1. 1 Hose, Craig and Chenneville streets 4 Guardians* 2 Hose, St. Gabriel street 4 5 Hose, St. Catherine street 4 6 Hose, corner German and Ontario streets. 6 1 Skinner Ladder Company) Comer Craig and Chenneville streets 6 Bertram Steam Fire Engine, St. Catherine street 1 Engineer. 1 Salvage Waggon, St. Gabriel street 3 Guardians. 2 Hook and Ladder, Comer German and Ontario streets. District No. 2. < "^ ^ ' ' 3 Hose, Wellington street 5 Guardians . 4 Hose, ChaboilleB Square 4 9 Hose, St. Gabriel Market 4 No. 10 Hose, Corner St. Catherine and Guy sts. ■ . 3 No. 12 Hose, Seigneurs street 4 No. 3 Hook and Ladder, Wellington street 1 Steam Fire Engine, St Gabriel Market. . . 1 Steam Fire Engine, Seigneurs street « . . . . 1 District No, 3* 7 Hose, Dalhousie Square 4 Guardians. 8 Hose, Corner Craig and Gain streets 5 " No. 11 Hose, Corner Beaudry and Ontario sts ... 4 ** No. 4 Hook and Ladder, Corner Craig and Gain streets 1 Chemical Engine, Reserve, Cor. Beaudry and Ontario itreets* No. No. No. No No. No. No. No. No. No. ti ii i< ti «i Engineer, ti No. No. ti CHINESE AJN1> JAPANESE ARTICI^ES OF TIRTfJ, . WM, raSUtEJLHAACK^ 30? JSQVWBi pAMM iTt 1;riIITE DRESS (SUIltTS $1.50, WORTK ^^M, AT OEO.'BOlCn A €0/(i. ' 116 FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH SIQNAL BOXES. ' JBOX NO. LOCALITY, ETC. 1. Custom House (North Corner.)— Key at Montreal House. 2. Corner St. Jean-Baptiste and St. Paul streets.— Key at 13 St. Jean-Baptiste street. 3. Jacques-Cartier Square, corner St. Paul street.— Key at Central Police Station. 4. St. Gabriel street, (Fire Station.)— Key in Station. 5. Corner St. Francois Xavier and Notre Dame streets.— Key with the Police. 6. Corner St. Sacrament and St. Peter streets.— Key at 54 St. 7. Corner St. Paul and McGill streets.— Key at 125 McGill street. 8. Corner Youville and Common streets. — Key at 8 Youville street. 9. Corner Notre Dame and NcGill Streets.— Key with Police. 12- Central Fire Station, Craig street.— Key at Station. 13. Corner Craig street and St. Lambert Hill. — Key ar 45 St. Lam- bert Hill. 14. Corner Vitr^ and Sanguinet streets.— Key at 17 OtBL.G VfOVJBS AT JODOIN 4c GO'N) A BFS TOm dtHIRTS AT 0£0. BOND A CO.% 4ia lirOTRE DAME STREET. FIRE DEPARTMENT. 117 BOX NO. LOCALITY, KTC. 41' Chaboillez SQuare, (Fire Station.)— Key in Station. 42. Wellington street, (Fire Station.)— Key in Station. 43. Mill street.— Key at 120 Mill street. 45. Corner Wellington and McCord sts— Key at 2fil Wellington at. 46. Corner Colborne and Ottawa streets.— Key at 141 Ottawa street. 47. Corner St. Joseph aud Mountain sts.— Key at 364 St. Joseph at. 48. Comer Mountain and St. Antoine sts.— Key at 139 Mountain st. 49. Comer St. Catherine and Mountain sts. — Key at 383 Mountain st. 51. Comer Sherbrooke and Peel sts.— Key at 902 Sherbrooke st. 62. Comer Guy and St. Antoine sts. — Key at 289 St. Antoine st. 53. Corner St. Martin and St. Bonaventure streets.- Key at 489 St. Bonaventure street. 54. Comer St. Joseph and Canning streets.— Key at 690 & 674 St. Joseph street. 56. Comer Fulford and Coursol streets,— Key at 8 Coursol street, 57. Corner Seigneurs and William sts.- Key at 221 Seigneurs st. 58. St. Catherine st. (Fire Station) near Guy st.— Key in Station. 59. Grey Nunnery, Guy street. — Key on premises. 61. Redpath's Sugar Refinery, — Key on premises. 62. St. Gabriel Market, (Fire Station.)— Key in Station. 63. Grand Trunk Works, (Point St. Charles.)— Key on premises. 64. Bonsecours, near Notre Dame street — Key at 17 Bonsecours st. 65. Dalhousie Square, (Fire Station.)— Key in Station. 67. Corner Wolfe and St. Mary streets.— Key at 508 St. Mary st. 68. Comer Roy and Drolet streets.— Key at 100 Drolet street. 69. Comer Sherbrooke and St. Denis sts.— Key at 385 Sherbrooke st. 71. Windsor Hotel, corner Dorchester and Stanley streets. — Key at Windsor Hotel, and also at St. George's School-house. 72. Comer Visitation and Craig streets. — Key at 15 Visitation street. 73. Corner Courville and Cadieux streets. — Key at 58 Cadieux street. 74. Corner Dorchester and St. Andrd sts.— Key at 121 Campeau st. 75. Comer Mignonne and St. Andr^ sts.— Key at 433 Mignonne st. 76. St. James Market, (Ontario street.)— Key with Clerk of Market. 78. Corner St. Patrick and Seigneurs sts —Key with Shearer at Mills. 81. Corner Visitation and Robin Lane.— Key at 252 Visitation st. 82. Corner St. Catherine and Panet sts.— Kev at 475 St. Catherine st. 83. Corner Sydenham and Dorchester sts. — Key at 112 Dorchester st. 84. Corner Seaton and Logan streets. — Key at 189 Seaton street. 85. Corner Seaton and Ontario streets. — Key at 269 Ontario stieet. 86. Corner Congregation and Wellington streets.- Key at 583 Wel- lington street. 87. Corner Forfar and Menai streets. — Key at 86 Forfar street. 91. Corner Craig and Gain streets, (Fire Station.)— Key in Station. 92. Adams* Tobacco Factory, (St. Mary st.)— Key at 100 St. Mary st. 93. Corner Ontario and FuUum streets.— Key at 272 FuUum street. 94. Corner Dubord and Berri streets. — Key at 67 Dubord street. 95 Gas Works, Hochelaga. — Key on premises, 96. Rolling Mills, (St. Joseph street.) — Key on premises. 97. Shedden's Stables, (William street.)— Key on premises. TERRA COTTA A BRO^'Zl!: ORNAMENTS, Jewellery* WM." SEJVIHEI^IIAACH, 303 NOTRE DAHE ST. ' ', ! »HIBTS MADE TO OBDEB AT GEO. BOND « CO.!S^ 415 UrOTBE DAME STBEET. ' i 118 COURTS OF JUSTICE. COUKTS OF JUSTICE. THE SUPREME COURT AND THE EXCHEQUER COURT OF CANADA. , ' 38 Vic. Cap. 11. Sir William Buell Richards, Chief Justice. Hon. W. a. Ritchie, ^ Hon. S. H. Strong, f ^ , . ^ , Hon. H. E. Taohereau, VPuisn^ Judges. Hon. Telesphore Foumier, \ Hon. W. A. Henry, J Robert Cassels, Jr., Ottawa, Registrar* The Supreme Court, for the purpose of hearing and determin- ing Appeals, holds annually, at the City of Ottawa, two sessions, the one beginning on the 3rd Monday in January, and the other beginning on the 1st Monday in June. , t i' COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. f "^ Appeal Side. Judges. Sir Antoine Aim^ Dorion, Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel C. Monk, ) Hon. T. K. Ramsay, f p„:anx TiiHitaii Hon. Ulrio J. Tessier, ( ^^^^^ Juages. Hon. A. S. Cross, ) OMeera of the Coure.— L. W. Matohand. clerk of Appeals for Montreal : Comte Duteau de Orandpr^ and Louis Ouimet, depu- ty clerks of Appeals for Montreal ; W. E. Duggan, deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec ; Augustin Dorval, special deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec. * Quebec— 1st to 8th March, June, September and December. * Montreal.— Uth to22d (inclusivejMarch, June. September and December. Crown Side. Officers of the Courts MontreaL—Uon. P. J. 0* Chauveau. Sheriff; M. H. Sanborn, Deputy Sheriff; C. B. Schiller and W. H. Br^haut, Joint Clerk of the Crown : A- de Beaumont. Deputy Clerk of the Crown and Superintendent of Crown witnesses; J. F. DuBreuil, Deputy Clerk ; A. Hamilton and Charles Douoet, Jr., Clerks ; A. Bissonnette, High Constable ; L. Payette, Gaoler. * By the 22nd sec. of chap. 77 of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, cases in Appeal or Error from the Districts of Ottawa, Montreal, Terrebonne, Joliette, Richelieu, St. Francis, GOOD COOKING STOVES AT JODOIN «B €0'S, 309 ST» FAITI, SfilCSBT. BUT TOVR AHIRTil AT GEO. BO!ll r» dk CO S» 4W NOTHF nAME RTREE' . COURTS OF JUBTICE. 11J» COURT OF QUEEN'S Bl Where Held. Quebec Montreal Thrr e Rivers SNCH.— Crown SiDE.-(Conftnncr/.) When Held. . 27th April and 27th October . 24th March and 24th September . 23rd March and 23rd September . lat March and 1st October . 23rd March and 18th December . 21st January and Ist July . 13th March and 13th August . 13th January and 13th September . 19th February and 19th October . 20th June and 20th October . 26th March and 25th November . 1st March and 1st September . 20th Janury and Ist July . 15th January and 13th June . 2nd Tuesday in March and Sept. . 14th to 19th March and November . 5th February and 22nd June . 1st March and Ist October . 15th January and 15th June . 7th January and 2nd July . 11th March and 11th October Sh Arlirooke Kamouraska Aylmer Perc^ New Carlisle Arth abaskaville Ra Alice •* Mnntmnimv • .TAlifittfi •• ^orel • Chiooutimi Sweetsburg Rimouflki ................ Malbaia Beauharnois St. Hvacinthe 8t. ScholastiquQ Iberville SUPE Hon. William Coll Pui Hon. Andrew Stewart *' Antoine Polette " Thomas J. J. Lorang( " Louis Victor Sicotte '* Francis G. Johnson " Joseph N. Bossd " Robert Maokay ** Frederick W. Torran( " John Maguire " Henri T. Taschereau " Louis E. N. Casault " Christopher Dunkin RIOR COURT. lis Meredith, Chief Justice. • 8n6 Judges. Hon. Adolphe B. Routhier " Louis A. Olivier >r " Thomas McCord '* Marcus Doherty 1 " Louis B^langer 1 " Hubert W. Chagnon " Marc A. Plamondon je " Louis B. Caron " J. B. Bourgeois i " H. F. Rainville " A. Papineau ^ " LouisA.Jett6 Bedford, St Hyacinthe, Iberville, and Beauharnois, shall be Writs in such cases shall be returnable there ; and cases in Saguenay, Gasp6, Chicoutimi, Rimouski, Kamouraska, Mont- at tne City of Quebec onlpt and the Writs in such cases shall bo FANCY GOODS, CHINESf: AKI» JAPAN£S£ 1¥ARC:. M yfn. SEHJIIDLHAACK, 303 NOTICE DA^&E ST. . ''fjiitfirffrrffiniwi I WHITE DRES» BHIRTft lfKl.50, WORTH <|3.95, AT GEO. RON I) *t VO.^H ^ . . 5 I 120 COURTS OF JUSTICE. * Montreal.— IToohplnan, Jncqnes Onrtier, Lavnl,Vaudreuil, Soulflrgps, Lnprairie, Clinmbly. Verohtirea, and City of Mont- real, held at Montrfinl, from 1ft September to 20th December, and Ist May to .'^Oth June. R.A.R. Hubert, Honey and Gendron, prothonotary ; Q. Pyko and C. A. Trrroiix, deputy pr(»thonota- ries : Hon. P. J. 0. Chauveau, sheriff; M. H. Sanborn, deputy 8heri£f; J, Jonca, coroner. •QUEBBO.— fPortneuf, Quebec, Montmorency, Levis, Lotbi- ni^re, and City of Quebec, held at Quebec from the lat to the 6th of every month, except January, July and AliRust. Fiset, Burroughs and Campbell, prothonotnry ; Hon. C. Alleyn, .«horiff. Threr Biverb.— Mn.«kinonpAMR STRKF.T. .S ,1 i 122 COURTS OF JUSTICE. Quebec District. . Quebec Distriot Circuit, held at Quebec, 16th to 2l8t January ana Juoe, and 20th to 25lh of every month, except July and August. Fiset, Burroughs |i^nd Campbell, clerk. Lotbinidre Circuit, held at St. Croix, 9th to 12th Januaryi Juno and October. L. Lemay, olerk. Three Rivers District. ' Three Rivers District Circuit, held at Three Rivers, 10th to 19th March, June, September and December. E . Barnard, clerk. MM^kinong^ County Circuit, held atRividredu Loup, 4th and 5th February, June and Octobeh L. J. Bourret, clerk. St. Francis District. ^ r- St. Francis District Circuit, held at Sherbrooke, 10th to 16th February, April, June, October and December. Short and Aforris clerk* ^ Stanstead Circuit, held at Stanstead Plains, 18th to 20th Feb- ruary, June and October. C . A . Richardson, clerk • f Stanstead County Circuit, held at Coatioooke, 22nd to 24th February, June and October. O.Shurtleff, clerk.f Compton County Circuit, held at Cookshire, 4th to 6th Janu- ary, May and September A.W- Pope, clerk. Richmond County Circuit, held at Richmond. 19th to 21st Jan- uary, May and September. A • Wilcocks, clerk . f Richmond County Circuit,! held at Danville, 22nd to 24th January, May and September. TLeet, clerk. Wolfe County Circuit, held at South Ham, 4th to 6th Febru- ary, June and November. E • S • Darche, clerk. Kamouraska District. Kamouraska District Circuit, held at St. Louis, 15th to 18th March, May and September, and 10th to 13th December. P. Langlais, clerk. Temisoouata County Circuit, held at St. Jean Baptiste, 5th to 7th May and December. L- N- Gauvreau, clerk; J. G> Pelle- tier, clerk of the crown and clerk of the peace. Ottawa District. Ottawa District Circuit, held at Aylmer, 7th to 12th February, June and November, and 15th to 19th April, 1st to 5th October, and 12th to 15th December. A. Driscoll, clerk. Ottawa County Circuit,* held at Papineauville. 7th to 10th January, May and September. F- S Maokay, clerk. * The Circuit Court at the chef-lieu of a District has concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court in and for the various Counties in the same District. t The Circuit Court held in two or more places in a County has each concurrent jurisdiction over the whole County. Buy yonr COOKINO, HALL, PARLOa 4c DOUBLE j^fOVES fit J<>99|N A f?Q% 309 St. i^aul Sfr^et, ■ nl WHITE DRESS SHIRTS (11.50, WORTH 92»9a» AT GEO. RON1> A C0.9S. COURTS OF JUSTICE. 123 Ottawa County Circuit, held at Bnokingham, 17th to 20th Jan- uary, May and September. E . W. Murray, clerk. Pontiao Circuit, held at Portafire du Fort, 2nd to 7th March, 20th to 25th June, and 3rd to 8th November. C.J. Rimer, clerk. Pontiac County Circuit, held at Chapeau Village, 8th to 11th March, 26th to 29th June and October. W . L. Grey, clerk. Oaspj! District. Gasp^ District Circuit held at Perc<^. 7th to 12th March, Aujirust, and 12th to 17th December. J • X .Lavoie, clerk. Gasp^ District Circuit, held at New Carlisle, 7th to 12th Jan- uary, 4th to 9th June, and 7th to 12th September. G. F. Maguire, clerk. Basin Circuit, held at Basin, from 25th to 28th February, and 12th to 15th October. J.Eden, clerk. Magdalen Islands Circuit, held at Amherst, 22nd to 30th May and 22nd to 30th August. E. Borne, clerk. Bonaventure Circuit, held at Carleton, 23rd to 26th January, • 20th to 23rd June, and 22nd to 25th September. J.Cullen, deputy clerk. Fox River Cirouit.Aeld at Foi River, 25th to 31st July. J. de St.tJroix, clerk. Terrebonne District. Terrebonne District Circuit, held at St. Scholastique, 14th to 20th January) March, June and October. J. R. Berthelot, clerk. Terrebonne County Court, held at St. J6rome, 2nd to 6th February, May and October. J. B. L. Yillemure, clerk. Argenteuil County Circuit held at Lachute, 12th to 16th January, 25th to 29th May, 12th to 16th September. T. Barron, clerk. JoLiETTE District. Joliette District Circuit held at Joliette, 15th to 20th Feb- ruary, April, June, October and December. Morin k Desilets, clerk. • L'Assnmption County Court held at L'AssAmption, 5th to 8th March, June, September and December. J. Z. Martel, clerk. Montcalm County Circuit, held at Ste. Julienne, 10th to 13th March, June, September and December. J. Beauchamp, clerk. Richelieu District. Richelieu District Circuit, held at Sorel, 13th to 16th Feb- ruary, March, April, May, June, September, October. Novem* her and December. A. N. Gouin, clerk; A. D. DeGrandpr^, deputy clerk. fJHINESE ADTD JAPANESE ARTICLES OF TIRTU* WW» SEBIMEIfHAACK^ 303 NQTRE PAlWi; |I»T, W.,^.,..V>a.^..««M«.«M«Mf«i.»«,:-...» i i i i ':,:t SHIRTS MADS T(^ ORDCR AT OEO. BONO A €0.'Si 415 BfOTRE RA^IE (STREET. i o o o GO Berthier County Ciroait, held at 3erthier, 17th to 19th Feb- ruary, May, June, September and Novembe*-. P. Tellier, clerk. Yamaska County Circuit, held at St. Francis, 26th and 27th February, May, September and December. L. M. Blondin, clerk. Saquenay District. Saffuenay District Court, held at Malbaie, 7th to 12th March, May and December. C. DuBerger, clerk. Charlevoix County Circuit, held at »Baie St^ Paul, 26th to 80th January. 12th to 16th June, 1st to 4th September and 3rd to Kb. November, both days inclusive. J. Perron, clerk. Chicoutimi District. Chicoutimi District Court, held at Chicoutimi, 16th to 20th January, and 7th to 12th June and October. F. K- Gosselin, olerk. RiMOuSKi District. Rimouski District Circuit, held at St. Germain, 1st to 7th March, June and November. F.M. Derome, clerk. Rimouski County Circuit, *held at Matane, 24th March, June and November. D-F. de St. Aubin, clerk. * MONTMAGNY DISTRICT. Montmagny District Circuit, held at Montmagny, ?th to 12th February, May and November. A* Bender, clerk, L'Islet County Circuit, held at Jean Port Joli, 20th to 24th February, May and November. L. Z. Duval, clerk. Bellechasse County Circuit, held at St Michel, 1st to .Mh April and July, and from 2nd to 5th November. M.Mercier, olerk. Beauce District. Beauce District Circuit, held at St. Joseph do la Beauce, 7th to 12th Marcbf June and October. Z. Vdzina, cler^, Beauce County Circait, held at St. Vital de Lambton,'26th to 29th Janua-ry and May, and 24th to 27th September. L. La- brecque, clerk. Dorchester County Circuit, held at Rte. Q^nddine, 2nd to 6th March, Ju^e apd October. J . Reny, clerk. * The Circuit Court at the chef -lieu of a District has concurrent jurisdiction wi^h the Circuit Court in and for the various Counties in the same District 90QO POUBE.E STRIVES AT JOlifllN ^ CO^S, 9T, PAUL {STREET. V iBiJT ^btR snii^^s at <^iio. bond a co/^^^ 415 NOTrE BAACE STREET/ COUNTS OF JUSTICE, 125 AR^AtiASKA District. Arthabaska District Circuit, held at Arthabaslcaville, 14th to 19th March, June, September and December ; Enquetea 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th January, February, April, May, October and November. Bar\vis and Th^roux, clerk. Drummond County Circuit, held at Drummondville, 15tb to 17th January, May and October. J.T.Caya, clerk. Megantic County Circuit, held at Inverness, 9th to 12th Jan- uary, M.aiy ittnd October. J . B • Bousseau, clerk. Bedford District* Bedford District Court, held at Sweetsburg, the second Mon- day in January, April, J une and October, and the hve juridioial days following. F. T. Hall, clerk. County of Wolfe.— E. S. Darche, clerk. Brome County Circuit, held atKnowlton,on the first Tuesday of each of the months of January, April, July, October and De- comber, each for three juridical days. J. M. Lefebvre, Ki)Owl- ton, clerk. Shefford County Circuit, held at Waterloo, on the last Tuesday of each of the months of March, June and September, and the three juridical days following. V. N utting, W aterloo, clerk. Missisquoi County Circuit, held at Bedford, on the first Tues- day of each of the months of Marcb, June, September, and De- cember, each for three consecutive juridical days. T. Capsey, Bedford, clerk. St. Hyacinthe District. ^'^ ■: r> St. Hyacinthe District Circuit, held at St. Hyacintho, Ub f 1 6th March, May, October and December. DeLorimer <& Uo. clerk. Rouville County Circuit, held at Marieville, 15th to 1 ti. February, May and October. Q. Bombardier, clerk. Ibhrville District. Iberville District Circuit, held at St. Johns, 20th to 25th Feb- ruary, April, June, Octooer and December. A. N. Chariiud and F. J . H. Marohand, clerk. IJberville County Circuit, held at Iberville, 6th to 10th Feb- ruary, June and October. EL. Mongeon, clerk. Napierville County Circuit, held at Napierville, 1st to 5th Feb- ruary, June and October, A.Merizsi, clerk. TERRA COTTA A BRONZE ORNAMEHrTfit, Jewellery, :: ; ^ ' I WttlTE BUESS SHIRTS 9i.54>, WORTH 99.25, At GEO. BOND * CO/S. 1 I .a (:m I 1 i 8 3 126 COURTS OF JUSTICE. Beauharnois District. Beaubarnois District Circuit, held at Beauhamois, 17th to 22nd February, May, September and December. P . J . U . Beau- dry, olerk. Ohateauguay County Circuit, held at St. Martin. 2nd to 4th February, May, September and December. C'M.Lebrun, olerk. Huntingdon County Circuit, held at Huntingdon^ 6th to 8th February, May* September and December. J • Mornson, olerk . COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE PEACEi C> A. Dugas, Chairman, C. E. Schiller and W. H. Br€haut, Clerk of the Peace, A ■■■* — > , i ^fttlRM BtAbJB to OttBlill At e^to. MdlttfH ^ t6.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET.' * ^ COMMISSIONER TO GRANT PASSPORTS. C. B. Schiller, C7/erA; o/ , Huntingdon, 1st Reg.Div. A- Beauvais ,^ ^ ; '; Laval .. A. E. Leonard ^ . Soulanges i.... J. Stephens ■"'''' ■ Vaudreuil ...F. de Salies Bastien Verch6res A. Geoffrion Quebec Quebec « G- N. Montlzambert Portnetif H. Q- de St. Georges Montmorenci G- !uiok Orleans (Island of) B . Peltier Dorchester T. E. Rouleau Dorchester, 2nd Reg. Div.F. M. Guay Lotbinidre J. Filteau ,V ThfeeRiveri* Champlain G. H. Dufresne Maskiuong^ J. E ■ Pichette Nioolet J. A. Blondin Three Rivers - . •• *R. Kiernan Richmond T. P. Cleveland Sherbrooke D. Thomas , .. ,^ Wolfe P. E. Duvall Stanstead 0. A. Richardson - Coaticook 0. Shurtleff Compton S. Orr -..., • Qaapi Bonaventure L. P. Lebel 2nd Div. of Ditto J. A. Verge ' • Gasp^ J. H. Lavoie - Ste. Anne des Monts ....A. Dumais Magdalen Islands E . Borne Kamouraska, Kamouraska H. Garon Temiscouata E. Mailloux ^ Ottawa Ottawa W. Washburn _ Pontiac .W. Rimer ' ' IWrebonne . . Two Mountains D . Dupras - - ■ - Argenteuil T. Baron Terrebonne L. Lachaine Joliette Joliette 0. G. Beaudoin L'Assomption B. Richer Montcalm J. E. Beaupr^ Richelieu • . • Richelieu J. Chevallier Berthier B. E. Pellant Yaniaaka . * . . Yamaska L. M. Blondin Saguenau ...1st Div. of Tharlevoix ?o T)a Bertrer andSaguena^ S ^»* •"«»»"* 2nd Div. of Ditto T . Fortin St. Francis CKN^n UAI.JL STOVJES AX JODOIH ic CO'S. $99 STf PAUIi STilBBTt WIIIT£ DRESS SHIRTS l||.50, WORTH $2,190, AT GEO. BOSTD A €0/S. THE BAR. 129 District. Chicoutimt . . BiviousJci . . . Montmagny • . Beauce ArthabaaJca . . Bedford St.IIyacinthe. Iberville Beauharnois. Name of Registration County Name of Registrar, or Division. Chicoutimi 0. Boss^ 2nd Div. of Ditto .C Hubert Rimouski, No. 1 ....A. E. Guay Rimouski, No. 2 A. E. Gauvreau L'Islet A. Miohaud Montmagny J . Lepine Bellechasse- L. S. Forgues Beauce J> E. Proulx Megantio W> H. Lambly Arthabaska D'-""-""! l^-.&Jfo'n Sheflford J. Lefebvre Brome Missisquoi .R. Diokinson St. Hyacinthe H- St. Qermain Bagot .....J. C. Bachand Rouville E. Poulin St. Johns .....G. A. Marohand Napierville • E . Bouchard Iberville M. A- Bessette Beauharnois J. Meyers Chateauguay A. M. Gagnier Huntingdon A . Somerville THE BAE. DISTRICT OF M ONTREAL. Council. W. H. Kerr, Q.O Batonnier. W. W. Robertson, Q.C. .... Syndic. C. A. Geoffrion Treasurer. P. H. Roy Secvetary. S. Bethune, Q. G- I. T. Wotherspoon. .T. Duhamel. Q. C A. H. Lunn. F. X. Archambault, Q.C. J. E. Robidoux. J. J. McLaren, Q. C. F. L. Beique. Advocates' Library and Library op the Bar. W. U. Kerr, Q.C. President. J. S. C. Wurtele, Q.C .- ...'■ Secretary. S. Bethune. (). C. I H. Pagnuelo. R. Roy, ^.0. I N. W. Trenhohiie.' 0il.l}KV, FANCY 0001»S. Wll. SEHlIEIiHAACK, 303 NOTRE DA!(IE ST. n MM Birr TOVR ISHIRT9 AT 0£0. BOSTD A CO.% 410 jrOTRIS DAME STUEXIT. 1 I i s I ; -^ ■1 1 ii \ \ ' ■■:! ; 'S v« ^ ^fi 130 THE BAR. Members. Date of Coiiiinission CS. Cherrier, Q.C.Aug. P.Moreau " Jan. H Judah *• May, J.J.Day ** June A. Robertson " Sept. J.RouorKoy "Feb. S. Bathune " May, G. Joseph *• Oct- E. Carter " Feb. EA.U Piche "Mar. G.V.C Buchanan " Nov- GMacrao '* Ncv. J.Doutre *' April Hon. J. J.C.Abbott" Oct. B.Devlin " Oot. W.H.Kerr " Nov- E.Cornell '* Mar. G.Futvoye " Aug. Hon. R. Laflainme** Oct. J.SCWurtole "Aug. W. W.Robertson •' April T.W.Ritchie ''Sept. J.KO'flalloran " Dec LGMacdonald " Deo. W.Prevost " June HonLS Huntington" rfept. E.Bernard "Oct. J.MLoranger " April G.Baby " Jan. J.Duhamel " April Hon L.R- Church" Feb- E.Ritcicot " June J. A.Mousseau '* Feb. Hon G. B.Baker " Sept. D Girouard " Oct- Kon.J.A Chapleau** Dec Hon.F.XTrudol " Dec A.Laooste " Feb. J.J Curran * Mar. F.X.ArchambauIt " Nov. (J. p. Davidson " June J CHatton " Dec J. J. McLaren " June H Taylor Nov. A. M- Hart .... May J. Monk Jan. HJ Ibbotson Feb. J.Delagrave April 822 82^ 829 834 841 842 848 843 845 846 846 846 847 847 847 847 848 848 849 850 8V2 852 852 852 853 853 853 855 857 857 8^9 859 860 860 m) 861 »6l 8'>3 863 863 S'H 867 S6S 829 839 841 841 841 Members. Date of Couunisiiion. C. Burroughs May 1843 E.Roy .Ian. 1845 H.W.Austin Feb. 1848 P.C-Duranceau ....May 1848 R.Macdonnell June 1848 F.T.Judah. Oct 1848 M Branchaud Fob. 1849 W.A.Bates May 1849 J.Bates July 1849 AH Lunn Feb- 1851 W.B.Lambe Sept. 1851 G B. Cramp June 18'>4 G HBorlase Sept. 1855 P.A.Fauteux Dec 1855 G.I.Bartho Oct. 1856 F.Tranchemontagne.Jan 1857 H-LSnowdon Jan 1837 J. A. A. Belle Mar. 1858 J.K.Elliott Mar. 1858 L.O.Loranger Mar. 1858 A . Germain Sept. 1858 G. A Champagne ...Nov. 1^58 J. L- Morris June 1859 E.Komp Oct. 1859 M.E Charpentior ..Nov. 1859 P.B.DoLabruidre Mar. 10 iO L.GuilbauU Deo. 18(50 J. p. Sexton Dec. i860 L.A.N.Seors Jan. 1861 'IVC.DeLorimier ...Jan. 1861 J.Dunlop Jan. liS6l J. G-D' Amour .... July 1861 J.Monahan July 1861 r.i. Armstrong Am?. 1861 L.J.B.Desrochers ..Aug. 1861 B. A.UIobensky ... Sept ISC-l DoBelletouille.Se{)t. 1861 N.F.Driscoli Sept- 1S61 S Prtgnuelo Oet. I"i6l A.Roclion Nov. 1S61 V.X. Mathieu Deo. 1861 CTtiibault Jan 1862 L.Par6 Jf^u. ]86:> A. Brunot Apvil 1SG2 A. Branchaud May 1k62 J.P-Carreau June 1862 A. Fontaine July 1862 V.B Sic(rtto Aug. 1862 ttur your cUUAi.lJKO, MAI^L, L'ARl.Oiii Jc i>ouiSL.i;: fc^OVCS at JOBOI^r ! TERRA COTTA A BRONZE ORNAMENTS, Jewelleiy* WM. I^EllISIELHAACK. 308 NOTRE DAME ST. BttlRTS MAUI: TO ORDER AT OEO. HO^TD A €0.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. ' ;;, 134 NOTARIES. NOTARIAL BOARD FOR THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Elected for three years from Juries 1876. D- E- Papineau Preaidont* Geor«o Laruo Vice-President. II. A. A. Brault, Sccrotnry for the Montreal Section. J. B. Dolnfre, Secretary for the Quebec Section. F. J. Durand, Treasurer. L. E. Oalipcault, Syndic PUBLIC NOTARIES, CITY OP MONTREAL. Arclmmbault, A. M. Arohambaultt C. Baynes, O'Hara Beauchemin. J. Beaufield« R. B<5dard, L. Bolanger, T. Belanger, L. Belle, C. E. Bernier, B. Bernier, R. H. Bourbonni^ro, N. G. Bourbonnidre, T. B. Bourgeois, L. C. Brault, H. A. A. Brault, C, Brin, Chas. Brogan, A. Brossoit, J. Brousseau, A. 0. Bureau, Hon. J. 0. Choquet, A. Oontant, M. Goutl^e. J. L. Coutu, J. P. G. Gushing, C. Dnnsereau, J. C. Decary, A.C. Demartigny.V.A.L. DeSalaberry, H. DesRosiers, J, R. DesRosiem, L. A. Devlin, 0. J. Dottoet, T. Dumesnil, G. H. Dumouchel, L. N. Durand, B. Durand, F. J. Fahey, W. b><5chette, E. P. Garand, M. Grenier, L. A. Griffin,.!. C. Guy, P. M. Hall, W. A. \ Hart, L. A. H<5tu, L. 0. , Houde, L. A. Houl6 J. B. Huot, S. Hughes, G. A. Hunter, J. 8. Isaacson, A. G. Isaacson, J. H. Jeannotte, H. Jobin, A. D. Jobin, J. H. Kittson, G. R.W. Labadie, J. A. iiabadie, J. A. 0. Labadie, J. E. 0. Labadie. M. T. A. Lafleur, E. Landry, J. P. Lamothe, P. L'Arohevdque. E. Lapalme, T. LeclaiF) 0. Lcclero, C. B, Lcsage, H. Losage, E. C. G. Lighthall, W. F. Lonergan, .7. Lon^tin, M. Mainville, P. Marin, A. Marion, J. P. Marler, W.DeM. Mcintosh, E. Messier. E. Meyer, H. J. Normandeau, P. E. Panet, E. A. Pg^pineau, 0. F. Papineau, D. E. Papineau, J. G. Perrault, M. Perodeau, N, Pepin, H. P. Phillips, W. A. Pitt, J. U. Plamondon, T. Prudhomme, E. Quintal, J. A. Kenaud, C. F. P. Rieutord, F. Ross, W. Sanborn, M. H. Simard, J. Stuart, E. V\ right, H.B. «OOD COOKING STOVES AX* JOOOIN U €0»S, 80S ST. PAUJL STBEBT, WinTE BRESS SniRTH 81.50, WORTU 8a.2S, Af «EO. noxo A €0/S. ^ ' \ »• COMMISSIONERS. 135 COMMISSIONERS FOR RECEIVING AFFIDAVITS For the Superior Courts in the City of Montreal. Abbott Hon. J.J. C. Fair, J. Livingstone, J. Barry, D- Fautoux, L. Macrae. G. Unynes, O'llara ForKuson, J. Malnvillo, P. Reau field, R. Fulton, .) . Marin, 0- Bel.'inpor, F. Gngnnn, C.E. Marion, .I-P. Routhillier, M- Garand, M. Marler, W. deM. Bniult, 11. A. A. Griffin. J.C. McFarlano, D. Brehaut. W.II. Hall. W A. Mcintosh, E. Brodio, II. Houle, J.B- Mcintosh. J. Brojtan. A. Hunter, J-S. Mofifatt, A. Brossoit, J. Irvine, J. Moussette, J. P. Cherrior, A. Isaacson, AG. Normandeau, P.E. Callard, LII. Isaacson, J.H. Ouimet, L. Coghlan, J. Cntd, H.D. .Toannotte. H. Papineau, CF. .jobin, A.D. Papineau, D-B. Coursol, C ,T. Jobin, J.H. Papineau, J. B. N. CoultK'e, J.L. Jones. J. Joseph, G. Papineau, L- J. A. Craig, D.,T. Perkins, A.M. Cashing, C Judah, H. P6rodeau, N. D' Amour, A. Kent, A.L. Phillips, W. A. Plim80ll,A.H. Dandurand, (E- Kernick, G.H. Devlin, 0- J. Kirby, J. Ross, W. DesRosiera, JR. Kittson, G R.W. Shearer, J. DesRosiers, L.A. Labadie, J. A. Simpson, A J. Doucet,T. Labadie, J.EO* Stuart, E.H. Dubreuil, JF- Labadie, L J.A. Taylor, J. Duff.J.M.M. Labranche, J.O. Lajoie, L.J. Terroux, CA. Thorn, P.V. Dumesnil, G.II. Dutnouchel, L.N. Lappare, H. Valine, J.B. Durand, FJ. L'Archeveque, E. Vilieneuve, J.Q. Elliott, A. Lemay, I). Watson, R. Esontt, M. Lighthall, W.F. Whitton. A .T. Evans, E- Lionais. L-E. A. Wright, HB. COMMISSIONERS FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS Jn the Province of Quebec, to he Abbott, Hon. J. J.C. Escott. M.H. Baynos, O'Hara Browne. D. Bruce, W. Chapman, H. Coursol, C ■ J. Court, J. Coutlde, JL. Craig, D.J. Cushing, G. Davidson, C.P. Doucet, T. Duff, J. MM. Evans, E. Glass, JM. Griffin, J.C. Hatton, J.C. Holton, E. Hunter, J-S. Isaacson, J.H. Kirby, J. Lambe, W . B. Lighthall, W.F. Macrae, G. McFarlane, D. used in Ontario, McGoun, A. Moffatt, A. Normandeau, P.E. Phillips, W-A. Plimsoll, A.H. Popham, J. Ramsay, K.A. Ross, W. Stewart, A-B. Taylor, J. Watson, R. Wotherspoon, I'T. FAKCY GOODS, CHINESE AND JAPANESE WARB* WH. SEIMEMELHAACK, 303 NOTRE DAME ST. n 1 '' ' '■■ iiuT Torit ^JBiilii^fii Air 0£0. jb^btd a cd.% 415 irOTRE DAME STREET. 136 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. » mn ji»iw» r r.Tr.i-ji,i .■^. » .■ • ,! ^fAl I COMMISSIONERS. To administer Oaths to Public Officers.— lion. S.C Monk,C. J.Coursol, J.P. Sexton, T-Bouthillior, B- Carter, C- B. Shiller, A. de Beaumont, R.A.R. Hubert, L. JA.Papineau, and J. S. Honey. In London, England, for taking Affidavits to bo used in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, A- Gillespie, Jr., of Howard & Gillespie, 40 Old Broad street, London, and A. S. Munns, of Lewis, Munns ALongden, solicitors. 8 Old Jewry, London, B.C. Also Affidavits and Acknowledgments of Married Women, to be used in the Province of JNova Scotia, A. Gillespie, as above. For taking Affidavits in the Province of Quebec, to be uFod in the Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, M-H-Escott, J.Popham, and J. M. Glass ; also for xVianitoba, M.H-Escott. For taking Affidavits in and for the Courts of Manitoba, out- side the Province— J. C. Griffin and J. Irvine, Montreal. Under Extradition Treaty and also of Dominion Police— C J. Coursol. To Enlist and Attest Soldiers or persons desirous of entering Her Majesty's service, under the Imperial Act 12 Vic, c. 10— A-M.Delisle, W.H. Brehaut, C.J. Coursol, and E. Carter, QC MARRIAGE LICENSES. Issued by J- M. M. Duff, of Taylor & DuflF, 353 Notre Dame street, and W.S.Walker, of Hutchinson & Walker, 112 St. Fran- cois Xavier street. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE For the City of Montreal^ who have taken the oaths and are qualified to act. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Montreal, for the time being, are severally Justices of the Peace. Alexander, C. Angus, W. Atkinson, J. Bagg, R. S. C. Barnes, F. Barsalou, J. Bastien, B. Beaubien, P. Brydges, G. J. Beoket, J. C. Beaudry, Hon. J. L. Belle, C. E. Brown, A. Bartley, W. P. BorgeaUf V. Cassidy, J. L. Contant, F. Corse, N. B. Clendinneng, W. Cottd, H. Craig, Thos. Cloran, Jos. Coghlin, B. J. Cushing, Chas. Cochu, F. X. Cunningham, W. H. Childs, Geo. 6000 HAL.I4 &TOVES AT JOBOIN Sc CD'S, 300 8T. PAUL STREET. fi^HIBTS MADE TO ORDER AT OEO. BOND A CO.% 415 NOTRE dathe street. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. 137 Cherrier, G. E. Combe, J. L. David, F. Dubuo, A. Doran, J. Devlin, 0. J. Delisle, A. M. Delvecchio, P. Donnelly, J. Doran, S. J. Dakers, J. Duff, J. M. M. Davies, J. T, Darling, A. Demers. P. Desrosiers, L. J. P Dufresne, J. B. K. Esdaile, K. Egan, C. Farmer, M. Foster, T. B. Florant, A. D. Gagnon, A. Gardner, K. Gault, M. H. Globenski, B. Groome, P. C. Galipeau, J. B. Gauihier, T. Giroult, Jos. Hudon, p. Hutton, \V. H. Hart, T. Hibbard, A. Kingston, W. H. Hunter, J. S. Uickson, J. Howley, J. flenshaw, F. W. H^tu, L. 0. Uagar, 0. Hamilton, A. Homier, J. B. Isaacson, J, H. Joseph, J. II. .Judah, T. S. Kay, J as. Lamothe, G. Lyman, H. Lighthall, W. F. Little, T. Lefebvre, N. Leahy, M. Lanthier, F. X. Lariv^e, N. Larin, L. Lavers, W. Lyman, B. MacDonald, W. McGauvran, J. W. Major, J. E. McCambridge, A. McDonald, D. McDougail, J. McGibbon, A. Morley, J. S. Moss, S. E. Moore, L. McShane, J. McKeown, E. MoNamee, J. Macfarlane, .J. xMcDermott, P. McWood, W. Molson, A. Mercer, N. ; Malone, M. Meunier, C. Murray, J. Milloy, John J. Molntyre, John Normandeau, P. E O'Brien, W. Ogilvie, W. W. Ogilvie, J. O'Bourke, J. Palmer, W. Plessis dit Belair, L. R* Provost, R. Payette, L, Perrault, L. Rankin, J. Roy, A. Reekie, R. J. Ross, W. Rose, J. Sache, W. JScott, W. E. Simard, J. 8mith, J. Starnes, Hon. II. Shackell, H. Seymour, H. V. S. ytewart, M. Shannon, A. Short, J. Stewart, .L Sterling, J. Sheridan, J. Strachan, J. Taylor, B. T. Terroux, C. A. Tucker, J. Tracey, M. Toner, J. Villeneuvc, N. Walters, C. H. Ward, G. Wilson, W. Wilson, T. Workman, W. Whyte, J. Wright, H. B. Watsoti, C. F. Walsh, M. Wait, Geo., Jr. Coroner for the District of Montreal.— Joseph Jones, 637 Ontario street, Montreal. JAPANEIiiB WARE, JEWELI.ERY, FANCY OOODS. WM. SE»MELHAA€K, 803 NOTRE DAME ST* i WttiTK t>Ri:ss sittitTS ^i.5o, wonftt i^.tS9 A*i GEO. BOKI> A C0.9S. ts ) t I 1 a 138 MILITIA. MILITIA DEPAKTM:.i^T. PROVINCE OF QCJFJEC. The three Military Districts into which the Province of Quebec is divided are sub-divided into seventy Regimental Divisions, comprised within eight Brigade Divisions. The boundaries of such Regimental Divisions arc identical with the Electoral Divisions into which the Province of Quebec is divided, with the following exceptions, viz. : ■Montreal Centre forms two Regimental Divisions, known as First and Second Montreal Centre ; the First Division comprising the East Ward, and the Second Division comprising the Centre and West Wards. Chateauguay forms two Regimental Divisions, known as 1st and 2nd Chateauguay. The First Division comprises the Parishes of St. Philom^ne, Chateauguay, St.Martine, and St.Urbain ; and The Socond Division comprises the portion of the County not •included in the First Division. The Counties of Richmond, Wolfe, Drummond, Arthabaska, Chicoutimi and Saguenay, each forms a Regimental Division. The Brigade Divisions are numbered from West to East, from One to Eight, and embrace the following Regimental Divisions, for each respectively. Military District, No. 5. Lieut.-Col. J. Fletcher, CM. Gl., Deputy Adjutant. General, commanding ; Lieut.-Col. T. Amyrauld, District Paymaster. let Brigade i)iotston.— Lieut. -Col. T. Bacon, Brigade Major. Head-quarters, Montreal. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Pontiac, Ottawa, Argenteuil, Montreal West, and Second Montreal Centre, Huntingdon, Napierville, and Second Chateauguay. 2nd Brigade i>ttjmon.— Lieut.-Col. Hon. M. Aylmer, Brigade- Major. Head-quarters, Richmond. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of St. Johns, Iberville, Missisquoi, Brome, Shefi'ord, Richmond, Drummond, Stanstead, Sherbrooke, and Compton. Military District, No. G. Lieut.-Col. A. C de Lotbinitiro Harwood, Deputy Adjutant- General, commanding; Major W.H. Brehaut, Dist. Paymaster. ith Brigade Division— ht-Col. Count G. d'Odet d'Orsonnens, Brigade-Major. Headquarters, Montreal. Buy your 100K.II«C», ftil.L.lj« fAKl^OtC 6c IfUUBliE STOVES at JODOIiX A GO'S, 809 St. Paul Street. ade- rille, ead, ant- ter. ens, ItlJT^irOVH SHIRTS AT €^EO. BONJDi**^ €0.% 415 KOTRE BAME STBEEtT Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Montreal East, First Montreal Centre. Vaudreuil, Soulanges, Beauhamois, First Chateauguay, Laprairie, Two Mountains, Terrebonne, Hoche' laga, Jacques Cartier, and Laval. 5th Brigade Division.— The duties of the 5th and 6th Brigade Divisions are performed by the Brigade-Major of 4th Brigade Division. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of L'Assomption, Mont- calm, Joliette, Berthier, Maskinong(5, Tliree Rivers, and St. Maurice. fif/j- Brigade Divinion.—The duties of the Hth and Oth Brigade Divisions are performed by the Brigade-Major of 4th Brigade Division. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Nicolet, Arthabaska, Wolte, Yamaska, Bagot, Richelieu, St. iJyacinthe, Kouville, Verch^res, and Chambly. Military District, No. 7. 4 .-Col. H. T. Duchesncy, Deputy Adjutant-General, com- m. ' -. ug; Major W. H. Forrest, District Paymaster. Ith Brigade Division.— The duties of the 7th Brignde Division are performed by the Brigade-Major of 8ih Brigade Division. Head quarters, Levis. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of LotbiniSre, M<5gantic, Beauce, Dorchester, Levis, Bel lech asse, Montmagny, L'Islet, Kamoura«ka,Temiscouata, Rimouski, Bonaveuture, andGasp^. Sth Brigade Division.— lAenL-Col. E. Lamontagne, Brigade- Major. Head-quarters, Quebec. Consists of the Regimental Divisions of Champlain, Portneuf, Quebec East, Quebec Centre, Quebec West, County of Quebec, Montmorency, Charlevoix, Chicoutimi, and Saguenay. Montreal. CxYALRY.— First T/'oo/).— Capt. J. Tees ; Lieut. C. Mc Arthur ; Cornet T. Porter. Field Battery ok Artillery.— Capt. A.A.Stevenson, (I.e.); Ist Lieuts. W. Mcdibbou, (I.e.) and K. W. Oswald, (c); 2nd Lieut.E.G.Greeu ; ciurgeon, G. bl. Fenwick, M-Dj Vet. burgeon, D. MoEachran. Brigade Garrison Artillery. — Lieut. -Col. D. Torrance Fraser; Major W. F. McKay. Captains.— Q. W- Hamilton, J. A. Currie, J.W. Molson, G. Forbes, A.K. F. McAllan, andT.T.TurnbuU. JFirst Lieutenants,— E. T.Vaughan, W. H. Laurie, and F. M. Cole. Second X*€wf€nrtnfff.— P.Miller, F.Jarvls, J. McGillivray, and R. Birks. IBliE CHINESE ANB JAPANESE ARTI€£.ES OF YIRTr* 1¥M. SE9IBIELHAACK, 303 NOTRE BAME ST, 1 ,1 ttHlRfS MABIS TO OHDER AT C^Ed^BONH Jk CO.'S, 415 XOTRE BAME STREET. 140 MILITIA. iS'to^.— Paymaster, CaptG. Lulham, (m.) ; Quartennaster,W. Clarke; Surgeon, G.W.Major, M.D.; Assist-iSargeon, — — Engineers.— iVo. 1 Company.— 1st Lieut., U. F. Davis; 2nd Lieut., J. B. Birks. iVo. 2 Company.— Ca-pLW. Kennedy, (m.); Ist Lieut., A. Du£fy ; 2nd Lieut., H. Goodwin. First or *' Prince of Wales " Regiment.— Lieut.-Col, F. Bond ; Majors. E. L. Bond and S • C Stevenson, Captaina.—E. W. Mudge, Alex. McT. Watt, Robert W. Shepherd, Jr., Alex. Robertson, Robt. Tatlow, and Thos. Howard Wright. ZtcMfenanf*.— WilliamWallaceWatsoE, Kenneth C. Patterson, John Ugden Wilgress, and H. Trollope Wilgress. Second Lieutenants.— D. Bincennes, R. W. Huntingdon. ' ; Assist., J. C. Cameron, M.D. 65th Battalion, or Mount Royal Rifles, MoNTaEAL.— Lt.-Col. N. Labranche. Majors.— F. Lapointe, and P. J. Hubert. Captains. — W. du Pleseis, J. Beaucharap, Q. S. Maldpart, T. Terroux, C. C. Rouillard, and P. J. B^dard. Lieutenants.— E, D. CoUeret, G. Watier, Z. Lanctot, J. Robert, and J. Oeroux. JS'econd Lieutenants. Pratt, H. Morin, A. Grenier, and J. W. Kearney. Stnjf Oncers.— Paymaster, J. C. Gagnon ; Surgeon, B. La- chapelle, M.D. ; Assistant Surgeon, P. F. Casgrain, M.I).; Adjutant, — ; Quartermaster, F. Lapointe, (ens.) Province ov Qubbro Riflk Association. P/'««trfme.— Lieut.-Col. C. J. Brydges. AS'eci/.— Lt.-Col. T. Bacon. Trea«.— Lt.-Col. D. T. Fraser. MEDICAL. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Alexander, J. Allan, P.M. Allard, P.A. Alloway, TJ. Arohambault, D. Archambault, G. Armstrong, G.E. Aubry, A.D. Barcelo, H-M. Barnes, F. Baynes, D. Baynes, G. A. Beaubien, P. Beaudry, G. Beaudry, G 0. Berthelet, B. Berthelot, J.C. Bessey, W.B. Bibaud, J G. Blaokaader, A. Bondy, A.D: Bourque, £ J. Brodie, J. Brossard, J.H. Browne, A. A. Rrousseau, A.T. Buller, F. Burland, W.B. Burland, W.H. Cameron. J C. Campbell, F.W. Campbell, G.W. Chamberland, N. Coderre, J E. Craig, AB. Craik, R. Crevier, J. A. Dagenais, A. Dansereau, C. Dansereau. J.C. David, A.H. Deraers, F.J. Demers, LA. Desjrirdins, G H. Desjardins, J. A. Desjardins, LA-E' Dosmarteau, N-B. Desroche, J -I. Desrosiers, L.J. P. Drake, J.M. Dubuo, C. Duckett, W.Ai - Dugas, A. Dugdale, J.J. Duraouchel, Hon-L. iV'Orsonnens, T-E. Durand C. Durocher, L.B. Duval, A. Edwards. 0-0. Ethier, M. Pafard, lN"., Jr. Fafard, T. Fenwick, G E. Filidtrault, CM. Filiatrault, F.J. Finnie, J.T. Fisher, A. Fulton, J. H. Gagnon, J. Gardner, W. , Gariepy, R. p n a EL I. o .p pi 09 H 09 'il!:RK.\ CorrA «& IIROAZi^: OR^AM£::srTS, Jewellery, W3I. imp:MMr.I.IIAA€K, 303 UTOTRG 1>AME ST. I ; ? I ■ nVY TOVR SHIRTS AT GEO. BOHTD A €0.% 419 NOTRE J>A1«E STREET. 142 MEDICAL. Gauthier. S. Loverin, N. Proudfoot, A. Gen and, FL. iVIalhiot, A. Reddy, J. Reed, T D. Girdwood, G.P. Macbean, D. Godfrey, R.F. MacDonell, A.C. Rioard, A-G'A. Godfrey, R-T. Macdonnell, R. Bobillard, K. Hayes. T E. Major, G.W. Robitaille, J. HinRSton. W-H. Marion, J J. Roddick. TG. Howard, H. Mathieu, A. Rodger, T. A. Howard, R.P. Matte, JH.A. Ross, G. Hutohison, J A. McCallum, D. Rottot, J.P. Jacques* L. A G. McCallum.D.C. Rourk. F. Kearney. W. J. McConnoll, J.B. Roy, J. A. Kennedy. KA. McDonald, W. Schmidt, SB. Kerry, A. Meapher, D. Scott, W.E. KoUmyer. A 11. Meilleur, J.B. Seguin, J. Krerjzburg, P.M. Morrill, H. Shepherd, F.J. Labadie, A.U. Meunier, A. Simpson, T. Labeige, L. Mianault, P.B. Slack, G.F. Lachapelle, E.P. Molson, W. A Stevenson, C.N. Lainarcho, A. VIondolot,W.H. Stroud, CS. Lanotot, J. Mount, E.P. St. Germain, ,LH.S. Lanthier, HA. Mount, J.W. St. Jacques, E. Laporte, A. Mousseau, F X. Tass6, FX. Lararade, A.J. Munro, A. Thompson, R. Larocque, A. 13. Munro, P A.C. Trenholme, E.H. Labour, A. A. Nelson, W. Trudel, E.H. Latour, T-H. O'Leary, P. . Trudel, F.X. Lavioletto, JG. Osier, W. Tunstall.S.J. Leblano, 6.H. OuellBtte, C. Turcot, T. Leolerc, G. Paquet, E. Turgeon, LG. Leduc, J. Perrault, A. Ward, M.OB. LoQian, J. Perrigo, J. VVebb,J T.S. Lemery, H. Picault, C. So Co. Wheeler, T.B. Lenoir, J. Pich^S A. Wilkins. G. L'Oiseau, C. Poitevin, J.C. Wood, C. A. Leprohon, J. L. . HOMC Plante, P.E. Wright, Roy. W. )IANS. SOPATHIC PHYSK Fisher, A. Muller, F. Wanless, J. Fulton, J. H. Nicul, T. Wauless, J 11. DENTISTS. Alloway, R. A. Dostnarohais, J. xMoGowan, W. Andreas, J. J. Globen.-'ky, S. Nichols, J. C. Bazin, J. A. Labont^, J. Trestler, C. F. F. Beers, W. G. Lauder, J. Trudeau, J. Brewster, C. Leblano, G. B. Turcot, E. Bowker, H. M. Lovejoy, G. W. W^ebstor, J. H. Bollo, J. Mathieu, E. Wright, A. GOOI> COOKING STOV£S AT JOI>OI3f & 00»S, 309 S:T. PAUIi STR££T. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOXD A C0.9S, 415 NOTRF. DAME STREET. w MEDICAL. 143 Dental Board op Examiners of the Province op Quebec— Incorporated March 30, 18G9.— Hon. P. Baillargeon, President ; W. Q-. Beers, Secretary; C. Brewster, Treasurer; C. F. F. Trestler, Registrar. J. U. Webster, J. A. liazln, H. D. Ross. CHEMISTS AND APOTiri:. ■ \RIES. Ambrosse, J. D. L., corner McGill and Notre Datno streets. Archambault. G. & Co.. 216) St. Lawrence street. Beaupr<^, C . 94 St. Mary street. Birks. R., 187 Moaill street. Bourque. E. J., M.D..-45^ St. Antoine street. Bulling. W., 618 St. Mary street. Campbell. Kenneth. & Co., Medical Hall, 129 St James street, and branch establishments 2 Phillips square and SVindsur Hotel. (See adv. 7^0(j€l2) Cassrrain, P. F., M. D., 803 St. Catherine street. Curtis, H. H., 1185 St. Catherine street. Covernton, C. J., corner Bleury and Dorchester streets. Central Drug Hall, St. .lames street. Dawson, W.. St. Jean Baptiste VillaKe. Desjardins, Gt. JL, M.D., 292 St. Antoine street. Desjardins, J. A., 844 St. Catherine street. Desrosiers. L. J. P., M.D., 389^ St. Joseph street. Devins & Bolton, next the Court House, Notre Dame street. Dubuc, C., M.D., 480 St. Joseph street. Dnckett, W. A., M.D.. 664 St. Joseph street. ^ Dugal (X Laohanco, 515 St. Catherine street. Edson, M. Q., corner Mountain and St. Antoine streots. Evans, H. Sugden. 20 St. Jean Baptiste street. Fafard & Daoust. 452 Ontario street. Gardner, J., 1397 St. Catherine street. Giroux, P. 0., 601 St. Joseph street. Goulden, J., 175 St. Lawrence str«^et and 597 St. Catherine st. Gray, H- R., 144 St. Lawrence street. Harte, J. A., Glasgow Drug Hall, 400 Notre Dame street. Uawkes, J., 21 Place d'Armes, cor. St. James street. Bra- ch, St. Lawrence street. (See adv. page So.) Jackson, H. P., 1331 St. Catherine street. Branch, corner Guy and St. Catherine streets. .ToufFray, C J., 956 .St. Catherine street. Kearney, W. J., M D., 359 St. Joseph street. Kerry, VVatson & Co., 351 St. Paul street. Latham, R. S., corner Craig and Bleury streets. Laviolette & Nelson c rner St. Gabriel and Notre D.t;ne streets. Leblanc, B. IL, M.D., 131 Centre street. Leduo, J., & Co., 191 St. .Joseph street. Lewis, J. & Co., Corner Craig and Radegonde streets. L'Oiseau, C, M.D., 835 St. Joseph street. 09 H OQ o o c) a* CD P CD § CD O o O a o I TA^CY GOODS, CHINESE ASTD JAPANESE WARS. WM. SE^IMEI.BIAACK, .303 NOTKE RA3IE ST. r" ■1 K ! I i ! WHITK DRESS SHIRTS fpi.90, WORTH !|13.S{S, AT OKO. BOND 4fr €0/S. o 144 MEDICAL. Lymiins. Clare k Co.. 384 & 386 St. Paul street. {See adv, p. 10.) MoGalo, B. E., 301 St. Joseph street. Picault, A. tne.-G. W. Campbell, MA., M.D., Dean of the Faculty and Emeritus Professor of Surgery; W. H3. Scott, M.D.. Pro- fessor of Anatomy; W. Wright, M.D.,. Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy; R. P. Howard, MD., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine; i>. C. McCallum, M.D., Professor of Midwifery and tlie Diseases of Women and Chil- dren ; R. Craik, M D.. Professor or Chemistry; G. E. Fenwiok, M D., Professor of Surgery: J. M. Drake, M.D., Emeritus Professor; G. P. Girdwood, M.D., Professor of Practical Chem- istry; G. Ross, MA., M.D., Professor of Clinical Mediciue ; W. Osier. M-D, Professor of Institutes of Medicine; J. VV„ Dawson. LL D., F.R S , Ac, Professor of Natural History; T. G. Roddick, M-D., Professor of Clinical Surgery; W. Gardner, M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence; R. T. Godfrey, M.D., Professor of Hygiene and Public Health ; P. J. Shep- herd, Demonstrator of Anatomy ; R. L. Macdonnell, Assistant Demonstrator; Prof. H. Aspinwall, A.M.) LL.D.) Matricula- tion Examiner. GOOD liAI.Ii STOVi:S A'f JODOIN <&; CO'8, 309 ST. PAUL STEtEET. glHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT OEO. BOKfD A CO.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. ^•v rO» i 'I k -: I WHITE DRESS AIIIRTS «ll.aO, WORTH •d.dS, Allf GEO.' nOND dc €0/ff. I I CO OUBIii: STOVES AV JOBOIN dc CO'S, BUT TOVB ftHIRM AT OCO. BOMD >|t ^0*% 415 NOTRi: DAME ATHEET* BANKS. 149 BANKS IN CANADA. ONTARIO. Place, Name of Hank. Mananer or Agent' Alllgton Ontario A. M. Kirkland Almonte Merchants F. A . W. L^fiter Amprior Ottawa D. M. Finnie Aurora Federal ,,. • W. H. Perraux Ayliner Exohansre .......J. O. fiillet Ayr Consolidated John Wyllie Barrie Commerce .1. t*. Carnegie „ Toronto ..J. \. Strathy Belleville Merchants T E. P. Trow Commerce H. Thoir f>n Montreal R. Ric^'i\.Ron ^ , Consolidated Wm. liainilton Berlin Merchants ^ nrookall ^ Consolidated J aii eg Young Bowmanville . . Ontario fij. ivIoGill Dominion ./. A. Codd Bradford Standard T. DewHon Brampton Merchants F. Cresswell, Jr. Dominion R. D. Gamble Brantford British N. America A . Robertson Commerce VV. Roberts Montreal S. Read Brookville ....Molsons J. "VV. B. Rivers Montreal W.J.Anderson Brussels Exchange .Tohn Leckie Canningt on.... Standard J.Houston Chatham Commerce W. R. Ireland Merchants ......R. N. Rogers Consolidated A . Richara^on Clinton Consolidated M. Lousch Cobourg Montreal C. R. Brough Toronto .) . Henderson ^„ Dominion.., W. D Burn Colborne .Standard J. B. Cummins Collingwood . .Commerce J. McMnster Toronto G. W. Hodgetts Cornwall Montreal N. Maclean Dundaa Commerce D. H. Charles Dunnville Commerce F- 0. Cross Imperial W- Ker Elora Merchants H. Blakney Exeter Molsons H- C. Brewer I'l Fergus Exchange W. A. Hastings Imperial J. F. Paterson Gait Commerce W- A. Simpson Merchants J. S. Meredith Consolidated A^iGreen ^ 1'. ■r, r I) ; -I I L MtlATB llABB VO OBDBB AT GEO. BOSTD A COOi^ 415 KOTRE DAME STREET.^ I I g P I I p o 150 BANKS. Place. Name of Bank. Manaoer or Agent, Oeorgetnwn«*> '118111111011 ...J. 0. Mowat Goderich Commerce A* M. Roes Montreal G. R. Dunsford Quelph Commerce W* Smith Montreal... .T. H. Finlay Ontario E.Morris Federal *«.T. T. Greet Hamilton • • . • . British N. America T . Gorsan Commerce* J. C> Kemp Exchange 0. M. Counsell Hamilton H.C.Hammond Merchants • A. M. Crombie Montreal J. N- Travers Consolidated J. M. Burns Harrlston. • • • • • Standard •••... J. 8. London IngersoU Merchants D.Miller Imperial C. S. Hoare Molsons W. Dempster Kincardine . . . .Merchants • • • G* C Tyre '^. Kingston British N. America G . Durnford Merchants D. Eraser -' Montreal R. M. Moore Lindsay Montreal G. (E. h- Porteous Ontario S. A • McMurtry Listowell Hamilton W. Gorbould London British N. America J. Robertson Commerce B. E. Walkerl Merchants "W. F. Harper Molsons Jos. Jeffory Montreal F. A. Despard Federal G. Murray Lucan Commerce E. Cowdry Markham Standard F. A. Reesor] Meaford Molsons P. Fuller^ Millbrook Molsons J . G. Geddes' Milton Hamilton H.M.Watson Morrisburg ....Molsons C. W. Clinch MountForest ..Ontario J. F. Fielde Napanee Dominion R. A. Helliwell Merchants A. Smith Newcnstle Standard J. K* Allen New Hamburg. Consolidated 0. J. Brent Newmarket • * . Consolidated Jos . Cawthra Norwich Consolidated H. J. Campbell Orangeville ...Commerce R. T> Haun Orillia Dominion H. S- Soadding Oshawa Dominion W. H. Holland Ontario W. Beith Ottawa British N. America W. Grindlay Commerce R. Gill La Banque Nationale S. Benoit tOOP COOKINO STOVE8 AT JOl^OMT & CO>S» UVY TOVB SHIRTS AT GEO. BONO * CO.% 415 UrOTRF BAME STREET. BANKS. 151 Owen Sound Place* Name of Banh Manager or Agent* Ottawa Merchants D • Kemp Montreal A. Drummond __, Ontario J. H. Woodman Ottawa P.Robertson Ouebeo H. V. Noel Union .1. G- Leitoh •Merchants W. H- Scott Molsons ' E. W. Stratby Paris British N. America J. Carnegie Commerce J. Hale Parkhill Exchange T.L.Rogers Pembroke Merchants J. H- Stewart Quebdc J. Walker Perth Merchants J. Gray Montreal R. J. Drummond Peterborough . Montreal F. J. Lewis Toronto J- H. Roper Commerce W. Manson Ontario. • G. !B- Shaw Picton ........Montreal ..R. .T. B. Crombie Standard • • G. P. Reid Port r!olborne . Imperial Ed. Hay Port Elgin . . . .Hamilton H. S. Steven Port Hope Montreal 0. L. Thompson Toronto W. R. Wadsworth^ Ontario G. H. G- MoVity Port Perry ....Ontario... A.A.Allen Prescott Merchants J.F. Harper ''&dhi"'":!|0"t»ri» »-B"k Renfrew Merchants C. G. Morgan Ridgetown ....Molsons R. Robertson St. Catherines . Commerce H. C. Barwiok Imperial C.M.Arnold Quebec ..> D. B. Crombie Toronto . . » E. D. Boswell Consolidated W. G. Nicholls St. Mary's • • • .Federal C. S. Rumsay Montreal R. Hillyard St. Thomas ... Merchants J. Pottenger Molsons G. K. Morton Imperial • M. A. Gilbert Sarnia Montreal W. L. Creighton Commerce T. W. Nisbet Seaforth Consolidated Archd. Campbell Simooe Commerce F. W. Holmested Federal H.Groff Smith's Falls ..Molsons R. Fraser Stratford Montreal . J. Hogg Merchants W. Kingsley Commeroe A. H. Ireland I I § oa FABi€Y GOODS, CHINESE ANB JAPAlfESJB WARK^ rai. SEMHEIiHAACg, 80^ JTOTRE BAME ST. -.< :t ii t WKire l^RESS SHIHTS fll.50, WORTH <|9»ft5^ A 7 n I P 09 O GO P 4.5 o re U O 152 BANKS. Place. Name of Banh. Managtr or Agent. Strathroy Commerce J. S. Small Federal w. T. Smith Thorold .....••• Commerce ^'-J' I^obertson v/ueDeo* -•••••••••••••••••••J* c . v Loekie British N. America S. Taylor Consolidated ■ T. McCra cken Dominion R. H. Bethune ^ Do. Queem St. Branch.. J. Price Federal H. S. Strathy • ' ' Imperial »....D. R. Wilkie ' -* Merchants . . . • W. Cooke Molsons L.H.Robertson Montreal G. W. Yarker Ontario D. Fisher *' Do. Branch A.Fisher Consolidated John Cavers Do. Yonge St. Branch C. B. Grasett Quebec J. L. Scarth * * Standard •••... T. L. Brodie Toronto D.Coulson ' ' '" La Banque Nationale B'k of Toronto Uxbridge Dominion NH-Cowdry Walkerton •...Merchants JGault Commerce D-Just Waterloo Merchants ...D.M.Harmon ' Welland Imperial J . McGlashan Whitby Dominion HB. Taylor Ontario TDow Windsor Commerce J.E.Thomas Merchants A-Wickson Winfrham Consolidated F. J. Gosling Woodstock . . . .Consolidated W. T. Benson Commerce A . L • Dewar Yorkville Federal R.J. Montgomery QUEBEC. Bedford • Exchange R. Terroux, Jr. Coaticook Eastern Townships B.Austin Cowansville . • Eastern Townships J. McKinnon Eastern ? MniaAna / Eastern Townships Townships, r***®"®^^ iBank Agencies Gasp6 La Banque Nationale .... J. LeBoutillier & Co. Gasp6 Basin . La Banque Nationale J.Leboutillier Granby Eastern Townships W.Robinson Huntingdon . . .Mechanics H- Holman Joliette La Banque d'Hochelaga . . II . N • Boire Montreal Consolidated J . B . Renny, Gen. Man. Do. ChaboillezSq... Robert Mills British N.America R.R.GrindIey OOOB HAIili STOVES AT JOBOIH d; CO'S| ftHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT OBO. DOND A CO«'S| 415 NOTRE DA>IE STREET. Place, Name of Bank, Manager or AgenU Montreal Gommeroe W.Simpson Exchange C.R> Murray D'Hochelaga J.S.Paquet '7 '7 Du Peuple A-A.Trottier Jacques Cartier A . DeMartigny """hants I ^^M^Tchipman Meohanios • J>H.Menzies Molsons F.W.Thomas Montreal {^.^jiSTanan "tLvfoS BaS^ ^i'.''!?' } B. J.Barbeau Nationale J.B.Sancer Ontario O.Holland Quebec TMcDousall Toronto J.M.Smith Union F.Nash Ville Marie P.A.Fauteuz Quebec ^British N.. America ........O.F-Smith Du Peuple B'k of Montreal .; , ^ . Exchange 0. Murphy Merchants.... J. Wells Molsons StadaconaBank Montreal J . Porteous Nationale F.V^zina Quebec TStevenson Stadacona W.R.Dean Union P . MaoE wen Richmond .... Eastern Townships A . J, Clevel and St. Cuthbert. . .Ville Marie C.N.Paquin St. Hyacinthe .St.Hyacir.the RSt Jacques Consolidated Hy. Barbeau St. Johns Merchants W . L. Marler Banquf! de St. Jean J-L'Ecuier Sherbrooke .... Consolidated Wm . Addie Eastern Townships W . Farwell, Jr. Nationale P. Lafranoe Sorel Merchants A.A.Taillon Molsons • G.Crebassa Stanstead .... Eastern Townships A . P . Ball Three Rivers ..Quebec F.G.Wotherspoon Nationale Union B'k Agent Union O.A.Boxer Valleyfield . • . • Mechanics •• . C T- Irish Waterloo Eastern Townships WI.Briggs WestFaruham.Banque de St. Jean P.Baudouin NOVA SCOTIA. Amherst B'k of Nova Scotia J. M . Hay Annapolis B'k of Nova Scotia J. S. Whitman Union B'k of Halifax A. Shearer ITAPAIVESB WARE, JEW£IiI.£RY, FA^TCY €}OODiS. :AA€K. S0« NOTRE PAMl i f ! rf 1 ' i ; * 1 ' 1- '- ■ ,->■ :-; ;- ■ ! m fiI7T TOUR SHIUTS AT OEO. BOND A €0.*ll, 415 NOTRF n>ii«rr. rtrkkt. Place. ADtlgonish • . . Bridgetown .. Bridgewater . Digby Halifax •••••••• lEZjaxm? Kentville Liverpool .... Lookport Lunenburg ... Maitland New Glasgow. Parrsboro* ... Pictou Stellarton .*. Sydney, N- •. '* C. B Truro Weymouth . . . Wolfeville . . . . Windsor Yarmouth • • • • yame of Bank. Manager or Agent. . Merchants B'k Halifax . . . .T. M . King .B'k of Nova Sootia T.D.Ruggles . Merchants B'k Halifax . . . . A. Gow . B'k of Nova Scotia Q. Henderson .B'k of Nova Scotia T.Fysbe British N- America J.Penfold Halifax Banking Go S.H.Blaok Merchants B'k Halifax ...-G. McLean Molsons Halifax Banking Go. Montreal H.Gundry Peoples B'k Halifax P.Jack Union B'k of Halifax W. S.Stirling Nationale Merchants B'k B'k of Nova Scotia L. DeV. Ghipman .B'k of Liverpool ...J.A.Leslie .Peoples B'k Halifax A.Locke .Merchants B'k Halifax S.Fink Merchants B'k Halifax G. Frieze . B'k of Nova Scotia J . W . Garmichael . Halifax Banking Co A . S.Townshend . B'k of Nova Scotia H . Primrose Merchants B'k Halifax ....W.Ives PictouB'k T.Watson .British N. America .J.F-Reid . B'k of Nova Sootia Hon. T . D . Archibald .Merchants B'k Halifax ....J.EBuchell .Merchants B'k Halifax ....M. Dickie Halifax Banking Go G . Blanchard .Merchants B'k Halifax ...-G. Campbell, Jr. .Peoples B'k Halifax A.D. w • Barss .Gommercial B'k Windsor . -W.Lawson . B'k of Nova Scotia J . M urray Exchange ASMurray Yarmouth T.W.Johns NEW BRUNSWIGK. Gampbellton Ghatham ... Frederic ton v>lsons .A. A.G. Donovan Montreal : F.E.Winslow Peoples B'kof N.B S.W. Babbitt British N . America R. Napier Moncton Montreal F . M . Gotten Newcastle .... Montreal R. Mackenzie Sackville Maritime Bank M.Wood & Sons St. John B'k New Brunswick W. Girvan B'k Nova Scotia 1* ^ - Robinson British N ■ America R . Steven Nationale B'k N. Brunswick Maritime Bank A. Ray Molsons B'k N.Brunswick Montreal E.G. Jones St. Stephen. . . .St. Stephsn's Bank R. Watson liujr your COOKINO, HALL, PARLOa dc DOVBIiE WHITE DRESS SHIRTS (11.90, WORTH 99.95» AT OEO. BON1> A CO/S. " PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Gharlottetown • Bank of P. E. Island J. R. Breoken Merchants B'k Halifax . . . .O. Connolly Merchants B'k P.E.I W.MoLern Merchants H. 0. Connolly Union B'k P.E.I G. MoLeod Georgetown .... Merchants B'k P.E.I H. C. McLeod Montague Union U'k P.E.I M. J. Fitzgerald Rustioo Farmers B'k M. J. Blanohard Souris Merchants B'k Halifax ....H.J. Doyle Summerside . . Merchants B'k Halifax . . . . S. McNeil Molsons Meroh.B'k Halifax Union B'k P.E.I N. MoKelvie MANITOBA. Winnipeg Merchants B'k Canada D. Mc Arthur Ontario G- Brown ■ Montreal C-Sweeney NEWFOUNDLAND. St. Johns Commercial B 'k Nfld R . Brown Molsons..... Commercial B'k Montreal Union B'k Nfld ; UnionB'kNfld R.Green BRITISH COLUMBIA. Barkerville .... B'k British Columbia A. Eraser B'k British N. America . . . . A . B . Ritchie Victoria B'k British Columbia W . C.Ward B'k British N. America ....J.Cran Montreal ....|||.... B'k B.Columbia FOKEIGN AGENTS. , Place. Bank. Agency. Belfast, Irel'd. . . . Consolidated Ulster Banking Co. Dublin* Irel'd.. • . Consolidated National Bank. Edinburgh, Set. • . Montreal British Linen Company and Branches. Edinburgh, Set* » Consolidated National Bank of Scotland and Branches. Liverpool Montreal Bank of Liverpool. Liverpool B.N. America. . .Bank of Liverpool. London, Eng B. N« America. .London Office, 3 Clement's Lane, E'C, Bank of Eng- land, and Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. W. CHINESE ADTB JAPANESE ARTICLES OF TIRTV, CD I I O S I. ?. i .tr- t ! i ! n ■i MBIRM HADE TO ORDER AT OEO« BOXR 4e C0«% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. Ul 166 BANKS. Place.' Londoiif Ens • • • Bank, Agency. Paris Boston. Buffalo Chicago Cleveland.- Detroit .... Milwaukee New York Toronto City Bankf London. Commerce Bank of Scotland. London. Merchants Clydesdale Banking Co., 30 Lombard street. Montreal B'k of England, Union B'k of London, and the Lon- don and Westminster B'k, B*k of Montreal, 9 Rirohin lane. Lombard st^ London C. Ash worth, mannger. Nationale National Bank of Scotland. Exchange Alliance Bank, (limited.) Quebec Union Bank of London. Consolidated Alliance Bank (limited.)! ] Montreal City & Dist. Sayings . .Bank of Montreal. Du Peuple Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Ontario Bank of Montreal, London. Molsons Bank of Montreal and Glyn, Mills, Currie & Co. Mess. Morton, Rose & Co* Union London and County Bank. d'Hochelaga Clydesdale Banking Co. .Nationale .^ .F. S. Ballin & Co. B. N. America .. Marouard, Andr6 ,'•>,">. ' ./■>./■>,'■>,'">." STOCKS AND SECURITIES ]' OP ALL DESCItirTIONS Bought and Sold on Margin or for Cash. Correspondents in London, Eng., and New York, ' ;, '■ v'V.i t.' ...• B@" For Canadian Stock List, see next page. :il i' i \V ■ii m of Principal Securities dealt in JANUARY, BANKS. Montreal Ontario • . • • Merchants' . . . ., Consolidated Du Peuple i accrues \^artier ••••••••••9><»a>t«**i lolsons Toronto Quebec Nationale . . . • Union of Lower Canada Commerce Eastern Townships Dominion Hamilton . • Maritime Exchanee Imperial Standard Federal Ville Marie d'Hochelaga MISCELLANEOUS. Montreal Telegraph Dominion Telegraph City Gas Mont'l Loan & Mort. .. Montreal Building Ass. . Royal Canadian Ins. Co. Richelieu and Ont. Nav. City Passenger Railway . Dominion Stock Mont'l City Corp., 7 p.c. Do. do. 6 p.c. Do. Bonds, 6 p.c. Do. Harbour, 6 p.c. .....*•*•.• ........ CAPITAL lUTHOBIZED* .$12,000,000 . 3,000,000 . 6,000,000 . 4,000,000 . 1,600,000 . 1,000,000 , 2,000,000 . 2,000,000 . 3,000,000 . 2,000,000 . 2,000,000 . 6,000,000 . 1,600,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 . 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 4,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 6,000,000 2,000,C00 1,300,000 CAPITAL BUflSORlBED. .$12,000,000 . . 3,000,000 . . 6,798,266 . . 3,600,000 . . 1,600,000 . . 1,000,000 . . 2,000,000 . . 2,000,000 . . 2,500,000 . . 2,000,000 . . 2,(K)0,000 . . 6,000,000 . . 1,469,600 . . 970,250 . . 1,000,000 . . 1,000,000 . . 1,000,000 . . 912,800 . 509,750 . . 1,000,000 . . 1,000.000 . . 800,000 . 2,000,000 600,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 500,000 6,000,000 1,500,000 600,000 OSWALD BROS., Members of immmml^mt • • • • • on tbd MOITBSAIh STOCK EXGHAHQB 1870. CAPITAL PAID-UP. $11,998,400 . 2,996,756.. 6,486,213i . 3,471,517 . 1,600,000 . 960,745 . 1,996,715 . 2,000,000 . 2,600,000 . 2,000,000 1 . 1,992,990 . 6,000,000.. 1,379,242 . 970,260 . 723,650?. 679,230 . 1.000,100 . 882,445 509,750 1,000,000 906,662 637,190]. 2,000,000 600,000 1,800,000 550,000 470,000 300,000 1,500,000 600,000 745,000 679,400 4,060,000 600,000 Shares. Amount. $200 40 100 100 50 25 50 100 100 100 tlOO 160 ^50 ^60 .100 !lOO *100 100 100 Eloo 100 1100 40 50 40 50 50 100 100 60 100 100 100 100 100 DIVIDEND DAYS. 1st 1st _ 1st June 1st June 1st Mar. 1st June 1st April 1st June 1st June 1st May 1st Jan. Ist Jan. 1st Jan. 1st May 1st June 1st May 1st Jan. 1st Jan. 1st Jan. 1st June Ist Feb. 1st Jan. une and une *' ii <( <{ (( {( it (i ii ti li <( ii ii u ii ii i( ii ti 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Ist 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Sept. Dec. Oct. Dec. Dec. Nov. July July July Nov. Dec. Nov. July July July Dec Aug. July Jan. and July ...... Jan. " July 15th Mar. ♦* 15th Sept.. 15th Mar. " 15th Sept. • 1st Feb. " 1st Aug. . . February Mar. and Sept April »• Oct 31st Mar. '* 30th Sept.. 1st May ** 1st Nov. . 1st May " 1st Nov. . 1st May ** 1st Nov. . 5th July " 5th Jan. . . Dividend Last 6 Nos* 5 p.c. 3 " 3i " 3 " 3 ♦' 3 " 3i " 3 " 3 " 2 ♦• 4 '* 3i " 4 *• 4 " 3 " 4 " 3 « 3i •* 3 " 2 « m 3 p.c. 3 '♦ 5 " 4 ♦' 3 " 6i '* per an. 5 " 5 •♦ •• <7 ii ti 6 " " 6 " " 6 ** " the Montreal Stock Exchange. : 1- 160 ADVERTISEMENT. OSWALD BROS., Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange, 53 &L 55 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER ST., JAo NTREAL. '»,"|'''W"\''V '*»."», '*»J''.'" STOCKS AND SECURITIES OF EVERY DESCRirTION Bought and Sold on Margin or for Cash. Correspondents in London, Eng., and New Yor/i, g B^" For Canadian Stock List, see preceding page. HITHITK DRESS (SHIRTS 91.50, WORTH 92.95, AT GEO. BOND A CO.'S. BANKS. Ifll Place* New York Sank. Agency* Oswego Portland, Me. • . Portland, Ore'n. San Francisco . . Toledo India Oh J _ AU81 India China Japan Australia New Zealand. . . Toronto National B^k of Commerce, C.P.Smitherg A W.Watson. B. N. America • . . D. A. McTavish & W.Lawson Merchants W ith J. Paton & Co.» 52 William street, and Nat'I B'k of the Republic. Nationalo National B'k of the Republic Montreal C. F. Smitbers t>cc«or«.— G.Stephen, pres- ident ; G.W.Campbell, M.D., vice-president; Hon. T- Ryan, P. Redpath, Sir A. T- Gait, G- CM- G-, Hon. D. A. Smith, E. Mackay, G. Scott, A.Gilmour. R- B- Angus, general manager, Montreal; W.J. Buchanan, manager Montreal Branch. JAPANESE WARE, JE1VEJL£.ERY, FANCY GOODS* WMt Si;BIJ!I£LHMirecfor9.— -bir F.Hinoks, K.C.M.U., president ; K.J Reekie, ▼ice-president; Hon. A. Campbell. J, Grant. H.Mackay, W.W. Osilviet J> Rankin, John L.Blaikio, D.Ualbraith, Toronto, W. Thomson, Toronto. J • B - Renny, gen'l manager ; T • MoCraken, assistant general manager. Merchants' Bank op Canada.— Cai ital, S^^. 200,000. i>irecA.Bigueil, ledger keeper ; J . Moore, messenger. QuKBEC Bank.— Capital, $3,000,000. Head Office, Quebec— J. Stevenson, cashier. Montreal Branch.— T- McDougall, man- ager; T. C Cotlia, accountant; E. C Durnt'ord, teller; J. Piddmgton and W. Drayner, clerks ; W. Anderson, messenger* Difiopunt every day. Bank of Toronto. ~J. M. Smith, manager; T. P. Tate, accountant ; C. Maolver, teller ; J • K. McKirdy, discount clerk ; G- E> Hague, assist, accountant; E- Miiloy, ledger ; J. L. T. Ployart, clerk : G. Chapman, messenger. Ontario Bank.— Capital, $3,000,000. Head Office,Toronto,Ont. Hon.W.P.Uowland, president; D. Fisher, general manager. Montreal Branch* Place D'Armea.—C' Holland, manager. Days of discount : Every day • Exchange Bank op Canada.— Capital, ii;l,000,000. head Office, Montreal.— M . H .Qault, president; T-Cavorhill, vice-pres't.; A.W.O«ilvie; TTiffin, K. K.Qreeno, J.Craihern, A.Buntin; C 'R. Murray, cashier ; G. Burn, inspector. The Canadian Bank of Commerce. — Head Office, Toronto, On^— Capital, paid-up, $6,000,000. Kest, $1,400,000. Hon-W. MoMaster, president; W . N ■ Anderson, general manager. Montreal Branch, 153 St. Jailies St.— W. Simpson, manager; F-H. Mathewson, accountant; F.Crossley, assist- accountant; J.Pangman, paying teller; M- Howard, receiving teller; G'deC. O'Grady, transfer elerk ; E.L- Pease, discount clerk ; O.G.Roy, collections and exchange ; P. W. Smith, ledger keeper ; J Den- ovan, Jr. , clerk ; R. Dalton, 1st messenger ; W.Roberts, 2nd do. La Banque Nationale, Place D'Armes.— Capital, $2,0§0,000. Bead Offi,ce, Quebec— Hon- E. Chinio, president ; F. V^zina, cashier. Montreal Branch.'^], B. Sancer, manager; J.W. Lesperance, teller; P.V^zina, ledger keeper; G. Mercier, clerk ; L.Guimond, messenger. CHINESE AN1> JAPAAIESA} AKii€i.Jb» OF TIRTU, VfJOi, (SIEMHEJLHAACK, 303 KOTRE DAME ST. t3* I P4 ! i I s I I CO 09 w o Cm o CO 164 BANKSi Banque Ville-Marie.— E. HTrudel, president ; EF.Vinet, yioe-president. Z>t>ec«or«.— P.P.Martin, A.Dubord, G-H.Dutiiesnil, P. A. A. DorioD, and ODeguise. Discount days : Tuesdays and Fridays. La Banque d^Hochelaga.— Capital, $1,000,000. L.Tourville, § resident; J. S. Paquet, cashier; J.-E. Brais, accountant; A. ari6py, paying teller; A.Qiroux, receiving teller ; J.H.Ortigny ledger keeper; N. Beaudry, discount clerk; A* D. Parent} clerk ; T. Bellemare, messenger. Mechanics' BanKi— C.J. Brydges, president; J.H. Menziesft cashier; W. Moriarty, accountant ; E. D.Wintle, teller; J.C. Auger, ledger keeper ; J. H. Cameron, clerk; J. Martin, mes- senger. , , ^ City and D^/btrict Savings Bank, 176 St. James street.— E- Murphy, president ; Sir Francis Hincks, vice-president ; A. M. Delisle, T. Workman, R. Bellemare, T. W. Kitchio, A. La- Kocque, Dr-VV. H.Hingston, and J.O*15iien, directors. E. J. Bar beau, assistant receiver general for Montreal, manages. Open every lawful day during banking hours. The Board meets on Mondays. The Bank has three Branches : Corner St. Cath- erine and Jacques Cartier streets, A. Gari6py, agent; corner St. Joseph and Versailles streets, E. Varin, agent; come/ Welling- ton and St. Etienne streets. Point St. Charles, W. Daly, agent. Bankers : Bank of Montreal. Foreign Correspondents : Lon- don, Bank of Montreal ; New York, Bank of Montreal ; Paris, Mons.P.Qil. CHEMIA QOARTATA; OR, ■' '' ■: ■' ' ■ ■-'■' ■'■ ■■■' ' THE KEY TO MODERN CHEMISTRY. BY A. H. KOLLMYER, A.M., M.D. For Sale by DiV^VSON IBliOXHHlKS, 000» 1IOUBL.K vroVftlS AT JODOIN & C0^89, 809 ST» FAVL SVaEJGTt BUT TOUR ISHIRT9 AT OEQ* BOND ^ CO.% 415 NOTRE PAHE f^TREET. V INSURANCE COMPANIES. 165 INSUEANCE COMPANIES. Accident Insurance Co., of Canada — E. Rawlings, manager, 103 St. Francois Xavier.— >S'ee adv. on cover. Anchor Marine Insurance Co.— Howland & Son, agents, 42 St. Sacrament. ^tna Life— Eastern Canada Branch : Orr & Cliristmas, raana* gers. Montreal District Branch : J.R. Alexander, M.D,, manager, 126 St James. ^tna Fire, of Hartford— Wood & Evans, general agents, 91 St. Francois Xavier. Boston Board of Marine Underwriters— Herrlman & Whitney, agents, Hamilton Chambers, 17 St. John. British America Fire and Marine of Toronto— Gault & Tatley, agents. 164 St. James. British and Foreign Marine— Gillespie, MofFatt & Co,, agents; R.W.Tyre, manager, 12 St. Sacrament. Briton Life Association, Limited— J. B. M. Chipman, manager for Canada, 12 Place D'Armes. Briton Medical and General Life Association— J. B.M.Chipman, manager for Canada, 12 Place D'Armes. Canada Farmers' Mutual Fire — Jackson & Currie, 162 St. James. Canada Fire and Marine — W. Kavanagh, 117 St. Francois Xavier. Canada Guarantee Company— E- Rawlings, manager, 103 St. Francois Xavier.— *See adv. on cover, Canada Life— R.Pownall, general agent, 180 St. James. Citizens' Insurance Co.. of Canada- Fire, Life, Guarantee and Accident, 179 & 181 St. James. Gerald E. Hart, general manager; A. McGoun, sec-treasurer. See adv. p. i. Commercial Mutual Insurance Co. (Marine) NewYork.— T.Hart & Sons, 33 St. Nicholas. Commercial Union— F.Cole, general agent for Eastern Canada, 43 St. Francois Xavier. See adv. p. 84. Confederation Life Association of Canada— H.J. Jfohnston, man- ager for Province of Quebec, 110 St. Francois Xavier. See adv. p. 23. Connecticut Mutual Life, of Hartford— R Wood, goneial agent and attorney, 91 St. Francois Xavier. Dominion Plate Glass— A.Ramsay, 10 Inspector. Equitable Life -R.W- Gale, 198 St. James. Globe Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York — J. D. Wells, general mauager, 114 St. Franoois Xavier. I HI of o § g o o H o ► TERRA €OTTA A BRONZE OR^AMENTSl, Jewellery, I 1 * I' (• ^ i Ml II I shirts made to order at oeo. bond a co.'st 415 notut: dvwe street. 166 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Guardian Fire and Life— R.Simms & Co. and G. Denholm, gen- eral agents, 13 St- Sacrament. See adv. p, 82. Hartford Fire, of Hartford— Wood & Evans, general agents and attorneys, 91 St. Francois Xavier. Hoohelaga Mutual Fire Insurance Co— J. Grant, manager and secretary, 194 St- James. Imperial Fire, of London— Rintoul Bros., agents, 102 St. Fran- cois Xavier. See adv. p. 65 and cover. Inspectors' Insurance Co. of North America.— G-W. Morrison, inspector, 18 Corn Exchange. Insurance Co. of North America (Marine)— R. Hampson, agent, 18 Corn Exchange. Isolated Risk and Farmers' Fire — S. E. Lefebvre, secretary, 86 Notre Dame. Lancashire Fire and Life Insurance Co.— A.R.Bethune, agent, 329 Notre Dame. Life Association of Scotland — G. W- Ford, secretary, 99 St. James. London and Lancashire Life Assurance Co. — W. Robertsont manager, 42 St. John. Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co.— GF.C Smith, resident secretary, 16 Place D'Armes. See adv. p. 57. Lloyd's (London) Glasgow Board of Underwriters— H. Chapman & Co., agents, 22 St. John. London Assurance Corporation— Sfephens & Fester, chief agents for Canada, 56 St Francois Xavier. See adv. p. 83. Maritime (Liverpool)— R. Simms & Co., agents, 13 St. Sacrament. Mercantile Mutual Insurance Co. (Marine) New York.— T- Hart & Sons, insurance brokers, 33 St. Nicholas. Mer-cbAnts Marine Insurance Co.— J . K. Oswald. Head office, 35 St. Francois Xavier. Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Co., New York.— A- J. Pell, general agent, 345 Notre Damo. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of the City of Montreal— R. A. R. Hubert, president: A. Diiraouchel, sec. -treasurer, 9 St. Lambert. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of the Counties of Chambly, Laval, and Jacques Cartier— A.DeLaet, soc.-troas., 51 St. Mary. Mutual Life of New York— M- H.Gault, agent, 164 St. James. National Fire Insurance Co.— H- Lye, secretary, 184 St. James. New York Life Insurance Co.— P. C. Warren, manager, 119 St. Francois Xavier. • North British and Mercantile Fire and Life — MaoDougall & Davidson, general agents; W. Ewing, inspector. Office, cor. St. Francois Xavier ind Hospital. Sec adv. on cover. GOOD COOKING STOVES AT JODOIX Sc €09S, K'St WHITK DRESS SHIRTS $1.50, WORTH I|l9.98, AT Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life) of Aberdeen and London— Taylor Bros., general agents for Canada, 45 St. Francois Xavier. Orient Mutual (Marine)— Ho wland & Son, agents, 42 St. Sacra- ment. Ottawa Agricultural — F. H. Berry, manager pro tenut 97 St. James. Pacific (Marino) Mutual of New York— J. Poph am, agent, 03 St. Francois Xavier. Phoenix Fire Office of London— Gillespie, Moffatt & Co., agents j R-W-Tyre, manager, St. Sacrament. See adv. p. xii. Phoenix Insurance Co. of New York (Inland and Marine) — R. Hampson, agent, 18 Corn Exchange Buildings. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. — A. R. Bethune, general agent, 329 Notre Dame. Positive Government Security (Life) — J. Taylor, 353 Notre Dame. Quebec Fire Assurance Co.— HC Scott, agent, 113 St. Francois Xavier. Queen, Fire nnd Life— Forbes & Mudge, chief agents, 191 & 193 StJames. Reliance Mutual Life Insurance Society of London— F.Stancliffe, resident secretary, 196 St. James- AS'ee adv. on cover. Royal, Fire and Life — Gault k Tatley, chief agentis, corner of St. Francois Xavier and Hospital- See adv. p. 105. Royal Canadian Insurance Co., Fire and Marine— James Davidson, manager Fire Department ; H. Stewart, man- ager Marine Department; A. Gagnon, sec. -treasurer, 158 & 160 St. James. Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society.— G.W- Ford, general agent, 99 St. James. Scottish Commercial— T. Mackay, 110 St. Francois Xavier. See adv. p. 33. Scottish Imperial, Fire— Taylor Bros., managers, 45 St. Francois Xavier. Scottish Provincial— G. AV.Ford, agent, 99 St. James. Standard Life (now united with the Colonial)— W.M. Ramsay, manager, 151 St. James. See adv. p. 88. Sun Mutual, Life, of Montreal— M. IL Gault, managing director, 1C4 St. James. Transatlantic, Marine, of Berlin — G. Lomer, Jr., agent for Canada, 5 St. Sacrament. Travelers of Hartford, Conn.— T. Simpson, general agent Pro- vince of Quebec, 199 St. James. FAK€Y OOOOS, €IIiN£S£ AND JAPANESiB ^ARE. y\n. SEMJ^EiVBIAACK, 30.1 XOTRE DAME ST. < I Birr Torn (shirts at oeo. bond « co/is, t ^ 415 HOTBE DAME STREET. I P4 o 3 £ O .a o 168 MERCANTILE. Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Maine— 0. B. Cushingi general manager, U7 St. James. Union Marine, of Liverpool, Eng. —J. Popham, agent, 93 St. Francois Xavier. Victoria Mutual, Fire-^B. T. Taylor, manager, 4 Hospital. Western Fire and Marine Assurance Co, of Can.ada — A. R. Bethune, agent, 329 Notre Dame. MEECANTILE. MONTREAL BOARD OF TRADE. iFncorporated by Act of Parliament in 1842.) H. Lyman, president; F. W. Henshaw, vice-president; J. Kerry, treasurer. Council.- -J . L- Cassidy, J. P. Cleghorn, E. K. Greene, W. H Hutton, A. T. Patterson, D. Robertson, H. Shorey, C.S.Watson, J. h' Winn, W.W.Ogilvie, W.R.Wonham, R.C.Adams. Board of Arhitrati n.—W .'DaxVmg, J.H.AVinn. T. Cramp, J. Grant, H. McLennan,' P. Redpath, J. H. Jo^-oph, R. Simms, J.Young, A.Allan, W-Wonham, J. Hutton. w DOMINION BOARD OF TRADE. A.Joseph, Quebec, Que., president; W.F.McMaster, Toronto, Ont., J. Kerry, Montreal, Que., J. J. Bremnor, Halifax, N. S., R.S.DeVeber, St. John. N.B., vice-presidents. Executive CownciY.— W.E.Sanford, HamiUon, Ont-; W. Dar- ling, Montreal, Que.; J. Walker, London, Ont-; A. Robertson, Montreal, Que-; R-R. Dobell, Quebec, Que-; J. Noxon, InKer- soil, Ont-; A. Woods, Quebec, Que-; T- White, Montreal, Que. C.H. Gould, Montreal, Que., treasurer ; W- J.Patterson, Mont- real, Que-, secretary. The Ninth Annual Meeting to be held in Ottawa, on the *hird Tuesday of January, 1870. OOOD HA I.E. STOVES AT JODOIN* A: CO'S, ^m ST. PAUIi STU£ET. CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. {Incorporated hy Act of Parliament in 1863.) Committee of Management.— KYs^HaWci^ president: R.Archer, treasurer; E. Judp:e, L-Tourvillc, J. E. Kirkpatrick, J- Major, O-Dufresne, J.S.Norris. jBoarrfo/'/^ewteu'.—H. McLennan, chairman ; W- W-Ogilvie, J.Lord, J.MqDougall, S.St.Onge, F.Larin. _ SHIRTS IftlADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOND ^ €0.% 415 NOTRE DAKIE STREET. INSPECTORS OF PRODUCE, Ao. ^»/'.— L. A .Boyer, inspector, 88 Common street. Fees, 2 cents per barrel for inspecting and branding (exclusive of cooperage.) " When any less quantity than 100 barrels of flour are offered for inspection, the inspector shall be entitled to receive the full fees that would accrue to him on 100 barrels. When the inspec- tor, in his judgment, deems it necessary to strip or empty out the flour, to find out if there is the proper weight of flour in any cask, he shall be entitled to 2 cents for each barrel so stripped or emptied (if it prove to be of short weight,) in addition to the 2 cents per bivrrel for inspection and branding." 6^ram.— T-Bickerstaff, 6 William street. Beef and Pork.—}. Doheney, Government inspector, 2G & 28 Grey Nun street. " For such inspection and branding, the inspector shall be entitled to receive, of and from the person submitting tho same for iaspection, for each and every barrel and half barrel, tierce or half tierce of beef or pork so inspected, salted, packed, pickled, and brandeo, 25 cents for each barrel, 15 cents for each half barrel, 35 cents for each tierce, and 25 cents ^>' each half tierce, exclusive of cooperage and repairs — the oharge for which cooperage P,nd repairs shall not exceed 15 cents per barrel, tierce or half tiurco ; in consideraiion of which charges all barrels or half barrels, tieioes or half tierces, shall be delivered in good shipping order." Fish and Fish OU'—L- E. Morin, corner St. Sacrament and St. Nicholas streets. " Every inspector or deputy inspector who shall inspect and brand or mark any cask or package of pickled fish, or in bulk, or any fish oil, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall be entitled to fees at the following rates,which shall be paid by tlie original owner or the person who employed him in the first instance '.—For each tierce of salmon, salmon- trout,';or sea trout, 15 cents; each half tierce, 10 cents; each barrel, 15 cents : each half barrel, 10 cents. For each barrel of mackerel, 10 cents : each half barrel, 5 cents. For each barrel of herring, 5 cents; each half barrel, 3 oems. For each barrel of ghad, 10 cents ; each half barrel, 7 cents. Fo*- each barrel of white fish, 10 cents , each half barrel, 7 cents. . .r each barrel of pickled codfish, hake, haddock, or catfish, 5 cents ; each half B B II JAPANESE WARK, Ji:WEI.I.i:ilY, FAN< Y <{,}OODS. WM. ^E-fMEWIikACK, 303 KOTRE I>AME STv : 5 1 M I I g OT PN I 1 o o O i M WHITE DRESS SHIRTS 91.50, WORTH «!9.25, AT OEO. BOND A €0/S. 170 MERCANTILE. barrel, 8 cents. For each barrel of dry-salted codfish, hake, had- dock, catfish, ling, or polI( ck, 5 cents ; each half barrel, 3 cents. For each barrel of bass, 10 cents ; each half barrel, 7 cents. For each barrel of cod tongues, cod sounds, halibut or eels, 10 cents ; each half barrel, 7 cents. For inspecting, gauging and branding each puncheon of oil, 20 cents ; each hogshead, 15 cents ; each tierce, 20 cents; each barrel, 15 cents. In reckoning packages of oil a barrel is from 20 to 34 gallons ; a tierce from 35 to 51 gal- lons ; a hogshead from 52 to 89 gallons ; a puncheon from 90 gal- lons upwards— all Imperial measure. The foregoing rates shall be reckoned exclusive of salt, pickle, cooperage, storage, and Inbnur employed in washing, rinsing, cleaning, nailingj screwing or repacking and pickling any fish. For branding or marking Newfoundland fish, which have been inspe<^ttid in Newfound- Innd, 2 cents per barrel. For inspecting empty p?.ckages, 1 cent." yhe owner may employ his own cooper to act under inspector. Leather and IJidea.—T ■ Hawkins, inspector. " Every iospec- lor shall be entitled, for the inspection of such hides, to a fee of 5 cents for each hide in lots under 100 in number, and Scents for taoh hide in lots over 100 in number. Theinspector may inspect and measure all kinds of leather which a^-e sold by superficial measure or by weight, and shall be entitled to charge 2 cents for each side or piece of such leather inspected and measured by him." J.W. Muirhead, city woighor, measurer and gauger, 17 Com- mon street. Weights and Measures Inspection Office, 404 St. Paul street— DLyons, SJ Quinn, L X Roy. Gas Inspector's Office, 404 St. Paul street, Custom House Square- -N.Aubin, inspector. MONTREAL STOCK LXCHANGE. ' D.LMacDougall, ciainuan: J D.Crawford, vice-chairman; H-S-MacDougallj secietary; J.L jw, assist, secretary. Members.— \I. A.. Bnlden, J.Burnett* A M.Cx)hen, J.D.Craw- ford, T. Davidson, E.Ford, L. J. F(n-get, CGeddos, C G.deddes, T.Kershaw, D. L- MacDougall, EL S. MacDougall, G.C Mao- Dougall, R.Moat, J. Moat, W.H.Oswald, W.Rhind, H.CScott, G.W Simpson, HG- Strathy, T- Wilson, J. T. Vanneck, .1. T. Davies, PS-Barnston, W MS-Barnston, CG Hobson, J.W. Gordon. WSache, D.Kin.'^olla, J. Nichols, J.FNott, A.MoCul- loch, W. Mackenzie, W- I- Fenwick, J. Low, A. C- Clark, R. Lindsay, G- W.Hamilton. G- H R. W;iinwright. Meets daily— Morning board iit 11,10; afternoon board at 2.30. Saturday at II only. Buy your COOK 17% O, 1I.VI.IL« PAM&.OH ^ DOUBLE STOVES jit siroUOlN *1 lO'r ;^0 ♦ s^s. Vaul $(reet« BUT TOrR SHIRTS AT GEO. BOND A CO.*8» 415 BTOTRF I>AME STREET. MONTREAL OPEN STOCK EXCHANGE. Hon. H. Staraes, president; R. A.Campbell, vice-president; H.S-Leaoh, secretary. Jfemfters.— LA. p. Barthe, P.D.Browne, F. H. Burnett, R A. Campbell, TA.Drummond. W.DDupont, J. Glass, J. H. Roll, H. S. Leach, R. Mitohell, B.W. Parker, G. H. Patterson, E. Rawlings, A- Ross. DSinoennes, M.B.Smith, Hon.H. Starnes, W.J.Turpin, W.Weir, C Whitlaw. Meets daily— Morning board at 12.30 ; afternoon board at 3.30. Saturday at 12 only. PUBLIC COMPANIES. RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT, TELEGRAPH, &o. Grand Trunk Railway Company op Canada, including The Montreal k Champlain and Buffalo k Lake Huron R.R.— Sir Henry Tyler, president, London; Hon. J. Ferrier. senator, chairman, Canada. C|/^cer«.— J.Hickson, general manager; L.J.Seargeant, traffic manager; B.P.Hannatbrd, chief engineer; HWallis, locomo- tive superintendent: J. Porteous, general freight agent; W. J. Spioer, superintendent; W- Wainwritht, general passenger agent; R.Wright, treasurer; TBHawson, auditor ; J.Taylor, general storekeeper ; CDrinkwater, general manager's assist- ant. Offices, Jacques Cartier Square. Montreal City PasseiVger Railway Co.— J. Crawford, pres- ident; Dr. Hingston. vice-prosidont; A. Murray, E. L. Beau- fort, Jesse Joseph, directors; E. Lusher, secretary-treasurer; T.H.Robillard, superintendent; G. Richmond, receiving clerk ; G.Lulham, assist, do.; J.J.Franklin, inspector. Allan Line OF OOEAN Steamships. —Carrying passengers and mails between Montreal and Liverpool and Glasgow in summer, and Portland and Liverpool and Glasgow in winter. H. c^ A. Allan, agects, corner Youville and Common streets, Montreal. Mississippi and Dominion Steamshti' Co.— Sailing between Liverpool and Montreal in summer, and Liverpool, Halifax and Portland in winter. D- Torrance & Co., agents, Exchange Court, Montreal.— *Sce adv. p. 87, FANCY UOOD!9, CHINESE ANI> JAPANESE WARBr WM, !m.MMFMIAA< K, «01 NOTRK DAIIE ST. o p i PQ g •HIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT OEO.^BOXD A CO.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. Temprrley Link.— Sailing between Montreal and London, England, during the sunamer months. D. Shaw, agent, 305 Commissioners street, Montreal. QuEBRO AND Gulp Ports Steamship Co. (Royal Mail Line.)— Between Montreal, Quebec, and intermediate Ports, to Char- lottetown and Pictou. D. Shaw, agent, 305 Commissioners street. The Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co. — Daily Royal Mail Line of Steamers between Queljeo, Montreal, Hamilton, and intermediate ports. J. B. Lam6re, general manager; A. Milloy, traffic manager; J. N. Beaudry, sec-treasurer. 0.fflce.-2'28 St. Paul street. Freipht and Ticket O^ce.— 133 St. James street; R. A. Dick- son, ticket agent. Lake and River S-S. Co.— Running regularly between Mont- real and Hamilton.— J- W.Hannah, at 86 Common St., opposite Company's wharf ; A. & C J Hope k Co., 320 Commissioners street, Montreal. J. Harvey, sec & treas-, 69 James street North, Hamilton. . • Merchants and Lake and River SS. Line.— Line of Cana- dian propellers trading regularly to Toronto, Hamilton and Upper Lake ports. Connecting at Toronto with the Northern and Toronto, Grey and Bruce Hailnays, and at Hamilton with the Great Western, Canada Southern, and Hamilton and North Western Railways. G. E. Jaques & Co., agents, 108 Common st. Ottawa River Navigation Co. (Royal Mail Line of Steam- ers,— R. W. Shepherd, president ; E- Scott, secretary. Office, 13 Bonaveiiture st. Bay op Quinte anp River St. Lawrence Steamroat Co.— Between Montreil, Presoott, Brockville, Kingston, Pioton, Belleville and Trenton. J. F. McQuaig, agent, 81 Common street, Montreal. HoLC MB k Stewart's Frrfght Line.— Office, No. 2 Union Buildings, 'St. Francois Xavior st.. Montreal. Montreal and Ottawa Forwarding Co. —J. W- Kinghorn, agent. Office, Common st. (Canal Basin,) Montreal. CSOOD DOCJBLK STOVES AT JOBOIN & €0'S, 309 ST. TAl WklTi: BRESS (SHIRTS <^1.50, WORTH <^!2.23, A^ OFO. BOND A €0/S. « PUBLIC COMPANIES. 173 SlNOBNKES-MoNAUQHTONFORWARDlNti AND TuO LiNE.— Ofli3e« 88 Common »t., corner Nazareth, (Canal Basin,) Montreal. M. MoNaughtcni manager. "WeStebn Express Line for PASSENaERB and Freight to ALL Western Ports (13 first-class propellers.)— W. Macauley, agent* Office, 93 Common street and Canal W harf. Montreal Telegraph Co.— This Company connects by the Western Union Telegraph Co. with all parts of the United States, Mexico, West Indies, Bahamas, Cuba, and British Columbia, and by Cable, Ac, with Europe, Asia, and Australia. Virectora. — Sir Hugh Allan, president; A. Allan, G. W. Campbell, M.D-, P.Redpath, Hon. EG. Penny, J- Dakers, superintendent and secretary; C Bourne, treasurer. Head office, corner of St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament streets. Dominion Telegraph Co. op Canada. — (7enera^ Officeai Toronto^ Out. Board of Directors— Ron. T. N. Gibbs, president: J. I. Mackenzie, vice-president; J.Michie, treasurer ; T.Swinyard, managing director; Hon. W. Cayley, A. Copp, R. N. Waddell, Hon. Frank Smith, J. Smith. Local Directors.— M. H. Gault, M.P., Montreal; A. Joseph, Quebec; J. Taylor, St. Catharines; C. II. Fairweather, St. John, N.B. ; J. S. MacLean, Halifax. Executive Officers.— 'M. Swinyard, general manager, Toronto ; F. Koper, secretary, Toronto. Divisional Superintendents.— Q.. Neilson, Toronto ; T. C Elwood, Toronto; C K. Hosmer, Montreal. OMce.— St. Francois Xavier street. Montreal Mining Company.—R. Anderson, president; M. H. Gault, vice-president ; G. W. Campbell, M.D., J. Hutton, H. Mulholland, Hon. Judge Cross, A. Murray, P. Redpath, directors ; N. J. Handyside, secretary. Office, 58 St. Francois Xavier street. Huron Copper Bay Co.— North British and Mercantile Insur- ance Buildings, 42 St. Francois Xavier st. D. L. MacDougall, president; M. Babcook, vicc'president; 0. Geddes, R. Simms, aireotors; J. G. Burrows, secretary. Kennebec Gold Mining Co.— Hon. T. Ryan, Senator ; C. J. Brydges, E. M. Hopkins, A. Wilson, VV. Shanly, M. P., T. Keyaolds, Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, directors. Messrs. MacDouf all i& Davidson, North British Sl Mercantile Insurance Build'ngs, brokers. T. W. Ritchie, (^.C, solicitor, St. James street. ^ IVM. SEIII1I£LHAA€K, 303 NOTRE BAIMLE ST« . ; ■ t 'H BVT YOVR SHIRTS AT OEO. tt^WD ^ t6.% 415 DTOTRE BAME ST^ft££'l\, 174 PUBLIC COMPANIES. Montreal pLuyflAGO Mining Company.— R. W. Shepherd, ^resident; H. K. Ives, rioe -president; Hon. Ti Ryan, Dr. G. W . Campbell, T. Cramp, T. K. Christian, G. F^jott, directors. TftusT AND Loan Company op Canada.— R. Stevenson, commissioner: G. Bourdeau, accountant; T. Trihoy, assiuiaut accountant; J. Monk and E. Beau^ais, Jr., clerks ; Judah & Branchaud, solicitors ; A. D. Jobin, notary. Office, 14 St. James street' New Citv Gas Company.— 5oard of Directors.— J, Joseph, president; A. Wilson, vice-president; A. Urquhart, J. Osteli, W. Macdonald, M.D., G. W. Campbell, M.D.j R. J. Reekie, Hon. L. R. Masson, H. McLennan. J. F. Scriver, secretary; D. Cunningham, meter inspector ; A. Demers, P. McElroy, H. Normandin, N. L. Leduc, clerks; C. Bienvenu, collector. Office, corner St. James and St. Gabriel streets. Montrkal Mutual Building Society.— W. Cross, president; J. Forrester, secretary-treasurer; J. H. Isaacson, notary; J. A. Ogilvy, VVm. MoMaster, G. D. Reid, Trustees. Meets every Friday evening, in Mechanics' Hall, St. James street. Provident Mutual Building Society.— J, Wilson, prosi- deiit; W. Alderson, vice-president; W. L. Maltby, secretary- treasurer; J. H.. Isaacson, notary : A. C. Hutchison, surveyor; The City and District Savings Bank, bankers ; J. C. Becket, I. Boudreau, I). Devine, trustees ; John Stone, J. B. Hutcheson, John Gow, W. Soycombe, J. H. Lundie, John Wayne, W. Hughes, G. G. MacPhorson, J. Skeith, Edward May. Le Credit Foncier pu Bas-Canada.— M. C. Mullarky, presi- dent; J. Simard, vice-president; Hon. J. A. Chapleau, J. J. U. Wurtale, J. H. Botterell, J. Fogarty, L. H. Massue, P. S. Murphy, directors ; M. (ruerin, cashier ; C. C. Delorimer, ad- vocate. Office, No. 13 St. Lambert street. The Shedden Co. (Limited.)— General forwarders and car- riers, and cartage agents tor the Grand Trunk Railway Co. T. Symington, managing director ; H. Paton, secretary-treas- urer. 22 and 24 St. Peter street. C. Mackenzie, superinten- dent, Toronto. Compagnie de Pret et Credit Fonciers.— D. E. Papineau, president; N. Villeneuve, vice-president; J. L. Cassidy, A. Dubord, C. Dupras, directors ; G. N. Fautoux, cashier; C. F. & J. G. Papineau, notaries. Office, No. 8 St. Lambert street. QQOtM COOKXN6 8XOV£S AY lOBOlN Ac CO'S, -J.**^.-^.. SillitTft MADE TO OitDKR AT GEO. BOXD A CO.^si, 415 BTOTIIK DAME NTREET. PUBLIC COMrANIES. 175 EDWAUDSnuRO Starch Company.— Montreal and Edwards- burg. W. Shanly, president; VV. T. Benson, vice-president; M. Thomson, secretary-treasurer, Ollioe, 9, 13, 17, 26 St. Peter street. Montreal Tirni'ikr Trustees.— J. Drummond, chairman ; J. Kielie, secretary. OOlce, 146 tit. James street. Montreal Loan and Mortgage CoMrAXV. — Formerly Montreal Pennantnt Jiulldino tSocictt/.—M.. Jl. Qault, presi- dent; A. W. Ogilvie, M.P.P., vice president; II. Esdailo, JL. Hart, T. CavorhiU, Hon \. Morris, J. McKay; T. Uraig, manager. Office, 181 St. J .js street. . . Scottish American Investment Co. (Limited.)— G. W. Campbell, M.D., G. Scott, and T. Davidson, directors ; Messrs. MacDougall & Davidson, agents: K. A. Ramsay, solicitor ; Messrs. IStuart & Marler, notaries. Provincial Loan Company.— Heretofore the Pro?n*ncia^/'er- matient Building Society.— ^iT Hugh Allan, president ; H. A. Nelson, vice-president; E. K. Qreene, Geo. Cruikshank, W. Coopar, and G. W. Moss, directors. Montreal Building Association.— Capital, $1,000,000.— H. A. JNelson, president; W. Keid, vice-president; T. F. Miller, A. VV .Ogilvie, T.M.Bryson, J.Ostell, TSimpson, directors; W. A. Merry, sec. -treasurer; Hon. J.J. C. Abbott, solicitor; W-F. Lighthall, notary. Office, 229 St. James street. Montreal Canadian Building Society.— CMolancon, presi- dent; J. Leduc, vice-president; L- Monat, L-Tourville, T- G. Belisle, directors; M. Kivet, treasurer; F. St. Germain, assist, treasurer; La Banque d'Hochelaga, bankers. Office, 46 St. Vincent street. ' Commercial Mutual Building Society.— M. S. Baxter, president; Edw. Evans, vice-president; J. B. Hutcheson, sec- treaaurer; 0. B. Carter, solicitor ; W. DeM. Marler, notary; A. C. Hutchison, valuator; Geo. Martin, Geo. VV. Robinson, and David Orawtord, trustees ; James W allace, David Robert- son and Robt. Finlay, auditors ; Consolidated Bank of Canada, JJirectors.—J, E. Alston, M. S. Baxter, Alf. Brittain, Robt. Brophy, David Crawford, H. C Collins, Edw. Evans, E. J. Fish, Hy. Goodchild, Rich. Jelly man, Wm. Larkin, Geo. Martm, John Martin, Geo. W. Robinson, J. T. Sadler* IXRRA i;oi rA A BitOx\zt: ou:wajienTS, Jewellery, WM. SEMIIEI^IIAACK, 303 NOTRE DAME ST. ^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) C' / % .< ^ A v.. 11.25 I^IM 12.5 1^ 1^ |2.2 £ lu \U 116 Hiotographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ) - E- ; I ] 4 \4 o CO o Pi >^.'HITE BRESS SHIRTS ^1.50, WORTH ^2.25, At GEO. BO^TD A CO/S. 176 PUBLIC COMPANIES. Canada Mutual Building Sociktti— C. E. Saunderson, pres* ideot; David Newton, vioe-presidept ; J* B^ Hutcheson, seo<- treasurer; D. R. McCord, solicitor; W< DeM> Marler, notary ; John James Browne, valuator: C. C. DeZouche, Geo. Lulham, and David Guthrie, trustees ; J. M. Farquhar, J. M. Henderson, J. H. M. Welsh, auditors ; City and District Savings Bank, bankers. Directors.— J. E. Alston, Jos. Bemrose, Thos. C. Bulmer, David Guthrie, Wm. Larkin, John Leslie, Geo. Lulham, David Newton, James Ross, C. E. Saunderson, Geo. W' Sadler. Imperial Mutual Bwildino Society op Montreal.— R. Miller, president; E. S. J. Rothwell, vice-president; J. H* Timmis, secretary-treasurer ; J. Bampden Field, John Palmer, and J. McLean, trustees ; R. Miller, R. Irwin, T. McLean, J. Murray, W. Lavers, E. Rothwell, J. F. Scriver, W. Lapham, J. MoDermid. Joseph McLean, H. Willison, J. Robertson, W. D. Stroud, J. Hampden Field and John Palmer, directors. Office, No. 195^ St. James street. Parks' Phothographic Gallery. Victoria Mutual Building Society.— Office, Grace Church School House, Point St. Charles. W. McWood, president; W. Boyd, vice-president; S. C. Matthews, secretary-treasurer; Hugh Brodie, notary ; A. C> Hutchison, valuator ; A. Stark, J. Wayne, W. Thomas, trustees; J. Forrester, Wm. Wayne, J. Surgeon, auditors ; City and District Savings Bank, (Point St. Charles Branch,) bankers. Directors.— Wm. McWood, T. Christian, J.Ward, W. Thomas, G. Payne, J. Stewart, J. H. Timmis, G. E. Shepstone, John Wayne, W. Boyd, A. Stark, Robt. Hay, John Taylor, P. MoPhee, Thos. P. Hunt. Montarville Building Society.— J. B. Jodoin, president; Gilbert Provost, vice-president ; C. H. A. Guioiond, secretary- treasurer. Directora.—T. Sicotte, Louis Brosseau, Elis(?e Cl6roux. Office, 54 Notre Dame street. Canadian Tklegraphers' Mutual Insurance Association. Queers.— President, C. Bourne, Treasurer and AuaitorM. T- Co.; Vice-President, J. Stephenson, Superintendent G- T. Ry ; Secretary-Treasurer, J.S McConnell, Chief Clerk Audit Dept. M- T- Co. Committee of Management— A. Grant, Electrician, Ac, M.T.Co.; J.SMcKenzie, Chief Operator, M.T.Cc; W.J. Graham, Manager Receiving Dept. M. T. Co. ; B. J. Hickey, Train Despatcher G-T. R.; J. Egan, do. do.; J.Murray, Sec- Treasurer City and District Telegraph Co. ; C-R>Hosmer, Dist. GOOD IIALIi ftTuVBS AT JODOIH He CO'S, 808 ST. PAUIi »TaBST« M, At SmBTS MADE TO ORDCH AT OEO. BOXD A CO.?S, 415XOTRE DAME STREET. Superintendent D. T. Co. Advisory Board-A. W. Bethune, Dist. Superintendent M.T.Co., Ottawa; E.Pope, do. do., Que- bec; D.Van Ostrand, do. do, Watertown, N.Y.; J.T.Towns- end, Inspoctor a. T. ft., Toronto; H. Neilson. Dist. Superin- tendent D . T . Co . , Toronto. Hamilton Powdkr Co.— T.C Brainerd, president; W. Gor- don, sec . -treas. Office, 61 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. County of Hochklaga Agricultural Society.— W. Evans, president; J. Brousseau, vice-president; H. Brodie, seo.-troas. Montreal Horticultural Society.— G. Cheney, president; N- S.Whitney, vice-president ; Hon.L. Beaubien, J.Morgan, Jr., Dr. Andres, W Evans, R. W. Shepherd, Jr., A. Duflf, J. Doyle, directors. H- S.Evans, seo.-treasurer. Mount Royal Cemetery Co.— Trustees.— Church of Eng- land and Ireland— J. 3. Day i QC, M. H. Gault, E. Idler, H. Bulmer, G- Macrae, Q.C. ; H.Mills, and T. Craiff. Presbyterian CAwrcA— R.Esdaile, C.D.Prootor, J.Stirling, J.McDougall, A. W . Ogilvie, M . P . P . , A . Robertson, and A . Murray. MethodUt Church— T. M. Bryson and J. Torrance. Congregational— B.. Lyman. Baptist— -Q-B.^vXt. C/nttortan— H. Archbald. R. Esdaile, president ; H. Bulmer, vice-president; M. H. Gault> treasurer; A- M. Esdaile, assist, secretary; R. Sprigins (at the Cemetery), superintendent. EXPEESS COMPANIES. Canadian Express Co., 81 <& 86 St. Francois Xavier st. United States k Canadian Express Co., 84 Sc 86 St. Francois Xavier st. European Express Co., 84 <& 86 St. Francois Xavier st. G- A -Boon, 132 St. Maurice st- Sharpens City Express Co., 30 Victoria square. Burrell's, 22 & 24 Foundling st. A.Larin's City Express, 50 St. Charles Borrom^e st. D.Laverty's City Express, 13 St. Bernard, off Bleury st. J . Simpson, 11 Mayor st. JAPASESB WARE, JEW£L,IiERY, FANCY GOODS. WJH. SEMJHEI^HAACK, 303 NOTBE BAHE ST. 14 I § I i ! !3 < ^! I I I i ill 1 J it ! ( J'i QQ BUT TOUll SHIRTS AT GEO. BOND A €0.% 41S UrOTHi: BAIHE STREET. 178 BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. Church Homr— /n Connection with the Church of England in Montreal— IIQ University sf 'eet.— The Most Reverend the Met- ropolitanf president; Mrs.Oxenden, Ist Directress; xMrs.T. B. Anderson, 2nd directress ; Mrs> McDonnell. 3rd directress ; Miss H. M> Crawford, treasurer; Miss Shepherd, secretary ; Mrs. Gardam, matron. Protestant Orphan Asylum, 1445 vSt- Catherine st. (West.)— Mrs E.S. Freer, 1st directress ; MrsH- Lyman, 2nd directress ; Miss M. Greenshields, treasurer; Miss A- McCord, secretary: Mr. James Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, superintendent and matron. United Protestant Workingmen's Society.— John Doyle, president; Christopher Sonne, 1st vice-president; William Kenshaw, 2nd vice-president; John T. Finnie, A.M., M.D., physician ; Robert Lumsden, recording secretary ; Samuel Gray, tinancial secretary ; Richard Seale, treasurer; William Cowie, Charles Boon, John A. Miller, Francis McCulloch and Thomas Imrie, trustees. Stewarda,—Ea>8tt Centre and West Wards, Archibald Kyle, 17 Genevieve street : St. Ann's Ward, Point St. Charles, south side of Canal, William Moeser, St. Patrick street, opposite Converse's Rope Walk ; Forfar street seotiou, Joshua Ward, 26 Brittania street; St. Ann's, William G. Cole, 84 Lusignan st. ; St. Antoino, West of Mountain, Edward T. Kyle, 123 St. Antoine street; St. Antoine, East of Mountain, David Grant, 41 Univer- sity; St. Lawrence, Louis Anderson, 83 St. Urbain street; St. Louis, Henry T. Shearman, 20 Aylmer street; St. James, James Rodgers, 435 St. Mary street ; St. Mary's, John A. Vul- kert, 47 Amherst street. Meaidence.— Dr. J. T. Finnie, medical officer. No. 561 Dor- chester, first door from Bleury street. Office hours. 8 to 10, 1 to 3, 6^ to 8^. S. Gray, financial secretary, Mo. 13 Dupr^ Lane. Montreal Ladies' Benevolent Society, 31 Berthelet st.— Mrs. Wheeler, Ist directress ; Mrs. Vanneck, 2nd directress ; Mrs. Rintoul, secretary for children; Mrs. F.Thomas, treasurer ; Miss J.Evans, secretary. Protestant House op Industry and Refuge.— C Alex- ander, president ; J. G. MackoLzie, ist vice-president ; Henry Lyman, 2nd vice-president ; R. Holland, treasurer; G. Gruik- shank, honorary seoretnry; J. B. MoConnell. M.D., T. J. AUoway, M.D., visiting physicians ; J. S. Hunter, N.P., honorary notary ; D. McMillan, secretary and superintendent ; Mrs. McMillan, ma*tron. bdy your COOKIJKO, 1IAL.I<, PARIiOR dc ]IOl7BIil^ STOVES at jrODOIN A CO'S* 309 St. Paul Street, Dor- lO, 1 to it at.— ; Mrs. 1; Miss Alex- I Henry )ruik- T. J. lorary I; Mrs. Ireet. SHIRTS HADE TO ORDER AT GEO* BOWD A 0O.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. 179 Firemen's Benevolent Association— F. MoCullooh, presi- dent; W> McRobio, vice-president; J. Beckinghani, secretary; W. Patton, treasurer ; J. Naud» (assistant chief,) W. Chester, W. McRobie, T. Donahue. M. Dusault, J. Bishop, B.Brennan* M. Aumond, J. J. Cairns, J. Rook, J. Mitchell, visiting com- mittee ; W. MeRobie, J. Boauliou, auditors. Protestant Infants* Homr, 508 Quy street.— (Founded 1870 incorporated 1871.)— J Button, presiaent; Mrs- J- Button, Ist directress; Mrs. Blackman, 2nd directress ; Mrs.C. Ault, treas- urer; Mrs ■ G Eadie, secretary . Miss Brown, matron. Magkat Institution for Peotkstant Drap-Mutes.— Cdte St. Luc Road.— Joseph Mackay, president; 0. J. Brydges, T. Cramp, F. W. Thomas, vice-president'^ ; F. Mackenzie, sec- treasurer ; Mrs. Brydges, Mrs. F. W. Thomas, Miss H. Qordon, directresses ; W. E. Scott, M.D., physician ; T. Widd, princi- pal; Mrs. Smyth, matron. Db^p and Dumb Institution.— Founded, 1848, for the instruc- tion of deaf and dumb boys, under the direction of the Clerks Regular of St. Viator. The pupils are taught to speak and read on the lips with tae help of signs. There are two courses of studies, English and French.— Rev. A. Belanger, director, Mile- End. Hervey Institute and Home and School op Industry, 215 Mountain street.- Miss Hervey, honorary president ; Mrs. J. Ross, president; Mrs. McDonald, vice-president; Miss 8. Campbell, treasurer; Mrs. A. Murray, recording secretary; Miss Stirling, corresponding secretary. Committee of A/anaflremene — Mesdames Botterell, Bessey, Cornish, Christie, Eraser W. Hall, Holmes, J.. L. Morns, Mooney, Mclver, Cohans, 4, T. Moison, Reford, Spicer, Steven, Thompson, H. Wallis, Oreenshields, N. S. Whitney, W. Robb, MoEntyre, Lang, Clark, Miller, Muir, Baxter, J. Rose, Dyer, Misses Dow, Murray, Moodie, Snowdon, Miller. Montreal Workinqmen's Mutual Benefit and Widows AND Orphans' Provident Society.— J. Wright, president; 11. S. Couper, 1st vice-president j W. T. Bostook, 2Dd vioe-Dresi- dent ; W. King, treasurer; J. H. Vincent, secretary; J. W. U. Dixon, assistant secretary; W. Stenhouse, financial secretary ; J. Atchison, assistant financial secretary; A. W. Ogilvie, ». Scott, A. MoGibbon, trustees; J. Findlay, J. Chestnut, J. MoKenzie, auditors ; E, Carter. Q-C.. honorary solicitor ; Harry Leeson, librarian; Alex. D. Blackader, M.D., physician. 'mi CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICLES OP VIRTU, WM. SEMMEI.1IAACK. 303 NOTRE DAME ST. 'I ,1 1 .. I- i I 1 .9 BUT TOUR SHIRTS AT OEO. BOND * C6.% ^ 41S NOTRF. I>4MR «TRFFT. 180 NATIONAL SOCIETIES. Regular meetings are held every second Monday evening of each month, in the Lonff Room, Mechanics' Institute. All oommunieations should be nddrossod to J. 11> Vincent, 178 Etienne street, corresponding secretary. English Woekinqmen's Brnepit Society.— G. Peak, presi- dent: W.D Sharpe. Istvice-president; JMills, 2nd do. do.; E. Leaen, secretary ; G- Godfrey, assist- secretary; 8- Gray, treas- urer; Rev. Canon Baldwin, Rev.C Belcher, chaplains; J. T. S.Webb, M.D., CM., medical officer; J. J Day, Q C-, hono- rary solicitor ; J.H.Isaacson, honorary notary; F.Hawkins,T. Shepherd, W.Welch, auditors; R- Peak, F. Rodgers, S.Fisher, W. J. Shearman, G- C. Smith, W. H. Flaun, J. Gauntlett, stewards. Irish Protestant Benevolent Society.— J. CSinton, presi- dent; A. Bryson, Istvice-president; R. Thomas, 2nd do. do.; A.McNaHy,3rd do. do.; J. H.Mooney, treasurer ; R.W.O'Olier, recording secretary ; C-E- Dawson, assist, secretary; H.Dunne, corresponding secretary. Finance Committee— W.J.McMaster, chairman; R. Campbell, D. R. McCord, A. A. .Murphy, M.H. Gault. Charitable Cumraittee — J. Mocre, chairman; S. BelU J. P. Black, T. Sutton, J- Wylie. Emigration Committee— T. Simpson, chairman, J. W. Featherstone, R. McKeown, G.Wil- son, R.White. St. Andrew's Home, 484 Dorchester street.— Committee meets every Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock— F. J. Logie, chair- man; D Morrison, A.N.Shewan, J. Chalmers, W.Reid, assisted by a Committee of Ladies. Industrial Rooms, 546 Dorchester street— Mrs. J. Redpath, president ; Mrs. Baldwin, vice-president ; MrsR. Forsyth, lady superintendent; Miss Rintoul, treasurer: Miss Redpath, sec- retary ; Mrs. D. McMillan, superintendent. Canadian Society for the Prevention op Cruelty to Animals.— G.W. Weaver, president; F. Mackenzie, secretary- treasurer ; A. Galey, inspector. Office, Mechanics' Hall, St. James street. GOOD OOIJBLi: STOVES AT JODOIN & CO'S, 309 ST. PAUL STRV:£T. }0«8, WttiTt: i>liEfiist SHIRTS «ii.5o, WoiiTit $a.d6. A: GEO. BOND dc €0.»» -^ NATIONAL SOCIETIES. 181 NATIONAL SOCIETIES. St. Qkorqe's Society.— Patron, His Lordship the Bishop; E. Rawlings, president; J. Carsley, 1st vice-president; A. Hodgson, 2nd vice-president ; W. S. Walker, treasurer ; J. R. Martin, secretary. Chaplains. —Rev. H.Wilkes, D.D. ; Rev. R. W. Norman, M. A. ; Hev. J. P. Stevenson. LL.B. ; Rev. A. J. Bray, Rev. S. Belcher. Physicians. —MessTB. G. B. Fenwick, M.D., G. F. Slack, M.D. and T. D. Reed, MD. Charitable Committee.— W. D. Stroud, chairman ; J. F. Kid- ner and J. Bauden. St. Andrew's Society.— A. A. Stevenson, president; J. C« Watson, 1st vice-president; Hugh Maokay, 2nd vice-president; F. J. Logie, secretary ; Alex. Stewart, assistant-secretary ; A. B. Stewart, treasurer. Chaplains.— Rov. Prof. J. C- Murray, Rev. J. B. Green. Physicians.— Dra. Wanless, Goo. W. Ross, Blackadder and W. Gardner. Charitable Committee.— F. J. Logie, chairman; D. Morrison, A. N. Shewan, J. Chalmers, W. Reid. Committee of Accounts,— Andrexv Robertson, A. McGibbon, J. Fulton, A. W. Ogilvie, M.P.P., B. McLennan, P. S. Ross, Alex. Murray. Committee of Instalment.— J ainQS Wright, D. Cunningham. J. C. Becket, representative governor to Protestant House of Refuge. Caledonian Society of Montreal.— Alex. McGibbon, presi- dent ; Thos. Robin, 1st vice-president ; Robt. Seath, 2nd vice- president; A. Baillie, treasurer; Robt. Rankin, secretary; A. Milne, financial secretary, and a committee of 12 members. St. Patrick's Society.— Established 6th March, 1856: In- corporated J863.— P. J. Coyle, B.CL., president; M. C. MuUin, Ist vice-president; Daniel Lyons, 2nd vicc-i>re8ident ; John McGrath, treasurer ; William J. Walsh, corresponding secre- tary ; Mathew Rapple, recording secretary ; John McCoy, as- sistant recording secretary. Committee of Management.— PAtrick Carroll, John Gilliese, P. J. Kearney, C. J. Shiel, John C. Flemmlng, James 0. Nevill, Henry Muldoon, Thomas O'Keiffef Patrick MoCrovy, Michael MoNamara, Patrick Kehoe, James Meek, Patrick Dillon, Geo. Graven, Samuel Cro8S> G. Murphy, Felix Callahan, John Drugon. TERRA €OTTA di JUROAZti ORNAJIIEJIVTS, Jewellery, WM, SEMMCI.HAACK. 308 NOTRE PAME CO o o a I I CQ I ' 1 1 5 I I i lltttRTS MAl>ti to OftDEH AT C»EO. BOHTD A <^.^ 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. I i 182 i I k TEMPERANCE. Charitable Cowiwtrtce.— Patrick Carrollt Chairman; C. J. Shiel. John Qillies, James 0. Nevill. Chaplains*— Key. P.'.Dowd and the Irish Clergy of St. Patrick's Chnroh. Phynciana.—M* O'Bryan Ward, M.D., and John SheridaOi M'D. Grand Marshal,— VAtnok Connolly. ' St. Jkan Baptistr Society.— J. P. Rottot, M.D., president* Bruno Ledoux, Ist vice-president; Hon. R. Thibaudeau, 2nd vice-president; J- Perreault, treasurer; Chs. H. Letourneux, assistant treasurer ; A* D. Lacroix, secretary ; F. X. Mousseau. M.D., assistant secretary ; A. Ouimet, corresponding secretary ; J. W. Mount, M.D.t marshal. ^, . . _ Gebman Society.— Fred. Geriken. president ; J. Strohmeier, vice president ; G. Boeker, treasurer ; A. Sandreuter, corres* ponding secretary ; F. Boas, recording secretary. Charitable Committee.— Dr. Sommer, Henry Dreifuss and G. Boeker. Meets first Wednesday in each month, at their roomB» 295 Notre Damo street. Swiss Society— Established December, 1874.— N. Aubin, president ; D. L. Rey, vice-president; H. Dreifuss, treasurer; A. Monet, secretary ; U. Dreifuss and D. L. Rey, charitable committee. TEMPERANCE. . II Dominion Alliance for the Total Suppression op the Liquor Trapfic— Quebec Branch.^Hon . J . Ferrier, president : J. M. M. Duff, treasurer; KevT. Gales, secretary. Montreal Committee— JR. Dougall, J.J. Maclaren, R- Irwin, J.S. Halt, J. K. Macdonald, T. 8. Brown, J. H. Timmis, J. Cayford, J. Witham, D* Macdonald, S. A. Abbott. The Committee meets regularly on the last Monday of each month, andoftener, as circumstances require. Sons op Temperance Grand Division, Province of Quebec. — G.E.McIndoe, Granby, G- W.P. ; C H. Mansfield, Bast Farn- ham, G.W.A.;E.A.Fordice, Adamsville, GT-; RevS.Cruick- shanks. West Sheffurd, G. Chaplain ; U. M- Rider, Fitch Bay, G. Conductor ; R. Allen, Adamsville, G. Sentinel. Howard Diviaiont No. 1, meets every Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, at their rooms, 240 St. James st. Thistle Division^ No. 53, meets every Tuesday evening, at the American Presbyterian school- room, Tannery West, at 8 o'clock. GOOD COOKING STOVES AT JODOIBT 4c CO>S, 809 ST. PAUI* STBEBT. oo>s, ^tlr Irot'K SHIBTS AT OEO. noSD^'A CO.*!^, 415 KOTRE DAME NTREET. TEMPER A.NCE. 183 Oak Leaf DiviaioHyNO' 141, meets in the basement of the Panet titreet Church, every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. MavAower Division^ No. 138, meets in the school-room, Mis- sion Church, corner St. Charles Borommde and Dorchester sts. Every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Unitrd Temperance Order (late British American Order of Good Templars).— Vi'cforta Lodge No. 5.— Meets every Tuesday evening at 7.30, in the Alexandra Rooms, St. Catherine street. Independent Order op Good Templars.— G'ranrf Lodge of Queftcc— H. L. Loucks, G.W.C.T.; W.H. Lambly, G.W.C ; KateS. Massiah, GWV. T.; S. A. Lebourveau, G.WS.; J. Boutelle, G-W. T; llevW. W. Ryan, GW- Chap.; B. B. P. Creighton, G.W.M.; Lizzie D. Loucks, GDM.; T.PLeit, G. W. A.S.; H. J. Tanner, G. Guard ; W. Grant, G. Sent.; J-K. Macdonald, P.G. WCT.; Mrs- 8. A. Lebourveau, G-S.JT. Montreal District Lodge, —A. Morrison, Dist. Dep., 492 Seig- neurs St.; S. J- Symons, D.S- Wolaey County Degree Temple, — J. Black, D. T.; S» J. Symons, D.S. Mount Royal Lodge, No. 1, meets every Monday evening, at 1310 St. Catherine st., at 8 o'clock. Royal Victoria Lodgct No. 3, meets at 1310 Si Catherine Bit every Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. Winatanley Lodge^ No. 76, meets at West-End Itall, Chatham St., every Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Shaftesbury Lodge, No. 77, meets at 240 St. James St., every Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. St. Luke's Church Temperance SociEiT.-'Rev.L.DesBrisay, president; H.J. Dart, 1st vice*president ; T.Lamb, 2nd do. do.; Fanny Overing, treasurer; J. White, Jr., secretary; H. Lamb, organist; J. Cnurch, W. Emo, J.York, J.W. Hill, A. Spooner, S Martin^ Miss V. Trigg, Miss White, committee. St. George's Church Temperance Society. —Very Rev. Dean Bond, (Bishop elect,) president; RevE.I.Rexford, vice- president ;E.F.Dartn ell, treasurer; M. Putnam, secretary; W. Walklate, assist, secretary ; N.K. Mudge, W.Radford, J.Tom- kins, J. Dowden, G. R. Prowse, G. Rogers, R. B. Hutchison. Dr. Lovejoy, C. Cameron, J. G. Savage, C.g.Wallaoe, general committee. FANCY GOODS, €UIIfE»E AN1> &APAlf£(iI:; WABE« WM. SEMfilSIiHAACK, 803 NOTRE DAME ST, i . . * %vniT£ i>Rcss ^itiitts, ti'oiiTit 93.2s, at «KO. BOND A €0/S. I • 1 ■ < > i! Rechabitrs.— Perseverance Tent No. 1 meets every Tuesday ^ening at 8 o'clock, in the Alexandra Kooms, lolO St. Cath- evening erine street. St. Ann's Total Abstinencr SociRTY.—Mcots on 2n(i Sun- day in each month, immediately after vespers. The secretary at St. Ann's Church. St, Bridget's Total Austinenck Society.— Meets every Sunday at 10.30 a.m., at their hall under St Bridget's Church, 101 Dorchester street. St. Patrick's Total Abstinence & Benefit Society.— OflBcers tor 1878-9.— Rev. M. T. Reiliy, president and director; Saml. Cross, 1st vice-president ; S.A.Brogan, N.P., 2nd vice-pres- ident; B- Emerson, treasurer; F- P- Conaughton, secretary Executive Committee— E. Murphy, chairman ; .1 • Conaughton, W. Donnelly, J. Mclnemey, M- Sharkey, CMoffatt, MO'Con- nell, D- Murney, P. Meagher, H. O'Neill, J. State. Vigilance Committee— J. Pigeon, A. Lavery, P. McKeown. C Nolan, J. Walsh, D. Mullin, J. Clarke, J. Kelly, G- Hamilton. Grand marshal, JKilloran ; assist, marshal, T.Daly. I f) Temperance Society (R.C.) op St.Jamks Churcu.— Meeting first Sunday of every month, at 7 p . m ■ •\i SocifiTt DE Temperance du Diocese de Montreal.— RC Bishop of Montreal, honorary president ; Very Rev HMoreau, acting president. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. University of McGill College.— Fwieoi*.— His Excellency the Governor General, governor* -Hon. 0. D. Day, LLD., D.C'L-, President and Chancellor of the University ; Hon. J. Ferrier, Senator, M.L.C, A. Robertson, MA., QC, Hon. C. Dunkin, M.A., D.C.L., P. Redpath, G. Mofifatt, M. A, J. H. R. Molson, Hon. F. W. Torrance, M.A., B.C.L.. C. J. Brydges, Hon. Sir A. T. Gait, K.C.M.G., Hon. Sir F. Hincks, K-CM G., CB., Hon. L. H. Holton. MP., J. Molson, J. Hickson. Prin- cipal and Vice- Chancellor— 3 » W. Dawson, MA., LLD-, FR.S. FellowH—Y^ii, Archdeacon Leach, D.CL., LL.D., Vice- Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts ; H. A. Howe, LLD.; Hon. J. J. C. Abbott. BCL., Q . C, Deanfof the Facul- ty of Law, ; G. W.Campbell, MA., M.D., LL D., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine ; Rev. J. Cook, D.D., Principal of Morrin College, Quebec ; A. Johnson. M.A., LL.D., Professor of Mathe- matics and Natural Philosophy, Vice- Dean of the Faculty of 1 GOOD HALli 6TOVE!l AT JODOIN «c €0'S, SttlRTS MADE TO ORDER AT OEO. BOND A €0.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. Arts; Rev. G. Cornish, MA., LL.D-, Professor of Classical Literature : Rev. II. Wilkes, M.A., D.D , LL-D., Principal and Professor of TheoloKy and Church History in the Congregational College of British North Amnrica; Kev-D-H Mac Vicar, LL.D., Principal and Professor of Theology in the Presbyterian Col- lege of Montreal ; RARainsny, MA, B.CL , Representative Fellow in Arts ; J .Reddy, M. D. , Representative Fellow in Med- icine ; WH. Hicks. Principal of McGill Normal School ; Rev. J Jenkins, D.D , Chairmnn of the Protestant Board of Fcbool Commissioners for City of Montreal; J. J. McLaren, M.A., B.CL-, Representative Fellow in Law ; J. R. Dougall, M.A., Representative Fellow in Arts; W H- Kerr, Q-C, D.CL , Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law ; Rev. J. C Murray, LLD-, Professor of Logic ; J.S.C.Wurtelo, B.C.L-, Associate Professor of Commercial Law ; H. T. Bovoy, MA., C.E., Professorof Civil Engineering, <&c., Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science ; C.J. Harrington, B- A., Ph-D., Professor of Assaying and Mining . J. M. Drake, M-l)., Emeritus Professor in Medicine; D- R. MoCord, M.A., BC-L., Kepresentative Fellow in Law ; A. A. Browne, B.A., M-D-, Representative Fellow in Medicine; C. H.McLeod, Ma.£., Representative Fellow in Applied Science ; J. F./Iorrance, B.A., Ba.App-8ci., Representative Fellow in Applied Science. Secretary, Repistrar and Buraar. — W- C Baynes, B. A.; residence and office. East Wing MoGill College. C/er/c— J. WBrakenridge ; residence, 39 Lome Avenue. Professors- Faculty of Arts.— J- W. Dawson, LL.D-, F.R.S., F.G.S., Principal, Logan Professor of Geology and Professor of Natural History; Ven. Archdeacon Leach, D.C L-, LLD., Vice- Prin- cipal, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Molson Professor of English Literature ; H A Howe, LL.D., Emeritus Professor of Mathematics aud Natural Philosophy; Rev.A.DeSola, LL.D., Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Literature; A. Johnson, LLD-. Professor of Mathematics and Redpath Professor of Natural Philosophy; Rov.G. Cornish, LLD., Professor of Clas- sical Literature ; P.J.Daioy,M.A., B.CL , Professor of French Language and Literature ; CF. AMarkgraf. M.A., Professor of German Language and Literature; Rev. J- Murray, LL-D., Professor of Logic and Mental and Moral Philosophy. Faculty of Applied *Sctence.— H . T • Bovey, Professorof Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Dean of the Faculty ; B. L- Harrington, BA-, PhD., Professor of Assaying, Mining and Chemistry ; C- H- McLeod, B. A.S., Lecturer in Surveying and Drawing and Superintendent of Meteorological Observa- tory ; GH- Chandler, Lecturer in Mathematics. Faculty of Law.— Ron. J. J. C Abbott, D.CL., Dean of the Faculty of Law and Professor of Commercial Law; Hon.W. Badgley, D.C. L., Professor of Public and Criminal Law ; R.G. Laflamme, D.C. L<, Professorof the Law of Real Estate; E. Carter, Q.C, B.C.L« Assooiate Professor of Criminal Law ; ^ JAPANESE WARE, JEWELLERY, FANCY GOODS, WM. SE.1I2«ELHAA€K, 803 NOTRE DAME ST. i ! ii ! iii i '■ ■ i: !l ■r - It Ms ;-' ttUir TOL'R MIIIRTS AT OEO. BOMD A €0.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. PUi iKfl COLLEGES AND 8CH00LS. NW-Trcnholmo, MA, B.C. L.. Professor of Roman Law; J. 8.C.Wiirtele« D CL-, Ascooiato Profeagor of Commercial Law ; W II Kerr, D-CL , Aoiinsr Dean of the Faculty of Law and Professor of International Law; G-Doutro. DC L., Professor of Civil Procediiro; II. F. Kainville, Associate Professor of Heal Kstate Law ; C- A. (leoffrion, BCL.. Lecturer in Roman Law ; K- Larue, B.C-L., Lecturer in Legal History: J. 8 Archi- bald, B.A.,B CL , Lecturei in Criminal Law; M- Hutchin- son, BC L , Lecturer in Civil Procedure; J> £< Robideau, BCL., Lecturer in Real Estate Law. Faculty of Medicine.— Sm page 144. J. Andrew, Instructor in Elocution ; F. S.Bamjum, Instructor in Gymnastics. McOiLL Normal School.— Affiliated to the University under the control of the Superintendent of Schools and the Corporation of the University .—W. H. Hicks, principal ; J. McGregor, M.A., ordinary professor ; 8. P. Robins, M.A., associate professor of natural history; P. J. Darey, M.A., associate professor in French; F. W. Hicks, M.A., instructor in history; regular instruction in drawing given by H. Bird, and in Music byll' J' Fowler. W. C. Baynes, B.A., secretary. MoDKL School op McGill Normal School.— F. W. Hicks, M.A., teacher of boys' school; Miss J. Swallow, teacher of girls' school ; Miss L. Deriok, teacher ot primary school. Protkstant Board of School Commissionkrs.— The Rev. Principal Mac Vicar, LL.D., chairman; William Lunn, Esq., hon. treasurer : Principal Dawson, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., «&o., Rev. John Jenkins, D.D., Geo. W.Stephens, Esq., B.C.L., Rev. J. F. Stevenson, LL.B., commissioners. S. P. Robins, M.A., secretary and superintendent of schools- High School op Montreal.- ^/a/T" of Teachers.— Setid master: H. A. Howe, M.A., LL.D. Assistant masters: G. Mur* ray, B.A., Oxon. ; G. E. Jenkins, B.C.L. ; F. W. Kelley, B.A., Ph. D. ; A. N. Shewan, M.A. ; A. E. Duncan, M- A. ; Henry A. C Fuchs; Rev. £. I. Rexford, M.A.; J. T. Donald, B.A. Special masters: J. Andrew, £. Fiuhmann, H. Bird, F. S. Barnjum. Preparatory School.— "E.W, Arthy, head master; Miss P. Rennie, Miss H. Bell, Mrs. Napier, Miss E. Hargrave, assistants. High School for Giuls.— Teaching Staff.— Mrs. J. Scott, Mrs. Fuller, Miss Henderson, Miss Fiuhmann, Miss Rodger, Miss McFee, Miss Christie, Miss S. Lawless, Miss Rodger, Miss Douglas ; G. Murray, B.A., Oxon. ; F. W* Kelley, M.A., Ph. D. ; J. Andrew. C. F. Davies, Mas. Doo. ; A. E. Duncan, M.A. ; J. T. Donald, B.A. ; H. Bird. Buy roar COOKING, HALL« PABLOR dc BOURLE bTOYES at JODOIIV * GO'S, 809 St, Paul Slr«et, HmrfK MlfiilS ftHIRTfl il.{SO, WORTH •, At Protrstaxt Board of Soiioof. Examinfrs of MoxxREAr,.— The Rev.Q.Cornifh, LL D-. presiilont; A. Johnson, LL.D., vioe- pre«idont; thellevCA Doudiet, AM: the Rev JSorimger, AM ; the Rev. T Latleur; the Rev J. Etnp^on, BA.; and R. BelK M.D. T. A.(3ib«on, A.M , secretary. There are two hulf- vearly meetin^fl on the first Tuesilay in May nnd November, held in the Natural llUtury Society'8 Ruums, 82 Uuiveriiity st., at 10 AM. Roman Catholic Board of Sciiohl Knaminkws.— Rev- C. Lenoir, pretiident ; Rev J- lloKan and Rov. W. R. Leclnire, Messrs. W ■ Doran, U.E. Archainbault, and A-D Laoroix. Mont- real ; F. H. Valade, secretary, Longueuil. Meet^t JacqiiRs Cartier Normal School, Notre Dame street, on tirgt Tuesday in February, May, August, and November, at o'clock, am. DioCRSAN Theological Collkgk, 75 University street— The Bishop of Montreal, president; the Rcv.Canon Henderson, M.A., principal. University or Bishops Colleqe, LENXoxviLLK-Incorpo- rated by Royal Charter, 1858.— President of the Corporation and Visitor, the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Quebec, D.D ; Chancellor, R. W. Heneker, D.CL.; Vioe-Chancellor, Rev. Canon Norman, DCL. Trtt«te«#—R.W -Heneker, chairman ; G F.Bowen, ET Brooks, M.P., J. 8 Hall, R.H*imilton, HQ. July, M.P.P., Rev. R.Lindsay, TMaofarlane, B.T. Morris, L. E.Morris, J. UPangm an, Rev.C PReid, Rev. F- Robinson, W . bhanley, W. B- Simpson. R. H. Smith. College Council —Kev- J.H. Lobley, DCL., chairman ; Rev. I. Brock, E- Chapman, L- H.Davidson, Rev- J. Foster, Rev C.Hamilton, Hon. G.Irvine, M.P.P-,G- Macrae, Q C, Rev. T- Mussen, Rev- Canon Nor- man, Hon. Mr- Justice Ramsay. RevC Rawson, Rev. Professor Roe, Rev. Professor Scarth, GF- Slack. xVlD-, Rev- Professor Read. Officers of the Corporation— E- Chapman, secretary : E. L-Montizambert, honorary counsel ; Rev-IBrook, R.W. Hen- eker. auditors ; B-T- Morris, attorney. Officers of the Collepe— The Rev. J Lobley, D.C.L., princi))al and professor of classics ; the Rev. H- Roe, MA-, professor of divinity; the Rev. A. C ^^oarth, M.A., professor ot ecclesiastical history: Rev. A-C. Scarth, librarian; E- Chapman, bursar and registrar.; Facvity of Medicine.— See page 145. Bishops College School.— RevP-Read, MA., rector; C. T. WGrey, B.A., sub-rector; F- C Boultbee, B.A-, and A. Leray, B. A., assistant masters. Pebsbyterian College of Montreal.— ^oarrf of Examin- er*— Rey. Prof. Campbell, M-A-, chairman; Rev. Principal MaoVicar, LL-D., Rev- N. MoNi8h,LL.D., Rev. J. Sorimger, M.A., Rev.B.Ouridre, Rev. P. Wright, M.A., Rev.D. H- Mac- CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICLES OF TIRTIJ« WX. SEHMBLHAACK, 303 NOTBE DAME ST. t 1. IT' jj i^l i n i!:i o r-1 i SHIBTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOND A €0.$ll^ 41S NOTRE DAME STREET. ^ 188 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. lennan, M.A., Rev.J.Wellwood, Rev. D. Ross, B.DM(Lachme,) Kev. M. Mackenzie, Rev-GA.Doudiet, Rev. J.Watson, M. A. 5!ewafe.— Rev. Principal Mao Vicar, LL.D., president; Rev. Prof. Campbell, M.A-, seoretaiy ; Rev. J.Scrimger, M.A., Rev. B. Ouridre, Principal Dawson, LL.D., Hon • Justice Torrance, Rev. J. Jenkins, D.D., Rev- J. C. Baxter, D.D., Rev. J. S« Black, and P.Redpath. Staff— Rev. D. H. MacVicar, LLD-, Principal and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics ; Rev. J. Campbell, M.A., Professor oi Church History and Apologetics; Rev. J. Scrim!: er, M. A., Lecturer in New and OH Testament Exegesis ; Rev. B. Ouridre, Lecturer in Sacred Rhdtoric and Homiletics (French) ; "^Prof. J. W. Taverner, Lecturer in Sacred Rhetoric and Elocution (English) ; Rev- A. DeSola. LL. O., Professor of Oriental Languages (in MoGiil College) ; J- McLaren. Lecturer in Music ; A. C. Hutchison, Lecturer in Ecclesiastical Archi- tecture ; Rev- p. Wright, lecturer in classics and mathematics. Board of Management.— D. Morrice, chairmen; J. Stirling, secretary; Rev.R.H. Warden, treasurer; Principal MacVicar, Prof . Campbell, Revs- J-Sorimger, P.Wright. R Campbell, J-S. Black, F. W- Farries, J. B Mulr, D-Ross (Lachine), J. Fleck, W. J- Dey, MA., Dr. Baxter, Dr. McNish, J. NichoUs, J. McCaul, B.A., Principal Dawson, Prof- Murray, Judge Tor- rance. Messrs. AC Hutchison, J. McKay, J. S Archibald, A. Macpnerson, J G- Ross, W-Yuile, J.CroiUG-SSpence, G-Hay, H. Watson, J. M.Smith, W King, and J- Hodgson. Wesley AN Theological College, Montreal (Founded 1873) Under the control of the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada.— ^tVecfors.— Hon. J. Ferrier, chairman ; J. Torrance, treasurer; J. Dillon, secretary ; W.Clendinneng, A.W. Hood, G.Bishop, J.Lord, J.J.Macl8ren,M.A., LL.B., J.Kimber. Officers of Instruction.— Rev. G. Douglas, LL.D , Principal and Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Church History, and Homi- letics^ Rev. W. I. Shaw, B.A., LL.B., Classical Tutor and Lec- turer in Greek Testament Exegesis. Congregational College op B.N.A.— Principal and Pro- fessor of Theology, Rev. H. Wilkes, D.D., LL.D. ; Professor of Greek Testament Exegesis, Rev. (>. Cornish, LL.D- ; Rev. J. F. Stevenson, LL.B. Lecturer; Professor of Church History and Apologetics, Rev. K. M. Fenwick. Jacques Cartier Normal School.— Rev. H. Verroau, prin- cipal, professor and director of students' boarding school; TAbb^ J. 0. Godin, professor of Agriculture ; J. 0. Casgrain, ordinary professor ; D. Boudrias and W. Fahey associate professors and teachers of boys' model school ; G. Gervais, associate profeBSor and secretary ; S. Aubin, A. de Bonpart CIOOO JuODBLE VrOVES AT JODOIN 6c €0\S 809 ST. PAVIi STREET. Birr TOUR SHIRTS AT GEO. BOND A €0.% 41S NOTRE DAME STREET. CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. 189 and T. Brennan, associate professors ; J. 0. Pelletier, profes- sor of music; E. Tremblay, professor of drawing; I'Abb^ A. Goyette, master of studies. St. Mary's College.— Rev. F.Cazeau, S. J., president; Rev. F'X.Renaud, S.J-, vice-president ; Kev.S.Robert,S-Jt treas'r Rev F-Lapinto, S.J-, Rev HLory, SJ-, Rev.T. Frencli, S.J. RevJ.Grenier, S.J., Rev. F. Ryan, S J.; Rev- L. C6t6, S.J., Rev.T.Ouellet, S- J., ERottot, S.J.; T.Caisse, S. J.; J.Schmidt, S.J«; L.Garceau, S- J-; E-Durocher, S.J., professors. Rev.E. Hudon,8.J-. A. Daigneault. SJ-, L. Kernon, S-J-, J. Cole- man, S J •, disciplinarians ; J. Brouohond, professor of draw- ing; J.FolIenus, J.. \. Fowler, J.Moreau, F.Boucher. A.Desdve, professors of music. , , . , Roman Catholic Board of School Commissioners for the CiTT OF Montreal.— Rev- M.Rousselot, chairman; E. Murphy, J.Gcenier, J.A.Ouimet, M.P., P. 8- Murphy, Very Rev- Canon E. Moreau; M. C- Pesnoyers, sec -treasurer; A. 1). DecoUes, assist' SCO-treasurer, i ; CHUECHES AND CHAPELS. PROTESTANT. Church of England.— 'R.\g\ii Rev. W. B. Bond, LL.D., Lord Bishop of Montreal ; Yen. Archdeacon Leach, LL D., DCL, Archdeacon of Montreal; Ven. Archdeacon Lonsdell, M.A., Archdeacon of Hochelaga. Caihedral Clergy.— The Rev. M. S. Baldwin, M. A., Rector and Senior Canon ; Rev. Canon Anderson, Rev. Canon Hen- derson, MA., assistant ministers. Sunday, 11 a.m., 4 and 7 p m. Daily prayer 9 -.30 a.m., Wednesday, 8 p.m. in the Synod Hall. Sunday Bible class, 3pm St. Catherine street. Trinity Church.— Rev. W. Craig, incumbent. Sundays, 11 a-ra. and 7 pm. ; Wednesday, 8 pm. St. Denis street- St. George's. , incumbent; , assistant. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7pm.; Bible ola?ses and Sunday school, 3 p.m. Wednesday, 8 pm. Corner Osborne and Windsor streets. St. John the Evangelist.— (Free Seats)— Rev.E- Wood, M.A., incumbent; C- A. Daniel and Wm. Wright, M.D-, assistant ministers. Sunday, 10.30 and 11.15 a.m. and 4.15 and 7 p.m. Daily, 6.15 and 8.30 am. and 5 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Corner Ontario and St- Urbain streets. w TEBRA COrXA dc ISKOAZi: Oii^rAaii-^i'lS, Jewellery, WIW. SE»IM»:rHAA<'K, 30.3 NOTRE UAME ST. 1, * I WUITK DRE9S SHSBTS 91.50, WORTH •9.8QI« AX GEO. RO!YI> A CO/ A. .9 li 100 CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. St> James the Apostle.— Rev -Canon ElIegood.M. A-, Rector: Rev- Canon Norman, MA-, assistant. Sunday 11 a m. and 4.15 and 7 pm. Wednesday, 5 p.m. Friday, 11 a m. During Lent, daily. St. Catherine street West. St. Stephen's.— Rev. Canon Lewis Evans, M-A., incumbent. Sunday, 11 am. and 7 p.m. 125 Dalhousie street. St- Luke's.— (Free Seats)— Rev. Lestook des Brisay, B.A.. incumbent. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Corner Seaton and Dorchester streets. St. Thomas'— Rev. R. Lindsay, MA, incumbent- Sunday, 11 a m. and 7 p-m. tSt. Mary street. St. Mary's Hochelaga.— Rev. J. D- Borthwick, incumbent, and Chaplain to the Jail ■ Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Grace Church.— Rev- S- Belcher, incumbent- Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7p.m. Wellington street. St. Jude's Church, St. Joseph street —Rev. J. H. Dixon, rector. Sunday 11 a m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Corner Workman and Vinet streets. St. Martin's.— Rev. J. P- Dumoulin, MA-, rector. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Wednesday, 8 p.m. St. Urbain street. St. Matthias' Church, Cote St- Antoine.— Rev. J. Empson, B.A. Sunday, 11 a.m and 7 p-m. Corner Cote St. Antoine and Crawford Avenue. French Mission Rooms, Church of England-— Rev. J.J. Roy, B. A-, incumbent. Sunday 11 a.m- and 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. 687 St. Joseph street. Church of Scotland.— St Andrew's.— Rev. Gavin Lang. Ser- vices at 11 am. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday School at 3 p.m. Week-day service on Wednesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. East End Mission of St. Andrew's, Panet street. Rev. S. Massey. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9 a.m. Prayer meeting on Friday, at 8 o'clock. St. John's, corner of Dorchester street and Brondson Lane.— Rev. , minister. flPreabyterianlChurch in Canarfo.— St. Paul's.— Rev- Dr. Jen- ins. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p. m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Victoria Mission.— Rev. WR Cruiokshank. Sunday evening Service at 7 p. m. Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. St. Gabriel.— Rev. R. Campbell. M. A. Services at 11 am. and 7 p- m . Sunday School at 3 p.m. Wednesday at 7.45 p.m. GOOD COOKING STOVES AT JODOIN A OO'S, 809 ST. PAVIi STREET. a-m* p.m* SHIBTS MADE TO ORDER AT OEO. BOXD A CO.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. CHURCHES AND CHAPELS, 191 St- Matthew's, Point St. Charles. Rev. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Wednesday at 745 p.m. St. Mark's, QriflSntown.— Rev.J.Nicholls. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Wed- nesday at 7.45 p.m. St. John's, (French), formerly Russell Hall, St. Catherine st— Rev. C. A. Doudiet. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Thursday at 7.45 p.m. Knox, corner Dorchester and Mansfield sts.- Rev. J. Fleck. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath school at 3 pm. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday, at 7.30 in winter and 8 p.m. in summer. Erskine, corner St. Catherine and Peel sts.— Rev. J. S- Black. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 2-45 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 8. Stanley Street.— (Vacant.) Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Principal Dawson's Bible Class, at 4 30 p.m. Prayer Meetings, Wednesdays, at 7.45 p.m. Crescent Street.— (Vacant.) Services at 11 a.m. and 7 pm. Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. ; on Mondays and Wednesdays, at 8 p.m. Chalmers', St. Lawrence Main, above Sherbrooke st— Rev. P- Wright. Sarvices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m . Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7. 45. St. Joseph Street (West)— Rev. J. Scrimger, M.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.45. Nazareth Street, corner Wellington. — — ' Sunday School and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wed- nesday evening at 8. Taylor's Church, (Bast End.)— . Services at 11 a-m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School aad Bible Class at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.45. Hochelaga Mission Station.— services and Sunday School each Sabbath. Cdte St Antoine Mission Station. Sunday School at 3 pm. Canning Street (Frenob). — Rev. B. Ourifere. Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday Schcol and Bible Class at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30. 1 OB American Presbyterian Churchy Dorchester st. — Rev. G. H. Wells. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday Avening at 8 in summer, and 7.45 in winter. American Presbyterian Mission Church and School. 75 In- spector st — — . Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 9.30 a.m. I FAHCY GOODS, €HIN£fi£ AND JAPANESE WARR« WM. SEMMEI^HAACK, 80S NOTRE DAME ST. I BITS TOrK SHIRTS AT OfiO. BOND ds CO.% 415 UrOTBE DA1»IE STREET. ^'i \ V i H I o o O 09 M P4 102 CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. Methodivt Church of Cnnada.^In connection with this de- nomination there are in the city and suburbs 11 Churches and 10 Mission Stations, as follows :— Ist Circuit.— St. James Street Church and St. Lawrence Mis- sion. Pastor: He V. H.Johnston, B.D. 2nd Circuit— Ottawa Street Church. Pastor: Rev- M- L. Pearson. 3rd Circuit.— Palace Street Church. Pastor: Rev. D. V. Lucas, M. A. 4th Circuit.— Dorchester Street Church apd Desrivi^res Street Mission. Pastor : Rev. H. F. Bland. 5th Circuit.— St. Joseph Street Church and Tanneries Mis- sion. Pastor : Rev. J. B. Saunders. 6th Circuit.— Sherbrooke Street Church. Pastor : Rev. J. Allen, B.A. 7th Circuit.— Point St. Charles Church. Pastor : Rev. E. A. Ward. 8th Circuit— Douglas Church. Pastor : Rev. Wm. Hall, M.A. 9th Circuit— Cote St. Paul Church and Lachine Church- Pastor : Rev. J. Armstrong. loth Circuit- St. Lambert and Chambly Church and Lon- gueuil Mission. Pastor : Rev. J. W. Clipsham. 11th Circuit.— First French Methodist Church. Pastor : Rev. L. N. Beaudry. The following additional Missions are sustained by the Cen- tral Local Preachers' Board and the Students of the Wesleyan Theological College :— Outremont, Cdte des Neiges, Cdte St. Antoine, Mile End, and Hochelaga. Rev. Principal Douglas. LL.D,, and Rev. E. Botterill, also frequently assist in the different Churches and Missions. The Montreal District of which Rev. Dr. Douglas is Chair- man, embracing, beside the city, the country north of Mont- real, and south as far at the Province Lino, includes 22 Circuits and 26 Ministers. The Montreal Conference, one of the six Conferences of the Methodist Chuich of Canada, includes the Districts of Kings- ton, Brockville, Perth, Pembroke, Ottawa. Montreal, Stanstead, Quebec, and a French District, of which Rev. John Borland is Superintendent, on which are sustained 181 Ministers and 39 Probationers. Congregational-— 7Aon Church.— Rev. H. Wilkes, D.D., LL.D., Rev. A. J- Bray, pastors. Services at 11 am. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 pm. Emmanuel Church, comer of St. Catherine and Stanley sts. J • F . Stevenson, LL . B . , pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 p.m. GOOP HAIiL STOVES AT JODOIN 4c CO»S» 309 ST. PAUL STRBET. ►»s. IVHITK DRESS SHIRTS 91.30, WORTH i3.2S, AT ORO. ROND 6l €0/S. CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. 193 Eastern Church, corner Craig and Amherst streets . Rev. K* M. Fen wick, acting pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p-m. Calvary Church, Guy street, between St. Antoine and Dor- chester streets. Rev- J. L Foster, pastor. Services at 11 a- m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Inspector street Church-— Mr. A. L. McFadgen, Student Congregational College- Firai Baptist Church, comer of City Councillor and St. Catherine streets- Rev- A- H. Munro, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 3 p.m. Olivet Baptisf Church.— Rev- J. Gordon. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. French Protestant Church.— Baptist.— Rev. T.Lafleur. Ser- vices at 3 p.m. on Sundays, at New Jerusalem Church, corner Dorchester and Hanover streets. German Protestant— St- John's Church.— 127 St. Dominique street.— Rev. Dr. A- Sommer, Minister. Services at 10.30 a. m. Sunday School at 2.30 p.m. Neto Jerusalem Churchy (Swedenborgian.)— 684 Dorchester street, opp. High School.— Rov. E. Gould. Services at 11 a.m. f/wtfanan— Church of the Messiah— Beaver Hall Hill.— Rev. J. Cordner, LLD- ; Rev. J. B. Green, Colleague Pastor. Services at 11 am. and 7 pm. Sunday School at 9 a.m. Jewish Synagogue (English), Chenneville street.— Rev. A. DeSola, LLD. Jewish Synagogue (German and Polish), St- Constant street, near Vitr6 street. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Bon«ccoMr8 CAitrcA. — Low mass, G.30, 7.30 am.; evening, 5 30 p.m.; from 1st Nov. to Ist May, low mass at 7 and 8 a.m.; evening, 5.30 p.m. St. Paul st. Cathedral —ho^ mass on week days, 5.30, 6 30, 7. 30 a.m.: Sundays, 5-30, 6, 6.30, 7 30; high mass, 10 am.; vespers, 3.15 p.m.; evening, 7p.m. Cemetery st. ? s I g- tr* CD §» I I s o 3 k § JAPANESE WAR£, Jl]%y£I^L£RY, FANCY OOOIMU . Wai. SEJIIJIIELHAACK, 303 NOTRE DASIE ST* ( '.; , a I i m^ Bin T017B (SHIRTS AT OfiO. BOBTll A GO.'S, 415 NOTRB DAME STRIseT. 104 CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. Church of the Jeeu.—Lo'w maw on week days, 5. 15, 6, 6.30, 7, and 7.30: Sundays at 5.15, 6. 7, and 8; high mass, lO a.m.; vespers, 3. 30, 6, and 8 p.m. Bleury st. Oeaeral Hospital Chttroh.— Low m9,ss, 6 a.m. Grey Nunnery, Guy St. Hoapice St, Joseph.— Tfi/iignonne st. Hotel Dieu.—Loyr mass, 5.30,7.30 a.m. ; high mass, 9.30 a.m.; vespers, 2. 30 p.m, Pine avenue. L* Enfant Jenu du Coteau St. Louie. —Low mass, 5. 30, 7. 30 a.m . ; high mass, 10 a.m. ; vespers, 3 p.m. in winter; and 7.30 p.m. in summer. Coteau St. Louis. Notre Dame de Grace.— Low mass, 6. SO a.m.; high mass, 9 30 a.m.; veepers, 3 p.m. Notre Dame dea Anges.—Low mass, summer, 6.30 am.; win- ter, 6.45am. Lagaucheti5re St. Notre Dame dea Netges.— Low mass, 6.30 am . ; evening service, 5.30 p.m. Notre Dame de PiVtcHSunday, mass, 7.30 a.m. ; low mass in summcur, 6.30 a.m.; winter, 7 a.m. Notre Dame st. Notrh Dame (Parish).— Bummet. low mass, 6, 5.H0, 6, 6.30, 7, 7.30, 8 a.m.; winter, 5.30, 6, 6.30, 7, 7.30, 8 a.m.; Sundays and obligatory feasts, high mass, 10 a.m ; vespers, 3.30 p.m. Place D'Armes. St. Ann's, — Low mass on week days, G.30, 7 a.m.; Sundays, 6, 7, 8 and 9, a.m. ; high mass, 10 a.m. 28 Hasin, corner McCord st. St. Bridget's.— Low mass, summer, £.30, 6.30, 8 a.m. (English) ; at 10 a.m. (Frqpch) ; vespers at 3 p.m.; English service, 7 p.m. Corner Dorchester ahd'Seaton sts. St. Jamen' {Pariah). — Lew mass, summer, 6, 7, 8 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m.; vespers at 3 30 p.m ; week days, summer, 5.30, 6.15, 7 a.m.; winter, 6, 6.45, 7.30 a.m. St. Denis st. St. Joseph's.— Low mass, 5.30, 6.30, 7, 7.30 a.m. : Sundays, 5.45, 7, 8 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m. Riohmond st. St, Patrick's {Parish).— Low mass, 6, 7 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m.; vespers, 3.30 p.m. on Sundays; low mass, 5.30, 6, 7 a.m, on week days, summer ; 6, 7, 7.80 in winter. Corner of Alexan- der and Lagaucheti^ro sts. St. Peter's.— yfinieTflow mass, 6, 7, 8 a m.; high mass. 10 a m.; vespers, 2.30 p.m.; summer, low mass, 5.30, 6.30, 7.30 a m; hiih mass, 10 a.m.; vespers, 3 p.m. Corner ot Visitation and Dor- chester Stfi. St. Vincent de Paul.— Low mass in summer, 7am.; winter, 7.30 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m.; vespers, 3 pan. and 7 p.m. iSt. Catherine st. S. Heart (if Jeaua.—Uuwd^WBt low jKioss, 6u30, 7.45, 9 ft.m.; high TQASh 10 ftjm. j yespei^, 3 p.m. Omtai^o st. I»«VBJL£ PoMil street. 8HIRTA StADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOXD A €0.% 419 NOTRE DA HE filTREET. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. 195 EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Montreal AuxiHarv Bible Sncietp.— Hon. J ."Fenier, president; Prinoipal Dawson, LL.D.; J Mathewson, Uev. Dr. Wilkes, The Most Reverend the Bishop of Montreal, W. Lunn, vice-presi- dents; Rev. Professor Cornish, LL.D., corresponding secretary ; Prof. A. Johnson, LL.D., recording secretary ; H- Vennor, treas- urer ; E. StRoey, general agent and depositary ; Eev. J Greeui travelling agent. French Canadian Missionary Society. — Rev. H. Wilkes, T).D., LL.D., president; Hon. J. Ferrier, J McK.iy, J. Dougall, H. Vennor, W. Lunn, H. McLennan, vice-presidents; J. Court, treasurer ; Rev. W .Williams, secretary. Montreal Ladies' Bible Association. — Mrs- J. W. Dawson, pres- ident; Mrs. p. Redpath, vice-president; Mrs.MoLea, treasurer : Miss Anderstjn, secretary. Bible House, corner of Craig and Radegonde sts. Colonial Church and School hy,Il II. Buchanan, SCaldecott, C Cubhing, C W. Davie, Dr. Edwards, W-L-Fnisor, R.Henderson, R.H.Holland, G-E.Jaques, AKingman, W.J.Orr, LH. Pack- ard, H.L. Putrnan, W. Paul, VV. Palmer, C S.J. Phillips, T. Robertson, J-F. Soriver, H. Sandham, J M. Smith, R. Thomas, H- Watson, general committee. INSTITUTIONS. Merchants' Exchange and Heading Room. — 11 St. Sacrament street. J.G. Dinning, secretary. MechtnicH* Institute— Q. Cruikshank, president; D- Macfar- lane, vice-president ; J.Smith, secretary ; Corse, treasurer ; W. Reid, J.Fiudlay, J Teulon, R. Irwin, J. Allan, J. Boyd, T. Allan, W. S. Walker, N. Macintosh, R. G. McGibbon, general committee ; S . M . Sansum, superintendent. Instiiut Canadien,~\\\ Notre Dame st. Free Reading Room and Library. A. Boieseau, supeiintendent. f Art Asaociation of Montreal.— InaorpoTaied 22nd Vic, chap. 12, 1358 Ofiice, at the Art Gallery, corner 1 hillips' Square and foi. Catherine st. His Excellency ihe Governor-General, patron. Sir F. Hincks, KCMG., OB-, President; Hon. Judge Mac- kay, vice-president; R. W. Shepherd, treasurer; J. Popham, honorajy secretary. Council— Rev Dr-Cordner, F.B.Matthews, W.Noiman, WB- Lambe, J.Hope. P.Redpath, J. Popham, C. Gibb, E.Mackay, R. White, W.F.Kay, C.J.Holland. The Franer lnatiiute.—(L\hr&Ty and Museum.)— Governors : HonJ J. C. Abbott, president; Hon. Justice Torrance, P. Rcd- paih, T- \\ oikmun, A Molson ; JH.Meiizies, sec-treasuier. Grand Trunk Raihcay Literary and Scientijic Institute. — J.hickson, president; B.WalliD, vice-president; A. &tarke, sec- retary; F. P. Currie, chairman: D. Thomas, F. Fryer, W. Thomas, J- Lewis, J. hyan, W . Ducket, D. Kobertson, W . M 5i.— Hon. P. JO- Chau- veau, prefMoLennan, T Jubb, editing committee. P.O-Bux l.ilO. The Montreal Snilork* Institute, 320 Commissioners street. — A- Allan, president; C. Alexander, H. McLennan, vico-presi- dents; L M- Lewis, secretary; J. Ritchie, manager. CLUBS. St' James C/u&.— Dorchester street, corner of University.— W. Q.Welborne, secretary. Metropolitan CTw6.— 27 Beaver Hall.— J. Hickson, president; F.U.Reynolds, secretary. Citp Club.—\Z2 St. James Street.— II. Potter, manager. Montreal Snow Shoe Cltih.—Chih Rooms, Gymnasium, Mans- field St.— P Box 1138. — N. H. Hughes, honorary president; A. Grant, president: A.W. Stevenson. 1st vice-president; R. Grosbie, 2nd do. do.; G. R- Stajke, honorary secretary ; H.W. Becket, treasurer ; F.C A. Mclndoe, W.C. Trotter, J.K. Whyte, W.H.Whyto, D.E Bowie, W.Young, T.Phillips, Jr., committee. Montreal Ovmnaaium-— Corner of Mansfield and Burnside streets,— J. Lewis, president ; J. L. Morris, vice-president; T. Lyman, T. Craig, A. Grant, ColF- Bond, !)• Sinclair, commit- tee ; H. W'Beoket, secretary and treasurer, G58 Craig st. Victoria Skating Club. —Honorary Members— The Right Hon. LordMonck, Gen. Sir W. F.Williams, Bart.,K.C.B., H.R H. Prince Arthur, U.I-H. The Grand Duke Alexis of Russia, The Rt. Hon. the Earl ot Dufferin, Countess Dutferin, His Excel- lency the Marquis of Lome, HR.H. the Princess Louise; J. Torrance, life member. Honorary directors— Ex-presidents J. Torrance, J. Lewis, 8. H Thompson, TW- Ritctiie. QC, J. Grant, F. W. Henshaw, J. Fairbairn. L>irectors— W. H. Hut- tpn, president; 0. P. Davidson, Q.C., vice-president; F. B. Matthews, Dr. Hingston, F.Bond, A. H. Plimsoll, S. Waddeli. A . Moffat, soo.-treas urer. 09 TISRRA COIXA d; liROi^Zi^ ORJ^^i^JMli^NTS, Jcweileiy, WM. SEMaiEIiUAACK, 303 XOTRE DAME ST. I 1 I ! ' I, . ^ I IttelRTSt MADE TO ORDER AT OEO. ROKTD A Cd.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. I 03 6 198 MASONIC. Montreal Lacronae Cluh. — CXxxh Rooms, Gymnflsium, Mans- field St.— Track and Grounds, Sherbrooko st. West. — PO- Box 1138.— NH. Hughes, honorary president; AGrant, president; D- E.Bowie, Ist vice president; W.Hodgson, 2nd do. do.; G R. Starke, honorary secretary ; H. W- Becket, treasurer; A. W. Stevenson, P. C A. Mclndoe, J. K. Whyte, S. Ma^sey, G. S. Hubbeli, J.Paton, W-D- McLaren, Jr., committee. St. George Snow Shoe Club. — G. Sully, president; H. S. A. Howe, 1st vice-president; C. R. Dyde, 2nd do. do. ; W. L. Mathews, secretary; F-G-Haultaine, treasurer; G.Stewart, J. Piddingtun, CElioti J.Bowden, J Brady, committee. St, George Cricket C/m&.—E Carter, QC., president; G.Mur- ray, \1. A, vice-president; H. A. Benjamin, secretary; J. G. Bowden. treasurer; H. S.A.Howe, A. W.Kinnoar, J.M. Inger- 8oll, T.Kamsay,G.W. F. Carter, committee. Montreal Golf Club. — Established 1873. Patron, The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Dutierin ; A. Dennistoun, captain ; I>.D.Sidey, vice-captain; John Taylor, sec. -treasurer ; Rev. R. Laing, chaplain. Days ot play, Wednesdays and Saturdays, on the *' Green," bead of Durocher st. The Montreal Foot- Ball Club.—E. A. Whitehead, president; E. A. Goff, Captain; L. M. Lewis, secretary; C. A. Elliot* Treasurer. Montreal Thistle Curling C7m&.— Directors for 1878-79.— J. C. Watson, president; J. M. Kirk, vice-president; Alex. Mao- pherson, treasurer; Robt. A. Starke, secretary; D. J. Green- shields, Geo. S. Brush, J. L. Craig, C. H. Tuegey, J. Cassils. Mepresentative Membera.-^D. J. Greenshields, Geo. S. Brush. MASONIC. Officers of the Grand Lodge of Quebec— R.W - Bro.C. Judge, of Quobec, Deputy Grand Master ; K. W. Bro. J. Charleson, of Quebec, District Deputy Grand Master, Quebec and Three Rivers district; R.W.Bro. J.T. McMinn, Montreal, District Deputy Grand Master, Montreal district; R.W. Bro. C. P« Tabor, West Farnham, District Deputy Grand Master, Bedford district; RW. Bro. W. M. Keyes, M.D , Georgeville, District Deputy Grand Master, St. Francis district; R-W. Bro. S. S. Cushman, Hull, District I)ei)uty Grand Master, Ottawa district ; aOOD COOKING SVOVES AT JODOIN Sc CO»S» tntlff! 1 vRirc^H ftfVfRTft <|1.50, WORim $2.29, AT MASONIC. 199 R. W. Bro. A. F. Simpson, Lonnoxvillo, Grand Senior Warden ; K.W. Bro. C. M. Church, M.I)., Ayliner, Grand Junior War- den : R. W. Bro. Re^. J. Horiiujior, Montreal, Grand Chaplain ; R.W. Bro. I. U. fiitearns, Montreal, Grand Treasurer; RW. Bro. E. E. tipenoer, Montreal, Grand Registrar ; R W. Bro. J. H. Isaacson, Montreal, Grand Secretary ; V. W. Bro. Thos. Allan, Montreal, Grand Senior Deacon; V-W. Bro. Fred. Eng- land, Knowlton, Gjcand Junior Deacon; V. W. Bro. W. A. McKay, Quio, Grand Director pf Ceremonies ; V. W. Bro. N. A. Beaun, Georgeville, Grand Organist ; V. VV. Bro. C. Knowles, Quebec, Grand Pursuivant; V. W. Bro. L. K. Drew, Magog, Grand Steward ; V. W. Bro. Joseph Fielding, Qaebeo, Grand Steward; V.VV. Bro. John Ion, Montreal, Grand Steward ; V. W. Bro. A. G. Adaras, Montreal, Grand Steward ; Bro. Isaac Richardson, Montreal, Grand Tyiejr. Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Quehec.—M.'E^. Comp.J.II.Graham, Richuiond, Grand E-; R-E-Conap-I- Hy. Stearns, Montreal, Grand H.; R. E.Comp. Frank Edg^r, Mont- real, Grand J-; RE.Comp. J.T.McMinn, Montreal, Grand S. B.; RE.Comp. Angus Grant, Montreal, Grand S.N.; R.E. Comp. F. T.IChomas, Quebec, Grand P. Sojourner; RE.Comp. A. p. Nelson. Montreal, Grand Troa^ror; R.E. Com- M. Mc- Carthy, Shorbroolie, Grand Registrar. QL)^'^^ District Super- intendents— R. E. Comp. Wm. M. Len^urier, for Montreal District; R-E.Comp. James Addie, for Eastern Townships District; R.E. Comp. H. J. Ptatten, for Quebec District. V. E.Comp. Chas. R. Willis, Montreal, Grand 1st Assistant So- journer; V-E.Comp. H. P. Newall, Cowansville, Grand 2hd Assistant Sojouifnor; V-BComp. Hy. A. Earle, Montreal, Grand Sword Bearer; V.EComp. S.JCennedy, QVebeo, Grand Standard Bearer; V. E. Comp. J. K. Al^andqr, Montreal, Grand Director of Ceremonies; V. B. Comp. W. J. Stanley, Quebec, Grand Organist; V. E.Comp. (^o. E. Weldon, Mont- real, Grand Pursuivant ; V • E . Comp. J. w. Wigget, Sherb»boke, Grand Steward; V. E.Comp. C A. Hill, Dunham, Grand do.; V. E.Comp. Wm. Macauley, Montreal, Grand do.; V.EComp. W. H. Whyte, Montreal, Grand dc; Comp. Joha Porteou% Montreal) Graod Janitor. Subordinate Chapters of Rojsal Arch Masons of Quebec meet- ing in Montreal :— Carnarvon Chapter Ko. 5. Q.R.— Meets on 3rd Thursday of each month, except June, July and August, in the British Ma- sonic Chambers, Notre Dame street. Mount Horeh Chapter^ No. 6, Q.i?.— Meets on 2nd Wednesday of each month, in the British masonic Chambers, Notre Dame street. FANCY GOODdCcuilfJb^.HK AN1> J^AFAN^^^^ WAUk. ymm. subsiiiusiiUaacKi sos iwtbe baihe i»v. t-M' III I II liUit ! 1 » t . i ■ • 1 I I i g ,0 § o O u o o g i mJY YOt'K NIIIIIT^ AT 4.} SCO. IIO.\ll &, C4I/S, 415 NOTIli: l>AWi: WTRKF.T. * 200 MASONIC. Montreal Chapter No. 7, C>./f.— Mettfl on 2nd Fridny of each month, in the Canadian Masonic Chambers, Placo D'Armes. Eoval Albert Chapter No. 8, C).7?.— Meets on 3rd Wednesday in March, Juno, September and December, in their Chapter Room, No. G Phillips Square. St.. Chnrles Chapter No. 9, Q.Ji.—'MeotB on Ist Tuesday of each month in Masonic Hall, Point St. Charles. Richard C(vur de Lion Preccptory^ Montreal of the United, Religious, and Military Orders of the Temple, and of St. John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta.— Under the iinmt)- diate patronage of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Quoon. The M.E. and Supreme Q.M. of the Order, El- H.K.H. the Prince of Wales. The V.H. and E. Great Prior for the Dominion of Canada, t Col. W. J- B. MacLeod Moore. The VE. the Groat Sub-Prior, X Fr.W B. Simpson. The V.E. the Prov. Prior for Quebec District, X Fr- I.H.Stearns. Presiding Preneptor, E. Sir Kt. X J.T.McMinn ; I. P. Preceptor, V.E. Sir Kt. X I.H.Stearns; Ist do., V.E. Sir Kt. X Col. A. A. Stevenson, 2nd do., V-E. Sir Kt- tEM.Copeland; 4th do.. E. SirKt. IT. Milton ; 5th do. , B. Sir Kt. X W- Young ; (3th do., E- Sir Kt. t G. W. Lovejoy, M>D-; Constable, SirKt. t J-MacLean; Marshall, SirKt- f A. GAdams J Chaplain. Sir Kt- t W S. Evans; Treasurer, V.E. Sir Kt. X I- H- Stearns ; Registrar, Sir Kt- f J- M Glass : Sub- Marshall, SirKt- t CM. Putney; Captain ot Guards, Sir Kt. t W.M-Lemesurier; Director of Ceremonies, Sir Kt. t J -Street; Almoner, Sir Kt. t W. S- Wilson ; First Standard Bearer, Sir Kt. A. G- Isaacson ; Second do., Sir Kt. t W. Macaulay ; Pur- suivant, Sir Kt- tRTyler; Guard, Fr.GD-Reid. The following Lodges and Chapters under the Quebec Regis- ter meet in the British Masonic Chambers, 359 Notre Dame street, Montreal :— St. Andreio'a Lodge, Q. /?., No. 53. --2nd Tuesday in each month. Kilwinning Lodge^ Q. li., No. 20.— 2nd Monday in each month. Zetland Lodge^ Q. JR., No. 12.— 2nd Thursday in each month. St, George^ 8 Lodge, Q. R., No. 11.— 3rd Tuesday in each month. Prince Consort Lodge, Q. R., No. 52.— 4th Tuesday in each month. CoBura Unis Lodge, Q. R., No. 45.— 4th Wednesday in each month. Mount Horeb R, A. Chapter, Q. R., No. 6.— 2nd Wednesday in each month. Carnarvon R. A. Chapter, Q. R., No. 5.— 3rd Thursday in each month. GOOD HALIi bXOV£H AT JODOIN & CO>8, 809 ST. PA17Ii 8TRBET. 0HntT« MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOBTD A €0.% 415 NOTRE DAME NTREET. MASONIC. 201 The foUowinfr LocIkc^' nnd Chfipters under the Qiiobeo Reftifl- tor, ineot in the C. nadian Musonio Uhainber^t I'laoe d'Ariues, 3Iontroal :— Victoria Lodfic, Q. R., No. 20.— 1st Monday in each month, except June, July and August. Corinthian Lodgc^ Q, Ji., iVo. Hi.— Ist Wednesday in each month. Antiquitu Lodftc^ Q. R , No. 1.— Ist Thursday in each month. Mount Moriah Lodgc^ Q, R.^ No. 3^.— Ist Friday in each month. Zetland Lodge, Q. It., No. IH.— 2nd Thursday in each month. St. Georgc*8 Lodge, Q. R.^ No. 10.— 3rd Tuesday in each month. Montreal R. A. Chapter, Q. i?., No. 7.— 2nd Friday in each month. Provincial Grand Lodqe of Montreal F.S- A.M. of Scntlnnd.— R.VV. B. Dr. a. A. BH^nes. PG.M.; HW. B. W. McWood, D.Q.M.; R.W.B.VV. ilosa. Sub G M : R.WB WJ. Leslie, p. (I. Senior Warden ; R.W. B 0. D. Hanson, P. Q. Junior Warden; W B. W.S Walker, P. G. Treasurer; W. B. WF. Salfbury, P.G Secretary; W.BRev JH. Dixon, P. G Chap- lain ; W. B. S. Warrick, P. G. Senior Deacon; W. B. W. H. Short, P G. .lunior Deacon; W.B.C- Corner, Architect; W.B. J. B.Williamson, P. G. Jeweller; W. B. J. Short, P. G- Bible Rearer; W-B- W.G- Dickinson, P.G- Director of Ceremonies; W.B. E.May, P.G. Organist; WB.W.Byrd, W.B. W.Briggs, W.B.J Fenwick, P.G- Stewards; WB. A. Walker, PG. Mar- shal; W.B. G. Garfoot, P.G- Inner Guard; W.B- T. Ireland, P G. Tyler. Elgin Lodge, No. 348, moots at the British Masonic Chambers on the first Monday of every month. R. W. 15ro. Dr. G. A. Baynes, Master; Bro.W.G- Dickinson, Secretary. King Solomon Lodge, No. 022, meets at St- .John Hall, Mans- field St., on the first Tuesday of every month. W- J. Leslie, W. Master; J.FNorris, Secretary. Argyle Lodge,, No. 625, meets at Point St Charles, on the third Monday of every month. R. V^ . Bro. W- McWood, W. Master; J. Fenwick, Secretary. Izahud Council, R. S> Masters.— At pleasure of Thrice Illus- trious Masters. Richard Cceur de Lion Encaui}^ment.-^iih Thursday in each monthi at British Masonic Chambers. JAPAIf£»£ WAI&i!:, Ji^WEiLLiI^RV, FAIVCY OOODit, WSI. BEttSIEUaAACIi, 303 NOTRE DASIE BT« I • HI. ■I , 8 li 4 It I J trUTE DRESS SHIRKS 81.50, WORi:!! 8^.21% Alt OEOr- BOXn A CO.'S. JU3 202 ORANGE ORDER. St. Helena Conclave, No. 21.— Knight? of Constantine— 4th Tuesday in each month. Royal Albert Lodge, Q. R., No. 25.— 2nd Monday in each month, excepting June, July and August, at ^o. 6 Phillips Square. St. PauVa Lodge {Englinh Reg.), No. 374.--2nd Tuesday in each month from November to May inclusive, at the Lodge Koom, over the Academy of Music, Victoria street. St. Charles Lodge, Q. R., No. 29.-^4th Tliesday of each month, at Lodge Koom, Point St. Charles. St. Charles Chapter.— 1st Tuesday in each month, at Lodge Room, Point St. Charles. Hochelaga Lodge, Q. R. — 1st Tuesd^^y in each month, at. its rooms, Marlborough street, Hochelaga. St. Panics Royal Arch Chapter, No. 374, E. R. (attached to St. Paul's LodgOfi) — Regular Convocations held in Chapter Room, No. 910 St. Catherine street, 3rd Thursday in January, March, June and October. Montreal Sovereign Consistory, 32 Degrees, Anciemt and Ac- cepted Scottish Rite— ith Tuesday in each month, in the Asyftim, 1448 St. Catherine streelt. Hochelaga Chapter of Rose Croix, 18 Degrees, A. & A.S.R. — 3rd Tuesday in each month, in the Asylum, 144S St. Catherine street. Hochelaga Grand Lodge of Perfection, 14 Degrees, A- & A. S. R.—'ii^ Tuesday in each month, in the Asylum, 1448 St. Chtherine street. OEANGE OEDER. The Hohah Black Preceptory, No. 155. — Meets on the 4th Thursday of each month, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Royal Scarlet Chapter,— Meets on the 14th February, April, June, August, October, and December, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Provincial Grand Lodge Loynl Qranpe Association of the Province of ^iteftec— Annual meeting 3rd Tuesday in February, 1879, takes place in Waterloo. County Orange Lodge, il/onerca^— Annual meeting, 3rd Wed- nesday in February, 18]9, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James st< Buy youf rOOKlNO, HALIit PABLOB 4» HOUBI^ STOVCT at JOPOlIf ^ CO»8, 80e 8lt P«tal gtreet« 415 NOTRXl BAHE STREET. ORA.NGE ORDER. 203 District Orange Lodpe^ Montreal. — Annual meetinp, 2nd Tuesday in January, 1879; Quarterly, 2nd Tuesday in April, July, and October, at Orange Hall, 81 St* James st. Prince of Wales L.OL., No. 364.--Meets 3rd Thursday ija every month, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Victoria. L-OL^ No. 350.— Meets 2nd and 4th AVednesday in every month, at St. John's Hall, Mansfield st. BiiJee of York L. 0. L.y No. 413.~Meets 2nd Wednesday in every month, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Derry L-O-L.^ No. 224.— Meets 2nd Friday in every month, at Orange Hall, 31 St. James st. Boyne L.OL.s No. 401.— Meets 3rd Friday in every mouth, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Dominion L.O.L., No. 1263.— Meets 1st Thursday in every month, at Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Lome L. 0- Z., No. 1373. — Meets 1st Wednesday in every month, in St. Charles Club House, Point St. Charles. Hackett L, 0. X., No. 1474. —Meets 2nd Tuesday in every month, at Orange Hall, 132 Chatham st. Orange Young Britons.— -S^ar of the East, No. 70.— Meets 1st Wednesday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Prince of Orange^ No. 80.— Meets 1st Friday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James st- Hackett, No. 133.— Meets 2nd Tuesday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. St. Charles, No. 98.— Meets 2nd Friday in every mouth, in Orange Hall, Point St. Charles. Orange True Blues. — iVb Surrender, No. 21 —Meets 2nd Thursday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. James st. Walker, iVb. 26. — Meets 2nd Wednesday in every month, in Oi ange Hall, Point St. Charles. Prentice Boys.— AUE STREET. . 16 I ! 204 ODD FELLOWS. INTEENATIONAL PEOTESTANT LEAGUE. . Roynl Albert Lodge^ 240 St. James street. Meets every alter- nate Thursday. Royal Victoria Lodge, corner St. Catherine and Panet streets.— Meets first and third Monday of each month. Royal Oaki Club House, Point St. Charles— Meets fortnightly. Bismarck Lodge* "West End Hall, Chatham street.— Meets every alternate Monday. Mountain Lodge^ 141 St. Lawrence street. St. Jean Baptigte Lodge.— Mf.ets second and fourth Monday of every month. Britannia Lodge, School-house, Forfar street.— Meets every alternate Tuesday. Other lodges in course of formation. I. 0. OF ODD FELLOWS, M. U. ■.'*> ..% Loyal Montreal Lodge, No. 3115.— W. Berwick, G- M.; P. S. Morrison, NG.; C. W. Payette, VG.; J. A. Glassford, R S.; J. Reed, financial secretary: J. Findlay, treasurer. Meets alternate Thursdays at itdd Fellows Hall, 662^ Craig street. Loyal Victoria Zorfflre, iVb. 589B.—Chas. Simmons, G.M-; J. Ridgway, N G. ; A. H. Green, V- G- ; R. Pinke, R.S. ; B. Wal- ton, financial secretary; J. Anthony, treasurer. Meets alter- nate Mondays at Point St. Charles Club House. Lo2/al Excelsior Lodge, No. 6237.— H. E. Tucker. GM.; Jas. Davidson, N.G.; J. Glennon, V G.; Jas. Mitchell, RS ; W. Beed, Treasurer. Meets every alternate Tuesday at Odd Fel- lows Hall, 662i Craig street. GOOH JUOCJBLE STOVES AT JODOIN dt, €0»9t 809 ST. PAVIi STAEET* f. DRESS SHIRTS 91.00, WORTH $12.25, AT GEO. Bo:sri> A CO/S. FORESTERS. 205 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Under the jurisdiction of the Right Worthy Grand Encamp- ment of Ontario. Montreal EncampmenU No. 1.— Meets 2nd and 4th Wednes- day of each month, at 002 Craig street. Under the jurisdiction of the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Qudbee. • Mount Royal Lodges No. 1.— Meeis every Mond ly evening at 243 St. James street. St. Lawrence Lodge^ No, 2.— Meets every Tuesday evening, at 062 Craig street. Mizpah Lodge, No. 3.— Meets every Thursday evening, at 662 Craig street. Duke of Edinburgh Lodge, No. 4.— Meets every Thursday evening, at US Mansfield street. Albert Lodge, No. 5.— Meets every Monday evening, at 118 Maiisfield street. Beaver Lodge, No. 6— Meets every Tuesday evening, at Elall in rear of Victoria Bridge Hotel, Point St. Charles. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Montreal Uxitrd District.— y/w^fces.—W. Anderson, of Court 5.094; J. T. S Webb, MD., 5,774; T. D- Reed, M-D., 5,889 ; T. F. Bedford, 5.890 ; D. Stoba, chief ranger ; W. Ander- son, sub-chiet ; fl. S. Lomas, treasurer, Lomas' Club House, Puint St. Charles; R. Burnham, secretary, 110 Canning street. Court Mount Royal, No. 5,694.— Meets fortnightly at Lomas' Club House, Point St. Charles. Court Atlanta Pride, No. 5,774.— Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in the mouth, at 240 St. James street. Court St. Jude, No. 5,889.— Meets fortnightly at West End Hall, Chatham street. Court Rvbin Hood, No. 5,890.— Meets fortnightly at St. Mark's Sohool-houso, Duihousie street. Court Britannia, No. 5,891.— Riviere du Loup, en baa. O 03 Q a? o » I CD • GO O > CO Q GO i Ml GQ ItlRltA CoriA dc iiUOA^^ i»it^JkJM.»iS'rH, Jewellery, WMI. Sr.MMELHAAC K, 303 NOTnE BAMi: ST. > \ ( I i i ^ I i I < 1=) Bmr TOUR SHIRTS AV ^maif ROirD « gq.% 415 NOTRE PAlUr^ STREET, 206 QUEBEC. QUEBEC. OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION. Robert Chambers, Mayor* L. A. Cannon, city clerk ; N. Fages, assistant clerk ; C. J. L. Lafrance, city treasurer ; John Boomer, assistant city treasurer; Matthew F. Walsh, accountant ; John W. Wright, check clerk ; J« N. Hamolin, clerk; Chas. Baillairg^.city surveyor and water works manager; i*.Uainpeau, assistanrroad surveyor; Jeremiah Gallagher, assistant water works manager; A. B. MoConnell, clerk; Arthur Gingras, clerk; Pierre Boivin, keeper Chateau d'Bau ; H. Heigham, superintendent of police ; Philip Dorval, chief of lire brigade ; Matthew Coleman, deputy chief of tire brigade; Philippe Brunelle, chief telegraph operator; 0. Begin, deputy chief telegraph operator; G. Noreau, Jr., assistant tele- graph operator; Maurice O'Leary, Joseph Onesime Vezina, J. A. Qrenier, assessors ; John Shnw and Joseph E. Bolduc, audi- tors ; Charles Tiudelle, Leon Bertrand, and N. Guay, market clerks ; R. Roy and E. Renaud, collectors of Palace Harbour revenue; E. A. D^ry, recorder; Edward Foley, clerk of court; Augustin Malouin, deputy clerk ; J. Baptiste Plamondon, head bailiff; Joseph Belauger, UUrio Desroches and G. Trudelle, bailiffs; L. G. Baillairji6, attorney; Adolphe Tourangeau, notary puolic ; Pet^ir E. Wright, guardian and chief messenger. COURTS OF JUSTICE, TERMS, &c. See pages 118 to 127. POST OFFICE. J. B. Pruneau Postmaster. J. E. Bolduc Assistant Postmaster. AW Lebel, money order and savings bank clerk ; C- Cham- berland, J. Grey, B. Lacasse, O. Biron, W. Handford, L. A. Rochette, W. While, F. X. Labb(?. Z. Gagnon, B.English, F. Gaboury, T. Morisett, M. Myler, J. E. Carrier, G. A. Maingay, and A. Turner, clerks ; T- Deneohaud, housekeeper. /'oat Office Inapector^tt Qi/ice.—W. G. Sheppard, inspector; A- X. Talbot, assistant inspector; 0. Frechette, U. Huot, C. Vohl, and J. G. Bourget, clerks ; H. A. Murphy, J. L. Anctil, N. A. Beaudet, J. Deslauriers, G. Lapointe, £. blondeau, L.N. IJionne, T. Gaudry, D. Blondeau, L. H. Garneau. J.O. Pageau. R. G- Bourget, 0. Talbot, J. E. Roy> L. Furios, J. Dub6, G. Evanturel, and C. A. Ihibaudeau, railway mail clerks ; Jules Boivin, messenger. C^IIl.'VJfcll^l:: ASkt JAPA^iESE AHO€l.ES OF TIRXIJ, >V:tC. SEMnEMIAACK. 303 %'OTRE RA9IE ST. SHIRTS JIIABE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOXD A €0.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. QUEBEC EXCHANGE, Arthur Street, L. T. Managing Committee.— Weston Hunt, chairman ; H. Fry, J. C. Thomg-oB, D Rattray, Arch. Nicoll, A. Thomson, R. R. Dobell ; Wm. Walker, secretary-treasurer ; Frank Johnston, supenntendeBt. BOARD OP TRADE. 0£Bce, Victoria Chambers, cor. St. Peter and St. Paul sts., L. T. Queers.— J. Shehyp, president ; "Wm. Rae, vice-president ; H. W. Welch, treasurer; F. H. Andrews, secretary. CoMnctY.—A.Fraser. J. Connolly, A. D. Webster. R.H Smith» A. Woodte, H. Fry, BtiiVef© Dob R.ell, ". R W. Hunt, A* Thomson. CROWN TIMBER OFFICE, 7 Sault-au-AIatelot street, L T. Collector of Crown Timber Dues, McLean Stoart ; assistant, John MacJkay ; Pierre Miljler, clerk. HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS, Custom House, Meet every Wednesday at 3 p.m. A. Woods, chairman; Hop I.Thibaudeau, R. R. Dobell, J. H. Spimons, .J. Shehyn, H. Fry, EW. Sewell, W. Rae, .T. Pla- mondon; Francis Qourdeau, harbor master; A. H- Verret, sec -treasurer. rNLAND REVENUE OFFICE, 17 St. James street, L. T. Oncers.— J. M.LeMoine, distrir't inspector ; G. Larue, collec- tor; J. H-Cahill, accountant; M-McNamara, Joseph Rouleau, James Courtney, Geo. Bourassa, Geo. Neilaa, Chas- Bdlang^jr, and T. Fortier, excisemen. SUPERVISOR OF CULLERS' OFFICE, 7 Sault-au-Matelot street, L T. Supervisor of cullers, Wm. Quiim; deputy and book-keeper, Alex. Eraser ; cashier, T J. Walsh ; office-keeper, John Tierney; specification cledis, P. C- DeMartigny, Wolfred Launi^e, Joseph E. Bellan'd, Z. Levasseur, James Foley, Thos. Power, George BeBlois, S. P. Grogan^^. O'Brien, Wm. £*. Whalen, Chorlss deUeriveyJF. Pollquia. FAK€Y OOODN, CHINESE AND JAPAN£:S£ lYARE. WM. SF.Hf nELHAArU, SO.I NOTRE DA^IE ST. ■ ! ,li. ^1 m !t • I i I s I n ,!. J WHITE DBIBSS SHIRTS fll.SO, WORTH 9*2.35> AT GEO. BOND A CO/S. I EH 4J o P4 .a o o o £08 QUEBEC. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. 4 St. Andrew street. Qregoire and Dubord, deputy inspoctorr. GAS INSPECTION. Old Military Bakery, St. Andrew street. N. LeVasseur, inspector. ADULTERATION OF FOOD. Professor F. A. U. Larue, analyst and chemist. . CONSULATES. Argentine Confederation— John Laird, 113 St. Peter st., L-T. ^eZfifiwrn.— Louis Bols, consul ; A. Joseph, vipe-consul, 71 St. Peter street, L.T. Chili and Peru.— John Laird, St. Lawrence Chambers, 113 St. Peter street, LT. Benmiark.—Q. T. Pemberton, Commercial Chambers, 107 St. Peter street, LT. # /Vance.— Albert Lafaivre, corner of Couillard and Hamel sts, German Empire.— Chsbvles Pitl, 61 Dalhousie street. Italy.— Q. T. Pemberton, Commercial Chambers, 107 St. Peter street, L.T. Monte Firf«o.— Charles P. Champion, Corner St. Peter and St. Amoine streetit L-T. Netherlands.— C, J. Jansen, consul, Dean's Buildings, 61 St. Peter street, UT. __ , Sweden and Norway.— W . A. Schwartz, consul; A. TaS*.,en- berg, vice-consul, St. James street, U.T. Portugal.— ¥. Carbray, consul, 114 St. Peter street. *S/>atn.— Senor le Compte de Premio-Real, consul general for the confederation of Canada and British and French possessions in North America, 57 St. Ann street. United States.— Ron. John N. Waasan, 67 St. Ann street. GOOD HALIi &TuVC:» AT JOI>OI?r dc CO*S, 309 ST. PAUI< STRB£Tf _.^ BrY iroVtt (»HIRT«,AT OEO. POND A _CO .*gi ^ 415 NOTRE 'dame street/ "" '^•*^ L.T. 71 St. rs, 113 .07 St. lel sts. Peter nd St. 61 St. ai'-en- ral for SSiOQS t. CUSTOM HOUSE, Pointe-tk-Carcy. J. W. Dunscomb, collector. Long Room. •^^. N- Ross, chief clerk; Vincent Cazeau, cashier; Ghas. Gouin, Ed. Hnot, E. L. J. Girouz, Eus- Doucet* N. LG. Beileau, A.Dion, clerks ; D. D. O'Meara* measuring surveyor; J. Griffiths^ housekeeper and guardian ; C. Juneau, fireman. S*brvej/or*9 OM^e. — James A. Green, surveyor and warehouse-keeper; L^andre JDugai, warehouse-keeper and head looker; George Coliey and A. G. Hawkins, clerks to surveyor ; W. N. Lee, chief landing waiter ; A. E- Langevin, second landing waiter; W. H. Garter, third landing wiiitor; E. O'Brien, fourth landing waiter; Hugh McUugh e aCi a. G. Bowden, samplers and weighers; W. Hig- gins, J. Fogan, J- Kouillard, G. Marootte, James Battertou, J. B. lion; K. Oauchon, and £. Edge, lockers. Water Hide J}epjirtr*tent.-~A. Wheeler, tide surveyor; E. P. LaKue, assist- ant surveyor; if. Deslauriere, tide waiter coasting craft; £. Trudel, tide waiter, Richelieu Go. S*S., and shipper of bonded goods ; P. Dobbin and Wm. Hamilton, night watch; D. Byrne, do., G. T. R., Levis : E. Goveoy, G. T- R-, Quebec; Thomas Parke, shipper ex. bond; J. M. Quinn, T.W.; J. O'Brien, do., b.S. St. George; J.Lemieux, Istcoxwain; M. MoManus, 2nd do.; ABoissoneault, O.Koel, U.Jobin, J.Tierney, T. Hawley, E. Charrier, E, Bourget and M. Gagn^, boatmen. Exandning WarehouHe.—h' Bilodeau and .Honor6 Plamondon, appraisers . J. Deavy and 0. Hannou, packers and porters; M. Gauvin, clerk. iSub- Collectors ami Jt*revevstive OMcern^.—A' A. Hudon, sub-collector, Ghicoutimi; A. G. Bassidres, do., Beauce; J. Bouchard, do.. Bale St. Paul; J. £. Barry, preventive officer, Les Escoumins; J- Radford, do., Tadousao; A. Gomeau, do.) Godbout. FIRE ALARM SIGNAL BOXES. Box No, ST. LEWIS WARD. 2. Gorner St. Ann street and Esplanade 3. Gorner DesGrisons and St. GuneTi^ve streets 4. Gorner Haldimand and St. Lewis streets 5. Corner Garden and Ann struts 6. Corner Buade and Fort streets 7. Corner St. Eustache and St. George streets PALACE WARD. 8. Corner Ste. Famille and M^bert streets 12. Corner St. John and Collins streets 13. Comer Palace and MoMahon streets 14. Gorner St. John and St. Stanislas streets JAPABTESB WARE, J£W£l.L,£Rlr, FANCY GOODS. WMt. fi^£»|]IIEI'lI4ACI£, 803 NOTRE DAIQIE 8T« tl I , i 1 i 1 M \ MftlEM MADE TO 61IDEII AT ^CO. tt6l^l> A tO* 415 IfOTBE BANE STBEET. f 09 i S CHAMPLAIN WARD. 15. Dioning'fl Shipyard, 845 Ghamplain street 16. Taylor's Grooery, 716 Ghamplain street 17. Fire Station, 480 Ghamplain street 21. Giblin's House, 301 Ghamplain street 23* Jalbert's Foundry, 119 Ghamplain street 24. 25. 26. 27. 31. 32. 34. 35. 36. 37. 41. 42. 43. 45. 46. 47. 51. 52. 53. 54. 56. 57. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 67. 71. 72. 73. 7, ST. PETER'S WARD. Gomer Arthur and Dalhousie streets Chinic, Beaudet & Go., foot of Mountain Hill Fire Station, Sault-au-Matelot Foot of Dambourges Hill . r Lemesurier's Building, St. Paul street ;.■ Fire Station, St. Paurs Market Comer Corner Comer Corner Comer Comer Corner Corner JACQUES-CARTIER WARD. Des Prairies and St. Dominiok streets * ' Des Foss^es and Dupont streets Valier and Delachapelle streets Church and St. Joseph streets Dorchester and Notre Dame des Anges streets] Valier and Belleau streets Colomb and Nelson streets St. Anselme and St. Joseph streets ~ ' ' i x ST. ROCH*S WARD. t , Corner Garon and Queen streets • > < Corner Queen and Crown streets Corner Q ueen and Dupont streets Corner bt. Dominick and St Francois street , ! Comer St James and Ryland streets MONTCALM WARD. Gomer Artillery and St. Eustache streets Corner Augustin and St. Patrick streets Fire Station, corner St. Patrick and Berthelot streets Corner D'Artigny and Amable streets Bon Pasteur, Amable street Corner Grande AU^e, Catholic Cemetery > .> ST. JOHN'S WARD. ^ Corner St. John and De Salaberry streets Corner St. John and Sutherland streets Corner St John and Gdte Ste. Genevieve streets Corner St. Olivier and St. Clair streets Corner St. Augustin and St. George streets House of Parliament, Palace street. Palace ward Corner St. Eustache and St George streets ,»/'V*':l nny yonr i;001£llffi, lIAL.Ii, PAKliOK dc DOVBI^iJ^ bT0irB9 mi JOIH^IN 4e €9'9| 909 St. Paul Street. WhITB dress SitlRTS 91.50, WORTH $9.65, At GEO. BOND A CO/S. 4i JUSTICES John W. Dunsoomb Edouard Qlaokmeyer George Holmes Parke Joseph Kobitaille Edouard Rousseau Daniel MoCallum Abraham Joseph Jean Elie Gingras F^lix Thomas Bigaouette Louis Falardeau Daniel McUie John James Nesbitt Horatio Nelson Jones Abraham Hamel James A. Sewell William Marsden Michael Connolly % Henry Bolduc Henry McBlain Jean Baptiste Renaud Paul Allaire Benson Bennett Louis Amiot William Darling Campbell R^mi Ferdinand Rinfret Pierre Guillet Tourangeau Louis Eugdne Blais William Miller John Greaves Clapham Henry Fry Robert Shaw William G. Wurtele Etienne Michon Edward Coyeney Richard Henry Wurtele George Hall Thomas Glover • "^ Jacques E. Blais John Giblin James Hossack Fortune iUonne Isaac Doriun Charles St. Michel D. OF THE PEACE. Pierre Gauvreau George Miller fciiraon Peters Pierre Garneau L6ger Brousseau James Connolly William John Withall Augustin Cdt6 Joachim Bedard Isaie Nolette Norbert Germain John Laird James Dinning Cyrille Tessier Nicholas Maheux ' George T. Tremblay Samuel J. Glackmeyer M. Wheatley Anderson Robert Hamilton Alfred G. Belleau William Rae Owen Murphy Joseph Shehyn Victor B^langer Raymond Blakeston Edward Giroux James MoCorkell William Kirwin Charles V. M. Temple John V. Gale Jos. Amadie Mailloux R. R. Dobell Dominique Lortie Patrick Henchey Hans Hagens ' Joseph Paris • ^ Louis Boivin W. Herring Jonas Gosselin Pierre Giroux William Sharpies John Porteous Ferdinand Peachy Murray, Clerk of the Peace, SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS. Protestant Board.—W ' Hossack, chairman; W- Walker, W. Wurtele, R.H. Smith, J. Whitehead, RevC Hamilton, M-A<, Rev. A.NMcQuarrie, B.A., sec-treasurer. Roman Catholic Board.— Key- J. Auclair, N. Hamel, sec- treasurer. CHINESE AND JAPAIWESE AK11CL.ES OF VIRTU, WM. SEMMEIiHAACKi 303 NOXRE DAME ST« I. ! H 3* '-S ' i u I! ftmr TOUR SHIRTS At* OEO. BOITD A C€|.'i| 415 irOTRE DAME STREET. I i OB 9 212 QUEBEC. BANKS. I • Bank of British North America.— Q. F. Stnith, manager, St. Peter street, L.T. Bank of Montreal.— J .^otieom, manager, corner of St. Peter and Arthur streets, L.T. Banque iVtiftoiia/c.— P.V^zina, cashier, 77 St- Peter street. Quebec Bank.— J .Si^yenson^ cashier, Quebec Bank Buildings, corner St. James and St. Peter streets, L.T. Stadacona ifanA;.— W.R.Dean, 72 St. Peter street. Union ^aw^.— P.MaeEwen, cashier, St. Peter sireet, L-T. Savings Branchy Union Bank ^ formerly Quebec Provident and Savings Bank.—G. Veaaey, caflkier,.9 St. Lewis street, U.T. Savings Bank.— Hesid office, 77 St. Peter street ; F. V«^^ina, manager ; F. K. A. V^zina, see.-treas. Branches.— 23 St^ John street, T. Z- L. Y^zina, aeoountant; 197 St- Joseph strec^t, B. Pag6, accountant; Levis, P. N.Uamel, accountant. J. Sf ABIE & c^t«w*»t^tai i«ti(*w. 54 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MONTREAL. ■:S\, I eOOlt A#0(JB1.£ VrOV£S AT JODOIN Sc OO'S, 809 STf PAVIi STREET* SBIBTft 9KABE TO ORDER AT OEO. 415 NOTRE DAHE STRE 'T, A €0.% OTTAWA . CITY aOVEllNMENT.-1878, *]'/ , Mayor, C. W. Bangs. Victoria Ware?.— Aldermen : David Scott, H. Merrill Jr., and A. Masson. Wellington Ward.— Aldermen : J. Henderson, E. 0. Barber, and J. Lang. St, fi'corflre'«Warrf.— Aldermen : J. W. McRae, John Stewart, and Joseph R. Esmonde. Rv Ward.— Aldermen : John Heney, P. H. Chabot, and Q* O'Keefe. Ottawa Ward.— Aldermen : J. A. Chevrier, E. E. Lauzon* and John Glasoy. OMcera of Corporation.— W. P. Lett., city clerk and registrar of births, marriages and deaths; H. Jaok.«ion. accountant and assistant city clerk ; W- P. Lett, jr. clerk ; T-H Kirby. treasurer; T.W. Thomson, collector; J. Lindsay, accountant; R. Surtees, city engineer; W. Birkett, foreman of works • J. Battle, clerk ; J. O'Rielly, license inspector ; A • Pratt assessment commissioner; T. Gallagher, and 0. A. Roque, assessors ; R. O'Rielly and T. W. Rothwell, auditors. Police Comminaionera.—The Mayor, .Judge of County Court, and Police Magistrate ; H. Lapierre, city solicitor. Police Court.— The Mayor, Judge of County Court and Police Magistrate commissioners ; M. O'Gara, police magistrate; W. P. Lett, clerk; T. Langrell, chief of police; Dr. Lynn, health inspector; W. McYeity and John Banning, detectives. ' TARIFF FOR COACHES, &o. Two-Horse Vehicle.— Yor the conveyance or carriage of any number of passengers, not exceeding four, in a carriage, sleigh, or other vehicle, drawn by two horses, when hired by the hour, or when the time occupied amounts to or exceeds an hour :— For the first hour $1.00 And for each subsequent quarter of an hour 0. 15 Bach additional passenger for the first hour 0-20 And for each subsequent quarter of an hour 0> 05 One- Horse FeAiWe.— For the conveyance or carriage of any number of passengers, not exceeding three, in a carriage, sleigh, 'lilRRA €OTTA A BRONZE OttXAMENTS, Jewellery, WJH. (SEJII9IEI4HAACU- 303 STOTRE DASIE ST* '1 WHITI! mtEMS HHIBTfi $tM9, WORTH §»JU, At I St .9 1 ! m ll! m '|.;' H 2U OTTAWA. r or other yehiole drawn by one horse, when hired by the hour, or when the time occupied amounts to or exceeds one hour :— For the first hour.. $0.75 And for each subfequent quarter of an hour 0-10 Each additional passenRcr for the first hour 0.20 And for each subsequent quarter of an hour 0. 05 For the conveyance of one passenger from any of the oarterfi stands, or from one part of the city to one or more places oon- secutiyely in said city, provided the time occupied in conveying and waiting for such passenger Does not exceed 15 minutes $0.25 And for each additional passenger 10 If time occupied exceeds 15 minutes but not SO. . . . 40 And for each additional passenttor 0-15 Each subsequent 10 minutes after first 30 minutes 010 And for each additional passenger 0.05 But if the time occupied continuously whilst any such vehicle shall be in the employ of the same person or persons amounts to or exceeds one hour, then the rates by the hour» as aforesaid, shall only be proper and legal, and no higher rates shall be legal. That each passenger shall be entitled to take with him o^* her, one trunk or other baggage to a reasonable extent, free of charcre, and it shall be the duty of the person in charge of any such vehicle to load and unload the same free of charge. That children under five years of age shall not be charged for as additional passonerers, and children over five and under twelve years of age, shall not be charged for as additional pas- sengers more than half rates. RATES OF CARTAGE. For licensed carts, trucks, sleighs, or other vehicles for the car- riage of loading by licensed carters, within the city of Ottawa :— From any part of Upper Town, west of Bank street, to any part of Lower Town, east of Nelson street, or north of Cathcart street, and vice ver«a $0.40 To any other part of Lower Town, and mice versa 0-25 From any part of Lower Town, east of Nelson street, or north of Cathcart street, to any part of Upper Town, east of Bank street 025 From any other part of the city to another, except as afore- said 0.20 That the loading referred to above shall consist of twelve hundred pounds, or six barrels of flour, or four barrels of pork, or half a cord of wood. GOOD COOKING STOVES AT JODOIBT & €0»S, 309 ST. FAUIi SVHEBT Bt AT €0»S, BUT TOCR ftHIRM AT OEO. BOBTD A €0.% 4lg yOTRE DAME STREET. OTTAWA. 216 CUSTOM HOUSE. Z. Wilson, oolleotor; J. T. Bartram, surveyor; W. 8. Kirby, ohiet'cierk : WAMoAgy, appraiser: G.Carloton, ohief landing waiter ; Alleney, O- J. Horn, J.B- Stoacy, S.C. Kior, landing waiters : H- McLean, temporary clerk ; GR- Johnston, messen- ger. Office hours, from 9 a.m . to 4 p.m. Registrar of Shipping. Z.Wilson, oolleotor of ouitoms; sur- veyor and measttfor of shipping, W.Somerville. INLAND REVENUE OFFICE. M Battle, oolleotor; J. M. B. Henry, deputy collector; J. S* Brough and WBedard, excise officers. WATER WORKS COMMISSIONERS AND OFFICERS. J. Cunningham, chairman; J. Hopei W-CowaUf T> Cofifey, J> A. Pinard ; CR. Cunningham, secretary ; W- Kennedy, mana- ger; J.Pennock, collector of water rates ; E. Pinard, W>Skead, clerks; E. Marier, H.S. Cowan, bailiffs; WS. Williams, water policeman. BOARD OF TRADE. Hon. J. Skead, president; E.MoGillivray, vice-president; J. Cunningham, treasurer ; J. H.P.Gibson, secretary. CoMnctV— F.Olemow, J.WMcRae, W.Pennook, J.WRussell, T- Patterson, J.C> Brennan, J. Heney, J- A. Pinard, J. Kavan- agh, P.Larmonth, D. Murphy. C'McGee. Ar&i"f»ncfe.— Office, Victoria Hotel Block, Wellington stneet. Robt- Gill, manager; Wm. Maynard, accountant ; J. H. Thompson, teller. Merchants' Baiuk.— Ottawa Branch. —Of&ee, corner Sparks and Metcalfe streets. D. Kemp, manaerer; EM. King, ac- countant ; H. Fasson BlogR, teller ; C. W. A. Walcot, ledger- keeper; F.S.Jeamett, junior clerk; J. Edmonds, messenger. La BkNOUE Nationale and Savings Bank.— Oftow* Branch, —Office, Wellington street. S. Benoit, man Acer; A. P. A. Binfret, accountant; A. J. St. Pierre, teller ; P. Brapeau, ledger- keeper ; A. Hardy, clerk ; A. Martin, messenger. Ontario Bank and Savings Bx^K.—Ottawa 5rancfe.— Office, north-east corner of Wellington and Metcalfe streets. J. H. Woodman, manager ; Q. R. Bartlett, accountant; A. Denny, teller ; W. H. Holland, teller savings department ; Q. L. Tem- pest, ledger-keeper ; P. Fitzgerald, messenger. Bank op Ottawa and Savings Bank.— Office, Wellington st., south side, comer of O'Connor. B> Robertson, manager; E. D. Arnaud, accountant; W. J. Christie, teller; J. A. Bangs, ledg«r- keeper; J. B- Monk, discount (tlerk; J. Martin, mes- senger. Quebec Bank and Savings Batuk.— Ottawa 5ranc?i.— Office, Wellington street, opposite the Houses of Parliament. H- V. Noel, manager; W. M. Richards, accountant; C V. Noel, 1st teller ; S. Piddington, 2nd teller ; J. H.'Pinhey, liability ledger ; 0. A. Moore, deposit ledgtdr ; Gt. H. Shaw, cash book ; J. Carle- ton, messenger. Union Bank op L. C. and Savings Bank.— 0«rtwa Branch, —Office, comer of Rideau and Little Sussex streets. — — , manager; James Irvine, accountant; E- E. Webb, teller; C. R. Armstrong, ledger-keeper; C. E. Webb, clerk; J. Martin, messenger. I :i ■■■*■'■ ,'V'^-4".v' Justices of the Peace for the County of Carleton resident in the City of Ottaioa. George Hay, WiUiam H. Thompson, W. P. Lett, Donald M. Grant, A. Pratti Alexander Workman, Thomas Langrell, George King, M. O'Gara, F . Clemow. CITY REGISTRY OFFICE. A . Burritt, registrar; K.Graburn, dep. registrar. Office hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p . m. 0OOB HAIiL STOVfiS AT JODOIN d; CO'S, 399 ST. PAUJL STRB|?T« €0.% WHITE DRESS SHIRTS $1.50, WORTH 99.99, AT GEO. BOM^n A CO.^S. OTTAWA. 217 OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. F.Clemow, Elgin st. ; D.S. Eastwood, Sparks st. ; T.F.Rajotte, Wellington St.; W-Pennook, Elgin St. COURTS. County Courts, District op Carleton, Prescott and rwssell. General Seasiona and County Court, loith «/Mr2/— Tuesday, June 10 and December 9. County Court Sittings, without Jury— Monday, April 7 and October 6. County and Surrognte Court TWw*— January 6 to 11, inclusive ; April 7 to 12, inclusive ; July 7 to 12, inclusive j October 6 to 11, inclusive. Division Court Sittings— Opened at 10 a.m. Carleton : No. 1 Division, Ottawa City. . Circuit Divisions : No. 2, Richmond •• No. 3, Carp No. 4, Mohr's Corners No. 5, North (9^ower No. 7, Bell's Corners^ Prescott Circuit Divisions No. 1, L'Orignal No. 2, Vankleek Hill No. 3, East Hawkesbury No. 4, Plantagenet ... No. 7, Hawkesbury Village . No. 8, Caledonia Flats Russell Circuit Divisions : R. No. 5, Cumberland R. No. 6, Duncanville C. No. 6. Metcalfe . , • •••••• I )••••• •••••• 27124 13 16 15 17 14 1 1^ 28 8 6 5 8 4 7 25 26 27 C fi. < ^ S 28 26 27 15 17 18 16 19 17 19 20 18 21 5 8 .. 7 .. 10.. 6.. 9 .. 2i ..25 .. 26 s < Ml 26 19 21 22 20 23 14 17 16 18 15 a, 19 .16 •il7 .118 27 14 16 17 15 18 I 24 9 19 2 4 5 3 6 24 27 26 29 . 25 .. 28 .. ..16 ..117 .18 Judicial Offioerb.— James Daniell, county judge, Prescott and Russell ; W. A. Ross, county judge, carleton ; Robert Lyon, junior county judge, Carleton; W. M. Matheson, master and deputy registrar in Chancery, Ottawa; Robert Lees, county 01 I g B o 3 • I o n I ;rAl*A]lfESE WARE, JEWELl.EUY, FANCY GOODSf m* SEMMEIiHAACg, 803 NOTRE DA3IE (ST« : \ 1 I* y- m BVT TOVR SHIRTS AT OEO. BOND « CO/Sf 41S UrOTRK BAMi: STREET. 218 OTTAWA, attorney and clerk of the peace ; VV. P. Powell* sheriff, county of Carleton ; A. Percy Sherwood, deputy sheriff ; J. Fraser. deputy clerk of crown, clerk of county court, and registrar of surrofrate, Ottawa ; A. W. Powell, jailer ; Thomas Dagg and W . Johnson* turnkeys. County Officers.— County Town, Ottawa. Thos. Clark, war- den; William Cowan, treasurer ; Charles McNab, clerk; W. Mosgrove. solicitor ; Rev. John May, M. A., inspector of public schools ; Gt C. Bowers and W. V, Beaman, county auditors and auditors of school moneys ; Dr. Church, surgeon of the gaol ; R. Sparks, P.L.S., county engineer ; Wm. Gordon, county con- stable and license inspector ; W. MoEwen, custodian- County of Carlkton Registry Officb.'-W. H. Waller, registrar. Office hours from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Coroners.— Abraham Pratt, H. T. Corbett, M.D., and J. P. Lyn, MD. ; • , •.\ RAILROAD, STEAMBOAT, AND PUBLIC COMPANIES. St. Lawrenoe and Ottawa Railroad Co.— General office. Wellington St.; length of road, 59 miles : T.Reynolds, manag- ing director, Ottawa ; A. G> Peden, sec-treasurer and general passenger agent, Ottawa; C.Dame, locomotive superintendentv Presoott; J. G.Macklin, resident engineer; R.K.Clare, Sussex St-, station and general freight agent ; J.A.Houston, Chaudi^e> station agent. Canada Central Railroad Co.— Offices, 30 Wellington st. ; Depot, Chaudidre Flats.— J- G- Richardson, Brockville, presi- dent; A-Baker, Brockville, general manager ; T-A-McKinnon, Ottawa, superintendent; C- Matthaei, Brockville, treasurer; W.S-Eaton, agent at Ottawa station. Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway Co.— M.O'Meara, Jr., agent, 36 Elgin st. Union Forwarding and Railway Co— A- Browne, presi- dent; J.Rankin, A-CHooper, CO'Kelly, J-Hamilton, Jr., H- K- Egan, directors; D.Cowley, superintendent; H- Chepmell, secretary; J. Murphy, book-keeper; F.Percival, clerk. Ottawa City Passenger Railway Co.— General Office, New Edinburgh.— R.Blackburn, M.P., president; T.Reynolds, vice- president; J. M- Currier, M.P., W. G. Perley, T- C Keefer, M. McNaughton, directors; W. Graham, superintendent and secretary. Ottawa River Navigation Co.— Head office, Montreal. — R. W- Shepherd, president; E. Scott, secretary ; H.W.Randolph, agent; R. C. W* MoCuaig, ticket agent; Ottawa office, 60 Sparks st. «K>OD DOUBLE STOVES AT JODOIN 4c C0^9^ 399 ST. rAfJI* STUGfJTt SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT OEO, BOITD « CO'S, 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. OTTAWA. 219 Montreal and Ottawa Forwarding Co.— Head office, Mont- real.— M. MoNaughton and C T. Bate, directors : D. Murphy, aeent, Ottawa; A. O'Neill, storeman; offioe and warehousei west side of canal basin. Sinobnnes and MoNaughton Line.— Canal basin; C O'Gil* vie, agent' Montreal Telegraph Co.— Main offiee, Metcalfe st. Branch offices : Parliament House, during the session ; Russell House, Union House, J.Cass, Rideau st., Hamilton Bros-, Sussex st., Queen's Wharf, St L- <& ORR. depot, C.CR' station ,* Bridge St., Chaudi^re ; and CC.R. ticket office, Wellington st. N.W. Bethune, district superintendent : C.F-Macdonald, inspector; 0. Higman, chief operator ; T. Aheame, J.Cooney, J. McTag- Sart, H.F.St- Jacques, H-Botterell, C- A.Grant, H.B.Spencer, .Lookwood, operators; W- Nichols, accountant ; CB Steacy, E-JSteacy, H. Myers, J. Keenahan, clerks; X. Lefebvre, F. St. Denis, line repairers. Dominion Telegraph Co.— Main office, Elgin st. Branch offices: Parliament buildings, during session; Russell House, 47 Rideau st., 335 Wellington st- ; Bridge st., Chaudidre ; andQ.M O-O-Ry. offioe. W-Y-Soper, manager; J.MoMullen, cashier ; B. W. Grant, receiving clerk ; D. H. Keeley, chief operator; Geo. Watts, A. G. Sibbald, S. Ebbs, J. Delaronde, R. Anderson, L. Fleck, D. C. Dewar, George Starr, operators ; P. Valois and N. St. Denis, line repairers. Dominion of Canada Plumbago Co. (Limited).— Capitfti, £100,000 sterling, in 10,000 shares, of £10 each.— Directors : Eng- land, J. D. Fletcher, London ; C. Alhusen, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; J. N. Sears, London, Canada: Hon. R.W. Scott, W-H- Walker, Jas. Rochester, Ottawa; London chairman, J. D- Fletcher; Canadian chairman : Hon. R.W- Scott; London secretary: R. S- Archbold: Canadian secretary and managing director, W. H. Walker. Offioe, London, 2 New Broad street, E. C; Office, Ottawa, Elgin street ; Bankers, London, The Union Bank. Ottawa Iron and Stekl Manufacturing Co. (Limited).— Hon. J.Skead, president; R- S- Cassell, viee-president ; J. II. Woodman, E. Haycock, A. Mortimer, A. Fleck, directors. Ottawa Loan and Investment Co.— W.R. Bell, M.D., W. White, J. Fraser, W. Pennock, A. S. Woodburn, provisional directors; T. F. Nellis, provisional solicitor; Quebec Bank, bankers. Ottawa and Gloucester Road Co.— CT-Bate, president; E. McGillivray, J. Graham, J. Roberts, F. Clemow, directors; A. Mann, secretary and treasurer. Bytown and Nepean Road Co.— G. Arnold, president; T. Graham, E. C. Malloch, W. (Graham, and the Reeve of Nepean, directors ; C. H. Pinhey, secretary and treasurer ; W . Graham, superintendent of repairs. M. CD Pi I o CO ►— . CD •Ji (-". O g CO gr o CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTICLES OF TIRTIJ, m, SDMMELHAACH, 303 NQTRE PAHIS |^^ ,.s .a I H^HITfi DR£(SS SHIBTS 91.50, WOBTQ i9,95, AT GEO. BOND A C0.9S. ©TTAWA AND MONTRKAL AND KUSSBLL CONSOLIDATED ROAD Co.— W.Wilson, president; J. Wadsworth, R Lees, Z. Wilson, J. Robertfl, directors; H. Chepmell, secretary-treasurer; R. Lees, solicitor. Ottawa Agricultural "Pire Insurance Co.—Head office, Metcalfe street, Ottawa ; John Rochester, M.P., president; J. 8. Hall, Montreal, vice-president ; Alex. McNaughton, Simon Labrosse, R.D. Fulton, J. Kiley, L Morgan, J. Ferguson, Hon. L. R Church, A. Proudfoot, M.D.,W.R. Bell, M.D., John Henderson, Frank Clewow, Jas. Rochester, C. T- Bate, direc- tors; James Bourne, secretary and manager; Jas. Cunning- ham, treasurer ; F. H. Berry, general inspector. Brechwood Ckmktrry Co.— Dr. J. Sweetland, president ; H. N. Bate, vice-president ; B. Batson, J. Durie, A. Burritt, J. Roberts, directors ; C. T. Bate, treasurer ; J. Durle, secretary ; p. Gordon, sup't. Ottawa Gas Co.— Office, Elgin st. ; CT Bate, president; F. Clemow, managing director : A. Gilmour, R. S. Cassels, John Pennock, T. Patterson, S. Howell, directors; A. Spittal, sec- treasurer; John Holt, superintendent. Ottawa and Hull Ferry.— Sterling Wharf. Joseph Smith, proprietor; J. Jones, captain. Ottawa and Aylmkr Stage.— Moses Holt, proprietor. Leaves Windsor House and Union House, at 10 a.m., 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Sundays excepted. Oti'awa AND Carillon Stage.— Loaves the Ch. '^ c6.% 4irs iroTRi: bame street^ OTTAWA. 221 Normal School.— J. A. MacCalbe, priucipal and English master; W> K. Riddell, B.A., B.L., mathematical master; G. Baptie, M.A-, M.B., science master; D. MeArthnr, writing master ; W. (jh. Workman, music master ; M. Sparrow, dmrwing master ; E. B. Cope, secretary; R. MeCann, janitor. Ottawa Colleoiatb Institute.— J. Thorburn, M-A-, head master; J. McMillan, BA-, classical and science assistant; Rev. T. D. Phillip^, M- A •, mathematical asliustant; A. Agnew, B.A , English assistant; Miss A. Living, English aisd ivathe- matical assistant ; Kev. Maro Ami, French master. Board of Truate«».~-J . P. Featherston, chairman ; E. McQil- livrayi Geo. Hay, W. Pennock, A. Kowe, F. Ciemow, Rev. 1). M. Gordon ana J. Warnock, trustees ; John Pennock, secretary and treasurer ; J. H« Locke, janiton Ottawa Ladies' College.— Incorporated by Aet of Parlia- ment, Dec 17th, 1869.— H. F. Bronsdon, president; J. Sweet- land, MD.f Ist vice-president; Rev. W. Moore, 2nd vice-presi- dent. Board of Management— Hon. J. Skead, Rev. D. M. Gor- don, B-D., J. R. Booth, J. Rochester, E. B. Eddy, D. McLeod Stewart, E. MoGillivray, J. Cunningham, A. S. Woodburn, Alex. BurrUt, C. T. Bate, J. McMillan, B.A.; Rev. A. F. Kemp, LL.D., principal; E. Fisher, musical director; John i>iokie, bursar. Church of England Ladies' School, 200 Wellington street, Ottawa.— Established 186i). Incorporated 1871. Visitors.— The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop ot Ontario, the Ven. Arch- deacon of Kingston, and the Ven. Archdeacon of Ottawa. Council— The Yen. Archdeacon Lauder, chairman; Judge Lyon, W. R. Wright, A. J. Cambie, J. A. Torrance, G. W. Wickstead, G. P. Baker, Francis Ciemow | T. M Clark, treas- urer; J. A. Torrance, secretary; lady principal, Miss Clegg, assisted by an efficient staff of teachers. Ottawa Business College.— West side O'Connor street, be- tween Queen and Albert streets.— J. Musgrove, principal in- structor of commercial department and leccureron book-keep- ing, correspondence, &o. Ottawa Convent.— Corner Sussex and Bolton streets.— Established 1846.— Now under the charge of the Rev. Mother Marie du Sacr6 Coeur, superioress general ; Sister J.M. Phelin, assistant general ; oister Demers, <^conome. Young Ladies' Literary Institute.- Conducted by the Grey Nuns, Convent of Notre Dame du Saor6 Coeur, Kideau street, Ottawa.— bister Th^rdse du Jesus, superioress, assisted by twenty teachers. Seminary for YouifO Ladies (a branch of *• Villa Maria '* establishment of Montreal), Gloucester, between Wwm and Metcalfe streets.— Conduc tea by the ladies of the Cohgreeration of Notre Dam«. Madame St. Gabiiol, superioress. CM C09S« 'J«^.JftKA COITA dE I*KO:NZii OB^SfAMEWTS, jTewellery, WMU WBUIM»IiHAACU, SOS NOTRE BAHS ST, * ; illtil f t wm\ « I di fiijiili'rs UkABE fo order at geo. Robtii a td^'s, 415 UrOTRE DAME STREET*' * ^ o •s I 222 OTTAWA. BOARD OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Wellington Ward>—E. C. Barber and J. H. P. Gibson. Victoria Ward.—V, Lesueur and E. H. Bronson. - ? St. Qeorgt^B Ward.— -J. P. Robertson ;^nd John Graham. By Warrf.— T. H. Kirby and Daniel Moirat. Ottawa Warrf.— H. Robinson and C» S. Shavr. ' "^ Chairman, Hiram Robinson ; city inspector of public schooIS) J. C Glashan; secretary to the board, W* Rae ; messenger, J. McCarthy. Board of Bxaminert of Public School TeacJiera.—J . G« Giashan, chairman; A.Pratt. S. Rathwell, John McMillan, B.A., secretary. Roman Catholic Sep ARA'ris School Trustees. —J. W • Peachy, <)hairman; Jos. Tass6, M.P., H. G. Roche, P. A. Eagleson, 0. A. Rocque. M. Battle, J. E. Lemieux, Rey. Father W helan, P. C.. Auolair, J. Quain; Louis Tass6, secretary; W> Finlay, treasurer; R- O'Rielly, superintendent. NATIONAL, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES, &o, St. George's Society op Ottawa— Dr. Sweetland, president ; S. Rogers, Ist vice-president; T. Porter, 2nd vice-president; R. J. Cook, secretary ; W. Mills, treasurer; Rev. E. B. Jones, Rev. H. Pollard, Rev. E. D. Phillips, and Rev. Smith, chap- lains; Dr. Church, (Lower Town,) Dr. Horsey* (Upper Town,) Shysicians; U. D. Hill, solicitor; T* Harmer, H. Letch, C. H. I. Nichols, D. Cockburn, J. W. Purley, C. C. Rogers, and E. Askwith, committee of management : D. Taylor, E. Miller, F. M. Allan, and L. Winten, stewards ; T. Kirby and Thomas Beament, auditors. Place of Meeting.— Odd-Fellows Hail) Rideau street. St. Andrew's Society.— McLeod Stewart, president ; John G. Leitch, 1st vice-president; A.F.McIntyre, 2nd vice-pres- ident; A.Mann, treasurer; G- S. McFarlane, recording secre- tary; J. p. Robertson, corresponding secretary; Rev* D. M> Gordon, BD., chaplain; Dr.McDougaU, Dr Kehoe, custodian; F. MoCann, grand marshal; W. Kehoe, TMcCabe, WH- Waller, T.Heney, P.A.Egieson, J.Casey, G. O'Keete. WD.O'Brien. J.o 2ioiaa, W. D.O'Keefe, W- Find- lay, P.E.Ryan, F'McCanD, J.Bennett, P.Burnit trustees. QOO» UAI.I4 &TOVES AT JODOIN St 00«S| 900 ST. PAUI4 STRBETt \- Htl^ irovit sltiiitfii at oeo. Boiiri> a c6.% 415 NOTRF BAHE STREET. OTTAWA. 223 Institut Canadien Feancais. —a. Benoit, president; A. Laperierre, lst.vice-president ; G>Trudeau, 2nd vice-president ; L'H.Filteau, secretary archives; ETass^, corresponding sec- retary; E. Cnateauvert, treasurer ; T. Faiardeau, librarian. St. Jean Baptiste Society.— Dr. St. Jean, M.P., president; Gol.Panet, 1st vice-president ; H- Lapierre, 2nd vice-president ; Dr. Godin, recording secretary :C-Gagn6, corresponding secre- tary; E. Iass6, treasurer; S* JDrapeau, marshal. Ottawa Literary and Scientific SociETY.—Rooms, Sparks, near O'Connor. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 24th Dec.* 1869. W. D. LeSueur, Esq., B. A., president; John Thorburn, M-A., 1st vice-president ; HP. Hill, M.A.,2nd vice-president; R.J. Wioksteed, M. A, B.C. L., secretary: E.D.Arnaud, Esq., treasurer; J.Martin, librarian; Jas. Fletcher, curator; P. Robertson, W. R. Wright and Thos. Hector, members of coun- cil; Mr. Young, custodian. City of Ottawa Agricultural Society.— Hon. J. Skead. president; A. Rowe, 1st vice-president ; W. H. Hurdman, 2na vice-president; A. S. Woodburn, secretary-treasurer; A. Mc- Kellar, Ira Morgan, A. Wright, M.P., J.M Currier, M.P., Mc- Leod Stewart* Aid. Heney, T. Clark, John Thompson, and His Worship the Mayor, directors. County of Carleton Agricultural Society.— T. Clark, president; A. Bradley, 1st vice-president; H. Bennett, 2nd vice-president; W. H. Butler, D. Horten, auditors ; A Abbott, secretary- treasurer ; D. McDougall, J. Kemp, A. Bradley, A W. Davidson, J. Nelson, J. F. Beerman, directors. Second Mutual Building Society of Ottawa.— OfiBce, 498 Sussex street.— p. A. Egleson, president; J. Stewart, vice-pres- ident; H.MoCormick, HF. McCarthy, A.Swalwoll, A.Smirle, and J.R.Armstrong, directors ; J-Egiesou, secretary-treasurer ; Merchants' Bank ot Canada, bankers ; R Lees, solicitor ; capi- tal subscribed, $386,000; capital paid-up, $159,000 ; established May, 1873. Annual meeting, 3rd Thursday in May. Capital Mutual Building Society. ■— Ofl&ce, over Union Bank, corner Sussex and Rideau streets. Subscribed capital, $200,000; organized, April, 1875. R. Ryan, W. H. Waller, J. Gillie, D. Murphy, J. Heney, directors. Officers— R. Ryan, president; W • H. Waller, vice-president; O'Connor and Hogg, solicitors; R.Devlin, secretary-treasurer. Civil Service Building and Savings Society.— Organized, 1866; paid-up capital, $200,000. W. H. Griffin, president; H. Hartney, vice-president; J.M.Courtney, Wm. Buckingham, G. W. Wicksteed, J^B. Cherriman, directors; John Ashworth, managing director^ Robert Sinclair, secretary-treasurer ; Cock- burn, Wright and McCaul, solicitors; Bank of Commerce, bankers ; Thos. Ross, R. W> Baxter, auditors. FANCY OOOD.S CHlJIWliiSW Ai^O JAFAN*:»*J WARE* IfMU l»E9ISlEI.HAACSit 803 NOTllE »AM1S »»♦ rr in u Shirts made to order at oko. bono a co.% 415 notrk dame street. if! Ij ) i ! ■I 221 OTTAWA. Metropolitan Building and Savings SooiETY.—Paid-up capital, $370,000 j subscribed capital, $400,000. Office, 110 Wellington £ftreet. Organized, 1870. H.V Noel, president; J. Cunningham. viee-preBident ; J. Roberts, R. Blackburn, M.P., J- Hope, J. Mather, H.N' Bate, J Rochester, directors ; G< H. Pinhey, solicitor; €• R.Cunningham, secretary-treasurer; Que- bec Bank, bankers. La Soci^Tt DB Construction Canadiennb d'Ottawa.— In- corporated, 27th April, 1874, under Cap. 53 of the C. S. for U. C. Directors— J. A. Pinard, president: T. G. Coursolles, vice- president; P. Rivet, Dr. St. Jean, J. Tass^, H. Robiliard, A. Benoit, J. L. Olivier, secretary-treasurer ; H. Lapierre, solic- itor ; p. Marier, inspector. CLUBS. Ottawa Cricket Club.— J. M. Currier, president; W. McKay Wright and H V. Noel, viee^presidents ; W.R. Baker, treas'r ; J.BBrophy, seoretary; R Gill, CB Brodie, D. J. Smith, W- Himsworthc Jr., GSMcFariane, committee. Ottawa Curling C^»t6.— Rink, Slater St., north side— Organized 1862— Affiliated with the Royal Caledonia Clob of ScotianU.— His Excellency the Marquis ot Lome, pation ; A.Gilmour, pres- ident; T. McKay, 1st vice-president; J.W.Russell, 2ad do do-; J.Manuel, 3rd do. do.; Re v. D.M. Gordon, chaplain ; G-Uutchi- son, sec-treasurer; C S.Scott, CMagee, W Kerr, J .D.W ailis, committee of management ; A.C Hutchison, Col. A. A. Steven- son, representative members. Rideau Club. —Wellington, near.Metcalfe st. — Incorporated undei: the Act of the Legislature of Canada, 29th Vic., chap. ^, 18()5— J.M.Currier,M.P., president; Hon- J. W^. Allan, A.Wright, MP., H.V. Noel, Hon. J.Cockburn,Q.C., McLeod Stewart, W. if. Forsyth, B. Batson, executive committee ; Quebec Bank, bankers; H. V. Noc^, treasurer; A. J. Cambie, auditor; J. Makin8on« seer«tary; R.Inglis, steward. Ottawa Ckeaa C2u6.— Rev. T- D. Phillips, M.A>, president; F. X. Lambert, vioe-j^resident; A.Biais, sec-treasurer. CHURCHES. :*«• PROTESTANT. Church of England.— St. John the Evangelist, Sussex st, west side— Rev- H. Pollard, M. A., rector ; Rev.F.R.Smith, assistant ; hoursof service, 11 a.m. and? p.m. w Christ Church, Sparks st., south side— Rev.lLS. Lauder, D.D*, M. A., Archdeacon of Ottawa, rector; hours ol service, 11 a>m. and 7 p > m ; free seats in the evening* GOOD COOKima filf OVlfiS AT JOJDOtlC Sc 0O>S, 109 %W, PAVh WB3BW. .s.^.^x^ 't WHITE DRESS SHIRTS 91.90, WORTH QEO« BONO ^ €0/S. 92.30, AT OTTAWA. 225 Church of St. Alban the Martyr.— (Preo seat.)— Daly at., north side— Uev. Canon T. B. Jones. M.A., LLD , rector: hours of service, 8 a.m., 11 a-m-, and 7 p-m.; Sunday school, 3 p.m.; Communion every Sunday, and on the Church festivals; daily service at 9 a.m. and 5 p-m. Emmanuel Church (Reformed Episcopal), corner of Elgin and Gloucester sts.— Rev- W. H- Huntingdon, rector; hours of ser- vice, 11 am. and 7p-m ; Sunday school at 3 p.m.; prayer meeting and lecture, on Wednesday, at 7-30 p-m. Catholic Apoatolic Churchy Albert St., south side.— Hours of service, 10 a-m. and 5 p-m-; week days at 6 a-m. and 5 p.m.; Eucharist every Sunday and 4th Tuesday, at 10 a.m. Presbyterian Church in Canada.— St. Andrew's Church. Wel- lington St., south side.— Rev- D. M. Gordon, B.D.^ minister; hours of service, 11 am. and 7 p-m-; Sabbath school, 3 p.m. prayer meeting and lecture, on Wednesday, at 7- 30 p-m. Bank st, west side.— Re v. W.Moore, minister ; hours of ser- vice, 11 a.m. and 7 p-m.; Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m. Daly St., south side.— Rev- W. Armstrong, M. A- , minister; hours of service, 11 a.m. and 6-30 p.m-; Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m. Knox Church, City Hall Sqjaare.— Rev.F. W.Farries, minister; heurs of service, 11 am. and 7 p.m.; Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m. Methodist Church of Canada (Eastern).— St. Paul St., north sidp-rJii^t J^r.) ^i>9i;lii|gt ipipister ; . hours of sorvkMyU a^m. and 7 p.m,; Wednesday, at yp- in- . ,., . '. ! iDemitaiot . H-fkd^t(mi£o st.'--:^ev. E. A»8taff<)r4« mi^iate^ r^^ of8fii^)oe^ll[a.m. andTp.m ; WedD|9sdayf J^t^re at $p.n;i. St^rJr^X, Pft8 Wr '» ho wrs of service. X\ A • wa • 4p4 6 • 30 j>,l Iji. D«/lhoasafi «t f «astsidQ . --*Re V. W . A. PhUUj^i Qtmifito^^^ of service, 11 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. /hi-.b nyijo in >0i i^uii-iisi o.'il \06-k{f^gaiiQnalOhurtihiQoxmt of Albert and Elgin «ts,— Rev. J// W6odi> pastor / hb>ur6 of service, U a.m • waA% P> m • ; Sabbath school; J04l m^ ahd '3 p.m < ; bible claLss* Monday, » p^nv; lectaie and prayer lAeeiting, WedLesiay, 8 p.m.. . ; /. i,i' v- . ,,< i/ { > "StiMai Church, odvtitT Maria aUdElgiii srsl^Rfer. A.' A. Ciifttfdr<3to, minister ;hourd of s«*vic€f, lla-m- aind 7 p^ m. ; Sua- ^dy sehool^ 3p^mw (\t>\vvvv»A\ \ii\.V/.->v.»MH KoViV.v»\) \o yA»M<:>\> '''GArfhctnLuiJiertin C/iWcA, Wilfciord/st^Rttv.' A;' SeKfie^^mtil- If I "i 11 [ 1 ! ! HI i i ■ ■' > ' i \\ BUY YOIR SH1UT« AT GEO. nOND « CO.'S, 415 XOTKT! S»*'»BV STW^^^T 226 OTTAWA. St. PiiuVa, Rochestorville.— Rev. JG. Jemmett, incumbent; hours of service, 11 a.m. and 7-30 p.m. Trinity Church, Archville.—Rcv.T.D. Phillips, M.A., curate ; hours ot service, 11 a.m. and 7 pm. «SY. Jame8\ Hull, (Que.)— Rev- Canon Johnston, ihcumbent; hoursofsorvice, 11a.m. and7p.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Cathedral Notre Z)awie.— Sussex St., east side.—The Bishop. Rev. D. F. Foley, sec, ; Rev. J. MoUoy ; Rev. L. Campeau, ^conome; G. Bouillon, procureur ; J. F. Duhamel, asssistant Fecretary ; J. Marion, deacon ; hours of service, 6 a.m., 8 a.m., 10 a.m., and 3p.m. St. Jean Baptiste Church.— he Breton Flats.— Rev. Mr. Fran- coeur, p.p.; hours of service, 8 am. and 10 p.m. St. Joseph C/iMr : H. IIUI, M.!)-. and J. A Orant, M.D.,F.RC.S-, of Edinburgh, consulting physi- cians ; Mrs. Eraser, matron and general superintendent; Miss Syinms, teacher; about 46 orphans and 3 adults in the Homet Unity Proientant Benefit Society. — Incorporated by Act of Parliament— W. R. Trueman. president: J- Belcher, Istyice- ^ resident; D. Welch. 2ad do. do.; W. Mills, hon. secretary for fe; W. Hill^ financial secretary; H- Davies. treasurer; Dr. Church, physician ; U- Pollard, chaplain; D.Story, recording secretary; 8- Cherry, assist, secretary; 8. Cherry. O.E.Preston, auditors : Savings Department of Ontario Bank, bankers ; an efficient committee and stewards ; Society meets in Rowe's Ilall, Rideau St., Ist Monday in every month, at 8 p.m. General Ho»pUaU Water st. — Under the superintendeno* of the Sisters of Charity; Sister Sauvd, directress; Sister E. Lavoie, economist ; Dr. Hill, consulting physician ; Drs. St. Jean, Robillard, and Lynn, surgeons. St. Patrick* 8 Orphan Aaylum^ Maria St.— D. O'Connor, pres- ident; W. McCaflfrey, vice-president; W. Wall, treasurer: R. Devlin, secretary ; Rev. Dr.O'Connor, spiritual director ; Sisters Fitzmaurioe and St. George, matrons. St. Joseph's Orphan Aaylum, cor. Cathoart and Sussex sts.— Sister E. Thibaudeau, superioress ; Sister Ste. Cecilia, direot- re£>s ; established in 1860, under the care of the Qrey Nuns. §St. Charles* Asylum for Aged People^ Water St.— Under the care of the Sisters of Charity ; Sister Ste. Martha, directress. 1 -' f" r--it' ,••».. - t • ■-i MASONIC. ■ '•-V.;. \ Ottawa District. — District Deputy Qrand Master, R. W. Bro.J.W. Pickup. ..«♦ Qedeliah Council R. & S. Masons of CaTUidat No. 8. — Meets 3rd Monday in each month. Carleton Chapter A. F. & A. Af., No, 16, Q.R. C— Meets 2nd Monday in each month. Dalhousie Lodge, A. F. dy A. M., iVb. 52.— Meets 1st Tuesday in each month, at Masonic Hall, Sussex st Civil Service Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 148, G, R. C— Regular Communications, 2nd Tuesday in each month, at Masonic Hall, Sussex St. Chaudi^re Lodge^ F. & A. JIf., No. 2^1, G. R. C— Meets 1st Monday in each month, at Masonic Hall, Sussex st. rifl1¥y.»K A:^» JIAl»A.\i:g*ia AK1I€I.ES OF VIRT U. ]')■ i ■I If 1 t M ! f ■ HcHITE DREftS SHIRTS ^l^SO, WORTH •2.98, AT GEO. nONI> A €0/A. I s I i)«rtc Z;«d(7«, JV^>. 58, A. F. db A. A/., r?./?.^.— Meets Ist Wed- neiday in each month, at Masonic Hall, Rideau st, Builders' LodaCy No, 177. F. d- A. M., G. It. C. —Meets 2nd Friday in each Month, at Masonic Hall. Lodge of Fidelity, No, 231, A. F. d: A. M., G. R. C- Meets 2nd Wednesday in each month, at Masonic Ilall. London Mntonie Mutual Benefit Atsociation. — Incorporated 2nd March, 1874.— Number of members at date, 1700. —The object of this association is tn provide for the widows and orphans of deceased members, and also for members who may accidentally become disabled, from loss of sight, hand, arm, or leg, or from severe spinal injury. W. Rea, local agent, 337 State St., Ottawa. H u*v- « . ii a I.' u...*, i- I. 0. ODD FELLOWS. ^ \, Capital Lodpe, /• 0- 0. F., No. Ul, — Meets every Thursday night, in Rowe's iiall, Rideau st. Lopal Metropolitan Lodge, CO O.F., No. 50.— Meets every Monday night, in Odd Fellows' Hall, 20^ Kideau st. LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION OF B.N.A. M. W. Grand Lodge of B,A. — Grand Master and Sovereigr^ H. Merrick, M.P.P.. Merrickville. Ont.; Dep. (*. M., W. J. Parkhill, Randinok, Ont; Grand iSeo., TKeyes. St Catharines, Ont.; Grand Treos., W. Anderson, Mountain View, Ont. R.W, Provincial Grand Lodge of Ontario JS^a««.— Grand M . J.White. M. P., Roelin, Ont.; Dep. G. M., D. Marshall, Port Hope. Ont.; GSec, A.J.Vanlngen, Cobourg, Oot. ; GTreas. J.G.Moore, Belleville, Ont. County Lodge of CaW«'O- ^ uM ^\i:-%F.':M 9 ^iiJ^i,iJ^^tmmtaiSj^,m»lLiiii^im^iiiii^iL^l^i^i^0iiJii^£imZ^iiei^ •»CTfl«^i6Sl m 09 CO nuGSi »!^«-'&J •-9 08 m CO *f' il I m i I I y ftrY irotn smutid a* cjeo. bokd & co.'S, 415 ITOTRE PAME STREET. OTTAWA. 231 r. ^'Q.J' * ^^^' 126.-W.M., W.Caims ; Sec, R.Elliot ; Treas., CK. Church, M>D. Meets 2nd Monday in eyery month. LO.L., iVb.221.-W.M.,H. Grant; Sec, W.Cherry; Treas., * J. Cowan. Meets 2nd Tuesday in every month.. ^ L.O'L.,No. 227.— W.M., D. Robertson i Sec,N. Loverin; Treas., J Manners. Meets 2nd Wednesday in every month. ROYAL BLACK KNIGHTS OF IRELAND. Grand Black Chapter of Britiah Jmertca.— M.W.Grand M., E.T.Scott, Montreal ; Dep.GM., T.W.Kenny, Ottawa; Grand Registrar. J.T.Jones, Toronto; Grand Treas., E-Bottereli, Jr.* Ottawa. Provincial Grand Chapter of Ontario £'as/.— R.W.Grand M., T. W. Kenny, Ottawa : Grond Registrar, P. M. Clarke, Belle- ville; Grand Treas., J. iVIcCaughey,Cobourg. City of Ottawa Royal Black Preceptory, No, 227. — W. M., A. Bradley, Hazledean, Ont; Registrar, W. Cairns, Ottawa; Treasurer, R. G. Nesbitt, Hull, Q^ne, Meets first Friday in every month. / ^*Tv ORANGE YOUNGI BRITONS. District Lodge of Oltatoa.—W.M.'t W.CMcAgy; Secretary, y.M. Fisher; Treasurer, G. McQueen. 0. Y,B, Lodge, No. 33.— W. M., S. Shore ; Sec, C- J. Roa; Treas., E. Rochester; Guardian, E. Botterell, Jr. Meets 3rd Friday in every month. 0. F. J?. Lodge No. 41.-W. M., A. S. Peacock; Sec, G. McQueen ; Treas., A. Sutherland ; Guardian, J.Brewer. Meets 3rd Wednesday in every month. O. Y. B. Lodge iVb. 126.— W.M., J. C. Grant; See., R. J. McGilton; Treas., W.J.Christie; Guardian, W. Porter. Meets 3rd Tuesday in every month. Francis Graham Lodge of Apprentice Boys.—W-M. i W. Jackson; Sec, P.H.Wright: Treas-, G.L.Hewson. Meets 2nd Thursday in every month. Star of the East True, Blues, iVo. 20.— W-M, J. McKinloy; Sec., D. Mcintosh; Treas., J. Little; Guardian, H.Grant. CO TERRA COTTA A UROATSKE ORKT AHEHTTS, JTewellenr* ' j s iA } ( i ! II 1 '15!''! I I I § o t9 O ftttlBtS BlAbfi to ORbEB At GEO.^i^dND dc m.^H^ 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. 232 OTTAWA. TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. tKDEPENDBNt OrDEB OF GOOD TeMFLAIIS. Grand Lodge of O/tfarto.— G.W.CT., Kev. John Shaw, Port Hope ; G. W.S.r T. W. Capey, Napanee ; 0* W.T., J. H. Flagg, Mitchell; P.G.W.CT., Ed. Botterell, jr., Ottawa. Subordinate Lodges in City op Ottawa. City of Ottawa No, 403.— W.C.T., J. B. Halket; W.C., Geo. E. Preston ; L>D., Robert Grain. Meets Tuesday evenings. Cameron, No. .338.— W.C.T., Samuel Skinner; W.S., A. Ardley ; L.D., John Jackson. Meets Thursday evenings. Enterprieing, No. 485— W-CT., David Mulligan; W.S., G. Jackson ; LD., Daniel Morrison. Meets Monday evenings. Elliott^ No. 54^.— W.C.T.» John E. Powers; W.S-, Samuel Ashfield; L.D., Wm. J. Powers. Meets Tuesday evenings. Sons op Tempkranck. Grand Division of Ontario.— Q.W-'P., William Caswell, Toronto; G.S.. Thomas Webster, Brantford; G.T., Rev. John Finch ; P.G.W.P., David Miller, Toronto. Subordinate Divisions in City op Ottawa. Bytown, No. 224.— W. P., Wm. Somerville; R.S., J. M. T. Hannum ; D., J. M. T. Hannura. Meets Monday evenings. Chaudi^re, No — W.P., J. B. Halkett; R.S., William Stewart; D., James G. Howe. Meets Friday evenings. Irish Catholic Temperance Society.— B.ev. Father Malloy, president ; John Heney, 1st vice-president ; John O'Riely, 2nd vice-president; J. P. Leyden, secretary; Philip Brady, treas- urer. Sunday Afternoon Total Abstinence Society.— M. M, |*ike. president; Wm. Porter. Ist vice-president; James Lang, 2nd vice-president ; A. H. McLennan, secretary ; Robert Wheatley, treasurer. Meets Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. FIRE BRIGADE. Alderman J. Henderson, chairman Fire and Light Com- mittee; W. \oung, Chief Fire Brigade; P. Favreau, Deputy Chief do. ; A. Lepage, repairer in workshop ; steamer Conqueror, R. Martin, engineer : J. Reilly, driver; Chaudidre Engine Com- Sany, T. Kean, captain Cbaudidre ; Hook and Ladder Company, as. Johnston, guardian; C. Taylor, assistant; R. Martin, engineer; J. Brennan, captain ; Conaueror Hose Company, J. Holt, captain. Union Steam Fire JSngine, LeBreton Flats, Chaudi^re, John Albert, captain. GOOD COOKING STOVES AT JODOIN A CO'S, C 809 ST. PAirii STREBT. Iirttit£ biiEfi^s sitinf ^ #1.50, wotttii $^.i^9 Alt OKO. BOND «fe €0/S. OTl'AWA, 233 No. 1 Station) Pooley's Bridge, LoBroton Fiats ; Keel. No. 2 Station, Sally st : Reel. No. 3 Station, St. Paul st. : Reel. No. 4 Station. Cumberland st. : Reel. Central Station : Engine and Hook and Ladder Truck. FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. Box* Locality. No. 2.. Corner Russell House. r 3. .Corner Sparks and O'Connor streetv*. 4. -Corner Elgin and Gloucester streets. 5. -Corner O'Connor and Gloucester streets. 6. .Corner Maria and Bank streets. 7.. Corner Wellington and Kent streets. B U. T. Endne House, Sally street. 9. .Corner Victoria and John streets. 12.. Corner Bay and Maria streets. * 13. .Fleck's Foundry, Wellington street. 14. Corner Nepean and Conce.ssion sts., (Ashburnhain 15. -Corner Albert and Perce streets (West). 16. .Corner Duke and Queen streets. , 17. .Corner Richmond Road and Broad street. . 18. .Corner Broad and Queen streets. 19. -Corner Broad and Oregon streets. 21. -Booth's Office, Victoria Island. 23- -Bronson & Weston's Qffice, Victoria Island. ' : 24. .Corner Sussex and Rideau streets. 25. .Corner Rideau and Ottawa streets. 26. .Corner Wilbrod and Cumberland streets. 27- -Corner Nicholas and Theodore streets. 28.. Fire Station, St. Paul street. 31- Corner Rideau and King streets. 32- -Corner Rideau and Gloucester streets. 34- -Corner Daly and Chapel streets. 35 .Corner Wilbrod and Nelson streets. 36. .Protestant Hospital, Rideau street. 37- .Currier's Factory, Canal Basin. 41 . . Fire Station, York street* 42. -Fire Station, Cumberland street. 43. .Comer Clarence and Sussex streets. 45. -Corner Sussex and York streets. 46. .Corner Albert and Metcalfe streets. 51. .Corner Sussex and Bolton streets. 52. .Corner Dalhousie and Church streets. 53. .Corner Cumberland and Cathcart streets. 54. .Corner Dalhousie street and Railway Depot Hill) FANCY OOODM, CHlBTfiKfi AND JAPANESE 'WARE* -- WM. SEMSlEr^UAACU, 803 NOTBE DAME (ST. I i 415 NOTRF BAME STREET. 234 OTTAWA. Box* Loccdity* No. 61. .Corner McLaren's Mills. 62. .Corner St. Patrick and Nelson streets. 63. .Corner Chapel and Parry streets. 64. .Comer St. Andrew and St. Joseph streets* 71. Corner St. Patrick and Cobourg streets. 73. .Nicholas street, south end. 81 .Corner Lisgar and Kent streets. 82. .Comer Somerset and Arthur streets. POST OFFICE. Post Office.—Gt. P. Baker, postmaster; F. Hawken, assistant do. ; F. French, E. B. Bates. E. S. McDermott, W. H. Pennock, E. J. O'Connor, C.Shaw, J. G. Poston, Q. W. Baker, D. B. Gordon, D. J. Smith, W. 0. Mercer, H. S. Shaw, A. A. Smith, C. Popo, E. B. Wood, H. O'Neill, 1. Traversey, L. McCullough, F. McDonald, M. J. Whitty, P. Loblanc, F. M. Hannum, P. D. Mclntyro, J. H. Bartlett, clerks; J. Brown, supt. of letter carriers ; P. Larue, J. Holland, T. S. Warwioker, E. Daz6, A. Gauthior, H. Poole, M. Dolan, P. Robert, letter carriers ; W. Daxcy, W. Goodwin, collectors ; H. Duggan. messenger ; H. Carroll, H. S. Porter, F. George, carriers. Office hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; for money orders and savings bank business, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Inspection Department.— T. P. French, inspector ; C P. LeSueur, J. F. O'Connor, A. A. Clapp^, clerks. Mail Clerks,— T. 0. Butler, J. D. Thomson, E. Gordon, N. W. H. Curtis, W. D. O'Brien, A. Jones, H. Kimlin, D. E. Maloney, E. Stanton, R. Peden. MILITARY. Staff Officer of P emionera, —CsLVt. J. Hosketh, 357 Sparks st. VOLUNTEER MILITIA FORCE. District Staff, District No. 4.— Lt.-Col. Jackson, D. A.G.; Major G. Mattice, brigade major; Lt.-Col> D. Wylie, district paymaster. Governor-GExVKrai/s Foot Guards.— Li.-Col.T.Ross, 1 V.B.; Majors Brevet Lt.-Col. W.White, 1 V.B., and J.P.Macphersou, 1M.8.; Capts. J.Tilton, 2 VB.; BrevetMajor H. S. Weather- by, 1 V.B.; W-H- Lee, 2 V.B.; A. H. Todd, 1 MS.; H.G.Dun- levie, 2 V.B.; andT. Aumond, 2 VB.; Lieuts G. R.Major, 2 V.B.; C.Graburn,2 V. B.; H VV. Griffin, 2 V. B.; F. Toller, 2 V.B ; F. B. A. Gautier. 1 G. 8.; and F. White, 2 V. B ; 2nd Lieuts. K. Graburn, 2 V. B.; F. A. Fleming, Provisional; R. CSOOB IIAL.I« 6TuV£8 AT JODOIN 4c €0'S| li^ttlllts Made to oiiDi:ii At oeo. Ho^d & t^.% 413 NOTRE DAME STREET. Surtees, Provisional; andE. E.Webb» Provisional; Honorary Major HA.Wiokiteed, paymaster; Gapt. and Brevet Major J. Walsh) 2 M. S. and 1 V. B-, adjutant; Capt. and Honorary Major G.Qrant (half-pay lOOtb), quarter-master ; E.CMallochi M*D-, surgeon; W.K.Bell, M.D., a8sist.-surgeon. Dragoon Guards.— J. Stewart, capt ; F. P. E- Oourdeau, lieut Ottawa FiFLD Battery.— J Stewart, cart.; W. M. Wright and T.Evans, Istlieuts-; B. Savage, 2nd lieut-; T. B. Bentley, M.D., surgeon; JHarriii, vet. surgeon. Ottawa Rip r.RS— iVb. 5 Company b6th 2?a«.— Capt., R Lang; Lieut., H.R Gluff, Guards Rifle Association.— President, Lieut. -Colonel T. Rosa; Vice-President, Lt.-Ool. White ; Sec-Treasurer, L'eut. C. Graburn; Committee. M-ijor Macpherson, Major Walsh, Surgeon Malloch, Lieut. F.White, and Ens. K. Graburn. Dominion op Canada Rifle Associatiox. — Patron, His Excellency the Governor-General of Canada, An. President, Lt.-Col. C S. Gzowski, Toronto; Vice-Presidents, A. Qilmour, Ottawa; Lt.-Col. C-J- Brydges, Montreal: Lt.-Col- Hon A-E- Botsford, Saokville; Lt.-Col. A. K. McKinlay, Halifax; tho Hon.D.A.Sinith,M. p.. Fort Garry; the Hon. R. W.W.Carroll, Victoria ; Lt-Gol- Uon.T.H- Haviland, P.E. Island. Ex-ojjicio : Presidents of the Provincial Rifle Association, Militia Staff Officers in command of Militia Districts. Auditors, J . Langton andT. D.Harrington, Ottawa; Treasurer, Lt.-Col. Macpher- son, Militia Department, Ottawa; Secretary, Lt.-Col. Stuart, Ottawa. Metropolitan Riple Association.— Patron, His Excellency the Governor- General of Canada ; First Vice-Patron, Hon. Minister of Militia and Defence. President, A. Gilmour; 1st Vice-President, EC. Barber ; 2nd Vice-President, G B Pattee ; Managing Committee, Major Macpherson, Ens- K-Gjaburn, E. D. Sutherland, Vet. Surgeon Harris, £. Waldo; Hon. Sec- Treasurer, Capt Todd. MISCELLANEOUS. i- - Croicn Timber OJHcCf for the Dominion and the Provinces of Qntario and Quebec. — Corner of Queen and Kent streets.— A. J .Russell, crown timber agent, inspector of crown timber agen- cies and collector of slide dues: C S. McNutt, assist, do.; J. Ritchie, senior clerk ; A.J Russell, draughtsman ; J. Darby, S. LaRose, and J- Slater, clerks ; J.Macdonald, deputy slide mas- ter and timber counter ; J -Jackson, messenger. Rideau Cana^.— Office, 170 Wellington st— F. A. Wise, C.B-, superintendent ; F. Abbott, clerk and book-keeper; J. Carroll, foreman; K.W.Cooper, wharfinger. Marriage Ztcen«09.— Miss F. Yielding, issuer, 8 Rear st. ^ GO B § 03 GO P a s I I- §■ I o lAPASESB W4B£, J£%VJt:i.l4£liY, FAKCIf G0003. ir iptallTE DRESS SHIRTS 81.50, WORTtt $ld.2^ At OFO. BOND A €0.»S. ^ '^ *" " ' ' I ? 236 THE ROYAL FAMILY. \:r'.\ i'^'iUt . THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. THE QUEEN.— Victoria, of the United Kingdom ot Great Britain and Ireland, &o., Queon, Defender of the Faith, Em- press of India, ( in India, 8hri 8bri, R^ni Viotoriae, Kaiser-'i- Ilind). Her Majesty was born May 24, 1819; succeeded to the throne, June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV. ; was crowned June 28, 1838, and married February 10, 1840, to His late Royal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Cobourg and Gotha, who was born August 26. 1819 ; died 14th December, 1861. Her Majesty is the only child of His late Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, son of King George III. The children of Her Majesty are :— Her Royal Highness Victoria-Adelaide-Mary-Louisa, Prin- cess Royal of England and Prussia, born November 21, 1840, married to His Royal Highness Frederick- William, Crown Prince of Germany, January 25, 1858, and has had issue, Frederick William- Victor- Albert, born January 27, 1859 ; Vic- toria-Elizabeth- Augusta- Charlotte, born July 24, 1800, married 18th February, 1878, to Hered, Prince of Saxe Meiningen ; Albert-Wilhelm Heinrich, born August 14, 1862; Francis- Frederick-Sigismund, born September 15, 1864, (died June 18, 1866); Fredericka-Wilhelmiua- Amelia- Victoria, bom April 12, 1866; Joaohim-Frederick-Ernest-Waldemar, oorn February 10, 1863; Sophia-Dorothea-Ulrike- Alice, born June 14, 1870: John, 4&C., born April, 1871, died on Good Friday, 1871 ; and Margaret-Beatrioe-Feodora, born April 22, 1872. His Royal Highness Albert Edward, Princr of WaleS) Duke of Saxony, Cornwall, and Rothesay, Earl of Dublin, to., born November 9, 1841 ; married March 10, 1863, Alexandra of Denmark (Princess of Wales), born December 1, 1844, and has issue Prince Albert Victor, born January 8, 1864; George- Frederick- Ernest- Albert, born June 3, 1865 ; Louisa- Victoria- Alexandra- Dagmar, born February 20, 1867; Victoria- Alexan- dra-Olga-Mary, born July 6, 1868; Maude-Charlotte-Mary- Victoria, bom November 26, 1869, and a son born April 6, 1871, who died the following day. Her Royal Highness Alice -Maud- Mary, born April 25, 1843 ; married to H. R. H. Prince Frederick-Louis of Hesse, July 1, 1862; died December 14, 1878; issue five daughters and two sons ; (the second son was killed by accident. May, 1873). Buy your rOOKlNO, HiiliLt PARLOR A DOUBI^B 6TOVB8 at JODOIW 4? CO% 800 St, Paul ilr— 1< BVT TOUR SHIRTS AT GEO. BONO A CO/S, 41S NOTRE OAIHE STREET. THE ROYAL FAMILY. 237 His Royal Highness Alfred-Ernest- Albert, Duke of Edin- BUBOHi born August 6, 1844 : married Qrand Duobess Marie of hussia, January 22, 1874; has issue a son. Alfred Alexander- Ernest, born November 17> 1874, and three daughters. Her Royal Highness Helena- Augusta Victoria, born May 26, 1846; married to His Royal Highness Prince Frederiok-Chris- tian-Charles- Augustus, of Sohleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Au- gustenburg, July 5th, 1866, and has vo^-^r two sons and two daughters. Her Royal Highness Louisa-Carolina- Alberta, born M.iroh 18, 1848 ; married to the Marquis of Lome, eldest son of the Duke ( f Argyle, Maroh 21, 1871. No issue. His Royal Highness Arthur-William-Patriok Albert, Earl of Sussex and Duke of Connaught, born May 1, 1850 ; Lt.-Cul. Rifle Brigade 27th September, 1876. His Royal Highness Leopold-Qeorge-Dunoan-Alber^, born April 7, 1853. Her Royal Highness Beatrice-Mary-Victoria-Feodora, born April 14, 1857. 'I 'Vi;- Royal Pbinges and Phikgesses. Augusta-Wilhelmina-Louisa, Duchess of Cambridge, niece of the Landgrave of Hesse, and aunt to Her Majesty, born July 25, 1797 \ married May 7, 1818, to the late Duke of Cam- bridge, who died 8th July, 1850, and has issue. Qeorge-WiUiam-Frederick-Charles, K. G., Duke of Cam- BRiSQK, Field Marshal, Commander-in-Chief, cousin to the Queen, born March 26, 1819. Privately married to Miss Fare- brother, by whom he had issue several sons and daughters. Augusta-Caroline-Charlotte-Elizabeth, consin to 'IQt^r' N^k'- jesty, born July !lOH8'i2c:inari«ed; JviieSS, l&43,ito Frederiol^, GirsndlDakefof Mecklenbene^iJcrelitl^ uad hJEii issueason- Her Royal Highness Mary-Adelaide- Wilhelmma-Elizabeth, cousin to Ui».M«ea$y, WiteiHPV^Bibior?I» l^?^ Prince Francis of Teok, June 12, 13C6; has issue three sons and one daughtenolv'.HiioM "i--- ■■'>■ i\^H^\ ..... ,....i-'.i.iU -h'; 'u -■^'>!i-.ii/. et; Majesty. •f« ra ot.J>^nr of Cumber Ian mark, Deoemb' %mMf »aMt I #. t^minoi Tf — |AP^#SS|k4WKM«^_„ ^^ WX. SEMMEIiHAACK, 903 NOTRE DAME ST. i llfl ! ! (SjaiOTS HABE TO OBDEB AT GEO. BOXD ^ €0.'Jl; 415 NOTBE DAME ATBEET. M III i I 'I Mil r I 238 HER JIAJESTY S CHIEF OFFICERS. HER MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD. LORD steward's DEPARTMENT— BUCKINGHAM PALACE. Lord steward flarl Ben uohamp Treasurer Lord Henry Tby one Comptroller Lord H. Somerset Mnster of the Household Col. Sir J. C Cowell, K.C.B. 8ec'y of Board of Green Cloth. .Ed. M. Browell, Esq. Paymnster of the Household- ..T. C. March, Eoq. Lord High Almoner The Dean of Windsor LORD chamberlain's DEPARTMENT->ST. JAMES' PALACE. Lord Chamberlain Marquis of Hertford Vice-Chamberlain Viscount Barrington, M.P. Qovernorof Windsor Castle. ...R. Admiral Count Gleichen' Comptroller ot Accounts Hon. S. Ponsonby Fane, C.B. Chief Clerk George T. Uortslet, Esq. Private Sec'y to Her Majesty. ) if-;„- Op« n p Ponaonhv Keeper of the Privy Purse. . . \ *lWor-«en. a. if, l-onsonby Examiner ot Plays E. S. Pigott. Esq., D.C.L. Poet Laureate Alfred Tennyson, Esq. Secretary to Privy Purse D. C. Bell, Esq. Master of Ceremonies Gen. Sir. F. Seymour, K.C.B. Marshal of Ceremonies Aufr. S. Lumley, Esq. T :u.».:n»<> I Rich. R. Holmes, Esq., F.ll.S. Librarians { H. Sahl, Esq. Capt. of Yeoman of the Guard. Lord Skelmersdale Capt. of Gentlemen-at- Arms... Earl of Coventry Master of the Ceremonies .... Lt.-Qen. Sir F. Seymour, Bt. Dean ot the Chiipels Uoyal Bishop of London Sub-Dean Rev. Francis Garden, M.A. Clerk of the Closet Bishop of Worcester Resident Chaplain Dean of Windsor Physician in Ordinary ...Sir Win, Jenner, K.C.B. Sergeant-Surgeon Sir Jame^ Paget BlackRod Gen. Sir W.Knollys.K.C B. Lords in Waiting:— Earl of Roden, Earl of Dunmore, Viscount Torrington, Viscount Hawarden, Lord Bagot, Lord Elph in- stone, Major-Gon. J.ord DeUos, Lord Hennicker. DEPARTMENT OF MISTRESS OF THE ROBES. Mistress of the Robes Duchess of Wellington Ladies of the Bodchambor :— Duchciis (Dowager) of Athole, Duchess of Koxburgh, Marchioness (Dowager) of Ely, Lady Churchill, Lady Waterpack, Countess of En oil, Lady Aborcromby^ Lady dDuthampton. Groom of the Robes ........... H. Erskine. Esq. Clerk ** ** . . J. Bootein, Esq. filMIP POUBIjE fc TOVE S A T JOPOIffr A : tflft*H » •Ta aHAa OK €0C ^^AAn^HWLIVJL'A .H7^ WHITC PRESS SHIRTS 9t.S0, WORTH ||a.2S, ▲ OEO. IlOXn A CO/S MASTER OF THE HORSK'S DEPARTMENT, PIMUCO. Master of the Horse Earl of Bradford Clerk Marshall MnjorQen. Lord Alfred Paget Crown £query and Secretary. .Col. Ashley Maud. C.13., U.A. Master of the Buckhouuda Earl of Hardwicke PRINCE OP WALES' HOUSEHOLD. Keeper of the Privy Seal Lord of Leicester Comptroller and Treasurer. ... Lt.-Gen. Sir D. M. Probyn, C.B. Private Secretary F. Kncllys, Esq., C.B. ( Lieut.-Col. Teesdale, C.B. ^si-™' i Ett^S^im/'"'" i Capt. H. F. Stephenson, C.B. Domestio Chaplain Rev. F. A. J. Hervey HER MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS OF STATE. First Lord of the Treasury, } Rt. Hon. Earl of Beaconsfield, -'"••- ^ KG. Lord Cairns Duke of Richmond, K.G. Duke of Northumber- land Sir S. H. Northcote Rich. Ashton Cross Marq's orSalisbury,K.G. Sir M. H. Beuoh Fred. A. Stanley Viscount Cran brook William H. Smith Viscount Sandon Lord John Manners Prime Minister S Lord High Chancellor Lord President of Council Lord Privy Seal > Chancellor of Exchequer " r HomeDepartm't " Secretaries ) ^Kes^^^^'"' «' of State. 1 War I!!'.::*.!*.".: " llndia !! »' First Lord of the Admiralty.. . . *• Pres. Board of Trade " Postmaster-General " 44 ( The above form the Cabinet.) Com'der-in-Chiefof the Army..H.R H. The Duke of Cambridge Chan, of Duchy of Lancaster . . Rt. Hon. Col. T. E. Tnylor President Local Gov. Board. . . Vice-President of Council / on Education S"" First Commissioner of Works. . 44 44 Chief Secretary for Ireland. G. Sclater Booth Lord G. Hamilton Gerald J. N' el James Louther Visc'tCriohton, M.P. C Visc'tCriohton, . < R. Winn, Esq. ^•SirJ.D.H.Elphii Junior Lords of the Treasury iiiiviiiuc'. .ii .iioxi .j'x ^ .(.SirJ.D.H.Elphinstone PoUGb^ Btu^ii U> .'SrcGwUr^dyin U^ifliupytoiiiuj) A Finan<^tJB(Bfi^t0i»to^4^U.. ,» Sir.llUS9iMta»tidiio^ .a .'J t) ,!oiloiM flilol ii8 .nyO aooio'i oil J *lo iybuj;nmio'J CC "^^^ * : 1 ( ', I .a ^ BVT TOUR SHIRTS AT OEO. BOND A CO.*8, 415 yOTRK D.^lflK STREET. 240 HE II MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS. Junior Lords of Admiralty { Seoretary to the Admiralty Attorney-General Solioitor-Qeneral Paymaster Qeneral Judge Advooate-Oeneral Master of the Rolls Lord Chief J iistioe of England ... Lord Chief JustioOf Common Pleas Lord Chief Baron ••••••• Adm. O.GWellesly R.Adm. A. W.A.Hood R.Adm. Lord Gilford Sir L M . Lopes Hon. A. F. Egerton. Sir John Holker,Q.C. Sir H. S. Giflford He. Hon. Stephen Cave G. A. C. Bentinck >Sir G. Jessol >Slr Alex. Cookburn .Lord Coleridge • Hon. Fitzroy Kelly SCOTLAND. Lord High Constable EarlofErrol » Keeper of the Great Seal Earl of Selkirk , < Lord Clerk Register Lord Privy Seal Marquis of Lothian Lord High Commissioner Earl ut' Galloway Master of the Household Duke of Argyll, K-T. Standard Bearer Admiral Earl Lauderdale Lord High Commissioner Karl of Rosslyn ' Lord Justice General Hon. John Inglis Lord Justice Clerk Rt. Hon. Lord Moncrieff Lord Advooate Rt. Hon. William Watson, M. P. Solicitor General J. H. A. Macdonild, Esq. Deputy Clerk Register William Pitt Dundas, Esq. Registrar of Sasines J. C. Krodie, Esq. Keeper of Deedj Alex Murdoch, Esq. Historiographer J. H. Burton. LL-D. Commander of the Forces Major-iJen.Sir J.R. Stuartt C.B. Captain-General of Archers.. . . Duke of Buccleugh Lyon King at Arms George Burnett,i K^q; 8-r)aiJi!l/i IT no I inoj ireland. imsfivt^ -TJ.'-'.jjmJtio'f Lord Lieutenant^ ^^i\'D)ike of Marlborough Lord High Steward Earl of Shrewsbury UadeB*.Se«fiietaryv»*.k >..... V...T. K ^Urke^Eiqi -a' »ii';iM-"n'l State S^te ward ,, ,. «.. .Earhoii ^ViiokldWi! mm ••I'l -?)•»! V GentViil&altr Usher. ;.'.' LoVd/ Wallscourt' ti.oiilul no Chambeoltita I .;.»«%.««;; .'...F. Ha^x^balrt.iillMi^ i in ino') i/il'-l Lord CbAAoelUrr kitJi'4^. . ; . . . Righlt H6a.lJ. T.^BaAl ■joii!'.) YitebChHQoeilKir Vt/rj 7. ^ Rt. Hon. H. Chtttterton Lord C'i^MitxmbWn 6f.A{kp.'l.Rt- j Solii»it««>9^|ierall!.»vii Hua|hiH«iiB(|feaijii|,dq:y]^.ni4 Commander of the Forces Glen. Sir J ohn Michel, G . C . B . ! ftJaiRTS MAl^E TO ORDER AT GEO. BOKD A CO.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. o % CO § g o < en 03 AMBABBADOKa 241 '^;a'^^ s^'^ s^w ^q> s"^'§^S'?^5'^w 53 b g-j®" ."^ o M . *, §'^.2Pg'« s^:^ ..sps § »s« '.ViNH Kg .^ 2iilt ** * a l"g'« « c » V l> Q Hi* :•? t|-. §1; oa FANCT OOODS, CHINESE AMD ^^^^^^^^^^' WM% SEMMEI^HAACK, «oa N^TIUQ PAMfS ST, ^ i '.* : I ; V 'i WHITE DBEAft SHUTS $1UI0» WORTH, Af OEO. BOHD A €O.'0. QQ P) 242 DOMINION OF CANADA, DOMINION OF CANADA. Seat of Government, Ottawa. GOVERNOR-GENERAL OF CANADA. Aidet-de-Campt d^e. His Exosllkncy The Right Honorablr Sir John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lorne^ one of Her Ma- jesty's Most Honorable Privy GounoijL. Knight of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle. Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. ^Qeorge, Oovernor- General of the Dominion of Canada, and Vice- Admiral of the same, &o., &c., &o» Her Royal Highness Princess Louise-Caroline-Alberta, Duchess of Saxony, Fourth Daughter of Her Majeity Quoen Victoria, Born 18th March, 1818; Married at Windsor, 2l8t March, 1871, to His Excellency the Marquis or Lornk, P.O.K.T., K.C.M.G., Kideau Hall, Ottawa. Lady Sophia Eliza MaoNamara, Lady-in- Waiting and Lady of the Bedchamber to H- K- H. the Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lome. Major Francis Walter DeWinton, Royal Artillery, Governor- General's Secretary. Colonel the Hon. E.G. P. Littleton, Grenadier Guards, Military Secretary. The Hon. Richard Charles Moreton, late Royal Nayy, Comp- troller of the Household, and Private Secretary to H.RH. the Princess Louise, Marchioness of Lome. Captain Vomer Chater, H. M. 91st Regt. (Prineess Louise's Argyleshire Highlanders,) Aide-de-camp. Lieutenant the Hon. Charles Harbord, Scots FusUi^r Guards, Aide-deCamp. : • '• ^»- Depvii/- Governor to Sign Monej/Warranta and Dominion Land Patents. William A. Himsworth, Clerk of the Priry Council. IM»0B HAI^L STOVES AT JOBOIH 4c €0'S^ y . ( ir(i« » ii 1 » i i ii |t » M9 ST. VAVIi STRBET. .as, At ■ BUT YOUU fiiHlHTIi AT OEO. IM»NI^ A CO.% 415 N Aikirs Minister of Marine <& Fisheries. Hon. James C Pope Minister of Inland Revenue ... Hon. F. L {>. I'aby Minister of Justice Hon. J.-'ines MsdonaH MEMBERS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL :'• T OF THE CABINET. The Hon. Sir A. T. Gait, K. CM. G. " William MoDougall.CB. • W. p. Howland, 3. A. G. Archibald, G.M.G., Lt.-Gov. of Nova Scotia. Peter Mitchell. Alexander Campbell. J. C. Ohapais. Sir Edward Kenny. Kt. Sir John Rose, Bart, K- CM. G- Sir Francis Hinoks, C . B., K . C M . G . > Christopher Dunkin. J. B. Cauchon, Lt.-Gc \ of Manitoba. Theodore Robitaille. Thomas N. Gibb. Hugh McDonald. Sir A. A. Dorion. David Christie. - ' ' ' ' '^^ W. Ross. D. A. Macdonald, Lt.-Gov. of Ontario. T. Fournier. Felix Geoflfrion. David Laird, Lt.-Oov. of the North West Territories Alexander Mackenzie. Rodolphe Laflammo. William B. Vail. ;.. ■ Isaac Burpee. Sir Albert James Smith. L. S. Huntington. (« RESS SHIRTS 91.S0, WORTH <|2.»(l, AT GEO.' BOSrn A C0.9S. The Honorable c v r* p. o. address Brouge, W. H Presoott Campbell, Alexander Toronto Christiei David Parig Diokgon, Walter H Niagara Flint, Billa Belleville Hamilton, John Kingston Hope, Adam •.*••• Hamilton Leonard, Elijah London Maopherson, David L Toronto McDonald, Donald Toronto MoMaster, William Toronto Read, Robert Belleville Beegon David Markham Soott, Richard W; Ottawa 8ejmour, Benjamin Port Hope Simpson, John Bowmanville Skead, James Ottawa Smith, Frank Toronto Vidal, Alexander Sarnia *■■> ■a- ■ - ' ' QUEBEC. ^ ' « Armand, Joseph F Rividre-des-Prairies Baillargeon, Pierre Quebec Bellerose. Joseph H St. Vincent de Paul Bureau, Jacques Montreal Chaffers, Wm H St. Cega /o Chapais, Jean Charles. St Denis, Kamonraska Chinio, Eugene Quebec Cochrane, Matthew Henry Compton Cormier, Ch arles Plessis v ille Dumoucliel, Leandre St. Benoit Fabre, Hector Quebec Ferrier, James Montreal Guevremont, Jean B Sorel Hamilton, John Hawkesbury ^— Bouoherville Paquet, Anselme Homdre St.Cuthbert in Penny, Edward Goff Montreal ^ Pelletier, C. A. P Quebec Pozer, Christian H St George, Beauoe Price, David E Quebec Ryan, Thomas Montreal Stevens, Gardener G. • • . • Waterloo Trudel, F. X. A Montreal Thibaudeau, J. R Montreal s- CHINEBE AKD JAPANESE ARTICLES OF VIRTV. H 1 E I 1 1 I .ii 1 > .3 I < I BUT TOUR SHIRTS AT OEO. BOBTD A CO.% 415 BTOTRE DAKIE STREET. NOVA SCOTIA. The Honorable .... p« o. address. Archibald, Thos D Sydney, C.B. Bourinot, John Sydney Diokey. Robt. 6 -- Amherst Grant, Robt. P Piotou Kaulbaoh, Henry A N Lunenburg Maofarlane, A .Wallace MoLelan. Archibald Wm ...Londonderry Miller, Wm Ariohat, N.S. Northup, Jeremiah Halifax Power, Patrick Halifax] NEW BRUNSWICK. Botsford, Amos E • . Westoook, Westmorland Dever, James- St. John Ferguson, John Bathurst Olasier, .John Sunbury Lewin, James D » St John McCIelan, Abner Reid Hopwell, Albert County Muirhead. Wm Chatham Odel.WmH Frederiokton Wark, David Frederickton Wilmot, Robert D Belmont, Sunbury PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Haviland, Thomas^Heath Charlottetown Haythorne, Robert Poore Charlottetown Howlan, George W Alberton Montgomery, Donald Park Corner BRITISH COLUMBIA. ('arrall, Robert W.W Barkerville Cornwall, Clement F Ashcroft Macdonald, William John Victoria MANITOBA. Girard, Marc Amable.. •......*... St. Boniface Sutherland, John Kildonan THE SENATE OFFICES (East Half Centre Block.) OMcersy Clerks and Servants, R. LeMoine, clerk, m£ister in chancery, cashier and account- ant ; F. Taylor, deputy clerk, clerk assistant, and master in chnnoery; E. L. Montizambert, law clerk, clerk of committees and English translator; Rev. Canon Johnson, chaplain; J. A damson, 2nd clerk assist., clerk of English journals, and first English clerk; P. Miller, 2nd English clerk and olerk of GOOD DOCJBL.E STOVES AT JOBOIN & OO^S, $aaa.uTH made to ordeb at oeo. bokd a co.% 415 UrOTRK I>AME STREET. HOUSE OF COMMONS. 247 routine and proceedings, &0. i N. W. McLean, 3rd English clerk and clerk of Private Bills ; A. A. Boucher, 3rd clerk assist.* chief French translator and clerk ; A. Garneau. 1st French translator and clerk; J. de St. D. LeMoine, clerk of French journals, 2nd French translator and sergeant-at-arms ; I. Tache. assist, clerk of French journals and dep. sergeant-at- arms ; R. W. Stephent assist, accountant and clerk, A. Soutter, junior clerk; R. E. Kimber, gentleman usher of the black rod ; J. B. Myrand, postmaster; P. Dunne, housekeeper; P. Rattey, doorkeeper ; S. I. Jones, news-room keeper ; C. Young, speaker's messenger ; J. Doherty, wardrobe, assist, doorkeeper, &c. ; F. Gilbert, bank messenger ; T. Wheeler and J. Dunne, perma- nent messengers : L. Robitaille, J. Wingfield, 0. Archambault) J. H. Pelletier, Thomas Davis, Joseph Larose, sessional mes- sengers ; F. Grant, H. W. Bucke, W. B. Hyndman, T. Roy, R. M. M. Gallwey, pages. Commiaaioneri for Administering the Oath to Members. R. LeMoine, clerk of Senate ; F. Taylor, dep. clerk of Senate. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. (Has 206 members, being 88 for Ontario, 65 for Quebec, 21 for Nova Scotia, 16 for New Brunswick, 6 for Prince Edward Island, 6 for British Columbia, and 4 for Manitoba.) The Hon. Speaker. Alfred Patrick, Clerk of the Home. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. MEMBERS. P. 0. ADDRESS. CONSTITUENCIES. Addington John McRory Loughborough Algoma Simon J. Dawson . . . Toronto Bothwell Hon. David Mills . . . Clearville Brant, N Gavin Fleming. .... .Glen Morris do. S Wm. Paterson ..... Brantford Brockville Wm. Fitzsimmons.. .Brookville Bruce, N John Gillies Paisley do. S Alexander Shaw. . . Walkerton Cardwell • Thomas White Montreal Garleton John Rochester Ottawa Cornwall Darby Bergin Oornwall Dundas John S. Ross Iroquois Durham, E A. T. H. Williams . • Port Hope do. W H. W. Burk .Bowmanville Elgin, E Thomas Arkill St. Thomas do. W George E. Casey. . . .Fingal TERRA COTTA A BROlf ZE aBNAMEN TS, Jewellevj, ! \ III IIP; WaVflR V>XCft» ftHIRTS $1.S0, WORTH i9,Sai AT ^ GEO. RONI> Ar rO.»«. I I s S CO CO I OOKSTITUENGIES. MEMBSBS. P.O. ADDRESS. Essex '• • • • Jas. G. Patterson. . Windsor Frontenao G. A. Eirkpatrick . . Kingston Glengarry John McLennan. . . .Lancaster Grenville John P. Wiser Presoott Grey, N Samael J. Lane Owen Sound do. E Thomas S. Sproule* .Markdale do. S. Gee. Jackson Durham Haldimand David Thomson Deans Halton .HoniWm.McDou-ljQj^j^t^, gall. v> •JS* .*•••* J Hamilton.. F. E. Kilvert ...... .Hamilton do Thos. Robertson.... ** Hastings, N Hon. Mackenzie jottawa Jioweii • . . I... • . • J do. E John White Roslin do. W James Brown Belleville Huron, N Thos. Farrow Blnevale do. C H'n.R.J.Oartwright. Kingston do. S'.. M. 0. Cameron Godeiioh Kent Rufus Stephenson • • Chatham Kingston Alexander Gunn. . . . Kingston Lambton Hon. A. Mackenzie . Toronto Lanark, N Daniel Galbraith . . . Almonte do. S John G. Haggart. . • .Perth Leeds, N C. F. Ferguson Kemptville do. S ...DavidFord Jones ..Gananoque Lennox Edmund Hooper. . . .Napanee Lincoln J. C. Rykert St. Catharines London Hon. J. Carling. • . . .London Middlesex, N Timothy Goughlin . . 0£fa do. E Duncan Macmillan. London do. W George W. Ross Strathroy Monck Lachlin MoCallum .Stromness Muskoka A. P. Cockbum Gravenhurst Niagara Patrick Hughes Toronto Norfolk, N .... John Charlton Lynedoch do. S William Wallace ".Simcoe Northumberland, E.. . .Joseph Keeler Colborne do. W.. . .Hon. J. Cockbum . .Ottawa Ontario, N George Wheeler .... Uxbridge do. S F. W. Glen Oshawa Ottawa City J. M. Currier Ottawa do Joseph T&8b6 " Oxford, N Thomas Oliver Woodstock do. S James A. Skinner . . '* Peel William Elliot Brampton Perth, N ((..S. R. Hesson Stratford do. S .James Trow Shakespeare Peterboro', E John Bumham Ashburnham do. W * Geo. Hilliard Peterborough GOOD CPOKINO STOVES AT JOBOIlf ^ : York, N Alfred Boultbee.... Toronto do E F.W. Strange Toronto do W W>G. Wallace Woodbridge fi^i-': ' PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 1 Argenteuil Thos. Christie Laohute Bagot Jos. A.Mousseau. . .Monrreal Beauce Jos . Bolduc St -Victor de Tring Beauhamois Belleohasse Achille Larue Quebec ' Berthier E.O.Guthbert Berth ier-en-Haut Bonaventure Hon . T . Robitaille . • New Carlisle Brome E.L. Chandler Brome Chambly P.B.Benoit StHubert Cham plain H • Montplaisir Cap de la Magdeleine Charlevoix — — — ^ . . .. ' Chateauguay Hon.L- H.Holton. . .Montreal Chiooutimi, <&c Ernest Cimon Murray Bay Gompton Hon. John H- Pope. Ottawa Dorchester F. F. Rouleau Quebec Drummond, Ac. ....... - — Bourbeau Victoriaville Gasp^ Pierre Fortin Laprairie Hoohelaga A . Desjardins Montreal Huntingdon Julius Scriver Hemmingford Iberville Francois B^chard . . Mount Johnson Jacques Gartier Desir^ Girouard .... Montreal fANCT 0001>S, CHINESE AND JAPANESE WARE. I ij •BIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOITD A CO^^g, 415 UrOTRE DAnE STREET. CONSTITUENCIES. If EMBERS. P.O. ADDRESS. ,V'<. Joliette Louis F. G- Baby • - . Joliette Kamouraska Joseph Dumont > . . St. Andr^ Laprairie A . Pinsonneault - . . - Montreal L'Assomption H- Hurteau L'Assomption Laval J.Ald^rio Ouimet . Montreal L^vis Jos.QBlanohet ...L^vis L'Islet ...P.B.Gasgrain .... Quebec Lotbinidre J.Rinfret St-Croix r Maskinong^ _— _— i — ^ _ r Megantio Frederic Hondo ... Montreal Missisquoi George B . Baker . . . 8 weetsburg Montcalm Firman Dugas Montcalm Montmagny A.OP.R Landry. St- Pierre, Montmagny Montmorency P. V. Valin Chateau Richer Montreal (East) C-J.Coursol Montreal Montreal ( Centre) M . P . Ryan Montreal Montreal ( West) M . H . Gault Montreal Napieryille Sixte Coupal . Napierville Nicolet F- XOM^thot. ..St> Pierre le Beoquets Ottawa County Alonzo Wrjght Ironside, Hull Pontiac John Poupore Chichester Portneuf K.P. Valine ..<%.... Quebec Quebec (East) Hon. W- Laurier .... Arthabaskaville Quebec (Centre) .Tacques Malouin- . .Quebec Quebec ( West) Hon.TMoGreevy ..Quebec Quebec County P. Adolphe Caron. .(Quebec Kichelieu L ■ H . Massue • ■ . 8te . Anne de Varennes Richmond, <&c Wm. B- Ives Sherbrooko Rimouski J.B.RFiset Rimouski Rouville G. AGigault St.C^saire • - St. Hyacinthe Louis Tellier St. Hyacinthe St. lohns Francois Bourassa • .Belle Alodie St. Maurice L L-L-Deslauriers. Montreal Shefford Hon.L.S.HuntingtonOttawa Sherbrooke E.T-Brooks . -Sherbrooke Soulanges Jacques P.Lanthier.St. Polycarpe Stanstead Charles C.Colby. . . .Stanstead [en has Temiscouata P.E-Grandbois ....Rividre-du-Loup Terrebonne Hon.L.F. R.Masson Ottawa Three Rivers HonoH.L.Langevin.C.B- Ottawa Two Mountains J . B • Daouet St. Eustache Vaudreuil J- B ■ Mongenais .... Rigaud Verch^res Hon . F- Gooflfrion . • • Verchdres Yamaska Charles Gill Sorel NOVA SCOTIA. Annapolis Avard Longley Paradise Antigonish Angus Mclsaao • • • . Antigonish Cape Breton Hugh McLeod Sydney Cape Breton Wm. McDonald. . .Little Glaoe Bay OOOB HALIi ftTOV£8 AT JDDOIK dc €Q'8| arennes WHITE DitEAS SHIRTS 91.90, WORTH <|a.95. At OEO. HO^TD A €0/S. CONSTITUENCIES. MEMBERS* Colchester Thomas McKay — Cumberland Hon. CTupper, C.B. Digby John C. Wade Guysborough Alfred Ogden . Halifax M.H.Richey Halifax M.B.Daly Hants W.H.Allison Inverness S. MacDonnell Kings Fred. W.Borden.... Lunenburg C.E.Kaulbaok Piotou Hon. J. McDonald. Piotou Robert Doull Queens Silas T. R. Bill Richmond Edmund P. Flynn. . Shelbourne Thos. Robertson . ■ . Victoria Duncan McDonald. Yarmouth Frank Killam NEW BRUNSWICK. Albert Alex. Rogers Carleton « Geo. HConnell ... Charlotte Arthur H. Gillmor . . Gloucester .....Hon. T.W. Anglin.. Kent -....G' A-Girouard . KlEgs James Domville Northumberland J. B. Snowball. Queens G.G- King Restigouche Geo. Haddow . . . St. John (County) Hon.S.L.Tilley,C.B St. Tohn (City) Hon. Isaac Burpee St. ;rohn(City) C W. Weldon .... Sunbury Chas. Burbee Victoria John Costigan Westmoreland Hon. Sir J. A. Smith York John Pickard P.O. ADDRESS. Truro Ottawa Digby Cape Canso Halifax Halifax ' ' Newport Port Hood Canning Lunenberg Ottawa Pictou '■ •" ' Liverpool Arichat Barrington English Town Yarmouth Hopewell Hill Woodstock, N.B. St. George St. John Buctouche St John Chatham, N.B. Chipman Dalhousie •Ottawa St. John St- John Sheffield Grand Falls , Dorchester Frederioton Kings County PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. .^1 A.C- MacDon aid... Montague Bridge E-B. Muttart Souris Prince County James Yeo Port Hill * ' Edward Hackett . . . Tignish Queens County Hon- Jas-C Pope.. Ottawa «« F- De St.C.Brecken. Charlottetown BRITISH COLUMBIA. Cariboo J. S- Thomson Barkerville New Westminster Thos. R. MoInnes..New \Yestminster Vancouver Arthur Bunster Victoria Victoria Amor DeCosmos ■ • • .Victoria *• Rt Hon. Sir J. A. Macdonald- Ottawa Yale Edgar Dewdney . . . .Victoria B CD P s i I Pi CO JTAPAHESK WARK, JKWjb:£.£.Jb:Uir, FAJMClf OOOlMit BUT TOVR SHIHTS AT OEO. BOND « €0.% 415 IfOTBE PAIWE STREET. I y P s O .a I •4-a hi) CO o ii! n ! i .ll'T o o > 03 252 DOMINION OP CANADA. . ^ '^ ' > MANITOBA. nrv' OONSTITURNCIRS. MEHBEBS. P.O. ADDRESS, Lisgar John C. Sohultz •..•Winnipeg Marquette Joseph Ryan Portage La Prairie Provencher Joseph Dubuo St. Boniface Selkirk Donald A-Smith - • .Montreal OFFICERS OF HOUSE OF COMMONS.-(Centeal Block.) AlAred Patriok, olerk of the House ; Henry Hartney, deputy clerk of the House and accountant ; Eugene U. Pioh^^lerk assist.; John G. Burinot 2nd clerk assist.; Gustave W. wick- steed, law clerk ; Wm. Wilson, assist, law olerk and English translator; F- Hayes and R. J. Wioksteed. assist. English translators; T. O. Goursolles, assist, law clerk and French translator ; F. Gingras, J. A. G^naud, A. Frechette, E. Query and J. B. Laframboise, assist. French translators: French translator of votes and proceedings and journals; F. MacGilli- vray, clerk of routine and records ; Henij B. Stuart, English engrossing clerk; James S. Sloane, proof-reader aud clerk of stationery; R. McG. Moffatt, indexing clerk, Ac; — — — clerk of standing committees on railways and banking and commerce ; E. P. Hartney, assist, ditto and clerk of stand- ing committee on public accounts ; Ghas. Panet, olerk of stand- ing committees on miscellaneous private bills and standing or- ders ; Walter Todd, assist, ditto; Jean P. Leprohon, prinaipnl clerk of committees and speaker's secretary; Francois X. Blanchet, assist, clerk of committees ; Herman Poetter, clerk votes and proceedings; William G. Bowles, assist, ditto and secretary to the clerk of the House ; William B. Ross, English journal clerk; A. G. D. Taylor, assist, ditto and clerk of petitions ; Henry Lindsay, clerk of sessional papers ; Pierre Rivet. French journal clerk ; J. H. T. Blais, assist, do ; Robert Brewer, book-keeper ; R. Lowe, junior clerk ; P. Poirier, post- master; T. Falardeau, E. Pelletier, assist, postmasters; Don- ald W. MacDonell, sergeant-at-arms ; Henry R. Smith, deputy ditto; Lucien Dub^, chief messenger ; ———.chief doorkeeper; Edward Storr, assist- doorkeeper ; Joseph Brown, bank mes- senger, N. Turgeon, Edward Steacy, 0. Roberge, M. Laflamme, J. E. Asselin, E. Desrochers, B. Bryoe, John R. Towers, mes- sengers; James Fitzsimmons, Geo. Smith, night watchmen ; James Sinclair, house carpenter. Printing of Parliament, — H. Hartney, superintendent; E. Botterell,lr., distributor of printed papers; N. Boulet, assist.; J. Rivet, E. 0. Botterell, W. Cairns, messengers. Buy yoar COOKINO, HALI<, PARLOK St I»OVBIiE e2 kVLlfk^H MABS to ORDER AT Ol^O. BOND A ii6k% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. I ^ GOVERNxMfiNT OFFICES. 253 Comini^eioiiert for Admini6ter%nff the Oath to Membera.-^ Alfred Patriek, clerk of the House; D. W4 McDonell; sergeant' at-arms; Gi W. Wioksteed, law olerk; E. U* Pieh^ clerk Assist.; H. Hartney, dep^ clerk» SuPBEMB CouET.— See page 118. * ' Thb Library of PiRLiAMENT.-^The library was constituted a separate department of the public service by the Act 34 Vic« chap. 21. Tho officers are appointed by the Crown, and aio responsible to the Speakers of the Senate and House of Com- mons, assisted by a joint committee of both Houses, sessionably apoointed. A. Todd, principal librarian ; A. til. Lajoie, assist, do;. A. Laperridre, senior olerk, French division; A. Todd, senior clerk English division; J. Fletcher, registry clerk: J. Campbell, junior clerk, English division; L. J. Casault, chief messenger; J. Dunlop, J. VV. Kyan, J. Kattey, messengers. GOVEENMENT OFFICES. y,:'j DEPARTMENTAL BUILDING.-(Eastern Block.) Governor General's Secretary's Office. — Major F. W. de Winton, R.A.,Governor'fl secretary; J4 Kidd, chief clerk; C. J. Jones,W«Campbellf clerks ; G. Smith, messenger; C.Stroulger, orderly. Department of Justice.— Hon. Jas. McDonald, Minister of Justice and Attorney- General ; A* Lash, Deputy Minister of Justice; M. J.Griiiin, A. Power, GL.B. Fraser, J.R. Hall, J. Leslie, E.Y- Steele, clerks; M.J.Grittin, minister's private sec- retary; p. Lynch, R.Mackay, messengers. Penitentiaru 2?rancA.— J.G-Moylan, inspector; F.J.Falding, clerk. [M>I7BLi: Finance Department.— Hon. S. L. Tilley, CB., Minister of Finance ; J . M. Courtney, Deputy Minister; N.Goddard, chief clerk ; CM- Jarvis, R. W • Baxter, J. A.Torrance, R.O'Reilly, J. A.Clayton, VV. A. Geddes, T.Cross, C J. Anderson, H. R. Fripp, CJ.Tasker, M.A. Higgins, T.D.Tims, F- Toller, H. A. Jones, C> Webber, T. Ross, accountant of contingencies, W * L. Orde, G.Y.Crookshank, W. Hatch, H- Garland, H.T- Fosbery, T • McM iool, J . P . Maopherson, clerks . CHINESE AND JAPAIMilSE ARTICIiES OF VIRTIT« Wn. SESUIEI^HAACK, 303 NOTRE BASIS ST« ^ JHIiR m IP •1) 1- I:' tvHITK i>BESS SHIBTH tLSO, WORTH «S.aiI, AT OEO. BONI> ^k CO.'S. s I* I 1 fX4 s I § P4 I I 254 DOMINION OF CANADA Meisengera. — 'P. Pender, P. Connolly, F. MoGafifrey, J. Mc- Caffrey. Insurance Branch. — ]. B. CherrfiMian, superintendent of insurance; C- £. Anderson, chief clerk; A. D. Blackaddar* clerk. TreaeuryBoard.—J. M. Courtney, secretary; W. R. Baker, assist, secretary and accountant. Customs Dep.vrtmrnt.— Hon. Mackenzie BoWelU Minister of Customs ; J- Johnson, Commissioner of Customs ; J. W • Peaohey, chief clerk; J.R Audy, G.A- Mailleue, P.E. Sheppard, G. W. Grant, G.H.Fawoett, W.C'Baker, clerks. Accountant's Branch.— W- G. Parmelee, accountant; P. C. Ryan, !■ J. Watters, clerks. Statistical Branch.— Vf. A. Bell, H.C. Hay, J. Barry, C. F. Stevens, G.V. Ince, J.S.Fairweather, C.H. Harding, F Bennett, C'E.McKiel, A. CBleakney, clerks. Minister's Secretary.'^ J . M . B owell. Messengers.— J .WaXla and J -Brewer. i Vf INSPECTORS OF PORTS & COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS. H. Kavanagh, inspector, Montreal ; J. J. Korr, inspector, Amherst,N.S*; J> W. Cudlip, inspector, St. John, N.B> ; T. 0. Mewbum, inspector for Ontario, Hamilton. Collectors op Customs in the Dominion.' Ports and Collectors, Province of Ontario. Ports marked thus (*) * Amherstburg, E. Anderson •BellevUle, J.F. Wolff (acting) *Brantford. H. B. Leeming Brighton, M. K. Lockwood *BrockviUe, (Jt. Easton Burwell, E. A. Dunham *Chatham, J. G. Pennefather ♦Clifton, W. Leggett ♦Cobourg, G. Perry *Colborne, D. E. Macfarlane ♦CoUingwood, G. Watson ^Cornwall, A. McMillan *Cramahe, G. E. Fowler rtrc Warehousing Ports. ♦Darlington, J. Rankin ♦Dover, T.B. Barrett *Dundas, T. Clark *Dunville, A. Brownson Elgin, R. P. McMillan ♦jb'ort Erie, R. Graham ♦Gananoquci J. Ormiston ♦Gait, T. Bryan ♦Goderich. D. Doty ♦Guelph, E. Carthew ♦Hamilton, W. H. Kittson ♦Hope, B. J. W. Burton ♦Kingston, W. R. Mingaye QOOO IIOUBLB STOVES AT JTODOIIf Sc OO'S, 909 BT» FAUL STRGfiT. f - fltir TOrB SHIRTS AT GEO. BOIVD A CO.^S, ^ 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. Porta and CoUecton^ Province of Ontario* Kinssville, G. A. King ^Lindsay, D. Browne "London, R. Reid Morriflburg, II. Carman ^Napanee, J. Benson "Newcastle, F. Farnoonib "Niagara, W. Kirby ♦Oakville, R. K. Chisholm ♦Oshawa, 8. Wood "Ottawa, Z. Wilson Owen Sound, W. A. Stephens "Paris, Thomas Hall Penetanguishene, W. N. Rut- ledge. Peterboro', J. Stratton *Pioton, W alter J. Ross Prince Arthur ^s Landing, P. Nicholson "^Prescott, U. D. Jessup Rowan, A. S> D, Mabee "Sarnia, G. N. Matheson Saugeen, G. G. Douglas "Sault Ste, Marie, J Wilson St. Catherines, H H Collier Stanley, J. T. C. Finlay ^Stratford, J. Hamilton ♦Toronto, J. E. Smith Trenton, A. J. F. Maguier Wallaceburg, C. Fraser ♦Whitby, G.A.Carson •Windsor, W Benson. "Woodstock, W. H. Vanlngen Porta and Collectora, Province o/ Quebec. Clarenceville, W. M. Pattison *Coatioookei W. S. Williams •Dundee, M. M. Smith (acting) Frelighsburg, F. J. Parker "Gaspe, E. Tetu Hemmingt'ord, H. S. Proper LacoUe, A. Holden "Magdalen Islands, J. J. Fox "Montreal, W. B. Simpson *New Carlisle, L> Robitaille Perce, G. LeBoutillier Potton, G' Gunn ♦Quebec, J. W. Dunscomb "Rimouski, P. L. Gauvreau Russeltown. R. Rod^ters *Sherbrooke, C. E. Perry Standstead, C S Channel •St. Johns, E. D. Phillips *iorel, G. Peltier *St. Hyacinthe, J Clapin Sutton, Asa Frary Three Rivers, H. E. Lomioux Porta and Collectora, Province of Nova Scotia, "AmherKit, N, Tupper "Annapolis, A. Fullerton ''^Antigonishe. Hugh McPhie "Arichat, J. M. Flynn "Beddeck, A. Cameron "Barrington, D. Sargeant ^Bridgetown, S. S. Ruggles ^Comwallis, E. Rand *Digby, B. Viets GuysboroV J. A. Tory "Halifax, Hon. W. Ross "Liverpool, John H. Dunlop "Lccke Port, G. Stalker ^Londonderry, R. Dill "Lunenburg, E. Dowling '"'Margarets ville, D. W. Landers •North Sydney, C.B., T. Brown, jr. *Parrsborough, A. S« Towns- hend *Pictou, D. McDonald "Port Hawkesbury, M< Mc- donald *Port Hood, E. D. Tremaine "Port Medway, J. J. Letson "Shelburne, W. A. Attwood "Sydney, C.B., C. E. Leonard, jr. Truro, J. F. Crowe "Windsor, E. O'Brien ♦Weymouth, S. Jones ♦Yarmouth, H» A. Hood TERRA €OTTA A HHi^^iZi^ OUi!V AMJbJM'IlS, Jewellerj, ^ WM, BEnmEi^uAmuif 30s notre bjuie st* 1 !■! i it f ? if : CiiUiRTS AlAbE TO ORDER AT GEO. ^6^0 A €0.^0^, 415 NOTRE DAHE STREET. 256 DOMINION OF CANADA. Ports and Collectorit Province of Ntxo Bruruwiok. ♦Bathursti W. J. O'Brien Bale Verie, W. W. Presoott *Campo fiello, (Welebpool) J. Farmer *Caraquette, J. G. G. Blaokall ^Chatham, 1). Ferguson *Dalhou8ie, W. Montgomery Dorchester, J. Hickman Fredericton, A. F. Street *Orand Falls, F. W. Brown Hillsborough; W. Wallace Mc Adam's Junction, iS. Watt *Moncton. J. Robertson *Newoa8tle» R. B. Haddow Riohibucto, J . Rusk ^Sackyille. J. Dickson *8hediact D. Harrington Shippegan, H. A. Germany *6t. Andrews, 0. M. Gove *St Georgei J. A. Moran *St. John, J. R. Ruei *St. {Stephens, H. Webber 'West isles, J. E. Dickson 'Woodstock, D,F. Merritt Port and Collector^ Province of Prince Edward Inland* ' ■' "•" I •■' < Chariottetown, D. Currie. '^ Summerside, C. W. Strong. Port and Collector ^ Province of Manitoba' ♦Winnipeg, G. B. Spencer. Port and Collector, Province of British Columbia, Victoria, Hon. W. Hanley. DfiFARTMKNT OF Inlano RRVENUi.^Hon. L. F. G. Baby, Minister of Inland Revenue ; A. Brunei, Commissioner do. ; E. Miall, jr., assistant. Accountant's Branch : P. M. Robms* accountant ; F. R. E. Campeau, J. E. Valin, clerks. Statistical Branch : F. Measam, statistical clerk. (Standards Branch : W. L. Heron, K. JNottle, A. Graham. Canals : B. H. leakles, Neil Stuart, J. F. Shaw, C. E. Chubbuck, and R. Devlin. Correspondence : W. Himsworth, jr., W. Carter. Weights and Measures Branch : W. J. Johnstone, and J. Brunei. Printing, &Q. t F. K. B latch. Minister's secretary : H. G. Lamothe. Messengers : J. Fowler, G. Fowler, R. Archambault. District Inspectobb of Inland Revenue*~H. Godson, chief inspector, Toronto ; J. Davis, Windsor : C. E. Romain, Guelph, ' G. P. Dickson, Toronto; R. Borradaille, Ottawa j R. Bellemare, Montreal ; J. M. Lemoine, Quebec ; G. Essen, jr., Halifax, N.B.; T. Hantord, St. John, H.B. ; J. A. Macdonald, Chariottetown ; W. F. Gouin, Winnipeg, Manitoba; C T. Dupont, Victoria, B.C. Depabthent OF the Interior.— The Rt. Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Minister of the Interior and Superintendent Gen- eral of Indian Affairs : Lieut.-Colonel Denis, Deputy Minister of Interior ; A. M. Burgess, William Howe, clerks; H.Kinlooh, Private Secretary. aOOO COOKING STOVES AT JOBOIIf dC €0'S| SOU «T« r4Vii sxRfiBVi :L^ WHITE BRE9S fflHIRTS •l.SO, WORTH M.aO, AIT OEO. BOND A €0/8 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 257 Indian Branoh.—L' Vankouffhnet« Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs : R. Sinolair, accountant ; J. V. De Boucherville, land sales clerk ; A. N. MoNeilt corresponding clerk ; D. McLean, assistant corresponding clerk ; F. Smith, assistant accountant ; T' F. 6* Kirkpatrioki M. Benioni T* Coffey, clerks. Dominion Lands ^ranc^.— Lindsay Russell, Suryeyor-Gen- eral : A. Russell, J. Johnson, P. B. Douglas, F. Clayton, W. M. Goodeye, N. Tetu, K. J- Henry, L. F. Lacasse. R. Lang, F. H. C.Cox, F. 8. Cheokley, P. B. Symes, W. B. Richardson, clerks ; G.Owne, H.J.Brooke. Petor Robertson, A.Swinburn, messengeri. Ordnance and Admiralty Lands.— Y» P. Austin, C. C. Kodgers, and P. G. Keys, clerks ; Wm. Mills, accountant. Indian Branch, Outside Service.— Province of Ontario.'-^ Wm. Plummer, Visiting Superintendent and Commissioner, Toronto ; J. T. Gilkison, do.. Brantford ; Ebenezer Watson, In- dian agent, Sarnia; J. C. Phipps, Visiting Supt, Manitowan- ing ; Charles Skene, Visiting Indian Sunt., Parry Sound : Wm. Van Abbott, Indian Lands agent. Sault Ste. Marie ; Thomas Gordon. Indian agent, Strathroy ; Henry George, do., Egansville; Amos Wright, Indian Lands agent. Prince Arthur's Lanaing ; Matthew Hill, do., Shannonville ; T. G. Pile, do., Mill Point; John F. Day, do., Bruce Mines ; Charles B. Savage, do.. Gore Bay; B. B. Miller, Mill Point. Province •/ Qtte6eo.— Indian Agents : John Davidson, Dundee : G. E. Gherrier, Caughnawaga; L. A. De Blois, St. Francois du Lac ; L. E. Otis. Lac St. Jean, (Roberval, P.Q.) ; Patrick Moore, River Desert; Antoine Le Bel, jr.. Riviere du Loup ; John McGirr, Oka. Province of New Brunswick.— Wslimg Indian Superintendents, Charles Sargeant, Chatham ; Wm. Fisher, Fredericton. Province of Nova tS'cofta.— Indian Agents : John Harlow, Bear River ; J. E. Beck with, Canning; Revd. Thos. Butler, Caledonia ; Revd. E. J. McCarthy, Chester ; Revd. D. O'Connor, Bedford; Dr. Mo- Lean, Shubenaoadie ; Dr. A. F. Clarke, Parsboro; Revd. H. Macdonald, Piotou ; Revd. W. Chisholm, Antigonish ; Revd- J. MoDougall, Red Island ; Rev. D. Molsaac, River Inhabitants ; Revd. A. F. MoGillivray, Grand Narrows ; Revd. M. McKenzie, Christmas Island. Province of Prince Edward Island,"- John 0' Arsenault, Indian Superintendent, Lennox Island. Pro^ vince of Manitoba.— J Axaea F. Graham, Acting Indian Super- intendent, Winnipeg ; Thos. Nixon, Purveyor of Indian Sup- plies, Winnipeg : Ebenezer McCall, Inspector of Indian Agen- cies, Winnipeg; H. Martineau, Indian agent. Oak Point; Dr. D. Young, do., St. Peters : F. Ogletree, do.. Portage la Prairie : George Newcomb, do., Emerson; Dr. D. Hagarty, Medical Superintendent for Indians of Manitoba and North- West Ter- ritory, Winnipeg. North- West I'erritory.—Kon. D. Laird, In- dian Supt. : W. G. Dickinson, clerk to N.W. Supt. and Indian Agent for Treaty No. 6, Battleford; Capt. Allan McDonaldi Indian Agent tor Treaty No. 4| Swan jRiver ; Major J. M. Walsb, JAPAJTESB W^^E, JEWEIiliERY, FAX€Y OOODS. WM. SX10IEI.IIAACK, 303 NOTRE DAHE ST, ( ll .a BUT TOUR SHIRTS AT OEO. BOBTD A CO.% 415 NOTRE J>AMR STUKET Insi^eotor of Indian Agencies, Fort Walsh. District of Kee- watin.-^Rohert Pither, Indian Agent, Fort Francis ; George MoPherson, do, Lake of the Woods. Province of British Columbia,-^ J. W. Powell, M.D., Indian Superintendent, Vic- toria ; James Dinih an, Indian Supt, New Westminister. Guardians of Islands in River St. Lawrence, — A. B. Cowan, Indian Land Agent, Gananoque; J. Wallace, Escott; A. Root, Kockport ; J. L. Thompson, Brockville. Department ow the Secretary op State —Hon J. C. Aikins, Secretary of State ; E. J. Langevin, Under-Secretary of iState. Corresp»ndence Branch.— Q .¥ovfc\l, R. Pope, (Clerk of Crown in Chancery), chief clerks ; W. H. Jones, H. E. Steele, S. Jobin, clerks. Keeper of the Records.— d.. J. Morgan, chief clerk. Registry Branch — L. A. Cattellier, deputy registrar; J. A. fielanger, E. Brousseau, J. J. Burns, C. Ballantyne, A, G. Learoyd, W. S. Glidden, G. Collins, J. W. Storr, clerks. Sta- tionery Offi,ce.—J. Young, T. Roxborough, T . Robertson, A. Cunningham, W. Walsh, clerks. Queen's Printer's Branch. — Lt.-Col. B. Chamberlain, C.M.G., Queen's Printer ; W. Gliddon, A. G. Kingston, A. Potvin, L. A. Grison, clerks. Messengers.— P. Logan, T. O'Keefe, J. J. Hughes, J. Larkin. Auditor General's Opfice.—J. J. MoDougall, Auditor Gen- eral; J. Patterson, assist, do. ; E. C. Barber, Francis Hunter, Thomas Hector, J. B. Stanton, J. B. Simpson, W. G. Dunlevie, B. D. Sutherland, H. H. Gray, J. G. Aumond, clerks. Me»- aengera.— John Pender, Francois Casault. DEPARTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE. (Western Block.) Hon. L. F. R. Masson, Minister of Militia and Defence ; Lt.- Col. Hon. C. Eugene Panet, Deputy Minister of Militia and Defence; Lieut.-General Sir Edward Sel by Smyth, K.C.MG., Commanding the Militia of the Dominion of Canada ; Lieut. E. G. Selby Smyth, 86th F., A.D.C.; Colonel Walker Powell, Ad- jutant General of Militia ; A. Benoit, Minister's Private Secre- tary. . Correaponding Branch.— B' Suite, J. R. E. Chapleau, H. D. J. Lane, A. Benoit, clerks. . Accountant's /?ranrA..— Lieut.-Col. J. Macphorson, chief clerk and accountant; C H. O'Meara, Lt.-Col. D. A. Macdonald, F. X' Huot, W. U. Aumond, clerks- Store ^rwncit.— Lieut,-Col. T. Wily, director of stores; C Walkem, G. Grant, F. L. Jones, P. Clarke, clerks. Mnj 7«Hr ooeai^iN«, hall, PAMLOtt Sc ikoimiii: •HIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT OBO. BOITD A COJM, 415 NOTRE BAnE STREET. GOVERN s: EN 'C OFFICES. 259 Adjutant Gener-nPn 0:^ce.—W. H. Wright chief clerk ; Lieut- Col. C. Stuart, Grant Seymour, F. X. Lambert, G. B. Jd. Sher- wood, C. JuDOt, T. 0. L iruse, Colin Camrbell, clerks Messengers.- G. Diun, T. Robin, on, J. \V. Qow, N. Casault. Department op Public Works —lion- Charles Tupper, C.B , Minister of Public Works; T. Trudeau, Deputy Minister of Public Works. Engineering Branch. — J. Page, chief engineer ; Gt. F. Bail- larg^, as.-istant engineer; Charles McCarthy,'!. A. Mothersill, draughtsmen; S. AlcLaughlin, photographer. Architectural Branch. -T. S. Scott, chief architect ; H. James, D. Ewart, architects; W- II. Billings, W. Curran, \V. U. Lewis, J. C. Tach^, jr., A. Gobeil, draughts:nen. Secretary's Branch.— ¥. Braun, secretary; J. W. Harper, paymaster; K. A. Fissiault, S. E.St. Chapleau, F H. Ennis, J. i^'. N. B.mneville, VV. J.TiUcy, C. F. Street, A. E. Evanturel, Louis Lefebvre. L- D. Dion, A. J. Duffy, L. N. Fortior, L. II. Filteau, F. A. Dixon. Accountant's Branch. — J.Baino, accountant; 0. Dionne, A. P. Bradley, W. H. Aikins, assistants- -......,_ Minister's Secretary. — A. P. Bradley. Temporarily Eintdoped.—\Y. Kingsford. T. B. Townsend, R. C. Douglas, J. D. Spence, R. Steckel, engineers. Mestengers.—J. Deslauriers, M. Walsh, H. Potvin, C. S. Neville. Canadian Pacific Railway.— Sandford Fleming, chief engi- neer ; Marcus Smith, deputy to engineer in chief; \V. B. Smellie, assistant engineer; J. U. Rowan, district engineer; T. R. Burpee, secretary; B. V, Johnson, draughtsman. Messenger. — C. Miles. Intercolonial Railway.— C- J. Brydses, Superintendent Government Railways; Coilingwood Schteiber, cliiet engineer Government railways; Thomas C. Du Plesis, clerk. OFFICIAL Arbitrators.— J. Cowan, Gait; C. Taylor, Sarnia; I. Hurteau, Montreal ; William Compton, llalif ix. N.S. ; F.U. Ennis, secretary. Public Works Department, Ottawa. Dominion Public Buildings. MECUAMCAk. Engineers Office.— J. R. Ariioldi, mechanical engineer, Dominion Public Buildings. CO o hi s ]»OITlllL.£ CHINEJIE ANU JAi^AJMESE ARTICI.ES OF TIRTIT, 1KVITK DRESS SHIRTS 91.00, WORTH $2.95, AT GEO. BOND A CO.'S. i n 260 DOMINION OF CANADA. Depnrtmental Buildinpa Staff,— W. Smith, foreman engineers publio buildings ; M. Qallagher, D. Smillie, M. Costello, fire- men. Repairing Stoff.-^J. Kelly, plumber ; M. Clancy, steamfitter : M. Whelan, smith ; T. Wensley, VV. H. Butland, electric bells. Parliament Buildings Staff. engineer ; H. T. Spence, assistant engineer ; M. Soanlan, B. Rochon, firemen. Department of Marine and Fisheries.— Hon. James Colledge Pope, minister; William Smith, deputy minister; W. F. Whitcher, commissioner of fisheries; John Hardie, chief clerk; J.Tomlinson, eeneral superintendent of lights and constructive engineer; J. Tilton, accountant and first-class clerk; Samuel P. Bauset and W. L. Magee, first-class clerks; W.S. PettegreW} F. F. Qourdeau and M. Graburn, senior second-class clerks ; W. P. Anderson, assistant en«;ineer and junior second-class clerk; W. H. Alexander, R N- Venning, G. Truteau and J. Makinson. junior second-class clerks ; A. Chisholm, stenographic writer and third-class clerk; W. B. Carlton and J. B. Halkett, third-class clerks ; FI. Q. Tiepke, M.V. C. Nicholson, A. Halkett, J. P. Pim, M. Lamouche and Aimd li. Beiliveau, extra clerks ; Joseph Poi>e, private secretary; J. U. Greiory, agent, Quebec; J. H Harding, agent, St. John, N.B. ; H. W. Johnston, agent, Halifax, N.S. ; Capt. J. Cooper, agent and inspector of lights, Victoria, B.C.; W. Mitchell, agent, Charlottetown, P.E.I,; J. Mitchell, superintendent of lights for N.B., Newcastle, N.B. ; Edward Roche, superintendent of lights for N.S., Halifax; D. Smith, superintendent of lights above Montreal, Ottawa, Ont. ; and J. Nadeau, assistant superintendent of lights, Quebec; Captain P. A. Scott, R.N., chairman of board of examiners of masters and mates ; Captain G. A. Mackenzie and D. Hunter, examiners, Halifax, N.S. ; Commander E. D. Ashe, R.N., and Captain A. Marmen, examiners, Quebec ; Captain J. Prichard and W. Thomas, examiners, St. Johu, N.B. ; Capt. R. Cameron, examiner, Charlottetown, P.E I. ; Captains Henry Lewis and Thomas Killam, examiners, Yarmouth, .V S- ; and Lieut. D. M. Browne, cleik to chairman, Halifax, N.S. ; S. Riaely, chair- man of board of steamboat inspection and inspector fur Ontario, Huron, ancTSuperior division, Toronto ; W. M. Smith, deputy chairmar and inspector for N.B. and N.S. division, St. John, N.B. ; W. J. Meneilly, inspector for West Ontario division, Toronto; J. Taylor, inspector for East Ontario division, Kings- ton, 0. ; J.Burgess, inspector for Montreal division, Montreal ; F. X. Befort, inspector for Three Rivers division, Sorel ; J. Samson, inspector for Quebec division, Quebec; and T. Wostgarth, in- spector for B.C. division, Victoria, B.C.; S. VVilmot, superin- intendent of fish-breeding establishments, Newcastle, Ont. ; VV. H. Venning, inspector of fisheries for N.B., St. John, N.B.; W. H. Wylde, inspector of fisheries for N.S, Halifax, N-S. ; A. GOOD DOL'BLE VrOV£S AT JO0OIN A, CO'S, 309 ST, PAUI< STACIST. i JilTlr Torn SHIRTS AT GEO. BOND A €0.% 419 NOTRF BAME STREET. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 281 0. Andergon, inspector of fisheries for British Columbia, Vio- toria, BtC; W. H> Kogers, fishery ofiioer, Amherst, M.S.; N. Lavoie. commaDder ot a Government steamer ; A. Marmen, commander Government steamer i>rMtfi{ / A. G. Despres, Com- mander Government steamer JSapoleon III. /J.N. Purdy, com- mander Government steamer New field; and Captain John Devereux, commander Government steamer iSir James Douglaa; G. T. Kingston, M.A., superintendent meteorological office and director of magnetic observatory, Toronto ; Rev. J. Williamson, M-A., LL.D., director of observatory, Kingston, Ont. ; C. H. McLeod, director of observatory, Montreal : E. 1). Ashe, R.N., director of observatore^, Quebec ; and G. Hutchinson^ director of observatory, St. John, N.B.; H. iSt. A. Ormond, inspector of water police, Montreal; and Benjamin Trudel, chief constable water police and shipping master, Quebec; George Smith, ship- ping master, Montreal ; A. McLean, shipping master, iSt. John, N.B. ; J. 1). Cummins, shipping master, Halifax, N.S. ; and W. Koughan, shipping master, Charlottetown, P.E.i.; Jb). Wood, harbour master, Halifax, N.S. ; W. White, harbour master, Charlottetown, P.E.I. ; J. Nagle, harbour master, Victoria and Esquimault, B.C. ; J. Eden, harbour master, Gaspd, P.Q. Post Office Department.— Hon. Hector Louis Langcvin, C. B., Postmaster General; W. H. Griffin^ Deputy Postmaster General. Secretary's 5ronc/^.— Lieut-Colonel William White,secretary; W. D. Lebueur, H. S. Weatherly, first class clerks; G. H. Har- gravCf H. W. Griffin, J. Plunkett, J. Walsh, J. Graham, H. G. Hopkirk, C. Saiigster, senior second class clerks ; bidney Smith, jr., A. W. Throop, junior second class clerks; G. R. White, J. M. O'Leary, C. B. Brodie, W. L. Blair. G. Ranee, 0. Portier, D. McDonald, A. J. MacDermid, A. W. McLennan, W. A. Jones, J. A. McLauriuy G. J. Binks, J. A. McDonald, W.J. Preohette, S. Craig, L. H. Pouliot, C. A. Doucet, H. H. Morton, J. Carter, W. H. Heath, third class clerks. Accountant's Branch.— U. A. "Wicksteed, accountant; W. H. Smithson, assistant accountant; P. E. Bucke, first class clerk; R. Oliver, first class clerk, (supernumerary) ; E. H. Benjamin, H. J. Garrett, A. Lindsay, senior second class clerks ; L. Bian- chot, G. M. Patrick, T. H. Allen, R. J. Oliver, D. P. McCarthy, J. E. Hopkirk, W. Blanchard, junior second class clerks; C. Falconer, J. G. Portier, E. A. D. Jones, H. A. Perguson, W. Brophy, P. T. Leahy, A. Muir, D. A. Barrett, E. P. E. Bucke, T. McGraii, thira class clerks ; J. Ashworth, cashier. Money Order Branch.~W .F .Yoreyih, superintendent ; C. W. Jenkins, first class clerk; J. Brophy, P. W. Cieighton, T. B. Smith, senior second class clerks; R. J. Shaw, C. J. HigginSf M* K. Dunlevie, J. P. Wall, W. J. Barrett, junior second class WM. ftEMJUJEIillAACK. 308 KOTRE PAMl T 5^^-" ?. 1 .4.- ! V ItmBtS k Al>B fO OBDER Af SCO. BOJTB A CO.^ 41S HOTRE BA9IE STREET. " ^ 1 i { i i 1 : 1 .J 'i i ' I O n:3 N^ J iii 02 P O o I .o O ! ;5 262 DOMINION OF CANADA. clerks ; J. C. Bonnor, A. W. Wall, J. H. Spencer, W. J- John- ston, D. B. McPherson, W. Biistow, L. C. A. Gasgrain, A. A. Dorion, A. Frager, third* class clerks. Savings* Bank Branch.— J. C. Stewart, superintendent; D. Matheson, first class clerk; J. Rose Smith, E. B. Bell, W. H. Kreps, W. H. Eagleson, W. H. Harrin;iton, W. fl. McCuait;, junior second class clerks; G. R. Major, G. L. Plunkett, J. Berry, J. P. Nutting, H. Fairweather, third class clerks. Jlfe»«enfifer«.—M. Bennett, J. Bell. Department ot Agriculture.— Hon. John Henry Pope, Minister of Agriculture; J. U. Tach(5, Deputy; John Lowe, Secretary of the uepartment. Minister* 8 Private Secretary and Clerk.— J. E. W. Currier. Accountant. — H. B. Small. Statistical Emigration^ General Correspondence^ Archives^ cf'c— S. Drapeau, W. H. Johnson, Rev. C Tanguay, attach^ ; D. Brymner, D. Lanigan. Patent Branch,— A. J. Cambie, chief clerk ; H. Casgrain, C. C. Neville, D. RoutLler, E. d'Auteuil, J. F. Dionne, W. J. Lynch, T. McCabe, J. A. Eraser, E. Juvet, A. Levesque, L. J. Beland. Model Room.— 3. L^veill6, G. Lemaitre, L. Z. Chabot. Copyright and Trade Mark Branch.— i. B. Jackson, H. Garon. (9j^cc jKleeper.— J. E. Lemieux. ., Messengers.- A Boily, B. Moreau, J. B. Lacroix. Emigration Aiients of the Dominion in Europe. — Hon. Wm. Annand, Government Enaigration Agent, Canada Buildings, 81 Queen Victoria street, city, E.C., London; J. Dyke, 15 Water street, Liverpool; C. Foy, 27 Victoria Place. Belfast; H. J. Larkin, 13 Eden Quay, Dublin ; G. Bossange, 16 Rue du Quartre Septembre, Paris ; C. Brown, Havre ; R. Berns, 32 March6 aux Chevaux, Antwerp; Messrs. Rommel k Cie., 72 Faubourg des Condres, Basle. Emigration Agents in the Dominion. — J. Smith, Hamilton ; R. McPherson, Kingston ; A- G. ;», Clilx^i^^Jb; AJKI> 3XVA^1ltuH%u WAKI^;. t WAS. ISE3CiML£LUAA€K, 303 NOTRE DAM£ ST. l.'\ ; I .1 I nit S H ? 1 1 ; l! > i ;i I!S| l iiJ 'ii. 415 XOTBE DAME STREET. 264 " DOMINION OF CANADA. CONSTITUENCIES* KAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. ElgiiiiE.R J. H. Wilson, St. Thomas Elgin, W.R .— . McLaws Essex, N.R Solomon White, Windsor Essex, S.R... L. Wigle, Leamington Frontenao .D. Calvin, Kingston Glengarry A. J. Grant, Williamstown Grenville, S.R Hon. C. F. Fraser, Toronto Grey, N.R D. Greighton, Owen Sound Grey, E.R A. W. Lauder, Toronto Groy , S.R J. H. Hunter, Durham l^aMimand J. Baxter, Cayuga B ton W' D. Lyon, Streef^ville K a:i)ilton J. M. Williams, Hamilton Hius .ngs, W.R T. \Mlls, Belleville Ikr^tings, E. R N. S. Appleby, Shannonville Ha ^ tings, N.R G. H. Boulter, Stirling Hijion, E.R T. Gibson, Wroxeter H:^ CD, S.R A. Bishop, Hay II urori, W.R Ac McLagau Ross, Goderich Kent, E.R.... D. McCraney, Bothwell Kent, W.R A. Coutts, Valetta Kingston W. Robinson, Kingston Lambton,E.R P. Graham, Warwick Lambton, W.R Hon. T. B. Pardee, Toronto Lanark, N.R W . Mostyn, Almonte Lanark, S.R A. Code, Innisville Leeds,N.R H. Merrick, Merriokville Leeds, S.R .R. H. Preston, Newboro' Lennox J. T. Grange, Napanee Lincoln , London W. R. Meredith, London Middlesex, E«R R. Tooley, Belmont Middlesex, T*^R J. McDou^ali, Komoka Middlesex, W.R J. Watterworth, Wardsville Monck H. R. Haney, Fenwick Muskoka .....«•> J. C. Miller, Toronto Norfolk, S.R. .<.....R. Kichardson, Rowan Norfolk, N.R ^^ J. Ciytrko, bimcoe Northumberland, E.R J. M. i'crris, Campbellfoid Northumberland, W.R W. Hargraft, Cobourg Ontario, N.R T. Paxton, Port Perry ntario, S.R N. W . Brown, Wiiitby Ottawa D. J. O'Oonoghue, Ottawa Oxford, N.R Hon. 0- Mowat, Toronto Oxford, S.R. Hon. A. Crooks, Toronto Peel K. Chisholm, Brampton Perth,N. R D. Davidson Hay, Listowel Perth, S.R T. Ballantyne, Stratford Peterborough, E.R J. O'SuUivan, Peterborough Peterborough, W W . H. Scott, Peterborough Prescott W. Harkin, Vankleek HiU GOOD HAL.I4 &TO\£S AT JOl^OI^ ^ CO'S, k i isjamirs made to order at oeo. boxd «& coJis^ 415 KOTRE DASIE STREET. / PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS-ONTARIO. 265 CONSTWUENCIES. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Prince Edward G. Striker. Piotor Kenfrew, S.R J. Bonfield, Egan&ville Renfrew* N.R T. Deacon, Pembroke Russell A. J. Baker, Metcalfe Simcoe, E.R J. Kean, Marchmont Simcoe, S.R W. Parkhill Simcoe, W.R T. Long, Collingwood Stormont J. Beth une, Toronto Toronto East — Toronto West R. Bell, Toronto Victoria. N.R J. D. Smith, Fenelon Falls Victoria, S.R Hon. S. C Wood, Toronto Waterloo, N.R M. Springer, W aterloo Waterloo, S.R J. Fleming, Gait Welland Hon. J .G. Currie, St. Catherines Wellington, N.R J. McGowan, Alma Wellington, C.R C. Clarke, Elora Wellington, S.R I. Master, Washington Wentworth, N.R J. McMahon, Dundas Wentworth, S.R W. Sexton, Jersey ville York, E.R ...J. Lane, Thornhill York, W.R p. Patterson, Patterson York, N.R J. H. Widdifield, Newmarket Officers of the House of Assembly.—C. T. Qilmor, clerk of the House ; A. H. Sydere, clerk assistant ; J. M. Delaraere, clerk; J. Notman, accountant; A. Leith, law clerk; P. J. Glaokmeyer, sergeant-at-arms ; T. Philips, housekeerer and chief messenger. Public Departments, Ontario. Provincial Secretary's Q///ce.-Hon. A. S. Hardy, provincial secretary ; I. R. Echart, ^sistant secretary ; R. S. Brodie, chief clerk; J. L. McLachlan, 2nd clerk; J. D. Warde, 3rd clerk; A. Burchall, messengtir. Provincial Registrar' a Office.— Hon. A. S. Hardy, provincial registrar; J. F. 0. Usshor, deputy registrar; G. Hobbs and J. A. Innes, clerks. Attornci/ GeneraVa Office. —Hon. Mowat, attorney general ; J. G. Scott, Q.C., deputy ; J. R. Cartwrif^ht, private secretary ; J. L. Capreol, E. H. T. Heward, M. Currey, clerks ; M. Smith, housekeeper ; C. Fitch, messenger. Department of Public Works.— Hon. C. F. Eraser commis- sioner; W. Edwards, secretary; K. Tully, architect; T. N. Moles worth, engineer; F. T. Jcnes, accountant and law clerk; W. J. S. Holwell, R. Purdom, J. C. McNab, draughtsmen; M. Wilson, J. P. Edwards, clerks ;.C. McDonald, messenger. JAPAWESK Wi^"^*:, J3!:WEfl.L.EilY, FANCY GOODS. WH. SEJtnEJLHAA€K, 303 BfOTRE DA.VE ST. ^iff i i i ; ; r • ' U'niTE DUES;;) sHiittii $1.30, wotttit ^a.2S, at GEO. no3?n A co/s. i O o O M M (I4 *l 2B6 DOMINION OF CANADA. Treasurer* 8 Department. —Hon. S. C. Wood, treasurer; W. R. Harris, accountant; L. V. Percival, P. Simser, A.T. Deacon* A. J. Rattray, clerks; C. H. Sproule, auditor; L.W. Ord. clerk; F. Portas, messenger. Immigration Department (connected with the Department of the Hon. the Provincial Secretary).— D.Spence, secretary ; R.M. Persse, clerk. Crown Lands Z>cparAK&iOat & JDOUBi.K liTOV£8 at JOIH>I.\ « CO'S, 308 St. Paul StreoU Htnr irom (iiiiiit« At oeo. in^nn a co.% 415 NOTBB DAMK STREET. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL-QUEBEC. 267 T. R. Stinson, Clerk of Records ; W. H. Atkinson, Clork of Correspondence; A. C. Paul, Clerk of References ; J. S. Barber. Clerk of Reports und Returns ; F. N. Nudal, general assistant olerk ; H. P. Davics, junior assistant clerk ; J. Moore, care- taker. Depository Branch. —P. P. Mny, M.D., Superintendent of Depository ; H. M. Wilkinson, cashier ; S. B. Sykes, olerk of sales ; 8. A. May, despatch clerk : W. Sweeten, olerk of stores ; R. B. Brj'ce, clerk of stock ; R. L. Cathron, clerk of invoices ; J. A. Sangster, copying clerk ; C. J. Townsend, junior assistant clerk. OflBoe in the Departnaontal Buildings, St. James' Square, Toronto. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. Seat of Government, Quebec, LtetUenant- Governor.— Hon. Luc Letellier de St. Just. Aide de-Camp and Private Secretary.— F. E. Gauthier. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. Henri Qustave Joly, Premier and Minister cf Agriculture and Public Works. Hon. Treasurer. Hon. D. A. Ross, Attorney-General. ' Hon. A. Chauveau, Solicitor-General. Hon. Frs. Langelier, Commissioner of Crown Lands. Hon. Henry Starnes, President Legislative Council. Hon. F. G- Marchand, Secretary and Registrar and Minister of iPublio Instruction. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. John Jones Ross, Speaker. CONSTITUENCIES. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Alma Hon. J. L. Beaudry, Montreal Bedford " T. Wood, Dunham Flats Chaouinigane " J. J. Ross, Ste.Anne de la Pdrade Qolfe " T. Savage, L'Anse au Cap Grandville " E. Dionue, Ste. Anne de la Pocati^re Kinnebec " Joseph Gamlet, Gentilly Inkermann " G. Bryson, Mansfield Lanaudi^re " P. E. Dcstaler, Berthier (en ^attO La Durantaye. ** Ed. K^millard, Quebec Laurentides *' J. E. Gmgras, Quebec €HI:N£8£ and JAPANK»I2 AlfcX£CA.l^» OF ^IliTU* WJS. BEnnSLHAACK, 303 NOTRE DAMS ST. Wwi' II ' : 1 ■: 1 ■■' i 1 11 ftki. f^f 5 If • !' . i t ' . ■ !i , 'i n 415 NOTRE BAMK NTllEKT. 268 DOMINION of:canada. CONSTITUENCIES. Lazon Uon. Lasalle '' LaValli6ro " Lorimier '* Montarville ** Mille Isles •* KepentigDy " Rigaud « Rougeraont ** Sorel " Salaberry " Stadacona ... " Victoria " Wellington •* NAME AND P. O. ADDRESS. A. R. 0. de L^ry, Quebeo L. Panetf Quebeo J. B. (i. Proulx, Nioolet Jos. Gaspard Laviolette, Napienrille C. B. de Boucherville, Boucberville F. H. Lemaire, St. Benoit L. Archambault, L'Assomption £. Prud'homme, Montreal i Pierre Boucher de La Brduro, St Hyaointhe .E. Roy, St. Pie H. Starnes, Montreal John Hearn, Quebeo J. Ferrier, Montreal W.H.Webb, Melbourne »r Oppioers op the Legislative Council.— G. B. de Boucher- ville, clerk of the House ; P. Legar6, first assistant clerk ; T. W. Lloyd, second assistant clerk ; I. 0. Jodoin, elerk of offices ; N. Legendre, clerk of French Journals ; N. Faucher, clerk of special committees; S. S. Hatt, gentleman usher of the Black Rod ; D. E. Fenette, clerk ; T. E. Roy, sergeant-at-arms ; F. X. Brault, chief mc'jsenger. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. Louis Beaubien Speaker. constituencies. name and p. 0. ADDRESS. Argenteuil ■ Robert J. Meikie, Laohute Bagot Narcisse Blais, St. Liboire Beauce Joseph Poirier, St. Joseph Bcauharnois Celestin Bergevin, St. Timothie Bellechasse P. Boutin, St. Raphael Berthier Jos<3i h Robitailie, Lanoraie Bonaventure J. I. Tarte, Quebec Brome. ..... W. W. Ly ncn, Knowlton Ghambly Stanislas Martel, Chambly Basin Ghamplain N. St. Cyr, St Aune de la Parade Charlevoix O. Gauthier, St. Urbain Chauteauguay £}. Laberge, Ste. Philomdne Chiooutimi<&;Saguenay.W. E. Price, Saguenay Compton W. Sawyer, Sawyerville Deux-Montagnes L. C. Champagne, St. Eustaohe Dorchester N. Audet St. Anselme Drummond and Aithabaska. . . W. J. Watts, Drummondville Ga8p6.... .....E. J. Flynn, Quebeo Hochelaga Hon. L. Beaubien, Montreal Huntingdon Dr. A. Cameron, Huntingdon ' OOOD JDOUBLIS STOVUS 809 8T« PAUL T JODOIN 4c OO'lf WHITE DRESS SHIRTS 91.50, WORTH 99.9S, AT OEO. BOXn A CO.^S. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY-QUEBEC. 269 OONSTITUENOIKS. NAME AND P. O. ADDRRSS. Iberville L. Molleur, St. Jean Jaoques-Cartier N> M. LeCavalier, tit. Laurent Joliette • • • V. P. Lavall^e, tit. Fdlix Valois Kamouraska G.A-EGaKnon, Kividre Quelle Laprairie L'B.A-Charlebois, Laprairie Village L'Assomption • Peltier, L'Epiuhanie Laval LOLorangor, Montreal L^vis ET.Paquet, St. Nicholas L'Islet J.BteDupuis, StKooh des Aulnots Lotbinidre Hon.H (ijoly, Quebec Maskinong^ Kd. Plearon, Ma8kinong6 Megantio Hon . Goo Irvine, Quebec Miflsisquoi Ernesf ' icot, tiwoetsburg Montcalm Octave . . agnan, St- Alexis Montmagny L>N.Fortin, Cap St Ignace Montmorency Gbas.Langelier, Quebec Montreal West James McShane, Montreal Montreal Centre H • A • Nelson, Montreal Montreal East • •• L.Q.Taillon, Montreal Napierville L.DLafontaine, St Edouard Nioolet ...C-E.Iloude, StCdlestin Ottawa County LDuhamel. Wright's Township Pontiao UonL H Church, Aylmer Portneuf Hon . Frs. Langelier, Quebec Quebec East J. tihehyn, Quebec Quebec West Arthur H. Murphy, Quebec Quebec Centre K.F-Hintret dit Malouin, Qiioboo Quebec County Hon D.A.Koss, Quebec Richmond and Wulfe. -J^Pickard, Wotton Richelieu M Matbieu, Sorel Kimouski Hon.AChauveau, Quebec Rouville S. Bertrand, St.Mathias tit-Hyacinthe — St. Jean F.G. Marchand, St. Jean d'lbetville St-Maurice FSL.Deslauriers, Yamachiche Shefford J • Lafontaine, Roxton Falls Sherbrooke (City) Hon. J .0- Robertson, Sherbrooke Soulanges W m . Duckett, Coteau Landing Stanstead Henry Lovell, Coaticook Temiscouata OHDeschSnes, StEpiphane Terrebonne Hon. J. A. Chapleau, Montreal Three Rivers (City) . ...A.Turcotte, Trois Rivieres Yaudreuil E . Lalonde, Ste . Mar the Verch^res J . Bte . Brousseau, Sorel Yamaska J.S>C. Wurtele Montreal Officers of the Legislative Assembly.— G.M.Muir, clerk of the House; E. Simard, assist, do.j P> E. Smith, dep. clerk and clerk of English Journals; L- Simoneau, accountant; A. 'IKRKA COTTA A UUONX£ OR^TAMJENTS, Jewellery* ^ WM. SEMMEIiHAACH, 303 UTOTRE DAME ST. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 11.25 |J0 "^ ■■■ ^ Ki 12.2 — 6" 2.0 I m U 11.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) 872-4503 •1>' fV qv N> [V 'o- ^ "-^Ji. ^.<^' i ' i Birr TOCR SHIRTS AT OSOu BOND A €0.*S, 415 NOTRE DAIIIE STREET. oa 270 DO .:iNION OP CANADA. E Deiners, cfiBoe clerk ; J L. Blanohot, clerk of records ; CP. Lin isjiy. clerk of committees ; E- Deiuers, 1st assist, clerk do.; tJ Pettiurcw, 2iui do. do ; ELemoirie, clerk of private billii» ; K. S Belleau, assist do.; 0. Luidsay, English translator; P. J. Curran, assist- do. ; A N. Montpetit, French translator; B. Turcotte, assist do.; B.Marquette, translator of votes and pro- ceedingii ; O.G. de Lichevroti^re, clerk of the French j mrnals ; L Fortier, assist- do.; J.VVhyddon, assist do. of English iour- nals; L P Lemay, librarian; (I. LaKoque, ser»eant-at-arins ; Z. Duhaiuel, postmaster: F X. Qagnou, assist, do.; O- Rubi- taille, Ist messenger; A P«dletier, speaker's messenger ; E.Lit- tltf 'hn. E- Giard, Roman Catholic secfctary to department; Dr. H. H. Miles, Protestant secretary to department ; 0. Dunn, 1st clerk of French correspondence, editor of Journal de L' Instruction Publuiue^ and librarian; L. Devisme, clerk of French correfpondouoe ; R. Giard, assis ant do ; J. 11. Richardson, accountant; C. A. Thomas, L. Letobvre, P. l^revost, clerk of statistics, «kc. ; A. Dor6 and J. Biltuer, messengers. Council of Public //ist/McU'on.— President : Hon. G. Ouimet, ex-ojHcio. Joint Secretaries : Dr. L. Uiard and Dr. U. H. Miles. Rouian Catholic members of the Council : The Archbishop of Quebec, the Bishops of RimousKi, Three Rivers, St. Uyaointhe, Montreal, dbeibrooke, Ottawa and Chicoutimi ; Hon. P. J. 0. Chauveau, Hon. T. Ryan, Hon Judge Routhier, P. S. Murphy, Dr. Lachaiiie, and F. Painchaud. Protestant members of the Council : The Lord Bishop of Quebec. Hon. Judge Day, Hon. Judge Dunkin, Rev. Dr. Cook, Hon. G. Irvine, Veu. Archdeacon Leach, Hon. J. Ferrier, and Dr. J. W. Dawson, F.R.S. Chair- man of the Protestant Committee ot the Council : Hon. G> Irvine. 000]> COOKING STOVES AT JODOIN * COtS, ' 800 ST. PAI7I« .<»5fco k €0.*S, SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. £OXD A CO.«S« 415 N€>TRK DAIIE STREET. rds; C.P. olork do.; e billj> ; K. tor; P. J. slator; h. 8 and pro- I j )urnals; glish lour- -at-arrns ; ; 0. Robi- >r; ELit- sngers; J. ad, clerk's ?, Queen's eper; E. 'urd, mes- jial secre- fer, clerk ntofcon- rmandin, 'archand, registrar; ager. in W. C. t, super- Catholic secretary »undenco, irian; L. ai^sis unt jHlobvre, iiittuer, Ouiraet, El. Miles. )ishop of i^aointhe, P. J. 0. Murphy, rs of the ay, Hon. ihdeaoon Ohair- Hon. G. * €0»j|. PUBLIC DEPARTM ENTS - QUEBEC. 271 Department of Agriculture and Public WoWm.— Hon. H.G.Jolyi commissioner; S. Lesage, assistant oominissioner; E. Gagnon, secretary ; P.Gauvreau, director of public Works ; J.B.Derouie, assistant engineer ; E. A. Nesbitt, accountant ; J. 0. Fontaine, director of Colonization ; £. A. Bernard, director of Agriculture ; C. A. Guilbault, registrar; II A. Turgeon, first clerk; J. 0. Methot, inspector of works I J. B. Sirois and P- Archambault, messengers. Treasury Department. — Hon. provincial treas- urer ; G. Droiet, auditor of the province; H. T- Machin, assist- ant treasurer; H. Hemming and F. D. 'iims, book-keepers; M. A. Giard, clerk; T. R. Nelson, judicial deposits clerk; S. U. Holt, J. E. Marmette, J. T. Harrower, A. Evanturel. T. A. Poston, and T. C. Waugh, clerks ; H. Hughes and G. Trudel, messengers. Council of Agriculture.— Jj. H- Massue, president; S. Black- wood, ^^'helTord, vice-president ; G. Leclero, secretary-treasurer; J. N. E Faribault, L'Assomption ; M. U. Cochrane, Compton ; D. E. Price. Quebec ; J. J. Ross, 6tG. Anne da la Pdrade ; L Beaubien, M.P., Montreal; B. Benoit, M.P., Ht. Hubert; J.M. Browning, Shefibrd ; A. CasavantSt. Dominique ; E. J. Deblois, Quebec ; J. Gaudet, M.L.C., Gentilly ; John L. Gibb, Quebec ; A. Marsan, L'Assomption; Hev. F. Pilote, bt. Augustin; Rev. 8. Tassd, Sto. Thdrese ; Blais, Montmagny ; A. Guilbault, 8te. Elizabeth; Dr. Tdtu, Rividre-Ouelle; office, 63 St. Gabriel street, Montreal. Board of Examiners of P. L. Surveyors.— Hon. the Commis- sioner of Crown Lands, ex-oMdo ; J. Bouchetto, deputy sur- veyor-general ; C. Bainarge, president; F. W. Blaiklock, E. T. Fletcher, L. P. Gauvreau, J. Bignell, J. Gallagher, examiners and provincial land surveyors; A. Sewell, secretary, Quebec; A. R. C. iSelwyn, examiner in geology and mineralogy. OFFICERS AND CLERKS OF CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. Hon. Frs. Langelier, commissioner : E. E. Tach<5, assistant commissioner. Surveys. — J. Y. Gale, accountant and cashier ; E. T. Fletcher, surveyor and draughtsman, and inspector of suiveys; G- G. Dunlcvie, J. Tach6, P. M. A. Genest, C. E. Gauviu, draughts- men and surveyors ; A. Par6, superintendent of woods and forests ; L. D. LeMoine, L. L. Rivard, clerks in charge ; F. Chassd, T. Morkill, W. E. Collins, D. C. McKedi -, L. Berthelot, J. N. Proulx, V. Derome, I. E. Lepage, Jules Faucher, T. P. Morin. E. A. Sutton, C. A. Parent, J. M. Turcot, G J. Audettt, J. J. Gahan, F. X. Genest, clerks; J. Caron, office keeper; C. Dumontier, messenger. VAMCY OOOOS, CIIINESIS ANB JAPAX1»E W WM. SEMMEf.IIAACK. 808 JTOTRE PAME ST. I CO a* H CD a d a. o B 9 I o § !l i ti i Ml ill WHITE DRBSS SHIRTS 81.50, WORTH 93.85, AT «FO. BOND A CO.»«.l^ ^ "^ " * 272 DOMINION OF CANADA. Cadastre Offices. — Gmcral Office.— G. A. Valin, secretary ; C. Chartr^, P. Picard, L N. Dufresne, F. Koroack, L. H. 13. Garneau. Montreal— F, W. Blaiklock, surveyor and draughtsman. Quebec.— 'P. L. Moriui director ; F. Lachaine, Jos. Lachainoi sur\reyors and draughtsmen. Three Rivera.— L. 0. Arcand, surveyor and draughtsman. Terrebonne,— J. H. Leolair, surveyor and draughtsman. Montmagny.—^. Gasgrain, director. Beauhamoia.—i . Sullivan, surveyor and draughtsman. JMette.—JJ . Dorval, surveyor and draughtsman. Sherbrooke.—C. P. Towle, surveyor and draughtsman. Bull, (County of Ottaiva.)—J. Mc Arthur, surveyor and draughtsman. V A88omption and Montcalm.— A. W. Lipp6, surveyor and draughtsman. Crown Land and Timber Agents— E. Heath, Clarendon; R.Farley, Hull; J. A. Camerun, jr., Thurso; 0. B. Kemp, Waterloo; C. Patton, Robinson; A. Gagnon, Arthabaskaville ; P. A. Proulx, St. Francis ; C T- Dub6, Riviere du Loup ; Geo. Sylvain, Rimouski; L. J. Riopel, New Carlisle; G. Duberger, Murray Bay; J. 0. Tremblay, Chiooutimi; I. Dumais, Rober- val ; L. Z. Rousseau, Quebec ; A. Dubord, Three Rivers ; J. B. Delfausse, Joliette ; C.E. Belle, Montreal ; W. H. Annett, Gasp6 Basin ; L. Roy, senr., Cap Chat; E. Paquet, Magdalen Island ; E. Renault, Montmagny; A. B. Filion, Grenville ; J. Hume, Leeds, inspector of agencies; A- J. Russell. Ottawa; C S. McNutt, assistant ; J.Ritchie, E.T. Smith, clerks ; J. McDonald, Ottawa ; McL. Stewart, general collector of timber and slide dues, Quebec; J. McKay, assistant; P. Miller, clerk; C. De- Salaberry, forest ranger, Chambly. Jesuits' Estates and Crown Domain Agents. Jas. Laurin, crown domain and commuting agent, censive of Quebec, superintendent beach and deep water lots, and agent tor Seigniory of Lauzon ; J. B. Varin, collecting and commuting agent, Jesuits' estates, District of Montreal ; F.Lottinville, col- lecting and commuting agent, Cap de la Madeleine and Jesuits' estates, city of Three Rivers ; La Guillet, jr.> collecting and commuting agent, seigniory of Batiscan; P. Huot, collecting and commuting agent, Jesuits' estates, District of Quebec ; H. J. Duchesnay, inspector of gold mines. Game Overseers. J. N. Proulx, Superintendent of Game, P.Q. Arthur Galy, part of the District of Montreal; residence, Montreal. Thos. Brieu dit Desroches, part of the District of Montreal ; residence, Pointe aux Trembles (Hochelaga). Baptiste Bibeau, part of C^OD IIAI^Ii »TOV£» AT JOI>OI9r dc CO'S, 309 ST. PAUL STREET. ^ 415 . NOTRE ^ DAMR I STREET. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL-NOVA SCOTIA. ^^ the Distriot of Richelieu; rosidenoe, Sorel. Louis Barballei part of the Distriot of Richelieu : residence, Sorel. Thomas Deooteau, District of Three Rivers ; residence, Three Rivers. John Morris, Counties of Chamblyt Laprairie* Napiorviliet Beauharnois. PEOVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Scat of Oovernment, Halifax* Lieutenant Oovernor (and Deputy Governor for signing riage Licenses)— His Honor the Hon. Adams George Archib^f Lt.-Col»H.W. Clarke, N.S.M., private secretary; Lt.-Col. H^i Clarke, N-S-M., and Major M. B. Daly, 1st Brig. Mil. Artill^RH Provincial Aide s-de- Camp. ujj Executive Council, l^^jj^^ Hon, Simon H. Holmes, Provincial Secretary. '^jj^J John S. D. Thompson, Attorney-General. ^v° S. Creelman, Commissioner of Publio Works and MlneSifr W. B. Troop, ^ lii X Chas. J . Townsend, C. J. McDonald, N. W. White, Retired Members of Executive Council retaining their rank and precedence, by special permission of Her Majesty.— Hk^- Sir W. Young, Hon. C. Tupper, C.B. ; Hon. W. A. Henry, H«lv J. McDonald, Hon. S. L. Shannon, Hon. A. MoFarlane, HoUi Adams G. Archibald. t^ k LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. '^o^ Hon. Robert Boak President. ^^^ Members of Council. NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Hon.KkM.Cutler, Guysborough W.CWhitman, Annapolis F» Tupper, Liverpool J. MoKinnon, Antigonish P. Smyth, Port Hood S. Creelman, Stewaicke Charles Boudiot D.MoN. Parker, Halifax J. Frazer, Pictou (i K 11 II l( II II II NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS P*^*^ Hon.H. Martell, Arichat ^ . " G. McKenna, ShelbouriRf^x C. Dickie, Cornwallis A. R. Boak, jr., Halifax rjsCI A.McN.Cochran, Maitllp^ E. R. Cakes. Digby \ C. M. Franohville JohnB. Dickie David MoCurdy II i< II ti II e to order At oso. bond a co.% 415 NOTRE BAME STREEt. m DOMINION OF CANADA. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. — —— Speaker. OONSTITUENCIES. NAMES. Annapolis W. B. Troop. Caleb W. Shafner Antigonishe • • John S. D. Thompson, Angus MoGillivray Gape Breton E. T- Moseley, Heotor F. MoDougall Colchester Wm. Blair, W. A. Patterson Cumberland Charles T. Townsend, E. Viokery Digby Benjamin Van Blaroom, H. M. Kobioheau Guysborough J. W. Uadley, A. N. McDonald Halifax C. J. McDonald, J. Pugh, W • D . Harrington Hunts Thos . B . Smith, Nathaniel Spence Invernoss D. J. Campbell, Alexander Campbell Kings W* C. Bill, Jas. S . McDonald Lunenburg Edward James, Charles^A- Smith Piotou Simon H. Holmes, Alex. McKay, A. C . Bell Sueens L. S. Ford, James C • Bartling iohmond Isidore LeBlano, A. MoCuish Bhelburne ........ .N. W. White. Nathaniel McGray Victoria Wm . B . MoCurdy, John Morrison Yarmouth Albert Gayton, Joseph R. Kinney CO Public Departments. Promneial Secretary*a Office—Eon. Simon H. Holmes, Pro- vincial Secretary ; John Costley, Deputy Provincial Secretary ; H. Kerr, clerk. Provincial Trea9urer*8 Q^ce.— W. E. Brine, clerk. Attornev General' 9 OMoe. — Hon. John S. D. Thompson, At- torney General. Department of Mines and Public TTor^*. — Hon. Samuel Greelman, comniissioner; J. Kelly, deputy commissioner; S. PoolC) inspector of mines* Board of Agriculture. -^ Col, J. W. Laurie, president j Pro* feasor Lawson, secretary. Education I>e2>arfmen<.--Superintendent of Education, Rev* David Allison. LL.D. ; Council of Public Instruction, Members of Ezeontive Council. Provincial ^RES» SHIRTS 91.50, %VOttTIt ^a.d5» AT OEO. BOND A CO.^S. Po9t Ojffice Departmentf Hoiia Scotia Div%aion, — 'PoaiO(&oe Inspector, F. M. Passow : olerk, T. Southall { messenger, R. R» McMillian. Money Order 6[^ce. — Superintendent, J. U* Thome ; clerks, F. Creighton. S. S. Thome ; messenger, T. Conran. Railway Mail CVerA;*.— Between Halifax and Am- herst, !• Burnhill, E. A. Bent; between Halifax and Annapolis, A. Brown, F.K.Bent; between Pictou and Truro, F.Huntington. Poat Office Inspector*— -Y, M. Passow. Post Office, Halifax.— Vf, H. Blaokader; clerks, W.M.Small, V. V. Tremain. T- W. De Wolfe, A H. Cunningham, J. D. (Story, W. H. Chamberlain, W. H. Donovan, J. Flowers ; tem- porary clerks, C Legg, C. H. Hamilton, T. Southall, jr., J. Cunningham ; newspaper sorter, C. C. Smith ; letter carriers, M. Collins (chief carrier), J. Fitzgerald, Jas. Wilson, Jno. Wil- son, W. Carroll; temporary letter carriers, D. Siiverthorne ; pensioned letter carrier, W . Craig ; messenger, S. Saunders. Penitentiary,— 3, Flinn, warden; medical attendant, R> S. Black, M.O. ; chaplain, Hev. H. Pope. Sable itf^anc^. — Resident superintendent— St Pauls, D. J. McNeil; Scatterie, J. McLean. Railway Department. — QiQnwdX superintendent, L. Carvel; general traffic agent, G. Taylor; chief engineer, A. MoNab ; accountant, T. Foote; paymaster, W.N. Jones; cashier, D. Rottinger ; clerks, J. Adams, S. S. Bully, D.A. Story, W .Huggin and J. M. Lyons ; telegraph clerk, — McLearn ; messenger, 0. Cameron. Immigration Office.— Agent, Rev. E. Clay, M.D. Board of Statistics of Births, Marriages and Deaths. — Is- suers of marriage licenses and deputy registrars births, mar- riages and deaths, the deputy postmasters in the difierent Coun- ties, and S. Selden, Halifax ; deputy registrars of births, mar- riages and deaths, the way office keepers in the different Conn- ties, and Rev. H. Stamer, Rev. R. Jamieson, Rev. J. Waddell, Rev. E. Ansell, J. J. Clark, M.D. Inspector of Steamers Carrying Passengers. — A. Moir. Inspector of Customs.— J. J. Kerr ; collector, Halifax, Hon. W.Ross. Savings Bank.— J. B. Wallace, cashier. Militia Department.— J. W, Laurie, D.A.G* Inland Revenue Dbpartment. Inspector for Nova Scotia ;— Qeorqe E8S0N. ^a2 .a htr TOrit ftltlATS AT OEO. ftOBri) d; M.% 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. PEOVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Seat of Oovcrnnienti Frtderictoti, Lieutenant' Oovemor, --Bis Honor E. B. Chandler ; J.Chand' ler, private secretary : Lt.-Gol. J. Saunders, provincial aide- de-camp; A. E. Street. Capt- Reserve Militia, extra aide- de- camp* Executive Council. Hon. R. Young, President. '* J. J. Fraser, Attorney- General. W. Wedderburn, Provincial Secretary. M. Adams, Surveyor-General. PA- Landry, Chief Commissioner Board of Works. D. L- Hannington, ) J. H- Crawford, > Members of Council* W* E. Perley, ) F* A. H* Stratton, Clerk. i LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL* ' — President. ^ COUNTIES* NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS. Albert Hon. J.Lewis, Hillsboro' Garleton ** J.Ryan Carleton ** W . Lindsay, Woodstock . Charlotte " F. Hibbard, St. George G loucester " R . Young, Oaraquette Kent " O.McInernay, Richibucto King's ^ Northumberland " W .M. Kelly aueen's *' G.D.Bailey, Canning estigouche " W • Hamilton, Dalhousie St.John ** A.McL.Seely, St.John St.John " T*R. Jones, St. John Sunbury * * A. Harrison, Mangerville Victoria " B • Beveridge, Tobique Westmoreland ^ Westmoreland ** B.Hannington, Shediac York " R.Bobinson York *' J.A.Beokwith Officers of the Legislative Council*— G- Botsford, clerk ; J. H.Phair, assist. clerk ; B.R- Jouett, Usher of the Black Rod; Rev. J* M* Brook, chaplain ; R.Tibbetts, engrossing clerk. €lOOJ» 1IOUBL.E i^XOV£S AT JODOIN dc OO'S, iHIBM MAOE TO ORDER AT OBO.JBOKD A €0.% 419 irOTRE DAME STREET, HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. > Speaker. OONBTITUBNOIEB, Albert ♦» Carleton .... .... Charlotte . . . •* K 4< ... Gloucester . «t Kent '. »t King's*.*.!*!? »t u ...... ...... Madawaska Northumberland tt It u Queen's ti Restigouche t( St John (Oity) it St. John (County) If Sunbury Victoria Westmoreland it fi i« X orK ........ I s Officers of the House of Asseiiblt.— G. J. Bliss, clerk ; J. Richards, clerk assistant ; H. Beckwith, sergeaut-at-arms ; Rev. J. McLeod, chaplain ; C. W. Beckwith and J> Blabk, engrossing clerks. 09 'IKRliA CO'FTA A BRONZE ORNAMENTS, Jewellery, :. aoa notre p. M ! i! WHITE DRESS SHIRTS f 1.50, W0RTH 9S.SB, AT QKO. RONf> A CO/n. I I .a I I o OB S" OB I I 278 DOMINION OP CANADA . Public DipiRTifENTB. ^ Provincial Seeretwv*a OJHce^—Uon. William Wedderburn, proyinoial secretary ; J. W. Smith, chief olerk; G.N. Babbitt and E. Hanson, clerks. Board of Works Department.-^^on'V. Landry, obiet com- missioner ; R. B. Winslow, chief clerk ; A. G. Beekwith, civil entnneer. Surveyor OeneroTi 2>e2)arfm«n<.— Hon. M. Adams, surveyor ffenertd ; A. Inohei, deputy surveyor general ; W. B. Flewellinff, Jun., crown land clerk; T. O'Connor, E. Smith, T. Loggie, draughtsmen. Oovemmewt OMcert.—J. S. Beek, auditor general; T. H. Rand, chief superintendent of schools : G. Thompson, chief clerk education office ; G* E. Fenety, Queen's printer; W. Car- man, clerk of Supreme Court at Law and Eauity ; G. J. Bliss, assistant clerk ; W. H. Tuck, clerk of Crown in Sjy^reme Court ; E. L.Wetmore, A.B.« deputy clerk of Crown in Supreme Court; H. G. C. Wetmore, librarian to the Legislative Assembly. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Seat of Govemmentt Charlottetown, Lieutenant (Governor.— Sir Robert Hodgson, Knight ; R. R. Hodgson, private secretary; Lt-Col. Hon. John Longworth and Lt'-CoL Robert Robinson Hodgson, provincial aides-de- camp. . Executive Council. Hon.L. H. Davies. " JohnYeo. ** Alex. Laird, ti __^ ______ Hon. - William C. DesBrisay, clerk. Hon • James Robertson • " Tbos. W. Dodd. William Q. Strong. Q^oer of Legislative Council," John Ball, oltrk. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. Henry Beer Speaker* Queen's County. Charlottetown— Hens. G.W. DeBlois. L. H. Dayies. First Distriot— Hon. W.D.Stewart, William Campbell* Seoond District— D. Farquharson, D. McKay. Third Distriot-Hon. H. Beer, F. Kelly. Fourth District— D.Montgomery, J.Nioholson. Kino's County. Georgetown— Hon. D. Gordon. L.J .Westaway. First District— Hon. J. R.MoLean. L.Macdonald. Second District— Hon . W . W . Sullivan, H . Mclsaac . Third District— D • Ferguson, J. E. McDonald. Fourth District'-Hons . S . Prowse, J . Robertson* Prince County. *First District— N.Conroy, P. Gavin. Second District— Hon. J. Yeo, J. W. Richards. Third District— Hon. J.O. Arsenault, J. A. McDonald* Fourth District— J. R. Calhoun, W.CLea. Fifth District— Hon- J. Lefurgey, A. McMillan. 0^o«r«— A. McNeil, clerk; A.H. Yates, assist, olerk. PEOVINCE OF MANITOBA. Seat 0/ Oovernmentt Fort Garry, Lieutenant' Governor : Hon* Joseph Cauchon. Private Secretary ."-J, Cauohoni jr. Executive Council. Hon. John Norquay (Premier), Provincial Treasurer. *' Joseph Royal, Minister of Public Works. ** C. P. Brown, Provincial Secretary. " D, M. Walker, Attorney General. ' I Minister ot* Agriculture. t< i^ J OB f i VANCT GOOD9, CHINESE AKD JTAPANESE WABB. f«, SEMJIgI.|IAACK. 80» »OT»li PAMg STt J? I tT H li I ;!5 t« ii: III Umtm MAB1B TO ORDfiR AT OEO. BOHD A €0«% 415 NOTRE PANE STREET. '09D DOMINION OP CANADA. •-#• LEQISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. • mf Speaker* HP erk. .T. Spenoei Esq. 0ON8TITUBNGIB8. NAME AND P. 0. ADDRESS. St. Pauls C. S* BiffffSf WinnipoR St. James Hon. D. M. Walker. Winnipeg Westbourne Hon. C. P. Brown, W innipex Bale St. Paul A. Bourke, Baie St. Paul Poplar Point J. Cowan. M . D., Portage la Prairie Winnipeg Captain M. D. Scott, Winnipeg Springfield A. W. Ross, Winnipeg St. Ncrbert Pierre Delorme, St. Norbert St Boniface A. A. 0. Lariviere, St. Boniface St. Andrews, N J. Ounn, St. Andrew's, North St. Clements J. W. Sifton, Selkirk St. Vital M. Goulet, St. Vital St. Francois Xavier, E Louis Schmidt, St. Boniface St. Francois Xavier, West.. Hon. J. Royal, St. Boniface Rockwood Thos . Lusted, Winnipeg Bumside K. Mackenzie, Burnside St. Agathe M. Taillefer, St. Charles ' St. Charles A. Murray, St Charles St Anne C. Nolin, St. Anne St. Andrews, S lion. J. Norquay, Winnipeg Headingly • John Taylor, Headingly Kildonan A. Sutherland, Kildonan * Pembina ■ A. M. Stevenson, Nelsonville Portage la Prairie. ••«• J. A.K. Drummond, La Prairie PEOVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Seat of Oovernment, Victoriat V. L Lieutenant Oovemor—Bon* A. N. Richards. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Hon. G. A. Walkem, Premier, President of Council, Attorney General, Chief Commissioner Lands and Works. *' T. B. Humphreys, Provincial Secretary. '* R. Beaven, Minister of Finance. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker Hon. Frederick Williams, Clerk. . • • • Eli Harrison, Jr. CONSTITUENCIES. NAME AND P. 0. ADDRESS. Cariboo George Cowan, Barkerviile " • John Evans, Lightning Creek " Hon. G. A. Walkem, Victoria .3ilik«OB HALI4 ftTOV£S AT JOBOIN Sc €0>S. .T« :i 3008 WHITE nilEflft fmmTft il.50, WORTn 9S.SS, AT i BRITISH COLUMBIA. 281 Comox John Aih, Victoria Cowichan Bdwin Pimbury, Nanaimo ^ *' William Rmithe, SomenoB Egquimault Hans HeUesen, Metehosin " Hon. F. WilliamR, Esquimault Kootenay R. L. T. Galbraith. Joseph's Prairie 0. Oallagher, Wild Horse Creek Lillooet William Saul. Clinton " William M. Brown, Clinton Nanairoo J. A. Abrams, Nanaimo New Westminster W . Harris, Maple Ridge " ** D. MoGillivray, Sumass New Westminster City . . . . E. Brown, New Westminster Victoria Hon. T. B. Humphreys, Victoria '* '••• J. T. Mollmoyl, North Saanich Victoria City J . S • Druramond, Victoria " " Hon. R. Beaven, Victoria " " T. W.Williams, Victoria " " W. Wilson, Victoria Yale P. Bennett, Spellemacheen " John A. Mara, Karaloops *' F. Q. Vernon, Coldstream Okanagan NORTH-WEST TERRITOEY. S«at of Oovernmentf BattWord. Lieutenant' Qovernor —Hon. David Laird* Counct7. — M. Ryan and H. Richardson, stipendiary magis- trates, members of Council ex-officio ; Lieut.-Col. J.F.McLeod, C.M.G., commissioner of police, and P. Breland, members of Council specially appointed ; Lieut.-Col. A.Q. Irvine, assist. - oommis'r of police; A. Forget, clerk of Council and secretary to Lieut.-Qovernor ; W.J.Soott, registrar; M- St- John, sheriff. NEWFOUNDLAND. Executive Council. Hon. W. V. Whiteway, Premier and Attorney-General. " E. D. Shea, Colonial Secretary. *' J. J. Rogerson, Receiver- General. " W . J . S. Donnelly, Financial Secretary. MPANESE WARE, JEW£IiE.ERY, FANCY OOODS. m n 8 I CO < 1 & 1 s o •I BUT TOUR SHIRTS AT GEO. BOlfD ^ 0O.*Sf 415 NOTRE DAME STREET. L 282 DOMINION OF CANADA. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. E. Morris • President* Hon. R.Kent «* B.White " P. O. Tegsier •' .T. Winter " E. D. Shea " A.W.Harvey *' R. Thorbum " T.Talbot »* S.Rendell HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. ; Speaker. District of Twillingate and Fogo. -Hon. Alex. J.W. McNeilly ** " •* ..Richard J. Rice " " *• ..Stanislaus B. Carter Bonavista Francis Winton ** George Skelton *' James Saint Trinity Hon. W. V. Whiteway " John Rendell " J.Watson Bay de Verds Alfred Penny Carbonear J. Rorke Harbor Grace Hon. A. Shea " ♦.i... ••••••••.•.«• .Charles Dawo Brigus and Port-de-Grove Nathan Norman Harbor Main • J. I. Little ** P.Nowlan Placentia and St. Mary's Hon. Wm. J. S. Donnelly " *' J. Collins ** •* M.E. Dwyer Burin • Hon. J. J. Bogerson " J. S. Winter FortuneBay James 0. Frazer Burgeo and La Poile A. M. Maokay Ferryland .••••.... .....J. G. Conroy *' Daniel J. Greene St. John^s East Michael J. O'Mara .................... M\» J a fvent ^^ ........*..•.•••... .i\, J, ParsonS) Jr. St. John's West M. Fenelon ** • • .••« L. Tessier •* P. J.Soott Cuatoma Department (St. Johns).— J. S. Hay ward, assistant collector ; J.LNoonan, landing and tide surveyor; J. Winter, W. S. Canning, W. White, landing waiters ; W. Doutney, W. Gill, J. R. Kearney, P. Furlong, J. Noonan, clerks. Bajr yoar COOKf ]W», HAL.I., PARI^OR A; DOIJBIjK: »T0yjES at JOPOIJV dp CO»S, 300 8U Pan! Street SBIBTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOND A €0.'S» 415 NOTRE DA^WR STREET. NEWFOUNDLAND. 283 Cclonial Secretary's Departnient. "-Hon* E. D. Shea, colonial secretary ; J. W* Withers, G. W. B. Carter, clerks. Financial Secretary's Department,— EoTi'^ ' J. S- Donnelly, financial secretary ; A. S. lleid, clerk. Reeeiver OeneraVs i>e»aWmen<.— Hon. J.J 'Bogerson, receiver general ; G- Hay ward, clerk. Surveyor General* s Department. — J. H. Warren, surveyor general; W.Warren, clerk. T.Long, topographical surveyor? C. Alsop, clerk. Board of Works' Department,— C Dnder, chairman ; J.Stuart, secretary ; J. 0. Frazer, accountant ; P. Barron, clerk ; J. T. Nevill, superintendent of public buildings and inspector of light houses ; Thos. Salter, clerk. 3i6 and 348 St. Paul Street, IContreal. Tm Ami and Spoftlig Ooods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. DOUBJLE 1 Streeti CHINESE AND JAPANESE ARTI€£.ES OF YIRTU* W3it SEMMEIiiyAACg, 303 NOTBE PAME ST, ? 09 09 CD Q CD & O 3 ' 1 I ill \:\ i i f •Jli 11 BUT TOVK fitHIBTS AT OEO. B09nD;*)A$ CO.*S, 415 NOTBE nAME STREET. « 281 GAME LAWS. FISH AND GAME LAWS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. PROVINCE OP ONTARIO. The following is the new Game Act in the Province of Ontario, giving the season when game may be killed :— Deer, moose, elk, reindeer, or cariboo, from the 15th day of September, to the 15th day of December, inclusive. Wild turkeys, grouse, pheasants or partridges, and prairie fowl, between the 1st day of October and the 1st day of February. Quail, between the Ist day of October and the Ist day of January. Woodcock, between the 1st duy of August and the 1st day of January. Snipe, between the 15th day of August and the 1st of May. Mallard, grey duck, black duck, wood or summer duck, and all kinds of teal, between the 1st day of September and the 1st day of January. Other ducks, wild swans, and geese, between the 1st day of September and the 1st day of May. Hares or rabbits, between the 1st day of September and the Istday of March. No person shall have in his possession any of the above animals or birds, or any portion of them, during the close seasons. They may be exposed for sale, nevertheless, for one month, and no longer, after such periods, or had in possession at any time for family use ; but in all cases the proof of the time of killing or taking shall be upon the party so in possession. None of the animals or birds above mentioned shall at any time be taken by means of traps, snares, gins, baited lines, or other similar contrivances. Any person may destroy any such traps, snares, <&c., which he may discover, without incurring any liability for so doing. No one shall take, destroy or have in possession the eggs of any of the birds mentioned, at any time. No batteries, sunken punts, or night lights allowed in the killing of swans, geese or ducks. No ducks to be killed from dark until daylight. Beaver, muskrat, mink, sable, martin, raccoon, otter and fisher may be hunted and killed only between the 1st November and the 1st May. The fine for killing deer, <&c., out of season, shall be not less than ten dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, for each animal. For having in possession the birds or eggs of any of the birds protected, at any time, not less than five dollars, nor more than twenty-five dollars, for eath bird or egg. For killing any of the fur-bearing animals out of the season, not less than five dollars, nor more thantwenty^five dollars, and QQQD DOUBLE iiTOVES AT JOBOIN St CO^S, I WUITE l>lt£S»» 8HIRTS $1.50, WORTH $2.25, A1? «EO. BONI> A CO.'S. GAME LAWS. 285 a similar fine for any other breach of the Act. In all cases the whole of the fine to be paid to the prosecutor, unless the convicting justice has reason to believe that the prosecution is in collusion with and for purpose of benefiting the accused. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC* No elk, moose, cariboo, deer, or their fawn, or hare, shall be hunted, taken or killed between the 1st day of February and the Ist day of September in any year. No grouse, ptarmigan, partridge, woodcock or snipe shall be shot at, hunted, taken or killed between the first day of March and the first day of September in any year. No person shall fire at, hunt, take, kill or destroy any wild swan, wild goose, or any kind of wild duck, sea duck, widgeon or teal, between the first day of May and the first day of Septem- ber, in any year, in that part of the province west of the city of Three Rivers, nor between the fifteenth day of the month of May and the first day of the month of September in any year, to the east of that town. Nevertheless in that part of the province to the east of the place known as the *' Brandy Pots," in the St. Lawrence, the inhabitants may, between the fifteenth day of the month of May and the first day of September in each year, hunt, take or kill for food only, any of the animals mentioned in this section. No woodcock, snipe, wild swan, wild goose, or wild duck of any kind, or sea duck or teal shall at any time be shot at, hunted, taken or killed between one hour after sunset a..d one hour before sunrise. No animal or bird, named in the foregoing sections, except hares, shall be taken or killed at any time by means of any rope, snare, spring, cage, net or trap of any kind. No engine shall be at any time, for such purpose, placed, constructed, erected or set, either wholly or in part ; and any person finding any engine so placed, constructed, erected or set) may take possession of or destroy the same. No person shall at any time, disturb, injure, gather or take the eggs of any species of wild fowl ; and all vessels or boats employed in disturbing, gathering or taking the eggs of any species of wild fowl, may, as well as the eggs, be confiscated and sold. No wild oat, marten or pekan shall be hunted, trapped or killed, between the fifteenth day of April and the first day of November, and no mink between the fifteenth day of April and the fifteenth day of October, in each year. No person shall hunt, trap or kill :— Any otter between the first of May and the first of October, in each year. Any beaver between the thirtieth of April and the first of September in each year. Any muskrat between the first of June in each year and the first of April following, for the districts of Quebec, Saguenay, XEBRA COTTA A URONSB12 ORNAMENTS, Jewellery^ 1 |»MlliTS MADE TO ORDER AT GEO. BOND St Cd>i, 419 NOTRE DAME STREET. I \ 286 GAME LAWS. Ghieoutimi, Montmagny, Eamouraska, Rimouski and Gasp^. and between the first of May of each year and the first of April following for the remainder of the province. No person shall at an:^ time use or employ strychnine or other deleterious poison, either mineral or vegetable, nor any spring gun, to hunt, take, kill or destroy and animal whatever. Every game-keeper appointed b^ the commissioner of crown lands shall forthwith seize all animals or birds mentioned in the preceding sections, or any portion of such animals or birds, found by him in the possession or custody of any person during any forbidden period, and which appear to him to have been taken or killed during such period, or by any of the illegal means set forth in sections 5 and 9 of this act, and he shall bring them before any justice of the peace, who shall declare them confiscated either in whole or in part. All animals or birds, or portions of animals or birds so con- fiscated shall belong to the game-keeper. No person shall have in his possession, custody or care, any animal or bird already mentioned, or any part of such ani- mal or bird, with the exception of the skin, during the period in which by the act the killing thereof is prohibited, or which appears to have been taken or killed by any of the means for- bidden by this act ; but every such animal or bird, or any por- tion or portions thereof, may be bought or sold (when lawfully taken), during fourteen days, to be computed from the expira- tions of the various periods respectively fixed by this act for the killing thereof. Every such game-keeper may cause to be opened, or may him- self open, in case of refusal, any bag, parcel, ohest, box, trunk or other reoeptacle, in which he has reason to believe that game killed or taken during the close season, or peltries out of seasout are hidden. Every offence against any of the provisions of this act shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and recover- able summarily on information or on summons only issued by a justice of the peace. Such justice of the peace, on the proof which shall be thereof made, may impose the penalty, with costs, and such penalty shall belong to the informer. In default of immediate payment, the offender shall be im- prisoned in the common gaol of the district within the limits of which the offence was committed, for any period of time not exceeding three months. Every magistrate shall have power to convict on view. , Suits brought in virtue of this act need not be begun by depo- sition or information on oath of the plaintiff or complainant, providod always that the purport of the complaint or demand IS sufficiently set forth in the writ or in a declaration annexed thereto. The evidence of the complainant alone, or of any one witnesSi shall be sufficient to support a conviction. No proceeding under this act shall be quashed, annulled or OOOO COOKING STOVES AT JODOIlC U €Ot8» s so oon- FANCT 0001>S, €III?rEAE A^I> JAPANESE VFAImL WM. RFSf WF.f.^r ^ -^l^-?^, aoi XOTKK I>A1VIE ST. GAME LAWS, 287 set aside by certiorari; but an appeal may be brought before the circuit court of the district in which the offence took place) in the same manner as appeals under the municipal code. No prosecution shall be brought after twelve calendar months from the day of the committing of the offence. The commissioner of crown lands, may appoint officers to superintend the execution of this act, and of any other act which may be hereafter passed respecting game in this province. The commissioner of crown lands or any person by him there- unto empowered, may grant written permissions to all persons desirous bona fide of procuring birds, eggs or fur-bearing ani- mals, for scientific purposes, during the close season ; and the person who shall have obtained such permission shall not be liable to any penalty imposed by this act, provided that he produce, within two months next after the period in which he shall have hunted under such permission, a statement under oath specifying the kind and quantity of game or fur-bearing animals taken by him for such scientific objects. CLOSE SEASONS FOR PISH.-(^Dp?te8 to Que. & Ont.) Salmon— From 1st August to 30th April, for net-fishing ; from 31st August to 30th April, for fly surface fishing. No salmon fry, parr or smoit to be caught ; and no salmon or grilse under 3 lbs. weight. If caught by accident, to be released. White Fish— From 10th November to 1st December. Salmon Trout, Lake Trout (or lunge and Winnoniche)— From 15th October to 1st December. Speckled Trout, {Salmon Fontinalia^) Brook, or River Trout. From 1st October to 31st December. Bass.— From 15th May to 15th June. Pickerel (i>or^)— From 15th AprU to 15th May. Maskinong^— From 15th April to 15th May. No person shall, during such prohibited times, fish for, catch, kill, buy, or have in possession, any of the above mentioned kinds offish. \ NEW BRUNSWICK. Till 1878 there was virtually no protection for game in New Brunswick; but a Club was recently organized in St. John, N.B. consisting of some of the most influential citizens, and having for its object the protection of *' certain birds and animals.'' Through the efiorts of this club, the president of which is the well known Sheriff Harding, a Game Law was enacted by the New Brunswick Legislature, on 18th April, 1378, and Dr. James I. Fellows appointed chief game commissioner. As Dr. Fel- lows is himself an enthusiastic sportsman, there is little doubt but much good will result from his appoihtment, and the wilds of New Brunswick, which were rapidly becoming depleted of game, will again become as famous tor sport as they have been in the past. A. N. S. Bny ronr COOKINO, ttAIiL, PARlOR Sc DOVBliB III! li 2S8 ADVEKTISEMENT. W. & F. P. CURRIE i GO. /OO Grey Mm Street^ Montreal , IMPORTERS OF P I lAB IBOI BOILER PLATES, GALVANIZED IRON, BOILER TUBES, GAS TUBES, • i^ Zn^ot Tin, EivdtSr Zn^ot Oopper,' Zron "Wire, Veined MarUe, EomanlCement Sheet Copper, Steel TTire, Portland. Cement; Eosendalo Cement^ Canada Oementi Favingr Tiles, Antimony) &lass, Sheet ZinC} Faints, Zngot Zinc, Fire Clay* Figr Lead Flue Coversj harden Vases; Dry Eed Lead, Fire BrickS; Chimney TopS) Dry White Lead, Fountains; DRAIN PIPES, Patent Encaustic Paving Tiles, &c. MANUFACTURERS OF @F^9 ^MACB km^ iiO) @PR1(1N@3(, A LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND.' ■m ''•^'"■■i-m GO. ntreal^ J 3ES, Sement L Cement; >lo Cement; Cement) Tiles, ^ases; 7 Tops, ns; s, &c. ^jjlgw ?B1[NI@ VND. ^ "■\v\'-''l¥^\ a>/V\1 ?Mf s^*ci .v: 'r.'^nj.v. ^ii^?^ •■yiy> ffi*!r« ."ft -'JtS 8 • vj on. 'ii^ ^ti#^ f2^:rj3^; in} offie^; fkx the, '-stj^^vaS *sr;*^ -it'-' S;lil .w :r ■/ . '-It P»:S;.,y!»l ( ) )i